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German Pages 316 Year 2008
Constitutions of the World from the late 18th Century to the Middle of the 19th Century Verfassungen der Welt vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts
Constitutions of the World from the late 18th Century to the Middle of the 19th Century Sources on the Rise of Modern Constitutionalism Editor in Chief Horst Dippel America: Volume 1
Verfassungen der Welt vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts Quellen zur Herausbildung des modernen Konstitutionalismus Herausgegeben von Horst Dippel Amerika: Band 1
K·G ·Saur 2008
Constitutional Documents of the United States of America 1776–1860 Part VI: Rio Grande – Texas Edited by Horst Dippel
Verfassungsdokumente der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika 1776–1860 Teil VI: Rio Grande – Texas Herausgegeben von Horst Dippel
K·G ·Saur 2008
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalibliothek The Deutsche Nationalibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de.
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar.
U Printed on acid-free paper / Gedruckt auf alterungsbeständigem Papier
© 2008 by K . G. Saur Verlag, München Ein Imprint der Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG Printed in Germany All Rights Strictly Reserved / Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Technical Partner / Technischer Partner: Mathias Wündisch, Leipzig Printed and Bound / Druck und Bindung: Strauss GmbH, Mörlenbach 978-3-598-35756-5
Contents Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ley orgánica de la República del Río Grande (1840) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Constitution of South Carolina (1776) Constitution of South Carolina (1778) Constitution of South Carolina (1790) Amendment of 1808 . . . . . . Amendment of 1810 . . . . . . Amendment of 1816 . . . . . . Amendment of 1820 . . . . . . Amendment of 1828 . . . . . . Amendment of 1834 . . . . . . Failed Amendment of 1849 . . . Amendment of 1852 . . . . . . Amendment of 1854 . . . . . . Amendment of 1856 . . . . . . Failed Amendment of 1856 . . . Failed Amendment of 1857 . . . Amendment of 1860 . . . . . . Amendment of 1861 . . . . . .
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Constitution of Tennessee (1796) . . . . . Constitution of Tennessee (1834) . . . . . First Failed Amendment of 1843 . . Second Failed Amendment of 1843 Failed Amendment of 1851 . . . . . Amendments of 1853 . . . . . . . .
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Constitución de Tejas (1827) / Constitution of Texas (1827) . . . . . . . . . Failed Constitution of Texas (1833) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interim Constitution of Texas (1835) / Constitución interina de Tejas (1835) Constitution of Texas (1836) / Constitución de Tejas (1836) . . . . . . . . . Constitution of Texas (1845) / Constitución de Tejas (1845) . . . . . . . . . Verfassung von Texas (1845) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amendment of 1850 / Änderung von 1850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Failed Amendment of 1858 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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97 167 179 197 225 279 306 307
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
It has become one of my most appreciated responsibilities in thanking those who helped to get these volumes published to start with, again, gratefully acknowledging the help and assistance of Brandon Haynes of the Administrative Office of the Courts of the State of Kentucky. More than the usual way in which he, again, contributed to this volume in giving advice and providing literature otherwise hard to access did he first direct me to the Republic of the Rio Grande and explored avenues that may have led to the so far unpublished document. His efforts were finally crowned with success through the ingenious detective capacities of Dr. Tillmann Hein from Dallas, TX who succeeded in putting the puzzle together which eventually led all the way to Mexico City. My most sincerely thanks for his untiring efforts, which includes also my gratitude to all others involved, including Susana Zavala in Mexico. Chuck Lesser of the South Carolina State Archives was an indispensable help concerning the documents of this state, while Darla Brock of the Tennessee State Archives, her husband Eddie Weeks of the Tennessee Legislative
Library, and Nick Wyman of the University of Tennessee Special Collections Library did their best to bring the Tennessee documents into shape. As extended as the state is the list of those who assisted in getting the constitutions of Texas published. Mike Widener, while still in Austin and before moving to Yale, merits mentioning as do John Anderson, Jonathan Pratter, Margaret L. Schlankey, Aryn Glacier, Roy E. Hinojosa, Leslie Prather-Forbis, and others of the University of Texas at Austin, the Texas State Archives, and the Texas State Law Library, respectively. To all of them, and to the numerous additional hands and minds within and outside the respective states I want to extend my most sincere thanks. Without them the volume would not have been possible, though any mistakes or errors it may contain are exclusively my own. Horst Dippel Note on electronic sources: all documents located on the Internet, which were used in the process of editing this volume, were accessed during September 2008.
Ley orgánica de la República del Río Grande (1840)
Dictamen que presentó la comicion de la Junta combencional y aprobado el 26 del que finaliza por esta en casa de Blancas1
Honorable Asamblea La comicion nombrada para dictaminar sobre los medios que devan adoptarse para procurar seguridad y defensa de los Pueblos de la frontera del Norte de la Republica tiene el honor de presentar a cuerpo tan respetable el siguiente dictamen que por falta de tiempo y luces para tratar con toda perfeccion asunto de tanta importancia unicamente se contrahe a la sencilla esposicion del origen vicioso del actual Govierno de Mejico, a la enumeracion de los males yá insufribles que ha causado como consecuencia precisa de su ilegitimidad, y el arbitro que en las presentes circunstancias de anarquia en que se halla la Nacion juzga bastante para remediarlos en la parte posible – Publico y notorio es que desde el malhadado año de 834 en que el Gral Santa Ana pr un acto el mas despótico y atentatorio contra la soberania de la nacion destruyó su representacion se ha pasado de sancionar y vitimar el principio "que los Pueblos son pa el Govierno y no este para aquellos." Desde entonces todos himnos a los congresos de los Estados desentenderse de su sagrado deber de atender y remediar las necesidades de sus comitentes por que temieron correr igual ó peor suerte que la representacion nacional si por desgracia incurrian pr alguna de sus disposiciones en el desagrado del omnipotente q. acababa de aparecerles. Este paso sumamente deshon-
rroso para la Nacion y que la llenó de terror y espanto, pues que le anunciaba nada menos que la proxima perdida de su libertad, no fue el unico que tubo que dar el Gral Santa Anna p.a poder establecer por medio de sus armas (por que en aquella epoca el Exto era de él y nó de la Nacion) el Govierno que mas le conbenia. Los Estados de Puebla y Zacatecas hicieron esfuerzos en seguida en favor de la moribunda livertad, mas estos fueron inutiles, pues a causa quizá de haber querido obrar aisladamente no tuvieron otros resultados que aumentar el terror y espanto difundidos ya en toda la Republica; poner en manos del despota los recursos con que contaban para defenderla dandole en esto mayor poder para destruirla, y la escandolosisima venta p.r no decir robo de las ricas minas del fresnillo. Con esto el Gral Santa Anna acabó de desarmar a la Nacion y dió tanto poder a sus armas que sin necesidad de que bolbieran a obrar fisicamente hizo que algunos Ayuntamientos sin facultades ningunas al efecto pidieron el cambio del Sistema. Estas funciones ilegitimas resividas p.r unas camaras que por sí y ante sí se declararon autorisadas para decretar el cambio, motivaron el celebre decreto de eterna maldicion para los Mejicanos, que derribó la forma de gobierno que libre y espontaneamente se havian dado el año de 24 y este es el origen espurio de ese monstruo de su llamado gobierno por antifracis2 que tantos males ha causado a
R IO G RANDE la nacion. Desde esa epoca de infausta memoria esta se halla inconstituida; los males se multiplican cada día, y crese el abandono en que se tiene a los Pueblos ¿Pero que podia hunicamente esperarse de un Govierno que deve su existencia a la violencia, que se conserva por la misma y cuyos intereses son diametralmente opuestos a los de los Pueblos? Nada mas que males sobre males: Violencias sobre violencias: desgracias y mas desgracias y en suma la destrucción progresiva [. . . ]3 existe en la Republica por cuya comprovacion servirá la simple enumeracion de algunos de los que han pasado y sufridose en esta frontera. Como un govierno ilegitimo todo lo teme y no se ocupa mas que de su conservacion el de Mexico comenzó p.r destruir las incompletas compañias presidiales unica defensa que tenian estos Estados contra las tribus salbajes que diariamente los hostilisan, pr que siendo estas compuestas de vecinos de la frontera que nunca han merecido confianza, temió que si permanecian con las armas en la mano tarde ó temprano las levantarian contra su ilegitimidad en union de los Pueblos. Por igual motivo los privó tambien del otro recurso de las milicias locales con que los agració la ley que los destruyó en la Republica dejandolos con esto enteramente inemes y á merced de los barbaros quienes varias veces han llegado hasta meterse a las plazas de las poblaciones. Hecho esto aun nó calmaron los temores del Govierno y así fue que con pretexto de volver a la campaña de Tejas mandó y ha mantenido un Exto p.r mas de cuatro años en estos pequeñisimos pueblos que cuando menos se ha compuesto de dos mil hombres siendo su berdadero objeto tenerlos sojuzgados y vivir de ellos destruyendo los restos de fortunas que les havian quedado p.r de este modo arrancarle toda esperanza de poder reclamar el restablecimiento de un govierno verdaderamente nacional. Con el mismo fin se les quitaron sus Ayuntamtos que fueron
substituidos con unos jueses de páz nombrados por un Prefecto ó Subprefecto que no tenia el menos conocimiento del Pueblo ni de sus vecinos y a los que se les negó aun la necesarisima facultad de poder disponer del vecindario p.a repeler a los salbajes que de continuo los tenian a la vista y se llebaban sus intereses a ciencia y pariencia de las llamadas guarniciones del Exto la que cuando se les pedia algun auxilio contestaban en tono a burla: que no havian benido p.a cuidar á estos rancheros sino p.a hacer la campaña a Tejas ¿Y que hicieron con respecto á esta tan deconstada campaña lo dirrá la comision en brebas palabras. Negado ya el auxilio como los barbaros que asolaban estos puntos, el Gral Filisola publicó un bando Sultanico en que imponia pena capital a todo el que pasara el rio brabo, y se retirara mas de dies leguas, imponiendo con esto a la mayor parte el barbaro precepto defender sus propiedades mas alla de las dies leguas designadas. Dado este paso se comenzaron a mandar partidos del Exto que fueran a cometer asesinatos y todo genero de depredaciones en la frontera de Tejas con ordenes de que echo el mal se vinieran violentamente dando con estos pretesto y excitando a los colonos y algunos malos Mejicanos que allá viven a venirse tras ellas y llebarse mansos bienes se encontraban, los que en razon del abandono en que los dejó el miserable bando, devian pertenecer al primero que los ocupaba y mas cuando con ellos juzgaban reintegrarse de los que el Exto les trajo cuando hizo su malhadada retirada. Todas estas disposiciones pusieron en manos de estas y de los barbaros los cuantiosos bienes que exivían del otro lado del Brabo y en que consistían las riquezas de estos Pueblos, con los que concluyen enteramente dando muerte que es lo mas sensible, asesinando a honrrados habitantes de estas poblaciones que arrastrados del deseo de defender su propiedad de que los havia despojado el Gral Filisola
L EY ORGÁNICA DE LA R EPÚBLICA DEL R ÍO G RANDE (1840) se arrojavan a ser victimas de su barbaria y he aqui el resultado de la arrancada campaña de Tejas ¿Y con que miras causan tantos malos? Nó con otras ciertamente que con las de empobrecer y reducir a una estrañada miseria a todos los habitantes de la frontera, pues como ya se ha dicho de estos mas que de otros tenia el Gov.o de Mejico que levantaron la voz contra su ilegitimidad. Mas a pesar de tantos esfuerzos nó logró tan criminal objeto. Desoidas las justas peticiones que oportunamente se le hisieron la revolucion estalló en fin en estas Villas el día 2 de Noviemre de 838 en medio de un Ejercito de mas de 2000 hombres que las cubrian. La hist.a de esta es bien savida de todos y no hay p.a que referirla, bastando solo decir que aumentando cada dia su poder y ensanchandose los limites de esta jurisdicion ya se hace indispensable p.a darle mayor regularidad y firmeza al establecimiento de un Govierno provisional ampliamente facultado para proveer a la seguridad y defensa de estos pueblos pronunciados, y que se pronunciaron para proporcionar recursos al Ejercito y p.a tomar todas medidas conducentes a las exigencias del Territorio. Este punto lo ha meditado detenidamente la comision y consultando a la brevedad de la accion que á este deve darsele en las presentes circunstancias y a la mayor respetabilidad de sus disposiciones sujeta a la deliberación de la Honorable Asamblea los siguientes articulos. A RT. 1o . Los pueblos de la frontera del Norte no reconozen legitimidad alguna en el actual Govierno de Mejico. A RT. 2o . Mientras una combencion nacional elegida libremente p.r los pueblos declara la forma de Govierno que mas conbenga a la Republica, se establecera un Govierno provicional en Estos Estados. A RT. 3o . Este Govierno lo compondran un Presidente y cinco individuos propieta-
rios y tres suplentes que formarán su concejo elegidos por los actuales representantes de los Pueblos. A RT. 4o . Serán atribuciones del Govierno 1a Defender el Territorio de cualquiera enemigo que lo ynbada. 2a Proporcionar seguridad a las personas y propiedades de todos los havitantes tanto tiempo abandonados p.r los actuales Governadores de Mejico. 3a Crear y agenciar recursos dentro y fuera de la Republica garantisando la deuda Publica con los bienes y rentas de la Nacion. 4a Arreglar y mantener las fuerzas de mar y tierra y crear las mas que sean la [. . . ]4 p.a llenar la prima y segunda de sus atribuciones. 5a Combocar p.a el 28 de Mayo del presente año, o antes si las circunstancias lo permiten una combencion de todos los Estados que se hallan libres de la oprecion en que actualmente se encuentran para que hagan la declaracion a que se contrahe el articulo 2o .5 A RT. 5o . El Presidente en los negocios de hacienda y en todos los demas que nó se hace meramente guvernnativo deverá presedir de acuerdo con el consejo. A RT. 6o . Los ciudadanos y autoridades de los Pueblos pronunciados y los Gefes oficiales y tropa de su ejercito presentará solemnemente el juramento de obediencia al Govierno provisional bajo la formula siguiente. “¿Jurais a Dios y prometeis a los Pueblos obedecer y sostener con vuestras vidas y propiedades al Govierno provisional establecido p.r la combencion particular de estos Estados, y todas las providencias que de él emanen? Responderá (sí juro) y se contestará “Si así lo hicieres Dios os conceda ver libre y felis a vuestra patria y sinó el y los hombres os castiguen.
R IO G RANDE A RT. 7o . El Presidente de esta combencion recivirá el juramento del presidente del Govierno y ante este lo prestarán los individuos del consejo: prometiendo todos cumplir y hacer cumplir las presentes disposiciones acordados por los Pueblos. A RT. 8o . El que se opusiere ó de cualquiera manera no auxiliare al Govierno Provisional establecido, no podra alegar derecho alguno de propiedad. A RT. 9o . Cualquiera declaracion que por amargos de la fuerza del Govierno de Mejico hayan en lo sucesivo los Pueblos que en plen y absoluta livertad hoy representados se tendrá por nula y de ningun valor ni efecto. A RT. 10o . Ygualmente se tendrá pr nulo y de ningun valor ni efecto, cualquiera acto del Govierno provisional que tienda a destruir ó contrariar las bases fijadas en este decreto. A RT. 11o . Tanto el Govierno como el consejo y sus secretarios serán personalmte responsables ante los Pueblos, del justo y exacto desempeño de los deveres que pr este Decreto se les imponen. Es copia de su original que con fecha 27 del que curso dirijió el Presidente de la junta combencional al Sr. Gral en Gefe de este Ejercito y que obra en la Sria de mi cargo. Villa de Mier. Enero 29 de 1840. J.M. de Torres Srio. Es copia. Cadereyta Febrero 5 de 1840. [Firmado] Bruno Ordoñez Ayte del S. Gral
Verified by the manuscript as preserved in the archives of the Ministry of Defense in Mexico City, D.F. According to a letter by George Fisher to the editor of the Houston Morning Star of March 24, 1840, published in the Morning Star on March 27, 1840, this Organic Law of the Republic of the Rio Grande had been printed, but so far no copy of this print version has been discovered. The Republic of the Rio Grande, compris-
ing a substantial part of southern Texas south of San Antonio, never actually came into being. A convention on the run, consisting of delegates from the Mexican states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, assembled on January 23, 1840 in a locality named Casa Blanca, between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande in what is now Texas, and resolved the above Organic Law. The new republic was supposed to include all Mexican territory between the Nueces and Medina rivers in the north and the Sierra Madre in the south, with Laredo as capital. It is not clear whether this project represented a violent movement for reform within a Mexican framework or with the final goal of total independence from Mexico, but Rio Grande’s independence was neither declared at this stage nor ever officially recognized either by Texas or by any other state. Mexico squelched the rebellion on its northern border in a final battle on March 24, 1840. Cf. Laredo, Antonio Zapata, & The Republic of the Rio Grande, ed. by Stan Green, Laredo: Border Studies, 1990; Jerry Don Thompson, Two Hundred Eighty-Three Days: The Republic of the Rio Grande, Laredo: Nuevo Santander Museum, 1989; Josefina Zoraida Vázquez, “La supuesta república del Río Grande”, in: Historia Mexicana, XXXVI, 1 (1986), 49–80; Joseph Milton Nance, After San Jacinto. The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836–1841, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1963, esp. 252–254. 2 Manuscript reading uncertain. 3 Manuscript indecipherable. 4 Manuscript indecipherable. 5 Cf. Fisher’s letter to the editor of the Morning Star : “From the tenor of the Decree of the said Convention, held on the 23d of January last, or “Organic Law,” I learn that it did not declare its unconditional independence from Mexico, but that, by Article 1st. The Convention does not recognize any legitimate authority in the present government at Mexico, over the Mexican republic. Article second, provides, that until the system of government, which is to be devised and determined on by a convention of chosen delegates of all the states of Mexico, be adopted, the people of the northern frontier of the Mexican republic will not cease to war against the present government at Mexico, and its supporters. Article third, establishes a Provisional Government for the northern frontier, composed of a President, and a Council of five acting, and three supletory members. Article fourth, authorizes the Provisional Government to raise an army and navy for carrying on the war against Mexico; and provides for the means of maintaining them. One of the articles provides for the calling of a Convention of Delegates of all the states of the Mexican Republic, on the 28th of May next, or sooner, if possible to effect it. These are the principal and most important articles of said decree.”
L EY ORGÁNICA DE LA R EPÚBLICA DEL R ÍO G RANDE (1840) The head of the French legation in Austin Jean Pierre Isidore Alphonse Dubois de Saligny, obviously having the same information at his disposal, wrote to the French Foreign Minister, Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult, duc de Dalmatie, on March 10, 1840: “[. . . ] les Etats de Coahuila, de Tamaulipas et de Nouveau-Léon viennent de se séparer du Mexique & de se déclarer Indépendans, sous le nom de République de Rio Grande. C’est dans une Convention tenue par les Fédéralistes, le 23 janvier, à Caza Blanca, petite ville située entre les rivières de las Nueces et de Rio Grande, que cette mesure a été adoptée. Voici les principaux articles du décret rendu par cette Convention et qui porte le titre de Loi organique: Art. 1er . La Convention déclare qu’elle ne reconnait au Gouvernement actuel de Mexico aucun droit légitime sur la République Mexicaine. Art. 2. Jusqu’à ce que la forme du Gouvernement ait été arrêtée dans une Convention Générale, les habitans des Provinces du Nord sont résolus à combattre
le Gouvernement siégeant actuellement à Mexico. Art. 3. Il est établi pour les Provinces du Nord un Gouvernement Provisoire composé d’un Président et d’un Conseil où siégeront cinq membres aux quels seront adjoints trois membres supplémentaires. Art. 4. Le Gouvernement Provisoire est autorisé à lever des troupes de terre et de mer pour faire la Guerre au Gouvernement siegeant à Mexico. Par un des autres articles une Convention Générale des délégués de tous les Etats de la République Mexicaine est convoquée pour le 23 [!] mai prochaine.” The originals of the dispatches of the French legation are kept in the Archives des Affaires étrangères in Paris, France (Archives Diplomatiques [France], Correspondence Politique Texas), of which copies are located in the Austin History Center of the Austin Public Library, Austin, TX. The quoted passage is not included in The French Legation in Texas, ed. by Nancy Nichols Barker, 2 vols., Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1971-1973, I, 128-129.
Constitution of South Carolina (1776) A Constitution, Or, Form of Government1
South Carolina2 . In a Congress begun and holden at Charles-Town on Wednesday the first day3 of November, One thousand seven hundred and seventy five, and continued by divers Adjournments to Tuesday the Twenty Sixth day of March, One thousand seven hundred and seventy six: A Constitution or Form of Government agreed to and Resolved upon by the Representatives of South Carolina. W HEREAS the British Parliament claiming of late years a Right, to bind the North American Colonies by Law in all Cases whatsoever, have Enacted statutes for raising a Revenue in those Colonies and disposing of such Revenue, as they thought proper without the consent and against the will of the Colonists. A ND W HEREAS it appearing to them that (they not being represented in Parliament) such claim was altogether unconstitutional, and if admitted would at once, reduce them, from the rank of Freemen to a state of the most abject slavery, the said Colonies therefore severally remonstrated against the passing, and Petitioned for the repeal of those acts, but in vain. A ND W HEREAS the said claim being persisted in, other unconstitutional and oppressive Statutes have been since enacted by which the powers of4 Admiralty Courts in the Colonies are extended beyond their ancient limits, and Jurisdiction is given to such Courts in Cases similar to those, which in Great Britain are triable by Jury – Persons are liable to be sent to and tried in Great
Britain for an Offence created and made capital by one of those Statutes, though committed in the Colonies – The Harbour of Boston was blocked up – People indicted for Murder in the Massachusets Bay, may at the will of a5 Governor be sent for Trial, to any other Colony or even to Great Britain – The Chartered Constitution of Government in that Colony is materially altered – The English laws and a free Government, to which the Inhabitants of Quebec were intitled by the Kings Royal Proclamation, are abolished; and French Laws are restored: The Roman Catholic Religion (although before tolerated and freely exercised there) and an absolute Government are established in that province, and its limits, extended through a vast tract of Country, so as to border on the free Protestant English settlements, with design of using a whole People differing in Religious principles from the neighbouring Colonies, and subject to arbitrary Power, as fit Instruments to over-awe and subdue the Colonies. A ND W HEREAS the Delegates of all the Colonies on this Continent from Nova-Scotia to Georgia assembled in a General Congress at Philadelphia in the most dutiful manner layed their Complaints at the foot of the Throne, and humbly implored their Sovereign that his Royal authority and interposition might be used, for their relief from the Grievances occasioned by those Statutes, and assured his Majesty that harmony between Great Britain and America, ardently desired by the latter would be thereby immediately restored, and that the Colonists confided in
S OUTH C AROLINA the magninimity and Justice of the King and Parliament for redress of the many other Grievances under which they laboured. A ND W HEREAS these Complaints being wholly disregarded, Statutes still more cruel than those above-mentioned have been enacted Prohibiting the intercourse of the Colonies with each other, restricting their Trade and depriving many thousands of people of the means of Subsistance by restraining them from Fishing on the American Coast. A ND W HEREAS large Fleets and Armies having been sent to America in order to enforce the execution of those Laws, and to compel an absolute and implicit submission to the Will of a corrupt and despotick administration, and, in Consequence thereof, Hostilities having been commenced in the Massachusets Bay by the Troops under Command of General Gage whereby a number of Peaceable, helpless and unarmed People were wantonly robbed and murdered, and there being just reason to apprehend, that like Hostilities would be committed in all the other Colonies. The Colonists were therefore driven to the necessity of taking up Arms, to repel force by force, and to defend themselves and their properties against lawless Invasions and depredations – N EVERTHELESS the Delegates of the said Colonies assembled in another Congress at Philadelphia anxious to procure a Reconciliation with Great Britain upon just and constitutional principles, supplicated his Majesty to direct some mode by which the united applications of his faithful Colonists might be improved into a happy and permanent reconciliation; That in the mean time measures might be taken for preventing the further destruction of their lives, and that such Statutes as immediately distressed any of the Colonists might be repealed. A ND W HEREAS instead of obtaining that Justice, to which the Colonists were and are of Right intitled, the unnatural Civil War, into which they were thus
precipitated and are involved, hath been prosecuted with unremitted violence, and the Governors and others bearing the Royal Commission in the Colonies, having broken the most solemn promises and engagements and violated every obligation of Honour, Justice and Humanity; have caused the persons of divers good People to be seized and imprisoned, and their properties to be forceably taken and detained, or destroyed, without any crime or forfeiture – excited Domestick Insurrections – proclaimed Freedom to Servants and Slaves – enticed or stolen them from, and Armed them against their Masters – instigated and encouraged the Indian Nations to War against the Colonies – dispensed with the Law of the Land, and substituted the Law-Martial in its stead – Killed many of the Colonists – burned several Towns and threatened to burn the rest And daily endeavour by a Conduct which has sullied the British Arms, and would disgrace even Savage Nations, to effect the ruin and destruction of the Colonies. A ND W HEREAS a Statute hath been lately passed whereby under pretence that the said Colonies are in open Rebellion, all Trade and Commerce whatsoever with them is prohibited – Vessels belonging to their Inhabitants trading in, to, or from the said Colonies with the Cargoes and Effects onboard such Vessels are made lawful prize, and the Masters and Crews of such Vessels are subjected by force to act onboard the Kings Ships against their Country and dearest friends – and all Seizures and detention or destruction of the persons and properties of the Colonists which have at any time been made or committed for withstanding or suppressing the said pretended Rebellion, and which shall be made in pursuance of the said act, or for the service of the Public are justified, and persons suing for damages, in such cases are on failing in their Suits subjected to payment of very heavy expences. A ND W HEREAS large rein-
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1776) forcements of Troops and Ships have been ordered and are daily expected in America for carrying on War against each of the United Colonies by the most vigorous exertions. – A ND W HEREAS in Consequence of a Plan recommended by the Governors, and which seems to have been concerted between them and their Ministerial Masters, to withdraw the usual Officers and thereby loosen the Bands of Government and create Anarchy and confusion in the Colonies. – Lord William Campbell late Governor on the fifteenth day of September last dissolved the General Assembly of this Colony, and no other hath been since6 called, although by Law the sitting and holding of General Assemblies cannot be intermitted above six Months – And having used his utmost Efforts to destroy the lives, liberties and properties of the good People here whom by the duty of his station he was bound to protect, withdrew himself from the Colony and carried off the Great Seal and the Royal Instructions to Governors. A ND W HEREAS the Judges of the7 Courts of Law here, have refused to exercise their respective functions, so that it is become indispensably necessary that during the present situation of American Affairs and until an accommodation of the unhappy differences between Great Britain and America can be obtained, (An event which though traduced and treated as Rebels we still earnestly desire), some mode should be established by common Consent, and for the good of the People – The Origin and end of all Government8 – for regulating the Internal Polity of this Colony. – The Congress being vested with Powers competent for the purpose, and having fully deliberated touching the premises – Do therefore Resolve – 1st . That this Congress being a full and free Representation of the People of this Colony, shall henceforth be deemed and called the General Assembly of South Car-
olina, and as such shall continue until the twenty first day of October next and no longer. 2d . That the General Assembly shall out of their own body, elect by Ballot, a legislative Council to consist of thirteen Members (seven of whom shall be a Quorum) and to continue for the same time as the General Assembly. 3d . That the General Assembly and the said legislative Council shall jointly choose by Ballot from among themselves, or from the People at large, a President and Commander in Chief, and a vice President of the Colony. 4th . That a Member of the General Assembly, being chosen and acting as President and Commander in Chief or vice President, or one of the legislative Council, shall vacate his Seat in the General Assembly, and another Person shall be elected in his room; And if, one of the legislative Council is chosen President and Commander in Chief or vice President he shall lose his Seat, and another Person shall be elected in his stead. 5th . That there be a Privy Council, whereof the Vice President of the Colony shall of course be a Member and President of the Privy Council, and that six other Members be chosen by Ballot, Three by the General Assembly, and three by the legislative Council: P ROVIDED ALWAYS, that no Officer in9 the Army or Navy in the service of the Continent or of this Colony shall be eligible. And a Member of the General Assembly or of the legislative Council being chosen of the Privy Council, shall not thereby lose his Seat in the General Assembly, or10 legislative Council, unless he be elected Vice President of the Colony, in which case he shall, and another Person shall be chosen in his stead – The Privy Council (of which four to be a Quorum)
S OUTH C AROLINA to advise the President and Commander in Chief when required, but he shall not be bound, to consult them, unless in cases aftermentioned.
a Meeting after an Adjournment for12 not less than three days of the General Assembly and legislative Council be brought in again.
6th . That the Qualifications of the President and Commander in Chief and Vice President of the Colony, and Members of the legislative and Privy Council, shall be the same as of Members of11 General Assembly, and on being elected they shall take an Oath of Qualification in the General Assembly.
9th . That the General Assembly and the13 legislative Council shall each chuse their respective Speakers and their own Officers without controul.
7th . That the legislative Authority be vested in the President and Commander in Chief, the General Assembly and legislative Council. All Money Bills for the support of Government shall originate in the General Assembly and shall not be altered or amended by the legislative Council, but may be rejected by them. All other Bills and Ordinances may take rise in the General Assembly or legislative Council, and be altered, amended or rejected by either. Bills having passed the General Assembly and legislative Council, may be assented to or rejected by the President and Commander in Chief: Having received his Assent, they shall have all the force and validity of an Act of General Assembly of this Colony. And the General Assembly and legislative Council respectively shall enjoy all other priviledges which have at any time been claimed or exercised by the Commons House of Assembly, but the legislative Council shall have no power of expelling their own Members. 8th . That the General Assembly and legislative Council may adjourn themselves respectively, and the President and Commander in Chief shall have no power to adjourn prorogue or dissolve them – but may, if necessary call them before the time to which they shall stand adjourned. And where a Bill has been rejected, it may, on
10th . That if a14 Member of the General Assembly or of the legislative Council shall accept any place of emolument or any Commission except in the Militia, he shall vacate his Seat, and there shall thereupon be a new Election, but he shall not be disqualified from serving upon being re-elected. 11th . That on the last Monday in October next and the day following, and on the same days of every second Year thereafter, Members of the General Assembly shall be chosen, to meet on the first Monday in December then next, and continue for two Years from the said last Monday in October. The General Assembly to consist of the same number of Members as this Congress does, each Parish and District having the same Representation as at present (vizt .) The Parishes15 of St. Philip and St. Michael, Charles-Town, Thirty Members; The Parish of Christ Church, Six Members; The Parish of St. John in Berkley County, Six Members; The Parish of St. Andrew, Six Members; The Parish of St. George Dorchester, Six Members – The Parish of St. James Goose Creek, Six Members – The Parish of St. Thomas and St. Dennis, Six Members – The Parish of St. Paul, Six Members – The Parish of St. Bartholomew, Six Members. – The Parish of St. Helena, Six Members. – The Parish of St. James Santee, Six Members – The Parish of Prince George, Winyaw16 , Six Members. – The Parish of Prince Frederick, Six Members – The Parish of St. John in Colleton County, Six Members – The Parish of St. Peter, Six
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1776) Members – The Parish of Prince William, Six Members – The Parish of St. Stephen, Six Members – The District to the Eastward of Waterre17 River, Ten Members – The District of Ninety Six, Ten Members – The District of Saxe-Gotha, Six Members – The District between Broad and Saludy18 Rivers, in three Divisions (vizt .) The lower District, Four Members – The Little River District Four Members – The upper or Spartan District, Four Members – The District between Broad and Catawba Rivers Ten Members – The District called the new acquisition, Ten Members – The Parish of St. Matthew, Six Members – The Parish of St. David, Six Members – The District between Savannah River and the North fork of Edisto, Six Members. And the Election of the said Members shall be conducted as near as may be agreeable to the directions of the Election Act, and where there are no Churches or Church Wardens in a District or Parish, the General Assembly at some convenient time before their expiration, shall appoint places of Election, and Persons to receive votes and make returns. The Qualification19 of Electors shall be the same as required by Law, – but Persons, having property which according to the rate of the last preceeding Tax, is taxable at the sums mentioned in the Election Act, shall be intitled to vote, though it was not actually taxed, having the other Qualifications mentioned in thact [sic!] act; Electors shall take an Oath of Qualification, if required by the returning Officer – The Qualification of the Elected to be the same as mentioned in the Election Act, and construed to mean clear of Debt. 12th . That if any Parish or District neglects or refuses to elect Members, or, if the Members chosen, do not meet in General Assembly, those who do meet shall have the powers of a20 General Assembly – not less than forty nine Members shall make a
House to do business, but the Speaker or any seven Members may adjourn from day to day. 13th . That, as soon as may be, after the first meeting of the General Assembly, a21 President and Commander in Chief, a Vice President of the Colony and Privy Council, shall be chosen in manner and for the Time above mentioned, and till such Choice shall22 be made, the former President,23 Commander in Chief and Vice President of the Colony, and Privy Council shall continue to act as such. 14th . That in Case of the Death of the President and Commander in Chief or his absence from the Colony, the Vice President of the Colony shall succeed to his Office, and the Privy Council shall choose out of their own Body a Vice President of the Colony. And, in Case of the death of the Vice President of the Colony or his absence from the Colony, one of the Privy Council (to be chosen by themselves) shall succeed to his Office, until a nomination to those Offices respectively by the General Assembly and legislative Council for the remainder of the Time, for which the Officer so dying or being absent was appointed. 15th . That the Delegates of this Colony, in the Continental Congress be chosen by the General Assembly and legislative Council jointly by Ballot in the General Assembly. 16th . That the Vice President of the Colony and the Privy Council or the Vice President and a majority of the Privy Council for the time being shall exercise the powers of a Court of Chancery, and there shall be an Ordinary, who shall exercise the Powers heretofore exercised by that Officer in this Colony. 17th . That the Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty be confined to Maritime Causes.
S OUTH C AROLINA 18th . That all suits and Process, depending in any Courts24 of Law or Equity may if either party shall be so inclined be proceeded in and continued to a final ending, without being obliged to commence de novo – And the Judges of the Courts of Law shall cause Jury-Lists to be made and Juries to be summoned, as near as may be according to the directions of the Acts of the General Assembly in such cases Provided. 19th . That Justices of the Peace shall be nominated by the General Assembly and Commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief during pleasure: They shall not be entitled to fees except on prosecutions for felony, and not acting in the Magistracy they shall not be entitled to the priviledges allowed to them by law. 20th . That all other Judicial Officers shall be chosen by Ballot jointly by the General Assembly and legislative Council, and except the Judges of the25 Court of Chancery, Commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief during good behaviour, but shall be removed, on Address of the General Assembly and legislative Council. 21st . That Sheriffs26 , qualified as by law directed shall be chosen in like manner by the General Assembly and legislative Council, and Commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief for two Years only. 22d . That the27 Commissioners of the Treasury – the Secretary of the Colony – Register28 of Mesne Conveyances – Attorney General and Powder Receiver, be chosen by the General Assembly and legislative Council Jointly by Ballot and Commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief during good behaviour, but shall be removed on address of the General Assembly and legislative Council. 23d . That all Field Officers in the Army and all Captains in the Navy, shall be by
the General Assembly and legislative Council chosen jointly by Ballot, and Commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief, and that all other Officers in the Army or29 Navy shall be Commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief. 24th . That in Case of Vacancy in any of the Offices above directed to be filled by the General Assembly and legislative Council, the President and Commander in Chief with the advice and Consent of the Privy Council, may appoint others in their stead, until there shall be an election by the General Assembly and legislative Council to fill those30 vacancies respectively. 25th . That the President and Commander in Chief with the Advice and Consent of the Privy Council may appoint during pleasure, until otherwise directed by Resolution of the General Assembly and legislative Council all other necessary Officers, except such as are by Law directed to be otherwise chosen. 26th . That the President and Commander in Chief shall have no Power to make War or Peace, or enter into any final Treaty without the consent of the General Assembly and legislative Council. 27th . That if any Parish or District shall neglect to elect a Member or Members on the day of Election, or in Case any Person chosen a Member of the General Assembly shall refuse to qualify and take his Seat as such, or die or depart the Colony, the said General Assembly shall appoint proper days for electing a Member or Members of the said General Assembly in such Cases respectively – And on the death of a Member of the legislative or Privy Council, another Member shall be chosen in his room in manner abovementioned for the election of Members of the Legislative and Privy Council respectively.
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1776) 28th . That the Resolutions of the Continental Congress, now of force in this Colony, shall so continue until altered or revoked by them. 29th . That the Resolutions of this or any former Congress of this Colony, and all Laws now of force here (and not hereby altered) shall so continue until altered or repealed by the legislature of this Colony, unless where they are temporary, in which case, they shall expire at the times respectively limited for their Duration. 30th . That the executive Authority be vested in the President and Commander in Chief, limited and restrained as aforesaid. 31st . That the President and Commander in Chief, Vice President31 of the Colony and Privy Council respectively, shall have the same Personal Priviledges as are allowed by act of Assembly to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Privy Council. 32d . That all Persons now in Office shall hold their Commissions until there shall be a new appointment in manner above directed, at which time all Commissions not derived from Authority of the Congress of this Colony, shall cease and be void. 33d . That all Persons who shall be chosen and appointed to any Office or to any place of trust, before entering upon the execution of Office, shall take the following Oath. I A. B. do Swear that I will to the utmost of my Power, support maintain and defend the Constitution of South Carolina as established by Congress on the twenty-sixth day of March One thousand seven hundred and seventy six, until an accommodation of the differences between Great Britain and America shall take place, or I shall be released from this Oath by the legislative authority of the said Colony. So help me God.
– And all such Persons shall also take an Oath of Office. 34th . That the following yearly Salaries be allowed to the Public Officers, undermentioned. The President and Commander in Chief Nine thousand Pounds – The Chief Justice and the32 Assistant Judges the Salaries respectively, as by act of Assembly established – The Attorney General Two thousand one hundred33 Pounds in lieu of all charges against the Public for fees upon Criminal P[rosecutions – The]34 Ordinary One thousand Pounds – The three Commissioners of the Treasury Two thousand Pounds each; and all other Public Officers sh[all have the same] Salaries as are allowed such Officers respectively by Act of Assembly. By Order of the Cong[ress.] March [2635 , 1776.] Wm . Hy . DRAYTON, Pre[sident.] Attested Petr . TIMOTHY, Secretary.
Verified by South Carolina. In a Congress, Begun and holden at Charles-Town [. . . ] A Constitution, Or, Form of Government, [Charles-Town: Peter Timothy, 1776], 16 p., and corrected according to the original manuscript as preserved in the South Carolina Department of Archives and History. In addition to the 16page print Timothy also published South Carolina. In a Congress, Begun and holden at Charles-Town [. . . ] A Constitution, or Form of Government, [Charles-Town: Peter Timothy, 1776], 8 p. (Evans 15092), which, but for one exception, is identical with the 16-page print. Checked also against the version as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina; ed., under Authority of the Legislature, by Thomas Cooper, I, Columbia, S.C.: Printed by A. S. Johnston, 1836, 128–134, and as in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1776, ed. by J. H. Easterby, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, [1949], 5 p. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation follow the handwritten original. Italics are used to represent emphasized text in the manuscript, as well for non-English legal terms. The constitution, the first to style itself so, was not submitted to the
S OUTH C AROLINA people and went into effect on March 26, 1776. Two years later, it was replaced by the second constitution of 1778 (q.v.). 2 In Statutes at Large, I, 128, “1776” added; in Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [1], last two words missing. 3 In Statutes at Large, I, 128, word missing. 4 In Timothy print (16 p.), 2, “of the”. 5 Ibid., “the”. 6 Ibid., “since been”. 7 In Statutes at Large, I, 130, and in Basic Document, ed. by Easterby, [2], word missing. 8 In Statutes at Large, I, 130, “governments”. 9 In Timothy print (16 p.), 7, “of”. 10 In Statutes at Large, I, 131, “or in the”. 11 Ibid., and in Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [3], “of the”. 12 In Statutes at Large, I, 131, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [3], “of”. 13 In Statutes at Large, I, 131, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [3], word missing. 14 In Timothy print (16 p.), 9, “any”. 15 In Statutes at Large, I, 131, “parish”. 16 In Timothy print (16 p.), 10, “Winyah”. In the 8 pages print, 5, as in manuscript “Winyaw”. 17 In Timothy print (16 p.), 10, in Statutes at Large, I, 132, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [3],
“Wateree”. 18 In Statutes at Large, I, 132, “Saluda”. 19 Ibid., “qualifications”. 20 In Timothy print (16 p.), 11, “the”. 21 Ibid., “the”. 22 In Statutes at Large, I, 132, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [4], word missing. 23 In Timothy print (16 p.), 11, and in Statutes at Large, I, 132, “President and”. 24 In Statutes at Large, I, 133, “court”. 25 In Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [4], word missing. 26 In Timothy print (16 p.), 13, “That the Sheriffs”. 27 Ibid., word missing. 28 Ibid., “the Register”. 29 Ibid., “and”. 30 In Statutes at Large, I, 133, “their”. 31 Ibid., 134, “the Vice President”. 32 In Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [5], word missing. 33 In Timothy print (16 p.), 16, “two thousand and one hundred”. 34 Here and afterwards text supplied for textual losses due to mutilation of the manuscript. 35 In Timothy print (16 p.), 16, “26”; in Statutes at Large, I, 134, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Easterby, [5], “26th”.
Constitution of South Carolina (1778) An Act for Establishing the Constitution of the State of South-Carolina1
South Carolina. At a General Assembly begun and holden at Charlestown on Monday the fifth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight and from thence continued by divers adjournments to the nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight. An ACT for establishing the C ONSTITU of the State of S OUTH C AROLINA
W HEREAS the constitution or form of Government agreed to and Resolved upon by the free-men of this Country met in Congress the twenty sixth day of March one thousand seven hundred and seventy six was temporary only, and suited to the situation of their Public affairs at that period looking forward to an accommodation with Great Britain an event then desired A ND WHEREAS the United Colonies of America have been since constituted Independent States and the political connexion heretofore subsisting between them and Great Britain entirely dissolved by the declaration of the Honourable the Continental Congress dated the fourth day of July one thousand seven hundred and seventy six for the many great and weighty reasons therein particularly set forth – It therefore becomes absolutely necessary to frame a constitution suitable to that great event: B E IT THERE FORE C ONSTITUTED and E NACTED by His Excellency Rawlins Lowndes Esquire President and Commander in Chief in and over the State of South Carolina, by the Hon-
ourable the Legislative Council and General Assembly and by the authority of the same T HAT the following articles agreed upon by the free-men of this State now met in General Assembly be deemed and held the C ONSTITUTION and form of Government of the said State unless altered by the Legislative authority thereof: which constitution or form of Government shall immediately take place and be of force from the passing of this act, excepting such parts as are hereafter mentioned and specified. A RT.2 I. T HAT the stile of this country be hereafter the State of S OUTH C AROLINA. A RT. II. T HAT the Legislative authority be vested in a General Assembly to consist of two distinct bodies a Senate and House of Representatives but that the Legislature of this State as established by the Constitution or form of Government passed the twenty sixth of March one thousand seven hundred and seventy six shall continue and be in full force until the twenty ninth day of November next ensuing. A RT. III. T HAT as soon as may be after the first meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives and at every first meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives thereafter to be elected by virtue of this Constitution, they shall jointly in the House of Representatives choose by Ballot from among themselves or from the People at large a Governor and Commander in Chief, a Lieutenant Governor both to continue for
S OUTH C AROLINA two years, and a Privy Council, all of the Protestant religion and till such choice shall be made the former President or Governor and Commander in Chief and vice president or Lieutenant Governor as the case may be and privy council shall continue to act as such. A RT. IV. T HAT a member of the Senate or House of Representatives being chosen and acting as Governor and Commander in Chief or Lieutenant Governor, shall vacate his Seat and another person shall be elected in his room. A RT. V. T HAT every person who shall be elected Governor and Commander in Chief of the State or Lieutenant Governor or a member of the privy council shall be qualified as followeth (that is to say) The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall have been residents in this State for ten Years and the members of the Privy Council five Years preceding their said Election and shall have in this State a settled plantation or free hold in their and each of their own right of the value of at least Ten thousand Pounds currency clear of debt and on being elected they shall respectively take an oath of qualification in the House of Representatives. A RT. VI. T HAT no future Governor and Commander in Chief, who shall serve for two years shall be eligible to serve in the said Office after the expiration of the said term until the full end and term of four years. A RT. VII. T HAT no person in this State shall hold the office of Governor thereof or Lieutenant Governor and any other Office or Commission civil or military (except in the militia) either in this or any other State or under the authority of the Continental Congress at one and the same time. A RT. VIII. T HAT in case of the impeachment of the Governor and Commander in
Chief or his removal from Office, death, resignation or absence from the State the Lieutenant Governor shall succeed to his Office and the Privy Council shall choose out of their own body a Lieutenant Governor of the State. A ND in case of the impeachment of the Lieutenant Governor or his removal from Office, death resignation or absence from the State one of the Privy Council to be chosen by themselves shall succeed to his Office until a nomination to those Offices respectively by the Senate and House of Representatives for the remainder of the time for which the Officer so impeached, removed from Office, dying, resigning or being absent was appointed. A RT. IX. T HAT the Privy Council shall consist of the Lieutenant Governor for the time being and eight other members five of whom shall be a quorum to be chosen as before directed four to serve for two Years and four for one Year and at the Expiration of one Year four others shall be chosen in the room of the last four to serve for two Years and all future Members of the Privy Council shall thenceforward be elected to serve for two years whereby there will be a new Election every year for half of the privy Council and a constant rotation established but no member of the Privy Council who shall serve for two Years shall be eligible to serve therein after the expiration of the said term, until the full end and term of four Years, P ROVIDED ALWAYS that no Officer of the Army or Navy in the service of the Continent or this State nor Judge of any of the Courts of Law shall be eligible; nor shall the father, son or brother to the Governor for the time being be elected in the privy council during his administration – a member of the Senate or House of Representatives being chosen of the Privy Council shall not thereby lose his Seat in the Senate or House of Representatives unless he be elected Lieutenant Governor in which
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1778) case he shall and another Person shall be chosen in his stead. The Privy Council is to advise the Governor and Commander in Chief when required, but he shall not be bound to consult them unless directed by Law – If a member of the Privy Council shall die or depart this State during the recess of the General Assembly – The Privy Council shall choose another to act in his room until a nomination by the Senate and House of Representatives shall take place. The Clerk of the Privy Council shall keep a regular Journal of all their proceedings in which shall be entered the yea’s and nay’s on every question and the opinion with the reasons at large of any member who desires it; which Journal shall be laid before the Legislature when required by either House. A RT. X. T HAT in case of the absence from the seat of Government or sickness of the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor any one of the Privy Council may be empowered by the Governor under his hand and Seal to set in his room but such appointment shall not vacate his Seat in the Senate, House of Representatives or Privy Council. A RT. XI. T HAT the Executive authority be vested in the Governor and Commander in Chief in manner herein mentioned. A RT. XII. T HAT each Parish and District throughout this State shall on the last Monday in November next and the day following and on the same days of every second year thereafter elect by Ballot one Member of the Senate (except the District of Saint Philip and Saint Michael’s Parishes Charles Town) which shall elect two Members and except also the District between broad and Saludy Rivers in three divisions (vizt .) the lower District, little river District and upper or Spartan District, each of which said Divisions shall elect one Member and except the Parishes of Saint Matthew and Orange, which shall elect one Member, AND
also except the Parishes of Prince George and All- Saints which shall elect one Member. A ND the election of Senators for such Parishes respectively, shall, until otherwise altered by the Legislature be at the Parish of Prince George for the said Parish, and the Parish of All- Saints, and at the Parish of St. Matthew for that Parish and the Parish of Orange; to meet on the first Monday in January then next at the Seat of Government unless the casualties of war or contagious Disorders should render it unsafe to meet there in which case the Governor and Commander in Chief for the time being way by Proclamation with the advice and consent of the Privy Council appoint a more secure and convenient place of meeting and to continue for two Years from the said last Monday in November and that no person shall be eligible to a Seat in the said Senate unless he be of the Protestant religion and hath attained the age of thirty Years and hath been a resident in this State at least five Years, not less than thirteen Members shall be a quorum to do business but the President or any three members may adjourn from day to day – No person who resides in the Parish or District for which he is elected shall take his Seat in the Senate unless he possesses a settled Estate and freehold in his own right in the said Parish or District of the value of two thousand Pounds Currency at least clear of debt; and no Non-resident shall be eligible to a Seat in the said Senate unless he is owner of a settled Estate and free-hold in his own right in the Parish or District where he is Elected of the value of seven thousand Pounds Currency at least also clear of debt. A RT. XIII. T HAT on the last Monday in November next and the day following and on the same days of every second year thereafter, Members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen to meet on the first Monday in January then next at the
S OUTH C AROLINA Seat of Government unless the casualties of war or Contagious disorders should render it unsafe to meet there in which case the Governor and Commander in Chief for the time being may by Proclamation with the advice and consent of the Privy Council appoint a more secure and convenient place of meeting and to continue for two Years from the said last Monday in November – Each Parish and District within this State shall send members to the General Assembly in the following proportions (that is to say) The Parish of Saint Philip and Saint Michael Charlestown Thirty members, The Parish of Christ Church Six members, The Parish of Saint John’s in Berkley County Six Members, The Parish of Saint Andrew six Members The Parish of Saint George Dorchester Six Members, The Parish of Saint James Goose Creek Six Members. The Parish of Saint Thomas and Saint Dennis Six Members The Parish of Saint Paul Six Members The Parish of Saint Bartholomew Six Members – The Parish of Saint Helena Six Members – The Parish of Saint James Santee Six Members – The Parish of Prince George Winyaw3 four Members. The Parish of All-Saints two Members – The Parish of Prince Frederick Six Members The Parish of Saint John in Colleton County Six Members. The Parish of Saint Peter Six Members – The Parish of Prince William Six Members – The Parish of Saint Stephen Six Members – The District to the Eastward of Waterre4
River Ten Members – The District of Ninety Six Ten Members. The District of Saxe-Gotha Six Members, The District between broad and Saludy rivers in three Divisions (vizt .) The lower District four Members – The little river District Four Members[.] The upper or Spartan District Four Members – The District between broad and Catawba rivers Ten Members – The District called the new acquisition Ten Members – The Parish of Saint Matthew Three Members – The Parish of Orange Three Members – The Parish of Saint David Six Members – The District between Savannah River and the North fork of Edisto Six Members – A ND the election of the said members shall be conducted as near as may be agreeable to the directions of the present or any future election act or acts and where there are no Churches or Church wardens in a District or Parish the House of Representatives at some convenient time before their expiration shall appoint places of election and Persons to receive votes and make returns – The qualification of Electors shall be – That every free white man and no other person who acknowledges the being of a God and believes in a future State of rewards and Punishments and who has attained to the age of one and twenty years and hath been a resident and an Inhabitant in this State for the space of one whole year before the day appointed for the election (he offers to give his vote at) and hath a free hold at least of fifty acres of land or a Town lot and hath been legally seized and possessed of the same at least six months previous to such Election or hath paid a tax the preceeding year or was taxable the present Year at least six months previous to the said Election in a sum equal to the
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1778) Tax on fifty acres of land to the Support of this Government shall be deemed a Person qualified to vote for and shall be capable of electing a representative or representatives to serve as a Member or Members in the Senate and House of Representatives for the Parish or District where he actually is a resident or in any other Parish or District in this State where he hath the like free-hold – Electors shall take an oath or affirmation of qualification if required by the returning Officer – No Person shall be eligible to sit in the House of Representatives unless he be of the Protestant religion and hath been a resident in this State for three Years previous to his Election, The qualification of the elected if residents in the Parish or District for which they shall be returned shall be the same as mentioned in the Election act and construed to mean clear of debt – But no Non-resident shall be eligible to a Seat in the House of representatives unless he is owner of a settled estate and free-hold in his own right of the value of three thousand and five hundred Pounds Currency at least clear of debt in the Parish or District for which he is elected. A RT. XIV. T HAT if any Parish or District neglects or refuses to elect Members; or, if the members chosen do not meet in General Assembly those who do meet shall have the powers of the General Assembly. – Not less than sixty-nine members shall make a House of representatives to do business but the Speaker or any seven members may adjourn from day to day. A RT. XV. T HAT at the expiration of seven years after the passing of this Constitution and at the end of every fourteen years thereafter the representation of the whole State shall be proportioned in the most equal and just manner according to the particular and comparative strength and taxable property of the different parts of the same regard being always had to the num-
ber of white inhabitants and such taxable Property. A RT. XVI. T HAT all money bills for the support of Government shall originate in the House of Representatives and shall not be altered or amended by the Senate but may be rejected by them and that no money be drawn out of the Public Treasury but by the Legislative authority of the State all other Bills and Ordinances may take rise in the Senate or House of Representatives and be altered amended or – rejected by either[.] Acts and Ordinances having passed the General Assembly shall have the great Seal affixed to them by a joint Committee of both Houses who shall wait upon the Governor to receive and return the Seal and shall then be signed by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives in the Senate House and shall thenceforth have the force and validity of a law and be lodged in the Secretarys Office[.] And the Senate and House of Representatives respectively shall enjoy all other Privileges which have at any time been claimed or exercised by the Commons House of Assembly. A RT. XVII. T HAT neither the Senate nor House of representatives shall have power to adjourn themselves for any longer time than three days without the mutual consent of both – The Governor and Commander in Chief shall have no power to adjourn prorogue or dissolve them but may if necessary by and with the advice and consent of the Privy Council convene them before the time to which they shall stand adjourned – And where a bill hath been rejected by either House it shall not be brought in again that Session without leave of the House and a notice of Six days being previously given. A RT. XVIII. T HAT the Senate and House of Representatives shall each choose their respective Officers by Ballot without
S OUTH C AROLINA controul and that during a recess the president of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives shall issue writs for filling up vacancies occasioned by death in their respective Houses giving at least three weeks and not more than thirty five days previous notice of the time appointed for the election. A RT. XIX. T HAT if any Parish or District shall neglect to Elect a member or Members on the day of election or in case any Person chosen a member of either House shall refuse to qualify and take his Seat as such or die or depart the State the Senate or House of representatives as the case may be shall appoint proper days for electing a member or members in such cases respectively. A RT. XX. T HAT if any member of the Senate or House of Representatives shall accept any place of emolument, or any Commission (except in the militia or commission of the Peace) and except as is excepted in the tenth article he shall vacate his Seat and there shall thereupon be a new Election but he shall not be disqualified from serving, upon being re-elected unless he is appointed Secretary of the State, a Commissioner of the Treasury an Officer of the Customs, register of mesne conveyances a Clerk of either of the Courts of Justice, Sheriff, Powder receiver, Clerk of the Senate, House of representatives or Privy Council, Surveyor General or Commissary of Military Stores; which Officers are hereby declared disqualified from being members either of the Senate or House of representatives. A RT. XXI. A ND WHEREAS the ministers of the Gospel are by their profession dedicated to the service of God and the cure of Souls and ought not to be diverted from the great duties of their function THERE FORE no minister of the Gospel or Public preacher of any religious persuasion while he continues in the exercise of his Pastoral
function and for two years after shall be eligible either as Governor Lieutenant Governor a Member of the Senate House of Representatives or Privy Council in this State. A RT. XXII. T HAT the Delegates to represent this State in the Congress of the United States be chosen annually by the Senate and House of representatives jointly by Ballot in the House of Representatives and nothing contained in this Constitution shall be construed to extend to vacate the seat of any member who is or may be a Delegate from this State to Congress as such. A RT. XXIII. T HAT the form of impeaching all officers of the State for mal and corrupt conduct in their respective Offices not amenable to any other Jurisdiction be vested in the House of representatives[.] But that it shall always be necessary that two third parts of the members present do consent to and agree in such impeachment – That the Senators and such of the Judges of this State as are not members of the House of representatives be a Court for the trial of impeachments under such regulations as the Legislature shall establish[.] And that previous to the Trial of every impeachment the members of the said Court shall respectively be sworn truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in question according to evidence[.] And no Judgment of the said Court except Judgment of acquital shall be valid unless it shall be assented to by two third parts of the Members then present – And on every trial as well on impeachments as others the party accused shall be allowed Counsel. A RT. XXIV. T HAT the Lieutenant Governor of the State and a majority of the Privy Council for the time being shall until otherwise altered by the Legislature exercise the powers of a Court of Chancery, And there shall be ordinaries appointed in the several Districts in this State to be chosen
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1778) by the Senate and House of Representatives jointly by Ballot in the House of Representatives who shall within their respective Districts exercise the Powers heretofore exercised by the Ordinary and until such appointment is made the present ordinary in Charles Town shall continue to exercise that office as heretofore. A RT. XXV. T HAT the Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty be confined to maritime Causes. A RT. XXVI. T HAT Justices of the Peace shall be nominated by the Senate and House of Representatives jointly and Commissioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief during pleasure – They shall be entitled to receive the fees heretofore established by Law and not acting in the Magistracy they shall not be intitled to the privileges allowed to them by Law. A RT. XXVII. T HAT all other Judicial Officers shall be chosen by ballot jointly by the Senate and House of Representatives and except the Judges of the Court of Chancery commissioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief during good behaviour but shall be removed on Address of the Senate and House of Representatives. A RT. XXVIII. T HAT the Sheriffs qualified at by Law directed shall be chosen in like manner by the Senate and House of representatives when the Governor Lieutenant Governor and Privy Council are chosen and commissioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief for two Years and shall give security as required by Law before they enter on the execution of their office – No Sheriff who shall have served for two years shall be eligible to serve in the said Office after the expiration of the said term until the full end and tem of four years but shall continue in office until such choice be made – Nor shall any person be eligible as Sheriff in any District unless he shall have resided
therein for two Years previous to the Election. A RT. XXIX. T HAT two Commissioners of the Treasury The Secretary of the State, The registers of Mesne Conveyances in each District Attorney General Surveyor General Powder receiver Collectors and Comptrollers of the Customs and waiters be chosen in like manner by the Senate, and House of Representatives jointly by Ballot, in the House of Representatives and Commissioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief for two Years – That none of the said Officers respectively who shall have served for four Years shall be eligible to serve in the said Offices after the expiration of the said term until the full end and term of four Years but shall continue in office until a new choice be made P ROVIDED that nothing herein contained shall extend to the several Persons appointed to the above Offices respectively under the late constitution A ND that the present and all future Commissioners of the Treasury and Powder receivers shall each give Bond with approved security agreeable to Law. A RT. XXX. T HAT all the Officers in the Army and Navy of this State of and above the rank of Captain shall be chosen by the Senate and House of Representatives jointly by Ballot in the House of Representatives and Commissioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief and that all other Officers in the Army and Navy of this State shall be Commissioned by the Governor and Commander in Chief. A RT. XXXI. T HAT in Case of vacancy in any of the offices above directed to be filled by the Senate and House of Representatives the Governor and Commander in Chief with the advice and consent of the Privy Council may appoint others in their stead until there shall be an election by the
S OUTH C AROLINA Senate and House of Representatives to fill those vacancies respectively. A RT. XXXII. T HAT the Governor and Commander in Chief with the advice and consent of the Privy Council may appoint during pleasure until otherwise directed by Law all other necessary Officers except such as are now by Law directed to be otherwise chosen. A RT. XXXIII. T HAT the Governor and Commander in Chief shall have no power to commence war or conclude Peace or enter into any final treaty without the consent of the Senate and House of Representatives. A RT. XXXIV. T HAT the Resolutions of the late Congresses of this State and all Laws now of force here (and not hereby altered) shall to continue until altered or repeated by the Legislature of this State unless where they are temporary in which case they shall expire at the times respectively limitted for their duration. A RT. XXXV. T HAT the Governor and Commander in Chief for the time being by and with the advice and consent of the Privy Council may lay embargoes or prohibit the exportation of any Commodity for any time not exceeding thirty days in the recess of the General Assembly. A RT. XXXVI. T HAT all Persons who shall be chosen and appointed to any Office, or to any place of trust civil or military before entering upon the execution of Office shall take the following oath. I A.B. do acknowledge the State of South-Carolina to be a free independent and sovereign State and that the people thereof owe no allegiance or obedience to George the third King of Great Britain and I do renounce refuse and abjure any allegiance or obedience to him A ND I do swear (or affirm as the case may be) that I will to the utmost of my Power support maintain and
defend the said State against the said King George the third and his Heirs and Successors and his or their abettors assistants and adherents and will serve the said State in the office of –––––– with fidelity and Honour and according to the best of my skill and understanding – So help me God. A RT. XXXVII. T HAT adequate yearly salaries be allowed to the Public Officers of this State and be fixed by Law. A RT. XXXVIII. T HAT all Persons and religious societies who acknowledge that there is one God and a future State of rewards and Punishments and that God is publicly to be worshipped; shall be freely tolerated – The Christian protestant religion shall be deemed and is hereby constituted and declared to be the Established religion of this State – That all denominations of Christian Protestants in this State demeaning themselves peaceably and faithfully shall enjoy equal religious and civil privileges – To accomplish this desirable purpose without injury to the religious property of those Societies of Christians which are by Law already incorporated for the purpose of religious worship and to put it fully into the power of every other society of Christian Protestants either already formed or hereafter to be formed to obtain the like incorporation it is hereby CONSTITUTED APPOINTED and DECLARED , That the respective Societies of the Church of England that are already formed in this State for the purposes of religious worship shall still continue incorporate and hold the religious property now in their Possession – And that whenever fifteen or more male Persons not under twenty one years of age professing the Christian Protestant religion and agreeing to unite themselves in a Society for the purposes of a religious worship, they shall (on complying with the terms herein after mentioned) be and be constituted a Church and be esteemed and regarded in law as of
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1778) the established religion of the State and on a Petition to the Legislature shall be intitled to be incorporated and to enjoy equal privileges – That every society of Christians so formed shall give themselves a name or denomination by which they shall be called and known in Law, and all that associate with them for the purposes of worship shall be esteemed as belonging to the society so called. – But that previous to the establishment and incorporation of the respective Societies of every denomination as aforesaid and in order to entitle them thereto each society so petitioning shall have agreed to and subscribed in a book the following five articles without which no agreement or union of men upon pretence of Religion shall intitle them to be incorporated and esteemed as a Church of the established religion of this State. F IRST, T HAT there is one eternal God and a future State of rewards and Punishments. S ECOND, T HAT God is publicly to be worshipped. T HIRD, T HAT the Christian religion is the true religion. F OURTH, T HAT the Holy Scriptures of the old and new Testament are of divine inspiration and are the rule of faith and Practice. F IFTH, T HAT it is lawful and the duty of every man being thereunto called by those that govern to bear witness to Truth. T HAT every inhabitant of this State when called to make an appeal to God as a witness to truth shall be permitted to do it in that way which is most agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience – A ND that the People of this State may for ever enjoy the right of electing their [own] Pastors or Clergy and at the same time that the State may have sufficient Security for the due discharge of the Pastoral Office by those who shall be admitted to be Clergy-men. – no Person shall officiate as minister of any established
Church who shall not have been chosen by a majority of the Society to which he shall minister or by persons appointed by the said Majority to chuse and procure a minister for them nor until the minister so chosen and appointed shall have made and subscribed to the following declaration over and above the aforesaid five articles (vizt .) T HAT he is determined by Gods Grace out of the holy scriptures to instruct the people committed to his charge and to teach nothing (as required of necessity to eternal salvation) but that which he shall be persuaded may be concluded and proved from the scripture that be will use both Public and private admonitions as well to the Sick as to the whole within his cure as need shall require and occasion shall be given and that he will be deligent in Prayers and in reading of the Holy Scriptures and in such Studies as help to the knowledge of the same that he will be deligent to frame and fashion his own self and his family according to the doctrine of Christ and to make both himself and them as much as in him lieth wholesome examples and patterns to the flock of Christ that he will maintain and set forwards as much as he can quietness Peace and love among all people and especially among those that are or shall be committed to his charge. No Person shall disturb or molest any religious assembly – nor shall use any reproachful reviling or abusive language against any Church that being the certain way of disturbing the Peace and of hindering the conversion of any to the truth by engaging them in quarrels and annimosities to the hatred of the professors and that profession which otherwise they might be brought to assent to. – No Person whatsoever shall speak any thing in their religious assembly irriverently or seditiously of the Government of this State. – No Person shall by Law be obliged to pay towards the maintenance and Support of a religious worship that he does not
S OUTH C AROLINA freely join in or has not voluntarily engaged to support. – But the Churches Chapels, Parsonages, Glebes and all other property now belonging to any Societies of the Church of England or any other religious Societies shall remain and be secured to them for ever. – The poor shall be supported and Elections managed in the accustomed manner until Laws shall be provided, to adjust those matters in the most equitable way.
A RT. XLV. T HAT the Senate and House of Representatives shall not proceed to the Election of a Governor or Lieutenant Governor until there be a Majority of both Houses present.
A RT. XXXIX. T HAT the whole State shall as soon as proper Laws can be passed for those purposes be divided into Districts and Counties and County Courts established.
Hugh Rutledge Speaker of the legislative Council.
A RT. XL. T HAT the penal Laws as heretofore used shall be reformed and Punishments made in some cases less sanguinary and in general more proportionate to the Crime. A RT. XLI. T HAT no Freeman of the State be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his freehold liberties or privileges or outlawd or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life liberty or property but by the Judgment of his Peers or by the law of the Land. A RT. XLII. T HAT the military be subordinate to the civil power of the State. A RT. XLIII. T HAT the liberty of the press be inviolably preserved. A RT. XLIV. T HAT no part of this Constitution shall be altered without a notice of ninety days being previously given nor shall any part of the same be changed without the consent of a Majority of the Members of the Senate and House of Representatives.
In the Council Chamber the 19th day of March 1778. Assented to. Raw[lins] Lowndes.
Tho[mas] Bee Speaker of the General Assembly
Verified by An Act for Establishing the Constitution of the State of South-Carolina. Passed the 19th Day of March, 1778, Charles-Town: Printed by Authority, and sold by Nicholas Boden, and Comp., M,DCC,LXXVIII [1778], 15 p., and corrected according to the original manuscript as preserved in the South Carolina Department of Archives and History at Columbia, S.C. Checked also against the version as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina; ed., under Authority of the Legislature, by Thomas Cooper, I, Columbia, S.C.: Printed by A. S. Johnston, 1836, 137–146, and as in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1778, ed. by Robert L. Meriwether, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1953, 7 p. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the original manuscript. Italics are used to represent emphasized text in the manuscript as well as non-English legal terms. The constitution was not submitted to the people and went into effect on March 19, 1778. It superceded the first constitution of 1776 (q.v.) and was replaced by the third constitution of 1790 (q.v.). 2 Word supplied by editor throughout. No paragraphing in manuscript. Paragraphing here follows the Boden print. 3 In Boden print, 7, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Meriwether, [3], “Winyah”. 4 In Boden print, 7, in Statutes at Large, I, 140, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Meriwether, [3], “Wateree”.
Constitution of South Carolina (1790) The Constitution of the State of South-Carolina1
W E the Delegates of the People of the State of South-Carolina in General Convention met do ordain and establish this Constitution for its Government.
House of Representatives.
S ECT. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen by Ballot every second year by The Citizens of this State qualified as in this constitution is provided.
S ECT. 1. The Legislative Authority of this State shall be vested in a General Assembly which shall consist of a Senate and
S ECT. 3. The several election Districts in this State, shall elect the following number for Representatives, viz.
Charleston, including St. Philip and St. Michael Christ Church St. John Berkley St. Andrew St. George Dorchester St. James Goose Creek St. Thomas and St. Dennis St. Paul St. Bartholemew2 St. James Santee St. John Colleton St. Stephen St. Helena St. Luke Prince William St. Peter All Saints (including its antient Boundaries) Winyaw (not including any part of All Saints) Kingston (not including any part of All Saints) Williamsburgh Liberty Marlborough Chesterfield Darlington
Fifteen Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members One Member Three Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Two Members
S OUTH C AROLINA York Chester Fairfield Richland Lancaster Kershaw Claremont Clarendon Abbeville Edgefield Newberry (including the Fork between Broad and Saluda Rivers) Laurens Union Spartan Greenville Pendleton St. Matthew Orange Winton (including the district between Savannah River & the No . Fork of Edisto) Saxe Gotha S ECT. 4. Every Free white man of the age of twenty one years being a Citizen of this State, and having resided therein two years previous to the day of Election and who hath a Freehold of Fifty Acres of Land, or a Town Lot of which he hath been legally seized and possessed at least Six Months before such Election or not having such Freehold or Town Lot hath been a Resident in the Election district, in which he offers to give his Vote, Six Months before the said Election and hath paid a Tax the preceeding year of Three Shillings Sterling towards the Support of this Government shall have a Right to vote for a Member or Members to serve in either Branch of the Legislature for the Election district in which he holds such Property or is so Resident. S ECT. 5. The Returning Officer, or any other Person present, entitled to vote, may require any Person who shall offer his Vote at an Election, to produce a Certificate of
Three Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Three Members Two Members Two Members Two Members Three Members Two Members Two Members Three Members Three Members
his Citizenship and a Receipt from the Tax Collector of his having paid a Tax, entitling him to vote or to swear or affirm, that he is duly qualified to vote agreeable3 to this Constitution. S ECT. 6. No Person shall be eligible to a Seat in the House of Representatives, unless he is a Free white man of the age of Twenty one years and hath been a Citizen and Resident in this State Three years previous to his Election. If a Resident in the Election District he shall not be eligible to a Seat in the House of Representatives unless he be legally seized and possessed in his own Right of a settled Freehold Estate of Five hundred acres of Land and Ten Negroes or of a Real Estate of the value of One hundred and Fifty Pounds Sterling clear of Debt. If a non-Resident he shall be legally seized and possessed of a settled Freehold Estate therein of the value of Five hundred pounds Sterling clear of Debt.
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1790) S ECT. 7. The Senate shall be composed of Members to be chosen for Four years in the following proportions by the Citizens of this State qualified to elect Members to the
House of Representatives at the same Time in the same Manner and at the same Places where they shall vote for Representatives, viz.
Charleston including St. Philip and St. Michael Christ Church St. John Berkley St. Andrew St. George St. James Goose Creek St. Thomas & St. Dennis St. Paul St. Bartholemew4 St. James Santee St. John Colleton St. Stephen St. Helena St. Luke Prince William St. Peter All Saints Winyaw and Williamsburgh Liberty and Kingston Marlborough, Chesterfield and Darlington York Fairfield Richland and Chester Lancaster and Kershaw Claremont and Clarendon Abbeville Edgefield Newberry (including the Fork between Broad and Saluda Rivers) Laurens Union Spartan Greenville Pendleton St. Mathew and Orange Winton (including the District between Savannah River & the North Fork of Edisto) Saxe Gotha
Two Members One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member Two Members One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member One Member
S OUTH C AROLINA S ECT. 8. No Person shall be eligible to a Seat in the Senate unless he is a Free white Man of the age of Thirty years and hath been a Citizen and Resident in this State Five years previous to his Election. If a Resident in the Election district he shall not be eligible unless he be legally seized and possessed in his own Right of a settled Freehold Estate of the value of Three hundred pounds Sterling clear of Debt. If a non-Resident in the Election district he shall not be eligible unless he be legally seized and possessed in his own Right of a settled Freehold Estate in the said District of the value of One thousand pounds Sterling clear of Debt.
S ECT. 11. Each House shall judge of the Elections Returns and Qualifications of its own Members and a Majority of each House shall constitute a Quorum to do Business but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day and may be authorised to compel the Attendance of absent Members in such manner and under such Penalties as may be provided by Law.
S ECT. 9. Immediately after the Senators shall be assembled in consequence of the First Election, they shall be divided by Lot into Two Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the First Class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year and of the second Class at the expiration of the Fourth year; so that one half thereof as near as possible may be chosen forever thereafter5 every second year for the Term of Four years.
S ECT. 13. Each House may punish by Imprisonment during its6 sitting any Person not a Member who shall be guilty of disrespect to the House by any Disorderly or contemptuous Behaviour in its Presence, or who during the time of its sitting shall threaten Harm to the7 Body or Estate of any Member for any thing said or done in either House; or who shall assault any of them therefor; or who shall assault or arrest any Witness or other person ordered to attend the House in his going to or returning therefrom, or who shall rescue any person arrested by order of the House.
S ECT. 10. Senators and Members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen on the second Monday in October next and the day following and on the same days in every second year thereafter in such manner and at such Times as are herein directed and shall meet on the Fourth Monday in November, annually, at Columbia, which shall remain the Seat of Government until otherwise determined by the concurrence of two thirds of both Branches of the whole Representation, unless the Casualties of War or contagious disorders should render it unsafe to meet there in either of which Cases the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being may by Proclamation appoint a more secure and convenient place of Meeting.
S ECT. 12. Each House shall chose by Ballot its own Officers determine its Rules of Proceeding punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour and with the Concurrence of two thirds expel a Member but not a second Time for the same Cause.
S ECT. 14. The Members of both Houses shall be protected in their Persons and Estates during their Attendance on, going to and returning from the Legislature and Ten days previous to the sitting and Ten days after the Adjournment of the Legislature. But these Privileges shall not be extended so as to protect any member who shall be charged with Treason Felony or Breach of the Peace. S ECT. 15. Bills for raising a Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives but may be altered amended or rejected by the Senate. All other Bills may originate in either
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1790) House, and may be amended altered or rejected by the other. S ECT. 16. No Bill or Ordinance shall have the Force of Law, until it shall have been read Three times and on three several days in each House, has had8 the Great Seal affixed to it, and has been signed in the Senate House by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. S ECT. 17. No Money shall be drawn out of the Public Treasury but by the Legislative Authority of the State. S ECT. 18. The Members of the Legislature who shall assemble under this Constitution shall be entitled to receive out of the Public Treasury as a Compensation for their Expences a sum not exceeding seven Shillings Sterling a Day during their Attendance on going to and returning from the Legislature, but the same may be diminished or increased9 by Law if Circumstances shall require. But no Alteration10 shall be made by any Legislature to take effect during the existence of the Legislature which shall make such alteration. S ECT. 19. Neither house shall during the11 Session without the consent of the other adjourn for more than Three days nor to any other place than that in which the Two Houses shall be sitting. S ECT. 20. No Bill or Ordinance which shall have been rejected by either House shall be brought in again during the sitting without Leave of the House and Notice of six Days being previously given. S ECT. 21. No Person shall be eligible to a Seat in the Legislature whilst he holds any Office of Profit or Trust under this State the United States or either of them or under any other Power. Except Officers in the Militia Army or Navy of this State, Justices of the Peace or Justices of the County Courts whilst12 they receive no Salaries nor shall
any Contractor of the Army or Navy of this State the United States or either of them or the Agent13 of such Contractor be eligible to a Seat in either House and if any Member shall accept or exercise any of the said disqualifying Offices he shall vacate his Seat. S ECT. 22. If any election District shall neglect to chose a Member or Members on the Days of Election or if any person chosen a Member of either House should refuse to qualify and take his Seat or die14 depart the State or accept of15 any disqualifying Office a writ of Election shall be issued by the President of the Senate or Speaker of the House of Representatives as the case may be for the purpose of filling up the Vacancy thereby occasioned for the remainder of the term for which the Person16 so refusing to qualify dying departing the State or accepting a disqualifying Office was elected to serve. S ECT. 23. And whereas the Ministers of the Gospel are by their profession dedicated to the Service of God and the Cure of Souls and ought not to be diverted from the great Duties of their Function Therefore no Minister of the Gospel or public Preacher of any religious Persuasion whilst he continues in the exercise of his pastoral Functions shall be eligible to the Office of Governor Lieutenant Governor or to a Seat in the Senate or House of Representatives.
ARTICLE II S ECT. 1. The Executive Authority of this State shall be vested17 in a Governor to be chosen in manner following: As soon as may be after the first Meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives and at every first Meeting of the House of Representatives thereafter when a Majority of both Houses shall be present the Senate and
S OUTH C AROLINA House of Representatives shall jointly in the House of Representatives choose by Ballot a Governor to continue for Two years and until a new Election shall be made. S ECT. 2. No Person shall be eligible to the Office of Governor unless he hath attained the Age of Thirty years and hath resided within this18 State and been a Citizen thereof Ten years and unless he be seized and possessed of a settled Estate within the same in his own Right of the value of Fifteen hundred pounds Sterling clear of Debt. No Person having served Two years as Governor shall be reeligible to that Office till after the expiration of Four years. No Person shall hold the Office of Governor and any other Office or Commission civil or military (except in the Militia) either in this State or under any State or the United States, or any other Power at one and the same time.
time for which the Officer so impeached removed from office dying resigning, or being absent was Elected. S ECT. 6. The Governor shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State and of the Militia except when they shall be called into the actual Service of the United States. S ECT. 7. He shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons after Conviction (except in cases of Impeachment) in such manner on such terms and under such Restrictions as he shall think proper, and he shall have Power to remit Fines and Forfeitures unless otherwise directed by Law. S ECT. 8. He shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed in Mercy. S ECT. 9. He shall have Power to prohibit the exportation of Provision20 for any time not exceeding Thirty days.
S ECT. 3. A Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen at the same time in the same manner continue in Office for the same period and be possessed of the same Qualifications as the Governor.
S ECT. 10. He shall at stated times receive for his Services a compensation which shall neither be21 increased or diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected.
S ECT. 4. A Member of the Senate or House of Representatives being chosen and acting as Governor or Lieutenant Governor shall vacate his Seat and another Person shall be elected in his stead.
S ECT. 11. All Officers in the executive department when required by the Governor shall give him Information in writing upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective Offices.
S ECT. 5. In case of the Impeachment of the Governor or his removal from Office Death resignation or Absence from the State the Lieutenant Governor shall succeed to his Office. And in case of the Impeachment of the Lieutenant Governor or his removal from Office death resignation or absence from the State the President of the Senate shall succeed to his Office until19 a nomination to those Offices respectively shall be made by the Senate and House of Representatives for the Remainder of the
S ECT. 12. The Governor shall from time to time give to the General Assembly Information of the Condition of the State and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary or expedient.
S ECT. 13. He may on extraordinary Occasions convene the General Assembly and in case of Disagreement between the two Houses with respect to the time of Adjournment, adjourn them to such time as he shall
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1790) think proper not beyond the Fourth Monday in the Month of November then ensuing.
no Impeachment shall be made unless by25 the concurrence of two thirds of the House of Representatives.
S ECT. 2. All Impeachments shall be tried by the Senate: When sitting for that purpose the Senators shall be on Oath or Affirmation and no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of Two Thirds of the Members present.
S ECT. 1. The Judicial Power shall be vested in such superior and inferior Courts of Law and Equity as the Legislature shall from time to time direct and establish. The Judges of each shall hold their Commissions during good Behaviour and the Judges of the superior Courts shall at stated times receive a22 Compensation for their Services which shall neither be increased or diminished during their Continuance in Office but they shall receive no Fees or Perquisites of Office nor23 hold any other Office of Profit or Trust under this State the United States or any other Power. S ECT. 2. The Stile of all Process shall be “The State of South Carolina” and24 all Prosecutions shall be carried on in the Name and by the Authority of the State of South Carolina, and conclude “against the Peace and Dignity of the same”.
ARTICLE IV All Persons who shall be chosen or appointed to any Office of Profit or Trust before entering on the Execution thereof shall take the following Oath “I do swear or affirm that I am duly qualified according to the Constitution of this State to exercise the Office to which I have been appointed and will to the best of my Abilities discharge the Duties thereof and preserve protect and defend the Constitution of this State and of the United States.”
ARTICLE V S ECT. 1. The House of Representatives shall have the sole Power of impeaching but
S ECT. 3. The Governor Lieutenant Governor and all the civil Officers shall be liable to Impeachment for any Misdemeanour in Office; but Judgment in such Cases shall not extend further than to the26 removal from Office and disqualification to hold any Office of Honor Trust or Profit under this State. The Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable to Indictment Trial Judgment and Punishment according to Law.
ARTICLE VI S ECT. 1. The Judges of the superior Courts Commissioners of the Treasury Secretary of the State and Surveyor General shall be elected by the joint Ballot of both Houses in the House of Representatives. The Commissioners of the Treasury Secretary of the27 State and Surveyor General shall hold their Offices for Four years; but shall not be eligible again for Four years after the expiration of the time for which they shall have been elected. S ECT. 2. All other Officers shall be appointed as they hitherto have been until otherwise directed by Law but Sheriffs shall hold their Offices for Four years and not be again eligible for Four years after the term for which they shall have been elected. S ECT. 3. All Commissions shall be in the Name and by the Authority of the State of South Carolina and be sealed with the Seal of the State and signed28 by the Governor.
ARTICLE VII All Laws of Force29 at the passing of this Constitution shall so continue until altered or repealed by the Legislature except where they are temporary in which case they shall expire at the times respectively limited for their duration if not continued by Act of the Legislature.
ARTICLE VIII S ECT. 1. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious Profession and Worship without discrimination or preference shall forever hereafter be allowed within this State to all Mankind; provided that the Liberty of Conscience hereby30 declared shall not be so construed as to excuse Acts of Licentiousness or justify Practices inconsistent with the Peace or Safety of this State. S ECT. 2. The Rights Privileges Immunities and Estates of both civil and religious Societies and of corporate Bodies shall remain as if the Constitution of this State had not been altered or amended.
ARTICLE IX S ECT. 1. All Power is originally vested in the people and all free Governments are founded on their Authority and are instituted for their Peace Safety and Happiness. S ECT. 2. No Freeman of this State shall be taken or imprisoned or disseized of his Freehold Liberties or Privileges or outlawed or exiled or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his Life Liberty or Property but by the Judgment of his Peers or by the Law of the Land: Nor shall any Bill of Attainder, ex post Facto Law or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts be passed31 by the Legislature of this State.
S ECT. 3. The Military shall be subordinate to the Civil Power. S ECT. 4. Excessive Bail shall not be required nor excessive Fines imposed nor cruel Punishments inflicted. S ECT. 5. The Legislature shall not grant any Title of Nobility or Hereditary Distinction nor create any Office the Appointment to which shall be for any longer time than during good Behaviour. S ECT. 6. The Trial by Jury as heretofore used in this State and the Liberty of the Press shall be forever inviolably preserved.
ARTICLE X S ECT. 1. The Business of the Treasury shall be in future conducted by Two Treasurers one of whom shall hold his Office and reside at32 Columbia the other shall hold his Office and reside in Charleston. S ECT. 2. The Secretary of State and33 Surveyor General shall hold their Offices both in Columbia and in34 Charleston. They shall reside at one place and their Deputies at the other. S ECT. 3. At the conclusion of the Circuits the Judges shall meet and sit at Columbia for the purpose of hearing and determining all Motions which may be made for new Trials and in Arrest of Judgment35 and such Points of Law as may be submitted to them; from Columbia they shall proceed to Charleston and there hear and determine all such Motions for new Trials and in Arrest of Judgment and such Points of Law as may be submitted to them. S ECT. 4. The Governor shall always reside during the sitting of the Legislature at the place where their Session may be held and at all other times wherever in his opinion the Public Good may require.
C ONSTITUTION OF S OUTH C AROLINA (1790) S ECT. 5. The Legislature shall as soon as may be convenient pass Laws for the Abolition of the Rights of Primogeniture and for giving an equitable Distribution of the real Estate of Intestates.
ARTICLE XI No Convention of the People shall be called unless by the concurrence of two thirds of both Branches of the whole Representation. No part of this Constitution shall be altered unless a Bill to alter the same shall have been read Three times in the House of Representatives and Three times in the Senate and agreed to by Two Thirds of both Branches of the whole Representation neither shall any Alteration take place until the Bill so agreed to, be published Three Months previous to a new Election for Members to the House of Representatives and if the Alteration proposed by the Legislature shall be agreed to in their36 first Session by Two Thirds of the whole Representation in both Branches of the Legislature after the same shall have been read Three times on37 three several days in each House then and not otherwise the same shall become a part of the Constitution. Done in Convention at Columbia38 the Third day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety and in the Fourteenth year of the Independence of the United States of America. By the unanimous Order of the Convention. CHARLES PINCKNEY President. Attest. JOHN SANDFORD39 DART Secretary.40
Verified by The Constitution of the State of SouthCarolina, Charleston: Printed for A. Timothy, Printer
to the State, X,DCC,LXXXX [1790], 12 p., and corrected according to the handwritten original, located in the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia SC. Checked also against The Constitution of the State of South-Carolina, [Charleston: Printed for A. Timothy, Printer to the State, 1790,] 8 p., which appears to be the second printing, the versions as published in Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina. Passed in December, 1801. To which is Added, the Constitution of the State of South-Carolina, and Likewise the Constitution of the United States, with the Amendments thereto, Columbia: Printed by D. & J. J. Faust, State Printers, MDCCCII [1802], 1–11, in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, ed. under Authority of the Legislature, by Thomas Cooper, I, Columbia, S.C.: Printed by A. S. Johnston, 1836, 184–192, and as Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790; ed., by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [2– 6]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation follow the handwritten original. Italics are employed according to common usage, when non-English legal terms are used and to represent textual emphasis in the manuscript. Parentheses are used as in the original manuscript. The constitution of 1790 was the third constitution of South Carolina and went into effect on 3 January 1791. It saw numerous amendments, the last of which to be ratified on 28 January 1861. It was replaced by the constitution of 8 April 1861. 2 In Timothy print (12 p.), 3, in Session Law print, 1, in Statutes at Large, I, 184, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [2], “Bartholomew”. 3 In Timothy print (12 p.), 4, (8 p.), 2, and in Statutes at Large, I, 185, “agreeably”. 4 In Timothy print (12 p.), 4, in Session Law print, 3, in Statutes at Large, I, 186, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [3], “Bartholomew”. 5 In Session Law print, 4, “hereafter”. 6 In Timothy print (12 p.), 6, word missing. 7 In Statutes at Large, I, 187, word missing. 8 In Timothy print (8 p.), 4, “shall have had”. 9 In Timothy print (12 p.), 6, (8 p.), 4, and in Statutes at Large, I, 187, “encreased or diminished”. 10 In Timothy print (12 p.), 6, (8 p.), p. 4, and in Statutes at Large, I, 187, “alterations”. 11 In Timothy print (12 p.), 6, (8 p.), 4, in Session Law print, 5, and in Statutes at Large, I, 187, “their”. 12 In Timothy print (12 p.), 7, (8 p.), 4, and in Statutes at Large, I, 188, “while”. 13 In Timothy print (12 p.), 7, (8 p.), 4, and in Statutes at Large, I, 188, “agents”. 14 In Timothy print (12 p.), 7, (8 p.), 4, and in Statutes at Large, I, 188, “should die”. 15 In Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [4], word missing. 16 In Timothy print (12 p.), 7, and (8 p.), 4, “persons”.
In Timothy print (12 p.), 7, “invested”. In Statutes at Large, I, 188, “the”. 19 In Timothy print (12 p.), 8, and (8 p.), 5, “’til”. 20 In Statutes at Large, I, 189, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [4], “provisions”. 21 In Timothy print (8 p.), 5, in Statutes at Large, I, 189, and in Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [4], “be neither”. 22 In Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [5], word missing. 23 Ibid., “or”. 24 In Timothy print (12 p.), 9, (8 p.), 6, and in Statutes at Large, I, 189, word missing. 25 In Timothy print (12 p.), 9, (8 p.), 6, and in Statutes at Large, I, 190, “with”. 26 In Statutes at Large, I, 190, “a”. 27 In Timothy print (12 p.), 10, (8 p.), 7, and in Session Law print, 9, “this”. 28 In Timothy print (12 p.), 10, (8 p.), 7, and in Statutes at Large, I, 190, “be signed”. 29 In Timothy print (12 p.), 10, (8 p.), 7, and in Statutes at Large, I, 190, “of force in this state”. 30 In Timothy print (12 p.), 10, (8 p.), 7, and in Statutes 18
at Large, I, 191, “thereby”. 31 In Timothy print (12 p.), 11, (8 p.), 7, and in Statutes at Large, I, 191, “ever be passed”. 32 In Statutes at Large, I, 191, “in”. 33 Ibid., and in Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [6], “and the”. 34 In Statutes at Large, I, 191, word missing. 35 In Timothy print (12 p.), 11, (8 p.), 8, and in Statutes at Large, I, 191, “judgements”. 36 In Statutes at Large, I, 192, “the”. 37 In Timothy print (12 p.), 12, (8 p.), 8, and in Session Law print, 11, “or”. 38 In Timothy print (12 p.), 12, (8 p.), 8, and in Statutes at Large, I, 192, “Columbia, in the State of South Carolina,”. 39 In Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [6], “Sanford”. Cf. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of South Carolina, May 10, 1790 – June 3, 1790, ed. by Francis M. Hutson, Columbia, S.C.: Printed for the Historical Commission of South Carolina By the State Commercial Printing Co., 1946, 11, “Sandford”. 40 In Timothy print (12 p.), 12, last line missing.
