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English Pages [157] Year 1911
A Dictionary of the Pahlri Dialects as spoken in the Punjab Himalayas.
By Pandit Tina RAM JOSHI,Author of u G v a m ~ ) ~ aarf ~ d H. A. R,OSE,C,S., Ponjccb.
Dictionc~r!pof IZandwa~i. Edited by
Reference inay be made t o the Supplements lo the Puwjabi Dictionary, No. 1 , hy the Revd. T. Grahame Bailey, C.M.S., published by this Society.
A, a particle added to a verb t o make tlie compound participle as bolia = having said; jciia = having gone. A, adv. Yes. (Also afihhfi.) A', v. Is. As : S e kdi a ? Whore is he ? Abb, adv. Now, a t this time. Abkhorh, n.m. (P. cibkhorci.) A small deep pot with e rim. Achhii or -&, adj. ;f. -i, pl. -6. Good. adv. Very well. Add&, n.m. A wooden frame. A'd, n.f. (1) Moisture, wetness. (2) Half. -0-hd, m. The halt. (3) (H. ycid) Remembrance. -awni, u.t. i ~ To . remember. -r;ikli~ji,11.t. re. To keep in memory. Xdl~u01 -A, ndj. : f . - i . 111. - 6 . Half, semiAdlra~j,lz 111. E1l)ow. Ad!;, n.f. An arcit equal to 4 highri.~of Itlrrtl. Admen, udv. Mid-way. Adr, n.m. (S. Adam.) Honlagt., respect. Adri n . / . (S. #darn ) Respect. honour. #farnil, v.i. rte. To swell, puff up : f . - i , pl. -(:. Afi, pro. Self. -6. B y itl-, Irinl-, or Iierself. A'g, n,.f . (S. Agni.) Fire. (Also cigi.) AgQ, n.m. Fore. Agrilnu, o.t. r e . To shut in, to lock up ; 1. -i, pl. - 6 . AgardQn, ?I .?n. A vessel for burning incense. Aggal (S. Argala.) A wooden bolt for a gate or door. -y, v.t re. T o .rhut in. Aggar, n . m . (S. Ageru , or Aguru.) A frngrnnt wood = (Aguilarin agallocha ) . !Lei., ndv. Before, n little before (this). .#gi, adv. ( I ) Sonre time ago ; (3) lately ; (3) fire Agjhhrh, jh&r&,n . m . A tinder-box.
Jozcrnal of the Asiatic Socieb,tj of Bengal.
[May, 1911.
Xgla or -u, ad. m . ; f . -i, pl. -6. l'lle former. X g ~ i Age, , ndv. Before this, some time ago. ,?_i, v. art., second person singular of HOIJU, to be. See U. T~ & nokha michh : '. Thou a r t a wonderful man." Aimbu, n.m. A kind of deer, said t o be like a mule, found on the ShAli hill in tlie Bhajji State. ,-\imraj, n.f . The wild grape. .xi*, n.m. The flying-fox. (Also ev, eey.) Ain, ad. Good ; -lioni, t o begood : &in howi ycirti jetli (itoi yuwcin, "Friend, i t is well t h a t you have come." &ihshu, adv. This year. Aiiithnu, v . i . re. T o twist, t o strut ; f . - i , pl. - 6 . Xiy8, int. Oh, ah. A'j. ado. To-day. Ajje, adv. J u e t to-day. Ajku, adj. ; m. - a ; /. -i, pl. -6. Of to-day. Akal, n.f. (P. aql.) Wisclom, sense. -bir, n.m. A medicine (Dalisca cannibima). Akhar, n.m. (S. Akshara). Letters, characters (pl.). Akhi, n.f. (S Aksllin.) Eyes. ( D i m . Akhti, pretty little eye). AkhtG, n. pl. See Athkai. A k ~ n u v.i. , re. To be stiff, t o s t r u t ; f. -i, p1. - 6 . #'I, n.m. An esculent root, like the potato (kachZlii). X!akh-jag&wr$, v . i . re. T o ask for alms. #!ti, n.f. A drink. -bharni, v . i . re. To drink. Am&, n.f. (S. Ambh.) Mother. Amal, n.m. Intoxicat,ion. Amb, n.m. {S. Amra.) Mango. (Also cimb). Ambar, adv. Up. ; prp. above. (Also ambr.) S. Amvara, the sky. ;SrninchQri, n.f. A post held by the Kanwar, said to be equivalent t o Private Secy. (used in tlie Mancli State). Arnlu, -8, m . ; -is, a ; pl. Sour, acid. X'n, n . / . Ari oath, a curse. XHcha!, n.m. (8.Anchala, a cloth.) Corner of a cloth or scarf AhclilL, n.m. Ribbon which is more than two fingers in breadth. Badgal, n.m. A wasp ; pl. Aiidl~B,m. ; f . -i, pl. 6 : adj. Blind. AntlllQ= dhundli. n. f . lvlisrule ; -m,cich?i, -1roijri t!i. v.i. re. & ir. To suffer from misrule or had government. X~jdhoh,- a , adj. m . ; f . -i, pl. -6. Unwashed, utlclean. Xncli, n .f . See Xnni. Xiidr, ad. (H. anclfir.) Inside. -o dQ, ildv. Fro111inside. Andri.18, n.m. The auspicioiis time at whirl1 n bride enters her husbancl's home (Syn. zorisni). Andro-dO or -fa, crdv. From t h e inside. Andro-khe, arlv. To the inside. Andrbl, n8.m. See Naro!. Aligalu, v.i. rP. To be entangled, to be embroiletl ; /. - i , pl. - 6 . Angant, ad. Jnllornerable, numerous. (Alike in all genders.)
~ Pahciri 1)ialects. \'ol. V11, No. 5.J / ) ~ ~ / I O I L CofI I the 121 [N.S.] ,iflguli,?l.f. A f i ~ l g e ~ . ,4ni, n.f. ( I ) An edge ; ( 2 ) a band of soldiers ; (3) a battle. Ah-ifi, atlj. A little. -jya, ad. m . A small quantity. #I$-rakhnu, o.t. re. To keep ready. -denu, v.f. re. To allow to bring. Kiij, 7 t . f . ; pi. - 0 . Sinens. Ahkar, n . m . Revenue in kind (used i n the Mandi State). Aljmuk, ndj. Durable, imperishable (alike in all genders). Annal, n.f. (S. Anjali.) The cavity formed by putting tlie palms of the hands together. _4nni, n .f . Testicles (also aiidi). An-nu, v.t. re. To bring, to fetch ; f . - i , pl. - 6 . Xnri, n.f. A small piece of land left unploughed. _Ant, 7a.m. pl. -o ( S . Anta). End. K'flt, n . f . pl. -0. Enniity, discord. Afithi, c. Is. Xi-. Is not. ARIvRIA. 1t.nt. (S. Amalalta.) Emblica nlyrabolan (Phylantlius ~ m b l i c c r ) p1. . -e. Apnu, - a , pro. ; J. -i, pl. -6. One's own. -4])pe, pro. See Appu. (BBghal, KunihBr and NArBgarh.) Appe kuyi ghar mi basdi , horcinu sikh dcrsdi. " The girl herself doesn't live with her husband, but she gives hints to others." -4pp1'1, Bppi, pro. Myself, yourself, himself, herself. X'r, n . m . (H. ycir.) A friend. Xr&, n . m . (1) A friend ; (2) a kind of long saw. A$, a d . m. ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . Aslant, croolred. .Y?h&,n . m . (S. Adhaka.) A grain measure equal t o 4 pathds. X!llnt, Arat,. n.1. A tax levied on all imports. Jubbel. A!], ,I I . ( I ) The Iianclle of a plough ; (2) adj. crooked. -4ri, n.1. ( H . yari ) Friendship, acquaintance. Arik-klln!iP, trrlz*. I n trouble. Xrj, ,t.m. pl. - 0 (1'. (11.2.) .A ~ e q u e s t . Xrnu, v.i. re To insist . 1. i. pl. -4. Xrshu, n . m . (H. &-,?hi. ) A looking-glass. A r i ~ n.m. , Tlie hill apricot (p1. no singular). -4rrisa, n . m . A nwdicinal plant,. As=, v. Is, or are. (From the irreg. verb I~ovzi,lo be.) .4si., v. Art (2nd ])el.*. sing. pres. of l ~ o ~ to u ,be) As6, pro. We ( I st pers. p1. nominative). 4si.. pro. 1st per. pl. We. (From PunjBbi, clsi.) :I1sh, n.f. (S. Ashi.) Hope Aslli, ad. 80 ; -whil, 80th. XshiyB, 7t.m. (8. Ashiti = W . ) A fine of Rs. 80 in cash, pait1 to a ruler a t a jhlrri. L r s l j ~n~. ,m . (S. Aslirtl.) Tears. Shdyk mvifi shhshu shdfiu,~!t riyc dslrlc. " Her motlier-in-law died in June, he weeps for her in July " (implying inconsistency). (Also d s s k . ) .hk!u. n.m. 4 p ~ ~ d d i n gnlade . of rice-flour.
