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German Pages 650 [656] Year 1997
Henrik Steinmann World Catalogue of Odonata Volume II Anisoptera
DAS TIERREICH The Animal Kingdom Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen A Compilation and Characterization of the Recent Animal Groups Πάντα φεί
Sine systemate chaos Herausgeber/Editors
w DE
G Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 1997
Henrik Steinmann
World Catalogue of Odonata Volume II Anisoptera
w DE
Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 1997
Author Dr. Henrik Steinmann Á r a m u. 25 H-1193 Budapest Hungary Scientific and Managing
Hofrat Mag. Dr. Maximilian Fischer Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Citation D a s Tierreich, Teilband 111 Henrik Steinmann Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin · New York 1997
A-1014 Wien Austria
© printed on acid free paper which falls within the guidelines of the A N S I to ensure permanence and durability.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
Steinmann, Henrik. World catalogue of O d o n a t a / Henrik Steinmann, (Das Tierreich ; Teilbd. 100-111 = The Animal kingdom ; pt. 110-111) Includes bibliographical references (v. 2) and indexes. Contents: v. 1. Zygoptera v. 2. Anisoptera. ISBN 3-11-014933-8 (alk. paper). - ISBN 3-11-014934-6 (alk. paper) 1. Damselflies, 2. Dragonflies. I. Titel. II. Series. Tierreich ; Teilbd. 110-111. QL520.S75 1997 595.7'33-dc21 97-10528 CIP Die Deutsche Bibliothek
- Cataloging-in-Publication
Das Tierreich : eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen = The animal kingdom / Hrsg. Heinz Wermuth ; Maximilian Fischer. - Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter Teilw. hrsg. von Robert Mertens ; Willi Hennig. - Teilw. hrsg. von F. E. Schulze ... - Teilw. fortges. von R. Hesse Teilbd. 111. World catalogue of Odonata. - Vol. II. Anisoptera / Henrik Steinmann. - 1997 ISBN 3-11-014934-6 Gb.
© Copyright 1997 by Walter de Gruyter & Co., D-10785 Berlin. All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. N o part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. - Printed in Germany. Typesetting and Printing: Tutte Druckerei G m b H , Salzweg-Passau. Binding: Dieter Mikolai. Berlin.
Contents Systematic Index
Catalogue Anisoptera Aeshnoidea Aeshnidae Gomphidae Neopetaliidae Petaluridae Cordulegasteroidea Cordulegasteridae Libelluloidea Corduliidae Libellulidae
1 1 1 2 83 230 232 235 236 250 250 321
Selected References
Alphabetical Register
Systematic Index subordo Anisoptera
superfamily Aeshnoidea
family Aeshnidae
subfamily Aeshninae
tribe Aeshnini Aeshna Fabricius Aeschna Illiger Cnemophila Wallengreen . . . . Rhionaeschna Förster Marmaraeschna Navás Neureclipa Navás Hesperaeschna Cockerell . . . . Secundaeschna Götz Schizuraeschna Calvert Amphiaeschna Selys Castoraeschna Calvert Coryphaeschna Williamson .. Remartinia Navás Indaeschna Fraser Oreaeschna Lieftinck tribe Anactini Anaciaeschna Selys Protoaeschna Förster Anax Leach Hemianax Selys Cyrtosoma Burmeister
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 21 22 22 25 25 26 26 26 28 36 36
tribe Gynacanthini Gynacanthinae Agyrtacantha Lieftinck Austrogynacantha Tillyard .. Gynacantha Rambur Acanthagyna Kirby Selysiophlebia Förster Heliaeschna Selys Malayaeschna Förster Limnetron Förster Neuraeschna Hägen Plattycantha Förster Karschia Förster Comacantha Martin Platacantha Martin Plantacantha Martin Staurophlebia Brauer Megalaeschna Selys Subaeschna Martin Tetracanthagyna Selys Toaeschna Förster Triacanthagyna Selys
37 37 37 38 38 38 39 53 53 56 56 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 60 60 60 61
tribe Polycanthagynini
Polycanthagyna Fraser
subfamily Brachytroninae
tribe Brachytronini Acanthaeschna Selys Aeschnophlebia Selys Austroaeschna Selys Dromaeschna Förster
64 64 64 65 65
Vili Austrophlebia Tillyard Brachytron Evans Caliaeschna Selys Cephalaeschna Selys Indophlebia Fraser Dendroaeschna Tillyard . . . . Epiaeschna Hägen Gynacanthaeschna Fraser . . . Nasiaeschna Selys (& Förster) Notoaeschna Tillyard Periaeschna Martin Petaliaeschna Fraser Planaeschna McLachlan . . . . Racenaeschna Calvert Spinaeschna Theischinger . . .
68 68 69 69 69 71 71 72 72 72 73 74 74 75 75
tribe Gomphaeschnini Gomphaeschninae Allopetalia Selys Antipodophlebia Fraser Basiaeschna Selys Boyeria McLachlan Fonscolombia Selys Gomphaeschna Selys Linaeschna Martin Oligoaeschna Selys Jagoria Karsch Dolaeschna Needham Oplonaeschna Selys Telephlebia Selys
76 76 76 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 79 82 82
family Gomphidae Gomphides
83 83
subfamily Gomphinae Epigomphinae
83 84
tribe Gomphini Agriogomphus Selys Ischnogomphus Williamson . . Anisogomphus Selys Anormogomphus Selys
84 84 84 85 87
Antipodogomphus Fraser . . . Archaeogomphus Williamson Arigomphus Needham Orcus Needham Asiagomphus Asahina Austroepigomphus Fraser . . . Austrogomphus Selys Burmagomphus Williamson . Ceratogomphus Selys Cornigomphus Martin Crenigomphus Selys Bursigomphus Martin Dentigomphus Martin Cyanogomphus Selys Ebegomphus Needham Strumagomphus Needham . . . Cyclogomphus Selys Dromogomphus Selys Dubitogomphus Fraser Eogomphus Needham Epigomphus Selys Eugomphus Kennedy Erpetogomphus Selys Gomphurus Needham Gomphus Leach Thanatophora Hansemann . . . Phanogomphus Carle Stenogomphus Carle Anatogomphus Carle Heliogomphus Laidlaw Hylogomphus Needham . . . . Isomma Selys Labrogomphus Needham . . . Leptogomphus Selys Malayogomphus Förster . . . . Lestinogomphus Martin . . . . Echinopterogomphus Fraser . . Macrogomphus Selys Eumacrogomphus Carle Malagassogomphus Cammaerts Merogomphus Martin
88 88 89 89 91 93 94 96 100 101 101 101 101 103 103 103 104 105 105 106 106 106 108 Ili 113 113 113 113 113 122 125 126 126 127 127 130 130 130 131 134 134
IX Indogomphus Fraser Microgomphus Selys Africogomphus Fraser Nepogomphoides Fraser . . . . Neurogomphus Karsch Oxygomphus Lacroix Karschiogomphus Schoudeten Notogomphus Hägen Podogomphus Karsch Nilogomphus Fraser Peruviogomphus Klots Phaenandrogomphus Lieftinck Phyllogomphus Selys Guineagomphus Compte Sart Platygomphus Selys Shaogomphus Chao Stylurus Needham Temnogomphus Laidlaw . . . . Tragogomphus Sjöstedt Libyogomphus Fraser
134 135 136 138 138 138 138 140 140 140 143 144 144 144 147 147 148 151 151 151
tribe Octogomphini Davidius Selys Hologomphus Bartenef Paralanthus Carle Fukienogomphus Chao Hemigomphus Selys Armagomphus Carle Lanthus Needham Neogomphus Selys Octogomphus Selys Sinogomphus May Stylogomphus Fraser Trigomphus Bartenef Gastrogomphus Needham . . . Xenogomphus Needham
152 152 152 152 155 156 156 157 157 158 158 160 161 161 161
subfamily Onychogomphinae . . Acrogomphus Laidlaw Amphigomphus Chao Davidioides Fraser
164 164 165 165
Megalogomphus Campion .. Heterogomphus Selys Allogomphus Needham Nihonogomphus Oguma . . . . Altaigomphus Bartenef Onychogomphus Selys Paradigma Buchecker Lamelligomphus Fraser Nepogomphus Fraser Nychogomphus Carle Ophiogomphus Selys Ophionuroides Carle Ophinurus Carle Paragomphus Cowley Mesogomphus Förster Perissogomphus Laidlaw . . . .
165 165 165 167 167 169 169 169 169 170 182 182 182 186 186 193
subfamily Gomphoidinae Aphylla Selys Cacoides Cowley Cacus Selys Diaphlebia Selys Desmogomphus Williamson .. Perigomphus Belle Gomphoides Selys Negomphoides Muttkowski .. Ammogomphus Förster Idiogomphoides Belle Melanocacus Belle Mitragomphus Needham . . . . Phyllocycla Calvert Cyclophylla Selys Phyllogomphoides Belle Progomphus Selys Alloprogomphus Carle Eoprogomphus Belle Archeoprogomphus Belle . . . . Neoprogomphus Belle Zonophora Selys
193 194 197 197 197 197 197 198 198 198 199 199 200 200 200 203 207 207 207 207 207 214
subfamily Hageniinae Hagenius Selys
217 217
χ Pseudohagenius Carle Sieboldius Selys Hagenioides Carle
217 217 217
subfamily Lindeniinae Ictinae Ictinogomphinae Cinitogomphus Pinhey Diastatomma Burmeister Longehampia Kirby Gomphidia Selys Gomphidictinus Fraser Africogomphidia Carle Sinogomphidia Carle Ictinogomphus Cowley Ictinus Rambur Indictinogomphus Fraser Austrictigomphus Fraser Lindenia de Haan Lindenia Selys Vanderia Kirby Pseudictinus Martin Sinictinogomphus Fraser
218 219 219 219 219 219 221 221 221 221 225 225 225 225 229 229 229 229 230
.... ....
family Neopetaliidae Fissiolaboidea Petaliidae Archipetalia Tillyard Aus trope talia Tillyard Hypopetalia McLachlan . . . . Neopetalia Cowley Petalia Hägen Phyllopetalia Selys
230 230 230 230 231 231 231 231 232
family Petaluridae
subfamily Petalurinae Tachopteryginae Petalura Leach Phenes Rambur Tachopteryx Selys
233 233 233 234 234
Uropetalia Selys
subfamily Tanypteryginae
Tanypteryx Kennedy
superfamily Cordulegasteroidea
family Cordulegasteridae
subfamily Chlorogomphinae . . . 236 Chlorogomphus Selys 236 Orogomphus Selys 236 subfamily Cordulegasterinae . . . Kuldanagasterinae Anotogaster Selys Cordulegaster Leach Thecaphora Charpentier . . . . Kuldanagaster Yousuf & Yunus Neallogaster Cowley Allogaster Selys Taeniogaster Selys Zoraena Kirby Thecaphora Selys
241 241 241 243 243
superfamily Libelluloidea
family Corduliidae
subfamily Cordulephyinae Cordulephya Selys
251 251
subfamily Corduliinae Aeschnosoma Selys Antipodochlora Fraser Cordulia Leach Chlorosoma Charpentier . . . . Dorocordulia Needham Epicordulia Selys Epitheca Burmeister Guadalca Kimmins
251 252 253 253 253 254 255 255 256
243 248 248 249 249 249
XI Helocordulia Needham Hemicordulia Selys Heteronaias Needham & Gyger Libellulosoma Martin Metaphya Laidlaw Anacordulia Tillyard Neurocordulia Selys Paracordulia Martin Pentathemis Karsch Platycordulia Williamson . . . Procordulia Martin Rialla Navás Anticordulia Needham & Bullock Somatochlora Selys Tetragoneuria Hägen Williamsonia Davis
256 257
subfamily Idiomacromiinae . . . . 292 Idomacromia Karsch 292
262 262 263 263 263 264 264 265 265 267
subfamily Macromiinae Epophthalmiinae Didymops Rambur Epophthalmia Burmeister . . . Azuma Needham Macromia Rambur Phyllomacromia Selys Pseudogomphus Kirby Ceratopyga Nunney Hylaeschna Sjöstedt
292 292 292 293 293 295 295 295 295 295
267 268 276 278
subfamily Neophyinae Neophya Selys
313 314
subfamily Synthemistinae Choristhemis Tillyard Eusynthemis Förster Synthemis Förster Metathemis Tillyard Synthemiopsis Tillyard Synthemis Selys Palaeosynthemis Förster . . . .
314 314 315 315 315 316 317 317
subfamily Gomphomacromiinae Apocordulia Watson Archaeophya Fraser Austrocordulia Tillyard Austrophya Tillyard Gomphomacromia Brauer .. Hesperocordulia Tillyard . . . . Lathrocordulia Tillyard Lauromacromia Geijskes . . . . Micromidia Fraser Neocordulia Selys Nesocordulia McLachlan . .. Oxygastra Selys Pseudocordulia Tillyard Syncordulia Selys Presba Barnard
279 279 279 279 280 280 281 281 281 282 282 284 285 285 285 285
family Libellulidae
subfamily Tetrathemistinae . . . . Allorhizucha Karsch Archaeophlebia Ris Bironides Förster Calophlebia Selys Celebophlebia Lieftinck Eothemis Ris Hylaeothemis Ris Hypothemis Karsch Malgassophlebia Fraser Micromacromia Karsch Microtrigonia Förster Monardithemis Longfield . . . Nannophlebia Selys
321 321 322 322 323 323 324 324 325 325 326 327 327 328
subfamily Gomphomacromiinae subfamily Idionychinae Idionyx Selys Idiophya Fraser Macromidia Martin Indomacromia Fraser
279 286 286 286 290 290
XII Neodythemis Karsch Oreoxenia Förster Pseudophlebia Martin Notiothemis Ris Pacificothemis Asahina Palaeothemis Fraser Risiophlebia Cowley Oda Ris Sleuthemis Fraser Tapeinothemis Lieftinck . . . . Tetrathemis Brauer Neophlebia Selys
331 331 331 332 332 333 333 333 333 334 334 334
subfamily Brachydiplacinae . . . Anatya Kirby Anectothemis Fraser Argyrothemis Ris Brachydiplax Brauer Microthemis Brauer Brachygonia Kirby Microdiplax Selys Chalcostephia Kirby Corduliops Karsch Chalybeothemis Lieftinck . . . Congothemis Fraser Edonis Needham Eleuthemis Ris Eleutho Ris Elga Ris Fylgia Kirby Hemistigma Kirby Micrathyria Kirby Nannophya Rambur Fylla Kirby Nannodythemis Brauer Nannophyopsis Lieftinck . .. Nannothemis Brauer Aino Kirby Nephepeltia Kirby Neothemis Karsch Oligoclada Karsch Podothemis Ris
337 338 338 339 339 339 342 342 342 342 343 343 343 344 344 344 345 345 346 352 352 352 353 354 354 354 354 356 356
Porpacithemis Fraser Lokithemis Pinhey Porpax Karsch Raphismia Kirby Thermochoria Kirby Passeria Martin Tyriobapta Kirby Monocoloptera Karsch Uracis Rambur Pronomaja Förster
359 359 359 360 361 361 361 361 362 362
subfamily Leucorrhininae Austrothemis Ris Brachymesia Kirby Cannacria Kirby Celithemis Hägen Leucorrhinia Brittinger Coenotiata Buchecker Planiplax Muttkowski Platyplax Karsch
364 364 364 364 365 367 367 371 371
subfamily Libellulinae Aethiothemis Martin Cirrothemis Fisher Nubiothemis Fraser Agrionoptera Brauer Amphithemis Selys Boninthemis Asahina Neothemis Oguma Cannaphila Kirby Cratilla Kirby Dasythemis Karsch Malamarptis Karsch Diplacina Brauer Epithemis Laidlaw Hadrothemis Karsch Archiclops Karsch Nymphentria Karsch Bolivarides Martin Lathrecista Kirby Libellula Linnaeus Belonia Kirby
372 373 373 373 374 378 379 379 379 380 381 381 382 386 386 386 386 386 388 389 389
XIII Platetrum Newman Plathemis Hagen Ladona Needham Eolibellula Kennedy Eurothemis Kennedy Neothetrum Kennedy Syntetrum Kennedy Holotania Kirby Leptetrum Newman Pigiphila Buchecker Lokia Ris Apatelia Karsch Lyriothemis Brauer Neothemis Oguma Calothemis Selys Misagria Kirby Nesciothemis Longfield Limnetothemis Pinhey Nesoxenia Kirby Notolibellula Theischinger & Watson Orchithemis Brauer Orthemis Hagen Neocysta Kirby Orthetrum Newman Hydronympha Buchecker . . . . Libella Brauer Crocorhetrum Fraser Oxythemis Ris Phyllothemis Fraser Pornothemis Kruger Potamarcha Karsch Protorthemis Kirby Nesocria Kirby Pseudothemis Förster Thermorthemis Kirby Donzella Navás subfamily Sympetrinae Acisoma Rambur Brachythemis Brauer Termitophorba Förster
389 389 389 389 389 389 389 390 389 389 397 397 398 398 398 401 402 402 403 404 404 405 405 408 408 408 408 427 427 428 428 429 429 429 430 430 430 430 432 432
Cacergates Kirby Zonothrasys Karsch Bradinopyga Kirby Apeleutherus Kirby Crocothemis Brauer Beblecia Kirby Cyanothemis Ris Deielia Kirby Diplacodes Kirby Erythemis Hagen Mesothemis Hagen Lepthemis Hagen Erythrodiplax Brauer Indothemis Ris Nadiplax Navás Nannodiplax Brauer Nesogonia Kirby Neurothemis Brauer Polyneura Rambur Uniamo Kirby Nothodiplax Belle Ophippus Navás Pachydiplax Brauer Philonomon Förster Pseudoleon Kirby Rhodopygia Kirby Rhodothemis Ris Sympetrum Newman Diplax Charpentier Thecadiplax Selys Tarnetrum Needham & Fisher Viridithemis Fraser Ypirangathemis Santos subfamily Trithemistinae Atoconeura Karsch Accaphila Kirby Brechmorhoga Kirby Dythemis Hagen Gynothemis Calvert Huonia Förster Lanthanusa Ris
432 432 434 434 435 435 438 439 439 442 442 442 446 456 457 457 458 458 458 458 463 464 464 464 465 465 466 467 467 467 467 486 487 487 487 487 488 492 494 495 497
XIV Macrothemis Hagen Cendra Navás Paltothemis Karsch Pseudagrionoptera Ris Pseudothemis Kirby Scapanea Kirby Thalassothemis Ris Trithemis Brauer Helothemis Karsch Stoechia Kirby Misthotus Kirby
498 498 503 504 504 505 505 506 506 506 506
subfamily Onychothemistinae .. 518 Onychothemis Brauer 518 subfamily Palpopleurinae Diastatopidinae Diastatops Rambur Palpopleura Rambur Hemistigmoides Calvert Perithemis Hägen Zenithoptera Selys Potamothemis Kirby
520 520 520 521 521 524 527 527
subfamily Rhyothemistinae . . . . 528 Rhyothemis Hägen 528 Compsothemis Karsch 528 subfamily Trameinae Pantaliinae Antidythemis Kirby Camacinia Kirby Hydrobasileus Kirby Idiataphe Cowley Ephidatia Kirby Miathyria Kirby
538 538 538 538 539 540 540 541
Nothifixis Navás Pantala Hägen Pseudotramea Fraser Tauriphila Kirby Tramea Hägen Trapezostigma Hägen
541 542 543 543 545 545
subfamily Zyxommatinae Parazyxomma Pinhey Tholymis Hagen Zyxomma Rambur Zyxommoides Martin
552 552 552 553 555
subfamily Urothemiinae Macrodiplactinae Aethriamanta Kirby Dicranopygia Karsch Macrodiplax Brauer Selysiothemis Ris Urothemis Brauer
555 555 555 555 557 558 558
subfamily Zygonychinae Celebothemis Ris Parathemis Fraser Olpogastra Karsch Zygonoides Fraser Zygonychidium Lindley Zygonyx Hägen Schizonyx Karsch Schizothemis Sjöstedt Pseudomacromia Kirby Neurocena Kirby Zygonidia Kirby Tilithemis Sjöstedt Homothemis Sjöstedt
561 562 562 562 562 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563
Suborder Anisoptera More or less robust „Dragonflies". Eyes not separated by a space greater than their own diameter. Wings usually held horizontally or depressed when at rest; hind wing always more or less broader near base than fore wing. Dc divided into triangle (trg) and supratriangle (strg). Anal vein well developed. Male with one inferior anal appendage which is above the anus. Penile organ attached to the 3rd abdominal sternite. Larva with rectal tracheal gills and jet propelled (except in Petaluridae). 1840 AnisopteraSELYS, Monogr. Libell.europ., Paris: 9 6 . - Anisoptera-SELYS, Mon. Cal.: 1 (defined as tribe of the suborder Odonata). - 1858 Anisoptera - SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 261. - 1887 Anisoptera - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 8. - 1888 Rectibranchiata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 32: 71. - 1912 Anisoptera - BARTENEF, Zool. Jb. (Syst.), 32: 221. - 1905 Anisoptera - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 714 (revision, key to families Libellulidae, Corduliidae, Aeschnidae, Cordulegasteridae, Gomphidae). - 1913 Anisoptera TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S. Wales, 37: 572. - 1921 Anisoptera - Ris, Annls S.Afr. Mus., 18: 337 (key to South African families; Aeschnidae, Gomphidae, Libellulidae, Cordulidae). - 1926 Anisoptera - LIEFTINCK, Tijdsch. Ent., 69: 85 (key to Holland families, subfamilies and genera). - 1928 Anisoptera - TILL YARD, Ree. Indian Mus., 30: 151. - 1932 Anisoptera NEEDHAM, Ree. Indian Mus., 34: 198 (key to Indian families and subfamilies). - 1940 Anisoptera - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 363 (key to families Aeschnidae, Gomphidae, Cordulegasteridae. Petaluridae, Corduliidae, Libellulidae). - 1962 Anisoptera - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam Angola, 59: 165 (key to African superfamilies: Aeshnoidea, Libelloloidea). - 1962 Anisoptera - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 65. - 1954 Anisoptera - BRUES, MELANDER & CARPENTER, Classification of Insects, Cambridge (Mass.): 202 (key to families). - 1985 Anisoptera - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 (with superfamilies Aeshnoidea, Cordulegasteroidea, Libelluloidea). - 1986 Anisoptera- CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 279 (key to superfamilies).
Superfamily Aeshnoidea Trg in fore and hind wings somewhat similar in shape and equally distal from arc. Base of hind wing of male usually angulated. Primary antenodals evident. Auricles usually present on segment 2 of male. Larva elongated, labial mask flattened usually with no setae, lateral lobes narrow, indented in larva and imago. 1840 Aeshnoidea SELYS, Monogr. Libell. europ., Paris: 98. - 1910 Aeshnoidea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 74 (with subfamilies Petalurinae, Cordulegasterinae, Gomphinae, Aeshninae). - 1940 Aeshnoidea - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 369 (with families Gomphidae, Petaluridae, Aeshnidae). - 1957 Aeshnoidea - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 90 (key to families Aeshnidae, Petaluridae, Gomphidae). - 1985 Aeshnoidea - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 (with families Aeshnidae, Gomphidae, Neopetaluridae, Petaluridae).
2 Family Aeshnidae Large or very large Anisoptera. Eyes confluent. Ovipositor present. Trg elongate, crossed and similar in all wings; discoidal field subtending 3 rows of cells; median space entire; MA fused with Riv near distal end; IRiii forked just before level of stigma. 4 rows of cells between RSpl-MSpl and IRiii-MA. 1839
Aeshnidae BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2 : 2 4 . - 1 8 4 2 Aeschnides - R A M B U R (as family), Hist, nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 181 (revision, with genera Anax, Aeschna, Gynacantha). - 1858 Aeshnidae - SELYS (defined as family). Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 2 6 2 . - 1 8 5 0 Aeschnidae - SELYS & H A G E N , Revue des Odonates, Paris: 8 1 (with genera Gomphus, Lindenia, Cordulegaster, Anax, Aeschna). - 1861 Aeschnina - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 98 (as tribe). - 1 8 7 6 Dynamophlebidae BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent., 1 3 : ?. - 1 9 0 3 Aeshnidae - N E E D H A M , Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 26: 7 1 1 . - 1 9 1 0 ^ E S A N / I F A E - M U T T K O W S K I , Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 74 (with subfamilies Petalurinae, Cordulegasterinae, Libellulinae, Aeshninae). - 1926 Aeshnidae - O G U M A , Ins. matsum., 1 ( 2 ) : 7 8 . - 1 9 4 0 Aeshnidae - T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 374. - 1 9 5 7 Aeshnidae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 95 [with subfamilies (division Brachytrini:) Brachytrinae, Neopetalurinae, Gomphaeschninae, (division Aeshnini:) Anactinae, Aeshninae, Gynacanthinae, Polycanthaginae]. - 1973 Aeschnidae - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 390 (revision, and key to Siberian genera). - 1977 Aeschnidae - KHARITONOV, Identification of insects, Leningrad, 1: 157 (key to russian genera). - 1985 Aeshnidae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 (with subfamilies Aeshninae, Brachytroninae). - 1989 Aeshnidae - CARVALHO, Odonatologica, 18 (4): 329 (key to Brazilian genera: Staurophlebia, Neuraeschna, Coryphaeschna, Gynacantha, Anax, Tricanthagyna, Limnetron, Castoraeschna, Aeshna).
Subfamily Aeshninae Venation rather close but median space uncrossed. Riv and MA gradually converging and either fusing or joined by oblique vein. MA vanishes at distal end. 1842 Aeshninae RAMBUR, Ins. Neur.: 181 (established as family). - 1868 Aeshninae - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 12 (table of genera). - 1883 Aeshninae - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 708 (synopsis of genera). - 1896 Aeshninae - MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 409. - 1903 Aeshninae - NEEDHAM, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 26: 734. - 1908 Aeschninae MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Edm. de Selys Longchamps, Bruxuelles, 18: 3 (revision, with genera Anax, Hemianax, Anaciaeschna, Aeshna). - 1908 Aeschninae - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 428 (key to Australian genera). - 1910 Aeshninae - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 101 (with American genera). - 1916 Aeshninae - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 1. - 1921 Aeschninae - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 356 (key to genera Gynacantha, Anaciaeschna, Anax, Hemianax). - 1923 Aeschninae - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 4 (revision, key to Oriental genera). - 1926 Aeschninae - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 86 (key to genera Anax, Boyeria, Jagoria, Anaciaeschna, Aeschna, Gynacantha, Aeschnophlebia, Austroaeschna). - 1932 Aeschninae - NEEDHAM, Ree. Indian Mus., 34: 212 (key to Indian genera). - 1940 Aeshninae - T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 378. - Aeschninae - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid: 41 (key to Spanish genera). - 1962 Aeshninae PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 190 (key to African genera). - 1977 Aeshninae - BELYSHEV & K H A R A T I N O V , Nauka, Novosibirsk: 66 (key to boreal genera). - 1985 Aeshninae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:1 (with tribes Aeshnini, Anactini, Gynacanthagini, Polycanthagini).
Tribe Áeshnini Often enamel blue and green colouring. Triangles elongated and reticulated. Hind wing of male usually angulated at base with oreillets on segment 2. Riii not bent towards stigma, anal triangle present. Female with simple rounded finely spined dentigerous plate under segment 10. 1984 Aeshnini DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 (with genera Aeshna, Amphiaeschna, Castoraeschna, Coryphaeschna, Hesperaeschna, Indaeschna, Oreaeschna).
Genus Aeshna
1775 Aeshna FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.: 424. Type species: Libellula vulgatissima LINNAEUS, 1758 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 86). - 1802 Aeschna ILLIGER, Mag. Ins., 1: 126. - 1890 Aeshna - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 86. - 1905 Aeschna JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 763 (with subgenus Cnemophila WALLENGREEN, 1894) (key t o species). - 1905 Cnemophila WALLENGREEN, 1894 - loc. cit. JACOBSON
& BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 763 (as subgenus of Aeschna). - 1908 Aeschna - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 79 (revision, key to species). - 1909 Rhionaeschna FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. Wiesbaden, 62: 220. Type species: Rhionaeschna maita FÖRSTER, 1909 (original designation). - 1911 Marmaraeschna NAVAS, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 8: 478. Type species: Aeshna intricata MARTIN, 1908 (original designation). - 1911 Neureclipa NAVAS, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 8:478. Type species: Aeshna bonariensis RAMBUR, 1842 (designated by COWLEY, 1934, Entomologist, 67: 257 - 1912 Aeschna - WALKER, Toronto Stud. Univ. Biol., 11:1. - Hesperaeschna COCKERELL, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 45: 581. Type species: Aeschna californica CALVERT, 1895 (original designation). - 1913 Rhionaeschna - Ris, Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., 22: 83. - 1916 Aeschna - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 156. - 1921 Aeschna- Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 361 (key to South African species). - 1923 Secundaeschna GÖTZ, Mitt, münch. ent. Ges., 13: 39 (new name for Aeschna ILLIGER, 1802, nec Aeshna FABRICIUS, 1775). Type species: Libellula juncea LINNAEUS, 1758 (original designation). - 1923 Aeschna - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 18 (list of Oriental species). - 1926 Aeschna - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 82 (key to Japanese species). - 1930 Aeschna - BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 89: 51 (key to palaearctical species). - 1934 Neureclipa - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 252. 1936 Aeshna - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 480 (type: Libellula grandis LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1934 Secundaeschna - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 250 (proposed synonymy with Aeshna FABRICIUS, 1775). - 1950 Aeschna - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid: 47 (key to Spanish species). - 1952 Aeshna (Schizuraeschna) CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 256. Type species: Aeschna multicolor HÄGEN, 1861 (original designation). - 1952 Hesperaeschna - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 254. - 1952 Marmaraeschna - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 256. - 1952 Aeshna (Neureclipa) - CALVERT, Ent.News, 63: 257. - 1954 Aeshna - LONGFIELD, Entomologist's month. Mag., 90: 146 („FABRICIUS spelt the name without ,,c" in all his works, but never defined the word. The spelling in 1802 is a nomen emandatum without validity, as no lapsus calami can be proved."). - 1956 Aeshna - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 1 (revision, key to Neotropical subgenera, and species) (with subgenera Aeshna, Hesperaeschna, Rhionaeschna, Schizuraeschna, Marmaraeschna, Neureclipa). - 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 21 (revision, key to species). - 1956 Aeshna (Marmaraeschna) - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 109 (revision, key to species). - 1956 Aeshna (Rhionaeshna) - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 98 (revision, key to species). - 1956 Aeshna (Schizuraeschna) - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 100 (revision, key to species). - 1956 Aeshna (Neureclipa) - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 125 (revision, key to species). 1956 Aeshna - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 35 (key to British species). - 1973 Aeshna - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 397 (revision, key to Siberian species). - 1977 Aeschna - POPOVA, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad: 279 (key to species of the European part of Russia). - 1984 Aeshna - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 59 (key to European species).
4 affînis VAN
1823 Aeschna affinis VAN DER LINDEN, O p u s e . Sci., 4: 102. Type male: M u s . N a t u r k . , Berlin; typelocality: Italy: Bologna. 1876 Aeschna landoltii BUCHECKER, Syst. E n t . O d o n a t a , 1 : 1 4 . Type: n o t given; type-locality: Zürich. 1905 Aeschna affinis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, P r y a m . lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 766 ( E u r o p e , Asia M i n o r ) . 1905 Aeschna landoltii - JACOBSON & BIANKI, P r y a m . lozhnos Ross, imp.: 766 ( p r o p o s e d s y n o n y m y with affinis VAN DER LINDEN, 1823). 1908 Aeschna affinis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , 18: 42 ( E u r o p e , Algeria, Asia Minor). 1948 Aeschna affinis - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Z b o r n . , M o s c o w , 5: 167 (Armenia). 1950 Aeshna affinis - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., M a d r i d : 52 (Spain). 1961 Aeshna affinis ab. flaveola BELYSHEV, F r a g m . F a u n . Warszawa, 9 (4): 35. M a l e f r o m K a z a k h s t a n .
Distribution: Southern Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, Middle East to China. andresi
1958 Aeshna andresi RACENIS, A c t a biol. venezuel., 2: 324. Type male: ? M u s . Biol., C a r a c a s ; typelocality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela annulata
1798 Aeshna annulata FABRICIUS (nec LATREILLE, 1805), Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 286. Type male: n o t given; type-locality: India. 1908 Aeschna annulata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , 18: 64 (India). 1920 G y n a c a n t h a miliardi FRASER, J. B o m b a y n a t . Hist. Soc., 27: 147. Type male: British M u s e u m ( N a t . Hist.), L o n d o n ; type-locality: P o o n a . 1923 Gynacantha miliardi - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. n a t n . M u s . , 62: 20 (India). 1924 Gynacantha miliardi - FRASER, Ree. I n d i a n M u s . , 26: 466. 1926 Gynacantha miliardi - FRASER, Treubia, 8 ( 3 - 4 ) : 479 (Java). 1966 Acanthagyna miliardi - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. M u s . nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 204. 1985 Gynacantha miliardi — DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e Dragonflies of the World, U t r e c h t , 2 : 1 3 ( p r o p o s e d s y n o n y m w i t h annulata
FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) .
Distribution: India, Java. athalia
1930 Aeschna athalia NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 92. Type male: u n k n o w n ; p e r h a p s in H e u d e M u s . , Shanghai; type-locality: C h i n a .
Distribution: China. baicalensis
1 9 8 5 A e s h n a b a i c a l e n s i s BELYSHEV, 1 9 6 2 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e W o r l d ,
U t r e c h t , 2: 2.
Distribution: Siberia. biliosa
1938 Aeshna biliosa KENNEDY, A n n . ent. Soc. A m e r . , 31: 573. Type male: K e n n e d y ' s Collection; type-locality: E c u a d o r . 1939 Aeshna biliosa - KENNEDY, A n n . ent. Soc. A m e r . , 32: 344 (description of female). 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) biliosa - CALVERT, M e m . A m . ent. Soc., 15: 72 ( E c u a d o r , P e r u ) (redescription).
Distribution: Ecuador, Peru.
5 bonariensis
1842 Aeshna bonariensis RAMBUR, Hist. n a t . Ins. N e u r o p t . , Paris: 204. Type sex n o t given, p e r h a p s in Serville's Collection; type-locality: B u e n o s Aires. 1908 Aeshna bonariensis-MARTIN, Coll. Z o o l . Selys d e L o n g c h a m p s , 18: 51 (redescription) (Brazil). 1908 Aeschna dichrostigma (SELYS) - MARTIN, Coll. Z o o l . Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , 18: 53 ( p r o p o s e d s y n o n y m y with bonariensis RAMBUR, 1842). 1911 Aeschna litigatrix NAVAS, R e v . M u s . Paulista, 8: 476. Type male: u n k n o w n ; type-locality: Brazil. 1916 Aeshna bonariensis - Ris, A r c h . N a t u r g . , (A) 82: 158 (Argentina). 1920 Aeshna bonariensis var. lutea NAVAS, M e m . Acc. N u o v i Lincei, 5: 11. M a l e f r o m A r g e n t i n a . 1927 Aeshna bonariensis - NAVAS, Revista E n t . , 1927: 23 (Chile). 1947 Aeshna bonariensis - FRASER, A c t a Z o o l . lilloana, 4: 448 ( A r g e n t i n a , U r u g u a y , P a t a g o n i a ) . 1952 Neureclipa bonariensis - CALVERT, E n t . N e w s , 63: 257. 1956 Aeshna (Neureclipa) bonariensis - CALVERT, M e m . A m . ent. Soc., 15: 140 ( A r g e n t i n a , Brazil, U r u g u a y ) (redesciption).
Distribution: South America, brevifrons
1861 Aeschna brevifrons HAGEN, Syn. N . A m e r . , N e u r . , W a s h i n g t o n : 129. Type male: H a g e n ' s Collection; type-locality: A c a p u l c o . 1890 Aeschna brevifrons - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 88 ( M e x i c o to Chile). 1908 Aeschna brevifrons - MARTIN, Coll. Z o o l . Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , 18: 58 (Mexico, Venezuela, P e r u , Chile) (type in N a t u r h i s t . M u s . Wien). 1943 Aeschna brevifrons - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 257 (Peru). 1952 Marmaraeschna brevifrons - CALVERT, E n t . N e w s , 63: 256. 1956 Aeshna (Marmaraeschna) brevifronsCALVERT, M e m . A m . ent. Soc., 15: 110 (Mexico, P e r u , Chile, Venezuela) (redescription).
Distribution: Mexico to Chile. brevistyla
1842 Aeshna brevistyla RAMBUR, Hist. n a t . ins. N e u r o p t . , Paris: 205. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: A u s t r a l i a . 1901 Aeschna brevistyla - MARTIN, M é m . Soc. Z o o l . F r a n c e , 14: 233 (Australia, N e w Zeeland). 1908 Aeschna brevistyla - MARTIN, Coll. Z o o l . Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , 18: 53 (Australia, N e w Zeel a n d ) (redescription). 1916 Aeschna brevistyla - TILLYARD, J. L i n n . Soc. L o n d o n , 33: 62. 1916 Aeschna brevistyla f. oblita TILLYARD, J. L i n n . Soc. L o n d o n , 33: 62. M a l e f r o m A u s t r a l i a . 1916 Aeschna brevistyla f. lineata TILLYARD, J. L i n n . Soc. L o n d o n , 33: 62. M a l e f r o m A u s t r a l i a .
Distribution: Australia, New Zeeland. coerulea
1764 Libellula s q u a m a t a MÜLLER, F a u n . F r i d r . : 62 (misidentification). 1783 Libellula coerulea STRÖM, N y e Saml. af K . D a n s k e Vid. Selsk. Skrift., 2: 90. Type male: U n i v . z o o l . M u s . , K o b e n h a v n ; type-locality: D e n m a r k . 1840 Aeschna borealis ZETTERSTEDT, Ins. L a p p . : 1040. Type sex a n d locality u n k n o w n . 1890 Libellula squamata - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . L o n d o n : 87 [ p r o p o s e d s y n o n y m y with caerulea ( S t r ö m , 1783)]. 1890 Aeschna borealis - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 87 [ p r o p o s e d s y n o n y m y with caerulea
(STRÖM, 1 7 8 3 ) ] .
1905 Aeschna squamata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, P r y a m . l o z h n o s . Ross, imp.: 764 (as valid t a x o n ) . 1908 Aeschna borealis - MARTIN, Coli. Z o o l . Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , 18: 38 ( N o r t h E u r o p e , A l p s , Siberia).
6 1908 Libellula caerulea - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 38 (proposed synonymy w i t h borealis
ZETTERSTEDT, 1 8 4 0 ) .
1954 Aeshna caerulea - LONGFIELD, Entomologist's month. Mag., 90: 147. 1956 Aeshna caerulea - FRASER, Κ. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 36 (Scotland).
Distribution: Scandinavia, Scotland, Poland, Hungary, Alps, Siberia, North America. californica
1875 Aeschna californica HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 33 (without description). 1895 Aeschna californica - CALVERT, Proc. Cal. Acad., (2) 4: 504. Type male: Calif. Acad.; typelocality: California. 1908 Aeschna californica - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 47 (California, Utah, Nevada, Colombia). 1910 Aeschna californica - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 109. 1913 Hesperaeschna californica - COCKERELL, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 45: 581 (as generotype of Hesperaeschna
COCKERELL, 1 9 1 3 ) .
1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) californica - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc. 15: 22 (Georgia, British Columbia, Utah, Arizona).
Distribution: U.S.A. canadensis
WALKER 1908 Aeshna canadensis WALKER, Canad. Ent., 40: 382. Type male: U.S. Nation. Mus., Washington; type-locality: New England. 1908 Aeshna clepsydra MARTIN (nec SAY, 1839), Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 36. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: New England. 1910 Aeshna clepsydra - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 109 (proposed synonymy w i t h canadensis
WALKER, 1 9 0 8 ) .
Distribution: New England. clepsydra SAY 1839 Aeschna clepsydra SAY (nec MARTIN, 1908), Jn Acad. Philad., 8: 12. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: North America. 1861 Aeschna maxima HISINGER (KIRBY, 1890, cites HEIKEL as author), Not. Faun. Flor. Fenn., 6: 117. Type: unknown; type-locality: Finland. 1872 Aeschna arundinacea SELYS, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 15: 36. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: not given. 1905 Aeschna arundinacea - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 764 (incorrect synonymy with crenata HAGEN, 1856). 1908 Aeschna clepsydra- MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 36 (U.S., Canada, Alaska, Amur. Irkutzk). 1910 Aeshna clepsydra - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 109 (New England, Ontario). 1910 Aeschna maxima-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 109 (proposed synonymy with clepsydra SAY, 1839). 1910 Aeschna arundinacea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 109 (proposed synonymy with clepsydra SAY, 1839). 1926 Aeschna arundinacea - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 81 (as valid taxon) (Japan).
Distribution: Holarctic region. confusa
1842 Aeshna confusa RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 205. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Buenos Aires.
7 1908 Aeschna confusa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 52 (redescription) (Brazil, Uruguay). 1927 Aeshna confusa - NAVAS, Revista Ent., 1927: 23 (Argentina). 1931 Aeschna confusa - SCOTT, Entomologist's month. Mag., 67: 279. 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) confusa - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 30 (Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina).
Distribution: Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile. constricta SAY 1 8 3 9 A e s c h n a c o n s t r i c t a SAY ( n e c SCUDDER, 1 8 6 6 -> umbrosa
1861 1905 1908 1910
WALKER, 1 9 0 8 , a n d n e c CALVERT,
1895 -> palmata HAGEN, 1858), J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 11. Types: lost; type-locality: unknown. Aeschna constricta - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 123 [neotype male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.)]. Aeschna constricta - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 767 (Californica, Kamtchatka). Aeschna constricta - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 47 (California, Maryland, Colorado, Labrador, Brazil, Siberia). Aeshna constricta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 109 (Atlantic Coast to Dakota).
Distribution: Holarctic region, and Brazil, cornigera cornigera
1865 Aeschna cornigera BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 906. Type male: not given, perhaps in Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Colombia. 1899 Aeschna cornigera - CALVERT, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (3) Zool., 1 (2): 408. 1908 Aeshna cornigera - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 46 (redescription) (South America, and Mexico). 1916 Aeshna cornigera - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 157 (Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina). 1943 Aeschna cornigera - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 257 (Argentina to Peru, Colombia). 1947 Aeshna cornigera - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 446 (Argentina). 1953 Aeshna cornigera cornigera - RÁCENIS, Annls Univ. Centr. Venez., 35: 37. 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) cornigera - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 34 (key to subspecies).
Distribution: South America. cornigera planaltica
1952 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) cornigera planaltica CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 255. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1956 Aeschna (Hesperaeschna) cornigera planaltica - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 43 (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay) (redescription).
Distribution: South America, crenata
1856 Aeschna crenata HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 17: 369. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Irkutsk. 1887 Aeschna cr-enata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 60. 1905 Aeschna crenata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 764. 1921 Aeschna crenata - VALLE, Acta soc. fauna et fl. Fenn., 48 (5): 27 (Finland). 1973 Aeschna crenata muttkowskii BELYSHEV, Trudy biol. Inst. sib. Otd. Acad. Nauk SSSR, 16: 26. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Russia.
8 1973 Aeschna crenata f. translucida BELYSHEV, Trudy biol. Inst. sib. Otd. Acad. N a u k SSSR, 16: 26. Male from East Siberia.
Distribution: Japan (Hokkaido), Siberia, Mongolia, Finland. cyanea
1764 Libellula cyanea MÜLLER, Faun. Fridr.: 61. Type male; type-locality: Denmark. 1782 Libellula anguis HARRIS, Exp. Engl. Ins.: 23. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: unknown. 1805 Aeschna maculatissima LATREILLE, Hist. nat. Crust. Ins., 13: 7. Type female: unknown; typelocality: not given. 1806 Libellula varia SHAW, Gen. Zool., 6: 242. Type sex and locality unknown. 1890 Aeschna cyanea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 89. 1890 Libellula anguis-KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 89 [proposed synonymy with cyanea (MÜLLER 1764)].
1890 Aeschna maculatissima - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 89 [proposed synonymy with cyanea ( M Ü L L E R , 1 7 6 4 ) ] . 1890 Libellula varia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 89 [proposed synonymy with cyanea (MÜLLER, 1764)]. 1905
1908 1940 1948 1950 1956 1960 1984 1985
Aeschna cyanea - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam.lozhnos Ross, imp.: 7 6 6 . Aeschna cyanea - MARTIN, Coli. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 63. Aeshna cyanea - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 243 (Sardinia). Aeschna cyanea - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 166 (Armenia). Aeshna cyanea - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid, 50 (Spain). Aeshna cyanea - FRASER, R. Ent.Soc. London, 1 (10): 35 (England). Aeschna cyanea - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 228 (Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Luxembourg). Aeshna cyanea - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 60 (Hungary). Aeshna bicellulata GOERTHER, 1 9 4 8 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 3 (as form of cyanea ( M Ü L L E R , 1 7 6 4 ) (from Czechoslovakia).
Distribution: Europe (except Ireland, northern Scandinavia, and North Rusia), Asia Minor and West Asia. decessus
1953 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) decessus CALVERT, Ent. News, 64: 205. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) decessus - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 88 (Brazil) (redescription).
Distribution: Brazil. diffînis diffinis
1842 Aeschna diffinis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 203. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Chile. 1855 Aeschna configurata HAGEN, Overs. Dansk. Selsk. Vid. Foerhdl., 1855: 121 (no description). 1875 Aeschna configurata - HAGEN, Proc. Boston, Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 39 (proposed synonymy with diffinis
1908 1943 1947 1952
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
Aeschna diffinis Aeschna diffinis Aeschna diffinis Neureclipa diffinis
MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 43 (Chile, Peru, Bolivia). SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 258 (Chile, Peru, Bolivia). FRASER, Acta zool. lilloana, 4: 446 (Argentina). - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 258.
9 1956 Aeshna (Neureclipa) diffinis diffinis - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 126 (Peru, Chile, Brazil, Argentina) (redescription).
Distribution: Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina. diffinis absoluta
1952 Aeshna (Neureclipa) diffinis absoluta CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 258. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Peru. 1956 Aeshna (Neureclipa) diffinis absoluta - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 133 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru. diffinis risi 1985
Aeshna diffinis risi Utrecht, 2: 5.
ENDERLEIN, 1 9 1 2
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: South America. draco
1958 Aeshna draco RÁCENIS, Acta biol. venezuel., 2: 326. Type male: not given; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. duguesii
1905 Aeshna duguessi CALVERT, Biol. Cent.-Amer., London: 184. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Mexico. 1908 Aeschna duguesii - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 49 (Mexico). 1956 Aeshna (Schizuraeschna) duguessi- CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 107 (Mexico, Texas).
Distribution: U.S.A.: Texas, Mexico. eduardoi 1985
Aeshna edurdoi Utrecht, 2: 3.
MACHADO, 1 9 8 4
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Brazil. ellioti ellioti
1896 Aeshna ellioti KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17:124. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ruwenzori. 1908 Aeschna ellioti - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 66 (Afr. orient.) 1934 Aeschna ellioti - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 49 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Aeshna ellioti ellioti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 191 (Kenya, U g a n d a , Belgian Congo, Abyssinia).
Distribution: Central Africa. ellioti usambarica
1906 Aeshna usambarica FÖRSTER, Mannheim Jb. Ver.Nat., 7 1 - 7 2 : 48. Type male: Ann A r b o r Mus.; type-locality: U s a m b a r a . 1908 Aeschna usambarica- MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 66 (proposed synonymy with ellioti K I R B Y , 1 8 9 6 ) . 1962 Aeshna ellioti usambarica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 191 (Transvaal, Rhodesia, Tanganyika, Abyssinia).
Distribution: East Africa.
10 elsia
1952 Aeshna (Neureclipa) elsia CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 260. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Peru. 1956 Aeshna (Neureclipa) elsia - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 134 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru. eremita
1866 Aeschna eremita SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 213. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: N. America. 1875 Aeschna hudsonica SELYS, Entomologist's month. Mag., 11: 242. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Canada. 1890 Aeschna eremita - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 89 (incorrect synonymy with crenata
HAGEN, 1 8 5 6 ) .
1905 Aeschna eremita - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 764 (as syn. with crenata HAGEN, 1 8 5 6 ) .
1908 Aeschna hudsonica - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 35 (Canada, Northern U.S.). 1910 Aeschna hudsonica - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 110 (proposed synonymy with eremita SCUDDER, 1866).
Distribution: North America. flavifrons
1985 Aeshna flavifrons LICHTENSTEIN - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 3.
Distribution: India. frontalis
1936 Aeschna frontalis NAVAS, MUS. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 3 (4): 41. Type male: not given, perhaps in Heude Mus., Shanghai; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China, galapagoensis
CURRIE 1901 Aeschna galapagoensis CURRIE, Proc. Wash. Acad., 3: 382. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Galapagos. 1908 Aeschna galapagoensis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 50 (Galapagos: Chathan Island). 1952 Neureclipa galapagoensis - CALVERT, Ent.News, 63: 258. 1956 Aeshna (Neureclipa) galapagoensis - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 137 (redescription).
Distribution: Galapagos (endemic). grandis
1758 Libellula grandis LINNAEUS (nec VAN DER LINDEN, 1823), Syst. Nat., 1: 544. Type female: unknown, perhaps in Halle Mus.; type-locality: Sweden. 1764 Libellula quadrifasciata MÜLLER, Faun. Fridr: ? Type: not given. 1783 Libellula flavipennis RETZENBURG (? Ratzius) (emendation). 1835 Aeschna grandis - STEPHENS, 111. Brit. Ent. Mand.: 83. 1840 Libellula roeseli BOROWSKY, Natur., 7: 150. Type: not given. 1898 Aeschna grandis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 53. 1908 Aeschna grandis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 70 (Europe, Siberia). 1908 Libellula quadrifasciata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 70 [proposed synonymy with grandis (LINNAEUS, 1758)].
11 1908 LibellulaflavipennisMARTIN, Coli. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 70 [proposed synonymy with grandis (LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] . 1940 Aeshna grandis - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 243 (Sardinia). 1950 Libellula quadri/asciata - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid: 49 [incorrect synonymy with juncea (LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] .
Aeshna grandis - FRASER, R . Ent. Soc. London, 1 ( 1 0 ) : 3 5 (England). 1960 Aeshna grandis - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 228 (Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg). 1961 Aeschna grandis - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 36 (Kazakhstan). 1962 Aeshna grandis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp.Diam. Angola, 59: 190 (as generotype of Aeshna 1956
FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 ) .
1984 Aeshna grandis - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 61 (Hungary).
Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, Siberia, Kazakhstan. haarupi Ris 1908 Aeschna haarupi Ris, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1908: 523. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Argentina. 1947 Aeshna haarupi - CALVERT, Notul. Nat., 194: 9 (redescription). 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) haarupi - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 25 (redescription) (Argentina).
Distribution: Argentina, and Chile, interrupta interrupta
1908 Aeshna interrupta WALKER, Canad. Ent., 40: 381. Type male: Walker's Collection; type-locality: Michigan. 1910 Aeshna interrupta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Publ.Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 111 (Ontario).
Distribution: North America. interrupta interna
1908 Aeshna interna WALKER, Canad. Ent., 40: 381. Type male: Acad. Philad.; type-locality: California. 1910 Aeshna interna - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 111 (California, New Mexico).
Distribution: California, New Mexico, interrupta lineata
1908 Aeshna lineata WALKER, Canad. Ent., 40: 382. Type male: Walker's Collection; type-locality: Dakota. 1908 Aeshna nevadensis WALKER, Canad. Ent., 40: 382. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Nevada.
Distribution: U.S.A. intricata
1908 Aeshna intricata MARTIN, Coll.Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 59. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1910 Aeshna intricata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 111 (Mexico, Venezuela to Bolivia, Chile). 1952 Marmoraeschna intricata - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 256 (as generotype of Marmoraeschna CALVERT, 1952).
12 1956 Aeshna ( Marmoraeschna) intricata -CALVERT, M e m . A m . ent. Soc., 15:112 ( C o l o m b i a , Ecuad o r , Mexico, Chile, Brazil).
Distribution: from Mexico to Chile, and Brazil. jalapensis
1908 Aeshna jalapensis WILLIAMSON, E n t . N e w s , 19: 265. Type male: Calvert's Collection; typelocality: Mexico. 1910 Aeshna jalapensis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. P u b i . M u s . M i l w a u k e e , 1 (1): 111 (Mexico, G u a t e mala). 1916 Aeschna jalapensis - Ris, A r c h . N a t u r g . , (A) 82: 167 (Mexico, C o s t a Rica). 1952 Schizuraeschna jalapensis - CALVERT, E n t . N e w s , 63: 256. 1956 Aeshna (Schizuraeschna) jalapensis - CALVERT, M e m . A m . ent. Soc., 15: 106 (Mexico, G u a temala, P a n a m a ) (redescription).
Distribution: Central America. japónica
1905 Aeschna japónica JACOBSON & BIANKI, P r y a m . l o z h n o s . Ross, imp.: 765. Type male: Zool. Inst. M u s . A c a d . Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: J a p a n .
Distribution: Japan. javana
1 9 8 5 A e s h n a j a v a n a LICHTENSTEIN, 1 7 9 6 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e W o r l d ,
U t r e c h t , 2: 4.
Distribution: Java. joannisi
1897 Aeschna joanissi MARTIN, A n n . Soc. ent. F r a n c e , 66: 592. Type female: M a r t i n ' s Collection; type-locality: Bolivia. 1908 Aeschna joannisi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , 18: 56. 1956 Aeshna ( Hesperaeschna) joannisi -CALVERT, M e m . A m . ent. Soc., 15: 76 ( C o l o m b i a , E c u a d o r ) (redescription).
Distribution: Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia. johnsoni
1909 Aeschna gigas BARTENEF (nec RAMBUR, 1842), K a z a m . J r d . obsc. jest. 41: 15. Type male: Zool. Inst. M u s . A c a d . Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: U r a l . Aeshna johnsoni STEINMANN (new n a m e f o r Aeshna gigas BARTENEF, 1909, a j u n i o r s e c o n d a r y h o m o n y m y o f Aeshna
RAMBUR, 1842).
Distribution: Russia: Ural. juncea juncea
1758 Libellula juncea LINNAEUS, Syst. N a t . , 1: 544. Type male: British M u s e u m ( N a t . Hist.), L o n d o n ; type-locality: Sweden. 1767 Libellula ocellata MÜLLER, N o v a A c t a Leop. C a r o l . Acad., 3: 125. Type: n o t given. 1835 Aeschna juncea - STEPHENS, 111. Brit. E n t . M a n d . , 6: 84. 1840 Aeschna rustica ZETTERSTEDT, Ins. L a p p . : 1040. Type: n o t given. 1840 Aeschna picta CHARPENTIER, Libell. E u r o p . Lipsiae: 112. Type male: M u s . N a t i o n . Hist. N a t . , Paris; type-locality: G e r m a n y . 1846 Aeschna picta var. caucasica KOLENATI, Mel. Ent., 5: 114. M a l e f r o m Russia. 1905 Aeschna juncea - JACOBSON & BIANKI, P r y a m . l o z h n o s . Ross, imp.: 765 ( E u r o p e , Asia, ? A m e rica).
13 1908 Aeschna juncea - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 34 (redescription) (Europe, Asia, Amérique artique). 1910 Aeshna juncea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 111. 1910 Libellula oce/Zafa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 111 [proposed synonymy with juncea (LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] . 1910 Aeschna rustica - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 111 [proposed synonymy with juncea (LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] . 1923 Secundaeschna juncea - GÖTZ, Mitt, münch. ent. Ges., 13: 39 (as generotype of Secundaeschna GÖTZ, 1923).
1927 Aeshna juncea var. brachystigma SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 19A, (15): 3. Male from Kamtchatka. 1929 Aeschna juncea var. atshischgho BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 85: 57. Male from Caucasus. 1948 Aeschna juncea - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 165 (Armenia). 1950 Aeschna juncea - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 49 (Spain). 1956 Aeshna juncea - FRASER, Κ. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 36 (England). 1958 Aeschna juncea - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 65 (Kurile Island). 1960 Aeschna juncea - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 227 (Luxembourg). 1984 Aeshna juncea - STEINMANN, Fauna. Hung., 160: 63 (Hungary).
Distribution: Holarctic region: Alaska, Japan to North and Central Europe. juncea angustistyla
1926 Aeschna juncea angustistyla OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 80. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Sakhalin. 1961 Aeschna juncea angustistyla - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 61.
Distribution: Japan. juncea americana 1985
Aeshna juncea americana BARTENEF, 1 9 2 9 - loc. cit. World, Utrecht, 2: 1 (from Canada).
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Canada. juncea lapponica 1985
Aeshna juncea f. lapponica World, Utrecht, 2: 4.
VALLE, 1 9 4 0
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Finland. juncea mongolica 1985
Aeshna juncea mongolica World, Utrecht, 2: 4.
BARTENEF, 1 9 2 9
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Mongolia. juncea orientalis 1985
Aeshna juncea orientalis World, Utrecht, 2: 5.
BARTENEF, 1 9 2 9
Distribution: Russia. lucia
1930 Aeschna lucia NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 91. Type: unknown, perhaps in Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1 9 5 8 Aeschna lucia - BELYSHEV & DOSKIDORDZHI, Zool. Zhurn., Moscow 3 7 : 3 8 (Mongolia).
Distribution: China, Mongolia.
14 maita
1909 Rhionaeschna maita FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau Ver. Naturk. Wiesbaden, 62: 221. Type male: Wiesbaden Mus.; type-locality: Peru. 1913 Rhionaeschna maita - Ris, Mem. Soc. ent. Belg., 22. 83. 1943 Rhionaeschna maita - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 256. 1956 Aeshna (Rhionaeschna) maita - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 99.
Distribution: Peru. manni
1930 Aeschna manni WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 216: 26. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1947 Aeshna manni - CALVERT, Notul., Nat., 194: 8 (redescription). 1952 Hesperaeschna manni - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 254. 1 9 5 5 Aeschna manni - NEEDHAM & WESTFALL, Man. Dragonflies N.Amer.: 2 9 0 . 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) manni- CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 56 (Mexico) (redescription).
Distribution: Mexico, marchali
RAMBUR 1842 Aeshna marchali RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 203. Type male: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Colombia. 1908 Aeschna marchali - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 45 (redescription) (Colombia, Ecuador). 1916 Aeshna marchali - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 159 (redescription) (Colombia, Bolivia). 1943 Aeschna marchali - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 257 (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador). 1953 Aeshna marchali - RÁCENIS, Anales Univ. Centr. Venez., 35: 37. 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) marchali - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 58 (redescription) (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela).
Distribution: Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia. minuscula
1896 Aeschna minuscula MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 421. Type male: not given, perhaps in McLachlan's Collection (British Museum, London); type-locality: Cape of Good Hope. 1899 Aeschna dolabrata KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25 (24): 374. Type male: lost, originally in Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cape of Good Hope. 1908 Aeschna minuscula - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 67 (South Africa). 1908 Aeschna dolabrata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 69 (Cap). 1921 Aeschna minuscula - Ris, Anals S. Afr. Mus., 18: 364 (Cap). 1962 Aeshna minuscula - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 191).
Distribution: South Africa. mixta
1782 Libellula coluberculus HARRIS, Exp. Eng. Ins.: 27. Type: not given; type-locality Europe. 1805 Aeshna mixta LATREILLE, Hist. nat. Crust. Ins., 13!: 7. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Germany. 1848 Aeschna alpina SELYS, Revue Zool., 1848: 16. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Alps. 1890 Aeshna mixta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 87 (incorrect synonymy with coluberculus
HARRIS, 1 7 8 2 ) .
1908 Aeshna mixta - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 42 (redescription) (Europe, N. Africa, Asia Minor).
15 1908 Libellula coluberculus - MARTIN, Coli. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18:42 (proposed synonymy with mixta LATREILLE, 1805). 1925 Aeschna habermayeri GÖTZ, Mitt, miinch. ent.Ges., 13: 36. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Macedonia. 1926 Aeshna mixta - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 81 (Japan). 1948 Aeschna mixta - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 166 (Armenia). 1950 Aeshna mixta - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid, 51 (Spain). 1956 Aeschna mixta - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 35 (England). 1960 Aeschna mixta - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 228 (Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Luxembourg). 1961 Aeschna coluberculus - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa. 9 (4): 35 (as valid taxon). 1 9 6 3 Aeschna coluberculus habermayeri - PINHEY, J . ent. Soc. S. Afr., 2 6 : 6 (proposed synonymy with mixta LATREILLE, 1805). 1984 Aeshna mixta - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 61 (Hungary). 1 9 8 5 Aeshna mixta habermayeri - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 3 .
Distribution: Palaearctic subregion. moori 1985
Aeshna moori
PINHEY, 1 9 8 1
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
2: 5.
Distribution: Zambia, multicolor
1861 Aeschna multicolor HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 121. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Texas. 1891 Aeschna furcifer KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (20): 309. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Mexico. 1908 Aeschna multicolor - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 48 (Mexico, North U.S., British Colombia). 1908 Aeschna furcifer - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 48 (proposed synonymy with multicolor H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) . 1916 Aeschna multicolor - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 166 (Washington, Mexico). 1946 Aeshna (Schizuraeschna) multicolor - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 256 (as generotype of Schizuraeschna CALVERT, 1946). 1956 Aeshna ( Schizur aeschna) multicolor - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 102 (redescription) (Washington, California, Arizona, Mexico).
Distribution: U.S.A., Mexico to Colombia, mutata
1861 Aeschna mutata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer. Washington: 124. Type female: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Ν. America. 1908 Aeschna mutata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 48 (incorrect synonymy with multicolor H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) .
Distribution: North America. nigroflava MARTIN 1908 Aeschna nigroflava MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 38. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1926 Aeschna nigroflava - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 80 (Japan).
Distribution: Japan.
16 ornithocephala
1896 Aeschna ornithocephala MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mat. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 368. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Simla. 1905 Aeschna ornithocephala - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 767 (Tibet). 1908 Aeschna ornithocephala - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 63 (Moupin). 1923 Aeschna ornithocephala - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 19 (Assam, Northeast Himalayas).
Distribution: Himalayas. pallipes
1947 Aeschna pallipes FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana,4:443. Type female: Inst. Miguel Lillo, Tucuman; type-locality: Argentina. 1956 Aeschna (Marmaraeschna) pallipes - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 123.
Distribution: Argentina. palmata
1856 Aeshna palmata HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg, 17: 369. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Wyoming. 1 8 9 5 Aeshna constricta CALVERT (nec SAY, 1 8 3 9 , and nec S C U D D E R , 1 8 6 6 ) , Proc. Calif. Acad., ( 2 ) 4: 509 (emandation). 1 9 0 5 Aeschna palmata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 6 7 (as syn. oí constricta CALVERT, 1 8 9 5 ) .
1910 Aeschna palmata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 113 (Pacific Coast, Alaska to Colorado, Utah, ? Kamtchatka). 1918 Aeschna arida KENNEDY, Canad. Ent., 50: 298. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Arizona. 1961 Aeshna palmata - DONNELLY, Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, 63: 196 (Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico). 1973 Aeschna palmata - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 436 (Siberia).
Distribution: Holarctic region. peralta Ris 1916 Aeschna peralta Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 160. Type male: not given, perhaps in Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Aeschna peralta - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 258 (Peru, Bolivia). 1952 Hesperaeschna peralta - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63 (10): 254. 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) peralta - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 67 (Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Brazil).
Distribution: South America. persephone
1961 Aeshna persephone DONNELLY, Proc. ent. Soc. Wash., 63: 193. Type male: Univ. Florida; type-locality: Arizona.
Distribution: U.S.A. petalura petalura
1908 Aeschna petalura MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 78. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: India. 1923 Aeschna petalura - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 19 (Northeast Himalayas, Assam).
Distribution: Himalaya.
17 petalura taiyali
1938 Aeshna taiyali ASAHINA, Annot. zool. Jap., 17: 541. Type male: Asahina's Collection; typelocality: Formosa.
Distribution: Taiwan. psilus
1947 Aeshna psilus CALVERT, Notulae Nat. Acad. Sci. Philad., 194: 4. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1955 Aeschna psilus - NEEDHAM & WESTFALL, M a n . Drgfls N. Amer.: 296. 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) psilus - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 50 (Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, West Indies: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica) (redescription).
Distribution: Central America. punctata
1861 Aeschna depravata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer.: 314 (from Brazil, without description). 1861 Aeschna lobata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer.: 314 (from Brazil, without description). 1908 Aeshna punctata MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 54. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1910 Aeshna punctata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 113 (Mexico, Brazil). 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) punctata - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 80 (redescription) (Brazil, Mexico).
Distribution: Mexico to Brazil. rileyi rileyi
1892 Aeschna rileyi CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 19: 164. Type female: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Kilimandjaro. 1896 Aeschna subpupillata MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 423. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: South Africa. 1908 Aeschna rileyi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 65 (Kilimandjaro). 1908 Aeschna subpupillata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 68 (Transvaal, Caffraria). 1909 Aeschna meruensis SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 14: 32. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Tanganyika. 1921 Aeschna subpupillata - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 361 (Cape Colony). 1936 Aeshna rileyi - LONGFIELD, Trans.R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 480. 1936 Aeschna subpupillata - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 480 (proposed synonymy with rileyi CALVERT, 1892). 1962 Aeschna rileyi var. subpupillata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 191. 1 9 6 3 Aeschna meruensis - PINHEY, J . ent. Soc. S. Afr., 2 6 : 1 5 7 (proposed synonymy with rileyi CALVERT, 1 8 9 2 ) .
Distribution: South and Central Africa. rileyi raphaeli
1964 Aeshna rileyi raphaeli PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 112. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Zambezi.
Distribution: Zambia, rufípes RIS 1916 Aeschna rufipes Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 167. Type female: not given - now presumably in Mus. Senckenberg; type-locality: Colombia.
18 1947 Aeschna rufipes - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 445. 1956 Aeshna (Aeshna) rufipes - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 20.
Distribution: Colombia. scotias PlNHEY Aeshna scotias PINHEY, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 3 : 1 4 . Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Aeshna scotias - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 191. 1952
Distribution: Uganda. septentrionalis
1839 Aeschna septentrionalis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 839. Type female: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Labrador. 1898 Aeshna septentrionalis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 54. 1908 Aeschna septentrionalis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 39 (redescription) (Labrador). 1910 Aeschna septentrionalis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 113 (Labrador to Great Slave Lake).
Distribution: Canada, Northeast U.S.A. serrata serrata
1856 Aeschna serrata HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg, 17: 370. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Warszawa Mus.; type-locality: Kirghisia. 1908 Aeschna serrata - MARTIN, Coli. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 37 (Kirghisia). 1921 Aeschna serrata - VALLE, Acta soc. fauna et fl. Fenn., 48 (5): 27 (Finland). 1948 Aeschna serrata - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 166 (Armenia).
Distribution: Finland to Armenia. serrata osiliensis
1913 Aeschna osiliensis MIERZEJEWSKI, Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1913: 79. Type male: Jagello Univ., Crakow; type-locality: Poland. 1927 Aeschna osiliensis fennica VALLE, Acta soc. fauna et fl. Fenn., 48 (5): 20. Type: unknown; type-locality: Finland. 1933 Aeschna osiliensis - ANDER, Ent. Tidschr., 54: 120 (Sweden). 1985 Aeshna serrata osiliensis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 5 (North Europe).
Distribution: North Europe. sitchensis
1861 Aeschna sitchensis HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 119. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Sitka. 1905 Aeschna (Aeschna) sitchensis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 764 (in foot note). 1908 Aeschna sitchensis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 41 (Alaska).
Distribution: Alaska. subarctica subarctica
1908 Aeshna subarctica WALKER, Canad. Ent., 40: 375. Type male: Walker's Collection; type-locality: N o v a Scotia. 1 9 2 2 Aeschna elisabethae D J A K O N O V , Bull. Sta. veg. Prot. Pl. Petrograd, 3 : 1 2 1 . Type male: perhaps in Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality·. Russia.
19 1927 Aeshna subarctica - Ris, Ent. Mitt., 16 (2): 99 (redescription) (Ν. America). 1927 Aeschna elisabethae - MORTON, Entomologist's month. Mag., 63: 86 (proposed synonymy w i t h subarctica
WALKER, 1 9 0 8 ) .
1944 Aeshna subarctica subarctica - ANDER, Opuse, ent. Lund, 9: 164. 1985 Aeshna subarctica elisabethae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 3.
Distribution: Holarctic region: North America, Siberia and Northern and Central Europe (Finland, Russia, Poland to Alps). subarctica interlineata 1944 Aeshna subarctica mus., Stockholm; 1985 Aeshna subarctica 3 (as synonym of
interlineata ANDER, Opuse, ent. Lund, 9: 164. Type male: Naturhist. Rikstype-locality: Sweden. interlineata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: subarctica elisabethae DJAKONOV, 1922).
Distribution: Sweden. tuberculífera
1908 Aeshna tuberculífera WALKER, Canad. Ent., 40: 385. Type male: Acad. Sci. Calif.; type-locality: Ontario. 1910 Aeschna tuberculífera - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 114 (Ontario, Wisconsin).
Distribution: North America. umbrosa umbrosa
1 8 6 6 A e s h n a c o n s t r i c t a SCUDDER, ( n e e SAY, 1 8 3 9 , a n d n e c CALVERT, 1 8 9 5 ) , P r o c . B o s t o n S o c . n a t .
Hist., 10: 212 (emendation). 1908 Aeshna umbrosa WALKER, Canad. Ent., 40: 380. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: North America.
Distribution: U.S.A. umbrosa occidentalis
1985 Aeshna umbrosa occidentalis WALKER, 1912 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 5.
Distribution: U.S.A. undulata
1930 Aeschna undulata BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 89: 239. Type male: not given; type-locality: Ν. Russia.
Distribution: European Russia. unicolor
1908 Aeschna unicolor MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 18: 55. Type male: Martin's Collection - now perhaps in Paris Mus.; type-locality: Bolivia. 1956 Aeshna (Aeshna) unicolor - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 19.
Distribution: Bolivia. variegata
1775 Aeshna variegata FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.: 425. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Tierra del Fuego. 1908 Aeschna variegata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 18: 44. 1916 Aeschna variegata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 162 (redescription) (Magellan).
20 1924 Aeschna variegata - MARTIN, Rev. Chileana Hist, nat., 27: 109. 1956 Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) variegata - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 90 (redescription) (Bolivia, Argentina, Chile). 1985 Aeshna variegata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 6 (as syn. of diffinis risi ENDERLEIN, 1 9 1 2 ) .
Distribution: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia. verticalis
1861 Aeschna verticalis HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 122. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Washington. 1866 Aeschna propinqua SCUDDER, Proc. Boston, Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 215. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: unknown. 1890 Aeschna verticalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 89. 1908 Aeschnajunceav ar. verticalis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 35 (N. America). 1910 Aeschna propinqua - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 89 (proposed synonymy with verticalis H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) .
Distribution: North America, vigintipunctata Ris 1875 Aeschna laticeps H A G E N (nom.nud.), Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 39 (from Argentina, without description). 1916 Aeschna vigintipunctata Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82:163. Type female: not given; type-locality: Peru. 1947 Aeschna vigintipunctata - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 446 (Argentina). 1952 Marmaraeschna vigintipunctata - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 256. 1956 Aeshna (Marmaraeschna) vigintipunctata - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 119 (redescription) (Bolivia, Argentina, Peru).
Distribution: Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, viridis
Aeschna viridis EVERSMANN (nec R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) , Bull. Mose., 1836: 2 4 2 . Type: sex unknown; type-locality: Russia. 1 8 4 0 Aeschna virens CHARPENTIER (nec R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) , Monogr. europ., Paris: 1 0 1 . Type: not given 1962 Aeshna viridis - DÉVAI, Folia ent. hung., 15: 503 (Hungary). 1985 Aeshna viridis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 6 (Eurasia). 1836
Distribution: Siberia, and Northcentral Europe.
1917 Aeshna walkeri KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 588. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: California.
Distribution: California. williamsoniana
1905 Aeshna williamsoniana CALVERT, Biol. Centr. Amer., London: 185. Type male: Deam's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1908 Aeschna williamsoniana-MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 57 (Mexico, Panama). 1908 Aeschna panamensis MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 57. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: P a n a m a . 1956 Aeshna ( Hesperaeschna) williamsoniana -CALVERT, Mem. A m . ent. Soc., 15:28 (redescription) (Mexico, Panama).
Distribution: Mexico to Panama.
21 wittei
1955 Aeshna wittei FRASER, Explor. Parc nat. Upemba, Miss, de Witte, 38:15. Type male: Inst.Parcs nat. C.B.; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Aeshna wittei - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp.Diam. Angola, 59: 191.
Distribution: Congo Republic. Genus Amphiaeschna
1871 Amphiaeschna SELYS, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1871: 413. Type species: Aeschna ampia RAMBUR, 1842 (first emandation). - 1911 Amphiaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115:15. - 1923 Amphiaeschna - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 14. - 1954 Amphiaeschna - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 107.
ampia ampia
1842 Aeschna ampia RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 195. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1871 Amphiaeschna ampia - SELYS, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1871: 413 (as generotype of Amphiaeschna SELYS, 1871). 1923 Amphiaeschna ampia - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 15 (Tonkin, Java). 1926 Amphiaeschna ampia - FRASER, Treubia, 8: 475. 1934 Amphiaeschna ampia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 442 (type in: R. Mus., Bruxelles) (Java). 1954 Amphiaeschna ampia ampia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 107.
Distribution: Java, and ? Vietnam. ampia basitincta
1940 Amphiaeschna ampia basitincta LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 17: 385. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Sumatra. 1954 Amphiaeschna ampia basitincta - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 108 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra. Genus Castoraeschna 1952
Castoraeschna CALVERT, Ent. News, 6 3 : 2 6 4 . Type species: Aeschna castor BRAUER, 1 8 6 5 (original designation). - 1956 Castoraeschna - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 177 (revision, key to species).
1865 Aeschna castor BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 906. Type male: not given; typelocality: Brazil. 1875 Aeschna lunulata SELYS MS (no description) (nec CHARPENTIER, 1825) in H A G E N , Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 40. 1908 Aeschna castor - MARTIN, Coli. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 61 (Surinam, Brazil). 1916 Coryphaeschna castor - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 171 (Brazil). 1952 Castoraeschna castor - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63:264 (as generotype of Castoraeschna CALVERT, 1952). 1956 Castoraeschna castor - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 184 (Surinam, Brazil) (redescription).
Distribution: Brazil, Suriname. colorata
1908 Aeschna colorata MARTIN, Coli. Zool. Selys, de Longchamps, 18: 58. Type female: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
22 1952 Castoraeschna colorata - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 264. 1956 Castoraeschna colorata - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 187 (redescription) (Brazil).
Distribution: Brazil. coronata (Ris) 1916 Coryphaeschna coronata Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82:172. Type male: not given; type-locality: Bolivia. 1952 Castoraeschna coronata - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 264. 1956 Castoraeschna coronata - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 182 (redescription) (Peru, Bolivia).
Distribution: Bolivia, Peru. decurvata
1985 Castoraeschna decurvata DUNKLE & COOK, 1984 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 7.
Distribution: Argentina. januaria
1867 Aeschna januaria HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 51. Type male: type-locality: Brazil. 1908 Aeschna januaria - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 60 (Brazil, Colombia, Mexico). 1952 Castoraeschna januaria - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 264. 1956 Castoraeschna januaria - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 178 (Mexico to Paraguay) (redescription).
Distribution: Central and South America. longfieldae
1929 Coryphaeschna longfieldae KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 3: 489. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Brazil. 1952 Castoraeschna longfieldae - CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 264. 1956 Castoraeschna longfieldae - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 180 (redescription) (Matto Grosso).
Distribution: Brazil. margarethae 1985
Castoraeschna margarethae JURZITZA, 1 9 7 9 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 7.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Coryphaeschna
1903 Coryphaeschna WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 14: 2. Type species: Aeschna ingens RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1911 Coryphaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 10 (as syn. of Aeshna FABRICIUS, 1775). - 1911 Remartinia NAVAS, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 8: 479. Type species: Remartinia barbiellinaNMÁs, 1911 (monotypy). - 1 9 1 1 Coryphaeschna - ΜυττKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 115. - 1916 Coryphaeschna - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 169. - 1932 Coryphaeschna - KLOTS, Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin Is., New York Acad. Sci., 14 (1): 14. - 1943 Coryphaeschna - GEIJSKES, Ent. News, 54 (3): 61. - 1956 Coryphaeschna - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 144 (revision, key to species). - 1956 Remartinia - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 144 (proposed synonymy with Coryphaeschna WILLIAMSON, 1903).
1861 Aeschna adnexa HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 127. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Cuba. 1865 Aeschna macromia BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 906. Type male: Naturhist. Mus, Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1903 Coryphaeschna adnexa - CALVERT, Ent. News, 14: 9. 1908 Aeschna adnexa - MARTIN, Coli. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 75 (Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador, Brazil, Cuba, Haiti). 1910 Aeschna macromia - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 115 [proposed syno n y m y w i t h adnexa
(HAGEN, 1861)].
1910 Coryphaeschna adnexa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 115 (Mexico to Brazil, Cuba, Haiti). 1916 Coryphaeschna adnexa - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 170 (Mexico, Brazil). 1917 Aeschna adnexa - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 1 (15): 39 (Amazonas). 1919 Aeschna adnexa - CALVERT, Trans. A m . ent. Soc., 45: 357 (Cuba). 1932 Coryphaeschna adnexa - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 101 (Trinidad). 1943 Coryphaeschna adnexa - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 258 (Mexico to Argentina, Cuba). 1956 Coryphaeschna adnexa - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 166 (Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, G u a temala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Surinam, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina) (redescription).
Distribution: South and Central America, ingens
1842 Aeschna ingens RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 192. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1863 Aeschna abboti HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 24: 373. Type female: unknown; type-locality: Cuba. 1890 Aeschna ingens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 86 (Georgia, Florida, Cuba). 1890 Aeschna abboti- KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 86 [proposed synonymy with ingens (RAMBUR, 1842)].
1903 Coryphaeschna
ingens - WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 14: 8 (as generotype of Coryphaeschna
LIAMSON, 1 9 0 3 ) .
1908 Aeschna ingens - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 77 (Georgia, Florida, Cuba). 1910 Coryphaeschna ingens-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 115 (Cuba, Panama) (type in Selys's Collection). 1913 Coryphaeschna ingens - COCKERELL, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 45: 580. 1919 Aeschna ingens - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 358 (Cuba, Florida). 1919 Coryphaeschna ingens - KENNEDY, Ent. News, 30 (4): 105.
Distribution: U.S.A., Cuba, and Panama. luteipennis luteipennis
1839 Aeschna luteipennis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 837. Type male: Sommer's Collection in Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1865 Aeschna excisa BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 15: 906. Type male: not given, perhaps in Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1898 Aeschna luteipennis - CALVERT, Trans, ent. Soc. Amer., 25: 53. 1908 Aeschna luteipennis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 73 (California, Mexico, Brazil). 1908 Aeschna excisa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 73 [proposed synonymy w i t h luteipennis
(BURMEISTER, 1839)].
1911 Remartinia barbiellina NAVAS, Rev. Mus. Paulina, 8: 480 (as generotype of Remartinia NAVAS, 1911), Type male: unknown; type-locality: Brazil. 1935 Coryphaeschna luteipennis - NAVAS, Bol. Soc. ent. Esp., 17 ( 1 - 3 ) : 33. 1956 Coryphaeschna luteipennis - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 144 (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela) (key to subspecies).
24 1956 Remartinia luteipennis
barbiellina - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 144 [proposed synonymy with luteipennis
(BURMEISTER, 1839)].
Distribution: Mexico to Brazil. luteipennis florida
1861 Aeschna florida HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 125. Type female: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Florida. 1908 Aeschna luteipennis vai. florida - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 74. 1910 Aeschna florida - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 112 [incorrect synonymy with luteipennis (BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) ] . 1941 Aeshna (Coryphaeschna) luteipennis florida - CALVERT, Ann. Ent. soc. Amer., 34: 394. 1956 Coryphaeschna luteipennis florida - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 150 (redescription) (Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama).
Distribution: Central America. luteipennis peninsularis
1941 Aeshna luteipennjs peninsularis CALVERT, Ann. ent. Soc. Amer., 34: 395. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: California. 1956 Coryphaeschna luteipennis peninsularis - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15:154 (redescription) (Mexico).
Distribution: California, Mexico. perrensi
1887 Aeschna perresi MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., 24: 76. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Corrientes. 1908 Aeschna perrensi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 75 (Surinam, Corrientes, Argentina). 1913 Coryphaeschna perresi - Ris, Mem. Soc. ent. Belg., 22: 86. 1933 Coryphaeschna perresi - NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Cienc. Madrid, 29: 54. 1956 Coryphaeschna perresi - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 171 (redescription) (Mexico, Panama, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay). 1 9 8 5 Aeschna rufina H Ä G E N , 1 8 7 5 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 7.
Distribution: from Mexico to Paraguay. rufìpennis
1941 Aeshna rufìpennis KENNEDY, Ann. ent. Soc.Amer., 34: 397. Type male: Kennedy's Collection - now in U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Peru. 1956 Coryphaeschna rufìpennis - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 155 (Ecuador, Peru) (redescription).
Distribution: Ecuador, Peru. secreta
1952 Coryphaeschna secreta CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 262. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Cuba. 1956 Coryphaeschna secreta - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent. Soc., 15: 158 (redescription) (Cuba).
Distribution: Cuba. viriditas 1842
Aeschna virens R A M B U R (nec CHARPENTIER, 1 8 4 0 ) , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: female: Selys's Collection; type-locality. Bolivia.
25 1903 Coryphaeschna virens - CALVERT, Ent. News, 14: 9. 1908 Aeschna virens - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 76 (Georgia, Bolivia, Amazonas, Surinam, Trinidad, Cuba, Haiti). 1919 Aeschna virens - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 358 (Cuba). 1932 Coryphaeschna virens - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 101 (Trinidad). 1 9 5 2 Coryphaeschna viriditas CALVERT, Ent. News, 63: 2 6 4 (new name for Aeshna virens R A M B U R , 1842, a junior secondary homonymy of Aeshna virens CHARPENTIER, 1840). 1956 Coryphaeschna viriditas - CALVERT, Mem. Am. ent Soc., 15: 162 (Florida, Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, French Guiana, Brazil, Paraguay).
Distribution: Central and South America. Genus Indaeschna 1926
Indaeschna FRASER, Treubia, 8 ( 3 - 4 ) : 4 7 4 . Type species: Amphiaeschna grubaueri FÖRSTER, 1904 (original designation). - 1954 Indaeschna - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 108.
1937 Indaeschna baluga N E E D H A M & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 44. Type male: not given; type-locality: Luzon. 1941 Indaeschna baluga - N E E D H A M & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 74: 142 (description of female).
Distribution: Philippine Islands. grubaueri
1904 Amphiaeschna grubaueri FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 21: 355. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Malacca. 1909 Amphiaeschna perampla MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19:115. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1923 Amphiaeschna grubaueri - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 14 (Siam, Borneo, Malacca, Java). 1926 Indaeschna grubaueri - FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 474 (as generotype of Indaeschna FRASER, 1926). 1926 Indaeschna perampla - FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 475 (Upper Malacca). 1934 Amphiaeschna grubaueri - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 353. 1934 Amphiaeschna perampla - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 353 [proposed synonymy with grubaueri (FÖRSTER, 1904)]. 1954 Indaeschna grubaueri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 108 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. Genus Oreaeschna
1937 Oreaeschna LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.), 1: 357. Type species: Oreaeschna dictatrix TINCK, 1937 (original designation).
1937 Oreaeschna dictatrix LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.), 1: 359. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl.Hist. Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea (as generotype of Oreaeschna LIEFTINCK, 1937). 1942 Oreaeschna dictatrix - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 574.
Distribution: New Guinea.
26 Tribe Anactini Often blue and green enamel-like colours. Hind wing usually rounded at base in both sexes and then with no oreillets on segment 2. Riii abruptly bends towards stigma. Anal triangle absent (except Anaciaeschna). 1940 Anactinae TILL YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 378 (with genera Anax, Hemianax, Anaciaeschna, Oreaeschna). - 1962 Anactinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 192 (key to African genera: Anaciaeschna, Hemianax, Anax). - 1977 Anactinae - BELYSHEV & KHARITONOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 66 (key to boreal genera). - 1985 Anactini DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 8 (with genera Anaciaeschna, Anax, Hemianax).
Genus Anaciaeschna
1878 Aeschna (Anaciaeschna) SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 317. Type species: Aeschna jaspidea BURMEISTER, 1839 (original designation). - 1908 Protoaeschna FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 52: 216. Type species: Protoaeschna pseudochiri FÖRSTER, 1908 (monotypy). - 1908 Anaciaeschna - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 30 (revision). - 1911 Anaciaeschna - MARTIN. Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 10. - 1911 Protoaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 13. - 1921 Anaciaeschna - RIS, Annls S.Afr. Mus., 18: 365. - 1923 Anaciaeschna - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 13. - 1954 Anaciaeschna - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 109. - 1962 Anaciaeschna - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 192.
isosceles isosceles
1767 Libellula quadrifasciata var. isosceles MÜLLER, Nova Acta Leop. Carol., 3: 125. Type: not described; type-locality: Denmark. 1823 Aeschna grandis VAN DER LINDEN (nec LINNAEUS, 1758), Opuse. Sci., 4: 160 (emandation). 1825 Aeschna chrysophthalmus CHARPENTIER, Hor. Ent.: 33. Type male: Nat. Hist. Mus., Paris; type-locality: Silesia. 1825 Aeschna rufescens VAN DER LINDEN, Mon. Libell. Eur.: 27. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Italy. 1840 Aeschna isosceles - SELYS, Monogr. Libell. europ. Paris: 58. 1850 Aeschna rufescens - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 129 (Dania, England, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, France, Italy, Russia). 1890 Aeschna isosceles - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 90. 1890 Aeschna chrysophthalmus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 90 [proposed synonymy w i t h isosceles
(MÜLLER, 1 7 6 7 ) ] .
1890 Aeschna rufescens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 90 [proposed synonymy with isosceles
(MÜLLER, 1767)].
1908 Aeschna rufescens - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 71 (Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor). 1948 Aeschna isosceles - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 167 (Armenia). 1950 Aeschna isosceles - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 48 (Spain). 1954 Anaciaeschna isosceles - LONGFIELD, Entomologist's month. Mag., 90: 147. 1956 Aeschna isosceles - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 35 (England).
Distribution: Mediterranean subregion, and West Europe. isosceles antehumeralis
1950 Anaciaeschna isosceles antehumeralis SCHMIDT, Ent. Z., 60: 13. Type male: not given; typelocality: Asia Minor.
Distribution: Caucasus, Turkey, Iran.
27 donaldi
1922 Anaciaeschna donaldi FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28:699. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1924 Anaciaeschna donaldi - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 465 [incorrect synonymy with martini (SELYS, 1897)].
1943 Anaciaeschna 1966 Anaciaeschna
donaldi - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 79: 88 (as valid taxon). donaldi - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 189.
Distribution: India. jaspidea
1839 Aeschna jaspidea BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 840. Type female: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1865 Aeschna tahitensis BRAUER, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 15:907. Type male: not given, perhaps in Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Tahiti. 1866 Anax jaspidea - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara, Neur.: 63. 1878 Anaciaeschna jaspidea- SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 317 (as generotype of Anaciaeschna SELYS, 1 8 7 8 ) .
1898 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 55. 1908 Protoaeschna pseudochiri FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 52:217 (as generotype of Protoaeschna FÖRSTER, 1908). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: New Guinea. 1908 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 30 (redescription) (Java, L o m b o k , Sumatra, Borneo, Formosa, Tahiti). 1910 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - Ris, Die F a u n a Südwest Australiens, 2: 434 (Lombok). 1916 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 63 (Formosa). 1924 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 465 (India). 1934 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 447 (Java). 1937 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 41 (Luzon). 1954 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 109 (Sumatra, Java, Borneo). 1965 Anaciaeschna jaspidea - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 33 (4): 500 (Hong-Kong).
Distribution: Oriental region. kashmirense
1954 Anaciaeschna kashmirense SANTOCK & BAIJAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 3 (2): 388. Type male: Indian Mus.; type-locality: Kashmir.
Distribution: Kashmir. martini
1897 Aeschna martini SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 431. Type male: Martin's Collection; typelocality: Japan. 1908 Aeschna martini - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 72 (Yokohama). 1924 Anaciaeschna martini - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 465 (West India). 1926 Aeschna martini - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 81 (Japan).
Distribution: Japan, and ? India. megalopsis
1908 Anaciaeschna megalopsis MARTIN, Coll. Zool.Selys de Longchamps, 18: 31. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1926 Anaciaeschna huonensis FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3 - 4 ) : 473. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea.
1949 Anaciaeschna melanostoma LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 354. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Guadalcanal.
Distribution: Guadalcanal, moluccana
1930 Anaciaeschna moluccana LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 7 Suppl.: 217. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Molucca.
Distribution: Malaysia. montivagans
1932 Anaciaeschna montivagans LIEFTINCK, Stylops, 1 (2): 251. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Java. 1934 Anaciaeschna montivagans - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 447 (Java). 1943 Anaciaeschna montivagans-FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 79:88 [incorrect synonymy with martini (SELYS, 1 8 9 7 ) ] . 1954 Anaciaeschna montivagans - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 109 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Sumatra, Java. triangulifera
1896 Anaciaeschna triangulifera MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 368. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Delagoa Bay (Mozambique). 1908 Anaciaeschna triangulifera - M ARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 32 (Madagascar, Natal). 1921 Anaciaeschna triangulifera - Ris, Annls S.Afr. Mus., 18: 366 (Abyssinia). 1958 Anaciaeschna triangulifera - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 2 (tropical and subtropical Africa). 1962 Anaciaeschna triangulifera - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 192 (from Natal to Abyssinia, Congo, Angola, Madagascar).
Distribution: tropical Africa, Madagascar. Genus Anax 1815
L E A C H , in Brewster's Edinb. Encycl., 9 ( 1 ) : 1 3 7 . Type species: Anax imperator L E A C H , (monotypy). - 1 9 0 5 Anax - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 6 0 (key to species). - 1908 Anax - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 9 (revision). - 1910 Anax - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull.Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 105. - 1911 Anax - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 8 (revision). - 1921 Anax - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 367 (key to South African species). - 1923 Anax - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 11 (list of Oriental species). - 1926 Anax - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 574 (key to species of New Guinea). - 1936 Anax - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 482. - 1954 Anax LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 110. - 1950 Anax - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid, 41 (key to Spanish species). - 1962 Anax - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 46 (key to Micronesian species and subspecies). - 1 9 7 6 Anax - PINHEY, OCC. Pap. natn. Mus. Monum. Rhod. (Nat.Sci.), 5 (10): 560 (key to species). - 1984 Anax - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 67 (key to Central European species). 1815
1839 Aeschna amazili BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 841. Type: lost; type-locality: S. America. 1842 Anax maculatus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 188. Type female: not given; typelocality: Brazil. 1890 Anax amazili - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 84.
29 1890 Anax maculatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 84 [proposed synonymy with amazili (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1898 Anax amazili - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 56. 1908 Anax amazili - MARTIN, Cool. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 13 (Central America, Cuba, Barbados, Galapagos). 1916 Anax amazili- Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82:173 (U.S.: New Orleans, Mexico, Panama, Brazil). 1919 Anax amazili - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 357 (Cuba).
Distribution: from South U.S.A. to Brazil. bangweuluensis
Anax bangweuluensis KIMMINS, Entomologist, 8 8 : 1 1 0 . Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: N. Rhodesia. 1962 Anax bangweuluensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 194. 1955
Distribution: Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi. chloromelas Ris 1911 Anax chloromelas Ris, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 55: 321. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: West Africa. 1962 Anax chloromelas-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:194 (Spanish Guinea, Belgian Congo, Uganda, N . Rhodesia).
Distribution: tropical Africa. concolor
1865 Anax concolor BRAUER, Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 508. Type male: not given, perhaps in Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Rio Negro. 1908 Anax longipes race concolor - MARTIN, Coll.Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 13 (Brazil). 1910 Anax concolor-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 105 (Haiti, Mexico, Brazil). 1970 Anax concolor - DONNELLY, Smiths. Contr. Zool., 37: 8 (Dominica).
Distribution: Central America, Brazil. congoliath congoliath
1953 Anax congoliath FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48:301. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Anax congoliath - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 194.
Distribution: Congo Republic. congoliath lisomboae
1962 Anax congoliath lisomboae PINHEY, Occ. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhod., (Β) 3: 908. Type male: South R h o d . Mus.; type-locality: Rhodesia. 1964 Anax congoliath lisomboae - PINGEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 113 (Angola Congo border).
Distribution: from Angola to Rhodesia, dubius
1921 Anax dubius LACROIX, Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon, 67:45. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Korea.
Distribution: Korea. fumosus fumosus H Ä G E N 1867 Anax fumosus HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 17: 43. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Ternate (Indonesia).
30 1900 1923 1926 1927 1942
Anax Anax Anax Anax Anax
gibbosulus fumosus fumosus fumosus fumosus -
ab.fumosus - KARSCH, Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., 25: 213. LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 13 (Himalayas, Japan). LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 7 Suppl.: 315 (redescription of male and female). Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 34 (redescription) (Sumatra). LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 594 (Ternate, Boeroe Island).
Distribution: from Japan to Sumatra. fumosus celebense
1942 Anax fumosus celebense LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 595. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Celebes.
Distribution: Celebes, georgius SEL YS 1872 1908 1921 1962 1990
Anax georgius SELYS, Rev. Zool., 23: 179. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Natal. Anax georgius - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 16 (Natal). Anax georgius - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 371. Anax georgius - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 194. Anax georgius-ASAHINA, Odonatologica, 19(1): 71 (redescription; „habitat is certainly Timor, not Natal, South Africa").
Distribution: Timor. gibbosulus
1842 Anax gibbosulus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 187. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Australia. 1908 Anax gibbosulus - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 24 (redescription). 1915 Anax gibbosulus - Ris, Nova Guinea, 13 (2): 84 (New Guinea). 1923 Anax gibbosulus - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 12. 1933 Anax gibbosulus - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 40: 437 (Flores, Sumba). 1934 Anax gibbosulus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 448 (Java, Sumatra, Australia, Sunda, Kei). 1942 Anax gibbosulus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 599 (New Guinea, Timor, Flores, Ν. Australia).
Distribution: North Australia, and Flores, Sumba, New Guinea, Java, Sumatra, Kei Island. guttatus
1839 Aeschna guttata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 840. Type male: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: Java. 1842 Anax magnus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 188. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1881 Anax guttatus - CABOT, Mus. Comp. Zool. Mem., 8: 16. 1898 Anax guttatus - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 54. 1908 Anax guttatus - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 23 (redescription) (India, Seychelles, Queensland). 1916 Anax guttatus - RIS, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 63 (Formosa, China). 1916 Anax guttatus - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 66 (Queensland). 1922 Anax goliathus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist.Soc., 28: 900. Type male: Fraser's Collection; type-locality: Burma. 1923 Anax guttatus - „RAMBUR" - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 6 2 : 1 2 (India, Ceylon, Malaya, Borneo). 1926 Anax guttatus - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 79 (Japan, Formosa). 1934 Anax guttatus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 354 (Java). 1936 Anax guttatus - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 151 (Bali).
31 1954 Anax guttatus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 110 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Krakatau, Bali, Borneo). 1964 Anax guttatus - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (1): 5 (Ryukyu).
Distribution: extends from the Seychelles to North Australia, and eastward to Samoa and the Taumotu Islands in the Pacific. immaculifrons
1842 Anax immaculifrons RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 189. Type male: not given; typelocality: India. 1905 Anax immaculifrons - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos Ross, imp.: 762 (India). 1908 Anax immaculifrons -MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18:18 (redescription) (India, Hong-Kong). 1916 Anax immaculifrons - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 63 (India, China). 1924 Anax immaculifrons - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 463 (West India).
Distribution: India, China, and Middle East, Turkey and Isle of Karpathos in the Aegean. imperator
1815 Anax imperator LEACH, Edinb. Encycl., 9: 137 (as generotype of Anax LEACH, 1815). Type male: lost; type-locality: England. 1823 Aeschna formosa VAN DER LINDEN, Opuse. Sci., 4: 158. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Silesia (Poland). 1825 Aeschna azurea CHARPENTIER, Hor. Ent.: 31. Type: not given. 1839 Aeschna dorsalis BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 840. Type female: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: Cape of G o o d Hope. 1842 Anax mauritianus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 184. Type sex not given: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Mauritius. 1856 Aeschna lunata KOLENATI, Bull. Mose., 29 (2): 499. Type: lost; type-locality: Kirghisia. 1866 Anax dorsalis - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara, Neur.: 61. 1896 Anax dorsalis - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 243 (Pretoria). 1898 Aeschna azurea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 54 (Hungary, Italy). 1898 Anax mauritianus - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 243 (Pretoria, Nyassaland). 1898 Anax dorsalis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 56. 1908 Anax dorsalis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 17 (South Africa). 1908 Anaxmauritanus-MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18:10 (South Africa, Mauritius, Madagascar). 1921 Anax imperator mauritianus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 368 (South Africa, Abyssinia, Madagascar, Mauritius). 1928 Anax formosus - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 27 (Egypt). 1934 Anax imperator mauritianus - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3 : 47 (Belgian Congo). 1936 Anax imperator mauritianus - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 482 (Africa). 1940 Anax imperator - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 244 (Sardinia). 1948 Anax imperator - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 168 (Armenia). 1950 Anax imperator - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid, 42 (Spain). 1956 Anax lunatus - FRASER, R. Ent.Soc. London, 1 (10): 37 (England). 1960 Anax lunatus - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 229 (France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg). 1961 Anax imperator - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 34 (Kazakhstan). 1962 Anax dorsalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 194 (type female: not in Mus. Halle). 1962 Anax lunatus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 195 (Africa, South Europe, West Asia).
32 1984 Anax imperator mauritianus - RAYAH & ZUBEIRA, Entomologist's month. Mag., 120: 157 (Sudan). 1984 Anax imperator - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 68 (Hungary).
Distribution: tropical and subtropical Africa, and Madagascar, Europe (except Scotland, Denmark, Norway, Finland and North Russia), Asia Minor, West Asia. indicus
1942 Anax indicus LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 589. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Barkuda Island. 1955 Anax indicus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 84 (Ceylon).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka. junius
1773 Libellula junia DRURY. 111. Ex. Ent., 1: 47. Type: not given - lectotype male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Kentucky. 1839 Aeschna junius - BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 841. 1842 Anax spiniferus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 186. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Italy(?). 1850 Anax junius - SELYS, Rev. Odon.: 328. 1898 Anax junius - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 56. 1908 Anax junius - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 11 (N. America, Cuba, Kamtchatka, China, Hawaii). 1910 Anax spiniferus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 105 [proposed synonymy with junius (DRURY, 1773) (North America, Hawaiian Islands, Eastern Coast of Asia)]. 1919 Anax junius - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 357 (Cuba). 1931 Anax junius - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 185 (China). 1936 Anax junius - WILLIAMS, Proc. Haw. ent. Soc., 9: 287 (Hawaii) (redescription). 1946 Anax junius - LA RIVERS, Ent. News, 57: 215 (Nevada).
Distribution: North America, Eastern Coast of Asia, Hawaii. longipes
1861 Anax longipes HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 118. Type sex not given: Zürich Mus.; type-locality: Georgia. 1874 Anax longipes- MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., 10: 227 (mutilated male description - Dublin Mus.). 1908 Anax longipes-MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18:12 (U.S., Haiti, Mexico, Brazil). 1910 Anax longipes - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 106 (type female in Zürich Mus.).
Distribution: South U.S.A., Mexico, Brazil, maclachlani
1898 Anax maclachlani FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 21: 290. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1908 Anax maclachlani - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 25 (New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago). 1934 Anax maclachlani - KENNEDY, Annls Ent. Soc. Amer., 27: 353 (redescription of male). 1942 Anax maclachlani - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 603 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago.
1955 Anax marginope BAIJAL & AGARWAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 453. Type female: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India, maritimus
1895 Anax maritimus PROVANCHER, Nat. Canad., 22: 79. Type sex and locality unknown; typelocality: Madeleine Island.
Distribution: Canada. nigrofasciatus
1915 Anax nigrofasciatus OGUMA, Ent. Mag., Kyoto, 1 (3): 121. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; typelocality: Japan. 1926 Anax nigrofasciatus - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1: 78. 1961 Anax nigrofasciatus - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 61 (Japan).
Distribution: Japan. nigrolineatus
1935 Anax nigrolineatus FRASER, J. Darjeeling nat. Hist. Soc., 10: 23. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India, parthenope parthenope
(SELYS) 1839 Aeschna parthenope SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., 6 (2): 389. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Italy: Naples. 1840 Anax parthenope - SELYS, Monogr. Libell. europ., Paris: 119. 1842 Anax parisius RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 185. Type sex and locality unknown. 1867 Anax bacchus HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 17: 48. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Himalaya. 1887 Anax parthenope -SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 35 (France, Suisse, Italy, Algeria, Turkestan, Transcaucasica). 1898 Anax bacchus - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1: 148 [proposed synonymy with parthenope (SELYS, 1839)]. 1908 Anax parthenope - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 21 (redescription) (Europe, N. Africa, Asia Minor and Central Asia). 1908 Anax bacchus - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 22 (redescription) (Sikkim, Himalaya). 1928 Anax parthenope - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 27 (Egypt). 1940 Anax parthenope - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 244 (Sardinia). 1948 Anax parthenope - AKRAMOWSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 168 (Armenia). 1950 Anax parthenope - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid, 43 (Spain). 1952 Anax parthenope - RAYMOND, Bull. Soc. Sei. nat. Maroc, 32: 88 (Sahara). 1961 Anax parthenope - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 35 (Kazakhstan). 1962 Anax parthenope - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp.Diam. Angola, 59:196 (Somalia, Senegal, French Equatorial Africa). 1984 Anax parthenope - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 68 (Hungary).
Distribution: Western Palaearctic subregion, and Equatorial Africa. parthenope geyri
1955 Anax parthenope geyri BUCHHOLTZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr., 6:129. Type male: Koenig Mus., Bonn; type-locality: Spain.
34 1962 Anax parthenope geyri - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 196 (Spanish North Africa, and French Equatorial Africa).
Distribution: Spain, and North-central Africa. parthenope jordansi
1955 Anax parthenope jordansi BUCHHOLTZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr., 6: 129. Type male: Koenig Mus., Bonn; type-locality: Greece.
Distribution: Greece. parthenope julius
1865 Anax julius BRAUER, Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 508. Type male: not given; type-locality: Shanghai. 1908 Anax parthenope race julius - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18:21 (Japan, China, Formosa, Bengal). 1916 Anax parthenope julius - Ris, Suppl. ent. Beri., 5: 63 (Formosa, Japan, Korea, China). 1931 Anax parthenope julius - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 185 (China). 1952 Anax parthenope julius - ASAHINA, Mushi, 23 (6): 45 (Bonin Island). 1962 Anax parthenope julius - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 47.
Distribution: from the Bonin, Ryukyu, Japan, Korea and China. parthenope major
1925 Anax parthenope major GÖTZ, Mitt, münch. ent.Ges., 13: 36. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Anatolia.
Distribution: Turkey. piraticus
Anax guttatus race panybeus MARTIN (nec HÄGEN, 1 8 6 7 ) , 18: 24. Male from Celebes. 1934 Anax piraticus KENNEDY, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 27 (2): Washington; type-locality: Guam. 1962 Anax piraticus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp.Diam. Angola, 1962 Anax piraticus - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia? 5 (1): 1908
Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 346. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., 59: 195 (Seychelles, Eastern Asia). 48 (Guam, Saipan).
Distribution: from Seychelles to Guam, and Saipan. panybeus
1867 Anax panybeus HÄGEN (nec MARTIN, 1908), Verh.Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 42. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Celebes. 1942 Anax panybeus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 597 (Celebes). 1954 Anax panybeus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 110 (Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Bali. pugnax
1942 Anax pugnax LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 605. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. selysi
1900 Anax selysii FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 23: 38. Type male: unknown, perhaps undesignated in Természett. Múz., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea.
35 1908 Anax selysi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 26 (type male in Förster's Collection) (New Guinea). 1942 Anax selysi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 593 (type in Ann Arbor Mus.) (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. speratus
1867 Anax speratus HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 46. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Cape of Good Hope. 1883 Anax rutherfordi MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., 20:128. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1896 Anax rutherfordi - CALVERT, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 43: 137 (description of female). 1908 Anax speratus - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 20 (Cap.). 1908 Anax rutherfordi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 20 (redescription) (Sierra Leone, Congo, Tanzania). 1921 Anax speratus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 368 (Natal, Transvaal, Congo, Abyssinia, Eritrea). 1934 Anax rutherfordi - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belg., Zool., (3) II 3: 48 (Belgian Congo). 1959 Anax speratus - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp.Diam. Angola, 45: 30 (Angola). 1962 Anax speratus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 196 (Continental Ethiopian Region). 1962 Anax rutherfordi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp.Diam. Angola, 59: 196 (proposed synonymy w i t h speratus
HÄGEN, 1 8 6 7 ) .
Distribution: Continental Africa, strenuus
HÄGEN 1867 Anax strenuus HÄGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 34. Type female: Univ. zool. Mus., Kebenhavn; type-locality: Oahu. 1884 Anax strenuus - BLACKBURN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (5) 14: 413 (descripiton of male). 1908 Anax strenuus - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 11 (Hawaii). 1936 Anax strenuus - WILLIAMS, Proc. Haw. ent. Soc., 9: 274 (redescription) (Hawaii). 1948 Anax strenuus - ZIMMERMANN, Ins. Hawaii, 2: 331.
Distribution: Hawaii. tristis
1867 Anax tristis HÄGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 35. Type female: Univ. zool. Mus., Kobenhavn; type-locality: Guinea. 1872 Anax goliath SELYS, Rev. Zool., (2) 23: 178. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1908 Anax goliath - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18:15 (Madagascar, Guinea, Nyassa). 1917 Anax goliath - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 813): 3 (Madagascar). 1921 Anax tristis - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 370 (Rhodesia). 1953 Anax tristis - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48: 301. 1953 Anax goliath - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48: 301 (proposed synonymy with tristis HÄGEN, 1867). 1956 Anax tristis - FRASER, Faune Madag., 1: 14. 1962 Anax tristis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 196 (tropical Central and West Africa, Madagascar).
Distribution: Central and Equatorial African subregion, Madagascar, tumorifer
1885 Anax tumorifer MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., 21: 250. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Madagascar.
36 1908 Anax tumorifer - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 19 (redescription) (Madagascar). 1962 Anax tumorifer - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp.Diam. Angola, 59: 197.
Distribution: Madagascar. walshinghami
1881 Anax validus HÄGEN, 1873 - loc. cit. CABOT, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 8: 15. 1882 Anax walshinghami MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., 20:127. Type male: McLachlan's Collection in British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: California. 1908 Anax walsinghami - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 14 (California, Arizona, Guatemala). 1910 Anax walsinghami - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 106 (California, Arizona, Guatemala).
Distribution: Southern U.S.A., Guatemala. Genus Hemianax
1839 Cyrtosoma BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 839 (emendation). - 1871 Cyrtosoma - SELYS, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1871: 412. - 1883 Hemianax SELYS, Bull. Acad. Sei. Belg., (3) 5: 723 (new name for Cyrtosoma BURMEISTER, 1839, a junior primary homonymy of Cyrtosoma CURTIS, 1829 in Hymenoptera). - 1890 Cyrtosoma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 83 (proposed synonymy with Anax LEACH, 1815). - 1905 Proanax SELYS - loc. cit. JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 782.- 1911 Hemianax - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum Bruxelles, 115: 9. - 1921 Hemianax- Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 372 (revision). - 1962 Hemianax - PINHEY, Pubi. Cult. comp. Angola, 59: 193.
1839 Cyrtosoma ephippiger BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2:840. Type male: Hoflmannsegg's Collection in Halle Mus.; type-locality: Madras. 1840 Anax mediterranea SELYS, Mon. Libell. Europ., Paris: 120. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris; type-locality: France. 1842 Anax senegalensis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 190. Type: not given; type-locality: Senegal. 1866 Anax ephippiger - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara, Neur.: 63. 1883 Hemianax ephippiger - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 5: 723 (as generotype of Hemianax SELYS, 1883). 1890 Hemianax ephippiger - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 85. 1895 Hemianax ephippiger - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 55. 1908 Hemianax ephippiger - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 28 (Africa, Seychelles, Asia, South Europe). 1921 Hemianax ephippiger - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 373 (Transvaal). 1924 Hemianax ephippiger - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 463 (West India). 1928 Hemianax ephippiger - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 27 (Egypt). 1929 Hemianax ephippiger - DELMAS, Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse, 58: 639 (France). 1938 Hemianax ephippiger - SCHMIDT, Sitzber. Akad.Wiss. Wien, (1) 147: 147 (Israel). 1940 Hemianax ephippiger - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 244 (Sardinia). 1950 Hemianax ephippiger - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 43 (Spain). 1952 Hemianax ephippiger - REYMOND, Bull. Soc. Sei. nat. Maroc, 32: 88 (Sahara). 1962 Hemianax ephippiger - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam, Angola, 59: 193 (Africa, Seychelles, Madagascar, South Europe, Turkestan).
Distribution: from Turkestan, and India to South Africa, and Madagascar, Seychelles, Southcentral Europe.
37 papuensis
1839 Aeschna papuensis BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 841. Type male: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: Australia. 1842 Anax congener RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 191. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris; type-locality: unknown. 1866 Anax papuensis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 16: 33. 1890 Hemianax papuensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 86. 1898 Hemianax papuensis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 56. 1901 Hemianax papuensis - MARTIN, Mem. Soc. zool. France, 14: 233 (Victoria, South Australia). 1908 Hemianax papuensis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 29 (Australia, New Guinea). 1916 Anax papuensis - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 67 (Victoria, West Australia). 1917 Hemianax papuensis - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 (11): 18 (North-west Australia). 1954 Hemianax papuensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: I l l (Java).
Distribution: Australia, New Guinea, Java. Tribe Gynacanthini Long abdomen, very large eyes. Hind wing of male angulated at base. Riii not bent towards stigma; anal triangle present. Oreillets on segment 2 of male. Female with dentigerous plate produced into 2 or 3 long robust spines projecting under segment 10. 1923 Gynacanthinae LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 3. - 1940 Gynacanthaginae - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 379 (with genera Gynacantha, Austrogynacantha, Plattycantha, Cornacantha, Heliaeschna, Triaecanthagyna, Neuraeschna, Staurophlebia, Aeschnophlebia, Telephlebia). - 1954 Gynacanthaginae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 99. - 1962 Gynacanthaginae PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 197 (key to African genera: Acanthagyna, Heliaeschna). - 1977 Gynacanthagynae - BELYSHEV & KHARATONOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk; 66 (key to boreal genera). - 1985 Gynacanthini DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:11 (with genera Agyrtacantha, Austrogynacantha, Gynacantha, Heliaeschna, Limnetron, Neuraeschna, Plattycantha, Staurophlebia, Subaeschna, Tetracanthagyna, Triacanthagyna).
Genus Agyrtacantha
1937 Agyrtacantha LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.) 1: 341. Type species: Triacanthagyna dirupta KARSCH, 1889 (original designation).
1889 Triacanthagyna dirupta KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (15): 236. Type male: Mus. Naturk.,.Berlin; type-locality: Key Island. 1890 Gynacantha dirupta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 94. 1909 Plattycantha dirupta - MARTIN, Bull. Soc. ent. ital., 60: 20. 1909 Cornacantha dirupta - FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau Ver. Naturk. Wiesb., 62: 216. 1909 Platacantha foersteri MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19:154. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Malay Archipelago. 1911 Platacantha dirupta - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 23. 1911 Platacantha försteri - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 23. 1926 Gynacantha reticulata FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 478. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Key Island. 1930 Platycantha dirupta - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 12: 166.
38 1930 Gynacantha
- LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 12: 166 [proposed synonymy with
(KARSCH, 1889)].
1934 Plattycantha dirupta - COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 246. 1942 Agyrtacantha dirupta - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 570 (Moluccas, Key, New Guinea, New Ireland, N o r t h Australia, Solomon Islands). 1937 Agyrtacantha dirupta - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.) 1: 341 (as generotype of Agyrtacantha LIEFTINCK, 1 9 3 7 ) .
Distribution: Oriental region, and North Australia. microstigma
1878 Gynacantha microstigma SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden 3: 316. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Moluccas. 1890 Acanthagyna microstigma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. 1900 Karschia angulata FÖRSTER, Természetr. Fiiz., Budapest, 23: 96. Type female: Természett. Μύζ., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. 1909 Platacantha microstigma - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 155. 1913 Platycantha microstigma - Ris, Nova Guinea, 9 (3): 489. 1937 Agyrtacantha microstigma - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.) 1: 344. 1942 Agyrtacantha microstigma - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 570 (New Guinea, Ternate, Aroe Island).
Distribution: New Guinea, Moluccas. othello
1942 Agyrtacantha othello LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 571. Type female: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. tumidula
1937 Agyrtacantha tumidula LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.) 1: 345. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist. Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Austrogynacantha
1908 Austrogynacantha TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 425. Type species: Austrogynacantha heterogena TILL YARD, 1908 (original designation). - 1 9 1 1 Austrogynacantha - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 25 (incorrect synonymy with Gynacantha RAMBUR, 1842). - 1916 Austrogynacantha - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 73 (revision).
1908 Austrogynacantha heterogena TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 428. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland (as generotype of Austrogynacantha TILLYARD, 1908). 1916 Austrogynacantha - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 74.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Gynacantha
1842 Gynacantha RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 209. Type species: Gynacantha nervosa RAMBUR, 1842 (genotype not given - designated by CALVERT, 1905; Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 189). - 1890 Acanthagyna KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 94 (fixed the t y p e o f Gynacantha
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 0 5 Gynacantha
- JACOBSON & BIANKI, P r y a m .
39 lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 763 (key to species). - 1905 Selysiophlebia FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 1905: 75. Type species: Selysiophlebia aratrix FÖRSTER, 1905 (original designation). - 1911 Acanthagyna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 25 (proposed synonymy with Gynacantha RAMBUR, 1842). - 1921 Gynacantha - Ris, Annls S.Afr. Mus., 18: 358 (key to South African species). - 1923 Gynacantha - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 19 (revision, list of Oriental species). - 1926 Gynacantha - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 84 (key to Japanese species). - 1934 Acanthagyna - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 200 (as valid taxon, type species: Gynacantha nervosa RAMBUR, 1842, original designation). - 1962 Gynacantha - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 3 (key to African species). - 1962 Gynacantha - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 197.
1909 Gynacantha adela MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 174. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Bolivia. 1911 Gynacantha martini NAVAS, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 8: 479. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Brazil. 1923 Gynacantha adela - WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, 9:27 (Bolivia, Peru). 1943 Gynacantha adela - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 255.
Distribution: Bolivia, Peru. africana
1805 1890 1895 1958
Aeschna africana BEAUVOIS, Ans. Afr. Amer.: 67. Type: unknown; type-locality: West Africa. Acanthagyna africana - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. Acanthagyna africana - MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 413. Acanthagyna africana - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 3 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Tanganyika). 1962 Gynacantha africana - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 7 (tropical Africa).
Distribution: tropical Africa. albistyla
1927 Gynacantha albistyla FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 75. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Bihar. 1966 Acanthagyna albistyla - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 177.
Distribution: India. alcathone
1961 Gynacantha alcathone LIEFTINCK, Fieldiana (Zool.), 42: 145. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Mindanao.
Distribution: Philippine Islands. apiaensis
1927 Gynacantha apiaensis FRASER, Ins. Samoa, 7: 35. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Samoa. 1966 Acanthagyna apiaensis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 178.
Distribution: Samoa. apicalis
1924 Gynacantha apicalis FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 83. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1966 Acanthagyna apicalis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 178.
Distribution: India.
40 aratrix
1905 Selysiophlebia aratrix FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 1905: 75 (as generotype of Selysiophlebia FÖRSTER, 1905). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Paraguay. 1985 Gynacantha aratrix - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 11.
Distribution: Paraguay. arsinoe
1948 Gynacantha arsinoe LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (3): 422. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden type-locality: Talaud Island.
Distribution: Talaud Island (Indonesia), arthuri
1953 Gynacantha arthuri LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 177. Type male: Wagner's Collection; type-locality: Distribution: Sumba.Sumba.
1909 Gynacantha auricularis MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 17: 176. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Surinam. 1934 Gynacantha auricularis - HINCKS, Ent. Ree. Jn. Variat, 46: 78. 1943 Gynacantha auricularis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 255 (Costa Rica, Matto Grosso, Surinam).
Distribution: from Costa Rica to Brazil, bainbriggei
1922 Gynacantha bainbriggei FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 75. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam. 1966 Acanthagyna bainbriggei - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 181.
Distribution: India. basiguttata SELYS 1882 Gynacantha basiguttata SELYS, Ann. Soc. Esp. nat. Hist., 11: 18. Type male: Semper's Collection; type-locality: Luzon. 1890 Acanthagyna basiguttata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. 1911 Gynacantha basiguttata - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum Bruxelles, 115: 26. 1923 Gynacantha basiguttata - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S.natn. Mus., 62: 21 (Burma, Indo-Chinese Peninsula, Celebes). 1926 Gynacantha basiguttata - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 85 (Japan). 1926 Gynacantha javica FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 479. Type male: not given, perhaps in Fraser's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1930 Gynacantha javica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 12: 165 (proposed synonymy with basiguttata SELYS, 1882).
1934 Gynacantha basiguttata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 444 (Java) (type male in R. Mus., Bruxelles). 1954 Gynacantha basiguttata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 99 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: from Japan to Java.
1892 Gynacantha bayadera SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ.stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 483. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova; type-locality: Burma. 1915 Gynacantha bayadera - Ris, Nova Guinea, 13: 111 (Sikkim, Formosa, Java, Borneo, Celebes). 1923 Gynacantha bayadera - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 26 (Sikkim to Formosa, and Celebes). 1926 Gynacantha lyttoni FRASER, J. Darjeeling nat. Hist. Soc., 1: 31. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1926 Gynacantha bayadera - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 34 (Sumatra). 1930 Gynacantha bayadera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 12: 164 (Java, Celebes). 1937 Gynacantha bayadera - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 48 (Luzon, Mindanao). 1954 Gynacantha bayadera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 100 (Siam, Malaya, Java, Borneo). 1964 Gynacantha bayadera - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 160 (Burma). 1966 Gynacantha lyttoni- KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 202 (proposed synonymy w i t h bayadera
SELYS, 1892).
Distribution: Oriental region. bifida bifida
1842 Gynacantha bifida RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 213. Type female: Mus. Nation., Hist. Nat. Paris; type-locality: not given. 1890 Acanthagyna bifida - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 95. 1911 Gynacantha bifida - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 25 (Florida). 1918 Gynacantha bifida bifida - RIS, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 155.
Distribution: Florida. bifida croceipennis
1909 Gynacantha bifida var. croceipennis MARTIN, Coll Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 17: 173. Male from Bolivia. 1918 Gynacantha bifida croceipennis - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 155 (Peru, Bolivia). 1923 Gynacantha croceipennis - WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 9: 44. 1943 Gynacantha bifida croceipennis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 255 (Peru). 1984 Gynacantha croceipennis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 12.
Distribution: Peru, Bolivia. biharica
1927 Gynacantha biharica FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 74. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Bihar. 1966 Acanthagyna biharica - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 182.
Distribution: India. bispina
1842 Gynacantha bispina RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 211. Type sex not given: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Mauritius. 1890 Acanthagyna bispina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. 1911 Gynacantha bispina - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 25. 1962 Acanthagyna bispina - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 200 (type female in Hope Mus. - ex Marchal's Collection). 1962 Gynacantha bisipina - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 15 (Mauritius).
Distribution: Mauritius.
42 bonguensis
1901 Gynacantha bonguensis FÖRSTER, 1898 - loc. cit. MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 243 (emendation).
Distribution: Queensland, bullata bullata
1891 Gynacantha bullata KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (18): 282. Type maie: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1891 Gynacantha bullata - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (20): 306 (redescription). 1934 Gynacantha bullata - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., 3 I I 3 : 51 (Belgian Congo). 1947 Gynacantha bullata - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 34 (Ivory Coast). 1962 Acanthagyna bullata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:198 (Ivory Coast, French Guinea, Cameroon, Belgian Congo, Tanganyika, Uganda, Nigeria). 1962 Gynacantha bullata - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 17 (tropical Africa).
Distribution: tropical Africa. bullata elongata
1957 Gynacantha bullata elongata FRASER, Rev. Zool.Bot. afr., 55: 339. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Acanthagyna bullata elongata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 198.
Distribution: Congo Republic. burmana
I960 Gynacantha burmana LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 38: 248. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma. calliope
1953 Gynacantha calliope LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 260. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Waigeo Island.
Distribution: Waigeo Island (Indonesia). calypso Ris 1916 Gynacantha calypso Ris, Nova Guinea, 13 (2): 108. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Ceram. 1926 Gynacantha calypso - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 7: 279 (Buru). 1930 Gynacantha calypso - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 7, Suppl.: 318. 1948 Gynacantha calypso - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (3): 418.
Distribution: Ceram, and Buru. caudata
1891 Gynacantha caudata KARSCH, Soc. Ent., 6:121. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Ecuador.
Distribution: Ecuador.
43 chelifera
1896 Gynacantha chelifera MCLACHLAN (SELYS MS), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 416. Type male: not given; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. convergens
1908 Gynacantha convergens FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 52: 215. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Paraguay. 1916 Gynacantha limai NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. n. Line., (2) 2: 71. Type: unknown; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay. cylindrata
1891 Gynacantha cylindrata KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (18): 282. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: West Africa. 1891 Gynacantha cylindria (misprint) - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (20): 308 (redescription). 1962 Acanthagyna cylindrata - PINHEY, Pubi, cult Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 198 (Dahomey, Cameroon, Belgian Congo, Uganda). 1962 Gynacantha cylindrata - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 9. 1985 Gynacantha lindratacy LE ROI, 1915 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 13.
Distribution: tropical Africa. demeter Ris 1911 Gynacantha demeter Ris, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 55: 245. Type maie: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Borneo. 1923 Gynacantha demeter - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 22 (Borneo). 1954 Gynacantha demeter - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 100 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. dobsoni
1951 Gynacantha dobsoni FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 307. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Australia. 1977 Gynacantha dobsoni - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278.
Distribution: Australia. dohrni
1898 Alloneura dohrni KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 114. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Sumatra. 1916 Gynacantha dohrni - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 73 (Queensland). 1923 Gynacantha dohrni - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 22 (Borneo). 1934 Idionyx dohrni - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 377 (Sumatra). 1934 Gynacantha dohrni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 445 (Java). 1954 Gynacantha dohrni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 100 (Mentawei Isl., Sumatra, Java Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region, and Queensland. dravida
1906 Gynacantha dravida LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 38: 252. Type: unknown; type-locality: West India.
44 1985 Gynacantha hyalina FRASER, 1922 (nec SEL YS, 1882) - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s
of the World, Utrecht, 2: 12.
Distribution: India. ereagris
1888 Gynacantha ereagris GUNDLACH, Contr. Fauna cubana, 2: 243. Type male: originally in Habana Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1919 Gynacantha ereagris - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent.Soc. 45: 359 (Cuba).
Distribution: Cuba. furcata
1842 Gynacantha furcata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 210. Type female: unknown; type-locality: Borneo. 1890 Acanthagyna furcata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. 1911 Gynacantha furcata - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 26. 1954 Gynacantha furcata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 100 (incorrect synonymy with bayadera SEL YS, 1892).
Distribution: Borneo. hyalina
1882 Gynacantha hyalina SELYS (nec FRASER, 1922), A n n . Soc. E s p . hist. N a t . , M a d r i d , 11: 17.
1890 1911 1916 1923 1926 1937 1960
Type male: Semper's Collection; type-locality: Luzon. Acanthagyna hyalina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. Gynacantha hyalina - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 26. Gynacantha hyalina - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 59 (redesciption) (Formosa). Gynacantha hyalina - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 23 (Assam, Siam). Gynacantha hyalina - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 85 (Japan). Gynacantha hyalina - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 48 (Luzon, Palawan). Gynacantha hyalina - LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 38: 251 (redescription).
Distribution: from Japan to Thailand, and Philippine Islands. flavipes
1956 Gynacantha flavipes FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 54: 386. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Acanthagyna flavipes - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 198. 1962 Gynacantha flavipes - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot.afr., 65: 18.
Distribution: Congo Republic. kirbyi
1898 Gynacantha kirbyi KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ζ., 59: 282. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Borneo. 1926 Gynacantha fulvia FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 477. Type female: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1985 Gynacantha kirbyi - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 13 (New Guinea).
Distribution: Borneo, Java, New Guinea.
45 helenga
1930 Gynacantha helenga WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 281: 1. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1959 Gynacantha helenga - KORMONDY, Ohio J. Sci., 59: 311 (redescription).
Distribution: Mexico. hova
1956 Gynacantha hova FRASER, Faune Madag., 1: 10. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Acanthagyna hova - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 200. 1962 Gynacantha hova - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 18 (Madagascar).
Distribution: Madagascar. immaculifrons
1956 Gynacantha immaculifrons FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 54: 385. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Acanthagyna immaculifrons - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 198. 1962 Gynacantha immaculifrons - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 20 (Congo).
Distribution: Congo Republic. incisura
1935 Gynacantha incisura FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 37: 325. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Shan States (Burma). 1966 Acanthagyna incisura - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 196.
Distribution: Burma. interioris
1923 Gynacantha interioris WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 9: 48. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: „Campamente". 1943 Gynacantha interioris - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 256 (Venezuela, Brazil).
Distribution: Venezuela, Brazil. japónica
1909 Gynacantha japónica BARTENEF, Samml. Zool. Mus. Univ. Tomsk, 11-12:7. Type male: Tomsk Mus.; type-locality: Japan. 1916 Gynacantha japónica - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 61 (Formosa, Japan, China) (redescription). 1923 Gynacantha japónica - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 24. 1928 Gynacantha japónica - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 118 (Yunnan).
Distribution: Japan, China, Taiwan. jessei
1923 Gynacantha jessei WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 9: 33. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America.
46 klagesi
1923 Gynacantha klagesi WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 9: 36. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: French Guiana. 1943 Gynacantha klagesi - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 255 (Peru).
Distribution: French Guiana, and Peru. laticeps
1923 Gynacantha laticeps WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 9: 26. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America. lieftincki
1 9 8 5 G y n a c a n t h a lieftincki COMPTE SART, 1 9 6 4 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 13.
Distribution: West Africa. limbalis
1892 Gynacantha limbalis KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 18 (16): 252. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Java. 1934 Gynacantha limbalis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 445 (Java, Borneo). 1954 Gynacantha limbalis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 101 (Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo. litoralis
1923 Gynacantha litoralis WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 9: 44. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: "Paramaribe". 1943 Gynacantha litoralis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 255.
Distribution: Peru. maclachlani
1898 Gynacantha maclachlani KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59:281. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sumatra. 1909 Gynacantha maclachlani - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 200. 1923 Gynacantha maclachlani - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 22 (Malay Peninsula, Celebes, India, Burma, Himalayas). 1954 Gynacantha maclachlani - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 101 (Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: from Himalayas to Borneo. membranalis
1891 Gynacantha membranalis KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17(18): 281. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Bogota. 1891 Gynacantha membranalis - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (20): 305 (redescription). 1915 Gynacantha jubilarís NAVAS, Mem. R. Acad. Barcelona, 11 (27): 3. Type male: Cieñe. Mus., Barcelona; type-locality: Colombia. 1916 Gynacantha membranalis - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 155 (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil). 1917 Gynacantha membranalis - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (15): 39 (Amazonas). 1920 Gynacantha membranalis - NAVAS, Bol. Soc. Ent. Esp., 3: 90. 1932 Gynacantha membranalis - GEUSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 98 (Trinidad).
47 1943 Gynacantha Bolivia).
- SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 256 (Peru, Costa Rica, Para,
Distribution: tropical America. malgassica
1962 Gynacantha malgassica FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65:21. Type male: not given; type-locality: Madagascar.
Distribution: Madagascar. manderica
1902 Gynacantha manderica GRÜNBERG, Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin: 234. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Africa. 1921 Gynacantha manderica - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 360 (South Africa). 1934 Gynacantha manderica - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 52 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Acanthagyna manderica - PINHEY, Pubi, cult Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 199 (Rhodesia, Nyassaland, Belgian Congo, Kenya, Somalia, Dahomey, Sudan, Nigeria). 1962 Gynacantha manderica - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 22 (Tanganyika, Uganda).
Distribution: tropical Africa. mexicana
1869 Gynacantha mexicana SELYS, C. R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 11: 69. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1890 Acanthagyna mexicana - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. 1910 Gynacantha mexicana - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi.Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 107 (Mexico, Honduras).
Distribution: Central America. mocsaryi
1898 Gynacantha mocsaryi FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 21: 292. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1900 Gynacantha simillima FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 23: 98. Type male: Természett. Múz., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. 1916 Gynacantha mocsaryi - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 72 (Queensland, New Guinea, Lombok). 1949 Gynacantha mocsaryi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 353 (Solomon Islands).
Distribution: Oriental region, and Queensland. musa
1892 Gynacantha musa locality: Java. 1934 Gynacantha musa 1936 Gynacantha musa 1954 Gynacantha musa
KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 18 (16): 253. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type- LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 445 (Java). - LIEFTINCK, Rev. suisse Zool., 43 (5): 150 (Flores). - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 102 (Java).
Distribution: Java, and Flores. nausicaa Ris 1916 Gynacantha nausicaa Ris, Nova Guinea, 13 (2): 109. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Celebes.
48 1923 Gynacantha nausicaa - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 26. 1948 Gynacantha nausicaa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (3): 421 (Celebes) (redescription).
Distribution: Celebes. nervosa
1839 Aeschna gracilis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 837. Type female: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; typelocality: Bahia. 1842 Gynacantha nervosa RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 213. Type male: Mus. Nation.Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Bolivia. 1888 Gynacantha robusta KOLBE, Arch. f. Nat., 54: 170. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Acanthagyna nervosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 94. 1910 Gynacantha nervosa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 107. 1910 Aeschna gracilis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 107 (proposed synonymy w i t h nervosa
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
1910 Gynacantha robusta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Publ.Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 107 (proposed synonymy with nervosa RAMBUR, 1842). 1943 Gynacantha nervosa - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 255 (tropical South America).
Distribution: tropical South America. nigeriensis
1956 Acanthagyna nigeriensis GAMBLES, Entomologist's month. Mag., 92: 194. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nigeria. 1962 Gynacantha nigeriensis - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 22 (Nigeria).
Distribution: Nigeria. nigripes
1896 Gynacantha khasiaca MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat.Hist., (6) 17: 411. Type male: not given; type-locality: India. 1 9 8 5 G y n a c a n t h a n i g r i p e s MCLACHLAN, 1 8 8 3 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 13. Male from Tibet. 1985 Gynacantha nigripes f. khasiaca - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:13.
Distribution: India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Tibet. nympha
1933 Gynacantha nympha NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Cien. Madrid, 29: 193. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. ochraceipes
1960 Acanthagyna ochraceipes PINHEY, Occ. Papp. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 3: 511. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Tanganyika. 1962 Gynacantha ochracipes (misprint) - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 10 (Rhodesia).
Distribution: East Africa. odoneli
1922 Gynacantha o'doneli FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 78: 700. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Bengal. 1966 Acanthagyna odoneli - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 207.
Distribution: India.
49 pasiphae
1948 Gynacantha pasiphae LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (3): 420. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Halmahera.
Distribution: Halmahera. penelope Ris 1916 Gynacantha penelope Ris, N o v a Guinea, 13 (2): 110. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1923 Gynacantha penelope - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 26. 1948 Gynacantha penelope - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (3): 418 (redescription) (Celebes).
Distribution: Celebes. phaeomeria I960
Gynacantha phaeomeria locality: Thailand.
Mem. Soc. ent.ital.,
38: 253.
Type male: unknown; type-
Distribution: Thailand. radama
1869 Gynacantha radama SELYS, Pollen et van D a m , 25:10 (nom.nud.) (female from Madagascar). 1872 Gynacantha radama - SELYS, Rev. Zool., (2) 23: 182 (emendation) (Madagascar). 1956 Gynacantha ramada FRASER, F a u n e Madag., 1: 8. Type female: Mus. Nation, hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Acanthagyna radama - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 200 (Madagascar, Réunion). 1962 Gynacantha ramada - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 12 (Madagascar).
Distribution: Madagascar, and Réunion. rammohani 1985
Gynacantha rammohani M I T R A of the World, Utrecht, 2: 14.
& LAHIRI, 1 9 7 5
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies
Distribution: India. remartinia
1934 Gynacantha remartinia NAVAS, Brotéria, 30 (3): 133. Type male: not given; type-locality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia, risi
1931 Gynacantha risi LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States, 16: 205. Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; type-locality: Perak. 1954 Gynacantha risi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 102 (Malaya, Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, Java. rosenbergi BRAUER 1867 Gynacantha rosenbergi BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien. Type male: D a r m s t a d t Mus.; type-locality: Papua. 1890 Acanthagyna rosenbergi-KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95 (Papua, Celebes, Japan). 1900 Gynacantha rosenbergi - FÖRSTER, Természetr. Fiiz., Budapest, 23: 101 (New Guinea). 1901 Gynacantha rosenbergi - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 243 (Queensland).
50 1916 Gynacantha Queensland 1926 Gynacantha 1942 Gynacantha 1949 Gynacantha 1977 Gynacantha
rosenbergi - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 71 (North Australia, to Singapore and Japan). rosenbergi - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 85 (Japan). rosenbergi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 573 (New Guinea). rosenbergi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 353 (New Ireland, Guadalcanal). rosenbergi - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278.
Distribution: from Japan to Australia. rotundata
1930 Gynacantha rotundata NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Ci. Zaragoza, 13: 31. Type male: unknown; typelocality: India.
Distribution: India. ryukyuensis
1 9 8 5 G y n a c a n t h a r y u k y u e n s i s ASAHINA, 1 9 6 2 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 14.
Distribution: Ryukyu Island. saltatrix
1909 Gynacantha saltatrix MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20:194. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Tonkin. 1926 Gynacantha saltatrix - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 85 (Formosa).
Distribution: Taiwan, Hainan, and Vietnam. sevastopuloi
1961 Acanthagyna sevastopuloi PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 15:100. Type male: British Museum, (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Kampala. 1962 Acanthagyna sevastopuloi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 199 (Nyassaland, Zanzibar). 1962 Gynacantha sevastopuloi - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 25 (Uganda).
Distribution: East Africa. sextans
1896 Gynacantha sextans MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat.Hist., (6) 17: 413. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Cameroon. 1915 Gynacantha schultzei LE ROI, Ergeb. zweit.Deutsch. Zentral Afr. Exp., 1: 347. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Bonn Mus.; type-locality: Spanish Guinea. 1917 Gynacantha maesi SCHOUDETEN, Revue zool. Afr., 5: 104. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Lake Leopold. 1934 Gynacantha maesi - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 52 (proposed synonymy with schultzei LE ROI, 1915). 1947 Gynacantha sextans - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 48: 33 (Ivory Coast). 1959 Acanthagyna (Gynacantha) sextans - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 30 (Ghana, Cameroon, Angola). 1962 Acanthagyna sextans - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 199 (Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Spanish Guinea, Belgian Congo, Angola). 1962 Gynacantha schultzei- PINHEY, Pubi. cult.Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:199 (proposed synonymy w i t h sextans
MCLACHLAN, 1 8 9 6 ) .
Distribution: tropical Africa.
51 stenoptera
1934 Gynacantha stenoptera LIEFTINCK, Stylops, 3: 265. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Java. 1934 Gynacantha stenoptera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 447 (Java). 1954 Gynacantha stenoptera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 102 (Java).
Distribution: Java. stevensoni
1927 Gynacantha stevensoni FRASER, Ins. Samoa, 7: 36. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Samoa. 1966 Acanthagyna stevensoni - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 214. 1985 Gynacantha stevensoni - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:14 (Tonga).
Distribution: Samoa, and Tonga, stylata
MARTIN 1896 Gynacantha stylata MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 9: 106. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Seychelles. 1962 Acanthagyna stylata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 200. 1962 Gynacantha stylata - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot.afr., 65: 26 (Seychelles).
Distribution: Seychelles. subinterrupta
1842 Gynacantha subinterrupta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 212. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Java. 1890 Acanthagyna subinterrupta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. 1911 Gynacantha subinterrupta - MARTIN. Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 26. 1915 Gynacantha subinterrupta - Ris, Nova Guinea, 13 (2): 110 (Lombok). 1922 Gynacantha hanumana FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr.India, 7: 76: Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1927 Gynacantha subinterrupta - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 33 (Sumatra). 1934 Gynacantha subinterrupta - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 446 (Java). 1937 Gynacantha subinterrupta - NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 6 3 (1): 47 (Luzon). 1954 Gynacantha subinterrupta - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 102 (Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo). 1966 Gynacantha hanumana - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 195 (proposed synonymy with subinterrupta R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) .
Distribution: Oriental region. subviridis 1985
Gynacantha subviridis Utrecht, 2: 14.
SELYS, 1 8 5 0
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Brazil. tenuis
1909 Gynacantha tenuis MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 17: 176. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas. 1923 Gynacantha tenuis - NAVAS, Neuropt. Colomb., Bogota, Sep.: 16. 1932 Gynacantha tenuis - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 97 (Trinidad). 1943 Gynacantha tenuis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 255 (Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Amazonas, Surinam).
Distribution: Northern part of South America.
52 tibiata
1891 Gynacantha tibiata KARSCH, SOC. Ent., 6: 121. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Mexico. 1916 Gynacantha tibiata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 156 (Mexico, Panama, Ecuador).
Distribution: from Mexico to Ecuador. usambarica
1909 Gynacantha usambarica SJÖSTEDT, Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., 2 (14): 36. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Usambara. 1962 Acantagyna usambarica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 199 (Kenya, Tanganyika). 1962 Gynacantha usambarica - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 27.
Distribution: East Africa. vesiculata
1891 Gynacantha vasiculata KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (18): 282. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: West Africa. 1891 Gynacantha vesiculata - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (20): 307 (redescription). 1896 Gynacantha quadrine MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 414. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: West Africa. 1962 Acanthagyna vesiculata-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:199 (Cameroon, French Equatorial Africa, Kenya). 1962 Gynacantha quadrina - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:199 (proposed synonymy w i t h vesiculata
KARSCH, 1891).
1962 Gynacantha vesiculata - FRASER, Rev. Zool.Bot. afr., 65:12 (tropical Africa: Congo, Katanga, Kenya, Tanganyika).
Distribution: tropical Africa. victoriae
1961 Acanthagyna victoriae PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist.: 101. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Acanthagyna victoriae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 199. 1962 Gynacantha victoriae - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65: 28 (Uganda).
Distribution: Uganda. villosa
1902 Gynacantha villosa GRÜNBERG, Sitz. Berich. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin: 233. Type male: Mus. Naturk. Berlin; type-locality: Delagoa Bay (Mozambique). 1921 Gynacantha villosa - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 358. 1962 Acanthagyna villosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 199 (Port. East Africa, Nyassaland, Tanganyika, Uganda, Belgian Congo, Nigeria). 1962 Gynacantha villosa - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 65:13 (Uganda, Tanganyika, Congo, Nyassaland).
Distribution: tropical Africa, vilma S T E I N M A N N nom. nov. 1842 Aeschna viridis RAMBUR (nec
EVERSMANN, 1836), Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 200. Type: sex not given; unknown, originally in Mus. Nation. Hist, nat., Paris; type-locality: unknown.
53 1890 Acanthagyna viridis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 95 (Tapajos). - Gynacantha vilma STEINMANN (new name for Aeschna viridis RAMBUR, 1842, a junior secondary homonymy oí Aeschna viridis EVERSMANN, 1836).
Distribution: Brazil. zuluensis
1961 Acanthagyna zuluensis BALINSKY, J. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 24:82. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Natal. 1962 Acanthagyna zuluensis - FRASER, Rev. Zool.Bot. afr., 65: 26 (Natal). 1985 Gynacantha zuluensis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 14 (Zululand).
Distribution: South Africa. Genus Heliaeschna
1882 Heliaeschna SELYS, C.R. ASS. franc. Av. Sci., 10: 667. Type species: Heliaeschna fuliginosa SELYS, 1882 (ex SELYS, 1883, nom.nud.). - 1909 Malayaeschna FÖRSTER, Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. Wiesb., 62: 219. Type species: Amphiaeschna Simplicia KARSCH, 1891 (original designation). - 1911 Heliaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 26. - 1923 Heliaeschna -LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62:16 (list of Oriental species). -1936 Heliaeschna LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 8: 89 (key to African species). - 1939 Heliaeschna - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 482. - 1954 Heliaeschna - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 103. - 1954 Malayaeschna - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 103 (proposed synonymy with Heliaeschna SELYS, 1882). - 1962 Heliaeschna - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 200.
1940 Heliaeschna bartelsi LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 17: 386. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Borneo. 1954 Heliaeschna bartelsi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 103 (Borneo, Sumatra).
Distribution: Borneo, Sumatra. crassa
1898 Heliaeschna crassa KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 325. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Borneo. 1909 Heliaeschna crassa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 162. 1923 Heliaeschna crassa - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 17 (Borneo). 1926 Heliaeschna crassa - FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 476 (Java). 1935 Heliaeschna crassa - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 92-93: 22 (Sumatra). 1954 Heliaeschna crassa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 104 (Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. cynthiae
1939 Heliaeschna cynthiae FRASER, Proc. R. ent.Soc. London, (Β) 8: 89. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Heliaeschna cynthiae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 200.
Distribution: Uganda.
54 filostyla
1907 Heliaeschna filostyla MARTIN, Leiden Notes Mus., 28: 221. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Celebes. 1909 Heliaeschna gladiostyla MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 166. Type male: M a r tin's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1923 Heliaeschna filostyla - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 17 (Celebes). 1923 Heliaeschna gladiostyla - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 17 (Celebes). 1985 Heliaeschna gladiostyla - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 15 (proposed synonymy with filostyla MARTIN, 1907).
Distribution: Celebes. fuliginosa
1883 Heliaeschna fuliginosa SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 746. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Cameroon. 1893 Heliaeschna fuliginosa - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 19: 194. 1936 Heliaeschna fuliginosa - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 483. 1962 Heliaeschna fuliginosa- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:200 (Cameroon, Liberia, Belgian Congo, Nigeria). 1985 Heliaeschna fuliginosa - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:15 (original d e s c r i p t i o n b y KARSCH, 1 8 9 3 ) .
Distribution: tropical Africa. idae
1865 Gynacantha idae BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15:908. Type female: not given, perhaps in Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Borneo. 1890 Amphiaeschna idae - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 93. 1892 Heliaeschna idae - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 18: 251. 1923 Heliaeschna idae - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 17. 1934 Heliaeschna idae - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 17: 553. 1954 Heliaeschna idae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 104 (Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo. lanceolata LE ROI 1915 Heliaeschna lanceolata LE ROI, Ergeb. zweit. Deutsch.-Zentral-Afr. Exp., 1: 346. Type male: not given, perhaps in Bonn Mus.; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Heliaeschna lanceolata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 201 (Belgian Congo, Sierra Leone).
Distribution: West Africa. libyana
1928 Gynacantha libyana FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 136. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.) London; type-locality: Lake Victoria. 1939 Heliaeschna libyana - FRASER, Proc.R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 8: 88 (description of female) (Uganda). 1959 Heliaeschna libyana - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 30 (Uganda). 1962 Heliaeschna libyana - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 201. 1966 Heliaeschna libyana - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 201.
Distribution: Uganda.
55 longfieldae
1985 H e l i a e s c h n a longfieldae GAMBLES, 1 9 6 7 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 15.
Distribution: Cameroon. raymondi
1 9 8 5 H e l i a e s c h n a raymondi COMPTE SART, 1 9 6 7 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 15.
Distribution: Guinea. sembe
1962 Heliaeschna sembe PINHEY, J. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 25: 39. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Congo.
Distribution: Congo Republic. Simplicia (KARSCH) 1891 Amphiaeschna Simplicia KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (18): 282. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: N o r t h Borneo. 1891 Heliaeschna
- KARSCH, E n t . N a c h r . , 17 (20): 3 0 8 ( r e d e s c r i p t i o n ) .
1907 Heliaeschna van der weeli MARTIN, Notes Leyden Mus., 28:222. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality "male Liberia, Biittikofer, err. pro Sumatra". 1909 Malayaeschna Simplicia - FÖRSTER, Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. N a t u r k . Wiesb., 62: 219 (as generotype o f Malayaeschna
1909 1916 1923 1954 1954
Heliaeschna Heliaeschna Heliaeschna Heliaeschna Heliaeschna Simplicia
FÖRSTER, 1909).
weelei-MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20:160 (male, type „Liberia"). Simplicia - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 74. simplica (misprint) - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 17 (Borneo). Simplicia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 104. van der weeli - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 104 [proposed synonymy with
(KARSCH, 1891)].
Distribution: Sumatra, Borneo, ? Liberia. trinervulata
1955 Heliaeschna trinervulata FRASER, Miss. Witte, Parcs nat. Upemba, 38:16. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Heliaeschna trinervulata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 201 (Uganda, Belgian Congo). 1966 Heliaeschna trinervulata - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 216 [holotype male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London].
Distribution: Uganda, Congo Republic, Zaire. ugandica
1896 Heliaeschna ugandica MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 419. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1959 Heliaeschna ugandica - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 30 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Angola). 1962 Heliaeschna ugandica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 201 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Kenya).
Distribution: tropical Africa.
56 ukerewensis
1961 Heliaeschiia ukerewensis PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 1961: 103. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Tanganyika. 1962 Heliaeschna ukerewensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 201.
Distribution: Tanzania. uninervulata uninervulata
1909 Heliaeschna uninervulata MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 163. Type female: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1923 Heliaeschna uninervula (misprint)- LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62:17 (Borneo, Sumatra, Burma). 1935 Heliaeschna uninervulata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 37: 324. 1935 Heliaeschna uninervulata - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 9 2 - 9 3 : 22 (Sumatra). 1953 Heliaeschna uninervulata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 255 (Sumatra, Engano, Java, Borneo). 1954 Heliaeschna uninervulata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 105.
Distribution: Oriental region. uninervulata beesoni
1922 Amphiaeschna beesoni FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28: 901. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Burma. 1935 Heliaeschna uninervulata race beesoni - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 37: 324. 1985 Heliaeschna uninervulata beesoni - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 14.
Distribution: Burma, Bangladesh, and Eastern India. Genus Limnetron
1907 Limnetron FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 24: 163. Type species: Limnetron antarcticum 1907 (monotypy).
1891 Epiaeschna debilis KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (18): 286. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Brazil. 1907 Limnetron antarcticum FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 24:166 (as generotype of Limnetron FÖRSTER, 1907). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Paraguay. 1947 Aeschna viridivittata FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 447. Type male: Inst. Miguel Lille, Tucuman; type-locality: Argentina. 1985 Limnetron debile - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of theWorld, Utrecht, 2: 15.
Distribution: South America. Genus Neuraeschna
1867 Neuraeschna HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 54. Type species: Aeschna costalis BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 (original designation). - 1 9 1 1 Neuraeschna - M A R T I N , Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 27.
1951 Neuraeschna calverti KIMMINS, Ent. News, 62: 43. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Peru.
Distribution: Peru.
57 claviforcipata
1909 Neuraeschna claviforcipata MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 206. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America. costalis
1839 Aeschna costalis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 837. Type female: lost ?; type-locality: Bahia. 1848 Gynacantha ferox ERICHSON, Schomb. Reisen. Brit. Guiana, 3: 585. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: British Guiana. 1867 Neuraeschna costalis - HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 55 (as generotype of Neuraeschna HÄGEN, 1867). 1890 Neuraeschna costalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. 1890 Gynacantha ferox - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95 [proposed synonymy with costalis
(BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) ] .
1989 Neuraeschna
costalis - CARVALHO, Odonatologica, 18: 325 (Brazil).
Distribution: South America. dentigera
1909 Neuraeschna dentigera MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20:207. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America. harpya
1909 Neuraeschna harpya MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 206. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America. inarmata
1951 Neuraeschna inarmata KIMMINS, Ent. News, 62: 46. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: British Guyana.
Distribution: British Guyana. mina
1930 Neuraeschna mina WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 216: 9. Type male: Agassiz Mus., Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. producta
1933 Neuraeschna producta KIMMINS, Entomologist, 66: 226. Type male: British (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Mishuyacu. 1943 Neuraeschna producta - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 256.
Distribution: Peru. rostrifera
1909 Neuraeschna rostrifera MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 208. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America.
58 Genus Plattycantha
1900 Karschia FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 23:91. Type species: Karschia cornuta FÖRSTER, 1900 (original designation). - 1 9 0 0 Karschia-KARSCH, Abh. Senckenb. Ges., 25:213 (proposed synonymy with Gynacantha RAMBUR, 1842). - 1908 Plattycantha FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 52: 215 (new name for Karschia FÖRSTER, 1900, a junior primary homonymy of Karschia WALTER, 1889, in Arachnida). Type species: Karschia cornuta FÖRSTER, 1900 (original designation). - 1 9 0 9 Cornacantha MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19:155. Type species: Karschia cornuta FÖRSTER, 1900 (monotypy). - 1909 Platacantha MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19:154. Type species: Platacanthaförsteri MARTIN, 1909 (nom. nud.) (original designation). - 1911 Plantacantha MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 23 (proposed synonymy with Cornacantha MARTIN, 1909, „preocc. with Platacantha HERRICH-SCHAEFFER, 1844, in Hemiptera). - 1 9 1 1 Karschia-MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 23 (proposed synonymy with Cornacantha MARTIN, 1909). - 1934 Plattycantha - COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 246 (type: Triacanthagyna dirupta KARSCH, 1889). - 1937 Plattycantha LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.), 1: 347 (revision, key to New Guinean species).
1937 Plattycantha acuta LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea (N.S.), 1: 352. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. cornuta
1900 Karschia cornuta FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 23: 94. Type female: Természett. Μύζ., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea, (as generotype of Karschia FÖRSTER, 1900). 1908 Plattycantha cornuta - FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 52: 215 (as generotype of Plattycantha FÖRSTER, 1908). 1909 Cornacantha cornuta - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 156 (as generotype of Cornacantha MARTIN, 1909). 1913 Platycantha cornuta - Ris, Nova Guinea, 9 (3): 489. 1934 Plattycantha cornuta - COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 246. 1937 Plattycantha cornuta - LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea, (N.S.), 1: 349 (redescription).
Distribution: New Guinea. venatrix
1937 Plattycantha venatrix LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, (N.S.), 1: 355. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Staurophlebia
1865 Staurophlebia BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 15: 907. Type species: Staurophlebia magnifica BRAUER, 1865 (monotypy). - 1867 Megalaeschna SELYS (in HAGEN'S MS), Verh. Zool.Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 54. Type species: Aeschna reticulata BURMEISTER, 1839 (designated by COWLEY, 1935, Entomologist, 68: 283). - 1911 Staurophlebia - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 27. - 1935 Megalaeschna - COWLEY, Entomologist, 68: 283 (proposed synonymy with Staurophlebia BRAUER, 1865). - 1959 Staurophlebia - GEIJSKES, Stud. F a u n a Suriname, 3: 150 (key to Neotropical species).
1937 Staurophlebia auca KENNEDY, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 30: 425. Type male: Univ. Zool. Mus., Mich.; type-locality: Ecuador.
Distribution: Ecuador.
59 bosqi
1927 Staurophlebia bosqi NAVAS, Rev. Soc. ent. argent., 2 (3): 27. Type male: Montevideo Mus.; type-locality: Argentina.
Distribution: Argentina. gigantula
1909 Staurophlebia gigantula MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selysde Longchamps, 20:211. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas. 1943 Staurophlebia gigantula - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 256.
Distribution: Upper Amazonas. platyura
1920 Staurophlebia platyura NAVAS, Bol. Soc. ent. Esp., 3: 90. Type male: Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid; type-locality: Rio Pacaya. 1943 Staurophlebia platyura - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 256 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru. reticulata reticulata
1839 Aeschna reticulata BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 837. Type male: Sommer's Collection (perhaps in Naturhist. Mus., Wien); type-locality: Surinam. 1842 Aeschna gigas RAMBUR (nec BARTENEF, 1909), Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 193. Type female: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: unknown. 1865 Staurophlebia magnifica BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 907 (as generotype of Staurophlebia BRAUER, 1865). Type: not given. 1867 Megalaeschna reticulata - SELYS, in HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 17: 54 (as generotype o f Megalaeschna
SELYS, 1 8 6 7 ) .
1890 Staurophlebia reticulata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 96. 1890 Aeschna gigas - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 96 [proposed synonymy with reticulata
(BURMEISTER, 1839)].
1890 Staurophlebia w i t h reticulata
magnifica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 96 [proposed synonymy (BURMEISTER, 1839)].
1898 Staurophlebia reticulata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 53. 1916 Staurophlebia reticulata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 156 (Panama, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina). 1935 Staurophlebia reticulata - COWLEY, Entomologist, 68: 283. 1943 Staurophlebia reticulata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 256 (Honduras, Argentina, Peru). 1959 Staurophlebia reticulata - GEIJSKES, Stud. Fauna Suriname, 3: 153. 1961 Staurophlebia reticulata - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 12 (Peru).
Distribution: South America. reticulata guatemalteca
1 9 8 5 S t a u r o p h l e b i a reticulata g u a t e m a l t e c a WALKER, 1 9 1 5 - l o c . cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e
gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 16.
Distribution: Guatemala. reticulata obscura
1915 Staurophlebia reticulata obscura WALKER, Canad. Ent., 47: 391. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Guyana. 1932 Staurophlebia reticulata obscura - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden,15: 101 (Trinidad).
Distribution: Guyana, and Trinidad.
60 wayana
1959 Staurophlebia wayana GEIJSKES, Stud. Fauna Suriname, 3: 164. Type male: Geijskes's Collection; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. Genus Subaeschna
1909 Subaeschna MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 152. Type species: Subaeschna francesca MARTIN, 1909 (monotypy). - 1911 Subaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 24.
1909 Subaeschna francesca MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 153 (as generotype of Subaeschna M A R T I N , 1 9 0 9 ) . Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1911 Subaeschna francesca - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 24.
Distribution: Suriname. Genus Tetracanthagyna
1883 Tetracanthagyna SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 744. Type species: Gynacantha plagiata WATERHOUSE, 1 8 7 7 (first emendation). - 1 9 0 5 Toaeschna FÖRSTER, Wien. ent. Zeitschr., 24: 2 1 . Type species: Toaeschna fontinalis FÖRSTER, 1 9 0 5 (monotypy). - 1 9 0 5 Tetracanthagyna JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 6 3 (incorrect synonymy with Gynacantha RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 1 1 Toaeschna - M A R T I N , Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 2 2 (proposed synonymy with Tetracanthagyna SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) . - 1 9 2 3 Tetracanthagyna-LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 17 (list of Oriental species). - 1954 Tetracanthagyna - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 105.
Tetracanthagyna bakeri CAMPION & LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1928: 1 2 9 . Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Luzon. 1937 Tetracanthagyna bakeri - NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 49 (Luzon). 1928
Distribution: Philippine Islands. brunnea
1898 Tetracanthagyna brunnea MCLACHLAN, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1898: 443. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1923 Tetracanthagyna brunnea -LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62:18 (Malay Peninsula, Borneo). 1934 Tetracanthagyna brunnea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 443 (Java). 1954 Tetracanthagyna brunnea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 105 (Siam, Malaya, Borneo).
Distribution: from Thailand to Borneo. degorsi
1895 Tetracanthagyna degorsi MARTIN, Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1895: 393. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1923 Tetracanthagyna degorsi - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 18. 1934 Tetracanthagyna degorsi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 443 (incorrect synonymy with brunnea MCLACHLAN, 1898).
1950 Tetracanthagyna 1954 Tetracanthagyna
degorsi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20: 664. degorsi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 106 (Java, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Sumatra, Java, Borneo.
1877 Gynacantha plagiata WATERHOUSE, Proc. ent. Soc. London, 1877: 10. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1883 Tetracanthagyna plagiata - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 744 (as generotype of Tetracanthagyna SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) . 1891 Gynacantha plagiata - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (16): 245 (description of male). 1898 Tetracanthagyna villata MCLACHLAN, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1898: 440. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1911 Tetracanthagyna plagiata - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 22 (Borneo, Sumatra, Malacca). 1923 Tetracanthagyna plagiata - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 18 (Borneo, Sumatra, Malay Peninsula). 1931 Tetracanthagyna plagiata - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 204 (Pahang). 1935 Tetracanthagyna plagiata - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 9 2 - 9 3 : 22 (Sumatra). 1954 Tetracanthagyna plagiata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 106. 1954 Tetracanthagyna villata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 106 [proposed synonymy with plagiata (WATERHOUSE, 1 8 7 7 ) ] .
Distribution: Oriental region. waterhousei
1898 Tetracanthagyna waterhousei MCLACHLAN, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1898: 443. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1899 Tetracanthagyna waterhousei - KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 322. 1905 Toaeschna fontinalis FÖRSTER, Wiener ent. Ztg., 24: 25 (as generotype of Toaeschna FÖRSTER, 1905). Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Tonkin. 1914 Tetracanthagyna sumatrana FÖRSTER, Arch. Naturg., 80 (A.2): 83. Type female: Förster's Collection; type-locality: West Sumatra. 1927 Aeschna quadrilateralis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 70. Type male: originally in British Museum - now unknown; type-locality: Bengal. 1 9 3 3 Tetracanthagyna waterhousei - FRASER, J . Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 36: 4 6 1 (redescription). 1954 Tetracanthagyna waterhousei - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 107 (Sumatra, Borneo). 1954 Aeschna quadrilateralis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 107 (proposed synonymy with waterhousei
1954 Tetracanthagyna waterhousei
sumatrana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 107 (proposed synonymy with
Distribution: Oriental region. Genus Triacanthagyna 1883
Triacanthagyna SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., ( 3 ) 5 : 6 4 5 . Type species: Gynacantha trífida RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1889 Triacanthagyna - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15: 236. - 1890 Triacanthagyna - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 94 (incorrect synonymy with Gynacantha R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 1 1 Triacanthagyna - M A R T I N , Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 2 4 . - 1 9 0 5 Triacanthagyna - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross. imp. : 7 6 3 (as synonym of Gynacantha RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 3 6 Triacanthagyna - KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., ( 1 0 ) 18: 6 8 (as synonym of Gynacantha R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 6 2 Triacanthagyna - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 1 9 7 (as synonym of Acanthagyna K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 ) . - 1 9 8 5 Triacanthagyna - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 16.
1923 Triacanthagyna caribbea WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 9: 22. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: South America. 1932 Triacanthagyna caribbea - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 98 (Trinidad).
Distribution: Trinidad.
62 dentata
1943 Coryphaeschna dentata GEIJSKES, Ent. News, 54: 64. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Surinam. 1985 Triacanthagyna dentata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 16.
Distribution: Suriname. ditzleri
1923 Triacanthagyna ditzleri WILLIAMSON, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 9: 19. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela. 1932 Triacanthagyna ditzleri - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 99 (Trinidad). 1943 Triacanthagyna ditzleri - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 255 (Brazil, Guyana). 1961 Triacanthagyna ditzleri - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 12 (Peru).
Distribution: Venezuela, Trinidad, Brazil, Peru. obscuripennis
1837 Aeschna obscuripennis BLANCHARD, D'Orbigny, Voy. Amér. Mérid., 6 (2): 217. Type male: unknown; type-locality: South America. 1890 Gynacantha obscuripennis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 94.
Distribution: South America. satyrus
1909 Gynacanthagyna satyrus MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 17:177. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1932 Triacanthagyna satyrus - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 100 (Trinidad). 1943 Triacanthagyna satyrus - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 254 (Costa Rica, Venezuela, British Guyana, Para).
Distribution: from Costa Rica to Brazil. séptima
1857 Gynacantha séptima SELYS, Sagra, Hist. Cuba Ins.: 460. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: West Indies. 1890 Acanthagyna séptima - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 95. 1909 Triacanthagyna séptima - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 150. 1910 Gynacantha séptima-MmTKOWSKi, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 108 (Mexico to Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica). 1919 Gynacantha séptima - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 358 (type female: in Poey's Collection). 1932 Triacanthagyna séptima - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 100 (Trinidad).
Distribution: from Mexico to Brazil, and Cuba, Jamaica, Grenada, Trinidad. trífida
1842 Gynacantha trifida RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 210. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1883 Triacanthagyna trifida - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 645. 1909 Triacanthagyna trifida - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 148. 1909 Triacanthagyna needhami MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 149. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Florida. 1910 Gynacantha trifida - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 108 (California, Mexico to Bolivia, Cuba, Jamaica). 1910 Gynacantha needhami - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 107.
63 1919 Gynacantha trífida - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 358 (Cuba). 1932 Triacanthagyna trífida - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 101 (Trinidad).
Distribution: South U.S.A. to Bolivia, Cuba, Jamaica, Grenada, Trinidad. Tribe Polycanthagynini Hind wing of male angulated at base. Riii not bent towards stigma; anal trg present. Oreillets on segment 2. Female with dentigerous plate having 4 or more robust spines. 1985 Polycanthagynini DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 17 (with genus Poly can thagyna).
Genus Polycanthagyna 1933
Polycanthagyna FRASER, J . Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 3 6 : 4 6 3 . Type species: Aeschna MCLACHLAN, 1896 (original designation).
erythromelas erythromelas
1896 Aeschna erythromelas MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 419. Type female: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Simla. 1908 Aeschna erythromelas - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 62 (India, Tonkin). 1923 Aeschna erythromelas - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 19 (Northeast India, Tonkin). 1 9 3 3 Polycanthagyna erythromelas - FRASER, J . Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 36: 4 6 3 (as generotype of Polycanthagyna FRASER, 1 9 3 3 ) .
Distribution: India, Laos, Burma, and Vietnam. erythromelas paiwan
1951 Polycanthagyna erythromelas paiwan ASAHINA, Kontyû, 19: 20. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Formosa.
Distribution: Taiwan, melanictera
1883 Aeschna melanictera SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27:119. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Japan. 1908 Aeschna melanictera - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18: 64 (Japan). 1926 Aeschna melanictera - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 81 (Japan). 1964 Polycanthagyna melanictera - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (1): 5 (Japan).
Distribution: Japan.
Subfamily Brachytroninae Mostly coloured by blue and green enamel-like pigments. Riv and MA run in smooth curve, parallel to each other and to border of wing (slightly diverging at distal end). 1940
Brachytroninae T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 3 7 7 (with genera Austroaeschna, Notoaeschna, Austrophlebia, Planaeschna, Aeschnophlebia, Tetracanthagyna, Epiaeschna, Nasiaeschna, Brachytron, Dendroaeschna, Telephlebia, Cephalaeschna, Periaeschna, Petaliaeschna, Gynacanthagyna, Indophlebia, Caliaeschna). -1985 Brachytroninae-DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:17 (with tribes Brachytronini, and Gomphaeschnini).
64 Tribe Brachytronini IRiii symmetrically forked. Genus Acanthaeschna
1883 Acanthaeschna SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (5) 3: 731. Type species: Acanthaeschna victoria SELYS, 1883 (original designation). - 1911 Acanthaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 16 (incorrect synonymy with Austroaeschna SELYS, 1883).
1883 Acanthaeschna uniformis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (5) 3: 782. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1901 Acanthaeschna unicornis (misprint) - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 234 (redescription of female).
Distribution: Australia. victoria
1883 Acanthaeschna victoria SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (5) 3: 782 (as generotype of Acanthaeschna SELYS, 1883). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1901 Acanthaeschna victoria-MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 233 (New South Wales, Queensland) (redescription of male).
Distribution: Australia. Genus Aeschnophlebia
1883 Aeschnophlebia SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (5) 3: 742. Type species: Aeschnophlebia optata SELYS, 1 8 8 3 (original designation). - 1 9 0 5 Aeschnophlebia - JACOBSON & B I A N K I , Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 771 (key to species). - 1911 Aeschnophlebia - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 21. - 1926 Aeschnophlebia - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 84 (key to Japanese species). - 1936 Aeschnophlebia - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 144.
1883 Aeschnophlebia anisoptera SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 123. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Japan. 1926 Aeschnophlebia anisoptera - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 84 (Japan). 1936 Aeschnophlebia anisoptera - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 144 (incorrect synonymy with longistigma SELYS, 1883).
Distribution: Japan. kolthoffi
1925 Aeschnophlebia kolthoffi SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 17A (14): 2. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. longistigma
1883 Aeschnophlebia longistigma SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 123. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1916 Aeschnophlebia longistigma - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 59 (Japan). 1926 Aeschnophlebia longistigma - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 83 (Japan).
65 1936 Aeschnophlebia (Japan).
- FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 144 (redescription)
Distribution: Japan. optata SEL YS 1883 Aeschnophlebia optata SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 742 (as generotype of Aeschnophlebia SEL YS, 1883). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1905 Aeschnophlebia optata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 771 (Japan). 1911 Aeschnophlebia optata - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 21. 1926 Aeschnophlebia optata - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 84 (Japan). 1936 Aeschnophlebia optata - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 144 (incorrect synonymy w i t h longistigma
SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) .
Distribution: Japan. zygoptera
1 9 8 5 A e s c h n o p h l e b i a z y g o p t e r a BELYSHEV, 1965 - l o c . cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 17.
Distribution: Russia. Genus Austroaeschna
1883 Austroaeschna SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (5) 3: 732. Type species: Austroaeschnaparvistigma SELYS 1883 (monotypy). - 1908 Dromaeschna FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 52: 191. Type species: Dromaeschna severini FÖRSTER, 1908 (original designation). - 1911 Austroaeschna MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 16. - 1911 Dromaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 16 (proposed synonymy with Austroaeschna SELYS, 1883). - 1923 Austroaeschna - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 9. - 1977 Austroaeschna - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 277. - 1982 Austroaeschna - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 3 (revision, key to species).
1908 Austroaeschna anacantha TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 732. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Margaret River. 1909 Austroaeschna espersa MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 96. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1916 Austroaeschna anacantha - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 56. 1982 Austroaeschna anacantha - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87:4 (lectotype designated).
Distribution: Australia. atrata
1909 Austroaeschna atrata MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 95. Type (larval) male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1916 Austroaeschna atrata - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 57 (Victoria, N.S. Wales). 1977 Austroaeschna atrata - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278. 1982 Austroaeschna atrata - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 5 (redescription).
Distribution: Australia. flavomaculata
1916 Austroaeschna parvistigma flavomaculata TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 47. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales. 1977 Austroaeschna parvistigma flavomaculata - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc. 16 (3): 278.
66 1982 Austroaeschna parvistigma flavomaculata - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 5 (description of female). 1985 Austroaeschna flavomaculata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 17.
Distribution: Australia, forcipata (TILLYARD) 1906 Planaeschna (?) forcipata TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 726. Type male: not given, perhaps in Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1908 Dromaeschna severini FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent.Belg., 52:191. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Queensland. 1909 Austroaeschna forcipata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 102. 1913 Austroaeschna forcipata - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 581. 1913 Dromaeschna severini - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 581 [proposed synonymy with forcipata (TILLYARD, 1906)]. 1977 Austroaeschna forcipata - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278. 1982 Austroaeschna forcipata - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 8.
Distribution: Australia. hardyi TILLYARD 1917 Austroaeschna hardyi TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 42: 461. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Tasmania. 1977 Austroaeschna hardyi - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278.
Distribution: Tasmania. inermis MARTIN 1901 Austroaeschna inermis MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 240. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1916 Austroaeschna inermis - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 50 (New South Wales). 1977 Austroaeschna inermis - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278.
Distribution: Australia. intersedens MARTIN 1909 Austroaeschna intersedens MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 101. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Khasia Hill.
Distribution: India. muelleri THEISCHINGER 1982 Austroaeschna muelleri THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 10. Type male: Melbourne Mus.; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. multipunctata (MARTIN) 1901 Planaeschna multipunctata MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 238. Type male: not given, perhaps in Martin's Collection; type-locality: Victoria. 1913 Austroaeschna multipunctata - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 579. 1916 Austroaeschna multipunctata - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 53. 1977 Austroaeschna multipunctata - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278. 1982 Austroaeschna multipunctata - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 13. Distribution: A u s t r a l i a .
67 obscura THEISCHINGER 1982 Austroaeschna obscura THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 15. Type male: Melbourne Mus.; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. parvistigma SELYS 1883 Austroaeschna parvistigma SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (5) 3: 733 (as generotype οï Austroaeschna SELYS, 1883). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1901 Austroaeschna parvistigma (after Zool. Ree., 1901: 299 „MARTIN"). 1913 Austroaeschna parvistigma - TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 579. 1916 Austroaeschna parvistigma - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 54 (allotype female: in Martin's Collection). 1977 Austroaeschna parvistigma - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278.
Distribution: Australia. pulchra TILLYARD 1909 Austroaeschna pulchra TILLYARD, (in MARTIN), Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 91. Type male: unknown; type-locality: East Australia.
Distribution: East Australia. sigma THEISCHINGER 1982 Austroaeschna sigma THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 21. Type male: not given; type-locality: East Australia.
Distribution: East Australia. subapicalis THEISCHINGER 1982 Austroaeschna subapicalis THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87:24. Type male: not given; type-locality: East Australia.
Distribution: East Australia. tasmanica
1916 Austroaeschna tasmanica TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 49. Type male: H o b a r t Museum; type-locality: Tasmania. 1977 Austroaeschna tasmanica - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278.
Distribution: Tasmania. unicornis unicornis SELYS 1883 Austroaeschna unicornis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (5) 3: 734. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1901 Planaeschna longissima MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 237. Type male: not given; type-locality: Victoria. 1916 Austroaeschna unicornis - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 55. 1916 Austroaeschna longissima - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 51 (larval type in Tillyard's Collection). 1977 Austroaeschna unicornis - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278. 1977 Austroaeschna longissima - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278. 1982 Austroaeschna unicornis - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 27. 1982 Austroaeschna longissima-THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87:27 (proposed synonymy with unicornis SELYS, 1883).
68 1985 Austroaeschna 2: 18.
unicornis unicornis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
Distribution: Australia, unicornis speciosa
1917 Austroaeschna speciosa SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 (11): 18. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Queensland. 1982 Austroaeschna speciosa - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 29. 1985 Austroaeschna unicornis speciosa - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 18.
Distribution: Australia, weiskei
1908 Austroaeschna weiskei FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 52: 192. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Queensland. 1917 Austroaeschna weiskei - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 21 (Queensland). 1977 Austroaeschna weiskei - WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (3): 278. 1982 Austroaeschna weiskei - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 33.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Austrophlebia
1916 Austrophlebia TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33:21. Type species:
TILL YARD, 1906 (original d e s i g n a t i o n ) .
1906 Planaeschna costalis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 724. Type female: not given; type-locality: New South Wales. 1908 Telephlebia macleayi MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 18:142. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Victoria. 1916 Austrophlebia costalis - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 22 (as generotype of Austrophlebia TILLYARD, 1916). 1916 Telephlebia macleayi - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 22 [proposed synonymy with costalis (TILLYARD, 1906)].
Distribution: Australia. Genus Brachytron
1845 Brachytron EVANS, Brit. Libell.: 22 (Evans's book of 1845 having been privately printed, is only a MS). Type species: Libellula pratensis M Ü L L E R , 1 7 6 4 (monotypy). - 1 8 5 0 Brachytron - SELYS, Mém. Soc. sci. Liège, 6: 113 (first valid publication of the name). - 1905 Brachytron - J A C O B S O N & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 7 0 . - 1 9 1 1 Brachytron - M A R T I N , Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 1 1 5 : 1 7 . - 1 9 5 4 Brachytron - LONGFIELD, Entomologist's month. Mag., 90: 146. - 1984 Brachytron - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 55.
pratense 1764 1764 1782 1823 1825 1845
Libellula hafniensis MÜLLER, Faun. Fridr.: 61. Type: not given. Libellula pratensis MÜLLER, Faun. Fridr.: 62. Type: male: not given; type-locality: Denmark. Libellula aspis HARRIS, Exp. Engl. Ins.: 27. Type: not given. Aeschna vernalis VAN DER LINDEN, Opuse. Scient., 4: 159. Type: lost; type-locality: Europe. Aeschna pilosa CHARPENTIER, Hör. Ent.: 37. Type: not given. Brachytron hafniense - E V A N S , Brit. Libell·. 2 2 .
69 1850 Libellula pratense - SELYS, Mém. Soc. sci. Liège, 6: 133 (selected the male as the type, which, as first revision, he was entitled to do). 1911 Brachytron pratense - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 17 (Europe, Asia Minor). 1950 Brachytron hafniense - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 46 (Spain). 1954 Brachytron hafniense - LONGFIELD, Entomologist's month. Mag., 90: 146. 1956 Brachytron hafniense - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 35 (England). 1960 Brachytron hafniense - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 227 (Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Luxembourg). 1984 Brachytron pratense - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 55 (South and Central Europe, Asia Minor). 1 9 8 5 Brachytron pratense - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 8 (Europe).
Distribution: Europe, and Asia Minor to Caspian Sea. Genus Caliaeschna 1883
Caliaeschna SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., ( 3 ) 5 : 7 3 8 . Type species: Aeschna microstigma SCHNEI(monotypy). - 1 9 0 5 Calaeschna (misprint) - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 769. - 1911 Caliaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 15. - 1984 Caliaeschna - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 57.
DER, 1 8 4 5
1909 Calliaeschna (misprint) conspersa MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 112. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. microstigma
1845 Aeschna microstigma SCHNEIDER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 6: 113. Type female: lost; type-locality: Corfu. 1883 Caliaeschna microstigma - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 738 (as generotype of Caliaeschna SELYS, 1883).
