A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada / Bibliographie de L'Enseignement Supérieur au Canada 9781442615229

This bibliography is the first of a series of studies about higher education in Canada. Amongs its nearly 4,000 entries

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A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada / Bibliographie de L'Enseignement Supérieur au Canada

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Studies in Higher Education in Canada NUMBER 1

Etudes dans l'Enseignement Supérieur au Canada NUMÉRO 1



Robin S. Harris Arthur Tremblay



Foreword THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY by Professors Harris and Tremblay is the first of a series of studies about higher education in Canada. Although there is some doubt about the propriety of designating a bibliography "a study," it is desirable to include this work in the series for which in many ways it is the foundation. The two authors have worked assiduously to complete, in so far as a bibliography ever can be completed, this compilation, which, it is hoped, will be useful to many persons interested in university and college education. The bibliographers will gratefully receive suggestions for additional items and amendments to those here presented. They are already aware of a few deficiencies and along with the correction of these, plan to offer more recent items in a supplement to this volume. It was in 1956 and 1957 that some members of the National Conference of Canadian Universities, as the organization was then called, became sufficiently concerned about the lack of a systematic study of higher education in Canada to take action. They approached the Carnegie Corporation of New York pointing out this omission in our cultural history, and the Carnegie Corporation responded generously. Immediately the Conference established the Committee on the History of Higher Education in Canada which sponsors the present volume. Under the aegis of this Committee, several of its members and other scholars are undertaking a study of various phases of the history and philosophy of higher education in Canada. On behalf of the Committee, I thank these voluntary workers, especially Professors Harris and Tremblay, and look forward to seeing several other publications in this series. FRANK STILING Chairman of the Committee on Higher Education December 1959

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3 16



A. General : Généralités B. The Institutions : Les Institutions


27 35

Acadia University, 35; University of Alberta, 35; Assumption University, 36; Bishop's University, 36; University of British Columbia, 37; Carleton University, 37; Les Collèges classiques, 37; Dalhousie University—King's College, 40; L'Université Laval, 41; McGill University, 43; McMaster University, 45; University of Manitoba, 45; Memorial University of Newfoundland, 46; Université de Montréal, 46; Mount Allison University, 48; University of New Brunswick, 49; Nova Scotia Technical College, 50; Université d'Ottawa : University of Ottawa, 50; Queen's University, 51; St. Francis Xavier University, 52; Université St-Joseph, 53; St. Mary's University, 53; University of Saskatchewan, 54; Université de Sherbrooke, 54; Sir George Williams College, 54; University of Toronto, 55; University of Western Ontario, 60.

4. CURRICULUM AND TEACHING : PROGRAMME1 D'ÉTUDE ET MÉTHODES D'ENSEIGNEMENT 61 A. The Faculty of Arts and Science B. Faculté des Arts : Enseignement secondaire classique

61 62

C. The Humanities : Les Humanités




General : Généralités, 68; Archaeology : Archéologie, 71; Art— Music-Drama : Arts plastiques-Musique-Théâtre, 71; Classics (Greek and Latin) : Langues anciennes (le grec et le latin), 72; English : Anglais, 74; French : Français, 75; History : Histoire, 76; Modem Languages (other than English and French) : Langues modernes (à l'exception de l'anglais et du français), 78; Philosophy : Philosophie, 79; Religious Knowledge : Religion, 81.

D. Social Sciences : Sciences sociales


General : Généralités, 82; Anthropology : Anthropologie, 83; Economies and Political Science : Economique et politique, 84; Geography : Géographie, 86; Psychology : Psychologie, 88; Sociology : Sociologie, 88.

E. Mathematics and Sciences : Mathématiques et sciences


General : Généralités, 89; Astronomy : Astronomie, 92; Biology : Biologie, 92; Chemistry : Chimie, 93; Genetics : Génétique, 94; Geology : Géologie, 94; Mathematics : Mathématiques, 95; Physics : Physique, 96.

F. Professional Education : Enseignement professionnel


Agriculture : Agronomie, 97; Architecture and Town Planning : Architecture et urbanisme, 97; Business Administration and Public Affairs : Commerce, finance et administration, 98; Dentistry : Art dentaire, 101; Engineering : Génie, 102; Forestry : Génie forestier, 105; Household Science : Diététique et sciences domestiques, 107; Journalism : Journalisme, 107; Law : Droit, 107; Library Science : Bibliothéconomie, 111; Medicine : Médecine, 112; Military College : Collège militaire, 116; Nursing, 117; Pharmacy : Pharmacie, 119; Physical and Health Education : Education physique, 120; Social Work : Service social, 121; Teacher Training : Education, 122; Theology : Théologie, 124; Veterinary Science : Médecine vétérinaire, 125; Vocational Guidance : Orientation professionnelle, 127.

G. Graduate Studies and Research : Etudes post-graduées et recherche 128 H. Adult Education : Education des adultes 130 5.



134 136 139

Introduction To CONSULT the primary sources for the study of higher education in Canada it is normally necessary to go to particular libraries or to particular institutions. Most of the relevant documents published by governments, notably legislative acts, the transcripts of parliamentary debates, and ministerial reports, can most conveniently be consulted in legislative libraries, while the universities themselves are in most instances the only location for complete files of Calendars, Year Books, Examination Papers, and the Annual Reports of Presidents, Deans, and Boards of Governors. The universities are certainly the only location for unpublished material such as Faculty Minutes and Committee Reports which in special circumstances are available to the qualified scholar. The present volume, which is properly entitled "A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada," includes no basic documents among its nearly 4,000 entries. There is little point in listing such documents relevant to the history of Dalhousie University since the scholar must go to Halifax to consult them; the Dalhousie Librarian is surely justified in refusing to send on interlibrary loan the only known copy of, let us say, the Dalhousie Calendar for 1867. The scholar who does go to Halifax will have no difficulty in obtaining a complete list of the official documents relevant to his investigation. "A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada" is, rather, a list of secondary sources—the books, pamphlets, theses, and dissertations, and the articles in journals and magazines—which supplement the basic documents by supplying context and commentary. Since all such works are available at all major libraries in Canada, either immediately or through interlibrary loan, there is considerable point in listing them. All the items listed in the present volume under "Dalhousie University" can be obtained in Victoria, B.C. Only two sections of the bibliography contain items which are likely to pose problems of location, those entitled "Canadian Culture" and "Canadian Universities." The National Library at Ottawa will normally provide the answer in the first case, the institution concerned in the second. The compilers have not attempted to indicate where particular works



can be obtained. They have restricted themselves to providing the information necessary to identify the work: for books and pamphlets, author, title, place and year of publication, and ( except for publications prior to 1920) publisher; for theses and dissertations, author, title, institution and year of submission; for articles, author, title and journal (with volume and year). Pagination has been provided for books, pamphlets, and articles as an indication of relative length—one's interest in examining a given work may depend on whether it is 20 or 400 pages in length. Pagination has not been given for multi-volume works or for theses and dissertations; the treatment can be assumed to be lengthy. The Bibliography has two Parts. Part I provides the context for the study of higher education in Canada. Our universities do not exist in a vacuum; they are conditioned by (and in turn condition) the economic, political, religious, and social life of the country itself. It is impossible to study any aspect of Canadian higher education without taking into full account the basic forces which motivate Canadian life. Hence a section called "Canadian Culture," listing histories of Canada and its provinces, histories of its religious and social institutions, histories of its art, its economy, its racial groups, its relation with other countries. But it is also impossible to study higher education in Canada without reference to other levels of Canadian education. Our universities are what they are partly because our elementary and secondary schools are what they are. Hence a section called "Canadian Education," listing works concerned with educational developments and problems at all levels. Part II lists works which bear directly on higher education in Canada. Section I, "History and Organization," contains a subsection devoted to works which concern the Canadian universities considered as a group and subsections for each of twenty-nine institutions—the classical colleges have been treated as a single institution. Section II, "Curriculum and Teaching," contains subsections for each academic subject and professional field and for the following general areas: Adult Education, Enseignement secondaire classique, Faculty of Arts, Graduate Studies and Research, Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences. Sections III and IV contain no subsections. Under "The Professor" are listed works which bear on the status of the Canadian university teacher, his academic freedom, his salary, his professional qualifications. Under "The Student" are listed works which concern the student's status—the availability of scholarships and bursaries, the special prob-



lems of the foreign student, the adequacy of matriculation requirements. An entry which is appropriate to more than one subsection has been listed under each. For example, "Twenty-five Years of Chemistry at Laval" is listed under "Université Laval" and "Chemistry." As a general rule, the compilers have excluded newspaper articles, journal articles of less than five pages, and articles in alumni and student publications. The principal exceptions are articles in Relations, whose pages are long and whose print is fine, addresses in the Proceedings of the National Conference of Canadian Universities, where the fact that a subject was discussed at all is of special significance, and newspaper or alumni articles which present the only known treatment of a topic. The entries are arranged in chronological order in all sections in order to present the progressive development of each topic. In certain subsections, for example "Classics" and "Université de Montréal," the dates of the entries are themselves of interest, the sequence revealing periods of active debate and silence. No distinction has been drawn between English- and French-language publications—Chemistry and Chimie are one subject. The decision to provide separate subsections for "Faculty of Arts" and "Faculté des Arts" is not a departure from this principle; the inclusion of instruction at the secondary school level in the curricula of the classical colleges causes the problems of the Faculté des Arts to differ markedly from those of the Faculty of Arts. The relative proportion of English and French entries in a section is often significant. "Orientation professionnelle" is a recognized field of study in the French-speaking universities, but "Vocational Guidance" is not a subject of study in the English-speaking universities. Nursing has long been a recognized profession in English-speaking Canada; in Quebec, university training for l'infirmière is a recent development— the French language contains no word which corresponds to nursing. "Religion," "Journalism," "Law," and "The Professor" are other sections which reflect interesting variations in the frequency of English- and French-language entries. "A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada" is in part based on the fourteen earlier bibliographies listed at the end of this introduction. The majority of entries, however, have been obtained through a search of the files of over 150 Canadian journals. These journals are also listed at the end of the introduction, together with an indication of the years searched and the abbreviation adopted for each journal in



the bibliography. A number of entries involve journals published outside Canada. The country of origin has been indicated in parenthesis unless it is obvious from the title; thus Am. Econ. Rev. but Jour. Pol. Econ. (U.S.). The compilers have not drawn upon two important sources of information about higher education in Canada, the recently published Encyclopedia Canadiana and the obituary notices in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada. The latter provide full biographical details of many persons intimately connected with the development of our universities as well as an assessment of their contribution to that development. Encyclopedia Canadiana contains articles on all institutions, all academic disciplines, all professions, and on such topics as adult education, classical colleges, libraries, and Student Christian Movement. Over 100 university presidents, professors, and librarians have cooperated in the preparation of this bibliography. An authority in the field has vetted the draft of each subsection; a physicist has examined the tentative list for "Physics," a McGill librarian the subsection for McGill, a Dean of Pharmacy the subsection for Pharmacy. The degree to which each subsection is an adequate list of the literature in the field is in large measure the result of the many additional entries proposed by these correspondents. The compilers are aware that the present list, like all bibliographies, will contain errors and that it is incomplete. Since the terminal date of entries was set at December 31, 1958, the bibliography is already out of date. Supplements will be published from time to time. Readers are urged to report errors and to suggest additions in letters addressed to the compilers in care of the University of Toronto Press. The compilers wish to acknowledge formally the assistance of Miss Annabel Connell and Mlle Annette Faucher in the preparation of the draft and final manuscripts, the co-operation of their colleagues on Dean Stiling's Committee, and the editorial guidance of Miss Francess Halpenny of the University of Toronto Press. Miss Connell prepared the index.

R. S. H. A.T.

Introduction PABMI les sources primaires auxquelles doit puiser l'histoire de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, il y a d'abord les documents officiels publiés par les universités elles-mêmes ou par les gouvernements. Les lois concernant les universités, les comptes rendus des débats parlementaires que les lois ont provoqués et, d'une façon générale, tous les actes législatifs ou administratifs dont les universités ont pu être l'objet de la part d'organismes gouvernementaux, sont conservés dans les bibliothèques ou les dépôts d'archives du Parlement et des législatures. On peut aussi trouver dans toutes les universités les documents administratifs qui concernent chacune d'elles en particulier : annuaires, rapports annuels du recteur ou du président, procès-verbaux du conseil universitaire ou des conseils de facultés, etc. L'ouvrage que nous présentons aujourd'hui ne contient aucune référence à cette sorte de documents auxquels, dans bien des cas, le chercheur ne peut avoir accès qu'à l'endroit même où ils sont conservés. Ainsi, par exemple, le bibliothécaire de l'Université Dalhousie est parfaitement justifié de ne pas se départir, même pour très peu de temps, de l'unique exemplaire connu de l'annuaire 1867 de son université. Par conséquent, le chercheur désireux de se renseigner sur l'histoire de cette institution devra nécessairement se rendre à Halifax même et, dans ce cas, les indications bibliographiques que nous pourrions lui fournir sur les documents oificiels relatifs à l'Université Dalhousie ne lui seraient d'aucune utilité puisqu'il trouvera sur place toutes ces indications. Voilà pourquoi la "Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada" constitue plutôt un index de sources secondaires : livres, brochures, thèses de maîtrise ou de doctorat, articles de revues, susceptibles de compléter les documents de base et de les situer dans le contexte plus général de l'évolution de la culture canadienne et du mouvement des idées en matière d'enseignement universitaire. Un tel index trouve sa justification dans le fait que tous ces documents sont facilement accessibles au chercheur dans la plupart des grandes bibliothèques, qui les possèdent déjà en dépôt ou qui peuvent se les procurer grâce au système de prêt entre bibliothèques. Tous les items



classés dans le présent ouvrage sous la rubrique "Université Dalhousie" sont disponibles à Victoria, C.B. Deux chapitres seulement de la bibliographie, ceux qui portent sur le "Contexte socio-culturel canadien" et sur les institutions particulières, poseront peut-être des problèmes de localisation des ouvrages. La Bibliothèque nationale à Ottawa ou le bibliothécaire de l'institution concernée devraient pouvoir répondre sans difficulté aux demandes de renseignements à ce sujet. Les compilateurs n'ont pas indiqué l'endroit où l'on peut se procurer les divers ouvrages qui apparaissent dans la bibliographie. Ils se sont contentés de fournir les indications nécessaires à l'identification du document : pour les livres et les brochures, ils fournissent le nom de l'auteur, le titre de l'ouvrage, l'endroit et la date de publication, le nom de l'éditeur ( sauf pour les écrits publiés avant 1920 ) ; dans le cas des thèses de maîtrise ou de doctorat, seuls le nom de l'auteur, le titre, l'université où elles ont été soumises et la date de leur parution sont mentionnés; enfin, pour les articles de revues, on fournit le nom de l'auteur, le titre de l'article et le nom du périodique où il a paru, accompagnés du numéro de volume et de la date. Dans le cas des livres, des brochures et des articles de revues, l'on a ajouté le nombre de pages à titre d'indication grossière de la longueur de l'écrit : la décision de consulter par la suite un ouvrage donné peut en effet dépendre de sa dimension. Le nombre de pages n'a cependant pas été indiqué pour les ouvrages en plusieurs tomes ou les thèses; on peut, en effet, supposer que, dans tous ces ouvrages, la question étudiée comporte des développements considérables. La bibliographie se divise en deux parties. La première partie, elle-même subdivisée en deux chapitres, se rapporte au contexte socioculturel canadien. Nos universités n'existent pas dans le vide; elles subissent l'influence du milieu dont elles font partie et elles-mêmes, à leur tour, agissent sur ce milieu. Quel que soit l'aspect considéré, toute étude sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada doit tenir compte des multiples forces qui animent et orientent la vie canadienne. C'est pourquoi l'on a consacré un chapitre de la bibliographie à la "Culture canadienne"; ce chapitre contient des références se rapportant à l'histoire du Canada et de ses provinces, à l'histoire des institutions religieuses, politiques et sociales, à l'évolution des groupes ethniques au Canada et aux relations de notre pays avec l'étranger. Pour des raisons analogues, le deuxième chapitre de la bibliographie groupe des ouvrages traitant de l'évolution de l'enseignement et de ses problèmes à tous les niveaux. Nos universités, sous plusieurs rapports, dépendent intimement des systèmes scolaires dont elles font partie



intégrante; dans une large mesure les traits qui les caractérisent proviennent de ce que nos écoles élémentaires et secondaires sont elles-mêmes d'un certain type. La deuxième partie qui porte sur l'enseignement supérieur proprement dit, contient un premier chapitre sur "l'histoire et les cadres institutionnels" des universités canadiennes. La première section de ce chapitre rassemble les textes traitant des universités canadiennes en général, la seconde consacre une sous-section à chacune des 28 universités du Canada et aux collèges classiques qui ont été considérés, en l'occurrence, comme une seule institution. Le chapitre intitulé "Programmes d'études et enseignement" comporte au delà de 40 sections portant sur les divers domaines de l'enseignement professionnel et une section pour chacune des sept catégories suivantes de disciplines générales : "Faculty of Arts", "Enseignement secondaire classique", "Humanités", "Sciences sociales", "Sciences", "Recherches", "Education des adultes". Les deux derniers chapitres de cette partie sont beaucoup plus courts que les précédents et ne comportent pas de section particulière. Ils contiennent des références à des ouvrages qui ne traitent ni d'une institution en particulier ni d'une discipline d'enseignement, mais plutôt du statut du professeur et de l'étudiant universitaires. Dans le chapitre consacré au "professeur", on a classé des sujets tels que la liberté académique, les salaires, la formation du professeur universitaire. Dans le chapitre intitulé "les étudiants" apparaissent tous les écrits où l'on discute des questions comme celles des bourses d'étude, de l'adaptation de l'étudiant étranger, etc. Il est arrivé à plusieurs reprises qu'un même ouvrage ou un même article traite de plusieurs sujets à la fois; dans ce cas, l'ouvrage a été classé autant de fois que nécessaire aux endroits appropriés. Par exemple, l'article intitulé "Historique de la Faculté des Arts à l'Université Laval" apparaît à la fois sous la rubrique "Université Laval" et sous la rubrique "Faculté des Arts". Règle générale, les compilateurs n'ont pas relevé les articles de journaux ni les articles de revue de moins de cinq pages, ni les textes publiés par les associations d'anciens ou d'étudiants. On a toutefois fait exception à ces règles dans le cas des articles de la revue Relations, dont le format dépasse celui des revues ordinaires, dans le cas également des comptes rendus des réunions de la Conférence nationale des Universités canadiennes, le fait qu'un sujet y soit discuté ayant une signification particulière, et, enfin, dans le cas des articles de journaux qui semblaient être le seul écrit connu sur le sujet.



A l'intérieur de chaque rubrique, l'on a respecté l'ordre chronologique de façon à montrer les variations dans le temps de l'intérêt manifesté pour chaque thème. Il n'est pas rare, en effet, que les dates de publication des textes enumeres soient particulièrement intéressantes en elles-mêmes et permettent de constater jusqu'à quel point un sujet a pu donner lieu à des débats animés, à certaines époques, et n'a suscité aucun intérêt à d'autres époques. L'on n'a pas séparé les unes des autres, pour en constituer deux listes distinctes, les références de langue française et les références de langue anglaise; l'enseignement supérieur n'a pas à se préoccuper des frontières linguistiques : Chemistry et Chimie constituent un seul sujet; aussi toutes les références à ce thème ont-elles été groupées sous la même rubrique, quelle que soit la langue dans laquelle elles ont été écrites. Une seule exception à cette règle : deux sections séparées ont été attribuées à la "Faculté des Arts" et à la "Faculty of Arts"; Ia raison qui justifie cette exception est la suivante : l'enseignement secondaire classique régi par la "Faculté des Arts", dans les universités de la Province de Québec, est à la fois de niveau "secondaire" et "collégial"; en outre, il se donne dans les collèges classiques c.-à-d. dans une institution indépendante, au point de vue administratif, de l'université elle-même; ces deux faits ont évidemment pour conséquence que la notion de "Faculté des Arts" dans les universités de langue française et celle de "Faculty of Arts" dans les universités de langue anglaise sont tout à fait différentes, et que les problèmes relatifs à l'organisation de l'enseignement, aux programmes d'étude, etc., dans les deux cas, ne sont absolument pas comparables : il valait donc mieux, malgré l'identité des appellations, consacrer deux sections à ce sujet. La proportion des écrits de langue française et de langue anglaise est une donnée significative pour plusieurs rubriques. L'orientation professionnelle, par exemple, compte parmi les disciplines professionnelles enseignées dans les universités de langue française, tandis que la "Vocational Guidance" n'apparaît pas au programme des institutions de langue anglaise. Le "Nursing" est une profession reconnue depuis longtemps au Canada anglais comme étant de niveau universitaire; dans le Québec, les "gardes-malades" ne poursuivent leur formation à l'université que depuis peu d'années; d'ailleurs, nous n'avons pas trouvé d'équivalent français à l'expression "Nursing". La religion, le journalisme, le droit, plusieurs autres rubriques se prêteraient à des comparaisons fructueuses du même ordre au sujet de la fréquence relative des références de langue anglaise et des références de langue française. Il va sans dire que la présente bibliographie de l'enseignement



supérieur au Canada a mis à contribution d'autres bibliographies publiées antérieurement sur le sujet ou des sujets connexes. Elle a cependant trouvé la plus large part de ses matériaux parmi les articles publiés dans plus de 150 périodiques canadiens. La liste de ces bibliographies et de ces périodiques apparaît à la fin de l'introduction. L'on y indique pour quelle période de publication l'on a dépouillé les périodiques en question et les sigles qui permettent de les identifier dans la bibliographie proprement dite. S'il s'agit d'un article paru dans un périodique non canadien, l'on a indiqué, entre parenthèses, à la suite du nom de la revue, le pays où celle-ci est publiée. Les compilateurs n'ont pas utilisé deux sources importantes de renseignements sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada : l'Encyclopedia Canadiana et les notices nécrologiques qui apparaissent dans les procès-verbaux de la Société Royale du Canada. Celles-ci contiennent de précieuses indications sur la vie et les œuvres d'un grand nombre de personnes intimement liées à l'évolution de nos universités. On trouve aussi dans l'Encyclopedia Canadiana des articles ( ordinairement accompagnés d'une bibliographie) sur toutes les institutions universitaires, les professions et beaucoup d'autres sujets: l'éducation des adultes, les collèges classiques, les bibliothèques, etc. Au-delà de 100 bibliothécaires, professeurs ou présidents d'université ont participé à la préparation de cet ouvrage. Autant que possible, chaque chapitre et chaque section ont été soumis à la critique d'une autorité dans la matière: un physicien a revu la liste de références portant sur la physique, le bibliothécaire de l'Université de Montréal a examiné la section consacrée à son Université; un doyen de faculté de pharmacie a également parcouru la section qui le concernait directement. Si la liste des références présentées sous chaque rubrique est relativement satisfaisante et représente convenablement l'ensemble de la littérature sur le sujet, elle le doit, dans une large mesure, au grand nombre d'additions que ces collaborateurs ont suggérées. Les compilateurs sont parfaitement conscients que leur bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, comme toutes les bibliographies d'ailleurs, n'est certes pas complète. Elle est même déjà désuète puisqu'elle s'arrête à décembre 1958. Aussi l'on projette de publier de temps à autre des suppléments qui en corrigeront les lacunes et la maintiendront à jour autant possible. A cette fin, les auteurs prient instamment les lecteurs éventuels de leur communiquer à l'adresse des éditeurs (University of Toronto Press) toutes les erreurs et omissions qu'ils auront notées. Les compilateurs désirent exprimer leur plus vive gratitude à Miss



Annabel Connell et à Mademoiselle Annette Faucher qui ont largement contribué à la préparation des six versions préliminaires et de la version finale de l'ouvrage. Ils remercient également leurs collègues du Comité que la Conférence canadienne des Universités a chargé d'étudier l'évolution de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada et qui est présidé par Monsieur le Doyen F. Stiling; ils remercient enfin Miss Francess Halpenny de University of Toronto Press qui a guidé et orienté la publication de cet ouvrage, ainsi que Miss Connell qui a préparé l'index des auteurs cités. R. S. H. A. T.

Sources I: BIBLIOGRAPHIES 1896 1938 1951 1952


1954 1956

1957 1958

Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada, 1896-1918. Continued in Can. Hist. Rev., 1920-. Smith, A. H. et al. A Bibliography of Canadian Education. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto, Dept. of Educational Research. Pp. 302. Lamb, W. K. et al. Canadian Graduate Theses in the Humanities and Social Sciences 1921-46. Ottawa: Cloutier. Pp. 194. Ratté, A. and G. Gagnon. Bibliographie analytique de la littérature pédagogique canadienne-française. Montréal: Assoc. Can. des Educateurs de Langue Française. Pp. 108. St.-Jean, A. Graduate Theses in Education, 1913-1952: Partial List. Toronto: Can. Ed. Assoc. Also Supplement A, 1954. Donaldson, H. "A Descriptive Bibliography of Manuscripts, Pamphlets and Books on Education in Upper Canada, Particularly for the Years 1791-1841." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Toronto. Martin, G. Bibliographie sommaire du Canada français, 1854-1954. Québec: Secrétariat de la Province de Québec. Pp. 104. Eels, W. C. "American Doctoral Dissertations on Education in Canada," Univ. Tor. Ç>. XXV, 249-58. Gangue, P. A Bibliographical Introduction to the Study of French Canada. Montreal: McGill Univ. Pp. 131. Peel, B. B. A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 680. Phillips, C. E. The Development of Education in Canada (Toronto: Gage), 607-15. Dominion Bureau of Statistics. A Bibliographical Guide to Canadian Education. Ottawa: Queen's Printer. Pp. 55. Thomson, M. and D. J. Ironside. Bibliography of Canadian Writings on Adult Education. Toronto: Can. Assoc. for Adult Ed. Pp. 56. Waiters, R. E. A Check List of Canadian Literature and Background Materials, 1628-1950. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 789.






Act. Fr. Act. Méd. Act. Nat. Act. Univ. Act. Econ. Agr. ACFAS Arch. Ass. Ing. For.

Action Française Action Médicale Action Nationale Action Universitaire Actualité Economique Agriculture Annales de l'A.C.F.A.S. Architecture Association des Ingénieurs Forestiers du Québec

1917-28 19251933193419251944193519461928-

B.C. Libr. Ass. Bull.

British Columbia Library Association Bulletin Bulletin de l'Association des Médecins de Langue Française de l'Amérique du Nord Bulletin de la Fédération des Collèges Classiques Bulletin des Gardes Malades Catholiques Superseded by Bull. Inf. Cath. Bulletin des Infirmières Catholiques du Canada Bulletin Médical de Québec superseded by Laval Méd. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie superseded by Géographie Bulletin de l'Université Laval Business Quarterly


Bull. Ass. Méd. Bull. Féd. Coll. Bull. Gardes-Malades Bull. Inf. Cath. Bull. Méd. Québec Bull. Soc. Géog. Bull. Univ. Laval Bus. Q. Cah, Acad. Can.-Fr.

Cah. Dix Cah. Droit Cah. Géog. Cah. Hôtel-Dieu Cah. Inst. Soc. Pop. Cah. Nouv.-Fr. Cah. Nursing Can. Fr. Can. Assoc. Med. Students & Internes Journal C.A.U.T. Bull.

Cahiers de l'Académie Canadienne-Française Cahiers des Dix Cahiers de Droit Cahiers de Géographie de Québec Cahiers de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec Cahiers de l'Institut Social Populaire Cahiers de Nouvelle-France Cahiers du Nursing Canadien Canada Français Canadian Association of Medical Students and Internes Journal Canadian Association of University Teachers Bulletin

1935-37 19561934-43 19431899-1931 1822-99 195319331956— 19361955195619451957195519571918-46 19411951-



Abbreviation Can. Bar Jour. Can. Bar Rev. Can. Cath. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept. Can. Chem. & Process Ind. Can. Def. Jour. Can. Ed. Can. Geog. Can. Geog. Jour. Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept. Can. Hist. Rev. Can. Home Econ. Jour. Can. Jour. Can. Jour. Agrie. Econ. Can. Jour. Agrie. Sci. Can. Jour. Bot. Can. Jour. Chem. Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. Can. Jour. Maths. Can. Jour. Phys. Can. Jour. Psych. Can. Jour. Pub. Health Can. Jour. Religious Thought Can. Jour. Research Can. Jour. Technology Can. Jour. Theol. Can. Jour. Zool. Can. Libr. Assoc. Bull. Can. Mag. Can. Mod. Lang. Rev. Can. Monthly

Title Canadian Bar Journal Canadian Bar Review Canadian Catholic Historical Associatíon, Annual Report

Dates 1958— 1928— 1934-

Canadian Chemistry and Process 1917Industries Canadian Defence Journal 1923— Canadian Education 1946— Canadian Geographer 1952Canadian Geographic Journal 1930Canadian Historical Association, 1915— Annual Report Canadian Historical Review 1920Canadian Home Economics Journal 1950Canadian Journal of Literature, 1852-78 Science and History superseded by Proc. R.C.I. Canadian Journal of Agricultural 1952Economics Canadian Journal of Agricultural 1952Science Canadian Journal of Botany 1951— Canadian Journal of Chemistry 1929Canadian Journal of Economics and 1935Political Science Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1949Canadian Journal of Physics 1951— Canadian Journal of Psychology 1947Canadian Journal of Public Health 1910Canadian Journal of Religious 1924-32 Thought Canadian Journal of Research 1929-50 Canadian Journal of Technology 1951Canadian Journal of Theology Canadian Journal of Zoology Canadian Library Association Bulletin Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature Canadian Modern Language Review


Canadian Monthly and National Review superseded by Rose Belford Can. Monthly








Can. Nurse Can. Pharm. Jour. Can. Pol. Sci. Assoc. Papers Can. Psychologist Can. Surveyor Chem. Can. Cité Libre Coll. et Fam. Comm. Jour. Conf. Péd. Culture

Canadian Nurse Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal Canadian Political Science Association Papers Canadian Psychologist Canadian Surveyor Chemistry in Canada Cité Libre Collège et Famille Commerce Journal Conférences Pédagogiques Culture

190518681913, 1930-34 19511922194919511944193319441940-

Dalhousie Rev.

Dalhousie Review


Ed. Record Prov. Quebec Eng. Jour. Ens. Pr. Ens. Sec. Et. Slav. Explorations

Educational Record of the Province of Quebec Engineering Journal Enseignement Primaire Enseignement Secondaire Etudes Slaves et Est-européennes Explorations


Fam.-Coll. Food for Thought For. Chron. For. et Cons. For. et Ferme



Famille-Collège Food for Thought Forestry Chronicle Forêt et Conservation La Forêt et la Ferme superseded by Vie For. La Forêt Québécoise superseded by For. et Cons. France-Canada


La Garde-Malade





Inf. Méd. Ing. Instr. Publ.

Information Médicale L'Ingénieur Instruction Publique


Jalons Jour. Can. Dent. Assoc.

Jalons Journal of the Canadian Dental Association


For. Québécoise


1939-49 1909-

SOUBCES Abbreviation


xxiii Dates

Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. Jour. Mus. Can. Jour. R. Arch. Inst. Can. Jour. R. Astron. Assoc.

Journal of the Canadian Medical Association Journal Musical Canadien Journal of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Journal of the Royal Astronomical Association

Laënnec Méd. Laval Méd. Laval Théol. Philos.

Laënnec Medical Laval Médical Laval Théologique et Philosophique


McGill Univ. Mag. McMaster Univ. Monthly Mém. S.R.C.

McGill University Magazine McMaster University Monthly

1901-06 1891-1930

Mémoires de la Société Royale du Canada Modem Language Journal La Musique


Mod. Lang. Jour. Musique Nat. Can. N.C.C.U. Proc.



Nos Cahiers Nouv.-Fr. Nouv. Rev. Can

Le Naturaliste Canadien 1868Proceedings of the National Con1911ference of Canadian Universities Nos Cahiers 1936-39 Nouvelle-France 1902-18 Nouvelle Revue Canadienne 1951—

Ont. Hist. Ont. Jour. Ed. Research Ont. Lib. Rev. Orient.

Ontario History Ontario Journal of Educational Research Ontario Library Review Orientation

Péd.-Or. Pharmacien Physics in Canada Phoenix Proc. Dom. Ed. Assoc. Proc. Gen. Soc. Can.

Pédagogie-Orientation Le Pharmacien Physics in Canada Phoenix Proceedings of the Dominion Educational Association Proceedings of the Genetic Society of Canada Proceedings of the Geological Association of Canada Proceedings of the Royal Canadian Institute superseded by Trans. R.C.I.

Proc. Geol. Assoc. Can. Proc. R.C.I.

18991958— 1916— 194119471930194919461892-1917 195619471879-89



Abbreviation Proc. R.S.C.

Title Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada

Dates 1882-

Queen's Q.

Queen's Quarterly


Relations Relations Ind. Rev. Barr. Rev. Can. Rev. Can. Biol. Rev. Can. Géog. Rev. Can. Urb. Rev. Dom. Rev. Droit Rev. Econ. Can.

Relations 1941Relations Industrielles 1950Revue du Barreau 1941— Revue Canadienne 1902Revue Canadienne de Biologie 1942Revue Canadienne de Géographie 1947Revue Canadienne d'Urbanisme 1951Revue Dominicaine 1915Revue du Droit 1922Revue Economique Canadienne 1911-25 superseded by Act. Econ. Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique 1947Française Revue Légale 1895Revue Médicale de l'Université de 1949Montréal Revue du Notariat 1898Revue de Pharmacie: Professionnelle 1949et Pratique Revue Trimestrielle Canadienne 1915-55 superseded by Ing. Revue de l'Université Laval 1946Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa 1931Rose Belford Canadian Monthly 1879-82 and National Review

Rev. Hist Rev. Leg. Rev. Méd. Univ. Montréal Rev. Notariat Rev. Pharm.

Rev. Trim. Can. Rev. Univ. Laval Rev. Univ. Ottawa Rose Belford Can. Monthly Sask. Hist. Sci. Agr. Sci. Eccl. Semaines Sociales Sem. Reí. Québec Serv. Soc. Soc. Can. Ed. Adultes Synthèse Thémis Trans. Lit. Hist. Soc. Québec Trans. R.C.I.

Saskatchewan History 1948Scientific Agriculture 1921-52 superseded by Can. Jour. Agr. Sci. Sciences Ecclésiastiques 1948Semaines Sociales du Canada 1920Semaine Religieuse de Québec 1888Service Social 1951Société Canadienne d'Education 1955des Adultes Synthèse 1933Thémis Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute

19511829-1924 1889-






Trans. R.S.C.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada


Union Méd. Univ. Mag. Univ. Tor. Q.

Union Médicale du Canada University Magazine University of Toronto Quarterly

18721905-20 1931-

Vie For. Vieil Esch.

Vie Forestière Le Vieü Escholier de Laval

1930-31 1949-


1842 1852 1862 1863 1866 1867 1869 1875

1877 1878 1880

Fídler, I. Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners, and Emigration in the United States and Canada . . . in 1832. London. Pp. 434. Mackenzie, W. L. (chairman). The Seventh Report from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada on Grievances. . . . Toronto. Pp. 470. Durham, Earl of. Report on the Affairs of British North America from the Earl of Durham, Her Majesty's High Commissioner. London. Ed. with an Introduction by C. P. Lucas (Oxford, 1912), 3 vols. Young, C. R. On Colonial Literature, Science and Education. . . . Halifax. Pp.363. Lillie, A. Canada: Its Growth and Prospects. Brockville. Pp. 60. Playter, G. F. The History of Methodism in Canada. Toronto. Pp. 414. Hind, H. Y. et al. Eighty Years Progress of British North America. Toronto. Pp. 770. Rev. ed. entitled The Dominion of Canada (1869). Pp.776. Laflèche, L. Quelques considérations sur les rapports de la société civile avec la religion et la famille. Montréal. Pp. 268. Carroll, J. Case and his Contemporaries; or The Canadian Itinerant's Memorial: A Biographical History of Methodism in Canada. Toronto. 5 vols. Giroux, H. Histoire et statistiques des institutions catholiques de Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 80. Bryce, G. The Presbyterian Church in Canada and the Canadian North-West. Toronto. Pp.21. Douglas, J. "The Intellectual Progress of Canada during the Last Fifty Years," Can. Monthly VII, 465-76. Davin, N. F. The Irishman in Canada. Toronto. Pp. 692. Lindsey, C. Rome in Canada: The Ultramontane Struggle for Supremacy over the Civil Authority. Toronto. Pp. 398. Legendre, N. Notre constitution et nos institutions. Montréal. Pp. 42. DeCazes, P. Notes sur le Canada. Québec. Pp. 232. Rattray, J. The Scot in British North America. Toronto, 1880-84. 2 vols.



1881 Bourinot, J. G. The Intellectual Development of the Canadian People. Toronto. Pp. 128. Cornish, G. H. Cyclopedia of Methodism in Canada. Toronto, 18811903. 2 vols. 1882 Bourinot, J. G. "Report of the Provisional Council for the Foundation of the Royal Society of Canada," Proc. R.S.C., ii-iv. Suite, B. Histoire des Canadiens français: 1608-1680. Montréal. 8 vols. 1885 Langevin, H. Le Canada: ses institutions, ses ressources, ses produits, ses manufactures. Québec. 1887 Gosselin, D. Histoire populaire de l'Eglise du Canada. Québec. Pp. 189. Stimson, E. R. History of the Separation of Church and State in Canada. Toronto. Pp. 201. 1889 Mercier, H. Esquisse générale de la province de Québec. Québec. Pp. 64. 1891 Grant, G. M. "The Royal Society and Education," Proc. R.S.C., xxx-xl. 1893 Bourinot, J. G. "Our Intellectual Strength and Weakness: A Short Review of Literature, Education and Art in Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 3-36. 1894 Taurines, G. de. La Nation canadienne: étude historique sur les populations françaises du nord de l'Amérique. Paris. Pp. 338. 1895 Gosselin, A.-H. L'Eglise du Canada. Paris. Pp. 41. 1896 Mockridge, H. J. The Bishops of the Church of England in Canada and Newfoundland. Toronto. Pp. 380. 1898 Hopkins, J. C., ed. Canada: An Encyclopedia of the Country. Toronto, 1898-1900. 6 vols. 1900 Bourinot, J. G. Builders of Nova Scotia. Toronto. Pp. 197. Buies, A. La Province de Québec. Québec. Pp. 252. Hopkins, J. C. Progress of Canada in the Nineteenth Century. Toronto. Pp. 538. National Council of Women of Canada. Women of Canada: Their Life and Work. The Council. Pp. 442. 1902 Bourassa, H. "Le Patriotisme canadien-français," Rev. Can. I, 423-48. Nicholson, B. The French Canadians. Toronto. Pp. 132. Saunders, E. M. History of the Baptists of the Maritime Provinces. Halifax. Pp.520. 1903 McAleer, G. The Province of Quebec: Its History and its People. Worcester. Pp.29. Poirier, P. "Mouvement intellectuel chez les Canadiens français depuis 1900," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 109-16. 1905 Girard, A. La Province de Québec. Québec. Pp. 318. 1906 Gervais, R. "A propos d'un livre perfide: André Siegfried 'Le Canada, les deux races,' " Nouv. Fr. V, 340-53, 436-47, 485-99. Siegfried, A. Le Canada: les deux races: problèmes politiques contemporains. Paris. Pp. 415. 1907 Siegfried, A. The Race Question in Canada. New York. Pp. 343.



1909 1910 1911

1912 1913




1917 1918 1919


Canadian Press Assoc. A History of Journalism in the Several Portions of the Dominion. .. . Toronto. Pp. 242. Loir, A. Canada et Canadiens. Paris. Pp. 371. Suite, B. A History of Quebec, its Resources and People. Montreal. 2 vols. Asselin, O. A Quebec View of Canadian Nationalism. Montreal. Pp. 61. Morice, A. G. History of the Catholic Church in Western Canada. Toronto. 2 vols. Desrosiers, A. et P.-A. Fournet. La Race française en Amérique. Montréal. Pp. 364. Fitch, E. R., ed. The Baptists of Canada: A History of their Progress and Achievement. Toronto. Pp. 304. Gosselin, A.-H. L'Eglise du Canada depuis Mgr de Laval jusqu'à la conquête. Québec. 3 vols. Hardy, E. A. The Public Library: Its Place in our Educational System. Toronto. Pp. 223. Arnauld, L. Nos amis les Canadiens. Paris. Pp. 364. Bourassa, H. La Langue française et l'avenir de notre race. Québec. Pp. 22. Homier, P. La Langue française au Canada. Montréal. Pp. 93. Shortt, A. and A. G. Doughty, eds. Canada and its Provinces. Toronto, 1913-17. 23 vols. Bourassa, H. French and English: Frictions and Misunderstandings. Montreal. Pp.23. MacPhie, J. P. Pictonians at Home and Abroad: Sketches of Professional Men and Women of Pictou County: Its History and Institutions. Boston. Pp. 232. Eastman, S. N. Church and State in Early Canada. Edinburgh. Pp. 301. Groulx, L. Nos luttes constitutionnelles. Montréal. Pp. 102. Morice, A.-G. Histoire de l'Eglise catholique dans l'Ouest canadien. Montréal. 4 vols. Baker, A. "Canada's Intellectual Status and Intellectual Needs," Proc. R.S.C., xli-lxxii. Bourassa, H. Hier, aujourd'hui, demain: problèmes nationaux. Montréal. Pp. 178. Chapáis, T. "La Province de Québec et la minorité anglaise," Nouv. Fr. IV, 145-64. D'Armours, J.-A. Où allons-nous? Le nationalisme canadien. Montréal. Pp. 73. Gosselin, A.-H. L'Eglise du Canada: 1775-1789. Québec. 8 vols. Roy, F. L'Appel aux armes et la réponse canadienne-française: étude sur le conflit des races. Québec. Pp. 45. Gouin, L. Quebec and the Confederation. Montreal. Pp. 34. Groulx, L. La Confédération canadienne. Montréal. Pp. 253. Moore, W. H. The Clash. Toronto. Pp. 333. Holmes, G. A. Meeting the French Canadians Half-Way. Montreal. Pp. 24.



Morley, P. F. Bridging the Chasm. Toronto. Pp. 182. Scott, E. F. "The Effects of the War on Literature and Learning," Queen's Q. XXVII, 147-58. 1921 Chattier, E. "Le Canada français: la situation économique, politique et sociale," Rev. Can. XXVI, 175-85; XXVII, 272-85. 1923 Bourassa, H. Patriotisme, nationalisme, impérialisme. Montréal: Le Devoir. Pp. 63. Dexter, R. C. "French Canadian Patriotism," Amer. Jour. Sociology XXVIII, 694-710. Kennedy, W. P. M., éd. Social and Economie Conditions in thé Dominion of Canada. Annals of American Academy of Social and Political Science CVII (May, 1923). Pp. 319. 1924 Bracq, J. C. The Evolution of French Canada. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 467. Charpentier, F. "L'Anglomanie," Act. Fr. XII, 194-209. Hawke, J. Saskatchewan and its People. Regina: S. J. Clarke. 3 vols. Marquis, C.-E. Expansion industrielle dans le Québec. Montréal: Ecole Sociale Populaire. Pp. 24. Perreault, A. "Enquête sur le nationalisme," Act. Fr. XI, 105-18. Quebec Literary and Historical Society. The Centenary Volume: 1824-1924. Québec: L'Evénement. Pp. 196. 1925 Bastien, H. Conditions de notre destin national. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 239. Bruchési, E. "Le Bilinguisme dans le Québec," Act. Fr. XIV, 4-20. Falconer, R. The United States as a Neighbor: From a Canadian Point of View. Cambridge, Mass.: Univ. Press. Pp. 259. McTavish, N. M. The Fine Arts in Canada. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 181. Paquet, L.-A. Le Bréviaire du patriote canadien-français. Montréal: Action Française. Pp. 59. 1926 Call, F. O. The Spell of French Canada. Boston: Page. Pp. 272. Hart, A. D., éd. The Jew in Canada. Toronto: Can. Jewish Publications. Pp. 575. Webster, J. C. The Distressed Maritimes: A Story of Educational and Cultural Conditions. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 46. 1927 Action Française. Les Canadiens français et la Confédération canadienne. Montréal: Action Française. Pp. 144. Bracq, J. C. L' Evolution du Canada français. Paris: Pion. Pp. 457. Clark, J. B. M. "French and English in the Province of Quebec," Nineteenth Century and After (U.K.) CH, 327-36. Dorland, A. G. A History of the Society of Friends (Quakers) in Canada. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 343. Groulx, L. "Les Canadiens français et l'établissement de la Confédération," Act. Fr. XVII, 282-301. Webster, J. C. "Canadian Cultural Development," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept. 74—81. 1928 Goforth, J. F. "The Economie and Ethnological Basis of Canadian Confederation." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ.




1931 1932






Vattier, G. Essai sur la mentalité canadienne-française. Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion. Pp. 384. Pierce, L. Towards the "Bonne entente." Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 43. Pierce, L., éd. The Chronicle of a Century, 1829-1929: The Record of One Hundred fears of Progress in the Publishing Concerns of the Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregationalist Churches in Canada. Toronto: United Church Publishing House. Pp. 271. Prat, H. "La Pensée franco-britannique," Rev. Trim. Can. XVI, 50-62. Roy, A. Les Lettres, les sciences et les arts au Canada sous le régime français. Paris: Jouve. Pp. 292. Wood, W. C. H. The Storied Province of Quebec. Dominion Pub. Co. 4 vols. Bovey, W. Canadien: A Study of the French Canadians. Toronto: Dent. Pp.293. Brady, A. Canada. London: Ernest Benn. Pp. 374. Royal Society of Canada. Fifty Years Retrospect: Anniversary Volume, 1882-1932. The Society. Pp. 179. Barbeau, M. "Nos anciens artisans," Rev. Trim. Can. XIX, 258-69. Harvey, D. C. "Intellectual Awakening of Nova Scotia," Dalhousie Rev. XIII, 1-22. Hughes, E. C. "The French-English Margin in Canada," Amer. Jour. Sociology. XXXIX, 1-11. Ridington, T. et al. Libraries in Canada: A Study of Conditions and Needs. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 153. Gagnon, O. "L'Evolution de l'autonomie canadienne," Act. Econ. X, 94-109. Groulx, L. "Le National et le religieux," Act. Nat. Ill, 93-98. Lanctôt, G. Le Canada d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 295. Langlois, G. "Les Canadiens français et la Confédération canadienne," Act. Econ. X, 1-12. Langlois, G. Histoire de la population canadienne française. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 309. Lévesque, A. La Nation canadienne-française, son existence, ses droits, ses devoirs. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 161. Tanghe, R. "Les Voies de la jeune génération," Can. Fr. XXII 305-15, 411-25, 534-45. Charbonneau, J. L'Ecole littéraire de Montréal, ses origines, ses influences. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 319. Groulx, L. Nos positions. Québec: Action Catholique. Pp. 36. Jamieson, S. "French and English in the Institutional Structure in thé Province of Quebec." Unpublished M. A. thesis, McGill Univ. Laurendeau, A. Notre nationalisme. Montréal: Tracts Jeune-Canada. Pp. 52. Roy, C. "La Culture de l'esprit français au Canada," France-Canada 77-82. Groulx, L. Dix ans d'action française. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 273.






Hébert, M. Les Lettres au Canada français. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 247. Hudon, T. Est-ce la fin de la Confédération? Montréal: Messager. Pp. 188. Lachance, L. Nationalisme et religion. Ottawa: Collège Dominicain. Pp. 195. Reid, W. S. The Church of Scotland in Lower Canada. Toronto: Presbyterian Publ. Pp. 190. Roy, C. "Appel au public: deuxième congrès de la langue française au Canada," Ens. Sec. XVI, 136-42. Armstrong, E. M. The Crisis of Quebec: 1914-18. New York: Columbia Univ. Press. Pp. 270. Hastien, H. Le Bilinguisme au Canada. Montréal: Action Canadienne-française. Pp. 206. Lévesque, A. Les Canadiens français chez eux. Montréal: Action Canadienne-française. O'Leary, D. Le Séparatisme, doctrine constructive. Montréal: Les Jeunesses patriotes. Pp. 218. Anderson, V. Problems in Canadian Unity. Toronto: Nelson. Pp. 153. Bovey, W. The French Canadians To-Day. Toronto: Dent. Pp. 362. Bull, W. P. From Strachan to Owen: How the Church of England was Planted and Tended in British North America. Toronto: Perkins Bull Foundation. Pp. 495. Carón, M. "La Province de Québec est-elle un Etat?" Act. Econ. XIII, 121-132. Gérin, L. Le Type économique et social des Canadiens: milieux agricoles de tradition française. Montréal: Action Canadiennefrançaise. Pp. 218. Glazebrook, G. P. de T. A History of Transportation in Canada. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 475. Harvey, J. C. Can We Achieve Canadian Unity? Montreal: Empire Club, Pp. 184. Hughes, E. C. "Position and Status in a Quebec Industrial Town," Am. Soc. Rev. Ill, 709-717. McLean, C. H., éd. Prominent People of New Brunswick in the Religious, Educational, Political, Professional, Commercial and Social Activities. With an Introductory Essay by A. G. Bailey. Saint John: Biographical Society of Canada. Pp. 261. Minville, E. "Quelques aspects du problème social de la province de Québec," Act. Econ. XIV, 410-24. Morin, W. Nos droits à Tindépendance politique. Paris: Guillemat. Pp. 253. Revue Dominicaine. Notre américanisation. Montréal: Œuvre de Presse Dominicaine. Pp. 266. Bull, W. P. From McDonald to McGuigan: The History of the Growth of the Roman Catholic Church in Upper Canada. Toronto: Perkins Bull Foundation. Pp. 501.







Carón, I. "Inventaire de documents concernant l'Eglise du Canada sous le régime français," Rapport de l'Archiviste de la P.Q. pour 1939-40, 155-353; 1940-41, 333-473; 1941-42, 179-298. Fraser, J. F. The Spirit of French Canada. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 219. Minville, E. et al. L'Avenir de notre bourgeoisie. Montréal: Bernard Valiquette. Pp. 138. Rosenberg, L. Canadas Jews: A Social and Economie Study. Montréal: Canadian Jewish Congress. Pp. 418. St-Denis, H. "Fascism in Quebec: A False Alarm," Rev. Univ. Ottawa. IX, 101-10. Siegfried, A. Le Canada, puissance internationale. Paris: Armand Colin. Pp. 234. Bovey, W. Canadien: étude sur les Canadiens français. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 325. Carón, M. "Y a-t-il un provincialisme légitime?" Act. Econ. XV, 401-15. Tremblay, J.-J. Patriotisme et nationalisme. Ottawa: Université d'Ottawa. Pp. 233. Cadieux, M. et P. Tremblay. "Le Dualisme canadien," Rev. Trim. Can. XXVII, 63-75. Chartier, E. Au Canada français: vie de l'esprit, 1760—1925. Montréal: Bernard Valiquette. Pp. 356. Gendron, R. "Les Canadiens français et la Confédération." Thèse de Maîtrise, Univ. d'Ottawa. Maurault, O. et al. French Canadian Backgrounds. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 101. Ross, E. D. "The French and English Social Elites in Montréal." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Chicago. Turcotte, E. Réflexions sur ^avenir des Canadiens français. Montréal: Valiquette. Pp. 165. Tweedsmuir, Lord. Canadian Occasions. Toronto: Musson. Pp. 256. Bovey, W. Les Canadiens français d'aujourd'hui. Montréal: Action Canadienne-française. Pp. 417. Clark, S. D. The Social Development of Canada. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 484. Maheux, A. French Canada and Britain. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 121. Minville, E. et al. Notre milieu: aperçu général sur la province de Québec. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 443. Scott, F. R. "Political Nationalism and Confederation," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sc. VIII, 3-30. Vaillancourt, E. Canadian Unity and Quebec. Montreal. Pp. 16. Angers, F.-A. "Vues canadiennes-françaises sur le problème canadien," Culture IV, 482-94. Ares, R. Notre question nationale. Montréal: Action Nationale. 3 vols. Groulx, L. Pourquoi sommes-nous divisés? Montréal: Action Nationale. Pp. 42.