Amendment of 1808 A Bill to alter the Representation in the Legislature of this State1 Whereas it is expedient that some certain rule be established for the representation of the several districts of the state, in the general assembly thereof, and that its uniform application at stated periods, be further provided for and secured: Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the following sections in amendment of the third, seventh and ninth sections of the first article of the constitution of this state, be, and they are hereby declared to be valid parts of the said constitution; and the said2 third, seventh and ninth sections, or such parts thereof as are repugnant to such amendments, are hereby repealed and made void. The house of representatives shall consist of one hundred and twenty-four members; to be apportioned among the several election districts of the state, according to the number of white inhabitants contained, and the amount of all taxes raised by the legislature, whether direct or indirect, or of whatever species, paid in each, deducting therefrom, all taxes paid on account of property held in any other district, and adding thereto all taxes elsewhere paid on account of property held in such district; an enumeration of the white inhabitants for this purpose shall be made in the year one thousand eight hundred and nine, and in the course of every tenth year thereafter, in such manner as shall be by law directed; and representatives shall be assigned to the different districts in the above mentioned proportion, by act of the legislature at the session immedi-
ately succeeding the above enumeration. If the enumeration herein directed should not be made in the course of the year appointed for the purpose by these amendments, it shall be the duty of the governor to have it effected as soon thereafter as shall be practicable. In assigning representatives to the several districts of the3 state, the legislature shall allow one representative for every sixtysecond part of the whole number of white inhabitants in the state; and one representative also, for every sixty-second part of the whole taxes raised by the legislature of the state. The legislature shall further allow one representative for such fractions of the sixty-second part of the white inhabitants of the state, and of the sixty-second part of the taxes raised by the legislature of the state, as when added together form a unit. In every apportionment of representation under these amendments, which shall take place after the first apportionment, the amount of taxes shall be estimated from the average of the ten preceding years; but the first apportionment shall be founded upon the tax of the preceding year, excluding from the amount thereof the whole produce of the tax on sales at public auction. If in the apportionment of representatives under these amendments, any election district shall appear not to be entitled from its population and its taxes to a representative, such election district shall, nevertheless, send one representative; and if there should be still a deficiency of the number of representatives required by these amendments, such deficiency shall be supplied
S OUTH C AROLINA by assigning representatives to those election districts having the largest surplus fractions; whether those fractions consist of a combination of population and of taxes, or of population or of taxes separately, until the number of one hundred and twenty-four members be provided. No apportionment under these amendments shall be construed to take effect in any manner, until the general election which shall succeed such apportionment. The election districts for members of the house of representatives, shall be and remain as heretofore established, except Saxegotha and Newberry, in which the boundaries shall be altered as follows, viz. That part of Lexington in the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers, shall no longer compose a part of the election district of Newberry, but shall be henceforth attached to and form a part of Saxegotha. And also except Orange and Barnwell or Winton, in which the boundaries shall be altered as follows, viz. That of Orange in the fork of Edisto, shall no longer compose a part of the election district of Barnwell or Winton, but shall be henceforth attached4 and form a part of Orange election district. The senate shall be composed of one member from each election district, as now established for the election of members of the house of representatives, except the district formed by the parishes of St. Philip and St. Michael, to which shall be allowed two senators as heretofore. The seats of those senators who under the constitution shall represent two or more election districts, on the day preceding the second Monday of October, which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred and ten, shall be vacated on that day, and the new senators who shall represent such districts under these amendments, shall immediately after they shall have been assembled under the first election, be divided by lots
into two classes; the seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, and of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year; and the number in these classes shall be so proportioned, that one half of the whole number of senators may, as nearly as possible, continue to be chosen thereafter, every second year. None of these amendments becoming parts of the constitution of this state, shall be altered, unless a bill to alter the same shall have been read on three several days, in the house of representatives, and on three several days, in the senate, and agreed to at the second and third reading, by two-thirds of the whole representation, in each branch of the legislature; neither shall any alteration take place, until the bill so agreed to, be published three months previous to a new election for members to the house of representatives; and if the alteration proposed by the legislature, shall be agreed to in the first session, by two-thirds of the whole representation, in each branch of the legislature, after the same shall have been read on three several days in each house, then and not otherwise, the same shall become a part of the constitution. 1 Verified by Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina. Passed in December, 1809. Also the Constitution of South-Carolina, with its Amendments, Columbia: Printed by D. & J. J. Faust, State Printers, MDCCCX [1810], 87–90, and checked against the version as published in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [7–8]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on June 29, 1808, and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 17, 1808. 2 In Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [7], word missing. 3 Ibid., “this”. 4 Ibid., “attached to”.
Amendment of 1810 A Bill to alter the fourth section of the first article of the constitution of the state of South-Carolina1
Be it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the fourth section of the first article of the constitution of this state, be altered and amended, to read as follows: Every free white man of the age of 21 years, paupers and non-commissioned officers and private soldiers of the army of the United States excepted, being a citizen of this state, and having resided therein two years previous to the day of election, and who hath a freehold of 50 acres of land, or a town lot, of which he hath been legally seized and possessed, at least six months before such election, or not having such freehold or town lot, hath been a resident in the election district in which he offers to give
his vote, six months before the said election, shall have a right to vote for a member or members to serve in either branch of the legislature, for the election district in which he holds such property, or is so resident.
1 Verified by Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina. Passed in December, 1810, Columbia: Printed by D. & J. J. Faust, State Printers, MDCCCXI [1811], 118, and checked against the version as published in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [8]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 19, 1809, and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 19, 1810.
Amendment of 1816 A Bill to alter the third section of the tenth article of the Constitution of the State of South-Carolina1
Be it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the third section of the tenth article of the constitution of this state, be altered and amended to read as follows: The judges shall, at such times and places as shall be prescribed by act of the legislature of this state, meet and sit for the purpose of hearing and determining all motions which may be made for new trials, and in arrest of judgment, and such points of law as may be submitted to them.
1 Verified by Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina. Passed in December, 1816, Columbia: Printed by D. & J. J. Faust, State Printers, MDCCCXVII [1817], 16–17, and checked against the versions as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, ed. under Authority of the Legislature, by David J. McCord, VI, Columbia, S.C.: Printed by A. S. Johnston, 1839, 45, and in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [8]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 15, 1815, and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 19, 1816.
Amendment of 1820 A Bill so to alter and amend the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, as to Include the Territory acquired by treaty from the Cherokee nation, in the election district of Pendleton1
Be it enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the authority of the same, That all that territory lying within the chartered limits of this state, and which was ceded by the Cherokee nation, in a treaty concluded at Washington, on the twenty-second day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, and confirmed by an act of the legislature of this state, passed on the nineteenth day of December, in the same year, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be annexed to, and shall form and continue a part of the election district of Pendleton.
1 Verified by Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina, Passed in December, 1820, Columbia: Printed by D. Faust, 1821, 123, and checked against the versions as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, ed. under Authority of the Legislature, by David J. McCord, VI, Columbia, S.C.: Printed by A. S. Johnston, 1839, 146, and in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [8]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print, except title and introductory clause supplied from Statutes at Large. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 18, 1819, and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 20, 1820.
Amendment of 1828 A Bill to alter the Constitution of the State of South-Carolina1
Be it enacted by the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the third Section of the fifth Article of the Constitution of this State, shall be altered to read as follows, viz.: S ECT. 3. The Governor, LieutenantGovernor, and all civil officers, shall be liable to impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, for any misbehavior in office, for corruption in procuring office, or for any act which shall degrade their official character. But judgment, in such cases, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust, or profit under this State. The party convicted shall, nevertheless, be liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law. S ECT. 4. All civil officers whose authority is limited to a single election district, a single judicial district or part of either, shall be appointed, hold their office, be removed from office, and in addition to liability to impeachment, may be punished for official misconduct, in such manner as the Legislature, previous to their appointment, may provide.
S ECT. 5. If any civil officer shall become disabled from discharging the duties of his office, by reason of any permanent bodily, or mental infirmity, his office may be declared to be vacant, by joint resolution agreed to by two thirds of the whole representation in each branch of the Legislature: Provided, That such resolution shall contain the grounds for the proposed removal, and before it shall pass either house, a copy of it shall be served on the officer, and a hearing be allowed him.
1 Verified by Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina. Passed in December, 1828, Columbia: Printed by D. & J. M. Faust, 1829, 40, and checked against the version as published in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, 8. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 19, 1827, and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 20, 1828. The amendment is missing among the amendments published in Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina. Passed in December, 1834: Together with An Appendix, Containing The Acts passed at the Extra Session in 1832 – The Ordinance of the Convention, assembled in March 1833, and the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, with the Amendments thereto, Columbia, S.C.: Printed by E. F. Branthwaite, Printer to the Senate, 1834, x.
Amendment of 1834 A Bill to alter and amend the Fourth Article of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina1
Be it enacted, by the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the Fourth Article of the Constitution of this State shall be amended so as to read as follows, viz: Every person who shall be chosen or appointed to any office of profit or trust, before entering on the execution thereof, shall take the following oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful, and true allegiance bear to the State of South Carolina, so long as I may continue a citizen thereof; and that I am duly qualified, according to the Constitution of this State, to exercise the office to which I have been appointed; and that I will, to the best of my abilities, discharge the duties thereof, and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of this State, and of the United States. So help me God.”
1 Verified by Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1834: Together with an Appendix, Containing The Acts passed at the Extra Session in 1832 – The Ordinance of the Convention, assembled in March 1833, and the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, with the Amendments thereto, Columbia, S.C.: Printed by E. F. Branthwaite, Printer to the Senate, 1834, 63, and checked against the versions as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, ed. under Authority of the Legislature, by David J. McCord, VI, Columbia, S.C.: Printed by A. S. Johnston, 1839, 513, and in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [8–9]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print, except title and introductory clause supplied from Statutes at Large. Obvious typing errors were tacitly corrected. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 19, 1833, and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 6, 1834.
Failed Amendment of 1849
A Bill to alter and amend the Constitution so as to change the name of the Election District of Saxe-Gotha to that of Lexington, and to Extend its Boundaries to its present Judicial Limits1
Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the amendment of the Constitution, ratified on the seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight2 , be amended to read as follows: The Election District called by the name of Saxe-Gotha shall be changed to that of Lexington, and the boundaries thereof extended to the judicial limits of the same, as now fixed by law.
Verified by Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1849. Printed, by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Eleventh Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1839, Columbia, S.C.: I. C. Morgan, State Printer, 1849, 600, and checked against the version as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, published under Authority of the Legislature, XI, Columbia, S.C.: Re-Printed by Republican Printing Company, State Printers, 1873, 582–583. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print, except title and introductory clause supplied from Statutes at Large. The amendment was adopted by the legislature on December 19, 1849, and was not ratified by the subsequent legislature. It was reintroduced verbatim in 1851 and ratified in 1852 (q.v.). 2 Amendment of 1808 (q.v.).
Amendment of 1852 A Bill to alter and amend the Constitution so as to change the name of the Election District of Saxe-Gotha to that of Lexington, and to extend its Boundaries to its present Judicial Limits1
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the amendment of the Constitution, ratified on2 the seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight3 , be amended to read as follows: The election district, called by the name of Saxe-Gotha, shall be changed to that of Lexington, and the boundaries thereof extended to the judicial limits of the same, as now fixed by law.
Verified by Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1852. Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: From the Steam-Power Press of
R. W. Gibbes, State Printer, 1853, 217, and checked against the versions as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, published under Authority of the Legislature, XII, Columbia, S.C.: Republican Printing Company, State Printers, 1874, 123, 196, and in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [9]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 16, 1851 (cf. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1851: Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: From the Steam-Power Press of I. C. Morgan, State Printer, 1852, 135), and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 16, 1852. A previous amendment with the identical content had failed in 1849 (q.v.). 2 In Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [9], word missing. 3 Amendment of 1808 (q.v.).
Amendment of 1854 An Act to alter the Constitution of this state so as to divide Pendleton into two Election Districts1
I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the Constitution of this State be altered and amended as follows: The District of Pendleton shall constitute two Election Districts, to be called Anderson District and Pickens District; Anderson District shall include all the territory now constituting Anderson Judicial District, and Pickens District shall include all the territory now constituting Pickens Judicial District. II. Each of the said Districts shall be entitled to elect one Senator, and such a number of Representatives as they may respectively be entitled to from time to time, according to the provisions of the Constitution now in force. III. That until the next apportionment of representation, Anderson District shall be entitled to four members in the House
of Representatives, and Pickens District to three members. 1
Verified by Acts of The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1854. Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: R. W. Gibbes & Co., State Printers, 1854, 389, and checked against the versions as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, published under Authority of the Legislature, XII, Columbia, S.C.: Republican Printing Company, State Printers, 1874, 196, 342, and in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [9]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 16, 1852 (cf. Acts of The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1852: Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: From the Steam-Power Press of R. W. Gibbes, State Printer, 1853, 217–218), and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 21, 1854.
Amendment of 1856 An Act to amend the fourth section of the first article of the Constitution of this State1
I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the amendment of the fourth section of the first article of the Constitution of this State, ratified on the nineteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten2 , be altered and amended to read as follows: Every free white man of the age of twenty-one years, (paupers and non-commissioned officers and private soldiers of the army of the United States, excepted,) who hath been a citizen and resident in this State two years previous to the day of election, and who hath a freehold of fifty acres of land or a town lot, of which he hath been legally seized and possessed at least six months before such election, or, not having such a3 freehold or town lot, hath been a resident in the election district in which he offers to give his vote six months before the said election, shall have a right to vote for a member or members, to serve in either branch of
the Legislature for the Election District in which he holds such property, or is so resident. 1
Verified by Reports and Resolutions of The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed at the Annual Session of 1856, Columbia, S.C.: Edward H. Britton, State Printer, 1856, 548–549, and checked against the versions as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, published under Authority of the Legislature, XII, Columbia, S.C.: Republican Printing Company, State Printers, 1874, 351, 471–472, and in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [9]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 19, 1855 (cf. Acts of The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1855: Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: E. H. Britton & Co., State Printers, 1855, 401), and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 20, 1856. 2 Amendment of 1810 (q.v.). 3 In Basic Documents, ed. by Lesesne, [9], word missing.
Failed Amendment of 1856
A Bill to alter and amend the tenth section of the first article of the Constitution of this State1
I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the tenth section of the first article of the Constitution of this State be altered and amended to read as follows: Senators, according to their classification, and members of the House of Representatives, shall be chosen on the second Monday in October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and on the same day in every second year thereafter, in such manner and at such times as are herein directed, and shall meet on the fourth Monday in November, annually, at Columbia, (which shall remain the seat of Government until otherwise determined by the concurrence of two-thirds of both branches of the whole representation,) unless the casual-
ties of war or contagious disorders should render it unsafe to meet there, in either of which cases, the Governor, or Commanderin-Chief for the time being, may, by proclamation, appoint a more secure and convenient place of meeting.
Verified by Reports and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed at the Annual Session of 1856, Columbia, S.C.: Edward H. Britton, State Printer, 1856, 578–579, and checked against the version as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, published under Authority of the Legislature, XII, Columbia, S.C.: Republican Printing Company, State Printers, 1874, 496. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was adopted by the legislature on December 20, 1856, but was not ratified by the subsequent legislature. Slightly modified, it was reintroduced in 1859 and ratified in 1861 (q.v.).
Failed Amendment of 1857
An Act to amend the Constitution of the State so that the Election District of Claremont shall hereafter be known and designated by the name of Sumter – and so that the Election District of Liberty shall hereafter be known and designated by the name of Marion1
I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the Election District declared and known in the Constitution by the name of Claremont, shall be hereafter known and recognized by the name of Sumter. II. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Election District declared and known in the Constitution by the name of “Liberty,” shall be hereafter known and recognized by the name of “Marion.”
Verified by Acts of The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1857. Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: R. W. Gibbes, State Printer, 1857, 623, and checked against the version as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, published under Authority of the Legislature, XII, Columbia, S.C.: Republican Printing Company, State Printers, 1874, 533. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was adopted by the legislature on December 21, 1857, but was not ratified by the subsequent legislature. It was reintroduced verbatim in 1859 and ratified in 1860 (q.v.).
Amendment of 1860 A Bill to alter and amend the Third Section of the first Article of the Constitution of this State1
I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the Election District declared and known in the Constitution by the name of Claremont, shall be hereafter known and recognized by the name of Sumter. II. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Election District declared and known in the Constitution by the name of “Liberty,” shall be hereafter known and recognized by the name of “Marion.” 1
Verified by Acts of The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1859. Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with
the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: R. W. Gibbes, State Printer, 1859, 955, and checked against the versions as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, published under Authority of the Legislature, XII, Columbia, S.C.: Republican Printing Company, State Printers, 1874, 715, 816, and in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [9]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 22, 1859 (cf. Acts of The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1859. Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: R. W. Gibbes, State Printer, 1859, 835), and ratified by the subsequent legislature on December 4, 1860. A previous amendment with the identical content had failed in 1857 (q.v.).
Amendment of 1861 A Bill to alter and amend the Tenth Section of the first Article of the Constitution of the State of South Carolina1
I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the tenth section of the first article of the Constitution of this State be altered and amended, to read as follows: Senators and members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen on the Tuesday after the second Monday in October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and on the same day in every second year thereafter, in such manner and at such times as are herein directed, and shall meet on the fourth Monday in November, annually, at Columbia, (which shall remain the seat of government until otherwise determined by the concurrence of two-thirds of both branches of the whole representation,) unless the casualties of war, or contagious disorders, should render it unsafe to meet there; in either of which cases, the Governor or Commander-in-Chief for the time being may, by proclamation, appoint a more secure and convenient place of meeting: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to apply
to those Senators whose term of office will not expire on the second Monday in October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.
Verified by Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1859. Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: R. W. Gibbes, State Printer, 1859, 954, and checked against the versions as published in The Statutes at Large of South Carolina, published under Authority of the Legislature, XII, Columbia, S.C.: Republican Printing Company, State Printers, 1874, 714–715, 815–816, and in Basic Documents of South Carolina History: The Constitution of 1790, ed. by J. M. Lesesne, Columbia, S.C.: Published by the Historical Commission of South Carolina, 1952, [9]. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session law print. The amendment was first adopted by the legislature on December 22, 1859 (cf. Acts of The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, Passed in December, 1859. Printed by Order of the Legislature, in Conformity with the Statutes at Large, and Designed to Form a Part of the Twelfth Volume, Commencing with the Acts of 1850, Columbia, S.C.: R. W. Gibbes, State Printer, 1859, 834–835), and ratified by the subsequent legislature on January 28, 1861. A similar amendment had failed in 1856 (q.v.).
Constitution of Tennessee (1796) The Constitution of the State of Tennessee1
We the People of the Territory of the United States south of the River Ohio having the right of admission into the General Government as a member State thereof, consistent with the Constitution of the United States and the act of Cession of the State of North Carolina2 , recognizing the Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio3 do ordain and establish the following Constitution or form of Government and do mutually agree with each other to form ourselves into a free and Independent State, by the name of the State of T ENNESSEE.
ARTICLE I S ECT. 1. The Legislative Authority of this State shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives, both dependant on the People. S ECT. 2. Within three years after the first Meeting of the General Assembly and within every subsequent term of seven years, an enumeration of the taxable Inhabitants, shall be made in such manner as shall be directed by Law, the number of Representatives, shall at the several periods of making such enumeration, be fixed by the Legislature, and apportioned among the Several Counties according to the number of taxable Inhabitants in each; and shall never be less than twenty two, nor greater than twenty six until the number of taxable Inhabitants shall be forty Thousand; and af-
ter that event at such ratio that the whole number of Representatives shall never exceed forty. S ECT. 3. The number of Senators shall at the several periods of making the Enumeration before mentioned be fixed by the Legislature, and apportioned among the Districts formed as herein after directed according to the number of taxable Inhabitants in each, and shall never be less than one third, nor more than one half of the number of Representatives. S ECT. 4. The Senators shall be chosen by Districts to be formed by the Legislature, each District containing such a number of taxable Inhabitants as shall be entitled to elect not more than4 three Senators. When a District shall be composed of two or more Counties, they shall be adjoining, and no County shall be divided in forming a District. S ECT. 5. The first Election for Senators and Representatives shall commence on the second thursday of march next, and shall continue for that and the succeeding day; and the next Election shall commence on the first thursday of August One Thousand Seven hundred and ninety Seven, and shall continue on that and the Succeeding day, and forever after elections shall be held once in two years, commencing on the first thursday in August and terminating the succeeding day. S ECT. 6. The first Session of the General Assembly shall commence on the last mon-
T ENNESSEE day of march next, the second on the third monday of September one Thousand seven hundred and ninety seven, And forever after, the General Assembly shall meet on the third monday of September next, ensuing the then election, and at no other period unless as provided for by this Constitution. S ECT. 7. That no person shall be eligible to a Seat in the General Assembly unless he shall have resided three years in the State, and one year in the County, immediately preceeding the election and shall possess in his own right, in the County which he represents, not less than two hundred acres of Land and shall have attained to the age of twenty one years. S ECT. 8. The Senate and House of Representatives when assembled, shall each choose a Speaker and other its5 Officers, be Judges of the qualifications, and elections6 , of its members, and sit upon its own adjournments from day to day. Two thirds of each House shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized by Law, to compel the attendance of absent Members. S ECT. 9. Each House may determine the rules of its Proceedings punish its members for disorderly behaviour and with the concurrence of two thirds expel a member, but not a second time for the same offence, and shall have all other powers necessary for the Legislature of a free State. S ECT. 10. Senators and Representatives shall in all cases, except treason, felony, or breach7 of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during the session of the General Assembly and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or debate in either House they shall not be questioned in any other place.
S ECT. 11. Each House may punish by imprisonment, during their Session, any person not a member, who shall be guilty of disrespect to the House, by any disorderly or contemptuous behaviour in their presence S ECT. 12. When Vacancies happen in either House, the Governor for the time being, shall issue writs of election to fill such Vacancies. S ECT. 13. Neither House shall during their Session adjourn without consent of the other, for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. S ECT. 14. Bills may originate in either House, but may be amended, altered or rejected by the other. S ECT. 15. Every Bill shall be read three times, on three different days in each House and be signed by the respective Speakers before it becomes a Law. S ECT. 16. After a Bill has been rejected no Bill containing the same Substance, shall be passed into a Law, during the same Session. S ECT. 17. The Style of the Laws of this State shall be: Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee. S ECT. 18. Each House shall keep a Journal of its proceedings and publish them, except such parts as the Welfare of the State may require to be kept secret. And the yeas and nays of the Members on any question shall, at the request of any two of them, be entered on the Journals. S ECT. 19. The doors of each House and Committees of the whole shall be kept open unless when the business shall be such as ought to be kept Secret.
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1796) S ECT. 20. The Legislature of this State shall not allow the following Officers of Government greater annual Salaries than as follows until the Year One thousand eight hundred and four, to wit8 . The Governor not more than Seven hundred and fifty Dollars. The Judges of the Superior Courts not more than Six hundred Dollars each. The Secretary not more than four hundred Dollars. The Treasurer or Treasurers not more than four per Cent for receiving and paying out all monies. The Attorney or Attorneys for the State shall receive a compensation for their Services not exceeding fifty Dollars for each Superior Court which he9 shall attend. No member of the Legislature shall receive more than one Dollar and Seventy five Cents per day, nor more for every twenty five miles he shall travel in going-to and returning10 from the General Assembly. S ECT. 21. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by Law. S ECT. 22. No person who heretofore hath been, or hereafter may be a Collector or holder of public monies shall have a Seat in either House of the General Assembly until such person shall have accounted for and paid into the Treasury all Sums for which he may be accountable or liable. S ECT. 23. No Judge of any Court of Law or equity, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Register, Clerk of any Court of record or person holding any office under the authority of the United States shall have a Seat in the General Assembly; nor shall any person in this State hold more than one lucrative office at one and the same time, provided that no appointment in the Militia or to the office of a Justice of the peace shall be considered as a Lucrative office.
S ECT. 24. No member of the General Assembly shall be eligible, to any office or place of trust except to the office of a Justice of the peace, or Trustee of any Litterary Institution where the power of appointment to such office or place of trust, is vested in their own body. S ECT. 25. Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or any individual and have the reasons of his dissent entered on the Journals. S ECT. 26. All Lands liable to taxation in this State, held by Deed, Grant or Entry, shall be taxed equal and uniform, in such manner that no one hundred Acres shall be taxed higher than another, except Town Lots which shall not be taxed higher than two hundred acres of Land each. No freeman shall be taxed higher than one hundred acres; and no slave higher than two hundred Acres on each poll. S ECT. 27. No article manufactured of the produce of this State shall be taxed otherwise than to pay inspection fees.
ARTICLE II S ECT. 1. The Supreme executive power of this State shall be vested in a Governor. S ECT. 2. The Governor shall be chosen by the Electors of the members of the General Assembly, at the times and places where they shall respectively vote for the Members thereof. The returns of every election for Governor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of Government, by the returning Officers, directed to the Speaker of the Senate who shall open and publish them in the presence of a Majority
T ENNESSEE of the members of each House of the General Assembly. The person having the highest number of votes shall be Governor; but if two or more shall be equal and highest in votes one of them shall be chosen Governor by joint ballot of both Houses of the General Assembly. Contested elections for Governor shall be determined by both Houses of the General Assembly in such manner as shall be prescribed by Law. S ECT. 3. He shall be at least twenty five years of age, and possess a freehold Estate of five hundred acres of Land, and have been a Citizen or Inhabitant of this State four years next before his election unless he shall have been absent on the public business of the United States or of this State. S ECT. 4. The first Governor shall hold his office until the fourth tuesday of September one thousand Seven hundred and ninety seven, and until another Governor shall be elected and qualified to Office; and forever after the Governor shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until another Governor shall be elected and qualified; but shall not be eligible more than six years in any term of eight. S ECT. 5. He shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State and of the Militia except when they shall be called into the Service of the United States. S ECT. 6. He shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons after conviction except in cases of impeachment. S ECT. 7. He shall at stated times receive a compensation for his Services which shall not be increased or diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected. S ECT. 8. He may require information in writing from the Officers in the executive Department upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices.
S ECT. 9. He may on extraordinary occasions convene the General Assembly by Proclamation and shall state to them when assembled the purpose for which they shall have been convened. S ECT. 10. He shall take care that the Laws be11 faithfully executed. S ECT. 11. He shall from time to time give to the General Assembly information of the State of the Government and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge expedient. S ECT. 12. In case of his death, resignation12 or removal from office, the Speaker of the Senate shall exercise the office of Governor until another Governor shall be duly qualified. S ECT. 13. No member of Congress or person holding any office under the United States or this State shall execute the office of Governor. S ECT. 14. When any officer the right of whose appointment is by this Constitution vested in the General Assembly shall during the recess die or his office by other means become vacant, the Governor shall have power to fill up such vacancy by granting a temporary Commission which shall expire at the end of the next Session of the Legislature. S ECT. 15. There shall be a seal of this State which shall be kept by the Governor and used by him officially and shall be called the great Seal of the State of Tennessee. S ECT. 16. All Grants and Commissions shall be in the name and by the authority of the State of Tennessee, be sealed with the State Seal and signed by the Governor. S ECT. 17. A Secretary of this State shall be appointed and Commissioned during the
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1796) term of four years. He shall keep a fair Register of all the Official acts and proceedings of the Governor and shall when required lay the same and all Papers, minutes and vouchers relative thereto before the General Assembly and shall perform such other duties as shall be enjoined him by Law.
ARTICLE III S ECT. 1. Every free man of the age of twenty one years and upwards possessing a freehold in the County wherein he may vote and being an Inhabitant of this State and every freeman being an Inhabitant of any one County in the State Six months immediately preceeding the day of election shall be entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly for the County in which he shall reside. S ECT. 2. Electors shall in all cases except treason, felony or breach13 of the peace be privileged from arrest during their attendance at Elections and in going to and returning from them. S ECT. 3. All elections shall be by ballot.
ARTICLE IV S ECT. 1. The house of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. S ECT. 2. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate. When sitting for that purpose the Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation. S ECT. 3. No person shall be convicted, without the concurrence of two thirds of the members of14 the whole House. S ECT. 4. The Governor and all civil officers under this15 State shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office; but Judgment in such cases shall not
extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of Honor, trust or profit under this State. The party shall nevertheless in all cases be liable to Indictment, trial, Judgement and punishment according to Law.
ARTICLE V S ECT. 1. The judicial power of this16 State shall be vested in such Superior and inferior Courts of Law and equity, as the Legislature shall from time to time direct and establish. S ECT. 2. The General Assembly shall by joint ballot of both Houses appoint Judges of the several Courts of Law & equity, also an attorney or Attorneys for the state who shall hold their respective offices during good17 behaviour. S ECT. 3. The Judges of the Superior Court shall at Stated times, receive a compensation for their Services to be ascertained by Law but shall not be allowed any fees or perquisites of office nor shall they hold any other office of trust or profit under this State or the United States. S ECT. 4. The Judges of the Superior Courts shall be Justices of Oyer and terminer and general Jail18 delivery throughout the State. S ECT. 5. The Judges of the Superior and inferior Courts shall not charge Juries with respect to maters of fact but may State the testimony and declare the Law. S ECT. 6. The Judges of the Superior Courts shall have power in all civil cases, to issue writs of Certiorari to remove any cause or a19 transcript thereof from any inferior Court of Record into the Superior on sufficient Cause supported by oath or affirmation.
T ENNESSEE S ECT. 7. The Judges or Justices of the inferior Courts of law shall have power in all civil cases to issue writs of Certiorari to remove any cause or a transcript thereof from any inferior Jurisdiction into their Court on sufficient Cause supported by oath or affirmation. S ECT. 8. No Judge shall sit on the trial of any cause, where the parties shall be connected with him by affinity or consanguinity except by consent of parties. In case all the Judges of the Superior Court shall be interested in the Event of any Cause, or related to all or either of the parties, the Governor of the State shall in such case, specially Commission three men of Law knowledge for the determination thereof. S ECT. 9. All writs and other process, shall run in the name of the State of Tennessee and bear Teste20 and be signed by the respective Clerks. Indictments shall conclude, against the peace and dignity of the State. S ECT. 10. Each Court shall appoint its own Clerk who may hold his office during good behaviour. S ECT. 11. No fine shall be laid on any Citizen of this State that shall exceed fifty Dollars, unless it shall be assessed by a Jury of his Peers who shall assess the fine at the time they find the Fact, if they think the fine ought to be more than fifty Dollars. S ECT. 12. There shall be Justices of the Peace appointed for each County, not exceeding two for each Captain’s Company, except for the Company which includes the County Town which shall not exceed three, who shall hold their offices during good behaviour.
ARTICLE VI S ECT. 1. There shall be appointed in each County by the County Court, one Sheriff, one Coroner, one Trustee and a Sufficient number of Constables who shall hold their offices for two years. They shall also have power to appoint one Register and Ranger for the County who shall hold their offices during good behaviour. The Sheriff and Coroner shall be Commissioned by the Governor. S ECT. 2. There shall be a Treasurer or Treasurers appointed for the State who shall hold his or their office21 for two years. S ECT. 3. The appointment of all Officers not otherwise directed by this Constitution shall be vested in the Legislature.
ARTICLE VII S ECT. 1. Captains Subalterns and non Commissioned officers shall be elected by those Citizens, in their respective Districts, who are subject to military duty. S ECT. 2. All Field officers of the Militia shall be elected by those Citizens in their respective Counties who are subject to military duty. S ECT. 3. Brigadiers General shall be elected by the field officers22 of their respective Brigades. S ECT. 4. Majors General shall be elected by the Brigadiers and field officers of the respective divisions. S ECT. 5. The Governor shall appoint the adjutant General: the Majors General shall appoint their Aids; the Brigadiers General shall appoint their Brigade Majors, and the Commanding Officers of Regiments their Adjutants and Quarter Masters.
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1796) S ECT. 6. The Captains & Subalterns23 of the Cavalry shall be appointed by the Troops enrolled in their respective Companies and the field Officers of the District24 shall be appointed; by the said Captains and Subalterns, provided, that whenever any new County is laid off, that25 the Field officers of the said Cavalry shall appoint the Captain and other Officers therein pro tempore until the Company is filled up and compleated, at which time the election of the Captains26 and Subalterns shall take place as aforesaid. S ECT. 7. The Legislature shall pass Laws, exempting Citizens belonging to any Sect or Denomination of Religion, the tenets of which are known to be opposed to the bearing of arms from attending private & general Musters.
ARTICLE VIII S ECT. 1. Whereas the ministers of the Gospel are by their professions27 dedicated to God and the cure28 of Souls and ought not to be diverted from the great duties of their functions therefore no minister of the Gospel, or Priest of any denomination whatever shall be eligible to a Seat in either house of the Legislature. S ECT. 2. No person who denies the being of God or a future State of rewards and punishments shall hold any office in the civil Department of this State.
ARTICLE IX S ECT. 1. That every person who shall be chosen or appointed to any office of trust or profit, shall before entering on the execution thereof, take an oath to support the Constitution of this State and also an oath of office.
S ECT. 2. That each member of the Senate and House of Representatives shall before they proceed to business take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of this State and also the following oath: I, A. B. do solemnly swear (or affirm) that as a member of this General Assembly, I will in all appointments vote without favour, affection, partiality or prejudice, and that I will not propose or assent to any Bill, vote or resolution which shall appear to me injurious to the people or consent to any act or thing whatever that shall have a tendency to lessen or abridge their rights and privileges as declared by the Constitution of this State. S ECT. 3. Any elector who shall receive any gift or reward for his vote in meat, drink money or otherwise shall suffer such punishment as the Laws shall direct. And any person who shall directly or indirectly give promise or bestow any such reward to be elected, shall thereby be rendered incapable, for two years, to serve in the office for which he was elected and be subject to such further punishment as the Legislature shall direct. S ECT. 4. No new County shall be established by the General Assembly, which shall reduce the County or Counties or either of them, from which it shall be taken to a less content than Six hundred & twenty five square Miles. Nor shall any new County be laid off of less contents. All new Counties as to the right of suffrage and representation, shall be considered as a part of the County or Counties from which it was29 taken, until entitled by numbers to the right of representation. No Bill shall be passed into a Law for the establishment of a new County except upon a petition to the General Assembly for that purpose signed by two hundred of the free male Inhabitants within the limits or bounds of such new County prayed to be laid off.
ARTICLE X S ECT. 1. Knoxville shall be the Seat of Government until the year One thousand Eight hundred and two. S ECT. 2. All Laws and Ordinances now in force and use in this Territory not inconsistent with this Constitution shall continue to be in force and use this State until they shall expire, be altered or repealed by the Legislature. S ECT. 3. That whenever two thirds of the General Assembly shall think it necessary to amend or change this Constitution they shall recommend to the Electors at the next election for members to the General Assembly to vote for or against a Convention and if it shall appear that a majority of all the Citizens of the State, voting for Representatives have voted for a Convention, the General Assembly shall, at their next Session, call a Convention to consist of as many members as there be30 in the General Assembly to be chosen in the same manner, at the same places31 and by the same Electors, that chose the General Assembly, who shall meet within three months after the said election, for the purpose of revising,32 amending or changing the Constitution. S ECT. 4. The Declaration of Rights hereto annexed is declared to be a part of the Constitution of this State and shall never be violated on any pretence whatever. And to Guard against transgressions33 of the high Powers which we have delegated, we declare, that every thing in the Bill of Rights contained and every other right not hereby delegated is excepted out of the General Powers of Government and shall for ever remain inviolate.
ARTICLE XI Declaration of Rights S ECT. 1. That all power is inherent in
the People and all free Governments are founded on their Authority and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness: for the advancement of those ends they have at all times an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish the Government in such manner as they may think proper. S ECT. 2. That Government being instituted for the common benefit, the doctrine of non resistance against arbitrary Power and oppression is absurd, slavish and destructive to the good and happiness of mankind. S ECT. 3. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own consciences34 that no man can of right be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship or to maintain any ministry35 against his consent; that no human authority can in any case whatever Controul or interfere with the rights of conscience; and that no preference shall ever be given by Law to any religious Establishments36 or modes of worship. S ECT. 4. That no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any Office or public trust under this State. S ECT. 5. That Elections shall be free and equal. S ECT. 6. That the Right of trial by Jury shall remain inviolate. S ECT. 7. That the people shall be secure in their persons, Houses, papers and possessions from unreasonable Searches and Seizures and that General Warrants, whereby an officer may be commanded to search suspected places without evidence of the Fact committed or to seize any person or persons not named, whose offences are not particularly described and supported by evidence are dangerous to liberty and ought not to be granted.
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1796) S ECT. 8. That no freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties or privileges or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner, destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty or property, but by the Judgement of his Peers or the Law of the Land. S ECT. 9. That in all criminal prosecutions the accused hath a right to be heard by himself and his counsel to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him and to have a Copy thereof: to meet the witnesses face to face; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and in prosecutions by Indictment or presentment a speedy public trial by an impartial Jury of the County or District in which the crime shall have been committed, and shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself. S ECT. 10. That no person shall for the same offence, be twice put in Jeopardy of Life or Limb. That37
S ECT. 11. laws made for the punishment of facts committed previous to the existence of such Laws and by them only declared criminal are contrary to the principles of a free Government; wherefore no Ex post facto law shall be made. S ECT. 12. That no conviction shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate. The Estate of such persons as shall destroy their own lives, shall descend or vest as in case of natural death. If any person be killed by Casualty there shall be no forfeiture in consequence thereof. S ECT. 13. That no person arrested or confined in Goal38 shall be treated with unnecessary rigour. S ECT. 14. That no freeman shall be put to answer any Criminal charge but by presentment, Indictment or Impeachment.
S ECT. 15. That all prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient Sureties, unless for Capital offences when the proof is evident or the presumption great, and the privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in case of rebellion or invasion the public Safety may require it. S ECT. 16. That excessive Bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. S ECT. 17. That all Courts shall be open and every man, for an injury done him in his Lands, Goods, person or reputation shall have remedy by due course of Law and right and Justice administered without Sale, denial or delay. Suits may be brought against the State in such manner, and in such Courts as the Legislature may by law direct, provided the right of bringing Suit be limited to the Citizens of this State. S ECT. 18. That the person of a Debtor where there is no strong presumption of fraud shall not be continued in prison after delivering up his Estate for the benefit of his Creditor or39 Creditors, in such manner as shall be prescribed by Law. S ECT. 19. That the printing Presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the Legislature, or of any branch or officer of Government: and no law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof. The free Communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable Rights of man; and every Citizen may freely speak, write & print on any Subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty; but in prosecutions for the publication40 of Papers investigating the official Conduct of Officers or men in public Capacity, the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and in all Indictments for Libels, the Jury shall have a right to determine the
T ENNESSEE law and the facts, under the direction of the Court as in other Cases. S ECT. 20. That no retrospective law or law impairing the obligation of Contracts shall be made. S ECT. 21. That no mans particular Services shall be demanded or property taken or applied to public use, without the Consent of his Representatives or without Just compensation being made therefor. S ECT. 22. That the Citizens have a right in a peaceable manner to assemble together for their common Good to instruct their Representatives and to apply to those invested with the powers of Government for redress of grievances or other proper purposes by address or remonstrance. S ECT. 23. That perpetuities & monopolies are contrary to the Genius of a free State and shall not be allowed. S ECT. 24. That the sure and certain defence of a free people is a well regulated Militia and as standing Armies in times41 of peace are dangerous to freedom, they ought to be avoided, as far as the circumstances and safety of the Community will admit: and that in all cases the military shall be42 in strict Subordination to the civil authority. S ECT. 25. That no Citizen in this State except such as are employed in the Army of the United States or militia in actual service shall be subject43 to Corporal44 punishment under the martial Law. S ECT. 26. That the freemen of this State have a45 right to keep and to bear Arms for their common defence. S ECT. 27. That no Soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any House without consent46 of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner prescribed by Law.
S ECT. 28. That no Citizen of this State shall be compelled to bear Arms, provided he will pay an equivalent to be ascertained by Law. S ECT. 29. That an equal participation of the free navigation of the Mississippi, is one of the Inherent rights of the Citizens of this State; it cannot therefore, be conceded to any Prince, Potentate, Power, person or Persons whatever. S ECT. 30. That no hereditary Emoluments privileges or honors shall ever be granted or confered in this State. S ECT. 31. That the people residing South of french Broad and Holston between the Rivers Tennessee and47 Big Pigeon are entitled to the Right of preemption and occupancy in that Tract. S ECT. 32. That the limits and boundaries of this State be ascertained, it is declared they are as hereafter mentioned; that is to say: beginning on the extreme height of the Stone Mountain at the place where the line of Virginia intersects it, in latitude thirty six degrees and thirty minutes North, running thence along the extreme height of the said Mountain to the place where Watauga River breaks through it; thence a direct Course to the top of the yellow Mountain, where Brights road crosses the same; thence along the ridge of Said Mountain between the waters of Doe River and the waters of Rock Creek to the place where the road crosses the Iron Mountain; from thence along the extreme height of Said Mountain to48 where Nolichucky River runs through the same; thence to the top of the Bald Mountain; thence along the extreme Height of Said Mountain to the painted rock on french Broad River; thence along the highest ridge of said Mountain, to the place where it is called the great Iron or Smoky49 Mountain; thence along the extreme height of said
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1796) Mountain to the place where it is called Unicoy50 or Unaka Mountain, between the Indian Towns of Cowee and old Chota; thence along the main ridge of the said Mountain to the Southern boundary of this State, as described in the act of Cession of North Carolina to the United States of America; and that all the Territory Lands and waters Lying west of the said Line, as before mentioned and contained within the chartered limits of the State of North Carolina are within the boundaries & limits of this State, over which the people have the Right of exercising Sovereignty and right of Soil so far as is consistent with the Constitution of the United States, recognizing the articles of Confederation the Bill of Rights and Constitution51 of North Carolina the Cession act of the Said State and the Ordinance of the late Congress for the Government of the Territory North West of the Ohio; provided nothing herein contained shall extend to affect the claim or claims of Individuals to any part of the Soil which is recognized to them by the aforesaid Cession Act.
SCHEDULE S ECT. 1. That no inconvenience may arise from a change of the Temporary to a permanent State Government, it is declared that all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims and Contracts as well of individuals as of Bodies corporate shall continue, as if no change had taken place in the Administration of Government. S ECT. 2. All Fines penalties and forfeitures due and owing to the Territory of the United States of America South of the River Ohio shall enure to the use of the State. All Bonds for performance executed to the Governor of the said Territory shall be and pass over to the Governor of this State and his Successors in Office for the use of the State,
or by him or them respectively to be assigned over to the Use of those concerned as the Case may be. S ECT. 3. The Governor Secretary, Judges and Brigadiers general have a right by virtue of their appointments under the authority of the United States, to continue in the exercise of the duties of their respective offices, in their Several Departments, until the said Officers are superseded under the authority of this Constitution. S ECT. 4. All Officers, civil & military who have been appointed by the Governor shall continue to exercise their respective offices until the second monday in June and until Successors in office shall be appointed under the authority of this Constitution and duly qualified. S ECT. 5. The Governor shall make use of his private Seal until a State Seal shall be procured52 . S ECT. 6. Until the first enumeration shall be made as directed in the second Section of the first article of this Constitution the Several Counties shall be respectively entitled to elect one Senator and two Representatives provided that no new County shall be entitled to separate representation previous to taking the Enumeration. S ECT. 7. That the next Election for Representatives and other Officers to be held for the County of Tennessee shall be held at the House of William Miles. S ECT. 8. Until a Land office shall be opened so as to enable the Citizens South of French Broad and Holston between the Rivers Tennessee and Big Pigeon to obtain titles upon their claims of occupancy and preemption, those who hold Land by virtue of such Claims, shall be eligible to serve in all capacities where a free Hold is by this Constitution made a requisite qualification.
T ENNESSEE Done in Convention at Knoxville by unanimous consent on the sixth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and ninety Six and
of the Independance of the United States of America the twentieth. In testimony whereof we have hereunto Subscribed our Names.
W[ ILLIAM ] B LOUNT President Attest W ILLIAM M ACLIN Secretary Blount County David Craig James Greenaway53
Jos[eph] Black James Houston Sam[ue]l Glass54
Sullivan County George Rutledge William Charles Caleb Claiborne Rich[ar]d Gammon John Shelby Jun. John55 Rhea
Davidson County John McNairy Andrew Jackson Ja[me]s Robertson Thomas Hardiman Joel56 Lewis
Sumner County D. Shelby Isaac Walton W. Douglass Edw[ar]d Douglass Dan[ie]l57 Smith
Greene County Samuel Frazier Stephen Brooks William Rankin Elisha Baker John59 Galbreath
Sevier County Peter Bryan Sam[ue]l Wear58 Spencer Clack John Clack Thomas60 Buckingham61
Hawkins County James Berry Joseph McMin62 Thomas Henderson W[illia]m Cocke Rich[ar]d63 Mitchell
Tennessee County Tho[ma]s Johnston James Ford W[illia]m Fort W[illiam]m Prince Rob[er]t64 Prince
Jefferson County Al[exander] Outlam Jos[eph] Anderson Geo[rge] Doherty Ja[me]s Roddye Archibald65 Roane
Washington County John Tipton Samuel Handly Leeroy Taylor Landon Carter James66 Stuart67
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1796) Knox County James White Cha[rle]s McClung John Crawford John68 Adair
Verified by The Constitution of the State of Tennessee [caption title], [Knoxville (?): McMurtrie and Bristol (?), 1796], 17 p., which is supposed to be the first imprint of the constitution, and corrected according to the engrossed manuscript preserved in the Tennessee State Library and Archives in Nashville, TN. Also checked against The Constitution of the State of Tennessee, Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the State, 1796, 16 p., The Constitution of the State of Tennessee, Unanimously Established in Convention at Knoxville, on the Sixth Day of February, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Six, Philadelphia: Printed for Thomas Condie, No. 20, Carters Alley, M,DCC,XCVI [1796], 33 p., and in Ed Speer, The Tennessee Handbook, Foreword by Ned L. Irwin, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, 2002, 50–64. The Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention, Began and Held at Knoxville, January 11, 1796, Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstone, 1796, only contains a committee draft as of January 30 (p. 14–22) and not the final version of the Constitution. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the engrossed manuscript. Italics are used to represent textual emphasis in the manuscript. Obvious errors in writing or typographical errors have been tacitly corrected and ignored in the annotations. After previous efforts to achieve statehood in the form of the proposed state of Franklin had failed (q.v.), this constitution was adopted by a convention, convened at Knoxville, on February 6, 1796. The constitution was not submitted to the people and went into effect on June 1, 1796 along with the admission of Tennessee into the Union as the 16th state. It was not amended and remained in force until being replaced by the Constitution of 1834 (q.v.). On the Constitution of 1796, cf. Joshua W. Caldwell, Studies in the Constitutional History of Tennessee, 2nd ed., Cincinnati: Robert Clarke, 1907, 130–190; John D. Barnhart, “The Tennessee Constitution of 1796: A Product of the Old West,” in: The Journal of Southern History, 9 (1943), 532–548; Lewis L. Laska, The Tennessee State Constitution. A Reference Guide (Reference Guides to the State Constitutions of the United States, ed. by G. Alan Tarr, 2), Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990, 2–7. 2 U.S. Statutes at Large, 1st Congress, Sess. II, Ch. 6. 3 “An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory
of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio”, July 13, 1787, in: Laws of the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio, Passed at the first session, of the General Assembly, Begun and held at Cincinnati, on Monday, the sixteenth day of September, A. D. One thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine [. . . ] with an Appendix, Containing resolutions, the ordinance of Congress for the Government of the Territory [. . . ], Published by Authority, I, Cincinnati: From the press of Carpenter & Findlay, Printers to the Territory, 1800, 254–255 (art. V). An act of Congress of August 7, 1789 provided “certain provisions [. . . ] so as to adapt the same to the present Constitution of the United States,” U.S. Statutes at Large, 1st Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 8. 4 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 51, “that”. 5 In Philadelphia print, 7, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 52, “its other”. 6 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 52, “election”. 7 Ibid., “a breach”. 8 In separate Roulstone print, 5, “viz.”. 9 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 53, “he or they”. 10 Ibid., word missing. 11 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 7, in separate Roulstone print, 7, in Philadelphia print, 12, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 54, “shall be”. 12 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 7, in separate Roulstone print, 7, in Philadelphia print, 13, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 54, “or resignation”. 13 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 55, “a breach”. 14 Ibid., last three words missing. 15 Ibid., “the”. 16 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 8, in separate Roulstone print, 8, in Philadelphia print, 15, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 56, “the”. 17 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 56, “their good”. 18 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 9, in separate Roulstone print, 8, and in Philadelphia print, 15, “goal”. 19 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 56, word missing. 20 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 9, in separate Roulstone print, 9, and in Philadelphia print, 126, “test”. 21 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 9, in separate Roulstone print, 9, in Philadelphia print, 17, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 57, “offices”.
In Philadelphia print, 18, “officer”. Ibid., and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 57, “the subalterns”. 24 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 57, “districts”. 25 Ibid., word missing. 26 Ibid., “captain”. 27 Ibid., 58, “profession”. 28 In Philadelphia print, 19, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 58, “care”. 29 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 58, “they were”. 30 Ibid., 59, “may be”. 31 In Philadelphia print, 21, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 59, “place”. 32 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 59, “revising and”. 33 Ibid., “transgression”. 34 Ibid., “conscience”. 35 Ibid., 60, “minister”. 36 Ibid., “establishment”. 37 Ibid., “The”. 38 Ibid., “jail”. 39 Ibid., 61, last two words missing. 40 Ibid., “publications”. 41 In Philadelphia print, 26, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 61, “time”. 42 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 61, “be kept”. 43 Ibid., 62, “subjected”. 44 In Philadelphia print, 26, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 62, “corporeal”. 45 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 62, “the”. 46 Ibid., “the consent”. 47 In Philadelphia print, 27, and in Speer, Tennessee 23
Handbook, 62, “and the”. 48 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 62, “to the place”. 49 Ibid., “Smokey”. 50 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 15, in separate Roulstone print, 15, in Philadelphia print, 28, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 62, “Unicoi”. 51 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 62, “of the United States, recognizing the articles of Confederation the Bill of Rights and Constitution” missing. 52 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 16, in separate Roulstone print, 15, in Philadelphia print, 30, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 63, “provided”. 53 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 64, “Greenway”. 54 In separate Roulstone print, 16, “and Samuel”. 55 Ibid., “and John”. 56 Ibid., “and Joel”. 57 Ibid., “and Daniel”. 58 In Philadelphia print, 32, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 64, “Wier”. 59 Ibid., “and John”. 60 In separate Roulstone print, 16, “and Thomas”. 61 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 17, in Philadelphia print, 32, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 64, “Buckenham”. 62 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 64, “M’Minn”. 63 Ibid., “and Richard”. 64 Ibid., “and Robert”. 65 Ibid., “and Archibald”. 66 Ibid., “and James”. 67 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 64, “Stewart”. 68 In separate Roulstone print, 16, “and John”.
Constitution of Tennessee (1834) Constitution of the State of Tennessee1
WHEREAS, the people of the Territory of the United States, South of the river Ohio, having the right of admission into the General Government as a Member State thereof, consistent with the Constitution of the United States, and the act of cession of the state of North Carolina2 recognizing the ordinance for the Government of the territory of the United States north west of the river Ohio,3 by their Delegates and Representatives in convention assembled did on the sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six, ordain and establish a constitution or form of government, and mutually agreed with each other to form themselves into a free and independent State by the name of “The State of Tennessee”; and whereas the General Assembly of said State of Tennessee pursuant to the third section of the tenth article of the constitution, by an act passed on the twenty seventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three entitled “An act to provide for the calling of a convention” did authorize and provide for the election by the people of Delegates and Representatives to meet at Nashville in Davidson County, on the third monday in May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, for the purpose of revising and amending (or changing) the constitution: WE therefore the Delegates and Representatives of the People of the State of Tennessee elected and in convention assembled, in pursuance of the said act of Assembly
have ordained and established the following Amended constitution and form of government for this State which we recommend to the people of Tennessee for their ratification, that is to say:
ARTICLE I Declaration of Rights S ECT. 1. That all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; for the advancement of those ends, they have at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish the Government in such manner as they may think proper. S ECT. 2. That government being instituted for the common benefit, the doctrine of non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression, is absurd, Slavish, and destructive of4 the good and happiness of mankind. S ECT. 3. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience; that no man can, of right, be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any minister against his consent; that no human authority can, in any case, whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience; and that no preference shall ever be given, by law, to any religious establishment or mode of worship.
T ENNESSEE S ECT. 4. That no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under this State. S ECT. 5. That elections shall be free and equal. S ECT. 6. That the right of trial by Jury shall remain inviolate. S ECT. 7. That the people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unreasonable searches and seizures; and that general warrants, whereby an officer may be commanded to search suspected places, without evidence of the fact committed, or to seize any person or persons not named, whose offences are not particularly described and supported by evidence, are dangerous to liberty and ought not to be granted.
S ECT. 11. That laws made for the punishment of facts committed previous to the existence of such laws, and by them only declared criminal, are contrary to the principles of a free government; wherefore no ex post facto law shall be made. S ECT. 12. That no conviction shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate. The estate of such persons as shall destroy their own lives, shall descend or vest as in case of natural death. If any person be killed by casualty, there shall be no forfeiture in consequence thereof. S ECT. 13. That no person arrested or confined in jail, shall be treated with unnecessary rigor. S ECT. 14. That no freeman shall be put to answer any criminal charge, but by presentment, indictment, or impeachment.
S ECT. 8. That no free man shall be taken, or imprisoned, or desseized of his freehold, liberties or privileges, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any manner destroyed, or deprived of his life, liberty, or property, but by the judgment of his peers, or the law of the land.
S ECT. 15. That all prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureities [sic!], unless for capital offences, when the proof is evident, or the presumption great. And the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in case of rebellion, or invasion, the public safety may require it.
S ECT. 9. That in all criminal prosecutions, the accused hath a right to be heard by himself and his counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him, and to have a copy thereof; to meet the witnesses face to face; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and in prosecutions by indictment, or presentment, a speedy public trial, by an impartial Jury of the County or District in which the crime shall have been committed; and shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself.
S ECT. 16. That excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
S ECT. 10. That no person shall, for the same offence, be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.
S ECT. 17. That all courts shall be open; and every man, for an injury done him in his lands, goods, person, or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered without sale, denial, or delay. Suits may be brought against the state in such manner, and in such courts, as the Legislature may by law direct. S ECT. 18. That the person of a debtor, where there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not be continued in prison, after delivering up his estate for the benefit of
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1834) his creditor or creditors, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. S ECT. 19. That the printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the Legislature, or of any branch or officer of Government; and no law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof. The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable rights of man, and every citizen may freely speak, write, and print, on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. But in prosecutions for the publication of papers, investigating the official conduct of officers or men in public capacity, the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and in all indictments for libels, the jury shall have a right to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of the court, as in other criminal cases. S ECT. 20. That no retrospective law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, shall be made. S ECT. 21. That no man’s particular services shall be demanded, or property taken, or applied to public use, without the consent of his representatives, or without just compensation being made therefor. S ECT. 22. That perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free state, and shall not be allowed. S ECT. 23. That the citizens have a right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together, for their common good, to instruct their representatives, and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grievances, or other proper purposes, by address or remonstrance. S ECT. 24. That the sure and certain defence of a free people, is a well regulated Militia: and, as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to freedom, they ought to be avoided, as far as the circumstances
and safety of the community will admit; and that in all cases the military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil authority. S ECT. 25. That no citizen of this State, except such as are employed in the Army of the United States, or Militia in actual service, shall be subjected to corporeal punishment under the martial law. S ECT. 26. That the free white men of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence. S ECT. 27. That no soldier shall in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law. S ECT. 28. That no citizen of this state shall be compelled to bear arms, provided he will pay an equivalent, to be ascertained by law. S ECT. 29. That an equal participation of the free navigation of the Mississippi is one of the inherent rights of the citizens of this State: it cannot, therefore, be conceded to any prince, potentate, power, person or persons whatever. S ECT. 30. That no hereditary emoluments, privileges, or honors, shall ever be granted or conferred in this State. S ECT. 31. That the limits and boundaries of this State be ascertained, it is declared they are as hereafter mentioned, that is to say: Beginning on the extreme height of the Stone mountain, at the place where the line of Virginia intersects it, in latitude thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes north, running thence along the extreme height of the said mountain, to the place where Watauga river breaks through it; thence, a direct course to the top of the Yellow mountain, where Bright’s road crosses the same; thence, along the ridge of said mountain, between the waters of Doe river and the
T ENNESSEE waters of Rock creek, to the place where the road crosses the Iron mountain; from thence, along the extreme height of said mountain to the place where Nolichucky river runs through the same; thence, to the top of the Bald mountain: thence, along the extreme height of said mountain, to the painted rock on French Broad river; thence, along the highest ridge of said mountain to the place where it is called the Great Iron or Smoky mountain; thence, along the extreme height of said mountain, to the place where it is called Unicoi or Unaka mountain, between the Indian towns of Cowee and Old Chota; thence, along the main ridge of the said mountain to the southern boundary of this State, as described in the act of cession of North-Carolina to the United States of America; And that all the territory, lands, and waters lying west of the said line as before mentioned, and contained within the chartered limits of the State of NorthCarolina, are within the boundaries5 and limits of this State, over which the people have the right of exercising sovereignty and the right of soil, so far as is consistent with the constitution of the United States, recognizing the Articles of confederation, the bill of rights, and constitution of NorthCarolina, the cession act of the said State and the ordinance of Congress for the Government of the territory north west of the Ohio: Provided, nothing herein contained shall extend to affect the claim or claims of individuals, to any part of the soil which is recognized to them by the aforesaid cession act: And, provided also, that the limits and Jurisdiction of this State, shall extend to any other land and territory now acquired, or that may hereafter be acquired by compact or agreement with other States, or otherwise, although such land and territory6 are not included within the boundaries herein before designated. S ECT. 32. The people residing south of
French-Broad and Holston, between the rivers Tennessee and Big Pigeon, are entitled to the right of pre-emption and occupancy in that tract.
ARTICLE II S ECT. 1. The powers of the Government shall be divided into three distinct departments: the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. S ECT. 2. No person or persons belonging to one of these departments, shall exercise any of the powers properly belonging to either of the others, except in the cases herein directed or permitted. S ECT. 3. The Legislative authority of this State shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives, both dependent on the people. S ECT. 4. An enumeration of the qualified voters, and an apportionment of the Representatives in7 the General Assembly, shall be made in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty one and within every subsequent term of ten years. S ECT. 5. The number of Representatives shall, at the several periods of making the enumeration, be apportioned among the several counties or districts according to the number of qualified voters in each, and shall not exceed seventy five, until the population of the State shall be one million and a half; and shall never thereafter exceed ninetynine: provided, that any county having two thirds of the ratio, shall be entitled to one member. S ECT. 6. The number of Senators shall, at the several periods of making the enumeration, be apportioned among the several counties or districts, according to the number of qualified electors in each, and shall
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1834) not exceed one third the number of Representatives. In apportioning the Senators among the different counties, the fraction that may be lost by any county or counties in the apportionment of members to the House of Representatives, shall be made up to such county or counties in the Senate, as near as may be practicable: When a district is composed of two or more counties, they shall be adjoining; and no county shall be divided in forming a district. S ECT. 7. The first election for Senators and Representatives, shall be held on the first thursday in August one thousand eight hundred and thirty five; and forever thereafter, elections for members of the General Assembly shall be held once in two years, on the first thursday in August; said elections shall terminate the same day. S ECT. 8. The first session of the General Assembly shall commence on the first monday in October one thousand eight hundred and thirty five; and forever thereafter, the General Assembly shall meet on the first monday in October next ensuing the election. S ECT. 9. No person shall be a Representative, unless he shall be a citizen of the United States, of the age of twenty one years, and shall have been a citizen of this State for three years, and a resident in the county he represents, one year immediately preceding the election. S ECT. 10. No person shall be a Senator, unless he shall be a citizen of the United States, of the age of thirty years, and shall have resided three years in this State, and one year in the county or district immediately preceding the election. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be eligible to any office or place of trust, the appointment to
which is vested in the Executive or the General Assembly, except to the office of trustee of a literary institution. S ECT. 11. The Senate and House of Representatives, when assembled, shall each choose a Speaker and its other officers, be Judges of the qualifications and election of its members, and sit upon its own adjournments from day to day. Two thirds of each House shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized by law to compel the attendance of absent members. S ECT. 12. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and with the concurrence of two thirds expel a member, but not a second time for the same offence; and shall have all other powers necessary for a branch of the Legislature of a free State. S ECT. 13. Senators and Representatives shall in all cases, except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the General Assembly, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place. S ECT. 14. Each House may punish by imprisonment, during its session, any person not a member, who shall be guilty of disrespect to the House, by any disorderly or contemptuous behaviour in its presence. S ECT. 15. When vacancies happen in either House, the Governor for the time being shall issue Writs of election to fill such vacancies. S ECT. 16. Neither House shall, during its session, adjourn without the8 consent of the other, for more than three days; nor to
T ENNESSEE any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. S ECT. 17. Bills may originate in either House, but may be amended, altered or rejected, by the other. S ECT. 18. Every bill shall be read once on three different days, and be passed each time in the House where it originated, before transmission to the other. No bill shall become a law, until it shall be read and passed on three different days in each House, and be signed by the respective Speakers. S ECT. 19. After a bill has been rejected, no bill containing the same substance, shall be passed into a law during the same session. S ECT. 20. The style of the laws of this State shall be, “Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee”. S ECT. 21. Each House shall keep a Journal of its proceedings, and publish it, except such parts as the welfare of the State may require to be kept secret; the Ayes and Noes shall be taken in each House upon the final passage of every bill of a general character, and bills making appropriations of public moneys; and the Ayes and Noes of the members on any question, shall at the request of any two of them, be entered on the Journals9 . S ECT. 22. The doors of each10 House, and of committees of the whole, shall be kept open, unless when the business shall be such as ought to be kept secret. S ECT. 23. The sum of four dollars per day, and four dollars for every twenty five miles travelling, to and from the Seat of Government, shall be allowed to the members of the first General Assembly, as a compensation for their services. The compensation of the members of the succeeding
Legislatures11 , shall be ascertained by law; but no law increasing the compensation of the members, shall take effect until the commencement of the next regular session after such law shall have been enacted. S ECT. 24. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law: and an accurate statement of the receipts and expenditures of the public money, shall be attached to and published with the laws, at the rise of each stated session of the General Assembly. S ECT. 25. No person, who heretofore hath been, or may hereafter be, a collector or holder of public moneys, shall have a seat in either House of the General Assembly, until such person shall have accounted for and paid into the treasury, all sums for which he may be accountable or liable. S ECT. 26. No Judge of any court of law or equity, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Register, clerk of any court of record, or person holding any office under the authority of the United States, shall have a seat in the General Assembly; nor shall any person, in this State, hold more than one lucrative office at the same time: Provided, that no appointment in the militia, or to the office of Justice of the peace, shall be considered a lucrative office, or operate as a disqualification to a seat in either House of the General Assembly. S ECT. 27. Any member of either House of the General Assembly, shall have liberty to dissent from, and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the Journals. S ECT. 28. All lands liable to taxation, held by deed, grant or entry, town lots, bank stock, Slaves between the ages of twelve and fifty years, and such other property
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1834) as the Legislature may from time to time deem expedient, shall be taxable. All property shall be taxed according to its value; that value to be ascertained in such manner as the Legislature shall direct, so that the same shall be equal and uniform throughout the State. No one species of property from which a tax may be collected, shall be taxed higher than any other species of property of equal value. But the Legislature shall have power to tax merchants, pedlars, and privileges, in such manner as they may, from time to time direct. A tax on white polls shall be laid in such manner, and of such an amount, as may be prescribed by law. S ECT. 29. The general Assembly shall have power to authorize the several counties and incorporated towns in this State, to impose taxes for county and corporation purposes respectively, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law; And all property shall be taxed according to its value, upon the principles established in regard to State taxation.
up, and transmitted to the seat of government, by the returning officers, directed to the Speaker of the Senate, who shall open and publish them in the presence of a majority of the members of each House of the General Assembly. The person having the highest number of votes, shall be Governor; but if two or more shall be equal and highest in votes, one of them shall be choosen Governor by joint vote of both Houses of the General Assembly. Contested elections for Governor shall be determined by both Houses of the General Assembly, in such manner as shall be prescribed by12 law. S ECT. 3. He shall be at least thirty years of age, shall be a citizen of the United States, and shall have been a citizen of this State seven years next before his election. S ECT. 4. The Governor shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified. He shall not be eligible more than six years in any term of eight.
S ECT. 30. No article manufactured of the produce of this State, shall be taxed otherwise than to pay inspection fees.
S ECT. 5. He shall be commander-inchief of the Army and Navy of this State and of the Militia, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States.
S ECT. 31. The General Assembly shall have no power to pass laws for the emancipation of Slaves, without the consent of their owner or owners.
S ECT. 6. He shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons, after conviction, except in cases of impeachment.
ARTICLE III S ECT. 1. The Supreme Executive power of this State, shall be vested in a Governor. S ECT. 2. The Governor shall be chosen by the electors of the members of the General Assembly, at the times and places where they shall respectively vote for the members thereof. The returns of every election for Governor shall be sealed
S ECT. 7. He shall, at stated times, receive a compensation for his services, which shall not be increased or diminished, during the period for which he shall have been elected. S ECT. 8. He may require information in writing, from the officers in the executive department, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices. S ECT. 9. He may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the General Assembly by proclamation; and shall state to them, when Assembled, the purposes for which they
T ENNESSEE shall have been convened; but they shall enter on no legislative business except that for which they were specially called together. S ECT. 10. He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. S ECT. 11. He shall, from time to time, give to the General Assembly, information of the State of the government, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge expedient. S ECT. 12. In case of the removal of the Governor from office, or of his death, or resignation, the powers and duties of the office shall devolve on the speaker of the Senate; and in case of the death, removal from office, or resignation of the speaker of the Senate, the powers and duties of the office shall devolve on the Speaker of the House of Representatives. S ECT. 13. No member of Congress, or person holding any office under the United States, or this State, shall execute the office of Governor. S ECT. 14. When any officer, the right of whose appointment is by this constitution vested in the General Assembly, shall, during the recess, die, or the office by the expiration of the term, or by other means become vacant, the Governor shall have the power to fill such vacancy, by granting a temporary commission, which shall expire at the end of the next session of the Legislature. S ECT. 15. There shall be a seal of this State, which shall be kept by the Governor, and used by him officially, and shall be called the great seal of the State of Tennessee. S ECT. 16. All grants and commissions, shall be in the name, and by the authority of the State of Tennessee, be sealed with the State Seal, and signed by the Governor.
S ECT. 17. A Secretary of State shall be appointed by joint vote of the General Assembly, and commissioned during the term of four years: he shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and proceedings of the Governor; and shall, when required, lay the same, and all papers, minutes and vouchers relative thereto, before the General Assembly: and shall perform such other duties as shall be enjoined by law.
ARTICLE IV S ECT. 1. Every free white man of the age of twenty-one years, being a citizen of the United States, and a citizen of the county wherein he may offer his vote, six months next preceding the day of election, shall be entitled to vote for Members of the General Assembly, and other civil officers, for the county or district in which he resides; provided, that no person shall be disqualified from voting in any election on account of color, who is now by the laws of this State, a competent witness in a court of Justice against a white man. All free men of color, shall be exempt from military duty in time of peace, and also from paying a free poll tax. S ECT. 2. Laws may be passed excluding from the right of suffrage, persons who may be convicted of infamous crimes. S ECT. 3. Electors shall in all cases, except treason, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest or summons, during their attendance at elections, and in going to and returning from them. S ECT. 4. In all elections to be made by the General Assembly, the Members thereof shall vote Viva voce; and their votes shall be entered on the Journal. All other elections shall be by ballot.
ARTICLE V S ECT. 1. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. S ECT. 2. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate; when sitting for that purpose, the Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the Senators sworn to try the officer impeached. S ECT. 3. The House of Representatives shall elect from their own body three members, whose duty it shall be to prosecute impeachments. No impeachment shall be tried until the Legislature shall have adjourned Sine die, when the Senate shall proceed to try such impeachment. S ECT. 4. The Governor, Judges of the Supreme Court, Judges of inferior Courts, Chancellors, Attorneys for the State, and Secretary of State, shall be liable to impeachment, whenever they may, in the opinion of the House of Representatives, commit any crime in their official capacity, which may require disqualification; but judgment shall only extend to removal from office, and disqualification to fill any office thereafter. The party shall, nevertheless, be liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law. S ECT. 5. Justices of the peace, and other civil officers, not herein before mentioned, for crimes or misdemeanors in office, shall be liable to indictment in such courts as the Legislature may direct; and upon conviction, shall be removed from office, by said court, as if found guilty on impeachment; and shall be subject to such other punishment as may be prescribed by law.
ARTICLE VI S ECT. 1. The Judicial power of this State, shall be vested in one supreme court, in
such inferior courts as the Legislature shall from time to time ordain and establish, and the Judges thereof, and in Justices of the peace. The Legislature, may also vest such jurisdiction as may be deemed necessary in corporation courts. S ECT. 2. The Supreme court shall be composed of three Judges, one of whom shall reside in each of the grand divisions of the State; the concurrence of two of said Judges shall in every case be necessary to a decision. The jurisdiction of this court shall be appellate only, under such restrictions13 and regulations as may from time to time be prescribed by law; but it may possess such other jurisdiction as is now conferred by law on the present Supreme Court. Said courts shall be held at one place, and at one place only, in each of the three grand divisions in the State. S ECT. 3. The General Assembly shall, by joint vote of both Houses, appoint Judges of the several courts of law and equity; but courts may be established to be holden by Justices of the Peace. Judges of the Supreme court shall be thirty five years of age, and shall be elected for the term of twelve years. S ECT. 4. The Judges of such inferior courts as the Legislature may establish, shall be thirty years of age, and shall be elected for the term of eight14 years. S ECT. 5. The Legislature shall elect Attornies for the State, by joint vote of both Houses of the General Assembly, who shall hold their offices for the term of six years. In all cases where an Attorney for any district fails or refuses to attend, and prosecute according to15 law, the court shall have power to appoint an Attorney pro tempore. S ECT. 6. Judges and Attornies for the State, may be removed from office by a concurrent vote of both Houses of the General Assembly, each House voting separately;
T ENNESSEE but two thirds of all the members elected to each House, must concur in such16 vote; the vote shall be determined by Ayes and Noes, and the names of the members voting for or against the Judge or Attorney for the State, together with the cause or causes of removal, shall be entered on the Journals of each House respectively. The Judge or Attorney for the State against whom the Legislature may be about to proceed, shall receive notice thereof, accompanied with a copy of the causes alleged for his removal, at least ten days before the day on which either House of the General Assembly shall act thereupon. S ECT. 7. The Judges of the supreme and inferior courts, shall, at stated times, receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, which shall not be increased or diminished, during the time for which they are elected. They shall not be allowed any fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of trust or profit under this State, or the United States. S ECT. 8. The jurisdiction of such inferior courts, as the Legislature may from time to time establish, shall be regulated by law. S ECT. 9. Judges shall not charge Juries with respect to matters of fact, but may state the testimony and declare the law. S ECT. 10. The Judges or Justices of such inferior courts of law as the Legislature may establish, shall have power, in all civil cases, to issue writs of certiorari, to remove any cause or transcript thereof, from any inferior jurisdiction, into said court, on sufficient cause, supported by oath or affirmation. S ECT. 11. No Judge of the Supreme or inferior courts, shall preside on the trial of any cause, in the event of which he may be interested, or where either of the parties shall be connected with17 him by affinity or
consanguinity within such degrees as may be prescribed by law, or in which he may have been of counsel, or in which he may have presided any inferior court, except by consent of all the parties. In case all or any of the Judges of the Supreme court, shall be thus disqualified from presiding on the trial of any cause or causes, the court, or the Judges thereof, shall certify the same to the Governor of the State, and he shall forthwith specially commission the requisite number of men of law knowledge, for the trial and determination thereof. In case of sickness of any of the Judges of the Supreme or inferior courts, so that they or any of them are unable to attend, the Legislature shall be authorized to make provision by general laws, that special Judges may be appointed to attend said courts. S ECT. 12. All writs and other process shall run in the name of the State of Tennessee, and bear test and be signed by the respective clerks. Indictments shall conclude against the peace and dignity of the State. S ECT. 13. Judges of the Supreme court shall appoint their clerks, who shall hold their offices for the period of six years. Chancellors18 (if courts of chancery shall be established) shall appoint their clerks and masters, who shall hold their offices for the period of six years. Clerks of such inferior courts as may be hereafter established, which shall be required to be holden in the respective counties of this State, shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof, for the term of four years; they shall be removed from office, for malfeasance, incompetency, or neglect of duty, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. S ECT. 14. No fine shall be laid on any citizen of this State, that shall exceed fifty dollars; unless it shall be assessed by a Jury of his peers, who shall assess the fine at the
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1834) time they find the fact, if they think the fine should be more than fifty dollars. S ECT. 15. The different counties in this State shall be laid off, as the General Assembly may direct, into districts of convenient size, so that the whole number in each county shall not be more than twenty five, or four for every one hundred square miles. There shall be two Justices of the peace and one constable elected in each district, by the qualified voters therein, except districts including county towns which shall elect three Justices and two constables. The jurisdiction of said officers shall be coextensive with the county. Justices of the peace shall be elected for the term of Six, and constables for the term of two years. Upon the removal of either of said officers from the district in which he was elected, his office shall become vacant from the time of such removal. Justices of the peace shall be commissioned by the Governor. The Legislature shall have power to provide for the appointment of an additional number of Justices of the peace in incorporated towns.
ARTICLE VII S ECT. 1. There shall be elected in each county, by the19 qualified voters therein, one Sheriff, one Trustee, and one Register; the Sheriff and Trustee for two years, and the Register for four years: Provided, that no person shall be eligible to the office of Sheriff more than six years in any term of eight years. There shall be elected for each county, by the Justices of the peace, one Coroner, and one Ranger, who shall hold their offices for two years. Said officers shall be removed for Malfeasance, or neglect of duty, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. S ECT. 2. Should a vacancy occur subsequent to an election, in the office of Sheriff,
Trustee, or Register, it shall be filled by the Justices; if in that of the clerks to be elected by the people, it shall be filled by the courts; and the person so appointed, shall continue in office until his successor shall be elected and qualified; and such office shall be filled by the qualified voters at the first election for any of the county officers. S ECT. 3. There shall be a Treasurer or Treasurers appointed for the State, by the joint vote of both Houses of the General Assembly, who shall hold his or their offices for two years. S ECT. 4. The election of all officers, and the filling of all vacancies that may happen, by death, resignation or removal, not otherwise directed or provided for by this constitution, shall be made in such20 manner as the Legislature shall direct. S ECT. 5. The Legislature shall provide that the election of the county and other officers, by the people, shall not take place at the same time, that the general elections are held for members of Congress, members of the21 Legislature and Governor. The elections shall commence and terminate on the same day.
ARTICLE VIII S ECT. 1. All Militia officers shall be elected by persons subject to military duty, within the bounds of their several companies, battalions, regiments, brigades and divisions, under such rules and regulations as the Legislature may, from time to time, direct and establish. S ECT. 2. The Governor shall appoint the Adjutant General, and his other Staff officers; the Majors General, Brigadiers General, and commanding officers of Regiments, shall respectively appoint their Staff officers.
T ENNESSEE S ECT. 3. The Legislature shall pass laws, exempting citizens belonging to any sect or denomination of religion, the tenets of which are known to be opposed to the bearing of arms, from attending private and general musters.
ARTICLE IX S ECT. 1. Whereas, Ministers of the Gospel are by their profession, dedicated to God, and the care of souls, and ought not to be diverted from the great duties of their functions; therefore, no minister of the Gospel, or Priest of any denomination whatever, shall be eligible to a seat in either House of the Legislature. S ECT. 2. No person who denies the being of God22 , or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this State. S ECT. 3. Any person who shall, after the adoption of this constitution, fight a duel, or knowingly be the bearer of a challenge to fight a duel, or send, or accept, a challenge for that purpose, or be an aider, or abettor in fighting a duel, shall be deprived of the right to hold any office of honor or profit in this State, and shall be punished otherwise, in such manner as the Legislature may prescribe.
ARTICLE X Sect.1. Every person who shall be chosen or appointed to any office of trust or profit, under this constitution, or any law made in pursuance thereof, shall, before entering on the duties thereof, take an oath to support the constitution of this State, and of the United States, and an oath of office. S ECT. 2. Each member of the Senate and House of Representatives, shall, before they
proceed to business, take an oath or affirmation, to support the constitution of this State, and of the United States, and also the following oath: “I –––––– do solemnly swear, (or affirm) that as a member of this General Assembly, I will, in all appointments, vote without favor, affection, partiality, or prejudice; and that I will not propose or assent to any bill, vote or resolution which shall appear to me injurious to the people, or consent to any act or thing whatever, that shall have a tendency to lessen or abridge their rights and privileges as declared by the constitution of this State.” S ECT. 3. Any elector who shall receive any gift or reward for his vote, in meat, drink, money, or otherwise, shall suffer such punishment as the laws shall direct. And any person who shall directly or indirectly give, promise, or bestow, any such reward to be elected, shall thereby be rendered incapable for six years, to serve in the office for which he was elected, and be subject to such further punishment as the Legislature shall direct. S ECT. 423 . New counties may be established by the Legislature, to consist of not less than three hundred and fifty square miles, and which shall contain a population of four hundred and fifty qualified voters. No line of such county shall approach the court House of any old county from which it may be taken, nearer than twelve miles. No part of a county shall be taken off24 to form a new county or a part thereof, without the consent of a majority of the qualified voters in such part taken off. And in all cases where an old county may be reduced for the purpose of forming a new one, the seat of Justice in said old county shall not be removed without the concurrence of two thirds of both branches of the Legislature; nor shall said old county be reduced to less than six hundred and twenty five square miles: provided, however, that the
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1834) county of Bedford may be reduced to four hundred and seventy five square miles; and there shall not be laid off more than one new county on the West, and one on the East, adjoining the county of Bedford; and no new county line shall run nearer than eleven and a half miles of the seat of Justice of said county. The line of a new county may run within eleven miles of the seat of Justice of Franklin county; provided, it does not reduce said county to less contents than six hundred and twenty five square miles. The counties of Carter, Rhea, Tipton, Dyer, and Sullivan, are excepted out of the provisions of this section. The county of Humphreys may be divided at such time as may be prescribed by the Legislature, making the Tennessee river25 the dividing line, a majority of the qualified voters of said county voting in favor of said division. The Counties of Carter, Rhea and Humphreys, shall not be divided into more than two counties each; nor shall more than one new county be taken out of the territory now composing26 the counties of Tipton and Dyer; nor shall the seats of Justice in the counties of Rhea, Carter, Tipton, and Dyer, be removed without the concurrence of two thirds of both branches of the Legislature. The county of Sullivan may be reduced below the contents of Six hundred and twenty five square miles; but the line of any new county which may hereafter be laid off shall not approach the county seat of said county nearer than ten miles. The counties of Marion and Bledsoe27 shall not be reduced below one thousand qualified voters each in forming a new county or counties. S ECT. 5. The citizens who may be included in any new county shall vote with the county or counties from which they may have been stricken off, for members of Congress, for Governor and for members of the General Assembly, until the next apportionment of members to the General
Assembly, after the establishment of such new county.
ARTICLE XI S ECT. 1. All laws and ordinances now in force and use in this State, not inconsistent with this constitution, shall continue in force and use, until they shall expire, be altered, or repealed by the Legislature. S ECT. 2. Nothing contained in this Constitution, shall impair the validity of any debts or contracts, or affect any rights of property, or any suits, actions, rights of action, or other proceedings in courts of Justice. S ECT. 3. Any amendment or amendments to this constitution may be proposed in the Senate or House of Representatives; and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each of the two Houses, such proposed amendment or amendments, shall be entered on their Journals, with the yeas and Nays thereon, and referred to the General Assembly then next to be chosen: and shall be published six28 months previous to the time of making such choice. And if in the General Assembly next chosen as aforesaid, such proposed amendment or amendments, shall be agreed to by two thirds of all the members elected to each House, then, it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to submit such proposed amendment or amendments to the people, in such manner, and at such time as the General Assembly shall prescribe. And if the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments, by a majority of all the citizens of the State, voting for Representatives, voting in their favor, such amendment or amendments shall become part of this constitution. When any amendment or amendments to the constitution shall be proposed in pursuance of the
T ENNESSEE foregoing provisions, the same shall at each of the said sessions be read three times on three several days in each House. The Legislature shall not propose amendments to the constitution, oftener than once in six years. S ECT. 4. The Legislature shall have no power to grant divorces, but may authorize the courts of Justice to grant them for such causes, as may be specified by law; provided, that such laws be general and uniform in their operation throughout the State. S ECT. 5. The Legislature shall have no power to authorize lotteries for any purpose, and shall pass laws to prohibit the sale of Lottery tickets in this State. S ECT. 6. The Legislature shall fix the rate of interest, and the rate so established shall be equal and uniform throughout the State. S ECT. 7. The Legislature shall have no power to suspend any general law for the benefit of any particular individual; nor to pass any law for the benefit29 of individuals inconsistent with the general laws of the land; nor to pass any law granting to any individual or individuals, rights, privileges, immunities, or exemptions, other than such as may be, by the same law extended to any member of the community who may be able to bring himself within the provisions of such law: provided, always, the Legislature shall have power to grant such charters of incorporation30 as they may deem expedient for the public good. S ECT. 8. The Legislature shall have the right to vest such powers in the courts of Justice, with regard to private and local affairs, as may be deemed expedient. S ECT. 9. A well regulated system of internal improvement is calculated to develope the resources of the State, and promote the happiness and prosperity of her citizens;
therefore, it ought to be encouraged by the General Assembly. S ECT. 10. Knowledge, learning and virtue, being essential to the preservation of republican institutions, and the diffusion of the opportunities, and advantages of education throughout the different portions of the State, being highly conducive to the promotion of this end; it shall be the duty of the General Assembly in all future periods of this government, to cherish literature and science. And the fund called the common school fund, and all the31 lands and proceeds thereof, dividends, stocks, and other property of every description whatever, heretofore by law appropriated by the General Assembly of this State, for the use of common schools, and all such as shall hereafter be appropriated, shall remain a perpetual fund, the principal of which shall never be diminished by legislative appropriation; and the interest thereof shall be inviolably appropriated to the support and encouragement of common schools throughout the State, and for the equal benefit of all the people thereof; and no law shall be made authorizing said fund or any part thereof to be diverted to any other use than the support and encouragement of common schools: and it shall be the duty of the General Assembly, to appoint a board of commissioners for such term of time as they may think proper, who shall have the general superintendence of said fund, and who shall make a report of the condition of the same, from time to time, under such rules, regulations and restrictions, as may be required by law; provided, that if at any time hereafter a division of the public lands of the United States, or of the money arising from the sales of such lands, shall be made among the individual States, the part of such lands, or money, coming to this State, shall be devoted to the purposes of education and internal improvement32 ; and shall never be
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1834) applied to any other purpose. S ECT. 11. The above provisions shall not be construed to prevent the Legislature from carrying into effect any laws that have been passed in favor of the colleges, universities or Academies, or from authorizing heirs or distributees to receive and enjoy escheated property, under such rules and regulations as from time to time may be prescribed by law. S ECT. 12. The Declaration of Rights hereto prefixed, is declared to be a part of the constitution of this State, and shall never be violated on any pretence whatever. And to guard against transgression of the high powers we have delegated, we declare that33 every thing in the Bill of Rights contained, is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate.
SCHEDULE S ECT. 1. That no inconvenience may arise from a change of the constitution, it is declared, that all officers, civil and military, shall continue to hold their offices; and all the functions appertaining to the same, shall be exercised and performed according to the existing laws and constitution, until the end of the first session of the General Assembly, which shall sit under this constitution, and until the government can be reorganized and put into operation under this
constitution, in such manner as the first general Assembly34 aforesaid shall prescribe, and no longer.
S ECT. 2. The General Assembly which shall sit after the first apportionment35 of representation under the new constitution (to wit) in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty three shall, within the first week after the commencement of the session, designate and fix the seat of government: and when so fixed, it shall not be removed, except by the consent of two thirds of the members of both Houses of the General Assembly. The first and second sessions of the General Assembly under this Constitution shall be held in36 Nashville.
S ECT. 3. Until a land office shall be opened, so as to enable the citizens south and west of the congressional reservation line, to obtain titles upon their claims of occupancy, those who hold lands by virtue of such claims, shall be eligible to serve in all capacities, where a freehold is by the laws of the State, made a requisite qualification. Done in convention at Nashville the37 th 30 day of August in the year of our Lord38 one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, and of the Independence of the United States39 , the fifty ninth. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names.
W[ILLIA]M. B. CARTER, President. Robert Allen H[ugh]. C. Armstrong Adam R. Alexander Richard Bradshaw Robert M. Burton Willie Blount Maclin Cross James Gray
W[illiam]. Ledbetter William H. Loving Abraham McClellan Rob[er]t J. McKinney J[oseph]. A. Mabry John McGaughy40 John Montgomery G[eorge]. W. L. Marr
T ENNESSEE Newton Cannon W[illiam]. G. Childress Terry H. Cahal R[obert]. L. Cobbs Richard Cheatham Burchet41 Douglass Francis B. Fogg James Gillespy B[olling]. Gordon Callaway Hodges Gray Garrett Isaac Hill Adam Huntsman W[est]. H. Humphreys Nelson I. Hess John Kelly Andrew A. Kincannon Joseph Kincaid Peter Kendall Bradley Kimbrough
John Neil Richard Nelson Thomas C. Porter J[ohn]. Purdy W[illia]m. C. Roadman George W. Richardson Henry Ridley Julius C. N. Robertson Matthew Stephenson William T. Senter Ja[me]s. W. Smith W[illiam]. C. Smartt Henry Sharp James Scott Ennis Ury John Whitson Isaac Walton John J. White Jonathan Webster R[obert]. Weakley
Attest.42 W[ ILLIA ] M . K. H ILL43 , Secretary44
Verified by The Constitution of the State of Tennessee As Revised and Amended by the People of Said State by their Delegates Assembled in Convention Begun and Holden At Nashville on the 3rd Monday of May, 1834. By Order of the Convention, Laughlin & Henderson, Public Printers, Nashville: Printed by W. Hasell Hunt & Co., Banner and Whig Office, 1834, 3–20, and corrected according to the engrossed manuscript, located in the State Library and Archives, Nashville TN. Also checked against the versions as published in the Journal of the Convention of the State of Tennessee, Convened for the Purpose of Revising and Amending the Constitution Thereof. Held in Nashville, S. H. Laughlin & J. F. Henderson, Printers to the State, Nashville: Banner & Whig Office, W. Hasell Hunt and Co. Printers, 1834, 389–407, in Public Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-First General Assembly of the State of Tennessee. 1835–6. Published by Authority, Nashville: S. Nye and Co., Printers – Republican Office, 1836, 1–17, and in Ed Speer, The Tennessee Handbook, Foreword by Ned L. Irwin, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, 2002, 64–83. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation follow the engrossed manuscript. Parentheses are used as in the engrossed manuscript. Obvious typograph-
ical errors have been tacitly ignored in the annotations. The constitution of 1834 was ratified by the people on March 5 and 6, 1835, by 42,666 to 17,691 votes (cf. Sources and Documents of United States Constitutions, ed. by William F. Swindler, IX, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana, 1979, 152), thus replacing the first constitution of 1796 (q.v.). While three amendments proposed in 1843 (q.v.) and in 1851 (q.v.) failed, the constitution was twice amended in 1853 (q.v.) and 1866, and remained in effect until 1870, when the third constitution of Tennessee was adopted, cf. Joshua W. Caldwell, Studies in the Constitutional History of Tennessee, 2nd ed., Cincinnati: Robert Clarke, 1907; Lewis L. Laska, The Tennessee State Constitution. A Reference Guide (Reference Guides to the State Constitutions of the United States, ed. by G. Alan Tarr, 2), Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990, 7–11; Judy Catherine LeForge, “Tennessee’s Constitutional Development, 1796–1870: A Conservative Struggle Toward Democracy,” PhD. diss. University of Memphis 2002, 109–148. 2 U.S. Statutes at Large, 1st Congress, Sess. II, Ch. 6. 3 “An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio”, July 13, 1787, in: Laws of the Territory of the United
C ONSTITUTION OF T ENNESSEE (1834) States, North-West of the River Ohio, Passed at the first session, of the General Assembly, Begun and held at Cincinnati, on Monday, the sixteenth day of September, A. D. One thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine [. . . ] with an Appendix, Containing resolutions, the ordinance of Congress for the Government of the Territory [. . . ], Published by Authority, I, Cincinnati: From the press of Carpenter & Findlay, Printers to the Territory, 1800, 254–255 (art. V). An act of Congress of August 7, 1789 provided “certain provisions [. . . ] so as to adapt the same to the present Constitution of the United States,” U.S. Statutes at Large, 1st Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 8. 4 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 4, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 65, “to”. 5 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 68, “boundaries of”. 6 Ibid., “now acquired, or that may hereafter be acquired by compact or agreement with other States, or otherwise, although such land and territory” printed twice. 7 Ibid., 69, “of”. 8 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 8, in Convention Journal, 395, in Session Law print, 6, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 70, word missing. 9 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 9, in Convention Journal, 395, in Session Law print, 6, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 71, “journal”. 10 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 71, “the”. 11 In Session Law print, 6, “Legislature”. 12 In engrossed manuscript, word missing. 13 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 75, “restriction”. 14 Ibid., “twelve”. 15 Ibid., “to the”. 16 Ibid., “such a”. 17 Ibid., 76, “to”. 18 Ibid., “Chancellor”. 19 Ibid., 77, word missing. 20 Ibid., “such a”. 21 Ibid., word missing. 22 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 15, and in Convention Journal, 402, “of a God”. 23 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 16, and in Convention Journal, 403, misnumbered as “5”. 24 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 16, in Convention Journal, 403, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 79, word missing. 25 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 17, “Bedford; and no new county line shall run nearer than eleven and a half miles of the seat of Justice of said county. The line of a new county may run within eleven miles of the seat of Justice of Franklin county; provided, it does not reduce said county to less contents
than six hundred and twenty five square miles. The counties of Carter, Rhea, Tipton, Dyer, and Sullivan, are excepted out of the provisions of this section. The county of Humphreys may be divided at such time as may be prescribed by the Legislature, making the Tennessee river” missing. 26 Ibid., “comproing [sic!]”; in Convention Journal, 404, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 79, “comprising”. 27 In engrossed manuscript, “Pledsoe”. 28 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 17, in Convention Journal, 404, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 80, “for six”. 29 In Convention Journal, 405, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 81, “benefits”. 30 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 18, in Convention Journal, 405, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 81, “corporation”. 31 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 81, word missing. 32 Ibid., “improvements”. 33 In Convention Journal, 406, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 82, word missing. 34 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 82, instead of rest of section to follow “under this Constitution shall be held in Nashville”. 35 In Convention Journal, 406, “appionment” [sic!]. 36 In Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 82, “at”. 37 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 20, in Convention Journal, 407, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 82, “this”. 38 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 20, in Convention Journal, 407, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 82, “in the year of our Lord” missing. 39 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 20, in Convention Journal, 407, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 82, “United States of America”. 40 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 20, in Convention Journal, 407, in Session Law print, 17, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 82, “McGaughey”. 41 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 20, in Convention Journal, 407, in Session Law print, 17, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 823, “Burchett”. 42 In Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 20, in Convention Journal, 407, and in Speer, Tennessee Handbook, 83, word missing. 43 In Convention Journal, 407, “Kill”. 44 The convention attached an Ordinance to the Constitution (cf. Constitution of the State of Tennessee, 21–24, Convention Journal, 407–411) dealing with legal matters such as the procedure of ratification by the people and the temporary arrangement of senatorial districts until an apportionment in consequence of the first state enumeration could be made.
First Failed Amendment of 1843
A Resolution in relation to the amendment of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, so that Bledsoe and Marion counties shall come under the general provisions of the constitution in forming new counties1
Whereas, by the 11th article 3d section of the Constitution of this State, it is provided that any amendment or amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in the Senate or House of Representatives, and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each of the two Houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their Journals, and referred to the General Assembly then next to be chosen. And whereas, the 10th article and 4th section of the Constitution of this State, provides that the counties of Marion and Bledsoe shall not be reduced below one thousand qualified voters each, in forming a new county or counties. And whereas, at the last General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, it was resolved that the 10th article and 4th section of the Constitution be so amended, that the counties of Bledsoe and Marion shall come under the general provision of the Constitution in forming new counties. Therefore, Be it resolved by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennesses [sic!], That the 10th article and 4th section of the Constitution be so amended, that Bledsoe and Marion counties2 shall come under the general provisions3 of the constitution in forming new counties.