1887 Caliaeschna microstigma 1939 Calkitaeschna (misprint) (Transcaucasica). 1949 Caliaeschna microstigma 1984 Caliaeschna microstigma slavia).
- SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 37 (Asia Minor, Corfu). microstigma - AKRAMOVSKI, Nauk. Trud. Erev. Gos. Univ., 9: 49 - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 165 (Armenia). - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 57 (Asia Minor, Greece, Yugo-
Distribution: Serbia: Kosovo; Albania, Cyprus, Greece, Asia Minor. Genus Cephalaeschna
1883 Cephalaeschna SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 739. Type species: Cephalaeschna orbifrons SELYS, 1 8 8 3 (original designation). - 1 9 0 5 Cephalaeschna - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 770 (key to species). - 1911 Cephalaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 1 1 5 : 1 5 (incorrect synonymy with Caliaeschna SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) . - 1 9 2 3 Cephalaeschna - L A I D L A W , Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 6 2 : 1 0 (list of Oriental species). - 1 9 3 5 Indophlebia FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 3 7 : 3 2 2 . Type species: Indophlebia asiatica FRASER, 1 9 3 5 (original designation). - 1 9 5 4 Cephalaeschna LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 9 9 . - 1 9 8 1 Indophlebia A S A H I N A , Bull. natn. Sei. Mus. Tokyo (Zool.), 7 ( 1 ) : 3 1 (proposed synonymy with Cephalaeschna SELYS, 1883).
acutifrons 1909
Calliaeschna (misprint) acutifrons M A R T I N (nec K L O T S , 1 9 4 7 ) , Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 110. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: India.
70 1916 Caliaeschna (?) acutifrons - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 55 (China). 1929 Caliaeschna acutifrons - NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Ci. Zaragoza, 12: 181 (description of male). 1935 Indophlebia asiatica FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 37: 323. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London (as generotype of Indophlebia FRASER, 1935); type-locality: Sikkim. 1981 Indophlebia asiatica - ASAHINA, Bull. natn. Sei. Mus. Tokyo (Zool.), 7 (1): 37 [proposed synonymy with acutifrons (MARTIN, 1909)]. 1985 Cephalaeschna acutifrous - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 18.
Distribution: India, chaoi
1982 Cephalaeschna acutifrons KLOTS 1947 (nec MARTIN, 1909) - loc. cit. ASAHINA, Tombo, 25 (1-4): 7. 1982 Cephalaeschna chaoi ASAHINA, Tombo, 25 (1-4): 7 (new name for acutifrons KLOTS, 1947, a junior secondary homonymy oí acutifrons MARTIN, 1909). Type male: Naturhist. Rijksmus. Leiden; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China, klapperichi
1961 Cephalaeschna klapperichi SCHMIDT, Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SW-Dtschl., 19: 416. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Afghanistan.
Distribution: Afghanistan. klotsi ASAHINA 1982 Cephalaeschna klotsi ASAHINA, Tombo, 25 (1-4): 9. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist.; Leiden; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China, masoni
1909 Calliaeschna masoni MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 111. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: India. 1985 Cephalaeschna masoni - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 19 (India, Nepal).
Distribution: India, and Nepal, needhami
1981 Cephalaeschna needhami ASAHINA, Tombo, 24 (1-4): 11. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. observa NEEDHAM 1930 Cephalaeschna observa NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 80. Type male: Peking Mus.?; typelocality: China.
Distribution: China, orbifrons
SELYS 1883 Cephalaeschna orbifrons SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 739 (as generotype of Cephalaeschna SELYS, 1883). Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Bengal. 1923 Cephalaeschna orbifrons - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 11 (Northeast Himalayas).
71 1985
Cephalaeschna orbifrons (India, Nepal).
The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
2: 19
Distribution: India, and Nepal. patrorum
1930 Cephalaeschna patrorum NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 83. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. risi
1981 Cephalaeschna risi ASAHINA, Tombo, 24 (1-4): 6. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. triadica 1985
Cephalaeschna triadica World, Utrecht, 2: 19.
LIEFTINCK, 1 9 7 6
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Bhutan. viridifrons
1922 Gynacanthaeschna viridifrons FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28: 899. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: North India. 1935 Cephalaeschna biguttata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 37: 321. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam. 1955 Cephalaeschna biguttata - ASAHINA, Fauna and flora of Nepal, Himal., 1: 298 (description of female). 1 9 8 5 Cephalaeschna biguttata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 9 [as synonym of viridifrons ( F R A S E R , 1 9 2 2 ) ] .
Distribution: India, Nepal, and Bhutan. Genus Dendroaeschna
1907 Dendroaeschna TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 727. Type species: Dendroaeschna conspersa T I L L Y A R D , 1907 (monotypy). - 1916 Dendroaeschna - T I L L Y A R D (as gen. nov.), J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 42. Type species: Dendroaeschna conspersa TILLYARD, 1907.
1907 Dendroaeschna conspersa TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 727 (as generotype of Dendroaeschna TILLYARD, 1907). Type male: not given; type-locality: New South Wales. 1916 Dendroaeschna conspersa - T I L L Y A R D (as sp. nov.), J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 43. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Epiaeschna 1877
Epiaeschna H A G E N , Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 8 6 . Type species: Aeshna heros FABRICIUS, 1798 (monotypy). - 1890 Epiaeschna - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 90. - 1911 Epiaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 13.
1798 Aeshna heros FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 285. Type: not given.
72 1839 Aeshna multicincta SAY, J1 Acad. Sci. Philad., 8: 9. Type female: unknown; type-locality: Indiana. 1861 Aeschna heros - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 128 (Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Tennessee, Florida, Louisiana, Mexico). 1861 Aeshna multicincta - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer. Washington: 128 [proposed synonymy with heros
(FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] .
1877 Epiaeschna heros - HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 86 (as generotype of Epiaeschna HÄGEN, 1877).
Distribution: U.S.A., and Mexico. Genus Gynacanthaeschna
1922 Gynacanthaeschna FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28: 618. Type species: Cephalaeschna sikkima KARSCH, 1891 (original designation).
1891 Cephalaeschna sikkima KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (18): 285. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sikkim. 1 9 0 5 Cephalaeschna sikkima - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 7 0 (Sikkim). 1909 Caliaeschna lugubris MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 110. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: India. 1922 Gynacanthaeschna sikkima - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28: 618 (as generotype of Gynacanthaeschna FRASER, 1922). 1923 Cephalaeschna sikkima - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 11 (Northeast Himalayas).
Distribution: India. Genus Nasiaeschna 1900
Nasiaeschna SELYS ( & FÖRSTER), Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 2 3 : 9 3 . Type species: Aeschna pentacantha R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 (original designation). - 1 9 1 1 Nasiaeschna - M A R T I N , Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 14.
1842 Aeschna pentacantha RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 208. Type female: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: New Orleans. 1900 Nasiaeschna pentacantha - SELYS ( & FÖRSTER), Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 2 3 : 93 [as generotype of Nasiaeschna SELYS (& FÖRSTER), 1900]. 1910 Nasiaeschna menthacantha (misprint) - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 116 (Illinois, New York, Texas).
Distribution: U.S.A. Genus Notoaeschna 1916
Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 3 3 : 5 8 . Type species: Planaeschna sagitta M A R T I N , 1 9 0 1 (original designation). - 1 9 8 2 Notoaeschna - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J . Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 35 (revision).
1982 Notoaeschna geminata THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 36. Type male: Melbourne Mus.; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia.
1901 Planaeschna sagitta MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 236. Type male: not given; typelocality: Victoria. 1916 Notoaeschna sagitta - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 58 (as generotype of Notoaeschna TILLYARD, 1916).
Distribution: Australia. Genus Periaeschna
1909 Periaeschna MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 157. Type species: Periaeschna magdalena MARTIN, 1909 (monotypy). - 1911 Periaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 22. - 1923 Periaeschna - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 11.
flinti flinti
1978 Periaeschna flinti flinti ASAHINA, Kontyû, 46 (2): 242. Type male: Asahina's Collection; typelocality: China.
Distribution: China. flinti assamensis
1978 Periaeschna flinti assamensis ASAHINA, Kontyû, 46 (2): 234. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Assam.
Distribution: India. laidlawi
1908 Caliaeschna laidlawi FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 52: 213. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Malacca. 1909 Caliaeschna laidlawi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 109. 1923 Periaeschna laidlawi - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 10. 1 9 3 1 Caliaeschna laidlawi - L A I D L A W , J . Fed. Mai. States Mus., 1 6 : 203 (Malaya). 1954 Cephalaeschna laidlawi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 99 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia. lebasi
1930 Periaeschna lebasi NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Ci. Zaragoza, 13: 30. Type male: Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. magdalena
1909 Periaeschna Periaeschna 1911 Periaeschna 1921 Periaeschna 1927 Periaeschna (Nat. Hist.), 1930 Periaeschna 1936 Periaeschna 1 9 5 6 Periaeschna 1985 Periaeschna 2: 19.
magdalena MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 20: 157 (as generotype of MARTIN, 1909). Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Tonkin. magdalena - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 22. magdalena - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 22: 81 (Assam). nocturnalis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 71. Type male: British Museum London (ex Pusa Collection); type-locality: Assam. magdalena - NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, 11 (1): 80 (China: Kwangsi). magdalena - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 3: 82 (Bengal, Assam, Tonkin). magdalena - ASAHINA, Ent. Medd., 2 7 ( 4 - 5 ) : 224 (Chekiang). magdalena f. nocturnalis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
Distribution: China, India, Vietnam.
74 mira
1936 Periaeschna mira NAVAS, MUS. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 3 (4): 40. Type male: not given, perhaps in Mus. Heude; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. unifasciata
1935 Periaeschna unifasciata FRASER, J. Darjeeling nat. Hist. Mus., 10: 25 Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. Genus Petaliaeschna
1927 Petaliaeschna FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 72. Type species: Petaliaeschnafletcheri FRASER, 1927 (original designation).
1982 Petaliaeschna corneliae ASAHINA, Tombo, 25 (1-4): 14. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. fletcheri
1927 Petaliaeschna fletcheri FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 73 (as generotype of Petaliaeschna FRASER, 1927). Type male: originally in Pusa Collection, neotype male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam.
Distribution: India. lieftincki
1982 Petaliaeschna lieftincki ASAHINA, Tombo, 25 (1-4): 12. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. Genus Planaeschna
1896 Planaeschna MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 424. Type species: Aeschna milnei SELYS, 1883 ( o r i g i n a l d e s i g n a t i o n ) . - 1905 Planaeschna-
JACOBSON & BIANKI, P r y a m . l o z h n o s .
Ross, imp.: 770. - 1911 Planaeschna -MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115:16 (incorrect s y n o n y m y w i t h Austroaeschna
SELYS, 1883).
1981 Planaeschna chiengmaiensis ASAHINA, Tombo, 23 (1 -4): 11. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Thailand.
Distribution: Thailand. ishigakiana
1951 Planaeschna ishigakiana ASAHINA, Kontyû, 19: 20. Type male: Asahina's Collection; typelocality: Ryukyu Island.
Distribution: Ryukyu.
75 milnei milnei
1883 Aeschna milnei SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 120. Type female: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1896 Planaeschna milnei - MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 424 (as generotype of Planaeschna
MCLACHLAN, 1 8 9 6 ) .
1905 Planaeschna milnei 1916 Planaeschna milnei (Formosa). 1926 Austroaeschna milnei 1936 Planaeschna milnei -
JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 771 (Japan). Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 57 (redescription, and description of male) - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 82 (Japan). FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 145 (redescription) (Japan).
Distribution: Japan and Taiwan. milnei orientalis
1941 Planaeschna milnei orientalis KOBAYASHI, Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 31: 401. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Manchuria.
Distribution: North China. risi risi
1964 Planaeschna risi ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (2): 301. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Hongkong.
Distribution: Hong-Kong. risi sakishimana
1964 Planaeschna risi sakishimana ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (2): 303. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Ishigaki Island.
Distribution: Japan. taiwana
1951 Planaeschna taiwana ASAHINA, Kontyû, 19:19. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Formosa.
Distribution: Taiwan. Genus Racenaeschna
1958 Racenaeschna CALVERT, Acta biol. venezuel., 2: 227. Type species: Racenaeschna CALVERT, 1958 (original designation).
1958 Racenaeschna angustistrigis CALVERT, Acta biol. venezuel., 2: 230 (as generotype of Racenaeschna CALVERT, 1958). Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. Genus Spinaeschna
1982 Spinaeschna THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 40. Type species: Planaeschna punctata MARTIN, 1901 (original designation).
1901 Planaeschna tripunctata MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 235. Type male: not given; typelocality: Victoria.
76 1982 Spinaeschna tripunctata - THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 41 (as generotype of Spinaeschna THEISCHINGER, 1982).
Distribution: Australia. watsoni
1982 Spinaeschna watsoni THEISCHINGER, Austr. J. Zool. (Suppl.), 87: 42. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. Tribe Gomphaeschnini IRiii
unforked, anal loop present.
1940 Gomphaeschininae TILL YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 376 (with genera Boyeria, Oligoaeschna, Allopetalia, Gomphaeschna, Linaeschna, Basiaeschna, Hoploaeschna). - 1905 Gomphaeschnini DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 20 (with genera Allopetalia, Antipodophlebia, Basiaeschna, Boyeria, Gomphaeschna, Linaeschna, Oligoaeschna, Oplonaeschna, Telephlebia).
Genus Allopetalia 1873
Allopetalia SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., ( 2 ) 35: 7 9 2 . Type species: Allopetalia pustulosa SELYS, 1 8 7 3 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 9 5 ) . - 1 9 1 1 Allopetalia MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 19.
1873 Allopetalia pustulosa SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 794. (as generotype of Allopetalia SELYS, 1873). Type female: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Bogota.
Distribution: Colombia. reticulosa
1873 Allopetalia reticulosa SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 797. Type female: Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: Amer, merid. 1889 Anax striatus KIRBY, Proc. Zool., Soc. London, 1889: 299. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Chile.
Distribution: Chile. Genus Antipodophlebia 1985
Antipodophlebia FRASER, 1 9 6 8 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 20. Type species: Telephlebia asthenes T I L L YARD, 1 9 1 6 (monotypy).
1916 Telephlebia asthenes TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 41. Type female: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1 9 8 5 Antipodophlebia asthenes - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 20 (as generotype of Antipodophlebia FRASER, 1 9 6 8 ) .
Distribution: Australia. Genus Basiaeschna
1883 Basiaeschna SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 735. Type species: Aeschna janata SAY, 1839 (monotypy). - 1911 Basiaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 20.
janata (SAY) 1839 Aeschna janata SAY, Jn Acad. Sci. Philad., 8: 13. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: North America. 1842 Aeschna minor RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 207. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Amer, septentr. 1883 Basiaeschna janata - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 735 (as generotype of Basiaeschna SEL YS, 1883). 1890 Basiaeschna janata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 92. 1890 Aeschna minor - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 92 [proposed synonymy with janata (SAY, 1 8 3 9 ) ] .
Basiaeschna janata -
Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115:
Distribution: North America. Genus Boyeria 1883
Fonscolombia SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., ( 3 ) 5: 7 3 6 . Type species: Aeschna irene FONSCOLOMBE, 1838. - 1896 Boyeria MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 6 (17): 424 (new name for Fonscolombia SELYS, 1883, a junior primary homonymy of Fonscolombia LICHTENSTEIN, 1877 in Hemiptera). - 1 9 0 5 Boyeria - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 6 9 (key to species). - 1910 Fonscolombia - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 102 (as synonym of Boyeria M C L A C H L A N , 1 8 9 6 ) . - 1 9 1 1 Fonscolombia - M A R T I N , Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 2 0 (as synonym of Boyeria M C L A C H L A N , 1 8 9 6 ) . - 1 9 8 4 Boyeria - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 57.
1907 Boyeria grafiana WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 18: 1. Type male: Williamson's Collection; typelocality: Carolina. Distribution: U . S . A .
1838 Aeshna irene FONSCOLOMBE, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 7: 93. Type male: unknown; type-locality: France. 1876 Amphiaeschna irene - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1876: 36. 1883 Fonscolombia irene - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 736 (as generotype of Fonscolombia SELYS, 1883).
1896 Boyeria irene - MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 424 (as generotype of Boyeria MCLACHLAN, 1896).
1940 Boyeria irene - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 242 (Sardinia). 1950 Boyeria irene - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid: 45 (Spain). 1952 Boyeria irene - SCHMIDT, Opuse, ent. Lund., 17: 187. 1 9 8 4 Boyeria irene f. brachycera NAVAS, 1 9 1 9 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 20. Male from South Europe. 1984 Boyeria irene - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 58 (Spain, France).
Distribution: South Europe, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia. maclachlani
1883 Fonscolombia maclachlani SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 126. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1909 Boyeria maclachlani - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 127. 1926 Boyeria maclachlani - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 83 (Japan).
Distribution: Japan.
78 sinensis
1978 Boyeria sinensis ASAHINA, Kontyû, 46: 234. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; typelocality: China.
Distribution: China. vinosa (SAY) 1839 Aeshna vinosa SAY, Jn. Acad. Sci. Philad., 8:13. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: North America. 1839 Aeshna quadriguttata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 837. Type female: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Pennsylvania. 1890 Fonscolombia vinosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 93. 1900 Boyeria vinosa - WILLIAMSON, Drag. Ind.: 300. 1910 Aeshna quadriguttata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 102 [proposed synonymy with vinosa (SAY, 1 8 3 9 ) ] .
Genus Gomphaeschna
1871 Gomphaeschna SELYS, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1871: 413. Type species: Aeschna furcillata SAY, 1839 (monotypy). - 1911 Gomphaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115:18.
furcillata furcillata (SAY) 1839 Aeshna furcillata SAY, Jn Acad. Sci. Philad., 8: 391. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: North America. 1842 Gynacantha quadrifida RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 209. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amer, septentr. 1871 Gomphaeschna furcillata - SELYS, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1871: 413 (as generotype of Gomphaeschna
SELYS, 1 8 7 1 ) .
1893 Gomphaeschna furcillata furcillata
- CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 20: 247.
furcillata antilope
1874 Aeschna antìlope HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 16: 354. Type male: Uhler's Collection; type-locality: Baltimore. 1890 Gomphaeschna antilope - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 92. 1893 Gomphaeschna furcillata antilope - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 20: 247. 1985 Gomphaeschna antilope - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 21 (U.S.A.).
Genus Linaeschna
1909 Linaeschna MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 136. Type species: Linaeschna polli MARTIN, 1909 (original designation). - 1911 Linaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 18. - 1923 Linaeschna - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 9. - 1954 Linaeschna - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 98.
1909 Linaeschna polli MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 1909: 138 (as generotype of Linaeschna MARTIN, 1909). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1954 Linaeschna polli - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 98 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo.
Genus Oligoaeschna
1889 Aeschna (Oligoaeschna) SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27:470. Type species: Aeschna (Oligoaeschna) modiglianii SELYS, 1889 (original designation). - 1889 Jagoria KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (15): 238. Type species: Jagoria poeciloptera KARSCH, 1889 (monotypy). 1891 Jagoria - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (17): 289 (proposed synonymy with Oligoaeschna SELYS, 1889).-1907 Dolaeschna NEEDHAM, Bull. Amer. Mus., 23:143. Type species: Dolaeschna elacatura NEEDHAM, 1907 (monotypy). - 1911 Oligoaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115:17 (as synonym of Jagoria KARSCH, 1889). - 1923 Jagoria - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 8. - 1934 Oligoaeschna - COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 245. 1934 Jagoria - COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 245 (proposed synonymy with Oligoaeschna SELYS, 1889). - 1954 Oligoaeschna - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 96.
1903 Jagoria amata FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 20:1. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brunei. 1941 Oligoaeschna amata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 17: 380.
Distribution: Borneo. andamani
1985 Oligoaeschna andamani CHHOTANI, 1983 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
Distribution: Andaman Island. buehri
1903 Jagoria biihri Brunei. 1909 Jagoria biihri 1941 Oligoaeschna 1954 Oligoaeschna
FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 20: 2. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 131. biihri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 17: 377. biihri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 97 (Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo, Sumatra. decorata
1985 Oligoaeschna decorata LIEFTINCK, 1968. - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
Distribution: Assam. elacatura
1907 Dolaeschna elacatura NEEDHAM, Bull. Amer. Mus.nat. Hist., 23: 143 (as generotype of Dolaeschna NEEDHAM, 1907). Type female: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Borneo. 1923 Dolaeschna elacatura - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 8 (incorrect synonymy with modigliani
SELYS, 1889).
1954 Dolaeschna elacatura - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 97 (as synonym oí modigliani SELYS, 1889).
1985 Oligoaeschna elacatura - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
Distribution: Borneo. foliacea
1985 Oligoaeschna foliacea LIEFTINCK, 1968 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
Distribution: West Borneo.
80 khasiana
1 9 8 5 O l i g o a e s c h n a k h a s i a n a LIEFTINCK, 1 9 6 8 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
Distribution: Assam. kunigamiensis
1972 Oligoaeschna kunigamiensis ISHIDA, Bull. Jap. ent. Acad., 7 (1): 2. Type male: Ishida's Collection; type-locality: Ryukyu Island.
Distribution: Okinawa. martini
1921 Jagoria martini LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 22: 76. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1932 Aeschna nigripes NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Ci. Zaragoza, 15:12. Type male: unknown; type-locality: India. 1985 Oligoaeschna martini - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
Distribution: India. modigliani
1889 Aeschna (Oligoaeschna) modiglianii SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 471 (as generotype of Oligoaeschna SELYS, 1889). Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: Nias Island. 1899 Jagoria (Oligoaeschna) modigliani - KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 288. 1909 Jagoria modigliani - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 130 (Borneo). 1923 Jagonia (misprint) modigliani - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 8 (Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra). 1926 Jagoria modigliani - LAIDLAW, J. Mal. Br. R. Asiatic Soc., 4: 226. 1948 Jagoria modigliani - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 286 (Mentawei Island, Sumatra, Borneo). 1954 Oligoaeschna modigliani - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 97 (Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo. mutata
1941 Oligoaeschna mutata LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 17: 381. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: Borneo. 1954 Oligoaeschna mutata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 98 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. petalura
1 9 8 5 O l i g o a e s c h n a petalura LIEFTINCK, 1 9 6 8 - l o c . cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
Distribution: Hainan. platylura
1941 Oligoaeschna platylura LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 17: 378. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: Borneo. 1954 Oligoaeschna platylura - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 98 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo.
81 poeciloptera
1889 Jagoria poeciloptera KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (15): 239. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Luzon (as generotype of Jagoria KARSCH, 1889). 1891 Oligoaeschna poeciloptera - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (17): 289. 1923 Jagoria poeciloptera - LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62: 8 (Burma, Siam, Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Celebes, Japan, Philippines). 1937 Oligoaeschna poeciloptera - NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 40 (Mindanao).
Distribution: from Japan to Celebes. pryeri
1909 Jagoria pryeri MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 19: 134. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1926 Jagoria pryeri - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 83. 1934 Oligoaeschna pryeri - COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 246.
Distribution: Japan. pyanan
1951 Oligoaeschna pyanan ASAHINA, Kontyû, 19: 19. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Formosa.
Distribution: Taiwan. sumatrana
1953 Oligoaeschna sumatrana LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 253. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1954 Oligoaeschna sumatrana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 98 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra, uropetalia
1985 Oligoaeschna uropetalia LIEFTINCK, 1968 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
Distribution: Sumatra. venatrix 1985
Oligoaeschna venatrix Utrecht, 2: 21.
FÖRSTER, 1 9 0 3
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: „Buton Island". venusta 1985
Oligoaeschna venusta LIEFTINCK, World, Utrecht, 2: 21.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Borneo. zamba 1937
Oligoaeschna zamba N E E D H A M type-locality: Mindanao.
Distribution: Philippine Islands.
Sci., 63
(1): 40.
Type male: Cornell Univ.;
82 Genus Oplonaeschna SELYS 1883 Oplonaeschna SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 741. Type species: Aeschna armata HAGEN, 1861 (monotypy). - 1891 Hoplonaeschna (misprint) - KARSCH, Ent.Nachr., 17: 283. - 1910 Oplonaeschna - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 104. - 1905 Oplonaeschna - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 195. - 1911 Oplonaeschna - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 19.
armata (HAGEN) 1861 Aeschna armata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 124. Type male: Saussure's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1883 Oplonaeschna armata - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 741 (as generotype of Oplonaeschna SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) .
1891 Hoplonaeschna armata - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17: 285. 1905 Oplonaeschna armata - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 195. 1918 Hoplonaeschna armata var. polemiota NAVAS, Mem. Ac. Barcelona, 13 (7): 156. Male from Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. Genus Telephlebia SELYS 1883 Telephlebia SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 741. Type species: Telephlebia godeffroyi SELYS, 1883 (monotypy). - 1911 Telephlebia - MARTIN, Gen. Insectorum, Bruxelles, 115: 21. - 1917 Telephlebia - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 42: 459. - 1916 Telephlebia - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 30 (revision, key to species).
godeffroyi godeffroyi SELYS 1883 Telephlebia godeffroyi SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (3) 5: 741 (as generotype of Telephlebia SELYS, 1883). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1901 Telephlebia godefroyi (misprint) - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 242 (New South Wales). 1916 Telephlebia godeffroyi godeffroyi - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 33 (redescription) (New South Wales). 1916 Telephlebia godeffroyi f. hyalina TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 34. Male from New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. godeffroyi brevicauda TILLYARD 1916 Telephlebia godeffroyi brevicauda TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 34. Type maie: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Victoria.
Distribution: Australia. godeffroyi cyclops TILLYARD 1916 Telephlebia godeffroyi cyclops TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 36. Type maie: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. godeffroyi mjoebergi SJÖSTEDT 1917 Telephlebia godeffroyi mjöbergi SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 21. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: Queensland. 1985 Telephlebia mjobergi - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 22.
Distribution: Australia.
83 godeffroyi tillyardi
1916 Telephlebia godeffroyi tillyardi CAMPION, in TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, zool., 33: 37. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Queensland. 1985 Telephlebia tillyardi - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 22.
Distribution: Australia. tryoni
1917 Telephlebia tryoni TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 42: 459. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Brisbane.
Distribution: Australia. Family Gomphidae Eyes widely separated. Trgs fairly short, slightly longer in hind wing; subtriangles in all wings; median space free; anal loop more or less absent. N o ovipositor. Generally black with yellow or green coloration (no blue or red pigments). Border of labium entire. 1842 Gomphides RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 152 (as family) (revision, and key to genera: Gomphus, Ictinus, Diastatomma, Lindenia, Cordulegaster, Phenes, Petalura). - 1850 Gomphines (as tribe in family Ashnidae) - HAGEN & SELYS, Revue Odon. Libell. europ., Paris: 81. - 1854 Gomphines (as subfamily in family Aeshnidae) - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 7. - 1858 Gomphines - SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Liège, 11: 262 (as subfamily in family Aeschnidae). - 1861 Gomphina - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 98. - 1890 Gomphinae (as subfamily in family Aeschnidae) - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 57. - 1892 Gomphidae BANKS, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 19: 350. - 1892 Gomphidae - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 36: 86. - 1905 Gomphidae - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 755 (key to subfamilies Gomphinae, Gomphoidinae, Lindeniinae). - 1908 Gomphidae - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 267. - 1930 Gomphidae - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 171. - 1940 Gomphidae - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 370 (key to subfamilies: Ictinogomphinae, Epigomphinae, Hageninae, Gomphinae). - 1949 Gomphidae - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 102. - 1957 Gomphidae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 91 (key to subfamilies: Gomphoidininae, Ictinogomphinae, Epigomphinae, Hageninae, Gomphinae). - 1962 Gomphidae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 166 (key to African subfamilies: Lindeniinae, Epigomphinae, Gomphinae). - 1963 Gomphidae - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 89. - 1973 Gomphidae - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 440 (revision, and key to subfamilies). - 1977 Gomphidae - BELYSHEV & KHARATINOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 57 (key to subfamilies). - 1983 Gomphidae - CHAO, Wuyi Sci., Jn, 3: 97. - 1984 Gomphidae - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 69 (key to Hungarian genera). -1984 Gomphidae - CHAO, Odonatologica, 13 (1): 71. - 1985 Gomphidae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 22 (with subfamilies Gomphinae, Onychogomphinae, Gomphoidinae, Hageniinae, Lindeniinae). - 1986 Gomphoidea CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 279 (as superfamily).
Subfamily Gomphinae Medium sized species. Trg simple, different in fore and hind wings and no supplementary vein arising from their distal side; anal triangle usually of 3 cells; no anal loop. Male inferior anal appendages short and divaricate. 1858 Gomphinae SELYS, Mém. Soc. Sci. Liège, 11: 257. Type-genus: Gomphus LEACH, 1815. - 1905 Gomphinae - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 775 (with genera Onycho-
84 gomphus, Ophiogomphus, Heterogomphus, Ánormogomphus, Cyclogomphus, Macrogomphus, Platygomphus, Anisogomphus, Gomphus). - 1922 Epigomphinae LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 370. Type-genus: Epigomphus SELYS, 1854. - 1922 Gomphinae - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 367 (revision, key to Oriental genera: Macrogomphus, Leptogomphus, Heliogomphus, Microgomphus, Perissogomphus). - 1921 Gomphinae - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 338 (key to genera: Podogomphus, Crenigomphus, Mesogomphus, Onychogomphus, Ceratogomphus). 1926 Gomphinae - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 99 (key to Japanese genera). - 1932 Gomphinae - NEEDHAM, Ree. Indian Mus., 34: 217 (key to Indian genera). - 1939 Gomphinae - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 388 (key to genera: Ammogomphus, Agriogomphus, Archaeogomphus, Cacus, Progomphus, Gomphoides, Aphylla, Cyclophylla, Epigomphus, Ischnogomphus, Cyanogomphus, Zonophora, Diaphlebia, Desmogomphus, Herpetogomphus, Neogomphus). - 1940 Gomphinae - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 372 (key to genera: Epigomphus, Heliogomphus, Leptogomphus, Macrogomphus, Microgomphus). - 1949 Gomphinae - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 42: 114. - 1957 Gomphinae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 92. 1957 Epigomphinae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 93 (with genera Hemigomphus, Austroepigomphus, Heliogomphus, Leptogomphus, Macrogomphus, Perissogomphus, Microgomphus, Nepogomphus, Epigomphus). - 1962 Gomphinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 172 (key to African genera: Africogomphus, Nepomogomphus, Gomphus, Microgomphus, Tragogomphus, Lestinogomphus). - 1963 Gomphinae - COMPTE SART, Bol. R. Soc. esp. Hist, nat., (Β) 61: 58 (key to Ethiopian genera: Isomma, Notogomphus, Neurogomphus, Cornigomphus, Guineagomphus, Phyllogomphus, Paragomphus, Crenigomphus, Onychogomphus, Ceratogomphus). - 1964 Gomphinae - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 154 (key to Oriental genera: Macrogomphus, Mesogomphus, Nihonogomphus, Megalogomphus, Amphigomphus, Ophiogomphus, Onychogomphus, Sinogomphus, Eogomphus, Leptogomphus, Trigomphus, Davidius, Fukienogomphus, Anisogomphus, Merogomphus, Burmagomphus, Sinogomphus, Stylogomphus, Gomphus, Leptogomphus, Heliogomphus, Microgomphus). - 1973 Gomphinae - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 446 (revision, and key to Siberian genera). - 1977 Gomphinae - BELYSHEV & KHARATINOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 61 (key to Boreal genera).
Tribe Gomphini Only defined (thus far) by the absence of characters of Onychogomphini. 1985 Gomphini DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 22 (with genera Agriogomphus, Anisogomphus, Anormogomphus, Antipodogomphus, Archaeogomphus, Arigomphus, Austroepigomphus, Austrogomphus, Burmagomphus, Ceratogomphus, Cornigomphus, Crenigomphus, Cyanogomphus, Cylogomphus, Dromogomphus, Dubitogomphus, Eogomphus, Epigomphus, Erpetogomphus, Gomphurus, Gomphus, Heliogomphus, Hylogomphus, Isomma, Labrogomphus, Leptogomphus, Lestinogomphus, Macrogomphus, Merogomphus, Microgomphus, Nepogomphoides, Neurogomphus, Notogomphus, Peruviogomphus, Phaenandrogomphus, Phyllogomphus, Platygomphus, Shaogomphus, Stylurus, Temnogomphus, Tragogomphus).
Genus Agriogomphus
1869 Gomphus (Agriogomphus) SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28: 189. Type species: Agriogomphus sylvicola SELYS, 1869 (monotypy). - 1918 Ischnogomphus WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 52: 6. Type species: Ischnogomphus jessei WILLIAMSON, 1918 (original designation). - 1943 Agriogomphus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 12: 162. - 1943 Ischnogomphus- FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 12: 162 (proposed synonymy with Agriogomphus
SELYS, 1869).
1985 Agriogomphus erica BELLE, 1966 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 22.
Distribution: Suriname.
85 hamatus 1918
Agriogomphus hamatus WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 59: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Colombia.
Type male:
Distribution: Colombia. jessei
1918 Ischnogomphus jessei WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 59: 10 (as generotype of Ischnogomphus, WILLIAMSON, 1918). Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Colombia. 1943 Agriogomphus jessei - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 12: 165 (redescription).
Distribution: Colombia. sylvicola
1869 Gomphus (Agriogomphus) sylvicola SELYS, Bull.Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28: 190 (as generotype of Agriogomphus SELYS, 1869). Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazons. 1918 Agriogomphus sylvicola - WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 59: 8. 1943 Agriogomphus aquicola FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 12: 165. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Agriogomphus sylvicola - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 12: 163 (redescription) (Brazil). 1946 Agriogomphus sylvicola- FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97:467 (Peru, Colombia, Brazil).
Distribution: Brazil, Peru, Colombia. tumens
1905 Cyanogomphus ? tumens CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 169. Type female: Smith's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1975 Agriogomphus tumens - BELLE, Odonatologica, 4: 237 (description of male). 1985 Agriogomphus tumens - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 22. 1989 Agriogomphus tumens - NOVELO-GUTIÉRREZ, Odonatologica 18: 203 (Costa Rica)
Distribution: Mexico to Costa Rica. Genus Anisogomphus
1857 Anisogomphus SELYS, Mon. Gomphines: 120 (first emendation). Type species: Gomphus (Gomphus) occipitalis SELYS, 1 8 5 4 (designated by KIRBY, 1 8 9 0 , Syn.Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69). - 1890 Anisogomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. - 1905 Anisogomphus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 8 3 (key to species). - 1 9 2 2 Anisogomphus - L A I D L A W , Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 3 9 1 (redescription). - 1 9 3 0 Anisogomphus - L A I D L A W , Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 185. - 1986 Anisogomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 283 (as tribe). Type-genus: Anisogomphus SELYS, 1 8 5 7 ) .
1948 Anisogomphus anderi LIEFTINCK, Opuse, ent. Lund, 13: 59. Type male: Coll. Univ. Mus., Lund; type-locality: China. 1983 Anisogomphus anderi - CHAO, Wuyi Sei. In., 3: 100 (Fujian, Hunan, Yunnan).
Distribution: China.
86 caudalis
1926 Anisogomphus caudalis FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31:423. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.) London; type-locality: Assam. 1964 Anisogomphus caudalis - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 158 (Burma).
Distribution: India, Burma. flavifacies
1947 Anisogomphus flavifacies KLOTS, Amer. Mus. Novit., 1341: 7. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Heude Mus., type-locality: Yunnan. 1983 Anisogomphus flavifacies - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Yunnan).
Distribution: China. forresti
1928 Temnogomphus forresti MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 113. Type male: not given; type-locality: Yunnan. 1930 Temnogomphus forresti - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 186 (Yunnan). 1983 Anisogomphus forresti - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Yunnan).
Distribution: China. koxingai
1954 Anisogomphus koxingai CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 217. Type male: Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Anisogomphus koxingai - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Taiwan).
Distribution: China, and Taiwan. maacki
1872 Gomphus maacki SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 15: 33. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Irkutzk. 1878 Gomphus M-flavus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 451. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: North China. 1890 Anisogomphus maacki - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. 1890 Anisogomphus M-flavus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. 1905 Anisogomphus m-flavum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 784 (Pekin). 1922 Onychogomphus M-flavum - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 410 (India). 1928 Anisogomphus M-flavum - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 114 (redescription) (Yunnan). 1930 Anisogomphus amurensis BARTENEF, Nauka, Irkutzk, 24: 116. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Amur. 1937 Gomphus emarginatus OKUMURA, Ins. matsum., 11: 124. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Korea. 1983 Anisogomphus maacki - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Szechwan, Hebei, Liaoning, Mongolia, Shangxian).
Distribution: from Mongolia to India, occipitalis
(SELYS) 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) occipitalis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 26. Type male: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: India. 1857 Gomphus (Gomphus) occipitalis - SELYS & HAGEN, Monogr. Gomph.: 426. 1890 Anisogomphus occipitalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69 (as generotype of Anisogomphus
SELYS, 1 8 5 7 ) .
87 1894 Anisogomphus occipitalis - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38: 171 (redescription). 1922 Anisogomphus occipitalis - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 392 (India).
Distribution: India. orites
1922 Anisogomphus orites LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 393. Type male: Nation. Coll. Zool. surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Shillong. 1 9 2 3 Davidius stevensi FRASER, J . Bombay nat. Hist.Soc., 29: 6 1 . Type male: unknown; type-locality: Bengal. 1930 Davidius stevensi - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 185 (proposed synonymy with orites L A I D L A W , 1 9 2 2 ) . 1966 Davidius stevensi - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 214.
Distribution: India. solitarie
1970 Anisogomphus solitaris LIEFTINCK, Entom. scand. (Suppl.), 1:198. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Sri Lanka.
Distribution: Sri Lanka. vulvalis
1985 Anisogomphus vulvalis YOUSUF of the World, Utrecht, 2: 23.
1977 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies
Distribution: Pakistan. wuzhishanus
1985 Anisogomphus wuzhishanus CHAO, 1982 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 23.
Distribution: Hainan. Genus Anormogomphus
1854 Gomphus (Anormogomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 41. Type species: Gomphus (Anormogomphus) heteropterus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 (monotypy). - 1 8 5 8 Gomphus (Anormogomphus) - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Liège, 11: 362 (revision). - 1890 Anormogomphus K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 0 . - 1 9 0 5 Anormogomphus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 782. - 1922 Anormogomphus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 396. - 1930 Anormogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 190.
1985 Anormogomphus exilocorpus YOUSUF & gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 23.
1977 - loc. cit.
The Dra-
Distribution: Pakistan. heteropterus
1854 Gomphus (Anormogomphus) heteropterus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 42 (as generotype of Anormogomphus SELYS, 1854). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: India. 1890 Anormogomphus heteropterus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 70. 1922 Anormogomphus heteropterus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 396 (India).
Distribution: India.
88 kiritchenkoi BARTENEF 1913 Anormogomphus kiritshenkoi BARTENEF, Rev. russ. ent., 13: 219. Type male: Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: Buchara.
Distribution: Bukhara (Uzbekistan). Genus Antipodogomphus FRASER 1951 Antipodogomphus FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254. Type species: Austrogomphus proselythus MARTIN, 1901 (original designation).
acolythus (MARTIN) 1901 Austrogomphus acolythus MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 233. Type male: not given, perhaps in Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Australia. 1909 Austrogomphus manifestus TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 34: 248. Type female: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Kuranda. 1913 Austrogomphus manifestus - TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 576 (description of male). 1951 Antipodogomphus acolythus - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254. 1951 Austrogomphus manifestus - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254 [proposed synonymy with acolythus (MARTIN, 1901)].
Distribution: Australia. hodgkini WATSON 1985 Antipodogomphus hodgkini WATSON, 1969 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 23.
Distribution: Australia. neophytus FRASER 1956 Antipodogomphus neophytus FRASER, Proc. R. zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1956-1957: 71. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Northwest Australia.
Distribution: Australia. proselythus (MARTIN) 1901 Austrogomphus proselythus MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 233. Type male: not given, perhaps in Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: North Australia. 1906 Austrogomphus arenarius T I L L YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 30: 549. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1909 Austrogomphus arenarius - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 34: 253. 1951 Antipodogomphus proselythus - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254 (as generotype of Antipodogomphus, FRASER, 1 9 5 1 ) . 1 9 5 1 Austrogomphus arenarius - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 8 7 : 2 5 4 [proposed synonymy with proselythus ( M A R T I N , 1 9 0 1 ) ] .
Distribution: Australia. Genus Archaeogomphus WILLIAMSON 1919 Archaeogomphus WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 63: 2. Type species: Agriogomphus hamatus WILLIAMSON, 1 9 1 8 (original designation). - 1 9 8 2 Archaeogomphus BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 125 (3): 42 (revision, key to species).
1982 Archaeogomphus densus BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 125 (3): 45. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. furcatus
1923 Archaeogomphus furcatus WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 134: 2. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia. hamatus
1918 Agriogomphus hamatus WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 59: 4. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Colombia. 1 9 1 9 Archaeogomphus hamatus - WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 6 3 : 2 (as generotype of Archaeogomphus WILLIAMSON, 1 9 1 9 ) .
Distribution: Colombia. infans (Ris) 1913 Agriogomphus infans Ris, Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., 22: 72. Type female: R. Mus. Bruxelles; typelocality: Brazil. 1982 Archaeogomphus infans - BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 125 (3): 43 (description of male).
Distribution: Brazil. nanus
1943 Archaeogomphus nanus NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 69: 176. Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. Genus Arigomphus 1897
Orcus N E E D H A M , Canad. Ent., 2 9 : 1 6 7 . Type species: Gomphuspallidus R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 (original designation). - 1 8 9 7 Arigomphus N E E D H A M , Canad. Ent., 29: 1 8 1 (new name for Orcus N E E D HAM, 1 8 9 7 , a junior primary homonymy of Orcus M U L S A N T , 1 8 5 0 in Coleoptera, and Orcus U L J A N I N , 1 8 7 0 in Turbellaria). Type species: Gomphus pallidus R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 (original designation). - 1910 Gomphus (Arigomphus) - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 99.
1900 Gomphus cornutus TOUGH, Mem. Chicago, Ent. Soc., 1: 17. Type male: Tough's Collection; type-locality: Illinois. 1913 Gomphus whedoni MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wisconsin Soc., 10: 167. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Iowa. 1948 Gomphus whedoni-NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 73: 313 [proposed synonymy with cornutus (TOUGH, 1900)]. 1985 Arigomphus cornutus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragon flies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 23. 1 9 8 5 Gomphus whedoni - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonf lies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 2 3 [as synonymy oí cornutus ( T O U G H , 1 9 0 0 ) ] .
Distribution: U.S.A.
90 furcifer
1878 Gomphus furcifer SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 458. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; typelocality: Massachusetts. 1890 Aeschna furcifer - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. 1910 Gomphus furcifer - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 93. 1985 Arigomphus furcifer - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 23.
Distribution: U.S.A. lentulus
1902 Gomphus lentulus NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 34: 275. Type male: Hart's Collection; type-locality: Florida. 1914 Gomphus subapicalis WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 25: 54. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: U.S.A. 1941 Gomphus lentulus - GLOYD, Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci., 6: 127. 1941 Gomphus subapicalis - GLOYD, Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci., 6: 127 [proposed synonymy with lentulus (NEEDHAM, 1902)]. 1984 Arigomphus lentulus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 24.
Distribution: U.S.A. maxwelli 1985
Arigomphus maxwelli F E R G U S O N , World, Utrecht, 2: 24.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: South U.S.A. pallidus
1842 Gomphus pallidus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 163. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: "Amer, septemt." 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) pallidus (as SELYS) - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 33 (type in Selys's Collection). 1858 Gomphus (Gomphus) pilipes HAGEN, in SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 408. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: U.S.A. 1863 Gomphus pallidus - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 24: 373 (type in Escher's Collection). 1890 Aeschna pallidus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 64. 1897 Orcus pallidus - NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 167 (as generotype of Orcus NEEDHAM, 1897). 1897 Arigomphus pallidus - N E E D H A M , Canad. Ent., 29:181 (as generotype of Arigomphus N E E D H A M , 1897). 1910 Gomphus pallidus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 95.
Distribution: U.S.A. submedianus
1914 Gomphus submedianus WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 25: 54. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: US. 1985 Arigomphus submedianus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 24.
Distribution: U.S.A. villosipes
1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) villosipes SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 34. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: U.S.A. 1890 Aeschna villosipes - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 64.
91 1910 Gomphus villosipes- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 98. 1985 Arigomphus villosipes - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 24. Distribution: U . S . A .
Genus Asiagomphus 1985
Asiagomphus ASAHINA, Mushi, 1854 (original designation).
amamiensis amamiensis
169: 6.
Type species: Gomphus (Gomphus) melanops
1962 Gomphus amamiensis ASAHINA, Tombo, 5: 6. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Ryukyu. 1964 Gomphus amamiensis amamiensis - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (1): 2. 1985 Asiagomphus amamiensis amamiensis - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: Ryukyu Island. amamiensis okinawanus
1964 Gomphus amamiensis okinawanus ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (1): 2. Type female: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Okinawa. 1985 Asiagomphus amamiensis okinawanus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: Okinawa. coreanus (Doi
1937 Gomphus coreanus Doi & OKUMURA, Ins. matsum., 11:125. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Korea. 1985 Asiagomphus coreanus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: Korea. cuneatus
1930 Gomphus cuneatus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 50. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: China. 1931 Gomphus cuneatus - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 187 (China). 1983 Gomphus cuneatus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiauxi). 1985 Asiagomphus cuneatus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: China. gaudens
1953 Gomphus gaudens CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 3:417. Type male: Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus gaudens - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Szechwan). 1985 Asiagomphus gaudens - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: China, hainanensis
1953 Gomphus hainanensis CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 3: 404. Type male: Peking Mus.?; type-locality: Hainan. 1983 Gomphus hainanensis - CHAO, Wuyi Sei. In, 3: 101 (Hainan, Taiwan). 1985 Asiagomphus hainanensis - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: Hainan, Taiwan.
92 hesperinus (CHAO) 1953 Gomphus hesperinus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 3: 414. Type male: Peking Mus.?; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus hesperinus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Szechwan). 1985 Asiagomphus hesperinus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: China. melanops (SELYS) 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) melanops SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 29. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Aeschna melanops - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1926 Gomphus melanops - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 95 (Japan). 1985 Gomphus melaneops (misprint) - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:30. 1985 Asiagomphus melanops - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 6 (as generotype of Asiagomphus ASAHINA, 1985).
Distribution: Japan, nilgiricus (LAIDLAW) 1922 Gomphus nilgiricus LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 397. Type male: Nation. Coll. Zool. surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Nilgiris. 1922 Gomphus nilgiricus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 419. 1985 Asiagomphus nilgiricus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: India. odoneli (FRASER) 1922 Gomphus o'doneli FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 420. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1985 Asiagomphus odoneli - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: India. pacatus (CHAO) 1953 Gomphus pacatus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 3: 414. Type male: Peking Mus. ?; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus pacatus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Szechwan). 1985 Asiogomphus pacatus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: China. pacificus (CHAO) 1953 Gomphus pacificus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 3: 410. Type male: Peking Mus.?; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus pacificus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Fujian, Taiwan). 1985 Asiagomphus pacificus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: China, Taiwan. perlaetus (CHAO) 1953 Gomphus perlaetus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 3: 407. Type male: Peking Mus.?; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus perlaetus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Fujian, Taiwan). 1985 Asiagomphus perlaetus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: China, Taiwan.
93 pryeri
1883 Gomphus pryeri SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 111. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; typelocality: Japan. 1890 Aeschna pryeri - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1905 Gomphus pryeri - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 787 (Japan). 1926 Gomphus pryeri - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 95. 1985 Asiagomphus pryeri - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: Japan. septimus
1930 Gomphus septimus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 61. Type male: not given; type-locality: China. 1936 Gomphus septimus - NAVAS, MUS. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 3 (4): 37 (China). 1983 Gomphus septimus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102 (Fujian, Taiwan, Jiangxi). 1985 Asiagomphus septimus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: China. szechuanicus
1953 Gomphus szechuanicus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 3: 418. Type male: Peking Mus.?; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus szechuanicus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102 (Szechwan). 1985 Asiagomphus szechuanicus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: China. takashii
1983 Gomphus takashii ASAHINA, 1966 - loc. cit. CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102. 1985 Asiagomphus takashii- ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: Taiwan. yayeyamensis
1926 Gomphus yayeyamensis MATSUMURA, in OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 94. Type female: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Ryukyu Island. 1961 Gomphus yayeyamensis - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 59. 1964 Gomphus yayeyamensis - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (1): 3 (redescription). 1985 Asiagomphus yayeyamensis - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7.
Distribution: Ryukyu Island. Genus Austroepigomphus
1951 Austroepigomphus FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254. Type species: Gomphus (Onychogomphus) praeruptus SELYS, 1858 (original designation).
1909 Austrogomphus melaleucae TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 34: 241. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales. 1951 Austroepigomphus melaleucae - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254. 1985 Austroepigomphus melaleucae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 2 4 [as s y n o n y m of praeruptus
Distribution: Australia.
(SELYS, 1858)].
94 praeruptus (SELYS) 1858 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) praeruptus SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 655. Type female: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: Adelaide. 1890 Hemigomphus praeruptus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71. 1901 Austrogomphus praeruptus - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 230 (Adeleide). 1951 Austroepigomphuspraeruptus - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254 (as generotype o f Austroepigomphus
FRASER, 1951).
Distribution: Australia. Genus Austrogomphus SELYS 1854 Gomphus (Austrogomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 44. Type species: Gomphus guerini RAMBUR, 1842 ( d e s i g n a t e d b y KIRBY, 1890, S y n . C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 70). -
Gomphus (Austrogomphus) - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Liège, 11: 430 (revision). 1890 Austrogomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 70. - 1901 Austrogomphus MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 232. - 1909 Austrogomphus - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 34: 241. - 1986 Austrogomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 275 (in s u b f a m i l y A u s t r o g o m p h i n a e CARLE, 1986). - 1986 Austrogomphini CARLE, O d o n a t o l o g i c a , 15 (3): 281. T y p e - g e n u s : Austrogomphus SELYS, 1854.
a m p h i c l i t u s (SELYS) 1873 Hemigomphus amphiclitus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 757. Type maie: McLachlan's collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1890 Austrogomphus amphiclitus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 70. 1901 Austrogomphus amphiclitus - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 230 (Queensland). 1901 Austrogomphus risi MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 232. Type female: not given; typelocality: Queensland. 1909 Austrogomphus risi - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 34: 251 (description of male). 1951 Austrogomphus amphiclitus - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254. 1951 Austrogomphus risi - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254 [proposed synonymy w i t h amphiclitus
(SELYS, 1873)].
1959 Austroepigomphus amphiclitus - KIMMINS, in FRASER, Austr. Zool., 12: 359. 1985 Austrogomphus amphiclitus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 24.
Distribution: Australia. a n g e l i TILLYARD 1914 Austrogomphus angeli TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 38: 233. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: South Australia.
Distribution: South Australia. a r b u s t o r u m TILL YARD 1906 Austrogomphus arbustorum TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 30: 547. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1909 Austrogomphus arbustorum - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 34: 253.
Distribution: Australia. australis SELYS 1854 Gomphus (Austrogomphus) australis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 46. Type male: Dale's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1873 Austrogomphus australis - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 758. 1890 Austrogomphus australis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 70.
95 1901 Austrogomphus australis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 230 (Victoria, South Australia, Queensland).
Distribution: Australia. bifurcatus
1909 Austrogomphus bifurcatus TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 34: 244. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Atherton. 1917 Austrogomphus bifurcatus-SJÖSTEOT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 16 (redescription) (Queensland).
Distribution: Australia. collaris
1854 Gomphus (Austrogomphus) collaris HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 45. Type female: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Queensland. 1890 Austrogomphus collaris - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 70. 1901 Austrogomphus collaris- MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14:230 (Victoria, South Australia). 1953 Austrogomphus collaris - FRASER, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, 21: 20.
Distribution: Australia. doddi
1909 Austrogomphus doddi TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 34: 249. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Kuranda. 1913 Austrogomphus doddi - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 575. 1917 Austrogomphus doddi - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 (11): 17 (Queensland).
Distribution: Australia. gordoni
1985 A u s t r o g o m p h u s gordoni WATSON, 1962 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 24.
Distribution: Northwest Australia. guerini
1842 Gomphus guerini RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 162. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Novelle-Hollande. 1854 Comphus (Austrogomphus) guerini - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 46 (as generotype of Austrogomphus SELYS, 1854). 1890 Austrogomphus guerini - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 70. 1901 Austrogomphus guerini - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 230 (Victoria, Tasmania).
Distribution: Australia, Tasmania. lateralis
1873 Gomphus (Hemigomphus) lateralis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., 35: 784. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Australia. 1890 Hemigomphus lateralis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71. 1901 Austrogomphus lateralis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 230 (North Australia). 1908 Austrogomphus occidentalis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 32: 729. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Margaret River. 1951 Austrogomphus lateralis - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254. 1951 Austrogomphus occidentalis - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254 [proposed synonymy with lateralis (SELYS, 1 8 7 3 ) ] .
Distribution: Australia.
96 mjoebergi
1917 Austrogomphus mjöbergi SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 (11): 11. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Australia.
Distribution: Australia. ochraceus
1869 Gomphus (Hemigomphus) ochraceus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28: 187. Type male: not given; type-locality: Melbourne. 1890 Hemigomphus ochraceus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71. 1901 Austrogomphus ochraceus - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 230 (Victoria). 1951 Austrogomphus ochraceus - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254.
Distribution: Australia. prasinus
1906 Austrogomphus prasinus TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 30: 552. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1909 Austrogomphus prasinus - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N . S. Wales, 34: 253. 1959 Austroepigomphus prasinus - KIMMINS, in FRASER, Austr. Zool., 12: 359. 1985 Austrogomphus prasinus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 24.
Distribution: Australia. pusillus
1917 Austrogomphus pusillus SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 (11): 13. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. turneri
1901 Austrogomphus turneri MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 230. Type male: not given; typelocality: Queensland. 1959 Austrogomphus turneri - FRASER, Austr. Zool., 12: 358 (redescription).
Distribution: Australia. Genus Burmagomphus
1907 Burmagomphus WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 298. Type species: Gomphus vermiculatus MARTIN, 1904 (original designation). - 1922 Burmagomphus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24:399. - 1 9 3 0 Burmagomphus -LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78:189 (generotype: Burmagomphus williamsoni FRASER, 1926). - 1934 Burmagomphus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl., 13: 366 (key to species). - 1954 Burmagomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 88 (generotype: Burmagomphus arboreus LIEFTINCK, 1940, pro B. williamsoni FRASER, 1926, nec FÖRSTER, 1 9 1 4 - Burmagomphus
WILLIAMSON, 1 9 0 7 , a n d n e c vermiculatus
TIN, 1904). - 1964 Burmagomphus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 14 (key to southeast Asiatic species). - 1986 BurmagomphusCARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 292 (in tribe Cyclogomphini).
1926 Burmagomphus williamsoni FRASER (nec FÖRSTER, 1914), J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 410. Type male: Fraser's Collection; type-locality: Burma. 1930 Burmagomphus williamsoni - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 189 (as generotype of Burmagomphus
WILLIAMSON, 1 9 0 7 ) .
97 1940 Burmagomphus arboreus LIEFTINCK, Spolia zeylan., 22: 111 (new name for Burmagomphus williamsoni FRASER, 1 9 2 6 , a junior secondary homonymy of Burmagomphus williamsoni F Ö R STER, 1914).
1954 Burmagomphus
arboreus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 88 (as generotype of
1964 Burmagomphus
arboreus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 17 (Burma).
Distribution: Burma. arthuri
1953 Burmagomphus arthuri LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 251. Type female: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Borneo. 1954 Burmagomphus arthuri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 88 (Borneo). 1964 Burmagomphus arthuri - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 33 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. arvalis
1930 Gomphus arvalis NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 58. Type male: not given; type-locality: China. 1954 Burmagomphus arvalis - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 70. 1983 Burmagomphus arvalis - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Jiangsu).
Distribution: China. campestris
1930 1930 1930 1931 1948 1985
Gomphus campestris NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 57. Type: unknown; type-locality: China. Gomphus collaris NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 60. Type: unknown; type-locality: China. Gomphus sowerby NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 59. Type: unknown; type-locality: China. Gomphus campestris - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 187 (China). Burmagomphus campestris - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 148. Gomphus collaris- DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 25 [as synonym of campestris (NEEDHAM, 1 9 3 0 ) ] . 1 9 8 5 Gomphus sowerby - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 2 5 [as synonym of campestris (NEEDHAM, 1 9 3 0 ) ] .
Distribution: China. cauvericus
1926 Burmagomphus cauvericus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 413. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Coorg. 1931 Burmagomphus cauvericus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 459.
Distribution: India. divaricatus
1964 Burmagomphus divaricatus LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 26. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Malay Peninsula.
Distribution: Malaysia. dolus
1930 Gomphus dolus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 58. Type: unknown; type-locality: China. 1944 Burmagomphus dolus - NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 94: 152. 1948 Burmagomphus dolus - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 148.
Distribution: China.
98 gratiosus
1954 Burmagomphus gratiosus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 79. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Burmagomphus
gratiosus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. hasimaricus
1926 Burmagomphus hasimaricus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 411. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Bengal.
Distribution: India. inscriptus
1878 Onychogomphus inscriptus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 46: 422. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1890 Lindenia inscripta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1912 Burmagomphus jacobsoni Ris, Tijdschr. Ent., 55: 162. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Java. 1929 Burmagomphus inscriptus - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 130. 1929 Burmagomphus jacobsoni - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 130 [proposed synonymy with inscriptus
(SELYS, 1 8 7 8 ) ] .
1954 Burmagomphus
inscriptus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 89 (Java).
Distribution: Java. insularis
1914 Burmagomphus vermicularis insularis LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1914: 55. Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1922 Burmagomphus insularis - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 399. 1953 Burmagomphus insularis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 252. 1954 Burmagomphus insularis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 89 (Borneo). 1964 Burmagomphus insularis - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 33.
Distribution: Borneo. intinctus
1930 Gomphus intinctus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 85. Type: unknown; type-locality: China. 1954 Burmagomphus intinctus - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 73. 1983 Burmagomphus intinctus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. johnseni 1985
Burmagomphus johnseni World, Utrecht, 2: 25.
LIEFTINCK, 1 9 6 6
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Thailand. kreyenbergi (Ris) 1928 Gomphus kreyenbergi Ris, Ent. Mitt., 17: 273. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: China. 1931 Gomphus kreyenbergi - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 186 (China). 1954 Burmagomphus kreyenbergi - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 80. 1983 Burmagomphus kreyenbergi - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Zhejiang, Jiangxi).
Distribution: China.
99 laidlawi
1924 Burmagomphus laidlawi FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 475. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nilgiris. 1930 Burmagomphus laidlawi - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 189.
Distribution: India. minusculus
1878 Cyclogomphus (?) minusculus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 468. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Moolai. 1 9 8 5 Burmagomphus minusculus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 2 5 (Burma).
Distribution: Burma. plagiatus
1964 Burmagomphus plagiatus LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 29. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Malay Peninsula.
Distribution: Malaysia. pyramidalis pyramidalis
1922 Burmagomphus pyramidalis LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 400. Type male: Nation. Coll. Zool. surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Poona. 1924 Burmagomphus pyramidalis - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 476 (West India, Bengal).
Distribution: India. pyramidalis sinuatus
1933 Burmagomphus sinuatus FRASER, Ceylon J. Sci., (Β) 18: 33. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1955 Burmagomphus pyramidalis sinuatus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 83 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. sivalikensis
1922 Burmagomphus sivalikensis LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 401. Type male: Nation. Coll. Zool. surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Dehra Dun. 1984 Burmagomphus sivalikensis - KUMAR, Annls Ent., 2 (2): 49 (description of female).
Distribution: India. vermicularis
1904 Gomphus vermicularis MARTIN, Mission Pavie, 3: 214. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Tonkin. 1907 Burmagomphus vermicularis - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 301 (redescription) (as generotype of Burmagomphus WILLIAMSON, 1 9 0 7 ) . 1930 Burmagomphus vermicularis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 189 (Tonkin, Annam). 1933 Burmagomphus vermiculatus (misprint) - FRASER, J. Siam Soc. nat. Hist., Suppl., 7: 87 (description of female). 1983 Burmagomphus vermicularis - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Fujian, Taiwan).
Distribution: East Asia.
100 v-flavus
1926 Burmagomphus v-flavum FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 414. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma. williamsoni williamsoni
1914 Burmagomphus vermicularis race williamsoni FÖRSTER (nec FRASER, 1926), Arch. Naturg., 80: 76. Male from Malaysia. 1926 Burmagomphus siamensis FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 411. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Siam. 1931 Burmagomphus seimundi LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Malay States Mus., 16: 212. Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; type-locality: Siam. 1940 Burmagomphus williamsoni - LIEFTINCK, Ceylon Sci. J., (B) 22: 111. 1954 Burmagomphus williamsoni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 89 (Malaya). 1964 Burmagomphus williamsoni - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 19. 1964 Burmagomphus seimundi - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69:19 (proposed synonymy with williamsoni FÖRSTER, 1 9 1 4 ) .
1966 Burmagomphus siamensis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 213 (proposed synonymy with williamsoni FÖRSTER, 1 9 1 4 ) .
Distribution: Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia. williamsoni austrosundanus
1964 Burmagomphus williamsoni austrosundanus LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 25. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sumba.
Distribution: Sumba. williamsoni javicus
1934 Burmagomphus javicus SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl., 13: 368. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Java. 1934 Burmagomphus javicus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 440 (Java). 1954 Burmagomphus javicus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 89 (Java). 1964 Burmagomphus williamsoni javicus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 22 (Java).
Distribution: Java. Genus Ceratogomphus
1854 Ophiogomphus (Ceratogomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 23. Type species: Ophiogomphus (Ceratogomphus) pictus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 (monotypy). - 1 8 5 8 Gomphus (Ceratogomphus) SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 324 (revision). - 1921 Ceratogomphus - Ris, Annls S. Afr., Mus., 18: 354. - 1962 Ceratogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. comp. Cult. Diam. Angola, 59: 182.
1895 Ceratogomphus ? oeneothorax NUNNEY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 16: 349. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: West Africa.
Distribution: West Africa. pictus
1854 Ophiogomphus (Ceratogomphus) pictus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 23 (as generotype of Ceratogomphus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) . Type: not designated; type-locality: Cape of Good Hope.
101 1858 Gomphus (Ceratogomphus) pictus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 325 (redescription). 1921 Ceratogomphus pictus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 355 (South Africa). 1962 Ceratogomphus pictus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 183 (South Africa, and Rhodesia).
Distribution: Southeast Africa. triceraticus
1963 Ceratogomphus triceraticus BALISNKY, J. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 26: 252. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Cape Province.
Distribution: South Africa. Genus Cornigomphus
1907 Cornigomphus MARTIN, Mem. Soc. esp. Madrid, 1:424. Type species: Cornigomphus guineensis MARTIN, 1907 (original designation). - 1962 Cornigomphus -PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:187.
1907 Cornigomphus guineensis MARTIN, Mem. Soc. esp. Madrid, 1: 425 (as generotype of Cornigomphus MARTIN, 1907). Type male: Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid; type-locality: Spanish Guinea. 1962 Cornigomphus guineensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult.Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 188.
Distribution: Spanish Guinea. Genus Crenigomphus
1892 Crenigomphus SELYS, Ann. Ent. Belg., 3 6 : 97. Type species: Crenigomphus denticulatus SELYS, 1892 (monotypy). - 1912 Bursigomphus MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 80: 482. Type species: Bursigomphus pardus M A R T I N , 1912 (original designation). - 1912 Dentigomphus M A R T I N , Ann. Soc. ent. France, 80:482. Type species: Dentigomphus rubrithorax MARTIN, 1912 (original designation). - 1912 Crenigomphus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 350. - 1936 Dentigomphus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5: 137 (proposed synonymy with Crenigomphus SELYS, 1892). - 1949 Crenigomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 121. - 1958 Crenigomphus - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 22B: 109 (key to species). - 1960 Crenigomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 61: 212. - 1960 Bursigomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 61: 212 (proposed synonymy with Crenigomphus SELYS, 1892). - 1962 Crenigomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 181. - 1986 Crenigomphini C A R L E , Odonatologist, 15 (3): 283. Type-genus: Crenigomphus SELYS, 1892).
1878 Onychogomphus abyssinicus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 426. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Abyssinia. 1890 Lindenia abyssinica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1962 Crenigomphus abyssinicus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 182 (Abyssinia, Uganda).
Distribution: East Africa. cornutus
1956 Crenigomphus cornutus PINHEY, OCC. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhod., 2 1 8 : 83. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Rhodesia. 1962 Crenigomphus cornutus - PINHEY, Pubi.cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 182 (Victoria Falls, Zambezi River).
102 1964 Crenigomphus cornutus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 112 [incorrect synonymy with seydeli (SCHOUDETEN, 1 9 3 4 ) ] .
Distribution: East Africa. denticulatus denticulatus
1892 Crenigomphus denticulatus SELYS, Ann. Ent. Belg., 36: 97 (as generotype of Crenigomphus SELYS, 1892). Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: Shoa. 1962 Crenigomphus denticulatus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 182 (Abyssinia). 1985 Crenigomphus denticulatus denticulatus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 26.
Distribution: Eritrea. denticulatus occidentalis
1911 Crenigomphus denticulatus occidentalis MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 80: 480. Type male: lost; type-locality: Sikasso. 1962 Crenigomphus occidentalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 182 (French Guinea). 1985 Crenigomphus denticulatus occidentalis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 26.
Distribution: West Africa. hartmanni
1898 Onychogomphus hartmanni FÖRSTER, Ent. Nachr., 24:166. Type male: Ann Arbor Mus.; typelocality: South Africa. 1912 Bursigomphus pardus MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 80: 483 (as generotype of Bursigomphus MARTIN, 1912). Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: East Africa. 1921 Crenigomphus hartmanni - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 350 (Zululand). 1934 Crenigomphus hartmanni - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 70 (Belgian Congo). 1936 Bursigomphus pardus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5: 142 [proposed synonymy with hartmanni (FÖRSTER, 1898)]. 1949 Crenigomphus hartmanni - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 122 (Uganda, Central Africa). 1958 Crenigomphus hartmanni - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 2. 1962 Crenigomphus hartmanni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 182 (from South Africa to Tanganyika, Belgian Congo, Angola).
Distribution: Africa, renei
1936 Crenigomphus renei FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5: 138. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Uganda. 1912 Dentigomphus rubrithorax MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 80: 482 (as generotype of Dentigomphus MARTIN, 1912) (nom.nud.). Type labelled as such in the Paris Museum. 1949 Crenigomphus renei - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 122 (desciption of female). 1962 Crenigomphus renei-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp.Diam. Angola, 59:182 (Tshad, Belgian Congo, Uganda, Kenya).
Distribution: tropical Africa, seydeli
1934 Tragogomphus seydeli SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 64. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo.
103 1962 Tragogomphus seydeli - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 186. 1964 Crenigomphus seydeli - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 112.
Distribution: Congo Republic, and Zaire. Genus Cyanogomphus
1873 Gomphus (Cyanogomphus) SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 753. Type species: Gomphus (Cyanogomphus) waltheri SELYS, 1873 (monotypy). - 1943 Cyanogomphus - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 184. - 1943 Ebegomphus NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 186. Type species: Ebegomphus strumens NEEDHAM, 1943 (original designation). - 1943 Strumagomphus N E E D H A M , Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 6 9 : 186. Type species: Strumagomphus strumens N E E D H A M , 1943 (original designation). - 1985 Ebegomphus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 26 (as synonym of Cyanogomphus SELYS, 1873). - 1985 Strumagomphus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 26 (as synonym of Cyanogomphus SELYS, 1873). - 1986 Cyanogomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 281. Type-genus: Cyanogomphus SELYS, 1873).
1916 Cyanogomphus conchinus WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 27: 168. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Guyana.
Distribution: Guyana, demerarae
1894 Cyanogomphus ? demerarae SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38:173. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: South America. 1943 Ebegomphus strumens NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent.Soc., 69: 186 (as generotype of Ebegomphus NEEDHAM, 1943). Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Surinam. 1943 Strumagomphus strumens - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 186 (as generotype of Strumagomphus NEEDHAM, 1943). 1 9 8 5 Cyanogomphus strumens - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 2 6 (as s y n o n y m of demerarae
SELYS, 1894).
Distribution: South America. minutus
1970 Cyanogomphus minutus BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Surineme, 11 (55): 23. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. pumilus
1986 Cyanogomphus pumilus BELLE, Entomol. Ber., Amst., 46 (8): 35. Type male: Inst. Tax. Zoöl., Amsterdam; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. schroederi
1970 Cyanogomphus schroederi BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 27. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil.
104 u n c a t u s FRASER 1947 Cyanogomphus uncatus FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 437. Type male: Inst. Miguel Lillo, Tucuman; type-locality: Argentina.
Distribution: Argentina. waltheri SELYS 1873 Gomphus (Cyanogomphus) waltheri SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 753 (as generotype of Cyanogomphus SELYS, 1873). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Rio de Janeiro. 1939 Cyanogomphus waltheri - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 382 (Brazil).
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Cyclogomphus SELYS 1854 Gomphus (Cyclogomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 42. Type species: Gomphus (Cyclogomphus) ypsilon SELYS, 1854 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69). - 1858 Gomphus
- SELYS & HACEN, M é m . Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 365
(revision). - 1905 Cyclogomphus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 782. 1922 Cyclogomphus
- LAIDLAW, R e e . I n d i a n M u s . , 24: 390. - 1930 Cyclogomphus
Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 186. - 1986 Cyclogomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 283. T y p e - g e n u s : Cyclogomphus
SELYS, 1854.
g y n o s t y l u s FRASER 1926 Cyclogomphus gynostylus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 162. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1955 Cyclogomphus gynostylus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 83 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. h e t e r o s t y l u s SELYS 1854 Gomphus (Cyclogomphus) heterostylus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 43. Type male: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: India. 1922 Cyclogomphus heterostylus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 391 (India). 1924 Cyclogomphus heterostylus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 474.
Distribution: India. v e s i c u l o s u s SELYS 1873 Cyclogomphus vesiculosus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 783. Type male: Moore's Collection; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. wilkinsi FRASER 1926 Cyclogomphus wilkinsi FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31:161. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Mysore.
Distribution: India. y p s i l o n SELYS 1854 Gomphus (Cyclogomphus) ypsilon SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 43 (as generotype of Cyclogomphus SELYS, 1854). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: India.
105 1890 Cyclogomphus 1922 Cyclogomphus 1924 Cyclogomphus
ypsilon - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. yypsilon (misprint) - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 391 (India). ypsilon - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 475.
Distribution: India. Genus Dromogomphus
1854 Gomphus (Dromogomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 39. Type species: Gomphus (Dromogomphus) spinosus SELYS, 1854 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat.Neur.-Odon., London: 64. - 1890 Dromogomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 64. - 1985 Dromogomphus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 26.
1854 Gomphus (Dromogomphus) armatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 40. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: N o r t h America. 1857 Gomphus (Gomphus) armatus - SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 382 (redesciption). 1890 Dromogomphus armatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 64. 1910 Dromogomphus armatus - MUTTKOWSKY, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 100.
1854 Gomphus (Dromogomphus) spinosus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 40. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Georgia. 1857 Gomphus (Gomphus) spinosus - SELYS, Monogr. G o m p h . : 380 (redescription). 1890 Dromogomphus spinosus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 64 (as generotype of Dromogomphus SELYS, 1854). 1910 Dromogomphus spinosus - MUTTKOWSKY, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 100.
Distribution: spoliatus
1857 Gomphus spoliatus HAGEN, in SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 409. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Texas. 1890 Dromogomphus spoliatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 64. 1910 Dromogomphus spoliatus - MUTTKOWSKY, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 100.
Genus Dubitogomphus
1940 Dubitogomphus FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 90: 549. Type species: bidentatus FRASER, 1930 (original designation).
1930 Leptogomphus bidentatus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 34: 752. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1940 Dubitogomphus bidentatus - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 90: 549 (as generotype of Dubitogomphus FRASER, 1940).
Distribution: India.
106 Genus Eogomphus
1944 Eogomphus NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv.,94:150. Type species: Gomphus neglectus NEEDHAM, 1 9 3 0 (original designation). - 1 9 4 8 Eogomphus - NEEDHAM (as gen.nov.), Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 1 4 6 . Type species: Gomphus neglectus NEEDHAM, 1 9 3 0 . - 1 9 8 6 Eogomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 285 (in tribe Hemigomphinini).
1930 Gomphus neglectus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 64. Type: perhaps in Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1944 Eogomphus neglectus - NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 94: 150 (as generotype of Eogomphus NEEDHAM, 1944). 1948 Eogomphus neglectus - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 146. 1983 Eogomphus neglectus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Szechwan).
Distribution: China. Genus Epigomphus
1854 Gomphus (Epigomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 40. Type species: Epigomphus paludosus H Ä G E N , 1854 (monotypy). - 1858 Gomphus (Epigomphus) - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 344 (revision). - 1890 Epigomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71. - 1916 Epigomphus - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 145 (key to species). - 1922 Epigomphus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 373 (as series: key to genera: Macrogomphus, Leptogomphus, Heliogomphus, Microgomphus, Parissogomphus). - 1947 Epigomphus (Eugomphus) KENNEDY, Ann. ent. Soc. Amer., 39: 666. Type species: Epigomphus subquadracies KENNEDY, 1947 (original designation). - 1985 Epigomphus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 27.
armatus Ris 1916 Epigomphus armatus Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 148. Type male: not given, perhaps in Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Costa Rica. 1943 Epigomphus armatus - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 252 (Peru).
Distribution: Costa Rica, and Peru. camelus
1905 Epigomphus camelus CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 170. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Costa Rica.
Distribution: Costa Rica. clavatus 1985
Epigomphus clavatus Utrecht, 2: 27.
BELLE, 1 9 8 0
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Guatemala. crepidus
1936 Epigomphus crepidus KENNEDY, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 29 (1): 126. Type male: Kennedy's Collection; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. hylaeus Ris 1916 Epigomphus hylaeus Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 152. Type male: not given, perhaps in Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality. M a t o Grosso.
107 1970 Epigomphus gracilis BELLE, U i t g . n a t u u r w . S t u d k r i n g S u r i n a m e , 11 (55): 12. Type male: u n k n o w n ; type-locality: Brazil. 1985 Epigomphus gracilis - DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of the W o r l d , U t r e c h t , 2: 27 (as s y n o n y m of hylaeus RlS, 1916).
Distribution: Brazil. llama
1903 Epigomphus llama CALVERT, E n t . N e w s , 14: 188. Type male: U . S . n a t n . M u s . , W a s h i n g t o n ; type-locality: Bolivia. 1916 Epigomphus llama - Ris, A r c h . N a t u r g . , (A) 82: 153. 1943 Epigomphus llama - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 252.
Distribution: Bolivia. obtusus SEL YS 1869 Gomphus (Epigomphus) obtusus SELYS, Bull. A c a d . r. Belg., (2) 28: 187. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: U p p e r A m a z o n s . 1890 Epigomphus obtusus - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 72. 1916 Epigomphus obtusus - Ris, A r c h . N a t u r g . , (A) 82: 151 (Peru). 1943 Epigomphus obtusus - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 253 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru. occipitalis
1970 Epigomphus occipitalis BELLE, U i t g . n a t u u r w . S t u d k r i n g S u r i n a m e , 11 (55): 15. T y p e male: u n k n o w n ; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. paludosus
1854 Gomphus (Epigomphus) paludosus HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des G o m p h i n e s : 41. Type female: H a g e n ' s Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1858 Gomphus (Epigomphus) paludosus - SELYS & HAGEN, M o n o g r . G o m p h . : 345 (redescription). 1890 Epigomphus paludosus - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 71.
Distribution: Brazil. paulsoni
1970 Epigomphus paulsoni BELLE, U i t g . n a t u u r w . S t u d k r i n g S u r i n a m e , 11 (55): 19. Type male: u n k n o w n ; type-locality: C o l o m b i a .
Distribution: Colombia. quadracies
1903 Epigomphus quadracies CALVERT, E n t . N e w s , 14:188. Type male: U . S . n a t n . M u s . , W a s h i n g t o n ; type-locality: G u a t e m a l a . 1947 Epigomphus (Eugomphus) quadracies-KENNEDY, A n n . ent. Soc. A m e r . , 3 9 : 6 6 6 ( a s g e n e r o t y p e of Eugomphus KENNEDY, 1947).
Distribution: Guatemala. subobtusus
1878 Epigomphus subobtusus SELYS, Bull. A c a d . r. Belg., (2) 46: 467. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: C e n t r a l A m e r i c a .
108 1903 Epigomphus subobtusus - CALVERT, Ent. News, 14: 189 (Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica). 1916 Epigomphus subobtusus - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 150 (Costa Rica).
Distribution: Central America. subquadracies
1947 Epigomphus (Eugomphus) subquadracies KENNEDY, Ann. ent. Soc. Amer., 39: 662. Type male: Kennedy's Collection; type-locality: Panama (as generotype of Eugomphus KENNEDY, 1947).
Distribution: Panama. subsimilis
1920 Epigomphus subsimilis CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc, 46: 323. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Costa Rica.
Distribution: Costa Rica. tumefactus
1903 Epigomphus tumefactus CALVERT, Ent. News, 14: 188. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Costa Rica. 1916 Epigomphus tumefactus - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 149 (Costa Rica).
Distribution: Costa Rica. verticicornis
1908 Epigomphus verticicornis CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 410. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Costa Rica.
Distribution: Costa Rica. westfalli
1986 Epigomphus westfalli DONNELLY, Odonatologica, 15 (1): 38. Type male: Donnelly's Collection; type-locality: Nicaragua.
Distribution: Nicaragua. Genus Erpetogomphus
1857 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 69. (emendation). - 1958 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus)- SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 329. Type species: Ophiogomphus crotalinus H Ä G E N , 1 8 5 4 (original designation). - 1 8 9 0 Herpetogomphus (misprint) - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. b o a SELYS 1859 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) boa SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 7: 537. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1890 Herpetogomphus boa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60.
Distribution: Mexico. coluber
1930 Erpetogomphus coluber WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 216: 14. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico.
109 compositus
1857 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) compositus HAGEN, in SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 400. Type female: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Rio Pecos. 1859 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) compositus - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 7: 536. 1890 Herpetogomphus compositus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1910 Erpetogomphus compositus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi., Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 86. Distribution: U . S . A .
constrictor Ris 1916 Erpetogomphus constrictor Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 154. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico, cophias
1858 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) cophias SELYS ( & H Ä G E N ? ) , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 332. Type maie: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Mexico. 1859 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) cophias - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 7: 537 (Mexico). 1890 Herpetogomphus cophias - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1910 Erpetogomphus cophias - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 86.
Distribution: Mexico, crotalinus
1854 Ophiogomphus crotalinus HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 21. Type maie: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Mexico. 1858 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) crotalinus - SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 332 (as generotype of Erpetogomphus SELYS, 1854). 1861 Gomphus crotalinus - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 101 (Mexico, Brazil). 1890 Herpetogomphus crotalinus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 61. 1910 Erpetogomphus crotalinus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 86.
Distribution: Mexico to Brazil. designatus HAGEN 1857 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) designatus HAGEN, in SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 401. Type maie: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Rio Pecos. 1859 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) designatus - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 7: 536. 1910 Erpetogomphus designatus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 86.
Distribution: elaps
1858 Gomphus (Erpetogomphus) elaps SELYS ( & H Ä G E N ?), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 330. Type maie: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Mexico. 1890 Herpetogomphus elaps - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1910 Erpetogomphus elaps - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 87.
Distribution: Mexico. eutainia
1905 Erpetogomphus eutainia CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 162. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Mexico.
110 1905 Erpetogomphus diadophis CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 167. Type female: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Texas.
Distribution: U.S.A., and Mexico. lampropeltis
1918 Erpetogomphus lampropeltis KENNEDY, Canad. Ent., 50:297. Type male: Kennedy's Collection; type-locality: California.
Distribution: California. natrix 1930
Erpetogomphus natrix WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 216: 19. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. ophibolus
1905 Erpetogomphus ophibolus CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 163. Type male: Smith's Collection; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. sabaleticus
1918 Erpetogomphus sabaleticus WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap.Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 52: 1. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia. schausi
1919 Erpetogomphus schausi CALVERT, Ent. News, 30: 33. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Guatemala.
Distribution: Guatemala. sipedon
1905 Erpetogomphus sipedon CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 165. Type female: Schumann's Collection; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. tristani
1912 Erpetogomphus tristani CALVERT, Ent. News, 23: 290. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Costa Rica. 1916 Erpetogomphus tristani - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 154 (Panama).
Distribution: Central America. viperinus
1867 Erpetogomphus viperinus SELYS, C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 11: 48. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Orizaba (Mexico). 1890 Herpetogomphus viperinus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1910 Erpetogomphus viperinus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 87.
Distribution: Central America.
Genus Gomphurus
1903 Gomphus (Gomphurus) NEEDHAM, Bull. 68 N.Y. State Mus.: 265. Type species: Gomphus dilatatus RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1910 Gomphus (Gomphurus) - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 99. - 1942 Gomphus (Gomphurus) - NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 74:72. - 1985 Gomphurus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:28.
crassus (HÄGEN) 1878 Gomphus crassus HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 453. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Kentucky. 1890 Aeschna crassa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1899 Gomphus externus (misidentification) - KELLICOTT, Ohio Odon.: 60 (nec SELYS & HÄGEN, 1858).
1899 Gomphus fraternus var. walshii KELLICOTT, J. Cincinnati Soc., 18: 107. Male from U.S.A. 1910 Gomphus crassus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 91. 1985 Gomphurus crassus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 28. Distribution: U . S . A .
dilatatus (RAMBUR) 1842 Gomphus dilatatus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 155. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Amer.septentr. 1858 Gomphus (Gomphus) dilatatus - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 385 (redescription). 1861 Gomphus dilatatus - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 103 (Georgia). 1890 Aeschna dilatata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66 (S. States, Michigan). 1903 Gomphus (Gomphurus) dilatatus - NEEDHAM, Bull. 68 N.Y. State Mus.: 265 (as generotype of Gomphurus NEEDHAM, 1903). 1910 Gomphus dilatatus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 91 (type female, in. Selys's Collection). 1921 Gomphus dilatatus - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 47: 224 (Florida). 1985 Gomphurus dilatatus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 28. Distribution: U . S . A .
externus (SELYS) 1858 Gomphus externus SELYS (& HÄGEN ?), Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Liège, 11: 671. Type male: Smithsonian Inst.; type-locality: Texas. 1863 Gomphus consobrinus WALSH (nec LAIDLAW, 1902), Proc. ent. Soc. Philad., 2: 242. Type male: Selys's Collection (lost?); type-locality: Illinois. 1890 Aeschna externa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1910 Gomphus externus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 92. Distribution: U . S . A .
fraternus fraternus (SAY) comb. nov. 1839 1854 1861 1890 1910
Aeschna fraterna SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 16. Type male: lost; type-locality: New York. Gomphus fraternus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 28. Gomphus fraternus - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 104 (New York, Virginia). Aeschna fraterna - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66 (U.S.A.). Gomphus fraternus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 92. Distribution: U . S . A .
112 fraternus manitobanus (WALKER) comb. nov. 1959 Gomphus fraternus manitobanus WALKER, O d o n a t a of Canada, and Alaska, 2: 247. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Manitoba.
Distribution: Canada. hybridus
comb. nov.
1902 Gomphus hybridus WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 13: 47. Type male: Williamson's Collection; typelocality: Indiana.
Distribution: lineatifrons
1921 Gomphus lineatifrons CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 47: 222. Type male: Mus. comp. Zool., Cambridge; type-locality: Pennsylvania. 1985 Gomphurus lineatifrons - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 28.
Distribution: lynnae
1985 Gomphurus lynnae PAULSON, 1983 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 28.
Distribution: modestus
1942 Gomphus (Gomphurus) modestus NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 74: 72. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Mississippi.
Distribution: ozarkensis
1 9 8 5 G o m p h u r u s o z a r k e n s i s WESTFALL, 1 9 7 5 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f
World, Utrecht, 2: 28.
Distribution: rogersi
1936 Gomphus rogersi GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 326: 1. Type male: Mus. comp. Zool., Cambridge; type-locality: U.S.A. 1962 Gomphus rogersi - WESTFALL & TROGDON, Florida ent., 45: 36. 1985 Gomphurus rogersi - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragon flies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 28.
Distribution: secundus
1956 Gomphus séptima WESTFALL (nec NEEDHAM, 1930), Quart. male: Zool. Mus. Florida Univ.; type-locality: Alabama. 1985 Gomphurus séptima - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of - Gomphurus secundus STEINMANN, nom. nov. (new name 1956, a junior secondary homonymy of Gomphus septimus Distribution: U . S . A .
J. Fla Acad. Sci., 19: 253. Type the World, Utrecht, 2: 28. for Gomphus séptima WESTFALL, NEEDHAM, 1930).
113 vastus 1862 1890 1910 1921 1985
Gomphus vastus WALSH, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1862: 391. Type male: lost; type-locality: US. Aeschna vasta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. Gomphus vastus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 97. Gomphus vastus - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 47: 228 (Virginia, Georgia). Gomphurus vastus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 28 (as gener o t y p e o f Gomphurus
Distribution: ventricosus
NEEDHAM, 1 9 0 3 ) .
1863 Gomphus ventricosus WALSH, Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad., 2: 249. Type male: lost; type-locality: Illinois. 1890 Aeschna ventricosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1910 Gomphus ventricosus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 98. 1985 Gomphurus ventricosus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 28.
Genus Gomphus
1815 Gomphus LEACH, Edingb. Encycl., 9: 137. Type species: Libellula vulgatissima LINNAEUS, 1758 (designated by SELYS, 1850, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 82). - 1 8 5 0 Thanatophora HANSEMANN, in SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 6: 83. Type species: Thanatophora egregia HANSEMANN, 1850 (designated by COWLEY, 1934, Entomologist, 67: 275). - 1854 Gomphus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 24 (with subgenera Phyllogomphus, Platygomphus, Gomphus s. str., Dromogomphus, Epigomphus, Anormogomphus, Cyclogomphus, Austrogomphus, Hemigomphus). 1858 Gomphus - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 272 (with subgenera Onychogomphus, Ceratogomphus, Erpetogomphus, Ophiogomphus, Epigomphus, Macrogomphus, Heterogomphus, Microgomphus, Phyllogomphus, Anormogomphus, Cyclogomphus, Platygomphus, Gomphus s.str., Austrogomphus, Hemigomphus). - 1890 Gomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.Odon., London: 64 (incorrect synonymy with Aeschna FABRICIUS, 1775). - 1905 Gomphus JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 784 (key to species). - 1910 Gomphus MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 89, and 99 (with subgenera Arigomphus, Gomphurus, Gomphus s. str., Stylurus). - 1922 Gomphus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 396. - 1926 Gomphus - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 95 (key to Japanese species). - 1950 Gomphus - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid: 37 (key to Spanish species). - 1984 Gomphus STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 71 (key to Central European species). - 1986 Gomphus (Phanogomphus) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 297. Type species: Gomphus minutus RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1986 Gomphus (Stenogomphus) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 296. Type species: Gomphus consanguis SELYS, 1879 (original designation). - 1986 Gomphus (Anatogomphus) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 296. Type species: Gomphus personatus SELYS, 1873 (original designation).
1930 Gomphus amicus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 63. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus amicus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. amseli
1961 Gomphus amseli SCHMIDT, Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SW.-Detschl., 19: 411. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Afghanistan.
Distribution: Afghanistan, and Turkmenia.
114 auricolor
1926 Gomphus auricolor FRASER, Treubia, 8 ( 3 - 4 ) : 482. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Tonkin.
Distribution: Vietnam. australis
1897 Arigomphus australis NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 184. Type male: Hempel's Collection; typelocality: Gulf Strip (Florida). 1948 Gomphus australis - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist.Bull., 16: 36. 1955 Gomphus australis - CROSS, Florida Ent., 38: 126 (description of female). Distribution: U . S . A .
1901 Gomphus borealis NEEDHAM, Bull. 47 N.Y. State Mus., 47: 454. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Atlantic Coast. Distribution: U . S . A .
1911 Gomphus brimleyi MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wis. nat. Hist. Soc., 9: 221. Type male: unknown; type-locality: North Carolina.
Distribution: cavillaris
1902 Gomphus cavillaris NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 34:276. Type male: Hart's Collection; type-locality: Gulf Strip (Florida). 1948 Gomphus cavillaris - NEEDHAM, Peking Nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 37.
Distribution: chancae 1985
Gomphus chancae Utrecht, 2: 29.
BARTENEF, 1 9 5 6
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Russia. clathratus
1930 Gomphus clathratus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 64. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1883 Gomphus clathratus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104 (Guangdong, Fujian, Hubei, Szechwan).
Distribution: China. consanguis
1879 Gomphus consanguis SELYS, C.R. SOC. ent. Belg., 22: 116. Type male: unknown; type-locality: N. Carolina. 1890 Aeschna consanguis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1910 Gomphus consanguis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 91. 1985 Gomphurus consanguis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 28. 1986 Gomphus (Stenogomphus) consanguis - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 296 (as generotype of Stenogomphus
CARLE, 1 9 8 6 ) .
115 corriger
1928 Gomphus corriger MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76:115. Type male: not given, perhaps in British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Yunnan. 1983 Gomphus corniger - CHAO, Wuyi Sei. In., 3: 101 (Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi).
Distribution: China. davidi
1887 Gomphus davidi SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31:30. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Beyrut. 1890 Aeschna davidi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1 9 0 5 Gomphus davidi - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 8 7 (Syria). 1938 Gomphus davidi - SCHMIDT, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 147: 147.
Distribution: Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. descriptus
1896 Gomphus descriptus BANKS, Jn Ν.Υ. Ent. Soc., 4: 194. Type male: Banks's Collection; typelocality: New York. 1943 Gomphus mortimer NEEDHAM, Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 38: 143. Type male: unknown; typelocality: U.S.A. 1943 Gomphus argus NEEDHAM, Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 38: 147. Type male: unknown; type-locality: U.S.A. 1945 Gomphus mortimer - WESTFALL, Ent. News, 56: 201 (proposed synonymy with descriptus BANKS, 1 8 9 6 ) . 1945
Gomphus argus - WESTFALL, Ent. News, 56: 2 0 1 (proposed synonymy with descriptus BANKS, 1896).
Distribution: U.S.A. diminutus
1950 Gomphus diminutus NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 76: 6. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: U.S.A.
Distribution: U.S.A. endicotti
1930 Gomphus endicotti NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 61. Type male: ? Needham's Collection; type-locality: Szechwan. 1983 Gomphus endicotti - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101.
Distribution: China. epophthalmus
1872 Gomphus epophthalmus SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 15: 31. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Irkutsk. 1890 Aeschna epophthalmus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. 1905 Gomphus epophthalmus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos Ross, imp.: 786 (Siberia). 1914 Gomphus epophthalmus - BARTENEF, Hor. Soc. ent. ross., 41: 27. 1983 Gomphus epophthalmus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101.
Distribution: Siberia: Lake Baykal, and North Mongolia.
116 excavatus
1930 Gomphus excavatus BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 88: 328. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Japan.
Distribution: Japan. exilis
1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) exilis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 36. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: US. 1861 Gomphus exilis - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.-Amer., Washington: 108 (Maryland, Massachusetts). 1890 Aeschtia exilis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. 1910 Gomphus exilis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 92.
Distribution: U.S.A. flavicornis NEEDHAM 1931 Gomphus flavicornis NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist., Bull., 5: 3. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus flavicornis - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. flavipes 1825 1836
1837 1837 1854 1890 1905 1905 1905
1948 1961 1984 1985
Aeschna flavipes CHARPENTIER (nec SELYS, 1 8 3 7 ) , Hor. Ent.: 2 5 . Type male: Halle Mus.; typelocality: Silesia (Poland). Gomphus flavipes - STEPHENS, 111. Brit. Ent. Mand., 6: 8 8 . Aeschna cognata EVERSMANN, Bull. Mose., 9: 244. Type: not given. Petalura selysi GUÉRIN, Mag. Zool., 9: 164. Type: not given. Gomphus (Gomphus) flavipes - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 32. Aeschna flavipes - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68 (Europe). Gomphus flavipes - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 787 (Europe to Amur). Aeschna cognata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 787 [proposed synonymy with flavipes (CHARPENTIER, 1825)]. Petalura selysi - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross. imp. 7 8 7 [proposed synonymy with flavipes (CHARPENTIER, 1825)]. Gomphus flavipes - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 159 (Armenia). Gomphus flavipes - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 34 (Kazakhstan). Gomphus flavipes - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 72 (West Europe to Iran, and Amur). Gomphus sibirica BARTENEF, 1 9 1 0 [as form offlavipes (CHARPENTIER, 1 8 2 5 ) ] - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 30.
Distribution: from West Europe to Iran, and Kazakhstan to Amur. flavocaudatus WALKER 1940 Gomphus flavocaudatus WALKER, Ent. News, 51:194. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Lousiana.
Distribution: U.S.A. gideon
(NEEDHAM) 1944 Gomphurus gideon NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 94: 159. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Szechwan. 1 9 8 5 Gomphus gideon - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 2 9 .
Distribution: China.
117 graslinellus
1862 Gomphus graslinellus WALSH, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1862: 394. Type male: lost; type-locality: Illinois. 1890 Aeschna graslinella - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1910 Gomphus graslinellus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 93.
Distribution: graslini
1842 Gomphus graslini RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 158. Type male: Nation. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: France. 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) graslini - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 32. 1890 Aeschna graslini - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1905 Gomphus graslini - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 788 (France).
Distribution: France, Spain, Portugal. hodgesi
1950 Gomphus hodgesi NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 76: 8. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: U.S.A.
Distribution: hoffmanni
1931 Gomphus hoffmanni NEEDHAM, Lingnan Sci. J., 10: 227. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Hainan. 1954 Paragomphus hoffmanni - CHAO, Acta ent., sinica, 4: 418. 1985 Gomphus hoffmanni - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 29.
Distribution: Hainan. kinzelbachi
J 9 8 5 G o m p h u s k i n z e l b a c h i SCHNEIDER, 1 9 8 4 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 30.
Distribution: Iraq. kurilis
1858 Gomphus (Gomphus) kurilis SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 392. Type male: Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: Kurile Island. 1890 Aeschna kurilis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 67. 1873 Gomphus confraternus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 744. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: California. 1873 Gomphus sobrinus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 745. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: California. 1890 Aeschna confraterna - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1890 Aeschna sobrina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 67. 1905 Gomphus kurilis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 785. 1910 Gomphus confraternus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 90. 1910 Gomphus sobrinus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 96. 1917 Gomphus donneri KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 562. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: California. 1926 Gomphus kurilis - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 92 (Japan).
Distribution: Holarctic region.
118 lividus SEL YS 1854 Gomphus lividus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 34. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: U.S.A. 1854 Gomphus sordidus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 35. Type male: unknown; type-locality: South Carolina. 1890 Aeschna livida - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 64. 1 8 9 0 Gomphus sordidus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6 4 (as synonym of lividus SELYS, 1854).
1897 Gomphus umbratus NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29:184. Type male: Needham's Collection; typelocality: New York. 1910 Gomphus lividus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 94. 1910 Gomphus umbratus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 94 (proposed synonymy with lividus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) . 1910 Gomphus williamsoni MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 98 (new name for a hybrid of sordidus + graslinellus). Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Indiana.
Distribution: U.S.A. lucasi
Gomphus lucasi SELYS, LUC. Expl. Alg., 3: 2 0 . Type male: unknown; type-locality: Algeria. 1890 Aeschna lucasi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 67. 1905 Gomphus lucasi - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 788 (Algeria). 1849
Distribution: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia. militaris
Gomphus militaris SELYS ( ? & HÄGEN), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 6 7 6 . Type male: Smithsonian Inst.; type-locality: Texas. 1890 Aeschna militaris - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. 1910 Gomphus militaris - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 94 (type in Agassiz Mus.). 1858
Distribution: U.S.A. minutus
RAMBUR 1842 Gomphus minutus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 161. Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Georgia. 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) minutus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 36. 1890 Aeschna minuta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. 1948 Gomphus minutus - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 38 (China). 1986 Gomphus (Phanogomphus) minutus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 297 (as genero type of Phanogomphus CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: U.S.A., and ? China. nigripes
1887 Gomphus nigripes SELYS, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 31: 59. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Amur. 1890 Aeschna nigripes - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68.
Distribution: Russia. occultus
1878 Gomphus occultus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 440. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: China.
119 1926 Gomphus occultus - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 95 (Japan). 1983 Gomphus occultus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Jiangxi, Hebei, Gansu, and Mongolia).
Distribution: Japan, China, Mongolia. oklahomensis 1935
Gomphus oklahomensis PRITCHARD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 319: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Oklahoma.
Distribution: personatus
Type male:
1873 Gomphus personatus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 780. Type male: Oxford Mus.; typelocality: Assam. 1890 Aeschna personata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1905 Gomphus personatus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 787 (Assam). 1907 Gomphus xanthenatus WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 305. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Burma. 1922 Gomphus personatus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 396 (Assam). 1930 Gomphus personatus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 187 (Burma, Tonkin, Assam). 1930 Gomphus xanthenatus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 187 (proposed synonymy with personatus SELYS, 1873). 1985 Asiagomphus personatus - ASAHINA, Mushi, 169: 7. 1986 Gomphus (Anatogomphus) personatus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 296 (as generotype of Anatogomphus
CARLE, 1 9 8 6 ) .
Distribution: India, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam. postocularis
1869 Gomphus postocularis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28: 181. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Aeschna postocularis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. 1 9 0 5 Gomphus postocularis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 8 6 (Japan). 1926 Gomphus postocularis - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 94.
Distribution: Japan. pulchellus
1837 Petalura flavipes SELYS (nec CHARPENTIER, 1825), Cat. Lep. Belg.: 9. Type: not given. 1840 Gomphus pulchellus SELYS, Monogr.: Libell. Europ., Paris: 83. Type male: Stephen's Collection; type-locality: Belgium. 1840 Aeschna anguina CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ., Lipsiae: 131. Type male: not given; type-locality: Gallia. 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) pulchellus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 31. 1890 Aeschna pulchella - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 67. 1890 Aeschna anguina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 67 (proposed synonymy with pulchellus SELYS, 1 8 4 0 ) . 1950 Gomphus pulchellus - MOREIRA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 37 (Spain). 1960 Gomphus pulchellus - ST. QUENTIN, Zool. Jb. Syst., 87: 301 (West Mediterranean subregion). 1988 Gomphus pulchellus - GÄCHTER, Notul. odonatol., 3 (1): 6 (Austria).
Distribution: Central, West and South Europe. quadricolor
1863 Gomphus quadricolor WALSH, Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad., 2: 246. Type male: Walsh's Collection; type-locality: Illinois.
120 1890 Aeschna quadricolor - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1910 Gomphus quadricolor - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 96. 1945 Gomphus alleni-WESTFALL, Ent. News, 56: 200 (proposed synonymy with quadricolor WALSH, 1863). 1985 Gomphus alleni HOWE, 1 9 2 2 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 29.
Distribution: U.S.A. sandrius
1 9 8 5 G o m p h u s sandricus TENNESSEN, 1 9 8 3 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 30.
Distribution: U.S.A. scissus
1896 Gomphus scissus MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 367. Type female: not given, perhaps in British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Szechwan. 1905 Gomphus scissus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 786 (China). 1930 Gomphus edax NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 51. Type male: Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1954 Singogomphus scissus - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 46. 1983 Sinogomphus scissus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103.
Distribution: China. schmidti
1956 Gomphus schmidti ASAHINA, Kontyû, 24: 155. Type male: Asahina's collection; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus schmidti - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102 (Heilongjiang).
Distribution: China. schneiden schneiden
1850 Gomphus schneiden SELYS (?& HÄGEN), Revue Odon. Libell. Europ., Paris: 292. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mingrelia (Russia). 1887 Gomphus vulgatissimus race schneiden - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 29 (Asia Minor, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Corfu, Kasan). 1890 Aeschna schneidert - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 67. 1905 Gomphus vulgatissimus schneideri - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 786 (Korfu, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Caucasus).
Distribution: Southeast Europe to West Asia, and Asia Minor. schneideri helladicus
1954 Gomphus schneideri helladicus BUCHHOLTZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr. Sonderband, 1954: 61. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Greece.
Distribution: Greece. septimus
1 9 3 0 G o m p h u s s e p t i m u s NEEDHAM ( n e c WESTFALL, 1 9 5 6 ) , Z o o l . S i n i c a , ( A ) 1 1 : 6 1 . T y p e m a l e : P e k i n g
Mus.; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China.
121 simillimus
1838 Aeschna forcipata FONSCOLOMBE (nec LINNAEUS, 1758) (misidentification), Ann. Soc. ent. France, 7: 101. 1840 Gomphus simillimus SELYS, Monogr. Libell. Europ., Paris: 85. Type male: Robyn's Collection; type-locality: France. 1842 Gomphus zebratus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 157. Type: not given. 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) simillimus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 30. 1854 Gomphus zebratus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 30 (proposed synonymy with simillimus SELYS, 1 8 4 0 ) .
1890 Aeschna simillima - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 67. 1905 Gomphus simillimus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 788 (Pyrennees, Italy, Belgium). 1905 Aeschna forcipata- JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 788 (proposed synonymy w i t h simillimus
SELYS, 1 8 4 0 ) .
1950 Gomphus simillimus - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 38 (Spain). 1985 Gomphus simillimus maroccanus LIEFTINCK, 1966 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 30.
Distribution: West and South Europe, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia. somnolens
1930 Gomphus somnolens NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 56. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphus somnolens - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102 (Hebei).
Distribution: China. spicatus
1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) spicatus HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 35. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: New York. 1890 Aeschna spicatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 64. 1910 Gomphus spicatus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 97.
Distribution: U.S.A. takashii
1985 Gomphus takashii ASAHINA, 1966 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 31.
Distribution: Taiwan. vulgatissimus
1758 Libellula vulgatissima LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 544. Type male: Linné's Collection; type-locality: Sweden. 1850 Gomphus vulgatissimus - SELYS, Revue Odon. Libell. Europ., Paris: 84 (as generotype of Gomphus
LEACH, 1 8 1 5 ) .
1850 Tanatophora egregia HANSEMANN, in SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 6: 83 (as generotype of Tanatophora HANSEMANN, 1850). Type: not given. 1815 Gomphus vulgatissimus - LEACH, Edinb. Encycl., 9: 137. 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) vulgatissimus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 29. 1905 Gomphus vulgatissimus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 786. 1939 Gomphus vulgatissimus - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 275. 1939 Tanatophora egregia - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 275 [proposed synonymy with vulgatissimus (LINNAEUS, 1758)].
122 1948 Gomphus vulgatissimus - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 159 (Armenia). 1954 Gomphus vulgatissimus - LONGFIELD, Entomologist's month. Mag., 90: 146. 1984 Gomphus vulgatissimus - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 73.
Distribution: Europe: Southern Scandinavia to Pyrennees, and Armenia. westfalli
1987 Gomphus westfalli CARLE, Odonatologica, 16 (1): 68. Type male: Carle's Collection; typelocality: Florida.
Distribution: U.S.A. Genus Heliogomphus 1922
Heliogomphus LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 3 7 8 . Type species: Gomphus nietneri HÄGEN, 1878 (original designation). - 1930 Heliogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 1 8 0 (generotype: Heliogomphus selysi FRASER, 1 9 2 5 ) . - 1 9 5 4 Heliogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 84. - 1954 Lamelligomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 84 (incorrect synonymy with Heliogomphus LAIDLAW, 1 9 2 2 ) . - 1 9 8 6 Heliogomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 299 (in tribe Leptogomphini).
1925 Heliogomphus bakeri LAIDLAW, Philipp. J. Sci., 28: 560. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Luzon. 1937 Heliogomphus bakeri - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 36 (description of female) (Luzon).
Distribution: Philippine Islands. blandulus
1929 Heliogomphus blandulus LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72:123. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Borneo. 1930 Heliogomphus blandulus - LAIDLAW, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 78: 182. 1942 Heliogomphus blandulus - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc., London, 92: 335. 1954 Heliogomphus blandulus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 84 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. borneensis
1963 Heliogomphus borneensis LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 90. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Borneo.
Distribution: Borneo. cervus
1942 Heliogomphus cervus FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc.London, 92: 336. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Upper Burma.
Distribution: Burma. ceylonicus
1878 Gomphus ceylonicus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 455. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Ceylon. 1890 Aeschna ceyIonica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1955 Heliogomphus ceylonicus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5) 83 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka.
123 drescheri
1929 Heliogomphus drescheri type-locality: Java. 1934 Heliogomphus drescheri 1934 Heliogomphus drescheri 1940 Heliogomphus drescheri 1948 Heliogomphus drescheri 1954 Heliogomphus drescheri
LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 121. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; -
SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 365. LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 442 (Java). FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 90: 4. LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 251. LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 84 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Sumatra, Java, Sumbawa, Flores. gracilis
1898 Leptogomphus ? gracilis KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 302. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1922 Heliogomphus gracilis - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 379. 1926 Heliogomphus gracilis - FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 480 (Sumatra). 1927 Heliogomphus gracilis - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 27 (Sumatra). 1942 Heliogomphus gracilis - FRASER, Trans. R. ent.Soc. London, 92: 335. 1954 Heliogomphus gracilis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 85 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra, kalarensis
1934 Heliogomphus kalarensis FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 2:329. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nilgiris. 1942 Heliogomphus kalarensis -FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 340 (description of female) (Burma).
Distribution: India, Burma, kelantanensis
1902 Gomphus consobrinus LAIDLAW (nec WALSH, 1863), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902: 80. Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; type-locality: Malaya. 1902 Gomphus kelantanensis LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902: 382 (new name for Gomphus consobrinus LAIDLAW, 1902, a junior secondary homonymy of Gomphus consobrinus WALSH, 1863).
1930 1933 1948 1954 1963
Heliogomphus kelantanensis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 181 (Malaysia). Gomphus kelantanensis - LIEFTINCK, Bull. Raffles Mus., 7: 109. Gomphus kelantanensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 251. Heliogomphus kelentanensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 85 (Malaya). Heliogomphus kelentanensis - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 89.
Distribution: Malaysia. lieftincki FRASER 1942 Heliogomphus lieftincki FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 338. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Upper Burma.
Distribution: Burma, lyratus
1933 Heliogomphus lyratus FRASER, Spolia zeylan., (8) 18: 31. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon.
Distribution: Sri Lanka.
124 nietneri
1878 Gomphus nietneri HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. A c a d . r. Belg., (2) 46: 449. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Ceylon. 1890 Anisogomphus nietneri - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 69. 1892 Leptogomphus nietneri-SELYS, A n n a l i M u s . civ. S t o r . n a t . G e n o v a , (2) 10:474 (redescription). 1922 Heliogomphus nietneri - LAIDLAW, Ree. I n d i a n M u s . , 24: 379 (as g e n e r o t y p e of Heliogomphus LAIDLAW, 1922). 1922 Heliogomphus nietneri - FRASER, Ree. I n d i a n M u s . , 24: 416. 1930 Heliogomphus nietneri - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. L o n d o n , 78: 181 (Ceylon). 1960 Heliogomphus nietneri-LIEFTINCK, M e m . Soc. ent. ital., 3 8 : 1 4 2 (as s y n o n y m of Heliogomphus selysi FRASER, 1925).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. olivaceus
1961 Heliogomphus olivaceus LIEFTINCK, F i e l d i a n a (Zool.), 42: 143. Type male: L i e f t i n c k ' s Collection; type-locality: B u s u a n g a I s l a n d .
Distribution: Busuanga Island (Philippines). prometas
1873 Gomphus promelas SELYS, Bull. A c a d . r. Belg., (2) 35: 780. T y p e female: O x f o r d M u s . ; typelocality: M a d r a s . 1890 Aeschna promelas - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 68. 1922 Heliogomphus pruinans FRASER, Ree. I n d i a n M u s . , 24: 416. Type male: British M u s e u m ( N a t . Hist.), L o n d o n ; type-locality: I n d i a . 1925 Heliogomphus pruinans - FRASER, J. B o m b a y n a t . Hist. Soc., 30: 848 [ p r o p o s e d s y n o n y m y with promelas (SELYS, 1873)]. 1930 Heliogomphus promelas - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. L o n d o n , 78: 181 (India). 1985 Gomphus promelas - DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e W o r l d , U t r e c h t , 2: 30. 1985 Heliogomphus promelas - DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e W o r l d , U t r e c h t , 2: 31.
Distribution: India. retroflexus (Ris) 1912 Leptogomphus retroflexus Ris, S u p p l . ent. Berlin, 1: 69. Type male: M u s . N a t u r k . , Berlin; type-locality: T o n k i n . 1983 Heliogomphus retroflexus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci., Jn., 3: 102 ( F u j i a n , Taiwan).
Distribution: China, and Taiwan. scorpio (Ris) 1912 Leptogomphus scorpio Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 1:72. Type male: K ö n i g s b e r g M u s . ; type-locality: China. 1983 Heliogomphus scorpio - C h a o , Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102 ( F u j i a n , G u a n g d o n g ) .
Distribution: China. selysi
1925 Heliogomphus selysi FRASER, J. B o m b a y n a t . Hist.Soc., 30: 850. Type male: N a t i o n . Coll. zool. Surv. I n d i a , C a l c u t t a ; type-locality: B u r m a . 1930 Heliogomphus selysi - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. L o n d o n , 78: 180 (as g e n e r o t y p e of Heliogomphus LAIDLAW, 1922). 1964 Heliogomphus selysi - SCHMIDT, E n t . T i d s c h r . , 85: 157 ( B u r m a ) .
125 1985 Heliogomphus selysi - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 31 (as g e n e r o t y p e o f Heliogomphus
LAIDLAW, 1 9 2 2 ) .
Distribution: Burma. spirillus
1922 Leptogomphus spirillus FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agrie. India, 7: 71. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Assam. 1985 Heliogomphus spirillus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 31.
Distribution: India. walli
1925 Heliogomphus walli FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist.Soc., 30: 849. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1955 Heliogomphus walli - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 83 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. Genus Hylogomphus
1985 Hylogomphus NEEDHAM, 1951. Type species: Gomphus abbreviates SELYS, 1878 (original designation) - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 32.
1878 Gomphus abbreviatus SELYS (? HÄGEN), Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 464. Type male: Inst. Comp. Zool. Cambridge (Mass.); type-locality: US. 1890 Aeschna abbreviata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 66. 1910 Gomphus abbreviatus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 89. 1985 Hylogomphus abbreviatus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 32 ( a s g e n e r o t y p e o f Hylogomphus
NEEDHAM, 1 9 5 1 ) .
Distribution: U.S.A. adelphus
1858 Gomphus (Gomphus) adelphus SELYS (& HÄGEN?), Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Liège, 11: 673. Type male: Fitche's Collection; type-locality: New York. 1861 Gomphus adelphus - HAGEN, Syn. Neur.-N.Amer., Washington: 104. 1890 Aeschna adelphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 67. 1985 Hylogomphus adelphus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: U.S.A. apomyius
1 9 8 5 H y l o g o m p h u s a p o m y i u s DONNELLY, 1 9 6 6 - l o c . cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: Texas. brevis
1878 Gomphus brevis HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: Type male: Agassiz Mus.; typelocality: North America. 1890 Aeschna brevis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1910 Gomphus brevis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 90. 1985 Hylogomphus brevis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: North America.
126 carolinus 1985
Hylogomphus carolinus CARLE, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: geminatus 1985
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Hylogomphus geminatus CARLE, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: parvidens
- loc. cit. DAVIES &
The Dragonflies of the World,
1917 Gomphus parvidens CURRIE, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 53: 223. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Maryland. 1985 Hylogomphus parvidens - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: viridifrons
1902 Gomphus viridifrons H I N E , Ohio Nat., 1: 60. Type male: Hine's Collection; type-locality: Ohio. 1985 Hylogomphus viridifrons - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Genus Isomma
1892 Isomma SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 36: 104. Type species: Isomma hieroglyphicum SELYS, 1892 (original designation). - 1898 Isomma - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 42: 332 (revision). - 1946 Isomma - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 15: 156 (revision). - 1962 Isomma - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 175.
1892 Isomma hieroglyphicum SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 36: 105 (as generotype of Isomma SELYS, 1892). - Type female: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Nossi-Bé. 1898 Isomma hieroglyphicum - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 42: 334 (redescription). 1946 Isomma hieroglyphicum - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 15: 156 (description of male) (Madagascar). 1953 Isomma hieroglyphicum - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 22: 194 (redescription) (Madagascar). 1 9 6 2 Isomma hieroglyphicum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 1 7 6 .
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Labrogomphus
1931 Laprogomphus NEEDHAM, Lingnan Sci. J., 10 (2-3): 224. Type species: Labrogomphus torvus NEEDHAM, 1931 (original designation). - 1985 Labrogomphus - C H A O , Wuyi Sci. Jn., 5 : 11.
1931 Labrogomphus torvus NEEDHAM, Lingnan Sci. J., 10 (2-3): 224 (as generotype of Labrogomphus NEEDHAM, 1931). Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Hainan. 1983 Labrogomphus torvus - C H A O , Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102 (Hainan, Fujian).
Distribution: China.
127 Genus Leptogomphus
1878 Leptogomphus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 442. Type species: Leptogomphus semperi SELYS, 1878 (original designation). - 1908 Leptogomphus - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 291 (revision, key to species). - 1912 Leptogomphus - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 1: 68 (revision, key to species). - 1914 Malayogomphus FÖRSTER, Arch. Naturg., 80 (A2): 79. Type species: Malayogomphus semiteres FÖRSTER, 1914 (original designation). - 1922 Leptogomphus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 378 (revision). - 1926 Leptogomphus - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 91 (key to Japanese species). - 1930 Leptogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 179. - 1954 Leptogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 81. - 1986 Leptogomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 299.
celebratus 1981
Leptogomphus celebratus CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 1 0 2 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: China. coomansi
1936 Leptogomphus coomansi LAIDLAW, Treubia, 15 (3): 267. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Borneo. 1948 Leptogomphus coomansi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 245 (redescription). 1954 Leptogomphus coomansi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 81 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. elegans
1948 Leptogomphus elegans LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 254. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: China. 1983 Leptogomphus elegans - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. divaricatus
1984 Leptogomphus divaricatus CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 4: 152. Type male: Chao's Collection; typelocality: Fujian.
Distribution: China. formosanus
1926 Leptogomphus formosanus MATSUMURA, in OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 91. Type female: Matsumura's Collection; type-locality: Formosa. 1942 Lamelligomphus formosanus - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 340. 1961 Leptogomphus formosanus - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 60 (incorrect synonymy with sauteri Ris, 1912).
1983 Leptogomphus sauteri formosanus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102.
Distribution: Taiwan. gestroi
I960 Leptogomphus gestroi SELYS, 1891 - loc. cit. LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 38: 238.
Distribution: Burma.
128 inclìtus SEL YS 1878 Leptogomphus Ínclitas SEL YS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 444. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Moolai.
Distribution: Burma, intermedius 1983
Leptogomphus intermedius CHAO, 1 9 8 1 - loc. cit. CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102.
Distribution: China. lansbergei lansbergei SELYS 1878 Leptogomphus lansbergei SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46:446. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1896 Alloneura lansbergei - FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 40: 424 (description of female). 1914 Malayogomphus semiteres FÖRSTER, Arch. Naturg., 80 (A2): 77 (as generotype of Malayogomphus FÖRSTER, 1914). Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1 9 2 6 Leptogomphus lansbergei - FRASER, Treubia, 8 ( 3 - 4 ) : 4 8 0 (Java). 1927 Leptogomphus lansbergei lansbergei - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 28. 1934 Leptogomphus lansbergei lansbergei-LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 441 (type female in: R. Mus., Bruxelles). 1954 Leptogomphus lansbergei lansbergei - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 82 (Java).
Distribution: Java. lansbergei assimilis
1898 Leptogomphus lansbergei assimilis KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 307. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sumatra. 1907 Leptogomphus assimilis - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 291. 1927 Leptogomphus lansbergei assimilis - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 28 (Sumatra). 1948 Leptogomphus lansbergei assimilis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 245 (Mentawai Island, Sumatra, Borneo). 1954 Leptogomphus lansbergei assimilis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 81.
Distribution: Borneo, Sumatra, Mentawai Island, and Nias. mariae
1948 Leptogomphus mariae LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 249. Type female: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Borneo. 1954 Leptogomphus mariae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 82 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. palawanus 1985
Leptogomphus palawanus ASAHINA, 1 9 6 8 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: Palawan. pendleburyi
1934 Leptogomphus pendleburyi LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Malay States Mus., 17: 555. Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; type-locality: Mt. Kinabalu. 1948 Leptogomphus pendleburyi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 251 (Borneo). 1954 Leptogomphus pendleburyi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 82 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo.
perforatus Ris 1912 Leptogomphus perforatus locality: China. 1954 Leptogomphus perforatus 1965 Leptogomphus perforatus 1983 Leptogomphus perforatus
Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 1: 73. Type male: Königsberg Mus.; type- CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 250. - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 33 (4): 500 (Hong-Kong). - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 102.
Distribution: China. risi
1932 Leptogomphus risi LAIDLAW, Bull. Raffles Mus., 7: 95. Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; typelocality: Malaysia. 1954 Leptogomphus risi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 82 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia. sauteri Ris 1912 Leptogomphus sauteri Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 1: 75. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Formosa. 1930 Leptogomphus sauteri - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 180 (Formosa). 1983 Leptogomphus sauteri sauteri - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Taiwan).
Distribution: Taiwan. semperi
1878 Leptogomphus semperi SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 443. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mindanao (as generotype of Leptogomphus SELYS, 1878). 1936 Leptogomphus ? semperi - LAIDLAW, Treubia, 15 (3): 269 (redescription) (Philippines). 1 9 3 7 Leptogomphus
- NEEDHAM & GYGER, P h i l i p p . J . S c i . , 6 3 (1): 3 5 .
Distribution: Philippine Islands. svihleri
1 9 8 5 L e p t o g o m p h u s s v i h l e r i ASAHINA, 1 9 7 0 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 32.
Distribution: Thailand. unicornis
1930 Davidius unicornis NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 22. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: China. 1944 Leptogomphus unicornis - NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 94: 158. 1983 Leptogomphus unicornis - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Quangxi).
Distribution: China. williamsoni
1912 Leptogomphus williamsoni LAIDLAW, J. Straits. Asiat. Soc., 63: 94. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1930 Leptogomphus williamsoni - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 180. 1948 Leptogomphus williamsoni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 247 (description of female) (Borneo). 1954 Leptogomphus williamsoni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: Suppl.: 83 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo.
130 yayeyamensis
1926 Leptogomphus yayeyamensis MATSUMURA, in OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 91. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Ryukyu Island. 1961 Leptogomphus yayeyamensis - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 60.
Distribution: Ryukyu Island. Genus Lestinogomphus
1911 Lestinogomphus MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 1911: 484. Type species: lestinogomphus angustus MARTIN, 1911 (original designation). - 1926 Echinopterogomphus FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 74: 355. Type species: Echinopterogomphus africanus FRASER, 1926 (monotypy). - 1936 Lestinogomphus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5: 142. - 1936 Echinopterogomphus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5: 142 (proposed synonymy with Lestinogomphus MARTIN, 1911). - 1949 lestinogomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 126. - 1962 Lestinogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 174. - 1986 Lestìnogomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 281.
1926 Echinopterogomphus africanus FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 74: 356 (as generotype of Echinopterogomphus FRASER, 1926). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; typelocality: Sierra Leone. 1928 Echinopterogomphus africanus - FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 130 (redescription) (Uganda). 1958 Lestinogomphus africanus - PINHEY, OCC. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 22B: 108 (Rhodesia). 1962 Lestinogomphus africanus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 175 (Victoria Falls, Zambezi, Tanganyika, Uganda, Nigeria, Sierra Leone). 1985 Lestinogomphus africanus - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 33 (as synonym of angustus MARTIN, 1911).
Distribution: tropical Africa. angustus
1911 Lestinogomphus angustus MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 1911: 484 (as generotype of Lestinogomphus MARTIN, 1911). Type male: Nation. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Kenya. 1949 Lestinogomphus angustus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 126 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Lestinogomphus angustus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:175 (Kenya, Uganda, Belgian Congo).
Distribution: tropical Africa. congoensis 1985
Lestinogomphus congoensis CAMMAERTS, 1 9 6 9 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 33.
Distribution: Congo Republic. minutus 1985
Lestinogomphus minutus GAMBLES, 1 9 6 8 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 33.
Distribution: Nigeria. Genus Macrogomphus
1858 Gomphus (Macrogomphus) SELYS ( & HÄGEN), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 347. Type species: Heterogomphus
SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ( o r i g i n a l d e s i g n a t i o n ) . - 1 8 9 0 Heterogomphus
131 Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 63 (as synonym of Macrogomphus SELYS, 1858). - 1908 Macrogomphus - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 287 (revision, key to species). 1 9 2 2 Macrogomphus
- LAIDLAW, R e e . I n d i a n M u s . , 24: 3 7 5 . - 1 9 3 0 Macrogomphus
Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 183. - 1954 Macrogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 85. - 1986 Macorogomphus (Eumacrogomphus) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 303. Type species: Macrogomphus quadratus SELYS, 1878 (original designation). - 1 9 8 6 Macrogomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 281.
1884 Macrogomphus abnormis SELYS, C.R. SOC. Ent. Belg., 28: 10. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1907 Macrogomphus abnormis - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 288. 1930 Macorogmphus abnormis - LAIDLAW, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 78: 184. 1954 Macorogmphus abnormis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 86 (Borneo). 1985 Macorogomphus quadratus f. abnormis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 33.
Distribution: Borneo. annulatus annulatus
1854 Heterogomphus annulatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 9. Type female: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: India. 1858 Gomphus (Macrogomphus) annulatus - SELYS (& HAGEN), Monogr. Gomph.: 352. 1922 Macrogomphus annulatus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 376 (redescription) (Poona). 1924 Macrogomphus annulatus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 470 (West India). 1955 Macrogomphus annulatus annulatus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 81
Distribution: India. annulatus keiseri
1955 Macrogomphus annulatus keiseri LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 81. Type male: Nat. Hist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Ceylon. 1985 Macrogomphus lankanensis keiseri - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 33.
Distribution: Sri Lanka. borikhanensis
1933 Macrogomphus borikhanensis FRASER, J. Siam. Soc. nat. Hist., Suppl., 9: 136. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Laos.
Distribution: Laos. decemlineatus
1878 Macrogomphus decemlineatus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 418. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Sumatra. 1889 Macrogomphus decemlineatus - SELYS, Ann. Mus.civ. Stor. nat., Genova, 27: 469 (Borneo). 1907 Macrogomphus decemlineatus - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 289. 1935 Macrogomphus decemlineatus - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 9 2 - 9 3 : 20. 1954 Macrogomphus decemlineatus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 85 (Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Sumatra, Borneo. guiliensis
1983 Macrogomphus guiliensis CHAO, 1982 - loc. cit. CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103.
Distribution: China.
132 kerri
1932 Macrogomphus kerri FRASER, J. Siam Soc. nat. Hist. Suppl.,8:286. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Siam.
Distribution: Thailand. lankanensis
1933 Macrogomphus lankanensis FRASER, Spolia zeylan., (Β) 18: 24. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Ceylon. 1955 Macrogomphus lankanensis - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 81 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. matsukii
1986 Macrogomphus matsukii ASAHINA, Tombo, 29 ( 1 - 2 ) : 10. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Thailand.
Distribution: Thailand. montanus
1869 Macrogomphus montanus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28:171. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Sylhet. 1922 Macrogomphus montanus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 372 (India). 1983 Macrogomphus montanus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103.
Distribution: India. parallelogramma parallelogramma
1839 Diastatomma parallelogramma BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 832. Type male: Halle Mus.; typelocality: Java. 1854 Heterogomphus ? parallelogramma - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 9. 1858 Gomphus (Macrogomphus ) parallelogramma - SELYS (& HAGEN), Monogr. Gomph.: 350. 1898 Macrogomphus parallelogramma - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 51. 1934 Macrogomphus parallelogramma - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 364. 1935 Macrogomphus parallelogramma parallelogramma - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 196 (redescription) (key to subspecies). 1954 Macrogomphus parallelogramma parallelogramma - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 87 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Sumatra, Java. parallelogramma albardae
1878 Macrogomphus albardae SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 416. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Sumatra. 1 8 8 9 Macrogomphus
1907 Macrogomphus 1935 Macrogomphus Borneo). 1954 Macrogomphus
albardae - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 289. parallelogramma albardae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 200 (Siam, Sumatra,
- SELYS, A n n . M u s . civ. STOR. n a t . G e n o v a , 27: 4 6 9 .
albardae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 86.
Distribution: from Thailand to Java. phalantus
1935 Macrogomphus phalantus LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 201. Type male: not given (? Buitenzorg Mus.); type-locality: Borneo.
133 1954 Macrogomphus phalantus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 87 (Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Sumatra, Borneo. quadratus
1878 Macrogomphus quadratus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46:415. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Sumatra. 1898 Macrogomphus quadratus - FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 42: 65 (description of female). 1899 Macrogomphus quadratus - KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 296 (Borneo). 1907 Macrogomphus quadratus - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 287. 1935 Macrogomphus quadratus - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 92-93: 20 (Sumatra, Borneo). 1954 Macrogomphus quadratus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 87 (Tambelen Island, South China Sea, Borneo, Sumatra). 1986 Macrogomphus (Eumacrogomphus) quadratus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 303 (as generotype of Eumacrogomphus CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: Oriental region, rivularis
FÖRSTER 1914 Macrogomphus rivularis FÖRSTER, Arch. Naturg., 80 (A2): 80. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Tonkin.
Distribution: Vietnam, robustus
1854 Heterogomphus robustus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 8. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Tibet. 1858 Gomphus (Macrogomphus) robustus - SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 348 (as generotype of Macrogomphus SELYS, 1 8 5 8 ) . 1922 Macrogomphus robustus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 375 (redescription) (India). 1983 Macrogomphus robustus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Tibet).
Distribution: Tibet, Kashmir, and North India. seductus FRASER 1926 Macrogomphus seductus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 737. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Bengal.
Distribution: India, thoracicus
MCLACHLAN 1884 Macrogomphus thoracicus MCLACHLAN, C.R. SOC. Ent. Belg., 28: 7. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Perak. 1899 Macrogomphus thoracicus - FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 43: 65 (Sumatra). 1907 Macrogomphus thoracicus - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33. 288. 1930 Macrogomphus thoracicus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 184 (Malaya). 1954 Macrogomphus thoracicus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 88 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra.
1924 Macrogomphus wynaadicus FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 471. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: West India. 1931 Macrogomphus wynaadicus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 459.
Distribution: India.
134 Genus Malagassogomphus CAMMAERTS 1987 Malagassogomphus CAMMAERTS, Odonatologica, 16 (4): 336. Type species: robinsoni CAMMAERTS, 1987 (original designation).
robinsoni CAMMAERTS 1987 Malagassogomphus robinsoni CAMMAERTS, Odonatologica, 16 (4): 338 (as generotype of Malagassogomphus CAMMAERTS, 1987). Type male: Cammaerts's Collection; type-locality: Malagasy Republic.
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Merogomphus MARTIN 1904 Merogomphus MARTIN, Mission Pavie Zool., 3: 214. Type species: Merogomphuspaviei MARTIN, 1904 (original designation). - 1922 Indogomphus FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 422. Type species: Indogomphus longistigma FRASER, 1 9 2 2 (monotypy). - 1 9 3 0 Merogomphus LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 184. - 1930 Indogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 7 8 : 1 8 4 (proposed synonymy with Merogomphus M A R T I N , 1 9 0 4 ) . - 1 9 5 4 Merogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 88. - 1986 Merogomphus — CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 291 (in tribe Anisogomphini).
femoralis LAIDLAW 1931 Merogomphus femoralis LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 210. Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; type-locality: Selangor. 1954 Merogomphus femoralis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 88 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia. longistigma (FRASER) 1922 Indogomphus longistigma FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 422 (as generotype of Indogomphus FRASER, 1922). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1924 Merogomphus longistigma - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 478 (West India). 1930 Merogomphus longistigma - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 185 (India). 1931 Merogomphus longistigma - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 460. 1966 Merogomphus longistigma - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 202.
Distribution: India. lingyinensis ZHU & Wu 1985 Merogomphus lingyinensis ZHU & Wu, Entomotaxonomia, 7 (3): 229. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. martini (FRASER) 1922 Platygomphus martini FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 68. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam. 1922 Burmagomphus duavensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 421. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1925 Indogomphus martini - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30: 397. 1930 Merogomphus martini - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 185. 1930 Burmagomphus duavensis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 185 [proposed synonymy with martini (FRASER, 1 9 2 2 ) ] . 1966 Merogomphus martini - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 203.
Distribution: India.
135 parvus
1898 Leptogomphus parvus KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 308. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1926 Leptogomphus parvus - FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 481. 1934 Merogomphus parvus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 365 (redescription of holotype) (Sumatra). 1941 Merogomphus parvus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (2): 234 (Sumatra). 1954 Merogomphus parvus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 88 (Sumatra). 1964 Merogomphus parvus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 35 (Malay Peninsula).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, and Nicobar Islands. paviei
Merogomphus paviei M A R T I N , Mission Pavie, 3 : 2 1 4 . (as genero type of Merogomphus M A R T I N , 1 9 0 4 ) . Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Tonkin. 1932 Anisogomphus pieli NAVAS, Mus. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 1 (8): 1. Type male: not given (perhaps in Heude Mus.); type-locality: China. 1936 Anisogomphus pieli -NAVAS, Mus. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 3 (4): 39 (description of female). 1962 Anisogomphus pieli - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl., 11: 26 (proposed synonymy with paviei 1904
MARTIN, 1904).
1983 Merogomphus chui ASAHINA, 1968 - loc. cit. CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Taiwan). 1983 Merogomphus paviei - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Taiwan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu).
Distribution: China, Taiwan. torpens
1930 Gomphus torpens NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 55. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China. 1933 Gomphus torpens - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 25A (5): 14 (Szechwan). 1944 Merogomphus torpens - NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 94: 152. 1948 Merogomphus torpens - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 148. 1985 Merogomphus torpens - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 34 (as s y n o n y m of paviei
MARTIN, 1904).
Distribution: China. tamaracherriensis
1931 Merogomphus longistigma race tamaracherriensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 460. Male from Malabar. 1953 Merogomphus tamaracherriensis - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 22: 191. 1966 Merogomphus tamaracherriensis - KIMMINS, Bull. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 215 (holotype male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London).
Distribution: India, vandykei
NEEDHAM 1930 Merogomphus vandykei NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 68. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Peking Mus.; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China.
Genus Microgomphus
1858 Gomphus (Microgomphus) SELYS ( & H Ä G E N ) , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 100. Type species: Gomphus (Microgomphus) chelifer SELYS, 1858 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.Odon., London: 63). - 1859 Gomphus (Microgomphus) - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 7:
136 533. - 1 8 9 0 Microgomphus- KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 63. - 1 9 2 2 Microgomphus L A I D L A W , Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 3 8 0 (redesciption). - 1 9 3 0 Microgomphus - L A I D L A W , Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 182. - 1936 Africogomphus FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5 : 1 4 3 . Type species: Gomphus zebra M A R T I N , 1 9 1 1 (original designation). - 1 9 4 9 Microgomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 42: 114. - 1954 Microgomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 83. - 1962 Microgomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 172. 1 9 8 6 Microgomphini C A R L E , Odonatologica, 15 ( 8 3 ) : 2 8 1 . Type-genus: Microgomphus SELYS, -
1961 Microgomphus bivittatus PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 56: 81. Type male: ? Mus. r. Afr. centr. Tervuren; type-locality: Angola.
Distribution: Angola, camerunensis
LONGFIELD 1951 Microgomphus camerunensis LONGFIELD, Ent. News, 62: 101. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Cameroon. 1962 Microgomphus camerunensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 173 (Cameroon, Nigeria).
Distribution: Cameroon, Nigeria, chelifer chelifer
SELYS 1858 Gomphus (Microgomphus) chelifer SELYS (& HÄGEN), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 361 (as generotype of Microgomphus SELYS, 1858). Type male: Wallace's Collection; type-locality: Malacca. 1859 Gomphus (Microgomphus) chelifer - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 7: 533 (redescription). 1890 Microgomphus chelifer - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 63. 1914 Microgomphus chelifer - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1914: 54 (Borneo). 1929 Microgomphus chelifer - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 128 (redescription of holotype, and female). 1931 Microgomphus chelifer - L A I D L A W , J . Fed. Mai. States Mus., 1 6 : 237. 1934 Microgomphus chelifer chelifer - LIEFTINCK, Treubia 14 (4): 442.
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.
chelifer thelyphonus
1929 Microgomphus thelyphonus LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 125. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1930 Microgomphus thelyphonus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 183 (Java). 1934 Microgomphus chelifer thelyphonus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 442 (Java).
Distribution: Sumatra, Java. lilliputians
1923 Microgomphus lilliputians FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 39: 60. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Tenasserim.
Distribution: Burma. loogali
1923 Microgomphus loogali FRASER, J. Bombaynat. Hist. Soc., 29: 60. Type: unknown; type-locality: India. 1925 Microgomphus burmicus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30: 854. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Upper Burma.
137 1930 Microgomphus loogali - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 182. 1930 Microgomphus burmicus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 182 (proposed synonymy with loogali FRASER, 1 9 2 3 ) .
Distribution: India, Burma. mozambicensis
1959 Microgomphus mozambicensis PINHEY, OCC. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 2 3 : 340. Type female: Coryndon Mus.; type-locality: South Rhodesia. 1962 Microgomphus mozambicensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. C o m p . Diam. Angola, 59: 173 (South Rhodesia, Portuguese East Africa).
Distribution: East Africa. nyassicus
1902 Notogomphus nyassicus GRÜNBERG, Sitz.Ber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin, 9: 234. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Tanganyika. 1961 Microgomphus witchwoodensis PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 56: 82. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Angola. 1962 Microgomphus nyassicus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178. 1963 Microgomphus nyassicus - PINHEY, J. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 26: 153.
Distribution: tropical Africa. schoudeteni schoudeteni
Microgomphus schoudeteni FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot., afr., 4 2 : 1 1 4 . Type male: not given; typelocality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Microgomphus schudeteni schoudeteni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 173. 1949
Distribution: Congo Republic. schoudeteni corbeti
1951 Microgomphus schoudeteni corbeti PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 1951: 67. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Microgomphus schoudeteni corbeti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 173.
Distribution: Uganda, torquatus torquatus
1854 Gomphus (Cyclogomphus) torquatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 44. Type female: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: India. 1890 Cyclogomphus torquatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. 1922 Microgomphus torquatus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 380 (redescription) (Poona). 1924 Microgomphus torquatus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 474 (West India).
Distribution: India. torquatus souteri
1924 Microgomphus torquatus souteri FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 474. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1925 Microgomphus souteri - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30: 397. 1930 Microgomphus souteri - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 182. 1966 Microgomphus souteri - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 214.
Distribution: India.
138 thailandicus 1985
Microgomphus thailandicus World, Utrecht, 2: 34.
ASAHINA, 1 9 8 1
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Thailand. verticalis
1873 Cyclogomphus verticalis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 45: 783. Type female: Moore's Collection; type-locality: India. 1925 Microgomphus verticalis - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30: 857.
Distribution: India. wijaya
1941 Microgomphus wijaya LIEFTINCK, Spolia zeylan., 22: 98. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Ceylon. 1955 Microgomphus wijaya - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 83 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. zebra
1911 Gomphus zebra MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 80: 485. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Cameroon. 1936 Africogomphus zebra - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5: 143 (as generotype of Africogomphus FRASER, 1936). 1962 Africogomphus zebra - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 172. 1 9 8 5 Microgomphus zebra - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 3 4 .
Distribution: Cameroon. Genus Nepogomphoides 1952
Nepogomphoides FRASER, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 3: 3 . Type species: Nepogomphoidespinheyi FRASER, 1 9 5 2 (original designation). - 1 9 6 2 Nepogomphoides-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 173.
1899 Notogomphus stuhlmanni KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25 (24): 376. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: East Africa. 1 9 5 2 Nepogomphoides pinheyi FRASER, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 3: 3 (as generotype of Nepogomphoides FRASER, 1 9 5 2 ) . Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Tanga Territory. 1962 Nepogomphoides pinheyi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 172 [proposed synonymy with stuhlmanni ( K A R S C H , 1 8 9 9 ) ] .
Distribution: Tanzania. Genus Neurogomphus
1890 Neurogomphus K A R S C H , Ent. Nachr., 16: 380. Type species: Neurogomphusfuscifrons K A R S C H , 1890 (monotypy). - 1917 Oxygomphus - TILLYARD, Biol. Dragonflies: 282 (as nom. nud.) (name only in a faunistic list). - 1921 Oxygomphus LACROIX, Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon, 67: 48 (no description given but refers name to Martin MS). Type species: Oxygomphus agilis LACROIX, 1921 (species mentioned as the generotype of Oxygomphus but no description given). - 1934 Karschiogomphus SCHOUDETEN, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 24: 225. Type species: Karschiogomphus ghesquievei SCHOUDETEN, 1 9 3 4 (monotypy). - 1 9 3 6 Oxygomphus - FRASER, Proc.
139 R. ent. Soc. London, (Β) 5: 139 (redescription, with generotype: agilis LACROIX, 1921). 1962 Neurogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178. - 1962 Oxygomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178 (proposed synonymy with Neurogomphus KARSCH, 1890). - 1962 Karschiogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178 (proposed synonymy with Neurogomphus KARSCH, 1890). - 1986 Neurogomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 291. Type-genus: Neurogomphus KARSCH, 1890.
1908 Notogomphus agilis MARTIN, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova, 43: 657. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: West Africa. 1921 Oxygomphus agilis - LACROIX, Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon, 67: 48 (as generotype of Oxygomphus LACROIX, 1921). 1934 Karschiogomphus ghesquievei SCHOUDETEN, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 24: 226 (as generotype of Karschiogomphus SCHOUDETEN, 1934). Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr. Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1936 Oxygomphus agilis - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 5: 141. 1946 Karschiogomphus ghesquievei - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 82: 201 [proposed synonymy with agilis (MARTIN, 1908)]. 1962 Neurogomphus agilis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 179 (type female: Mus. Nation. Nat. Hist., Paris, allotype male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova). 1985 Karschiogomphus ghesquievei - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 3 5 [as s y n o n y m o f martinius
(LACROIX, 1921)].
Distribution: West Africa. angustistigma
1985 Neurogomphus angustistigma PINHEY, 1971 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of
the World, Utrecht, 2: 35.
Distribution: Gabon. chapini
1944 Oxygomphus chapini KLOTS, Amer. Mus. Novit., No. 1259: 7. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Congo River. 1962 Neurogomphus chapini - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 179 (Belgian Congo, Kenya).
Distribution: Congo Republic, Zaire, Kenya, fuscifrons
KARSCH 1890 Neurogomphus fuscifrons KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 16: 380 (as generotype of Neurogomphus KARSCH, 1890). Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1899 Neurogomphus fuscifrons - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25: 170 (description of male). 1915 Neurogomphus fuscifrons - LE ROI, Zentr. Afr. Exp. Zool.: 345. 1947 Neurogomphus fuscifrons - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 30 (redescription of female) (Ivory Coast). 1949 Neurogomphus fuscifrons - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 42: 131 (Cameroon). 1958 Neurogomphus fuscifrons - PINHEY OCC. Pap. nat. Mus. S.Rhodesia, 22B: 108 (Rhodesia). 1962 Neurogomphus fuscifrons — PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:179 (Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Zambezi).
Distribution: tropical Africa, martinius
(LACROIX) 1921 Oxygomphus martinius LACROIX, Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon, 67:48. Type female: lost; type-locality: French Congo.
140 1949 Neurogomphus martinius - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 42: 131 (Congo). 1962 Neurogomphus martinius - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 180 (type female: Jesnit's Collection in Santiago Mus.).
Distribution: tropical Africa. pallidus
1985 N e u r o g o m p h u s pallidus CAMMAERTS, 1968 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 35.
Distribution: Congo Republic. pinheyi
1985 N e u r o g o m p h u s pinheyi CAMMAERTS, 1968 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 35.
Distribution: Central Africa. uelensis
1934 Neurogomphus uelensis SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 65. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1934 Neurogomphus vicinus SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 66. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Neurogomphus uelensis - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 133 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Neurogomphus uelensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 180 (Belgian Congo, North Rhodesia, Tanganyika).
Distribution: Central Africa. wittei
1934 Neurogomphus wittei SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 67. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Neurogomphus wittei - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 132 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Neurogomphus wittei - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 180. 1985 Neurogomphus featheri PINHEY, 1967-loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 35 (Kenya).
Distribution: Central Africa. Genus Notogomphus
1857 Notogomphus HAGEN, in SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 119. Type species: Gomphus ruppeli SELYS, 1817 (original designation). - 1890 Podogomphus KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 16: 381. Type species: Podogomphus spinosus KARSCH, 1890 (original designation). - 1921 Podogomphus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 341. - 1928 Nilogomphus FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 132. Type species: Nilogomphus carpenteri FRASER, 1928 (original designation). - 1936 Notogomphus LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 477. - 1936 Podogomphus - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: All (proposed synonymy with Notogomphus HÄGEN, 1857). - 1949 Notogomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 125. - 1962 Notogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 176. - 1962 Nilogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 176 (proposed synonymy with Notogomphus HÄGEN, 1857). - 1986 Notogomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 291 (in tribe Anisogomphini).
141 anaci
1955 Notogomphus anaci FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 51: 42. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Notogomphus anaci - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177.
Distribution: Congo Republic. butoloensis
1952 Notogomphus butoloensis FRASER, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 3:10. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Notogomphus butoloensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177.
Distribution: Uganda. cataractae 1985
Notogomphus cataractae World, Utrecht, 2: 35.
CONSIGLIO, 1 9 7 8
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Ethiopia. cotterelli 1985
Notogomphus cotterelli World, Utrecht, 2: 35.
CONSIGLIO, 1 9 7 8
- loc. cit.
Distribution: Ethiopia. dendrohylax
1906 Podogomphus dendrohylax FÖRSTER, Wiesbaden Jb. Ver. Natk., 59: 326. Type female: Ann Arbor Mus.; type-locality: Usambara. 1962 Notogomphus dendrohylax - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177 (Tanganyika, Rhodesia).
Distribution: East Africa. dorsalis
1858 Gomphus (Gomphus) dorsalis SELYS ( & H Ä G E N ) , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11:424. Type female: Mus. Nation. Nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Abyssinia. 1890 Aeschna dorsalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. 1928 Nilogomphus carpenteri FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 133 (as generotype of Nilogomphus FRASER, 1928). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1949 Notogomphus dorsalis - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 126 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Notogomphus dorsalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177 (type female not designated, in R. Mus. Bruxelles) (Abyssinia, Congo, Kenya, Uganda). 1962 Nilogomphus carpenteri - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177 [proposed synonymy with dorsalis (SELYS, 1 8 5 8 ) ] .
Distribution: East Africa. flavifrons FRASER 1952 Notogomphus flavifrons FRASER, Occ. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 3: 8. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1959 Notogomphus flavifrons - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 95: 127 (description o f f e male). 1962 Notogomphus flavifrons - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177 (Uganda, Rhodesia).
Distribution: Uganda, Rhodesia.
142 immisericors
1923 Notogomphus immisericors CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 12: 667. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: East Africa. 1962 Notogomphus immisericors - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177 (Kenya).
Distribution: Kenya. kilimandjaricus
1909 Podogomphus kilimandjaricus SJÖSTEDT, Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., 14: 26. Type female: Riksmus. Naturhist. Stockholm; type-locality: Kilimandjaro. 1962 Notogomphus kilimandjaricus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177.
Distribution: Kenya, Tanzania. lecythus
1923 Notogomphus lecythus CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 12:664. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: East Africa. 1962 Notogomphus lecythus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177 (Abyssinia).
Distribution: Ethiopia. leroyi
1934 Podogomphus leroyi SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 62. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Podogomphus leroyi - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 125. 1962 Notogomphus leroyi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177.
Distribution: Congo Republic. iujai
1934 Podogomphus lujai SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 62. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1934 Podogomphus verschnereni SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 64. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Podogomphus lujai - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 123 (redescription). 1962 Notogomphus lujai - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177.
Distribution: Congo Republic. meruensis
1909 Podogomphus meruensis SJÖSTEDT, Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., 14: 25. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Kilimandjaro. 1962 Notogomphus meruensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 177 (Tanganyika).
Distribution: Tanzania. nigripes
1909 Podogomphus nigripes SJÖSTEDT, Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., 14: 27. Type female: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Kilimandjaro. 1962 Notogomphus nigripes - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178 (Tanganyika).
Distribution: Tanzania. praetorius
1878 Gomphus praetorius SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 447. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality·. Transvaal.
143 1890 Anisogomphus praetorius - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. 1921 Podogomphuspraetorius - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 341 (Zululand, Transvaal, Katanga). 1934 Podogomphus praetorius - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 63 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Notogomphus praetorius - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178 (South Africa, Rhodesia, Angola, Belgian Congo).
Distribution: Congo Republic, Zaire, Angola, Rhodesia, and South Africa. rueppeli rueppeli
1857 Notogomphus rueppeliHAGEN, in SELYS, Monogr.Gomph.: 119 (as generotype of Notogomphus HÄGEN, 1 8 5 7 -
1858 Gomphus (Gomphus) rueppeli SELYS (& HÄGEN), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 422. Type male: Frankfurt-am-Main Mus.; type-locality: Abyssinia. 1890 Aeschna rueppeli - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1915 Notogomphus rueppeli rueppeli - MARTIN, Voy. Alluaud Pseudoneur.: 36. 1962 Notogomphus rueppeli - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178.
Distribution: Ethiopia. rueppeli longus
1915 Notogomphus rueppeli longus MARTIN, Voy. Alluaud Pseudoneur.: 36. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist.Nat., Paris; type-locality: N.E. Africa. 1923 Notogomphus longus - CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 12: 660 (redescription).
Distribution: Northeast Africa. speciosus
1909 Podogomphus speciosus SJÖSTEDT, Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., 14: 28. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Kilimandjaro. 1962 Notogomphus speciosus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178 (Tanganyika, Kenya).
Distribution: Tanzania, Kenya, spinosus
1890 Podogomphus spinosus KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 16: 381 (as generotype of Podogomphus KARSCH, 1890). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1962 Notogomphus spinosus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178.
Distribution: Cameroon. zernyi (ST.
1941 Podogomphus zernyi ST. QUENTIN, Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien, 52: 110. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: East Africa. 1962 Notogomphus zernyi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 178 (Tanganyika).
Distribution: Tanzania. Genus Peruviogomphus
1944 Peruviogomphus KLOTS, Amer. Mus. Novit, No. 1259: 3. Type species: Peruviogomphus bambus KLOTS, 1944 (original designation).
1944 Peruviogomphus moyobambus KLOTS, Amer. Mus. Novit, N o . 1259: 3 (as generotype of Peruviogomphus KLOTS, 1944). Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Peru.
Distribution: Peru. pearsoni 1985
Peruviogomphus pearsoni BELLE, 1 9 7 9 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 36.
Distribution: Ecuador. Genus Phaenandrogomphus
1964 Phaenandrogomphus LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 4. Type species: Phaenandrogomphus LIEFTINCK, 1964 (original designation).
1964 Phaenandrogomphus asthenes LIEFTINCK, Zool. Verh., 69: 6 (as generotype of Phaenandrogomphus LIEFTINCK, 1964). Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Malay Peninsula.
Distribution: Malaysia. aureus
1 9 8 5 P h a e n a n d r o g o m p h u s a u r e u s ( L A I D L A W ) , 1 9 2 2 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f
the World, Utrecht, 2: 36.
Distribution: Assam. tonkinicus
1 9 8 5 P h a e n a n d r o g o m p h u s t o n k i n i c u s (FRASER), 1 9 2 6 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s
of the World, Utrecht, 2: 36.
Distribution: Vietnam. Genus Phyllogomphus
1854 Gomphus (Phyllogomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 24. Type species: Gomphus (Phyllogomphus) aethiops SELYS, 1854 (monotyp). - 1858 Gomphus (Phyllogomphus) - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 370 (revision). - 1890 Phyllogomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 62. - 1939 Phyllogomphus - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 478. - 1949 Phyllogomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 127. - 1957 Phyllogomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 5 6 : 9 (revision). - 1962 Phyllogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 180. - 1963 Guineagomphus COMPTE SART, Bol. Soc. esp. Hist, nat., (Β) 6 1 : 60. Type species: Guineagomphus perisi COMPTE SART, 1963 (original designation).
1854 Gomphus (Phyllogomphus) aethiops SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 24 (as generotype of Phyllogomphus SELYS, 1854). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: „River G a m b i a " . 1890 Phyllogomphus aethiops - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 62. 1900 Phyllogomphus aethiops - MARTIN, Bull. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris, 1900: 105. 1921 Phyllogomphus helenae LACROIX, Ann. Soc. linn.Lyon, 67: 49. Type female: probably lost; type-locality. British Sierra Leone.
145 1936 Phyllogomphus aethiops - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 479. 1936 Phyllogomphushelenae-LONGFIELD,Trans. R. ent. Soc. L o n d o n , 8 5 : 4 7 9 ( p r o p o s e d s y n o n y m y with aethiops SELYS, 1854). 1957 Phyllogomphus aethiops - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 12 (West Africa). 1962 Phyllogomphus aethiops - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:180 (Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Belgian Congo, Cameroon).
Distribution: West Africa. brunneus 1985
Phyllogomphus brunneus PINHEY, 1 9 7 6 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 36.
Distribution: Botswana. coloratus
1931 Phyllogomphus coloratus KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 7: 217. Type male: British M u seum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Fernando Po. 1936 Phyllogomphus coloratus - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 480. 1957 Phyllogomphus coloratus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 24 (Fernando Po). 1958 Phyllogomphus coronatus (misprint) - ST. QUENTIN, Ent. Nachr. BL., Wien, 10 (2): 43. 1962 Phyllogomphus coloratus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:181 (Spanish Guinea, Belgian Congo).
Distribution: West Africa. dundomajoricus
1957 Phyllomacromia dundomajoricus FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 24. Type male: British M u seum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Angola. 1959 Phyllomacromia dundomajoricus - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 31. 1985 Phyllogomphus dundomajoricus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:36.
Distribution: Angola. dundominusculus
1957 Phyllomacromia dundominusculus FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 28. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Angola. 1959 Phyllomacromia dundominusculus - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 31. 1985 Phyllogom plus dundominusculus - DAVIES & TOBN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 36.
Distribution: Angola. orientalis
1957 Phyllomacromia orientalis FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 16. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Kenya. 1962 Phyllomacromia orientalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 181 (Kenya, Uganda, Angola). 1 9 8 5 Phyllogomphus edentatus S T . Q U E N T I N , 1 9 5 8 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 3 6 [as synonym of orientalis (FRASER, 1 9 5 7 ) ] .
Distribution: Equatorial Africa. montanus
1957 Phyllomacromia montanus FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 14. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Cameroon.
146 1958 Phyllogomphus hartwigi BUCHHOLZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr., 9: 260. Type male: Koenig Mus., Bonn; type-locality: Cameroon. 1962 Phyllogomphus montanus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 181 (Cameroon). 1962 Phyllogomphus hartwigi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 181 [proposed synonymy with montanus (FRASER, 1957)].
Distribution: Cameroon. latifasciae
1961 Phyllogomphus latifasciae PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 56: 83. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Angola.
Distribution: Angola. margaritae 1985
Phyllogomphus margaritae COMPTE SART, 1 9 6 7 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 36.
Distribution: Guinea. moundi
I960 Phyllogomphus moundi FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 62: 141. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nigeria.
Distribution: Nigeria. occidentalis
1957 Phyllomacromia occidentalis FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 18. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ivory Coast. 1962 Phyllogomphus occidentalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 181. 1972 Phyllogomphus occidentalis - LINDLEY, Odonatologica, 1 (4): 253 (description of male).
Distribution: Ivory Coast. perisi
comb. nov.
1963 Guineagomphus perisi COMPTE SART, Bol. Soc. esp. Hist, nat., (Β) 61: 61 (as generotype of Guineagomphus COMPTE SART). Type male: Dept. Zool. Ent., Madrid; type-locality: Spanish Guinea.
Distribution: Guinea. pseudoccidentalis
1972 Phyllogomphus pseudoccidentalis LINDLEY, Odonatologica, 1 (4): 253. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Ivory Coast.
Distribution: Ivory Coast. schoudeteni
1957 Phyllomacromia schoudeteni FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 29. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Phyllogomphus schoudeteni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 181.
Distribution: Congo Republic. selysi
1933 Phyllogomphus selysi SCHOUDETEN, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 23: 340. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality. Belgian Congo.
147 1944 Phyllogomphus annulus KLOTS, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 1259: 4. Type female: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Congo. 1949 Phyllogomphus selysi - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 128. 1957 Phyllogomphus selysi - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 56: 22. 1962 Phyllogomphus selysi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 181 (Belgian Congo, Angola). 1962 Phyllogomphus annulus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 181 [proposed syno n y m y w i t h selysi
(FRASER, 1933)].
Distribution: West Africa. symoensi
1985 Phyllogomphus symoensi LIEFTINCK, 1969 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 37.
Distribution: Zaire. Genus Platygomphus
1854 Gomphus (Platygomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 25. Type species: Gomphus (Platygomphus) dolabratus SELYS, 1854 (monotypy). - 1858 Gomphus (Platygomphus) - SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m . S o c . r. Sci., Liège, 11: 372 ( r e v i s i o n ) . - 1890 Platygomphus
- KIRBY, S y n . C a t .
Neur.-Odon., London: 70. - 1905 Platygomphus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 783 (key to species). - 1922 Platygomphus- LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 398. - 1930 Platygomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 188. - 1986 Platygomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 292 (in tribe Cyclogomphini).
1854 Gomphus (Platygomphus) dolabratus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 25 (as generotype of Platygomphus SELYS, 1854). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1890 Platygomphus dolabratus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 70. 1922 Platygomphus dolabratus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 398 (India).
Distribution: India. feae
1892 Platygomphus feae SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova, (2) 10: 479. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: Burma. 1960 Platygomphus feae - LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 38: 242 (redesciption).
Distribution: Burma. Genus Shaogomphus
1983 Shaogomphus CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3:103 (as MS). Type species: Shaogomphus lieftincki CHAO, 1983 (original designation).
1983 Shaogomphus lieftincki CHAO (as MS), Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (as generotype of Shaogomphus CHAO, 1983). Type male: Chao's Collection; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China.
148 Genus Stylurus NEEDHAM 1897 Stylurus NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 2 9 : 167. Type species: Gomphus (Gomphus) plagiatus SELYS, 1854 (original designation). - 1910 Gomphus (Stylurus) - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 99. - 1932 Stylurus - WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 2 4 7 : 12 (key to species).
amnícola (WALSH) 1862 Gomphus amnícola WALSH, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1862: 396. Type male: destroyed; type-locality: Illinois. 1890 Aeschna amnícola - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. 1914 Gomphus abditus BUTLER, Canad. Ent., 46: 347. Type: unknown; type-locality: Massachusetts. 1942 Gomphus abditus - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 340 [proposed synonymy with amnícola
(WALSH, 1 8 6 2 ) ] .
1985 Stylurus amnícola - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 37. 1985 Gomphus abditus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 37 [proposed synonymy with amnícola (WALSH, 1862)]. Distribution: U . S . A .
annulatus (DJAKONOV) 1926 Davidius annulatus DJAKONOV, Rev. russ. Ent., 20: 232. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Siberia. 1985 Stylurus annulatus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 37 (N.E. Asia, Japan).
Distribution: Northeast Asia. falcatus GLOYD 1944 Stylurus falcatus GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 482: 1. Type: unknown; typelocality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. gideon (NEEDHAM) 1948 Gomphus gideon NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 153. Type male: Peking Mus.; typelocality: Szechwan. 1953 Gomphus gideon - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 3: 424. 1983 Stylurus gideon - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 224.
Distribution: China. intricatus (HÄGEN) 1858 Gomphus intricatus HAGEN, in SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 678. Type male: Smithsonian Inst.; type-locality: Texas. 1890 Aeschna intricata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. 1910 Gomphus intricatus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 94 (type in Agassiz Mus.) (Texas to Missouri). 1917 Gomphus intricatus - KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 550 (redescription) (California). 1 9 8 5 Stylurus intricatus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 3 7 . Distribution: U . S . A .
1932 Stylurus ivae WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 247:12. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: U.S.A.
Distribution: laurae
1932 Stylurus laurae WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 247: 3. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: U.S.A.
Distribution: lineatus
1929 Gomphus flavipes var. lineatus BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 85: 61. Male from Caucasus. 1961 Stylurus lineatus - SCHMIDT, Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SW Dtschl., 19: 412 (raised to sp., not var. of flavipes). 1985 Gomphus flavipes var. lineatus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 3 7 [ a s s y n o n y m o f ubadschii
(SCHMIDT, 1 9 5 3 ) ] .
Distribution: Caucasus. nagoyanus
1951 Gomphus nagoyanus ASAHINA, Kontyû, 19: 17. Type: unknown; type-locality: Japan. 1985 Stylurus nagoyanus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, Utrecht, 2: 37.
Distribution: Japan. notatus
1842 Gomphus notatus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 162. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Paris Mus.; type-locality: N o r t h America. 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) notatus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 38. 1862 Gomphus fluvialis WALSH, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1862:394. Type male: lost; type-locality: Illinois. 1890 Aeschna notata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. 1943 Gomphus (Stylurus) jucundus NEEDHAM, Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 38: 146. Type male: unknown; type-locality: U.S.A. 1945 Gomphus (Stylurus) jucundus - WESTFALL, Ent. News, 56: 202 [proposed synonymy with notatus
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
Distribution: occultus
1 9 8 5 S t y l u r u s o c c u l t u s (SELYS, 1 8 7 8 ) - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
Utrecht, 2: 37.
Distribution: China. oculatus (ASAHINA) comb. nov. 1949 Gomphus (Trigomphus) oculatus ASAHINA, Insecta matsum., 17: 29. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Japan.
Distribution: Japan. olivaceus olivaceus
1873 Gomphus olivaceus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 748. Type female: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: California.
150 1890 1910 1917 1985
Aeschna oliváceo - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. Gomphus olivaceus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 95. Gomphus olivaceus - KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 554 (redescription). Stylurus olivaceus olivaceus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 37. Distribution: U . S . A .
olivaceus nevadensis (KENNEDY) 1917 Gomphus olivaceus var. nevadensis KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 557. Male from Nevada. 1985 Stylurus olivaceus nevadensis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 37. Distribution: U . S . A .
plagiatus (SELYS) 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) plagiatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 38. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: North America. 1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) elongatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 39. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Amer, septentr. 1890 Aeschna plagiata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65 (Maryland, South Carolina). 1897 Stylurus plagiatus - NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 167 (as generotype of Stylurus NEEDHAM, 1897). 1910 Gomphus plagiatus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 95.
Distribution: U . S . A . potulentus NEEDHAM 1942 Gomphus (Stylurus) potulentus NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 74: 71. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Mississippi.
Distribution: U . S . A . scudderi (SELYS) 1873 Gomphus scudderi SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 751. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: US. 1890 Aeschna scudderi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 66. 1898 Gomphus scudderi - HARVAY, Ent. News, 1898: 62 (description of male). 1910 Gomphus scudderi - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 96 (New England States). 1985 Stylurus scudderi - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 37. Distribution: U . S . A .
spiniceps (WALSH) 1862 Macrogomphus spiniceps WALSH, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1862: 389. Type female: lost; type-locality: Illinois. 1873 Gomphus spiniceps - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 750. 1890 Aeschna spiniceps - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 65. 1897 Gomphus segregans NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 185. Type male: Hart's Collection; type-locality: Illinois. 1910 Gomphus spiniceps - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 97. 1910 Gomphus segregans - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 97 [proposed synonymy with spiniceps (WALSH, 1862)]. 1985 Stylurus spiniceps - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 37.
Distribution: U.S.A.
151 townesi
1936 Stylurus townesi GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 326: 5. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: South Carolina.
Distribution: U.S.A. ubadschii
1953 Gomphus ubadschii SCHMIDT, Mitt, münch. ent. Ges., 43: 6. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Turkey. 1985 Stylurus ubadschii - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 38.
Distribution: Turkey. Genus Temnogomphus
1922 Temnogomphus LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 394. Type species: Gomphus (Gomphus) bivittatus SELYS, 1854 (original designation). - 1930 Temnogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78:186. - 1 9 5 3 Temnogomphus -FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 22:190.
1930 Temnogomphus amurensis BARTENEF, Rev. russ. Ent., 24: 116. Type: unknown; type-locality: Amur.
Distribution: Russia. bivittatus
1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) bivittatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 27. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1858 Gomphus (Gomphus) bivittatus - SELYS & HAGEN, Monogr. Gomph.: 428. 1890 Anisogomphus bivittatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 69. 1922 Temnogomphus bivittatus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 394 (as generotype of Temnogomphus LAIDLAW, 1922). 1926 Anisogomphus bivittatus - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 425. 1934 Anisogomphus bivittatus - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon, 2: 192. 1954 Anisogomphus bivittatus - SANTOCK & BAIJAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 3 (2): 388 (Himalayas).
Distribution: India. Genus Tragogomphus
1900 Tragogomphus SJÖSTEDT, Bih. Svenska Acad., 25 (2): 42. Type-species: Tragogomphus aurivilli SJÖSTEDT, 1900 (monotypy). - 1926 Libyogomphus FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 74: 357. - Type-species: Libyogomphus tenaculatus FRASER, 1926 (original designation). - 1934 Tragogomphus - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 64. - 1962 Tragogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 174. - 1962 Libyogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:174 (proposed synonymy with Tragogomphus SJÖSTEDT, 1900).
1900 Tragogomphus aurivilli SJÖSTEDT, Bih. Svenska Akad., 25 (2): 42. Type male: Naturhist Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Cameroon (as generotype of Tragogomphus SJÖSTEDT, 1900). 1962 Tragogomphus aurivilli - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 174.
Distribution: Cameroon.
152 mamfei
I960 Tragogomphus mamfei PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: 265. Type male: Nat. Mus. Bulawayo; type-locality: Gorilla Mountain.
Distribution: Cameroon. tenaculatus
1926 Libyogomphus tenaculatus FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 74: 358 (as generotype of Libyogomphus FRASER, 1926). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Cameroon. 1962 Tragogomphus tenaculatus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 174. 1966 Tragogomphus tenaculatus - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.), 18: 216.
Distribution: Cameroon. Tribe Octogomphini Distal primary antenodal of hindwing midway between proximal primary antenodal and nodus (except Hemigomphus); CuP and A strongly divergent towards wing margin. 2 - 5 ventral teeth on the larval ligula. 1985 Octogomphini DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 38. Type-genus: Octogomphus SEL YS, 1873.
Genus Davidius
1878 Davidius SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 667. Type-species: Davidius davidi - SELYS, 1878 (original designation). - 1905 Davidius - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 789 (key to species) - 1914 Hologomphus BARTENEF, Hor. ent. Soc. Ross., 41: 23. Type-species: Hologomphus lunatus BARTENEF, 1914 (original designation). - 1916 Davidius - Ris, Suppl. Ent. Berlin, 5: 45 (revision, and key to species). - 1916 Hologomphus - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 48 (proposed synonymy with Davidius SELYS, 1878). - 1930 Davidius - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78): 190 (generotype: Davidius zallorensis SELYS, 1878). - 1986 Davidius - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 289 (key to subgenera). - 1986 Davidius (Paralanthus) CARLE, O d o n a t o l o g i c a , 15 (3). 289. Type-species: Davidius
aberrane aberrane
FRASER, 1926).
1873 Hagenius (Hagenius) aberrans SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 35: 789. Type female: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: North India. 1890 Hagenius aberrans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 75. 1916 Davidius aberrans - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 12: 135 (India). 1922 Davidius aberrans - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 388 (India). 1926 Davidius aberrans aberrans - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 170. 1930 Davidius aberrans aberrans-LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78:191 (Assam, North India).
Distribution: India. aberrans senchalensis
1926 Davidius aberrans senchalensis FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31:170. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1930 Davidius aberrans senchalensis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 191. Distribution: I n d i a .
153 ater SEL YS 1878 Davidus (?) ater SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 672. Type female: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Japan. 1916 Davidius ater - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 49 (redescription of female).
Distribution: Japan. baronii
1977 Davidius baronii LIEFTINCK, Ent. Basiliensia, 2: 24. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; typelocality: Bhutan.
Distribution: Bhutan. bicornutus
1878 Davidius bicornutus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 46: 670. Type male: Selys's Collection; tpye-locality: N o r t h China. 1983 Davidius bicornutus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Shaanxi).
Distribution: China. davidi davidi
1878 Davidius davidi SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 671 (as generotype of Davidius SELYS, 1878). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Moupin. 1916 Davidius davidi davidi - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 12: 135. 1923 Davidius davidi davidi - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 48. 1930 Davidius davidi davidi - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 191 (West China). 1983 Davidius davidi davidi - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Szechwan). 1 9 8 5 Davidius
f. orenburghi VORONOCOVSY, 1 9 0 9 : - l o c . cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a -
gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 38. Male from Russia.
Distribution: Siberia, and West China. davidi assamensis
1916 Davidius davidi assamensis - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 12: 135. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Assam. 1922 Davidius davidi assamensis - LAIDLAW - Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 388 (Darjeeling). 1930 Davidius davidi assamensis - LAIDLAW - Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 191 (Sikkim).
Distribution: India. fruhstorferi fruhstorferi
1904 Davidius fruhstorferi MARTIN, Mission Pavie, 3: 215. Type male: Martin's Collection; typelocality: Tonkin. 1954 Davidius fruhstorferi fruhstorferi - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 244.
Distribution: Vietnam. fruhstorferi junior
1936 Gomphus junior NAVAS, Mus. Heude Not. Ent. Chin., 3 (4): 38. Type male: Mus. Heude; type-locality: China. 1954 Davidius fruhstorferi junior - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 244. 1983 Davidius fruhstorferi junior - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 100 (Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi).
Distribution: China.
154 fruhstorferi serenus
1944 Davidius serenus NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 94: 161. Type male: Zool. Mus. Harvard; type-locality: China. 1956 Davidius fruhstorferi serenus - ASAHINA, Ent. Meded., 27 ( 4 - 5 ) : 222 (China).
Distribution: China. fujiama
1936 Davidius fujiama FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 150. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Japan.
Distribution: Japan. kumaonensis
1926 Davidius kumaonensis FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 170. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Kumaon. 1966 Davidius kumaonensis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 199 [lectotype female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London - from Assam].
Distribution: India. lunatus
1914 Hologomphus lunatus BARTENEF, Hor. Soc. ent. Ross., 41: 24 (as generotype of BARTENEF, 1914). Type male: unknown; type-locality: Manchuria. 1916 Davidius lunatus - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 48. 1983 Davidius lunatus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Liaoning, Jiliu).
Distribution: China. malloryi
1926 Davidius malloryi FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 167. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), type-locality: Assam. 1986 Davidius (Paralanthus) malloryi - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 289 (as generotype of Paralanthus CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: India. moiwanus moiwanus
Gomphus moiwanus MATSUMURA & O K U M U R A , Ins. matsum., 10: 6 4 . Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1961 Davidius moiwanus - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 59. 1972 Davidius moiwanus moiwanus - ASAHINA & INOUE, Tombo, 15 (1-4): 2 (redescription). 1935
Distribution: Japan. moiwanus sawanoi
1972 Davidius moiwanus sawanoi ASAHINA Collection, type-locality: Japan.
Tombo, 15 ( 1 - 4 ) : 5. Type male: Asahina's
Distribution: Japan. moiwanus taruii
1972 Davidius moiwanus taruii ASAHINA lection, type-locality: Japan.
Distribution: Japan.
Tombo, 15 ( 1 - 4 ) : 4. Type male: Asahina's Col-
155 nanus(SELYS) 1869 Hagenius (Hagenius) nanus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2): 28: 200. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Hagenius nanus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 75. 1894 Davidius nanus - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38: 173 (description of male). 1916 Davidius cuniculus Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5:49. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Japan. 1926 Gomphus hakiensis MATSUMURA, in OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 93. Type female: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1941 Gomphus hakiensis - VALLE, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 7: 141 (proposed synonymy with cuniculus Ris, 1916). 1961 Davidius nanus - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 59. 1961 Gomphus hakiensis- ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 59 [proposed synonymy with nanus (SELYS, 1869)].
Distribution: Japan. trox
1931 Davidius trox NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull, 5: 4. Type female: Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Davidius trox - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Szechwan). 1986 Davidius trox - ZHOU, Odonatologica, 15 (1): 135 (description of male).
Distribution: China. zallorensis zallorensis
1878 Davidius (?) zallorensis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 667. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Himalaya. 1905 Davidius zallorensis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 789 (Himalaya). 1916 Davidius zallorensis - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 12 135 [incorrect synonymy with aberrans aberrans
(SELYS, 1873)].
1926 Davidius zallorensis zallorensis - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 166. 1930 Davidius zallorensis zallorensis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London 78: 190 (as generotype of Davidius SELYS, 1878).
Distribution: Himalaya. zallorensis delineatus
1926 Davidius zallorensis delineatus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 166. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1930 Davidius zallorensis delineatus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 191.
Distribution: India. Genus Fukienogomphus
1954 Fukienogomphus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4 (3): 337. Type-species: Gomphus prometheus LIEFTINCK, 1939 (original designation). - 1983 Fukienogomphus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101. 1986 Fukienogomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 289 (in tribe Trigomphini).
1954 Fukienogomphus margarita CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 43. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; typelocality: China.
Distribution: China.
156 prometheus
1939 Gomphus prometheus LIEFTINCK, Temminckia, 4: 278. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: China. 1954 Fukienogomphusprometheus - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 36 (as generotype of Fukienogomphus CHAO, 1954).
1983 Fukienogomphus prometheus - CHAO, Wuyi, Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan).
Distribution: China, and Taiwan. promineus
1954 Fukienogomphus promineus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 41. Type male: Peking Mus.?; typelocality: China. 1983 Fukienogomphus promineus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. Genus Hemigomphus
1854 Gomphus (Hemigomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 48. Type-species: Gomphus (Hemigomphus) heteroclytus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 1 ) . - 1 8 5 8 Gomphus (Hemigomphus) - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 441 (revision). - 1890 Hemigomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71. 1986 Hemigomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 285 (key to subgenera). - 1986 Hemigomphus (Armagomphus) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 287. Type-species: Austrogomphus armiger TILLYARD, 1 9 1 3 (original designation). - 1 9 8 6 Hemigomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 ( 3 ) : 2 8 5 . Type-genus: Hemigomphus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 .
1913 Austrogomphus armiger T I L L YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 37: 577. Type maie: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Western Australia. 1951 Hemigomphus armiger - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254. 1986 Hemigomphus (Armagomphus) armiger - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 287 (as generotype of Armagomphus CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: Australia. gouldi
1854 Gomphus (Austrogomphus) gouldi SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 45. Type maie: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: South Australia. 1869 Hemigomphus gouldi - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 38: 186. 1890 Hemigomphus gouldi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71. 1901 Austrogomphus gouldi-MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 230 (South Australia, Victoria). 1909 Austrogomphus comitatus TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 34: 245. Type maie: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Cooktown. 1951 Hemigomphus gouldi - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254. 1951 Austrogomphus comitatus - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 87: 254 [proposed synonymy with gouldi (SELYS, 1854)]. 1 9 8 5 Hemigomphus comitatus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 3 9 (as good species). 1985 Hemigomphus gouldi - D A V I E S & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 39 (proposed synonymy with heteroclytus SELYS, 1854).
Distribution: Australia.
157 heteroclytus SEL YS 1854 Gomphus (Hemigomphus) heteroclytus SEL YS, Synopsis des G o m p h i n e s : 49 (as generotype of Hemigomphus SELYS, 1854). Type male: Dale's Collection; type-locality: A m e r , merid. 1890 Hemigomphus heteroclytus - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 71. (loc.: „Australie"). 1901 Hemigomphus heteroclytus - MARTIN, M é m . Soc. zool. F r a n c e , 14: 230 (Victoria).
Distribution: Australia. Genus Lanthus
1897 Lanthus NEEDHAM, C a n a d . Ent., 29:165. Type-species: Gomphusparvulus SELYS, 1854 (original designation). - 1910 Lanthus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1). 88. 1985 Lanthus - DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e Dragonflies of the World, U t r e c h t , 2: 39.
1878 Gomphus albistylus HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 460. Type female: Agassiz M u s e u m ; type-locality: Maine. 1878 Gomphus naevius HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 462. Type female: Agassiz M u s e u m ; type-locality: Pennsylvania. 1890 Aeschna albistyla - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 66. 1910 Lanthus naevius- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., M i l w a u k e e 1 (1): 88 [proposed synonymy w i t h albistylus
Distribution: fujiacus
(HÄGEN, 1878)].
1936 Gomphus fujiacus FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. L o n d o n , 85: 147. Type male: British M u s e u m (Nat.Hist.), L o n d o n ; type-locality: J a p a n . 1985 Lanthus fujiacus - DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 39.
Distribution: Japan. parvulus
1854 Gomphus (Gomphus) parvulus SELYS, Synopsis des G o m p h i n e s : 37. Type male: British M u s e u m (Nat.Hist.), L o n d o n ; type-locality: U S . 1861 Gomphus parvulus - HAGEN, Syn. N e u r . N . - A m e r . , Washington: 109 ( N o v a Scotia). 1890 Aeschna parvulaKIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 65. 1897 Lanthus parvulus - NEEDHAM, C a n a d . Ent., 29:165 (as generotype of Lanthus NEEDHAM, 1897).