.Joro.)td of the Asiatic Societ,y of LZetf,!/al. [May, 1911.
Asra, n.m. (8. Ashraya.) Hope. -rakhl~a,t . i .re. To rely on. Astaj , n.m. (P. udta'd.) Clever man. (Also stcij.) Asthan, n.nz. (S. Sthina.) A place, especially of a deity. Astmi, htheii (S. Ashfami.) n.f. Tile eighth day of the brigllt or dark half oE a montl~. 9st1'1, n.m. pl. Human I~onessent to the Ganges, after cremation. (Also fhl.) .Itfhk& athk6, n.m. pl. The forget-me-not. (The word is only used as a plural and is also applied to the burrs which get entangled in woollen clothes. ,4thth, ad. (S. Ashta), 8. A f h w i ~ hn.m. , (S. Ashtavhra, 8 days.) Daily begar or w v i e , in which each pargana has to supply three coolies aday for various duties to the State (Kuthar State) : lit. = 8days' free labour in the durbdr (Jubbal). I n Busllallr Ihwcirci. Atkanu v.i. re. To stop, to wait, to retain ; f . -i, pl. -6. btkarki-jeoli, n.m. A term for exceptionally inferior land, f o ~ which cash payment was made. (I~.ot lrer. 1. 1 Au adoptetl sister. I3hrt.jjo. n.nt. See Hliiido - w c . nrlz- 111,-lrigust 1 1 a j 1 1 .I . r . ( H j . J To preserve, t,o keep in Inemor! 1311:ij1~11, v.t. 7-c. To deny, t o d i s a g r ~ e to . refuse; 1. - i , p1. -6. 1311&ji,78 ./. i7egctable. Ilnngein. Illraardi, , / . i n . A loud n o i ~ eor sonnd. Dhat, n . / . (H.) Pnssion. Dhktu or dliBtliu, a.ln A Irercbhief worn on the l~endby females. (Mrtdli&n,Theog, Rslsan, Knmh&rsain,Raslrcihr and KullQ.) Dlra~lAor -u. ; f . - i , 711. -6. See ('lriti (H.). ? I I N I ~ ~ - I ~ I v.l. , rc. To enrir : /. - i , pl. -6.
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
[May, 1911.
Dhauiisa, n.m. A large kettledrum which is sounded on horseback on the marriage of a chief (also dh6fish). Dha-ufithi, n.f. A small bow, used t o card wool. D h a u ~ in.1. , The hide of an ox or buffalo. D h ~ w a n u v.t. , re. To cause or allow t o earn. Dhaw6, n.m. (H.) An invasion. DhekB, n.m. : f. -i, pl. - 6 . A fool. Dhela, n.m. (H.) Half-a-pice; f. -i. Half-a-rupee; eight annas. DhC'n, n.1. (S. Dhenu.) (1) A cow. (2) A donation. DhCotb, n.m. A maternal grandson; f. -i. A maternal granddaughter . QhCr, n. A heap, a mass. -Isgnu, v.i. re. To be heaped. Dher6, adv. (5. Dhairya.) Wait a little. Dhi, n.1. (Punjbbi.) A daughter. Dhij, n.f. (5. Dhsirya.) Belief, confidence. -dliarnu, u . i . re. To have patience, or reliance. Dhijawnu, v.t. re. To make believe ; f. -i, pl. -&. Dhijnu, v.t, ye. To believe, t o t r u s t ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . Dhikki, n.f. The hiccough. -lagni, v.i. rp. To hiccough. LIhim6 or -u, ad. m. ; f. -i, pl. -8. Mild, tender. Dhindhpi, n.m. pl. -6. A kind of food made of esculent leaves mixed with gram flour and cooked in vapour or ghi. DhiiigLdhifigi, n .f . Violence, force. Dhii5gB-dhifigiy6, adv. Forcibly. Dhink6, n. f . pl. Humblings. Dhink6, n . f .pl. Beseeching. DhirB, d v . I n a waiting manner. -ho, v. Wait a little. Dhirj, n.m. (S. Dhajrya.) Patience. -dharnu, v. To be patient. l)hislinu, v a t , re. (S. Drishir.) To see ; /. -i, pl. -8. (Also dish~!u.) Dhiy6. A polite phrase used in addressing boys. DhnichhB, -u, ad. m.; f . -i, pl. -6. Brown. Dhobbi, n.m. (H. dhobi.) A washerman. ni-, f . The washelman's wife, -tu, n.m. The son of a washerman. -ti, n . f . The daughter of a washermnn. I)hofQ, n.m. See Dhokb. I?hoh or -6, n.m. A place. J)hokB, n.m. (H. dhokhd. J JIisiinclervta~~ding.-1bgn11,v.i. re. To misunderstand. (Also rlhofti.) 1)111'1'1, n.m. (H.) A drum. -hajBwnu, v.i. re. T o beat a d r u m -chi, n.m. A drummcr. -ki, n.f. A small drum. -iy6, n . m . One who beats a drum. DhbiisB, n.m.See DliauiisB. Llhrihsi, n.1. A grain measure equal to 9 seers atlcl H clllli taks. (Two k&nsiq make one dhonsi) : w e d in Kullu. Ilhonu, v.t. rp. (H. dlmnri.) To wash ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . Dhonu, v.t. re. To carry; f . -i, pl. -6. DhorB, n.m. Management. (Also .?k~rd.)
Vol. V11, No. 5.1 Dictiona~.yof the Pahari Dialects.
I.N.R.1 Dh6ti, n.f . (H.) A piece of cloth worn between legs. Dh6w. Sec Dh6h. DhowB, n.m. ilplace, a room. Dhowawnu, v.t. re. To cause to carry ; 1. -i, pl. -6. n l ~ r h ~ u !n. , f . (Fr. dhfir, a ridge, and bdgur, the air.) The air that blows on a ridge. D h r a ~ i ,n.f. A wild plant which bears white flowers and produces a cotton-like substance, which when d r y i s used for tinder. Dhui, n.f. The female organ. llhuiiishlu or -8, ad.nz. ; f . -i, pl. -6. (S. dhlisara.) Grey (in colour). Dh61, n.f. (H.) Dust. DhGm-dhBm, n.m. (H.) Pomp. Dhumru or -Q,ad.m. ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . See Dhuihshlu. DhunBwnu, v.t. 9.e To cause t o shiver. Dhun-fri, n.f. A kind of plant used as a vegetable. Dhun-nu, v.i. and 1. re. (1) To shiver. (2) To churn. Dhufi-\r.&ii,n.m. (S. DhGina.) Smoke. llllfip, n.f. (H.) Incense. I)h6r, n.f. (1) The uppermost part of a roof. (2) A peak. (3) Direction. Dhlir, n.m. pl. The four quarters or directions. Cha.11 dh6re. " I n the four directions." llhuri or dhuru, adv. All over the country. Dhurpat, n.m. A plank used for teaching letters, written with red powder, t o boys. Dhushli, n.f . Mismanagement. ?huwh, n,.f.See Dhui. I)huwQh, a.m. Smoke. -lagnQ, v.i. re. To feel ~ m o k e . DhwAlA , n.ni. A kind of tax, levied a t one rupee per landholde~. (used in Koti). L)l~wh!i, n . f . (1) A descent, down-hill. (2) A tax. i f . dhwBla.) is I)hwi'r, n.m. ( H . tcdhnr.) A borrowing. -denu, 11.1. I . make a loan. -1en11,v.t. ir. To horrow. I)l~wawi,n.f. A milkmaid. l)liyAn, n.m. (S. Dhyana.) Meditation. -lbnu, v.i. rc. To meditate. l )l~yA,'n,n.f . See T)llgn. I)hvhyA, n.m. pl. 4.The day. -i, n.f. Daily rations. I )hybyi-dhyftri, ndn. Rvery day. i i , n . (S. i v l i ) The Diw4li festival. l)ib, n.m. (8. nivyn=Divine.) An oath. -denu, v.i. re. To give a11 oath. - l e ~ ~o.i. u , ir. To take an oath. I)ibr, n.m. -4 pond. -i, n.f. A small tank. l)ihri~,n.nz. -i,a . f . A small vessel used t o cook in. Dihnu, v.i. re. To snow. (Also dijlhnu.) nik, n.m. (P.) Trouble. A
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Benqal. [May, 1911.