Verified by Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Fifth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, 1843–4. Published by Authority, [Nashville?:] L. Gifford and E. G. Eastman – Prs., 1844, 289–290. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session Law volume. The amendment was adopted by the General Assembly on November 23, 1843, after having first been passed by the previous legislature on January 7, 1842, as demanded by the constitution (cf. Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Fourth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, 1841–42. Published by Authority, Murfreesborough: D. Cameron & Co., Printers to the State, 1842, 238). It was submitted to the people in August 1845 by virtue of “An act to submit to a vote of the people, amendments of the Constitution,” passed January 26, 1844 (Session Law volume of 1844, 199–200) but failed to be ratified by the people. 2 In Session Law volume 1842, 238, “the counties of Bledsoe and Marion”. 3 Ibid., “provision”.
Second Failed Amendment of 1843
A resolution so amending the constitution as to permit the division of the county of Perry, making the Tennessee river the county line1
Whereas, by the third section of the eleventh article of the constitution of this State, propositions may be made for amendments thereto in the Senate or House of Representatives; and whereas, the Tennessee river runs through the county of Perry and near the centre thereof, whereby about one half of the people are put to great trouble, inconvenience and expense, by being compelled to cross the river to attend as witnesses and jurors at the courts, and to do much of their private busines[s]; and whereas, it is but just and equitable that the people of Perry county should have the same privileges which was secured by the fourth section of the tenth article of the Constitution, to the citizens of the county of Humphreys; and whereas, the General Assembly of this State, at the last session thereof, passed a resolution dividing said county of Perry, making Tennessee River the county line, and to bring the matter before the people according to the provisions of the third section of the eleventh article of the Constitution, it is necessary that the Legislature should again agree to said proposed amendment, and prescribe the manner and time of submitting the same to the people. Therefore, Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the fourth section of the tenth article of the Constitution of said State be so amended, as to permit the Legislature of said State to divide the county
of Perry, making the Tennessee River the county line, a majority of the qualified voters of said county voting in favor of said division. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of each Sheriff in the several counties in this State to give notice of the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of this State, by written or printed advertisements at four public places at least in each county, not more than three months nor less than one month before the next general election for members of congress, Governor, and Senators and Representatives in the State Legislature, and at said next general election, it shall be the duty of all persons holding said election to take the votes of all the qualified voters on said proposed amendment, and make return of said votes under the same rules and regulations prescribed by the laws of this State for making election returns.
Verified by Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Fifth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, 1843–4. Published by Authority, [Nashville?:] L. Gifford and E. G. Eastman – Prs., 1844, 294–295. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session Law volume. The amendment was adopted by the General Assembly on December 18, 1843, after having first been after having first been passed by the previous legislature on January 7, 1842 (cf. Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Fourth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, 1841–42. Published by Authority, Murfreesborough: D. Cameron & Co., Printers to the State, 1842, 237–238). It was submitted to the people in August 1845 by virtue of “An act to submit to
T ENNESSEE a vote of the people, amendments of the Constitution,” passed January 26, 1844 (Session Law volume of 1844, 199–200). There is no evidence that the amendment was really adopted. In view of its most probable failure it appears safe to assume that the legislature set aside art. X, sec. 4 of the Constitution, and, instead of dividing the county of Perry – which it would proceed to do, however, after having added a part of Wayne county to Perry county, in 1845, to bring it to the constitutionally required size for a division – decided to erect and organize the county of Decatur according to art. VI, sec. 15 by “An Act to regulate the Courts, &c. of
Perry county, and to establish the county of Decatur, in honor of and to perpetuate the memory of Commodore Stephen Decatur, of the United States Navy,” passed in November, 1845 (cf. Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Sixth General Assembly, for the Years, 1845–6. Published by Authority, Knoxville: Printed by James C. Moses, Register Office, 1846, 35–40). I am particularly grateful to Darla Brock of the State Archives and Eddie Weeks of the Legislative Library, both of Tennessee, for their help in clarifying the ways and byways of this proposed amendment.
Failed Amendment of 1851
A Resolution to alter the fourth section of the tenth article of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee1
Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That the fourth section of the tenth article of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, be so altered that a new county may be formed out of a portion of the territory now composing the counties of Haywood, Madison, Gibson and Dyer, the line of which shall not run nearer than ten miles of Dyersburg and Jackson; and that a new county may be formed out of a portion of the territory now composing the counties of McNairy and Hardeman; and that a new county may be formed out of that portion of Obion county, that lies west of Reelfoot lake on the Mississippi river; and that a new county may be formed out of fractions of the counties of Washington, Sullivan, Hawkins and Greene2 , by the name of the county of Powell; and that a new county may be formed out of a portion of the territory now composing the counties of Marion and Bledsoe; which new counties may consist of less than three hundred and fifty square miles, and the lines of said new counties may run nearer than twelve miles to the county seats of said old counties; and said old counties may be reduced below six hundred and twenty-five square miles. Be it further resolved, That a new county may be formed out of the south-west portion of Wayne county, and the south-east portion of Hardin county, and that said new county may consist of less than three hundred and fifty square miles, and that the county of
Lewis, formed out of the fractions3 of Maury, Lawrence, Wayne and Hickman, by an act passed on the 21st day of December, 1843, chap. 38, entitled “an act to establish the county of Lewis,” shall be declared a constitutional county, and may consist of less than three hundred and fifty square miles. Provided, A majority of the qualified voters in said county, shall agree thereto by a popular vote. Provided, It shall not reduce the counties of Maury, Lawrence, Hickman and Wayne, below their constitutional limits.
Verified by Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Ninth General Assembly for the Years 1851–2. Published by Authority, Nashville: Bang & McKennie, Printers to the State, 1852, 730. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session Law volume. The amendment was adopted by the General Assembly on November 29, 1851, after first having been passed by the previous legislature on February 7, 1850 (cf. Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First Session of the TwentyEighth General Assembly, for the Years 1849–50. Published by Authority, Nashville: McKennie & Watterson, Printers to the State, 1850, 570–571). It was submitted to the people in August 1853 and declared rejected by joint resolution of the General Assembly on November 3, 1853 (cf. Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First Session of the Thirtieth General Assembly for the Years 1853–4. Published by Authority, Nashville: McKennie & Brown, Book and Job Printers, True Whig Office, 1854, 793; Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, ed by Robert H. White, IV: 1845–1857, Nashville, TN: The Tennessee Historical Commission, 1957, 589). 2 In Session Law volume, 1850, 570, “Green”. 3 Ibid., “fraction”.
Amendments of 1853 Proposed amendments of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, adopted by the present General Assembly, and to be acted upon by the people1 T HE third section of the 6th article of the Constitution shall be so amended as to read as follows: S ECT. 3. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the qualified voters of the State at large, and the Judges of such inferior courts as the Legislature may establish, shall be elected by the qualified voters residing within the bounds of any district or circuit to which such inferior Judge or Judges, either of Law or Equity may be assigned by ballot, in the same manner that members of2 the General Assembly are elected. Courts may be established to be holden by Justices of the Peace. Judges of the Supreme Court shall be thirty-five years of age, and shall be elected for the term of eight years. The fifth section of the sixth article of the Constitution shall be so amended as to read as follows: S ECT. 5. An Attorney General for the State shall be elected by the qualified voters of the State at large, and the Attorney for the State for any circuit or district to which a Judge of an inferior court may be assigned, shall be elected by the qualified voters within the bounds of such district or circuit3 , in the same manner that members to the General Assembly are elected; all said attorneys, both for the State and circuit or district4 , shall hold their offices for the term of six years. In all cases where the5 Attorney for any district fails or refuses to
attend and prosecute according to law, the Court shall have power to appoint an Attorney pro tempore.
SCHEDULE TO AMENDMENTS S ECT. 1. And that no inconvenience may arise from the proposed Amendments, should the same be adopted by the people, it is declared that all Judges of the Courts and Attorneys contemplated in the proposed amendments, shall continue to hold their offices and exercise the duties and functions thereof, according to the true existing laws and Constitution, until the election of their successors by the people, to be held and made under a law to be passed by the General Assembly (next elected, after the ratification of the proposed amendments by the people) which law shall prescribe the times and places of holding said elections6 , and which shall be passed without delay and in strict pursuance of said amendments. Provided, The Legislature shall appoint a day for holding the election of Judges and Attorneys General separate and apart from the days already prescribed or hereafter to be prescribed by the Legislatures7 , for holding the elections for State and county officers. 1
Verified by Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Ninth General Assembly for the Years 1851–2. Published by Authority, Nashville: Bang & McKennie, Printers to the State,
A MENDMENTS OF 1853 1852, 722–723. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session Law volume. The amendments were adopted by the General Assembly on November 21, 1851, after first having been passed by the previous legislature on February 1, 1850 (cf. Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Eighth General Assembly, for the Years 1849– 50. Published by Authority, Nashville: McKennie & Watterson, Printers to the State, 1850, 566–567). It was submitted to the people in August 1853 and declared ratified and a part of the constitution by joint resolution of the General Assembly on November 3, 1853 (cf. Acts of the State of Tennessee, Passed at the First Session of the Thirtieth General Assembly, for the Years
1853–4. Published by Authority, Nashville: McKennie & Brown, Book and Job Printers, True Whig Office, 1854, 793; Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, ed by Robert H. White, IV: 1845–1857, Nashville, TN: The Tennessee Historical Commission, 1957, 589). Cf. Lewis L. Laska, “A Legal and Constitutional History of Tennessee, 1772–1972,” in: Memphis State University Law Review, 6 (1975/76), 615–617. 2 In Session Law volume, 1850, 566, “to”. 3 Ibid., “circuit or district”. 4 Ibid., “States and circuits or districts”. 5 Ibid., “an”. 6 Ibid., “election”. 7 Ibid., “legislature”.
Constitución de Tejas (1827)
Constitution of Texas (1827)
Constitucion Política del Estado Libre de Coahuila y Tejas1
Political Constitution of the Free State of Coahuila & Texas1
El Gobernador interino del estado libre de Coahuila y Tejas á todos sus habitantes: SABED: Que el congreso constituyente del mismo estado ha decretado y sancionado la siguiente Constitucion política del estado libre de Coahuila y Tejas.
The Governor Pro. Tem.2 of the Free3 State of Coahuila and Texas, to all its inhabitants, KNOW, that Constitutive Congress of the said State has decreed and sanctioned the following Political Constitution of the free State of Coahuila and Texas.
En el nombre de Dios omnipotente, autor y supremo legislador del universo. hbi El congreso constituyente del estado de Coahuila y Tejas, deseando cumplir con la voluntad de los pueblos sus comitentes, y con el fin de llenar debidamente el grande y magnífico objeto de promover la gloria y prosperidad del mismo estado, decreta para su administracion y gobierno la Constitucion que sigue.
In the name of the omnipotent God, author and Supreme Legislator of the universe The Constitutive Congress of the State of Coahuila and Texas, desiring to comply with the will of the People their Constituents, and for the purpose of duly fulfilling the grand and magnificent object of promoting the glory and prosperity of the same State, decree, for its administration and government, the following:
A RT. 1. El estado de Coahuila y Tejas es la reunion de todos los coahuiltejanos.
A RT. 1. The State of Coahuila and Texas, is the Union of all the Couhiltexanos.I
A RT. 2. Es libre é independiente de los demas estados unidos mexicanos, y de cualquiera otra potencia ó dominacion estrangera.
A RT. 2. It is free, and independent of the other Mexican United States, and of any other power or dominion whatsoever.
A RT. 3. La soberanía del estado reside originaria y esencialmente en la masa general de los individuos que lo componen; pero
A RT. 3. The sovereignty of the State resides originally and essentially in the general mass of the individuals which compose I The term Coahuiltexanos, will be understood by
reference to Article 17.
T EJAS estos no ejercerán por sí mismos otros actos de la soberanía, que los señalados en esta constitucion y en la forma que ella dispone.
it, but these do not exercise, by themselves, any other acts of sovereignty than those pointed out in this constitution and in the form which it provides.
A RT. 4. En los asuntos relativos á la federacion mexicana el estado delega sus facultades y derechos al congreso general de la misma; mas en todo lo que toca á la administracion y gobierno interior del propio estado, éste retiene su libertad independencia y soberanía.
A RT. 4. In all business relating to the Mexican Confederation5 , the State Delegates its powers and rights to the general Congress of the same, but in all relating to the administration and internal government of the said State, it retains its Liberty, Independence and Sovereignty.
A RT. 5. Por tanto, pertenece esclusivamente al mismo estado el derecho de establecer, por medio de sus representantes, sus leyes fundamentales, conforme á las bases sancionadas en la acta constitutiva y constitucion general.
A RT. 5. Wherefore the right of establishing through the medium of their Representative fundamental laws, conformable with the basis established by the Constitutive Act and general Constitution, belongs exclusively to the said State.
A RT. 6. El territorio del estado es el mismo que comprendian las provincias conocidas antes con el nombre de Coahuila y Tejas. Una ley constitucional demarcará sus límites respecto de los demas estados colindantes de la federacion mexicana.
A RT. 6. The Territory of the State, embraces those Provinces formerly known under the name of the Provinces of Coahuila and Texas. A constitutional law will fix their limits as far as regards the neighboring States of the Mexican confederation.
A RT. 7. El territorio del estado se dividirá por ahora para su mejor administracion en tres departamentos, que serán Bejar: cuyo distrito se estenderá á todo el territorio que correspondia á la que se llamó provincia de Tejas, que hará un solo partido. Monclova: que comprenderá el partido de este nombre, y el de Riogrande. Saltillo: que abrazará el partido de este nombre, y el de Parras.
A RT. 7. The Territory corresponding to that which is called the Province of Texas, shall be designated under one name, viz:6 Monclova, which shall comprehend that section, and also that of Rio Grande. Saltillo shall comprehend the section of that name, and also that of Parras.
A RT. 8. El congreso podrá en lo sucesivo alterar, variar y modificar esta division del territorio del estado, del modo que estime ser mas conveniente á la felicidad de los pueblos.
A RT. 8. Congress can at any subsequent time alter, vary, or modify this division of the territory of the State, in whatever manner it may think conducive to the felicity of the people.
A RT. 9. La religion católica, apostólica romana, es la del estado. Este la proteje por leyes sábias y justas, y prohibe el ejercicio de cualquiera otra.
A RT. 9. The Roman Catholic Apostolick Religion is the Religion of the State. The State protects it by wise and just laws, and prohibits the exercise of any other.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) A RT. 10. El estado regulará y costeará todos los gastos que fueren necesarios para conservar el culto, con arreglo á los concordatos que la nacion celebrare con la silla apostólica, y á las leyes que dictare sobre el ejercicio del patronato en toda la federacion.
A RT. 10. The State will regulate7 all the expences necessary to the preserving of this Religion, according to the Concordates which the nation will celebrate with the Apostolical Seal8 , and to the laws which the said Nation will pass concerning the exercise of the Patronato in the whole confederation.
A RT. 11. Todo hombre que habite en el territorio del estado, aunque sea de tránsito, goza los imprescriptibles derechos de libertad, seguridad, propiedad é igualdad: y es un deber del mismo estado conservar y protejer por leyes sábias y equitativas estos derechos generales de los hombres.
A RT. 11. Every man who inhabits the territory of the State, although he may be but a traveller, enjoys the imprescriptible rights of Liberty, Security, Property and Equality, and it is the duty of the said State, to preserve and protect by wise and equitable laws, these universal rights of men.
A RT. 12. Es tambien una obligacion del estado protejer á todos sus habitantes en el ejercicio del derecho que tienen de escribir, imprimir y publicar libremente sus pensamientos y opiniones políticas, sin necesidad de ecsamen, revision ó censura alguna anterior á la publicacion, bajo las restricciones y responsabilidad establecidas, ó que en adelante se establecieren por las leyes generales de la materia.
A RT. 12. The State is also obliged to protect all its inhabitants, in the exercise of that right which they have, of writing, printing and publishing freely, their political ideas and opinions, without the necessity of any examination, revision or censure, anterior to the publication, under the restrictions and responsability established, or which may hereafter be established by the general laws on that subject.
A RT. 13. En el estado nadie nace esclavo desde que se publique esta constitucion en la cabecera de cada partido, y despues de seis meses tampoco se permite su introduccion bajo ningun pretesto.
A RT. 13. From and after the promulgation of this Constitution in the principal town of each District, no body can be born a slave9 , and the introduction of slaves under any pretext after six months from said publication is prohibited.
A RT. 14. En correspondencia todo hombre que habite en el estado debe obedecer sus leyes, respetar sus autoridades constituidas, y contribuir al sostenimiento del mismo estado del modo que este lo pida.
A RT. 14. For these benefits10 every man who inhabits the State is bound to obey its laws and respect its constituted authorities11 for the support of the said State, in the manner which it requires.
A RT. 15. Al estado pertenece toda especie de bienes vacantes en su territorio, y los intestados de sus habitantes sin sucesor legítimo en el modo que dispongan las leyes.
A RT. 15. Every species of vacant Estate in the Territory, and all intestates12 without a legal successor, belong to the State13 .
A RT. 16. El estado se compone únicamente de dos clases de personas, á saber: coahuiltejanos y ciudadanos coahuiltejanos.
A RT. 16. The State is composed only of two classes of persons, viz: Coahuiltexanos, and Citizens of Coahuila and Texas 99
T EXAS A RT. 17. Son coahuiltejanos Primero. Todos los hombres nacidos y avecindados en el territorio del estado, y los hijos de estos. Segundo. Todos los que habiendo nacido en cualquiera otro lugar del territorio de la federacion fijen su domicilio en el estado. Tercero. Los estrangeros que en la actualidad ecsisten establecidos legítimamente en el estado, sean de la nacion que fueren. Cuarto. Los estrangeros que obtengan del congreso carta de naturaleza, ó tengan vecindad en el estado ganada segun la ley, que se dará luego que el congreso de la Union dicte la regla general de naturalizacion, que debe establecer conforme á la XXVI de las facultades que le señala la constitucion federal.
A RT. 17. The following persons are Coahuiltexanos: first, all persons14 born and domiciliated in the Territory of the State, and their children; secondly, all those who, born in any other part of the Territory15 , may fix their residence in the State; thirdly, strangers of any nation, who are actually and legally established in the state; fourthly, citizens16 who may obtain from the Congress a certificate of Naturalization, or who may have obtained a domicil in the State, according to the law which will be passed as soon as the general Congress of the Union17 passes a general Naturalization law, conformably with the 26th section of the powers18 delegated to them by the Federal Constitution19 .
A RT. 18. Son ciudadanos coahuiltejanos Primero. Todos los hombres nacidos en el estado y que estén avecindados en cualquiera lugar de su territorio. Segundo. Todos los ciudadanos de los demas estados y territorios de la federacion, luego que se avecinden en el estado. Tercero. Todos los hijos de ciudadanos mexicanos que nazcan fuera del territorio de la federacion, y fijen su domicilio en el estado. Cuarto. Los estrangeros que en la actualidad están avecindados legalmente en el estado, sea cual fuere el pais de su origen. Quinto. Los estrangeros que gozando ya de los derechos de coahuiltejanos, obtuvieren del congreso carta especial de ciudadanos. Las leyes prescribirán el mérito y circunstancias que se requieren para que se les conceda.
A RT. 18. The following persons are citizens20 of Coahuila and Texas: first, all persons born in the State, although living in any part of the Territory21 ; secondly, all the citizens of the other States and Territories of the Confederation, as soon as they are domiciliated in the State; thirdly, all the sons of Mexican citizens, born beyond the Territories of the Confederation, and who may establish their domicil in the State; fourthly, strangers, who22 are legally domiciliated in the State, no matter where born; fifthly, strangers, enjoying the rights of Cohuiltexanos, may obtain from the Congress a special letter of citizenship. The laws will prescribe what merit and circumstances are necessary for this.
A RT. 19. Los nacidos, en el territorio de la federacion, y los estrangeros avecindados en él (á ecepcion de los hijos de familia) al tiempo de proclamada2 la emancipacion política de la nacion, que no permanecieron fieles á la causa de su independencia, sino que emigraron á pais estrangero ó dependiente
A RT. 19. The persons who were born in the Territory of the Confederation, and strangers domiciliated in it (with the exception of minors,) when the political emancipation of the country23 was declared, who did not remain faithful to the cause of its independence, but emigrated to foreign coun-
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) del gobierno español, ni son coahuiltejanos ni ciudadanos coahuiltejanos.
tries or countries depending on the Spanish Government, are neither Coahuiltexanos, or citizens of Coahuila and Texas.
A RT. 20. Los derechos de ciudadano se pierden Primero. Por adquirir naturaleza en pais estrangero. Segundo. Por adquirir empleo, pension ó condecoracion de un gobierno estrangero sin permiso del congreso. Tercero. Por sentencia ejecutoriada en que se impongan penas aflictivas ó infamantes3 . Cuarto. Por vender su voto ó comprar el ageno para sí, ó para un tercero; bien sea en las asambleas populares, ó en cualesquiera otras, y por abusar de sus encargos los que en las mismas asambleas sean presidentes, escrutadores ó secretarios, ó desempeñen cualquiera otra funcion pública. Quinto. Por haber residido cinco años consecutivos fuera del territorio de la federacion sin comision del gobierno general, ó particular del estado, ó sin licencia de éste.
A RT. 20. The rights of citizenship are lost; first, by acquiring citizenship in a foreign country; secondly, by receiving any employment, pension, or consideration24 whatsoever from any foreign government, without the permission of Congress; thirdly, by an executory sentence imposing, afflictive or infamous punishment; fourthly, for selling his vote, or buying that of another for himself or a third person, whether it be in the popular assemblies or any others; or if those who are Tellers, Secretaries, or Presidents25 , or in any other capacity in the public assemblies, should abuse the powers granted to them; fifthly, for residing five years26 out of the Territory of the confederation without a commission from the general government, or that of the State, or without the licence of the latter.
A RT. 21. El que haya perdido los derechos de ciudadano no puede recobrarlos sino por espresa rehabilitacion del congreso.
A RT. 21. He who has lost the rights of a citizen can never recover them without the express enactment of Congress.
A RT. 22. El ejercicio de los mismos derechos se suspende Primero. Por incapacidad fisica ó moral, previa la correspondiente calificacion judicial. Segundo. Por no tener veinte y un años cumplidos. Eceptúanse los casados, quienes entrarán al ejercicio de estos derechos desde que contraigan matrimonio, cualquiera que sea su edad. Tercero. Por ser deudor á los caudales públicos con plazo cumplido, y habiendo precedido requerimiento para el pago. Cuarto. Por hallarse procesado criminalmente, hasta que el tratado como reo sea absuelto ó condenado á pena no aflictiva ni infamatoria.
A RT. 22. The exercise of these rights is suspended; first, through moral or physical incapacity after a judicial investigation27 ; secondly, for not being twenty-one years of age. Married persons are excepted as they shall enter on the exercise of their rights as soon as they contract matrimony, no matter what may be their age; thirdly, for being debtors to the public after the expiration of the time given for accounting and after a previous demand of payment; fourthly, for a criminal prosecution, until the accused shall have been acquitted, or condemned to a punishment neither afflicting or infamous; fifthly, for not having any employment, office, or known means of living; sixthly, for not knowing how to read or write: but this
T EJAS Quinto. Por no tener empleo, oficio, ó modo de vivir conocido. Sesto. Por no saber leer y escribir; pero esta disposicion no tendrá efecto hasta despues del año de 1850 respecto de los que de nuevo entren en el ejercicio de los derechos de ciudadano.
disposition shall take effect only after the year 1850, and with respect to those who then may enter upon the exercise of the rights of Citizens.
A RT. 23. Solamente por las causas señaladas en los artículos 20 y 22 se pueden perder ó suspender los derechos de ciudadano.
A RT. 23. The rights of Citizens can only be lost or suspended, for the causes recited in Articles 20 and 22.
A RT. 24. Solo los ciudadanos que estén en el ejercicio de sus derechos pueden sufragar para los empleos populares del estado en los casos señalados por la ley, y solo ellos podrán obtener los espresados empleos y todos los demas del mismo estado.
A RT. 24. None but Citizens in the exercise of their rights can vote for the officers28 of the State, in the cases pointed out by law, and only those, can be elected to the same employments29 or any others.
A RT. 25. Eceptúanse de lo dispuesto en la segunda parte del artículo anterior los empleos facultativos, los cuales pueden tambien conferirse á cualesquiera personas de fuera del estado.
A RT. 25. Members of the Faculty employed by the State30 are excepted from the dispositon in the latter part of the preceding articles31 , these employments can even be given to persons out of the State.
A RT. 26. El objeto del gobierno del estado es la felicidad de los individuos que lo componen, puesto que el fin de toda sociedad política no es otro que el bienestar de los asociados.
A RT. 26. The object of the Government of the State is the happiness of the individuals composing it, since the end of every political society is nothing else than the well being of its members.
A RT. 27. Los oficiales del gobierno investidos de cualquiera especie de autoridad, no son mas que unos meros agentes ó comisarios del estado responsables á él de su conducta pública.
A RT. 27. The officers of the Government invested with any species of authority, are nothing but mere agents or commissioners32 of the State, responsible to it for their public conduct.
A RT. 28. El gobierno del estado es popular representativo federado. En consecuencia no podrá haber en él empleo ni privilegio alguno hereditario.
A RT. 28. The Government of the State is, Popular, Representative and Federal33 , in consequence there can be no hereditary privileges in its officers34 .
A RT. 29. El poder supremo del estado se divide para su ejercicio en legislativo, ejecu-
A RT. 29. The supreme power of the State is divided, for its exercise into Legislative,
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) tivo y judicial, y jamás podrán reunirse estos tres poderes, ni dos de ellos en una corporacion ó persona, ni depositarse el legislativo en un solo individuo.
Executive and Judicial, and these three powers, or any two of them, can never be united in any corporation or person, nor can the Legislative ever be deposited in one individual alone.
A RT. 30. El ejercicio del poder legislativo residirá en un congreso compuesto de diputados nombrados popularmente.
A RT. 30. The exercise of the Legislative power shall reside in a Congress composed of Deputies named by the people.
A RT. 31. El ejercicio del poder ejecutivo residirá en un ciudadano, que se denominará gobernador del estado, y será elegido tambien popularmente.
A RT. 31. The exercise of35 the Executive power shall reside in a Citizen who shall be styled the Govenor of the State; and who shall also be elected by the people.
A RT. 32. El ejercicio del poder judicial residirá en los tribunales y juzgados que establece esta constitucion.
A RT. 32. The exercise of the Judicial power shall reside in Tribunals and Courts, established by this Constitution.
Del Poder Legislativo del Estado
Of the Legislative power of the State
Seccion Primera
Section I
De los diputados del congreso
Of the Deputies to the Congress
A RT. 33. El congreso es la reunion de los diputados que representan el estado, elegidos conforme á esta Constitucion. Su número será el de doce propietarios y seis suplentes hasta el año de 1832.
A RT. 33. Congress is the reunion of the Deputies who represent the State, elected conformably to this Constitution. Its number shall consist of twelve land holders36 and six suppletories until the year 183337 .
A RT. 34. El congreso en este año y en el último de cada uno de los decenios que siguen, podrá aumentar el número de sus diputados, bajo la base de uno por cada siete mil almas.
A RT. 34. Congress in this year and in the last of each ten following years can augment the number of its Deputies, on the basis of one for every seven thousand38 souls.
A RT. 35. Las elecciones de diputados propietarios y suplentes se harán en todos y cada uno de los partidos del estado. La ley señalará el número de diputados de una y otra clase que deba nombrar cada partido.
A RT. 35. The election of Deputies, land holders and Suppletaries shall be held at the same time throughout the State. The law will point out the number to be elected by each District39 .
A RT. 36. Para ser diputado propietario ó suplente se requiere tener al tiempo de la
A RT. 36. In order to be elected Deputy, or Suppletory, the following qualification40
T EXAS eleccion las calidades siguientes: Primera. Ser ciudadano en el ejercicio de sus derechos. Segunda. Tener la edad de veinte y cinco años cumplidos. Tercera. Ser vecino del estado con residencia en él de dos años inmediatamente antes de la eleccion. A los naturales del estado les bastará tener los dos primeros requisitos.
are necessary. First, to be a Citizen in the enjoyment of his rights. Secondly, to be of the age of twenty five years. Thirdly, to be domiciliated and have resided in the State two years41 before the election. The two first requisites are all that are necessary for natives of the State.42
A RT. 37. Los no nacidos en el territorio de la federacion, necesitan para ser diputados propietarios ó suplentes, tener ocho años de vecindad en él, y ocho mil pesos en bienes raices, ó una industria que les produzca mil cada año, y las calidades prevenidas en el artículo antecedente.
A RT. 37. Persons born out of the Territory of the Confederation, must in order to be Deputies43 , have lived eight years in it, possess real property to the amount of eight thousand dollars44 , or an occupation which yields one thousand each year, and the qualifications mentioned in the preceding Article.
A RT. 38. Se eceptúan del artículo anterior los nacidos en cualquiera otra parte del territorio de América que en el año de 1810 dependia de la España, y que no se haya unido á otra nacion, ni permanezca en dependencia de aquella, á quienes bastará tener tres años completos de vecindad en la república mexicana y las circunstancias prescritas en el art. 36.
A RT. 38. Are exempted from the preceding article – Those born in any other part of the Territory of America, which in the year 182045 depended on Spain and did not since unite with any other nation, or do not yet remain dependent on it. – It is sufficient for such, to have lived three years in the Mexican Republic and possess the requisites of Article 36.
A RT. 39. No pueden ser diputados propietarios ó suplentes Primero. El gobernador, el vicegobernador de estado, ni los miembros del consejo del gobierno. Segundo. Los empleados de la federacion. Tercero. Los funcionarios civiles de provision del gobierno del estado. Cuarto. Los eclesiásticos que ejerzan cualquiera especie de jurisdiccion ó autoridad en algun lugar de los del partido donde se haga la eleccion. Quinto. Los estrangeros en el tiempo en que haya declarada guerra entre la nacion de su origen y la mexicana.
A RT. 39. The following persons cannot be Deputies or Suppletories, – 1st. The Governor or Vice-Governor of the State and the members of the General Congress46 . 2dly. Persons employed by the Confederation. 3dly. The civil Officers of the State47 . 4thly.Ecclesiastics, who exercise any jurisdiction or authority in any of the Districts where the election is held. 5thly. Strangers, at the time the Mexican nation may have declared war against their’s48 .
A RT. 40. Para que los funcionarios públicos de la federacion ó del estado com-
A RT. 40. In order that the public Officers of the confederation or of the State com-
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) prendidos en el artículo anterior, puedan ser elegidos diputados, deberán haber cesado absolutamente en sus destinos cuatro meses antes de las elecciones.
prehended in the preceding article may be elected Deputies, they must have entirely ceased from their employment four months before the elections.
A RT. 41. Si un mismo individuo fuere nombrado diputado propietario por dos ó mas partidos, preferirá la eleccion hecha por aquel en que esté actualmente avecindado. Si en ninguno de ellos lo estuviere, prevalecerá la del partido de su naturaleza. Si no fuere vecino ni natural de alguno de dichos partidos, subsistirá la de aquel que designe el mismo diputado electo. En cualquiera de estos casos, y en el de muerte ó imposibilidad de los propietarios para desempeñar sus funciones á juicio del congreso, concurrirán á él los diputados suplentes respectivos.
A RT. 41. Should the same individual be nominated as deputy49 for two or more Districts the election made for that in which he resided50 , shall be preferred. Should he not be elected for that District51 , the one in which he was born shall prevail – Should he not be domiciliated, or born in any of said Districts, he may himself chose which he will represent. In either of the above cases, or in case of death, or the impossibility of the Deputies52 to fulfill their duties in the opinion of the Congress, the respective suppletory shall fill it.
A RT. 42. Si tambien aconteciere que un mismo ciudadano salga electo para diputado suplente por dos ó mas partidos, en este caso se seguirá el mismo órden de preferencia prevenido en las tres primeras partes del artículo anterior; y en los demas partidos que queden sin diputado suplente se llenará la vacante por el otro que en la asamblea electoral respectiva haya reunido mayor número de votos despues de aquel que debe ser reemplazado. En caso de empate la suerte decidirá.
A RT. 42. Should the same citizen be elected as suppletory for two or more Districts, the same rules53 shall be followed as those laid down in the first part54 of the anterior article, and in those Districts in which there is no suppletory, the vacancy shall be filled by him who has obtained the greater number of votes in the electoral assemblies55 after him whom he replaces. In case there is no majority it shall be decided by vote.56
A RT. 43. Los diputados en el tiempo que desempeñen su comision, obtendrán del tesoro público del estado la indemnizacion que el congreso anterior les asignare, y se les abonará ademas lo que parezca necesario á juicio del mismo para los gastos que deban hacer en concurrir al lugar de las sesiones, y volverse á sus casas concluidas aquellas.
A RT. 43. The Deputies, when they have fulfilled their duties57 , shall obtain, from the public Treasury of the State the indemnification allowed to them by the anterior Congress, and they shall moreover obtain whatever the said Congress, shall think sufficient58 for their expences in going to and returning from the Session.
A RT. 44. Los diputados en ningun tiempo ni caso, ni ante ninguna autoridad serán responsables por las opiniones que manifiesten en el desempeño de su encargo. En las causas criminales que se intentaren contra ellos serán juzgados por los tribunales que despues se dirá, y desde el dia de su nombra-
A RT. 44. The Deputies shall not, at any time or place59 , or before any authority, be responsible for the opinions which they may express in the fulfillment of their duties. In criminal causes against them, they shall be tried by the tribunals which shall afterwards be mentioned, and from the day of their ap-
T EJAS miento hasta cumplidos los dos años de su diputacion no podrán ser acusados sino ante el congreso, quien se constituirá en gran jurado para declarar si ha ó no lugar á la formacion de causa. Mientras duren las sesiones, los diputados no podrán ser demandados civilmente, ni ejecutados por deudas.
pointment until the end of the two years for which they were elected, they cannot be accused, except before Congress, which shall act as a grand jury, and declare whether the accusation is right or not. During the sessions, the Deputies cannot be sued in a civil suit, nor can an execution be issued against them for debt.60
A RT. 45. Durante el tiempo de su diputacion, contado para este efecto desde el dia de su nombramiento, no podrán obtener para sí empleo alguno de provision del gobierno, ni solicitarlo para otro, ni aun ascenso, como no sea de escala en su respectiva carrera.
A RT. 45. During the time of their services, counting from the day of their appointment they cannot obtain any employment under Government nor sollicit or attempt to sollicit it for any other, in order to help them in their career.
Seccion Segunda
Section II
Del nombramiento de los diputados
Of the appointment of Deputies61
A RT. 46. Para la eleccion de los diputados se celebrarán asambleas electorales municipales, y asambleas electorales de partido.
A RT. 46. Municipal electoral assemblies and electoral assemblies of each District shall be held for the election of Deputies.
Parrafo Primero De las asambleas electorales municipales
Paragraph First Of the municipal Electoral assemblies
A RT. 47. Las asambleas electorales municipales se compondrán de los ciudadanos que estén en el ejercicio de sus derechos, y que sean vecinos y residentes en el territorio del respectivo ayuntamiento, no pudiendo escusarse nadie de esta clase de concurrir á ellas.
A RT. 47. The municipal, electoral assemblies, shall be composed of the citizens who are in the enjoyment of their rights and domiciliated and residing in the Territory of their respective ayuntamiento; No man of this class can be excused from62 attending them.
A RT. 48. Estas asamblas se celebrarán el primer domingo y el dia siguiente del mes de agosto del año anterior al de la renovacion del congreso, para nombrar los electores de partido que deben elegir á los diputados, y ocho dias antes el presidente de cada ayuntamiento, sin necesidad de esperar ningunas órdenes, convocará á los ciuda-
A RT. 48. These assemblies shall be held on the first Sunday and following day of the month of August, in the year anterior to the renovation of Congress, in order to elect District electors, who are to elect Deputies, and eight days before hand the President of each ayuntamiento without63 waiting for any orders, shall convocate the citizens of his re-
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) danos de su distrito por el correspondiente bando, ó como sea de costumbre, para que concurran á hacer las elecciones en el tiempo y forma que previene esta constitucion, avisando con anticipacion á las haciendas y ranchos del mismo distrito para inteligencia de sus vecinos.
spective District in their proper wards64 or according to the custom of the place in order that they may come to the elections at the time and in the form which this Constitution provides, leaving notices before hand at the plantations and ranges65 in the said District for the intelligence of the citizens.
A RT. 49. Para que los ciudadanos puedan asistir con mayor comodidad, cada ayuntamiento segun la localidad y poblacion de su territorio, determinará el número de asambleas municipales que deban formarse en su demarcacion, y los parages públicos en que hayan de celebrarse, designando á cada una los puntos que les correspondan.
A RT. 49. In order that the Citizens may assist at these elections66 with more ease, each Ayuntamento, according to the locality and population of the territory shall determine the number of municipal assemblies which shall be held in their limits, and also the public place in which they are to assemble, notifying them of this decision67 .
A RT. 50. Serán presididas, una por el gefe de policía ó el alcalde, y las restantes por los demas individuos del ayuntamiento á quienes toque por suerte; y por falta de estos, nombrará aquella corporacion para presidente de la respectiva asamblea municipal á un vecino del distrito designado á la misma, que sepa leer y escribir.
A RT. 50. One shall be Presided by the Chief of the Police, or the Alcalde, and the rest by the other individuals composing the Ayuntamiento, who shall be chosen to this, by lot and should there not be any, the said corporation shall name as President of its respective municipal assemblies a citizen68 of the District69 , who knows how to read and write.
A RT. 51. En el citado domingo de agosto, llegada la hora de la reunion, hallándose juntos los ciudadanos que hayan concurrido en el lugar señalado para ella, se dará principio á estas asambleas nombrando de entre ellos mismos á pluralidad de votos, un secretario y dos escrutadores que sepan tambien leer y escribir.
A RT. 51. On the above named Sunday in August, when the hour of meeting has arrived and the citizens forming the assembly70 are all present, in the place designated, they shall begin by naming by a majority of votes, and from amongst their own number, a Secretary and two Tellers, who shall also know how to read and write.
A RT. 52. Las elecciones estarán abiertas en los dos dias espresados en el art. 48 por espacio de cuatro horas diarias, distribuidas en mañana y tarde, y en cada una de las asambleas habrá un registro en que se escriban los votos de los ciudadanos que concurran á nombrar los electores de partido, sentando por órden alfabético los nombres de los votantes y votados.
A RT. 52. The polls shall remain open on the days71 assigned in Article 48, for the space of four hours72 , distributed into morning and evening, and in each of the assemblies, there shall be a register kept, in which shall be written the votes of the citizens who may have met to appoint District Electors, and the names of the voters and Candidates shall be put down in Alphabetical order.
A RT. 53. Para ser elector de partido se necesita ser ciudadano en el ejercicio de sus
A RT. 53. In order to be a District Elector, one must be a citizen in the enjoyment of his
T EXAS derechos, de edad de veinte y cinco años cumplidos, saber leer y escribir, y ser vecino y residente en cualquiera lugar del mismo partido el año anterior inmediato á la eleccion.
rights, of twenty-five years of age, knowing how to read and write, and, must also be a citizen and resident in some part of said District, one year73 before the election.
A RT. 54. Cada ciudadano elegirá de palabra ó por escrito los respectivos electores de partido, cuyos nombres, hecha la eleccion del primer modo, los designará el sufragante en alta voz, y ejecutada por lista, será leida esta por el secretario en la propia forma, y se escribirán indispensablemente á presencia de aquel en el registro. Nadie podrá votarse á sí mismo en este, ni en los demas actos de eleccion, bajo la pena de perder el derecho de votar.
A RT. 54. Each Citizen shall elect viva voce or by writing, the respective District electors, whose names after the election is over shall be designated to the elected74 , in a loud voice, and after they have been put in a List they shall be read by the secretary in proper form75 , and shall indispensably be written in the register in his presence76 . No man can vote for himself in this or any of the other acts of election, under the penalty of losing the right of voting.
A RT. 55. En los partidos en que solo haya de elegirse un diputado, se nombrarán once electores; y en donde se elijan dos ó mas diputados, se nombrarán veinte y un electores.
A RT. 55. In those Districts in which a Deputy alone is to be elected, there shall be named eleven electors, and where two or more Deputies are elected twenty-one electors shall be named.
A RT. 56. Las dudas ó controversias que se ofrezcan sobre si en alguno ó algunos de los presentes concurren las calidades requeridas para poder votar, se decidirán verbalmente por la asamblea, y lo que ella resolviere se ejecutará sin recurso, por esta sola vez y para este solo efecto, entendiéndose que la duda no podrá versarse4 sobre lo prevenido por esta constitucion ni otra ley. Si en dicha resolucion resultare empate, se estará por la opinion absolutoria.
A RT. 56. Should any doubts or controversies occur concerning the qualifications of electors77 they shall be determined verbally by the assembly, and whatever they may decide, shall be executed without recourse for this time alone and to this effect only, it being understood that these doubts or controversies have nothing to do with this Constitution78 or any other law. Should there be a tie on this resolution, it shall be decided by the President79 .
A RT. 57. Si se suscitaren quejas sobre cohecho, soborno ó fuerza para que la eleccion recaiga en determinadas personas, se hará una justificacion pública y verbal. Resultando ser cierta la acusacion, serán privados de voz activa y pasiva los que hubieren cometido el delito, debiendo sufrir la misma pena los calumniadores; y de este juicio no se admitirá recurso alguno. Las dudas que ocurran sobre la calidad de las pruebas, las decidirá la asamblea del modo que queda dicho en el artículo precedente.
A RT. 57. Should there arise any complaints concerning80 subornation, or force, causing the election to fall on certain persons, a public and verbal accusation shall be made81 . Should it be found to be true, those who committed the crime shall be deprived of any vote whatsoever82 , and the calumniators must suffer the same punishment; from this judgment there shall be no appeal. Should any doubts arise on the quality of the proofs, they shall be decided by the assembly in the manner mentioned in the preceding article.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) A RT. 58. Las asambleas municipales se celebrarán á puerta abierta y sin guardia alguna, y ningun individuo, sea de la clase que fuere, se podrá presentar armado en ellas.
A RT. 58. The municipal assemblies shall be held83 without any guard whatsoever, and no individual, be he of what class he may shall present himself therein armed.
A RT. 59. Cumplidos los dos dias en que deben estar abiertas las elecciones, el presidente, escrutadores y secretario de cada asamblea procederán á hacer el cómputo y la suma de los votos que haya reunido cada ciudadano en el registro, y este será firmado por los mismos individuos, con cuya operacion las asambleas quedarán disueltas; y cualquiera otro acto en que se mezclen, no solamente será nulo, sino que se reputará como un atentado contra la seguridad pública. Dicho registro se entregará cerrado al secretario del respectivo ayuntamiento.
A RT. 59. When the two days in which the polls shall stand open are finished, the President, tellers and Secretary of each assembly, shall proceed to count the votes, and the amount of the votes made by each citizen84 in the register, and this shall be signed by the said persons, after which the assemblies shall be dissolved, and should they meddle in any other business, it shall not only be null but shall be considered as an attempt against the public peace85 . Said Register shall be delivered locked up to the Secretary of the respective ayuntamiento.
A RT. 60. En el segundo domingo del espresado mes de agosto se reunirá cada ayuntamiento en sus casas consistoriales en sesion pública. A su presencia y con asistencia tambien de los presidentes, escrutadores y secretarios de las asambleas municipales se abrirán los registros, y con vista de todos ellos se formará una lista general por órden alfabético, en la que se comprenderán todos los individuos votados, y el número de votos que hubieren sacado.
A RT. 60. On the second Sunday of the said month of August, each ayuntamiento shall collect, in their respective houses of sitting, in public sessions. In their presence, and with the assistance of the Presidents, Tellers and Secretaries of the municipal assemblies, the register shall be opened and on seeing it, there shall be formed a general alphabetical list of the names of all the votes and of the member of votes taken86 .
A RT. 61. Esta lista y la acta capitular que se estendiere relativa al asunto serán firmadas por el presidente del ayuntamiento, por el secretario de éste, y los secretarios de las asambleas. En seguida se sacarán dos copias de la espresada lista autorizadas por los mismos, de las cuales una se fijará inmediatamente en el parage mas público, y la otra se entregará con el correspondiente oficio firmado por el presidente del ayuntamiento, á dos individuos que éste ha de nombrar de su seno para que pasen á la capital del partido á hacer la regulacion general de votos en union de los demas comisionados de los otros ayuntamientos.
A RT. 61. This list and the act which shall be made relative to the business87 , shall be signed by the President of the ayuntamiento, by the Secretary88 , and by the secretaries of the assemblies. They shall then take two copies of the said list certified by the above persons, one of which shall be immediately fixed in the most public place, and the other shall be delivered with an official letter signed by the President of the ayuntamiento, to two individuals, whom he himself must name89 , and who shall proceed to the Capital of the District to make the general regulation of votes in union with the other commissioners of the other ayuntamientos.
T EJAS A RT. 62. En el cuarto domingo de agosto los comisionados de los ayuntamientos se presentarán con el documento que acredite su eleccion al gefe de policía, y en su defecto al alcalde primero de la capital del partido, y presididos por aquel, ó por el segundo en su caso, se reunirán en sesion pública en las casas consistoriales, y con presencia de todas las listas formarán una general de los individuos nombrados para electores de partido por los ciudadanos de su respectivo distrito, espresando el número de votos que hayan tenido y lugar de su residencia.
A RT. 62. On the fourth Sunday in August, the commissioners of the ayuntamientos, shall present themselves, with their accredited documents of their election, to the Chief of the Police or where there is none to the first Alcalde of the Capital of the District, and presided by him or in his absence by the second Alcalde.90 They shall join in public session91 , and with all the lists before them, they shall form a general list of the persons named as District electors by the Citizens of their respective District, naming the number of votes which they had, and the place of their residence.
A RT. 63. Para hacer esta regulacion general de votos se requiere la concurrencia de cuatro comisionados por lo menos. En los partidos en que no se pueda reunir este número, el ayuntamiento de la cabecera5 nombrará de entre los individuos de su seno los que falten para completarlo.
A RT. 63. In order to make this general list92 of votes, there is required at least the presence of four commissioners. In those Districts where this number cannot be gotten, the ayuntamiento of the principal Town shall nominate from among themselves those who are wanting for its completion.
A RT. 64. Los ciudadanos que para este escrutinio general resulten con mayor número de votos en la lista, se tendrán por constitucionalmente nombrados para electores. En caso de empate entre dos ó mas individuos lo decidirá la suerte.
A RT. 64. The Citizens, who according to this general scrutiny have obtained the greatest number of votes on the list, shall be considered as constitutionally elected93 . In case of a tie between two or more of the Individuals, it shall be decided by lot.
A RT. 65. La espresada lista y la acta relativa al asunto se firmará por el presidente, los comisionados, y el secretario del ayuntamiento de la capital del partido. Se sacarán copias de una y otra autorizadas por los mismos, y se remitirán por el presidente á la diputacion permanente del congreso, al gobernador del estado, y á los ayuntamientos del distrito del partido.
A RT. 65. The said list and the act relating to it shall be signed by the President, the Commissioners and the Secretary of the Ayuntamiento of the Capital of the District. Copies shall be taken of each, authorized by the same, and shall be remitted by the President, to the permanent Deputation of the Congress, to the Govenor of the State and to the Ayuntamientos of the District94 .
A RT. 66. El mismo presidente pasará sin demora alguna el6 correspondiente oficio á los electores nombrados, para que concurran á la capital del partido en el dia prevenido por la constitucion, para que se celebre la asamblea electoral del mismo.
A RT. 66. The said President shall send without any delay whatsoever, an95 official communication to the electors appointed in order that they may assemble at the Capital of the District, on the day appointed by the Constitution for the meeting of the Electoral Assemblies of the same.
Parrafo Segundo De las asambleas electorales de partido
Second Paragraph Of the Electoral Assemblies of the District
A RT. 67. Las asambleas electorales de partido se compondrán de los electores nombrados por los ciudadanos en las asambleas municipales, quienes se congregarán en la capital del respectivo partido á fin de nombrar el diputado ó diputados que le correspondan para asistir al congreso como representantes del estado.
A RT. 67. The Electoral Assemblies of Districts shall be composed of Electors named by the Citizens in the municipal assemblies who shall meet together in the Capital of each District, in order to appoint a Deputy or Deputies for the Congress as Representatives of the State.
A RT. 68. Estas asambleas se celebrarán á los quince dias despues de hecha la regulacion general de votos de que habla el artículo 62, reuniéndose los electores en las casas consistoriales, ó en el edificio que se tenga por mas á propósito para un acto tan solemne, á puerta abierta y sin guardia, y en dichas asambleas ninguna persona, de cualquiera clase que sea, podrá presentarse con armas.
A RT. 68. These assemblies shall be held, fifteen days after the general regulation of the votes spoken of in Article 62. The Electors being assembled in the Town House, or in that building which may be judged most convenient for such a solemn act, with open doors, and without a guard, and no person be he of whatsoever class shall present himself in these assemblies armed.
A RT. 69. Serán presididas por el gefe de policía, y en su defecto por el alcalde 1.° de la capital del partido, comenzando sus sesiones por nombrar á pluralidad de votos un secretario y dos escrutadores de entre los individuos de su propio seno, y en seguida hará leer el presidente las credenciales de los electores, que lo serán los oficios en que se les participó su nombramiento.
A RT. 69. They shall be presided by the Chief of the Police, or where there is none, by the first Alcalde of the Capital of the District, commencing its sessions by nominating, by a majority96 of votes, a Secretary and two Tellers, from amongst themselves, and then the President shall cause the credentials of the electors to be read which shall be the official communications accompanying their appointment.
A RT. 70. A continuacion preguntará el presidente si en algun elector hay nulidad legal para serlo; y si se justificare en el acto que la hay, perderá el elector el derecho de votar. Despues preguntará tambien el presidente, si ha habido cohecho, soborno, ó fuerza para que la eleccion recaiga en determinada persona, y si en el acto se probare que la ha habido, serán privados los delincuentes de voz activa y pasiva, y los calumniadores sufrirán igual pena. Las dudas que ocurran en uno ó en otro caso las resolverà
A RT. 70. The President shall then ask if there be any legal nullity in any of the electors, and should it appear by the act that there is, then the elector shall lose the right of voting. Then he shall ask if there has been any subornation, bribery or force used to cause a certain person to be elected, and should it be proved by the act that such is the case, the delinquents shall be deprived of any vote whatsoever97 , and the calumniators shall also suffer a like punishment. Any doubt which may occur in either case shall
T EXAS la asamblea en el modo que se dijo en el articulo 56.
be resolved by the assembly in the manner established in Article 56.
A RT. 71. Inmediatamente despues se procederá por los electores que se hallen presentes á hacer el nombramiento de diputado ó diputados que correspondan al partido, y se elegirán de uno en uno por escrutinio secreto, mediante cédulas que echará cada elector en una urna colocada sobre una mesa al pie de un Crucifijo, despues de haber prestado ante éste y en manos del presidente el juramento de que nombrará para diputados al congreso del estado á los ciudadanos que en su concepto reunan las calidades de instruccion, juicio, probidad y adhesion notoria á la independencia de la nacion.
A RT. 71. Immediately afterwards, the electors who are present, shall proceed to the nomination of a Deputy or Deputies for their District, and they shall be elected one by one, by a secret scrutiny and though the medium of ballots which each elector shall place in an urn placed upon a Table at the foot of a crucifix, after having taken before it and from the President, the oath that he will appoint as Deputy to the State Congress those citizens whom he believes well qualified as to their education, judgment, probity and notorious adhesion to the independence of the Nation.
A RT. 72. Concluida la votacion el presidente, escrutadores y secretario, harán la regulacion de votos, y quedará constitucionalmente electo para diputado el ciudadano que haya obtenido mas de la mitad de los votos, publicando el presidente cada eleccion. Si ninguno hubiere alcanzado la pluralidad absoluta, entrarán en segundo escrutinio los dos que hayan obtenido mayor número de votos. Si fueren mas de dos los que hubieren reunido con igualdad la mayoría respectiva, se hará el segundo escrutinio entre todos ellos, verificándose lo mismo cuando ninguno haya obtenido esta mayoría, sino que todos tengan igual número de sufragios. En todos estos casos quedará elegido el que reuna la pluralidad de votos, y habiendo empate, se repetirá por una sola vez la votacion, y si aun resultare empatada, la suerte decidirá.
A RT. 72. After the polls have been closed, the President, Tellers and Secretaries, shall examine the votes, and that citizen who shall have obtained more than the half of the votes, shall be constitutionally elected as Deputy, and the President shall publish each election. Should no one have obtained a majority of the whole, the two who have received the highest number of votes shall be balloted for again. Should there be more than two who have obtained98 a respective majority a second balloting shall be made amongst them, in the same manner as at the beginning99 . In all these cases he shall be elected who has obtained the majority of votes, and should there be a tie, it shall be tried again, and if then, there be a tie, it shall be decided by lot.
A RT. 73. Si un solo individuo hubiere tenido la mayoría respectiva, y dos ó mas igual número de sufragios, pero mayor que el de todos los otros, para decidir cual de aquellos deba entrar en segundo escrutinio con el primero, se hará segunda votacion entre ellos, y el que resultare con mas votos competirá con el que reunió la mayoría
A RT. 73. Should one single individual have the respective majority and two or more an equal member of suffrages, but greater than that of all the others, in order to decide which of them ought to undergo a second poll with the first, there shall be a new election between them, and he who shall have most votes, shall enter into com-
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) respectiva. En caso de empate, se repetirá la votacion, y si lo hubiere segunda vez, decidirá la suerte. En el segundo escrutinio que se haga entre el que obtuvo la mayoría respectiva sobre todos, y su competidor, se observará lo que queda dispuesto en la última parte del artículo anterior.
petition with him who has the respective majority. In case of a tie the voting shall be repeated, and should there be a tie the second time, it shall be decided by lot. In this new election between him who has obtained the respective majority of all the votes and his competitor, the provisions laid down in the last part of the preceding article, shall be observed.
A RT. 74. Cuando uno solo haya reunido la mayoría respectiva, y todos los demas tengan igual número de votos, para saber cual de ellos ha de entrar á competir en segundo escrutinio con aquel, se ejecutará cuanto se previno en el artículo anterior con este fin, respecto de los que se hallaban empatados, y para saber tambien cual de los competidores debe quedar electo diputado, se observará lo dispuesto en la última parte del mismo artículo.
A RT. 74. When one alone has got the respective majority, and all the others have an equal number of votes, in order to know which of them ought to enter into a competition, a second time with this first, that which is laid down in the anterior article shall be carried into effect, as far as regards those who may be tied; and, in order also, to know which of the competitors ought to be elected as Deputy, that which is disposed in the last part of the said article shall be observed.
A RT. 75. Concluida la eleccion de los diputados propietarios, se hará en seguida la de los suplentes por el mismo método y forma, y acabada que sea, se fijará inmediatamente en el parage mas público una lista que contenga los nombres de todos los diputados electos, firmada por el secretario de la respectiva asamblea. La acta de elecciones se firmará por el presidente y todos los electores, y el primero, el secretario y los escrutadores remitirán copias autorizadas por ellos mismos á la diputacion permanente del congreso, al gobernador del estado y á todos los ayuntamientos del partido. Estas asambleas se disolverán luego que hayan ejecutado los actos que esta constitucion les señala, y cualquiera otro en que se mezclen será nulo, y ademas se reputará como atentado contra la seguridad pública.
A RT. 75. After the election of Deputies100 has been finished, they shall then proceed to the election of Suppletories, in the same manner and form, and when finished, there shall immediately be posted up in the most public place, a list containing the names of all the Deputies elected,101 signed by the president and all the electors102 . The secretary and tellers shall then send copies, certified by them, to the permanent deputation of the Congress, to the governor of the state, and to all the ayuntamientos of the district. These assemblies shall be dissolved as soon as they have executed the business entrusted to them by this constitution103 , and should they meddle with any other business, it shall be null and moreover regarded as an attempt104 against the public security.
A RT. 76. Asimismo el presidente librará con oportunidad el correspondiente oficio á los diputados propietarios y suplentes acompañandoles testimonio de la acta para que les sirva de credencial de su nombramiento.
A RT. 76. The President shall also deliver, as soon as possible, to the deputies105 and suppletories, an official paper containing proof of the act, which shall serve them as credentials of their election.
T EJAS A RT. 77. Ningun ciudadano podrá escusarse por motivo ni pretesto alguno, de desempeñar los encargos de que se habla en la presente seccion.
A RT. 77. No citizen can be excused by any motive or pretext, from fulfilling the duties treated of in this section.
Seccion Tercera
Section III
De la celebracion del congreso
Of the Meeting of Congress106
A RT. 78. El congreso se reunirá todos los años para celebrar sus sesiones en el lugar que se designará por una ley, y en el edificio que se destinare á este objeto. Cuando tuviere por conveniente trasladarse á otro parage, podrá hacerlo, con tal que lo acuerden asi las dos terceras partes del número total de diputados.
A RT. 78. Congress shall meet every year, and shall open107 its sessions in the place which shall be designated by law and in the building destined108 for this object. Whenever they may think it necessary109 to remove it to another place, they can do so, should two thirds of the whole number of deputies agree to it.
A RT. 79. Estos presentarán sus credenciales á la diputacion permanente del congreso para que proceda á su ecsámen y calificacion, teniendo7 á la vista los testimonios de las elecciones de las asambleas electorales de partido.
A RT. 79. These shall present their credentials to the permanent deputation of Congress, in order that it may proceed to their examination and qualification, on viewing the testimonies furnished by the electoral assemblies of districts.
A RT. 80. El dia 28 del mes de diciembre del año anterior al de la renovacion del congreso se reunirán en sesion pública los diputados nuevamente electos y los individuos de la diputacion permanente, haciendo de presidente y secretario de esta asamblea los que lo fueren de dicha diputacion. Esta espondrá su dictámen sobre la legitimidad de las credenciales y calidades de los diputados, y las dudas que se susciten sobre estos dos puntos se resolverán definitivamente y á pluralidad de votos por la misma asamblea, sin que lo tengan los individuos de la diputacion permanente no habiendo sido reelectos.
A RT. 80. On the twenty-third110 day of the month of December in the year anterior to the renewal of the Congress, the new elected deputies and the members of the permanent deputation shall meet in public session, and those who acted as president and secretary of said deputation, shall act as such of the said assembly. This assembly shall judge of the justness111 of the credentials and qualifications of the deputies, and should any doubts be raised on these points, they shall be definitively resolved by a majority112 of the votes of said assembly, except the members of this permanent deputation, not having been re-elected; may have this majority113 .
A RT. 81. En seguida prestarán los diputados en manos del presidente el correspondiente juramento de guardar y hacer guardar la acta constitutiva y la constitucion federal de los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos, la par-
A RT. 81. The deputies shall then take an oath from the president, to support and cause to be supported, the constitutive act and the federal constitution of the Mexican United States, and also that of the State, and
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) ticular del estado, y desempeñar cumplidamente su encargo.
also to fulfil their duties
A RT. 82. Acto continuo se procederá por los diputados á elegir de entre ellos mismos por escrutinio secreto y á pluralidad absoluta de votos un presidente, un vicepresidente y dos secretarios, con lo que cesará la diputacion permanente en todas sus funciones, y retirándose inmediatamente sus individuos, si no hubieren sido reelegidos, declarará el presidente del congreso que éste queda solemne y legítimamente constituido.
A RT. 82. The deputies shall then go on to elect from amongst themselves, and by ballot and an absolute majority of votes, a president, vice-president and two secretaries, upon which the permanent deputation shall cease from all its duties, and the members of it, unless they should be re-elected, shall retire. The president of the Congress shall then declare, that it is solemnly and legally constituted.
A RT. 83. Para la celebracion de las demas sesiones ordinarias y estraordinarias del congreso se reunirán los diputados cuatro dias antes del de su apertura del modo que queda prevenido en la primera parte del artículo 80, á fin de resolver en la misma forma que se ha espresado en la segunda parte del propio artículo, sobre la legitimidad de las credenciales y calidades de los diputados que se presenten de nuevo, y siendo aprobadas prestarán inmediatamente todos los diputados el juramento que prescribe el artículo 81, y en seguida procederán á hacer el nombramiento de presidente, vicepresidente y secretarios en los mismos términos que está prevenido en el artículo 82.
A RT. 83. For114 the ordinary and extraordinary sessions of Congress, the deputies shall collect four days before the opening of the sessions, in the manner pointed out in the first part of art. 80, in order to examine in the same form which has been mentioned in the second part of said article, into the justness of the credentials and qualifications of the new deputies who may present themselves115 ; and should they be approved of, all the deputies shall immediately take the oath prescribed in art. 81, and then they shall proceed to appoint a president, vicepresident and secretary116 , in the manner pointed out by art. 82.
A RT. 84. El congreso abrirá sus sesiones ordinarias el dia 1.° de enero de cada año, y el dia 1.° de setiembre de todos los años siguientes al de la renovacion del mismo congreso, debiendo asistir á actos tan importantes el gobernador del estado, quien pronunciará un discurso análogo á las circunstancias, al que contestará el presidente del congreso en términos generales.
A RT. 84. Congress shall open their ordinary sessions on the first day of January of each year, and on the first day of September of all the years following that of the renewal of said Congress. The governor of the state must be present, and assist at these so important acts; and he shall pronounce a discourse analogous to the circumstances, which shall be answered by the president of Congress in general terms.
A RT. 85. El dia siguiente al de la apertura de las sesiones ordinarias se presentará el gobernador á dar cuenta al congreso por escrito del estado de la administracion pública, proponiendo las mejoras ó reformas
A RT. 85. The day following that of the opening of the ordinary sessions, the governor shall in writing present to Congress an account117 of the state of the public administration, proposing such alterations118 and
T EXAS que puedan hacerse en todos y cada uno de sus ramos.
reformations as might be made in each and every of its branches.
A RT. 86. Las sesiones del congreso serán diarias, sin otra interrupcion que la de los dias festivos solemnes. Todas deberán ser públicas á ecepcion de las en8 que hayan de tratarse asuntos que ecsijan reserva, las cuales podrán ser secretas.
A RT. 86. The sessions of Congress shall be daily, without any interruption, except that of solemn festival days119 . All business must be carried on publicly, except that which might require to be treated with reserve, this may be private.
A RT. 87. Las sesiones ordinarias del congreso que comienzan el dia 1.° de enero durarán este mes y los tres siguientes de febrero, marzo y abril, no pudiendo prorrogarse, sino cuando mas por otro mes en solos dos casos: primero, á peticion del gobernador, y segundo, si el mismo congreso lo juzgare necesario, debiendo concurrir para que haya acuerdo en uno y otro caso el voto de las dos terceras partes de todos los diputados. Las sesiones ordinarias que comienzan el dia 1.° de setiembre durarán los treinta dias del mismo mes, sin que puedan prorrogarse por motivo ni pretesto alguno. Unas y otras se cerrarán con las mismas formalidades que se prescriben para su apertura.
A RT. 87. The ordinary sessions of Congress which shall commence on the first day of January, shall last this month, and the three following ones of February, March and April; and they cannot be continued for any longer time, except in two cases, and then only for one month: first, on the petition of the governor; secondly, should the said Congress judge it necessary; and in both cases, two thirds of all the deputies must agree. The ordinary sessions, which shall commence the first of September, shall continue in session the thirty days of said month; nor can it be prolonged on any account whatsoever120 . Both shall be closed with the same formalities prescribed in opening it.
A RT. 88. Antes de concluir el congreso las sesiones ordinarias nombrará de su seno una diputacion permanente compuesta de tres individuos propietarios y un suplente, la que durará todo el tiempo intermedio de unas a otras sesiones ordinarias, y su presidente será el primer nombrado, y su secretario el último individuo propietario.
A RT. 88. Before closing the ordinary sessions of Congress, a permanent deputation, composed of three deputies121 and one suppletory, shall be named; which said deputation shall remain during the interval between the ordinary sessions. Its president shall be the first one appointed, and its secretary the last122 .
A RT. 89. Cuando en el tiempo intermedio de unas á otras sesiones ordinarias ocurran circunstancias ó negocios que ecsijan la reunion del congreso, éste podrá ser convocado para sesiones estraordinarias siempre que asi se acuerde por el voto unánime de las dos terceras partes de los miembros de la diputacion permanente y del consejo del gobierno, unidos para este efecto.
A RT. 89. Should any circumstances or business occur in the intermediate time between the ordinary sessions, which would require the meeting of Congress, it can be convoked for an extraordinary session, by the votes of the two thirds of the permanent deputation and the council of government united for that purpose.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) A RT. 90. Si las circunstancias ó los negocios que han motivado la convocacion estraordinaria del congreso fueren muy graves y urgentes, mientras puede verificarse la reunion, la diputacion permanente unida con el consejo y los demas diputados que se hallen en la capital, tomará las providencias del momento que sean necesarias, y dará cuenta de ellas al congreso luego que se haya reunido.
A RT. 90. Should the circumstances or business which required this extraordinary convocation of Congress, be very pressing and require to be acted on before this reunion123 , the permanent deputation, together with the council of government and any other deputies who may be at the seat of government124 , shall take such steps as may be necessary, and inform the Congress immediately after their reunion.
A RT. 91. Cuando el congreso se reuna para celebrar sesiones estraordinarias, serán llamados para concurrir á ellas los mismos diputados que deben asistir á las ordinarias, de aquel año, y se ocuparán esclusivamente del asunto ó asuntos comprendidos en la convocatoria; pero si no los hubieren concluido para el dia en que deben abrirse las sesiones ordinarias, se cerrarán aquellas, y continuarán en estas los puntos para que fueron convocadas las sesiones estraordinarias.
A RT. 91. When Congress assembles in an extraordinary session, the deputies for the year being, shall compose it125 , and they shall act exclusively on the business mentioned in the writ by which they are convoked; but should the business not be concluded on the day appointed for the ordinary sessions, the first shall be closed, and the business for which the extraordinary sessions were called shall then proceed in the ordinary sessions.
A RT. 92. La celebracion de sesiones estraordinarias no impide la eleccion de nuevos diputados9 en el tiempo prescrito por esta constitucion.
A RT. 92. The holding of extraordinary sessions does not hinder the election of new deputies, at the time prescribed by this constitution.
A RT. 93. Las sesiones estraordinarias se abrirán y cerrarán con las mismas solemnidades que las ordinarias.
A RT. 93. Extraordinary sessions shall be opened and closed with the same solemnities126 as ordinary ones.
A RT. 94. Las resoluciones que tome el congreso sobre la traslacion de su residencia, ó prorrogacion de sus sesiones, las hará ejecutar el gobernador sin hacer observaciones sobre ellas.
A RT. 94. The governor shall cause all the resolutions which Congress may take on changing their residence, or proroguing their sessions, to be carried into effect, without making any observations on them.
A RT. 95. El congreso en todo lo que pertenezca á su gobierno y órden interior, observará el reglamento que se formará por el actual, pudiendo hacer en él las reformas que juzgare necesarias.
A RT. 95. Congress, in all regarding its government and interior regulations, shall observe those rules now in force127 ; but they can make any reformation they may judge necessary.
A RT. 96. Los diputados se renovarán en su totalidad cada dos años, pudiendo ser reelegidos los del congreso anterior; pero no se les podrá obligar á aceptar este encargo, sino mediando el hueco de una diputacion.
A RT. 96. The deputies shall be entirely renewed every two years, and may be reelected from the anterior Congress, but they cannot be obliged to accept of this employment, except through the medium of
T EJAS Se eceptuan por esta vez de lo dispuesto en el presente artículo los diputados del congreso actual, en cuanto á que no podrán ser reelegidos para el prócsimo constitucional.
a deputation128 . The deputies of the present Congress are excepted for this time alone, from the dispositian of the present article, inasmuch as they cannot be re-elected for the next constitutional Congress.
Seccion Cuarta
Section IV
De las atribuciones del congreso, y de su diputacion permanente
Of the Powers of Congress and of its Permanent Deputation
A RT. 97. Son atribuciones esclusivamente propias del congreso 1.a Decretar, interpretar, reformar, ó derogar las leyes relativas á la administracion y gobierno interior del estado en todos sus ramos. 2.a Regular los votos que hayan obtenido los ciudadanos en las asambleas electorales de partido para gobernador vicegobernador y consejeros del gobierno, y hacer el nombramiento de ellos en su caso. 3.a Decidir por escrutinio secreto los empates que haya entre dos ó mas individuos para la eleccion de estos cargos. 4.a Resolver las dudas que se ofrezcan sobre estas elecciones, y sobre las calidades de los elegidos. 5.a Calificar las escusas que los ciudadanos elegidos aleguen para no admitir estos destinos, y determinar sobre ellas lo que le parezca. 6.a Constituirse en gran jurado para declarar si ha ó no lugar á la formacion de causa, asi por los delitos de oficio, como por los comunes contra los diputados del congreso, el gobernador, el vicegobernador, los vocales del consejo, el secretario del gobierno, y los individuos del supremo tribunal de justicia del estado. 7.a Hacer efectiva la responsabilidad de estos funcionarios públicos, y disponer en su caso que se ecsija á los demas empleados.
A RT. 97. The following are the exclusive powers of Congress: 1st . To decree, interpret, abrogate or reform the laws relating to the administration and internal government of the State, in all its branches. 2nd . To regulate the votes which citizens may have obtained in the electoral assemblies of the districts, for governor, vicegovernor and counsellors of the government, and nominate them in certain cases. 3rd . To decide by secret scrutiny on the ties which may occur between two or more individuals in their election to the above offices. 4th . To resolve any doubts which might arise on these elections, and on the qualifications of the elected. 5th . To judge of the excuses which citizens elected might allege against serving in those employments, and to determine what they may judge right on these subjects. 6th . To sit as a grand jury, to declare whether or not there be cause of accusation, as well for misdemeanor in office as for those committed against the deputies of Congress, the governor, vice-governor, members of the council, secretary of state129 and the members of the supreme court of justice of the State. 7th . To declare the manner of the responsibility of these public functionaries130 , and declare, when necessary, that of the other
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) 8.a Fijar cada año los gastos públicos del estado en vista de los presupuestos que le presentará el gobierno. 9.a Establecer ó confirmar los impuestos, derechos ó contribuciones necesarias para cubrir estos gastos con arreglo á esta constitucion y á la general de la federacion. Arreglar su recaudacion, determinar su inversion, y aprobar su repartimiento. 10.a Ecsaminar y aprobar las cuentas de la inversion de todos los caudales públicos del estado. 11.a Contraer deudas en caso de necesidad sobre el crédito del estado, y designar garantias para abrirlas10 . 12.a Decretar lo conveniente para la administracion, conservacion y enagenacion de los bienes del estado. 13.a Crear, suspender ó suprimir los empleos públicos del estado, y señalarles, disminuirles11 ó aumentarles sus sueldos, retiros ó pensiones. 14.a Conceder premios ó recompensas á las corporaciones ó personas que hayan hecho servicios esclarecidos al estado, y decretar honores públicos á la memoria póstuma de los grandes hombres. 15.a Reglamentar el método en que deba hacerse la recluta de los hombres que se necesiten para el servicio ó reemplazo de las compañias de milicia presidial permanente de caballería, y de12 milicia activa de la misma arma aucsiliar de aquella, que están destinadas á la defensa del estado por su institucion, y aprobar la distribucion que se haga entre los pueblos del estado, del cupo que respectivamente les corresponda para llenar aquel objeto. 16.a Decretar lo conveniente para el alistamiento é instruccion de la milicia cívica del estado y nombramiento de sus oficiales conforme á la disciplina prescrita ó que se prescribiere por las leyes generales. 17.a Promover y fomentar por leyes la ilustracion y educacion pública, y el progreso de las ciencias, artes y establecimientos
officers of the State. 8th . To regulate the public expenses of each year, according to the data presented to them by the governor131 . 9th . To establish or confirm the imposts, duties132 or contributions necessary to cover these expenses, according to this constitution and the general constitution of the Confederation; regulate the manner of their collection,133 and approve of their division. 10th . To examine and approve of the accounts of the inversion134 of public funds of the State. 11th . To contract debts in case of necessity, on the credit of the State, and to designate guarantees to cover them. 12th . To decree whatever they may think proper for the administration, preservation and alienation of the property of the State. 13th . To create, suspend or suppress the public offices of the State; to designate, determine on135 , or augment their salaries or pensions136 . 14th . To grant rewards or recompenses to corporations or individuals, who may have rendered great services to the State, and to decree public honors to the posthumous memories137 of great men. 15th . To regulate the method of obtaining the complement of men necessary for the service or replacement of the companies of permanent presidal militia, as well of cavalry as of auxiliary militia with the same arms138 , which may be destined to the defence of the State by its institutions, and to approve of the distribution which may be made in each pueblo139 of the State, of the respective number of citizens necessary to fulfil this object. 16th . To decree whatever they may judge necessary for the enlistment and instruction of the civic militia of the State, and the appointment of its officers conformably with the discipline prescribed or to be prescribed by the general laws. 17th . To promote and advance, by laws,
T EXAS útiles, removiendo los obstáculos que entorpezcan objetos tan recomendables. 18.a Proteger la libertad política de la imprenta. 19.a Intervenir y dar ó negar su consentimiento en todos aquellos actos y casos en que lo previene esta constitucion.
literature140 , public education and the progress of the sciences, arts and useful establishments; removing the obstacles which tend to paralyse such commendable objects. 18th . To protect the political liberty of the press.141
A RT. 98. Las atribuciones de la diputacion permanente son 1.a Velar sobre la observancia de la acta constitutiva, constitucion y leyes generales de la Union, y particulares del estado, para dar cuenta al congreso de las infracciones que haya notado. 2.a Convocar al congreso para sesiones estraordinarias en los casos, y en el modo prescritos por esta constitucion. 3.a Desempeñar las funciones que se le señalan en los artículos 79 y 80. 4.a Dar aviso á los diputados suplentes para que á su vez concurran al congreso en lugar de los propietarios; y si ocurriere el fallecimiento ó imposibilidad absoluta de unos y otros, comunicar las correspondientes órdenes al respectivo partido para que proceda á nueva eleccion. 5.a Recibir los testimonios de las actas de elecciones de las asambleas electorales de partido para gobernador, vicegobernador y vocales del consejo del gobierno, y entregarlos al congreso luego que se haya instalado.
A RT. 98. The powers of the Permanent Deputation are: 1st . To watch over the observance of the Constitutive Act, constitution and general laws of the Union, and the particular laws of the State142 , in order to inform Congress of the infractions which they may have observed. 2nd . To convocate the Congress for extraordinary sessions and in the manner prescribed by this Constitution. 3d . To fulfil the duties imposed on them by Articles 79 and 80. 4th . To notify the suppletories in order that in their turn they may fill the places of their principals143 , and should there be a failure or absolute impossibility in their attendance, to communicate the necessary orders to the respective Districts, for proceeding to a new election. 5th . To receive the proofs of the acts of election made by the electoral District assemblies for governor144 and members of the council of government, and to deliver them to Congress immediately on its opening.
Seccion Quinta
Section V
De la formacion y promulgacion de las leyes
Of the formation and promulgation of Laws
A RT. 99. En el reglamento interior del congreso se prevendrá la forma, intervalos, y modo de proceder en los debates y votaciones de los proyectos de ley ó decreto.
A RT. 99. The forms, intervals and manner of proceeding in all debates and voting on145 projects of laws or decrees, shall be determined on by the rules of Congress made for their internal government.
A RT. 100. Todo proyecto de ley ó decreto que fuere desechado conforme al reglamento, no se volverá á proponer hasta las sesiones ordinarias del año siguiente: pero esto no impedirá que alguno ó algunos de sus artículos compongan parte de otros proyectos no desechados.
A RT. 100. No project of a law or a decree, rejected according to the rules, can be again proposed until the ordinary sessions of the following year; but this shall not hinder any article or articles contained in it from composing a part of other projects not rejected.
A RT. 101. La mitad y uno mas del número total de los diputados forman congreso para dictar providencias y trámites que no tengan el carácter de ley ó decreto. Para discutir y votar proyectos de ley ó decreto, y dictar órdenes que sean de mucha gravedad se requiere el concurso de las dos terceras partes de todos los diputados.
A RT. 101. One more than the half of the number of all the members shall form a Congress, for the purpose of forming resolutions and other acts146 , which have not the character of a law or decree; but the union of two thirds of all the deputies is required, for the discussion and passage of projects of laws or decrees, and of orders which may be considered as of great weight.
A RT. 102. Si un proyecto de ley ó decreto, despues de discutido, fuere aprobado, se comunicará al gobernador, quien si tambien lo aprobare, procederá inmediatamente á promulgarlo y circularlo con las solemnidades correspondientes; pero si no, podrá hacer sobre él las observaciones que le parezcan, oyendo antes al consejo, y lo devolverá con ellas al congreso dentro de diez dias útiles contados desde su recibo.
A RT. 102. Should a project of a law or a decree, after its discussion, be approved, it shall be communicated to the governor, who, if he shall also approve of it, shall promulgate147 it, and circulate it with the corresponding solemnities; but, if not, he can make on it such observations as he shall think fit, after having taken the advice of his council on it148 , and then he shall return it to the Congress within ten legal149 days, counted from the receipt of it.
A RT. 103. Los proyectos de ley ó decreto, devueltos por el gobernador segun el artículo antecedente, se discutirán segunda vez, pudiendo asistir á la discusion y hablar en ella el orador que designare el gobierno. Si en este segundo debate fueren aprobados por las dos terceras partes de los diputados
A RT. 103. The projects of laws or decrees sent back by the governor according to the antecedent article, shall be discussed a second time, and the orator whom the government shall appoint, shall be permitted to assist at this discussion150 . Should the two thirds of the deputies present, at this
T EJAS presentes, se comunicarán de nuevo al gobernador, quien sin escusa procederá inmediatamente á su solemne promulgacion y circulacion; pero si no fueren aprobados en esta forma, no se podrán volver á proponer dichos proyectos hasta las sesiones del año siguiente.
second discussion, approve of them, they shall again be communicated to the governor, who without any excuse shall immediately proceed to their151 promulgation and circulation; but should they not be approved in this manner, they cannot be proposed again until the sessions of the succeeding year.
A RT. 104. Si el gobernador no devolviese algun proyecto de ley ó decreto dentro del término señalado en el artículo 102, por este mismo hecho se tendrá por sancionado, y como tal se promulgará, á menos que corriendo aquel término, el congreso haya cerrado, ó suspendido sus sesiones, en cuyo caso la devolucion deberá verificarse el primer dia en que se haya reunido el congreso.
A RT. 104. Should the governor not send back any project of a law or decree within the term mentioned in art. 102, it shall be considered, by this same fact, as sanctioned, and as such shall be promulgated, unless that during the said term, Congress should have closed or suspended its sessions, in which case, the projects must be returned on the first day of the meeting of the next Congress.
A RT. 105. Las leyes se derogan con las mismas formalidades y por los mismos trámites que se establecen.
A RT. 105. Laws are abrogated with the same formalities152 as they are made.
Apéndice a este Título
Appendix to this Title
De las elecciones de los diputados para el congreso general de la federacion
Of the Election of Deputies for the General Congress of the Confederation153
A RT. 106. Las asambleas electorales de partido, en el mismo dia y en la propia forma en que deben hacer la eleccion de los diputados al congreso del estado, procederán á la de los individuos que deban elegir los diputados para el congreso general de la Union, nombrando por cada siete mil almas un individuo que tenga las calidades requeridas en el artículo 53 de esta constitucion. En los partidos en que resulte un esceso de poblacion que pase de tres mil y quinientas almas, se nombrará por esta fraccion otro elector, y en los que no tengan la poblacion de siete mil, se nombrará sin embargo uno. Las mismas juntas, concluida que sea esta eleccion, remitirán copia certificada de su
A RT. 106. The electoral assemblies of the districts, on the same day and in the same manner in which the election for state deputies154 is held, shall proceed to the election of members, as155 deputies for the General Congress of the Union, naming for every seven thousand souls, an individual who possesses the qualifications required by the 53d article of this constitution. In those districts in which there is an excess of population above three thousand five hundred souls, there shall be named for this fraction another elector; and in those which have not the population of seven thousand souls, there shall nevertheless be named one. These same assemblies156 , at the end of the
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) acta al vicegobernador del estado, y pasarán tambien el correspondiente testimonio á cada uno de los elegidos para que les sirva de credencial.
election, shall remit a certified copy of their act to the vice-governor of the State, and shall also forford [sic!] a corresponding testimony, to each one of the persons elected, in order that it may serve them as credentials.
A RT. 107. Los electores asi nombrados pasarán á la capital del estado, donde se presentarán al vicegobernador ó al que haga sus veces; y reuniéndose bajo la presidencia13 de uno ú otro, tres dias antes del domingo primero del mes de octubre, en sesion pública, en el edificio que se tenga por mas á propósito, nombrarán de entre ellos mismos dos escrutadores y un secretario, para que ecsaminando las credenciales, informen al siguiente dia si están ó no arregladas. Las credenciales de los escrutadores y secretario se ecsaminarán por una comision de tres individuos que igualmente se nombrará.
A RT. 107. The electors thus appointed shall proceed to the capital157 of the State, where they shall present themselves to the vice-governor or to him who officiates as such, and uniting themselves under the presidency of either of them, three days before the first Sunday of October in public session, in the most convenient edifice, they shall appoint from their own body, two tellers and one secretary, in order that after their credentials have been examined, they may inform them the following day, whether they are in form or not. The credentials of the tellers and secretaries158 , shall be examined by three commissioners, who shall likewise be appointed.
A RT. 108. Al siguiente dia se reunirán de nuevo, se leerán los informes, y si se hallare defecto en las credenciales ó en las calidades de los electores, la junta decidirá en sesion permanente, y su resolucion se ejecutará sin recurso por aquella sola vez, y para solo aquel caso, entendiéndose que la duda no puede versar sobre lo prevenido por esta ú otra ley.
A RT. 108. On the following day they shall again assemble, and the minutes shall be read, and should there be any defect in the credentials or qualifications of the electors, the assembly shall decide without adjourning, and their resolution shall be executed without any appeal for this time only and for this particular case, it being understood, that the doubts raised shall not turn on any thing contained in this or any other law.
A RT. 109. En el domingo primero del espresado mes de octubre, reunidos los electores, y estando presentes la mitad y uno mas de todos ellos, se procederá al nombramiento de los diputados que deben concurrir por el estado al congreso general de la federacion, en la forma dispuesta por esta constitucion para el nombramiento de los del congreso del estado. Hecho esto la junta dispondrá lo conveniente para cumplir con lo prevenido en el art. 17 de la constitucion federal, y se disolverá.
A RT. 109. On the first Sunday of the said month of October, as many as the half and one more of the electors being present, they shall proceed to name the deputies for the General Congress of the Confederation, in the manner and form laid down in this constitution, for the election of those of the State Congress; and after this the assembly shall act so as to comply with the dispositions of the 17th article of the federal constitution, and shall then dissolve itself.
Del Poder Ejecutivo del Estado
Of the Executive Power of the State
Seccion Primera
Section I
Del gobernador
Of the Governor
A RT. 110. El gobernador del estado debe reunir al tiempo de su nombramiento las calidades siguientes. Primera: ser ciudadano en el ejercicio de sus derechos. Segunda: nacido en el territorio de la república. Tercera: de edad de treinta años cumplidos. Cuarta: vecino de este estado, con residencia en él por cinco años, dos de ellos inmediatos á su eleccion.
A RT. 110. The governor of the State must, at the time of his election, have the following qualifications: 1st. He must be a citizen in the enjoyment of his rights; 2d. Born in the territory of the Republic; 3d. Be of the age of thirty years; 4th. Domiciliated in the State, with a residence of five years in it, and two of those immediately prior to his election.
A RT. 111. Los eclesiásticos, los militares y demas empleados de la federacion en actual servicio de la misma, no pueden obtener el empleo de gobernador.
A RT. 111. Priests, soldiers and others employed by the general government159 and in the actual service of the same, cannot obtain the office of governor.
A RT. 112. El gobernador del estado durará cuatro años en el desempeño de su oficio, y no podrá ser reelegido para el mismo empleo, sino en el cuarto año de haber cesado en sus funciones.
A RT. 112. The governor of the State shall remain four years in office, and cannot be reelected until four years after he has ceased from exercising his functions160 .
A RT. 113. Las prerrogativas del gobernador, atribuciones y restricciones de sus facultades son las siguientes.
A RT. 113. The prerogatives and attributes of the governor and the restrictions of his powers are the following:
Prerrogativas del gobernador Primera. Puede el gobernador hacer observaciones sobre las leyes y decretos del congreso, en el modo y forma que se prescribe por el art. 102, suspendiendo su publicacion hasta la resolucion del mismo congreso, menos en los casos eceptuados en esta constitucion. Segunda. Puede hacer al congreso las propuestas de leyes ó reformas que crea condu-
Prerogatives of the Governor 1st. The governor can make observations on the laws and decrees of the Congress, in the manner and form prescribed by the 102d article, suspending their publication until the opinion of the said Congress has been had161 , except in cases excepted by this constitution. 2d. He can propose laws to Congress, or such reforms to the laws as he may think
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) centes al bien general del estado. Tercera. Puede indultar á los delincuentes con arreglo á las leyes. Cuarta. El gobernador no puede ser acusado por cualesquiera delitos cometidos en el tiempo de su empleo, ni durante este, ni un año despues, contado desde el dia en que cesó en sus funciones, sino ante el congreso, y pasado aquel término ni ante este.
Atribuciones del gobernador Primera. Cuidar de la conservacion del órden y tranquilidad pública en lo interior del estado, y de su seguridad en lo esterior, disponiendo para ambos objetos de la milicia del propio estado, que en toda la comprension de este mandará en gefe el mismo gobernador. Segunda. Cuidar del cumplimiento de la acta constitutiva, de la constitucion general, de la particular del estado, y de las leyes, decretos y órdenes de la federacion y del congreso del mismo estado, espidiendo los decretos y órdenes convenientes para su ejecucion. Tercera. Formar, oyendo al consejo, las instrucciones y reglamentos que crea necesarios para el mejor gobierno de los ramos de la administracion pública del estado, los que pasará al congreso para su aprobacion. Cuarta. Proveer con arreglo á la constitucion y á las leyes, todos los empleos del estado cuyo nombramiento no sea popular ni esté prevenido de otro modo por aquellas. Quinta. Nombrar y separar libremente al secretario del despacho. Sexta. Cuidar de que la justicia se administre pronta y cumplidamente por los tribunales y juzgados del estado, y de que se ejecuten sus sentencias. Séptima. Cuidar de la administracion y recaudacion de todas las rentas del estado, y
conducive to the general welfare of the State. 3d. He can pardon delinquents conformably to law. 4th. The governor cannot be accused for any crimes whatsoever committed during his time of service,162 nor for one year after, counting from the day on which his time of service expired, except before Congress, and after this he cannot be accused even before it. Attributes of the Governor 1st. He must watch over the public order and tranquility of the State, and of its security from abroad, disposing in both cases of the militia of the said State, and for these purposes the said governor shall dispose of them as chief163 . 2d. He shall take care that the constitutive act, the general constitution and that of the State, together with the laws, decrees and ordinances of the Confederation and of the Congress of said State, shall be carried into effect, sending the necessary orders and decrees for that purpose. 3d. He shall, with the advice of his council164 , form such instructions and rules as he may think necessary for the better government of the different branches of the public administration of the State, which he shall send to Congress for its approbation. 4th. He shall, according to the constitution and the laws, appoint those officers whose appointments are not made by the people, or otherwise provided for. 5th. He shall nominate and dismiss at his pleasure the secretary of state165 . 6th. He shall see that prompt and efficient justice be administered by the tribunals and judges166 of the State, and that their decisions be executed. 7th. He shall watch over the administration and collection of the State taxes167 , and decree their collections168 according to law.
T EJAS decretar su inversion con arreglo á las leyes. Octava. Suspender de sus empleos hasta por tres meses y privar aun de la mitad de sus sueldos por el mismo tiempo, oido el dictámen del consejo, á todos los empleados del estado que sean del ramo del poder ejecutivo, y de su nombramiento ó aprobacion, cuando infrinjan sus órdenes ó decretos, pasando los antecedentes de la materia al tribunal respectivo, en el caso que crea deber formárseles causa. Novena. Proponer á la diputacion permanente la convocacion del congreso á sesiones estraordinarias, siempre que asi lo crea conveniente, oyendo antes al consejo. Restricciones de las facultades del gobernador No puede el gobernador Primero. Mandar en persona la milicia cívica del estado, sin espreso consentimiento del congreso, ó acuerdo en sus recesos de la diputacion permanente. Cuando la mande con la referida circunstancia el vicegobernador se encargará del gobierno. Segundo. Mezclarse en el ecsamen de las causas pendientes, ni disponer en manera alguna durante el juicio, de las personas de los reos en las criminales. Tercero. Privar á ninguno de su libertad, ni imponerle pena; pero cuando el bien y seguridad del estado ecsijan el arresto de alguna persona, podrá verificarlo con calidad de poner las personas arrestadas á disposicion del tribunal ó juez competente dentro de cuarenta y ocho horas. Cuarto. Ocupar la propiedad de ningun particular ó corporacion, ni embarazarle la posesion, uso, ú aprovechamiento de ella, si no es que fuere necesario para un objeto de conocida utilidad general á juicio del consejo de gobierno, en cuyo caso podrá hacerlo con acuerdo de este y mediante la aprobacion del congreso, y en sus recesos de la diputacion permanente, indemnizando siem-
8th. To suspend for three months, the employments of officers in the executive branch of the government, and to deprive them of the half of their salary, with the advice of his council169 , for the same time; and also to refuse his approbation to their appointment170 , whenever they infringe his orders or decrees, sending the proofs171 of the matter to the proper tribunals in case he should think it necessary to have them tried. 9th. To propose to the permanent deputation, the convocation of Congress for extraordinary sessions, whenever he may think it necessary, on the advice of his council172 .
Restriction of the Governor’s Powers
The governor cannot, 1st. Command the civic militia of the State, without the express consent of Congress, or in their recess, of the permanent deputation. Whenever he commands the militia, with the said permission, the vice-governor shall act as governor. 2d. He cannot meddle in any manner173 with suits pending, nor dispose in any manner, during trial, of the persons of those accused in criminal cases. 3d. He cannot deprive any one of his liberty, or impose any punishments; but, whenever the happiness and security of the State require the arrest, of any person, he can do so, provided that he put the persons of those arrested at the disposition of the proper tribunals174 , within forty-eight hours. 4th. He cannot occupy the property of any individual or corporation, or disturb them in the possession or use175 of the same, without it be for an object of known utility176 , and that with the advice of his council177 ; in which case, he may do it with their consent and the approbation of Congress, or, in their recess, of the permanent deputation, always indemnifying the interested party by the awards178 of good men, chosen by them or by the governor179 .