Hughes, E. C. French Canada in Transition. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. Pp. 227. (See 1944, Hughes.) Lower, A. R. M. "Two Ways of Life: The Primary Antithesis of Canadian History," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Kept., 15-17. Maheux, A. Pourquoi sommes-nous divisés? Montréal: RadioCanada. Pp. 213. (See 1944, Maheux.) Rothney, G. O. "Nationalism in Quebec Politics since Laurier," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 43-49. Rumilly, R. Histoire de la province de Québec. Montréal: divers éditeurs. 29 vols. Sanders, W. Jack and Jacques. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 46. Frégault, G. La Civilisation de la Nouvelle-France. Montréal: Pascal. Pp. 288. Gordon, R. S. "Equality for French Canadians is Essential for Canadian Unity," Today I, 6-7, 28-30. Hughes, E. C. Rencontre de deux mondes: la crise de Findustrialisation au Canada français. Traduit de l'anglais par J.-C. Falardeau. Montréal: Lucien Parizeau. Pp. 388. (See 1943, Hughes.) Innis, H. A. Political Economy in the Modern State. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp.270. Langlois, G. "Le Type social du Canadien français." Thèse de Maîtrise, Univ. d'Ottawa. Maheux, A. What Keeps Us Apart. Quebec. Pp. 186. (See 1943, Maheux. ) Ryerson, S. B. French Canada: A Study in Canadian Democracy. Toronto: Progress Books. Pp. 237. Woodley, M. C. The Province of Quebec through Four Centuries. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 225. Bell, A. F. "Deux conceptions de la vie," Relations XLI, 74-76. Brebner, J. B. North Atlantic Triangle: The Interplay of Canada, the United States and Great Britain. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 274. Englands, V. J. Lutherans in Canada. Winnipeg: Icelandic Evangelical Lutheran. Pp. 326. Perrault, A. Religion, culture et liberté au Canada. Montréal: Ecole Sociale Populaire. Pp. 80. Perrault, J. "La Religion et notre société canadienne-française," Culture. VI, 294-306. Rousse, J. B. "Unity in Diversity," Ed. Rev. (U.S.) LIX, 12-15. Simard, G. Pour l'éducation dans un Canada souverain. Ottawa: Univ. d'Ottawa. Pp. 243. Bonenfant, J.-C. and J.-C. Falardeau. "Cultural and Political Implications of French-Canadian Nationalism," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 56-74. Garneau, F.-X. Histoire du Canada. (Sème édition) Montréal: L'Arbre. 9 vols. Gérin, L. Aux sources de notre histoire: les conditions économiques et sociales de la Nouvelle-France. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 275. Harvey, D. C. "The Age of Faith in Nova Scotia," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 1-20.







Lower, A. R. M. Colony to Nation: A History of Canada. Toronto: Longmans. Pp. 600. Nantel, M. "Nos institutions politiques et judiciaires," Cah. Dix XI, 191-200. Saunders, R. M. French Canadian Outlook. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 16. Wade, M. The French Canadian Outlook. New York: Viking Press. Pp. 192. Bailey, A. G. "On the Nature of the Distinction between the French and English in Canada," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 63-72. Fowke, V. C. Canadian Agricultural Policy: The Historical Pattern. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press. Pp. 304. Mclnnis, E. Canada: A Political and Social History. New York: Rinehart. Pp. 574. Bruchési, J. Canada: réalités d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. Montréal: Variétés. Pp. 403. Clark, S. D. Church and Sect in Canada. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 458. De Bic, P. "Le Fait canadien-français," Bull, de Recherches Econ. et Soc. de l'Univ. de Louvain (Belgique). XIII, 695-741. Innis, M. Q. An Economie History of Canada. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 363. Stevenson, J. A. "The Problem of French Canada," Quart. Rev. (U.S.) DLXXV, 113-25. Acal, A. "A Study of Mutual Attitudes of English-speaking Canadian and French-speaking Canadian Children." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Toronto. Ares, R. La Confédération, pacte ou loi. Montréal: Action Nationale. Pp. 76. Bruchési, J. "Aspect intellectuel et universitaire du Canada d'aprèsguerre," Culture X, 215-29. Falardeau, J.-C. "Mariage de raison," Food for Thought. X, 34-37. Lanctôt, G. "Influences réciproques des deux cultures," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 59-67. MacLennan, H. "The Psychology of Canadian Nationalism," Foreign Affairs. XXVII, 413-25. Ares, R. "Défense et illustration du fédéralisme," Act. Nat. XXXVII, 95-109. Banks, M. A. "Toronto Opinion of French Canada during the Laurier Régime: 1896-1911." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Toronto. Brown, G. W., ed. Canada. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press; Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 621. Bruchési, J. A History of Canada. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin. Pp. 338. Dawson, R. M. The Government of Canada. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp.662. Groulx, L. Histoire du Canada français. Montréal: Action Nationale. 4 vols.





Lortie, L. "Canadian Universities and a Canadian Culture," Act. Univ. XVI, 46-56. Massue, H. "Contribution des Canadiens d'origine française au génie canadien," ÁCFAS XVI. Ross, E. D. "Ethnie Relations and Social Structures: A Story of the Invasion of French-speaking Canadians into an English Canadian District." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Chicago. Ares, R. Avant et après le Rapport Massey. Montréal: Inst. Soc. Pop. Pp. 32. Ares, R. "Le Rapport de la Commission Massey," Act. Nat. XXXVIII, 127-38. Commission Royale d'Enquête sur l'avancement des arts, des lettres et des sciences au Canada. (1) Les Arts, les lettres et les sciences au Canada: recueil de quelques études spéciales. Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier. Pp. 430. (See 4 items below.) (2) Rapport de la Commission. . . . Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier. Pp. 596. ( See 4 items below. ) Falardeau, J.-C. "French Canada Past and Present." Typescript, the author. Pp. 25. Falardeau, J.-C. "Religious Sociology in Canada," Lumen Vitae VI, 1-2, 127-42. Reid, A. G. "The Nature of Quebec Society during the French Regime," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 26-35. Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences. (1) Report of. . . . Ottawa: King's Printer. Pp. 596. (See 4 items above.) (2) Royal Commission Studies. Ottawa: King's Printer. Pp.430. (See 4 items above.) Vandry, F. Culture française et civilisation canadienne. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 15. Angers, F.-A. "Les Arguments fallacieux du Rapport Massey," Act. Nat. XXXIX, 7-29. Angers, F.-A. "Comment la centralisation progresse," ibid. XL, 191-95. Angers, F.-A. "La Solution du Rapport Massey," ibid. XXXIX, 87-121, 214-45, 261-79. Bonenfant, J.-C. "Les Canadiens français et la naissance de la Confédération," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 39-45. Brunei, M. "Le Rapport Massey: réflexions et observations," Act. Univ. XVIII, 39-47. Falardeau, J.-C. "Rôle et importance de l'Eglise au Canada français," Esprit (France) XX, 214-29. Gagnon, E. "Visage de l'intelligence," ibid., 230-38. Laurendeau, A. "Y a-t-il une crise du nationalisme?" Act. Nat. XL, 207-22; XLI, 6-28. Lorrain, L. "L'Incompatibilité de génie du français et de l'anglais," Mem. S.R.C. XLVI, 60-69. Lortie, M. "Les Relations biculturelles du Canada," Contributions à F Etude des Sciences de l'Homme I, 11-52.






Scott, F. R. "Canada et Canada français," Esprit (France) XX, 178-89. Brown, G. W. Canada in the Making. Toronto: Dent. Pp. 151. Falardeau, J.-C. Essais sur le Québec contemporain. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 260. Groulx, L. "Pour inaugurer la chaire de civilisation canadienne française," Act. Nat. XLI, 122-45. O'Connell, M. P. "Henri Bourassa and Canadian Nationalism." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Toronto. Pearson, L. et al. Canada: Nation on the March. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin. Pp. 212. Rennie, D. L. C. "The Ethnie Division of Labour in Montréal." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. Rioux, M. "Remarques sur l'éducation secondaire et la culture canadienne-française," Cité Libre III, 34-42. Ross, E. D. "Ethnie Group Contacts and Status Dilemma," Phylon, XV, 267-75. Anonyme. "Conditions d'un Etat français dans la Confédération canadienne," Act. Nat. XLIII, 328-50. Bedel, M. et P. H. Simon. "Regards sur la Canada français," Act. Univ. XX, 59-66. Bonenfant, J.-C. Les Institutions politiques canadiennes. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 204. Brunet, M. Canadians et Canadiens: étude sur l'histoire et la pensée des deux Canadas. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 17. Désy, J. Les Sentiers de la culture. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 222. Frégault, G. La Société canadienne sous le régime français. Ottawa: Soc. Hist. Can. Pp. 16. Gilmour.G. P., éd. Canada's Tomorrow. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 324. Lamontagne, M. Le Fédéralisme canadien: évolution et problèmes, Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 300. Maheux, A. "Avons-nous changé?" Queens Q. LX, 532-37. Paradis, W. H. "Le Nationalisme canadien dans le domaine religieux," Rev. Hist. VII, 465-82. Percival, W. P. "The Province of Quebec, where French and English Meet," English Speaking World XXXVI, 21-23. Ross, E. D. "French and English Canadians: Contacts and Institutional Changes," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. XX, 281-95. Chapín, M. Quebec Now. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 185. Laurendeau, A. "Québec devrait s'appeler la Nouvelle-France," Act. Nat. XLV, 22-35. MacMillan, E., éd. Music in Canada. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 232. Pelletier, C. "Faut-il confier à Ottawa l'avenir de notre groupe ethnique?" Act. Nat. XLV, 22-35. Rioux, M. "Idéologie et crise de conscience du Canada français," Cité Libre XIV, 1-29. Wade, M. The French Canadians: 1760-1945. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 1136.





Angers, F.-A. La Centralisation et les relations fédérales-provinciales. Annexe au Rapport de la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels. Québec. Pp. 316. Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels. (1) Rapport. . . . Québec. 4 vols. (2) Table analytique des mémoires et autres documents consultés par.. . . Québec. Pp. 210. De Koninck, G. La Confédération, rempart contre le grand Etat. Annexe au Rapport de la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels. Québec. Pp. 39. Fr. Dominique de St-Denis. The Catholic Church in Canada. Montreal: Thiau. Pp. 269. L'Eglise catholique au Canada: précis historique et statistique. Montréal: Couvent des Capucins. Pp. 269. Hamelin, L.-E. et C.-L. Hamelin. Quelques matériaux de sociologie religieuse canadienne. Montréal: Lévrier. Pp. 156. Mailhot, B. "La Psychologie des relations inter-ethniques à Montréal," Contributions à l'étude des Sciences de l'Homme III, 7-24. Seeley, J. R. et al. Crestwood Heights. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 505. Steward, J. and J. Blackburn. "Tensions between English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians," Contr. Et. Se. Homme III, 145-68. Tremblay, A. Contribution à l'étude des problèmes et des besoins de renseignement dans la province de Québec. Annexe au Rapport de la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels. Québec. Pp. 407. Trudel, G. et J. Gagné. La Législation du travail dans la province de Québec. Annexe au Rapport de la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels. Québec. Pp. 81. Bruchési, J. "Le Fait français au Canada," Rev. Univ. Laval XI, 676-85. Brunet, M. "Les 'Canadians', l'Etat fédéral et l'éducation des citoyens du Canada," Act. Nat. XLVII (3), 273-84. "Le Canada français entre le passé et l'avenir," Chronique sociale de France V, 402-503. Falardeau, J.-C. "Dualité de cultures et gouvernement d'opinion au Canada," Opinion Publique XVI, 317-37. Henripin, J. "Observations sur la situation démographique des Canadiens français," Act. Econ. XXXII, 559-80. Lemoyne, J. "La Femme et la civilisation canadienne-française," Cité Libre XVII, 14-36. Park, J., éd. The Culture of Contemporary Canada. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press. Pp. 404. Philip, D. "Le Problème de l'intégration des Canadiens de langue française dans la nation canadienne: un point de vue anglais," Chron. Soc. France V, 475-79. Ryan, G. "L'Eglise catholique et l'évolution spirituelle du Canada français," ibid., 443-57.




Brunet, M. La Présence anglaise et les Canadiens: études sur l'histoire et la pensée des deux Canadas. Montréal: Beauchemin. Pp. 292. Dumont, F. "De quelques obstacles à la prise de consciences chez les Canadiens français," Cité Libre XIX, 22—28. Garigue, P. Etudes sur le Canada français. Montréal: Université de Montréal. Pp. 111. Hérisson, C.-D. "Langue et psychologie nationale," Rev. Univ. Laval XIII, 61-73. Léger, J. M. et al. "Québec Today," Univ. Tor. Q. XXVII, 307-412. Penfield, W. "The Libéral Arts in Canada," Dalhousie Rev. XXXVIII, 495-507. Ross, M., éd. The Arts in Canada: A Stock-taking at Mid-Century. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 176. Royal Commission on Canada's Economie Prospects. Report. . . . Ottawa: King's Printer. Pp. 509. Trudel, J.-P. "L'Education et la culture," Act. Nat. XLVII, 549-54. Université Laval et McGill University. People and Culture vivante. Presses Univ. Laval et McGill Univ. Press. Pp. 81. Viner, J. Canada and its Giant Neighbour. Ottawa: Carleton Univ. Pp. 60.



Cokrel, R. Thoughts on the Education of Youth. Newark (Upper Canada). Pp. 25. 1828 Strachan, J. A Speech . . . in the Legislature Council . . . on the Subject of the Clergy Reserves. York. Pp. 43. 1830 MacKenzie, W. L. Catechism of Education. York. Pp. 46. Strachan, J. A Letter to the Right Honourable Thomas Franklin Lewis, M. P. [on Clergy Reserves]. York. Pp. 112. 1836 Duncombe, C. Report upon the Subject of Education Made to the Parliament of Upper Canada, 25 Feb. 1836. Toronto. Pp. 260. 1838 Stuart, A. An Account of the Endowments for Education in Lower Canada from . . . 1763 to the Present Time. London. Pp. 132. 1839 Ryerson, E. The Clergy Reserve Question as a Matter of History, a Question of Law and a Subject of Legislation. . . . Toronto. Pp. 156. 1841 "Scotus" (David Burns). Colonial Legislation on the Subject of Education: Two Letters Originally Addressed to the Editor of the Hamilton Gazette. Toronto. Pp. 16. Wilkie, D. "A Few Observations on the Importance of Aiming at Some General System of Education in Canada at the Time, 1841," Trans. Lit. ¿r Hist. Soc. Quebec IV, 16-24. 1853 Strachan, J. The Clergy Reserves: A Letter from the Lord Bishop of Toronto to the Duke of Newcastle. . . . Toronto. Pp. 27. 1854 Strachan, J. The Clergy Reserves: A Letter from the Lord Bishop of Toronto to the Hon. H. N. Morin. Toronto. Pp. 27. 1857 Myrand, M. D. P. Mémoires sur le Canada: étude sur tinstruction chez les Canadiens français. Québec. Pp. 24. 1858 Henning, T. "The Applicability of our Educational System to the Social Condition of Large Cities," Can. Jour. Ill, 422-37. 1860 Meilleur, J.-B. Mémorial de l'éducation du Bas-Canada 1615-1855. Montréal. Pp. 386. 1864 Hodgins, J. G. Sketch of Education in Upper and Lower Canada. Toronto. Pp. 121. 1865 Langevin, A. "Aperçu historique des progrès de l'instruction dans le Bas-Canada," Cours de Pédagogie (Québec), 373-409. 1866 McGregor, P. G. Lecture on the Evils of a Superficial Education. Halifax. Pp. 16.



Chauveau, P.-J.-O. L'Instruction publique au Canada. Québec. Pp. 367. Meilleur, J.-B. Mémorial de l'éducation du Bas-Canada. Québec. Pp. 454. 1878 Drapeau, S. Histoire des institutions de bienfaisance et d'éducation au Canada. Ottawa. 1881 Boucher de la Bruère, P. De l'Education. St-Hyacinthe. 1883 Pelletier, A. Discours sur l'éducation. Trois-Rivières. Pp. 61. 1890 Legendre, N. Nos Ecoles. Québec. Pp. 95. 1892 Gosselin, D. "La Question des écoles du Manitoba," Sem. Rel. Québec V, 26-35. 1893 Frechette, L. A Propos d'éducation. Montréal. Pp. 91. 1894 Hodgins, J. G. Documentary History of Education in Canada from 1791-1876. Toronto, 1894-1910. 28 vols. 1896 Ross, G. W. The School System of Ontario . . . its History and Distinctive Features. New York. Pp. 203. 1897 Flynn, E. J. L'Education dans la province de Québec. Québec. Pp. 48. 1898 Boucher de la Bruère, P. The Catholic Schools of the Province of Quebec, their History and Organization. Pp. 12. Millar, J., G. W. Ross et al. "The Provincial Educational Systems of Canada" in J. C. Hopkins, éd., Canada: An Encyclopaedia of the Country (Toronto) III, 169-284. 1899 Harper, J. M. "An Educational Bureau for Canada," Can. Mag. XIV, 27-30. 1900 Decazes, P. "L'Instruction publique dans la province de Québec," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 53-72. Magnan, C.-J. "Notre Système scolaire: historique du système scolaire de 1800 à 1900," Ens. Pr. XXII, 131-35. 1903 Magnan, C.-J. Honneur à la province de Québec: mémorial sur l'éducation au Canada. Québec. Pp. 113. 1904 Boucher de la Bruère, P. Education and Constitution. Montréal. Pp. 99. 1905 Decazes, P. L'Instruction publique dans la province de Québec. Québec. Pp. 67. 1906 Conan, L. "Femmes du Canada: nos établissements d'éducation française," Rosaire XII, 504—11. 1909 Paquet, L.-A. L'Eglise et l'éducation au Canada. Québec. Pp. 346. 1911 Gosselin, A.-H. L'Instruction au Canada sous le régime français: 1635-1760. Québec. Pp. 511. Hodgins, J. G. Historical and Other Papers and Documents Illustrative of the Educational System of Ontario: 1792—1876. Toronto. 6 vols. Pierlot, H. La Législation scolaire de la province de Québec. Bruxelles. Pp. 155. 1912 Lord, F. Code scolaire de la province de Québec et les règlements du Comité catholique. Montréal. Pp. 580. Putnam, J. H. Egerton Ryerson and Education in Upper Canada. Toronto. Pp. 270.


1913 1914 1916 1917 1918

1919 1920 1922

1923 1924 1925 1927


1930 1932


Beauré, V. E. Réformes scolaires. Montréal. Pp. 26. Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Technical Education. Report. ... Ottawa. 3 vols. Parmalee, G. W. and J. C. Sutherland. Education in the Province of Quebec. Quebec. Pp. 130. MacPherson, W. E. "The Ontario Grammar Schools," Queens Q. XXIV, 193-214. Mathieu, C.-E. L'Education dans la Province de Québec. Pp. 30. Montpetit, E. "Notre Avenir: l'enseignement professionnel et la constitution d'une élite," Rev. Trim. Can. II, 305-21. Sissons, C. B. Bi-lingual Schools in Canada. London. Pp. 242. Bell, W. N. The Development of the Ontario High School. Toronto. Pp. 161. Georges, évoque de Philippopolis. "Nos forces nationales: notre enseignement," Act. Fr. II, 193-209. Sandiford, P. "Canada" in P. Sandiford, éd., Comparative Education: Studies of the Educational System of Six Modern Nations (Toronto), 343-437. Miller, J. N. Code scolaire de la Province de Québec. Québec. Pp. 336. Squair, J. John Seath and the School System of Ontario. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 124. Learned, W. S. and K. C. M. Sills. Education in thé Maritime Provinces of Canada. New York: Carnegie Corporation. Pp. 50. Magnan, C.-J. "Un Essor intellectuel," Ens. Pr. XLIII, 466-69. Thibeau, P. W. "Education in Nova Scotia before 1811," Unpublished doct. dissertation, Catholic Univ. of America. Lamarche, M. A. "Culture féminine," Rev. Dom. XXIX, 316-30. MacLean, D. A. Catholic Schools in Western Canada, their Legal Status. Toronto: Extension Print. Pp. 162. Roy, P.-E. La Formation du régime scolaire canadien-français. Québec: Laflamme. Pp. 259. Dupuy, P. "L'Enseignement au Canada français," Rev. Trim. Can. XI, 253-65. Currie, A. W. "Is Canadian Education Fulfilling its Purpose?" N.C.C.U. Proc., 22-31. Montpetit, E. "Les Canadiens français et le développement intellectuel du Canada," Act. Fr. XVII, 329-39. Dyde, W. F. Public Secondary Education in Canada. New York: Teachers' College, Columbia Univ. Pp. 263. Montpetit, E. "French Canadian Cooperation Intellectual," Rev. Trim. Can. XV, 198-214. Dubois, P. "L'Etat et l'éducation," Semaines Sociales X, 74-95. Bastien, H. La Défense de l'intelligence. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 215. Woodley, E. C. "The History of Education in thé Province of Quebec: A Bibliographical Guide," Unpublished M. A. thesis, McGill Univ.



1936 1937





Groulx, L. L'Enseignement français au Canada: les écoles des minorités. Montréal: Granger. Pp. 327. Clarke, F. "A Survey of Tendencies in Secondary Education in Canada, Past, Present and Future" in E. Percy, éd., The Yearbook of Education 1934 (London: Evans), 557-606. Fandrich, R. L'Ecole primaire supérieure: un chapitre de l'histoire de l'enseignement au Canada. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 183. Lester, R. M. Review of Grants in the Maritime Provinces of Canada and in Newfoundland, 1911-1933. New York: Carnegie Corporation. Pp. 34. Clarke, F. "Education in Canada: An Impression," Queen's Q. XLII, 309-21. Roy, C. Nos problèmes d'enseignement. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 221. Harvey, D. C. "Early Academies in Nova Scotia 1841-50," Jour. Ed. Nova Scotia VII, 363-68. Allen, H. G. "The Organization and Administration of the Educational Systems of the Canadian Provinces of Quebec and Ontario." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Syracuse Univ. Fr. Cyrille. L'Œuvre d'un siècle. Montréal: Frères des Ecoles chrétiennes. Pp. 588. Lodge, R. C. Philosophy of Education. London: Harper. Pp. 328. Rev. éd. 1947. Pp. 350. Savoie, C.-F. Le Système d'éducation au Nouveau-Brunswick. Bathurst. Pp. 24. Simard, G. Etudes canadiennes: éducation, politique, choses d'Eglise. Ottawa: Ed. Univ. Ottawa. Pp. 220. Sissons, C. B. Egerton Ryerson, His Life and Letters. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1937-47. 2 vols. Villeneuve, J.-M.-R. Quelques pierres de doctrine. Montréal: Beauchemin. Pp. 217. Woods, D. S. Education in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Economie Survey Board. 2 vols. Lebel, M. Suggestions pratiques sur notre enseignement. Ottawa: Lévrier. Pp. 228. Webster, E. C. Guidance for the High School Pupil: A Study of Quebec Secondary Schools. Montreal: McGill Univ. Pp. 153. Forest, M.-C. "Coordination de notre enseignement," Rev. Dom. XLVI, 169-75. Gaudron, E. "Faillites et relèvement de l'éducation au Canada," Culture I, 273-89. Hérisson, C. D. "Le Rôle et la formation des élites au Canada français," Can. Fr. XXVII, 925-32. Miller, J. C. 'National Government and Education in Federated Democracies—Dominion of Canada. Philadelphia: privately printed. Pp. 676. Percival, W. P. Life in School: An Explanation of the Protestant School System of the Province of Quebec. Quebec: Herald. Pp. 140.



1942 1943




1948 1949



Chaloult, R. De l'Education. Québec. Pp. 20. Cousineau, J. "Le Problème no 1 de notre enseignement," Relations I, 90-93. Gallagher, J. C. "A Study of French Influences on Canadian Education with Special Reference to Quebec," Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. Ledit, J. Politique et éducation. Montréal: Beauchemin. Pp. 321. Roy, C. Pour former des hommes nouveaux. Montréal: Valiquette. Pp. 208. Waites, K. A. The First Fifty Years: Vancouver High Schools, 1890-1940. Vancouver: Vancouver School Board. Pp. 160. Marion, S. "Le Problème de l'éducation et le journalisme canadienfrançais de 1800," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XII, 302-26, 458-78. Canada & Newfoundland Education Association. Report of the Summer Committee. Toronto. Pp. 80. De Léry, L. "Un enseignement fédéralisé," Relations III, 6-7. Lortíe, L. "Problème de l'enseignement québécois," Culture IV, 524-31. De Léry, L. "L'Autonomie provinciale en éducation," Relations V, 94-95. Lebel, M. "Le Rôle de l'enseignement dans la vie de nos institutions," ibid. VI, 401-12. Bilodeau, C. L'Education, facteur de prospérité. Québec: Université Laval. Pp. 24. Percival, W. P. Across the fears: A Century of Education in the Province of Quebec. Montreal: Gazette. Pp. 195. Saunders, R. M., ed. Education for Tomorrow. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 130. Walker, A. N. B. "History of Education in Ontario, 1791 to 1841." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Bishop's Univ. Angers, F.-A. "Les Propositions fédérales aux provinces et l'avenir des Canadiens français," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XVII, 13-33. Gendron, G. "La Contribution financière du clergé à l'enseignement dans le Québec," Act. Econ. XXIII, 265-84. Graham, W. C., ed. Education and the New Age: A Series of Addresses Delivered at United College, Winnipeg. . . . Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 81. Penny, A. G. Moulding our To-morrows: A Survey of the First Hundred fears of Protestant Education in Quebec. Quebec: Protestant Board of School Commissioners. Pp. 77. Sr Ste-Madeleine-des-Anges. "Histoire d'une évolution," Coll. et Fam. V, 21-29, 77-87. Althouse, J. G. The Structure and Aims of Canadian Education. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 77. Beaudoin, P. "Finances et éducation," Relations IX, 260-62. Tremblay, M. 50 ans d'éducation catholique et française en Acadie. Bathurst: Univ. Sacré-Cœur. Pp. 362. Audet, L.-P. Le Système scolaire de la Province de Québec. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval, 1950-56. 6 vols.






Buteau, A. "L'Enseignement spécialisé au Québec hier et aujourd'hui," Rev. Trim. Can. XXXVI, 14-33. Cameron, M. A. and A. C. Lewis. The Administration of Education in Ontario. Rev. ed. Toronto: Dept. of Educ. Research, Ontario College of Education. Pp. 45. Deniset-Bernier, M. "L'Education des Canadiens français en Manitoba," Péd.-Or. IV, 186-92. Desjardins, G. Les Ecoles du Québec, l'enseignement primaire, l'enseignement spécialisé, les collèges classiques, l'enseignement universitaire, 1635-1950. Montréal: Bellarmin. Pp. 126. James, F. C. "Education: A National Problem," N.C.C.U. Proc., 10-14. Toronto Board of Education. Centennial Story: The Board of Education for the City of Toronto: 1850-1950. Toronto: Nelson. Pp. 306. Royal Commission on Education in Ontario. Report. . . . Toronto: King's Printer. Pp. 933. Filteau, G. Constantes historiques de notre système scolaire. Québec: Dép. de l'Instruction publique. Pp. 60. Percival, W. P. Should We All Think Alike? Toronto: Gage. Pp. 112. Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Education Division. The Organization and Administration of Public Schools in Canada. Ottawa: Queen's Printer. Pp. 312. Gagnon, O. Cultural Development in the Province of Quebec: Minorities' Rights and Privileges under the Educational System. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 21. Irving, J. A. Science and Values: Explorations in Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 148. Lambert, R. S. "The National Advisory Committee on School Broadcasts," Can. Ed. VII (3), 3-14. Plante, G. "La Coordination de nos enseignements," Relations XII, 90-91. Plante, G. Les Ecoles séparées d'Ontario. Montréal: Bellarmin. Pp. 103. Rowe, F. W. The History of Education in Newfoundland. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 147. Tomkins, G. S. "Some Aspects of American Influence on Canadian Educational Thought and Practice." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. Whitworth, F. E. "The Education Division, Dominion Bureau of Statistics," Can. Ed. VII (4), 3-14. Campbell, H. L. Curriculum Trends in Canadian Education. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 107. Canadian Teachers Federation. Educational Finance in Canada. Ottawa: The Federation. 1953 (pp. 80); 1954 (pp. 100); 1958 (pp.93). Lortie, L. et A. Tremblay. "Le Système scolaire" in Essais sur le Québec contemporain, (Québec), 169-92.







Neatby, H. So Little for the Mind. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin. Pp. 384. Sous-comité de Coordination de l'enseignement à ses divers degrés du Comité catholique du Conseil de l'Instruction Publique. Rapport. . . . Québec: Dép. de l'Instruction publique. Pp. 65. Angers, P. "Le Rapport sur la Coordination de l'enseignement," Relations XIV, 970-71. Dorion, N. "Une autre forme de centralisation," Act. Nat. XLIV, 223-26. Filteau, G. Historique de la surintendance de l'Instruction publique dans la Province de Québec. Québec. Pp. 20. Filteau, G. Le Système scolaire de la province de Québec. Montréal: Ed. Centre de Psych. et Péd. Pp. 246. Gilson, E. L'Ecole à la croisée des chemins. Montréal: Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf. Pp. 32. Joly, R. "Quelles traditions défendons-nous?" Coll. et Fam. XI, 91-98. Lambert, P. Contemporary Pattern of French-Canadian Education in the Province of Quebec. Iowa City: Iowa State Univ. Pp. 129. Neatby, H. Â Temperate Dispute. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin. Pp. 97. Tremblay, A. Les Collèges et les écoles publiques: conflit ou coordination? Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 140. Gingras, P.-E. "L'Education," Act. Nat. XLV, 350-58. MacKinnon, F. "Responsible Government in Education," Dalhousie Rev. XXXIV, 344-56. Porter, F. Perspectives pédagogiques au Canada français. Montréal: Ed. Franciscaines. Pp. 48. Walker, F. A. Catholic Education and Politics in Upper Canada. Toronto: Dent. Pp. 331. Barbeau, M. "Faiblesse de l'éducation dans notre siècle de lumière," Culture XVII, 60-66. Faribault, M. "L'Education au Canada français," Act. Nat. XLV, 798-815. Gingras, P.-E. "L'Education: opinions sur le rapport du Comité de coordination de l'enseignement," ibid. 553—59. Katz, J., éd. Canadian Education To-day. Toronto: McGraw Hill. Pp. 243. Miller, P. A. Administration et législation du système scolaire de la province de Québec. Québec: Féd. Commissions scolaires du Québec. Pp. 226. Phillips, C. E. Public Secondary Education in Canada. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 87. Brown, E. Educating Eve. Montreal: Palm. Pp. 186. Frecker, G. A. Education in thé Atlantic Provinces. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 112. Gingras, P.-E. "Le Rapport Tremblay et l'enseignement," Act. Nat. XLVII, 143-160. Moffat, H. P. Educational Finance in Canada. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 95.




Phillips, G. E. The Development of Education in Canada. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 626. Stewart, F. K. Interprovincial Coopération in Education: The Story of the Canadian Education Association. Toronto : Gage. Pp. 176. Bilodeau, J. C. "Education in Quebec," Univ. Tor. Q. XXVII, 398-412. Boulanger, T. "The Canadian Education Association et le Canada français," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XXVIII, 28-39. Brehaut, W. A Quarter Century of Educational Research in Canada: An Analysis of Dissertations (English) in Education Accepted by Canadian Universities, 1930-55. Information Series no. 10, Dept. of Educational Research, Ontario College of Education. Toronto. Pp.283. Croskery, G. G. and G. Nason, eds. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Education. Ottawa: Mutual Press. Pp. 591. Fédération du Travail du Québec et Confédération des Travailleurs catholiques du Canada. "Mémoire sur l'éducation au Surintendant de l'Instruction publique," Rel. Ind. XIII, 208-31. McGuigan, J. C. "Ecole secondaire bilingue à Toronto," Act. Nat. XLVIII, 117-23. Tremblay, J. Lieux communs sur l'éducation. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 375.

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A. GENERAL : GÉNÉRALITÉS 1845 1856 1860

1861 1869 1873 1881 1884 1887

1889 1890 1894 1896 1898

Campbell, P. C. Thoughts on the University Question, Respectfully Submitted to the Members of Both Houses of the Legislature of Canada, by a Master of Arts. Kingston. Pp. 36. Wilson, D. "The Course of Collegiate Education: Review of Three Orations," Can. Jour. I, 168-86. Ryerson, E. University Question: The Rev. Dr. Ryersons Defence of the Wesleyan Petition to the Legislature, and of Denominational Colleges as Part of our System of Public Instruction, in Reply to Dr. Wilson and Mr. Langton. Quebec. Pp. 49. Scott, W. Letters on Superior Education; in its Relation to the Progress and Permanency of Wesleyan Methodism. Toronto: Pp. 69. University Reform: Report of the Resolutions Adopted at the Great Public Meeting of the Inhabitants of Kingston. Kingston. Pp. 50. Wilson, D. "Higher Education for Women," Can. Jour. XII, 308-20. Scadding, H. "Merton College and Canada," ibid. XIII, 453-89. Paquin, E. La Cité du mal contre la Cité du bien a le droit de la force contre la force du droit: à propos de la question universitaire. Montréal. Pp. 94. Wilson, D. Co-education: A Letter to the Hon. G. W. Ross, M.P.P., Minister of Education. Toronto. Pp. 15. Dawson, J. W. The University in Relation to Professional Education: Being the Annual Lecture of McGitt University, 1887-88. Montreal. Pp. 12. Heneker, R. W. Universities and the Professions. Montreal. Pp. 9. Pagnuelo, S. Universities and the Bar. Montreal. Pp. 8. Pagnuelo, S. L'Université McGill et les professions libérales. Montréal. Pp. 12. Pagnuelo, S. The Universities and the Professions, a Letter. Montreal. Pp. 15. De Coubertin, P. Universités transatlantiques. Paris. Pp. 379. Laurent, O. Les Universités du Canada et des Etats-Unis et spécialement leurs institutions médicales. Bruxelles. Pp. 311. Houston, W. The Universities of Canada. Toronto. Pp. 440. Loudon, J., J. W. Dawson et al. "The Universities and Higher



Educational System of Canada" in J. C. Hopkins, éd., Canada: An Encyclopaedia of the Country (Toronto) IV, 169-344. 1902 Grant, J. A. "The Universities in Relation to Research," Proc. R.S.C. xlix—lix. 1903 Gordon, D. M. "The Functions of a Modern University," Queens Ç. X, 487-97. 1906 Lesage, J. A. "L'Université au point de vue canadien-français," Union Méd. XXXV, 208-15. 1907 Lord, W. F. "Degree-granting Institutions in Canada," Nineteenth Century and After (U.K.) LXI, 262-71. 1910 Hodgins, J. G. The Establishment of Schools and Colleges in Ontario, 1792-1910. Toronto. 3 vols. Todd, G. L. "The Site of a University," Univ. Mag. IX, 205-24. 1912 Parkin, G. R. The Rhodes Scholarships. Toronto. Pp. 250. 1913 Choquette, C.-P. "Premier Congrès des universités de l'Empire anglais," Rev. Can. XI, 5-18, 107-19. Craik, W. A. "University Development in Western Canada," Can. Mag. XLII, 421-28. 1914 Peterson, W. G. "Military Training in the University," Univ. Mag. XIII, 292-305. 1917 Falconer, R. "The Conflict of Educational Ideas Arising out of the Present War," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 227-40. Tory, H. M. "A Khaki University for Canadian Soldiers," Univ. Mag. XVI, 600-18. 1919 Perrault, A. "L'Enseignement supérieur," Rev. Trim. Can. V, 96-100. 1921 Royal Commission on University Finances. Report. . . . Ottawa. 2 vols. Université Laval. "Les Universités et la question d'argent," Can. Fr. VII, 270-83. 1922 Murray, W. C. "University Development in Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 77-105. 1923 Murray, W. C. "University Cooperation in Serving their Combined Constituencies," N.C.C.U. Proc., 50-52. 1924 Pouliot, A. "Les Congrès scientifiques de Toronto," Can. Fr. XII, 283-92, 451-63. Sergent, E. Impressions rapportées d'une mission aux universités canadiennes-françaises. Paris. 1925 Groulx, L. "Le Devoir des universitaires catholiques," Act. Fr. XIV, 220-36. Lamarche, M.-A. "Un discours," Rev. Dom. XXXI, 626-31. MacLean, J. A. and W. C. Murray. "The Junior College in the United States and Canada," N.C.C.U. Proc., 27-33. McNab, G. C. The Development of Higher Education in Ontario. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 267. Murray, W. C. "State Support and Control of Universities in Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 19-32. 1926 Anonyme. "Une Œuvre anti-nationale," Rev. Dom. XXXII, 104-109. 1927 Falconer, R. "Scottish Influence in the Higher Education of Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 7-20.



Falconer, R. "The Tradition of Liberal Education in Canada," Can. Hist. Rev. VIII, 99-118. Middleton, J. E. and F. Landon. "The Universities of Ontario" in The Province of Ontario: A History, 1615-1927 (Toronto: Dominion Publishing Co., 4 vols.) I, 611-32. Sandiford, P. "Junior High Schools and Junior Colleges," Queens Q. XXXIV, 367-83. 1928 Atherton, A. "Co-education in College," Dalhousie Rev. VIII, 32131. Bruchési, J. "L'Université et la vie politique," Act. Econ. Ill, 226-36. Falconer, R. "English Influence on the Higher Education of Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 33-48. Murray, W. C. "University Development since Confederation," Dalhousie Rev. VII, 479-86. Taylor, R. B. "The Function of a University," Queens Q. XXXV, 491-505. 1929 Massey, V. "The Undergraduate College and Higher Education in the United States, Canada and Britain," American Colleges Assoc. Butt. XV, 20-30. 1930 Falconer, R. "American Influence on the Higher Education of Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 23-28. 1932 Angus, H. F. "Economic Theory of a State-supported University," Queens Q. XXXIX, 261-71. Maheux, A. "Combien d'élèves avons-nous?" Can. Fr. XX, 264-78. Somers, H. J. The Life and Times of the Hon. and Rt. Rev. Alexander Macdonnett D.D., First Bishop of Upper Canada, 1762-1840. Washington: Cath. Univ. of America. Pp. 232. 1933 Bovey, W. "Le Rôle des universités canadiennes-françaises en Amérique du Nord," Rev. Trim. Can. XIX, 341-53. Cody, H. J. "The University's Contribution to National Welfare," Can. Surv. IV, 10-13. Corbett, P. E. "The Function of the University," Queen's Q. XL, 14-26. Falconer, R. "The Gilchrist Scholarships: An Episode in the Higher Education of Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 5-13. Stanley, C. "Universities in Canada" in E. Percy, éd., The Yearbook of Education, 1933 (London: Evans), 440-61. 1934 Fox, W. S. "Report on the Junior College Situation in Canada in 1934," N.C.C.U. Proc., 65-71. Robin, E. "Le Rôle des universités catholiques," Act. Nat. Ill, 108-13. Thompson, W. P. "The Junior College within the University," N.C.C.U. Proc., 72-74. Villeneuve, J. M. R. L'Université, école de haut savoir. Montréal: Le Document. Pp. 24. 1935 Cody, H. J. "The Place of the University in National Life," Univ. Tor. Q. IV, 421-33. Falconer, R. "Irish Influence on Higher Education in Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 131-43.



Minville, E. "A l'université," Act. Nat. V, 5-25. Simard, G. "Les Universités dans l'Eglise," Rev. Univ. Ottawa V, 157-85. Villeneuve, J.-M.-R. "L'Université, école de haut savoir et source de directives sociales," Rev. Trim. Can. XXI, 113-25. 1936 Audet, F.-J. "Simon Sanguinet et le projet d'université de 1790," Mem. S.R.C. Sect. I, 53-60. Bourgeois, C. "Les Professions libérales au Canada," Semaines sociales XIV, 84-107. Earl, R. O. "The Universities at Bay," Queens Q. XLIII, 289-94. Maurault, O. "L'Enseignement supérieur à Montréal," Rev. Trim. Can. XXII, 113-25. Roy, C. Le Problème universitaire du Québec. Québec: Act. Catholique. Pp. 7. 1937 Cartier, G.-E. "Pour aider à comprendre le problème universitaire," Act. Nat. VIII, 347-67. Klinck, L. S. and C. C. Jones. "The Differentiation and Distribution of Academic Work among Canadian Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 48-50. 1938 Adel, A. "Conflicting Aims within the Canadian University," Univ. Tor. Q. VII, 532-46. Burpee, L. J. "Canada's Debt to the Carnegie Corporation," Queens Q. XLV, 232-37. Forest, M. C. "Le Haut Savoir: à propos d'un livre récent de Robert Maynard Hutchins," Rev. Dom. XLIV, 133-39. Maurault, O. "L'Enseignement supérieur au Canada français," Rev. Trim. Can. XXIV, 225-^39. Simard, G. Les Universités catholiques, leurs gloires passées, leurs tâches présentes. Montréal: Beauchemin. Pp. 119. 1939 McNeill, W. E. "The Increasing Cost of Education," N.C.C.U. Proc., 12-18. Simard, G. "La Doctrine catholique et les universités," Rev. Univ. Ottawa IX, 155-75. Wallace, R. C. "Higher Education on thé Stand," Queens Q. XLIV, 261-66. Wallace, R. C. "The Universities of Canada" in E. Bradby, éd., The Universities outside Europe (London: Oxford), 115-36. 1940 Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Education Division. "Supply and Demand in the Professions in Canada" in Higher Education in Canada, 1936-38 (Ottawa: King's Printer), 26-43. See also Higher Education in Canada, 1942-44, 10-13. Montpetit, E. "L'Enseignement supérieur est-il américanisé?" Rev. Trim. Can. XXVI, 229-74. Thomson, J. S. "The Universities and the War," Queen's Q. XLVII, 2-9. Viens, F. M. "Les Idées dont s'inspirent nos universités canadiennes,"

Culture I, 470-83.




Cornez, G. Une étape de vie universitaire à Montréal. Montréal: Therien. Pp. 124. 1943 Innis, H. A. "Some English-Canadian University Problems," Queens Q. L, 30-36. Maclennan, R. D. "The Continuing Aims of Higher Education," Culture IV, 495-503. 1944 Innis, H. A. "A Plea for the University Tradition," Dalhousie Rev. XXIV, 298-305. Kidd, J. R. "A Study of the Influence of Dr. H. M. Tory on Educational Thought in Canada." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. National Conference of Canadian Universities. Report . . . on Postwar Problems. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 72. Pacey, D. "The Future of Universities," Queen's Q. LI, 420-28. 1945 Marion, S. A la conquête du haut savoir. Ottawa: Ed. de l'Université d'Ottawa. Pp. 27. Stewart, H. L. "University Life in Canada," Culture VI, 333-48. Thomson, J. S. "Canadian Universities Face the Future," Queen's Q. LII, 257-67. Thomson, J. S. "The Conflict of Values in Education," N.C.C.U. Proc., 43-47. 1946 Beaulieu, P. "L'Université et l'industrie," Nat. Can. LXXIII, 257-62. L'Heureux, E. "Nos universités," Rev. Univ. Laval I, 185-92. Parent, A.-M. "Le Rôle des universités canadiennes-françaises," Act. Nat. XXVIII, 22-33. Parent, A.-M. "L'Université et le Canada français," Nat. Can. LXXIII, 247-55. Penny, A. G. "The University and the Community," ibid., 309-15. Roberge, G. "L'Université et la politique," ibid., 303-308. Vandry, F. "Le Rôle de l'université dans la nation," ibid., 241-46. 1947 Fédération canadienne des universitaires catholiques. Le Rôle des universitaires catholiques. Ottawa: Congrès national. MacKenzie, N. A. M. "Education in a Changing World," N.C.C.U. Proc., 8-13. Wallace, R. G. "Canadian Universities," Univ. Q. (U.K.) I, 48-54. 1948 Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Education Division. "Twenty-Five Years of Higher Education, 1921-46" in Survey of Higher Education in Canada, 1944-46 (Ottawa: King's Printer), 7-21. Kirkconnell, W. "The Universities of Canada," Univ. Rev. (U.K.) XX, 153-64. Lévesque, G. H. "Les Universités et l'unité nationale," Rev. Dom. LIV, 76-81. MacKenzie, N. A. M. "Some Problems and Suggestions," N.C.C.U. Proc., 8-17. Mercier, L.-A. "L'Importance mondiale des universités canadiennesfrançaises," Rev. Univ. Laval III, 13-18. Mercier, L.-A. "L'Importance nationale des universités," Relations VIII, 44-46.







Seeley, R. S. K. The Function oj the University. Toronto: Oxford. Pp. 79. Audet, L.-P. "Les Cours d'été dans les universités de la Province de Québec," Péd.-Or. III, 240-45. Parent, A.-M. "Le Rôle des universités françaises au Canada," ibid., 178-88. Wallace, R. C. "The Co-ordination of Canadian Higher Education," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XIX, 83-89. MacKenzie, N. A. M. and D. C. Rowat. "The Federal Government and Higher Education in Canada," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. XVI, 353-70. Pacey, D. "How Big Should our Universities be?" Dalhousie Rev. XXIX, 146-52. Smith, S. E. "The Problem of the Professional Schools," N.C.C.U. Proc., 34-37. Stewart, H. L. "The Universities of Canada," Univ. Rev. (U.K.) XXIII, 37-47. Vandry, F. "Les Besoins des universités de langue française dans le domaine des sciences, des arts et des lettres—Mémoire à la Commission Massey," Vieil Esch. II, 51-53. Angers, P. "Les Intellectuels catholiques et l'université moderne," Relations XI, 327-29. Laurendeau, A. "Autonomie universitaire et autonomie provinciale," Act. Nat. XXXVIII, 161-64. Legault, G. "Pour une aide provinciale aux universités," Thémis I, 79-85. Lonergan, B. "Le Rôle de l'université catholique dans le monde moderne," Relations XI, 263-65. Nicholson, P. J. "The Universities as the Custodians of Western Civilisation," N.C.C.U. Proc., 10-13. Relations. "Le Rôle de l'université dans le monde moderne," Relations XI, 272-73. Stewart, D. A. "Aims of a University Education," Dalhousie Rev. XXX, 81-89. "Carrefour." Mission de l'université. Montréal: Centre cath. intellectuels can. Pp. 89. Carrière, G. "Le Cardinal Villeneuve et les universités canadiennes," Culture XIII, 31-42, 168-78. De Koninck, C., et al. "A Philosophy of University Education," N.C.C.U. Proc., 24-40. Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Education Division. "Historical Sketch of the Development of Higher Education in Canada" in Survey of Higher Education in Canada, 1948-50 (Ottawa: Queen's Printer), 7-18. Falardeau, J.-C. Les Universités et la société. Québec. Pp. 16. Faribault, M. "L'Université dans la cité," Act. Univ. XVIII, 28-39. Gilmour, G. P. "Are We Gaining or Losing?" Can. Ed. VII (1), 55-59.



Joly, R. Vers la réforme du baccalauréat: le projet latin-sciences. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 32. Lortie, L. "The B.A. Degree in Our French-speaking Universities," Culture XIII, 21-30. 1953 Bruchési, J. L'Université. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 117. "Carrefour." Intégration chrétienne du savoir. Montréal: Centre cath. intellectuels can. Pp. 81. Lower, A. R. M. "The Canadian University," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 1-16. Mackintosh, W. A. "Presidential Address," N.C.C.U. Proc., 11-16. Scarfe, N. V. "How Good are our Universities?" Can. Ed. VIII (2), 3-16. 1954 Angers, P. "Collège libre ou école publique," Relations XIV, 158-60. Anonyme. "Les Besoins de nos universités," Act. Méd. XXX, 136-40. Corbett, E. A. Henry Marshall Tory: Beloved Canadian. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 241. MacKenzie, N. A. M. "The Challenge to Education" in G. P. Gilmour, éd., Canada's Tomorrow (Toronto: Macmillan), 153-84. Plante, A. "Nos universités devant la Commission Tremblay," Relations XIV, 99-103. Smith, S. E. "Brains Unlimited," Can. Ed. IX (2), 3-12. Thompson, W. P. "Some Trends in the Canadian Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 11-18. 1955 Lower, A. R. M. "The Canadian University: Time for a New Deal," Queen's Q. LXII, 243-56. Sheffield, E. F. "Canadian University and College Enrolment Projected to 1965," N.C.C.U. Proc., 39-46. 1956 Ares, R. "Les Octrois fédéraux au universités," Relations XVI, 340-42. Benoist, B. "La Constitution canadienne, la diffusion et les universités," Thémis VII, 93-100. Bissell, C. T. "Problems in University Planning for the Next Ten Years," N.C.C.U. Proc., 82-87. Brunet, M. "L'Aide fédérale aux universités: quand le gouvernement acceptera-t-il de se soumettre à la constitution?", Act. Nat. XLVI, 191-215. Gilmour, G. P. The University and its Neighbours. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 80. Gingras, P.-E. "Le Message des universités," Act. Nat. XLVI, 736-42. Gingras, P.-E. "Vers une politique universitaire," ibid., 320-26. Harris, R. S. "The Président Reports," Univ. Tor. Ç. XXV, 219-31. MacKenzie, N. A. M. "The Work of the Universities" in J. Katz, éd., Canadian Education Today (Toronto: McGraw Hill), 174-90. Minville, E. "Les Universités en face des octrois fédéraux," Act. Nat. XLVI, 272-83. National Conference on Engineering, Scientific & Technical Manpower. (1) Brief to the National Conference. Toronto: Industrial





Foundation on Education. Pp. 83. (2) Conference Proceedings. Toronto: Industrial Foundation on Education. Pp. 48. Parent, A.-M. "French-Canadian Universities and Canada," N.C.C.U. Proc., 13-17. Rowat, D. C. "The Government of Canadian Universities," Culture XVII, 268-83, 364-78. Smith, S. E. "The Future of Canadian Universities," Univ. Tor. Q. XXV, 185-99. Action Nationale. "Les Subventions fédérales, faveur ou piège?" Act. Nat. XLVI (5,6). Bissell, C. T., éd. Canadas Crisis in Higher Education. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 272. Industrial Foundation on Education. The Case for Corporate Giving to Higher Education. Report no. 1. Toronto. Pp. 64. Maurault, O. "Les Universités canadiennes," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 43-56. McCready, H. W. "The University and the Community: Lessons from Oxford," Queen's Q. XLIV, 12-22. McCutcheon, W. W. "The Awarding of Honorary Degrees by Canadian Universities," Univ. of Manitoba, Faculty of Education, Research Bull. no. 25, 21-33. Trudeau, P.-E. "Les Octrois fédéraux aux universités," Cité Libre XVI, 9-31. Bachand, A. et al. "The Universities and Their Public Relations," N.C.C.U. Proc., 22-36. Canada, Department of Labour. Wanted . . . More Experts! Ottawa. Pp. 54. Deeks, S. R. and P. R. Woodfield. The Case for Corporate Giving to Higher Education (1958 Supplement). Report no. 5, Industrial Foundation on Education. Toronto. Pp. 44. Duchemin, L. A., ed. The Challenge to our Universities. Sackville: Mount Allison Univ. Pp. 108. Industrial Foundation on Education. The Case for Increasing Student Aid. Report no. 2. Toronto. Pp. 84. Lavallee, G. "Monseigneur Antoine Racine et la question universitaire canadienne (1875-1892), Rev. Hist. XII, 80-107, 247-61, 372-86. Le Sieur, A. "Relations de l'Association nationale des Universités canadiennes avec le gouvernement fédéral au sujet de l'éducation militaire des officiers dans les universités canadiennes, de 1911 à 1949." Thèse de Maîtrise, Univ. d'Ottawa. Parent, A.-M. "L'Université et la culture," Rev. Univ. Laval XII, 387-96. Pouliot, L. "L'Enseignement universitaire catholique au Canada français de 1760 à 1860," Rev. Hist. XII, 155-69. Saunderson, H. H. "The Use of University Facilities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 68-73. Woodside, W. The University Question. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 199.