D i k i ~ n.m. , Snowfall. -lLgnu, .zq.i.re. To fall, of snow. Diku lag6 Jcihruwt , JhoIci kci!ci ~ & c i ~ u w t . " It began to snow a t JLhrli ,I And a m d e buffalo was sacrificed by the Badlri12 people. " Dil, pl.m. (P.) The heart, mind. -denu, v.i. ir. To give heart. -lbnu, v.i. dr. To be attentive. -dekhnu. v.i. re. To examine one's heart. -0 du honu, v.i. ir. To he in good heart. Qilri, ad. f . A cow or buffalo having horns which point downwards. Dim, n.m. A temple of a deity. - ~ i n. .f . A small temple. Ding, n.m. A stick, a bar. -6, adv. With a stick. Dingli, n.f. A small stick. (Also dingla'.) Dii5wLi5, n.m. The man who speaks on behalf of a deity. DiwBfi or dewa. Difiwan, n.m. Snowfall. Diti-uk, n.m. pl. (H. dimak.) White-ants. Difi-witi, n.1. The wife of a diriw(i6. Dishnu, v.t. re. (S. Drishir.) See Dl~ishnu DitL or -u, m. : f . -i, pl. - 6 . v.p.t. Gave. (See I ) h ~ ~ u(Also . ) riittri.) Diuh-nu, v.i. re. To snow. Diuti, n.1. -tit, 7h.m. A small earthen lamp. Diut, n.m. (H. diwa!.) A lamp or lamp-stand. Divli, n.f . X firefly. (Also dgziwli.) DiwL, n.m. (S. Dipa.) ( H . )A lamp (of earth). DiwQi5, n.7n. See DihwBfi. Diwi, n.1. A qmall lamp lightecl with clarified butter a t a religious ceremony. %yt, n.m. (H. diwa!.) A lamp-stand. -,DlngB, ad. m. A pine or cedar tree having t w o lone hranclles ; f . -i, pl. 6. .:A, n.m. ( P . gdlichd.) A rug, a carpet. oli~chB,n.m,. A torch (of torch-wootl). Dn&u, n.m. A kind of wild cat. Db, cid. ( H . ) Two. l?b\)iL. n.m. T)estruction, ruining. T?ohnu, v.t. re. To destroy. Ilohru 07 -&, n d . m.; f . -i, pl. - 6 . Of twofold. Do'chi, 7 1 . f . A hamlet. -1Bgni, ~ - . ir. ~ To . look after two villages. Ooda, n.m. A soapnut. -e-ri-d8'1, n.m. The soap-nut tree. J)hfB, n.m. (See DhofB.) Doh. (S. Droha.) Enmity. I P
--- -
JQl1r6is the name of a place in S i m l ~ . BwlA~iii- a eept of IFanete in Koti State.
Yol. V I I , No. 5.1 Dictionr~ryoJ tibe Pahnri Dialects.
[N.S.] L)oh&,7z.m. (H.) (1) A couplet. (2) A poetry. Uolili, n.f. ( H. duhn'i.) Exclamatio~i. Dohar, n.f. A sheet of cloth. I)olli, 7 ~ . m(S. . drohin.) Enmity (used in KnthQr). Dohrs, -u, ad. m . ; f . -i. pl. -6. Double. Dohri, 7 z . f . A blanket. Dohri-purni, 21. - i . Y E . To cross or penetrate. Doh?, n.m. A large blanket. Dbkh, 9L.m. (See D6sh.) Db'l, n.m. ( H . )Swinging. Db'l, n.m. ( H . ) A bucket, ?014 or dolC. Witli a bucket. T)o!a, n.m. A kind of palanquin for a bride ; /. -i, A small palanquin. I)olri, n . f . An ornanient . ;t garland. ?oil-+, n.m. pl. A kind of food. Doii-ru, u.m. (S. ?amarn. 1 A small d r ~ t n lof the Iiour-glass shape. Qortu or dorti, 1t.m. 0 1 . /. A small field. D6ru, 7h.m. (1) A field. (2) An ornament of women. Qo'ti, 1 2 . f . A very small plot of land. Brim hcith do'!i-Thtiro Itdth moi. " A little field 6 yards long, and a smoothing plouglr 9 yards wide." QO'tu, n.m. A small field. (Also d6'?i, 7 e . J . ) , He is t o conle Dottai, adv. To-morrow. Sc d u ~ v 4a d o t t ~ " to-morrow." DottP, ad??.To-morrow. Dphhr, n . ) ~(S. . Dwi-prahara, midday.) Midday. -lion&, v . i . ir. To become miclday. I )rbtj~,~ tf . '1'11t. wife of one's Irusband's younger brother. (Also dre I I z .) Drh't, 7 1 . ~ .A long kind of sickle used to cuL tl~orns. -i, n.J. ri sickle used to vr~tgrass. ( S ~ I II)A'cIr.) . (The vowel n is prolatetl.) Drhti, 7 t . f . See Diiclr. I)r41>i,9t.f. See DriLn~. Drds, 7 1 . 1 . A rhintz. Ihotu, n .1n. E a r r i n p ~ . Drub, t 1 . f . (See. Jilh.) Urubtl6. ) I . / . (S.Dwiritihii.) 1)oubt. nseln or -ti, r ~ d n. ~; ./ . - i , pl. -&. That whicli is not level. l)si~ni,7 1 .f . ( 8 . 1)eva-sllayani.) A festival observed on the 1lt,l1 of tlw bright l i d f of Aslla?. I)uAlnu, v.t. ~ c See . l)uwril~~n. l)i~l~nti, n . m . A nlilklng pot. h'lj, 7 1 . 1 . (S. Dwitigri.) The second day of the briplrt or durk lralf of a ~ n o ~ l t l Hhrii~. tt f . A festival which takes place on tlrr seco~ldo f the bright half of Ichrtik. One's sieter
Jo?crna,lof the Asiatic Society of Bc?tflcrl. [May, 1911.