Distribution: vernalis
1985 Lanthus vernalis CARLE, 1980 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e Dragonflies of the World, U t r e c h t , 2: 3 9 .
Genus Neogomphus
1858 Gomphus (Neogomphus) SELYS, M é m . Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 679. Type-species: Hemigomphus molestus SELYS, 1857 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 71). 1890 Neogomphus - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 71. - 1941 Neogomphus SCHMIDT, Arch. N a t u r g . , 10 (2): 239. - 1986 Neogomphus - CARLE, O d o n t o l o g i c a , 15 (3): 285 (in tribe Hemigomphini).
158 bidens SELYS 1878 Neogomphus bidens SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46. 470. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Chile. 1941 Neogomphus bidens - SCHMIDT, Arch. Naturg., 10 (2): 238 (Chile).
Distribution: Chile. edenticulatus CARLE & COOK 1 9 8 5 N e o g o m p h u s e d e n t i c u l a t u s CARLE & COOK, 1 9 8 4 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s
of the World, Utrecht, 2: 39.
Distribution: Argentina, and Chile. elegans (SELYS) 1854 Gomphus (Hemigomphus) elegans SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 48. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Neogomphus elegans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71.
Distribution: Brazil. molestus (SELYS) 1854 Gomphus (Hemigomphus) molestus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 48. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Chile. 1858 Gomphus (Neogomphus) molestus - SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11. 679. 1890 Neogomphus molestus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71 (as generotype of Neogomphus SELYS, 1858). 1941 Neogomphus molestus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Naturg., 10 (2): 239 (redescription).
Distribution: Chile. Genus Octogomphus SELYS 1873 Gomphus (Octogomphus) SELYS. Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 35. 759. Type-species: Gomphus (Neogomphus ) specularis HAGEN, 1859 (monotypy). - 1 8 9 0 Octogomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.Odon., London: 63. - 1910 Octogomphus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 101. - 1986 Octogomphini CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 276. Type-genus: Octogomphus SELYS, 1 8 7 3 .
specularis (HÄGEN) 1859 Gomphus (Neogomphus) specularis HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 7: 544. Type female: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: California. 1873 Gomphus (Octogomphus) specularis - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 35: 760 (as generotype of Octogomphus SELYS, 1873). 1910 Octogomphus specularis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 101. Distribution: U . S . A .
Genus Sinogomphus MAY 1935 Sinogomphus MAY, Senckenbergiana, 17: 90. Type-species: Sinogomphus nigrofasciatus MAY, 1935 (original designation). - 1984 Sinogomphus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104. - 1986 Sinogomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 285 (in tribe Hemigomphini).
159 asahinai
1983 Sinogomphus asahinai CHAO (as MS), Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104. Type: not given; type-locality: China (Quangxi).
Distribution: China, flavolimbatus
1926 Gomphus flavolimbatus MATSUMURA, in OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1: (2): 94. Type female: ? Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1961 Sinogomphus flavolimbatus - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 60.
Distribution: Japan. formosanus
1951 Sinogomphus formosanus ASAHINA, Kontyû, 19: 18. Type male: ? Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Taiwan. 1983 Sinogomphus formosanus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Taiwan).
Distribution: Taiwan. leptocerus
1983 Sinogomphus leptocerus CHAO, 1983 - loc. cit. CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103.
Distribution: Tibet. nigrofasciatus MAY 1935 Sinogomphus nigrofasciatus MAY, Senckenbergiana, 17: 92 (as generotype of MAY, 1935). Type male: Senckenberg. Mus.; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. orestes
1939 Gomphus orestes LIEFTINCK, Temminckia, 4: 287. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: China. 1954 Sinogomphus orestes - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 52. 1983 Sinogomphus orestes - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. peleus
1939 Gomphus peleus LIEFTINCK, Temminckia, 4: 291. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: China. 1954 Sinogomphus peleus - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 48 (description of allotype, female). 1956 Sinogomphus peleus - ASAHINA, Ent. Medd., 27 (4-5): 219 (China)! 1983 Sinogomphus peleus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Fujian, Zhejiang).
Distribution: China. pylades
1939 Gomphus pylades LIEFTINCK, Temminckia, 4: 285. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: China. 1954 Sinogomphus pylades - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 50. 1983 Sinogomphus pylades - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Fujian).
Distribution: China.
160 suensoni
1939 Gomphus suensoni LIEFTINCK, Temminckia, 4: 294. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: China. 1954 Sinogomphus suensoni - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 55. 1983 Sinogomphus suensoni - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 103 (Shannxi).
Distribution: China. telamoni
1939 Gomphus telamoni LIEFTINCK, Temminckia, 4: 290. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: China. 1954 Sinogomphus telamoni - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 53 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. Genus Stylogomphus
1922 Stylogomphus FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 10. Type-species: Stylogomphus inglisi FRASER, 1922 (original designation). - 1930 Stylogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 185. - 1986 Stylogomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 289 (in tribe Trigomphini).
1 9 8 3 S t y l o g o m p h u s c h a n g i ASAHINA, 1 9 6 8 - l o c . c i t CHAO, W u y i S c i . J n . , 3: 1 0 4 .
Distribution: Taiwan. chunliuae
1954 Stylogomphus chunliuae CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 58. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1982 Stylogomphus chunliuae - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. inglisi
1922 Stylogomphus inglisi FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 70 (as generotype of Stylogomphus FRASER, 1922). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Darjeeling.
Distribution: India. lutantus
1983 Stylogomphus lutantus CHAO, 1983 - loc. cit. CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104.
Distribution: Tibet. ryukyuanus ryukyuanus
1951 Stylogomphus vyukyuanus ASAHINA, Kontyû, 19: 18. Type male: Asahina's Collection; typelocality: Ryukyu Island. 1985 Stylogomphus ryukyuanus ryukyuanus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 40.
Distribution: Japan. ryukyuanus asatoi
1 9 8 5 S t y l o g o m p h u s r y u k y u a n u s a s a t o i ASAHINA, 1 9 7 2 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s
of the World, Utrecht, 2: 40.
Distribution: Okinawa.
161 shirozui
1983 Stylogomphus shirozui ASAHINA, 1966 - loc. cit. CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104.
Distribution: Taiwan. suzukii
1926 Gomphus suzukii MATSUMURA, in OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1: 93. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1961 Stylogomphus suzukii - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24. 60.
Distribution: Japan. tantulus
1954 Stylogomphus tantulus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 62. Type female: Koenig Mus., Bonn; typelocality: Fujian. 1956 Stylogomphus tantulus - ASAHINA, Ent. Med., 27 ( 4 - ) : 219 (description of allotype, male). 1964 Stylogomphus tantulus - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 157 (Burma).
Distribution: China, and Burma. Genus Trigomphus
1912 Trigomphus BARTENEF, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Petersbourg, 16:432. Type-species: Trigomphus anormolobatus BARTENEF, 1912 (original designation). - 1944 Gastrogomphus NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 94: 148. Type-species: Gomphus abdominalis MCLACHLAN, 1884 (original designation). - 1944 Xenogomphus NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 94: 149. Type-species: Gomphus agricola Ris, 1916 (original designation). - 1 9 4 8 Gastrogomphus - NEEDHAM (asgen.nov.), Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16:145. Type-species: Gomphus abdominalis MCLACHLAN, 1884. - 1986 Trigomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 189.
1884 Gomphus abdominalis MCLACHLAN, C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 28: 8. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: North China. 1890 Aeschna abdominalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1 9 0 5 Gomphus abdominalis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 8 9 (China). 1916 Gomphus abdominalis - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 51 (China). 1931 Gomphus abdominalis - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 185 (Tche-kiang). 1944 Gastrogomphus abdominalis - NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 94: 148 (as generotype of Gastrogomphus NEEDHAM, 1944). 1983 Gastrogomphus abdominalis - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 101 (Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hebei). 1985 Trigomphus abdominalis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 40.
Distribution: China. acutus
1930 Gomphus acutus BARTENEF, Zool. Anz. Leipzig, 88: 326. Type: unknown; type-locality: Japan. 1985 Trigomphus acutus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 40.
Distribution: Japan. agricola (Ris) 1916 Gomphus agricola Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 53. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Shanghai. 1931 Gomphus agricola - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 186 (China).
162 1944
Xenogomphusagricola-NEEDHAM, o f Xenogomphus
Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 9 4 : 1 4 9 (as generotype
NEEDHAM, 1 9 4 4 ) .
1954 Trigomphus abdominalis - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 29.
Distribution: China. beatus
1954 Trigomphus beatus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4:26. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Trigomphus beatus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104 (Quangxi, Fujian, H u n a n , Hubei).
Distribution: China. carus
1954 Trigomphus carus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 34. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Trigomphus carus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. citimus citimus
1931 Gomphus citimus NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 5: 2. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China. 1931 Gomphus succumbeus NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 5: 2. Type male: unknown; typelocality: China. 1948 Xenogomphus citimus - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 146. 1948 Xenogomphus succumbeus - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 146. 1954 Trigomphus citimus - CHAO, Acta. ent. sinica, 4: 30. 1985 Gomphus succumbeus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 41 [as synonym of citimus citimus (NEEDHAM, 1 9 3 1 ) ] .
Distribution: China. citimus tabei
1949 Gomphus (Trigomphus) citimus tabei ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 17. 38. Type male: ? H o k k a i d o Univ.; type-locality: Japan.
Distribution: Japan. interruptus
1854 Gomphus (Austrogomphus) interruptus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 47. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1890 Hemigomphus interruptus -KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 71. 1901 Austrogomphus interruptus - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14. 230 (Australia). 1936 Gomphus chichibui FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 148. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Japan. 1949 Xenogomphus chichibui - NEEDHAM, Peking nat.Hist. Bull., 16: 146. 1949 Gomphus (Trigomphus) melampus bifasciatus ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 17: 28. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1966 Gomphus chichibui - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 186 [proposed synonymy with interruptus (SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) ] . 1 9 8 5 Trigomphus melampus Ris, 1 9 1 6 (nec SELYS, 1 8 6 9 ) - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 40.
Distribution: Japan, and ? Australia. lautus
1931 Gomphus lautus NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 5:2. Type male: ? Peking Mus., type-locality: China.
163 1948 Xenogomphus lautus - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 146. 1954 Trigomphus lautus - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 32.
Distribution: China. melampus
1869 Gomphus melampus SELYS (nec Ris, 1916), Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 38. 182. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Aeschna melampus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1 9 0 5 Gomphus melampus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 8 5 (Japan). 1916 Gomphus melampus - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 52. 1926 Gomphus melampus - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 92. 1926 Gomphus unifasciatus OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 92. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; typelocality: Japan. 1948 Xenogomphus melampus - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist., Bull., 16: 146. 1961 Trigomphus melampus - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 59. 1961 Gomphus unifasciatus - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 59 [proposed synonymy with melampus (SELYS, 1 8 6 9 ) ] .
Distribution: Japan. nigripes
1887 Gomphus nigripes SELYS, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 31: 59. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; typelocality: Amur. 1890 Aeschna nigripes - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 68. 1 9 0 5 Gomphus nigripes - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 8 5 . 1912 Trigomphus anormolobatus BARTENEF, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp.; Sci. St.-Petersbourg, 16 435 (as generotype of Trigomphus BARTENEF, 1912). Type female: Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad., St. Petersburg; type-locality: Wladiwostok. 1973 Trigomphus nigripes - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 474. 1973 Trigomphus anormolobatus - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 474 [proposed synonymy with nigripes SELYS, 1887)]. 1983 Trigomphus nigripes - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 104 (Liaoning). 1985 Trigomphus anormolobatus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 40 (as good species). 1 9 8 5 Trigomphus nigripes - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 4 0 [proposed synonymy with citimus citimus (NEEDHAM, 1 9 3 1 ) ] .
Distribution: Siberia, Mongolia, and North China, ogumai
1949 Gomphus (Trigomphus) ogumai ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 17: 29. Type male: Asahina's Collcetion; type-locality: Japan. 1 9 8 5 Trigomphus ogumai - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 4 1 .
Distribution: Japan. svenhedini (SJÖSTEDT) 1933 Gomphus sven-hedini SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 25A (5): 11. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Szechwan. 1948 Xenogomphus svenhedini - NEEDHAM, Peking nat. Hist. Bull., 16: 146. 1954 Trigomphus svenhedini - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 33.
Distribution: China.
164 Subfamiliy Onychogomphinae Distinguished from Gomphinae by anal loop of 2 - 3 cells, anal triangle of 4 cells and male interior appendages usually close and parallel (after CHAO, 1984). 1985 Onychogomphinae DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 41 (with genera Acrogomphus, Amphigomphus, Davidioides, Megalogomphus, Nihonogomphus, Onychogomphus, Ophiogomphus, Paragomphus, Perissogomphus). - 1986 Onychogomphinae - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 276.
Genus Acrogomphus
1925 Acrogomphus LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1925: 439. Type-species: Acrogomphus fraseri LAIDLAW, 1925 (original designation). - 1930 Acrogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78. 191. - 1954 Acrogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 90.
1925 Acrogomphus fraseri LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1925: 441 (as generotype of Acrogomphus LAIDLAW, 1925). Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; type-locality: Coorg. 1930 Acrogomphus fraseri - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 1991 (South India).
Distribution: India. jubilaris
1964 Acrogomphus jubilaris LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 97. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Borneo.
Distribution: Borneo. malayanus
1925 Acrogomphus malayanus LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1925: 443. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Palau Aor. 1935 Acrogomphus malayanus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15: 205. 1937 Acrogomphus malayanus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16: 118. 1941 Acrogomphus malayanus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18: 244. 1954 Acrogomphus malayanus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 90.
Distribution: Malaysia. minor
1931 Acrogomphus minor LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 215. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Selangor. 1954 Acrogomphus minor - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 90 (Siam, Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia, and Thailand. mohai
1964 Acrogomphus mohai SAHNI, Agra Univ. J. Res., 13: 93. Type male: unknown; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. walshi
1935 Acrogomphus walshi LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 203. Type male: not given, perhaps in Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1937 Acrogomphus walshae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16: 118 (nom. emend.). 1941 Acrogomphus walshae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (2): 240 (redescription).
165 1954 Acrogomphus walshi- LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 90 (Sumatra, Java). 1963 Acrogomphus walshi - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 95.
Distribution: Sumatra, Java. Genus Amphigomphus
1954 Amphigomphus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 402. Type-species: Amphigomphus hansoni CHAO, 1954 (original designation). - 1983 Amphigomphus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105.
1954 Amphigomphus hansoni CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 403 (as generotype of Amphigomphus CHAO, 1954). Type male: ? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Amphigomphus hansoni - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. Genus Davidioides
1924 Davidioides FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 412. Type-species: Davidioides martini FRASER, 1924 (monotypy). - 1930 Davidioides - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 188.
1924 Davidioides martini FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 472 (as generotype of Davidioides FRASER, 1924). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. Genus Megalogomphus
1854 Heterogomphus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 21: 27. Type-species: Heterogomphus smithii SEL YS, 1854 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 57). -1858 Gomphus (Heterogomphus)
- SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m . S o c . r. Sci., Liège, 11: 354 (revision). - 1905
terogomphus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 782 (key to species). 1922 Heterogomphus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 412. - 1923 Megalogomphus CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9) 12: 669 (new name for Heterogomphus SELYS, 1854, a junior primary homonymy of Hetergomphus BURMEISTER, 1847 in Coleoptera. - 1930 Allogomphus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 35 (new name for Heterogomphus SELYS, 1854, a junior primary homonymy of Heterogomphus BURMEISTER, 1847 in Coleoptera). - 1934 Megalogomphus SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl., 13: 374 (key to species). 1934 Allogomphus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl.: 13: 374 (proposed synonymy with Megalogomphus CAMPION, 1923). - 1954 Megalogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 95.
1922 Gomphus bicornutus FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 72. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam. 1923 Heterogomphus bicornutus - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 48. 1930 Megalogomphus bicornutus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 197. 1966 Megalogomphus bicornutus - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 182.
Distribution: India.
166 ceylonicus
1922 Heterogomphus ceylonicus LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 412. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Ceylon. 1955 Megalogomphus ceylonicus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 84 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. cochinchinensis
1878 Heterogomphus conchinchinensis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 419. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Cochin China. 1930 Megalogomphus conchinchinensis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 197.
Distribution: Vietnam. flavicolor (FRASER) 1923 Heterogomphus flavicolor FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 678. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1966 Megalogomphus flavicolor - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 192.
Distribution: India. hannyngtoni
1923 Heterogomphus hannyngtoni FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 674. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1924 Heterogomphus hannyngtoni - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 478 (West India). 1966 Megalogomphus hannyngtoni - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 195.
Distribution: India. icterops
1902 Hetergomphus icterops MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Hist, nat., 8: 506. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1914 Heterogomphus icterops var. borneensis LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1914: 57. Male from Borneo. 1934 Megalogomphus icterops - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13. 377. 1935 Megalogomphus icterops - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 205 (Borneo, Sumatra, Java). 1941 Megalogomphus icterops - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (2): 236 (Java). 1954 Megalogomphus icterops - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 95 (Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Sumatra. junghuhni
1934 Megalogomphus junghuhni LIEFTINCK, Stylops, 3: 266. Type female: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Java. 1934 Megalogomphus junghuhni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 438 (Java). 1954 Megalogomphus junghuhni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 95 (Java).
Distribution: Java. smithii
1854 Heterogomphus smithii SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 10 (as generotype of Heterogomphus SELYS, 1854). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: China. 1923 Megalogomphus smithii - CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 12: 669 (as generotype of Megalogomphus CAMPION, 1923).
167 1930 Allogomphus smithii - NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 35 (as generotype of Allogomphus NEEDHAM, 1930). 1930 Megalogomphus smithii - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 196.
Distribution: China. sommeri
1854 Heterogomphus sommeri SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphine 4: 10. Type female: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: China. 1930 Megalogomphus sommeri - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 197. 1983 Megalogomphus sommeri - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. sumatranus
1898 Heterogomphus sumatranus KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 294. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1902 Heterogomphus sumatranus - MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Hist nat., 7: 506 (Siam). 1902 Heterogomphus unicolor MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Hist nat., 7: 506. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Siam. 1907 Heterogomphus sumatranus - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus.; 33. 316. 1930 Megalogomphus sumatranus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 197. 1954 Megalogomphus sumatranus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 96 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo). 1954 Heterogomphus unicolor - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 96 [proposed synonymy with sumatranus
(KRÜGER, 1 8 9 8 ) ] .
Distribution: Oriental region. superbus
1931 Megalogomphus superbus FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 460. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. Genus Nihonogomphus
1926 Nihonogomphus OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 97. Type-species: Nihonogomphus viridis OGUMA, 1926 (original designation). - 1930 Altaigomphus BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 89: 327. Type-species: Altaigomphus herterostylus BARTENEF, 1930 (original designation). - 1963 Nihonogomphus - LIEFTWCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 3 9 : 102. - 1963 Altaigomphus- LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 102 (proposed synonymy with Nihonogomphus OGUMA, 1926). 1973 Altaigomphus - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 452 (as synonym of Nihonogomphus OGUMA, 1926).
1954 Nihonogomphus bequaerti CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 409. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1983 Nihonogomphus bequaerti - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. brevipennis
1930 Gomphus brevipennis NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A), 11: 48. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: China. 1933 Gomphus hummeli SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 25Α (5): 12. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Szechwan.
168 1944 1948 1954 1954 1963 1963
Mesogomphus brevipennis - NEEDHAM, Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Univ. Harv., 94: 152. Mesogomphus brevipennis - NEEDHAM, Peking, nat.Hist. Soc., 16: 148. Nihonogomphus brevipennis - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 412. Nihonogomphus hummeli - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 412. Nihonogomphus brevipennis - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 106. Gomphus hummeli - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 106 [proposed synonymy with brevipennis
(NEEDHAM, 1930)].
Distribution: China. gilvus
1954 Nihonogomphus gilvus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 416. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Nihonogomphus gilvus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105.
Distribution: China. lieftincki
1954 Nihonogomphus lieftincki CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 407. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1983 Nihonogomphus lieftincki - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Fujian, Hunan).
Distribution: China. pulcherrima
1927 Onychogomphus pulcherrima FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 78. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Upper Burma. 1966 Nihonogomphus pulcherrima - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 210.
Distribution: Burma. ruptus
1857 Onychogomphus ruptus SELYS (nec SELYS, 1858), M o n o g r . G o m p h . : 393. T y p e m a l e : R . M u s . ,
Bruxelles; type-locality: Amur. 1890 Lindenia rupta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 57. 1930 Altaigomphus heterostylus BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 89: 329. Type male: not given, perhaps in Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: Altai Mts. (as generotype of Altaigomphus
BARTENEF, 1930).
1957 Altaigomphus heterostylus - BELYSHEV, Annls Zool. Warszawa, 16 (25): 475. 1963 Nihonogomphus ruptus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 104 (Siberia). 1963 Altaigomphus heterostylus - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 39: 104 [proposed synonymy w i t h ruptus
(SELYS, 1857)].
1973 Nihonogomphus ruptus - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 452.
Distribution: Siberia. semanticus
1954 Nihonogomphus semanticus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 411. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1983 Nihonogomphus semanticus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Guangdong, Fujian).
Distribution: China.
169 s h a o w u e n s i s CHAO 1954 Nihonogomphus shaowuensis CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 414. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1983 Nihonogomphus shaowuensis - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Fujian, Zhejiang).
Distribution: China. s i m i l l i m u s CHAO 1982 Nihonogomphus simillimus CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 2: 115. Type male: Lab. Biol. Centr., Fujian Agr. Coll.; type-locality: Fujian.
Distribution: China, t h o m a s s o n i (KIRBY) 1900 Aeschna thomassoni - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 12. 534. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Hainan. 1954 Nihonogomphus thomassoni - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 417. 1983 Nihonogomphus thomassoni - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Hainan).
Distribution: Hainan. viridis OGUMA 1926 Nihonogomphus viridis OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 98 (as generotype of Nihonogomphus OGUMA, 1926). Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1936 Nihonogomphus viridis - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 149 (description of female) (Japan). 1961 Nihonogomphus viridis - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 60 (Japan).
Distribution: Japan. Genus Onychogomphus SELYS 1854 Onychogomphus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 11. Type-species: Lindenia geometrica (DE HAAN MS), SELYS, 1854 (original designation). - 1858 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11. 275 (revision). - 1876 Paradigma BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent., Odonata, 1:12. Type-species not given (first emendation for Libellulaforcipata LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1890 Onychogomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 57 (incorrect synonymy with Lindenia DE HAAN, 1826). - 1905 Onychogomphus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 775 (key to species). - 1905 Paradigma - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 775 [proposed synonymy with Onychogomphus SELYS, 1854). - 1 9 0 8 Onychogomphus - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 308 (revision, key to species). 1921 Onychogomphus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 352. - 1922 Onychogomphus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 402 (generotype Libellula forcipata LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1923 Lamelligomphus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 983. Type-species: Onychogomphus biforceps SELYS, 1878 (original designation). - 1930 Lamelligomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 193 (generotype: Lamelligomphus nilgiriensis FRASER, 1922). - 1934 Nepogomphus FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 2: 282. Type-species: Onychogomphus modestus SELYS, 1878 (original designation). - 1934 Paradidyma (misprint) - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 252. 1954 Onychogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 91. - 1954 Lemelligomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 91 (proposed synonymy with Onychogomphus SELYS, 1854). 1954 Nepogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 91 (proposed synonymy with Onychogomphus SELYS, 1854). - 1954 Nepogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 91 (proposed synonymy with Onychogomphus SELYS, 1854). - 1962 Onychogomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 186. - 1984 Onychogomphus - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 74
170 (key to Central European species). - 1986 Onychogomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 316 (key to subgenera). - Onychogomphus (Nychogomphus) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 316. Type-species: Onychogomphus geometricus SELYS, 1854 (original designation).
1922 Onychogomphus acinaces LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 407. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: India. 1923 Lamellogomphus (misprint) biforceps - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 48. 1924 Lamellogomphus (misprint) acinaces - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 477 (West India). 1930 Lamelligomphus acinaces - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 193 (South India).
Distribution: India. aemulus
1937 Onychogomphus aemulus LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16 (1): 115. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Sumatra. 1954 Onychogomphus aemulus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 91 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra. aequistylus
1892 Onychogomphus aequistylus SELYS, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 36:88. Type male: originally in Selys's Collection, but not in R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1953 Onychogomphus aequistylus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (B) 22: 191 (redescription) (Madagascar). 1962 Onychogomphus aequistylus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 187.
Distribution: Madagascar. annularis
1894 Onychogomphus annularis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38:176. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma. assimilis
1845 Gomphus assimilis SCHNEIDER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 6: 155. Type male: Schneider's Collection; type-locality: Asia Minor. 1854 Onychogomphus assimilis - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 13. 1957 Onychogomphus assimilis - SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 81. 1887 Ophiogomphus assimilis - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 29. 1890 Diastatomma assimile - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 62. 1948 Onychogomphus assimilis - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 160 (Armenia).
Distribution: Asia Minor, and Armenia. banteng
1929 Onychogomphus banteng type-locality: Java. 1930 Lamelligomphus banteng 1934 Onychogomphus banteng 1954 Onychogomphus banteng
Distribution: Java.
LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72:133. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent Soc. London, 78: 194. - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 438 (Java). - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 91 (Java).
171 biforceps
1878 Onychogomphus biforceps SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 420. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles, type-locality: Darjeeling. 1890 Lindenia biforceps - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1922 Onychogomphus biforceps - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 424 (description of female). 1923 Lamelligomphus biforceps - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 983 (as genero type of Lamelligomphus FRASER, 1923). 1964 Onychogomphus biforceps - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 159 (Burma).
Distribution: India, Bangladesh, Burma. bistrigatus
1854 Gomphus bistrigatus HAGEN, in SELYS, (nec FRASER, 1934), Synopsis des Gomphines: 27. Type female: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: India. 1858 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) bistrigatus - SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 24. 1890 Lindenia bistrigata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 58. 1894 Onychogomphus m-flavus SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38: 169. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1904 Onychogomphus bistrigatus - MARTIN, Miss. Pavie Indo-Chine, 3: 304. 1905 Onychogomphus m-flavus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 776 (Sikkim). 1922 Onychogomphus bistrigatus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 424 (India). 1930 Onychogomphus bistrigatus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 195 (Himalaya, Assam, Annam).
Distribution: India, bwambae
1961 Onychogomphus bwambae PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat.Hist.), 1961: 88. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Onychogomphus bwambae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 186.
Distribution: Uganda. camelus MARTIN 1904 Onychogomphus camelus MARTIN, Miss. Pavie Indo-Chine, 3: 212. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Tonkin. 1930 Lamelligomphus camelus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 193 (West China). 1930 Onychogomphus ardens NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 53. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China. 1942 Lamelligomphus camelus - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 340. 1942 Onychogomphus ardens - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London; 92: 340 (proposed synonymy with camelus M A R T I N , 1 9 0 4 ) . 1964 Onychogomphus camelus - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 160 (Formosa). 1983 Onychogomphus camelus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105. 1985 Onychogomphus ardens - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 42 (as good species).
Distribution: China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand, cacharicus
1924 Lamelligomphus cacharicus FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 81. Type female: unknown, originally in Pusa Collection); type-locality: India. 1985 Onychogomphus cacharicus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 42.
Distribution: India.
172 cancer
1858 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) ruptus SELYS, (nec SELYS, 1857), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11. 653. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Amur. 1872 Onychogomphus ruptus - SELYS, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 15: 29. 1890 Lindenia rupta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 57. 1983 Onychogomphus ruptus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 106. Onychogomphus cancer STEINMANN, (new name for Gomphus (Onychogomphus) ruptus SELYS, 1858, a junior secondary homonymy of Gomphus (Onychogomphus) ruptus SELYS, 1857).
Distribution: Siberia, and North Korea. castor
1941 Onychogomphus castor LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (2): 246. Type male: Ann Arbor Mus.; typelocality: Kelantan. 1954 Onychogomphus castor - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 91 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia. cerastis
1854 Ophiogomphus cerastis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 22. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Nepal. 1858 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) cerastis - SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 323. 1890 Lindenia cerastis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1 9 0 5 Onychogomphus cerastis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 7 5 (Nepal).
Distribution: Nepal. circularis
1894 Onychogomphus ? circularis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38:165. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Burma. 1930 Acrogomphus circularis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 191 (Burma).
Distribution: Burma. dingavani
1924 Onychogomphus dingavani FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 1005. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1930 Onychogomphus dingavani - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 195.
Distribution: India. duaricus
Onychogomphus duaricus FRASER, J . Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 1 0 0 1 . Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1930 Onychogomphus duaricus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 195 (Bengal). 1964 Onychogomphus duaricus - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 159 (Thailand, Burma). 1924
Distribution: India, Burma, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. earnshawi
1924 Onychogomphus earnshawi FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29. 1006. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Burma. 1930 Acrogomphus earnshawi - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 192. 1985 Onychogomphus earnshawi - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 43 (as Williamson, 1907).
Distribution: Burma.
173 flavicaudus CHAO 1985
Oiiychogomphus flavicaudus World, Utrecht, 2: 43.
CHAO, 1981
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: China. flavifrons SELYS 1894 Onychogomphus flavifrons SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38. 164. Type: originally in R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Onychogomphus flavifrons - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 187.
Distribution: Madagascar. flexuosus
1845 Gomphus flexuosus SCHNEIDER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 6: 114. Type male: Schneider's Collection; type-locality: Asia Minor. 1854 Onychogomphus flexuosus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 15. 1 8 5 8 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) flexuosus- SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 3 0 3 . 1887 Onychogomphus flexuosus - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 27 (Asia Minor, Caucasus, Turkestan, Ross, merid.). 1890 Lindenia flexuosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 59. 1948 Onychogomphus flexuosus - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 164 (Armenia). 1961 Onychogomphus flexuosus - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 33 (Kazakhstan). 1984 Onychogomphus flexuosus - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 75 (Caucasus).
Distribution: Asia Minor, and West Asia. forcipatus forcipatus
1758 Libellula forcipata LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 545. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Egypt. 1825 Aeschna hamata CHARPENTIER, Hor. Ent.: 25. Type: not given. 1850 Gomphus forcipatus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Revue Odon. Libell. europ. Paris: 98. 1854 Onychogomphus forcipatus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 14. 1858 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) forcipatus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 288 (redescription). 1887 Onychogomphus forcipatus - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 25 (redescription) (Europe, Algeria, Anatolia, Caucasus). 1887 Aeschna hamata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31. 25 [proposed synonymy with forcipatus (LINNAEUS, 1758)].
1890 Lindenia forcipata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 58. 1890 Libellula viridicinctus R E T Z I U S 1783 - loc. cit. K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 14 [as synonym of forcipatus (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1890 Gomphus consobrinus KOLBE, 1885 - loc. cit. KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 14 [as synonym of forcipatus (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1890 Gomphus socialis KOLBE, 1885 - loc. cit. KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 14 [as synonym of forcipatus (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1934 Paradigma forcipata - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 252 (as generotype oí Paradigma C O W L E Y , 1934). 1948 Onychogomphus forcipatus- AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 163 (Armenia). 1950 Onychogomphus forcipatus - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 35 (Spain). 1984 Onychogomphus forcipatus - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 75 (Central, West and South Europe).
174 1985 Onychogomphus forcipatus f. cypricus SCHMIDT 1954 - loc. cit. gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 43 (Cyprus).
The Dra-
Distribution: West, Central and South Europe, Asia Minor, Morocco to Egypt, and Caucasus with Armenia. forcipatus albotibialis 1985
Onychogomphus forcipatus albotibialis gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 43.
SCHMIDT, 1 9 5 4
- loc. cit.
The Dra-
Distribution: Turkey. forcipatus lucidostriatus
1954 Onychogomphus forcipatus lucidostriatus SCHMIDT, Sitz.Ber. öst. Akad. Wiss. (Abt. I.), 163: 249. Type: not given; type-locality: Persia.
Distribution: Syria. forcipatus unguiculatus 1823 1887
Aeschna unguiculata VAN DER LINDEN, (nec FONSCOLOMBE, 1 8 3 8 ) . Opuse. Sci., 4: 1 6 4 . Type male: ? Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: unknown. Aeschna unguiculata - S E L Y S , Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 3 1 : 2 5 [as synonym o f f o r c i p a t u s (LINNAEUS, 1758)].
1890 Aeschna unguiculata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 58 [proposed synonymy with forcipatus LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] . 1 9 0 5 Onychogomphus forcipatus unguiculatus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 778 (Europe, Asia Minor, N o r t h Africa). 1948 Onychogomphus forcipatus unguiculatus - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 165 (Armenia).
Distribution: Mediterranean subregion. formosanus
1926 Lindenia formosana MATSUMURA, in OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 97. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Formosa. 1930 Onychogomphus micans NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11:41. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China. 1942 Onychogomphus micans - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 340. 1961 Onychgomphus formosanus - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 60. 1964 Onychogomphus micans - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 160 (Formosa). 1983 Onychogomphus formosanus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3:105 (Hainan, Quangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Jiangxi).
Distribution: China, Taiwan. fruhstorferi
1934 Onychogomphus montanus fruhstorferi LIEFTINCK, Ent. Tijdschr., 77: 34. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Java. 1948 Onychogomphus fruhstorferi - LIEFTINCK, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 41Α (10): 23 (as spec. nov.). 1953 Onychogomphus fruhstorferi - LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 171 (Bali, Sumatra, Java). 1954 Onychogomphus fruhstorferi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 91.
Distribution: Java, Sumatra, Bali.
175 fulvipennis
1912 Onychogomphus fulvipennis BARTENEF, Varsava Rab. zool. Kab. Univ., 1912: 147. Type male: P A N Zool. Inst., Warszawa; type-locality: Transcaucasus. 1985 Onychogomphus fulvipennis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 43 [as synonym of assimilis (SCHNEIDER, 1 8 4 5 ) ] .
Distribution: Transcaucasus. fulvipes
1912 Onychogomphus fulvipes BARTENEF, Varsava Rab. zool. Kab. Univ., 1912: 146. Type male: P A N Zool. Inst., Warszawa; type-locality: Caucasus.
Distribution: Caucasus. garhwalicus
1954 Onychogomphus garhwalicus SANTOCK & BAIJAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 3 (2): 385. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Himalaya. 1989 Onychogomphus garhwalicus - HÄMÄLÄINEN, Odonatologica, 18:17 [proposed synonymy with bistrigatus (HÄGEN, 1854)].
Distribution: Himalaya. geometricus geometricus 1854 1858
1890 1922 1934 1986
Lindenia geometrica (DE H A A N MS) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 1 2 . Type female: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Java. Gomphus (Onychogomphus) geometricus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 2 8 0 (redescription). Lindenia geometrica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 57. Onychogomphus geometricus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 406. Onychogomphus geometricus geometricus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 438 (Java). Onychogomphus (Nychogomphus) geometricus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 316 (as gen e r o t y p e o f Nychogomphus
CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: Java. geometricus perplexus
1935 Onychogomphus geometricus perplexus LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 9 2 - 9 3 : 20. Type maie: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1937 Onychogomphus geometricus perplexus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16: 112.
Distribution: Sumatra. grammicus
1842 Gomphus grammicus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 164. Type female: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: unknown. 1854 Onychogomphus grammicus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 16 (India). 1890 Lindenia grammica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 59. 1905 Onychogomphus grammicus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 779 (India). 1922 Onychogomphus grammicus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 403 (Agra).
Distribution: India.
176 hainanensis
1954 Onychogomphus hainanensis CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4. 269. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1964 Onychogomphus hainanensis - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 160.
Distribution: Hainan. inkiti
1929 Lindenia inkiti BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 85: 62. Type male: not given, perhaps in Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: Caucasus. 1985 Onychogomphus inkiti - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 43.
Distribution: Caucasus. kerri
1933 Onychogomphus saunderi kerri FRASER, J. Siam Soc. nat. Hist., Suppl.: 9: 141. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: unknown. 1966 Onychogomphus kerri - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 199.
Distribution: Thailand. kitchingmani
1960 Onychogomphus kitchingmani PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: 265. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: North Rhodesia.
Distribution: Rhodesia. lefebvrei
1842 Gomphus lefebvrei RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 166. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Egypt. 1854 Onychogomphus lefebvrei - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 14. 1887 Onychogomphus lefebvrei - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 27 (Egypt, Syria). 1890 Lindenia lefebvrei - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 58. 1928 Onychogomphus lefebvrei - ANDERS, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 27 (Egypt). 1984 Onychogomphus lefebvrei - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 75 (Egypt, Greece).
Distribution: Egypt, Syria, Greece. ludens
1930 Onychogomphis ludens NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 42. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1942 Lamelligomphus ludens - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 340. 1964 Onychogomphus ludens - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 160 (Burma).
Distribution: China, Burma. maclachlani
1894 Onychogomphus maclachlani SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38: 168. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma, macrodon
SELYS 1887 Onychogomphus macrodon SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 24. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Beyrut.
177 1890 Lindenia macrodon - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 58. 1 9 0 5 Onychogomphus macrodon - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: Ill
Distribution: Syria. maculivertex
1892 Leptogomphus ? maculivertex SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova, (2) 10: 478. Type female: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova, type-locality: Burma. 1922 Onychogomphus aureus LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 405. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Assam. 1960 Onychogomphus maculivertex - LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 38. 244. 1960 Onychogomphus aureus - LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 38: 244 [proposed synonymy with maculivertex (SELYS, 1 8 9 2 ) ] .
Distribution: India, Burma. malabarensis
1924 LameUigomphus malabarensis FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29. 990. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1924 Lamellogomphus (misprint) malabarensis-FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26. All (redescription). 1966 Onychogomphus malabarensis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 203.
Distribution: India. modestas
1878 Onychogomphus modestus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46:423. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: India. 1890 Lindenia modesta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1894 Onychogomphus modestus - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 38: 170 (description of female). 1 9 2 4 Onychogomphus diminuticus FRASER, J . Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 3 0 : 1 0 9 . Type male: unknown; type-locality: India. 1927 Onychogomphus modestus - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 30 (Sumatra). 1930 Onychogomphus modestus modestus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 195 (Bengal, Sumatra). 1930 Onychogomphus modestus diminuticus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 195 (Darjeeling). 1934 Nepogomphus modestus - FRASER, F a u n a brit. India, Odon., 2. 282 (as generotype of Nepogomphus FRASER, 1934). 1983 Nepogomphus modestus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 105 (Tibet).
Distribution: Tibet, India, Malaysia and Sumatra. motuoensis
1983 Onychogomphus motuoensis CHAO, 1983 - loc. cit. CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 106.
Distribution: China. naninus
1905 Heterogomphus naninus FÖRSTER, Wiener Ent. Ztg., 24:19. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Tonkin. 1914 Onychogomphus naninus - FÖRSTER, Arch. f. Naturg., 80: 75. 1922 Heterogomphus naninus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 414. 1930 Acrogomphus naninus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 192 (Tonkin). 1937 Onychogomphus naninus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16 (1): 113.
Distribution: Vietnam.
178 nilgiriensis
1922 Lamellogomphus nilgiriensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 425. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1924 Lamellogomphus nilgiriensis - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 477 (West India). 1930 Lamelligomphus nilgiriensis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 193 (as generotype of Lamelligomphus LAIDLAW, 1930 ?). 1934 Lamelligomphus nilgiriensis race annamellaicus FRASER, F a u n a brit. India, Odon., 2: 279. Male from South India. 1985 Onychogomphus nilgiriensis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 44.
Distribution: India. parhwalicus
1985 Onychogomphus parhwalicus SINGH & BAIJAL, 1 9 5 4 - l o c . cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s
of the World, Utrecht, 2: 44.
Distribution: India. pilosus
1911 Gomphus pilosus MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent France, 1911: 485. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Tanganyika. 1936 Onychogomphus pilosus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (B) 5: 142. 1962 Onychogomphus pilosus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 187 (Tanganyika).
Distribution: Tanzania. pollux
1941 Onychogomphus pollux LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (2): 247. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Sumatra. 1954 Onychogomphus pollux - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 92 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra. quirkii
1964 Onychogomphus quirkii PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 110. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Zambezi.
Distribution: Zambia, rappardi
1937 Onychogomphus rappardi LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16 (1): 110. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Sumatra. 1954 Onychogomphus rappardi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 93 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra. ridens
1930 Onychogomphus ridens NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 1L: 40. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1942 Lamelligomphus ridens - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 340. 1964 Onychogomphus ridens - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 160 (Manchuria).
Distribution: China.
179 ringens
1930 Onychogomphus ringens NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11:40. Type male: ? Mus. Heude, Shanghai; type-locality: China. 1942 Lamelligomphus ringens - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 92: 340. 1964 Onychogomphus ringens - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 160. 1983 Onychogomphus ringens - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 106 (Fujian, Szechwan, Hebei, Jilin).
Distribution: China. risi
1922 Gomphus risi FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 73. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1923 Heterogomphus risi - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 48. 1924 Lamellogomphusinglisi FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29:984. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1924 Lamellogomphus drummondi FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 985. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1930 Megalogomphus risi - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 197. 1966 Lamellogomphus inglisi- KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 197 [as synonym of risi (FRASER, 1 9 2 2 ) ] 1966 Lamellogomphus drummondi - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 190. 1 9 8 5 Onychogomphus risi - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 4 4 .
Distribution: India. rossi 1985
Onychogomphus rossi PINHEY, 1 9 6 6 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 44.
Distribution: Angola. saundersi
1854 Onychogomphus saundersi SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 12. Type male: Saunders's Collection; type-locality: India. 1958 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) saundersi - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 282 (redescription.) 1890 Lindenia saundersi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 58. 1902 Onychogomphus geometricus var. nigrescens L A I D L A W (nec PINHEY, 1952), Proc. Zool. Soc. London; 1: 80. Female f r o m Malaysia. 1922 Onychogomphus saundersi - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 405 (India). 1 9 2 6 Onychogomphus saundersi - FRASER, Treubia, 8 ( 3 - 4 ) : 4 8 1 (Annam). 1927 Onychogomphus saundersi - Ris, Zool. Leiden, Meded., 10 (1): 29 (Sumatra). 1954 Onychogomphus nigrescens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 92 (as spec.).
Distribution: India, Sumatra. schmidti
1934 Onychogomphus bistrigatus FRASER (nec H Ä G E N , 1854). F a u n a brit. India, Odón., 2: 250. Type: undesignated from Assam. 1937 Onychogomphus schmidti FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 6: 163 (new name for Onychogomphus bistrigatus FRASER, 1 9 3 4 , a junior secondary homonymy of Gomphus bistrigatus H Ä G E N , 1 8 5 4 ) . Type male: unknown; type-locality: Assam.
Distribution: India.
180 septemflavus
1955 Onychogomphus 7-flavus FRASER, Explor. Parc nat. Upemba, Miss, de Witte, 38: 18. Type female: Inst. Pavie Parc nat. C.B.; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Onychogomphus 7-flavus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 187.
Distribution: Congo Republic. serrulatus
1898 Lindenia (Onychogomphus) serrulatus BAUMANN, in KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 24 (22): 3. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Togo. 1962 Onychogomphus serrulatus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 187.
Distribution: Togo. sinicus
1954 Onychogomphus sinicus CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 4: 264. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1964 Onychogomphus sinicus - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 160. 1965 Onychogomphus sinicus - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 33 (4): 449 (Hongkong). 1983 Onychogomphus sinicus - CHAO, Wuyi Sei. Jn., 3: 106 (Fujian, Jiangxi).
Distribution: China, and Hong Kong. striatus
1924 Onychogomphus striatus FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 1001. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1926 Onychgomphus striatus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 478.
Distribution: India. Styx PlNHEY 1952 Onychogomphus nigrescens PINHEY (nec LAIDLAW, 1902). E n t o m o l o g i s t ' s m o n t h , M a g . , 88:
172. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1961 Onychogomphus styx PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 1961: 87 (new name for Onychogomphus nigrescens PINHEY, 1952, a junior secondary homonymy of Gomphus nigrescens LAIDLAW, 1902).
Distribution: Uganda. supinus supinus 1854 1858 1890 1915 1921 1936 1951 1958 1962 1962
Onychogomphus supinus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 15. Type: not designated. Gomphus (Onychogomphus) supinus - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11. 301. Lindenia supina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 59. Onychogomphus angela MARTIN, Voy. Alluaud Pseudoneur.: 38. Type maie: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Kenya. Onychogomphus supinus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 352 (Transvaal, Zululand). Onychogomphus angela - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London; (Β) 5: 141. Onychogomphus supinus - PINHEY, Trans. Amer. Mus., 5: 155. Onychogomphus supinus - PINHEY, OCC. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 22B: 113. Onychogomphus supinus supinus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 187 (South Africa, Rhodesia). Onychogomphus angela - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 187 (proposed syno n y m y w i t h supinus
SELYS, 1854).
Distribution: South and Central Africa.
181 supinus nigrotibialis
1909 Onychogomphus supinus nigrotibialis SJÖSTEDT, Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., 14: 23. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Kilimandjaro. 1962 Onychogomphus supinus nigrotibialis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:187 (Tanganyika, Kenya).
Distribution: Tanzania, Kenya. supinus xerophilus
1956 Onychogomphus supinus xerophilus FRASER, Mém. Inst, franc. Afr. noire, 48: 226. Type male: Mus. nat. Hist. Paris; type-locality: French West Africa. 1962 Onychogomphus supinus xerophilus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 187.
Distribution: Central Africa. tonkinicus 1926
Onychogomphus tonkinicus FRASER, Treubia, 8 (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Tonkin.
Type male: British Museum
Distribution: Vietnam. thienemanni
1934 Onychogomphus Naturk., Berlin; 1934 Onychogomphus 1954 Onychogomphus
thienemanni SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl.: 13: 369. Type male: Mus. type-locality: Java. thienemanni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 439 (Java). thienemanni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 93 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Sumatra, Java. trinus
Gomphus trinus NAVAS, M U S . Heude Notes ent. Chinoise, 3 ( 4 ) : perhaps in Mus. Heude, Shanghai; type-locality: China. 1962 Onychogomphus trinus - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl.: 11: 25. China. 1936
Type female: not given,
Distribution: China. uncatus
1838 Aeschna unguiculata FONSCOLOMBE (nec VAN DER LINDEN, 1823), A n n . S o c . e n t . F r a n c e , 7:
104. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: France. 1840 Aeschna uncata CHARPENTIER, Libell. europ. Lipsiae: 123. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Gallia. 1842 Gomphus occitanicus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 165. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: France. 1850 Gomphus uncatus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Revue Odon. Libell. europ., Paris: 96. 1854 Onychogomphus uncatus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 13 (France, Espana). 1890 Lindenia uncata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 58. 1950 Onychogomphus uncatus - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 34 (Spain).
Distribution: France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, and Morocco to Tunisia. vadoni
1961 Onychogomphus vadoni PAULIAN, Nat. malgache, 12: 73. Type male: Inst. Rech. sci. Madagascar; type-locality: Madagascar.
Distribution: Madagascar.
182 viridicosta
1926 Onychogomphus viridicosta OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 96. Type male: Oguma's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1961 Onychogomphus viridicosta - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 60.
Distribution: Japan. walli
1924 Onychogomphus walli FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:109. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1948 Onychogomphus walli - LIEFTINCK, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 41A (10): 21. 1966 Nepogomphus walli - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 218.
Distribution: India. Genus Ophiogomphus
1854 Ophigomphus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 20. Type-species: Ophiogomphus menetriesii SELYS, 1854 (first e m e n d a t i o n ) . - 1858 Gomphus
- SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m .
Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 336 (revision). - 1890 Ophiogomphus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., L o n d o n : 61 (as s y n o n y m of Diastatomma
BURMEISTER, 1839). - 1899 Ophiogomphus
HAM, Cañad. Ent., 1899: 233. - 1905 Ophiogomphus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 780 [type-species: Ophiogomphus cecilia (FOURCROIX, 1785) (key to species)]. 1910 Ophiogomphus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 82 (type-species: Aeschna
CHARPENTIER, 1825). - 1930 Ophiogomphus
- LAIDLAW, T r a n s , e n t . S o c .
London; 78: 190 (type-species: Libellula cecilia FOURCROIX, 1785). - 1934 Ophiogomphus COWLEY, E n t o m o l o g i s t , 67: 275. - 1986 Ophiogomphus
- CARLE, O d o n a t o l o g i c a , 15 (3): 316
(key to subgenera). - Ophiogomphus (Ophionuroides) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 316. Typespecies: Ophiogomphus anomalus HARVEY, 1898. - 1986 Ophiogomphus (Ophinurus) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 316. Type-species: Ophiogomphus alleghaniensis CARLE, 1986.
1985 Ophiogomphus acuminatus CARLE, 1981 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 45 (with Ophiogomphus bouchardi LOUTON, 1982, a synonym of acuminatus CARLE, 1981).
Distribution: alleghaniensis
1986 Ophiogomphus (Ophinurus) alleghaniensis CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 316 (as generotype of Ophinurus CARLE, 1986) (emendation).
Distribution: not given. anomalus
1898 Ophiogomphus anomalus HARVEY, Ent. News, 9: 60. Type male: Williamson's Collection; typelocality: Maine. 1986 Ophiogomphus (Ophionuroides) anomalus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 316 (as generotype of Ophionuroides CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: arizonicus
1917 Ophiogomphus arizonicus KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 538. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Arizona.
183 aspersus
1895 Ophiogomphus aspersus MORSE, Psyche, 7: 209. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: New York.
Distribution: bellicosi»
1909 Ophiogomphus bellicosus VARONCOVSKIJ, Orenburg. Izv. otd. russ. geogr. Obsc., 21:116. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Orenburg.
Distribution: Russia.
bison SEL YS 1878 Ophiogomphus bison SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 36: 741. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: California. 1890 Diastatomma bison - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 61. 1910 Ophiogomphus bison - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 83. 1914 Ophiogomphus sequoiarum BUTLER, Canad. Ent., 46: 346. Type male: unknown; type-locality: California. 1917 Ophiogomphus bison - KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 540 (redescription).
Distribution: carolus
1897 Ophiogomphus carolus NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29:183. Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: New York. Distribution: U . S . A .
1977 Ophiogomphus caudoforcipatus YOUSUF & YUNUS, Pakistan J. sei. Res., 29: 60. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Pakistan.
Distribution: Pakistan, cecilia
1785 Libellula cecilia FOURCROIX, Ent. Par., 2: 348. Type male: unknown; type-locality: France. 1825 Aeschna serpentina CHARPENTIER, Hor. Ent.: 25. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Germany. 1841 Aschna spectabilis EVERSMANN, Bull. Mose., 1841: 356. Type: not designated. 1842 Gomphus serpentinus - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropr. Paris: 150. 1854 Ophiogomphus (Ophiogomphus) serpentinus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 22. 1858 Gomphus (Ophigomphus)serpentinus - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 339 (redèseription). 1878 Paradigma bucheckeri BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. Neur.: 13 (as generotype of Paradigma BUCHECKER, 1878). Type: not given. 1887 Ophiogomphus serpentinus - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 29 (C.E. Europe, Siberia, Mesopotamia, Turkestan). 1890 Diastatomma cecilia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 62. 1905 Ophiogomphus cecilia - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 781 (Mesopotamia, Asia, Europe). 1905 Aeschna serpentina - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 781 [proposed synonymy with cecilia (FOURCROIX, 1785)]. 1905 Aeschna spectabilis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 781 [proposed synonymy with cecilia (FOURCROIX, 1785)].
184 1905 Paradigma bucheckeri - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 781 [proposed synonymy with cecilia (FOURCROIX, 1785)]. 1954 Ophiogomphus cecilia - LONGFIELD, Entomologist's month. Mag., 90: 146. 1984 Ophiogomphus cecilia - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 74 (Hungary). 1 9 8 5 O p h i o g o m p h u s o b s c u r s u s BARTENEF, 1 9 1 0 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 24 [as form of serpentinus (CHARPENTIER, 1825)].
Distribution: Europe: Finland to France, Italy, Hungary, Roumania, Russia, Asia Minor, and Central Asia. colubrinus
1854 Ophiogomphus colubrinus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 21. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Hudson's Bay. 1890 Diastatomma colubrium - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 61. 1910 Ophiogomphus colubrinus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 84.
Distribution: U.S.A. edmundo
1951 Ophiogomphus edmundo NEEDHAM, Ent. News, 62: 41. Type male: unknown; type-locality: U.S.A.
Distribution: U.S.A. forfícula
1937 Ophiogomphus forfícula OKUMURA, Ins. matsum., 11: 122. Type male: Okumura's Collection; type-locality: Korea.
Distribution: Korea. howei
1924 Ophiogomphus howei BROMLEY, Ent. News, 35: 344. Type: unknown; type-locality: Massachusetts.
Distribution: U.S.A. incurvatus
1885 Ophiogomphus carolinus HÄGEN, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 12: 257. Type nymph female: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: North Carolina. 1899 Ophiogomphus carolinus - NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 31: 238 (emandation). 1982 Ophiogomphus incurvatus CARLE, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 75 (3): 335 (new name for Ophiogomphus carolinus NEEDHAM, 1899, a junior secondary homonymy of Ophiogomphus carolinus HÄGEN, 1 8 8 5 ) .
Distribution: U.S.A. mainensis mainensis
1863 Onychogomphus mainensis PACKARD, Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad., 2: 225. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Maine. 1890 Diastatomma mainense - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 61. 1897 Ophiogomphus johannus NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 182. Type male: Cornell Univ.; typelocality: Maine. 1910 Ophiogomphus mainensis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 84 (Maine, Mass., New Hampshire). 1910 Ophiogomphus johannus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 84 (New York, Pennsylvania).
185 1987 Ophiogomphus mainensis mainensis Distribution: U . S . A .
mainensis fastigiatus
Proc. ent. Soc. Washington,
(2): 209.
1987 Ophiogomphus mainensis fastigiatus D O N N E L L Y , Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 89 (2): 207. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Pennsylvania. Distribution: U . S . A .
1854 Ophiogomphus menetriesii SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 20. Type male: Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: Brazil. 1 8 7 8 Ophiogomphus menetriesi - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 429.
Distribution: Brazil. morrisoni morrisoni
1879 Ophiogomphus morrisoni SELYS, C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 22: 115. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Nevada. 1917 Ophiogomphus morrisoni - K E N N E D Y , Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 534 (redescription). 1 9 4 6 Ophiogomphus morrisoni - L A RIVERS, Ent. News, 5 7 : 2 0 9 (Nevada). Distribution: U . S . A .
morrisoni nevadensis
Ophiogomphus morrisoni var. nevadensis K E N N E D Y , Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., Washington, 5 2 : 536. Male from Nevada. 1985 Ophiogomphus morrisoni nevadensis - D A V I E S & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 44. Distribution: U . S . A . 1917
occidentalis occidentalis
1882 Ophiogomphus occidentalis H Ä G E N , Nature, 27:173 (note after M U T T K O W S K I , 1910, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 84: „O. carolinus and occidentalis are accredited to H Ä G E N , according to Rule 27b of the International Code). 1902 Ophiogomphus phaleratus N E E D H A M , Canad. Ent., 34: 277. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Oregon. 1 9 1 7 Ophiogomphus occidentalis - K E N N E D Y , Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 5 2 : 542 (redescription) (California, Columbia, Oregon, Washington). Distribution: U . S . A .
occidentalis californicus
1917 Ophiogomphus occidentalis var. californicus K E N N E D Y , Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 5 2 : 543. Male from California. 1985 Ophiogomphus occidentalis californicus - D A V I E S & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 45. Distribution: U . S . A .
Ophiogomphus cecilia reductus CALVERT, 1 8 9 8 - loc. cit. BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 33 (Kazakhstan). 1985 Ophiogomphus reductus - D A V I E S & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 46. 1961
Distribution: Kashmir, and Kazakhstan.
186 rupinsulensis (WALSH) 1862 Erpetogomphus rupinsulensis WALSH, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1862: 388. Type male: Philad. Acad.; type-locality: Rock Island. 1873 Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis - HÄGEN, Rep. Geol. Surv. Territ., 1873: 594 (Colorado). 1890 Diastatomma rupinsulense - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 61. 1897 Herpetogomphus pictus NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 281. Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: New York. 1898 Herpetogomphus pictus - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 48. 1910 Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 85. 1910 Herpetogomphus pictus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 85 [proposed synonymy with rupinsulensis (WALSH, 1862)].
severus severus
HÄGEN 1873 Ophiogomphus severus HÄGEN, Rep. Geol. Surv. Territ., 1873: 591. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Colorado. 1890 Herpetogomphus severus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 61. 1910 Ophiogomphus severus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 85 (New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado). 1917 Ophiogomphus severus - KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 531 (redescription). Distribution: U . S . A .
severus montanus (SELYS) 1878 Erpetogomphus montanus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 433. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Montana. 1890 Herpetogomphus montanus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 61. 1910 Ophiogomphus montanus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 84. 1917 Ophiogomphus severus montanus - KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 533 (redescription).
SELYS 1878 Ophiogomphus spinicornis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 437. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: North China. 1890 Diastatomma spinicorne - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 61. 1905 Ophiogomphus spinicornis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 781 (Pekin). 1933 Ophiogomphus spinicornis - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 25A (5): 11 (Kansu). 1983 Ophiogomphus spinicornis - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 106 (Hebei, Shangxi, Ningxia).
Distribution: China. Genus Paragomphus
1906 Mesogomphus FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau Ver. Naturk., 59: 323. Type-species: Mesogomphus ngnelicus FÖRSTER, 1906 (original designation). - 1921 Mesogomphus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 343 (key to South African species). - 1930 Mesogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 192 (generotype: Gomphus cognatus RAMBUR, 1842). - 1934 Mesogomphus SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 371 (key to species). - 1934 Paragomphus COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 201 [new name of Mesogomphus FÖRSTER, 1906, a junior primary homonymy o f Mesogomphus
(AGASSIZ M S ) MORRIS & ROBERTS, 1 8 6 2 i n P i s c e s ] . T y p e - s p e c i e s :
cognatus RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1936 Paragomphus - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 478. - 1949 Paragomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 117. 1954 Paragomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia 22 Suppl.: 94. - 1958 Paragomphus - PINHEY, OCC. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 22B. 109. - 1962 Paragomphus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp.
187 Diam. Angola, 59: 183. - 1986 Paragomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 312 (in tribe Crenigomphini).
1890 Onychogomphus abnormis KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 16: 378. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1936 Paragomphus moka LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 478. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Fernando Po. 1949 Paragomphus abnormis - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 119 (Belgian Congo). 1955 Paragomphus abnormis - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 51: 41 (Belgian Congo). 1957 Paragomphus abnormis - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 55: 339 (redescription). 1962 Paragomphus abnormis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 183 (Belgian Congo, Cameroon).
Distribution: West Africa. alluaudi
1915 Onychogomphus alluaudi MARTIN, Voy. Alluaud Pseudoneur.: 37. Type male: Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Nairobi. 1962 Paragomphus alluaudi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184 (Kenya, Tanganyika).
Distribution: East Africa. aquila
1921 Onychogomphus aquila MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 90: 95. Type male: Mus. nat. Hist. Nation. Paris; type-locality: Flores. 1985 Paragomphus aquila - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 46.
Distribution: Flores. aureatus
1971 Paragomphus aureatus PINHEY, Bull. Inst. Gond. Afr. noire, 33: 963. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Gabon.
Distribution: Gabon. balneorum
1937 Mesogomphus balneorum NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 33. Type male: not given; type-locality: Luzon. 1985 Paragomphus balneorum - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 46.
Distribution: Philippine Islands. bredoi
1934 Mesogomphus bredoi SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 68. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Paragomphus bredoi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184.
Distribution: Congo Republic. capitatus
1909 Onychogomphus capitatus MARTIN, Boll. Soc. Ent., 40: 195. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist. Paris; type-locality: Celebes. 1985 Paragomphus capitatus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 46.
Distribution: Celebes.
188 capricornis
1914 Onychogomphus capricornis FÖRSTER, Arch. Naturg., 80 (A2): 79. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Perak. 1 9 2 4 Mesogomphus risi FRASER, J . Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 2 9 : 9 9 6 . Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Shan States. 1928 Mesogomphus capricornis - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1928: 132. 1934 Mesogomphus simplex LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 77: 23. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sumatra. 1935 Mesogomphus simplex - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 9 2 - 9 3 : 20. 1953 Paragomphus simplex - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 172. 1954 Paragomphus simplex - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 94. 1966 Paragomphus risi - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 211.
Distribution: Burma, Malaysia, Sumatra. cataractae 1963
Paragomphus cataractae PINHEY, locality: North Rhodesia.
ent. Soc. S. Afr., 26:
Type male: not given; type-
Distribution: Rhodesia. cognatus
1842 Gomphus cognatus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 167. Type female: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Caffraria. 1854 Onychogomphus cognatus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 19. 1890 Lindenia cognata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 59. 1892 Onychogomphus obliteratus SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 36: 92. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1906 Mesogomphus ngnelicus FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau Ver. Naturk., 59: 323 (as generotype of Mesogomphus FÖRSTER, 1906). Type female: Ann Arbor Mus.; type-locality: N.O. Afrika. 1921 Mesogomphus cognatus - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 347 (South Africa, Abyssinia). 1930 Mesogomphus cognatus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 192. 1934 Paragomphus cognatus-COWLEY, Entomologist, 67:201 (as generotype of Paragomphus COWLEY, 1934). 1949 Paragomphus cognatus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 117 (Belgian Congo). 1949 Paragomphus obliteratus - FRASER, Mém. Inst. Sci. Madagscar, 3 (1): 27. 1959 Paragomphus cognatus - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 31 (S.E. and W. Africa). 1962 Paragomphus cognatus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184 (from Cape to Abyssinia). 1962 Mesogomphus ngnelicus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184 [proposed synonymy with cognatus (RAMBUR, 1842)].
Distribution: Abyssinia to Cape. costae
1885 Onychogomphus costae SELYS, C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 29: 146. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Algeria: Oran. 1890 Lindenia costae - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 59. 1 9 0 5 Onychogomphus costae - JACOBSON & B I A N K I , Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 7 9 (Algeria). 1952 Paragomphus costae - REYMOND, Bull. Soc. Sei. nat. Maroc, 32: 88 (Sahara).
Distribution: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia.
189 dicksoni
1985 Paragomphus dicksoni PINHEY, 1969. - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 47.
Distribution: South Africa. echinoccipitalis
1922 Onychogomphus echinoccipitalis FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 74. Type female: Pusa Collection; type-locality: Assam. 1985 Paragomphus echinoccipitalis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 47.
Distribution: India. elpidius (Ris) 1921 Mesogomphus elpidius Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 346. Type male: South Afr. Mus.; typelocality: Zululand. 1949 Paragomphus elpidius - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr. 42: 117 (Belgian Congo). 1958 Paragomphus elpidius - Pinhey, Occ. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 22B: 113 (Rhodesia). 1962 Paragomphus elpidius - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184 (Natal, Zambezi, Nyasaland, Belgian Congo, Kenya, Uganda).
Distribution: Central and South Africa. flavohamatus
1921 Onychogomphus flavohamatus MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 90: 95. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Bouron. 1934 Mesogomphus flavohamatus - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 77: 19 (Flores). 1936 Mesogomphus flavohamatus - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 150 (Flores). 1953 Mesogomphus flavohamatus - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 172 (Lombok, Flores, Sumbawa). 1985 Paragomphus flavohamatus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 47.
Distribution: Lombok, Flores, Sumbawa. fritilarius
1892 Onychogomphus fritilarius SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 36: 89. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1949 Paragomphus fritilarius - FRASER, Mém. Inst. sci. Madagascar, 3 (1): 27. 1949 Paragomphus acuminatus FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42:120. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1950 Paragomphus sabicus PINHEY, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 21: 270. Type male: Transvaal Mus.; type-locality: South Rhodesia. 1962 Paragomphus fritilarius - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 185.
Distribution: Tropical and South Africa. frontalis
1878 Onychogomphus frontalis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46:428. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Nicobar. 1890 Lindenia frontalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1985 Paragomphus frontalis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 47.
Distribution: Burma.
190 genei
1841 Gomphus genei SELYS, Revue Zool.: 245. Type female: Mus. Ist. Zool. sist. Univ., Torino; type-locality: Sicily. 1854 Onychogomphus genei - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 17. 1858 Gomphus (Onychogomphus) genei- SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 311. 1870 Onychogomphus hageni SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 14:15 (? new name for genei SELYS, 1854). 1870 Onychogomphus genei - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 14: 14 (Algeria). 1884 Gomphus excelsus COSTA, Bull. Ent. Ital., 15: 333. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Italy. 1885 Onychogomphus atratus SELYS, C.R. Ent. Belg., 29: 146. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Congo. 1887 Onychogomphus hageni - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 28 (Egypt, Abyssinia, Syria). 1887 Onychogomphus genei - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 28 [as synonym of hageni, (SELYS, 1870)]. 1890 Lindenia genei - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 59. 1897 Onychogomphus hageni genei - MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month Mag., (2) 8.155 (Algeria, Sardinia). 1909 Mesogomphus hageni - Ris, Ber. Senckenb. nat. Ges., 1909: 27 (Eritrea). 1921 Mesogomphus hageni - Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 344 (South Africa, Katanga, Abyssinia, Eritrea, Tunisia, Algeria). 1924 Mesogomphus genei - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1924: 35 (Haifa). 1928 Mesogomphus rusticatus FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 76: 135. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1938 Paragomphus (Mesogomphus) genei - SCHMIDT, Sitz.Ber. Akad. Wiss., Wien, (I) 147: 147 (Haifa). 1962 Paragomphus genei - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184 [proposed synonymy w i t h hageni
(SELYS, 1870)].
1962 Gomphus excelsus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184 [proposed synonymy w i t h hageni
(SELYS, 1870)].
1962 Onychogomphus atratus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184 [proposed synonymy with hageni (SELYS, 1870)]. 1962 Mesogomphus bitarsatus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 184 [proposed synonymy with hageni (SELYS, 1870)]. 1966 Mesogomphus rusticatus - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 211 [proposed synonymy with hageni (SELYS, 1870)].
Distribution: North Africa, Sokotra, Middle East, Asia Minor, Southern Europe: Portugal, Spain, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta. henryi
1928 Mesogomphus henryi CAMPION & LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1928: 131. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1934 Mesogomphus henryi - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 371. 1955 Paragomphus henryi - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34: (5): 84 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. interruptus
1 9 8 5 P a r a g o m p h u s i n t e r r u p t u s FRASER, i n CAMMAERTS, 1 9 6 8 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a -
gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 47.
Distribution: Congo Republic. lacustris
1890 Onychogomphus lacustris KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 16: 377. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Tanganyika.
191 Paragomphus lacustris - PINHEY, OCC. Pap. nat. Mus. S . Rhodesia, 22B: 1 1 2 (Rhodesia). 1962 Paragomphus lacustris - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:185 (Tanganyika, Congo, Zambezi).
Distribution: Equatorial Africa, lindgreni
(FRASER) 1924 Mesogomphus lindgreni FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 29: 995. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1966 Paragomphus lindgreni - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 201.
Distribution: India. lineatus
1850 Lindenia lineata SELYS & H Ä G E N , Revue Odon. Libell. europ. Paris: 336. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Himalaya. 1854 Onychogomphus lineatus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 17. 1890 Lindenia lineata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 59 (Nepal). 1922 Onychogomphus lineatili - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 404 (India). 1924 Mesogomphus lineatus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 477 (West India). 1930 Mesogomphus lineatus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 192 (India, Burma). 1985 Paragomphus lineatus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 47.
Distribution: India, Nepal, Burma. machadoi
1961 Paragomphus machadoi PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 74. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Angola. 1962 Paragomphus machadoi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 185.
Distribution: Angola. madegassus
1890 Onychogomphus madegassus KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 16:378. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Madagascar. 1934 Mesogomphus madegassus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl.: 13: 371. 1962 Paragomphus madegassus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 186.
Distribution: Madagascar. magnus
1952 Paragomphus magnus FRASER, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 3 : 6. Type female: Coryndon Mus.; type-locality: Kenya. 1962 Paragomphus magnus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 185. 1962 Paragomphus magnus - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, (Β) 3: 906 (description of male). 1966 Paragomphus magnus - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 202 (holotype female in: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London).
Distribution: Kenya. maynei
1934 Mesogomphus maynei SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Bèlge, Zool., (3) II 3: 69. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Paragomphus maynei - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 185.
Distribution: Congo Republic.
192 nigroviridis 1985
Paragomphus nigroviridis CAMMAERTS, the World, Utrecht, 2: 47.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of
Distribution: Zaire. nyasicus
1955 Paragomphus nyasicus KIMMINS, Entomologist, 88: 111. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Nyasaland. 1962 Paragomphus nyassicus (misprint) - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 185.
Distribution: South Africa. pardalinus
1942 Paragomphus pardalinus NEEDHAM, Lingnan Sci. J., 20: 251, Type male: unknown; type-locality: Hainan. 1983 Paragomphus pardalinus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 106 (Guangdong, Hainan, Quangxi).
Distribution: China. pumilio
1842 Gomphus pumilio RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 154. Type male: lost; type-locality: Egypt. 1854 Onychogomphus pumilio - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 18. 1890 Lindenia pumilio - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 59. 1928 Onychogomphus pumilio - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 28 (Egypt). 1962 Paragomphus pumilio - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 185 (Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Nubia). 1 9 8 4 Paragomphus pumilio - R A Y A H & ZUBEIR, Entomologist's month. Mag., 120: 1 5 7 (Sudan).
Distribution: North and East Africa. reinwardti
1854 Onychgomphus reinwardti SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 19. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Java. 1890 Lindenia reinwardti - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 60. 1929 Mesogomphus reinwardti - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 136 (redescription). 1934 Mesogomphus reinwardti- SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl.: 13: 382 (holotypein Mus. Naturk. Berlin) (Java). 1950 Paragomphus reinwardti - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20: 664. 1953 Paragomphus reinwardti - LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 172 (Java, Bali).
Distribution: Java, Bali. sinaiticus
1929 Mesogomphus sinaiticus MORTON, Entomologist's month. Mag., 65: 60. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Sinai. 1 9 8 5 Paragomphus sinaiticus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 4 8 .
Distribution: Sinai. tachyerges 1934
Mesogomphus tachyerges locality'. Sumbawa.
Tijdschr. Ent.,
Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-
193 1936 Mesogomphus tachyerges - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 150. 1953 Paragomphus tachyerges - LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 46: 174 (redescription) (Sumba).
Distribution: Sumba. viridior
PINHEY 1961 Paragomphus viridior PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat.Hist.), 1961: 84. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Kenya. 1962 Paragomphus viridior - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 185. 1 9 8 4 Paragomphus viridor (misprint) - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 48 (Uganda).
Distribution: Kenya, Uganda. zambeziensis
I960 Paragomphus zambeziensis PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: 266. Type male: Nat. Mus. Bulawayo, type-locality: Zambezi.
Distribution: Zambezi. z-viridum
1955 Paragomphus z-viridum FRASER, Nat. malgache, 7: 53. Type male: Inst. Rech. Sci. Madagascar; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Paragomphus z-viridum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 186.
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Perissogomphus
1922 Perissogomphus LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 383 (position of genus doubtful). Typespecies: Perissogomphus stevensi LAIDLAW, 1922 (original designation). - 1 9 3 0 Perissogomphus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 187.
1922 Perissogomphus stevensi LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 384 (as generotype of Perissogomphus LAIDLAW, 1922). Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1923 Gomphus cyanofrons FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 48. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: North India. 1930 Gomphus cyanofrons - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 187 (proposed synonymy with stevensi LAIDLAW, 1922).
Distribution: India. Subfamily Gomphoidinae Moderate to large species; abdomen longer than span of hind wings. Trgs transversed; single cross vein in cubital space; anal angle of male hind wing acute. Mabranule reduced or absent. 1905
Gomphoidinae JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 8 9 (with genera Davidius, Hagenius, Gomphoides). - 1940 Gomphoidiinae - TILL YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 372. - 1 9 5 7 Gomphoidinae - FRASER (as subfam. nov.), R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 9 2 (with genera Progomphus, Gomphoides, Aphylla, Cyclophylla, Zonophora, Diaphlebia, Cacoides). 1985 Gomphoidinae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 4 8 (with genera Aphylla, Cacoides, Desmogomphus, Diaphlebia, Gomphoides, Idiogomphoides, Mitragomphus, Perigomphus, Phyllocycla, Phyllogomphoides, Progomphus, Zonophora).
194 Genus Aphylla
1854 Gomphoides (Aphylla) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 59. Type-species: Aphylla brevipes SELYS, 1854 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74). - 1858 Gomphoides (Aphylla) - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 4 8 7 (revision). - 1 8 9 0 Aphylla - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. - 1939 Aphylla - NEEDHAM, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 65: 370 (revision). - 1943 Aphylla - NEEDHAM, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 69: 193. - 1986 Aphylla - GARRISON, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 79 (6): 943 (revision, key to species).
1970 Aphylla albinensis BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 47. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. alia
1948 Aphylla alia CALVERT, Zoologica, 33: 66. Type: unknown; type-locality: British Guiana.
Distribution: British Guyana. angustifolia
1986 Aphylla angustifolia GARRISON, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 79 (6): 938. Type male: Garrison's Collection; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. boliviana
1972 Aphylla boliviana BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 115 (5): 222. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Bolivia.
Distribution: Bolivia. brasiliensis
1970 Aphylla brasiliensis BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 51. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. brevipes
1854 Gomphoides (Aphylla) brevipes SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 59. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para. 1 8 5 8 Gomphoides (Aphylla) brevipes- SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Liège, 1 1 : 4 8 7 (redescription). 1890 Aphylla brevipes - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74 (as generotype of Aphylla SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) .
Distribution: Brazil. caraiba
1854 Gomphoides caraiba SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 21: 79. Type maie: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cuba. 1858 Gomphoides (Aphylla) producta race caraiba - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Liège, 11:492. 1890 Aphylla caraiba - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1917 Cyclophylla cubana NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. Romana, 3: 3. Type: unknown; type-locality: Cuba. 1939 Aphylla caraiba- NEEDHAM, Trans Am. ent. Soc., 65: 373 (Cuba).
Distribution: Cuba.
195 caudalis
1987 Aphyalla caudalis
Ent. Ber. Amst.,
(2): 25. Type: unknown; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. dentata 1859
1890 1964
Gomphoides (Aphylla) dentata SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 7: 5 4 7 . Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazonia. Aphylla dentata - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 4 . Aphylla dentata - BELLE, Stud. Fauna Suriname, 7: 3 4 (Surinam).
Distribution: Brazil, and Suriname. distinguendus
Gomphoides distinguendus C A M P I O N , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., ( 7 ) 6 : 1 3 5 . Type male: unknown; type-locality: Argentina. 1970 Aphylla distinguendo - BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 1 1 (55): 64. 1920
Distribution: Argentina, and Suriname. edentata
1869 Gomphoides (Aphylla) edentata SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 28: 196. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazons. 1890 Aphylla edentata - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74.
Distribution: Brazil. hespera
1909 Gomphoides hesperus CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 215. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Ecuador. 1 9 8 5 Aphylla hespera - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 4 8 .
Distribution: Ecuador. molessus
1869 Gomphoides (Aphylla) molessus ( B A T E S M S ) SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28: 196. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazons. 1 8 9 0 Aphylla molessus - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 4 . 1 9 7 2 Aphylla molessus - BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 1 1 5 ( 3 ) : 2 2 5 (description of female).
Distribution: Brazil. obscura
1899 Cyclophylla obscura K I R B Y , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 3 : 369. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Panama. 1970 Aphylla elegans BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 58. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1 9 8 5 Aphylla elegans - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 4 8 [as synonym of obscura ( K I R B Y , 1 8 9 9 ) ] .
Distribution: Panama, Suriname. producta
1854 Gomphoides (Aphylla) producta SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 60. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil.
196 1858 Gomphoides (Aphylla) producta - SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 490 (redescription). 1861 Gomphoides producta - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 113 (Cuba, British Guiana, Bahia, Brazil). 1890 Aphylla producta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1919 Gomphoides producta - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 357 (Cuba). 1933 Gomphoides curvata NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Madrid, 29: 191. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Brazil. 1943 Aphylla producta - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 193 (Surinam). 1964 Aphylla producta - BELLE, Stud. F a u n a Suriname, 7: 33. 1985 Gomphoides curvata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 48 (as s y n o n y m o f producta
SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) .
Distribution: tropical South America, and Cuba. protracta
1859 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) protracta SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 7: 20. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mexico. 1873 Gomphoides ambigua SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 35: 788. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Guatemala. 1890 Cyclophylla protracta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1910 Negomphoides ambigua - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 81. 1930 Negomphoides ambigua - BYERS, Univ. Florida Pub. Biol. Sci., 1 (1): 46 (U.S.A.). 1985 Aphylla ambigua - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 48. 1986 Gomphoides ambigua - GARRISON, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 79: (6): 942 [proposed synonymy w i t h protracta
(SELYS, 1 8 5 9 ) ] .
Distribution: Central America. robusta
1976 Aphylla robusta BELLE, Odonatologica, 5 (3): 371. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Peru.
Distribution: Peru. simulata
1964 Aphylla simulata BELLE, Stud. Fauna Suriname, 7: 26. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. tenuis
1859 Gomphoides (Aphylla) tenuis HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 7: 547. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Granada. 1890 Aphylla tenuis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74.
Distribution: Granada. theodorina
1933 Gomphoides theodorina NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Madrid, 29: 192. Type male: Nat. Cieñe. Mus., Madrid; type-locality: Brazil. 1985 Aphylla theodorina - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 49.
Distribution: Brazil. williamsoni
1936 Gomphoides williamsoni GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 326: 9. Type nymph: unknown; type-locality: Florida.
197 1939 Aphylla williamsoni - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 371 (Florida). 1985 Aphylla williamsoni - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 49.
Genus Cacoides
1854 Ictinus (Cacus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 78. Type-species: Ictinus ERICHSON, 1 8 4 8 ( m o n o t y p y ) . - 1 8 5 8 Ictinus
- SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m . S o c . r. Sci.,
Liège, 11: 553 (revision). - 1890 Cacus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 78. 1934 Cacoides COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 201 (new name for Cacus SELYS, 1854, a junior primary homonymy of Cacus GISTL, 1848 in Coleoptera). Type-species: Ictinus (Cacus) latro ERICHSON, 1848 (original designation). - 1943 Cacus - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 69: 191. - 1985 Cacoides - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 49.
1848 Ictinus latro ERICHSON, Schomb. Reisen in Brit. Guiana, 3: 585. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Guyana. 1854 Ictinus (Cacus) latro - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 78 (as generotpye of Cacus SELYS, 1854). 1858 Ictinus (Cacus) latro - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 554 (redescription). 1890 Cacus latro -KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 78. 1934 Cacoides latro - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 201 (as generotype of Cacoides COWLEY, 1934).
Distribution: Guyana. Genus Diaphlebia
1854 Zonophora (Diaphlebia) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 62. Type-species: Zonophora (Diaphlebia) angustipennis SELYS, 1854 (monotypy). - 1858 Zonophora (Diaphlebia) - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 496 (revision). - 1890 Diaphlebia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 75. - 1920 Desmogomphus WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 80: 1. Type-species: Desmogomphus tigriventris WILLIAMSON, 1920 (original designation). - 1943 Desmogomphus - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 214. - 1972 Diaphlebia (Diaphlebia) - BELLE, Odonatologica, 1 (2): 63. - 1972 Diaphlebia (Desmogomphus) - BELLE, Odonatologica, 1 (2): 63. - 1972 Diaphlebia (Perigomphus) BELLE, Odonatologica, 1 (2): 64. Type-species: Diaphlebia (Perigomphus) pallidistylus BELLE, 1972 (original designation).
1854 Zonophora (Diaphlebia) angustipennis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 62 (as generotype of Diaphlebia SELYS, 1854). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazonia. 1858 Zonophora (Diaphlebia) angustipennis - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 497 (redescription). 1869 Zonophora (Diaphlebia) semilibera SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28: 197. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazonia. 1890 Diaphlebia angustipennis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 75. 1890 Diaphlebia semilibera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 75. 1973 Zonophora vokitanskyi ST. QUENTIN, Annls naturh. Mus. Wien, 77: 340. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1977 Zonophora (Diaphlebia) semilibera - BELLE, Odonatologica, 6 (2): 112 (proposed synonymy w i t h angustipennis
1977 Zonophora stipennis
SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) .
SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) .
Distribution: Brazil.
- BELLE, Odonatologica, 6 (2): 112 (proposed synonymy with angu-
198 nexans
1977 Diaphlebia nexans CALVERT, 1903 - loc. cit. BELLE, Odonatologica, 6 (2): 115.
Distribution: Brazil. pallidistylus
1972 Diaphlebia (Perigomphus) pallidistylus BELLE, Odonatologica, 1: (2): 68 (as generotype of Perigomphus BELLE, 1972). Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Costa Rica. 1989 Perigomplus pallidistylus - WESTFALL, Odonatologica 18:102 (description of allotype, female) (Panama).
Distribution: Costa Rica, paucinervis
1873 Gomphus (Progomphus) paucinervis - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 35 : 762. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Quito. 1920 Desmogomphus paucinervis - WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 80: 1. 1972 Diaphlebia (Desmogomphus) paucinervis - BELLE, Odonatologica, 1 (2): 65.
Distribution: Ecuador, Colombia, Panama. tigrivensis (WILLIAMSON) 1920 Desmogomphus tigrivensis WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 80:2 (as generotype of Desmogomphus WILLIAMSON, 1920). Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: British Guiana. 1985 Diaphlebia tigrivensis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 49.
Distribution: British Guyana. Genus Gomphoides
1850 Gomphoides SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 360. Type: undesignated. - 1854 Gomphines SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 54. Type-species: Diastatomma infumata RAMBUR, 1842 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 73). - 1858 Gomphoides - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 466 (key to subgenera Gomphoides, Cyclophylla, Aphylla). - 1890 Gomphoides - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 73. - 1910 Gomphoides - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 78. (type-species: Diastatomma obscura RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 1 0 N e g o m p h o i d e s MUTTKOWSKI, B u l l . P u b i . M u s . M i l w a u k e e , 1 (1): 8 1
(new name for Gomphoides SELYS, 1854, a junior primary homonymy of Gomphoides SELYS, 1 8 5 0 ) . - T y p e - s p e c i e s : Distatomma
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 1 4 A m m o g o m p h u s FÖRSTER,
Arch. Naturg., 80 (A). 73. Type-species: Ammogomphusperditus FÖRSTER, 1914 (original designation). - 1932 Gomphoides - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 96. - 1934 Negomphoides - COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 244 (proposed synonymy with Gomphoides SELYS, 1 8 5 0 ) . - 1 9 3 9 Gomphoides
- NEEDHAM, T r a n s . A m . e n t . S o c . , 6 5 : 3 6 7 . - 1 9 4 3
phoides - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 195. - 1973 Ammogomphus - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 3 (proposed synonymy with Gomphoides SELYS, 1850).
1842 Diastatomma infumata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 170. Type male: Selys's Collection, type-locality: Brazil. 1854 Gomphoides (Gomphoides) infumata - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 55. 1890 Gomphoides infumata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 73 (as generotype of Gomphoides SELYS, 1850).
199 1910 Negomphoides infumata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 81 (as generotype o f Negomphoides
MUTTKOWSKI, 1 9 1 0 .
1939 Gomphoides infumatus - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 368.
Distribution: Brazil. perdita (FÖRSTER) comb. nov. 1914 Ammogomphus perditus FÖRSTER, Arch. Naturg., 80 (A): 73 (as generotype of Ammogomphus FÖRSTER, 1914). Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Paraguay.
Distribution: Paraguay. praevia ST. QUENTIN 1 9 8 5 G o m p h o i d e s p r a e v i a ST. QUENTIN, 1 9 7 0 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 49.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Idiogomphoides BELLE 1985 Idiogomphoides BELLE, 1984 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 49. Type-species: Gomphoides ictina SELYS, 1878.
demoulini ST. QUENTIN 1 9 8 5 I d i o g o m p h o i d e s d e m o u l i n i ST. QUENTIN, 1 9 6 7 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f
the World, Utrecht, 2: 49.
Distribution: Brazil. ictina (SELYS) 1878 Gomphoides ictina SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 664. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1873 Phyllogomphoides ictina - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6. 1985 Idiogomphoides ictina - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 49.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Melanocacus BELLE 1986 Melanocacus BELLE, Entomol. Ber. Austr., 46 (7): 98. Type-species: Cacus mungo NEEDHAM, 1939 (original designation).
interioris BELLE 1986 Melanocacus interioris BELLE, Entomol. Ber. Austr., 46 (7): 101. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. mungo (NEEDHAM) 1939 Cacus mungo NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 390. Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Surinam. 1943 Cacus mungo - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 191 (redescription). 1964 Cacus mungo - GEIJSKES, Stud. Fauna Suriname, 7: 37 (description of female). 1985 Cacoides mungo - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 49. 1986 Melanocacus mungo - BELLE, Entomol. Ber. Austr., 46: (7) 98 (as generotype of Melanocacus BELLE, 1 9 8 6 ) .
Distribution: Suriname.
200 Genus Mitragomphus NEEDHAM 1943 Mitragomphus NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 215. Type-species: NEEDHAM, 1943 (original designation).
ganzanus NEEDHAM 1943 Mitragomphus ganzanus NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 216 (as generotype of Mitragomphus NEEDHAM, 1943). Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Phyllocycla CALVERT 1854 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 21: 76. Type-species: Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) signata SELYS, 1854 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74). - 1858 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 476 (revision). - 1890 Cyclophylla - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. - 1939 Cyclophylla - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 376 (revision). - 1943 Cyclophylla - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 204. - 1948 Phyllocycla CALVERT, Zoologica, 33. 62 (new name for Cyclophylla SELYS, 1854, a junior primary homonymy of Cyclophylla BRANDT, 1837 in Coelenterata).
anduzei (NEEDHAM) 1941 Cyclophylla anduzei NEEDHAM, Bol. Ent. venezuel., 2:199. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela. 1985 Phyllocycla anduzei - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 49.
Distribution: Venezuela. argentina (HAGEN) 1878 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) argentina HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 665. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Argentina. 1890 Cyclophylla argentina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1927 Gomphoides eugeniae NAVAS, Revista Ent., 1927: 23. Type male: Mus. Buenos Aires; typelocality: Argentina. 1947 Cyclophylla (Gomphoides) argentina - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 441. 1972 Phyllocycla argentina - BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 115 (5): 230 (redescription).
Distribution: Argentina. armata BELLE 1977 Phyllocycla armata BELLE, Entom. Ber. Austr., 37 (1): 6. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. bartica CALVERT 1948 Phyllocycla bartica CALVERT, Zoologica, 33. 63. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: British Guiana.
Distribution: British Guyana. breviphylla BELLE 1985 Phyllocycla breviphylla BELLE, 1975 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Central America.
201 calverti (KIRBY) 1897 Cyclophylla calverti KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 19: 613. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazons. 1973 Phyllogomphoides calverti - GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6. 1985 Phyllocycla calverti - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Brazil. diphylla (SELYS) 1854 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) diphylla SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 57. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1858 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) diphylla - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: All (redescription). 1890 Cyclophylla diphylla - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1985 Phyllocycla diphylla - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Brazil. elongata (SELYS) 1858 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) elongata SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 484. Type male: Nation, mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Mexico. 1861 Gomphoides elongata - HAGEN, Syn. Neur.-N. Amer., Washington: 113 (redescription). 1890 Cyclophylla elongata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1939 Cyclophylla elongata - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 377 (Mexico). 1985 Phyllocycla elongata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador. gladiata (HÄGEN) 1854 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) gladiata HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 58. Type maie: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1858 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) gladiata- SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 479. (redescription). 1890 Cyclophylla gladiata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1985 Phyllocycla gladiata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Brazil. malkini BELLE 1970 Phyllocycla malkini BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 75. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. modesta BELLE 1970 Phyllocycla modesta BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 70. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname, neotropica BELLE 1970 Phyllocycla neotropica BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 97. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname.
202 ophis
1869 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) ophis (BATES MS) SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 28: 193. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Tapajos. 1890 Cyclophylla ophis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1943 Cyclophylla pachystyla NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 204. Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Surinam. 1970 Phyllocycla ophis - BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 109. 1970 Cyclophylla pachystyla - BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 109 [proposed synonymy with ophis (SELYS, 1869)].
Distribution: Suriname, Brazil. pallida
1970 Phyllocycla pallida BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 109. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. pegasus
1869 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) pegasus (BATES MS) SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 28: 195. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Tapajos. 1890 Cyclophylla pegasus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1985 Phyllocycla pegasus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Brazil. propinqua
1972 Phyllocycla propinqua BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 115 (5): 235. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. signata
1854 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) signata HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 58. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1858 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) signata - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 480 (redescription). 1890 Cyclophylla signata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74 (as generotype of Cyclophylla SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) .
1948 Phyllocycla signata - CALVERT, Zoologica, 33: 62 (as generotype of Phyllocycla 1948). 1970 Phyllocycla signata - BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring, Suriname, 11 (55): 70.
Distribution: Brazil. sordida
1854 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) sordida SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 59. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Para. 1 8 5 8 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) sordida - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 4 8 3 (redescription). 1890 Cyclophylla sordida - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1985 Phyllocycla sordida - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Brazil.
203 speculatrix 1985
Phyllocycla speculatrix Utrecht, 2: 50.
BELLE, 1 9 7 5
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Central America. titschacki
1943 Gomphoides titschacki SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 253. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Peru. 1985 Phyllocycla titschacki - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Peru. vesta
1972 Phyllocycla vesta BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 115 (5): 227. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Argentina.
Distribution: Argentina. viridipleuris
1909 Gomphoides viridipleuris CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 217. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Paraguay. 1939 Cyclophylla viridipleuris - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 378. 1972 Phyllocycla viridipleuris - BELLE, Tijdschr. Ent., 115 (5): 233 (description of female).
Distribution: Paraguay. volsella
1905 Gomphoides volsella CALVERT, Biol. Centr. Am. Neur.: 156. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Mexico. 1939 Cyclophylla volsella - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 65: 376 (Guatemala). 1985 Phyllocycla volsella - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras. Genus Phyllogomphoides
1970 Phyllogomphoides BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 112. Type-species: Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) fuliginosa H A G E N , 1 8 5 4 (original designation). - 1 9 7 3 Phyllogomphoides - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 1 (revision).
acuteus 1985
Phyllogomphoides acuteus World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
BELLE, 1 9 8 2
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: South America. albrighti
1950 Gomphoides albrighti NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 76: 1. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Texas. 1973 Phyllogomphoides albrighti - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6. Distribution: U . S . A .
1869 Gomphoides (Cyclophylla) andromeda SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 28: 194. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Caripé.
204 1890 Cyclophylla andromeda - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 74. 1973 Phyllogomphoides andromeda - GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Brazil. angularis
1985 Phyllogomphoides angularis BELLE, 1982 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: South America. annectens
1869 Gomphoides ? annectens SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28: 192. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1973 Phyllogomphoides annectens - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Brazil. appendiculatus
1899 Gomphoides appendiculatus - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 3: 368. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Panama. 1973 Phyllogomphoides appendiculatus - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Panama. atlanticus
1970 Negomphoides atlanticus BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 133. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1973 Phyllogomphoides atlanticus - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Suriname. audax
1854 Gomphoides (Gomphoides) audax HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 56. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1858 Gomphoides (Gomphoides) audax - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 473 (redescription). 1890 Gomphoides audax - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 73. 1970 Phyllogomphoides audax - BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 116. 1973 Phyllogomphoides audax - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Brazil. bifasciatus
1878 Gomphoides bifasciatus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 663. Type nymph: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Mexico. 1939 Gomphoides bifasciatus - NEEDHAM, Trans. AM. ent. Soc., 65: 369 (Panama). 1973 Phyllogomphoides bifasciatus - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Mexico to Panama, brunneus
1985 Phyllogomphoides brunneus BELLE, 1981 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 50. Ecuador.
205 camposi (CALVERT) 1909 Gomphoides camposi CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 219. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Ecuador. 1973 Phyllogomphoides camposi - GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Ecuador. Cassiopeia BELLE 1 9 8 5 P h y l l o g o m p h o i d e s C a s s i o p e i a BELLE, 1 9 7 5 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 50.
Distribution: Paraguay. cornutifrons (NEEDHAM) 1943 Aphylla cornutifrons NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 194. Type female: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Trinidad. 1972 Phyllogomphoides cornutifrons - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Trinidad, cristatus (NEEDHAM) 1943 Gomphoides cristatus NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 202. Type male: Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia; type-locality: Surinam. 1973 Phyllogomphoides cristatus - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Suriname. duodentatus DONNELLY 1 9 8 5 P h y l l o g o m p h o i d e s d u o d e n t a t u s DONNELLY, 1 9 7 9 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s
of the World, Utrecht, 2: 51.
Distribution: Mexico. fuliginosus (HÄGEN) 1854 Gomphoides (Gomphoides) fuliginosa HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 55. Type female: Univ. zool. Mus., Kebenhavn; type-locality: Chile. 1890 Gomphoides fuliginosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 73. 1943 Gomphoides fuliginosa- NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 195 (redescription) (Surinam). 1970 Phyllogomphoides fuliginosa - BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 112. 1973 Phyllogomphoides fuliginosa - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Chile, Suriname. imperator BELLE 1 9 8 5 P h y l l o g o m p h o i d e s i m p e r a t o r BELLE, 1 9 7 6 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht; 2: 51.
Distribution: Venezuela. insignatus DONNELLY 1 9 8 5 P h y l l o g o m p h o i d e s i n s i g n a t u s DONNELLY, 1 9 7 9 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f
the World, Utrecht; 2: 51.
Distribution: Panama.
206 lieftincki
1970 Phyllogomphoides lieftincki BELLE, Uitg. natuurw. Studkring Suriname, 11 (55): 154. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Peru.
Distribution: Peru. pacifícus
1873 Gomphoides pacifica SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 787. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1910 Negomphoides pacifica - MUTTKOWSI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 81. 1973 Phyllogomphoides pacificus - GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Mexico. praedatrix
1985 Phyllogomphoides praedatrix BELLE, 1982 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht; 2: 51.
Distribution: South America. pugnifer
1985 Phyllogomphoides pugnifer DONNELLY, 1979 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f
the World, Utrecht; 2: 51.
Distribution: Mexico. regularis
1873 Gomphoides regularis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 764. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1973 Phyllogomphoides regularis - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Brazil. selysi
1924 Gomphoides selysi NAVAS, Mem. R. Acad. Ci. Barcelona, (3) 18 (13): 318. Type male: Cienc. Mus., Barcelona; type-locality: Pebas. 1943 Gomphoides selysi - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna, Perus, 2: 253 (Peru). 1973 Phyllogomphoides selysi - GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Peru. semicircularis
1854 Gomphoides (Gomphoides) semicircularis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 57. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1858 Gomphoides (Gomphoides) semicircularis - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 475 (redescription). 1890 Gomphoides semicircularis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 73 (South America). 1973 Phyllogomphoides semicircularis - GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: South America. singularis
1985 Phyllogomphoides singularis BELLE, 1979 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht; 2: 51.
Distribution: Bolivia.
207 stigmatus (SAY) 1839 1854 1858 1910 1939 1973
Aeschna stigmata SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 17. Type female: lost; type-locality: Texas. Gomphus (Progomphus) ? stigmatus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 55. Gomphoides stigmata " H Ä G E N " (misprint) - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 . 683. Negomphoides stigmata - MUTTKOWSI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 81. Gomphoides stigmatus - NEEDHAM, Trans. AM. ent. Soc., 65: 368 (Mexico). Phyllogomphoides stigmatus - G L O Y D , OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 6 6 8 : 6 .
Distribution: South U.S.A., Mexico, suasillus
1985 Phyllogomphoides suasillus the World, Utrecht; 2: 51.
1979 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of
Distribution: Guatemala. suasus
1859 Gomphoides suasa SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 7 (8): 19. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Vera-Cruz. 1861 Gomphoides perfida HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 112. Type maie: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Tampico. 1890 Gomphoides suasa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 73. 1890 Gomphoides perfida - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 73 [proposed synonymy with suasus
(SELYS, 1 8 5 9 ) ] .
1910 Neogomphoides suasa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 81. 1 9 7 3 Phyllogomphoides suasus - G L O Y D , OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 6 6 8 : 6. 1973 Phyllogomphoides perfidus - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6 (as good species).
Distribution: Mexico. undulatus
1943 Gomphoides undulatus NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 199. Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Suriname. 1973 Phyllogomphoides undulatus - GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 668: 6.
Distribution: Suriname.
Genus Progomphus
1854 Gomphus (Progomphus) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 50. Type-species: Gomphus (Progomphus) gracilis SELYS, 1854 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 72). - 1858 Progomphus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 454 (revision). 1890 Progomphus-KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 72. - 1910 Progomphus-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 78 (incorrect synonymy with Gomphoides SELYS, 1854). - 1916 Progomphus - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 139. - 1940 Progomphus - BYERS, Proc. Florida Acad. Sci., 4: 19 (revision). - 1973 Progomphus - BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 199 (revision, key to species). - 1986 Progomphus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 283. 1986 Progomphus (Alloprogomphus) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 322. Type-species: Progomphus complicatus SELYS, 1854 (original designation). - 1986 Progomphus (Eoprogomphus) BELLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 322. Type-species: Progomphus tibialis BELLE, 1973 (original designation). - 1986 Progomphus (Archeoprogomphus) BELLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 322. Type-species: Progomphus geijskesi NEEDHAM, 1943 (original designation). - 1 9 8 6 Progomphus (Neoprogomphus) BELLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 322. Type-species: Diastatomma obscurum RAMBUR, 1842 (orignal designation).
208 abbreviatus
1973 Progomphus abbreviatus BELLE Odonatologica, 2 (4): 272. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia. aberrans
1973 Progomphus aberrans BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 226. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Argentina.
Distribution: Argentina. adaptatus
1973 Progomphus adaptatus BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 214. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. alachuensis
1940 Progomphus alachuensis BYERS, Proc. Florida Acad. Sci., 4: 21. Type male: Acad. Sci. Florida; type-locality: Florida.
Distribution: U.S.A. amazonicus
1973 Progomphus amazonicus BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 242. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. anomalus
1973 Progomphus anomalus BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 269. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Ecuador.
Distribution: Ecuador. approximatus
1985 Progomphus approximatus BELLE, 1966 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of the
World, Utrecht, 2: 51.
Distribution: South America. auropictus Ris 1912 Progomphus auropictus Ris, Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., 19: 109. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America. australis
1973 Progomphus australis BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 221. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Argentina.
Distribution: Argentina.
209 basistictus Ris 1912 Progomphus basistictus Ris, Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., 19: 117. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America. bellei 1985
Progomphus bellei K N O P F & the World, Utrecht, 2: 51.
TENNESSE, 1 9 8 0
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of
Distribution: Florida. boliviensis
1973 Progomphus boliviensis BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 265. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Bolivia.
Distribution: Bolivia. borealis
1873 Progomphus borealis MCLACHLAN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 763. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Oregon. 1890 Progomphus borealis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 72 [incorrect synonymy with obscura ( R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) ] . 1910 Gomphoides obscura borealis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee 1 (1): 79 (California, Arizona, Mexico). 1 9 8 5 Progomphus borealis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 5 1 .
Distribution: South U.S.A., and Mexico. brachycnemis
1943 Progomphus brachycnemis NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 208. Type female: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. clendoni
1905 Progomphus clendoni CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Am. Neur.: 150. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. complicatus
1854 Gomphus (Progomphus) complicatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 51. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Progomphus complicatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 72. 1986 Progomphus (Alloprogomphus) complicatus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 322 (as generotype of Alloprogomphus CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: Brazil. conjectus 1985
Progomphus conjectus Utrecht, 2: 51.
BELLE, 1 9 6 6
Distribution: Suriname.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
210 costalis
1854 Gomphus (Progomphus) costalis HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 52. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1858 Progomphus
- SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m . S o c . r. Sci., Liège, 11: 4 6 0 .
Distribution: Brazil. delicatus
1973 Progomphus delicatus BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 239. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Peru.
Distribution: Peru. dorsopallidus
1934 Progomphus dorsopallidus BYERS, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool.Univ. Mich., 294:1. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. elegans
1973 Progomphus elegans BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 216. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. fassli
1973 Progomphus fassli BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 286. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. flinti
1973 Progomphus flinti BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 129. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Paraguay.
Distribution: Paraguay. formalis
1973 Progomphus formalis BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 262. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Ecuador.
Distribution: Ecuador. geijskesi
1943 Progomphus geijskesi NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 211. Type female: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Surinam. 1986 Progomphus (Archeopropgomphus) geijskesi - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 322 (as generotype of Archeoprogomphus CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: Suriname. gracilis
1854 Gomphus (Progomphus) gracilis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 51. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Progomphus gracilis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 72 (as generotype of Progomphus SELYS, 1854).
Distribution: Brazil.
211 guyanensis 1985
Progomphus guyanensis Utrecht, 2: 52.
BELLE, 1 9 6 6
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Suriname. herrerae
1955-56 Progomphus herrerae N E E D H A M unknown; type-locality: Chile.
Rev. univ. Chile,
4 0 - 4 1 : 214.
Type male:
Distribution: Chile. incurvatus 1973
Progomphus incurvatus locality: Peru.
Odonatologica, 2
(4): 2 7 8 .
Type male: Belle's Collection; type-
Distribution: Peru. integer
1878 Progomphus integer H A G E N , in Collection; type-locality: Cuba.
Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2)
659. Type male: Selys's
Distribution: Cuba. intricatus
1858 Progomphus intricatus H Ä G E N & SELYS, Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Liège, 11: 681. Type male: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. joergenseni Ris 1908 Progomphus joergenseni Ris, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1908: 521. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Argentina.
Distribution: Argentina. kimminsi 1973
Progomphus kimminsi locality: Argentina.
Odonatologica, 2
(4): 2 9 2 .
Type male: Belle's Collection; type-
Distribution: Argentina. lepidus Ris 1912 Progomphus lepidus Ris, Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., 19: 111. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; typelocality: South America. 1947 Progomphus lepidus - F R A S E R , Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 439 (Argentina).
Distribution: Argentina. longistigma Ris 1916 Progomphus longistigma Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 139. Type male: not given; type-locality: Costa Rica.
Distribution: Costa Rica.
212 mexicanus
1973 Progomphus mexicanus BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 253. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. montanus
1973 Progomphus montanus BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 289. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Bolivia.
Distribution: Bolivia. nervis
1973 Progomphus nervis BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 257. Type male: Belle's Collection; type-locality: Peru.
Distribution: Peru. obscurus
1842 Diastatomma obscurum RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins.Neuropt., Paris: 170. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Amer, septentr. 1854 Gomphus ( Progomphus ) obscurus - SEL YS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 55 (description of female). 1 8 5 8 Progomphus obscurus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 4 6 1 . 1910 Gomphoides obscura - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 79 (holotype female: Selys's Collection). 1 9 8 5 Progomphus meridionalis H Ä G E N , 1 8 8 5 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 52. 1986 Progomphus (Neoprogomphus) obscurus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 322 (as generotype of Neaprogomphus CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: U.S.A. occidentalis 1985
Progomphus occidentalis Utrecht, 2: 52.
BELLE, 1 9 8 3
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Venezuela. perithemoides 1985
Progomphus perithemoides World, Utrecht, 2: 52.
BELLE, 1 9 8 0
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Brazil. perpusillus Ris 1916 Progomphus perpusillus Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 144. Type male: not given; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Progomphus perpusillus - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 254 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru. phyllochromus Ris 1916 Progomphus phyllochromus Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82:143. Type male: not given; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Progomphus phyllochromus - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 254 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru.
213 pijpersi 1985
Progomphus pijpersi Utrecht, 2: 52.
BELLE, 1 9 6 6
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Suriname. polygonus
1879 Progomphus polygonus SELYS, C.R. Soc. ent. Belg., 22: 118. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Merida.
Distribution: Mexico. pygmaeus
1873 Progomphus pygmaeus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 785. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Colombia. 1916 Progomphus pygmaeus - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82:142 (Colombia, Guatemala, British Guyana).
Distribution: Guatemala, Colombia, British Guyana. racenisi 1985
Progomphus racenisi D E World, Utrecht, 2: 52.
MARMELS, 1 9 8 3
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Venezuela. recticarinatus
1909 Progomphus recticarinatus CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 213. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. recurvatus Ris 1912 Progomphus recurvatus Ris, Mém. Soc. ent. Belg., 19: 114. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: South America.
Distribution: South America. risi
1920 Progomphus risi WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 77: 3. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Guatemala.
Distribution: Guatemala. serenus
1878 Progomphus serenus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46. 661. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Haiti.
Distribution: Haiti. superbus
1973 Progomphus superbus BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 282. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Ecuador.
Distribution: Ecuador.
214 tantillus BELLE 1973 Progomphus tantillus BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 280. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Bolivia.
Distribution: Bolivia. tibialis
1973 Progomphus tibialis BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 244. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Surinam. 1986 Progomphus (Eoprogomphus) tibialis - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 322 (as generotype of Eoprogomphus CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: Suriname. victor ST. QUENTIN 1 9 8 5 P r o g o m p h u s v i c t o r ST. QUENTIN, 1 9 7 3 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 52.
Distribution: Brazil. virginiae BELLE 1972 Progomphus virginiae BELLE, Odonatologica, 2 (4): 207. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. williamsi
1943 Progomphus williamsi NEEDHAM, Bol. Ent. venezuel., 2: 202. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Guatemala.
Distribution: Guatemala. zephyrus
1941 Progomphus zephyrus NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 67: 230. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: S. Domingo.
Distribution: Antilles. zonatus HÄGEN 1854 Gomphus (Progomphus) zonatus HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 55. Type female: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1858 Progomphus zonatus - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 463.
Distribution: Mexico. Genus Zonophora SELYS 1854 Zonophora SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 6. Type-species: Diastatomma campanulata BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ( m o n o t y p y ) . - 1 8 5 8 Zonophora
- SELYS & HACEN, M é m .
r. Sci., Liège, 11: 493 (revision, key to subgenera). - 1941 Zonophora - SCHMIDT, Dtsch. ent. Ζ., 1941: (1-2): 76 (revision, key to species). - 1943 Zonophora - NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., 69: 218. - 1973 Zonophora - ST. QUENTIN, Annls naturh. Mus. Wien, 77: 338 (key to species).
batesi SELYS 1869 Zonophora batesi SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 28: 198. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Amazonia.
215 1875 Zonophora batesi - HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 54. 1890 Zonophora batesi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 75. 1920 Zonophora bodkini CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 6: 136. Type female: unknown; typelocality: British Guiana. 1941 Zonophora batesi - SCHMIDT, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1941 ( 1 - 2 ) : 92 (Surinam). 1941 Zonophora bodkini - SCHMIDT, Dtsch ent. Z., 1941 (1 - 2 ) : 92 (proposed synonymy with batesi SEL YS, 1 8 6 9 ) .
Distribution: Brazil, Guyanas. calippus calippus
1869 Zonophora calippus (BATES MS) SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 28: 199. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas. 1941 Zonophora calippus calippus - SCHMIDT, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1941: (1-2): 84.
Distribution: Brazil. calippus klugi
1941 Zonophora calippus klugi SCHMIDT, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1941 ( 1 - 2 ) : 86. Type male: Senckenberg Mus.; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Zonophora callippus (misprint) klugi - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 254.
Distribution: Peru. calippus spectabilis
1920 Zonophora spectabilis CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 6: 138. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Paraguay. 1941 Zonophora calippus spectabilis - SCHMIDT, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1941: ( 1 - 2 ) : 86.
Distribution: Paraguay. campanulata campanulata
1839 Distatomma campanulata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 833. Type male: lost - originally in Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1854 Zonophora (Zonophora) campanulata - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 61 (as generotype of Zonophora SELYS, 1854). 1858 Zonophora (Zonophora) campanulata - SELYS & HAGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sei., Liège, 11: 494 (redescription). 1890 Zonophora campanulata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 75. 1 9 4 1 Zonophora
- SCHMIDT, D t s c h . e n t . Z . , 1 9 4 1 ( 1 - 2 ) : 8 9 .
Distribution: Brazil. campanulata annulata
1 9 8 5 Z o n o p h o r a c a m p a n u l a t a a n n u l a t a BELLE, 1 9 8 3 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f
the World, Utrecht, 2: 53.
Distribution: Brazil. campanulata machadoi
1973 Zonophora campanulata machadoi ST. QUENTIN, Annls naturh. Mus., Wien, 77: 339. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil.
216 diversa BELLE 1985 Zonophora diversa BELLE, 1983 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 53.
Distribution: South America. nobilis BELLE 1985 Zonophora nobilis BELLE, 1983 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 53.
Distribution: Brazil. regalis BELLE 1985 Zonophora regalis BELLE, 1976 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 53.
Distribution: Venezuela. solitaria solitaria
1970 Zonophora solitaria RACENIS, Acta biol. venez., 7 (1): 28. Type male: Racenis's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela. 1985 Zonophora solitaria solitaria - BELLE, 1976 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 53.
Distribution: Venezuela. solitaria obscura BELLE 1985 Zonophora solitaria obscura BELLE, 1976 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 53.
Distribution: Venezuela. supratriangularis SCHMIDT 1941 Zonophora supratriangularis SCHMIDT, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1941 (1-2): 88. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas.
Distribution: Brazil. surinamensis NEEDHAM 1943 Zonophora surinamensis NEEDHAM, Trans. Am ent. Soc., 69: 218. Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. wucherpfennigi
1941 Zonophora wucherpfennigi SCHMIDT, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1941 (1-2): 94. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas.
Distribution: Brazil.
217 Subfamily Hageniinae Very large species. Trgs elongate and uncrossed in all wings; fork o IRiii symmetrical, 2 cross veins connect MA and IRiii in hind wing; strong longitudinal vein from trgs. 1940
Hageniinae T I L L YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 3 7 2 . Type-genus: Hagenius SELYS, 1 8 5 4 (with genera Hagenius, and Sieboldius). - 1957 Hageniinae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 93 (with genera Hagenius, Sieboldius). - 1985 Hageniinae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 53 [with genera Hagenius, Sieboldius. - 1986 Hageniinae - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 285 (key to genera)].
Genus Hagenius SELYS 1854 Hagenius (Hagenius) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 63. Type-species: Hagenius brevistylus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ( m o n o t y p y ) . - 1 8 5 8 Hagenius
- SELYS & H Ä G E N , M é m . S o c . r . S c i . , L i è g e , 1 1 :
498 (revision, with subgenera Hagenius s. str., and Sieboldius). - 1905 Hagenius - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 790 (key to species). - 1986 Hagenius (Pseudohagenius) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 285. Type-species: Hagenius deflexus CHAO, 1955 (original designation).
albardae (SELYS) 1886 Sieboldius albardae SELYS, C.R. Soc. ent. Belg, 30: 181. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; typelocality: Pékin. 1 9 0 5 Hagenius albardae - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 9 1 (China). 1973 Hagenius albardae - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 443.
Distribution: China. brevistylus SELYS 1854 Hagenius (Hagenius) brevistylus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 63 (as generotype of Hagenius SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) . Type male: Dale's Collection; type-locality: Colombia. 1 8 5 8 Hagenius (Hagenius) brevistylus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 5 0 1 (redescription). 1890 Hagenius brevistylus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 75. 1 9 0 5 Hagenius brevistylus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 9 0 (America).
Distribution: Colombia. deflexus CHAO 1955 Hagenius (Hagenius) deflexus CHAO, Acta ent. sínica, 5: 76. Type male: Chao's Collection; type-locality: China. 1983 Hagenius deflexus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 106 (Fujian, Taiwan). 1986 Hagenius (Pseudohagenius) deflexus - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 285 (as generotype of Pseudohagenius CARLE, 1 9 8 6 ) .
Distribution: China, and Taiwan. Genus Sieboldius SELYS 1854 Hagenius (Sieboldius) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 64. Type-species: Hagenius (Sieboldius) japonicus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 (monotypy). - 1 8 5 8 Hagenius (Sieboldius) - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 503 (revision). - 1890 Sieboldius - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 6 . - 1 9 0 5 Sieboldius - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 9 0 (as synonym oí Hagenius SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) . - 1 9 3 0 Sieboldius - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78:175. - 1954 Sieboldius-LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 80. - 1 9 8 6 Sieboldius (Hagenioides)
218 CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 285. Type-species: Hagenius 1955 (original designation).
1955 Hagenius (Sieboldius) alexanderi CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 5: 74. Type male: unknown; typelocality: China. 1983 Sieboldius alexanderi - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 106 (Fujian). 1986 Sieboldius (Hagenioides) alexanderi - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 285 (as generotype of Hagenioides CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: China. gigas
1904 Hagenius gigas MARTIN, Mission Pavie, 3: 216. Type: unknown; type-locality: Tonkin. 1927 Sieboldius gigas - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 882. 1930 Sieboldius gigas - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 176 (Tonkin).
Distribution: Vietnam. herculeus
1930 Sieboldius herculeus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11:30. Type male: ? Mus. Peking; type-locality: China. 1983 Sieboldius herculeus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 106 (Fujian).
Distribution: China. japonicus
1854 Hagenius (Sieboldius) japonicus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 64 (as generotype of Sieboldius SELYS, 1854). Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Japan. 1858 Hagenius (Sieboldius) japonicus - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 504 (redescription). 1890 Sieboldius japonicus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 76. 1898 Sieboldius grandis KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 311. Type female: unknown; originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1905 Hagenius japonicus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 790. 1930 Sieboldius japponicus (misprint) - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 175. 1930 Sieboldius grandis - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 175 (proposed synonymy with japonicus SELYS, 1854). 1954 Sieboldius japponicus (misprint) - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 80 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: from Japan to Borneo. nigricolor
1924 Hagenius nigricolor FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 76. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Shan States. 1930 Sieboldius nigricolor - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 176. 1966 Hagenius nigricolor - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 206.
Distribution: India. Subfamiliy Lindeniinae Large species. Trgs transversed; several cross veins in cubital space. Membranule distinct. 1 9 0 5 L i n d e n i i n a e JACOBSON & BIANKI, P r y a m . l o z h n o s . R o s s , i m p . : 7 9 1 . T y p e - g e n u s : Lindenia
219 Ictinae FRASER, F a u n a brit. India, Odon., 2: 3 7 0 . Type-genus: Ictinus Ictionogomphinae FRASER, Proc. R . ent. Soc. London, (B) 8: 2 1 . Typegenus: Ictinogomphus C O W L E Y , 1 9 3 4 . - 1 9 4 0 Jctinogomphinae - T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 372 (with genera Austrictinogomphus, Cacoides, Diphlebia, Diastatomma, Desmogomphus, Gomphidia, Ictinogomphus, Indictinogomphus, Lindenia, Neogomphoides, Stictinogomphus, Zonophora). - 1942 Ictinogomphinae - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London; (B) 11: 99. - 1942 Ictinae - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 11: 99 (proposed synonymy with Ictinogomphinae). - 1954 Lindeniinae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 77. - 1957 Ictinogomphinae - FRASER, R . Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1 9 5 7 : 9 3 (with genera Ictinogomphus, Gomphidia, Diastatomma, Sinictinogomphus, Austrictinogomphus, Lindenia). - 1 9 6 2 Lindeniinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 1 6 7 (key to African genera). - 1 9 8 5 Lindeniinae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 54 (with genera Cinitogomphus, Diastatomma, Gomphidia, Gomphidictinus, Ictinogomphus, Lindenia, Sinictinogomphus). HAAN, 1826. -
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 . - 1 9 3 9
Genus Cinitogomphus
1964 Cinitogomphus PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63:107. Type-species: Ictinogomphus dundoensis PINHEY, 1961 (original designation). - 1972 Cinitogomphus - PINHEY, Arnoldia, Rhodesia, 4 (38): 1 (removal from synonymy with Ictinogomphus COWLEY, 1934).
dundoensis dundoensis (PINHEY) 1961 Ictinogomphus dundoensis PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 56: 73. Type female: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Angola. 1962 Ictinogomphus dundoensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:168 (Angola, North Rhodesia). 1964 Cinitogomphus dundoensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 108 (as generotype of Cinitogomphus PINHEY, 1964).
Distribution: Equatorial Africa. dundoensis guyi 1985
Cinitogomphus dundoensis guyi the World, Utrecht, 2: 54.
PINHEY, 1 9 6 7
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of
Distribution: Southern Central Africa. Genus Diastatomma
1839 Diastatomma BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2 : 831. Type-species: Libellula cecilia F O U R C R O I X , 1785 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 62). - 1854 Diastatomma - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 65 (in legio Lindenia). - 1840 Aeschna (Diastatomma) CHARPENTIER, Libell. E u r o p . Lipsiae: 15. - 1858 Diastatomma
- SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m . Soc.
r. Sci., Liège, 11: 514 (revision). - 1 8 9 0 Longehampia KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 6 . Type-species: Aeschna tricolor BEAUVOIS, 1 8 0 5 (replaced name to Diastatomma BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) . - 1 8 9 9 Diastatomma - K A R S C H , Ent. Nachr., 2 5 ( 1 1 ) : 11 [incorrect synonymy with Longchampsia (misprint) K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 ] . - 1 9 1 0 Diastatomma „ K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 " - M U T T K O W S K I , Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 ( 1 ) : 8 3 (as synonym of Ophiogomphus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) . - 1 9 3 4 DiastatommaC O W L E Y , Entomologist, 6 7 : 2 7 4 (type-species: Aeschna tricolor BEAUVOIS, 1 8 0 5 ) . - 1949 Diastatomma - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 4 2 : 109. - 1954 Diastatomma - L O N G FIELD, Entomologist's month. Mag., 90:146. - 1962 Diastatomma-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 169.
bicolor SELYS 1869 Diastatomma bicolor SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 28:201. Type: not designated; type-locality: Old Calabar.
220 1890 Longehampia 1962 Diastatomma Congo).
bicolor - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 76. bicolor - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 169 (Nigeria, Belgian
Distribution: tropical Africa. multilineata
1949 Diastatomma multilineata FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 112. Type male: not given; typelocality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Diastatomma multilineata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 169.
Distribution: Congo Republic. selysi
1934 Diastatomma selysi SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool. (3) II 3: 58. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Diastatomma selysi - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr. 42: 110 (Congo). 1962 Diastatomma selysi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 169 (as form of aberrans SCHOUDETEN, 1 9 3 4 ) . 1985
Diastatomma ortizi C O M P T E S A R T , 1 9 6 4 - loc. cit. World, Utrecht, 2: 54 from Guinea.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: tropical Africa. ruwenzorica
1961 Diastatomma ruwenzorica PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.) 1961: 63. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Ruwenzori. 1962 Diastatomma ruwenzorica-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:169 (Congo-Uganda border).
Distribution: Belgian Congo, Zaire, Uganda. soror
1934 Diastatomma soror SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 59. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Diastatomma soror - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 110 (description of female) (Belgian Congo). 1962 Diastatomma soror - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:170 (Belgian Congo, North Rhodesia, Angola).
Distribution: tropical Africa. tricolor
1805 Aeschna tricolor BEAUVOIS, Ins. Afr. Amer.: 67. Type female: lost; type-locality: West Africa. 1839 Diastatomma tricolor - BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 831. 1 8 5 8 Diastatomma tricolor - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. R . Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 5 1 6 (redescription). 1890 Longehampia tricolor - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 76 (as generotype of Longehampia KIRBY, 1890). 1899 Longchampsia (misprint) tricolor - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25 (11): 11 (Cameroon). 1934 Diastatomma tricolor - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 274 (as generotype of Diastatomma BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) .
1962 Diastatomma
tricolor-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:170 (Cameroon, Nigeria).
Distribution: tropical Africa.
221 Genus Gomphidia
1854 Ictinus (Gomphidia) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 67. Type-species: Ictinus t-nigrum
SELYS, 1854 ( m o n o t y p y ) . - 1858 Lindenia
- SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m .
Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 519 (revision). - 1905 Gomphidia JACOB & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 791 (key to species). - 1922 Gomphidia - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 374. - 1 9 3 0 Gomphidia L A I D L A W , Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78:178. - 1 9 4 2 Gomphidictinus FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B), 11: 99. Type-species: Gomphidictinus wheeleri FRASER, 1942 (originaldesignation).-1949 Gomphidia-FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. a f r . , 4 2 : 1 0 5 . - 1 9 5 4 Gomphidia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 78. - 1954 Gomphidictinus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 78 (proposed synonymy with Gomphidia SELYS, 1854). - 1962 Gomphidia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 170. - 1986 Gomphidia (Africogomphidia) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 320. Type-species: Diastatomma guarrei SCHOUDETEN, 1934 (original designation). - 1 9 8 6 Gomphidia (Sinogomphidia) CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 320. Type-species: Gomphidia kruegeri MARTIN, 1904 (original designation). - 1987 Gomphidia - GAUTHIER, Bull. Soc. Ent. Malhouse, 1987: 41.
abbotti abbotti
1907 Gomphidia abbotti WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 282. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Siam. 1948 Gomphidia abbotti abbotti - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 261 (Central Malaya, Sumatra). 1954 Gomphidia abbotti abbotti - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 78 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra).
Distribution: Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra. abbotti audax
1948 Gomphidia abbotti audax LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 263. Type male: not given, perhaps in Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sumatra. 1954 Gomphidia abbotti audax - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 79.
Distribution: Sumatra. aberrans
1934 Diastatomma aberrans SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 56. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Gomphidia aberrans - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 169.
Distribution: Congo Republic. balli
1949 Gomphidia balii FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42:106. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1955 Gomphidia bali - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 51: 41. 1962 Gomphidia balii - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 170.
Distribution: Congo Republic. bredoi
1934 Diastatomma bredoi SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool. (3) II 3: 56. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Gomphidia bredoi- FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 108 (Belgian Congo). 1955 Paragomphus longiventris FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 51: 39. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1959 Gomphidia bredoi - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 31 (Angola. 1962 Gomphidia bredoi-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:170 (Belgian Congo, Angola). 1962 Paragomphus longiventris - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 185.
222 1985 Paragomphus longiventris - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 55 [as s y n o n y m o f bredoi (SCHOUDETEN, 1934)].
Distribution: Congo Republic, Angola. caesarea
1929 Gomphidia caesarea LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 139. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Borneo. 1930 Gomphidia caesarea - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 174. 1954 Gomphidia caesarea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 79 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. confluens
1878 Ictinus (Gomphidia) confluens SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 675. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: China. 1890 Gomphidia confluens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 76. 1916 Gomphidia confluens - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 44 (redescription) (China). 1983 Gomphidia confluens - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3. 107 (Guangdong, Quangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hebei, Shangxi).
Distribution: China, and Taiwan. fletcheri
1923 Gomphidia fletcheri FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 669. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: South India. 1924 Gomphidia fletcheri - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 470 (West India).
Distribution: India. gamblesi
1987 Gomphidia gamblesi GAUTHIER, Bull. Soc. Ent. Mulhouse, 1987: 41. Type male: Gauthier's Collection; type-locality: Togo.
Distribution: Togo. ganeshi
1985 Gomphidia ganeshi CHHOTANI, 1983 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 54.
Distribution: Andaman Island. javanica
1899 Gomphidia javanica FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 43: 66. Type male: Mus. Naturk. Berlin; type-locality: Java. 1934 Gomphidia javanica - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 363. 1934 Gomphidia javanica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 437 (Java).
Distribution: Java. kelloggi
1930 Gomphidia kelloggi NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11:28. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1983 Gomphidia kelloggi - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 107.
Distribution: China.
223 kirschi SEL YS 1878 Ictinus (Gomphidia) kirschi SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 673. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Philippines. 1890 Gomphidia kirschi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 76. 1920 Gomphidia karschi (misprint) - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London; 1920: 311. 1930 Gomphidia kirschi - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 78: 178. 1937 Gomphidia kirschi - NEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sei., 63 (1): 30 (Luzon).
Distribution: Philippines Islands. kodaguensis
1923 Gomphidia kodaguensis FRASER, J. Bombaynat. Hist. Soc., 29: 671. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: South India. 1931 Gomphidia kodaguensis - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 459.
Distribution: India. kruegeri kruegeri
1904 Gomphidia kriigeri MARTIN, Mission Pavie, 3: 216. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Tonkin. 1983 Gomphidia kruegeri - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 107 (Fujian, Hainan). 1986 Gomphidia (Sinogomphidia) kruegeri - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 320 (as generotype of Sinogomphidia CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: South China, and Vietnam. kruegeri fukienensis
1955 Gomphidia kriigeri fukienensis CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, 5: 92. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China. 1983 Gomphidia kriigeri fukienensis - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 107 (Fujian, Taiwan).
Distribution: China, and Taiwan. maclachlani
1873 Ictinus (Gomphidia) maclachlani SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2) 35: 766. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Labuan. 1890 Gomphidia maclachlani - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 76. 1898 Gomphidia maclachlani - KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 59: 314. 1927 Gomphidia maclachlani - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 26 (Sumatra) (redescription). 1931 Gomphidia maclachlani - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mal. States Mus., 16: 237. 1948 Gomphidia maclachlani - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 258 (Borneo). 1954 Gomphidia maclachlani - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 79 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo, Sumatra. madi
1951 Gomphidia madi PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 1951: 64. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Gomphidia madi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 170.
Distribution: Uganda. pearsoni
1933 Gomphidia pearsoni FRASER, Spolia zeylan., (Β) 18: 21. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Ceylon.
Distribution: Sri Lanka.
1902 Gomphidia perakensis LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1: 81. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Perak. 1907 Gomphidia perakensis - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 281. 1942 Gomphidictinus wheeleri FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London; (B) 11: 100 (as generotype of Gomphidictinus FRASER, 1942). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Malaysia. 1954 Gomphidia perakensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 80. 1954 Gomphidictinus wheeleri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 80 (proposed synonymy with perakensis LAIDLAW, 1902).
Distribution: Malaysia. platerosi
1985 Gomphidia platerosi ASAHINA, 1980 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 55.
Distribution: Philippine Islands. platyceps
1953 Gomphidia platyceps FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (B) 22: 189. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Hindustan.
Distribution: Hindustan. quarrei quarrei
1934 Diastatomma quarrei SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool. (3) II 3: 57. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Gomphidia quarrei - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 108 (Uganda). 1958 Gomphidia quarrei - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 22B: 107 (Rhodesia). 1962 Gomphidia quarrei- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 171 (Belgian Congo, Uganda, Angola, Zambezi). 1974 Gomphidia quarrei quarrei - PINHEY, Arnoldia, Rhod., 7 (2): 3. 1986 Gomphidia (Africogomphidia) quarrei - CARLE, Odonatologica, 15 (3): 320 (as generotype of Africogomphidia CARLE, 1986).
Distribution: tropical Africa. quarrei confini
1974 Gomphidia quarrei confini PINHEY, Arnoldia, Rhod., 7 (2): 3. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Rhodesia.
Distribution: Rhodesia. selysi
1930 Gomphidia selysi NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11:28. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. sjoestedti
1934 Diastatomma sjöstedti SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool. (3) II 3: 59. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr. Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Gomphidia sjoestedti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 171.
Distribution: Congo Republic.
225 t-nigrum SEL YS 1854 Ictinus (Gomphidia) t-nigrum SEL YS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 67 (as generotype of Gomphidia SEL YS, 1854). Type sex not given; type-locality: North India. 1858 Ictinus (Gomphidia) t-nigrum - SELYS & H A G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 520 (redescription). 1890 Gomphidia t-nigrum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 76. 1922 Gomphidia t-nigrum - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 374 (Poona). 1924 Gomphidia t-nigrum - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 470 (West India).
Distribution: India. williamsoni
1923 Gomphidia williamsoni FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 670. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. Genus Ictinogomphus
1842 Ictinus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 171. Type-species: not given. - 1854 Ictinus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 66 (revision, with subgenera Gomphidia, Ictinus s.str., Linde nia, Cacus). - 1 8 5 8 Lindenia (Ictinus) - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 5 2 3 (revision). - 1890 Ictinus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77 (type-species: Diastatomma rapax R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 (in family Aeschnidae). - 1 9 0 5 Ictinus - JACOBSON & B I A N K I , Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 791 (key to species). - 1926 Ictinus - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 89 (key to Japanese species). - 1930 Ictinus - LAIDLAW, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 78: 176. - 1934 Ictinus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl.: 13: 355 (key to species). - 1934 Ictinogomphus C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 2 7 4 (new name for Ictinus R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 , a junior primary homonymy of Ictinus LAPORTE, 1 8 3 4 in Coleoptera). Type-species: Ictinus ferox R A M BUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1939 Indictinogomphus FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, ( B ) 8: 2 1 . Type-species: Diastatomma rapax R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 (original designation). - 1 9 4 0 Austrictinogomphus FRASER, Trans, r. ent. Soc. London, 90: 550. Type-species: Ictinus acutus L A I D L A W , 1 9 1 4 (original designation). - 1 9 4 9 Ictinogomphus - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 102. - 1954 Ictinogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 77. - 1954 Indictinogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 77 (proposed synonymy with Ictinogomphus COWLEY, 1934). - 1954 Austrictinogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 77 (proposed synonymy with Ictinogomphus COWLEY, 1934).
1914 Ictinus acutus LAIDLAW, Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1914: 51. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Borneo. 1934 Ictinus acutus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl., 13: 357. 1939 Indictinogomphus acutus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (B) 8: 21. 1940 Austrictinogomphus acutus - FRASER, Trans, r. ent. Soc. London, 90: 550 (as generotype of Austrictinogomphus FRASER, 1940). 1954 Ictinogomphus acutus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 77 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. alaquopterus
1985 Ictinogomphus alaquopterus YOUSUF of the World, Utrecht, 2: 55.
Distribution: India.
1976 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies
226 angulosus
1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) angulosus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 73. Type male: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: India. 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) atrox SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 75. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: India. 1858 Ictinus (Ictinus) angolosus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 541 (redescription). 1890 Ictinus angulosus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. 1905 Ictinus angulosus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 792. 1922 Ictinus angulosus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 374 (India). 1 9 8 5 Ictinogomphus angulosus - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 5 5 . 1 9 8 5 Ictinus (Ictinus) atrox - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 5 5 [as synonym of angulosus (SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) ] .
Distribution: India. australis australis
1873 Ictinus (Ictinus) australis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 35: 768. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1890 Ictinus australis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. 1901 Ictinus australis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 1901: 233. 1926 Ictinus australis - TILLYARD, Ins. Austr. and New Zeal.: 83. 1939 Indictinogomphus australis - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (Β) 8: 21. 1942 Ictinogomphus australis australis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 565 (North Australia).
Distribution: Australia. australis dobsoni
1985 Ictinogomphus australis dobsoni of the World, Utrecht, 2: 55.
1969 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies
Distribution: West Australia. australis lieftincki
1934 Ictinus lieftincki SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl.: 13: 362. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Ictinogomphus australis lieftincki - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 566 (Moluccas, New Guinea). 1949 Ictinogomphus australis lieftincki - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 352 (Solomon Islands).
Distribution: New Guinea, Malaysia, Solomon Islands. celebensis celebensis
1934 Ictinus celebensis SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl., 13: 359. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1985 Ictinogomphus celebensis celebensis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 55.
Distribution: Celebes, celebensis velox
1934 Ictinus celebensis velox SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 361. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1985 Ictinogomphus celebensis velox-DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 55.
Distribution: Celebes.
227 decoratus decoratus
1839 Diastatomma decorata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 832 (emandation, male from Java). 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) decoratus (HOFFMANNSEGG MS) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 70. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1858 Ictinus (Ictinus) decoratus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 533 (redescription). 1890 Ictinus decoratus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. 1934 Ictinus decoratus - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 362 (Java). 1934 Ictinus decoratus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 436. 1936 Ictinogomphus decoratus - LIEFTINCK, De Trop. Natuur., 25, jub.-no.: 103. 1939 Indictinogomphus decoratus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London; (Β) 8: 21. 1948 Ictinogomphus decoratus decoratus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 286. 1954 Ictinogomphus decoratus decoratus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 77 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Java, Sumatra. decoratus melaenops
1858 Ictinus (Ictinus) melaenops SELYS ( & H Ä G E N ) , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 532. Type maie: Wallace's Collection; type-locality: Malacca. 1890 Ictinus melaenops - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. 1899 Ictinus melaenops race sumatranus KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ζ., 59: 315. Male from Sumatra. 1927 Ictinus melaenops - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 26 (Sumatra). 1934 Ictinus melaenops - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl., 13: 362 (Sumatra). 1942 Ictinogomphus melaenops - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London; (B) 11: 99. 1939 Indictinogomphus melaenops - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London; (B) 11: 21. 1948 Ictinogomphus decoratus melaenops - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 286. 1954 Ictinogomphus decoratus melaenops - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, Suppl.: 22: 78 (Siam, Sumatra, Malaya, Borneo).
Distribution: from Thailand to Borneo. ferox
1842 Ictinus ferox RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 172. Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Senegal. 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) ferox - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 75. 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) pugnax SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 76. Type male: Hope Mus.; typelocality: Natal. 1890 Ictinus ferox - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. 1890 Ictinus pugnax - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 78. 1934 Ictinogomphus ferox - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 274 (as generotype of Ictinogomphus COWLEY, 1934). 1949 Ictinogomphus ferox - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 102 (type in Nation Mus. nat. Hist., Paris). 1949 Ictinus (Ictinus) pugnax - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 102 [proposed synonymy with ferox (RAMBUR, 1842)].
Distribution: tropical and subtropical Africa. fraseri
1958 Ictinogomphus fraseri KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Ent., 7: 354. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1962 Ictinogomphus fraseri - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 168.
Distribution: Sierra Leone.
1985 Ictinogomphus pugnovittatus YOUSUF & gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 56.
1976 - loc. cit.
The Dra-
Distribution: India, rapax
(RAMBUR) 1842 Diastatomma rapax RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 169. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Bombay. 1842 Ictinus vorax RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 171. Type female: unknown; typelocality: unknown. 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) pertinax HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 69. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: China. 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) praecox HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 70. Type male: Univ. zool. Mus., Kebenhavn, type-locality: Pondicherry (Himalaya?). 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) rapax - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 71. 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) fallax SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 72. Type male: Univ. zool. Mus., Kobenhavn, type-locality: Shanghai. 1858 Ictinus (Ictinus) rapax - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 536 (redescription). 1858 Ictinus (Ictinus) mordax SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 433. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Himalaya. 1890 Ictinus rapax - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. 1890 Ictinus vorax - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77 [proposed synonymy with rapax (RAMBUR, 1842)].
1890 Ictinus 1 9 0 5 Ictinus 1 9 0 5 Ictinus 1922 Ictinus 1922 Ictinus rapax
pertinax - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. rapax rapax - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 9 1 . mordax - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 9 2 . rapax - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 373. (Ictinus) parecox - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 373 [proposed synonymy with (RAMBUR, 1842)].
1922 Ictinus mordax - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 24: 373 [proposed synonymy with rapax (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1932 Ictinus pertinax - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 185. 1939 Indictinogomphus rapax - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (Β) 8: 21 (as generotype of Indictinogomphus FRASER, 1939). 1955 Ictinus rapax - BAIJAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 453. (India). 1983 Indictinogomphus rapax - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 107 (Guangdong, Hainan, Quangxi, Fujian, Taiwan). 1983 Ictinogomphus pertinax - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 107 (Taiwan, Zhejiang).
Distribution: India, South China, Taiwan. regisalberti
1934 Ictinus regis-alberti SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 54. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1949 Ictinus Regis-Alberti - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 42: 103 (description of male). 1959 Ictinogomphus regisalberti - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 31 (Angola). 1962 Ictinogomphus regisalberti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:168 (Belgian Congo, Angola).
Distribution: West Africa, tenax
(HÄGEN) 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) tenax HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 69. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality·. Manila.
229 1858 1890 1934 1937
Ictinus (Ictinus) tenax - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 529 (redescription). Ictinus tenax - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. Ictinus tenax - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl., 13: 361 (Luzon, Mindoro). Ictinogomphus tenax - N E E D H A M & G Y G E R , Philipp. J . Sci., 6 3 (1): 29 (Luzon).
Distribution: Philippine Islands. Genus Lindenia 1826
Lindenia DE H A A N (nec SELYS, 1 8 4 0 ) , Bijd. nat. Wtensch., 1 ( 2 ) : 4 7 . Type-species: Libellula forcipata LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5 7 ) . - 1 8 4 0 Lindenia SELYS, (nec DE H A A N , 1 8 2 6 ) Monogr. Libell. europ., Paris: 7 4 . Type-species: Aeschna tetraphylla VAN DER L I N D E N , 1 8 2 5 . - 1 8 5 4 Ictinus (Lindenia) - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 7 7 . - 1 8 5 8 Lindenia - S E L Y S & H A G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 5 1 8 (revision, key to subgenera Gomphidia, Ictinus, Cacus, Lindenia). - 1890 Lindenia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5 7 (as generotype of Lindenia DF. H A A N , 1 8 2 6 ) . - 1 8 9 0 Vanderia K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 8 (new name for Lindenia SELYS, 1 8 4 0 , a junior primary homonymy for Lindenia DE H A A N , 1 8 2 6 ) . - 1 9 0 5 Lindenia - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross. imp. : 7 9 2 (type-species: Aeschna tetraphylla VAN DER L I N D E N , 1 8 2 5 ) . - 1 9 3 4 Lindenia - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 6 7 : 2 7 5 (type-species: Aeschna tetraphylla VAN DER L I N D E N , 1825).
tetraphylla (VAN
1825 Aeschna tetraphylla VAN DER LINDEN, Monogr. Libell. Europ.: 32. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat., Hist. Paris; type-locality: Italy: Naples. 1829 Aeschna phyliura EICHWALD, Zool. Spec., 1. 224. Type: not given. 1840 Lindenia tetraphylla - SELYS, Monogr. Libell. europ., Paris: 76. (as generotype of Lindenia SELYS, 1 8 4 0 ) .
1842 Ictinus praedator RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 176. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Egypt. 1 8 5 4 Lindenia quadrifoliata EVERSMANN Bull. Mose., 2 7 : 1 9 4 . Type: not given. 1858 Lindenia (Ictinus) tetraphylla - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 558 (redescription). 1887 Lindenia tetraphylla - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 31 (Italy, Albania, Greece, Serbia, Egypt, Algeria, Armenia). 1887 Ictinus praedator - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 31 [proposed synonymy with tetraphylla (VAN DER L I N D E N , 1 8 2 5 ) ] .
1887 Lindenia quadrifoliata phylla
- SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 31 [proposed synonymy with tetra-
(VAN DER L I N D E N , 1 8 2 5 ) ] .
1890 Vanderia tetraphylla - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 78 (as generotype of Vanderia KIRBY, 1 8 9 0 ) .
1928 Lindenia terraphylla (misprint) - ANDERS, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 28 (Egypt). 1 9 3 4 Lindenia tetraphylla - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 6 7 : 2 7 5 (as generotype of Lindenia DE H A A N , 1826). 1950 Lindenia tetraphylla - MORERA, Odon. Esp., Madrid: 32 (Spain).
Distribution: Spain, Italy, Istria, Balkans, Algeria, Tunisia, Middle East, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Caucasus to Central Asia. Genus Pseudictinus
1915 Pseudictinus MARTIN, Voy. Alluaud & Jeannel Afr. or., II. Odonata: 22. Type-species: Pseudictinus tigris M A R T I N , 1 9 1 5 (nom. nud.). - 1 9 3 6 Pseudictinus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, ( B ) 5 : 1 3 9 (as nom. nud.; never been published). - 1 9 6 2 Pseudictinus - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 1 6 9 (type-species: Pseudictinus tigris M A R T I N , 1 9 1 5 ) .
1915 Pseudictinus tigris MARTIN, Voy. Alluaud & Jeannel Afr. or., II. Odonata: 22 (as generotype of Pseudictinus MARTIN, 1915) undescribed and type said to be lost (Nigeria). 1962 Pseudictinus tigris - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 169 (not described and since type is said to be lost the species and genus must lapse).
Distribution: Nigeria. Genus Sinictinogomphus
1939 Sinictinogomphus FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 8: 22. Type-species: Aeshna clavata FABRICIUS, 1775 (original designation).
1775 Aeshna calavata FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.: 425. Type male: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: China. 1939 Diastatomma clavata - BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 832. 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) clavatus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 74. 1854 Ictinus (Ictinus) clavatus race phaleratus HOFFMANNSEGG, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 75. Male from China (in Zool. Univ., Kobenhavn). 1858 Ictinus (Ictinus) clavatus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 545 (redescription). 1890 Ictinus phaleratus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 77. 1898 Diastatomma clavata - CAL VERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 51. 1 9 0 5 Ictinus clavatus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 9 2 . 1 9 0 5 Ictinus (Ictinus) clavatus race phaleratus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 9 2 [proposed synonymy with clavatus (FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 ) ] . 1926 Ictinus cravatus (misprint) - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 89 (Japan). 1939 Sinictinogomphus clavatus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 8: 22 (as generotype of Sinictinogomphus FRASER, 1939). 1945 Sinictinogomphus clavatus - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (emendation). 1983 Sinictinogomphus clavatus - CHAO, Wuyi Sci. Jn., 3: 107 (Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan, Zhejiang, Szechwan).
Distribution: China, and Japan. Familiy Neopetaliidae Medium to large species. Eyes only just touching. Trgs only slightly elongated, close to arc and to base of wing. IRiii unforked; no anal loop; unique pattern of red spots along costal borders of wings. Male with inferior appendage trifid. Larva with broadly upcurved lateral lobes on segments 3-8. 1929 Fissiolaboidea FRASER (partim), Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (3): 75 (revision for families: Cordulegasteridae, Petaliidae and Petaluridae). - 1932 Petaliidae FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 ( 6 ) : 2 0 6 . Type-genus: Petalia H Ä G E N , 1 8 5 4 (revision, key to genera Archipetalia, Hypopetalia, Petalia, Phyllopetalia, and Austropetalia). - 1940 Neopetaliidae TILL YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 3 7 6 . Type-genus: Neopetalia C O W L E Y , 1 9 3 4 . - 1 9 8 5 Neopetaliidae - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 56 (with genera: Archipetalia, Austropetalia, Hypopetalia, Neopetalia, Phyllopetalia).
Genus Archipetalia
1917 Archipetalia TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 42: 455. Type-species: Archipetalia auriculata TILLYARD, 1 9 1 7 (monotypy). - 1 9 3 2 Archipetalia - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6)·. 208 (revision).
231 auriculata TILL YARD 1917 Archipetalia auriculata TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 42: 455 (as generotype of Archipetalia TILL YARD, 1917). Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Tasmania. 1932 Archipetalia auriculata - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 209 (redescription) (Tasmania).
Distribution: Tasmania. Genus Austropetalia TILLYARD 1916 Austropetalia TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 33: 14. Type-species: Phyllopetalia patricia TILLYARD, 1909 (monotypy). - 1932 Austropetalia - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 211 (redescription).
patricia (TILLYARD) 1906 Petalia apollo TILLYARD (nec SELYS, 1878), Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 722. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1909 Phyllopetalia patricia TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 34: 699. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales. 1916 Austropetalia patricia - TILLYARD, J. Linn. Soc. London, zool., 33: 14 (as generotype of Austropetalia TILLYARD, 1916). 1932 Austropetalia patricia - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 213 (redescription). 1985 Petalia apollo - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 57 [as synonym o f patricia
(TILLYARD, 1909)].
Distribution: Australia. Genus Hypopetalia M C L A C H L A N 1870 Hypopetalia MCLACHLAN, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1870:170. Type-species: Hypopetaliapestilens MCLACHLAN, 1870 (monotypy). - 1932 Hypopetalia - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 224 (revision).
pestilens M C L A C H L A N 1870 Hypopetalia Hypopetalia 1932 Hypopetalia 1941 Hypopetalia
pestilens MCLACHLAN, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1870: 171 (as generotype of MCLACHLAN, 1870). Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Chile. pestilens - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 225 (redescription) (Chile). pestilens - SCHMIDT, Arch. Naturg., 10 (2): 245.
Distribution: Chile. Genus Neopetalia COWLEY 1854 Petalia HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 90. Type-species: Petalia punctata HÄGEN, 1854 (monotypy). - 1 8 5 8 Petalia - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11:611 (revision, with subgenera Petalia s.str., Phyllopetalia). - 1932 Petalia - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 215 (revision) (in family Petaliidae). - 1934 Neopetalia COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 201 (new name of Petalia HÄGEN, 1854, a junior primary homonymy of Petalia GRAY, 1838 in Mammalia). Type-species: Petalia punctata HAGEN, 1854(original designation).-1941 Petalia - SCHMIDT, Arch. Naturg., 10 (2): 246 (revision). - 1985 Neopetalia - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 57.
punctata (HÄGEN) 1854 Petalia punctata HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 90. Type male: Hagen's Collection (as generotype of Petalia HÄGEN, 1854); type-locality: Chile. 1932 Petalia punctata - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 216 (redescription) (Chile).
232 1934 Neopetalia punctata - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 201 (as generotype of Neopetalia COWLEY, 1934).
Distribution: Chile. Genus Phyllopetalia
1858 Petalia (Phyllopetalia) SELYS (& HÄGEN), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 616. Type-species: Petalia (Phyllopetalia), stictica HÄGEN, 1858 (first species). - 1890 Phyllopetalia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 82. - 1932 Phyllopetalia - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 217 (revision).
1858 Petalia (Phyllopetalia) apicalis SELYS (& HÄGEN), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 619. Type maie: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Chile. 1878 Phyllopetalia decorata - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 695. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Chile. 1890 Phyllopetalia apicalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 82. 1918 Phyllopetalia apicalis - NAVAS, Bol. Soc. Aragon, 17: 212 (description of female). 1932 Phyllopetalia apicalis - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 221 (redescription) (Chile). 1932 Phyllopetalia decorata - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 221 (proposed synonymy with apicalis
SELYS, 1858).
1958 Phyllopetalia apicalis - FRASER, Rev. univ. Chile, 42, Nr. 2: 161.
Distribution: Chile. apollo
1878 Phyllopetalia apollo SELYS (nec TILL YARD, 1906), Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 695. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Chile. 1890 Phyllopetalia apollo - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 82. 1932 Phyllopetalia apollo - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 222 (redescription) (Peru, Chile). 1943 Phyllopetalia apollo - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 254 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru, Chile. stictica
1858 Petalia (Phyllopetalia) stictica HAGEN, in SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 617. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Chile. 1873 Phyllopetalia stictica - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 35: 86. 1890 Phyllopetalia stictica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 82 (as generotype of Phyllopetalia
SELYS, 1858).
1932 Phyllopetalia stictica - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 219 (redescription) (Chile).
Distribution: Chile. Familiy Petaluridae Eyes widely separated; ovipositor present; very long stigma, separated from its brace. Dc different in front and hind wings. Anal loop of 3 to 5 cells. Male superior anal appendages broadly foliate. Larva lives in damp soil. 1929 Fissilaboidea FRASER (partim), Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (3): 75 (revision for families Cordulegasteridae, Petaliidae, and Petaluridae). - 1932 Petaluridae FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 227 (revision with subfamilies: Petalurinae, Tachopteryginae). - 1940 Petaluridae - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 372 (key to subfamilies: Petalurinae, and Tanypterigniae). - 1957 Petaluridae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. "Wales, 1957: 94 (with key to subfamilies:
233 Petalurinae, and Tanypteryginae). - 1 9 7 7 Petaluridae - BELYSHEV & KHARITONOV, N a u k a , Novosibirsk: 56 (key to genera).
Subfamily Petalurinae Very large forms. Close venation; primary antenodals separated by not less than 4 - 5 secondaries in all wings; Dc crossed in fore and hind wings. 1901 Petalurinae NEEDHAM, Bull. 47 N.S. State Mus., 1901: 434 (in family Aeschnidae). - Typegenus: Petalura LEACH, 1815.-1910 Petalurinae-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 74. - 1932 Petalurinae - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: (6): 228 (with genera Phenes, Petalura, Uropetala). - 1932 Tachopteryginae FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 244 (revision, with genera Tachopteryx, Tanypteryx). Type-genus: Tachopteryx SEL YS, 1859. - 1940 Petalurinae - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 . 374. - 1957 Petalurinae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 95 (with genera Petalura, Uropetalia, Phenes, Tachopteryx). - 1985 Petalurinae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 5 7 (with genera Petalura, Phenes, Tachopteryx, Uropetala).
Genus Petalura 1815
Petalura LEACH, Zool. Misc., 2 : 9 6 . Type-species: Petalura gigentea LEACH, 1 8 1 5 (monotypy). 1 8 5 4 Petalura - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 9 1 (revision). - 1 8 5 8 Petalura - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 622 (revision, with subgenera Petalura s.str., and Uropetala). - 1907 Petalura - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 708 (revision). 1932 Petalura - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 299 (revision).
1815 Petalura gigantea LEACH, Zool. Misc., 2. 96 (as generotype of Petalura LEACH, 1815). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Australia. 1 8 5 8 Petalura gigantea - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 6 2 6 (redescription). 1898 Petalura gigantea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 82. 1907 Petalura gigantea - TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 713 (redescription) (N.S. Wales). 1932 Petalura gigantea - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 231 (redescription) (Australia).
Distribution: Australia. hesperia
1958 Petalura hesperia WATSON, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 27:116. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West Australia.
Distribution: Australia. ingentissima
1907 Petalura ingentissima TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 715. Type male: not given; type-locality: Queensland. 1932 Petalura ingentissima-FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 234 (redescription) (type in Tillyard's Collection).
Distribution: Australia. pulcherrima
1913 Petalura pulcherrima TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 582. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1932 Petalura pulcherrima - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 233 (redescription) (Australia).
Distribution: Australia.
234 Genus Phenes
1842 Phenes RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 175. Type-species: Phenes raptor RAMBUR, 1842 (monotypy). - 1854 Phenes - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 21: 111. - 1858 Phenes SELYS & HÄGEN M é m . Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 635 (revision). - 1890 Phenes - KIRBY, Syn.
Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 83. - 1932 Phenes - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 240 (revision).
1842 Phenes raptor RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 176 (as generotype of Phenes RAMBUR, 1842). Type: not given; type-locality: Valparaiso. 1890 Phenes raptor - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 83. 1915 Phenes raptor - SCHMIDT, Zool. Jb. (Syst.), 39: 92 (redescription). 1932 Phenes raptor - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 242 (redescription) (Chile).
Distribution: Chile. Genus Tachopteryx
1859 Tachopteryx SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 7: 551. Type-species: Petalura (Uropetala) thoreyi SELYS, 1858 (monotypy). - 1890 Tachopteryx - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 83. - 1905 Tachopteryx - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 774. - 1917 Tachopteryx - KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 508 (redescription). - 1932 Tachopteryx FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 245 (revision).
1858 Petalura (Uropetala) thoreyi SELYS (& HÄGEN), MÉM. SOC. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 633. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: US. 1859 Tachopteryx thoreyi - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 7: 551 (as generotype of Tachopteryx SELYS, 1859). 1861 Petalura thoreyi - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 117. 1890 Tachopteryx thoreyi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 83. 1917 Tachopteryx thoreyi- KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 513 (California, Texas, Florida). 1932 Tachopteryx thoreyi-FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 246 (redescription) (Mass. to Florida, Texas).
Distribution: U.S.A. Genus Uropetala
1858 Petalura (Uropetala) SELYS (& HÄGEN), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11:628. Type-species: Petalura carovei carovei WHITE, 1845 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 82). - 1890 Uropetala - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 82. - 1920 Uropetala TILLYARD, Trans. New Zeal. Ins., 53: 343. - 1932 Uropetala - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 235 (revision).
carovei carovei
1845 Petalura carovei WHITE, Voy. Erebus & Terror, Ins.: 25. Type male: White's Collection; typelocality: New Zealand. 1858 Petalura (Uropetala) carovei - SELYS (& HÄGEN), Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 630 (as generotype of Uropetala SELYS, 1858) (redescription). 1890 Uropetala carovei - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 82. 1920 Uropetala carovei - TILLYARD, Trans. New Zeal. Inst. 53: 343. 1932 Uropetala carovei - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 238 (redescription) (New Zealand). 1985 Uropetala carovei carovei - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 57.
Distribution: New Zealand.
235 carovei chiltoni
1920 Uropetala chiltoni TILL YARD, Trans. New Zeal. Ins., 53: 344. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New Zealand. 1932 Uropetala chiltoni - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 238 (redescription) (New Zealand). 1985 Uropetala carovei chiltoni - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 57.
Distribution: New Zealand. Subfamily Tanypteryginae Large forms with black and yellow contrast pattern of Gomphine style. Less close venation, primary antenodals separated by only 3 secondaries in fore and 2 in hind wings; Dc of hind wing not crossed. 1940 Tanypteryginae FRASER & TILLYARD, Austr. Zool., 9: 374. Type-genus: Tanypteryx KENNEDY, 1917. - 1957 Tanypteryginae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 95.
Genus Tanypteryx
1917 Tanypteryx KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 507. Type-species: Tachopteryx hageni SELYS, 1879 (original designation). - 1932 Tanypteryx - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 249 (revision).
hageni(SELYS) 1879 Tachopteryx hageni SELYS, C. R. Soc. ent. Belg., 22: 118. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Nevada. 1917 Tanypteryx hageni - KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 508 (as generotype of Tanypteryx KENNEDY, 1917).
1932 Tanypteryx hageni - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 249 (redescription) (Washington, Nevada, California).
Distribution: U.S.A.
1889 Tachopteryx pryeri SELYS, C. R. Soc. ent. Belg., 33: 118. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Japan. 1917 Tanypteryx pryeri - KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 52: 511 (redescription) (California). 1926 Tanypteryx pryeri - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 89 (Japan). 1932 Tanypteryx pryeri - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 251 (redescription) (Japan).
Distribution: Japan, and ? California. Superfamily Cordulegasteroidea Some Aeshnine and Libelluline associations. Eyes usually just touching. Primary antenodals retained. Ovipositor reduced. Adult labium deeply bifid; in larva, intend and spoon shaped with setae and broad lateral lobes. 1940 Cordulegasteroidea TILL YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9:380 (with families: Cordulegasteridae, Corduliidae, and Libellulidae). - 1985 Cordulegasteroidea - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 58 (with family Cordulegasteridae).
236 Family Cordulegasteridae Large or very large forms; black with yellow colouring only. 1893 Cordulegasterinae CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 20: 221 (first defined as subfamily in family Aeshnidae). Type-genus: Cordulegaster LEACH, 1815. - 1905 Cordulegasterinae - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 771 (with genera Cordulegaster, Orogomphus, Tachopteryx). - 1908 Cordulegasterinae - WILLAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 33: 267. - 1929 Cordulegasteridae FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (3): 75 (revision). - 1929 Fissilabioidea FRASER (partim), Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (3): 75 (revision for families: Cordulegasteridae, Petaliidae, and Petaluridae). - 1940 Cordulegasteridae - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 381 (key to subfamilies: Cordulegasterinae, Chlorogomphinae, and Aeshnidiinae).- 1957 Cordulegasteridae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957:102 (key to subfamilies: Cordulegasterinae, Chlorogomphinae, and Aeshnidiniinae). - 1977 Cordulegasteridae - BELYSHEV & K H A R I T O NOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 63 (key to Boreal genera). - 1984 Cordulegasteridae - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 1 6 0 . 76. - 1985 Cordulegasteridae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 58 (with subfamilies: Chlorogomphinae, and Cordulegasterinae).
Subfamiliy Chlorogomphinae Wings often coloured, expecially in female. Trg equilateral in fore wings, transversely elongated in hind wing. Median space crossed. Hind wing broadened with anal loop of 7 - 3 5 cells. Tibia keeled. Ovipositor absent. 1940
FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 3 8 2 . Type-genus: Chlorogomphus Chlorogomphinae - BELYSHEV & KHARITONOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 6 2 (key to Boreal genera). - 1 9 8 5 Chlorogomphinae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 5 8 (with only genus Chlorogomphus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) . TILLYARD &
SELYS, 1 8 5 4 . - 1 9 7 7
Genus Chlorogomphus
1854 Chlorogomphus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 79. Type-species: Chlorogomphus magnificus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 (monotypy). - 1 8 5 8 Chlorogomphus - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 571. - 1878 Orogomphus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2)46: 681. Type-species: Orogomphus splendidus SELYS, 1 8 5 8 (monotypy). - 1 9 0 5 Orogomphus - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 774. - 1915 Orogomphus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 11: 197 (revision). - 1 9 2 5 Orogomphus - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 27: 4 2 3 . - 1 9 2 6 Chlorogomphus - O G U M A , Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 88 (key to Japanese species). - 1929 Chlorogomphus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 139 (revision, key to species). - 1929 Orogomphus FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 1 3 9 (proposed synonymy with Chlorogomphus SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) . - 1 9 5 0 Chlorogomphus - CHEN, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus., 3: 137 (revision, key to Chinese species). - 1954 Chlorogomphus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 111.
arooni 1985
Chlorogomphus arooni World, Utrecht, 2: 58.
ASAHINA, 1 9 8 1
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Thailand. atkinsoni
1878 Orogomphus atkinsoni SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 682. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Bengal. 1915 Orogomphus atkinsoni - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 11: 197 (India). 1925 Chlorogomphus atkinsoni - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 27: 426.
237 1929 Chlorogomphus kim).
atkinsoni - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 160 (redescription) (Bengal, Sik-
Distribution: India. auratus
1910 Chlorogomphus auratus MARTIN, Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1910: 66. Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Tonkin. 1929 Chlorogomphus auratus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 147 (redescription of female).
Distribution: Vietnam. brevistigma
1926 Chlorogomphus brevistigma OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 87. Type female: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Formosa. 1932 Chlorogomphus brevistigma- FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 253 (redescription of female) (Formosa). 1950 Chlorogomphus brevistigma - CHEN, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus., 3: 138. 1961 Chlorogomphus brevistigma - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 62.
Distribution: Taiwan. brittoi
1934 Chlorogomphus brittoi NAVAS, Rev. Acad. Ci. Zaragoza, 17: 29. Type male: unknown; typelocality: India.
Distribution: India. brunneus brunneus
1926 Chlorogomphus brunneus locality: Formosa. 1932 Chlorogomphus brunneus (Formosa). 1950 Chlorogomphus brunneus 1961 Chlorogomphus brunneus 1964 Chlorogomphus brunneus
OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 87. Type female: Hokkaido Univ.; type- FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 253 (redescription of female) - CHEN, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus., 3: 139. - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 61. brunneus - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (1): 5 (Ryukyu).
Distribution: Taiwan, and Japan. brunneus costalis
1949 Chlorogomphus brunneus costalis ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 17: 30. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Japan.
Distribution: Japan. brunneus keramensis
1972 Chlorogomphus brunneus keramensis ASAHINA, Tombo, 15 ( 1 - 4 ) : 7. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Tokashiha Island.
Distribution: Japan. campioni
1924 Orogomphus campioni FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 467. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India. 1925 Chlorogomphus campioni - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 27: 427. 1929 Chlorogomphus campioni - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 149 (redescription) (Malabar).
238 1931 Chlorogomphus 1966 Chlorogomphus
campioni - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 457. campioni - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 185.
Distribution: India. dyak
1911 Orogomphus dyak LAIDLAW, J. Str. Br. R. Asiat Soc., 57: 192. Type-male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Sarawak. 1914 Orogomphus dyak - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1914: 29 (Borneo). 1920 Orogomphus dyak - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1920: 312 (Borneo). 1929 Chlorogomphus dyak - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 162 (redescription) (Borneo). 1954 Chlorogomphus dyak - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl: 111 (Malaya, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Borneo. fraseri
1936 Chlorogomphus fraseri ST. QUENTIN, Konowia, 15 (1-2): 103. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Darjeeling.
Distribution: India. infuscatus
1930 Chlorogomphus infuscatus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, 11: 99. Type female: Cornell Univ.; typelocality: China. 1936 Chlorogomphus infuscatus var. holophaea NAVAS, Mus. Heude ent. chinoise, 3 (4): 42. Female from China.
Distribution: China. iriomotensis
1972 Chlorogomphus iriomotensis ISHIDA, Bull. Jap. ent. Acad., 7 (1): 1. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Ryukyu Island.
Distribution: Japan. kimminsi
1940 Chlorogomphus kimminsi FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (B) 9: 55. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Nias Island. 1954 Chlorogomphus kimminsi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl: 112 (Nias).
Distribution: Nias. magnifìcus SEL YS 1854 Chlorogomphus magnificus SEL YS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 80 (as generotype of Chlorogomphus SEL YS, 1854). Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sumatra. 1858 Chlorogomphus magnificus - S E L Y S Ä H A G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sei., Liège, 1 1 : 573 (redescription). 1873 Chlorogomphus hyalinus SEL YS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 36: 529. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sumatra. 1 9 2 6 Chlorogomphus magnificus - FRASER, Treubia, 8 ( 3 - 4 ) : 4 8 4 . 1929 Chlorogomphus magnificus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 143 (redescription) (Java, Sumatra). 1929 Chlorogomphus hyalinus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 143 (proposed synonymy with magnificus SEL YS, 1854). 1934 Chlorogomphus magnificus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 435 (Java). 1936 Chlorogomphus magnificus - FRASER, F a u n a brit. India Odon., 3: 5. 1954 Chlorogomphus magnificus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 112 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Sumatra, Java.
1936 Chlorogomphus mortori FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (Β) 5: 22. Type male: Morton's Collection; type-locality: Sikkim.
Distribution: India. nasutus
1930 Chlorogomphus nasutus NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11. 97. Type male: Nat. Res. Inst. C.U.; type-locality: China. 1932 Chlorogomphus nasutus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 254 (redescription).
Distribution: China. okinawensis
1964 Chlorogomphus okinawensis ISHIDA, Bull. Jap. ent. Acad., 1: 42. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Ryukyu Island. 1973 Chlorogomphus okinawensis - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 11 (1-2): 2 (Okinawa). 1985 Chlorogomphus brevistigma okinawensis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 58.
Distribution: Japan. olympicus
1932 Chlorogomphus olympicus FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 257. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Simla.
Distribution: India. papilio Ris 1927 Chlorogomphus papilio Ris, Ent. Mitt., 16 (2): 104. Type female: Ris's Collection; type-locality: China. 1929 Chlorogomphus papilio - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 146 (redescription of female). 1932 Chlorogomphus papilio - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 258 (description of male) (Szechwan).
Distribution: China. preciosus
1924 Orogomphus preciosus FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 75. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Sikkim. 1929 Chlorogomphus preciosus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 154 (redescription) (Sikkim). 1966 Chlorogomphus preciosus - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 210.
Distribution: India. risi
1912 Orogomphus splendidus Ris (nec SELYS, 1878), Suppl. Ent. Berlin, 1: 77. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Formosa. 1950 Chlorogomphus risi CHEN, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus., 3:141 (new name for Orogomphus splendidus Ris, 1912, a junior secondary homonymy of Orogomphus splendidus SELYS, 1878). 1964 Chlorogomphus risi - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (2): 301 (Ryukyu).
Distribution: Taiwan, and Japan.
240 selysi
1929 Chlorogomphus selysi FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 158. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Sikkim.
Distribution: India, speciosus
1891 Orogomphus speciosus SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 481. Type female: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova; type-locality: Burma. 1915 Orogomphus speciosus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 11: 198 (India). 1929 Chlorogomphus speciosus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 153 (redescription) (type in Selys's Collection, perhaps lost). 1960 Chlorogomphus speciosus - LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital, 38: 245 (redescription).
Distribution: India, Burma. splendidus
1878 Orogomphus splendidus SELYS (nec Ris, 1912), Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 681 (as generotype of Orogomphus SELYS, 1878). Type female: Nation Mus.nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Luzon. 1890 Orogomphus splendidus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79. 1915 Orogomphus splendidus - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 11: 197. 1929 Chlorogomphussplendidus-FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9:156(Philippines, Formosa, Borneo, Tonkin).
Distribution: from Philippines to Borneo, suzukii
1926 Orogomphus suzukii OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 88. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1932 Chlorogomphus suzukii - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 254 (redescription) (Japan). 1950 Chlorogomphus suzukii - CHEN, Quart J. Taiwan Mus., 3 (3): 143 (Formosa). 1956 Chlorogomphus suzukii - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 27 (4-5): 222 (China). 1961 Chlorogomphus suzukii - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 61.
Distribution: Japan, China, Taiwan. tunti
1930 Chlorogomphus tunti NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 97. Type female: Cornell Univ.; typelocality: China. 1932 Chlorogomphus tunti - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 255 (redescription).
Distribution: China. urolobatus
1950 Chlorogomphus urolobatus CHEN, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus., 3:142. Type male: Chen's Collection; type-locality: Fujian.
Distribution: China, vietnamensis
1985 Chlorogomphus vietnamensis ASAHINA, 1969 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of
the World, Utrecht, 2: 59.
Distribution: Vietnam.
241 xanthoptera (FRASER) 1919 Orogomphus xanthoptera FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 26: 874. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1924 Orogomphus xanthoptera - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 469 (West India). 1929 Chlorogomphus xanthoptera - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 148 (redescription of male) (South India). 1931 Chlorogomphus xanthoptera FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 457. 1932 Chlorogomphus xanthoptera - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 256 (redescription of female).
Distribution: India. Subfamily Cordulegasterinae Wings in both sexes similar and clear. Trg similar and slightly elongated in all wings; anal loop with 4 - 6 cells. Median space free. Tibia with no keel. Long pseudo-ovipositor. 1893 Cordulagasterinae CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 20: 221 (in family Aeschnidae). Type-genus: Cordulegaster LEACH, 1815. - 1929 Cordulegasterinae - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (3): 73 (key to genera: Anotogaster, Allogaster, Cordulegaster, Chlorogomphus). - 1932 Cordulegasterinae - NEEDHAM, Ree. Indian Mus., 34: 227 (key to Indian genera). - 1940 Cordulegasterinae - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 382 (with genera Cordulegaster, Anotogaster, Neallogaster). - 1974 Kuldanagasterinae YOUSUF & YUNUS, Pakistan J. Zool., 8 (1-2): 142. Type-genus: Kuldanagaster
YOUSUF & YUNUS, 1974. - 1985 Cordulegasterinae
TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 59 (with genera Anotogaster, Cordulegaster, Neallogaster, Taeniogaster, Zoraena). - 1975 Kuldanagasterniae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 59 (as synonym of Cordulegasterinae CALVERT, 1893).
Genus Anotogaster
1854 Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 21:101. Type-species: Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) nipalensis SELYS, 1854 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79. - 1858 Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 582 (revision). - 1890 Anotogaster - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79. 1905 Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 774. -1923 Anotogaster-FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 38. -1929 Anotogaster - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 84 (revision, key to species).
basalis basalis
1854 Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) basalis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 83. Type female: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: North India. 1858 Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) basalis - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mem. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 583 (redescription). 1890 Anotogaster basalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79. 1923 Anotogaster basalis - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 39. 1929 Anotogaster basalis - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 86 (redescription) (North India).
Distribution: India. basalis palampurensis
1929 Anotogaster basalis palampurensis FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 88. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Nepal.
Distribution: Nepal.
242 gigantica
1924 Anotogaster gigantica FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30: 48. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Siam. 1929 Anotogaster gigantica -FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 94 (redescription) (Shan States, Siam, India, Burma).
Distribution: India, Thailand, Burma. gregoryi
1923 Anotogaster gregoryi FRASER, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 19: 453. Type male: Nation. Coll. Zool. Surv. Indian Calcutta; type-locality: Yunnan. 1928 Anotogaster gregoryi - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 76: 118 (Yunnan). 1929 Anotogaster gregoryi - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 90 (redescription) (Yunnan).
Distribution: China. klossi
1919 Anotogaster klossi FRASER, J. nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 3: 456. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Annam. 1929 Anotogaster klossi - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 96 (redescription) (Annam).
Distribution: India. myosa
1930 Anotogaster myosa NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, 11: 101. Type female: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: China. 1932 Anotogaster myosa - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (6): 259 (redescription of female).
Distribution: China. nipalensis
1854 Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) nipalensis SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 83. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Nepal. 1858 Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) nipalensis - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 1 1 : 585 (redescription). 1890 Anotogaster nipalensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79 (as generotype of Anotogaster
SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) .
1905 Cordulegaster ( Anotogaster) nipalensis - J A C O B S O N & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 774. 1923 Anotogaster nipalensis - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 39. 1929 Anotogaster nipalensis - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 89 (redescription) (Sikkim, Nepal, Darjeeling).
Distribution: India, Nepal. sieboldi sieboldi
1854 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) sieboldi SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 88. Type female: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Japan. 1858 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) sieboldi - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 605 (redescription). 1890 Anotogaster sieboldi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79. 1926 Anotogaster sieboldi - OGUMA, Ins. matsum., 1 (2): 86 (Japan, Formosa). 1929 Anotogaster sieboldi -FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9:92 (redescription) (Central China, Japan). 1931 Anotogaster sieboldi - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 188 (Hangchow). 1958 Anotogaster sieboldi - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 65 (Kurile Islands). 1 9 8 5 Anotogaster sieboldi sieboldi - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 5 9 .
Distribution: Japan, Russian Far East, China, Taiwan.
243 sieboldi kuchenbeiseri
1899 Cordulegaster (Antogaster) kuchenbeiseri FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 43: 69. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: China. 1905 Cordulegaster (Anotogaster) kuchenbeiseri - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross. imp. : 774 (China). 1929 Anotogaster kuchenbeiseri- FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 92 [as synonym of sieboldi (ÇELYS, 1854)].
1985 Anotogaster sieboldi kuchenbeiseri - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 59.
Distribution: China. Genus Cordulegaster
1815 Cordulegaster LEACH, Edinb. Encycl., 9: 136. Type-species: Aeschna annulata LATREILLE, 1805 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 80). - 1840 Aeschna (Thecaphora) CHARPENTIER (nec SELYS, 1854), Libell. Europe, Paris: 14. Type-species: Aeschna lunulata CHARPENTIER, 1825 (monotypy). - 1854 Cordulegaster - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 82 (with subgenera: Anotogaster, Cordulegaster s.str., Taeniogaster). - 1858 Cordulegaster - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 577 (with subgenera: Thecaphora, Anotogaster, Cordulegaster). - 1905 Cordulegaster - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 771 (key to species) (with subgenera: Taeniogaster, Thecophora (misprint), Anotogaster, Cordulegaster s.str.). - 1910 Cordulegaster - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 75. - 1923 Cordulegaster - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28: 40. 1929 Cordulegaster - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28: 40. - 1929 Cordulegaster FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 96 (revision, key to species). - 1950 Cordulegaster - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 38 (key to Spanish species). - 1974 Kuldanagaster YOUSUF & YUNUS, Pakistan J. Zool., 6: (1-2): 143. Type-species: Kuldanagaster pakistanica YOUSUF & YUNUS, 1974 (original designation). - 1984 Cordulegaster - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 77 (key to Central European species).
1854 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) bidentatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 87. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Belgium. 1858 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) bidentatus - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 599 (redescription). 1890 Cordulegaster bidentatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81. 1923 Cordulegaster bidentatus - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 29: 43. 1929 Cordulegaster bidentatus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 109 (redescription) (Switzerland, France, Herzegovina). 1950 Cordulegaster bidentatus - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 40 (Spain). 1984 Cordulegaster bidentatus - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 78 (Hungary). 1985 Cordulegaster bidentata f. sicilica FRASER, 1929 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 59. Male from Sicily.
Distribution: Albania to Pyrennees, and Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Germany, Belgium. boltoni boltoni
1805 Aeschna annulata LATREILLE (nec FABRICIUS, 1798), Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins., 13: 6. Type: unknown; type-locality: Germany. 1807 Libellula boltonii DONOVAN, Brit. Ins., 12. 430. Type: not given; type-locality: England. 1763 Libellula grandis SCOPOLI, Ent. Cam.: 259. Type: not given; type-locality: England. 1815 Cordulegaster annulatus - LEACH, Edinb. Encycl., 9: 136.
244 Aeschna lunulata CHARPENTIER (nec SELYS, 1 8 7 5 ) , Hor. Ent.: 2 9 . Type female: lost; type-locality: Europe. 1840 Aeschna (Thecaphora) lunulata - CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ., Lipsiae: 23 (as generotype of Thecaphora CHARPENTIER, 1840) (Germany). 1854 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) annulatus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 86. 1854 Libellula grandis - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 86 [proposed synonymy with annulatus 1925
(LATREILLE, 1 8 0 5 ) ] .
1854 Libellula bottoni - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 86 [proposed synonymy with annulatus (LATREILLE, 1 8 0 5 ) ] .
1854 Aeschna lunulata - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 86 [proposed synonymy with annulatus (LATREILLE, 1 8 0 5 ) ] .
1865 Aeschna lorenzonii DISCONZI, Ent. vicentia, Vicenza, 109. Type: unknown; type-locality: Italy. 1929 Cordelegaster annulatus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9:99 (redescription) (key to subspecies). 1958 Aeschna lorenzonii-CONCI, Atti. Soc. ital. Sci. nat., 97: 356 [proposed synonymy with annulatus (LATREILLE, 1 8 0 5 ) ] .
1984 Cordulegaster boltoni - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 77 (Hungary). 1985 Cordulegaster boltoni boltoni - D AVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 59.
Distribution: Pontomediterranean subregion. boltoni algirica
1916 Cordulegaster annulatus algirica MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1916: 278. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Algir. 1929 Cordulegaster annulatus algiricus-FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9:105 (redescription) (Algeria). 1985 Cordulegaster boltoni algirica - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 59.
Distribution: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, boltoni immaculifrons 1857 Cordulegaster cality. 1829 Cordulegaster (Italy, Suisse, 1985 Cordulegaster
annulatus race immaculifrons SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 336. Male without loannulatus immaculifrons - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 103 (redescription) Sicily, France). boltoni immaculifrons - D AVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
2: 60.
Distribution: South Europe, boltoni intermedia
1857 Cordulegaster annulatus race intermedius SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 336. Male from Dalmatia. 1873 Cordulegaster bidentatus race anatolicus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 36. Male from Anatolia. 1976 Cordulegaster annulata race trinacriae WATERSTON, Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 69 (19). 457. Male from Sicily: Mt. Etna. 1985 Cordulegaster boltoni intermedia - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 60.