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Cramp, J. M. The Inaugural Address . . . 1851 and . . . Introductory Lecture to the Theological Course . . . with an Appendix Containing a History of the College. Halifax. Pp. 52. Memorials of Acadia College and Horton Academy for the First HalfCentury, 1828-1878. Montreal. Pp.226. Alward, S. An Oration on Prof. C. F. Hartt at Acadia College, N. S. Saint John. Pp. 10. Higgins, W. H. The Life of John Mockett Cramp, D.D., 1796-1881, Late President of Acadia College. Montreal. Pp. 396. Historical Records and General Catalogue of Acadia College. Halifax. Pp. 62. Jubilee of Acadia College and Memorial Exercises. Halifax. Pp. 186. Morton, I. E. "History of Acadia Seminary." Typescript, Acadia Univ. Library. Records of the Graduates of Acadia University, 1843—1926: Arranged by Classes. Wolfville: Associated Alumni. Pp. 296. Oakes, I. B. "History of Horton Academy Written at the Time of Its Centennial." Typescript, Acadia Univ. Library. Longley, R. S. Acadia University, 1838-1938. Kentville: Kentville Publishing Co. Pp. 187. Mason, E. S. Record of the Engineers of Acadia University. Wolfville: Acadia Univ. Pp. 69. Levy, G. E. The Baptists in the Maritime Provinces, 1753-1946. Saint John: Barnes-Hopkins. Pp. 336. The Acadia Record, 1838-1953. 4th éd., revised and enlarged by W.K. Wolfville: Acadia Univ. Pp.565.


1929 1933

1935 1944

Alexander, W. H. The University of Alberta: A Retrospect, 19081929. Edmonton: Univ. of Alberta. Pp. 31. Alexander, W. H., E. K. Broadus, F. J. Lewis and J. M. MacEachran. These Twenty-Five fears: A Symposium. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 113. Wallace, R. C. The University of Alberta, 1908-33. Edmonton: Univ. of Alberta. Pp. 57. Broadus, E. K. Saturday and Sunday. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 260. Fuchs, O. "Problems of Higher Education in Alberta," Culture V, 48-53. Kidd, J. R. "A Study of the Influence of Dr. H. M. Tory on Educational Thought in Canada." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ.


1945 1948 1950 1952 1953 1955 1956 1957 1958


MacEachran, J. M. "William Alexander Kerr," New Trail III, 70-73. Thomas, L. G. The University of Alberta in the War of 1939-45. Edmonton: Univ. of Alberta. Pp. 70. Salter, F. M. "Robert Newton, President," New Trail VIII, 142-57. Gordon, R. K. "University Beginnings in Alberta," Queen's Q. LVIII, 487-96. Lister, R. C. "Forty Years on the Campus," New Trail X, 187-91. Samuel, G. "An Early History of the University of Alberta," ibid. XI, 143-47, 184-89. Walker, B. E. "Public Secondary Education in Alberta: Organisation and Curriculum, 1889-1951." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Stanford Univ. Cameron, D. Campus in the Clouds. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. Pp. 127. Corbett, E. A. We Have With Us Tonight. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 222. MacDonald, J. The History of the University of Alberta. Edmonton: Univ. of Alberta. Pp. 102.


1951 1953 1958

Shook, L. K. "The Coming of the Basilians to Assumption College: Early Expansion of St. Michael's College," Can. Cath. Hist. Assoc. Kept. XVIII, 59-73. Taiman, J. J. and R. D. Taiman. Western—1878-1953. London: Univ. of Western Ontario. Pp. 185. Swan, C. M. "The Roots of a University," Can. Geog. Jour. LVII, 204-208.


1849 1866 1930 1947 1950 1951 1955

Hawkins, E. Annals of the Diocese of Quebec. London. 2 vols. Mountain, A. W. A Memoir of George Jehosophat Mountain. . . . Montreal. Pp. 477. Rennie, H. L. "History of Education in the Eastern Townships." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Bishop's Univ. Millman, T. R. Jacob Mountain, First Lord Bishop of Quebec. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 310. Masters, D. C. Bishop's University: The First Hundred Years. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin. Pp. 253. Masters, D. C. "Bishop's University and the Ecclesiastical Controversies of the Nineteenth Century (1845-1878)," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 36-42. Bensley, E. H. "Bishop's Medical College," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. LXXII, 463-65.





Tory, H. M. "McGill University in British Columbia," McGitt Univ. Mag. VI, 185-204. 1925 Putnam, J. H. and G. M. Weir. Summary of the School System. Victoria: King's Printer. Pp. 556. 1930 Soward, F. H. "The Early History of the University of British Columbia." Typescript, the author. 1932 Knotl, W. W. D. "The Junior College in British Columbia." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Stanford Univ. 1936 MacLaurin, D. L. "The History of Education in the Crown Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia and in the Province of British Columbia." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Washington. The University of British Columbia, Twenty-First Anniversary, 19151936. Vancouver: Univ. of British Columbia. Pp. 38. 1941 Waites, K. A. The First Fifty Years: Vancouver High Schools, 18901940. Vancouver: Vancouver School Board. Pp. 160. 1944 Kidd, J. R. "A Study of the Influence of Dr. H. M. Tory on Educational Thought in Canada." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. 1955 Green, G. H. E. "The Development of the Curriculum in the Secondary Schools of British Columbia." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Toronto. 1958 Logan, H. T. Tuum Est: A History of the University of British Columbia. Vancouver: Univ. of British Columbia. Pp. 268.


1947 1950 1952 1954 1956

Boyle, R. W. "Henry Marshall Tory (1864-1947)," New Trail (Univ. of Alberta) V, 189-96. Mahaffey, R. U. "Carleton's up with the Big Boys," Saturday Night LXVI (Nov. 7, 1950), 8-9. Gifford, H. G. "Carleton College Library," Can. Lib. Assoc. Bull. VIII, 130-35. Corbett, E. A. Henry Marshall Tory: Beloved Canadian. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 241. Bissell, C. T. "A Retrospective Report, 1942-1956" in Carleton College, The President's Report 1955-56, 7-13. Bissell, C. T. A Role for Carleton. Ottawa: Carleton College. Pp. 16. Irving, J. A. "Experiment in Education," Saturday Night LXXI (Oct. 13, 1956), 19-22.



Séminaire de Québec. Célébration du 200e anniversaire de la fondation du Séminaire de Québec, SO avril 1863. Québec. Pp. 88.


1864 1867 1876 1879 1881 1882

1885 1887 1898 1903 1910 1911 1918 1925 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 1938


Dansereau, A. Annales historiques du Collège de TAssomption depuis sa fondation. Montréal. Pp. 44. Pilote, F. Mémoire sur la paroisse, le village, le collège et TEcole d'Agriculture de Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière. Pp. 20. Séminaire de Nicolet. Le Séminaire de Nicolet. Montréal. Pp. 214. Collège de Rimouski. Notes historiques sur F établissement du Collège de Rimouski. Lévis. Boucher de la Bruère, P. Histoire du Séminaire de St-Hyacinthe. St-Hyacinthe. Pp. 72. Anonyme. L'Université Laval et les études classiques. Montréal. Pp. 79. Collège d'Ottawa. Aperçu du plan d'études et de la méthode d'enseignement suivis au Collège d'Ottawa. Ottawa. Pp. 22. Mignault, P.-M. Collège de Chambly fondé en 1836. Montréal. Pp. 15. Richard, L. Histoire du Collège des Trois-Rivières: 1860-1874. Trois-Rivières. Pp. 519. Collège Ste-Marie. Collège Ste-Marie et Eglise du Gésu. Montréal. Pp. 16. Collège Joliette. Répertoire et compte-rendu des noces d'or du Collège de Joliette. Joliette. Pp. 254. Douville, J.-A. Histoire du Collège-Séminaire de Nicolet. Montréal. 2 vols. Gosselin, A.-H. "Le Cours classique au Collège des Jésuites," Nouv.-Fr. IX, 447-62. Choquette, C.-P. Histoire du Séminaire de St-Hyacinthe depuis sa fondation jusqu'à nos jours: 1811-1911. Montréal. 2 vols. Maurault, O. Le Petit Séminaire de Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 240. Dubois, E. Le Petit Séminaire de Ste-Thérèse: 1825-1925. Montréal: Editions du Devoir. Pp. 399. Têtu, A. "Centenaire du Collège de Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière," Sem. Rel. Québec XXXIX, 626-34. Maheux, A. "Le Séminaire de Québec," Ens. Sec. VIII, 102-10. Charron, F. "Le Séminaire de Rimouski," ibid., 460-71. Roy, J. "Le Collège de Lévis," ibid. IX, 482-88. Houle, J.-W. Le Séminaire de Nicolet. Québec: Action Sociale. Pp. 22. "Collège Bourget (Rigaud)," Ens. Sec. XIII, 138-39. Forget, A. Histoire du Collège de TAssomption: 1833-1933. Montréal: Collège de l'Assomption. Pp. 809. Morin, L. "Histoire du Collège de St-Laurent," Ens. Sec. XIII, 210-18. Laramée, J. Le Vieux Collège de Québec. Montréal: Œuvre des Tracts. Pp. 16. Rivard, A. "Le Collège de Québec," Can.-Fr. XXIII, 403-21. Plante, A. Vingt-cinq ans de vie française: le Collège de Sudbury. Montréal. Pp. 150.


1940 1941 1942

1944 1945

1946 1948

1951 1952




Vinet, J.-B. "Le Collège de Montréal," Act. Univ. V, 5-7, 14. Desjardins, P. Le Collège Ste-Marie de Montréal, la fondation, le fondateur. Montréal. 2 vols. Katz, S. M. "Quebec's Classical Colleges," Ens. Sec. XX, 486-91. Pelland, L. Défense et illustration de nos collèges classiques. Juliette: Carnets Viatoriens. Pp. 16. Malo, A. "Contribution de St-Sulpice à notre enseignement secondaire," Ens. Sec. XXI, 261-65. Maurault, O. "Les Sulpiciens, seigneurs de Montréal," Rev. Trim. Can. XXVIII, 237-54. St-Pierre, A. "Nos Aima Mater," Ret;. Dom. L, 54-77. Villeneuve, J.-M.-R. "Discours à la bénédiction du Séminaire de St-Jean-de-Québec," Sem. Rel. Québec LIV, 734-41. Bounadère, R. Aperçu historique sur les Petits Séminaires de la province de Québec. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 56. Robert, A. "L'Evolution franco-américaine: historique du Collège de l'Assomption," Act. Nat. XX, 423-39. Bettez, H. "Page d'histoire: le rapport Abadie sur le Collège Mariede-France à Montréal," Relations VI, 275. Bettez, H. "Les Révélations du rapport Abadie," ibid., 230. Dugré, A. "Centenaire du Collège Ste-Marie, Montréal," Relations VIII, 137-38. Garneau, B. "Ce que le Séminaire de Québec a fait pour l'Université," Rev. Univ. Laval III, 27-31. Lebon, W. Histoire du Collège de .Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière: 18271877; 1877-1927. Québec: Charrier et Dugal. Pp. 574; 550. Morrisseau, H. "Un Collège classique à St-Denis-sur-Richelieu dès 1805," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XVIII, 356-66. Lamarche, G. Le Collège sur la colline. Rigaud: Ed. de l'Echo du Bourget. Pp. 19. Collège St-Denis. Collège Si-Denis, centre psychopédagogique. Montréal: Bélair. Pp. 46. Maheux, A. "Le Séminaire de Québec en 1848," Rev. Univ. Laval VI, 701-709, 795-801. Relations. "La Fédération des Collèges classiques du Québec," Relations XIII, 173-74. Roy, E. Le Collège de Lévis. Lévis. Pp. 424. Trudel, M. Le Séminaire de Québec sous le régime militaire: 1759-64. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 57. Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf. Mémoire du Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels de la province de Québec. Pp. 192. Collège Ste-Marie. Mémoire du Collège Ste-Marie de Montréal à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels de la province de Québec. Montréal. Pp. 56. Tremblay, A. Les Collèges et les écoles publiques : conflit ou coordination? Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 140.






Bruchési, J. "Le Collège Marguerite-Bourgeoys," Relations XV, 179-80. Plante, A. "Les Collèges classiques féminins," ibid., 146-49. Provost, H. "Documents pour une histoire du Séminaire de Québec," Rev. Univ. Laval IX, 362-70, 456-65, 552-62, 645-54, 743-52, 848-55, 938-48; X, 176-83, 262-72, 365-70, 468-77, 573-78, 662-70, 772-75, 856-67, 955-959; XI, 79-86, 173-80, 261-71, 355-63, 449-59, 555-62, 652-59, 743-50, 836-40; XII, 69-83, 179-86, 276-83, 368-73, 467-73, 565-70, 650-660, 753-60, 851-58, 939-47; XIII, 171-80, 270-81, 366-76. Gingras, P.-E. "Le Rapport Tremblay et le financement des collèges classiques," Act. Nat. XLV, 889-96. Joly, R. "Les Collèges classiques trahissent-ils la nation?" Ens. Sec. XXXVI, 157-61. Fédération des Collèges classiques. Frais de scolarité et de pension dans les collèges classiques. Montréal: Féd. Coll. Cl. Pp. 49. Picard, R. "Le Financement de l'enseignement secondaire," Coll. et Fam. XIV, 121-25.


1836 1865 1887 1890 1893 1914 1919 1920 1922 1923 1934 1938

Memoranda Respecting King's Collège . . . Prepared for the Purpose of Making Evident the Teaching Object in Suggesting and Establishing that Institution. By One of the Alumni. Halifax. Pp. 31. Akins, T. B. A Brief Account of the Origin, Endowment and Progress of the University of King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia. Halifax. Pp. 84. Patterson, G. G. The History of Dalhousie College and University. Halifax. Pp. 72. Hind, H. Y. The University of King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia, 1790-1890. New York. Pp.119. Forrest, J. Dalhousie University: Our Works and Our Needs. Halifax. MacMechan, A. The Life of a Little College and Other Papers. Boston. Pp. 308. Centenary Committee, Dalhousie College. One Hundred Years of Dalhousie, 1818-1918. Halifax. Pp. 59. McCulloch, W. Life of Thomas McCulloch, D.D. Truro: privately printed. Pp. 218. Learned, W. S. and K. C. M. Sills. Education in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. New York: Carnegie Corporation. Pp. 50. Murray, W. C. "College Union in the Maritime Provinces," Dalhousie Rev. II, 410-24. Sedgewick, G. G. "A. M." [Archibald MacMechan], ibid. XIII, 451-58. Lippincott, A. "Dalhousie College in the Sixties," ibid. XVI, 285-90. Harris, R. V. The History of King's Collegiate School, Windsor, Nova Scotia, 1788-1938. Middleton, N.S.: Outlook. Pp. 70.



Harvey, D. C. An Introduction to the History of Dalhousie University. Halifax: McCurdy Printing Co. Pp. 109. Kelleher, V. P. "George Ramsay, Lord Dalhousie," Dalhousie Rev. XVIII, 197-204. 1941 Vroom, F. W. A Chronicle of King's College, 1789-1939. Halifax: Imperial Publishing Co. Pp. 160. 1944 Harvey, D. C. "Dr. Thomas McCulloch and Liberal Education," Dalhousie Rev. XXIII, 352-62. 1947 Fraser, A. L. "At Dalhousie, Fifty Years Ago," ibid. XXVI, 465-70. 1950 Saunders, R. L. "The Dalhousie University Mace," ibid. XXX, 9-14. 1955 Sevan, A. R. "James de Mille and Archibald MacMechan," ibid. XXXV, 201-15. Crockett, A. J. "George Munro, the Publisher," ibid., 271-84.


Documents relatifs à l'érection et à l'organisation de ^Université Laval. Québec. Pp. 59. Mémoire sur l'Université Laval avec pièces justificatives. Québec. Pp. 59. 1872 Pelletier, A. Réponse au factum intitulé "Quelques remarques sur l'Université Laval, nov. 1872," par la rédaction du Franc-Parleur. Montréal. Pp. 60. Rédaction du Franc-Parleur. Quelques remarques sur ^Université Laval. Montréal. Pp. 12. 1873 Bourgeois, P. L'Université Laval à Québec (Canada). Paris. Pp. 48. 1878 Dr D'Orsonnens. L'Université Laval à Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 76. 1881 Anonyme. L'Université Laval et les études classiques. Montréal. Pp. 79. Hamel et Lacoste. Plaidoyer de MM. Hamel et Lacoste devant le Comité des Bills privés en faveur de ^Université Laval. Québec. Pp. 138. Trudel, F.-X. Projet de loi de l'Université Laval devant le Comité des buis privés, 20 mai 1881: discours contre le bill. Montréal. Pp. 16. 1902 Chapáis, T. "Le Cinquantenaire de l'Université Laval," Nouv.-Fr. I, 138-43. Roy, C. "L'Université Laval et la littérature canadienne," Nouv.-Fr. I, 239-48. Université Laval. L'Université Laval: 1852-1902. Québec. Pp. 37. 1903 Roy, C. "L'Abbé Louis-Jacques Casault, fondateur et premier recteur de l'Université Laval," Nouv.-Fr. II, 209-23. Roy, C. L'Université Laval et les fêtes du cinquantenaire. Québec. Pp. 395. 1920 Gaillard de Champris, R. L'Université Laval. Paris: Pion. Pp. 23. Gosselin, D. "Le Séminaire de Québec et l'Université Laval," Can.-Fr. VI, 65-69.



Paquet, L.-A. L'Œuvre universitaire. Québec: Action sociale. Pp. 30. Pelletier, F., C. Dagneau et A. Rivard. "La Souscription pour Laval," Can.-Fr. V, 209-19. 1922 Fauteux, A. Bibliographie de la question universitaire Laval-Montréal: 1852-1921. Montréal: Arbour et Dupont. Pp. 62. 1923 Maheux, A. "Le Troisième Centenaire d'un éducateur: Mgr de Laval," En*. Sec. IV, 433-39. 1929 Garant, C.-O. "Le Cinquantenaire de l'encyclique "Aeterni Patris" à Laval," Rev. Dom. XXXV, 419-37. 1937 Roy, C. Nos préoccupations: des facultés nouvelles: espoir et regret. Québec: Université Laval. Pp. 11. 1938 Roy, C. L'Université Laval, son œuvre, ses besoins. Québec: Université Laval. Pp. 11. 1945 Drolet, A. "Laval et ses richesses," Annuaire général de l'Université Laval: 1944-45, 88-94. Faculté des Sciences, Université Laval. "Twenty-five Years of Chemistry at Laval," Can. Chem 6- Process Ind. XXIV, 357-64. 1946 Vandal, J.-O. "Le Plan d'ensemble de la cité universitaire de Laval," Nat. Can. LXXIII, 342-45. 1948 Garneau, B. "Ce que le Séminaire de Québec a fait pour l'Université," Rev. Univ. Laval III, 27-31. Parent, A.-M. "La Première Université française en Amérique," ibid., 7-12. Tremblay, A. "L'Université Laval, la pédagogie et l'orientation," Péd.-Or. II, 227-33. 1951 Maheux, A. "Pourquoi l'Université en 1852?" ibid. V, 381-87. Maheux, A. "Rétrospectives de 1852 à 1902," Rev. Univ. Laval VI, 266-71. 1952 Cité de Québec. Recueil dédié à l'Université Laval à l'Occasion de son centenaire: 1852-1952. Québec: Univ. Laval. Pp. 46. Cousineau, J. "Sens et portée du centenaire de l'Université Laval," Relations XIII, 20-22. Giroux, G.-H. "La Charte royale de l'Université Laval," Rev. Notariat LV, 225-40. Lamarche, A. "Le Centenaire de Laval," Rev. Dom. LVIII, 244-48. Maheux, A. "Les Commencements de l'Université Laval," Act. Univ. XVIII, 46-52. Maheux, A. "L'Université Laval et la culture française au Canada," Culture XIII, 117-26. Provost, H. "L'Université Laval et la vie nationale," Act. Nat. XXXIX, 353-61. Université Laval. L'Université Laval 1852-1952. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 75. Vandry, F. "La Vocation de l'Université Laval," Relations XII, 180-81. 1953 Parent, A.-M. Conférence au Club Richelieu sur la situation de ^Université Laval. Québec. Pp. 8.


1954 1957


P., A. "Les Finances de Laval," Relations XIV, 180-81. Roy, M. "Circulaire au clergé sur l'œuvre du Grand Séminaire," Sem. Rel. Québec LXIX, 492-99. Simon, J. "La Cité de l'Université Laval," Vieil Esch. IX, 70-82.


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1887 1892 1893 1894 1901


Bethune, J. A Narrative of the Connection of the Rev. J. Bethune, D.D., with McGitt College. Montreal. Pp. 56. Dawson, J. W. On the Course of Collegiate Education. Montreal. Pp. 29. Proceedings at the Opening of the William Maison Hall . . . Oct. 10,1862. Montreal. Pp.43. Dawson, J. W. The Duties of Educated Young Men in British North America: Being the Annual Lecture of McGill University, 1863-64. Montreal. Pp.24. Dawson, J. W. Plea for the Extension of University Education in Canada and especially in Connection with McGill University. Montreal. Pp. 31. Sandham, A. McGill College and its Medals. Montreal. Pp. 89. Dawson, J. W. The Future of McGill University. . . . Annual Lecture, 1880-81. Montreal. Pp. 19. Howard, R. P. A Sketch of the Life of the late G. W. Campbell . . . Late Dean of the Medical Faculty and a Summary of the History of the Faculty. Montreal. Pp. 24. Dawson, J. W. The Recent History of McGill University. . . . Annual Lecture, 1882-83. Montreal. Pp. 19. Pagnuelo, S. L'Université McGitt et les Canadiens français au sujet de la loi Barreau et de la profession médicale. Montréal. Pp. 12. Dawson, J. W. The University in Relation to Professional Education. . . . Annual Lecture, 1887-88. Pp. 12. Dawson, J. W. The Canadian Student. . . . Annual Lecture, 1891-92. Montreal. Pp. 8. Dawson, J. W. Thirty-Eight Years at McGill. . . . Annual Lecture, 1893-94. Montreal. Pp. 23. Dawson, J. W. In Memoriam, Peter Redpath, Governor and Benefactor of McGill University. . . . Montreal. Pp. 39. Dawson, R., ed. Fifty Years of Work in Canada, Scientific and Educational: Being Autobiographical Notes by Sir William Dawson. London. Pp. 308. Oakley, H. A. "The Royal Victorian College," McGill Univ. Mag. I, 85-92. Abbott, M. E. An Historical Sketch of the Medical Faculty of McGill University. Montreal. Pp. 112. Oakley, H. A. "Progress of Higher Education for Women with Special Reference to the Royal Victoria College," Can. Mag. XXIII, 500-506.


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1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1930 1931 1933 1934 1939 1941 1942 1944

1946 1947


Peterson, W. G. Our Seventy-sixth Anniversary. . . . Annual Lecture, 1904. Montreal. Pp. 20. Shepherd, F. J. Reminiscences of Student Days and Dissecting Room. Montreal. Pp. 28. Fisher, T. "A Twentieth Century University," Can. Mag. LVI, 21-30. Abbott, M. E. McGitt's Heroic Past—1821-1921. Montreal: McGill Univ. Pp.30. Centenary Addresses Presented on the Occasion of the McGill University Centennial Celebration, 1821-1921. Montreal. [In Redpath Library, McGill Univ.] MacMillan, C. McGill and its Story, 1821-1921. London: John Lane. Pp. 304. Shepherd, F. J. Sir William Osier, Bart. Montreal: Pp. 105. Gushing, H. et al The Opening of the Biological Building of McGill University, Oct. 5, 1922. Montreal: McGill Univ. Pp. 57. Sutherland, J. C. "Sir William Dawson," Ed. Rec. Prov. Quebec LIII, 104-28. Bovey, W. "McGill and its Builders," Can. Magazine LXIII, 389-96. Gushing, H. The Life of Sir William Osier. Oxford: Clarendon. 2 vols. Currie, A. W. Six fears at McGill: A Review. Montreal: McGill Univ. Pp. 50. MacSporran, M. S. "James McGill: A Critical Biographical Study." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. Reid, E. G. The Great Physician: A Short Life of Sir William Osier. London: Oxford. Pp. 299. Sandwell, B. K. The Maison Family. Montreal: privately printed. Pp. 256. Slack, Z. "Development of Physical Education for Women at McGill." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. Eve, A. S. Rutherford: Being the Life and Letters of Rt. Hon. Lord Rutherford, O.M. Cambridge: Univ. Press. Pp. 451. MacDermot, H. E. Maud Abbott: A Memoir. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 264. Collard, E. A. "Lyell and Dawson: A Centenary," Dalhousie Rev. XXII, 133-44. James, F. C., et al. Addresses Delivered at the Ceremonies Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of James McGill. Montreal: McGill Univ. Pp. 39. Kidd, J. R. "A Study of the Influence of Dr. H. M. Tory on Educational Thought in Canada." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. Nicholls, R. V. V. "A Century and a Quarter of Chemistry at McGill University," Can. Chem. if Process Ind. XXIII, 559-66, 580. Collard, E. A. Oldest McGill. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 135. Featherstonhaugh, R. C. McGill University at War, 1914-18, 1939-45. Montreal. McGill Univ. Pp. 437.


1952 1957


MacKinnon, I. F. "Sir William Dawson: The Church and Science," Dalhousie Rev. XXVIII, 246-56. Audet, L.-P. Le système scolaire de la province de Québec. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval, 6 vols. Urquhart, H. M. Arthur Currie: The Biography of a Great Canadian. Toronto: Dent. Pp. 363. Audet, L.-P. "L'Institution Royale et la Fondation McGill," Rev. Univ. Laval VII, 69-83, 167-79, 259-72. Snell, J. F. "History of MacDonald College of McGill University." Typescript, Redpath Library, McGill Univ.


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McMaster University. Educational Addresses. 1, Opening of the Arts Department. . . . Toronto. Pp. 40. Thomson, D. E. "William McMaster," McMaster Univ. Monthly I, 97-103. Thomson, D. E. "McMaster University, 1887-1906," McMaster Univ. Monthly XVI, 20-28. Report of the Committee Appointed by the Senate . . . to Investigate Charges made by Rev. Elmore Harris, D.D. against the Teaching of Prof. I. G. Matthews. Toronto. Pp. 23. McCrimmon, A. L. The Educational Policy of the Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. Toronto. McMaster Univ. Press. Pp. 35. MacLachlan, A. J. "Canadian Baptists and Public Questions before 1850." Unpublished B.D. thesis, McMaster Univ. Carder, G. "Controversy in the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, 1908-1929." Unpublished B.D. thesis, McMaster Univ. Hamilton, R. "The Founding of McMaster University." Unpublished B.D. thesis, McMaster Univ. McLag, W. S. et al. McMaster University, 1890-1940. Hamilton: McMaster Univ. Pp. 20. McMaster University. A Frank Statement: Its Origins, Development, Present Status and Future Needs. Hamilton: McMaster Univ. Pp. 21. Cooper, J. I. "An Old-time Rival of McGill," McGill News XXVII (Autumn) 7-9, 59. Vining, C. A. M., ed. Woodstock College Memorial Book. . . . Toronto: Woodstock College Alumni Assoc. Pp. 167.


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Bryce, G. Manitoba College: Thirty fears Old. Winnipeg. Pp. 15. Benoit, P. Vie de Monsignor Taché, Archevêque de St. Boniface. Montreal: 2 vols. Machray, R. Life of Archbishop Machray. Toronto. Pp. 468.


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1947 1957


Flenley, R. "The Evolution of a Western Canadian University" in A Miscellany Presented to J. M. MacKay (Liverpool Univ. Press), 69-76. Spence, W. J. University of Manitoba Historical Notes, 1877-1917. Winnipeg. Pp. 84. Glenn, A. L. "A History of the University of Manitoba." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Manitoba. Murray, W. C. "Manitoba's Place in University History," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 57-84. Lodge, R. C. "On Recent Educational Experimentation at the University of Manitoba," N.C.C.U. Proc., 95-100. Glinz, L. A. "The Development of Public Secondary School Education in Manitoba." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Stanford Univ. Baird, A. G. "The History of the University of Manitoba" in R. C. Lodge, éd., Manitoba Essays (Toronto: Macmillan), 10—52. Kirkconnell, W. Golden Jubilee of Wesley College, Winnipeg, 1888-1938. Winnipeg: Columbia Press. Pp. 60. Bernier, A. 1885-1945; les dates mémorables de Collège de Saint Boniface. . . . Collège de Saint Boniface. Pp. 18. Manitoba, Province of. Report of the Special Select Committee of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly on Education. Winnipeg: King's Printer. Pp. 63. Graham, W. C., ed. Education and the New Age: A Series of Addresses at United College, Winnipeg, upon the 75th Anniversary of its Founding. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 81. Morton, W. L. One University: A History of the University of Manitoba, 1877-1952. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. Pp. 200.


1925 1952

Memorial University of Newfoundland. Newfoundland Memorial College. St. John. Pp.7. Rowe, F. W. The History of Education in Newfoundland. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 147.



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Ouimet, A. Quelques considérations sur les réponses de quelques théologiens de Québec aux questions proposées par Mgr de Montréal et Mgr de Rimouski, etc. par le rédacteur du FrancParleur. Montréal. Pp. 56. Dr D'Orsonnens. L'Université Laval à Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 76. St-Hilaire, M. Réponse à un sophiste au sujet de la question universitaire à Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 32. Archambault, J.-L. Etude légale ou réponse à certaines questions concernant les succursales de ^Université Laval à Montréal, avec commentaires. Montréal. Pp. 52.



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1926 1927


Pagnuelo, S. Bill sur la succursale Laval à Montréal: discours contre le bill devant le Comité de ^Assemblée législative de Québec. Montréal. Pp. 16. Trudel, F.-X. Projet de loi de l'Université Laval devant le Comité des bills privés, 20 mai 1881 : discours contre le bill. Montréal. Pp. 16. Université de Montréal. L'Université de Montréal: son œuvre, son problème financier. Montréal. Pp. 15. Université Laval. Cuestión Laval-Victoria: procédés officiels devant Son Excellence Dom Henri Smeulders, commissaire apostolique au Canada. Montréal. Pp. 71. Université de Montréal. Questions sur la succursale de l'Université Laval à Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 44. Faquin, E. La Conscience catholique outragée et les droits de l'intelligence violés par les deux, principaux défenseurs de l'Université Laval. Montréal. Pp. 23. La Succursale de l'Université Laval à Montréal: exposé de quelques difficultés. Montréal. Pp. 41. Université de Montréal. Mémoire présenté au Séminaire de St-Sulpice par le Syndicat de l'Université Laval à Montréal, le 31 janvier 1888. Montréal. Pp. 7. Beausoleil, J. La Trompette de la métempsychose universitaire par le Dr Noir. Montréal. Pp. 16. Proulx, J.-B. L'Université Laval à Montréal: actes des administrateurs-gouverneurs et des vices-recteurs. Montréal. 1890-95: 10 vols. Paquet, B. Quelques lettres de Mgr B. Paquet. Québec. Pp. 45. Proulx, J.-B. Mémoire sur la nécessité de l'influence épiscopale dans le règlement de nos difficultés à Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 16. Proulx, J.-B. Projet de loi pour constituer en corporation les administrateurs de l'Université Laval à Montréal soumis à l'examen du Saint-Siège. Montréal. Pp. 57. Proulx, J.-B. Réponse de l'abbé ].-B. Prcndx, vice-recteur de l'Université Laval devant le Conseil supérieur à l'Université, le 25 septembre 1890. Québec. Pp. 40. Monet, A. "Notre université," Act. Fr. IV, 112-17. Gauthier, G. "Une Année de vie universitaire," Rev. Trim. Can. VII, 357-69. Fauteux, A. Bibliographie de la question universitaire LavalMontréal: 1852-1921. Montréal: Arbour et Dupont. Pp. 62. Lesage, A. "L'Université de Montréal et le Gouvernement de Québec," Union Méd. XLIX, 67-71. Piette, A. V. J. et E. Montpetit. Université de Montréal: activités et besoins. Montréal: Arbour et Dupont. Pp. 23. Maurault, O. The University of Montreal. Toronto: privately printed. Pp.8. Villeneuve, U. "Une Fête universitaire," Rev. Trim. Can. XIX, 444-51.




Perrier, A.

"Un Problème national: l'Université," Rev. Dom.

XXXVIII, 201-11. 1933 Brassier, J. "L'Université de Montréal," Act. Nat. II, 188-90. 1934 Chantai, F. "Faisons comme les Anglais," Act. Nat. Ill, 349-55. Gobeil, S. La Griffe rouge sur l'Université de Montréal. Montréal: Patriote. Pp. 20. 1934 Rousseau, G. "La Tour de la faim: l'Université de Montréal," Rev. Trim. Can. XX, 186-96. Voyer, R. M. "Université catholique," Rev. Dom. XL, 230-39. 1935 Prat, H. "Trois années de travail à l'Université de Montréal," Rev. Trim. Can. XXI, 174-87. 1936 Maurault, O. "L'Enseignement supérieur à Montréal," ibid. XXII, 113-25. 1938 Auclair, E. J. "L'Ecole Victoria de Montréal," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 1-20. 1939 Circé, A. "Aperçus sur le développement et l'orientation de l'enseignement à Polytechnique," Rev. Trim. Can. XXV, 17-33. 1942 Cornez, G. Une étape de vie universitaire à Montréal. Pp. 124. Maurault, O. Moisson de Ville-Marie. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 198. 1952 Faribault, M. "L'Université dans la cité," Act. Univ. XVIII, 28-39. Maurault, O. "L'Université de Montréal," Cah. Dix XVII, 11-19. Relations. "L'Université de Montréal et le programme 'latinsciences,' " Relations XII, 225-26. 1954 Université de Montréal. Mémoire à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels. Montréal: Univ. de Montréal. Pp. 159. 1957 Lussier, I. "Soucis d'un recteur d'Université," Relations XVII, 314-16. MOUNT ALLISON UNIVERSITY

1845 1856 1859 1877 1884 1893 1904 1921 1940

Otheman, E., éd. Memoirs and Writings of Mrs Hannah Maynard Pickard. Boston. Pp. 311. Holdich, J. The Life of Wilbur Fisk, D.D., First President of Wesleyan University. New York. Pp. 445. Narroway, J. R. Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of Charles F. Allison, Founder of Mount Allison Academy. Halifax. Pp. 19. Smith, T. W. History of the Methodist Church within the Territories Embraced in the Late Conference of Eastern British America. . . . Halifax. 2 vols. Argosy Weekly (October). Special Historical Issue. Morrison, L. A. The History of the Alison or Allison Family. . . . Boston. Pp.312. Allisonia. Jubilee Number. Massey Foundation Commission on the Secondary Schools and Colleges of the Methodist Church of Canada. Report. . . . Massey Foundation. Pp. 153. Argosy Weekly (March 9). Special Historical Issue.




Flemington, W. T. R. "Mount Allison Educational Institutions," Atlantic Advocate XLIII (June), 19-20. 1954 Archibald, R. C. Historical Notes on thé Education of Women at Mount Allison, 1854-1954. Sackville: Centenary Committee. Pp. 23. Norrie, M. "The Life of George Trueman." Unpublished B.A. thesis, Mount Allison Univ. 1958. Fraser, R. Happy Journey. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp.124.


1851 Jacob, E. The Experience, Prospects and Purposes of King's College, Fredericton: Oration delivered at the Encaenia on June 26, 1851. Fredericton. Pp. 23. 1855 Jacob, E. Educational Improvement: A Commemorative Oration at the Encaenia in King's College, Fredericton, June 28, 1855. Fredericton. Pp. 13. 1915 MacLatchey, J. H. "Legislative History of New Brunswick Education from 1802 to 1847." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Chicago. 1918 Ketchum, T. C. L. "The U.N.B. and its Happy Warriors," Univ. Mag. XVII, 133-38. Raymond, W. O. "The Genesis of the University of New Brunswick," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 95-108. 1925 Bailey, J. W. Loring Woart Bailey: The Story of a Man of Science. Saint John, N.B.: McMillan. Pp. 141. 1943 Keirstead, W. D. "University of New Brunswick, Past and Present," Dalhousie Rev. XXII, 344-54. 1945 Gammon, F. H. "History of Higher Education in New Brunswick." Typescript, Univ. of New Brunswick Library. Pp. 311. 1947 Lyman, J. B. "Educational Institutions of New Brunswick, 1830-71." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. MacNaughton, K. F. C. The Development of the Theory and Practice of Education in New Brunswick. Fredericton: Univ. of New Brunswick. Pp. 268. 1950 Bailey, A. G., éd. The University of New Brunswick Memorial Volume. Fredericton: Univ. of New Brunswick. Pp. 125. 1952 Trueman, A. W. Canada's University of New Brunswick: Its History and Development. Montreal: Newcomen Society in America. Pp. 32. 1954 Stirling, J. B. The First Hundred Years. Fredericton: Univ. of New Brunswick. Pp. 13. 1957 Kennedy, J. E. The Brydon Jack Observatory. Fredericton: Univ. of New Brunswick. Pp. 23. Reprinted from Jour. R. Astron. Soc. Can. XLIX, 151-55, 181-88; L, 152-57. 1958 MacNutt, W. S. The Founders and their Times. Fredericton: Univ. of New Brunswick. Pp. 20.





1949 1953 1955

Nova Scotia. Annual Report of the Department of Technical Education, including the Nova Scotia Technical College. Halifax: King's Printer, 1910-1946. (Thereafter Annual Report published by College.) Foraw, M. R. "New Chemical Engineering Laboratories at Nova Scotia Tech.," Chemistry in Canada I, 27-30. Cameron, A. E. "The Nova Scotia Technical College," Maritime Adv. if Busy East XLIII (June), 25. Redmond, D. A. "Nova Scotia Technical College," ibid. XLV (June), 20-21.

UNIVERSITÉ D'OTTAWA : UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA 1893 Collège d'Ottawa. Aperçu du plan d'études et de la méthode d'enseignement.. . . Ottawa. Pp. 32. 1905 University of Ottawa. A Searchlight Showing the Need for a University for English-speaking Catholics of Canada. Ottawa. Pp. 48. 1910 Histoire du passé: ^orientation de l'avenir. Ottawa: Univ. d'Ottawa. Pp. 43. 1915 Simard, G. "L'Université d'Ottawa," Nouv.-Fr. XIV, 159-69, 20617, 242-55. 1925 Simard, G. "Au pays de l'Ontario: l'Université d'Ottawa," Act. Fr. X, 178-83. 1929 Bergevin, J.-L. L'Université d'Ottawa: vocation sacerdotale et professions libérales, 1848-1928. Ottawa: Univ. d'Ottawa. Pp. 147. 1931 Simard, G. "L'Ecole supérieure de l'Université," Rev. Univ. Ottawa I, 405-09. 1935 Simard, G. "Les Universités dans l'Eglise," Rev. Univ. Ottawa V, 157-85. 1937 Hébert, J. "L'Université d'Ottawa, ses réalisations et ses espérances," ibid. VII, 389-411. Simard, G. "Les Oblats de Marie Immaculée et l'enseignement," ibid., 239-41. 1938 Simard, G. "L'Université d'Ottawa" in "Les Universités catholiques," ibid. VIII, 364-70. 1939 St-Denis, H. "Facultés, écoles, cours . . . ," ibid. IX, 375-77. 1942 "Le Centenaire de l'arrivée des Oblats au Canada," ibid. XII, 236-41. 1943 Simard, G. "Le Fondateur de l'Université d'Ottawa," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 117-21. 1947 Laframboise, J.-C. "L'Université d'Ottawa et l'Ontario français," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XVII, 394-404. 1948 Action Nationale. "L'Université d'Ottawa," Act. Nat. XXXII, 246-49. 1848-1948: cent ans d'éducation catholique. Ottawa: Ass. des Anciens de l'Université d'Ottawa. Pp. 40. O'Reilly, J. B. "The College of Bytown, 1848-1856," Can. Cath. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 61—69.


1949 1956 1957


O'Reilly, J. B. "The Pontifical University of Ottawa from its Origins to the Civil Charter, 1848-1866," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XIX, 119-42. Carrière, G. "Le Collège de Bytown," ibid. XXVI, 56-78, 224-45, 317-49. Laurin, J. R. "Mgr Duhamel et l'Université catholique d'Ottawa," Rapport, 19-29.


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MacGillivray, C. J. Timothy Hierlihy and his Times: The Story of the Founders of Antigonish, N.S. Antigonish: Casket Printing. Pp. 173. 1935 How St. F.X. University Educates for Action. New York: Cooperative League. Pp. 56. 1938 Fowler, B. B. The Lord Helps Those. New York: Vanguard. Pp. 180. McMurray, J. P. "No Catholic Way of Catching Fish," American Scholar VII, 277-88. 1939 Coady, M. M. Masters of Their Own Destiny: The Story of the Antigonish Movement of Adult Education through Economic Cooperation. New York: Harpers. Pp.170. 1940 Arnold, M. The Story of Tompkinsville. New York: Co-operative League. Pp. 102. Coady, M. M. Mobilizing for Enlightenment. Antigonish: Extension Dept. Pp.28. Tufts, E. "The Co-operative Movement," Can. Geog. Jour. XXI, 99-105. 1945 Coady, M. M. The Social Significance of the Co-operative Movement. Antigonish: Extension Dept. Pp. 24. 1946 Laidlaw, A. F. "The Antigonish Movement," Blackfriars XXVII,



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O'Brien, C. Memoirs of Rt. Rev. Edmund Burke. Ottawa. Pp. 154. Quinan, J. "History of St. Mary's," Halifax Gazette, June 26, 1926. Fitzpatrick, E. "The Story of Saint Mary's College," Saint Mary's College Collegian, 15-19. Egan, M. J. Life of Dean O'Brien. Dublin: M. H. Gill. Pp. 132.




1911 Braithewaite, E. E. "Higher Education in Western Canada," The Westminster, 433-42. Oliver, E. H. "The University of Saskatchewan," Univ. Monthly XI, 105-11. 1917 Murray, W. C. "History of Education in Saskatchewan" in A. Shortt and A. G. Doughty, eds., Canada and its Provinces XX, 451-74. 1923 Murray, W. C. "Saskatchewan University and the European War," United Service Jour. I, 3, 20-22. 1924 Brown, D. R. "The University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon," Jour. Royal Arch. Inst. Can. I, 109-22. 1927 Saskatoon Historical Assoc. Narratives of Saskatoon, 1882-1912. . . . Saskatoon: Univ. of Sask. Bookstore. Pp. 96. 1932 Learned, W. S. and E. W. Wallace. . Local Provision for Higher Education in Saskatchewan. . . . New York: Carnegie Foundation. Pp. 30. 1936 MacKinnon, C. The Life of Principal Oliver. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 162. 1938 Murray, W. C. "Recollections," Rotunda (U. of Sask.) XII, 5-7. 1939 Maddocks, E. H. "Emmanuel College, 1879-1939," ibid. XIII, 30-31. 1941 Murray, W. C. "The University of Saskatchewan," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 95-117. 1943 Arthur Silver Morton, Professor of History. Saskatoon: Univ. of Saskatchewan. Pp. 23. 1945 Simpson, G. W. "Murray and Morton: Maritimers in Western Canada," Dalhousie Rev. XXV, 276-83. 1954 Patton, R. et al. A Tribute to Mr. Kenderine, Founder of Murray Point School of Art. Murray Point: The School. Pp. 13. 1956 Murray, J. E. "The Early History of Emmanuel College," Sask. Hist. IX, 81-101. 1958 Murray, L. H. "St. John's College, Qu'Appelle, 1885-1904," ibid. XI, 18-29. UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE

1954 1958

O'Brady, M. "L'Université de Sherbrooke, sa fondation, son organisation," Ens. Sec. XXIV, 53-57. Gaudefroy, H. "Sherbrooke prend la relève des autres universités," Université de Sherbrooke, Le Bulletin I (3). Université de Sherbrooke. Une revue succincte des débuts de l'Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke. Pp. 58.


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Norris, K. E. The Midnight Oil Montreal: Sir George Williams College. Pp. 8. Cross, H. C. One Hundred fears of Service with Youth. Montreal: Young Men's Christian Association. Pp. 367.




Stephenson, W. "College that's for Everyone," Macleans LXIX (May 12, 1956),34-6, 38.


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Strachan, J. An Appeal to the Friends of Religion and Literature on Behalf of the University of Upper Canada. London. Pp. 24. Harris, J. H. Observations on Upper Canada College, Toronto. Pp. 23. Univ. of King's College, Toronto. Proceedings at the Ceremony of Laying the Foundation Stone, Apr. 23, 1842: And at the Opening of the University, June 8,1843. Toronto. Pp. 56. Macara, J. The Origin, History and Management of the University of King's College, Toronto. Toronto. Pp. 101. "A Graduate" [J. McCaul]. The University Cuestión Considered. Toronto. Pp. 67. Esson, H. Statement Relative to the Educational System of Knox College, Toronto Toronto. Pp. 111. McCaul, J. and J. Macara. Letters on King's College. Toronto. Pp. 23. King's College, Toronto. Fasti Academia; Annals of King's College, Toronto from 1827-1849. Toronto. Pp. 39. Strachan, J. A Letter . . . to the Rev. T. B. Murray . . . on the Subject of Establishing a Church University in Upper Canada. London. Pp. 7. Final Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the Affairs of King's College University and Upper Canada College. Quebec. Pp. 366. McMurray, W. An Appeal to the Members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States on Behalf of the University of Trinity College, Toronto. New York. Pp. 12. Melville, H. The Rise and Progress of Trinity College, Toronto, with a Sketch of the Life of Bishop Strachan. Toronto. Pp. 272. Langton, J. "Letter of November 12, 1856." Reprinted in "Notes and Documents," Can. Hist. Rev. V (1924), 132-45. Ryerson, E. University Questions: The Rev. Dr. Ryerson's Defence of the Wesleyan Petition to the Legislature, and of Denominational Colleges as Part of our System of Public Instruction, in Reply to Dr. Wilson and Mr. Langton. Quebec. Pp. 49. Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. Wesleyan Conference Memorial on the Question of Liberal Education in Upper Canada. . . . Toronto. Pp. 70. Whitaker, G. Two Letters to the Lord Bishop of Toronto in Reply to Charges brought by the Lord Bishop of Huron against the Theological Teaching of Trinity College, Toronto. . . . Toronto. Pp. 64. Wilson, D. Address before the Committee Appointed by the Legislative Assembly to Investigate the Affairs of the University of Toronto. Toronto. Pp.40.




Strachan, J. An Address in Justification of Trinity College from Recent Attacks made upon that Institution. Toronto. Pp. 32. Wesleyan Methodist Church. University Question: Being a Report of the Public Meeting Held at the Kingston Conference in Reference to the University Question and Victoria College, to which is added Dr. Ryersons Defence of the Wesleyan Petitions to the Legislature and of the Denominational Colleges as Part of our System of Public Instruction. Toronto. Pp. 54. 1862 Cronyn, B. The Bishop of Huron's Objections to the Theological Teaching of Trinity College, with the Provost's Reply. Toronto. Pp. 84. 1863 Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Expenditure of the Funds of the University of Toronto. . . . Quebec. Pp. 205. Wesleyan Methodist Church. University Reform Defended, in Reply to Six Editorials of the "Globe" and "Leader" on the University Commissioners and the Advocates of University Reform in Upper Canada, by a Committee of the Wesleyan Conference. Toronto. Pp. 17. 1868 Scadding, H. The First Bishop of Toronto: A Review and a Study. Toronto. Pp. 85. 1869 McMurray, W. Journal of a Mission to England in the fear 1864, on Behalf of the University of Trinity College, Toronto. Toronto. Pp. 67. 1870 Bethune, A. N. Memoir of the Right Reverend John Strachan, D.D., LL.D., First Bishop of Toronto. Toronto. Pp. 385. Wilson, D. A Letter to the Hon. G. W. Ross . . . in Approval of College Residence. Toronto. Pp. 28. 1886 McKeown, H. C. The Life and Labours of Most Rev. John Joseph Lynch, D.D. . . . First Archbishop of Toronto. Montreal. Pp. 343. 1887 Scadding, H. "Memoir of King's College," Yearbook of the University of Toronto, 1886-87, 11-30. Univ. of Toronto. Fasti from 1850 to 1887. . . . Toronto. Pp. 95. 1890 Wilson, D. A Letter to the Hon. G. W. Ross . . . in Approval of College Residence. Toronto. Pp. 28. 1893 Dickson, G. and G. M. Adams, eds. A History of Upper Canada College, 1829-1892. Toronto. Pp. 327. 1895 Report of the Commissioners on the Discipline and Other Matters in the University of Toronto. Toronto. Pp. 34. Univ. of Toronto. Report of a Special Committee of the Senate of the University of Toronto on Claims Respecting the Assets and Endowments of the University. Toronto. Pp. 63. 1901 Boys, W. F. A. "Reminiscences of King's College," Univ. Tor. Monthly II, Supplement, Pp. 33. Cumberland, B. "The Story of a University Building," Can. Mag. XVII, 235-43. Harkness, A. H. "The Architecture of a University Building," ibid., 244-53.


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[Langton, H. H.] "Sir Daniel Wilson," Rev. Hist. Publ. Relating to Can. V, 199-217. Trinity University Review [Jubilee Number] XV, (June-July, 1902), 75-142. Burwash, N. "A Review of the Founding and Development of the University of Toronto as a Provincial Institution," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 37-98. Alexander, W. J., ed. The University of Toronto and its Colleges, 1827-1906. Toronto. Pp.330. Univ. of Toronto. Report of the Royal Commission on the University of Toronto. Toronto. Pp. 268. Blake, S. H. Wydiffe College: An Historical Sketch. Toronto. Pp. 43. Bowes, J. H. "A Varsity Election in the Eighties," Can. Mag. XXXVI, 372-75. Ross, G. W. Getting into Parliament and After. Toronto. Pp. 343. King, J. McCaul, Croft, Forneri: Personalities of Early University Days. Toronto. Pp. 256. Univ. of Toronto. Report of the Royal Commission on University Finances, February, 1921. Toronto: King's Printer. 2 vols. Squair, J. Alumni Associations in the University of Toronto. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp.45. Loudon, W. J. Studies of Student Life. Toronto: Macmillan, 1923-30. 7 vols. Mavor, J. My Windows on the Street of the World. Toronto: Dent. 2 vols. Ross, M. Sir George W. Ross: A Biographical Sketch. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 195. Univ. of Toronto. Report of the Special Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Organisation and Administration of the University of Toronto. Toronto : King's Printer. Pp.20. Squair, J. Admission of Women to the University of Toronto and University College. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 34. Langton, W. A., ed. Early Days in Upper Canada. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 310. Robertson, T. B. The Fighting Bishop, John Strachan, the First Bishop of Toronto, and Other Essays in His Times. Ottawa: Graphic. Pp. 179. Burwash, N. The History of Victoria College. Toronto: Victoria College Press. Pp. 571. The Jubilee Volume of Wyclife College. Toronto: Wycliffe College. Pp. 301. Langton, H. H. James Loudon and the University of Toronto. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 32. Wallace, W. S. A History of the University of Toronto. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp.308. Mulock, W. "University Federation of Denominational Colleges in Canada," Current Hist. (U.S.) XXVII, 524-38.





1936 1937

1939 1940

1941 1942




Squair, J. The Autobiography of a Teacher of French. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp.292. Young, A. H. "John Strachan, 1778-1867," Queen's Q. XXXV, 386-407. A Group of Classical Graduates. Honours Classics in the University of Toronto. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 83. Langton, H. H. Sir Daniel Wilson: A Memoir. Toronto: Nelson. Pp. 250. A Record of the Proceedings at the Celebration of the Centenary . . . 1927. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 135. Wilson, D. "Unpublished Journal of Sir Daniel Wilson." Typescript, Univ. of Toronto Library. Pp. 211. Brebner, J. B. "Oxford, Toronto, Columbia," Columbia Univ. Q. XXIII, 224-40. Univ. of Toronto. A Record of Proceedings at the Opening of the Banting Institute. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 56. Ashley, A. William James Ashley: A Life by his Daughter. London: King. Pp. 176. Loudon, W. J. Sir William Mulock: A Short Riography. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 384. On the Old Ontario Strand: Victoria's Hundred Years. Toronto: Victoria Univ. Pp. 176. Morrison, E. and J. E. Middleton. William Tyrrell of Weston. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 152. Sissons, C. B. Egerton Ryerson: His Life and Letters. Toronto: Ryerson, 1937-47. 2 vols. Langton, H. H. Sir John Cunningham McLennan: A Memoir; with a Chapter on his Scientific Work by E. F. Burton. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 123. Falconer, R. "University Federation in Toronto," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 43-54. Scollard, R. J. L. Basilian Fathers: A Short Account of History, Life and Works of Congregation of Priests of St. Basil. Toronto: Basilian Press. Pp. 32. Spragge, G. W. "John Strachan's Contribution to Education, 180023," Can. Hist. Rev. XXII, 147-58. Falconer, R. "Glimpses of the University at Work from 1907 until the First World War," Univ. Tor. Q. XI, 127-39, 389-402. Spragge, G. W. "The Cornwall Grammar School under John Strachan, 1803-12," Ont. Hist. XXXIV, 63-84. Cody, H. J. et al. "In Memoriam: Sir Robert Alexander Falconer, K.C.M.G.," Univ. Tor. Ç. XIII, 135-74. Reed, T. A. The Blue and White: A Record . . . of Athletic Endeavour at the University of Toronto. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 319. Irving, J. A. "The Achievement of George Sidney Brett," Univ. Tor. Q. XIV, 329-65. Wallace, M. W. and A. S. P. Woodhouse. "In Memoriam William John Alexander," ibid., 1-33.