is visited and food taken from her hands; she is rewarded according t o one's means. n u j a or -u, ad. m.; f . - i , pl. -6. Second. Dujyib, adv. Secondly. Dukh, ?a.m. (S. Duhklia.) Trouble. -]lonu, v.i. re. To be troubled. DukhAwnu, v.t. re. To put to trouble. Dukhi or dukhia, nd. Troubled. Dukhni, n.m. pl. -6. An ulcer, a blister, a hurt. Dukhnu, n.m. (1) A blister, an ulcer. ( 2 ) v . i . re. To feel pair1 Du!chA, n.m,. A torch of torchwood. -karn&, v . i . re. To light n torch. Piim, n.m. The name of a village deity. Durn?&,n . m . ; f . -i, pl. 6. A low caste. Duiids, n.m. A dead fcetus. Dutigu, or -6, ad. m . ; f . - i , p1. - 6 . Deep. Dutikar, n.m. A precipice. Dunku or -6, ad. m . ; f . - i , pl. -8. Doubled; -karnu. o. I. ir. To make two-fold. Dunu or -6, ad. m . ; f . - i , pl. -6. Doubled, twofold. Dunu, n.m. A kind of wild onion. Diipatth, n.m. (H.) A sheet of cloth. Diipb'hr, n . f . (S. Dwiprahara.) Midday. Dh,ad. See D6r. DGr, ad. F a r away. n .m. Distance. Dnrb, n.m. A grain measure. 100 khhrsllaa make one durb. Durbhig, n.m. (S. Durbhugya.) Misfortune, complaint. -dena, v. To complain. Durkanu, v.i. re. To run on ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . n u r r , phrase. A cross word, to say "be OR'." DushellL, d m . ; f . -i, pl. -6. Sloping. Diisilll, n.m. Two ears of wheat or barley or maize it1 om1. supposed to be an ill omen. Duwhlnu, v.t. re. T o enter. DwMaeh, n . / . (5.DwBdashi.) The twelfth day of the bright o r dark half of a month. Dwbnni, n.f. (H. dowanni.) The coin of 2 annas. I)w&'r, n.m. A csve. Dwh'r, n.m. (S, Dw&ra.) Doors. Dwh't, n . f . (H. a w l i t . ) Inkatand. Syn. RJiisAja~i. DyBliL, n.m. A play in which fire is burnt. I)ybli, n.f . See Dihli. Dybnu, v.t. rP. To cause t o give. Dyhwer, n.m. dyhwari, f . He or s l ~ eW I I O ( J ~ n l o t l ~ ~ ISr the IIUI.H~ to a chief. Dyhr, n.m.Cedar tree. l)vuw!i, n.1. The fire-fly.
Vol. V I I , KO. 5.1 D i c t i o v ~ ~ ~ ofr ytlte Prrlrori Ljialecls. [AT.S.]
II: A termination to nouns and pronouns which denotes t h e 1)lurnl ; as : Ejlci =this, Ejlk= these. A vocative particle used i n addressing anyone ; as : Eji ovk Mizd6, 0 Sir. come here. [r. +I, I)Iister ( H . ) .
Jour,lal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
[May, 1911
For*wnu, v.t. re. To causo t o break; f . -i, pl. 6 . Fornu, u.C. re. (H.) To break, f . -i, pl. 6 . F6't, 71.1. (1) A kind of melon. (1) Dissension. -ph,ni, v.i. re. To sow dissension. F6z, n.f. (P. f=z.) An army. FrCj , frej6, ndv. The day before yesterday. Frusht, n . f . (U. fthrsat.) Leisure. FukBwnu, v.t. re. To cause to burn or to crenlate ; f. -i, pi. -15. FuknAw!B, n . m . A blow-pipe; a bamboo cylinder used t o blow u p fire. Fuknu, v.t. re. To burn, to cremate; f . -i, pl. -6. ~ u k r n.f. , Blowing up the fire. -deni or lQni, v.i. ir. To blow up the fire. Fill, n.m. (H.) (1) A flower. (2) Bones taken to the Ganges. (Syn. Asthu .) F u l i , n.m. A cataract, an eye disease. Fulhwnu, v.t. re. To cause to bloom ; f . -i, p1. 6 . Fulli, n.f. See Fulh. Fuli-kamu, v.i. re. To allow t o bloom: f -i, pl. -6. Fulnu, v.i. re. (1) To bloom. (2) To be aged; f . -i, pl. - 6 . Fulyu, n.m. (1) A floweret. (2) The flower of a fruit. Fungshi, n.f. An ulcer, a blister. FGru, n.m. The tail of a turban. Fuse n.m. See DhbwB. Fusi, n.f. See Dhui. FGt, n.f. Disunion, dissension. FutAwnu, v t. re. To cause t o differ in opinion. Futnn, v.t. rc. ( 1 ) To break. (2) To burst; f . - i , p2. 6 .
t l . r r b . A kind of big lizard. (2) Sowing of vegetable -line, v . i . rP. T o sow vegetables. GQ'b, n.m. Pregnancy. Gebru, n.m. A young man, pl. - 0 . GhbG, n . m . A lamb. Gachllyirwnu, 17.1. re. To string. (:&hi, n.1. The waist. -bAnni, 1 1 . i . r p . To tir u p the waist, gird one's loins. C:ti.chiyh (phrase). With a girdle, girt. Ciachrornu, z1.t. rr. To agitate ; f . - i , pl. -e. Glrdis, a d . m . ; I - i . pl. 6. Deep. (:Ad&-kl~bnu, v . l . rr. To trouble mucli ; f . -i, pl. -6. (:&jar, #a.m. -4 kind of ma~riegeobserved by low-caste people. C ~ d b w ? u ,v I . r r . To cause to fight; f . - i , pl. C. (iriddi, n . f . A load of hay or leaves for rattle. (:Bdhir, 1r.m. ( H . gndhri.) -4n aRw. a donkey. f;a(lh*l!>u, v.1. rl . To melt on a fir^ ; I . - i , pl. 6.
Vol. VII, No. 5.1 Dictionary of the Pahari Dialects.
[N.S.] Gadi, 11.1. A load of grass; also Gridkci; f . -i, pl. 6 . GBdi, 7 z . f . (H. gaddi.) ( 1 ) Throne. -deni, v.i. ir. To inhtal. ( 2 ) A shepherd. GadijBnu, v.i. ir. To be fought; f . -i, pl. 6. (lQd!lu, v.t. re. To throw in. Gadnu, v.t. 1.r. ( 1 ) To quarrel. ( 2 ) t o fight; 1 -i, pl. 6 . GBde-thagnu, v.!. rc. To cheat unmercifully. -jh$fignu, v . l rc To ltill. GBdri, 9a.f. pl. A kind of worm t h a t lives in multitudesin a d a m p place. Gaff, ad. ( H . ) See BBklB. -u, ~1.m.A bribe. Ghgar or ghgr. I&./. (H.) A metal water-vesscl. (:Ahan, or gb'n, 9t.m. B harrow, with 8 or 10 teeth, drawti h y oxen, used for loosening t h e soil round youilg corn. (11~11drBl&in 1CBngra.) (::'tl~lnor -A, nd. m. ; f . - i . 111. 4. hluddp d i r t y . QAh!u qdlttu bal~ija', ,\Ti~n{uaimlu r a l ~ja'. i " Dirty water flows away. Clear water remains. ' ' U&n, g i n ; , 9z.m. a n d 1. T h e sky. -r&go!8, n.m. A t h u ~ l d e r bolt. -r&jy&go!b, n.m. Like a thunder-bolt. Goj, n.m. (H.) A ramrod. GQjnu, v.t. re. To sound. Gb'k, n.m. (S. Grhhaka, H . gdhak.) A purchaser. Gh'l, n.m. (H.) ( 1 ) The cheek. ( 2 ) n.f. An ill name, a curse. Gal&, n.m. (S. Gala, H . gala'.) The throat. (:algal, ?t.nr. A kind of long citron. (:a!awtju, v.1. rc. (1) To cause t o melt. ( 2 ) T o cook well. (iAli, 1 1 . f . I11 names. I , I . r . TO call ill names. - Y hhBiidnu, v.!. re. To curse. (ialim, 1 1 . 1 ~ . (P. qa~zim.)A11 enenly Galiyit, ad. m . Idle, unfit. (;a!nu, v.i. re. (1) To melt. ( 2 ) To be dissoll-ed ; f . - i . p1. -6 ( 3 ) To be destroyed. (:&!nu, v.1. re. To cause t o melt o r destroy ; j. - i , pl. -6.. a t. ( Pa ) A mistake. ( :t$,'!ii, ad. See Crtih~i~. ( :am. 1b.m. ( P . !jam.) Patience. grief, sorrow. -kh&no, 11.i. TP. To have patience. (:anl~ptiw~?~, I ) . / . rr. To cause or allow to bear or have prttierlct. 1. -i, 111. -c. (:am])nli, 11.1. re. ( 1 ) To hear, t o undergo. ( 2 ) v.i. re. T o !lave patience. . i , 2 . Gampbwnl~. Casual v. t.r To be patient. (:a]!, rz.tn. ( 1 ) A swarm. (2) The narne of a village deity. C!a'nh. 7t.m.; pl 6 . ( H . qolrnci.) An ornament. - t u . tr.111 small orr~nnic~nl or ortlotnent~s. L\
Journal of the dsiatic Society 01 Bengctl.