Distribution: Mediterranean subregion. boltoni princeps
1916 Cordulegaster annulatus race princeps MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1916: 278. Male from Caucasus. 1929 Cordulegaster annulatus princeps - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 106 (redescription) (Caucasus). 1985 Cordulegaster boltoni princeps - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 60.
Distribution: Caucasus.
245 brevistigma brevistigma
1854 Thecaphora (Thecagaster) brevistigma SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 84. Type female: Saunder's Collection; type-locality: North India. 1 8 5 8 Cordulegaster
- SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m . S o c . r . Sci., L i è g e , 11: 5 8 9 .
1890 Thecagaster brevistigma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79. 1927 Cordulegaster brevistigma - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 70: 98 (Hindustan, Tibet). 1929 Cordulegaster brevistigma brevistigma - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 117 (redescription, and key to subspecies) (Kashmir, Simla, Darjeeling). 1974 Kuldanagaster pakistanica YOUSUF & YUNUS, Pakistan J. Zool., 6 ( 1 - 2 ) : 144 Type male: unknown; type-locality: Pakistan.
Distribution: India, Pakistan, Tibet. brevistigma folia
1929 Cordulegaster brevistigma folia FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9:120. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Himalaya.
Distribution: Himalaya. diadema
1868 Cordulegaster diademma type-locality: Mexico. 1890 Cordulegaster diadema 1904 Cordulegaster diadema 1917 Cordulegaster diadema 1929 Cordulegaster diadema -
SELYS, C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 11: 118. Type male: Selys's Collection; KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81. NEEDHAM, Proc. U.S. natn.Mus., 27. 967. KENNEDY, Proc. U.S. natn.Mus., 52: 515. FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 127 (Mexico).
Distribution: Mexico. dorsalis
1 8 5 8 C o r d u l e g a s t e r ( C o r d u l e g a s t e r ) d o r s a l i s HAGEN, i n SELYS & HÄGEN, M é m . S o c . r . Sci., L i è g e ,
1890 1905 1919 1929
11: 607. Type Cordulegaster Cordulegaster Cordulegaster Cordulegaster nia).
female: Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg; type-locality: Sitka (Alaska). dorsalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81. (Taeniogaster) dorsalis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 773. dorsalis - COCKERELL, Ent. News, 30: 32. dorsalis - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 132 (redescription) (Alaska, Califor-
1 9 8 5 C o r d u l e g a s t e r d e s e r t i c o l a CRUDEN 1 9 6 9 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 60 (as synonym of dorsalis HÄGEN, 1858).
Distribution: Alaska, California. erronea
1878 Cordulegaster erroneus HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 688. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Kentucky. 1890 Cordulegaster erronea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81. 1929 Cordulegaster erronea - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 134 (redescription) (Washington, California, Nevada, Kentucky).
Distribution: U.S.A. godmani
1870 Cordulegaster godmani MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., 15: 35. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Costa Rica.
246 1929 Cordulegaster godmani - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 125 (redescription) (type in U.S. natn. Mus., Washington) (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico).
Distribution: Central America. héros heros
1979 Cordulegaster heros heros THEISCHINGER, Odonatologica, 8: 29. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Austria.
Distribution: Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria. heros pelionensis
1979 Cordulegaster heros pelionensis THEISCHINGER, Odonatologica, 8: 32. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Greece.
Distribution: Greece: Mt. Pelion. insignis insignis
1854 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) insignis SCHNEIDER, in SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 87. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Syria. 1858 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) insignis - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 605 (redescription). 1887 Cordulegaster insignis - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 34 (Armenia, Mesopotamia, Persia, Syria, Greece?). 1890 Cordulegaster insignis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 80. 1916 Cordulegaster insignis - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1916: 284. 1916 Cordulegaster insignis race amasinus MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1916: 286. Male from Amasina. 1929 Cordulegaster insignis insignis - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 112 (key to subspecies) (Asia Minor). 1929 Cordulegaster insignis amasinus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9:113 (redescription) (Turkey). 1930 Cordulegaster insignis var. lagodeckicus BARTENEF, Trav. Sta. biol. Caucas. Nord., 3: 14. Male from Algeria. 1976 Cordulegaster insignis race amasinus - WATERSTON, Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 69 (19): 465 (proposed synonymy with insignis insignis SCHNEIDER, 1854).
Distribution: Asia Minor, Caucasus, Armenia, Turkestan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Algeria. insignis charpentieri
1846 Aeschna charpentieri KOLENATI (nec SELYS, 1887), Melet. Ent., 5: 114. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Transcaucasica. 1850 Cordulegaster charpentieri - SELYS, Revue Odon.: 298. 1854 Cordulegaster pictus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 87. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1858 Cordulegaster bidentatus race pictus SELYS, Monogr. Gomph.: 340. 1887 Cordulegaster charpentieri - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 33 (Asia Minor). 1890 Cordulegaster charpentieri - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 80 (Transcaucasica). 1929 Cordulegaster charpentieri - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 107 (type male: lost, from Caucasus) (Istanbul). 1 9 8 5 C o r d u l e g a s t e r m o n t a n d o n i ST. QUENTIN, 1 9 7 1 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f
the World, Utrecht, 2: 60: (Romania).
247 1985 Cordulegaster insignis charpentieri - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 6 0 .
Distribution: Transcaucasica, Asia Minor, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Albania, Italy: Lazio. insignis coronata
1916 Cordulegaster coronatus MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 1916: 287. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Fergana. 1929 Cordulegaster insignis coronatus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 116 (redescription) (Turkestan). 1961 Cordulegaster coronata - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 116 (redescription) (Turkestan).
Distribution: Turkestan. insignis nobilis
1916 Cordulegaster insignis race nobilis MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 1916: 286. Female from Persia. 1929 Cordulegaster insignis nobilis- FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9:115 (redescription) (Asia Minor). 1948 Cordulegaster insignis nobilis - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn. Moscow, 5: 164 (Armenia).
Distribution: Asia Minor, and Armenia. lunifera lunifera
1878 Cordulegaster luniferus SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 46: 691. Type male: Nation. Mus. Hist. Paris; type-locality: Moupin. 1890 Cordulegaster luniferus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81. 1905 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) lunifer lunifer - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 773. 1929 Cordulegaster lunifera lunifera - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 121 (redescription, and key to subspecies) (Tibet).
Distribution: Tibet. lunifera pekinensis
1886 Cordulegaster pekinensis SELYS, C.R. Soc. ent. Belg., 30: 182. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Peking. 1890 Cordulegaster pekinensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81. 1905 Cordulegaster ( Cordulegaster ) lunifer pekinensis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 773. 1929 Cordulegaster luniferus pekinensis- FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 123 (redescription) (Pekin, Szechwan, Tibet).
Distribution: China, Tibet. maculata
1854 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) maculatus SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 86. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Georgia. 1858 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) maculatus - SELYS & HÄGEN, Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 597 (redescription). 1890 Cordulegaster maculatus - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81. 1929 Cordulegaster maculatus - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 123 (redescription) (type ! male).
Distribution: U.S.A.
248 magnifica
1930 Cordulegaster magnifiais BARTENEF, Trav. Sta. biol. Caucas. Nord., 3: 8. Type male: unknown; type-locality: South Europe.
Distribution: South Europe. mzymtae
1929 Cordulegaster mzymtae BARTENEF, Zool. Anz. Leipzig, 85: 60. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Caucasus.
Distribution: Caucasus, and Turkey. princeps 1985
Cordulegaster princeps World, Utrecht, 2: 60.
MORTON, 1915
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Morocco: Mt. Atlas.
Genus Neallogaster 1878
Allogaster SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., ( 2 ) 46: 6 8 4 . Type-species: Allogaster latifrons SELYS, 1878 (monotypy). - 1929 Allogaster - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus. 9 (3): 77 (revision, key to species). - 1 9 3 4 Neallogaster C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 2 0 1 (new name for Allogaster SELYS, 1 8 7 8 , a junior primary homonymy of Allogaster THOMSON, 1 8 6 4 in Coleóptera).
1924 Anotogaster annandalei FRASER, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 19: 451. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Yunnan. 1929 Allogaster annandalei - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (3): 83 (redescription) (Yunnan). 1985 Neallogaster annandalei - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 6 0 .
Distribution: China. hermionae
1927 Allogaster hermionae FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 76. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1929 Allogaster hermionae - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: (3): 80 (redescription) (India). 1966 Neallogaster hermionae - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 195.
Distribution: India. latifrons
1878 Allogaster latifrons SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 46: 684. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Bengal. 1927 Allogaster latifrons - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 77 (redescription). 1929 Allogaster latifrons - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (3): 78. Type female: Selys's Collection, from Sikkim) (redescription). 1934 Neallogaster latifrons - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 201 (as generotype of Neallogaster COWLEY, 1934).
Distribution: India. ornata
1985 Neallogaster ornata Utrecht, 2: 61.
1982 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
249 1985 Allogaster parvistima FRASER, 1929 (nec SELYS, 1873) - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a -
gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 61.
Distribution: Himalaya. parvistigma
1873 Thecagaster parvistigma SELYS, (nec FRASER, 1929), Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 35: 791. Type female: Moore's Collection; type-locality: Himalaya. 1929 Allogaster parvistigma - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9 (3): 81 (redescription). 1985 Neallogaster parvistigma - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 61.
Distribution: Himalaya, schmidti
1985 Neallogaster schmidti ASAHINA, 1982 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 61.
Distribution: Afghanistan. Genus Taeniogaster
1854 Cordulegaster (Taeniogaster) SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 88. Type-species: Cordulegaster fasciatus RAMBUR, 1842 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81). - 1905 Cordulegaster (Taeniogaster) - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 773. - 1910 Taeniogaster - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee 1 (1): 76 (as synonym of Cordulegaster
LEACH, 1815). - 1985 Taeniogaster
- DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 61.
obliqua (SAY) 1839 Aeschna obliqua SAY, Jn Acad. Philad., 8: 15. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: N. America. 1842 Cordulegaster fasciatus RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 178. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Georgia. 1854 Cordulegaster (Taeniogaster) obliquus - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 89. 1890 Taeniogaster fasciata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 81 (as generotype of Taeniogaster
SELYS, 1854).
1929 Cordulegaster obliqua fasciata - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 131 (redescription) (Georgia). 1985 Taeniogaster obliqua - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 61.
Distribution: U.S.A. Genus Zoraena
1854 Thecaphora SELYS (nec CHARPENTIER, 1840), Synopsis des Gomphines: 8. Type-species: Thecaphora diastatops SELYS, 1854 (monotypy). - 1890 Zoraena KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon, London: 79 (new name for Thecaphora SELYS, 1854, a junior primary homonymy of Thecaphora CHARPENTIER, 1840). Type-species: Thecaphora diastatops SELYS, 1854. - 1910 Zoraena - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee 1 (1): 76 (as synonym of Cordulegaster LEACH, 1815).
1985 Zoraena bilineata CARLE, 1983 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 61.
Distribution: North America.
250 diastatops
1854 Thecaphora diastatops SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 82 (as generotype of Thecaphora SELYS, 1854). Type male: Dale's Collection; type-locality: Colombia. 1866 Cordulegaster lateralis SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. 10: 211. Type male: Boston Mus.; typelocality: U.S.A. 1867 Cordulegaster lateralis - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 99 [type in British Museum (Nat. Hist.) London], 1890 Zoraena diastatops - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79 (as generotype of Zoraena KIRBY, 1890).
1890 Cordulegaster lateralis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 79 [as synonym of diastatops (SELYS, 1 8 5 4 ) ] .
1901 Cordulegaster diastatops - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 137 (redescription).
Distribution: U.S.A., and Colombia. sayi
1854 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) sayi SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 85. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: Georgia. 1858 Cordulegaster (Cordulegaster) sayi - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Mém. Soc. r. Sci., Liège, 11: 591 (redescription). 1890 Cordulegaster sayi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 80. 1929 Cordulegaster sayi - FRASER, Mem. Indian Mus., 9: 136 (redescription). 1 9 8 5 Zoraena sayi - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 6 1 .
Distribution: U.S.A. Superfamily Libelluloidea Small to large species. Eyes broadly confluent. Antenodals of first and second series corresponding; primary antenodals usually not evident. Trgs in fore wings transversely elongated and remote from arc and with subtriangle; in hind wings longitudinal, close to arc and with no subtriangle. No ovipositor. Larval mask spoon shaped with setae and broad lateral lobes. 1926
Libelluloidea T I L L Y A R D , Insects of Austr. N. Zeal.: 8 4 . - 1 9 4 0 Libelluloidea - T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 383 (key to families: Corduliidae, Libellulidae). - 1957 Libelluloidea - FRASER, R . Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1 9 5 7 : 105 (key to families: Synthemidae, Corduliidae, Libellulidae, Macrodiplactidae).
Family Corduliidae Small to large sized forms, often metallic green body. Antenodals in hind wing of equal thickness; no cross veins in basal space; Dc, differs in fore and hind wings; hind wing angulated at base in male (except Hemicordulia), and oreillets on segment 2. Tibia keeled in male. 1871 Cordulines SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 13 (with genera Cordulia, Cordulephya, Idionyx, Aeschnosoma, Macromia, Synthemis). - 1892 Corduliidae BANKS, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 19: 7 1 . - 1 9 0 5 Corduliidae - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 1 7 (revision, key to subfamilies: Corduliinae, Macromiinae). - 1 9 4 0 Corduliidae - T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Aust. Zool., 9: 385 (key to subfamilies: Cordulephyinae, Neophyinae, Gomphomacromiinae, Idionychinae, Corduliinae, Idiomacromiinae, Epophthalminae, Syntheminae). - 1 9 5 7 Corduliidae - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957: 107 (key to subfamilies: Cordulephyinae, Neophyinae, Idiomacromiinae, Epophthalmiinae, Idionychinae, Gomphomacromiinae, Cordulii-
251 nae). - 1962 Corduliidae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 202 (key to African subfamilies: Neophyinae, Epophthalmiinae, Idiomacromiinae, Gomphomacromiinae, Corduliinae). - 1973 Corduliidae - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 337 (key to boreal subfamilies).
Subfamily Cordulephyinae Small forms with base of hind wing not broader than in fore wing; anal loop of 2 - 3 cells; trg in all wings with costal side angled; trg in hind wing distant from arc. Wings fold over back when at rest. 1 9 4 0 C o r d u l e p h y i n a e TILLYARD & FRASER, A u s t r . Z o o l . , 9: 3 8 6 ( f o r g e n u s Cordulephya
SELYS, 1 8 7 0 ) .
Genus Cordulephya SELYS 1870 Cordulephya SELYS, C.R. Ent. Belg., 14: 6. Type-species: Cordulephya pygmaea SELYS, 1871 (monotypy).-1871 Cordulephya - SELYS, Synopsis des Gomphines: 81 (revision).-1911 Cordulephya - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 389 (revision).
bidens SJÖSTEDT 1917 Cordulephya bidens - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 7. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. divergens
1917 Cordulephya divergens TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 42: 467. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. montana TILLYARD 1911 Cordulephya montana TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 392. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. pygmaea SELYS 1871 Cordulephya pygmaea SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 81 (as generotype oí Cordulephya SELYS, 1870). Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1901 Cordulephya pygmaea - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 14: 225. 1906 Cordulephya pygmaea - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 9.
Distribution: Australia. Subfamily Corduliinae Medium sized forms, most genera metallic green. Costal sides of trgs straight. Less than 3 cross veins in cubital bridge; trg of fore wing recessed to level of arc, with cross vein and subtrigone of 2 - 3 cells; anal loop well developed with midrib. 1871 Corduliinae SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 31. 234. Type-genus: Cordulia LEACH, 1815. 1905 Corduliinae - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 754 (with genera Epi-
252 theca, Somatochlora, Cordulia, Oxygastra, Epophthalmia, Macromia, Phyllomacromia). 1906 Corduliinae - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 1 - 9 4 (revision, with genera: Neophya, Pentathemis, Cordulephya, Hemicordulia, Procordulia, Samatochlora, Paracordulia, Dorocordulia, Cordulia, Neurocordulia, Helocordulia, Tetragoneura, Epicordulia, Epitheca, Oxygastra, Syncordulia, Nesocordulia, Neocordulia, Gomphomacromia, Aeschnosoma, Libellulosoma, Epophthalmia, Macromia, Didymops, Phyllomacromia, Idomacromia, Macromidia, Idionyx, Synthemis). - 1908 Corduliinae - NEEDHAM, Annls ent. Soc. Amer., 1 (4): 273 (key to American genera).- 1932 Corduliinae - NEEDHAM, Ree. Indian Mus., 34: 209 (key to Indian genera). - 1 9 4 0 Corduliinae - T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 3 9 0 (key to Australian genera). - 1962 Corduliinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 207 (key to African genera). - 1 9 7 7 Corduliinae - BELYSHEV & K H A R I T O N O V , N a u k a Novosibirsk: 128 (key to boreal genera).
Genus Aeschnosoma 1870
Aeschnosoma SELYS, C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 14: 7 . Type-species: Aeschnosoma elegans SELYS, 1 8 7 1 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5 3 ) . - 1 8 7 1 Aeschnosoma - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 84 (revision). - 1906 Aeschnosoma - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 58 (revision).
auripennis 1985
Aeschnosoma auripennis World, Utrecht, 2: 62.
GEIJSKES, 1 9 7 0
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Suriname. elegans
1871 Aeschnosoma elegans SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 85. Type female: Bates's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas. 1890 Aeschnosoma elegans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 53 (as generotype of Aeschnosoma SELYS, 1870). 1906 Aeschnosoma elegans - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 59 (Type female: Selys's Collection).
Distribution: Brazil. forcipula
1871 Aeschnosoma forcipula SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 86. Type male: Mus., Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Para. 1906 Aeschnosoma forcipula - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 59 (Type male: Selys's Collection) (Brazil, Surinam). 1934 Aeschnosoma peruviana COWLEY, Stylops, 3: 93. Type female: unknown; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Aeschnosoma peruvina - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 258.
Distribution: Brazil, Suriname, Peru. marizae 1985
Aeschnosoma marizae Utrecht, 2: 62.
SANTOS, 1 9 8 1
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Brazil. rustica
1871 Aeschnosoma rustica SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 87. Type male: Mus., Naturk., Berlin; type-locality. Bahia.
253 1906 Aeschnosoma rustica - MARTIN, Coll. ZooL, Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 59 (Brazil, Surinam).
Distribution: Brazil, Suriname. Genus Antipodochlora
1939 Antipodochlora FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 8:94. Type-species: Cordulia (Epitheca) braueri SELYS, 1871 (original designation).
1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) braueri SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 50. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: New Zealand. 1890 Somatochlora braueri - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1906 Somatochlora braueri - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 20. 1939 Antipodochlora braueri - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 8: 94 (as generotype of Antipodochlora FRASER, 1939).
Distribution: New Zealand. Genus Cordulia 1815
Cordulia L E A C H , Eding. Encycl.: 1 3 7 . Type-species: Libellula aenea LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 (first emendation). - 1 8 4 0 Libellula (Chlorosoma) CHARPENTIER Libell. europ. Lipsiae: 1 2 . Type-species: Libellua aenea LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 (first emendation) (praeoccuped name, a junior primary homonymy of Chlorosoma WAGLER, 1 8 3 0 in Reptilia). - 1 8 7 1 Cordulia - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 15 (with subgenera: Hemicordulia, Cordulia s. str., Tetragoneura, Epitheca, Oxygastra, Gomphomacromia). - 1 9 0 5 Cordulia - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 758. - 1906 Cordulia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 37.
aenea aenea
1758 Libellula aenea LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 644. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Europa sept. 1815 Cordulia aenea - LEACH, Edinb. Encycl: 137 (as generotype of Cordulia LEACH, 1815). 1840 Libellula (Chlorosoma) aenea - CHARPENTIER, Libell. europ. Lipsiae: 12 (as generotype of Chlorosoma CHARPENTIERT, 1840). 1842 Cordulia aenea - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 151. 1898 Cordulia aenea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 57. 1902 Cordulia aenea var. tatrica DZIEDZIELEWSKI, Wazki Galicji i przyl. kraj. pois., Lwow: 244. Male from Polish Tatry. 1 9 0 5 Cordulia aenea aenea - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 5 8 . 1906 Cordulia aenea - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 37 (Europe, N. Asia, Algeria). 1948 Cordulia aenea var. brachycauda GÖRTLER, Ent. Listy Brno, 11:40. Male from Czechoslovakia. 1948 Cordulia aenea var. longicauda GÖRTLER, Ent. Listy Brno, 11: 40. Male from Czechoslovakia. 1948 Cordulia aenea - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn. Moscow, 5: 169 (Armenia). 1956 Cordulia linaenea FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 92: 21 (new name for Libellula aenea LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 N o . 7 6 9 , n e c N o . 7 6 8 ) .
1960 Cordulia aenea - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 231 (Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Luxembourg).
Distribution: North and Central Europe, West Asia to Japan, and Algeria, aenea amurensis
SELYS 1887 Cordulia amurensis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 51. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Amur River. 1 9 0 5 Cordulia aenea amurensis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 5 8 .
Distribution: Russian Far East, Mongolia.
254 aenea laubmanni
1923 Cordulia aenea laubmanni GÖTZ, Mitt, münch. ent. Ges., 13: 36. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Allgäu.
Distribution: Germany. aenea selysi
1 9 8 5 C o r d u l i a a e n e a s e l y s i BELYSHEV, 1 9 5 6 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 63.
Distribution: Siberia. aenea turfosa
1902 Cordulia turfosa FÖRSTER, Beitr. Ent., 15: 4. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Germany. 1984 Cordulia aenea turfosa - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 88 (from A m u r to Central Europe, Hungary). 1985 Cordulia aenea turfosa - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 63.
Distribution: from Amur to Central Europe. shurtleffi Scudder 1866 Cordulia shurtleffi SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 217. Type male: Boston Mus., type-locality: Hudson River. 1906 Cordulia shurtleffi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 37 (Canada, N o r t h U.S.A.). 1910 Cordulia shurtleffi- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 128 (Canada, Alaska).
Distribution: Alaska, North U.S.A., Canada. Genus Dorocordulia
1901 Dorocordulia NEEDHAM, Bull. 47 N.Y. State Mus.: 485. Type-species: Cordulia libera SELYS, 1871 (original designation). - 1 9 0 6 Dorocordulia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:35.-1910 Dorocordulia-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 127.
1909 Dorocordulia errans CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 225. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. lepida
1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) lepida HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 30. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: US. 1890 Somatochlora lepida - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1901 Dorocordulia lepida - NEEDHAM, Bull 47 N.Y. State Mus.: 506. 1906 Dorocordulia lepida - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 35 (New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Massechusetts).
Distribution: U.S.A. libera
1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) liberia SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 29. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Canada. 1 8 9 0 Somotochlora
- KIRBY, S y n . C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 5 0 .
255 1901 Dorocordulia libera - NEEDHAM, Bull. 47 N.Y. State Mus.: 505 (as generotype of Dorocordulia NEEDHAM, 1 9 0 1 ) .
1906 Dorocordulia libera - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 35 (North U.S.A., Canada).
Distribution: North U.S.A., and Canada. Genus Epicordulia
1871 Epicordulia SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 31: 259. Type-species: Epitheca princeps HAGEN, 1861, (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 51). - 1906 Epicordulia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 46 (revision).
1861 Epitheca princeps HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν.Amer., Washington: 134. Type sex not given; typelocality: Texas. 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) princeps - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 41. 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) regina HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 45. Type: not given; unknown; type-locality: Georgia. 1890 Epicordulia princeps-KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 51 (as generotype of Epicordulia SELYS, 1 8 7 1 ) .
1910 Epicordulia princeps - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 122. 1910 Cordulia (Cordulia) regina - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 122 [proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h princeps
HAGEN, 1861)].
1906 Epicordulia princeps - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 46 (Georgia, Texas, Maryland, Ohio, Illinois).
Distribution: U.S.A. Genus Epitheca
1839 Epitheca BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 845. Type-species: Libellula bimaculata CHARPENTIER, 1825 (monotypy). - 1840 Libellula (Epitheca) - CHARPENTIER, Libell. europ. Lipsiae: 11. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 43. - 1905 Epitheca - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 754. - 1906 Epitheca - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 46.
bimaculata bimaculata
1825 Libellula bimaculata CHARPENTIER, Hor. Ent.: 43. Type: not given; type-locality: Silesia. 1836 Libellula fuchsiana EVERSMANN, Bull. Mose., 9. 235. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Siberia. 1 8 3 9 Epitheca 1839).
H a n d b . E n t . , 2 : 8 4 5 ( a s g e n e r o t y p e o f Epitheca
1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) bimaculata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 48 (Europe, Siberia). 1905 Epitheca bimaculata bimaculata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 755. 1905 Libellula fuchsiana - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 755 [proposed synon y m y w i t h bimaculata
1906 Epitheca bimaculata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:46 (Belgium, Germany, Russia with Siberia).
Distribution: East and East-central Europe, and Siberia. bimaculata altaica
1951 Epitheca bimaculata altaica BELYSHEV, Ent. Obozr., Moscow, 31. 505. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Altai (Kuludinsk steppe).
Distribution: Russia.
256 bimaculata sibirica
1887 Epitheca bimaculata race sibirica SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31. 59. Male from Irkutzk. 1 9 0 5 Epitheca bimaculata siberica - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 5 5 (Amur).
Distribution: Siberia.
1883 Somatochlora marginata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 109. Type female: McLachlan' Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1906 Epitheca marginata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 47 (China, Japan). 1916 Epitheca marginata- Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 71 (Japan, China) (description of male).
Distribution: Japan, China. Genus Guadalca
1957 Guadalca KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 5: 317. Type-species: Guadalca KIMMINS, 1957 (original designation).
1957 Guadalca insularis KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 5: 318 (as generotype of Guadalca KIMMINS, 1957). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Guadalcanal.
Distribution: Guadalcanal. Genus Helocordulia
1901 Helocordulia N E E D H A M , Bull. 47 N . Y . State Mus.: 484. Type-species: Cordulia uhleri SELYS, 1871 (original designation)- 1906 Helocordulia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 40.
1878 Cordulia selysii HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 45:189. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Georgia. 1890 Neurocordulia selysii - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50. 1901 Helocordulia selysii - NEEDHAM, Bull. 47 N.Y. State Mus.? 496. 1906 Helocordulia selysii - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 40.
Distribution: uhleri
1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) uhleri SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 40. Type male: Boston Mus.; typelocality: Maine. 1890 Neurocordulia uhleri - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50. 1901 Helocordulia uhleri - NEEDHAM, Bull. 47 N.Y. State Mus.: 496 (as generotype of Helocordulia NEEDHAM, 1901).
1906 Helocordulia uhleri - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 40 (Main, New Jersey).
Distribution: U.S.A.
Genus Hemicordulia 1870
Hemicordulia SELYS, C . R . SOC. ent. Belg., 1 4 : 5 . Type-species: Cordulia australiae R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 4 7 ) . - 1 8 7 1 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 16. 1890 Hemicordulia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. - 1911 Hemicordulia - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 372 (key to species). - 1 9 5 4 Hemicordulia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 123. - 1962 Hemicordulia - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 49 (key to Micronesian species). 1962 Hemicordulia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 208.
apoensis 1985
Hemicordulia apoensis World, Utrecht, 2: 63.
ASAHINA, 1 9 8 0
— loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Mindanao. asiatica
1878 Hemicordulia asiatica SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 45: 186. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Khasia Hills. 1906 Hemicordulia asiatica - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:13 (Bengal). 1924 Hemicordulia asiatica - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 446 (West India). 1962 Hemicordulia asiatica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 208 (Uganda, South India, Ceylon, Assam).
Distribution: India, and East Africa, assimilis
1871 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) assimilis HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 17. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Celebes. 1890 Hemicordulia assimilis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 46. 1906 Hemicordulia assimilis -MARJW, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:11 (Celebes, New Guinea, Solomon Islands). 1917 Hemicordulia assimilis - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 10 (Queensland).
Distribution: from Celebes to North Australia, and Solomon Island. australiae
1842 Cordulia australiae RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 146. Type male: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1871 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) australiae - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 21. 1890 Hemicordulia assimilis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47 (as generotype of Hemicordulia SELYS, 1 8 7 0 ) . 1901 Hemicordulia assimilis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 224 (Victoria, Queensland). 1906 Hemicordulia assimilis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 15. 1937 Hemicordulia magica LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16 (1): 107. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Bali. 1953 Hemicordulia australiae - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 128 (redescription) (Bali, Flores). 1954 Hemicordulia australiae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 123 (Bali, Flores, Australia, New Zealand, Kermadec, and Norfolk Islands). 1954 Hemicordulia magica -LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 123 [proposed synonymy with australiae (RAMBUR, 1842)].
1958 Hemicordulia australia - ARMSTRONG, Trans, r. Soc. N.Z., 85: 276.
Distribution: from Bali, and Flores, Australia to New Zealand.
1953 Hemicordulia chrysochlora LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 64:188. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Sumba.
Distribution: Sumba. continentalis
1906 Hemicordulia continentalis MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:13. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1911 Hemicordulia continentalis - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 368 (New South Wales, Queensland). 1962 Hemicordulia continentalis- LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 51 (as synonym of mindana NEEDHAM & GYGER, 1 9 3 7 ) .
Distribution: Australia. cupricolor
1927 Hemicordulia cupricolor FRASER, Ins. Samoa, 7: 37. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Samoa.
Distribution: Samoa. cyclopica
1942 Hemicordulia cyclopica, LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 546. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. eduardi
1953 Hemicordulia eduardi LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 185. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Sumba.
Distribution: Sumba. ericetorum
1942 Hemicordulia ericetorum LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 556. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. erico
1940 Hemicordulia erico ASAHINA, Tenthredo, 3 (1): 8. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Kusiae (Micronesia). 1962 Hemicordulia erico - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 54.
Distribution: Kusaie Island (Micronesia). fidelis
1886 Hemicordulia fldelis MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag.; 23:104. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Loyalty Island. 1906 Hemicordulia fidelis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 12 (New Caledonia).
Distribution: New Caledonia.
259 haluco
1940 Hemicordulia haluco ASAHINA, Tenthredo, 3 (1): 3. Type male: Asahina's Collection; typelocality: Ponape. 1962 Hemicordulia haluco - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 54.
Distribution: Ponape (Caroline Islands). hilaris
1975 Hemicordulia hilaris LIEFTINCK, 1975 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,. 2: 64.
Distribution: New Caledonia. hilbrandi
1942 Hemicordulia hilbrandi LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 584. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. intermedia
1871 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) intermedia SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 21. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1890 Hemicordulia intermedia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1901 Hemicordulia intermedia - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 125 (Queensland, South Australia). 1906 Hemicordulia intermedia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 15 (Queensland). 1908 Hemicordulia intermedia - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 740 (Australia). 1911 Hemicordulia intermedia - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 366 (redescription).
Distribution: Australia. koomina
1985 Hemicordulia koomina WATSON, 1969-loc.cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 64.
Distribution: Australia. lulico
1940 Hemicordulia lulico ASAHINA, Tenthredo, 3 (1): 5. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Yap. 1962 Hemicordulia lulico - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 54.
Distribution: Yap Island. mindana mindana
1937 Hemicordulia mindana NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 64. Type female, not given locality, allotype male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Mindanao. 1947 Hemicordulia mindana - ASAHINA, Mushi, 17: 83 (redescription). 1962 Hemicordulia mindana - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 51 (Guam, Mindanao, Ryukyu, Formosa). 1964 Hemicordulia mindana - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (1): 6 (Ishagaki Island).
Distribution: Philippine Islands, Guam, Ryukyu, Taiwan.
260 mindana nipponica
1985 Hemicordulia mindana nipponica ASAHINA, 1980 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 64.
Distribution: Japan. mumfordi
1935 Hemicordulia mumfordi NEEDHAM, Bull. Bishop Mus., 114: 167. Type male: B. Bishop Mus., Honolulu; type-locality: Marquesas Island.
Distribution: Marquesas Island, novaehollandiae
SELYS 1871 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) novae-hollandiae SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 20. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Australia. 1890 Hemicordulia novae-hollandiae - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1901 Hemicordulia novae-hollanidae - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 225 (Victoria). 1906 Hemicordulia novae-hollanidae - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 14 (Victoria).
Distribution: Australia. oceanica
1871 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) oceanica SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 17. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Tahiti. 1890 Hemicordulia oceanica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 46. 1906 Hemicordulia oceanica - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:12 (Tahiti, New Caledonia). 1925 Hemicordulia oceanica - FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 1925: 436 (Samoa). 1927 Hemicordulia assimilis oceanica - FRASER, Insecta of Samoa, 7 (1): 37 (New Hebrides). 1936 Hemicordulia assimilis oceanica - KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 18: 75 (New Hebrides). 1942 Hemicordulia oceanica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18: 547 (redescription of holotype from Tahiti). 1949 Hemicordulia oceanica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 356.
Distribution: Oceania. ogasawarensis
1913 Hemicordulia type-locality: 1922 Hemicordulia 1947 Hemicordulia 1952 Hemicordulia 1961 Hemicordulia
ogasawarensis OGUMA, Zool. Mag., Tokyo, 25:443. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; Bonin. ogasawarensis - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 103. ogasawarensis - ASAHINA, Mushi, 17: 81 (redescription). ogasawarensis - ASAHINA, Mushi, 23 (6): 45. ogasawarensis - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 62.
Distribution: Bonin, and Northern Mariana Islands. okinawensis
1947 Hemicordulia okinawensis ASAHINA, Mushi, 17: 79. Type male: Asahina's Collection; typelocality: Okinawa. 1964 Hemicordulia okinawensis - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (1): 6 (description of female).
Distribution: Okinawa. olympica
1942 Hemicordulia olympica LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 549. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea.
261 pacifica
1924 Hemicordulia pacifica FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1924:435. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: Samoa.
Distribution: Samoa. silvarum Ris 1913 Hemicordulia silvarum Ris, Nova Guinea, 9: 504. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: New Guinea. 1926 Hemicordulia silvarum - TILLYARD, Ree. Austr. Mus., 15: 161 (New Guinea). 1942 Hemicordulia silvarum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 544 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. similis similis
1842 Cordulia similis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 147. Type female: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1871 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) similis - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 18. 1890 Hemicordulia similis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1906 Hemicordulia similis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 14 (Madagascar, Seychelles). 1917 Hemicordulia similis - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 (13): 3 (Madagascar). 1949 Hemicordulia similis - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (B) 18: 130 (redescription) (Mauritius). 1962 Hemicordulia similis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 208 (Madagascar).
Distribution: Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius. similis delicata
1896 Hemicordulia delicata MARTIN, Mém. Zool. Soc. France, 9: 105. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Seychelles. 1985 Hemicordulia similis delicata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utecht, 2: 64.
Distribution: Seychelles. superba
1911 Hemicordulia superba TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 368. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. t a u SELYS 1871 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) tau SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 22. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1890 Hemicordulia tau - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1901 Hemicordulia tau - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 225 (Victoria). 1906 Hemicordulia tau - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 15 (Australia, Fiji). 1917 Hemicordulia tau - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 9 (Queensland).
Distribution: Australia, New Caledonia, Loyalty Island, and Fiji. tenera
1930 Hemicordulia tenera LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 12: 157. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Java.
262 1934 Hemicordulia tenera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 431 (Java). 1944 Hemicordulia gracillima FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 13: 87. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Fed. Malay States. 1954 Hemicordulia tenera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 123 (Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Java, Borneo, Sumatra. toxopei
1926 Hemicordulia toxopei LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 7: 281. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: Buru.
Distribution: Buru. virens
1842 Cordulia virens RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 147. Type female: Marchal's Collection (Oxford Mus.); type-locality: Mauritius. 1871 Cordulia (Hemicordulia) virens - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 19. 1890 Hemicordulia virens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1906 Hemicordulia virens - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 14 (Madagascar, Mauritius). 1949 Hemicordulia virens - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 18: 133 (redescription) (Mauritius). 1962 Hemicordulia virens - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 208 (Type female: Hope Mus.).
Distribution: Mauritius, Madagascar. Genus Heteronaias 1937
Heteronaias NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. SELYS, 1878 (original designation).
(1): 60.
Type-species: Epitheca heterodoxa
1878 Epitheca heterodoxa SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 45: 192. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Luzon. 1890 Somatochlora heterodoxa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1906 Somatochlora heterodoxa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 20 (Luzon). 1 9 2 8 Procordulia heterodoxa - C A M P I O N & L A I D L A W , Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1 9 2 8 : 1 3 2 (Luzon). 1937 Heteronaias heterodoxa - NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 63: 60 (as generotype of Heteronaias N E E D H A M & G Y G E R , 1937).
Distribution: Philippine Islands. Genus Libellulosoma
1906 Libellulosoma MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 60. Type-species: Libellulosoma minuta MARTIN, 1906 (monotypy). - 1962 Libellulosoma - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 208.
1906 Libellulosoma minuta MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 60 (as generotype of Libellulosoma MARTIN, 1906). Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris; typelocality: Madagascar. 1962 Libellulosoma minuta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 209.
Distribution: Madagascar.
263 Genus Metaphya
1912 Metaphya LAIDLAW, J. Mus. Sarawak, 1 (2): 65. Type-species: Metaphya micans LAIDLAW, 1912 (original designation). - 1926 Anacordulia TILL YARD, Ree. Austr. Mus., 15: 161. Typespecies: Anacordulia macculochi TILL YARD, 1926 (original designation). - 1954 Metaphya LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 Suppl.: 124.
1921 Metaphya elongata CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat Hist., (6) 8: 64. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: New Caledonia.
Distribution: New Caledonia, Santa Cruz Island. micans
1912 Metaphya micans LAIDLAW, J. Mus. Sarawak, 1 (2): 66 (as generotype of Metaphya 1912). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1913 Metaphya micans - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913: 65. 1913 Metaphya micans - Ris, Nova Guinea, 9: 497. 1938 Metapha micans - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.), 2: 194. 1954 Metaphya micans - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 124.
Distribution: Borneo. tillyardi Ris 1913 Metaphya tillyardi Ris, N o v a Guinea, 9: 497. Type male: Inst. Tax. Zoöl., Amsterdam; typelocality: New Guinea. 1926 Anacordulia maccuUochi TILLYARD, Ree. Austr. Mus., 15: 162 (as generotype of Anacordulia TILL Γ ARD, 1926). Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Papua. 1938 Anacordulia stueberi LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.), 2: 127. Type female: Rijksmus. natuurl. hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Neurocordulia
1871 Neurocordulia SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 44. Type-species: not given. - 1890 Neurocordulia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50. Type-species: Libellula obsoleta SAY, 1839 (original designation). - 1906 Neurocordulia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 38. - 1937 Neurocordulia - BYERS, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 36: 36 (revision).
1 9 8 5 N e u r o c o r d u l i a a l a b a m e n s i s HODGES, 1 9 5 5 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 65.
Distribution: U.S.A. clava
1 9 8 5 N e u r o c o r d u l i a c l a v a MUTTKOWSKI, 1 9 1 0 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 65.
Distribution: U.S.A. obsoleta (SAY) 1839 Libellula obsoleta SAY, J1 Acad. Philad. 8: 29. Type male: Acad. Philad.; type-locality: U.S.A. 1861 Didymops obsoleta - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer. Washington: 136 (New Orleans, Indiana, Massachusetts).
264 1863 Cordulia molesta WALSH, Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad., 2: 254. Type female: destroyed; type-locality: New Orlean. 1839 Libellula polysticta BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 856. Type male: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: U.S.A. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) obsoleta - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 45 (Illinois). 1890 Neurocordulia obsoleta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50 (as generotype of Neurocordulia SELYS 1 8 7 1 ) . 1906 Neurocordulia obsoleta - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 38 (Indiana, Illonois, New Jersey). 1910 Cordulia molesta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 123 [proposed synonymy with obsoleta ( S A Y , 1 8 3 9 ) ] . 1910 Libellula polysticta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwankee, 1 (1): 123 [proposed synonymy with obsoleta (SAY, 1 8 3 9 ) ] . 1985 Neurocordulia molesta - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 65 (as good species).
Distribution: U . S . A . virginensis DAVIS 1927 Neurocordulia virginiensis DAVIS, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 22: 156. Type: unknown; typelocality: Virginia.
Distribution: U . S . A . yamaskanensis (PROVANCHER) 1875 Aeschna yamaskanensis PROVANCHER, Nat. Canad., 7:248. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Canada. 1878 Epicorduliajamascarensis (misprint) - HAGEN, in SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2)45:191 (error). 1890 Neurocordulia yamaskanensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50. 1906 Neurocordulia yamaskanensis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 39 (Canada, Maine). Distribution: Canada, and North U . S . A .
Genus Paracordulia MARTIN 1906 Paracordulia MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 33. Type-species: Cordulia sericea SELYS, 1 8 7 1 (original designation). - 1 9 3 4 Paracordulia - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 252.
sericea (SELYS) 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) sericea (BATES MS) SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 28. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para. 1890 Somotochlora sericea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1906 Paracordulia sericea - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 34 (as generotype of Paracordulia M A R T I N , 1 9 0 6 ) .
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Pentathemis KARSCH 1890 Pentathemis KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 16 (3): 33. Type-species: Pentathemis
KARSCH, 1890 ( m o n o t y p y ) .
membranulata KARSCH 1890 Pentathemis membranulata KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 16 (3): 34 (as generotype of Pentathemis KARSCH, 1890). Type female: Mus. Naturk. Berlin; type-locality. Australia.
265 1901 Pentathemis membranulaía - M A R T I N , M É M . Soc. zool. France, 14: 225 (Australia). 1906 Pentathemis membranulata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 8. 1940 Pentathemis membranulata - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London (Β) 9: 17.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Platycordulia
1908 Platycordulia WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 19: 431. Type-species: Platycordulia xanthosoma WILLIAMSON, 1 9 0 8 (original designation). - 1 9 3 7 Platycordulia - BYERS, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 36: 36 (revision).
1908 Platycordulia xanthosoma WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 19: 432 (as generotype of Platycordulia WILLIAMSON, 1908). Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Oklahoma.
Distribution: U.S.A. Genus Procordulia
1906 Procordulia MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 16. Type-species: Procordulia irregularis - M A R T I N , 1 9 0 6 (first species). - 1 9 3 4 Procordulia - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 2 5 2 (Type-species: Corduliajacksoniensis R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 3 5 Procordulia LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 294 (revision, key to New Guinean species). -1954 Procordulia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 1 2 1 (Type-species: Cordulia affinis SELYS, 1 8 7 1 ) .
affinis (SELYS) 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) affinis SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 26. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1890 Somatochlora affinis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1901 Somatochlora affinis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 225 (Southwestern Australia). 1906 Procordulia affinis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 18. 1 9 5 4 Procordulia affinis-LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 1 2 1 (as generotype of Procordulia M A R T I N , 1906) (Australia).
Distribution: Australia. artemis
1930 Procordulia Java. 1933 Procordulia 1934 Procordulia 1954 Procordulia
artemis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 12: 159. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: artemis - LIEFTINCK, Intern. Revue Hydrob. & Hydrogr., 28: 401. artemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 431 (Java). artemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 121 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Sumatra, Java. astridae
1935 Procordulia astridae LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 295. Type female: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea - loc. cit. LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 189 (1935) (as sp.nov.) (description of male) (New Guinea). 1942 Procordulia astridae - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 558 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea.
266 fusiformis
1977 Procordulia fusiformis LIEFTINCK, Oriental Insects, 11 (2): 162. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: North Borneo.
Distribution: North Borneo. grayi
1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) grayi SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 49. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: New Zealand. 1890 Somatochlora grayi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1906 Somatochlora grayi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 19 (New Zealand). 1950 Somatochlora grayi - SALMON, Trans, r. Soc. New Zealand, 78: 1 (incorrect synonymy with smithi 1985
WHITE, 1845).
Procordulia grayi -
The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
2: 66.
Distribution: New Zealand. irregularis
1906 Procordulia irregularis MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 16 (as generotype of Procordulia MARTIN, 1906). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1977 Procordulia irregularis - LIEFTINCK, Oriental Insects, 11 (2): 167 (description of female).
Distribution: Celebes. jacksoniensis
1842 Cordulia jacksoniensis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 147. Type female: Guérin's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1890 Somotochlora jacksoniensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1901 Somotochlora jacksoniensis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 225 (Victoria). 1906 Procordulia jacksoniensis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:17 (Victoria). 1911 Procordulia jacksoniensis - TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 372 (redescription) (Type male: Selys's Collection) (Tasmania, Victoria). 1934 Procordulia jacksoniensis - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 252 (as generotype of Procordulia MARTIN, 1906).
Distribution: Australia, and Tasmania. karnyi
Procordulia karnyi FRASER, Treubia, 8 ( 3 - 4 ) : 4 7 2 . Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1930 Procordulia karnyi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 12: 162 [incorrect synonymy with sambawana (FÖR1926
STER, 1899)]. 1985
Procordulia karnyi -
The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
2: 65.
Distribution: Java. leopoldi
1932 Procordulia leopoldi FRASER, Mém. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg., 4 (3): 19. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: New Guinea. 1935 Procordulia leopoldi - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 295 (New Guinea). 1942 Procordulia leopoldi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 560 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea.
267 moroensis
1977 Procordulia moroensis LIEFTINCK, Oriental Insects, 11 (2): 164. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Mindanao.
Distribution: Philippine Islands. sambawana
1899 Somatochlora sambawana FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 43: 64. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sumbawa. 1906 Procordulia sambawana -MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 17 (Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Celebes). 1930 Procordulia sambawana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 12: 162. 1932 Procordulia sambawana - VAN STEENIS, De Trop. Natur., 21: 191 (Java). 1936 Procordulia sambawana - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 146. 1953 Procordulia sambawana - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 128.
Distribution: Oriental region. smithi
1845 Cordulia smithi WHITE, Yoy. Erebus & Terror.: 6. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: New Zealand. 1865 Cordulia novae-zeelandiae BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 501. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: New Zealand. 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) smithi - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 27. 1890 Somatochlora smithi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1906 Procordulia smithi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 18 (New Zealand).
Distribution: New Zealand, sylvia
LIEFTINCK 1935 Procordulia sylvia LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 298. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Rialla
1915 Rialla NAVAS, Ent. Mitt., 4: 148. Type-species: Rialla membranata NAVAS, 1915 (monotypy). - 1943 Anticordulia NEEDHAM & BULLOCK, Field Mus. Pubi. (Zool.,), 34: 367. Type-species: Cordulia villosa RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1985 Rialla - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 66 (type-species: Cordulia villosa RAMBUR, 1842). 1985 Anticordulia - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 66 (proposed synonymy with Rialla Navás, 1915).
1842 Cordulia villosa RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 144. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Chile. 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) villosa - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 34. 1890 Somatochlora villosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1906 Somatochlora villosa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 20 (Chile). 1915 Rialla membranata NAVAS, Ent. Mitt., 4: 148 (as generotype of Rialla NAVÁS, 1915). Type male: Madrid Mus.; type-locality: Chile. 1939 Paracordulia villosa - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 8: 91. 1943 Anticordulia villosa - NEEDHAM & BULLOCK, Field Mus. Pubi. (Zool.,), 24: 367 (as generotype o f Anticordulia
NEEDHAM & BULLOCK, 1 9 4 3 ) .
268 1947 Paracordula villosa - FRASER, Acta Zool., lilloana, 4: 440 (type female)? (Argentina). 1985 Ridila membranata-DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:66 [as synonym of villosa ( R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) ] .
Distribution: Chile, and Argentina. Genus Somatochlora
1871 Somatochlora SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 31: 279. Type-species: Libellula metallica VAN DER L I N D E N , 1 8 2 5 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 4 8 ) . 1 9 0 5 Somatochlora - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 5 5 (key to species). - 1906 Somatochlora - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 19. 1956 Somatochlora - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 38 (key to British species). 1972 Somatochlora - MAMER, Prosveshtshenie Moskva: 97 (key to species). - 1973 Somatochlora - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 347 (revision, key to boreal species). 1984 Somatochlora - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 84 (key to Central European species).
1839 Epophthalmia albicincta BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 847. Type female: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Labrador. 1861 Cordulia albicincta - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer. Washington: 138. 1866 Cordulia eremita SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 215. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: Canada. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) albicincta - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 69. 1890 Somatochlora albicincta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1898 Somatochlora albicincta - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 58. 1906 Somatochlora albicincta - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 28 (Labrador, Alaska, New Hampshire). 1 9 8 5 S o m a t o c h l o r a a l b i c i n c t a f . m a s s e t t e n s i s WHITEHOUSE, 1 9 4 1 -
l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN,
Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 67.
Distribution: North America. alpestris
1840 Cordulia alpestris SELYS, Monogr. Libell. Europ., Paris: 210. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Switzerland. 1871 Cordulia (CorduliaJ alpestris - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 66. 1890 Somatochlora alpestris - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 48. 1906 Somatochlora alpestris - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 30. 1956 Somatochlora alpestris - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 38 (England). 1984 Somatochlora alpestris-STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 85 (C. and N. Europe to Baikal Lake).
Distribution: Alps, and England, Scandinavia, North of European Russia to Baikal. arctica
1840 Aeschna arctica ZETTERSTEDT, Ins. Lapp.: 1040. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Norge. 1840 Cordulia subalpina SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 7: 90. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Belgium. 1850 Cordulia arctica - SELYS, Revue Odonates, Paris: 71 (Finland, Norgway). 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) arctica - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 63. 1887 Somatochlora arctica -SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31:24 (Scandinavia, England, Switzerland, Tyrol, Caucasus). 1887 Cordulia subalpina - SELYS, A n n . Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 24 [proposed synonymy with arctica (ZETTERSTEDT, 1 8 4 0 ) ] .
1890 Somatochlora
arctica - KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 48.
269 1906 Somatochlora arctica - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 30 (North Europe, Siberia, Caucasus). 1909 Somatochlora gratiosa BARTENEF, Verz. Tomsk, 12: 21. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Narym-Gebiet (Siberia). 1927 Somatochlora arctica ab. ornata VALLE, Acta Soc. Fauna fenn., 56 (11): 25. Male from Finland. 1930 Somatochlora arctica - FUDAKOWSKI, Fragni. Faun. Mus. Zool., Pol., 1: (8): 193 (Poland). 1956 Somatochlora arctica - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 38 (England). 1958 Somatochlora arctica - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 65. 1958 Somatochlora gratiosa - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 65 [proposed synonymy with arctica (ZETTERSTEDT), 1840].
1985 Somatochlora arctica f. fuscoptera BELYSHEV, 1974 (male from Russia) - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 67. 1985 Somatochlora arctica f. infoscata ANDER, 1931 (male from Norway) - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 67.
Distribution: North Europe, England, Alps, Carpathian Mountains, Switzerland to Caucasus. brevicincta
1 9 8 5 S o m a t o c h l o r a brevicincta ROBERT, 1 9 5 4 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 66.
Distribution: North America. calverti
1933 Somatochlora calverti WILLAMSON & GLOYD, OCC. Pap. Mus. Univ. Mich., 262: 1. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Florida. Distribution: U . S . A .
1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) cingulata SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 68. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Labrador. 1890 Somatochlora cingulata - K.IRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1906 Somatochlora cingulata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 23 (Labrador, Mass., New Hampshire). 1910 Somatochlora cingulata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 129 (Canada, Hudson River, Labrador to Massachusetts). Distribution: U . S . A . , and Canada.
1922 Somatochlora calvata OGMUA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 105. Type male: not given (perhaps in Hokkaido Univ.); type-locality: Japan. 1961 Somatochlora clavata - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 62.
Distribution: Japan. daviesi
1977 Somatochlora daviesi LIEFTINCK, Oriental Insects, 11 (2): 157. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: North India.
Distribution: India.
270 dido
1930 Somatochlora dido NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 14. Type male: Peking Mus.; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. elongata
1866 Cordulia elongata SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 218. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: New Hampshire. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) elongata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 58. 1890 Somatochlora elongata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 48. 1906 Somatochlora elongata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 23 (U.S.A.). 1 9 8 5 Cordulia saturata H A G E N , 1 8 6 1 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 68.
Distribution: U.S.A. ensigera
1906 Somatochlora ensigera MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 29. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: M o n t a n a . 1907 Somatochlora charadracea WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 18: 5. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Colorado.
Distribution: U.S.A. exuberata
1912 Somatochlora exuberata BARTENEF, Zool. Jb. (Syst.), 32: 236. Type male: Kasan Mus.?; typelocality: Siberia. 1938 Somatochlora coreana Doi, Akitu, 1: 150. Type: unknown; type-locality: Korea.
Distribution: Siberia, and Korea. filosa
1861 Cordulia filosa HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν.Amer., Washington: 136. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Georgia. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) filosa - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 53. 1890 Somatochlora filosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 48. 1906 Somatochlora filosa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 22 (New Jersey, Illinois, Maryland, N . Carolina, Georgia).
Distribution: U.S.A. flavomaculata (VAN
1825 Libellula flavomaculata VAN DER LINDEN, Monogr. Lib. Eur.: 19. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Belgium. 1842 Cordulia flavomaculata - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 148. 1865 Cordulia vicentina DISCONZI, Entomologia vicentina, Vicensa: 109. Type: unknown; type-locality: Italy. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) flavomaculata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 70. 1890 Samotochlora flavomaculata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1898 Somatochlora flavomaculata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 57. 1958 Cordulia vicetina - FRASER, Atti Soc. ital. Sei. nat., 97: 355 [proposed synonymy with flavomaculata
(VAN DER L I N D E N , 1 8 2 5 ) ] .
1960 Somatochlora
(misprint) - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 232 (Central Europe).
271 1985
Somatochlora fasciata DZIEDZIELEWICZ, the World, Utrecht, 2: 66.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of
Distribution: Central, and East Europe to Siberia. forcipata
1866 Cordulia forcipata SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 216. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: Hudson's Bay. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) forcipata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 61 (Northern US). 1890 Somatochlora forcipata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1906 Somatochlora forcipata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 25.
Distribution: franklini
1878 Epitheca franklinii SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 45: 195. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Hudson's Bay. 1890 Somatochlora franklinii - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 48. 1906 Somatochlora franklini - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 25. 1909 Somatochlora macronota WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 20: 78. Type male: Minnesota Mus.; typelocality: Illinois.
Distribution: georgiana
1925 Somatochlora georgiana WALKER, Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. Ser., 26: 98. Type: unknown; type-locality: Georgia.
graeseri graeseri
1887 Somatochlora graeseri SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2): 31: 58. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amur River. 1889 Somatochlora sibirica TRYBOM, Bih. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handb., 15 (4): 5. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Jenisei Region (Siberia). 1893 Somatochlora sibirica - TRYBOM, Bih. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handb., 25 (4): 20. 1 9 0 5 Somatochlora graeseri - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. Lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 5 7 . 1906 Somatochlora graeseri-MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 32 (Amur). 1910 Somatochlora borealis BARTENEF, Verz. Tomsk, 12:23. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Narym-Gebiet (Siberia). 1922 Somatochlora borealis - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 104. 1958 Somatochlora graeseri graeseri - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 66 (Kurile Island, Sachalin, Hokkaido).
Distribution: Siberia, Japan. graeseri aureola
1922 Somatochlora borealis aureola OGUMA, D. ent. Z., 1922. 104. Type male: not given, perhaps in Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1961 Somatochlora graeseri aureola - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 63.
Distribution: Japan. hineana
1931 Somatochlora hineana WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 225: 1. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: U.S.A.
272 hudsonica
Cordulia (Epitheca) hudsonica H A G E N , in SELYS (nec M A R T I N , 1 9 0 6 ) , Synopsis des Cordulines: 67. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Hudson River. 1890 Somatochlora hudsonica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1906 Somatochlora hudsonica - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 27. 1910 Somatochlora hudsonica - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 131 (holotype and allotype in Agassiz Mus.). 1871
Distribution: U.S.A. incurvata
1918 Somatochlora incurvata WALKER, Canad. Ent.,50: 367. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amer. bor.
Distribution: Canada. japónica
Somatochlora japónica M A T S U M U R A , J1 Coll. Agr. Imp. Univ. Sapporo, 4: 8 . Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Sachalin. 1958 Somatochlora japónica - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 66 (Kurile Island). 1914
Distribution: Russia (Kurile Island). kennedyi
1918 Somatochlora kennedyi WALKER, Canad. Ent., 50: 371. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amer. bor.
Distribution: Canada. linearis
1861 Cordulia linearis HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 137. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: St. Louis. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) linearis - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 52. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) procera SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 51. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: US. 1890 Somatochlora linearis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47. 1890 Cordulia (Epitheca) procera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 47 [proposed synonymy with linearis ( H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) ] . 1 9 8 5 Somatochlora lateralis N E E D H A M , 1 9 0 1 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 67.
Distribution: U.S.A. lingyiensis
1985 Somatochlora lingyiensis ZHOU, 1979 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of the W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 67.
Distribution: China. margarita
1962 Somatochlora margarita DONNELLY, Proc. ent. Soc. Wash., 64: 235. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Texas.
Distribution: U.S.A.
273 metallica metallica
1825 Libellula metallica VAN DER LINDEN, Monogr. Libell. Eur.: 18. Type female: Halle Mus.; typelocality: Germany. 1825 Aeschna metallica - CHARPENTIER, Hör. Ent.: 59. 1836 Cordulia metallica - STEPHENS, 111. Brit. Ent. Mand., 6: 89. 1971 Cordulia (Epitheca) metallica - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 54 (Europe). 1890 Somatochlora metallica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 48 (as generotype of Somatochlora SELYS, 1871). 1898 Somatochlora metallica - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 57. 1906 Somatochlora metallica - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 23. 1935 Somatochlora metallica race meridionalis NIELSEN, Boll. Soc. ent. ital., 67: 60. Male from Italy. 1956 Somatochlora metallica - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 38 (England). 1960 Somatochlora metallica - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 232 (Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg). 1984 Somatochlora metallica - STEINMANN Fauna Hung., 160: 86 (Hungary).
Distribution: Northern and Central Europe to east of the Volga. metallica abocanica
1985 Somatochlora metallica abocanica BELYSHEV, 1955 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 66 (as form of metallica).
Distribution: Siberia. metallica vera
1914 Somatochlora vera BARTENEF, Hor. Soc. ent. ross., 41:16. Type: unknown; type-locality: Ussuri (Siberia). 1985 Somatochlora metallica vera - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 68.
Distribution: Russia. minor
1898 Somatochlora minor CALVERT, Ent. News, 9: 87. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: N. Amer. 1910 Somatochlora minor - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 131 (Ontario, Wyoming).
Distribution: U.S.A., and Canada. nepalensis
1982 Somatochlora nepalensis ASAHINA, Tombo, 25 (1-4): 15. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Nepal.
Distribution: Nepal. ozarkensis
1933 Somatochlora ozarkensis BIRD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 261: 1. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: U.S.A.
Distribution: U.S.A. provocane
1903 Somatochlora provocans CALVERT, Ent. News, 14: 39. Type male: Daecke's Collection; typelocality: New Jersey.
274 1906 Somatochlora provocans - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 29 (New Jersey) (Type male: Calvert's Collection).
Distribution: U.S.A. sahlbergi sahlbergi
1893 Somatochlora sahlbergi TRYBOM, Bih. Svenska Akad., 25 (4): 7. Type male: Rijksmus. Naturhist. Stockholm; type-locality: Jenisei region (Siberia). 1893 Somatochlora theeli TRYBOM, Bih. Svenska Akad., 25 (4): 8. Type male: Rijksmus. Naturhist. Stockholm; type-locality: Jenisei region (Siberia). 1905 Somatochlora theeli - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 757. 1906 Somatochlora hudsonica MARTIN (nec HÄGEN, 1871), Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 27 (misidentification). 1917 Somatochlora walkeri KENNEDY, Canad. Ent., 49: 229. Type: unknown; type-locality: Alaska.
Distribution: Circumboreal species: Finland, north-east Russia, Siberia, Alaska, and Canada sahlbergi relicta
1985 Somatochlora sahlbergi relicta BELYSHEV, 1971 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s
of the World, Utrecht, 2: 68.
Distribution: Siberia. semicircularis
1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) semicircurlaris SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 61. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Georgia. 1874 Cordulia (Epitheca) nasalis SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines, Add.: 10. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: North America. 1890 Somatochlora semicircularis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49 (Colorado). 1906 Somatochlora semicircularis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 26 (Utah, Georgia, Colorado).
Distribution: U.S.A. septentrionalis
1861 Cordulia septentrionalis HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 139. Type sex not given: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Labrador. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) septentrionalis - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 64. 1890 Somatochlora septentrionalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1906 Somatochlora septentrionalis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 25 (Labrador, Hudson's Bay). 1910 Somatochlora septentrionalis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 132 (Type female: Agassiz Mus.).
Distribution: Canada. tenebrosa (SAY) 1839 Libellula tenebrosa SAY, Jl Acad. Philad., 8: 19. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Indiana. 1861 Cordulia tenebrosa - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 137. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) tenebrosa- SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 55 (Indiana, Baltimore, New Jersey, Illinois). 1890 Somatochlora tenebrosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1906 Somatochlora tenebrosa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 24.
1775 Libellula tomentosa FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.: 423. Type male: Banks's Collection; type-locality: America. 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) tomentosa - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 34. 1890 Somatochlora tomentosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1906 Paracordulia tomentosa - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 34.
Distribution: U.S.A. uchidai
1909 Somatochlora uchidai FÖRSTER, Jb. Wiesbaden Ver. Natk., 62: 233. Type: unknown; typelocality: Japan. 1958 Somatochlora uchidai - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 66 (Kurile Island).
Distribution: Japan, and East Russia. viridiaenea viridiaenea
1858 Cordulia viridiaenea UHLER, Proc. Acad. nat. Sei. Philad., 1858: 31. Type female: Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia; type-locality: Japan. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) viridiaenea - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 55. 1890 Somatochlora viridiaenea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 48. 1906 Somatochlora viridiaenea - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 30 (Japan). 1964 Somatochlora viridiaenea - BELYSHEV, Fragm. faun., 11: 74.
Distribution: Japan. viridiaenea atrovirens
1883 Somatochlora atrovirens SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 108. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1906 Somatochlora atrovirens - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: (Japan). 1932 Somatochlora magna OGUMA, Icon. Ins. Japan: 1939. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1961 Somatochlora viridiaenea atrovirens - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 62. 1961 Somatochlora magna - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 62 (proposed synonymy with viridiaenea atrovirens
SELYS 1 8 8 3 ) .
Distribution: Japan. walshi
1866 Cordulia walshii SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 217. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: New Hampshire. 1871 Cordulia (Epitheca) walshii - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 59. 1890 Somatochlora walshii - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 49. 1906 Somatochlora walshi - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 26.
Distribution: U.S.A. whitehousei
1925 Somatochlora whitehousei WALKER, Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. Ser., 26. 154. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Alberta.
Distribution: U.S.A.: Alaska.
276 williamsoni
1907 Somatochlora williamsoni WALKER, Canad. Ent., 39: 70. Type male: Walker's Collection; typelocality: Ontario.
Distribution: Canada. Genus Tetragoneuria 1861
Tetragoneuria H A G E N , Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 1 4 0 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 51). - 1871 Cordulia (Tetragoneuria) - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 25. - 1890 Tetragoneuria - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 51. Typespecies: Libellula semiaquea BURMEISTER, 1839 (original designation). - 1906 Tetragoneuria - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 41 (key to species). - 1911 Tetragoneuria - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. nat. Hist. Soc., 9 (3): 91 (revision). - 1933 Tetragoneuria - DAVIS, Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 28: 87 (revision, key to species).
1886 Tetragoneuria canis MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., 23:104. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Washington. 1906 Tetragoneuria canis- MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 43 (U.S.A.). 1959 Tetragoneuria canis - KORMONDY, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 107: 70 (Michigan).
cyanosura cyanosura (SAY) 1839 Libellula cyanosura SAY, J1 Acad. nat. Sci., Philad., 8: 30. Type male: Boston Mus.; typelocality: U.S.A. 1839 Epophthalmia laterialis BURMEISTER. H a n d b . Ent., 2: 847. Type male: Winthem's Collection; type-locality: Philadelphia. 1861 Cordulia lateralis - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 139 (Mass., Philadelphia, Ohio, Lousiana, Florida). 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) cyanosura - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 36. 1890 Tetragoneuria cyanosura - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 51. 1898 Tetragoneuria lateralis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 58. 1906 Tetragoneuria cyanosura - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:41 (Ohio, Florida, Lousiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Mass.) 1910 Tetragoneuria cyanosura cyanosura - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 126. 1911 Tetragoneuria morio MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. nat.Hist. Soc., 9 (3): 125. Type female: unknown; type-locality: U.S.A. 1911 Tetragoneuria cyanosura simulane MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. nat. Hist. Soc., 9 (3): 95 (nom.nud.). 1958 Tetragoneuria cyanosura simulons - KORMONDY, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 104: 9 [proposed synonymy with cyanosura cyanorsura (SAY, 1 8 3 9 ) ] . 1959 Tetragoneuria morio - KORMONDY, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 107: 67 [proposed synonymy with cyanosura cyanosura (SAY, 1 8 3 9 ) ] . 1 9 8 5 Tetragoneuria diffinis H A G E N , in SELYS, 1 8 7 1 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 68. Distribution: U . S . A .
cyanosura basiguttata
1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) basiguttata SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 37. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Florida. 1890 Tetragoneuria
- KIRBY, Syn. C a t . N e u r . - O d o n . , L o n d o n : 51.
277 1906 Tetragoneuria cyanosura race basiguttata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 42. 1910 Tetragoneuria cyanosura basiguttata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 126. Distribution: U . S . A .
cyanosura complanata (RAMBUR) 1842 Cordulia complanata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 145. Type sex not given: Servilles's Collection; type-locality: Florida. 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) complanata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 39. 1890 Tetragoneuria complanata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 51. 1906 Tetragoneuria cyanosura race complanata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 42. 1910 Tetragoneuria cyanosura complanata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 126. 1985 Tetragoneuria cyanosura form complanata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 68. Distribution: U . S . A .
cyanosura costalis (SELYS) 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) costalis SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 29. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Georgia. 1890 Tetragoneuria costalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50. 1906 Tetragoneuria cyanosura race costalis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 43. 1910 Tetragoneuria cyanosura costalis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 126. 1985 Tetragoneuria costalis-DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:68 (U.S.A.). Distribution: U . S . A .
1911 Tetragoneuria petechialis MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. Soc. 9: 101. Type male: unknown; typelocality: US. Distribution: U . S . A .
semiaquea (BURMEISTER) 1839 Libellula semiaquea BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 858. Type female: Winthem's Collection; type-locality: Savanah. 1861 Tetragoneuria semiaquea - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 140 (Georgia, South Carolina) (as generotype of Tetragoneuria HÄGEN, 1861). 1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) semiaquea - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 38. 1890 Tetragoneuria semiaquea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 51. 1898 Tetragoneuria semiaquea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 88. 1906 Tetragoneuria cyanosura race semiaquea - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 42. 1911 Tetragoneuria semiaquea f. calverti MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. Soc., 9. 118. Male from US. Distribution: U . S . A .
1933 Tetragoneuria sepia GLOYD, Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 274. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Flordia. Distribution: U . S . A .
1871 Cordulia (Cordulia) spinigera SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 31: 269. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Canada. 1890 Somatochlora spinigera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50. 1895 Tetragoneuria indistincte MORSE, Psyche, 7: 210. Type female: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mass. 1906 Tetragoneuria spinigera - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 45 (Canada, Georgia, Washington, Wisconsin). 1933 Tetragoneuria spinigera var. suffosa DAVIS, Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 28: 101. Male from New York. 1959 Tetragoneuria spinigera - KORMONDY, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 107: 69. 1959 Tetragoneuria spinigera var. suffosa - KORMONDY, Misc. Pubi. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 107: 6 9 [proposed synonymy with spinigera (SELYS, 1 8 7 1 ) ] . Distribution: Canada, U . S . A .
1878 Cordulia spinosa SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 45: 188. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Georgia. 1890 Tetragoneuria spinosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50. 1906 Tetragoneuria spinosa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 44. Distribution: U . S . A .
1911 Tetragoneuria stella WILLIAMSON, in MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. Soc., 9: 96. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: US. Distribution: U . S . A .
1911 Tetragoneuria williamsoni MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. Soc., 9: 122. Type male: unknown; typelocality: US. Distribution: U . S . A .
Genus Williamsonia 1913
Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 8: (original designation).
& SELYS, 1 8 7 8
Type-species: Cordulia lintneri
1923 Williamson fletcheri WILLIAMSON, Canad. Ent., 55: 96. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Canada.
Distribution: Canada. lintneri
1878 Cordulia lintneri HAGEN & SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 45: 187. Type male: Albany Mus.; type-locality: New York. 1890 Somatochlora lintneri - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 50. 1906 Dorocordulia lintneri - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 36. 1913 Williamsonia lintneri- DAVIS, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 8: 93 (as generotype of Williamsonia DAVIS, 1913).
1943 Williamsonia lintneri- MONTGOMERY, Ent. News, 54: 3. Distribution: U . S . A .
279 Subfamily Gomphomacromiinae Medium sized forms. Costal border of trg straight; less than 3 cross veins in cubital space; sectors of arc diverging from origin; one or more accessory cross veins to bridge; trgs and sub trgs uncrossed. 1940 Gomphomacromiinae TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9. 387. Type-genus: Gomphomacromia BRAUER, 1864 (with genera Hesperocordulia, Austrocordulia, Austrophya, Lathrocordulia, Pseudocordulia, Syncordulia, Neocordulia, Nesocordulia). - 1962 Gomphomacromiinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 204 (key to African genera: Nesocordulia, Presba). 1978 Gomphomacromiinae - THEISCHINGER & WATSON, Australian J. Zool., 26 (2): 399 (revision to Australian taxa).
Genus Apocordulia 1 9 8 5 A p o c o r d u l i a WATSON, 1 9 8 0 . T y p e - s p e c i e s : Apocordulia
WATSON macrops
WATSON, 1 9 8 0 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES
& TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 69.
1985 Apocordulia macrops WATSON, 1980 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 69.
Distribution: S.E. Australia. Genus Archaeophya
1959 Archaeophya FRASER, Austr. Zool., 12: 354. Type-species: Archaeophya adamsi FRASER, 1959 (original designation).
1959 Archaeophya adamsi FRASER, Austr. Zool., 12: 355 (as generotype of Archaeophya 1959). Type male: unknown; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. magnifica
1978 Archaeophya magnifica THEISCHINGER & WATSON, Austr. Zool., 26 (2): 404. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Austrocordulia
1908 Austrocordulia TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 744. Type-species: refracta TILLYARD, 1908 (original designation).
1973 Austrocordulia leonardi THEISCHINGER, Annin. naturh. Mus. Wien, 77. 388. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. refracta
1908 Austrocordulia refracta TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 744 (as generotype of Austrocordulia TILLYARD, 1908). Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Endeavour River.
280 1978 Austrocordulia designated).
refracta - THEISCHINGER & WATSON, Australian J. Zool., 26 (2): 407 (lectotype
Distribution: Australia. territoria
1978 Austrocordulia territoria THEISCHINGER & WATSON, Australian J. Zool., 26 (2) : 409. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Northern Territory.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Austrophya
1908 Austrophya TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 738. Type-species: Austrophya TILL YARD, 1908 (original designation).
1908 Austrophya mystica TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 739 (as generotype of Austrophya TILL YARD, 1908). Type female: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Kuranda.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Gomphomacromia
1864 Gomphomacromia BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 14: 163. Type-species: Gomphomacromia paradoxa BRAUER, 1864 (monotypy). - 1871 Cordulia (Gomphomacromia) - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 75. - 1906 Gomphomacromia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 55 (revision, key to species). - 1916 Gomphomacromia - Ris, Arch. Naturg. (A) 82: 174.
1921 Gomphomacromia chilensis MARTIN, Revist. Chilena Hist, nat., 25: 23. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Chile.
Distribution: Chile. etcheverryi
1958 Gomphomacromia etcheverryi FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 94: 53. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Chile.
Distribution: Chile. fallax
1881 Gomphomacromia fallax MCLACHLAN, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 1881:141. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Eucador. 1906 Gomphomacromia fallax - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 56 (Ecuador, Brazil). 1916 Gomphomacromia fallax - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 176 (Bolivia). 1943 Gomphomacromia fallax - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 258 (Bolivia, Peru).
Distribution: Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil. fuliginosa
1921 Gomphomacromia fuliginosa MARTIN, Revist. Chilena Hist, nat., 25: 22. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Chile.
Distribution: Chile.
281 mexicana
1933 Gomphomacromia mexicana type-locality: Mexico.
Ent. News, 44: 89. Type male: Needham's Collection;
Distribution: Mexico. nodisticta Ris 1928 Gomphomacromia nodisticta Ris, Ent. Mitt., 17: 169. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Chile.
Distribution: Chile. paradoxa
1864 Gomphomacromia paradoxa B R A U E R , Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 14: 163 (as generotype of Gomphomacromia B R A U E R , 1864). Type male: not given; type-locality: Chile. 1871 Cordulia (Gomphomacromia) paradoxa - SEL YS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 79. 1890 Gomphomacromia paradoxa - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 53. 1906 Gomphomacromia paradoxa - M A R T I N , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 1 7 : 56 (Chile). 1916 Gomphomacromia paradoxa - Ris, Arch. Naturg. (A) 82: 175 (Chile). 1 9 4 3 Gomphomacromia paradoxa - S C H M I D T , Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2 : 2 5 8 (Chile, Patagonia, Peru). 1 9 8 5 Gomphomacromia paradoxa f. effusa N A V A S , 1 9 1 8 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 69. Male from Chile. 1 9 8 5 Gomphomacromia paradoxa f. tincta N A V A S , 1 9 1 8 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 70. Male from Chile.
Distribution: Chile, Peru, Patagonia. Genus Hesperocordulia 1911
Hesperocordulia T I L L Y A R D , Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 3 7 5 . Type-species: Hesperocordulia berthoudi T I L L Y A R D , 1 9 1 1 (original designation).
1911 Hesperocordulia berthoudi T I L L Y A R D , Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 376 (as generotype of Hesperocordulia T I L L Y A R D , 1911). Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Waroona.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Lathrocordulia
1911 Lathrocordulia T I L L Y A R D , Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 378. Type-species: metallica T I L L Y A R D , 1911 (original designation).
1911 Lathrocordulia metallica T I L L Y A R D , Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 36: 379 (as generotype of Lathrocordulia T I L L Y A R D , 1911). Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Waroona.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Lauromacromia 1970
Lauromacromia GEIJSKES, Uitg. natuurw. Stud. Kring. Suriname, 60: phomacromia dubitalis FRASER, 1 9 3 9 (original designation).
Type-species: Gom-
282 dubitalis
1939 Gomphomacromia dubitalis FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc., London, (B), 8:91. Type male: Fraser's Collection; type-locality: French Guiana. 1970 Lauromacromia dubitalis - GEIJSKES, Uitg. natuurw. Stud. Kring Suriname, 60: 41 (as generotype of Lauromacromia GEIJSKES, 1970).
Distribution: Guyanas. Genus Micromidia
1959 Micromidia FRASER, Austr. Zool., 12: 352. Type-species: Micromidia (original designation).
rodericki FRASER, 1959
1883 Syncordulia atrifrons MCLACHLAN, C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 27. 15. Type female: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1901 Syncordulia atrifons-MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14:225 (description of male) (Queensland). 1906 Syncordulia atrifons - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 49 (Queensland). 1917 Syncordulia atrifons - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 10 (Queensland). 1985 Micromidia atrifrons - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 70.
Distribution: Australia. convergens
1978 Micromidia convergens THEISCHINGER & WATSON, Austr. J. Zool., 26 (2): 396. Type male: ? Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. rodericki
1959 Micromidia rodericki FRASER, Austr. Zool., 12: 352 (as generotype of Micromidia 1959). Type male: unknown; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Neocordulia 1882 Neocordulia
C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 26: 148. Type-species: Gomphomacromia
SELYS, 1871 (designated b y COWLEY, 1934, E n t o m o l o g i s t , 67: 252.
1871 Cordulia (Gomphomacromia) androgynis SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 76. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1882 Neocordulia androgynis - SELYS, C. R. SOC. Ent., Belg., 26: 148. 1890 Neocordulia androgynis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 53. 1906 Neocordulia androgynis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 52. 1 9 3 4 Neocordulia androgynis - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 6 7 : 2 5 2 (as generotype of Neocordulia SELYS, 1882).
Distribution: Brazil. batesi
1871 Cordulia (Gomphomacromia) batesii SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 78. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Säo Paulo.
283 1890 Neocordulia batesii- KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 53. 1906 Neocordulia batesii-MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 54 (Amazonas, Ecuador).
Distribution: Ecuador, Brazil. biancoi
1970 Neocordulia biancoi RACENIS, Acta biol. venez., 7 (1): 33. Type male: Racenis's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. campana
1988 Neocordulia campana MAY & KNOPF, Odonatologica, 17 (1): 34. Type male: May's Collection; type-locality: Panama.
Distribution: Panama. carlochagasi 1985
Neocordulia carlochagasi World, Utrecht, 2: 70.
SANTOS, 1 9 6 7
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Brazil. longipollex
1909 Neocordulia longipollex CALVERT, Ent. News., 20: 409. Type male: Calvert's Collection; typelocality: Costa Rica.
Distribution: Costa Rica. luismoojeni
1985 Neocordulia luismoojeni World, Utrecht, 2: 70.
1967 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Brazil. setífera
1871 Cordulia (Gomphomacromia) setífera SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 77. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Rio de Janeiro. 1890 Neocordulia setífera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 53. 1906 Neocordulia setífera - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 54 (Type male: Selys's Collection, Amazonas, Ecuador).
Distribution: Brazil. volxemi
1874 Cordulia (Gomphomacromia) volxemi SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines, Add.: 10. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Neocordulia volxemi - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 53. 1906 Neocordulia volxemi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 55.
Distribution: Brazil.
284 Genus Nesocordulia
1882 Nesocordulia MCLACHLAN, C. R. Ent. Belg., 26: 120. Type-species: Nesocordulia flavicauda MCLACHLAN, 1882 (monotype). - 1906 Nesocordulia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 50. - 1962 Nesocordulia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 204.
Nesocordulia flavicauda M C L A C H L A N , C . R . SOC. Ent. Belg., 26: 1 2 0 (as generotype of Nesocordulia M C L A C H L A N , 1 8 8 2 ) . Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Madagascar. 1906 Nesocordulia flavicauda - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 50 (Madagascar). 1962 Nesocordulia flavicauda - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 205. 1882
Distribution: Madagascar. malgassica
1956 Nesocordulia malgassica FRASER, Faune Madag., 1: 42. Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat.Hist., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Nesocordulia malgassica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 205.
Distribution: Madagascar. mascarenica
1948 Nesocordulia mascarenica FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London; (B) 17: 5. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Nesocordulia mascarenica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 205.
Distribution: Madagascar. rubricauda
1900 Nesocordulia rubricauda MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. France, 1900:108. Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat.Hist., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1906 Nesocordulia rubricauda - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 51 (Madagascar). 1962 Nesocordulia rubricauda - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 205.
Distribution: Madagascar. spinicauda
1903 Nesocordulia spinicauda MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. France, 8: 511. Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat.Hist., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1906 Nesocordulia spinicauda - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 51 (redescription). 1962 Nesocordulia spinicauda - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 205.
Distribution: Madagascar. villiersi 1985
Nesocordulia villiersi Utrecht, 2: 70.
LEGRAND, 1 9 8 4
Distribution: Madagascar.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
285 Genus Oxygastra 1870
Oxygastra SELYS, C . R. SOC. Ent. Belg., 1 4 : 5. Type-species: Cordulia curtisi D A L E ; 1 8 3 4 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5 3 ) . - 1 8 7 1 Cordulia (Oxygastra) - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 71. 1906 Oxygastra - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 1 7 : 4 8 . - 1 9 0 5 Oxygastra - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 5 8 .
1834 Cordulia curtisi DALE, Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 7: 60. Type male: Dale's Collection; typelocality: England. 1837 Libellula nitens FONSCOLOMBE, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 6: 146. Type male: unknown; typelocality: France. 1842 Cordulia curtisii - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 150 (redescription). 1871 Cordulia ( Oxygastra) curtisii - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 72 (England, France, Portugal, Spain). 1890 Oxygastra curtisii - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 52. 1890 Libellula nitens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 52 [proposed synonymy with curtisi (DALE, 1834)]. 1906 Oxygastra curtisi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 48 (West Europe). 1950 Oxygastra curtisi - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 55 (Spain). 1956 Oxygastra curtisi - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London; 1 (10): 37 (England). 1984 Oxygastra curtisi - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 90 (England, Holland, Germany, France, Switzerland, North Italy).
Distribution: West, South, and Central Europe. Genus Pseudocordulia
1908 Pseudocordulia TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 742. Type-species: Pseudocordulia circularis TILLYARD, 1908 (original designation).
1908 Pseudocircularis circularis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 743 (as generotype of Pseudocordulia TILLYARD, 1908). Type male: Tillyard Collection; type-locality: Kuranda.
Distribution: Australia. elliptica
1914 Pseudocordulia elliptica TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 38: 229. Type male: Tillyard Collection; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Syncordulia
1882 Syncordulia SELYS, C. R. SOC. Ent. Belg., 26: 168. Type-species: Epophthalmia gracilis BURMEISTER, 1839 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 52). - 1906 Syncordulia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 49. - 1933 Presba BARNARD, Stylops, 2: 167. Type-species: Presba venator BARNARD, 1933 (original designation). 1960 Presba-LIEFTINCK, Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetens., Amsterdam, (C) 64 (3): 410 (proposed synonymy with Syncordulia SELYS, 1882). - 1962 Presba - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 205 (as good taxon).
286 gracilis (BURMEISTER) 1839 Epophthalmia gracilis BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 847. Type male: Winthem's (or Hagen's) Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1871 Cordulia (Oxygastra) gracilis - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 73. 1882 Syncordulia gracilis - SELYS, C.R. Soc. Ent., Belg., 26: 168. 1890 Syncordulia gracilis-KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 52 (as generotype of Syncordulia SELYS, 1882).
1898 1901 1906 1933
Oxygastra gracilis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 58. Syncordulia gracilis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 225 (Australia). Syncordulia gracilis -MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:49 (Australia). Presba piscator BARNARD, Stylops, 2: 168. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Cape Province.
Distribution: Australia, and ? Cape Province. venator (BARNARD) 1933 Presba venator BARNARD, Stylops, 2: 167 (as generotype of Presba BARNARD, 1933). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Cape Province. 1962 Presba venator - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 206. 1985 Syncordulia venator - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 71.
Distribution: South Africa. Subfamily Idionychinae Hind wings broad. Costal borders of trg straight; less than 3 cross veins in cubital space; sectors of arc extensively fused at base; trg usually uncrossed. 1940
Idionychinae TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 3 8 8 . Type-genus: Idionyx SELYS, 1 8 7 1 . 1 9 8 5 Idionychinae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 7 1 (with genera Idionyx, Macromidia).
Genus Idionyx SELYS 1871 Idionyx SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 82. Type-species: Idionyx yolanda SELYS, 1871 (monotypy). - 1890 Idionyx - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 56. - 1891 Idionyx KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (2): 27 (revision). - 1906 Idionyx - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 80 (revision). - 1912 Idionyx - Ris, Suppl. ent. Beri., 1: 39 (revision). - 1912 Idionyx - RIS, Suppl. ent. Beri., 1: 39 (revision, key to species). - 1924 Idionyx - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 458. - 1926 Idionyx - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 28: 195 (revision). - 1934 Idiophya FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 37: 553. Type-species: Phyllomacromia nilgiriensis FRASER, 1918 (original designation). - 1 9 5 4 Idionyx - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 113.
1922 Idionyx corona race nilgiriensis FRASER (nec FRASER, 1918). Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 65. Female from Nilgiris. 1924 Idionyx corona burliyarensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 516 [(new name for Idionyx nilgirensis (FRASER, 1918), a junior secondary homonymy of Idionyx corona race nilgirensis FRASER, 1922], 1924 Idionyx corona fulvia FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 516. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India. 1966 Idionyx corona burliyarensis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.), 18: 184.
Distribution: India.
287 carinata
1926 Idionyx carinata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 28: 206. Type male: Königsberg Mus.; type-locality: China. 1 9 8 5 I d i o n y x o p t a t a R i s , 1 9 1 2 ( n e c SELYS, 1 8 7 8 ) ( m i s i d e n t i f i c a t i o n ) - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e
Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 71.
Distribution: China. Claudia Ris 1912 Idionyx Claudia Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 1: 83. Type male: Königsberg Mus.; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. corona
1921 Idionyx corona FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 27: 690. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Mysore.
Distribution: India. galeata
1924 Idionyx galeata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 517. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. imbricata
1926 Idionyx imbricata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 28: 205. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam.
Distribution: India. intricata
1926 Idionyx intricata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 28: 202. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam.
Distribution: India. laidlawi
1936 Idionyx laidlawi FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 38: 701. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Malay Peninsula. 1954 Idionyx laidlawi LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22, Suppl.: 114 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia. lieftincki
1 9 8 5 I d i o n y x lieftincki ZHON, 1 9 8 4 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e W o r l d , U t r e c h t , 2: 7 1 .
Distribution: China. minima
1931 Idionyx minima FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 453. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: India.
1891 Idionyx montana KARSCH, Ent. Nach., 17 (2): 30. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Java. 1906 Idionyx montana - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 81 (Java). 1927 Idionyx montana - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 35 (Sumatra). 1934 Idionyx montana montana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 432 (Java). 1954 Idionyx montana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 114 (Malaya, Mentawai Isl., Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: South Asia. murcia
1971 Idionyx murcia LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr., Ent., 114: 12. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: Lesser Sumba Island.
Distribution: Sumba. nadganiensis
1924 Idionyx nadganiensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 460. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: India. nilgiriensis
1918 Phyllomacromia nilgiriensis FRASER, (nec FRASER, 1922), J. B o m b a y n a t . H i s t . Soc., 25: 383.
Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Nilgiris. 1924 Idionyx nilgiriensis - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 460 (West India). 1934 Idionyx nilgiriensis - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 37: 553 (as generotype of Idiophya FRASER, 1934).
Distribution: India. optata
1878 Idionyx optata SELYS (nec Ris, 1912), Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 45: 196. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Khasia Hills. 1892 Idionyx optata - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 472 (description of male). 1906 Idionyx optata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 80 (type-male: Selys's Collection) (Khasia Hills, Burma). 1912 Idionyx optata - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 1: 82 (China). 1921 Idionyx ornata FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist Soc., 27: 681. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam. 1926 Idionyx optata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 28: 200. 1966 Idionyx ornata - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 208 (proposed synonymy w i t h optata
SELYS, 1878).
1985 Idionyx optata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 71 (incorrect s y n o n y m y w i t h cannata
FRASER, 1926).
Distribution: China, India, Burma. orchestra
1953 Idionyx orchestra LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 46: 193. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Sumba.
Distribution: Sumba.
1939 Idionyx periyashola FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 8: 93. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Travancore.
Distribution: India. philippa Ris 1912 Idionyx philippa Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 1: 81. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Mindoro. 1 9 3 7 Idionyx philippa - N E E D H A M & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 ( 1 ) : 5 8 (redescription of female) (Luzon).
Distribution: Philippine Islands. rhinoceroides
1934 Idionyx rhinoceroides FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 37: 565. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. saffronata
1924 Idinoyx saffronata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 458. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: South India.
Distribution: India. salva
1937 Idionyx salva N E E D H A M locality: Luzon.
Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 57. Type female: not given; type-
Distribution: Philippine Islands. stevensi
1924 Idionyx stevensi FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 462. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: India. travancorensis
1931 Idionyx travancorensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 455. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: India. unguiculata
1926 Idionyx unguiculata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 28: 204. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: U p p e r Burma.
Distribution: Burma. yolanda
1871 Idionyx yolanda SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 83. Type female: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Singapore. 1892 Idionyx yolanda - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 470 (description of male). 1899 Idionyx dohrni KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 60: 323. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Sumatra.
290 1902 Idionyx dohrni - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902: 78 (description of female). 1906 Idionyx yolanda - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 80. (Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova) (Sumba, Java, Burma, Singapore). 1906 Idionyx dohrni - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 81 (Sumatra, Malaya). 1913 Idionys dohrni borneensis LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913: 67. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Sarawak. 1926 Idionyx yolanda - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 28: 201. 1926 Idionys selysi FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 28: 201. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Burma. 1954 Idionyx dohrni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 113 (proposed synonymy with yolanda SELYS, 1871).
1960 Idionys selysi - LIEFTINCK, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 38: 255 (proposed synonymy with yolanda SELYS, 1871).
Distribution: Southeastern Asia. Genus Macromidia
1906 Macromidia MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 79. Type-species: Macromidia rapida MARTIN, 1906 (monotypy). - 1924 Indomacromia FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 514. Type-species: Indomacromia donaldi FRASER, 1924 (monotypy). - 1954 Macromidia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 120. - Indomacromia - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 72 (as synonymy oí Macromidia MARTIN, 1906).
1971 Macromidia asahinai LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 114: 21. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Palawan.
Distribution: Palawan Island, atrovirens
1935 Macromidia atrovirens LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 194. Type female: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Sumatra. 1948 Macromidia atrovirens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 278. 1954 Macromidia atrovirens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 120 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra, donaldi
1924 Indomacromia donaldi FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 515 (as generotype of Indomacromia FRASER, 1924). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India. 1931 Macromidia donaldi - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 456 (Malabar). 1966 Macromidia donaldi - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat Hist., (Ent.), 18: 189.
Distribution: India, Malaysia. fulva LAIDLAW 1915 Macromidia fulva LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1915: 29. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1920 Macromidia fulva - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London; 1920: 319 (Borneo). 1935 Macromidia fulva - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 193 (redescription) (Borneo). 1954 Macromidia fulva - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 121.
Distribution: Borneo.
291 genialis genialis
1923 Macromidia genialis LAIDLAW, J. Malayan Br. R. Asiat. Soc., 1: 232. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Pahang. 1935 Macromidia genialis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 196. 1948 Macromidia genialis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 278. 1954 Macromidia genialis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 121 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia. genialis erratica
1948 Macromidia erratica LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19:274. Type male: not given; type-locality: Sumatra. 1954 Macromidia erratica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 121. 1985 macromidia genialis erratica - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 72.
Distribution: Sumatra. hangzhouensis
1 9 8 5 M a c r o m i d i a h a n g z h o u e n s i s ZHOU, 1 9 7 9 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 72.
Distribution: China. ishidai
1964 Macromidia ishidai ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (2): 304. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Ryukyu Island.
Distribution: Ryukyu. kelloggi
1985 Macromidia kelloggi ASAHINA, 1978: - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 72.
Distribution: China. rapida
1906 Macromidia rapida MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17:79 (as generotype of Macromidia MARTIN, 1906). Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat.Hist., Paris; type-locality: Tonkin. 1965 Macromidia rapia - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 33 (4): 500 (Hong-Kong).
Distribution: China, Vietnam. samal
1937 Macromidia samal NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 56. Type female: not given; type-locality: Mindanao.
Distribution: Philippine Island. shanensis
1927 Macromidia shanensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 67. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Upper Burma.
Distribution: Burma.
292 Subfamily Idomacromiinae Costal border of trg straight; 5 - 6 cross veins in cubital space; anal loop of about 30 cells with midrib. 1940 Idomacromiinae TILL YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 389. Type-genus: Idomacromia KARSCH, 1896. - 1962 Idomacroniinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 206.
Genus Idomacromia KARSCH 1896 Idomacromia KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 22:19. Type-species: Idomacromia proavita KARSCH, 1896 (original designation). - 1899 Idamacromia (misprint) - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25 (II): 13. 1906 Idomacromia-MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selysde Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 78. - 1 9 6 2 Idomacromia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 207.
lieftincki LEGRAND 1985 Idomacromia lieftincki LEGRAND, 1984 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 72.
Distribution: Gabon. proavita KARSCH 1896 Idomacromia proavita KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 22: 20 (as generotype of Idomacromia KARSCH, 1896). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1899 Idamacromia (misprint) proavita - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25: 173 (description of female). 1906 Idomacromia proavita - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 78. 1962 Idomacromia proavita- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:207 (Cameroon, Belgian Congo).
Distribution: West Africa. Subfamily Macromiinae Large forms with close venation. Costal border of trg straight; more than 3 cross veins in cubital space; anal loop subquadrate, broader than long and with no midrib; nodus distal to wing centre. Typically long legs. 1932 Macromiinae NEEDHAM, Ree. Indian Mus., 34: 210. Type-genus: Macromia RAMBUR, 1842 (key to Indian genera). - 1940 Epophthalmiinae TILL YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 389 (with genera Epophthalmia, Macromia, Macromidia, Didymops, Phyllomacromia). 1959 Macromiinae - GLOYD, Ent. News, 70: 200. - 1962 Epophtalmiinae - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 209. - 1982 Macromiidae - MATSUKI & LIEN, Tombo, 25 (1-4): 19. - 1985 Macromiinae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 72 (with genera Didymops, Epophtalmia, Macromia).
Genus Didymops RAMBUR 1842 Didymops RAMBUR, Hist. Nat. Ins. Neuopt., Paris: 142. Type-species: Didymops servillei RAMBUR, 1842 (monotypy): - 1906 Didymops - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 75. floridensis
1921 Didymops floridensis DAVIS, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 16: 110. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Florida.
Distribution: U.S.A.
293 transversa (SAY) 1839 Libellula transversa SAY, Jl. Acad. Philad., 8: 19. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: Georgia. 1839 Epophtalmia cinnamomea BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 845. Type female: Halle Mus.; typelocality: Carolina. 1842 Didymops servillei RAMBUR, Hist. Nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 142 (as generotype of Didymops RAMBUR, 1842). Type male: Serville's Collection, type-locality: Am. septem. 1862 Didymops transversa - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 135 (Carolina, Washington, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York). 1871 Macromia (Macromia) transversa - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 111. 1890 Didymops transversa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1906 Didymops transversa - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 75. 1910 Didymops transversa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1: 118. Distribution: U . S . A .
Genus Epophtalmia 1839
Epophthalmia BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 8 4 4 . Type-species: Epoththalmia vittata BURMEI(monotypy). - 1 8 7 1 Macromia (Epophthalmia) - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 89. - 1904 Azuma NEEDHAM, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 27: 698. Type-species: Epophthalmia elegans BRAUER, 1 8 6 5 (original designation). - 1 9 0 5 Epophtalmia - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 759 (key to species). - 1906 Epophtalmia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 61 (revision). - 1 9 5 4 Epophthalmia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 114. STER, 1 8 3 9
1867 Epophtalmia australis HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 61. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Celebes. 1871 Macromia (Epophthalmia) australis - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 98. 1890 Epophtalmia australis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 54. 1901 Epophtalmia australis -MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14:227 (Australia, Celebes, Borneo). 1906 Epophtalmia australis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 63 (Celebes, Moluccas, Borneo).
Distribution: Celebes, Borneo, North Australia. elegans
1865 Macromia elegans BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 905. Type male: not given, perhaps in Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Shanghai. 1871 Macromia (Epophtalmia) elegans - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 91. 1890 Epophthalmia elegans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 54. 1901 Epophthalmia elegans - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 227 (Australia, China, Japan). 1904 Azuma elegans - N E E D H A M , Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 27: 698 (as generotype of Azuma N E E D H A M , 1904). 1906 Epophthalmia elegans - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 63 (China, Tonkin, Japan). 1909 Epophthalmia elegans - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 37: 369. 1965 Epophthalmia elegans - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 33 (4): 500.
Distribution: from Japan to Australia. frontalis frontalis
1871 Macromia (Epophthalmia) frontalis SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 93. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Malaysia.
294 1906 Epophthalmia frontalis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 62. 1966 Epophthalmia frontalis frontalis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 183.
Distribution: Malaysia. frontalis binocellata
1924 Macromia binocellata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 451. Type male: destroyed; neotype male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India. 1935 Epophthalmia frontalis malabarensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 37: 328. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1966 Epophthalmia frontalis binocellata - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 183. 1966 Epophthalmia frontalis malabarensis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 183 (proposed synonymy with frontalis binocellata FRASER, 1 9 2 4 ) .
Distribution: India. vittata vittata
1839 Epophthalmia vittata BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 845 (as generotpye of Epophtalmia BURMEISTER, 1839). Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Madras. 1871 Macromia (Epophtalmia) vittata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 94 (Andaman, Tibet, Bengal, Madras). 1890 Epophtalmia vittata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 54. 1898 Epophtalmia vittata - CALVERT, Trans., Am. ent. Soc., 25: 56. 1906 Epophtalmia vittata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 62 (India, A n d a m a n , Tibet). 1954 Epophtalmia vittata vittata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl. 114.
Distribution: Tibet, India. vittata cyanocephala
1867 Epophthalmia cyanocephala HAGEN, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 60. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Ceylon. 1871 Macromia (Epophthalmia) cyanocephala - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 97. 1890 Epophthalmia cyanocephala - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 54. 1906 Epophthalmia cyanocephala - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 63 (Ceylon). 1924 Azuma cyanocephala - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 446 (West India). 1955 Epophthalmia vittata cyanocephala - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 80 (Ceylon).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka. vittata sundana
131 Epophthalmia vittata sundana LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 13: 61. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Malaysia. 1934 Epophthalmia vittata sundana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 435 (Java). 1954 Epophthalmia vittata sundana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 115 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, Java. vittigera vittigera
1842 Macromia vittigera RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 140. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Java (Indonesia). 1871 Macromia (Epophthalmia) vittigera - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 96 (type in Sely's Collection, from Java). 1890 Epophthalmia vittigera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 54 (Java). 1906 Epophthalmia vittigera - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 62 (Java, Assam, Borneo).
295 1931 Epophthalmia vittigera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 13: 66 (Timor). 1936 Epophthalmia vittigera - LIEFTINCK, Revue misc. Zool., 43 (5): 149. 1954 Epophthalmia vittigera vittigera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 115 (Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo).
Distribution: S.E. Asia. vittigera bellicosa
1948 Epophtalmia vittigera bellicosa LIEFTINCK, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 41A (10): 9. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma. Genus Macromia
1842 Macromia RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 137. Type-species: Macromia cingulata R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5 5 ) . - 1 8 7 1 Macromia (Macromia) - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 88 (with subgenera Epophthalmia, Macromia).- 1878 PhyllomacromiaSELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 45:212. Type-species: Macromia trifasciata R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 . - 1 8 9 9 Pseudogomphus K I R B Y , Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 2 2 9 . Typespecies: Pseudogomphus insignis K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 (original designation). - 1 8 8 5 Ceratopyga N U N NEY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., ( 6 ) 16: 3 5 0 . Type-species: Ceratogomphus ? aeneothorax NUNNEY, 1895. - 1900 Hylaeschna SJÖSTEDT, Bih. Svenska Akad., 25: 40. Type-species: Hylaeschna paludis SJÖSTEDT, 1 9 0 0 . - 1 9 0 5 Macromia - JACOBSON & B I A N K I , Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 759 (key to species). - 1 9 0 6 Macromia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 65 (revision). - 1910 Pseudogomphus - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 ( 1 ) : 1 1 9 (proposed synonymy with Macromia R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 1 6 Macromia-Kis, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 65 (revision, key to species). - 1921 Macromia - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 375 (key to South African species). - 1924 Macromia - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 447. - 1937 Macromia - WALKER, Canad. Ent., 69: 12 (key to N o r t h American species). 1950 Macromia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20: 677 (key to Malaysian species). - 1951 Macromia - SCHMIDT, Arq. Mus. Bocage, 20: 169 (key to African species). - 1962 Phyllomacromia PINHEY, Pubi. cult. C o m p . Diam. Angola, 59: 209 (proposed synonymy with Macromia RAMBUR, 1842). - 1962 Ceratopyga - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 209 (proposed synonymy with Macromia RAMBUR, 1842). - 1962 Hylaeschna - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:209 (proposed synonymy with Macromia RAMBUR, 1842). - 1 9 7 3 Macromia - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 385 (key to species).
1927 Macromia aculeata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 68. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: U p p e r Burma.
Distribution: Burma. aeneothorax
1895 Ceratogomphus ? aeneothorax NUNNEY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 16: 349. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West Africa. 1895 Ceratopyga aeneothorax NUNNEY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 16: 350 (as generotype of Ceratopyga NUNNEY, 1895). 1954 Macromia aenothorax - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. Afr., 49: 47 (Sierra Leone). 1962 Macromia aenothorax - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 210 (Cameroon, Nigeria).
Distribution: West Africa.
296 aequatorialis
1906 Phyllomacromia aequatorialis MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 77. Type maie: Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Cameroon. 1934 Macromia aequatorialis - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., (3) II 3: 43 (Belgian Congo). 1947 Macromia aequatorialis - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 34 (Ivory Coast). 1962 Macromia aequatorialis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 210 (Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Angola, Belgian Congo).
Distribution: West Africa. alleghaniensis
1909 Macromia alleghaniensis WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 37: 376. Type male: Williamson Collection; type-locality: Pennsylvania.
Distribution: U.S.A. amicorum 1985
Macromia amicorum GAMBLES, Utrecht, 2: 73.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Nigeria. amphigena amphigena
1871 Macromia (Macromia) amphigena SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 101. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Epophthalmia amphigena - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 54. 1 9 0 5 Macromia amphigena - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 5 9 (Japan). 1906 Macromia amphigena - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 65 (Japan). 1916 Macromia amphigena - RIS, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 66. 1936 Macromia amphigena - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 153 (Japan). 1955 Macromia amphigena - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 252 (Japan). 1965 Macromia amphigena amphigena - ASAHINA, Jap. J. Zool., 14 (2): 112.
Distribution: Japan. amphigena fraenata
Macromia fraenata M A R T I N (nec L A I D L A W , 1 9 2 2 ) , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 71. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Korea. 1955 Macromia fraenata - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 251 (Korea). 1965 Macromia amphigena fraenata - ASAHINA, Jap. J. Zool., 14 (2): 112 (Manchuria). 1906
Distribution: Korea, China, amphigena masaco EDA 1985
Macromia amphigena masaco World, Utrecht, 2: 76.
EDA, 1976
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Japan. africana
1871 Macromia (Macromia) africana SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 117. Type female: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Nubia. 1878 Phyllomacromia africana - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 45: 199. 1906 Phyllomacromia africana - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 77 (type male) (Nubia, Dahomey).
297 1928 Phyllomacromia africana - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 28 (Egypt, Nubia, Dahomey). 1951 Macromia africana - SCHMIDT, Arq. M u s Bocage, 20: 170. 1954 Macromia africana - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 59 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Macromia africana - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 210 (Port. Guinea, Dahomey, Senegal, Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda). 1985 Macromia africana - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 73 (as synonym of picta H Ä G E N , 1 8 7 1 ) .
Distribution: tropical Africa. annaimellaiensis
1931 Macromia annaimellaiensis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 23: 452. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: India. annulata
1861 Macromia annulata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 133. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1871 Macromia (Macromia) annulata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 107. 1890 Marcomia annulata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1906 Macromia annulata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 66 (Texas, Carolina, Illinois). 1950 Macromia caderita NEEDHAM, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 76: 10. Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1985 Macromia caderita - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 73 (as synonym o f annulata
Distribution: U.S.A., and Mexico, arachnomima
1953 Macromia arachnomima LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 395. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Borneo. 1954 Macromia arachnomima - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 116 (Borneo). 1955 Macromia arachnomima - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25) 263 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. astarte
1971 Macromia astarte LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 114: 42. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea, aureozona
1871 Macromia (Macromia) sophia SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 113. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Guinea. 1889 Pseudogomphus insignis KIRBY, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889: 299 (as generotype of Pseudogomphus KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Cameroon. 1890 Macromia sophia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1906 Macromia sophia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 73 (Cameroon). 1934 Macromia sophia - SCHOUDETEN, A n n . Mus. Congo Beige, Zool. (3) I I 3 : 46 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Pseudogomphus insignis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 213 (proposed synonymy with sophia SELYS, 1 8 7 1 ) .
298 1985
Macromia aureozona PINHEY, 1 9 6 6 - loc. cit. Utrecht, 2: 7 3 (new name for sophia SELYS,
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: West Africa. bartenevi
1973 Macromia bartenevi BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (2): 388. Type male: St. Petersbourg Mus.; type-locality: Russia.
Distribution: Russia. bellicosa
1924 Macromia bellicosa FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26:453. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: India. berlandi
1941 Macromia berlandi LIEFTINCK, Rev. franc. Ent., 8: 94. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Tonkin.
Distribution: Vietnam. bicornis
1906 Macromia bicornis FÖRSTER, Wiesbaden Jb, Nassau Ver. Natk., 59: 320. Type male: Ann A r b o r Mus.; type-locality: Somalia. 1954 Macromia bicornis - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 70 (description of female). 1962 Macromia bicornis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 210 (Somalia, Belgian Congo, Angola).
Distribution: tropical Africa. bicristulata 1985
Macromia bicristulata World, Utrecht, 2: 74.
LEGRAND, 1 9 7 5
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: West Africa. bifasciata
1912 Phyllomacromia bifasciata MARTIN, Feuille jeune Nat., 42 (5): 96. Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Nigeria. 1928 Phyllomacromia leoni FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 76:138. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Gold Coast. 1954 Macromia bifasciata - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 66 (redescription) (Nigeria, Belgian Congo). 1954 Phyllomacromia leoni - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 66 [proposed synonymy with bifasciata
(MARTIN), 1912)].
1962 Macromia bifasciata- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211 (Senegal, Sp. Guinea, Fr. Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, Belgian Congo).
Distribution: West Africa. bispina
1954 Macromia bispina FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 49. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Macromia bispina - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211.
Distribution: Uganda.
299 callìope Ris 1916 Macromia callìope Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 70. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Tonkin.
Distribution: Vietnam. Callisto
1922 Macromia Callisto L A I D L A W , J. Str. Asiat Soc., 85: 221. Type male: Mus. comp. Zool. Cambridge; type-locality: Malay Peninsula. 1929 Macromia Callisto - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72:67. 1 9 5 0 Macromia Callisto - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 0 ( 3 ) : 6 9 3 . 1 9 5 4 Macromia Callisto - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 1 1 6 .
Distribution: Malaysia. camerunica
1974 Macromia camerunica P I N H E Y , Bonner zool. Beitr., 25 (1-3): 191. Type male: Bonn Mus.; type-locality: Cameroon Republic.
Distribution: Cameroon. cantonensis
1936 Macromia cantonensis T I N K H A M , Lingnan Sci. J., 15: 457. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: China. 1955 Macromia cantonensis - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 251 (S.W. China).
Distribution: China. celaeno
1955 Macromia celaeno LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 274. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. chaiyaphumensis
1985 Macromia chaiyaphumensis H Ä M Ä L Ä I N E N , Annls. ent. fenn., 5 (4): 105. Type male: Helsingfors Mus.; type-locality: Thailand.
Distribution: Thailand. chalciope
1951 Macromia chalciope LIEFTINCK, Treubia, Leiden; type-locality: Halmahera.
(2): 456. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist.,
Distribution: Halmahera Island. chui
Macromia chui Utrecht, 2: 74.
ASAHINA, 1 9 6 8
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Taiwan. cincta
Macromia cincta R A M B U R , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 1 4 1 . Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: ? Am. septem. 1 8 7 1 Macromia (Macromia) cincta - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 1 1 9 (type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Java). 1890 Macromia cincta - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55 (Java).
300 1899 Macromia borneensis KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 60: 330. Type female: Stettin Mus.; typelocality: Borneo. 1906 Macromia borneensis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 68 (Borneo, Tonkin). 1913 Macromia cincia - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913: 69. 1929 Macromia cincia - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 65 (types: Java, Borneo) (Sumatra). 1954 Macromia cincia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 116 (Sumatra, Malaya, Java, Borneo). 1954 Macromia borneensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 116 (proposed synonymy with cincia RAMBUR, 1842).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Vietnam. cingulata
1842 Macromia cingulata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 137 (as generotype ofMacromia RAMBUR, 1842). Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: ? Am. septem. 1871 Macromia (Macromia) cingulata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 104. 1871 Macromia (Macromia) whitei SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 118. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Bengal. 1890 Macromia cingulata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1890 Macromia (Macromia) whitei - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55 (as synonym of cingulata
RAMBUR, 1842).
1906 Macromia cingulata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 70 (types in Selys's Collection) (Bengal, Tonkin, Borneo). 1924 Macromia cingulata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 452 (West India). 1985 Macromia whitei - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 78 (as good species).
Distribution: India, Thailand, Laos, Burma, Vietnam, Borneo. elio Ris 1916 Macromia elio Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 67. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Formosa. 1955 Macromia elio - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 251. 1964 Macromia elio - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (2): 304.
Distribution: Taiwan. congolica
1955 Macromia congolica FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot,. afr., 52: 21. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Katanga. 1962 Macromia congolica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211 (Belgian Congo, Zambezi).
Distribution: tropical Africa. corycia
1922 Macromia corycia LAIDLAW, J. Str. Β. R. Asiatic Soc., 85: 220. Type male: Sarawak Mus.; type-locality: Borneo. 1929 Macromia corycia - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 66. 1954 Macromia corycia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 117.
Distribution: Borneo.
301 cupricincta
1924 Macromia cupricincta FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 74. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma. cydippe
1922 Macromia cydippe LAIDLAW, J. Str. Br. R. Asiatic Soc., 85: 220. Type male: Sarawak Mus.; type-locality: Sarawak. 1929 Macromia cydippe - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr., Ent., 72: 73. 1935 Macromia cydippe - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2). 192 (description of female) (Java). 1950 Macromia cydippe - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 704 (Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Banka Isl.). 1954 Macromia cydippe - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 117.
Distribution: S.E. Asia. daimoji
1949 Macromia daimoji OKUMURA, Matsumushi, 3:120. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Japan. 1949 Macromia tokyoensis ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 17: 32. Type male: Asahina's Collection; typelocality: Japan. 1955 Macromia tokyoensis - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 251 (proposed synonymy with daimoji O K U M U R A , 1 9 4 9 ) . 1964 Macromia daimoji - ASAHINA, Jap. J. Zool., 14 (2): 112 (South Korea).
Distribution: Japan, and Korea. dione
1971 Macromia dione LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 14:26. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sumatra.
Distribution: Sumatra. ellisoni
1924 Macromia ellisoni FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26:457. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Nilgiris.
Distribution: India. erato
1950 Macromia erato LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 693. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1954 Macromia erato - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 118.
Distribution: Java. euphrosynae
1951 Macromia euphrosyne LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 (2). 450. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Waigeu Island.
Distribution: Waigeu. eurynome
1909 Macromia terpsichore M A R T I N (nec FÖRSTER, 1899), Bull. Soc. ent. Ital., 60: 198. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
302 1913 Macromia terpsichore - Ris, Nova Guinea, 9 (3): 494. 1942 Macromia eurynome LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 563 (new name for terpsichore MARTIN, 1909, a junior secondary homonymy of terpsichore FÖRSTER, 1899). 1951 Macromia eurynome - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 (2): 445 (redescription). 1971 Macromia eurynome - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 114: 33.
Distribution: New Guinea. euterpe
1915 Macromia euterpe LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1915: 26. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1922 Macromia euterpe - LAIDLAW, J. Str. Br. R. Asiatic Soc., 85: 220. 1929 Macromia euterpe - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 63. 1950 Macromia euterpe - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20: 680. 1954 Macromia euterpe - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 118.
Distribution: Borneo. flavicincta
1874 Macromia (Macromia) flavicincta SELYS (nec KIRBY, 1898), Synopsis des Cordulines: Add. 14. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Bengal. 1890 Macromia flavicincta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1906 Macromia flavicincta - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 60 (Bengal). 1924 Macromia flavicincta - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 452 (West India).
Distribution: India. flavimitella
1985 Macromia flavimitella PINHEY, 1966 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 75.
Distribution: Congo Republic. flavocolorata
1922 Macromia flavocolorata FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28: 702. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Hasimara. 1922 Macromia atuberculata FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 7: 67. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Hasimara. 1924 Macromia miniata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26:450. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India. 1929 Macromia thalia LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72:103. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Assam. 1933 Macromia miniata - FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 36: 460 (description of female). 1935 Macromia flavovittata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 37: 326. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Bengal. 1966 Macromia atuberculata - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 180 (proposed synonymy with flavocolorata FRASER, 1922). 1 9 8 5 M a c r o m i a f r a e n a t a LAIDLAW, 1 9 2 2 ( n e c MARTIN, 1 9 0 6 ) - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a -
gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 75.
Distribution: India. funicularia
1906 Macromia funicularia MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 75. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist, nat., Paris; type-locality: Cameroon. 1934 Macromia bredoi SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 43. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1954 Macromia funicularia - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 71 (tropical West Africa).
303 1954 Macromia bredoi-
FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr. 49: 71 (proposed synonymy with funicularia
MARTIN, 1 9 0 6 ) .
1962 Macromia funiculara - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211 (Belgian Congo, Cemroon, Uganda, Angola).
Distribution: tropical Africa. funicularioides
1 9 8 5 M a c r o m i a f u n i c u l a r i o i d e s LEGRAND, 1 9 8 3 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 75.
Distribution: Guinea. gamblesi
1985 Macromia gamblesi LINDLEY, 1980 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 75.
Distribution: Central Africa. georgina
1878 Epophthalmia georgina SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg. (2): 45:197. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Georgia. 1906 Macromia georgina - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 64. 1909 Macromia georgina - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 37: 383. 1909 Macromia australensis - WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 37: 381. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Oklahoma. 1910 Macromia australensis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 120 (Texas, Oklahoma). 1985 Macromia australensis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 74 [as s y n o n y m o f georgina
(SELYS, 1878)].
Distribution: U.S.A. gerstaeckeri
1899 Macromia gerstaeckeri KRÜGER, Stettiner ent Ztg., 60: 335. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1906 Macromia gerstaeckeri- MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 70 (Borneo, Java, Malay Peninsula, Tonkin). 1929 Macromia gerstaeckeri - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 68. 1950 Macromia gerstaeckeri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 699 (Malay Peninsula, Java). 1954 Macromia gerstaeckeri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 118 (Malaya, Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: S.E. Asia. hamifera
1955 Macromia hamifera LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 253. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Fujian.
Distribution: China. hermione
1951 Macromia hermione LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 (2): 454. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Misool.
Distribution: Misool Island.
304 hervei 1985
Macromia hervei Utrecht, 2: 75.
LEGRAND, 1 9 8 0
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: West Africa. ictérica
1929 Macromia ictérica LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72:84. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: China. 1955 Macromia ictérica - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 251 (S.E. China).
Distribution: China. i d a FRASER
1924 Macromia ida FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 449. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: India. illinoiensis
1862 Macromia illinoiensis WALSH, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1862: 397. Type male: Hägen & Walsh's Collection; type-locality: Illinois. 1971 Macromia (Macromia) illinoiensis - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 109. 1890 Macromia illinoiensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1906 Macromia illinoiensis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 67 (Canada, US: Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee). 1910 Macromia illioniensis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 120 (type female: lost).
Distribution: U.S.A. indica
1924 Macromia indica FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 448. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: West India. irata
1924 Macromia irata FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 454. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West India.
Distribution: India. irina
1950 Macromia irina LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 714. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Celebes.
Distribution: Celebes. jucunda
1955 Macromia jucunda LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 270. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Java.
Distribution: Java.
305 kimminsi kimmînsi
1954 Macromia kimminsi FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 63. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1962 Macromia kimminsi kimminsi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211.
Distribution: Sierra Leone. kimminsi junior
1951 Macromia kimminsi junior PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat.Hist.): 116. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Kenya.
Distribution: Kenya, Uganda. kubokaiya
1964 Macromia kubokaiya ASAHINA, Jap. J. Zool., 14 (2): 109. Type female: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Okinawa. 1964 Macromia kubokaiya - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (2): 303.
Distribution: Japan. lachesis
1971 Macromia lachesis LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 114: 38. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Bismarck Archipelago.
Distribution: Bismarck Archipelago. lieftincki
1954 Macromia lieftincki FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 65. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Fernado Po. 1962 Macromia lieftincki - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211 (Spanish Guinea).
Distribution: West Africa. maesi
1917 Macromia maesi SCHOUDETEN, Revue zool. Afr., 5: 105. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Lake Leopold. 1934 Macromia maesi - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belg., Zool., (3) II 3: 44 (Uganda, Belgian Congo). 1954 Macromia maesi - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 73 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Macromia maesi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211.
Distribution: tropical Africa. magnifica
1874 Macromia (Macromia) magnifica MCLACHLAN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines, Add.: 11. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: California. 1890 Macromia magnifica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1906 Macromia magnifica - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 67.
Distribution: U.S.A. malleifera
1955 Macromia malleifer LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25); 256. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Fujian.
Distribution: China.
1964 Macromia manchurica ASAHINA, Jap. J. Zool., 14 (2): 116. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Manchuria.
Distribution: China. margarita
1947 Macromia margarita WESTFALL, Elisha Mitchell, sci. Soc., 63: 32. Type male: unknown; typelocality: N o r t h Carolina.
Distribution: martorelli
1 9 8 5 M a c r o m i a martorelli COMPTE SART, 1 9 6 4 - l o c . cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 76.
Distribution: West Africa. melania
1871 Macromia (Macromia) melania SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 114. Type female: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Old Calabar. 1879 Phyllomacromia contumax SELYS, Entomologist's month. Mag., 16: 103. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West African Coast. 1890 Macromia melania - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1900 Hylaeschna paludis SJÖSTEDT, Bih. Svenska Akad., 25 (4): 40 (as generotype of Hylaeschna SJÖSTEDT, 1900). Type female: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: Cameroon. 1906 Macromia melania - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 74. 1906 Phyllomacromia biflava MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 17. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Abyssinia. 1962 Macromia melania - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211 (Nigeria, Camerron, Ivory Coast). 1962 Phyllomacromia contumax - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211 (proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h melania
1962 Phyllomacromia
SELYS, 1 8 7 1 ) .
biflava - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211 (proposed syn-
o n y m y w i t h melania
SELYS, 1 8 7 1 ) .
Distribution: tropical Africa. melpomene Ris 1913 Macromia melpomene New Guinea. 1915 Macromia melpomene 1942 Macromia melpomene 1951 Macromia melpomene
Ris, N o v a Guinea, 9 (3): 496. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: - Ris, N o v a Guinea, 13 (2): 85. - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 546. - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 (2): 464.
Distribution: New Guinea. mnemosyne
1935 Macromia mnemosyne LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 190. Type male: not given, perhaps in Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Borneo. 1950 Macromia mnemosyne - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20: 681. 1954 Macromia mnemosyne - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 119 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo.
307 monoceros
1906 Macromia monoceros FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau Ver.-Natk., 59: 319. Type male: Ann Arbor. Mus.; type-locality: Somalia. 1921 Macromia thetis Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 379. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Gazaland (Mozambique). 1953 Macromia monoceros - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 76. 1 9 6 2 Macromia monoceros - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 2 1 1 (S. Africa, Rhodesia, Tanganyika, Kenya, Somalia). 1962 Macromia thetis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 211 (proposed synonymy with monoceros FÖRSTER, 1 9 0 6 ) .
Distribution: South and East Africa. moorei moorei
1874 Macromia (Macromia) moorei SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines, Add.: 17: Type male: Moore's Collection; type-locality: Himalaya. 1890 Macromia moorei - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1 9 0 5 Macromia moorei - JACOBSON & B I A N K I , Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 6 0 (Burma, India). 1906 Macromia moorei - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 68 (Himalayas, Bengal, Tonkin). 1 9 2 1 Macromia trituberculata FRASER, J . Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 27: 6 8 5 . Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Assam. 1954 Macromia moorei moorei - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 119. 1966 Macromia trituberculata - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 216 (proposed synonymy with moorei moorei, SELYS, 1 8 7 4 ) .
Distribution: Himalaya, Bengal, Vietnam. moorei malayana
1899 Macromia fumata KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 60: 333. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1906 Macromia fumata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 69 (Java). 1 9 2 8 Macromia moorei malayana C A M P I O N & L A I D L A W , Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1 9 2 8 : 1 3 3 . Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Pahang. 1934 Macromia moorei fumata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 433. 1985 Macromia moorei malayana - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 76. 1985 Macromia fumata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 75 (as synonym of moorei malayana C A M P I O N & L A I D L A W , 1 9 2 8 ) .
Distribution: Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, and Java, negrito
NEEDHAM & GYGER 1937 Macromia negrito N E E D H A M & locality: Luzon.
Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 53. Type male: not given; type-
Distribution: Philippine Islands, nigeriensis
GAMBLES 1971 Macromia nigeriensis GAMBLES, Entomologist, 104: 179. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Nigeria.
Distribution: Nigeria, nyanzana
GRÜNBERG 1911 Macromia nyanzana GRÜNBERG, Ent. Rudsch., 28: 104. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Victoria Nyanza.
308 1915 Macromia reginae LEROI, Ergeb. zweit. Deutsch. Zentral-Afr. Exp., 1: 348. Type male: Bonn Mus.; type-locality: Sudan. 1928 Macromia halei FRASER, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 76: 137. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1936 Macromia halei - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 484 (proposed synonymy with reginae LEROI, 1915). 1963 Macromia nyanzana - PINHEY, J. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 26: 158. 1 9 6 3 Macromia reginae - PINHEY, J . ent. Soc. S. Afr., 2 6 : 1 5 8 (proposed synonymy with nyazana GRÜNBERG, 1911).
1966 Macromia halei - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 95 (proposed synonymy with nyanzana G R Ü N B E R G , 1 9 1 1 ) .
Distribution: tropical Africa. occidentalis
1954 Macromia occidentalis FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 60. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Ivory Coast. 1962 Macromia occidentalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212.
Distribution: Ivory Coast. onerata
1906 Macromia onerata MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 74. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: East Africa. 1921 Macromia clymene Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 381. Type male: Mus. R. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Katanga. 1934 Macromia clymene-SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) I I 3 : 4 4 (Belgian Congo). 1951 Phyllomacromia onerata - PINHEY, Transvaal mus. Mem., 5: 189. 1962 Macromia onerata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212 (Belgian Congo, Tanganyika, Sierra Leone). 1962 Macromia clymene - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212 (proposed synonymy with onerata M A R T I N , 1 9 0 6 ) .
Distribution: West Africa. overlaeti
1934 Macromia overlaeti SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 44. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr. Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1954 Macromia schoudeteni FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 52. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr. Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1959 Macromia schoudeteni - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 32 (proposed synonymy with overlaeti SCHOUDETEN, 1 9 3 4 ) . 1962 Macromia overlaeti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212.
Distribution: West Africa. pacifica
1861 Macromia pacifica HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν.Amer., Washington: 134. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1862 Macromia flavipennis WALSH, Proc. Acad. nat. Hist. Philad., 1862: 398. Type-female: lost; type-locality: Chicago. 1906 Macromia pacifica - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 66 (Texas, California, Illinois). 1910 Macromia flavipennis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 121 (proposed synonymy with pacifica H A G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) . Distribution: U . S . A .
309 pallida
1924 Macromia pallida FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 456. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: Bengal.
Distribution: India. pallidinervis
1906 Macromia pallidinervis FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau Ver. Natk., 59: 317. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: N.O. Afrika. 1954 Macromia pallidinervis - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 74 (redescription) (Kenya). 1962 Macromia pallidinervis- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212 (Kenya, Somalia).
Distribution: East Africa. paludosa 1985
Macromia paludosa Utrecht, 2: 76.
PINHEY, 1 9 7 6
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Zambia. paula
1892 Macromia paula KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 37 (1): 15. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Cameroon. 1951 Macromia paula - SCHMIDT, Arq. Mus. Bocage, 20: 169. 1954 Macromia paula - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 69. 1962 Macromia paula - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212.
Distribution: Cameroon. pietà
1871 Macromia (Macromia) picta HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 115. Type not designated: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Cape of G o o d Hope. 1878 Macromia tropicalis SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 45: 200. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Zanzibar. 1898 Phyllomacromia flavicincta K I R B Y (nec SELYS, 1874), Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 241. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Transvaal. 1906 Macromia picta - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 74. 1906 Macromia tropicalis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 74 (proposed synonymy with picta H Ä G E N , 1 8 7 1 ) . 1911 Phyllomacromia trocki GRÜNBERG, Ent. Rundsch., 28: 103 (lapsus calami) - Victoria Nyansa. 1911 Phyllomacromia kochi GRÜNBERG, Ent. Rundsch., 28: 104. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Lake Victoria. 1921 Macromia picta - Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 377. 1954 Macromia flavicans FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 45 (new name for Phyllomacromia flavicincta K I R B Y , 1 8 9 8 , a junior secondary homonymy oí Macromia (Macromia) flavicincta SELYS, 1 8 7 4 ) .
1958 Macromia picta — PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 3 (tropical and subtropical Africa). 1962 Macromia picta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212 (tropical Africa). 1962 Phyllomacromia trocki - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212 (proposed synonymy with picta H Ä G E N , 1 8 7 1 ) . 1962 Phyllomacromia kochi - PINHEY, Pubi., Cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212 (proposed synonymy with picta H Ä G E N , 1 8 7 1 ) . 1962 Macromia flavicans - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212 (proposed synonymy with picta H Ä G E N , 1 8 7 1 ) .
Distribution: tropical Africa.
310 pinratani
1985 Macromia pinratani ASAHINA, 1983 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 77.
Distribution: Thailand. polyhymnia
1929 Macromia polyhymnia LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 97. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Sumatra. 1950 Macromia polyhymnia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20: 683. 1954 Macromia polyhymnia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 119 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra. pseudafricana
1961 Macromia pseudaafricana PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat.Hist.): 109. Type male: British M u seum (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: U g a n d a . 1962 Macromia pseudafricana - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 212. 1971 Macromia pseudafricana - GAMBLES, Entomologist, 104: 182 (description of female).
Distribution: Uganda. pyramidalis
1906 Macromia pyramidalis MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 69. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Tonkin.
Distribution: Vietnam. rickeri
1937 Macromia rickeri WALKER, Canad. Ent., 69: 12. Type male: Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology; type-locality: Canada.
Distribution: Canada. royi
1982 Macromia royi LEGRAND, Revue fr. Ent. (N.S.), 4 (3): 120. Type male: N a t i o n Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Senegal.
Distribution: Senegal, selysi
1900 Macromia selysi KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 77. Type male: Austen's Collection; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1906 Macromia selysi-MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 73 (Sierra Leone). 1934 Macromia selysi - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) I I 3 : 46 (Belgian Congo). 1954 Macromia selysi - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 72 (Sierra Leone). 1962 Macromia selysi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 213.
Distribution: West Africa. séptima
1904 Macromia séptima MARTIN, Mission Pavie, 3: 211. Type female: Martin's Collection; typelocality: Java. 1906 Macromia séptima - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 70 (Java, Annam, Tonkin). 1929 Macromia séptima - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 100 (description of male).
311 1934 1935 1950 1954
Macromia Macromia Macromia Macromia
séptima séptima séptima séptima
Treubia, Treubia, Treubia, Treubia,
14 15 20 22
(4): 434. (2): 193. (3): 691. Suppl.: 120.
Distribution: Java to Vietnam. seydeli
1954 Macromia seydeli FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr. 49: 55. Type male: R. Mus. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Macromia seydeli - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 213.
Distribution: Congo Republic. sibirica
1926 Macromia sibirica DJAKONOV, Rev. russ. Ent., 20: 228. Type male: Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci., St. Petersbourg; type-locality: Siberia. 1955 Macromia sibirica - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 251 (S.W. Siberia). 1965 Macromia sibirica - ASAHINA, Jap. J. zool., 14 (2): 112 (incorrect synonymy with amphigena fraenata
MARTIN, 1906).
Distribution: Siberia. sophrosyne
1951 Macromia sophrosyne LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 (2): 449. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: Waigeu.
Distribution: Waigeo, Misool Islands. splendens
1843 Cordulia splendens PICTET, Revue Zool., 1843:131. Type female: unknown; type-locality: France. 1850 Macromia splendens - SELYS & HÄGEN, Revue Odon. Libell. europ., Paris: 79. 1871 Macromia (Macromia) splendens - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 103. 1890 Macromia splendens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 54. 1906 Macromia splendens - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 66 (France). 1950 Macromia splendens - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 54 (Spain).
Distribution: France, Portugal, and Spain. subtropicalis
1954 Macromia subtropicalis FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 60. Type male: Mus. R. Afr. centr. Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1957 Macromia subtropicalis - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 55: 340 (description of female). 1962 Macromia subtropicalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 213.
Distribution: Congo Republic. sylvatica
1954 Macromia sylvatica FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 56. Type male: Fraser's Collection; type-locality: Kenya. 1962 Macromia sylvatica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 213 (Kenya, Uganda).
Distribution: Kenya, Uganda.
312 taeniolata
1842 Macromia taeniolata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 139. Type sex not given: unknown; type-locality: Amer. sept. 1861 Macromia taeniolata - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 132. 1871 Macromia (Epophthalmia) taeniolata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 90. 1890 Epophthalmia taeniolata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 54. 1906 Epophthalmia taeniolata-MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 64 (Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia, Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana). 1908 Macromia taeniolata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. nat. Hist. Soc., (2) 6: 99.
Distribution: U.S.A. terpsichore 1900
1906 1914 1942 1951
Macromia terpsichore FÖRSTER (nec M A R T I N , 1 9 0 9 ) , Természetr. Füz. Budapest, 2 3 : 8 6 Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. Macromia terpsichore - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 72. Macromia terpsichore - MARTIN, Genera Insectorum, Bruxelles, 155: 25. Macromia terpsichore - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 562 (New Guinea, New Britain). Macromia terpsichore - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 (2): 463 (redescription).
Distribution: New Guinea, and New Britain. tillyardi
1906 Macromia tillyardi MARTIN, in TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 31: 491. Type female: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1906 Macromia tillyardi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 72 (as spec, nov.). 1908 Macromia tillyardi - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 745 (redescription) (Queensland).
Distribution: Australia, trifasciata
RAMBUR 1842 Macromia trifasciata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 138. Type male: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Madagascar. 1871 Macromia (Macromia) trifasciata - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 112. 1878 Phyllomacromia trifasciata - SELYS, Bull. Acad. r. Belg., (2) 45: 212 (as generotype of Phyllomacromia SELYS, 1878). 1890 Phyllomacromia trifasciata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 56. 1906 Phyllomacromia trifasciata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 75 (type male: Selys's Collection). 1962 Macromia trifasciata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 213.
Distribution: Madagascar. unifasciata
1954 Macromia unifasciata FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 49: 67. Type male: Inst. Pares Nat. Congo Beige; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Macromia unifasciata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. C o m p . Diam. Angola, 59: 213 (Belgian Congo, Rhodesia).
Distribution: tropical Africa. urania Ris 1916 Macromia urania Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 68. Type male: Riksmus. N a t . Hist., Stockholm; type-locality: Tonkin.
313 1929 1931 1950 1955
Macromia Macromia Macromia Macromia
urania urania urania urania -
LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. En., 72: 67. NEEDHAM, Lignan Sci., 7: 232 (Hainan). LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 702 (Tonkin, Hainan, South China). LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (25): 251 (Hainan, China: Fujian).
Distribution: South China, Vietnam. viridescens
1911 Macromia viridescens TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.W. Wales, 36: 380. Type female: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1942 Macromia viridescens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18: 563. 1951 Macromia amymone LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 (2): 446. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: Australia, and New Guinea. wabashensis
1909 Macromia wabashensis WILLIAMSON, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 37: 374. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Indiana.
Distribution: U.S.A. westwoodi SEL YS 1874 Macromia (Macromia) westwoodi SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines, Add.: 16. Type female: Oxford Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1890 Macromia westwoodi - K.IRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 55. 1906 Macromia westwoodi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 72 (Penang, Sumatra, Borneo, Tonkin). 1929 Macromia westwoodi - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 72: 62. 1934 Macromia westwoodi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 434 (Java). 1935 Macromia westwoodi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 191. 1950 Macromia westwoodi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 708. 1954 Macromia westwoodi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 120 (Penang, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. zeylanica
1927 Macromia zeylanica FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 69. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1955 Macromia zeylanica - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 80 (Ceylon). 1977 Macromia zeylanica - LIEFTINCK, Oriental Insects, 11 (2): 173 (redescription).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. Subfamily Neophyinae Base of hind wing very broad; anal loop present; trg in all wings with costal side angulated. 1940 Neophyinae TILLYARD & FRASER, Aust. Zool., 9: 387. (for genus Neophya SELYS, 1881). 1962 Neophyinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 206. - 1985 Neophyinae DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 78.
314 Genus Neophya SELYS 1881 Neophya SELYS, C.R. SOC. Ent. Belg., 25: 16. Type-species: Neophya rutherfordi SELYS, 1881 (monotypy). - 1934 Neophya - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 42. 1947 Neophya - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 36 (from Neophyinae to Idionychinae). - 1962 Neophya - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 206.
rutherfordi SELYS 1881 Neophya rutherfordi SELYS, C. R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 25: 17 (as generotype of Neophya SELYS, 1881). Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Old Calabar. 1906 Neophya rutherfordi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 8. 1928 Neophya rutherfordi - MORTON, Entomologist's month. Mag., 64: 121. 1934 Neophya rutherfordi - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 42 (Belgian Congo). 1947 Neophya rutherfordi- FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 34 (Ivory Coast) (redescription of female). 1962 Neophya rutherfordi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 206 (Belgian Congo, Gabon, Gold Coast, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone).
Distribution: West Africa. Subfamily Synthemistinae Medium sized slender forms. Antenodals of hind wing alternately thick and thin; cross veins in basal space; trg of hind wing distal from arc. Male hind wing angulated at base, oreillets on segment 2. Male tibia keeled. Body usually with metallic areas and yellow markings only. Larva resembles that of Cordulegasters. 1957 Synthemistinae FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957:106 (with genera Synthemiopsis, themis, Eusynthemis, Choristhemis).
G e n u s Choristhemis TILL YARD 1910 Choristhemis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 368. Type-species: Synthemis flavoterminata MARTIN, 1901 (original designation).
1901 Synthemis flavoterminata MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 229. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales. 1906 Synthemis flavoterminata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 86. 1910 Choristhemis flavoterminata - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 369 (as generotype o f Choristhemis
TILLYARD, 1 9 1 0 ) .
Distribution: Australia. olivei (TILLYARD) 1908 Synthemis olivei TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 747. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Cooktown. 1910 Choristhemis olivei - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 371 (redescription) (Queensland).
Distribution: Australia
315 Genus Eusynthemis
1903 Synthemis (Eusynthemis) FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 546. Type-species: Synthemis brevistyla SELYS, 1871 (original designation). - 1910 Metathemis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 361. Type-species: Synthemis guttata SELYS, 1871 (original designation).
brevistyla brevistyla
1871 Synthemis brevistyla SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 127. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Queensland. 1901 Synthemis brevistyla - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 227 (Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales). 1903 Synthemis (Eusythemis) brevistyla - FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 546 (as generotype of Eusynthemis FÖRSTER, 1903). 1906 Synthemis brevistyla - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 86. 1910 Synthemis brevistyla - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 366 («description).
Distribution: Australia. brevistyla subjuncta
1913 Metathemis brevistyla subjuncta TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 574. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales.
Distribution: Australia. deniseae
1 9 8 5 E u s y n t h e m i s d e n i s e a e THEISCHINGER, 1 9 7 7 - l o c . cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 78.
Distribution: Queensland. frontalis
1949 Eusynthemis frontalis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 359. Type female: California Acad.; typelocality: Guadalcanal.
Distribution: Guadalcanal. guttata guttata
1871 Synthemis guttata SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 127. Type not given, perhaps undesignated in Selys's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1901 Synthemis guttata - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14 227 (Victoria). 1906 Synthemis guttata - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 86. 1910 Metathemis guttata - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 362 (as generotype of Methathemis TILLYARD, 1910). 1910 Metathemis guttata race pallida TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 362. Male from East Australia. 1985 Eusynthemis guttata guttata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 78.
Distribution: Australia. guttata aurolineata
1913 Metathemis guttata aurolineata TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 575. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales. 1956 Eusynthemis aurolineata - FRASER, Austr. Zool., 12: 355.
Distribution: Australia.
guttata melanosoma (TILLYARD) 1914 Metathemis guttata melanosoma TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 38: 231. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. nigra nigra (TILLYARD) 1906 Synthemis nigra TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 489. Type male: not given; typelocality: Queensland. 1908 Eusynthemis paradoxa FÖRSTER, Wiener Ent. Ztg., 27: 26. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Queensland. 1908 Eusynthemis ptilorina FÖRSTER, Wiener Ent. Ztg., 27: 26. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Queensland. 1917 Metathemis nigra - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 11 (Queensland). 1 9 8 5 Eusynthemis nigra - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 7 8 .
Distribution: Australia. nigra xanthosticta (TILLYARD) 1914 Metathemis nigra xanthosticta TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 38: 230. Type male: not given; type-locality: Queensland. 1985 Eusynthemis nigra xanthosticta - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:78.
Distribution: Australia. regina (SELYS) 1874 Synthemis regina SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines, Add.: 20. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Queensland. 1901 Synthemis regina - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 227 (Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales). 1906 Synthemis regina - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 86 (Australia). 1910 Synthemis regina - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 347 (redescription) (Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales). 1985 Eusynthemis regina - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 78.
Distribution: Australia. virgula (SELYS) 1874 Synthemis virgula SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines, Add.: 24. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Melbourne. 1901 Synthemis virgula - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 228 (Victoria). 1906 Synthemis virgula - MARTIN, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 86 (Victoria). 1910 Synthemia virgula - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 367 (redescription) (New South Wales, Victoria). 1985 Eusynthemis virgula - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 78.
Distribution: Australia. G e n u s Synthemiopsis TILL YARD 1917 Synthemiopsis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 42: 463. Type-species: gomphomacromioides
TILLYARD, 1 9 1 7 ( o r i g i n a l
317 gomphomacromioides
1917 Synthemiopsis gomphomacromioides TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 42: 464 (as generotype of Synthemiopsis TILL YARD, 1917). Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Tasmania.
Distribution: Tasmania. Genus Synthemis
1870 Synthemis SELYS, C.R. SOC. Ent. Belg., 14: 6. Type-species: Epophthalmia eustalacta BURMEISTER, 1839 (designated by KIRBY, 1890, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 56). - 1 8 7 1 Synthemis - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 120. - 1903 Synthemis (Palaeosynthemis) FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 543. Type-species: Synthemis primigenia FÖRSTER, 1903 (designated by FÖRSTER, 1908, Wiener ent. Ztg., 37: 29). - 1906 Synthemis - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 82 (revision, key to species). - 1910 Synthemis - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 312 (revision, key to species). - 1935 Synthemis LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 283 (revision, key to species). - 1953 Synthemis - LIEFTINCK, Idea, 9: 70 (key to Australian species).
1953 Synthemis alecto LIEFTINCK, Idea, 9: 84. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Halmahera.
Distribution: Halmahera Island. ariadne
1985 Synthemis ariadne LIEFTINCK, 1975 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 79.
Distribution: New Caledonia. campioni
1985 Synthemis campioni LIEFTINCK, 1971 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 79.
Distribution: New Caledonia. beccarli
1906 Synthemis beccarli MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 86 - without description. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. cervula
1938 Synthemis cervula LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, (N.S.), 2: 119. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. cladophila
1908 Synthemis cladophila TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 725. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Margaret River.
Distribution: Australia.
318 claviculata
1908 Synthemis claviculata TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 749. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Kuranda. 1910 Synthemis claviculata - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 359 (redescription).
Distribution: Australia. cyanitincta
1908 Synthemis cyanitincta TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 725. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Margaret River. 1910 Synthemis cyanitincta - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 360 (redescription) (Southwestern Australia).
Distribution: Australia. cyrene
1953 Synthemis cyrene LIEFTINCK, Idea, 9: 78. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. eustalacta
1839 Epophthalmia eustalacta BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 845. Type male: Germar's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1870 Synthemis eustalacta - SELYS, C.R. Soc. Ent. Belg., 14: 6 1871 Synthemis eustalacta - SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 125. 1890 Synthemis eustalacta -KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 56 (as generotype of Synthemis SELYS, 1 8 7 0 ) .
1898 Synthemis eustalacta 1901 Synthemis eustalacta 1906 Synthemis eustalacta tralia). 1910 Synthemis eustalacta -
CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 57. MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 227 (Victoria, South Australia). MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 85 (AusTILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 338 (redescription).
Distribution: Australia. evelynae
1953 Synthemis evelynae LIEFTINCK, Idea, 9: 81. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. fenella
1921 Synthemis fenella CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 8: 61. Type male: British Museum, (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: New Caledonia.
Distribution: New Caledonia. feronia
1938 Synthemis feronia LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.), 2: 122. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea.
319 flexicauda
1921 Synthemis flexicauda CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 8: 57. Type male: British Museum, (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: New Caledonia.
Distribution: New Caledonia. gracilenta
1935 Synthemis gracilenta LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 290. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Synthemis gracilenta - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 561.
Distribution: New Guinea. kimminsi
1953 Synthemis kimminsi LIEFTINCK, Idea, 9: 75. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. leachi
1871 Synthemis leachi SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 124. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Australia. 1901 Synthemis leachi - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool., France, 14: 227 (Australia). 1906 Synthemis leachi - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 85. 1907 Synthemis martini TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 726. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1910 Synthemis martini - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 351 (proposed synonymy w i t h leachi
SELYS, 1 8 7 1 ) .
Distribution: Australia. macrostigma macrostigma
1871 Synthemis macrostigma HAGEN, in SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 122. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Fiji. 1906 Synthemis macrostigma - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 85 (Australia, Fiji). 1910 Synthemis macrostigma macrostigma - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 355. 1985 Synthemis macrostigma macrostigma - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 79.
Distribution: Australia, and Fiji. macrostigma occidentalis
1910 Synthemis macrostigma occidentalis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 355. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: S.W. Australia.
Distribution: Australia. macrostigma orientalis
1910 Synthemis macrostigma orientalis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 355. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: S.W. Australia.
Distribution: Australia.
1871 Synthemis miranda SELYS, Synopsis des Cordulines: 121. Type female: Selys's Collection; typelocality: New Caledonia. 1906 Synthemis miranda - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 85 (New Caledonia). 1910 Synthemis miranda - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 350 (redescription).
Distribution: New Caledonia. montaguei
1921 Synthemis montaguei CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 8: 55. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: New Caledonia.
Distribution: New Caledonia. primigenia
1903 Synthemis (Palaeosynthemis) primigenia FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 543. Type male: Természett. Mus., Budapest; type-locality: Tami. 1906 Synthemis primigenia - MARTIN, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 17: 86 (New Guinea). 1908 Palaeosynthemis primigenia - FÖRSTER, Wiener ent. Ztg., 37: 29 (as generotype of Palaeosynthemis
FÖRSTER, 1 9 0 8 ) .
1910 Synthemis primigenia - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 358 (redescription). 1935 Synthemis primigenia - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 285 (New Guinea). 1942 Synthemis primigenia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 561 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea, Tami Island. sevendipita
1 9 8 5 S y n t h e m i s s e v e n d i p i t a WINSTANLEY, 1 9 8 4 - l o e . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 79.
Distribution: New Caledonia. spiniger
1913 Synthemis spiniger TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 572. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: W. Australia.
Distribution: Australia. tasmanica
1910 Synthemis tasmanica TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 35: 344. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Tasmania.
Distribution: Tasmania. wollastoni
1915 Synthemis wollastoni CAMPION, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 20: 486. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: New Guinea. 1935 Synthemis wollastoni - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 293.
Distribution: New Guinea.
321 Family Libellulìdae Small to large, often short and stout. Usually not metallic, males often pruinose. Hind wing of male rounded at base; no oreillets on segment 2. Tibia not keeled. 1840 Libellulidées SEL YS, Monogr. Libell. europ., Paris: 26. - 1842 Libellulides - RAMBUR, Hist, nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 62 (with genera: Nannophya, Heiosoma, Zyxomma, Uracis, Libellula, Polyneura, Palpopleura, Diastatops, Macromia, Didymops, Epitheca, Cordulia). - 1850 Libellulìdae SELYS & H Ä G E N , Revue des Odonata, Paris: 1 (with genera: Libellula, Epitheca, Cordulia, Macromia). - 1861 Libellulina - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 132 (as tribe). - 1 9 0 5 Libellulidae - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 1 5 (revision, key to subfamilies: Palpopleurinae, Pentalinae, Zyxomminae, Libellulinae). - 1910 Libellulidae - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 117 (with subfamilies: Corduliinae, Libellulinae). - 1915 Libellulidae - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Petrograd: 576. - 1922 Libellulidae - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 105 (list of Japanese species). - 1940 Libellulidae - TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 3 9 1 (with subfamilies: Tetratheminae, Libellulinae, Diastatopidinae, Brachydiplacinae, Sympetrinae. Leucorrhininae, Trithemininae, Onychotheminae, Rhyotheminae, Zyxomatinae). - 1945 Libellulidae - BORROR, Annls. Ent. Soc. Am., 38: 168 (key to New World genera). - 1962 Libellulidae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 213 (key to African subfamilies: Tetratheminae, Libellulinae, Diastatopinae, Brachydiplacinae, Sympetrinae, Zygonictinae, Rhyotheminae, Tritheminae, Urotheminae, Zyxommatinae, Pentaliinae). - 1970 Libellulidae - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 24. 1984 Libellulidae - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 90 (key to European genera).
Subfamily Tetrathemistinae Small forms with narrow wings and short abdomen. Costal side of trg angulated; anal loop absent; accessory cross veins to bridge and in cubital space; 6 - 9 antenodals; distal antenodal complete (not in Bironides and Microtrigonia); arc between antenodals 2 - 3 ( 1 - 2 in Tetrathemis); long fusion of sectors of arc, discoidal field usually a single row of cells. Colouring often black and yellow. 1940
Tetratheminae T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 3 9 1 . (with genera: Tetrathemis, Nannophlebia, Risiophlebia, Palaeothemis, Nannophyga). - 1962 Tetratheminae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 2 1 9 (key to African genera: Eothemis, Calophlebia, Malgassophlebia, Tetrathemis, Archaeothemis, Allorhizucha, Neodythemis, Micromacromia, Monardithemis, Notiothemis, Stenthemis). - 1985 Tetrathemistinae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 80 (in Section 1).
Genus Allorhizucha
1889 Allorhizucha K A R S C H , Beri. ent. Z., 3 3 (2): 390. Type-species: Allorhizucha klingi K A R S C H , 1889 (monotypy). - 1899 Allorhizucha - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25: (11). 15. - 1909 Allorhizucha - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 79 (revision, key to species). 1942 Allorhizucha - KIMMINS, Entomologist, 75: 47 (type-species: Allorhizucha campioni Ris, 1915). - 1962 Allorhizucha - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 223.
campioni Ris 1915 Allorhizucha campioni Ris, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 15: 214. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1916 Allorhizucha campioni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1055 (as spec.nov.). 1942 Allorhizucha campioni-KIMMINS, Entomologist, 75:47 (as generotype of Allorhizucha K A R S C H , 1889).
322 1962 Allorhizucha campioni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 223.
Distribution: Sierra Leone. klingi 1889
1908 1909 1909 1947 1962
Allorhizucha klingi KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z . , 33 (2): 3 9 0 (as generotype of Allorhizucha KARSCH, 1 8 8 9 ) . Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. Pseudophlebia occidentales MARTIN, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 43: 651. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Hist., Genova; type-locality: Fernando Po. Allorhizucha klingi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 81 (Cameroon, Congo Angola, Nigeria). Pseudophlebia occidentalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 81 (proposed synonymy with klingi KARSCH, 1 8 8 9 ) . Allorhizucha klingi - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London; 98: 36 (Ivory Coast). Allorhizucha klingi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 223 (Dahomey, Belgian Congo, Angola, Cameroon, Fr. Congo, Gaboon, Nigeria, Sp. Guinea, Ivory Coast, Togo, Sierra Leone).
Distribution: West Africa. preussi
1891 Allorhizucha preussi KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (5): 80. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: West Africa. 1909 Allorhizucha preussi - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 83 (Cameroon). 1934 Allorhizucha preussi - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 12 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Allorhizucha preussi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Cameroon).
Distribution: equatorial Africa. Genus Archaeophlebia Ris 1909 Archaeophlebis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 55. Type-species: Neophobia martini SELYS, 1896 (monotypy). - 1962 Archaeophlebia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 222.
1896 Neophlebia martini SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 40: 83. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist. Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1909 Archaeophlebia martini-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 56 (as generotype of Archaeophlebia Ris, 1909). 1955 Archaeophlebia martini - FRASER, Nat. malgache, 7: 43 (description of female). 1962 Archaeophlebia martini - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 223.
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Bironides
1903 Bironides FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn.hung., 1: 521. Type-species: Bironides superstes FÖRSTER, 1903 (original designation). - 1909 Bironides - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 56 (redescription). - 1932 Bironides - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 15 (5): 145 (revision, key to species). - 1933 Bironides - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 27 (revision, key to species).
1963 Bironides glochidion LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, (N.S.) 25: 759. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. liesthes
1937 Bironides liesthes LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, (N.S.) 1: 333. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. superstes
1903 Bironides superstes FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 523 (as generotype of Bironides FÖRSTER, 1903). Type male: Természett. Μύζ., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. 1909 Bironides superstes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 57. 1933 Bironides superstes - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 33 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. teuchestes
1933 Bironides teuchestes LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 30. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Calophlebia
1896 Calophlebia SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 40: 80. Type-species: Calophlebia karschi SELYS, 1896 (original designation). - 1909 Calophlebia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 66 (revision, key to species). - 1962 Calophlebia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 220.
interposita Ris 1909 Calophlebia interposita Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 68. Type female: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Calophlebia interposita - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 220.
Distribution: Madagascar. karschi
1896 Calophlebia 1896). Type 1909 Calophlebia 1962 Calophlebia
karschi SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg, 40: 80 (as generotype of Calophlebia SELYS, male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. karschi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 67. karschi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 220.
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Celebophlebia
1936 Celebophlebia LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (4): 399. Type-species: Celebophlebia dactylogastra LIEFTINCK, 1936 (original designation).
324 dactylogastra
1936 Celebophlebia dactylogastra LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (4): 401 (as generotype of LIEFTINCK, 1936). Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Celebes.
Distribution: Celebes. Genus Eothemis Ris 1909 Eothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 70. Type-species: Eothemis zygoptera Ris, 1909 (original designation). - 1 9 6 2 Eothemis - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 219.
zygoptera Ris 1909 Eothemis zygoptera Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 71 (as generotype of Eothemis Ris, 1909). Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Cameroon. 1916 Eothemis zygoptera - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1052 (Sierra Leone, Cameroon). 1941 Eothemis zygoptera - F R A S E R , Proc. R. ent. Soc. London; (B) 1 0 : 40 (French Cameroon). 1962 Eothemis zygoptera - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 220 (French Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Belgian Congo, Nigeria).
Distribution: West Africa. Genus Hylaeothemis Ris 1909 Hylaeothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 63. Type-species: Hylaeothemis dementia Ris, 1 9 0 9 (original designation). - 1 9 4 6 Hylaeothemis - F R A S E R , Proc. R. ent. Soc. London ( B ) 1 5 : 9 9 (key to species). - 1 9 5 4 Hylaeothemis - F R A S E R , Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 1 5 : 9 9 (key to species). - 1 9 5 4 Hylaeothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 1 2 6 (type-species: Tetrathemis fruhstorferi KARSCH, 1 8 8 9 ) .
fruhstorferi fruhstorferi
1889 Tetrathemis fruhstorferi K A R S C H (nec Ris, 1916, and nec F R A S E R , 1918). Ent. Nachr., 15 (20). 321. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Ceylon. 1909 Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 65 (redescription). 1916 Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1050 (description of female from South India). 1918 Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi - F R A S E R , J. Bombay Soc. nat. Hist., 25: 384. 1924 Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi fruhstorferi - F R A S E R , Ree. Indian Mus., 2 6 : 430 (West India). 1955 Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 77 (Ceylon).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka. fruhstorferi apicalis
1916 Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi Ris (nec K A R S C H , 1889, and nec F R A S E R , 1918), Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1050 - female from South India. 1918 Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi F R A S E R (nec K A R S C H , 1889, and necRis, 1916). J. Bombay nat.-Hist. Soc., 25: 384 - male and female from South India. 1924 Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi apicalis F R A S E R , Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 430. Type male: not given; type-locality: West India. 1946 Hylaeothemis indica F R A S E R , Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 15: 97. Type female: not given; type-locality: South India.
325 1966 Hylaeothemis indica - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18:196 (proposed synonymy with fruhstorferi apicalis FRASER, 1 9 1 6 ) .
Distribution: India. dementia Ris 1909 Hylaeothemis dementia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 64 (as generotype of Hylaeothemis Ris, 1909). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1 9 1 2 Hylaeothemis dementia - L A I D L A W , J . Str. Br. R . Asiatic Soc., 6 3 : 9 3 . 1920 Hylaeothemis clementia - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1920: 320. 1946 Hylaeothemis clementia - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 15: 99. 1954 Hylaeothemis clementia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 126 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. gardeneri
1927 Hylaeothemis gardeneri FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 66. Type male: originally in Museum of the Forest Research Institute, Dehre Dun; type-locality: Himalaya.
Distribution: Himalaya. Genus Hypothemis
1889 Hypothemis K A R S C H , Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 261. Type-species: Hypothemis hageni K A R S C H , 1889 (monotypy). - 1909 Hypothemis - Ris, Coll. Zoll., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 41
hageni KARSCH 1889 Hypothemis hageni K A R S C H , Ent. Nachr., 1 5 (16): 261 (as generotype of Hypothemis K A R S C H , 1889). Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Fiji. 1909 Hypothemis hageni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 42 (description of male).
Distribution: Fiji. Genus Malgassophlebia
1956 Melgassophlebia FRASER, Faune Madag., 1: 69. Type-species: Calophlebia mayanga Ris, 1909 (original designation). - 1962 Malgassophlebia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 220. - 1986 Malgassophlebia - LEGRAND, Odonatologica, 15 (1): 104 (key to species groups).
Malgassophlebia aequatoris L E G R A N D , 1 9 7 9 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 81. 1986 Malgassophlebia aequatoris - LEGRAND, Odonatologica, 15 (1): 102. 1985
Distribution: West Africa. bispina bispina FRASER 1958 Malgassophlebia centr., Tervuren; 1962 Malgassophlebia 1985 Malgassophlebia
bispina FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 57: 317. Type maie: Mus. r. Afr. type-locality: Belgian Congo. bispina - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 221. bispina bispina - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
2: 8 1 .
Distribution: Congo Republic.
326 bispina longistipes
1964 AUorhizucha longistipes PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 114. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Zambezi. 1985 Malgassophlebia bispina longistipes - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 81.
Distribution: Zambezi, bispina nigeriae
I960 Malgassophlebia bispina nigeriae PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: 266. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Nigeria.
Distribution: Nigeria. mayanga (Ris) 1909 Calophlebia mayanga Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 69. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Nossi-bé. 1916 Calophlebia mayanga - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1051 (Madagascar). 1956 Malgassophlebia mayanga - FRASER, Faune Madag., 1: 69 (as generotype of Malgassophlebia FRASER, 1956).
1962 Malgassophlebia
mayanga - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 221.
Distribution: Madagascar. westfalli
1986 Malgassophlebia westfalli LEGRAND, Odonatologica, 15 (1): 98. Type male: Legrand's Collection; type-locality: Gabon.
Distribution: Gabon. Genus Micromacromia
1889 Micromacromia KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 388. Type-species: Micromacromia camerunica KARSCH, 1889 (monotypy). - 1909 Micromacromia - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 73 (revision, key to species). - 1962 Micromacromia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 225.
afra Ris 1909 Micromacromia afra RIS, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 75. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Cameroon. 1962 Micromacromia afra - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 225 (Cameroon, South Nigeria).
Distribution: Cameroon, and South Nigeria, camerunica
1889 Micromacromia camerunica KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 389 (as generotype of Micromacromia KARSCH, 1889). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1909 Micromacromia camerunica - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 74. 1916 Micromacromia camerunica - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1052 (Sierra Leone, Congo, Cameroon). 1934 Micromacromia camerunica-SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., (3)113:11 (Belgian Congo). 1941 Micromacromia camerunica - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 10: 40.
327 1962 Micromacromia camerunica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 225 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Nigeria).
Distribution: tropical Africa. miraculosa
1906 Neodythemis miraculosa FÖRSTER, Mannheim Jb. Ver. Natk., 7 1 - 7 2 : 31. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Usambara. 1916 Micromacromia miraculosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1052 (description of female). 1962 Micromacromia miraculosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 225 (Tanganyika).
Distribution: Usambara Mountains (Kenya-Tanzania). Genus Microtrigonia
1903 Microtrigonia FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn.hung., 1: 524. Type-species: Microtrigonia marsupialis FÖRSTER, 1903 (original designation). - 1916 Microtrigonia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1049 (redescription). - 1932 Microtrigonia - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 15: (5): 152 (revision, key to species). - 1933 Microtrigonia - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 34 (revision, key to species).
1933 Microtrigonia gomphoides LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 36. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Microtrigonia gomphoides - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 457 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. marsupialis
1903 Microtrigonia marsupialis FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 526 (as generotype of Microtrigonia FÖRSTER, 1903). Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1916 Microtrigonia marsupialis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1050 (description of female) (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. petaurina
1949 Microtrigonia pataurina LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.) 5:8. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Monardithemis
1947 Monardithemis LONGFIELD, Arq. Mus. Bocage, 169: 21. Type-species: Monardithemis flava LONGFIELD, 1947 (original designation). - 1962 Monardithemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 225.
1947 Monardithemis flava LONGFIELD, Arq. Mus. Bocage, 169: 23 (as generotype of Monardithemis LONGFIELD, 1947). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Angola. 1962 Monardithemis flava - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 226.
Distribution: Angola.
Genus Nannophlebia
1878 Trithemis(Nannophlebia) SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Dresden, 3: 315. Type-species: Neophlebia lorquinii SELYS, 1869 (monotypy). - 1 9 0 9 Nannophlebia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 58 (key to species). - 1933 Nannophlebia - LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea, 1 7 : 10 (revision, key to species). - 1955 Nannophlebia - LIEFTINCK, Zool., Meded., Leiden, 33 (29): 312 (key to Moluccan species).
1938 Nannophlebia adonira LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.) 2: 118. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. aerostiba
1955 Nannophlebia aerostiba LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (29): 305. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Ambon.
Distribution: Ambon Island (Indonesia). agalma
1963 Nannophlebia agalma LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 25: 755. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. aglaia
1948 Nannophlebia aglaia LIEFTINCK, Treubia, Leiden; type-locality: Celebes.
(2): 239. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist.,
Distribution: Celebes. alexia
1933 Nannophlebia alexia LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 23. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Nannophlebia alexia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 8 (3): 455.
Distribution: New Guinea. amaryllis
1955 Nannophlebia amaryllis LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (29): 316. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. amnosia
1955 Nannophlebia amnosia LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (29): 313. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. amphycillis
1933 Nannophlebia amphycillis LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea, 1 7 : 25. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1 9 4 2 Nannophlebia amphycilis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 8 ( 3 ) : 4 5 6 .
Distribution: New Guinea.
329 amphycteria
1933 Nannophlebia amphycteria LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 22. Type female: Természett. Μύζ., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Nannophlebia amphycteria - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 8 (3): 455 (description of male f r o m New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. anacharis
1955 Nannophlebia anacharis LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (29): 309. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Halmahera.
Distribution: Halmahera Island, anatya
1933 Nannophlebia anatya LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 18. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Nannophlebia anatya - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 8 (3): 456.
Distribution: New Guinea. antiacantha
1963 Nannophlebia antiacantha LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (Zool.), 25: 752. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. arethusa
1948 Nannophlebia arethusa Lieftinck, Treubia, 19 (2): 237. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Amboina. 1955 Nannophlebia arethusa - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 3 3 (29): 305.
Distribution: Ambon Island (Indonesia). axiagasta
1933 Nannophlebia axiagasta LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17:16. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Nannophlebia axiagasta - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 8 (3): 456 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. biroi
1900 Tetrathemis biroi FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 23: 82. Type male: Természett. Μύζ. Budapest, type-locality: New Guinea. 1933 Nannophlebia biroi - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 137 (redescription). 1942 Nannophlebia biroi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 457.
Distribution: New Guinea. braueri
1900 Tetrathemis braueri FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 23: 85. Type female: Förster's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1933 Nannophlebia braueri - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 121.
Distribution: New Guinea.
330 buruensis
1926 Nannophlebia buruensis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 7: 284. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Buru.
Distribution: Buru Island, eludans
1908 Nannophlebia eludans TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 645. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Cairns. 1909 Nannophlebia lorquini eludans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 61. 1916 Nannophlebia lorquini eludans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1047 (Queensland). 1984 Nannophlebia eludans - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 81.
Distribution: Australia. imitans imitans Ris 1900 Nannophlebia imitans Ris, Arch. Naturg., 66: 189. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Bismarck Archipelago. 1909 Nannophlebia lorquini imitans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 60. 1949 Nannophlebia imitans - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 361 (New Britain). 1963 Nannophlebia imitans imitans - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (Zool.), 25: 757.
Distribution: Bismarck Islands. imitans infans
1963 Nannophlebia imitans infans LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (Zool.), 25: 757. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Bismarck Archipelago.
Distribution: Bismarck Archipelago, injibandi
1 9 8 5 N a n n o p h l e b i a injibandi WATSON, 1 9 6 9 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 82.
Distribution: N.W. Australia. lorquini
1869 Neophlebia lorquinii SELYS, in POLLEN & VAN DAM, Faune Mad., Ins.: 19. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Moluccas. 1878 Trithemis (Nannophlebia) lorquini - SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Dresden, 3. 315 (as generotype of Nannophlebia
SELYS, 1 8 7 8 ) .
1890 Nannophlebia lorquini - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 44. 1901 Nannophlebia lorquini - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France 14: 225 (Australia, Moluccas). 1909 Tetrathemis biroi-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 59 (incorrect synonymy with lorquini SELYS, 1869). 1916 Nannophlebia lorquini lorquini - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1047 (Ceram). 1948 Nannophlebia lorquini - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 235. 1955 Nannophlebia lorquini - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (29): 302.
Distribution: Moluccas Australia, Ceram. risi
1913 Nannophlebia risi TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 37: 712. Type nymph: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland.
331 1916 Nannophlebia of male).
risi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1047 (description
Distribution: Australia. Genus Neodythemis
1889 Neodythemis KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 252. Type-species: Neodythemis hildebrandti KARSCH, 1889 (original designation). ) 1899 Oreoxenia FÖRSTER, Ent. Nachr., 25: 189. Typespecies: Oreoxenia ouvivandrae FÖRSTER, 1899 (monotypy). - 1902 Pseudophlebia M A R T I N , Bull. Mus. Paris, 8: 510 (nom.nud.) (type-species: Pseudophlebia trinervulata MARTIN, 1902). - 1909 Neodythemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 76 (key to species). - 1962 Neodythemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224. - 1962 Oreoxenia - PINHEY, Pubi., cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224 (proposed synonymy with Neodythemis KARSCH, 1889). - 1962 Pseudophlebia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224 (proposed synonymy with Neodythemis KARSCH, 1889).
1954 Neodythemis africana FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 257. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Bambesa. 1962 Neodythemis africana - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224.
Distribution: West Africa. arnoulti
1955 Neodythemis arnoulti FRASER, Nat. malgache, 7: 40. Type male: Inst. Rech. Sci. Madagascar; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Neodythemis arnoulti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224.
Distribution: Madagascar. fitzgeraldi 1985
Neodythemis fitzgeraldi Utrecht, 2: 82.
PINHEY, 1 9 6 1
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: North Rhodesia. gorillae I960
Neodythemis gorillae PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: Bulawayo; type-locality: Gorilla Mountain.
Type male: Nat. Mus.,
Distribution: East Africa. hildebrandti
1889 Neodythemis hildebrandti KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 252 (as generotype of Neodythemis K A R S C H , 1 8 8 9 ) . Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Madagascar. 1 8 9 9 Oreoxenia ouvivandrae FÖRSTER, Ent. Nachr., 25: 1 9 0 (as generotype of Oreoxenia FÖRSTER, 1899). Type male: Ann A r b o r Mus.; type-locality: Madagascar. 1903 Pseudophlebia minima NEEDHAM, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 26: 45. Type: not given. 1908 Pseudophlebia mimica (SELYS MS) MARTIN, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 43: 652. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Madagascar. 1909 Neodythemis hildebrandti - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 78. 1909 Oreoxenia ouvivandrae - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 78 (proposed synonymy with hildebrandti K A R S C H , 1 8 8 9 ) . 1962 Neodythemis hildebrandti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224.
Distribution: Madagascar.
332 pauliani
1952 Neodythemis pauliani FRASER, Mém. Inst. sci. Madag., (E) 1: 140. Type male: Inst. Rech. Sci. Madagascar; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Neodythemis pauliani - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224.
Distribution: Madagascar. scalarum 1964
Neodythemis scalarum P I N H E Y , Bull. Inst. franc. Afr. noire, (A) 26: r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Sierra Leone.
Type male: Mus.
Distribution: Sierra Leone. trinervulata
1902 Pseudophlebia trinervulata M A R T I N , Bull. Mus. Paris, 8: 510 (as generotype of Pseudophlebia M A R T I N , 1902). Type male: Nat. Mus. Nation. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1909 Neodythemis trinervulata - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 77 (redescription). 1962 Neodythemis trinervulata - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 224.
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Notiothemis Ris 1916 Notiothemis Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1053. Type-species: Notiothemis jonesi Ris, 1916 (original designation). - 1921 Notiothemis (as nov. gen.) Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 388. Type-species: Notiothemis jonesi Ris, 1916 (monotypy). - 1962 Nothiothemis - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 226.
jonesi RIS 1916 Notiothemis jonesi Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1054 (as generotype of Notiothemis Ris, 1916). Type maie: Royal Scottish Museum; type-locality: U s u m b a r a . 1921 Notiothemis jonesi (as nov. sp.) - Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 390 (type-male: South Afr. Mus., from Zululand). 1934 Notiothemis johnesi (misprint) - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., (3) II 3: 11 (Belgian Congo). 1944 Notiothemis jonesi var. auricolor FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (Β) 13: 40. Male from Uganda. 1962 Notiothemis jonesi - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 226 (Uganda, Natal, Rhodesia, Tanganyika, Kenya, Belgian Congo). 1 9 8 5 Notiothemis jonesi auricolor - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 8 2 .
Distribution: tropical Africa. robertsi
1944 Notiothemis robertsi FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 13:42. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Lake Victoria. 1955 Notiothemis robertsi - FRASER, Revue Zool. Bot. afr., 51: 43 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Notiothemis robertsi - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 226 (Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo, Rhodesia).
Distribution: Central Africa. Genus Pacificothemis 1940 Pacificothemis
Tenthredo, 3 (1): 10. Type-species: Pacificothemis
1940 (original designation). - 1 9 6 2 Pacificothemis
- LIEFTINCK, Insects of M i c r o n e s i a , 5 (1): 61.
333 esakii
1940 Paciflcothemis esakii A S A H I N A , Tenthredo, 3 (L): 10 (as generotype of A S A H I N A , 1940): Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Ponape. 1 9 6 2 Pacificothemis esakii - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 ( 1 ) : 6 1 .
Distribution: Ponape. Genus Palaeothemis
1923 Palaeothemis F R A S E R , Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 30. Type-species: Palaeothemis F R A S E R , 1923 (original designation).
1923 Palaeothemis tillyardi F R A S E R , Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 33 (as generotype of Palaeothemis F R A S E R , 1923). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma. Genus Risiophlebia
1909 Oda Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9:61. Type-species: Nannophlebia dohrni K R Ü G E R , 1892 (original designation). - 1934 Risiophlebia C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 204 (new name for Oda Ris, 1909, a junior primary homonymy of Oda M O N T A R O S A M S - C H A S T E R , 1901 - in Mollusca). Type-species: Nannophlebia dohrni K R Ü G E R , 1892 (original designation). - 1935 Risiophlebia - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool., Sum., 9 2 - 9 3 : 12. - 1954 Risiophlebia LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 126.
1902 Nannophlebia dohrni K R Ü G E R , Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63: 186. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1909 Oda dohrni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 62 (as generotype of Oda RIS, 1909). 1934 Risiophlebia dohrni - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 204 (as generotype of Risiophlebia C O W L E Y , 1934). 1935 Risiophlebia dohrni - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool., Sum., 9 2 - 9 3 : 12 (Sumatra). 1 9 5 4 Risiophlebia dohrni - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 1 2 6 (Sumatra, Bangha, Billion, Borneo).
Distribution: Sumatra, Borneo. risi
Oda risi C A M P I O N , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 2 0 : 4 8 9 . Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: New Guinea. 1934 Risiophlebia risi - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 204. 1915
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Sleuthemis
1951 Sleuthemis F R A S E R , Rev. franc, ent., 18: 96. Type-species: Sleuthemis diplacoides F R A S E R , 1951 (original designation). - 1962 Sleuthemis - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 227.
1951 Sleuthemis diplacoides F R A S E R , Rev. franc, ent., 18: 97 (as generotype of Sleuthemis 1951). Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: French Guinea. 1962 Sleuthemis diplacoides - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 227.
334 1985
Sleuthemis leonensis AGUESSE, 1 9 6 8 - loc. cit. D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 82 (as synonym of diplacoides FRASER, 1951.
Distribution: West Africa. Genus Tapeinothemis
1950 Tapeinothemis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 638. Type-species: Tapeinothemis boharti 1950 (original designation).
1950 Tapeinothemis boharti LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 640 (as generotype of Tapeinothemis LIEFTINCK, 1950). Type female: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Solomon Island. 1957 Tapeinothemis boharti-KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat.Hist.) Ent., 5: 319 (description of male).
Distribution: Solomon Islands. Genus Tetrathemis
1868 Tetrathemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 182. Type-species: Tetrathemis irregularis BRAUER, 1868 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 310). 1869 Neophlebia SELYS, in POLLEN & VAN D A M , Faune Mad., Ins.: 18. Type-species: Neophlebia polleni - SELYS, 1869 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 309). 1878 Neophlebia - SELYS, Mitt. zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 315 (with subgenera: Neophlebia s.str. Tetrathemis BRAUER, 1868). - 1889 Tetrathemis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 310. - 1909 Tetrathemis - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Lonchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 44 (revision, key to species). - 1909 Neophlebia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 44 (as synonymy of Tetrathemis BRAUER, 1868). - 1954 Tetrathemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 124. - 1954 Tetrathemis-FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 253. - 1962 Tetrathemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 221.
1941 Tetrathemis bifida FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 10:138. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1954 Tetrathemis bifida - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 253.
Distribution: Uganda. camerunensis
1900 Neophlebia camerunensis SJÖSTEDT, Bih. Svenska Akad. 25 (2): 36. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: Cameroon. 1909 Tetrathemis camerunensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 53 (Cameroon, Nigeria, Gold Coast). 1954 Tetrathemis camerunensis - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 254.
Distribution: West Africa. corduliformis
1936 Tetrathemis corduliformis LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London; 85: 484. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1954 Tetrathemis corduliformis - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 254. 1977 Tetrathemis corduliformis - LEGRAND, Odonatologica, 6 (4): 249 (Gabon).
Distribution: Central Africa. denticauda
1954 Tetrathemis denticauda FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr. 50: 255. Type male: Mus. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Fort Portal (Uganda).
335 1966 Tetrathemis denticauda - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18:189 [type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London]. 1977 Tetrathemis denticauda - LEGRAND, Odonatologica, 6 (4): 246 (Gabon).
Distribution: West Africa. flavescens
1889 Tetrathemis flavescens K I R B Y (nec TILLYARD, 1906), Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 343. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Sarawak. 1909 Tetrathemis flavescens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 52. 1954 Tetrathemis flavescens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 124 (Sumatra, Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo, Sumatra. fraseri
1977 Tetrathemis fraseri LEGRAND, Odonatologica, 6 (4): 246. Type male: Legrand's Collection; type-locality: Gabon.
Distribution: Gabon. godiardi 1985
Tetrathemis godiardi Utrecht, 2: 83.
LACROIX, 1 9 2 1
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: West Africa. irregularis irregularis
1868 Tetrathemis irregularis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 183 (as generotype of Tetrathemis BRAUER, 1868). Type female: Mus. Naturk. Berlin; type-locality: Mindanao. 1889 Tetrathemis irregularis - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 263 (description of male from Mindanao). 1909 Tetrathemis irregularis irregularis - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 46 (key to subspecies). 1937 Tetrathemis irregularis - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 72 (Luzon). 1942 Tetrathemis irregularis irregularis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 450 (key to subspecies).
Distribution: Sumatra to Philippine Islands. irregularis cladophila
Tetrathemis flavescens TILLYARD (nec KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) , Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 4 8 7 . Type female: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1908 Tetrathemis cladophila TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 33: 647 (new name for Tetrathemis flavescens TILLYARD, 1906, a junior secondary homonymy of Tetrathemis flavescens 1906
KIRBY, 1889).
1916 Tetrathemis irregularis cladophila - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1044 (Aru Island). 1942 Tetrathemis irregularis cladophila - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 454.
Distribution: Australia, and Aru. irregularis dives Ris 1913 Tetrathemis cladophila dives Ris, Nova Guinea, 9: 505. Type male: Ris's Collection; typelocality: New Guinea. 1916 Tetrathemis cladophila dives - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1045 (New Guinea). 1942 Tetrathemis irregularis dives - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 453.
Distribution: New Guinea.
336 irregularis hyalina
1889 Tetrathemis hyalina KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 342. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1902 Tetrathemis sumatrana KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63: 191. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sumatra. 1909 Tetrathemis irregularis hyalina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 47 (Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Timor, Flores, New Guinea). 1909 Tetrathemis sumatrana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 47 (proposed synonymy with irregularis hyalina KIRBY, 1889). 1934 Tetrathemis irregularis hyalina - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Supp.: 13: 378. 1954 Tetrathemis irregularis hyalina - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 125 (Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo).