1956 1957


Cody, H. J. "A Chapter in the Organisation of Higher Education in Canada, 1905-06," Trans. E.S.C. Sect. II, 30-42. Spragge, G. W., éd. The John Strachan Letter Book, 1812-1834. Toronto: Ontario Historical Society. Pp. 279. Stevenson, L. G. Sir Frederick Banting. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 446. Creighton, D. G. "An Episode in the History of the University of Toronto," Univ. Tor. Q. XVII, 245-56. Wallace, W. S. "The Life and Work of George Wrong," Can. Hist. Rev. XXIX, 229-39. Defries, R. D. The Connaught Medical Research Laboratories during the Second World War, 1939-1945. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 18. Shook, L. K. "St. Michael's College: The Formative Years, 18501853," Can. Hist. Rev. XXXI, 37-52. Sissons, C. B. "University Federation at Toronto: A Canadian Experiment," ibid., 166-76. Wallace, W. S. "The Graduates of King's College, Toronto," Ont. Hist. LXIII, 18-19, 33-34. Northway, M. L. et al. Twenty-five fears of Child Study: The Development of the Programme and Review of the Research at the Institute of Child Study, University of Toronto, 1926-1951. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 182. Shook, L. K. "The Coming of the Basilians to Assumption College: Early Expansion of St. Michael's College," Can. Cath. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept. XVIII, 59-73. Edgar, P. Across My Path, ed. by N. Frye. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp.167. Henderson, J. L. H. "The Founding of Trinity College, Toronto," Ont. Hist. LXIV, 7-14. Reed, T. A., éd. A History of the University of Trinity College, Toronto, 1852-1952. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 313. Sissons, C. B. A History of Victoria University. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 346. Bissell, C. T., éd. University College: A Portrait, 1853-1953. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 148. Brown, G. W. "The Founding of Victoria College" in Canada in the Making (Toronto: Dent), 66-90. White, W. C. Canon Cody of St. Paul's Church. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 220. Chant, C. A. Astronomy in the University of Toronto: The David Dunlap Observatory. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 68. University Advisory Bureau. The Veteran at Varsity. Toronto: U. of T. Book Store. Pp. 49. Currelly, C. T. Z Brought the Ages Home. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 312. Creighton, D. G. Harold Adams Innis: Portrait of a Scholar. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 146. Sisam, J. W. B. "Forestry at the University of Toronto," Timber of Canada (March), 3-7.




The Installation of Claude Thomas Bissett, Eighth President. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 55. Knox College Centenary Committee. The Centenary of the Granting of the Charter of Knox College, Toronto, 1858-1958. Toronto. Pp. 22. Young, C. R. Early Engineering Education at Toronto, 1851-1919. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 150.


1883 1914 1921 1925 1937

1938 1953 1956 1957

Hellmuth, I. "Huron College and the Western University," Journal of the Synod of the Church of England of the Diocese of Huron, 26th session 1883, 22-30. See also 30-48. James, N. C. "The Western University," Trans. London b- Middlesex Historical Society, Part V, 41-47. Tamblyn, W. F. "A University in the Making," Can. Mag. LVI, 417-32. Davis, H. R. "The Beginnings and the Development of the University of Western Ontario, 1878-1924." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Western Ontario. Appleyard, R. T. "The Origins of Huron College in Relation to the Religious Questions of the Period." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Western Ontario. Mother Mercedes. "The History of the Ursulines of Ontario." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Western Ontario. Tamblyn, W. F. These Sixty fears. London: Univ. of Western Ontario. Pp. 135. Taiman, J. J. and R. D. Taiman. Western—1878-1953. London: Univ. of Western Ontario. Pp. 185. Thomas, H. M. The History of the U. W. O. Contingent, COTC. London: Univ. of Western Ontario. Pp. 422. Crowfoot, A. H. Bishop Cronyn. London: Synod of the Diocese of Huron. Pp. 142.



Falconer, R. "Limiting the Number of Students in the Faculty of Arts," N.C.C.U. Proc., 1&-17. 1923 MacDonnell, J. W. "The Decline of the Arts Faculty," Queens Ç. XXX, 310-18. 1925 Nichols, E. W. "The Arts Course, its Purpose and Essential Elements," N.C.C.U. Proc., 20-27. 1929 A Group of Classical Graduates. Honours Classics in the University of Toronto. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 83. 1930 Hawat, D. "The Importance of Honour Matriculation for Honour Courses in Arts," N.C.C.U. Proc., 89-96. Underbill, F. H. "Commerce Courses and the Arts Faculty," ibid., 74-80. 1932 Trueman, G. J. "The Requirements for the B. A. Degree," N.C.C.U. Proc., 82-85. 1937 Beatty, S. "Honours Courses: From the Universities' Standpoint," N.C.C.U. Proc., 54-56. Fletcher, B. A. "Honours Courses: From the Schools' Standpoint," ibid., 56-58. Matheson, J. and J. F. Macdonald. "The Effect of Summer Schools on the Standards of Faculties of Arts," ibid., 22-31. Wallace, M. W. "Is the Arts Course Losing Ground?" ibid., 12-20. 1942 Mackenzie, N. A. M. "The Future of the Arts Course," N.C.C.U. Proc., 128-40. McGreer, A. H. "Accelerated Courses in Arts," ibid., 105-108. Maheux, A. "The Future of the Faculty of Arts," ibid., 122-28. Wallace, R. C. "The Arts Faculty," ibid., 118-22. 1943 Fieldhouse, H. N. "The Liberal Arts Course: The Manitoba Experiment," N.C.C.U. Proc., 56-60. Thomson, J. S. "The Arts and Science Course at the University of Saskatchewan," ibid., 54—56. Tracy, C. R. "The Future of the Faculty of Arts," Queens Q. L 174-87. 1944 Smith, S. E. "The Hub of the University: The Arts Course," Manitoba Arts Rev. Ill, 33-41.


1946 1947 1948 1950 1954 1957


Smith, S. E. "The Liberal Arts: An Experiment," Queen's Q. LI, 1-12. Woodhouse, A. S. P. "Undergraduate and Graduate Studies," N.C.C.U. Troc., 81-82. Kirkconnell, W. and A. S. P. Woodhouse. The Humanities in Canada. Ottawa: Humanities Research Council of Canada. Pp. 287. ' Wilson, G. E. "The Problem of the Arts Course," Dalhousie Rev. XXVII, 75-82. Gilmour, G. P. "The Problem of Undergraduate Colleges," N.C.C.U. Proc., 31-34. Priestley, F. E. L. "Problems of a Three-Dimensional Education," Trans. R.S.C. Sect.. II, 41-46. Hickman, W. H. "The Role of the Liberal Arts in Education," Univ. Brit. Col. Ed. Bull. no. 1, 33-38.


Raymond, J.-S. Entretien sur les études classiques. Montréal. Pp. 33. 1875 Pelletier, A. La Réforme chrétienne des études classiques par un collaborateur du "Franc-Parleur". Montréal. Pp. 194. 1881 Anonyme. L'Université Laval et les études classiques. Montréal. Pp. 79. 1888 Desjardins, E. Plaidoyer en faveur des études classiques. Mile End. Pp. 20. 1889 Propositions générales qui ont été formulées par différents professeurs des collèges affiliés (à Laval) en juin 1889, relativement aux changements à faire dans les programmes du baccalauréat. Québec. Pp. 26. 1892 Baillargé, F.-A. Questions diverses en rapport avec le nouveau programme de philosophie des collèges de la province de Québec affiliés à l'Université Laval. Joliette. Pp. 41. 1895 Gosselin, D. "L'Enseignement classique," Sem. Rel. Québec VII, 541-42, 555-57. 1898 Nantel, G. A. Des Etudes classiques. Montréal. Pp. 34. 1901 Demandes faites par les différents collèges affiliés à ^Université Laval à l'occasion du prochain congrès des études qui se tiendra à Québec au mois de juin 1901. Québec. Pp. 19. 1904 Fortier, L.-E. Les Etudes classiques. Montréal. Pp. 14. 1906 Demandes faites par les différents collèges affiliés à ^Université Laval à l'occasion du prochain congrès des études qui se tiendra à Québec, au mois de juin 1906. Québec. Pp. 13. 1909 Paquet, L.-A. "L'Eglise et l'éducation: la culture classique," Nouv.-Fr. VIII, 49-64.



1915 1917 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923





Miville, G. "Le Clergé et l'enseignement secondaire," Sem. Rel. Québec XXVII, 178-82, 195-98. Sabourin, A.-P. L'Enseignement secondaire moderne et l'enseignement secondaire classique. Valleyfield. Pp. 29. Université Laval. Congrès de l'enseignement secondaire. Québec. Pp. 15. Université Laval. Actes du Congrès de l'enseignement secondaire. Québec. Pp. 252. Anonyme. "Compte-rendu du Congrès de l'enseignement secondaire tenu au Séminaire de Québec en juin 1917," Ens. Sec. II. Lecompte, H. "L'Enseignement classique," ibid. 424—28. Courchesne, G. "Pédagogie pratique," ibid. Ill, 289-96, 433-40. Hudon, T. La Formation classique: nos vieux auteurs. Québec: Action sociale. Arbour, J. "Le Cours classique et les affaires," Rev. Trim. Can. VIII, 466-78. Anonyme. "Actes du Congrès de l'enseignement secondaire," Ens. Sec. V, 1-7. Anonyme. "Modifications au programme du baccalauréat," ibid. 178-82. Chattier, E. "La Culture classique et l'enseignement des sciences," Rev. Trim. Can. IX, 373-87. Chartier, E. "Relations of Classical Colleges to the University," N.C.C.U. Proc., 24-39. Courchesne, G. "Pédagogie du cours classique," Ens. Sec. V, 113-30. Dussault, E. "Notre cours classique," ibid. 104—109. Forget, A. "L'Enseignement classique, tel que donné, est-il approprié aux conditions d'existence des Canadiens français?" Ens. Sec. V, 74-104. Roy, G. "Notre enseignement classique," Can. Fr. II, 167-85. Simard, G. Tradition et évolution dans l'enseignement classique. Ottawa: Le Droit. Pp. 35. Chartier, E. "The Classical College of Quebec," Queen's Q. XXXI, 270-88. Chartier, E. "Les Collèges classiques," Rev. Trim. Can. X, 115-42. Marcoux, A. "Le Double Cours dans nos institutions d'enseignement," Ens. Sec. V, 5-16. R., C. "Tradition et évolution dans l'enseignement classique," Can. Fr. XI, 410-21. Gallois, G. "Finesse et géométrie: apologie du cours classique latin-grec," Ens. Sec. VI, 57-63. Roy, C. "Progrès et traditions dans nos séminaires et collèges classiques," Can. Fr. XIII, 229-37. Anonyme. "Congrès des collèges classiques de la région de Montréal," Ens. Sec. VII, 163-73. Baldwin, S. "La Culture classique et l'homme moyen," ibid. 534-40.



Chartier, E. "L'Ame de nos collèges," ibid., 173-79. Latour, J. "La Faculté des Arts," ibid., 413-52. 1928 Neven, R. "The Teaching of Arts and Sciences in the Classical Colleges of Quebec," N.C.C.U. Proc., 108-18. Malye, J. "La Culture classique à l'étranger," Ens. Sec. VIII, 576-85. 1929 Pouliot, A. "Les Sciences dans notre enseignement classique," ibid. IX, 8-27, 272-85, 341-52, 464-81; X, 84-104, 184-93, 673-86. 1930 Benoît, R. "A propos des articles de M. Adrien Pouliot: le baccalauréat unique," ibid. X, 211-20, 305-17, 380-86, 583-97. "XXX." "Nos programmes sont-ils suffisants?" ibid., 121-27. 1931 Maheux, A. "Nouvelles décisions de l'Université Laval concernant le baccalauréat dans la Faculté des Arts," ibid., 650-55. Minville, E. Instruction ou éducation: à propos de l'enseignement secondaire. Montréal: Ecole Sociale Populaire. Pp. 64. Pouliot, A. "Les Sciences dans notre enseignement classique: la formation des professeurs de sciences," Ens. Sec. X, 446-64. See also 319, 424. 1932 Benoît, R. "A propos des articles de M. Pouliot," ibid. XI, 299-323. 1933 Maheux, A. "De la pléthore des diplômes," ibid. XII, 479-86. 1934 Fr. Albert. "La Crise de l'autorité dans les collèges," ibid. XIII, 392-402. Chartier, E. The English and the French Systems of Secondary Education in Québec. Montréal. Pp. 19. Dion, M.-A. "L'Education nationale et l'enseignement secondaire," Act. Nat. IV, 323-41. Douville, A. "La Formation sociale au collège," Ens. Sec. XIII, 247-57. L'Enseignement Secondaire. "Descendre du Thibet: au sujet de Tautorité pédagogique' au cours secondaire," ibid., 358-66. L'Enseignement Secondaire. "Querelle entre journalistes et éducateurs de la revue l'Enseignement Secondaire, au sujet de la valeur de la formation donnée dans le cours classique," ibid., 414—21. 1935 Gaudreault, Y.-M. "Nos Maisons d'enseignement secondaire," ibid. XIV, 271-86. 1936 Maurault, O. "Les Origines de l'enseignement secondaire à Montréal," Cah. Dix I, 95-104. 1937 Bordeleau, J.-A. "Le Programme des examens," Ens. Sec. XVI, 578-91. Groulx, L. Faites-nous des hommes. Montréal: Ed. Jeunesse Indépendante Catholique. Pp. 32. 1938 Labelle, L. H. "Au service de notre enseignement secondaire," Nos Cahiers III, 307-14. 1940 Dion, M.-A. "L'Enseignement secondaire au Canada français," Act. Nat. XV, 243-64. Maheux, A. "Remarques sur le cours secondaire," Can. Fr. XXVII, 603-17, 755-64, 842-54. Montpetit, E. "L'Enseignement secondaire a-t-il subi l'influence américaine?" Rev. Trim. Can. XXVI, 117-32. Paquet, A. Ratio Studiorum. Montréal: L*Entr'aide. Pp. 100.




Pelland, L. Défense et illustration de nos collèges classiques. Joliette: Carnets Viatoriens. Pp. 16. 1942 Congrès de l'enseignement secondaire. La Formation du caractère. Québec. Pp. 161. Maheux, A. "The Future of the Faculty of Arts," N.C.C.U. Proc., 122-28. Saint-Pierre, A. "Le Baccalauréat," Rev. Dom. XLVIII, 282-88. 1943 Conseil canadien des Recherches en Sciences sociales. Correspondance avec le Premier Ministre du Canada au sujet des cours dans les Facultés des Arts. Ottawa. Pp. 11. Sr Marie-de-Ste-Rose-Anne. "A propos d'un baccalauréat féminin," Ens. Sec. XXII, 541-45. Sr St-Stanislas-de-Jésus. "Nos Jeunes Filles et le baccalauréat," ibid., 373-83. 1944 Beaumier, J.-L. "Notre Tâche," ibid. XXIV, 161-69. Benoît, J.-P. "Le Collège devant l'enfant moderne," Coll. et Fam. I, 69-76. Benoît, J.-P. "Examen de conscience," ibid., 164-72. De Grandpré, A. Propos d'un éducateur. Montréal: Librairie St-Viateur. Pp. 166. Dion, M.-A. "Enseignement secondaire au Canada en 1944^15," Ens. Sec. XXIV, 9-17. Tremblay, A. "Le Cours classique ou le cours secondaire?" Orient. IV, 240-48. 1945 Roy, M.-A. "Le Collège classique au service du Christ, de l'Eglise et de la société," Ens. Sec. XXVI, 13-21, 83-92. 1946 Benoît, J.-P. "L'Organisation collégiale," Coll. et Fam. III, 115-24, 170-76. D'Anjou, M.-J. "Qui veut répondre?" ibid., 138-44. Petit de Julleville. "La Préparation du collégien à la vie," Ens. Sec. XXV, 383-99. Stavelot, J. L'Introduction du baccalauréat -français au Canada. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 111. Tremblay, J. "Usage de la pensée: cours classique et philosophie," Coll. et Fam. III, 149-54. Verville, B. "Pour une culture supérieure et spécifique de la femme," Ens. Sec. XXV, 347-53. 1947 Arbour, J. "Propos sur le cours classique et les affaires," Act. Econ. XXIII, 500-10. Benoît, J.-P. "Courants nouveaux," Coll. et Fam. IV, 65-74. D'Anjou, M.-J. "Une Conversation: sondages," ibid., 232-39. Diamant, J. "Le Programme de sciences dans l'enseignement secondaire à Laval," Ens. Sec. XXVII, 107-14. Kirkconnell, W. and A. S. P. Woodhouse. The Humanities in Canada. Ottawa: Humanities Research Council. Pp. 287. Robespierre. "Le Cours classique dans Québec: sondages," Coll. et Fam. IV, 41-48. Thomson, D. L. "Curricula of the French-Language Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 36-40.




Béchard, M. "Culture féminine," Ens. Sec. XXVIII, 15-24. Courtemanche, A. "L'Enseignement des sciences dans les collèges classiques de la région de Montréal," ibid., 201-16. D'Anjou, M.-J. "Dernières ripostes," Coll. et Fam. IV, 181-90. Grouk, L. Professionnels et culture classique. Montréal: Séminaire de Ste-Thérèse. Pp. 15. Lortie, L. "The New Classical Curriculum and its Impact on University Courses," Act. Univ. XIV, 278-85. Sr Ste-Madeleine-des-Anges. "Histoire d'une évolution," Coll. et Fam. V, 21-29, 77-87. 1949 D'Anjou, M.-J. "Notre enseignement secondaire à la question," ibid. VI, 82-94. Sr M.-Emmanuel. "Nos Humanités féminines," Ens. Sec. XXVIII, 180-85. Sr M.-Emmanuel. "Vers des humanités plus féminines," Coll. et Fam. VI, 211-17. Picard, R. "Le Cours classique," ibid., 163-70. 1950 Barbeau, V. "Plénitude de l'homme," ibid. VII, 76-80. Bernier, J. "Problems Facing French-speaking Universities: Arts and Letters," N.C.C.U. Proc., 40-42. Drouin, M.-J. "Université Laval, Faculté des Arts, Préscientifique," Ens. Sec. XXIX, 302-306. Gingras, P.-E. "Réclamons une enquête officielle," Act. Nat. XXXVI, 213-22. Joly, R. "Orientation générale," Coll. et Fam. VII, 60-64. Lortie, L. "Unir pour mieux former," ibid., 70—75. St-Pierre, A. "L'Evolution de l'éducation classique," Rev. Dom. LVI, 18-23. Vanier, P. "La Structure de nos collèges," Coll. et Fam. VII, 128-42. 1951 Angers, F.-A. "Evolution économique et enseignement secondaire," Ens. Sec. XXX, 181-85. Brouillet, I. "Où en sommes-nous dans notre enseignement préuniversitaire?" Rev. Trim. Can. XXVII, 338-44. Dion, M.-A. "L'Enseignement secondaire au Canada français," Ens. Sec. XXX, 347-55. 1952 Deschamps, P. "Les Classes nouvelles dans l'enseignement secondaire," ibid. XXXI, 217-25. Foucreault, L. "Conditions d'un enseignement culturel des sciences," ibid., 225-29. Joly, R. "Training the 'Homo perennis,' " Culture XIII, 241-47. Joly, R. Vers la réforme du baccalauréat: le projet latin—sciences. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 32. Lefebvre, L.-J. "Les Collèges classiques et leurs problèmes," Ens. Sec. XXXI, 149-57. Lortie, L. "The B.A. Degree in Our French-speaking Universities," Culture XIII, 21-30. Provost, H. "Les Cent Ans de la Faculté des Arts," Rev. Univ. Laval VI, 752-56. Provost, H. Historique de la Faculté des Arts à l'Université Laval. Québec: Enseignement secondaire. Pp. 104.







Anonyme. "Le Fédération des Collèges classiques du Québec," Relations XIII, 173-74. Rioux, M. "Remarques sur l'éducation secondaire et la culture canadienne-française," Cité Libre III, 34-42. Sr Marie-de-Bon-Secours. "Valeur formatrice du cours classique pour les jeunes filles," Coll. et Fam. XI, 6—14. Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf. Mémoire à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels. Montréal: Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf. Pp. 192. Fédération des Collèges classiques. L'Organisation et les besoins ¿le Renseignement classique clans le Québec. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 325. Fédération des Collèges classiques pour jeunes filles. La Signification et les besoins de l'enseignement classique pour jeunes filles. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 154. Joly, R. "Quelles traditions défendons-nous?" Coll. et Fam. XI, 91-98. Parent, C.-E. "Conservation et renouvellement," Ens. Sec. XXXIII, 255-60. Picard, R. "Que représente notre baccalauréat es arts? Relations IV, 245-48. Tremblay, A. "La Culture de nos bacheliers," Ens. Sec. XXXIII, 197-201. Tremblay, A. Les Collèges et les écoles publiques: conflit ou coordination? Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 140. Wade, M. "The Contribution of Abbé John Holmes to Education in thé Province of Quebec," Culture XV, 3-16. Angers, P. "L'Autonomie des collèges classiques," Relations XV, 259-62. Dionne, Y. M. "Le Problème de l'enseignement des sciences au secondaire," Ens. Sec. XXXIV, 72-84. Gingras, P.-E. "Le Mémoire des collèges classiques," Act. Nat. XLIV, 707-715. Gingras, P.-E. "Nos lecteurs demandent des précisions sur un programme de recherches dans les collèges classiques," ibid. XLV, 245-53. Laliberté, J. "L'Enseignement secondaire dans le Québec," Coll. et Fam. XII, 197-205. Plante, A. "Les Collèges classiques féminins," Relations XV, 146-49. Plante, A. "Le Mémoire des collèges classiques à la Commission Tremblay," ibid., 115-17. Thomassin, R. "Situation et mission des collèges," Ens. Sec. XXXV, 53-60. "Acidius." "Procès de l'enseignement secondaire clérical au Québec," Coll. et Fam. XIII, 30-39. Fr. Auguste. "Le Cours classique latin-sciences," Ens. Sec. XXXVI, 59-63. Gingras, P.-E. "Le Rapport Tremblay et le financement des collèges classiques," Act. Nat. XLV, 889-96.





Gérin-Lajoie, P. "Changing Patterns of Classical Education in Quebec," N.C.C.U. Proc., 73-81. Joly, R. "Les Collèges classiques trahissent-ils la nation?" Ens. Sec, XXXVI, 157-61. Lauzon, M. "Fréquentation du cours classique dans la province de Québec," Bull. Féd. Coll. I (6), 4-5. Maltais, R. "Ce que le collège attend de la famille," Fam.-Coll. 1(1). Relations. "Le Rapport Tremblay et les collèges classiques," Relations XVI, 190-91. Anonyme. "L'Enseignement des mathématiques dans les écoles secondaires," Ens. Sec. XXXVI, 172-78. Beauchemin, J.-M. "Notre Cours secondaire et les autres," Bull. Féd. Coll. III (1), 1-4. Beauchemin, J.-M. "Cours classique et systèmes d'enseignement," ibid. (3), 1-3. Lambert, M. "L'Alliance sciences-humanisme," Ens. Sec. XXXVI, 197-204. Plante, G. "Réformes accomplies, progrès à réaliser," Coll et Fam. XIV, 1-7. Gingras, P.-E. "Deux conférences, deux perspectives," ibid. XV, 31-36.



Charland, V. Questions d'histoire littéraire mises en rapport avec le programme de l'Université Laval. Lévis. Pp. 510. 1905 Watson, J. "Humanism," Queen's Q. XIII, 106-26. 1917 "Un Professeur." "Les Humanités classiques," Ens. Sec. I, 246—52, 273-84. 1918 Robertson, J. E. "Pure Science and Humanism," Queens Q. XXVI, 54-65. 1919 Osier, W. The Old Humanities and the New Science. Boston. Pp. 64. 1920 Alexander, W. H. College and Religion: Talks to College Students. Boston: Badger. Pp. 107. "Un vieux professeur." "Aux professeurs," Ens. Sec. Ill, 210-15. 1926 Gore, H. "La Faculté d'émotion au service de la formation littéraire," ibid. VI, 113-20. 1927 Courchesne, G. Nos humanités. Nicolet: Procure de l'Ecole normale. Pp. 720. 1929 Sedgewick, G. G. "The Unity of the Humanities," Dalhousie Rev. XVIII, 357-67. 1933 Pierre du Séminaire. "Vers des humanités plus fortes," Ens. Sec. XII, 333-39.



1936 1938 1939 1940 1941 1943 1944





Hertel, F. "La Littérature canadienne-française (dans l'enseignement secondaire)," Act. Nat. V, 277-89. Lachance, L. "Saint Thomas et la culture," Ens. Sec. XIV, 366-75 Simard, O.-D. "Les Humanités à travers les âges," ibid. XV, 95-104. Simard, O.-D. "Les Humanités modernes," ibid., 261-68. Bernier, J.-A. "L'Humanisme classique" in R. C. Lodge, éd., Manitoba Essays (Toronto: Macmillan), 151-89. Nadeau, B. "Les Humanités: séance de classe," Ens. Sec. XVII, 536-42. Hertel, F. L'Enseignement des belles-lettres. Montréal: Ateliers de l'Entraide. Pp. 152. Bernier, A. Humanisme classique. Montréal: Ateliers de l'Entr'aide. Pp. 42. Falconer, R. "A Hundred Years in the Humanities and Social Sciences" in Queen's University: A Centenary Volume, 1841—1941 (Toronto: Ryerson), 31-46. Falconer, R. "The Humanities in the Wartime University," Univ. Tor. Q. XIII, 1-13. Vincent, C. J. "Science and the Humanities," Queens Q. L, 257-68. Lebel, M. Les Humanités classiques dans la société contemporaine. 2e éd., Québec: Univ. Laval. Pp. 27. Lefebvre, L.-J. Un problème d'éducation: culture et utilitarisme. Montréal: Centre de Psychologie et de Pédagogie. Pp. 10. Pacey, D. "The Humanities in Canada," Queen's Q. L, 354-60. Patón, J. M. "No Retreat in the Humanities," Ens. Sec. XXIII, 296-300. Chattier, E. "La Faculté des Lettres," Act. Univ. XI, 35-40. Duhamel, R. "Une heure avec le chanoine Arthur Sideleau," Act. Nat. XXV, 197-202. Kirkconnell, W. "Les Humanités à notre époque" (traduction de M. Lebel), Can. Fr. XXXIII, 51-59, 114-19. Lebel, M. "L'Enquête du Conseil de recherches des humanités au Canada," Ens. Sec. XXIV, 416-20. Sideleau, A. "Notre Faculté des Lettres, sa mission, ses méthodes," Act. Univ. XI, 16-20, 23-27; XII, 4-9. Anonyme. "Le Cours de lettres, facteur d'objectivité intellectuelle," Ens. Sec. XXVI, 115-19. Frégault, G. "La Faculté des Lettres, foyer de culture et de recherches," ibid. XXV, 227-31. Lebel, M. "Le Rôle et l'avenir de la Faculté des Lettres de Laval," Nat. Can. LXXIII, 327-34. Tremblay, J. "La Vivante Armure: formation humaniste," Coll. et Fam. III, 9-18. Tremblay, J. "Au cœur du pratique: humanisme et institutions," ibid., 101-07. Kirkconnell, W. and A. S. P. Woodhouse. The Humanities in Canada. Ottawa: Humanities Research Council of Canada. Pp. 287. Laliberté, J. "La Santé de notre humanisme," Rev. Univ. Laval II, 212-17, 295-303, 423-30, 497-506, 618-25.



Marion, S. "La Querelle des humanistes canadiens au XIXe siècle," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XVII, 405-33. 1948 Manon, S. "L'Humanisme chrétien et le Canada français d'aujourd'hui," ibid. XVIII, 422-40. 1950 Dolman, C. E. Science and the Humanities: An Address. Vancouver: Univ. of British Columbia. Pp. 19. Henel, H. "Humanistic Scholarship," Queen's Q. LVII, 93-100. Lebel, M. "The Progress of the Humanities since 1945," The Humanities Research Council—2nd Report, 1947-49, 9-17. Pacey, D. "The Humanist Tradition" in A. G. Bailey, éd., The University of New Rrunswick Memorial Volume (Fredericton), 57-68. 1951 Nicolas, N.-V. "Les Etudes orientales à l'Université de Montréal," Act. Univ. XVII, 22-34. Valiquette, S. "Mgr Courchesne et nos humanités," Coll. et Fam. VIII, 3-8. Vinay, M.-P. "Les Humanités féminines, limites et conditions," Ens. Sec. XXX, 269-76. Wallace, M. W. "The Humanities" in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 99-110. 1952 Anonyme. "Plaidoyer pour l'humanisme," Relations XII, 324-25. Gagnon, E. L'Homme d'ici: l'humanisme chrétien. Québec Institut Littéraire. Pp. 139. Lebel, M. "Congrès des humanités à l'Université Laval," Ens. Sec. XXXII, 24-31. Lebel, M. "La Faculté des Lettres de Laval," Rev. Univ. Laval VI, 449-64. Lévesque, G.-H. "Humanisme et sciences sociales," Rev. Dom. LVIII, 212-23. Preston, R. A. "The Humanities in Cadet Colleges," R.M.C. Rev. XXXIII, 86-95. Woodhouse, A. S. P. "The Nature and Function of the Humanities," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 1-17. 1953 Barbeau, M. " 'Nos Humanités' de Mgr Courchesne," Péd.-Or. VII, 87-95. Groulx, L. "Pour inaugurer la chaire de civilisation canadiennefrançaise," Act. Nat. XLI, 122-45. Racette, J. "Valeur particulière de nos humanités," Coll. et Fam. X, 141-48. Ranger, P. "Les Humanités au carrefour?" Relations XIII, 318-20. 1954 Laliberté, J. "Entretien national sur l'humanisme," Act. Nat. XLIV, 912-18. Sr Marie-des-Anges. "Comment naquirent les humanités classiques féminines à Québec," Ens. Sec. XXXIV, 271-76. Woodhouse, A. S. P. "The Humanities: Sixty Years," Queens Q. LX, 538-50. 1955 Trépanier, E. et L. Giasson. "Une synthèse classique," Ens. Sec. XXXIV, 197-203. 1956 Genest, J. "L'Education des élites," Relations XVI, 11-12.





Kirkconnell, W. "The Humanities" in J. Katz, éd., Canadian Education Today (Toronto: McGraw Hill), 200-10. Lambert, M. "L'Alliance sciences-humanisme," Ens. Sec. XXXVI, 197-204. MacLure, M. "Literary Scholarship" in J. Park, éd., The Culture of Contemporary Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 222-41. Marchand, G. "La Nécessité de la lecture," Fam.-Coll. I, (3). Angers, F.-A. "Techniques et humanités," Cah. Nouv. Fr. VIII, 243-57. Bissell, C. T. "The Humanities and the Crisis," Can. Bar. Jour. I, 28-35. Lebel, M. "Humanisme et technique, science et recherche," Rev. Univ. Laval XIII, 226-42. Salter, F. M. "And God Said, Let there be Light," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 69-75. Frye, N. "Humanities in a New World" in M. Ross, éd., University of Toronto Installation Lectures (Toronto), 9-23.


1886 1931 1932

1933 1956


Kingsford, W. Canadian Archaeology: An Essay. Montreal. Pp. 118. Iliffe, J. H. "Archaeology and the Student," Queen's Q. XXXVIII, 534-57. Jenness, D. "Fifty Years of Archaeology in Canada," in Royal Society, Fifty fears Retrospect, 71-76. Miers, H. A. and S. F. Markham. A Report on the Museums of Canada to the Carnegie Corporation of New York. . . . London: Museum Assoc. Pp. 66. Falconer, R. "The Royal Ontario Museum and other Museums in Canada," Univ. Tor. Q. II, 168-85. Currelly, C. T. I Brought the Ages Home. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 312. Tushingham, A. D. "Archaeology and the Canadian," Queen's Q. LXII, 554-64. Taylor, W. E. "Archaeology in the Canadian Arctic," Can. Geog. Jour. LVII, 92-95.


1893 1901 1922 1924

Dyde, S. W. "A Lectureship in Music," Queen's Q. I, 18-26. Drummond, A. F. "A Course in Music at Queen's, ibid. IX, 61-62. University of Toronto. Higher Education in Music: A Brief Outline of What the Provincial University is Doing in the Development of Musical Appreciation. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 8. Marcoux, J. C. L'Enseignement de la musique dans la province de Québec. Québec. Pp. 23.


1927 1928

1930 1937 1940 1946 1948 1951 1952

1954 1955



MacMillan, £. "The Place of Music in a University Curriculum," N.C.C.U. Proc., 66-75. Goré, H. "Le Rôle des yeux dans la formation intellectuelle: les séances dramatiques," Ens. Sec. VII, 705-15. Maurault, O. Marges d'histoire I (L'Art au Canada). Montréal. Pp. 310. Benoît, J.-P. "Le Théâtre au collège," Ens. Sec. IX, 194-205. Hamelin, E. "L'Esthétique dans l'enseignement," ibid. X, 104-11, 178-84. Brunelle, R. "Humanités et musique," Carnets du Théologien I, 22-26. Lebel, M. "Arts et institutions," Ens. Sec. XX, 16-23. Jones, E. M. "The University's Duty towards Canadian Drama," Culture VII, 311-24. Gaitskell, C. D. Art Education in the Province of Ontario. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 55. Jones, E. M. and F. Holroyd. "The Theatre and Other Expressive Arts in a Canadian University," Culture XII, 143-56. Déziel, J. "L'Histoire de l'art au collège classique," Ens. Sec. XXXI, 157-61, 229-34. Secrétariat de la Province de Québec. Exposition rétrospective de l'art au Canada français. Québec. Cameron, D. "The Banff School of Fine Arts: An Adventure in Adult Education," Can. Geog. Jour. XLVIII, 206-15. Adaskin, H. "Music in the University," N.C.C.U. Proc., 69-73. Hubbard, R. H. "The Visual Arts in the University," ibid., 64-68. Walter, A. "Education in Music," in E. MacMillan, éd., Music in Canada (Toronto: U. of T. Press), 133-45. Bionner, F. "I Taught a Course of Fine Arts in a Canadian University," Culture XII, 388-93. Cameron, D. Campus in the Clouds. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. Pp. 127.


1866 1867 1904 1914

Pelletier, A. Mgr Gaume, sa thèse et ses défenseurs: les classiques chrétiens et les classiques païens dans l'enseignement. St-Hyacinthe. Pp. 33. Pelletier, A. La Question des classiques en présence des rectifications et des critiques de M. l'abbé Chandonnet. St-Hyacinthe. Pp. 44. Pelletier, A. La méthode chrétienne considérée dans ses avantages et sa nécessité et réponses à certaines difficultés. Ottawa. Pp. 5l. Pelletier, A. Lettre à Mgr Baillargen sur la question des classiques et commentaire sur la lettre du Cardinal Pattrizzi. St-Hyacinthe. Pp. 51. Cappon, J. "Is Ontario to Abandon Classical Education?" Queen's Q. XII, 190-206, 420-24. Cartier, E. "Importance sociale de l'enseignement du grec et du latin," Rosaire XX, 38-47.


1917 1918 1919 1921 1927 1928

1929 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1939

1940 1944

1945 1946 1947


King, J. "The Rev. John McCaul" in McCaul, Croft, Forneri: Personalities of Early University Days (Toronto), 15-101. Robinson, P. J. "Classical Teaching in Ontario," Univ. Mag. XIII, 126-47. Grant, W. L. "A Plea for the Wider Study of Classical Life and History," Queen's Q. XXIV, 478-83. Lecompte, H. "A la source du renouveau," Act. Fr. I, 97-106. Cannon, W. E. "Eliot ou Bryce: lequel a raison?" Ens. Sec. II, 214-28. Lecompte, H. "L'Enseignement classique: le grec et le latin," Ens. Sec. II, 424-28. Pineault, L. "Les Etudes classiques," Rev. Trim. Can. VII, 137-54. Gauthier, A. "Pourquoi enseigner le grec," Ens. Sec. VII, 128-33. Woodhead, W. D. "Classics" in "Decline in Study of Classics and Maths and the Consequences," N.C.C.U. Proc., 97-103. Father Bruneau. "The Teaching of Classics," N.C.C.U. Proc., 119-23. Sr St. M. Marthe. "The Teaching of Greek Literature," ibid., 105-107. A Group of Classical Graduates. Honours Classics in the University of Toronto. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 83. Alexander, W. H. "The Classics in a Liberal Education per se and per alia," N.C.C.U. Proc., 47-56. Alexander, W. H. The Amiable Tyranny of Pisistratus, or the Future of Classical Studies. Edmonton: Univ. of Alberta. Pp. 20. Potvin, P. "Vieille dette: raisons d'apprendre le grec," Rev. Dom. XXXIX, 585-94. Lamarche, C. "Etude de la langue latine," Ens. Sec. XIII, 480-89. Roy, C. Nos disciplines classiques. Montréal: Le Document. Tracy, H. L. and L. E. Law. "The Classics at Bay," Queen's Q. XLII, 182-87. Henderson, G. H. "The Necessity of Compulsory Latin for Arts Matriculation," N.C.C.U. Proc., 34-36. Alexander, W. H. "The Classical Discipline in Education: 18991939," Trans R.S.C. Sect. II, 9-21. Hamelin, A. "Nos expériences: vocabulaire latin," Ens. Sec. XVIII, 405-409. Norwood, G. "Latin and Education," Univ. Tor. Q. IX, 491-99. Sideleau, A. "Une heure de grec," Ens. Sec. XX, 23-32. Lebel, M. L'Enseignement et l'étude du grec. Montréal: Fides. Pp. 261. Lebel, M. "Latin and Greek in Secondary Schools in Quebec," Culture V. 40-47. Trudel, J.-P. "La Culture grecque par le vocabulaire," Ens. Sec. XXV, 26-30. Woodhead, W. D. "The Study of Greek," Culture VII, 277-86. Trudel, J.-P. "Comment intéresser nos élèves à l'étude du grec," Ens. Sec. XXVII, 114-19.


1948 1949 1952 1951 1952






MacKay, L. A. "On Not Studying the Classics," Queen's Ç. LV, 262-69. Grube, G. M. A. "Why Study the Classics?" Univ. Tor. Q. XIX, 81-92. Sylvestre, G. "Athènes, Rome et nous," Rev. Dom. LVI, 283-93. St-Pierre, A. "Réminiscences classiques," ibid. LVII, 105-10. Laliberté, J. "Plaidoyer pour l'étude du grec," Act. Nat. XXXIX, 176-87. MacDougall, A. J. "Classical Studies in Seventeenth Century Quebec," Phoenix VI, 6-21. Laliberté, J. "Le Grec au cours classique: formation humaniste," Coll. et Fam. X, 11-18. Ricour, P. Les Humanités gréco-latines: idole ou mai dieu. Montréal: Chanteclerc. Pp. 160. Bechard-Deslandes, M. "La Femme et les humanités classiques," Coll. et Fam. XII, 99-104. Laliberté, J. "Les Insuffisances du latin," ibid., 70—76. Laliberté, J. "Supériorité humanisante du grec," ibid., 149—54. Gareau, E. "Pourquoi tenir à l'enseignement du latin," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XXVI, 39-55. Sénécal, D. "Une expérience aux éléments latins," Ens. Sec. XXV, 164-68. Gilmour, G. P. "The Plight of the Individual," Dalhousie Rev. XXXVIII, 313-23.


1899 1904 1908

Alexander, W. J. The Study of Literature. Toronto. Pp. 34. Stevenson, O. J. The Study of Literature. Toronto. Pp. 31. MacDonald, J. F. "Public Speaking as a College Subject," Queens Q. XVI, 149-51. 1922 Bateman, R. "The Teaching of English" in Reginald Bateman: Teacher and Soldier (London: H. Southeran), 36-62. 1926 Dumont, A. "La Méthodologie de l'anglais," Ens. Sec. VI, 191-211. 1927 Archambault, F.-X. "L'Anglais dans les classes de lettres," Ens. Sec. VII, 219-33. Broadus, E. K. "The Weakness in English of Large Numbers of Graduates and Undergraduates," N.C.C.U. Proc., 79-97. Dumont, A. "L'Enseignement de l'anglais," Ens. Sec. VI, 492-504. 1928 Broadus, E. K. "A Plan for Dealing with Weakness in English," N.C.C.U. Proc., 95-99. Dumont, A. "Une leçon de grammaire anglaise," Ens. Sec. VIII, 199-206. 1929 Langton, H. H. Sir Daniel Wilson: A Memoir. Toronto: Nelson. Pp. 230. 1930 Knox, R. S. "The Educational Value of the Study of Literature," N.C.C.U. Proc., 56-64. 1931 Maheux, A. "L'Anglais dans nos collèges," Ens. Sec. X, 324-30.


1932 1934 1935 1936 1941 1944 1945 1947 1952

1953 1955 1957



Archambault, F.-X. "The Teaching of English in the University of Manitoba and Affiliated Colleges," N.C.C.U. Proc., 50-54. Sedgewick, G. G. "A. M." (Archibald MacMechan), Dalhousie Rev. XIII, 451-58. Phillips, C. E. "The Teaching of English in Ontario." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Toronto. Duthie, E. "English in Askelon" (Part II of "Canada: An Illiterate Nation?"), Queens Q. XLIII, 43-50. Couture, M. "L'Anglais au collège," Ens. Sec. XXI, 27-37. McNeill, W. E. "James Cappon," in R. C. Wallace, éd., Some Great Men of Queens (Toronto: Ryerson), 71-93. Harrison, G. B. "Department of English," Queen's Q. LI, 378-89. Wallace, M. W. and A. S. P. Woodhouse. "In Memoriam: William John Alexander," Univ. Tor. Q. XIV, 1-33. Alexander, H. "A Program for English," Queens Q. LIV, 35-46. Taillon, L. Pour mieux enseigner l'anglais. Montréal: Centre de Psychologie et de Pédagogie. Pp. 87. Canadian Conference of University Teachers of English. Report and Minutes of the Conference held at Toronto, May 21-23, 1952. Toronto. Pp.39. Edgar, P. Across My Path, ed. by N. Frye. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 167. Harris, R. S. "The Place of English Studies in a University Program of General Education." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Michigan. Stevenson, O. J. Through the Years. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 45. Bernier, A. "L'Enseignement de l'anglais dans nos collèges classiques," Ens. Sec. XXXII, 172-82. Lebel, M. "The Teaching of French and English in French Schools of Quebec," Culture XVI, 381-92. Association of Canadian Teachers of English. Inaugural Report and Prospectus. The Association. Pp. 9. MacKinnon, M. H. M. Problems Present and Prospective of English Departments. Conference of Univ. Teachers of English. Pp. 10. Robbins, W. "English as an Integrating Study," Univ. Brit. Col. Educ. Bull. no. 1, 39-49. Frye, N. "The Study of English in Canada," Dalhousie Rev. XXXVIII, 1-7.


(See also authors marked * under Modern Languages) 1917 1919 1920

Lamarche, L.-P. "L'Enseignement du français dans les classes de grammaire," Ens. Sec. II, 26-32. Z., F. "Pour aider à l'explication des auteurs français," ibid., 433-38. Raiche, J. "L'Enseignement du français à l'Université St-FrançoisXavier d'Antigonish, N.-E.," Can. FT. IV, 73-78.


1921 1923 1925 1927 1928 1935 1936

1938 1940 1941 1942 1949 1950 1952




Sissons, C. B. "French in the Schools of Ontario: Sixty Years After," Queens Q. XXVII, 254-63. Dionne, G. "L'Enseignement du français dans les classes de lettres," Ens. Sec. V, 48-60. Marcoux, A. "La Composition française en rhétorique," ibid. VI, 64-72. Biais, A. "Le Vocabulaire de nos élèves," ibid., 742-47. Squair, J. The Autobiography of a Teacher of French. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 292. Fortier, J. "Le Vocabulaire français de nos élèves: le mal, les causes, quelques remèdes," Ens. Sec. XV, 27-41. Deschamps, P. "La Composition française dans les classes de grammaire," ibid. XVI, 265-71. Gaudreault, Y.-M. "La Poésie au collège," ibid., 162-78. Potvin, P. "Notes sur la lecture expliquée en classe," ibid., 602-14. Aubin, L.-J. "La Lecture expliquée dans la classe de versification," ibid. XVII, 629-41. Begin, E. "La Description intéressante," ibid. XIX, 441-47. Peghaire, J. "Comment raisonner un sujet de dissertation littéraire," ibid., 626-34. Deschamps, P. "Le Récit," ibid. XX, 456-68. Tanguay, A. "Vocabulaire français dans les classes de grammaire," ibid., 623-31. Bilodeau, C. "La Qualité du français dans les versions latines," ibid. XXII, 18-26. Laurence, J.-M. "L'Enseignement de la langue orale," ibid., 48—65. Trepanier, M. "Le Problème de l'orthographe," Coll. et Fam. VI, 63-70, 119-28. Bergeron, R. "La Grammaire à l'université," Act. Univ. XVI, 50-59. ACELF. L'Enseignement français au Canada. Montréal: Centre de Psychologie et de Pédagogie. Pp. 311. Devine, F. "The Teaching of French in the High Schools of the Province of Quebec," Culture XIII, 375-81. Bedard, F. "La Composition française en syntaxe," Coll. et Fam. XI, 147-52. Champagne, F. Méthodologies actuelles en composition française. Montréal: Editions pédagogiques de l'Ecole Normale Secondaire. Pp. 92. Lane, D. Les Objectifs du français au cours classique. Montréal: Editions pédagogiques de l'Ecole Normale Secondaire. Pp. 95. Lebel, M. "The Teaching of French and English in the French Schools of Quebec," Culture XVI, 381-92.


1911 1929

Grant, W. L. "The Teaching of Colonial History," Queens Q. XVIII, 181-88. Trotter, R. G. "Canadian Interest in the History of the United States," ibid. XXXIX, 92-107.


1930 1932 1933 1934 1936

1939 1941

1942 1943


1945 1946 1948

1950 1951 1952 1953 1954


Harvey, D. C. "Canadian Historians and Present Tendencies in Historical Writing," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 17-24. Fauteux, A. "Cinquante Ans d'histoire au Canada français" in Royal Society, Fifty Years Retrospect, 37—45. Martín, C. "Fifty Years of Canadian History," ibid., 63-69. Wilson, G. E. "Why Teach History?" Queen's Q. XL, 406-13. Farley, P. E. "Pour enseigner l'histoire du Canada," Ens. Sec. XIV, 22-39. Harrison, W. E. C. "The University Teaching of International Affairs," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. II, 431-39. Wrong, G. M. "The Beginnings of Historical Criticism in Canada: A Retrospect 1896-1936," Can. Hist. Rev. XVII, 1-8. Maurault, O. "La Carrière de l'abbé Groulx," Culture I, 97-102. Adair, E. R. "The Study of History at McGill University," ibid., 51-62. Godbout, A. "L'Histoire dans nos universités," ibid., 41-50. Lanctôt, G. "Les Historiens d'hier et l'histoire d'aujourd'hui," ibid., 5-14. Grenier, F. "L'Enseignement de l'histoire dans nos collèges classiques," Ens. Sec. XXXII, 33-43. Adair, E. R. "The Canadian Contribution to Historical Science," Culture IV, 63-83. Trotter, R. G. "Aims in the Study and Teaching of History in Canadian Universities," Can. Hist. Rev. XXIV, 50-62. Brown, G. W. and D. G. Creighton. "Canadian History in Retrospect," ibid. XXV, 357-75. Godbout, A. "Enquête sur l'enseignement de l'histoire au Canada français," Culture V, 156-68, 227-34. Harvey, D. C. "Archives and Historical Research in thé Maritimes," Dalhousie Rev. XXIII, 193-206. Frégault, G. "L'Enseignement de l'histoire," Act. Univ. II, 18-21. Morton, W. L. "Culture in Canada: The Interpretation of Canadian History," Univ. Tor. Q. XV, 227-34. Creighton, D. G. "Sir John Macdonald and Canadian Historians," Can. Hist. Rev. XXIX, 1-13. Gingras, A. "L'Enseignement de l'histoire," Coll. et Fam. V, 194-200. Wallace, W. S. "The Life and Work of George Wrong," Can. Hist. Rev. XXIX, 229-39. Brunet, M. "L'Histoire et le sens national," Péd.-Or. IV, 179-86. Bilodeau, C. "L'Histoire nationale" in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 217-30. Neatby, H. "National History," ibid., 205-16. Bruchési, J. "L'Enseignement de l'histoire du Canada," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 1-13. Trudel, M. L'Histoire et les sciences sociales. Québec: Univ. Laval. Pp. 6. Careless, J. M. S. "Frontierism, Metropolitanism and Canadian History," Can. Hist. Rev. XXXV, 1-21.




1957 1958


Baudry, R. "L'Enseignement de l'histoire dans les provinces maritimes" (Rapport présenté au 7ème congrès de l'ACELF). Pp. 12. Giguère, G.-E. "Pour améliorer notre enseignement de l'histoire," Ens. Sec. XXXV, 85-93. ACELF. Compte rendu du 7ème congrès de l'ACELF: l'histoire, école de culture et de formation. Québec: Editions de l'ACELF. Pp. 107. Saunders, R. M. "Some Thoughts on the Study of History," Can. Hist. Rev. XXXVII, 109-18. Creighton, D. G. "Presidential Address," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Kept., 1-12. Farnham, W. D. "The Study of American History in Canadian Universities," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 63-76.


1908 1914 1917 1927


1932 1948 1949



MacGillivray, J. "German in the Schools and Colleges," Queens Q. XV, 211-15. King, J. "James Forneri" in McCaul, Croft, Forneri: Personalities of Early University Days (Toronto), 159-256. Skelton, O. D.° The Language Issue in Canada. Queen's Univ., History and Polit. Econ. Science Depts., Bull. no. 23. Pp. 40. Buchanan, M.A.* "The Modern Foreign Language Study in Canada," Educ. Record (U.S.) VIII, 266-76. Buchanan, M. A.* "The Work of the Canadian Committee on Modern Languages," N.C.C.U. Proc., 116-24. Buchanan, M. A." An Annotated Bibliography of Modern Language Methodology. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 428. Goldstick, I.* Modern Languages in the Ontario High School. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 223. Modern Language Instruction in Canada." Toronto: U. of T. Press. 2 vols. Walter, F. W.* "Modern Language Teaching in Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 44-49. Sonet, E.° "On the Teaching of Languages in the University of Alberta," New Trail II, 55-59. Jurkszus, J. "L'Institut sud et est-européen d'Ottawa," Rev. Univ.

Ottawa XIX, 484-87.

1951 Nicolas, N.-V. "Les Etudes orientales à l'Université de Montréal," Act. Univ. XVII, 22-34. 1952 Goggio, E. "The Need of a New Approach to Modem Language Study," Mod. Lang. Jour. XXXVI, 272-73. Parker, J. H. "Milton Alexander Buchanan (1878-1952)," Hispanic Rev. XX, 324-32. 1954 Bujila, B.* "Modern Languages in the Schools," Culture XV, 141-49. Goggio, E. "One Hundred Years of Italian and Spanish at the University of Toronto," Mod. Lang. Jour. XXXVIII, 129-32.