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) pre á la parte interesada á juicio de hombres buenos elegidos por ella y el gobierno. Quinto. Impedir ó embarazar en manera alguna, ni bajo de ningun pretesto, las elecciones populares determinadas por esta constitucion y las leyes, ni el que aquellas surtan todos sus efectos. Sexto. Salir de la capital á otro lugar del estado por mas de un mes: si necesitare mas tiempo ó le fuere preciso salir del territorio del estado, pedirá licencia al congreso, y en sus recesos á la diputacion permanente.
5th. He cannot hinder or impede in any manner or under any pretext, the popular elections, contemplated by this constitution or the laws180 . 6th. He cannot remove from the capital181 for more than a month: if it be necessary for him to be absent a longer time, or to leave the territory of the State, he shall ask the consent of Congress, or in its recess, of the permanent deputation.
A RT. 114. Para publicar las leyes y decretos del congreso del estado usará el gobernador de la fórmula que sigue: “El gobernador del estado de Coahuila y Tejas, á todos sus habitantes, S ABED: que el congreso del mismo estado ha decretado lo siguiente: (aqui el testo de la ley ó decreto) Por tanto, mando se imprima, publique, circule y se le dé el debido cumplimiento.
A RT. 114. In order to publish the laws and decrees of the State Congress, the governor shall use the following formula: “The governor of the State of Coahuila and Tejas, to all its inhabitants. Know ye, That the Congress of the said State has decreed the following: {here shall follow the text of the law or decree.} Wherefore I order it to be printed, published and complied with182 .”
Seccion Segunda
Section II
Del vicegobernador
Of the Vice-Governor
A RT. 115. Habrá igualmente en el estado un vicegobernador: sus calidades serán las mismas requeridas para el gobernador: su duracion la de cuatro años; y no podrá ser reelegido para el mismo empleo, sino en el cuarto año de haber cesado en sus funciones.
A RT. 115. There shall be also in the State a vice-governor, whose qualifications shall be the same as those required for the governor; his term of service four years, and he cannot be re-elected183 until four years after he has entirely ceased from his functions184 .
A RT. 116. El vicegobernador presidirá el consejo pero sin voto, si no es en los casos de empate: será tambien el gefe de policía del departamento de la capital, y cuando funcione como gobernador, desempeñará la gefatura política un substituto que nombrará él mismo interinamente con aprobacion del consejo.
A RT. 116. The vice-governor shall be president of the council, but he shall have no vote except in case of a tie; he shall also be at the head of the police of the department of the capital, and when he shall do the duties of governor, a substitute shall be appointed by him provisorily, with the approbation of the council, who shall act as chief of the police.
A RT. 117. El vicegobernador desempeñará las funciones del gobernador en vacante de este, ó cuando se halle impedido para
A RT. 117. The vice-governor shall fill the office of governor when it is vacant, or when the governor, according to the deci-
T EXAS servir su oficio, á juicio del congreso, ó de la diputacion permanente.
sion of Congress or of the permanent deputation, shall be precluded from filling it.
A RT. 118. Cuando tambien falte el vicegobernador hará las veces de gobernador el consejero que nombre el congreso. Si éste estuviere en receso, lo nombrará en lo pronto y hasta su reunion la diputacion permanente.
A RT. 118. Should the office of vicegovernor become vacant, one of the council named by Congress shall act as governor: should the Congress not be in session, the permanent deputation shall appoint one immediately185 until the meeting of Congress.
A RT. 119. En caso de fallecimiento ó imposibilidad absoluta del gobernador ó vicegobernador en los dos primeros años del ejercicio de sus empleos, se nombrará nuevo gobernador ó vicegobernador al tiempo de hacerse las inmediatas elecciones de diputados del congreso.
A RT. 119. Should the governor or vicegovernor not take their seats during the two first years, on account of186 some absolute impossibility to do so, a new governor and vice-governor shall be elected at the time of making the187 election for deputies to Congress.
A RT. 120. Durante su encargo solo ante el congreso puede ser acusado el vicegobernador por los delitos cometidos en el tiempo de su empleo, cualesquiera que sean estos.
A RT. 120. The vice-governor can be accused before Congress alone188 for crimes committed during the pendency of his office, no matter what they may be.
Seccion Tercera
Section III
Del consejo de gobierno
Of the Council of Government
A RT. 121. Para el mejor desempeño en el ejercicio de sus funciones tendrá el gobernador un cuerpo consultivo que se denominará consejo de gobierno, y lo compondrán tres vocales propietarios y dos suplentes: de todos los cuales solo uno podrá ser eclesiástico.
A RT. 121. For the better discharging of his duties the governor shall have a consulting body, to be called the council of government189 ; and it shall be comprised of three deputies190 and two suppletories, of all of whom only one can be a priest.
A RT. 122. Para ser individuo del consejo se requieren las mismas calidades que para ser diputado. Los que están inhibidos de ser diputados no pueden ser consejeros.
A RT. 122. In order to be a member of the council, the same qualifications are necessary as to be deputies. Those who are prohibited191 from being deputies, cannot be councillors.
A RT. 123. Cada dos años se renovará el consejo, saliendo la primera vez uno de los vocales propietarios y suplentes14 que hayan sido últimamente nombrados: en la segunda los demas propietarios y el otro suplente, y asi sucesivamente.
A RT. 123. The council shall be renewed every two years, one of the deputies and one of the suppletories last elected going out first; then the next deputy and suppletory192 , and so on successively.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) A RT. 124. Ningun consejero podrá ser reelecto sino en el cuarto año de haber cesado en su oficio.
A RT. 124. No councillor can be reelected until four years after having ceased from his functions193 .
A RT. 125. Cuando el gobernador del estado asistiere al consejo lo presidirá sin voto; y en tal caso no asistirá el vicegobernador.
A RT. 125. When the governor of the State shall assist at the council, he shall preside without a vote, and in such case the vice-governor shall not assist.
A RT. 126. El secretario del consejo lo será uno de sus miembros en el modo y forma que lo disponga su reglamento interior, que formará el mismo consejo y lo presentará al gobierno, quien lo pasará al congreso para su aprobacion.
A RT. 126. The secretary of the council shall be one of its members, elected in the manner and form disposed of in the rules which said council shall form; he shall be presented to the governor, who shall send him to Congress for its approbation194 .
A RT. 127. Son atribuciones del consejo Primera. Dar dictámen fundado y por escrito al gobernador en todos aquellos negocios en que la ley imponga á éste la obligacion de pedirlo, y en los demas en que el mismo gobernador tenga a bien consultarle. Segunda. Velar sobre la observancia de la acta constitutiva, constitucion federal y leyes generales de la Union, constitucion y leyes particulares del estado, dando cuenta al congreso con las infracciones que note. Tercera. Promover el establecimiento y fomento de todos los ramos de prosperidad del estado. Cuarta. Proponer ternas para la provision de aquellos empleos en que la ley ecsija este requisito. Quinta. Acordar en union de la diputacion permanente conforme al artículo 89, la convocacion del congreso á sesiones estraordinarias, y reunirse con la misma diputacion para las providencias del momento que sean necesarias en los casos del artículo 90. Sexta. Glosar las cuentas de todos los caudales públicos, y pasarlas al congreso para su aprobacion.
A RT. 127. The attributes of the council are: 1st. To give their195 opinion in writing to the governor on all those points on which the law obliges him to ask it, and besides, to give their opinion on any business on which the said governor may consult them. 2d. To watch over the observance of the constitutive act, federal constitution and general laws of the Union, the constitution and particular196 laws of the State, notifying the Congress of any infractions of the same197 . 3d. To promote the establishment and perfection of the different198 branches of the prosperity of the State. 4th. To propose terms for the division199 of those employments in which the law requires such requisites. 5th. To order200 , in union with the permanent deputation conformably with article 89, the convocation of Congress for extraordinary sessions, and to unite with the same deputation in forwarding such things201 as way be necessary in the cases of article 90. 6th. To review202 the accounts of all public funds, and transmit the same to Congress for their approbation.
A RT. 128. El consejo será responsable de todos los actos relativos al ejercicio de sus atribuciones.
A RT. 128. The council shall be responsible for all the acts relative to the exercise of their attributes.
Seccion Cuarta
Section IV
De las elecciones de gobernador, vicegobernador y consejeros
Of the Election of Governor, Vice-Governor and Councillors
A RT. 129. Al dia siguiente de haberse hecho las elecciones de diputados del congreso, las juntas electorales de partido, todas y cada una, nombrarán un gobernador, un vicegobernador, tres consejeros propietarios y dos suplentes, haciendo dichos nombramientos en el modo y términos que previenen los artículos 71, 72, 73 y 74.
A RT. 129. The day succeeding the elections of deputies to Congress, the electoral juntas of each district shall each nominate a governor, vice-governor, and three deputies and two suppletories as councillors203 , making such nominations in the manner and form prescribed in articles 71, 72, 73 and 74.
A RT. 130. Concluidas dichas elecciones, se fijará inmediatamente en el parage mas público una lista firmada15 por el secretario de la asamblea, que comprenda los nombres de los elegidos y destinos para que lo han sido: se firmarán las actas por el presidente y los electores, y en pliego certificado se remitirán testimonios de ellas, autorizados por el mismo presidente, secretario y escrutadores, á la diputacion permanente.
A RT. 130. At the conclusion of the elections, there shall be immediately posted up in the most public place, a list, signed by the secretary of the assembly, which shall contain the names of those elected, and also for what post they have been elected. The acts shall be signed by the president and electors, and a copy204 shall be sent to the permanent deputation, certified by the president, secretary and tellers.
A RT. 131. El dia de la apertura de las primeras sesiones ordinarias del congreso, el presidente que haya sido de la diputacion permanente, presentará los referidos testimonios, y despues de haberse leido, el congreso nombrará una comision de su seno y los pasará á ella para su revision y que dé cuenta con el resultado dentro de tercero dia.
A RT. 131. The day of opening the first ordinary sessions of Congress, the expresident of the permanent deputation shall present the said testimonials, and as soon as they have been read, the Congress shall appoint a committee of their own body, and send them to them, in order that they may revise and report on them within three days.
A RT. 132. En este dia procederá el congreso á calificar las elecciones hechas por los partidos, y á hacer la enumeracion de votos.
A RT. 132. On the third day Congress shall205 qualify the elections made by the districts, and enumerate the votes.
A RT. 133. El individuo que reuniere16 la mayoría absoluta de votos de las juntas electorales de partido, computados aquellos por el número total de los vocales que compongan estas, será el gobernador, vicegobernador ó consejero, segun sea la eleccion de que se trate.
A RT. 133. He who shall have the absolute majority of votes in the district assemblies206 , computed by the whole number of votes given by them207 , shall be governor, vice-governor or councillor, as the case may be.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) A RT. 134. Si ninguno reuniere la espresada mayoría, el congreso elegirá para estos empleos uno de los dos ó mas individuos que tengan mayor número de sufragios, y lo mismo sucederá cuando ninguno tuviere esta mayoría respectiva, sino que todos estén igualados en votos.
A RT. 134. Should no person have that majority, the Congress shall elect to these offices, one of the two or more individuals who may have obtained the greatest number of votes, and the same shall be done when no person has obtained this respective majority, unless208 the votes should be all equal.
A RT. 135. Si solo un individuo obtuviere la mayoría respectiva, y dos ó mas un número igual de sufragios, pero mayor que el de todos los otros, el congreso elegirá de entre aquellos un individuo, y éste competirá para el nombramiento con el que reunió la mayoría respectiva.
A RT. 135. If only one person should have obtained this respective majority, and two or more an equal number of votes, but greater than that of all others, Congress shall elect from amongst them a candidate, who shall be put in competition with him who has obtained the respective majority.
A RT. 136. En caso de empate se repetirá la votacion por una sola vez, y si aun resultare empatada decidirá la suerte.
A RT. 136. Should there be a tie, there shall be a new ballot, for one time only, and should there still be a tie, it shall be decided by lot.
A RT. 137. Los empleos de gobernador, vicegobernador y consejeros se desempeñarán con preferencia á cualquiera otro del estado, y la misma preferencia tendrán entre sí por su órden. Los elegidos para estos destinos tomarán posesion de ellos el dia 1.° de marzo, y no podrán escusarse de servirlos sino los diputados del congreso al tiempo de la eleccion, y los que á juicio del mismo congreso estén imposibilitados física ó moralmente.
A RT. 137. The situations of governor, vice-governor and councillors, shall be filled in preference to any other offices in the State, and the same preference shall exist among them according to their degree. The persons elected to these offices, shall take possession of them on the first March, and no person can be excused from filling them, except members of Congress at the time of the election, and those who, in the opinion of said Congress, cannot fill them on account of some physical or moral impossibility.
A RT. 138. Si por algun motivo, el gobernador electo no estuviere presente este dia para entrar en el ejercicio de sus funciones, entrará á desempeñarlas17 el vicegobernador nuevamente electo; y si este tampoco se hallare pronto, se llenará su falta conforme al artículo 118.
A RT. 138. Should the governor elect, from some cause, not be present on the day appointed for him to enter on his duties, the vice-governor209 shall take his place, and should he not be present, it shall be filled according to article 118.
Seccion Quinta
Section V
Del secretario del despacho de gobierno
Of the Secretary of State210
A RT. 139. El despacho de los negocios del supremo gobierno del estado, sean estos de la clase que fueren, correrá al cargo de un secretario que se titulará secretario del despacho del gobierno del estado.
A RT. 139. The dispatch of all business relating to the supreme government211 of the State, shall be carried on through the medium of a secretary, who shall be styled Secretary of State212 .
A RT. 140. Para ser secretario del despacho del gobierno, se requiere ser ciudadano en el ejercicio de sus derechos, mayor de veinte y cinco años, nacido en el territorio de la federacion mexicana, vecino de este estado, con residencia en él tres años, uno de ellos inmediato á su eleccion. Los eclesiásticos no pueden obtener este empleo.
A RT. 140. In order to be secretary of state, one must be a citizen in the exercise of his rights, of twenty-five years of age, born in the territories of the Mexican Confederation, a resident of the State for three years, one of them immediately before his election. Priests cannot obtain this office.
A RT. 141. Todas las leyes, decretos, órdenes, instrucciones y reglamentos que se circulen á los pueblos, ó se dirijan á determinada corporacion ó persona por el gobernador, asi como tambien las cópias que emanen de la secretaría, deberán ser autorizadas por el secretario, y sin este requisito no serán obedecidas ni harán fe.
A RT. 141. All laws, decrees, orders, instructions and regulations, which may be circulated to the pueblos, or directed to any corporation or person, by the governor, as well as copies emanating from the secretary’s office213 , shall be authorized by the secretary; and without this requisite, they shall not be obeyed, nor shall any credit be given to them.
A RT. 142. El secretario será responsable con su persona y empleo de lo que autorice con su firma contrario á la acta constitutiva, constitucion y leyes generales de la Union, ó particulares del estado, y órdenes del presidente de la república que no sean manifiestamente opuestas á dichas constituciones y leyes, sin que le sirva de escusa habérselo mandado el gobernador.
A RT. 142. The secretary shall be responsible, in his person and office, for all acts authorized by his signature,214 constitution and general laws of the Union, or particular laws215 of this State, and the orders of the president of the Republic, which are not manifestly opposed to said constitution216 and laws, unless he can excuse himself by showing that the governor ordered him.
A RT. 143. Para el gobierno interior18 de la secretaría se observará el reglamento que formará el secretario y aprobará el congreso.
A RT. 143. For the internal government of the secretary’s office, those rules which the secretary shall form, and which shall be approved of by Congress, shall be adopted217 .
A RT. 144. Este empleado público, y lo mismo el gobernador, vicegobernador y consejeros cesarán, durante su encargo, en el desempeño de los empleos que obtenian, luego que hayan tomado posesion de sus destinos.
A RT. 144. This public employment, as well as that of governor, vice-governor and councillors, shall commence218 as soon as they may have taken possession of their situations.
Seccion Sexta
Section VI
De los gefes de policía de departamento, y de los subalternos ó gefes de partido
Of the Chiefs of Police, of the Departments, and of the Subaltern or District Chiefs
A RT. 145. En la cabecera de cada departamento del estado habrá un funcionario á cuyo cargo estará el gobierno político del mismo, y se denominará gefe de policía del departamento.
A RT. 145. In the chief town of each department of the State, there shall be a functionary, in whose charge the political government of the same shall be placed, and he shall be called, Chief of Police of the department.
A RT. 146. Para ser gefe de departamento se requiere ser ciudadano en el ejercicio de sus derechos, de edad de veinte y cinco años cumplidos, vecino del estado, y residente en él tres años, uno de ellos inmediato á su eleccion.
A RT. 146. In order to be chief of police of a department, one must be a citizen in the exercise of his rights, of twenty-five years of age, a citizen219 of the State and a resident in it for three years, one of which immediately before his election.
A RT. 147. El gobernador á propuesta en terna del consejo, apoyada en informes de los ayuntamientos del departamento respectivo, nombrará los gefes de departamento, ecepto el de la capital.
A RT. 147. The governor, on the proposition of three of the councillors220 , together with the petition of221 the ayuntamientos of each department, shall nominate the chiefs of departments, except that of the capital.
A RT. 148. Los gefes de departamento estarán sujetos inmediatamente al gobernador del estado, y de ninguna manera uno á otro. Durarán cuatro años en sus destinos, y podrán ser continuados en ellos, concurriendo las mismas formalidades prescritas para su primer nombramiento.
A RT. 148. The chiefs of departments shall be immediately subject to the governor of the State, and in no manner the one to the other. They shall remain during four years in office, and can be continued in it, should the same formalities be observed as in their first nomination.222
A RT. 149. En la cabecera de cada partido que no sea el en que resida el gefe del departamento, habrá ademas un gefe subalterno ó de partido, nombrado por el gobierno á propuesta en terna del mismo gefe del departamento.
A RT. 149. In the towns of each department223 , except that in which the chief of the department resides, there shall be moreover a subaltern or district chief, named by the governor, at the request of the said chief of department224 .
A RT. 150. Los gefes subalternos ó de partido deben tener las mismas calidades que los de departamento, con la diferencia de que su vecindad y residencia han de ser en el distrito del mismo partido; y tendrán ademas algun modo honesto de vivir, capaz de mantenerlos con decencia.
A RT. 150. The subaltern or district chiefs must have the same qualifications as those of departments, with this difference, that they must be225 residents of the said district, and must also have some honest means of a livelihood, capable of maintaining them226 .
T EJAS A RT. 151. La duracion de los gefes de partido en sus destinos será la misma de los de departamento, y á propuesta de estos, podrán tambien continuarse en sus empleos.
A RT. 151. The duration of the district chiefs in office, shall be the same as that of the chiefs of departments, and227 they can likewise be continued in office.
A RT. 152. Nadie podrá escusarse de servir estos encargos sino en caso de reeleccion para los mismos dentro de los cuatro años de haberlos servido, ó con otra causa legítima á juicio del gobernador, quien resolverá oyendo antes al gefe del departamento respectivo.
A RT. 152. Nobody can be excused from serving in these offices, except in case of their re-election for the next four years, or for some other legitimate cause, according to the governor’s opinion, who shall decide after hearing the chief of the department.
A RT. 153. Tanto estos gefes, como los de departamento son responsables de todos sus actos de omisiones contra la constitucion y leyes generales de la federacion, y particulares del estado: los primeros á los mismos gefes de departamento, á quienes estarán inmediatamente subordinados, y estos al gobernador.
A RT. 153. These chiefs, as well as those of departments, are responsible for all acts228 committed contrary to the constitution and general laws of the Confederation and those of the State, the first to the chiefs of departments, to whom they are immediately responsible, and these last to the governor.
A RT. 154. Las atribuciones de unos y otros gefes, y el modo con que deben desempeñarlas, se detallarán en el reglamento para el gobierno político-económico de los pueblos.
A RT. 154. The powers of each of the chiefs, and the method of using them, shall be detailed in the regulations for the politicoeconomico government229 of the pueblos.
Seccion Séptima
Section VII
De los ayuntamientos
Of the Ayuntamientos
A RT. 155. Toca á los ayuntamientos el cuidar de la policía y gobierno interior en los pueblos del estado, y á este fin los habrá en todos aquellos que hasta aqui los hayan tenido.
A RT. 155. The duty of the ayuntamientos is to watch over230 the interior government of the pueblos of the State, and to this end each pueblo that heretofore possessed one, shall continue to do so.
A RT. 156. En los pueblos que no los tengan y convenga el que los haya, se pondrán; no pudiendo dejar de haberlos en las cabeceras de partido cualquiera que sea su poblacion, ni en los pueblos que por sí ó con su comarca lleguen á mil almas, si no es que estos se hallaren unidos á otra municipalidad, en cuyo caso, porque por otras circunstancias pueda no convenir su separacion, será
A RT. 156. In those pueblos which have no ayuntamiento, and which have a right231 to one, there shall be one; and they cannot avoid having them in the chief towns of the district, no matter what may be their population, nor in those pueblos which by themselves or with the neighboring one232 , amount to one thousand souls, unless these latter be joined to some other municipality,
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) necesario para que tengan ayuntamiento que lo declare el congreso, prévio informe del gobierno, y el espediente que deberá formarse con señalamiento del territorio que haya de ocupar la nueva municipalidad.
in which case, should their separation from other circumstances, not be convenient, it shall be necessary, in order to their having an ayuntamiento, that the Congress declare so, on the information of the governor233 and petition accompanying234 , pointing out the territory to be occupied by the new municipality.
A RT. 157. Los pueblos que no tuvieren el número señalado de almas, pero que unidos con ventajas á otro ú otros, puedan formar una municipalidad, la formarán; y el ayuntamiento se establecerá en el lugar mas conveniente á juicio del gobierno. Por circunstancias particulares puede disponer el congreso, prévio el espediente respectivo é informe del gobierno, que haya ayuntamiento en los lugares de menor poblacion.
A RT. 157. The pueblos which have not the exact235 number of souls, but which united with advantage, to some other, or others, might form a municipality, can do so; and the ayuntamiento, shall be established in the most convenient place, according to the opinion of the governor. In certain circumstances, Congress may dispose of it, after a previous petition and demand made by the governor that an ayuntamiento, should be had in any place of small population.236
A RT. 158. En las poblaciones en que no pueda tener lugar el establecimiento de ayuntamiento, y que por su mucha distancia de otras municipalidades tampoco estas puedan cuidar de su gobierno interior, las juntas electorales de aquella á que pertenezcan, nombrarán un comisario de policía y un síndico procurador, que desempeñarán las funciones que les designe el reglamento del gobierno político de los pueblos.
A RT. 158. In those pueblos, where an ayuntamiento, cannot be established and where on account of the great distance from other municipalities, these latter could not attend to their internal government, the electoral assemblies of that pueblo237 , shall name a commissary of Police, and a syndic238 , who shall exercise the duties imposed on them by the regulations for the political government of the pueblos.
A RT. 159. Los ayuntamientos se compondrán del alcalde, ó alcaldes, síndico ó síndicos y regidores, cuyo número designará el citado reglamento.
A RT. 159. The ayuntamientos, shall be composed of the Alcalde or Alcaldes, Syndic or Syndics and Regidors, the number of whom shall be settled by the regulations already mentioned.
A RT. 160. Para ser individuo del ayuntamiento se requiere ser ciudadano en el ejercicio de sus derechos, mayor de veinte y cinco años, ó de veinte y uno siendo casado, vecino del distrito del ayuntamiento, con residencia en él de tres años, uno de ellos inmediato á su eleccion, tener algun capital ó industria de que poder subsistir, y saber leer y escribir.
A RT. 160. In order to be a member of the ayuntamiento one must be a citizen in the exercise of his rights, of the age of twenty five years, or if married, of the age of twenty one, a resident of the district to which the ayuntamiento belongs, and have three years residence in it, and one of them immediately before the election, have some capital or trade, by which he can make a living and know how to read and write.
T EXAS A RT. 161. No pueden ser individuos del ayuntamiento los empleados públicos asalariados por el estado, los militares y demas empleados del gobierno general en actual ejercicio, ni los eclesiásticos.
A RT. 161. No person employed and paid by the public funds of the State can be a member of the ayuntamiento, nor can soldiers, or others employed by the general government in the actual exercise of their functions, nor priests.
A RT. 162. Los alcaldes se renovarán cada año en su totalidad, los regidores por mitad, y lo mismo los procuradores síndicos si fueren dos. Siendo uno solo se mudará todos los años.
A RT. 162. The Alcaldes shall be renewed every year in their totality239 , the Regidors, in the half, and the same for the Syndics, should there be two, but should there be but one, he shall be changed every two years240 .
A RT. 163. El que hubiere desempeñado cualquiera de estos encargos, no podrá obtener ninguno otro municipal, ni ser reelegido para el mismo que sirvió, hasta despues de dos años de haber cesado en él.
A RT. 163. He who has filled any of these offices, can obtain no other municipal office, or be re-elected to the same, which he filled, until two years after having finished the discharge of these duties.
A RT. 164. Los individuos de los ayuntamientos serán nombrados por medio de juntas electorales municipales, que se celebrarán en la misma forma en que se hacen las juntas municipales acordadas para el nombramiento de los diputados del congreso. Aquellas juntas se convocarán el primer domingo de diciembre, y se reunirán y desempeñarán sus funciones el segundo domingo y dia siguiente.
A RT. 164. The members of the ayuntamiento shall be nominated through the medium of electoral municipal assemblies, which shall be carried on in the same manner in which the municipal assemblies for the appointment of deputies to Congress are. These assemblies shall be convoked on the first Sunday of December, and they shall assemble and fulfill their duties on the second Sunday and following day.
A RT. 165. En consecuencia de dichas juntas, se tendrán por constitucionalmente nombrados para alcaldes, regidores y síndicos, los ciudadanos que hayan reunido mayor número de votos en las respectivas listas. El empate que hubiere entre dos ó mas individuos, lo decidirá por medio de la suerte el ayuntamiento ecsistente al tiempo de la eleccion.
A RT. 165. In consequence of the said assemblies, those citizens who have obtained the greatest number of votes, on their respective lists, shall be considered as constitutionally elected, for alcalde, regidors and syndics. Should there be a tie between two or more individuals, the existing ayuntamiento at the time of the decision, shall decide it by lot.
A RT. 166. Si falleciere alguno de los individuos del ayuntamiento, ó por cualquiera otro motivo vacare su encargo, lo seguirá desempeñando el ciudadano que en el órden de la lista respectiva cuente mayor número de votos.
A RT. 166. Should any of the members of the ayuntamiento fail in attending241 , or on any other account vacate his seat, that citizen, who in the order of the lists, has obtained the greatest number of votes, shall fill his place.
A RT. 167. Los oficios de ayuntamiento son carga concejil de que nadie podrá escusarse.
A RT. 167. The office of member of an ayuntamiento, is a duty242 from discharging which no person can be excused.
Del Poder Judicial
Of the Judicial Power
Seccion Única
One Section
De la administracion de justicia en lo general
Of the Administration of Justice in general
A RT. 168. La administracion de justicia en lo civil y criminal corresponde esclusivamente á los tribunales y juzgados que con arreglo á la constitucion deben ejercer el poder judicial.
A RT. 168. The administration of justice243 shall be carried on exclusively by those tribunals and courts, which, according to this constitution, are to exercise the judicial power.
A RT. 169. Ni el congreso ni el gobernador pueden avocarse las causas pendientes y abrir las ya fenecidas, ni los mismos tribunales y juzgados.
A RT. 169. Neither Congress nor the governor can have any thing to do in the causes pending244 , nor can they or even the tribunals themselves245 , renew those which are already disposed of.
A RT. 170. Todo habitante del estado deberá ser juzgado por tribunales y jueces competentes, establecidos con anterioridad al acto por que se juzga19 , y de ninguna manera por comision especial ni ley retroactiva.
A RT. 170. Every inhabitant of the State must be judged by competent tribunals and judges, established by authority of246 that act by which they judge, and in no manner by any special commission or retroactive law.
A RT. 171. Las leyes arreglarán el órden y formalidades que deben observarse en los procesos: estas serán uniformes en todos los juzgados y tribunales, y ninguna autoridad podrá dispensarlas.
A RT. 171. The laws will regulate the order and formalities which are to be observed in suits: these shall be uniform in all the courts and tribunals, and no authority can dispense with them.
A RT. 172. Los tribunales y juzgados, como autorizados únicamente para aplicar las leyes, nunca podrán interpretarlas ni suspender su ejecucion.
A RT. 172. The tribunals and courts, as they are solely authorized to apply the laws, can never interpret them, or suspend their execution.
A RT. 173. Los militares y eclesiásticos residentes en el estado, continuarán sujetos á sus respectivas autoridades.
A RT. 173. Soldiers and priests resident in the State, shall continue subject to their respective authorities.
A RT. 174. Ningun negocio tendrá mas que tres instancias y otras tantas sentencias definitivas. Las leyes dispondrán cual de dichas sentencias ha de causar ejecutoría, y de ella no se admitirá otro recurso que el de
A RT. 174. No suit can be tried more than three times, nor can there be more than three definitive judgments. The laws will point out which judgment shall be executed247 , and from it there shall be no recourse, ex-
T EJAS nulidad en la forma y para los efectos que se prevengan.
cept that of nullity, in the form and for the purposes contemplated by law.
A RT. 175. El juez que haya sentenciado un asunto en alguna instancia, no puede conocer de nuevo en cualquiera otra, ni en el recurso de nulidad que sobre él mismo se interponga.
A RT. 175. The judge who may have decided an affair at any stage of it, cannot de novo take cognizance of it, in any other stage, nor in an action of nullity which may be brought in the said affair.
A RT. 176. El cohecho, soborno y prevaricacion producen accion popular contra el magistrado ó juez que los cometieren.
A RT. 176. Bribery, perjury and subordination give rise to a public action, against the magistrate or judge, who has been guilty of them.
A RT. 177. La justicia se administrará en nombre del estado libre de Coahuila y Tejas en la forma que prescriban las leyes.
A RT. 177. Justice will be administered in the name of the Free State of Coahuila and Tejas, in the form prescribed by the laws.
Parrafo Primero De la administracion de justicia en lo civil
Paragraph I Of the administration of Justice in civil cases
A RT. 178. Todo habitante del estado queda espedito para terminar sus diferencias, sea cual fuere el estado del juicio, por medio de jueces árbitros ó de cualquiera otro modo estrajudicial: sus convenios en este particular serán observados religiosamente, y las sentencias de los árbitros ejecutadas, si las partes al hacer el compromiso no se reservaren el derecho de apelar.
A RT. 178. Every inhabitant of the State, in order to terminate any suit248 in which he may be engaged, no matter in what stage, may terminate it by arbitrators or in any other extra judicial manner: agreements made for this purpose shall be religiously249 observed, and the judgments of the arbitrators shall be executed, if the parties at the time of making their compromise250 , have not reserved to themselves, the right of appeal.
A RT. 179. Los negocios de corta cantidad serán terminados por providencias gubernativas que se ejecutarán sin recurso alguno. Una ley particular fijará la cantidad y el modo de procederse en ellos.
A RT. 179. All suits involving a small amount shall be tried summarily251 , and shall be executed, without any recourse: a particular law will fix the quantity, and the manner of proceeding in the case.
A RT. 180. En los demas negocios civiles y criminales sobre injurias, se tendrá el juicio de conciliacion en la forma que establezca la ley, y sin hacer constar que se intentó aquel medio, no podrá establecerse juicio escrito si no es en los casos que determinará la misma ley.
A RT. 180. In all other civil and criminal business, for injuries received, there shall be a conciliatory judgment in the form established by the law, and without this formality, no other judgment can be given252 , except in cases determined by the said law.
Parrafo Segundo De la administracion de justicia en lo criminal
Paragraph II Of the administration of Justice in Criminal Cases
A RT. 181. Toda demanda criminal por delitos ligeros que deban ser castigados con penas correccionales, será juzgada por providencias gubernativas sin forma ni figura de juicio, y de su resultado no se interpondrá apelacion ni otro recurso. La ley señalará aquellas penas y calificará los delitos á que correspondan.
A RT. 181. Every action brought in criminal cases, for slight misdemeanors, and which are to be punished correctionally, shall be punished summarily253 , without the form or figure of a trial, and from the result of this trial no254 recourse can be had. The law will point out these punishments, and the misdemeanors corresponding to them.
A RT. 182. En los delitos graves se instruirá informacion sumaria del hecho, sin cuyo requisito y el del correspondiente auto motivado que se notificará al reo y pasará al alcaide20 en cópia, nadie podrá ser preso.
A RT. 182. In high misdemeanors, summary information shall be taken of the fact, without which requisite, and that of the corresponding testimony previously notified to the accused, and of which the alcalde shall transmit a copy255 , no person can be arrested.
A RT. 183. Si los jueces no pudieren cumplir en lo pronto con lo prevenido en el anterior artículo, el arrestado no se tendrá como preso sino en clase de detenido, y si dentro de cuarenta y ocho horas no se le hubiere notificado el auto de prision, y comunicádose este al alcaide, se pondrá en libertad.
A RT. 183. If the judge cannot comply immediately with the provisions of the preceding article, the arrested person shall not be considered as committed, except for good keeping256 , and if in the course of fortyeight hours he should not be notified of the cause of his imprisonment, and this commucated to the alcalde257 , he shall be put at liberty.
A RT. 184. El que dé fiador en los casos en que la ley no lo prohiba espresamente, no se llevará á la cárcel, y en cualquier estado de la causa que aparezca no poderse imponer al preso pena corporal, se pondrá este en libertad bajo de fianza.
A RT. 184. He who gives security in those cases, in which the law does not expressly prohibit it, shall not be carried to prison, and in no stage of the proceedings can corporeal punishment be inflicted on the accused, but shall be put at liberty under his security.
A RT. 185. Los que hayan de declarar en materias criminales sobre hechos propios lo harán sin juramento.
A RT. 185. Those who are accused in criminal matters, may give their declaration,258 but not under oath.
A RT. 186. Al delincuente en fragante todos pueden arrestarlo y conducirlo á la presencia del juez.
A RT. 186. Any man may arrest a delinquent in flagrante delicto, and conduct him before the judge.
A RT. 187. Se tendrá el mayor cuidado en que las cárceles sirvan solo para asegurar á
A RT. 187. The greatest care shall be taken that jails shall be used only for the
T EXAS los reos y no para molestarlos.
purpose of securing the accused, but not for molesting them.
A RT. 188. Las causas criminales serán públicas en el modo y forma que dispongan las leyes, desde luego que se trate de recibir al reo su confesion con cargos.
A RT. 188. Criminal causes shall be public, and in the manner and form required by law, from the moment in which the accused has given his confession against himself259 .
A RT. 189. Queda prohibida para siempre la pena de confiscacion de bienes; y aun el embargo de estos solo podrá verificarse cuando se proceda por delitos que lleven consigo responsabilidad pecuniaria, y únicamente en proporcion á esta.
A RT. 189. The punishment of confiscation of property is prohibited for ever, and even any molestation of it can only be made in those cases in which there may be a pecuniary fine, and solely in proportion to the said fine260 .
A RT. 190. No se usará nunca de tormentos y apremios, y las penas que se impongan, cualquiera que sea el delito, no serán trascendentales á la familia del que las sufre, sino que tendrán su efecto únicamente sobre el que las mereció.
A RT. 190. No torture261 shall be used, and should any punishments be ordered to be inflicted,262 they shall never pass to the family of the sufferer, but they shall only be received by him who has been condemned to suffer them.
A RT. 191. Ninguna autoridad del estado podrá librar órden para el registro de las casas, papeles y otros efectos de sus habitantes, si no es en los casos y en la forma que dispongan las leyes.
A RT. 191. No authority in the State can give any order for the enregistering263 of the houses, papers or other effects of its inhabitants, except in the cases and form disposed of by law.
A RT. 192. Una de las principales atenciones del congreso será establecer en las causas criminales el juicio por jurados, estenderlo gradualmente y aun adoptarlo en las causas civiles, á proporcion que se vayan conociendo prácticamente las ventajas de esta preciosa institucion.
A RT. 192. One of the principal duties of Congress will be, to establish in criminal cases the mode of trial by jury, to extend it gradually, and even to adopt it in civil cases, in proportion as they go on proving264 the advantages of this precious institution.
Parrafo Tercero De los juzgados inferiores y tribunales superiores
Paragraph III Of Inferior and Superior Courts265
A RT. 193. Los juzgados inferiores subsistirán en el modo y forma que se prescribirá por una ley, hasta que permitiéndolo las rentas del estado á juicio del congreso, puedan establecerse jueces de letras que deberá haberlos en cada partido.
A RT. 193. Inferior courts shall be formed, in the manner pointed out by the law, until the revenue of the State, in the opinion of Congress, permits the establishment of learned judges, who shall be appointed in each district.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) A RT. 194. En la capital del estado habrá un tribunal supremo de justicia dividido en tres salas, compuesta cada una del magistrado ó magistrados que la ley designe, y tendrá este tribunal un fiscal que despachará todos los asuntos de las tres salas. La misma ley particular determinará, en el caso que la sala se componga de un solo ministro, si deben nombrarse colegas, y el modo y forma en que esto deba hacerse.
A RT. 194. There shall be in the capital of the State, a supreme court of justice, divided into three chambers, each composed of the magistrate or magistrates which the law designates, and the court shall have a fiscal, who shall dispatch all the business of the other266 chambers. The same law shall also determine, in case of the chamber having but one magistrate, whether colleagues are to be appointed, and the manner and form of doing this.
A RT. 195. Las dos primeras salas conocerán en segunda y tercera instancia de las causas civiles de los juzgados inferiores, y lo mismo de las criminales segun lo determinen las leyes.
A RT. 195. The two first chambers shall take cognizance, in the second and third instances, of civil causes from the inferior courts, and also of criminal causes, in the manner determined by the law.
A RT. 196. A la tercera sala pertenece Primero. Decidir las competencias entre los jueces subalternos. Segundo. Determinar los recursos de nulidad que se interpongan de las sentencias ejecutoriadas en primera, segunda y tercera instancia. Tercero. Conocer de todos los recursos de fuerza que se interpongan de los tribunales y autoridades eclesiásticas del estado. Cuarto. Ecsaminar las listas que mensualmente deberan remitírsele de las causas pendientes en primera, segunda y tercera instancia; pasar cópias de ellas al gobernador, y disponer su publicacion por la imprenta. Quinto. Oir las dudas de ley que se ofrezcan á las dos primeras salas y á los tribunales de primera instancia, y pasarlas al congreso por conducto del gobernador con el correspondiente informe.
A RT. 196. To the third belongs exclusively the right, 1st. Of deciding on the jurisdiction267 of inferior judges; 2d. Of determining actions268 of nullity brought against executory judgments in the first, second and third instances; 3d. Of taking cognizance of all actions of force269 , brought by the ecclesiastical tribunals and authorities of the State; 4th. Of examining the monthly lists that shall be remitted to them, of the causes pending in the first, second and third instances, send copies of them to the governor, and arrange them for publication270 ; 5th. Of hearing any doubts which might have occurred in the two other chambers concerning the law, and also in the courts of original jurisdiction, send them to the governor with a proper petition271 , in order that he may present them to Congress.
A RT. 197. Las causas por delitos de oficio contra los jueces inferiores, y lo mismo las que se formen por delitos de igual clase y comunes á los diputados del congreso, al gobernador, al vicegobernador, á los consejeros, al secretario del gobierno, y á los individuos del tribunal de justicia, tendrán
A RT. 197. Actions for misdemeanors in office, brought against inferior judges, as well as those brought272 against the deputies of Congress, the governor, vice-governor and councillors, the secretary of state and members of the courts of justice, shall begin and terminate in every instance before
T EJAS su principio y terminarán en todas sus instancias ante el mismo supremo tribunal. Las demas facultades de este y sus respectivas salas las demarcará la ley.
the said tribunal273 . The law shall point out the other powers of this court, and of its respective chambers.
A RT. 198. En el caso de deberse formar causa á todo el tribunal, ó alguna de sus salas, el congreso nombrará otro especial, compuesto de las salas correspondientes, y estas del magistrado ó magistrados que se estimen necesarios.
A RT. 198. In case it should be necessary to accuse all the members of this tribunal,274 Congress shall appoint a special court, composed of the same number of chambers275 , and of the magistrate or magistrates they may judge necessary.
A RT. 199. De los recursos de nulidad que se interpongan en las causas del supremo tribunal de justicia, en las de los individuos de que habla el artículo anterior, y en los asuntos que pertenecen á la tercera sala, conocerá el tribunal especial determinado para estos casos por el congreso.
A RT. 199. A special tribunal appointed by Congress, shall take cognizance of all suits of nullity brought against the supreme court of justice, in the cases276 mentioned in the preceding article, and in those causes cognizable by the third chamber.
A RT. 200. Para ser magistrado ó fiscal se requiere ser ciudadano en el ejercicio de sus derechos, mayor de veinte y cinco años, nacido en algun lugar de la federacion, y letrado de probidad y luces.
A RT. 200. In order to be a magistrate or a fiscal, one must be a citizen in the exercise of his rights, of the age of twenty-five years, born in some part of the Confederation, and a lawyer of probity and learning.
A RT. 201. Tanto los magistrados como el fiscal serán nombrados por el congreso á propuesta del gobierno: disfrutarán un salario competente que designará la ley, y no podrán ser removidos de sus destinos sino por causa legalmente justificada.
A RT. 201. Magistrates as well as fiscals shall be nominated by Congress, on the proposition of the governor277 , and they shall enjoy a salary278 designated by the law, and cannot be removed from their places, except for some legal cause.
A RT. 202. Los individuos del supremo tribunal de justicia son responsables de todos sus procedimientos en el desempeño de sus funciones, y pueden ser acusados por ellos ante el congreso por cualquier individuo del pueblo.
A RT. 202. The members of the supreme court of justice are responsible for all their proceedings in the exercise of their functions, and can be accused for them before Congress by any member of the Republic279 .
Seccion Única
One Section
De la hacienda pública del estado
Of the Public Revenue of the State280
A RT. 203. Las contribuciones de los individuos que componen el estado, formarán la hacienda pública del mismo.
A RT. 203. The contributions of the individuals who compose the State, shall form the public revenue of the same.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) A RT. 204. Estas contribuciones pueden ser directas, indirectas, generales ó municipales; pero cualquiera que sea su clase, deben ser proporcionadas á los gastos que tienen de cubrir, y á los haberes de los ciudadanos.
A RT. 204. These contributions can be direct,281 general or municipal; but no matter what class they be of, they ought to be proportioned to the expenses which they have to cover, and to the property of the citizens.
A RT. 205. No pueden establecerse contribuciones sino para satisfacer la parte que corresponde al estado de los gastos generales de la federacion, y cubrir los particulares del mismo estado. Las contribuciones para este último objeto se fijarán precisamente en las primeras sesiones de cada año con arreglo al presupuesto que presentará el gobernador y aprobará el congreso.
A RT. 205. No contributions can be levied except to satisfy282 the general expenses of the Confederation and the particular expenses283 of the State. The contributions for this last purpose shall be permanently284 fixed, in the first session of each year, according to the plan proposed by the governor, and approved by Congress.
A RT. 206. Las contribuciones actuales subsistirán hasta que se publique su derogacion, y esta no podrá decretarse sino por el congreso.
A RT. 206. The existing contributions shall remain until their repeal has been published, and this can be done by Congress alone.
A RT. 207. Para el ingreso, custodia y distribucion de todos los productos de las rentas del estado habrá en la capital una tesoreria general.
A RT. 207. There shall be a general treasury in the capital of the State, for the receipt, keeping and distribution of the product of the rents of the State.
A RT. 208. No se admitirá en cuenta al gefe de dicha tesoreria pago alguno que no haya sido para cubrir los gastos aprobados por el congreso, ó por órden especial del gobernador.
A RT. 208. No pay which is not destined to cover the expenses approved of by Congress and285 by a special order of the governor, shall be received by the treasurer.
A RT. 209. Una instruccion particular arreglará las oficinas de la hacienda pública del estado.
A RT. 209. A particular law286 will regulate the different offices of the public revenue of the State.
A RT. 210. El congreso nombrará anualmente tres individuos de su seno ó de fuera de él para el ecsámen de las cuentas de la tesoreria del estado, y que se las presenten ó pasen despues informadas para su aprobacion. Esta ó la determinacion que recayere del congreso, se publicará y circulará á los ayuntamientos á fin de que hagan lo mismo con ella en sus distritos.
A RT. 210. Congress shall appoint annually three individuals from their own body, or otherwise, who shall examine the accounts of the State treasury, and approve of them or not, according to the information given to them287 . Either this report or the determination of Congress thereon, shall be published and circulated to the ayuntamientos, in order that they may have it published in their districts.
Seccion Única
One Section
De la milicia cívica del estado
Of the Civic Militia of the State
A RT. 211. En todos los pueblos del estado se establecerán cuerpos de milicia cívica, y estos harán la fuerza militar del mismo estado.
A RT. 211. In every pueblo of the State there shall be established bodies of civic militia, and these shall compose the military force of the same.
A RT. 212. La formacion de estos cuerpos, su organizacion, disciplina y gobierno interior se arreglarán por el congreso conforme á lo que dispongan en la materia las leyes generales de la federacion.
A RT. 212. The formation of these bodies, their organization, discipline and internal government, shall be regulated by Congress, conformably to the general laws of the Union288 on that subject.
A RT. 213. El mismo congreso arreglará el servicio de estas milicias, de modo que siendo conforme á los objetos de su institucion, y el mas útil al estado, sea en lo posible el menos gravoso á los ciudadanos.
A RT. 213. The same Congress shall regulate the service of this militia, so that it shall be conformably to the objects of its institution and the best interests of the State, and also as little grievous as possible to the citizens.
A RT. 214. Ningun coahuiltejano podrá escusarse de prestar este servicio, cuando y en la forma que se le escija por la ley.
A RT. 214. No citizen of Coahuila and Tejas289 can be excused from this service, when required and in the form disposed of by law.
Seccion Única
One Section
De la instruccion pública
Of Public Instruction
A RT. 215. En todos los pueblos del estado se establecerán en número competente escuelas de primeras letras en que se enseñará á leer, escribir y contar, el catecismo de la religion cristiana, una breve y sencilla esplicacion de esta constitucion y la general de la república, los derechos y deberes del hombre en sociedad, y lo mas que pueda conducir á la mejor educacion de la juventud.
A RT. 215. In all the pueblos of the State there shall be a competent number of elementary schools, in which youth shall be taught reading, writing and arithmetic, the catechism of the Christian religion, a brief and plain explanation of this constitution and the general constitution of the Republic, the rights and duties of men in society, and whatever may be conducive to the best education of youth.
A RT. 216. En los lugares en que convenga se pondrán tambien, á proporcion que
A RT. 216. In proper places also, in proportion as circumstances permit it, there
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) las circunstancias lo vayan permitiendo, los establecimientos de instruccion mas necesarios para proporcionar la enseñanza pública de las ciencias y artes útiles al estado, y en ellos se esplicarán con toda estension las citadas constituciones.
shall be establishments for those branches of education290 most necessary to public instruction, the sciences and arts useful to the State, and the above mentioned constitutions shall likewise be explained with the greatest attention291 .
A RT. 217. El método de enseñanza será uniforme en todo el estado, y á este fin para facilitarla, formará el congreso un plan general de instruccion pública, y arreglará por medio de estatutos y leyes cuanto pertenezca á este importantísimo objeto.
A RT. 217. The method of education shall be uniform all through the State, and to this end Congress shall, in order to facilitate it, form a general plan of public instruction, and shall regulate by means of statutes and laws, every thing appertaining to this very important business.
Seccion Única
One Section
De la observancia de la constitucion
Of the Observance of this Constitution
A RT. 218. La observancia de la constitucion en todas sus partes es una de las primeras y mas sagradas obligaciones de los habitantes del estado de Coahuila y Tejas; de ella no puede dispensarles ni el congreso ni otra autoridad alguna, y todo coahuiltejano puede reclamar dicha observancia, representando con este objeto al congreso ó al gobierno.
A RT. 218. The observance of the constitution in all its parts, is one of the first and most sacred obligations of the inhabitants of the State of Coahuila and Tejas, and neither Congress nor any other authority can dispense them from it: and every citizen of Coahuila and Tejas292 can demand this observance, making representations to this effect to Congress or to the governor293 .
A RT. 219. Cualquiera infraccion de la constitucion hace responsable personalmente al que la cometió. A fin de que se haga efectiva esta responsabilidad, el congreso dictará las leyes y decretos que crea conducentes, y ademas todos los años en sus primeras sesiones tomará en consideracion las infracciones que le hagan presentes la diputacion permanente y consejo de gobierno, y dispondrá lo conveniente.
A RT. 219. Any infraction of this constitution makes him who commits it personally responsible. In order that this responsibility shall be effective, Congress shall dictate the laws and decrees it may judge necessary; and moreover they shall every year, in their first session, take into consideration those infractions which the permanent deputation and council of government shall present to them, and dispose of them accordingly.
A RT. 220. Los funcionarios públicos del estado, sean de la clase que fueren, prestarán al tiempo de tomar posesion de sus empleos el juramento de observar, sostener y defender la acta constitutiva, constitucion general,
A RT. 220. The public functionaries of the State, no matter of what rank, shall, at the time of entering on the discharge of their duties, take an oath to observe, support and defend the constitutive act, general constitu-
T EJAS y particular del estado, y desempeñar fiel y cumplidamente los deberes de su empleo.
tion and particular constitution of the State, and to fill their situations faithfully and honorably294 .
A RT. 221. Las proposiciones sobre reforma, alteracion ó derogacion de alguno ó algunos de sus artículos, deben hacerse por escrito, y ser apoyadas y firmadas por la tercera parte de los diputados.
A RT. 221. Any propositions made, concerning alterations, reforms or repeals of any part or parts of the articles of this constitution, must be made in writing, and seconded and signed by the third part of the deputies.
A RT. 222. El congreso en cuyo tiempo se hagan algunas de estas proposiciones no dispondrá otra cosa en los dos años de sus sesiones, sino que se lean y publiquen por la imprenta, con los fundamentos en que se apoyen.
A RT. 222. Congress, at the time in which any of these propositions may be made, shall do nothing for the two succeeding years relative to them, except to read, print and publish them, with the reasons for such publication295 .
A RT. 223. El congreso siguiente admitirá á discusion las proposiciones ó las desechará; y admitidas se publicarán de nuevo por la imprenta, y circularán por el gobierno para que se lean en las inmediatas juntas electorales, antes de hacerse el nombramiento de diputados del congreso.
A RT. 223. The following Congress shall permit the discussion of these propositions, or shall reject them. Should they be admitted, they shall be published again and printed; and they shall be circulated by the governor296 , in order to be read in the next electoral assemblies before electing297 deputies to Congress.
A RT. 224. En el congreso que sigue se discutirán las alteraciones, reformas ó derogaciones propuestas, y si fueren aprobadas, se publicarán inmediatamente como artículos constitucionales.
A RT. 224. In the following Congress, the alterations, reformations or repeals proposed, shall be discussed, and should they be approved of, they shall immediately be published as constitutional articles.
A RT. 225. Para las reformas, alteraciones y derogaciones21 indicadas, ademas de las reglas prescritas en los artículos anteriores, se observarán todas las prevenidas para la formacion y derogacion de las leyes, á ecepcion del derecho de hacer observaciones concedido al gobernador, que no tendrá lugar en estos casos.
A RT. 225. Should any other reformations, alterations or repeals be required, other than those indicated in the anterior articles, all those rules made for the formation of laws, shall be observed298 , except the right of making observations on them by the governor, which shall not be observed in these cases.
Dada en el Saltillo á 11 dias del mes de marzo de 1827.
Given in Saltillo, on the 11th March, l827.
SANTIAGO DEL VALLE, presidente – JUAN VICENTE CAMPOS, vicepresidente – Rafael Ramos Valdés – José Maria Viesca – Francisco Antonio Gutierrez – José Joa-
SANTIAGO DEL VALLE, president – JUAN VICENTE299 CAMPOS, vice president – Raphael Ramos Valdés – José Maria Viesca – Francisco Antonio Guttierez300 –
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) quin de Arce Rosales – Mariano Varela – José Maria Valdés y Guajardo – JOSÉ CAYETANO RAMOS, diputado secretario – DIONISIO ELIZONDO, diputado secretario.
José Joaquin de Arce Rosales – Mariano Varela – José Maria Valdéz301 y Guajardo – JOSÉ CAYETANO RAMOS, secretary302 – DYONISIUS303 ELIZONDO, secretary304 .
Por tanto, mando se imprima, publique, circule y se le dé el debido cumplimiento. Dado en el Saltillo á 11 dias del mes de marzo de 1827.
Wherefore I order it to be printed, published, circulated and complied with. Given in Saltillo, 11th March, 1827.305
Verified by Constitucion Política del Estado Libre de Coahuila y Tejas, Sancionada por su Congreso Constituyente en 11 de Marzo de 1827, México: Imprenta de Galvan, a cargo de Mariano Arevalo, 1827, 109 p., and compared with the versions as published in Laws and Decrees of the State of Coahuila and Texas, in Spanish and English. To Which is Added the Constitution of Said State: Also: The Colonization Law of the State of Tamaulipas, and Naturalization Law of the General Congress. By Order of the Secretary of State. Translated by J. P. Kimball, M.D., Houston: Telegraph Power Press, 1839, 313–343, and with the first English translation (q.v.) as Political Constitution of The Free State of Coahuila & Texas. Snctioned by the Constitutive Congress of the said State, on the 11th of March, 1827, Natchitoches: Printed at the Courier Office, 1827. The original Spanish manuscript is not known to have survived. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Galvan print. Obvious typographical errors have been tacitly corrected and ignored in the annotations. A preceding partial publication as Primera parte de la constitución política del estado de Coahuila y Texas [Saltillo?: s.n., 1826], 22 p., contains only a few minor deviations from the text as finally published in 1827. The Constitution was adopted on March 11, 1827, in consequence of the Constitution of the United States of Mexico of 1824 (http://modern-constitutions.de/MX00-1824-01-31-es-i.html) and was in force in Texas until the Texan Revolution of 1835–1836. But the desire of Texas to separate from Coahuila had already become manifest in the failed Constitution of 1833 (q.v.). 2 In Houston print, 315, “proclamarso”. 3 Ibid., “infamatorias”. 4 Ibid., 320, “versar”. 5 Ibid., 321, “cabera”. 6 Ibid., “la”. 7 Ibid., 323, “á su ecsámen y calificacion, teniendo” missing. 8 Ibid., 324, word missing. 9 Ibid., 325, “diputado”. 10 Ibid., 326, “cubrirlas”.
Verified by Political Constitution of The Free State of Coahuila & Texas. Sanctioned by the Constitutive Congress of the said State, on the 11th of March, 1827, Natchitoches: Printed at the Courier Office, 1827, 48 p., and checked against the original Spanish version Constitucion Política del Estado Libre de Coahuila y Tejas, Sancionada por su Congreso Constituyente en 11 de Marzo de 1827, México: Imprenta de Galvan, a cargo de Mariano Arevalo, 1827. Also checked against the versions as published in Laws and Decrees of the State of Coahuila and Texas, in Spanish and English. To Which is Added the Constitution of Said State: Also The Colonization Law of the State of Tamaulipas, and Naturalization Law of the General Congress. By Order of the Secretary of State. Translated by J. P. Kimball, M.D., Houston: Telegraph Power Press, 1839, 313–343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 423–453 (http://texashistory.unt.edu/permalink/metapth-5872:431). The original manuscript is not known to have survived. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Natchitoches translation which for the better part of the existence of the state served the Anglos as the available though not official English translation despite its numerous flaws. A new translation was made by Kimball and published in Houston in 1839, years after the Texan separation from Coahuila and its declared independence, which in 1898 was reprinted in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas. In all of the translations deviations in style have been disregarded, while only substantially misleading or incorrect translations and omissions in either of them have been annotated, while avoiding redundancies. 2 In Spanish original, “interino”; in Houston print, 313, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 423, missing. 3 In Spanish original, “libre”; in Houston print, 313, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 423, missing. 4 In Natchitoches translation, 3, translation of special heading “Disposiciones Preliminares” missing; in Houston print, 313, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 423, “Preliminary Provisions”.
T EXAS 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ibid., “disiminuirles”. Ibid., “de la”. Ibid., 328, “presencia”. Ibid., 332, “suplente”. Ibid., 333, “firmado”. Ibid., “reunire”. Ibid., 334, “desempeñarla”. Ibid., “interin”. Ibid., 337, “jusgo”. Ibid., 338, “alcalde”. Ibid., 343, “y derogaciones” missing.
In Spanish original, “federacion”. In Spanish original, “El territorio del estado se dividirá por ahora para su mejor administracion en tres departamentos, que serán Bejar: cuyo distrito se estenderá á todo el territorio que correspondia á la que se llamó provincia de Tejas, que hará un solo partido”. In Houston print, 314, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 424: “For the better administration thereof, the territory of the state shall for the present be divided into three departments as follows, – viz: Bexar, – Embracing all the territory corresponding to what was called province of Texas, which shall form one sole district”. 7 In Natchitoches translation, 4, translation of “y costeará” missing; in Houston print, 314, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 424, “and pay”. 8 In Spanish original, “silla apostólica”; in Houston print, 314, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 424, “Apostolic See”. 9 In Natchitoches translation, 4, translation of “En el estado” missing; in Houston print, 314, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 424, “in the state”. 10 In Spanish original, “En correspondencia”; in Houston print, 314, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 424, “In return”. 11 In Natchitoches translation, 4, translation of “y contribuir” missing; in Houston print, 314, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 424, “and constribute [sic!]”. 12 In Natchitoches translation, 5, translation of “de sus habitantes” missing; in Houston print, 314, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 424, also missing. 13 In Natchitoches translation, 5, translation of “en el modo que dispongan las leyes” missing; in Houston print, 314, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 424, also missing. 14 In Spanish original, “hombres”, in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “men”. 15 In Natchitoches translation, 5, translation of “de la federacion” missing; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “of the republic”. 16 In Spanish original, “Los estrangeros”; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “Foreigners”. 17 In Spanish original, “el congreso de la Union”; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “the general congress”. 18 In Spanish original, “á la XXVI de las facultades”; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “to the 27th prerogative”. 19 In Spanish original, “constitucion federal”; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “constitution of the republic”. 20 In Spanish original, “ciudadanos”; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, 6
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) “freemen”. 21 In Spanish original, “Todos los hombres nacidos y avecindados en el territorio del estado, y los hijos de estos.“; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, translation of “los hijos” (“the sons”) missing. 22 In Natchitoches translation, 5, translation of “en la actualidad” missing; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “now”. 23 In Spanish original, “la emancipacion política de la nacion”; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “the political liberties of the country”. 24 In Spanish original, “condecoracion”; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “title”. 25 In Spanish original, “presidentes, escrutadores ó secretarios”; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “presidents, secretaries, tellers”. 26 In Natchitoches translation, 6, translation of “consecutivos” missing; in Houston print, 315, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 425, “in succession”. 27 In Spanish original, “calificacion”. 28 In Spanish original, “empleos populares”; in Houston print, 316, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 426, “officers”. 29 In Spanish original, “espresados empleos”; in Houston print, 316, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 426, “said officers”. 30 In Spanish original, “los empleos facultativos”; in Houston print, 316, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 426, “Offices requiring persons belonging to any professional faculty”. 31 In Spanish original, “articulo”. 32 In Spanish original, “comisarios”; in Houston print, 316, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 426, “delegates”. 33 In Spanish original, “popular representativo federado”; in Houston print, 316, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 426, “The federal republican”. 34 In Spanish original, “empleo ni privilegio alguno hereditario”; in Houston print, 316, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 426, “no hereditary office or privilege”. 35 In Houston print, 316, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 426, last three words missing. 36 In Spanish original, “proprietarios”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “deputies proper”. 37 In Spanish original, “1832”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “1832”. 38 In Spanish original, “cada siete mil”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “every thousand”. 39 In Spanish original, “de diputados de una y otra clase que deba nombrar cada partido”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, whole
T EJAS sentence missing. In Natchitoches translation, 8, translation of “al tiempo de la eleccion” missing; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “at the time of the election”. 41 In Natchitoches translation, 8, translation of “inmediatamente” missing; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “immediately”. 42 In Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, last sentence missing. 43 In Spanish original, “diputados propietarios ó suplentes”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “deputies, proper or substitutes”. 44 In Spanish original, “pesos”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “dollars”. 45 In Spanish original, “1810”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “1810”. 46 In Spanish original, “consejo del gobierno”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “executive council”. 47 In Spanish original, “de provision del gobierno del estado”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “appointed by the executive of the state”. 48 In Spanish original, “en el tiempo en que haya declarada guerra entre la nacion de su origen y la mexicana”; in Houston print, 317, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 427, “in time of war between their own country and this republic”. 49 In Spanish original, “diputado propietario”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “deputy proper”. 50 In Spanish original, “actualmente”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “for the time being”. 51 In Spanish original, “Si en ninguno de ellos lo estuviere”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “Should he not be domiciliated in either”. 52 In Spanish original, “propietarios”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428,in Gammel “deputies proper”. 53 In Spanish original, “órden de preferencia”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “order of preference”. 54 In Spanish original, “en las tres primeras partes”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “in the three first parts”. 55 In Spanish original, “en la asamblea electoral respectiva”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “in the respective electoral assembly”. 56 In Spanish original, “En caso de empate la suerte decidirá”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “In case of a tie, it shall be decided by lot”. 57 In Spanish original, “comision”; in Houston print, 40
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “duties”. 58 In Spanish original, “necesario”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “proper”. 59 In Spanish original, “caso”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “case”. 60 In Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, last sentence missing. 61 In Spanish original, “Del nombramiento de los diputados”; in Houston print, 318, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 428, “Election of Deputies”. 62 In Spanish original, “no pudiendo escusarse”; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “shall decline”. 63 In Natchitoches translation, 11, translation of “necesidad de” missing; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “the necessity of”. 64 In Spanish original, “bando”; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “edict”. 65 In Spanish original, “ranchos”; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “ranchos”. 66 In Natchitoches translation, 11, last three words added. 67 In Spanish original, “designando á cada una los puntos que les correspondan”; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “designating to each the places corresponding thereto”. 68 In Spanish original, “vecino”; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “inhabitant”. 69 In Natchitoches translation, 11, translation of “designado á la misma” missing; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “assigned thereto”. 70 In Natchitoches translation, 12, last three words added. 71 In Spanish original, “dos dias”; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “both days”. 72 In Natchitoches translation, 12, translation of “diarias” missing; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “each”. 73 In Natchitoches translation, 12, translation of “inmediato” missing; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “immediately”. 74 In Spanish original, “hecha la eleccion del primer modo, los designará el sufragante”; in Houston print, 319, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429, “in the former case the voter shall call the name of those for whom he votes”. 75 In Spanish original, “y ejecutada por lista, será leida esta por el secretario en la propia forma”; in Houston print, 319–320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 429-430, “and should he give in his vote in writing,
T EXAS the secretary shall read the ticket in the same manner”. In Spanish original, “á presencia de aquel”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “in the presence of the voter”. 77 In Spanish original, “si en alguno ó algunos de los presentes concurren las calidades requeridas para poder votar”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “whether any person or persons present possess the qualifications required for voting”. 78 In Spanish original, “la duda no podrá versarse sobre lo prevenido por esta constitucion”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “the doubt shall not turn upon the provision of this constitution”. 79 In Spanish original, “se estará por la opinion absolutoria”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “absolutory sentence shall be given”. 80 In Natchitoches translation, 13, translation of “cohecho” missing; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “bribery”. 81 In Spanish original, “se hará una justificacion pública y verbal”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “the case shall be publicly and verbally canvassed and brought to a decision”. 82 In Spanish original, “de voz activa y pasiva”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “of a voice, active and passive”. 83 In Natchitoches translation, 13, translation of “á puerta abierta y” missing; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “with open doors,”. 84 In Spanish original, “cada ciudadano”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “the several candidates”. 85 In Spanish original, “seguridad”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “safety”. 86 In Spanish original, “comprenderán todos los individuos votados, y el número de votos que hubieren sacado”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “comprising all the candidates and number of votes they have received”. 87 In Spanish original, “Esta lista y la acta capitular que se estendiere relativa al asunto”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “Said list, and the act of corporation that shall be written out relative to the subject”. 88 In Natchitoches translation, 14, translation of “de éste” missing; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “of the same”. 89 In Spanish original, “que éste ha de nombrar de su seno”; in Houston print, 320, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 430, “whom said board shall appoint from its own body”. 90 In Spanish original, “y presididos por aquel, ó por 76
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) el segundo en su caso”; in Houston print, 321, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 431, “and the former or latter, as the case may be, presiding,”. 91 In Natchitoches translation, 14, translation of “en las casas consistoriales” missing; in Houston print, 321, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 431, “in the town halls”. 92 In Spanish original, “regulacion”; in Houston print, 321, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 431, “regulation”. 93 In Spanish original, “nombrados para electores”; in Houston print, 321, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 431, “chosen as electors”. 94 In Spanish original, “del distrito del partido”; in Houston print, 321, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 431, “within the precincts of the district”. 95 In Spanish original, “el correspondiente”; in Houston print, 321, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 431, “the corresponding”. 96 In Spanish original, “pluralidad”; in Houston print, 321, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 431, “majority”. 97 In Spanish original, “de voz activa y pasiva”; in Houston print, 322, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 432, “of a voice, active and passive”. 98 In Natchitoches translation, 16, in Houston print, 322, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 432, translation of “con igualdad” missing. 99 In Spanish original, “verificándose lo mismo cuando ninguno haya obtenido esta mayoría, sino que todos tengan igual número de sufragios”; in Houston print, 322, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 432, “and the same shall be done when no one has received said majority, but all an equal number of votes”. 100 In Spanish original, “diputados propietarios”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “deputies proper”. 101 In Natchitoches translation, 17, translation of “firmada por el secretario de la respectiva asamblea. La acta de elecciones” missing; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “signed by the secretary of the respective assembly [...]. The electoral act”. 102 In Natchitoches translation, 17, translation of “y el primero” missing; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “and the former”. 103 In Spanish original, “que esta constitucion les señala”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “pointed out in this law”. 104 In Spanish original, “atentado”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “offence”. 105 In Spanish original, “deputados propietarios”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “deputies proper”. 106 In Spanish original, “De la celebracion del congreso”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The
T EJAS Laws of Texas, I, 433, “Holding Sessions”. Spanish original, “celebrar”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “hold”. 108 In Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, last five words missing. 109 In Spanish original, “conveniente”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “convenient”. 110 In Spanish original, “28”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “28th”. 111 In Spanish original, “espondrá su dictámen”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “shall discuss the subject”. 112 In Spanish original, “pluralidad”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “majority”. 113 In Spanish original, “sin que lo tengan los individuos de la diputacion permanente no habiendo sido reelectos”; in Houston print, 323, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 433, “those members of the standing deputation who have not been re-elected not having a vote”. 114 In Natchitoches translation, 19, translation of “la celebracion de las demas” missing; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “holding all other”. 115 In Spanish original, “que se presenten de nuevo”; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “that are again presented”. 116 In Spanish original, “secretarios”; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “secretaries”. 117 In Spanish original, “se presentará el gobernador á dar cuenta al congreso por escrito”; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “the governor shall present himself to give information to congress in writing”. 118 In Spanish original, “mejoras”; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “measures”. 119 In Spanish original, “los dias festivos solemnes”; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “annual hollidays”. 120 In Spanish original, “por motivo ni pretesto alguno”; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “from no cause, and under no pretence”. 121 In Spanish original, “individuos propietarios”; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “members, proper”. 122 In Spanish original, “último individuo propietario”; in Houston print, 324, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 434, “last member proper”. 123 In Spanish original, “muy graves y urgentes, mientras puede verificarse la reunion”; in Houston print, 325, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 435, “very weighty and urgent”. 107 In
Spanish original, “capital”; in Houston print, 325, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 435, “capitol”. 125 In Spanish original, “serán llamados para concurrir á ellas los mismos diputados que deben asistir á las ordinarias, de aquel año”; in Houston print, 325, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 435, “the same deputies shall be called to concur therein, whose duty it is to attend the ordinary sessions of that year”. 126 In Spanish original, “solemnidades”; in Houston print, 325, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 435, “formalities”. 127 In Spanish original, “que se formará por el actual”; in Houston print, 325, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 435, “that shall be formed by the present congress”. 128 In Spanish original, “sino mediando el hueco de una diputacion”; in Houston print, 325, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 435, “until after the interval occupied by a deputation”. 129 In Spanish original, “secretario de gobierno”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “secretary of state”. 130 In Spanish original, “Hacer efectiva la responsabilidad de estos funcionarios públicos”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “Render the responsibility of the said public functionaries effectual”. 131 In Spanish original, “gobierno”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “executive”. 132 In Spanish original, “derechos”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, word missing. 133 In Natchitoches translation, 22, translation of “determinar su inversion” missing; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “determine their application”. 134 In Spanish original, “inversion”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “disposition”. 135 In Spanish original, “disminuirles”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “diminish”. 136 In Spanish original, “sueldos, retiros ó pensiones”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “salaries, recesses or labour”. 137 In Spanish original, “á la memoria póstuma”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “to perpetuate the memory”. 138 In Spanish original, “en que deba hacerse la recluta de los hombres que se necesiten para el servicio ó reemplazo de las compañias de milicia presidial permanente de caballería, y de milicia activa de la misma arma aucsiliar de aquella”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “of recruiting the men required for the service or replacement of the companies of the standing garrison militia, of cavalry,
T EXAS or of active militia, belonging to the same auxiliary arm of defence as the former”. 139 In Spanish original, “entre los pueblos”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “among the towns”. 140 In Spanish original, “ilustracion”; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “knowledge”. 141 In Natchitoches translation, 23, translation of “19.a Intervenir y dar ó negar su consentimiento en todos aquellos actos y casos en que lo previene esta constitucion” missing; in Houston print, 326, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 436, “Nineteenth, – Intervene, and give or withhold its consent in all those acts and cases wherein it is provided in this constitution”. 142 In Spanish original, “y particulares del estado”; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “and the private laws of the state”. 143 In Spanish original, “propietarios”; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “deputies proper”. 144 In Natchitoches translation, 24, translation of “vicegobernador” missing; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “vice governor”. 145 In Natchitoches translation, 24, “or”. 146 In Spanish original, “para dictar providencias y trámites”; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “for dictating measures and steps”. 147 In Spanish original, “procederá inmediatamente”; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “immediately proceed”. 148 In Spanish original, “oyendo antes al consejo”; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “previously hearing the council”. 149 In Spanish original, “útiles”; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “available”. 150 In Spanish original, “pudiendo asistir á la discusion y hablar en ella el orador que designare el gobierno”; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “and the public speaker, whom the executive should designate, may attend the discussion”. 151 In Natchitoches translation, 25, translation of “solemne” missing; in Houston print, 327, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 437, “formal”. 152 In Natchitoches translation, 25, translation of “y por los mismos trámites” missing; in Houston print, 328, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 438, “and by the same steps”. 153 In Houston print, 328, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 438, translation of “de la federacion” missing. 154 In Spanish original, “diputados al congreso del estado”; in Houston print, 328, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 438, “deputies to the state congress”. 155 In Spanish original, “individuos que deban elegir los”; in Houston print, 328, and in Gammel’s The Laws
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) of Texas, I, 438, “individuals who are to elect the”. Spanish original, “juntas”; in Houston print, 328, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 438, “juntas”. 157 In Spanish original, “capital”; in Houston print, 328, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 438, “capitol”. 158 In Spanish original, “secretario”; in Houston print, 328, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 438, “secretary”. 159 In Spanish original, “demas empleados de la federacion”; in Houston print, 329, “other officers of the republic”, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 439, “other officials of the republic”. 160 In Spanish original, “sino en el cuarto año de haber cesado en sus funciones”; in Houston print, 329, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 439, “except on the fourth year from having ceased in his functions”. 161 In Spanish original, “hasta la resolucion del mismo congreso”; in Houston print, 329, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 439, “until said congress resolves thereon”. 162 In Natchitoches translation, 28, and in Houston print, 329, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 439, translation of “ni durante este” missing. 163 In Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “throughout its territory” added. 164 In Spanish original, “oyendo al consejo”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “with the advice of the council”. 165 In Spanish original, “secretario del despacho”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “secretary of state”. 166 In Spanish original, “juzgados”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “courts of justice”. 167 In Spanish original, “todas las rentas del estado”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “all the state rents”. 168 In Spanish original, “inversion”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “disposition”. 169 In Spanish original, “oido el dictámen del consejo”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “after hearing the advice of the council”. 170 In Spanish original, “y de su nombramiento ó aprobacion”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “and of his appointment or approval”. 171 In Spanish original, “antecedentes”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “data”. 172 In Spanish original, “oyendo antes al consejo”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “after hearing the advice of the council”. 173 In Spanish original, “en el ecsamen”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “in the examination”. 174 In Spanish original, “á disposicion del tribunal ó 156 In
T EJAS juez competente”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “at the disposal of a competent tribunal or judge”. 175 In Spanish original, “posesion, uso, ú aprovechamiento”; in Houston print, 330, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 440, “possession, use, or benefit”. 176 In Spanish original, “utilidad general”; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “public utility”. 177 In Spanish original, “conocida utilidad general á juicio del consejo de gobierno”; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “manifest public utility in the judgment of the executive council”. 178 In Spanish original, “á juicio”; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “agreeably to the opinion”. 179 In Spanish original, “gobierno”; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “executive”. 180 In Natchitoches translation, 30, translation of “ni el que aquellas surtan todos sus efectos” missing; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “or that they have their entire effect”. 181 In Natchitoches translation, 30, translation of “á otro lugar del estado” missing; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “to go to any other part of the state”. 182 In Spanish original, “circule y se le dé el debido cumplimiento”; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “and duly fulfilled”. 183 In Natchitoches translation, 30, translation of “para el mismo empleo” missing; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “to the same office”. 184 In Spanish original, “sino en el cuarto año de haber cesado en sus funciones”; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “until on the fourth year from having ceased in his functions”. 185 In Spanish original, “en lo pronto”; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “provisionally”. 186 In Natchitoches translation, 31, translation of “fallecimiento ó” missing; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “decease or”. 187 In Natchitoches translation, 31, translation of “inmediatas” missing; in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, “next”. 188 In Natchitoches translation, 31, in Houston print, 331, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 441, translation of “Durante su encargo” missing. 189 In Spanish original, “consejo de gobierno”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “Executive Council”. 190 In Spanish original, “vocales propietarios”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “voters proper”. 191 In Spanish original, “inhibidos”; in Houston print,
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1827) 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “not eligible”. 192 In Spanish original, “en la segunda los demas propietarios y el otro suplente”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “the other members proper and the other substitute in the second instance”. 193 In Spanish original, “sino en el cuarto año de haber cesado en su oficio”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “until the fourth year from the expiration of his office”. 194 In Spanish original, “en el modo y forma que lo disponga su reglamento interior, que formará el mismo consejo y lo presentará al gobierno, quien lo pasará al congreso para su aprobacion”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “in the manner and form provided in its internal rules, which the council itself shall form and present to the executive, who shall transmit them to congress for approval”. 195 In Natchitoches translation, 32, in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, translation of “fundado” missing. 196 In Spanish original, “particulares”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “private”. 197 In Natchitoches translation, 32, translation of “que note” missing; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “it may observe”. 198 In Spanish original, “y fomento de todos”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “and give activity to, all”. 199 In Spanish original, “ternas para la provision”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “nominations of three for filling”. 200 In Spanish original, “Acordar”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “Concur [...] on”. 201 In Spanish original, “para las providencias”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “for the temporary measures”. 202 In Spanish original, “Glosar”; in Houston print, 332, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 442, “Explain”. 203 In Spanish original, “tres consejeros propietarios y dos suplentes”; in Houston print, 333, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 443, “three councillors proper and two substitutes”. 204 In Spanish original, “y en pliego certificado se remitirán testimonios de ellas”; in Houston print, 333, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 443, “and attested copies thereof [...] enclosed in a certified sheet”. 205 In Natchitoches translation, 33, translation of “procederá” missing; in Houston print, 333, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 443, “proceed to”. 206 In Spanish original, “las juntas electorales de partido”; in Houston print, 333, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 443, “the district electoral assemblies”.
T EXAS 207 In Spanish original, “que compongan estas”; in Houston print, 333, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 443, “composing the same”. 208 In Spanish original, “sino que”; in Houston print, 333, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 443, “but”. 209 In Natchitoches translation, 34, translation of “nuevamente electo” missing; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “newly chosen”. 210 In Spanish original, “Del secretario del despacho de gobierno”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “Secretary of State”. 211 In Spanish original, “supremo gobierno”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “executive department”. 212 In Spanish original, “secretario del despacho del gobierno del estado”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “Secretary of State”. 213 In Spanish original, “secretaría”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “department”. 214 In Natchitoches translation, 34–35, translation of “contrario á la acta constitutiva,” missing; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “contrary to the constitutive act,”. 215 In Spanish original, “particulares”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “private constitution and laws”. 216 In Spanish original, “constituciones”; in Houston print, 334, “constitutions”, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “constitution”. 217 In Spanish original, “se observará”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “shall be observed”. 218 In Spanish original, “cesarán, durante su encargo, en el desempeño de los empleos que obtenian,”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “cease, during their trust, to discharge the duties of any public stations they are filling,”. 219 In Spanish original, “vecino”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “inhabitant”. 220 In Spanish original, “á propuesta en terna del consejo”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “on nomination of three by the council”. 221 In Spanish original, “apoyada en informes de”; in Houston print, 334, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 444, “supported by reports from”. 222 In Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, whole last sentence missing. 223 In Spanish original, “En la cabecera de cada partido”; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “In the capitol of each district”. 224 In Spanish original, “á propuesta en terna del mismo gefe del departamento.”; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “on nomination
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) of three by the said chief of department”. 225 In Natchitoches translation, 36, translation of “vecindad y” missing; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “domiciliation and”. 226 In Natchitoches translation, 36, translation of “con decencia” missing; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “a suitable support”. 227 In Natchitoches translation, 36, translation of “á propuesta de estos,” missing; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “on nomination by the latter,”. 228 In Natchitoches translation, 36, translation of “de omisiones,” missing; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “of omission”. 229 In Spanish original, “gobierno político-económico”; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “politico-financial administration”. 230 In Natchitoches translation, 36, translation of “la policía y” missing; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “the police, and”. 231 In Spanish original, “y convenga el”; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “wherein it is proper”. 232 In Spanish original, “ó con su comarca”; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “or with the territory they embrace”. 233 In Spanish original, “gobierno”; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “governor”. 234 In Spanish original, “y el espediente que deberá formarse”; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “and the dispatch that shall be formed”. 235 In Spanish original, “señalado”; in Houston print, 335, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 445, “assigned”. 236 In Houston print, 336, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 446, whole last sentence missing. 237 In Spanish original, “las juntas electorales de aquella á que pertenezcan”; in Houston print, 336, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 446, “the electoral juntas of that to which they belong”. 238 In Spanish original, “síndico procurador”; in Houston print, 336, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 446, “sindico procurador”. 239 In Houston print, 336, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 446, translation of “en su totalidad” missing. 240 In Spanish original, “todos los años”; in Houston print, 336, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 446, “every year”. 241 In Spanish original, “falleciere”; in Houston print, 336, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 446, “decease”. 242 In Spanish original, “carga concejil”; in Houston print, 336, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 446, “municipal charges”.
T EJAS 243 In
Natchitoches translation, 39, translation of “en lo civil y criminal” missing; in Houston print, 337, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 447, “in civil and criminal cases”. 244 In Spanish original, “avocarse las causas pendientes”; in Houston print, 337, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 447, “remove cases pending from an inferior to a superior court”. 245 In Spanish original, “Ni el congreso ni el gobernador pueden [...] ni los mismos tribunales y juzgados”; in Houston print, 337, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 447, “nor can the tribunals and courts of justice themselves”. 246 In Spanish original, “con anterioridad”; in Houston print, 337, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 447, “prior to”. 247 In Spanish original, “ha de causar ejecutoría”; in Houston print, 337, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 447, “shall produce a warrant of attorney”. 248 In Spanish original, “queda espedito para terminar sus diferencias”; in Houston print, 337, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 447, “shall be perfectly free to terminate his controversies”. 249 In Spanish original, “religiosamente”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “strictly”. 250 In Spanish original, “compromiso”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “mutual promise”. 251 In Spanish original, “por providencias gubernativas”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “by executive measures”. 252 In Spanish original, “en la forma que establezca la ley, y sin hacer constar que se intentó aquel medio, no podrá establecerse juicio escrito”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “and without proving that this means has been attempted a trial by writing cannot be established”. 253 In Spanish original, “por providencias gubernativas”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “by executive judgment”. 254 In Natchitoches translation, 41, translation of “apelacion ni otro” missing; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “appeal, or any other”. 255 In Spanish original, “y el del correspondiente auto motivado que se notificará al reo y pasará al alcaide en cópia”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “and that of the corresponding consequent warrant that shall be notified to the accused, and a copy thereof communicated to the jailor”. 256 In Spanish original, “se tendrá como preso sino en clase de detenido”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “considered a prisoner but in the light of one detained”. 257 In Spanish original, “alcaide”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “jailor”.
Spanish original, “Los que hayan de declarar en materias criminales sobre hechos propios lo harán”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “Those who have to declare in criminal matters upon their own actions shall do so”. 259 In Spanish original, “desde luego que se trate de recibir al reo su confesion con cargos”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “as soon as it is proposed to receive the declaration of the accused in reply to the charges”. 260 In Spanish original, “por delitos que lleven consigo responsabilidad pecuniaria, y únicamente en proporcion á esta”; in Houston print, 338, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 448, “on proceedings in crimes involving a pecuniary responsibility, and only in proportion thereto”. 261 In Natchitoches translation, 42, translation of “y apremios” missing; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “and compulsion”. 262 In Natchitoches translation, 42, translation of “cualquiera que sea el delito” missing; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “whatever be the crimes”. 263 In Spanish original, “librar órden para el registro”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “issue a mandate for searching”. 264 In Spanish original, “que se vayan conociendo prácticamente”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “as [...] become practically known”. 265 In Spanish original, “De los juzgados inferiores y tribunales superiores”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “Inferior Courts of Justice and Superior Tribunals”. 266 In Spanish original, “tres”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “three”. 267 In Spanish original, “competencias”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “power”. 268 In Spanish original, “recursos”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “appeals”. 269 In Spanish original, “recursos de fuerza”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “compulsive appeals”. 270 In Natchitoches translation, 43, translation of “por la imprenta” missing; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “through the press”. 271 In Spanish original, “con el correspondiente informe”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “accompanied by the corresponding report”. 272 In Spanish original, “y lo mismo las que se formen por delitos de igual clase y comunes”; in Houston print, 339, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 449, “and also those formed for crimes of the same kind, and
T EXAS those in general”. 273 In Spanish original, “en todas sus instancias ante el mismo supremo tribunal”; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “in all their processes before the said supreme tribunal”. 274 In Natchitoches translation, 43, translation of “ó alguna de sus salas” missing; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “or any of its halls”. 275 In Spanish original, “de las salas correspondientes”; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “of the corresponding halls”. 276 In Spanish original, “en las de los individuos”; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “in those of the individuals”. 277 In Spanish original, “gobierno”; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “executive”. 278 In Natchitoches translation, 43, translation of “competente” missing; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “competent”. 279 In Spanish original, “pueblo”; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “people whatever”. 280 In Spanish original, “De la hacienda pública del estado”; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “State Revenue”. 281 In Natchitoches translation, 44, in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, translation of “indirectas,” missing. 282 In Natchitoches translation, 44, translation of “la parte que corresponde al estado de” missing; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “the portion corresponding to the state of”. 283 In Spanish original, “los particulares”; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “the private expense”. 284 In Spanish original, “precisamente”; in Houston print, 340, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 450, “expressly”. 285 In Spanish original, “ó”; in Houston print, 341, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 451, “or”. 286 In Spanish original, “instruccion”; in Houston print, 341, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 451, “instructions”. 287 In Spanish original, “y que se las presenten ó pasen despues informadas para su aprobacion”; in Houston print, 341, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 451, “and afterwards to present or communicate the same, accompanied by their report to congress for approval”. 288 In Spanish original, “federacion”; in Houston print, 341, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 451, “republic”. 289 In Spanish original, “Ningun coahuiltejano”; in Houston print, 341, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 451, “No Coahuil-Texano”. 290 In Spanish original, “establecimientos de instruc-
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1827) cion”; in Houston print, 342, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 452, “seminaries”. 291 In Spanish original, “se esplicarán con toda estension”; in Houston print, 342, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 452, “be fully explained”. 292 In Spanish original, “todo coahuiltejano”; in Houston print, 342, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 452, “every coahuil-texano”. 293 In Spanish original, “representando con este objeto al congreso ó al gobierno”; in Houston print, 342, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 452, “setting forth with that view to congress or the executive”. 294 In Spanish original, “y desempeñar fiel y cumplidamente los deberes de su empleo”; in Houston print, 342, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 452, “and fully and faithfully to discharge the duties of their office”. 295 In Spanish original, “sino que se lean y publiquen por la imprenta, con los fundamentos en que se apoyen”; in Houston print, 342, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 452, “than for reading and printing of the same, with the original reasons with which they are supported”. 296 In Spanish original, “se publicarán de nuevo por la imprenta, y circularán por el gobierno”; in Houston print, 342, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 452, “they shall again be printed, and circulated by the executive”. 297 In Spanish original, “el nombramiento”; in Houston print, 342, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 452, “electing”. 298 In Spanish original, “Para las reformas, alteraciones y derogaciones indicadas, ademas de las reglas prescritas en los artículos anteriores, se observarán todas las prevenidas para la formacion y derogacion de las leyes”; in Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, “For the amendments, alterations, and repeals indicated, besides the rules prescribed in the foregoing articles, all those provided for forming and repealing laws, shall be observed”. 299 In Spanish original, “Vicente”; in Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, “Y.”. 300 In Spanish original, “Gutierrez”; in Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, “Gutierrez”. 301 In Spanish original, “Valdés”; in Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, “Valdes”. 302 In Spanish original, “diputado secretario”; in Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, “D.S.”. 303 In Spanish original, “Dionisio”; in Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, “Dionicio”. 304 In Spanish original, “diputado secretario”; in Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, “D.S.”. 305 In Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, last sentence missing.
T EJAS 306 In Spanish original, “José Ygnacio de Arizpe”; in Houston print, 343, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 453, “Jose Ignacio Arispe”.
Failed Constitution of Texas (1833)
Constitution of Texas1
In the name of God, Omnipotent Author, and Supreme Legislator of the Universe! We, the People of Texas, being capable of figuring as a State in the manner contemplated in the second article of the Decree of the General Congress of the Nation, of the 7th of May, 1824, D O ORDAIN THE FOLLOWING C ONSTITUTION, and do mutually agree with each other, to form ourselves into a Free and Independant State of the Mexican Confederacy, by the name of the S TATE OF T EXAS.
GENERAL PROVISIONS A RTICLE 1. All power is inherent in the people; and all free governments are founded on their authority, and established for their peace, safety, and happiness: for the advancement of these ends, they have at all times an undeniable right to alter, reform, or abolish the government, in such manner as they may think proper. A RT. 2. Government being instituted for the protection and common benefit of all persons, the slavish doctrine of non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is discarded, as destructive of the happiness of mankind, and as insulting to the rights, and subversive of the liberties of any people. A RT. 3. All elections shall be free and equal. A RT. 4. The right of trial by jury, and the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall
be established by law, and shall remain inviolable. A RT. 5. The people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and possessions, from unreasonable searches and seizures: and general warrants, whereby an officer may be commanded to search suspected places, without evidence of the fact committed, or to seize any person, or persons, not named, whose offences are not particularly described, and supported by evidence, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be granted. A RT. 6. No citizen shall be taken, or imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties or privileges, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any manner distrained, or deprived of his life, liberty, or property, but by the law of the land. A RT. 7. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused hath a right to be heared by himself and his counsel, to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him, and to have a copy thereof: he shall be confronted by his accusers and the witnesses, he shall have compulsory processes for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and in prosecutions by indictment or presentment, a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the municipality or district, in which the crimes shall have been committed; and shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself. A RT. 8. No person shall, for the same offence, be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.
T EXAS A RT. 9. No retrospective law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts shall be made. A RT. 10. No conviction shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture of estate. A RT. 11. No person arrested, or confined in jail, shall be treated with unnecessary rigour. A RT. 12. No person shall be compelled to answer any criminal charge but by presentment, indictment, or impeachment, or by a concurrent vote of both houses of the legislature, as provided by the constitution. A RT. 13. All persons shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, unless for capital crimes, when the proof is evident, or the presumption strong; and the privelege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, except when in cases of rebellion, or invasion, the public safety may require it. A RT. 14. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed: or cruel or unusual punishment inflicted: all courts shall be open, and every man, for an injury done him in his lands, goods, person, or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice administered, without sale, denial, or delay. A RT. 15. The person of a debtor, where there is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not be continued in prison after delivering up his estate for the benefit of his creditor, or creditors, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. A RT. 16. The free communication of thoughts and opinions, is one of the inviolable rights of man; and every person may freely speak, write, print, and publish, on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty: but in prosecutions for the publication of papers investigating the official conduct of men in public capacity, the
truth thereof may be given in evidence, as well as in personal actions of slander; and in all indictments for libles, the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of the court as in other cases. A RT. 17. No man’s particular service shall be demanded, nor property taken, or applied to public use, without the consent of himself, or his, representative; or without just compensation being made therefor, according to law. A RT. 18. The people have a right to assemble together, in a peaceable manner, for their common good: to instruct their representatives and to apply to those invested with the powers of government, for redress of grievances, or for other proper purposes, by address or remonstrance. A RT. 19. Perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free government, and shall not be allowed. A RT. 20. The sure and certain defence of a free people, is a well regulated militia: and it shall be the duty of the legislature to enact such laws, as may be necessary to the organization of the militia of this State. A RT. 21. No soldier, in the time of peace, shall be quartered in the house, or within the inclosure of any individual, without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law. A RT. 22. No property qualifications shall be required to entitle a citizen to vote, or hold any office, in the gift of the people of this State. A RT. 23. All persons residing in Texas, at the date of this Constitution, except bonded servants, and other persons not liable to taxation by virtue of laws enacted under this Constitution, shall be regarded as citizens, and as being entitled to all the benefits of
FAILED C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1833) persons who emigrated to the country under the Colozination Law of 1825, and shall be acknowledged and admitted to all the rights and privileges of such immigrants. A RT. 24. All contracts and transfers of property, by will or otherwise, as well in relation to real as personal estate, which have been made in Texas heretofore, or which hereafter may be made, in good faith, by the parties, shall not be void for any want of form or technicality, but shall be construed and enforced according to the true intention of the parties. A RT. 25. Treason against the State shall consist only in levying war against it, or adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. – No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act. A RT. 26. The benefits of education, and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free government. The protection and advancement of these great objects are given in special and solemn charge to the legislature. – It shall be a particular duty of the government to patronize and cherish the interests of literature, of science, and the arts; and as soon as practicable, to establish schools, where the poor shall be taught gratis. A RT. 27. All elections in this State, shall be by ballot: and the manner thereof shall be prescribed by law. A RT. 28. All lands in this state, liable to taxation, held by deed, grant, concession, colonization law, or otherwise, shall be taxed according to their valuation. A RT. 29. The right of suffrage shall not be exercised by any person of insane mind, or who shall be a pauper, or supported by public or private charity, nor by any noncommissioned officer, soldier, seaman, or
marine, in the service of the United Mexican States; nor by any person convicted of an infamous offence, hereafter committed. A RT. 30. No bank nor banking institution, nor office of discount and deposite, nor other monied corporation, nor private banking establishment, shall ever exist during the continuance of this constitution. A RT. 31. All lands within the limits of Texas, at this date vacant, or not held agreeable to law, or to be located under genuine and bonifide grants, now issued and received by the grantee, or grantees, or otherwise provided for by this constitution, shall belong and constitute a fund for the use of the state; and be subject to the disposal of the legislature: Provided, that nothing contained in this article shall be so construed, as to prejudice the rights of citizens, colonists or settlers, who hold, or are entitled to acquire, under this constitution, lands by deed, grant, concession, or settlement right.