Distribution: South Oriental region, and New Guinea, irregularis papuensis
1942 Tetrathemis irregularis papuensis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 451. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea, leptoptera
1869 Neophlebia leptoptera SELYS, in POLLEN & VAN DAM, F a u n e M a d . Ins.,: 19. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Moluccas. 1889 Tetrathemis tristrigata KIRBY, Trans, zool. Soc. London, 12: 343. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: „Gilolo". 1890 Tetrathemis leptoptera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 44. 1909 Tetrathemis leptoptera - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 48. 1909 Tetrathemis tristrigata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 48 (proposed synonymy with leptoptera (SELYS, 1869). 1985 Tetrathemis tristrigata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 83 (incorrect synonymy with irregularis BRAUER, 1868).
Distribution: Malaysia. longfíeldae L E G R A N D 1977 Tetrathemis longfíeldae LEGRAND, Odonatologica, 6 (4): 248. Type male: Legrand's Collection; type-locality: G a b o n .
Distribution: Gabon. platyptera
1878 Tetrathemis platyptera SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus., Dresden, 3: 316. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Bengal. 1902 Tetrathemis flava KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63: 189. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1902 Tetrathemis pulchra LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902: 71. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Malaya. 1909 Tetrathemis platyptera - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 50 (description of male). 1924 Tetrathemis aurea FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 69. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Lower Burma. 1954 Tetrathemis platyptera — LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 125 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Java).
337 1966 Tetrathemis aurea - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 180 (proposed synonymy with platyptera SELYS, 1 8 7 8 ) .
Distribution: Oriental region. polleni 1869
1889 1909 1916 1941 1941 1954
Neophlebia polleni SELYS, in POLLEN & VAN D A M , F a u n e Mad., Ins.: 1 8 . Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Madagascar (as generotype of Neophlebia SELYS, 1 8 6 9 ) . Neophlebia polleni- KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 262. Tetrethemis polleni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 54. Tetrathemis polleni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1045. Tetrathemis polleni - ST. QUENTIN, Ann. N a t u r h . Mus. Wien, 52: 111 (Madagascar, East Africa). Tetrathemis carpenteri FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 10: 140. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. Tetrathemis polleni - FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 50: 254.
Distribution: Madagascar, East Africa. ruwensoriensis
1941 Tetrathemis ruwensoriensis FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 10:141. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Tetrathemis ruwensoriensis-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:222 (Uganda-Congo border).
Distribution: Central Africa. sulci
1962 Tetrathemis sulci PINHEY, J. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 25:44. Type male: South Afr. Mus.; type-locality: Cameroon.
Distribution: Cameroon. victoriae
1963 Archaeophlebia victoriae PINHEY, N o v o s Taxa ent., 32: 3. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Victoria Falls. 1 9 8 5 Tetrathemis victoriae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 8 3 .
Distribution: Central Africa. yerburii
1894 Tetrathemis (Nat.Hist.), 1909 Tetrathemis 1955 Tetrathemis
yerburii KIRBY, J. Linn. Soc. London, 24: 556. Type male: British Museum London; type-locality: Ceylon. yerburii - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 52. yerburii - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 77 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. Subfamily Brachydiplacinae Small to medium sized species. „Primitive" venational characters largely retained. Arc between antenodals 1 - 2 ; distal antenodal variable; anal loop present; trg in hind wing distal to arc. 1940
Brachydiplacinae TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 3 9 3 (with genera: Nannophya, Uracis, Fylgia, Tetrathemis, Oligoclada, Microthyria). - 1962 Brachydiplacinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 244 (key to African genera: Aethiothemis, Lokithemis, Porpacithe-
338 mis, Chalcostephia, Hemistigma, Theracochoria, Eleuthemis, Porpax, Lokia, Anectothemis). 1977 Brachydiplacinae - BELYSHEV & KHARATINOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 134 (key to Boreal genera).
Genus Anatya
1889 Anatya KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 293. Type-species: Anatya anomala KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1910 Anatya - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 148. - 1911 Anatya - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 421 (revision, key to species). - 1945 Anatya - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 8: 170 (type-species: Libellula guttata
ERICHSON, 1 8 4 8 ) .
1848 Libellula guttata ERICHSON, Schomb. Reisen in Brit. Guyana, 3. 584. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Guyana. 1889 Anatya anomala KIRBY, Trans, zool. Soc. London, 12: 338 (as generotype of Anatya KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Brazil. 1879 Agrionoptera difficilis SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 14: 301. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Malaysia. 1890 Uracis guttata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 32. 1890 Lathrecista difficilis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 30. 1910 Anatya anomala - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 148 [proposed synonymy w i t h guttata
(ERICHSON, 1 8 4 8 ) ] .
1910 Agrionoptera difficilis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 148 [proposed synonymy with guttata (ERICHSON, 1848)]. 1943 Anatya guttata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 262 (Venezuela, Guyanas, Matto Grosso).
Distribution: South America (and ? Malaysia). januaria Ris 1911 Anatya januaria Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 423. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Espirito Santo.
Distribution: Brazil. normalis
1899 Anatya normalis CALVERT, Proc. Cal. Acad., (2) 1: 400. Type male: Calif. Acad.; type-locality: Mexico. 1900 Anatya theresiae SELYS, Beri. Ent. Z., 45: 260. Type female: Therese von Bayern's Collection; type-locality: Colombia. 1910 Anatya theresiae - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 148 (proposed synonymy with normalis CALVERT, 1899). 1911 Anatya normalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 424 (Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala). 1916 Anatya normalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1140 (Guatemala).
Distribution: Mexico to Colombia. Genus Anectothemis
1954 Anectothemis FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 50: 264. Type-species: Anectothemis apicalis FRASER, 1954 (original designation). - 1962 Anectothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 252.
339 apicalis
1954 Anectothemis apicalis FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 50: 267 (as generotype of Anectothemis FRASER, 1954). Type female: Mus. r. afr. Centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1954 Anectothemis apicalis forma b FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 50: 268 (specimen labelled as hyalina, but unmentioned in description). 1962 Anectothemis apicalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 253.
Distribution: Congo Republic. Genus Argyrothemis Ris 1911 Argyrothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 389. Type-species: Argyrothemis argentea Ris, 1911 (original designation).
argentea Ris 1911 Argyrothemis argentea Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12:390 (as generotype of Argyrothemis Ris, 1911). Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Cayenne. 1916 Argyrothemis argentea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1130.
Distribution: British Guyana. Genus Brachydiplax
1868 Brachydiplax BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 172. Type-species: Diplax denticauda BRAUER, 1867 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London; 12: 280). - 1868 Microthemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 367. Type-species: Perithemis duivenbodi BRAUER, 1866 (monotypy). - 1905 Brachydiplax - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 748. - 1937 Brachydiplax - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 79 (key to Philippiean species). - 1954 Brachydiplax - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 143.
chalybea chalybea
1868 Brachydiplax chalybea BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 173. Type male: Naturh. Mus., Wien; type-locality: „Bohol". 1878 Brachydiplax maria SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 303. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Menado. 1911 Brachydiplax chalybea - RIS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 55: 253. 1916 Brachydiplax chalybea chalybea - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1123 (key to subspecies). 1937 Brachydiplax chalybea chalybea - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 80 (Luzon, Mindanao). 1954 Brachydiplax chalybea chalybea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 143 (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Nias, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. chalybea flavovittata Ris 1911 Brachydiplax chalybea flavovittata Ris, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 55: 253. Type male: Riksmus. Nat. Hist., Stockholm; type-locality: Tonkin. 1916 Brachydiplax chalybea flavovittata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamp, Bruxelles, 16: 1123 (Tonkin). 1922 Planiplax okinavensis OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 100. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; typelocality: Okinawa. 1961 Brachydiplax chalybea flavovittata - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 63.
340 1961 Planiplax okinavensis - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 63 (proposed synonymy with chalybea flavovittata
RLS, 1911).
Distribution: East Asia. chalybea simalura Ris 1915 Brachydiplax chalybea locality: Simalur. 1916 Brachydiplax chalybea (as sp.nov.). 1926 Brachydiplax chalybea 1954 Brachydiplax chalybea Engano).
simalura Ris, Tidjschr. Ent., 58: 17. Type male: Ris's Collection; typesimalura - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1123 simalura - LAIDLAW, J. Str. Br. R. Asiatic Soc., 4: 224. simalura - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 144 (Simalur, Mentawei,
Distribution: East Asia. denticauda denticauda
1867 Diplax denticauda BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 17: 301. Type sex not given: Darmstadt Mus.; type-locality: Papua. 1889 Nannodiplax finschi KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 250. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: New Guinea. 1890 Brachydiplax denticauda - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 22 (as generotype of Brachydiplax BRAUER, 1868). 1916 Brachydiplax denticauda - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1124 (New Guinea, Cape York). 1985 Brachydiplax denticauda denticauda - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 83.
Distribution: New Guinea, denticauda australis
1894 Brachydiplax australis KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 18. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Queensland. 1985 Brachydiplax denticauda australis - D AVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 83.
Distribution: Australia, duivenbodi
1866 Perithemis duivenbodi BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 16: 589. Type male: unknown; originally in Darmstadt Mus.; type-locality: Papua. 1868 Microthemis duivenbodi - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 724 (as generotype of Microthemis BRAUER, 1868). 1882 Microthemis duyvenbodei (misprint) race philipp(in)ensis SELYS, Anni. Soc. Esp., 1 1 : 9 (undescribed taxa). 1916 Brachydiplax duivenbodi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1124 (Aru, Cape York). 1936 Brachydiplax duivenbodi - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 140 (Flores, Celebes). 1942 Brachydiplax duivenbodei (misprint) - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 478 (New Guinea).
Distribution: Philippines, Celebes, Lesser Sunda, Flores, Moluccan Islands, New Guinea, North Australia. farinosa
1902 Brachydiplax farinosa KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63: 135. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sumatra.
341 1934 Brachydiplax farinosa - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 380.
Distribution: Sumatra. malcolmi
1922 Brachydiplax malcolmi FRASER, J. nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 4: 231. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Bangkok.
Distribution: Thailand, pruinosa
1902 Brachydiplax pruinosa LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1: 67. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Malaya. 1934 Brachydiplax pruinosa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (1): 412 (incorrect synonymy with Rhaphismia bispina
HÄGEN, 1 8 6 7 ) .
1942 Brachydiplax 1954 Brachydiplax Borneo).
pruinosa - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 11: 103 (Malaysia). pruinosa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 144 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Java,
Distribution: Malaysia, Thailand, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, sobrina
1842 Libellula sobrina RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 114. Type female: Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: unknown. 1889 Brachydiplax indica KIRBY, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 12: 329. Type sex not given: unknown; type-locality: India. 1890 Sympetrum sobrinum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17 (? Brazil). 1892 Brachydiplax sobrina - SEL YS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, (2) 10: 449 (Burma, Philippines, Malaya). 1892 Brachydiplax gestroi SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 451. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova; type-locality: Burma. 1894 Brachydiplax indica - KIRBY, J. Linn. Soc. London, 24: 551 [proposed synonymy with sobrina (RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) ] .
1894 Brachydiplax gestroi-KiRBY,
J. Linn. Soc. London, 24: 551 [proposed synonymy with sobrina
(RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) ] .
1916 Brachydiplax sobrina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1122 (Malay Peninsula, Assam). 1924 Brachydiplax sobrina - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 434 (West India). 1931 Brachydiplax sobrina - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 223 (Siam). 1954 Brachydiplax
sobrina - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 145 (Siam).
Distribution: Oriental region (? Brazil). sollaarti LIEFTINCK 1953 Brachydiplax sollaarti LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 262. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: Sumatra. 1954 Brachydiplax sollaarti - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 144 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra. yunnanensis
1924 Brachydiplax yunnanensis FRASER, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 19: 450. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Yunnan. 1928 Brachydiplax yunnanensis - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 118 (Yunnan).
Distribution: China.
342 Genus Brachygonia
1889 Brachygonia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 310. Type-species: Tetrathemis oculata BRAUER, 1878 (original designation). - 1889 Brachydiplax (Microdiplax) SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 457. Type-species: Brachydiplax (Microdiplax) deliculata SELYS, 1889 (monotypy). - 1900 Brachygonia - KARSCH, Abh. Senckenb. naturf. Ges., 25 (1): 223 (revision). - 1900 Brachydiplax (Microdiplax) - KARSCH, Abh. Senckenb. naturf. Ges., 25 (1) 223 (proposed synonymy with Brachygonia KIRBY, 1889).
1878 Tetrathemis oculata BRAUER, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 67:194. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Borneo. 1889 Brachygonia oculata- KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 310 (as genero type of Brachygonia KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 .
1889 Brachydiplax (Microdiplax) delicatula SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova, 27: 459 (as generotype of Microdiplax SELYS, 1889). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Malacca. 1891 Brachygonia oculata - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (16): 246 (Sumatra). 1910 Brachygonia oculata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: i S i . 1927 Brachygonia oculata - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 41. 1942 Brachygonia oculata - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 11: 102 (Malaysia). 1954 BrachygoniaOCU/Α/Α- LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 141 (Malaya, Sumatra, Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Sumatra, Celebes, Borneo. ephelia Ris 1910 Brachygonia ophelia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 354. Type female: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1916 Brachygonia ophelia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1120 (Borneo). 1920 Brachygonia ophelia - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1920: 322. 1937 Brachygonia ophelia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16: 107. 1954 Brachygonia ophelia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 141 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. puella
1937 Brachygonia puella LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 16 (1): 105. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Billiton. 1954 Brachygonia puella - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 141 (Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Billiton Island, Borneo. Genus Chalcostephia
1889 Chalcostephia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12:293. Type-species: Chalcostephiaflavifrons KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1889 Corduliops KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 374. Type-species: Corduliops metallifrons KARSCH, 1889 (monotypy). - 1921 Chalcostephia - Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 404. - 1934 Chalcostephia - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige., Zool., (3) II 3: 21. - 1962 Chalcostephia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 247 (proposed synonymy with Chalcostephia KIRBY, 1889).
flavifrons flavifrons KIRBY 1889 Chalcostephia flavifrons KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 337 (as generotype of Chalcostephia KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Angola. 1889 Corduliops metallifrons KARSCH (laps. cal. for metallica), Beri. ent. Ζ., 33: 375 (as generotype of Corduliops KARSCH, 1889). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Zanzibar.
343 1890 Corduliops metallica 1921 Chalcostephia coronata 1934 Chalcostephia coronata 31 (Belgian Congo). 1947 Chalcostephia coronata 1962 Chalcostephia flavifrons Africa).
KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 181. flavifrons - Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 405 (Natal). flavifrons - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige., Zool., (3) II 3: flavifrons - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 38 (Ivory Coast). flavifrons - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:247 (tropical
Distribution: tropical Africa. flavifrons spinifera
1 8 6 9 Libellula c o r o n a t a SELYS ( n e c BRAUER, 1 8 6 6 ) , i n POLLEN & VAN DAM, M a d a g . I n s . , 2 5 : 17.
Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1890 Chalcostephia coronata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 180. 1910 Chalcostephia coronata coronata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 372. 1962 Chalcostephia flavifrons spinifera PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 247 (new name for Libellula coronata SELYS, 1869, a junior secondary homonymy of Libellula coronata BRAUER, 1 8 6 6 ) .
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Chalybeothemis
1933 Chalybeothemis LIEFTINCK, Sarawak Mus. J., 4: 132. Type-species: Chalybeothemis fluviatilis LIEFTINCK, 1933 (original designation). - 1954 Chalybeothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 143.
1933 Chalybeothemis fluviatilis LIEFTINCK, Sarawak Mus. J., 4:133 (as generotype of Chalybeothemis LIEFTINCK, 1933). Type male: Sarawak Mus.; type-locality: Borneo. 1936 Chalybeothemis fluviatilis - LIEFTINCK, Ent. Med.Ned., Indiae, 2: 4 (Billiton). 1954 Chalybeothemis fluviatilis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 143 (Malaya, Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Borneo, Billiton Island. Genus Congothemis
1953 Congothemis FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 48: 243. Type-species: Congothemis longistyla FRASER, 1953 (original designation). - 1962 Congothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 241.
1953 Congothemis longistyla FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 48: 245 (as generotype of Congothemis FRASER, 1953). Type male: Musée Royal du Congo Beige, Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Congothemis longistyla - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 241.
Distribution: Congo Republic. Genus Edonis
1905 Edonis NEEDHAM, Proc. Soc. Washington, 18:113. Type-species: Edonis helena NEEDHAM, 1905 (original designation). - 1911 Edonis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 396 (revision).
344 helena NEEDHAM 1905 Edonis helena N E E D H A M , Proc. Soc. Washington, 1 8 : 114 (as generotype of Edonis 1905). Type male: Needham's Collection; type-locality: Yparanga. 1911 Edonis helena - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 397.
Distribution: Corrientes (Argentina). Genus Ëleuthemis Ris 1909 Eleutho Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles 9: 25. Type-species: Eleutho buettihofferi Ris,1909 (monotypy). - 1910 Ëleuthemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles 11: 382 (new name for Eleutho Ris, 1909, a primary junior homonymy oí Eleutho THOMSON, 1864, in Coleóptera). - 1 9 6 2 Ëleuthemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 250.
buettihofferi buettihofferi (Ris) 1909 Eleutho buettihofferi Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles 9: 25 (as generotype of Eleutho Ris, 1909). Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Liberia. 1910 Ëleuthemis buettihofferi - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 382 (as generotype of Ëleuthemis Ris, 1910). 1916 Ëleuthemis buettihofferi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1129 (Sierra Leone). 1959 Eluthemis buettihoferi (misprint) - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 4 5 : 39 (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Portuguese Guinea, Nigeria, Rhodesia). 1962 Ëleuthemis buettihofferi - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 250 (Zambezi, Tanganyika, Uganda, Nigeria, Port. Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone).
Distribution: tropical Africa. buettihofferi monardi
1951 Ëleuthemis buettihofferi monardi SCHMIDT, Arq. Mus. Bocage, 20: 186. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Portuguese Guinea. 1962 Ëleuthemis buettihofferi monardi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 250.
Distribution: Guinea. buettihofferi quadrigutta 1985
Ëleuthemis buettihofferi quadrigutta of the World, Utrecht, 2: 86.
PINHEY, 1 9 7 4
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies
Distribution: Rhodesia. Genus Elga Ris 1911 Elga Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 398. Type-species: Elga leptostyla Ris, 1911 (monotypy).
leptostyla Ris 1911 Elga leptostyla Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 398 (as generotype of Elga Ris, 1911). Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: South America. 1916 Elga leptostyla - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 178 (Panama). 1916 Elga leptostyla - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1131 (Panama, British Guinea).
Distribution: Panama, Guyanas.
345 santosi
1954 Elga santosi MACHADO, Rev. bras. Biol., 14: 303. Type male: Rio de Janeiro Mus.; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Fylgia
1889 Fylgia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 312. Type-species: Fylgia amazónica KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1911 Fylgia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 391 (revision).
1889 Fylgia amazónica KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 344 (as generotype of Fylgia KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Para. 1889 Nannothemis semiaurea (HAGEN MS) KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 258. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Para. 1911 Fylgia amazónica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 392. 1911 Nannothemis semiaurea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 392 (proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h amazónica
KIRBY, 1889).
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Hemistigma
1889 Hemistigma KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 295. Type-species: Libellula albipuncta RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1921 Hemistigma - Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 405. - 1962 Hemistigma - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 248.
affinis (RAMBUR) 1842 Libellula affinis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 94. Type sex not given: unknown; type-locality: Madagascar. 1890 Hemistigma affinis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 32. 1914 Hemistigma ouvivandrae FÖRSTER, Arch. Naturg., 80 (A): 70. Type male: lost; type-locality: Madagascar. 1920 Hemistigma affinis race decorata LACROIX, Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1920: 298. Male from Madagascar. 1962 Hemistigma affinis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 248. 1962 Hemistigma ouvivandrae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 248 [proposed syno n y m y w i t h affinis
(RAMBUR), 1842)].
1962 Hemistigma affinis race decorata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 248 [proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h affinis
(RAMBUR, 1842].
Distribution: Madagascar. albipuncta (RAMBUR) 1842 Libellula albipuncta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 93. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Senegal. 1869 Libellula diífinis SELYS, in POLLEN & VAN DAM, Madag. Ins., 25: 17. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Senegal. 1889 Hemistigma albipuncta - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 263 (as generotype of Hemistigma KIRBY, 1889). 1908 Hemistigma unilineata MARTIN, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 43: 656. Type male: Mus. nat. civ. Stor. Hist., Genova; type-locality: Portuguese Guinea. 1916 Hemistigma albipuncta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1128 (Senegal, Congo, S. Africa).
346 1921 Hemistigma albipuncta - Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 405 (South Africa). 1954 Hemistigma neurothemoides FRASER, Revue Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 257. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Kwango (Cuango River, Angola-Zaire). 1962 Hemistigma albipuncta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 248 (Africa). 1962 Libellula diffinis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 248 [proposed synonymy with albipuncta
(RAMBUR), 1842)].
1962 Hemistigmaunilineata-PINHEY, with albipuncta
Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:248 [proposed synonymy
(RAMBUR), 1842)].
1962 Hemistigma neurothemoides - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 248 [proposed synonymy with albipuncta (RAMBUR), 1842)].
Distribution: from Senegal to South African Republic. Genus Micrathyria
1889 Micrathyria KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London; 12: 303. Type-species: Libellula didyma SELYS, 1857 (original designation). - 1911 Micrathyria - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 425 (revision, key to species).
1861 Dythemis aequalis HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 167. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1890 Macrothemis aequalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 33. 1894 Micrathyria aequalis - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (14) 6: 267. 1895 Micrathyria aequalis - CALVERT, Proc. Cal. Acad., (2) 4: 543. 1900 Micrathyria séptima SELYS, Beri. ent. Z., 45: 265. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien;, typelocality: not given. 1910 Micrathyria séptima - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 148 (Mexico to Ecuador, Greater Antilles). 1910 Micrathyria séptima - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 148 [proposed synonymy with aequilis (HÄGEN), 1861)]. 1916 Micrythyria aequalis-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1151 (Guatemala, Honduras, Br. Guyana, Trinidad). 1919 Micrathyria aequalis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 369 (Cuba).
Distribution: Central America. almeidai
1945 Micrathyria almeidai SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro (N.S.) Zool., 48: 1. Type male: Mus. nac., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil. 1953 Micrathyria almeidai - MACHDO, Dusenia, 4: 417 (description of allotype, female).
Distribution: Brazil. artemis Ris 1911 Micrathyria artemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 437. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para. 1916 Micratyria artemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 1147 (British Guiana).
Distribution: Brazil, Guyanas, atra
1898 Dythemis atra MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 66: 590. Type male: Martin's Collection; typelocality: Minas Geraes.
347 1906 Micrathyria atra - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Am., Neur.: 221 (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil). 1911 Micrathyria atra - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 436 (British Guyana, Suriname, Honduras, Brazil).
Distribution: Central America, Guyanas, Brazil. borgmeieri
1947 Micrathyria borgmeieri SANTOS, Rev. brazil. Biol., 7 : 2 1 5 . Type male: Mus. nac., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. cambridgei
Micrathyria cambridgei K I R B Y , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1 9 : 6 0 8 . Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazonas. 1911 Micrathyria cambridgei - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 431 (incorrect synonymy with didyma laevigata CALVERT, 1909). 1916 Micrathyria cambridgei - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1145. 1897
Distribution: Brazil. catenate
1909 Micrathyria catenata CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 230. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1911 Micrathyria catenata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 440 (Brazil). 1916 Micrathyria catenata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1149 (Trinidad). 1932 Micrathyria catenata - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 1 5 : 113 (Trinidad).
Distribution: Trinidad, Brazil. coropinae
1962 Micrathyria coropinae GEIJSKES, Naturwet. Stud. Suriname, 5 (28): 78. Type male: Geijskes's Collection; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. debilis
1861 Dythemis debilis H A G E N , Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 168. Type maie: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1 8 9 0 Macrothemis debilis - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 33. 1906 Micrathyria debilis - CAL VERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 229 (Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba). 1911 Micrathyria debilis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 447 (Cuba, G u a temala, Mexico). 1 9 4 7 Micrathyria debilis - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4 : 4 5 2 (Argentina).
Distribution: Cuba to Argentina. dictynna Ris 1916 Micrathyria dictynna Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1146. Type maie: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Guatemala.
Distribution: Guatemala. dido Ris 1911 Micrathyria dido Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12:432. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para.
348 1946 Micrathyria
dido - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 470 (Peru).
Distribution: Brazil, Peru. didyma didyma
1857 Libellula didyma SELYS, in SAGRA (nec H Ä G E N , 1861), Hist. C u b a Ins.: 453. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1842 Libellula phyna RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 121. Type (without description) sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1861 Dythemis dicrota HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 166. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1866 Mesothemis poeyi SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. 10. 194. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1889 Micratyria didyma - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 303. 1894 Micratyria (?) pruinosa - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (14) 6: 267. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Grenada. 1911 Micrathyria didyma didyma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12:430 (Cuba, Honduras, Ecuador, Grenada). 1911 Dythemis dicrota - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 430 [proposed synonymy with didyma didyma (SELYS, 1857)] 1911 Mesothemis poeyi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 430 [proposed synonymy with didyma didyma (SELYS, 1857)]. 1911 Micrathyria pruinosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 430 [proposed synonymy with didyma didyma (SELYS, 1857)]. 1916 Micrathyria didyma didyma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1142 (key to subspecies).
Distribution: Mexico to Ecuador, and Greater Antilles, didyma hypodidyma
1906 Micrathyria didyma hypodidyma CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Am. Neur.: 224. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Bolivia. 1907 Microthyriaprotoe FÖRSTER, Ent. Wochenbl., 24:153. Type: unknown; type-locality: Paraguay. 1911 Micrathyria didyma hypodidyma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 431 (Brazil, Argentina). 1 9 8 5 Microthyria hypodidyma - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 8 7 (as good species).
Distribution: Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, didyma laevigata
1909 Micrathyria didyma laevigata CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 231. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Colombia. 1911 Micrathyria didyma laevigata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 431 (Ecuador, Colombia). 1916 Micrathyria didyma laevigata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1144 (Guatemala). 1 9 8 5 Micrathyria laevigata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 8 7 (as good species).
Distribution: Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, dissocians
1906 Micrathyria dissocians CALVERT, Biol. Cent.-Am. Neur.: 226. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Mexico.
349 1911 Micrathyria Mexico). 1916 Micrathyria mala).
dissocions - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12:440 (Guatemala, dissocions - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1149 (Guate-
Distribution: Mexico, Guatemala. duplicata
1922 Micrathyria duplicata NAVAS, Mem. R. Ac. Ci., Barcelona, 17: 1. Type female: Nat. Ci. Mus., Barcelona; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Micrathyria duplicata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a perus, 2: 262 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru. dythemoides
1909 Micrathyria dythemoides CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 232. Type male: Carnegie Mus.: type-locality: Surinam. 1911 Micrathyria dythemoides - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 435. 1932 Micrathyria dythemoides - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 111 (Trinidad). 1985 Micrythyria dythemoides - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 87 [proposed synonymy with didyma didyma (SELYS), 1857)].
Distribution: Suriname, and Trinidad. eximia
1897 Micrathyria eximia KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 19: 609. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazons. 1911 Micrathyria eximia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 450 Colombia, Brazil, Surinam Guatemala). 1916 Micrathyria eximia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1151 (Guatemala, Br. G u y a n a , Holl. Guyana, Trinidad).
Distribution: Guatemala to Guyanas, and Brazil. hageni
1 8 6 1 D y t h e m i s d i d y m a HAGEN, ( n e c SELYS, 1 8 5 7 ) , S y n . N e u r . N . A m e r . , W a s h i n g t o n : 1 6 5 ( d e s -
cription as didyma SELYS, 1857 from Cuba). 1890 Micrathyria hagenii KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 41 (new name for didyma HÄGEN, 1861, a junior secondary homonymy of didyma SELYS, 1857). 1911 Micrathyria hageni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 438 (Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, West Indies, Taxas, California).
Distribution: Central America. hesperis Ris 1911 Micrathyria hesperis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 447. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Santa Cruz.
Distribution: Mexico. hippolyte Ris 1911 Micrathyria hippolyte Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 441. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: British Guyana. 1952 Micrathyria hippolyte - SANTOS, Dusenia, 3: 211 (redescription).
Distribution: Guyanas.
350 iheringi
1946 Micrathyria iheringi SANTOS, Summa brasil. Biol., 1: 18. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. kleerekoperi
1946 Micrathyria kleerekoperi CALVERT, Biol. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro (N.S.) Zool., 69: 2. Type male: Nac. Ci. mus., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. longifasciata
1909 Micrathyria longifasciata CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsbourgh, 6: 240. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Paraguay. 1911 Micrathyria longifasciata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 449 (Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina).
Distribution: Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina. mengeri Ris 1916 Micrathyria mengeri Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1149. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: British Guyana.
Distribution: Guyanas. ocellata ocellata
1898 Micrathyria ocellata MARTIN, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 66: 589. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1910 Micrathyria ocellata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 150 (Mexico to Ecuador). 1911 Micrathyria ocellata ocellata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 438 (Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Panama) (key to subspecies).
Distribution: Mexico to Ecuador. ocellata dentiens
1909 Microthyria ocellata dentiens CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 230. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Bahia. 1911 Micrathyria ocellata dentiens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 439. 1916 Micrathyria ocellata dentiens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1148 (Br. Guiana, Trinidad, Venezuela). 1932 Micrathyria ocellata dentiens - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 112. 1944 Micrathyria cariota NEEDHAM, Bol. Ent. venez., 1: 59. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Venezuela. 1982 Micrathyria cariota - DE MARMELS, Notulae odonat., 1 (10): 163 (proposed synonymy with ocellata
CALVERT, 1 9 0 9 ) .
Distribution: Guyanas, Trinidad, Venezuela. ocellata quicha
1909 Micrathyria ocellata quicha CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsbourgh, 6: 237. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1911 Micrathyria ocellata quicha - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 439 (Guatemala, Mexico).
Distribution: Central America.
351 paruensis
1962 Micrathyria paruensis GEIJSKES, Naturwet. Stud. Suriname, 5 (28): 74. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Suriname.
Distribution: Suriname. pirassunungae
1953 Micrathyria pirassunungae SANTOS, M U S . nac. Rio de Janeiro male: Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
Zool., 119A:
Distribution: Brazil. romani
1917 Micrathyria romani SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (15): 42. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: Amazonas.
Distribution: Brazil.
1906 Micrathyria schumanni CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Am., London: 227. Type male: Schumann's and female: Williamson's Collections; type-locality: Mexico. 1910 Micrathyria schumanni -MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 150 (Pacific Coast, Mexico to Costa Rica). 1911 Micrathyria schumanni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 445 (Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador).
Distribution: Central America. spinifera
1909 Micrathyria spinifera CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 234. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1911 Micrathyria spinifera - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 439 (Surinam, Para). 1916 Micrathyria spinifera - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1147 (Guyanas, Trinidad).
Distribution: Central America. spuria
1900 Anatya spuria SELYS, Beri. ent. Z., 45: 264. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Colombia. 1909 Micrathyria spuria - CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 242 (Matto Grosso, Paraguay). 1909 Micrathyria macrocercis CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 242. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Brazil. 1911 Micrathyria spuria - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 448 (Brazil, Paraguay).
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay.
352 stawiarskii
1953 Micrathyria stawiarskii SANTOS, MUS. nac. Rio de Janeiro, (N.S.) Zool., 119A: 7. Type male: Nac. Mus., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil, surinamensis
1962 Micrathyria surinamensis GEIJSKES, Naturwet. Stud. Suriname, 5 (28): 71. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Suriname.
Distribution: Suriname. tibialis
1897 Micrathyria tibialis KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 19: 610. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazons. 1911 Micrathyria tibialis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 452 (Amazonas, Venezuela, Paraguay, Bolivia, M a t t o Grosso). 1916 Micrathyria tibialis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1151 (British Guyana). 1943 Micrathyria tibialis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 262 (Venezuela, Paraguay, Peru).
Distribution: tropical South America. ungulata
1907 Micrathyria ungulata FÖRSTER, Ent. Wochenbl., 24: 153. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1909 Micrathyria athenais CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 230. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: M a t t o Grosso. 1911 Micrathyria ungulata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 442 (Brazil). 1911 Micrathyria athenais - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 442 (proposed synonymy with ungulata FÖRSTER, 1907). 1961 Micrathyria ungulata - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 13 (Peru, Argentina, Brazil).
Distribution: Brazil, Argentina, Peru Genus Nannophya
1842 Nannophya RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 27. Type-species: Nannophya pygmaea RAMBUR, 1842 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 313). - 1868 Nannodythemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 369. Type-species: Nannophya australis BRAUER, 1866 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 311). - 1889 Fylla KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 18: 313. Type-species: Fylla exigua KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1905 Nannophya - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 754. 1905 Fylla - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 754 (proposed synonymy with Nannophya
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 0 8 Nannodythemis
33: 444 (revision). - 1954 Nannophya
- TILL YARD, P r o c . L i n n . S o c . N . S . W a l e s ,
- LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 140.
1866 Nannophya australis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 502. Type male: not given; type-locality: Sidney. 1868 Nannodythemis australis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 726 (as generotype of Nannodythemis
BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 ) .
353 1901 Nannophya australis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 225 (Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales). 1908 Nannophya australis - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 446 (redescription).
Distribution: Australia. dalei dalei
1908 Nannodythemis dalei TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 449. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales. 1985 Nannophya dalei dalei - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 87.
Distribution: Australia. dalei occidentalis
1908 Nannodythemis occidentalis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 450. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales. 1985 Nannophya dalei occidentalis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 87.
Distribution: Australia. pygmaea
1842 Nannophya pygmaea RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins.Neuropt. Paris: 27. Type female: lost; type-locality: unknown. 1889 Nannophya pygmaea - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 313 (as generotype of Nannophya RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
1889 Fylla exigua KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 345 (as generotype of Fylla KIRBY, 1889). Type sex not given: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1 9 0 5 Fylla exigua - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 5 4 (proposed synonymy with pygmaea RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) . 1927 Nannophya pygmaea - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 41 (Sumatra). 1935 Nannodiplax yutsehongi NAVAS, Mus. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 2 (5): 86. Type male: not given, perhaps in Heude Mus.; type-locality: China. 1936 Nannophya pygmaea - FRASER, F a u n a brit. India, Odon.: 3: 323 (Siam). 1954 Nannophya pygmaea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 140 (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Mentavei Island, Sumatra, Billiton, Borneo). 1962 Nannophya pygmaea - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl.: 11: 31. 1962 Nannodiplax yutsehongi - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl., 11: 31 (proposed synonymy with pygmaea RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
Distribution: Oriental region.
1955 Nanophya (misprint) katrainensis BAIJAL (in SANTOS & all.), Agra Univ. J . Res., 4 Suppl.: 744. Type female: Zool. Surv. India, Calcutta, type-locality: Himalaya.
Distribution: Himalaya. Genus Nannophyopsis
1935 Nannophyopsis LIEFTINCK, Treubia 15 (2): 183. Type-species: Nannophyopsis chalcosoma LIEFTINCK, 1935 (original designation). - 1954 Nannophyopsis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 140.
354 chalcosoma
1935 Naniiophyopsis chalcosoma LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (2): 185 (as generotype of Nannophyopsis LIEFTINCK, 1935). Type male: not given, perhaps in Buitenzorg Mus; type-locality: Billiton. 1954 Nannophyopsis chalcosoma - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22, Supp.: 140 (Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Billiton Island, Borneo.
1930 Nannodiplax clara NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11:120. Type male:? Peking Mus.; type-locality: China. 1985 Nannophyopsis clara - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 87.
Distribution: China. Genus Nannothemis
1868 Nannothemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 369. Type-species: Nannophya bella UHLER, 1857 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 313). - 1890 Aino KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 5: 113. Type-species: Aino puella KIRBY, 1890 (original designation). - 1890 Nannothemis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 183 (incorrect synonymy with Aino KIRBY, 1890). - 1890 Aino - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 183 (new name for Nannophya KIRBY, 1890, a junior primary homonymy of Nannophya RAMBUR, 1842). - 1911 Nannothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 387 (revision). - 1911 Aino - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 387 (proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h Nannothemis BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 ) . - 1 9 4 5 Nannothemis A m . , 3 8 : 171 ( a s s y n o n y m o f Aino KIRBY, 1 8 9 0 ) .
- BORROR, A n n l s e n t . S o c .
1857 Nannophya bella UHLER, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1957: 87. Type female: Uhler's Collection; typelocality: N o r t h America. 1867 Nannophya unicolor HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28; 90. Type male: Aggasiz Mus.; type-locality: unknown. 1889 Nannothemis bella - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 313 (as generotype of Nannothemis BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 ) .
1890 Aino puella KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 5: 113 (as generotype of Aino KIRBY, 1890). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: unknown. 1890 Nannothemis bella - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 45. 1910 Nannothemis bella - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 147. 1910 Aino puella - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 147 [proposed synonymy with bella (UHLER, 1857)]. 1911 Nannothemis bella - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 388 (U.S.A.).
Genus Nephepeltia
1889 Nephepeltia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Se. London, 12: 310. Type-species: Libellula phryne PERTY, 1845 (original designation). - 1889 Neothemis KARSCH (nec OGUMA, 1922) Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 256. Type-species: Neothemis flavifrons KARSCH, 1889 (monotypy). - 1911 Nephepeltia - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 393 (key to species). - 1911 Neothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 393 (proposed synonymy with Nephepeltia KIRBY, 1889). - 1922 Neothemis OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1 9 2 2 : 102 (praeoccuped
355 name, a junior primary homonymy of Neothemis KARSCH, 1889). - 1945 Neothemis - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (proposed synonymy with Nephepeltia KIRBY, 1889).
1909 Nephepeltia aequisetis CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Matto Grosso. 1911 Nephepeltia aequisetis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 395 (Brazil, Bolivia).
Distribution: Brazil, Bolivia. berlai
1985 Nephepeltia verlai SANTOS, 1950 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 88.
Distribution: Brazil. chalconota Ris 1916 Nephepeltia chalconota Ris, Coll. Zoiol., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1131. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Guatemala.
Distribution: Guatemala. flavifrons (KARSCH) 1990 Neothemis flavifrons KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 256 (as generotype of Neothemis KARSCH, 1889). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Paraguay. 1906 Nephepeltia flavifrons - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Am. Neur.: 230 (brazil). 1911 Nephepeltia flaviforns - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 395 (Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay). 1917 Nephepeltia flavifrons - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (15): 41 (redescription) (Amazonas).
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia. leonardina
1953 Nephepeltia leonardina RACENIS, Acta biol. venez., 1: 136. Type male Racenis's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. phryne 1845 1861 1867 1868 1889
Libellula phryne PERTY, Delectus Anim. Art.: 125. Type male type-locality: South America. Dythemis phryne - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 317. Nannophya phryne - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ζ., 28: 91. Nannothemis phryne - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 726. Nephepeltia phryne - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 310 (as generotype of Nephepeltia KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) .
1911 Nephepeltia phryne-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 394 (redescription) (Brazil). 1916 Nephepeltia phryne- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1130 (Guatemala, Br. Guinea, Trinidad, Brazil). 1932 Nephepeltia phryne - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 108.
Distribution: Guatemala to Brazil.
356 tupiensis
1985 Nephepeltia tupiensis SANTOS, 1950 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 88.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Oligoclada
1889 Oligoclada KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 382. Type-species: Oligoclada pachystigma KARSCH, 1889 (monotypy) - 1911 Oligoclada - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 399 (revision, key to species). - 1911 Podothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 406. Type-species: Podothemis nemesis Ris, 1911 (monotypy). - 1916 Oligoclada - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1132 (revision, key to species). - 1930 Oligoclada - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 5 (revision, key to species). - 1 9 4 5 Podothemis -SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de J. (N.S.), Zool., 46:2 (proposed synonymy with Oligoclada KARSCH, 1889).
1942 Libellula abbreviata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 119. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Cayenne. 1861 Mesothemis abbreviata - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 318. 1875 Erythrodiplax abbreviata - HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 90. 1890 Trithemis abbreviata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20. 1911 Oligoclada abbreviata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 405 (Surinam, Brazil). 1916 Oligoclada abbreviata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1135 (Br. Guyana). 1930 Oligoclada abbreviata - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 39 (redescription) (Br. Guyana, Brazil). 1943 Oligoclada abbreviata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 262 (Amazonas).
Distribution: Guyanas, Brazil. amphinone Ris 1916 Oligoclada amphinone Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1133. Type Male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para. 1930 Oligoclada amphinone - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 31 (redescription) (Br. Guyana, Brazil).
Distribution: British Guyana, Brazil. borrori
1945 Oligoclada borrori SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de J. (N.S.) Zool., 47: 1. Type male: Mus. nac., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. calverti
1951 Oligoclada calverti SANTOS, Ent. News, 62: 135. Type male: Mus. nac., Rio de Janeiro; typelocality: Brazil. 1954 Oligoclada calverti - MACHADO, Rev. bras. Ent., 2: 139 (description of allotype, female).
Distribution: Brazil.
1930 Oligoclada crocogaster BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22, 29. Type male: not given; type-locality Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil.
1947 Oligoclada haywardi FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 453. Type male: Inst. Miguel Lillo, Tucuman; type-locality: Argentina.
Distribution: Argentina.
1930 Oligoclada heliophila BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 32. Type male: not given; type-locality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia.
laetitia Ris 1911 Oligoclada laetitia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 404. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Santa Cruz. 1930 Oligoclada laetitia - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 26 (Suriname, Brazil).
Distribution: Suriname, Brazil.
1930 Oligoclada monosticha BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 20. Type male: not given; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Oligoclada monosticha - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 261.
Distribution: Peru.
nemesis (Ris) 1911 Podothemis nemesis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 407 (as generotype of Podothemis Ris, 1911). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1945 Oligoclada nemesis - SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de J. (N.S.) Zool., 46: 2.
Distribution: Brazil.
1889 Oligoclada pachystigma KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 383 (as generotype of Oligoclada KARSCH, 1889). Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Venezuela. 1911 Oligoclada pachystigma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 403 (Surinam, Venezuela). 1930 Oligoclada pachystigma - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 24 (redescription).
Distribution: Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil.
raineyi Ris 1916 Oligoclada raineyi Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1134. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: British Guyana. 1930 Oligoclada raineyi - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 34 (redescription) (Br. Guyana). 1948 Oligoclada raienyi - CALVERT, Zoologica, 33: 76 (description of female).
Distribution: Guyanas. rhea Ris 1911 Oligoclada rhea Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 402. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Para. 1930 Oligoclada rhea - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 24. 1945 Oligoclada rhea - SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de J. (N.S.) Zool., 46: 2 (redescription).
Distribution: Brazil. risi
1985 Oligoclada risi GEIJSKES, 1984 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 89.
Distribution: Suriname. stenoptera
1930 Oligoclada stenoptera BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 22. Type male: not given; type-locality: Brazil. 1945 Oligoclada stenoptera - SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de J. (N.S.) Zool., 46: 2 (redescription).
Distribution: Brazil. sylvia
1889 Nannothemis sylvia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 343. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceara. 1911 Oligoclada sylvia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 400 (Venezuela, Surinam). 1916 Oligoclada sylvia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1133 (British Guyana). 1930 Oligoclada sylvia - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22:19 (redescription) (Brazil). 1943 Oligoclada sylvia - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 261 (Amazonas).
Distribution: Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil. umbricola
1930 Oligoclada umbricola BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 38. Type male: not given; type-locality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia, walkeri
GEIJSKES 1931 Oligoclada walkeri GEIJSKES, Ent. Bericht., 8:178. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Guyana. 1930 Oligoclada walkeri - BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 35 (redescription) (Br. Guyana, Trinidad, Brazil). 1932 Oligoclada walkeri - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 108 (Trinidad, Venezuela). 1943 Oligoclada walkeri - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 261 (Br. Guyana, Peru, Amazonas).
Distribution: Guyanas, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil.
359 xanthopleura
1930 Oligoclada xanthopleura BORROR, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 22: 27. Type male: not given; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Porpacithemis
1954 Porpacithemis FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50:261. Type-species: Porpacithemis dubia FRASER, 1954 (original designation). - 1956 Lokithemis PINHEY, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 4: 33. Type-species: Lokithemis leakeyi PINHEY, 1956 (original designation). - 1962 Porpacithemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 246. - 1964 Porpacithemis - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 116. - 1964 Lokithemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 116 (proposed synonymy with Porpacithemis FRASER, 1954).
1954 Porpacithemis dubia FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 261 (as generotype of Porpacithemis FRASER, 1954). Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Gabon. 1958 Porpacithemis dubia - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 58: 39 (description of male) (Belgian Congo). 1962 Porpacithemis dubia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 246 (Gabon, Katanga).
Distribution: Congo Republic, Gabon. leakeyi
1956 Lokithemis leakeyi PINHEY, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 4: 34 (as generotype of Lokithemis PINHEY, 1956). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: North Rhodesia. 1962 Lokithemis leakeyi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 246. 1964 Porpacithemis leakeyi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 116.
Distribution: Rhodesia. trithemoides
1958 Porpacithemis trithemoides FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 58: 40. Type male: Mus. R. centr. Afr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo.
Distribution: Congo Republic. Genus Porpax
1896 Porpax KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 22 (2): 17. Type-species: Porpax asperipes KARSCH, 1896 (original designation). - 1911 Porpax - RlS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 385 (revision). - 1921 Porpax - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 406. - 1934 Porpax - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3: 23. - 1962 Porpax - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 251.
1896 Porpax asperipes KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 22 (2): 18 (as generotype of Porpax KARSCH, 1896). Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1911 Porpax asperipes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 386 (Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Gabon, Old Calabar). 1916 Porpax asperipes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1129 (Congo). 1917 Porpax asperipes - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (14): 2 (Congo). 1921 Porpax asperipes - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 406. 1934 Porpax asperipes - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3: 23 (Belgian Congo).
360 1962 Porpax asperipes- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 251 (Belgian Congo, Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Nigeria, Sierra Leone).
Distribution: West Africa. bipunctatus
1985 Porpax bipunctatus PINHEY, 1966 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of the W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 89.
Distribution: Congo Republic. garambensis
1985 Porpax garambensis PINHEY, 1966 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of the W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 89.
Distribution: Congo Republic. risi
1985 Porpax asperipes risi PINHEY, Occ. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 22B: 114. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Rhodesia. 1962 Porpax asperipes risi-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:251 (Rhodesia, Portuguese East Africa). 1 9 6 4 Porpax risi - PINHEY, J . ent. Soc. S. Afr., 26: 3 3 4 (as good species, not subsp. of asperipes).
Distribution: Rhodesia. Genus Raphismia 1889
Raphismia K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 2 9 3 . Type-species: Diplax bispina H Ä G E N , 1867 (original designation). - 1954 Raphismia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 145.
1867 Diplax bispina HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 9. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; typelocality: Ceram. 1867 Diplax thoracantha BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 299. Type male: Darmstadt Mus.; type-locality: Ceram. 1878 Brachydiplax thoracantha - SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus., Dresden, 3: 302. 1889 Raphismia bispina - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 293 (as generotype of Raphismia KIRBY, 1889).
1916 Raphismia bispina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1127 (Aru, Cape York, Ceram, Mindoro). 1934 Raphismia bispina - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 412 (Java). 1937 Raphismia bispina - NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 75 (Luzon). 1954 Raphismia bispina - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 145 (Malaya, Billiton, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. inermis Ris 1910 Raphismia inermis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 368. Type female: Selys Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1916 Raphismia inermis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1127 (Borneo). 1954 Raphismia inermis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 145 (type male) (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo.
361 Genus Thermochoria
1889 Thermochoria KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 295. Type-species: Thermochoria equivocata K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 (original designation). - 1 9 1 5 Passeria M A R T I N , Voy. Alluaud Pseudoneuropt.,2:29. Type-species: Passeriajeanneli M A R T I N , 1 9 1 5 ( m o n o t y p y ) . - 1 9 3 4 Termochoria (misprint) - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3 : 2 2 . - 1 9 6 1 Passeria - PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat.Hist.): 1 5 0 (proposed synonymy with Thermochoria K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ) . 1962 Thermochoria - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 249.
1889 Thermochoria equivocata KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 339 (as generotype of Thermochoria KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West Africa. 1899 Thermochoria equivocata var. picta SJÖSTEDT, Bih. svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 25 (4): 21. Male from Cameroon. 1910 Thermochoria equivocata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 379 (Congo, Sierra Leone). 1914 Thermochoria equivocata var. rieli NAVAS, Mem. R. Acad. Ci. Barcelona, 10 (30): 3. Male from G a b o n . 1962 Thermochoria equivocata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 249 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, G a b o n , Cameroon, South Nigeria, Fr. Guinea, Sp. Guinea, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Sierra Leone). 1 9 8 5 Thermochoria equivocata picta - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 8 9 .
Distribution: tropical Africa. jeanneli
1915 Passeria jeanneli MARTION, Voy. Alluaud Pseudoneuropt., 2: 30 (as generotype of Passeria MARTIN, 1915). Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: East Africa. 1961 Thermochoria jeanneli - PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.): 150 (Tanganyika). 1962 Thermochoria jeanneli - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 250 (Kenya, Tanganyika).
Distribution: East Africa.
Genus Tyriobapta
1889 Tyriobapta K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 294. Type-species: Tyriobapta torrida K I R B Y , 1889 (original designation). - 1900 Monocoioptera KARSCH, Abh. Senckenb. naturf. Ges., 25 (1): 228. Type-species: Monocoioptera kuekenthali KARSCH, 1900 (original designation) 1916 Tyriobapta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1120 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Tyriobapta - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 142.
1900 Monocoioptera kuekenthali KARSCH, Abh. Senckenb. naturf. Ges., 25 (1): 229 (as generotype of Monocoioptera KARSCH, 1900). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Borneo. 1916 Tyriobapta kuekenthali-Ris,Col\. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1122 (Sarawak). 1920 Tyriobapta kuekenthali - LAIDLAW, Proc. zool. Soc. London; 1920: 322. 1954 Tyriobapta kuekenthali - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 142 (Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo, Sumatra.
362 laidlawi Ris 1916 Tyriobapta laidlawi Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1121. Type male: Ris Collection; type-locality: Sarawak. 1920 Tyriobapta laidlawi - LAIDLAW, Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1920: 322. 1954 Tyriobapta laidlawi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 142 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. torrida
1889 Tyriobapta torrida KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 338 (as generotype of Tyriobapta KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1916 Tyriobapta torrida - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1120 (Borneo). 1927 Tyriobapta torrida - Ris, Coll. Zool., Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 41 (Sumatra). 1929 Tyriobapta torrida - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 34: 3 (Sumatra). 1954 Tyriobapta torrida - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 142 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Thailand to Borneo. Genus Uracis
1842 Uracis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 31. Type-species: Uracis quadra RAMBUR, 1842 (monotypy). - 1889 Uracis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 296 (generotype: Libellula imbuía BURMEISTER, 1839). - 1890 Uracis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 32 (type-species: Libellula imbuta BURMEISTER, 1839). - 1 9 0 9 Pronomaja FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau, Ver. Natk., 62: 225. Type-species: Pronomaja mimetica FÖRSTER, 1909 (original designation). - 1911 Uracis - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 408 (revision, key to species). - 1911 Pronomaja - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 408 (proposed synonymy with Uracis RAMBUR, 1842). - 1945 Uracis - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171. - 1946 Uracis - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 468.
1839 Libellula fastigiata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 850. Type male: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Bahia. 1890 Uracis fastigiata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 32. 1898 Uracis fastigiata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 64. 1909 Uracis fastigiata ab. pura FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau, 62: 227. Male from Chiriqui (Panama). 1911 Uracis fastigiata - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 416 (Surinam, Brazil, Ecuador). 1918 Uracis fastigiata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 178 (Panama, Colombia). 1932 Uracis fastigiata - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 109 (Trinidad). 1943 Uracis fastigiata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 262 (Mexico to Peru). 1985 Uracis machandina FÖRSTER, 1910 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 90.
Distribution: Mexico to Brazil, and Peru. imbuta
1839 Libellula imbuta BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 850. Type male: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Bahia. 1842 Uracis quadra RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 31 (as generotype of Uracis RAMBUR, 1842). Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Buenos-Aires. 1890 Uracis imbuta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 32. 1890 Uracis quadra - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 32 (proposed synonymy with imbuta (BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) .
363 1911 Uracis imbuta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 419 (Trinidad, Brazil, Guatemala, Surinam, Mexico). 1918 Uracis imbuta - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 179 (Panama, Colombia). 1946 Uracis imbuta - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 469 (Peru, Colombia).
Distribution: Mexico to Brazil. infumata
1842 Libellula infumata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Inst. Neuropt., Paris: 74. Type sex not given: Dejean's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1875 Urothemis infumata - HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 95. 1890 Uracis infumata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London; 32. 1909 Uracis ovata - CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsbourgh, 6: 228. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Bahia. 1911 Uracis infumata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 414 (Surinam, Brazil). 1911 Uracis ovata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 414 [proposed synonymy with infumata (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1935 Uracis infumata - COWLEY, Entomologist, 68: 284. 1946 Uracis infumata - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 469 (Peru).
Distribution: Suriname, Brazil, Peru. ovipositrix
1909 Uracis ovipositrix CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsbourgh, 6: 227. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Matto Grosso. 1909 Uracis mimetica FÖRSTER, Jb. Wiesbaden Ver. Natk., 62:226. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1911 Uracis ovipositrix - R i s , Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 413 (Surinam, Brazil, British Guyana). 1911 Uracis mimetica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 412 (proposed syno n y m y w i t h ovipositrix
CALVERT, 1909).
1961 Uracis ovipostrix - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 12 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru, Brazil to Guyanas. reducta
1946 Uracis reducta FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 468. Type male: Leeds City Mus.; type-locality: Peru. 1966 Uracis reducta - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 211 [holotype male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London],
Distribution: Peru, siemensi
1897 Uracis siemensi KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 19: 605. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazonas. 1909 Pronomaja siemensi - FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau, 62: 226. 1911 Uracis siemensi - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 411 (Surinam, Brazil). 1916 Uracis siemensi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1135 (Matto Grosso). 1946 Uracis siemensi - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 48 (Peru, Colombia).
Distribution: tropical South America. turrialba Ris 1916 Uracis turrialba Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 178. Type male: not given; type-locality: Costa Rica.
364 1916 Uracis turriaìba - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1137 (as sp.nov.; type-male:: Selys's Collection).
Distribution: Costa Rica. Subfamiliy Leucorrhiniinae Mostly medium to small forms with dark patch at base of wing. Open venation. Sectors of arc separate at origin; costal side of trg relatively wide; accessory veins at bridge and in cubital space; base of trg in hind wing at level of arc. 1940 Leucorrhiniinae TILL YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 (2) 393 (with genera Leucorrhinia, Celithemis, Planiplax, Brachymesia, Rhyothemis). - 1977 Leucorrhiniinae - BELYSHEV & KHARATONOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 136 (key to Boreal genera). - 1985 Leucorrhiniinae DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 90 (with genera Austrothemis, Brachymesia, Celithemis, Leucorrhinia, Planiplax).
Genus Austrothemis Ris 1912 Austrothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 738. Type-species: Diplax nigrescens MARTIN, 1901 (monotypy).
nigrescens (MARTIN) 1901 Diplax nigrescens MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 222. Type male: not given; typelocality: Victoria. 1908 Diplacodes nigrescens - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 32: 722 (West Australia). 1912 Austrothemis nigrescens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 738 (as generotype of Austrothemis Ris, 1912).
Distribution: Australia. Genus Brachymesia KIRBY 1889 Brachymesia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 262. Type-species: Brachymesia australis KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1889 Cannacria KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 262. Type-species: Cannacria batesii KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1910 Cannacria MUTTKOWSKI, Pubi. Bull. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 169 (proposed synonymy with Brachymesia KIRBY, 1889). - 1912 Brachymesia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 733 (revision, key to species). - 1945 Cannacria - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Am., 38: 170 (type-species: Libellula herbida GUNDLACH, 1889). - 1945 Brachymesia - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Am., 38: 180 (type-species: Erythemis furcata HÄGEN, 1861).
furcata (HÄGEN) 1861 Erythemis furcata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 169. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1889 Brachymesia australis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 330 (as generotype of Brachymesia KIRBY, 1889). Type sex not given: ? British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London: type-locality: Sydney (probably incorrectly labeled). 1890 Erythemis furcata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40 (tropical America). 1894 Cannacria smithii KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 266. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: St. Vincent. 1907 Cannacria furcata - CALVERT, Biol.-Centr. Amer., London: 325. 1910 Brachymesia furcata - MUTTKOWSKI, Pubi. Bull. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 170 (Florida, California to Brazil). 1910 Brachymesia australis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 170 [proposed synonymy with furcata (HÄGEN, 1861)].
365 1910 Cannacriasmithii-MUTTKOWSKI, w i t h furcata
Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 170 [proposed synonymy
(HÄGEN, 1861)].
1919 Brachymesia furcata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 370 (Cuba). 1945 Brachymesia furcata - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Am., 38: 170 (as generotype of Brachymesia KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) .
Distribution: Florida to Brazil. gravida
1890 Lepthemis gravida CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 17: 35. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1894 Cannacria gravida - CALVERT, Ent. News, 5: 193. 1910 Brachymesia gravida - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 170 (Texas to Florida). 1912 Brachymesia gravida - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 735 (Florida).
Distribution: U.S.A. herbida
1889 Libellula herbida GUNDLACH, Anales Acad. Cieñe. Méd. Habana, 25: 261. Type male: Zool. Inst. Havana; type-locality: Cuba. 1889 Cannacria batesii KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 341. Type sex not given: Mus. comp. Zool. Cambridge, Mass.; type-locality: Amazonas (as generotype of Cannacria KIRBY, 1889). 1901 Cannacria fumipennis CURRIE, Proc. Acad. Wash., 3: 387. Type male: US natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Galapagos. 1910 Cannacria fumipennis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 170 [proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h herbida
(GUNDLACH, 1889)].
1912 Brachymesia herbida - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 736 (Trinidad, St. Thomas, Cuba, Salvador, Mexico, Amazonas). 1912 Cannacria batesii - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 736 [proposed syno n y m y w i t h herbida
(GUNDLACH, 1889)].
1943 Brachymesia herbida - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 266 (Mexico, Antilles, Amazonas, Galapagos). 1945 Cannacria herbida - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38:170 (as generotype of Cannacria KIRBY, 1889).
1961 Brachymesia herbida - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 18 (Peru).
Distribution: Mexico to South America, and Galapagos. Genus Celithemis
1861 Celithemis HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 147. Type-species: Libellula eponina DRURY, 1773 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 275). - 1912 Celithemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 721 (revision, key to species).
1861 Diplax amanda HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 183. Type sex not given: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Georgia. 1868 Leucorrhinia amanda - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 719. 1890 Celithemis amanda - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 11. 1910 Celithemis amanda - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 168. 1912 Celithemis amanda - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 728 (Georgia, Florida).
Distribution: U.S.A.
366 bertha
1922 Celithemis bertha WILLIAMSON, OCC. Pap. Mus. Zool. Ann Arbor, 108: 8. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Florida. 1952 Celithemis bertha leonora WESTFALL, Florida Ent., 35:112. Type unknown; type-locality: Florida. 1985 Celithemis bertha f. leonora - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 91.
Distribution: U.S.A. elisa
1861 Diplax elisa HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 182. Type: sex not given: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: New Jersey. 1862 Celithemis elisa - WALSH, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1862: 400 (Chicago). 1868 Leucorrhinia elisa - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 719. 1890 Celithemis elisa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 11. 1912 Celithemis elisa - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 725.
Distribution: U.S.A. eponina
1773 Libellula eponina DRURY, 111. Ex. Ent., 2: 47. Type: unknown; type-locality: North America. 1842 Libellula camilla RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 46. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Carolina. 1842 Libellula lucilia RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 46. Type: sex not given;type-locality: unknown. 1861 Celithemis eponina - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 147 (Boston, Maryland, New Jersey). 1861 Libellula camilla - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 147 [proposed synonymy with eponina (DRURY, 1773)]. 1861 Libellula lucilia - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 147 [proposed synonymy with eponia (DRURY, 1773)]. 1867 Celithemis eponina - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 231 (Cuba). 1889 Celithemis eponina - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 275 (as generotype of Celithemis HÄGEN, 1861). 1912 Celithemis eponina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 724 (Boston, Baltimoore, Floria, New Orleans, Indiana, Virginia).
Distribution: U.S.A., and Cuba, fasciata
KIRBY 1889 Celithemis fasciata KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 326. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Georgia. 1912 Celithemis fasciata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 726 (Florida).
Distribution: U.S.A. martha
1922 Celithemis martha WILLIAMSON, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Ann Arbor, 108: 5. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Eastern U.S.
Distribution: U.S.A. monomelaena
WILLIAMSON 1910 Celithemis monomelaena WILLIAMSON, Ohio Nat., 10:155. Type not given; type-locality: North America. 1912 Celithemis monomelaena-Rls, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 726 (Indiana).
367 1985 Celithemis fasciata f. monomelaena - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 91.
Distribution: U.S.A. ornata
1842 Libellula ornata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 96. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Amer. sept. 1839 Libellula pulchella BURMEISTER, Hand. Ent., 2: 849. Type female: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Savannah. 1861 Diplax ornata - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 182 (Philadelphia, Florida). 1868 Leucorrhinia ornata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 719. 1898 Libellula pulchella - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 61. 1910 Celithemis ornata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 168 (Atlantic Coast, Mexico to Florida). 1910 Libellula pulchella -MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 168 [proposed synonymy w i t h ornata
(RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) ] .
1912 Celithemis ornata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 727 (type male: Selys's Collection) (Carolina, Florida, Georgia). 1918 Celithemis ornata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 70 (Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Guyanas, Surinam, Brazil).
Distribution: U.S.A. to Brazil, verna
1935 Celithemis verna PRITCHARD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 319: 6. Type male: Zool. Univ. Mich.; U.S.A. type-locality: Oklahoma. Distribution:
Genus Leucorrhinia
1850 Leucorrhinia BRITTINGER, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 4: 333. Type-species: Libellula albifrons BURMEISTER, 1839 - 1878 Coenotiata BUCHECHER, Syst. Ent. (Odonata): 10. Type-species: Libellula caudalis CHARPENTIER, 1840 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 275). - 1889 Leucorhinia (misprint) - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 262. 1890 Leucorhinia (misprint) - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 11. - 1905 Leucorrhinia - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 731 (key to species). - 1905 Coenotiata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lohznos. Ross, imp.: 731 (proposed synonymy with Leucorrhinia BRITTINGER, 1850). - 1 9 1 2 Leucorrhinia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 701 (revision, key to species). - 1973 Leucorrhinia- BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 293 (revision, key to Siberian species). - 1984 Leucorrhinia - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 107 (key to Central European species).
1839 Libellula albifrons BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 851. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Berlin. 1840 Libellula leucorrhinus CHARPENTIER, Libell. europ. Lipsiae: 87. (emendation). 1850 Leucorrhinia albifrons - BRITTINER, SitzBer. Acad. Wiss. Wien, 4: 333 (as generotype oí Leucorrhinia
1889 1890 1905 1912
BRITTINGER, 1 8 5 0 ) .
Leucorrhinia albifrons - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 275. Leucorrhinia albifrons - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12 Leucorrhinia albifrons - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 731. Leucorrhinia albifrons - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 708 (Sweden, Schwitzerland, Germany).
368 1923 Leucorrhinia albifrons ab. aurata PRÜFFER, Trav. Soc. Sci. Lett. Vilno, 1: 3. Male from Vilna. 1973 Leucorrhinia albifrons - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 305. 1973 Leucorrhinia albifrons ab. obensis BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 305. Male from Siberia. 1973 Leucorrhinia albifrons ab. transluciata BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 305. Male from Siberia. 1973 Leucorrhinia albifrons ab. fuscoumbrata BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 305. Male from Siberia.
Distribution: West Asia, Asia Minor, Finland, South Sweden, Germany, and Alps. borealis
1890 Leucorrhinia borealis HÄGEN, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 17: 232. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; typelocality: Hudson's Bay. 1908 Leucorrhinia borealis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Wise. nat. Hist. Soc., 1908: 112. 1910 Leucorrhinia borealis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 166. 1912 Leucorrhinia borealis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 716. 1916 Leucorrhinia borealis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1192 (Canada).
Distribution: Canada. caudalis
1840 Libellula caudalis CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ. Lipsiae: 89. Type male: Charpentier's Collection; type-locality: Silesia (Poland). 1841 Libellula hellmanni EVERSMAN, Bull. Mose.: 351. Type male: Hamburg Mus.; type-locality: Kasan. 1845 Libellula ornata BRITTINGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 51: 205. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Austria. 1850 Leucorrhinia caudalis - BRITTINGER, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 4: 333 (Austria). 1 8 7 8 Coenotiata caudalis - BUCHECHER, Syst. Ent. (Odonata): 1 0 (as generotype of Coenotiata B U C H ECHER, 1 8 7 8 ) .
1890 Coenotiata caudalis - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12 1905 Coenotiata caudalis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 732. 1905 Libellula hellmanni - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 732 [proposed synonymy with caudalis (CHARPENTIER, 1840)]. 1905 Libellula ornata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 732 [proposed synonymy with caudalis (CHARPENTIER, 1840)]. 1973 Leucorrhinia caudalis - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 297. 1973 Leucorrhinia caudalis ab. nigrum BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 297. Male from Siberia. 1 9 7 3 Leucorrhinia caudalis ab. immaculata SELYS (?) - loc. cit. BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 2 9 7 .
1984 Leucorrhinia caudalis - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 108 (Hungary).
Distribution: West Asia, East and Central Europe. circassica
1929 Leucorrhinia circassica BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 85: 54. Type male: not given; typelocality: Caucasus.
Distribution: Caucasus, dubia dubia (VAN 1825
DER LINDEN) Libellula dubia VAN DER L I N D E N (nec known; type-locality. Belgium.
RAMBUR, 1842),
Monogr. Libell.:
Type male: un-
369 1836 Libellula melanostigma EVERSMAN, Bull. Mose., 9: 238. Type: not given. 1838 Libellula rubicunda CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 15: 712. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: England. 1845 Diplax rubicunda - EVANS, Brit. Libell.: 21. 1850 Leucorrhinia dubia - BRITTINGER, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 4: 333. 1861 Diplax dubia - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 180. 1878 Coenotiata gonypenis BUCHECHER, Syst. Ent.: 10. Type: unknown; type-locality: Statzersee. 1890 Leucorrhinia dubia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12. 1890 Libellula melanostigma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12 [proposed synonymy w i t h dubia
(VAN DER LINDEN, 1825)].
1890 Libellula rubicunda - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12 [proposed synonymy with dubia
(VAN DER LINDEN, 1825)].
1905 Leucorrhinia dubia - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 731 (Europe). 1912 Leucorrhinia dubia dubia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 711 (key to subspecies) (Norvay, Lappland, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, England). 1922 Leucorrhinia dubia - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1933: 107 (Siberia, Europe). 1953 Leucorrhinia dubia var. lucasi FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 89: 138. Male from England. 1960 Leucorrhinia dubia - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 236 (Luxembourg).
Distribution: West Asia to North, and Central Europe. dubia orientalis
1887 Leucorrhinia orientalis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 54. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Japan. 1905 Leucorrhinia orientalis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 731 (Japan). 1912 Leucorrhinia dubia orientalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 711. 1914 Leucorrhinia dubia orientalis - BARTENEF, Hor. Soc. ent. ross., 41: 10.
Distribution: Japan. frigida
1890 Leucorrhinia frigida HAGEN, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 17: 231. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; typelocality: North America. 1910 Leucorrhinia frigida - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 166 (Mass., Ontario, Dakota). 1912 Leucorrhinia frigida - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 719.
Distribution: U.S.A., and Canada, glacialis
1890 Leucorrhinia glacialis HÄGEN, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 17: 234. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; typelocality: North America. 1910 Leucorrhinia glacialis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 166 (New York, Wisconsin, Nevada). 1912 Leucorrhinia glacialis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 719 (Nevada, Ontario).
Distribution: Canada, U.S.A. infuscata (EVERSMANN) 1836 Libellula infuscata EVERSMANN, Bull.
Mose., 9: 237. Type: unknown; type-locality: Kasan. 1890 Leucorrhinia infuscata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12.
Distribution: Uzbekistan.
370 hudsonica
1850 Libellula hudsonica SELYS (& HÄGEN), Revue des Odonates, Paris: 53. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Hudson's Bay. 1861 Diplax hudsonica - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer. Washington: 180. 1868 Leucorrhinia hudsonica - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 719. 1890 Leucorrhinia hudsonica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12. 1890 Leucorrhinia hageni CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 17: 38. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Nova Scotia. 1910 Leucorrhinia hudsonica - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 166 (Alaska). 1912 Leucorrhinia hudsonica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 718 (Canada, Washington, New Foundland, Michigan). 1912 Leucorrhinia hageni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 718 (proposed synonymy with hudsonica (SELYS), 1850)].
Distribution: North America. intacta
1861 Diplax intacta HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 179. Type female: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Wisconsin; type-locality: Wisconsin. 1868 Leucorrhinia intacta - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 719. 1890 Leucorrhinia intacta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12. 1912 Leucorrhinia intacta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 716 (Canada, Mass., Wisconsin, Nevada, Washington, Colorado, Iowa).
Distribution: Canada, and U.S.A. intermedia intermedia
BARTENEF 1912 Leucorrhinia intermedia BARTENEF, Zool. Jb. Syst., 32: 230. Type female: unknown; typelocality: Tschita. 1912 leucorrhinia intermedia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 713.
Distribution: Transbaikalia (Buryat Territory). intermedia ijami
1985 Leucorrhinia intermedia ijami ASAHINA, 1961 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 92.
Distribution: Japan. patricia
1940 Leucorrhinia patricia WALKER, Canad. Ent., 72: 12. Type male: Walker's Collection; typelocality: Ontario.
Distribution: Canada. pectoralis
1825 Libellula pectoralis CHARPENTIER (nec BRAUER, 1867). Horae Ent.: 46. Type male: Mus. Nat. Hist., Nat., Paris; type-locality: Europe. 1840 Libellula rubicunda pectoralis - SELYS, Monogr. Libell. europ. Paris: 56. 1850 Libellula pectoralis - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 56 (Holland, Belgium, Poland, Denmark, Russia, Austria). 1850 Leucorrhinia pectoralis - BRITTINGER, SitzBer. Akad. Wien, 4: 333 (Austria). 1878 Coenotiata pectoralis - BUCHECHER, Syst. Ent.: 10. 1890 Leucorrhinia pectoralis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 11. 1898 Leucorrhinia pectoralis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25:69. 1905 Leucorrhinia pectoralis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 731 (Russia).
371 1912 Leucorrhinia pectoralis - Ris, Coll. ZooL, Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 715 (Belge, Holland, Germany, France, Switzerland). 1927 Leucorrhinia pectoralis ab. ochropteryx ARTOBOLEVSKY, Trav. Mus. zool. Kiev, 3: 77. Male from Ukraine. 1948 Leucorrhinia pectoralis - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn. Moscow, 5: 183 (Armenia). 1973 Leucorrhinia pectorals (misprint) - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 301. 1984 Leucorrhinia pectoralis - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 109 (Hungary).
Distribution: West Siberia to Central Europe. próxima
1890 Leucorrhinia próxima CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 17: 38. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: North America. 1912 Leucorrhinia próxima - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 720 (Ontario).
Distribution: Canada. rubicunda
1758 Libellula rubicunda LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 10 (1): 543. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Sweden. 1850 Leucorrhinia rubicunda - BRITTINGER, SitzBer. Akad. Wien, 4: 33 (Austria). 1890 Leucorrhinia rubicunda - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 12. 1897 Diplax rubicunda - GARBINI, Bull. Soc. ent. Ital., 29: 5 (Italy). 1902 Leucorrhinia rubicunda var. rubrodorsalis DZIEDZIELEWICZ, Odon. Haliciae: 58. Male from Poland. 1905 Leucorrhinia rubicunda - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 731 (Europe, Siberia). 1912 Leucorrhinia rubicunda - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 713 (Germany, Siberia, Norway). 1922 Leucorrhinia rubicunda - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 107 (Europe, Japan). 1927 Leucorrhinia rubicunda ab. ochromaculata ARTOBOLEVSKI, Trav. Mus. zool. Kiev, 3: 78. Male from Ukraine. 1923 Leucorrhinia rubicunda ab. grandis PRÜFFER, Trav. Soc. Sci. Lett, Vilno, 1:10. Male from Vilna. 1928 Leucorrhinia rubicunda ab. nubila VALLE, Acta Soc. Fauna fenn., 56 (11): 32. Male from Finland. 1960 Leucorrhinia rubicunda - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 236 (Luxembourgh).
Distribution: Northern and central parts of eastern Europe to Lake Baikal and north to the Arctic Circle. ussuriensis
1914 Leucorrhinia ussuriensis BARTENEF, Hor. Soc. ent. ross., 41: 13. Type: unknown; type-locality: Ussuri Territory. 1985 Leucorrhinia ussuriensis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 92.
Distribution: Russian Far East. Genus Planiplax
1891 Platyplax KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (17): 268. Type-species: Platyplax erythropyga KARSCH, 189 (original designation). - 1910 Planiplax MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 169 (new name for Platyplax Karsch, 1891, a junior primary homonymy of Platyplax FIEBER, 1860 in Hemiptera). - 1912 Plantiplax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 728 (revision, key to species). - 1945 Planiplax - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171. - 1945 Platyplax - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (proposed synonymy w i t h Planiplax
MUTTKOWSKI, 1 9 1 0 ) .
372 arachne Ris 1912 Planiplax arachne Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 732. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Santarem. 1964 Planiplax arachne - GEIJSKES, Stud. Fauna Suriname, 7: 43 (description of female) (Surinam).
Distribution: Suriname. erythropyga (KARSCH) 1891 Platyplax erythropyga KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17(17): 270 (as generotype of Platyplax KARSCH, 1891). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Uruguay. 1910 Planiplax erythropyga - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwankee, 1 (1): 169. 1912 Planiplax erythropyga - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 730 (Rio Grande).
Distribution: Uruguay, machadoi SANTOS 1949 Planiplax machadoi SANTOS, Rev. brasil. Biol., 9: 429. Type male: Nac. Mus., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Amazonas.
Distribution: Brazil, phoenicura Ris 1912 Planiplax phoenicura Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 731. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Minas Geraes. 1964 Planiplax phoenicura Distribution: Brazil.- GEIJSKES, Stud. Fauna Suriname, 7: 41 (description of female).
sanguiniventris (CALVERT) 1907 Platyplax sanguiniventris CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 327. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1910 Planiplax sanguiniventris - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 169 (as generotype of Planiplax MUTTKOWSKI, 1910). 1912 Planiplax sanguiventris - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 731.
Distribution: Mexico. Subfamily Libellulinae Mostly medium to large forms. Arc recessed towards base of wing; sectors of arc briefly stalked; distal antenodal sometimes lost in subcostal space; trg in fore wing with short costal side; anal loop present; discoidal field with 2 or more rows of cells. Males often red and/or pruinose blue. 1909 Libellulinae Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 5 (with genera Hypothemis, Tetrathemis, Archaeophlebia, Bironides, Nannophlebia, Oda, Hylaeothemis, Calophlebia, Eothemis, Micromacromia, Neodythemis Allorhizuga, Orchithemis, Amphithemis, Pronothemis, Diplacina, Lyriothemis). - 1909 Libellulinae - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 121 (with genera Nesoxenia, Lathracista, Agrionoptera, Protothemis, Cratilla, Potamarcha, Apatelia, Oxythemis, Thermorthemis, Hadrothemis, Orthetrum). - 1921 Libellulinae - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 382 (key to genera: Porpax, Nothiothemis, Orthetrum, Palpopleura, Chalcostephia, Acisoma, Diplacodes, Hemistigma, Crocothemis, Bradinopyga, Brachythemis, Sympetrum, Philonomon, Trithemis, Pseudomacromia, Olpogastra, Pantala, Tramea, Rhyothemis, Helothemis, Urothemis, Tetriamantha). - 1 9 2 7 Libellulinae - N E E D H A M &
373 Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 5 3 : 1 7 0 (key to genera). - 1 9 3 2 Libellulinae - N E E D H A M Ree. Indian Mus., 3 4 : 1 9 8 (key to Indian, genera). - 1 9 3 7 Libellulinae - NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 65 (key to Oriental genera: Orchithemis, Agrionoptera, Nannophya, Tetrathemis, Nannodplax, Raphismia, Zygonyx, Acisoma, Diplacina, Brachydiplax, Macrodiplax, Urothemis, Zyxomma, Tholymis, Rhyothemis, Neurothemis, Camaicinia, Tramea, Hydrobasileus, Patitala, Orthetrum, Potamarcha, Onychothemis, Trithemis, Cratilla, Lyriothemis, Lathrecista, Crocothemis). - 1 9 4 0 Libellulinae - T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 3 9 2 (with genera Lathracista, Amphithemis, Lyriothemis, Orthetrum, Libellula). - 1948 Libellulinae - ZIMMERMANN, Ins. Hawaii, 2: 235 (key to Hawaian genera: Nesogonia, Pantala, Tramea). - 1950 Libellulinae - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Entr. Madrid, 1950: 56 (key to Spanish genera). 1953 Libellulinae - FRASER, Rev. Zool.-Bot. afr., 48: 242. - 1962 Libellulinae - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 227 (key to African genera: Thermorthemis, Hadrothemis, Oxythemis, Orthetrum, Nisciothemis, Congothemis). - 1 9 7 7 Libellulinae - BELYSHEV & K H A RATINOV, N a u k a , Novosibirsk: 132 (key to Boreal genera). BROUGHTON,
Genera Aethiothemis
1908 Aethiothemis MARTIN, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 43: 662. Type-species: Aethiothemis solitari M A R T I N , 1 9 0 8 (original designation). - 1 9 1 6 Aethiothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1 1 2 4 (revision, key to species). - 1 9 3 4 Aethiothemis - S C H O U DETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 21. - 1939 Cirrothemis FISHER, Notul. Nat., 10: 3 . Type-species: Cirrothemis bella FISHER, 1 9 3 9 (original designation). - 1 9 5 4 Nubiothemis FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 253. Type-species: Aethiothemis bequaerti Ris, 1919 (original designation). - 1962 Aethiothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 244. 1962 Cirrothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 244 (proposed synoynmy with Aethiothemis M A R T I N , 1 9 0 8 ) . - 1 9 6 2 Nubiothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 2 4 4 (proposed synonymy with Aethiothemis M A R T I N , 1 9 0 8 ) .
1954 Aethiothemis basilewskyi FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr. 50: 262. Type male: Mus. R. afr. centrr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Aethiothemis
- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 245.
Distribution: Congo Republic. bequaerti Ris 1916 Aethiothemis bequaerti Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1127. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1934 Aethiothemis bequaerti - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 21. 1939 Cirrothemis bella FISHER, Notul. Nat., 10: 4 (as generotype of Cirrothemis FISHER, 1939). Type male: Acad. Mus. Philadelphia; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1954 Nubiothemis bequaerti - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 253 (as generotype oí Nubiothemis FRASER, 1954).
1962 Aethiothemis bequaerti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 245. 1962 Cirrothemis bella - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 245 (proposed synonymy with bequaerti R I S , 1 9 1 6 ) .
Distribution: Congo Republic. carpenteri
1944 Oxythemis carpenteri FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 13: 85. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Aethiothemis carpenteri - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 245. 1966 Aethiothemis
carpenteri - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 186.
Distribution: Uganda.
374 diamangae
1959 Aethiothemis diamangae LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 35. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Angola. 1962 Aethiothemis diamangae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 245.
Distribution: Angola. discrepane
1969 Aethiothemis discrepara LIEFTINCK, Res. sci. Exp. hydrob. Bassin Lac Bangweulu & Luapula, 14: (4): 26. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Congo.
Distribution: Congo Republic. mediofasciata Ris 1931 Aethiothemis mediofasciata Ris, Revue suisse Zool., 38: 106. Type female: Mus. Hist, nat., Chaux de Fonds, Suisse, type-locality: Angola. 1962 Aethiothemis mediofasciata - LIEFTINCK, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 245 (Angola, N o r t h Rhodesia).
Distribution: tropical Africa. palustris
1912 Aethiothemis palustris MARTIN, Feuille jeunes Nat., (5) 42: 95. Type male: Nation. Mus. Hist., nat., Paris; type-locality: Sikasso (Mali). 1962 Aethiothemis palustris - LIEFTINCK, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59. 245 (Fr. and Port. Guinea, N o r t h Rhodesia).
Distribution: tropical Africa. solitari
1908 Aethiothemis solitari MARTIN, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 43: 663 (as generotype of Aethiothemis MARTIN, 1908). Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova; type-locality: Guinea. 1916 Aethiothemis solitari - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1125 (Congo). 1934 Aethiothemis solitari - „ R i s " (misprint) - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., (3) II 3: 21 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Aethiothemis solitari - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 245 (Fr. Guinea, Belgian Congo, Rhodesia, Tanganyika).
Distribution: tropical Africa. watulikii
1962 Aethiothemis watulikii PINHEY, J. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 25: 46. Type male: Pretoria Mus.; typelocality: Congo.
Distribution: Congo Republic. Genus Agrionoptera
1864 Agrionoptera BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Zot. Ges. Wien, 14: 163. Type-species: Libellula insignis RAMBUR, 1842 (monotypy). - 1889 Agrionoptera - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 292 (generotype: Agrionoptera sexlineata Selys, 1879). - 1890 Agrionoptera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 31. - 1900 Agrionoptera - KARSCH, Abh. Senckenb. naturf. Ges., 25 (1): 221. - 1909 Agrionoptera - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 133 (revision, key to species). - 1937 Agrionoptera - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 70 (key to Philippinen species). - 1954 Agrionoptera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 131. - 1962 Agrionoptera - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 64 (key to Micronesian species).
1937 Agrionoptera bartola NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci. 63 (1): 71. Type female: not given; type-locality: Philippines.
Distribution: Philippine Islands. cardinalis
1962 Agrionoptera cardinalis LIEFTINCK, Inscets of Micronesia, 5 (1): 74. Type male: US natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Palau.
Distribution: Western Caroline Islands. cynthiae
1942 Agrionoptera insignis cynthiae LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 472. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Tanimbar Island. 1985 Agrionoptera cynthiae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 93.
Distribution: Tanimbar Island (Indonesia). guamensis
1962 Agrionoptera insignis guamensis LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 73. Type male: US. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Guam.
Distribution: Guam. insignis insignis
1842 Libellula insignis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 123. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Java. 1864 Agrionoptera insignis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 14: 164 (as generotype of Agrionoptera
BRAUER, 1864).
1909 1927 1934 1942 1954
Agrionoptera insignis insignis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 137. Agrionoptera insignis insignis - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 39 (Sumatra). Agrionoptera insignis insignis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14: 406 (Krakatau, Java). Agrionoptera insignis insignis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 466 (key to subspecies). Agrionoptera insignis insignis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 131 (Malaya, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Bali, Borneo). 1962 Agrionoptera insignis insignis - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 64 (key to subspecies). 1985 A g r i o n o p t e r a variabilis KRÜGER, 1902 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 94.
Distribution: Oriental region. insignis allogenes
1908 Agrionoptera allogenes TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 641. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1909 Agrionoptera insignis allogenes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 142. 1913 Agrionoptera insignis allogenes - Ris, Nova Guinea, 9: 511. 1916 Agrionoptera insignis allogenes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1069 (Aru, Cape York). 1917 Agrionoptera insignis allogenes - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (11): 3 (Queensland). 1942 Agrionoptera insignis allogenes - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 471 (New Guinea, Queensland). 1949 Agrionoptera insignis allogenes - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 362 (Guadalcanal).
Distribution: Guadalcanal to Australia.
376 insignis chalcochiton Ris 1915 Agrionoptera insignis chalcochiton Ris, Tijdschr. Ent., 58: 15. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist. Leiden; type-locality: Simalur. 1916 Agrionoptera insignis chalcochiton - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1068 (as nov. subsp.). 1926 Agrionoptera insignis chalcochiton - L A I D L A W , J . Str. Br. R. Asiatic Soc., 4: 223. 1954 Agrionoptera insignis chalcochiton - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 131 (Simular, Mentawai Islands).
Distribution: Simular, and Mentawai Islands. insignis dorothea
1927 Agrionoptera insignis dorothea FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 29: 65. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Bengal.
Distribution: India. insignis insularis
1889 Agrionoptera insularis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 336. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London, type-locality: Santa Ana. 1985 Agrionoptera insignis insularis- D AVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 94.
Distribution: Santa Ana (Solomon Islands). insignis lifuana
1953 Agionoptera insignis lifuana KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12) 6: 243. Type male: British Museum (nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: New Hebrides.
Distribution: New Hebrides. insignis nereis
1948 Agrionoptera insignis nereis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 292. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Engano. 1954 Agrionoptera insignis nereis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 131 (Engano).
Distribution: Engano Island. insignis nicobarica
1865 Agrionoptera nicobariaca BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 15: 978. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Nicobar. 1985 Agrionoptera insignis nicobarica - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 94.
Distribution: Nicobar. insignis papuensis
1879 Agrionoptera insignis var. papuensis SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 14: 303. Male from New Guinea. 1942 Agrionoptera insignis papuensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 469 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. insignis quatornotata
1867 Agrionoptera quatornotata BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 17: 298. Type male: D a r m stadt Mus.; type-locality: M e n a d o . 1909 Agrionoptera insignis quatornotata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:138.
377 1937 Agrionoptera pines).
Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 70 (Celebes, Philip-
Distribution: Celebes, and Philippine Islands. insignis salomonis
1898 Agrionoptera salomonis FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz. Budapest, 21: 284. Type male: Természettud. Múz., Budapest; type-locality: Shortland Island. 1 9 8 5 Agrionoptera insignis salomonis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 9 4 .
Distribution: Solomon Islands. longitudinalis longitudinalis
1878 Agrionoptera longitudinalis SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Dresden, 3: 312. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Ternate. 1890 Nesocria longitudinalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 30. 1909 Protorthemis longitudinalis - MARTIN, Bull. Soc. ent. Ital, 60: 197 (New Guinea). 1909 Agrionoptera longitudinalis longitudinalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 143 (key to subspecies). 1916 Agrionoptera longitudinalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1069 (New Guinea). 1942 Agrionoptera longitudinalis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 473 (New Guinea).
Distribution: Moluccas, and New Guinea. longitudinalis biserialis
1879 Agrionoptera longitudinalis race biserialis SELYS, Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova, 14: 304. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Papua. 1890 Nesocria biserialis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 30. 1898 Agrionoptera karschi FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz. Budapest, 21: 282. Type male: ? Természett. Múz., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. 1908 Agrionoptera regalis TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 643. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Cooktown. 1909 Agrionoptera longitudinalis biserialis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 144. 1909 Agrionoptera karschi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 144 (proposed synonymy with longitudinalis biserialis SELYS, 1879). 1909 Agrionoptera regalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 144 (proposed synonymy with longitudinalis biserialis SELYS, 1879).
Distribution: Papua New Guinea, and Queensland. longitudinalis dissoluta
1953 Agrionoptera longitudinalis dissoluta LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea (Zool.), 25: 771. Type male: unknown; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. sanguinolenta sanguinolenta
1962 Agrionoptera sauguinoleuta LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 74. Type male: U S nat. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Ponape. 1985 Agrionoptera sanguinolenta sanguinolenta - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 93.
Distribution: Caroline Islands.
sanguinolenta pusilla
1962 Agrionoptera sanguinolenta pusilla LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 76. Type male: U S natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Truk.
Distribution: Caroline Islands. sexlineata
1879 Agrionoptera sexlineata SELYS, Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova, 14: 304. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Malacca. 1890 Nesoxenia sexlineata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon. London: 181. 1902 Protorthemis sexlineata - KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63: 137. 1909 Agrionoptera sexlineata-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:144 (Singapore, Borneo). 1916 Agrionoptera sexlineata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1070 (Borneo, Sumatra).
Distribution: Singapore, Borneo, Sumatra. similis
1879 Agrionoptera insignis race similis SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova, 14: 303. Male f r o m Ternate. 1909 Agrionoptera insignis similis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 140 (Ceram, Molucca, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Key, Banda). 1913 Agrionoptera insignis similis - Ris, Abh. Senckenb. Ges., 34: 528. 1942 Agrionoptera insignis similis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 470. 1985 Agrionoptera similis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 94.
Distribution: Malaysia to Banda. yapensis
1962 Agrionoptera insignis yapensis LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 72. Type male: U S natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Yap Island. 1985 Agrionoptera yapensis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 94.
Distribution: Yap Island. Genus Amphithemis
1892 Lyriothemis (Amphithemis) SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova (2) 10: 454. Type-species: Lyriothemis curvistyla SELYS, 1892 (original designation). - 1909 Amphithemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 88 (revision, key to species). - 1915 Amphithemis - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 11: 337 (revision).
1892 Lyriothemis (Amphithemis) curvistyla SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 455 (as generotype of Amphithemis SELYS, 1892). Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; typelocality: Burma. 1909 Amphithemis curvistyla - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 90 (Burma, Tonkin). 1915 Amphithemis curvistyla - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 11: 338 (Burma, Tonkin, Assam).
Distribution: India to Vietnam.
379 kerri
1933 Amphithemis kerri FRASER, J. Siam Soc. nat. Hist., Suppl.: 9:130. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Laos.
Distribution: Laos. vacillane
1892 Lyriothemis (Amphithemis) vacillans SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stör, nat., Genova, (2) 10: 457. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova; type-locality: Burma. 1909 Amphithemis vacillans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 89 (Burma). 1915 Amphithemis vacillans - LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 11: 338 (Assam). 1922 Amphithemis nigricolor FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 28: 700. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Bengal. 1966 Amphithemis nigricolor - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 206 (proposed syno n y m y w i t h vacillans
SELYS, 1892).
Distribution: India, Burma. Genus Boninthemis
1922 Neothemis OGUMA (nec KARSCH, 1889). D t s c h . e n t . Z . , 1922: 102. Type-species:
insularis OGUMA, 1922 (original designation). - 1934 Neothemis - COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 245. - 1952 Boninthemis ASAHINA, Mushi, 23 (6): 46 (new name for Neothemis OGUMA, 1922, a j u n i o r p r i m a r y h o m o n y m y of Neothemis
KARSCH, 1889). - 1962
ninthemis - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 62 (incorrect synonymy with Lyriothemis BRAUER, 1868).
insularis (OGUMA) 1922 Neothemis insularis OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 102 (as generotype of Neothemis OGUMA, 1922). Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Bonin Island. 1952 Boninthemis insularis - ASAHINA, Mushi, 23 (6): 47 (as generotype of Boninthemis ASAHINA, 1952). 1961 Boninthemis insularis - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 63. 1962 Lyriothemis insularis - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 62.
Distribution: Bonin Island. Genus Cannaphila
1889 Cannaphila KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 305. Type-species: Cannaphila insularis KIRBY, 1889 (original designation).
angustipennis angustipennis (RAMBUR) 1842 Libellula angustipennis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 63. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1890 Leptetrum angustipennis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 26 (Haiti, Cuba). 1890 Cannaphila angustipennis - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 380 (Cuba). 1897 Cannaphila funerea CARPENTER, Proc. Dublin Soc., 8: 434. Type: unknown; type-locality: Nicaragua. 1910 Cannaphila angustipennis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 144 (Mexico to Central America, Greater Antilles). 1910 Cannaphila funerea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 144 [proposed syno n y m y w i t h angustipennis
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
1916 Cannaphila insularis funerea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1107 (Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica). 1918 Cannaphila insularis funerea - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 178 (Costa Rica, Panama).
380 1919 Cannaphila angustipennis angustipennis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 364 (Cuba). 1985 Cannaphila angustipennis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 94 (incorrect synonymy with insularis KIRBY, 1889).
Distribution: Central America.
angustipennis insularis
1889 Cannaphila insularis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 341 (as generotype of Cannaphila K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ) . Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Haiti. 1910 Cannaphila angustipennis insularis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 144 (Greater Antilles, Honduras to Brazil). 1 9 8 5 Cannaphila insularis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 9 4 .
Distribution: Greater Antilles, Honduras to Brazil.
1861 Libelulla vibex HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 159. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1868 Libellulamerida SELYS, C.R. Ent. Soc. Belg., 11:67. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1890 Leptetrum vibex - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 26 (Mexico). 1910 Cannaphila vibex - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 144 (Mexico to Brazil). 1910 Libellula merida - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 144 [proposed synonymy with vibex ( H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) ] . 1916 Cannaphila vibex - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1107 (Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia). 1943 Cannaphila vibex - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 259 (Mexico, Bolivia, Venezuela, Argentina).
Distribution: Mexico to Argentina. Genus Cratilla
1900 Cratilla K I R B Y , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 5: 542. Type-species: Orthemis metallica BRAUER, 1878 (original designation). - 1 9 0 9 Cratilla- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 151 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Cratilla - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 133.
lineata lineata
1878 Orthemis lineata BRAUER, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 77: 201. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Sumatra. 1890 Agrionoptera lineata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 31. 1890 Nesoxenia lineata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 180. 1903 Cratilla lineata - FÖRSTER, Annls hist.nat. Mus.natn. hung., 1903: 537 (Malacca, Sumatra, Borneo). 1916 Cratilla lineata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1070 (Borneo). 1934 Cratilla lineata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14: (4): 407 (Java). 1953 Cratilla lineata lineata - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 202 (Malay Peninsula, Krakatau). 1954 Cratilla lineata lineata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 134 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Krakatau, Borneo).
Distribution: Thailand to Borneo.
381 lineata assidus
1953 CratiUa lineata assidus LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 202. Type male: Rijksmus. 1954 Cratilla lineata assidus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 133 (Java, Panaitan, Bali).
Distribution: Java, Bali. lineata calverti
1903 Cratilla calverti FÖRSTER, Annls hist. nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 537. Type sex not given: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Malabar. 1909 Cratilla calverti - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 153 [as synonym of lineata (BRAUER, 1878)]. 1924 Cratilla calverti - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 431 (West India). 1953 Cratilla lineata calverti - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 201 (type female, labelled by FÖRSTER: „Malayothemis η. sbgn. Calverti n.sp. CALVERT, Malabar $ India, Cratilla K I R BY".
1955 Cratilla lineata calverti - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 77 (Ceylon).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia. metallica
1878 Orthemis metallica BRAUER, SitzBer. Akad. WWiss. Wien, 67: 199. Type male: Amsterdam Mus.; type-locality: Malacca. 1890 Protorthemis metallica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 30. 1900 Cratilla metallica - K I R B Y , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 5 : 542 (as generotype of Cratilla K I R B Y , 1900). 1909 Cratilla metallica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 152 (Malacca, Borneo, Sumatra, Cambodia, Burma, Java). 1954 Cratilla metallica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 134 (Malaya, Simalus, Mentawai, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. Genus Dasythemis
1889 Dasythemis K A R S C H , Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 251. Type-species: Dasythemis liriope K A R S C H , 1889 (original designation). - 1889 Malamarptis KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 380. Typespecies: Malamarptis mincki KARSCH, 1889 (original designation). - 1890 Malamarptis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. neur.-Odon., London: 30. - 1945 Dasythemis - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Am., 38:170 (with type-species: Libellula venosa BURMEISTER, 1839). - 1 9 4 5 Malamarptis - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 170 (proposed synonymy with Dasythemis KARSCH, 1889).
esmerelda Ris 1910 Dasysthemis esmerelda Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 301. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Ecuador. 1943 Dasythemis esmerelda - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 260 (Colombia, Peru). 1946 Dasythemis esmerelda - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 468 (Peru, Ecuador).
Distribution: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. essequiba Ris 1916 Dasythemis essequiba Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1108. Type female: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: British Guyana. 1947 Dasythemis essequiba - SANTOS, Rev. brasil. Biol., 7: 289 (redescription) (Brazil).
Distribution: British Guyana, Brazil.
mincki mincki
1889 Malamarptis mincki K A R S C H , Beri. ent. Z.,33(2): 382 (as generotype of Malamarptis K A R S C H , 1889). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1908 Dasythemis mincki mincki - Ris, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1908: 518. 1909 Dasythemis mincki - CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6: 247. 1916 Dasythemis mincki mincki - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1108 (Rio Grande). 1947 Dasythemis mincki mincki - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 450 (Argentina).
Distribution: Brazil, Argentina. mincki clara Ris 1908 Dasythemis mincki clara Ris, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1908: 518. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Mendoza. 1947 Dasythemis mincki clara - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 450 (Argentina).
Distribution: Argentina. venosa
1839 Libellula venosa BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 848. Type female: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Bahia. 1889 Dasythemis liriope K A R S C H , Ent. Nachr., 15 (16): 252 (as generotype of Dasythemis K A R S C H , 1889). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Fylgia venosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. neur.-Odon., London: 45. 1898 Dasythemis venosa - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 58 (redescription of holotype). 1898 Dasythemis liriope - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 60 (redescription). 1907 Dasythemis macrostigma- FÖRSTER, Ent. Wochenbl., 24:167. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Paraguay. 1916 Dasythemis venosa - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1108 (Brazil).
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay. Genus Diplacina 1868
Diplacina BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 1 8 : 1 7 3 . Type-species: Diplacina nana BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 3 0 8 ) . - 1 9 0 9 Diplacina-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 93 (revision, key to species). - 1916 Diplacina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1057 (revision, key to species). 1932 Diplacina - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 40 (revision, key to species). - 1987 Diplacina - VAN TOL, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 61 (3): 155.
1932 Diplacina antigene LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 45. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea, arsinoe
1953 Diplacina arsinoe LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22.171. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. bolivari
1882 Diplacina bolivarii SELYS, Ann. Soc. Esp. nat. Hist., 11: 12. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Luzon.
383 1909 Diplacina bolivariMindanao). 1937 Diplacina
Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , Bruxelles, 9: 97 ( L u z o n , P a l a w a n ,
bolivari - NEEDHAM & GYGER, Philipp. J. Sci. 63 (1): 77 ( L u z o n ) .
Distribution: Philippine Islands. braueri
1882 Diplacina braueri SELYS, A n n . Soc. Esp. n a t . Hist., 11: 13. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Philippines.
Distribution: Philippine Islands, callirrhoe
1953 Diplacina callirrhoe LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 169. Type male: R i j k s m u s . n a t u u r l . Hist., Leiden; type-locality: N e w G u i n e a .
Distribution: New Guinea, clymene
1963 Diplacina clymene LIEFTINCK, N o v a G u i n e a (Zool.), 25: 767. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: d ' E n t r e c a s t e a u x .
Distribution: d'Entrecasteaux Islands. cyrene LIEFTINCK 1953 Diplacina cyrene LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 164. Type male: R i j k s m u s . n a t u u r l . Hist., Leiden; type-locality: N e w G u i n e a .
Distribution: New Guinea. dioxippe
1963 Diplacina dioxippe LIEFTINCK, N o v a G u i n e a (Zool.), 25: 764. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: N e w G u i n e a .
Distribution: New Guinea, erigone
1953 Diplacina erigone LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 177. Type male: R i j k s m u s . n a t u u r l . Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Misool.
Distribution: Misool Island (Indonesia), fulgens Ris 1898 Diplacina fulgens Ris, E n t . N a c h r . , 24: 323. Type male: M u s . N a t u r k . Berlin; type-locality: N e w Britain. 1909 Diplacina smaragdina fulgens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , Bruxelles, 9: 94. 1916 Diplacina fulgens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de L o n g c h a m p s , Bruxelles, 16: 1058. 1949 Diplacina fulgens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 361.
Distribution: New Britain. hippolyte LIEFTINCK 1933 Diplacina hippolyte LIEFTINCK, N o v a G u i n e a , 17: 57. Type male: R i j k s m u s . n a t u u r l . Hist., Leiden; type-locality: N e w G u i n e a . 1942 Diplacina hippolyte - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 457.
Distribution: New Guinea.
1933 Diplacina ismene LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 1 7 : 55. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Diplacina ismene - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 8 (3): 457.
Distribution: New Guinea. lisa
1941 Diplacina lisa Philippines.
Philipp. J. Sci., 7 4 : 1 4 3 . Type male: unknown; type-locality:
Distribution: Philippine Islands, merope
1963 Diplacina merope LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (Zool.), 25: 761. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea, micans
1953 Diplacina micans LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 175. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Waigeo.
Distribution: Waigeo Island (Indonesia). militaris militaris Ris 1889 Diplacina militaris SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 466 (nom. nud.). 1909 Diplacina bolivari militaris Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 99. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1985 Diplacina militaris - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 95. 1987 Diplacina militaris militaris - VAN TOL, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 61 (3): 161.
Distribution: Celebes. militaris dumogue VAN TOL 1987 Diplacina militaris dumogue VAN TOL, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 61 (3): 163. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sulawesi.
Distribution: Sulawesi. nana
1868 Diplacina nana B R A U E R , Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 174. (as generotype of Diplacina B R A U E R , 1868). Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Philippines. 1909 Diplacina nana - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 96 (redescription).
Distribution: Philippine Islands, paula paula Ris 1915 Diplacina paula Ris, Nova Guinea, 13 (1): 114. Type male: Amsterdam Mus. (labelled: Diplacina fulgens Ris, 1913); type-locality: New Guinea. 1 9 3 3 Diplacina paula - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 1 7 : 4 4 (redescription). 1916 Diplacina paula - Ris, Coli. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1059 (as sp. nov.). 1953 Diplacina paula paula - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 : 161.
Distribution: New Guinea.
385 paula lethe
1953 Diplacina paula lethe LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22:161. Type male: Rijksmus natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Misool.
Distribution: Misool Island. persephone
1933 Diplacina persephone LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
47. Type male: Rijksmus natuurl. Hist.,
Distribution: New Guinea. phoebe phoebe Ris 1915 Diplacina phoebe Ris, Nova Guinea, 13 (2): 114. Type male: Amsterdam Mus.; type-locality: Ceram. 1916 Diplacina phoebe - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1060 (as sp. nov.). 1933 Diplacina phoebe phoebe - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 1 7 : 49 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea, and Ceram. phoebe amoena
1953 Diplacina phoebe amoena LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 180. Type male: Rijksmus natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Halmahera.
Distribution: Halmahera Island (Indonesia). phoebe anthaxia
1933 Diplacina phoebe anthaxia LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 1 7 : 40. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1 9 8 5 Diplacina anthaxia - D A V I E S & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 9 5 .
Distribution: New Guinea. phoebe phryne
1953 Diplacina phryne LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 182. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Ambon. 1 9 8 5 Diplacina phoebe phryne - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 9 5 .
Distribution: Ambon Island (Indonesia). sanguinolenta VAN TOL 1987 Diplacina sanguinolenta VAN TOL, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 61 (3): 165. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sulawesi.
Distribution: Sulawesi. smaragdina
1878 Diplacina (?) smaragdina SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3 : 320. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1909 Diplacina smaragdina smaragdina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 94 (types redescription) (key to subspecies). 1916 Diplacina smaragdina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1060 (New Guinea). 1933 Diplacina smaragdina - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 1 7 : 52 (redescription). 1942 Diplacina smaragdina - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 8 (3): 458 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea.
386 torrentícola VAN TOL 1987 Diplacina torrentícola VAN TOL, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 61 (3): 169. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sulawesi.
Distribution: Sulawesi. Genus Epithemis
1955 Epithemis LAIDLAW, Entomologist's month. Mag., 91: 287. Type-species: Amphithemis LAIDLAW, 1915 (original designation).
1915 Amphithemis mariae LAIDLAW, Ree. Indian Mus., 11: 338. Type male: Indian Mus., Calcutta; type-locality: South India. 1924 Amphithemis mariae - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 430 (West India). 1955 Epithemis mariae -LAIDLAW, Entomologist's month. Mag., 91:287 (as generotype oí Epithemis LAIDLAW, 1 9 5 5 ) .
Distribution: India. Genus Hadrothemis
1891 Hadrothemis KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (5): 75. Type-species: Orthetrum camarense KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1891 Archiclops KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (5): 78. Type-species: Archiclops infestus KARSCH, 1891 (original designation). - 1894 Nymphentria KARSCH, Beri, ent. Z., 39 (1): 14. Type-species: Thermorthemis defeda KARSCH, 1891 (original designation). - 1907 Bolivarides MARTIN, Mem. Soc. esp., 1: 422. Type-species: Bolivarides acuminata MARTIN, 1907 (original designation). - 1934 Nymphentria - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67: 252 (type-species: Thermorthemis versuta KARSCH, 1891). - 1962 Hadrothemis - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 229. - 1962 Archiclops - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 229. - (proposed synonymy with Hadrothemis KARSCH, 1891). - 1962 Nymphentria - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. C o m p . Diam. Angola, 59: 229 (proposed synonymy with Hadrothemis KARSCH, 1891). - 1962 Bolivarides - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 229 (proposed synonymy with Hadrothemis KARSCH, 1891).
1889 Orthetrum camarense KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 298. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: West Africa. 1891 Hadrothemis camarensis - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (5): 77 (as generotype of Hadrothemis KARSCH, 1891). 1909 Hadrothemis camarensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 170 (Cameroon, Gabon). 1916 Hadrothemis camarensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1072 (Congo). 1934 Hadrothemis camarensis - SCHOUDETEN, A n n . Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 14 (Belgian Congo). 1941 Hadrothemis camarensis - FRASER Proc. R. ent. Soc. L o n d o n (B) 10: 41 (Cameroon). 1947 Hadrothemis camarensis - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 37 (Ivory Coast). 1962 Hadrothemis camarensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 229 (Belgian Congo, U g a n d a , G a b o o n , Cameroon, Sp. Guinea? Gold Coast, Ivory Coast, Angola).
Distribution: tropical Africa, coacta
(KARSCH) 1891 Thermorthemis coacta KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (4): 61. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1909 Hadrothemis coacta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 172 (Cameroon).
387 1962 Hadrothemis coacta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 229 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Gold Coast, Angola).
Distribution: tropical Africa. defecta defecta
1891 Thermorthemis defecta KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (4): 62. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1894 Nymphentria defecta - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 39 (1 ): 14 (as generotype of Nymphentria KARSCH, 1894). 1907 Bolìvarides acuminata MARTIN, Mem. Soc. esp., 1: 423 (as generotype of Bolivarides MARTIN, 1907). Type male: Madrid Mus.; type-locality: Biafra. 1909 Hadrothemis defecta - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 175. 1909 Bolivarides acuminata - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10 : 175 [proposed synonymy with defecta (KARSCH, 1891)]. 1934 Hadrothemis defecta - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., (3) II 3: 15 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Hadrothemis defecta defecta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 230 (Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Port. Guinea, Angola, Sp. Guinea, Fr. Congo, Sierra Leone, Rhodesia, Nigeria).
Distribution: tropical Africa, defecta pseudodefecta
1961 Hadrothemis defecta pseudodefecta PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.): 127. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Hadrothemis
defecta pseudodefecta
- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 230.
Distribution: Uganda. infesta
1891 Archiclops infestus KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (5): 79 (as generotype of Archiclops KARSCH, 1891). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: West Africa. 1909 Hadrothemis infesta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 168 (Nigeria). 1916 Hadrothemis infesta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1072 (Sierra Leone). 1934 Hadrothemis infesta - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge Zool., (3) II 3: 15 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Hadrothemis infesta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 230 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Dahomey, Sierra Leone).
Distribution: tropical Africa. scabrifrons Ris 1909 Hadrothemis scabrifrons Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 172. Type female: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Tanzania. 1916 Hadrothemis scabrifrons - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1072 (description of male from Cameroon). 1962 Hadrothemis scabrifrons - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 230 (Tanganyika, Kenya, Belgian Congo, Cameroon).
Distribution: tropical Africa. versuta
1891 Thermorthemis versuta KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (4): 62. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon.
388 1894 Nymphentria versuta - K A R S C H , Beri. ent. Ζ., 3 9 : 14 (as generotype of Nymphentria K A R S C H , 1894). 1947 Hadrothemis versuta - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 37 (Ivory Coast). 1962 Hadrothemis versuta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 230 (Belgian Congo, French Equatorial Africa, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ivory Coast).
Distribution: tropical Africa. vrijdaghi
1934 Hadrothemis vrijdaghi SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige Zool., (3) II 3: 16. Type male: R . M u s . afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1953 Hadrothemis vrijdaghi-FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48: 251 (description of male from Belgian Congo).
Distribution: Congo Republic. Genus Lathrecista
1889 Lathrecista KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 291. Type-species: Libellula pectoralis BRAUER, 1867 (original designation). - 1909 Lathrecista - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 128 (revision). - 1954 Lathrecista - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 132 (type-species: Libellula asiatica FABRICIUS, 1798).
asiatica asiatica
1798 Libellula asiatica FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 283. Type male: unknown; type-locality: India orient. 1890 Orthetrum asiaticum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36. 1890 Lathrecista asiatica - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 369. 1909 Lathrecista asiatica asiatica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 130 (redescription). 1916 Lathrecista asiatica asiatica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1067 (Borneo, Formosa, Celebes). 1924 Lathrecista asiatica asiatica - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 431 (India). 1927 Lathrecista asiatica - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 38 (Sumatra). 1939 Lathrecista asiatica asiatica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 17: 51 (Java). 1955 Lathrecista asiatica asiatica - BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 : (2): 455 (India).
Distribution: Oriental region. asiatica festa
1879 Agrionoptera festa SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 14: 300. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1890 Lathrecista festa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-odon., London: 30. 1916 Lathrecista asiatica festa - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1068 (Cooktown, Cape York, Darnley, Isl. Banks).
Distribution: Australia, asiatica interposita
1898 Lathrecista pectoralis var. interpositia FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 21: 287. Male from New Guinea. 1909 Latrecista pectoralis var. interposita - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 130 (as s y n o nNew y m of asiatica Distribution: Guinea.asiatica
(FABRICIUS, 1798).
asiatica pectoralis
1867 Libellula pectoralis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 17: 19. Type male: not given; typelocality: Ceram. 1889 Lathrecista pectoralis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 264 (as genero type of Lathrecista KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) .
1926 Lathrecista
asiatica pectoralis - FRASER, Treubia, 8: 467 (Java).
Distribution: Ceram, and Java. asiatica simulane (SELYS) 1879 Agrionoptera simulans SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Hist. Genova, 14: 300. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Ceylon. 1890 Lathrecista simulans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 30 (Malacca, Ceylon). 1892 Lathrecista simulans - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Mus. Genova, (2) 10: 458 (Malacca, Ceylon, Borneo, Sumatra). 1909 Agrionoptera simulans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 130 [as synonymy with asiatica asiatica (FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] . 1954 Lathrecista asiatica simulans - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 132.
Distribution: Sri Lanka to Sumatra. asiatica terminalis KIRBY 1889 Lathrecista terminalis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 335. Type: sex not given; typelocality: Borneo. 1909 Latrecista terminalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 130 [as synonym o f asiatica
1954 Lathrecista
(FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] .
asiatica terminalis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia 22 Suppl.: 132.
Distribution: Borneo. Genus Libellula 1758
Libellula LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 5 4 3 . Type-species: Libellula depressa LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 2 8 4 ) . - 1 8 3 3 Leptetrum N E W M A N , Ent. Mag., 1: 5 1 1 . Type-species: Libellula 4-maculata LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 (designated by K I R B Y , 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 287). - 1833 Platetrum NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1: 511 (emandation). - 1842 Libellula - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 32 (revision, with 139 species). - 1861 Plathemis HÄGEN, Syn. neur. N . Amer., Washington: 149. Type-species: Libellula lydia D R U R Y , 1 7 7 3 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 2 8 8 ) . - 1876 Pigiphila BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. Odonata, 1: 11. Type-species: Libellula depressa LINNAEUS, 1758 (monotypy). - 1889 Belonia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 288. Typespecies: Belonia /oliata KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1890 Libellula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 24. - 1890 Platetrum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 24 (proposed synonymy with Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1890 Pigiphila - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 24 (proposed synonymy with Libellula LINNAEUS , 1758). - 1897 Ladona NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 146. Type-species: Libellula exusta SAY, 1839 (original designation). - 1905 Libellula - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 729. 1905 Plathemis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 729 (proposed synonymy with Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758).- 1910 Libellula-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 135. - 1910 Belonia - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 135 (proposed synonymy with Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1910 Leptetrum - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 135 (proposed synonymy with Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1922 Eolibellula KENNEDY, Ent. News, 33: 111. Type-species: Libellula semifasciata BURMEISTER, 1839. - 1922 Libellula (Eurothemis) KENNEDY, Ent. News, 33: 111. Type-species: not given. 1922 Neothetrum KENNEDY, Ent. News 33: 111. Type-species: Libellulaforensis HÄGEN, 1861 (original designation). - 1922 Libellula (Syntetrum) KENNEDY, Ent. News, 33: 111. Type-species: not given. - 1 9 4 5 Libellula-BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Am., 38:170 (type-species: Libellula
390 quadrimaculata LINNAEUS, 1758) (revision). - 1945 Libellula (Belonia) - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (as subgenus of Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1945 Libellula (Ladona) BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (as subgenus of Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1945 Libellula ( Plathemis) - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38:171 (as subgenus oí Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1945 Libellula (Eolibellula) - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (as subgenus of Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1945 Libellula (Neotetrum) - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (as subgenus of Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1945 Leptetrum - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (proposed synonymy with Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1945 Holotania BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38:171 (as subgenus of Libellula LINNAEUS, 1758). - 1956 Libellula - FRASER, Κ. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 39 (key to British species). - 1958 Belonia GLOYD, Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 593: 9 (as good gen. not subgen. of Libellula). - 1984 Libellula - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 96 (key to Central European species). 1985 Holotania KIRBY, 1 8 9 9 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 96.
1883 Libellula angelina SELYS, A n n . Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 99. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; typelocality: Japan. 1890 Leptetrum angelica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 27. 1905 Leptetrum angelica - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 730 (Japan). 1931 Libellula angelica - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 189 (Tsche-kiang).
Distribution: North China, and Japan. auripennis
1839 Libellula auripennis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 861. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Savannah. 1842 Libellula costalis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 59. Type sex not given; type-locality: Amer, septentr. 1890 Holotania auripennis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29. 1890 Libellula costalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29 (proposed synonymy with auripennis
BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) .
1910 Libellula auripennis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 135 (Atlantic Coast, Mass., Ohio, Texas, Mexico, Cuba, Isle of Pines). 1919 Libellula auripennis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 364 (Cuba). 1922 Libellula jesseana WILLIAMSON, Ent. News, 33: 13. Type male: Williamson's Collection; typelocality: Florida. 1943 Libellula auripennis - WESTFALL, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 27 (Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Lousiana, Mass., Mississippi, Missouri, N . Carolina, S. Carolina, Tennessee). 1943 Libellula jesseana - WESTFALL, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 27 (proposed synonymy with auripennis
BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) .
Distribution: U.S.A., and Central America. axillena
1837 Libellula axillena WESTWOOD, Edit. Drury 111. Exot. Ent., 2: 47. Type: unknown. 1839 Libellula leda SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 22. Type: unknown. 1889 Holotania axillena - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 261 (as generotype oí
KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) .
1890 Holotania axillena - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29. 1890 Libellula leda- KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29 (proposed synonymy with axillena WESTWOOD, 1 8 3 7 ) .
1910 Libellula axillena - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 136 (Southern States).
Distribution: U.S.A.
391 comanche
1907 Libellula flavida HAGEN (nec RAMBUR, 1842), Biol. Centr.-Am., London: 156. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Montana. 1907 Libellula comanche CALVERT, Ent. News, 18: 201 (new name for Libellula flavida HÄGEN, 1907, a junior secondary homonymy of Libellula flavida RAMBUR, 1842). 1920 Libellula comanche - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 136.
Distribution: U.S.A. composita
1873 Mesothemis composita HAGEN, Rep. Geol. Surv. Territ., 6: 728. Type female: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Yellowstone. 1873 Libellula composita - HAGEN, Rep. Colorado: 587. 1890 Leptetrum compositum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 26. 1910 Libellula composita - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 136. 1946 Libellula composita - LA RIVERS, Ent. News, 57: 216 (Nevada).
Distribution: U.S.A. croceipennis
1868 Libellula croceipennis SELYS, C.R. Ent. Belg., 11: 67. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1889 Belonia uniformis KIRBY (nec NEEDHAM, 1903), Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 333. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Mexico. 1890 Belonia croceipennis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 28. 1910 Libellula saturata croceipennis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 140 (Texas to Mexico, Costa Rica). 1985 Libellula croceipennis - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 97.
Distribution: U.S.A., and Central America. cyanea
1775 Libellula cyanea FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.: 424. Type: unknown. 1839 Libellula quadrupla SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 23. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: not given. 1857 Libellula bistigma UHLER, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1857: 87. Type male: Uhler's Collection; type-locality: Baltimore. 1890 Leptetrum cyaneum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 26. 1910 Libellula cyanea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 136 (Carolina, Indiana). 1910 Libellula quadrupla - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 136 (proposed syno n y m y w i t h cyanea
1910 Libellula bistigma - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 136 (proposed synon y m y w i t h cyanea
Distribution: U.S.A. deplanata
1842 Libellula deplanata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 75. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Amer, septemtr. 1890 Libellula deplanata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 26 (incorrect synonymy with exusta
SAY, 1839).
1897 Ladona deplanata - NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 144. 1910 Ladona exusta deplanata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 134. 1985 Libellula deplanata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 97.
Distribution: U.S.A.
392 depressa
1758 Libellula London; 1833 Platetrum 1876 Pigiphila
depressa LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 543. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), type-locality: Sweden. depressa - NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1. 511 (as generotype of Platetrum NEWMAN, 1833). depressa - BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent., Odonata, 1 : 1 1 (as generotype of Pigiphila B U C H -
ECKER, 1876).
1889 Libellula depressa - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London: 12: 284 (as generotype of
LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) .
1898 Platetrum 1 9 0 5 Libellula 1940 Libellula 1948 Libellula 1950 Libellula 1956 Libellula 1960 Libellula 1984 Libellula
depressa - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 92. depressa - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 2 9 (Europe, Asia). depressa - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 246 (Sardinia). depressa - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 169 (Armenia). depressa - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid, 1950: 57 (Spain). depressa - FRASER, Κ. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 39 (England). depressa - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 232 (Germany, Belgium, France, Holland). depressa - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 93 (Hungary).
Distribution: Europe (except North England with Ireland, and North Europe), Asia Minor and West Asia. desjardinsii
1872 Libellula desjardinsii SELYS, Revue Zool., (2) 23: 182 (emendation from Mauritius - orig.: Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 12: 96?)
Distribution: Mauritius. exusta SAY 1839 Libellula exusta SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 29. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: Southern States. 1857 Libellula julia UHLER, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1857: 88. Type male: Uhler's Collection; typelocality: Wisconsin. 1890 Leptetrum exustum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 26. 1897 Ladona exusta - NEEDHAM, Canad. Ent., 29: 146 (as generotype of Ladona NEEDHAM, 1897). 1985 Libellula julia - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:98 (as good species).
Distribution: flavida 1842
1857 1890 1890 1910 1910
Libellula flavida RAMBUR, (nec H Ä G E N , 1 9 0 7 ) , Hist. nat. Inst. Neuropt., Paris: 5 8 . Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: not given. Libellula plumbea UHLER, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1857: 87. Type male: Uhler's Collection; typelocality: N o r t h America. Belonia plumbea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 28 (N. America). Holotania flavida - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29. Libellula flavida- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 137 (New Jersey, Atlantic coast). Libellula plumbea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 137 (proposed synonymy with flavida RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
Distribution: follata
1889 Belonia follata KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 333. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Mexico.
393 1906 Libellula /oliata - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 208.
Distribution: Mexico. forensis
1861 Libellula forensis HAGEN, Syn. Neur.- N. Amer., Washington: 154. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: California. 1890 Leptetrum forense - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 26. 1910 Libellula forensis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 137 (California, Montana, Arizona). 1922 Neotetrum forensis - K E N N E D Y , Ent. News, 33: 111 (as generotype of Neotetrum KENNEDY, 1922).
Distribution: U.S.A. fulva
MÜLLER Libellula fulva MÜLLER, Faun. Fridr.: 62. Type: unknown; type-locality: Denmark. Libellula fridrichsdalensis MÜLLER, Faun. Fridr.: 62. Type: unknown; type-locality: Germany. Libellula fugax HARRIS, Expos. Engl. Ins.: 46. Type: unknown; type-locality: England. Libellula conspurcata FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 283. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: C. Eur. 1807 Libellula quadrifasciata DONA VAN, Brit. Ins., 12: 425. Type: unknown. 1836 Libellula bimaculata STEPHENS, (nec DESJARDENS, 1835), 111. Brit. Ent. Mand., 6: 92. Type: unknown. 1887 Libellula fulva race pontica SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 12. Male from Syria. 1 9 0 5 Libellula fulva - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 0 (Europe). 1 9 0 5 Libellula intermedia R U D O W , 1 8 7 8 - loc. cit. JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 1764 1764 1782 1798
730. 1905
1916 1935 1940 1956
1960 1984
LibellulaponticumJACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 0 (Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Syria). Libellula pontica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1098. Libellula fulva ab. hyalinata BARTENEF, Arch. Naturg., (N.F.) 4: 278. Male from Europe. Libellula fulva - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 246 (Sardinia). Libellula fulva - FRASER, R . Ent. Soc. London, 1 ( 1 0 ) : 3 9 (England). Libellula fulva - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 233 (Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg). Libellula fulva - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 93 (Hungary).
Distribution: Russia to Spain, Middle East, and Asia Minor. gaigei
1938 Libellula gaigei G L O Y D , type-locality: Yucatan.
Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., 377: 2. Type male: Agassiz Mus.;
Distribution: Central America. hercúlea
1889 Libellula hercúlea KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15 (15): 235. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Costa Rica. 1889 Belonia longipennis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 334. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Cuenca. 1890 Belonia hercúlea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 28. 1910 Libellula hercúlea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 137 (Mexico to Paraguay). 1910 Belonia longipennis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 137 (proposed synonymy with hercúlea K A R S C H , 1 8 8 9 ) .
394 1916 Libellula hercúlea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1101 (Argentina, Br. Guiana, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Bolivia). 1943 Libellula hercúlea - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 259 (Central America, Venezuela, Paraguay). 1946 Libellula hercúlea - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 467 (Peru).
Distribution: Central and South America. incesta
1861 Libellula incesta HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 155. Type maie: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Carolina. 1890 Holoíania incesta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29. 1890 Libellula incesta - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 17: 34. 1890 Libellula incesta - HAGEN, Psyche, 5: 384 (description of female).
Distribution: U.S.A. luctuosa
1839 Libellula luctuosa BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 861. Type male: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: Pennsylvania. 1839 Libellula basalis SAY (nec BURMEISTER, 1839), J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 23. Type lost. 1861 Libellula odiosa HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 152. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1890 Belonia luctuosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29. 1910 Libellula luctuosa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 138 (Dakota to New Mexico, Texas). 1910 Libellula odiosa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 138 (proposed synonymy with luctuosa BURMEISTER, 1839). 1910 Libellula basalis MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 138 (proposed synonymy with luctuosa BURMEISTER, 1839). 1985 Libellula luctuosa f. odiosa - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 98.
Distribution: U.S.A. lydia
1773 Libellula lydia DRURY, 111. Exot. Ent., 2: 47. Type: unknown. 1773 Libellula trimaculata DE GEER, Mém. Ins., Paris 3: 556. Type male: Winthem's Collection; type-locality: N o r t h America. 1793 Libellula serra FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 378. Type: unknown. 1861 Plathemis trimaculata - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 149 (Maine to Florida, f r o m Texas to Minnesota, and N. Carolina). 1889 Plathemis lydia - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 288 (as generotype of Plathemis KIRBY, 1889). 1890 Plathemis lydia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 28. 1890 Libellula trimaculata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 28 (proposed synonymy with lydia DRURY, 1773). 1890 Libellula serra - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 28 (proposed synonymy with lydia DRURY, 1773).
Distribution: U.S.A. melli
1948 Libellula melli SCHMIDT, Opuse, ent. Lund., 13: 119. Type male: Lund Mus.; type-locality: Kanton. 1956 Libellula melli - ASAHINA, Ent. Medd., 27: ( 4 - 5 ) : 226 (China).
Distribution: China.
1943 Libellula (Holotania) needhami WESTFALL, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 69: 22. Type male: Cornell Univ.; type-locality: Florida. 1985 Libellula needhami - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 98.
Distribution: U.S.A. niphonica
1941 Libellula niphonica KOBAYASHI, Trans. Kansai ent. Soc. 11: 39. Type male: Kobayashi's Collection; type-locality: Korea.
Distribution: Korea. nodisticta
1861 Libellula nodisticta HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 151. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mexico. 1890 Leptetrum nodistictum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 26. 1910 Libellula nodisticta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 138 (Montana, California, Nevada, Mexico to Venezuela).
Distribution: U.S.A. to Venezuela. pulchella 1773 1775 1775 1857 1890 1910
Libellula pulchella DRURY (nec BURMEISTER, 1829), 111. Exot. Ent., 1: 48. Type: unknown. Libellula bifasciata FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent. 421. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Savannah. Libellula versicolor FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent. 423. Type: unknown. Libellula confusa UHLER, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1857: 87. Type: unknown. Plathemis pulchella - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. neur.-Odon., London: 28. Libellula pulchella - MUTTKOSWKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 139.
Distribution: U.S.A. quadrimaculata
1758 Libellula quadrimaculata LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 543. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sweden. 1781 Libellula quadripunctata FABRICIUS, Spec. Ins., 1: 520. Type: unknown. 1782 Libellula maculata HARRIS (nec RAMBUR, 1842). Expos. Engl. Ins.: 46. Type: unknown. 1833 Libellula praenubila NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1: 420. Type: unknown. 1833 Leptetrum quadrimaculata-NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1: 511 (as generotype of Leptetrum NEWMAN, 1833). 1839 Libellula ternaria SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 21. Type: unknown. 1850 Libellula quadrimaculata - SEL YS, Revues des Odonates, Paris: 7 (Europe, Siberia). 1850 Libellula quadripunctata - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 7 (proposed synonymy with quadrimaculata
LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) .
1890 Leptetrum quadrimaculata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 27. 1894 Libellula (Orthetrum) basilinea MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 13: 430. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: West China. 1898 Libelulla quadrimaculata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 25: 93. 1905 Libelulla quadrimaculata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 730 (Europe, Asia, America). 1905 Leptetrum basilineatum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, PRYAM. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 730 (China). 1948 Libellula quadrimaculata - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 170 (Armenia). 1950 Libellula quadrimaculata - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 58 (Spain). 1957 Libellula quadrimaculata quadrimaculata - SCHMIDT, Ent. Z., 67: 83. 1957 Libellula quadrimaculata asahinai SCHMIDT, Ent. Z., 67: 83. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Japan.
396 1960 Libellula quadrimaculata - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 233 (France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg). 1961 Libellula quadrimaculata grigorievi SCHMIDT, Beitr. Naturk. Forsch.-SW-Dtschl., 19:420. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Afghanistan. 1973 Libellula quadrimaculata orientalis - BELYSHEV, - loc. cit. The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 1 8 8 (as synonym of Libellula quadrimaculata asahinai SCHMIDT, 1 9 5 7 ) . 1973 Libellula quadrimaculata quadrimaculata - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 189 190 (with ab.flavescens BRITTINGER, ab. contacta BARTENEF, ab. Dittrichi S C H O L T Z ) . 1984 Libellula quadrimaculata - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 94 (Hungary).
Distribution: Holarctic region, and Morocco: Mt. Atlas. saturata saturata
1857 Libellula saturata UHLER, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1857: 88. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mexico. 1890 Belonia saturata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 28. 1910 Libellula saturata saturata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 140 (Montana, California, Mexico). 1916 Libellula saturata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1101. 1946 Libellula saturata - LA RIVERS, Ent. News, 57: 216 (Nevada).
Distribution: U.S.A., and Mexico. saturata aliasignata
1910 Libellula saturata aliasignata MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 140 (new name for Libellula uniformis N E E D H A M , 1 9 0 3 , a junior secondary homonymy of Libellula uniformis
KIRBY, 1889).
Distribution: U.S.A. semifasciata
1839 Libellula semifasciata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 862. Type female: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Amer. sept. 1 8 4 2 Libellula maculata R A M B U R , (nec H A R R I S , 1 7 8 2 ) , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 5 5 . Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Amer. sept. 1861 Libellula hersilia BLANCHARD, in D'ORBIGNY, Diet. Hist. nat. Atlas, 2. Ins., Neur.: 21. Type: unknown. 1890 Leptetrum semifasciatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 27. 1890 Libellula maculata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 27 (proposed synonymy with semifasciata
BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) .
1890 Libellula hersilia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 27 (proposed synonymy with semifasciata BURMEISTER, 1839). 1898 Libellula semifasciata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 25: 93. 1910 Libellula semifasciata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 141 (Carolina, Tennessy). 1922 Eolibellulasemifasciata-KENNEDY, Ent. News., 33:111 (asgenerotype ofEolibellula K E N N E D Y , 1922).
Distribution: U.S.A. subornata
1861 Plathemis subornata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N.Amer., Washington: 149. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1910 Plathemis subornata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 142 (Kansas, Utah, Texas, Mexico). 1916 Libellula subornata - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16. 1049.
397 1946 Libellula lydia subornata - LA RIVERS, Ent. News, 57: 216 (Nevada).
Distribution: U.S.A., and Mexico. vibrans
1793 Libellula vibrans FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 280. Type: unknown. 1890 Holotania vibrans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29. 1910 Libellula vibrans - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 141.
Distribution: U.S.A. Genus Lokia Ris 1893 Apatelia KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 38: 25. Type-species: Apatelia incongruens KARSCH, 1893 (monotypy).- 1909 Apatelia-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selysde Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:157 (revision, key to species). - 1916 Lokia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1071 (new name for Apatelia K A R S C H , 1893, a junior primary homonymy of Apatelia WALLENGREN, 1886 in Trichoptera). - 1934 Lokia - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 12. - 1953 Lokia - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48: 246. - 1962 Lokia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 251.
1953 Lokia berenice FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48: 248. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Lokia berenice - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 252.
Distribution: Congo Republic. circe (Ris) 1909 Apatelia circe Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 160. Type maie: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Mayumba (Gabon). 1916 Lokia circe - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1071 (Congo). 1934 Lokia circe - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., (3) II 3: 12 (Belgian Congo). 1947 Lokia circe - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 37 (Ivory Coast). 1953 Lokia circe - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48: 247 (redescription) (Belgian Congo). 1962 Lokia circe - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 252.
Distribution: West Africa. coryndoni
1953 Lokia coryndoni FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48:249. Type maie: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Lokia coryndoni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 252. 1966 Lokia coryndoni - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 187 (holotype male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London.
Distribution: Uganda. elliotti 1985
Lokia elliotti LIEFTINCK, Utrecht, 2: 99.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Zambezi. erythromelas (Ris) 1909 Apatelia erythromelas Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 159. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Lac Léopold.
398 1934 Lokia erythromelas - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., (3) II 3: 12 (Belgian Congo). 1953 Lokia erythromelas - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48: 246 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Lokia erythromelas - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 252 (type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren).
Distribution: Congo Republic, Zaire, gamblesi
1985 Lokia gamblesi LIEFTINCK, 1969 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 99.
Distribution: Congo Republic. incongruens (KARSCH) 1893 Apatelia incongruens KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 38: 25. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Cameroon (as generotype of Apatelia KARSCH, 1893). 1909 Apatelia incongruens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:159 (Cameroon). 1941 Lokia incongruens - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 10: 41 (description of female) (allotype female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. 1962 Lokia incongruens - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 252 (Cameroon, Nigeria, Congo, Fr. Guinea). 1916 Lokia incongruens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1071 (as generotype of Lokia Ris, 1916).
Distribution: West Africa. modesta (Ris) 1909 Apatelia modesta Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, 10:161. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Madagascar. 1949 Lokia modesta - FRASER, Mém. Inst. sci. Madagascar, 3 (1): 25. 1962 Lokia modesta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 252 (type maie: Senckenberg Mus.).
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Lyriothemis
1868 Lyriothemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 180. Type-species: Lyriothemis ciéis BRAUER, 1868 (designated by KIRBY; 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 286). - 1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Zool. Dresden, 3: 305. Type-species: Calothemis meyeri SELYS, 1878 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London; 12: 306). - 1905 Lyriothemis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 735 (key to species). - 1909 Lyriothemis- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 100 (revision, key to species). - 1909 Urothemis (Calothemis) - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 100 (proposed synonymy with Lyriothemis BRAUER, 1868). - 1922 Neothemis OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 102. Type-species: Neothemis insularis OGUMA, in MATSUMURA, 1913 (original designation). - 1933 Lyriothemis - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 59 (revision, key to New Guinean species). - 1962 Boninthemis - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 62 (incorrect synonymy with Lyriothemis BRAUER, 1868).
1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) acigastra SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus., Dresden, 3: 309. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Tibet. 1890 Lyriothemis acigastra - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 25. 1892 Lyriothemis acigastra - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 452 (Burma).
399 1909 Lyriothemis tion). 1916 Lyriothemis Assam).
acigastra - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 118 (redescripacigastra - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1065 (Tibet,
Distribution: Tibet, India, Burma, biappendiculata
1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) biappendiculata SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Dresden, 3: 307. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Labuan. 1902 Calothemis biappendiculata - L A I D L A W , Proc. Zool. Soc. London; 1 9 0 2 : 70 (redescription). 1909 Lyriothemis biappendiculata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 106 (Sumatra, Borneo). 1927 Lyriothemis biappendiculata - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 37 (Sumatra). 1931 Lyriothemis biappendiculata - L A I D L A W ; J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 1 6 : 220 (Malaya). 1954 Lyriothemis biappendiculata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 129 (Malaya, Mentawei Island, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia to Borneo. bivittata
1842 Libellula bivittata R A M B U R , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 75. Type female: Mus. Nation. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Malacca. 1868 Orthemis bivittata - B R A U E R , Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, 1 8 : 729. 1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) bivittata - SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus., Dresden, 3: 306 (Malacca, India). 1909 Lyriothemis bivittata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 112 (Tonkin).
Distribution: India, Vietnam, Malaysia. cleis
1868 Lyriothemis cleis B R A U E R , Verh. Zool. Bot. ges., Wien, 18: 181 (as generotype of Lyriothemis B R A U E R , 1868). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Mindanao. 1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) priapea SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 310. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Malacca. 1889 Lyriothemis braueri K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 332. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sula (Indonesia). 1 8 8 9 Lyriothemis frontalis K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 3 3 2 . Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sula (Indonesia). 1909 Lyriothemis cleis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 108. 1909 Lyriothemis braueri - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 108 (proposed synonymy with cleis B R A U E R , 1868). 1909 Lyriothemis frontalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 108 (proposed synonymy with cleis B R A U E R , 1868). 1934 Lyriothemis cleis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 4 (4): 405 (Java). 1954 Lyriothemis cleis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 129 (Siam, Malaya, Mentawai, Sumatra, Java, Borneo). 1 9 5 4 Urothemis (Calothemis) priaea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 1 2 9 (proposed synonymy with cleis B R A U E R , 1 8 6 8 ) .
Distribution: Oriental region. elegantissima
1883 Lyriothemis elegantissima type-locality: Loo-Choo.
Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 141. Type male: Selys's Collection;
400 1909 Lyriothemis elegantissima - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 117 (China). 1887 Lyriothemis elegantissima - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 57 (description of female) (China).
Distribution: China, eurydice Ris 1909 Lyriothemis eurydice Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 105. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Celebes.
Distribution: Celebes, hirundo Ris 1913 Lyriothemis hirundo Ris, Nova Guinea, 9 (3): 509. Type female: Inst. Tax. Zöol., Amsterdam; type-locality: New Guinea. 1916 Lyriothemis hirundo - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1062 (New Guinea). 1933 Lyriothemis hirundo - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 59 (redescription). 1942 Lyriothemis hirundo - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 458 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. latro NEEDHAM & GYGER 1937 Lyriothemis latro N E E D H A M type-locality: Luzon.
Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (11): 95. Type male: not given;
Distribution: Philippine Islands, magnificata
(SELYS) 1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) magnificata SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 311. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Malacca. 1890 Lyriothemis magnificata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 25. 1902 Lyriothemis lani KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Zool., 63:156. Type female: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1902 Lyriothemis dani KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63: 157. Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Sumba. 1909 Lyriothemis magnificata - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 115 (Sumatra, Java, Perak, Sumba). 1909 Lyriothemis lani - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 115 [proposed synonymy with magnificata (SELYS, 1 8 7 8 ) ] . 1909 Lyriothemis dani - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 115 [proposed synonymy with magnificata (SELYS, 1 8 7 8 ) ] . 1954 Lyriothemis magnificata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 129 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Thailand to Borneo, meyeri
(SELYS) 1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) meyeri SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 308. Type male: Mus. Tierk., Dresden; type-locality: Ansus. 1879 Orchithemis meyeri - SELYS, Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 14: 289. 1889 Calothemis meyeri - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 306 (as generotype of Calothemis SELYS, 1878).
1898 Calothemis meyeri - FÖRSTER, Természetr. Fiiz., Budapest, 21: 281 (New Guinea). 1909 Lyriothemis meyeri - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 103 (New Guinea). 1942 Lyriothemis meyeri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 459 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea.
401 mortori Ris 1916 Lyriothemis mortoni Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1066. Type maie: Morton's Collection; type-locality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma. pachygastra
1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) pachygastra SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Dresden, 3: 310. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Shanghai. 1883 Lyriothemis lewisi SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 96. Type maie: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Japan. 1890 Lyriothemis pachygastra - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 25. 1909 Lyriothemis pachygastra - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 119 (redescription). 1909 Lyriothemis lewisi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 119 [proposed synonymy with pachygastra (SELYS, 1878)]. 1955 Lyriothemis pachygastra - ASAHINA; Ent. Medd., 27 (3): 134 (North China).
Distribution: Japan, and China. salva Ris 1927 Lyriothemis salva Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 37. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sumatra. 1935 Lyriothemis salva - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 9 2 - 9 3 : 13 (Sumatra). 1954 Lyriothemis salva - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 130 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra. tricolor Ris 1916 Lyriothemis tricolor Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1063. Type maie: Deutsch. Ent. Inst.; type-locality: Formosa. 1922 Lyriothemis flava OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922:101. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Formosa. 1961 Lyriothemis tricolor - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 63. 1961 Lyriothemis flava - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 63 (proposed synonymy with tricolor Ris, 1916).
Distribution: Taiwan.
Genus Misagria 1889
Misagria KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 2 9 6 . Type-species: Misagria paratia KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1951 Misagria - GEIJSKES, Ent. News, 62: 74 (key to species).
1943 Misagria bimaculata KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (11) 10:156. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: British Guyana.
Distribution: British Guyana, calverti
1951 Misagria calverti GEIJSKES, Ent. News, 62: 75. Type male: not given; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname.
402 divergens
1 9 8 5 M i s a g r i a d i v e r g e n s D E MARMELS, 1 9 8 1 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 100.
Distribution: Venezuela. parana
1889 Misagria parana KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 339 (as generotype of Misagria KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Para. 1943 Misagria parana - KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (11) 10: 157 (British Guyana). 1946 Misagria parana - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 471 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru, Brazil, Guyanas. Genus Nesciothemis
1955 Nesciothemis LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 59. Type-species: Orthetrum farinosum FÖRSTER, 1898 (original designation). - 1962 Nesciothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 240. - 1971 Nesciothemis - PINHEY, Arnoldia, Rhodesia, 5 (18): 13 (key to species). - 1971 Limnetothemis - PINHEY, Arnoldia, Rhodesia, 5 (18): 13 (proposed synonymy with Nesciothemis LONGFIELD, 1955). - 1985 Limnetothemis PINHEY, 1966 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 100.
1898 Ortetrum farinosum FÖRSTER, Ent. Nachr., 24: 160. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Transvaal. 1899 Orthetrum pollinosum KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25 (24): 372. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Usaramo. 1909 Orthetrum farinosum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 222 (Sansibar, Congo, Somalia, Natal, Abyssinia, Egypt). 1909 Orthetrum pollinosum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10 222 [(proposed synonymy with farinosum (FÖRSTER, 1898)]. 1927 Hadrothemis hyalina FRASER (nom. nud., registred in British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London). 1955 Nesciothemis farinosum - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 59 (as generotype o f Nesciothemis
LONGFIELD, 1 9 5 5 ) .
1962 Nesciothemis farinosum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 240.
Distribution: Africa. fltzgeraldi
1956 Orthetrum fltzgeraldi PINHEY, Occ. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 4: 30. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: N. Rhodesia. 1962 Nesciothemis fltzgeraldi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 241.
Distribution: North Rhodesia. minor
1985 Nesciothemis minor GAMBLES, 1966 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 100.
Distribution: Nigeria. nigrescens
1972 Nesciothemis nigrescencs GAMBLES, 1966 - loc. cit. GAMBLES, Odonatologica, 1 (4): 245.
Distribution: Nigeria.
403 pujoli
1971 Nesciothemis pujoli PINHEY, Arnoldia, Rhodesia, 5(18): 13. Type male: not given; type-locality: Central African Republic.
Distribution: Central African Republic. Genus Nesoxenia
1889 Nesoxenia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 291. Type-species: Nesoxenia cingulata KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1900 Nesoxenia - Ris, Arch. Naturg., 66: 181 (list of species). - 1903 Nesoxenia - FÖRSTER, Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 529 (key to Papuan species). - 1909 Nesoxenia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 121 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Nesoxenia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 130.
1868 Agrionoptera lineata SELYS (ex BRAUER nom. nud.) Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 729. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Lianga (Philippines). 1889 Agrionoptera malaccensis SELYS, Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 461. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Malacca. 1890 Nesoxenia lineata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 180. 1900 Agrionoptera nicobarica Ris, Arch. Naturg., 1: 182 (misidentification). 1909 Nesoxenia lineata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 126 (Borneo, Malaysia, Celebes, Philippines). 1954 Nesoxenia lineata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 130 (Malaya, Mentawei, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region, mysis mysis
(SELYS) 1878 Agrionoptera mysis SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 311. Type male: not given; type-locality: Mysol. 1890 Lathrecista mysis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 30. 1898 Nesoxenia mysis var. puella FÖRSTER, Természetr. Fiiz., Budapest, 21: 284. Male from New Guinea. 1909 Nesoxenia mysis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:124 (key to subspecies). 1916 Nesoxenia mysis mysis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1067 (New Guinea, Aru). 1942 Nesoxenia mysis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 459 (key to subspecies).
Distribution: New Guinea, and Aru. mysis cingulata
1889 Nesoxenia cingulata - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 336. Type sex not given: ? British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Aru Island. 1903 Nesoxenia cingulata - FÖRSTER, Annls. hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 531 (New Guinea). 1910 Nesoxenia mysis cingulata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 123 (Shortland Is.). 1949 Nesoxenia mysis cingulata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 362.
Distribution: New Guinea, Aru, and Shortland Islands. mysis dahli Ris 1898 Nesoxenia dahli Ris, Ent. Nachr., 21: 322. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Bismarck Archipelago. 1903 Nesoxenia dahli - FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 531 (New Guinea).
404 1909 Nesoxenia mysis dahli - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 125. 1919 Nesoxenia 1949 Nesoxenia
dahli - CAMPION, E n t o m o l o g i s t , 52: 249 ( N e w Britain). dahli - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 361 ( A d m i r a l i t y Island).
Distribution: New Guinea, New Britain, and Admirality Island. mysis interrogata
1878 Agrionoptera interrogata SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 312. Type female: Mus. Tierk., Dresden; type-locality: Kordo (Moluccas). 1903 Nesoxenia interrogata - FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 530. 1909 Nesoxenia mysis interrogata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 123. 1916 Nesoxenia mysis interrogata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1067 (Ceram). 1942 Nesoxenia
mysis interrogata
- LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 463.
Distribution: India, Indonesia, Ceram, and Schouten Islands. mysis moluccana
1942 Nesoxenia mysis moluccana LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 464. Type male: Rijksmus. Natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Morotai.
Distribution: Morotai (Indonesia). mysis mutans
1942 Nesoxenia mysis mutans LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 465. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. mysis tarafia
1942 Nesoxenia mysis tarafia LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 464. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Notolibellula
1977 Notolibellula THEISCHINGER & WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (4): 417. Type-species: Notolibellula
bicolor THEISCHINER & WATSON, 1977 (original designation).
1977 Notolibellula bicolor THEISCHINGER & WATSON, Journ. Austr. ent. Soc., 16 (4): 417. Type male: Melbourne Mus.; type-locality: North Australia.
Distribution: Australia. Genus Orchithemis
1878 Orchithemis BRAUER, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 77: 196. Type-species: Orchithemis pulcherrima BRAUER, 1878 (designated b y KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Z o o l . Soc. L o n d o n , 12: 307): - 1 8 7 9 Orchithemis - SELYS, A n n a l i M u s . civ. Stor. n a t . G e n o v a , 14: 323. - 1909 Orchithemis - Ris,
Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 84 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Orchithemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 21 S u p p L : 127.
405 pulcherrima BRAUER 1878 Orchithemis pulcherrima BRAUER, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 77: 198 (as generotype of Orchithemis BRAUER, 1878). Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Malacca. 1878 Calothemis exsudans SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 309. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Singapore. 1909 Orchithemis pulcherrima - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 85 (Sumatra, Malaya, Java, Borneo). 1909 Calothemis exsudans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 85 (proposed synonymy with pulcherrima BRAUER, 1878). 1927 Orchithemis pulcherrima - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 36 (Sumatra). 1931 Orchithemis pulcherrima - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 219. 1954 Orchithemis pulcherrima - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 127 (Malaya, Simalur, Mentawei, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region.
pruinans (SELYS) 1878 Urothemis (Calothemis) pruinans SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Dresden, 3: 308. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: île de Banka. 1890 Orchithemis pruinans - Kirby, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 42. 1909 Orchithemis pruinans - Ris. Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 87 (Borneo). 1954 Orchithemis pruinans - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 127 (Bangka, Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Bangka, Billiton, and Borneo.
xanthosoma LAIDLAW 1911 Orchithemis xanthosoma LAIDLAW, J. SarawakMus., 1:191. Type male: Laidlaw's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1916 Orchithemis xanthosoma-Kis, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1056 (Borneo). 1920 Orchithemis xanthosoma - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1920: 320. 1954 Orchithemis xanthosoma - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 128 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. Genus Orthemis HÄGEN 1861 Orthemis HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 160. Type-species: Libellula discolor BURMEISTER, 1839(designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 286). - 1 8 8 9 Neocysta K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 300. Type-species: Libellula attenuata EVERSMAN, 1848 (original designation). - 1945 Orthemis - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Amer., 38: 171. 1945 Neocysta - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Amer., 38:171 (proposed synonymy with Orthemis HÄGEN, 1861).
aequilibris CALVERT 1909 Orthemis aequilibris CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 245. Type female: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Brazil. 1916 Orthemis aequilibris - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1102 (Amazonas, Br. Guiana, Venezuela, Mexico). 1918 Orthemis aequilibris - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 178 (Panama, Colombia, Br. Guiana).
Distribution: Mexico to Brazil.
406 ambinigra
1909 Orthemis ambinigra CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 246. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Rio de Janeiro. 1947 Orthemis ambinigra - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 450 (Brazil). 1 9 8 5 Orthemis cultiformis Ris, 1 9 0 4 (nec CALVERT, 1 9 0 2 ) - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 101 (emandation).
Distribution: Brazil. ambirufa
1909 Orthemis ambirufa CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 246. Type male: Carnegie Mus.; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. attenuata
1848 Libellula attenuata ERICHSON, Schomb. Reisen in Brit. Guiana, 3: 583. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Guyana. 1889 Neocysta attenuata - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 301 (as generotype of Neocysta KIRBY, 1889). 1 9 8 5 Orthemis attenuata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 0 1 .
Distribution: Guyanas. biolleyi
1906 Orthemis biolleyi CALVERT, Biol. Cent. Amer. Neur., London: 237. Type male: US. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Costa Rica. 1916 Orthemis biolleyi - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 178 (Panama, Bolivia). 1943 Orthemis biolleyi - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 259 (Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Amazonas). 1946 Orthemis biolleyi - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 467 (Peru, Colombia).
Distribution: Costa Rica to Brazil. concolor Ris 1916 Orthemis concolor Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1106. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para. 1932 Orthemis concolor - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 104 (redescription).
Distribution: Brazil. cultriformis
1899 Orthemis cultriformis CALVERT (nec Ris, 1904), An. Mus. Buenos Aires, 7: 31. Type maie: Buenos Aires Mus.; type-locality: Paraguay. 1916 Orthemis cultriformis - Ris, Arch. Naturg. (A) 82: 178 (Panama, Colombia). 1932 Orthemis cultriformis - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 104 (Trinidad). 1943 Orthemis cultriformis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 259 (Bolivia, Guyanas, Panama). 1946 Orthemis cultriformis - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 467 (from Panama to Brazil, Peru, Colombia).
Distribution: Panama to Paraguay. ferruginea 1775
Libellula ferruginea FABRICIUS (nec VAN Halle Mus.; type-locality: Amazonas.
DER LINDEN, 1 8 2 5 ) ,
Syst. Ent. Ins.:
Type male:
407 1839 Libellula discolor BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2:856. Type male: Poey's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1842 Libellula macrostigma RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 57. Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Guadelupe (Mexico). 1842 Libellula discolor - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 57 [proposed synonymy with ferruginea
(FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 ) ] .
1889 Orthemis ferruginea - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 286. 1890 Orthemis ferruginea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 25. 1890 Libellula macrostigma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 25 [proposed synonymy w i t h ferruginea
(FABRICIUS, 1775)].
1894 Orthemis ferruginea - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (14) 6: 264. 1916 Orthemis ferruginea - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 177 (Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina). 1919 Orthemis ferruginea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 366 (Cuba). 1927 Orthemis ferruginea - NAVAS, Revista Est., 1927: 22 (Argentina). 1943 Libellula ferruginea var. sulphurata HÄGEN, 1868-loc. cit. SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2:259. 1947 Orthemis ferruginea - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 449 (California to Patagonia).
Distribution: Central and South America. flavopicta
1889 Orthemis flavopicta KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 332. Type sex not given: ? British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Para. 1909 Orthemis flavopicta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 290. 1943 Orthemis flavopicta - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 259 (Brazil).
Distribution: Brazil. levis
1906 Orthemis levis CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 238. Type male: U S natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Mexico. 1910 Orthemis levis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 143 (Mexico to Venezuela).
Distribution: Mexico to Venezuela. nodiplaga
1891 Orthemis nodiplaga KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17: (17): 267. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Argentina. 1916 Orthemis nodiplaga - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 178. 1947 Orthemis nodiplaga - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 450 (Chaco).
Distribution: Argentina. plaumanni
1950 Orthemis plaumanni BUCHHOLTZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr., 1: 80. Type male: Forsch. Inst., Bonn; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. regalis Ris 1910 Orthemis regalis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 281. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas.
Distribution: Brazil.
408 schmidti
1950 Orthemis schmidti BUCHHOLTZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr., 1: 79. Type male: Forsch. Inst., Bonn; type-locality: Peru.
Distribution: Peru. sibylla Ris 1916 Orthemis sibylla Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1104. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. Genus Orthetrum
1833 Orthetrum NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1: 511. Type-species: Libellula coerulescens FABRICIUS, 1798 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 302). - 1868 Libella BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 368. Type-species: Libellula coerulescens FABRICIUS, 1798). - 1878 Hydronympha BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. Odonata, 1: 8. Type-species: Hydronympha helvetica BUCHECKER, 1878 (first species). - 1889 Orthetrum - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 301. - 1889 Libella - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 301 (proposed synonymy with Orthetrum NEWMAN, 1833). - 1889 Hydronympha - KIRBY, Trans, Zool. Soc. London, 12: 301 (proposed synonymy with Orthetrum NEWMAN, 1833). - 1905 Orthetrum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 748 (key to species). - 1909 Orthetrum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 176 (revision, key to species). - 1921 Orthetrum - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 391 (key to South African species). - 1921 Crocorhetrum FRASER, J. nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 4: 162. Type-species: Crocorhetrum smithi FRASER, 1921 (original designation). - 1933 Orthetrum - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 62. - 1936 Orthetrum - LONGFIELD, T r a n s . R . e n t . S o c . L o n d o n , 8 5 : 4 8 4 . - 1 9 3 7 Orthetrum
Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 88 (key to Philippinean species). - 1950 Orthetrum - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid: 59 (key to Spanish species). - 1953 Libella - NEILL, Entomologist's month. Mag., 89: 142. - 1954 Orthetrum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 135. - 1955 Orthetrum LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 14 (revision, key to African species). 1956 Orthetrum- FRASER, R. ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 40 (key to British species). - 1962 Orthetrum - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia 5 (1): 77. - 1969 Orthetrum - PINHEY, OCC. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 318 (revision, key to Ethiopian species). - 1973 Orthetrum BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 200 (key to Siberian species). - 1984 Orthetrum - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 68 (key to Central European species).
abbotti abbotti
1892 Orthetrum abbotti CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 19: 162. Type male: US natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Kilimandjaro. 1896 Orthetrum philippsi KIRBY, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896: 522. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Somalia. 1908 Orthetrum chrysostigma abbotti - Ris, Jenaisch. Denkschr., 13: 329 (South Africa). 1909 Orthetrum flavidulum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 209 (proposed synonymy with abbotti abbotti CALVERT, 1892). 1916 Orthetrum abbotti- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1081 (Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Nossi-Bé, Natal, Nairobi, Zululand). 1917 Orthetrum chrysostigma abbotti - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (13): 2 (Madagascar). 1955 Orthetrum abbotti - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 48 (from Sudan to Province). 1958 Orthetrum abbotti- PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 3 (Ethiopian region). 1969 Orthetrum abbotti abbotti - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 285.
Distribution: Africa, and Madagascar.
409 abbotti malgassicum 1969
Orthetrum abbotti malgassicum PINHEY, OCC. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod. male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Malagasy Republic.
(30): 285.
Distribution: Madagascar. aequale
1898 Orthetrum aequale BAUMANN, Ent. Nachr., 24 (22): 343. Type male: Mus. Naturk. Berlin; type-locality: Togo.
Distribution: Togo, africanum
1887 Lepthemis sabina var. africana SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 21. Male from Cameroon. 1909 Orthetrum africanum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 212. 1934 Orthetrum africanum - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 17 (Belgian Congo, Uganda). 1947 Orthetrum africanum - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 37 (Ivory Coast). 1955 Orthetrum africanum - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 46 (Congo, Port. Guinea, Ivory Coast, Togo, Cameroon, Guinea Gulf Islands). 1962 Orthetrum africanum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 232 (types in R. Mus., Bruxelles) (Belgian Congo, Gaboon, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sp. Guinea, Principe Island, Angola, Port. Guinea, Togo, Ivory Coast, Dahomey).
Distribution: tropical Africa. albistylum albistylum 1848 1850 1865 1890 1896 1909 1916 1948 1961 1984
Libellula albistyla SELYS, Revue Zool.: 15. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: France. Libellula albistyla - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 13 (France, Italy, Austria, Hungary). Libellula albicauda BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, 15: 905 (as Hagen's species). Orthetrum albistyla - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. Orthetrum albistyla - KOHAUT, Odon. Hung., Budapest: 37 (Hungary). Orthetrum albistylum albistylum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 228 (Europe, Central Asia). Orthetrum albistylum albistylum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1092 (Turkestan, Thian Shan). Orthetrum albistylum albistylum - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 32 (Kazakhstan). Orthetrum albistylum albistylum - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 172 (Armenia). Orthetrum albistylum - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 88 (Hungary).
Distribution: Central and West Asia, Asia Minor, Europe: France, Alps, Balkans to Caucasus. albistylum speciosum
1858 Libellula speciosa UHLER, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1858: 80. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Japan. 1890 Libellula speciosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38 [as synonym of albistylum (SELYS, 1 8 4 8 ) ] .
1909 Orthetrum albistylum (Japan, China). 1916 Orthetrum albistylum 1928 Orthetrum albistylum 1955 Orthetrum albistylum
speciosum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 228 speciosum - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 74 (Formosa, Japan). speciosum - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London; 76: 118 (Yunnan). speciosum - ASAHINA, Ent. Medd., 27 (3): 134 (China).
Distribution: Japan, Taiwan, China.
410 anceps
1845 Libellula anceps SCHNEIDER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 6:111. Type female: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Asia Minor. 1848 Libellula ramburii SELYS, Revue Zool., 1848: 16. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Sardinia. 1889 Orthetrum ramburi- MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., (1) 25: 348 (Morocco). 1890 Orthetrum anceps- KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. 1909 Orthetrum anceps- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 185 (Mediterranean region). 1927 Orthetrum anceps- LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 70: 93 (North India). 1928 Orthetrum anceps- ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 29 (Egypt, Algeria, Syria). 1940 Libellula ramburii - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 248 [proposed synonymy with anceps (SCHNEIDER, 1845)].
1948 Orthetrum
anceps - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 181 (Armenia).
Distribution: Kazakhstan, Caucasus to North Africa, Europe: Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta and the eastern Mediterranean from Hungary, Serbia and Greece to the Middle East. angustiventre
1842 Libellula angustiventris RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 59. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Senegal. 1890 Thermorthemis angustiventris - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29. 1 8 9 1 O r t h e t r u m l e o n i n u m KARSCH, ( n e c KARSCH, 1 8 9 8 ) , E n t . N a c h r . , 17 (4): 59. T y p e m a l e : M u s .
Naturk. Berlin; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1909 Orthetrum angustiventre - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:194 (Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda). 1955 Orthetrum angustiventre - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 45 (Sudan, Senegal, Gambia, Port. Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria, Dahomey, Togo, Uganda). 1962 Orthetrum angustiventre - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 233 (Uganda, Sudan, Angola, Nigeria, Port., and Fr. Guinea, Togo, Dahomey, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Senegal).
Distribution: West Africa. austeni
1898 Orthetrum leoninum KARSCH (nec KARSCH, 1891), Ent. Nachr., 24: 343 (emendation). 1900 Thermorthemis austeni KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 72. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1900 Thermorthemis monteiroi KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 73. Type female: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Angola. 1908 Orthetrum afrum MARTIN, (SELYS'S MS), Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 43: 655. Type sex not given: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: Afr. 1934 Orthetrum austeni-SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool. (3) I I 3 : 1 7 (Belgian Congo). 1934 Hadrothemis burgeoni SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool. (3) II 3: 13. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1955 Orthetrum austeni - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 32 (from Sierra Leone to Angola). 1962 Orthetrum austeni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 233 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Angola, Nigeria, Ivory Coast). 1962 Thermorthemis monteiroi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 233 [proposed syno n y m y w i t h austeni
1962 Orthetrum w i t h austeni
(KIRBY, 1898)].
afrum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. C o m p . Diam. Angola, 59: 233 [proposed synonymy (KIRBY, 1898)].
411 1962 Hadrothemisburgeoni-PINHEY, with austeri (KIRBY, 1898)].
Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:233 [proposed synonymy
Distribution: West Africa. austrosundanum
1953 Orthetrum austrosundanum LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 64:208. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Sumba.
Distribution: Sumba. azureum azureum
1842 Libellula azurea RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 68. Type female: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1866 Libellula azurea - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 722. 1890 Orthetrum azureum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. 1909 Orthetrum azureum - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 221 (redescription). 1915 Orthetrum azureum azureum - RlS, Ent. Mitt., 4: 142. 1955 Orthetrum azureum - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 42. 1962 Orthetrum azureum azureum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 233.
Distribution: Madagascar. azureum lugubre Ris 1915 Orthetrum azureum lugubre Ris, Ent. Mitt., 4:142. Type male: Ann Arbor Mus.; type-locality: Comoro. 1955 Orthetrum azureum lugubre - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 43. 1962 Orthetrum azureum lugubre - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 233.
Distribution: Comoro Island. balteatum
1933 Orthetrum belteatum LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 17: 63. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. borneense
1936 Orthetrum borneense KIMMINS, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 18: 70. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1954 Orthetrum borneense - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 135 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. boumiera
1985 Orthetrum boumiera WATSON & ARTHINGTON, 1978 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s
of the World, Utrecht, 2: 102.
Distribution: Queensland. brachiale brachiale
1805 Libellula brachialis BEAUVOIS, Ins. Afr. Amer.: 171. Type female: R. Mus. Bruxelles; typelocality: South Nigeria. 1868 Libella brachialis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 732. 1889 Orthetrum brachiale - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 302.
412 1890 Ortheirum brachiale - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36. 1896 Orthetrum brachiale - CALVERT, Proc. U S natn. Mus., 18: 130 (description of male). 1909 Orthetrum brachiale - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:198 (Sierra Leone, Tanganyika, G a b o n , Zanzibar, Natal, Nigeria, Congo, Abyssinia, Mauritius). 1921 Orthetrum brachiale - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 399 (South Africa). 1962 Orthetrum brachiale - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 233 (tropical Africa, Madagascar, Réunion, Rodriguez). 1 9 6 9 Orthetrum brachiale brachiale - PINHEY, OCC. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod. ( B ) 4 ( 3 0 ) : 2 9 3 .
Distribution: tropical Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Réunion. brachiale wrighti
1869 Libellula wrighti SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 12:95. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles, type-locality: Seychelles. 1890 Orthetrum wrighti - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 182. 1909 Orthetrum stemmate wrighti- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 219 (Seychelles). 1969 Orthetrum brachiale wrighti - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 293.
Distribution: Seychelles. brunneum brunneum
1837 Libellula brunnea FONSCOLOMBE, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 6: 141. Type male: unknown; typelocality: France: Aix-en-Provence. 1872 Orthetrum brunneum - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 15: 27 (Irkutsk). 1890 Orthetrum brunneum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 37. 1909 Orthetrum brunneum brunneum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 189. (S.C. Europe, Turkestan). 1938 Orthetrum brunneum brunneum - SCHMIDT, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss., Wien, (1) 147: 147 (Israel). 1955 Orthetrum brunneum brunneum - ASAHINA, Ent. Medd., 27 (3): 134 (North China). 1955 Orthetrum brunneum brunneum - LONGFIELD, pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 51 (South Europe, Mediterranean region, Middle East, Algeria). 1984 Orthetrum bruneum - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 95 (Hungary).
Distribution: Palaearctic subregion. brunneum cycnos(SELYS) 1848 Libellula cycnos SELYS, Revue Zool., 1848: 15. Type female: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Corsica. 1864 Orthetrum brunneum cycnos - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. France, (4) 4: 35. 1909 Orthetrum brunneum cycnos - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 191.
Distribution: Corsica, Sardinia. caffrum caffrum
1839 Libellula caffra BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 856. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Port Natal. 1842 Libelulla fasciolata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 69. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Cap. 1865 Libellula subfasciolata BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 506. Type female: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Cap. 1868 Libellula fasciolata subfasciolata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 731. 1890 Orthetrum fasciolatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36. 1 8 9 0 Thermorthemis caffra - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., L o n d o n : 29.
413 1892 Orthetrum truncatum CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 19: 162. Type male: US natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Kilimandjaro. 1898 Orthetrum caffrum - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 79 (redescription of holotype). 1909 Orthetrum caffrum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 201 (South Africa, Senegal, Togo, Tanzania, Madagascar). 1969 Orthetrum caffrum caffrum - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 277.
Distribution: Continental Ethiopian region, and Madagascar. caffrum camerunense
1959 Orthetrum camerunense GAMBLES, Entomologist's month. Mag., 95: 4. Type male: British 1969
Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Cameroon. Orthetrum caffrum camerunense - PINHEY, OCC. Pap. natn. Mus., Rhod.
(30): 277.
Distribution: Cameroon. caledonicum
1865 Libellula catatonica BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, 15: 505. Type female: not given; type-locality: New Caledonia. 1890 Trithemis caledonicum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20. 1901 Orthetrum caledonicum - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 224 (Australia, New Caledonia). 1909 Orthetrum caledonicum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 226. 1909 Libellula coelestis HAGEN, in SELYS, 1849, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 10: 174 (nom. nud.) [as synonym of caledonicum (BRAUER, 1865)]. 1936 Orthetrum caledonicum - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 137 (Timor).
Distribution: Australia, New Caledonia, Loyalty and Thursday Islands. cancellatimi cancellatum
1758 Libellula cancellata LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 544. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sweden. 1764 Libellula frumenti MÜLLER, Faun. Fridr.: 62. Type: unknown. 1850 Libellula frumenti - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 13 (as synonym of albistylum SELYS, 1848). 1878 Hydronympha helvetica BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent., Odonata, 1: 8 (as generotype of Hydronympha BUCHECKER, 1878). Type male: not given; type-locality: Zürich. 1890 Orthetrum cancellatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38 (Europe). 1890 Libellula frumenti - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38 [proposed synonymy with cancellatum (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1890 Hydronympha helvetica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38 [proposed synonymy with cancellatum (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1898 Orthetrum cancellatum - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 92. 1909 Orthetrum cancellatum cancellatum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:229. 1936 Orthetrum cancellatum cancellatum - FRASER, F a u n a brit. India, Odonata, 3: 302 (India). 1948 Orthetrum cancellatum - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 172 (Armenia). 1950 Orthetrum cancellatum - MOREIRA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 60 (Spain). 1955 Orthetrum cancellatum cancellatum - BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 457 (India, Himalayas). 1955 Orthetrum cancellatum cancellatum - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 51 (Morocco, Algeria). 1960 Orthetrum cancellatum - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 233 (France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburgh).
414 1984 Orthetrum cancellation - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 86 (Hungary).
Distribution: Palaearctic subregion (except northern Britain and northern Scandinavia, and North Russia). cancellatimi kraepelini Ris 1897 Orthetrum kraepelini Ris, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 45. Type male: Hist. nat. Mus., Hamburg; type-locality: Central Asia. 1909 Orthetrum cancellation kraepelini- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 231. 1933 Orthetrum cancellatum kraepelini - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 25A (5): 4 (Mongolia).
Distribution: Mongolia. cancellatum orientale 1958
Orthetrum cancellatum orientale BELYSHEV in DOSHIDORZKI, Zool. Zhrn., Moscow, 37: Type male: Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sci. St. Petersbourg; type-locality: Mongolia.
Distribution: Mongolia, chandrabali
1961 Orthetrum chandrabali MEHROTRA, Indian J. Ent., 21: 137. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India, chrysis
1891 Libella testacea race chrysis SELYS, Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 30: 462. Male from Burma. 1900 Orthetrum chrysis - RlS, Arch. Naturg., 1900: 186 (Singapore). 1909 Orthetrum chrysis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 237 (Malacca, Borneo, Celebes, Ceylon, Palawan). 1921 Crocorthetrum smithi FRASER, J. nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 4: 162. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Siam. 1954 Orthetrum chrysis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 135 (Siam, Malaya, Simalur, Nias, Mentawei, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Borneo). 1955 Orthetrum chrysis - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 78 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Thailand to Borneo. chrysostigma chrysostigma (BURMEISTER) 1839 Libellula chrysostigma BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 857. Type male: Winthem's Collection; type-locality: Canaries: Tenerife. 1849 Libellula barbara SELYS, Lucas Expl. Algerie, 3: 117. Type female: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Algeria. 1 8 8 2 Orthetrum chrysostigma - M C L A C H L A N , J1 Linn. Soc. Zool., London, 16: 1 7 7 . 1898 Orthetrum chrysostigma - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 25: 85 (redescription of holotype). 1909 Orthetrum chrysostigma chrysostigma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 204 (key to subspecies). 1916 Orthetrum chrysostigma chrysostigma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1080 (Tanger, Beirut, Sudan, Senegal, Nigeria, Tanzania, Rhodesia, South Africa). 1928 Orthetrum chrysostigma - ANDERS Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 31 (Egypt). 1962 Orthetrum chrysostigma - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 234 (Africa, Canary Islands, Spain, Syria, Sinai Peninsula, Sokotra, Arabia).
Distribution: tropical Africa, Arabia, Mediterranean subregion.
chrysostigma toddi
1969 Orthetrum chrysostigma toddi PINHEY, OCC. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Sierra Leone.
4 (30): 280. Type
Distribution: Sierra Leone. coerulescens
1798 Libellula coerulescens FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst. Suppl: 285. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Italy: Turin. 1808 Libellula biguttata DONOVAN, Brit. Ins., 13: 449. Type: unknown. 1815 Libellula donovani LEACH, Edinb. Encycl., 9: 136. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: England. 1825 Libellula opalina CHARPENTIER, Hör. Ent.: 45. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: France. 1833 Orthetrum coerulescens - NEWMAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., 1: 511. 1837 Libellula Olympia FONSCOLOMBE, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 6: 139. Type female: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: France. 1842 Libellula dubia RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. neuropt., Paris: 67. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Central Europe. 1868 Libella coerulenscens - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 368 (as generotype of Libella BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 ) .
1889 Orthetrum coerulescens - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 302 (as generotype of Orthetrum N E W M A N , 1 8 3 3 ) . 1890 Orthetrum coerulescens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36 (Europe, Algeria). 1890 Libellula biguttata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36 [proposed synonymy with coerulescens (FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] . 1890 Libellula donovani - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36 [proposed synonymy with coerulescens (FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] . 1890 Libellula opalina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36 [proposed synonymy with coerulescens (FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] . 1890 Libellula Olympia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36 [proposed synonymy with coerulescens
(FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] .
1890 Libellula dubia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36 [proposed synonymy with coerulescens (FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] . 1898 Orthetrum coerulescens - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 92. 1909 Orthetrum coerulescens - RIS, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 183. 1 9 3 4 Libella coerulescens - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 67: 2 5 1 (as generotype of Libella BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 ) . 1960 Orthetrum coerulescens - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 234. 1984 Orthetrum coerulescens - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 88 (Hungary).
Distribution: Central, West, and South Europe, Algeria. devium
1930 Orthetrum devium NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 129. Type: unknown; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. flavidulum K I R B Y 1898 Orthetrum flavidulum KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 238. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Pretoria.
Distribution: South Africa.
416 ganeshii
1961 Orthetrum ganeshii MEHROTRA, Indian J. Ent., 21: 138. Type male: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. gani
1964 Orthetrum gani SAHNI, Agra Univ. J. Res., 13: 89. Type male: Agra Univ. Mus.; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India. garhwalicum 1954
Orthetrum garhwalicum SANTOCK & BAIJAL, Agra Univ. J . Res., 3 Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Himalaya.
(2): 3 9 3 .
Type male: Nation.
Distribution: Himalayas. glaucum
1865 Libellula glauca BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 1012. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: East India. 1868 Libella glauca - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 732. 1890 Orthetrum glaucum -KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39. 1894 Orthetrum nicevillei KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 112. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Burma. 1909 Orthetrum glaucum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 233 (Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia, Ceylon, India, Burma, Vietnam). 1909 Orthetrum nicevillei - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 233 [proposed synonymy with glaucum (BRAUER, 1865)]. 1954 Orthetrum glaucum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 135 (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Nias, Sumatra, Bangka, Billiton, Java, Bali, Borneo). 1 9 8 5 Orthetrum fraseri SAHNI, 1 9 6 5 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 104.
Distribution: Oriental region. guineense Ris 1909 Orthetrum chrysostigma guineense Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 207. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1916 Orthetrum guineense - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1082 (Sierra Leone, Old Calabar, Cameroon, Cap, Congo). 1921 Orthetrum guineense - Ris, Annali S. Afr. Mus., 18: 398 (South Africa). 1947 Orthetrum guineense - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 37 (Ivory Coast). 1962 Orthetrum guineense - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 236 (Type male: Senckenberg Mus.) (Natal, Rhodesia, Tanganyika, Angola, Belgian Congo, Uganda, Somalia, Nigeria).
Distribution: tropical Africa. guptai 1955
Orthetrum guptai BAIJAL, in SANTOCK et al, Agra Univ. J . res., 4 Suppl.: Nation. Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Himalaya.
Distribution: Himalayas.
Type male:
417 helena
1954 Orthetrum helena BUCHHOLTZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr., Sonderband, 1954: 66. Type male: Forsch. Inst., Bonn; type-locality: Greece.
Distribution: Greece. hintzi
1951 Orthetrum hintzi hintzi SCHMIDT, Arq. Mus. Bocage, (1949) 20: 174. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Portuguese Guinea. 1951 Orthetrum hintzi zernyi SCHMIDT, Arq. Mus. Bocage, (1949) 20: 178. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Portuguese Guinea. 1954 Aethiothemis paludinis FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 263. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Bambesa (Zaire). 1954 Oxythemis aequatorialis FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 259. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Kapanga (Zaire). 1954 Orthetrum vrydaghi FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 260. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Bambesi (Zaire). 1955 Orthetrum hintzi zernyi - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 39 (proposed synonymy with hintzi SCHMIDT, 1951). 1958 Orthetrum hintzi-PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 3 (tropical and subtropical Africa). 1962 Orthetrum vrydaghi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 236 (proposed synonymy w i t h hintzi
SCHMIDT, 1 9 5 1 ) .
Distribution: tropical and subtropical Africa. icteromelas icteromelas Ris 1909 Orthetrum icteromelas Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 197. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1921 Orthetrum icteromelas - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 395 (Transvaal, Mashonaland). 1934 Orthetrum icteromelas - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 18 (Belgian Congo, Sierra Leone, Madagascar). 1962 Orthetrum icteromelas - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 236. 1969 Orthetrum icteromelas icteromelas - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 302.
Distribution: tropical and subtropical Africa, Madagascar. icteromelas cinctifrons
1969 Orthetrum icteromelas cinctifrons PINHEY, OCC. Pap. natn. Mus., Rhod. (B) 4 (30): 302. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Africa.
Distribution: Africa. japonicum japonicum
1858 Libellula japónica UHLER, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1858: 29. Type male: U.S. natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Japan. 1883 Libellula japónica - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 100 (Japan). 1890 Orthetrum japonicum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. 1909 Orthetrum japonicum japonicum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 233 (Japan).
Distribution: Japan. japonicum internum
1894 Orthetrum internum MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 13: 431. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Szechwan.