[May, 1911.
GanBwnu, v.t. re. To cause to reckon. (2) To cause t o count ; f . -i, pl. -6. (X~'iich,7 ~f .. Disllonour , disrespect . (&id, 7b.m. Anus. (Also grifidi.) Cihiidi-jAnu. v . t . i r . To let go. (:andh, n . f . A bad smell. (:Andhi, n.m. (H. gandhi.) A perfumes. Gane, n.m. pl. (1) Sugarcane, ad. pl. Thick. i:avBs, n.m. (S. Ganesha.) The deity called Gatjesh. UhfigA, 7 h . f . (S. GahgB.) The river Ganges. Gani-lramu, v.t. ir. To count, to enumerate. (:anj, 76.71~.(H.) (1) A mass, A heap. ( 2 ) A grain market. Ganj, 1 h . f . Michaelmas dnisy. C$annii or-u, ad. m . ; /. -i, pl. -6. Thick, coarse. (;an-nu, v.t. re. To count, to reckon ; f . -i. pl. -6. (;ant, n . / . The next world. c:aiitll, 7b.f. A knot. -parni, v.i. r e . (1) To be entsnglecl. (2) To be hard. Gaiithawnu , v.t. re. To cause to repair : f . - i , pl. - 6 . (:aiithnu. v.t. re. To mend, to repair ; f . - i , pl. -6. GaKthi, n.f. A bundle. -de-phnu, v.t. re. To pack. ~ i n uvet. , re. (H. gcinci .) To sing ; f . -i, pl. -6. G i ' n u , v.t. re. To do farmyard work. (4Qh-uiika, - u , nrl. m . ; f . -i, pl. 6. Before, in front. 8.4 $aGtiiiku PIC'^ ~ / u L L ' '~' .He has gone before." GLhw , 7t.m. (S.Grams, H . gcigw.) A village, a town. (4liiiw~a, n.m. See C4aoiira. (:Aiiwiiii, n.m. The future, the time to come. -kB or k u , fld. 7 ~ ;. 1. -i, pl. - 6 . Before, in front. (:iiiwr&, n . m . A hamlet. ( ;lioH~i.n.m. A hamlet, a small village. (Also gcifi~rh.) C h p , q ~ . f . Gossip. -mQrni, v.i. re. To talk a great deal, t o run on. (;itl)hriit, nd. m. Talkative. Gappi, ad. 7n. One who gossips. GB'r rh.m. (S. AngBra.) Burning charcoal. (4ilr6, n.m. (H.) Kneaded clay, mortar. Gnrri, n . m . ; pl. -6. Maize plants heaped at one place to dry -1Ln,i, v . i . r p . To heap the maize plants. wartli. (4itranl. CIII.(H.) Warm, hot. -karnn, v.t. ir. To ~nalnrll. n . m . A fort. - i . n,.f. A fortre33 -i;i-ncgi. w . r n . One i l l cwmoiand of n hill fort (Kullu). ( : i l l i. n . / . Cocoa. ( :arj. n.1. ( P . garnz.) Need, necessity. t i , I r 'ro be in need of or to he needy. ~ : ; ~ ~ , i i - j hv.i. n i i ,i r . To roar ; /. - i . pl - i b
Vol. V I I , No. 5.1 Dictionary of the Pahari Dialects.
[ N 8.1 Garjnu, v . i . r e . TO roar. Garkh, a d . 7 n . ; f . -i. pl. -6. Heavy, weighty.
(Syn. O a r i ~ , Garuwa.) Garkh, -u, ad. m. ; f. -i, pl. -6. Heavy, weighty. (Also garrr.) Gark-jhnu, v.t. re. To waste ; f . -i, p1. -6. Garmi, n.f. (H.) Heat, warmness. Gaynu, v.t. re. See Gadnu. GbrthA, ?a.m. (S. Angiraka.) A small burning coal. Garu, a d . m. See Garki. (Alike in number and gender.) G a p , a.m. (H. garwwli.) A deity's waterpot. Garuwa, a d . m . ; f . -i, p1. -6. Heavy, weighty. Gayuwh, n.m. (H.) A water-jar. Gaywi, 7 2 . 1 . A small water-pot. Gas, n.m. (S. G r h a . ) A mouthful, s morsel. Syn. Grb, Gr.411, or O r b s . Gasb61, I L . f . (8. akhsllabela.) Tlie air-creeper. G h k i , 1 t . f . A heavenly nynlpli. G a t , I L . f . (S Gatj1l&,,n.m. Tlie roacl hv which the catblc leave the Iiouses t,o go out for gra,zing. Tt is a. I)ig road in fl-out of a. villa'ge and runs bet,ween frncrs. OAi~fi,ad. Forward. G a ~ f i t or . ga_ufich, ~ t . ? r r . ( S . (:omiitrn,.) (.'ow-urine. (?;tufich. See (;aufit,. GAw, 1t.1. A cow. -FA, 11.. f . A weakly cow. (Also gorti.) (iecllh or ii-, ad. m. : 1. -i, $11. -8. That wllicli is sown early. Gelti, I I , . ? ~ .A lnrge trunk. a log; I. -i. A small trunk ; pl. -6. i k l ~ , ~7 1i.f . The neck. (ielra, 7 ~ . m T . l ~ ethroat or windpipe. Gefidb, n,.gn. A kirid of flower. Marigold. C h i , n,.rn,. Giddiness. (:eri~,7t.m. (H.) ( 1 ) Red ochre. -w&, (2) ad. Of ochre colour. C:et,liii, 7t.m. ; I & . / . - i , p1. -6. A liearth, a fire-pot. (>etlii, n.f. The fireplace, the lieart.11. -de-phnu, v.l.re. TObunl C:et,rB or - u , arl. m. ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . See Gechri. (%ilfi, n.m. (S.Godli6ma, H. gellzi6.) Wheat. (Also giu11.)
.Jozrrnal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
[May, 1911.
