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Tausug Pages [88] Year 1973
Daakan sin Sultan kan kik (formerly Hinda Itik) The King's Command to Duck
bY Seymour and Lois Ashley
Illustrations by Nathaniel T. Tianero
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Summer Institute of Lingumfics—Philippines, Inc. Translators Publishers 1973
Published in cooperation with Bureau of Public Schools and Institute of National Language of the Department of Education Manila, Philippines
2nd Edition 26.11-573-1.04M Printed in the Philippines
52.30P -36012MC P Z
FOREWORD Some of the glory of the Philippines lies in the beautiful variety of people and languages within its coasts. It is to the great credit of the national leadership over the years that no attempt has been made to destroy this national heritage. The goal has been instead to preserve its integrity and dignity while building on this strong foundation a lasting super-structure of national language and culture. The present book is one of many designed for this ptupose. It recognizes the pedagogical importance of dividing literacy and second-language learning into two steps—literacy being the first. When a student has learned to read the language he understands best, the resulting satisfaction in his accomplishment gives the drive and confidence he needs to learn the national language His ability to read, furthermore, is the indispensable tool for the study this program will require. The Department of Education of the Philippines is proud to present this latest volume in a nationwide series designed to teach the national language through literacy in the vernaculars. It will strengthen both the parts of the nation and the whole. Juan L. Manuel Secretary
One of the noble aims of Education is to equip every citizen to participate meaningfully in his society and to share in shaping the destiny of his country. Providing literacy instruction in each man's vernacular is a basic step in realizing this goal. To promote this purpose the Summer Institute of Linguistics works in agreement with and under the auspices of the Department of Education in the Preparation of instructional and supplementary reading materials for the various Cultural Minorities of our country. The Bureau of Public Schools takes pleasure, therefore, in presenting this volume of literacy material which is part of its list of approved supplementary reading materials prepared for use by the Public School in the areas using the vernacular of these materials. LICERIA BRILLANTES SORIANO Director of Public Schools
PREFACE This primer has been prepared to teach the skill of reading to the Tausug people of Sulu, the Republic of the Philippines. An eclectic method is used. In essence, each new symbol is taught by means of a key word and then reinforced in drills and story material in the same lesson. Two workbooks have also been prepared to use in conjunction with the primer. The first, Magsakap Kita Magbacha, is a pre-primer workbook. It should be taught first to prepare the student for the primer. The second workbook, Atulan Magbacha is to be taught at the same time that the primer is. It contains the drill material and the instructions to the teacher for teaching the total lesson including both the primer and the workbook. The symbolization of the Tausug alphabet is as follows: a, b, k, ch, d, g, h, j, 1, m, n, ny, ng, p, r, s, t, u, w, y„‘-. Glottal stop is not written between vowels or word initial. It is written with a grave accent ‘) word final. Adjacent to a consonant within a word it is written with a hypen ( - ). Vowel length is symbolized with a macron over the vowel (in the workbook which accompanies this primer). It has been indicated only in cases where ambiguity might otherwise result. The above symbols closely represent their counterparts in the National Language.
itik a i u Yari in itik. Yari
Yari in utak. Yari in itik. Yari in u itik.
powwwwwwww.ssiwaw Rik, Rik, Rik, Lupad
Rik, Rik, Rik, kaw.
Sulat ini, Sulat ini, Sulat ini, Da kaw.
a i u sa si su
nagda sulat da
nagsulat nag
AO Yari in itik nagda sulat.
Yari in usa.
a i u A I U
sa si su Sa Si Su
Nagda in itik sulat. Nag-usa in itik.
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sini ni a i u na ni nu In ini, pay. pay sulat sin itik sin ha utak ha Unu ini? In ini, sini. V Unu ini? In ini, pay.
na ni nu Na Ni Nu
Naani sin utak in pay.
Nainu-inu in itik ha utak.
siki ki a i u ka ki ku
laung sin itik laung
"Nag-unu in utak kaina?" jaung sin itik. "Nag-ani," laung sin usa.
ka ki ku Ka Ki Ku
dttifi "Nasusa na aku," laung sin itik. "Nagsiki na aku. In usa ku nagsisini-sini na." 110
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gasa ga a i u ga gi gu
itik iban utak iban
Yari in gasa. In gasa ini, gasa sin naga.
ga gi gu Ga Gi Gu Unu ini? Naga iban agasi. "Igi in gasa," laung sin naga. "Unu in guna sin gasa?" laung sin agasi.