418 1896 Orthetrum internum - MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 365 (Szechwan, North India: Himalayas). 1909 Orthetrum japonicum internum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 232. 1927 Orthetrum japonicum internum - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 70: 95 (redescription) (Ν. India). 1928 Orthetrum japonicum internum - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 118 (Yunnan). 1955 Orthetrum japonicum internum - SANTOCK & all., Agra Univ. J. Res., 4, Suppl.: 745 (Kashmir, Nepal, Himalayas, Tibet, SW China, Assam).
Distribution: Szechwan to North India. julia julia
1900 Orthetrum julia KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 75. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1906 Orthetrum nigrescens FÖRSTER, Jb. Ver. Natk. Mannheim, 71-72: 46. Type male: originally in Ann Arbor Mus.; type-locality: Cameroon. 1909 Orthetrum julia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 214 (incorrect synonymy with stemmale capense CALVERT, 1893). 1949 Orthetrum congoense FRASER, Exp. Pare Nat. Albert Miss. Witte, 61: 17. Type male: Inst. Pares Nat. C.B. type-locality: Congo. 1955 Orthetrum julia - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 26. 1962 Orthetrum julia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Cameroon). 1969 Orthetrum julia julia - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod. (B) 4 (30): 299.
Distribution: tropical Africa, julia capicela
KIMMINS 1893 Libellula (Orthetrum) capensis CALVERT, Proc. US natn. Mus., 16: 584. Type male: US natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Cape Town. 1909 Orthetrum stemmale capensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 214 (Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Angola, Togo, Gabon, Sansibar, Natal, Erithrea). 1957 Orthetrum falsum capicola KIMMINS, Entomologist, 90:95 [new name for Libellula (Orthetrum) capensis CALVERT, 1893, as homonymy of Libellula capensis LINNAEUS, 1767, Syst. Nat. ed. 12: 904 for Palpares group (Neuroptera)]. 1969 Orthetrum julia capicola - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 299.
Distribution: tropical Africa. julia falsum
1955 Orthetrum capense falsum LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 26. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Meru (Kenya). 1957 Orthetrum falsum falsum- KIMMINS, Entomologist, 90: 95. 1962 Orthetrum capense falsum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 235 (Kenya). 1969 Orthetrum julia falsum - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod. (B) 4 (30): 297.
Distribution: Kenya. kollmannspergei
1959 Orthetrum kollmannspergei BUCHHOLTZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr., 10: 85. Type male: Forsch. Inst., Bonn; type-locality: Equatorial Africa. 1962 Orthetrum kollmannspergei - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237.
Distribution: tropical Africa, kristenseni Ris 1911 Orthetrum kristenseni Ris, Revue zool. Afr., 1: 126. Type male: Senckenberg Mus.; typelocality: Abyssinia.
419 1916 Orthetrum kristenseni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1079. 1955 Orthetrum kristenseni - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 43. 1962 Orthetrum kristenseni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237.
Distribution: Erithrea. latihami
1 9 8 5 O r t h e t r u m l a t i h a m i PINHEY, 1 9 6 6 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 105.
Distribution: Congo Republic. lineostigma
1886 Libellula lineostigma SELYS, C.R. ent. Soc. Belg., 30: 93. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Pekin. 1887 Libellula lineostigma - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 52. 1890 Orthetrum lineostigma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 37. 1909 Orthetrum lineostigma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 226. 1955 Orthetrum lineostigma - ASAHINA, Ent. Medd., 27 (3): 134 (North China).
Distribution: China. luzonicum
1868 Libellula luzonica BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 169. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Philippines. 1890 Orthetrum luzonicum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. 1894 Orthetrum tricolor KIRBY, J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 24: 555. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1909 Orthetrum chrysostigma luzonicum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 210 (Luzon, Burma, Ceylon, Java). 1927 Orthetrum luzonicum - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 70: 93 (North India). 1954 Orthetrum luzonicum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 136 (Malaya, Sumatra, Billiton, Java).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, Philippines to Java. machadoi
1955 Orthetrum machadoi LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 35. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Angola. 1960 Orthetrum rhodesiae PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: 269. Type male: Nat. Mus. Bulawayo; type-locality: N o r t h Rhodesia. 1962 Orthetrum machadoi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237 (Natal, Rhodesia, Kenya, Uganda, Angola, Tanganyika, Abyssinia, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Cameroon). 1985 Ortehtrum machadoi f. rhodesiae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 106.
Distribution: tropical Africa. macrostigma
1947 Orthetrum macrostigma LONGFIELD, Arq. Mus. Bocage, 16: 25. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Angola. 1955 Orthetrum macrostigma - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 44. 1962 Orthetrum macrostigma - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237 (Tanganyika, Angola, Rhodesia).
Distribution: tropical Africa.
420 martensi 1985
Orthetrum martensi Utrecht, 2: 105.
ASAHINA, 1 9 7 8
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Kashmir. mathewi 1954
Orthetrum mathewi SANTOCK & BAIJAL, Agra Univ. J. Res. 3 Coll. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Himalaya.
(2). 391.
Type female: Nation.
Distribution: Himalayas. melania
1883 Libella melania SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27:103. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Orthetrum melania - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39. 1 8 9 8 Pseudothemis nigrifrons M A T S U M U R A , Annot. Zool. Japan, 2 : 1 2 3 . Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1909 Orthetrum triangulare melania - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 224 (Japan). 1928 Orthetrum triangulare melania - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 118 (Yunnan). 1965 Orthetrum triangulare melania - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 33 (4): 501 (Hong-Kong). 1985 Orthetrum melania - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 105.
Distribution: Japan, and China. microstigma microstigma Ris 1911 Orthetrum microstigma Ris, Rev. zool. Afr., 1: 128. Type maie: Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Cameroon. 1916 Orthetrum microstigma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1087 (Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cameroon, Uganda) (redescription). 1955 Orthetrum microstigma microstigma - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 33 (from Sierra Leone to Angola). 1962 Orthetrum microstigma microstigma -PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237 (Rhodesia, Belgian Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Angola, Cameroon, Fr. Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria).
Distribution: tropical Africa. microstigma imitans
1951 Orthetrum microstigma imitans SCHMIDT, Arq. Mus. Bocage, (1949) 20: 181. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Portuguese Guinea. 1955 Orthetrum microstigma imitans - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 34. 1985 Orthetrum microstigma f. imitans - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 105.
Distribution: West Africa. monardi
1951 Orthetrum monardi SCHMIDT, Arq. Mus. Bocage, (1949) 20: 179. Type male: Schmidt's Collection; type-locality: Portuguese Guinea. 1962 Orthetrum monardi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237 (Kenya, Uganda, Port. Guinea, Angola, Nigeria, Ghana, Rhodesia).
Distribution: tropical Africa.
421 nitidinerve
1841 Libellula nitidinervis SELYS, Revue Zool., 1841:243. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Algeria. 1842 Libellula baetica RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 66. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Spain. 1890 Orthetrum nitidinervis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 37. 1890 Libellula baetica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 37. 1909 Orthetrum nitidinerve - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 182 (Spain, Sicilie, Sardegna, Morocca, Algeria, Sahara). 1950 Orthetrum nitidinerve - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 61 (Spain).
Distribution: South Mediterrean subregion. poecilops Ris 1916 Orthetrum poecilops Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1091. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: China. 1938 Orthetrum miyajimaensis YUKI & Doi, Akitu, 1: 153. Type: unknown; type-locality: Japan. 1 9 8 5 Orthetrum poecilops miyajimaensis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 106.
Distribution: China, Japan, pruinosum pruinosum
1839 Libellula pruinosa BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 853. Type male: Hoffmannsegg's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1890 Orthetrum pruinosum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. 1894 Orthetrum pruinosum - KIRBY, J. Linn. Soc., London, 24: 554 (India, China, Philippines, Java, Sumatra, Borneo). 1909 Orthetrum pruinosum pruinosum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 241. 1951 Orthetrum pruinosum migratum LIEFTINCK, Amer. Mus. Novit. 1488: 35. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: North Australia.
Distribution: India to Australia. pruinosum delia
1878 Libellula Clelia SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Dresden, 3: 313. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Menado. 1890 Orthetrum clelia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. 1909 Orthetrum pruinosum clelia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 242 (Sumatra, Celebes, Palawan). 1954 Orthetrum pruinosum clelia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 137 (as synonym of pruinosum schneidert FÖRSTER, 1 9 0 3 ) .
Distribution: Palawan, Celebes, Sumatra, pruinosum neglectum
1842 Libellula neglecta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 86. Type male: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: China. 1865 Libellula petalura BRAUER, Verhi'Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 506 Type female: not given; typelocality: Hong Kong. 1890 Orthetrum neglectum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39 (Tibet). 1903 Orthetrum pruinosum ceylanicum FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus., natn. hung., 1903: 541. Type male: Természett. Μύζ., Budapest; type-locality: Ceylon. 1909 Orthetrum pruinosum neglecum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 239 (India, Ceylon, Malacca, Hong-Kong).
422 1909 Libellula petalura - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 239 [proposed synonymy with pruinosum neglectum (RAMBUR), 1842)]. 1909 Orthetrum pruinosum ceylanicum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 239 [proposed synonymy with pruinosum neglectum (RAMBUR), 1842)]. 1955 Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum - BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 456 (Ceylon, Burma, Tibet, Indo-China, Hong-Kong).
Distribution: Tibet to Vietnam. pruinosum schneideri
1903 Orthetrum schneideri FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 3: 541. Type male: not given; type-locality: Sumatra. 1909 Orthetrum schneideri - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 242 (as synonymy of pruinosum clelia (SELYS, 1878). 1927 Orthetrum pruinosum schneideri - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 40 (Sumatra). 1954 Orthetrum pruinosum schneideri- LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 137 (Simalur, Nias, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Sumatra, Borneo, Simalur, and Nias, ransonneti
(BRAUER) 1865 Libellula ransonneti BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 1009. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien, type-locality: Red Sea. 1887 Libellula gracilis ALBARDA, in SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31:15. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Mesopotamia. 1890 Orthetrum ransonneti - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. 1928 Orthetrum ransonneti - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 29 (Egypt, Arabia, Persia). 1962 Orthetrum ransonneti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237 (North Africa, Chad, Nigeria, Sahara, Arabia, Iraq, Persia, North India). 1962 Libellula gracilis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 237 [proposed synonymy with ransonneti (BRAUER, 1 8 6 5 ) ] :
Distribution: North Africa, Asia Minor, Middle East to India. robustum 1985
Orthetrum robustum Utrecht, 2: 106.
BALINSKY, 1 9 6 5
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Bechuanaland. rubens
BARNARD 1937 Orthetrum rubens BARNARD, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 32 (3): 246. Type male: S. Afr. Mus.; typelocality: Cape Province.
Distribution: South Africa, sabina sabina
(DRURY) 1770 Libellula sabina DRURY, 111. Exot. Ins., 1: 114. Type male: lost; type-locality: China. 1798 Libellula gibba FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 284. Type female: Univ. zool. Mus., Kebenhavn; type-locality: India orient. 1839 Libellula leptura BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 858. Type male: Hoffmannsegg's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1845 Libellula ampullacea SCHNEIDER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 6: 110. Type: unknown. 1878 Lepthemis divisa SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 302. Type female: lost; type-locality: Celebes. 1889 Orthetrum sabina - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 301.
423 1887 Libellula gibba - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 21 [proposed synonymy with sabina, (DRURY, 1770)].
1887 Libellula leptura - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31:21 [proposed synonymy with sabina, (DRURY, 1770)].
1887 Libellula ampullacea - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 21 [proposed synonymy with sabina, (DRURY, 1770)].
1916 Orthetrum sabina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1090 (New Guinea, Key, Cape York, Celebes, Timor, China). 1901 Orthetrum sabina - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 224 (Cosmopolitan, Australia, Africa, Asia). 1929 Orthetrum sabina var nigrescens BARTENEF, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 85: 54. Male from Caucasus. 1962 Orthetrum sabina sabina - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 238 (Africa, Suez, Syria, Arabia, India, Ceylon, Malaysia, China, Celebes).
Distribution: ? Cosmopolitan. sabina viduatum
1942 Orthetrum sabina viduatum LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 475. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. saegeri
1985 Orthetrum saegeri PINHEY, 1966 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 106.
Distribution: Congo Republic. sagitta Ris 1915 Orthetrum sagitta Ris, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 15: 216. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1934 Orthetrum sagitta - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) I I 3 : 1 8 (Belgian Congo). 1955 Orthetrum africanum sagitta - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 47.
Distribution: West Africa. serapia
1985 Orthetrum serapia WATSON, 1984 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 107.
Distribution: S.W. Pacifica. servum
1793 Libellula serva FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 378. Type: unknown; type-locality: China. 1890 Orthetrum servum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39.
Distribution: China. signiferum
1926 Orthetrum signiferum LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 7: 288. Type male: Buitenzorg. Mus.; type-locality: Buru.
Distribution: Buru Island.
424 silvarum
1934 Orthetrum silvarum LIEFTINCK, Stylops, 3: 267. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1934 Orthetrum silvarum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 411. 1954 Orthetrum silvarum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 138 (Java).
Distribution: Java. stemmate stemmate
1839 Libellula stemmalis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 857. Type male: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Mauritius. 1842 Libellula contracta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 60. Type male: H o p e Mus.; typelocality: Mauritius. 1842 Libellula coarctata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 61. Type sex not given; typelocality: Mauritius. 1890 Orthetrum stemmate - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36. 1909 Orthetrum stemmale stemmate - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 217. 1969 Orthetrum stemmale - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 289 [proposed synonymy with brachiale (BEAUVOIS, 1805)]. 1969 Libellula contracta- PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod. (B) 4: (30): 289 [proposed synonymy with brachiale (BEAUVOIS, 1 8 0 5 ) ] . 1969 Libellula coarctata-PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4: (30): 289 [proposed synonymy with brachiale (BEAUVOIS, 1805)].
Distribution: Mauritius, Réunion. stemmale kalai
1936 Orthetrum stemmale kalai LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London; 85: 487. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: South Rhodesia. 1958 Orthetrum stemmale kalai - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 3 (tropical Africa: Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Tanganyika, Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon, S. Nigeria, G h a n a , Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles). 1969 Orthetrum brachiale f. kalai - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus., Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 289.
Distribution: tropical Africa, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius. stemmale lemur Ris 1909 Orthetrum stemmale lemur Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 219. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Nossi-Bé. 1962 Orthetrum stemmale lemur - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 239 (Madagascar). 1985 Orthetrum lemur - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 105.
Distribution: Madagascar. stemmale milloti
1949 Orthetrum stemmale milloti FRASER, Mém. Inst. sci. Madagascar, 3A: 17. Type male: Inst. Pares Nat. C.B.; type-locality: Madagascar. 1955 Orthetrum milloti - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 27: 23. 1962 Orthetrum stemmale milloti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 239. 1969 Orthetrum milloti - PINHEY, Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod., (B) 4 (30): 293 (proposed synonymy with lemur Ris, 1 9 0 9 ) . 1 9 8 4 Orthetrum lemur f. milloti - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 0 5 .
Distribution: Madagascar.
1845 Libellula taeniolata SCHNEIDER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 6:111. Type male: lost; type-locality: Rhodos. 1886 Orehtrum hyalinum KIRBY, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886: 326. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1890 Orthetrum taeniolatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 37. 1896 Orthetrum brevistylum KIRBY, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896: 521. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Somalia. 1909 Orthetrum taeniolatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 192 (Rhodos, Israel, India, Erithrea, Somalia). 1952 Orthetrum taeniolatum - REYMOND, Bull. Soc. sei. nat. Maroc, 32: 88 (Sahara). 1955 Orthetrum taeniolatum - BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 458 (India). 1 9 5 5 Orthetrum taeniolatum - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 2 7 : 4 9 (Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Asia Minor, Syria, India). 1962 Orthetrum hyalinum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 239 [proposed synonymy with taeniolatum (SCHNEIDER, 1 8 4 5 ) ] . 1962 Orthetrum brevistylum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: [proposed synonymy with taeniolatum (SCHNEIDER, 1 8 4 5 ) ] .
Distribution: North Africa, Mediterranean Islands to India. testaceum testaceum
1839 Libellula testacea BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 859. Type male: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Java. 1889 Libella testacea - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 463. 1890 Orthetrum testaceum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39. 1909 Orthetrum testaceum testaceum - Ris, Cat. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 235 (Burma, Malacca, Sumatra, Borneo, Java). 1934 Orthetrum testaceum testaceum - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 369 (Java, Sumatra). 1936 Orthetrum testaceum testaceum - LIEFTINCK, Revue zool. suisse, 43 (5): 139 (Bali, Timor). 1954 Orthetrum testaceum testaceum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Simalur, Nias, Sumatra, Mentawei, Java, Bali, Borneo). 1956 Orthetrum testaceum testaceum - ASAHINA, Ent. Medd., 27 (4-5): 226 (China).
Distribution: Oriental region. testaceum soembanum
1903 Orthetrum testaceum subrace soembanum FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 542. Male from Soemba. 1909 Orthetrum testaceum soembanum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 236 (Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores). 1936 Orthetrum testaceum soembanum - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 140.
Distribution: Sumbawa, Lombok, Flores, translatum
1929 Orthetrum translatum BARTENEF, Rev. russ. Ent., 23: 124. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Zool. Inst. Mus. Acad. Sei., St. Petersbourg; type-locality: Transcaspia.
Distribution: Russia. triangulare triangulare
1878 Libellula triangularis SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus., Dresden, 3: 314. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Sikkim. 1878 Libella delesserti SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus., Dresden, 3: 314. Type male: not given; type-locality: Conchinchina.
426 1890 Orthetrum triangulare - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39. 1890 Orthetrum carnaticum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nepal. 1909 Orthetrum trinagulare triangulare - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 243 (India, Ceylon, Nepal, Tonkin). 1934 Orthetrum triangulare triangulare - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 411 (Java). 1954 Orthetrum triangulare triangulare - SANTOCK & BAIJAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 3 (2): 395 (Himalaya).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, Sumatra, Java, triangulare malaccensis
Orthetrum triangulare malaccensis FÖRSTER Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 5 4 2 . Type male: unknown, perhaps indesignated in Természett. Múz., Budapest; type-locality: Malacca. 1909 Orthetrum triangulare malaccensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 243 (India, Nepal, Malacca, Ceylon, Tonkin). 1934 Orthetrum triangulare malaccensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 411 (Java). 1954 Orthetrum triangulare malaccensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 139 (Siam, Malaya, Engano, Sumatra, Java). 1903
Distribution: Thailand to Java, trinacria
1841 Libellula trinacria SELYS, Revue Zool., 1841: 244. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Sicily. 1842 Libellula clathrata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 48. Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Senegal. 1842 Libellula bremii RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 48. Type male: Nation Mus. nat., Hist. Paris; type-locality: Egypt. 1850 Libellula trinacria - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 4 (redescription). 1850 Libellula clathrata - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 4 [proposed synonymy with trinacria (SELYS, 1841)].
1850 Libellula bremii - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 4 [proposed synonymy with trinacria (SELYS, 1841)].
1868 Lepthemis trinacria - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 724. 1890 Orthetrum trinacria - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36. 1909 Orthetrum trinacria - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:196 (Sicily, Egypt, Senegal, Nyassaland, Abyssinia). 1921 Orthetrum trinacria - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 394 (Transvaal). 1928 Orthetrum trinacria - ANDERS, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 30 (Egypt, Algeria, Madagascar). 1934 Orthetrum trinacria - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., (3) II 3: 19 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Orthetrum trinacria - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 239 (from Natal to North African Coast, Mediterranean Islands, Iraq).
Distribution: Africa, Asia Minor, Mediterranean Islands: Sicily, Sardinia, and Madagascar. villosovittatum (BRAUER) 1868 Libellula villosovittata BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 167. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Amboina. 1890 Orthetrum villosovittatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39 (North Australia). 1898 Orthetrum bismarckianum Ris, Ent. Nachr., 24: 321. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Bismarck Archipelago.
427 1898 Orthetrum fenicheli FÖRSTER, Természetr. Fiiz., Budapest, 21: 279. Type male: ? Természett. Múz., Budapest, type-locality: New Guinea. 1901 Orthetrum villosovittatum - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 224 (North Australia, Pacific). 1909 Orthetrum villosovittatum villosovittatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 238. 1909 Orthetrum villosovittatum bismarckianum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 239. 1909 Orthetrum fenicheli - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 238 [proposed synonymy with villosovittatum (BRAUER, 1868)]. 1903 Orthetrum parvulum FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 537. Type male: unknown, perhaps undesignated in Termeszett. Múz., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Orthetrum villosovittatum villosovittatum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 478 (New Guinea, Australia).
Distribution: New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, North Australia. Genus Oxythemis Ris 1909 Oxythemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:162. Type-species: Oxythemis phoenicosceles Ris, 1909 (original designation). - 1 9 6 2 Oxythemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 230.
phoenicosceles Ris 1909 Oxythemis phoenicosceles Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 163 (as generotype of Oxythemis Ris, 1909). Type male: Nation. Mus. natn. Hist., Paris; type-locality: British Cameroon. 1916 Oxythemis phoenicosceles - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1071 (Cameroon). 1954 Oxythemis phoenicosceles - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 50: 258 (Belgian Congo). 1957 Oxythemis phoenicosceles - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 55: 340 (description of female, allotype in Tervuren Mus.). 1962 Oxythemis phoenicosceles - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 231 (Cameroon, Congo).
Distribution: West Africa. gamblesi
1959 Oxythemis gamblesi LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 36. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nigeria. 1959 Oxythemis gamblesi - FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 60: 310. 1962 Oxythemis phoenicosceles gamblesi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 231.
Distribution: Nigeria. Genus Phyllothemis
1935 Phyllothemis FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 37: 890. Type-species: Phyllothemis FRASER, 1935(originaldesignation).-1954 Phyllothemis-LIEFTINCK,Treubia,22Suppl.:
eltoni 126.
1935 Phyllothemis eltoni FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 37: 891 (as generotype of Phyllothemis FRASER, 1935). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Lower Burma.
Distribution: Burma.
428 raymondi
1950 Phyllothemis raymondi LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (3): 643. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Sumatra. 1954 Phyllothemis raymondi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 126 (Sumatra).
Distribution: Sumatra. Genus Pornothemis
1902 Pornothemis K R Ü G E R , Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63:159. Type-species: Pornothemis serrata K R Ü G E R , 1902 (original designation). - 1909 Pornothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9 : 91. - 1954 Pornothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 128.
1902 Pornothemis serrata K R Ü G E R , Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63:163 (as generotype of Pornothemis K R Ü GER, 1902). Type male: originally in Stettin Mus.; type-locality: Sumatra. 1909 Pornothemis serrata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 92 (Borneo, Celebes, Perak). 1927 Pornothemis serrata - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 37 (Sumatra). 1931 Pornothemis serrata - L A I D L A W , J. Fed. Mal. States Mus., 1 6 : 220 (Singapore). 1954 Pornothemis serrata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 128 (Malaya, Simalur, Mentawei Island, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Southeast Oriental region. starrei
Pornothemis starrei LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 ( 2 ) : 2 7 0 . Type male: not given; type-locality: Sumatra. 1954 Pornothemis starrei - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 Suppl.: 128 (Sumatra, Borneo). 1948
Distribution: Sumatra, Borneo. Genus Potamarcha
1889 Potamarcha K A R S C H , Beri. ent. Z., 3 3 (2): 370. Type-species: Libellula congener R A M B U R , 1842 (original designation). - 1909 Potamarcha - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 155 (revision). - 1954 Potamarcha - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 133 (typespecies: Libellula obscura R A M B U R , 1842).
obscurum 1842
1842 1868 1889 1890 1892 1909 1936
Libellula obscura R A M B U R , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 6 4 . Type: unknown; type-locality: India. Libellula congener R A M B U R , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 70. Type: unknown; type-locality: India. Orthemis congener - B R A U E R , Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 1 8 : 729. Potamarcha congener - K A R S C H , Beri. ent. Z., 3 3 (2): 370 (as generotype of Potamarcha K A R S C H , 1889). Orthetrum obscurum - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. Potamarcha congener - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Hist., Genova, (2) 10: 459 (Java, Celebes, Sumatra, Philippines). Potamarcha obscura -RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:156 (Java, Celebes, Ceylon, Lombok, Malaysia, Burma). Potamarcha obscura - F R A S E R , F a u n a brit. India, Odon., 3: 289.
429 1955
Potamarcha obscura - BAIJAL Formosa, Philippines).
Agra Univ.
Res., 4
(2): 4 5 6
(India, Tibet, Ceylon,
Distribution: India, Philippine Islands to Java. puella
1930 Potamarcha puella NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 138. Type male: unknown; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China. Genus Protorthemis
1889 Protorthemis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 290. Type-species: Protorthemis celebensis K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 (original designation). - 1 8 8 9 Nesocria K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 2 9 0 . Type-species: Nesocria woodfordi K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 (original designation). - 1 8 9 9 Protorthemis (Pseudothemis) FÖRSTER, Wiener ent. Ztg., 1899: 170. Type-species: not given. - 1909 Protorthemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:146 (revision, key to species).
1889 Protorthemis (Nat. Hist.), 1902 Protorthemis 1909 Protorthemis
celebensisKiRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 334. Type male: British Museum London; (as generotype of Protorthemis KIRBY, 1889); type-locality: Celebes. celebensis - KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 63: 163. celebensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 147.
Distribution: Celebes. coronata 1866
1889 1890 1897 1909 1942 1942
Libellula coronata BRAUER, (nec SELYS, 1 8 6 9 ) , Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 1 6 : 5 6 5 . Type male: not given; type-locality: Ceram. Orthemis coronata - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 290. Protorthemis coronata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 30. Protorthemis wahnesi FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 39. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: New Guinea. Protorthemis coronata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 149 (New Guinea, Bismarck Island). Protorthemis coronata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 474 (New Guinea, Ceram, New Ireland, New Britain). Protorthemis wahnesi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 474 [proposed synonymy with coronata BRAUER, 1 8 6 6 ) ] .
Distribution: Southeast Oriental region. intermedia
1936 Protorthemis intermedia FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 38: 700. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Palawan.
Distribution: Palawan. woodfordi
1889 Nesocria woodfordi KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 335 (as generotype of Nesocria KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Aru Island. 1909 Protorthemis woodfordi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10: 148 (redescription). 1949 Protorthemis woodfordi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 365 (Solomon Islands).
Distribution: Pacific subregion.
430 Genus Thermorthemis
1889 Thermorthemis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 289. Type-species: Libellula madagascariensis RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1909 ThermorthemisRis, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 10:164 (redescription). - 1 9 1 5 Donzella NAVAS, Mem. Acc. Nuovi Lincei, 33: 30. Type-species: Donzella madegassa NAVAS, 1915 (original designation). - 1962 Thermorthemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 228. - 1962 Donzella - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 228 (proposed synonymy with Thermorthemis KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) .
1959 Thermorthemis comorensis FRASER, Mém. Inst. sci. Madagascar, (E) 10: 1. Type male: Inst. Rech. Sci. Madagascar; type-locality: Comoro. 1962 Thermorthemis comorensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 228.
Distribution: Comoro Island, madagascariensis (RAMBUR) 1842 Libellula madagascariensis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 56. Type female: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1868 Orthemis madagascariensis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 729. 1889 Thermorthemis madagascariensis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London: 12: 261 (as generotype o f Thermorthemis
KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) .
1915 Donzella madegassa NAVAS, Mem. Acc. Nuovi Lincei, 33: 30 (as generotype of Donzella NAVAS, 1915). Type male: Navás's Collection; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Thermorthemis madagascariensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 228. 1962 Donzella madegassa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 228 [proposed synonymy w i t h madagascariensis
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
Distribution: Madagascar. Subfamiliy Sympetrinae Medium sized forms. Arc between antenodals 1 - 2 ; sectors of arc joined for some distance from origin; distal antenodal incomplete; costal side of fore wing trg narrow; anal loop present; accessory veins at bridge and in cubital space; base of trg in hind wing a level of arc. 1940 Sympetrinae TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9:393 (with genera: Nannodiplax, Neurothemis, Diplacodes, Crocothemis, Brachythemis, Sympetrum, Erythemis, Erythrodiplax). - 1962 Sympetrinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 253 (key to African genera: Acisoma, Diplacodes, Crocothemis, Bradinopyga, Brachythemis, Cyanothemis, Sympetrum, Philonomon). - 1 9 7 3 Sympetrinae - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1 ): 213 (key to Siberian genera). - 1977 Sympetrinae - BELYSHEV & KHARATONOV, N a u k a , Novosibirsk: 135 (key to boreal genera). - 1985 Sympetrinae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 108 (with genera: Acisoma, Brachythemis, Bradinopyga, Crocothemis, Cyanothemis, Deielia, Diplacodes, Erythemis, Erythrodiplax, Indothemis, Nadiplax, Nannodiplax, Nesogonia, Neurothemis, Nothodiplax, Ophippus, Pachydiplax, Philonomon, Pseudoleon, Rhodopygia, Rhodothemis, Sympetrum, Viridithemis, Yparangathemis).
Genus Acisoma
1842 Acisoma RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 28. Type-species: Acisomapanorpoides RAMBUR, 1842 (first emendation). - 1889 Acisoma - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 308 ( t y p e - s p e c i e s : Acisoma
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1 9 0 2 Acisoma
- KRÜGER, S t e t t i n e r
ent. Ztg., 43: 128. - 1905 Acisoma - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 733. - 1915 Acisoma - BARTENEF, F a u n e de la Russ., Libell.: 486. - 1911 Acisoma - Ris, Coll.
431 Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 455 (revision, key to species). - 1921 Acisoma Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 407. - 1934 Acisoma - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 24. - 1954 Acisoma - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 146. - 1962 Acisoma PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 253.
panorpoides panorpoides
1842 Acisoma panorpoides RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 28 (as generotype of Acisoma RAMBUR, 1842). Type not given; type-locality: Bengal. 1891 Acisoma panorpoides - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (16): 246 (Sumatra). 1900 Acisoma panorpoides - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 5: 534 (Lombok). 1911 Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 457 (key to subspecies) (Ceylon, India, Malacca, Sumatra, Celebes, Conchinchina). 1915 Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides - BARTENEF, Faune de le Russ., Libell.: 492 (key to subspecies) (Bankok, Ceylon, Sunda). 1924 Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 434 (India). 1936 Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odonata, 3: 330. 1936 Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 141 (Flores). 1954 Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 146 (Siam, Malaya, Menta wei Island, Sumatra, Java, Billiton, Borneo, Krakatau). 1 9 5 5 Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides - BAIJAL & AGARWAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 4 5 9 (India, Ceylon, Philippines, China, Java, Sumatra, Celebes). 1962 Acisoma panorpoides panorpoides - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 254.
Distribution: Oriental and Indo-Malayan regions. panorpoides ascalaphoides
1842 Acisoma ascalaphoides RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 29. Type sex not given: Musée de Marseille; type-locality: Madagascar. 1882 Acisoma inflata SELYS, Ann. Soc. Esp. Hist, nat., 11: 8. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles, typelocality: Algeria. 1911 Acisoma panorpoides ascalaphoides - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 458 (Madagascar, Nyassaland, Algeria, Tanzania). 1916 Acisoma panorpoides ascalaphoides - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1152 (Abyssinia). 1921 Acisoma panorpoides ascalaphoides - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 17: 408 (South Africa). 1928 Acisoma panorpoides ascalaphoides - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 32 (Egypt, Sahara). 1934 Acisoma panorpoides ascalaphoides - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool. 3 II 3: 24 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Acisoma ascalaphoides inflata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 254.
Distribution: Africa, and Madagascar. lacroixi
1905 Acisoma lacroixi MARTIN, Agrie, prat, pays chaude, 23: 175. Type male: Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: G r a n d Bassam. 1911 Acisoma lacroixi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 458 (incorrect synonymy with trífida KIRBY, 1889).
Distribution: Central Africa. trifìdum
1889 Acisoma trífida KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 341. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Congo. 1911 Acisoma trifidum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 459 (Cameroon, Uganda, Congo, Sierra Leone).
432 1934 Acisoma trifidum - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 24 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Acisoma trifidum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 254 (Kenya, Uganda, Belgian Congo, Angola, Cameroon, Port. Guinea, South Nigeria, Nyassaland, Fr. Guinea, Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone).
Distribution: Equatorial Africa.
1898 Acisoma variegatum KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 239. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nyassaland. 1911 Acisoma variegatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 458 (incorrect synonymy with panorpoides ascalaphoides RAMBUR, 1842).
Distribution: Nyassa. Genus Brachythemis
1868 Brachythemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 367. Type-species: Libellula contaminata FABRICIUS, 1793 (monotypy). - 1889 Cacergates KIRBY., Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 263. Type-species: Libellula leucosticta BURMEISTER, 1839 (original designation). - 1890 Zonothrasys K A R S C H , Stettiner ent. Ztg., 5 1 : 297. Type-species: Zonothrasys partitus K A R S C H , 1890 (originai designation). - 1905 Cacergates ~ JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 745 (key to species). - 1906 Termitophorba FÖRSTER, Jb. Ver. Naturk. Nassau, 59: 305. Type-species: Termitophorba rufina FÖRSTER, 1906 (original designation). 1911 Brachythemis - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 581 (revision, key to species). 1911 Cacergates - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 581 (proposed synonymy with Brachythemis BRAUER, 1868). - 1911 Zonothrasys - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 581 (proposed synonymy with Brachythemis BRAUER, 1868). 1911 Termitophorba - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 581 (proposed synonymy with Brachythemis BRAUER, 1868). - 1934 Brachythemis - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., 3 II 3: 26. - 1954 Brachythemis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 153. 1962 Brachythemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 260.
1793 Libellula contaminata FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 382. Type male: King's Collection; type-locality: Madras. 1842 Libellula truncatula RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 95. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Bombay. 1868 Brachythemis contaminata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 736 (as generotype of Brachythemis BRAUER, 1868). 1890 Libellula truncatula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 41 [incorrect synonymy with Pachydiplax longipennis (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1898 Brachythemis contaminata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 91. 1911 Libellula trancatula - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 587 [proposed synonymy with contaminata (FABRICIUS, 1793)]. 1915 Brachythemis contaminata - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.; 563 (in key) (Philippines, Sumatra, Borneo). 1924 Brachythemis contaminata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 438 (India). 1932 Sympetrum aureolum NAVAS, Mus. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 8: 4. Type male: Heude Mus.; type-locality: China. 1942 Brachythemis contaminata - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 11: 103 (Malaysia). 1955 Brachythemis contaminata-BKUAL & AGARWAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 464 (China, Burma, India, Ceylon, Taiwan, Philippines, Java, Sumatra).
433 1962 Sympetrum taminata
aureolum - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl., 11: 26 [proposed synonymy with con-
(FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 3 ) ] .
1964 Brachythemis
- ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32 (2): 306 (Japan).
Distribution: Japan to Sumatra. fuscopalliata
1887 Trithemis fuscopalliata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 23. Type male: Selys Collection; typelocality: Mesopotamia. 1890 Cacergates fuscopalliata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 41. 1908 Brachythemis fuscopalliata - Ris, Jenaische Denkschr., 13: 335. 1911 Brachythemis fuscopalliata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 585 (Euphrate, Fao). 1915 Brachythemis fuscopalliata - BARTENEF, F a u n e de la Russ., Libell.: 572 (in key) (Euphrates).
Distribution: Iran, Iraq, Israel, Syria and Turkey. lacustris
1889 Trithemis lacustris KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 329. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Wadelai. 1890 Zonothrasys partitus KARSCH, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 51: 297 (as generotype of Zonothrasy KARSCH, 1890). Type male: originally in D o h r n ' s Collection; lost; type-locality: Benue. 1903 Cacergates partitus - GRÜNBERG, Zool. Jb. Syst., 18: 715. 1906 Termitophorba rufina FÖRSTER, Jb. Wiesbaden Ver. Natk., 59: 306 (as generotype of Termitophora FÖRSTER, 1906). Type male: originally in Mus. N a t u r k . Berlin; lost; type-locality: Somalia. 1911 Brachythemis lacustris - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 586 (Congo). 1911 Zonothrasys partitus - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 586 [proposed synonymy with lacustris K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ) ] . 1911 Termitophorba rufina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 586 [proposed synonymy with lacustris (KIRBY, 1889)]. 1962 Brachythemis lacustris - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 261.
Distribution: tropical and subtropical Africa. leucosticta
1839 Libellula leucosticta BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 849. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Port Natal. 1 8 4 2 Libellula unifasciata RAMBUR (nec DE G E E R , 1 7 7 8 ) , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 1 0 8 . Type sex not given: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: female from Senegal, and male from Egypt. 1868 Trithemis unifasciata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 735. 1876 Hydronympha leucosticta - BUCHECHER, Syst. Ent., Odonata, I: 38. 1887 Trithemis unifasciata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 23 (Algeria, Senegal, Egypt, Nubia, Turkey, Palestine). 1889 Cacergates leucosticta - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 306 (as generotype of Cacergates KIRBY, 1889).
1890 Cacergates leucosticta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 41. 1890 Libellula unifasciata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 41 [proposed synonymy with leucosticta
(BURMEISTER), 1 8 3 9 ) ] .
1890 Zonothrasys impartitus KARSCH, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 51: 297. Type female: D o h r n ' s Collection; type-locality: Benue. 1898 Brachythemis leucosticta - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 63. 1908 Brachythemis leucosticta - MARTIN, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 43: 651 (Fernando Po, Guinea). 1911 Brachythemis leucosticta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 583 (Africa).
434 1911 Zonothrasys impartitus- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 583 [proposed synonymy with leucosticta BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1915 Brachythemis leucosticta - BARTENEF, F a u n e de la Russ., Libell.; 573 (Sudan, Egypt, Congo, Algeria, Tiflis). 1916 Brachythemis leucosticta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1170 (Cape Town, Transvaal, Rhodesia, Congo and ? Bali). 1938 Brachythemis leucosticta - SCHMIDT, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 147: 148 (Israel). 1958 Brachythemis leucosticta - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 4 (Africa, Palestine, Syria, Smyrna). 1962 Brachythemis leucosticta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 261 (Africa, M a dagascar, Syria).
Distribution: tropical and palaearctical Africa, Madagascar, Asia Minor, Europe: Portugal, Spain, and Sardinia. liberiensis
1949 Brachythemis liberiensis FRASER, Bull. Inst, franc. Afr. noire, 11: 305. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Port Guinea.
Distribution: West Africa, wilsoni
1952 Brachythemis wilsoni type-locality: Sudan.
Pap. Coryndon Mus., 3: 16. Type male: Coryndon Mus.;
Distribution: Sudan. Genus Bradinopyga
1894 Bradinopyga KIRBY, J1 Linn. Soc., 24: 553. Type-species: Bradinopyga stigmata KIRBY, 1894 (original designation). - 1900 Apeleutherus KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 73. Typespecies: Apeleutherus strachani KIRBY, 1900 (original designation). - 1911 Bradinopyga - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 544 (revision, key to species). - 1911 Apeleutherus - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 544 (proposed synonymy with Bradinopyga KIRBY, 1894). - 1921 Bradinopyga - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 414. 1934 Bradinopyga - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3 : 26. - 1962 Bradinopyga - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 259.
cornuta Ris 1911 Bradinopyga cornuta Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 547. Type maie: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Mozambique. 1921 Bradinopyga subcancellata MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 90: 94. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Mozambique. 1962 Bradinopyga cornuta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 260 (Natal, Transvaal, Rhodesia, Tanganyika, Kenya). 1962 Bradinopyga subcancellata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 260 (proposed synonymy with cornuta Ris, 1911).
Distribution: East and South Africa, geminata
1842 Libellula geminata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris. 90. Type sex not given: Serville & Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Bombay. 1890 Trithemis geminata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1893 Bradinopyga stigmata K I R B Y , J1 Linn. Soc. Zool., 24: 553 (as generotype of Bradinopyga K I R B Y , 1893). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon.
435 1911 Bradinopyga geminata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 548 (type maie: Selys's Collection). 1911 Bradinopyga stigmata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 548 [proposed synonymy with geminata (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1924 Bradinopyga geminata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 437 (West India). 1955 Bradinopyga geminata - BAIJAL & AGARWAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 461 (India).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka. saintjohanni
1955 Bradinopyga saintjohanni BAIJAL & AGARWAL, Agra. Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 462. Type male: Zool. Coli. zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India, strachani
KIRBY 1900 Apeleutherus strachani KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 74 (as generotype of Apeìeutherus KIRBY, 1900). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1911 Bradinopyga strachani - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 545 (Abyssinia, Cameroon). 1934 Bradinopyga strachani - ScHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., 3 II 3: 26 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Bradinopyga strachani - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 260 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Abyssinia, Sudan, Siarra Leone, French Guinea).
Distribution: tropical Africa. Genus Crocothemis
1868 Crocothemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 367. Type-species: Libellula erythraea BRULLE, 1832 (designated by KIRBY, 1889, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12:279). - 1 9 0 0 Beblecia KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 71. Type-species: Beblecia adolescens KIRBY, 1900 (original designation). - 1911 Crocothemis - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 532 (revision, key to species). - 1905 Crocothemis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 744 (key to species). - 1915 Crocothemis - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 517. - 1915 Beblecia - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 517 (proposed synonymy with Crocothemis BRAUER, 1868). - 1921 Crocothemis Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 410 (key to South African species). - 1954 Crocothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 148. - 1962 Crocothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 257. - 1984 Crocothemis - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 98.
1 9 8 5 C r o c o t h e m i s b r e v i s t i g m a PINHEY, 1 9 6 1 - l o c . c i t . DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: Utrecht, 2: 110.
Distribution: Zambia. crocea
1917 Crocothemis crocea NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. Romana, 3: 1. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Philippines.
Distribution: Philippine Islands, divisa
KARSCH 1898 Crocothemis divisa KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 24 (22): 342. Type male: lost; type-locality: Togo. 1900 Beblecia adolescens KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 71 (as generotype of Beblecia KIRBY, 1900). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone.
436 1906 Crocothemis ikutana FÖRSTER, Mannheim Jb Ver. Natk., 71-72: 271. Type male: Ann Arbor Mus.; type-locality: British East Africa. 1911 Crocothemis divisa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 533 (Uganda, Congo). 1911 Beblecia adolescens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 533 (proposed synonymy with divisa KARSCH, 1898). 1911 Crocothemis ikutana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 533 (proposed synonymy with divisa KARSCH, 1898). 1959 Crocothemis divisa - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 40 (Angola). 1962 Crocothemis divisa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 257 (Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Tanganyika, Belgian Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Cameroon, Nigeria, Dahomey, Togo, Port. Guinea, Sierra Leone, Fr. Guinea, Madagascar).
Distribution: tropical Africa, and Madagascar. erythraea erythraea
1785 Libellula victoria FOURCROY, Ent. Paris, 1785: 348. Type: unknown. 1789 Libellula rubra VILLIERS (nec M Ü L L E R , 1764), Linnaei Entom., 3: 11. Type: unknown. 1 8 2 5 Libellula ferruginea VAN DER L I N D E N (nec FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 ) , Monogr. Libell. Europe: 1 3 . Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Southern Europe. 1832 Libellula erythraea, BRULLE, Exped. de Morée, 3 (1): 102. Type: unknown; type-locality: Greece. 1840 Libellula coccínea CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ. Lipsiae: 70. Type: not given. 1840 Libellula ferruginea - CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ., Lipsiae: 70 [proposed synonymy with erythrea
(BRULLE, 1832)].
1842 Libellula inquinata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 86. Type female: unknown; typelocality: Madagascar. 1868 Crocothemis erythraea - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 737 (as generotype of Crocothemis BRAUER, 1868). 1876 Hydronympha erythraea - BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent., I. Odonata: 9. 1 8 8 2 Crocothemis erythraea - M C L A C H L A N , J . Linn. Soc. London, 1 6 : 1 8 0 . 1890 Crocothemis erythraea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 21 (South Europe, India, Africa). 1895 Trithemis erythraea - CALVERT, Proc. US natn. Mus., 18: 127. 1906 Crocothemis erythraea - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 483 (Australia). 1911 Crocothemis erythraea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 536 (France, Spain, Sicilia, Sardegna, Senegal, Cap Town, Madagascar, Egypt, Sierra Leone, Morocco, Abyssinia, Uganda). 1915 Crocothemis erythraea - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 523 (Caucasus, Afghanistan, Transcaspica, Dalmatia, France, Algeria, Cameroon, Madagascar, Congo, Persia). 1916 Crocothemis erythraea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1165 (Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Ciscaucasica, Afghanistan, Persia, Turkestan). 1927 Crocothemis erythraea erythraea - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 70: 97 (North India). 1948 Crocothemis erythraea - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 173 (Armenia). 1962 Crocothemis erythraea - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 257 (Africa, Madagascar, Socotra, Canaries, Mediterranean Islands, South Arabia, S. E,. and C. Europe, W. and C. Asia).
Distribution: Mediterranean subregion, Middle East, Oman to Assam, West and Central Asia, Ethiopian region, and Madagascar. erythraea chaldaeorum
1920 Crocothemis erythraea chaldaeorum MORTON, Entomologist's month. Mag., 5: 298. Type male: Morton's Collection; type-locality: Iraq.
Distribution: Iraq.
indica 1985
Crocothemis indica Utrecht, 2: 110.
SAHNI, 1 9 6 5
- loe. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: North India. misrai 1955
Crocothemis misrai BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J . Res., Coll. Zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: India.
4 (2): 4 6 0 .
Type male: National
Distribution: India. nigrifrons
1894 Orthetrum nigrifrons KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 19. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Queensland. 1901 Orthetrum nigrifrons - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 224 (Queensland). 1906 Crocothemis nigrifrons - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 483. 1910 Crocothemis papuana - FÖRSTER, Wien. ent. Ztg., 29: 55. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: New Guinea. 1911 Crocothemis nigrifrons - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selysde Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 542 (Australia). 1911 Crocothemis papuana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 542 [proposed synonymy with nigrifrons (KIRBY, 1894)]. 1926 Crocothemis nigrifrons - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 484 (New Guinea, and North Australia).
Distribution: New Guinea, Australia. saxicolor Ris 1916 Crocothemis saxicolor Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1164. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: Mashonaland. 1921 Crocothemis saxicolor - Ris, Annls. S. Afr. Mus., 18: 412. 1962 Crocothemis saxicolor - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 259 (Rhodesia, Nyasaland).
Distribution: South-east Africa, sanguinolenta
1839 Libellula sanguinolenta BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 859. Type male: Winthem's Collection; type-locality: Cap. 1842 Libellula ferrugaria RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 82. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Cap. 1890 Trithemis sanguinolenta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1896 Trithemis ferrugaria - CALVERT, Proc. US natn. Mus., 18: 125 (redescription). 1898 Trithemis sanguinolenta - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 90 (redescription of holotype). 1906 Crocothemis erythraea pygmaea FÖRSTER, Mannheim Jb. Ver. Natk., 71 - 7 2 : 271. Type female: Ann Arbor Mus; type-locality: unknown. 1911 Crocothemis sanguinolenta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 534 (Sierra Leone, Congo, Transvaal, Abyssinia, Togo). 1958 Crocothemis sanguinolenta - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958: (10): 4 (tropical Africa and Madagascar). 1962 Crocothemis sanguinolenta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 259 (type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles). 1 9 8 5 Crocothemis arabica SCHNEIDER, 1 9 8 2 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 110 (Jordania).
Distribution: tropical Africa, Madagascar, and Jordania.
servilla servilia
1773 Libellula servilla DRURY, 111. Ex. Ent., 1:47. Type sex not given: unknown; type-locality: China. 1775 Libellula ferruginea FABRICIUS (nec VAN DER L I N D E N , 1825), Spec. Ins., 1: 521. Type: unknown. 1842 Libellula soror RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 82. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1868 Crocothemis servilia - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 737. 1886 Crocothemis reticulata KIRBY, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886: 328. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Campbellpore (Pakistan). 1890 Crocothemis servilia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 21. 1901 Crocothemis servilia - M A R T I N , M É M . Soc. zool. France, 1 4 : 224 (Japan to Queensland). 1911 Crocothemis servilia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 539 (Ceylon, Bengal, Nepal, Tibet, China, Japan, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Lombok, Celebes, Malacca). 1915 Crocothemis servilia- BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 537 (China, Japan, Celebes, New Guinea, Java, Ceylon, Sumatra). 1942 Crocothemis servilia - FRASER, Proc. R. ent Soc. London, (Β) 11: 103 (Malaya). 1954 Crocothemis servilia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 148 (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Bali, Borneo). 1955 Crocothemis servilia servilia - BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 459 (India).
Distribution: tropical Asia, Japan, ? Australia. servilia mariannae 1985
Crocothemis servilia mariannae the World, Utrecht, 2: 110.
KIAUTA, 1 9 8 3
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of
Distribution: Japan. servilia novaguineensis
1898 Crocothemis erythraea subrace novaguinnnae FÖRSTER, Természetr. Fiiz., Budapest, 21: 288. Male from New Guinea. 1985 Crocothemis servilia novaguinnae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 110.
Distribution: New Guinea, striata 1985
Crocothemis striata Utrecht, 2: 111.
LOHMANN, 1 9 8 1
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Cyanothemis Ris 1915 Cyanothemis Ris, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15: 217. Type-species: Cyanothemis simpsoni Ris (original designation). - 1916 Cyanothemis - Ris (as gen. nov.), Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1171. - 1934 Cyanothemis - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 27. - 1962 Cyanothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 262.
simpsoni Ris 1915 Cyanothemis simpsoni Ris, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15: 219 (as generotype of Cyanothemis Ris, 1915). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1916 Cyanothemis simpsoni - Ris (as sp. nov.), Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1172 (Sierra Leone, Nigeria).
439 1934 Cyanothemis Congo).
simpsoni - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 28 (Belgian
Distribution: West Africa. Genus Deielia 1889
Deielia K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 2 8 1 . Type-species: Deielia fasciata K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 (original designation). - 1890 Deielia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 23. Typespecies: Trithemis phaon SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) . - 1 9 0 5 Deielia - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 748 (key to species). - 1911 Deielia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 588 (revision). - 1915 Deielia - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 556 (revision).
1883 Trithemis phaon SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 106. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Yokohama. 1883 Trithemis phaon race dispar SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 107. Female from Loo-Choo. 1889 Deielia phaon - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 281 (as generotype of Deielia K I R B Y , 1889). 1889 Deielia fasciata - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 330. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.),London, type-locality: Sandwich Island. 1890 Deielia dispar - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 23. 1911 Deielia phaon - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 589 (Japan). 1915 Deielia phaon - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 559 (Japan). 1915 Deielia fasciata - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 559 [proposed synonymy with phaon (SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) ] .
1922 Deielia phaon brevistigma OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922:100. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; typelocality: Formosa. 1931 Deielia phaon - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 190 (China). 1933 Leucorrhinia nebulifera NAVAS, Mus. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 8: 6. Type male: Mus. Heude; type-locality: China. 1962 Deielia phaon - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl.: 11: 26. 1962 Leucorrhinia nebulifera - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl.: 11: 26 [proposed synonymy with phaon
(SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) ] .
Distribution: Japan, China, Taiwan. Genus Diplacodes
1889 Diplacodes K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 307. Type-species: Libellula tetra R A M B U R , 1842 (original designation). - 1890 Diplacodes KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 42. - 1905 Diplacodes - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 747 (key to species). - 1909 Diplacodes Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 28. - 1911 Diplacodes - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12:461 (revision, key to species). - 1 9 1 5 Diplacodes - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 473 (key to species). - 1921 Diplacodes Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18:409 (key to South African species). - 1 9 5 4 Diplacodes-LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 146. - 1962 Diplacodes - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 254. - 1962 Diplacodes - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 79 (key to Micronesian species).
1865 Libellula (Diplax) bipunctata BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 503. Type: not given, perhaps in Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Tahiti. 1867 Diplax bipunctata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 505 (Samoa).
440 1884 Diplax pacificus KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (5) 13: 455. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Tonga. 1890 Trithemis bipunctata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18. 1894 Sympetrum bipunctatum var. novae-zealandiae MCLACHLAN, Entomologist's month. Mag., (2) 5: 271. Male from New Zealand. 1904 Sympetrum bipunctatum - HUDSON, New Zealand Neur.: 13. 1904 Diplacodes bipunctata - KAMPNY, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 54: 352. 1911 Diplacodes bipunctata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 471 (Australia, New Caledonia, Marquesas, Tahiti, Christmas Isl., Sandwich Isl. 1942 Diplacodes bipunctata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 479 (New Guinea). 1952 Diplacodes bipunctata - ASAHINA, Mushi, 23 (6): 48 (Oceanian Islands, N. Australia).
Distribution: Australasia, and East Asia. deminuta
1985 Diplacodes deminuta LIEFTINCK, 1969 (new name for exilis PINHEY, 1958, a junior secondary homonymy of exilis Ris, 1911) - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 111.
Distribution: S. and C. Africa, exilis Ris 1883 Diplax exul SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 96. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: South Africa. 1 9 1 1 Diplacodes exilis Ris (nec PINHEY, 1 9 5 8 ) , Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 4 6 4 (new name for exul SELYS, 1 8 8 3 , a junior secondary homonymy of exul K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ) . 1916 Diplacodes exilis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1153 (Sikasso). 1921 Diplacodes exilis - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 409 (Mashounaland).
Distribution: South Africa.
1839 Libellula haematodes BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 849. Type male: Germar's Collection; typelocality: Australia. 1868 Erythemis haematodes - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 723. 1890 Crocothemis haematodes - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 22. 1898 Trithemis subhyalina FÖRSTER, Természetr. Füz., Budapest, 21: 289. Type male: ? Természett. Múz. Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. 1898 Sympetrum haematodes - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 62 (redescription of holotype). 1901 Diplax haematodes - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 223 (Australia, Celebes, New Guinea). 1908 Diplacodes haematodes - TILL YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 32: 722 (Australia). 1911 Diplacodes haematodes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 473 (New Guinea, Australia). 1917 Trithemis haematina - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 (13): 2 (Madagascar).
Distribution: Celebes, Timor, New Guinea, Australia, and ? Madagascar, lefebvrei
1842 Libellula lefebvrei RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 112. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Egypt. 1842 Libellula parvula RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 116. Type female: Dejean's Collection; type-locality: Senegal. 1842 Libellula flavistyla RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 117. Type male: not given; typelocality. Senegal.
441 1842 Libellula tetra RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 119. Type sex not given: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Mauritius. 1842 Libellula concinna RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 120. Type male: Hope Mus.; typelocality: Mauritius. 1845 Libellula morio SCHNEIDER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 6: 110. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Asia Minor. 1876 Hydronympha flavistyla - BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent., I. Odonata: 38. 1889 Diplacodes tetra - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 308 (as generotype of Diplacodes KIRBY, 1889). 1890 Diplacodes lefebvrei- KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 42. 1890 Libellula parvula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 42 [proposed synonymy with lefebwei
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
1890 Libellula flavistyla - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 42 [proposed synonymy with lefebwei
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
1890 Libellula tetra- KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 42 [proposed synonymy with lefebvrei (RAMBUR, 1842)].
1890 Libellula concinna - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 42 [proposed synonymy with lefebwei
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
1906 Diplacodes tetra unimaculata FÖRSTER, Wiesbaden Jb. Ver. Natk., 59: 307. Type male: Ann A r b o r Mus.; type-locality: unknown. 1911 Diplacodes lefebwei - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 465 (Morocco, Senegal, Egypt, Madagascar, Mauritius). 1911 Diplacodes tetra unimaculata - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 465 [proposed synonymy with lefebvrei ('RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1915 Diplacodeslefebvrei-B\KTENET, F a u n e l a d a R u s s . , Libell.: 479(Persia, Senegal, Mozambique, Madagascar, Morocco). 1924 Diplacodes lefebvrei - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 435 (West India) (type-locality: „ R a m bur's type was probably taken at or near Bombay"). 1949 Diplacodes lefebvrei race limbata FRASER, Mém. Inst. sci. Madagascar, 3A: 36. Male from Madagascar. 1962 Diplacodes lefebvrei - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 255 (Africa - except Cape, Socotra; Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion, Arabia, Asia Minor, Rhodes Island, Palestine, Persian Gulf, West India).
Distribution: from West India to Ethiopian region, with Madagascar, Réunion and Mauritius. melanopsis
1901 Diplax melanopsis (after SELYS undescribed) M A R T I N , Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 222. Type male: not given; type-locality: Victoria. 1911 Diplacodes melanopsis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 472 (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland).
Distribution: Australia. nebulosa 1793 1883 1889 1890 1906 1911
Libellula nebulosa FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 379. Type: not given: unknown; type-locality: India. Diplax nebulosa - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 96. Diplacodes nebulosa - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 308. Diplacodes nebulosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 42 (India, Ceylon). Diplacodes nebulosa - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 31: 484 (Australia). Diplacodes nebulosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 463 (Ceylon, India, Malacca, Bengal, Java, Queensland). 1915 Diplacodes nebulosa - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 476 (Celebes, Ceylon, Sikkim). 1934 Diplacodes nebulosa - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl.: 13: 380 (Sumatra).
442 1954 Diplacodes nebulosa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 146 (Penang, Malaya, Sumatra, Bangka, Java).
Distribution: from India to Australia, okavangoensis 1985
Diplacodes okavangoensis World, Utrecht, 2: 111.
PINHEY, 1 9 7 6
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Botswana. spinulosa
1915 Diplacodes spinulosa NAVAS, Mem. Acc. Nuovi Lincei, 33: 32. Type male: Navás's Collection; type-locality: Z u m b o (Mozambique). 1962 Diplacodes spinulosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. C o m p . Diam. Angola, 59: 245 (as synonym of Aethiothemis bequaerti Ris, 1916).
Distribution: Africa, trivialis
1798 Libellula braminea FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., Suppl.: 284. Type: unknown; tpe-locality: India. 1842 Libellula trivialis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 115. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Bombay. 1858 Libellula phalerata UHLER, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Phillad., 1858: 30. Type female: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1867 Diplay.: trivialis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 289 (New Guinea). 1882 Diplacodes trivialis - SELYS, Ann. Soc. Esp. Hist, nat., 11: 8. 1889 Trithemis trivialis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 278. 1890 Trithemis trivialis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18. 1890 Libellula braminea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18 [as synonym of trivialis (RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) ] .
1890 Libellula phalerata
- KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18 [as synonym of trivialis
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
1901 Diplacodes trivialis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 224 (New Guinea, Madagascar, Seychelles, Africa, Australia). 1911 Diplacodes trivialis - Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 468 (India, Burma, Sumatra, Java, New Guinea, Celebes, Ceylon, Luzon, Formosa). 1911 Diplacodes remota Ris, Coll. Zool. Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 470. Type female: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Solomon Islands. 1936 Diplacodes trivialis - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 141 (Bali, Sumbawa). 1954 Diplacodes trivialis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 147 (Oriental region). 1962 Diplacodes trivialis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 256 (Seychelles, Ceylon, India, Burma to S.E. Asia and Australia).
Distribution: from the Seychelles through India to Japan and the Ryukyu; eastward to Australia and the Fiji. Genus Erythemis
1861 Leptbemis HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 160. Type-species: Libellula vesiculosa FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 3 0 3 ) . - 1 8 6 1 Erythemis HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 168. Type-species: not given. -1861 Mesothemis HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 170. Type-species: Libellula simplicicollis SAY, 1 8 3 9 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 3 0 3 ) . - 1 8 8 9 Erythemis - K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. L o n d o n , 1 2 : 3 0 4 (type-species: Libellula peruviana R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . - 1890 Erythemis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40. - 1910 Mesothemis - M u r r -
443 Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee 1 (1): 155 (proposed synonymy with Erythemis HÄGEN, 1861). - 1 9 1 1 Lepthemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 606 (revision). - 1911 Erythemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 394 (revision, key to species). - 1945 Erythemis - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Amer., 38: 171. KOWSKI,
attala (SELYS) 1857 Libellula attala SELYS, in SAGRA: Hist. Cuba Ins.: 445. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Cuba. 1857 Libellula annulosa SELYS, in SAGRA: Hist. Cuba Ins.: 446. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Brazil. 1857 Libellula mithra SELYS, in SAGRA: Hist. Cuba Ins.: 446. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Martinique. 1861 Mesothemis attala - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 172. 1867 Lepthemis attala - HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 11: 292 (Cuba). 1889 Mesothemis attala - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40. 1890 Libellula annulosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40 [proposed synonymy with attala (SELYS, 1857)]. 1890 Libellula mithra - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: [proposed synonymy with attala (SELYS, 1857)].
1907 Erythemis attala - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 335 (Mexico to Brazil). 1911 Erythemis attala - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 602 (Mexico to Brazil, Cuba, Martinique). 1917 Erythemis attala - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (15): 49 (Amazonas). 1943 Erythemis attala - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 264 (from Mexico to Argentina).
Distribution: Mexico to Brazil, Cuba, Martinique (and ? Argentina). carmelita KENNEDY 1923 Erythemis carmelita KENNEDY, Univ. Mich. Univ. Mus. Zool. Misc. Pubi., 11: 10. Type male: Univ. Michigan; type-locality: S. America.
Distribution: South America. credula (HAGEN) 1861 Diplax credula HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 184. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: St. Thomas. 1890 Trithemis credula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20. 1899 Mesothemis credula - CALVERT, Proc. Calif. Acad., (3) 1: 408 (redescription of holotype). 1907 Erythemis credula - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 339 (St. Thomas, Brazil). 1910 Erythemis credula - MUTTKOWSKI, Pubi. Bull. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 156 (West Indies, St. Thomas, Brazil). 1911 Erythemis credula - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 597 (Venezuela, Para, Mexico, Colombia). 1916 Erythemis credula - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1173 (Br. Guiana, Trinidad).
Distribution: Mexico to Brazil. haematogastra (BURMEISTER) 1839 Libellula haematogastra BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 587. Type male: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1861 Lepthemis haematogastra - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 161. 1898 Lepthemis haematogastra - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 81. 1907 Lepthemis haematogastra - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 338 (Panama to Paraguay, and U.S.A.: Georgia; Jamaica).
444 1911 Erythemis Surinam). 1918 Erythemis 1946 Erythemis rica, West
- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 605 (Para,
haematogastra - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 180 (Panama). haematogastra - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London; 97: 471 (Peru, Central AmeIndies, Brazil).
Distribution: U.S.A. to Paraguay. mithroides
1861 Erythemis bicolor HAGEN (nec ERICHSON, 1848), Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 169. Type female: unknown; type-locality: New G r a n a d a . 1900 Mesothemis mithroides BRAUER, Beri. ent. Ζ., 45: 266. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Mexico. 1907 Erythemis mithroides - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 334. 1910 Erythemis mithroides - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 156 (Mexico to Paraguay). 1911 Erythemis mithroides - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 601 (Para, Venezuela, Panama). 1911 Erythemis bicolor - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 601 [proposed synonymy with mithroides (BRAUER, 1861)]. 1943 Erythemis
mithroides - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 264 (C. America to Argentina).
Distribution: Mexico to Argentina. peruviana
1842 Libellula peruviana RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 81. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Peru. 1845 Libellula rubriventris BLANCHARD, Voy. d'Orbigny Ins.; 217. Type female: unknown; typelocality: Corrientes. 1848 Libellula bicolor ERICHSON (nec HAGEN, 1861), Schomb. Reisen in Brit-Guiana, 3: 583. Type: unknown; type-locality: Guyana. 1861 Erythemis peruviana - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 318. 1889 Erythemis peruviana - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 304 (as generotype of Erythemis HÄGEN, 1861). 1890 Erythemis peruviana - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40. 1890 Libellula bicolor - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40 [proposed synonymy with peruviana
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
1911 Erythemis peruviana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 600 (Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Surinam). 1911 Libellula rubriventris - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 600 [proposed synonymy with peruviana (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1943 Erythemis peruviana - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 264 (Mexico to Argentina).
Distribution: Mexico to Argentina. plebeja
1839 Libellula plebeja BURMEISTER, (nec RAMBUR, 1842), H a n d b . Ent., 2: 856. Type female: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Brazil. 1861 Leptbemis verbenata HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 162. Type male: Mus. Comp. Zool.; type-locality: Cuba. 1890 Lepthemis plebeja - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 39. 1890 Libélula verbenata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40 [incorrect synonymy with aitala
(SELYS, 1857)].
1898 Mesothemis 1899 Mesothemis
plebeja - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 78 (redescription of holotype). verbenata - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 3: 366 (Panama).
445 1911 Erythemis plebeja - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 603 (South US to Paraguay). 1943 Erythemis plebeja - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 265 (tropical S. America).
Distribution: South U.S.A. to Paraguay. simplicicollis simplicicollis (SAY) 1839 Libellula simplicicollis SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 28. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: N. America. 1842 Libellula coerulans RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 64. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Philadelphia. 1842 Libellula maculiventris RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 87. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1866 Mesothemis gundlachii SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 195. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: unknown. 1890 Mesothemis simplicicollis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40. 1890 Libellula coerulans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40 [proposed synonymy with simplicicollis
(SAY, 1839)].
1890 Libellula maculiventris - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40 [proposed synonymy with simplicicollis (SAY, 1839)]. 1905 Erythemis simplicicollis - CALVERT, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc., 7: 42 (New England). 1911 Erythemis simplicicollis simplicicollis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 598 (Illinois, Florida, Baltimore, Cuba, Jamaica, Indiana) (key to subspecies). 1911 Mesothemis gundlachii - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 598 [proposed synonymy with simplicollis simplicicollis (SAY, 1839)]. 1916 Erythemis simplicollis simplicicollis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1173 (Ontario, New Jersey).
Distribution: Canada, U.S.A., and West Indies. simplicollis collocata
1861 Mesothemis collocata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 171. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1895 Mesothemis simplicicollis var. collocata - CALVERT, Proc. Calif. Acad., (2) 4: 552. 1907 Erythemis collocata - WILLIAMSON, Ohio Nat., 7: 150 (British Colombia). 1910 Erythemis simplicicollis collocata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee 1 (1): 158 (California, Montana to Texas, Mexico). 1911 Erythemis simplicollis collocata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 600 (Texas, California, Washington). 1946 Erythemis collocata - LA RIVERS, Ent. News, 57: 216 (Nevada). 1985 Erythemis collocata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 112.
Distribution: U.S.A. to British Colombia. vesiculosa
1775 Libellula vesiculosa FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.; 421. Type male: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1839 Libellula acuta SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 24. Type lost. 1861 Lepthemis vesiculosa - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 160. 1889 Lepthemis vesiculosa - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 303 (as generotype of Lepthemis HÄGEN; 1861).
1898 Lepthemis vesiculosa - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 25: 82. 1910 Lepthemis vesiculosa- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 158 (Florida, Antilles, Texas, Mexico, Paraguay). 1911 Lepthemis vesiculosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 606 (Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Surinam, Brazil).
446 1911 Libellula acuta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, - 13: 606 [proposed synonymy with vesiculosa (FABRICIUS, 1775)]. 1946 Lepthemis vesiculosa - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 471 (Peru, Central America, West Indies). 1947 Lepthemis vesiculosa - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 457 (West Indies, Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina). 1985 Erythemis vesiculosa - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 113.
Distribution: from Central America to Argentina. Genus Erythrodiplax
1868 Erythrodiplax BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 368. Type-species: Libellula (Diplax) plebeia RAMBUR, 1842 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. L o n d o n , 12: 278. 1910 Erythrodiplax - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 150. (Type-species: Libellula fusca RAMBUR, 1842). - 1911 Erythrodiplax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 475 (revision, key to species). - 1942 Erythrodiplax - BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 286 (revision). - 1945 Erythrodiplax - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Amer., 38: 169 [typespecies: Libellula (Diplax) corallina BRAUER, 1865].
1842 Libellula abjecta RAMBUR (nec SCUDDER, 1866), Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 83. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Colombia. 1890 Trithemis abjecta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20. 1891 Erythrodiplax ponderosa KARSCH, SOC. Ent., 6: 113. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Ecuador. 1895 Trithemis basifusca CALVERT, Proc. Acad. Calif., (2) 4: 536. Type male: Calif. Acad., typelocality: California. 1906 Erythrodiplax abjecta - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., London: 265. 1910 Erythrodiplax basifusca - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 152 (California, Mexico to Paraguay). 1911 Erythrodiplax connata abjecta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 506 (Colombia). 1911 Trithemis basifusca - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 506 [proposed synonymy with abjecta (RAMBUR), 1842)]. 1919 Diplax abjecta-CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 371 [as synonym of connata (BURMEISTER), 1839)].
Distribution: California to Paraguay, acantha
1942 Erythrodiplax acantha BORROR, Contr. Zool., Ent., 4: 199. Type: not given; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. amazónica amazónica
1917 Erythrodiplax amazónica SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool. Uppsala, 11 (15): 46. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: Amazonas. 1919 Erythrodiplax lenti Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1156. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: British Guyana. 1942 Erythrodiplax amazónica amazónica - BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 53.
Distribution: Guyanas, Brazil. amazónica melanica BORROR 1942 Erythrodiplax amazónica melanica BORROR, Contr., Zool., Ent., 4: 53. Type male: unknown; type-locality·. Peru.
447 1946 Erythrodiplax
amazónica melanica - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 470 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru. anatoidea
1942 Erythrodiplax anatoidea BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 66. Type male: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. andagoya
1942 Erythrodiplax andagoya BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 123. Type male: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia. angustipennis
1942 Erythrodiplax angustipennis BORROR, Contr. Zool., Ent., 4: 68. Type male: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Bolivia.
Distribution: Bolivia. anomala
1865 Libellula (Diplax) anomala BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 504. Type male: not given; type-locality: Brazil. 1868 Erythrodiplax anomala - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 723. 1890 Erythrodiplax anomala - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 21. 1911 Erythrodiplax anomala - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 514 (Brazil). 1916 Erythrodiplax anomala - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1160 (Argentina). 1953 Erythrodiplax anomala - SANTOS, An. Acad. bras. Cienc., 25: 500 (redescription).
Distribution: Brazil, and Argentina. atroterminata Ris 1911 Erythrodiplax connata atroterminata Ris (in SELYS MS), Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 501. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Rio Grande. 1916 Erythrodiplax connata atroterminata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1159 (Argentina, Paraguay). 1947 Erythrodiplax atroterminata - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 454 (Argentina, Brazil).
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. attenuata
1889 Trithemis (?) attenuata KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 328. Type sex not given: ? British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Santarem. 1890 Micrathyria attenuata - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 371 (Para). 1911 Erythrodiplax attenuata - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 517 (Surinam, Brazil). 1917 Erythrodiplax hyalina SJÖSTEDT (nec FÖRSTER, 1907), Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (15): 49. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: S. America. 1943 Erythrodiplax attenuata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 264 (Peru). 1961 Erythrodiplax attenuata - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 14 (redescription).
Distribution: South America.
448 basalis basalis
1897 Micrathyria basalis KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 19: 610. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Parana. 1911 Erythrodiplax basalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 516 (Brazil, Colombia). 1943 Erythrodiplax basalis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 264 (Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Guyanas, Trinidad). 1946 Erythrodiplax basalis basalis - FRASER, Trans R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 470 (Peru).
Distribution: tropical South America. basalis avittata
1942 Erythrodiplax basalis avittata BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 141. Type male: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil, berenice berenice
1773 Libellula berenice DRURY, 111. Ex. Ent., 1: 48. Type female: unknown; type-locality: America. 1839 Libellula histrio BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 849. Type female: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: New York. 1861 Diplax berenice - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 178. 1890 Trithemis berenice - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1893 Micrathyria berenice - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 20: 260 (Pennsylvania, Mass. to Virginia). 1906 Erythrodiplax berenice berenice - CALVERT, Biol. Centr. Amer., London: 269. 1911 Erythrodiplax berenice berenice - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 522 (key to subspecies) (Maryland, Georgia, Baltimore, New York).
Distribution: U.S.A. berenice naeva
1861 Dythemis naeva HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 167. Type sex not given: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1890 Macrothemis naeva - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 33. 1906 Erythrodiplax berenice naeva - CALVERT, Biol. Centr. Amer., London: 270 (Florida, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama). 1910 Erythrodiplax berenice naeva- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 151 (Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Panama). 1911 Erythrodiplax berenice naeva - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 523. 1919 Erythrodiplax berenice naeva - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 369 (Cuba).
Distribution: South U.S.A., and Central America. branconensis
1929 Erythrodiplax branconensis SJÖSTEDT, Ent. Tidschr., 50: 295. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist., Stockholm; type-locality: Amazonas.
Distribution: Brazil. castanea
1839 Libellula castanea BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 854. Type male: Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge; type-locality: Bahia. 1875 Diplax castanea - HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 92 (Bahia). 1890 Sympetrum castaneum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1898 Erythrodiplax castanea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 73 (redescription of holotype).
449 1911 Erythrodiplax castanea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12:486 (Colombia, Brazil, Surinam, British Guyana). 1943 Erythrodiplax castanea - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 263 (tropical South America). 1946 Erythrodiplax castanea - FRASER, Trans. R. Ent. Soc. London, 97: 470 (Peru, Colombia).
Distribution: tropical South America. cauca
1942 Erythrodiplax cauca BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 183. Type male: Borror's Collection; typelocality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia. chromoptera
1942 Erythrodiplax chromoptera BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 128. Type female: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1953 Erythrodiplax chromoptera - SANTOS, Dusenia, 4: 248 (description of male).
Distribution: Brazil. Cleopatra Ris 1911 Erythrodiplax elles, 12: 501. 1943 Erythrodiplax 1947 Erythrodiplax
connata Cleopatra Ris, in SELYS MS), Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, BruxType male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Peru. connata Cleopatra - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 263 (Peru). Cleopatra - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 455 (Argentina, Chile, Peru).
Distribution: Peru, Chile, Argentina. clitella
1942 Erythrodiplax clitella BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 125. Type male: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela, connata connata
1839 Libellula connata BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 855. Type male: Mus. Comp. Zool., Cambridge; type-locality: Peru. 1842 Libellula communis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 93. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist., Nat., Paris; type-locality: Chile. 1865 Libellula leontina BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien. 15: 505. Type male: not given; typelocality: Chile. 1865 Libellula (Diplax) chloropleura BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 504. Type male: not given; type-locality: Chile. 1866 Diplax abjecta SCUDDER (nec RAMBUR, 1842), Proc. Boston Soc. nat Hist., 10: 196. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1 8 7 3 D i p l a x f r a t e r n a HAGEN ( n e c ALBARDA, 1 8 8 1 ) , P r o c . B o s t o n S o c . n a t . H i s t . , 15: 3 7 5 ( n e w n a m e f o r abjecta SCUDDER, 1 8 6 6 , a j u n i o r s e c o n d a r y h o m o n y m y o f abjecta RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
1888 Diplax portoricana KOLBE, Arch. Nat., 56: 168. Type female: unknown; type-locality: Porto Rico. 1890 Erythrodiplax connata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 21. 1896 Diplacodes portoricana - CARPENTER, J. Inst. Jamaica, 2: 261 (description of male). 1898 Erythrodiplax connata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 77 (redescription of holotype). 1906 Erythrodiplax fraterna - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Am., London: 253. 1904 Micrathyria pallida NEEDHAM, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 27: 710. Type nymph: U S natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Brazil. 1910 Erythrodiplax connata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 151.
450 1910 Libellula communis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 151 [proposed synonymy with connata BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1910 Libellula leontina -MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 151 [proposed synonymy with connata (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1911 Erythrodiplax connata connata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 499 (key to subspecies).
Distribution: tropical South America. connata minuscula
1842 Libellula minuscula RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 115. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Amer. sept. 1861 Diplax minuscula - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 183 (Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Brazil). 1889 Diplacodes minuscula - KIRBY, Trans, Zool. Soc. London, 12: 308. 1890 Libellula minuscula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19 [incorrect synonymy with Trithemis
(HAGEN, 1868],
1896 Trithemis minuscula - CASTLE & LAURENT, Ent. News, 7: 302. 1906 Erythrodiplax minuscula - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.Amer., London: 249 (Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, West Indies). 1911 Erythrodiplax minuscula - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 524.
Distribution: U.S.A. to Argentina. corallina
1842 Libellula plebeia RAMBUR (nec BURMEISTER, 1839), Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 107. Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Chile. 1865 Libellula (Diplax) corallina BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 15: 502. Type male: not given; type-locality: Chile. 1866 Libellula (Erythemis) corallina - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara; 84 (redescription). 1868 Erythemis corallina - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 723. 1889 Erythrodiplax corallina - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 278 (as generotype of Erythrodiplax
BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 ) .
1890 Erythrodiplax plebeia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 21 (as generotype of Erythrodiplax
BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 ) .
1911 Erythrodiplax corallina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 490 (Chile). 1911 Libellula plebeia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 490 [proposed synonymy with corallina (BRAUER, 1865)]. 1914 Erythrodiplax nutrina FÖRSTER, Arch. Naturg., 80 (A): 72. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Argentina. 1927 Erythrodiplax corallina - NAVAS, Revista Ent., 1927: 22 (Argentina). 1942 Erythrodiplax corallina - BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 88. 1942 Erythrodiplax nutrina - BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 88 [proposed synonymy with corallina (BRAUER, 1 8 6 5 ) ] .
1947 Erythrodiplax
corallina - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 455 (Argentina).
Distribution: Chile, and Argentina. erratica
1848 Libelulla erratica ERICHSON, Schmob. Reise in Brit. Guiana, 3: 584. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Guyana. 1890 Trithemis erratica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 179. 1911 Erythrodiplax erratica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 494 (Guyana). 1916 Erythrodiplax erratica - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 179 (Colombia). 1943 Erythrodiplax erratica - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 263 (Colombia).
Distribution: British Guyana, Colombia.
451 famula
1848 Libellula famula ERICHSON, Schomb. Reisen in Brit. Guiana, 3: 584. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: British Guyana. 1890 Trithemis famula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20. 1911 Erythrodiplax ochracea aequatoris Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 489. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1916 Erythrodiplax ochracea aequatoris - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1158 (British Guiana, Colombia). 1985 Erythrodiplax ochracea aequatoris - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 1 4 [as s y n o n y m oí famula
(ERICHSON, 1 8 4 8 ) ] .
Distribution: Guyanas, Colombia. fervida
1848 Libellula fervida ERICHSON, Schomb. Reisen in Brit. Guiana, 3: 584. Type: unknown; typelocality: British Guiana. 1857 Libellula justina - SELYS, Sagra, Hist. Cuba Ins.; 450. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Cuba. 1911 Libellula fervida - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 487 [incorrect synonymy with ochracea (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1911 Libellula justina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9:487 [incorrect synonymy with ochracea (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1985 Erythrodiplax fervida - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 114. 1985 Erythrodiplax justina - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 114 [as synonym with fervida (ERICHSON, 1848)].
Distribution: Cuba, British Guyana. fulva
1957 Erythrodiplax fulva BORROR, Acta biol. venezuel., 2: 31. Type male: Borror's Collection; typelocality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. funerea
1861 Libellula funerea HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 158. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mexico. 1889 Neurothemis affìnis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 323. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Barang. 1890 Belonia funerea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 29. 1889 Trithemis funerea - CALVERT, Proc. Calif. Acad., (3) 1: 398. 1899 Trithemis tyleri KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 3: 364. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Panama. 1906 Erythrodiplax funerea - CALVERT, Biol. Centr. Amer., London: 249 (California, Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama). 1910 Erythrodiplax funerea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 151 (California, Mexico, Central America). 1910 Trithemis tyleri - MUTTKOWSKI, Pubi. Bull. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 151 [proposed synonymy w i t h funerea
(HAGEN, 1861)].
1910 Neurothemis ajfinis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 151 [proposed synonymy with funerea (HAGEN, 1861)]. 1911 Erythrodiplax funerea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 483 (Central America, Ecuador). 1918 Erythrodiplax funerea - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 179 (Panama, Colombia).
Distribution: Central America, Ecuador, Colombia.
452 gamesi
1946 Erythrodiplax gamesi SANTOS, Rev. brasil. Biol., 6: 33. Type male: Rio de Janeiro Mus.; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. hyalina
1985 Erythrodiplax hyalina FÖRSTER (nec SJÖSTEDT, 1918) 1907 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, T h e
Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 114.
Distribution: South America. ines Ris 1911 Erythrodiplax connata ines Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 510. Type male: Hamburg Mus.; type-locality: Ecuador. 1916 Erythrodiplax connata ines - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1160 (Ecuador, Bolivia). 1943 Erythrodiplax connata ines - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 263 (Peru). 1985 Erythrodiplax ines - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 114.
Distribution: Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru. juliana Ris 1911 Erythrodiplax nigricans juliana Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 513. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1947 Erythrodiplax juliana - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 455 (Argentina).
Distribution: Brazil, Argentina. justiniana
1857 Libellula justiniana SELYS (nec HÄGEN, 1861), Sagra, Hist. Cuba Ins.; 450. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1861 Diplax justiniana HÄGEN (nec SELYS, 1857), S y n . N e u r . N . A m e r . , W a s h i n g t o n : 181. T y p e
male: Boston Mus., type-locality: Cuba. 1868 Diplax ambusta HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 11: 293 (new name for justiniana HÄGEN, 1861, a junior secondary homonymy of justiniana SELYS, 1857). 1890 Trithemis justiniana - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1910 Erythrodiplax justiniaia - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 153. 1910 Diplax ambusta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 153 [proposed synonymy w i t h justiniana
(SELYS, 1857)].
1911 Erythrodiplax connata justiniana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 509 (Cuba, Haiti, Dominica, Jamaica).
Distribution: Antilles. kimminsi
1942 Erythrodiplax kimminsi BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 86. Type male: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Colombia.
Distribution: Colombia. latimaculata Ris 1911 Erythrodiplax latimaculata Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 495. Type m a l e : Selys's C o l l e c t i o n ; type-locality: P a r a .
453 1916 Erythrodiplaxlatimaculata-Ris, Grosso).
Coll. Zool., Selysde Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1159 (Matto
Distribution: Brazil. lativittata
1942 Erythrodiplax lativittata BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 100. Type maie: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1985 Erythrodiplax lativittata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 115 (S. America).
Distribution: Brazil. laurentia
1942 Erythrodiplax laurentia BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 83. Type maie: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Guyana.
Distribution: Guyana. longitudinalis (Ris) 1916 Anatya longitudinalis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1140. Type maie: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas. 1 9 8 5 Erythrodiplax longitudinalis - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 1 5 .
Distribution: Brazil. luteofrons
1956 Erythrodiplax luteofrons SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro, 141: 1. Type male: Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. lygaea Ris 1911 Erythrodiplax lygaea Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 515. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: „S. Joao del Rey".
Distribution: Brazil. maculosa
1861 Nannophya maculosa HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 187. Type male: Zürich Mus.; type-locality: Georgia. 1868 Nannothemis maculosa - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 726. 1890 Nannothemis maculosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 45. 1905 Diplacodes friedericella FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 1905: 75. Type female: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Paraguay. 1911 Erythrodiplax maculosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 526. 1916 Erythrodiplax maculosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1161 (Matto Grosso). 1916 Diplacodes friedericella-R\s, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1161 [proposed synonymy with maculosa ( H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) ] .
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay. media
1942 Erythrodiplax media BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4:178. Type male: Borror's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil.
454 melanorubra
1942 Erythrodiplax melanorubra BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 184. Type male: Ohio Univ.; typelocality: Argentina. 1947 Erythrodiplax melanorubra - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 456 (Venezuela, Argentina).
Distribution: Venezuela to Argentina. nigricans
1842 Libellula nigricans RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 97. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Buenos Aires. 1842 Libellula vilis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris. 98. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Buenos Aires. 1861 Diplax nigricans - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 319. 1890 Sympetrum nigricans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1890 Trithemis vilis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20. 1904 Erythrodiplax nigricans - Ris, Hamb. Mag. Samm.Odon.: 41. 1911 Erythrodiplax nigricans nigricans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 512 (Brazil). 1911 Libellula vilis-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 512 [proposed synonymy with nigricans (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1947 Erythrodiplax nigricans - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 454 (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia).
Distribution: tropical South America, nivea
1942 Erythrodiplax nivea BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 134. Type male: Borror's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil, ochracea ochracea
1839 Libellula ochracea BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 854. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mexico. 1842 Libellula distinguenda RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 81. Type sex and locality not given. 1861 Diplax ochracea - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 181. 1890 Trithemis ochracea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1890 Libellula distinguenda - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19 [proposed synonymy with ochracea
(BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) ] .
1898 Trithemis ochracea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 97: 470 (redescription of holotype. 1910 Erythrodiplax ochracea - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 153. 1911 Erythrodiplax ochracea ochracea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 487 (key to subspecies) (Venezuela, Guatemala, Brazil, Colombia, Br. Guinea, Paraguay, Cuba, Mexico, Honduras). 1947 Erythrodiplax ochracea - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 456 (Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina).
Distribution: Central and South America, ochracea solimaea Ris 1911 Erythrodiplax ochracea solimaea Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 490. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Ega.
Distribution: Brazil.
455 paraguayensis
1905 Diplacodes paraguayensis FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 1905: 76. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Paraguay. 1911 Diplacodes paraguayensis - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 524 [incorrect synonymy with minuscula (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1985 Erythrodiplax paraguayensis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:115.
Distribution: Paraguay. parvimaculata
1942 Erythrodiplax parvimaculata BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 82. Type male: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Bolivia.
Distribution: Bolivia. tenuis
1942 Erythrodiplax tenuis BORROR, Contr. Zool. Ent., 4: 123. Type male: Borror's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil, transversa
1957 Erythrodiplax transversa BORROR, Acta biol. venezuel., 2: 37. Type male: Borror's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. umbrata
1758 Libellula umbrata LINNAEUS Syst. Nat., 1. 545. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Surinam. 1773 Libellula unifasciata DE GEER (nec RAMBUR, 1842), Mem. Hist. Ins., 3: 557. Type: unknown. 1839 Libellula fallax BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 855. Type male: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: Surinam. 1839 Libellula subfasciata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 855. Type male: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: Brazil. 1839 Libellula tripartita BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 855. Type male: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Cuba. 1839 Libellula ruralis BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 856. Type female: Halle Mus.; type-locality: St. Thomas. 1842 Libellula flavicans RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 87. Type sex not given; Serville's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1845 Libellula fuscofasciata BLANCHARD, Voy. d'Orbigny Ins.; 217. Type male: lost; type-locality: Brazil. 1899 Trithemis umbrata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20. 1890 Libellula unifasciata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20 [proposed synonymy with umbrata (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1890 Libellula fallax - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20 [proposed synonymy with umbrata (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1890 Libellula subfasciata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20 [proposed synonymy with umbrata (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1890 Libellula tripartita - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20 [proposed synonymy with umbrata (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1890 Libellula ruralis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20 [proposed synonymy with umbrata (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1899 Trithemis montezuma CALVERT, Proc. Calif. Acad., 1: 397. Type female: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1906 Erythrodiplax umbrata - CALVERT, Biol. Centr. Amer., London: 251.
456 1911 Erythrodiplax umbrata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 484 (C. and S. America). 1911 Libellula fuscofasciata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 484 [proposed synonymy with umbrata (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1911 Trithemis montezuma - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 484 [proposed synonymy with umbrata (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1916 Erythrodiplax umbrata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1156 (Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, Mexico, Panama, Argentina). 1918 Erythrodiplax umbrata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 179 (Panama, Colombia, Bolivia). 1947 Erythrodiplax umbrata - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 454 (Argentina).
Distribution: Central and South America. unimaculata
(DE G E E R )
1773 Libellula unimaculata DE GEER, Mém. Ins., 3: 557. Type male: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: Surinam. 1839 Libellula pulla BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 855. Type male: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1861 Diplax unimaculata - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 318. 1890 Trithemis unimaculata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 20. 1890 Micrathyria hemimelaena KARSCH, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 51: 296. Type male: D o h r n ' s Collection; type-locality: Sarayacu (Ecuador). 1897 Trithemis erichsoni KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 293. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazonas. 1906 Erythrodiplax unimaculata - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.Amer., London: 243 (Panama, Surinam, Para, Paraguay). 1911 Erythrodiplax unimaculata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 491 (Surinam, Brazil, Paraguay). 1911 Libellula pulla - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12:491 [proposed synonymy with unimaculata (DE G E E R , 1 7 7 3 ) ] . 1911 Micrathyria hemimelaena- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12:491 [proposed synonymy with unimaculata (DE G E E R , 1 7 7 3 ) ] . 1946 Erythrodiplax unimaculata - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 470 (Peru).
Distribution: tropical South America. venusta
1897 Micrathyria venusta KIRBY, A n n . Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 19: 612. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazonas. 1911 Micrathyria venusta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 517 [incorrect synonymy with attenuata (KIRBY, 1889)]. 1895 Erythrodiplax venusta - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 115.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Indothemis Ris 1909 Indothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 29. Type-species: Libellula caesia RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1915 Indothemis - BARTENEF, F a u n a de la Russ. Libell.: 548. - 1954 Indothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 149.
1798 Libellula carnatica FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 284. Type male: lost; type-locality: India. 1842 Libellula caesia RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 95. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality Bombay. 1884 Diplax meridionalis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 36. Type female: Atkinson's Collection; type-locality: India.
457 1909 Indothemis caesia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 9: 30 (as generotype of Indothemis Ris, 1909). 1955 Indothemis caesia - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 78 (Ceylon). 1985 Indothemis carnatica - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 116. 1985 Indothemis analis SELYS (RIS, 1911) - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of t h e W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 116 (emandation).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka to Vietnam. limbata limbata
1891 Trithemis limbata SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 30: 463. Type male: Mus. civ. Stör. nat. Hist. Genova; type-locality: Burma. 1911 Indothemis limbata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 531 (Perak, Singapore). 1924 Indothemis limbata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 435 (description of female) (West India). 1936 Indothemis limbata limbata - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 3: 342 (Siam). 1954 Indothemis limbata limbata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 148 (Siam, Malaya, Singapore).
Distribution: India to Malaysia. limbata sita
1923 Indothemis limbata sita CAMPION, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 11: 29. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1936 Indothemis limbata sita - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 3: 342. 1955 Indothemis limbata sita - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 79 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. Genus Nadiplax
1916 Nadiplax NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. n. Line., (2) 2: 73. Type-species: Nadiplax diversa NAVAS, 1916 (original designation).
1916 Nadiplax diversa NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. η. Line., (2) 2: 73 (as generotype of Nadiplax NAVAS, 1916). Type male: unknown; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Nannodiplax
1868 Nannodiplax BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 369. Type-species: Nannodiplax rubra BRAUER, 1868 ( d e s i g n a t e d b y KIRBY, 1889; T r a n s . Z o o l . Soc. L o n d o n ; 12: 312. - 1911
nodiplax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 453 (revision).
1868 Nannodiplax rubra BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 556 (as generotype of Nannodiplax BRAUER, 1868). Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Queensland. 1901 Nannodiplax rubra - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 255 (Victoria, Queensland). 1911 Nannodiplax rubra - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 454 (Victoria, Queensland, New Guinea). 1916 Nannodiplax rubra - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1152 (Thursday Island, Cape York, New Guinea).
Distribution: Papua-Australia.
458 Genus Nesogonia
1898 Nesogonia KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 347. Type-species: Orthetrum blackburni MCLACHLAN, 1883 (original designation). - 1 9 1 1 Nesogonia - Ris, Coll., Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 614 (revision). - 1948 Nesogonia - ZIMMERMANN, Ins. Hawaii, 2: 335.
1883 Orthetrum (? Lepthemis) blackburni MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (5) 12: 229. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: no type-locality was given by MCLACHLAN -
1890 Orthetrum blackburni - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36. 1890 Sympetrum blackburni - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 373. 1898 Nesogonia blackburni - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 347 (as generotype of Nesogonia KIRBY, 1 8 9 8 ) .
1911 Nesogonia blackburni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 615 (Hawaii). 1936 Nesogonia blackburni - WILLIAMS, Proc. Haw. ent. Soc., 9: 290 (redescription) (Hawaii). 1948 Nesogonia blackburni - ZIMMERMANN, Ins. Hawaii, 2: 337 (Hawaii).
Distribution: Hawaii. Genus Neurothemis
1842 Polyneura RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 127. Type-species: Polyneura apicalis RAMBUR, 1842 (first species). - 1867 Neurothemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 17: 8 (new name for Polyneura RAMBUR, a junior homonymy of Polyneura WESTWOOD, 1840 in Hemiptera). Type-species: Libellula fulvia DRURY, 1773 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 271). - 1889 Untamo KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 284. Type-species: Untamo apicalis KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1890 Neurothemis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7. - 1905 Neurothemis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 746 (key to species) (type-species: Libellula sophronia DRURY, 1773). 1911 Neurothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 548 (revision, key to species). - 1915 Neurothemis BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 495. - 1915 Untamo - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 495 (proposed synonymy with Neurothemis BRAUER, 1 8 6 7 ) . - 1 9 5 4 Neurothemis
LIEFTINCK, T r e u b i a , 2 2 S u p p l . : 1 4 9 . - 1 9 6 2 Neurothemis
TINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 78.
1866 Polyneura decora BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 16: 567. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Amboina. 1867 Neurothemis decora - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 7. 1890 Polyneura decora - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 [incorrect synonymy with fluctuons
(FABRICIUS, 1793].
1898 Polyneura paradisea FÖRSTER, Természetr. Fiiz., Budapest, 21: 277. Type male: ? Természett. Múz., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. 1911 Neurothemis decora - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 557 (New Guinea). 1911 Polyneura paradisea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 557 [proposed synonymy with decora (BRAUER, 1866)]. 1926 Neurothemis decora - TILLYARD, Ree. Austral. Mus., 15: 164 (New Guinea). 1942 Neurothemis decora - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 480 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. disparilis
1889 Neurothemis disparilis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 322. Type male: British Museum (Nat.Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1911 Neurothemis disparilis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 566 (Borneo).
459 1915 Neurothemis disparilis - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ. Libell.: 512 (Borneo). 1931 Neurothemis disparilis - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 255 (Singapore, Kelautan). 1954 Neurothemis disparilis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 149 (Malaya, Singapore).
Distribution: Borneo, Malaysia, Singapore. feralis
1839 Libellula equestris var. feralis BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 855. Male from Java. 1842 Libellula communimacula RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 73. Type male: locality not given. 1868 Neurothemis feralis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 718 (Molocca, Sumatra). 1890 Neurothemis feralis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8. 1890 Libellula communimacula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8 [proposed synonymy w i t h feralis
(BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) ] .
1911 Neurothemis tullía feralis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selysde Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 563 (Malacca, Celebes, Java). 1954 Neurothemis tullia feralis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 152 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Krakatau). 1985 Neurothemis feralis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 117.
Distribution: from Thailand to Borneo. fulvia
1773 Libellula fulvia DRURY, 111. Exot. Ins., 2: 84. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: China. 1773 Libellula sophronia DRURY, 111. Exot. Ins., 2: 86. Type: unknown; type-locality: China. 1838 Libellula apicalis GUÉRIN, (nec RAMBUR, 1842), Voy. Cop. Zool., 2 (2): 194. Type: unknown; type-locality: Amboina. 1842 Polyneura fulvia - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 129. 1842 Polyneura apicalis - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 129 (as generotype of Polyneura RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
1889 Neurothemis fulvia - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 271 (as generotype oí Neurothemis BRAUER, 1 8 6 7 ) .
1889 Uniamo apicalis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 284 (as generotype of Untamo KIRBY, 1889).
1890 Libellula sophronia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 [proposed synonymy with fulvia
(DRURY, 1773)].
1903 Neurothemis sumatrana KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 64: 285. Type male: Stettin Mus.; typelocality: Sumatra. 1911 Neurothemisfulvia-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 580 (Bengal, Nepal, Assam, Hong Kong, Penang, Malacca). 1911 Libellula apicalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 580 [proposed synonymy with fulvia (DRURY, 1773)]. 1911 Neurothemis sumatrana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 580 [proposed synonymy with fulvia (DRURY, 1773)]. 1924 Neurothemis fulvia - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 438 (West India). 1936 Neurothemis fulvia - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 3: 354 (Siam, Malaya). 1955 Neurothemis fulvia - BAIJAL & AGARWAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 463 (India). 1965 Neurothemis fulvia - ASAHINA, Kontyû, 33 (4): 502 (Hongkong).
Distribution: S. E. Asia, fluctuans (FABRICIUS) 1793 Libellula fluctuans FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 379. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Java. 1842 Polyneura palliata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 129. Type: unknown.
460 1867 Neurothemis nicobariaca BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 12: 17. Type male: not given; type-locality: Nicobar. 1867 Neurothemis ceylanica BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 12: 11. Type male: not given; type-locality: Ceylon. 1867 Neurothemis incerta BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 12: 12. Type female: not given; type-locality: Celebes. 1869 Neurothemis fluctuons - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 30: 105. 1901 Neurothemis fluctuons - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 222 (Australia). 1911 Neurothemis fluctuons - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 566 (type in Kobenhavn Mus.) (Oriental region). 1915 Neurothemis fluctuons - BARTENEF, F a u n e de la Russ. Libell.: 514 (Burma, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region, and Australia. intermedia intermedia
1842 Libellula intermedia RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt. Paris: 91. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Bombay. 1868 Trithemis intermedia - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 736. 1890 Neurothemis intermedia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8. 1911 Neurothemis intermedia intermedia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 563 (type male: Selys's Collection). 1915 Neurothemis intermedia intermedia - BARTENEF, F a u n e de la Russ., Libell.: 510 (Ceylon, Bombay). 1954 Neurothemis intermedia intermedia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Supp.: 150. 1955 Neurothemis intermedia intermedia - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 79 (Ceylon).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, intermedia atalanta Ris 1916 Neurothemis intermedia atalanta Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1168. Type male: M o r t o n ' s Collection; type-locality: Assam.
Distribution: Assam.
intermedia degener
1879 Neurothemis degener SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 14: 296. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Bengal. 1890 Neurothemis degener - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8 [proposed synonymy with intermedia ( R A M B U R , 1 8 5 2 ) ] . 1904 Neurothemis septentrionalis FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 1904: 363. Type male: Förster's Collection; type-locality: Sikkim. 1911 Neurothemis intermedia degener - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 564 (Bengal, Burma).
Distribution: India, Burma.
intermedia excelsa
1934 Neurothemis intermedia excelsa LIEFTINCK, Stylops, 3: 269. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; typelocality: Java. 1934 Neurothemis intermedia excelsa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 415 (Java). 1954 Neurothemis intermedia excelsa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 150 (Java).
Distribution: Java.
1942 Neurothemis luctuosa LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 480. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. nesaea Ris 1911 Neurothemis nesaea Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 565. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Celebes.
Distribution: Celebes. oligoneura
1867 Neurothemis oligoneura BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 967. Type male: ? Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Cape York. 1901 Neurothemis oligoneura - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 222 (North Australia). 1911 Neurothemis oligoneura - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 559 (New Guinea, Banks Island, Cape York).
Distribution: New Guinea, North Australia. ramburi ramburi
1866 Polyneura ramburi BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 16: 568. Type male: Darmstadt Mus.; type-locality: Celebes. 1890 Polyneura ramburi - KIRBY; Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 [incorrect synonymy with fluctuons (FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 3 ) ] . 1915 Neurothemis palliata var. ramburi- BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., LibelL: 513 (Sunda, Aru). 1942 Neurothemis ramburi ramburi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18: 483. 1953 Neurothemis ramburi ramburi - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 129 (Bali). 1954 Neurothemis ramburi ramburi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 151 (Malaya, Simalur, Nias, Sumatra, Bali, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: E.S. Asia. ramburi martini
1903 Neurothemis martini type-locality: Key. 1911 Neurothemis palliata 1915 Neurothemis palliata 1985 Neurothemis ramburi
KRÜGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 64: 263. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; martini - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 557. var. martini - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., LibelL: 513 (Key). martini- DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:117.
Distribution: Key Island. ramburi oceanis
1948 Neurothemis ramburi oceanis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 297. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Engano. 1954 Neurothemis ramburi oceanis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 151.
Distribution: Engano Island. ramburi papuensis
1942 Neurothemis ramburi papuensis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 482. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1949 Neurothemis ramburi papuensis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 366.
Distribution: New Guinea.
462 stigmatizans stigmatizans
1775 Libellula stigmatizans FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.; 421. Type female: Kebenhavn Mus.; type-locality: Nova Hollandia. 1775 Libellula oculata FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.: 421. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Ceram. 1838 Libellula elegans GUÉRIN; Voy. Coq. Zool., 2 (2): 194. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: unknown. 1868 Neurothemis oculata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18:717 (Ceram, North Australia). 1890 Neurothemis stigmatizans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7. 1890 Libellula oculata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 [proposed synonymy with stigmatizans (FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 ) ] . 1890 Libellula elegans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 [proposed synonymy with stigmatizans (FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 ) ] . 1901 Neurothemis oculata - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 222 (Queensland). 1911 Neurothemis stigmatizans stigmatizans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 5 7 8 . 1915 Neurothemis stigmatizans - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., LibelL: 514 (Australia).
Distribution: Australia, Ceram. stigmatizans bramina
1838 Libellula bramina GUÉRIN, Voy. Coq. Zool., 2 (2): 195. Type maie: Selys's Collection: typelocality: New Guinea. 1867 Neurothemis diplax BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges.Wien, 17: 18. Type female: not given; typelocality: Ceram. 1890 Libellula bramina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 [proposed synonymy with stigmatizans (FABRICIUS, 1775)]. 1911 Neurothemis stigmatizans bramina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 574 (New Guinea, Key, Aru, Solomon Island). 1942 Neurothemis stigmatizans bramina - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 482 (New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides).
Distribution: S. E. Asia.
stigmatizans manadensis
1835 Libellula manadensis BOISDUVAL, Voy. Austr. Ent., 2: 651. Type: unknown; type-locality: Celebes. 1842 Polyneura manadensis - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 128. 1867 Neurothemis pseudosophronia BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: Type male: not given; type-locality: Ceram. 1867 Neurothemis innominata BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 17. Type female: not given; type-locality: Ceram. 1878 Neurothemis unicolor SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 301. Type male: Sely's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1890 Libellula manadensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 [proposed synonymy with stigmatizans (FABRICIUS, 1775)]. 1890 Neurothemis unicolor - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6 [proposed synonymy with stigmatizans (FABRICIUS, 1775)]. 1890 Neurothemis pseudosophronia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 7 [proposed synonymy with stigmatizans (FABRICIUS, 1775)]. 1911 Neurothemis stigmatizans manadensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 572 (New Guinea, Celebes, Ceram).
Distribution: S. E. Asia.
terminata terminata Ris 1842 Polyneura apicalis RAMBUR (nec GUÉRIN, 1838), Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 127. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1849 Neurothemisfluctuons race apicalis - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 14: 294 (Palau, Java, Mindanao, Luzon). 1889 Uniamo apicalis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 284 (as generotype of Uniamo KIRBY, 1889).
1903 Neurothemis apicalis - KRÖGER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 64: 283. 1911 Neurothemis terminata Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 569 (new name for apicalis RAMBUR, 1842, a junior secondary homonymy of apicalis GUÉRIN, 1838). 1934 Neurothemis terminata - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 382 (Java). 1934 Neurothemis terminata terminata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 416 (Java). 1954 Neurothemis terminata terminata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 151 (Malaya, Mentawei, Sumatra, Krakatau, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Lesser Sunda, Philippine Islands, West Micronesia.
terminata obscura
1926 Neurothemis obscura FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3): 472. Type maie: Delsman's Collection; typelocality: Java. 1934 Neurothemis terminata obscura - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 416 (Java). 1954 Neurothemis terminata obscura - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 152.
Distribution: Java. tullia
1773 Libellula tullia DRURY, III. Exot. Ent., 2: 46. Type female: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: India. 1781 Libellulaequestris FABRICIUS, Soec. Ins., 1: 523. :Type maie: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Madras. 1793 Libellula lineata FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 375. Type: unknown ; type-locality: India. 1866 Diplax equestries - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara: 104. 1868 Neurothemis equestris - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 718 (India). 1879 Neurothemis equestris - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 14: 290 (Tibet, Bengal, China, Indochina). 1890 Neurothemis tullia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8. 1891 Neurothemis equestris var. pedestris SELYS Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 30: 447. Male from Sylchet. 1911 Neurothemis tullia tullia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 561 (as subspecies) (Ceylon, India, Tibet, Siam, Tonkin, Hainan, Hongkong, Malacca). 1915 Neurothemis tullia tullia - BARTENEF, Faune de le Russ. Libell.: 513 (Ceylon, India, Burma, Indochina, Malacca, Java, China). 1954 Neurothemis tullia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 153 (Siam, Penang, Malaya). 1985 Neurothemis tullia - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 118.
Distribution: India to Java.
Genus Nothodiplax
1985 Nothodiplax BELLE 1984 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 118. Type-species: Nothodiplax dendrophila BELLE, 1984 (original designation).
464 dendrophila
1985 Nothodiplax dendrophila BELLE, 1984 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 118.
Distribution: Suriname. Genus Ophippus
1916 Ophippus NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. n. Line., (2) 2: 76. Type-species: Ophippus garbei NAVAS, 1916 (original designation).
1916 Ophippus garbei NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. n. Line., (2) 2: 77. Type male: Navás's Collection; type-locality: Brazil
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Pachydiplax
1868 Pachydiplax BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 368 Type-species: Libellula longipennis BURMEISTER, 1839 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 305). - 1911 Pachydiplax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 698 (revision). - 1910 Pachydiplax - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 165.
1839 Libellula longipennis BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 850. Type female: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Mexico. 1842 Libellula socia RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 96. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Amer. sept. 1861 Mesothemis longipennis - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 173 (Maryland, New York, Illinois, Georgia, Florida, Lousiana, Texas, California, Mexico). 1868 Pachydiplax longipennis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 722. 1889 Pachydiplax longipennis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 305 (as generotype of Pachydiplax BRAUER, 1868). 1890 Pachydiplax longipennis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40. 1890 Libellula socia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40 [proposed synonymy with longipennis
(BURMEISTER, 1839)].
1911 Pachydiplax longipennis - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 699 (Maryland, Washington, North Carolina, Georgia, Lousiana, California).
Distribution: U.S.A., and Mexico. Genus Philonomon
1906 Philonomon FÖRSTER, Wiesbaden Natk. Jb. Ver., 59: 308. Type-species: Philonomon erlangen FÖRSTER, 1906 (original designation). - 1910 Philonomon - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 159 (incorrect synonymy with Sympetrum NEWMAN, 1833). - 1911 Philonomon - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 696 (revision). - 1921 Philonomon - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 418. - 1934 Philonomon - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3 : 28. - 1962 Philonomon - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 2 6 4 .
1893 Sympetrum luminans KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 38: 22. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Togo.
465 1906 Philonomon erlangen FÖRSTER, Wiesbaden Natk. Jb. Ver., 59: 310 (as generotype of Philonomon FÖRSTER, 1906). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Ν . O . Afrika. 1911 Philonomon luminans - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 697 (Sierra Leone, Sanzibar, Abyssinia, Congo). 1911 Philonomon erlangen - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 697 [proposed synonymy with luminans (KARSCH, 1893)]. 1921 Philonomon luminans - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 418 (South Africa). 1962 Philonomon luminans - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 264 (Central and West Africa).
Distribution: tropical Africa. Genus Pseudoleon
1889 Pseudoleon K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12:274. Type-species: Celithemis superba H A G E N , 1861 (original designation). - 1890 Pseudoleon - KIRBY, Psyche, 5: 384. - 1890 Pseudoleon KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 356. - 1911 Pseudoleon - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 527 (revision).
1861 Celithemis superba HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 148. Type sex not given: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1868 Erythrodiplax superba - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 723. 1889 Pseudoleon superbus- KIRBY, Trans Zool. Soc. London, 12: 274 (as generotype of Pseudoleon KIRBY, 1889).
1906 Pseudoleon superbus - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 214 (Arizona, Mexico, Guatemala). 1911 Pseudoleon superbus - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 528 (Mexico, Colombia).
Distribution: Arizona to Colombia. Genus Rhodopygia
1889 Rhodopygia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. L o n d o n , 12: 299. Type-species: Libellula cardinalis ERICHSON, 1 8 4 8 (original designation). - 1 9 1 1 Rhodopygia - Ris. Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles; 13: 609 (revision, key to species).
1848 Libellula cardinalis ERICHSON, Schomb. Reisen in Brit-Guiana, 3: 583. Type: unknown;typelocality: Guyana. 1861 Lepthemis cardinalis - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 316. 1889 Rhodopygia cardinalis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 299 (as generotype of Rhodopygia KIRBY, 1889). 1911 Rhodopygia cardinalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 612 (Para, Surinam, M a t t o Grosso). 1943 Rhodopygia cardinalis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 265 (Amazonas, M a t t o Grosso). 1 9 8 5 Rhodopygia cardinalis f. colorata NAVAS, 1 9 2 3 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 118 (male from Colombia).
Distribution: tropical South America. geijskesi
1964 Rhodopygia geijskesi BELLE, Stud. F a u n a Suriname, 7: 52. Type male: Belle's Collection; typelocality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname.
466 hinei
1907 Rhodopygia hinei CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 319. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Central America. 1911 Rhodopygia hinei - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 612 (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama). 1919 Rhodopygia hinei - CALVERT, Ent. News, 30: 75 (description of female).
Distribution: Central America. hollandi
1907 Rhodopygia hollandi CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 319. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: South America. 1911 Rhodopygia hollandi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 610 (Venezuela, Surinam). 1911 Rhodopygia chloris Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 611. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para. 1943 Rhodopygia chloris - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 265. 1985 Rhodopygia chloris - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 119 (as synonym of hollandi CALVERT, 1 9 0 7 ) .
Distribution: tropical South America. pruinosa
1953 Rhodopygia pruinosa BUCHHOLZ, Bull. Inst. r. Sei. nat. Belg., 29 (10): 3. Type male: Liège Mus.; type-locality: Bolivia.
Distribution: Bolivia. Genus Rhodothemis Ris 1911 Rhodothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 591. Type-species: Libellula rufa RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1915 Rhodothemis - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 550. - 1954 Rhodothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 154.
1954 Rhodothemis lieftincki FRASER, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12) 7: 148. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Queensland.
Distribution: Australia. mauritsi 1985
Rhodothemis mauritsi L O H M A N N , World, Utrecht, 2: 119.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: New Guinea. nigripes 1985
Rhodothemis nigripes L O H M A N N , World, Utrecht, 2: 119.
Distribution: Lesser Sunda & S. Moluccas. rufa
1842 Libellula rufa RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 71. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Queensland.
467 1842 Libellula oblita RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 123. Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: unknown. 1868 Erythemis oblita - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 723 (Australia). 1878 Crocothemis cruentata SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Zool. Dresden, 3: 294 (nom. nud.). 1890 Erythemis rufa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 40 (Ceylon, Java). 1894 Orthetrum oblitum - K I R B Y , J . Linn. Soc., 2 4 : 554 (India, Australia). 1906 Erythemis rufa - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N . S . Wales, 31: 483 (Australia). 1909 Crocothemis rufa - VAN DER WEELER, Nova Guinea, 9: 22 (New Guinea). 1911 Rhodothemis rufa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 592 (as generotype of Rhodothemis Ris, 1911) (Java, Ceylon, New Guinea, Celebes, Queensland, Borneo, Burma, Ceram, Penang). 1915 Rhodothemis rufa - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell: 554 (Australia, Celebes, Tonkin). 1934 Rhodothemis rufa - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 383 (Sumatra). 1942 Rhodothemis rufa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 485 (India, Ceylon, Burma, Indochina, M a laysia, Celebes, Philippines, New Guinea, N o r t h Australia). 1954 Rhodothemis rufa - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 154 (Penang, Malaya, Singapore, Engano, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region, New Guinea, and Australia.
Genus Sympetrum
1833 Sympetrum NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1: 511. Type-species: Libellula vulgata LINNAEUS, 1758 (designated by K I R B Y , 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 277). - 1840 Libellula (Diplax) C H A R PENTIER, Libell, europ. Lipsiae; 12. Type-species: Libellula pedemontana ALLIONI, 1776 (first species). - 1883 Thecadiplax SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 140. Type-species: Diplax erotica SELYS, 1883 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12:277). - 1905 Sympetrum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 733 (key to species). - Theocodiplax (misprint) - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 741 (key to species). - 1910 Sympetrum-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 159. - 1 9 1 0 Dip/ax - M U T T K O W S K I , Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 159 (proposed synonymy with Sympetrum N E W M A N , 1833). - 1910 Thecadiplax - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 159 (proposed synonymy with Sympetrum NEWMAN, 1833). - 1911 Sympetrum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 1 3 : 616 (revision, key to species). - 1915 Sympetrum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ, Libell.: 19 (revision, key to species). - 1936 Tarnetrum NEEDHAM & FISHER, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 62: 114. Type-species: Mesothemis illota HÄGEN, 1861 (original designation). 1950 Sympetrum - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 66 (key to Spanish species). - 1956 Sympetrum - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 40 (key to British species). - 1965 Sympetrum - BENEDEK, Folia ent. hung., 18: 52 (key to Central European species). - 1973 Sympetrum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 213 (key to Siberian species). 1984 Sympetrum - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 99 (key to Central European species).
1840 Libellula albifrons CHARPENTIER (nec BURMEISTER, 1839), Libell. europ. Lipsiae: 81. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Georgia. 1842 Libellula ambigua R A M B U R , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 106 (new name for albifrons C H A R PENTIER, 1840, a junior secondary homonymy of albifrons BURMEISTER, 1839). 1861 Diplax albifrons - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 177 (Georgia, St. Louis). 1862 Diplax ambigua - WALSH, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1862: 400 (Illinois). 1910 Sympetrum ambigua - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 160. 1911 Sympetrum ambiguum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 689 (North Carolina, Indiana).
Distribution: U.S.A.
468 anomalum
1930 Sympetrum anomalum NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 163. Type male: unknown, perhaps in Peking Mus.; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China, baccha baccha
1884 Diplax baccha SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 40. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: China. 1890 Thecadiplax baccha - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1911 Sympetrum baccha baccha - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 662 (China). 1915 Sympetrum baccha - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell: 61. 1922 Sympetrum baccha - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent Z., 1922: 107 (Formosa, South China). 1928 Sympetrum baccha - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 118 (Yunnan).
Distribution: China, Taiwan. baccha matutinum Ris 1911 Sympetrum matutinum Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 666. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1915 Sympetrum matutinum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 57. 1985 Sympetrum baccha matutinum - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:119.
Distribution: Japan. commixtum
1884 Diplax commixta SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 38. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: North India. 1886 Sympetrum subpruinosum KIRBY, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886: 326. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: North India. 1890 Sympetrum commixtum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1911 Sympetrum commixtum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 634 (India). 1915 Sympetrum commixtum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 355 (India). 1915 Sympetrum subpruinosum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 355 [proposed synonymy w i t h commixtum
1922 Sympetrum 1954 Sympetrum 1955 Sympetrum mir).
(SELYS, 1884)].
commixtum - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 107 (Japan, India). commixtum - SANTOCK & BAIJAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 3 (2): 397 (Himalaya). commixtum - SANTOCK & all., Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 Suppl.: 746 (Himalaya, Kash-
Distribution: Japan to Kashmir, congoense
1 9 8 5 S y m p e t r u m c o n g o e n s e AGUESSE, 1 9 6 6 - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e W o r l d ,
Utrecht, 2: 120.
Distribution: Congo Republic. cordulegaster
1883 Diplax cordulegaster SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27:139. Type: not given; type-locality: China. 1890 Thecadiplax cordulegaster - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1911 Sympetrum cordulegaster - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 672 (Amur, Japan). 1915 Sympetrum cordulegaster - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 157. 1973 Sympetrum cordulegaster - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 244.
Distribution: Russian Far East, North Korea, China, Japan.
469 corruptum (HAGEN) 1861 Mesothemis corrupta HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 171. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1884 Diplax corrupta - SEL YS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 43 (Illinois, Kansas, Texas, Mexico, Colorado, Montana, California, and ? Kamtchatka). 1890 Sympetrum corruptum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1899 Diplax corrupta - KELLICOTT, Odon, Ohio: 111. 1900 Sympetrum corruptum - WILLIAMSON, Drag. Ind.: 324. 1910 Sympetrum corruptum - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 160 (New York to Tennessi, Texas to Honduras, Colombia; Asia: Sea of Ocholsk). 1911 Sympetrum corruptum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 678 (Texas, Illinois, Colorado, Georgia, Nevada, Mexico). 1915 Sympetrum corruptum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell: 323 (California, Montana, Colorado, Ontario, Far East).
Distribution: Holarctic region, costiferum (HÄGEN) 1861 Diplax costifera HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 175. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Massachusetts. 1873 Diplax atripes HAGEN, Hayden's Report, 1873: 588. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Yellowstone. 1890 Sympetrum costiferum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1911 Sympetrum costiferum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 692 (Nova Scotia, Newfounland). 1911 Diplax atripes - Ris. Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 692 [proposed synonymy w i t h costiferum
(HÄGEN, 1861)].
Distribution: U . S . A . , Canada, croceolum croceolum (SELYS) 1883 Diplax croceola SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 17:94. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Sympetrum croceola - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1898 Leucorrhinia fujisana MATSUMURA, Ann. zool., Jap. Tokyo, 2: 123. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1911 Sympetrum croceolum, - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 675 (Japan). 1911 Leucorrhinia fujisana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 675 [proposed synonymy with croceolum (SELYS, 1883)]. 1961 Sympetrum croceolum - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 64. 1964 Sympetrum croceolum croceolum - BELYSHEV, Fragm. faun., Warszawa, 11: 74.
Distribution: Japan. croceolum fuscoatrum BELYSHEV 1964 Sympetrum croceolum fuscoatrum BELYSHEV, Fragm. faun., Warszawa, 11: 74. Type male: Belyshev's Collection; type-locality: Putyatin Island (Sea of Japan).
Distribution: Putyatin Island, danae (SULZER) 1764 Libellula cancellata MÜLLER, Fauna Fridr.: 61. Type: unknown. 1764 Libellula triedra MÜLLER, Fauna Fridr.: 62. Type: unknown. 1776 Libellula danae SULZER, Abh. Gesch. etc.: 169. Type: unknown; type-locality: Switzerland: Lac de Joux. 1811 Libellula scotica DONOVAN, Brit. Ins., 15: 523. Type: unknown.
470 1825 1835 1835 1835 1840
Libellula veronensis CHARPENTIER, Hör. Ent.: 48. Type male: unknown. Sympetrum scoticum - NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1: 511. Libellula nigricula EVERSMAN, Bull. Mose., 9: 240. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Kazan. Libellula pallidistigma STEPHENS, 111. Brit. Ent. Mand., 6: 94. Type: unknown. Libellula nigra CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ., Lipsiae: 83. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Siberia. 1845 Diplax scotica - EVANS, Brit. Libell.: 27. 1890 Sympetrum scoticum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13. 1890 Libellula nigricula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13 [proposed synonymy with scoticum
[DONOVAN, 1811)].
1890 Libellula pallidistigma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13 [proposed synonymy with scoticum ( D O N O V A N , 1 8 1 1 ) ] . 1911 Sympetrum danae - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 646 (Colorado, Guatemala, Siberia, Europe). 1914 Sympetrum arcticum MATSUMURA, J1 Coll. Agr. Imp. Univ. Sapporo, 4: 7. Type female: H o k kaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1915 Sympetrum scoticum f. matrix BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 245. Male from Mongolia. 1935 Sympetrum danae - COWLEY, Entomologist, 68: 156. 1 9 3 5 Libellula scotica - C O W L E Y , Entomologist, 6 8 : 1 5 6 [proposed synonymy with danae ( S U L Z E R , 1764)].
1961 Sympetrum 1 9 6 1 Sympetrum
danae - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 64. arcticum - A S A H I N A , Ins. matsum., 2 4 : 6 4 [proposed synonymy with danae
1984 Sympetrum
danae - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 104 (Hungary).
Distribution: Circumboreal species: North, and West Europe, North Asia, North America. darwinianum
1883 Diplax frequens race darwinianum SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 94 Male f r o m China. 1883 Diplax sinensis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27:140. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: China. 1890 Sympetrum sinense - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1911 Sympetrum darwinianum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 658 (Japan). 1915 Sympetrum darwinianum - BARTENEF, F a u n e de le Russ., Libell.: 188 (redescription) (Japan, China). 1915 Diplax sinensis - BARTENEF, F a u n e de la Russ., Libell.: 188 [proposed synonymy with darwinianum
1922 Sympetrum
(SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) ] .
darwinianum - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 107 (Japan).
Distribution: China, Japan. decoloratum decoloratum
1884 1905 1911 1915
Diplax vulgata race decolorata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 35. Female from Armenia. Sympetrum vulgatum decoloratum - GRIGORIEV, Revue Russ. ent., 1905: 217 (Turkestan). Sympetrum decoloratum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 629. Sympetrum decoloratum - BARTENEF, F a u n e de la Russ., Libell.: 401 (Turkestan, Caucasus, Persia). 1916 Sympetrum decoloratum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1176 (Turkestan, Tunis). 1924 Sympetrum decoloratum - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1924: 43 (Palestine). 1977 Sympetrum decoloratum decoloratum - DUMONT, Bull. Annls Soc. r. beige Ent., 113: 83.
Distribution: Caucasus, Asia Minor to Iraq and Pakistan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria.
471 decoloratimi sinaiticum
1977 Sympetrum decoloratum sinaiticum DUMONT, Bull. Annls Soc. r. belge Ent., 113: 83. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Tunisia. 1 9 8 8 Sympetrum decoloratum sinaiticum - FERRERAS & ROMERO, Notul. odoantol., 3 ( 3 ) : 4 4 (Spain).
Distribution: Spain, Tunisia. depressiusculum
1841 Libellula depressiuscula SELYS, Revue Zool. Cuv.: 244. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: not given. 1842 Libellula genei RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 103. Type: unknown (perhaps in Serville's Collection). 1868 Diplax depressiuscula - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 720. 1 8 7 4 Sympetrum depressiusculum - MEYER & D Ü R , Mitt. Schweiz, ent. Ges., 4: 3 2 7 (Suisse). 1878 Diplax tenerrimum BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. Odonota, 1: 9. Type male: not given; type-locality: Zürich. 1890 Sympetrum depressiusculum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15 (Europe, N. & W. Asia). 1905 Sympetrum depressiusculum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 734. 1 9 0 5 Libellula genei - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 4 [proposed synonymy with depressiusculum (SELYS, 1 8 4 1 ) ] . 1 9 0 5 Diplax tenerrimum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 4 [proposed synonymy with depressiusculum (SELYS, 1 8 4 1 ) ] . 1911 Sympetrum depressiusculum - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13:655 (Corse, Amur, Lake Garda, Irkutsk). 1915 Sympetrum depressiusculum - BARTENEF, Faune de le Russ., Libell.: 193 (Siberia, Mongolia, China, Far East, Suisse). 1916 Sympetrum depressiusculum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1184 (Ussuri, Turkestan). 1940 Sympetrum depressiusculum - NIELSEN, Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 19: 249 (Sardinia). 1948 Sympetrum depressiusculum - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn, Moscow, 5: 178 (Armenia). 1960 Sympetrum depressiusculum - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 235 (Central Europe). 1961 Sympetrum depressiusculum - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 29 (Kazakhstan). 1984 Sympetrum depressiusculum - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 103 (Hungary).
Distribution: East and Central Europe to China, and Japan. dilatatum
1892 Diplax dilatata CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 19: 161. Type male: US natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: St. Helena. 1911 Sympetrum dilatatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 624. 1915 Sympetrum dilatatum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 469 (in douptful position). 1962 Sympetrum dilatatum - PINHEY, Pubi. Cult. comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 263.
Distribution: St. Helena. durum
1915 Sympetrum durum BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 267. Type male: ? St. Petersbourg Mus.; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India, eroticum eroticum
(SELYS) 1883 Diplax erotica SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 90. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan.
472 1883 Diplax fastigiata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 92. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Japan. 1887 Sympetrum eroticum - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 52 (Amur). 1889 Thecadiplax erotica - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 277 (as generotype of Thecadiplax SELYS, 1883).
1890 Thecadiplax erotica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1911 Sympetrum eroticum eraticum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 667 (key to subspecies) (Japan). 1915 Sympetrum eraticum eraticum- Β ARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 43 (Far East of Russia). 1915 Diplax fastigiata - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 43 [proposed synonymy with eroticum eroticum
(SELYS, 1 8 8 3 ) ] .
1933 Sympetrum eroticum - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 25A (5): 9 (Gansu). 1955 Sympetrum eroticum eroticum - ASAHINA, Ent. Medd., 17 (3): 134 (North China). 1973 Sympetrum eroticum eroticum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 223 (key to subspecies) (Soviet Far East).
Distribution: Russian Far East, North Korea, and North China, eroticum ardens
(MCLACHLAN) 1894 Thecadiplax ardens MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 13:429. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Szechwan. 1896 Thecadiplax ardens - MCLACHLAN, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 17: 364 (redescription). 1911 Sympetrum eraticum ardens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 669 (China). 1915 Sympetrum eraticum ardens - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 52. 1916 Sympetrum eraticum ardens - Ris, Suppl. ent. Berlin, 5: 76 (Formosa). 1928 Sympetrum eraticum ardens - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 76: 118 (Yunnan). 1931 Sympetrum eraticum ardens - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 190 (China).
Distribution: China, Taiwan. fatigans
1930 Sympetrum fatigans NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 165. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China.
Distribution: China. flaveolum flaveolum (LINNAEUS) 1758 Libellula flaveola LINNAEUS (nec VAN DER L I N D E N , 1825), Syst. Nat., 1: 543. Type female: Linnaeus's Collection in British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sweden. 1 7 6 4 Libellula rubra M Ü L L E R (nec VILLIERS, 1 7 8 9 ) , Faun. Fridr.: 6 2 . Type: unknown. 1772 Libellula aurea SCOPOLI, Ann. Hist, nat., 5: 120. Type: unknown. 1 7 7 8 Libbellula flaveola FISCHER (nec LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) (emendation as sp.nov.). 1791 Libellula flavescens FISCHER (nec FABRICIUS, 1798), Vers. Naturg. Livland, 2: 335. 1850 Libellula flaveola - SELYS, Revue des Odonataes, Paris: 33 (from Ural to Spain). 1850 Libellula flaveola race luteola SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 86. Male from Madrid. 1850 Libellula flaveola race latreillei SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 67. Male from Caucasus. 1868 Diplax flaveola - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 720. 1874 Sympetrum flaveolum - M A Y E R & D Ü R , Mitt. Schweiz, ent. Ges., 4 : 327. 1876 Sympetrum aurantiacum BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. Odonata, 1: 9. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Zürich. 1890 Sympetrum flaveolum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13 (Europe, N. Asia). 1890 Libellula rubra - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13 (proposed synonymy with flaveolum
(LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] .
1890 Libellula aurea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13 [proposed synonymy with flaveolum
(LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] .
473 1890 Libellula flavescens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13 [proposed synonymy with flaveolum (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1890 Sympetrum aurantiacum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13 [proposed synonymy with flaveolum (LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] . 1915 Sympetrum flaveolum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 66. 1 9 1 5 Sympetrum flaveolum var. hyalina R O D Z I A N K O , 1 9 8 8 - loc. cit. BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 66. 1915 Sympetrum flaveolum var. nodalis BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 67. Male from Siberia. 1 9 1 5 Sympetrum flaveolum var. interpunctata DZIEDDZIELEWICZ, 1 9 0 2 - loc. cit. BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 67. 1 9 1 5 Sympetrum flaveolum var. ernae MIERZEJEWSKI, 1 9 1 3 - loc. cit. BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 67. Male from Caucasus. 1916 Smpetrum flaveolum flaveolum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1181 (key to subspecies). 1922 Sympetrum flaveolum - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922:107 (Japan, Amur, Manchuria, Europe). 1925 Sympetrum flaveolum f. circumnodalis KOLOSOV, Izv. ent. Phytopat. Ural'sk, O-va, Lyubit, 7 - 8 : 8. Male from Siberia. 1928 Sympetrum flaveolum ab. innominata ARTOBOLEVSKY, Zbirnik. Poltava Mus., 1: 231. Male from Poland. 1 9 5 6 Sympetrum flaveolum - FRASER, R . Ent. Soc. London, 1 ( 1 0 ) : 3 0 (England). 1958 Sympetrum flaveolum flaveolum - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 67 (Kurile Island). 1960 Sympetrum flaveolum - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 234 (Luxembourg). 1961 Sympetrum flaveolum flaveolum - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun., Warszawa, 9 (4): 28 (Kazakhstan). 1973 Sympetrum flaveolum flaveolum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 231. 1984 Sympetrum flaveolum - STEINMANN, F a u n a Hung., 160: 103 (Hungary).
Distribution: Palaearctic subregion (except northern areas of Eurasia and North Africa. flaveolum austrinum
1948 Sympetrum flaveolum austrinum AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 173. Type male: Yerevan Mus.; type-locality: Armenia.
Distribution: Armenia, fonscolombei fonscolombei
1840 Libellula fonscolombii SELYS, Monogr. Libell. europ.; 49. Types in R. Mus., Bruxelles (types not erected); type-locality: France: Aix-en-Provance. 1845 Libellula erythroneura SCHNEIDER, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 6: 111. Type: not given; type-locality: Asia Minor. 1866 Diplax fonscolombei - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara: 104 (Cape of Good Hope). 1878 Sympetrum rhäticum BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. Odonata: 9. Type: not given; type-locality: Statzersee. 1890 Sympetrum fonscolombei - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 14. 1898 Sympetrum fonscolombei - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 232 (Pretoria). 1911 Sympetrum fonscolombei - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 637 (France, Sicilia, Corse, Corfu, Tunisia, Egypt, Erithrea, Transvaal). 1915 Sympetrum fonscolombei - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 110 (C. & S. Europe, Asia Minor, West Asia, and Africa). 1915 Libellula erythroneura - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 110 [proposed synonymy with fonscolombei (SELYS, 1 8 4 0 ) ] . 1916 Sympetrum fonscolombei - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1180 (S.Africa, Rhodesia, South India, Tunis, Persia). 1917 Sympetrum fonscolombei - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (14): 3 (Natal). 1924 Sympetrum fonscolombei - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 438 (West India).
474 1928 Sympetrum fonscoìombei - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 35 (Africa, Palestine, Syria, India). 1938 Sympetrum fonscoìombei - SCHMIDT, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 147: 148 (Jordania). 1952 Sympetrum fonscolombii - REYMOND, Bull. Soc. Sei. nat. Moroc., 32: 88 (Sahara). 1955 Sympetrum fonscoìombei - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 79 (Ceylon). 1956 Sympetrum fonscoìombei - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 40 (England). 1959 Sympetrum fonscoìombei fonscoìombei - GARDNER, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (13) 1: 791. 1962 Sympetrum fonscoìombei - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 263 (Africa, Madagascar, Europe and Mediterranean Islands, Western Asia, India, Ceylon). 1984 Sympetrum fonscolombii - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 104 (Hungary).
Distribution: Africa, Madagascar, Palaearctic subregion, India, Sri Lanka. fonscoìombei azorensis
1959 Sympetrum fonscoìombei azoerensis GARDNER, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (13) 1: 791 Type male: Gardner's Collection; type-locality: Azores.
Distribution: Azores. frequens
1883 Diplax frequens SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 93. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Sympetrum frequens - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1905 Sympetrum frequens - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 735 (Japan). 1911 Sympetrum frequens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 656 (Japan, Korea). 1915 Sympetrum frequens - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 183 (Kamtchatka, Japan) (redescription). 1922 Sympetrum frequens - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 107 (Japan, Korea). 1958 Sympetrum frequens - ASAHINA, Ins., matsum., 22: 67 (Kurile Islands).
Distribution: Far East of Russia, Korea, Japan. gracile
1915 Sympetrum gracile OGUMA, Ent. Mag., Kyoto, 1 (2): 50. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; typelocality: Japan. 1922 Sympetrum gracile - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 97. 1961 Sympetrum gracile - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 64.
Distribution: Japan, haematoneura
FRASER 1924 Sympetrum haematoneura FRASER, Mem. Dept. Agr. India, 8: 70 Type male: originally in Pusa Collection - now unknown; type-locality: Kashmir.
Distribution: Kashmir. haritonovi
1985 Sympetrum haritonovi BORISOV, 1983 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 121.
Distribution: Russia. hageni
1905 Sympetrum hageni JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 740. Type male: ? St. Petersbourg Mus.; type-locality: Russia.
Distribution: Russia.
475 himalayanum
1934 Sympetrum himalayanum NAVAS, Ree. Acad. Ci., Zaragoza, 17:31. Type male: unknown, typelocality: India.
Distribution: India. hypomelas
1884 Diplax hypomelas SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 37. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: North India. 1890 Sympetrum hypomelas - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1911 Sympetrum hypomelas - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13, 659 (Tibet, Sikkim). 1915 Sympetrum hypomelas - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 219 (Sikkim. Bengal).
Distribution: India, Tibet. ignotum
1930 Sympetrum ignotum NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica, (A) 11: 168. Type male: ? Peking Mus.; typelocality: China.
Distribution: China. illotum illotum
1861 Mesothemis illota HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 172. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Carolina. 1884 Diplax illota - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28:43 (California, Georgia, Mexico, Kamtschatka). 1890 Sympetrum illotum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1899 Diplax illota - KELLICOTT, Odon. Ohio: 111. 1900 Sympetrum illotum - WILLIAMSON, Drag. Ind.: 324. 1911 Sympetrum illotum illotum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 676 (key to subspecies) (California, Nevada, Oregon, Columbia, Washington). 1915 Sympetrum illotum illotum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 327 (California, Yellowston). 1936 Tarnetrum illotum - NEEDHAM & FISHER, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 62: 114 (as generotype of Tarnetrum
Distribution: U.S.A., Mexico, Canada, and Kamtchatka. illotum gilvum 1861 1875 1884 1907 1910 1911 1943 1947
Libellula gilva HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washingon: 172 (emandation - Columbia). Mesothemis gilva - HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 78. Diplax illota race gilva - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Beige, 28: 43 (Bogota). Sympetrum illotum gilvum - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 321 (California, Columbia, Venezuela, British Guinea, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina). Sympetrum illotum gilvum - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 162 (California to Venezuela). Sympetrum illotum gilvum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 677 (Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador). Sympetrum illotum gilvum - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 265 (Peru, Colombia, Chile, Argentina). Sympetrum illotum gilvum - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 456 (Chile, Argentine, Lower California).
Distribution: Central and South America.
illotum virgulum
1884 Diplax illota var. virgula SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 44. Male from Mexico. 1890 Sympetrum illotum var. virgula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17 (California, Mexico, Peru). 1907 Sympetrum illotum virgulum - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 321 (California, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica). 1910 Sympetrum illotum virgulum - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 162. 1911 Sympetrum illotum virgulum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 677 (Mexico, Honduras, ? St. Petersburgh). 1915 Sympetrum illotum virgulum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ. Libell.: 340 (California, Peru, Far East).
Distribution: Peru, Central America to Russian Far East, imbutum (SAY)
1839 Libellula imbuta SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 32. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Maryland. 1890 Sympetrum imbutum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17 (Maryland, New York).
Distribution: infuscatum
1883 Diplax infoscata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 90. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1890 Thecadiplax infuscata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17 (Japan, China). 1911 Sympetrum infuscatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 663 (Japan). 1915 Sympetrum infuscatum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 169 (Amur, Japan). 1958 Sympetrum infuscatum - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 68 (Kurile Islands). 1973 Sympetrum infuscatum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 249 (Far East).
Distribution: Far East. internum
1943 Sympetrum internum MONTGOMERY, Canad. Ent., 75: 58. Type male: Montgomery's Collection; type-locality: U.S.A. Distribution: U . S . A .
1884 Diplax kunckeli SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 39. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; typelocality: China. 1887 Sympetrum kunckeli - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 52 (China, Japan). 1890 Thecadiplax kunckeli - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1911 Sympetrum kunckeli - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 670 (China, Japan). 1915 Sympetrum kunckeli - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 53 (China). 1932 Sympetrum flavicauda NAVAS, Mus. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 8: 5. Type male: Heude Mus.; type-locality: China. 1937 Sympetrum kunckeli f. testaceipenne ISCHIMURA, Trans. Aomori nat. Hist. Soc., 4: 1. Male from Japan. 1962 Sympetrum kunckeli - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl., 11: 31 (Japan). 1962 Sympetrum flavicauda - CHAO, Acta. ent. sinica, Suppl., 11: 31 [proposed synonymy with kunckeli (SELYS, 1884)].
Distribution: J a p a n , N o r t h Korea, China, East Siberia.
477 maculatimi
1915 Sympetrum maculatum OGUMA, Ent. Mag., Kyoto, 1 (2): 50. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Japan. 1922 Sympetrum maculatum - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 98. 1961 Sympetrum maculatum - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 64.
Distribution: Japan. madidum
1861 Diplax madida HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 174. Type female: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Upper Missouri. 1875 Diplax flavicosta HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 81 (nom. nud.). 1883 Diplax chrysoptera SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 95. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Washington. 1888 Diplax flavicosta HAGEN, Psyche, 5: 386. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: San Diego. 1890 Sympetrum madidum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1910 Sympetrum madidum - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 162 (Montana, Wyoming, Colorado). 1910 Diplax flavicosta- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 162 [proposed synonymy with madidum ( H A G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) ] . 1911 Sympetrum madidum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 679 (Montana, Washington, California, British Colombia).
Distribution: medium
and British Guyana.
1916 Sympetrum medium NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. m. Line., (2) 2: 59. Type male: unknown; typelocality: Chile.
Distribution: Chile, meridionale meridionale
1841 Libellula meridionalis SELYS, Rev. Zool. Cuv.: 245. Type sex not given: Torino Mus.; typelocality: Sardinia. 1842 Libellula hybrida RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 101. Type male: not given; typelocality: Corse. 1850 Libellula meridionalis - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 39 (redescription) (Belgium, Spain, Corse, Sardinia, Algeria, Austria). 1850 Libellula hybrida - SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 39 [proposed synonymy with meridionale (SELYS, 1841)].
1850 1868 1874 1890 1890 1905
1911 1915 1916 1938 1957
Libellula nudicollis HAGEN, in SELYS, Revue des Odonates, Paris: 40. Type: unknown. Diplax meridionalis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 720. Sympetrum meridionale - M A Y E R & D Ü R , Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges., 4: 326. Sympetrum meridionale - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15. Libellula nudicollis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15 (proposed synonymy with hybrida R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . Sympetrum meridionale - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 9 . Sympetrum meridionale - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 635 (Belgique, France, Corsica, Sardegna, Algeria, Amur, Siberia, Suisse). Sympetrum meridionale - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ. Libell.: 447 (Mongolia, Dsungaria, Transcaspica, Armenia, Crim, Albania, Montenegro, Hungaria, France). Sympetrum meridionale - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1180 (Ural, Turkestan, Caucasus). Sympetrum meridionale - SCHMIDT, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 147: 148 (Israel). Sympetrum meridionale - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 93: 42 (England).
478 1961 Sympetrum meridionale meridionale - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun., Warszawa, 9 (4): 31 (Kazakhstan). 1984 Sympetrum meridionale - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 102 (Hungary).
Distribution: Central, West, and South Europe to Siberia, Asia Minor, Morocco to Tunisia. meridionale dilutum 1905
Sympetrum meridionale dilutum JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: male: St. Petersbourg Mus.; type-locality: Kamgar-Darja.
Distribution: Central Asia, navasi
1921 Sympetrum navasi LACROIX, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 61: 378. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Ivory Coast. 1962 Sympetrum navasi- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 264 (Ivory Coast, Uganda, Gambia).
Distribution: tropical Africa.
1912 Sympetrum nigrescens LUCAS, Entomologist, 45:171. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Scotland. 1914 Sympetrum striolatum f. atlanticum MORTON, Entomologist, 47: 608: 1. Male from England. 1915 Sympetrum striolatum nigrescens - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 394 (England). 1956 Sympetrum nigrescens - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 41 (Scotland, Ireland, North England).
Distribution: Scotland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Hebrides, Norway and Finland, nigrifemur
1884 Diplax vulgata race nigrifemur SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 35. Male from Madeira. 1887 Sympetrum striolatum nigrifemur - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 66. 1911 Sympetrum striolatum nigrifemur - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 633 (Madeira). 1915 Sympetrum striolatum nigrifemur - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 392 (Madeira). 1916 Sympetrum striolatum nigrifemur - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1178 (Ireland, England. Hebrides). 1985 Sympetrum nigrifemur - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 122.
Distribution: Madeira, Canaries, Ireland, England. nigrocreatum
1920 Sympetrum nigrocreatum CALVERT, Ent. News, 31: 255. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Costa Rica.
Distribution: Costa Rica, nigrostigma
(BUCHECKER) 1878 Diplax nigrostigma BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. Odonata, 1: 9. Type sex and locality not given; type-locality: Zürich. 1890 Sympetrum nigrostigma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15.
Distribution: Switzerland.
479 obstrusum 1867 1890 1905 1910 1911
Diplax obstrusa HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 95. Type: unknown. Sympetrum obstrusum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. Sympetrum rubicundum ostrusum - CALVERT, OCC. Pap. Boston Soc., 7: 3 8 (New England). Sympetrum obstrusum - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, I (1): 162. Sympetrum obstrusum obstrusum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 686 (key to subspecies) (Colorado, Ontario, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa).
Distribution: Canada, occidentale occidentale
1915 Sympetrum occidentale BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 461. Type maie: ? St. Petersbourg Mus.; type-locality: N o r t h America. 1951 Sympetrum occidentale occidentale - WALKER, Ent. News, 62: 154.
occidentale californicum
1951 Sympetrum occidentale californicum WALKER, Ent. News, 62: 161. Type male: Walker's Collection; type-locality: California.
occidentale fasciatum
1951 Sympetrum occidentale fasciatum WALKER, Ent. News, 62:162. Type male: Walker's Collection; type-locality: U.S.A.
Distribution: orientale
1883 Diplax orientalis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 140. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Darjeeling. 1890 Sympetrum orientale - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1911 Sympetrum orientale - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 661. 1915 Sympetrum orientale - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 216 (Kashmir, Bengal, India).
Distribution: India, Kashmir, Nepal, Bhutan. pallipes
1873 Diplax pallipes HAGEN, U S Surv. Terr. Colo.: 589. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Colorado. 1890 Sympetrum pallipes - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1905 Sympetrum pallipes - OSBURN, Ent. News, 16: 194 (description of female). 1911 Sympetrum obstrusum morrisoni Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 687. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Washington. 1911 Sympetrum pallipes - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 688 (Montana, Colorado). 1 9 8 5 Sympetrum obstrusum morrisoni - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 2 2 [ a s s y n o n y m of pallipes
(HAGEN, 1873)].
pedemontanum pedemontanum
1766 Libellula pedemontana ALLIONI, Mém. Soc. r. Tur., 3: 194. Type male: Germar's Collection; type-locality: Italy: Turin.
480 1776 Libellula harpedone SULZER, Abgek. Gesch. Ins.: 168. Type: unknown. 1788 Libellula sibirica LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. XIII: 2620. Type: unknown. 1840 Libellula (Diplax) pedemontanum - CHARPENTIER, Libell. europ., Lipsiae: 12 (as generotype of Diplax CHARPENTIER, 1840). 1868 Diplax pedemontana - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 720. 1 8 7 4 Sympetrum pedemontanum - M E Y E R & D Ü R , Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges., 4: 3 2 8 . 1876 Diplax pedemontana - BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. Odon., 1: 2. 1890 Sympetrum pedemontanum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13. 1890 Libellula harpedone - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13 [proposed synonymy with pedemontanum ( A L L I O N I , 1 7 6 6 ) ] . 1 9 0 5 Sympetrum pedemontanum pedemontanum - JACOBSON & B I A N K I , Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 734 (Japan, Amur, Europe). 1911 Sympetrum pedemontanum pedemontanum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 651 (key to subspecies). 1915 Sympetrum pedemontanum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 132 (Armenia, Caucasus). 1915 Libellula sibirica - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 132 [proposed synonymy with pedemontanum ( A L L I O N I , 1 7 6 6 ) ] . 1916 Sympetrum pedemontanum pedemontanum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1184 (Turkestan). 1922 Sympetrum pedemontanum - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 107 (Japan, Amur, Europe). 1948 Sympetrum pedemontanum - AKRAMOWSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 177 (Armenia). 1950 Sympetrum pedemontanum - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid: 67 (Spain). 1960 Sympetrum pedemontanum - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 235 (Luxembourg). 1961 Sympetrum pedemontanum - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun., Warszawa, 9 (4): 29 (Kazakhstan). 1973 Sympetrum pedemontanum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 241. 1984 Sympetrum pedemontanum - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160, 100 (Hungary).
Distribution: Palaearctic subregion. pedemontanum elatum
1872 Diplax elata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 15: 27. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Japan. 1884 Diplax pedemontanum race elata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 33 (Japan). 1890 Sympetrum elatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13. 1905 Sympetrum pedemontanum elatum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 734 (Japan). 1911 Sympetrum pedemontanum elatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 654 (Japan, Korea). 1915 Sympetrum elatum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 149. 1958 Sympetrum pedemontanum elatum - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 67 (Kurile Islands). 1973 Sympetrum pedemontanum elatum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 241.
Distribution: Russian Far East, Korea, Japan, pedemontanum kurentzovi 1985
BELYSHEV Sympetrum pedemontanum kurentzovi BELYSHEV, gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 122.
- loc. cit.
The Dra-
Distribution: East Siberia, parvulum
(BARTENEF) 1912 Thecodiplax parvulum BARTENEF, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. St. Petersbourg, 17: 294. Type male: Zool. Mus., St. Petersbourg; type-locality: Ussuri. 1915 Sympetrum parvulum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 163 (redescription). 1915 Sympetrum eroticoides OGUMA, Ent. Mag. Kyoto, 1 (2): 41. Type female: Hokkaido Univ.; type-locality: Sachalin.
481 1949 Sympetrum
eroticoides - ASAHINA, Mushi, 20: 31 [proposed synonymy with parvulum (BAR-
TENEF, 1912)].
Distribution: Russian Far East, and Japan. parvum
1949 Sympetrum parvum TADA, Ent. World, Tokyo, 1942 - loc. cit. ASAHINA, 1949, Mushi, 20: 31.
Distribution: Japan. risi risi
1914 Sympetrum risi BARTENEF, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross., 41: 5. Type male: Zool. Mus., St. Petersbourg; type-locality: Ussuri. 1915 Sympetrum risi - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 176 (redescription). 1973 Sympetrum risi - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 253 (key to subspecies). 1 9 8 5 Sympetrum risi risi - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 2 2 .
Distribution: Ussuri Territory. risi yosico 1985
Sympetrum risi yosico ASAHINA, World, Utrecht, 2: 122.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Japan. rubicundulum rubicundulum (SAY) 1839 Libellula rubicundula SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 26. Type: lost. 1857 Libellula assimilata UHLER, Proc. Acad. Philad., 1857: 88. Type: unknown; type-locality: Nebraska. 1861 Diplax rubicundula - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 176 (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington, Illinois, Indiana). 1861 Diplax assimilata - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 174 (Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Nebraska). 1890 Sympetrum rubicundulum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1893 Diplax rubicundula var. assimilata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 20: 263. 1910 Diplax rubicundula- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 162 (Carolia, Dakota, Wyoming) (Type male: Agassiz Mus.). 1911 Sympetrum rubicundulum rubicundulum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 682 (key to subspecies).
rubicundulum decisum
1873 Diplax decisum HAGEN, Haydens Report, 1873: 588. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Colorado. 1890 Sympetrum decisum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1910 Diplax decisum - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 162 [incorrect synonymy with obstrusum ( H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 7 ) ] . 1911 Sympetrum rubicundulum decisum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 684 (Montana, Missouri, Colorado, Oregon).
Distribution: ruptum
1930 Sympetrum ruptum NEEDHAM, Zool. Sinica (A) 11:160. Type male: Peking Mus.; type-locality: China.
Distribution: China.
482 sanguineum sanguineum 1764 1825 1833 1833 1835 1838 1840 1868 1874
1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1905
1911 1915 1948 1950 1956
1973 1984
Libellula sanguinea MÜLLER, Faun. Fridr.: 62. Type: unknown; type-locality: Denmark. Libellula flaveola VAN DER L I N D E N (nec LINNAEUS, 1758), Monogr. Libell.: 15. Type: unknown. Sympetrum rufostigma NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1: 512. Type male: unknown. Sympetrum basale NEWMAN, Ent. Mag., 1: 512. Type: unknown. Libellula augustipennis STEPHENS, 111. Brit. Ent. Mand., 5: 95. Type: unknown. Libellula roeselii CURTIS, Brit. Ent., 15: 712. Type: unknown. Libellula nigripes CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ. Lipsiae: 77. Type: sex not given; type-locality: Silesia. Diplax sanguinea - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 720. Sympetrum sanguineum - M E Y E R & D Ü R , Mitt. Schweiz, ent. Ges., 4 : 3 2 8 . Sympetrum sanguineum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15 (Europe, Algeria, Asia Minor). Sympetrum rufostigma - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15 [proposed synonymy with sanguineum ( M Ü L L E R , 1 7 6 4 ) ] . Sympetrum basale - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15 [proposed synonymy with sanguineum ( M Ü L L E R , 1 7 6 4 ) ] . Libellula angustipennis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15 [proposed synonymy with sanguineum ( M Ü L L E R , 1 7 6 4 ) ] . Libellula roeselii - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15 [proposed synonymy with sanguineum ( M Ü L L E R , 1 7 6 4 ) ] . Sympetrum sanguineum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 5 (Algeria, Europe to Altai). Sympetrum sanguineum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 643 (Europe, Alheria, North Asia). Sympetrum sanguineum sanguineum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Ross., Libell.: 424 (key to subspecies) (Russia, Albania, Germany, France, Africa, Asia Minor, Suisse). Sympetrum sanguineum sanguineum - AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5:181 (Armenia). Sympetrum sanguineum - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent. Madrid: 68 (Spain). Sympetrum sanguineum - FRASER, R . Ent. Soc. London, 1 ( 1 0 ) : 4 1 (England). Sympetrum sanguineum sanguineum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 282 (key to subspecies). Sympetrum sanguineum - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 101 (Hungary).
Distribution: Algeria, (except northern England, Scandinavia and Russia) Tunisia, Europe to Central Asia. sanguineum armeniacum
1884 Diplax armeniaca SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 36. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Armenia. 1890 Sympetrum armeniacum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15. 1 9 0 5 Sympetrum armeniacum - JACOBOSN & BIANKI, Pryam. lozh. nos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 5 (Khirgizia, Kazakhstan, Altai). 1911 Sympetrum sanguineum var. armeniacum - Ris., Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 645. 1915 Sympetrum sanguineum armeniacum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 442 (Persia, Armenia, Tashkent). 1948 Sympetrum sanguineum armeniacum- AKRAMOVSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5:181 (Armenia). 1973 Sympetrum sanguineum armeniacum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 282.
Distribution: Armenia to Altai, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, sanguineum obsoletum
BARTENEF 1915 Sympetrum sanguineum var. obsoletum BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 444. Male from Astrabad.
483 1961 Sympetrum stan).
sanguineum obsoletum - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun., Warszawa, 9 (4): 31 (Kazakh-
Distribution: West Asia: Kazakhstan, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, sanguineum sykinia
1961 Sympetrum sanguineum sykinia BELYSHEV, 1 9 5 5 - l o c . cit. BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun., Warszawa, 9 ( 4 ) : 31.
Distribution: Kazakhstan. semicinctum (SAY) 1839 Libellula semicincta SAY, Jl. Acad. Philad., 1839: 27. Type: lost; type-locality: Carolina. 1861 Diplax semicincta - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 176 (Indiana, Mass., Pennsylvania, Maryland). 1890 Sympetrum semicinctum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1911 Sympetrum semicinctum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13:690 (Colorado, Nevada, California, Washington, Ohio). Distribution: U . S . A .
speciosum speciosum
1915 Sympetrum speciosum OGUMA, Ent. Mag., Kyoto, 1 (4): 142. Type male: Hokkaido Univ., type-locality: Japan. 1932 Sympetrum speciosum - OGUMA, Icon. ins. Japan: 192. 1961 Sympetrum speciosum speciosum - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 64.
Distribution: Japan. speciosum taiwanum
1951 Sympetrum speciosum taiwanum ASAHINA, Kontyû, 19: 21. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Formosa.
Distribution: Taiwan, striolatum striolatum
(CHARPENTIER) 1840 Libellula striolata CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ., Lipsiae: 78. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Silesia. 1840 Libellula ruficollis CHARPENTIER, Libell. Europ. Lipsiae: 80. Type: not given; type-locality: Lusitania. 1841 Libellula macrocephala SELYS, Revue Zool., 1841: 245. Type: unknown. 1868 Diplax striolata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 720. 1874 Sympetrum striolatum - M A Y E R & D Ü R , Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges., 4 : 325. 1880 Diplax vulgata var. striolata - SCHOCH, Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges., 5, 341. 1884 Diplax vulgata race striolata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 32. 1887 Sympetrum striolatum - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 10. 1890 Sympetrum striolatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 14 [incorrect synonymy with vulgatum 1905
1911 1915 1933 1950 1956
(LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] .
Sympetrum striolatum striolatum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 9 (key to subspecies). Sympetrum striolatum striolatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 631 (Holland, Spain, France, Sardegna, Algeria, Suisse). Sympetrum striolatum striolatum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 371 (Turkestan, Caucasus, Crim, Persia, Montenegro, Austria, France, Albania, Polonia). Sympetrum striolatum - ANDER, Notul. ent., 13: 103 (Finland). Sympetrum striolatum - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid; 69 (Spain). Sympetrum striolatum - FRASER, R. Ent. Soc. London, 1 (10): 41 (England).
484 1973 Sympetrum striolatum striolatum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 278 (key to subspecies). 1984 Sympetrum striolatum - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 103 (Hungary).
Distribution: North Africa, Europe (except northern Scandinavia), Asia Minor, and West Asia. striolatum doshidordzii
1958 Sympetrum striolatum doshidordzii BELYSHEV & D O S H I D O R D Z I , Zool. Zhurn., Moscow, 35. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Mongolia.
Distribution: Mongolia, and Buryat Territory. striolatum imitoides
1915 Sympetrum striolatum imitoides BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 369. Type female: Zool. Mus., St. Petersbourg; type-locality: Wladiwostok. 1955 Sympetrum striolatum imitoides - ASAHINA, Ent. Med., 27 (3): 134 (North China). 1958 Sympetrum striolatum striolatum - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 22: 67 (Kurile Islands).
Distribution: China: Manchuria, North Korea, Kurile, Russian Far East. striolatum kurile
1976 Sympetrum striolatum kurile BELYSHEV,Trudy biol. Inst. sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 18: 167. Type male: Belyshev's Collection; type-locality: Kurile.
Distribution: Kurile Islands. striolatum pallidum
1887 Sympetrum striolatum race pallidum SELYS, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross., 21: 444. Male from Turkestan. 1 9 0 5 Sympetrum striolatum pallidum - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 3 9 (Turkestan). 1915 Sympetrum striolatum pallidum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 400 (Mongolia: Gobi, Amu-Darja, Turkestan). 1916 Sympetrum striolatum pallidum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1177 (Turkestan).
Distribution: Siberia, Mongolia. tibiale Ris 1897 Sympetrum tibiale Ris, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 43. Type male: Hist. nat. Mus., Hamburg; type-locality: Mongolia. 1905 Sympetrum bergi GRIGORIEV, Revue Russ. ent., 5: 218. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Siberia. 1915 Sympetrum tibiale - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 209 (Mongolia, Turkestan, AmuDarja). 1915 Sympetrum bergi- BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 209 (proposed synonymy with tibiale RIS, 1897).
1916 Sympetrum tibiale - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1181 (Mongolia). 1961 Sympetrum tibiale - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun., Warszawa, 6 (4): 30 (Kazakhstan).
Distribution: Siberia, Mongolia, and China: Sinkiang. uniforme
1883 Diplax uniformis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 92. Type female: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Japan.
485 1884 1890 1911 1915
Diplax uniformis - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 28: 42. Sympetrum uniforme - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. Sympetrum uniforme - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 674 (Japan). Sympetrum uniforme - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., LibelL: 344 (Japan, China: Peking).
Distribution: Japan, Korea, North China. verum
1915 Sympetrum verum BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., LibelL: 265. Type female: ? St. Petersbourg Mus.; type-locality: Ohio.
Distribution: U.S.A. vicinum
1861 Diplax vicina HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 175. Type: sex not given; type-locality: Bergen Hill. 1890 Sympetrum vicinum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 16. 1910 Sympetrum vicinum - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 164 (types in Agassiz Mus.). 1911 Sympetrum vicinum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 693 (Ν. Carolina, Georgia, Washington, New Yersey, Ohio).
Distribution: U.S.A. villosum Ris 1911 Sympetrum villosum Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 695. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Chile.
Distribution: Chile. vulgatum vulgatum
1758 Libellula vulgata LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 543. Type female: ? British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sweden. 1767 Libellula globulata MÜLLER, F a u n a Friedr., 1767: 129. Type: unknown. 1 8 3 3 Sympetrum vulgatum - N E W M A N , Ent. Mag., 1: 5 1 2 (as generotype of Sympetrum NEWMAN, 1833).
1840 1868 1878 1884 1887 1889 1890 1890
Libellula sicula HÄGEN, Syn. Libell. europ.: 35. Type: unknown. Diplax vulgata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 720. Diplaxflavostigma BUCHECKER, Syst. Ent. I. Odonata: 9. Type: unknown; type-locality: Zürich. Diplax vulgata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 18: 34. Sympetrum vulgatum - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 10. Sympetrum vulgatum - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 277. Sympetrum vulgatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 14. Libellula sicula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 14 [proposed synonymy with vulgatum
(LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] .
1911 Sympetrum vulgatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 625 (Holland, Pologne, Silesia, Austria, Dania, Dalmatia). 1915 Sympetrum vulgatum - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 300. 1915 Libellula globulata - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 300 [proposed synonymy with vulgatum (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1915 Diplax flavostigma - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 300 [proposed synonymy with vulgatum (LINNAEUS, 1758)]. 1915 Sympetrum vulgatum f. rossicum BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 310. Male from Russia. 1916 Sympetrum vulgatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1175 (Kuban, Ural, Moscow, Suisse). 1 9 5 6 Sympetrum vulgatum - FRASER, R . Ent. Soc. London, 1 ( 1 0 ) : 4 1 (England).
486 1960 Sympetrum vulgatum - HOFFMANN, Archives, 27: 235 (France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Luxembourg). 1973 Sympetrum vulgatum vulgatum - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 268 (key to subspecies). 1984 Sympetrum vulgatum - STEINMANN, Fauna Hung., 160: 104 (Hungary).
Distribution: Siberia to China, North-eastern Europe. vulgatum flavum BARTENEF 1915 Sympetrum vulgatum flavum BARTENEF, FaunedelaRuss., Libell.: 317. Type female: unknown: type-locality: Dsungaria. 1948 Sympetrum vulgatum flavum - AKRAMOWSKI, Zool. Zborn., Moscow, 5: 179 (Armenia). 1961 Sympetrum vulgatum flavum - BELYSHEV, Fragm. Faun. Warszawa, 9 (4): 30 (Kazakhstan).
Distribution: Siberia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. vulgatum fuscopterum BELYSHEV 1976 Sympetrum vulgatum fuscopterum BELYSHEV, Trudy biol. Inst. sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 18: 167. Type male: Belyshev's Collection; type-locality: East Russia.
Distribution: Russia. vulgatum grandis BARTENEF 1910 Sympetrum vulgatum var. grandis BARTENEF, Rab. Labor. Zool. I. Warsz. Univ., 1910: 19. Male from Poland. 1911 Sympetrum vulgatum var. grandis - BARTENEF, Zool. Jb. Syst., 32: 234. 1915 Sympetrum vulgatum var. grandis - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 293 (proposed synonymy with vulgatum imitans SELYS, 1 8 8 6 ) .
Distribution: Poland, vulgatum imitans (SELYS) 1886 Diplax imitans SELYS, C.R. Ent. Soc. Belg., 30: 179. Type female: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Peking. 1887 Sympetrum imitans - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 56 («description) (Amur). 1890 Sympetrum imitans - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 15. 1911 Sympetrum imitans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 13: 628. 1912 Sympetrum imitans - BARTENEF, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. St. Petersbourg, 16: 415 (Ussuri). 1915 Sympetrum vulgatum imitans - BARTENEF, Faune de la Russ., Libell.: 292 (Transbaicalia, Mandzhuria). 1922 Sympetrum imitans - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 107 (Japan, China, Amur, Europe). 1973 Sympetrum vulgatum imitans - BELYSHEV, The Dragonflies of Siberia, 1 (1): 268. 1985 Sympetrum vulgatum imitans - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 2 1 (as synonym of vulgatum grandis BARTENEF, 1 9 1 0 ) .
Distribution: Russian Far East, and China. Genus Viridithemis FRASER 1961 Viridithemis FRASER, Nat. malgache, 12: 71. Type-species: Viridithemis viridula FRASER, 1961 (original designation).
viridula FRASER 1961 Viridithemis viridula FRASER, Nat. malgache, 12: 71 (as generotype of Viridithemis 1961). Type male: Fraser's Collection; type-locality: Madagascar.
Distribution: Madagascar.
487 Genus Ypirangathemis DIAS DOS SANTOS 1944 Ypirangathemis DIAS DOS SANTOS, Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 16: 457. Types-species: Ypirangathemis calverti DÍAS DOS SANTOS, 1944 (original designation).
calverti DÍAS DOS SANTOS 1944 Ypirangathemis calverti DÍAS DOS SANTOS, Rev. Ent., Rio de Janeiro, 16: 458 (as generotype of Ypirangathemis DÍAS DOS SANTOS, 1944). Type male: Nac. Mus. Zool., Rio de Janeiro; Type-species: Brazil. 1947 Ypirangathemis calverti - BORROR, Ann. Soc. ent. Amer., 40: 247 (description of female).
Distribution: Brazil. Subfamily Trithemistinae Medium sized species. Arc between antenodals 1 - 2 ; sectors of arc briefly stalked; distal antenodal incomplete; trg in fore wing with costal side narrow; anal loop developed; accessory veins absent; base of trg in hind wing at level of arc. Nodus distal to centre of wing with apical wing area reduced. 1940 Trithemistinae TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 (2): 393 (with genera: Austrothemis, Trithemis, Pseudothemis). Type-genus: Trithemis BRAUER, 1868. -1954 Trithemistinae - LIEFTINCK, Handlist of Malaysian Odonata: 154. - 1 9 6 2 Trithemistinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 265 (key to African genera: Ataconeura, Thalassothemis, Trithemis). - 1977 Trithemistinae - BELYSHEV & KHARITONOV, Nauka, Novosibirsk: 137 (key to Boreal genera). 1985 Trithemistinae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 124 (with genera: Atoconeura, Brechmorhoga, Dythemis, Gynothemis, Huonia, Lanthanusa, Macrothemis, Paltothemis, Pseudagrionoptera, Pseudothemis, Scapanea, Thalassothemis, Trithemis).
Genus Atoconeura KARSCH 1899 Atoconeura KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25 (24): 371. Type-species: Atoconeura biordinata KARSCH, 1899 (monotypy). - 1909 Accaphila KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 19: 59. Type-species: Accaphila eudoxia KIRBY, 1909 (original designation). - 1912 Atoconeura - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 749 (redescription). - 1934 Atoconeura - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 29. - 1953 Atoconeura - LONGFIELD, Entomologist, 86:42 (revision, key to species). - 1 9 6 2 Atoconeura- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 265. - 1962 Accaphila - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 265 (proposed synonymy with Atoconeura KARSCH, 1899).
biordinata biordinata KARSCH 1899 Atoconeura biordinata KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25 (24): 371 (as generotype of Atoconeura KARSCH, 1899). Type nymph: (female): Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Tanganyika. 1906 Atoconeura leopardina FÖRSTER, Jb. Mannheim Ver. Natk., 71-72: 38. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Usumbara. 1912 Atoconeura biordinata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 750 (Cameroon, Ruwenzori, Nyusa). 1912 Atoconeura leopardina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 750 (proposed synonymy with biordinata KARSCH, 1899). 1934 Atoconeura biordinata - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige., Zool., 3 II 3: 29 (Belgian Congo). 1953 Atoconeura biordinata - LONGFIELD, Entomologist, 86: 46.
488 1958 Atoconeura biordinata biordinata - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 4 (S. Rhodesia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Belgian Congo, Cameroon). 1962 Atoconeura biordinata biordinata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 266.
Distribution: Equatorial Africa. biordinata aethiopica KIMMINS 1958 Atoconeura biordinata aethiopica KIMMINS, Brit. Mus. Bull. (Nat. Hist.), Ent., 7: 357. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ethiopia. 1962 Atoconeura biordinata aethiopica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 266.
Distribution: Ethiopia. biordinata chirinda LONGFIELD 1953 Atoconeura biordinata chirinda LONGFIELD, Entomologist, 86: 46. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London: type-locality: S. Rhodesia. 1962 Atoconeura biordinata chirinda - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 266. 1981 Atoconeura biordinata chirinda - PINHEY, Probi. Attu. Sci. Cult., 252: 34 (proposed synonymy with biordinata biordinata K A R S C H , 1 8 9 9 ) .
Distribution: South Rhodesia. biordinata kenya LONGFIELD 1953 Atoconeura biordinata kenya LONGFIELD, Entomologist, 86: 46. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Kenya. 1962 Atoconeura biordinata kenya - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 266.
Distribution: Kenya. biordinata pseudeudoxia LONGFIELD 1953 Atoconeura biordinata pseudeudoxia LONGFIELD, Entomologist, 86: 46. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Atoconeura biordinata pseudeudoxia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 266. 1981 Atoconeura biordinata pseudeudoxia - PINHEY, Probi. Attu. Sci. Cult., 252: 34 (proposed synonymy with biordinata biordinata KARSCH, 1899).
Distribution: Uganda. eudoxia (KIRBY) Accaphila eudoxia K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 19:60 (as generotype of Accaphila K I R B Y , 1 9 0 9 ) . Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ruwenzori. 1950 Atoconeura extraordinata FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 19: 56. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1953 Atoconeura eudoxia - LONGFIELD, Entomologist, 86: 44. 1953 Atoconeura extraordinata - LONGFIELD, Entomologist, 86: 44 [proposed synonymy with eu1909
(KIRBY, 1909)].
1962 Atoconeura eudoxia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 266 (Kenya, Uganda, Ruwenzori). 1966 Atoconeura eudoxia - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 191.
Distribution: tropical Africa. Genus Brechmorhoga KIRBY 1894 Brechmorhoga KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 265. Type-species: Brechmorhoga grenadensis KIRBY, 1894 (original designation). - 1913 Brechmorhoga - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 849 (revision, key to species).
489 columba CALVERT 1898 Brechmorhoga columba CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28: 315. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. diplosema Ris 1913 Brechmorhoga diplosema Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 860. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. flavoannulata LACROIX 1920 Brechmorhoga flavoannulata LACROIX, Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1920: 177. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Peru. 1943 Brechmorhoga flavoannulata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 267.
Distribution: Peru. flavopunctata MARTIN 1898 Brechmorhoga flavopunctata MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 66: 590. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Bolivia. 1913 Brechmorhoga flavopunctata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 861 (Colombia, Bolivia, Peru). 1918 Brechmorhoga flavopunctata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 182 (Peru). 1943 Brechmorhoga flavopunctata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 267 (Peru).
Distribution: Colombia, Bolivia, Peru. innupta RACENIS 1954 Brechmorhoga innupta RACENIS, Mem. Soc. Cienc. nat., La Salle, 14: 175. Type male: Caracas Mus.; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. mendax (HÄGEN) 1861 Dythemis mendax HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 164. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1898 Brechmorhoga mendax - CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 26: 313. 1913 Brechmorhoga mendax-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 861 (California).
Distribution: California, and Texas. nubecula (RAMBUR) 1842 Libellula nubecula RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 122. Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Brazil. 1861 Dythemis nubecula - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 317. 1890 Dythemis nubecula - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 34. 1890 Macrothemis catharina KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 366. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1898 Brechmorhoga nubecula - CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28: 314. 1913 Brechmorhoga nubecula - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 863 (Brazil, Panama, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador). 1913 Macrothemis catharina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 863 [proposed synonymy with nubecula (RAMBUR, 1842)].
490 1943 Brechmorhoga 1947 Brechmorhoga
nubecula - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 267 (Mexico to Argentina). nubecula - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 457 (Argentina).
Distribution: Mexico to Argentina. pertinax pertinax
1861 Dythemis pertinax HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 166. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Mexico. 1868 Libellula (Dythemis) sallaei SELYS, C . R . Ent. Belg., 11: 67. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Orizaba. 1890 Micrathryria pertinax - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 41. 1910 Brechmorhoga pertinax - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 174 (Mexico to Central America). 1910 Libellula (Dythemis) sallaei-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 174[proposed synonymy with pertinax (HÄGEN, 1861)]. 1913 Brechmorhoga pertinax pertinax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 856 (key to subspecies) (Mexico, Colombia).
Distribution: Mexico to Colombia. pertinax eurysema Ris 1913 Brechmorhoga pertinax eurysema Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 858. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Panama. 1918 Brechmorhoga pertinax eurysema - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 181 (Pamama).
Distribution: Panama. pertinax peruviana Ris 1913 Brechmorhoga pertinax peruviana Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 859. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Peru. 1918 Brechmorhoga pertinax peruviana - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 181 (Peru, Bolivia). 1943 Brechmorhoga pertinax peruviana - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 267 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru, Bolivia. praecox praecox
1861 Dythemis praecox HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 165. Type female: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Mexico. 1898 Brechmorhoga praecox-CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28: 315 (Mexico to Colombia). 1913 Brechmorhoga praecox praecox - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 853 (key to subspecies) (Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Honduras). 1916 Brechmorhoga praecox praecox - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1209 (Guatemala). 1943 Brechmorhoga praecox praecox - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 267 (Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru).
Distribution: Mexico to Peru. praecox grenadensis
1894 Brechmorhoga grenadensis KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 265 (as generotype of Brechmorhoga KIRBY, 1894). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Grenada. 1913 Brechmorhoga grenadensis - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15, 853.
491 1916 Brechmorhoga praecox grenadensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1210 (Trinidad). 1932 Brechmorhoga praecox grenadensis - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 122 (Trinidad).
Distribution: Grenada, Trinidad. praecox postlobata
1898 Brechmorhoga postlobata CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28: 314. Type male: Calif. Acad.; type-locality: Mexico. 1913 Brechmorhoga praecox postlobata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 853.
Distribution: Mexico. praedatrix
1909 Brechmorhoga praedatrix CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 250. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Brechmorhoga praedatrix - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 855 (Matto Grosso). 1916 Brechmorhoga praedatrix - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1211 (redescription) (Br. Guyana).
Distribution: Brazil, and Guyanas. rapax rapax
1898 Brechmorhoga rapax CALVERT (HÄGEN MS), Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28: 316. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Venezuela. 1913 Brechmorhoga rapax rapax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 859 (key to subspecies). 1915 Nothemis apollinaris NAVAS, Ent. Mitt., 4: 146. Type male: Navás's Collection; type-locality: Colombia (as generotype of Nothemis NAVAS, 1915). 1918 Brechmorhoga rapax rapax - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 181 (Colombia, Ecuador). 1918 Nothemis apollinaris - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 181 (proposed synonymy with rapax CALVERT, 1 8 9 8 ) .
Distribution: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador. rapax crocosema Ris 1913 Brechmorhoga rapax crocosema Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 860. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1918 Brechmorhoga rapax crocosema - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 181 (Costa Rica, Panama).
Distribution: Central America. tepeaca
1908 Brechmorhoga tepeaca CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 406. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1913 Brechmorhoga tepeaca - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 855 (Mexico).
Distribution: Mexico. travassosi
1946 Brechmorhoga travassosi Dios DOS SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac., Rio de Janeiro (N.S.) Zool., 51: 1. Type male: Nac. Mus., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil.
492 vivax
1906 Brechmorhoga vivax CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 280. Type male: Champion's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1913 Brechmorhoga vivax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 852 (Panama, Mexico, Brazil). 1918 Brechmorhoga vivax - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 181 (Costa Rica, Panama). 1947 Brechmorhoga vivax - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 457 (Argentina).
Distribution: Mexico to Argentina. Genus Dythemis
1861 Dythemis HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 162. Type-species: Libellula rufinervis BURMEISTER, 1839 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 298). - 1913 Dythemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 837 (revision, key to species). - 1916 Dythemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1201 (revision, key to species).
1945 Dythemis alcebiadesi DIAS DOS SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro (N.S.) Zool., 40: 4. Type male: Nac. Mus., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil. 1949 Dythemis alcebiadesi - DÍAS DOS SANTOS, Rev. brasil. Biol., 9: 247 (description of female).
Distribution: Brazil. cannacrioides
1906 Dythemis cannacrioides CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 276. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Guatemala. 1913 Dythemis cannacrioides - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 844 (Guatemala, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia). 1932 Dythemis cannacrioides - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 122 (Trinidad). 1943 Dythemis cannacrioides - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 266 (Panama, Guatemala, Colombia, Venezuela). 1961 Dythemis cannacrioides - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad, 113: 16 (Peru).
Distribution: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama to Brazil. constricta
Dythemis constricta CALVERT (SELYS MS), Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 2 8 ( 1 2 ) : 3 1 1 . Type male: not given; type-locality: South America. 1913 Dythemis constricta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 843 (Brazil). 1898
Distribution: Brazil. fugax
1861 Dythemis fugax HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 163. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1910 Dythemis fugax - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 171 (Texas, New Mexico). 1913 Dythemis fugax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 839 (Texas).
Distribution: U.S.A. maya
1906 Dythemis maya CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 275. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality·. Mexico.
493 1910 Dythemis maya - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 171 (Mexico, Guatemala). 1913 Dythemis maya - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 840.
Distribution: Mexico, Guatemala. multipunctata
1894 Dythemis multipunctata KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 265. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: St. Vincent. 1913 Dythemis multipunctata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 841 (incorrect s y n o n y m y velox
HÄGEN, 1 8 6 1 ) .