1955 1956

1957 1958


Rose, W. J. "Cradle Days of Slavic Studies: Some Reflections," Slavistica XXIII. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences. Pp. 13. Jeanneret, F. C. A.* "Several Years' Progress of the Ontario Modern Languages Teachers' Association," Can. Mod. Lang. Rev. XII, 4-9. Liewinowicz, V. "Some Aspects of Russian Studies in Canada," Etudes Slaves et Est-européennes (France) I, 81—86. Kirkconnell, W. "The Place of Slavic Studies in Canada," Slavistica XXXI. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences. Pp. 14. Maurault, O. "Slavic Studies in the Light of the University's Mission," Etudes Slaves et Est-européennes (France) III, 14—24.



Baillargé, F.-A. Questions diverses en rapport avec le nouveau programme de philosophie des collèges de la province de Québec affiliés à l'Université Laval. Joliette. Pp. 41. 1900 Lebon, P. "La Restauration des études thomistes," Rosaire VI, 65-72. 1909 Cappon, J. "Edward Caird: A Reminiscence," ibid. XVI, 266-82. Watson, J. "Edward Caird as a Teacher and Thinker," Queens Q. XVI, 303-13. 1917 Paquet, L.-A. "Histoire de l'enseignement de la philosophie," Mêm. S.R.C. Sect. I, 37-60. Thibault, M. "The Teaching of Philosophy," N.C.C.U. froc., 100-102. 1920 Lamarche, M.-A. "Nos études philosophiques," Rev. Dom. XXVI, 165-75, 193-203. 1927 Fafard, L.-P. "Notre enseignement philosophique," Ens. Sec. VI, 612-26. 1930 Sénécal, W. "L'Enseignement de la dialectique," ibid. IX, 396-414. 1931 Fra Domenico. "L'Institut d'Etudes médiévales d'Ottawa," Rev. Dom. XXXVII, 166-72. Villeneuve, J.-M.-R. "Le Rôle de la philosophie dans l'œuvre des universités catholiques," Rev. Univ. Ott. I, 7-31. 1935 Bastien, H. L'Enseignement de la philosophie au Canada français. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 220. Lodge, R. C. "Philosophy and Education," Dalhousie Rev. XIV, 281-90. Sénécal, W. "L'Enseignement de la philosophie dans nos collèges classiques," Rev. Dom. XLI, 6-18. 1937 Beaudry, E. "Compte rendu du Congrès des professeurs de philosophie tenu à Québec du 29 juin au 2 juillet 1936," Ens. Sec. XVI 516-18, 536-37, 558-60, 577-78, 591-93. Filion, E. "Philosophie et sciences," ibid., 497-526. Péghaire, J. "La Dissertation philosophique," ibid., 537-58. 1938 Gaudron, E. "Histoire de la philosophie," ibid. XVIII, 53-64 574-84.


1940 1941


1943 1945








Péghaire, J. "Pour une organisation meilleure des études philosophiques," Rev. Dom. XLVI, 286-99. Brother Azarias. "Philosophy at the University of Alberta," Culture II, 508-12. Gaudron, E. "La Philosophie et les universités canadiennes," ibid., 477-91. Keirstead, W. C. "Philosophy, its Data and its Aims," ibid., 435-40. Lodge, R. C. "Philosophy as Taught in the University of Manitoba," ibid., 430-34. MacEachran, J. M. "John Watson, 1847-1939" in R. C. Wallace, éd., Some Great Men of Queen's (Toronto: Ryerson), 22-50. Gauvin, J.-B. "Notre enseignement philosophique," Ens. Sec. XXI, 283-93, 425-42. Régis, L. M. "L'Institut d'études médiévales de Montréal," Rev. Dom. XLVIII, 107-12. Greenwood, T. "L'Enseignement de la logique formelle," Ens. Sec. XXIII, 172-80. Irving, J. A. "The Achievement of George Sidney Brett," Univ. Tor. Q. XIV, 329-65. Voyer, R.-M. "Contribution de la Faculté de Philosophie," Act. Univ. XI, 23-30. Faculté de Philosophie de l'Université de Montréal. Activités philosophiques—1945—46. Montréal: Centre de Psychologie et de Pédagogie. Pp. 177. Tremblay, J. "Usage de la pensée: cours classique et philosophie," Coll. et Fam. III, 149-54. Irving, J. A. "The Future of Philosophy," Univ. of Tor. Q. XVI, 188-98. Lacroix, B. "Un centre de savoir et de culture," Relations VII, 315-16. Morency, R. "Le jeune philosophe," Ens. Sec. XXVII, 83-94. Gauvin, J.-B. "L'Initiation philosophique," ibid., 247-52. Locas, C. "Méthode ancienne, toujours jeune . . . pour enseigner la philosophie," ibid. XXVIII, 27-32. Urwick, E. J. The Values of Life, éd. by J. A. Irving. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 244. Audet, A. "Etudes médiévales et culture canadienne," Rev. Dom. LVI, 66-79. Irving, J. A. "The Development of Philosophy in Central Canada from 1850-1900," Can. Hist. Rev. XXXI, 252-87. De Koninck, C. "La Philosophie au Canada de langue française," in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 135-44. Grant, G. P. "Philosophy," ibid., 111-34. Trépanier, E. "La Faculté de Philosophie," Rev. Univ. Laval VI, 174-85. Décarie, V. "L'Enseignement de la philosophie dans nos collèges et nos universités," Culture XIII, 56-62. Irving, J. A., éd. Philosophy in Canada: A Symposium. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 48.




1955 1956 1957


Duncan, A. R. C. "On Professing Philosophy," Queen's Ç. LX, 41-53. Pinard, G. "Notre enseignement de la philosophie," Ens. Sec. XXXII, 298-317. Beauchamp, L. et M. Lalonde. "L'Esprit de l'enseignement de la philosophie," ibid. XXXIII, 341-47. Fournier, N. "Deux textes sur la philosophie," ibid., 217-23. Phaneuf, G. "Dans quel esprit concevoir l'enseignement de la philosophie," ibid., 263-74. Salman, D. La Place de la philosophie dans l'université idéale. Montréal: Institut d'Etudes médiévales. Pp. 67. Joly, R. "Travaux personnels en philosophie," Ens. Sec. XXXIV, 224-34. Gratton, H. "La Liberté intellectuelle et l'enseignement de la philosophie," ibid. XXXV, 237-48. Gaudron, E. "French-Canadian Philosophers" in J. Park, éd., The Culture of Contemporary Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 274-92. Geiger, L.-B. "Recherche et enseignement à l'Institut d'études médiévales de l'Université de Montréal," Set. Eccl. IX, 173-78. Irving, J. A. "Philosophy" in J. Park, éd., The Culture of Contemporary Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 242-73. Leahy, L. "Une soirée philosophique réussie," Coll. et Fam. XIV, 164-68.



Lippens, B. Nécessité de la religion dans l'éducation. St. Hyacinthe. Pp. 15. 1930 Jombart, E. "Le Droit canon et l'éducation de la jeunesse," Ens. Sec. IX, 232-41. 1934 Ross, F.-X. L'Enseignement religieux dans la famille, à l'école, au collège, a l'université et dans la vie chrétienne. Montréal: Ecole Sociale Populaire. Pp. 32. 1935 Société Canadienne d'Histoire de l'Eglise catholique. Rapport 1933-34 Ottawa. Pp. 95. 1937 Roy, M.-A. "La Pédagogie du catéchisme," Ens. Sec. XVI, 692-99. 1941 Lacroix, R. "L'Enseignement de la religion dans les hautes classes du cours classique," ibid. XX, 425-33. Lacroix, R. "Esquisse d'un programme d'instruction religieuse pour les hautes classes du cours classique," ibid. XXI, 13-17. 1943 Duhamel, R. "Réflexions sur l'enseignement de la religion dans les premières années du cours classique," ibid. XXII, 638-47; XXIII, 419-30. 1944 Beaulieu, H. "La Culture des vocations dans les collèges classiques," ibid., 231-41. Duhamel, R. "Réflexions sur l'enseignement de la religion," ibid., 419-30, 560-71. Glazier, K. M. "The Place of Religion in the History of the Non-


1945 1946 1948

1949 1956


Catholic Colleges of Canada." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Yale Univ. Benoît, J.-P. "Le Problème de la formation religieuse," Coll. et Fam. II, 9-16. Vieujean, J. "Le Cours de religion dans l'enseignement secondaire," Ens. Sec. XXVI, 36-43, 110-15, 180-84, 243-47. La Formation religieuse. (Congrès de l'Enseignement secondaire.) Québec, Comités permanents de l'enseignement secondaire de la Province de Québec. Pp. 438. Lynch, L. M. "Education: Culture and Religion," Culture IX, 232-40. Porter, F. Formation religieuse dans l'enseignement secondaire. Montréal. Œuvre des Tracts, no 359. Phaneuf, G. "L'Enseignement religieux dans les classes de philosophie," Ens. Sec. XXXV, 145-55.


1905 1909 1921 1934 1935

1936 1939 1941


Gérin, L. La Vulgarisation de la science sociale chez les Canadiens français. Ottawa: Pp. 87. Gérin, L. "La Science sociale," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 129-66. Montpetit, E. "Les Universités et l'enseignement des sciences politiques et sociales," Rev. Trim. Can. VII, 390-409. Knight, F. A. "Social Science and the Political Trend," Univ. Tor. Q. IV, 407-27. Innis, H. A. "The Role of Intelligence: Some Further Notes," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. I, 280-87. Urwick, E. J. "The Role of Intelligence in the Social Process," ibid., 64-76. Innis, H. A. "Discussion in the Social Sciences," Dalhousie Rev. XV, 401-13. Coats, R. H. "Science and Society," Can. Hist Assoc., Annual Kept., 151-78. Falconer, R. "A Hundred Years in the Humanities and Social Sciences," in Queens University: A Centenary Volume, 18411941 (Toronto: Ryerson), 31-46. Lower, A. R. M. "The Social Sciences in the Post-War World," Can. Hist. Rev. XXII, 1-13. See also 117-32. Montpetit, E. "L'Ecole des Sciences sociales de Montréal," Relations I, 100-101. Poulin, G. "L'Enseignement des sciences sociales dans les universités canadiennes," Culture II, 338—49. Lower, A. R. M. "The Social Sciences in Canada," Culture III, 433-44.



1945 1946 1947




1953 1957



MacKay, R. A. "The Nature and Function of the Social Sciences," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Kept., 277-86. MacLellan, M. "Education and the Social Sciences," Culture V, 11-20. Duhamel, R. "Une heure avec Edouard Montpetit," Act. Nat. XXV, 23-29. Lamarche, M. A. "Les nouveaux docteurs 'honoris causa' de l'Université de Montréal," Rev. Dom. LU, 3-7. Lévesque, G.-H. "Principes et faits dans l'enseignement des sciences sociales: communication à la Canadian Political Science Association." Typescript. Pp. 15. (See next item.) Lévesque, G. H. Principles and Facts in the Teaching of Social Sciences," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Soi. XIII, 501-506. (See previous item. ) Lévesque, G.-H. "Sciences sociales et progrès humain," Rev. Univ. Laval III, 37-41. Université Laval. 1938-1948: déjà 10 ans de vie. Québec: Faculté des Sciences sociales. Pp. 63. Keirstead, B. S. and S. D. Clark. "Social Sciences" in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 179-90. Lévesque, G. H. "Integrating the Social Work Curriculum into the Social Sciences," Social Work Jour. (U.S.) XXXII, 63-69. Lussier, D. "La Faculté des Sciences sociales," Rev. Univ. Laval VI, 272-90. Tremblay, M. et A. Faucher. "L'Enseignement des sciences sociales au Canada de langue française" in Les Arts, les lettres et les sciences au Canada (Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier), 191-203. Bellan, R. C. "Boundary Crossing in thé Social Sciences," Man. Arts Rev. VIII, 18-22. Lévesque, G. H. "Humanisme et sciences sociales," Rev. Dom. LVIII, 212-223. Trudel, M. L'Histoire et les sciences sociales. Québec: Univ. Laval. Pp. 6. Bladen, V. W. "The Role of the Universities in Social Science Research," Culture XVIII, 20-27. Macpherson, C. B. "The Social Sciences" in J. Park, éd., The Culture of Contemporary Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 181-221. Clark, S. D. "The Support of Social Science Research in Canada," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. XXIV, 1-11. Easterbrook, W. T. "Sputnik—Now," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 61-67.


1912 Sapir, E. "The Work of the Division of Anthropology of the Dominion Government," Queens Q. XX, 60-69. 1923 Hill-Tout, C. "Recent Discoveries and New Trends in Anthropology," Trans. R.S.C. Sect II, 1-27.




Mcllwraith, T. F. "The Progress of Anthropology in Canada," Can. Hist. Rev. XI, 132-50. 1949 Mcllwraith, T. F. "Anthropology" in W. S. Wallace, éd., Royal Canadian Institute Centenary Volume (Toronto), 3-12. 1950 Barbeau, M. "Le Folklore à l'université," Rev. Trim. Can. XXXVI, 33-37. 1954 Mémoire des Archives de Folklore (Laval) à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels. Québec. Pp. 27. ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE : ÉCONOMIQUE ET POLITIQUE

1850 1861 1862 1889 1893

1897 1903 1911 1912

1913 1914

1920 1921

Parent, E. "Importance de l'étude de l'économie politique" in J. Huston, éd., Le Répertoire national ou recueil de littérature canadienne (Montréal), IV, 21-44. Hincks, W. "On the True Aims, Foundations and Claims of the Science of Political Economy," Can. Jour. VI, 20-28. Meredith, E. A. "An Important but Neglected Branch of Social Science," Trans. Lit. Hist. Soc. Quebec V, 37-59. Bourinot, J. G. "The Study of Political Science in Canadian Universities," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 3-16. Ashley, W. J. "On the Study of Economic History," Quart. Jour. Econ. Hist. (U.S.) VII, 2-24. Mavor, J. "The Relation of Economic History to Public and Private Charity," Annals of American Academy of Social and Political Science IV, 34-60. Shortt, A. "The Nature and Sphere of Political Economy," Queen's Q. I, 93-101. Wickett, S. M. "The Study of Political Economy at Canadian Universities," Appendix to Report of the Ontario Bureau of Industries, 101-106. Flux, A. W. "Is the Study of Political Economy Helpful to Bankers in their Daily Occupation?" Jour. Can. Bankers Assoc. X, 8-12. De Bray, A.-J. "L'Enseignement commercial au Canada," Rev. Econ. Can. I, 4-19. De Bray, A.-J. "L'Enseignement de la statistique," ibid., 228-32. Montpetit, E. "Le Mouvement économique—l'économie politique est-elle une science ennuyeuse et abstraite?" Rev. Can. IX, 138-51. Montpetit, E. "La Valeur scientifique de l'économie politique," ibid. X, 138-51. Montpetit, E. "A quoi bon l'économie politique?" ibid. XI, 307-27. De Bray, A.-J. "La Réforme des statistiques canadiennes," Rev. Econ. Can. Ill, 261-67. De Bray, A.-J. "Pourquoi de hautes études commerciales?" ibid., 333-41. Laureys, H. L'Education commerciale: facteur de notre expansion. Montréal. Pp. 44. Montpetit, E. "Les Universités et l'enseignement des sciences politiques et sociales," Rev. Trim. Can. VII, 390-409.


1923 1930

1931 1932


1934 1936

1937 1938


1941 1942 1943


Mavor, J. My Windows on thé Street of the World. Toronto: Dent. 2 vols. Innis, H. A. "The Teaching of Economie History in Canada" in Contributions to Canadian Economics II (Toronto: U. of T. Press), 52-68. Reprinted in H. A. Innis, Essays in Canadian Economic History (Toronto: U. of T. Press, 1956), 3-16. Haydon, A. "Adam Shortt," Queens Q. XXXVIII, 609-23. Ashley, A. William James Ashley: A Life by his Daughter. London: King. Pp. 176. Skelton, O. D. "Fifty Years of Political and Economic Science in Canada" in Royal Society, Fifty Years Retrospect (Toronto), 85-90. Cassidy, H. M. "The Outlook of the Commerce Student," Comm. Jour. 10-12. Innis, H. A. "The State of Economic Science in Canada," ibid., 5-8. Tanghe, R. "L'Utilité des études économiques," Can. Fr. XX, 443-47. Fay, C. R. "The Toronto School of Economie History," Econ. Hist. Ill, 168-71. Coats, R. H. "Statistics Comes of Age," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. II, 269-87. Mackintosh, W. A. "Adam Shortt, 1859-1931," ibid., 164-76. Usher, A. P. "William James Ashley: A Pioneer in the Higher Education," ibid., 151-63. Mayrand, L. "L'Ecole de Hautes Etudes politiques, ses origines, ses espérances," Rev. Univ. Ottawa VII, 380-84. Ashley, C. A. "Sir William Ashley and the Rise of Schools of Commerce," Comm. Jour., 40—50. Macpherson, C. B. "On the Study of Politics in Canada" in H. A. Innis, éd., Essays in Political Economy in Honour of E. J. Vrwick (Toronto: U. of T. Press), 147-65. Montpetit, E. Les Canadiens français et l'économique," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 55-79. Bergeron, D. "L'Ecole des sciences politiques," Rev. Univ. Ottawa IX, 368-70. Cadieux, M. et P. Tremblay. "Etienne Parent, un théoricien de notre nationalisme," Act. Nat. XIII, 203-19, 307-18. Mackintosh, W. A. "O. D. Skelton, 1878-1941," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. VII, 270-78. Clokie, H. McD. "Canadian Contributions to Political Science," Culture III, 467-74. Alpert, H. "Robert M. Maclver's Contribution to Sociological Theory" in M. Berger et al., eds., Freedom and Control in Modern Society (New York: Van Nostrand), 286-92. Lower, A. R. M. "The Development of Canadian Economie Ideas" in J. F. Norman, éd., The Spirit of American Economies (New York: John Day), 214-31. Spitz, D. "Robert M. Maclver's Contribution to Political Theory"


1944 1945 1946 1947

1948 1950 1951 1952 1953

1954 1957 1958


in M. Berger et al., eds., Freedom and Control in Modern Society (New York: Van Nostrand), 293-312. Innis, H. A. "Stephen Butler Leacock, 1860-1944," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. X, 216-30. Lank, H. "Les Carrières économiques et les Canadiens français," Act. Econ. I, 101-108. Coats, R. H. "Beginnings in Canadian Statistics," Can. Hist. Rev. XXVII, 109-30. Angers, F.-A. "La Science économique est-elle autonome?" Culture VIII, 149-64. Quinn, H. F. "Political Science at McGill University," Culture VIII, 92-93. Quinn, H. F. "Political Science in Canadian Universities," ibid. IX, 247-54. Dawson, R. M. Political Science Teaching in Canada. Report to the Canadian Social Science Research Council. Ottawa. Pp. 5. Warren, J. "The Life and Work of John Rae," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. XVII, 141-63. Hiscocks, C. The Place of Political Science in Canadian Education. Winnipeg: Univ. of Manitoba. Pp. 16. Bladen, V. W., W. T. Easterbrook et al. "Harold Adams Innis, 1894-1952," Am. Econ. Rev. XLIII, 1-25. Mackintosh, W. A. "Innis on Canadian Economic Development," Jour. Pol. Econ. (U.S.) LXI, 185-94. Macpherson, C. B. "L'Enseignement de la science politique au Canada," Rev. Fr. Sci. Pol. IV, 384-400. Creighton, D. G. Harold Adams Innis: Portrait of a Scholar. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 146. Easterbrook, W. T. "Trends in Canadian Economie Thought," South Atlantic Q. LVIII, 91-107. Goodwin, C. D. W. "Canadian Economie Thought, 1814-1914." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Duke Univ.



De Bray, A.-J. "L'Enseignement de la géographie commerciale et industrielle à l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes commerciales," Bull. Soc. Géog. Québec V, 12-19. 1930 Miller, E. "L'Enseignement de la géographie," Rev. Trim. Can. XVI, 353-68. 1934 Calvin, D. D. "Apology for Geography," Queen's Q. XLI, 218-25. 1935 Taylor, G. "Geography the Correlative Science," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. I, 535-50. 1941 Taylor, G. "Geography and the University of Toronto," Can. Geog. Jour. XXIII, 152-54. 1942 Brouillette, B. "La Géographie dans l'enseignement secondaire," Ens. Sec. XXI, 186-95, 314-25. 1943 Leacock, S. "A Plea for Geographical Science," Queens Q. L, 1-13.




Dagenais, P. "L'Etude du milieu, base de l'enseignement de la géographie," Bull. Soc. Géog. III, 37-43. 1945 Feasby, H. G. "Geography in the Schools," Can. Geog. Jour. XXX, 32-33. 1946 Kimble, G. H. T. "Geography in Canadian Universities," Geog. Jour. CVIII, 114-16. 1947 Malabard, J. F. "Enseignement de la géographie," Rev. Univ. Laval ï, 585-94. 1948 Lloyd, T. "The Geographical Bureau," Can. Geog. Jour. XXXVI, 39. Uren, P. E. "Geography Summer School," ibid., 130-36. 1950 Aumont, G. "La Géographie dans l'enseignement secondaire au Canada," Rev. Can. Géog. IV, 8-22. Dobson, M. R. Geography in Canadian Universities. Canada, Mines and Resources Dept, Geographical Branch, Misc. Papers no. 2. Pp. 51. Watson, J. W. "Geography in Canada," Scot. Geog. Magazine LXVI, 170-72. 1951 Hamilton, J. W. "Geography in Education," Can. Geog. I, 7-10. Robinson, J. L. "The Development and Status of Geography in Universities and Government in Canada" in Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers XIII, 3-12. Robinson, J. L. "Geography in the Universities of Canada," Can. Geog. Jour. XLIII, 180-83. Stamp, L. D. Geography in Canadian Universities. Report of a Survey under the auspices of the Can. Social Science Research Council. Ottawa. Pp. 72. 1952 Robinson, J. L. "Geography in Canada" in The Status of Geography in Countries Adhering to the International Geographical Union (Washington), 10-13. 1953 Dagenais, P. "Caractères de l'activité géographiques au Canada," Rev. Can. Géog. VII, 43-63. Dagenais, P. "Status and Tendencies of Geography in Canada," Can. Geog. Ill, 1-15. Grenier, F. "Géographie et compréhension internationale," Ens. Sec. XXXII, 182-84. Watson, J. W. "The Progress of Geography," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. XIX, 253-61. 1955 Hamelin, L.-E. "Quelques Aspects méthodologiques de l'enseignement de la géographie dans le Québec," Culture XVI, 66-89. Scarfe, N. V. "The Teaching of Geography in Canada," Can. Geog. V, 1-7. Wood, H. A. The Teaching of Geography in Canada. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Pan-Americano de Geografía e Historia. Colecao Ensino da Geografía, no 197. Pp. 72. 1956 Grenier, F. "Chronique pédagogique: géographie dans l'enseignement secondaire," Cah. Géog. I, 99-104. Robinson, J. L. "Geography and Regional Planning," Can. Geog. VIII, 1-8.




Hills, T. L. "A Suggested Resolution on the Teaching of Geography," ibid. IX, 55-59. Nicholson, N. L. "The Geographical Branch, 1947-1951," ibid., 61-68.


1940 1941 1942 1946

1947 1948 1949 1951 1955


Wright, H. W. "Psychology in Canada," Culture I, 327-32. Voyer, R.-M. "La Chaire de psychologie," Act. Univ. VII, 5-6. Mailloux, N. "Le Nouvel Institut de Psychologie de l'Université de Montréal," Rev. Dom. XLVIII, 112-15. Liddy, R. B. "Why Students Fail in Psychology," Can. Psych. Assoc. Bull. VI, 68-78. Mailloux, N. et al. "Psychology as a Profession," ibid., 29-52. Shevenell, R. "L'Institut de Psychologie et le Centre d'Orientation," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XVI, 234-42. Bernhardt, K. S. "Canadian Psychology—Past, Present and Future," Can. Jour. Psych. I, 61-66. Shevenell, R. "The Teacher of Psychology in the Roman Catholic Institutions in Canada," ibid. II, 112-13. See also 104-11. Psychological Research in Canada: A Survey by Members of the Canadian Psychological Association. Toronto: Can. Psych. Ass. Pp. 78. Line, W. "Psychology" in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 145-64. Mailloux, N. "La Psychologie," ibid., 165-78. Genest, L. "L'Institut de Psychologie de l'Université de Montréal," Act. Univ. XXI, 10-15. MacLeod, R. B. Psychology in Canadian Universités and Collèges. A Report to the Canadian Social Science Research Council. Ottawa. Pp. 64. Myers, R. "Professional Psychology in Canada," Can. Psych. VII, 27-36. Smith, D. D. "Psychology as a Profession in Canada," ibid., 85-88.


1887 1914 1922 1936 1939 1940

Houston, W. "The Scientific and Pedagogic Claims of Sociology," Proc. R.C.I., 25-26. Gérin, L. "La Sociologie: le mot et la chose," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 321-56. M., R. "La Sociologie au séminaire," Rev. Dom. XXVIII, 365-71. Urwick, E. J. "Is There a Scientific Sociology?" Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. II, 231-40. See also 549-51. Clark, S. D. "Sociology and Canadian Social History," ibid. V, 348-57. Hart, C. W. M., ed. Essays in Sociology. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 96.



1944 Falardeau, J.-C. "Problems and First Experiments of Social Research in Quebec," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Soi. X, 365-71. 1946 Saint-Pierre, A. "L'Institut de Sociologie," Rev. Trim. Can. XXXII, 394-400. 1947 Eustace, C. J. "What is 'Sociology?" Culture VIII, 165-72. 1949 Falardeau, J.-C. "Qu'est-ce que la sociologie?" ibid., 250-61. 1954 Saint-Pierre, A. "Léon Gérin, un disciple Canadien de Frédéric Le Play. Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 91-103. 1956 Hamelin, L.-E. et C.-L. Hamelin. Quelques matériaux de sociologie religieuse canadienne. Montréal: Lévrier. Pp. 156. Falardeau, J.-C. et F. E. Jones. "La Sociologie au Canada" in Actes du troisième congrès mondial de sociologie, Ass. intern, de sociologie, III (7) 14-22.


1854 Langton, J. "The Importance of Scientific Studies to Practical Men," Can. Jour. II, 201-204. 1871 Scadding, H. "On Museums and Other Classified Collections, Temporary or Permanent, as Instruments of Education in Natural Science," Can. Jour. XIII, 1-25. 1886 Hamel, T.-E. "Etat des sciences au Canada," Proc. R.S.C., xx-xxiii. Wilson, D. "Development of Sciences," Trans. R.S.C., Sect. II, 1-41. 1887 Hamel, T. E. "La Science et ses ennemis: le journalisme, le service civil et la politique," Proc. R.S.C., xiv-xxii. 1894 Dawson, G. M. "Progress and Trend of Scientific Investigation in Canada," ibid., lii-lxvi. 1900 Burman, W. A. "The Présent Status of Natural Science in Manitoba and thé Northwest," Trans. Hist. Soi. Soc. Manitoba no. 55, 1—23. 1918 Robertson, J. K. "Pure Science and the Humanities," Queen's Q. XXVI, 54-65. 1923 Chartier, E. "La Culture classique et l'enseignement des sciences," Rev. Trim. Can. IX, 373-86. 1925 Brett, G. S. "The History of Science as a Factor in Modern Education," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. II, 39-46. 1928 McMurrich, J. P. "The Distribution of Canadian Men of Science," N.C.C.U. Proc., 63-67. 1929 Pouliot, A. "Les Sciences dans notre enseignement classique," Ens. Sec. IX, 8-27, 272-85, 341-52, 464-81; X, 84-104, 184-93, 673-86. 1930 Benoît, R. "A propos des articles de M. Adrien Pouliot: le baccalauréat unique," ibid. X, 211-20, 305-17, 380-86, 583-97; XI, 299-323.




1936 1939 1940


1943 1944

1945 1946



Enseignement Secondaire. "Les Articles de M. Pouliot," Ens. Sec. IX, 385-89. Wallace, R. C. and H. Wasteneys. "Humanism of Science," N.C.C.U. froc., 32-46. Fr. Marie-Victorin. "Les Sciences naturelles dans l'enseignement supérieur," Rev. Trim. Can. XVII, 24-35. Pouliot, A. "Les Sciences dans notre enseignement classique— la formation des professeurs de sciences," En*. Sec. X, 446-64. See also 319, 424. Royal Society of Canada. Fifty fears Retrospect. The Society. Pp. 179. Lortie, L. "L'Enseignement des sciences exactes en 1840 à Québec" (résumé), ACFAS 1,92. Préfontaine, G. "Les Conditions d'un enseignement humaniste des sciences naturelles au cours secondaire" (résumé), ibid. Synge, J. L. "Science and Culture," Univ. Tor. Q. V, 348-58. Tory, H. M., éd. The History of Science in Canada. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 152. Croal, A. G. "The History of the Teaching of Science in Ontario." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Toronto. Léveillé, A. "La Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Montréal," Culture I, 450-57. Vien, F. "Les Idées dont s'inspirent nos universités canadiennes," ibid., 470-83. Baril, G. "La Faculté des Sciences (Montréal) : Vingtième anniversaire de sa fondation," ACFAS VII, 181-220. De Koninck, C. "La Philosophie de la nature et les sciences expérimentales," Culture II, 465-76. Canada Français. "Inauguration de l'Ecole des Mines," Can. Fr. XXVIII, 924-91. Vincent, C. J. "Science and the Humanities," Queens Q. L, 257-68. Clark, A. L. The First Fifty fears: A History of the Science Faculty at Queen's, 1893-1943. Kingston: Queen's Univ. Pp. 132. Wallace, R. C. "The Function of Science in the Field of Education," Culture V, 1-5. Léveillé, A. "La Faculté des Sciences," Act. Univ. XI, 41-45. Audet, L.-P. "Notre enseignement scientifique," Rev. Univ. Laval I, 275-81, 434-43. Préfontaine, G. "Le Développement des connaissances scientifiques sur les pêcheries maritimes et intérieures de l'est du Canada," Act. Econ. II, 220-83. Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa. "Nouvelle fondation: l'Ecole des Sciences appliquées," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XVI, 367-72. Université Laval. "Le 25e anniversaire de la fondation de l'Ecole supérieure de Chimie de Laval," Nat. Can. LXXIII, 233-384. Diamant, J. "Le Programme des sciences dans l'enseignement secondaire à Laval," Ens. Sec. XXVII, 107-14. Lortie, L. "Perspectives scientifiques," Act. Univ. XIV, 43-53.




ACFAS. L'Enseignement des sciences au Canada français. Document no 3 de Pédagogie et d'Orientation. Québec: Ecole de Pédagogie et d'Orientation. Pp. 64. ACFAS. La Situation des Canadiens français dans les carrières scientifiques. Document no 4 de Pédagogie et d'Orientation. Québec: Ecole de Pédagogie et d'Orientation. Pp. 32. Courtemanche, A. "L'Enseignement des sciences dans les collèges classiques de la région de Montréal," Ens. Sec. XXVII, 201-16. Pouliot, A. "L'Université et la Faculté des Sciences," Rev. Univ. Laval III, 46-50. 1949 ACFAS. L'Enseignement des sciences à ^Université. Document no 6 de Pédagogie et d'Orientation. Québec: Ecole de Pédagogie et d'Orientation. Pp. 40. Wallace, W. S., éd. Royal Canadian Institute Centenary Volume. Toronto: Royal Canadian Institute. Pp. 232. 1950 Drouin, M.-J. "Université Laval: Faculté des Arts: cours scientifique," Ens. Sec. XXIX, 302-06. Eggleston, W. Scientists at War. Toronto: Oxford. Pp. 291. Gagné, A. "Enseignement de la chimie à Québec avant 1840," ACFAS XVI, 51. Gagnon, P. "Sciences at Laval," N.C.C.U. Proc., 45-46. Lortie, L. "La Science et ses méthodes" dans Le Livre de l'année 1950 (Société Grolier), 321-25. Lortie, L. "Sciences," N.C.C.U. Proc., 42-45. Toóle, F. J. "The Scientific Tradition" in A. G. Bailey, éd., The University of New Brunswick Mémorial Volume (Fredericton: U. of N.B. Press), 69-74. 1951 Lortie, L. "Les Sciences" in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 289-300. Spinks, J. W. T. "The Natural Sciences," ibid., 261-88. 1952 Foucreault, L. "Conditions d'un enseignement culturel des sciences," Ens. Sec. XXXI, 225-29. Pouliot, A. "La Faculté des sciences," Rev. Univ. Laval VI, 378-82. 1954 Steacie, E. W. R. "Science and thé National Academy," Trans. R.S.C., Appendix A, 49-56. Steacie, E. W. R. "Science and the University," Queen's Q. LXI, 313-18. 1955 Dionne, Y.-M. "Le Problème de l'enseignement des sciences au secondaire," Ens. Sec. XXXIV, 72-84. 1956 Carrière, G. "Au Cœur de la nature," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XXVI, 498-510. Kerwin, L. "La Vocation scientifique," Ens. Sec. XXXV, 285-90. Lambert, M. "Notes sur l'histoire de l'enseignement des sciences," ibid., 105-16. 1957 Earl, R. O. "Education in Science," Queens Q. LXIV, 216-28. Earl, R. O. "The Sciences" in J. Park, éd., The Culture of Contemporary Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 327-66. Lambert, M. "L'Alliance sciences-humanisme," Eus. Sec. XXXVI, 197-204.




1927 1935 1939 1949 1950 1954 1956 1957 1958

Simard, H. "Les Matières collégiales: l'astronomie," Ens. Sec. VI, 667-74. Young, R. K. "The David Dunlap Observatory," Univ. Tor. Q. IV, 327-36. Harper, W. E. "The History of Astronomy in Canada" in H. M. Tory, éd., The History of Science in Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 87-99. Hogg, F. S. "Astronomy" in W. S. Wallace, éd., Royal Canadian Institute Centenary Volume (Toronto), 13-24. Fr. Robert. "L'Astronomie, science de culture," Ped.-Or. IV, 207-13. Chant, C. A. Astronomy in the University of Toronto: The David Dunlap Observatory. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 68. Pétrie, R. M. "The Growth of Astronomy in Canada," Jour. R. Astron. Assoc. Can. L, 146—51. Kennedy, J. E. The Brydon Jack Observatory. Fredericton: Univ. of New Brunswick. Pp. 23. Reprinted from Jour. R. Astron. Soc. Can. XLIX, 151-55, 181-88; L, 152-57. Williamson, J. K. "The Observatory of the Montreal Centre," ibid. LII, 3-4.


1887 1932




Penhallow, D. P. "A Review of Canadian Botany from the First Settlement of New France to the Nineteenth Century," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. IV, 45-61; 1897, Sect. IV, 3-56. Thomson, R. B. "A Sketch of the Past Fifty Years in Canadian Botany" in Royal Society, Fifty 'Years Retrospect, 173-79. Willey, A. "The Development of Zoology in Canada, 1882-1932," ibid., 155-58. Prat, H. L'Enseignement des sciences biologiques à l'Université de Montréal. Montréal: Univ. de Montréal. Pp. 15. Préfontaine, G. "L'Enseignement des sciences biologiques à l'Université," Act. Univ. I, 8-9, 30. Canada, Dept. of Agriculture, Experimental Farms Branch. Fifty Years of Progress on Dominion Experimental Farms, 1886-1936. Ottawa: King's Printer. Pp. 158. Dymond, J. R. "Zoology in Canada" in H. M. Tory éd., The History of Science in Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 41-57. Fr. Marie-Victorin. "Canada's Contribution to the Science of Botany," ibid., 35-40. Pariseau, L. E. "Canadian Medicine and Biology during the French Regime," ibid., 58-68. Tremblay, J.-L. "Le Département de Biologie de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Laval," Culture I, 503-504. Tremblay, J.-L. "La Station biologique du St.-Laurent de l'Université Laval," ibid., 502-503. Fr. Marie-Victorin. "L'Institut Botanique: vingt ans au service de la science et du pays," Rev. Trim. Can. XXVI, 285-94, 432-34.




Zipfel, L. "Le milieu vivant, sa valeur éducationnelle," Ens. Sec. XX, 505-13. 1945 Gauthier, R. "Le Vingt-cinquième anniversaire de l'Institut Botanique,"Act Univ. XI, 105-11. Préfontaine, G. "L'Institut de Biologie de l'Université de Montréal, son état actuel et son avenir," ibid., 46-59. 1949 Bailey, D. L. "Botany" in W. S. Wallace, éd., Royal Canadian Institute Centenary Volume, 25-35. Dymond, J. R. "Zoology," ibid., 108-20. 1953 Tremblay, J.-L. "Les Sciences biologiques au Canada," Culture XIV, 281-91. 1955 Prat, H. "L'Institut de Biologie de l'Université de Montréal," Act. Univ. XXI, 16-22. 1956 Dansereau, P. "La Tradition botanique à Montréal," Culture XVII, 379-87.



Douglas, J. A Memoir of Thomas Sterry Hunt. Philadelphia. Pp. 61. 1914 King, J. "Henry Holmes Croft" in McCaul, Croft, Forneri: Personalities of Early University Days (Toronto), 103-58. 1917 Bourgoin, L. et P.-C. LeCointe. "La Chimie industrielle," Rev. Trim. Can. Ill, 313-23. 1918 Aubin, E. "The Teaching of Chemistry," N.C.C.U. Troc. 123-25. 1921 Cardinaux, P. "L'Enseignement de la chimie à l'Université Laval," Can. Fr. VI, 70-77. 1923 Tremblay, C.-E. "Part de la chimie au programme de sciences," Ens. Sec. V, 64-71. 1932 Johnson, F. M. G. "Chemistry and the Royal Society of Canada" in Royal Society, Fifty Years Retrospect (Toronto), 113—16. 1937 Gagné, A. "Chimie," Ens. Sec. XVII, 184-98. Monty, V. "Le Problème de chimie," ibid., 429-51. 1939 Miller, W. L. "The Beginnings of Chemistry in Canada" in H. M. Tory, éd., The History of Science in Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 21-34. 1944 Hatcher, W. H. "The Future of Chemistry," Culture V, 258-64. Nicholls, R. V. V. "A Century and a Quarter of Chemistry at McGill University," Can. Chem. & Process Ind. XXVIII, 559-66 580. 1945 Faculté des Sciences, Université Laval. "Twenty-five Years of Chemistry at Laval," ibid. XXIX, 357-64. 1946 Basterfield, S. "The Department of Chemistry, University of Saskatchewan," ibid. XXX, 47-48. 1947 Graham, R. P. and L. H. Cragg. "Department of Chemistry at McMaster University," ibid. XXXI, 822-24. 1948 Graham, R. P. "The Genealogy of a Chemistry Department," Jour. Chem. Ed. (U.S.) XXV, 632-34.


1949 1952


Warrington, C. J. S. and R. V. V. Nicholls. A History of Chemistry in Canada. Toronto: Pitman. Pp. 502. Ouellet, C. "La Chimie au Canada," Culture XIII, 363-74.



Fraser, F. G. "Human Genetics in Eastern Canada," Proc. Gen. Soc. Can. Ill, 68-69. Thompson, M. W. "The Development of Human Genetics in Alberta," ibid., 70-71. Walker, N. F. "The Development of Human Genetics at the University of Toronto," ibid., 65-67.


1883 1898 1899 1922 1929 1930 1932

1934 1936 1939

1940 1943 1944 1945

Harrington, B. J. Life of Sir William E. Logan . . . Chiefly Compiled from his Letters, Journals and Reports. Montreal. Pp. 432. Douglas, J. A Memoir of Thomas Sterry Hunt. Philadelphia. Pp. 61. Weston, T. C. Reminiscences among the Rocks: In Connection with the Geological Survey of Canada. Toronto. Pp. 328. Macoun, J. Autobiography . . . with introduction by E. T. Seton. Ottawa: Field Naturalists' Club. Pp. 305. Wallace, R. C. "The Educational Function of the Geological Sciences," Trans. R.S.C. Sect IV, 1-3. Tyrrell, J. B. A Canadian Geologist. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 257. Royal Society of Canada. Fifty fears Retrospect (Toronto) : articles by G. A. Young (123-29), W. A. Johnson (131-35), H. C. Cooke, (137-41), F. H. McLearn (143-47), T. L. Walker (149-53). Graham, R. P. D. "The Development of Mineralogical Science," Trans. R.S.C. Sect IV, 33-42. Allen, J. A. "The Trend of Geology," Trans. R.S.C. Sect IV, 1-8. Purser, R. "Canada's Geological Survey," Can. Geog. Jour. XIII, 173-83. Adams, F. D. "The History of Geology in Canada" in H. M. Tory, éd., The History of Science in Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 7-20. Moore, E. S. "History of the Royal Ontario Museum of Geology." Contributions of the Royal Ontario Museum of Geology, no. 1. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 17. Parsons, A. L. "The Royal Ontario Museum of Mineralogy" in University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series, no. 24, 7-22. Faessler, C. "L'Exploration géologique au Canada," Culture I, 435-49. Dauloux-Dumesnil, M. "La Géologie, matière d'enseignement supérieur," Rev. Trim. Can. XXIX, 165-97. Williams, M. Y. "Whither Geology?" Trans. R.S.C. Sect. IV, 137-43. Morin, L. "L'Institut de Géologie," Act. Univ. XI, 90-95.



1947 1949 1952 1954 1956



Auger, P.-E. "La Géologie à l'Université Laval," Nat. Can. LXXIII, 316-21. Williams, M. Y. "Geology and Geography," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. IV, 125-39. Gray, F. W. "Pioneer Geologists of Nova Scotia," Dalhousie Rev. XXVI, 467-70. Alcock, F. J. "Geology" in W. S. Wallace, éd., Royal Canadian Institute Centenary Volume, 61-70. Dullieux, E. "Regards en arrière," Rev. Trim. Con. XXXV, 354-360. Hume, G. S. "Geology in the Service of the Nation," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. IV, 1-11. Wilson, J. T. "The Changing Worlds of Geology and Geophysics," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. IV, 87-91. Auger, P.-E. "La Géologie, l'industrie minière et les gradués d'université," Culture XVII, 3-9. Mawdsly, J. B. "Geologists are in Short Supply," Proc. Geol. Assoc. Can. VIII, Pt. I, 19-26. Warren, H. V. "The Problem of Finding More Geologists," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. IV, 83-89. Portier, Y. O. "Old and New Ways in Arctic Geology," Can. Geog. Jour. LVII, 86-91. Langford, G. B. "Teaching the Geological Sciences," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. IV, 39-43.



Matheson, J. "Professor Dupuis as a Teacher of Mathematics," Queens Q. XXV, 148-52. 1927 Eve, A. S. "Decline in the Study of Classics and Mathematics and the Consequences," N.C.C.U. Proc., 104-108. 1929 De Lury, A. T. "Mathematics and its Relation to Other University Studies," N.C.C.U. Proc., 21-22, 44-45. 1937 Beaupré, V. E. "Le Rôle des mathématiques dans la formation de l'ingénieur," Rev. Trim. Can. XXIII, 137-99. 1939 Beatty, S. "An Outline of the Progress of Mathematics in Canada" in H. M. Tory, éd., The History of Science in Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 100-19. 1940 Coté, F. X. "Les Courbes usuelles élémentaires et la géométrie analytique," Ens. Sec. XIX, 360-70. Dollo, A. "L'Enseignement de la géométrie," ibid., 400-11. James, R. D. "Mathematics at the University of Saskatchewan," Culture I, 492. Larue, A. "Le Programme de mathématiques de la Faculté des Arts de Laval," Ens. Sec. XIX, 383-90. Legault, J. "L'Enseignement de l'algèbre et de la géométrie," ibid., 343-52. 1941 Matheson, J. "Nathan Fellowes Dupuis (1836-1917)" in R. C. Wallace, éd., Some Great Men of Queens (Toronto: Ryerson), 51-70.


1945 1946 1948 1951 1955 1957


Beatty, S. "The Role of Mathematics in a Mathematics and Physics Course," Proceedings of the First Canadian Mathematical Congress (Toronto: U. of T. Press), 132-38. Jeffery, R. L. "The Future of Mathematics in Canada," Queen's Q. LUI, 304-12. Gray, W. B. "The Teaching of Mathematics in Ontario, 18001941." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Toronto. Gauthier, A. "Les Mathématiques," in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 301-16. Lortie, L. "Les Mathématiques de nos ancêtres," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 31-45. Anonyme. "L'Enseignement des mathématiques dans les écoles secondaires," Ens. Sec. XXXVI, 172-78. Wittenberg, A. "Mathématiques et culture générale," ibid., 257-64.


1928 1938 1939


1944 1946 1947 1949

1953 1955 1957

Thibault, M. "The Teaching of Physics," N.C.C.U. Proc., 100-102. Burton, E. F. "Lord Rutherford, 1871-1937," Univ. Tor. Q. VII, 329-38. Langton, H. H. Sir John Cunningham McLennan: A Memoir; with a Chapter on his Scientific Work by E. F. Burton. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 123. Shaw, A. N. "The Advance of Physics in Canada" in H. M. Tory, éd., The History of Science in Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 120-52. Harrington, E. L. "Physics in the University of Saskatchewan," Culture I, 488-91. Shrum, G. M. "Physics in the University of British Columbia," ibid., 484-87. Wendling, A. V. "Où en était la physique il y a cinquante ans?" ibid., 417-34. Harrington, E. L. "Physics and Society," ibid. V, 284-90. Rasetti, F. "L'Université et la physique," Nat. Can. LXXIII, 322-26. Demers, P. "La Physique et les Canadiens français," Act. Univ. XIV, 54-61. Burton, E. F. "Physics" in W. S. Wallace, éd., Royal Canadian Institute Centenary Volume, 96-107. Foster, G. S. "A Quarter-Century of Research in Physics," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. Ill, 1-13. Bonenfant, F. "La Physique et les physiciens au Canada," Culture XIV, 25-33. "Physics at the University: A Review," Physics in Canada IX, 13-27. Assoc. Can. Phys. La Physique au Canada: un carrière, une vocation. Québec. Pp. 7. Watson, W. H. "Perspective towards the Future in Physics" in E. G. D. Murray, éd., Studia Varia (Toronto: U. of T. Press), 52-70.





Pilote, F. Mémoire sur la paroisse, le village, le collège et l'Ecole d'Agriculture de Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière. Pp. 20. 1877 Proulx, M. Les Ecoles d'agriculture de la province de Québec vengées. Collège de Ste-Anne-de-la-Pocatière. Pp. 7. 1885 Ross, J. J. Nos Ecoles d'agriculture. Québec. Pp. 16. 1886 Saunders, W. Agricultural College and Experimental Farm Situations, with suggestions relating to Experimental Agriculture in Canada. Reprint of Report to Minister of Agriculture. Ottawa. Pp. 111. 1905 Cappon, J. "Sir William Macdonald and Agricultural Education," Queen's Q. XII, 315-22. Robertson, J. W. "Professor Cappon's Article in Queen's Quarterly, January 1905," ibid., 420-24. 1915 Leake, A. H. The Means and Methods of Agricultural Education. Boston. Pp. 273. 1916 Chapáis, J.-C. Notes historiques sur les écoles d'agriculture dans Québec. Montréal. Shutt, F. T. "Agricultural Education and Research in Canada," Trans. R.S.C. Sect. Ill, 1-17. 1921 Zavitz, C. A. "History and Development of the O.A.C.," Ont. Agrie. Coll. Rev. XXXIV, 1-8. 1922 Howes, E. A. "Problems in Agriculture," N.C.C.U. Proc., 47-52. 1924 Ontario Agricultural College. Half Century of the College. Guelph: Ont. Agrie. Coll. Pp. 28. Stevenson, O. J. "From a Humble Beginning to One of the Finest Agricultural Colleges in the World-^A Half Century of Progress in Science and Farming," Guelph Evening Mercury, June 7, 1924. 1927 Klinck, L. S. "The Fundamental Sciences in the Degree Course in Agriculture," N.C.C.U. Proc., 61-66. 1928 Bois, H. "L'Enseignement professionnel agricole," Semaines Sociales VIII, 135-51. 1932 Arsenault, L. "L'importance des sciences naturelles dans une école d'agriculture," Nat. Can. LIX, 137-43. 1933 Ste-Marie, J. A. "L'Agriculture expérimentale," Semaines Sociales XII, 53-60. 1934 Ontario Agricultural College. Diamond Jubilee of the College. Guelph: Ont. Agrie. College. Pp. 17. 1935 Bois, H. "L'Ecole supérieure d'Agriculture de Ste-Anne-de-laPocatière," Can. Fr. XXIII, 271-76. Monette, R. "L'Enseignement supérieur de l'agriculture," Act. Nat. V, 296-303. 1937 Congrès de l'enseignement agricole. Rapport du premier congrès, tenu à Québec en octobre 1937. Québec. Pp. 320. Madill, A. J. History of Agricultural Education in Ontario. Rev. eel. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 316.


1943 1945

1946 1947 1948 1949


1952 1953


Maheux, G. "L'Agriculture au carrefour des sciences," Rev. Trim. Can. XXIII, 376-94. Père Louis-Marie. L'Institut d'Oka, cinquantenaire—1893-1943. Oka. Pp.541. Lettre, J.-P. "L'Enseignement agricole dans la province de Québec," Orient. V, 223-46. Maheux, G. "La Recherche et l'enseignement agricole," Agr. II, 4-11. Jones, R. L. History of Agriculture in Ontario, 1613-1880. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 420. Beaugé, L. "Un Foyer culturel rural," Relations VII, 231-32. Galbraith, J. K. "Horse and Buggy Type Teaching at O.A.C. instead of Scientific Research," Saturday Night, April 24, 1948; "Defence from Politics is Needed in O.A.C.," ibid., May 8, 1948. Brochu, E., et al. "Enseignement et recherche," ibid., 255-64. Corp. des Agronomes de la Province de Québec. "Mémoire à la Commission royale d'enquête sur l'avancement des lettres, des arts et des sciences au Canada," Agr. VI, 9—39. Benson, L. R. "An O. A. G. Student in the 1880's," Ont. Hist. XLII, 67-80. Fortin, Ls-de-G. "Avantages du maintien et de l'amélioration des écoles agronomiques existantes dans le Québec," ibid. VII, 99-104. Létourneau, F. Histoire de l'agriculture au Canada français. Montréal: Impr. Populaire. Pp. 324. Mercier, E. "La Centralisation des écoles supérieures d'agriculture," Agr. VII, 190-95. Mireault, G. "Où en est notre organisation agricole professionnelle?" Rev. Oka XXIV, 171-89. Pomerleau, R. "Avantages de la centralisation de l'enseignement supérieur agronomique dans la province de Québec." Agr. VII, 95-99. Fortin, Ls-de-G. "La Faculté d'Agriculture," Rev. Univ. Laval VII, 49-55,129-44. Corp, des Agronomes de la Province de Québec. "Mémoire à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels," Agr. X, 201-84. Fortin, Ls-de-G. "L'Enseignement agronomique dans les institutions québécoises de langue française," ibid., 94-101.



Maurault, O. "Un professeur d'Architecture à Québec en 1828" in Marges d'histoire I (Montréal), 93-113. 1932 Bosworth, F. H. and R. C. Jones. A Study of Architectural Schools. New York: Scribner. Pp. 193. 1948 "The Architectural Schools of Manitoba, Toronto, Ecole des Beaux Arts, B.C. and McGill," Jour. R. Arch. Inst. Can. XXV, 139-72.


1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954


1956 1957



Lassere, F. "On Architectural Education," ibid. XXVI, 133-35, 172. "The Architectural Schools . . . [of Canada]," ibid., 136-65. "The Architectural Schools . . . [of Canada]," ibid. XXVII, 119-43. Twizell, R. R. S. "Evolution of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia," ibid., 287, 326-27. "The University Schools of Architecture . . . ," ibid. XXVIII, 49-73. "Architectural Training in the Canadian Universities . . . ," ibid. XXIX, 128-43. Foster, R. H. "Art Education and Architecture," ibid., 144—47. Madill, H. H. "Architectural Education at the University of Toronto," ibid. XXX, 59-61. Carver, H. "The Universities and Community Planning," Rev. Can. Urb. IV, 19-23. Russell, J. A. "Architectural Education at the University of Manitoba, 1913-1953," Jour. R..Arch. Inst. Can. XXXI, 63-86. Russell, J. A. "The University and Architecture," N.C.C.U. Proc., 74-80. "School of Architecture, University of British Columbia," Jour. R. Arch. Inst. Can. XXXII, 66-90. "School of Architecture, McGill University," ibid. XXXIII, 72-98. Morency, P. "L'Enseignement de l'architecture au Canada français," Act. Univ. XXIII, 16-19. "School of Architecture: Ecole des Beaux Arts," Jour. R. Arch. Inst. Can. XXXIV, 68-93. "School of Architecture: University of Toronto," ibid. XXXV, 70-81. Young, C. R. Early Engineering Education at Toronto, 1851-1919. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 150.