i4eililwLi5, ad. m. ; -wiii, f. -web, pl. Of the wheat colour. C;hA , n.m. (S. GhBsa, H. g h h . ) Grass. C4hach-ghach, n.f. Bothering. -18ni, v.t. re. To bother. (:hachy6!, n.f. Bothering. -1Lni, v.i. re. To bother, to linger. C:liagliri, n.f. (H. ghaghrd.) A gown. G l ~ a i n.rfi. , A grass-cutter. -8n-ni, v.t. re. To put t o trouble. -karni, v.i. ir. To act prudently. -&wni,v.i. re. To be in trouble. Cilii~?,n.f Grass land. -ti, n.f. A piece of grass land. Ghu.ni, n.f . Grass lands. Glialnu, v.t. re. To dissolve. f. -i, v.i. re. To be loyal ; pl. -6. Ghamynu, v.i. re. To be unhappy. Gl~b'n,n.f. So much grain as can be soasled in a vessel. GhanL, n.m. A small wall. -den&, v.i. ir. To build a wall. Ghandii!i, n.f. See kachbwli (used in B i l b p u r and KLngra). (:hbndi, n.f. (H. ghanli.) A bell. GhandG, n.m. The throat. Ghafigheri , n.f. A kind of vegetable. GhB'nu, v.t. re. To kill, t o slay, to put to death ; f . -i, pi. - 6 . C4liantB, n.m. (H. ghant6.) A large bell. -den&, v.i. re. To give nothing. GliaprLlL, n.m. A plunging sound. Gha'r, n.m. (See G h ~ r . ) Ghb'y, n.m. ; f. -i. A precipice. Ghara, n.m. IS. Ghata.) An earthen water-pot. C4hara, n.m. A waterfall. G h a ~ a w n uv.t. , re. To cause to manufacture ; f. -i, p l . - 6 . Gharchi, n.f. Property, an estate. Ghare, n.m. p1. Curves. (ihari, n.f. See Gharchi. Proverb : Ghari ro mufihtd cipnrii dashi : " One has to show his ow11 estate and face." c:hLri, n.f. A precipice. -parnu, v.i. re. To fall from a precipice. Ghnyi-ro-khbnu, v.t. re. To harass, to greatly trouble ; f . -i, pl. -6. (:haynu, v.t. re. To mend, t o make, to ~uanufacture; f . -i, pl. -6. Ullartu, n.m. A small dwelling. (From H. ghar; a house.) (:hnrtu, n.m. A family or its member (used in BashLlrr). C:haru, ad. Homely, housetiold, relating to a llouse. (:liLy~,n.m. A term for the men on corv6e work. ( +llasawnu, v . t . rp. To cause to he worn off. (:h,iskr, n.f. A kind of play. (ihasi-jinu, v.i.ir. To be worn off. G h b n i , n.f. See Gllhini. (4hasnu, v.i. re. To wear off ; f. -i, pl. -6. (:hasa&, n.m. A beating, crushing. -den&,v.t. re. To beat. (:h&t, n.f. Revenge. (4hL't, n.m. A quay. c:h&t8, n.m. ( H . ) Decrease, decay, IORN.
Vol. V I I , No. 5.1 Dictionary of tlie Paltari Dialects.
[N.S.] Ghathnu or ghatbwnu, v.t. re. (H. ghalanci.) To deduct; f . -i. Ghatnu, v.i. re. (H. ghalnd.) T o be less ; f . -i, p1. -6. Ghhtli, ad. Intending to revenge. (Alike in both genders.) Ghaty6, n.m. See Ghat or G h g t . Glla_un, n.m. Kneading. G h w - n u , v.2. re. To knead ; f . -i, pl. -6. Gha_ur, 9z.m. (H. ghar.) Home, house, a dwelling. Ghauy, n.m. A heap, a mass. -lhgne, v.i. re. To be in heaps. Gha_ut, n.m. A stone-mill. -pishnu, v. t . re. To grind in a stone mill. G h i w , n.m. (H.) A hurt, a blister. Ghefigna, n.m. One who collects clarified butter as the revenue for grass lands. (Also gh~lingnd.) Ghh'p, n.m. Goitre or bronchocele. -i, n.m. and f . One who has the goitre. (Also ghepu.) GhBr, n.m. Circumference. Gherh, n.m. (1) See Gher. (2) Surrounding. Glierh-ferh, n.m. A visit. Gherhwnu, v.t. re. To cause to surround ; f . -i, pl. -6. Gh6r-f6r, n.m. A response. -denu, v.i. re. To respond. Ghernu, v.t. re. To surround ; f . -i, pl. -8. Ghesh, n.m. A fall, a bruise, a crush. Gheshwnu, v.t. re. To cause to bruise or crush ; f . -i, pl. -6. Ghesnu, z7.t. re. To crush, t o bruise ; f. -i, pl. -6. Gheth, n.m. A coarse neck. Gheur, n.m. (H. ghewar.) A kind of sweetmeat. Ghihri, ghyiri, n.f. An earthen pot for clarified butter. Ghihrtu, ghybrtu. n.m. A sruall earthen pot for clarified butter. (fllich-picli, n.f. A great crowd. -11oni or -machni, v.i. re. To be much crowded. -karni, v . i . ir. To crowd. -hat&wni, v.i. re. TO disperse a crowd. (fliin , 9 t . f . Compassion. tenderness. Ghin-nu, v.1. re. To buy, to prirchase; J. -i, pl. - 6 . (Basllbhr.) , re. To love Ohin, n.f. (1) Sympathy. ( 2 ) Love. - d e ~ j iv.i. (:hih?hwnu, v.t. re. To causc to spoil : f . -i, pl. -6. Ghin-dard6, n.f. (1) An en~bra~ce.(2) Syrnpatl~y. (7JhiAdnu,v.t. re. To spoil, to make useless ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . Ghiyk, n.m. (H. ghi-gllrayri.) A vessel of clarified butter. Gliiri-Qwnu, v.i. re. To be surrounded with ; f . -i, pl. -8. Qhiri-]&nu,v . i . re. To be surrounded ; f . -i, pl. -6. Ghirnu, v . i . re. To be surrounded ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . Ghiri-firi-ro, ad. I n a wandering manner. Ghisiwnu, v.t. re. See Ghasbwnu. Ghienu, v.i. re. To slip down ; I. -i, p2. -6. Glli6, n.m. (H. yhi.) Clarified butter. GhiyLtori, n.f. A kind of vegetable. Ghmhw, n.m. (H. ghumo'tci.) A winding path. (3limdr. n.m. Giddiness.
Journal of the Asiatic Societg of Bengal.
[May, 191 1 .
Glio'ch, 18. f . The act of troubling. -$gh&chi, n.f . Troubling again and again. Ghochi-mirnu, v.t. re. To give trouble ; f . -i. p1. -6. Ghochnu, v.t. re. To trouble, t o stir about ; f . -i, p1. -6. Gllo'l, n . m . A kind of wild goat. -an, n . f . Wild she-goat. -fii or -tu. A wild k i d ; -ti, f . Ghol-matl16'1, 1b.m. T h e act of mismanaging. Gho!nu, o.t. re. To dissolve, t o mix into wator ; f. i, pl. 6 . C:ho!t6, n.m. A pony (Bashhhr). G h o ~ &18.m. , A horse. f . -i. A mare. - 6 , n.m. A pony. G h o ~ l 6 n.m. , See Cholt6. GhrB'~u,n.m. pl. Snoring. -den6, v.i. ir. To snore. Ghrishni, n .f . (S. Grihapravesha. ) The ceremony of e~lteririg a new house. GhBwrii, n.m. See grBwrG. Glirh't, n.m. (H. ghata.) A water mill t o grind grain. Ghrbtija, n.m. One who has a water mill. Ghr6u1, 7z.m. A kind of bell (like a dish) used in Hindu temples. G h r y e n , n.f. A tune played a t a village deity's dance. Ghryaunu or ghrygn-1&ni, v.i. rc. To play the tune called Ghrygn. Ghugi, or Ghuggi. See Gl~ugti. Ghugnu, v . i , re. To bark of a dog. Ghugti, n.f. 9 dove. -18ni, v.i. re. T o play. G h a , n.f. A small shed in a farmyard t o keep grain in when it rains. Gliu!Qwnu, v.t. re. To cause t o fight or wrestle; f . -i, pl. - 6 . Cihulnu, v.i. rp. To fight, t o wrestle; f . -i, pl. 6 . Ghlim, n.m. A long way. C:l~umgbuniBiidi,ad. f . Fragrant. Ghumhw, n.m. Turning. (:llurn8wnu, v.t. rr. To cause to turn. Gliuni~ju, re. To turn hack; f . -i, pl. 6 . Cihun, 1L.m. An insect that destroys timber. (:hiltid, 11.m. A veil. -karnu, v.i. r p . To put on a veil. Ghuhghru, n.m. pl. S~nallbells used by dancers. C$Iiurkziw, 1 t . m . Ttie act of threatening, a threat. (ihurkiwnu. rp. To c,nnse to threaten ; f . -i. pl. 6 . (:hurlti, 7 i . f . ( H . y h ~ y k i . ) A threat. ( : h u ~ k n u ,z1.t. rr. ( H . ghlcrkr~,ri.)To tlireaten ; 1. -i, 171. 6 (:hnri-rG, adz!. Strongly. (:liurnu, v.t. re. To gird 1111; /. -i, pl. - 6 . (:hus$wnu, v.t. rr. To ceuRe to enter; f . -i, pl. 6 . ( i h u s e ~ n uv, t . re. To throw i n ; f . - i , P I . 6 . C:hushu, 1t.m. A kind of game in which there are two ])artie@ of men . each party taking in their hand^ small hurdles of straw alight on botl~~ i d e s throw , them a t the other partyTliig ta,kes place on certain days of October. Ghusnu, v.i, rp. To enter, to be admitted ; f -i, pl. 6 . z1.i.