1916 Dythemis multipunctata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 181 (Panama, Argentina). 1932 Dythemis multipunctata - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 121 (Trinidad). 1943 Dythemis multipunctata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 266 (Peru).
Distribution: South America. nigrescens
1899 Dythemis nigrescens CALVERT, Proc. Calif. Acad., (3) 1: 390. Type male: Calif. Acad.; typelocality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. rufinervis
1839 Libellula rufinervis BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 850. Type: sex not given: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1842 Libellula conjuncta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 91. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: not given. 1861 Dythemis rufinervis - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 162. 1866 Libellula vinosa SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 192. Type male: Boston Mus.; type-locality: not given. 1889 Dythemis rufinervis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 298 (as generotype of Dythemis HÄGEN, 1 8 6 1 ) .
1890 Dythemis rufinervis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 34. 1890 Libellula conjuncta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 34 [proposed synonymy with rufinervis
(BURMEISTER, 1839)].
1890 Libellula vinosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 34 [proposed synonymy with rufinervis
(BURMEISTER, 1839)].
1910 Dythemis rufinervis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 171 (Greater Antilles, Cuba, Haiti). 1913 Dythemis rufinervis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 840 (Cuba, St. Domingo).
Distribution: Central America, schubarti
DÍAS DOS SANTOS 1945 Dythemis schubarti DIAS DOS SANTOS, Bol. Mus. nac. Rio de Janeiro (N.S.) Zool., 40: 5. Type male: Nac. Mus., Rio de Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil, sterilis
HAGEN 1842 Libellula tesselata RAMBUR, (nec BURMEISTER, 1839), Hist. nat. Ins., Neuropt., Paris: 99. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Buenos Aires. 1861 Dythemis sterilis HAGEN (nec CALVERT, 1895), Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 317 (new name for Libellula tesselata RAMBUR, 1842, a junior secondary homonymy of Libellula tesselata BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) .
494 1890 Macrothemis sterilis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 33. 1913 Dythemis sterilis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 841 (incorrect synonymy with velox HÄGEN, 1861). 1916 Dythemis sterilis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1205 (Central America). 1943 Dythemis sterilis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 266 (Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, Trinidad). 1970 Dythemis sterilis - DONNELLY, Smiths. Contr. Zool., 37: 12 (Dominica).
Distribution: Central and South America.
1861 Dythemis velox HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 163. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1861 Dythemis tabida HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 317 (nom. nud. emendation from Brazil). 1894 Dythemis broadwayi KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 16: 227. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Trinidad. 1898 Dythemis nigra MARTIN, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 66: 590. Type female: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Cayenne. 1898 Dythemis velox var. tabida - CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28: 310 (Para). 1910 Dythemis velox - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 172 (Texas, California to Argentina). 1910 Dythemis broadwayi - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 172 (proposed synonymy with velox HÄGEN, 1861). 1910 Dynthemisnigra-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 172 (proposed synonymy with velox HÄGEN, 1861). 1916 Dythemis broadwayi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1204 (proposed synonymy with sterilis HÄGEN, 1861). 1947 Dythemis velox - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 457.
Distribution: South U.S.A. to Argentina.
williamsoni Ris 1916 Dythemis williamsoni Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1208. Type male: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: British Guiana. 1964 Dythemis williamsoni - GEIJSKES, Stud. F a u n a Suriname, 7: 45 (description of female) (Surinam).
Distribution: Guyanas. Genus Gynothemis
1909 Gynothemis CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 256. Type-species: Gynothemis venipunctata CALVERT, 1909 (original designation). - 1913 Gynothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 897 (revision, key to species).
1933 Gynothemis aurea NAVAS, Ree. Acad., Madrid., 29: 194. Type male: Navás's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil.
495 calliste Ris 1913 Gynothemis calliste Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 899. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Minas Geraes.
Distribution: Brazil. heteronycha
1909 Brechmorhoga heteronycha CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 251. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Gynothemis heteronycha - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 898 (Brazil, Paraguay).
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay. uniseta
1972 Gynothemis uniseta GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 47: 402. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Surinam.
Distribution: Suriname. venipunctata
1909 Gynothemis venipunctata CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 256 (as generotype of Gynothemis CALVERT, 1 9 0 9 ) . Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Gynothemis venipunctata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 900.
Distribution: Brazil. Genus Huonia
1903 Huonia FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 515. Types-species: Huonia epinephela FÖRSTER, 1903 (original designation). - 1912 Huonia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 742 (revision, key to species). - 1935 Huonia - LIEFTING, Nova Guinea, 17: 269 (revision, key to species). - 1953 Huonia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 183 (revision, key to Moluccas and New Guinean species).
arborophila arborophila
Huonia thalassophila M A R T I N (nec FÖRSTER, 1 9 0 3 ) , Bull. Soc. ent. ital., 60: 1 6 7 . Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Hist., Genova; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Huonia arborophila LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 478 (new name for Huonia thalassophila MARTIN, 1 9 0 9 , a junior secondary homonymy of Huonia thalassophila FÖRSTER, 1 9 0 3 ) . 1963 Huonia thalassophila thalassophila - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (Zool.), 25: 778. 1909
Distribution: New Guinea. arborophila diminuta
1963 Huonia arborophila diminuta LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (Zool.), 25: 778. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Louisiade.
Distribution: Louisiade Archipelago (Papua New Guinea). aruana
1942 Huonia aruana LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 491. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection: type-locality: Aru.
Distribution: Aru Island.
496 daphne
1953 Huonia daphne LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 198. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Halmahera.
Distribution: Halmahera Island. epinephela
1903 Huonia Huonia 1912 Huonia 1935 Huonia 1942 Huonia
epinephela FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 517 (as generotype of FÖRSTER, 1903). Type male: Természett. Μύζ., Budapest; type-locality: New Guinea. epinephela - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 743 (redescription). epinephela - LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea, 17: 279. epinephela - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 488.
Distribution: New Guinea. ferentina
1953 Huonia ferentina LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 205. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Halmahera.
Distribution: Halmahera Island, hylophila
1942 Huonia hylophila LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 489. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. hypsophila
1963 Huonia hypsophila LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea (Zool.), 25: 775. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. moerens
1963 Huonia moerens LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea (Zool.), 25: 772. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. oreophila
1935 Huonia oreophila LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea, 17: 274. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Huonia oreophila - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 492.
Distribution: New Guinea. rheophila
1935 Huonia rheophila LIEFTINCK, N o v a Guinea, 17: 272. Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. silvicola
1942 Huonia silvicola LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 489. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality:New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea.
497 thaïs
1953 Huonja thaïs LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 208. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; typelocality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. thalassophila
1903 Huonia thalassophila FÖRSTER (nec M A R T I N , 1909), Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1: 520. type-female: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: New Guinea. 1912 Huonia thalassophila - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 744 (redescription). 1935 Huonia thalassophila - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, 1 7 : 277 (redescription).
Distribution: New Guinea. thisbe
1953 Huonia thisbe LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 200. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; typelocality: Misool.
Distribution: Misool Island.
Genus Lanthanusa Ris 1912 Lanthanusa Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 746. Type-species: Lanthanusa cyclopica Ris, 1912 (original designation). - 1955 Lanthanusa- LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (18): 161.
cyclopica Ris 1912 Lanthanusa cyclopica Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 747 (as generotype of Lanthanusa Ris, 1912). Type female: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Lanthanusa cyclopica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 1 8 (3): 493 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. donaldi
1955 Lanthanusa donaldi LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (18): 161. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. lamberti
1942 Lanthanusa lamberti LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 497. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. richardi
1942 Lanthanusa richardi LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 494. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea.
498 sufficiens
1955 Lanthanusa sufficiens LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 33 (18): 158. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. Genus Macrothemis
1868 Macrothemis HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 29: 281. Type-species: Libellula celeno SELYS, 1857 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 298). - 1898 Macrothemis - CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28 (12): 317 (revision, key to species). - 1913 Macrothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 864 (revision, key to species). - 1916 Cendra NAVAS, Mem. Pont Acc. n. Line., 2 (2): 74. Type-species: Cendra cearana NAVAS, 1916 (original designation). - 1946 Macrothemis - DÍAS DOS SANTOS, Summa brasil. Biol., 1; 117. - 1946 Cendra - DIAS DOS SANTOS, Summa brasil. Biol., 1: 117 (proposed synonymy with Macrothemis HÄGEN, 1868).
1985 Macrothemis aurimaculata DONNELLY, 1984 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of
the World, Utrecht, 2: 126.
Distribution: Central America. brevidens 1985
Macrothemis brevidens Utrecht, 2: 126.
BELLE, 1 9 8 3
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Suriname. capitata
1909 Macrothemis capitata CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 253. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Macrothemis capitata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 876 (redescription).
Distribution: Brazil. celeno
1857 Libellula celeno SELYS, Sagra, Hist. Cuba Ins.: 454. Type female: lost; type-locality: Cuba. 1868 Macrothemis celeno - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 29: 281 (Cuba). 1889 Macrothemis celeno - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12:298 (as generotype oí Macrothemis HÄGEN, 1868). 1890 Macrothemis celeno - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 33. 1910 Macrothemis celeno - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 175 (Greater Antilles, Cuba, Haiti, St. Thomas, Isle of Pines). 1913 Macrothemis celeno - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 879 (Cuba, Haiti, St. Thomas, Jamaica). 1919 Macrothemis celeno - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 370.
Distribution: Antilles. cynthia Ris 1913 Macrothemis cynthia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 891. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Espirito Santo.
Distribution: Brazil.
499 declivata
1909 Macrothemis decifrata CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 254. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Macrothemis declivata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 894 (Brazil, Argentina).
Distribution: Brazil, Argentina. delia Ris 1913 Macrothemis delia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 892. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1916 Macrothemis delia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1215 (Guatemala).
Distribution: Guatemala to Suriname. extensa Ris 1913 Macrothemis extensa Ris (BATES MS), Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 877. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para. 1943 Macrothemis extensa - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 268 (Amazonas, Para).
Distribution: Brazil. flavescens
1897 Miathyria flavescens KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 19: 600. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazonas. 1898 Macrothemis flavescens - CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28 (12): 328. 1913 Macrothemis flavescens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 892 (Brazil). 1961 Macrothemis flavescens - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 17 (Peru).
Distribution: Brazil, and Peru. griseofrons
1909 Macrothemis griseofrons CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 255. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Macrothemis griseofrons - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 883 (Brazil). 1916 Cendra cearana NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. n. Line., (2) 2: 74. Type male: Navás's Collection; type-locality: Brazil (as generotype of Cendra NAVAS, 1916). 1946 Macrothemis griseofrons - DÍAS DOS SANTOS, Summa brazil. Biol., 1, 117. 1 9 4 6 Cendra cearana - D Í A S DOS SANTOS, Summa brazil. Biol., 1: 1 1 7 (proposed synonymy with griseofrons
CALVERT, 1 9 0 9 ) .
Distribution: Brazil. guarauno
1957 Macrothemis guarauno RACENIS, Acta biol. venezuel., 2: 122. Type male: Caracas Mus.; typelocality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. hahneli Ris 1913 Macrothemis hahneli Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 876. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela. 1943 Macrothemis hahneli - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 267 (Colombia, Venezuela, Peru).
Distribution: Colombia, Venezuela, Peru.
500 hemichlora
1839 Libellula hemichlora BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 849. Type female: Winthem's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1861 Dythemis hemichlora - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 317. 1889 Macrothemis hemichlora - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 54. 1898 Macrothemis hemichlora -CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28(12): 329 (redescription). 1898 Macrothemis cydippe CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28 (12): 332. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Rio Olfers. 1910 Macrothemis hemichlora - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 176 (Mexico to Brazil). 1913 Macrothemis hemichlora - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 889 (Brazil, Surinam, Honduras, Paraguay). 1913 Macrothemis cydippe - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 889 [proposed synonymy with hemichlora (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1916 Macrothemis hemichlora - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1214 (Guatemala, Trinidad). 1918 Macrothemis hemichlora - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 183 (Panama). 1947 Macrothemis hemichlora - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 460 (Argentina).
Distribution: South America. hosanai
1 9 8 5 M a c r o t h e m i s h o s a n a i D Í A S DOS SANTOS, - l o c . c i t . D A VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s o f t h e
World, Utrecht, 2: 127.
Distribution: Brazil. idalia Ris 1916 Macrothemis idalia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1217. Type female: Williamson's Collection; type-locality: British Guiana.
Distribution: Guyanas. imitans imitans
Macrothemis imitans K A R S C H (nec CALVERT, 1 8 9 5 ) , Beri. ent. Z . , 33 ( 2 ) : 3 6 7 . Type male: Frühstorfer's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Macrothemis imitans imitans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 885 (key to subspecies). 1918 Macrothemis imitans imitans - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 182 (Argentina). 1947 Macrothemis imitans imitans - FRASER, Acta Zool., lilloana, 4: 46 (Argentina) 1889
Distribution: Brazil, Argentina. imitans leucozona Ris 1913 Macrothemis imitans leucozona Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 887. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela. 1918 Macrothemis imitans leucozona - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 182 (Panama). 1932 Macrothemis imitans leucozona - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 124 (Trinidad).
Distribution: Panama, Trinidad, Venezuela. inacuta
1898 Macrothemis inacuta CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28 (12): 328. Type male: Calif. Acad.; type-locality. Mexico.
501 1913 Macrothemis inacuta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 881 (Mexico, Honduras, Paraguay, Bahia).
Distribution: Mexico to Paraguay. lauriana Ris 1913 Macrothemis lauriana Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 882. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Ega. 1961 Macrothemis lauriana - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 17 (Peru).
Distribution: Peru. lutea
1909 Macrothemis lutea CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 255. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Macrothemis lutea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 882.
Distribution: Brazil. marmorata
1868 Macrothemis marmorata HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 29: 286. Type male: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1889 Macrothemis tenuis K A R S C H (nec H Ä G E N , 1868), Beri. ent. Ζ., 3 3 (2): 364. Type male: Friihstorfer's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Macrothemis tenuis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 871. 1913 Macrothemis marmorata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 872. 1 9 8 5 Macrothemis tenuis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 2 7 (as s y n o n y m o f marmorata
HÄGEN, 1868).
Distribution: Cuba, and Brazil. mortoni Ris 1913 Macrothemis mortoni Morton's Collection; 1918 Macrothemis mortoni 1943 Macrothemis mortoni
Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 884. Type male: type-locality: Peru. - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 182 (Bolivia). - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 268 (Peru, Bolivia).
Distribution: Peru, Bolivia. musiva
1861 Dythemis musiva HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 317 (nom. nud.). 1898 Macrothemis musiva CALVERT ( H Ä G E N MS), Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28 (12): 326. Type female: Calif. Acad.; type-locality: Brazil. 1909 Macrothemis uniseries CALVERT, Ann. Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, 6: 252. Type female: unknown; type-locality: Rio Grande do Sul. 1913 Macrothemis musiva - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 873 (Ecuador, Brazil). 1913 Macrothemis uniseries - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 873 (proposed synonymy with musiva CALVERT, 1898). 1918 Macrothemis musiva - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 182 (Colombia, Bolivia). 1943 Macrothemis musiva - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 267 (Mexico to Argentina).
Distribution: Mexico to Argentina.
502 nobilìs
1957 Macrothemis nobilìs RACENIS, Acta biol. venezuel., 2: 119. Type male: Caracas Mus.; typelocality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. pleurosticta
1839 Libellula pleurosticta BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 849. Type male: Winthem's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1861 Dythemis pleurosticta - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 317. 1868 Macrothemis pleurosticta - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 29: 285. 1898 Macrothemis pleurosticta - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 61. 1913 Macrothemis pleurosticta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 881.
Distribution: Brazil. polyneura Ris 1913 Macrothemis polyneura Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 888. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Parana. 1943 Macrothemis polyneura - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 268 (Parana, Peru).
Distribution: tropical South America. pseudimitans
1895 Macrothemis imitans CALVERT (nec KARSCH, 1889), Proc. Calif. Acad., (2) 4: 531. Type male: Calif. Acad.; type-locality: California. 1898 Macrothemis pseudimitans CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28 (12): 329 (new name for Macrothemis imitans CALVERT, 1895, a junior secondary homonymy of Macrothemis imitans
1910 Macrothemis pseudimitans - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 176 (Mexico, California to Ecuador and Venezuela). 1913 Macrothemis pseudimitans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 883 (Mexico, Venezuela, Salvador, Ecuador, Colombia). 1918 Macrothemis pseudimitans - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 182 (Costa Rica, Colombia). 1932 Macrothemis pseudimitans - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 124 (Trinidad).
Distribution: Mexico to Venezuela. puntila
1889 Macrothemis pumila KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 368. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Bahia. 1913 Macrothemis pumila - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 895 (Brazil). 1924 Macrothemis pumila var. axillata NAVAS, Mem. R. Acad. Barcelona, 18 (13): 4. Male from Peru. 1943 Macrothemis pumila - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 268 (Peru). 1946 Macrothemis pumila - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. Amer., 97: 471 (Peru, Colombia). 1985 Macrothemis pumila axillata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:126.
Distribution: Colombia, Brazil, Peru. rochai
1918 Macrothemis rochai NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. n. Line., ( 2 ) 4 : 1 . Type male: Navás's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil.
503 rupicola
1957 Macrothemis rupicola RACENIS, Acta biol. venezuel., 2: 116. Type male: Caracas Mus.; typelocality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. tenuis
1868 Macrothemis tenuis HAGEN (nec KARSCH, 1889), Stettiner ent. Ztg., 29: 286. Type male: Hagen's Collection; Type locality: Cuba.
Distribution: Cuba. tesselata tesselata
1839 Libellula tesselata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 849. Type: sex not given: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1861 Dythemis tesselata - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 317. 1890 Macrothemis tesselata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 33. 1913 Macrothemis tesselata tesselata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 868 (key to subspecies). 1947 Macrothemis tesselata - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 460 (Argentina).
Distribution: Brazil, Argentina. tesselata inequiunguis
1895 Macrothemis inequiunguis CALVERT, Proc. Calif. Acad. (2) 4: 533. Type male: Calif. Acad.; type-locality: Panama. 1898 Macrothemis vulgipes CALVERT, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 28: 320. Type female: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Panama. 1906 Brechmorhoga inequiunguis - CALVERT, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Neur., London: 246. 1913 Macrothemis tesselata inequiunguis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 870 (Panama). 1913 Macrothemis vulgipes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 870 (proposed synonymy with tesselata inequiunguis CALVERT, 1895). 1961 Macrothemis tesselata inequiunguis - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 16 (Peru).
Distribution: Panama to Peru. valida
1916 Macrothemis valida NAVAS, Mem. Pont. Acc. η. Line., (2) 2: 60. Type male: Navás's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. willinki
1947 Macrothemis willinki FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 457. Type male: Inst. Miguel Lillo, Tucuman; type-locality: Argentina.
Distribution: Argentina. Genus Paltothemis 1889
Paltothemis KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 3 3 ( 2 ) : 3 6 2 . Type-species: Paltothemis lineatipes KARSCH, 1889 (original designation). - 1913 Paltothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 845 (revision). - 1982 Paltothemis - GARRISON, Pan-Pacific Ent., 58 (2): 135.
504 cyanosoma
1982 Paltothemis cyanosoma GARRISON, Pan-Pacific Ent., 58 (2): 135. Type male: Garrison's Collection; type-locality: Mexico.
Distribution: Mexico. lineatipes
1889 Paltothemis lineatipes KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 362 (as generotype of Paltothemis KARSCH, 1889). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Brazil. 1895 Dythemis russata CALVERT, Proc. Calif. Acad., (2) 4: 526. Type male: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Lower California. 1910 Dythemis russata- MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 173 (proposed synonymy w i t h lineatipes
KARSCH, 1 8 8 9 ) .
1913 Paltothemis lineatipes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 846 (Arizona, Mexico, Costa Rica). 1918 Paltothemis lineatipes - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 181 (Costa Rica). 1982 Paltothemis lineatipes - GARRISON, Pan-Pacific Ent., 58 (2): 137.
Distribution: U.S.A. to Brazil. Genus Pseudagrionoptera Ris 1912 Pseudagrionoptera Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 747. Type-species: Pseudagrionoptera dio tima Ris, 1912 (original designation). - 1954 Pseudagrionoptera - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 155.
diotima Ris 1912 Pseudagrionoptera diotima Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 748 (as generotype of Pseudagrionoptera Ris, 1912). Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1920 Pseudagrionoptera diotima - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1920: 323. 1953 Pseudagrionoptera diotima - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 236 (Sarawak). 1954 Pseudagrionoptera diotima - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 155 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. Genus Pseudothemis
1889 Pseudothemis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 270. Type-species: Libellula zonata BURMEISTER, 1839 (original designation). - 1905 Pseudothemis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 728 (key to species). - 1912 Pseudothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 740 (redescription). - 1954 Pseudothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 154.
1904 Pseudothemis jorina locality: Perak. 1912 Pseudothemis jorina 1931 Pseudothemis jorina 1954 Pseudothemis jorina
FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 21: 363. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 742. - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 226. - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 154 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia. zonata
1839 Libellula zonata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 859. Type male: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: China.
505 1889 Pseudothemis zonata - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 270 (as generotype of Pseudothemis KIRBY, 1889) (China, Japan). 1898 Pseudothemis zonata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 91. 1905 Pseudothemis zonata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 728 (China, Japan). 1912 Pseudothemis zonata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 741 (China, Tokon, Japan). 1922 Pseudothemis zonata - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (Japan, Formosa, China). 1932 Orthetrum zonale NAVAS, MUS. Heude Notes ent. chinoise, 8: 3. Type male: Heude Mus.; typelocality: China. 1962 Pseudothemis zonata - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl., 11: 31. 1962 Orthetrum zonale - CHAO, Acta ent. sinica, Suppl., 11: 31 [proposed synonymy with zonata (BURMEISTER, 1839)].
Distribution: China, Japan, Taiwan, and ? Vietnam. Genus Scapanea
1889 Scapanea KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 298. Type-species: Libellula frontalis BURMEISTER, 1839 (original designation).-1913 Scapanea- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 847.
1970 Scapanea archboldi DONNELLY, Smith. Contr. Zool. 37: 12. Type female: Smiths. Inst., Washington; type-locality: Dominica.
Distribution: Dominica. frontalis
1839 Libellula frontalis BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 857. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; typelocality: St. Domingo. 1861 Dythemis frontalis - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 154. 1889 Scapanea frontalis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 299 (as generotype of Scapanea KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) .
1898 Scapanea frontalis 1913 Scapanea frontalis Domingo). 1919 Dythemis frontalis 1985 Scapanea frontalis
- CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 82. - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 848 (Cuba, St. - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 368 (Cuba). - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 127.
Distribution: Antilles. Genus Thalassothemis Ris 1912 Thalassothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 752. Type-species: Libellula marchali RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1962 Thalassothemis - PINHEY, Pubi, cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 266.
1842 Libellula marchalii RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 62. type-male: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Mauritius. 1868 Trithemis marchali - BAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 736. 1890 Orthetrum marchalii - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36. 1912 Thalassothemis marchali - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 753 (as generotype of Thalassothemis Ris, 1912).
506 1962 Thalassothemis marchali - PINHEY, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 31: 120 (description of female).
Distribution: Mauritius. Genus Trithemis
1868 Trithemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 176. Type-species: Libellula aurora BURMEISTER, 1839 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 278). - 1889 Helothemis KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 377. Type-species: Libellula dorsalis RAMBUR, 1842 (original desgination). - 1898 Stoechia KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 235. Type-species: Stoechia distanti KIRBY, 1898 (monotypy). - 1905 Misthotus KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15: 192. Type-species: Misthotus marchalii KIRBY, 1905 (original designation). - 1905 Trithemis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 743 (key to species). -1912 Trithemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 757 (revision, key to species). - 1912 Helothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 754. - 1912 Misthotus Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 754 (proposed synonymy with Helothemis KARSCH, 1889). - 1921 Trithemis - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 420 (key to species). - 1921 Helothemis - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 419. - 1934 Misthotus - COWLEY, Entomologist, 67:252 (proposed synonymy with Helothemis KARSCH, 1889). -1934 Trithemis - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, 3 II 3: 29. - 1936 Helothemis - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 489. - 1962 Trithemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 271. - 1962 Helothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 271 (proposed synonymy with Trithemis BRAUER, 1868). - 1970 Trithemis - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 39 (key to Ethiopian species).
1969 Trithemis aconita LIEFTINCK, Res. sci. Exp. hydrob. Bassin Lac Bangweulu & Luapula, 14 (4): 40. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Congo. 1970 Trithemis caruncula PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 11: 41. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Rhodesia. 1985 Trithemis caruncula - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 129 (as s y n o n y m of aconita
Distribution: tropical Africa. aenea
I960 Trithemis aenea PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: 270. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Belgian Congo.
Distribution: Congo Republic, aequalis aequalis
1969 Trithemis aequalis LIEFTINCK, Res. sci. Exp. hydrob. Bassin Lac Bangweulu & Luapula, 14 (4): 44. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Congo.
Distribution: Congo Republic. annulata annulata (BE AU vois) 1805 Libellula annulata BEAUVOIS, Ins. Afr.-Amér.: 69. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Nigeria. 1841 Libellula rubrinervis SELYS, Revue Odon., Libell. europ., Paris: 244. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Sicilia. 1842 Libellula obsoleta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 244. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality : not given.
507 1887 Trithemis rubrinervis - SEL YS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 22 (Sicilia, Algeria, Senegal, Egypt, Lebanon, Cyprus). 1890 Orthetrum annulatum - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 36. 1890 Trithemis rubrinervis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18. 1890 Trithemis obsoleta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1900 Trithemis violacea SJÖSTEDT, Bih. Svenska Akad. Handl., 25 (2): 13. Type male: Riksmus. Naturhist. Stockholm; type-locality: Cameroon. 1908 Trithemis annulata - Ris, Jenaische Denkschr., 13: 336. 1912 Trithemis annulata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 769 (Senegal, Nubia, Cameroon, Madagascar, Abyssinia, Egypt, Sardegna). 1916 Trithemis annulata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1196 (Gambia, Sahara, Tunis). 1921 Trithemis annulata - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 426 (South Africa). 1928 Trithemis annulata - ANDERS, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 36 (Sicily, Syria, Egypt). 1958 Trithemis annulata - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 4 (Africa, Italy, Syria, Iraq, Arabia). 1962 Trithemis annulata annulata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 268 (Africa, Mediterranean Islands, Italy, Syria, Iraq, Arabia). 1962 Libellula rubrinervis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 268 (proposed synonymy with annulata annulata (BEAUVOIS, 1 8 0 5 ) ) . 1962 Libellula obsoleta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 268 [proposed synonymy with annulata annulata (BEAUVOIS, 1 8 0 5 ) ] . 1962 Trithemis violacea - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 268 [proposed synonymy with annulata annulata (BEAUVOIS, 1 8 0 5 ) ] .
Distribution: Italy to Arabia, Mediterranean Islands, Africa, and Madagascar. annulata haematina
1842 Libellula haematina RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 84. Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1867 Tramea erythraea BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 814. Type: sex not given: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Mauritius. 1868 Trithemis haematina - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 736. 1890 Trithemis haematina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18. 1912 Trithemis haematina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 774 (Mauritius, Madagascar). 1962 Trithemis annulata haematina - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 269 (Mauritius, Réunion, Madagascar (type in R. Mus. Bruxelles). 1962 Tramea erythraea - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 269 [proposed synonymy with annulata haematina ( R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) ] .
Distribution: Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion. annulata scorteccii
1935 Trithemis scorteccii NIELSEN, Atti. Soc. ital. Sci. nat., 74: 375. Type male: Nielsen's Collection; type-locality: Lybia. 1 9 4 8 Trithemis annulata scorteccii - R A Y A H & Z U B E I R , Entomologist's month. Mag., 1 2 0 : 1 5 7 (Sudan). 1962 Trithemis annulata scorteccii - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 269.
Distribution: Lybia to Sudan. anomala
1956 Trithemis anomala PINHEY, Occ. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 4: 38. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: N o r t h Rhodesia.
508 1962 Trithemis anomala - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 269.
Distribution: Rhodesia. africana africana
1867 Tramea africana BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot Ges. Wien, 17: 814. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1 9 0 3 Zygonyx (Pseudomacromia) africana - G R Ü N B E R G (after K A R S C H ) , Zool. Jb. Syst., 18: 7 1 8 . 1912 Trithemis africana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 780 (Congo, Sierra Leone). 1934 Trithemis africana - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3: 29 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Trithemis africana - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 268 (Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone). 1970 Trithemis africana africana - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 11: 148.
Distribution: tropical Africa. africana tropicana 1953 Trithemis Tervuren; 1962 Trithemis 1970 Trithemis
tropicana FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48: 254. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., type-locality: Belgian Congo. tropicana - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 273. africana tropicana - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 11: 148.
Distribution: Zaire, Congo Republic. arteriosa arteriosa
1839 Libellula arteriosa BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 850. Type male: Halle Mus.; Type locality: Port Natal. 1842 Libellula distincta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 85. Type: sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Cap. 1 8 4 4 Libellula rubella BRULLE, WEBB & BERTHOLD, Hist. nat. Cañar. Ent.: 8 2 . Type: lost. 1849 Libellula conjuncta SELYS, Lucas, Expl. Alg., 3: 121. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Algeria. 1887 Trithemis arteriosa var. syriaca SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 23. Male from Syria. 1898 Trithemis arteriosa - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 232 (Nyasaland, Pretoria). 1898 Trithemis arteriosa - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 67 (redescription of holotype). 1905 Trithemis arteriosa arteriosa - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 743 (key to subspecies). 1905 Trithemis arteriosa syriaca - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 743. 1906 Trithemis sanguinolenta FÖRSTER, Jb. Nassau, 59: 312. (incorrect name, h o m o n y m with Libellula sanguinolenta BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 , and Trithemis sanguinolenta K I R B Y , 1 8 9 0 ) . 1912 Trithemis arteriosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 762 (Africa). 1912 Libellula distincta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 762 [proposed synonymy with arteriosa (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1912 Libellula rubella - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 762 [proposed synonymy with arteriosa (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1912 Libellula conjuncta - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 762 [proposed synonymy with arteriosa (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1924 Trithemis arteriosa - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1924: 43 (Lebanon, Algeria to Natal, Canary Islands, Socotra, Comoro). 1928 Trithemis arteriosa - ANDRES, Mem. Soc. ent. R. Egypt, 3 (1): 36 (Algeria, Egypt, Syria). 1938 Trithemis arteriosa - SCHMIDT, SitzBer. Akad. wiss. Wien (1) 147: 148 (Israel). 1952 Trithemis arteriosa - REYMOND, Bull. Soc. sei. nat. Maroc, 32: 88 (Sahara). 1958 Trithemis arteriosa - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. N a t u r k . 1958 (10): 4 (Africa, Syria, Arabia, Iran).
509 1962 Trithemis penelope FRASER, 1929 (in MS nom. nud) - loc. cit. PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 272 (FRASER, Sayt it will need re-examining it may be bredoi, or a from of arteriosa or a spec. nov.).
Distribution: Africa, Canary Islands, Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Israel. arteriosa ennediensis
1970 Trithemis arteriosa ennediensis PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 11: 66. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: C. Africa.
Distribution: Central Africa, arteriosa stuhlmanni
1891 Libellula (Trithemis) stuhlmanni GERSTAECKER, Jb. nat. Hist. Mus., H a m b u r g , 9: 188. Type male: H a m b u r g Mus.; type-locality: East Africa. 1906 Trithemis stuhlmanni - FÖRSTER, Jb. Mannheim Ver. Natk., 7 1 - 7 2 : 29. 1912 Trithemis stuhlmanni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 762 [proposed synonymy with arteriosa (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1962 Trithemis arteriosa stuhlmanni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 29: 270 (type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles).
Distribution: Tanzania. atra atra
1961 Trithemis atra PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.): 166. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Trithemis atra - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 270 (Uganda, G a b o n , Congo). 1969 Trithemis leptosoma - LIEFTINCK, Res. sci. Exp. hydrob. Bassin Lac Bangweulu & Luapula, 14 (4): 50 (proposed synonym with nuptialis KARSCH, 1894). 1970 Trithemis atra - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 103. 1970 Trithemis leptosoma - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 103 (proposed synonymy with atra PINHEY, 1961). 1985 Trithemis atra atra - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 129. 1 9 8 5 Trithemis atra f. leptosoma PINHEY, 1 9 6 6 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 130.
Distribution: tropical Africa. atra grouti
1970 Trithemis grouti PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: 269. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Cameroon. 1970 Trithemis atra grouti - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 11: 103.
Distribution: Cameroon. aurora
1839 Libellula aurora BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 859. Type male: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Manilla. 1868 Trithemis aurora - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 177 (as generotype of Trithemis BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 ) .
1868 Trithemis soror BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 179. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Luzon. 1878 Trithemis adelpha SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus., Dresden, 3: 315. Type male: Mus. Tierk., Dresden; type-locality: Philippines.
510 1881
1886 1889 1890 1890
Trithemis fraterna ALBARDA (nec H A G E N , 1 8 7 3 ) , Vets. Midd. Sumatra, Neuropt.: 4 . Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Sumatra. Trithemis intermedia KIRBY, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886: 327. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: East India. Trithemis aurora - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 278. Trithemis aurora - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18. Trithemis soror - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18 (proposed synonymy with adelpha SEL YS, 1 8 7 8 ) .
1890 Trithemis yerburii KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18 (proposed new name for Trithemis intermedia KIRBY, 1886). 1890 Trithemis congener KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18 (new name for Trithemis fraterna ALBARDA, 1 8 8 1 , a junior secondary homonymy of Dythemis fraterna H A G E N , 1 8 7 3 ) . 1892 Trithemis liturata SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 464. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova; type-locality: Celebes. 1 8 9 4 Trithemis aurora - K I R B Y , J . Linn. Soc., 2 4 : 5 5 0 . 1894 Trithemis soror - KIRBY, J. Linn. Soc., 2 4 : 550 [proposed synonymy with aurora (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1894 Trithemis adelpha - KIRBY, J. Linn. Soc., 2 4 : 550 (proposed synonymy with aurora (BURMEISTER, 1839)].
1898 Trithemis aurora - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 89 (redescription of holotype). 1912 Trithemis aurora - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 775 (Oriental region). 1912 Trithemis intermedia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 775 [proposed synonymy with aurora (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1912 Trithemis yerburii - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 775 [proposed synonymy with aurora (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1912 Trithemis liturata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 775 [proposed synonymy with aurora (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1912 Trithemis congener - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 775 [proposed synonymy with aurora (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1922 Trithemis aurora - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (Formosa, Tonkin, India, Celebes, Java, Hong-Kong, Philippines). 1924 Trithemis aurora - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 439 (West India). 1934 Trithemis aurora - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 383 (Java, Sumatra, Bali). 1936 Trithemis aurora - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 143 (Flores, Sumbawa). 1955 Trithemis aurora - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 79 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Oriental region. basitincta Ris 1912 Trithemis donaldsoni basitincta Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles,14: 784. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Cameroon. 1916 Trithemis donaldsoni basitincta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1198 (Gold Coast). 1951 Trithemis basitincta - PINHEY, Transvaal Mus. Mem., 5: 265 (Natal). 1962 Trithemis basitincta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 270 (Natal, Rhodesia, Port. E. Africa, Tanganyika, Belgian Congo, Uganda, G h a n a , Cameroon, Nigeria).
Distribution: tropical Africa.
1970 Trithemis bifida PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. S. Afr. 11: 136. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; typelocality: Zambia.
Distribution: Zambia.
511 bipunctata
1868 Libellula (Diplax) bipunctata BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 15: 503. Type male: not given; type-locality: Tahiti. 1890 Trithemis bipunctata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 18. 1901 Diplax bipunctata - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 223 (Australia, Borneo, Celebes).
Distribution: Australia, Borneo, Celebes, Tahiti. bredoi
1953 Trithemis bredoi FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 48:252. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Trithemis bredoi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 270.
Distribution: Congo Republic, Zaire. brydeni
1970 Trithemis brydeni PINHEY, Mem. ent. soc. S. Afr., 11: 147. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Zambia.
Distribution: Zambia. congolica
1970 Trithemis congolica PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 11: 144. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Zaire.
Distribution: Zaire. dichroa
1893 Trithemis dichroa KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 38: 25. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Togo. 1900 Trithemis serva KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 69. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1912 Trithemis dichroa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruselles, 14: 795 (Sierra Leone, Togo, Nigeria, Congo). 1962 Trithemis dichroa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:270 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Dahomey, Togo, Sierra Leone, Rhodesia).
Distribution: tropical Africa. donaldsoni donaldsoni
1899 Pseudomacromia donaldsoni CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Hist. Philad., 1899: 235. Type male: Acad. Sci. Philad.; type-locality: Somalia. 1906 Trithemis erlangen FÖRSTER, Wiesbaden Jb. Ver. Natk., 59: 312. Type male: ? Mus. Naturk., Berlin or Ann Arbor Mus.; type-locality: Somalia. 1912 Trithemis donaldsoni donaldsoni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 782 (key to subspecies) (Sudan, Abyssinia, Nigeria, Nyassa). 1916 Trithemis donaldsoni donaldsoni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1198 (Katanga). 1959 Trithemis donaldsoni - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. DFiam. Angola, 45: 40 (Angola). 1962 Trithemis donaldsoni donaldsoni - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 270 (Natal, Rhodesia, Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria).
Distribution: tropical Africa.
512 donaldsoni dejouxi 1985
Trithemis donaldsoni dejeuxi World, Utrecht, 2: 129.
PINHEY, 1 9 7 8
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Central Africa. donaldsoni nigra
1936 Trithemis donaldsoni nigra LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 491. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Principe Island. 1962 Trithemis donaldsoni nigra - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 270 (Spanish Guinea). 1970 Trithemis nigra - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 11: 139.
Distribution: West Africa. dorsalis
1842 Libellula dorsalis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 89. Type female: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Cap. 1889 Helothemis dorsalis - K A R S C H , Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 378 (as generotype of Helothemis K A R S C H , 1889). 1890 Trithemis dorsalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1898 Stoechia distanti KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 236 (as generotype of Stoechia K I R B Y , 1898). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Pretoria. 1905 Misthotus marshalli KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15: 192. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Salisbury. 1905 Misthotus ambiguus KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15: 194. Type: not given; type-locality: Transvaal. 1912 Helothemis dorsalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 755 (Cap). 1912 Misthotus marshalli - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 755 [proposed synonymy with dorsalis (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1912 Trithemis distanti distani - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 791 (key to subspecies). 1934 Helothemis dorsalis-SCHOVOETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., 3113: 29 (Belgian Congo). 1936 Helothemis dorsalis - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 490 (Cape Colony). 1936 Stoechia distanti - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 490 [proposed synonymy with dorsalis
(RAMBUR, 1842)].
1936 Misthotus ambiguus - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 490 [proposed synonymy with dorsalis ( R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) ] . 1962 Trithemis dorsalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 271 (from Cap to Kenya, B. Congo, Angola).
Distribution: Central and South Africa, ellenbecki
1906 Trithemis ellenbeckii FÖRSTER, Wiesbaden Jb. Ver. Natk., 59: 314. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Abyssinia. 1936 Trithemis risi LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 490. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1957 Trithemis risi - KIMMINS, Entomologist, 90: 96. 1958 Trithemis ellenbecki-PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 4 (Abyssinia, Uganda, Congo, S. Africa). 1958 Trithemis r i « - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 4 (proposed synonymy with ellenbecki FÖRSTER, 1 9 0 6 ) . 1962
Trithemis ellenbecki -
Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 2 7 1 (Africa, Madagascar).
513 1970 Trithemis risi - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11 95 (proposed synonymy with furva KARSCH, 1899).
Distribution: East Africa, and Madagascar. falconis
1970 Trithemis falconis PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 113. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Botswana.
Distribution: Botswana. festiva
1842 Libellula festiva RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 92. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Bombay. 1865 Libellula infernalis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 15: 507. Type male: not given; typelocality: Ceylon. 1866 Dythemis infernalis - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara: 98 (Ceylon). 1868 Trithemis festiva - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 736. 1868 Trithemis infernalis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 736. 1878 Trithemis proserpina SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 314. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Moluccas. 1890 Trithemis festiva - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1890 Libellula infernalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19 [proposed synonymy with festiva ( R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) ] . 1890 Trithemis proserpina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19 [proposed synonymy with festiva ( R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) ] . 1 8 9 4 Trithemis cyprica SELYS ( H Ä G E N MS), Bull. Soc. zool. France, 19: 1 3 6 . Type male: unknown; type-locality: Cyprus. 1912 Trithemis festiva - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 796 (India, Ceylon, Borneo, Java, Luzon, Flores, Formosa). 1922 Trithemis festiva - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (Formosa, Penang, India, Ceylon, Lombok, Sumatra). 1954 Trithemis festiva - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 156 (Penang, Malaya, Singapore, Nias, Engano, Bali, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: from the Mediterranean and Abyssinia eastwards as far as Taiwan and the Loo Choo Island. fumosa 1962
Trithemis fumosa locality: Congo.
ent. Soc. S. Afr., 25:
Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type
Distribution: Congo Republic, Zaire. furva
1899 Trithemis furva KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 25 (24): 370. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: East Africa. 1912 Trithemis furva - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 791 [proposed synonymy with distanti distanti ( K I R B Y 1898)]. 1962 Trithemis furva - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 271 (proposed synonymy with ellenbecki FÖRSTER, 1906).
Distribution: Tanzania.
514 hartwigi
1970 Trithemis hartwigi PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 58. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Fernando Po.
Distribution: West Africa. hecate Ris 1869
1912 1912 1921 1962 1962
Libellula hova SELYS (nec R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) , in POLLEN and VAN D A M , Madag. Ins.: 1 7 . Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: D a k a r . Trithemis hecate Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 787. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. Trithemis aureola Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 788 (new name for Libellula hova SELYS, 1869, a junior secondary homonymy of Libellula hova RAMBUR, 1842). Trithemis aureola - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 427. Trithemis hecate - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 271 (South Africa, East Africa, and Belgian Congo). Trithemis aureola - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 271 (proposed synonymy with hecate Ris, 1912).
Distribution: tropical Africa. imitata
1985 Trithemis imitata Utrecht, 2: 130.
1961 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World.
Distribution: Congo Republic. jacksoni
1970 Trithemis jacksoni PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 67. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Ivory Coast.
Distribution: Ivory Coast, kalula
1900 Trithemis kalula KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 6: 69. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1912 Trithemis kalula - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 767 (redescription). 1916 Trithemis kalula - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1196 (Sikasso). 1962 Trithemis kalula - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 272 (Nigeria, Togo, Sierra Leone, Fr. and Port. Guinea).
Distribution: West Africa. kirbyi kirbyi
1891 Trithemis kirbyi SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 30: 465. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: India. 1912 Trithemis kirbyi kirbyi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 778 (key to subspecies). 1924 Trithemis kirbyi kirb (misprint) - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 439 (West India). 1936 Trithemis kirbyi var. dallonia NAVAS, Mém. Acad. Sci., Paris, (2) 62: 72. Male from Tibesti. 1955 Trithemis kirbyi - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden 34 (5): 79 (Ceylon).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka.
515 kirbyi ardens
1891 Libellula (Trithemis) ardens GERSTAECKER, Jb. Hamb. wiss. Anst., 9: 187. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: East Africa. 1908 Trithemis kirbyi ardens - Ris, Jenaische Denkschr., 13: 337 (South Africa). 1912 Trithemis kirbyi ardens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 779 (Sudan, Natal, Abyssinia, Uganda, Rhodesia, Zululand, Madagascar). 1917 Trithemis kirbyi ardens - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 1 1 (14): 3 (British Eastafrica). 1921 Trithemis kirbyi ardens - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus. 18: 426 (Zululand, Natal, Victoria Falls). 1952 Trithemis kirbyi ardens - R E Y M O N D , Bull. Soc. Sei. nat. Maroc, 3 2 : 88 (Sahara). 1959 Trithemis kirbyi ardens f. comorensis FRASER, Mém. Inst. sci. Madagascar, (E) 10: 1. Male from Comoro Island. 1962 Trithemis kirbyi ardens - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 272 (Africa, Madagascar, Comoro).
Distribution: from Morocco and Algeria to Ethiopian region, Madagascar, and Comoro Island. lilacina
Trithemis lilacina FÖRSTER, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 43: 6 3 . Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sumbawa. 1912 Trithemis lilacina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 776 (redescription). 1936 Trithemis lilacina - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 4 3 (5): 144 (Lombok, Flores, Sumbawa). 1953 Trithemis lilacina - LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 6 4 : 216 (Lombok, Flores, Sumba, Timor). 1899
Distribution: Lombok, Bali, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba. monardi monardi Ris 1931 Trithemis monardi Ris, Revue suisse Zool., 38:108. Type male: Mus. Hist, nat., Les Chaux-de -Founds; type-locality: Angola. 1959 Trithemis monardi - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 4 5 : 40. 1962 Trithemis monardi - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 272 (Rhodesia, Angola, Kenya, Uganda). 1970 Trithemis monardi monardi - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. 1 1 : 72.
Distribution: tropical Africa. monardi insuffusa
1970 Trithemis monardi insuffusa PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 72. Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: Zambia.
Distribution: Zambia. nuptialis
1894 Trithemis nuptialis K A R S C H , Beri. ent. Z., 39 (1): 12. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Cameroon. 1912 Trithemis nuptialis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 786 (Cameroon, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone). 1941 Trithemis nuptialis - FRASER, Proc. R . ent. Soc. London, ( B ) 1 0 : 42 (tropical Africa). 1959 Trithemis nuptialis - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 4 5 : 40 (Angola). 1962 Trithemis nuptialis - P I N H E Y , Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 272 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Angola, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Port. Guinea).
Distribution: tropical Africa.
516 pallidinervis
1889 Sympetrum pallidinervis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 327: Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India. 1892 Trithemis dryas SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 465. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: Burma. 1904 Diplax dryas - MARTIN, Miss. Pavie: 5 (Cambodia). 1907 Trithemis pallidinervis - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1907: 304. 1912 Trithemis pallidinervis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 789 (Ceylon, India, Tibet, Formosa, Luzon). 1912 Trithemis dryas - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 789 [proposed synonymy with pallidinervis (KIRBY 1889)]. 1922 Trithemis pallidinervis - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (Formosa, Tibet, India, Ceylon). 1924 Trithemis pallidinervis - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 440 (West India). 1931 Trithemis pallidinervis - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 226 (Siam, Malaya). 1954 Trithemis pallidinervis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 156 (Siam, Malaya, Singapore, Billiton).
Distribution: Oriental region, persephone Ris 1912 Trithemis persephone Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 768. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Nossi Bé. 1962 Trithemis persephone - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 272 (Madagascar).
Distribution: Madagascar. pluvialis
1906 Trithemis pluvialis FÖRSTER, Mannheim Jb. Ver. Natk., 71-72: 30. Type male: Ann Arbor Mus.; type-locality: Usambara. 1921 Trithemis pluvialis - Ris, Annali S. Afr. Mus., 18: 426 (Gazaland, Mashuonaland). 1962 Trithemis pluvialis-PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59,273 (South Africa, Rhodesia, Port. E. Africa, Belgian Congo, Angola, Tanganyika, Kenya). 1985 Trithemis pluvialis f. melanisticta PINHEY, 1970 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 130. Male from Mwinilunga (Zambia).
Distribution: tropical Africa. pruinata
1899 Trithemis pruinata KARSCH), Ent. Nachr., 25 (24): 369. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Togo. 1912 Trithemis distanti pruinata - Ris, Coll., Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 793 (Togo, Congo). 1936 Trithemis pruinata - LONGFIELD, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 85: 490. 1962 Trithemis pruinata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 273 (Belgian Congo, Uganda, Nigeria, Togo, French Guinea).
Distribution: tropical Africa. rubra
1889 Trithemis rubra KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 328. Type sex not given: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Australia (and New Hebrides). 1901 Diplax rubra - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 223 (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland).
517 1911 Trithemis rubra - Ris, Cool., Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 12: 474 (incorrect synonymy with Diplacodes haematodes (BURMEISTER, 1839)].
Distribution: Australia, and ? New Hebrides. selika selika
1839 Libellula lateralis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 850. Type female: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: St. J o h a n n a Island. 1 8 6 9 Libellula selika SELYS, in POLLEN VAN D A M , Madag. Ins., 2 5 : 1 6 . Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1890 Orthetrum laterale - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 38. 1890 Trithemis selika - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 179. 1898 Trithemis laterale - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 64 (redescription of holotype). 1912 Trithemis selika - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 772. 1912 Libellula lateralis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 772 [proposed synonymy with selika (SELYS, 1 8 6 9 ) ] . 1959 Libellula lateralis - BUCHHOLTZ, Bonn. zool. Beitr., 1 (2): 89 [proposed synonymy with arteriosa (BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) ] . 1962 Trithemis selika - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59, 273 (Madagascar, St. J o h a n n a Island).
Distribution: Madagascar, and St. Johanna Island. selika maia Ris 1915 Trithemis selika maia Ris, Ent. Mittl., Berlin, 4:145. Type male: Ann A r b o r Mus.; type-locality: Mayotte. 1916 Trithemis selika maia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1197 (Comoro Island). 1962 Trithemis selika maia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 273.
Distribution: Madagascar, and Comoro Island. stictica
1839 Libellula stictica BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 850. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Port Natal. 1868 Trithemis stictica - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 736. 1890 Trithemis stictica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 19. 1898 Trithemis stictica - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 66 (redescription of holotype). 1912 Trithemis stictica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 785 (Madagascar, Transvaal, Cameroon, Abyssinia). 1921 Trithemis stictica - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 427 (S. Africa). 1956 Trithemis parasticta PINHEY, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 4: 35. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: N o r t h Rhodesia. 1958 Trithemis stictica - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 4 (Ethiopian and Malgasy regions). 1962 Trithemis stictica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 273 (S. Africa, Rhodesia, Port. East Africa, Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Tanganyika, Kenya, Abyssinia, Angola, British Somalia, N o r t h Nigeria, Ivory Coast, French Guinea, Madagascar). 1970 Trithemis parasticta - PINHEY, Mem. ent. Soc. sth. Afr., 11: 125 [proposed synonymy with stictica (BURMEISTER, 1839)]. 1985 Trithemis stictica f. parasticta - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:131.
Distribution: Ethiopian and Malgasy regions.
518 werneri Ris 1912 Trithemis werneri Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 765. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Trithemis werneri- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 273 (Zambezi, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan).
Distribution: tropical Africa. Subfamily Onychothemistinae Medium sized species. Ventation advanced libelluline, antenodals numerous, the last incomplete; thorax metallic green or copper; claw hooks absent. 1940
FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 3 9 4 . Type genus: Onychothemis Onychothemistinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 2 7 4 (as synonym of Zygonictinae). - 1985 Onychothemistinae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 132 (as valid taxa). T I L L YARD &
BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 . - 1 9 6 2
Genus Onychothemis
1868 Onychothemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 365. Type species Onychothemis abnormis BRAUER, 1868 (monotypy). - 1905 Onychothemis - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15: 277. - 1912 Onychothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 831 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Onychothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 157. - 1940 Onychothemis - T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 394.
1868 Onychothemis abnormis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 170 (as generotype of Onychothemis BRAUER, 1868). Type female: Sely's Collection; type-locality: Luzon. 1891 Onychothemis abnormis - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (16): 246 (Sumatra). 1912 Onychothemis abnormis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 833 (Luzon, Java). 1934 Onychothemis abnormis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 419 (Java). 1954 Onychothemis abnormis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 157 (Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Philippine Islands, Sumatra, Java. coccínea
1953 Onychothemis coccínea LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 264. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection: typelocality: Borneo. 1954 Onychothemis coccínea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 157 (Malaya, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Borneo. culminicola culminicela
1904 Onychothemis culminicola FÖRSTER, Insekten-Börse, 21: 362. Type male: Zool. Mus., München; type-locality: Perak. 1912 Onychothemis culminicola culminicola - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 835 (Malacca, Borneo). 1929 Onychothemis culminicola - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 34: 4 (Sumatra). 1934 Onychothemis culminicola - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 384 (Sumatra). 1934 Onychothemis culminicola culminicola - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 420 (type female: Senckenberg Mus., Frankfurt am Main) (Java).
519 1954 Onychothemis culminicela -LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22Suppl.: 157 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. culminicela celebensis Ris 1912 Onychothemis culminicela celebensis Ris, Coll. ZooL, Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 836. Type male: Sely's Collection; type-locality: Celebes.
Distribution: Celebes. testacea
1902 Onychothemis testacea LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902: 75. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Malay Peninsula. 1912 Onychothemis tonkinensis testacea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 834 (Malacca). 1931 Onychothemis testacea - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States, Mus., 16: 228 (Pahang). 1954 Onychothemis testacea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: Suppl.: 158 (Malaya).
Distribution: Malaysia. tonkinensis tonkinensis
1904 Onychothemis tonkinensis MARTIN, Miss. Pavie, 1904: 5. Type male: Martin's Collection; typelocality: Tonkin. 1905 Onychothemis notabilis KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15:277. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Tonkin. 1912 Onychothemis tonkinensis tonkinensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 834. 1985
s y n o n y m y of tonkinensis
The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
2: 132
MARTIN, 1904).
Distribution: Vietnam, Laos, Thailand. tonkinensis ceylanica Ris 1912 Onychothemis tonkinensis ceylanica Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 835. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Ceylon. 1924 Onychothemis testacea ceylanica - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 442 (West India). 1955 Onychothemis testacea ceylanica - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 80 (Ceylon). 1985 Onychothemis tonkinensis ceylanica - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 132.
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, Maldive Islands. tonkinensis siamensis
1932 Onychothemis tonkinensis siamensis FRASER, J. Siam Soc. nat. Hist., Suppl., 8: 284. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Siam. 1966 Onychothemis testacea siamensis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 213. 1 9 8 5 Onychothemis tonkinensis siamensis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 3 2 .
Distribution: Thailand.
520 Subfamily Palpopleurinae Small to medium sized forms with coloured wings. Arc between antenodals 1 - 2 ; distal antenodal incomplete. Broad wings; costal field expanded in fore wing with strongly convex proximal border. 1905
Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 2 6 . Type-genus: Palpopleura Diastatopidinae T I L L YARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9: 3 9 2 . Type-genus: Diastatops RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 (with genera Zenithoptera, Perithemis, Palpopleura). - 1 9 6 2 Diastatopidinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 241. - 1985 Palpopleurinae DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 132 (with genera Diastatops, Palpoleura, Perithemis, Zenithoptera). JACOBSON & BIANKI,
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 . - 1 9 4 0
Genus Diastatops
1842 Diastatops RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 135. Type-species: Diastatops fuliginea RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 (emendation, first species). - 1 8 9 0 Diastatops - K I R B Y , Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8 (type-species: Libellula pullata BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) . - 1 9 1 6 Diastatops - R I S , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1109 (revision, key to species). - 1940 Diastatops - MONTGOMERY, L l o y d i a , 3: 213 (revision). - 1985 Diastatops
gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:
- DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a -
(type-species: Libellula obscura
FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 ) .
1758 Libellula dimidiata LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1:545. Type male: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Surinam. 1773 Libellula marginata D E GEER (nec FABRICIUS, 1781), Mémoire Ins., 3: 558. Type unknown. 1890 Diastatops dimidiata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur. - Odon., London: 8 (South America). 1898 Diastatops dimidiata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 71 (as Fabricius's species). 1916 Diastatops dimidiata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1110 (British Guyana). 1985 Diastatops dimidiata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 132. 1985 Libellula marginata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 132 [as synonym of dimidiata (LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) ] .
Distribution: Guyanas. emilia
1940 Diastatops emilia MONTGOMERY, Lloydia, 3: 242. Type male: Montgomery's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. estherae
1940 Diastatops estherae MONTGOMERY, Lloydia, 3: 247. Type male: Montgomery's Collection; type-locality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. intensa
1940 Diastatops intensa MONTGOMERY, Lloydia, 3: 243. Type male: Montgomery's Collection; typelocality: Amazons. 1947 Diastatops intensa - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 450 (Argentina, Paraguay).
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina.
521 maxima
1940 Diastatops maxima MONTGOMERY, Lloydia, 3:255. Type male: Montgomery's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. nigra
1940 Diastatops nigra MONTGOMERY, Lloydia, 3: 253. Type male: Montgomery's Collection; typelocality: Brazil.
Distribution: Brazil. obscura
1775 Libellula obscura FABRICIUS, Syst. Ent.: 422. Type female: Winthem's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1839 Libellula pullata BURMEISTER, Handb. Ent., 2: 854. Type male: Sommer's Collection; typelocality: Surinam. 1842 Diastatops tincta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 135. Type male: Dejean's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1842 Diastatops pullata - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 136. 1842 Diastatops fuliginea RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 137 (as generotype of Diastatops RAMBUR, 1842). Type male: unknown; type-locality: not given. 1890 Diastatops obscura - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8. 1890 Diastatops fuliginea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8 [proposed synonymy with obscura (FABRICIUS, 1 7 7 5 ) ] . 1890 Diastatops pullata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 8 (as generotype of Diastatops RAMBUR, 1842).
1898 Libellula pullata - C A L V E R T , Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 71 [as synonymy of obscura FABRICIUS, 1775)]. 1916 Diastatops obscura - R i s , Coll. ZooL, Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1109 (British Guyana, Brazil). 1943 Diastatops obscura - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 260 (Surinam, Brazil, Paraguay). 1961 Diastatops obscura - CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 113: 18 (Peru).
Distribution: tropical South America. Genus Palpopleura
1842 Palpopleura RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 129. Type-species: Palpopleura vestita R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 2 7 3 ) . - 1 8 9 9 Hemistigmoides CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Hist. Philad., 1899: 239. Type-species: Hemistigmoides deceptor CALVERT, 1 8 9 9 (original designation). - 1 9 0 5 Palpoleura (misprint) - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pyram. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 726. - 1921 Palpopleura - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 401 (key to South American species). - 1934 Palpopleura - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 19. - 1962 Palpopleura - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 242. - Hemistigmoides - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 242 (proposed synonymy with Palpopleura R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) .
1985 Palpopleura albifrons LEGRAND, 1979 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of the World,
Utrecht, 2: 133.
Distribution: Gabon.
522 deceptor (CALVERT) 1899 Hemistigmoides deceptor CALVERT, Proc. Acad. nat. Hist. Philad., 1899: 240 (as generotype of Hemistigmoides CALVERT, 1899). Type male: Acad. Sci. Philad.; type-locality: Somalia. 1912 Palpopleura deceptor - MARTIN, Feuille jeune Nat., (5) 42: 93. 1916 Palpopleura deceptor - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1114 (Congo, Nigeria). 1921 Palpopleura deceptor - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 404 (Mashonaland). 1934 Palpopleura deceptor - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 19 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Palpopleura deceptor - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 242 (South Africa, R h o desia, Tanganyika, Belgian Congo, Kenya, Abyssinia, Somalia, Sudan, Nyasaland, Uganda, Nigeria, French Guinea, Togo, Dahomey).
Distribution: tropical Africa. jucunda jucunda RAMBUR 1842 Palpopleura jucunda RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 134. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Cape Colony. 1902 Palpopleura callista GRÜNBERG, Sitz. Ber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin, 9: 236. Type lost; typelocality: Nyasaland. 1912 Palpopleura gralTei MARTIN, Feuille jeune nat., (5) 42: 93. Type female: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: French Guinea. 1916 Palpopleura jucunda jucunda - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1113 (key to subspecies) (Abyssinia). 1921 Palpopleura jucunda - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 404 (Abyssinia, South Africa). 1958 Palpopleura jucunda - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 3 (Ethiopian region). 1962 Palpopleura jucunda - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 243 (Continental Ethiopian region). 1962 Palpopleura grajfei — PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 243 (proposed synonymy w i t h jucunda
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
1962 Palpopleura callista - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 243 (proposed synonymy w i t h jucunda
RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
Distribution: Ethiopian region. jucunda radiata PINHEY 1985 Palpopleura jucunda radiata PINHEY, 1982 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 133.
Distribution: Ethiopia. lucia (DRURY) 1773 1773 1781 1781 1793 1805 1839 1842 1842 1842 1898
Libellula lucia DRURY, 111. Ex. Ent., 2: 45. Type female: lost; type-locality: Sierra Leone. Libellula portia DRURY, 111. Ex. Ent., 2: 47. Type male: lost; type-locality: Sierra Leone. Libellula variegata FABRICIUS, Spec. Ins., 1: 524. Type female: lost; type-locality: Afr. Libellula marginata FABRICIUS (nec DE GEER, 1773), Spec. Ins., 1: 523. Type male: Drége's Collection; type-locality: Port Natal. Libellula sinuata FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 378. Type: lost; type-locality: unknown. Libellula dentilostulata BEAUVOIS, Ins. Afr.-Amer.: 171. Type: type-locality: Madagascar. Libellula semivitrea BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 861. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: St. Johanna. Palpopleura portia - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 120 (Benin). Palpopleura lucia - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 131. Palpopleura marginata - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuroptera, Paris: 131. Palpopleura lucia - KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 232 (Pretoria).
523 1916 Palpopleura lucia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1112 (South and Central Africa). 1916 Libellula portia- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1112 [proposed synonymy with lucia (DRURY, 1773)]. 1917 Palpopleura lucia - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (14): 2 (Congo). 1921 Palpopleura lucia - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 403 (South Africa). 1934 Palpopleura lucia - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., 3 II 3: 19 (Belgian Congo). 1958 Palpopleura lucia - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 3 (Ethiopian region). 1962 Palpopleura lucia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 243 (tropical Africa, M a dagascar, St. Johanna, St. Thomé, Principal Island). 1962 Libellula variegata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 243 (proposed synonymy with lucia ( D R U R Y , 1 7 7 4 ) ] . 1962 Libellula denticulata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 243 [proposed synonymy with lucia ( D R U R Y , 1 7 7 3 ) ] . 1962 Libellula sinuata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 243 [proposed synonymy with lucia (DRURY, 1773)]. 1985 Palpopleura lucia f. portia - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 133.
Distribution: tropical Africa, Madagascar, St. Johanna, St. Thomé, Principal Island. sexmaculata sexmaculata
1787 Libellula sexmaculata FABRICIUS, Mant. Ins., 1: 338. Type female Sommer's Collection; typelocality: China. 1787 Libellula minuta FABRICIUS, Mant. Ins., 1: 339. Type unknown. 1890 Palpopleura sexmaculata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 9. 1898 Palpopleura sexmaculata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 92. 1 9 0 5 Palpipleura (misprint) sexmaculata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 2 6 (China). 1916 Palpopleura sexmaculata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1114 (China, Burma, Assam). 1924 Palpopleura sexmaculata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 433 (West India). 1927 Palpopleura sexmaculata - LIEFTINCK, Tijdschr. Ent., 70: 96 (North India). 1931 Palpopleura sexmaculata - SCHMIDT, Konowia, 10 (3): 189 (Hangchow). 1964 Palpopleura sexmaculata - SCHMIDT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 162 (Burma).
Distribution: China, India, Burma. sexmaculata octomaculata
1935 Palpopleura sexmaculata octomaculata FRASER, J. Darjeeling nat. Hist. Soc., 10: 26. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: N o r t h India.
Distribution: India. vestita
1842 Palpopleura vestita RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 132. Type male: Nation. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar (as generotype of Palpopleura R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . 1842 Palpopleura confusa RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 133. Type female: lost; typelocality: Madagascar. 1889 Palpopleura vestita - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 273 (as generotype of Palpopleura RAMBUR, 1 8 4 2 ) .
1890 Palpopleura 1956 Palpopleura
vestita - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 9. vestita - FRASER, Faune Madag., 1: 88.
524 1956 Palpopleura confusa-FRASER, Faune Madag., 1: 88 (proposed synonymy with vestita 1842). 1962 Palpopleura vestita - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59, 244.
Distribution: Madagascar. Genus Perithemis
1861 Perithemis HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 185. Type-species: Libellula tenuicincta SAY, 1839 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 273). - 1910 Perithemis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 144 (Type-species: Libellula domitia DRURY, 1773). - 1930 Perithemis - Ris, Mise. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 50 (revision, key to species). - 1945 Perithemis - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (type-species: Libellula tenera SAY, 1839).
1889 Perithemis bella KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 324. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London: type-locality: Santarem. 1897 Perithemis austeni KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 19: 602. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Amazons. 1917 Perithemis bella - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (15): 40 (Amazonas). 1930 Perithemis bella - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 31 (redescription) (Brazil). 1943 Perithemis bella - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 260 (Amazonas).
Distribution: Brazil, Peru. Cornelia Ris 1910 Perithemis Cornelia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11:: 343. Type male: Selys's Collection (? lost); type-locality: Panama. 1916 Perithemis Cornelia- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1117 (Guatemala, Matto Grosso, Trinidad). 1930 Perithemis Cornelia - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 36 (redescription) (Peru, Bolivia, Brazil). 1932 Perithemis Cornelia - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15:107 (incorrect synonymy with electra Ris, 1930). 1943 Perithemis Cornelia - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 261 (Peru, Bolivia, Amazonas).
Distribution: Panama, Guatemala, Trinidad, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia. domitia domitia
1773 Libellula domitia DRURY, 111. Ex. Ent., 2: 45. Type male: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Santa Cruz. 1857 Libellula metalla SELYS, Sagra, Hist. Cuba Ins.: 451. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Cuba. 1861 Perithemis domitia - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 185. 1889 Perithemis domitia - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 325. 1889 Libellula metalla - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 325 [proposed synonymy with domitia (DRURY, 1773)].
1898 Perithemis domitia - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25, 75. 1910 Perithemis domitia domitia - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 145. 1916 Perithemis domitia - Ris, Cool. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1115 (Guatemala, Argentina). 1919 Perithemis domitia domitia - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 372 (Cuba). 1 9 2 7 Perithemis domitia - NAVAS, REVISTA EST., 1 9 2 7 : 2 3 (CHILE). 1930 Perithemis domitia - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 26 (redescription) (Antilles, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad).
Distribution: from Florida to Argentina.
525 domitia iris
1861 Perithemis domitia var. iris HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 185. Male from Mexico. 1890 Perithemis iris - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 10. 1910 Perithemis domitia iris - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 145. 1 9 8 5 Perithemis domitia f. iris - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 4 .
Distribution: California, Mexico to Brazil, and Cuba. domitia pocahontas
1889 Perithemis pocahontas KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 5: 232. Type female: Dublin Mus.; type-locality: Jamaica. 1910 Perithemis domitia pocahontas - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 146.
Distribution: Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti. electra Ris 1930 Perithemis electra Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 33. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Venezuela. 1932 Perithemis electra- GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15:107 (incorrect synonymy with Cornelia Ris, 1910 (Trinidad). 1943 Perithemis electra - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 261 (Peru).
Distribution: Honduras, Venezuela, Trinidad, Brazil, and Peru. icteroptera
1857 Libellula icteroptera SELYS, in SAGRA, Hist. Cuba Ins.: 451. Type male: Sely's Collection; type-locality: Buenos Aires. 1890 Perithemis icteroptera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 10. 1910 Libellula icteroptera - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 145 (incorrect synonymy with intensa KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) . 1930 Perithemis icteroptera - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 43 (redescription) (Argentina). 1947 Perithemis icteroptera - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 451 (Argentina).
Distribution: Argentina, Uruguay. intensa
1889 Perithemis intensa KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 326. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Mexico. 1900 Perithemis intensa var. californica MARTIN, Bull. Mus. nat. Hist., Paris, 1900: 104. Male from California. 1910 Perithemis domitia intensa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 145. 1930 Perithemis intensa - R i s , Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21:19 (redescription) (Arizona, Mexico).
Distribution: U.S.A., Mexico, lais
1834 Libellula lais PERTY, Del. Anim. Art.; 125. Type female: unknown; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Perithemis lais - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 10. 1910 Perithemis naias Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 344. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Amazonas. 1916 Perithemis lais - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1119 (British Guyana, Brazil). 1916 Perithemis naias - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1119 [proposed synonymy with lais (PERTY, 1834)].
526 1930 Perithemis lais - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 40 (redescription) (Colombia, Venezuela, British Guyana, Brazil). 1943 Perithemis lais - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 261 (Colombia, Venezuela, Guyanas, Brazil).
Distribution: tropical South America. mooma
1889 Perithemis mooma KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 4: 233. Type female: Dublin Mus.; typelocality: Jamaica. 1910 Perithemis octoxantha Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 336. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Antilles. 1910 Perithemis domitia mooma - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 145 (Mexico to Argentina, and Jamaica). 1930 Perithemis mooma - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 21 (redescription) (Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Panama, Trinidad, Brazil, Peru, Argentina). 1947 Perithemis mooma - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 451 (Argentina).
Distribution: Central America to Argentina. rubita
1985 Perithemis rubita DUNKLE, 1982 - loc. cit. DA VIES & TOBIN, T h e D r a g o n f l i e s of the World,
Utrecht, 2: 134.
Distribution: Ecuador. tenera tenera (SAY) 1839 Libellula tenera SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 31. Type female: lost; type-locality: US. 1839 Libellula tenuicincta SAY, J1 Acad. Philad., 8: 31. Type male: unknown; type-locality: US. 1842 Libellula chlora RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 125. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Philadelphia. 1890 Perithemis tenera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 10. 1890 Perithemis tenuicincta - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 10 (as generotype of Perithemis
HÄGEN, 1861).
1890 Libellula chlora - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 10 (proposed synonymy with tenuicincta
SAY, 1839).
1910 Perithemis domitia tenera - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 146 (Carolina, Mass., Texas, Wisconsin, Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil). 1910 Perithemis tenuicincta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 146 [proposed synonymy with tenera (SAY, 1 8 3 9 ) ] . 1930 Perithemis tenera - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 14 (redescription) (Indiana, Maryland, Lousiana, Texas). 1947 Perithemis tenera - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 452 (Argentina). 1985 Perithemis tenera tenera - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 134.
Distribution: U.S.A. to Argentina. tenera seminoie
1906 Perithemis domitia seminoie CALVERT, Biol. Centr. Amer., London: 314. Type female: Calvert's Collection; type-locality: Florida. 1910 Perithemis domitia seminoie - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 146 (Florida, New Jersey). 1930 Perithemis seminoie - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21:17 (redescription) (Florida). 1985 Perithemis tenera seminoie - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 134.
Distribution: U.S.A.
527 thais KiRBY 1889 Perithemis thais KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 324. Type sex not given: ? British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Para. 1916 Perithemis thais - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1117 (Br. Guyana, Trinidad). 1930 Perithemis thais - Ris, Misc. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 38 (redescription) (British Guyana, Trinidad, Brazil). 1932 Perithemis thais - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 108. 1943 Perithemis thais - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 261 (Guyanas, Trinidad, Amazonas, M a t t o Grosso). 1946 Perithemis thais - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 468 (Peru, Colombia). 1947 Perithemis thais - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 451 (Argentina).
Distribution: tropical South America. waltheri Ris 1910 Perithemis waltheri Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 340. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Concordia. 1916 Perithemis waltheri - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1117. 1930 Perithemis waltheri - Ris, Mise. Pubi. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., 21: 42 (redescription) (Argentina). 1947 Perithemis waltheri - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 452 (Argentina).
Distribution: Argentina. Genus Zenithoptera
1869 Zenithoptera SELYS, Rech. Faune Madagascar, 5: 16. Type species: Libellula americana LINNAEUS, 1758 (monotypy). - 1889 Potamothemis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 72: Type-species: Libellulafasciata LINNAEUS, 1758 (original designation). - 1 9 4 5 Potamothemis - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Amer., 38:171 (proposed synonymy with Zenithoptera SELYS, 1869).
1758 Libellula fasciata LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 545. Type male: Sommer's Collection; type-locality: Bahia. 1758 Libellula americana LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1: 545. Type male: Winthem's Collection; typelocality: Brazil. 1773 Libellula violacea DE GEER, Mém. Ins., 3: 559. Type: unknown. 1842 Palpopleura fasciata - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 134 (Brazil, Surinam). 1869 Zenithoptera americana - SELYS, Rech. Faune Madagascar, 5: 16 (as generotype of Zenithoptera SELYS, 1 8 6 9 ) . 1889 Potamothemis fasciata - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 72 (as generotype of Potamothemis
KIRBY, 1889).
1890 Potamothemis fasciata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 9. 1916 Zenithoptera americana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1110 (British Guyana, Trinidad, Colombia). 1918 Zenithoptera americana - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 178 (Colombia). 1932 Zenithoptera americana - GEIJSKES, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 15: 105 (Trinidad). 1943 Zenithoptera fasciata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 260 (Colombia, Guyanas, Brazil, Trinidad). 1946 Zenithoptera americana - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 97: 468 (Peru, Colombia). 1 9 8 5 Zenithoptera fasciata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 4 . 1 9 8 5 Libellula americana - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 1 3 4 [as s y n o n y m y o f fasciata
[LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ] ,
Distribution: Central and South America.
lanei 1941
DIAS DOS SANTOS Zenithoptera lanei D Í A S DOS SANTOS, Rev. brasil. Biol., Janeiro; type-locality: Brazil.
1: 2 0 7 .
Type male: Mus. nac., Rio de
Distribution: Brazil. viola Ris 1910 Zenithoptera viola Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 11: 316. Type maie: Selys's Collection; type-locality: South America. 1916 Zenithoptera viola - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1111 (Matto Grosso).
Distribution: Brazil. Subfamily Rhyothemistinae Medium sized with broad wings having rounded tips, dense venation and dark metellic colour. Riv and MA curve envenly down to wing border. Abdomen about half length of wing span. 1940
Rhyothemistinae TILLYARD & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 3 9 4 . Type-genus: Rhyothemis H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 7 - 1 9 6 2 Rhyothemistinae — PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 2 7 9 . - 1 9 8 5 Rhyothemistini- DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 5 .
Genus Rhyothemis
1867 Rhyothemis HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 232. Type-species: Libellula phyllis SULZER, 1776 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 270). - 1 8 8 9 Rhyothemis- K A R S C H , Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 353 (revision, key to African - Malgassian species). - 1889 Compsothemis KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 15: 276. Type-species: Compsothemis regalis KARSCH, 1889 (original designation). - 1913 Rhyothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 930 (revision, key to species). - 1913 Compsothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 930 (proposed synonymy with Rhyothemis HÄGEN, 1867). - 1905 Rhyothemis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 2 7 (key to Palaearctic species). - 1 9 2 1 Rhyothemis - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 1 8 : 4 3 2 (key to South African species). - 1 9 5 4 Rhyothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 166. - 1962 Rhyothemis - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 86 (key to Micronesian species). - 1962 Rhyothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 279.
1891 Rhyothemis aterrima SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stör. nat. Genova, 30: 445. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Hist., Genova; type-locality: Borneo. 1913 Rhyothemis aterrima - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 953 (Borneo, Sumatra). 1 9 3 1 Rhyothemis aterrima - L A I D L A W , J . Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 2 2 9 (Selangor). 1954 Rhyothemis aterrima - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 166 (Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra. braganza
1889 Rhyothemis braganza KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33(2): 354. Type male: Virmond's Collection; typelocality: Brazil. 1906 Rhyothemis alcestic TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 31: 482. Type female: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Queensland. 1908 Rhyothemis alcestis - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 638 (description of male).
529 1913 Rhyothemis braganza - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 954 (Brazil, and Australia). 1913 Rhyothemis alcestis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 954 (proposed synonymy with braganza K A R S C H , 1 8 8 9 ) .
Distribution: Brazil, and Australia, cognata
(RAMBUR) 1842 Libellula cognata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 41. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1868 Rhyothemis cognata - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 715. 1889 Compsothemisregalis K A R S C H , Ent. Nachr., 1 5 : 276. (as generotype of Compsothemis K A R S C H , 1889). Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Madagascar. 1890 Rhyothemis cognata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1890 Rhyothemis regalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 178. 1913 Rhyothemis cognata-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 957 (Madagascar). 1913 Compsothemis regalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 957 [proposed synonymy with cognata [RAMBUR, 1842]. 1917 Rhyothemis cognata - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (13): 2 (Madagascar). 1962 Rhyothemis cognata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 280.
Distribution: Madagascar. fulgens
1878 Rhyothemis fulgens SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 300 (without description). 1889 Rhyothemis fulgens KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 322. Description of male from Sarawak. 1890 Rhyothemis fulgens - SELYS, Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 7: 450 (redescription). 1 9 1 3 Rhyothemis fulgens " S E L Y S " - R I S , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 1 5 : 9 5 5 [proposed synonymy with pygmaea (BRAUER, 1 8 6 7 ) ] . 1 9 8 5 Rhyothemis fulgens - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 5 .
Distribution: Malaysian Borneo, and Brunei. fuliginosa fuliginosa 1883
1890 1905 1913 1922
Rhyothemis fuliginosa SELYS (by H A G E N nom.nud., 1 8 6 7 ) , Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 2 7 : 8 8 . Type male: unknown; type-locality: Japan. Rhyothemis fuliginosa - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. Rhyothemis fuliginosa fuliginosa - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 728 (Japan). Rhyothemis fuliginosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 956 (China, Japan). Rhyothemis fuliginosa - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106.
Distribution: China, Japan, fuliginosa noshime 1985
Rhyothemis fuliginosa noshime the World, Utrecht, 2: 136.
ASAHINA, 1 9 8 2
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of
Distribution: Japan. graphiptera
1842 Libellula graphiptera RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 45. Type sex not given: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Australia. 1866 Celythemis graphiptera - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara, 1866: 104. 1867 Rhyothemis graphiptera - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 232.
530 1890 Rhyothemis graphiptera - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5. 1901 Rhyothemis graphiptera - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 221 (Queensland, New South Wales, New Caledonia). 1913 Rhyothemis graphiptera - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 934 (Australia, New Guinea, Aru). 1936 Rhyothemis graphiptera - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 147 (Timor). 1953 Rhyothemis graphiptera - LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 220 (Sumba, Timor, Aru, New Guinea, New Caledonia, Buru, Australia).
Distribution: Indo-Australian region. hurleyi
1926 Rhyothemis hurleyi TILLYARD, Ree. Austr. Mus., 15: 165. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1942 Rhyothemis hurleyi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 502 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. mariposa Ris 1913 Rhyothemis mariposa Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 961. Type maie: Senckenberg Mus.; type-locality: South Africa. 1921 Rhyothemis mariposa - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 433 (Rhodesia). 1934 Rhyothemis mariposa - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., 3 II 3: 39 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Rhyothemis mariposa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 280 (North Rhodesia, Angola, Belgian Congo).
Distribution: Southwest Africa, notata notata
1781 Libellula notata FABRICIUS, Spec. Ins., 1: 390. Type probably male (abdomen missing): British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1889 Rhyothemis notata - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 353 (redescription). 1890 Rhyothemis notata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1913 Rhyothemis notata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 959 (Sierra Leone, Old Calabar, Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria). 1962 Rhyothemis notata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 280 (Belgian Congo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Sierra Leone, French Guinea). 1985 Rhyothemis notata notata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 136.
Distribution: West Africa. notata fenestrina
1842 Libellula fenestrina RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 40. Type female: Serville's Collection; type-locality: unknown. 1889 Rhyothemis fenestrina - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 353 (Sierra Leone). 1889 Rhyothemis cuprina KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 320. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1890 Libellula fenestrina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6 [proposed synonymy with notata
(FABRICIUS, 1 7 8 1 ) ] .
1913 Rhyothemis fenestrina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 960 (Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Nyanza, Uganda, Congo). 1913 Rhyothemis cuprina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 960 [proposed synonymy with fenestrina (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1921 Rhyothemis fenestrina - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18. 433.
531 1962 Rhyothemis fenestrina - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 280 (Damaraland, N o r t h Rhodesia, Angola, Belgian Congo, U g a n d a , Nigeria, Sierra Leone). 1985 Rhyothemis notata fenestrina - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:135.
Distribution: tropical Africa. obsolescens
1889 Rhyothemis obsolescens KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 321. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1889 Rhyothemis curiosa SELYS (nom. nud.), Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 451 (from Borneo, and Singapore - emandation). 1889 Rhyothemis curiosa var. transversa SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 452. Male from Singapore. 1913 Rhyothemis obsolescens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 958 (Borneo, Malacca, Sumatra). 1913 Rhyothemis curiosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 958 (proposed synonymy with obsolecens K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ) . 1927 Rhyothemis obsolescens - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10: 44. 1954 Rhyothemis obsolescens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 166 (Siam, Malaya, Singapore, Mentawei Island, Nias, Sumatra, Billiton, Borneo, Natuna).
Distribution: Oriental region. phyllis phyllis
1776 Libellula phyllis SULZER, Gesch. Ins.: 26. Type female: Hoffmannsegg's Collection; type-locality: Java. 1 7 8 3 Libellula 4-punctata ROEMER, Gen. Ins.: 2 6 (nom. nud., nec FABRICIUS, 1 7 8 1 ) . 1801 Libellula vittata WEBER, Obs. Ent: 105. Type: unknown. 1866 Celythemis phyllis - BRAUER, Reise d. N o v a r a 104 (Batavia, Singapore). 1867 Rhyothemis phyllis - H A G E N , Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 232 (as generotype of Rhyothemis H Ä G E N , 1867). 1889 Rhyothemis phyllis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 270 (as generotype of Rhyothemis HÄGEN, 1867).
1890 Rhyothemis phyllis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5. 1898 Rhyothemis phyllis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 70. 1913 Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 939 (key to subspecies) (Ceylon, Assam, Sumatra, Borneo). 1924 Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 443 (West India). 1927 Rhyothemis phyllis - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10, (1): 44 (Sumatra). 1934 Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrob. Suppl., 13: 385 (Java). 1934 Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 425 (Java). 1942 Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 504 (key to subspecies). 1954 Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 167 (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra, Billiton, Krakatau, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region, phyllis aequalis
1936 Rhyothemis phyllis aequalis KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 18: 78. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: New Hebrides.
Distribution: New Hebrides. phyllis apicalis
1889 Rhyothemis apicalis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 319. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: New Hebrides.
532 1901 Rhyothemis apicalis - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 221 (New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Australia). 1913 Rhyothemisphyllis apicalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 948 (New Caledonia, New Hebrides).
Distribution: Indo-Austral region. phyllis beatricis
1942 Rhyothemis phyllis beatricis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 509. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea, phyllis chloe
1894 Rhyothemis chloe KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 15. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Queensland. 1901 Rhyothemis chloe - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 222 (Queensland). 1913 Rhyothemis phyllis chloe - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 947 (Queensland). 1926 Rhyothemis phyllis chloe - TILLYARD, Ins. Austr. and New Zeal.: 86. 1942 Rhyothemis phyllis chloe - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 510 (North Australia, Aroe Island). 1949 Rhyothemis phyllis chloe - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 368 (Solomon Islands) (redescription).
Distribution: Australia, Solomon Islands, Aroe. phyllis dispar
1867 Rhyothemis dispar BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 815. Type female: Zool. Inst. Mus. Univ., Hamburg; type-locality: Fiji. 1882 Rhyothemis phyllis race dispar - SELYS, Ann. Soc. Esp., 11:7. 1913 Rhyothemis phyllis dispar - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 945 (Fiji).
Distribution: Fiji. phyllis ixias
1953 Rhyothemis phyllis ixias LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 221. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Flores.
Distribution: Flores, phyllis marginata Ris 1913 Rhyothemis phyllis marginata Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 945. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Mioko. 1936 Rhyothemis phyllis marginata - KIMMINS, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 18: 80. 1949 Rhyothemis phyllis marginata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 367 (Bismarcks, Solomon Islands).
Distribution: Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands. phyllis obscura
1868 Rhyothemis obscura BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 715 (nom. nud.). 1913 Rhyothemis phyllis obscura - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 944 (description of male and female) (Ceram, Aru, Moluccas). 1930 Rhyothemis phyllis obscura - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 7 Suppl.: 312. 1942 Rhyothemis phyllis obscura - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 507.
Distribution: Moluccas: Halmahera, Misool, Ceram, Aru.
533 phyllìs snelleni
1878 Rhyothemis snelleni SEL YS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 299. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1878 ?Rhyothemis amaryllis SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 299. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Menado. 1882 Rhyothemis phyllìs race snelleni - SELYS, Ann. Soc. Esp., 11, 7. 1913 Rhyothemis phyllis snelleni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 943 (Celebes).
Distribution: Celebes, phyllis subphyllis
1882 Rhyothemis phyllis race subphyllis SELYS, Ann. Soc. Esp., 11: 7. Female from Luzon. 1913 Rhyothemis phyllis subphyllis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 941 (Luzon, Mindoro).
Distribution: Philippine Islands, phyllis vitellina
1868 Rhyothemis vitellina BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 184. Type female: probably lost; type-locality: "Pelew Insel". 1913 Rhyothemis phyllis vitellina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 941 (Guam, Palau, Yap). 1962 Rhyothemis phyllis vitellina - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 86 ( G u a m , Palau, Yap).
Distribution: Guam, Palau, Yap Islands, plutonia 1883 1892 1905 1913 1942 1954
Rhyothemis fuliginosa Rhyothemis plutonia Rhyothemis fuliginosa Rhyothemis plutonia Rhyothemis plutonia Rhyothemis plutonia -
race plutonia SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 27: 89. Male from Bengal. SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, (2) 10: 445 (Burma). plutonia - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnis. Ross, imp.: 728. Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 956. FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 11: 104 (Perak). LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 167 (Malaya, Sumatra).
Distribution: Oriental region. princeps princeps K I R B Y 1894 Rhyothemis princeps KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 16. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Queensland. 1901 Rhyothemis princeps - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 222 (Queensland). 1913 Rhyothemis princeps - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 952 [proposed synonymy with regia chalcoptilon (BRAUER, 1867)]. 1942 Rhyothemis princeps princeps-LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18(3): 513 (New Guinea, N o r t h Australia). 1956 Rhyothemis princeps - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 92: 328 [proposed synonymy w i t h regia
(BRAUER, 1867)].
1985 Rhyothemis princeps princeps - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:136.
Distribution: New Guinea, and North Australia. princeps irene
1942 Rhyothemis princeps irene LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 515. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea.
1867 Celithemis pygmaea BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 297. Type male: Darmstadt Mus.; type-locality: Papua. 1868 Rhyothemis pygmaea - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 715. 1878 Rhyothemis vidua SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 300. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1890 Rhyothemis pygmaea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1913 Rhyothemis pygmaea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 955 (Celebes, Malacca, New Guinea). 1913 Rhyothemis vidua - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 955 [proposed synonymy with pygmaea (BRAUER, 1867)]. 1929 Rhyothemis pygmaea - LIEFTINCK, Misc. Zool. Sum., 34: 4 (Sumatra). 1954 Rhyothemis pygmaea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 168 (Malaya, Sumatra, Banka, Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region, regia regia
(BRAUER) 1867 Celithemis regia BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 24. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Samoa. 1868 Rhyothemis regia - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 715. 1890 Rhyothemis regia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1913 Rhyothemis regia regia - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 950 (key to subspecies) (New Guinea, Philippines, Moluccas). 1940 Rhyothemis regia regia - ASAHINA, Tenthredo, 3: 17 (Saipan). 1941 Rhyothemis regia - SCHMIDT, Mitt. Dtsch. Ent. Ges., 10: 26. 1948 Rhyothemis regia regia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19: 285. 1954 Rhyothemis regia regia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 168 (Sumatra, Simalur, Engano).
Distribution: Oriental and Indo-Austral regions. regia chalcoptilon
1867 Celithemis chalcoptilon BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 25. Type female: Godeffroy Mus.; type-locality: Samoa. 1868 Rhyothemis chalcoptilon - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 715. 1890 Rhyothemis chalcoptilon - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1913 Rhyothemis regia chalcoptilon - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 952 (Samoa, Queensland). 1942 Rhyothemis regia chalcoptilon - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 518 (Samoa). 1956 Rhyothemis regia race armstrongi FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 92: 328. Male from Samoa. 1959 Rhyothemis regia armstrongi - LIEFTINCK, Ent. Mitt. Zool. Staatsinst. Zool. Mus. Hamburg, 1 9 5 9 ; 2 1 : 2 [proposed synonymy with regia chalcoptilon ( B R A U E R , 1 8 6 7 ) ] . 1962 Rhyothemis regia chalcoptilon - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 87 (Mariannas).
Distribution: Indo-Austral region. regia exul Ris 1913 Rhyothemis regia exul Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 951. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Key Island. 1927 Rhyothemis regia exul - FRASER, Insects of Samoa, 7: 40. 1942 Rhyothemis regia exul - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 518 (Key Island). 1956 Rhyothemis regia exul - FRASER, Entomologist's month. Mag., 92: 328 (incorrect synonymy with regia amstrongi FRASER, 1 9 5 6 ) .
Distribution: Key Island.
535 regia juliana
1942 Rhyothemis regia juliana LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 517. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea. 1949 Rhyothemis regia juliana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 370 (Bismarck: New Britain).
Distribution: New Guinea, and Bismarck Archipelago. regia pretiosa
1878 Rhyothemis pretiosa SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 299. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Moluccas. 1913 Rhyothemis pretiosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 950 [proposed synonymy with regia regia (BRAUER, 1867)]. 1 9 8 5 Rhyothemis regia pretiosa - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 6 .
Distribution: Moluccas: Buru, Ceram. regia thisbe
1953 Rhyothemis regia thisbe LIEFTINCK, Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel, 64: 223. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel, type-locality: Sumba.
Distribution: Sumba. resplendens
1878 Rhyothemis resplendens SELYS, Mitt. Mus. Dresden, 3:300. Type male: Mus. Hist, nat., Geneve, type-locality: New Guinea. 1894 Rhyothemis turneri KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 14: 17. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Queensland. 1901 Rhyothemis resplendens- MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 221 (Australia, New Guinea). 1913 Rhyothemis resplendens - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 962 (New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Buru, Queensland). 1913 Rhyothemis turneri - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 962 (proposed synonymy with resplendens SELYS, 1878). 1926 Rhyothemis resplendens - TILL YARD, Ree. Austral Mus., 15: 165 (New Guinea). 1942 Rhyothemis resplendens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 519 (New Guinea). 1949 Rhyothemis resplendens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 371 (Bougainville).
Distribution: New Guinea to Queensland. semihyalina semihyalina
1832 Libellula semihyalina DÉSJARDENS, Rapport Soc. Maurice: 1. Type female: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Mauritius. 1842 Libellula disparata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 40. Type female: Hope Mus.; type-locality: île de France. 1867 Rhyothemis semihyalina - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 232. 1887 Rhyothemis semihyalina - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 8. 1887 Libellula disparata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 8 [proposed synonymy with semihyalina (DÉSJARDENS, 1 8 3 2 ) ] .
1890 Rhyothemis semihyalina - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1903 Rhyothemis semihyalina - MCLACHLAN, Nat. Hist. Sokotra, 24: 399 (Sokotra). 1905 Rhyothemis semihyalina semihyalina - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 728. 1 9 0 5 Libellula disparata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 2 8 [proposed synonymy with semihyalina semihyalina (DÉSJARDENS, 1 8 3 2 ) ] . 1917 Rhyothemis semihyalina - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (13): 2 (Madagascar). 1921 Rhyothemis semihyalina - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 433 (South Africa). 1924 Rhyothemis semihyalina - MORTON, Trans, ent. Soc. London, 1924: 44 (Palestina). 1928 Rhyothemis semihyalina - ANDRES, Mém Soc. R. ent. Egyt, 3 (1): 37 (Algeria, Syria, Egypt).
536 1938 Rhyothemis semihyalina - SCHMIDT, SitzBer Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 147: 149 (Israel). 1962 Rhyothemis semihyalina semihyalina - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 281 (Mauritius, Réunion).
Distribution: Asia Minor, Arabia, North Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion. semihyalina separata
1849 Libellula separata SELYS, in LUCAS, Expl. Alg., 3: 115. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; typelocality: Algeria. 1849 Libellula semihyalina var. syriaca SELYS, in LUCAS, Expl. Alg., 3: 116. Female from Syria. 1 8 5 0 Libellula syriaca - SELYS & H Ä G E N , Revue des Odon., Libell. europt. Paris: 3 0 5 . 1890 Rhyothemis separata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1890 Rhyothemis syriaca - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1898 Rhyothemis ducalis KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 230. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: ? Pretoria. 1903 Rhyothemis semihyalina race separata - MCLACHLAN, Nat. Hist. Sokotra, 24: 399 (Sokotra). 1 9 0 5 Rhyothemis semihyalina separata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 2 8 (Algir). 1905 Rhyothemis semihyalina syriaca- JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 728 (Syria). 1913 Rhyothemis semihyalina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 963. 1913 Libellula separata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 963 [proposed synonymy with semihyalina (DÉSJARDENS, 1 8 3 2 ) ] . 1962 Rhyothemis semihyalina separata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 281 (Africa, Socotra, Madagascar, Seychelles, Syria). 1985 Rhyothemis semihyalina f. separata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 137.
Distribution: Ethiopan, and Malgasy regions, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, severini Ris 1913 Rhyothemis severini Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 948. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Indochina. 1922 Rhyothemis severini - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (Formosa, Indochina).
Distribution: Taiwan, Hainan, Vietnam. splendens
1955 Rhyothemis splendens FRASER, Revue Zool.-Bot. afr., 52: 22. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Rhyothemis splendens - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 282.
Distribution: Congo Republic, Zaire. triangularis
1889 Rhyothemis triangularis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 319.Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Borneo. 1 8 9 4 Rhyothemis lankana K I R B Y , J . Linn. Soc. London, 24: 5 4 9 . Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1906 Rhyothemis bipartita T I L L YARD (SELYS MS), Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 31: 483. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: New South Wales. 1913 Rhyothemis triangularis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 962 (Borneo, Java, Tonkin, Ceylon, Perak). 1913 Rhyothemis lankana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 962 (proposed synonymy with triangularis K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ) .
537 1913 Rhyothemis bipartita - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 962 (proposed synonymy with triangularis KIRBY, 1889). 1924 Rhyothemis triangularis - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 443 (West India). 1927 Rhyothemis triangularis - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 44 (Sumatra). 1934 Rhyothemis triangularis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 425 (Java). 1954 Rhyothemis triangularis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 169 (Malaya, Sumatra, Bangka, Java, Borneo). 1964 Rhyothemis triangularis - SCHMDIT, Ent. Tidschr., 85: 163 (Burma).
Distribution: Oriental region, and ? Australia. variegata variegata
1764 Libellula variegata JOHANSSON, Amoen. Acad., 6: 412. Type female: unknown; type-locality: East India. 1773 Libellula marcia DRURY, 111. Ex. Ent., 2: 45. Type: lost; type-locality: East India. 1781 Libellula indica FABRICIUS, Spec. Ins.: 521. Type female: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Madras. 1787 Libellula histrio FABRICIUS, Mant. Ins., 2: 236. Type female: unknown. 1793 Libellula murcia FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., 2: 376. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Madras. 1867 Rhyothemis variegata - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 232. 1868 Rhyothemis murcia - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 715. 1890 Rhyothemis variegata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 6. 1890 Rhyothemis marcia - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5. 1890 Libellula murcia -KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5 (proposed synonymy with marcia DRURY, 1773).
1890 Libellula indica - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5 [proposed synonymy with variegata (JOHANSSON, 1 7 6 4 ) ] . 1890 Libellula histrio - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 5 [proposed synonymy with variegta (JOHANSSON, 1 7 6 4 ) ] .
1892 Libellula coelestina OLIVIER, Encyc. Méth., 7: 569. Type male: unknown. 1898 Libellula marcia - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 70 [proposed synonymy with variegata (JOHANSSON, 1 7 6 4 ) ] . 1905
1913 1924 1936 1955
Rhyothemis variegata variegata - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 7 2 7 (first description by LINNAEUS, 1 7 5 8 ) . Rhyothemis variegata variegata - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 935 (India, Ceylon, Malacca). Rhyothemis variegata variegata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 443 (West India). Rhyothemis variegata variegata - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 3: 423. Rhyothemis variegata variegata - BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 465 (India, Burma, Ceylon, Malaysia).
Distribution: Oriental region, variegata imperatrix
1887 Rhyothemisimpetratrix SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 31: 53. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Loo Choo. 1905 Rhyothemis variegata imperatrix - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 727. 1913 Rhyothemis variegata imperatrix - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 937 (Formosa). 1922 Rhyothemis variegata imperatrix - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (Japan, Formosa). 1922 Rhyothemis nebulosa OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 97. Type male: Hokkaido Univ.; typelocality: Japan. 1961 Rhyothemis nebulosa - ASAHINA, Ins. matsum., 24: 65 (proposed synonymy with variegata impetratrix
SELYS, 1 8 8 7 ) .
Distribution: Japan, Taiwan.
Subfamily Trameinae Medium to large forms. Sustained long distance flight characteristic; pterostigma small; hind wing very broad towards base and often coloured over basal lobe; wing tips pointed. Abdomen shorter than wing span; relatively small thorax. 1926
Trameinae T I L L Y A R D , Insects of Austr. and N . Zeal.; 8 6 . Type-genus: Tramea H Ä G E N , 1 8 8 1 . Pantaliinae FRASER, R . Zool. Soc. N . S . Wales, 1957:121 (with genera: Patitala, Tramea, Hydrobasileus, Camacinia, Antidythemis, Tauriphila, Miathyria, Idiataphe). - 1985 Trameini DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2; 137 (with genera: Antidythemis, Camacinia, Hydrobasileus, Idiataphe, Miathyria, Pantala, Pseudotramea, Tauriphila, Tramea).
Genus Antidythemis
1889 Antidythemis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 267. Type-species: Antidythemis trameiformis KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1913 Antidythemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 922 («description).
1952 Antidythemis nigra BUCHHOLTZ, Bull. Inst. Sci. nat, Belg., 28 (35): 5. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Venezuela.
Distribution: Venezuela. trameiformis
1889 Antidythemis trameiformis K I R B Y (SELYS MS), Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 315. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Para. 1913 Antidythemis trameiformis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 25: 923 (Venezuela, Brazil).
Distribution: Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil. Genus Camacinia
1889 Camacinia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 266. Type-species: Neurothemis gigantea BRAUER, 1 8 6 7 (original designation). - 1 9 1 3 Camacinia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 924 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Camacinia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 165.
1867 Neurothemis gigantea BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot Ges. Wien, 17: 8. Type female: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Amboina. 1869 Neurothemis gigantea - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 30: 94 (Timor). 1889 Camacinia gigantea - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 267 (as generotype of Camacinia KIRBY, 1889).
1913 Camacinia gigantea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 925 (Java, Sumatra, Timor, Burma, Lombok, Palawan). 1927 Camacinia gigantea - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 44 (Sumatra). 1934 Camacinia gigantea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 427 (type female: Rijskmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden) (Java). 1937 Camacinia gigantea - N E D D H A M & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 6 3 (1): 86 (Luzon). 1954 Camacinia gigantea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 165 (Siam, Malaya, Engano, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region.
539 harterti
1889 Camacinia harterti KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 359. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Sumatra. 1900 Camacinia harmandi MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, 1900: 103. Type male: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Sikkim. 1905 Camacinia harmandi - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 729 (Sikkim). 1913 Camacinia harterti - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 928 (Borneo, Malacca). 1913 Camacinia harmandi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 928 (proposed synonymy with harterti KARSCH, 1889). 1954 Camacinia harterti - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 165 (Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. othello
1908 Camacinia othello T I L L YARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 639. Type male: Tillyard's Collection; type-locality: Cooktown. 1913 Camacinia othello - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 92Ί (Solomon Islands, Aru, Australia).
Distribution: Indo-Australian region. Genus Hydrobasileus
1889 Hydrobasileus KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 266. Type-species: Hydrobasilieus vittatus KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1889 Hydrobasileus - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 349 (redescription). - 1913 Hydrobasilieus - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 965 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Hydrobasilieus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 164.
1866 Tramea brevistyla BRAUER, Reise d. Novara, Neur.: 83. Type male: ? Naturhist. Mus. Wien: type-locality: Australia. 1901 Tramea brevistyla - M A R T I N , M É M . Soc. zool. France, 14: 221 (New South Wales). 1903 Hydrobasileus brevistylus - FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 528 (New Guinea). 1903 Hydrobasileus brevistylus subrace papuanus FÖRSTER, Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 1903: 528. Male from New Guinea). 1913 Hydrobasileus brevistylus - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 966 (Ceram, New Guinea, Cooktown). 1926 Hydrobasileus brevistylus - TILLYARD, Ree. Austral. Mus., 15: 165 (New Guinea). 1942 Hydrobasileus bravistylus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 520 (New Guinea).
Distribution: Australia, New Guinea, Ceram. croceus
1867 Tramea crocea BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 813. Type male: originally in Semper's Collection; type-locality: Luzon. 1867 Tramea extranea HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 228 (nom. nud., male from Celebes). 1890 Hydrobasileus croceus - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 351. 1893 Hydrobasileus extraneus - KIRBY, J. Linn. Soc. Zool., 24: 546 (description, and new locality: Ceylon). 1913 Hydrobasileus croceus - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 969 (Luzon, Java, Celebes, Formosa, Hainan, Penang, Malaya, Sumatra). 1913 Tramea extranea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 969 [proposed synonymy with croceus (BRAUER, 1867)].
540 1934 Hydrobasileus croceus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 425 (Type female: R. Mus., Bruxelles). 1936 Hydrobasileus croceus - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 3: 420. 1954 Hydrobasileus croceus - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl. : 164 (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Billiton). 1 9 5 5 Hydrobasileus croceus - BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J . Res., 4 ( 2 ) : 4 6 6 (India).
Distribution: Oriental region. vittatus
1889 Hydrobasileus vittatus KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 314 (as generotype of Hydrobasileus KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Menado. 1913 Hydrobasileus vittatus - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 968 (Celebes).
Distribution: Celebes. Genus Idiataphe
1889 Ephidatia K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 283. Type-species: Erythemis longipes H Ä G E N , 1861 (original designation). - 1913 Ephidatia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1011-1934 Idiataphe COWLEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 70: 243 (new name for Ephidatia KIRBY, 1889, a junior primary homonymy of Ephidatia LECOCQ, 1876 in Coleóptera). - 1945 Idiataphe - BORROR, Annls. ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171. - 1985 Idiataphe DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 138.
1889 Ephidatia amazónica KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 331. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Santarem. 1 9 8 5 Idiataphe amazónica - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 8 .
Distribution: Brazil. batesi (Ris) 1913 Ephidatia batesi Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1015. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Para. 1916 Ephidatia batesi-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1227 (British Guyana). 1 9 8 5 Idiataphe batesi - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 8 .
Distribution: Brazil, British Guyana. cubensis
1866 Macromia cubensis SCUDDER, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 190. Type female: Boston Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1867 Erythemis specularis HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 98. Type male: Hagen's Collection; typelocality: unknown. 1890 Ephidatia cubensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 33. 1890 Erythemis specularis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 33 [proposed synonymy with cubensis
(SCUDDER, 1866)].
1910 Ephidatia longipes cubensis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 183 (Mexico to Peru, and Greater Antilles). 1913 Ephidatia longipes cubensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1013 (Panama, Cuba). 1919 Ephidatia longipes cubensis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45, 370. 1 9 8 5 Idiataphe cubensis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 8 .
Distribution: Mexico to Peru, and Greater Antilles.
541 longipes
1861 Erythemis longipes HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 169. Type sex not given; typelocality: Cuba. 1889 Ephidatia longipes - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 262 (as generotype of Ephidatia KIRBY, 1889).
1913 Ephidatia longipes longipes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1014 (key to subspecies) (Brazil). 1919 Erythemis longipes - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 370. 1934 Idiataphe longipes - COWLEY, Entomologists's month. Mag., 70: 243. 1 9 8 5 Idiataphe longipes - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 3 8 .
Distribution: Cuba, and Brazil. Genus Miathyria
1889 Miathyria K I R B Y , Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 269. Type-species: Libellula simplex R A M B U R , 1842 (original designation). - 1910 Miathyria - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 182. - 1913 Miathyria - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1007 (revision, key to species). - 1916 Nothifixis NAVAS, Broteria, 14: 15. Type species: Nothifixis laxa NAVAS, 1916 (original designation). - 1916 Nothifixis - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 182 (proposed synonymy with Miathyria KIRBY, 1889). - 1945 Miathyria - BORROR, Ann. ent. Soc. Amer., 38: 171.
1857 Libellula marcella SELYS, Sagra, Hist., Cuba, Ins.: 452. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Brazil. 1 8 6 1 Tramea simplex H A G E N (nec R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) , Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 1 4 6 . Type sex not given: Hagen's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1867 Tramea marcella - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 227 (Cuba). 1889 Miathyria marcella - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 258. 1910 Miathyria marcella - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 182. 1913 Miathyria marcella - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1009 (Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil). 1913 Tramea simplex - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1009 [proposed synonymy with marcella (SELYS, 1857)]. 1917 Miathyria marcella - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (15): 50 (Amazonas). 1918 Miathyria marcella - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 183 (Colombia). 1919 Tramea marcella - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 363 (Cuba). 1933 Miathyria marcella - Needham, Ent. News, 44: 98 (U.S.A.). 1947 Miathyria marcella - FRASER, Acta zool. lilloana, 4: 461 (Argentina, Cuba, Mexico).
Distribution: U.S.A., Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico to Argentina. simplex
Libellula simplex R A M B U R , (nec H Ä G E N , 1 8 6 1 ) , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 1 2 1 . Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1867 Tramea simplex - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 228 (Cuba). 1889 Miathyria simplex - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 258 (as generotype of Miathyria 1842
KIRBY, 1889).
1889 Miathyria pusilla KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 318. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Santarem. 1910 Miathyria simplex - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 182 (Mexico to Brazil, and Cuba). 1910 Miathyria pusilla-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Mus. Pubi., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 182 [proposed synonymy with simplex ( R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) ] .
542 1913 Miathyria simplex - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selysde Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1010 (Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil). 1916 Nothifixis laxa NAVAS, Broteria, 14:15 (as generotype of Nothifixis NAVAS, 1916). Type male: Navás's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1916 Nothifixis laxa - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 182 [proposed synonymy with simplex (RAMBUR 1842)].
Distribution: Cuba, Mexico to Brazil. Genus Pantala
1861 Pantala HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 141. Type-species: Libellula flavescens FABRICIUS, 1798 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 266). - 1867 Pantala - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 215. - 1905 Pantala - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 726. - 1913 Pantala - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 915 (revision, key to species). - 1921 Pantala - Ris, Annals S. Afr. Mus., 18: 431. - 1954 Pantala - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 162. - 1962 Pantala - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 285
1798 Libellula flavescens FABRICIUS (nec FISCHER, 1791), Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 285. Type female: Univ. zool. Mus., Kobenhavn; type-locality: India. 1805 Libellula viridula BEAUVOIS, Ins. Afr. Amer.: 69. Type unknown; type-locality: Nigeria. 1829 Libellula sparshallii CURTIS (DALE MS), Guide: 162. Type male: Oxford Mus.; type-locality: unknown. 1839 Libellula analis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 852. Type male: Halle Mus.; type-locality: M a dras. 1839 Libellula terminalis BURMEISTER, H a n d b . Ent., 2: 852. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; typelocality: Brazil. 1840 Libellula sparshallii - SELYS, Monogr. Libell. europ. Paris: 36 (proposed synonymy with viridula
BEAUVOIS, 1 8 0 5 ) .
1861 Pantala flavescens - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 141 (as generotype of Pantala HÄGEN, 1 8 6 1 ) .
1901 Pantala flavescens - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 221 (Asia, America, Africa, New Caledonia, Fiji, Tahiti, Sandvich, Oceanis, New South Wales). 1910 Pantala flavescens - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus. Milwaukee, 1 (1): 177 (cosmopolitan, all continents, except Europe). 1910 Libellula viridula-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 178 [proposed synonymy with
(FABRICIUS, 1798)].
1910 Libellula sparshallii - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 178 [proposed synonymy with flavescens (FABRICIUS, 1798)]. 1910 Libellula analis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 177 [proposed synonymy with
(FABRICIUS, 1798)].
1910 Libellula terminalis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 177 [proposed synonymy with flavescens (FABRICIUS, 1798)]. 1913 Pantala flavescens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 917 (cosmopolitan). 1918 Pantala flavescens - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 183 (Costa Rica, Bolivia). 1919 Pantala flavescens - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 360 (Cuba). 1921 Pantala flavescens - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 431 (South Africa). 1922 Pantala flavescens - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (Sakhalin, Formosa, China, Borneo, Celebes, Philippines, Madagascar). 1924 Pantala flavescens - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 443 (West India). 1927 Pantala flavescens - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 44 (Sumatra). 1928 Pantala flavescens - ANDRES, Mém. Soc. R. ent. Egypt, 3 (1): 36 (Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Lebanon). 1934 Pantala flavescens - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 384 (Java).
543 1936 1936 1942 1947 1954
Patitala flavescens - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 146 (Bali). Patitala flavescens - WILLIAMS, Proc. Haw. ent. Soc., 9: 295 (redescription) (Hawaii). Patitala flavescens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 502 (New Guinea). Pantala flavescens - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 460 (Argentina). Pantala flavescens - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 162 (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Singapore, Simalur, Nias, Mentawei Isl., Engano, Sumatra, Billiton, Krakatau, Java, Bali, Borneo). 1955 Sympetrum tandicola SINGH, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4:171. Type male: Zool. Surv. India, Calcutta; type-locality: Himalaya. 1973 Sympetrum tandicola - MITRA, Entomologist's Ree. J. Var., 85 (1): 31 [proposed synonymy w i t h flavescens (FABRICIUS, 1798)].
Distribution: tropics and warmer temperate countries of the World (except Europe), almost cosmopolitan and with strong migratory tendencies. hymenaea (SAY) 1836 Libellula hymenaea SAY, J1 Acad. Sci. Philad., 8: 19. Type female: lost; type-locality: Indiana. 1861 Pantala hymenaea - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 142 (Indiana, Texas, Mexico). 1867 Pantala hymenaea - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 217 (redescription) (Cuba, Texas, Mexico, Illinois). 1909 Tramea huanacina FÖRSTER, Jb. Wiesbaden Ver. Natk., 62: 229. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Bolivia. 1913 Pantala hymenaea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 921 (Florida, Guatemala, Aregentina, Panama). 1913 Tramea huanacina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 921 [proposed synonymy with hymenaea (SAY, 1836)]. 1918 Pantala hymenaea - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 183 (Panama, Argentina). 1919 Pantala hymenaea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 361 (Cuba). 1943 Pantala hymenaea - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 268 (from Canada to Argentina).
Distribution: from Canada to Argentina.
Genus Pseudotramea
1920 Pseudotramea FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 27: 149. Type-species: Pseudotramea prateri FRASER, 1920 (original designation).
1920 Pseudotramea prateri FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist, soc., 27: 149 (as generotype of Pseudotramea FRASER, 1920). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality:Darjeeling.
Distribution: India.
Genus Tauriphila
1889 Tauriphila KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 268. Type-species: Tramea iphigenia HÄGEN, 1867 (original designation). - 1889 Tauriphila - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 351 (redescription). - 1910 Tauriphila - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 181 (type-species: Tramea australis HÄGEN, 1867). - 1913 Tauriphila - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 999 (revision, key to species). - 1945 Tauriphila - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. A m . , 38: 171 (type-species: Tramea
HÄGEN, 1867). - 1985 Tauriphila
TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 139.
544 argo Ris 1861 Tramea argo HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 316 (nom. nud.). 1904 Tauriphila argo Ris, H a m b . Magelh. Samml. Odon.: 33. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Brazil. 1913 Tauriphila argo - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1005 (Brazil, Argentina). 1890 Tauriphila nycteris KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 351. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; typelocality: Brazil. 1985 Tauriphila nycteris - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 139 (as synonym of argo Ris, 1904).
Distribution: South America. australis
1867 Tramea australis HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 229. Type female: Hagen's Collection; typelocality: Cuba. 1867 Tramea iphigenia HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 230. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Bogota. 1889 Tauriphila iphigenia - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 269 (as generotype of Tauriphila KIRBY, 1 8 8 9 ) .
1890 Tauriphila australis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 4. 1910 Tauriphila australis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 181 (Cuba, Mexico to Brazil). 1910 Tramea iphigenia-MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 181 [proposed synonymy w i t h australis
(HÄGEN, 1867)].
1913 Tauriphila australis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1001 (Dominica, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil). 1913 Tramea iphigenia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1001 [proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h australis
(HÄGEN, 1867)].
1919 Tauriphila australis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 363 (Cuba).
Distribution: Greater Antilles, Ecuador to Brazil. azteca
1906 Tauriphila azteca CALVERT, Biol. C. Amer. Neur., London: 298. Type male: Schumann's Collection; type-locality: Mexico. 1916 Tauriphila azteca - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1004.
Distribution: Mexico. risi
1896 Tauriphila risi MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Torino, N o . 239. Type male: Martin's Collection; typelocality: Paraguay. 1916 Tauriphila risi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1002 (Argentina, Paraguay). 1947 Tauriphila risi - FRASER, Acta Zool. lilloana, 4: 460 (Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil).
Distribution: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina. xiphea Ris 1916 Tauriphila xiphea Ris (SELYS MS), Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1004. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Corrientes.
Distribution: Argentina, Uruguay.
545 Genus Tramea
1849 Trapezostigma H A G E N , Stettiner ent. Ztg., 10: 174. Type species Libellula carolina LINNAEUS, 1763 (designated by COWLEY, 1935; Entomologist, 68: 283). - 1861 Tramea HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 143. Type species: Libellula carolina LINNAEUS, 1763 (designated by KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, 12: 268). - 1913 Tramea- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 970 (revision, key to species). - 1921 Tramea - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 434 (key to South Africain species). - 1935 Trapezostigma - COWLEY, Entomologist, 68: 283 - 1935 Tramea - COWLEY, Entomologist, 68: 283 (proposed synonymy with Trapezostigma HÄGEN, 1849). - 1942 Tramea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 520 (key to species). - 1945 Tramea - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38,171 (as synonym of Trapezostigma HÄGEN, 1849). - 1954 Tramea - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 162- 1954 Trapezostigma LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 162 (proposed synonymy with Tramea HÄGEN, 1861). - 1962 Trapezostigma - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 287. - 1962 Tramea - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 287 (as synonym of Trapezostigma HÄGEN, 1849). 1962 Tramea - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 89 (key to Micronesian species). 1985 Tramea - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 139.
1839 Libellula basalis BURMEISTER (nec H Ä G E N , 1875), Handb. Ent., 2: 852. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1842 Libellula abdominalis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 37. Type male: Marchal's Collection; type-locality: Cuba. 1861 Tramea abdominalis - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 145 (Mexico, Cuba, Guadeloupe). 1866 Tramea insularis SCUDDER (nec H Ä G E N , 1861), Proc. Boston, Soc. nat. Hist., 10: 191. Type female: Boston Mus.; type-locality: Isle of Pines. 1890 Tramea abdominalis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 17. 1913 Tramea abdominalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 994 (Antilles, Brazil, Colombia, Martinique). 1919 Tramea abdominalis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 362 (Cuba). 1919 Libellula basalis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 362 [proposed synonymy with abdominalis ( R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) ] . 1943 Tramea abdominalis - SCHMIDT, Beitr. Fauna Perus, 2: 269.
Distribution: from Massachusets to South Brazil. aquila
1942 Tramea aquila LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 530. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. basilaris basilaris
1805 Libellula basilaris BEAUVOIS, Ins. Afr. Amer.: 171. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Senegal. 1842 Libellula basilaris - RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 35 (redescription) (Senegal, Madagascar). 1868 Tramea basilaris - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 714. 1890 Traema basilaris - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 3. 1913 Tramea basilaris basilaris - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 973 (key to subspecies). 1917 Tramea basilaris - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (13): 2 (Madagascar). 1939 Trapezostigma basilare basilare - COWLEY, Mercator, Odonata, 2: 150. 1951 Tramea basilaris - FRASER, Bull. Inst, franc. Afr. noire, 13: 1084.
546 1962 Trapezostigma basilare - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 288 (Africa, Sokotra, Madagascar, India, Malaya). 1985 Tramea basilaris basilaris - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 139.
Distribution: tropical Africa, Madagascar, Sokotra, India to Malaysia, basilaris burmeisteri KIRBY 1889 Tramea burmeisteri KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 316. Type sex not given: probably lost; type-locality: India. 1894 Tramea burmeisteri - KIRBY, Linn. Soc., London, 24: 548. 1913 Tramea basilaris burmeisteri - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selysde Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 975 (Tibet, India, Ceylon). 1924 Tramea besilaris (misprint) burmeisteri - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 445 (West India). 1936 Tramea basilaris burmeisteri - FRASER, F a u n a brit. India, Odon., 3: 432. 1955 Tramea basilaris burmeisteri - BAIJAL & Agarwal, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 467 (Ceylon, India, Burma, Malaysia). 1962 Trapezostigma basilare var. burmeisteri - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 288. 1985 Tramea basilaris burmeisteri-DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:139.
Distribution: Oriental region. binotata (RAMBUR) 1842 Libellula binotata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 36. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Brazil. 1867 tramea subbinotata BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 811. Type male: Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1867 Tramea Iongicauda BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 812. Type sex not given: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1867 Tramea brasiliana BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 812. Type sex not given: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Tramea binotata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 3 (Brazil). 1910 Tramea paulina FÖRSTER, Wiener ent. Z., 29: 51. Type male: perhaps in Naturhist. Mus. Wien; type-locality: Brazil. 1913 Tramea binotata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 991 (Mexico, Colombia, Brazil). 1913 Tramea subbinotata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 991 [proposed synonymy with binotata (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1913 Tramea Iongicauda - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 991 [proposed synonymy with binotata (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1913 Tramea brasiliana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16, 991 [proposed synonymy with binotata (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1913 Tramea paulina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 991 [proposed synonymy with binotata (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1918 Tramea binotata - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 183. 1943 Tramea walkeri WHITEHOUSE, Bull. Inst. Jamaica Sci., 3: 42. Type male: Whitehouse's Collection; type-locality: Jamaica. 1943 Tramea binotata - SCHMIDT, Beitr. F a u n a Perus, 2: 269.
Distribution: from Florida to South Brazil. calverti
Tramea Iongicauda var. CALVERT (nec BRAUER, 1 8 6 7 ) , Proc. Cal. Acad., ( 2 ) 4 : 5 1 4 . Male from California (-Mexico). 1910 Tramea calverti MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 179 (new name for Tramea Iongicauda var. CALVERT, 1 8 9 5 ) . 1895
547 1982 Tramea calverti - DE MARMELS & RACENIS, Odonatologica, 11 (2): 117 (redescription).
Distribution: Central America.
1763 Libellula carolina LINNAEUS, Centr. Ins.: 28. Type male: Sommer's Collection: type-locality: Carolina. 1861 Tramea carolina - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 143 (Carolina, New Jersey, Georgia, Florida, Cuba, Guadeloupe, St. Thomas) (as generotype of Tramea HÄGEN, 1861). 1867 Tramea carolina - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 222 (Cuba, Guadeloupe) (type in Linnaeus's Collection). 1898 Tramea carolina - CAVLVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 70. 1910 Tramea carolina - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 179. 1913 Tramea carolina-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:997 (Florida, Georgia). 1919 Tramea carolina - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 361 (Cuba). 1935 Trapezostigma carolina - COWLEY, Entomologist, 68: 283 (as generotype of Trapezostigma COWLEY, 1 9 3 5 ) .
1985 Tramea carolina - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 139.
Distribution: U.S.A., Cuba, St. Thomas.
1878 Tramea contientalis SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 299. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Senegal. 1913 Tramea continentalis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 980 [as synonym of limbata (DEJARDENS, 1832)]. 1962 Trapezostigma limbatum continentalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 290 (Port. Guinea, Senegal, Seychelles). 1985 Tramea continentalis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 139.
Distribution: tropical Africa, and Seychelles.
cophysa cophysa
1857 Libellula cophysa KOLLAR, in SELYS, Sagra, Hist. Cuba Ins.: 441 (nom. nud.). 1861 Tramea cophysa - HÄGEN, Syn. Neur. N . Amer., Washington: 316 (as Kollar's species, nom. nud.). 1867 Tramea cophysa KOLLAR, in HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 226. Type: not given; type-locality: Brazil. 1890 Tramea basalts - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 3. 1898 Tramea basalis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 70. 1910 Tramea cophysa - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 180 (Central America to Brazil, and West Indies). 1910 Libellula basalis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 180 (proposed synonymy w i t h cophysa
KOLLAR, 1 8 6 7 ) .
1913 Tramea cophysa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 988 (Panama, Venezuela, Cuba, Trinidad, Surinam, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Barbados). 1918 Tramea cophysa - Ris, Arch. Naturg., (A) 82: 183. 1982 Tramea cophysa cophysa - DE MARMELS & RACENIS, Odonatologica, 11 (2): 111 (redescription, key to species group).
Distribution: Central America, and Northern countries of South America.
cophysa darwini
1889 Tramea darwini KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 315. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Galapagos. 1813 Tramea darwini - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 988 (proposed synonymy with cophysa K O L L A R , 1 8 6 7 ) . 1 9 8 5 Tramea cophysa darwini - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 4 0 .
Distribution: Galapagos. insularis
Tramea insularis H A G E N (nec S C U D D E R , 1 8 6 6 ) , Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 1 4 6 . Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Cuba. 1910 Tramea insularis - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 180 (Florida, Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Mexico). 1913 Tramea insularis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 991 [proposed synonymy with binotata (RAMBUR, 1842)]. 1919 Tramea insularis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 362 (Cuba). 1 9 8 5 Tramea insularis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 4 0 . 1861
Distribution: Central America. lacerata
1861 Tramea lacerata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 145. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1890 Tramea lacerata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 2 (North America, and ? Sandwich Islands). 1913 Tramea lacerata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 998 (Texas, Florida, Indiana, Tennessee). 1936 Tramea lacerata - WILLIAMS, Proc. Haw. ent. Soc., 9: 298 (redescription) (Hawaii). 1948 Tramea lacerata - ZIMMERMANN, Ins. Hawaii, 2: 340.
Distribution: U.S.A., Sandwich Islands, Hawaii. liberata
1949 Tramea liberata LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 371. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; type-locality: Shortland Island. 1985 Tramea lieftincki WATSON, 1967 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 140 (as subspecies of liberata LIEFTINCK, 1949).
Distribution: Shortland Island, and New Guinea. limbata limbata
1832 Libellula limbata DÉSJARDENS, Raport Soc. Maurice, 1 (idem. 1835, Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. Bull., 4: 3). Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Mauritius. 1842 Libellula mauriciana RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 34. Type male: Hope Mus.; type-locality: île de France. 1842 Libellula incerta RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 34. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Madagascar. 1842 Libellula similata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 36. Type female: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris; type-locality: unknown. 1842 Libellula stylata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 37. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: Bombay. 1889 Tramea limbata - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12, 318. 1889 Tramea translucida KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 315. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: North India.
549 1889 Tramea madagascariensis KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 317. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Madagascar. 1890 Tramea similata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 3 (India). 1890 Tramea stylata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 3. 1913 Tramea limbata-Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 979 (continental Africa, Madagascar, Oriental region, Oceania). 1913 Libellula mauriciana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 979 [proposed synonymy with limbata (DESJARDENS, 1 8 3 2 ) ] . 1917 Tramea limbata - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (13): 3 (Madagascar). 1924 Tramea limbata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 445. 1927 Tramea limbata - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 45 (Sumatra). 1955 Tramea limbata similis - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 80 (Ceylon). 1962 Trapezostigma limbatum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289. 1962 Libellula incerta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289 [proposed synonymy with limbata (DÉSJARDENS, 1832)]. 1962 Tramea madagascariensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289 [proposed synonymy with limbata (DÉSJARDENS, 1832)]. 1962 Libellula stylata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289 [proposed synonymy with similata R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . 1962 Tramea translucida - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289 [proposed synonymy with similata R A M B U R , 1 8 4 2 ) . 1 9 8 5 Libellula similata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 4 0 [as synonymy of limbata (DESJAERDENS, 1 8 3 2 ) ] .
Distribution: Ethiopian, Oriental, and Indo-Australian regions. limbata eurybia
1878 Tramea eurybia SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 298. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1936 Tramea limbata eurybia - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 148 (Lombok, Timor). 1942 Tramea limbata eurybia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 532 (New Guinea). 1942 Tramea eurybia montícola LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (5): 537. Type male: unknown; type-locality: New Guinea. 1962 Trapezostigma limbatum eurybium - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289. 1 9 8 5 Tramea biroi FÖRSTER, 1 8 9 8 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 140.
Distribution: Indo-Austral region, loewi
1866 Tramea löwii BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 16: 563. Type male: not given, perhaps in Darmstadt Mus.; type-locality: Ceram. 1901 Tramea loewii - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 221 (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Ceram, Queensland). 1909 Tramea loewi var. petaurina FÖRSTER, Jb. Wiesbaden Ver. Natk., 62: 230. Male from New Guinea. 1913 Tramea loewi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 975 (Queensland, Key, Aru, New Guinea). 1942 Tramea loewi loewi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 527 (key to subspecies) (New Guinea). 1942 Tramea loewi tillyardi LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 528. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: Australia. 1962 Tramea loewi tillyardi - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 91 (proposed synonymy with loewi loewi BRAUER, 1866).
Distribution: throughout Australia and northern into south and west New Guinea, easternmost Lasser Sunda Islands, Moluccas and Yap.
550 minuta
1982 Tramea minuta DE MARMELS & Mus.; type-locality: Venezuela.
Odonatologica, 11 (2): 123. Type maie: Caracas
Distribution: Venezuela. onusta
1861 Tramea onusta HAGEN, Syn. Neur. Ν. Amer., Washington: 144. Type maie: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: Texas. 1867 Tramea onusta - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 222 (Texas, Cuba, St. Thomas). 1910 Tramea onusta - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 181. 1913 Tramea onusta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:996 (Mexico, Honduras, U.S.A.: Ohio, Texas, Illinois, California, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Indiana). 1919 Tramea onusta - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 362 (Cuba).
Distribution: U.S.A., Central America. phaeoneura
1953 Tramea phaeoneura LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 268. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1954 Tramea phaeoneura - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 163.
Distribution: Borneo. propinqua
1942 Tramea propinqua LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 539. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; typelocality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea. rosenbergi
1866 Tramea rosenbergi BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 16: 564. Type sex not given: lost; type-locality: Ceram. 1913 Tramea rosenbergi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 980 [as synonym of limbata (DESJARDENS, 1 8 3 2 ) ] . 1942 Tramea rosenbergi - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 530 (Celebes). 1962 Trapezostigma limbatum rosenbergi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289. 1 9 8 5 Tramea rosenbergi - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 0 : 1 4 0 .
Distribution: Celebes, and Ceram. rustica
1982 Tramea rustica DE M A R M E L S & Mus.; type-locality: Venezuela.
Odonatologica, 11 (2): 114. Type male: Caracas
Distribution: Venezuela. stenoloba
1985 Tramea stenoloba Utrecht, 2: 141.
1962 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: North Australia. transmarina transmarina
1867 Tramea transmarina BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 21. Type female: Zool. Inst. Mus. Univ., Hamburg; type-locality: Fiji.
551 1867 Tramea samoensis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 22. Type male: Zool. Inst. Mus. Univ., Hamburg; type-locality: Samoa. 1913 Tramea transmarina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 980 [as synonym of limbata (DESJARDENS, 1 8 3 2 ) ] . 1954 Tramea transmarina- LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 162 (as synonym of euryale SELYS, 1878). 1962 Trapezostigma limbatum transmarinum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289. 1962 Tramea samoensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 289 (proposed synonymy with limbatum transmarinum BRAUER, 1 8 6 7 ) . 1962 Tramea transmarina transmarina - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 91.
Distribution: throughout Malaysia and Celebes; Mindanao, Moluccas, North and West Micronesia: Palau, Yap, S. Marianas, and The Bonin Island. transmarina euryale
1878 Tramea euryale SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3:298. Type female: R. Mus., Bruxelles; typelocality: Celebes. 1913 Tramea euryale - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 980 [as synonym of limbata (DESJARDENS, 1 8 3 2 ) ] . 1934 Tramea limbata euryale - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 426 (Java). 1954 Tramea euryale - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 162 (Malaya, Simalur, Engano, Sumatra. 1962 Tramea euryale - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 290 [as synonymy of limbata (DESJARDENS, 1832)].
1962 Tramea transmarina euryale - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 93.
Distribution: from Malaysia to West Micronesia. transmarina intersecta 1985
Tramea transmarina intersecta of the World, Utrecht, 2: 140.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies
Distribution: New Caledonia. transmarina yayeyamana
1964 Tramea transmarina yayeyamana ASAHINA, Kontyû, 32: 306. Type male: Asahina's Collection; type-locality: Ishigaki Island.
Distribution: Japan, virginia 1773
1842 1861 1890 1898 1913 1922 1952 1954 1962
Libellula chinensis DE G E E R (nec BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) , Mém. Ins., 3 : 5 5 6 . Type female: Halle Mus.; type-locality: Madras. Libellula virginia RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 33. Type male: Serville's Collection; type-locality: "patria ign.". Tramea chinensis - HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 144 (China, Madras, U.S.A.: Carolina, Virginia). Tramea chinensis - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 13. Tramea chinensis - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 70. Tramea virginia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 972. Tramea chinensis - OGUMA - Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (China, Japan). Tramea virginia - ASAHINA, Kushi, 23 (6): 48 (Formosa, Micronesia, S. China, S. Japan). Tramea virginia - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 164 (Siam, Billiton, Borneo). Tramea virginia - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 91.
Distribution: from Burma and Thailand to southern Japan, the Ryukyu, and the Bonin; Borneo, and U . S . A .
552 Subfamily Zyxommatinae Medium sized. No archaic venational features; anal loop open at apex. Crepuscular. 1940
Zyxommatinae T I L L Y A R D & FRASER, Austr. Zool., 9 : 3 9 4 (with genera: Zyxomma, Tholymis, Patitala, Tramea, Camacinia, Hydrobasileus, Macrodiplax, Aethriamanta, Urothemis). - 1962 Zyxommatinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 282 (key to African genera: Zyxomma, Parazyxomma, Tholymis). - 1985 Zyxommatinae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 141 (with genera: Parazyxomma, Tholymis, Zyxomma, Zyxommoides).
Genus Parazyxomma
1961 Parazyxomma PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.): 176. Type species: Zyxomma flavicans MARTIN, 1908 (original designation). - 1 9 6 2 Parazyxomma - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 283.
1908 Zyxomma flavicans MARTIN, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 43: 657. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: Portugal Guinea. 1913 Zyxomma flavicans - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 909. 1961 Parazyxomma flavicans - PINHEY, Pubi. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.): 176 (as generotype of Parazyxomma PINHEY, 1961). 1962 Parazyxomma flavicans - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 284 (Victoria Falls, Belgian Congo, Uganda, Port, and French Guinea).
Distribution: tropical Africa. Genus Tholymis 1867
Tholymis H A G E N , Stettiner ent. Ztg., 2 8 : 2 2 1 . Type species: Libellula tillarga FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 (designated by K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1 2 : 2 6 5 ) . - 1 9 1 3 Tholymis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 911 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Tholymis LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 161. - 1962 Tholymis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 284.
1867 Tholymis Cuba. 1910 Tholymis Brazil). 1913 Tholymis Jamaica, 1919 Tholymis
citrina HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 28: 218. Type male: Agassiz Mus.; type-locality: citrina - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 177 (Cuba, Mexico to citrina - R i s , Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 915 (Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil). citrina - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 361 (Cuba).
Distribution: Cuba, Mexico to Brazil. paratillarga 1985
Tholymis paratillarga S I N G H the World, Utrecht, 2: 141.
& PRASAD, 1 9 8 0
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of
Distribution: India. tillarga
1798 Libellula tillarga FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 285. Type male: (without abdomen): Univ. zool. Mus., K.0benhavn; type-locality: Madras.
553 1805 Libellula pallida BEAUVOIS, Ins. Afr. Amer.: 171. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Africa. 1835 Libellula bimaculata DÉSJARDENS (nec STEPHENS, 1836), Ann. Soc. ent. France, 4: 4. Type unknown; type-locality: Mauritius. 1864 Partíala tillarga - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 14: 162 (Tahiti, Chile). 1866 Zyxomma tillarga - BRAUER, Reise d. Novara: 104 (Tahiti, Chile). 1867 Tholymis tillarga - H A G E N , Stettiner ent. Ztg., 2 8 : 221 (as generotype of Tholymis H Ä G E N , 1867). 1898 Tholymis tillarga - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 69. 1901 Tholymis tillarga - MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 14: 221 (Indochina, Celebes, New Guinea, Japan, Africa, Australia). 1913 Tholymis tillarga - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 913 (Madagascar, Senegal, Borneo, Java, Celebes, India, Philippines, Formosa, New Guinea, Seychelles, Ceram, Aru. Malacca, Queensland). 1922 Tholymis tillarga-OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922:105 (Formosa, Tibet, Philiipines, Queensland, Borneo, Celebes, Cameroon). 1924 Tholymis tillarga - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 442 (West India). 1927 Tholymis tillarga - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden 10 (1): 44 (Sumatra). 1954 Tholymis tillarga - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 161 (Siam, Penang, Malaya, Singapore, Simalur, Engano, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Bali, Borneo). 1 9 5 5 Tholymis tillarga - BAIJAL & A G A R W A L , Agra Univ. J . Res., 4 ( 2 ) : 4 6 5 (India, Ceylon, Burma to Australia). 1962 Tholymis tillarga - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 285 (tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia; Mauritius, Madagascar, Réunion, Australia, Japan). 1962 Libellula pallida - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 285 [proposed synonymy with tillarga (FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] . 1962 Libellula bimaculata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 285 [proposed synonymy with tillarga (FABRICIUS, 1 7 9 8 ) ] . 1962 Tholymis tillarga - LIEFTINCK, Insects of Micronesia, 5 (1): 84.
Distribution: throughout South Asia to Australia and Oceania and westward to tropical Africa, and Madagascar. Genus Zyxomma
1842 Zyxomma RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 30. Type species: Zyxomma petiolatum RAMBUR, 1842 (designated by KIRBY, 1889; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 301). - 1849 Zyxomma - HAGEN, Stettiner ent. Ztg., 10: 171. - 1889 Zyxomma - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 301. - 1913 Zyxomma Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 900 (revision, key to species). - 1937 Zyxomma - NEEDHAM & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 6 3 (1): 81 (key to East Asiatic species). - 1954 Zyxomma - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 160. - 1962 Zyxomma - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 282.
1889 Zyxomma atlanticum SELYS, Annali civ. Stor. nat. Mus. Genova, 27: 449. Type male: R. Mus. Bruxelles; type-locality: West Africa. 1900 Pseudomacromia atlantica - MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900: 107 (Canaries). 1913 Zyxomma atlanticum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 902 (Cameroon, Old Calabar). 1934 Zyxomma atlanticum - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 37 (Belgian Congo). 1962 Zyxomma atlanticum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 283 (Belgian Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria).
Distribution: Canaries to West Africa.
554 elgneri Ris 1913 Zyxomma elgneri Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 905. Type male: Ris's Collection; type-locality: Cape York. 1942 Zyxomma elgneri - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 500 (New Guinea).
Distribution: Australia, and New Guinea. multinerve
1897 Zyxomma multinervus CARPENTER, Proc. R. Dublin Soc., 8: 435. Type male: lost; type-locality: New Guinea. 1913 Zyxomma multinervus - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 906 (Ceram, New Guinea, Aru). 1942 Zyxomma multinerve - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 500 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea, Aru, and Ceram. obtusum
1881 Zyxomma obtusum ALBARDA, Veth. Midd. Sum., Neur.: 1. Type male: unknown; type-locality: Sumatra. 1908 Zyxomma obtusum - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 33: 638 (Australia). 1913 Zyxomma obtusum - Ris, Coli. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 908 (Celebes, Lombok, Philippine Islands). 1922 Zyxomma obtusum — OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922,105 (Okinawa, Celebes, Lombok, Sumatra). 1927 Zyxomma obtusum - Ris. Zool. Meded., Leiden, 10 (1): 44. 1934 Zyxomma obtusum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 421 (Java). 1948 Zyxomma obtusum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 19 (2): 299 (Celebes, Java, Sumatra). 1954 Zyxomma obtusum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 160 (Simalur, Engano, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental and Indo-Austral regions. petiolatum
1842 Zyxomma petiolatum RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 30 (as generotype of Zyxomma RAMBUR, 1842). Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Bombay. 1896 Zyxomma sechellarum MARTIN, Mém. Soc. zool. France, 9: 103. Type female: Senckenberg Mus.; type-locality: Seychelles. 1913 Zyxomma petiolatum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 903 (India, Seychelles, Borneo, New Guinea). 1913 Zyxomma sechellerum - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 15: 903 (proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h petiolatum
RAMBUR, 1842).
1922 1924 1934 1936 1942 1954
Zyxomma petiolatum - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 105 (Java, Japan, Borneo, Cape York). Zyxomma petiolatum - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 442 (West India). Zyxomma petiolatum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 422 (Java). Zyxomma petiolatum - FRASER, Fauna brit. India, Odon., 3: 409. Zyxomma petiolatum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 501 (New Guinea). Zyxomma petiolatum - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 160 (Siam, Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra, Billiton, Java, Borneo). 1955 Zyxomma petiolatum - BAIJAL & AGARWAL, Agra Univ. J. Res., 4 (2): 465 (India). 1962 Zyxomma petiolatum - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 283 (Seychelles, India, S. and E. Asia, Australia).
Distribution: Mauritius, Seychelles, India and Sri Lanka across Vietnam to the Ryukyu; through Malaysia to New Guinea and Queensland; Palau.
555 Genus Zyxommoides
1921 Zyxommoides MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 90: 94. Type-species: Zyxommoides MARTIN, 1921 (original designation).
1921 Zyxommoides breviventre MARTIN, Ann. Soc. ent. France, 90: 94. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Laos.
Distribution: Laos. Subfamily Urothemiinae Medium size. Frons protruding. Open venation; few antenodals (5 in hind wing; primary antenodals persist (weakly); sectors of arc diverge from origin; anal trg absent in male; base of trg in hind wing at level of arc; hind wings broad and anal loop well developed. 1950 Macrodiplactinae FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 19: 77. Type genus: Macrodiplax BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 . - 1 9 5 4 Urothemistinae LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 2 2 : 1 6 9 . Type-genus: Urothemis BRAUER, 1 8 6 8 . - 1 9 6 2 Urothemiinae PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 2 9 0 (key of African genera: Urothemis, Aethriamanta, Macrodiplax). - 1 9 8 5 Urothemistinae - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 141 (with genera Aethriamanta, Macrodiplax, Selysiothemis, Urothemis).
Genus Aethriamanta
1889 Aethriamanta KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 283. Type-species: Libellula brevipennis RAMBUR, 1842 (original designation). - 1889 Dicranopygia KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 282. Type-species: Dicranopygia mundula KARSCH, 1889 (monotypy) (a junior primary homonymy of Dicranopygia BURMEISTER, 1840, in Dermaptera). - 1897 Aethriamanta - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 81 (revision). - 1916 Aethriamanta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1026 (revision, key to species). - 1916 Dicranopygia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1026 (proposed synonymy with Aethriamanta KIRBY, 1889). - 1921 Tethriamanta (misprint) - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 437. - 1954 Aethriamanta LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 170. - 1962 Aethriamanta - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 292.
aethra Ris 1912 Aethriamanta type-locality: 1916 Aethriamanta 1934 Aethriamanta 1934 Aethriamanta 1954 Aethriamanta
aethra Java. aethra aethra aethra aethra
Ris, Tijdschr. Ent., 55: 166. Type male: Rijksmus. natuurl. Hist., Leiden; -
Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1033. SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 385 (Java). LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 430 (Java). LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 170 (Siam, Malaya, Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: from Thailand to Sumatra. brevipennis brevipennis
1842 Libellula brevipennis RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 114. Type male: Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris; type-locality: unknown. 1868 Diplacina brevipennis - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 733. 1889 Aethriamanta brevipennis - KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 283 (as generotype of Aethriamanta KIRBY, 1889) (India). 1891 Urothemis brevipennis - SELYS, Ann. civ. Stor. nat. Mus., Genova, 30: 468.
556 1892 Urothemis brevipennis - SELYS, Ann. civ. Stor. nat. Mus., Genova, 31: 345. 1897 Aethriamanta brevipennis - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 82 (redescription) (India, Burma, Ceylon). 1916 Aethriamanta brevipennis brevipennis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1029 (key to subspecies). 1924 Aethriamanta brevipennis previpennis - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 445 (West India). 1934 Aethriamanta brevipennis - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 385 (Sumatra). 1954 Aethriamanta brevipennis brevipennis -LÎEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 171 (Malaya, Sumatra).
Distribution: India to Sumatra, brevipennis circumsignata
SELYS 1897 Aethriamanta circumsignata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 83. Type male: McLachlan's Collection; type-locality: Rockhampton (Queensland). 1901 Urothemis circumsignata - M A R T I N , M É M . Soc. zool. France, 19: 224 (Queensland). 1916 Aethriamanta brevipennis circumsignata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1031.
Distribution: Australia. brevipennis subsignata
1897 Aethriamanta subsignata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 84. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Moluccas. 1916 Aethriamanta brevipennis subsignata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1030. 1949 Aethriamanta subsignata - LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea, (N.S.), 5: 232 (Buru, Celebes). 1949 Aethriamanta subsignata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 20 (2): 273 (Guadalcanal). 1 9 8 5 Aethriamanta brevipennis subsignata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 141.
Distribution: Moluccas, Buru, Celebes, and Solomon Islands, gracillis
(BRAUER) 1878 Microthemis gracillis BRAUER, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 77: 195. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Borneo. 1889 Brachydiplax gracilis - SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 456. 1889 Brachydiplax melanops SELYS, Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 27: 457. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1908 Aethriamanta gracilis - Ris, Jenaische Denkschr., 13: 346. 1916 Aethriamanta gracilis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1032 (Borneo, Sumatra, Singapore). 1927 Aethriamanta gracilis - Ris, Zool. Meded., Leiden 10 (1): 45 (Sumatra). 1931 Aethriamanta gracilis - L A I D L A W , J . Fed. Mai. States Mus., 1 6 : 230 (Selangor). 1954 Aethriamanta gracilis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22, Suppl.: 171 (Malaya, Singapure, Sumatra, Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region, nymphaeae
LIEFTINCK 1949 Aethriamanta nymphaeae LIEFTINCK, Nova Guinea (N.S.), 5: 283. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: New Guinea.
Distribution: New Guinea, rezia
KIRBY 1889 Aethriamanta rezia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 298. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Madagascar.
557 1889 Dicranopygia mundula KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33 (2): 283 (as generotype of Dicranopygia KARSCH, 1889). Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: East Africa. 1897 Aethriamanta rezia - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 86. 1912 Urothemis mundula - MARTIN, Feuille jeunes Natur., (5) 42: 94. 1916 Aethriamanta rezia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1028 (Madagascar). 1916 Dicranopygia mundula - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1027 (proposed synonymy with rezia K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ) . 1921 Tetriamanta (misprint) rezia - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 437 (South Africa). 1 9 3 4 Aethriamanta rezia - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3 : 4 1 (Belgian Congo). 1959 Aethriamanta rezia - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45, 41 (Angola). 1962 Aethriamanta rezia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 293 (Port. East Africa, North Rhodesia, Belgian Congo, Tanganyika, Kenya, Uganda, South Nigeria, French Guinea, and Madagascar).
Distribution: Madagascar, and tropical Africa. Genus Macrodiplax
1868 Macrodiplax BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1 8 : 366. Type-species: Diplaxcora BRAUER, 1887 (monotypy). - 1897 Macrodiplax - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 72 (revision). - 1913 Macrodiplax - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1035 (revision, key to species). - 1954 Macrodiplax - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 172. - 1962 Macrodiplax PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 293.
1861 Tetragoneura balteata HAGEN, Syn. Neur. N. Amer., Washington: 140. Type female: Acad. Philad.; type-locality: Texas. 1875 Tramea (?) balteata - HAGEN, Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 18: 66 (Texas, Cuba). 1890 Miathyria balteata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 4 (U.S.A., Cuba). 1890 Celithemis balteata - HÄGEN, Psyche, 5: 383. 1910 Macrodiplax balteata - MUTTKOWSKI, Bull. Pubi. Mus., Milwaukee, 1 (1): 183 (Texas, Florida, Cuba). 1916 Macrodiplax balteata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1038. 1919 Tetragoneura balteata - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 45: 360 (Cuba). 1 9 8 5 Macrodiplax balteata - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 4 2 .
Distribution: U.S.A., Mexico, and Cuba. cora
1867 Diplax cora BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 17: 289. Type female: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Ceram. 1868 Macrodiplax cora - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18. 366 (as generotype of Macrodiplax BRAUER, 1868). 1 8 6 9 Libellula lycoris SELYS, in POLLEN & VAN D A M , Madag. Ins., 2 5 : 2 2 (nom. nud.). 1872 Libellula lycoris SELYS, Revue Zool., (2) 23:176. Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Madagascar. 1872 Libellula nigrilabris SELYS, Revue Zool., (2) 23: 176. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Celebes. 1878 Urothemis nigrilabris - SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 304. 1890 Urothemis lycoris - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 24. 1894 Urothemis vittata K I R B Y , J. Linn. Soc. Zool., London, 24: 552. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1897 Macrodiplax cora - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 72 (redescription of female) (Philippines). 1902 Macrodiplax cora - LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902: 67 (Malacca). 1906 Macrodiplax lycoris - TILLYARD, Proc. Linn. Soc. N . S . Wales, 31: 484 (Australia).
558 1916 Macrodiplax cora - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1036 (Samoa, Java, Aru, Formosa, Queensland, Ceram, Ceylon, Philippines). 1916 Libellula lycoris- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1036 [proposed synonymy with cora (BRAUER, 1867)]. 1916 Macrodiplax cora - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1227 (New Guinea). 1934 Macrodiplax cora - LIETTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 429 (Java). 1934 Macrodiplax cora - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 385 (Java). 1954 Macrodiplax cora - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 172 (Krakatau, Sumatra, Java).
Distribution: Indian Ocean (Socotra, Seychelles, Mascarenes), and from India across southeast Asia to Samoa, New Guinea, and Australia.
Genus Selysiothemis Ris 1897 Selysiothemis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 47. Type-species: Libellula nigra VAN DER LINDEN, 1825 (original designation). - 1905 Selysiothemis - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 732. - 1916 Selysiothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1040 (redescription).
1825 Libellula nigra VAN DER LINDEN, Monogr. Libell.: 16. Type male: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Naples. 1868 Trithemis nigra - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 736. 1878 Urothemis advena SELYS, C. R. Ent. Belg., 21:116. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Catalonia. 1890 Urothemis nigra - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 23. 1897 Selysiothemis nigra - Ris, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 48 (as generotype of Selysiothemis RIS, 1897).
1905 Selysiothemis nigra - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 732 (incorrect synonymy for advena SELYS, 1878) (Central Asia). 1912 Selysiothemis nigra - BARTENEF, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb., 16: 411 (Amu Darja, Turkestan, Persia, Afghanistan). 1916 Selysiothemis nigra - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1041 (Algeria, Catalonia). 1938 Selysiothemis nigra - SCHMIDT, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss., Wien, (1) 147: 149 (Syria). 1950 Selysiothemis nigra - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid, 1950: 71 (Spain). 1985 Urothemis advena - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:142 [as synonym o f nigra
(VAN DER LINDEN, 1825)].
Distribution: from Central Asia to Mediterranean subregion. Genus Urothemis
1868 Urothemis BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 366. Type-species: Urothemis bisignata BRAUER, 1868 (original designation). - 1897 Urothemis - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 75 (revision). - 1916 Urothemis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1016 (revision, key to species). - 1921 Urothemis - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 435 (key to South African species). - 1935 Urothemis - COWLEY, Entomologist, 68: 284 (incorrect synonymy with Uracis RAMBUR, 1842, Urothemis HÄGEN, 1875, which is also preoccupied by Urothemis BRAUER, 1868, in Odonata, thus becomes a synonym of the earlier name Uracis RAMBUR, 1842). - 1945 Urothemis - BORROR, Annls ent. Soc. Am., 38: 171 (as synonym of Uracis RAMBUR, 1842). - 1954 Urothemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 169. - 1962 Urothemis PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 291. - 1985 Urothemis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 142.
559 abbotti
1927 Urothemis abbotti LAIDLAW, Proc. U.S. natn., Mus., 70: 17. Type male: US natn. Mus., Washington; type-locality: Siam. 1931 Urothemis abbotti - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mal. States Mus., 16: 230 (Singapore). 1954 Urothemis abbotti - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 169 (Siam, Malaya, Singapore).
Distribution: from Thailand to Singapore. assignata
1872 Libellula assignata SELYS, Revue Zool., (2) 23: 176. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles, typelocality: Madagascar. 1872 Libellula designata SELYS, Revue Zool., (2) 23: 176. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; typelocality: Africa. 1890 Urothemis assignata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 24. 1890 Urothemis designata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 24. 1897 Urothemis assignata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 80. 1897 Urothemis designata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 80. 1897 Urothemis madagascariensis SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 91. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Madagascar. 1913 Urothemis assignata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1019 (Senegal, Niger, Congo, Cameroon, East Africa). 1916 Libellula designata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1019 [proposed synonymy with assignata (SELYS, 1872)]. 1916 Urothemis madagascariensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1019 [proposed synonymy with assignata (SELYS, 1872)]. 1917 Urothemis assignata - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (13): 3 (Madagascar). 1921 Urothemis assignata - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 436 (South Africa). 1959 Urothemis assignata - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 34 (Angola). 1962 Urothemis assignata - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 292 (Natal, Port. East Africa, Zambezi, Northn Rhodesia, Eritrea, C.-W. Africa, Madagascar).
Distribution: Madagascar, and Ethiopian region, bisignata bisignata
1868 Urothemis bisignata BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18: 175. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Luzon (as generotype of Urothemis: BRAUER, 1868). 1897 Urothemis bisignata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 76. 1912 Urothemis signata bisignata - Ris, Tijdschr. Ent., 55: 166 (Java). 1934 Urothemis signata bisignata - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 385 (Java). 1934 Urothemis signata bisignata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 429 (Java). 1954 Urothemis signata bisignata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 170. 1985 Urothemis bisignata bisignata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2:143.
Distribution: from Philippine Islands to Java, bisignata consignata
1897 Urothemis consignata SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 77. Type female: Selys's Collection; typelocality: New Guinea. 1916 Urothemis consignata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16:1025 (as synonym with signata bisignata BRAUER, 1868). 1985 Urothemis bisignata consignata - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 143. Distribution: New Guinea.
560 edwardsi edwardsi
1849 Libellula edwardsii SELYS, in LUCAS, Expl. Alg., 3: 124. Type female: R. Mus., Bruxelles; typelocality: Algeria. 1868 Urothemis edwardsi - BRAUER, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges., Wien, 18: 737. 1878 Urothemis edwardsii- SELYS, C . R . Ent. Belg., 21: 115. 1897 Urothemis edwardsii - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 78 (Algeria, Senegal, Cameroon, Natal) (description of male). 1898 Urothemis rendalli KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 234. Type female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nyassaland. 1898 Urothemis iridescens KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 2: 235. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Nyassaland. 1905 Urothemis edwardsi - JACOBSON & BIANKI, Pryam. lozhnos. Ross, imp.: 733 (Algeria, Senegal, Natal, Cameroon). 1913 Urothemis edwardsi - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1017 (Natal, Nigeria, Sierra Leone). 1916 Urothemis rendalli - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1017 [proposed synonymy with edwardsi (SELYS, 1849)]. 1916 Urothemis iridescens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1017 [proposed synonymy with edwardsi (SELYS, 1849)]. 1921 Urothemis edwardsi - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 436 (South Africa). 1934 Urothemisedwardsi — SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 I I 3 : 4 0 (Belgian Congo). 1947 Urothemis edwardsi - FRASER, Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 98: 38 (Ivory Coast). 1958 Urothemis edwardsi - PINHEY, Stuttg. Beitr. Naturk., 1958 (10): 5 (Algeria). 1962 Urothemis edwardsi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 292 (Natal, Zambezi, North Rhodesia, Sudan. Angola, Congo, Algeria). 1984 Urothemis edwardsi - RAYAH & ZUBEIR, Entomologist's month. Mag., 120: 157 (Sudan). 1985 Urothemis edwardi edwardi - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 143.
Distribution: Algeria, and tropical Africa. edwardsi hulae
1985 Urothemis edwardsi hulae World, Utrecht, 2: 143.
1975 - loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Israel. luciana
1961 Urothemis luciana Natal.
J. ent. Soc. S. Afr., 24: 86. Type male: Natal Mus.; type-locality:
Distribution: South Africa, signata signata
1839 Libellula sanguinea BURMEISTER (nec R A M B U R , 1842), H a n d b . Ent., 2: 858. Type female: King's Collection; type-locality: India. 1942 Libellula signata RAMBUR, Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 117. Type female: unknown; typelocality: unknown. 1890 Urothemis sanguinea - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 23. 1890 Libellula signata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 23 (as synonym of sanguinea BURMEISTER, 1 8 3 9 ) .
1894 Urothemis sanguinea - K I R B Y , J . Linn. Soc. Zool., London, 2 4 : 552 (Ceylon, India). 1898 Urothemis sanguinea - CALVERT, Trans. Am. ent. Soc., 25: 87 (description of male, paratype). 1916 Urothemis signata signata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1023 (key to subspecies). 1924 Urothemis signata signata - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 445 (West India).
561 1954 Urothemis signata signata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 170. 1955 Urothemis signata signata - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 80 (Ceylon).
Distribution: India, Sri Lanka. signata aethiopica
1957 Urothemis signata aethiopica NIELSEN, Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 69. 33. Type male: Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova; type-locality: Somalia. 1962 Urothemis signata aethiopica - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 292.
Distribution: Somalia. signata aliena
1878 Urothemis aliena SELYS, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3: 305. Type female: Mus. Tierk., Dresden; type-locality: New Guinea. 1897 Macrodiplax ? aliena - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 74 (New Guinea). 1909 Urothemis sanguinea aliena - VAN DER WEELE, Nova Guinea, 9: 22 (New Guinea). 1916 Urothemis aliena - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1025 (incorrect synonym with signata bisignata BRAUER, 1868). 1942 Urothemis signata aliena - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 18 (3): 542 (New Guinea).
Distribution: New Guinea. signata insignata
1872 Libellula insignata SELYS, Revue Zool., (2) 23:178. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1890 Urothemis insignata - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 24. 1897 Urothemis insignata - SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 41: 77. 1911 Urothemis signata insignata - Ris, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 55: 255 (Borneo). 1916 Urothemis signata insignata - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1024 (Borneo). 1954 Urothemis signata insignata - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 170 (Malaya, Sumatra, Bangka, Billiton, Borneo).
Distribution: from Malaysia to Borneo. signata yiei 1985
Urothemis signata yiei A S A H I N A , World, Utrecht, 2: 143.
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
Distribution: Taiwan. thomasi
1932 Urothemis thomasi LONGFIELD, Stylops, 1: 34. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: South Arabia. 1962 Urothemis thomasi - PINHEY Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 5 9 : 292.
Distribution: Arabia. Subfamily Zygonychinae Large species with advanced libelluline venation; habits corduline, metallic body. Resting with abdomen hanging down. Apical spine and claw approx. same size. 1957 Zygonychinae FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1957:119 (with genera: Zygonyx, Olpogastra, Zygonides). - 1962 Zygonychinae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 274 (key to African genera: Zygonyx, Olpogastra). - 1985 Zygonychinae - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dra-
562 gonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 143 (with genera: Celebothemis, Olpogastra, Zygonychidium, Zygonyx).
Genus Celebothemis Ris 1912 Celebothemis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 829. Type-species: Celebothemis delecollei Ris, 1912 (original designation). - 1926 Parathemis FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 470. Type-species: Parathemis metallica FRASER, 1926 (original designation). - 1936 Parathemis - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (4): 403 (proposed synonymy with Celebothemis Ris, 1912).
delecollei Ris 1912 Celebothemis delecollei Rrs, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 830 (as generotype of Celebothemis Ris, 1912). Type female: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Celebes. 1926 Parathemis metallica FRASER, Treubia, 8 (3-4): 471 (as generotype of Parathemis FRASER, 1926). Type male: Buitenzorg Mus.; type-locality: Java. 1936 Parathemis metallica - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 15 (4): 403 (proposed synonymy with delecollei Ris, 1912).
Distribution: Celebes, and Java. Genus Olpogastra
1895 Olpogastra KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 21: 202. Type-species : Libellula lugubris KARSCH, 1895 (from EHRENBERG MS) (original designation). - 1912 Olpogastra - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 823 (revision, key to species). - 1921 Olpogastra - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 430 (redescription, key to South African species). - 1934 Olpogastra - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 35. - 1957 Zygonoides FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1957:119. Type-species: Olpogastra fuelleborni GRÜNBERG, 1902 (original designation). - 1962 Olpogastra (Olpogastra) - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 278 (with subgenera Zygonoides).
1956 Olpogastra fraseri PINHEY, OCC. Pap. Coryndon Mus., 4: 39. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Uganda. 1962 Olpogastra (Zygonoides) fraseri - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59, 278.
Distribution: Uganda, fuelleborni
1902 Olpogastra fuelleborni GRÜNBERG, SitzBer Ges. nat. Fr. Berlin 1902: 235. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Nubia. 1912 Olpogastra fuelleborni fuelleborni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 825 (Zululand, Nubia). 1912 Olpogastra fuelleborni occidentalis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 826. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Kinchassa. 1921 Olpogastra fuelleborni - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18. 431 (Zululand, Transvaal). 1934 Olpogastra fuelleborni occidentis (misprint) - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 36 (Belgian Congo). 1957 Zygonoides fuelleborni - FRASER, R. Zool. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1957: 119 (as generotype of Zygonoides FRASER, 1957). 1962 Olpogastra fuelleborni fuelleborni - PINHKY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 278 (South Africa, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Tanganyika, Kenya, Sudan). 1962 Olpogastrafuelleborni occidentalis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59:278 (Belgian Congo, Angola, Nigeria).
563 1985 Olpogastra fuelleborni
occidentalis - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht,
2 : 1 4 4 ( a s s y n o n y m y of fuelleborni
GRÜNBERG, 1 9 0 2 ) .
Distribution: tropical Africa. lachesis Ris 1912 Olpogastra (Olpogastra) lachesis Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 828. Type male: R. Mus., Bruxelles; type-locality: Rumena Valley (Nossi-Bé). 1920 Pseudomacromia bella LACROIX, Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1920: 175. Type male: Mus. nation. Hist, nat., Paris; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Olpogastra (Olpogastra) lachesis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 278. 1962 Pseudomacromia bella - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 278 (proposed synonymy with lachesis Ris, 1912).
Distribution: Madagascar, lugubris
1895 Libellula lugubris KARSCH (EHRENBERG MS), Ent. Nachr., 21 (13): 198. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Nubia. 1895 Olpogastra lugubris - KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 21(13): 202 (as generotype of Olpogastra KARSCH, 1895). 1912 Olpogastra lugubris- Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 824 (Niger, Chad, Tanzania). 1921 Olpogastra lugubris - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 431 (South Africa). 1962 Olpogastra lugubris - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 279 (Rhodesia, Tanganyika, Belgian Congo, Port. East Africa, Kenya, U g a n d a , Sudan, Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad, French Guinea).
Distribution: tropical Africa. Genus Zygonychidium
1985 Zygonychidium LINDLEY, 1970. Type-species: Zygonychidium gracile LINDLEY, 1970 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 144.
1985 Zygonychidum gracile LINDLEY, 1970 - loc. cit. DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 144.
Distribution: Ivory Coast. Genus Zygonyx
1869 Zygonyx HAGEN, in SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 12: 96. Type-species: Zygonyx ida SELYS, 1869 (original designation). - 1889 Pseudomacromia KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 299. Type-species: Pseudomacromia torrida KIRBY, 1889 (original designation). - 1889 Schizonyx KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 281. Type-species: Zygonyx luctifera SELYS, 1869 (original designation). - 1 9 0 0 Neurocena KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 5: 541. Type-species: Zygonyx ida SELYS, 1869 (original designation). - 1900 Zygonidia KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 5: 532. Type-species: Zygonidia insignis KIRBY, 1900 (original designation). - 1900 Schizothemis SJÖSTEDT, Bih. Svenska Akad., 25 (2): 23. Type-species: Schizothemisflavicosta SJÖSTEDT, 1900 (original designation). - 1909 Homothemis SJÖSTEDT, Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., 14: 12. Typespecies: Homothemis meruensis SJÖSTEDT, 1909 (original designation). - 1912 Zygonyx - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 815 (revision, key to species). - 1912 Pseudomacromia - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 800 (revision, key to species). - 1917 Tilithemis SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (14): 3. Type-species: Tilithemis lindblomi SJÖSTEDT, 1917 (original designation). - 1921 Schizonyx - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool.,
564 Uppsala, 11 (14): 3 (proposed synonymy with Zygonyx HÄGEN, 1869). - 1921 Neurocena SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (14): 3 (proposed synonymy with Zygonyx HÄGEN, 1869). - 1921 Zygonidia - SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (14): 3 (proposed synonymy with Zygonyx HÄGEN, 1869). - 1934 Pseudomacromia - SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 32. - 1954 Zygonyx - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 158. - 1962 Zygonyx - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 274. - 1962 Pseudomacromia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 274 (proposed synonymy with Zygonyx HÄGEN, 1869). - 1962 Homothemis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 274 (proposed synonymy with Zygonyx HAGEN, 1869). - 1962 Tilithemis- PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 274 (proposed synonymy with Zygonyx HÄGEN, 1869). - 1964 Zygonyx - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 116 (key to speciosus and eusebius groups).
1963 Zygonyx elisabethae LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturi". Ges. Basel, 74 (1): 57. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Madagascar.
Distribution: Madagascar. eusebius (Ris) 1912 Pseudomacromia eusebia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 814. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Pweto (Belgian Congo). 1915 Pseudomacromia charysobaphes Ris, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8) 15: 221. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1916 Zygonyx charysobaphes - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 16: 1199 (Sierra Leone). 1958 Zygonyx prodigiosus FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 58: 263. Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1959 Zygonyx eusebia - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 42 (Congo). 1964 Zygonyx eusebia - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63, 128. 1964 Zygonyx crysobaphes (misprint) - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 128 (Sierra Leone). 1 9 6 4 Zygonyx prodigiosus — PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 6 3 : 1 2 8 [proposed synonymy with eusebius (Ris, 1912)]. 1985 Pseudomacromia charysobaphes - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 145 [as synonym of eusebius (Ris, 1912)].
Distribution: West Africa. fallax
1934 Pseudomacromia fallax SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3 II 3: 33. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1985 Zygonyx fallax - DAVIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 144.
Distribution: Congo Republic, and Zaire. flavicosta flavicosta
1900 Schizothemis flavicosta SJÖSTEDT, Bih. Svenska Akad., 25 (2): 24. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Cameroon (as generotype of Schizothemis SJÖSTEDT, 1900). 1912 Pseudomacromia flavicosta - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 806 (redescription) (Sierra Leone). 1959 Zygonyx (Pseudomacromia) flaviocosta - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45, 41 (Angola). 1916 Zygonyx flavicosta flavicosta - PINHEY, Occ Pap. Rhodes-Livingstone Mus., 14: 90.
Distribution: West Africa.
565 flavicosta mwinilungae
1961 Zygonyx flavicosta mwinilungae PINHEY, OCC. Pap. Rhodes-Livingstone Mus., 14: 90. Type male: Rhodes Mus.; type-locality: Angola. 1964 Zygonyx flavicosta mwinilungae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63, 120.
Distribution: Angola. hova 1842
1890 1890 1900 1912 1963
(RAMBUR) Libellula hova R A M B U R (nec SELYS, 1 8 6 9 ) , Hist. nat. Ins. Neuropt., Paris: 9 2 . Type male: Univ. Mus., Oxford; type-locality: Madagascar. Onychothemis hova - KIRBY, Syn. Cat. Neur.-Odon., London: 24. Pseudomacromia hova - KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 33: 369 (Madagascar). Pseudomacromia hova - MARTIN, Bull. Mus. nat. Hist. Paris, 1900: 105. Pseudomacromia hova - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 809 (Madagascar). Zygonyx hova - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturi. Ges., Basel, 74 (1): 55 (redescription of type).
Distribution: Madagascar. i d a HAGEN 1869 Zygonyx ida HAGEN, in SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 12; 96. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Java (as generotype of Zygonyx HÄGEN, 1869). 1893 Pseudomacromia iuxoriosa KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z., 38: 21. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Java. 1900 Neurocena ida - K I R B Y , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 5 : 541 (as generotype of Neurocena K I R B Y , 1900). 1912 Zygonyx ida - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 819 (Java, Lombok, Sumatra). 1934 Zygonyx ida - SCHMIDT, Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl., 13: 384 (Sumatra). 1934 Zygonyx ida ida - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 14 (4): 420 (Java). 1936 Zygonyx ida ida - LIEFTINCK, Revue suisse Zool., 43 (5): 145 (Lombok, Timor). 1937 Zygonyx ida - N E E D H A M & G Y G E R , Philipp. J. Sci., 63 (1): 76 (Luzon). 1954 Zygonyx ida - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 158 (Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo).
Distribution: Oriental region. ikomae
Zygonyx ikomae PINHEY, Entomologist's month. Mag., 96: 2 7 0 . Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Nigeria. 1964 Zygonyx ikomae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63, 120. I960
Distribution: Nigeria. ilia Ris 1912 Zygonyx ilia Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 817. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Celebes.
Distribution: Celebes. immaculatus
1933 Zygonyx immaculata FRASER, J. Siam. Soc. nat. Hist. Suppl., 9: 134. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Laos.
Distribution: Laos.
566 iris iris SEL YS 1869 Zygonyx iris SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 12: 97. Type male: Selys's Collection; type-locality: Bengal. 1900 Zygonidia insignis KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 5: 533 (as generotype of Zygonidia KIRBY, 1900). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Hainan. 1905 Zygonidia aenea KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15: 275. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Tonkin. 1912 Zygonis iris - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 820 (Tonkin, Borneo, China: Hainan). 1912 Zygonidia insignis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 820 (proposed synonymy with iris SELYS, 1869). 1912 Zygonidia aenea - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 820 (proposed synonymy with iris SELYS, 1869). 1922 Zygonyx iris - OGUMA, Dtsch. ent. Z., 1922: 106 (Hainan, Formosa, Tonkin, Borneo). 1924 Zygonyx iris - FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 441 (West India). 1954 Zygonyx iris iris - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 159.
Distribution: Oriental region. iris ceylonicus
1905 Zygonidia ceylonica KIRBY, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 15: 273. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Ceylon. 1955 Zygonyx iris ceylonica - LIEFTINCK, Zool. Meded., Leiden, 34 (5): 79 (Ceylon).
Distribution: Sri Lanka. iris davina
1926 Zygonyx davina FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 768. Type destroyed, neotype female: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Darjeeling. 1937 Zygonyx davina - ST. QUENTIN, Konowia, 16 (1): 87 (Assam). 1966 Zygonyx iris davina - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 188.
Distribution: India. iris errans
1953 Zygonyx iris errans LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22: 266. Type male: Lieftinck's Collection; type-locality: Borneo. 1954 Zygonyx iris errans - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 159 (Borneo).
Distribution: Borneo. iris isa
1926 Zygonyx isa FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 767. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Shan States. 1966 Zygonyx iris isa - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 198.
Distribution: India. iris malabaricus
1926 Zygonyx iris malabarica FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 762. Type male: British M u seum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: India.
Distribution: India.
567 iris malayanus
1902 Zygonyx malayana LAIDLAW, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902: 73. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: „Kwala Aring". 1912 Zygonyx malayana - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 820. 1931 Zygonyx iris malayana - LAIDLAW, J. Fed. Mai. States Mus., 16: 227. 1942 Zygonyx malayana - FRASER, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 11: 103. 1954 Zygonyx iris malayana - LIEFTINCK, Treubia, 22 Suppl.: 159 (Siam, Malaya).
Distribution: Thailand to Malaysia. iris metallicus
1931 Zygonyx iris metallica FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 33: 450. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: South Malabar.
Distribution: India. iris mildredae
1926 Zygonyx mildredae FRASER, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 31: 766. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Shan States. 1966 Zygonyx iris mildredae- KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 204.
Distribution: India. iris osiris
1936 Zygonyx iris osiris FRASER, F a u n a brit. India, Odon., 3: 400. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Burma.
Distribution: Burma. luctiferus
1869 Zygonyx ? luctifera SELYS, Ann. Soc. ent. Belg., 12: 96. Type female: Selys's Collection; typelocality: Seychelles. 1889 Schizonyxluctifera-KARSCH, Beri. ent. Z.,33:281 (asgenerotypeofSchizonyxKARSCH, 1889). 1898 Schizonyx luctifera - CALVERT, Proc. U . S . natn. Mus., 18: 122 (description of male). 1912 Pseudomacromia luctifera - RIS, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 802 (Seychelles). 1985 Zygonyx luctiferus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dargonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 145.
Distribution: Seychelles. natalensis
1900 Pseudomacromia natalensis MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Paris, 1900: 106. Type female: Martin's Collection; type-locality: Natal. 1906 Zygonyx komatina FÖRSTER, Jb. Mannheim Ver. Natk., 7 1 - 7 2 : 25. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Transvaal. 1909 Homothemis meruensis SJÖSTEDT, Kilimandjaro-Meru Exp., 14: 12 (as generotype of Homothemis SJÖSTEDT, 1909). Type female: Naturhist. Rikmsmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Meru. 1912 Pseudomacromia natalensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 807 (South Africa). 1912 Zygonyx komatina - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 807 [proposed s y n o n y m y w i t h natalensis
(MARTIN, 1900)].
1912 Pseudomacromia meruensis - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 805. 1915 Pseudomacromia kikuyuensis MARTIN, Voy. Alluaud Ins. Pseudon., 2: 34. Type male: Nat. Hist. N a t n . Mus., Paris; type-locality: Kenya. 1917 Tilithemislindblomi SJÖSTEDT, Ark. Zool., Uppsala, 11 (14): 4. Type male: Naturhist. Riksmus., Stockholm; type-locality: Nairobi (as generotype of Tilithemis SJÖSTEDT, 1917).
568 1921 Pseudomacromia natalensis - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 429 (Zululand, Natal, Katanga). 1962 Zygonyx natalensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 276 (South Africa, Rhodesia, Port. East Africa, Angola, Belgian Congo, Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Niger, French Guinea). 1962 Homothemis meruensis - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 276 [proposed synonymy with natalensis (MARTIN, 1900)]. 1962 Tilithemis lindblomi - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 276 [proposed synonymy with natalensis (MARTIN, 1900)].
Distribution: tropical Africa. pretentiosus
1957 Zygonyx pretentiosa FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 55: 344. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1957 Zygonyx chrysobaphes umbrosa FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 55: 345. Type female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1962 Zygonyx pretentiosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 277. 1962 Zygonyx prodigiosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 277 (proposed synonymy with pretentiosus
FRASER, 1957).
1964 Zygonyx prodigiosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63, 128 [incorrect synonymy with eusebius (Ris, 1912)]. 1964 Zygonyx chrysobaphes umbrosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63:123 (proposed synonymy with pretentiosa FRASER, 1957).
Distribution: West Africa. ranavalonae
1949 Zygonyx ranavalonae FRASER, Mém. Inst. Sci. Madagascar, (A) 3: 36. Type male: Naturhist. Mus., Basel; type-locality: Madagascar. 1962 Zygonyx ranavalonae - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 277 (type male: Inst. Rech. Sci., Madagascar). 1963 Zygonyx ranavalonae - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 74 (1): 59 (redescription).
Distribution: Madagascar. regisalberti
1934 Pseudomacromia regis-alberti SCHOUDETEN, Ann. Mus. Congo Beige, Zool., 3II3: Type male: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren; type-locality: Belgian Congo. 1957 Zygonyx Regis-Alberti- FRASER, Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 55: 341 (description of allotype female: Mus. r. Afr. centr., Tervuren). 1959 Zygonyx regis-alberti - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 42 (Angola). 1962 Zygonyx regis-alberti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 277 (Uganda, Belgian Congo, Angola).
Distribution: Central Africa. speciosus speciosus (KARSCH) 1891 Pseudomacromia speciosa KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17, (5): 74. Type male: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1891 Pseudomacromia pretiosa KARSCH, Ent. Nachr., 17 (5): 74. Type female: Mus. Naturk., Berlin; type-locality: Cameroon. 1912 Pseudomacromia speciosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 811 (Congo, Cameroon). 1912 Pseudomacromia pretiosa - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles,14: 813.
569 1959 Zygonyx speciosa - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 41 (Angola). 1 9 6 0 Zygonyx rougeoti PINHEY, OCC. Pap. nat. Mus. S. Rhodesia, 3 : 5 1 4 . Type male: Pinhey's Collection; type-locality: West Africa. 1962 Zygonyx speciosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 277 (Cameroon, Niger, Angola, Belgian Congo). 1962 Zygonyx pretiosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 277 (Cameroon, Niger). 1964 Zygonyx speciosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 127. 1964 Pseudomacromia pretiosa - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 127 [proposed synonymy with speciosus ( K A R S C H , 1 8 9 1 ) ] . 1964 Zygonyx rougeoti - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola,63: 127 [proposed synonymy with speciosus ( K A R S C H , 1 8 9 1 ) ] . 1 9 8 5 Zygonyx speciosus speciosus - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 : 1 4 4 .
Distribution: Central Africa. speciosus atritibiae
1964 Zygonyx atritibiae PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 63: 120. Type male: Nat. Mus., Bulawayo; type-locality: Abercorn. 1 9 8 5 Zygonyx speciosus atritibiae - D A VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2 , 1 4 4 .
Distribution: Zambia. takasago 1985
Zygonyx takasago Utrecht, 2: 145.