Wickett, S. M. "Commercial Education at Universities," Can. Mag. XVIII, 561-63. 1902 Cox, J. "Commercial Education: Difficulty of Grafting It upon University Work: What May Be Done in Public Schools," ibid. XVIII, 446-52. Harpell, J. J. "University Men in Life Insurance," Queen's Q. X, 224-29. 1908 Sanderson, F. "The Call of the Business World to the University Man," McMaster Univ. Monthly XVIII, 1-12. 1913 Leacock, S. "The University and Business," Univ. Mag. XII, 540-49. 1919 Maheux, A. "L'Université Laval et l'essor économique," Can. Fr. Ill, 241-46. 1920 Laureys, H. L'Education commerciale, facteur de notre expansion. Montréal. Pp. 44. 1922 Arbour, J. "Le Cours classique et les affaires," Rev. Trim. Can. VIII, 466-78.



MacDonnell, J. M. and W. C. Clark. The Faculty of Arts and Business Training. Kingston: Queen's Univ., History and Pol. Econ. Science Depts. Bull. no. 44. Pp. 25. 1923 Skelton, O. D. "University Training for Business," N.C.C.U. Proc., 69-77. 1928 Bruchési, J. "L'Université et la vie politique," Act, Econ. Ill, 226-36. Minville, E. "A quoi mène le haut enseignement commercial?" ibid. IV, 139b-45b. 1930 Mackintosh, W. A. "The Curriculum of a Course in Commerce," Can. Pol. Set. Assoc. Proc. II, 95-98. Underbill, F. H. "Commerce Courses and the Arts Faculty," N.C.C.U. Proc., 74-80. 1932 Cochrane, C. N. "The Question of Commerce Courses in Universities," ibid., 61-69. Moreland, P. A. Commercial Education in Ontario. Toronto. 3 vols. 1933 Cassidy, H. M. "The Outlook of the Commerce Student," Comm. Jour., 10-12. 1934 Grant, W. L. "The Civil Service of Canada," Univ. Tor. Q. III, 428-38. 1935 Hensel, P. H. "The Outlook for Business Education," Eus. Q. II (3), 5-9. 1936 Dawson, R. M. "The Canadian Civil Service," Can Jour. Econ. Pol. Set., II, 288-300. 1938 Ashley, C. A. "Sir William Ashley and the Rise of Schools of Commerce," Comm. Jour., 40-50. 1939 Ashley, C. A. "The Commerce Course and the Business World," 1940

1941 1945

1946 1947


ibid., 4-6.

Minville, E. "L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes commerciales de Montréal," Culture I, 458-69. Sipherd, L. "What Business Expects of the Business Graduate," Bus. Q. VII, 223-233. Innis, H. A. "The Commerce Course," Comm. Jour., 1-2. Bland, C. H. et al. "Training for Public Administration," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. XI, 499-523. Minville, E. "L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes commerciales à Montréal," Act. Univ. XI, 80-84. Bissonnette, B. "L'Education des hommes politiques," Culture VII, 287-99. Arbour, J. "Propos sur le cours classique et les affaires," Act. Econ. XXIII, 500-10. Ashley, C. A. "The University and Commerce and Finance," Comm. Jour., 1-4. Ashley, C. A. "The Accelerated Course and the Problem of Administration," ibid., 21-22. Bouvier, E. "La Profession en relations industrielles," Act. Univ. XXV, 454-64. Brady, A. "The Training and Development of Public Administrators," Univ. Tor. Q. XXIII, 217-29.



Thompson, W. A. "Préparation for Business Responsibility," Bus. Q. XIV, 65-70. Woods, H. D., éd. The Universities and Industrial Relations. Montréal: McGill Univ. Pp. 77. 1950 Sipherd, L. "University Training for Careers in Business," Bus. Ç. XV, 69-75. Teele, S. F. "Thinking Ahead in Business Education," ibid., 126-33. 1951 Bladen, V. W. "The Graduate Course in Business Administration," Comm. Jour., 51-53. Laframboise, J.-C. "L'Orientation de l'enseignement de l'administration publique au Canada français," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XXI, 17-26. Sipherd, L. and W. A. Thompson. "The University and Executive Training," Bus. Ç. XVI, 219-27. 1952 Ready, R. K. "Administrative Training and the Case Method," ibid. XVII, 144-55. 1954 Graham, T. C. "Post-Graduate Education in Business Administration," Comm. Jour. 43-46. 1955 Creighton, D. G. "Education for Government," Queens Q. LXI, 425-33. Teele, S. F. "Should Universities Teach Business," Bus. Q. XX, 82-93. 1957 Bladen, V. W., W. E. Phillips, M. St. A. Woodside et al "The University and Business," Univ. Tor. Q. XXVI, 483-546. Teele, S. F. "Goals of Business Administration," Bus. Q. XXII, 345-49. University of British Columbia, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration. Responsibilities in Business Education. Vancouver. Pp. 83. White, J. R. "Teaching is our Business," Bus. Q. XXII, 339-44. 1958 Carroll, T. H. "Where is Business Education Going?" ibid. XXIII, 145-52. Hoffman, M. L. "International Education for Management," ibid., 46-50. Porter, J. "Higher Public Servants and the Bureaucratic Elite in Canada," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Set. XXIV, 438-501. Thompson, W. A. "Objectives in Management Training," Bus. Q. XXIII, 214-21.


1910 1926 1927

Koch, C. R. E., ed. History of Dental Surgery. Fort Wayne, Ind. 2 vols. Gies, W. J. Dental Education in the United States and Canada. New York: Carnegie Foundation. Pp. 692. Seccombe, W. "The Present Status of Dental Education in the United States and Canada," N.C.C.U. Proc., 75-79.




Seccombe, W. "Survey of the Dental Curriculum," Jour. Higher Ed. (U.S.) Ill, 241-45. 1941 Renaud, J.-A. "L'Ecole dentaire et sa clinique," Act. Univ. VIII, 16-19. 1945 De Montigny, G. "La Faculté de Chirurgie dentaire," ibid. XI, 66-69. 1947 Horner, H. H. Dental Education Today. Chicago: U. of C. Press. Pp. 420. 1952 Bagnall, J. S. "Dental Education in Canada," Jour. Can. Dental Assoc. XVIII, 310-314. Johnson, J. H. "The History of Dental Research in Canada," ibid., 315-20. 1954 Bagnall, J. S. "Dental Teaching in Canada," ibid. XX, 603-609. Bremner, M. D. K. The Story of Dentistry from the Dawn of Civilization to the Present, with Special Emphasis on the American Scene. Brooklyn: Dental Items of Interest Pub. Corp. Pp. 462. 1956 Can. Dental Association, Council on Dental Education. Conference on Dental Education, Sept. 13, 14, 15, 1955. The Association. Pp. 121. Macdonald, J. B. A Prospectus on Dental Education for the University of British Columbia. Vancouver: Univ. of British Columbia. Pp. 105. Paynter, R. J. Concerning the Establishment of a School of Dentistry in Manitoba. Report to the Government of the Province of Manitoba. Winnipeg: King's Printer. Pp. 52.


1881 Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 20. 1894 "The School of Mining and Miners," Queen's Q. I, 223-27. 1895 Gosselin, A.-H. "Les Jésuites au Canada—Le P. de Bonnecamps, dernier professeur d'hydrographie au Collège de Québec avant la Conquête," Mém. S.R.C. Sect. I, 25-61. 1901 Bain, J. W. "Where Engineers are Educated," Can. Mag. XVI, 497-504. 1905 Reade, H. "A Suggestion for Technical Colleges," Queens Q. XII, 302-305. 1906 Ellis, W. H. "The Faculty of Applied Science" in W. J. Alexander, éd., The University of Toronto and its Colleges (Toronto), 180-83. 1915 De Bray, A.-J. "L'Education commerciale de l'ingénieur," Rev. Trim. Can. I, 214-23. 1916 Marceau, E. "La Formation de l'ingénieur, ibid. II, 289-99. 1918 LeCointe, P.-P. "La Belle au bois donnant," ibid. IV, 198-207. 1920 Adams, F. D. "The Problems of Engineering Education," Eng. Jour. III, 191-93. Eve, A. S. "The Importance of Physics in Engineering Education," ibid., 128-29.



Mitchell, C. H. "The Future of Applied Science," ibid., 1-7. Surveyor, A. "The Work of the Ecole Polytechnique, Montréal," ibid., 194-95. 1923 Maurault, O. "L'Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal," Rev. Trim. Can. IX, 341-73. 1926 Brock, R. W. "The Relation of the University to the Engineering Profession," Eng. Jour. IX, 344-46. 1927 Parkin, J. H. "The New Aerodynamic Laboratory of the University of Toronto," ibid. X, 390-99. 1928 Frigon, A. "L'Ingénieur civil," Rev. Trim. Can. XIV, 341-56. 1930 Brock, R. W. "The Importance of Honour Matriculation for Medicine and Engineering," N.C.C.U. Proc., 97-102. 1932 Cullwick, E.. G. "Engineering Education in Canada," Eng. Jour. XV, 337-48. McQueen, A. W. "Engineering Education in Canada," ibid., 253—60. 1935 Mailhot, A. "La Préparation de l'ingénieur des mines à l'Ecole Polytechnique," Act. Univ. I, 6-7. 1936 Béique, P.-A. "Physionomie de la première Ecole Polytechnique," Rev. Trim. Can. XXII, 12-20. 1937 Beaupré, V.-E. "Le Rôle des mathématiques dans la formation de l'ingénieur," ibid. XXIII, 137-99. Circé, A. "Le Rôle de l'hydraulique dans la formation de l'ingénieur," ibid., 168-74. 1939 Circé, A. "Aperçus sur le développement et l'orientation de l'enseignement à Polytechnique," ibid. XXV, 17-33. Circé, A. "L'Enseignement des ingénieurs," ibid., 401—25. 1941 Lavoisier, G. "Centre éducationnel d'aviation," Relations I, 184-85. Miner, D. F. "Co-operative Engineering Education," Eng. Jour. XXIV, 592-97. Smith, E. D. "Fundamentals of Professional Education," ibid., 391-93. 1942 Circé, A. "Polytechnique et l'œuvre universitaire," Act. Univ. IX, 45-47. The Engineering Institute of Canada. La Profession d'ingénieur au Canada. Montréal. Pp. 23. Tremblay, A. "L'Ecole de génie électrique de l'Université Laval," Orient. II, 263-66. Young, C. R. "Accelerated Courses: Engineering," N.C.C.U. Proc., 99-104. Young, C. R. "Can Professional Education be Liberalized?" Eng. Jour. XXV, 554-57. 1943 Lash, S. D. "The Training and Education of Engineers," ibid. XXVI, 199-201. 1944 "Engineering Education after the War," ibid. XXVII, 314-15. Langford, G. B. "How can we Improve Engineering Education?" ibid., 573-75. Rickard, T. A. The Romance of Mining. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 450,



Wallace, R. C. "The Engineer's Need of Humanities," Eng. Jour. XXVII, 626-27. 1945 Circé, A. "Polytechnique (1873-1945)," Act. Univ. XI, 72-79. Mason, E. S. Record of the Engineers of Acadia University. Wolfville: Acadia Univ. Pp. 69. "Trends in Education," Eng. Jour. XXVII, 240-42. Trudel, L. "On demande des ingénieurs humanistes," Coll. et Fam. II, 180-89. 1946 McKiel, H. W. "Problems of Engineering Education," N.C.C.U. Proc., 73-80. Young, C. R. "The Education of Engineers," Eng. Jour. XXIX, 240-42. Young, C. R. "Developing Professional Attitudes amongst Undergraduates," ibid., 722-23. 1947 Wickenden, W. E. "Shall Higher Education be Expanded on the Technological Pattern?" ibid. XXX, 427-31. Young, C. R. "Professional Advancement in Canada," ibid., 587-89. Young, C. R. "Applied Science and Engineering Education," N.C.C.U. Proc., 54-55. 1948 Béique, P.-A. "L'Ecole Polytechnique au début du siècle," Rev. Trim. Can. XXXIV, 309-22. Brouillet, I. "L'Ingénieur de Polytechnique," ibid., 254-68. Maurault, O. L'Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal—1873-1948. Montréal. Pp. 86. Rogers, H. S. "What the War has done to Engineering Education," Eng. Jour. XXXI, 545-47. Young, C. R. "Professional Advancement in Canada," Jour. Engin. Ed. (U.S.) XXXVIII, 485-90. 1949 Ministère du Travail. Carrières dans les sciences naturelles et le génie. Ottawa. Pp. 114. Young, C. R. "The Engineer in the Days Ahead," Eng. Jour. XXXII, 747-49, 752. 1950 Baird, A. F. "The History of Engineering at the University of New Brunswick" in A. G. Bailey, éd., The University of New Brunswick Memorial Volume (Fredericton: U. of N.B. Press), 75-86. Cochrane, H. G. "Postwar Engineering Education for Ex-Servicemen," Eng. Jour. XXXIII, 461-70. Hollister, S. C. "Differentiating Characteristics of an Engineering Curriculum," ibid., 193-95. "Education for Management," ibid., 878-90. "Engineering Education and the Employer" (Panel discussion), ibid., 956-64. 1951 Gaudefroy, H. "Engineering Education in Canada," Rev. Trim. Can. XXXVII, 227-36. Tupper, K. F. "The Teaching of Applied Science" in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 337-52. 1952 Dawson, F. M. "Engineering Education—A Bridge between Ignorance and Understanding," Eng. Jour. XXXV, 204-06.









"Report of Committee on Adequacy and Standards of Engineering Education," ibid., 503-05, 508. Evans, W. S. "Are We Ready to Consider a Major Change in Policy?" ibid. XXXVI, 1147-49. Ihrig, H. K. "The Modern Engineer Should be Educated as a Scientist," ibid., 1014-15, 1024. "Evaluation of Engineering Education," ibid. XXXVII, 55-57. Gaudefroy, H. "L'Enseignement du génie à l'Ecole Polytechnique," Rev. Trim. Can. XL, 9-17. Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal. "Mémoire de la Corporation de l'Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels," ibid., 19-46. "Academic Performance—A Comparison of Pre-war and Post-war periods," Eng. Jour. XXXVIII, 653-54. Allcut, E. A. "Can Present Mechanical Engineering Curricula be Improved?" ibid., 1070-72. Czerwinski, W. "An Experiment in Teaching Design," ibid., 18-27. "Evaluation of Engineering Education," ibid., 1227-28. Hollister, S. C. "Survey of Education and Utilization of Engineers," ibid., 1553-55. Bissell, C. T. "The Professional School in the University," Eng. Jour. XXXIX, 131-33. Desjardins, R. "L'ingénieur dans la vie moderne," Culture XVII, 39-47. Drapeau, J. "Les ingénieurs répondront-ils: présents!" Act. Nat. XIV, 578-92. Hall, G. E. "A Fundamental Concept of Education," Eng. Jour. XXXIX, 1685-87. "Amplifying the Baccalaureate Education," ibid., 827-33. Barker, J. W. "Meeting the Shortage of Engineers and Scientists," ibid. XL, 30-32. "The Product of the Engineering Baccalaureate Curriculum," Ing. XLIII, 291-96. Conn, H. G. "Engineering Education in Canada," Eng. Jour. XLI, 38-40. Gaudefroy, H. "Le nouveau programme d'études," Ing. XLIV, 55-60. Gunning, H. C. "Trends in Engineering Education," ibid., 41-43. Maurault, O. "L'Ecole Polytechnique: 1948-58," Ing. XLIV, 20-27. Young, C. R. Early Engineering Education at Toronto 1851-1919. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 150.


1902 1906

Drummond, A. "The Need in Canada of Forest Engineers," Queens Q. IX, 307-13. Goodwin, W. L. "A School of Forestry for Ontario," ibid. X, 77-80. L'Abbé LaFlamme. "Forestry Education?" ibid. XIII, 291-98.


1907 1912 1928 1931


1938 1943 1945 1946

1949 1950

1951 1952 1954 1955


Fernow, B. E. "The Education of Foresters," Can. For. Jour. Ill, 141-51. Fernow, B. E. "Report of the Committee of the Conference of Forest Schools on the Standardization of Instruction in Forestry," For. Q. X, 341-94. Bédard, A. "History of the Quebec Forestry School," For. Chron. IV, 5-11. Gibson, J. M. "The Place of a School Forest in Forestry Education," For. Chron. VII, 7-10. Kisbaugh, W. "A Practising Forester's View of Forestry Education," ibid., 11-13. Delahey, W. A. "Forest Schools Curricula and the Needs of our Woods Operations," ibid., VIII, 29-34. Eades, H. W. "Modern Tendencies in Forestry Education," ibid., 14-20. Fenwick, A. R. "Suggested Changes in Forest School Courses," ibid., 35-45. Howe, C. D. "Forestry Education," ibid., 21-27. Koroleif, A. "Co-operation between Forest Schools and the Industry in Forest Education," ibid., 5-13. Wilson, E. "Forestry Education," ibid., 28. "Report of the Sub-Committee on Education," For. Chron. XIV, 44-46. Cosens, G. G. "Forest Education in Post-War Rehabilitation," ibid., XIX, 53-55. Rousseau, L.-Z. "Quelques réflexions sur le rôle économique et social de l'ingénieur forestier," For. Q. V, 399-406. Cosens, G. G. "Forestry Education in the University of Toronto," For. Chron. XXII, 250-52. Gibson, J. M. "Education in Forestry," ibid., 238-45. Liersch, J. E. "Forestry Education in British Columbia," ibid., 253-60. Mulloy, G. A. "Forest Education," ibid., 110-12. Rousseau, L.-Z. "Forest Education in Quebec," ibid., 246-49. Maher, T. "La Forêt, l'industrie et le rôle de l'ingénieur forestier," Ass. Ing. For. Québec, 5-17. Rousseau, L.-Z. "Les Sciences et la technique forestière," Culture X, 129-33; XI, 29-38. Videto, H. E. "The Growth of Forestry at the University of New Brunswick" in A. G. Bailey, éd., The University of New Brunswick Memorial Volume (Fredericton: U. of N.B. Press), 87-97. Rodgers, A. D. Bernard Edward Fernow: A Story o/ North American Forestry. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press. Pp. 623. Leslie, A. P. "Forest Research in Ontario," Can. Geog. Jour. XLVI, 71-91. Lesage, J. "Le Rôle de l'ingénieur forestier au Canada," Ass. Ing. For. Québec, 103-10. Anonyme. Le Fonds de recherches forestières de l'Université Laval. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 21.


1956 1957


Rousseau, L.-Z. et A. Lafond. "La Recherche forestière à l'Université Laval," Culture XVII, 139-47. Allen, G. S. et al. "Forestry Research at the Canadian Universities. . . ." Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada, 226-47. Sisam, J. W. B. "Forestry at the University of Toronto," Timber of Canada (March), 3-7.




1943 1946 1950 1956 1958

Hartz, A. "A Comparative Study of Home Economics Education in the English Speaking Countries." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of California. Moxon, M. C. "The Training of Teachers of Home Economics in Canada and in the States of the American Union Adjacent to the Canadian Provinces." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Univ. of Manitoba. Moxon, C. "Development of Home Economics in Canada," Jour. Home Econ. XXVIII, 148-50. Rutter, E. B. "Home Economics in the University of Saskatchewan," ibid., 454-55. Beaudoin, R. "Premiers Pas de l'Institut de Nutrition et de Diététique," Act. Univ. IX, 10-12. "Diététique et nutrition à la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université de Montréal," Union Méd. LXXV, 451-54. Duggan, G. L. A Study of Some Aspects of Home Economics in Canadian Universities. Edmonton: Can. Home Econ. Assoc. Pp. 130. Rowles, E. C. "A Brief History of Some Early Canadian Developments in Home Economics." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Teachers' College, Columbia Univ. Rowles, E. C. "A Unique Opportunity for Home Economics," Can. Home. Econ. Jour. VIII, 3-4.


1901 1903 1906 1955 1958

Colquhoun, A. H. U. "The College Man and Journalism," McGill Univ. Mag. I, 37-40. Colquhoun, A. H. U. "Canadian Universities and the Press," Queens Q. XI, 85-100. Cohoe, E. F. "Journalism in College," McMaster Univ. Monthly XVI, 121-24. Fleury, B. "Une Ecole de Journalisme est urgente au Canada français," Culture XVI, 437-41. Eggleston, W. "Canada" in The Training of Journalists (UNESCO), 98-101.


1867 1869

Le Herald. Notion historique sur l'enseignement du droit au Canada. Montréal. Pp. 52. De Montigny, T. Histoire du droit canadien, 1608-1869. Montréal. Pp. 984.



1888 1889 1895


Pagnuelo, S. L'Université McGill et les Canadiens français au sujet de la loi du Barreau et de la profession médicale. Montréal. Pp. 12. Pagnuelo, S. Universities and the Bar: A Criticism of the Annual Report of McGill from a French Canadian Standpoint. Montreal. Pp.8. Read, D. B. The Lives of the Judges of Upper Canada and Ontario from 1791 to the Present Time. Toronto. Pp. 486. Lareau, E. Histoire du droit canadien depuis les origines de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Montréal. 2 vols. Beauchamp, J.-J. "De l'étude et de la pratique du droit," Rev. Leg. I, 8-20.

1898 1899 1900 1904 1907 1916 1920 1921

1923 1925

1926 1928


"Universitaire." "Les Universités et le projet de loi relatif à l'admission au Barreau," ibid., 428-30. "Fondation d'une chaire de notariat," Rev. Not. I, 77-90. Roy, J.-E. Histoire du notariat au Canada depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours. Lévis, 1899-1902. 4 vols. Hoyles, N. W. "Légal Education in Canada" in J. C. Hopkins, éd., Canada: An Encyclopaedia of the Country (Toronto) VI, 374-78. Hamilton, J. C. Osgoode Hall: Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar. Toronto. Pp. 196. McAlister, A. W. G., éd. The Bench and Bar of the Provinces Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Montreal. Pp. 371. Riddell, W. R. The Legal Profession in Upper Canada in its Early Periods. Toronto. Pp. 194. Surveyor, E.-F. "Une Ecole de droit à Montréal avant le code civil," Rev. Trim. Can. VI, 140-50. Reed, A. Z. Training for the Public Profession of Law: Historical Development and Principal Contemporary Problems of Legal Education in the United States, with some Account of Conditions in England and Canada. New York: Carnegie Foundation. Pp. 498. Canadian Bar Association. "Legal Education in Canada. Report of the Committee . . .," Can. Bar Rev. I, 671-84. Home, P. "Legal Education in Ontario," ibid., 685-93. Buchanan, A. W. P. The Bench and Bar of Lower Canada down to 1850. Montreal: Burton. Pp. 219. Henderson, G. F. "A Problem of Legal Education," Can. Bar Rev. Ill, 371-77. Reed, A. Z. Some Contrasts between American and Canadian Legal Education. . . . New York: Carnegie Foundation. Pp. 33. Morse, C. "The Teaching of Law," Can. Bar Rev. IV, 483-88. Reed, A. Z. Present Day Law Schools in the United States and Canada. New York: Carnegie Foundation. Pp. 598. Riddell, W. R. The Bar and the Courts of the Province of Upper Canada or Ontario. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 251. Falconbridge, J. D. "Legal Education in Canada," Jour. Soc. Public Teachers Law (U.S.) IX, 32-39.





1937 1938 1940 1941 1942 1947

1949 1950


MacKenzie, N. A. M. "The Teaching of International Law and International Relations in Canadian Universities," Can. Bar Rev. X, 519-23. Auld, F. C. "Roman Law in Canadian Law Schools," ibid. XI, 530-38. Kennedy, W. P. M. "Legal Subjects in the Universities of Canada," Jour. Soc. Public Teachers' Law X, 23-27. Montgomery, W. S. "Problems of Legal Education," Can. Bar Rev. XII, 431-33, 510-12, 639; XIII, 31-33. Special Committee of Osgoode Hall Students. "Education for the Bar: Report. . .," ibid. XII, 144-60. Benchers of the Law Society of Upper Canada. "Legal Education: Report . . .," ibid., 347-58. Brewin, F. A. "Legal Education in Ontario," ibid. XIII, 359-65. Crease, L. "Legal Education," ibid. XIII, 400-03. Cronkite, F. C. "Legal Education—Which Trend?" ibid., 375-85. Johnson, W. S. "Education of the Lawyer as Quebec views it," ibid., 386-94. Reed, A. Z. "The Organisation of Legal Education in Ontario," ibid., 371-74. Ritchie, R. A. "Pre-Legal Education—A Nova Scotian View," Can. Bar. Rev. XIII, 395-99. Smith, C. R. "Legal Education : A Manitoba View," ibid., 404-13. Wilson, R. F. "Legal Education in Ontario," ibid., 366-70. Audet, F. "Les Débuts du Barreau dans la province de Québec," Cah. Dix II, 207-35. Wright, C. A. "Law and the Law Schools," Can. Bar Rev. XIII, 579-601. Carón, M. "Carrière du droit," Rev. Not. XLIII, 137-46. Bonenfant, J.-C. "A-t-on enseigné l'art de légiférer?" Rev. Barr. I, 152-56. Beaudoin, G. "Situation économique canadienne-française et enseignement du droit," Rev. Not. XLIV, 406-17. Beaudoin, L. "Examens de droit civil dans les universités de la province de Québec," Rev. Barr. VII, 477-96. Azard, P. "Recherche d'une méthode pour l'enseignement du droit civil," Rev. Not. L, 133-43. Steer, F. M. "Légal Education in Canada," Can. Bar Rev. XXV, 945-54. Beullac, R. Le Centenaire du Barreau de Montréal, 1849-1949. Montréal: Librairie Ducharme. Pp. 236. Cohen, M. "The Condition of Legal Education in Canada," Can. Bar Rev. XXVIII, 267-314. Cronkite, F. C. "Pre-Legal Education," ibid., 129-39. MacDonald, V. C. "The Professional Aspects of Legal Education," ibid., 160-71. Nantel, M. "L'Etude du droit et le Barreau," Rev. Barr. X, 97-119.






1956 1957



Wright, C. A. "Should the Profession Control Legal Education?" Jour. Legal Ed. Ill, 1-38. Wright, C. A. "The University Law Schools," Can. Bar Rev. XXVIII, 140-59. Baudoin, L. "Comparaison des méthodes et des institutions en matière d'enseignement du droit, leurs mérites et leur défauts," Rev. Ban. XI, 425-50. Blain, J.-G. "La quatrième année de droit mérite-t-elle d'exister?" Thémis I, 63-70. Lahaise, G. "Centenaire de la première école de droit établie au Canada," ibid. II, 17-29. Beaulieu, M.-L. "Un Cours de droit de quatre ans à base d'enseignement théorique et pratique," Rev. Barr. XIII, 399-418. Jamieson, D. P. "A Four-Year Law Course in Ontario," Can. Bar Rev. XXXI, 894-907. Laskin, B. "Law Teachers and Law Teaching in Canada," Jour. Soc. Public Teachers Law XXX, 115-21. Meredith, W. C. J. "A Four Year Law Course of Theoretical and Practical Instruction," Can. Bar Rev. XXXI, 877-93. Bonenfant, J.-C. "L'Enseignement du droit romain," Rev. Barr. XIV, 71-85. Friedmann, W. "Teaching and Research in Comparative Law: Recent Developments at the University of Toronto School of Law," Univ. Tor. Law. Jour. X, 245-47. Rand, I. C. "Legal Education in Canada," Can. Bar Rev. XXXII, 387-418. Curtis, C. F. "Symposium on Legal Education (Canada)," Jour. Soc. Public Teachers Law XXXII, 115-21. Kilgour, D. G. "Legal Education: In Favour of an Undergraduate Faculty of Law," Univ. Tor. Law Jour. XI, 77-83. Milner, J. B. "One Canadian View of the Case Methods," Jour. Soc. Public Teachers Law XXXII, 32-39. Thémis. "Les Carrières juridiques," Thémis XX, 205-63. Azard, P. "Un document capital: le rapport du Comité de la 'recherche juridique'," Rev. Barr. XVII, 265-75. Laskin, B. "The New Look in Légal Education in Ontario," Jour. Soc. Public Teachers Law XXXIV, 15-18. Ledain, G. "Teaching Methods in the Civil Law Schools," Rev. Barr. XVII, 499-515. Bowker, W. F. "A Statement of Objectives of Canadian CommonLaw Schools," Can. Bar Rev. XXXVI, 242-46. Campbell, A. M. and S. Freedman. "Legal Education and Training: A Report of the Manitoba Committee," Can. Bar. Jour. II, 32, 39-43. Cardinal, J.-G. "La Pratique moderne du notariat," Rev. Not. LX, 335-40. Goldenberg, J. M. et al. "Practical Training in Legal Education: The Report of a Special Committee of the Conference of Govern-



ing Bodies of the Legal Profession in Canada," Can. Bar. Jour. II, 121-31. Ledain, G. "Legal Education and Training: A Report of the Quebec Committee," ibid., 33-39. Prévost, Y. "Collaboration nécessaire entre les facultés de droit et les corps professionnels," Rev. Barr. XVIII, 449-53.



Daveluy, M.-C. "L'Ecole des Bibliothécaires de l'Université de Montréal," Culture I, 13-18. 1945 Daveluy, M.-C. "L'Ecole des Bibliothécaires, son but, son enseignement," Act. Univ. XI, 119-25. 1954 Bassam, B. "Library School, University of Toronto," Ont. Libr. Rev. XXXVIII, 348-9. 1955 Chatwin, D. B. Education for Librarianship; Study No. 1: Investigation Report on Library Education. Ottawa: Can. Library Assoc. Pp. 22. Ross, V. "The Semi-Centennial of Library Training in Canada," Can. Libr. Assoc. Bull. XI, 217-18. Rothstein, S. "Canadian Library Schools and Accreditation: A Pressing Problem," ibid., 186-88. 1957 British Columbia Public Library Commission. Training Professional Librarians for Western Canada: Report of the Special Committee on Library Education. Victoria. Pp. 24. Evans, L. Education for Librarianship; Study No. 2: Education of School Librarians. Ottawa: Can. Libr. Assoc. Pp. 14. Rothstein, S. "Training Teacher Librarians at the University of British Columbia," B.C. Libr. Assoc. Bull. XX, 18-19. 1958 Bassam, B. "University of Toronto Library School and its Predecessors," Can. Libr. Assoc. Bull. XIV, 211-15. Education for Librarianship; Study No. 4: Proceedings of the Library Education Workshop. Ottawa: Can. Library Association. Pp. 58. Sister Francis Dolores. "Mount Saint Vincent Library School," Can. Libr. Assoc. Bull. XIV, 217-19. Sister Francis Dolores. "The Case for the Four-Year Degree in Librarianship," ibid., 227-28. Grenier, H. "Accreditation for French Language Library Schools," ibid., 224-25. Leduc, J. R. "The Library School of the University of Montreal," ibid., 216-17. Morisset, A.-M. "Twenty Years of Library Education at the University of Ottawa," ibid., 220-23. Morton, E. H. "CLA-ACB and Education for Librarianship," ibid., 204-205. Ross, V. "The McGill University Library School," Can. Libr. Assoc. Bull XIV, 206-11.




1842 1872 1879 1887 1892 1893 1894





1904 1905 1906


Hall, A. Letter on Medical Education Addressed to the Members of the Legislature of Canada. Montreal. Pp. 30. Rottot, J.-P. "Nouveau bill de medicine," Union Méd. I, 6-12. Portier, L.-A. L'Université Laval contre FEcole de Médecine de Montréal et l'abbé T. A. Chandonnet. Montréal. Pp. 100. Pagnuelo, S. L'Université McGill et les Canadiens français au sujet de la loi du Barreau et de la profession médicale. Montréal. Pp. 12. Wilson, D. Médical Education in Ontario: A Letter to the Hon. G. W. Ross. Toronto. Pp. 12. Herald, J. "A Five Years Course in Medicine," Queen's Q. I, 56-58. Caniff, W. The Medical Profession in Upper Canada, 1783-1850 Toronto. Pp. 688. Derniers documents relatifs aux difficultés survenues entre FUniversité Laval et l'Ecole de médecine et chirurgie de Montréal. Montréal. Pp. 118. Carus-Wilson, M. L. G. The Médical Education of Women: A Lecture. Montréal. Pp. 30. Fenwick, K. N. "Impressions of American Medical Schools," Queen's Q. II, 301-307. Villeneuve, G. "Ecole de médecine et de chirurgie de Montréal," Thèse d'agrégation. Lesage, A. "L'Institut vaccinal de Montréal," Union Méd. XXX, 252-54. Vallée, A. "L'Examen préliminaire et les études médicales," Bull. Méd. Québec II, 663-73. Abbott, M. E. An Historical Sketch of the Medical Faculty of McGill University. Montreal. Pp. 112. Anonyme. "L'Acte médical du Canada et nos privilèges en matière d'éducation," Bull. Méd. Québec IV, 28-47. Brouardel, P. "Le Baccalauréat et les études médicales," ibid., 176-83. Anonyme. "Enseignement universitaire," Union Méd. XXXII, 16369. Anonyme. "La Réforme des études médicales et la licence interprovinciale," Bull Méd. Québec IV, 521-36. MacCallum, D. C. "Reminiscences of the Medical Faculty of McGill University," McGill Univ. Mag. Ill, 125-35. Brochu, P. "Le Rôle des universités et des sociétés médicales dans la formation de l'esprit médical," Union Méd. XXXIII, 447-55. Anonyme. "La Licence inter-provinciale et le Collège des Médecins," ibid. XXXIV, 165-66, 308-13, 424-27. Lesage, A. "L'Admission des médecins étrangers dans la province de Québec," ibid., 71-76. Primrose, A. "The Faculty of Medicine" in W. J. Alexander, éd., The University of Toronto and its Colleges (Toronto), 168-79. St.-Jacques, E. "La vraie orientation de l'enseignement universitaire," Union Méd. XXXVI, 159-164.



1914 1916 1918

1919 1920

1921 1923



Union Médicale. "La Collège des Médecins devant la Législature," ibid., 118-21. Connell, J. C. "The Position of the Medical Faculty in the Reorganised University," Queens Ç. XVII, 329-32. Flexner, A. Medical Education in the United States and Canada. New York: Carnegie Foundation. Pp. 346. Lesage, A. "Le Bill Roddick," Union Méd. XXXIX, 2-5. See also 63-67, 164-65. Simard, A. "Michael-Joseph Ahern," Butt. Méd. Québec XV, 385-91. Faculté de Médecine de Laval. "Mémoire concernant l'opportunité de porter à six ans l'étude de la médecine," ibid. XVIII, 352-57. Province of Ontario. Report of the Commission on Médical Education and Supporting Statements on Médical Education in Ontario, The Hon. Mr. Justice Hodgins, Commissioner. Toronto. Pp. 177. Université Laval. "Cours d'été en médecine," Can. FT. I, 55-59. Laramée, A. "Université Laval: Faculté de Médecine," Union Méd. XLVIII, 301-03. MacLeod, J. J. R. "Médical Education," Jour. Can. Méd. Assoc. X, 638-51. St. Pierre, J.-A. "Université de Montréal: Faculté de Médecine," ibid. XLIX, 217-221. Shepherd, F. J. et al. Sir William Osier. Montréal: McGill Univ. Publications, Séries VIII, no. 3. Pp. 102. Reprinted from Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. July, 1920. Ahern, M.-J. et G. Ahern. Notes pour servir à l'histoire de la médecine dans le Bas-Canada, depuis la fondation de Québec jusqu'au commencement du XIXe siècle. Québec: Laflamme. Pp. 563. Webb-Johnson, A. E. Notes on a Tour of the Principal Hospitals and Medical Schools of the United States and Canada. London: Asher. Pp.87. Rockefeller Foundation. Methods and Problems of Medical Education, Series 1-21 (1924-32). Contains the following articles: Oertel, H. "Pathological Institute, McGill Univ." (3) Tait, J. "Dept. of Physiology, McGill Univ." Lloyd, F. E. "Dept. of Botany, McGill Univ." Whitnall, S. E. "Dept. of Anatomy." Willing, A. E. "Dept. of Zoology." MacCallum, A. B. "Dept. of Biochemistry." Steble, R. L. "Dept. of Pharmacology." Van Patten, N. "Medical Section of the Library, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Canada." Wylde, C. F. "Library of School of Medicine, Queen's Univ." Meakins, J. C. "Dept. of Medicine, McGill Univ." (8) Oertel, H. "Academic Position of Legal Medicine in Canadian Universities." (9) Rankin, A. C. "Dept. of Bacteriology & Hygiene, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada." (10) Downs, A. W. "Dept. of Physiology & Pharmacology, Univ. of A." Revel!, D. G. "Dept. of Anatomy, Univ. of Alberta." (17)






1929 1930 1931 1932



1935 1937


Scott, J. W. "Dept. of Biochemistry, Univ. of Alberta." (18) Robertson, J. K. "Teaching of Physics to Medical Students." MacLeod, J. J. R., C. F. Martin and G. S. Young. "Medical Education," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. XV, 304-15. Shepherd, F. J. "The First Medical School in Canada: Its History and Founders, with some Personal Reminiscences," ibid., 418-25. Anderson, H. B. "An Historical Sketch of the Medical Profession in Canada," ibid. XXVI, 446-52. Mignault, L.-D. "Histoire de l'Ecole de Médecine et de Chirurgie de Montréal," Union Méd. LV, 444-50, 511-14, 536-42, 597-674. Tory, H. M. "The University's Function in Medicine," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. XVI, 1301-06. Hattie, W. H. "Requirements for Medical Licensure," N.C.C.U. Proc., 153-56. Ryerson, E. S. "Discrepancies in the Curricula of Canadian Medical Schools," ibid., 139-51. Desfosses, P. La Faculté de Médecine de Montréal. Paris: Masson.

Pp. 16.

Heagerty, J. J. Four Centuries of Medical History in Canada. Toronto: Macmillan. 2 vols. Lerebouillet, R. Un Voyage médical au Canada. Paris. Pp. 32. Brock, R. W. "The Importance of Honour Matriculation for Medicine and Engineering," N.C.C.U. Proc., 97-102. Abbott, M. E. History of Medicine in the Province of Quebec. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 97. Commission on Medical Education. Final Report. . . . New York: Association of American Medical Colleges. Pp. 560. Jobin, A. "Histoire de la médecine dans le Bas-Canada," Bull. Méd. Québec XXXIII, 289-307. MacCallum, A. B. "The Development of Physiology and Biochemistry in Canada" in Royal Society, Fifty Years Retrospect, 163—65. Meakins, J. C. "Clinical Medicine and the Royal Society," ibid., 171-72. Miller, J. "The Development of Pathology and Bacteriology in Canada during the Last Fifty Years," ibid., 167-70. Clouston, H. R. "The Medical Curriculum as Viewed by a Country General Practitioner," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. XXVIII, 317-20. Corcoran, A. D. "The Student Looks at Medical Education," ibid., 662-65. Primrose, A. "Medical Education," ibid., 78-84. Skinner, H. A. "Education and Medical Learning," ibid., 429-33. Anonyme. "Notes sur l'histoire de la Faculté de Médecine," Bull. Méd. Québec XXXV, 253-59. Vallée, A. "La Vie médicale à Québec depuis 30 ans," Synthèse II (9). MacDermot, H. E. History of the Canadian Medical Association, 1867-1921. Toronto: Murray. Pp.209. Elliot, J. H. "The Medical Faculty of the University of Toronto: Its Early History and Development," Messenger of Theta Kappa Psi XXXIV, 87-93.




Gauvreau, J. "Une page d'histoire—Le Collège des Médecins et Chirurgiens de la P.Q.," Union Méd. LXVII, 50-63. 1939 Heagerty, J. J. "Médical Practice in Canada under the British Régime" in H. M. Tory, éd., The History of Science in Canada (Toronto: Ryerson), 69-86. Pariseau, L. E. "Canadian Medicine and Biology during the French Régime," ibid., 58-68. 1940 Heagerty, J. J. The Romance of Medicine in Canada. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 115. 1941 Best, C. F. "Sir Frederick Banting," Univ. Tor. Q. X, 249-54. 1942 Mercier, O. "Trois siècles de médecine au Canada français," Union Méd. LXXI, 801-06. Ryerson, E. S. "Accelerated Courses: Medicine," N.C.C.U. froc., 85-99. 1943 Lesage, A. "Le Centenaire de la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université de Montréal," Union Méd. LXXI, 993-1031. 1944 Anonyme. "Quelques notes historiques sur la Faculté de Médecine," Laval Méd. IX, 453-59. Seaborn, E. The March of Medicine in Western Ontario. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 386. 1945 Mercier, O. "L'Enseignement de la médecine au Canada français," Union Méd. LXXIV, 569-73. 1946 Dufresne, G. "L'Ecole de médecine et de chirurgie de Montréal, 1843-1891," ibid. LXXV, 1314-25. Jobin, P. "La Faculté de Médecine de l'Université Laval depuis sa fondation jusqu'à 1875," ibid., 1305-13. 1947 Collège des Médecins et Chirurgiens de la Province de Québec. Histoire du Collège . . . , publié à l'occasion de son centenaire. Montréal: Therien. Pp. 88. Lesage, A. Le Collège des Médecins et Chirurgiens de la Province de Québec, 1847-1947'. Montréal. Pp. 87. Mclntosh, W. A. "University Affiliation with Health Departments for Development and Educational Purposes," Can. Jour. Pub. Health XXXVIII, 474-83. 1948 Gonest, J. "L'Avenir de la médecine canadienne-française," Union Méd. LXXVII, 1187-96. 1949 Réveil, D. G. "The Medical Faculty in University of Alberta," New Trail VII, 171-77. 1950 Portier, de la B. "La Formation du pédiatre," Union Méd. LXXIX, 1347-52. Frappier, A. "Institut de Microbiologie et d'Hygiène de Montréal," ibid., 229-37. Hobbes, G. E. "Teaching the Social Aspects of Medicine," Can. Jour. Pub. Health XLI, 108-13. Lecours, A. "La Médecine française d'hier et d'aujourd'hui au Canada," Union Méd. LXXIX, 792-96. Pépin, R. "Le Praticien et l'Université," ibid., 287-93. Servan, M. "Une Faculté qui se défend bien," Inf. Méd. XI, 2-5. 1951 Boissonnault, C.-M. "La Médecine à Laval en 1852," Rev. Univ. Laval V, 894-903.



Ettinger, G. H. "Medical Research" in Royal Commission Studies (Ottawa: King's Printer), 317-36. Université Laval. La Problème de la Faculté de Médecine. Québec. Pp. 54. Van Wyck, H. B. "The Role of the Humanities in Medical Education," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. LXIV, 254-60. 1952 Hall, G. E. "The General Practitioner and Undergraduate Medical Teaching," ibid. LXVI, 419-24. 1953 Boissonnault, C.-M., éd. Histoire de la Faculté de Médecine de Laval. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 438. Gérin-Lajoie, L. "Sur l'enseignement médicales," Union Méd. LXXXII, 1334-36. Potoin, D. "Le premier gradué de l'Université Laval en 1859 fut le Dr. Hubert Larue," Inf. Méd. V, 8-9. Severinghaus, A. E. et al. Préparation for Médical Education in thé Liberal Arts Colleges. Toronto: McGraw Hill. Pp. 400. 1954 Stevenson, L. G. "Canadian Medical Faculties through the Years: University of Western Ontario," Can. Assoc. Med. Students i? Internes, Dec., 1954,17-21. 1955 Bensley, E. H. "Bishop's Medical College," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. LXXII, 463-65. Ettinger, G. H. "Canadian Medical Faculties through the Years: Queen's University," Can. Assoc. Med. Students 6- Internes, Feb., 1955,11-12. Gistrak, A. B. "A Report on Medical Education in the United States and Canada," ibid., Apr., 1955, 15-19. Struthers, R. R. "Medical Education in Europe and North America," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. LXXIII, 783-86. 1957 Drolet, A. "Les Ouvrages de médecine à la résidence des Jésuites de Québec—1632-1798," Laval Méd. XXII, 688-99. "Educational Issue," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. LXXVI, April. "Faculté de Médecine de Laval," Laval Méd. XXIII: numéro spécial à l'occasion de l'installation de la Faculté de Médecine à la Cité universitaire. Pp. 458. 1958 "Educational Issue," Jour. Can. Med. Assoc. LXXVIII, April. Jobin, J.-B. "L'Enseignement de la médecine est-il trop complexe?" Rev. Univ. Laval XIII, 21-38. MILITARY COLLEGE : COLLEGE MILITAIRE


"The Royal Military College of Canada," Can. Mag. V, 261-68, 377-88, 428-42. 1898 Dixon, F. "Military Education in Canada," in J. C. Hopkins, éd., Canada: An Encyclopaedia of the Country (Toronto) IV, 444-49. 1905 Reade, R. N. R. "The Royal Military College of Canada," Royal United Services Inst. Jour. XLIX, 954-57. 1911 Carlyle, R. "The Royal Military College," Can. Mag. XXXV, 121-29. 1924 Dodwell, C. G. "The Royal Military College of Canada," Army Q. VII, 278-88.



"Ex-Cadet." "The Royal Military College of Canada," Can. Def. Jour. II, 239-46. 1931 Bridger, W. R. P. "Education and thé Royal Military College of Canada," ibid. VIII, 448-54. Panet, H. A. "The Royal Military College," Can. Geog. Jour. II, 441-54. 1938 Stuart, K. "Educational Change at the Royal Military College," Can. Def. Jour. XV, 34-41. 1951 Preston, R. A. "Tri-Service Education at Canada's R.M.C.," R.M.C. Rev. XXXII, 108-17. Sawyer, W. R. "The Present Four-Year Course at the Royal Military College of Canada," ibid., 123-26. 1952 Preston, R. A. "The Humanities in Cadet Colleges," ibid. XXXIII, 86-95. 1953 Preston, R. A. "Education for War and Peace," Dalhousie Rev. XXXII, 165-73. 1954 Collège militaire royal de St-Jean. Guide de la recrue. St-Jean. Pp. 63. 1956 Snider, E. C. "Canada Leads the Way in Tri-service Education," Royal United Services Inst. Jour. CI, 42-47. 1958 Preston, R. A. "The Royal Military College of Canada," The Wish Stream (Journal of the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst), Autumn 1958, 71-74. NURSING

1924 1927


1940 1942 1945

Abbott, M. E. Lectures on the History of Nursing. Montreal: McGillUniv. Pp.57. Russell, E. K. "Public Health Nursing Courses in Canadian Universities," Jour. International Council Nurses II, 191-96. Shaw, F. M. "Nursing Education in Universities in Canada," ibid., 181-86. Gray, M. F. "Department of Nursing and Health, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada," in Rockefeller Foundation, Methods and Problems of Medical Education, 21st Series, 129-34. Harmer, B. "School of Graduate Nurses, McGill University, Montreal, Canada," ibid., 105-22. Russell, E. K. "The Teaching of Public Health Nursing in the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada," ibid., 123-28. Weir, G. M. Survey of Nursing Education in Canada. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp.591. Léger, P. "La Complexité de la formation de l'infirmière," Gardemalade XIII, 253-60. Allard, L. Principes élémentaires concernant le soin des malades. Montréal: Ecole de Gardes-Malades de l'Hôtel-Dieu. Pp. 301. Gauthier, C.-A. "Considérations sur la profession d'infirmière," Bull. Inf. Cath. Can. XI, 71-74, 120-25, 160-64; XII, 56-63.




1948 1949 1951 1952 1953





Desrochers, G. "L'Enseignement de la psychiatrie dans les hôpitaux généraux," ibid. XIII, 195-99. Cahiers de l'Hôtel-Dieu. "Ecole supérieure de sciences hospitalières," Cah. Hôtel-Dieu I, 325-28. Fidler, N. D. and K. G. Gray. Law and the Practice of Nursing. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 106. Gibbon, J. M. and M. S. Mathewson. Three Centuries of Canadian Nursing. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 505. Ferland-Angers, A. L'Ecole d'infirmières de l'Hôpital Notre-Dame de Montréal: 1898-1948. Montréal: Contrecœur. Pp. 127. Canadian Conference of Catholic Schools of Nursing. The Evaluation of Nursing Education Program. Pp. 190. Revue Dominicaine. "Le Cinquantenaire de l'Ecole des GardesMalades de l'Hôtel-Dieu," Rev. Dom. LVII, 374-75. Lord, A. R. Report of the Evaluation of the Metropolitan School of Nursing, Windsor, Ontario. Ottawa: Can. Nurses' Assoc. Pp. 54. Emory, F. H. M. Public Health Nursing in Canada. Rev. ed. Toronto: Macmillan. Pp. 397. Heidgerken, L. Teaching in School of Nursing: Principles and Methods. Montreal: Lippincott. Pp. 596. Lacroix, M.-R. "L'Orienteur et l'infirmière," Bull. Inf. Cath. Can. XX, 135-40. World Health Organisation. "Nursing, a Survey of Recent Legislation," International Digest of Health Legislation (1953-4), 461-98. Canada, Dept. of National Health and Welfare, Research Dept. A Study of the Functions of Head Nurses in a General Hospital. Ottawa. Pp. 140. Lapierre, H. "L'Education théorique et pratique à l'hôpital," Bull. Inf. Cath. Can. XXI, 189-93. Sr Thérèse-d'Alençon. "La Realisation de l'éducation hospitalière par l'enseignement clinique," Butt. Inf. Cath. Can. XXI, 193-98. Lefebvre, D. Technique d'évaluation des écoles d'infirmières. Thèse de doctorat en pédagogie, Univ. de Montréal. Pp. 291. Sr Mary Olivia. "La Formation nécessaire de l'infirmière: tendance et évolution actuelle du nursing," Garde-malade XXVIII, 9-15. Wallace, W. S. Report on the Experiment in Nursing Education of the Atkinson School of Nursing, The Toronto Western Hospital, 1950-55. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 24. Campbell, M. F. The Hamilton General Hospital School of Nursing. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 172. Can. Nurses' Assoc. The Pilot Project for Evaluation of Schools of Nursing: Accreditation Practices in Other Professions and Countries. Ottawa. Pp. 50. Can. Nurses' Assoc. Report on the Canadian Conference on Nursing. Ottawa. Pp. 80. Can. Nurses' Assoc. Survey of Nursing for the Royal Commission on the Economic Future of Canada. Ottawa. Pp. 26. Lagüe, L. "La Formation professionnelle de l'infirmière comme une





ancienne la comprenait en 1940," Garde-malade XXIX (6), 14-16, (7), 13-14. Lefebvre, D. "Résultats éducatifs en regard des objectifs d'une école d'infirmières," Bull. Inf. Cath. Can. XXIII, 51-58. Russell, E. K. The Report of a Study of Nursing Education in New Brunswick. . . . Fredericton: Univ. of New Brunswick. Pp. 76. World Health Organisation. Conference on Post-Basic Nursing Education, Peebles, Scotland. Pp. 134. World Health Organisation. Nurses: Their Education: Their Role in Health Programs. Geneva: 9th World Health Assembly. Pp. 148. Sr Louise-de-Marillac. "Rayonnement de l'Ecole de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, 1904-1956," Cah. Nursing Can. XXX, 29-33. Ontario, Dept. of Health, Nursing Branch and Division of Medical Statistics. An Analysis of Hospital Experience for Student Nurses in Schools of Nursing in Ontario. Toronto. Pp. 129. Registered Nurses' Assoc. of Ontario. Report on the Personnel Information Survey. Toronto. Pp. 114. Registered Nurses' Assoc. of Ontario. Job Analysis and Job Evaluation. Toronto. Pp. 26. Schmitt, L. M. Basic Nursing Education Study: Report of the Status of Basic Nursing Education Programmes in Saskatchewan. Saskatoon. Pp. 209. Wilson, L. The Story of the First Three Years: The Centralized Teaching Programme for Nursing Students in Saskatchewan, Canada. Saskatoon. Pp. 80. Fidler, N. D. "L'Enseignement supérieur des soins infirmiers," Cah. Nursing Can. XXXI, 14-18. The Florence Nightingale International Foundation. Basic Nursing Education Principles and Practices of Nursing Education. London: International Council Nurses. Pp. 144. International Council of Nurses. Post-Basic Nursing. Education. London. 3 vols. Ross, G. F. "Dans notre école nous enseignons la technique de la médication," Cah. Nursing Can. XXXI (5), 35-40. Seymer, L. "Aperçu historique sur la profession d'infirmière," ibid. (6-8,10). Wilson, L. Cost Study of Basic Nursing Education Programmes in Saskatchewan, Canada. Prepared under the Direction of the Steering Committee for the Board of Administration of the Centralized Teaching Program for Nursing Students in Saskatchewan, Canada. Pp. 125. O


1925 1935

Fifty Years of Pharmacy in Nova Scotia, 1875-1925. Halifax: Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society. Pp. 94. Labarre, J. "L'Enseignement de la pharmacie à l'Université," Act. Univ. I, 8-9.