Nagsisiga in naga. In agasi nagda gasa. Nainu-inu in itik iban utak.
siya ya a i u ya yi yu Yari in sultan. sultan itik yan yan Ha unu
Ha Ha unu in siya? Yan na. In siya yan, siya sin sultan.
ya yi yu Ya Yi Yu Sultan sa yan. Nagsusulat siya. Yan na in siyulat niya. In nagda sin sulat, itik. Yari in naga nagsisiga. "Kaa in sulat yan," laung sin naga. "Ha unu in sulat?" laung sin agasi.
bauu ba a i u ba bi bu
ha lawm kayu lawm
Yari in bauu. Na, biyaga siya sin naga.
ba bi bu Ba Bi Bu Yari in bauu. Bini siya sin naga. ,///
"Ukabi aku bauu.
laung sin Yari in itik iban utak. "Iyunu sin maga in bauu?" laung sin utak. "Yari siya ha lawm bubu," laung sin itik. "Ukabi aku," laung sin bauu. "Siba in agasi," laung sin itik. "Ha unu na siya?"
sakayan yan ya yi yu yan yin yun
Magsakayan Hag
magsakayan mag
Yari in sakayan. Unu in guna niya yan? Magsakayan ka siya? Sin bukun kaniya.
"Siyu in nagbi sin bauu, Rik? Bukun agasi?" "Bukun," laung sin itik. Bukun agasi. Naga in nagbi." "Agun niya aku kaunun," laung sin bauu. ,1/2
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"Mag-iban aku kaniyu,' laung sin bauu. "Ibanan ku magda sin .-. iree. sulat."
subd bd ba bi bu bd bi b0
Yari pa in itik. pa
Yari in subd. Yan na in sakayan ha lawm subd.
Les (MIS Cegi "Kugan aku," laung sin itik. "Mag—iban in bauu kakis magda sin sulat."
toy /c(t
"Sibi—sibi pa aku," laung sin bauu, "iban bAgu aku nakA sin naga, sA in inA ku biyun0 na sin naga iban agasi. Kiyugan aku sin bagAyun niyu aku."
makina ma a i u ma mi mu
Magsakayan kaw. kaw
Yari na in makina Bagu bini sin buaya. "Busi aku," laung sin naga. "Pa suba aku Mani gasa."
"Mag-unu kaw, Kaba-kabi?" laung sin itik. "Kamayg-may4 kamu," laung sin kaba-kabi. "Yan na in naga: Mamun0 siya kaniyu!"
ma mi mu Ma Mi Mu
Miyuga in bauu. Kiyabin niya in sulat.
"Busi kami sakayan mu, Am0," laung sin itik. "Magda kami .„, ---) sulat sin sultan."
kabug bug ba bi bu bag big bug
Huun, in ini Huun
Yari in kabug. Huun ba. Makayug siya. Huun ba.
Yan na in sakayan ha lawm suba. Makusug in bauu.
Biya sin makina in kusug niya. Yari in kabug ha lawm niyug. Kabig in siki niya. "Na," laung niya ha itik, "makusug in bauu niyu yan. Maibug aku kaniya." "Huun," laung sin itik. "Mag—iban siya kaki) magda sulat sin sultan." "Ha unu in sulat sin sultan?" laung sin kabug. -.Sow
a i u la li lu
Way na. Way
In ini lima sin agasi. Malagg0 in lima niya. Way ila ha lima niya? Way.
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la li lu La Li Lu 1-4'23
"Ha unu in sulat, Bauu?" laung sin itik. "Way aku nagda," laung sin bauu. "MiyugA aku kaina." Na, agun magkalu in itik iban bauu. "Magmula na aku," laung sin itik. "Sulat san sin sultan.
"Mag-unu na kaw yan, Bauu?" laung sin itik. "Balikun ku in sulat, 4, Kalu-kalu way pa .4.. nakA sin naga. Lagun ku Wrha liyu sin subA." "Huun. Sigld kaw, Bauu."
la li lu las lis lus
Yari in kalis. Kan siyu in kalis? Kan Agasi.
Makug na in naga. Kiyabaakan niya in sulat sin sultan. "Mag-unu na kaw?" laung sin agasi. "Kaunun ku in itik iban bauu," laung sin naga.
Sakali, nagbus na in naga makina. Makusug in makina iban kiyugan in naga, sa way siya nagbi gasulin. Na, naubus man in gasulin ha lawm makina, nalimun na siya. Agun malOmus. Way na,laga niya iban asu. Miyaki na siya. 161 9 V ceThc_ —_
ka ku kay kuy
bay hi Gani hi
Yari in bukay. Kan siyu siya bagay? Suy-suy hi Bugsay, Kan Bauu nagbagay.
Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Bugsay kaw. Way na Way na Way na Miyaki
Kiya na hi Bukay in sulat. Nagbagay sila kay Bauu. et