LEGISLATURE A RT. 32. The legislative authority of this State, shall be vested in a Legislature, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives, both dependent on the people. A RT. 33. The members of the legislature shall be chosen by the qualified electors, and shall serve for the term of two years from the day of commencement of the general election, and no longer. A RT. 34. The senators and representatives shall be chosen every two years, on the first Monday of August, and the day following. A RT. 35. Within three years from the meeting of the first legislature under this constitution, an enumeration of the population of the state shall be made agreeably
T EXAS to the mode which shall be prescribed by the legislature, and the apportionment and representation shall be regulated by law. A RT. 36. The number of senators shall, at the several periods of making the enumeration before mentioned, be fixed by the legislature, and apportoined among the precincts, formed as hereinafter directed, according to the number of taxable inhabitants in each, and shall never be less than one third, nor more than one half of the whole number of representatives. A RT. 37. Elections for representatives for the several precincts entitled to representation, shall be held at the places of holding their respective courts, or at such other places as the legislature may prescribe. A RT. 38. The senators shall be chosen by districts, to be formed by the legislature according to the number of taxable inhabitants in each, provided that no precinct shall be divided in forming a senatorial district. A RT. 39. The first three years after the adoption of this constitution, the legislature shall meet annually, on the first Monday of November; and thereafter it shall meet biennially, on the same day, and be held at such place as the legislature shall prescribe. A RT. 40. No person shall be eligible to a seat in the senate until he has arrived to the age of twenty-five years, nor in the house of representatives until he shall have arrived to the age of twenty-one years; he shall be a citizen of the state, and shall have resided within the same twelve months, and six months within the precinct, or district for which he is elected, immediately preceding the time of his election. A RT. 41. Every male inhabitant of the age of twenty-one years, who shall be a citizen of the state, and shall have resided for the last six months, immediately preceding the
day of election, within the precinct, or district, shall enjoy the right of an elector. A RT. 42. [T]he senate, at its meeting, shall elect a president protempore; and the house of representatives shall elect its speaker. Each house shall elect its own officers, and be judges of the qualifications and election of its members. A RT. 43. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings; punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member; but not a second time for the same offence; and shall have all other powers necessary for the legislature of a state. A RT. 44. Senators and representatives shall, in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the legislature, and in going to and returning from the same. A RT. 45. Each house may punish, by imprisonment, any person not a member, who shall be guilty of disrespect to the house, by any disorderly or contemptuous behaviour in their presence; – Provided, that such imprisonment shall not be for a longer time than thirty days, A RT. 46. Bills may originate in either house, but may be afterwards amended or rejected by the other. A RT. 47. Every bill shall be read on three different days, and signed by the president of the senate, and speaker of the house [of] representatives, before it becomes a law, unless the public safety should be endangered by delay. A RT. 48. After a bill has been rejected, no bill containing the same substance shall be passed into a law during that session. A RT. 49. The style of the laws of this state shall be – “Be it enacted by the Senate and
FAILED C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1833) House of Representatives of the State of Texas.” A RT. 50. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and publish them, except such parts as the welfare of the state may require to be kept secret; and the yeas and nays of the members, on any question, shall at the request of one-fourth of the members present, be entered on the journal. A RT. 51. The legislature shall have power to establish, from time to time, the salaries of all the officers of the state; and to regulate the compensation of its own members. A RT. 52. The doors of each house, and committees of the whole, shall be kept open, unless when the business before them require secrecy. A RT. 53. No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in pursuance of appropriation by law. A RT. 54. No person, who heretofore hath been, or hereafter may be a collector, or holder of public monies, shall have a seat in either house of the legislature of the state, until such person shall have accounted for, and paid into the treasury, all sums for which he may be liable.
trustee of a literary society, or commission in the militia, such appointment and acceptance shall be a vacation of his seat in the legislature; and no member thereof shall be eligible to hold any office, created by the legislature, during his term of service as a member. A RT. 57. Any member of either house of the legislature shall have liberty to dissent from, and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public, or to any individual, and have the reasons of his dissent entered on the journals. A RT. 58. The legislature shall have power to establish such a system of internal improvement as they may think proper. A RT. 59. The legislature shall have power to enact laws to impose taxes, and collect money for the use of the state; but no currency shall ever be made a2 lawful tender, except gold, silver and copper coin.3
EXECUTIVE A RT. 60. The Executive power shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate, who shall be styled the Governor of the State of Texas.
A RT. 55. No judge of any court of law, or equity, secretary of state, attorney general, register, clerk of any court of record, or person holding any office under the authority of the Mexican United States, shall have a seat in the legislature of this state, nor shall any person in this state hold more than one lucrative office at one and the same time; Provided, that no appointment in the militia, or to the office of justice of the peace, so long as no salary is attached thereto, shall be considered a lucrative office.
A RT. 61. The Governor shall be elected by the qualified electors, at the time and place of choosing representatives for the legislature. – He shall hold his office for the term of two years from the time of his installation, and until a successor be duly appointed and qualified; but shall not be eligible for more than four years in any term of six years. He shall be a citizen of the United States of Mexico; shall be at least twenty-seven years of age, and shall have resided in Texas at least three years, next preceeding his election.
A RT. 56. If any member of the legislature is appointed to, or elected to, or accepts any other office than that of justice of the peace,
A RT. 62. The returns of every election for governor and lieutenant governor shall be sealed up, and transmitted to the president
T EXAS of the senate pro tem. who shall open and publish them, in presence of both houses of the legislature. The person having the highest number of votes shall be governor. Should two or more have been candidates for the office, and two or more persons be equal and highest in number, one of those who are equal and highest shall be chosen governor, by joint ballot of both houses; and in like manner, under similar circumstances, shall the lieutenant governor be chosen. A RT. 63. The governor shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation which shall be neither increased nor reduced during the term for which he shall have been elected. A RT. 64. The governor shall be commander in chief of the militia of the state; except when they shall be called into the service of the Mexican United States; but he shall not command personally in the field, unless he shall he advised so to do by resolution of the legislature; shall take care that the constitution of this state, the constitutive act, and the constitution of the Mexican United States, and the laws be faithfully executed; shall communicate to the legislature at every session the condition of the state; and recommend such measures as he may deem expedient; he shall have power to convene the legislature, when, in his opinion, the interest of the state may require it; to grant reprieves and pardons, except in case of impeachment; to conduct all correspondence, or intercourse, with other states, and with the general government; and during the recess of the legislature, to fill, pro tempore, until the end of the next succeeding session, all vacancies in those offices which it may be the duty of the two houses, or of the executive and senate, to fill permanently. A RT. 65. Every bill which shall have passed both houses of the legislature, shall be presented to the governor; if he approve
he shall sign it, but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to the house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large upon the journals, and proceed to reconsider it; if, after such reconsideration, a majority of the whole number elected to that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the other house, by whom it shall likewise be reconsidered; if approved by a majority of the whole number elected to that house, it shall become a law; but in such cases, the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against the bill, shall be entered on the journals of each house, respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the governor within five days, Sundays excepted, after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law in like manner, as if he had signed it, unless the legislature by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. A RT. 66. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of both houses may be necessary, except on questions of adjournment, shall be presented to the governor, and before it shall take effect be approved by him; or being disapproved, shall be repassed by both houses, according to the rules and limitation prescribed in the case of a bill. A RT. 67. There shall be a Lieutenant Governor, who shall be elected at the same time, in the same manner, for the same term, and shall possess the same qualifications as the governor. The electors shall designate for whom they vote as governor, and for whom as lieutenant governor. A RT. 68. The lieutenant governor shall, exoficio, be president of the senate, and when there is an equal division in the senate, shall give the casting vote; and also, in joint voting of both houses.
FAILED C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1833) A RT. 69. When the office of governor shall become vacant by death, resignation, absence from the state, removal from office, refusal to quality, impeachment, or otherwise, the lieutenant governor, or in case of like4 disability on his part, the president of the senate pro tempore; or if there be no president of the senate pro tem. the speaker of the house of representatives shall possess all the powers and discharge all the duties of governor; and shall receive for his services the like compensation to the end of the term, or until the disability of the governor be removed, Provided, that should the office become permanently vacant, within ten months from the beginning of the term, the person exercising the powers of governor, for the time being, shall, as may be, cause an election to be held to fill such vacancy, giving three months notice thereof.
with the state seal, signed by the governor, and attested by the secretary of state.
A RT. 70. There shall be a Secretary of State, appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. He shall hold his office three years, and shall keep a register of all the official acts and proceedings of the governor, and perform such duties as may be enjoined upon him by law. He shall, as soon as may be, procure and keep a seal of state, with such emblems and devices as shall be directed by law, which shall not be subject to change.
A RT. 76. The governor shall make use of his private seal until a seal of the state shall be provided.
A RT. 71. A state treasurer shall be elected by joint vote of both houses who shall also discharge the duties of Auditor, until otherwise provided by law. A RT. 72. There shall be an ayuntamiento in each municipality. The powers and duties of the ayuntamientos, the number of members who are to compose them, and the mode of their election, shall be prescribed by law. A RT. 73. All commissions shall be in the name of “The State of Texas,” be sealed
A RT. 74. Sheriffs and Coroners shall be elected every two years, by the qualified electors; at the time and place of choosing representatives. Their duties shall be regulated by law, and they shall hold their office for two years, and until a successor shall be duly appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed for misdemeanor in office. A RT. 75. The governor shall nominate and appoint, with advice and consent of the senate, all officers whose offices are established by this constitution, and whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for: Provided, however that the legislature shall have the right to prescribe the mode of appointment of all other officers to be established by law.
JUDICIARY A RT. 77. The judicial power shall be vested in a supreme court, and inferior courts. A RT. 78. The State of Texas shall be divided into four judicial districts, in each of which there shall be appointed a district judge. A RT. 79. The said district judges shall compose the supreme court; a majority of whom shall form a quorum. The said judges shall hold their courts as district judges, and judges of the supreme court, at the time and places prescribed by law. A RT. 80. The legislature shall create and establish such inferior courts as may be convenient for the administration of justice.
T EXAS A RT. 81. The judges of the district and supreme courts, who shall be elected at the first session of the legislature, shall hold their offices for the term of three years, eligible for re-election; and their succcessors in office shall hold their office for the term of six years, eligible to re-election by the legislature every six years. A RT. 82. The judges, by virtue of their office, shall be conservators of the peace through[ou]t5 the state. The style of all processes shall be, “The State of Texas;” all prosecutions shall be carried on “In the name, and by the authority of the State of Texas,” and conclude, “against the peace and dignity of the State.” A RT. 83. There shall be an attorney general for the state, and as many prosecuting attornies as may hereafter be found necessary. – Their duties, salaries, perquisites, and terms of service shall be determined by law. A RT. 84. The clerks of the districts and supreme courts shall be appointed by the judges of the respective courts, A RT. 85. The judges of the district and supreme courts shall receive fixed and adequate salaries, which shall be established by law. A RT. 86. The judges may be removed from office by a concurrent vote of both houses of the legislature: but two-thirds of the number present, must concur in such vote, and the causes of removal shall be entered on the journal of each. The judge against whom the legislature may be about to proceed, shall receive notice thereof, accompanied with a copy of the causes alleged for his removal, at least thirty days before the day on which either house of the legislature shall sit thereupon. A RT. 87. The judges may also be removed by impeachment.
A RT. 88. The power of impeachment shall be vested in the house of representatives.
A RT. 89. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate: when acting for that purpose, the members shall be upon oath, and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present.
A RT. 90. The governor, and all civil officers shall be liable to impeachment for all misdemeanors in office: but judgment in such cases, shall not extend further than removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of trust or profit, in this state. But the parties shall nevertheless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial and punishment according to law.
A RT. 91. The judges of the district and supreme courts, and the attorney general, shall be at least twenty-five years of age, and shall be learned in the law.
A RT. 92. Alcaldes and Comisarios shall be elected by the people; their duties, jurisdiction, number in each municipality, and fees, shall be determined by law.
A RT. 93. The legislature is authorised to increase the number of judicial districts and district judges, whenever the necessity of the country requires it.
A RT. 94. The legislature shall establish a separate supreme court, so soon as the condition of the state may require it.
A RT. 95. The interpretation of the constitution and laws of this state shall belong exclusively to the judiciary.
SCHEDULE A RT. 96. The state of Texas shall include all the country formerly known as the province of Texas. A RT. 97. That no inconvenience may arise in our separation from Coahuila, it is declared that all rights, actions, prosecutions, and contracts, shall continue as if no change had taken place, except in cases provided for in the body of this constitution. A RT. 98. All dues, fines, penalties, and forfeitures due and owing to the State of Coahuila and Texas, shall be collectable in the name, and for the use of Texas. All bonds for the performance of duties, shall be passed over to the first Governor of Texas, and his successors in office, for the use and benefit of the parties interested. A RT. 99. The authorities of the State of Coahuila and Texas shall fill their offices within the limits of Texas, and shall continue in the exercise of their respective duties until suspended under this constitution. A RT. 100. Until the first enumeration, as provided for by this constitution, the apportionment of representation to the legislature, shall be regulated by a resolution to be adopted by this constitution. A RT. 101. All officers or persons elected, or appointed to any office or place of trust, profit, or honor, in this state, before entering upon the duties of his office, or station, shall take the following oath: – “I A. B. do solemnly swear, that I will support the constitution of the United Mexican States, the constitutive act, and the constitution of this state, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ––––––, according to law, to the best of my abilities. – So help me God.” A RT. 102. The election of Senators and Representatives to the general congress, shall take place agreeably to the provisions
of the Federal constitution of the United Mexican States; and laws to that effect, shall be passed by the legislature. A RT. 103. Whenever a majority of both houses of the legislature, may deem it necessary to amend this constitution, they shall recommend to the electors at the next election of members of the legislature, to vote for or against a convention, and if it shall appear, that a majority of all the electors of the state, voting for the members of the legislature, shall have voted for a convention, the legislature shall, at their next session, call a convention to consist of at least as many members as there may be in the legislature, to be elected at the same places, and in like manner as prescribed for the election of members of that body. A RT. 104. Until the first enumeration shall be made as described by this constitution, the senatorial districts shall be composed of the following precincts: Bexar, shall he entitled to one senator. Nueces, Goliad and Guadalupe Victoria, one senator, Labaca, Matagorda, and Santa Anna, one senator. Victoria, and Bolivar, one senator. San Felipe, one senator. Magnolia, San Jacinto, {west side} and precinct of San Jacinto, one senator. New-Holland, Hidalgo, and Tenoxticlan, one senator. Anahuac, Liberty and Cow Bayou, one senator. Nacogdoches, one senator. Ayish and Snow River, one senator. Tennahaw and Sabine, one senator. A RT. 105. The number of representatives that each of the precincts, above enumerated, shall have in the first legislature, shall be determined by the number of votes given in at the first election, on the basis of one representative for every hundred voters,
T EXAS without counting fractions under one hundred. Provided, that each precint shall have one representative, whatever may be the number of its voters. After all the votes are taken, and the polls are closed, the judges of the election shall declare the persons who have received the highest number of votes for representatives, to be duly elected, agreeably to the basis above established, and shall issue certificates to such persons accordingly. In case of a tie between two or more, it shall be decided by lot, by the judges.
A RT. 106. All powers, or grants of power, rights, or privileges, and immunities, not expressly given or granted by this constitution, are reserved to, and shall remain with, the People of the State, and can only be divested, or delegated, by amendment of this Constitution. D ONE in the Town of San Felipe de Austin, in Convention of the People of Texas, by means of their chosen Delegates, on the thirteenth day of April, in the Year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-three.
WILLIAM H. WHARTON. Member and President of the Convention.6 John P. Coles, Thomas S. Saul, Joseph B. Chance, Charles Baird, Nestor Clay, David G. Burnett, J. G. Wright, A. Farmer, Jesse Grimes, Francis Holland, Jared. E. Groce, Eli Mitchell, George W. Davis, Joseph M’Coy, Green De Witt, Jesse Woodbury, Phillip A. Sublett, Elisha Roberts, A. E. C. Johnson, Stephen F. Slaughter, John English, William English, Robert H. Williams, Charles Wilson, Ira Ingram, Thomas M. Duke, Leonard W. Groce,
Charltoa Thompson, Patrick C. Jack, Samuel Whiting, William Harden, William Shaw, George Sutherland, Gail Borden, Jr. Wyly Martin, Luke Lesassier, James B. Miller, E. Roddy, Bartlett Sims, Edward Burleson, Andrew Rabb, Thomas J. Gazley, James C. Neill, Samuel Houston, Thomas Hastings, William Robinson, James J. Ross, Eli Mercer, J. Wright, Stephen F. Austin, R. R. Royall, Branch T. Archer, R. M Williamson, Adolphus Sterne.
EXPLANATION The paragraph following has been omitted at the proper place. It should be article 60, and follow article 59, under the head of LEGISLATURE. In the copy it stood as 85. A RT. 85. The existing law of the State of Coahuila and Texas, when this constitution goes into effect, shall continue in force until altered, or abolished, by the legislature; Provided, however, that the legislature shall never adopt any system or7 code of laws by general reference to said system or code, but in all cases shall specify the several provisions of the laws it may enact.
Verified by Constitution or Form of Government of the State of Texas. Made in General Convention, in the Town of San Felipe de Austin, in the Month of April, 1833, New-Orleans: Printed at the Office of the Commercial Bulletin, 1833, 14 p., and checked against the version as published in Documents of Texas History, 2nd ed., ed. by Ernest Wallace et al., Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Association, 2002, 80-85. The Constitution is not reprinted in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas. Neither the original manuscript nor a second contemporary print are known to still exist. Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and italics as in the New Orleans print. Curly brackets are used where square brackets appear in the New Orleans print. The Constitution, in sharp contrast to Mexican models closely following American examples, such as the Constitutions of Ohio of 1802 (q.v.) and Indiana of 1816 (q.v.),
was adopted by the convention on April 13, 1833, and expressed the desire of the Anglos in Texas in particular to separate from Coahuila, with which it was united under the Constitution of Coahuila and Texas of 1827 (q.v.) within the Mexican federation. The Mexican government rejected the idea of a single state of Texas and with it the proposed Constitution of Texas, thus paving the way for the Texas Revolution and the Constitutions of 1835 (q.v.) and 1836 (q.v.) (cf. S. S. McKay, “Constitution Proposed in 1833,” in: The Handbook of Texas, ed. by Walter Prescott Webb, I, Austin: The Texas State Historical Association, 1952, 399–400; Janice C. May, The Texas State Constitution. A Reference Guide [Reference Guides to the State Constitutions of the United States, no. 26, G. Alan Tarr, Series Editor], Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1996, 3). 2 In Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 82, word missing. 3 According to “Explanation” (New Orleans print, 14) to be followed by new art. 60: “The existing law of the State of Coahuila and Texas, when this constitution goes into effect, shall continue in force until altered, or abolished, by the legislature; Provided, however, that the legislature shall never adopt any system or code of laws by general reference to said system or code, but in all cases shall specify the several provisions of the laws it may enact.” As consequence, numbering of the subsequent articles would have to be raised by one. The complete wording of the “Explanation” is given in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 85. It is unclear, however, to which copy the “Explanation” referred where this omitted article was numbered “A RT. 85”. 4 In Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 83, “the”. 5 Ibid., 84, “through”. 6 Ibid., 85, rest of signatures missing. 7 Ibid., “of”.
Interim Constitution of Texas (1835)
Constitución interina de Tejas (1835)
Plan and Powers of the Provisional Government of Texas1
Plan i poderes del gobierno interino de Téjas1
Convention Hall, San Felipe de Austin November 13th 1835 To the Honerable, the Consultation of the Chosen delegates of all Texas, in general Convention assembled, – Your Committee, of three, to whom was Committed the charges2 of enrolling the plan and powers of the Provisional Government, of Texas, as finally adopted by this house, respectfully submit the following for your Consideration and adoption. D. C. BARRETT Cha[irman] A. G. K ELLOGG S. T. A LLEN3 A RT. 1. That there shall be, and there is hereby created, a provisional Government for Texas, which shall consist of a Governor, a4 Lieutenant Governor, and a General Council, to be elected from this body, one member from each municipality, by the majority of each separate delegation present, and the Governor, and Lieutenant Governor shall be elected by this body.
A RTÍCULO P RIMERO . Habrá i por este se establece un Gobierno Interino de Téjas que constará de un Gobernador, un ViceGobernador i un Consejo Jeneral que será elejido de este cuerpo, un miembro siendo elejido de cada municipalidad por la pluralidad de cada Delegacion seperada que se halle presente, i tambien se elejirán el Gobernador i Vice-Gobernador por este cuerpo.
A RT. 2. The Lieutenant Governor shall be president of the Council, and perform the duties of Governor, in case of death, absence, or from5 other inability of the Governor, during which time, a President “pro-
A RTÍCULO S EGUNDO . El ViceGobernador será Presidente del Consejo, i hará las veces del Gobernador en caso de la muerte, ó incapacidad, por otra causa, del Gobernador, durante lo que, se nombrará un
T EXAS tem,” shall be appointed, to perform the duties of the Lieutenant Governnor in6 Council.
Presidente interino, para hacer las veces del Vice-Gobemador, en el Consejo.
A RT. 3. The duties of the General Council shall be, to devise ways and means, to advise and assist the Governor in the discharge of his functions; they shall pass no laws except such as in their opinion the emergency of the country requires, ever keeping in view the army in the field, and the means necessary for7 its comfort and support: they shall pursue the most effective and energetic measures to rid the Country of her enemies, and place her in the best possible state of defence; two-thirds of the members elect, of the General Council, shall form a quoram to do business, and in order that no vacancy shall happen in the Council, if any member from death, or other casualty, shall be incapacitatid to act, the Governor shall immidiately on information thereof, notify the member elected to fill vacancies8 ; and on his default, any member who has been elected to this body, from the same jurisdiction. The Governor & Council shall be authorised to contract for loans, not to exceed one million of dollars, and to hypothicate the public lands, and pledge the faith of the country for the sicurity of9 payment: That they have power to impose and regulate imposts10 and tonage duties, and pro[v]ide for their collection, under such regulations as may be most expedient: They shall have power, and it is hereby made the duty of the Governor & Council, to threat with the several tribes of Indians concerning their land11 Claims, and if possible, to secure their friendship. They shall establish Post-Officies and Post Roads and regulate the rates of postage, and appoint a Post Master General, who shall have competant powers12 for conducting this department, of the provisional Government, under such rules and regulations, as the Governor and Council may prescribe; They shall
A RTÍCULO T ERCERO . Corresponderá al Consejo Jeneral trazar planes, i aconsejar i asistir al Gobernador en el desempeño de sus atribuciones; no decretarán ningunas leyes sino las que pidieren, á su juicio, las emerjencias del pais, mirando siempre con cuidado al ejército en pie i haciendo las providencias necessarias para su alivio i sustentacion; tomarán los medios mas eficaces i enérjicos para desembarazar el pais de sus enemigos, i ponerle en la mejora condicion para defenderse. Las dos terceras partes de los miembros elejidos al Consejo Jeneral serán un numero competente para hacer los negocios; i para que no ecsista vacante en el Consejo si faltare un miembro por causa de muerte ú otra casualidad, el Gobernador, tan luego como se ponga en su conocimento lo notificará al miembro elejido para servir de suplente, i en su falta, á algun miembro de este cuerpo quien haya sido elejido de la misma jurisdiccion. Se faculta al Gobernador i Consejo para contratar préstamos que no escedan de un millon de pesos, i para que hipotequen los terrenos públicos i empeñen la fe del pais para caucionar su pagamento. Podrán establecer i arreglar impuestos y alcabalas de aduana2 i hacer las providencias necesarias para cobrarlas segun estimaren mas conveniente. Podrán tambien el Gobernador i consejo, i es de su deber, tratar con las varias tribus de Indios tocante á sus tierras, i si fuere posible, lograr su amistad. Establecerán correos i caminos de posta3 , i nombrarán á un Director Jeneral de Correos el cual tendrá bastante poder para dirijir ese ramo del Gobierno Interino bajo reglas i regulaciones que prescribieren el Gobernador i Consejo. Podrán remitir castigos i multas, i oir i decidir todas las causas que correspondan á la jurisdiccion del almirantazgo conforme con el derecho de jentes. Podrán
I NTERIM C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1835) have power to grant pardons, remit fines, and to hear, and judge, all cases usual in high Courts of admiralty, agreeably to the Law of Nations. They shall have power to appoint their own secratary, and other officers of their own body, also, that they have the power to create and fill such officies, as they may deem proper; provided nevertheless, that this power does not extend to officers13 , heretofore rejected by his house. That the Governor and Council have power to organize, reduce, or increase, the regular forces, as they may deem the emergencies of the Country require14 .
nombrár á su Secretario, i otros Oficiales4 i crear i llenar todos los empleos que estimaren necessarios, siendo proveido, no ostante, que este poder no se hace estensivo á los empleados que han sido desechados por esta Cámara. Podrán dicho Gobernador i Consejo organizar, disminuir ó aumentar las fuezas regulares segun pidieren á su juicio las emerjencias del Pais.
A RT. 4. The Governor, for the time being, and during the existence of the provisional Government, shall be clothed with full and ample executive powers, and shall be Commander-in-Chief of the army and Navy, and of all the military forces of Texas, by sea and land; and he shall have full power by himself, by and with the consent of the Council, and by his proper commander, or other officer, or officers, from time to time to train, instruct, exercise, and govern the militia, and Navy, and for the special defence and safety of the Country, to assemble in martial array, and put in war-like attitude, the inhabitants thereof, and to lead and conduct them by his proper officers, and with them to encounter, repel, resist,15 and pursue by force of arms, as well by sea as16 by land, within or without the limits of Texas, and also to destroy if necessary, and conquer by all proper ways17 and enterprises and means18 whatsoever19 , all and every such person or persons, as shall at any time, in a hostile manner, attempt, or enterprise the destruction of our liberties, or the invasion, detriment, or annoyance, of the country, and by his proper officers, use and exercise over the army and Navy, and the20 militia in actual service, the law martial, in times21 of war, invasion, or rebellion; and
A RTÍCULO C UARTO . El Gobernador por lo presente i mientras ecsista el Gobierno Interino será investido de poder ecsecutivo lleno i amplio, i será Comandante en jefe del Ejército i de la Marina, i de todas las fuerzas militares de Téjas por mar i por tierra; podrá, de cuando en cuando con el consentimiento del Consejo, por sí ó por otro Comandante ú Oficial conveniente5 , ejercitar, enseñar, disciplinar, i gobernar la Milicia i la marina; i para la defensa especial i seguridad del pais podrá poner en pie i organizar en cuerpos militares á los habitantes, guiar i conducirlos por sus Oficiales, i con ellos acometer, rechazar, resistir i perseguir, a fuerza de las armas, tanto por mar como por tierra, i fuera de los límites6 de Téjas, i destruir si lo fuere necesario, i conquistar por todos los medios i empresas cualesquiera á propósito, á toda persona ó personas que intentaren ó emprendieren de un modo hostil, la déstruccion de nuestra libertad ó la invasion, perjucio, ó nocimiento del pais, i poner en ejecucion i usar, por conducto de sus Oficiales, del derecho marcial en el Ejercito i Marina, i en la Milicia que fuere actualmente sirviendo en tiempo de guerra, invasion ó rebelion: i podrá cojer i sorpreender por todos los medios honorables i consistentes con el derecho de jentes, toda persona ó personas
T EJAS to take and surprise by all honerable ways and means, consistant with the laws22 of Nations, all and every such person, or persons, with their ships, arms, amunitions23 , and goods, as shall in a hostile manner invade, or attempt the invading, or annoying our24 adopted country. And that the Governor be clothed with all these, and all other powers, which may be thought necessary by the permanent25 Council, calculated to aid and protect the country from her enemies.
con sus embarcaciones, armas, municiones, i jéneros, que invadieren de un modo hostil ó intentaren invadir ó molestar nuestra Patria adoptada; i el Gobernador será investido de todos los demas poderes que se estimaren necesarios por el Consejo permanente, i conducentes al apoyo i proteccion del pais contra sus enemigos.
A RT. 5. There shall be constituted a provisional26 Judiciary, in each jurisdiction represented, or which may hereafter be represented, in this house, to Consist of two Judges, a first, and second, the latter only to act27 in the absence or inability of the first, and be nominated by the Council and Commissioned by the Governor.
A RTÍCULO Q UINTO . Se establecerá un tribunal provisional en cada jurisdiccion representáda, ó que fuere representada en esta Cámara que constará de dos Jueces, un primero, i un segundo. El segundo hará solamente las veces del primero en caso de su ausencia ó incapacidad, i serán los dos nombrados por el Consejo i recibirán sus despachos del Gobernador.
A RT. 6. Every Judge so nominated and Commissioned, shall have jurisdiction over all crimes and misdemeanors, recognised and known to the common laws28 of England: he shall have power to grant writs of “Habeas Corpus,” in all cases known and practised to, and under, the same laws; he shall have power to grant writs of sequestration, attachment, or arrest, in all cases established by the “Civil Code”, and “Code of practice”, of the State of Louisiana, to be regulated by the forms thereof; shall possess full testamentary powers in all cases and shall also be made a Court of record29 for conveyances, which may be made in English, and not on Stamped paper, and that the use of Stamped paper be, in all cases dispensed with; and shall be the “notary public”, for their respective municipality30 ; All office fees shall be regulated by the Governor and Council; All other civil proceedings at law, shall be suspended, untill the Governor and General Council shall otherwise direct; each municipality shall Continue to elect a Sheriff, Alcalda, and other officers of Ayuntaniemtos.
A RTÍCULO S ESTO . Cada Juez asi nombrado i que haya recibido sus despachos conocerá de todos los delitos i ofensas, reconocidas por el Derecho Comun de Inglaterra; podrá espedir mandatos de habeas corpus, conforme al dicho Derecho comun7 i mandatos de secüestracion, presa provisional i arresto, en todos los casos previstos por el “Codigo Civil” i “el Codigo de Procedimiento” del Estado de la Luisiana bajo las fórmulas prescritas por ellos; será investido de llenos poderes testimentarios, i será su tribunal de rejistro para los traspasos de propiedad, los cuales podrán hacerce en Ingles, i en papal comun, i no será necessario en ningun caso papel sellado; será tal Juez tambien Escribano Publico para su Municipalidad respectiva. Todos los honorarios serán arreglados por el Gobernador i Consejo. Todas las demas causas civiles serán suspendidas hasta manden el Gobernador i Consejo de otro modo. Cada Municipalidad continuará á elejir un Esherife, Alcalde, i los otros funcionarios de los Ayuntamientos.
C ONSTITUCIÓN INTERINA DE T EJAS (1835) A RT. 7. All trials shall be by Jury: and in criminal cases, the proceedings shall be regulated and conducted upon the principals of the common Laws31 of England; and the penalties prescribid by said laws32 , in case of conviction, shall be inflicted, unless the offender should33 be pardoned, or fine remitted, for which purpose, a resonable time shall be allowed to every convict, to make his34 application to the Governor and Council.
A RTÍCULO S ÉPTIMO . Todos los juzgamientos se harán por jurado, i en las causas criminales se procederá regularmente conforme con los principios del derecho comun de Inglaterra, i los castigos,8 i penas prescritas por dicho derecho serán inflijidas en caso de conviccion, á menos que sean remitidas9 , i á este fin se les concederá á los condenados un tiempo razonable para acudir al Gobernador i Consejo.
A RT. 8. The officers of the provisional Government, except such as are elected by this house, or the people, shall be appointed by the General Council; and all officers shall be commissioned by the Governor.
A RTÍCULO O CTAVO . Los funcionarios del Gobierno Provisional, a esception de los que se elejieren por esta Cámara, ó por el pueblo, serán nombrados por el Consejo Jeneral i recibirán sus despachos del Gobernador.
A RT. 9. All Commissions to officers35 , shall be, “in the name of the people, free and Sovereign,” and signid by the Governor and secratary; and all pardons and remissions of fines granted, shall be signid in the same manner.
A RTÍCULO N ONO . Todos los despachos de los Oficiales correrán “en el nombro del pueblo libre i soberano” i serán firmados por el Gobernador i Secretario; i toda remision de castigo ó multa será firmada del mismo modo.
A RT. 10. Every officer and member of the provisional Government, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the following oath of office: “I, A. B. do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) that I will support the republican principles of the Constitution of Mexico, of 1824, and obey the declerations and ordinancies of the Consultation of the Chosen delegates of all Texas, in General Convention assembled, and the ordinancies and decrees of the provisional Government and I will faithfully36 perform and execute the duties of my office agreeably to law to37 the best of my abilities – so help me God.”
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO . Todo funcionario y miembro del Gobierno Provisional, antes de entrar en el desempeño de sus encargos ha de hacer i firmar el juramento siguiente, Yo. N. Juro (ò afirmo) solemnemente que sostendré los principios republicanos de la Constitucion de Méjico de 1824, i obedeceré las Declaraciones i Decretos de la Consultacion de Delegados elejidos de Téjas10 reunidos en Convencion Jeneral, i las ordinanzas i decretos del Gobierno Provisional i desempeñaré fielmente los encargos de mi empleo, conforme á la lei i mi leal saber i entender, asi ayudame Dios.
A RT. 11. On Charges and specifications being made against any officer, of the provisional Government, for malfeasance, or misconduct in office, and presented to the Governor and Council, a fair and impartial trial shall be granted, to be conducted before
A RTÍCULO U NDÉCIMO . Habrá un juicio justo é imparcial sobre todas las cargas i accusaciones que se hicieren contra algun Oficial del Gobierno Provisional por mala conducta, ó por faltar en hacer los deberes de su empleo, delante del Consejo Jeneral, i
T EXAS the General Council, and if in the opinion of two-thirds of the members, cause sufficient be shown, he shall be dismissed from office by the Governor.
si á juicio de las dos terceras partes de los miembros, se muestre bastante causa será seperado de su empleo por el Gobernador.
A RT. 12. The Governor and Council shall organize and enter upon their duties, immediately after the adjournment of this house, and hold their sessions at such times and places, as in their opinion, will give the most energy and effect to the objects38 of the people, and to the performance of the duties assigned to them.
A RTÍCULO D UODÉCIMO . El Gobernador i Consejo se organizarán i entrarán en ejercicio de sus atribuciones imediatamente después de suspenderse las sesiones de esta Cámara, i tendrán sus sesiones en el lugar i por el tiempo que sean, á su juicio, mas conducentes á dar afecacia i efecto á los fines que se propone el pueblo, i al desempeño de los encargos que se les asignan á ellos mismos.
A RT. 13. The General Council shall appoint a Treasurer, whose duties shall be clearly defined by them, and who shall give approved security for his39 faithful performance.
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO T ERCIO . El Consejo Jeneral nombrará á un Tesorero cuyos encargos serán señalados definitivamente, el cual caucionará su manejo con fiadores abonados11 .
A RT. 14. That all land Commissioners40 , empresairoes, surveyors, or persons in anywise concerned in the location of Lands41 , be ordered, forthwith to cease their operations during the agitated and unsettled state of the country, and continue to desist from further locations, untill the land officies can be properly systematized by the competant authority42 , which may hereafter be43 established; that fit and suitable persons be appointed, to take charge of all the archives belonging to the different Land officies, and deposit the same in safe places, secure from the ravages of fire, or the44 devastation45 of enemies; and that the persons so appointed be fully authorised to carry the same into effect, and be required to take, and sign triplicate schedules of all the books, papers, and documents found in the several land officies, one of which shall be given to the Governor and Council, one left in the hands of the officers of the land office, the other to be retained by the said persons; and they are enjoined to hold the said papers and documents in safe custody, subject only to the
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO C UARTO . Se manda á todos los Comisionados, Empresarios, Agramensores, i otros empleados en repartir terrenos12 que cesen13 en sus operaciones mientras dure el estado ajitado i perturbado del pais,14 i hasta pueda organizarse un Despacho de Terrenos por las autoridades competentes. Se nombrarán personas convinientes i aptas para el propósito que se cargarán de los archivos pertenicientes á las varias Oficinas de terrenos i los depositarán en sitios seguros del asolamiento causado por el fuego, i las devastaciones de los enemigos, i se facultará á las personas asi nombradas para ponerlo por obra; i harán i firmarán inventarios en triplicado de todos los libros, instrumentos i documentos que se hallen en dichas Oficinas, uno de los cuales se dará al Gobernador i Consejo, uno se dejará en las manos de los Empleados de las Oficinas de Terrenos, i el otro quedará en posesion de dichas personas, i se les encarga que conserven dichos documentos seguramente, sujetos solamente á las órdenes del Gobierno Provisional ú otra autoridad
I NTERIM C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1835) order46 of the provisional Government, or such competent authority as may be hereafter47 created; and the said persons shall be three from each department, as Commissioners, to be forthwith appointed by this house, to carry this Resolution into full effect, and report thereof to the governor and council; (and48 that the said49 Political chiefs immediately cease their functions). The different archives of the different Primary Judges, Alcaldas and other municipal officers of the various jurisdictions, shall be handed over to their successors in office, immediately after their Election, or50 appointment; and the archives of the several Political Chiefs of the departments51 of Nacogdoches, Brasos, & Bexar shall be transmitted forthwith to the Governor and Council, for their disposition.52
competente, que se estableciere en adelante. Dichas personas serán tres de cada Municipalidad15 , i serán nombradas desde luego por esta Cámara para poner en ejecucion las prevenciones de este articulo, i dar cuenta de ello al Gobernador i Consejo. Los Jefes Politicos cesarán imediatamente en sus funciones. Los varios archivos de los distintos Jueces de primera instancia, Alcaldes i otros funcionarios municipales de las varias jurisdicciones se entregarán á sus sucesores imediatamente despues de su eleccion ó nombramento, i los de los varios Jefes Politicos de Nacogdoches, Brazos, i Béjar serán remitidos sin dilacion al Gobernador i Consejo para su disposicion.
A RT. 15. All persons now in Texas, and performing the duties of Citizens, who have not acquired their quantum of land, shall be entitled to the benefit53 of the Laws on54 Colonization, under which they emigrated; and all persons, who may emigrate to Texas, during her conflict for Constitutional liberty, and perform the duties of citizens, shall also receive the benefits of the law under which they emigrate55 .
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO Q UINTO . Todos los individuos que estén actualmente en Téjas é hicieren sus deberes como ciudadanos, los cuales no hayan recebido su proporcion de tierras serán acreedores á los beneficios de las leyes de Colonizacion, bajo las cuales entraron en el pais, i todos los que vinieren á establecerse en Tejas durante su lucha por la libertad constitucional é hicieren los deberes de ciudadanos recibirán los beneficios de las leyes bajo las cuales entraren en el pais.
A RT. 16. The Governor and Council shall continue to exist as a provisional Government, untill the reassembling of this Consultation, or untill other delegates are elected by the people, and another government established.
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO S ESTO . El Gobernador i el Consejo continuarán á componer el Gobierno Provisional hasta que volviere á juntarse esta Consultacion ó hasta que otros Delegados fueren elejidos por el pueblo i se establecere otro Gobierno.
A RT. 17. This Convention when it may think proper to adjourn, shall56 stand adjourned, to meet at the Town of Washington, on the first day of March next, unless sooner Called by the executive and Council.
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO S ÉPTIMO . Esta Convencion, cuando lo tenga á bien, podrá suspender sus sesiones para volver á junterse en el pueblo de Washington el primer dia de Marzo prócsimo, á menos que se citen á juntarse mas pronto por el Gobernador i Consejo.
T EJAS A RT. 18. All grants, sales and Conveyancies of lands, illegally or fraudulently made, by the Legislature of the State of Coahuila & Texas, located, or to be located, within the limits of Texas, are hereby solemnly declared, null, void and of no effect.
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO O CTAVO . Todas las concesiones, ventas i traspasos de tierras fraudulentamente16 hechos por la Lejislatura del Estado de Coahuila i Téjas elejidas ó que han de elejirse17 dentro de los límites de Tejas se declaran solemnemente reducidos á la nulidad18 .
A RT. 19. All persons who leave the country in its present Crisis, with a view to avoid a participation in its present strugle, without permission from the Alcalda, or Judge of their municipality, shall forfeit all, or any lands, they may hold, or may have a claim to, for the benefit of this57 Government; provided nevertheless, that Widows and minors, are not included in this provision.
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO N ONO . Todos los individuos que dejaren el pais en la crisis actual, para evitar participacion en la lucha actual, sin licencia del Alcalde ó Juez de la Municipalidad, perderán, á beneficio de este gobierno, todas las tierras que poseen ó reclamen, siendo proveido no ostante, que este artículo no se hará estensivo á las viudas i huérfanos19 .
A RT. 20. All monies now due, or that may hereafter become due, on lands lying within the limits of Texas, and all public funds, or revenues shall be at the disposal of the Governor, and General Council, and the receapt of the Treasurir, shall be a58 sufficient voucher for any and all persons, who may pay monies into the Treasurey; and the Governor and Council shall have power to adopt a system of revenue, to meet the exigencies of the state59 .
A RTÍCULO V IJÉSIMO . Todo lo20 que se debe ó que se debiere en adelante sobre tierras dentro de los límites de Téjas,21 será á disposicion del Gobernador i Consejo, i será el recibo del Tesorero bastante documento justificativo para cualquiera individuo de un pagamento hecho á la Tesorería; i podrán el Gobernador i Consejo establecer un sistema de rentas, tal como necessitaren las ecsijencias del pais.
A RT. 21. Ample powers and authority shall be delegated, and are hereby given and delegated, to the Governor and General Council, of the provisional government of all Texas, to Carry into full effect the provisions and resolutions, adopted by “the Consultation of the Chosen delegats of all Texas in general Convention assembled”, for the Creation, establishment, and regulation of the60 said provisional Government.61
A RTÍCULO V IJÉSIMO P RIMO . El Gobernador i Consejo Jeneral del Gobierno Provisional22 serán investidos de poderes bastantes i amplios para poner en ejecución y llevar á efecto las prevenciones i resoluciones de la Consultacion de Delegados elejidos de Téjas entero, reunidos en Convencion Jeneral, para crear, establecer i arreglar dicho Gobierno Provisional.
Municipality of Austin Wyly Martin R. Jones Jesse Burnham William Menifee
Municipality of Columbia Henry Smith John A. Wharton Edwin Waller John S. D. Byrom
Municipality of Nacogdoches Sam. Houston James W. Robinson Wm Whitaker Daniel Parker William N. Sigler
Municipality of San Augustine A. Houston William N. Sigler A. E. C. Johnson A. Horton A. G. Kellogg
Municipality of Washington Philip Coe E. Collard Jesse Grimes Asa Mitchell Asa Hoxey
Municipality of Mina D. C. Barrett J. S. Lester R. M. Williamson
Municipality of Harrisberg62 C. C. Dyer John W. Moore M. W. Smith David. B. Macomb Geo. M. Patrick Wm P. Harris64
Municipality of Matagorda. Cha. Willson63 .
Municipality of Liberty Henry Millard B. Woods A. B. Hardin
Municipality of Bevil
Municipality of Gonzales Wm S. Fisher J. D. Clements Geo. W. Davis James Hodges
Municipality of Viesca Sam. T. Allen A.G. Perry J. G. W. Pierson Alexander Thomson66
S. H. Everett65 John Bevil Wyatt Hanks
T EXAS Wm W. Arrington Benjn. Fuqua
Jas. W. Parker
Municipality of Tenehaw Martin Parmer
Municipality of Jefferson Claiborne West
P. B. DEXTER, Secr.
A RT. 1. There shall be a regular army created for the protection of Texas, during the present war.
A RTÍCULO P RIMERO . Será establecido un Ejército regular para la proteccion de Téjas durante la guerra actual.
A RT. 2. The regular army of Texas shall consist of one major-general, who shall be commander-in-chief of all the forces called into public service, during the war.
A RTÍCULO S EGUNDO . El Ejército Regular de Téjas constará de todas las fuerzas que se pusieren en pie durante la guerra, bajo el mando de un Mariscal de campo23 , el cual será Comandante en Jefe de dicho Ejército.
A RT. 3. The commander-in-chief of the regular army of Texas shall be appointed by the Convention, and commissioned by the Governor.
A RTÍCULO T ERCERO . El Comandante en Jefe del Ejército Regular de Téjas se nombrará por la Convencion i recibirá sus despachos del Gobernador.
A RT. 4. He shall be subject to the orders of the Governor and Council.
A RTÍCULO C UARTO . Será sujeto á las órdenes del Gobernador i Consejo.
A RT. 5. His staff shall consist of one adjutant-general, one inspector-general, one quarter-master-general, one pay-mastergeneral, one surgeon-general, and four aidsde-camp with their respective ranks, as in the United States army in time of war; to be appointed by the major-general and commissioned by the Governor.
A RTÍCULO Q UINTO . Su estado mayor constará de un Ayudante Jeneral, un Inspector Jeneral, un Cuartel-maestre Jeneral, un Pagador Jeneral, un Cirujano Jeneral, i cuartro Ayudantes de campo con los grados respectivos que tienen semejantes Oficiales en el Ejército de los Estados Unidos en tiempo de guerra, los cuales serán nombrados por el Mariscal de Campo i recebirán sus despachos del Gobernador.
A RT. 6. The regular army of Texas shall consist of men enlisted for two years, and volunteers for and during the continuance of the68 war.
A RTÍCULO S ESTO . El Ejército Regular de Téjas constará de alistados por el término de dos años, i de voluntarios que se alisten para mientras dure la guerra.
I NTERIM C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1835) A RT. 7. The regular army of Texas, while in the service, shall be governed by the rules regulations, and discipline in all respects applicable to the regular army of the United States of America, in time of war, so far as applicable to our condition and circumstances.
A RTÍCULO S ÉPTIMO . El Ejército Regular de Téjas, estando en pie, será gobernado por las regulaciones i disciplina que sean aplicables al Ejército Regular de los Estados Unidos de la América en tiempo de guerra, en cuanto que sean aplicables á nuestra condicion i circunstancias.
A RT. 8. The regular army of Texas shall consist of eleven hundred and twenty men, rank and file.
A RTÍCULO O CTAVO . El Ejército Regular de Téjas constará de mil ciento i veinte individuos de la tropa.
A RT. 9. There shall be a corps of rangers, under the command of a major, to consist of one hundred and fifty men, to be divided into three or more detachments, and which shall compose a battalion, under the commander-in-chief, when in the field.
A RTÍCULO N ONO . Habrá un cuerpo de guardamayores de bosque bajo el mando de un Sarjento Mayor de Rejimiento24 , que constará de ciento i cincuenta hombres, i será dividido en tres ó mas destacamentos, que puestos en pie, compondrán un Batallon que corresponderá al mando del Comandante en Jefe.
A RT. 10. The militia of Texas shall be organized as follows: all able bodied men, over sixteen and under fifty years of age, shall be subject to militia duty.
A RTÍCULO D ÉCIMO . La Milicia de Téjas será organizada de esta manera. Todo varon de cuerpo sano que tenga mas de diez i seis, i ménos de cincuenta años, será sujeto á servir en la Milicia.
A RT. 11. Every inhabitant of Texas, coming within the69 purview of the preceding article, shall, on the third Monday of December next, or as soon thereafter as practicable, assemble at each precinct of their municipalities70 and proceed to elect one captain, one first lieutenant, and one second lieutenant, to every fifty-six men.
A RTÍCULO U NDÉCIMO . Todos los habitantes de Téjas, que fueren incluidos por la prevencion del articulo antecedente, se juntarán el primer25 lúnes de Deciembre prócsimo, ó á la mayor brevedad despues, á cada parada de sus Municipalidades respectivas, i procederán á la eleccion de un Capitan, un Primer Teniente i un Segundo Teniente para cada cincuenta i seis hombres.
A RT. 12. When said election shall have taken place, the judges shall certify to the Governor, forthwith, the names of the respective officers elected, who shall, as soon as practicable, make out, and sign, and transmit commissions for the same. That if there shall be found to exist in71 any municipality more than three companies, the captains72 or commandants, on giving due notice thereof, shall call together the subalterns of said companies, and proceed to
A RTÍCULO D UODÉCIMO . Verificada tal eleccion, los Jueces certificarán desde luego al Gobernador los nombres de los Oficiales respectivos electos, quien, a la mayor brevidad estenderá, firmará i remitirá despachos para ellos, y si aconteciere que se hallen en una Municipalidad mas de tres Campañias, los capitanes ó Comandantes habiendolo noticiado debidamente, juntarán los subalternos de dichas Compañias i procederán a la eleccion de un Sarjento Mayor
T EJAS elect one major; if of four companies, one lieutenant-colonel; if of five or more companies, one colonel for the command of said companies, which shall constitute a regiment of said municipality. That if there shall be found to exist more than one regiment in said municipality, the whole number of field and company officers shall, on due notice, proceed to elect a brigadier-general, out of their number, who shall command the whole militia in said municipality.73
de Rejimiento; i si fueren cuartro Compañias, elejirán á un Teniente Coronel, i si fueren cinco ó mas las Compañías, un Coronel, para tomar el mando de dichas Compañías las cuales compondrán un Rejimiento de tal Municipalidad; si fueren mas de un Rejimiento en dicha Municipalidad, todos los Oficiales de la plana mayor i de Compañía siendo debidamente noticiados, procederán á la eleccion de entre ellos, de un Brigadier, el cual mandará toda la Milicia de la Municipalidad. BRANCH TANNER ARCHER, Presidente. Municipalidad de Austin. Wyley Martín, R. Jones, Jesse Burnham, Wm. Menifee. Municipalidad de San Augustine. A. Houston, Wm. N. Sigler, A. E. C. Johnson, A. Horton, A. G. Kellogg. Municipalidad de Gonzales. Wm. S. Fisher, J. D. Clements, George W. Davis, James Hodges, Wm. W. Arrington, Benjamin Fuqua. Municipalidad de Columbia. Henry Smith, John A. Wharton, Edwin Waller, John S. D. Byrom.
Municipalidad de Nacogdoches. Samuel Houston, James W. Robinson, Wm. Whitaker, Daniel Parker, Wm. N. Sigler. Municipalidad de Mina. D. C. Barrett, J. S. Lester, R. M. Williamson. Municipalidad de Liberty. Henry Millard, B. Woods, A. B. Hardin. Municipalidad de Harrisburg. Lorenzo de Zavalla, C. C. Dyer, John W. Moore, M. W. Smith, D. B. Macomb, George M. Patrick.
C ONSTITUCIÓN INTERINA DE T EJAS (1835) Municipalidad de Washington. Philip Coe, E. Collard, Jesse Grimes, Asa Mitchell, Asa Hoxey.
Municipalidad de Bevil. S. H. Everitt, John Bevil, Wyatt Hanks, Municipalidad de Jefferson. Claiborne West. Municipalidad de Matagorda. R. R. Royal, Charles Wilson, Municipalidad de Tonehaw. Martin Parmer. Municipalidad de Viesca. Samuel T. Allen, A. G. Perry, A. G. W. Pierson, Alexander Tompson, J. W. Parker. P. B. DEXTER, Secretario.
Verified by “Plan and Form Of the Provisional Government, adopted by the Consultation of the Chosen Delegates of all Texas, in General Convention assembled,” in: Telegraph and Texas Register, November 21, 1835, 53–55, and corrected according to the original manuscript as preserved in the Texas States Archives at Austin, TX. Also checked against the versions as published in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, Provisional Government of Texas and the Convention, Which Assembled at Washington March 1, 1836. By Order of the Secretary of State, Houston: National Banner Office – Niles & Co. Printers, 1838, 3–13, and in Documents of Texas History, 2nd ed., ed. by Ernest Wallace et al., Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Association, 2002, 91–93. The original manuscript does not bear a heading. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the original manuscript, though the writer’s proficiency in English spelling was less than adequate, except for the part “Of the Military” which follows the Telegraph and Texas Register. Obvious typographical errors have been tacitly corrected and ignored in the annotations. After the battle of Gonzales on October 2, 1835, which started the Texas Revolution, a convention at San Felipe de Austin set up a provisional government with a provisional constitution on November 13, 1835. In accordance with the Failed Constitution of 1833 (q.v.) it was based on a separation from Coahuila, but not from Mexico. The latter was achieved in March 1836 with the Texan Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the Republic (q.v.).– In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 3–4, the “Plan and Powers
Verified by Constitucion, Leyes Jenerales, &c. de la Republica de Tejas, Traducidas al Castellano por S. P. Andrews, Abogado de los Tribunales de dicha República. Por disposicion del Secretario de Estado, Houston: Imprenta del Telégrafo, 1841, 4–12, and checked against the English original (q.v.). Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Houston print. Obvious typographical errors have been tacitly corrected. The subsequent notes refer to deviations from the English original, either caused by unclear Spanish phrasing, omissions, additions, or inaccurate or erroneous translation, whereas mere questions of style have been ignored, as have been repetitions. The Spanish translation is proceeded by the subsequent solemn declaration (pp. 3–4), which is not part of the English original, but nevertheless contained in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, Provisional Government of Texas and the Convention, Which Assembled at Washington March 1, 1836. By Order of the Secretary of State, Houston: National Banner Office – Niles & Co. Printers, 1838, 3–4: “DECLARACION DEL PUEBLO DE TÉJAS, REUNIDO EN CONVENCION JENERAL Por cuanto, el Jeneral Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna i otros Jefes Militares han destruido las Instituciones Federales de Méjico, por fuerza de armas, i disuelto el Pacto Social que ecsistia entre Téjas i los otros miembros de la Confederacion Mejicana; Por tanto el Pueblo de Téjas valiendose de sus derechos naturales. DECLARA SOLEMNEMENTE, 1. Que ha tomado las armas en defensa de sus dere-
T EXAS of the Provisional Government of Texas” is proceeded by the subsequent solemn declaration: “WHEREAS, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and other Military Chieftains have, by force of arms, overthrown the Federal Institutions of Mexico, and dissolved the Social Compact which existed between Texas and the other Members of the Mexican Confederacy—Now, the good People of Texas, availing themselves of their natural rights, SOLEMNLY DECLARE— 1st. That they have taken up arms in defence of their Rights and Liberties, which were threatened by the encroachments of military despots, and in defence of the Republican Principles of the Federal Constitution of Mexico of eighteen hundred and twenty-four. 2d. That Texas is no longer, morally or civilly, bound by the Compact of Union; yet, stimulated by the generosity and sympathy common to a free people, they offer their support and assistance to such of the Members of the Mexican Confederacy as will take up arms against military despotism. 3d. That they do not acknowledge, that the present authorities of the nominal Mexican Republic have the right to govern within the limits of Texas. 4th. That they will not cease to carry on war against the said authorities, whilst their troops are within the limits of Texas. 5th. That they hold it to be their right, during the disorganization of the Federal System and the reign of despotism, to withdraw from the Union, to establish an independent Government, or to adopt such measures as they may deem best calculated to protect their rights and liberties; but that they will continue faithful to the Mexican Government so long as that nation is governed by the Constitution and Laws that were formed for the government of the Political Association. 6th. That Texas is responsible for the expenses of her Armies now in the field. 7th. That the public faith of Texas is pledged for the payment of any debts contracted by her Agents. 8th. That she will reward by donations in Land, all who volunteer their services in her present struggle, and receive them as Citizens. These D ECLARATIONS we solemnly avow to the world, and call GOD to witness their truth and sincerity; and invoke defeat and disgrace upon our heads should we prove guilty of duplicity.” 2 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, “charge”. 3 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 4, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 91–92, everything preceding, except title, missing. 4 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, word missing. 5 Ibid., word missing. 6 Ibid., “in the”. 7 Ibid., “to”. 8 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 5, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92,
chos i libertades, que se amenazaban por las usurpaciones de déspotas militares i en defensa de los principios Republicanos de la Constitucion Federal de Méjico de mil ocho cientos veinte i cuatro. 2. Que ahora Téjas no está obligado por el Pacto de la Union; estimulado, no ostante, por la jenerosidad i simpatía comun con un pueblo libre, ofrece su aucsilio i socorro a á los miembros de la Confederacion Mejicana que tomaren las armas contra el despotismo . 3. Que no reconoce el derecho de las autoridades actuales de la Republica Mejicana de nombre, á gobernar dentro de los límites de Téjas. 4. Que no cesará de mantener la guerra contra dichas autoridades mientras sus tropas queden dentro de los límites de Téjas. 5. Que lo tiene por su derecho, mientras dure la desorganizacion del sistema federal i el reino del Despotismo retirarse de la Union i establecer un Gobierno independiente, ó valerse de otras providencias las cuales estimare las mas conducentes á la proteccion de sus derechos i libertades, pero que quedará fiel al Gobierno Mejicano mientras aquella Nacion se gobernare por la Constitucion i Leyes que se formaron para el gobierno de la asociacion Politica. 6. Que Téjas esta responsable por los gastos de sus Ejércitos actualmente en pie. 7. Que se empeña la fe publica de Téjas en que se pagarán todas las deudas que se contrataren por sus ajentes. 8. Que premiará con donaciones de tierras á todos los que sirvieren como voluntarios en la lucha actual i los recibirá como ciudadanos. Estas declaraciones hacemos al mundo i ponemos á Dios por testigo de su verdad i sinceridad; é invocamos la destruccion é ignominia sobre nuestras cabezas si fueremos reos de doblez.” 2 In English original, “Impost and Tonnage Duties”. 3 In Spanish translation, “and regulates the rates of postage” missing. 4 In Spanish translation, “of their own body” missing. 5 In English original, “and he shall have full power by himself, by and with the consent of the Council, and by his proper commander, or other officer, or officers, from time to time”. 6 In English original, “within or without the limits”. 7 In English original, “in all cases known and practised, to and under the same laws”. 8 In Spanish translation, last three words added. 9 In English original, “unless the offender shall be pardoned, or fine remitted”. 10 In English original, “of all Texas”. 11 In English original, “and who shall give approved security for their faithful performance”. 12 In English original, “or persons in anywise concerned in the location of Land”. 13 In English original, “be ordered, forthwith, to cease”.
I NTERIM C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1835) “the place”. 9 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 5, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “of the”. 10 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, “import”; in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 5, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “Impost”. 11 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, word missing. 12 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 5, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “power”. 13 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, “offices”. 14 Ibid., “may require”. In the original manuscript, “may” appears to be struck out. 15 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, “resist, expel,”. 16 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 6, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “and”. 17 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 6, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “means”. 18 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 6, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, last two words missing. 19 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, “whatever”. 20 Ibid., word missing. 21 Ibid., in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 6, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “time”. 22 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 6, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “Law”. 23 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 6, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “ammunition”. 24 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, “of our”. 25 Ibid., “General”. 26 Ibid., word missing. 27 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 6, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “to act only”. 28 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 7, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “law”. 29 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 7, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “records”. 30 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 7, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “Municipalities”. 31 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 7, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “law”. 32 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 7, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “law”.
In Spanish translation, “and continue to desist from further locations” missing. 15 In English original, “Department”. 16 In English original, “illegally or fraudulently”. 17 In English original, “located, or to be located”. 18 In English original, “null, void and of no effect”. 19 In English original, “minors”. 20 In English original, “All monies”. 21 In Spanish translation, “and all public funds or revenues” missing. 22 In Spanish translation, “of all Texas” missing. 23 In English original, “Major-General”. 24 In English original, “a Major”. 25 In English original, “third”.
In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 7, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, “shall”. 34 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 7, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 92, word missing. 35 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 53, “offices”. 36 Ibid., 54, last four words missing. 37 Ibid., in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 8, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “and to”. 38 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 54, “object”. 39 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 8, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “their”. 40 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 8, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “Commissions”. 41 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 8, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “Land”. 42 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 54, in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 8, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “authorities”. 43 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 8, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “may be hereafter”. 44 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 54, in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, word missing. 45 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 54, in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “devastations”. 46 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “orders”. 47 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “may hereafter be”. 48 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 54, in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, word missing. 49 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, word missing. 50 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “and”. 51 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, last three words missing. 52 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 54, to be followed by “And also the different archives of the different alcaldes and primary judges, in the various jurisdictions, and the political chiefs of the departments of Brazos and Nacogdoches of Texas, and deposit the same in safe places, secure from the ravages of fire or the devas-
C ONSTITUCIÓN INTERINA DE T EJAS (1835) tations of enemies. And that the persons so appointed be fully authorized to carry the same into effect, and enjoined to hold in safe custody, and subject to the order only of the provisional government, or of the competent authorities which may be hereafter created. And that the said persons be three from each department, as commissioners forthwith to be appointed by this house, to carry this resolution into full effect, and report thereof to the Governor and Council. And that the said political chiefs immediately cease their functions.” 53 Ibid., “benefits”. 54 Ibid., “of”. 55 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “emigrated”. 56 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 10, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “may”. 57 In original manuscript with pagebreak, last two words repeated. 58 In Telegraph and Texas Register, 54, word missing. 59 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 10, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, “country”. 60 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 10, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, word missing. 61 Subsequent list of subscribers supplied as in original manuscript. In Telegraph and Texas Register, 54, and in Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 10–11, list missing. In Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 93, all the rest missing. 62 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 13, “Harrisburg”. 63 Ibid., additionally as first signer from Matagorda “R. R. Royal” whose signature is not in the original manuscript. 64 Ibid., name missing. Instead “Lorenzo De Zavalla” as signer from Harrisburg whose signature is not in the original manuscript. 65 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 13, “Everitt”. 66 Ibid., “Thompson”. 67 In original manuscript, whole part “Of the Military” missing. The part is edited as printed in the Telegraph and Texas Register, 54–55. 68 In Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, 11, word missing. 69 Ibid., 12, word missing. 70 Ibid., “municipality”. 71 Ibid., word missing. 72 Ibid., “captain”. 73 Ibid., 12–13, to be followed by same list of subscribers which in the original manuscript is attached to the “Plan and Powers of the Provisional Government of Texas”.
Constitution of Texas (1836)
Constitución de Tejas (1836)
Constitution of the Republic of Texas1
Constitucion de la Republica de Téjas1
We, the People of Texas, in order to form a Government, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence and general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
Nosotros, los habitantes de Téjas, para formar un Gobierno, establecer justicia, asegurar la tranquilidad domestica, proveer la defensa comun2 , i para lograr los beneficios de la libertad para nosotros mismos i para nuestros hijos, ordenamos i establecemos esta constitucion.
S ECT. 1. The powers of this Government shall be divided into three departments, viz: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial, which shall remain forever separate and distinct.
S EC . 1. Los poderes de este gobierno serán repartidos en tres departamentos, á saber, el Lejislativo, el Ejecutivo, i el Judicial, los cuales quedarán por siempre seperados i distintos.
S ECT. 2. The Legislative power shall be vested in a Senate and House of Representatives, to be styled The Congress of the Republic of Texas.
S EC . 2. El poder lejislativo residirá en un Senado i una Cámara de Representantes, que se denominarán el Congreso de la República de Téjas.
S ECT. 3. The members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen annually, on the first Monday of September each year, until Congress shall otherwise provide by law, and shall hold their offices one year from the date of their election.
S EC . 3. Los miembros de la Cámara de Representantes serán elejidos anualmente, el primer lúnes de Setiembre de cada año, hasta que el Congreso disponga de otro modo por lei, i durarán un año en el desempeño de su oficio contado desde el dia de su eleccion.
S ECT. 4. No person shall be eligible to a seat in the House of Representatives until
S EC . 4. Ninguno podrá ser elejido á un asiento en la Cámara de Representantes án-
T EXAS he shall have attained the age of twenty-five years, shall be a citizen of the Republic, and shall have resided in the county or district six months next preceding his election.
tes que tenga la edad de veinte i cinco años cumplidos, siendo ciudadano de la República con residencia en el condado ó distrito, de seis meses imediatamente ántes de la eleccion.
S ECT. 5. The House of Representatives shall not consist of less than twenty-four, nor more than forty members, until the population shall amount to one hundred thousand souls, after which time2 the whole number of Representatives shall not be less than forty nor more than one hundred: provided, however, that each county shall be entitled to at least one Representative.
S EC . 5. La Cámara de Representantes no constará de ménos de veinte i cuartro, ni de mas de cuarenta miembros hasta que la poblacion llegue al número de cien mil almas, despues de lo que el número total de representantes no será menos de cuarenta, ni mas de ciento; proveyendose, no ostante, que cada Condado tendrá derecho en todo caso á un Representante.
S ECT. 6. The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment.
S EC . 6. La Cámara de Representantes elejirá su Orador, i tendrá únicamente el poder de (impeachment) intentar causas criminales contra los funcionarios publicos.
S ECT. 7. The Senators shall be chosen by districts, as nearly equal in free population (free negroes and Indians excepted) as practicable, and the number of Senators shall never be less than one-third nor more than one-half the number of Representatives, and each district shall be entitled to one member and no more.
S EC . 7. Los Senadores serán elejidos por distritos tan iguales en poblacion libre (sin hacer caso de negros libres, é indios) como fuere posible, i el número de los Senadores no será jamas ménos de una tercera parte ni mas de la mitad del número de los Representantes, i cada distrito tendrá derecho á un Senador i no mas.
S ECT. 8. The Senators shall be chosen for the term of three years, on the first Monday in September, shall be citizens of the Republic, reside in the district for which they are respectively chosen at least one year before the election, and shall have attained the age of thirty years.
S EC . 8. Los Senadores serán elejidos, el primer lúnes de Setiembre, por el término de tres años; serán ciudadanos de la Republica, con residencia de un año, á lo ménos, imediatamente ántes de la eleccion, en el distrito por el cual fueren respectivamente elejidos; i tendrán treinta años de edad.
S ECT. 9. At the first session of the3 Congress after the adoption of this Constitution, the Senators shall be divided by lot into three classes, as nearly equal as practicable; the seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the end of the first year, of the second class at the end of the second year, the third class at the end of the third year, in such a4 manner that one-third shall be chosen each year thereafter.
S EC . 9. A la primera sesion de Congreso despues de la adopcion de esta constitucion los Senadores serán repartidos por suerte en tres clases tan iguales como se puedan hacer; los Senadores de la primera clase desocuparán sus asientos al fin del primer año; los de la segunda, al fin del segundo, i los de la tercera, al fin del tercer año, de manera que en adelante, se elejirá una tercera parte cada año.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1836) S ECT. 10. The Vice President of the Republic shall be President of the Senate, but shall not vote on any question, unless the Senate be equally divided.
S EC . 10. El Vice-Presidente de la Republica será Presidente del Senado, pero no tendrá voto sobre ninguna cüestion á ménos que sea el Senado igualmente dividido.
S ECT. 11. The Senate shall choose all other officers of their body, and a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or whenever he shall exercise the office of President; shall have the sole power to try impeachments, and when sitting as a court of impeachment, shall be under oath; but no conviction shall take place without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members present.
S EC . 11. El Senado elejirá todos los demas funcionarios de su cuerpo, i un Presidente interino, en la ausencia del VicePresidente ó siempre que haga las veces de Presidente; solo tendrá poder para juzgar (impeachments) causas criminales intentadas por la cámara de representantes, contra funcionarios publicos,3 i siendo en sesion como un tribunal para tal efecto, estarán juramentados; pero no será ninguna conviccion sin la concurrencia de las dos terceras partes de todos los miembros presentes.
S ECT. 12. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall only extend to removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust, or profit under this Government; but the party shall nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law.
S EC . 12. La sentencia en tales causas no se estenderá sino á la privación de empleo, é incapacidad4 para llenar todo puesto de honra, confianza, ó provecho bajo este gobierno; pero el tratado de reo5 quedará, no ostante, sujeto á la acusacion, (indictment) juicio, sentencia i castigo segun la lei.
S ECT. 13. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, qualifications and returns of its own members. Two-thirds of each House shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may compel the attendance of absent members.
S EC . 13. Cada Cámara será árbitro de las elecciones, calidades i credenciales6 de sus miembros. Las dos terceras partes de cada Cámara compondrán el número competente para hacer negocios, pero un número mas corto podrá prorogar las sesiones de dia en dia i compeler la comparencia de miembros ausentes.
S ECT. 14. Each House may determine the rules of its own proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behaviour, and with the concurrence of two-thirds, may expel a member, but not a second time for the same offence.
S EC . 14. Cada Cámara podrà determinar las reglas de sus procedimientos, castigar sus miembros por conducta desordenada i con la concurrencia de las dos terceras partes, espeler á un miembro, pero no la segunda vez, por la misma ofensa.
S ECT. 15. Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be fixed by law, but no increase of compensation, or diminution, shall take effect during the session at which such increase or diminution shall have been
S EC . 15. Los Senadores i Representantes recibirán, por sus servicios, un sueldo que será señalado por la lei, pero ningun aumento ni diminucion tomará efecto durante las sesiones á las cuales se hizo. Serán esceptuados de arresto sino por causa de
T EJAS made. They shall, except in case5 of treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of Congress, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place.
traicion, feloníaI i ofensas contra la tranquilidad pública7 , mientras duren las sesiones de congreso, así como concurriendo al lugar de ellas, i volviendose á sus casas. Tambien no serán responsables en8 otro lugar por ningun discurso ni argumento que se haga en una ú otra Cámara.
S ECT. 16. Each House may punish, by imprisonment, during the session, any person not a member, who shall be guilty of any disrespect to the House, by any disorderly conduct in their presence.
S EC . 16. Cada cámara podrá castigar por prision durante las sesiones cualquiera persona, no siendo miembro, quien le mostrare alguna falta de respeto9 con portarse desordenadamente delante de ella.
S ECT. 17. Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and publish the same, except such parts as, in its judgment, require secrecy. When any three members shall desire the yeas and nays on any question, they shall be entered on the journals.
S EC . 17. Cada Cámara llevará un diario de sus procedimientos i le publicará á escepcion de las porciones que, á su juicio, requieran secreto. Siempre que tres miembros lo pidan, los votos à favor, i en contra, serán asentados en el diario10 .
S ECT. 18. Neither House, without the consent of the other, shall adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses may be sitting.
S EC . 18. Ni la una ni la otra Cámara podrá sin el consentimiento de la otra, prorogar sus sesiones por mas de tres dias, ni transladar su residencia á otro lugar que aquel en que las dos Cámaras tengan sus sesiones.
S ECT. 19. When vacancies happen in either House, the Executive shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies.
S EC . 19. Cuando acontecieren vacantes en una ú otra cámara, el Presidente11 espedirá órdenes para que se celebre una eleccion al fin de llenar tales vacantes.
S ECT. 20. No bill shall become a law until it shall have been read on three several days in each House, and passed by the same, unless, in cases of emergency, twothirds of the members of the House where the bill originated, shall deem it expedient to dispense with the rule.
S EC . 20. Ningun proyecto de lei tendrá la fuerza de tal ántes de haberse leido en tres varios dias en cada càmara, i aprobado por ellas, à ménos que, en casos de emerjencia, las dos terceras partes de los miembros de la cámara en que el proyecto de lei tuvo su orijen tengan á bien esceptuarlo del reglamento.
S ECT. 21. After a bill shall have been rejected, no bill containing the same substance shall be passed into a law during the same session.
S EC . 21. Despues de que se haya desechado un proyecto de lei, ningun otro que abrace la misma sustancia tendrá la fuerza de tal durante las mismas sesiones. I Tèrmino jeneral para todos los delitos que importan
la pena capital.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1836) S ECT. 22. The style of the laws of the Republic shall be “Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Texas in Congress assembled.”
S EC . 22. La fórmula de qué se usará para las leyes de la República será “Decretase por el Senado i Cámara de Representantes de la República de Téjas reunidos en Congreso.”
S ECT. 23. No person holding an office of profit under the Government shall be eligible to a seat in either House of Congress, nor shall any member of either House be eligible to any office which may6 be7 created, or the profits of which shall be increased during his term of service.
S EC . 23. Ningun individuo que tenga un oficio provechoso bajo este gobierno podrá elegirse á un asiento ni en una ni en otra cámara de Congreso; tampoco podrá ningun miembro de una ú otra cámara elejirse á un oficio que establezca ó de que se haya aumentado el provecho durante el término en que desempeñe su comision12 .
S ECT. 24. No holder of public moneys, or collector thereof, shall be eligible to a seat in either House of Congress, until he shall have fully acquitted himself of all responsibility, and shall produce the proper officer’s receipt thereof. Members of either House may protest against any act or resolution, and may have such protest entered on the journals of their respective Houses.
S EC . 24. Ningun depositario de fondos publicos, ni colector de ellos podrá elejirse para miembro ni de una ni de otra cámara de Congreso ántes que se haya librado de toda responsibilidad, i logrado descargo del funcionario competente13 . Los miembros de una i otra cámara podrán protestar contra todo proyecto de lei ó acuerdo14 i causar que se asiente su protestacion en el diario de la respectiva cámara.
S ECT. 25. No money shall be drawn from the public treasury but in strict accordance with appropriations made by law; and no appropriations8 shall be made for private or local purposes, unless two-thirds of each House concur in such appropriations.
S EC . 25. No se sacará dinero de la tesorería publica sino en cumplimiento estrecho de alguna apropiacion hecha por la lei, i no se harán apropiaciones para objetos locales ó de interes privado, sino con la concurrencia de las dos terceras partes de los miembros de cada cámara.
S ECT. 26. Every act of Congress shall be approved and signed by the President before it becomes a law; but if the President will not approve and sign such act, he shall return it to the House in which it shall have originated, with his reasons for not approving the same, which shall be spread upon the journals of such House, and the bill shall then be reconsidered, and shall not become a law unless it shall then pass by a vote of two-thirds of both Houses. If any act shall be disapproved by the President, the vote on the reconsideration shall be recorded by ayes and noes. If the President shall fail to return a bill within five days (Sundays ex-
S EC . 26. Todo proyecto de lei ó acuerdo15 de Congreso será aprobado i firmado por el Presidente ántes de ser lei; pero si el Presidente no aprobare i firmare tal proyecto, le devolverá á la cámara en que tuvo su orijen, con sus motivos por no aprobarle, los cuales serán estendidos en el diario de tal cámara, i en seguida el proyecto de lei ó acuerdo16 será discutido otra vez, i no será lei á ménos que fuere entonces aprobado por las dos terceras partes de las dos cámaras. Si un proyecto de lei ó acuerdo no fuere aprobado por el Presidente los votos á favor i en contra en este segundo debate serán asentados. Si el Presidente faltare en devolver el
T EXAS cepted) after it shall have been presented for his approval and signature, the same shall become a law, unless the Congress prevent9 its return within the time above specified, by adjournment.
proyecto de lei ó acuerdo dentro de cinco dias (á escepcion de Domingos) despues de que se le haya comunicado para su aprobacion i firma será lei ó acuerdo17 á ménos que el congreso lo impida suspendiendo sus sesiones dentro del término señalado.
S ECT. 27. All bills, acts, orders, or resolutions, to which the concurrence of both Houses may be necessary, (motions or resolutions for adjournment excepted,) shall be approved and signed by the President, or being disapproved, shall be passed by twothirds of both Houses, in manner and form as specified in section twenty.
S EC . 27. Todos los proyectos de lei, decretos, órdenes i acuerdos que ecsijan la concurrencia de las dos cámaras (á escepcion de propuestas18 para prorogar las sesiones) serán aprobados i firmados por el Presidente, ó no siendo aprobados por él, lo serán por las dos terceras partes de ambas cámaras, de la manera i en los términos19 señalados por la sección vijésima.
S ECT. 1. Congress shall have power to levy and collect taxes and imposts, excise and tonnage duties, to borrow money on the faith, credit and property of the Government, to pay the debts and to provide for the common defence and general welfare of the Republic.
S EC . 1. Los poderes del Congreso serán, imponer i colectar derechos é impuestos20 , escisa, i derechos de toneladas21 ; hacer préstamos empeñando la fe, crédito, i caudal del gobierno, pagar las deudas i proveer la defensa comun i el bienestar jeneral de la Republica.
S ECT. 2. To regulate commerce, to coin money, to regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin, to fix the standard of weights and measures, but nothing but gold and silver shall be made a lawful tender.
S EC . 2. Regular el comercio, acuñar moneda, i fijar su valor, i él de la estranjera i establecer la tasa regular de pesos i medidas; pero en nada se hará oferta léjitima de pagamento, sino en plata i oro.
S ECT. 3. To establish post offices and post roads, to grant charters of incorporation, patents, and copy-rights and secure to the authors and inventors the exclusive use thereof for a limited time.
S EC . 3. Establecer correos i caminos de posta, crear corporaciones22 , conceder patentes i privelejios esclusivos para publicar obras literarias23 i asegurar á los autores é inventores el goce de semejantes privilejios por un término limitado.
S ECT. 4. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and to regulate captures.
S EC . 4. Declarar la guerra, conceder cartas de corso i represalia i regular presas.
S ECT. 5. To provide and maintain an army and navy, and to make all laws and regulations necessary for their Government.
S EC . 5. Levantar i mantener un ejército i una marina, i hacer todas las leyes i reglamentos necesarios para su gobierno.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1836) S ECT. 6. To call out the militia to execute the law, to suppress insurrections10 and repel invasion.
S EC . 6. Llamar la milicia para ejecutar las leyes, suprimir insurrecciones, i repeler invasiones.
S ECT. 7. To make all laws which shall be deemed necessary and proper to carry into effect the foregoing express grants of power, and all other powers vested in the Government of the Republic, or in any officer or department thereof.
S EC . 7. Hacer todas las leyes que se estimaren necesarias i á propósito para llevar á efecto las atribuciones espresadas24 , i todos los demas poderes que residan25 en el gobierno de la República ó en algun funcionario ó departamento de él.
S ECT. 1. The Executive authority of this11 Government shall be vested in a chief magistrate, who shall be styled The President of the Republic of Texas.
S EC . 1. La autoridad ejecutiva de este gobierno residirá en un Majistrado Principal el cual será llamado El Presidente de la República de Téjas.
S ECT. 2. The first President elected by the People shall hold his office for the term of two years, and shall be ineligible during the next succeeding term; and all subsequent Presidents shall be elected for three years, and be alike ineligible; and in the event of a tie, the House of Representatives shall determine between the two highest candidates by a viva voce vote.
S EC . 2. El primer Presidente electo por los pueblos durará en el desempeño de su empleo por el término de dos años i no podrá ser reelejido por el término prócsimo siguiente, i todos los Presidentes subsecuentes serán elejidos por tres años, i del mismo modo no podrán volver á elejirse; i en caso de empate, la Cámara de Representantes determinará entre los dos individuos que tengan mayor número de votos por medio de una votacion vocal.
S ECT. 3. The returns of the elections for President and Vice President shall be sealed up and transmitted to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, by the holders of elections of each county; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall open and publish the returns, in presence of a majority of each House of Congress.
S EC . 3. Los testimonios de la acta de eleccion de Presidente i Vice-Presidente serán envueltos en pliego sellado i remitidos al Orador de la Cámara de Representantes por los encargados de celebrar la eleccion en cada condado. El Orador de la Cámara de Representantes abrirá i publicará dichos testimonios delante de una mayoría de cada cámara de congreso.
S ECT. 1. The Judicial powers of the Government shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts12 as the Congress may, from time to time, ordain
S EC . 1. El poder judicial de este gobierno residirá en una Corte Suprema i los tribunales inferiores que, de cuando en cuando, el congreso ordenare i estableciere. Los jueces
T EJAS and establish. The judges of the supreme and inferior courts shall hold their offices for four years, be eligible to re-election, and shall, at stated periods, receive for their services a compensation not to be increased or diminished during the period for which they were elected.
de la Corte Suprema i tribunales inferiores durarán en el desempeño de sus empleos por cuartro años, podrán ser reelejidos, i recibirán á plazos fijos una indemnizacion por sus servicios que no será aumentada ni disminuida durante el término por el cual fueron elejidos.
S ECT. 2. The Republic of Texas shall be divided into convenient judicial districts, not less than three nor more than eight. There shall be appointed for each district, a judge, who shall reside in the same, and hold the courts at such times and places as Congress may by law direct.
S EC . 2. La República de Tejas será dividida en Distritos judiciales convenientes, no ménos de tres, ni mas de ocho. Se nombrará para cada distrito un Juez con residencia en él, quien tendrá sesiones26 à los tiempos i en los lugares que designare el Congreso por lei.
S ECT. 3. In all admiralty and maritime cases, in all cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers or consuls, and in all capital cases, the district courts shall have exclusive original jurisdiction, and original jurisdiction in all civil cases when the matter in controversy amounts to one hundred dollars.
S EC . 3. Los tribunales de Distrito conocerán orijinal i esclusivamente de todas las causas marítimas i de jurisdiccion de almirantazgo, de las que toquen á los embajadores, ministros públicos ó consules, i de todas las capitales, i conocerán orijinalmente de todas las causas civiles en que la materia en contienda importe cien pesos27 .
S ECT. 4. The judges, by virtue of their offices, shall be conservators of the peace, throughout the Republic. The style of all process shall be, The Republic of Texas; and all prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by the authority of the same, and conclude, Against the peace and dignity of the Republic.
S EC . 4. Los jueces, en virtud de sus oficios, serán conservadores de la paz por todas partes de la República. El estilo de todo proceso será, “La República de Tejas: ”i todas las causas criminales procederán en el nombre i por la autoridad de la misma, i concluirán “contra la paz i dignidad de la República.”
S ECT. 5. There shall be a district attorney appointed for each district, whose duties, salaries, perquisites and term13 of service shall be fixed by law.
S EC . 5. Será nombrado un asesor letrado28 para cada distrito cuyos deberes, salarios, gajes i duracion en oficio serán señalados por una lei de Congreso29 .
S ECT. 6. The clerks of the district courts shall be elected by the qualified voters for members of Congress in the counties where the courts are established, and shall hold their offices for four years, subject to removal by presentment of a grand jury, and conviction of a petit jury.
S EC . 6. Los Secretarios de los tribunales de distrito serán elejidos por los electores30 de miembros de congreso en los condados donde los tribunales se establecieren respectivamente, i durarán en el desempeño de sus empleos cuatro años, sujetos, no ostante á separarse de ellos, siendo acusado por un gran jurado i pronunciado reo por un pequeño jurado.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1836) S ECT. 7. The Supreme Court shall consist of a chief justice and associate judges; the district judges shall compose the associate judges, a majority of whom, with the chief justice, shall constitute a quorum.
S EC . 7. La Corte Suprema se compondrá de un Justicia Superior31 i Jueces asociados; los Jueces de Distrito serán los Jueces asociados, la mayoría de quienes con el Justicia Superior compondrá el número competente para tener sesiones.
S ECT. 8. The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which shall be conclusive, within the limits of the Republic; and shall hold its sessions annually at such times and places as may be fixed by law; provided that no judge shall sit in a case in the Supreme Court, tried by him in the court below.
S EC . 8. La Corte Suprema solo tendrá jurisdiccion apelativa, la cual será conclusiva dentro de los límites de la República; tendrá sus sesiones anualmente á los tiempos i en los lugares que designare la lei, siendo entendido que ningun juez se mezclará32 en el juicio de una causa en la Corte Suprema, que se juzgó por él en el tribunal inferior.
S ECT. 9. The judges of the supreme and district courts shall be elected by joint ballot of both Houses of Congress.
S EC . 9. Los Jueces de la Corte Suprema i tribunales de distrito serán elejidos por votacion de las dos Cámaras reunidas en Congreso.
S ECT. 10. There shall be in each county, a county court, and such justices’ courts as the Congress may, from time to time, establish.
S EC . 10. Habrá en cada condado un Tribunal de Condado, i ademas, los jusgados33 que, de cuando en cuando, el Congreso estableciere.
S ECT. 11. The Republic shall be divided into convenient counties, but no new county shall he established, unless it be done on the petition of one hundred free male inhabitants of the territory sought to be laid off and established, and unless the said territory shall contain nine hundred square miles.
S EC . 11. La República será dividida en condados convenientes, pero no se establecerá ningún nuevo condado á ménos que sea sobre la peticion de cien habitantes libres i varones del territorio que haya de erijirse en nuevo condado, ni á ménos que tal territorio incluya novecientas millas cuadradas.
S ECT. 12. There shall be appointed, for each county, a convenient number of justices of the peace, one sheriff, one coroner, and a sufficient number of constables, who shall hold their offices for two years, to be elected by the qualified voters of the district or county, as Congress may direct. Justices of the peace and sheriffs shall be commissioned by the President.
S EC . 12. Se nombrará para cada condado un número conveniente de Justicias de paz, un Esherife, un Coronario, i bastante número de Alguaziles, los cuales durarán dos años en sus empleos i serán elejidos por los electores del distrito ó condado, segun mandare el Congreso. Los Justicias de paz i los Esherifes recibirán sus despachos del Presidente.
S ECT. 13. The Congress shall, as early as practicable, introduce, by statute, the common law of England with such modifications as our circumstances, in their judgment, may require; and in all criminal cases
S EC . 13. El Congreso, á la mayor brevedad practicable, introducirá por estatuto á tal efecto el derecho comun de Inglaterra, con las modificaciones que, á su juicio, pidan nuestras circumstancias, i en todas las cau-
T EXAS the common law shall be the rule of decision.
sas criminales, dicho derecho comun será la regla de decision.
S ECT. 1. Ministers of the gospel being, by their profession, dedicated to God and the care of souls, ought not to be diverted from the great duties of their functions, therefore, no minister of the gospel or priest of any denomination whatever, shall be eligible to the office of the Executive of the Republic, nor to a seat in14 either branch of the Congress of the same.
S EC . 1. Los ministros del evanjelio siendo por su profesion consagrados a Dios i la cura de almas, no deben desviarse de los altos deberes de sus funciones; por cuyo motivo ningun ministro del evanjelio ni sacerdote de cualquiera secta podrá ser elejido como Presidente de la República ni como miembro ni de una ni de otra Cámara de Congreso.
S ECT. 2. Each member of the Senate and House of Representatives shall, before they proceed to business, take an oath to support the Constitution, as follows: I, A B, do solemnly swear {or affirm, as the case may be} that, as a member of this General Congress, I will support the Constitution of the Republic, and that I will not propose or assent to any bill, vote, or resolution, which shall appear to me injurious to the People.
S EC . 2. Todo miembro del Senado i de la Cámara de Representantes, ántes de proceder á los negocios, prestará juramento de guardar34 la constitucion en los términos siguientes; “Yo, N. juro solemnemente (ó afirmo segun fuere el caso) que como miembro de este Congreso Jeneral guardaré la Constitucion de la República, i que no propondré ni aprobaré ningun proyecto de lei, voto, ni acuerdo que me pareciere dañoso á los pueblos.[“]
S ECT. 3. Every person who shall be chosen or appointed to any office of trust or profit shall, before entering on the duties thereof, take an oath to support the Constitution of the Republic, and also an oath of office.
S EC . 3. Todo individuo que fuere elejido ó nombrado á un empleo de confianza ó provecho, ántes de empezar el desempeño de sus encargos, prestará juramento de guardar la constitucion de la República i tambien un juramento de oficio.
S ECT. 1. No person shall be eligible to the office of President who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, shall be a citizen of the Republic at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, or an inhabitant of this Republic at least three years immediately preceding his election.
S EC . 1. Ningun individuo podrá ser elejido como Presidente que no tuviere treinta35 años de edad con calidad de haber sido ciudadano de la República al tiempo de adoptarse la Constitucion, ó residido en ella tres años, á lo ménos, imediamente ántes de la eleccion.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1836) S ECT. 2. The President shall enter on the duties of his office on the second Monday in December next succeeding his election, and shall remain in office until his successor shall be duly qualified.
S EC . 2. El Presidente entrará en el desempeño de sus funciones, el segundo lúnes del Deciembre prócsimo despues de su eleccion i durará en oficio hasta que sea debidamente habilitado su sucesor.
S ECT. 3. The President shall, at stated times, receive a compensation for his services, which shall not be increased or diminished during his continuance in office; and before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: I, A B, President of the Republic of Texas, do solemnly and sincerely swear {or affirm, as the case may be} that I will faithfully execute the duties of my office, and to the best of my ability15 preserve16 , protect, and defend the Constitution of the Republic.
S EC . 3. El Presidente recibirá, á plazos fijos, una indemnizacion por sus servicios que no será aumentada ni disminuida mientras dure en su empleo, i ántes de comenzar el desempeño de sus funciones prestará i firmará el juramento ó afirmacion siguiente; “Yo Presidente de la República de Téjas, juro solemnemente i sinceramente (ó afirmo segun fuere el caso) que ejecutaré fielmente los deberes de mi oficio, i á lo mejor de mi capacidad guardaré36 , protejeré i defenderé la Constitucion de la República.”
S ECT. 4. He shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Republic, and the17 militia thereof, but he shall not command in person without the authority of a resolution of Congress. He shall have power to remit fines and forfeitures, and18 to grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment.
S EC . 4. Será Comandante en jefe del ejército, marina i milicia de la República, pero no mandará en persona, sin ser autorizado por un acuerdo de Congreso. Podrá escusar de multas i penas pecuniarias, conceder suspensiones de castigo, i remitir ofensas, á escepcion de los casos de proceso criminal contra funcionarios publicos.37
S ECT. 5. He shall, with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate, make treaties; and with the consent of the Senate, appoint ministers and consuls, and all officers whose offices are established by this Constitution, not herein otherwise provided for.
S EC . 5. Con el consejo i consentimiento de las dos terceras partes del senado hará tratados; i con el consentimiento del Senado nombrará ministros i consules i todos los demas funcionarios cuyos oficios son establecidos por esta constitucion, con tal que ella no disponga de otro modo.
S ECT. 6. The President shall have power to fill all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate; but he shall report the same to the Senate within ten days after the next Congress shall convene; and should the Senate reject the same, the President shall not re-nominate the same individual to the same office.
S EC . 6. El Presidente podrá llenar todos los vacantes que acontecieren durante el tiempo intermedio de unas á otras sesiones del Senado38 ; pero dará cuenta de ello al Senado, dentro de diez dias despues de juntarse el imediato congreso, i si el Senado desechare los nombramientos, el Presidente no volverá á nombrar el mismo individuo para el mismo empleo.