1941 Fullerton, F. H., éd. Pharmacy through Fifty Years. Pharmaceutical Assoc. of the Province of British Columbia. Pp. 84. 1942 Saunders, W. "Pharmacy in Canada before 1871," Can. Pharm. Jour. LXXV (June 15) ,10, 70. "The Story of Canadian Pharmacy from 1868 to 1942 as it is Unfolded Year by Year, in the Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal," ibid., 12-23, 48-58. 1944 Hughes, F. N., ed. Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Conference of Pharmaceutical Colleges, 1944- . See II (1945) and IV (1947) for brief historical sketches of the constituent colleges. 1945 Hughes, F. N. "The Professional Man: The Changing Trend in Pharmaceutical Education," Drug Merchandising, Jan. 1, 1945, 22-24. 1954 "La Faculté de Pharmacie de l'Université de Montréal—dix ans de progrès," Rev. Pharm. VI, 246-49. 1955 Larose, A.-E. "Programme d'enseignement proposé par les professeurs de la Faculté de Pharmacie de l'Université de Montréal," ibid. VII, 42-46. Laurence, A.-J. et A.-E. Larose. "Les Fondateurs de la Faculté de Pharmacie de Montréal," ibid., 39—41. 1957 Frewin, M. "A History of the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association Inc., 1907-57," Can. Pharm. Jour. XC, 72-98.



Slack, Z. "The Development of Physical Education for Women at McGill." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. 1936 Lister, R. W. "A Survey of Physical Education and Athletic Administration in Canadian Colleges and Universities." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Springfield College. 1942 Enseignement Secondaire. "Culture physique et sport," Ens. Sec. XXI, 547-65. 1944 Bonnier, R. "L'Education physique," Act. Med. XX, 73-107. 1951 National Council of Physical Fitness. Proceedings of the First National Conference on Undergraduate Professional Preparation. Ottawa: National Council of Physical Fitness. 1952 National Council of Physical Fitness. Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Undergraduate Professional Preparation. Ottawa: National Council of Physical Fitness. 1953 Jackson, D. N. R. A Brief History of Three Schooh: the School of Expression, the Margaret Eaton School of Literature and Expression, the Margaret Eaton School, 1901-1941. Toronto: privately published. Pp. 35. Van Dusen, D. B. et al. "Physical Education in Canada" in A World History of Physical Education (New York: Prentice-Hall), 523-28.




1921 1930 1939

1940 1944 1945



1952 1954



Falk, J. H. T. "The Future of Social Work in Canada," Dalhousie Rev. I, 182-87. Urwick, E. J. "The Training of Social Workers," Proc. Can. Conference on Social Work, 238-41. Bouvier, E. "Le Samaritanisme moderne ou le service social," Rev. Trim. Can. XXV, 425-41. Hamel, M. Quel sera l'avenir du service social canadien-français? Ottawa. Pp. 8. Urwick, E. J. et al. Training for Social Work in thé Department of Social Science, University of Toronto, 1914-40. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 56. Denault, H. "Formation sociale—le service social," Ens. Pr. IV, Nos. 3-5. Cassidy, H. M. Public Health and Welfare Re-Organisation. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 457. Morisset, T. "De la formation en service social," Rev. Dom. LI, 107-13. Sr Louis Marie. "L'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, un précurseur du service social moderne en Amérique du Nord." Cah. Hôtel-Dieu IV, 416-30. Vinay, M. P. Le Service Social. Montréal: Laplante. Pp. 272. Bowers, S. "Formation en service social, un point de vue catholique," Serv. Soc. I, 56-66. Lemieux, E. "Ecole de service social et théologie," ibid., 7-12. Paré, S. "Influence de certains facteurs culturels dans l'enseignement et la pratique du service social au Québec," ibid., 75-85. Poulin, G. "L'Hygiène mentale dans la province de Québec aux débuts du 19e siècle," ibid., 86-90. Service Social. "Numéro sur la surveillance en service social," II (3). Pp. 46. Kendall, K. A. "Education for Social Work," Social Work Year Book XII, 170-84. Paré, S. "Revue rétrospective de l'Ecole de Service social depuis sa fondation," Serv. Soc. IV, 85-92. Service Social. "Numéro sur la formation en service social," IV (1). Pp. 46. Cloutier, J.-E. "La Préparation de praticiens, formation dans les oeuvres," ibid. V, 25-34. Denault, H. "Problèmes pratiques des écoles de service social," ibid., 35-42. Paré, S. "Formation psychologique et sociologique du travailleur social des groupes," Rev. Dom. LXI, 31-35. Dixon, W. G., éd. Social Welfare and the Preservation of Human Values: Anniversary Papers of the School of Social Work of the University of British Columbia. Toronto: Dent. Pp. 231. Poulin, G. "Où va la profession du service social?" Serv. Soc. VII, 51-55.





Hume, J. G. "Pedagogics as a University Subject," Proc. Dom. Ed. Assoc., 33-47. Toronto Normal School, 1847-1897: Jubilee Celebration. Toronto: Pp. 203. 1904 Dyde, S. W. "Should there be a Faculty of Education in the University?" Queens Q. XII, 165-77. 1906 Crummy, E. "Normal Colleges for Ontario," ibid. XIV, 37-39. 1907 Lavell, C. F. "Queen's Faculty of Education," ibid. XV, 134-37. 1912 Sissons, C. B. "The University and the Schoolmaster," Univ. Mag. XI, 125-32. 1913 Coleman, H. J. "Education as a University Study," Queen's Q. XXI, 69-73. 1916 Karr, W. J. The Training of Teachers in Ontario. Ottawa. Pp. 112. 1917 Hicks, R. K. "The Necessary Qualifications of a Language Teacher," Queen's Q. XXV, 48-53. 1922 Pakenham, W. "The University and the Training of Teachers for Secondary Schools," N.C.C.U. Proc., 36-44. 1923 Melvin, A. G. The Professional Training of Teachers for the Ontario Public Schools. Baltimore: Warwick & Young. Pp. 213. 1927 Weir, G. M. "The College of Education as an Agency for Training Teachers for Secondary Schools," N.C.C.U. Proc., 34-47. 1928 Marcoux, A. "La Formation du professeur de grammaire," Ens. Sec. VII, 464-77.

1929 1930 1931 1934 1936 1937 1938 1939 1941

Mercier, C. "La Formation du professeur de lettres," ibid., 484-93. Vachon, A. "La Formation du professeur de sciences," ibid., 504-22. Althouse, J. G. "The Ontario Teacher: An Historical Sketch of Progress, 1800-1910." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Toronto. MacDonald, J. F. "Can First-class Honours Graduates be Induced to take up Secondary School Teaching as a Life Career?" N.C.C.U. Proc., 102-14. Pouliot, A. "Les Sciences dans notre enseignement classique: la formation des professeurs de science," Ens. Sec. X, 319, 446-64. Fandrich, R. L'Ecole primaire supérieure: un chapitre de Fhistoire de Renseignement au Canada. Montréal: Lévesque. Pp. 183. Black, W. G. "The Development of Present Status of Teacher Education in Western Canada." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Chicago. Rexford, O. B. "Teacher Training in the Province of Quebec: A Historical Study to 1857." Unpublished M.A. thesis, McGill Univ. Fr. Chrysostome. "L'Œuvre de l'Institut pédagogique St-Georges," Ens. Sec. XVIII, 206-12, 287-95. Enseignement Secondaire. "Fondation prochaine d'une Ecole normale supérieure française," ibid. XVIII, 517—22. Dion, A. "La Formation du personnel de l'enseignement secondaire," ibid. XX, 585-92.



Putnam, J. M. "Teacher Training in Nova Scotia." Unpublished M.A. thesis, Acadia Univ. 1945 Alexander, W. H. "Should Professors Teach," Queens Q. LII, 160-67. Lebel, M. "Les vingt-cinq ans de l'Ecole normale supérieure de Québec," Can. Fr. XXXIII, 174-89, 298-99. Toronto Normal School. Toronto Normal School, 1847-1947. Toronto: School of Graphie Arts. Pp. 76. 1948 Tremblay, A. "L'Université Laval, la pédagogie et l'orientation," Péd.-Or. II, 227-33. 1949 Buck, G. J. "The Contribution of Teachers' Associations to the Status of the Teaching Profession in Canada." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Manitoba. Lazerte, M. E. et al. "Recommendations Concerning the Status of the Teaching Profession: Report of a Committee of the C.E.A.," Can. Ed. V. 1950 Cook, J. T. "Teacher Training in the Province of New Brunswick: An Historical and Analytical Study. . . ." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Harvard Univ. Nova Scotia. Report of the Commission on Teacher Education in Nova Scotia. Typescript, Ont. College of Education. Pp. 131. Ont. Public Schools Men Teachers' Federation. A Programme for Teacher Education in Ontario. Toronto. Pp. 32. Royal Commission on Education in Ontario. Report. . . . Toronto: King's Printer. Pp. 933. 1951 Lazerte, M. E. Teacher Education in Canada. Toronto: Gage. Pp. 80. 1952 Hutton, H. K. "French Canadian Normal Schools: An Historical, Interpretive and Evaluative Study." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Pennsylvania State Univ. 1953 L'Ecole de Pédagogie et d'Orientation de Laval: dix ans au service de l'éducation—1943-1953. Québec: Ecole de Pédagogie et d'Orientation. Pp. 24. MacDougall, J. I. "Recent Developments in Teacher Education in Western Canada." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Univ. of Toronto. Neatby, H. So Little for the Mind. Toronto. Clarke Irwin. Pp. 384. 1954 Duval, R. "Rétrospectives et perspectives," Péd.-Or. VIH (Hiver) 5-10. 1955 McCutcheon, W. W. "Some Aspects of In-Service Teacher Education Programs Provided by Canadian Degree-granting Colleges and Universities," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XXV, 217-24. Nova Scotia Normal College. One Hundred fears of Teacher Education. Halifax: Nova Scotia Normal College. Pp. 47. Québec, Dép. de l'Instruction Publique. "Centenaire des écoles normales," Inst. Publ. I, 626-77. 1956 Brehaut, W. and K. Francœur. Report of a Survey of Programmes




and Courses in Education in Canadian Degree-granting Institutions. Toronto: Can. Ed. Assoc. 2 vols. MacKenzie, N. A. M. "The Place of the Faculty and College of Education in the University Community," Univ. Brit. Col. Educ. Bull. no. 1., 17-21. Phillips, C. E. "Teacher Education" in The Development of Education in Canada (Toronto: Gage), 569-603. Scarfe, N. V. "The Function of Schools and Teacher-Training Institutions," Univ. Brit. Col. Educ. Bull. no. 1, 26-31.



Lillie, A. and W. P. Wastell. Ministerial Education: Two Discourses. Toronto. Pp. 35. 1860 Whitaker, G. Two Letters to the Lord Bishop of Toronto: In Reply to Charges Brought by the Lord Bishop of Huron against the Theological Teaching of Trinity College, Toronto. . . . Toronto. Pp. 70. 1861 "A Presbyter." Strictures on Two Letters of Provost Whitaker: In Answer to Charges Brought by the Lord Bishop of Huron against the Teaching of Trinity College. London. Pp. 96. 1862 Cronyn, B. The Bishop of Huron's Objections to the Theological Teaching of Trinity College, with the Provost's Reply. Toronto. Pp. 84. 1863 The Judgments of the Canadian Bishops on ... Trinity College in Relation to the Theological Teaching of the College. Toronto. Pp. 24. 1865 Cronyn, B. "The Gospel in Canada: And its Relation to Huron College" in Addresses by the Lord Bishop of Huron . . . [et al.]. London. Pp. 112. 1889 Marling, F. H. Congregational College of British North America: The Story of the 50 fears 1839-1889. Montreal. Pp. 34. 1895 Elliot, J. "The Education of the Clergy," Queens Q. II, 224-34. 1900 Fra Bernardo. "L'Ouverture de notre nouvelle maison d'études à Ottawa," Rosaire VI, 388-404. Lebon, P. "La Restauration des études thomistes," ibid., 65-72. 1912 Jordan, W. G. "The Standard of Ministerial Education," Queens Q. XIX, 202-13. 1919 Simard, G. "Propos d'éducation sacerdotale," Rev. Dom. XXV, 304-09; XXVI (1920), 22-25, 73-77; XXVII (1921), 129-34. 1924 Kelly, R. L. Theological Education in America. New York: Institute of Social and Religious Research. Pp. 456. 1934 May, M. A. et al. The Education of American Ministers. New York: Inst. of Social and Religious Research. 4 vols. 1935 Boudrault, A. "L'Enseignement de la théologie thomiste au Canada," Rev. Dom. XLI, 19-31.


1936 1938 1941

1947 1952 1953 1954

1956 1957 1958


Limoges, R. "L'Enseignement de la théologie au Canada," ibid., 87-95. Simard, G. "Nos facultés ecclésiastiques," Rev. Univ. Ottawa VI, 363-66. Robert, A. "A propos de vocation," Ens. Sec. XVIII, 28-35. Barabé, P.-H. "Mgr Adélard Langevin, o.m.i., éducateur," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XI, 338-48, 461-71. Biais, H. "L'Enseignement de la théologie au Canada," Culture II, 206-20. Grand Séminaire de Montréal. Centenaire, 1840-1940. Montréal. Pp. 170; 15 Juin, 1940-15 Dec., 1940. Montréal. Pp. 168. Fauré, A. "Les Dix Ans du Séminaire universitaire: 1937-47," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XVII, 239-47. Antoniutti, I. "Le Grand Séminaire de St-Hyacinthe," Rev. Dom. LVIII, 194-98. Duval, R. "Quand les directeurs spirituels retournent à l'école," Péd. Or. VII, 5-29. Pouliot, L. "La première école de théologie à Montréal: le Séminaire St-Jacques (1825-1840)," Set. Eccl. VI, 237-47. Université Laval. "La Faculté de Théologie de l'Université Laval et ses publications," Bull. Univ. Laval no. 3, 1-6. Niebuhr, H. R. et al. The Purpose of the Church and its Ministry: Reflections on the Aims of Theological Education. New York: Harpers. Pp. 134. Niebuhr, H. R. et al. The Advance of Theological Education. New York: Harpers. Pp. 239. Clebsch, W. A. "The Mission of the Church as the Context of Theological Education," Can. Jour. Theol. IV, 246-54.



The Veterinarian. "Opening of the New Veterinary College, Montreal," Vet. XLVIII, 941-46. 1882 McEachran, W. "The Veterinary Profession," Amer. Vet. Rev. V, 469-71. 1883 American Veterinary Review. "New Veterinary College (Manitoba) and Regulations of the Practice of Veterinary Medicine in Canada," ibid. VII, 258. 1890 American Veterinary Review. "McGill University's New Faculty of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science," ibid. XIII, 481-84. 1896 Daubigny, F. T. "Les Ecoles vétérinaires en Canada," Union Méd. XXV, 666-70. 1934 Campbell, D. M. "Development of Veterinary Medicine in North America," Vet. Med. XXIX, 48-52, 182-85, 226-28, 268-70, 310-12, 352-54, 488-92. 1937 Mitchell, C. A. "A Note on the Early History of Veterinary Science



in Canada," Can. Jour. Comp. Med. I/II, 91-95, 137-38, 163-66, 191-92, 263-65, 295-96; III (1939), 51-53, 82-83, 108-109, 186-87, 255-58, 276-81; IV (1940), 26-29, 206-208. 1939 Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine. "Collège des Médecines Vétérinaires de la Province de Québec," Can. Jour. Comp. Med. III, 77-80. 1942 Cameron, T. W. M. "On a Memorandum from Stiles to Osier," ibid. VI, 341-48. McEachran, D. "Sanitary Science in Canada; A Brief Historical Sketch," ibid., 311-17. 1943 McGilivray, C. D. "The Value and Usefulness of the Veterinary Profession," ibid. VII, 87-91. 1944 Canadian Journal of Comparative Médecine. "Saskatchewan Veterinary Association—Veterinary College," ibid. VIII, 325-26. 1945 McGuire, W. C. "How the Central Canada Veterinary Association Came into Existence and a Short History of its Early Days," ibid. IX, 314-17. Norbert, P. "L'Ecole de Médecine Vétérinaire à l'Institut d'Oka," Rev. Oka XIX, 143-48. 1947 Cameron, T. W. M. "What is Veterinary Medicine?" Can. Jour. Comp. Med. XI, 261-64. 1948 Murray, E. G. D. "Reflections on the Future of Veterinary Medicine," ibid. XII, 283-85. 1949 Hagan, W. A. "The Advancement of Veterinary Education," North Amer. Veterinarian XXX, 145-52. Archibald, E. S. "The Interlocked Veterinary and Agricultural Professions," ibid. XIII, 306-309. 1950 Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine. Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. . . ," Can. Jour. Comp. Med. XIV, 341-52. 1951 Gilbert, J. "Problèmes de formation professionnelle des médecins vétérinaires-hygiénistes," ibid. XV, 72-76. Panisset, M. "Un vieux conflit: apprentissage ou études universitaires," ibid., 157-60. 1953 Blood, B. D. "The Veterinary Medical Profession in the Americas: Its Size and Distribution," Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. CXXII, 266-68. Cameron, T. W. M. "Veterinary Education in Canada," Can. Jour. Comp. Med. XVII, 189-93. 1956 Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine. "The Cradle of Canadian Veterinary Medicine," Can. Jour. Comp. Med. XX, 359-61. Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine. "Ecole de Médecine Vétérinaire de la Province de Québec," ibid., 314-18. Christensen, G. C. "Genesis of Veterinary Education in the United States," Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. CXXVIII, 437-40. Poulding, J. B. "Veterinary Education in North America," Veterinary Record (U.K.) LXVIII, 189-92, 203-206. St. Georges, J. "L'Ecole de Médecine vétérinaire de St. Hyacinthe," Act. Univ. XXII, 16-18.


1957 1958


Cameron, T. W. M. "Veterinary Education in Canada," Can. Jour. Comp. Med. XXI, 289-93. Swan, L. C. "Modem Trends and Changes in Canadian VeterinaryMedical Practice and Education," ibid. XXII, 258-71.


1930 1939

Farley, P.-E. "L'Orientation professionnelle," Ens. Sec. IX, 488-507. Augus, F.-A. "L'Organisation de l'orientation professionnelle et les sciences économiques," Rev. Dom. XLV, 59-73. Faribault, M. "L'Orientation professionnelle dans l'enseignement secondaire," ibid., 284-98. Lussier, I. "Orientation professionnelle des anormaux," ibid., 72—86. Mailloux, N. "L'Orientation professionnelle," ibid., 5-21. Marcoux, J.-E.-A. "Le Médecin et l'orientation professionnelle," ibid., 57-71. Montpetit, A. "Orientation professionnelle: projet de législation," ibid., 183-94. Voyer, R. M. "Le Rôle du prêtre dans l'orientation professionnelle," ibid., 115-131. Webster, R. C. Guidance for the High School Pupil: A Study of Quebec Secondary Schools. Montreal: McGill Univ. Press. Pp. 153. 1941 Ethier, W. "Institut d'Orientation professionnelle: ses fondateurs, ses débuts," Ens. Sec. XX, 315-20. 1943 Tremblay, A. "Les Progrès de l'orientation professionnelle au Canada français," Orient. III, 131-50. Tremblay, A. Orientation professionnelle. Québec: Cap-Diamant. Pp. 48. 1945 Ethier, W. "Historique de l'orientation professionnelle au Canada," Orient. V, 109-18. 1946 Shevenell, R. "L'Institut de Psychologie et le Centre d'Orientation," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XVI, 234-42. 1948 Joly, R. "Expérience d'orientation au Séminaire de Rimouski," Ens. Sec. XXVIII, 100-07. Tremblay, A. "L'Université Laval, la pédagogie et l'orientation," Péd.-Or. II, 227-33. 1949 Joly, R. "L'Orientation au cours classique," Ens. Sec. XXIX, 5-12. 1950 Ethier, W. "L'Ecole et l'orientation professionnelle," Péd-Or. IV (avr.), 38-44. Moreau, G.-Y. "La Pratique de l'orientation," dans Compte rendu du congrès organisé par les Sœurs de Ste-Anne (Lachine), 112-26. 1953 L'Ecole de Pédagogie et d'Orientation de l'Université Laval: dix ans au service de l'éducation. Québec: Ec. de Pédagogie et d'Orientation. Pp. 24. 1954 Duval, R. "Rétrospectives et perspectives," Péd.-Or. VIII (hiver), 5-10. 1956 Alexander, W. "Les Intérêts dans le choix des carrières," Ens. Sec. XXXV, 157, 218, 191, 339.



G. GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH : ETUDES POST-GRADUEES ET RECHERCHE 1900 Bain, J. "Canadian Libraries," Can. Mag. XVI, 28-32. Watson, J. "The Degree of Ph.D. in Philosophy," Queens Q. VIII, 73-75. 1911 Burpee, L. J. "A Plea for a National Library," Univ. Mag. X, 152-63. 1913 Carman, F. A. "Our Archives and the National Spirit," Can. Mag. XL, 307-16. 1917 Logan, J. D. Aesthetic Criticism in Canada: Its Aims, Methods and Status. Toronto. Pp. 29. 1922 Adams, F. D. "Coordination of Graduate Work in Canadian Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 52-56. Brock, R. W. "Canadian Graduate School," ibid., 57-58. 1924 Doughty, A. G. The Canadian Archives and its Activities. Ottawa: Ackland. Pp. 88. 1927 Bott, E. A. "Problems of Producing Personnel for Research in the Social Sciences," Proc. Hanover Conference, Social Science Research Council (Dartmouth College, August), 67-85. Ruttan, R. F. "Notes on the Master's Degree in Canadian Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 124-27. 1929 Brett, G. S. "Graduate Work in Toronto in Non-Scientific Subjects," ibid,, 41-44. Falconer, R. "Undergraduate Preparation for Post-Graduate Studies," ibid., 32-38. Harrison, F. C. "Graduate Work at McGill University in Scientific and Medical Studies, ibid., 39-40. 1930 Clark, A. F. B. "Literary Scholarship in the Canadian Universities," Can. Forum X, 244-46, 248. 1934 Brett, G. S. "Graduate Studies in the Arts and Sciences," N.C.C.U. Proc., 29-34. Newton, R. "Graduate Work in Agriculture," ibid., 34-38. 1935 Brown, G. W. "Provincial Archives in Canada," Can. Hist. Rev. XVI, 1-18. 1938 Harvey, D. C. "Archives and Historical Research in the Maritimes," Dalhousie Rev. XXIII, 193-206. Liddy, R. B. "The Need for a National Bureau of Educational Research," Queens Q. XLV, 309-18. Rioux, P. "La Recherche scientifique," Act. Econ. XIV, 333-46. 1940 Fauteux, M. "Les Conditions de la recherche scientifique en médecine," Un. Méd. LXIX, 1203-07. 1943 Rioux, P. "Enseignement et recherche," ACFAS IX, 157-70. 1944 Falardeau, J.-C. "Problems and First Experiments of Social Research in Quebec," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Sci. X, 365-71. Sage, W. N. Graduate Training in Arts in Canadian Universities with Special Reference to Requirements for the M.A. and Ph.D. Degrees. Ottawa: Social Science Research Council. Pp. 40.






1949 1950

1951 1952 1953



Baird, P. D. and J. L. Robinson. "A Brief History of Exploration and Research in the Eastern Arctic," Can. Geog. Jour. X, 137-57. Brebner, J. B. Scholarship for Canada: The Function of Graduate Studies. Ottawa: Social Science Research Council. Pp. 90. Maheux, G. "Le Recherche et l'enseignement agricole," Agr. II, 4-11. Wallace, W. S. "Research Library of the Future," Univ. Tor. Q. XIV, 218-20. Berger, L. "La Faculté de Médecine et la recherche," Nat. Can. LXXIII, 335-41. Bourgouin, L. "Quelques vues sur la recherche scientifique au Canada," Act. Univ. XIII, 2-7. Brown, E. K. "Scholarship for Canada," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Kept., 521-24. Institut de Chimie du Canada. Les Recherches au Canada. Traduit de l'anglais par H. M. L. Meunier. Quebec: Imperial Oil. Pp. 184. Woodhouse, A. S. P. "Undergraduate and Graduate Studies," N.C.C.U. Proc., 81-82. Kirkconnell, W. and A. S. P. Woodhouse. The Humanities in Canada. Ottawa: Humanities Research Council of Canada. Pp. 287. Pomerleau, R. "Aperçu rétrospectif de la recherche agricole dans le Québec," Agr. IV, 224-32. Tremblay, J. L. "De la nécessité de la recherche," Agr. IV, 224-32. Berger, L. "La Faculté de Médecine de l'Université Laval en regard de la recherche," Rev. Univ. Laval III, 32-36. Henderson, G. H. "Graduate Schools for Canadian Universities," Dalhousie Rev. XXVIII, 1-11. Angus, H. F. "Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences," Can. Hist. Assoc., Annual Rept., 299-309. Angus, H. F. "Graduate Studies in the Social Sciences," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Set. XV, 299-309. Daviault, L. "De l'urgence de la recherche en sciences naturelles," ACFAS XVI, 67-72. Falardeau, J.-C. "Parish Research in Canada" in S. J. Neusse and T. J. Harte, eds., The Sociology of the Parish (Milwaukee: Bruce Publ. Co.), 323-32. Thomson, D. L. "The Future of Graduate Studies," N.C.C.U. Proc., 37-40. Brouillet, I. "La Recherche à Polytechnique," ACFAS, 66-70. Berlinguet, L."Le Département de Biochimie," Laënec III (2), 9-14. De Grandpré, M. "La Recherche en pédagogie à l'Ecole normale secondaire," Ens. Sec. XXXI, 244-50. Calvet, E. "Un Plaidoyer pour la recherche scientifique," Act. Univ. XIX, 36-40. Falardeau, J.-C. "Problèmes et méthodes d'enquête sur les immigrants et les nationaux canadiens," Serv. Soc. III, 213-31. Brunet, M. "Nécessité et importance des recherches en sciences sociales," Rev. Can. Geog. IX, 115-18.






"Les Cours d'entraînement gradué," Cah. Hôtel-Dieu X, 352-72. Université Laval. Le Fonds de recherches forestières de l'Université Laval. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 21. Gauthier, Abel. "Les Recherches à la Faculté des sciences," Act. Univ. XXII, 16-20. Page, E. "La Recherche au Département de Biologie de l'Université de Montréal," Culture XVII, 299-305. Rousseau, L.-Z. et A. Lafond. "La Recherche forestière à l'Université Laval," ibid., 139^i7. Azard, P. "Un Document capital: le rapport du Comité de la 'recherche juridique,' " Rev. Barr. XVII, 265-75. Bladen, V. W. "The Role of the Universities in Social Science Research," Culture XVIII, 20-27. Solandt, O. M. "Scientific Research in the Modern World," Dalhousie Rev. XXXVII, 141-53. Thompson, W. P. "A University President Looks at Research," Queens Q. XLIV, 202-13. Clark, S. D. "The Support of Social Science Research in Canada," Can. Jour. Econ. Pol. Set. XXIV, 141-57. Goodspeed, D. J. A History of the Defence Research Board of Canada. Ottawa: Queen's Printer. Pp. 259. Jackson, R. W. B. "Survey of Educational Research in Canada, 1953-1955/56," Ont. Jour. Ed. Research I.


1932 1935

Grant, W. L. "The Education of the Workingman," Queen's Q. XXVII, 159-68. Fitzpatrick, A. The University in Overalls: A Plea for Part-time Study. Toronto: Hunter, Rose. Pp. 150. Matheson, J. et al. "Extra-Mural Work in Canadian Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 71-94. Corbett, E. A. "Adult Education," ibid., 57-64. Dunlop, W. J. "Class Consciousness as a Factor in Adult Education," ibid., 83-87. Maine, S. F. "The Adult Education Work of the University and the Public Library," ibid., 65-71. Ragner, J. G. "Education in Agriculture for Adults as offered by the University of Saskatchewan," ibid., 71-77. Anonyme. "L'Université à la radio," Can. Fr. XIX, 384-93. Corbett, E. A. "The Use of Radio by the University," N.C.C.U. Proc., 55-60. Sandiford, P., D. Cameron, et al. Adult Education in Canada: A Survey. Toronto: U. of T. Press. Pp. 541.


1936 1937




1941 1942 1944 1945

1946 1947 1949


Ecole sociale populaire. Les 25 ans de l'Ecole sociale populaire— 1911-1936. Montréal: E.S.P. Pp. 61. Bouchard, G. "Association canadienne-française d'enseignement post-scolaire," Rev. Dom. XLIII, 191-98. Cloutier, J.-E. "Nos écoles du soir," ibid., 134-47. Forest, M.-C. "L'Enseignement post-scolaire par les conférences," ibid., 10-20. Grenier, H. "La Bibliothèque publique et l'éducation post-scolaire," ibid., 302-11. Lamarche, M.-A. "L'Instruction post-scolaire," ibid., 1—6. Lortie, L. "L'Enseignement post-scolaire à l'université," ibid., 7—21. Richer, J. "Trois centres d'enseignement post-scolaire à Ottawa," ibid., 235-43. Simard, E. "Les Foyers d'instruction post-scolaire à Québec," ibid., 228-38. Voyer, R.-M. "La Culture religieuse post-scolaire," ibid., 62-82. Wren, D. "The Workers' Education Association," N.C.C.U. froc., 51-52. Lévesque, G.-H. "La nouvelle chaire de coopération à l'Université Laval," Act. Nat. XII, 217-21. Poulin, G. "La Culture populaire et les loisirs," Nos Cahiers, III, 141-57, 277-96, 375-419. Coady, M. M. Masters of Their Own Destiny: The Story of the Antigonish Movement of Adult Education through Economic Cooperation. New York: Harpers. Pp. 170. Poulin, G. Le Peuple est-il éducable? Montréal: Action Can.-Fr. Pp. 149. Brouillard, C. "En marge de l'éducation des adultes," Culture I, 19-26. Bruchési, J. "Enseignement post-scolaire et bibliothèque," Can. Fr. XXVII, 813-25. Corbett, E. A. "But is it Education?" Queens Q. XLVIII, 388-400. Poulin, G. "Idées dominantes et orientation de l'éducation des adultes au Canada," Culture V, 482-98. Poulin, G. Education populaire et loisirs d'après-guerre. Québec: Cap-Diamant. Pp. 32. Godbout, L. Méthodes d'éducation populaire. Québec: Univ. Laval. Pp. 44. Ottewell, A.E. "CKUA is on the Air," New Trail (Univ. of Alberta) III, 157-60. Stearn, C. H. University and Community in Canadian Democracy. Hamilton: McMaster Univ. Pp. 19. Gaudrault, P. M. Neutralité, non-confessionalité et Ecole sociale populaire. Montréal: Lévrier. Pp. 60. Brisson, L. "La Paroisse St-Sauveur de Québec au service du peuple." Thèse de Maîtrise, Université Laval. Bordeleau, H. L'Organisation et la participation aux cours de préparation au mariage dans 8 paroisses ouvrières de Québec en 1949. Québec. Pp. 81.



LaPlante, P. "Au service de l'éducation populaire." Thèse de Maîtrise, Université Laval. Société Canadienne d'Enseignement Post-scolaire. Répertoire national de l'éducation populaire au Canada français. Québec. Pp. 332. Tremblay, J.-P. "Culture et loisir au Canada français," Rev. Univ. Ottawa XIX, 369-78. 1950 Kidd, J. R., éd. Adult Education in Canada. Toronto: Can. Assoc. for Adult Ed. Pp. 249. Société Canadienne d'Enseignement Post-scolaire. Les Tâches actuelles de l'éducation populaire. Québec. Pp. 92. 1951 Institut Social Populaire. Avant et après le rapport de la Commission Massey. Montréal: Bellarmin. Pp. 32. 1952 Corbett, E. A. "University Extension Education in Canada" in C. O. Houle et al, Universities in Adult Education (UNESCO), 62-127. Rouillard, H., éd. Pioneers in Adult Education in Canada. Toronto: Can. Assoc. for Adult Ed. Pp. 118. 1953 Boyle, G. Father Tompkins of Nova Scotia. New York: P. J. Kennedy and Sons. Pp. 234. Cameron, D. "The Work of the University of Alberta and the Provincial University in Relation to Extension Work," N.C.C.U. Proc., 23-30. Coady, M. M. "Extra-Mural University Adult Education," ibid., 17-22. Stearn, C. H. "The Extent of Extension," ibid., 31-35. Université Laval. "Le Centre de culture populaire de Laval," Bull. Univ. Laval II, 3-11. 1954 Cameron, D. "The Banff School of Fine Arts: An Adventure in Adult Education," Can. Geog. Jour. XLVIII, 206-15. 1955 Lefebvre, J.-P. "L'Education populaire au Canada français," Cité Libre XIII, 21-33. Lortie, L. "L'Extension de l'enseignement," Act. Univ. XXI, 6-10. 1956 Benoist, B. "La Constitution canadienne, la diffusion et les universités," Thémis VII, 93-100. Cameron, D. Campus in the Clouds. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. Pp. 127. Coulter, J. R. "Credit and Certificate Courses," N.C.C.U. Proc., 61-64. Friessen, J. K. "Non-crédit Services and Community Development," ibid., 65-68. Kidd, J. R. Adult Education in the Canadian University. Toronto: Can. Assoc. for Adult Educ. Pp. 137. Université de Montréal. "Mémoire présenté par l'Université de Montréal à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur la Radio et la Télévision," Thémis XXII, 69-92. 1957 Corbett, E. A. We Have with Us Tonight. Toronto: Ryerson. Pp. 222. Coulter, J. R. "The Department of University Extension: Its Past and Future," Varsity Graduate (Univ. of Toronto) V, 56-59.




Dion, G. "Syndicalisme et culture," Butt. Reí. Ind. XII, 187-98. Institut Canadien d'Education des Adultes. Les Institutions d'enseignement et l'éducation populaire. Montréal: Inst. Can. Ed. Adultes. Pp. 55. Manitoba, Royal Commission on Adult Education. Abridged Report. Winnipeg: King's Printer. Pp. 62. Fédération des Travailleurs du Québec. Rapport . . . au Gouvernement du Québec, sur l'éducation," Bull. Rel. Ind. XIII, 208-31. Lefebvre, J.-P. "L'Education ouvrière," Thémis XXVII, 208-31. Williams, D. C. "The Live and Learn T.V. Series," Can. Psych. VII, 77-81.


1910 1923

Leacock, S. "The Apology of a Professor," Univ. Mag. IX, 76-91. Dimberton, L. "Le Prêtre éducateur," Ens. Sec. V, 16-44. Lindsay, J. A. "What and How to Teach," Dalhousie Rev. II, 139-58. 1924 Spell, J. F. "The Menace of University Presidents," ibid. Ill, 439-52. 1936 Bladen, V. W. "On Academic Freedom," ibid. XVI, 216-27. Miller, J. "Professors as Viewed by One of Them," ibid. XV, 37-46. 1939 Legget, R. F. "The Lecture System," Queens Q. XLVI, 207-14. 1942 Legault, J. "La grande pitié des professeurs de chimie," Ens. Sec. XXI, 367-76. 1947 Matthews, T. H. "The Professional Training of University Teachers," N.C.C.U. Proc., 14-17. Reprinted Can. Assoc. Univ. Teachers' Bull. VI (1958), 8-12. 1949 Wallace, R. C. "Canadian University Appointments," Queens Q. LVI, 324-29. 1953 Anonyme. "Echec à l'autonomie," Act. Nat. XLI, 167-70. Bissell, C. T. "Administration in the University," N.C.C.U. Proc., 36-41. Parent, A. M. "University Administration," N.C.C.U. Proc., 42-44. Salter, F. M. "The University in a Democratic Age," ibid., 45-53. 1954 Association des Professeurs de Carrière de l'Université Laval. Mémoire . . . à la Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels de la province de Québec. Québec: Presses Univ. Laval. Pp. 36. Mallory, J. "Teachers' Union," Queens Q. LXI, 53-62. Williams, D. C. "Experiment in Communication," Explorations III, 75-82. 1955 Buckley, K. A. H. "The Economie Status of a University Teacher," N.C.C.U. Proc., 30-33. Larivière, F. "Un trône qui chancelle," Ens. Sec. XXXIV, 293-97. 1956 Can. Assoc. of Univ. Teachers. The University Teacher and the Crisis of Higher Education in Canada. Ottawa. Pp. 41. Rowat, D. C. "The Government of Canadian Universities," Culture XVIII, 268-83, 364-78. Thompson, W. P. "The Job of a University President," Queens Q. LXII, 565-77. 1957 Bladen, V. W. "The Lecture in the Learning Process," Food for Thought, Sept./Oct, 23-29.




Fowke, V. C. "Salaries and Conditions of Employment in Canadian Universities" in C. T. Bissell, éd., Canada's Crisis in Higher Education (Toronto: U. of T. Press), 168-80. Gingras, P.-E. "Les Professeurs de collège demandent un statut," Act. Nat. XLVII, 51-56. Williams, D. C., J. Paul and J. C. Ogilvie. "Mass Media, Learning and Retention," Can. Jour. Psych. XI, 157-63. Association Professionnelle de Professeurs Laïques de l'Enseignement secondaire de la Province de Québec. Compte rendu du 7e congrès annuel. . . . St. Hyacinthe. Pp. 37. Décarie, V. et al. "La Liberté académique," Cité Libre XIX, 3-15. Dion, L. "Aspects de la condition du professeur d'université dans la société canadienne-française," ibid., 8-30. Fowke, V. C. "Who Should Determine University Policy," Proc. 8th Congress of the Universities of the Commonwealth (London), 16-24. MaoKenzie, N. A. M. et al. "Staffing Canadian Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 52-67. Thomson, D. L. "The College-Teaching Problem," C.A.U.T. Bull. VI, 13-17.

6 THE STUDENT: L'ETUDIANT 1901 1902 1903

1909 1911

1916 1922 1924 1925

1929 1930 1932

1934 1935 1937

Nicol, W. "Employment for Science Students," Queens Q. IX, 112-18. Watson, J. "The University and the Schools," ibid. VIII, 323-40. McNaughton, J. "Student Life in Canadian Universities," Empire Rev. (U.K.) V, 365-76. MacMechan, A. "Of Girls in a Canadian College," Atlantic Monthly GUI, 402-06. Power, W. K. "The Reading of Canadian Students," Univ. Mag. VIII, 127-34. Ellis, W. S. "The University and the Schools," Queens Q. XIX, 61-66. MacMillan, C. "The University and the Freshman," Univ. Mag. X, 207-21. MacPherson, W. E. "The Ontario Grammar Schools," Queen's Q. XXIV, 193-214. Adams, F. D. "Admission of Chinese Students to Canadian Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 14-15, 30-32. Sheldon, E. "Supervision of Freshman," ibid., 27-29. Nichols, E. W. "Learning under Difficulties," Dalhousie Rev. Ill, 207-16. Currie, A. W. "Student Wastage in Universities," N.C.C.U. Proc., 52-63. MacNeill, M. "Failures in the First Year, their Causes and Results," ibid., 78-82. Trueman, G. J. et al. "Admission to University and its Bearing on Arts Curriculum, Medicine, Agriculture, Engineering," ibid., 35-52. Angus, H. F. "Should Canadian Universities Insist on Four Years of High School?" N.C.C.U. Proc., 52-55. Wallace, M. W. "University Scholarships," ibid., 115-19. Maheux, A. "De la préparation aux études supérieures," Can. Fr. XX, 228-34, 435-42. Sedgewick, G. G. "Of Disillusionment in Freshmen," Queens Q. XXXIX, 704-49. Groulx, L. "L'Esprit estudiantin," Act. Nat. Ill, 161-74. Falconer, R. "From College to University," Univ. Tor. Q. V, 1-20. Stanley, C. "School and College," N.C.C.U. Proc., 76-82. Roy, M. A. Préparez votre avenir! : conseils aux élèves des collèges classiques. Québec: Act. cath. Pp. 395. Wallace, R. C. "Safeguarding Matriculation Standards," N.C.C.U. Proc., 32-34.

L'ÉTUDIANT 1938 1939

1942 1943 1944 1946 1947 1948 1949


1951 1952



Kirkwood, M. M. For College Women . . . and Men. Toronto: Oxford Univ. Press. Pp. 81. Dept. of Educational Research, Ont. College of Education. "The Relation between Matriculation Marks and the Achievements of Students in the Universities of Ontario." Typescript, Ontario College of Education. Pp. 128. MacGillicuddy, P. C. Between Lectures: Some Tips to Canadian Undergraduates—and Their Enemies—and Their Friends. Toronto: Age Publications. Pp. 63. MacKenzie, N. A. M. "Refugee Scholars and Students," ibid., 52-60. Martin, P. "National Scholarships and Bursaries," N.C.C.U. Proc., 18-27. Taylor, K. W. et al. "Student Self-Government," ibid., 28-52. MacNeill, W. C. "Report of Commission on University Entrance Examinations," N.C.C.U. Proc., 55-56. Delorme, N. "Le Recrutement sacerdotal dans les collèges classiques," Ens. Sec. XXII, 621-28. Northway, M. L. and R. Gerstein. "First Year Students: Study of a Species," Can. Psych. Assoc. Bull. IV, 23-25. Anonyme. "Orientation et bourses d'étude," Orient. VI, 245-53. Perrault, J. "La Jeunesse étudiante et bourgeoise," Semaines Sociales XXIII, 71-104. Jobin, P. "La Formation intellectuelle de l'étudiant," Rev. Univ. Laval I, 622-30. Thomson, J. S. "Matriculation," N.C.C.U. Proc., 43-46. Rennet, C. L. "What the Veteran Student is Teaching the Universities," Dalhousie Rev. XXVII, 311-22. Kirkconnell, W. "Academic Guidance," N.C.C.U. Proc., 16-18. Llewellyn, R. "Some Comments on Student Guidance in Frenchspeaking Universities," ibid., 24-25. Line, W. "Vocational Guidance," ibid., 18—22. Wallace, R. C. "Personal Guidance," ibid., 22-24. Bluteau, A. "L'Admission au cours classique," Ens. Sec. XXIX, 167-71. MacKenzie, N. A. M. "Student Organizations," N.C.C.U. Proc., 46-48. Leddy, J. F. et al. "The Proper Place of Extra-curricular Activities in the Student's Programme," N.C.C.U. Proc., 16-24. Baskerville, D. R. "Survey of the Students Personnel Services in the English-speaking Canadian Colleges and Universities with Particular Reference to the Dean of Women." Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Syracuse Univ. Cossette, L., J.-Y. Morin et C. Bélanger. "Problèmes d'étudiants à l'université," Institut Social Populaire, no. 465. Pp. 31. Lazerte, M. E. "Articulation of the High Schools and Universities." Con. Ed. VIII (1), 45-54. Lortie, L. "Entrance Requirements," N.C.C.U. Proc., 33-40. Bartlett, D. W. "Foreign Students under Official Auspices," N.C.C.U. Proc., 38-41.




Chant, S. N. F. "The Curtailment of Academic Waste," N.C.C.U. Proc., 24-47. Clarke, D. B. "A Review of the Present Situation re Foreign Students in Canadian Universities," ibid., 33—37. Falardeau, J. C. "Scholarships for Foreign Students," ibid., 42-46. Ketchum, P. A. C. "The Entrance Examination," ibid., 28-32. Matthews, T. H. "University Admissions," ibid., 19-23. Stewart, A. "The Schools and the Universities," Can. Ed. X (1), 34-42. 1956 Beauchemin, J.-M. "Augmentation du nombre des étudiants aptes au baccalauréat et du nombre de bacheliers (P.Q. de 1921 à 1968)," Bull. Féd. Coll. I (6), 6-7. Beauchemin, J.-M. "Quelques statistiques sur la fréquentation du cours classique dans la province de Québec," ibid. II (2), 5-6. Conway, C. B. "Understandable Standards: The Scaling of University Entrance Examinations," Can. Ed. XI (4), 2—41. Conway, C. B. et al. "The Establishment of University Entrance Standards in Required and Optional Subjects," ibid. (2), 17-30. Fleming, W. G. and R. W. B. Jackson. "Tomorrow's Leaders: A Search for Talent," ibid. (2), 3-16. Lauzon, M. "60,000 élèves aux cours classiques en 1967/68," Bull. Féd. Coll. U (3), 1-2. Martin, F. Les Loisirs des étudiants à l'Université Laval. Québec: Ecole de Service social, Univ. Laval. Pp. 126. 1957 Fédération des Collèges classiques. Frais de scolarité et de pension dans les collèges classiques. Montréal: Féd. Coll. Cl. Pp. 49. Lussier, I. et al. "University Residences," N.C.C.U. Proc., 37-49. 1958 Anonyme. "Frais de scolarité et de pension dans les collèges classiques," Bull. Féd. Coll. III (4), 4-5. Beauchemin, J.-M. "Augmentation comparée des frais de scolarité et de pension de 1912 à 1958," ibid. (6), 4-5. Beauchemin, J.-M. "Inscriptions à l'enseignement supérieur," ibid. (5), 3-5. Fleming, W. G. Atkinson Study of Utilization of Student Resources. 4 vols, (to date). Toronto: Dept. of Educational Research, Ontario College of Ed., Univ. of Toronto. Gauthier, F. "Les Etudiants, des millionaires?" Bull. Féd. Coll. Ill (5), 6-7. Industrial Foundation on Education. The Case for Increasing Student Motivation. Report No. 3. Toronto. Pp. 46. Jackson, R. W. B. et al. "Selection of University Students," N.C.C.U. Proc., 31-51. Kane, R. W. "The Atlantic Provinces Examining Board," Can. Ed. XIII (2), 25-34. Lauzon, M. "Le Recensement de l'enseignement classique," Bull. Féd. Coll. Ill (5), 1-2. National Federation of Canadian University Students. A Brief on Government Aid to Higher Education. Ottawa. Pp. 20. Symons, T. H. B. and R. L. Watts. "The Residence Hall and the University," Queens Q. LXIV, 552-67.