Vol. VII, No. 5.1 Dictionary o/ the Pahuri Dialects.
[N.S.] G h u a ~ ~v.i. ~ i re. , See the preceding. Ghut, n,f. The act of swallowing. GhutBwnu, v.t. re. To cause to swallow up. Ghutnu, v.t. re. To swallok u p ; f . -i, pl. 6 . G l l w i b ~ u ,v.t. re. To open, t o uncover, to remove n lid; f . - i , pl. 8 . GhyBfignh, n.m. See Gheiigna. GhyBnn&, n.m. A fireplace. Ghy&ri, n . f . An earthen p o t ; used to divide clarified butter. Ghyii, n.m. See Ghiii. Gi, n.f. Gums of the teeth. v . re. To play a particuln~ Gi', n . f . A kind of tnne. 1 tune. (Also -bBj~;ior -bajawni.) Gi&wan, n.m. A kind of t ~ (used x in Iiutllhr State). Gich-pic11, n .f . See Ghich-pich. Gijhw;iu, v.l. re. To cause to accuston~. Gijnu, v . i . re. To accustom, t o practise : f . -i, pl. 6. Gil, n.f. A term for the 16 days, the last week of Asllar and 1st week of Sawan, respectively. Trees planted during this fortnight flourish and flower well. Gil& or -u, ad. D L . ; f . -i, pl. 6.. Wet. -karvu, v.t. ir. To wet. -honu, v . i . i r . To be wet. G i l l a ~ ,n.m. See GhCp. Gifi-iifi, n. (R. Godhuma, P. gandam.) W l ~ e a t . Gintiwl~u,v.t. re. See Ganbwnu. Gindti, n.m. A tom-cat. Gindu , n.m. (S. Kanduka or Genduka). A play-ball. -khel~?u, v.i, re. Toplrty w i t h a ball. Gin-nu, v.t. re. See Gan-nu. (:int, n.f. An account. (From Hindi qijtti.) (;ira-gir~,n . f . A lruc and cry. -mhcll~)iv . i re. To be great noisy. (iiriwnu, u . t . 1.c. To spoil, to throw away. (From Hindi qirdnri.)
(:ird&gir!lu, v.i. rc*. To turn round ; I -i. 111. 6 . (Sri-firi-8w!lu, v . i . re. To take a wnllc : f . -i. /)I. -6. (iiri-jblju, v.i. ir. To fall dowtr ; f . - i , pl. -6. (:irk-janu, v.i. i r . To be wasted, to be given away for nothing. Girnu, v.i. re. ( 1 ) T o fall, to slip down ; f . - i , p1. 6. (2) To turn. (ilb'b, n.m. IH. quldb.) A rose. -i. ndj. Rosy. (7lB'f ., n rn. ( H giln'f.) A cover (of a pillow or quilt, etc.). (:lGn, 77.m.A kind of pine tree. (4161, 7L.m. ( H . gukil.) (1) Red powder. (2) The China root. madder (majith). Ulb'ni, n . f . (H. Idgrim..) A bridle. (:lh, or Glbss, 1L.m. ( H . qilds.) A cup. a tun~blel.. (iIQG, n.m A spider. (;!ell, n . f . A pellet-how. - b b ~ ? i11.i. . rrj. To sl~ootwit11 a pellvt bow. Gli~ttC,I1.w. (P. hrilisht.) A spnlr.
Jozwnnlol thedsiuticSocietyof Bengal.
[May, 1911.
C;i,bar. t1.m. (H.) or gobr. (1) C'ow-dung. (2) Manure. (:obr&i, n.f. The act of manuring the land. -Ibni, v.i. rc. To Inanure land. (:obra_uuh, n. 1. A heap of manure. ' C:obril&, n.m. An insect found in nlanure, a chafer. Gochha, n.tn. ( H . crngochhri.) A towel. (hi'd, tb.m. The lap. -Ian&,v.t. ir. To adopt a son. (:odi. n . f . The lap. -1ana. v.t. ir. To take in the lap. Cind~,n.f. A kind of wild edible root. (;okl~ru.t1.m. (1) A kind of ear-rings. (2) A kind of medicine. Go!, crd. (H.) Round. -chin-nu, v.t. re. To make round. Gola, n . m . Thunderbolt. (:61akh, n.m. ( I ) A fund. (2) The fund out of which alms were given (used in Mandi). Goli, n.m. p1. ( 1 ) Apes. (2) A bullet. - b i h n i , v.i. re. To shoot a bullet Gbh, n.m. Desire, wish. pleaaure. -dekhna, u.i re. To go one's own W A Y . CiOiich or Chiit, n.m. (S. gomutra.) ('ow's urine. (:oiichiwnu, v.t. re. To cause or allow t o make water iused of cattle only). Cioiichriu, v.i. re. To make water (used of cattle only). (:hfitr&la. n.m. The naming ceremony of a child. (;ti'r, n . m . A lizard (goh is a kind of big lizard, also found in the Simla Hills) (:ornu. v . t . re. To weed, f . -i, p1. - 6 . (;om, n.m. ('attle. Goslitha, n . m . A cake of dry cow-dung. ( G t . 1t.m. (S. gotra.) Parentage, lineage ; stock (of a family). f :ot&. n . m . (H.) A dip, o, dive. -kh&n&,v . i . re. To miss, t o err. -m&rna,v.i.rp. To taka a d ~ p t,o dive. ( i o t a , n.m. (H.) Lace. -1Bn6, v.i. rp. To lace. (:othi, n.f. Blame. -Iani, v.t. rP. To ldame. Gothil, n.m. A wild animal. (ioti. 7b.f. Odd. -noti, n.f. Odd and even, a kind of game. Gotnu, v . t , re. To bar, to prevent from going ; f . -i, pl. - 6 . ( h i i or grah, n.nt. A morsel, R mouthfnl. -lank, v.i. W . To take a morsel. ( S,g r b a . ) G r i r h a or - u , crd. m . ; 1. -i, pl. -6. See Get&. (7rA'nn, v.t. r p . (1) Tn collect revenue. (2) To realize ; 1. - i , 111 -6. (:r;iss, n.m. See Grri. (:rQw~ju,v . t . rP. To cause or allow to weed ; f . - i , pl. -4. firAofi. 1a.m. See OAfiw ( u ~ e din Kullu and elsewhere). (:rAwru, ?a.m. A little bird. (Alike in singular and plural.) GrOut, n.m. A long way, turning here and there. (4rPway. v.t. re. T o turn back: f . - i , pl. -6. (:rhiwan, n.m. A tune played to make 8 deity clan(,[.. -ltini, 1 s . i . rP. T o play the deity's dancing tune.