T EJAS S ECT. 7. He shall, from time to time, give Congress information of the state of the Republic, and recommend for their consideration, such measures as he may deem necessary. He may, upon extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses or either of them. In the event of a disagreement as to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he may think proper. He shall receive all foreign ministers. He shall see that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the Republic.
S EC . 7. Dará cuenta, de cuando en cuando, al Congreso del estado de la República, i propondrá para su consideracion las medidas que estime necesarias. Podrá, en los casos estraordinarios, convocar las dos cámaras ó una de ellas. En caso de diferencia respeto del tiempo de prorogar las sesiones podrá prorogarlas hasta el tiempo que juzgare conveniente. Admitirá á todos los ministros estranjeros. Cuidará de que se ejecuten fielmente las leyes i espedirá los despachos de todos los funcionarios de la República.
S ECT. 8. There shall be a seal of the Republic, which shall be kept by the President and used by him officially; it shall be called the great seal of the Republic of Texas.
S EC . 8. Habrá un sello de la República que se guardará por el Presidente, i de que se servirá de oficio; se llamará el gran sello de la Republica de Téjas.
S ECT. 9. All grants and commissions shall be in the name and by the authority of the Republic of Texas, shall be sealed with the great seal, and signed by the President.
S EC . 9. Todas las concesiones i despachos correrán en el nombre y por la autoridad de la República de Téjas, i serán selladas con el gran sello i firmadas por el Presidente.
S ECT. 10. The President shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint a Secretary of State and such other heads of Executive departments as may be established by law, who shall remain in office during the term of service of the President, unless sooner removed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate.
S EC . 10. El Presidente podrá, con el consejo i consentimiento del Senado nombrar á un Secretario de Estado i á los demas jefes de los departamentos ejecutivos que establecieren las leyes; los cuales durarán en sus oficios mientras dure el Presidente en el suyo, á ménos que fueren separados mas pronto por el Presidente con el consejo i consentimiento del Senado.
S ECT. 11. Every citizen of the Republic who has attained the age of twenty-one years, and shall have resided six months within the district or county where the election is held, shall be entitled to vote for members of the General Congress.
S EC . 11. Todo ciudadano de la República que hubiere llegado á la edad de veinte i un años, con residencia de seis meses dentro del distrito ó condado donde se celebre la eleccion, será elector habilitado para votar en la eleccion de miembros del Congreso Jeneral.
S ECT. 12. All elections shall be by ballot, unless Congress shall otherwise direct.
S EC . 12. Todas las elecciones serán por escrito, á ménos que el Congreso previniere de otro modo.
S ECT. 13. All elections by joint vote of both Houses of Congress shall be viva voce, shall be entered on the journals, and a ma-
S EC . 13. Todas las elecciones por votacion de las dos cámaras reunidas serán de palabra i asentados los votos en el diario.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1836) jority of19 the votes shall be necessary to a choice.
Necesitará la mayoría de todos los votos para que haya eleccion.
S ECT. 14. A Vice President shall be chosen at every election for President, in the same manner, continue in office for the same time, and shall possess the same qualifications of the President. In voting for President and Vice President, the electors shall distinguish for whom they vote as President, and for whom as Vice President.
S EC . 14. A cada elección de Presidente será elejido, del mismo modo, un Vice Presidente, quien durará en su empleo el mismo tiempo i poseerá las mismas calidades como el Presidente. Al votar para Presidente i Vice Presidente se requiere que los electores designen cual quieran elejir como Presidente, i cual como Vice Presidente.
S ECT. 15. In cases of impeachment, removal from office, death, resignation, or absence of the President from the Republic, the Vice President shall exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the President until a successor be duly qualified, or until the President, who may be absent or impeached, shall return or be acquitted.
S EC . 15. En caso de causa criminal39 intendada contra el Presidente, separacion de empleo,40 resignacion ó ausencia dél de la República, el Vice Presidente ejercerá los poderes i desempeñará los deberes del Presidente, hasta que su sucesor sea debidamente habilitado ó hasta que el Presidente que fuere ausente ó procesado41 viere ó sea absuelto.
S ECT. 16. The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the Republic, shall be removable from office by impeachment for, and on conviction of, treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
S EC . 16. El Presidente, Vice Presidente, i todos los funcionarios civiles de la República podrán separarse de sus empleos siendo procesados i convictos de traicion, cohecho ú otros delitos ú ofensas graves42 .
S ECT. 1. That no inconvenience may arise from the adoption of this Constitution, it is declared by this Convention that all laws now in force in Texas, and not inconsistent with this Constitution, shall remain in full force until declared void, repealed, altered, or expire by their own limitation.
S EC . 1. Para que no resulte inconveniencia alguna de la adopcion de esta constitucion, se declara por esta convencion que todas las leyes actualmente vijentes en Téjas, que no fueren opuestas á esta Constitucion durarán en plena fuerza hasta que se anulen, deroguen, alteren ó acaben por su propia limitacion.
S ECT. 2. All fines, penalties, forfeitures20 , and escheats, which have accrued21 to Coahuila and Texas, or Texas, shall accrue to this Republic.
S EC . 2. Todas las multas i penas pecuniarias actualmente debidas, i todos bienes44 caidos al Estado de Coahuila i Tejas ó Téjas, pertenecerán á esta República.
S ECT. 3. Every male citizen, who is, by this Constitution, a citizen, and shall be otherwise qualified, shall be entitled to hold
S EC . 3. Todo varon que sea ciudadano segun las prevenciones de45 esta constitucion con las otras calidades requiridas podrá lle-
T EXAS any office or place of honor, trust, or profit, under the Republic, any thing in this Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding.
nar todo oficio ó puesto de honra, confianza ó provecho en esta República, no ostante cualquiera cosa que se halle en esta constitucion al contrario.
S ECT. 4. The first President and Vice President that shall be appointed after the adoption of this Constitution, shall be chosen by this Convention, and shall immediately enter on the duties of their offices, and shall hold said offices until their successors be elected and qualified, as prescribed in this Constitution, and shall have the same qualifications, be invested with the same powers, and perform the same duties which are required and conferred on the Executive head of the Republic by this Constitution.
S EC . 4. El primer Presidente i Vice Presidente46 despues de la adopcion de esta constitucion serán elejidos por esta Convencion, entrarán imediatamente en el ejercicio de sus funciones i durarán en sus empleos hasta que sus sucesores sean elejidos i habilitados, segun previene esta constitucion; tendrán las mismas calidades que se requieren por esta constitucion para el Presidente de esta República i los mismos poderes47 que se le conceden por ella.
S ECT. 5. The President shall issue writs of election directed to the officers authorized to hold elections of the several counties, requiring them to cause an election to be held for President, Vice President, Representatives and Senators to Congress, at the time and mode prescribed by this Constitution, which election shall be conducted in the manner that elections have been heretofore conducted. The President, Vice President and members of Congress, when duly elected shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices for the time and manner prescribed by this Constitution, until their successors be duly qualified.
S EC . 5. El Presidente espedirá órdenes48 dirijidas á los funcionarios que fueren habilitados para celebrar elecciones, en los varios condados, ecsijiendo de ellos que hagan se celebre eleccion para Presidente, Vice Presidente, Representantes i Senadores49 al tiempo i del modo prevenidos por esta Constitucion, la cual procederá en la forma que se ha observado ántes. El Presidente, Vice-Presidente i miembros de congreso debidamente electos durarán en el desempeño de los deberes de sus respectivos oficios por los términos i del modo prevenidos por esta Constitucion, hasta que sus sucesores sean debidamente habilitados.
S ECT. 6. Until the first enumeration shall be made, as directed by this Constitution, the precinct of Austin shall be entitled to one representative; the precinct of Brazoria to22 two representatives; the precinct of Bexar two representatives; the precinct of Colorado one representative; Sabine one; Gonzalez23 one; Goliad one; Harrisburg one; Jasper one; Jefferson one; Liberty one; Matagorda one; Mina two; Nacogdoches two; Red River three; Victoria one; San Augustine two; Shelby two; Refugio one; San Patricio one; Washington two; Milam one; and Jackson one representative.
S EC . 6. Hasta que se haga la primera enumeracion segun previene esta Constitucion el partido50 de Austin tendrá un Representante; el partido de Brazoria dos Representantes; el partido de Béjar dos Representantes; el partido de Colorado un Representante; Sabine, uno; Gonzales, uno;51 Harrisburg, uno; Jasper, uno; Jefferson, uno; Liberty, uno; Matagorda, uno; Mina, dos; Nacogdoches, dos; Red River, tres; Victoria, uno; San Augustine dos; Shelby dos; Refujio, uno; San Patricio, uno; Washington, dos; Milam, uno; i Jackson un Representante.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1836) S ECT. 7. Until the first enumeration shall24 be made, as described by this25 Constitution, the Senatorial districts shall be composed of the following precincts: Bexar shall be entitled to one senator; San Patricio, Refugio, and Goliad one; Brazoria one; Mina and Gonzales one; Nacogdoches one; Red River one; Shelby and Sabine one; Washington one; Matagorda, Jackson and Victoria one; Austin and Colorado one; San Augustine one; Milam one; Jasper and Jefferson one; and Liberty and Harrisburg one Senator.
S EC . 7. Hasta que se haga la primera enumeracion segun previene esta Constitucion los distritos senatorios serán compuestos de los partidos siguientes; Béjar tendrá un Senador; San Patricio, Refujio, i Goliad, uno; Brazoria, uno; Mina i Gonzales, uno; Nacogdoches, uno; Red River, uno; Shelby i Sabine uno; Washington, uno; Matagorda, Jackson i Victoria, uno; Austin i Colorado, uno; San Augustine, uno; Milam, uno; Jasper i Jefferson, uno; i Liberty i Harrisburg un Senador.
S ECT. 8. All judges, sheriffs, commissioners, and other civil officers shall remain in office, and in the discharge of the powers and duties of their respective offices, until there shall be others appointed or elected under the Constitution.
S EC . 8. Todos los Jueces, Esherifes[,] Comisionados i otros funcionarios civiles durarán en sus empleos i en el desempeño de sus atribuciones52 hasta que se nombren ó elejan otros, bajo esta Constitucion.
S ECT. 1. Laws shall be made to exclude from office, from the right of suffrage, and from serving on juries, those who shall hereafter be convicted of bribery, perjury, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
S EC . 1. Serán decretadas leyes para escluir de oficios, del derecho de sufragar i de prestar servicio como jurados á todos los individuos que fueren sentenciados como reos de coecho, perjurio ú otro delito ú ofensa grave.
S ECT. 2. Returns of all elections for officers who are to be commissioned by the President, shall be made to the Secretary of State of this Republic.
S EC . 2. Testimonios de la acta de eleccion de todos53 los funcionarios que han de recebir sus despachos del Presidente serán remitidos al Secretario de Estado de esta República.
S ECT. 3. The Presidents26 and heads of Departments shall keep their offices at the seat of Government, unless removed by the permission of Congress, or unless, in cases of emergency in time of war, the public interest may require their removal.
S EC . 3. Los Presidentes54 i Jefes de departamentos tendrán oficinas á la capital á ménos que fueren trasladadas á otro lugar con licencia de Congreso ó que en caso de emerjencia en tiempo de guerra el bien público lo pida.
S ECT. 4. The President shall make use of his private seal until a seal of the Republic shall be provided.
S EC . 4. El Presidente se servirá de su sello privado hasta que se provee uno de la República.
T EJAS S ECT. 5. It shall be the duty of Congress as soon as circumstances will permit, to provide by law, a general system of education.
S EC . 5. Corresponderá al Congreso tan pronto como las circunstancias lo admitan, adoptar por estatuto un sistema jeneral de instruccion pública.
S ECT. 6. All free white persons who shall emigrate to this Republic, and who shall, after a residence of six months, make oath before some competent authority that he intends to reside permanently in the same, and shall swear to support this Constitution, and that he will bear true allegiance to the Republic of Texas, shall be entitled to all the privileges of citizenship.
S EC . 6. Todo individuo libre blanco que viniere con objeto de establecerse55 en esta República, i despues de una residencia de seis meses prestare juramento ante alguna autoridad competente á que intenta residir permanentemente en ella, i que guardará56 está constitucion i será siempre leal á la República de Téjas, podrá reclamar57 los privilejios de ciudadano.
S ECT. 7. So soon as convenience will permit there shall be a penal code formed, on principles of reformation, and not of vindictive justice; and the civil and criminal laws shall be revised, digested and arranged under different heads; and all laws relating to land titles shall be translated, revised and promulgated.
S EC . 7. Tan luego como fuere conveniente será adoptado un código criminal fundado sobre la base de reformacion i no de justicia vengativa; las leyes civiles i criminales serán revisadas dijeridas, i reducidas á la regularidad, bajo sus respectivos títulos58 , i todas las leyes relativas á los títulos de tierras serán traducidas revisadas i publicadas.
S ECT. 8. All persons who shall leave the country for the purpose of evading a participation in the present struggle, or shall refuse to participate in it, or shall give aid or assistance to the present enemy, shall forfeit all rights of citizenship and such lands as they may hold in the Republic.
S EC . 8. Todos los que abandonaren el pais con motivo de evitar participacion en la lucha actual, rehusaren tomar parte en ella, ó dieren aucsilio ó socorro al enemigo59 , perderán los derechos de ciudadano i todas las tierras que les pertenezcan en la República.
S ECT. 9. All persons of color who were slaves for life previous to their emigration to Texas, and who are now held in bondage, shall remain in the like state of servitude, provided the said slave shall be the bona fide property of the person so holding said slave as aforesaid. Congress shall pass no laws to prohibit emigrants27 from bringing their slaves into the Republic with them, and holding them by the same tenure by which such slaves were held in the United States; nor shall Congress have power to emancipate slaves; nor shall any slave-holder be allowed to emancipate his or her slave or slaves without the consent of Congress, unless he or she shall send his or her slave
S EC . 9. Todos los negros i mulatos60 que eran esclavos por vida, ántes de emigrar á Téjas i lo son actualmente61 , permanecerán en semejante estádo de esclavitud62 con calidad de que el esclavo pertenezca verdaderamente63 al individuo que le detenga como tal. El Congreso no dará leyes para prohibir á los que emigraren á la República64 , introducir sus esclavos en ella i tenerlos como los tenian en los Estados Unidos ni podrá emancipar esclavos; tampoco será permitido al dueño emancipar su esclavo ó esclavos sin el consentimiento de Congreso, á ménos que los envie fuera de la República. Ningún individuo libre siendo hijo de Africanos en todo ó en parte será permitido á permane-
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1836) or slaves without the limits of the Republic. No free person of African descent, either in whole or in part, shall be permitted to reside permanently in the Republic, without the consent of Congress, and the importation or admission of Africans or negroes into this Republic, excepting from the United States of America, is forever prohibited, and declared to be piracy.
cer en la República, sin el consentimiento de Congreso; i la introduccion ò admision de Africanos ó negros en esta República, sino de los Estados Unidos de América, se prohibe por siempre, i se declara piratería.
S ECT. 10. All persons (Africans, the descendants of Africans, and Indians excepted,) who were residing in Texas on the day of the Declaration of Independence, shall be considered citizens of the Republic, and entitled to all the privileges of such. All citizens now living in Texas, who have not received their portion of land, in like manner as colonists, shall be entitled to their land in the following proportion and manner: Every head of a family shall be entitled to one league and “labor” of land, and every single man of the age of seventeen and upwards, shall be entitled to the third part of one league of land. All citizens who may have, previously to the adoption of this Constitution, received their league of land as heads of families, and their quarter of a league of land as single persons, shall receive such additional quantity as will make the quantity of land received by them equal to one league and “labor” and one-third of a league, unless by bargain, sale or exchange, they have transferred or may henceforth transfer their right to said land, or a portion thereof, to some other citizen of the Republic; and in such case the person to whom such right shall have been transferred, shall be entitled to the same, as fully and amply as the person making the transfer might or could have been. No alien shall hold land in Texas, except by titles emanating directly from the government of this Republic. But if any citizen of this Republic should die intestate or otherwise, his children or heirs shall inherit his estate, and aliens shall have a reasonable
S EC . 10. Todo individuo (a escepcion de Africanos, los hijos de Africanos é Indios,) que tuvó residencia en Tejas el dia de la declaracion de la independencia será estimado ciudadano65 , i tendrá derecho á todos los privilejios de tal. Todos los ciudadanos que residen ahora en Téjas i que no han recibido su porcion de tierras66 podrán reclamar tierras en la cantidad i manera siguientes. Toda cabeza de familia tendrá derecho á una legua i labor67 , i todo soltero que tenga diez i siete años de edad68 tendrá derecho á una tercera parte de una legua de tierra. A todos los ciudadanos que hayan recibido69 una legua de tierra, como cabezas de familia, ó la cuarta parte de una legua como solteros, serán aumentadas sus asignaciones de terrenos, de manera á igualarlas respectivamente con una legua i labor i la tercera parte de una legua á menos que por medio de venta á cambio70 hayan enajenado ó enajenaren en adelante sus derechos á tales terrenos, ó porcion de ellos, á favor de algun otro ciudadano de la República; i en tal caso el comprador71 podrá reclamar lo mismo con tan amplios derechos como lo hubiera podido el que lo haya enajenado. No podrá ser dueño de terranos en Téjas ningun estranjero, sino por medio de titulos emanados directamente del gobierno de esta República. Si algun ciudadano de esta República falleciere sin testamento ó con uno72 , sus hijos i heredores sucederán á sus derechos i si fueren estrangeros se les concederá un término razonable para tomar posesion i disponer de ellos de la manera que se estableciere por lei.
T EXAS time to take possession of and dispose of the same, in a manner hereafter to be pointed out by law. Orphan children, whose parents were entitled to land under the colonization law28 of Mexico, and who now reside in the Republic, shall be entitled to all the rights of29 which their parents were possessed at the time of their death. The citizens of the Republic shall not be compelled to reside on the land, but shall have their lines plainly marked. All orders of survey legally obtained by any citizen of the Republic, from any legally authorized commissioner, prior to the act of the late consultation closing the land offices, shall be valid. In all cases the actual settler and occupant of the soil shall be entitled, in locating his land, to include his improvement, in preference to all other claims not acquired previous to his settlement, according to the law of the land and this Constitution; Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prejudice the rights of any30 citizen from whom a settler may hold land by rent or lease. And whereas the protection of the public domain from unjust and fraudulent claims, and quieting the people in the enjoyment of their lands, is one of the great duties of this Convention: and whereas the Legislature of31 Coahuila and Texas having passed an act in the year eighteen hundred and thirtyfour, in behalf of General John T. Mason, of New York, and another on the fourteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirtyfive, under which the enormous amount of eleven hundred leagues of land has been claimed by sundry individuals, some of whom reside in foreign countries, and are not citizens of the Republic, which said acts are contrary to articles fourth, twelfth and fifteenth of the laws of eighteen hundred and twenty-four, of the General Congress of Mexico, and one of said acts, for that cause has, by32 said General Congress of Mexico, been declared null and void: It is hereby de-
Los húerfanos cuyos padres tenian derecho á reclamar terrenos bajo las leyes de colonizacion de Méjico i que residan actualmente en la República tendrán todos los derechos que correspondian á sus padres al tiempo de su muerte. Los ciudadanos de la República no serán requiridos á residir sobre el terreno, pero tendrán sus límites claramente indicados. Todas las órdenes de medida de terrenos obtenidas73 por algun ciudadano de la República de un Comisionado legalmente autorizado, ántes del decreto de la Consultacion cerrando los despachos de terrenos serán válidas. En todos los casos el poblador áctual i poseedor del terreno tendrá derecho á abrazar su establecimiento en la eleccion de sus tierras con preferencia á todas las otras reclamaciones que no se adquisieron conforme á la lei del pais, i á esta Constitucion, anteriormente á tal establecimiento; proveyendose, que nada de eso llevará perjuicio á los derechos de cualquier ciudadano de quien haya el poblador arrendado terrenos74 . Por cuanto es una obligacion grave de esta Convencion protejer la hacienda pública contra reclamaciones injustas i fraudulentas, i aquietar á los habitantes en el goce de sus terrenos, i por cuanto la Legislatura del Estado de Coahuila i Téjas dió una lei en el año 1834, á favor del Jeneral John T. Mason de Nueva York, i otra, el 14 de Marzo de 1835 bajo las cuales varios individuos, algunos de los cuales residen en paises estranjeros, i no son ciudadanos de la República reclaman la enorme cantidad de mil cien leguas de tierra; por ser tales leyes contrarias á los artículos cuarto, duodécimo, i décimo quinto de la lei del congreso jeneral de Méjico de 1824, una de las que habiendo sido por tal motivo declarada nula, por dicho congreso jeneral de Méjico; por tanto se declara por esta Constitucion que la referida lei de 1834 á favor de John T. Mason i la del 14 de Marzo de 1835 decretadas por dicha legi-
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1836) clared, that the said act of eighteen hundred and thirty-four, in favor of John T. Mason, and of the fourteenth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, of the said Legislature of Coahuila and Texas, and each and every grant founded thereon, is, and was from the beginning, null and void; and all surveys made under pretence of authority derived from said acts are hereby declared to be null33 and void; and all eleven league claims, located within twenty leagues of the boundary line between Texas and the United States of America, which have been located contrary to the laws of Mexico, are hereby declared to be null and void: and whereas many surveys and titles to lands34 have been made whilst most of the people of Texas were absent from home, serving in the campaign against Bejar, it is hereby declared that all the surveys and locations of land made since the act of the late consultation closing the land offices, and all titles to land made since that time, are and shall be null and void. And whereas the present unsettled state of the country and the general welfare of the people demand that the operations of the land office35 , and the whole land system shall be suspended until persons serving in the army can have a fair and equal chance with those remaining at home to select and locate their lands, it is hereby declared, that no survey or title which may hereafter be made shall be valid, unless such survey or title shall be authorized by this Convention, or some future Congress of the Republic. And with a view to the simplification of the land system, and the36 protection of the people and the Government from litigation and fraud, a general land office shall be established, where all the land titles of the Republic shall be registered, and the whole territory of the Republic shall be sectionised, in a manner hereafter to be prescribed by law, which shall enable the officers of the Government or any citizen, to ascertain with
latura de Coahuila i Téjas i toda concesion de tierras, fundada en ellas, fueron desde el principio nulas i de ningun valor, i todas las medidas de tierras praticadas bajo pretesto de autoridad derivada de ellas se declaran nulas; tambien todas las reclamaciones de once leguas de tierras, elejidas dentro de las veinte leguas limitrofes entre Téjas i los Estados Unidos de América,75 contra las leyes de Mejico se declaran nulas i de ningun valor. I por cuanto muchas medidas de tierras han sido praticadas i titulos estendidos mientras la mayor porcion de los habitantes de Téjas estuvieron ausentes76 , prestando servicio en la campaña contra Béjar, se declara que todas las medidas i elecciones de tierras hechas despues del decreto77 de la Consultacion, cerrando los despachos de terrenos, i todos los títulos estendidos despues del mismo tiempo, son nulos i de ningun valor. Y ademas, por cuanto el estado desarreglado actual del pais, y el bienestar jeneral de los habitantes piden la suspension de las operaciones de los despachos de terrenos i del sistema jeneral de repartimiento de tierras78 hasta que los individuos que sirven en el ejército puedan tener igual79 oportunidad con los que permanecen en casa para la eleccion de sus terrenos80 , se declara que ninguna medida de tierras que se praticare, ni titulos que se estendieren en adelante, valdrán á ménos que sean autorizados por esta convencion ó algun Congreso venidero de la República. Al fin de simplificar el sistema de terrenos i de protejer los habitantes i el gobierno de pleitos i fraudes, se establecerá un despacho jeneral de terrenos, en el cual todos los titulos de tierras en la República seran rejistrados; i el territorio entero de la República será dividida en secciones de una manera que se prevendrá en lo sucesivo por lei, para que los funcionarios del gobierno, i todo ciudadano puedan conocer con certeza las tierras que sean valdias81 i las que sean cubiertas de titules válidos.
T EJAS certainty the lands that are vacant, and those lands which may be covered by37 valid titles. S ECT. 11. Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution, may be proposed in the House of Representatives or Senate, and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two Houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on the journals, with the yeas and nays thereon, and referred to the Congress then next to be chosen, and shall be published for three months previous to the election; and if the Congress next chosen as aforesaid, shall pass said amendment or amendments by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each House, then it shall be the duty of said Congress to submit said38 proposed amendment or amendments to the people, in such manner and at such times as the Congress shall prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of Congress voting thereon, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of this Constitution: Provided, however, that no amendment or amendments be referred to the people oftener than once in three years.
S EC . 11. Toda mejora ó mejoras de esta Constitucion podrán proponerse en la Cámara de Representantes ó Senado, i si fueren aprobadas por la mayoria de los miembros electos de las dos cámaras, tal propuesta de mejora ó mejoras será estendida en los diarios con los votos á favor i en contra, i referida al Congreso que haya de elejirse imediatamente, i publicada por tres meses ántes de la eleccion; i si el congreso prócsimo aprobare tal mejora ó mejoras por el voto de las dos terceras partes de todos los miembros82 de ambas cámaras, le corresponderá á dicho congreso, someterlas á los pueblos en el modo i tiempos que designare, i si los pueblos las aprobaren i ratificaren por la mayoria de los votos de los electores de miembros al congreso, tal mejora ó mejoras serán parte de esta constitucion; proveyendose, no ostante, que no será sometida ninguna mejora ó mejoras á los pueblos mas amenudo de una vez por tres años.
This declaration of Rights is declared to be a part of this Constitution, and shall never be violated on any pretence whatever. And in order to guard against the transgression of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare that every thing in this bill of rights contained, and every other right not hereby delegated, is reserved to the People.
Esta declaracion de derechos se declara parte de esta Constitucion i no será violada bajo ningun qualquiera pretesto. Y para precaver abusos de los altos poderes que hemos delegado, declaramos que todo lo que se halle en esta declaracion de derechos, i todo otro derecho no delegado por la Constitucion, está reservado á los pueblos83 .
First. All men, when they form a social compact, have equal rights, and no man39
P RIMERO . Todos los hombres, cuando formen un pacto social, tienen iguales de-
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1836) or set of men are entitled to exclusive public privileges or emoluments from the community.
rechos i ningun hombre ni grado de hombres es acreedor á derechos ni emolumentos públicos esclusivos derivados de la comunidad.
Second. All political power is inherent in the People, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit; and they have at all times an inalienable right to alter their government in such manner as they may think proper.
S EGUNDO . Todo poder político es inherente á los pueblos i todos los gobiernos libres son fundados en su autoridad i establecidos para su beneficio, i ellos tienen84 derecho inalianable á alterar su gobierno de la manera que estimaren conveniente.
Third. No preference shall be given by law to any religious denomination or mode of worship over another, but every person shall be permitted to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience.
T ERCERO . Ninguna preferencia se dará por la lei á cualquiera secta relijiosa ó modo de culto, pero todo individuo será permitido á adorar á Dios segun las sujestiones de su propia conciencia.
Fourth. Every citizen shall be at liberty to speak, write, or publish his opinions on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that privilege. No law shall ever be passed to curtail the liberty of speech or of the press; and in all prosecutions for libels, the truth may be given in evidence, and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and fact, under the direction of the court.
C UARTO . Todo ciudadano será libre para hablar, escribir, ó publicar sus opiniones sobre cualquiera materia, siendo responsable por el abuso de tal privilejio. Ninguna lei se dará para impedir libertad de hablar ó de la imprenta, i en todo proceso por libelo infamatorio85 , se puede dar en testimonio la verdad, i el jurado podrá decidir sobre la lei i el hecho bajo la direccion del tribunal.
Fifth. The People shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, from all unreasonable searches or40 seizures, and no warrant shall issue to search any place or seize any person or thing, without describing the place to be searched or the person or thing to be seized, without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation.
Q UINTO . Los pueblos serán seguros en sus personas, casas, documentos i bienes de todos los rejistros i presas sin razon, i no será espedida órden para rejistrar cualquiera lugar ó prender cualquiera persona ó cosa sin describir el lugar que deba rejistrarse ó la persona ó cosa que deba prenderse, sin causa verosimil apoyada por juramento ó afirmacion.
Sixth. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall have the right of being heard, by himself, or counsel41 , or both; he shall have the right to demand the nature and cause of the accusation, shall be confronted with the witnesses against him, and have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor. And in all prosecutions by presentment or indictment, he shall have the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury;
S ESTO . En todos los procesos criminales el tratado de reo tendrá el derecho de ser entendido por sí, por sus abogados, ó de ambas maneras. Podrá86 demandar la naturaleza i motivo de la acusacion; será careado con los testigos contra él, i tendrá proceso compulsorio para lograr la comparencia de los testigos á favor suyo. En todos los procesos por medio de informacion de un gran jurado ó acusacion formal87 , el acusado tendrá
T EXAS he shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself, or be deprived of life, liberty, or property, but by due course of law. And no freeman shall be holden to answer for any criminal charge, but on presentment or indictment by a grand jury, except in the land and naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger, or in cases of impeachment.
derecho á un juicio pronto i público por un jurado imparcial. No será compelido á dar testimonio contra sí ni será privado de la vida, libertad ó propiedad, sino por debido curso de lei. Ningun libre será obligado á responder á un cargo criminal á ménos que fuere fundado en la informacion ó acusacion formal de un gran jurado, á escepcion de las fuerzas de mar i tierra, i la milicia siendo en el servicio actual en tiempo de guerra ó peligro público, ó de funcionarios públicos procesados criminalmente88 .
Seventh. No citizen shall be deprived of privileges, outlawed, exiled, or in any manner disfranchised, except by due course of the law of the land.
S ÉPTIMO . Ningun ciudadano será privado de privilejios, proscripto, desterrado ó quitado de sus derechos sino por debido curso de la lei del pais.
Eighth. No title of nobility, hereditary privileges or honors, shall ever be granted or conferred in this Republic. No person holding any office of profit or trust shall, without the consent of Congress, receive from any foreign state any present, office, or emolument, of any kind.
O CTAVO . Ningun despacho89 de nobleza, privilejios ú honras hereditarias serán concedidas ó conferidas en esta República. Ninguno que ocupe cualquier oficio de provecho ó confianza, recibirá90 empleo ni emolumento alguno91 de cualquiera estado estranjero.
Ninth. No person, for the same offence, shall be twice put in jeopardy of life or limbs. And the right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate.
N ONO . Ningun individuo será puesto dos veces en peligro de perder vida ó miembro, por la misma ofensa; i el derecho de juicio por jurado quedará inviolado.
Tenth. All persons shall be bailable by sufficient security, unless for capital crimes, when the proof is evident or presumption strong; and the privilege of the writ of “habeas corpus” shall not be suspended, except in case of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
D ÉCIMO . Todo individuo tratado de reo podrá librarse de prision, dando bastante fianza92 , á menos que sea por causa de delito capital, siendo las pruebas evidentes ó las presunciones fuertes; i no será suspendido el privilejio del mandato de “habeas corpus” á ménos que en caso de rebelion ó invasion la seguridad pública lo requiera.
Eleventh. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines42 imposed, or cruel or unusual punishments43 inflicted. All courts shall be open, and every man for any injury done him in his lands, goods, person, or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law.
U NDÉCIMO . No serán pedidas fianzas escesivas, ni impuestas multas ecsorbitantes, ni inflijidos castigos crueles ó inusitados. Todos los tribunalas serán abiertos, i todo individuo tendrá remedio legal93 por cualquiera injuria que se le haga en sus terrenos, bienes, persona ú reputacion.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1836) Twelfth. No person shall be imprisoned for debt in consequence of inability to pay.
D UODÉCIMO . Ninguno será encarcelado por causa de deudas en consecüencia de inhabilidad para pagar.
Thirteenth. No person’s particular services shall be demanded, nor property taken or applied to public use, unless by the consent of himself or his representative, without just compensation being made therefor according to law.
D ÉCIMO TERCIO . No serán demandados los servicios personales de cualquier individuo, ni tomados i destinados al uso público sus bienes, sin su consentimiento de él ó de su ajente94 , sin que se le haga indemnizacion equitativa coniforme á la lei.
Fourteenth. Every citizen shall have the right to bear arms in defence of himself and the Republic. The military shall at all times and in all cases be subordinate to the civil power.
D ÉCIMO CUARTO . Todo ciudadano tendrá derecho á llevar armas en defensa de sì i de la República. El poder militar será en todos tiempos i casos subordinado al civil.
Fifteenth. The sure and certain defence of a free people is a well-regulated militia; and it shall be the duty of the Legislature to enact such laws as may be necessary to44 the organizing of the militia of this Republic.
D ÉCIMO QUINTO . La defensa segura i cierta de un pueblo libre es una Milicia bien arreglada, i corresponderá á la lejislatura decretar las leyes que fueren necesarias para organizar la milicia de esta República.
Sixteenth. Treason against this Republic shall consist only in levying war against it, or adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and support. No retrospective or ex post facto law, or laws impairing the obligations45 of contracts, shall be made.
D ÉCIMO SESTO . La traicion contra esta República solo constará de suscitar la guerra contra ella, unirse95 á sus enemigos ó de ayudar i apoyarlos. No serán decretados leyes retroactivas ó ex post-facto, ni leyes destructivas96 de la obligacion de contratos.
Seventeenth. Perpetuities or monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free government, and shall not be allowed; nor shall the law of primogeniture or entailments ever be in force in this Republic. The foregoing Constitution was unanimously adopted by the Delegates of Texas, in Convention assembled, at the town of Washington, on the seventeenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and of the Independence of the Republic the first year. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names.
D ÉCIMO SÉPTIMO . Los privilejios perpetuos i monopolios siendo contrarios al jenio de un gobierno libre no serán permitidos, ni jamas tendrán fuerza leyes de primojenetura ó mayorazgo en esta República. La Constitución antecedente se adoptó97 por los delegados de Téjas, en convención reunidos en el pueblo de Washington el 17 de Marzo del año de nuestro Señor mil ocho cientos treinta i seis i el primer año de la Independencia de la República. En testimonio de lo cual la firmamos.
RICHARD ELLIS, President and Delegate from Red River.
RICHARD ELLIS, Presidente i Delegado de Red River.
ALBERT H. S. KIMBLE, Secretary.
ALBERT H. S. KIMBLE, Secretario.
C. B. Stewart, James Collinsworth, Edwin Waller, A. Brigham, John S. D. Byrom, Francis Ruis, J. Antonio Navarro48 , William D. Lacy, William Menifee, John Fisher, Matthew Caldwell49 , William Motley, Lorenzo de Zavala52 , George W. Smyth, Stephen H. Everett, Elijah Stepp, Claiborne West, William B. Leates, M. B. Menard, A. B. Hardin, John W. Bunton, Thomas J. Gazley, R. M. Coleman, Sterling C.56 Robertson, George C. Childress57 , Baily Hardiman, Robert Potter, Charles Taylor,
John S. Roberts, Robert Hamilton,
C. B. Stewart, James Collinsworth, Edwin Waller, A. Brigham, John S. D. Byrom, Francis Ruis, J. Antonio Navarro,
John S. Roberts, Robert Hamilton,
Martin Palmer, James Gaines, William Clark, jun., Sydney50 C.51 Pennington, Samuel P. Carson, Thomas J.53 Rusk,
William D. Lacy, William Menifee, John Fisher, Matthew Caldwell,
Martin Palmer, James Gaines, William Clark, Jun. Sidney O. Pennington, Samuel P. Carson, Thomas J. Rusk,
William C. Crawford, John Turner, Benjamin Briggs Goodrich, James G. Swisher, George W. Barnet54 , Jesse Grimes, E. O. Legrand, David Thomas, S. Rhoads55 Fisher, John W. Bower, J. B. Woods,
George W. Smyth,
Collin McKinney46 , A. H. Latimore, James Powers47 , Sam. Houston, Edward Conrad,
J. W. Briscoe58 , Thomas Barnett, Jesse B. Badgett, Stephen W. Blount.
I do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing Constitution, and find it to be a true copy from the original filed in the archives of the Convention.
William Motley, Lorenzo de Zavala,
Stephen H. Everett, Elijah Stepp, Claiborne West, William B. Leates, M. B. Menard, A. B. Hardin, John W. Bunton, Thomas J. Gazley, R. M. Coleman, Sterling C. Robertson, George C. Childress, Baily Hardiman, Robert Potter, Charles Taylor,
Collin McKinney, A. H. Latimore, James Power, Sam. Houston, Edward Conrad,
William C. Crawford, John Turner, Benjamin B. Goodrich, James G. Swisher, George W. Barnet, Jesse Grimes, E. O. Legrand, David Thomas, S. Rhoads Fisher, John W. Bower, J. B. Woods, Andrew Briscoe, Thomas Barnett, Jesse B. Badgett, Stephen W. Blount.
Certifico que he ecsaminado cuidadosamente la Constitucion antecedente i la hallo una copia fiel del orijinal depositado entre los archivos de la Convención.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1836) Given under my hand, this 17th day of March, 1836.
Dado de mi mano el dia de hoi 17 de Marzo, 1836.
Attest: H. S. KIMBLE, Secretary of the Convention.
H. S. KIMBLE, Secretario de la Convencion.
Verified by “Constitution of the Republic of Texas”, published in Telegraph and Texas Register, August 9, 1836, 1, 4, where it had been published, apparently in identical form, for the first time on August 2, 1836, (also on p. 1 and 4) but the copy available at the Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin is heavily damaged. Checked also against Constitution of the Republic of Texas. To Which is Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, Made in Convention, March 2, 1836, Washington: Printed by Gales and Seaton, 1836, 8–24, and the versions as published in Laws of the Republic of Texas, in Two Volumes. Printed by Order of the Secretary of State, I, Houston: Printed at the Office of the Telegraph, 1838, 9–25, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1069– 1086 (http://texashistory.unt.edu/permalink/meta-pth5872:431), in Documents of Texas History, 2nd ed., ed. by Ernest Wallace et al., Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Association, 2002, 100–106, and in The Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, compiled by Robert A. Irion, Secretary of State, [Fulton, TX:] Copano Bay Press, 2007, 15–32. The original manuscript is not known to have survived. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in Telegraph and Texas Register of August 9, 1836. Italics and parentheses were used as in the Telegraph and Texas Register, while curly brackets appear when the newspaper used square brackets. Obvious typographical errors have been tacitly corrected and ignored in the annotations. The constitution, to a certain extent copying the Federal Constitution (q.v.), and peculiar in its arrangement – a committee draft of March 9, 1836, was even more particular with a concluding article on “Slaves” (Journal of the Convention of the Free, Sovereign and Independent People of Texas, in General Convention Assembled, [Columbia: s.n., 1836], 44–59) – was adopted by the convention on March 17, 1836, and ratified by the people in September 1836 (cf. Joe E. Ericson, “Constitution of the Republic of Texas,” in: The New Handbook of Texas, In Six Volumes, II, Austin: The Texas State Historical Association, 1996, 292). It replaced the Interim Constitution of 1835 (q.v.), and remained in effect until the annexation of Texas to the United States under the Constitution of 1845 (q.v.). 2 In Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 100, word missing. 3 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 10, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1070, in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 100, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 16, word missing.
Verified by Constitucion, Leyes Jenerales, &c. de la Republica de Tejas, Traducidas al Castellano por S. P. Andrews, Abogado de los Tribunales de dicha República. Por disposicion del Secretario de Estado, Houston: Imprenta del Telégrafo, 1841, 18–33, and checked against the English original (q.v.). Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Houston print. Obvious typographical errors have been tacitly corrected. The subsequent notes refer to deviations from the English original, either caused by unclear Spanish phrasing, omissions, additions, or inaccurate or erroneous translation, whereas mere questions of style have been ignored, as have been repetitions. 2 In Spanish translation, “and general welfare” missing. 3 In Spanish translation, “causas criminales intentadas por la cámara de representantes, contra funcionarios publicos,” added. 4 In English original, “disqualification”. 5 In English original, “the party”. 6 In English original, “returns”. 7 In English original, “breach of the peace”. 8 In Spanish translation, “any” missing. 9 In Spanish translation, “to the House” missing. 10 In English original, “When any three members shall desire the yeas and nays on any question, they shall be entered on the journals”. 11 In English original, “Executive”. 12 In English original, “service”. 13 In English original, “and shall produce the proper officer’s receipt thereof”. 14 In English original, “act or resolution”. 15 In English original, “Every act”. 16 In English original, “the bill”. 17 In English original, “a law”. 18 In English original, “motions or resolutions”. 19 In English original, “in manner and form”. 20 In English original, “taxes and imposts”. 21 In English original, “tonnage duties”. 22 In English original, “grant charters of incorporation”. 23 In English original, “copy-rights”. 24 In English original, “the foregoing express grants of power”. 25 In English original, “vested”. 26 In English original, “courts”. 27 In English original, “dollars”. 28 In English original, “district attorney”. 29 In Spanish translation, last two words added. 30 In English original, “qualified voters”.
In Washington print, 9, word missing. Ibid., 10, “cases”. 6 Ibid., “shall”. 7 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 11, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1071, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 17, word missing; in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 101, word inserted in square brackets. 8 In Washington print, 11, “appropriation”. 9 Ibid., “prevents”. 10 Ibid., “insurrection”. 11 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1073, “the”. 12 In Washington print, 12, “court”. 13 Ibid., 13, “terms”. 14 Ibid., 14, “of”. 15 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 15, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1075, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 22, “abilities”. 16 In Washington print, 14, “to preserve”. 17 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 15, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1075, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 22, word missing. 18 In Washington print, 14, word missing. 19 Ibid., 15, “of all”. 20 Ibid., 16, “and forfeitures”. 21 Ibid., “heretofore accrued”. 22 Ibid., 17, word missing. 23 Ibid., in Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 18, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1078, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 24, “Gonzales”. 24 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1078, “can”. 25 In Washington print, 17, “the”. 26 Ibid., “President”. 27 Ibid., 18, “emigrants from the United States of America”. 28 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 20, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1080, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 27, “laws”. 29 In Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 27, word missing. 30 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 20, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1080, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 27, “any other”. 31 In Washington print, 19, “of the State of”. 32 Ibid., “by the”. 33 In Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 28, “nail”. 34 In Washington print, 20, “land”. 35 Ibid., “offices”. 36 Ibid., word missing. 37 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 21, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1081, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 28, “with”. 38 In Washington print, 20, “such”. 39 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 22, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1082, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 29, “men”. 5
In English original, “Chief Justice”. In English original, “shall sit”. 33 In English original, “such justices’ courts”. 34 In English original, “support”. 35 In English original, “thirty-five”. 36 In English original, “preserve”. 37 In English original, “except in cases of impeachment”. 38 In English original, “during the recess of the Senate”. 39 In English original, “impeachment”. 40 In Spanish translation, “death” missing. 41 In English original, “impeached”. 42 In English original, “and other high crimes and misdemeanors”. 43 In English original, “Schedule”. 44 In English original, “All fines, penalties, and forfeitures, and escheats”. 45 In Spanish translation, last three words added. 46 In Spanish translation, “that shall be appointed” missing. 47 In Spanish translation, “and perform the same duties which are required and” missing. 48 In English original, “writs of election”. 49 In Spanish translation, “to Congress” missing. 50 In English original, “precinct”. 51 In Spanish translation, “Goliad one; ” missing. 52 In English original, “of the powers and duties of their respective offices”. 53 In Spanish translation, word added. 54 In English original, “The President”. 55 In English original, “who shall emigrate”. 56 In English original, “and shall swear to support”. 57 In English original, “shall be entitled to all”. 58 In English original, “and arranged under different heads”. 59 In Spanish translation, “present” missing. 60 In English original, “All persons of color”. 61 In English original, “and who are now held in bondage”. 62 In English original, “servitude”. 63 In English original, “shall be the bona fide property”. 64 In English original, “emigrants from the United States of America”. 65 In Spanish translation, “of the Republic” missing. 66 In Spanish translation, “, in the like manner as colonists,” missing. 67 In English original, “‘labour’ of land”. 68 In Spanish translation, “and upwards” missing. 69 In Spanish translation, “previously to the adoption of this Constitution” missing. 70 In English original, “bargain, sale, or exchange”. 71 In English original, “the person to whom such right shall have been transferred”. 72 In English original, “otherwise”. 73 In English original, “legally obtained”. 32
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1836) 40 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 22, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1082, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 29, “and”. 41 In Washington print, 21, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1083, “council”. 42 In Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 30, “fine”. 43 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1083, “punishment”. 44 Ibid., 1084, “for”. 45 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 24, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1084, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 31, “obligation”. 46 In Washington print, 23, “McKinny”. 47 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 24, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1084, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 31, “Power”. 48 In Washington print, 23, “Navaro”. 49 Ibid., “Calwell”. 50 Ibid., “Sydny”. 51 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 24, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1084, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 31, “O.”. 52 In Washington print, 23, “Zavalla”. 53 Ibid., “I.”. 54 Ibid., “Barnett”. 55 Ibid., “Rhodes”. 56 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1085, “G.”. 57 In Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 32, “Children”. 58 In Laws of the Republic of Texas, I, 25, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, I, 1085, and in Constitution & Laws of The Republic of Texas, 32, “Andrew Briscoe”.
In English original, “may hold land by rent or lease”. 75 In Spanish translation, “which have been located” missing. 76 In English original, “absent from home”. 77 In English original, “act”. 78 In English original, “the whole land system”. 79 In English original, “fair and equal”. 80 In English original, “to select and locate their lands”. 81 In English original, “vacant”. 82 In Spanish translation, “elected” missing. 83 In English original, “the People”. 84 In Spanish translation, “at all times” missing. 85 In Spanish translation, word added. 86 In English original, “He shall have the right”. 87 In English original, “by presentment or indictment”. 88 In English original, “or in cases of impeachment”. 89 In English original, “title”. 90 In Spanish translation, “without the consent of Congress” missing. 91 In English original, “any present, office or emolument”. 92 In English original, “All persons shall be bailable by sufficient security”. 93 In English original, “shall have remedy by due course of law”. 94 In English original, “representative”. 95 In English original, “or adhering”. 96 In English original, “impairing”. 97 In Spanish translation, “unanimously” missing.
Constitution of Texas (1845)
Constitución de Tejas (1845)
Constitution of the State of Texas1
Constitucion del Estado de Tejas1 PRÓLOGO N OS, el pueblo de Tejas, reconociendo con gratitud la gracia y la beneficencia de Dios en permitir nos hacer eleccion de la forma de nuestro gobierno, de conformidad con las prevenciones del Acuerdo de ambas cámaras del Congreso de los Estados Unidos2 relativo á la agregacion de Tejas á los Estados Unidos, aprobado el dia 1° de Marzo de 1845, ordenamos y establecemos esta Constitucion.
Bill of Rights
Cedula de los Privilegios3
That the general, great and essential principles of Liberty and Free Government may be recognized and established, we declare, that –
Para que los generales, grandes y esenciales principios de la Libertad y del gobierno libre se reconozcan y se establezcan, declaramos: –
S ECT. 1. All political power is inherent in the people and all free governments are founded on their authority and instituted for their benefit; and they have at all times, the unalienable right, to alter, reform or abolish their form of Government in such manner as they may think expedient.
S ECCION . 1 . Que todo poder politico es inherente en el pueblo, y todos los gobiernos libres son fundados por su autoridad, y establecidos para su bien estar, y el pueblo tiene en todos tiempos el derecho inenagenáble para modificar, reformar, ó derogar la forma de su gobierno en la manera segun le parezca mas conveniente.
W E the people of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging with gratitude, the grace and benificence of God, in permitting us to make a choice of our form of government, do in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Resolution for annexing Texas to the United States, approved March 1st 18452 , ordain and establish this Constitution.
T EXAS S EC . 2 . Todos los hombres libres, al formar un pacto social, tienen iguales derechos, y ningun hombre, ó reunion de hombres, es acreedor á privilegios ó emolumentos publicos ecsclusivos4 , sinó en consideracion de servicios publicos.
S ECT. 3. No religious test, shall ever be required, as a qualification to any office or public trust in this State.
S EC . 3 . No se exigirá en ningun tiempo ningun testo religioso, por via de requisito para optar destino publico de confianza5 en este estado.
S ECT. 4. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences; no man shall be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against his consent; no human authority ought in any case whatever, to control or interfere with the rights of conscience, in matters of religion, and no preference shall ever be given by law, to any religious societies or mode3 of worship; but it shall be the duty of the Legislature to pass such laws as may4 be necessary to protect every religious denomination in the enjoyment5 of their own mode of public worship.
S EC . 4 . Todos los hombres tienen un derecho natural é indefisible de adorar á Dios, segun el mejor paracer de su propia conciencia; ninguno será obligado à asistir, á levantar ó á contribuir á local alguno de adoracion, ó para mantener culto6 alguno contra su consentimiento; ninguna autoridad humana, debe èn ningua caso, sujetar los derechos de conciencia, en materias de religion, ni intervenir en ello y nunca jamás se dará preferencia, por la ley á sociedad religiosa alguna, ó á culto alguno. Pero será la obligacion de la Legislatura decretar las leyes que fueren necesarias para protejer toda denominacion religiosa en el pacifico goce de su modo de adoracion publica.
S ECT. 5. Every citizen shall be at liberty to speak, write or publish his opinions on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that privilege; and no law shall ever be passed curtailing the liberty of speech or of the press.
S EC . 5 . Todo ciudadano serà libre de hablar escribir ó publicar sus opiniones sobre cualquiera materia, siendo responsable por el abuso de ese privilegio; ninguna ley se decretará jamàs que coarta la libertad de la palabra ó de la prensa.
S ECT. 6. In prosecutions for the publication of papers investigating the official conduct of officers, or men in a public capacity, or when6 the matter published is proper for public information, the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and in all indictments for libels, the jury shall have the7 right to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of the court, as in other cases.
S EC . 6 . En los procesos instituídos por publicar papeles, investigando la conducta oficial de los funcionarios publicos, ó hombres empleados7 , ó en los casos donde la materia publicada fuere áproposito para la informacion publica, la verdad del hecho puede darse en evidencia: y en todas las acusaciones publicas por libelos infamatorios el jurado tendrá el derecho de determinar la ley y los hechos, bajo la direccion del juez, como en otros casos.
S ECT. 2. All freemen, when they form a social compact have equal rights; and no man or set of men is entitled to exclusive separate, public emoluments or privileges, but in consideration of public services.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) S EC . 7 . El pueblo será seguro en sus personas, casas,8 y posesiones contra todas las prisiones, catéos, ò embargos9 irrazonables, y ningun mandamiento para prender individuo alguno, ó catéar casa alguna, ó embargar cosa alguna serà espedido sin dar una descripcion de ello, la mas aparente, ni sin motivo probable, sostenido por juramento prestado ó por informacion otorgada10 .
S ECT. 8. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury; he shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself; he shall have the right of being heard by himself or counsel, or both; shall be confronted with the witnesses against him, and shall have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and no person shall be holden to answer for any criminal charge, but on indictment or information, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or offences against the laws regulating the militia.
S EC . 8 . En todos los procesos en causas criminales, el reo tendrá un pronto juicio publico, por un jurado imparcial; no será obligado á prestar testimonio contra si mismo; tendrá el derecho de ser oído por sí mismo, or por su consejero, ò por ámbos; serà confrontado con los testigos en su contra, y tendrá derecho para optar requisitorias para obligar la comparencia de los testigos en su pro; y ningun individuo será obligado á responder por un crimen alegado en su contra, sinó en virtud de una acusacion, ó una denuncia en forma de derecho, ecseptuando los casos originados en el servicio de las fuerzas terrestres ó marítimas ó en los delitos contra las leyes que reglamentan la milicia.
S ECT. 9. All prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, unless for capital offences, when the proof is evident, or the presumption great; but this provision shall not be so construed as to prohibit bail after indictment found, upon an examination of the evidence by a Judge of the Supreme or District Court, upon the return of a9 writ of habeas corpus, returnable in the county where the offence is committed.
S EC . 9 . Todos los reos serán idoneos á ser admitidos á dar su fianza suficiente, á menos que sea en los casos de pena capital, si la prueba fuere evidente, ó la presuncion grande; pero ésta prevencion no se interpretará de modo que prohiba que se dé fianza despues de haberse instruido la acusacion publica en forma de derecho; y despues de un examen de la prueba por un juez de la Suprema Corte de justicia ó de él del Distrito, en virtud de un mandimiento del Habeas Corpus retornable en el Condado donde fuere cometido el delito.
S ECT. 10. The privilege10 of the writ of habeas corpus, shall not be suspended, except when, in case of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
S EC . 10 . El privilegio del mandamiento del Habeas Corpus no será suspendido, ecseptuando el caso en que asi lo ecsijiere la seguridad publica en una rebelion ó invasion.
S ECT. 7. The people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, from unreasonable8 seizures or searches, and no warrant to search any place, or to seize any person or thing, shall issue, without describing them as near as may be; nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation.
T EJAS S EC . 11 . No se ecsijirá fianza ecsesiva, ni se impondrán multas ecsesivas, ni se inflijirán penas crueles y no acostumbradas. Todos los juzgados serán abiertos; y todo individuo tendrà remedio por el debido curso de la ley por el daño hecho en sus tierras, sus bienes, su persona, ó en su reputacion.
S ECT. 12. No person for the same offence shall be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall a person be again put upon trial for the same offence, after a verdict of not guilty; and the right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate.
S EC . 12 . Ningun individuo será puesto dos veces11 en el peligro de su vida ó de su miembro, ni se pondrá individuo alguno por la segunda vez en el juicio por el mismo delito, despues de un fallo del jurado de no ser reo; y el privilegio del juicio por jurado permanecerá inviolable.
S ECT. 13. Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defence of himself or11 the State.
S EC . 13 . Todo ciudadano tendrá el derecho de tener y portar armas, para la legitima defénsa de su persona y del Estado.
S ECT. 14. No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, retroactive law, or any law impairing the obligation12 of contracts shall be made; and no person’s property shall be taken or applied to public use, without adequate compensation being made, unless by the consent of such person.
S EC . 14 . Ninguna cédula ó proyecto de ley para imputar algun delito12 , ley de “ex post facto,” ley retroactiva, ó ley que empeore ó deteriore la obligacion de contratas, se decretará; y los bienes de ningun individuo se tomarán ó se aplicarán para el uso pùblico, sin una compensacion adecuada hecha, ecsepto por el consentimiento del dueño.
S ECT. 15. No person shall ever be imprisoned for debt.
S EC . 15 . Ningun individuo serà jamás puesto preso por deuda.
S ECT. 16. No citizen of this state shall be deprived of life, liberty, property or privileges, outlawed, exiled, or in any manner disfranchised, except by due course of the law of the land.
S EC . 16 . Ningun ciudadano de este Estado será privado de su vida, libertad, bienes, ó privilegios, puesto fuera de la ley, desterrado, ó en modo alguno destituido de sus derechos, ecsepto por el debido curso de la ley del pays.
S ECT. 17. The military shall at all times be subordinate to the civil authority.
S EC . 17 . El ramo militar en todo tiempo será subordinado á la autoridad civil.
S ECT. 18. Perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free government, and shall never be allowed, nor shall the law of primogeniture or entailments ever be in force in this State.
S EC . 18 . Perpetuidades y monopolios son en contra al espiritu de un gobierno libre, y nunca serán permitidos; tampoco jamás serán en vigor en este Estado las leyes de primogenitura ó vinculacion13 .
S ECT. 19. The citizens shall have the right, in a peaceable manner to assemble
S EC . 19 . Los ciudadanos tendrán el derecho de reunirse pacìficamente para el bien
S ECT. 11. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel or unusual punishment inflicted. All courts shall be open and every person for an injury done him, in his lands, goods, person or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) procomunal y para dirigirse à los encargados del poder del gobierno, con motivo de deshacer sus agravios ó con otro objeto, por medio de una suplica, escrito ó representacion14 .
S ECT. 20. No power of suspending laws in this State shall be exercised except by the Legislature or its authority.
S EC . 20 . No se ejercerá poder alguno de suspender la operacion de las leyes en este estado, ecsepto por la Legislatura ó de su autoridad.
S ECT. 21. To guard against transgressions of the high powers herein delegated we declare that everything in this “Bill of Rights” is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall forever remain inviolate; and all laws contrary thereto, or to the following provisions, shall be void.
S EC . 21 . Para prevenir contra la transgresión de los altos poderes aqui otorgados, declaramos, que todo lo contenido en esta “C EDULA D E P RIVILEGIOS” se ecseptua de las facultades generales del gobierno, y permanecerá para siempre inviolable; y todas las leyes en contra de ella, ó à las Prevenciones siguientes, serán nulas.
together for their common good; and to apply to those invested with the powers13 of government, for redress of grievances, or other purposes, by petition address or remonstrance.
Division of the Powers of Government14 S EC . 1 . Los poderes del gobierno del Estado de Tejas serán divididos en tres distintos departamentos, y cada uno de ellos será confiado à un cuerpo separado de magistrados, à saber: los que fueren legislativos à uno, los que fueren ejecutivos á un otro, y los que fueren judiciales á un otro, y ninguna persona, ó reunion de personas que estubiere una de aquellos departamentos, ejercerá poder alguno propiamente perteneciente, á cualquier de los otros, ecseptuandose en los casos aqui espresamente permitidos.
Legislative Department
Departamento Legislativo
S ECT. 1. Every free male person who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, and who shall be a citizen of the
S EC . 1 . Todo barón libre que haya cumplido la edad de veinte y un años,16 y que fuere ciudadano de la Republica de Tejas,
S ECT. 1. The powers of the government of the State of Texas, shall be divided into three distinct departments, and each of them be confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit: those which are Legislative, to one; those which are Executive to another, and those which are Judicial, to another; and no person or collection of persons, being of one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly attached to either of the others, except in the instances herein expressly permitted.
T EXAS al tiempo de la adopcion de ésta constitucion por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, y tubiere un año de vecindad en éste Estado inmediatamente precediendo una eleccion, y los últimos seis meses la vecindad en el distrito, condado, ciudad, ó villa en la que ofrece votar (Indios no empadronados, Africanos y los descendientes de Africanos ecseptuando) será tenido por elector calificado; y en caso que un tal elector calificado estubiere en un otro condado situado dentro del distrito de su vecindad, al tiempo de una eleccion, será no obstante permitido á votar por cualquier empleado del distrito; con tal, que los electores calificados serán permitidos á votar en cualquiera parte del Estado para empleados generales del Estado; y además, con tal, que ningun soldado, de mar ni de tierra en el ejercito, ni marinero en la armada de los Estados Unidos, tendrá el derecho de votar en ninguna de las elecciones creadas por ésta Constitucion.
S ECT. 2. All free male persons over the age of twenty-one years, (Indians not taxed, Africans and descendants of Africans excepted,) who shall have resided six months in Texas, immediately preceding the acceptance of this Constitution by the Congress of the United States, shall be deemed qualified electors.
S EC . 2 . Todos los barónes libres de la edad de veinte y un años cumplidos, (lndios no empadronados, Africanos y los descendientes de Africanos ecseptuados,) que tueviesen la vecindad de seis meses en Tejas, inmediatamente precediendo la acceptacion de esta Constitucion por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, serán tenidos por electores calificados.
S ECT. 3. Electors in all cases, shall be privileged from arrest, during their attendance at elections, and in going to, and returning from the same, except in cases of treason, felony; or breach of the peace.
S EC . 3 . Los electores serán en todos casos, ecseptuandose la tráicion, la felonía, ó el, de alterar la paz, privilegiados de la prision durante su asistencia á las elecciones y en su transito de la ida y la vuelta.
S ECT. 4. The Legislative powers of this State shall be vested in two distinct branches: the one to be styled the Senate, and the other the House of Representatives, and both together the “Legislature of the State of Texas.” The style of all laws shall be, “Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas.”
S EC . 4 . Los poderes legislativos de este Estado serán vestidos en dos distintos ramos: el uno se llamará el Senado, y el otro la Cámara de Representantes, y ámbos juntos la “Legislatura del Estado de Tejas.” El encabezamiento de todas las leyes será “Decretese por la Legislatura del Estado de Tejas.”
United States, or who is at the time of the adoption of this Constitution by the Congress of the United States, a citizen of the Republic of Texas, and shall have resided in this State one year next preceding an election, and the last six months within the district, county, city or town in which he offers to vote (Indians not taxed Africans and descendants of Africans excepted) shall be deemed a qualified elector; and should such qualified elector happen to be in any other county situated in the district in which he resides at the time of an election, he shall be permitted to vote for any district officer; provided, that the qualified electors shall be permitted to vote anywhere in the State, for State officers; and provided, further that no soldier seaman or marine, in the army or navy of the United States shall be entitled to vote at any election created by this Constitution.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) S EC . 5 . Los miembros de la cámara de Representantes serán elegidos por los electores calificados, y el periodo de sus funciones será el de dos años desde el dia de las elecciones generales; y las sesiones de la Legislatura serán por bienio en los periodos segun lo que fuere prevenido por la ley.
S ECT. 6. No person shall be a Representative, unless he be a citizen of the United States, or at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, a citizen of the Republic of Texas, and shall have been an inhabitant of this State two years next preceding his election, and the last year thereof a citizen of the county, city or town for which he shall be chosen, and shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, at the time of his election.
S EC . 6 . Nadie será representante, á menos que fuere ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, ó ciudadano de la Republica de Tejas, al tiempo de la adopcion de ésta Constitucion, y haya sido vecino de éste Estado dos años, inmediatamente precediendo su eleccion, y el último año de ellos ciudadano del condado, ciudad ó villa por la cual haya sido elegido, y de haber obtenido la edad de veinte y un años17 .
S ECT. 7. All elections by the people shall be held at such time and places in the several counties, cities or towns, as are now, or may hereafter be designated by law.
S EC . 7 . Todas las elecciones por el pueblo, serán celebradas al tiempo y en los lugares, en los varios Condados, ciudades, ó villas, segun están ahora, ó fueren en adelante reglamentadas por la ley.
S ECT. 8. The Senators shall be chosen by the qualified electors, for the term of four years, and shall be divided by lot into two classes, as nearly equal as can be. The seats of Senators of the first class, shall be vacated at the expiration of the first two years; and of the second class at the expiration of four years; so that one half thereof shall be chosen biennially thereafter.
S EC . 8 . Los Senadores serán elegidos por los electores calificados, por el termino de cuatro años; y serán divididos por suerte, en dos iguales clases en el mejor modo posible. Las sedes de los senadores de la primera clase se vacarán, al termino de los primeros dos años; y las de la segunda clase, al vencimiento de los cuatro años; de modo, que la mitad del Senado seré elegido en lo adelante, por bienio.
S ECT. 9. Such mode of classifying new additional Senators, shall be observed, as will as nearly as possible preserve an equality of number in each class.
S EC . 9 . Tal modo, de clasificar los senadores nuevos adicionales será observado, que conservará una igualdad del número en cada clase, que fuere mas possible.
S ECT. 10. When a Senatorial district shall be composed of two or more counties it shall not be separated by any county belonging to another district.
S EC . 10 . Cuando un distrito senatorial fuere compuesto de dos ó mas condados, no se separará por condado alguno que perteneciere á un otro distrito.
S ECT. 11. No person shall be a Senator unless he be a citizen of the United States, or at the time of the acceptance of this Consti-
S EC . 11 . Nadie será senador, á menos que fuere ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, ó, al tiempo de la aceptacion de esta Consti-
S ECT. 5. The members of the House of Representatives shall be chosen by the qualified electors, and their term of office shall be two years from the day of the general election; and the sessions of the Legislature shall be biennial, at such times as shall be prescribed by law.
T EJAS tucion por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, ciudadano de la Republica de Tejas; y tubiere tres años de vecindad en éste Estado, inmediatamente precediendo la eleccion; y el último año de ellos fuere vecino del destrito por el cual fuere electo; y hubiere obtenido la edad de treinta años.
S ECT. 12. The House of Representatives, when assembled, shall elect15 a Speaker and its other officers, and the Senate shall choose a President for the time being and its other officers. Each House shall judge of the qualifications and elections of its own members, but contested elections shall be determined in such manner as shall be prescribed16 by law: Two-thirds of each House shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each House may provide.
S EC . 12 . La Cámara de Representantes, reunida, elegirá su presidente {Speaker, orador} y sus demás empleados, y el Senado elegirá su Presidente interino y sus demás empleados. Cada Cámara será el juez de las calidades y de las elecciones de sus propios miembros, pero las elecciones disputadas seràn determinadas de manera segun fuere dispuesto por la ley: dos terceras partes de cada cámara formará una junta idonea {quorum} para el despacho de negocios, pero un número menor puede levantar sus sesiones de dia en dia, y obligar la asistencia de los miembros ausentes, de la manera y bajo las penas, que cada cámara estableciere.
S ECT. 13. Each House may determine the rules of its own proceedings, punish members for disorderly conduct, and with the consent of two-thirds, expel a member, but not a second time for the same offence.
S EC . 13 . Cada cámara determinará los reglamentos para sus propios procedimientos, multar á sus miembros por conducta que fuere fuera del órden, y con el consentimiento de dos terceras partes espeler á un miembro, pero no podrá verificarlo18 por la segunda vez por la misma ofensa.
S ECT. 14. Each House shall keep a journal of its own proceedings, and publish the same; and the yeas and nays of the members of either House, on any question shall at the desire of any three members present, be entered on the Journals.
S EC . 14 . Cada Cámara llevará un diario de sus propios procedimientos, y lo publicará, y los votos afirmativos y negativos de los miembros de cualquiera de las dos cámaras, sobre cualquiera cuestion, se tomarán y se registraràn19 en el diario, á pedimiento de cualquier tres miembros presentes.
S ECT. 15. When vacancies happen in either House, the Governor, or the person exercising the power of the Governor, shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies17 .
S EC . 15 . Cuando occurriese una sede vacante, en cualquiera de las dos cámaras, el Gobernador, ó el que hiciere las veces del Gobernador, espedirà órden para las elecciones, para suplir la vacante.
S ECT. 16. Senators and Representatives shall in all cases, except in treason, felony,
S EC . 16 . Los senadores y los representantes, seràn en todos los casos, ecseptuando
tution by the Congress of the United States, a citizen of the Republic of Texas; and shall have been an inhabitant of this State, three years next preceding the election; and the last year thereof a resident of the district for which he shall be chosen, and have attained the age of thirty years.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) los de la traicion, felonia, ó la alteracion del órden publico, privilegiados de la prision20 , durante las sesiones de la Legislatura; y en su ida y vuelta à ella, concediendo un dia por cada veinte y cinco21 millas de la distancia, que tal miembro tubiere de su residencia al lugar de la reunion de la Legislatura.
S ECT. 17. Each House may punish by imprisonment during the session, any person not a member, for disrespectful or disorderly conduct in its presence; or for obstructing any of its proceedings: provided such imprisonment shall not at any one time exceed forty-eight hours.
S EC . 17 . Cada cámara podrà castigar con la prision, durante la sesion, á cualquier individuo que no fuere miembro, por faltar al órden22 , en su presencia; ó por impedir cualquiera de sus procedimientos: con tal, que tal prision no pase cuarenta y ocho horas á un mismo tiempo.
S ECT. 18. The doors of each House shall be kept open.
S EC . 18 . Las puertas de cada càmara se tendràn abiertas.
S ECT. 19. Neither House shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days; nor to any other place than that in which they may be sitting, without the concurrence of both Houses.
S EC . 19 . Ninguna càmara levantarà sus sesiones por mas que tres dias, sin el consentimiento de la otra; ni tampoco se trasladarà a otro lugar del en que tubiere sus sesiones, sin la concurrencia de àmbas càmaras.
S ECT. 20. Bills may originate in either House, and be amended, altered or rejected by the other, but no bill shall have the force of a law, until, on three several days it be read in each House, and free discussion be allowed thereon, unless in case of great emergency, four fifths of the House in which the bill shall be pending, may deem it expedient to dispense with this rule: and every bill having passed both Houses, shall be signed by the Speaker and President of their respective Houses.
S EC . 20 . Pueden iniciarse proyectos de ley, en cualquiera, cámara, y enmendarse, alterarse, ó descecharse por la otra; pero ningun proyecto de ley, tendrà la fuerza de ley, hasta, que se le diere lectura en tres distintos dias, en cada càmara, y se permita una discusion libre sobre él, ecseptuando el caso en que por una urgencia grande, cuatro quintas partes de la càmara, donde el proyecto estuviere pendiente, tubiesen por conveniente dispensar con este reglamento; y todo proyecto de ley, habiendo pasado àmbas càmaras, serà firmado por los Presidentes de sus respectivas cámaras.
S ECT. 21. All bills for raising revenue, shall originate in the House of Representatives but the Senate may amend or reject them as other bills.
S EC . 21 . Todos los proyectos de ley ó acuerdos23 para levantar rentas serán iniciadas en la Cámara de Representantes; pero el Senado podrá enmendar ó desecharlos como los otros proyectos de ley.
S ECT. 22. After a bill or resolution has been rejected by either branch of the Legislature, no bill or resolution containing the
S EC . 22 . Despues de haberse un proyecto de ley ó un acuerdo desechado en cualquiera de las dos Cámaras de la Legislatura;
or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the Legislature, and in going to and returning from the same, allowing one day for every twenty miles such member may reside from the place at which the Legislature is convened.
T EXAS ningun proyecto de ley ó acuerdo conteniendo la misma substancia se decretará durante la misma sesion.
S ECT. 23. Each member of the Legislature shall receive from the public Treasury a compensation for his services, which may be increased or diminished by law; but no increase of compensation shall take effect during the session at which such increase shall be made.
S EC . 23 . Cada miembro de la Legislatura percibirá del Tesoro publico, una compensacion por sus servicios, la que podrá aumentarse ó rebajarse por ley; pero ningun aumento de compensacion tendrá efecto durante la sesion en la cual tal aumento fuere decretado.
S ECT. 24. No Senator or Representative shall during the term for which he may be elected, be eligible to any civil office of profit under this State, which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which may have been increased during such term; and no member of either House of the Legislature, shall during the term for which he is elected, be eligible to any office or place, the appointment to which may be made in whole, or in part by either branch of the Legislature; nor shall the members thereof be capable of voting for a member of their own body for any office whatever, except it be in such cases as are herein provided. The President for the time being of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall be elected from their respective bodies.
S EC . 24 . Ningun Senador ó Representante será, durante el termino por el cual haya sido electo, elegible á empleo alguno civil de provecho bajo éste Estado, cuyo empleo hubiera sido creado, ó sus emolumentos hubieran sido aumentados, durante tal termino; y ningun miembro de ninguna càmara de la Legislatura será elegible, durante el termino por el cual fue electo, á ningun puesto ó empleo, cuyo nombramiento fuere hecho en todo ó en parte, por cualquiera de las dos cámaras de la Legislatura; tampoco tendràn los miembros de la Legislatura el derecho24 de votar por algun miembro de su propio cuerpo, para empleo alguno; ecsepto en los casos aqui prevenidos. El Presidente interino del Senado, y el Presidente de la Cámara de Representantes {Speaker, Orador} serán electos de sus propios respectivos cuerpos.
S ECT. 25. No Judge of any Court of law or equity, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Clerk, of any Court of Record, Sheriff, or Collector, or any person holding a lucrative office under the United States, or this State, or any foreign government, shall be eligible to the Legislature, nor shall at the same time, hold or exercise any two offices, agencies or appointments of trust or profit under this State: provided that offices of the militia, to which there is attached no annual salary, or the office of Justice of the Peace, shall not be deemed lucrative.
S EC . 25 . Ningun Juez de ningun tribunal de derecho ó de equidad, Secretario del Estado, Procurador General, Secretario25 de algun Jusgado de Registro, Esherife, ó Recaudador de rentas26 , ó individuo alguno teniendo algun empleo lucrativo bajo el Gobierno de los Estados unidos, ó bajo del de éste Estado, ó bajo algun Gobierno estranjero será eligible á la Legislatura, ni tampoco tendrá ó ejercerá al mismo tiempo dos empleos, agencias ó nombramientos de confianza ó de lucro, bajo éste Estado. – Con tal, que los empleos en la milicia, á al que no hay agregado un emolumento anual, ó el
same substance, shall be passed into a law during the same session.
empleo de juez de páz, no se considerarán lucrativos. S EC . 26 . Ningun, individuo, que hubièra sido, en cualquier tiempo, recaudador de contribuciones ó que de otra manera hubiére sido encargado con fondos publicos, será eligible para la Legislatura ó para algun otro destino publico de lucro ó de confianza bajo el Gobierno del Estado, hasta que haya obtenido un finiquíto por el importe de la tal recaudacion, y por todos los fondos publicos con los que hubiéra sido encargado.
S ECT. 27. Ministers of the Gospel, being by their profession dedicated to God and the care of souls, ought not to be diverted from the great duties of their functions; therefore, no minister of the Gospel, or Priest of any denomination18 , shall be eligible to the Legislature.
S EC . 27 . Los Ministros del Evangelio, siendo por profesion dedicados á Dios, y al cuidado de las almas, no deben ser distraidos de las grandes obligaciones de sus destinos; portanto ningun Ministro del Evangelio; ó Sacerdóte de denominacion alguna, será eligible para la Legislatura.
S ECT. 28. Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be general throughout the State, and shall be regulated by law.
S EC . 28 . Las elecciones para los Senadores y Representantes serán generales, por todo el Estado, y serán reglamentadas por la ley.
S ECT. 29. The Legislature shall at their first meeting, and in the year19 one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, and fifty, and every eight years thereafter cause an enumeration20 of all the free inhabitants (Indians not taxed, Africans and descendants of Africans excepted,) of the State designating particularly, the number of qualified electors; and the whole number of Representatives, shall at the several periods of making such enumeration, be fixed by the Legislature, and apportioned among the several counties, cities or towns, according to the number of free population in each; and shall not be less than forty-five, nor more than ninety.
S EC . 29 . La Legislatura dispondrá en su primera sesion, y en el año de mil ochocientos cuarenta y ocho, y cinquenta, y cada ocho años en adelante, que se tome una enumeracion {censo} de todos los habitantes libres (Indios no empadronados, Africanos y los descendientes de Africanos ecseptuando) del Estado, designando con particularidad el numero de los electores calificados; y el total numero de Representantes será fijado por la Legislatura á las diversas epocas en que se tomare tal censo, y proratéado entre los varios condados; ciudades y villas, en proporcion al número de los habitantes libres de cada uno; y no bajarà de cuarenta y cinco, ni pasarà de noventa.
S ECT. 26. No person who at any time may have been a collector of taxes, or who may have been otherwise entrusted with public money, shall be eligible to the Legislature, or to any office of profit or trust under the State Government, until he shall have obtained a discharge for the amount of such collections, and for all public moneys with which he may have been entrusted.
T EJAS S EC . 30 . Hasta despues del primer censo y proratéo bajo ésta Constitucion, el proratéo de Representantes éntra los varios condados será el siguiente, á saber: El condado de Montgomery eligirá cuatro representantes; los condados del Rio Rojo, Harrison, Nacogdoches, Harris y Washington, eligirán, cada uno, tres representantes; los condados de Fannin, Lamar, Bowie, Shelby, San Augustin, Rusk, Houston, Sabinas, Libertad, Robertson, Galveston, Brazororia, Fayette, Colorado, Austin, Gonzales y Bejar, cada uno dos representantes; los condados de Jefferson, Gaspár, Brazos, Milam, Bastrop, Travis, Matagorda, Jackson, Fort-Bend, Victoria, Refugi[o], Goliad y San Patricio, cada uno, un representante.
S ECT. 31. The whole number of Senators shall, at the next session after the several periods of making the enumeration be fixed by the Legislature, and apportioned among the several districts to be established by law, according to the number of qualified electors, and shall never be less than nineteen nor more than thirty-three.
S EC . 31 . El total número de los Senadores será fijado por la Legislatura, en su primera sesion despues de las varias epocas á las cuales se tomará el censo, y prorateado éntre los varios distritos que se establecerán por la ley, en proporcion al número de los electores calificados, y nunca bajará de diez y nueve, ni pasará de treinta y tres.
S ECT. 32. Until the first enumeration, as provided for by this Constitution the Senatorial districts shall be as follows, to wit: the Counties of Fannin and Lamar, shall constitute the first district, and elect one Senator; the Counties of Red River and Bowie, the second district, and elect one Senator; the Counties of Fannin, Lamar, Red River and Bowie, conjointly, shall elect one Senator; the County of Harrison the third district, shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Nacogdoches Rusk and Houston, the fourth district, shall elect two Senators; the Counties of San Augustine and Shelby the fifth district shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Sabine and Jasper, the sixth district shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Liberty and Jefferson the seventh district shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Robert-
S EC . 32 . Hasta el primer censo, segun queda provenido por ésta Constitucion, los Distritos Senatoriales serán como sigue, á saber: Los condados de Fannin y Lamar, compondrán el primer Distrito, y elegirá un senador; los condados de Rio Rojo y Bowie, el segundo distrito, y elegirá un senador; los condados de Fannin, Lamar, Rio Rojo, y Bowie, de mancomún, elegirán un senador; el condado de Harrison, el tercer distrito, elegirá un senador; los condados de Nacogdoches, Rusk, y Houston, el cuarto distrito, elegirá dos senadores; los condados de San Augustin, y Shelby, el quinto distrito, elegirá un senador; los condados de Sabinas y Gaspár, el sesto distrito, elegirá un Senador; los condados de Libertad y Jefferson, el setimo distrito, elegirá un senador; los
S ECT. 30. Until21 the first enumeration and apportionment under this Constitution, the following shall be the apportionment of Representatives among22 the several counties, viz: The County of Montgomery shall elect four Representatives; the counties of Red River, Harrison Nacogdoches, Harris and Washington, shall elect three Representatives each; the Counties of Fannin Lamar Bowie Shelby San Augustine Rusk Houston Sabine Liberty Robertson Galveston Brazoria Fayette Colorado Austin Gonzales and Bexar, two Representatives each; the Counties of Jefferson Jasper Brazos Milam Bastrop Travis Matagorda Jackson Fort Bend Victoria Refugio Goliad and San Patricio, one Representative each.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) condados de Robertson y Brazos, el octavo distrito, elegirá un senador; el condado de Montgomery el nono distrito, elegirá un senador; el condado de Harris, el decimo distrito, elegirá un senador; el condado de Galvestón, el undecimo distrito, elegirá un senador; los condados de Brazoria y Matagorda, el duodecimo distrito, eligiré un senador; los condados de Austin y Fort-Bend, el decimotercio distrito, elegirá un senador; los condados de Fayette y Colorado, el decimocuarto distrito, elegirá un senador; los condados de Bastrop y Travis, el decimoquinto distrito, elegirá un senador; los condados de Washington y Milam, el decimosesto distrito, elegirá un senador; los condados de Victoria, Gonzales, y Jackson, el decimosetimo distrito, elegirá un senador; el condado de Bejar, el decimooctavo distrito, elegirá un senador; y los condados de Refugio, Goliad, y San Patricio, el decimonono distrito, eligirá un senador.
S ECT. 33. The first session of the Legislature after the adoption of this Constitution by the Congress of the United States, shall be held at the city of Austin, the present seat of government, and, thereafter, until the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty; after which period, the seat of government shall be permanently located by the people.
S EC . 33 . La primera sesion de la Legislatura, despues de la adopcion de ésta Constitucion por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, se tendrá en la ciudad de Austin, la actual capital27 , y de alli en adelante hasta el año de mil ochocientos y cinquenta; despues de cuya epoca, la capital será permanentemente establecida por el pueblo.
S ECT. 34. The members of the Legislature, shall at their first session, receive from the Treasury of the State, as their compensation, three dollars for each day they shall be in attendance on, and three dollars to every twenty-five miles travelling to and from the place of convening the Legislature.
S EC . 34 . Los miembros de la Legislatura en su primera sesion, percibirán de la Tesoreria del Estados, por via de compensacion, tres pesos28 por cada dia que asistiéren, y tres pesos por cada veinte y cinco millas de viaje de ida y vuelta al lugar de la reunion de la Legislatura.
S ECT. 35. In order to settle permanently the seat of government, an election shall be holden throughout the State, at the usual places of holding elections, on the first Monday in March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, which shall be conducted according to law; at which time, the people shall
S EC . 35 . A fin de fijar permanentemente la Capital del Estado habrà una eleccion por toda la estension del Estado en los lugares acostumbrados para celebrar las elecciones, el primer Lunes de Marzo, de mil ochocientos y cinquenta; cuya eleccion se celebrarà segun la ley, á cuyo tiempo, el
son and Brazos the eighth district, shall elect one Senator; the County of Montgomery the ninth district shall elect one Senator; the County of Harris the tenth district, shall elect one Senator; the County of Galveston the eleventh district, shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Brazoria and Matagorda, the twelfth district, shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Austin and Fort Bend, the thirteenth district, shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Colorado and Fayette the fourteenth district, shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Bastrop and Travis, the fifteenth23 , shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Washington and Milam, the sixteenth district, shall elect one Senator; the Counties of Victoria, Gonzales and Jackson, the seventeenth district, shall elect one Senator; the County of Bexar, the eighteenth district, shall elect one Senator; the24 counties of Goliad Refugio and San Patricio, the nineteenth district, shall elect one Senator.
T EXAS pueblo votará por el lugar que le pareciére conveniente para la capital. La razón de dicha eleccion será remitida al Gobernador del Estado29 para el primer Lunes de Junio: si alguno de los lugares votados obtuviére la mayoria de todos los votos emitidos, entonces aquel lugar será la capital permanente del Estado, hasta el año de mil ochocientos y setenta, á menos que el Estado se dividiese con anterioridad. Pero en caso que ninguno de los lugares votados obtuviere la mayoria de todos los votos emitidos, el Gobernador espedirá su proclama para que se celebre una eleccion en la misma manera, el primer Lunes de Octubre, de mil ochocientos y cinquenta, éntre los dos lugares que hubiéren reunido el mayor número de votos en la primera eleccion. La eleccion se celebrará en la misma manera que la primera, y la razon será remitida al Gobernador; y el lugar reuniniendo el macsimo número de votos será la Capital del Estado por el termino yá antes aqui prefijado.
Judicial Department
Departamento Judicial
S ECT. 1. The Judicial power of this State, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, in District Courts, and in such inferior Courts as the Legislature may from time to time ordain and establish, and such jurisdiction may be vested in corporation courts, as may be deemed necessary and be directed by law.
S EC . 1 . El poder judicial de éste Estado será vestida en una Corte Suprema, en Cortes de Distrito, y en las Cortes inferiores, que la Legislatura de tiempo en tiempo, ordenare y estableciere. Y en los juzgados municipales30 se vestirá la jurisdiccion, que se considére necesaria y fuere prevenido por la ley.
S ECT. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two Associates any two of whom shall form a quorum.
S EC . 2 . La Suprema Corte consistirá de un Juez Principal, y dos asociados, cualquier dos de ellos formarán un tribunal competente. {Quorum.}
S ECT. 3. The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which shall be co-extensive with the limits of the State; but in criminal cases, and in appeals from inter-
S EC . 3 . La Suprema Corte tendrá jurisdiccion unicamente en apelacion, la cual será coestensiva con los limites del Estado, pero en causas criminales, y en las apelacio-
vote for such place as they may see proper, for the Seat of Government. The returns of said election to be transmitted to the Governor by the first Monday in June: if either place voted for, shall have a majority of the whole number of votes cast, then the same shall be the permanent seat of government until the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy, unless the State shall sooner be divided. But in case neither place voted for, shall have the majority of the whole number of votes given in, then the Governor shall issue his proclamation for an election to be holden in the same manner, on the first Monday in October one thousand eight hundred and fifty, between the two places having the highest number of votes at the first election. The election shall be conducted in the same manner as at the first, and the returns made to the Governor, and the place having the highest number of votes, shall be the seat of Government for the time herein before provided.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) nes de los juicios interlocutorios, la tendrá bajo las ecsepciones y los reglamentos que la Legislatura decretare; y la Suprema Corte, y los Jueces de ella, tendrán la facultad de espedir autos de “Habeas Corpus,” y bajo los Reglamentos que fueren prescritos por la ley podrá espedir autos de “Mandamus,” y los demás autos que fueren necesarios para poner en fuerza su propia jurisdiccion; y tambien para obligar á un Juez de la Corte del Distrito que proceda con el proceso y el juicio en una causa; y la Suprema Corte tendrá sus sesiones una vez cada año, entre los meses de Octubre y Junio inclusivo en los lugares en el Estado que no pasen de tres.
S ECT. 4. The Supreme Court shall appoint its own Clerks who shall hold their offices27 for four years, and be subject to removal, by the said Court for neglect of duty, misdemeanor in office, and such other causes as may be prescribed by law.
S EC . 4 . La Suprema Corte nombrará sus propios Secretarios, quienes tendrán sus destinos por cuatro años, y estarán sugetos á ser despedidos por la misma corte de sus empleos, por falta de sus obligaciones, mala conducta en su destino, y por las demás causas que fuesen prevenidas por la ley.
S ECT. 5. The Governor shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate, shall appoint the Judges of the Supreme and District Courts; and they shall hold their offices for six years.
S EC . 5 . El Gobernador propondrá, y con el consejo y consentimiento de dos terceras partes del Senado nombrará los Jueces de la Suprema Corte y los de las del Distrito, y tendrán sus destinos por seis años.
S ECT. 6. The State shall be divided into convenient Judicial Districts; for each district there shall be appointed a Judge, who shall reside in the same, and hold the Courts at one place in each county; and, at least twice in each year, in such manner as may be prescribed by law.
S EC . 6 . El Estado será dividido en Distritos Judiciales convenientes. Para cada Distrito será nombrado un Juez, que residerá dentro del mismo, y tendrá sus Cortes en un lugar en cada condado, á lo menos dos veces en cada año, en la manera segun fuere prescrito por la ley.
S ECT. 7. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall receive a salary, not less than two thousand dollars annually; and28 the Judges of the District Court a salary, not less than seventeen hundred and fifty dollars annually; and the salaries of the Judges shall not be increased, or diminished, during their continuance in office.
S EC . 7 . Los Jueces de la Suprema Corte percibirán un sueldo que no baje de dos mil pesos, anualmente, y los Jueces de las Cortes del Distrito, un sueldo que no baje de mil setecientos y cinquenta pesos, anualmente; y los sueldos de los Jueces no se aumentarán ni se rebajarán durante su continuacion en sus destinos.
locutory judgements, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Legislature shall make; and the Supreme Court and Judges thereof, shall have power to issue the writ of habeas corpus, and under such regulations, as maybe prescribed by law, may issue writs of mandamus, and such other writs as shall be necessary to enforce its own jurisdiction; and also compel a Judge of the District Court to proceed to25 trial and judgement in a cause; and the Supreme Court shall hold its sessions once every year, between the months of October and June inclusive, at no26 more than three places in the State.
T EJAS S EC . 8 . Los Jueces de la Suprema Corte, y los de las del Distrito, serán despedidos por el Gobernador; á pedimento de las dos terceras partes de cada Cámara de la Legislatura, por falta voluntaria de sus obligaciones, ú, por otra causa razonable, que no fuere suficiente motivo para la formacion de la causa para una acusacion publica31 ; con tal, sin embargo, que la causa ó causas por las cuales tal despedida se pidiere, se espongan por ecstenso en tal pedimento, y sean registradas en el diario de cada Cámara; y además con tal, que la causa ó las causas sean notificadas al juez que se quiere despedir, y que sea admitido el tal juez para ser oido en su propia defensa, ántes que se tome algun voto sobre tal pedimento: y en todos estos casos los votos serán tomados por la afirmativa y por la negativa, y serán registrados en el protocolo del diario32 de cada Cámara respectivamente.
S ECT. 9. All Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, shall by virtue of their offices, be conservators of the peace, throughout the State. The style of all writs and process, shall be “The State of Texas.” All prosecutions shall be carried on “in the name and by the authority of the State of Texas,” and conclude “against the peace and dignity of the State.”
S EC . 9 . Todos los Jueces de la Suprema Corte, y los de la del Distrito serán, en virtud de su oficio, conservadores de la paz, natos por todo el Estado. El encabezamiento de todo proceso ó auto, será “El Estado de Tejas.” Todos los procesos criminales serán seguidos en el nombre y por la autoridad del “Estado de Tejas,” y concluirán “contra la paz y la dignidad del Estado.”
S ECT. 10. The District Court shall have original jurisdiction of all criminal cases, of all suits in behalf of the State, to recover penalties forfeitures and escheats, and of all cases of divorce, and of all suits, complaints, and pleas, whatever, without regard to any distinction between law and equity, when the matter in controversy shall be valued at, or amount to one hundred dollars, exclusive of interest; and the said Courts, or the Judges thereof, shall have power to issue all writs necessary to enforce their own jurisdiction, and give them a general superintendence and control over inferior jurisdictions. And in the trial of all criminal cases, the
S EC . 10 . La Corte del Distrito tendrá jurisdiccion original de todas las causas criminales, de todos los pleytos de parte del Estado para recobrar múltas, confiscaciones y proscripciones33 , y de todos los casos de divorcio, y de todos los pleytos, quejas, y alegatos de cualquiera clase, sin respeto á distincion alguna entre el derecho y la equidad, cuando la materia en controversia será avaluada ó montára á cien pesos, esclusive el redito; y las dichas Cortes ó los Jueces de ellas tendrán facultad para espedir todos los autos necesarios para poner en fuerza su propia jurisdiccion, y para dar les una superintendencia general y autoridad de su-
[S ECT. 8.]29 The Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, shall be removed by the Governor, on the address of two-thirds of each House of the Legislature, for wilful neglect of duty, or other reasonable cause, which shall not be sufficient ground for impeachment; provided, however, that the cause or causes for which such removal shall be required, shall be stated at length in such address, and entered on the journals of each House; and provided, further, that the cause or causes shall be notified to the Judges30 so intended to be removed; and he shall be admitted to a hearing in his own defence, before any vote for such address shall pass; and in all such cases the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays, and entered on the Journals of each House respectively.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) jeccion34 sobre las jurisdicciones inferiores. Y en los juicios de todas las causas criminales el jurado que las juzgáre fallará y fijará la cantidad de la pena que se inflija, ó la múlta que se imponga; ecseptuandose en las causas de pena capital ó cuando la pena ó la múlta que debe imponerse sea especificamente fijado por la ley.
S ECT. 11. There shall be a Clerk of the District Courts32 for each County who shall be elected by the qualified voters, for members of the Legislature, and who shall hold his office for four years, subject to removal by information or by presentment of a grand jury, and conviction of33 a petit jury. In case of vacancy the Judge of the District shall have the power to appoint a clerk, until a regular election can be held.
S EC . 11 . Habrá un Secretario de la Corte del Distrito en cada condado, el que será electo por los electores calificados para miembros de la Legislatura, y tendrá su destino por cuatro años sujeto á ser despedido por denuncia, ó por la informacion del gran jurado, y por la conviccion de un jurado ordinario {petit jury}. En caso de una vacante, el Juez del Distrito será facultado á nombrar un Secretario hasta que haya lugar á una eleccion ordinaria.