ASAHINA, 1 9 6 6
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the World,
Distribution: Taiwan. torridus torridus
1889 Pseudomacromia torrida KIRBY, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12: 340 (as generotype of Pseudomacromia KIRBY, 1889). Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1900 Pseudomacromia atlantica MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Hist, nat., 1900:107. Type female: Mus. nation. Hist, nat., Paris; type-locality: Canaries. 1 9 0 3 Pseudomacromia hoffmanni G R Ü N B E R G ( B R A U E R MS), Zool. Jb. Syst., 18: 7 1 8 . Type female: Naturhist. Mus., Wien; type-locality: Sierra Leone. 1912 Pseudomacromia torrida - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 804 (Congo, Niger, Natal, Sierra Leone, Transvaal, Spain). 1912 Pseudomacromia atlantica - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 804 [proposed synonymy with torridus (KIRBY, 1889)]. 1912 Pseudomacromia hoffmanni - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 804 [proposed synonymy with torridus ( K I R B Y , 1 8 8 9 ) ] . 1921 Pseudomacromia torrida - Ris, Annls S. Afr. Mus., 18: 429 (Zululand, Natal, Transvaal). 1938 Zygonyx torrida - SCHMIDT, SitzBer. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1) 147: 148 (Israel). 1950 Zygonyx torrida - MORERA, Inst. Esp. Ent., Madrid, 1950: 70 (Spain). 1959 Zygonyx torrida - LONGFIELD, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 45: 41 (Angola). 1962 Zygonyx torrida - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 277 (tropical Africa, Canary Islands, Comoro, Palestine, Spain). 1985 Zygonyx torridus torridus - DA VIES & TOBIN, The Dragonflies of the World, Utrecht, 2: 145.
Distribution: Israel, Spain to Canaries, and tropical Africa, Comoro. torridus insulanus 1985
Zygonyx torridus insulanus World, Utrecht, 2: 144.
Distribution: Mauritius.
PINHEY, 1 9 8 1
- loc. cit.
The Dragonflies of the
570 torridus isis
1924 Zygonyx isis FRASER, Ree. Indian Mus., 26: 440. Type male: British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London; type-locality: West India. 1966 Zygonyx torrida isis - KIMMINS, Bull. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 18: 198.
Distribution: West India. viridescens
1900 Pseudomacromia viridescens MARTIN, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., 3: 106. Type male: Mus. nation. Hist. Nat., Paris; type-locality: Diégo Suarez. 1912 Pseudomacromia viridescens - Ris, Coll. Zool., Selys de Longchamps, Bruxelles, 14: 810 (redescription). 1956 Zygonyx viridescens - FRASER, Faune de Madagascar, Odón.: 106 (Madagascar). 1962 Zygonyx viridescens - PINHEY, Pubi. cult. Comp. Diam. Angola, 59: 277. 1963 Zygonyx viridescens - LIEFTINCK, Verh. Naturf. Ges., Basel, 74 (1): 58 (Madagascar).
Distribution: Madagascar.
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Alphabetical Register abbreviata, Oligoclada 356 abbreviatus, Hylogomphus 125 - , Progomphus 208 abboti, Aeschna 23 - abbotti, Gomphidia 221 - audax, Gomphidia 221 - abbotti, Orthetrum 408 - malgassicum, Orthetrum 409 - , Urothemis 559 abditus, Gomphus 148 abdominalis, Tramea 545 - , Trigomphus 161 aberrane aberrane, Davidius 152 - senchalensis, Davidius 152 - , Gomphidia 221 - , Progomphus 208 abjecta, Erythrodiplax 446 abjecta, Diplax 149 abnormis, Macrogomphus 131 - , Onychothemis 518 - , Paragomphus 187 abocanica, subsp. of metallica, Somatochlora 273 absoluta, subsp. of diffinis, Aeshna 9 abyssinicus, Crenigomphus 101 acantha, Erythrodiplax 446 Acanthaeschna 64 Acanthagyna 38 Accaphila 487 acigastra, Lyriothemis 398 acinaces, Onychogomphus 170 Acisoma 430 acolythus, Antipodogomphus 88 aconita, Trithemis 506 Acrogomphus 164 aculeata, Macromia 295 acuteus, Phyllogomphoides 203 acuminata, Bolivarides 387 acuminatus, Ophiogomphus 182 acuminatus, Paragomphus 189 acuta, Libellula 445 - , Plattycantha 58 acutifrons Martin, Cephalaeschna 69
acutifrons Klots, Cephalaeschna 70 acutus, Ictinogomphus 225 - , Trigomphus 161 adamsi, Archaeophya 279 adaptatus, Progomphus 208 adela, Gynacantha 39 adelpha, Trithemis 509 adelphus, Hylogomphus 125 adnexa, Coryphaeschna 23 adolescens, Beblecia 435 adonira, Nannophlebia 328 advena, Urothemis 558 aemulus, Onychogomphus 170 aenea aenea, Cordulia 253 - amurensis, Cordulia 253 aenea var. brachycauda, Cordulia 253 - laubmanni, Cordulia 254 aenea var. longicauda, Cordulia 253 - selysi, Cordulia 254 - turfosa, Cordulia 254 - var. tatrica, Cordulia 253 - , Trithemis 506 aenea, Zygonidia 566 aeneothorax, Macromia 295 aequale, Orthetrum 409 aequalis, Micrathyria 346 - , subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 531 - , Trithemis 506 aequatoria, subsp. of ochracea, Erythrodiplax 451 aequatorialis, Macromia 296 aequatorialis, Oxythemis 417 aequatoris, Malgassophlebia 325 aequilibris, Orthemis 405 aequisetis, Nephepeltia 355 aequistylus, Onychogomphus 170 aerostiba, Nannophlebia 328 Aeschna 3 Aeshna 3 Aeshnidae 2 Aeshnini 3 Aeshnoidea 1 Aeshnophlebia 64
592 Aeschnosoma 252 aethiopica, subsp. of biordinata, Atoconeura 488 - , subsp. of signata, Urothemis 561 aethiops, Phyllogomphus 144 Aethiothemis 373 aethra, Aethriamantha 555 Aethriamantha 555 aíTinis, Aeshna 4 affinìs ab. flaveola, Aeshna 4 - , Hemistigma 345 affinis race decorata, Hemistigma 345 affinis, Neurothemis 451 - , Procordulia 265 afra, Micromacromia 326 africana, Gynacantha 39 - , Macromia 296 - , Neodythemis 331 - africana, Trithemis 508 - tropicana, Trithemis 508 africanum, Orthetrum 409 africanus, Lestinogomphus 130 Africogomphidia, subgen. of Gomphidia 221 Africogomphus 136 afrum, Orthetrum 410 agalma, Nennophlebia 328 agilis, Neurogomphus 139 aglaia, Nannophlebia 328 agricola, Trigomphus 161 Agriogomphus 84 Agrionoptera 374 Agyrtacantha 37 A ino 354 alabamensis, Neurocordulia 263 alaquopterus, Ictinogomphus 225 albardae, Hagenius 217 - , subsp. of parallelogramma, Macrogomphus 132 albicauda, Libellula 409 albicincta, Somatochlora 268 albicincta f. massettensis, Somatochlora 268 albifrons, Leucorrhinia 367 albifrons ab. aurata, Leucorrhinia 368 albifrons ab. fuscoumbrata, Leucorrhinia 368 albifrons ab. obensis, Leucorrhinia 368 albifrons ab. transluciata, Leucorrhinia 368 albifrons, Libellula 467 - , Palpopleura 521 albinensis, Phylla 194 albipuncta, Hemistigma 345 albistyla, Gynacantha 39 albistylum albistylum, Orthetrum 409 - speciosum, Orthetrum 409 albistylus, Lanthus 157
albotibialis, subsp. of forcipatus, Onychogomphus 174 albrighti, Phyllogomphoides 203 alcathone, Gynacantha 39 alcebiadesi, Dythemis 492 alcestis, Rhyothemis 528 alecto, Synthemis 317 alechuensis, Progomphus 208 alexanderi, Sieboldius 218 alexia, Nennophlebia 328 algirica, subsp. of boltoni, Cordulegaster 244 alia, Aphylla 194 aliasignata, subsp. of saturata, Libellula 396 aliena, subsp. of signata, Urothemis 561 alleghaniensis, Macromia 296 - , Ophiogomphus 182 alleni, Gomphus 120 Allogaster 248 allogenes, subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 375 Allogomphus 165 Allopetalia 76 Alloprogomphus, subgen. of Progomphus 207 Allorhizucha 321 alluaudi, Paragomphus 187 almeidai, Micrathyria 346 alpestris, Somatochlora 268 alpina, Aeschna 14 altaica, subsp. of bimaculata, Epitheca 255 Altaigomphus 167 amamiensis amamiensis, Asiagomphus 91 - okinawanus, Asiagomphus 91 amanda, Celithemis 365 amaryllis, Nannophlebia 328 - , Rhyothemis 533 amasinus, race of insignis, Cordulegaster 246 amata, Oligoaeschna 79 amazili, Anax 28 amazónica amazónica, Erythrodiplax 446 - melanica, Erythrodiplax 446 - , Fylgia 345 - , Idiataphe 540 amazonicus, Progomphus 208 ambigua, Gomphoides 196 ambiguum, Sympetrum 467 ambiguus, Misthotus 512 ambinigra, Orthemis 406 ambirufa, Orthemis 406 ambusta, Diplax 452 americana, subsp. of juncea, Aeshna 13 americana, Libellula 527 amicorum, Macromia 296 amicus, Gomphus 113 Ammogomphus 198 amnícola, Stylurus 148 amnosia, Nannophlebia 328
593 amoena, subsp. of phoebe, Diplacina 385 Amphiaeschna 21 amphiclitus, Austrogomphus 94 amphigena amphigena, Macromia 296 - fraenata, Macromia 296 - masaco, Macromia 296 Amphigomphus 165 amphione, Oligoclada 356 Amphithemis 378 amphycillis, Nannophlebia 328 amphycteria, Nannophlebia 329 ampia ampia, Amphiaeschna 21 - basitincta, Amphiaeschna 21 ampullacea, Libellula 422 amseli, Gomphus 113 amurensis, Anisogomphus 86 - , subsp. of aenea, Cordulia 253 - , Temnogomphus 151 amymone, Macromia 313 anacantha, Austroaeschna 65 anacharis, Nannophlebia 329 anaci, Notogomphus 141 Anaciaeschna 26 Anacordulia 263 Anactini 26 analis, Indothemis 457 analis, Libellula 542 Anatogomphus, subgen. of Gomphus 113 anatoidea, Erythrodiplax 447 anatolicus, race ofbidentatus, Cordulegaster 244 Anatya 338 anatya, Nannophlebia 329 Anax 28 anceps, Orthetrum 410 andagoya, Erythrodiplax 447 andamani, Oligoaeschna 79 anderi, Anisogomphus 85 andresi, Aeshna 4 androgynis, Neocordulia 282 andromeda, Phyllogomphoides 203 anduzei, Phyllocycla 200 Anectothemis 338 angela, Onychogomphus 180 angeli, Austrogomphus 94 angelina, Libellula 390 anguina, Aeschna 119 anguis, Libellula 8 angularis, Phyllogomphoides 204 angulata, Karschia 38 angulosus, Ictinogomphus 226 angustifolia, Aphylla 194 angustipennis angustipennis, Cannaphila 379 - insularis, Cannaphila 380 - , Diaphlebia 197 - , Erythrodiplax 447
angustipennis, Libellula 482 angustistigma, Neurogomphus 139 angustistrigis, Recenaeschna 75 angustistyla, subsp. of juncea, Aeshna 13 angustiventre, Orthetrum 410 angustus, Lestinogomphus 130 Anisogomphini 85 Anisogomphus 85 Anisoptera 1 anisoptera, Aeschnophlebia 64 annaimellaiensis, Macromia 297 annamellaicus, race of nilgiriensis, Onychogomphus 178 annandalei, Neallogaster 248 annectens, Phyllogomphoides 204 annularis, Onychogomphus 170 annulata Fabricius, Aeshna 4 annulata Latreille, Aeschna 243 - , Macromia 297 - annulata, Trithemis 506 - haematina, Trithemis 507 - scorteccii, Trithemis 507 - , subsp. of comanulata, Zonophora 215 annulatus annulatus, Macrogomphus 131 - keiseri, Macrogomphus 131 annulatus, Phyllogomphus 147 - , Stylurus 148 annulosa, Libellula 443 anomala, Anatya 338 - , Erythrodiplax 447 - , Trithemis 507 anomalum, Sympetrum 468 anomalus, Ophiogomphus 182 - , Progomphus 208 Anormogomphus 87 anormolobatus, Trigomphus 163 Anotogaster 241 antarcticum, Limnetron 56 antehumeralis, subsp. of isosceles, Anaciaeschna 26 anthaxia, subsp. of phoebe, Diplacina 385 antiacantha, Nannophlebia 329 Anticordulia 267 Antidythemis 538 antigone, Diplacina 382 antilope, subsp. of furcillata, Gomphaeschna 78 Antipodochlora 253 Antipodogomphus 88 Antipodophlebia 76 Apatelia 397 Apeleutherus 434 Aphylla 194 apiaensis, Gynacantha 39 apicalis, Anectothemis 339 - , Gynacantha 39
594 - , subsp. of fruhstorferi, Hylaeothemis 324 apicalis, Libellula 459 - , Phyllopetalia 323 apicalis, Polyneura 463 - , subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 531 Apocordulia 279 apoensis, Hemicordulia 257 apollinaris, Nothemis 491 apollo, Petalia 231 - , Phyllopetalia 232 apomyius, Hylogomphus 125 appendiculatus, Phyllogomphoides 204 approximatus, Progomphus 208 aquicola, Agriogomphus 85 aquila, Paragomphus 187 - , Tramea 545 arabica, Crocothemis 437 arachne, Planiplax 372 arachnonima, Macromia 297 aratrix, Gynacantha 40 arboreus, Burmagomphus 96 arborophila arborophila, Huonia 495 - diminuta, Huonia 495 arbustorum, Austrogömphus 94 Archaeogomphus 88 Archaeophya 279 Archaeophlebia 322 Archaeoprogomphus, subgen. of Progomphus 207 archiboldi, Scapanea 505 Archiclops 386 Archipetalia 230 arctica, Somatochlora 268 arctica f. fuscoptera, Somatochlora 269 arctica f. infuscata, Somatochlora 269 arctica ab. ornata, Somatochlora 269 arcticum, Sympetrum 470 ardens, Onychogomphus 171 ardens, subsp. of eroticum, Sympetrum 472 - , subsp. of kirbyi, Trithemis 515 arenarius, Austrogomphus 88 arethusa, Nannophlebia 329 argentea,Argyrothemis 339 argentina, Phyllocycla 200 argo, Tauriphila 544 argus, Gomphus 115 Argyrothemis 339 ariadne, Synthemis 317 arida, Aeschna 16 Arigomphus 98 arizonicus, Ophiogomphus 182 Armagomphus, subgen. of Hemigomphus 156 armata, Oplonaeschna 82 armata var. polemiota, Oplonaeschna 82 - , Phyllocycla 200
armatus, Epigomphus 106 - , Dromogomphus 105 armeniacum, subsp. of sanguineum, Sympetrum 482 armiger, Hemigomphus 156 armstrongi, race of regia, Rhyothemis 534 amouldi, Neodythemis 331 arooni, Chlorogomphus 236 arsinoe, Diplacina 382 - , Gynacantha 40 artemis, Micrathyria 346 - , Procordulia 265 arteriosa arteriosa, Trithemis 508 - ennediensis, Trithemis 509 - stuhlmanni, Trithemis 509 arteriosa var. syriaca, Trithemis 508 arthuri, Burmagomphus 97 - , Gynacantha 40 aruana, Huonia 495 arundinacea, Aeshna 6 arvalis, Burmagomphus 97 asahinai, subsp. of quadrimaculata, Libellula 395 - , Macromidia 290 asahinai, Sinogomphus 159 asatoi,1 subsp. of ryukyuanus, Stylogomphus 160 ascalaphoides, subsp.of panorpoides, Acisoma 431 Asiagomphus 91 asiatica, Hemicordulia 257 asiatica, Indophlebia 70 - asiatica, Lathrecista 388 - festa, Lathrecista 388 - interposita, Lathrecista 388 - pectoralis, Lathrecista 389 - simulans, Lathrecista 389 - terminalis, Lathrecista 389 asperipes, Porpax 359 aspersus, Ophiogomphus 183 aspis, Libellula 68 assamensis, subsp. of davidi, Davidius 153 - , subsp. of flinti, Periaeschna 73 assidus, subsp. of lineata, Cratila 381 assignata, Urothemis 559 assimilata, Libellula 481 assimilis, subsp. of lansbergei, Leptogomphus 128 - , Onychogomphus 170 - , Hemicordulia 257 astarte, Macromia 297 asthenes, Antipodophlebia 76 - , Phaenandrogomphus 144 astridae, Procordulia 265 atalanta, subsp. of intermedia, Neurothemis 460 ater, Davidius 153
595 aterrima, Rhyothemis 528 athalia, Aeshna 4 athenais, Micrathyria 352 atkinsoni, Chlorogomphus 236 atlantica, Pseudomacromia 569 atlanticum, f. of striolatum, Sympetrum 478 - , Zyxomma 553 atlanticus, Phyllogomphoides 204 Atoconeura 487 atra, Micrathyria 346 atra atra, Trithemis 509 - grouti, Trithemis 509 atra f. leptosoma, Trithemis 509 atrata, Austroaeschna 65 atratus, Onychogomphus 190 atrifrons, Micromidia 282 atripes, Diplax 469 atritibiae, subsp. of speciosus, Zygonyx 569 atroterminata, Erythrodiplax 447 atrovirens, Macromidia 290 - , subsp. of viridiaenea, Somatochlora 267 atrox, Ictinus 226 atshuschgho, var. of juncea, Aeshna 13 attala, Erythemis 443 attenuata, Erythrodiplax 447 - , Orthemis 406 atuberculata, Macromia 302 auca, Staurophlebia 58 audax, subsp. of abbotti, Gomphidia 221 - , Phyllogomphoides 204 aurantiacum, Sympetrum 472 aurata, ab. of albifrons, Leucorrhinia 368 auratus, Chlorogomphus 237 aurea, Gynothemis 494 aurea, Libellula 472 - , Tetrathemis 336 aureatus, Paragomphus 187 aureola, subsp. of graeseri, Somatochlora 271 aureola, Trithemis 514 aureolum, Sympetrum 432 aureozona, Macromia 297 aureus, Onychogomphus 177 aureus, Phaenandrogomphus 144 auricolor, Gomphus 114 auricolor, var. of jonesi, Notiothemis 332 auricularis, Gynacantha 40 auriculata, Archipetalia 231 aurimaculata, Macrothemis 498 auripennis, Aeschnosoma 252 - , Libellula 390 aurivilli, Tragogomphus 151 aurolineata, subsp. of guttata, Eusynthemis 315 auropictus, Progomphus 208 aurora, Trithemis 509 austeni, Orthetrum 410
austeni, Perithemis 524 australis, Austrogomphus 94 - , subsp. of denticauda, Brachydiplax 340 australis, Brachymesia 364 - , Epophthalmia 293 - , Gomphus 114 - australis, Ictinogomphus 226 - dobsoni, Ictinogomphus 226 - lieftincki, Ictinogomphus 226 australensis, Macromia 303 australiae, Hemicordulia 257 australis, Nannophya 352 - , Progomphus 208 - , Tauriphila 544 austrinum, subsp. of flaveolum, Sympetrum 473 Austrictinogomphus 225 Austroaeschna 65 Austrocordulia 279 Austroepigomphus 93 Austrogomphus 94 Austrogynacantha 38 Austropetalia 231 Austrophlebia 68 Austrophya 280 austrosundanum, Orthetrum 411 austrosundanus, subsp. of williamsoni, Burmagomphus 100 Austrothemis 364 avittata, subsp. of basalis, Erythrodiplax 448 axillata, var. of pumila, Macrothemis 502 axillena, Libellula 390 azorensis, subsp. of fonscolombei, Sympetrum 474 azteca, Tauriphila 544 Azuma 293 azurea, Aeschna 31 azureum azureum, Orthetrum 411 - lugubre, Orthetrum 411 baccha baccha, Sympetrum 468 - matutinum, Sympetrum 468 bacchus, Anax 33 baetica, Libellula 421 baicalensis, Aeshna 4 bainbriggei, Gynacantha 40 bakeri, Heliogomphus 122 - , Tetracanthagyna 60 balii, Gomphidia 221 balneorum, Paragomphus 187 balteata, Macrodiplax 557 balteatum, Orthetrum 411 baluga, Indaeschna 25 bangweuluensis, Anax 29 banteng, Onychogomphus 170 barnara, Libellula 414
596 barbiellina, Remartinia 23 baronii, Davidius 153 bartelsi, Heliaeschna 53 bartenevi, Macromia 298 bartica, Phyllocycla 200 bartola, Agrionoptera 373 basilaris basilaris, Tramea 545 - burmeisteri, Tramea 546 basale, Sympetrum 482 basalis basalis, Anotogaster 241 - palampurensis, Anotogaster 241 - basalis, Erythrodiplax 448 - avittata, Erythrodiplax 448 basalis Burmeister, Libellula 545 - Say, Libellula 394 Basiaeschna 76 basifusca, Trithemis 446 basiguttata, Gynacantha 40 - , subsp. of cyanosura, Tetragoneuria 276 basilewskyi, Aethiothemis 373 basilinea, Orthetrum 395 basitincta, subsp. of ampia, Amphiaeschna 21 - T r i t h e m i s 510 basistictus, Progomphua 209 batesii, Cannacria 365 batesi, Idiataphe 540 - , Neocordulia 282 - , Zonophora 214 bayadera, Gynacantha 41 beatricis, subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 532 beatus, Trigomphus 162 Beblecia 435 beccarli, Synthemis 317 beesoni, subsp. of uninervulata, Helioaeschna 56 bella, Cirrothemis 373 - , Perithemis 524 - , Pseudomacromia 563 - , Nannothemis 354 bellei, Progomphus 209 bellicosa, subsp. of vittigera, Epophthalmia 295 - , Macromia 298 bellicosus, Ophiogomphus 183 Belonia 389 bequaerti, Aethiothemis 373 - , Nihonogomphus 167 berenice berenice, Erythrodiplax 448 - naeva, Erythrodiplax 448 - , Lokia 397 bergi, Sympetrum 484 berlai, Nephepeltia 355 berlandi, Macromia 298 bertha, Celithemis 366 bertha leonora, Celithemis 366 berthoudi, Hesperocordulia 281
biancoi, Neocordulia 283 biappendiculata, Lyriothemis 399 bicellulata, Aeshna 8 bicolor, Diastatomma 219 bicolor, Erythemis 444 - , Libellula 444 - , Notolibellula 404 bicornis, Macromia 298 bicornutus, Davidius 153 - , Megalogomphus 165 bicristulata, Macromia 298 bidens, Cordulephya 251 - , Neogomphus 158 bidentata, Cordulegaster 243 bidentata f. sicilica, Cordulegaster 243 bidentatus race anatolicus, Cordulegaster 244 - , Dubitogomphus 105 bifasciata, Libellula 395 - , Macromia 298 bifasciatus, Phyllogomphoides 204 bifasciatus, subsp. of melampus, Trigomphus 162 bifida bifida, Gynacantha 41 - croceipennis, Gynacantha 41 - , Tetrathemis 334 - , Trithemis 510 biflava, Phyllomacromia 306 biforceps, Onychogomphus 171 bifurcatus, Austrogomphus 95 biguttata, Cephalaeschna 71 - , Libellula 415 biharica, Gynacantha 41 bilineata, Zoraena 249 biliosa, Aeshna 4 bimaculata bimaculata, Epitheca 255 - altaica, Epitheca 255 - sibirica, Epitheca 256 bimaculata Desjardens, Libellula 553 - Stephens, Libellula 393 - , Misagria 401 binocellata, subsp. of frontalis, Epophthalmia 294 binotata, Tramea 546 biolleyi, Orthemis 406 biordinata biordinata, Atoconeura 487 - aethiopica, Atoconeura 488 - chirinda, Atoconeura 488 - kenya, Atoconeura 488 - pseudeudoxia, Atoconeura 488 bipartita, Rhyothemis 536 bipunctata, Diplacodes 439 - T r i t h e m i s 511 bipunctatum var. novae-zealandiae, Sympetrum 440 bipunctatus, Porpax 360
597 biroi, Nannophlebia 329 biroi, Tramea 549 Bironides 322 biserialis, subsp. of longitudinalis, Agrionoptera 377 bisignata bisignata, Urothemis 559 - consignata, Urothemis 559 bismarckianum, Orthetrum 426 bison, Ophiogomphus 183 bispina, Gynacantha 41 - , Macromia 298 - bispina, Malgassophlebia 325 - longistipes, Malgassophlebia 326 - nigeriae, Malgassophlebia 326 - , Raphidisma 360 bistigma, Libellula 391 bistrigatus Hagen, Onychogomphus 171 bistrigatus Fraser, Onychogomphus 179 bivittata, Lyriothemis 399 bivittatus, Microgomphus 136 - , Temnogomphus 151 blackburni, Nesogonia 458 blandulus, Heliogomphus 122 boa, Erpetogomphus 108 bodkini, Zonophora 215 boharti, Tapeinothemis 334 bolivari, Diplacina 382 Bolivar ides 386 boliviana, Aphylla 194 boliviensis, Progomphus 209 boltoni boltoni, Cordulegaster 243 - algirica, Cordulegaster 244 boltoni race trinacriae, Cordulegaster 244 boltobi immaculifrons, Cordulegaster 244 - intermedia, Cordulegaster 244 - princeps, Cordulegaster 244 bonariensis, Aeshna 5 bonariensis var. lutea, Aeshna 5 - , Gynacantha 42 Boninthemis 379 borealis, Aeschna 5 - , Gomphus 114 - , Leucorrhinia 368 - , Progomphus 209 borealis, Somatochlora 271 borgmeieri, Micrathyria 347 borikhanensis, Macrogomphus 131 borneense, Orthetrum 411 borneensis, Heliogomphus 122 borneensis, var. oficterops, Heterogomphus 166 - , subsp. of dohrni, Idionyx 290 - , Macromia 300 borrori, Oligoclada 356 bosqi, Staurophlebia 59 boumiera, Orthetrum 411
Boyeria 77 brachiale brachiale, Orthetrum 411 - wrighti, Orthetrum 412 brachycauda, var. of aenea, Cordulia 253 brachycera, f. of irene, Boyeria 77 brachycnemis, Progomphus 209 Brachydiplacinae 337 Brachydiplax 339 Brachygonia 342 Brachymesia 364 brachystigma, var. of juncea, Aeshna 13 Brachytron 68 Brachytroninae 63 Brachytronini 64 Brachythemis 432 branconensis, Erythrodiplax 448 Bradinopyga 434 braganza, Rhyothemis 528 braminea, Libellula 442 bramina, subsp. of stigmatizans, Neurothemis 462 brasiliana, Tramea 546 brasiliensis, Aphylla 194 braueri, Antipodochlora 253 - , Diplacina 383 braueri, Lyriothemis 399 - , Nannophlebia 329 Brechmorhoga 488 bredoi, Gomphidia 221 bredoi, Macromia 302 - , Paragomphus 187 - , Trithemis 511 bremii, Libellula 426 brevicauda, subsp. of godeffroyi, Telephlebia 82 brevicincta, Somatochlora 269 brevidens, Macrothemis 498 brevifrons, Aeshna 5 brevipennis brevipennis, Aethriamantha 555 - circumsignata, Aethriamantha 556 - subsignata, Aethriamantha 556 - , Nihonogomphus 167 brevipes, Aphylla 194 breviphylla, Phyllocycla 200 brevis, Hylogomphus 125 brevistigma, Chlorogomphus 237 - brevistigma, Cordulegaster 245 - folia, Cordulegaster 245 - , Crocothemis 435 brevistigma, subsp. of phaon, Deielia 439 brevistyla, Aeshna 5 brevistyla f. lineata, Aeshna 5 - f. oblita, Aeshna 5 - brevistyla, Eusynthemis 315 - subjuncta, Eusynthemis 315 brevistylum, Orthetrum 425
598 brevistylus, Hagenius 217 - , Hydrobasileus 539 brevistylus subracepapuanus, Hydrobasileus 539 breviventre, Zyxommoides 555 brimleyi, Gomphus 114 brittoi, Chlorogomphus 237 broadwayi, Dythemis 494 brunnea, Tetracanthagyna 60 brunneum brunneum, Orthetrum 412 - cycnos, Orthetrum 412 brunneus brunneus, Chlorogomphus 237 - costalis, Chlorogomphus 237 - keramensis, Chlorogomphus 237 - , Phyllogomphoides 204 - , Phyllogomphus 145 brydeni, Trithemis 511 bucheckeri, Paradigma 183 buehri, Oligoaeschna 79 buettihofferi buettihofferi, Eleuthemis 344 - monardi, Eleuthemis 344 - quadriguttata, Eleuthemis 344 bullata bullata, Gynacantha 42 - elongata, Gynacantha 42 burgeoni, Hadrothemis 410 burliyarensis, Idionyx 286 Burmagomphus 96 burmana, Gynacantha 42 burmeisteri, subsp. of basilaris, Tramea 546 burmicus, Microgomphus 136 Bursigomphus 101 buruensis, Nannophlebia 330 butoloensis, Notogomphus 141 bwambae, Onychogomphus 171 Cacergates 432 cacharicus, Onychogomphus 171 Cacoides 197 Cacus, subgen. of Ictinus 197 caderita, Macromia 297 caerulea, Aeshna 5 caesarea, Gomphidia 222 caesia, Libellula 456 caffrum caffrum, Orthetrum 412 - camerunense, Orthetrum 413 caledonicum, Orthetrum 413 Caliaeschna 69 californica, Aeshna 6 californica, var. of intensa, Perithemis 525 californicum, subsp. of occidentalis, Sympetrum 479 californicus, subsp. of occidentalis, Ophiogomphus 185 calippus calippus, Zonophora 215 - klugi, Zonophora 215 - spectabilis, Zonophora 215
calliope, Gynacantha 42 - , Macromia 299 callirrhoe, Diplacina 383 callista, Palpopleura 522 calliste, Gynothemis 495 Callisto, Macromia 299 Calophlebia 323 Calothemis, subgen. of Urothemis 398 calverti, subsp. of lineata, Cratilla 381 - , Misagrira 401 - , Neuraeschna 56 - , Oligoclada 356 - , Phyllocycla 201 - , Somatochlora 269 calverti, f. of semiaquea, Tetragoneuria 277 - , Tramea 546 - , Ypirangathemis 487 calypso, Gynacantha 42 Camacinia 538 camarensis, Hadrothemis 386 cambridgei, Micrathyria 347 camelus, Epigomphus 106 - , Onychogomphus 171 camerunense, subsp. of caffrum, Orthetrum 413 camerunensis, Microgomphus 136 - , Tetrathemis 334 camerunica, Macromia 299 - , Micromacromia 326 camilla, Libellula 366 campana, Neocordulia 283 campanulata campanulata, Zonophora 215 - annulata, Zonophora 215 - machadoi, Zonophora 215 campestris, Burmagomphus 97 campioni, Allorhizucha 321 - , Chlorogomphus 237 - , Synthemis 317 camposi, Phyllogomphoides 205 canadensis, Aeshna 6 cancellata, Libellula 469 cancellatum cancellatum, Orthetrum 413 - kraepelini, Orthetrum 414 - orientale, Orthetrum 414 cancer, Onychogomphus 172 canis, Tetragoneuria 276 Cannacria 364 cannacrioides, Dythemis 492 Cannaphila 379 cantonensis, Macromia 299 capensis, Orthetrum 418 capicola, subsp. of julia, Orthetrum 418 capitata, Macrothemis 498 capitatus, Paragomphus 187 capricornis, Paragomphus 188 caraiba, Aphylla 194
599 cardinalis, Agrionoptera 375 - , Rhodopygia 465 cardinalis f. colorata, Rhodopygia 465 caribea, Triacanthagyna 61 carinata, Idionyx 287 carlochagasi, Neocordulia 283 cariota, Micrathyria 350 carmelita, Erythemis 43 carnatica, Indothemis 456 carnaticum, Orthetrum 426 carolina, Tramea 547 carolinus, Hylogomphus 126 carolinus, Ophiogomphus 184 carolus, Ophiogomphus 183 carovei carovei, Uropetalia 234 - chiltoni, Uropetalia 235 carpenteri, Aethiothemis 373 carpenteri, Noligomphus 141 carpenteri, Tetrathemis 337 caruncula, Trithemis 506 carus, Trigomphus 162 Cassiopeia, Phyllogomphoides 205 castanea, Erythrodiplax 448 castor, Castoaeschna 21 - , Onychogomphus 172 Catoraeschna 21 cataractae, Notogomphus 141 - , Paragomphus 188 catanata, Micrathyria 347 catharina, Macrothemis 489 cauca, Erythrodiplax 449 caucasico, var. of picta, Aeschna 12 caudalis, Anisogomphus 86 - , Aphylla 195 - , Leucorrhinia 368 caudalis ab. immaculata, Leucorrhinia 368 - ab. nigrum, Leucorrhinia 368 caudata, Gynacantha 42 caudoforcipatus, Ophiogomphus 183 cauvericus, Burmagomphus 97 cavillaris, Gomphus 114 cearana, Cendra 499 cecilia, Ophiogomphus 183 celaeno, Macromia 299 celebense, subsp. of fumosus, Anax 30 celebensis celebensis, Ictinogomphus 226 - velox, Ictionogomphus 226 - , subsp. of culminicola, Onychothemis 519 - , Protorthemis 429 Celebophlebia 323 Celebothemis 562 celebratus, Leptogomphus 127 celeno, Macrothemis 498 Celithemis 365 Cendra 498
Cephalaeschna 69 cerastis, Onychogomphus 172 Ceratogomphus 100 cernila, Synthemis 317 cervus, Heliogomphus 122 ceylanica, Neurothemis 460 ceylanica, subsp. of tonkinensis, Onychothemis 519 ceylanicum, subsp. of pruinosum, Orthetrum 421 ceylonicus, Heliogomphus 122 - , Megalogomphus 166 - , subsp. of iris, Zygonyx 566 chaiyaphumensis, Macromia 299 chalciope, Macromia 299 chalcochiton, subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 376 chalconota, Nephepeltia 355 chalcoption, subsp. of regia, Rhyothemis 534 chalcosoma, Nannophyopsis 354 Chalcostephia 342 chaldaeorum, subsp. of erythrea, Crocothemis 436 chalybea chalybea, Brachydiplax 339 - flavovittata, Brachydiplax 339 chalybea simulara, Brachydiplax 340 Chalybeothemis 343 chancae, Gomphus 114 chandrabali, Orthetrum 414 changi, Stylogomphus 160 chaoi, Cephalaeschna 70 chapini, Neurogomphus 139 charadracea, Somatochlora 270 charpentieri, subsp. of insignis, Cordulegaster 246 charysobaphes, Pseudomacromia 564 chelifer chelifer, Microgomphus 136 - thelyphonus, Microgomphus 136 chelifera, Gynacantha 43 chichibui, Gomphus 162 chiengmaiensis, Planaeschna 74 chilensis, Gomphomacromia 280 chiltoni, subsp. of carovei, Uropetalia 235 chinensis, Libellula 551 chirinda, subsp. of biordinata, Atoconeura 488 chloe, subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 532 chlora, Libellula 536 chloris, Rhodopygia 466 Chlorogomphinae 236 Chlorogomphus 236 chloromelas, Anax 29 chloropleura, Diplax 449 Chlorosoma, subgen. of Libellula 253 Choristhemis 314 chromoptera, Erythrodiplax 449
600 chrysis, Orthetrum 414 chrysobaphes umbrosa, Zygonyx 568 chrysochlora, Hemicordulia 258 chrysoptera, Diplax 477 chrysophthalmus, Aeschna 26 chrysostigma chrysostigma, Orthetrum 414 - toddi, Orthetrum 415 chui, Macromia 299 chui, Merogomphus 135 chunliuae, Stylogomphus 160 cincta, Macromia 299 cinctifrons, subsp. of incteromelas, Orthetrum 417 cingulata, Macromia 300 - , subsp. of mysis, Nesoxenia 403 - , Somatochlora 269 Cinitogomphus 219 cinnamomea, Epophthalmia 293 circassica, Leucorrhinia 368 circe, Lokia 397 circularis, Onychogomphus 172 - , Pseudocordulia 285 corcumnodalis, f. of flaveolum, Sympetrum 473 circumsignata, subsp. of brevipennis, Aethriamantha 556 Cirrothemis 373 citimus citimus, Trigomphus 162 - tabei, Trigomphus 162 citrina, Tholymis 552 cladophila, Synthemis 317 cladophyla, subsp. of irregularis, Tetrathemis 335 clara, subsp. of mincki, Dasythemis 382 clara, Nannophyopsis 354 clathrata, Libellula 426 clathratus, G o m p h u s 114 Claudia, Idionyx 287 clava, Neurocordulia 263 clavata, Somatochlora 269 clavatus, Epigomphus 106 clavatus race phaleratus, Ictinus 230 - , Sinictinogomphus 230 claviculata, Synthemis 318 claviforcipata, Neuraeschna 57 cleis, Lyriothemis 399 clelia, subsp. of pruinosum, Orthetrum 421 dementia, Hylaeothemis 325 clendoni, Progomphus 209 Cleopatra, Erythrodiplax 449 clepsydra Say, Aeshna 6 clepsydra Martin, Aeshna 6 elio, Macromia 300 clitella, Eythrodiplax 449 clymene, Diplacina 383 clymene, Macromia 308
Cnemophila 3 coacta, Hadrothemis 386 coarctata, Libellula 424 coccínea, Libellula 436 - , Onychothemis 518 conchinensis, Megalogomphus 166 coelestina, Libellula 537 coelestis, Libellula 413 Coenotiata 367 coerulans, Libellula 445 coerulescens, Orthetrum 415 cognata, Aeschna 116 - , Rhyothemis 529 cognatus, Paragomphus 188 collaris, Austrogomphus 95 collaris, G o m p h u s 97 collocata, subsp. of simplicicollis, Erythemis 445 colorata, Castoraeschna 21 colorata, f. of cardinalis, Rhodopygia 465 colora tus, Phyllogomphus 145 coluber, Erpetogomphus 108 coluberculus, Libellula 14 colubrinus, Ophiogomphus 184 columba, Brechmorhoga 489 comchinus, Cyanogomphus 103 concinna, Libellula 441 concolor, Anax 29 - , Orthemis 406 configurata, Aeschna 8 confini, subsp. of quarrei, Gomphidia 224 confluens, Gomphidia 222 confraternus, G o m p h u s 117 confusa, Aeshna 6 confusa, Libellula 395 - , Palpopleura 523 congener, Anax 37 - , Libellula 428 - , Trithemis 510 congoense, Orthetrum 418 - , Sympetrum 468 congoensis, Lestinogomphus 130 congoliath congoliath, Anax 29 - lisomboae, Anax 29 congolica, Macromia 300 - T r i t h e m i s 511 Congothemis 343 conjectus, Progomphus 209 conjuncta R a m b u r , Libellula 493 - Selys, Libellula 508 connata connata, Erythrodiplax 449 - minuscula, Erythrodiplax 450 consanguis, G o m p h u s 114 consignata, subsp. of bisignata, Urothemis 559 consobrinus Walsh, G o m p h u s 111 - Laidlaw, G o m p h u s 123
601 - Kolbe, Gomphus 173 conspersa, Caliaeschna 69 - , Dendroaeschna 71 conspurcata, Libellula 393 constricta Say, Aeshna 7 constricta Calvert, Aeshna 16 - Scudder, Aeshna 19 - , Dythemis 492 constrictor, Erpetogomphus 109 contaminata, Brachythemis 432 continentalis, Hemicordulia 258 - , Tramea 547 contrada, Libellula 424 contumax, Phyllomacromia 306 convergens, Gynacantha 43 - , Micromidia 282 coomansi, Leptogomphus 127 cophias, Erpetogomphus 109 cophysa cophysa, Tramea 547 - darwini, Tramea 548 cora, Macrodiplax 557 corallina, Erythrodiplax 45P corbeti, subsp. of schoudeteni, Microgomphus 137 Cordulegaster 243 cordulegaster, Sympetrum 468 Cordulegasteridae 236 Cordulegasterinae 241 Cordulegasteroidea 235 Cordulephya 251 Cordulephyinae 251 Cordulia 253 corduliformis, Tetrathemis 334 Corduliidae 250 Corduliinae 251 Corduliops 342 coreana, Somatochlora 270 coreanus, Asiagomphus 91 Cornacantha 58 Cornelia, Perithemis 524 corneliae, Petaliaeschna 74 corniger, Gomphus 115 cornigera cornigera, Aeshna 7 - planantica, Aeshna 7 Cornigomphus 101 cornuta, Bradinopyga 434 - , Plattycantha 58 cornutifrons, Phyllogomphoides 205 cornutus, Arigomphus 89 - , Crenigomphus 101 corona, Idionyx 287 corona race nilgiriensis, Idionyx 286 corona fulvia, Idionyx 286 coronata, Catoraeschna 22 - , subsp. of insignis, Cordulegaster 247
- , Libellula 343 - , Protorthemis 429 coropinae, Micrathyria 347 corruptum, Sympetrum 469 corycia, Macromia 300 coryndoni, Lokia 397 Coryphaeschna 221 costae, Paragomphus 188 costalis, Austrophlebia 68 - , subsp. of brunneus, Chlorogomphus 237 costalis, Libellula 390 - , Neuraeschna 57 - , Progomphus 210 - , subsp. of cyanosura, Tetragoneuria 277 costiferum, Sympetrum 469 cotterelli, Notogomphus 141 crassa, Heliaeschna 53 crassus, Gomphurus 111 Cratilla 380 credula, Erythemis 443 crenata, Aeshna 7 crenata muttkowskii, Aeschna 7 crenata f. translucida, Aeschna 8 Crenigomphus 101 crepidus, Epigomphus 106 cristatus, Phyllogomphoides 205 crocea, Crocothemis 435 croceipennis, subsp. of bifida, Gynacantha 41 - , Libellula 391 croceolum croceolum, Sympetrum 469 - fuscoatrum, Sympetrum 469 croceus, Hydrobasileus 539 crocogaster, Oligoclada 357 Crocorhetrum 408 crocosema, subsp. of rapax, Brechmorhoga 491 Crocothemis 435 crotalinus, Erpetogomphus 109 cruentata, Crocothemis 466 cubana, Cyclophylla 194 cubensis, Idiataphe 540 culminicola culminicola, Onychothemis 518 - celebensis, Onychothemis 519 cultriformis Calvert, Orthemis 406 cultriformis Ris, Orthemis 406 cuneatus, Asiagomphus 91 cuniculus, Davidius 155 cupricincta, Macromia 300 cupricolor, Hemicordulia 258 cuprina, Rhyothemis 530 curiosa, Rhyothemis 531 - var. transversa, Rhyothemis 531 curtisi, Oxygastra 285 curvata, Gomphoides 196 curvistyla, Amphithemis 378 cyanea, Aeshna 8
602 - , Libellula 391 cyanitincta, Synthemis 318 cyanocephala, subsp. of vittata, Epophthalmia 294 cyanofrons, Gomphus 193 Cyanogomphus 103 cyanosoma, Paltothemis 504 cyanosura cyanosura, Tetragoneuria 276 - basiguttata, Tetragoneuria 276 - complanata, Tetragoneuria 277 - costalis, Tetragoneuria 277 cyanosura simulans, Tetragoneuria 276 Cyanothemis 438 Cyclogomphus 104 cyclopica, Lanthanusa 497 - , Hemicordulia 258 Cyclophylla, subgen. of Gomphoides 200 cyclops, subsp. of godeffroyi, Telephlebia 82 cycnos, subsp. of brunneum, Orthetrum 412 cydippe, Macromia 300 cydippe, Macrothemis 500 cylindrata, Gynacantha 43 cythia, Macrothemis 498 cynthiae, Agrionoptera 375 - , Heliaeschna 53 cyprica, Trithemis 513 cypricus, f. of forcipatus, Onychogomphus 174 cyrene, Diplacina 383 - , Synthemis 318 Cyrtosoma 36 dactylogastra, Celebophlebia 324 dahli, subsp. of mysis, Nesoxenia 403 daimoji, Macromia 300 dalei dalei, Nannophya 353 - occidentalis, Nannophya 353 dallonia, var. of kirbyi, Trithemis 514 danae, Sympetrum 469 dani, Lyriothemis 400 daphne, Huonia 496 darwini, subsp. of cophysa, Tramea 548 darwinianum, Sympetrum 470 Dasythemis 381 davidi, Gomphus 115 davidi davidi, Davidius 153 - assamensis, Davidius 153 davidi f. orenburghi, Davidius 153 - , Gomphus 115 Davidioides 165 Davidius 152 daviesi, Somatochlora 269 davina, subsp. of iris, Zygonyx 566 debile, Limnetron 56 debilis, Micrathyria 347 decemlineatus, Macrogomphus 131
deceptor, Palpoleura 522 decessus, Aeshna 8 decisum, subsp. of rubicundulum, Sympetrum 481 declivata, Macrothemis 499 decoloratum decoloratum, Sympetrum 470 - sinaiticum, Sympetrum 471 decora, Neurothemis 458 decorata, race of affinis, Hemistigma 345 - , Oligoaeschna 79 decorata, Phyllopetalia 232 decoratus decoratus, Ictinogomphus 227 - melaneops, Ictinogomphus 227 decurvata, Castoraeschna 22 defecta defecta, Hadrothemis 387 - pseudodefecta, Hadrothemis 387 deflexus, Hagenius 217 degener, subsp. of intermedia, Neurothemis 460 degorsi, Tetracanthagyna 60 Deielia 439 dejeuxi, subsp. of donaldsoni, Trithemis 512 delecollei, Celebothemis 562 delesserti, Libellula 425 delicata, subsp. of similis, Hemicordulia 261 delicatula, Microdiplax 342 delicatus, Progomphus 210 delineatus, subsp. of zallorensis, Davidius 155 delia, Macrothemis 499 demerarae, Cyanogomphus 103 demeter, Gynacantha 43 deminuta, Diplacodes 440 demoulini, Idiogomphoides 199 Dendroaeschna 71 dendrohylax, Notogomphus 141 dendrophila, Nothodiplax 464 deniseae, Eusynthemis 315 densus, Archaeogomphus 89 dentata, Aphylla 195 - , Triacanthagyna 62 denticauda denticauda, Brachydiplax 340 - australis, Brachydiplax 340 - , Tetrathemis 334 denticulatus denticulatus, Crenigomphus 102 - occidentalis, Crenigomphus 102 dentiens, subsp. of ocellata, Micrathyria 350 dentigera, Neuraeschna 57 Dentigomphus 101 dentilostulata, Libellula 522 deplanata, Libellula 391 depravata, Aeschna 17 depressa, Libellula 392 depressiusculum, Sympetrum 471 descriptus, Gomphus 115 deserticola, Cordulegaster 245 designata, Libellula 559
603 designatus, Erpetogomphus 109 desjardinsii, Libellula 392 Desmogomphus 197 devium, Orthetrum 415 diadema, Cordulegaster 245 diadophis, Erpetogomphus 110 diamangae, Aethiothemis 374 Diaphlebia 197 Diastatomma 219 Diastatopidinae 520 Diastatops 520 diastatops, Zoraena 250 dichroa, Trithemis 511 dicksoni, Paragomphus 189 Dicranopygia 555 dicrota, Dythemis 348 dictatrix, Oreaeschna 25 dictynna, Micrathyria 347 dido, Microthyria 347 - , Somatochlora 270 didyma, Dythemis 349 - didyma, Micrathyria 348 - hypodidyma, Micrathyria 348 - laevigata, Micrathyria 348 Didymops 292 difficillis, Agrionoptera 338 diffinis diffinis, Aeshna 8 - absoluta, Aeshna 9 - risi, Aeshna 9 diffinis, Libellula 345 - , Tetragoneuria 276 dilatatum, Sympetrum 471 dilutum, subsp. of meridionale, Sympetrum 478 dilatatus, Gomphurus 111 dimidiata, Diastatops 520 diminuta, subsp. of arborophila, Huonia 495 diminuticus, Onychogomphus 177 diminutus, Gomphus 115 dingavani, Onychogomphus 172 dione, Macromia 301 diotima, Pseudagrionoptera 504 dioxippe, Diplacina 383 diphylla, Phyllocycla 201 Diplacina 382 Diplacodes 439 diplacoides, Sleuthemis 333 diplax, Neurothemis 462 Diplax, subgen. of Libellula 467 diplosema, Brechmorhoga 489 dirupta, Agyrtacantha 37 discolor, Libellula 407 discrepane, Aethiothemis 374 dispar, race of phaon, Deielia 439 - , subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 532 disparata, Libellula 535
disparilis, Neurothemis 458 dissocians, Micrathyria 348 dissoluta, subsp. of longitudinalis, Agrionoptera 377 distanti, Stoechia 512 distincta, Libellula 508 distinguendo, Libellula 454 distinguendus, Aphylla 195 ditzleri, Triacanthagyna 62 divaricatus, Burmagomphus 97 - , Leptogomphus 127 divergens, Cordulephya 251 - , Misagria 402 diversa, Nadiplax 457 - , Zonophora 216 dives, subsp. of irregularis, Tetrathemis 335 divisa, Crocothemis 435 divisa, Lepthemis 422 dobsoni, Gynacantha 43 dobsoni, subsp. of australis, Ictinogomphus 226 doddi, Austrogomphus 95 dohrni, Gynacantha 43 - , Idionyx 289 dohrni borneensis, Idionyx 290 - , Risiophlebia 333 dolabrata, Aeshna 14 dolabra tus, Platygomphus 147 Dolaeschna 79 dolus, Burmagomphus 97 domitia domitia, Perithemis 524 - iris, Perithemis 525 - pocahontas, Perithemis 525 donaldi, Anaciaeschna 27 - , Lanthanusa 497 - , Macromia 290 donaldsoni donaldsoni, Trithemis 511 - dejeuxi, Trithemis 512 - nigra, Trithemis 512 donneri, Gomphus 117 donovani, Libellula 415 Donzella 430 Dorocordulia 254 dorothea, subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 376 dorsalis, Aeschna 31 - , Cordulegaster 245 - , Notogomphus 141 - , Trithemis 512 dorsopallidus, Progomphus 210 doshidordzii, subsp. of striolatum, Sympetrum 484 draco, Aeshna 9 dravida, Gynacantha 43 drescheri, Heliogomphus 123 Dromaeschna 65 Dromogomphus 105
604 drummondi, Lamellogomphus 179 dry as, Trithemis 516 duaricus, Onychogomphus 172 duavensis, Burmagomphus 134 dubia dubia, Leucorrhinia 368 dubia var. lucasi, Leucorrhinia 369 - orientalis, Leucorrhinia 369 dubia, Libellula 415 - , Porpacithemis 359 dubitalis, Lauromacromia 282 Dubitogomphus 105 dubius, Anax 29 ducalis, Rhyothemis 536 duguesii, Aeshna 9 duivenbodi, Brachydiplax 340 duivenbodi race philipp/in/ensis, Microthemis 340 dumogue, subsp. of militaris, Diplacina 384 dundoensis dundoensis, Cinitogomphus 219 - guyi, Cinitogomphus 219 dundomajoricus, Phyllogomphus 145 dundominusculus, Phyllogomphus 145 duodentatus, Phyllogomphoides 205 duplicata, Micrathyria 349 durum, Sympetrum 471 dyak, Chlorogomphus 238 Dynamophlebiae 2 Dythemis 492 dythemoides, Micrathyria 349 earnshawi, Onychogomphus 172 Ebegomphus 103 echinooccipitalis, Paragomphus 189 Echinopterogomphus 130 edax, Gomphus 120 edentata, Aphylla 195 edentatus, Phyllogomphus 145 edenticulatus, Neogomphus 158 edmundo, Ophiogomphus 184 Edonis 343 eduardi, Hemicordulia 258 eduardoi, Aeshna 9 edwardsi edwardsi, Urothemis 560 - hulae, Urothemis 560 effusa, f. of paradoxa, Gomphomacromia 281 egregia, Tanatophora 121 elacatura, Oligoaeschna 79 elaps, Erpetogomphus 109 elatum, subsp. of pedemontanum, Sympetrum 480 electra, Perithemis 525 elegans, Aeschnosoma 252 elegans, Aphylla 195 - , Epophthalmia 293 - , Leptogomphus 127
- , Libellula 462 - , Neogomphus 158 - , Progomphus 210 elegantissima, Lyriothemis 399 Eleuthemis 344 Elga 344 elgneri, Zyxomma 554 elisa, Celithemis 366 elisabethae, Aeschna 18 - , Zygonyx 564 ellenbecki, Trithemis 512 ellioti ellioti, Aeshna 9 - usumbarica, Aeshna 9 elliotti, Lokia 397 elliptica, Pseudocordulia 285 ellisoni, Macromia 301 elongata, subsp. of bullata, Gynacantha 42 - , Metaphya 263 - , Phyllocycla 201 - , Somatochlora 270 elongatus, Gomphus 150 elpidius, Paragomphus 180 elsia, Aeshna 10 eltoni, Phyllothemis 427 eludans, Nannophlebia 330 emilia, Diastatops 520 emarginatus, Gomphus 86 endicotti, Gomphus 115 ennediensis, subsp. of arteriosa, Trithemis 509 ensigera, Somatochlora 270 Eogomphus 106 Eolibellula 389 Eoprogomphus, subgen. of Progomphus 207 Eothemis 324 Ephidatia 540 ephippiger, Hemianax 36 Epiaeschna 71 Epicordulia 255 Epigomphinae 84 Epigomphus 106 epinephela, Huonia 496 Epitheca 255 Epithemis 386 eponina, Celithemis 366 Epophthalmia 293 Epophthalmiinae 292 epophthalmus, Gomphus 115 equestris, Libellula 463 equestris var. pedestris, Neurothemis 463 equivocata, Thermochoria 361 equivocata var. picta, Thermochoria 361 - var. rieli, Thermochoria 361 erato, Macromia 301 ereagris, Gynacantha 44 eremita, Aeshna 10
605 eremita, Cordulia 268 ericae, Agriogomphus 84 ericetorum, Hemicordulia 258 erìchsoni, Trithemis 456 erico, Hemicordulia 258 erigone, Diplacina 383 erlangen, Philonomon 464 - , Trithemis 511 ernae, var. of flaveolum, Sympetrum 473 eroticoides, Sympetrum 480 eroticum eroticum, Sympetrum 471 - ardens, Sympetrum 472 Erpetogomphus 108 errans, Dorocordulia 254 - , subsp. of iris, Zygonyx 566 erratica, Erythrodiplax 450 - , subsp. of genialis, Macromidia 291 erronea, Cordulegaster 245 Erythemis 442 erythrea erythrea, Crocothemis 436 - chaldaeorum, Crocothemis 436 erythrea pygmaea, Crocothemis 437 - , Tramea 507 Erythrodiplax 446 erythromelas, Lokia 397 - erythromelas, Polycanthagyna 63 - paiwan, Polycanthagyna 63 erythroneura, Libellula 473 erythropyga, Planiplax 372 esakii, Pacificothemis 333 esmeralda, Dasythemis 381 espersa, Austroaeschna 65 essequiba, Dasythemis 381 estheraem Diastatops 520 etcheverryi, Gomphomacromia 280 eudoxia, Atoconeura 488 eugeniae, Gompoides 200 Eugomphus, subgen. of Epigomphus 106 Eumacrogomphus, subgen. of Macrogomphus 131 euphrosynae, Macromia 301 Eurothemis, subgen. of Libellula 389 euryale, subsp. of transmarina, Tramea 55é eurybia, subsp. of limbata, Tramea 549 eurybia montícola, Tramea 549 eurydice, Lyriothemis 400 eurynome, Macromia 301 eurysema, subsp. of pertinax, Brechmorhoga 490 eusebius, Zygonyx 564 eustalacta, Synthemis 318 Eusynthemis 315 eutainia, Erpetogomphus 109 euterpe, Macromia 302 evelynae, Synthemis 318
excavatus, Gomphus 116 excelsa, subsp. of intermedia, Neurothemis 460 excelsus, Gomphus 190 excisa, Aeschna 23 exigua, Fylla 353 exilis, Diplacodes 440 - , Gomphus 116 exilocorpus, Anormogomphus 87 eximia, Micrathyria 349 exsudons, Calothemis 405 extensa, Macrothemis 499 externus, Gomphurus 111 extranea, Tramea 539 extraordinata, Atoconeura 488 exuberata, Somatochlora 270 exul, Diplax 440 - , subsp. of regia, Rhyothemis 534 exusta, Libellula 392 falcatus, Stylurus 148 falconis, Trithemis 513 fallax, Gomphomacromia 280 fallax, Ictinus 228 - , Libellula 455 - , Zygonyx 564 falsum, subsp. of julia, Orthetrum 418 famula, Erythrodiplax 451 farinosa, Brachydiplax 340 farinosum, Nesciothemis 402 fasciata, Celithemis 366 fasciata, Deielia 439 - , Libellula 527 - , Somatochlora 271 fasciatum, subsp. of occidentale, Sympetrum 479 fasciatus, Cordulegaster 249 fasciolata, Libellula 412 fatigans, Sympetrum 472 fastigiata, Diplax 472 - , Uracis 362 - ab. pura, Uracis 362 fassli, Progomphus 210 fastigiatus, subsp. of mainensis, Ophiogomphus 185 feae, Platygomphus 147 featheri, Neurogomphus 140 femoralis, Merogomphus 134 fenella, Synthemis 318 fenestrina, subsp. of notata, Rhyothemis 530 fenicheli, Orthetrum 427 fennica, subsp. of osiliensis, Aeschna 18 feralis, Neurothemis 459 ferentina, Huonia 496 feronia, Synthemis 318 ferox, Gynacantha 57
606 - , Ictinogomphus 227 ferrugaria, Libellula 437 ferruginea van der Linden, Libellula 436 - Fabricius, Libellula 438 - var. sulphurata, Libellula 407 ferruginea, Orthemis 406 fervida, Erythrodiplax 451 festa, subsp. of asiatica, Lathrecista 388 festiva, Trithemis 513 fidelis, Hemicordulia 258 filosa, Somatochlora 270 filostyla, Heliaeschna 54 flnschi, Nannodiplax 340 fitzgeraldi, Neodythemis 331 - , Nesciothemis 402 flava, Lyriothemis 401 - , Monardithemis 327 - , Tetrathemis 336 flaveola, ab of affinis, Aeshna 4 - , Libellula 482 - race latreillei, Libellula 472 - race luteola, Libellula 472 flaveolum flaveolum, Sympetrum 472 - austrinum, Sympetrum 473 - f. circumnodalis, Sympetrum 473 - var. ernae, Sympetrum 473 - var. hyalina, Sympetrum 473 - ab. innominata, Sympetrum 473 - var. interpunctata, Sympetrum 473 - var nodalis, Sympetrum 473 flavescens, Libellula 472 - , Macrothemis 499 - , Pantala 542 flavescens Kirby, Tetrathemis 335 flavescens Tillyard, Tetrathemis 335 flavicans, Libellula 455 - , Macromia 309 - , Parazyxomma 552 flavicauda, Nesocordulia 284 - , Sympetrum 476 flavicaudus, Onychogomphus 173 flavicincta, Macromia 302 flavicincta, Phyllomacromia 309 flavicolor, Megalogomphus 166 flavicornis, Gomphus 116 flavicosta, Diplax 477 - flavicosta, Zygonyx 564 - mwinilungae, Zygonyx 565 flavida Hägen, Libellula 391 flavida Rambur, Libellula 392 flavidulum, Orthetrum 415 flavifacies, Anisogomphus 86 flavifrons, Aeshna 10 - flavifrons, Chalcostephia 342 - spinifera, Chalcostephia 343
- , Notogomphus 141 - , Nephepeltia 355 - , Onychogomphus 173 flavimitella, Macromia 302 flavipennis, Libellula 10 - , Macromia 308 flavipes, Gomphus 116 - , Gynacantha 55 - , Petalura 119 flavistyla, Libellula 440 flavoannulata, Brechmorhoga 489 flavocaudatus, Gomphus 116 flavocolorata, Mecromia 302 flavohamatus, Paragomphus 189 flavolimbatus, Sinogomphus 159 flavomaculata, Austroaeschna 65 - , Somatochlora 270 flavopicta, Orthemis 407 flavopunctata, Brechmorhoga 489 flavostigma, Diplax 485 flavoterminata, Choristhemis 314 flavovittata, subsp. of chalybea, Brachydiplax 339 - , Macromia 302 flavum, subsp. of vulgatum, Sympetrum 489 fletcheri, Gomphidia 222 - , Petaliaeschna 74 - , Williamsonia 278 flexicauda, Synthemis 319 flexuosus, Onychogomphus 173 flinti flinti, Periaeschna 73 - assamensis, Periaeschna 73 - , Progomphus 210 florida, subsp. of luteipennis, Coryphaeschna 24 floridensis, Didymops 292 fluctuans, Neurothemis 459 fluvialis, Gomphus 149 fluviatilis, Chalybeothemis 343 foersteri, Platacantha 37 folia, subsp. of brevistigma, Cordulegaster 245 foliacea, Oligoaeschna 79 follata, Libellula 392 fonscolombei fonscolombei, Sympetrum 473 - azorensis, Sympetrum 474 Fonscolombia 77 fontinalis, Toaeschna 61 forcipata, Aeschna 121 - , Austroaeschna 66 - , Somatochlora 271 forcipatus forcipatus, Onychogomphus 173 - albotibialis, Onychogomphus 174 - f. cypricus, Onychogomphus 174 - lucidostriatus, Onychogomphus 174 - unguiculatus, Onychogomphus 174 forcipula, Aeschnosoma 252
607 forfícula, Ophiogomphus 184 forensis, Libellula 393 formalis, Progomphus 210 formosa, Aeschna 31 formosanus, Leptogomphus 127 - , Onychogomphus 174 - , Sinogomphus 159 forresti, Anisogomphus 86 fraenata, subsp. of amphigena, Macromia 296 fraenata, Macromia 202 francesca, Subaeschna 60 franklini, Somatochlora 271 fraseri, Acrogomphus 164 —, Chlorogomphus 238 - , Ictinogomphus 227 - , Olpogastra 562 - , Tetrathemis 335 fraterna, Diplax 449 —, Trithemis 510 fraternus fraternus, Gomphurus 111 - manitobanus, Gomphurus 112 - var. walshii, Gomphus 111 fridrichsdalensis, Libellula 393 friedericella, Diplacodes 453 frigida, Leucorrhinia 369 fritilarius, Paragomphus 189 frequens, Sympetrum 474 frontalis, Aeshna 10 frontalis frontalis, Epophthalmia 293 - binocellata, Epophthalmia 294 - malabarensis, Epophthalmia 294 - , Eusynthemis 315 - , Lyriothemis 399 - , Paragomphus 189 - , Scapanea 505 fruhstorferi fruhstorferi, Davidius 153 - junior, Davidius 153 - seranus, Davidius 154 - fruhstorferi Karsch, Hylaeothemis 324 fruhstorferi Ris, Hylaeothemis 324 - Fraser, Hylaeothemis 324 - apicalis, Hylaeothemis 324 - , Onychogomphus 174 frumenti, Libellula 413 fuchsìana, Libellula 255 fuelleborni, Olpogastra 562 - occidentalis, Olpogastra 562 fugax, Dythemis 492 fugax, Libellula 393 fujiacus, Lanthus 157 fujiama, Davidius 154 fujisana, Leucorrhinia 469 Fukienogomphus 155 fukiensis, subsp. of kruegeri, Gomphidia 223 fuliginea, Diastatops 521
fulgens, Diplacina 383 - , Rhyothemis 529 fuliginosa, Gomphomacromia 280 - , Heliaeschna 54 - fuliginosa, Rhyothemis 529 - noshime, Rhyothemis 529 fuliginosus, Phyllogomphoides 205 fulva, Eryhrodiplax 451 - , Libellula 393 fulva ab. hyalina, Libellula 393 - race pontica, Libellula 393 - , Macromidia 290 fulvia, Gynacantha 44 - , subsp. of corona, Idionyx 286 - , Neurothemis 459 fulvipennis, Onychogomphus 175 fulvipes, Onychogomphus 175 fumata, Macromia 307 fumipennis, Cannacria 365 fumosa, Trithemis 513 fumosus fumosus, Anax 29 - celebense, Anax 30 funerea, Cannaphila 379 - , Erythrodiplax 451 funicularia, Macromia 302 funicularoides, Macromia 303 furcata, Brachymesia 364 - , Gynacantha 44 furcatus, Archaeogomphus 89 furcifer, Aeschna 15 - , Arigomphus 90 furcillata furcillata, Gomphaeschna 78 - antilope, Gomphaeschna 78 furva, Trithemis 513 fuscifrons, Neurogomphus 139 fuscoatrum, subsp. of croceolum, Sympetrum 469 fuscofasciata, Libellula 455 fuscopalliata, Brachythemis 433 fuscoptera, f. of arctica, Somatochlora 269 fuscopterum, subsp. of vulgatum, Sympetrum 486 fuscoumbrata, ab. of albifrons, Leucorrhinia 368 fusiformis, Procordulia 266 Fylgia 345 Fylla 352 gaigei, Libellula 393 galapagoensis, Aeshna 10 galeata, Idionyx 287 gamblesi, Gomphidia 222 - , Lokia 398 - , Macromia 303 - , Oxythemis 427 gamesi, Erythrodiplax 452
608 ganeshi, Gomphidia 222 ganeshii, Orthetrum 416 gani, Orthetrum 416 ganzanus, Mitragomphus 200 garambensis, Porpax 360 garbei, Ophippus 464 gardeneri, Hylaeothemis 325 garfiana, Boyeria 77 garhwalicum, Orthetrum 416 garhwalicus, Onychogomphus 175 Gastrogomphus 161 gaudens, Asiagomphus 91 geijskesi, Progomphus 210 - , Rhodopygia 465 geminata, Bradinopyga 434 - , Notoaeschna 72 geminatus, Hylogomphus 126 genei, Libellula 471 - , Paragomphus 190 genialis genialis, Macromidia 291 - erratica, Macromidia 291 geometricus geometricus, Onychogomphus 175 - perplexus, Onychogomphus 175 geometricus var. nigrescens, Onychogomphus 179 georgiana, Somatochlora 271 georgina, Macromia 303 georgius, Anax 30 gerstaeckeri, Macromia 303 gestroi, Brachydiplax 341 - , Leptogomphus 127 geyri, subsp. of parthenope, Anax 33 ghesquievei, Karschiogomphus 139 gibba, Libellula 422 gibbosulus, Anax 30 gideon, Gomphus 116 - , Stylurus 148 giganta, Camacinia 538 - , Petalura 233 gigantica, Anotogaster 242 gigantula, Staurophlebia 59 gigas Bartenef, Aeschna 12 - Rambur, Aeschna 59 - , Sieboldius 218 gilvum, subsp. of illotum, Sympetrum 475 gilvus, Nihonogomphus 168 glacialis, Leucorrhinia 369 gladiata, Phyllocycla 201 gladiostyla, Heliaeschna 54 glaucum, Orthetrum 416 globulata, Libellula 485 glochidion, Bironides 323 godeffroyi godeffroyi, Telephlebia 82 - brevicauda, Telephlebia 82 - cyclops, Telephlebia 82
- f. hyalina, Telephlebia 82 - mjoebergi, Telephlebia 82 - tillyardi, Telephlebia 83 godiardi, Tetrathemis 335 godmani, Cordulegaster 245 goliath, Anax 35 goliathus, Anax 30 Gomphaeschna 78 Gomphaeschnini 76 Gomphidae 83 Gomphidia 221 Gomphinae 83 Gomphini 84 Gomphidictinus 221 Gomphoidinae 193 Gomphoides 198 gomphoides, Microtrigonia 327 Gomphomacromia 280 Gomphomacromiinae 279 gomphomacromioides, Synthemiopsis 317 Gomphurus 111 Gomphus 113 gonypenis, Coenotiata 369 gordoni, Austrogomphus 95 gorillae, Neodythemis 331 gouldi, Hemigomphus 156 gracile, Sympetrum 474 - , Zygonychidium 563 gracilenta, Synthemis 319 gracilis, Aeschna 48 - , Aethriamantha 556 - , Epigomphus 107 - , Heliogomphus 123 - , Libellula 422 - , Progomphus 210 - , Syncordulia 286 gracillima, Hemicordulia 262 graeseri graeseri, Somatochlora 271 - aureola, Somatochlora 271 graffei, Palpopleura 522 grammicus, Onychogomphus 175 grandis Linnaeus, Aeshna 10 grandis van der Linden, Aeschna 26 - , ab. of rubicunda, Leucorrhinia 371 - , Libellula 243 - , Sieboldius 218 - , subsp. of vulgatum, Sympetrum 486 graphiptera, Rhyothemis 529 graslinellus, Gomphus 117 graslini, Gomphus 117 gratiosa, Somatochlora 269 gratiosus, Burmagomphus 98 gravida, Brachymesia 365 grayi, Procordulia 266 gregoryi, Anotogaster 242
609 grenadensis, subsp. of praecox, Brechmorhoga 490 grigorievi, subsp. of quadrimaculata, Libellula 396 griseofrons, Macrothemis 499 grouti, subsp. of atra, Trithemis 509 grubaueri, Indaeschna 25 Guadalca 256 guamensis, Agrionoptera 375 guarauno, Macrothemis 499 guatemalteca, subsp. of reticulata, Staurophlebia 59 guerini, Austrogomphus 95 guiliensis, Macrogomphus 131 Guineagomphus 144 guineense, Orthetrum 416 guineensis, Cornigomphus 101 gundlachii, Mesothemis 445 guptai, Orthetrum 416 guttata, Anatya 338 - guttata, Eusynthemis 315 - aurolineata, Eusynthemis 315 - melanosoma, Eusynthemis 315 - race pallida, Metathemis 315 guttatus, Anax 30 - race panybeus, Anax 34 guyanensis, Progomphus 211 guyi, subsp. of dundoensis, Cinitogomphus 219 Gynacantha 38 Gynacanthaeschna 72 Gynacanthini 37 gynostylus, Cyclogomphus 104 Gynothemis 494 haarupi, Aeshna 11 habermayeri, Aeschna 15 Hadrothemis 386 haematina, subsp. of annulata, Trithemis 507 haematodes, Diplacodes 440 haematogastra, Erythemis 443 haematoneura, Sympetrum 474 hafniensis, Libellula 68 hageni, Hypothemis 325 hageni, Leucorrhinia 370 - , Micrathyria 349 - , Onychogomphus 190 - , Sympetrum 474 - , Tanypteryx 235 Hageniinae 217 Hagenioides, subgen. of Sieboldius 217 Hagenius 217 hahneli, Macrothemis 499 hainenensis, Asiagomphus 91 - , Onychogomphus 176 hakiensis, Gomphus 155
halei, Macromia 308 haluco, Hemicordulia 259 hamata, Aeschna 173 hamatus, Agriogomphus 85 - , Archaeogomphus 89 hamifera, Macromia 303 hangzhouensis, Macromidia 291 hannyngtoni, Megalogomphus 166 hansoni, Amphigomphus 165 hanumana, Gynacantha 51 hardyi, Austroaeschna 66 haritonovi, Sympetrum 474 harmandi, Camacinia 539 harpedone, Libellula 480 harpya, Neuraeschna 57 harteri, Camacinia 539 hartmanni, Crenigomphus 102 hartwigi, Phyllogomphus 146 - , Trithemis 514 hasimaricus, Burmagomphus 98 haywardi, Oligoclada 357 hecate, Trithemis 514 helena, Edonis 344 - , Orthetrum 417 helenae, Phyllogomphus 144 helenga, Gynacantha 45 Heliaeschna 53 Heliogomphus 122 heliophila, Oligoclada 357 helladicus, subps. of schneideri, Gomphus 120 hellmanni, Libellula 68 Helocordulia 256 Helothemis 506 helvetica, Hydronympha 413 henryi, Paragomphus 190 Hemianax 36 hemichlora, Macrothemis 500 Hemicordulia 257 Hemigomphus 156 hemimelaena, Micrathyria 456 Hemistigma 345 Hemistigmoides 521 herbida, Brachymesia 365 hercúlea, Libellula 393 herculeus, Sieboldius 218 hermione, Macromia 303 - , Neallogaster 248 héros heros, Cordulegaster 246 - pelionensis, Cordulegaster 246 - , Epiaeschna 71 herrerae, Progomphus 211 hersilia, Libellula 396 hervei, Macromia 304 hespera, Aphylla 195 Hesperaeschna 3
610 hesperia, Petalura 233 hesperinus, Asiagomphus 92 hesperis, Micrathyria 349 Hesperocordulia 281 heteroclytus, Hemigomphus 157 heterodoxa, Heteronaias 262 heterogena, Austrogynacantha 38 Heterogomphus 165 Heteronaias 262 heteronycha, Gynothemis 495 heteropterus, Anisogomphus 87 heterostylus, Altaigomphus 168 - , Cyclogomphus 104 hieroglyphicum, Isomma 126 hilaris, Hemicordulia 259 hilbrandi, Hemicordulia 259 hildebrandti, Neodythemis 331 himalayanus, Sympetrum 475 hineana, Somatochlora 271 hinei, Rhodopygia 466 hintzi, Orthetrum 417 - zernyi, Orthetrum 417 hippolyte, Diplacina 383 - , Micrathyria 349 hirundo, Lyriothemis 400 histrio Burmeister, Libellula 448 - Fabricius, Libellula 537 hodgesi, Gomphus 117 hodgkini, Antipodogomphus 88 hoffmanni, Gomphus 117 - , Pseudomacromia 569 hollandi, Rhodopygia 466 Hologomphus 152 holophaea, var. of infuscatus, Chlorogomphus 238 Holotania 390 Homothemis 563 hosanai, Macrothemis 500 hova, Gynacantha 45 - , Libellula 514 - , Zygonyx 565 howei, Ophiogomphus 184 huanacina, Tramea 543 hudsonica, Aeschna 10 - , Leucorrhinia 370 - Hagen, Somatochlora 272 - Martin, Somatochlora 274 hulae, subsp. of edwardsi, Urothemis 560 hummeli, Gomphus 167 huonensis, Anaciaeschna 27 Huonia 495 hurleyi, Rhyothemis 530 hyalina Sjöstedt, Erythrodiplax 447 - Förster, Erythrodiplax 452 - Selys, Gynacantha 44
- Fraser, Gynacantha 44 - , Hadrothemis 402 - , ab. of fulva, Libellula 393 - , var. of flaveolum, Sympetrum 473 - , f. of godeffroyi, Telephlebia 82 - , subsp. of irregularis, Tetrathemis 336 hyalinum, Orthetrum 425 hyalinus, Chlorogomphus 238 hybrida, Libellula 477 hybridus, Gomphurus 112 Hydrobasileus 539 Hydronympha 408 Hylaeothemis 324 Hylaeschna 295 hylaeus, Epigomphus 106 Hylogomphus 125 hylophila, Huonia 496 hymenaea, Pantala 543 hypodidyma, subsp. of didyma, Micrathyria 348 hypomelas, Sympetrum 475 Hypopetalia 231 Hypothemis 325 hypsophila, Huonia 496 ictérica, Macromia 304 icteromelas icteromelas, Orthetrum 417 - cinctifrons, Orthetrum 417 icterops var. borneensis, Heterogomphus 166 - , Megalogomphus 166 icteroptera, Perithemis 525 ictina, Idiogomphoides 199 Ictinae 219 Ictinogomphinae 219 Inctinogomphus 225 Ictinus 225 ida, Macromia 304 - , Zygonyx 565 idae, Heliaeschna 54 idalia, Macrothemis 500 Idiataphe 540 Idionychinae 286 Idiogomphoides 199 Idionyx 286 Idiophya 286 Idomacromia 292 Idomacromiinae 292 ignotum, Sympetrum 475 iheringi, Micrathyria 350 ijami, subsp. of intermedia, Leucorrhinia 370 ikomae, Zygonyx 565 ikutana, Crocothemis 436 ilia, Zygonyx 565 illinoiensis, Macromia 304 illotum illotum, Sympetrum 475 - gilvum, Sympetrum 475
611 - virgulum, Sympetrum 476 imbricata, Idionyx 287 imbuta, Uracis 362 imbutum, Sympetrum 476 imitans Calvert, Macrothemis 502 - imitans Karsch, Macrothemis 500 - leucozona, Macrothemis 500 - imitans, Nannophlebia 330 - infans, Nannophlebia 330 - , subsp. of microstigma, Orthetrum 42P - , subsp. of vulgatum, Sympetrum 486 imitata, Trithemis 514 imitoides, subsp. of striolatum, Sympetrum 484 immaculata, ab. of caudalis, Leucorrhinia 368 immaculatus, Zygonyx 565 immaculifrons, Anax 31 - , subsp. of boltoni, Cordulegaster 244 - , Gynacantha 45 immisericors, Notogomphus 142 impartitus, Zonothrasy 433 imperator, Anax 31 - , Phyllogomphoides 205 imperatrix, subsp. of variegata, Rhyothemis 537 inacuta, Macrothemis 500 inarmata, Neuraeschna 57 incerta, Libellula 548 - , Neurothemis 460 incesta, Libellula 394 incisura, Gynacantha 45 inclitus, Leptogomphus 128 incongruens, Lokia 398 incurvata, Somatochlora 272 incurvatus, Ophiogomphus 184 - , Progomphus 211 Indaeschna 25 indica, Brachydiplax 341 - , Crocothemis 437 - , Hylaeothemis 324 - , Libellula 537 - , Macromia 304 indicus, Anax 32 indistincta, Tetragoneuria 278 Indictinogomphus 225 Indogomphus 134 Indomacromia 290 Indophlebia 69 Indothemis 456 inequiunguis, subsp. of tesselata, Macrothemis 503 inermis, Austroaeschna 66 - , Raphismia 360 ines, Erythrodiplax 452 infans, Archaeogomphus 89 - , subsp. of imitans, Nannophlebia 330 infernalis, Libellula 513
infesta, Hadrothemis 387 inflata, Acisoma 431 infumata, Uracis 363 - , Gomphoides 198 infuscata, Leucorrhinia 369 - , f. of arctica, Somatochlora 269 infuscatum, Sympetrum 476 infuscatus, Chlorogomphus 238 - var. holophaea, Chlorogomphus 238 ingens, Coryphaeschna 23 ingentissima, Petalura 233 inglisi, Lamellogomphus 179 - , Stylogomphus 160 injibandi, Nannophlebia 330 inkiti, Onychogomphus 176 innominata, Neurothemis 462 - , ab. of flaveolum, Sympetrum 473 innupta, Brechmorhoga 489 inquinata, Libellula 436 inscriptus, Burmagomphus 98 insignata, subsp. of signata, Urothemis 561 insignatus, Phyllogomphoides 205 insignis insignis, Agrionoptera 375 - allogenes, Agrionoptera 375 - chalcochiton, Agrionoptera 376 - dorothea, Agrionoptera 376 - insularis, Agrionoptera 376 - lifuana, Agrionoptera 376 - nereis, Agrionoptera 376 - nicobarica, Agrionoptera 376 - papuensis, Agrionoptera 376 - quatornotata, Agrionoptera 376 - salomonis, Agrionoptera 377 - insignis, Cordulegaster 246 - race amasinus, Cordulegaster 246 - charpentieri, Cordulegaster 246 - coronata, Cordulegaster 247 - race lagodeckicus, Cordulegaster 246 - nobilis, Cordulegaster 247 - , Pseudogomphus 297 - , Zygonides 566 insuffusa, subsp. of monardi, Trithemis 515 insulanus, subsp. of torridus, Zygonyx 569 insularis, subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 376 - , Boninthemis 379 - , Burmagomphus 98 - , subsp. of angustipennis, Cannaphila 380 - , Guadalca 256 - Hagen, Tramea 548 - Scudder, Tramea 545 intacta, Leucorrhinia 370 integer, Progomphus 211 intensa, Diastotops 520 - , Perithemis 525 - , var. california, Perithemis 525
612 interlineata, subsp. of subarctica, Aeshna 19 intermedia, subsp. of boltoni, Cordulegaster 244 - , Hemicordulia 259 - intermedia, Leucorrhinia 370 - ijami, Leucorrhinia 370 - , Libellula 393 - intermedia, Neurothemis 460 - atalanta, Neurothemis 460 - degener, Neurothemis 460 - excelsa, Neurothemis 460 - , Protorthemis 429 - , Trithemis 510 intermedius, Leptogomphus 128 interioris, Gynacantha 45 - , Melanocacus 199 interna, subsp. of interrupta, Aeshna 11 internum, subsp. of japonicum, Orthetrum 417 - , Sympetrum 476 interposita, Calophlebia 323 - , subsp. of asiatica, Lathrecista 388 interpunctata, var. of flaveolum, Sympetrum 473 interrogata, subsp. of mysis, Nesoxenia 404 interrupta interrupta, Aeshna 11 - interna, Aeshna 11 - lineata, Aeshna 11 interruptus, Paragomphus 190 - , Trigomphus 162 intersecta, subsp. of transmarina, Tramea 551 intersedens, Austroaeschna 66 intinctus, Burmagomphus 98 intricata, Aeshna 11 - , Idionyx 287 intricatus, Progomphus 211 - , Stylurus 148 iphigenia, Tramea 544 irata, Macromia 304 irene, Boyeria 77 - , f. brachycera, Boyeria 77 - , subsp. of princeps, Rhyothemis 523 iridescens, Urothemis 560 irina, Macromia 304 iriomotensis, Chlorogomphus 238 iris, subsp. of domitia, Perithemis 525 - iris, Zygonyx 566 - ceylonicus, Zygonyx 566 - davina, Zygonyx 566 - errans, Zygonyx 566 - isa, Zygonyx 566 - malabaricus, Zygonyx 566 - malayanus, Zygonyx 567 - metallicus, Zygonyx 567 - mildredae, Zygonyx 567 - osiris, Zygonyx 567 irregularis, Procordulia 266 - irregularis, Tetrathemis 335
- cladophyla, Tetrathemis 335 - dives, Tetrathemis 335 - hyalina, Tetrathemis 336 - papuensis, Tetrathemis 336 isa, subsp. of iris, Zygonyx 566 Ischonogomphus 84 ishidai, Macromidia 291 ishigakiana, Planaeschna 74 isis, subsp. of torridus, Zygonyx 570 ismene, Diplacina 384 Isomma 126 isosceles isosceles, Anaciaeschna 26 - antehumeralis, Anaciaeschna 26 ivae, Stylurus 149 ixias, subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 532 jacksoni, Trithemis 514 jacksoniensis, Procordulia 266 jacobsoni, Burmagomphus 98 Jagoria 79 jalapensis, Aeshna 12 janata, Basiaeschna 77 januaria, Anatya 338 - , Castoraeschna 22 japónica, Aeshna 12 - , Gynacantha 45 - , Somatochlora 272 japonicum japonicum, Orthetrum 417 - internum, Orthetrum 417 japonicus, Sieboldius 218 jaspidea, Anaciaeschna 27 javana, Aeshna 12 javanica, Gomphidia 222 javica, Gynacantha 40 javicus, subsp. of williamsoni, Burmagomphus 100 jeanneli, Thermochoria 361 jesseana, Libellula 390 jessei, Gynacantha 45 - , Agriogomphus 85 joannisi, Aeshna 12 joergenseni, Progomphus 211 johannus, Ophiogomphus 184 johnseni, Burmagomphus 98 johnsoni, Aeshna 12 jonesi, Notiothemis 332 - var. auricolor, Notiothemis 332 jordansi, subsp. of parthenope, Anax 34 jorina, Pseudothemis 504 jubilaris, Acrogomphus 164 - , Gynacantha 46 jucunda, Macromia 304 - jucunda, Palpopleura 522 - radiata, Palpopleura 522 jucundus, Stylurus 149
613 Julia, Libellula 392 - capicola, Orthetrum 418 - falsum, ssp. of julia, Orthetrum 418 - julia, Orthetrum 418 juliana, Erythrodiplax 452 - , subsp. of regia, Rhyothemis 535 julius, subsp. of parthenope, Anax 34 juncea juncea, Aeshna 12 - angustistyla, Aeshna 13 - var. atshischgho, Aeshna 13 - americana, Aeshna 13 - var. brachystigma, Aeshna 13 - lapponica, Aeshna 13 - mongolica, Aeshna 13 - orientalis, Aeshna 13 junghuhni, Megalogomphus 166 junior, subsp. of fruhstorferi, Davidius 153 - , subsp. of kimminsi, Macromia 305 junius, Anax 32 jus tina, Libellula 451 justiniana, Erythrodiplax 452 - , Diplax 452 kalai, subsp. of stemmale, Orthetrum 424 kalarensis, Heliogomphus 123 kalula, Trithemis 514 karnyi, Procordulia 266 Karschia 58 karschi, Agrionoptera 377 - , Calophlebia 323 Karschiogomphus 138 kashmirense, Anaciaeschna 27 katrainensis, Nannophya 353 keiseri, subsp. of annulatus, Macrogomphus 131 kelantanensis, Heliogomphus 123 kelloggi, Gomphidia 222 - , Macromidia 291 kennedyi, Somatochlora 272 kenya, subsp. of biordinata, Atoconeura 488 keramensis, subsp. of brunneus, Chlorogomphus 237 kerri, Amphithemis 379 - , Macrogomphus 132 - , Onychogomphus 176 khasiana, Gynacantha 48 - , Oligoaeschna 80 kikuyuensis, Pseudomacromia 567 kilimandjaricus, Podogomphus 142 kimminsi, Chlorogomphus 238 · - , Erythrodiplax 452 - kimminsi, Macromia 305 - junior, Macromia 305 - , Progomphus 211 - , Synthemis 319 kinzelbachi, Gomphus 117
kirbyi, Gynacantha 44 - kirbyi, Trithemis 514 - ardens, Trithemis 515 kirbyi ardens f. comorensis, Trithemis 515 - var. dallonia, Trithemis 514 kirutchenkoi, Anormogomphus 88 kirschi, Gomphidia 223 kitchingmani, Onychogomphus 176 klagesi, Gynacantha 46 klapperichi, Cephalaeschna 70 kleerekoperi, Micrathyria 350 klingi, Allorhizucha 322 klossi, Anotogaster 242 klosti, Cephalaeschna 70 klugi, subsp. of calippus, Zonophora 215 kochi, Phyllomacromia 309 kodaguensis, Gomphidia 223 kollmannspergei, Orthetrum 418 kolthofli, Aeschnophlebia 64 komatina, Zygonyx 567 koomina, Hemicordulia 259 koxingai, Anisogomphus 86 kraepelini, subsp. of cancellatum, Orthetrum 414 kreyenbergi, Burmagomphus 98 kristenseni, Orthetrum 418 kruegeri kruegeri, Gomphidia 223 - fukiensis, Gomphidia 223 kubolaiya, Macromia 305 kucheneiseri, subsp. of sieboldi, Anotogaster 243 kuekenthali, Tyriobapta 361 Kuldanagaster 243 Kuldanagasterinae 241 kumaonensis, Davidius 154 kunckeli, Sympetrum 476 kunckeli f. testaceipenne, Sympetrum 476 kunigamiensis, Oligoaeschna 80 kurentzovi, subsp. of pedemontanum, Sympetrum 480 kurile, subsp. of striolatum, Sympetrum 484 kurilis, Gomphus 117 Labrogomphus 126 lacerata, Tramea 548 lachesis, Macromia 305 - , Olpogastra 563 lacroixi, Acisoma 431 lacustris, Brachythemis 433 - , Paragomphus 190 Ladona 389 laetitia, Oligoclada 357 laevigata, subsp. of didyma, Micrathyria 348 lagodeckicus, race of insignis, Cordulegaster 246 laidlawi, Burmagomphus 99
614 - , Idionyx 287 - , Perieschna 73 - , Tyriobapta 362 lais, Perithemis 525 lamberti, Lanthanusa 497 Lamelligomphus 169 lampropeltis, Erpetogomphus 110 lanceolata, Heliaeschna 54 landoltii, Aeschna 4 lanei, Zenithoptera 528 lani, Lyriothemis 400 lankana, Rhyothemis 536 lankanensis, Macrogomphus 132 lansbergei lansbergei, Leptogomphus 128 - assimilis, Leptogomphus 128 Lanthanusa 497 Lanthus 157 lapponica, subsp. of juncea, Aeshna 13 lateralis, Austrogomphus 95 - , Cordulegaster 250 - , Epophthalmia 276 - , Libellula 517 - , Somatochlora 272 Lathrecista 388 Lathrocordulia 281 laticeps, Aeschna 20 - , Gynacantha 46 latifasciae, Phyllogomphus 146 latifrons, Neallogaster 248 latihami, Orthetrum 419 latimaculata, Erythrodiplax 452 lativittata, Erythrodiplax 453 latreillei, race of flaveola, Libellula 472 latro, Cacoides 197 - , Lyriothemis 400 laubmanni, subsp. of aenea, Cordulia 254 laurae, Stylurus 149 lauriana, Macrothemis 501 Lauromacromia 281 lautus, Trigomphus 162 laurentia, Erythrodiplax 453 laxa, Nothifixis 542 leachi, Synthemis 319 leakeyi, Porpacithemis 359 lebasi, Periaeschna 73 lecythus, Notogomphus 142 leda, Libellula 390 lefebvrei, Diplacodes 440 - race limbata, Diplacodes 441 - , Onychogomphus 176 lemur, subsp. of stemmale, Orthetrum 424 lenti, Erythrodiplax 446 lentulus, Arigomphus 90 leonardi, Austrocordulia 279 leonardia, Nephepeltia 355
leonensis, Sleuthemis 334 leoni, Phyllomacromia 298 leoninum Karsch, 1891, Orthetrum 410 - Karsch, 1898, Orthetrum 410 leonora, subsp. of bertha, Celithemis 366 leontina, Libellula 449 leopardina, Atoconeura 287 leopoldi, Procordulia 266 lepida, Dorocordulia 254 lepidus, Progomphus 211 Leptetrum 389 Lepthemis 442 leptocerus, Sinogomphus 159 Leptogomphus 127 leptoptera, Tetrathemis 336 leptosoma, f. of atra, Trithemis 509 leptostyla, Elga 344 leptura, Libellula 422 leroyi, Notogomphus 142 Lestinogomphus 130 lethe, subsp. of paula, Diplacina 385 Leucorrhinia 367 Leucorrhininae 364 leucorrhinus, Libellula 367 leucosticta, Brachythemis 433 leucozona, subsp. of imitans, Macrothemis 500 levis, Orthemis 407 lewisi, Lyriothemis 401 Libella 408 Libellula 389 Libellulidae 321 Libellulinae 372 Libelluloidea 250 Libellulosoma 262 libera, Dorocordulia 254 liberata, Tramea 548 liberiensis, Brachythemis 434 libyana, Heliaeschna 54 Libyogomphus 151 lieftincki, Gynacantha 46 - , Heliogomphus 123 - , subsp. of australis, Ictinogomphus 226 - , Idionyx 287 - , Idomacromia 292 - , Macromia 305 - , Nihonogomphus 168 - , Petaliaeschna 74 - , Phyllogomphoides 206 - , Rhodothemis 466 - , Shaogomphus 147 - , Tramea 548 liesthes, Bironides 323 lifuana, subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 376 lilacina, Trithemis 515 lilliputians, Microgomphus 136
615 limai, Gynacantha 43 limbalis, Gynacantha 46 limbata, race of lefebvrei, Diplacodes 441 - limbata, Indothemis 457 - sita, Indothemis 457 - limbata, Tramea 548 - eurybia, Tramea 549 Limnetothemis 402 Limnetron 56 linaenea, Cordulia 253 Linaeschna 78 lindblomi, Tilithemis 567 Lindenia de Haan 229 - , Selys 229 Lindeniinae 218 lindratacy, Gynacantha 43 lindgreni, Paragomphus 191 linearis, Somatochlora 272 lineata, f. of brevistyla, Aeshna 5 - , subsp. of interrupta, Aeshna 11 - lineata, Cratilla 380 - assidus, Cratilla 381 - calverti, Cratilla 381 - , Libellula 463 - , Nesoxenia 403 lineatifrons, Gomphurus 112 lineatipes, Paltothemis 504 lineatus, Paragomphus 191 - , Stylurus 149 lineostigma, Orthetrum 419 lintneri, Williamsonia 278 lingyiensis, Somatochlora 272 lingyinensis, Merogomphus 134 liriope, Dasythemis 382 lisa, Diplacina 384 lisomboae, subsp. of congoliath, Anax 29 litigatrix, Aeschna 5 litoralis, Gynacantha 46 liturata, Trithemis 510 lividus, Gomphus 118 llama, Epigomphus 107 lobata, Aeschna 17 loewi, Tramea 549 - var. petaurina, Tramea 549 - tillyardi, Tramea 549 Lokia 397 Lokithemis 359 Longchampia 219 longfieldae, Castoraeschna22 - , Heliaeschna 55 - , Tetrathemis 336 longicauda, var. of aenea, Cordulia 253 - , Tramea 546 longifasciata, Micrathyria 350 longipennis, Belonia 393
- , Pachydiplax 464 longipes, Anax 32 - , Idiataphe 541 longipollex, Neocordulia 283 longissima, Planaeschna 67 longistigma, Aeschnophlebia 64 - , Merogomphus 134 - , Progomphus 211 longistipes, subsp. of bispina, Malgassophlebia 326 longistyla, Congothemis 343 longitudinalis longitudinalis, Agrionoptera 377 - biserialis, Agrionoptera 377 - dissoluta, Agrionoptera 377 - , Erythrodiplax 453 longiventris, Paragomphus 221 longus, subsp. of rueppeli, Notogomphus 143 loogali, Microgomphus 136 lorenzonii, Aeschna 244 lorquini, Nannophlebia 330 lucasi, Gomphus 118 - , var. of dubia, Leucorrhinia 369 lucia, Aeshna 13 - , Palpopleura 522 luciana, Urothemis 560 lucidostriatus, subsp. of forcipatus, Onychogomphus 174 lucilia, Libellula 366 luctiferus, Zygonyx 567 luctuosa, Libellula 394 - , Neurothemis 461 ludens, Onychogomphus 176 lugubre, subsp. of azureum, Orthetrum 411 lugubris, Calliaeschna 72 - , Olpogastra 563 luismoojeni, Neocordulia 283 lujai, Notogomphus 142 lulico, Hemicordulia 259 luminans, Philonomon 464 lunata, Aeschna 31 lunatus, Davidius 154 lunifera lunifera, Cordulegaster 247 - pekinensis, Cordulegaster 247 lunulata Selys, Aeschna 21 - Charpentier, Aeschna 243 lutantus, Stylogomphus 160 lutea, var. of bonariensis, Aeshna 5 - , Macrothemis 501 luteipennis luteipennis, Coryphaeschna 23 - florida, Coryphaeschna 24 - peninsularis, Coryphaeschna 24 luteofrons, Erythrodiplax 453 luteola, race of fleveola, Libellula 472 luxoriosa, Pseudomacromia 565 luzonicum, Orthetrum 419
616 lycoris, Libellula 557 lydia, Libellula 394 lygaea, Erythrodiplax 453 lynnae, Gomphurus 112 lyratus, Heliogomphus 123 Lyriothemis 398 lyttoni, Gynacantha 41 maacki, Anisogomphus 86 maccullochi, Anacordulia 263 machandina, Uracis 362 machadoi, Orthetrum 419 - , Paragomphus 191 - , Planiplax 372 machadoi, subsp. of campanulata, Zonophora 215 maclachlani, Anax 32 - , Boyeria 77 - , Gomphidia 223 - , Gynacantha 46 - , Onychogomphus 176 macleayi, Telephlebia 68 macrocephala, Libellula 483 macrocercis, Mierathyria 351 Macrodiplacinae 555 Macrodiplax 557 macrodon, Onychogomphus 176 Macrogomphus 130 Macromia 295 macromia, Aeschna 23 Macromidia 290 Macromiinae 292 macronata, Somatochlora 271 macrops, Apocordulia 279 macrostigma, Dasythemis 382 - , Libellula 407 - , Orthetrum 419 - macrostigma, Synthemis 319 - occidentalis, Synthemis 319 - orientalis, Synthemis 319 Macrothemis 498 maculata, Cordulegaster 247 maculata Harris, Libellula 395 - Rambur, Libellula 396 maculatissima, Aeschna 8 maculatum, Sympetrum 477 maculatus, Anax 28 maculiventris, Libellula 445 maculivertex, Onychogomphus 177 maculosa, Erythrodiplax 453 madagascariensis, Thermorthemis 430 madagascariensis, Tramea 549 - , Urothemis 559 madegassa, Donzella 430 madegassus, Paragomphus 191
madi, Gomphidia 223 madidum, Sympetrum 477 maesi, Gynacantha 50 - , Macromia 305 magdalena, Periaeschna 73 magica, Hemicordulia 257 magna, Somatochlora 275 magnifica, Archaeophya 279 - , Cordulegaster 248 - , Macromia 305 - , Staurophlebia 59 magnificata, Lyriothemis 400 magnifiais, Chlorogomphus 238 magnus, Anax 30 - , Paragomphus 191 maia, subsp. of selika, Trithemis 517 mainensis mainensis, Ophiogomphus 184 - fastigiatus, Ophiogomphus 185 maita, Aeshna 14 major, subsp. of parthenope, Anax 34 malabarensis, subsp. of frontalis, Epophthalmia 294 - , Onychogomphus 177 - , subsp. of iris, Zygonyx 566 malaccensis, Agrionoptera 403 - , subsp. of triangulare, Orthetrum 426 Malagassogomphus 134 Malamarptis 381 Malayaeschna 53 malayana, subsp. of moorei, Macromia 307 malayanus, Acrogomphus 164 - , subsp. of iris, Zygonys 567 Malayogomphus 127 malcolmi, Brachydiplax 341 malgassica, Gynacantha 47 - , Nesocordulia 284 malgassicum, subsp. of abbotti, Orthetrum 409 Malgassophlebia 325 malkini, Phyllocycla 201 malleifera, Macromia 305 malloryi, Davidius 154 mamfei, Tragogomphus 152 manadensis, subsp. of stigmatizans, Neurothemis 462 manchurica, Macromia 306 manderica, Gynacantha 47 manifestus, Austrogomphus 88 manitobanus, subsp. of fraternus, Gomphurus 112 manni, Aeshna 14 marcella, Miathyria 541 marchali, Aeschna 14 - , Thalassothemis 505 marcia, Libellula 537
617 marginata, Epitheca 256 margarita, Macromia 306 - , Fukienogomphus 155 - , Somatochlora 272 margarethae, Castoraeschna 22 margaritae, Phyllogomphus 156 marginata de Geer, Libellula 520 - Fabricius, Libellula 522 - , subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 532 marginope, Anax 33 maria, Brachydiplax 319 mariae, Epithemis 386 - , Leptogomphus 128 mariposa, Rhyothemis 530 maritimus, Anax 33 marizae, Aeschnosoma 252 Marmaraeschna 3 marmorata, Macrothemis 501 maroccanus, subsp. of simillimus, Gomphus 121 marshalli, Misthotus 512 marsupialis, Microtrigonia 327 martensi, Orthetrum 420 martha, Celithemis 366 martini, Anaciaeschna 27 - , Archaeophlebia 322 - , Davidioides 165 - , Gynacantha 39 - , Merogomphus 134 - , subsp. of ramburi, Neurothemis 461 - , Oligoaeschna 80 - , Synthemis 319 martinius, Neurogomphus 139 martorelli, Macromia 306 mariannae, subsp. of servilla, Crocothemis 438 masaco, subsp. of amphigena, Macromia 296 mascarenica, Nesocordulia 284 masoni, Cephalaeschna 70 massettensis, f. of albicincta, Somatochlora 268 mathewi, Orthetrum 420 matrix, f. of scoticum, Sympetrum 470 matsukii, Macrogomphus 132 matutinum, subsp. of baccha, Sympetrum 468 mauriciana, Libellula 548 mauritianus, Anax 31 mauritsi, Rhodothemis 466 maxima, Aeschna 6 - , Diasta tops 521 maxwelli, Arigomphus 90 maya, Dythemis 492 mayanga, Malgassophlebia 326 maynei, Paragomphus 191 media, Erythrodiplax 453 mediterranea, Anax 36 medium, Sympetrum 477 mediofasciata, Aethiothemis 374
Megalaeschna 58 Megalogomphus 165 megalopsis, Anaciaeschna 27 melaenops, subsp. of decoratus, Ictinogomphus 227 melaenops race sumatranus, Ictinus 227 melaleucae, Austroepigomphus 93 Melanocacus 199 melampus Selys, Trigomphus 163 - Ris, Trigomphus 162 - bifasciatus, Trigomphus 162 melania, Macromia 306 - , Orthetrum 420 melanica, subsp. of amazónica, Erythrodiplax 446 melanictera, Polycanthagyna 63 melanistica, f. of pluvialis, Trithemis 516 melanops, Asiagomphus 92 - , Brachydiplax 556 melanopsis, Diplacodes 441 melanorubra, Erythrodiplax 454 melanosoma, subsp. of guttata, Eusynthemis 315 melanostigma, Libellula 369 melanostoma, Anaciaeschna 28 melli, Libellula 394 melpomene, Macromia 306 membranalis, Gynacantha 46 membranata, Rialla 267 membranulata, Pentathemis 264 mendax, Brechmorhoga 489 menetriesi, Ophiogomphus 185 mengeri, Micrathyria 350 merida, Libellula 380 meridionale meridionale, Sympetrum 477 - dilutum, Sympetrum 478 meridionalis, Diplax 456 - , Progomphus 212 - , race of metallica, Somatochlora 273 Merogomphus 134 merope, Diplacina 384 meruensis, Aeschna 17 - , Homothemis 567 - , Notogomphus 142 Mesogomphus 186 Mesothemis 442 metalla, Libellula 524 metallica, Cratilla 381 - , Lathrocordulia 281 - metallica, Somatochlora 273 - abocanica, Somatochlora 273 - race meridionalis, Somatochlora 273 - vera, Somatochlora 273 metallicus, subsp. of iris, Zygonyx 567 metallifrons, Corduliops 342
618 Metaphya 263 Meîathemis 315 mexicana, Gomphomacromia 281 - , Gynacantha 47 mexicanus, Progomphus 212 meyeri, Lyriothemis 400 M-flavus, Gomphus 86 m-flavus, Onychogomphus 171 mjoebergi, subs, of godefïroyi, Telephlebia 82 Miathyria 541 micans, Diplacina 384 - , Metaphya 263 - , Onychogomphus 174 Micrathyria 346 Microdiplax, subgen. of Brachydiplax 342 Microgomphus 135 Micromacromia 326 Micromidia 282 microstigma, Agyrtacantha 38 - , Caliaeschna 69 - microstigma, Orthetrum 420 - imitans, Orthetrum 420 Microthemis 339 Microtrigonia 327 migratum, subsp. of pruinosum, Orthetrum 421 mildreae, subsp. of iris, Zygonyx 567 militaris militaris, Diplacina 384 - dumogue, Diplacina 384 - , Gomphus 118 miliardi, Gynacantha 4 milloti, subsp. of stemmale, Orthetrum 424 milnei milnei, Planaeschna 75 - orientalis, Planaeschna 75 mimetica, Uracis 363 mimica, Pseudophlebia 331 mina, Neuraeschna 57 mincki mincki, Dasythemis 382 - clara, Dasythemis 382 mindana mindana, Hemicordulia 259 - nipponica, Hemicordulia 260 miniata, Macromia 302 minima, Idionyx 287 - , Pseudophlebia 331 minor, Acrogomphus 164 - , Aeschna 77 - , Nesciothemis 402 - , Somatochlora 273 minuscula, Aeshna 14 minusculus, Burmagomphus 99 minuscula, subsp. of connata, Erythrodiplax 450 minuta, Libellula 523 - , Libellulosoma 262 - , Tramea 550 minutus, Cyanogomphus 103 - , Gomphus 118
- , Lestinogomphus 130 mira, Periaeschna 74 miraculosa, Micromacromia 327 miranda, Synthemis 320 Misagria 401 misrai, Crocothemis 437 Misthotus 506 mithra, Libellula 43 mithroides, Erythemis 444 Mitragomphus 200 mixta, Aeshna 14 miyajimaensis, Orthetrum 421 mjoebergi, Austrogomphus 96 mnemosyne, Macromia 306 mocsaryi, Gynacantha 47 modesta, Lokia 398 - , Phyllocycla 201 modestus, Gomphurus 112 - , Onychogomphus 177 modigliani, Oligoaeschna 80 moerens, Huonia 496 mohai, Acrogomphus 164 moiwanus moiwanus, Davidius 154 - sawanoi, Davidius 154 - taruii, Davidius 154 moka, Paragomphus 187 molessus, Aphylla 195 molesta, Cordulia 264 molestus, Neogomphus 158 moluccana, Anaciaeschna 28 - , subsp. of mysis, Nesoxenia 404 monardi, subsp. of buettihofferi, Eleuthemis 344 - , Orthetrum 420 - monardi, Trithemis 515 - insufïusa, Trithemis 515 Monardithemis 327 mongolica, subsp. of juncea, Aeshna 13 monoceros, Macromia 307 Monocoloptera 361 monomelaena, Celithemis 366 monosticha, Oligoclada 357 montaguei, Synthemis 320 montana, Cordulephya 251 - , Idionyx 288 montandoni, Cordulegaster 246 montanus, Macrogomphus 132 - , subsp. of severus, Ophiogomphus 186 - , Phyllogomphus 145 - , Progomphus 212 monteiroi, Thermorthemis 410 montezuma, Trithemis 455 montícola, subsp. of eurybia, Tramea 549 montivagans, Anaciaeschna 28 mooma, Perithemis 526 moorei moorei, Macromia 307
619 - malayana, Macromia 307 moori, Aeshna 15 mordax, Ictinus 228 morio, Libellula 441 - , Tetragoneuria 276 moroensis, Procordulia 267 morrisoni morrisoni, Ophiogomphus 185 - nevadensis, Ophiogomphus 185 - , subsp. of obstrusum, Sympetrum 479 mortimer, Gomphus 114 mortoni, Chlorogomphus 239 - , Lyriothemis 401 - , Macrothemis 501 motuoensis, Onychogomphus 177 moundi, Phyllogomphus 146 moyobambus, Peruviogomphus 144 mozambicensis, Microgomphus 137 muelleri, Austroaeschna 66 multicincta, Aeschna 72 multicolor, Aeshna 17 multilineata, Diastatomma 220 multinerve, Zyxomma 554 multipunctata, Austroaeschna 66 - , Dythemis 493 mumfordi, Hemicordulia 260 mundala, Dicranopygia 557 mungo, Melanocacus 199 murcia, Idionyx 288 - , Libellula 537 musa, Gynacantha 47 musiva, Macrothemis 501 mutans, subsp. of mysis, Nesoxenia 404 mutata, Aeshna 15 - , Oligoaeschna 80 muttkowskii, subsp. of crenata, Aeshna 7 mwinilungae, subsp. of flavicosta, Zygonyx 565 myosa, Anotogaster 242 mysis mysis, Nesoxenia 403 - cingulata, Nesoxenia 403 - dahli, Nesoxenia 403 - interrogata, Nesoxenia 404 - moluccana, Nesoxenia 404 - mutans, Nesoxenia 404 - var. puella, Nesoxenia 403 - tarafia, Nesoxenia 404 mystica, Austrophya 280 mzymtae, Cordulegaster 248 nadgaeniensis, Idionyx 288 Nadiplax 457 naeva, subsp. of berenice, Erythrodiplax 448 naevius, Gomphus 157 nagoyanus, Stylurus 149 naias, Perithemis 525 nana, Diplacina 384
naninus, Onychogomphus 177 Nannodiplax 457 Nannodythemis 352 Nannophya 352 Nannophlebia 328 Nannophyopsis 353 Nannothemis 354 nanus, Archaeogomphus 89 - , Davidius 155 natalensis, Zygonyx 567 nasalis, Epitheca 274 Nasiaeschna 72 nasutus, Chlorogomphus 239 natrix, Erpetogomphus 110 nausicaa, Gynacantha 47 navasi, Sympetrum 478 Neallogaster 248 nebulifera, Leucorrhinia 439 nebulosa, Diplacodes 441 - , Rhyothemis 537 needhami, Cephalaeschna 70 - , Libellula 395 - , Triacanthagyna 62 neglectum, subsp. of pruinosum, Orthetrum 421 - , Eogomphus 106 Negomphoides 198 negrito, Macromia 307 nemesis, Oligoçlada 357 Neocordulia 282 Neocysta 405 Neodythemis 331 Neogomphus 157 Neopetalia 231 Neopetaliidae 230 Neophlebia 334 Neophya 314 Neophyinae 313 neophytus, Antipodogomphus 88 Neoprogomphus, subgen. of Progomphus 207 Neothemis, Oguma 379 Neothemis, Karsch 354 Neothetrum 389 neotropica, Phyllocycla 201 nepalensis, Somatochlora 273 Nephepeltia 354 Nepogomphoides 138 Nepogomphus 165 nereis, subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 376 nervis, Progomphus 212 nervosa, Gynacantha 48 nesaea, Neurothemis 461 Nesciothemis 402 Nesocordulia 284 Nesocria 429 Nesogonia 458
620 Nesoxenia 403 Neuraeschna 56 Neureclipe 3 Neurocena 563 Neurocordulia 263 Neurogomphus 138 Neurothemis 458 neurothemoides, Hemistigma 346 nevadensis, subsp. of morrisoni, Ophiogomphus 185 - , subsp. of olivaceus, Stylurus 150 nexans, Diaphlebia 198 ngnelicus, Mesogomphus 188 nicevillei, Orthetrum 416 nicobarica, Agrionoptera 403 - , subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 376 - , Neurothemis 460 nietneri, Heliogomphus 124 nigeriae, subsp. of bispina, Malgassophlebia 326 nigeriensis, Gynacantha 48 - , Macromia 307 nigra, Antidythemis 538 - , Diastatops 521 - , Dythemis 494 - nigra, Eusynthemis 316 - xanthosticta, Eusynthemis 316 - , Libellula 470 - , Selysiothemis 558 - , subsp. of donaldsoni, Trithemis 512 nigrescens, Austrothemis 364 - , Dythemis 493 - , Nesciothemis 402 - , var. of geometricus, Onychogomphus 179 - , Onychogomphus 180 - O r t h e t r u m 418 - , var. of sabina, Orthetrum 423 - , Sympetrum 478 nigricans, Erythrodiplax 454 nigricolor, Amphithemis 379 - , Sieboldius 218 nigricula, Libellula 469 nigrifemur, Sympetrum 478 nigrifrons, Crocothemis 437 - , Pseudothemis 420 nigrilabris, Libellula 557 nigripes, Aeschna 80 - , Gomphus 118 - , Gynacantha 48 - , Libellula 482 - , Notogomphus 142 - , Rhodothemis 466 - , Trigomphus 163 nigrum, ab of caudalis, Leucorrhinia 368 nigrocreatum, Sympetrum 478 nigroflava, Aeshna 15
nigrofasciatus, Anax 33 - , Sinogomphus 159 nigrolineatus, Anax 33 nigrostigma, Sympetrum 478 nigrotibialis, subsp. of supinus, Onychogomphus 181 nigroviridis, Paragomphus 192 Nihonogomphus 167 nilgiricus, Asiagomphus 92 nilgiriensis, Idionyx 288 nilgiriensis, race of corona, Idionyx 286 - race annamellaicus, Lamelligomphus 178 - , Onychogomphus 178 Nilogomphus 140 nipalensis, Anotogaster 242 niphonica, Libellula 395 nipponica, subsp. of mindana, Hemicordulia 260 nitens, Libellula 285 nitidinerve, Orthetrum 421 nivea, Erythrodiplax 454 nobilis, subsp. of insignis, Cordulegaster 247 - , Macrothemis 502 - , Zonophora 216 nocturnalis, Periaeschna 73 nodalis, var. of flaveolum, Sympetrum 473 nodiplaga, Orthemis 407 nodisticta, Gomphomacromia 281 - , Libellula 395 normalis, Anatya 338 noshime, subsp. of fuliginosa, Rhyothemis 529 notabilis, Onychothemis 519 notata notata, Rhyothemis 530 - fenestrina, Rhyothemis 530 notatus, Stylurus 149 Nothifixis 541 Nothodiplax 463 Notiothemis 332 Notoaeschna 72 Notogomphus 140 Notolibellula 404 novae-zeelandiae, Cordulia 267 - , var. of bipunctatum, Sympetrum 440 novaguineensis, subsp. of servilla, Crocothemis 438 novaehollandiae, Hemicordulia 260 nubecola, Brechmorhoga 489 nubila, ab. of rubicunda, Leucorrhinia 371 Nubiothemis 373 nudicollis, Libellula 477 nuptialis, Trithemis 515 nutrina, Erythrodiplax 450 nyanzana, Macromia 307 nyasicus, Paragomphus 192 nyassicus, Microgomphus 137
621 Nychogomphus, subgen. of Onychogomphus 170 nycteris, Tauriphila 544 nympha, Gynacantha 48 nymphaeae, Aethriamantha 556 Nymphentria 386 obensis, ab. of albifrons, Leucorrhinia 368 obliqua, Taeniogaster 249 oblita, f. of brevistyla, Aeshna 5 - , Libellula 466 obliteratus, Onychogomphus 188 obscura, Aphylla 195 - , Austroaeschna 67 - , Diastatops 521 - , subsp. of terminata, Neurothemis 463 - , subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 532 - , subsp. of reticulata, Staurophlebia 59 - , subsp. of solitaria, Zonophora 216 obscuripennis, Triacanthagyna 62 obscurum, Potamarcha 428 obscurus, Ophiogomphus 184 - , Progomphus 212 observa, Cephalaeschna 70 obsolescens, Rhyothemis 531 obsoleta, Libellula 507 - , Neurocordulia 263 obsoletum, subsp. of sanguineum, Sympetrum 482 obstrusum, Sympetrum 479 - morrisoni, Sympetrum 479 obtusum, Zyxomma 554 obtusus, Epigomphus 107 occidentale occidentale, Sympetrum 479 - californicum, Sympetrum 479 - fasciatum, Sympetrum 479 - , subsp. of umbrosa, Aeshna 19 - , Austrogomphus 95 - , subsp. of denticulatus, Crenigomphus 102 - , Macromia 308 - , subsp. of dalei, Nannophya 353 - , subsp. of fuelleborni, Olpogastra 562 - occidentalis, Ophiogomphus 185 - californicus, Ophiogomphus 185 - , Phyllogomphus 146 - , Progomphus 212 - , Pseudophlebia 322 - , subsp. of macrostigma, Synthemis 319 occipitalis, Anisogomphus 86 - , Epigomphus 107 occitanicus, Gomphus 181 occultus, Gomphus 118 - , Stylurus 149 oceanica, Hemicordulia 260 oceanis, subsp. of ramburi, Neurothemis 461 ocellata, Libellula 12
- ocellata, Micrathyria 350 - dentiens, Micrathyria 350 - quicha, Micrathyria 350 ochracea ochracea, Erythrodiplax 454 - solimaea, Erythrodiplax 454 - aequatoria, Erythrodiplax 451 ochraceipes, Gynacantha 48 ochraceus, Austrogomphus 96 ochromaculata, ab. of rubicunda, Leucorrhinia 371 ochropteryx, ab. of pectoralis, Leucorrhinia 371 Octogomphini 152 Octogomphus 158 octomaculata, subsp. of sexmaculata, Palpopleura 523 octoxantha, Perithemis 526 oculata, Brachygonia 342 - , Libellula 462 oculatus, Stylurus 149 Oda 333 odiosa, Libellula 394 odoneli, Asiagomphus 92 - , Gynacantha 48 oeneothorax, Ceratogomphus 100 ogasawarensis, Hemicordulia 260 ogumai, Trigomphus 163 okavangoensis, Diplacodes 42 okinavensis, Planiplax 339 okinawanus, subsp. of amamiensis, Asiagomphus 91 okinawensis, Chlorogomphus 239 - , Hemicordulia 260 oklahomensis, Gomphus 119 Oligoaeschna 79 Oligoclada 356 oligoneura, Neurothemis 461 olivaceus, Heliogomphus 124 - olivaceus, Stylurus 149 - nevadensis, Stylurus 150 olivei, Choristhemis 314 Olpogastra 562 Olympia, Libellula 415 - , Hemicordulia 260 olympicus, Chlorogomphus 239 onerata, Macromia 308 onusta, Tramea 550 Onychogomphini 164 Onychogomphus 169 Onychothemis 518 Onychothemistinae 518 opalina, Libellula 415 ophelia, Brachygonia 342 ophibolus, Erpetogomphus 110 Ophinurus, subgen. of Ophiogomphus 182 Ophiogomphus 182
622 Ophionuroides, subgen. of Ophiogomphus 182 Ophippus 464 ophis, Phyllocycla 202 Oplonaeschna 82 optata, Aeschnophlebia 65 - Ris, Idionyx 287 - Selys, Idionyx 288 orbifrons, Cephalaeschna 70 orchestra, Idionyx 288 Orchithemis 404 Orcus 89 Oreaeschna 25 orenburghi, f. of davidi, Davidius 153 oreophila, Huonia 496 Oreoxenia 331 orestes, Sinogomphus 159 orientale, subsp. of cancellatimi, Orthetrum 414 - , Sympetrum 479 orientalis, subsp. of juncea, Aeshna 13 - , subsp. of dubia, Leucorrhinia 369 - , Phyllogomphus 145 - , subsp. of milnei, Planaeschna 75 - , subsp. of macrostigma, Synthemis 319 orites, Anisogomphus 87 ornata, Celithemis 367 ornata, Idionyx 288 - , Libellula 268 - , Neallogaster 248 - , ab. of arctica, Somatochlora 269 ornithocephala, Aeshna 16 Orogomphus 236 Orthemis 405 Orthetrum 408 ortizi, Diastatomma 220 osiliensis, subsp. of serrata, Aeshna 18 - fennica, Aeschna 18 osiris, subsp. of iris, Zygonyx 567 othello, Agyrtacantha 38 - , Camaicinia 539 ouvivandae, Hemistigma 345 - , Oreoxenia 331 ovata, Uracis 363 overlaeti, Macromia 308 ovipositrix, Uracis 363 Oxygastra 285 Oxygomphus 138 Oxythemis 427 ozarkensis, Gomphurus 112 - , Somatochlora 273 pacatus, Asiagomphus 92 Pachydiplax 464 pachygastra, Lyriothemis 401 pachystigma, Oligoclada 357 pachystyla, Cyclophyla 202
pacifica, Hemicordulia 261 - , Macromia 308 Pacificothemis 332 pacificus, Asiagomphus 92 - , Diplax 440 - , Phyllogomphoides 206 paiwan, subsp. of erythromelas, Polycanthagyna 63 pakistanica, Kuldanagaster 245 Palaeosynthemis, subgen. of Synthemis 317 Palaeothemis 333 palampurensis, subsp. of basalis, Anotogaster 241 palawanus, Leptogomphus 128 palliata, Polyneura 459 pallida, Libellula 553 - , Macromia 309 - , race of guttata, Metathemis 315 - , Micrathyria 449 - , Phyllocycla 202 pallidinervis, Macromia 309 - , Trithemis 516 pallidistigma, Libellula 470 pallidistylus, Diaphlebis 198 pallidum, subsp. of striolatum, Sympetrum 484 pallidus, Arigomphus 90 - , Neurogomphus 140 pallipes, Aeshna 16 - , Sympetrum 479 palmata, Aeshna 16 Palpopleura 521 Palpopleurinae 520 Paltothemis 503 paludinis, Aethiothemis 417 paludis, Hylaeschna 306 paludosa, Macromia 309 paludosus, Epigomphus 107 palustris, Aethiothemis 374 panamensis, Aeschna 20 panorpoides panorpoides, Acisoma 431 - ascalaphoides, Acisoma 431 Pantala 542 Pantaliinae 538 panybeus Martin, race of guttatus, Anax 34 panybeus Hagen, Anax 34 papilio, Chlorogomphus 239 papuana, Crocothemis 437 papuanus, subrace of brevistylus, Hydrobasileus 539 papuensis, subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 376 - , Hemianax 37 - , subsp. of ramburi, Neurothemis 461 - , subsp. of irregularis, Tetrathemis 336 Paracordulia 264 Paradigma 169
623 paradisea, Polyneura 458 paradoxa, Eusynthemis 316 - , Gomphomacromia 281 - f. effusa, Gomphomacromia 281 - f. tincta, Gomphomacromia 281 Paragomphus 186 paraguayensis, Erythrodiplax 455 Paralanthus, subgen. of Davidius 152 parallelogramma parallelogramma, Macrogomphus 132 - albardae, Macrogomphus 132 parana, Misagria 402 parastictica, Trithemis 517 Parathemis 562 paratillarga, Tholymis 552 Parazyxomma 552 pardalinus, Paragomphus 192 pardus, Bursigomphus 102 parhwalicus, Onychogomphus 178 parisius, Anax 33 parthenope parthenope, Anax 33 - geyri, Anax 33 - jordansi, Anax 34 - julius, Anax 34 - major, Anax 34 partitus, Zonothrasy 433 paruensis, Micratyria 351 parvidens, Hylogomphus 126 parvimaculata, Erythrodiplax 455 parvistigma, Allogaster 249 parvistigma, Neallogaster 249 - , Austroaeschna 67 parvula, Libellula 440 parvulum, Orthetrum 427 - , Sympetrum 480 parvulus, Lanthus 157 parvum, Sympetrum 481 parvus, Merogomphus 135 pasiphae, Gynacantha 49 Passeria 361 paucinervis, Diaphlebia 198 paula paula, Diplacina 384 - lethe, Diplacina 385 - , Macromia 309 pauliani, Neodythemis 332 paulina, Tramea 546 paulsoni, Epigomphus 107 patricia, Austropetalia 231 - , Leucorrhinia 370 patrorum, Cephalaeschna 71 paviei, Merogomphus 135 pearsoni, Gomphidia 223 - , Peruviogomphus 144 pectoralis, subsp. of asiatica, Lathrecista 389 - , Leucorrhinia 370
- ab. ochropteryx, Leucorrhinia 371 pedemontanum pedemontanum, Sympetrum 479 - elatum, Sympetrum 480 - kurentzovi, Sympetrum 480 pedestris, var. of equestris, Neurothemis 463 pegasus, Phyllocycla 202 pekinensis, subsp. of lunifera, Cordulegaster 247 peleus, Sinogomphus 159 pelionensis, subsp. of héros, Cordulegaster 246 pendleburyi, Leptogomphus 128 penelope, Gynacantha 49 - , Trithemis 509 peninsularis, subsp. of luteipennis, Coryphaeschna 24 pentacantha, Nasiaeschna 72 Pentathemis 264 perakensis, Gomphidia 224 peralta, Aeshna 16 perampla, Amphiaeschna 25 perdita, Gomphoides 199 perfida, Gomphoides 207 perforatus, Leptogomphus 129 Periaeschna 73 Perigomphus, subgen. of Diaphlebia 197 perisi, Phyllogomphus 146 Perissogomphus 193 perithemoides, Progomphus 212 Perithemis 524 periyashola, Idionyx 289 perlaetus, Asiagomphus 92 perplexus, subsp. of geometricus. Onychogomphus 175 perpusillus, Progomphus 212 perrensi, Coryphaeschna 24 persephone, Aeshna 16 - , Diplacina 385 - , Trithemis 516 personatus, Gomphus 119 pertinax pertinax, Brechmorhoga 490 - eurysema, Brechmorhoga 490 - peruviana, Brechmorhoga 490 - , Ictinus 228 peruviana, Aeschnosoma 252 peruviana, subsp. of pertinax, Brechmorhoga 490 - , Erythemis 444 Peruviogomphus 143 pestilens, Hypopetalia 231 Petalia 231 Petaliaeschna 74 Petaliidae 230 Petalura 233 petalura petalura, Aeshna 16 - taiyali, Aeshna 16
624 - , Libellula 421 - , Oligoaeschna 80 Petaluridae 232 Petalurinae 233 petaurina, Microtrigonia 327 petaurina, var. of loewi, Tramea 549 petechialis, Tetragoneuria 277 petiolatum, Zyxomma 554 Phaenandrogomphus 144 phaeomeria, Gynacantha 49 phaeoneura, Tramea 550 phalantus, Macrogomphus 132 phalerata, Libellula 442 phaleratus, race of clavatus, Ictinus 230 - , Ophiogomphus 185 Phanogomphus, subgen. of Gomphus 113 phaon, Deielia 439 phaon brevistigma, Deielia 439 phaon race dispar, Trithemis 439 Phenes 234 philippa, Idionyx 289 philipp/in¡ensis, race of duivenbodi, Macrothemis 340 philippsi, Orthetrum 408 Philonomon 464 phoebe phoebe, Diplacina 385 - amoena, Diplacina 385 - anthaxia, Diplacina 385 - phryne, Diplacina 385 phoenicosceles, Oxythemis 427 phoenicura, Planiplax 372 phyrne, subsp. of phoebe, Diplacina 385 - , Nephepeltia 355 phyllis phyllis, Rhyothemis 531 - aequalis, Rhyothemis 531 - apicalis, Rhyothemis 531 - beatricis, Rhyothemis 532 - chloe, Rhyothemis 532 - dispar, Rhyothemis 532 - ixias, Rhyothemis 532 - marginata, Rhyothemis 532 - obscura, Rhyothemis 532 - snelleni, Rhyothemis 533 - vitellina, Rhyothemis 533 phyllochromus, Progomphus 212 Phyllocycla 200 Phyllogomphoides 203 Phyllogomphus 144 Phyllomacromia 295 Phyllopetalia 232 Phyllothemis 427 phyllura, Aeschna 229 phyna, Libellula 348 pietà, Aeschna 12 - var. caucasica, Aeschna 12
- , Macromia 309 - , var. of equivocata, Thermochoria 361 pictus, Ceratogomphus 100 - , Cordulegaster 246 - , Herpetogomphus 186 pieli, Anisogomphus 135 Pigiphila 389 pijpersi, Progomphus 213 piìipes, Gomphus 90 pilosa, Aeschna 68 pilosus, Onychogomphus 178 pinheyi, Nepogomphoides 138 - , Neurogomphus 140 pinratani, Macromia 310 pirassunungae, Micrathyria 351 piraticus, Anax 34 piscator, Presba 286 plagiata, Tetracanthagyna 61 plagiatus, Burmagomphus 99 - , Stylurus 150 Planaeschna 74 planaltica, subsp. of cornigera, Aeshna 7 Planiplax 371 Plantacantha 58 Platacantha 58 platerosi, Gomphidia 224 Platetrum 389 Plathemis 389 Plattycantha 58 platyceps, Gomphidia 224 Platycordulia 265 Platygomphus 147 Platyplax 371 platyptera, Tetrathemis 336 platylura, Oligoaeschna 80 platyura, Staurophlebia 59 plaumanni, Orthemis 407 plebeia, Libellula 450 plebeja, Erythemis 444 pleurosticta, Macrothemis 502 plumbea, Libellula 392 plutonia, Rhyothemis 533 pluvialis, Trithemis 516 pluvialis f . melanisticta, Trithemis 516 pocahontas, subsp. of domitia, Perithemis 525 Podogomphus 140 Podothemis 356 poecilops, Orthetrum 421 poeciloptera, Oligoaeschna 81 poey, Mesothemis 348 polemiota, var. of armata, Oplonaeschna 82 polleni, Tetrathemis 337 polli, Linaeschna 78 pollinosum, Orthetrum 402 pollux, Onychogomphus 178
625 Polycanthagyna 63 Polycanthagynini 63 polygonus, Progomphus 213 polyhymnia, Macromia 310 Polyneura 458 polyneura, Macrothemis 502 polysticta, Libellula 264 ponderosa, Erythrodiplax 446 pontica, race of fulva, Libellula 393 Pornothemis 428 Porpacithemis 359 Porpax 359 portia, Libellula 522 portoricana, Diplax 449 postlobata, subsp. of praecox, Brechmorhoga 491 postocularis, Gomphus 119 Potamarcha 428 Potamothemis 527 potulentus, Stylurus 150 praecox praecox, Brechmorhoga 490 - grenadensis, Brechmorhoga 490 - postlobata, Brechmorhoga 491 - , Ictinus 228 praedator, Ictinus 229 praedatrix, Brechmorhoga 491 - , Phyllogomphoides 206 praenubila, Libellula 395 praeruptus, Austroepigomphus 94 praetorius, Notogomphus 142 prasinus, Austrogomphus 96 pratense, Brachytron 68 prateri, Pseudotramea 543 praevia, Gomphoides 199 preciosus, Chlorogomphus 239 Presba 285 pretentiosus, Zygonyx 568 pretiosa, Pseudomacromia 568 pretiosa, subsp. of regia, Rhyothemis 535 preussi, Allorhizucha 322 priapea, Calothemis 399 primigenia, Synthemis 320 princeps, Cordulegaster 248 - , subsp. of boltoni, Cordulegaster 244 - , Epicordulia 255 - princeps, Rhyothemis 533 - irene, Rhyothemis 533 proavita, Idomacromia 292 procera, Epitheca 272 Procordulia 265 prodigiosus, Zygonyx 564 producta, Aphylla 195 producta, Neuraeschna 57 Progomphus 207 promelas, Heliogomphus 124
prometheus, Fukienogomphus 156 promineus, Fukienogomphus 156 Pronomaja 362 propinqua, Aeschna 20 propinqua, Phyllocycla 202 - , Tramea 550 proselythus, Antipodogomphus 88 proserpina, Trithemis 513 Protoaeschna 26 protoe, Micrathyria 348 Protorthemis 429 protracta, Aphylla 196 provocane, Somatochlora 273 próxima, Leucorrhinia 371 pruinans, Heliogomphus 124 - , Orchithemis 405 pruinata, Trithemis 516 pruinosa, Brachydiplax 341 - , Micrathyria 348 - , Rhodopygia 466 pruinosum pruinosum, Orthetrum 421 - clelia, Orthetrum 421 - ceylanicum, Orthetrum 421 - migratum, Orthetrum 421 - neglectum, Orthetrum 421 - schneiden, Orthetrum 422 pryeri, Asiagomphus 93 - , Oligoaeschna 81 - , Tanypteryx 235 pseudafricana, Macromia 310 Pseudagrionoptera 504 pseudeudoxia, subsp. of biordinata, Atoconeura 488 Pseudictinus 299 pseudimitans, Macrothemis 502 pseudochiri, Protoaeschna 27 pseudoccidentalis, Phyllogomphus 146 Pseudocordulia 285 pseudodefecta, subsp. of defecta, Hadrothemis 387 Pseudoleon 465 Pseudohagenius, subgen. of Hagenius 217 Pseudomacromia 563 Pseudophlebia 331 pseudosophronia, Neurothemis 462 Pseudothemis Kirby 504 Pseudothemis Förster, subgen. of Protorthemis 429 Pseudotramea 543 psilus, Aeshna 17 ptilorina, Eusynthemis 316 puella, Aino 354 - , Brachygonia 342 - , var. of mysis, Nesoxenia 403 - , Potamarcha 429
626 pugnax, Anax 34 - , Ictinus 227 pugnifer, Phyllogomphoides 206 pugnovittatus, Ictinogomphus 228 pujoli, Nesciothemis 403 pulchella Burmeister, Libellula 367 - Drury, Libellula 395 pulchellus, Gomphus 119 pulcherrima, Nihonogomphus 168 - , Orchithemis 405 - , Petalura 233 pulchra, Austroaeschna 67 - , Tetrathemis 336 pulla, Libellula 456 pullata, Libellula 521 pumila, Macrothemis 502 - var. axillata, Macrothemis 502 pumilio, Paragomphus 192 pumilus, Cyanogomphus 103 punctata, Aeshna 17 - , Neopetalia 231 pura, ab. of fastigiata, Uracis 362 pusilla, subsp. of sanguinolenta, Agrionoptera 378 - , Miathyria 541 pusillus, Austrogomphus 96 pustulosa, Allopetalia 76 pyanan, Oligoaeschna 81 pygmaea, Cordulephya 251 - , subsp. of erythrea, Crocothemis 437 - , Nannophya 353 - , Rhyothemis 534 pygmaeus, Progomphus 213 pylades, Sinogomphus 159 pyramidalis pyramidalis, Burmagomphus 99 - sinuatus, Burmagomphus 99 - , Macromia 310 quadra, Uracis 362 quadratus, Macrogomphus 133 quadracies, Epigomphus 107 quadricolor, Gomphus 119 quadriguttata, Aeshna 78 quadri/asciata Müller, Libellula 10 - Donovan, Libellula 393 quadrifida, Gynacantha 78 quadri]oliata, Lindenia 229 quadrigutta, subsp. of buettihofferi, Eleuthemis 344 quadrilateralis, Aeschna 61 quadrimaculata, Libellula 395 quadrimaculata asahinai, Libellula 395 - grigorievi, Libellula 396 quadrino, Gynacantha 52 quadripunctata, Libellula 395
quadrupla, Libellula 391 quarrei quarrei, Gomphidia 224 - confini, Gomphidia 224 quantornotata, subsp. of insignis, Agrionoptera 376 quichi, subsp. of ocellata, Micrathyria 350 quirikii, Onychogomphus 178 Racenaeschna 75 racenisi, Progomphus 213 radama, Gynacantha 49 radiata, subsp. of jucunda, Palpopleura 522 rainey, Oligoclada 358 ramburii, Libellula 410 - ramburi, Neurothemis 461 - martini, Neurothemis 461 - oceanis, Neurothemis 461 - papuensis, Neurothemis 461 rammohani, Gynacantha 49 ranavalonae, Zygonyx 568 randalli, Urothemis 560 ransonetti, Orthetrum 422 rapax rapax, Brechmorhoga 491 - crocosema, Brechmorhoga 491 - , Ictinogomphus 228 raphaeli, subsp. of rileyi, Aeshna 17 Raphismia 360 rapida, Macromidia 291 rappardi, Onychogomphus 178 raptor, Phenes 234 raymondi, Heliaeschna 55 - , Phyllothemis 428 Rectibranchiata 1 recticarinatus, Progomphus 213 recurvatus, Progomphus 213 reducta, Uracis 363 reductus, Ophiogomphus 185 refracta, Austrocordulia 279 regalis, Agrionoptera 377 - , Compsothemis 529 - , Orthemis 407 - , Zonophora 216 regia regia, Rhyothemis 534 - race armstrongi, Rhyothemis 534 - chalcoptilon, Rhyothemis 534 - exul, Rhyothemis 534 - juliana, Rhyothemis 535 - pretiosa, Rhyothemis 535 - thisbe, Rhyothemis 535 regina, Cordulia 255 - , Eusynthemis 316 reginae, Macromia 308 regisalberti, Ictinogomphus 228 - , Zygonyx 568 regularis, Phyllogomphoides 206
627 reinwardti, Paragomphus 192 relicta, subsp. of sahlbergi, Somatochlora 274 Remartinia 22 remartinia, Gynacantha 49 remota, Diplacodes 442 renei, Crenigomphus 102 reticulata, Crocothemis 438 - , Gynacantha 37 - reticulata, Staurophlebia 59 - guatemalteca, Staurophlebia 59 - obscura, Staurophlebia 59 reticulosa, Allopetalia 76 retroflexus, Heliogomphus 124 resplendens, Rhyothemis 535 rezia, Aethriamantha 556 rhäticum, Sympetrum 473 rhea, Oligoclada 358 rheophila, Huonia 496 rhinoceroides, Idionyx 289 Rhionaeschna 3 rhodesiae, Orthetrum 419 Rhodopygia 465 Rhodothemis 466 Rhyothemis 528 Rhyothemistinae 528 Rialla 267 richardi, Lanthanusa 497 rickeri, Macromia 310 ridens, Onychogomphus 178 rieli, var. of equivocata, Thermochoria 361 rileyi rileyi, Aeshna 17 - raphaeli, Aeshna 17 ringens, Onychogomphus 179 risi, subsp. of diffinis, Aeshna 9 - , Austrogomphus 94 - , Cephalaeschna 71 - , Chlorogomphus 239 - , Gynacantha 49 - , Leptogomphus 129 - , Mesogomphus 188 - , Nannophlebia 330 - , Oligoclada 358 - , Onychogomphus 179 - risi, Planaeschna 75 - sakishimana, Planaeschna 75 - , Porpax 360 - , Progomphus 213 - , Risiophlebia 333 - risi, Sympetrum 481 - yosico, Sympetrum 481 - , Tauriphila 544 - , Trithemis 512 Risiophlebia 333 rivularis, Macrogomphus 133 robertsi, Notiothemis 332
robinsoni, Malagassogomphus 134 robusta, Aphylla 196 - , Gynacantha 48 robusum, Orthetrum 422 robustus, Macrogomphus 133 rochai, Macrothemis 502 rodericki, Micromidia 282 roeseli, Libellula 10 roeselii, Libellula 482 rogersi, Gomphurus 112 romani, Micrathyria 351 rosenbergi, Gynacantha 49 - , Tramea 550 rossi, Onychogomphus 179 rossicum, f. of vulgatum, Sympetrum 485 rostrifera, Neuraeschna 57 rotundata, Gynacantha 50 rougeoti, Zygonyx 569 royi, Macromia 310 rubella, Libellula 508 rubens, Orthetrum 422 rubicauda, Libellula 369 rubicunda, Leucorrhinia 371 - ab. grandis, Leucorrhinia 371 - ab. nubilia, Leucorrhinia 371 - ab. ochromaculata, Leucorrhinia 371 - ab. rubrodorsalis, Leucorrhinia 371 rubicundulum rubicundulum, Sympetrum 481 - decisum, Sympetrum 481 rubita, Perithemis 526 rubra Müller, Libellula 472 - Villiers, Libellula 426 - , Nannodiplax 457 - , Trithemis 516 rubricauda, Nesocordulia 284 rubrinervis, Libellula 507 rubrithorax, Dentigomphus 102 rubriventris, Libellula 444 rubrodorsalis, var. of rubicunda, Leucorrhinia 371 rueppeli rueppeli, Notogomphus 143 - longus, Notogomphus 143 rufa, Rhodothemis 466 rufescens, Aeschna 26 ruficollis, Libellula 483 rufina, Aeschna 24 - , Termitophorba 433 rufinervis, Dythemis 493 rufipennis, Coryphaeschna 24 rufipes, Aeshna 17 rufostigma, Sympetrum 482 rupicola, Macrothemis 503 rupinsulensis, Ophiogomphus 186 ruptum, Sympetrum 481 ruptus, Nihonogomphus 168
628 - , Onychogomphus 172 ruralis, Libellula 455 russata, Dythemis 504 rustica, Aeschna 12 - , Aeschnosoma 252 - , Tramea 550 rusticatus, Mesogomphus 190 rutherfordi, Anax 35 - , Neophya 314 ruwenzorica, Diastatomma 220 ruwenzoriensis, Tetrathemis 337 ryukyuanus ryukyuanus, Stylogomphus 160 - asatoi, Stylogomphus 160 ryukyuensis, Gynacantha 50 sabaleticus, Erpetogomphus 110 sabicus, Paragomphus 189 sabina sabina, Orthetrum 422 - var. nigrescens, Orthetrum 423 - viduatum, Orthetrum 423 saegeri, Orthetrum 423 saffronata, Idionyx 289 sagitta, Notoaeschna 73 - , Orthetrum 423 sahlbergi sahlbergi, Somatochlora 274 - relicta, Somatochlora 274 saintjohanni, Bradinopyga 435 sakishimana, subsp. of risi, Planaeschna 75 sallaei, Dythemis 490 salomonis, subsp. of insignis, Agprionoptera 377 saltatrix, Gynacantha 50 salva, Idionyx 289 - , Lyriothemis 401 samai, Macromidia 291 sambawana, Procordulia 267 samoensis, Tramea 551 sandricus, Gomphus 120 sanguinea, Libellula 560 sanguineum sanguineum, Sympetrum 482 - armeniacum, Sympetrum 482 - obsoletum, Sympetrum 482 - sykinia, Sympetrum 483 sanguiniventris, Planiplax 372 sanguinolenta sanguinolenta, Agrionoptera 377 - pusilla, Agrionoptera 378 - , Crocothemis 437 - , Diplacina 385 - , Trithemis 508 santosi, Elga 345 saturata, Cordulia 270 - saturata, Libellula 396 - aliasignata, Libellula 396 satyrus, Triananthagyna 62 saundersi, Onychogomphus 179
sauteri, Leptogomphus 129 sawanoi, subsp. of moiwanus, Davidius 154 saxicolor, Crocothemis 437 sayi, Zoraena 250 scabrifrons, Hadrothemis 387 scalarum, Neodythemis 332 Scapanea 505 schausi, Erpetogompus 110 Schizonyx 563 Schizothemis 563 Schizuraeschna, subgen. of Aeshna 3 schmidti, Gomphus 120 - , Neallogaster 249 - , Onychogomphus 179 - , Orthemis 408 schneideri schneideri, Gomphus 120 - helladicus, Gomphus 120 - , subsp. of pruinosum, Orthetrum 422 schoudeteni, Macromia 308 - schoudeteni, Microgomphus 137 - corbeti, Microgomphus 137 - , Phyllogomphus 146 schroederi, Cyanogomphus 103 schubarti, Dythemis 493 schultzei, Gynacantha 50 schumanni, Macrathyria 351 scissus, Gomphus 120 scorpio, Heliogomphus 124 scorteccii, subsp. of annulata, Trithemis 507 scotias, Aeshna 18 - Libellula 469 scoticum f. matrix, Sympetrum 470 scudderi, Stylurus 150 sechellarum, Zyxomma 554 secreta, Coryphaeschna 24 Secundaeschna 3 secundus, Gomphurus 112 seductus, Macrogomphus 133 segregans, Gomphus 150 seimundi, Burmagomphus 100 selika selika, Trithemis 517 - maia, Trithemis 517 selysi, Anax 34 - , Chlorogomphus 240 - , subsp. of aenea, Cordulia 254 - , Diastatomma 220 - , Gomphidia 224 - , Heliogomphus 124 - , Helocordulia 256 - , Idionyx 290 - , Macromia 310 - , Petalura 116 - , Phyllogomphoides 206 - , Phyllogomphus 146 Selysiophlebia 39
629 Selysiothemis 558 semanticus, N i h o n o g o m p h u s 168 sembe, Heliaeschna 55 semiaquea, Tetragoneuria 277 - f. calverti, Tetragoneuria 277 semiaurea, Nannothemis 345 semicinctum, Sympetrum 483 semicircularis, Phyllogomphoides 206 - , Somatochlora 274 semifasciata, Libellula 396 semihyalina semihyalina, Rhyothemis 535 - separata, Rhyothemis 536 - var. syriaca, Rhyothemis 536 semilibera, Diaphlebia 197 seminoie, subsp. of tenera, Perithemis 526 semiteres, Malayogomphus 128 semivitrea, Libellula 522 semperi, Leptogomphus 129 senchalensis, subsp. of aberrane, Davidius 152 - , Anax 36 separata, subsp. of semihyalina, Rhyothemis 536 sepia, Tetragoneuria 277 septemflavus, Onychogomphus 180 septentrionalis, Aeshna 18 septentrionalis, Neurothemis 460 - , Somatochlora 274 séptima, G o m p h u s 112 - , Macromia 310 - , Micrathyria 346 - , Triacanthagyna 62 septimus, G o m p h u s 120 sequoiarum, Ophiogomphus 183 serapia, Orthetrum 423 serenus, subsp. of fruhstorferi, Davidius 154 - , Progomphus 213 sericea, Paracordulia 264 serpentina, Aeschna 183 serra, Libellula 394 serrata serrata, Aeshna 18 - osiliensis, Aeshna 18 - , P o m o t h e m i s 428 serrulatus, Onychogomphus 180 serva, Trithemis 511 servilia servilia, Crocothemis 438 - mariannae, Crocothemis 438 - novaguineensis, Crocothemis 438 servillei, Didymops 293 servum, Orthetrum 423 setífera, Neocordulia 283 sevastopuloi, Gynacantha 50 sevendipita, Synthemis 320 severini, Dromaeschna 66 - , Rhyothemis 536 severus severus, Ophiogomphus 186
- montanus, Ophiogomphus 186 sexlineata, Agrionoptera 378 sexmaculata sexmaculata, Palpopleura 523 - octomaculata, Palpopleura 523 sextans, Gynacantha 50 seydeli, Crenigomphus 102 - , Macromia 311 shanensis, Macromidia 291 Shaogomphus 147 shaowuensis, N i h o n o g o m p h u s 169 shirozui, Stylogomphus 161 shurtleffi, Cordulia 254 siamensis, Burmagomphus 100 - , subsp. of toninensis, Onychothemis 519 sibirica, subsp. of bimaculata, Epitheca 256 - , f. of flavipes, G o m p h u s 116 - , Libellula 480 - , Macromia 311 - , Somatochlora 271 sibylla, Orthemis 408 sicilica, f. of bidentata, Cordulegaster 243 siculii, Libellula 485 sieboldi sieboldi, Anotogaster 242 - kuchenbeiseri, Anotogaster 243 Sieboldius 217 siemensi, Uracis 363 sigma, Austroaeschna 67 signata, Phyllocycla 202 - signata, Urothemis 560 - aethiopica, Urothemis 561 - aliena, Urothemis 561 - insignata, Urothemis 561 - yieli, Urothemis 561 signiferum, Orthetrum 423 sikkima, Gynacanthaeschna 72 silvarum, Hemicordulia 261 - , Orthetrum 424 silvicola, H u o n i a 496 simalura, subsp. of chalybea, Brachydiplax 340 similata, Libellula 548 similis, Agrionoptera 378 - similis, Hemicordulia 261 - delicata, Hemicordulia 261 simillima, Gynacantha 47 simillimus, G o m p h u s 121 - maroccanus, G o m p h u s 121 - , N i h o n o g o m p h u s 169 simplex, Mesogomphus 188 - , Miathyria 541 - , Tramea 541 Simplicia, Heliaeschna 55 simplicicollis simplicicollis, Erythemis 445 - collocata, Erythemis 445 simpsoni, Cyanothemis 438 simulans, subsp. of asiatica, Latrecista 389
630 - , subsp. of cyanosura, Tetragoneuria 276 simulata, Aphylla 196 sinaiticum, subsp. of decoloratum, Sympetrum 471 sinaiticus, Paragomphus 192 sinensis, Boyeria 78 - , Diplax 470 Sinictinogomphus 230 sinicus, Onychogomphus 180 Sinogomphidia, subgen. of Gomphidia 221 Sinogomphus 158 singularis, Phyllogomphoides 206 sinuata, Libellula 522 sinuatus, subsp. of pyramidalis, Burmagomphus 99 sipedon, Erpetogomphus 110 sita, subsp. of limbata, Indothemis 457 sitchensis, Aeshna 18 sivalikensis, Burmagomphus 99 sjoestedti, Gomphidia 224 Sleuthemis 333 smaragdina, Diplacina 385 smithi, Crocothemis 414 - , Procordulia 267 smithii, Cannacria 364 - , Megalogomphus 166 snelleni, subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 533 sobrina, Brachydiplax 341 sobrinus, Gomphus 117 socia, Libellula 464 socialis, Gomphus 173 soembanum, subsp. of testaceum, Orthetrum 425 solimaea, subsp. of ochracea, Erythrodiplax 454 solitari, Aethiothemis 374 solitaria solitaria, Zonophora 216 - obscura, Zonophora 216 - , Anisogomphus 87 sollaarti, Brachydiplax 341 Somatochlora 268 sommeri, Megalogomphus 167 somnolens, Gomphus 121 sophia, Macromia 297 sophronia, Libellula 459 sophrosyne, Macromia 311 sordida, Phyllocycla 202 sordidus, Gomphus 118 soror, Diastatomma 220 - , Libellula 438 - , Trithemis 509 sowerby, Gomphus 97 souteri, subsp. of torquatus, Microgomphus 137 sparshalli, Libellula 542 speciosa, subsp. of unicornis, Austroaeschna 68 speciosum, subsp. of albistylum, Orthetrum 409
- speciosum, Sympetrum 483 - taiwanum, Sympetrum 483 speciosus, Chlorogomphus 240 - , Notogomphus 143 - speciosus, Zygonyx 569 - atritibiae, Zygonyx 569 spectabilis, Aeschna 183 spectabilis, subsp. of calippus, Zonophora 215 specularis, Erythemis 540 - , Octogomphus 158 speculatrix, Phyllocycla 203 speratus, Anax 35 spica tus, Gomphus 121 Spinaeschna 75 spinicauda, Nesocordulia 284 spiniceps, Stylurs 150 spinicornis, Ophiogomphus 186 spinifera, Micrathyria 351 spiniferus, Anax 32 spinifera, subsp. of flavifrons, Chalcostephia 343 spiniger, Synthemis 320 spinigera, Tetragoneuria 278 - var. suffosa, Tetragoneuria 278 spinosa, Tetragoneuria 278 spinosus, Dromogomphus 105 - , Notogomphus 143 spinulosa, Diplacodes 442 spirillus, Heliogomphus 125 splendens, Macromia 311 - , Rhyothemis 536 - , Chlorogomphus 240 - , Orogomphus 239 spoliatus, Dromogomphus 105 spuria, Micrathyria 351 squamata, Libellula 5 starrei, Pornothemis 428 Staurophlebia 58 stawiarskii, Micrathyria 352 stella, Tetragoneuria 278 stemmate stemmale, Orthetrum 424 - kalai, Orthetrum 424 - lemur, Orthetrum 424 - milloti, Orthetrum 424 Stenogomphus, subgen. of Gomphus 113 stenoloba, Tramea 550 stenoptera, Gynacantha 51 - , Oligoclada 358 sterilis, Dythemis 493 stevensi, Davidius 87 - , Idionyx 289 - , Perissogomphus 193 stevensoni, Gynacantha 51 stictica, Phyllopetalia 232 - , Trithemis 517 stigmata, Bradinopyga 434
631 stigmatus, Phyllogomphoides 207 stigmatizans stigmatizans, Neurothemis 462 - bramina, Neurothemis 462 - manadensis, Neurothemis 462 Stoechia 506 strachani, Bradinopyga 435 strenuus, Anax 35 striata, Crocothemis 438 striatus, Onychogomphus 180 striolatum striolatum, Sympetrum 483 - f. atlanticum, Sympetrum 478 - doshidordzii, Sympetrum 484 - imitoides, Sympetrum 484 - kurile, Sympetrum 484 - pallidum, Sympetrum 484 Strumagomphus 103 strumens, Ebegomphus 103 stueberi, Anacordulia 263 stuhlmanni, Nepogomphoides 138 - , subsp. of arteriosa, Trithemis 509 sty lata, Gynacantha 51 - , Libellula 548 Stylogomphus 160 Stylurus 148 styx, Onychogomphus 180 suasillus, Phyllogomphoides 207 suasus, Phyllogomphoides 207 Subaeschna 60 subalpina, Cordulia 268 subapicalis, Austroaeschna 67 subapicalis, Gomphus 90 subarctica subarctica, Aeshna 18 - interlineata, Aeshna 19 subbinotata, Tramea 546 subcancellata, Bradinopyga 434 subfasciata, Libellula 455 subfasciolata Libellula 412 subhyalina, Trithemis 440 subinterrupta, Gynacantha 51 subjuncta, subsp. ofbrevistyla, Eusynthemis 315 submedianus, Arigomphus 90 subobtusus, Epigomphus 107 subornata, Libellula 396 subphyllis, subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 533 subpruinosum, Sympetrum 468 subpupillata, Aeschna 17 subquadracies, Epigomphus 108 subsignata, subsp. of brevipennis, Aethriamantha 556 subsimilis, Epigomphus 108 sub tropicalis, Macromia 311 subviridis, Gynacantha 51 succumbeus, Gomphus 162 suensoni, Sinogomphus 160 sufficiens, Lanthanusa 498
suffos, var. of spinigera, Tetragoneuria 278 sulci, Tetrathemis 337 sulphurata, var. of ferruginea, Libellula 407 sumatrana, Neurothemis 459 - , Oligoaeschna 81 - , Tetracanthagyna 61 - , Tetrathemis 336 sumatranus, race of melaenops, Ictinus 227 - , Megalogomphus 167 sundana, subsp. of vittata, Epophthalmia 294 superba, Hemicordulia 261 superbus, Megalogomphus 167 - , Progomphus 213 - , Pseudoleon 465 superstes, Bironides 323 supinus supinus, Onychogomphus 180 - nigrotibialis, Onychogomphus 181 - xerophilus, Onychogomphus 181 supratriangularis, Zonophora 216 surinamensis, Zonophora 216 - , Micrathyria 352 suzukii, Chlorogomphus 240 - , Stylogomphus 161 svenhedini, Trigomphus 163 svihleri, Leptogomphus 129 sykinia, subsp. of sanguineum, Sympetrum 483 sylvatica, Macromia 311 sylvia, Oligoclada 358 - , Procordulia 267 sylvicola, Agriogomphus 85 symoensi, Phyllogomphus 147 Sympetrinae 430 Sympetrum 467 Syncordulia 285 Syntetrum, subgen. of Libellula 389 Synthemiopsis 316 Synthemis 317 Synthemistinae 314 syriaca, var. of semihyalina, Rhyothemis 536 syriaca, var. of arteriosa, Trithemis 508 szechuanicus, Asiagomphus 93 tabei, subsp. of citimus, Trigomphus 162 tabida, Dythemis 494 Tachopteryginae 233 Tachopteryx 234 tachyerges, Paragompus 192 Taeniogaster 249 taeniolata, Macromia 312 traeniolatum, Orthtrum 425 tahitensis, Aeschna 27 taiwana, Planaeschna 75 taiwanum, subsp. of speciosum, Sympetrum 483 taiyali, subsp. of petalura, Aeshna 17 takasago, Zygonyx 569
632 takashii, Asiagomphus 93 - , Gomphus 121 tamaracherriensis, Merogomphus 135 tandicola, Sympetrum 543 tantulus, Stylogomphus 161 tantillus, Progomphus 214 Tanypteryginae 235 Tanypteryx 235 Tapeinothemis 334 tarafia, subsp. of mysis, Nesoxenia 404 Tarnetrum 467 taruii, subsp. of moiwanus, Davidius 154 tasmanica, Ausroaeschna 67 - , Synthemis 320 tatrica, var. of aenea, Cordulia 253 tau, Hemicordulia 261 Tauriphila 543 telamoni, Sinogomphus 160 Telephlebia 82 tenaculatus, Tragogompus 152 tenax, Ictinogomphus 228 tenebrosa, Somatochlora 274 tenera, Hemicordulia 261 - tenera, Perithemis 526 - seminoie, Perithemis 526 tenerrimum, Diplax 471 tenuicincta, Libellula 526 tenuis, Aphylla 196 - , Erythrodiplax 455 - , Gynacantha 51 - Karsch, Macrothemis 501 - Hägen, Macrothemis 503 Temnogomphus 151 tepeaca, Brechmorhoga 491 terminalis,subsp. of asiatica, Lathrecista 389 - , Libellula 542 terminata terminata, Neurothemis 463 - obscura, Neurothemis 463 Termitophorba 432 ternaria, Libellula 395 terpsichore Förster, Macromia 312 - Martin, Macromia 301 territoria, Austrocordulia 280 tesselata, Libellula 493 - tesselata, Macrothemis 503 - inequiunguis, Macrothemis 503 testacea, Onychothemis 519 testaceipenne, f. of kunckeli, Sympetrum 476 testaceum testaceum, Orthetrum 425 - soembanum, Orthetrum 425 tetra, Libellula 441 tetra unimaculata, Diplacodes 441 Tetracanthagyna 60 Tetragoneuria 276 tetraphylla, Lindenia 229
4-punctata, Libellula 531 Tetrathemis 334 Tetrathemistinae 321 tetra unimaculata, Diplacodes 441 teuchestes, Bironides 323 thailandicus, Microgomphus 138 thais, Huonia 497 - , Perithemis 527 thalassophila Martin, Huonia 495 - Förster, Huonia 497 Thalassothemis 505 thalia, Macromia 302 Thanatophora 113 Thecadiplax 467 Thecaphora Charpentier, subgen. of Aeschna 243 Thecaphora Selys, 249 theeli, Somatochlora 274 thelyphonus, subsp. of chelifer, Microgomphus 136 theodorina, Aphylla 196 theresiae, Anatya 338 Thermochoria 361 Thermothemis 430 thetis, Macromia 307 thisbe, Huonia 497 - , subsp. of regia, Rhyothemis 535 thienemanni, Onychogomphus 181 Tholymis 552 thomasi, Urothemis 561 thomassoni, Nihonogomphus 169 thoracantha, Diplax 360 thoracicus, Macrogomphus 133 thoreyi, Tachopteryx 234 tibiale, Sympetrum 484 tibialis, Micrathyria 352 - , Progomphus 214 tibiata, Gynacantha 52 tigris, Pseudictinus 230 tigri ven tris, Diaphlebia 198 Tilithemis 563 tillarga, Tholymis 552 tillyardi, Macromia 312 - , Metaphya 263 - , Palaeothemis 333 - , subsp. of godeffroyi, Telephlebia 83 - , subsp. of loewi, Tramea 549 tincta, Diasta tops 521 - , f. of paradoxa, Gomphomacromia 281 titschacki, Phyllocycla 203 t-nigrum, Gomphidia 225 Toaeschna 60 toddi, subsp. of chrysostigma, Orthetrum 415 tokyoensis, Macromia 300 tomentosa, Somatochlora 275
633 tonkinensis tonkinensis, Onychothemis 519 - ceylanica, Onychothemis 519 - siamensis, Onychothemis 519 - Onychogomphus 181 - , Phaenandrogomphus 144 torpens, Merogomphus 135 torquatus torquatus, Microgomphus 137 - souteri, Microgomphus 137 torrentícola, Diplacina 386 torrida, Tyriobapta 362 torridus torridus, Zygonyx 569 - isis, Zygonyx 570 - insulanus, Zygonyx 569 torvus, Labrogomphus 126 townesi, Stylurus 151 toxopei, Hemicordulia 262 Tragogomphus 151 Tramea 545 trameiformis, Antidythemis 538 Trameinae 538 translatum, Orthetrum 425 transluciata, ab. of albifrons, Leucorrhinia 368 translúcida, f. of crenata, Aeshna 8 - , Tramea 548 transmarina transmarina, Tramea 550 - euryale, Tramea 551 - intersecta, Tramea 551 - yayeyamana, Tramea 551 transcorensis, Idionyx 289 transversa, Dydimops 293 - , Erythrodiplax 455 - , var. of curiosa, Rhyothemis 531 Trapezostigma 545 travancorensis, Idionyx 289 travassosi, Brechmorhoga 491 Triacanthagyna 61 triadica, Cephalaeschna 71 triangulare triangulare, Orthetrum 425 - malaccensis, Orthetrum 426 triangularis, Rhyothemis 536 triangulifera, Anaciaeschna 28 triceraticus, Ceratogomphus 101 tricolor, Diastatomma 20 - , Lyriothemis 401 - , Orthetrum 419 triedra, Libellula 469 trifasciata, Macromia 312 trífida, Triacanthagyna 62 trifidum, Acisoma 431 Trigomphus 161 trimaculata, Libellula 394 trinacria, Orthetrum 426 trinacriae, race of boltoni, Cordulegaster 244 trinervulata, Heliaeschna 55 - , Neodythemis 332
trinus, Onychogomphus 181 tripartía, Libellula 455 tripunctata, Spinaeschna 75 tristani, Erpetogomphus 110 tristis, Anax 35 tristrigata, Tetrathemis 336 Trithemis 506 Trithemistinae 487 trithemoides, Porpacithemis 359 trituberculata, Macromia 307 trivialis, Diplacodes 442 trocki, Phyllomacromia 309 tropicalis, Macromia 309 tropicana, subsp. of africana, Trithemis 508 trox, Davidius 155 truncatula, Libellula 432 truncatum, Orthetrum 413 tryoni, Telephlebia 83 tuberculífera, Aeshna 19 tullía, Neurothemis 463 tumefactus, Epigomphus 108 tumens, Agriogomphus 85 tumidula, Agyrtacantha 38 tumorifer, Anax 35 tunti, Chlorogomphus 240 tupiensis, Nephepeltia 356 turfosa, subsp. of aenea, Cordulia 254 turneri, Austrogomphus 96 - , Rhyothemis 535 turrialba, Uracis 363 tyleri, Trithemis 451 Tyriobapta 361 ubadschii, Stylurus 151 uchidae, Somatochlora 275 uelensis, Neurogomphus 140 ugandica, Heliaeschna 55 uhleri, Helocordulia 256 ukerewensis, Heliaeschna 56 umbrata, Erythrodiplax 455 umbratus, Gomphus 118 umbricola, Oligoclada 358 umbrosa umbrosa, Aeshna 19 - occidentalis, Aeshna 19 - , subsp. of chrysobaphes, Zygonyx 568 uncatus, Cyanogomphus 104 - , Onychogomphus 181 undula ta, Aeshna 19 undulatus, Phyllogomphoides 207 unguiculata, Aeschna 181 - , Idionyx 289 unguiculatus, subsp. of forcipatus, Onychogomphus 174 ungulata, Micrathyria 352 unicolor, Aeshna 19
634 - , Heterogomphus 167 - , Nannophya 354 - , Neurothemis 462 unicornis unicornis, Austroaeschna 67 - speciosa, Austroaeschna 68 - , Leptogomphus 129 unifasciatus, Gomphus 163 unifasciata Rambur, Libellula 433 - de Geer, Libellula 455 - , Macromia 312 - , Periaeschna 74 uniforme, Sympetrum 484 uniformis, Acanthaeschna 64 - , Belonia 391 unilineata, Hemistigma 345 unimaculata, subsp. of tetra, Diplacodes 441 - , Erythrodiplax 456 uninervulata uninervulata, Heliaeschna 56 - beesoni, Heliaeschna 56 miseries, Macrothemis 501 uniseta, Gynothemis 495 Uniamo 458 Uracis 362 urania, Macromia 312 urolobatus, Chlorogomphus 240 Uropetala 234 uropetalia, Oligoaeschna 81 Urotheminae 555 Urothemis 558 usambarica, Gynacantha 52 ussuriensis, Leucorrhinia 371 usumbarica, subsp. of ellioti, Aeshna 9 vacillane, Amphithemis 379 vadoni, Onychogomphus 181 valida, Macrothemis 503 validus, Anax 36 Vanderia 229 vandykei, Merogomphus 135 vanderweeli, Heliaeschna 55 varia, Libellula 8 variabillis, Agrionoptera 373 variegata, Aeshna 19 - , Libellula 522 - variegata, Rhyothemis 537 - imperatrix, Rhyothemis 537 variegatum, Acisoma 432 vastus, Gomphurus 113 velox, Dythemis 494 - , subsp. of celebensis, Ictinogomphus 226 venator, Syncordulia 286 venatrix, Oligoaeschna 81 - , Plattycantha 58 venipunctata, Gynothemis 495 venosa, Dasythemis 382
ventricosus, Gomphurus 113 venusta, Erythrodiplax 456 - , Oligoaeschna 81 vera, subsp. of metallica, Somatochlora 273 verbenata, Lepthemis 444 vermicularis, Burmagomphus 99 verna, Celithemis 367 vernalis, Aeschna 68 - , Lanthus 157 verinensis, Libellula 469 verschnereni, Notogomphus 142 versicolor, Libellula 395 versuta, Hadrothemis 387 verticalis, Aeshna 20 - , Microgomphus 138 verticicornis, Epigomphus 108 verum, Sympetrum 485 vesiculata, Gynacantha 52 vesiculosa, Erythemis 445 vesiculosus, Cyclogomphus 104 vesta, Phyllocycla 203 vestita, Palpopleura 523 v-flavus, Burmagomphus 100 vibex, Cannaphila 380 vibrans, Libellula 397 vicentina, Cordulia 270 vicinum, Sympetrum 485 vicinus, Neurogomphus 140 victor, Progomphus 214 victoria, Acanthagyna 64 - , Libellula 436 victoriae, Gyncantha 52 - , Tetrathemis 337 vidua, Rhyothemis 534 viduatum, subsp. of sabina, Orthetrum 423 vietnamensis, Chlorogomphus 240 vigintipunctata, Aeshna 20 vilis, Libellula 454 villata, Tetracanthagyna 61 villiersi, Nesocordulia 284 villosa, Gynacanta 52 - , Rialla 267 villosipes, Arigomphus 90 villosum, Sympetrum 485 villosovittatum, Orthetrum 426 vilma, Gynacantha 52 vinosa, Boyeria 78 - , Libellula 493 viola, Zenithoptera 528 violacea, Libellula 527 - , Trithemis 507 viperinus, Erpetogomphus 110 virens Rambur, Aeschna 24 - Charpentier, Aeschna 20 - , Hemicordulia 262
635 virginensis, Neurocordulia 264 virginiae, Progomphus 214 virginia, Tramea 551 virgula, Eusynthemis 316 virgulum, subsp. of illotum, Sympetrum 476 viridescens, Macromia 313 - , Zygonyx 570 viridiaenea viridiaenea, Somatochlora 275 - atrovirens, Somatochlora 275 viridicinctus, Libellula 173 viridicosta, Onychogomphus 182 viridifrons, Cephalaeschna 71 - , Hylogomphus 126 viridior, Paragomphus 193 viridipleuris, Phyllocycla 203 viridis Eversmann, Aeshna 20 - Rambur, Aeschna 52 - , Nihonogomphus 169 viriditas, Coryphaeschna 24 Viridithemis 486 viridivittata, Aeschna 56 viridula, Libellula 542 - , Viridithemis 486 vittata vittata, Epophthalmia 294 - cyanocephala, Epophthalmia 294 - sundana, Epophtalmia 294 vittata, Libellula 531 - , Urothemis 557 vittatus, Hydrobasileus 540 vitellina, subsp. of phyllis, Rhyothemis 533 vittigera vittigera, Epophthalmia 294 - bellicosa, Epophthalmia 295 vivax, Brechmorhoga 492 vokitanskyi, Zonophora 197 volsella, Phyllocycla 203 volxemi, Neocordulia 283 vorax, Ictinus 228 vrijdahi, Hadrothemis 388 vrydaghi, Ortherum 417 vulgatissimus, Gomphus 121 vulgatum vulgatum, Sympetrum 485 - flavum, Sympetrum 486 - fuscopterum, Sympetrum 486 - grandis, Sympetrum 486 - imitans, Sympetrum 486 - , f. rossicum, Sympetrum 485 vulgipes, Macrothemis 503 vulvalis, Anisogomphus 87
- , Onychogomphus 182 walshi, Acrogomphus 164 - , Somatochlora 275 walshii, var. of fraternus, Gomphus 111 walshinghami, Anax 36 waltheri, Cyanogomphus 104 - , Perithemis 527 walterhousei, Tetracanthagyna 61 watsoni, Spinaeschna 76 watulikii, Aethiothemis 374 wayana, Staurophlebia 60 weiskei, Austroaeschna 68 werneri, Trithemis 518 westfalli, Epigomphus 108 - , Gomphus 122 - , Malgassophlebia 326 westwoodi, Macromia 313 whedoni, Gomphus 89 wheeleri, Gomphidictinus 224 whitehousei, Somatochlora 275 whitei, Macromia 299 wijaya, Microgomphus 138 wilkinsi, Cyclogomphus 104 williamsi, Progomphus 214 williamsoni, Aphylla 196 - Fraser, Burmagomphus 96 - williamsoni Förster, Burmagomphus 100 - austrosundanus, Burmagomphus 100 - javicus, Burmagomphus 100 - , Dythemis 494 - , Gomphidia 225 - , Gomphus 118 - , Leptogomphus 129 - , Somatochlora 276 - , Tetragoneuria 278 Williamsonia 278 williamsoniana, Aeshna 20 willinki, Macrothemis 503 wilsoni, Brachythemis 434 witchwoodensis, Microgomphus 137 wittei, Aeshna 21 - , Neurogomphus 140 wollastoni, Synthemis 320 woodfordi, Protorthemis 429 wrighti, subsp. of branchiale, Orthetrum 412 wucherpfennigi, Zonophora 216 wuzhishanus, Anisogomphus 87 wynaadicus, Macrogomphus 133
wabashensis, Macromia 313 wahnesi, Protorthemis 429 walkeri, Aeshna 20 - , Oligoclada 358 - , Somatochlora 274 walli, Heliogomphus 125
xanthenatus, Gomphus 119 xanthopleura, Oligoclada 359 xanthoptera, Chlorogomphus 241 xanthosoma, Orchithemis 405 - , Platycordulia 265 xanthosticta, subsp. of nigra, Eusynthemis 316
636 Xenogomphus 161 xerophilus, subsp. of supinus, Onychogomphus 181 xiphea, Tauriphila 544 yamaskanensis, Neurocordulia 264 yapensis, Agrionoptera 378 yayeyamana, subsp. of transmarina, Tramea 551 yayeyamensis, Asiagomphus 93 - , Leptogomphus 130 yerburii, Tetrathemis 337 - , Trithemis 510 yieli, subsp. of signata, Urothemis 561 yolanda, Idionyx 289 yosico, subps. of risi, Sympetrum 481 Ypirangathemis 487 ypsilon, Cyclogompus 104 yunnanensis, Brachydiplax 341 yutsehongi, Nannodiplax 353 zallorensis zallorensis, Davidius 155 - delineatus, Davidius 155 zamba, Oligoaeschna 81 zambeziensis, Paragomphus 193
zebra, Microgomphus 138 zebratus, Gomphus 121 Zenithoptera 527 zephyrus, Progomphus 214 zernyi, Notogomphus 143 - , subsp. of hintzi, Orthetrum 417 zeylanica, Macromia 313 zonale, Orthetrum 505 zonata, Pseudothemis 504 zonatus, Progompus 214 Zonophora 214 Zonothrasys 432 Zoraena 249 zuluensis, Gynacantha 53 Zygonidia 563 Zygonoides 562 Zygonychidium 563 Zygonychinae 561 Zygonyx 563 zygoptera, Aeschnophlebia 65 - , Eothemis 324 z-viridum, Paragomphus 193 Zyxomma 553 Zyxommatinae 552 Zyxommoides 555
As of Part 102 Das Tierreich is published in hard cover. Since 1958 the following have appeared Contribution
No. of pages
1958 1962
16 pages, 9 figures XII, 468 pages, 245 figures
REPTILIA: Helodermatidae
M. Beier
ORTHOPTERA: Tettigoniidae (Pseudophyllinae I)
M. Beier
ORTHOPTERA: Tettignoniidae (Pseudophyllinae II)
396 pages, 241 figures
TREMATODA (Digenea): Plagiorchiidae III (Haematoloechinae) und Omphalometridae
IV, 77 pages 60 figures
K. Sanft
AVES (Upupae): Bucerotidae
IV, 176 pages 106 figures
R. Kilias
63 pages, 47 figures
Tonnidae 78
St. W. Gorham
GYMNOPHIONA, Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
X, 25 pages
R. Mertens
HELODERMATIDAE, VARANIDAE, LANTHANOTIDAE. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
X, 26 pages
H. Wermuth
GEKKONIDAE, PYGOPODIAE, XANTUSIIDAE. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
XXII, 246 pages
COLUBRIDAE (Dipsadinae). Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
VIII, 18 pages
J. lilies
XXX, 632 pages, 20 figures
R. Mertens
CHAMAELEONIDAE. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
X, 37 pages
C. Gans
UROPELTIDAE. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
29 pages
St. W. Gorham
XVI, 222 pages
AGAMIDAE. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
XIV, 127 pages
CORDYLIDAE (Cordylinae + Gerrhosaurinae). Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
X, 30 pages
F. Haas
BIVALVIA: Unionacea
X, 663 pages, 5 figures
Contri- Author bution
No. of pages
A. F. Stimson
BOIDAE, (Boinae + Bolyeriinae + Loxoceminae + Pythoninae). Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
XI, 49 pages
H. Wermuth
ANGUIDAE, ANNIELLIDAE, XENOSAURIDAE. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
XII, 41 pages
M. Fischer
HYMENOPTERA: Braconidae (Opiinae I)
XII, 620 pages, 463 figures
R. Kilias
1973 Vili, 235 pages, 149 figures
P. Banarescu & T.T.Nalbant
PISCES, TELEOSTEI: Cyprinidae (Gobioninae)
1973 VII, 304 pages, 154 figures, 19 maps
P. Zwick
PLECOPTERA, Phylogenetisches System und Katalog
1973 XXXII, 465 pages, 75 figures
E. Duellmann
HYLIDAE, CENTROLENIDAE, PSEUDIDAE. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
1976 XIX, 225 pages
M. Fischer
HYMENOPTERA: Braconidae (Optiinae Ii/Amerika)
1038 pages, 890 figures
IX, 180 pages, 39 figures
1976 VIII, 165 pages, 52 figures
1976 VI, 86 pages 26 figures
H. Wermuth & t R. Mertens
TESTUDINES, CROCODYLIA, RHYNCHOCEPHALIA. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
1976 XXVII, 174 pages
ANOMALEPIDIDAE, LEPTOTYPHLOPIDAE, TYPHLOPIDAE. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien
XII, 93 pages
H. Steinmann
DERMAPTERA Catadermaptera I
XIV, 343 pages
SAGINAE Saltatoria- Tettigoniidae
VIII, 92 pages
XV, 734 pages
H. Steinmann
DERMAPTERA Catadermaptera II
XIX, 504 pages
Contri- Author bution 106
H. Steinmann
H. Steinmann
DERMAPTERA Eudermaptera I MYRIAPODA 4 Polydesmida: Oxydesmidae
No. of pages
1989 XX, 558 pages 1990
XVI, 512 pages
DERMAPTERA Eudermaptera II
XXII, 711 pages
A. M. Bauer
GEKKONIDAE (Reptilia Sauria)
1994 XIV, 306 pages
H. Steinmann
1997 XXII, 500 pages
H. Steinmann
World Catalogue of Odonata Volume I Zygoptera World Catalogue of Odonata Volume II Anisoptera
1997 XIV, 636 pages