Voi. VII, No. 5.1 l)iclion/~r,yof I ~ Pahnri P Dialects. 169 [N.S.] Cirlldwna, v.i. re. To cause or allow a village deity to move o r dance. (:rib, rcd. (H.gnrib.) Poor,helpless. C:!.iknu, v.i. re. To roar (of thunder). Also gayikrpc. Gr6 or Gr@, n.m. pl. The nine planets, which are : (1) The sun. (2) The nioon. (3) Mars. (4) Mercury. (5) J u piter. (6) Venus. (7) Saturn. (8) Rbhu. (9) Ketu. (From Sanskrit Graha.) (4r.(;!1 or g r m n , n.m. (S. graliana.) An eclipse. -18gnu, v . i . re. To appear, of an eclipse. -dekllna, v . i . re. To witness an eclipse. (:i, v . i , i r . To In.ug11 at.. HAsi-klieli-ro I A I ~ v.1. ~ , 1.c. pl. To beguile the tiwe with pleasure. Hasli, 1 1 . 1 . An ornalnent, worn on the neck by women. Haslju, v . i . 7 - r . To sn~ile,to Inngh. (From Hindi haiisnli.) Hatt&w~ju, r7.l. r ~ (.H . 1tntrin.A.) To cariar or allow to prevent,. Hathw~ju.v./. rr. To ramuseor a,llow to return : t,o prohibit. Hiit,h or Ii&t,t>lr, 11 .nr. (S. hast>a.) A hand. Hatll, n . m . (H.hatha.) Insistence. -karnL, t7.i. re. To insist. Ha.t,l~bngC. n . 7 n . . pl. (:onitnut,ation for begcir or corvde (Uilbpiir). Hbt,llnr, md. f . A cow or he-buffalo, whicli only allows one person t,o milk her. I I H . ( . I ~ @7 1~. 1 ~ 1 ) .. (H.) A I l l t l t l l l l ~ l ' . Hat11i . c ~ d .OI~st.i~ln.tr.
./ourn.czl of the Asiatic Society o / Rer~gnl. [May, 1911.
HQtho-joriro,c . p . Wit11 joined hands. H a t h ~ u n, . m . pl. Hands. ( H . hath.) Hatnu, 0 . i . re. To turn back; f . -i, yl. - 6 . Hstnu, u . i . re. (1) To return, t o come back. ( 2 ) To be off. Hatbli, v . f . She will turn back. i i . I . To cause t o Hatyii, n . f . (S.) The act of killing. t trouble. -karni, v e t . i r . To kill. H i t t h , n.rn. See HBth. Hbtti, n.f. (H. hn!li.) ,1 sllop. -karni. i9.i. ir. To open a sliop. H&I, n.m. (S. Hala.) A plough, -b&!lu. v . i . re. To plough. Ha.~~fisli,n.m. (H. hebsilri .) Ambition, desire, capacity. Hawti, 1l.f. (H.) The air, wind. Hhzri, n.m,. (P.) An attendant., -ka, u.m. A tern1 for a frer grant in Lieu of service (used in Mandi). HegB, n .m. Carefulness. Hekyi, 1 8 . 1 . (H.) Boasting, insistence. -kar!li, v . i . ir. To insist. HB'!, n . f . A sacrifice of a goat or sheep. -deni, v.i. ir. To offer a goat sacrifice. He!&, n.m.A special hefjar or corvhe leviable for repairs t o roads or buildings. and on special occasione, such as a wedding or death in the cliief'a family. Heli, n . f . Wisdom, activity. Heri, r1.m. Ciame, shiklir, Ilunting. -1ana or -karna, v . i . re. ant1 i r . To go on a sl~ootingexcur.~ion.-i. n.m,. 4 shikdri, n shooter. He'r-f6r. r1.m. An answer, a reply. -de!lC, c . i . ir. To reply. H e r ~ ~v.t. u , re. To work ; f . - i, pl. -6. Heru, ndn. Perl~aps. -18, r j . Look here! Hesr-linli, v . i . re. To chant a song in union (by all person* carrying a hectvy load, or moving a heavy mass) in order to keep time. [time. Hessi. n . m . The cry of a nunlber of person8 a t work a t orhe HC't. n m. (8. Hit>a.) Affection. -1Q!lB, v . i . rp. To be affecntlonate. Hetlk. n d v . Down. - p i p i , v.i. rp. To spread a bed (used 1 1 1 Rhejji State). Hethi, adz!. By the lower way (used in the Bhajji State). H e t l ~ l ad. ~ , m. ; f . - i . pl. -e. Lower. Hiili. t t . 1 . Supper (uaed in Keofithal). Hicl~l~tiwpu, r I . rp. To cause or allow to promise or agree. Hicllhnu, t l . t . r r . To pronlise. t o agree ; f . - I , pl. -6. Hichki, t l . 1 . I H . ) See Dhiki. Yesterday. the p m t day. Hij o r hijo or J ~ i j a uaJv. , Hij-bhyinsri , ad!.. Yeaterclay morning. (Also hij+bhydnnri.) Hij-hyile or Ilijo-byale. Laet evening, yeaterday evening. Hijku o r -it, ad. m . ; / - i , pl. -6. Yesterdav's, of yesterday. Hik. I # . / . The liver, the chest or throat. H i l ~ nor hillan, n . m . See Rh@firllal ( 1 1 3 r t l in HilQpi~r ntltl K i n g r i 1.
Vol. V I I , No. 5.1 Uictio?aur,t/ o/ I l ~ ePa1rar.i Dkrrlect.3. 173 [N.S.] Himat, a.1. (P. h.immnt.) Courage. -llar~)i, v . i . I . ? . To rlisl~eart~en. Hifid!lk, 9L.m. pl. The legs of a quadrllped. Hifig, 7 a . f . (S. Hinqu.) See SuiidhB. Hini, ad. f . Decaying, decreasing. Hin-nd, ~ . r n ,pl. . See HindnP. H i r , n,.rn. pl A kind of wild fruit,. Hiyhw, 11,.,ttz. ( H . ) Clourage. -Awn&, u.i r r . T o he caour,zgeous. HiyB-lanu, v.t. re. To embrace ; f . -i, pl. -6. Hochha, ad. m ; f. -i, pl. -it. Sllort. -ja~)&:v . i . i r . To fall s1101,t. Hoi-jhnu, v . i . i r . To h a l ~ p ~ lt lo, heconle ; f . - i . l d . -6. Hoklb or - u , nd. m. ; f . i , pl. - e . Lisping. Holi, 7b.f. (S. Holika.) Tllc Holi l'est,ival. -kl~cltji,% . I . r v . 'ro enjoy the Holi festiv:~l. Holi, v . ' (Slle) may be.' Hon~eR. I~utnefi, z3.j.t. 1st 1). pl. \ i l l be. I . Hotnih. I~umifi. H o ~ j i n. , f . Tlir a c t of takillg 1)lac:c.. 4 s I I - I . .. That which is t o happen will Ilappen. ' ' Honu, v.i. ir. T o be, t o become, to t,alre lblart: : 1. -i, pl. - 6 . H o r , pro. Other. - 2 . By t h e others. H o r . con. (1) And. ( 2 ) ad. Else. H o r kri b o l '!~" Wllat else d o you s a y ? " (3) ad. More. ;' Ttiri /tor hi cht1yi7j :' " I)o you want more ? " Hot11 or hottll, n.m. (8. Ostha.) pI. Lips. Hukh, n.m. (P. i~uqyah..) The hubble-bubble, the t,obacc,o pipe. -pin&,v.i. i r . T o smoke. -bhnrn6. v . i . rc. T o p u t fire on the tobacco. H 1'1111. 11.111. (S. Ho~na..; Burnt offering. the casting of cI:rritictl l,~rt,te~,. tlrietl fruit'. et.c.. int,o t,he sacred fire. as a.11 offering to t'llt, gods. X C C ~ I ~ ~ J ) R . wit11 I~~EC 1)rayers ~ or invoca.tions. :i.cc~ordingt o t l ~ c ? object. o f t l ~ rsact.ifice. . . -l)a,iA,\vtjh, 71.;. I.(,. To sountl :IScctrl;tin t r ~ ~ l t *I . I I To foc.tl the sacred flatnes wit,lr call.ifie(1 I)lll tet.. otv. H u i ~ d i ,, I . / . (H.) T l ~ ean~otlnt of t.t.\-elillr. -(lvt.~i.I * . ; . ; I , . 'Yo pay revenue o r taxes. -grii,lit)i. v . i . r ~ To . c.01lrc.t revenllt.. Hur'lprnu, v . i . re. T o low like a cow ; f . - i . pl. - 6 . H i ~ r w.:tn. , A bolt above a door. H u r n a , r1.t. re. To s h u t i n ; f . - i . pl. - 6 . kIilr6. rr.nr. l