S ECT. 12. The Governor shall nominate and by and with the advice and consent of two thirds of the Senate, appoint an Attorney General, who shall hold his office for two years; and there shall be elected by Joint vote of both Houses of the Legislature, a District Attorney for each district, who shall hold his office for two years; and the duties, salaries and perquisites of the Attorney General and District Attorneys, shall be prescribed by law.
S EC . 12 . El Gobernador propondrá, y con el consejo y consentimiento de dos terceras partes del Senado nombrará un Procurador General, que tendrá su destino por dos años, y se elegirá por ámbas cámaras de la Legislatura, por votacion de mancomún, un Procurador del Distrito, para cada Distrito, que tendrá su destino por dos años; y los deberes, sueldos, y honorarios del Procurador General, y de los Procuradores del Distrito se fijarán por la ley.
S ECT. 13. There shall be appointed for each County, a convenient number of Justices of the Peace, one Sheriff, one Coroner, and a sufficient number of Constables, who shall hold their offices for two years, to be elected by the qualified voters of the district or county, as the Legislature may direct. Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs and Coroners34 shall be commissioned by the Governor. The Sheriff shall not be eligible more than four years in every six.
S EC . 13 . Habrá para cada condado un número conveniente de Jueces de Páz, un Esherife, un Coronario, y un número suficiente de alguaciles, los que tendrán sus destinos por dos años, y serán electos por los electores calificados del distrito ó condado, segun la Legislatura lo decretare. Los Jueces de Páz, el Esherife, y el Coronario, serán comisionados por el Gobernador. El Esherife no será elegible por mas que cuatro años en cada termino de seis.
S ECT. 14. No Judge shall sit35 in any case wherein he may [be]36 interested, or where either of the parties may be connected
S EC . 14 . Ningun Juez asistirá en causa alguna en que fuere interesado, ó en la cual alguno de los interesados fueren sus parien-
jury trying the same, shall find31 and assess the amount of punishment to be inflicted, or fine imposed; except in capital cases, and where the punishment or fine imposed, shall be specifically imposed by law.
T EXAS tes por afinidad ó por la consanguinidad, en los grados que fueren prescritos por la ley, ó en la cual haya sido consejero. – Cuando la Suprema Corte ó cualquier dos de sus vocales fueren asi inhabilitados, para oir y decidir alguna causa ó causas35 , ó cuando no pueda fallarse36 un juicio en alguna causa ó causas, por la dicha Corte, en razón de la division igual de la opinion de dichos Jueces, lo será certificado al Gobernador del Estado, quien inmediatamente comisionará á un número requisito de letrados facultandolos de juzgar y fallar sobre dicha causa ó causas. – Cuando los Jueces de las Cortes del Distrito estubiésen del mismo modo inhabilitados, las partes litigantes, de acuerdo común, pueden nombrar á un individuo aproposito para juzgar dicha causa; y los Jueces del Distrito pueden cambiar sus Distritos ó alternar uno con otro en tener sus Cortes, cuando lo tubiéren por conveniente, y lo verificarán cuando fuesen asi prevenidos por la ley. Las inhabilidades de los Jueces de los tribunales inferiores, se remediarán segun en adelante la ley preveniése.
S ECT. 15. Inferior tribunals shall be established in each county for appointing guardians, granting letters testamentary, and of administration; for settling the accounts of executors, administrators and guardians, and for the transaction of business appertaining to estates; and the District Courts shall have original and appellate jurisdiction, and general control over, the said inferior tribunals, and original jurisdiction and control over executors, administrators, guardians and minors under such regulations38 as may be prescribed by law.
S EC . 15 . Se estableceran en cada condado tribunales inferiores, para nombrar tutóres, otorgar letras de albaceazgo, y de fideicomisaría37 ; para liquidar las cuentas de los albaceas, fideicomisarios38 , y tutóres, y para el despacho de los negocios pertenecientes á las sucesiones39 ; y las Cortes del Distrito tendrán jurisdiccion original y en apelacion, y una facultad general de sujeccion sobre los citados tribunales inferiores; y jurisdiccion original y facultad de sujeccion sobre los fideicomisarios, albacéas, tutóres y menores, bajo los reglamentos segun fuere prescrito por la ley.
S ECT. 16. In the trial of all causes in equity in the District Court, the plaintiff or defendant, shall, upon application made in open court, have the right of trial by jury, to be governed by the rules and regulations prescribed in trials at law.
S EC . 16 . En el juicio de todas las causas en equidad, en las Cortes del Distrito, el demandante ó el demandado, tendrá, á pedimento hecho en pleno tribunal, el derecho de ser juzgado por un jurado, que será gobernado por los reglamentos prevenidos en los juicios en derecho.
with him by affinity or consanguinity, within such degrees as may be prescribed by law, or where he shall have been of counsel in the cause. When the Supreme Court or any two of its members shall be thus disqualified to hear and determine any cause or causes in said Court, or when no judgement can be rendered in any case or [cases]37 in said court, by reason of the equal division of opinion of said Judges, the same shall be certified to the Governor of the State, who shall immediately commission the requisite number of persons learned in the law, for the trial and determination of said case or cases. When the Judges of the District Court are thus disqualified, the parties may by consent, appoint a proper person to try the said case; and the Judges of the said Courts may exchange districts, or hold Courts for each other, when they may deem it expedient, and shall do so when directed by law. The disqualifications of Judges of inferior tribunals, shall be remedied as may hereafter be by law prescribed.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) S EC . 17 . Los Jueces de Paz tendrán la jurisdiccion civil y criminal, que fuere establecida por la ley.
S ECT. 18. In all causes arising out of a contract, before any inferior judicial tribunal, when the amount in controversy shall exceed ten dollars, the plaintiff or defendant shall upon application to the presiding officer, have the right of trial by jury.
S EC . 18 . En todas las causas originadas “ex contractu,” {por contrata} delante de un tribunal de justicia inferior, cuando la cantidad en controversia pase de diez pesos, el demandante ó el demandado tendrá el derecho, sobre pedimento al Juez que preside, á un juicio por jurado.
S ECT. 19. In all cases where Justices of the Peace or other judicial officers of inferior tribunals shall have jurisdiction in the trial of causes where the penalty for the violation of a law is fine or imprisonment, (except in cases of contempt,) the accused shall have the right of trial by jury.
S EC . 19 . En todas las causas en las que los Jueces de Paz ú otros funcionarios de los inferiores tribunales de Justicia, tubiéren jurisdiccion en el juicio de causas, donde la pena por la contravencion de alguna ley fuere una multa, ó una prision, (ecseptuando los casos de faltar al tribunal) el reo tendrá el derecho de un juicio por jurado.
Executive Department
Departamento Ejecutivo
S ECT. 1. The Supreme executive power of this State, shall be vested in a Chief Magistrate, who shall be styled the “Governor of the State of Texas[”].
S EC . 1 . El supremo poder ejecutivo de éste Estado se depositará en un Magistrado en Gefe, que se titulará el Gobernador del Estado de Tejas.
S ECT. 2. The Governor shall be elected, by the qualified electors of the State, at the time and places of elections for members of the Legislature.
S EC . 2 . El Gobernador será electo por los electores calificados del Estado, al tiempo y en los lugares de las elecciones para los miembros de la Legislatura.
S ECT. 3. The returns of every election for Governor, until otherwise provided by law, shall be made out, sealed, up, and transmitted to the Seat of Government, and directed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who shall during the first week of the session of the Legislature, thereafter, open and publish them in the presence of both Houses of the Legislature; the person having the highest number of votes, and being constitutionally eligible, shall be declared by
S EC . 3 . La razón de cada eleccion para Gobernador, hasta que fuere prevenido de otro modo por la ley, se estenderá y sellado se trasmitirá a la Capital del Estado, dirigido al Presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, {Speaker, Orador,} quien, durante la primera semana de la sesion de la Legislatura, procsima venidera, la abrirá y publicará en presencia de ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura; el individuo teniendo el número macsimo de votos y siendo constitucionalmente
S ECT. 17. Justices of the Peace shall have such civil and criminal jurisdiction, as shall be provided for by law.
T EJAS elegible, será declarado, por el Presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, bajo la direccion de la Legislatura, para Gobernador; pero si dos ó mas individuos obtuviesen el número macsimo é igual de votos, uno de ellos será inmediatamente electo para Gobernador por el voto mancomún de ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura. Las elecciones disputadas para Gobernador serán determinadas por ámbas cámaras de la Legislatura.
S ECT. 4. The Governor shall hold his office for the term of two years, from the regular time of installation, and until his successor shall be duly qualified but shall not be eligible for more than four years, in any term of six years; he shall be at least thirty years of age, shall be a citizen of the United States, or a citizen of the State of Texas, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, and shall have resided in the same, three years immediately preceding his election.
S EC . 4 . El Gobernador tendrá su destino por el termino de dos años desde el dia de la instalacion ordinária, y hasta que el sucesor sea debidamente calificado, pero no será elegible por mas de cuatro años en ningun periodo de seis años; será á lo menos mayor de treinta años, ciudadano de los Estados Unidos ó ciudadano del Estado de Tejas, al tiempo de la adopcion de ésta Constitucion, y con la vecindad en él de tres años inmediatamente precediendo su eleccion.
S ECT. 5. He shall, at stated times, receive a compensation for his services, which shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he shall have been elected. The first Governor shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars, and no more.
S EC . 5 . El Gobernador percibirá en epocas fijas una compensacion por sus servicios, la cual ni se aumentará ni se rebajará durante el termino por el cual haya sido electo. El primer Gobernador percibirá un sueldo anual de dos mil pesos, y no mas.
S ECT. 6. The Governor shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States.
S EC . 6 . El Gobernador será Comandante en Gefe del ejercito y de la armada de éste Estado, y de la milicia, ecsepto en el caso en que fueren dichas fuerzas llamadas al servicio de los Estados Unidos.
S ECT. 7. He may require information in writing from the Offices40 of the Executive Department, on any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices.
S EC . 7 . El Gobernador será facultado para pedir informe, por escrito, de los empleados del Departamento Ejecutivo, sobre cualquier negocio40 , relativo á las obligaciones de sus respetivos destinos.
S ECT. 8. He may, by proclamation, on extraordinary occasions, convene the Legislature at the Seat of Government, or at a different place, if that should be in the actual possession of a public enemy; in case of
S EC . 8 . Podrá, por proclama, en casos estraordinarios, convocar á la Legislatura, yá en la Capital del Estado, yá en otro lugar, en caso que la Capital fuere en la posesion actual de un enemigo público; en caso de
the Speaker, under the direction of the Legislature, to be Governor; but if two or more persons shall have the highest and an equal number of votes, one of them shall be immediately chosen Governor by joint vote of both Houses of the Legislature. [Contested elections for Governor shall be determined by both Houses of the Legislature.]39
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) discordia éntre las dos Cámaras relativo á levantar las sesiones, podrá levantarlas para el tiempo que estimáre conveniente, no pasando el dia de la procsima reunion ordinaria de la Legislatura.
S ECT. 9. He shall, from time to time, give to the Legislature information in writing, of the State of the Government, and recommend to their consideration, such measures as he may deem expedient.
S EC . 9 . Dará de tiempo en tiempo informacion, por escrito, á la Legislatura, sobre el estado del Gobierno, y recomendará para su consideracion las medidas que tubiére por conveniente.
S ECT. 10. He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
S EC . 10 . Cuidará de que las leyes se ejecuten fielmente.
S ECT. 11. In all criminal cases, except in those of treason and impeachment he shall have power, after conviction, to grant reprieves and pardons; and under such rules as the Legislature may prescribe, he shall have power to remit fines and forfeitures. In cases of treason, he shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to grant reprieves and pardons; and he may in the recess of the Senate, respite the sentence, until the end of the next session of the Legislature.
S EC . 11 . En todas las causas criminales, menos en las de traicion y acusacion publica (formacion de causa,) tendrá facultad, despúes de la conviccion, de indultar y de perdonar la pena; y bajo los reglamentos que la Legislatura estableciére, tendrá facultad de remitir múltas y confiscaciones. En los casos de traicion tendrá la facultad, con la consulta y con el consentimiento del Senado, de perdonar la pena, y de indultar; y en el receso del Senado, podrá suspender la ejecucion de la sentencia, hasta el fin de la sesion de la Legislatura procsima41 .
S ECT. 12. There shall also be a Lieutenant Governor, who shall be chosen at every election for Governor, by the same persons, and in the same manner continue in office for the same time, and possess the same qualifications. In voting for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, the electors shall distinguish for whom the[y] vote as Governor, and for whom as Lieutenant Governor. The Lieutenant Governor shall, by virtue of his office, be President of the Senate and have, when in Committee of the whole, a right to debate and vote on all questions, and when the Senate is equally divided, to give42 the casting vote. In case of the death, resignation, removal from office, inability or refusal of the Governor to serve, or of his impeachment or absence from the State the Lieutenant Governor shall exercise the pow-
S EC . 12 . Habrá tambien un Teniente Gobernador, que será electo á cada eleccion para Gobernador, por los mismos individuos, y en la misma forma; continuará en su destino por el mismo termino, y tendrá los mismos requisitos como el Gobernador42 ; al votar para el Gobernador y el Teniente Gobernador, los electores distinguirán por quien votan para Gobernador y por quien para Teniente Gobernador. El Teniente Gobernador será “virtute officio” {nato} Presidente del Senado, y tendrá el derecho, en Gran Comision, de voz y voto sobre todas cuestiones, y cuando el Senado estuviése en empáte de decidir con su voto. En caso de la muerte, demision, despedida del empleo, inhabilidad, ó denegacion del empleo del Gobernador, ó en caso de haber sido puesto en acusacion publica, ó en su ausencia
disagreement between the two Houses with respect to adjournment41 , he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper, not beyond the day of the next regular meeting of the Legislature.
T EXAS del Estado, el Teniente Gobernador ejercerá los poderes y la autoridad perteneciente al empleo del Gobernador, hasta que un otro fuere electo, en la eleccion ordinaria para Gobernador, y fuere debidamente calificado, ó hasta que el Gobernador acusado, ausente ó inhabilitado fuere absuelto, regresado, ó rehabilitado.
S ECT. 13. Whenever the government shall be administered by the Lieutenant Governor, or he shall be unable to attend as President of the Senate, the Senate shall elect one of their own members, as President for the time being. And if, during the vacancy of the office of Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall die, resign, refuse to serve, or be removed from office, or be unable to serve, or if he shall be impeached, or absent from the State the President of the Senate for the time being, shall in like manner administer the Government until he shall be superceded by a Governor or Lieutenant Governor; the Lieutenant Governor, shall, whilst he acts as President of the Senate, receive for his services, the same compensation which shall be allowed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and no more; and during the time he administers the government as Governor, shall receive the same compensation, which the Governor would have received, had he been employed in the duties of his Office, and no more. The President for the time being of the Senate, shall during the time he administers the Government receive in like manner the same compensation which the Governor would have received had he been employed in the duties of his office. If the Lieutenant Governor shall be required to administer the Government, and shall whilst in such administration, die resign or be absent from the State during the recess of the Legislature, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, to convene the Senate for the purpose of choosing a President for the time being.
S EC . 13 . Siempre cuando el Gobierno fuere desempeñado por el Teniente Gobernador, ó cuando él no pudiera asistir como Presidente del Senado, el Senado elegirá uno de sus propios miembros para Presidente interino. Y si, durante la vacante del empleo del Gobernador, el Teniente Gobernador falleciére, demitiére, denegáre el empleo, ó fuere despedido del destino, ó fuere inhabilitado para desempeñar su encargo, ó si fuere púesto en acusacion publica, ó ausente del Estado, el Presidente interíno del Senado desempeñará, de la misma manera, el Gobierno, hasta que sea relevado por un Gobernador ó Teniente Gobernador; el Teniente Gobernador percibirá por sus servicios mientras desempeñe la Presidencia del Senado, la misma compensacion, que obtuviére el Presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, y no más, y mientras que desempeñare las funciones del Gobernador, la misma compensacion que hubiéra recibido el Gobernador si hubiéra estado en el desempeño de las obligaciones de su encargo, y no más. El Presidente interino del Senado percibirá durante el tiempo que desempeñe el Gobierno en la misma manera, la misma compensacion que el Gobernador hubiéra recibido, si hubiéra estado empleado en los deberes de su destino. Si el Teniente Gobernador fuere llamado para encargarse del Gobierno y durante tal encargo falleciére, renunciáre ó estubiere ausente del Estado, durante el receso de 1a Legislatura, será el deber del Secretario del Estado convocar al Senado para que eliga á un Presidente interino.
ers43 and authority appertaining to the office of Governor, until another be chosen at the periodical election44 , and be duly qualified, or until the Governor, impeached, absent or disabled, shall be acquitted, return, or his disability be removed.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) S EC . 14 . Habrá un Sello del Estado, el cual será al cargo del Gobernador, y será usado por él, de oficio. Dicho sello será una estrella de cinco puntas, rodeada de una rama de olivo y de otra de encina, y el lema de “El Estado de Tejas.”
S ECT. 15. All commissions shall be in the name and by the authority of the State of Texas, be sealed with the State seal, signed by the Governor and attested by the Secretary of State.
S EC . 15 . Todos los Despachos serán espedidos en el nombre y de autoridad del Estado de Tejas, serán sellados con el sello del Estado, firmados por el Gobernador, y refrendados por el Secretario del Estado.
S ECT. 16. There shall be a Secretary of State, who shall be appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall continue in office during the term of service of the Governor elect. He shall keep a fair register of all official acts and proceedings of the Governor, and shall, when required, lay the same, and all papers, minutes and vouchers relative thereto before the Legislature, or either House thereof, and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by law.
S EC . 16 . Habrá un Secretario del Estado, que será nombrado por el Gobernador con la consulta y el consentimiento del Senado, y continuará en su destino durante el termino del empleo del Gobernador electo. Llevará un registro fiel de todos los actos y procedimientos de oficio del Gobernador, y en caso que asi se le exigiére, lo presentará, y todos los papeles, actas, y comprobantes en su relacion, á la Legislatura, ó á cualquiera de sus cámaras, y desempeñará los demás deberes que se le impusiéren por la ley.
S ECT. 17. Every bill which shall have passed both Houses of the Legislature shall be presented to the Governor; if he approve, he shall sign it; but if not he shall return it with his objections, to the House, in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large upon the journals and proceed to reconsider it; if, after such reconsideration, two thirds of the members present, shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent with the objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered; if approved by two thirds of the membe[r]s present of that house, it shall become a law; but in such cases, the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against the bill, shall be entered on the journals of each House respectively; if any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within five days, (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall
S EC . 17 . Cada proyecto de ley que hubiere pasado ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura será presentado al Gobernador del Estado; si lo aprobáre, lo firmará; pero si no lo aprobáre, lo devolverá con sus objeciones á la Cámara en la cual tubo su origen, la que asentará las objeciones por estenso en el protocólo de su diario, y procederá á reconsiderarlo; si despúes de tal reconsideracion, dos terceras partes de los miembros presentes concurriéren en pasar el tal proyecto de ley, se remitirá, con las objeciones, á la otra cámara, por la cual tambien será reconsiderado; si fuere aprobado por dos terceras partes de los miembros presentes de dicha Cámara, será una ley, pero en tales casos los votos de ámbas cámaras serán determinados por la afirmativa y por la negativa, y los nombres de los miembros votando en pro ó en contra del proyecto de ley serán registrados en el diario de cada Cámara respetivamente; si algun proyecto de ley no
S ECT. 14. There shall be a seal of the State, which shall be kept by the Governor, and used by him officially. The said seal shall be a star of five points, encircled by an olive and live-oak branches, and the words “the State of Texas.”
T EJAS fuere devuelto por el Gobernador dentro de cinco dias, ecseptuando los Domingos, despúes de habersele presentado, será ley, en la misma manera, como si lo hubiéra firmado. Todo proyecto de ley presentado al Gobernador un dia antes de levantarse la sesion de la Legislatura, y que no fuere devuelto á la Cámara en que tubo su origen43 , será ley, y tendrá la misma fuerza y efecto, como si hubiéra sido firmado por el Gobernador.
S ECT. 18. Every order, resolution or vote to which the concurrence of both Houses of the Legislature may be necessary, except on questions of adjournment, shall be presented to the Governor, and before it shall take effect, be approved by him; or, being disapproved, shall be re-passed by both Houses according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill.
S EC . 18 . Cada órden, acuerdo ó voto, á lo cual la concurrencia de ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura fuere necesaria, ecseptuando los sobre cuestiones de levantar la sesion, será presentado al Gobernador, ántes de que tenga efecto, y debe ser aprobado por él; ó, en caso de desaprobarlo, será pasado otra vez por ámbas Cámaras, segun los reglamentos y limitaciones prescritos en casos de proyectos de ley.
S ECT. 19. The Governor, by and with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate shall appoint a convenient number of Notaries Public – not exceeding six for each county – who, in addition to such duties as are prescribed by law, shall discharge such other duties as the Legislature may, from time to time prescribe.
S EC . 19 . El Gobernador nombrará con el consejo y el consentimiento de dos terceras partes del Senado, un número conveniente de Escribanos44 Publicos, no pasando seis, para cada condado, quienes, en adicion á los deberes de su destino prevenido por la ley, desempeñarán las obligaciones que la Legislatura, de tiempo en tiempo, prescribiese.
S ECT. 20. Nominations to fill all vacancies that may have occurred during the recess, shall be made [to the Senate]45 during the first ten days of its session. And should any nomination so made be rejected, the same individual shall not again be nominated during the session to fill the same office. And should the Governor fail to make nominations to fill any vacancy, during the session of the Senate such vacancy shall not be filled by the Governor until the next meeting of the Senate.
S EC . 20 . Las propuestas para suplir todas las vacantes que hubiéren ocurridas durante el receso del Senado, serán presentadas al Senado, dentro de los diez primeros dias de su sesion. Y en caso alguna de dichas propuestas fuere desechada, el mismo individuo no será propuesto por la segunda vez durante aquella sesion para suplir el mismo destino. Y si el Gobernador faltáre á hacer las propuestas para suplir cualquiera vacante, durante la sesion del Senado, tal vacante no se suplirá por el Gobernador hasta la procsima reunion del Senado.
S ECT. 21. The Governor shall reside, during the session of the Legislature, at the place where their sessions may be held,
S EC . 21 . El Gobernador residerá, durante la sesion de la Legislatura, en el lugar de sus sesiones, y en todos otros tiempos
be a law, in like manner, as if he had signed it. Every bill presented to the Governor one day previous to the adjournment of the Legislature, and not returned to the House in which it originated, before its adjournment, shall become a law, and have the same force and effect as if signed by the Governor.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) donde, en la opinion de la Legislatura, el bien publico lo exigiese.
S ECT. 22. No person holding the office of Governor, shall hold any other office or commission, civil or military.
S EC . 22 . Ningun individuo teniendo el destino de Gobernador, tendrá un otro, ó comision en el ramo civil ó militar.
S ECT. 23. A State Treasurer and Comptroller of public accounts shall be biennially elected by the joint ballot of both Houses of the Legislature; and in case of vacancy in either of said offices during the recess of the Legislature, such vacancy shall be filled by the Governor, which appointment shall continue until the close of the next session of the Legislature thereafter.
S EC . 23 . Un Tesorero del Estado y un contralor de las cuentas publicas serán electos por bienio, por el voto mancomún de ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura, y en caso de una vacante en cualquier de los dichos destinos durante el receso de la Legislatura, tal vacante será suplida por el Gobernador, cuyo nombramiento durará hasta que se levante45 la sesion procsima de la Legislatura venidera.
La Milicia
S ECT. 1. The legislature shall provide by law for organizing and disciplining the militia of this State, in such manner as they shall deem expedient, not incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the United States in relation thereto.
S EC . 1 . La Legislatura proveerá46 la organizacion y la disciplina de la Milicia de éste Estado, en la manera que tubiere por conveniente, con tal que no sea incompatible con la Constitucion y las leyes de los Estados Unidos, relativas á ello.
S ECT. 2. Any person who conscientiously scruples to bear arms, shall not be compelled to do so, but shall pay an equivalent for personal service.
S EC . 2 . Cualquier individuo que tubiere escrupulos de conciencia para portar armas, no será obligado verificarlo, pero pagará un equivalente por el servicio personal.
S ECT. 3. No licensed Minister of the Gospel shall be required to perform military duty, work on roads, or serve on juries in this State.
S EC . 3 . A ningun licenciado Ministro del Evangelio se le exigirá desempañar servicio militar, trabajar en los caminos, ó servir de jurado, en éste Estado.
S ECT. 4. The Governor shall have power to call forth the militia to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections and to repel invasions.
S EC . 4 . El Gobernador tendrá la facultad de levantar (llamar) la milicia para ejecutar las leyes del Estado, para suprimir insurecciones y para repeler invasiones.
General Provisions
Prevenciones Generales
S ECT. 1. Members of the Legislature, and all officers, before they enter upon the duties
S EC . 1 . Los miembros de la Legislatura y todos los empleados publicos, ántes de
and at46 all other times, whenever47 in their opinion the public good may require.
T EXAS entrár en el desempeño de sus funciones, prestarán el juramento, ú otorgarán la afirmacion siguiente: “Yó (A. B.) juro solemnemente, (ó afírmo) que desempeñaré fiel é imparcialmente todos los deberes obligatorios sobre mi como (aqui el destino)47 segun mi mejor conocimiento y capacidad, conforme á la Constitucion y las leyes de los Estados Unidos, y á las de éste Estado: además juro solemnemente (ó afirmo) que desde la adopcion de ésta Constitucion por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, siendo yó ciudadano de éste Estado, no me hé combatido en duelo con armas mortales, dentro ó fuera de los limites de éste Estado, ni hé enviado ó admitido un desafío para combatir en duelo con armas mortales; ni hé funcionado de padrino para llevar un desafío para combatir con armas mortales48 , ni hé aucsiliado, aconsejado, ó asistido individuo alguno que asi ofendiese – asi me ayude Dios.”
S ECT. 2. Treason against this State shall consist only in levying war against it, or in adhering to its enemies – giving them aid and comfort; and no person shall be convicted of Treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or his own confession in open court.
S EC . 2 . Traicion contra éste Estado consistirá únicamente en el acto de hacerle la guerra ó en adherirse á sus enemigos, dandoles aucsilio y proteccion. Ninguno será convicto por traicion, á menos que no fuere sobre el testimonio de dos testigos al mismo acto publico ó sobre su propia confesion en pleno tribunal.
S ECT. 3. Every person shall be disqualified from holding any office of trust or profit in this State, who shall have been convicted of having given or offered a bribe to procure his election or appointment.
S EC . 3 . Todo individuo será inhabilitado para optar destino alguno de lucro ó de confianza en éste Estado, que fuere convicto de haber dado ú ofrecido un cohecho para procurar su eleccion ó nombramiento.
S ECT. 4. Laws shall be made to exclude from office, serving on juries, and from the right of suffrage, those who shall hereafter be convicted of bribery, perjury, forgery, or other high crimes. The privilege of free suffrage shall be supported by laws regulating elections, and prohibiting under adequate penalties, all undue influence thereon, from power, bribery, tumult or other improper
S EC . 4 . Se espedirán leyes para escluir de los destinos publicos, y de los jurados, y para privar del derecho de votar todos aquellos, que de aqui en adelante fueren convictos de cohecho, perjuria, falsificacion ú otro crimen enorme. El derecho de la votacion libre será protejido por las leyes que reglamenten las elecciones, y se prohibirá bajo penas adecuadas todo influjo indebido rela-
of their offices, shall take the following oath or affirmation: “I (A. B.) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me as –––––– according to the best of my skill and ability, agreeably to the Constitution and laws of the United States, and of this State; and I do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that since the adoption of this Constitution, by the Congress of the United States, I, being a citizen of this State, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons, within this State nor48 out of it; nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons; nor have I acted as second in carrying49 a challenge, or aided, advised, or assisted any person thus offending – so help me God.”
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) tivo á ellas, sea del poder, cohecho, tumulto ú otras malas practicas.
S ECT. 5. Any citizen of this State, who shall after the adoption of this Constitution, fight a duel with deadly weapons, or send or accept a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, either within the State or out of it, or who shall act as second or knowingly aid and assist in any manner those thus offending shall be deprived of holding any office50 of trust or profit under this State.
S EC . 5 . Cualquier ciudadano de éste Estado que después de la adopcion de ésta Constitucion combatiére en duelo, con armas mortales,49 yá dentro, yá fuera de éste Estado ó que hiciére las veces de padrino ó con conocimiento ayudáre ó aucsiliáre en manera alguna, á los que asi ofendiesen, será privado de optar algun destino publico de confianza ó de lucro, bajo el Gobierno de este Estado50 .
S ECT. 6. In all elections, by the people, the vote shall be by ballot, until the Legislature shall otherwise direct; and in all elections by the Senate and House of Representatives, jointly or separately, the vote shall be given viva voce, except in the election of their offices51 .
S EC . 6 . En todas las elecciones por el pueblo, la votacion será por cédulas, hasta que la Legislatura disponga de otro modo y en todas las elecciones por el Senado ó por la Cámara de Representantes de mancomún ó por separado, el voto será dado viva voz ecsepto en la eleccion de sus empleados.
S ECT. 7. The Legislature shall provide by law, for the compensation of all officers, servants, agents, and public contractors not provided for by this Constitution; and shall not grant extra compensation, to any officer, agent, servant, or public contractor, after such public service shall have been performed, or contract entered into for the performance of the same; nor grant by appropriation or otherwise, any amount of money out of the Treasury of the State, to any individual, on a claim, real or pretended where the same shall not have been provided for by pre-existing law. Provided that nothing, in this section, shall be so construed as to affect the claims of persons against the Republic of Texas, heretofore existing.
S EC . 7 . La Legislatura proveerá por la ley la compensacion de todos los empleados, sirvientes, agentes, y contratistas publicos, cuya compensacion no fuese proveida en ésta Constitucion; y no concederá compensacion estraordinaria; á ningun empleado, sirviente, agente, ó contratista publico, despúes de que haya prestado tal servicio publico, ó celebrado la contrata para el desempeño de tal servicio; ni tampoco concederá por apropiacion ó de otra manera, cantidad alguna de dinero del tesoro publico, á individuo alguno sobre un reclamo real ó pretendido, donde no hubiere proveido una ley preecsistente. Con tal, que nada del contenido en ésta seccion se interpretará de manera que pueda perjudicar los reclamos de los interesados contra la Republica de Tejas ecsistentes con anterioridad.
S ECT. 8. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in pursuance of52 specific appropriations made by law; nor shall any appropriation of money be made for a longer term than two years, except for purposes of education; and no appropriation for private
S EC . 8 . Ningun dinero será sacado del Tesoro público á menos que no sea en virtud de alguna apropiacion especial hecha por ley; ni tampoco se hará apropiacion alguna de dinero por mas termino que dos años, ecseptuando, para los objetos de la instruccion
T EJAS publica; y ninguna apropiacion para objetos particulares ó individuales, ó para objetos de mejoras internas publicas se hará, sin la concurrencia de las dos terceras partes de ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura. Un Estado en forma, y una razón de los ingresos y egresos de todos los fondos publicos, se publicará anualmente, en la manera, que la ley prevenga. Y en ningun caso tendrá la Legislatura la facultad de emitir Vales de la Tesoreria, Billetes del Fisco ó papel de descripcion alguna, con intento de circularlo como moneda.
S ECT. 9. All civil officers shall reside within the State; and all district or county officers, within their districts or counties; and shall keep their offices at such places therein as may be required by law.
S EC . 9 . Todos los empleados civiles del Estado residirán dentro del Estado, los del distrito ó condado, dentro de sus distritos ó condados; y tendrán su oficina en los lugares de su demarcacion, segun lo que ecsigiére la ley.
S ECT. 10. The duration of all offices not fixed by this Constitution shall never exceed four years.
S EC . 10 . El periodo de todos los empleos, cuya duración no esta fijada en ésta Constitucion, nunca pasará de cuatro años.
S ECT. 11. Absence on the business of this State, or of the United States, shall not forfeit a residence once obtained, so as to deprive any one of the right of suffrage, or of being elected or appointed to any office under the exceptions contained in this Constitution.
S EC . 11 . Ausencia del Estado, en negocios de éste Estado, ó en los, de los Estados Unidos, no causará la pérdida de la vencindad una vez obtenida, para privar á uno del derecho de votar ó de ser votado51 para cualquier destino, bajo las ecsepciones contenidas en ésta Constitucion.
S ECT. 12. The Legislature shall have power to provide for deductions from the salaries of public officers, who may neglect the performance of any duty that may be assigned them by law.
S EC . 12 . La Legislatura tendrá la facultad de proveer para la rebaja de los sueldos de los empleados publicos, los que faltáren al desempeño de las obligaciones que la ley les impusiére.
S ECT. 13. No member of Congress nor person holding or exercising any office of profit or trust under the United States, or either of them or under any foreign power, shall be eligible as a member of the Legislature, or hold or exercise any office of profit or trust under this State.
S EC . 13 . Ningun miembro del Congreso, ó individuo alguno teniendo ó ejerciendo un destino publico de lucro ó de confianza bajo el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, ó bajo el de cualquier de ellos, ó bajo un Gobierno Estrangero, será elegible para miembro de la Legislatura, ó para tener ó ejercer destino alguno de lucro ó de confianza bajo el Gobierno de éste Estado.
or individual purposes, or for purposes53 of internal improvement, shall be made without the concurrence of two-thirds of both Houses of the Legislature. A regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published annually, and54 in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. And in no case shall the Legislature have the power to issue Treasury Warrants, Treasury Notes, or paper of any description intended to circulate as money.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) S EC . 14 . La Legislatura proveerá para el cambio de lugar de juicio en las causas civiles y criminales; y para la construccion de una carcel panóptica52 , con la brevedad mas practicable.
S ECT. 15. It shall be the duty of the Legislature to pass such laws as may be necessary and proper to decide differences by arbitration, when the parties shall elect that method of trial.
S EC . 15 . Será la obligacion de la Legislatura de decretar leyes necesarias y aproposito para terminar diferencias por medio de conciliacion, en los casos en que los interesados asi lo tubíéren por conveniente.
S ECT. 16. Within five years after the adoption of this Constitution, the laws, civil and criminal, shall be revised, digested, arranged, and published in such manner as the Legislature shall direct; and a like revision, digest and publication shall be made every ten years thereafter.
S EC . 16 . Dentro de cinco años despues de la adopcion de ésta Constitucion, las leyes civiles y criminales serán revisadas, recopiladas, coordinadas y publicadas en la manera segun la Legislatura lo decrete; y por cada decenio, en lo adelante, se verificará igual revision, recopilacion, y publicacion de las leyes.
S ECT. 17. No Lottery shall be authorized by this State and the buying or selling of Lottery Tickets within this State is prohibited.
S EC . 17 . No se autorizará por éste Estado Lotería alguna; y la compra y venta de los Billetes de Lotería dentro de éste Estado, queda prohibido.
S ECT. 18. No divorce shall be granted by the Legislature.
S EC . 18 . La Legislatura no concederá divorcio.
S ECT. 19. All property, both real and personal, of the wife, owned or claimed by her before marriage, and that acquired afterwards by gift, devise or descent, shall be her separate property; and laws shall be passed more clearly defining the rights of the wife, in relation as well55 to her separate property, as that held in common with her husband. Laws shall also be passed providing for the registration of the wife[’]s separate property.
S EC . 19 . Todos los bienes raices y semovientes, de la esposa, pertenecientes ó demandados por ella, ántes del casamiento, y los adquiridos despúes de él, por donacion legado ó herencia, quedarán sus bienes separados; y se decretarán leyes que señalen con mas claridad los derechos de la esposa, tanto en relacion á sus bienes separados, como á los tenidos de mancomún con su marido. Tambien se decretarán leyes que provean la registracion {inscripcion} de los bienes separados de la esposa.
S ECT. 20. The rights of property and of action which have been acquired under the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Texas, shall not be divested; nor shall any rights or actions, which have been divested barred or declared null and void by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Texas,
S EC . 20 . Los derechos de propiedad y de acciones adquiridos bajo la Constitucion y las leyes de la Republica de Tejas no serán divestidos; tampoco serán reinvestidos, revividos, ó restaurados por ésta Constitucion ninguno de los derechos ó acciones que han sido divestidos proscritos, ó declarados nu-
S ECT. 14. The Legislature shall provide for a change of venue in civil and criminal cases; and for the erection of a Penitentiary at as early a day as practicable.
T EXAS los y de ningun valor, por la Constitucion y las leyes de la Republica de Tejas; pero los mismos quedarán precisamente en el Estado en que se halláren ántes de la adopcion de ésta Constitucion.
S ECT. 21. All claims, locations, surveys, grants and titles to land which are declared null and void by the Constitution of the Republic of Texas are, and the same shall remain forever null and void.
S EC . 21 . Todas las demandas, ubicaciones, agrimensuras, concesiones y titulos á tierras que han sido declarados, por la Constitucion de la Republica de Tejas, nulos y de ningun valor, serán y quedarán para siempre nulos y de ningun valor.
S ECT. 22. The Legislature shall have power to protect by law, from forced sale, a certain portion of the property of all heads of families. The homestead of a family, not to exceed two hundred acres of land, (not included in a town or city,57 or any town or city lot or lots) in value not to exceed two thousand dollars, shall not be subject to forced sale for any debts hereafter contracted; nor shall the owner, if a married man, be at liberty to alienate the same, unless by the consent of the wife, in such manner as the Legislature may hereafter point out.
S EC . 22 . La Legislatura tendrá facultad de protejer por ley, una parte de los bienes de las cabezas de familias, contra las Ventas forzosas. El hogar de la familia no pasando de doscientos acres de tierra (no siendo dentro de una ciudad ó villa) ó un solar ó solares en una ciudad ó villa, no pasando en valor de dos mil pesos no será sujeto á venta alguna forzosa, por ninguna deuda contratada de aqui en adelante; tampoco será su dueño, siendo hombre casado, permitido á ajenarlo sin el consentimiento de su esposa, en la manera segun la Legislatura, de aqui en adelante lo disponga.
S ECT. 23. The Legislature shall provide in what cases officers shall continue to perform the duties of their offices, until their successors shall be duly qualified.
S EC . 23 . La Legislatura proveerá en que casos los funcionarios publicos continuarán en el desempeño de sus empleos; hasta que sus sucesores sean debidamente calificados.
S ECT. 24. Every law enacted by the Legislature, shall embrace but one object, and that shall be expressed in the title.
S EC . 24 . Cada ley decretada por la Legislatura, abrazará solamente un objeto, el cual será espresado en su encabezamiento.
S ECT. 25. No law shall be revised or amended by reference to its title; but in such case, the act revised, or section amended, shall be re-enacted and published at length.
S EC . 25 . Ninguna ley será revisada ó enmendada con referencia á su encabezamiento; pero en tal caso, la ley revisada ó la seccion enmendada, será decretada de nuevo, y publicada por ectenso.
S ECT. 26. No person shall hold or exercise at the same time, more than one civil office of emolument, except that of Justice of the Peace.
S EC . 26 . Ningun individuo tendrá ó ejercerá, al mismo tiempo, mas que un destino publico de emolumento, ecseptuando el de Juez de Páz.
be re-invested, revived or re-instated by this Constitution; but the same shall remain precisely in the situation which56 they were before the adoption of this Constitution.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) S EC . 27 . Los impuestos serán iguales y uniformes por todo el Estado. Los impuestos sobre todos los bienes en éste Estado serán en proporcion á su valor, que será averiguado segun lo prevenido por la ley; ecseptuando los bienes que las dos terceras partes53 de la Legislatura tubiéren por conveniente de ecseptuar de las contribuciones. La Legislatura tendrá facultad de imponer contribuciones sobre beneficios y rentas54 , y sobre todos individuos siguiendo alguna ocupacion, profesion ó oficio. Con tal, que la palabra ocupacion no se interprete de manera que fuere aplicable, á ningunos trabajos de agricultura ó de las artes mecánicas.
S ECT. 28. The Legislature shall have power to provide by law for exempting from taxation, two hundred and fifty dollars worth of the household furniture or other property belonging to each family in this State.
S EC . 28 . La Legislatura tendrá facultad de proveer por ley, la ecsencion de los muebles y utiles55 ú otros bienes pertenecientes á cada familia en éste Estado, de los impuestos; con tal que no pase su valor de doscientos y cincuenta pesos.
S ECT. 29. The Assessor and Collector of Taxes, shall be appointed in such manner, and under such regulations, as the Legislature may direct.
S EC . 29 . El Asesór y el Recaudadór serán nombrados en la manera, y bajo los Reglamentos que la Legislatura decretáre.
S ECT. 30. No corporate body shall hereafter be created, renewed or extended with banking or discounting privileges.
S EC . 30 . No se creará corporacion alguna, ni se renovará ó se ampliará de aqui en adelante, con privilegios de banco ó de descuento.
S ECT. 31. No private corporation shall be created, unless the bill creating it, shall be passed by two thirds of both Houses of the Legislature; and two thirds of the Legislature shall have power to revoke and repeal all private corporations by making compensation for the franchise. And the State shall not be part owner of the stock, or property, belonging to any corporation.
S EC . 31 . No se creará corporacion alguna particular, á menos que el proyecto de ley para crearla, no fuere pasado por dos terceras partes de ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura; y las dos terceras partes de la Legislatura tendrán facultad de revocar y derogar todas las corporaciones particulares, indemnizandolas por sus privilegios56 . Y el Estado no será interesado en ninguna parte de las acciones, ni de la propiedad de ninguna corporacion.
S ECT. 32. The Legislature shall prohibit by law, individuals from issuing bills,
S EC . 32 . La Legislatura prohibirá por ley á todo individuo que emita billetes, vales,
S ECT. 27. Taxation shall be uniform and equal,58 throughout the State. All property in this State shall be taxed in proportion to its value, to be ascertained as directed by law; except such property as two-thirds of both Houses of the Legislature may think proper to exempt from taxation. The Legislature shall have power to lay an income tax, and to tax all persons pursuing any occupation, trade or profession: Provided, that the term occupation, shall not be construed to apply to pursuits either agricultural or mechanical.
T EJAS pagarés ú otro papel para circularlo como moneda.
S ECT. 33. The aggregate amount of debts hereafter contracted by the Legislature shall never exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, except in case of war, to repel invasions60 , or suppress insurrections. And in no case shall any amount be borrowed except by a vote of two-thirds of both Houses of the Legislature.
S EC . 33 . La totalidad del importe de las deudas que la Legislatura de aqui en adelante contratáre nunca pasará la cantidad de cien mil pesos, ecseptuando en caso de guerra, para repeler invasiones ó para suprimir insurecciones. Y en ningun caso se hará un préstamo de cantidad alguna, á no ser por el voto de dos terceras partes57 de la Legislatura.
S ECT. 34. The Legislature shall at the first session thereof, and may at any subsequent session, establish new counties, for the convenience of the inhabitants of such new county or counties. Provided, that no new county shall be established which shall reduce the county or counties or either of them, from which it shall be taken, to a less area than nine hundred square miles (except the county of Bowie) unless by consent of two-thirds of the Legislature; nor shall any county be laid off of less contents. Every new county, as to the right of suffrage and representation shall be considered as part of the county or counties from which it was taken, until entitled by numbers, to the right of separate representation.
S EC . 34 . La Legislatura en su primera sesion establecerá nuevos condados para la conveniencia de los habitantes de tal nuevo condado, ó condados, y podrá verificarlo tambien en sus subsecuentes sesiones. Con tal, que ningun condado nuevo se establezca por lo cual, el condado ó los condados ó cualquier de ellos de los cuales tal nuevo condado fuere formado, se rebajára su superficie á una area menor de novecientas millas cuadradas (ecseptuando el condado de Bowie) á menos que no sea por el voto de dos terceras partes de la Legislatura; ni tampoco se formará condado nuevo de menor terreno. Todo nuevo condado tocante al derecho de votar y al de la Representacion, será considerado como parte del condado ó condados de los cuales fue destacado, hasta que por su número obtuviére el derecho de una representacion separada.
S ECT. 35. No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in the House, or within the enclosure of any individual, without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law.
S EC . 35 . Ningun soldado será en tiempo de paz acuartelado en la casa, ó dentro de los cercádos de un individuo, sin el consentimiento de su dueño; ni tampoco en tiempo de guerra sinó en la manera prescrita por la ley.
S ECT. 36. The salaries of the Governor and Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, are hereby fixed at the minimum established in the Constitution, and shall not be increased for ten years.
S EC . 36 . Los Sueldos del Gobernador y de los Jueces de la Suprema Corte y de los de las del Distrito, quedan aqui fijados al minimum establecido en ésta Constitucion, y no podrán ser aumentados por el termino de diez años.
checks, promissory notes, or other paper59 to circulate as money.
Mode of amending the Constitution S EC . 37 . El modo de enmendar la Constitucion. – La Legislatura, siempre que dos terceras partes de cada Cámara lo tubieren por necesario, podrá proponer enmiendos á ésta Constitucion; cuyos enmiendos propuestos serán publicados debidamente en los periodicos publicos del Estado, á lo menos tres meses ántes de la eleccion general procsima para los Representantes, para la consideracion del pueblo; y será el deber de los varios funcionarios que presidan las elecciones procsimas, las que asi se celebraren, de abrir un catálogo de los votantes y de dar razón al secretario del Estado de los nombres de los votantes para Representantes, que han votado sobre tales enmiendos propuestos; y si en vista de ello apareciére que una mayoria de todos los ciudadanos de éste Estado, que han votado para representantes, hubiéren votado en favor de tales enmiendos propuestos, y dos terceras partes de ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura procsima venidera, despúes de tal eleccion, y ántes de la otra siguiente, ratificáren los mismos enmiendos por el voto afirmativo y negativo {el si y el no} ellos serán validos para toda intencion y espiritu, como partes de ésta Constitucion: con tal, que los dichos propuestos enmiendos hayan sido leidos en cada sesion, en tres distintos dias, en cada Cámara.
S ECT. 1. The Legislature shall have no power to pass laws for the emancipation of slaves, without the consent of their owners; nor without paying their owners previous to such emancipation, a full equivalent in money for the slaves so emancipated. They shall have no power to prevent emigrants
S EC . 1 . La Legislatura no tendrá facultad de decretar leyes para emancipar esclavos, sin el consentimiento de sus ámos; ni tampoco sin pagár á sus ámos; con anterioridad de la tal emancipacion, un equivalente ámplio, en moneda, por el esclavo asi emancipado. No tendrá facultad de impedir á los
S ECT. 37.61 The Legislature, whenever two thirds of each House shall deem it necessary may propose amendments to this Constitution; which proposed amendments shall be duly published in the public prints of the State, at least three months before the next general election of Representatives, for the consideration of the people; and it shall be the duty of the several returning officers, at the next election, which shall be thus holden, to open a poll for, and make a return to the Secretary of State of the names of all those voting for Representatives, who have voted on such proposed amendments; and if thereupon it shall appear that a majority of all the citizens of this State, voting for Representatives, have voted in favor of such proposed amendments, and two-thirds of each House, of the next Legislature, shall after such election, and before another, ratify the same amendments by yeas and nays, they shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as parts of this Constitution: Provided, that the said proposed amendments shall, at each of the said sessions have been read on three several days in each House.
T EXAS emigrados á éste Estado, á que introduzcan consigo, á los individuos que, por las leyes de cualquier Estado, de los Estados Unidos, se tienen por esclavos, mientras que individuo alguno de la misma edad ó descripcion continue en esclavitud por las leyes de éste Estado: con tal, que tal esclavo sea de buena fé {bona fide} la propiedad de tales emigrados; tambien con tal, que se decretarán leyes para prohibir la introduccion, á éste Estado, de los esclavos que han cometido enormes crimenes en otros Estados ó territorios. Tendrá facultad de decretar leyes que permitan á los ámos de emancipar á sus esclavos, salvando el derecho de los acreedores, y evitando á que no sean58 cargos públicos. Tendrá amplia facultad para dar leyes que obliguen á los ámos de los esclavos para que los traten con humanidad; para que les provean con los alimentos y el vestuario necesario; para que se detengan de todo daño que pueda estenderse á sus vidas ó miembros, y, en el caso de su descuido ó rehusen á cumplir con las prevenciones de tales leyes, de quitar tal esclavo ó esclavos de tal ámo, y de venderlo para el beneficio de tal ámo, ó ámos. Podrá decretar leyes por las cuales se impida que se introduzcan á éste Estado esclavos en calidad única de mercancias.
S ECT. 2. In the prosecution of slaves for crimes of a higher grade than petit larceny, the Legislature shall have no power to deprive them of an impartial trial by a petit Jury.
S EC . 2 . En las prosecuciones de esclavos en causas criminales que pasen el latrocinio menor, la Legislatura no tendrá facultad de privarlos de un juicio impacial por un jurado ordinario – {petit jury.}
S ECT. 3. Any person who shall maliciously dismember or deprive a slave of life, shall suffer such punishment as would be inflicted, in case the like offence had been committed upon a free white person, and on the like proof except in case of insurrection of such slave.
S EC . 3 . Cualquier individuo que maliciosamente desmembráre ó priváre á un esclavo de su vida, sufrirá la pena, que por el mismo delito, cometido sobre un individuo libre blanco, fuere impuesta, en vista de la misma prueba – ecseptuando el caso de la insureccion por tal esclavo.
to this State from bringing with them such persons as are deemed slaves by the laws of any of the United States, so long as any person of the same age or description shall be continued in slavery, by the laws of this State: provided that such slave be the bona fide property of such emigrants: provided, also, that laws shall be passed to inhibit the introduction into this State of Slaves who have committed high crimes in other States or territories. They shall have the right to pass laws to permit the owners of slaves to emancipate them, saving the rights of creditors, and preventing them from becoming a public charge. They shall have full power to pass laws, which will oblige the owners of slaves to treat them with humanity; to provide for their62 necessary food and clothing; to abstain from all injuries to them, extending to life or limb; and, in case of their neglect or refusal to comply with the directions of such laws, to have such slave or slaves taken from such owner, and sold for the benefit of such owner or owners. They may pass laws to prevent slaves from being brought into this State, as merchandize only.
Acusacion Publica
S ECT. 1. The power of impeachment shall be vested in the House of Representatives.
S EC . 1 . La facultad para la acusacion publica (la formacion de la causa) será depositada en la Cámara de Representantes.
S ECT. 2. Impeachments of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney-General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Comptroller and of the Judges of the District Courts, shall be tried by the Senate.
S EC . 2 . La acusacion publica contra el Gobernador, el Teniente Gobernador, el Procurador General, el Secretario del Estado, el Tesorero, el Contralor, y contra los Jueces de las Cortes del Distrito, será juzgada por el Senado.
S ECT. 3. Impeachments of Judges of the Supreme Court shall be tried by the Senate. When sitting as a Court of Impeachment, the Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation; and no person shall be convicted, without the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senators present.
S EC . 3 . Las acusaciones publicas contra los Jueces de la Suprema Corte de Justicia serán juzgadas por el Senado. Cuando el Senado fuere constituido en tribunal (erigido en Gran Jurado) para juzgar la acusacion publica, los Senadores serán bajo juramento ó afirmacion; y ningun individuo será convicto sin la concurrencia de dos terceras partes de los Senadores presentes.
S ECT. 4. Judgement in cases of impeachment, shall extend only to removal from office, and disqualification from holding any office of honor, trust or profit under this State; but the parties convicted shall, nevertheless, be subject to indictment, trial and punishment, according to law.
S EC . 4 . El juicio, en las causas en la acusacion publica, tendrá su efecto {será estensivo} únicamente para despedir del destino, y para inhabilitar para optar destino alguno de honor, lucro ó de confianza, bajo el Gobierno de59 éste Estado; pero los individuos convictos, serán, no obstante, sugetos á una acusacion en forma de derecho, á un juicio, y á las penas provenidas por la ley.
S ECT. 5. All officers against whom articles of impeachment may be preferred, shall be suspended from the exercise of the duties of their office, during the pendency of such impeachment: the appointing power may make a provisional appointment to fill the vacancy occasioned by the suspension of an officer, until the decision on the impeachment.
S EC . 5 . Todos los empleados publicos, contra quienes se instruyese una acusacion publica serán suspendidos del ejercicio de sus funciones, durante la pendencia de la tal acusacion publica: el poder, á quien corresponde, podrá hacer nombramiento interino, para suplir la vacante, ocasionada por la suspension de un empleado, hasta el fallo en la acusacion publica.
S ECT. 6. The Legislature shall provide for the trial, punishment, and removal from
S EC . 6 . La Legislatura proveerá para el juicio, castigo, y privacion del destino, de
T EJAS todos los demás funcionarios publicos del Estado, por via de una acusacion en forma de derecho, ó de otra manera.
Instruccion Publica
S ECT. 1. A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people, it shall be the duty of the Legislature of this State to make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of public schools.
S EC . 1 . Un derramamiento general de conocimientos, siendo esencial para la conservacion de los derechos y las libertades del pueblo, será la obligacion de la Legislatura de éste Estado, proveer60 para el sostén y manutencion de las escuélas publicas.
S ECT. 2. The Legislature shall, as early as practicable, establish free schools throughout the State, and shall furnish means for their support, by taxation on property; and it shall be the duty of the Legislature, to set apart, not less than one-tenth of the annual revenue of the State, derivable from taxation, as a perpetual fund, which fund shall be appropriated to the support of free public schools; and no law shall ever be made diverting said fund to any other use; and until such time as the Legislature shall provide for the establishment of such schools in the several districts of the State, the fund thus created shall remain as a charge against the State, passed to the credit of the free common school fund.
S EC . 2 . La Legislatura establecerá escuélas publicas libres por todo el Estado, tan pronto que fuere practicable, y facilitará los medios necesarios para sostenerlas, por medio de una contribucion directa, impuesta sobre bienes, y será la obligacion de la Legislatura de apartar una parte que no baje la decima, de las rentas anuales del Estado derivadas de las contribuciones, como un fondo perpetuo, cuyo fondo será destinado para el sostén de las escuélas publicas libres; y jamás se dará una ley que destine dicho fondo á otro objeto alguno, y en el interim, hasta que la Legislatura provea para el establecimiento de tales escuélas, en los varios distritos del Estado, el fondo asi creado permanecerá un cargo contra el Estado, pasado en data al fondo de las escuélas publicas libres.
S ECT. 3. All public lands which have been heretofore, or may63 hereafter be granted for public schools, to the various counties, or other political divisions in this State shall not be alienated in fee, nor disposed of otherwise than by lease, for a term not exceeding twenty years, in such manner as the Legislature may direct.
S EC . 3 . Todas las tierras publicas hasta ahora concedidas ó las que en adelante se concediéren, para las escuélas publicas, á los varios condados ú otras divisiones politicas en éste Estado nunca serán cedidas en venta real y perpetua61 , ni se dispondrá de ellas en otra manera que por un censo enfiteutico, por un termino que no pase de veinte años, en la manera segun la Legislatura lo disponga.
office of all other officers of the State, by indictment or otherwise.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) S EC . 4 . Los varios condados en éste Estado que no hubiéren recibido su cuota de tierras, para los fines de la instruccion publica tendrán derecho para optar la misma cantidad que hasta ahora se concedió por el Congreso de la Republica de Tejas, á los demás condados.
S ECT. 1. All certificates for head right claims to lands issued to fictitious persons, or which were forged; and all locations and surveys thereon, are and the same were null and void from the beginning.
S EC . 1 . Todos los certificados para demanda de tierras por el derecho de immigracion {head-right} espedidas á personas fingidas, ó los que fueren forjados; y todas las ubicaciones y agrimensuras hechas en virtud de ellas, son y fueron nulos y de ningun valor desde el principio.
S ECT. 2. The District Courts, shall be opened until the first day of July one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, for the establishment of certificates for65 headrights not recommended by the Commissioners appointed under the act to detect fraudulent land certificates, and to provide for issuing patents to legal claimants; and the parties suing shall produce the like proof, and be subjected to the requisitions which were necessary, and were prescribed by law, to sustain the original application for the said certificates; and all certificates above referred to, not established or sued upon before the period limited, shall be barred; and the said certificates and all locations and surveys thereon, shall be forever null and void; and all re-locations made on such surveys, shall not be disturbed, until the certificates are established as above directed.
S EC . 2 . Las Cortes del Distrito serán abiertas hasta el dia primero del mes de Julio de mil ochocientos cuarenta y siete, para calificarlos certificados por demanda de tierras por el derecho de immigracion {headright}que no fueron reconocidos por legitimos62 , por la comision nombrada en virtud del decreto facultando el discubrimiento de los certificados fraudulentos para tierras, y para proveer que se espidan patentes á los demandantes legitimos; y las partes demandantes producirán igual prueba, y serán sujetos á los mismos requisitos que eran necesarios, y prescritos por la ley, para sostener la solicitud original para los dichos certificados; y todos los certificados arriba referidos no calificados ó puestos en demanda judicial ántes del periodo limitado, serán proscritos; y los dichos certificados y todas las ubicaciones y agrimensuras practicadas en virtud de ellos serán para siempre nulas y de ningun valor; y todas las ubicaciones hechas de nuevo sobre tales agrimensuras no serán molestadas hasta que los certificados fueren calificados segun queda arriba prevenido.
S ECT. 4. The several counties in this State, which have not received their quantum of lands for the purposes of education, shall be entitled to the same quantity of land64 heretofore appropriated by the Congress of the Republic of Texas, to other counties.
Land Office
Oficina de Terrenos
S ECT. 1. There shall be one General Land-Office in the State, which shall be at the Seat of Government, where all titles which have heretofore emanated or may hereafter emanate, from Government, shall be registered; and the Legislature may establish, from time to time, such subordinate offices as they may deem requisite.
S ECCION ÚNICA . Habrá en el Estado una Oficina General de Terrenos, la cual será sita en la capital, en la cual se registrarán todos los titulos de tierras hasta ahora emanados, ó, los que en adelante emanaren del Gobierno. Y la Legislatura podrá establecer, de tiempo en tiempo, las oficinas subalternas que estime por conveniente.
S ECT. 1. That no inconvenience may arise from a change of separate National Government to a State Government, it is declared, that all process which shall be issued in the name of the Republic of Texas, prior to the organization of the State government, under this Constitution, shall be as valid as if issued in the name of the State of Texas.
S EC . 1 . Para que no resulte inconveniente alguno del cambio de un Gobierno separado nacional, á un Gobierno de un Estado, se declara que todo proceso que se espida en el nombre de la Republica de Tejas, ántes á la organizacion del Gobierno de Estado, bajo ésta Constitucion, será tan valido como si hubiéra sido espedido en el nombre del Estado.
S ECT. 2. The validity of all bonds and recognizances, executed in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Texas, shall not be impaired by the change of government, but may be sued for and recovered in the name of the Governor of the State of Texas; and all criminal prosecutions, or penal actions, which shall have arisen prior to the organization of the State Government, under this Constitution, in any of the courts of the Republic of Texas shall be prosicuted to judgement, and execution, in the name of said State. All suits at law and equity, which may be depending in any of the courts of the Republic of Texas prior to the organization of the State Government under this Constitution shall be transferred to the proper court of the State, which shall have jurisdiction of the subject
S EC . 2 . La validacion de todas las fianzas y reconocimientos, que han sido otorgados de conformidad con la constitucion y las leyes de la Republica de Tejas, no será deteriorada por el cambio del Gobierno, y podrán ser puestos en demanda judicial, y ser recobradas dichas responsabilidades en el nombré del Gobernador del Estado de Tejas; y todas las prosecuciones en las causas criminales, ó acciones penales, las que tubiéron su origen ántes de la organizacion del Gobierno de Estado, bajo ésta Constitucion, en cualquiera de las Cortes de la Republica de Tejas, serán seguidas al juicio y ejecucion, en el nombre del Estado. Todos los pleytos en derecho ó en equidad, los que estubiéren pendientes en cualquiera de las Cortes de la Republica de Tejas, ántes de la organizacion del Gobierno de Estado
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) bajo ésta Constitucion, serán trasferidos á la Corte correspondiente del Estado la cual tenga jurisdiccion del negocio versado.
S ECT. 3.66 All laws or67 parts of laws now in force in the Republic of Texas, which are not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States, the Joint Resolutions for annexing Texas to the United States, or to the provisions of this Constitution, shall continue and remain in force as the laws of this State, until they expire by their own limitation, or shall be altered or repealed by the Legislature thereof.
S EC . 3 . Todas las leyes, y partes de leyes, ahora en vigór en la Republica de Tejas que no sean repugnantes á la Constitucion de los Estados Unidos, á los acuerdos de mancomún de ámbas Cámaras63 para agregar á Tejas á los Estados Unidos, ó á las prevenciones de ésta Constitucion, quedarán y permanecerán en su vigor como leyes de éste Estado, hasta que fenezcan por sus propias limitaciones, ó se varien ó se revocaren por su Legislatura.
S ECT. 4. All fines; penalties, forfeitures and escheats, which have accrued to the Republic of Texas, under the Constitution and laws, shall accrue to the State of Texas; and the Legislature shall, by law, provide a method for68 determining what lands may have been forfeited or escheated.
S EC . 4 . Todas las múltas, penas pecuniarias, confiscaciones y proscripciones recáidas al Gobierno que han resultado á la Republica de Tejas, bajo la Constitucion y las leyes, pasarán al Estado de Tejas: y la Legislatura proveerá, por una ley, el modo de determinar que tierras son las que han sido perdidas ó confiscadas.
S ECT. 5. Immediately after the adjournment of this Convention the President of the Republic, shall issue his proclamation directing the Chief Justices of the several counties of this Republic, and the several Chief Justices and their associates are hereby required to cause polls to be opened in their respective counties, at the established precincts, on the second Monday of October next, for the purpose of taking the sense of the people of Texas, in regard to the adoption or rejection of this Constitution; and the votes of all persons entitled to vote, under the existing laws or this Constitution, shall be received. Each voter shall express his opinion by declaring by a viva voce vote for “the Constitution accepted”, or “the Constitution rejected”; or some words clearly expressing the intention of the voter; and at the same time the vote shall be taken in like manner for and against annexation. The election shall be conducted in confor-
S EC . 5 . Inmediatamente despues de levantarse las sesiones de ésta Convencion, el Presidente de la Republica espedirá su proclama encargando á los jueces principales de los varios condados de ésta Republica, y los varios jueces principales y sus asociados quedan requeridos por la presente que se abrán las elecciones en sus respetivos condados, en los lugares acostumbrados el segundo lunes del mes de Octubre procsimo venidero, con el objeto de tomar la opinion del pueblo de Tejas, en relacion de adoptar ó desechar ésta Constitucion; y los votos de todos los individuos teniendo derecho de votar bajo las leyes ecsistentes, ó bajo ésta Constitucion, serán recibidos. Cada votante espresará su opinion, declarando por su voto de viva voz “la Constitucion aceptada,” ó “la Constitucion desechada,” ú otras palabras espresando claramente la intencion del votante; y al mismo tiempo se tomará la votacion en pro, ó en contra de la agregacion, en
matter thereof.
T EJAS la misma manera. La eleccion será conducida de conformidad con las leyes ecsistentes que reglamentan las elecciones; y los Jueces principales de los varios condados sacarán con fidelidad y con prontitud, por duplicado, una razon de dichas elecciones, de las cuales una será trasmitida al Secretario del Estado de la Republica de Tejas y la otra será depositada en la Secretaria de la Corte del Condado.
S ECT. 6. Upon the receipt of the said returns, or on the second Monday of November next, if the returns be not sooner made, it shall be the duty of the President, in presence of such officers of his cabinet as may be present, and of all persons who may choose to attend, to compare the votes given for the ratification or rejection of this Constitution; and if it should69 appear from the returns, that a majority of all the votes given, is for the adoption of the Constitution, then it shall be the duty of the President to make Proclamation of that fact, and thenceforth this Constitution shall be ordained and established as the Constitution of the State, to go into operation and be of force and effect from and after the organization of the State Government under this Constitution; and the President of this Republic is authorized and required to transmit to the President of the United States, duplicate copies of this Constitution, properly authenticated together with certified Statements of the number of votes given for the ratification thereof, and the number for rejection, one of which copies shall be transmitted by mail, and one copy by a special messenger in sufficient time to reach the seat of Government of the United States early in December next.
S EC . 6 . Recibidas que sean dichas razónes, ó el segundo lunes del mes de Noviembre procsimo venidero en caso que las citadas razónes no estubiésen recibidas ántes, será la obligacion del Presidente, en presencia de los miembros de su gabinete que estubiesen presentes, y en la de todos los individuos que tubiéren á bien asistir á confrontar los votos sacados para ratificar ó desechar ésta Constitucion: y si pareciére de las razónes, que la mayoria de todos los votos sacados es por la adopcion de la Constitucion, en tal caso será la obligacion del Presidente de proclamar el hecho, y desde entonces en adelante ésta Constitucion será ordenada y establecida como la Constitucion del Estado, y se pondrá en operacion y tendrá su efecto desde y despúes de la organizacion del Gobierno de Estado bajo ésta Constitucion; y el Presidente de ésta Republica queda facultado y requerido de trasmitir al Presidente de los Estados Unidos copia debidamente legalizada de ésta Constitucion, por duplicado, acompañandola con un estado asi mismo legalizado, que manifieste el número de votos sacados para ratificarla y el otro para desecharla, de cuyas copias, una será trasmitida por el corréo ordinario, y la otra por un estraordinario especial64 , en tiempo oportuno para que llegue á la Capital de los Estados Unidos á principios del mes de Diciembre procsimo venidero.
S ECT. 7. Should this Constitution be accepted by the people of Texas, it shall be the
S EC . 7 . En caso que ésta Constitucion se acepte por el pueblo de Tejas, será la
mity with the existing laws regulating elections; and the Chief Justices of the several counties, shall carefully and promptly make duplicate returns of said polls, one of which shall be transmitted to the Secretary of State of the Republic of Texas, and the other deposited in the clerks office of the County Court.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) obligacion del Presidente de espedir su Proclama para el segundo lunes del mes de Noviembre procsimo venidero, ó ántes, encargando y requeriendo que se celebren elecciones en todos los condados de ésta Republica el tercer lunes en el mes de Diciembre procsimo venidero para Gobernador, Teniente Gobernador, y para miembros del Senado, y de la Cámara de Representantes de la Legislatura del Estado, de conformidad con el proratéo de la representacion establecido en ésta Constitucion. La razón de las elecciones para los miembros de la Legislatura de éste Estado se trasmitirá á la Secretaria del Gobierno65 de ésta Republica; y la de las para el Gobernador y Teniente Gobernador, será dirigida al Presidente de la Cámara de Representantes {Speaker, Orador} endosada “Razón de las Elecciones del condado de {aqui el nombré}66 para Gobernador,” y será trasmitida á la Secretaria del Gobierno; y si, por cualquiera causa, los Jueces principales de los condados faltáren en que se celebren algunas de las elecciones prevenidas por ésta Constitucion, á los tiempos y en los lugares aqui encargados, el pueblo del precinto, donde tal falta ecsistiére, queda facultado por la presente para nombrar á los Presidentes, Directores67 , y á los demás funcionarios para que dirijan dichas elecciones.
S ECT. 8. Immediately on the President of this Republic receiving official information of the acceptance of this Constitution by the Congress of the United States, he shall issue his proclamation convening at an early day, the Legislature of the State of Texas, at the seat of government established under this Constitution; and after the said Legislature shall have organized, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall in presence of both branches of the Legislature, open the returns of the elections for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, count and compare the votes, and declare the names of the
S EC . 8 . Inmediatamente al recibo por el Presidente de ésta Republica de haber sido aceptada ésta Constitucion por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, espedirá su Proclama, convocando á la Legislatura del Estado de Tejas para un dia oportuno sin demora, que se reuna en la capital del Estado establecida por ésta Constitucion, y organizada que sea la dicha Legislatura, el Presidente de la Cámara de Representantes {Speaker, Orador} abrirá, en la presencia de ámbas Cámaras de la Legislatura, las razónes de las elecciones para el Gobernador y el Teniente Gobernador, contará y confrontará los votos,
duty of the President, on or before the second Monday in November next to issue his proclamation, directing and requiring elections to be holden in all the counties of this Republic, on the third Monday in December next, for the office of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State Legislature, in accordance with the apportionment of representation directed by this Constitution. The returns for members of the Legislature of this State shall be made to the Department of State of this Republic; and those for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, shall be addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives endorsed “Election Returns of –––––– County for Governor,” and directed to the Department of State; and should from any cause whatever, the Chief Justices of Counties fail to cause to be holden any of the polls or elections, provided for70 by this Constitution, at the times and places herein directed, the people of the precincts71 where such failure exists, are hereby authorized to choose managers, judges and other officers, to conduct said elections.
T EXAS y declarará los nombres de los individuos electos para el destino del Gobernador, y para el del Teniente Gobernador, cuyos funcionarios serán desde luego instalados en sus respetivos empleos; y la Legislatura procedirá á la eleccion de Senadores para que representen éste Estado, en el Senado de los Estados Unidos y proveerá para la eleccion de los Representantes al Congreso de los Estados Unidos, con la brevedad conveniente. La Legislatura asimismo adoptará las medidas que sean necesarias para ceder a los Estados Unidos, á su tiempo, todos los edificios publicos, las fortificaciones, cuartéles, púertos68 , armada y arsenales, maestranzas69 , almazénes, ármas y armaméntos, y toda otra propiedad y medios pertenecientes á la defensa pública que ahora pertenece á la Republica de Tejas; y para hacer las preparaciones necesarias con el fin de trasferir á los dichos Estados Unidas todas las aduanas y otros establecimientos para la recaudacion de los derechos de introduccion70 , y de otras rentas estrangeras.
S ECT. 9. It shall be the duty of the President of Texas, immediately after the inauguration of the Governor, to deliver to him all72 records, public money, documents, archives and public property of every description whatsoever, under the control of the Executive branch of the government; and the Governor shall dispose of the same in such manner as the Legislature may direct.
S EC . 9 . Será la obligacion del Presidente de Tejas inmediatamente despues de la instalacion del Gobernador, de entregarle todos los Archivos, fondos publicos, documentos, y toda clase de propiedad nacional71 , que sea en poder del ramo ejecutivo del Gobierno; y el Gobernador dispondrá de ello, segun la Legislatura tubiere á bien decretar.
S ECT. 10. That no inconvenience may result from the change of government, it is declared that the laws of this Republic, relative to the duties of officers, both civil and military, of the same, shall remain in full force; and the duties of their several offices shall be performed in conformity with the existing laws, until the Organization of the Government of the State under this Constitution or until the first day of the meeting of the Legislature; that then the offices of President,
S EC . 10 . Para que no resulte ningun inconveniente del cambio del Gobierno, se declara, que las leyes de ésta Republica, relativas á las obligaciones de sus funcionarios publicos tanto civiles como militares, permanecerán en su fuerza y vigór; y las obligaciones de sus respetivos destinos serán desempeñadas de conformidad con las leyes ecsistentes, hasta la organizacion del Gobierno del Estado, bajo ésta Constitucion, ó hasta el primer dia de la reunion de la Le-
persons who shall be elected to the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, who shall forthwith be installed in their respective offices; and the Legislature shall proceed as early as practicable to elect Senators to represent this State in the Senate of the United States; and also provide for the election of Representatives to the Congress of the United States. The Legislature, shall also adopt such measures, as may be required to cede to the United States, at the proper time, all public edifices, fortifications, barracks ports, harbors, navy and navy yards, docks, magazines, arms and armaments and all other property and means pertaining to the public defence, now belonging to the Republic of Texas; and to make the necessary preparations for transferring to the said United States all Custom-Houses and other places for the collection of impost duties and other foreign revenues.
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) gislatura; que entonces, los destinos del Presidente, del Vice Presidente, del Gabinete del Presidente, de los Ministros al estrangero, de los Encardados, y de los Agentes, y de los demás que repugnan á ésta Constitucion, serán relevados por ella; y que todos los demás empleos serán tenidos y desempeñados, hasta que fenezcan por sus propias limitaciones, ó sean seguidos por la autoridad de ésta Constitucion, ó las leyes que se decretaren en su virtud.
S ECT. 11. In case of any disability on the part of the President of the Republic, of Texas to act as herein required, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State of the Republic of Texas, and in case of disability on the part of the Secretary of State, then it shall be the duty of the Attorney General of the Republic of Texas to perform the duties assigned to the President.
S EC . 11 . En caso de alguna inhabilidad de parte del Presidente de la Republica de Tejas de actuar segun queda aqui requerido, será la obligacion del Secretario del Gobierno72 de la Republica de Tejas, y en caso de la inhabilidad del Secretario del Gobierno, entonces será la obligacion del Procurador General de la Republica de Tejas, de desempeñare los deberes señalados al Presidente.
S ECT. 12. The first general election for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and members of the Legislature, after the organization of the Government shall take place on the first Monday in November, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven and shall be held biennially thereafter, on the first Monday in November, until otherwise provided by the Legislature; and the Governor and Lieutenant Governor elected in December next, shall hold their offices until the installation in office of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to be elected in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven.
S EC . 12 . La primera eleccion general para Gobernador, Teniente Gobernador, y para los miembros de la Legislatura, despúes de la organizacion del Gobierno, tendrá lugar el primer lunes del mes de Noviembre de mil ochocientos cuarenta y siete, y se celebrará de alli en adelante, por bienio en el primer lunes del mes de Noviembre, hasta que la Legislatura disponga de otro modo; y el Gobernador, y el Teniente Gobernador que sean electos en el mes de Diciembre procsimo venidero, tendrán sus destinos hasta que el Gobernador y el Teniente Gobernador que serán electos en el año de mil ochocientos cuarenta y siete fueren instalados.
S ECT. 13. The ordinance73 passed by the Convention on the fourth day of July, assenting to the overtures for the annexation of Texas to the United States, shall be attached to this Constitution, and form a part of the same. Done in Convention by the Deputies of
S EC . 13 . La ordenanza decretada por la Convencion en cuatro de Julio, dando su consentimiento á las propuestas para la agregacion de Tejas á los Estados Unidos, será anecsa á esta Constitucion y formará una parte de ella. Hecho en Convencion por los Diputados
Vice President, of the President[’]s Cabinet, Foreign Ministers, Chargés and Agents and others repugnant to this Constitution shall be superceded by the same; and that all others shall be holden and exercised until they expire by their own limitation, or be superceded by the authority of this Constitution, or laws made in pursuance thereof.
T EJAS the people of Texas at the City of Austin, this twenty-seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five. In testimony whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. THOMAS J. RUSK, President. John D. Anderson James Armstrong C. Armstrong B. C. Bagby R. E. B. Baylor R. Bache Isaac75 W. Brashear Geo. W. Brown J. M. Burroughs John Caldwell W. L. Cazneau Edward Clark A. S. Cunningham Phil. M. Cuney77 N. H. Darnell James Davis L. D. Evans G. A. Everts R. M. Forbes David Gage John Hemphill J. P. Henderson A. W. O. Hicks Jos. L. Hogg A. C. Horton V. E. Howard S. Holland Wm. L. Hunter Van. R. Irion Henry J. Jewett
THO. J. RUSK, Presidente.
Oliver Jones H. L. Kinney A. H. Latimer H. R. Latimer74 John M. Lewis James Love P. O. Lumpkin Sam Lusk A. S. Lipscomb J. S. Mayfield Alexander McGowan76 A. McNeill J. B. Miller Francis Moore, Jr. Jose A. Navarro W. B. Ochiltree Isaac Parker James Powers78 Emery Rains H. G. Runnels James Scott Geo. W. Smyth Israel Standefer C. B. Stewart E. H. Tarrant Isaac Van Zandt Francis M. White Geo. T. Wood G. W. Wright Wm. C. Young79
Attest, JAMES H. R AYMOND, Secretary of the Convention.80
del pueblo de Tejas, en la ciudad de Austin, á los veinte y ocho73 dias del mes de Agosto, de mil ochocientos cuarenta y cinco. En fé de lo cual hemos abajo firmado.
Doy fé, JAS. H. RAYMOND, Secretario de la Convencion.
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) Es traducción fiél de su original en Inglés, lo que certifico. AUSTIN, 1°. de Setiémbre de 1845. GEO. FISHER, Interprete y Traductór nombrado por la Convencion.
AN ORDINANCE81 W HEREAS, the Congress of the United States of America has passed resolutions providing for the annexation of Texas to the82 Union, which resolutions were approved by the President of the United States on the first day of March 1845; and, whereas, the President of the United States has submitted to Texas the first and second sections of the said resolution83 as the basis upon which Texas may be admitted as one of the States of the84 said Union; and, whereas, the existing government of the Republic of Texas, has assented to the proposals thus made, the terms and conditions of which are as follow: “JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ANNEXING TEXAS TO THE UNITED STATES85 Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That Congress doth consent, that the territory properly included within, and rightfully belonging to, the Republic of Texas, may be erected into a new State, to be called the. State of Texas, with a Republican form of government to be adopted by the people of said Republic, by deputies in convention assembled with the consent of the existing government, in order that the same may be admitted as one of the States of this Union. 2. And be it further resolved, That the forgoing consent of Congress is given upon the following conditions, and with the following guarantees to wit: First – Said State to be formed, subject to the adjustment by this government, of all questions of boundary
T EXAS that may arise with other governments; and the Constitution thereof, with the proper evidence of its adoption by the people of said Republic of Texas, shall be transmitted to the President of the United States, to be laid before Congress for its final action on or before the first day of January, 1846. Second – Said State when admitted into the Union, after ceding to the United States, all public edifices fortifications barracks, ports and harbors, navy and navy yards, docks, magazines, arms and86 armaments, and all other property and means pertaining to the public defence belonging to the said Republic of Texas, shall retain all the public funds, debts, taxes and dues of every kind which may belong to, or be due and owing to the87 said Republic; and shall also retain all the vacant and unappropriated lands lying within its limits, to be applied to the payment of the88 debts and liabilities of said Republic of Texas, and the residue of said lands, after discharging said89 debts and liabilities, to be disposed of as said State may direct; but in no event are said debts and liabilities to become a charge upon the government of the United States. Third – New States of convenient size not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas, and having sufficient90 population, may hereafter, by the consent of said State, be formed out of the territory thereof which shall be entitled to admission under the provisions of the Federal Constitution; and such States as may be formed out of that portion of said territory lying south of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude, commonly known as the Missouri Compromise Line, shall be admitted into the Union, with or without Slavery, as the people of each State, asking admission, may desire; and in such State or States91 as shall be formed out of said territory north of said Missouri Compromise Line, slavery or involuntary servitude (except for crime) shall be prohibited.” Now in order to manifest the assent of
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) the people of this Republic as required in the above recited portions of the said resolutions, we, the deputies of the people of Texas in Convention assembled, in their name, and by their authority, do ordain and declare that we assent to and accept the proposals and92 conditions and guarantees contained in the first and second sections of the resolutions93 of the Congress of the United States, aforesaid. Done in Convention at the City of Austin Republic of Texas, July 4th 1845.94 THOMAS J. RUSK, President.95 Philip M. Cuney96 H. G. Runnels Robt. M. Forbes Sam Lusk Jno. Caldwell Jose Antonio Navarro Geo. Wm. Brown G. A. Everts Lemuel Dale Evans J. B. Miller R. E. B. Baylor Jas. S. Mayfield R. Bache James Love Wm. L. Hunter Jno. D. Anderson Isaac Parker P. O. Lumpkin Francis Moore, Jr. Isaac W. Brashear Alexander McGowan99 Isaac Van Zandt S. Holland Edward Clark Geo. W. Smyth Jas. Armstrong John M. Lewis
Joseph L. Hogg Chas. S. Taylor97 David Gage Henry J. Jewett Cavitt Armstrong James Powers98 Albert H. Latimer Wm. C. Young J. Pinckney Henderson Nicholas H. Darnell Emery Rains A. W. O. Hicks James M. Burroughs H. L. Kinney Wm. L. Cazneau A. S. Cunningham Abner S. Lipscomb John Hemphill Van R. Irion Volney E. Howard E. H. Tarrant Francis M. White James Davis Geo. T. Wood G. W. Wright H. R. Latimer W. B. Ochiltree
T EJAS James Scott Arcibald McNeill A. C. Horton Israel Standefer100
Oliver Jones B. C. Bagby C. Bellinger Stewart
Attest, JAS . H. R AYMOND, Secretary of 101 Convention. 1
Verified by the version as published in the Journals of the Convention, Assembled at the City of Austin on the Fourth of July, 1845, for the Purpose of Framing a Constitution for the State of Texas, Austin: Miner & Cruger, Printers to the Convention, 1845, 338–370, and corrected according to the Constitution manuscript as recorded in the ledger journal, located in the Texas State Archives, Austin, TX. The original engrossed manuscript of the 1845 Constitution is not known to have survived. Also compared with Constitution of the State of Texas, Adopted in Convention, at the City of Austin, 1845, Austin: Printed at the Office of the “New Era”, 1845, 32 p., and the texts as published in Message from The President of the United States, Transmitting A copy of the Constitution of the State of Texas. December 9, 1845 (29th Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, Doc. No. 16), [Washington: s.n., 1845,] 2–24, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1275– 1304 (http://texashistory.unt.edu/permalink/meta-pth5872:431), and in Documents of Texas History, 2nd ed., ed. by Ernest Wallace et al., Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Association, 2002, 149–159. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation follow the ledger journal manuscript. Italics are used to represent emphasized text in the manuscript as well as for non-English legal terms. Parentheses are used as in the manuscript, curly brackets appear where square brackets were used in it. Obvious typographical errors have been tacitly corrected and ignored in the annotations. The constitution was adopted on 13 October, 1845, by a vote of 7,527 to 536 and went into effect on 19 February, 1846, replacing the Constitution of 1836 (q.v.) (cf. Janice C. May, The Texas State Constitution. A Reference Guide [Reference Guides to the State Constitutions of the United States, no. 26, G. Alan Tarr, Series Editor], Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1996, 5–8; for somewhat different figures, cf. Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 149). On 29 December, 1845, the U. S. Congress adopted a Joint Resolution for the admission of Texas as 28th state to the Union (U.S. Statutes at Large, 29th Congress, sess. I, res. 1). Cf. Mary Bell Hart, “Preface”, in: Journals of the Convention, Assembled at the City of Austin on the Fourth of July, 1845, For the Purpose of Framing a Constitution For the State of Texas, Austin: Miner & Cruger, Printer
Verified by Constitucion del Estado de Tejas. Adoptada en Convencion, en la Ciudad de Austin, 1845. Traducida de órden de la Convencion, por Geo. Fisher, Austin: Impreso en la Oficina de la “Nueva Era”, 1845, 34 p., and checked against the English original (q.v.). The original manuscript is not known to have survived. Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and use of italics as in the Constitucion del Estado de Tejas. Obvious typographical errors have been tacitly corrected. Parentheses are used as in the Spanish print, while curly brackets are inserted when square brackets appear in it. The subsequent notes refer to deviations from the English original, either caused by unclear Spanish phrasing, omissions, additions, or inaccurate or erroneous translation, whereas mere questions of style have been ignored, as have been repetitions. 2 In English original, “Joint Resolution”. 3 In English original, “Bill of Rights”. 4 In Spanish translation, “separate” missing. 5 In English original, “as a qualification to any office or public trust”. 6 In English original, “ministry”. 7 In English original, “men in a public capacity”. 8 In Spanish translation, “papers” missing. 9 In English original, “seizures or searches”. 10 In English original, “by oath or affirmation”. 11 In Spanish translation, “for the same offence” missing. 12 In English original, “No bill of attainder”. 13 In English original, “entailments”. 14 In English original, “remonstrance”. 15 In Spanish translation, heading “Division of the Powers of Government” missing. 16 In Spanish translation, “who shall be a citizen of the United States” missing. 17 In Spanish translation, “at the time of his election” missing. 18 In Spanish translation, last two words added. 19 In English original, “be entered”. 20 In English original, “arrest”. 21 In English original, “twenty”. 22 In English original, “for disrespectful and disorderly conduct”. 23 In Spanish translation, last two words added. 24 In English original, “nor shall the members thereof
C ONSTITUCIÓN DE T EJAS (1845) to the Convention, 1845, repr. Austin: Shoal Creek Publishers, 1974, i-xvi. The Constitution was superseded by the Constitution of 1861; Streeter 664 (Thomas W. Streeter, Bibliography of Texas, 1795–1845, [1955] 2nd ed., Woodbridge, CT: Research Publications, 1983, 180). An official Spanish translation of the Constitution of 1845 appeared immediately (q.v.), an official German translation in 1849 (q.v.). The Constitution was once amended in 1850 (q.v.), while a second amendment in 1858 (q.v.) failed. An attempt to confer the power of making recess appointments to the governor in 1856 (cf. General Laws of the Sixth Legislature of the State of Texas, Passed at Its Adjourned Session, Convened July 7, 1856. By Authority, Austin: Printed by Marshall & Oldham, State Printers, 1856, 115), appears not to have been approved by the people in 1857. I wish to extend my thanks to Leslie Prather-Forbis of the State Law Library of Texas for helping with this issue. 2 U.S. Statutes at Large, 28th Congress, Sess. II, Res. 8. 3 In Journals of the Convention, 339, in “New Era” print, 4, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1277, “modes”. 4 In “New Era” print, 4, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1278, “shall”. 5 In Journals of the Convention, 339, in “New Era” print, 4, in Washington print, 2, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1278, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 149, “peacable enjoyment”. 6 In “New Era” print, 4, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1278, “where”. 7 In “New Era” print, 4, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1278, “a”. 8 In “New Era” print, 4, in Washington print, 2, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1278, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 149, “all unreasonable”. 9 In “New Era” print, 4, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1278, “the”. 10 In Washington print, 3, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 149, “privileges”. 11 In “New Era” print, 5, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1279, “and”. 12 In “New Era” print, 5, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1279, “obligations”. 13 In Washington print, 3, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 150, “power”. 14 In “New Era” print, 5, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1279, heading missing. 15 In “New Era” print, 7, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1281, “choose”. 16 In Journals of the Convention, 342, in “New Era” print, 7, in Washington print, 5, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1281, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 150, “directed”. 17 In “New Era” print, 8, and in Gammel’s The Laws
be capable”. 25 In English original, “Clerk”. 26 In Spanish translation, last two words added. 27 In English original, “seat of Government”. 28 In English original, “dollars”. 29 In Spanish translation, last two words added. 30 In English original, “corporation courts”. 31 In English original, “impeachment”. 32 In English original, “on the journals”. 33 In English original, “escheats”. 34 In English original, “control”. 35 In Spanish translation, “in said Court” missing. 36 In Constitution of the State of Texas, 14, “rendered”. 37 In English original, “administration”. 38 In English original, “administrators”. 39 In English original, “estates”. 40 In English original, “subject”. 41 In English original, “until the end of the next session of the Legislature”. 42 In Spanish translation, last three words added. 43 In Spanish translation, “before its adjournment” missing. 44 In English original, “Notaries”. 45 In English original, “until the close”. 46 In Spanish translation, “by law” missing. 47 In Spanish translation, last three words added. 48 In Spanish translation, last five words added. 49 In Spanish translation, “or send or accept a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons” missing. 50 In English original, “under this State”. 51 In Spanish translation, “or appointed” missing. 52 In English original, “Penitentiary”. 53 In Spanish translation, “of both Houses” missing. 54 In English original, “income tax”. 55 In English original, “household furniture”. 56 In English original, “for the franchise”. 57 In Spanish translation, “of both Houses” missing. 58 In English original, “becoming”. 59 In Spanish translation, last three words added. 60 In English original, “to make suitable provision”. 61 In Spanish translation, last five words added. 62 In English original, “not recommended”. 63 In Spanish translation, last three words added. 64 In English original, “special messenger”. 65 In English original, “Department of State”. 66 In Spanish translation, last three words added. 67 In English original, “managers, judges”. 68 In English original, “ports, harbors”. 69 In English original, “docks”. 70 In English original, “impost duties”. 71 In English original, “records, public money, documents, archives, and public property of every description whatsoever”. 72 In English original, “Secretary of State”. 73 In English original, “twenty-seventh”.
T EXAS of Texas, II, 1281, “vacancy”. In Journals of the Convention, 344, in “New Era” print, 9, in Washington print, 6, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1283, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 151, “any denomination whatever”. 19 In Washington print, 6, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 151, “years”. 20 In Journals of the Convention, 345, in “New Era” print, 9, in Washington print, 6, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1283, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 151, “to be made” added. 21 In “New Era” print, 9, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1283, “Until after”. 22 In Journals of the Convention, 345, in “New Era” print, 9, in Washington print, 7, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1283, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 151, “amongst”. 23 In Journals of the Convention, 346, in “New Era” print, 10, in Washington print, 7, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1284, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 152, “fifteenth district”. 24 In Journals of the Convention, 346, in “New Era” print, 10, in Washington print, 7, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1284, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 152, “and the”. 25 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1285, “to the”. 26 In “New Era” print, 12, in Washington print, 8, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1285, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 152, “not”. 27 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1285, “office”. 28 Ibid., “but”. 29 In the ledger journal manuscript, indication missing. 30 In “New Era” print, 12, in Washington print, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 152, “Judge”. 31 In “New Era” print, 13, “fine”. 32 Ibid., and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1286, “Court”. 33 In Washington print, 9, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 153, “by”. 34 In “New Era” print, 13, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1286, “Sheriff and Coroner”. 35 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1287, “set”. 36 In ledger journal manuscript, word missing. 37 Ibid., word missing. 38 In “New Era” print, 14, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1287, “regulation”. 39 In the ledger journal manuscript, last sentence missing. 40 In Journals of the Convention, 351, in “New Era” print, 15, in Washington print, 11, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1288, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 154, “officers”. 41 In “New Era” print, 16, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1288, “the adjournment”. 42 In Washington print, 11, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 154, “giving”. 18
C ONSTITUTION OF T EXAS (1845) 43 In Washington print, 11, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 154, “power”. 44 In “New Era” print, 16, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1289, “election for Governor”. 45 In the ledger journal manuscript, “to the Senate” missing. 46 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1291, word missing. 47 In “New Era” print, 18, in Washington print, 13, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1291, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 155, “wherever”. 48 In “New Era” print, 19, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1292, “or”. 49 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1292, “a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons; nor have I acted as second in carrying” missing. 50 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1292, “holding offices”. 51 In Journals of the Convention, 355, in “New Era” print, 20, in Washington print, 14, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1292, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 155, “officers”. 52 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1292, “of the”. 53 Ibid., last three words missing. 54 In Journals of the Convention, 356, in “New Era” print, 20, in Washington print, 14, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1293, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 155, word missing. 55 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1293, “well as”. 56 In Washington print, 15, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 156, “[in] which”. 57 In “New Era” print, 22, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1294, end of parentheses. 58 In Journals of the Convention, 358, in “New Era” print, 22, in Washington print, 16, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1294, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 156, “equal and uniform”. 59 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1295, “papers”. 60 Ibid., “invasion”. 61 In “New Era” print, 23, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1295, “Sec. 37. Mode of amending the Constitution. –”. 62 In “New Era” print, 24, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1296, “them”. 63 In “New Era” print, 26, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1297, “which may”. 64 In Journals of the Convention, 362, in “New Era” print, 26, in Washington print, 19, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1297, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 158, “of land” missing. 65 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1298, last two words missing. 66 Ibid., 1299, “Sec. 3.” missing. 67 In “New Era” print, 28, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1299, “and”. 68 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1299, “of”.