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Index Abbott, M. E., 43, 44, 112, 114, 117 Acadia University, 35 Acal, A., 11 "Acidius," 67 Action Française, 6 Action Nationale, 34, 50 Adair, E. R., 77 Adams, F. D., 94, 102, 128, 136 Adams, G. M., 56 Adaskin, H., 72 Adel, A. 30 Ahern, G., 113 Ahern, M.-J., 113 Akins, T. B., 40 Albert, Fr., 64 Alcock, F. J., 95 Alexander, H., 75 Alexander, W., 127 Alexander, W. H., 35, 73, 68, 123 Alexander, W. J., 57, 74 Allard, L., 117 Allcut, E. A., 105 Allen, G. S., 107 Allen, H. G., 19 Allen, J. A., 94 Allisonia, 48 Alpert, H., 85 Althouse, J. G., 20, 122 Alward, S., 35 American Veterinary Review, 125 Anderson, H. B., 114 Anderson, V., 8 Angers, F.-A., 9, 12, 14, 20, 66, 71, 86, 127 Angers, P., 22, 32, 33, 67 Angus, H. F., 29, 129, 136 Anonyme, 13, 28, 41, 62, 63, 33-38, 67-70, 96, 106, 112, 114, 115, 130, 134, 137, 138 Antoniutti, L, 125 Appleyard, R. T., 60 Arbour, J., 63, 65, 99, 100 Archambault, F.-X., 74, 75 Archambault, J.-L., 46 Archibald, E. S., 126 Archibald, R. C., 49 Arès, R., 9, 11, 12, 33 Argosy Weekly, 48

Armstrong, E. M., 8 Arnauld, L., 5 Arnold, M., 52 Arsenault, L., 97 Ashley, C. A., 58, 85, 100 Ashley, W. J., 84 Asselin, O., 5 Assoc. des Bacheliers en Commerce, 53 ACELF, 76, 78 ACFAS, 91 Assoc. of Canadian Physicists, 96 Assoc. of Canadian University Teachers of English, 75 Assoc. des Professeurs de Carrière de L'Université Laval, 134 Assoc. Professionnelle de Professeurs Laïques de l'Enseignement Secondaire de la P.Q., 135 Atherton, A., 29 Aubin, E., 93 Aubin, L. J., 76 Auclair, E.-J., 48 Audet, A., 80 Audet, F., 109 Audet, F.-J., 30 Audet, L.-P., 20, 32, 45, 90 Auger, P.-E., 95 Auguste, Fr., 67 Auld, F. C., 109 Aumont, G., 87 Azard, P., 109, 110, 130 Azarias, Brother, 80 Bachand, A., 34 Bagnall, J. S., 102 Bailey, A. G., 11, 49 Bailey, D. L., 93 Bailey, J. W., 49 Baillargé, F.-A., 62, 79 Bain, J., 128 Bain, J. W., 102 Baird, A. F., 104 Baird, A. G., 46 Baird, P. D., 129 Baker, A., 5 Baldwin, S., 63 Banks, M. A., 11 Barabé, P.-H., 125

142 Barbeau, M., 7, 22, 70, 84 Barbeau, V., 66 Baril, G., 90 Barker, J. W., 105 Bartlett, D. W., 137 Baskerville, D. R., 137 Bassam, B., 111 Basterfield, S., 93 Bastien, H., 6, 8, 18, 79 Bateman, R., 74 Baudoin, L., 110 Baudry, R., 78 Beatty, S., 61, 95, 96 Beauchamp, J.-J., 108 Beauchamp, L., 81 Beauchemin, J.-M., 68, 138 Beaudoin, G., 109 Beaudoin, L., 109 Beaudoin, P., 20 Beaudoin, R., 107 Beaudry, E., 79 Beaugé, L., 98 Beaulieu, H., 81 Beaulieu, M.-L., 110 Beaulieu, P., 31 Beaumier, J.-L., 65 Beaupré, V.-E., 18, 95, 103 Beausoleil, J., 47 Béchard, M., 66 Béchard-Deslandes, M., 74 Bédard, A., 106 Bédard, F., 76 Bedel, M., 13 Begin, E., 76 Béique, P.-A., 103, 104 Bélanger, C., 137 Bell, A. F., 10 Bell, W. N., 18 Bellan, R. C., 83 Bennet, C. L., 137 Benoît, J.-P., 65, 72, 82 Benoit, P., 45 Benoît, R., 64, 89, 90 Benoist, B., 33, 132 Bensley, E. H., 36, 116 Benson, L. R., 98 Berger, L., 128 Bergeron, D., 85 Bergeron, R., 76 Bergevin, J.-L., 50 Berlinguet, L., 129 Bernardo, Fra., 124 Bernhardt, K. S., 88 Bernier, A., 46, 69, 75 Bernier, J., 66


Best, C. F., 115 Bethune, A. N., 56 Bethune, J., 43 Bettez, H., 39 BeuUac, P., 109 Bevan, A. R., 41 Bilodeau, C., 20, 23, 76, 77 Bionner, F., 72 Bissell, C. T., 33, 34, 37, 59, 71 105, 134 Bissonnette, B., 100 Black, W. G., 122 Blackburn, J., 14 Bladen, V. W., 83, 86, 101, 130, 134 Blain, J.-G., 110 Biais, A., 76 Biais, H., 125 Blake, S. H., 57 Bland, C. H., 100 Blood, B. D., 126 Bluteau, A., 137 Bogardus, E. S., 53 Bois, H., 97 Boissonnault, C.-M., 115, 116 Bonenfant, F., 96 Bonenfant, J.-C., 10, 12, 13, 109, 110 Bonnier, R., 120 Bordeleau, H., 131 Bordeleau, J.-A., 64 Bosworth, F. H., 98 Bott, E. A., 128 Bouchard, G., 131 Boucher de la Bruère, P., 17 Boudrault, A., 124 Boulanger, T., 23 Bounadère, R., 39 Bourassa, H., 4-6 Bourgeois, C., 30 Bougeois, P., 41 Bourget, Collège de, 38 Bourgouin, L., 93, 129 Bourinot, J. G., 4, 84 Bouvier, E., 100, 121 Bovey, W., 7-9, 29, 44 Bowers, S., 121 Bowes, J. H., 57 Bowker, W. F., 110 Boyle, G., 53, 132 Boyle, R. W., 37 Boys, W. F. A., 56 Bracq, J.-C., 6 Brady, A., 7, 100 Braithewaite, E. E., 54 Brassier, J., 48 Brebner, J. B., 10, 58, 129


Brehaut, W., 23, 123 Bremner, M. D. K., 102 Brett, G. S., 89, 128 Brewin, F. A., 109 Bridger, W. R. P., 117 Brisson, L., 131 British Columbia Public Library Commission, 111 British Columbia, University of, 37, 101 Broadus, E. K., 35, 74 Brochu, E., 98 Brochu, P., 112 Brock, R. W., 103, 114, 128 Brouardel, P., 112 Brouillard, C., 131 Brouillet, I., 66, 104, 129 Brouillette, B., 86 Brown, D. R., 54 Brown, E., 22 Brown, E. K., 129 Brown, G. W., 11, 13, 59, 77, 128 Bruchési, E., 6 Bruchési, J., 11, 14, 29, 33, 40, 77, 100, 131 Bruneau, Father, 73 Brunelle, R., 72 Brunei, M., 12-15, 33, 77, 129 Bryce, G., 3, 45 Buchanan, A. W. P., 108 Buchanan, M. A., 78 Buck, G. J., 123 Buckley, K. A. H., 134 Buies, A., 4 Bujila, B., 78 Bull, W. P., 8 Burman, W. A., 89 Burns, D. ("Scotus"), 16 Burpee, L. J., 30, 51, 128 Burton, E. F., 96 Burwash, N., 57 Buteau, A., 21 Cadieux, M., 9, 85 Cahiers de l'Hôtel Dieu, 118, 130 Call, F. O., 6 Calvet, E., 129 Calvin, D. D., 51, 86 Cameron, A. E., 50 Cameron, D., 36, 72, 130, 132 Cameron, M. A., 21 Cameron, T. W. M., 126, 127 Campbell, A. M., 110 Campbell, D. M., 125 Campbell, H. L., 21 Campbell, M. F., 118


Campbell, P. C., 27 Campbell, P. G. C., 52 Campbell, R., 51 Canada: Dept. of Agriculture, 92; Dept. of Labour, 34; Dept. of National Health & Welfare, 118 Canada & Newfoundland Education Assoc., 20 Canada Français, 90 Can. Assoc. of University Teachers, 134 Can. Bar Assoc., 108 Can. Conference of Catholic Schools of Nursing, 118 Can. Conference of University Teachers of English, 75 Can. Dental Assoc., 102 Can. Journal of Comparative Médecine, 126 Can. Library Assoc., 111 Can. Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature, 116 Can. Nurses' Assoc., 118 Can. Pharmaceutical Journal, 120 Can. Psychological Assoc., 88 Can. Press Assoc., 5 Can. Teachers' Federation, 21 Caniff, W., 112 Cannon, W. E., 73 Cappon, J., 72, 79, 97 Carder, G., 45 Cardinal, J.-G., 110 Cardinaux, P., 93 Careless, J. M. S., 77 Carlyle, R., 116 Carman, F. A., 128 Carón, I., 9 Carón, M., 9, 109 "Carrefour," 32, 33 Carrière, G., 32, 51, 91 Carroll, J., 3 Carroll, T. H., 101 Cartier, E., 72 Cartier, G.-E., 30 Carus-Wilson, M. L. G., 112 Carver, H., 99 Cassidy, H. M., 85, 100, 121 Chaloult, R., 20 Champagne, F., 76 Chant, C. A., 59, 92 Chant, S. N. F., 138 Chantai, F., 48 Chapáis, J.-C., 97 Chapáis, T., 5, 41 Chapín, M., 13 Charland, V., 68



Charbonneau, J., 7 Charpentier, F., 6 Charron, F., 38 Chartier, E., 6, 9, 63, 64, 69, 89 Chatwin, D. B., 111 Chauveau, P.-J.-O., 17 Chisholm, J., 53 Choquette, C.-P., 28, 38 Christensen, G. C., 126 Chronique Sociale de France, 14 Chrysostome, Fr., 122 Circé, A., 48, 103, 104 Clark, A. F. B., 128 Clark, A. L., 52, 90 Clark, J. B. M., 6 Clark, S. D., 9, 11, 83, 88, 130 Clark, W. C., 100 Clarke, D. B., 138 Clarke, F., 19 Clebsch, W. A., 125 Clokie, H. McD., 85 Clouston, H. R., 114 Cloutier, J.-E., 121, 131 Coady, M. M., 52, 131, 132 Coats, R. H., 82, 85, 86 Cochrane, C. N., 100 Cochrane, H. G., 104 Cody, H. J., 29, 58, 59 Cohen, M., 109 Cohoe, E. F, 107 Cokrel, R., 16 Collard, E. A., 44 Coleman, H. J., 122 Collège des Médecins et Chirurgiens de la P.Q., 115 Colquhoun, A. H. U., 107 Commission on Médical Education, 114 Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Problèmes constitutionnels, 14 Commission Royale d'Enquête sur l'avancement des arts, des lettres et des sciences au Canada, 12 Commission on Teacher Education in Nova Scotia, 123 Commissioners of Enquiry into . . . King's College University, 55 Conan, L., 17 Congrès de l'enseignement agricole, 98 Congrès de l'enseignement secondaire, 65, 82 Conn, H. G., 105 Connell, J. C., 112 Conseil canadien des recherches en sciences sociales, 65 Conway, C. B., 138

Cook, J. T., 123 Cooke, H. C., 94 Cooper, J. I., 45 Co-operative League, 52 Corbett, E. A., 33, 36, 37, 130-132 Corbett, P. E., 29 Corcoran, A. D., 114 Cornez, G., 31, 48 Cornish, G. H., 4 Corporation des Agronomes de la P.Q. 98

Cosens, G. G., 106 Cossette, L., 137 Coté, F.-X., 95 Coulter, J. R., 132 Courchesne, G., 63, 68 Courtemanche, A., 66, 91 Cousineau, J., 20, 42 Couture, M., 75 Cox, J., 99 Cragg, L. H., 93 Craik, W. A., 28 Cramp, J. M., 35 Crease, L., 109 Creighton, D. G., 59, 77, 78, 86, 101 Croal, A. G., 90 Crockett, A. J., 41 Cronkite, F. C., 109 Cronyn, B., 56, 124 Croskery, G. G., 23 Cross, H. C., 54 Croteau, J. T., 53 Crowfoot, A. H., 60 Crummy, E., 122 Cullwick, E. G., 103 Cumberland, B., 56 Currelly, C. T., 59, 71 Currie, A. W., 18, 44, 136 Curtis, C. F., 110 Cushing, H., 44 Cyrille, Fr., 19 Czerwinski, W., 105 Dagenais, P., 87 Dagneau, C., 42 Dalhousie College, Centenary Committee, 40 D'Anjou, M.-J., 65, 66 Dansereau, A., 38 Dansereau, P., 93 D'Armours, J.-A., 5 Daubigny, F. T., 125 Dauloux-Dumesnil, M., 94 Daveluy, M.C., 111 Daviault, L., 129


Davin, N. F., 3 Davis, H. R., 60 Dawson, F. M., 104 Dawson, G. M., 89 Dawson, J. W., 27, 43 Dawson, R., 43 Dawson, R. M., 11, 86, 100 De Bic, P., 11 De Bray, A.-J., 84, 86, 102 Décarie, V., 80, 135 DeCazes, P., 3, 17 De Coubertin, P., 27 Deeks, S. R., 34 Defries, R. D., 59 De Grandpré, A., 65 De Grandpré, M., 129 De Koninck, C., 14, 32, 80, 90 Delahey, W. A., 106 De Lery, L., 20 Delorme, N., 137 De Lury, A. T., 95 Deniers, P., 96 De Montigny, G., 102 De Montigny, T., 107 Denault, H., 121 Deniset-Bernier, M., 21 Deschamps, P., 66, 76 Desfosses, P., 114 Desjardins, E., 62 Desjardins, G., 20 Desjardins, P., 39 Desjardins, R., 105 Desrochers, G., 118 Desrosiers, A., 5 Désy, J., 13 Devine, F., 76 Dewar, D., 52 Dexter, R. C., 6 Déziel, J., 72 Diamant, J., 65, 90 Dickson, G., 56 Dimberton, L., 134 Dion, A., 64, 65, 66, 122 Dion, G., 133 Dion, L., 135 Dionne, G., 76 Dionne, Y.-M., 67, 91 Dixon, F., 116 Dixon, W. G., 121 Dobson, M. R., 87 Dodwell, C. G., 116 Dollo, A., 95 Dolman, C. E., 70 Domenico, Fra., 79 Dominique de St-Denis, Fr., 14

Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Education Division, 21, 30, 32 Dorland, A. G., 6 Dorion, N., 22 D'Orsonnens, Dr., 41, 46 Doughty, A. G., 5, 128 Douglas, J., 3, 93, 94 Douville, A., 64 Douville, J.-A., 38 Downs, A. W., 113 Drapeau, J., 105 Drapeau, S., 17 Drolet, A., 42, 116 Drouin, M.-J., 66, 91 Drummond, A., 105 Drummond, A. F., 71 Dubois, E., 38 Dubois, P., 18 Duchemin, L. A., 34 Dufresne, G., 115 Duggan, G. L., 107 Dugré, A., 39 Duhamel, R., 69, 81, 83 Dullieux, E., 95 Dumont, A., 74 Dumont, F., 15 Duncan, A. R. C., 81 Duncombe, C., 16 Dunlop, W. J., 130 Dupuy, P., 18 Durham, Earl of, 3 Dussault, E., 63 Duthie, E., 75 Duval, R., 123, 125, 127 Dyde, S. W., 71, 122 Dyde, W. F., 18 Dymond, J. R., 92, 3 Eades, H. W., 106 Earl, R. O., 30, 91 Easterbrook, W. T., 83, 86 Eastman, S. N., 5 Ecole de Pédagogie et d'Orientation de Laval, 123, 127 Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, 102, 105 Ecole social populaire, 131 Edgar, P., 59, 75 Edwards, W. X., 53 Egan, M. J., 53 Eggleston, W., 52, 91, 107 Elliot, J., 124 Elliot, J. H., 114 Ellis, W. H., 102 Ellis, W. S., 136




Emory, F. H. M., 118 Engineering Education, Committee on Adequacy and Standards of, 105 Engineering Journal, 103-105 Engineering Institute of Canada, 103 Englands, V. J., 10 Enseignement Secondaire, 64, 90, 120, 122 Esson, H., 55 Ethier, W., 127 Ettinger, G. H., 116 Eustace, C. J., 89 Evans, L., 111 Evans, W. S., 105 Eve, A. S., 44, 95, 102 "Ex-Cadet," 117 Faessler, C., 94 Fafard, L.-P., 79 Falardeau, J.-C., 10-14, 32, 89, 128, 129, 138 Falconbridge, J. D., 108 Falconer, R., 6, 28, 29, 58, 61, 69, 71, 82, 128, 136 Falk, J. H. T., 121 Fandrich, R., 19, 122 Faribault, M., 22, 33, 48, 127 Farley, P.-E., 77, 127 Farnham, W. D., 78 Faucher, A., 83 Faure, A., 125 Fauteux, A., 42, 47, 77 Fauteux, M., 128 Fay, C. R., 85 Feasby, H. G., 87 Featherstonhaugh, R. C., 44 Fédération Canadienne des Universitaires Catholiques, 31 Fédération des Collèges Classiques, 40, 67, 138 Fédération des Collèges Classiques pour Jeunes Filles, 67 Fédération du Travail du Québec et Confédération des Travailleurs Catholique de Canada, 23 Fédération des Travailleurs du Qué., 133 Fenwick, A. R., 106 Fenwick, K. N., 112 Ferland-Angers, A., 118 Fernow, B. E., 106 Fidler, L, 3 Fidler, N. D., 118, 119 Fieldhouse, H. N., 61 Filion, E., 79 Filteau, G., 21, 22

Fisher, T., 44 Fitch, E. R., 5 Fitzpatrick, A., 130 Fitzpatrick E., 53 Fleming, S., 51 Fleming, W. G., 138 Flemington, W. T. R., 49 Flenley, R., 46 Fletcher, B.A., 61 Fleury, B., 107 Flexner, A., 113 Florence Nightingale International Foundation, 119 Flux, A. W., 84 Flynn, E. J., 17 Foraw, M. R., 50 Forest, M.-C., 19, 30, 131 Forestry Chronicle, 106 Forget, A., 38, 63 Forrest, J., 40 Portier, J., 76 Fortier, L.-A., 112 Portier, L.-E., 62 Fortier, de la B., 115 Fortier, Y. O., 95 Fortin, Ls-de-G., 98 Foster, G. S., 96 Foster, R. H., 99 Foucreault, L., 66, 91 Fournet, P.-A., 5 Fournier, N., 81 Fowke, V. C., 11, 135 Fowler, B. B., 52 Fox, W. S., 29 Francis Dolores, Sister, 111 Francoeur, K., 123 Franc-Parleur, 41 Frappier, A., 115 Fraser, F. C., 94 Fraser, J. F., 9 Fraser, R., 49 Frazer, A. L., 41 Frechette, L., 17 Frecker, G. A., 22 Freedman, S., 110 Frégault, G., 10, 13, 69, 77 Frewin, M., 120 Friedmann, W., 110 Friessen, J. K., 132 Frigon, A., 103 Frye, N., 71, 75 Fuchs, O., 35 Fullerton, F. H., 120 Gagné, A., 91, 93

INDEX Gagné, J., 14 Gagnon, E., 12, 70 Gagnon, O., 7, 21 Gagnon, P., 91 Galbraith, J. K., 98 Gaillard de Champris, R., 41 Gaitskell, C. D., 72 Gallagher, J. C., 20 Gallois, G., 63 Gammon, F. H., 49 Garant, C.-O., 42 Gareau, E., 74 Garigue, P., 15 Garneau, B., 39, 42 Garneau, F.-X., 10 Gaudefroy, H., 54, 104, 105 Gaudrault, P.-M, 131 Gaudreault, Y.-M., 64, 76 Gaudron, E., 19, 79-81 Gauthier, A., 73 Gauthier, Abel., 96, 130 Gauthier, C.-A., 117 Gauthier, F., 138 Gauthier, G., 47 Gauthier, R., 93 Gauvin, J.-B., 80 Gauvreau, J., 115 Geiger, L. P., 81 Gendron, G., 20 Gendron, R., 9 Genest, J., 70 Genest, L., 88 Georges, Evêque de Philippopolis, 18 Gérin, L., 8, 10, 82, 88 Gérin-Lajoie, L., 116 Gertstein, R., 137 Gcrvais, R., 4 Giasson, L., 70 Gibbon, J. M., 118 Gibson, J. M., 106 Gies, W. J., 101 Gifford, H. G., 37 Giguère, G.-E., 78 Gilbert, J., 126 Gilmour, G. P., 13, 32, 33, 62, 74 Gilson, E., 22 Gingras, A., 77 Gingras, P.-E., 22, 33, 40, 66-68, 135 Girard, A., 4 Giroux, G.-H., 42 Giroux, H., 3 Gistrak, A. B., 116 Glazebrook, G. P. de T., 8 Glazier, K. M., 81 Glenn, A. L., 46


Glinz, L. A., 46 Glover, T. R., 51 Gobeil, S., 48 Godbout, A., 77 Godbout, L., 131 Goforth, J. F., 6 Goggio, E., 78 Goldenberg, J. M., 110 Goldstick, L, 78 Gonest, J., 115 Goodspeed, D. J., 130 Goodwin, C. D. W., 86 Goodwin, W. L., 51, 105 Gordon, D. M., 28 Gordon, R. K., 36 Gordon, R. S., 10 Gordon, W., 52 Gore, H., 68, 72 Gosselin, A.-H., 4, 5, 17, 38, 102 Gosselin, D., 4, 17, 41, 62 Gouin, L., 5 Graham, R. P., 93 Graham, R. P. D., 94 Graham, T. C., 101 Graham, W. C., 20, 46 Grand Séminaire de Montréal, 125 Grant, G. M., 4, 51 Grant, G. P., 80 Grant, J. A., 28 Grant, W. L., 51, 73, 76, 100, 130 Gratton, H., 81 Cray, F. W., 95 Gray, K. G., 118 Gray, M. F., 117 Gray, W. B., 96 Green, G. H. E., 37 Greenwood, T., 80 Grenier, F., 77, 87 Grenier, H., 111, 131 Groulx, L., 5-7, 9, 11, 13, 19, 28, 64, 66, 70, 136 Grube, G. M. A., 74 Guerin-Lajoie, P., 68 Gundy, H. P., 52 Gunning, H. C., 105 Hagan, W. A., 126 Hall, A., 112 Hall, G. E., 104, 116 Hamel, M., 121 Hamel, T.-E., 41, 89 Hamelin, A., 73 Hamelin, C.-L., 14, 89 Hamelin, E., 72 Hamelin, L.-E., 14, 87, 89

148 Hamilton, F., 51 Hamilton, J. C., 108 Hamilton, J. W., 87 Hamilton, R., 45 Hardy, E. A., 5 Harkness, A. H., 56 Harmer, B., 117 Harpell, J. J., 99 Harper, J. M., 17 Harper, W. E., 92 Harrington, B. J., 94 Harrington, E. L., 96 Harris, J. H., 55 Harris, R. S., 33, 75 Harris, R. V., 40 Harrison, F. C., 128 Harrison, G. B., 75 Harrison, W. E. C., 77 Hart, A. D., 6 Hart, C. W. M., 88 Hartz, A., 107 Harvey, D. C., 7, 10, 19, 41, 77, 128 Harvey, J. C., 8 Hatcher, W. H., 93 Hattie, W. H., 114 Hawke, J., 6 Hawkins, E., 36 Haydon, A., 51, 85 Heagerty, J. J., 114, 115 Hébert, J., 50 Hébert, M., 8 Heidgerken, L., 118 Hellmuth, L, 60 Henderson, G. F., 108 Henderson, G. H., 73, 129 Henderson, J. L. H., 59 Henel, H., 70 Henning, T., 16 Henripin, J., 14 Hensel, P. H., 100 Herald, Le, 107 Herald, J., 112 Hérisson, C.-D., 15, 19 Hertel, F., 69 Hickman, W. H., 62 Hicks, R. K., 122 Higgins, W. H., 35 Hills, T. L., 88 Hill-Tout, C., 83 Hincks, W., 84 Hind, H. Y., 3, 40 Hiscocks, C., 86 Hobbes, G. E., 115 Hodgins, J. G., 16, 17, 28 Hoffman, M. L., 101


Hogg, F. S., 92 Holdich, J., 48 Hollister, S. C., 5, 104, 105 Holmes, C. A., 5 Holroyd, F., 72 Home, P., 108 Homier, P., 5 Hopkins, J. C., 4 Horner, H. H., 102 Houle, J.-W., 38 Houston, W., 27, 88 Howard, R. P., 43 Howat, D., 61 Howe, C. D., 106 Howes, E. A., 97 Hoyles, N. W., 108 Hubbard, R. H., 72 Hudon, T., 8, 63 Hughes, E. C., 7, 8, 10 Hughes, F. N., 120 Hume, G. S., 95 Hume, J. G., 122 Hutton, H. K., 123 Ihrig, H. K., 105 Iliffe, J. H., 71 Industrial Foundation on Education, 34, 138 Ingénieur, L', 105 Innis, H. A., 10, 31, 82, 85, 86, 100 Innis, M. Q., 11 Institut Canadien d'Education des Adultes, 133 Institut de Chimie du Canada, 129 Institut Social populaire, 132 International Council of Nurses, 119 Irving, J. A., 21, 37, 58, 80, 81 Jackson, D. N. R., 120 Jackson, R. W. B., 130, 138 Jacob, E., 49 James, F. C., 21, 44 James, N. C., 60 James, R. D., 95 Jamieson, D. P., 110 Jamieson, S., 7 Jean-de-Brébeuf, Collège de, 39, 67 Jeanneret, F. C. A., 79 Jeffery, R. L., 96 Jenness, D., 71 Jobin, A., 114 Jobin, J.-B., 116 Jobin, P., 115, 137 Johnson, F. M. G., 93 Johnson, J. H., 102


Johnson, W. A., 94 Johnson, W. S., 109 Joliette, Collège de, 38 Joly, R., 22, 33, 40, 66-68, 81, 127 Jombart, E., 81 Jones, C. C., 30 Jones, E. M., 72 Jones, F. E., 89 Jones, R. G., 98 Jones, R. L., 98 Jordan, W. G., 124 Journal of the Cañad. Med. Assoc., 116 Jurkszus, J., 78 Kane, R. W., 138 Karr, W. J., 122 Katz, J., 22 Katz, S. M., 39 Keirstead, B. S., 83 Keirstead, W. G., 80 Keirstead, W. D., 49 Kelleher, V. P., 40 Kelley, R. L., 124 Kendall, K. A., 121 Kennedy, J. E., 49, 92 Kennedy, W. P. M., 6, 109 Kerwin, L., 91 Ketchum, P. A. G., 138 Ketchum, T. G. L., 49 Kidd, J. R., 31, 35, 37, 44, 132 Kilgour, D. G., 110 Kimble, G. H. T., 87 King, J., 57, 73, 78, 93 King's College, 55 King's College, An Alumnus of, 40 Kingsford, W., 71 Kirkconnell, W., 31, 46, 62, 65, 69, 71, 79, 129, 137 Kirkwood, M. M., 137 Kisbaugh, W., 106 Klinck, L. S., 30, 97 Knight, F. A., 82 Knotl, W. W. D., 37 Knox College, Centenary Committee, 60 Knox, R. S., 74 Koch, C. R. E., 101 Koroleff, A., 106 Labarre, J., 119 Labelle, L.-H., 64 Lachance, L., 8, 69 Lacoste, 41 Lacroix, B., 80 Lacroix, M.-R., 118 Lacroix, R., 81


LaFlamme, l'Abbé, 105 Laflèche, L., 3 Lafond, A., 107, 130 Laframboise, J.-C., 50, 101 Lagüe, L., 118 Lahaise, G., 110 Laidlaw, A. F., 52, 53 Laliberté, J., 67, 69, 70, 74 Lalonde, M., 81 Lamarche, A., 42 Lamarche, C., 73 Lamarche, G., 39 Lamarche, L.-P., 75 Lamarche, M.-A., 18, 28, 79, 83, 131 Lambert, M., 68, 71, 91 Lambert, P., 22 Lambert, R. S., 21 Lamontagne, M., 13 Lanctôt, G., 7, 11, 77 Landon, F., 29 Lane, D., 76 Langevin, A., 16 Langevin, H., 4 Langford, G. B., 95, 103 Langlois, G., 7, 10 Langton, H. H., 57, 58, 74, 96 Langton, J., 57, 89 Langton, W. A., 57 Lank, H., 86 Lapierre, H., 118 Laplante, P., 132 Laramée, A., 38, 113 Lareau, E., 108 Larivière, F., 134 Larose, A.-E., 120 Larue, A., 95 Lash, S. D., 103 Laskin, B., 110 Lassere, F., 99 Latour, J., 64 Laurence, A. J., 120 Laurence, J.-M., 76 Laurendeau, A., 7, 12, 13, 32 Laurent, O., 27 Laureys, H., 84, 99 Laurin, J.-R., 51 Lauzon, M., 68, 138 Laval Medical, 116 Laval, Université, 15, 28, 41, 42, 47, 62, 63, 83, 84, 90, 93, 113, 116, 125, 127, 130, 132; Ecole de Pédagogie et d'Orientation, 123, 127 La vallée, G., 34 Lavell, C. F., 122 Lavoisier, G., 103

150 Law, L. E., 73 Law Society of Upper Canada, Benchers of, 109 Lazerte, M. E., 123, 137 Leacock, S., 86, 99, 134 Leahy, L., 81 Leake, A. H., 97 Learned, W. S., 18, 40, 54 Lebel, M., 19, 20, 69-73, 75, 76, 123 Lebon, P., 79, 124 Lebon, W., 39 LeCointe, P.-P., 93, 102 Lecompte, H., 63, 73 Lecours, A., 115 Ledain, G., 110 Leddy, J. F., 137 Ledit, J., 20 Leduc, J. R., 111 Lefebvre, D., 118 Lefebvre, J.-P., 132, 133 Lefebvre, L.-J., 66, 69 Legault, G., 32 Legault, J., 95, 134 Legendre, N., 3, 17 Léger, J. M., 15 Léger, P., 117 Legget, R. F., 134 Lemieux, E., 121 Lemoyne, J., 14 Lerebouillet, R., 114 Lesage, A., 47, 112, 113, 115 Lesage, J., 106 Lesage, J.-A., 28 Le Sieur, A., 34 Leslie, A. P., 106 Lester, R. M., 19 Létourneau, F., 98 Lettre, J.-P., 98 Léveillé, A., 90 Lévesque, A., 7, 8 Lévesque, G.-H., 31, 70, 83, 131 Levy, G. E., 35 Lewis, A. C., 21 Lewis, F. J., 35 L'Heureux, E., 31 Liddy, R. B., 88, 128 Liersch, J. E., 106 Liewinowicz, V., 79 Lillie, A., 3, 124 Limoges, R., 125 Lindsay, J. A., 134 Lindsey, C., 3 Line, W., 88, 137 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 6


Lippens, B., 81 Lippincott, A., 40 Lister, R. C., 36 Lister, R. W., 120 Llewellyn, R., 137 Lloyd, F. E., 113 Lloyd, T., 87 Locas, C., 80 Lodge, R. C., 19, 46, 79, 80 Logan, H. T., 37 Logan, J. D., 128 Loir, A., 5 Lonergan, B., 32 Longley, R. S., 35 Lord, A. R., 118 Lord, F., 17 Lord, W. F., 28 Lorrain, L., 12 Lortie, L., 12, 20, 21, 33, 66, 90, 91, 96, 131, 132, 137 Lortie, M., 12 Loudon, W. J., 27, 57, 58 Lower, A. R. M., 10, 11, 33, 82, 85 Louis-Marie, Père, 98 Louis-Marie, Sr, 121 Louise-de-Marillac, Sr, 119 Lussier, D., 83 Lussier, I., 48, 127, 138 Lyman, J. B., 49 Lynch, L. M., 82 M., R., 88 M.-Emmanuel, Sr, 66 Macara, J., 55 MacCallum, A. B., 113, 114 MacCallum, D. C., 112 MacDermot, H. E., 44, 114 MacDonald, J., 36 MacDonald, J. B., 102 MacDonald, J. F., 61, 74, 122 MacDonald, V. C., 109 MacDonell, M., 53 MacDonnell, J. M., 61, 100 MacDougall, A. J., 74 MacDougall, J. I., 123 MacEachran, J. M., 35, 36, 80 MacGillicuddy, P. C., 137 MacGillivray, C. J., 52 MacGillivray, J., 78 Machar, A. M., 51 Machar, J., 51 Machray, R., 45 MacKay, L. A., 74 MacKay, R. A., 83


MacKenzie, N. A. M., 31-33, 61, 109, 124, 135, 137 MacKenzie, W. L., 3, 16 MacKinnon, C., 54 MacKinnon, F., 22 MacKinnon, I. F., 44 MacKinnon, M. H. M., 75 Mackintosh, W. A., 33, 51, 85, 86, 100, 115 MacLachlan, A. J., 45 MacLatchey, J. H., 49 MacLaurin, D. L., 37 MacLean, D. A., 18 MacLean, J. A., 28 MacLellan, H., 83 MacLennan, H., 11 Maclennan, R. D., 31 MacLeod, J. J. R., 113 MacLeod, R. B., 88 MacLure, M., 71 MacMechan, A., 40, 136 MacMillan, C., 44, 136 MacMillan, E., 13, 72 MacNaughton, K. F. C., 49 MacNeill, M., 136 MacNeill, W. C., 137 MacNutt, W. S., 49 Macoun, J., 94 Macpherson, C. B., 83, 85, 86 MacPherson, W. E., 18, 136 MacPhie, J. P., 5 MacSporran, M. S., 44 MacSween, R. J., 53 Maddocks, E. H., 54 Madill, A. J., 97 Madill, H. H., 99 Magnan, C.-J., 17, 18 Mahaffey, R. U., 37 Maher, T., 106 Maheux, A., 9, 10, 13, 29, 38, 42, 61, 64, 65, 74, 99, 136 Maheux, G., 97, 98, 129 Mailhot, A., 103 Mailhot, B., 14 Maffloux, N., 88, 127 Maine, S. F., 130 Malabard, J. F., 87 Mallory, J., 134 Malo, A., 39 Maltais, R., 68 Malye, J., 64 Manitoba, Province of, 46 Manitoba, Royal Commission on Adult Education, 133 Marceau, E., 102


Marchand, G., 71 Marcoux, A., 63, 76, 122 Marcoux, J. C., 71 Marcoux, J.-E.-A., 127 Marie-des-Anges, Sr, 70 Marie-de-Bon-Secours, Sr, 67 Marie-de-Ste-Rose-Anne, Sr, 65 Marie-Victorin, Fr., 90, 92 Marion, S., 20, 31, 70 Markham, S. F., 71 Marling, F. H., 124 Marquis, C.-E., 6 Martin, C., 77 Martin, C. F., 114 Martin, F., 138 Martin, P., 137 Mary Olivia, Sr., 118 Massey Foundation, Commission on the Secondary Schools and Colleges of the Methodist Church of Canada, 48 Massey, V., 29 Mason, E. S., 35 Massue, H., 12 Masters, D. C., 36 Matheson, J., 61, 95, 130 Mathewson, M. S., 118 Mathieu, C.-E., 18 Matthews, T. H., 134, 138 Maurault, O., 9, 30, 34, 38, 39, 47, 48, 64, 72, 77, 79, 98, 103-5 Mavor, J., 57, 84, 85 Mawdsly, J. B., 95 May, M. A., 124 Mayrand, L., 85 McAleer, G., 4 McAlister, A. W. G., 108 McCaul, J., 55 McCready, H. W., 34 McCrimmon, A. L., 45 McCulloch, W., 40 McCutcheon, W. W., 34, 123 McEachran, W., 125, 126 McGilivray, C. D., 126 McGiU, R., 51 McGill University, 15, 43, 44 McGreer, A. H., 61 McGregor, P. G., 16 McGuigan, J. C., 23 McGuire, W. C., 126 McHoull, W. D. R., 51 Mcllwraith, T. F., 84 Mclnnis, E., 11 McKeown, H. C., 56 McKiel, H. W., 104



McLag, W. S., 45 McLean, C. H., 8 McLearn, F. H., 94 McMaster University, 45 McMurray, J. P., 52 McMurray, W., 55, 56 McMurrich, J. P., 89 McNab, G. C., 28 McNaughton, J., 136 McNeill, W. E., 30, 52, 75 McQueen, A. W., 103 McTavish, N. M., 6 Meakins, J. C., 113, 114 Meilleur, J.-B., 16, 17 Melville, H., 55 Melvin, A. G., 122 Memorial University, 46 Mercedes, Mother, 60 Mercier, C., 122 Mercier, E., 98 Mercier, H., 4 Mercier, L.-A., 31 Mercier, O., 115 Meredith, E. A., 84 Meredith, W. C. J., 110 Middleton, J. E., 29, 58 Miers, H. A., 71 Mignault, L.-D., 114 Mignault, P. M., 38 Millar, J., 17 Miller, E., 86 Miller, J., 114, 134 Miller, J. C., 19 Miller, J. N., 18 Miller, P. A., 22 Miller, W. L., 93 Millman, T. R., 36 Milner, J. B., 110 Miner, D. F., 103 Ministère du Travail (Canada), 104 Minville, E., 8, 9, 30, 33, 64, 100 Mireault, G., 98 Mitchell, C. A., 125 Mitchell, C. H., 103 Miville, G., 63 Mockridge, H. J., 4 Moffat, H. P., 22 Monet, A., 47 Monette, R., 97 Montgomery, W. S., 109 Montpetit, A., 127 Montpetit, E., 18, 47, 64, 82, 84, 85 Montréal, Université de, 47, 48, 80, 132 Monty, V., 93 Moore, E. S., 94

Moore, W. H., 5 Moreau, G.-Y., 127 Moreland, P. A., 100 Morency, P., 99 Morency, R., 80 Morice, A.-G., 5 Morin, J. Y., 137 Morin, L., 38, 94 Morin, W., 8 Morisseau, H., 39 Morisset, A.-M., 111 Morisset, T., 121 Morley, P. F., 6 Morrison, E., 58 Morrison, L. A., 48 Morse, C., 108 Morton, E. H., 111 Morton, I. E., 35 Morton, W. L., 46, 77 Mountain, A. W., 36 Moxon, M. C., 107 Mulloy, G. A., 106 Mulock, W., 57 Murray, E. G. D., 126 Murray, J. E., 54 Murray, L. H., 54 Murray, W. C., 28, 29, 40, 46, 54 Myers, R., 88 Myrand, M. D. P., 16 Nadeau, B., 69 Nantel, G.-A., 62 Nantel, M., 11, 109 Narroway, J. R., 48 Nason, G., 23 National Conference of Canadian Universities, 31 National Conference on Engineering, Scientific & Technical Manpower, 32, 33 National Council of Physical Fitness, 120 National Council of Women of Canada, 4 National Federation of Canadian University Students, 138 Neatby, H., 22, 77, 123 Neven, R., 64 Newton, R., 128 Nicholls, R. V. V., 44, 93, 94 Nichols, E. W., 61, 136 Nicholson, B., 4 Nicholson, M. D., 52 Nicholson, N. L., 88 Nicholson, P. J., 32


Nicol, W., 136 Nicolas, N.-V., 70, 78 Nicolet, Séminaire de, 38 Niebuhr, H. R., 125 Norbert, P., 126 Norrie, M., 49 Norris, K. E., 54 Northway, M. L., 59, 137 Norwood, G., 73 Nova Scotia, Commission on Teacher Education, 123 Nova Scotia, Dept. of Technical Education, 50 Nova Scotia Normal Collège, 123 Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society, 119 Oakes, I. B., 35 Oakley, H. A., 43 O'Brady, M., 54 O'Brien, C., 53 O'Connell, M. P., 13 Oertel, H., 113 Ogilvie, J. G., 135 O'Leary, D., 8 Oliver, E. H., 54 Ontario Agricultural College, 97 Ontario College of Education, Research Dept., 137 Ontario, Dept. of Health, Nursing Branch & Division of Medical Statistics, 119 Ontario, Province of, Commission on Medical Education, 113 Ontario Public Schools Men Teachers' Federation, 123 Ontario Registered Nurses' Association, 119 O'Reilly, J. B., 50, 51 Osgoode Hall, Special Committee of Students of, 109 Osier, W., 68 Otheman, E., 48 Ottawa, University of, 38, 50 Ottewell, A. E., 131 Ouellet, C., 94 Ouimet, A., 46 P., A., 43 Pacey, D., 31, 32, 69, 71 Page, E., 130 Pagnuelo, S., 27, 43, 47, 108, 112 Pakenham, W., 122 Panet, H. A., 117 Panisset, M., 126

Paquet, A., 64 Paquet, B., 47 Paquet, L.-A., 6, 17, 42, 62, 79 Faquin, E., 27, 47 Paradis, W. H., 13 Paré, S., 121 Parent, A.-M., 31, 32, 34, 42, 134 Parent, C.-E., 67 Parent, E., 84 Pariseau, L. E., 92, 115 Park, J., 14 Parker, J. H., 78 Parkin, G. R., 28 Parkin, J. H., 103 Parmalee, G. W., 18 Parsons, A. L., 94 Patón, J. M., 69 Patterson, G. G., 40 Patton, R., 54 Paul, J., 135 Paynter, R. J., 102 Pearson, L., 13 Péghaire, J., 76, 79, 80 Pelland, L., 39, 65 Pelletier, A., 17, 41, 62, 72 Pelletier, G., 13 Pelletier, F., 42 Penfield, W., 15 Penhallow, D. D., 92 Penny, A. G., 20, 31 Pépin, R., 115 Percival, W. P., 13, 19-21 Perreault, A., 6, 10, 28 Perreault, J., 10, 137 Perrier, A., 48 Peterson, W. G., 28, 44 Petit de Julleville, 65 Pétrie, R. M., 92 Phaneuf, G., 81, 82 Pharmaceutical Society of Nova Scotia, 119 Philip, D., 14 Phillips, C. E, 22, 23, 75, 122 Phillips, W. E., 101 Physics in Canada, 96 Picard, R., 40, 66, 67 Pierce, L., 7 Pierre du Séminaire, 68 Piette, A.-V.-J, 47 Pierlot, H., 17 Pilote, F., 38, 97 Pinard, G., 81 Pineault, L., 73 Plante, A., 33, 38, 40, 67 Plante, G., 21, 68




Playter, G. F., 3 Poirier, P., 4 Pomerleau, R., 98, 129 Porter, F., 22, 82 Porter, J., 101 Potoin, D., 116 Potvin, P., 73, 76 Poulding, J. B., 126 Poulin, G., 82, 121, 131 Pouliot, A., 28, 64, 89-91, 132 Pouliot, L., 34, 125 Power, W. K., 136 Prat, H., 7, 48, 92, 93 Préfontaine, G., 90, 92 "Presbyter, A," 124 Preston, R. A., 70, 117 Prévost, Y., 111 Priestley, F. E. L., 62 Primrose, A., 112, 114 "Professeur, Un," 68 Prouk, J.-B., 47 Proulx, M., 97 Provost, H., 40, 42, 66 Public Library Commission, British Columbia, 111 Purser, R., 94 Putnam, J. H., 17, 37 Putnam, J. M, 123 Québec, Cité de, 42 Québec, Département de l'Instruction Publique, 22, 123 Quebec Literary & Historical Society, 6 Québec, Secrétariat de la Province de, 72 Queen's College, Board of Trustees, 51 Queens Quarterly, 102 Queen's University, 27, 52 Quinan, J., 53 Quinn, H. F., 86 R., C., 63 Racette, J., 70 Ragner, J. G., 130 Raiche, J., 75 Rand, I. C., 110 Ranger, P., 70 Rankin, A. C., 113 Rasetti, F., 96 Rattray, T., 3 Raymond, J.-S., 62 Raymond, W. O., 49 Read, D. B., 108 Reade, H., 102

Reade, R. N. R., 116 Ready, R. K., 101 Redmond, D. A., 50 Reed, A. Z., 108, 109 Reed, T. A., 58, 59 Régis, L.-M., 80 Registered Nurses Assoc. of Ontario, 119 Reid, A. G., 12 Reid, E. G., 44 Reid, W. S., 8 Relations, 32, 39, 48, 68 Renaud, J.-A., 102 Rennie, D. L. C., 13 Rennie, H. L., 36 Réveil, D. G., 113, 115 Revue Dominicaine, 8, 118 Revue Notariat, 108 Revue Pharmaceutique, 120 Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa, 50, 90 Rexford, O. B., 122 Richard, L., 38 Richer, J., 131 Rickard, T. A., 103 Ricour, P., 74 Riddell, W. R., 108 Ridington, J., 7 Rimouski, Collège de, 38 Rioux, M., 13, 67 Rioux, P., 128 Ritchie, R. A., 109 Rivard, A., 38, 42 Bobbins, W., 75 Roberge, G., 31 Robert, A., 39, 125 Robert, Fr., 92 Robertson, J., 114 Robertson, J. E., 68 Robertson, J. K., 89 Robertson, J. W., 97 Robertson, T. B., 57 Robespierre, 65 Robin, E., 29 Robinson, J. L., 87, 129 Robinson, P. J., 73 Rockefeller Foundation, 113 Rodgers, A. D., 106 Rogers, H. S., 104 Rogers, R. V., 51 Rose, W. J., 79 Rosenberg, L., 91 Ross, C. F., 119 Ross, E. D., 9, 12, 13 Ross, F.-X., 81 Ross, G. W., 17, 57 Ross, J.-J., 97


Ross, M., 15, 57 Ross, V., 111 Rothney, G. O., 10 Rothstein, S., 111 Rottot, J.-P., 112 Rouillard, H., 53, 132 Rousse, J. B., 10 Rousseau, G., 48 Rousseal, L.-Z., 106, 107, 130 Rowat, D. C., 32, 134 Rowe, F. W., 21, 46 Rowles, E. C., 107 Roy, A., 7 Roy, C., 7, 8, 19, 20, 30, 41, 42, 63, 73 Roy, E., 39 Roy, F., 5 Roy, J., 38 Roy, J.-E., 108 Roy, M.-A., 43, 65, 81, 136 Roy, P.-E., 18 Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Journal, 98, 99 Royal Commission on Canada's Economic Prospects, 15 Royal Commission on Education in Ontario, 21, 123 Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Technical Education, 18 Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences, 12 Royal Commission on University Finances, 28 Royal Society of Canada, 7, 90, 94 Rumilly, R., 10 Russell, E. K., 117, 118 Russell, J. A., 99 Ruttan, R. F., 128 Rutter, E. B., 107 Ryan, C., 14 Ryerson, E., 16, 27, 55 Ryerson, E. S., 114, 115 Ryerson, S. B., 10 Sabourin, A.-P., 63 Sage, W. N., 128 St.-Denis, Collège de, 39 St.-Denis, H., 9, 50 St. Georges, J., 126 St.-Hilaire, M., 46 St.-Jacques, E., 112 St.-Jean, Collège Militaire Royal de, 117 St.-Joseph, Université de, 53 St. M. Marthe, Sr, 73 Saint-Pierre, A., 65, 89

St.-Pierre, A., 39, 66, 74 St. Pierre, J.-A., 113 St.-Stanislas-de-Jesus, Sr, 65 Ste-Madeleine-des-Anges, Sr, 20, 66 Ste-Marie, Collège de, 38, 39 Ste-Marie, J.-A., 97 Salman, D., 81 Salter, F. M., 36, 71, 134 Samuel, G., 36 Sanders, W., 10 Sanderson, F., 99 Sandiford, P., 18, 29, 130 Sandham, A., 43 Sandwell, B. K., 44 Sapir, E., 83 Saskatchewan, University of, 54 Saskatoon Historical Association, 54 Saunders, E. M., 4 Saunders, R. L., 41 Saunders, R. M., 11, 20, 78 Saunders, W., 97, 120 Saunderson, H. H., 34 Savoie, C.-F., 19 Sawyer, W. R., 117 Scadding, H., 27, 56, 89 Scarfe, N. V., 33, 87, 124 Schmitt, L. M., 119 Scollard, R. J. L., 58 Scott, E. F., 6 Scott, F. R., 9, 13 Scott, J. W., 114 Scott, W., 27 "Scotus" (David Burns), 16 Seaborn, E., 115 Seccombe, W., 101, 102 Sedgewick, G. G., 40, 68, 75, 136 Seeley, J. R., 14 Seeley, R. S. K., 32 Séminaire de Nicolet, 38 Séminaire de Québec, 37 Sénécal, D., 74 Sénécal, W., 79 Sergent, E., 28 Servan, M., 115 Service Social, 121 Severinghaus, A. E., 116 Seymer, L., 119 Shaw, A. N., 96 Shaw, F. M., 117 Sheffield, E. F., 33 Sheldon, E., 136 Shepherd, F. J., 44, 113, 114 Sherbrooke, Université de, 54 Shevenell, R., 88, 127 Shook, L. K., 36, 59


156 Shortt, A., 5, 51, 84 Shrum, G. M., 96 Shutt, F. T., 97 Sideleau, A., 69, 73 Siegfried, A., 4, 9 Sills, K. C. M., 18, 40 Simard, A., 113 Simard, E., 131 Simard, G., 19, 30, 50, 63, 124, 125 Simard, H., 92 Simard, O.-D., 69 Simon, J., 43 Simon, P. H., 13 Simpson, G. W., 54 Sipherd, L., 100, 101 Sisam, J. W. B., 59, 107 Sissons, C. B., 18, 19, 58, 59, 76, 122 Skelton, O. D., 78, 85, 100 Skinner, H. A., 114 Slack, Z., 44, 120 Smith, C. R., 109 Smith, D. D., 88 Smith, E. D., 103 Smith, S. E., 32-34, 61 Smith, T. W., 48 Snell, J. F., 45 Snider, E.G., 117 Société Canadienne d'Enseignement post-Scolaire, 132 Société Canadienne d'Histoire de l'Eglise Catholique, 81 Solandt, O. M., 130 Somers, H. J., 29, 53 Sonet, E., 78 Soward, F. H., 37 Spell, J. F., 134 Spence, W. J., 46 Spinks, J. W. T., 91 Spitz, D., 85 Spragge, G. W., 58, 59 Squair, J., 18, 57, 58, 76 Stamp, L. D., 87 Stanley, G., 29, 136 Stavelot, J., 65 Steacie, E. W. R., 91 Stearn, C. H., 131, 132 Steble, R. L., 113 Steer, F. M., 109 Stephenson, W., 55 Stevenson, J. A., 11, 51 Stevenson, L. G., 59, 116 Stevenson, O. J., 74, 75, 97 Steward, J., 14 Stewart, A., 138 Stewart, D. A., 32


Stewart, F. K., 23 Stewart, H. L., 31, 32 Stimson, E. R., 4 Stirling, J. B., 49 Strachan, J., 16, 55, 56 Struthers, R. R., 116 Stuart, A., 16 Stuart, K., 117 Suite, B., 4, 5 Surveyor, A., 103 Surveyor, E.-F., 108 Sutherland, J. C., 18, 44 Swan, C. M., 36 Swan, L. C., 127 Sylvestre, G., 74 Symons, T. H. B., 138 Synge, J. L., 90 Taillon, L., 53, 75 Tait, J., 113 Taiman, J. J., 36, 60 Taiman, R. D., 36, 60 Tamblyn, W. F., 60 Tanghe, R., 7, 85 Tanguay, A., 76 Taurines, G. de, 4 Taylor, G., 86 Taylor, K. W., 137 Taylor, R. B., 29 Taylor, W. E., 71 Teele, S. F., 101 Têtu, A., 38 Thémis, 110 Thérèse-d'Alençon, Sr, 118 Thibault, M., 79, 96 Thibeau, P. W., 18 Thomas, H. M., 60 Thomas, L. G., 36 Thomassin, R., 67 Thompson, M. W., 94 Thompson, W. A., 101 Thompson, W. P., 29, 33, 130, 134 Thomson, D. E., 45 Thomson, D. L., 65, 129, 135 Thomson, J. S., 30, 31, 61, 137 Thomson, R. B., 92 Thomson, W. A., 101 Todd, G. L., 28 Tomkins, G. S., 21 Toóle, F. J., 91 Toronto Board of Education, 21 Toronto Normal School, 122, 123 Toronto, University of, 56-60, 71, 78 Toronto, University of, A Group of Classical Graduates, 58, 61,73


Tory, H. M., 28, 37, 90, 114 Tracy, C. R., 61 Tracy, H. L., 73 Tremblay, A., 14, 21, 22, 39, 42, 65, 67, 103, 123, 127 Tremblay, C.-E., 93 Tremblay, J., 23, 65, 69, 80 Tremblay, J.-J., 9 Tremblay, J.-L., 92, 93, 129 Tremblay, J.-P., 132 Tremblay, M., 20, 83 Tremblay, P., 9, 85 Trépanier, E., 70, 80 Trépanier, M., 76 Trinity College, 124 Trinity University Review, 57 Trotter, R. G., 76, 77 Trudeau, P.-E., 34 Trudel, F.-X., 41, 47 Trudel, G., 14 Trudel, J.-P., 15, 73 Trudel, L., 104 Trudel, M., 39, 77, 83 Trueman, A. W., 49 Trueman, G. J., 136 Trueman, G. J., 61 Tufts, E., 52 Tupper, K. F., 104 Turcotte, E., 9 Tushingham, A. D., 71 Tweedsmuir, Lord, 9 Twizell, R. R. S., 99 Tyrrell, J. B., 94, Underbill, F. H., 61, 100 Union Médicale, 107, 113 "Universitaire," 108 Uren, P. E., 87 Urquhart, H. M., 45 Urwick, E. J., 80, 82, 88, 121 Usher, A. P., 85 Vachon, A., 122 Vaillancourt, E., 9 Valiquette, S., 70 Vallée, A., 112, 114 Vandal, J.-O., 42 Vandry, F., 12, 31, 32, 42 Van Dusen, D. B., 120 Vanier, P., 66 Van Patten, N., 113 Van Wyck, H. B., 116 Vattier, G., 7 Verville, B., 65 Veterinarian, The, 125


Victoria University, 58 Videto, H. E., 106 Vien, F., 90 Viens, F. M., 30 Vieujean, J., 82 "Vieux Professeur, Un," 68 Villeneuve, G., 112 Villeneuve, J.-M.-R., 19, 29, 30, 39, 79 Villeneuve, U., 47 Vinay, M.-P., 70, 121 Vincent, C. J., 69, 90 Viner, J., 15 Vinet, J. B., 39 Vining, C. A. M., 45 Voyer, R.-M., 48, 80, 88, 127, 131 Vroom, F. W., 41 Wade, M., 11,13, 67 Waites, K. A., 20, 37 Walker, A. N. B., 20 Walker, B. E., 36 Walker, F. A., 22 Walker, N. F., 94 Walker, T. L., 94 Wallace, E. W., 54 Wallace, M. W., 58, 61, 70, 75, 136 Wallace, R. C., 30-32, 35, 52, 61, 90, 94, 104, 134, 136, 136 Wallace, W. S., 57, 59, 77, 91, 118, 129 Walter, A., 72 Walter, F. W., 78 Ward, L., 53 Warren, H. V., 95 Warren, J., 86 Warrington, C. J. S., 94 Wastell, W. P., 124 Wasteneys, H., 90 Watson, J., 51, 68, 79, 128, 136 Watson, J. W., 87 Watson, W. H., 96 Watts, R. L., 138 Webb-Johnson, A. E., 113 Webster, E. C., 19 Webster, J. C., 6 Webster, R. C., 127 Weir, G. M., 37, 117, 122 Wendling, A. V., 96 Wesleyan Methodist Church, 55, 56 Weston, T. C., 94 Whitaker, G., 55, 124 White, J. R., 101 White, W. C., 59 Whitnall, S. E., 113 Whitworth, F. E., 21 Wickenden, W. E., 104



Wickett, S. M., 84, 99 Wükie, D., 16 Willey, A., 92 Williams, D. C., 133-5 Williams, M. Y., 94, 95 Williamson, J. K., 92 Willing, A. E., 113 Wilson, D., 27, 55, 56, 58, 89, 112 Wilson, E., 106 Wilson, G. E., 62, 77 Wilson, J. T., 95 Wilson, L., 119 Wilson, R. F., 109 Wittenberg, A., 96 Wolfville, W. K., 35 Wood, H. A, 87 Wood, H. G., 52 Wood, W. C. H., 7 Woodfield, P. R., 34 Woodhead, W. D., 73 Woodhouse, A. S. P., 58, 62, 65, 69, 70, 75, 129 Woodley, E. C., 18 Woodley, M. C., 10

Woods, H. D., 101 Woods, D. S., 19 Woodside, M. St. A., 101 Woodside, W., 34 World Health Organisation, 118, 119 Wren, D., 131 Wright, C. A., 109, 110 Wright, H. W., 88 Wrong, G. M., 77 Wycliffe College, 57 Wylde, C. F., 113 "XXX," 64 Young, A. G., 94 Young, A. H., 58 Young, C. R., 3 Young, C. R., 60, 99, 103-105 Young, G. S., 114 Young, R. K., 92 Z., F., 75 Zavitz, C. A., 97 Zipfel, L., 93