In “New Era” print, 29, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1299, “shall”. 70 In “New Era” print, 29, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1300, word missing. 71 In “New Era” print, 29, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1300, “precinct”. 72 In “New Era” print, 30, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1301, “all the”. 73 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1301, “ordinances”. 74 Ibid., 1302, name missing. 75 In Washington print, 22, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 159, “J.”. 76 In Washington print, 22, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 159, “McGowen”. 77 In Journals of the Convention, 366, in Washington print, 22, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 159, “Cuny”. 78 In Washington print, 22, in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1302, and in Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 159, “Power”. 79 In “New Era” print, 31, names of subscribers missing. 80 In Documents of Texas History, ed. by Wallace, 159, rest missing. 81 In “New Era” print, 31–32, Ordinance of 27 August, 1845, published, which was submitted to the people at the same time as the constitution for their adoption or rejection, instead of the Ordinance of 4 July, 1845, which was mandated in art. XIII, sect. 13, to be part of the Constitution and published together with it. 82 In Journals of the Convention, 367, in Washington print, 23, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1303, “that”. 83 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1303, “resolutions”. 84 Ibid., word missing. 85 Ibid., heading missing. 86 Ibid., word missing. 87 Ibid., last two words missing. 88 Ibid., word missing. 89 Ibid., last four words missing. 90 Ibid., “a sufficient”. 91 In the ledger journal manuscript, “or States” missing. 92 In Journals of the Convention, 369, in Washington print, 24, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1304, word missing. 93 In Journals of the Convention, 369, and in Washington print, 24, “resolution”. 94 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1304, sentence missing. 95 In the ledger journal manuscript, all signatures missing. 96 In Journals of the Convention, 369, and in Washington print, 24, “Cuny”. 97 Not among the signers of the Constitution.
In Journals of the Convention, 369, and in Washington print, 24, “Power”. 99 In Washington print, 24, “McGowen”. 100 In Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1304, names of signers missing. 101 In Washington print, 24, and in Gammel’s The Laws of Texas, II, 1304, “of the”.
Verfassung von Texas (1845) Constitution des Staates Texas1
Wir, das Volk der Republik Texas, erkennen in Dankbarkeit die Gnade und Barmherzigkeit Gottes an, durch welche uns gestattet wurde, unsere Regierungsform zu erwählen, und in Gemäßheit der Bestimmungen des Gemeinbeschlusses2 für den Anschluß von Texas an die Vereinigten Staaten, angenommen am 1sten März 1845, beschließen wir und führen hierdurch ein die folgende Constitution:
ERSTER ARTIKEL Politische Rechte3 Um die allgemeinen großen und wesentlichen Grundsätze der Freiheit und der freien Verfassungen4 anzuerkennen und aufrecht zu erhalten, erklären wird: S ECT. 15 . Alle politische Macht ruht im Volke, alle freien Verfassungen6 sind auf seiner Macht begründet und zu seinem Nutzen eingesetzt und hat das Volk zu allen Zeiten das unveräußerliche Recht, seine Verfassung7 zu ändern, zu verbessern oder abzuschaffen, wie dasselbe es für thunlich erachten mag. S ECT. 2. Alle freien Menschen, welche einen gesellschaftlichen Verband eingehen, haben gleiche Rechte, und weder ein Einzelner, noch eine Mehrheit von Personen8 sind zu ausschließlichen Bevorzugungen und Vorrechten im Staate berechtigt, außer in Rücksicht auf geleistete Staatsdienste. S ECT. 3. Kein Glaubensbekenntniß9 soll jemals als Qualification für irgend ein Amt
oder Bestellung10 von Seiten des Staates verlangt werden. S ECT. 4. Alle Menschen haben ein natürliches und unbestreitbares Recht, Gott nach den Anregungen ihres eigenen Gewissens zu verehren; Niemand soll gezwungen werden, gottesdienstliche Plätze zu besuchen, oder auf seine Kosten errichten oder erhalten zu helfen, oder irgend welche Geistlichkeit zu besolden11 . Keine menschliche Macht sollte in irgend einer Weise die Gewissensfreiheit beschränken oder beeinträchtigen, und niemals soll durch das Gesetz irgend einer Religionsgemeinschaft oder Secte12 irgend ein Vorzug eingeräumt werden; aber es wird der gesetzgebenden Gewalt13 zur Pflicht gemacht, solche Gesetze zu erlassen, als erforderlich sind, um eine jede Religionsgesellschaft in der friedlichen Ausübung ihrer öffentlichen Andacht zu schützen. S ECT. 5. Einem jeden Bürger soll es durchaus erlaubt sein, seine Ansichten über einen jeden Gegenstand auszusprechen, zu schreiben oder zu veröffentlichen; er ist jedoch für den Mißbrauch dieses Rechts verantwortlich. Niemals soll ein Gesetz gegen die Freiheit des Wortes oder der Presse gegeben werden. S ECT. 6. Bei Processen wegen Herausgabe von Schriften, in denen das amtliche Verhalten von Staatsbeamten oder überhaupt von öffentlich angestellten Personen besprochen wird, oder wenn der besprochene Gegenstand sich für öffentliche Bekanntmachung eignet, kann die Wahrheit erwiesen
T EXAS werden; und in allen Criminal-Processen wegen Libellen14 sollen die Geschworenen das Recht haben, Gesetz und Thatbestand unter Anleitung des Gerichtshofes zu bestimmen, wie in anderen Fällen. S ECT. 7. Das Volk soll geschützt sein in Person, Haus, Papieren und Besitzthümern vor willkührlicher Nachsuchung15 , keine Befugniß soll ertheilt werden zur Durchsuchung eines Platzes, oder zur Beschlagnahme irgend einer Person oder Sache, weder ohne dieselbe genau zu beschreiben, noch ohne einen rechtfertigenden Grund, welcher durch Eid oder durch Beweisgründe16 bekräftigt sein soll. S ECT. 8. In allen Criminalprocessen soll der Angeschuldigte ein schleuniges öffentliches Verhör vor einer unpartheiischen Jury haben, er soll nicht gehalten sein, gegen sich selbst Zeugniß abzulegen, er soll das Recht haben, sich entweder selbst oder durch einen Anwalt oder durch beide zu vertheidigen, er soll mit den Belastungszeugen confrontirt werden und sollen ihm Zwangsmaßregeln zur Herbeischaffung seiner Entlastungszeugen zustehen. Niemand soll ferner gehalten sein, sich auf eine Criminalbeschuldigung einzulassen, außer nach Verfolgung oder Anzeige durch den Staatsanwalt, außer im Land- und Seedienste, oder bei Uebertretungen der Milizgesetze. S ECT. 9. Alle inhaftirten Personen können gegen hinlänglich sichere Bürgschaft in Freiheit gelangen, mit Ausnahme von Capitalverbrechern, wenn der Beweis ihrer Schuld augenscheinlich, oder die Präsumption dafür sehr stark ist; jedoch soll diese Verfügung nicht so ausgelegt werden, daß dadurch eine Bürgschaft unmöglich würde, nachdem die durch den Anwalt eingereichte Anklage begründet gefunden und der Thatbestand, nach Rückgabe des Habeas corpus-Mandates, in der County, wo
das Verbrechen verübt worden, durch einen Richter des obersten oder der Districts-Gerichte untersucht ist. S ECT. 10. Das Vorrecht eines Habeas corpus-Mandates soll nicht suspendirt werden, außer, wenn im Falle des Aufruhrs oder des feindlichen Einfalles die öffentliche Sicherheit es erfordert. S ECT. 11. Es sollen weder übermäßige Bürgschaften verlangt, noch übermäßige Geldbußen, noch grausame oder ungewöhnliche Strafen auferlegt werden. Alle Gerichtssitzungen sollen öffentlich sein, und Jedermann soll in gesetzlichem Wege17 für eine jede Beeinträchtigung im Besitz, Person oder gutem Rufe Abhülfe finden. S ECT. 12. Niemand soll für ein und dasselbe Vergehen zum zweitenmale mit Leib und Leben haften, noch soll Jemand wegen eines und desselben Vergehens zum zweitenmale zur Untersuchung gezogen werden, nachdem er von der Jury für „nicht schuldig“ erklärt worden; und das Recht, vor einer Jury verhört zu werden, soll unverletzt bleiben. S ECT. 13. Ein jeder Bürger soll das Recht haben, zu seiner eigenen und des Staates Vertheidigung Waffen zu besitzen und zu tragen. S ECT. 14. Keine Achtserklärung18 ex post facto oder rückwirkendes Gesetz noch irgend ein Gesetz welches Verpflichtungen aus laufenden Contracten gefährdet, soll erlassen werden; und kein Privateigenthum soll für Staatszwecke verwendet oder benutzt werden ohne vollständige Vergütung zu leisten, es sei denn mit Einwilligung des Eigenthümers. S ECT. 15. Niemand soll Schulden halber inhaftirt werden.19 S ECT. 16. Kein Bürger dieses Staates soll seines Lebens, Freiheit, Besitzthümer
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) oder Gerechtsame20 verlustig gehen, proscribirt, verbannt, oder in irgend einer Weise behelligt werden, außer nach den Landesgesetzen im gesetzlichen Proceßgange21 . S ECT. 17. Die Militairmacht soll jeder Zeit den Civil-Behörden untergeordnet sein. S ECT. 18. Patente22 und Monopole sind dem Geiste einer freien Verfassung23 zuwider und sollen niemals gewährt werden, noch soll das Erstgeburtsrecht oder das Recht auf Pflichttheile24 jemals in diesem Staate Geltung haben. S ECT. 19. Die Bürger sollen das Recht haben, sich zu ihrem gemeinsamen Nutzen in friedlicher Weise zu versammeln, und sich an die mit der Regierungsgewalt bekleideten Personen zur Abhülfe von Beschwerden oder anderen Zwecken, im Wege der Petition, Adresse oder Einsprache zu wenden. S ECT. 20. Keine Gewalt im Staate darf Gesetze suspendiren, außer die gesetzgebende Versammlung oder deren Decrete25 . S ECT. 21. Um uns gegen etwaige Uebertretungen der hiedurch ernannten Gewalten26 zu sichern, erklären wir: daß alles und jedes in diesem Verzeichniß der allgemeinen politischen Rechte27 Enthaltene von der Allgemeinen Regierungsgewalt ausgenommen ist, und für immer unverletzlich bleiben soll, und daß ferner alle Gesetze, welche diesen oder den folgenden Bestimmungen zuwiderlaufen, null und nichtig sein sollen.
ZWEITER ARTIKEL Theilung der Staatsgewalten S ECT. 1. Die Staatsgewalten28 von Texas sollen in drei verschiedene Abtheilungen getheilt werden, und eine jede von diesen soll einem besonderen Personale von
Beamten übertragen werden, nämlich: die gesetzgebende – einem; die vollziehende – einem anderen; die richterliche – einem dritten. – Und weder ein Einzelner noch eine Mehrheit29 von Personen, welche zu einer dieser Abtheilungen gehört, soll eine Macht ausüben, welche eigentlich einer anderen Abtheilung zusteht, außer in besonderen zu erwähnenden30 Fällen.
DRITTER ARTIKEL Gesetzgebende Gewalt31 S ECT. 1. Ein qualificirter Wähler ist jeder freie Mann, welcher das Alter von 21 Jahren erreicht hat und ein Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten ist, oder welcher zur Zeit der Annahme dieser Constitution durch den Congreß der Vereinigten Staaten ein Bürger der Republik Texas ist, und in diesem Staate ein Jahr unmittelbar vor irgend einer Wahl gewohnt hat, und zwar die letzten 6 Monate innerhalb des Distriktes, der County oder Ortschaft, in welcher er seine Stimme abgeben will. Ausgenommen sind hiervon unbesteuerte Indianer, Afrikaner und deren Abkömmlinge32 . Sollte ein solcher qualificirter Wähler sich zur Zeit einer Wahl in einer anderen County des Districts befinden, wo er wohnt, so ist ihm gestattet, an der Wahl der Districtbeamten Theil zu nehmen; ferner kann ein qualificirter Wähler, bei der Wahl der Staatsbeamten überall33 seine Stimme abgeben. Endlich ist beschlossen, daß weder Soldaten in der Armee, noch Marine-Soldaten oder Seeleute auf der Flotte der Vereinigten Staaten zu irgend einer der durch diese Constitution eingesetzten Wahlen befugt sind. S ECT. 2. Alle freien Männer, welche das Alter von 21 Jahren erreicht haben (unbesteuerte Indianer, Afrikaner und deren Abkömmlinge34 ausgenommen) welche 6 Monate vor Annahme dieser Constitution durch den Congreß der Vereinigten Staaten
T EXAS in Texas gewohnt haben, sollen als qualificirte Wähler betrachtet werden. S ECT. 3. Unter allen Umständen sind Wähler vom Personal-Arreste frei, während ihrer Gegenwart bei der Wahl und auf dem Hin- und Rückwege, außer in Fällen des Hochverraths, des Betruges und der öffentlichen Ruhestörung.
4 Jahren gewählt und durch das Loos in zwei möglichst gleiche Klassen getheilt werden. Die Sitze der Senatoren erster Klasse sollen nach Ablauf der ersten 2 Jahre vacant werden, die Sitze der zweiten Klasse nach Ablauf von 4 Jahren, so daß die Hälfte der Senatoren künftig alle zwei Jahre neu40 erwählt wird.
S ECT. 4. Die gesetzgebende Gewalt35 soll in zweien verschiedenen Körpern ruhen, die eine: „Senat“ die andere: „Haus der Repräsentanten“; beide zusammen: „Legislatur36 des Staates Texas“ genannt. – Die Eingangsformel aller Gesetze soll sein: „Beschlossen durch die Legislatur des Staates Texas.“
S ECT. 9. Die neu hinzukommenden Senatoren sollen in der Weise klassificirt werden, daß beide Klassen eine möglichst gleiche Anzahl enthalten.
S ECT. 5. Die Mitglieder des Hauses der Repräsentanten sollen durch die qualificirten Wähler gewählt werden und soll die Dauer ihres Amtes 2 Jahre sein, gerechnet vom allgemeinen Wahltage an; die Sitzungen37 der Legislatur sollen alle 2 Jahre stattfinden38 , zu solcher Zeit, als das Gesetz bestimmen wird.
S ECT. 11. Niemand kann Senator werden, außer ein Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten oder wer zur Zeit der Annahme dieser Constitution durch den Congreß der Vereinigten Staaten ein Bürger von Texas41 ist; und welcher die drei letzten Jahre vor der Wahl ein Einwohner dieses Staates war, und zwar das letzte Jahr von diesen ein Einwohner des Districts, für welchen er erwählt wird, und zwar muß er das Alter von 30 Jahren erreicht haben.
S ECT. 6. Niemand kann Repräsentant werden außer ein Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten, oder, wer zur Zeit der Annahme dieser Constitution ein Bürger von Texas39 ist, er muß die beiden Jahre vor der Wahl Einwohner dieses Staates, und das letzte Jahr davon Bürger der County, Stadt oder Ortschaft gewesen sein, für welche er gewählt werden will, und muß zur Zeit seiner Wahl das Alter von 21 Jahren erreicht haben. S ECT. 7. Alle Wahlen des Volkes sollen zu der Zeit und an den Orten in den verschiedenen Counties, Städten oder Ortschaften vorgenommen werden, welche jetzt vom Gesetze dazu bestimmt sind oder künftig dazu bestimmt werden. S ECT. 8. Die Senatoren sollen von den qualificirten Wählern für den Zeitraum von
S ECT. 10. Wenn ein Senatorial-District aus zwei oder mehreren Counties besteht, so sollen diese durch keine zu einem andern Districte gehörige County getrennt sein.
S ECT. 12. Sobald sich das Haus der Repräsentanten versammelt, sollen diese einen Sprecher wählen und ihre anderen Beamten, eben so die Senatoren einen Präsidenten pro tempore und ihre anderen Beamten. Jedes der beiden Häuser soll über die Qualification und die Wahlen seiner eigenen Mitglieder urtheilen, streitige Wahlen jedoch sollen in der Weise behandelt werden, welche das Gesetz vorschreiben wird. Zwei Drittheile eines Hauses sind erforderlich um Geschäfte vorzunehmen, eine geringere Anzahl jedoch kann sich von einem Tage auf den anderen vertagen und das Erscheinen abwesender Mitglieder auf solche Weise und durch solche Zwangsmaaßregeln bewirken, als ein jedes der Häuser bestimmen wird.
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) S ECT. 13. Ein jedes Haus kann seinen eigenen Geschäftsgang bestimmen, Mitglieder für ordnungswidriges Betragen bestrafen und mit Zustimmung von Drittheilen der Mitglieder ausweisen, jedoch nicht zweimal wegen eines und desselben Vergehens. S ECT. 14. Jedes Haus soll ein Journal über seinen Geschäftsgang führen und dasselbe veröffentlichen, und die einzelnen Stimmen „für“ und „wider“ sollen auf den Wunsch dreier anwesender Mitglieder in das Journal eingetragen werden. S ECT. 15. Sobald in einem der beiden Häuser Vacanzen eintreten, soll der Gouverneur, oder wer dessen Gewalt ausübt, Aufforderungen zur Wahl ausfertigen, um die Vacanz auszufüllen. S ECT. 16. Senatoren und Repräsentanten genießen unter allen Umständen (ausgenommen in Fällen des Hochverraths, Betrugs und der öffentlichen Ruhestörung) das Vorrecht, während der Zeit der Sitzungen der Legislatur und auf ihrem Hin- und Rückwege nicht inhaftirt werden zu können, und zwar wird einem solchen Mitgliede für je 20 Meilen, welche er von dem Versammlungsorte der Legislatur entfernt lebt, ein Tag frei gegeben42 . S ECT. 17. Jedes der beiden Häuser kann während seiner Sitzungszeit jede Person, welche nicht Mitglied ist, wegen achtungswidrigen oder ungehörigen Betragens in seiner Gegenwart43 mit Gefängnißstrafe belegen, d. h., diese Gefängnißstrafe darf niemals die Zeit von 48 Stunden übersteigen.
an einen andern als den gewöhnlichen Sitzungsort begeben dürfen, ohne Uebereinstimmung des anderen Hauses. S ECT. 20. Gesetzesvorschläge können in einem jeden der beiden Häuser gemacht, und in dem anderen verbessert, geändert oder zurückgewiesen werden, kein Vorschlag jedoch soll Gesetzeskraft bekommen, bis derselbe in jedem der beiden Häuser an drei verschiedenen Tagen verlesen und der freien Besprechung übergeben ist, es sei denn, daß in außerordentlich wichtigen Fällen44 vier Fünftheile des Hauses, vor welchem der Gesetzentwurf schwebt, es für nöthig erachtet, von dieser Regel abzuweichen; jeder Gesetzentwurf, sobald er von beiden Häusern angenommen, soll betreffenderweise von dem Präsidenten pro tem. oder dem Sprecher45 unterzeichnet werden. S ECT. 21. Alle Gesetzentwürfe, die Erhebung von Steuern betreffend, müssen vom Repräsentantenhause ausgehen, jedoch kann der Senat dieselben verbessern oder verwerfen, wie einen jeden anderen Entwurf. S ECT. 22. Wenn ein Gesetzentwurf oder Beschluß46 von einem der beiden Häuser47 verworfen ist, so kann kein anderer Entwurf oder Beschluß48 desselben Inhalts während derselben Sitzung49 zum Gesetz erhoben werden.
S ECT. 18. Die Zugänge zu beiden Häusern sollen geöffnet sein.
S ECT. 23. Ein jedes Mitglied der Legislatur soll aus dem Staatsschatze eine Entschädigung für seine Dienstleistung empfangen, welche durch Gesetze erhöhet oder geschmälert werden kann, es soll jedoch keine Erhöhung dieser Entschädigung für die Sitzung50 eintreten können, in welcher eine solche verfügt wird.
S ECT. 19. Keines der beiden Häuser soll ohne Zustimmung des andern sich für mehr als 3 Tage vertagen dürfen, noch sich
S ECT. 24. Kein Senator oder Repräsentant kann während der Zeit, für welche er gewählt ist, zu irgend einem remunerirten
T EXAS Staatsamte ernannt werden, welches während der Session51 geschaffen, oder dessen Gehalt erhöhet worden ist. Ferner soll kein Mitglied eines Hauses52 während der Zeit, für die er gewählt worden, irgend ein Amt oder eine Stellung bekleiden können, welche ganz oder zum Theil von einem der Häuser53 besetzt wird; ebensowenig können die Mitglieder der Häuser für Ernennung eines ihrer Collegen zu irgend einer Stellung stimmen, ausgenommen in den besonders zu erwähnenden Fällen. Der Präsident pro temp. des Senates und der Sprecher des Hauses der Repräsentanten sollen durch die betreffenden Häuser erwählt werden. S ECT. 25. Kein Richter irgend eines Gerichtshofes54 , Staatssecretair, Generalanwalt, Secretair irgend einer Registraturbehörde55 , Sheriff oder Collector, oder irgend welche Person, welche ein besonderes56 Amt von den Vereinigten Staaten, von diesem Staate oder von irgend einer fremden Macht haben, können in die Legislatur gewählt werden; noch sollen sie überhaupt zu derselben Zeit zwei Aemter, gleichviel ob besoldete oder Ehrenämter verwalten können. Stellen in der Miliz indessen, mit denen kein jährliches Gehalt verbunden, und das Amt des Friedensrichters sollen als nicht lucrativ betrachtet werden. S ECT. 26. Niemand der zu irgend einer Zeit Collector von Steuern war, oder dem anderweit öffentliche Gelder anvertraut worden, kann in die Legislatur gewählt werden, oder irgend ein anderes Ehren- oder besoldetes Amt bekleiden, bis er über alle collectirten oder anvertrauten Gelder Rechnung abgelegt hat57 . S ECT. 27. Diener des Evangeliums, welche durch ihren Beruf Gott und der Seelsorge geweiht sind, müssen ihren wichtigen Berufspflichten nicht entzogen werden, daher soll kein Diener des Evangeliums oder
irgend welcher Geistlicher in die Legislatur gewählt werden können. S ECT. 28. Die Wahlen der Senatoren und Repräsentanten sollen allgemeine für den ganzen Staat sein und durch Gesetze regulirt werden. S ECT. 29. Die Legislatur soll bei ihrem ersten Zusammentreten im Jahre58 1848 und 1850 und späterhin alle 8 Jahre eine Zählung aller freien Einwohner (mit Ausnahme der unbesteuerten Indianer, Afrikaner und deren Abkömmlinge59 ) veranlassen, mit genauer Angabe der Anzahl qualificirter Wähler. Bei einer solchen Zählung soll dann von der Legislatur die Gesammtzahl der Repräsentanten festgesetzt und verhältnißmäßig unter die verschiedenen Counties, Städte und Ortschaften nach Maaßgabe der Anzahl freier Einwohner in jeder vertheilt werden, und zwar sollen ihrer niemals weniger als 45, noch mehr als 90 sein. S ECT. 30. Bis zur ersten Zählung und Zuertheilung unter dieser Constitution sollen die Repräsentanten unter die verschiedenen Counties vertheilt werden wie folgt: Montgomery-County soll vier Repräsentanten wählen. Die Counties Red River, Harrison, Nacogdoches, Harris und Washington sollen je drei Repräsentanten erwählen. Die Counties Fannin, Lamar, Bowie, Shelby, San Augustine, Rusk, Houston, Sabine, Liberty, Robertson, Galveston, Brazoria, Fayette, Colorado, Austin, Gonzales und Bexar je zwei Repräsentanten; und die Counties Jefferson, Jasper, Brazos, Milam, Bastrop, Travis, Matagorda, Jackson, Fort Bend, Victoria, Refugio, Goliad und San Patricio sollen jeder einen Repräsentanten erwählen. S ECT. 31. Die ganze Anzahl der Senatoren soll in der nächsten Sitzung60 nach den verschiedenen Zählungen von der Legislatur festgestellt werden, darauf sollen dieselben unter die durch Gesetze bestimmten
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) Districte vertheilt werden nach Maßgabe der Anzahl qualificirter Wähler, und zwar sollen ihrer niemals weniger als 19 oder mehr als 33 sein. S ECT. 32. Bis zur ersten Zählung, welche durch diese Constitution festgesetzt wird, sollen die Senatorial-Districte folgende sein, nämlich: die Counties Fannin und Lamar sollen den ersten District bilden und einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Red River und Bowie den zweiten District mit einem Senator; die Counties Fannin, Lamar, Red River und Bowie sollen zusammen einen Senator erwählen; Harrison County, der dritte District, soll einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Nacogdoches, Rusk und Houston als vierter District, sollen zwei Senatoren erwählen; die Counties San Augustine und Shelby, als fünfter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Sabine und Jasper, als sechster District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Liberty und Jefferson, als siebenter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Robertson und Brazos, als achter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; Montgomery County, neunter District, soll einen Senator erwählen; Harris County, zehnter District, soll einen (Distr.) Senator erwählen; Galveston County, eilfter District, soll einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Brazoria und Matagorda, zwölfter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Austin und Fort Bend, dreizehnter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Colorado und Fayette, vierzehnter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Bastrop und Travis, fünfzehnter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Washington und Milam, sechszehnter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; die Counties Victoria, Gonzales und Jackson, siebenzehnter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen; Bexar County, achtzehnter District, soll einen Senator erwählen; und die
Counties Goliad, Refugio und San Patricio, neunzehnter District, sollen einen Senator erwählen. S ECT. 33. Die erste Sitzung der Legislatur61 nach Annahme dieser Constitution durch den Congreß der Vereinigten Staaten, soll zu Austin, dem jetzigen Sitze des Gouvernements, gehalten werden, ebenso späterhin bis zum Jahre 1850, nach welcher Zeit der Sitz des Gouvernements durch das Volk für die Dauer bestimmt werden wird. S ECT. 34. Die Mitglieder der Legislatur sollen bei ihrer ersten Sitzung62 aus dem Staatsschatze für einen jeden Tag, an welchem sie der Sitzung beiwohnen, eine Vergütung von drei Dollar jeder empfangen, ebenso drei Dollar für jede 25 Meilen Herund Rückreise zu und von dem Versammlungsorte. S ECT. 35. Um den Sitz des Gouvernements für die Dauer zu bestimmen, soll durch63 den ganzen Staat eine Wahl veranstaltet werden, und zwar an allen gewöhnlichen Wahlorten am ersten Montage des Monats März des Jahres 1850, so wie das Gesetz es vorschreibt. Dann mag das Volk denjenigen Platz auswählen, welchen es für den passendsten Sitz des Gouvernements hält; die Resultate dieser Wahl sollen dem Gouverneur am ersten Montage im Juni übermacht werden. Wenn alsdann irgend ein Platz eine Mehrzahl unter allen eingegebenen Stimmen hat, so soll dieser dann bis zum Jahre 1870 der bleibende Sitz des Gouvernements sein, falls der Staat nicht vor dieser Zeit getheilt werden sollte. Sollte jedoch kein Platz eine Mehrzahl unter allen abgegebenen Stimmen haben, so soll der Gouverneur eine Proclamation erlassen und in derselben Weise eine Wahl am ersten Montage im October64 bewirken, um zwischen den beiden Plätzen zu entscheiden, welche bei der ersten Wahl die größte Stimmenzahl erhielten. Die Wahl soll in eben der
T EXAS Weise geleitet werden, wie die erste, die Resultate sollen dem Gouverneur übermacht werden, und der Platz, welcher die höchste Stimmenzahl hat, soll für die oben bestimmte Zeit Sitz des Gouvernements sein.
ihr Amt 4 Jahre hindurch behalten sollen, und durch genannten Gerichtshof absetzbar sind: wegen Vernachlässigung ihrer Pflicht, wegen ungehörigen Betragens im Dienst, und in solchen anderen Fällen, als das Gesetz bestimmt.
S ECT. 5. Der Gouverneur soll mit Zuziehung und Einwilligung von zwei Drittheilen des Senates die Richter des obersten Gerichtshofes und der Districtsgerichte ernennen, und sollen diese ihr Amt während sechs Jahren behalten.
Richterliche Gewalt65 S ECT. 1. Die richterliche Gewalt in diesem Staate soll ruhen in einem obersten Gerichtshofe, Districts-Gerichten und solchen Untergerichten, als die Legislatur von Zeit zu Zeit einsetzen und anstellen wird; Corporationsgerichten kann eine solche Macht übertragen werden, als für nöthig erachtet und durch Gesetze bestimmt werden wird. S ECT. 2. Der oberste Gerichtshof soll aus einem Oberrichter und zwei Beisitzern bestehen, und irgend zwei von diesen sollen ein vollständig besetztes Collegium66 bilden. S ECT. 3. Der oberste Gerichtshof soll allein Appellations-Gerichtsbarkeit und zwar über das Gesammtgebiet des Staates [besitzen]. In Criminalsachen jedoch und in Appellationen von interlocutorischen Urtheilen mit solchen Ausnahmen und unter solchen Beschränkungen, als die Legislatur bestimmen wird. Der oberste Gerichtshof und dessen Richter sollen ferner die Macht haben, das Habeas Corpus-Mandat zu erlassen; und sollen unter solchen Formalitäten, als das Gesetz vorschreibt, ermächtigt sein, Compulsiv-Mandate67 zu erlassen, um ihre Gerichtsbarkeit zu erzwingen; auch den Richter eines Districtsgerichtes zwingen, einen Proceß einzuleiten und zu entscheiden; und soll der oberste Gerichtshof seine Sitzungen68 einmal alle Jahr zwischen den Monaten October und Juni inclusive an nicht mehr als drei Orten im Staate halten. S ECT. 4. Der oberste Gerichtshof soll seine Secretaire selbst ernennen, welche
S ECT. 6. Der Staat soll in passende Gerichtsdistricte getheilt werden. Für einen jeden District soll ein Richter ernannt werden, welcher in demselben wohnen, und an einem Platze in einer jeden County wenigstens zweimal im Jahre Gericht halten soll, wie das Gesetz es bestimmen wird. S ECT. 7. Die Richter des obersten Gerichtshofes sollen jeder einen Jahrgehalt von mindestens 2000 Dollar, die Richter der Districtsgerichte jeder einen Jahrgehalt von mindestens 1750 Dollar empfangen; und zwar sollen die Besoldungen der Richter während der Zeit ihrer Amtsführung weder gesteigert noch verringert werden. S ECT. 8. Die Richter des obersten und der Districtsgerichte sollen durch den Gouverneur auf Grund einer Adresse von zwei Drittheilen eines der beiden Häuser69 abgesetzt werden, und zwar wegen absichtlicher Vernachlässigung ihrer Pflicht, oder wegen einer anderen vernünftigen Ursache, welche jedoch noch keinen hinreichenden Grund zur öffentlichen Anklage70 geben würde. Solcher oder solche Gründe jedoch, wegen deren eine Absetzung nachgesucht wird, müssen in der Adresse umständlich ausgeführt, und in das Journal des Hauses71 eingetragen sein; ferner müssen dieselben dem Richter, welcher abgesetzt werden soll, mitgetheilt werden, und soll derselbe zu
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) seiner eigenen Vertheidigung gehört werden, ehe über eine solche Adresse abgestimmt wird, und in allen Fällen sollen die einzelnen Stimmen aufgerufen werden und in dem Journale des betreffenden Hauses72 aufgezeichnet werden. S ECT. 9. Alle Richter des obersten und der Districtsgerichte sollen kraft ihrer Amtsgewalt den Frieden im73 Staate aufrecht halten. Die Formel aller Mandate und Verfügungen sollen sein: „Der Staat Texas.“ Alle Criminalprocesse74 sollen begonnen werden: „Im Namen und Auftrage75 des Staates Texas,“ und beschließen mit den Worten: „Gegen die Würde und die Ruhe76 des Staates Texas.“ S ECT. 10. Die Districtsgerichte sollen Gerichtsbarkeit in erster Instanz haben in allen Criminalsachen, und in Processen77 des Staates behufs Einziehung von Geldbußen, Conventionsstrafen und Verwirkungen78 , und dann in allen Ehescheidungssachen; und in allen Proceßsachen, ohne Unterschied ob stricti juris oder bonae fidei79 , wenn der Gegenstand sich ohne Zinsen auf Einhundert Dollar beläuft oder geschätzt wird. Auch sollen die obengenannten Gerichtshöfe und deren Richter ermächtigt sein, alle Mandate zu erlassen, welche erforderlich sind, um ihrer Gerichtsbarkeit Nachdrücklichkeit zu geben, und ihnen eine allgemeine Beaufsichtigung80 über alle Untergerichte zu geben. In allen Criminalfällen soll die Jury das Strafmaß oder die Höhe der Geldbuße ermitteln und aussprechen, ausgenommen bei Capitalverbrechen, oder wo sonst die Strafe81 durch das Gesetz specificirt ist. S ECT. 11. Die Districtsgerichte sollen einen Secretair für jede County haben, welcher von den zur Wahl der Legislatur-Mitglieder qualificirten Wähler erwählt werden soll. Er soll sein Amt vier Jahre hindurch
behalten, absetzbar auf eine schriftliche Anzeige, Vorstellung einer Grand-Jury, und Ueberführung durch eine Petit-Jury. Im Fall einer Vacanz soll der Districtsrichter das Recht haben, einen Secretair anzustellen, bis eine gesetzmäßige82 Wahl veranstaltet werden kann. S ECT. 12. Der Gouverneur soll einen General-Anwalt ernennen83 und auf den Rath und mit Zustimmung von zwei Drittheilen des Senates anstellen. Dieser soll sein Amt während zwei Jahre behalten; ferner soll durch gemeinsame Abstimmung beider Häuser der Legislatur für jeden District ein Districts-Anwalt erwählt werden, welcher sein Amt für zwei Jahre behalten soll, und sollen die Pflichten, Emolumente und Erfordernisse eines General-Anwaltes und der Districts-Anwälte durch das Gesetz festgestellt werden. S ECT. 13. Für eine jede County soll eine angemessene Anzahl von Friedensrichtern, ein Sheriff, ein Coroner und eine hinreichende Anzahl von Constables angestellt werden, welche für zwei Jahre von den qualificirten Wählern des Districts oder der County gewählt werden sollen, wie die Legislatur dies bestimmen wird. Friedensrichter, Sheriffe und Coroners sollen ihre Bestallung vom Gouverneur empfangen. Der Sheriff soll in je sechs Jahren nur für vier Jahre wählbar sein. S ECT. 14. Kein Richter soll in irgend einer Proceßsache zu Gerichte sitzen, worin er entweder persönlich betheiligt, oder wenn eine der Partheien mit ihm verwandt oder verschwägert ist, innerhalb der durch das Gesetz zu bestimmenden Verwandtschaftsgrade, oder auch wenn er in der Sache Rechtsbeistand gewesen ist. Sobald der oberste Gerichtshof oder irgend welche zwei seiner Mitglieder auf diese Weise ihre Qualification verlieren, eine oder mehrere
T EXAS Sachen in dem genannten Gerichtshofe vorzunehmen, oder wenn in irgend einem oder mehreren Fällen wegen Meinungsverschiedenheit zwischen den genannten Richtern von diesem Gerichtshofe kein Urtheil gefällt werden kann, so soll solches dem Gouverneur des Staates dargethan werden. Dieser soll sodann der erforderlichen Anzahl von Rechtsgelehrten den Auftrag geben, diese Sache oder Sachen vorzunehmen und zu entscheiden. Sobald die Richter der Districtsgerichte auf diese Weise ihre Qualification verlieren, so können die Partheien nach Uebereinkommen eine competente Person zur Erledigung der Sache ernennen. Ferner können die Richter der ebengenannten Gerichtshöfe die Districte wechseln, oder für einander Gericht halten, wenn sie es für nothwendig erachten, und sollen sie solches thun, wenn es das Gesetz vorschreibt. Wie dem Mangel der Qualification der Richter an Untergerichten abzuhelfen sei, wird späterhin durch Gesetze bestimmt werden. S ECT. 15. Es sollen in jeder County Untergerichte eingesetzt werden behufs Bestellung von Vormündern, Errichtung von Testamenten und Ernennung von Administratoren, so wie behufs der Rechnungslegung von Executoren, Administratoren und Vormündern, so wie zur Verhandlung von Erbschaftssachen. Die Distriktsgerichte sollen fernerhin Gerichtsbarkeit in erster und in der Appellationsinstanz, und allgemeine Aufsicht über die genannten Untergerichte, und Gerichtsbarkeit erster Instanz und Aufsicht über Executoren, Administratoren, Vormünder und Minderjährige haben, und zwar unter solchen Bestimmungen, als das Gesetz vorschreibt. S ECT. 16. In allen bonae fideiProcessen84 vor den Districtsgerichten sollen Kläger oder Verklagter das Recht haben, auf ihr ausdrücklich vor Gericht erklärtes Verlangen von einer Jury nach denselben Grundsätzen und Bestimmun-
gen beurtheilt zu werden, welche für stricti juris-Processe85 vorgeschrieben sind. S ECT. 17. Der Umfang der Civil- und Criminal-Gerichtsbarkeit der Friedensrichter soll durch das Gesetz genau86 bestimmt werden. S ECT. 18. In allen Processen, welche vor Untergerichten aus Verträgen entstanden sind, sollen Kläger oder Verklagter das Recht haben, auf ihr dem vorsitzenden Beamten kund gethanes Verlangen von einer Jury beurtheilt zu werden, sobald der Gegenstand des Processes mehr als zehn Dollar beträgt. S ECT. 19. In allen Fällen, wo Friedensrichter oder andere Beamte von Untergerichten Gericht halten in Sachen, wo die Verletzung eines Gesetzes mit Geldbuße oder Haft bestraft wird (ausgenommen in Fällen, wo der Angeklagte den Gerichtshof mißachtet) soll der Angeschuldigte das Recht haben, von einer Jury beurtheilt zu werden.
FÜNFTER ARTIKEL Vollziehende Gewalt87 S ECT. 1. Die höchste vollziehende Gewalt in diesem Staate soll einer höchsten Magistratsperson übertragen werden, welche „Gouverneur des Staates Texas“ genannt werden soll. S ECT. 2. Der Gouverneur soll von den qualificirten Wählern des Staates gewählt werden, an denselben Orten und zu derselben Zeit, wie die Mitglieder der Legislatur. S ECT. 3. Bis auf weitere gesetzliche Bestimmungen sollen die Berichte und Resultate einer jeden Gouverneurswahl ausgemacht, versiegelt, nach dem Sitze des Gouvernements eingesendet und dem Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses übermacht werden. Dieser soll dieselben alsdann innerhalb
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) der ersten Sitzungswoche in Gegenwart beider Häuser der Legislatur öffnen und bekannt machen. Diejenige Person, welche die höchste Stimmenzahl hat, und nach der Constitution wählbar ist, soll auf Anweisung der Legislatur vom Sprecher als Gouverneur proclamirt werden. Sollten jedoch zwei oder mehrere Personen die höchste Stimmenzahl haben, so soll einer von diesen sofort durch gemeinsame Abstimmung beider Häuser88 zum Gouverneur erwählt werden. Streitige Gouverneurswahlen sollen durch beide Häuser der Legislatur entschieden werden. S ECT. 4. Der Gouverneur soll sein Amt für die Zeit von zwei Jahren behalten, von der Zeit seiner vollständigen Einsetzung89 an, bis sein Nachfolger gehörig qualificirt ist; er soll jedoch nur für vier Jahre inclu. 6 wählbar sein. Er soll mindestens 30 Jahre alt und ein Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten oder ein Bürger von Texas90 sein zur Zeit der Annahme dieser Constitution und soll wenigstens drei Jahre vor seiner Wahl in diesem Staate gewohnt haben. S ECT. 5. Er soll zu bestimmten Zeiten eine Vergütung für seine Dienstleistungen empfangen, welche während der Zeit seiner Amtsführung weder erhöhet noch verringert werden darf. Der erste Gouverneur soll ein Jahrgehalt von 2000 Dollar empfangen, und nicht mehr. S ECT. 6. Der Gouverneur soll Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres und der Flotte dieses Staates sein, so wie auch der Miliz, ausgenommen, wenn diese für den Dienst der Vereinigten Staaten einberufen werden. S ECT. 7. Er kann von allen Beamten der vollziehenden Gewalt91 schriftliche Auskunft über irgend einen Gegenstand einfordern, sofern derselbe mit ihren Amtspflichten zusammenhängt.
S ECT. 8. Er hat das Recht bei außerordentlichen Gelegenheiten die Legislatur durch eine Proclamation zusammenzuberufen, entweder an dem Sitze des Gouvernements oder nach einem anderen Orte, wenn jener im Besitz der Feinde des Staates sein sollte. Sollten sich die beiden Häuser über die Zeit der Vertagung nicht einigen können, so hat er das Recht dieselben so lange zu vertagen als es ihm angemessen erscheint, jedoch nicht für längere Zeit als bis zu dem Tage ihrer nächsten ordentlichen Zusammenkunft. S ECT. 9. Von Zeit zu Zeit soll er der Legislatur über den Zustand des Gouvernements schriftliche Mittheilung machen und ihrer Erwägung solche Maßregeln empfehlen, als er für förderlich hält. S ECT. 10. Er soll die getreuliche Ausübung der Gesetze überwachen92 . S ECT. 11. In allen Criminalfällen, außer bei Hochverrath und im Falle der öffentlichen Anklage93 , soll er nach ergangenem Urtheilsspruche ermächtigt sein, Ermäßigung und Begnadigung zu gewähren, auch soll er ermächtigt sein, Geldbußen und Conventionalstrafen94 nach den von der Legislatur zu erlassenden Bestimmungen niederzuschlagen. In Fällen des Hochverrathes soll er ermächtigt sein, auf den Rath und mit Zuziehung des Senates Ermäßigung und Begnadigung zu gewähren. Im Falle der Abwesenheit95 des Senates kann er das Urtheil bis zum Ende der nächstfolgenden Legislatursitzung96 verschieben. S ECT. 12. Es soll ebenfalls ein Lieutenant-Gouverneur bei einer jeden Gouverneurswahl von denselben Personen in derselben Weise erwählt werden. Derselbe soll dieselbe Amtsdauer und ebendieselben Qualificationen besitzen. Bei der Erwählung des Gouverneurs und des LieutenantGouverneurs sollen die Wähler unterscheiden, wen sie zum Gouverneur, und wen sie
T EXAS zum Lieutenant-Gouverneur erwählen wollen. Der Lieutenant-Gouverneur soll Kraft seines Amtes Präsident des Senates sein, und97 das Recht haben, über alle Fragen mit zu debattiren und zu stimmen. Bei einer gleichmäßigen Stimmentheilung hat er das Recht die entscheidende Stimme zu geben. Im Falle der Gouverneur mit Tode abgeht, resignirt, abgesetzt wird, dienstunfähig ist, oder sich weigert, seine Pflicht zu erfüllen, oder abwesend oder von Staate angeklagt98 ist, soll der Lieutenant-Gouverneur diejenige Gewalt und Befugniß haben, welche zu dem Amte des Gouverneurs gehört, bis zur Zeit des nächsten Wahltermines ein anderer gewählt und gehörig qualificirt ist, oder bis der Gouverneur von seiner Anklage freigesprochen, von seiner Abwesenheit zurückgekehrt, oder bis seine Unfähigkeit beseitigt ist. S ECT. 13. Jedesmal wenn das Gouvernement durch den Lieutenant-Gouverneur verwaltet wird, oder dieser nicht im Stande ist, als Präsident im Senate zu fungiren, so soll der Senat eines seiner Mitglieder zum Präsidenten pro tempore erwählen. Sollte während der Vacanz der Gouverneursstelle der Lieutenant-Gouverneur mit Tode abgehen, resigniren, nicht dienen wollen, sein Amt verlieren oder nicht ausfüllen können, in Anklagezustand versetzt werden99 oder nicht im Staate sein, so soll der Präsident pro tempore des Senats das Gouverneursamt verwalten bis er von einem Gouverneur oder Lieutenant-Gouverneur abgelöst wird. Der Lieutenant-Gouverneur, während er als Präsident des Senates fungirt, soll er für seine Dienste dieselbe Vergütung erhalten, wie der Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses und nicht mehr; und für die Zeit, während welcher er das Gouverneursamt verwaltet, soll er dieselbe Vergütung empfangen, welche der Gouverneur empfangen haben würde, falls dieser sein Amt verwaltet hätte, und nicht mehr. Der Präsident pro
tempore des Senates, soll für die Zeit, während welcher er das Gouverneursamt verwaltet, ebenfalls die Besoldung erhalten, welche der Gouverneur für Erfüllung seiner Amtspflicht würde erhalten haben. Falls es nothwendig wird, daß das Gouverneursamt durch den Lieutenant-Gouverneur verwaltet wird, dieser aber während seiner Verwaltung sterben, resigniren, oder während der Vertagung der Legislatur100 nicht im Staate sein sollte; so soll der Staatsecretair gehalten sein, den Senat zur Erwählung eines Präsidenten pro tempore zusammenzuberufen. S ECT. 14. Es soll ein Staatsiegel eingeführt werden, welches der Gouverneur bewahren und amtlich benutzen soll. Dieses Siegel soll bestehen in einem fünfeckigen Sterne, eingeschlossen von einem Olivenund Lebenseichen-Zweige, und den Worten „the State of Texas.“ S ECT. 15. Alle Anstellungspatente sollen ausgestellt sein im Namen und Auftrage101 des Staates Texas, untersiegelt mit dem Staatssiegel, unterzeichnet vom Gouverneur und vom Staatsecretair contrasignirt102 . S ECT. 16103 . Der Gouverneur soll mit Zuziehung und Beistimmung des Senats einen Staatsecretair anstellen, welcher sein Amt für die Zeit behalten soll, für welche der jedesmalige Gouverneur erwählt ist. Es soll dieser ein genaues Register aller officiellen Acte und Maßnahmen des Gouverneurs führen, welches er mit allen betreffenden Papieren und Belägen104 der Legislatur oder jedem Hause einzeln auf deren Verlangen vorzulegen hat. Seine übrigen Pflichten wird das Gesetz bestimmen. S ECT. 17. Jeder Gesetzentwurf, welcher durch beide Häuser105 gegangen ist, soll dem Gouverneur vorgelegt werden; genehmigt dieser denselben, so soll er denselben
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) unterzeichnen; wenn nicht, so soll er denselben an dasjenige Haus zurücksenden, in welchem er vorgeschlagen wurde, und zwar mit seinen Einwendungen, welche dann ausführlich in das Journal eingetragen werden sollen. Darauf sollen die Häuser den Gesetzentwurf von neuem in Berathung nehmen, und falls nach einer solchen abermaligen Berathung, zwei Drittheile übereinkommen, den Gesetzentwurf anzunehmen, so soll derselbe mit den Einwendungen des Gouverneurs dann an das andere Haus gesendet werden, und wenn derselbe auch dort von zwei Drittheilen der anwesenden Mitglieder angenommen ist, so soll er zum Gesetz erhoben sein. Jedoch sollen in solchen Fällen die Stimmen in beiden Häusern einzeln aufgerufen werden, und die Namen der einzelnen Mitglieder, welche für oder gegen einen solchen Gesetzentwurf stimmen, sollen im Journal des betreffenden Hauses verzeichnet werden. Falls irgend ein Gesetzentwurf nicht innerhalb fünf Tagen, (Sonntage nicht eingerechnet) vom Gouverneur an das Haus in welchem er gemacht wurde, zurückgesendet worden ist, so soll er zum Gesetz erhoben sein, als wenn der Gouverneur denselben unterzeichnet hätte. Alle Gesetzentwürfe, welche Gouverneur am Tage vor der Vertagung der Legislatur vorgelegt, und von ihm nicht vor der Vertagung zurückgesendet werden, sollen zum Gesetz erhoben sein, und dieselbe Kraft haben, als wenn sie vom Gouverneur unterzeichnet wären. S ECT. 18. Ein jeder Beschluß, Verfügung oder Entscheidung106 , für welche eine Concurrenz beider Häuser107 erforderlich ist, ausgenommen Vertagungsangelegenheiten, soll dem Gouverneur vorgelegt und von ihm genehmigt sein, ehe derselbe in Wirksamkeit tritt; wird derselbe zurückgewiesen, so soll er ganz wie ein Gesetzentwurf behandelt werden, und nach den oben festgesetzten Bestimmungen von neuem durch beide Häuser gehen.
S ECT. 19. Der Gouverneur soll mit Zuziehung und Einwilligung des Senates108 eine hinreichende Anzahl von Notarien bestellen – jedoch nicht mehr als sechs in jeder County, welchen außer ihren gesetzlichen Berufspflichten noch andere durch die Legislatur von Zeit zu Zeit aufgelegt werden können109 . S ECT. 20. Ernennungen zur Besetzung von Vacanzen, welche während der Auflösung110 des Senates entstanden sind, sollen demselben während der zehn ersten Sitzungs-Tage gemacht werden. Sollte eine solche Ernennung zurückgewiesen werden, so soll dieselbe Person während derselben Sitzung111 für dasselbe Amt nicht wieder ernannt werden. Sollte der Gouverneur verabsäumen, während der Sitzung112 des Senates eine Vacanz zu besetzten, so soll diese von ihm nicht vor der nächsten Zusammenkunft des Senates besetzt werden. S ECT. 21. Der Gouverneur soll während der Sitzungen der Legislatur113 an deren Versammlungsorte wohnen, und auch zu jeder anderen Zeit, (wenn das öffentliche Wohl) der Nutzen des Staates114 es erfordert. S ECT. 22. Niemand kann neben (außer) dem Amte des Gouverneurs ein anderes Civil- oder Militair-Amt115 bekleiden. S ECT. 23. Beide Häuser116 sollen vereinigt117 einen Staatsschatzmeister und einen Controlleur118 alle zwei Jahre erwählen. Im Falle, daß eines dieser Aemter während der Abwesenheit der Legislatur119 vacant wird, soll die Vacanz durch den Gouverneur für die Zeit bis zum Schluß der nächsten Sitzung der Legislatur120 besetzt werden.
SECHSTER ARTIKEL Miliz S ECT. 1. Die Legislatur soll Gesetze über die Organisation und Disciplinirung der Mi-
T EXAS liz dieses Staates erlassen, wie sie es für zweckmäßig erachtet, im Einklange mit den betreffenden Gesetzen121 der Vereinigten Staaten.
überbracht, oder irgend Jemandem, der auf diese Weise gegen das Gesetz handelte mit Rath oder That beigestanden – so wahr mir Gott helfe.“
S ECT. 2. Ein Jeder, welcher religiöses Bedenken hat122 , die Waffen zu führen, soll hiezu nicht gezwungen werden; doch soll er für seine persönlichen Dienste eine Entschädigung zahlen.
S ECT. 2. Hochverrath soll in diesem Staate allein darin bestehen, daß Jemand Krieg gegen denselben beginnt oder sich dessen Feinden anschließt, durch Hülfsleistung und Unterstützung. Niemand soll des Hochverrathes überführt werden können, außer auf die übereinstimmende Aussage zweier Zeugen oder auf sein eigenes Eingeständniß vor offenem Gerichthofe.
S ECT. 3. Kein vom Staate anerkannter Diener des Evangeliums soll gehalten sein Kriegsdienste123 zu leisten, an den Straßen zu arbeiten, oder in einer Jury dieses Staates zu sitzen. S ECT. 4. Der Gouverneur soll ermächtigt sein, die Miliz zusammenzuberufen, um die Gesetze des Staates zu erzwingen, Aufruhr zu unterdrücken oder feindlichen Einfall zurückzutreiben.
SIEBENTER ARTIKEL Allgemeine Verfügungen S ECT. 1. Die Mitglieder der Legislatur, und alle anderen Beamten sollen bevor sie ihre Amtsthätigkeit beginnen, den folgenden Eid124 leisten: „Ich schwöre feierlichst125 , daß ich alle Pflichten, welche mir als ____ obliegen, getreulich und unpartheilich thun und erfüllen will nach meinem besten Wissen und Willen, wie solches die Constitution der Vereinigten Staaten und dieses Staates vorschreibt; ferner schwöre126 ich feierlichst, daß ich, seit Annahme dieser Constitution durch den Congreß der Vereinigten Staaten Bürger dieses Staates keinen Zweikampf mit tödlichen Waffen gefochten habe, weder in diesem Staate, noch außerhalb desselben; noch habe ich eine Herausforderung zum Zweikampfe mit tödlichen Waffen, weder gesendet, noch angenommen, noch habe ich jemals als Secundant eine solche Herausforderung
S ECT. 3. Unfähig zur Bekleidung von besoldeten und Ehrenämtern ist ein Jeder, welcher überführt ist, zur Erlangung dieses Amtes Bestechung angewendet oder angeboten zu haben. S ECT. 4. Es sollen Gesetze gegeben werden, um alle diejenigen von Aemtern, von Theilnahme an einer Jury oder Wahl auszuschließen, welche nach dieser Zeit der Bestechung, des Meineides, der Fälschung und anderer Capitalverbrechen127 überführt werden. Das Vorrecht der freien Wahl soll durch die Wahlgesetze aufrecht erhalten und gegen allen ungehörigen Einfluß durch Macht, Bestechung oder Auflauf128 geschützt129 werden. S ECT. 5. Ein jeder Bürger, welcher nach Annahme dieser Constitution, einen Zweikampf mit tödlichen Waffen kämpft, oder eine Herausforderung sendet oder annimmt, entweder in diesem Staate, oder außerhalb desselben; oder wer als Secundant agirt, oder wissentlich solchen Personen Vorschub leistet, soll unfähig sein irgend ein besoldetes oder Ehrenamt in diesem Staate zu bekleiden. S ECT. 6. Bei allen Wahlen des Volkes soll auf Stimmzetteln votirt werden, bis die Legislatur dies anderweitig bestimmt und in
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) allen Wahlen im Senat und Repräsentantenhause, oder wenn beide vereinigt stimmen, sollen die Stimmen „viva voce“ gegeben werden130 . S ECT. 7. Die Legislatur soll durch Gesetz Vergütigungen und Besoldungen für alle Beamten, Diener, Agenten und Unternehmer von Contracten mit dem Staate feststellen, über welche diese Constitution keine Bestimmungen enthält, und soll keinem derselben nach Erfüllung ihrer Verpflichtungen Extravergütungen gewähren. Noch soll die Legislatur irgend welcher Person durch Appropriation oder irgend wie irgend welche Summe aus dem Staatsschatze anweisen, weder auf Grund eines behaupteten noch auch auf Grund eines erwiesenen Anspruches, wenn solches nicht zuvor durch ein Gesetz bestimmt worden ist. Diese Section soll indessen nicht so ausgelegt werden, daß bereits bestehende Ansprüche131 dadurch gefährdet132 würden. S ECT. 8. Kein Geld darf aus dem Staatsschatze bezogen werden, außer in Gemäßheit einer ausdrücklich durch das Gesetz bestimmten Appropriation; ferner soll keine Appropriation für mehr als zwei Jahre gemacht werden, außer für Erziehungswesen, und kein Geld soll für Privatzwecke133 oder Verbesserungen im Staate angewiesen werden dürfen, außer mit Zustimmung von zwei Drittheilen beider Häuser der Legislatur. Eine vollständige134 Uebersicht und Darlegung der Einnahmen und Ausnahmen aller Staatsgelder soll jährlich in der Weise bekannt gemacht werden, als das Gesetz bestimmen wird. In keinem Falle soll die Legislatur befugt sein, „Treasury Warrants“ oder „Treasury Notes“ oder irgend welches Papiergeld135 auszugeben. S ECT. 9. Alle Civilbeamten sollen innerhalb des Staates wohnen; und alle Districtsund County-Beamten innerhalb ihrer Districte und Counties, und sollen sie ihre Bure-
aus an solchen Plätzen daselbst haben, wie dies das Gesetz bestimmt. S ECT. 10. Kein Amt, dessen Dauer in dieser Constitution nicht ausdrücklich bestimmt ist, soll eine längere Dauer als vier Jahre haben. S ECT. 11. Abwesenheit in Geschäften dieses Staates oder der Vereinigten Staaten soll ein bereits erlangtes Heimathsrecht136 nicht aufheben, und soll Niemandem das Recht entziehen, zu wählen oder unter den in dieser Constitution aufgeführten Ausnahmen erwählt137 zu werden. S ECT. 12. Die Legislatur soll befugt sein, Gehaltsabzüge gegen solche Staatsbeamte zu verfügen, welche irgend eine ihnen durch das Gesetz auferlegte Pflicht verabsäumen. S ECT. 13. Kein Congreßmitglied, noch irgend welche Person, welche ein besoldetes oder Ehrenamt von den Vereinigten Staaten oder von einem derselben oder von einer auswärtigen Macht hat oder ausübt, kann zum Legislaturmitgliede oder zu irgend einem besoldeten oder Ehrenamte in diesem Staate erwählt werden. S ECT. 14. Die Legislatur soll eine Aenderung des Ortes, wo Gerichtssitzung gehalten wird (change of venue) in Civil- und Criminal-Sachen veranlassen, und für die schleunige Errichtung eines Zuchthauses Sorge tragen. S ECT. 15. Es wird der Legislatur zur Pflicht gemacht, Gesetze zur schiedsrichterlichen Entscheidung von Streitigkeiten zu erlassen, falls Partheien eine solche vorziehen sollten. S ECT. 16. Binnen fünf Jahren nach Annahme dieser Constitution sollen alle Civilund Criminal-Gesetze revidirt, commentirt, zusammengestellt und nach Bestimmung der Legislatur veröffentlicht werden; eine
T EXAS gleiche derartige Revision und Veröffentlichung soll künftig alle 10 Jahre vorgenommen werden. S ECT. 17. Keine Lotterie soll in diesem Staate gestattet sein; ebenso ist auch das Kaufen und Verkaufen von Lotterie-Loosen verboten. S ECT. 18. Keine Ehe soll durch die Legislatur geschieden werden. S ECT. 19. Alles unbewegliche und bewegliche Eigenthum, welches die Ehefrau vor ihrer Verheirathung besaß oder beanspruchte und alles, was sie späterhin durch Schenkung oder Erbschaft138 erwirbt, soll ihr unabhängiges Eigenthum sein. Es sollen ferner Gesetze gegeben werden, welche die Rechte der Ehefrau, in Bezug auf ihr unabhängiges Eigenthum, und in Bezug auf das was sie in Gemeinschaft mit ihrem Ehemann besitzt, genauer bestimmen; ebenso soll die Aufzeichnung des (Paraphernal-) Separatvermögens der Frau gesetzlich eingeführt werden. S ECT. 20. Alle Eigenthums- und Obligationen-Rechte, welche unter der Constitution und den Gesetzen der Republik Texas erworben sind, sollen nicht erlöschen; ebensowenig sollen Eigenthums- oder Obligationsrechte, welche durch die Constitution oder durch die Gesetze der Republik Texas aufgehoben, suspendirt oder null und nichtig erklärt sind, durch die Constitution wieder eingeführt, in Verlauf gebracht oder wieder gültig gemacht werden, vielmehr sollen dieselben genau in der Geltung fortbestehen, welche sie vor Annahme dieser Constitution hatten. S ECT. 21. Alle Ansprüche auf Land, alle Beschlagnahmen und Vermessungen und Anweisungen und Besitztitel von Ländereien, welche in der Constitution der Republik Texas null und nichtig erklärt worden
sind, sollen für ewige Zeiten null und nichtig sein. S ECT. 22. Die Legislatur soll ermächtigt sein durch Gesetze einen gewissen Theil des Eigenthums von Familienvätern vor nothwendigem Verkaufe von Seiten des Gerichts139 zu schützen. Die Heimath140 einer Familie, nicht übersteigend 200 Acres Land, (außerhalb einer Stadt oder Ortschaft belegen) oder irgend welche Baustellen141 in Städten und Ortschaften bis zum Werthe von 2000 Dollar soll wegen nach dieser Zeit contrahirter Schulden nicht zum Verkauf kommen142 können, ebensowenig soll der Eigenthümer, wenn er verheirathet ist, das Recht haben, dieses Eigenthum ohne Einwilligung seiner Ehefrau zu veräußern; das Nähere hierüber wird die Legislatur bestimmen. S ECT. 23. Die Legislatur soll feststellen, in welchen Fällen Beamte ihre Stellen bis zur gehörigen Qualification ihrer Nachfolger behalten sollen. S ECT. 24. Ein jedes durch die Legislatur erlassene Gesetz soll nur einen Gegenstand umfassen, und dieser soll auf dem Titel namhaft gemacht sein. S ECT. 25. Kein Gesetz soll mit Rücksicht auf dessen Titel verbessert oder revidirt werden; vielmehr soll das revidirte Gesetz oder die verbesserte Section von neuem redigirt und vollständig publicirt werden. S ECT. 26. Niemand soll mehr als ein lucratives Civilamt haben, ausgenommen das Amt des Friedensrichters. S ECT. 27. Die Besteuerung soll gleich und gleichmäßig im ganzen Staate sein. Alles Eigenthum soll in diesem Staate mit Rücksicht auf seinen Werth besteuert werden, welcher nach gesetzlichen Bestimmungen ausgemittelt werden soll; mit Ausnahme des Eigenthums, welches zwei Drittheile beider Häuser143 von der Besteuerung be-
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) freien. Die Legislatur soll ermächtigt sein, eine Einkommenssteuer aufzulegen und alle Personen zu besteuern, welche eine Beschäftigung, Handel oder Kunst144 treiben. Der Ausdruck Beschäftigung soll jedoch nicht in der Weise ausgelegt werden, daß er sich auf Ackerbau oder Handwerke bezöge. S ECT. 28. Die Legislatur soll ermächtigt sein, den Werth von $ 250 in Mobiliar und anderem Eigenthum für eine jede Familie im Staate für steuerfrei zu erklären. S ECT. 29. Der Assessor und Collector der Steuern soll nach solchen Bestimmungen angestellt werden, als die Legislatur feststellen wird. S ECT. 30. Keine Corporation soll künftig geschaffen oder erneuert oder mit Rechten bevorzugt werden, um eine Bank oder ein Discontir-Geschäft zu errichten. S ECT. 31. Keine Privat-Corporation soll bestätigt werden, wenn das betreffende Gesetz nicht von zwei Drittheilen beider Häuser der Legislatur genehmigt ist; ferner sollen zwei Drittheile beider jeder Zeit das Recht haben, alle Privat-Corporationen aufzulösen und abzuschaffen, indem sie dieselben für ihre Freiheiten145 entschädigen. Der Staat soll keinen Antheil, weder an dem Capital, noch dem Eigenthum irgend einer Privat-Corporation haben. S ECT. 32. Die Legislatur soll allen Privatpersonen gesetzlich verbieten, Anweisungen, Schuldverschreibungen oder Checks146 auszugeben und statt des Geldes circuliren zu lassen. S ECT. 33. Der ganze Belauf der Schuld, welche die Legislatur künftig soll contrahiren dürfen, soll niemals die Summe von 100,000 Dollar übersteigen, ausgenommen in Kriegszeiten, um feindlichen Einfall zurückzutreiben, oder Aufruhr zu unterdrücken. In allen Fällen können Anleihen
nur mit Einwilligung von zwei Drittheilen beider Häuser147 aufgenommen werden. S ECT. 34. Die Legislatur ist gehalten bei der nächsten Sitzung148 und in den folgenden Sitzungen149 zur Bequemlichkeit der Einwohner neue Counties zu errichten. Keine neue County soll indeß errichtet werden, welcher den Flächeninhalt von einer oder mehreren Counties, aus welchen sie gebildet wird, auf weniger als 900 Quadrat Meilen reducirt, (mit Ausnahme von Bowie County) es sei denn mit Einwilligung von zwei Drittheilen der Legislatur; ebensowenig soll eine neue County mit geringerem Flächeninhalt errichtet werden. Jede neue County soll in Bezug auf Stimmrecht und Vertretung so lange als Theil derjenigen County oder Counties betrachtet werden, von denen sie abgezweigt ist, bis ihre Einwohnerzahl sie zu einer eigenen Vertretung berechtigt. S ECT. 35. Kein Soldat soll zu Friedenszeiten im Hause oder in den Räumlichkeiten irgend einer Person ohne deren Einwilligung einquartiert werden; in Kriegszeiten nur nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. S ECT. 36. Die Besoldungen des Gouverneurs und der Richter des obersten Gerichtshofes und der Districts-Gerichte werden hiedurch auf das in dieser Constitution angegebene Minimum festgestellt und sollen binnen zehn Jahren nicht erhöhet werden.
Verbesserung der Constitution S ECT. 37. Im Falle zwei Drittheile beider Häuser es für nothwendig erachten, kann die Legislatur Verbesserungen in dieser Constitution vorschlagen; diese beabsichtigten Verbesserungen sollen zur Kenntnißnahme von Seiten des Volkes wenigstens drei Monate vor der nächsten Repräsentantenwahl in den Zeitungen des Staates gehörig bekannt gemacht werden; es sollen fer-
T EXAS ner alle Beamten, welche die Wahlen leiten, bei der nächsten Wahl gehalten sein, über diese Verbesserungen alle zur Repräsentantenwahl qualificirten Wähler150 abstimmen zu lassen, deren Namen zu verzeichnen und die Berichte an den Staatsecretair einzusenden. Wenn sich alsdann herausstellt, daß die Mehrzahl aller Bürger dieses Staates151 zu Gunsten dieser Verbesserungen gestimmt haben – und wenn fernerhin zwei Drittheile beider Häuser der Legislatur152 nach einer solchen Wahl und vor einer anderen dieselben Verbesserungen bei Aufrufung der einzelnen Stimmen annehmen, so sollen genannte Verbesserungen gültig und in jeder Hinsicht als Theile dieser Constitution in Kraft sein. Es müssen jedoch die vorgeschlagenen Verbesserungen in jeder der beiden Sitzungen153 an drei verschiedenen Tagen in jedem der Häuser gelesen worden sein.
ACHTER ARTIKEL Sclaven S ECT. 1. Die Legislatur soll nicht ermächtigt sein, Gesetze für Freilassung (Emancipation) der Sclaven gegen Einwilligung der Eigenthümer zu erlassen, ohne den Eigenthümern vor solcher Freilassung den vollen Werth der freizulassenden Sclaven in baarem Gelde zu ersetzen. Ebensowenig sollen Einwanderer behindert sein, solche Personen mit sich in diesen Staat zu bringen, welche nach den Gesetzen irgend eines der Vereinigten Staaten als Slaven betrachtet werden, d.h., so lange als eine solche Person nach den Gesetzen dieses Staates als Sclave betrachtet wird; jedoch müssen solche Sclaven das bona fide Eigenthum der Einwanderer sein. Ferner sollen Gesetze gegeben werden, um die Einbringung solcher Sclaven in diesem Staate zu verhindern, welche große Verbrechen in anderen Staaten oder Territorien begangen haben.
Die Legislatur soll ferner ermächtigt sein, solche Gesetze zu erlassen, um den Eigenthümer an der Emancipation seiner Sclaven zu hindern, wenn diese die Rechte seiner Gläubiger gefährden, oder wenn die Sclaven dem Staate zur Last fallen würden. Sie soll fernerhin vollkommen ermächtigt sein, Gesetze zu geben, welche den Eigenthümer verpflichten, seine Sclaven mit Milde zu behandeln, für deren nöthige Nahrung und Kleidung zu sorgen, sich aller Körperverletzung derselben zu enthalten; auch solche Gesetze zu geben, wonach, im Falle der Vernachlässigung oder Nichterfüllung solcher Gesetze, die Sclaven dem oder den Eigenthümern abgenommen, und für seine oder ihre Rechnung verkauft werden sollen. Sie kann fernerhin Gesetze erlassen, wodurch die Einbringung von Sclaven als bloßer Handels-Artikel untersagt wird. S ECT. 2. In Criminalprocessen gegen Sclaven für größere Verbrechen als gemeiner Diebstahl, kann die Legislatur den Sclaven das Recht nicht nehmen154 , von einer unpartheilichen Petit-Jury beurtheilt zu werden. S ECT. 3. Wer boshafter Weise einen Sclaven verstümmelt oder tödtet, soll dieselbe Strafe erleiden, als hätte er sich in gleicher Weise gegen einen Weißen155 vergangen, ausgenommen im Falle des Aufstandes oder der Empörung156 dieses Sclaven.
NEUNTER ARTIKEL Versetzung in Anklagestand157 S ECT. 1. Die Befugniß, Jemanden in Anklagestand zu versetzten158 , ruht im Repräsentantenhause. S ECT. 2. Wenn der Gouverneur, Lieutenant-Gouverneur, General-Anwalt, StaatsSecretair, Schatzmeister, Controlleur und Districtsrichter in Anklagestand versetzt
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) werden159 , so soll ihre Sache vom Senat untersucht werden. S ECT. 3. Richter des obersten Gerichtshofes sollen im Fall der öffentlichen Anklage160 vom Senate beurtheilt werden. Wenn der Senat sich so als Gerichtsbehörde formirt, so sollen die Senatoren ihr Urtheil durch Eid oder an Eidesstatt bekräftigen, und Niemand soll verurtheilt werden durch weniger als zwei Drittheile der anwesenden Senatoren. S ECT. 4. Bei Versetzung in den Anklagestand161 soll das Urtheil niemals auf mehr als Absetzung lauten, und auf Unfähigkeit in diesem Staate irgend ein Ehren- oder lucratives Amt162 zu verwalten; nichtsdestoweniger soll der Verurtheilte criminalisch verfolgt und nach dem Gesetze bestraft werden. S ECT. 5. Alle Beamten, gegen welche Gründe für eine Staatsanklage vorliegen163 , sollen von der Ausübung ihrer Amtspflichten während der Dauer der Untersuchung164 suspendirt werden; diejenige Staatsgewalt, welcher die Besetzung der betreffenden Stelle zusteht, kann die durch die Anklage165 des Beamten entstandene Vacanz provisorisch besetzen, bis zur Entscheidung der Untersuchung166 . S ECT. 6. Die Legislatur soll feststellen, auf welche Weise die übrigen Staatsbeamten zur Untersuchung gezogen und bestraft werden sollen167 .
S ECT. 2. Die Legislatur soll so bald als möglich Freischulen errichten im ganzen Gebiete des Staates, und durch Besteuerung des (Grund-) Eigenthumes Mittel zu deren Erhaltung herbeischaffen; fernerhin wird der Legislatur zur Pflicht gemacht, mindestens den zehnten Theil aller jährlichen Staats-Einnahmen von Steuern als einen dauernden Fond auszuwerfen; dieser Fond soll zur Erhaltung öffentlicher Freischulen angewiesen werden; kein Gesetz soll jemals gegeben werden, wodurch dieser Fond anderweitig verwendet wird. Bis zu der Zeit, wo die Legislatur die öffentlichen Freischulen einrichten wird169 , soll der so geschaffene Fond, als von Staate dem allgemeinen Schulfond geschuldet, betrachtet und berechnet werden. S ECT. 3. Alle Staatsländereien, welche bereits für öffentliche Schulen angewiesen sind, oder noch den verschiedenen Counties oder anderen politischen Abtheilungen des Staates überwiesen werden, können in keiner Weise veräußert werden, noch kann darüber anderweit, als durch Verpachtung auf höchstens 20 Jahre disponirt werden, nach den späteren Bestimmungen der Legislatur. S ECT. 4. Diejenigen Counties in diesem Staate, welche ihren Antheil an Land für Bildungs-Anstalten (Erziehungs-Institute)170 noch nicht erhalten haben, sollen zu demselben Quantum berechtigt sein, als früher vom Congreß der Republik Texas anderen Counties zuerkannt worden ist.
ZEHNTER ARTIKEL Erziehungswesen
S ECT. 1. Da eine allgemeine Verbreitung der Bildung zur Bewahrung der Rechte und Freiheiten des Volkes wesentlich nothwendig, so wird es der Legislatur168 zur Pflicht gemacht, für das Bestehen und die Erhaltung von öffentlichen Schulen Sorge zu tragen.
S ECT. 1. Alle Bescheinigungen über „head right“ Ansprüche auf Ländereien, welche fingirten Personen ausgestellt oder nachgemacht sind, und alle Beschlagnahme und Vermessung in Folge derselben geschehen, ist null und nichtig, von Anfang an.
T EXAS S ECT. 2. Die Districtsgerichte sollen bis zum ersten Juli 1847 für Ausstellung von Bescheinigungen für head rights geöffnet sein, welche nicht von den Commissarien zur Entdeckung verfälschter Land-Certificate empfohlen sind; und sollen dafür Sorge tragen, daß den berechtigten Applicanten Patente ausgestellt werden; die Applicanten171 sollen denselben Beweis führen und denselben Erfordernissen genügen, welche das Gesetz vorschreibt, um der ursprünglichen Application für Ländereien zu genügen. Alle Certificate, welche zur angegebenen Zeit nicht ausgefertigt oder gesetzlich eingeklagt sind, sollen künftig zurückgewiesen werden, und solche Certificate, und alle Besitznahmen und Vermessungen, welche darauf gegründet sind, sollen für immer null und nichtig sein; ebenso sollen alle neueren Besitznahmen auf solchen vermessenen Ländereien unangetastet bleiben, bis die Certificate, wie oben angewiesen, rechtlich festgestellt sind.
ZWÖLFTER ARTIKEL (Land-Office) Cataster S ECT. 1. Es soll im Staate ein allgemeines Land-Cataster am Sitze des Gouvernements sein, woselbst alle bisher vom Gouvernement ausgegebenen Besitztitel, sowie alle späterhin auszustellenden, eingetragen werden sollen; ferner mag die Legislatur von Zeit zu Zeit untergeordnete Cataster, wie es zweckmäßig erscheint, einsetzen.
DREIZEHNTER ARTIKEL Anhang (Schedule) S ECT. 1. Damit aus der Umwandlung eines unabhängigen National-Gouvernements in ein Staats-Gouvernement keine
Uebelstände hervorgehen, so soll kein Criminalproceß172 , welcher im Namen der Republik Texas vor Organisation des StaatsGouvernements unter dieser Constitution eröffnet ist, weniger Gültigkeit und Kraft haben, als wäre er im Namen des Staates Texas eingeleitet. S ECT. 2. Die Gültigkeit aller Verschreibungen und Anerkenntnisse, nach Vorschrift der Constitution und der Gesetze der Republik Texas vollzogen, soll durch die Umwandlung des Gouvernements nicht beeinträchtigt werden, vielmehr können dieselben eingeklagt und eingezogen werden im Namen des Gouverneurs des Staates Texas; und alle Criminalprocesse oder Strafklagen, welche unter dieser Constitution vor der Organisation der Staatsregierung bei irgend welchen Gerichtshöfen der Republik Texas eingeleitet sind, sollen im Namen des Staates entschieden und das Urtheil in eben der Weise vollzogen werden. Alle stricti juris und bonae fidei Processe173 , welche vor den Gerichtshöfen der Republik Texas zur Zeit174 der Einführung des Staats-Gouvernements unter dieser Constitution schweben, sollen dem competenten Gerichtshofe des Staates zur Fortführung übergeben werden. S ECT. 3. Alle Gesetze oder Theile von Gesetzen, welche jetzt zur Zeit in der Republik Texas in Kraft sind, und weder der Constitution der Vereinigten Staaten, noch dem Gemeinbeschluß175 für die Annexation von Texas an die Vereinigten Staaten, noch den Verordnungen dieser Constitution zuwiderlaufen, sollen fernerhin als Gesetz dieses Staates in Kraft bleiben, bis dieselben entweder abgelaufen, oder von der Legislatur verändert oder aufgehoben sind. S ECT. 4. Alle Geldbußen, Conventionalstrafen oder verfallenen Gegenstände176 , welche der Republik Texas zugefallen sind, sollen dem Staate Texas zufallen, und die
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) Legislatur soll durch ein Gesetz feststellen, welche Ländereien verwirkt oder verfallen sind. S ECT. 5. Unmittelbar nach Vertagung dieser Convention soll der Präsident der Republik eine Proclamation erlassen an die verschiedenen Oberrichter dieser Republik177 ; und die verschiedenen Oberrichter und deren Beisitzer werden hiedurch angewiesen, an den festgesetzten Wahlplätzen178 am zweiten Montage des nächsten October eine Wahl zu veranstalten, um die Meinung des Volkes in Betreff der Annahme oder Verwerfung dieser Constitution einzuholen; und zwar sollen alle Personen, welche nach den bestehenden Gesetzen oder nach dieser Constitution dazu berechtigt sind, ihre Stimmen abgeben dürfen. Ein Jeder, welcher seine Stimme abgiebt, soll seine Meinung deutlich „viva voce“ „für“ oder „gegen die Annahme der Constitution“ in verständlichen Worten aussprechen; zur selben Zeit soll auch für oder gegen die Annexation abgestimmt werden. Die Wahl soll nach den vorhandenen Wahlvorschriften geleitet werden, und die Oberrichter der verschiedenen Counties sollen sorgfältige179 Duplikatlisten über diese Wahl führen, von denen das eine Exemplar an den Staats-Secretair der Republik Texas einzusenden, das andere im Büreau des Secretairs der betreffenden County180 aufzubewahren ist. S ECT. 6. Nach Empfang der erwähnten Wahlberichte, oder am zweiten Montage des nächsten November, falls die Berichte nicht eher eingehen, soll der Präsident verpflichtet sein, in Gegenwart der anwesenden Beamten seines Cabinets, und aller Personen, welche wünschen zugegen zu sein, die Stimmen für oder gegen die Annahme dieser Constitution zu zählen. Falls es sich herausstellt, daß die Mehrzahl der abgegebenen Stimmen für die Annahme der Constitution ist, so soll der Präsident dies durch eine Proclamation bekannt machen, und hienach
soll diese Constitution als Constitution dieses Staates eingeführt und festgesetzt sein, um nach Organisation des Staatsgouvernements in Kraft zu treten. Ferner wird der Präsident dieser Republik hiemit ermächtigt und angewiesen, zwei Copieen dieser Constitution gehörig beglaubigt, an den Präsidenten der Ver. Staaten zu senden, so wie auch beglaubigte Uebersichten von der Anzahl der eingegebenen Stimmen für oder gegen die Annahme der Constitution. – Eine dieser Abschriften soll mit der Post, die andere durch einen besonderen Boten übersendet werden, zu einer solchen Zeit, daß er den Sitz des Gouvernements181 im Anfange des nächsten Decembers erreicht. S ECT. 7. Sollte diese Constitution durch das Volk von Texas angenommen werden, so soll der Präsident am 2ten Montage der nächsten Novembers, oder noch vor dieser Zeit, seine Proclamation zur Veranstaltung von Wahlen in allen Counties dieser Republik erlassen. Demgemäß sollen am 3ten Montage des nächsten December ein Gouverneur und ein Lieutenant-Gouverneur, sowie Mitglieder für den Senat und das Repräsentantenhaus182 und zwar nach den Bestimmungen dieser Constitution erwählt werden. Die Berichte über die Wahlen der Mitglieder der Staatslegislatur sollen an das Staatsdepartement dieser Republik, die des Gouverneurs und Lieutenant Gouverneurs sollen an den Sprecher des Repräsentanten-Hauses gerichtet, bezeichnet „Wahlberichte von ____ County für die Gouverneurswahl“ und an das Staats-Departement eingesendet werden. Sollten aus irgend einer Ursache Oberrichter von Grafschaften versäumen, die Wahlen zu veranstalten, welche die Constitution vorschreibt, so ist das Volk183 hiedurch ermächtigt, Vorsitzer, Richter und andere Beamten zur Leitung der Wahl zu erwählen. S ECT. 8. So wie der Präsident184 amtlich von der Annahme dieser Constitution durch
T EXAS den Congreß der Ver. Staaten benachrichtigt ist, soll er sofort seine Proclamation zur schleunigen Zusammenberufung der Legislatur185 nach den durch diese Constitution festgesetzten Sitz des Gouvernements erlassen; nachdem sich die Legislatur organisirt hat, soll der Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses in Gegenwart beider Häuser der Legislatur die Berichte über die Wahl eines Gouverneurs und Lieutenant-Gouverneurs öffnen, die Stimmen zählen, und die Namen derjenigen Personen nennen, welche zu den Aemtern eines Gouverneurs und Lieutenant Gouverneurs ernannt186 sind, diese sollen sogleich in ihre betreffenden Aemter eingesetzt werden. Sodann soll die Legislatur sofort187 zur Erwählung von Senatoren für den Congreß der Ver. Staaten schreiten, und das Nöthige für die Erwählung von Repräsentanten bei dem Congresse der Ver. Staaten verfügen. Die Legislatur soll auch Maßregeln ergreifen, um den Ver. Staaten zu geeigneter Zeit alle öffentlichen Gebäude, Festungen, Casernen, Seehäfen und Rheden, die Flotte und die Schiffswerfte, Docks, Magazine, Waffen188 und alles andere Eigenthum zu übergeben, welches jetzt zu den Vertheidigungsmitteln der Republik Texas gehört, und die nöthigen Vorbereitungen zur Uebergabe der Zollämter und anderen Plätzen zur Erhebung von Einfuhrzöllen und anderen Grenzabgaben, zu treffen.
Amtspflichten von Civil- und Militairbeamten in voller Kraft verbleiben sollen; und daß die Beamten ihre Berufspflichten in Gemäßheit der bestehenden Gesetze ausüben sollen, bis zur Organisirung des Staatsgouvernements unter dieser Constitution, oder bis zum ersten Sitzungstage der Legislatur, daß alsdann die Aemter des Präsidenten, Vice-Präsidenten, im Cabinet des Präsidenten, der auswärtigen Minister und Geschäftsträger192 und anderer Personen, welche mit dieser Constitution unvereinbar sind, von derselben eingezogen werden sollen. Alle anderen sollen behalten und ausgeübt werden, bis dieselben entweder ablaufen, oder durch diese Constitution, oder durch nach dieser Constitution gegebene Gesetze eingezogen werden. S ECT. 11. Im Falle der Präsident der Republik Texas außer Stande sein sollte, nach diesen Vorschriften zu handeln, so soll der Staats-Secretair193 gehalten sein, die dem Präsidenten aufgegebenen Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen; sollte auch dieser außer Stande sein, so soll der General-Anwalt194 seine Stelle vertreten.
S ECT. 9. Der Präsident von Texas soll gehalten sein, unmittelbar nach Einsetzung des Gouverneurs diesem alle Register189 , öffentlichen Gelder, Documente, Archive und alles Staatseigenthum zu übergeben, welches sich unter Gewahrsam der vollziehenden Gewalt190 befindet; der Gouverneur soll darüber nach den Bestimmungen der Legislatur verfügen.
S ECT. 12. Die erste allgemeine Wahl eines Gouverneurs, eines Lieutenant-Gouverneurs und der Mitglieder der Legislatur nach der Organisirung des Gouvernements soll am ersten Montage im November 1847 stattfinden, wenn dies nicht durch die Legislatur anders bestimmt wird, und soll jedes Mal alle zwei Jahre am ersten Montage im Monat November stattfinden195 . Der Gouverneur und Lieutenant-Gouverneur, welche im nächsten December werden gewählt werden, sollen ihr Amt behalten bis im Jahre 1847196 der Gouverneur und LieutenantGouverneur in ihr Amt eingesetzt werden.
S ECT. 10. Damit keine Mißhelligkeit aus dem Wechsel der Regierungsform191 entstehen mag, wird hiedurch festgesetzt, daß die Gesetze dieser Republik, betreffend die
S ECT. 13. Die Verfügung197 der Convention vom 4. Juli, welche die Annexation von Texas an die Ver. Staaten genehmigt, soll an diese Constitution angehängt werden, und
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) einen Theil derselben ausmachen. Verhandelt in Convention durch die Abgeordneten des Volkes von Texas in der Stadt Austin, am 27. August im Jahre des Herrn 1845. Zum Zeugniß des Vorstehenden haben wir hierunter unsere Namen unterzeichnet. Thos. J. Rusk, Präsident. John D. Anderson, James Armstrong, Cavitt Armstrong, R. E. B. Baylor, R. Bache, Isaac W. Brashear, Geo. Wm. Brown, James M. Burroughs, B. C. Bagby, John Caldwell, William L. Cazneau, Edward Clark, A. S. Cunningham Philip M. Cuney, N. H. Darnell, James Davis, Lemuel D. Evans, G. A. Everts, R. M. Forbes, D. Gage, John Hemphill, J. P. Henderson, A. W. O. Hicks, Joseph L. Hogg, A. C. Horton, V.E. Howard, S. Holland William L. Hunter, Van R. Irion Henry J. Jewett,
Oliver Jones, H. L. Kinney. Albert H. Latimer, H. R. Latimer John M. Lewis, James Love, P. O. Lumpkin, Sam Lusk, A. S. Lipscomb, James S. Mayfield, Alexander McGowan, A. McNeil198 J. B. Miller, Francis Moore, Jr. J. Antonio Navarro, W. B. Ochiltree, Isaac Parker, James Power199 , Emery Rains, H. G. Runnels, James Scott, George W. Smyth, Israel Standefer, Charles B. Stewart, E. H. Tarrant, Isaac Van Zandt, Francis M. White, George T. Wood, George W. Wright, Wm. Cocke Young.
Attestirt: Jas. H. Raymond, Secretair der Convention.
EINE VERORDNUNG Insofern der Congreß der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika Beschlüsse ergehen ließ, die für den Anschluß von Texas an jene Union versorgten, welche Beschlüsse von dem Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten am ersten Tage des März 1845 genehmigt wurden: und insofern der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten die ersten und zweiten Abschnitte der besagten Beschlüsse als die Grundlage, auf welcher Texas als einer der Staaten besagter Union zugelassen werden möge, Texas vorgelegt hat: und insofern die bestehende Regierung der Republik Texas den so gemachten Vorschlägen beigestimmt hat, deren Ausdrücke und Bedingungen sind wie folgt:200 [„]Beschlossen durch den Senat und das Haus der Repräsentanten der Vereinigten Staaten in versammeltem Congreß, daß der Congreß einwilligt, daß das gehörig darin eingeschlossene und der Republik Texas rechtlich gehörende Gebiet zu einem neuen Staate erhoben werden mag, der Staat Texas genannt werde, mit einer republikanischen Regierungs-Form, die von dem Volke besagter Republik durch in einer Convention versammelte Abgeordnete, mit der Einwilligung der bestehenden Regierung angenommen werde201 , damit derselbe als einer der Staaten dieser Union zugelassen werde. „2. Und sei es weiter beschlossen, daß die vorhergehende Einwilligung des Congresses auf die folgenden Bedingungen und mit den folgenden Bürgschaften gegeben ist, zu wissen. „Erstens. Besagter Staat soll in der Schlichtung aller Grenzfragen, die mit anderen Regierungen entstehen mögen, dieser Regierung unterworfen gebildet werden und seine Constitution soll mit dem gehörigen Beweise ihrer Annahme durch das Volk besagter Republik Texas, dem Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten übersandt werden, um dem Congreß an, oder vor dem
T EXAS ersten Tage des Januars Ein Tausend, Acht Hundert und Sechs und Vierzig zur letzten Bestätigung vorgelegt zu werden. „Zweitens. Besagter Staat, wenn in die Union zugelassen, nachdem er an die Vereinigten Staaten alle öffentlichen Gebäude, Befestigungen, Kasernen, Häfen und Seeplätze, Marine und Schiffsbauplätze, Docke, Magazine, Waffen, Bewaffnungen und alles andere Eigenthum und Sachen, die zur öffentlichen Vertheidigung nothwendig sind, und der besagten Republik Texas gehören, abgetreten hat; soll alle öffentliche Fonds, Schulden, Abgaben und Schulden202 jeder Art, welche besagter Republik gehören oder ihr schuldig sind und zukommen, behalten; und soll ebenso alle leeren und unzugeeigneten Länder, die innerhalb seiner Grenzen liegen, behalten, die zur Bezahlung der Schulden und Verbindlichkeiten besagter Republik Texas benutzt werden sollen und deren Ueberschuß über besagte Schulden und Verbindlichkeiten so angewendet werden soll als besagter Staat bestimmen mag: aber in keinem Falle sollen besagte Schulden und Verbindlichkeiten eine Bürde der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten werden. „Drittens. Neue Staaten von angemessener Größe, die mit Hinzufügung des besagten Staates Texas nicht vier an Zahl übersteigen203 , und die eine hinlängliche Einwohner-Zahl besitzen, mögen später mit der Einwilligung besagten Staates, aus dem Territorium desselben gebildet werden, welche zur Zulassung unter den Bestimmungen der Federal-Constitution berechtigt sein sollen. Und solche Staaten, als aus den Theilen besagten Gebiets gebildet werden mögen, die südlich von sechs und dreißig Grad und dreißig Minuten der nördlichen Breite liegen, gewöhnlich bekannt als die Missouri-Uebereinkunfts-Linie204 , sollen mit oder ohne Sklaverei in die Union eingelassen werden, wie das Volk eines jeden Staates, das um Einlassung anfrägt, wünschen mag.
Und in solchem Staate oder solchen Staaten, als aus den Theilen besagten Gebietes nördlich von der Missouri-Uebereinkunfts-Linie gebildet werden mögen, soll Sklaverei oder unfreiwillige Knechtschaft (mit Ausnahme für Verbrechen) verboten sein.[“] Um nun die Einstimmung des Volkes dieser Republik, wie in den oben angeführten Theilen besagter Beschlüsse erfordert wird, bekannt zu machen, befehlen und erklären wir, die in Convention versammelten Abgeordneten des Volkes von Texas, in dessen Namen und mit dessen Bevollmächtigung, daß wir in die Vorschläge, Bedingungen und Bürgschaften, die in den ersten und zweiten Abschnitten der Beschlüsse des Congresses der Vereinigten Staaten enthalten sind, einstimmen, und sie annehmen.205 Thom. J. Rusk, Präsident.206 Bezeugt: James H. Raymond, Secretair der Convention
Verified by the official German translation as published in Allgemeine Gesetze des Staates Texas. In’s Deutsche übersetzt von Handl W. Wagner. Mit StaatsErmächtigung, Galveston: Gedruckt in der Galveston-Zeitungs-Office, bei C. H. Büchner, 1849, 3–36. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation follow the Galveston print. Italics are used to represent emphasized text in the print and for non-English legal terms. Parentheses are used as in the print, square brackets indicate editorial additions. The subsequent notes refer to deviations from the English original, either through peculiar German phrasing, omission, or inaccurate or erroneous translation. The first German translation of the Texas Constitution of 1845, privately published by Bromme (Traugott Bromme, Die Verfassungen der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika, der Freistaaten Pennsylvania und Texas, der Königreiche Belgien und Norwegen, die Bundesverfassung der Schweiz und die Englische Staatsverfassung. Zur Beantwortung der Frage: Ob Republik, ob konstitutionelle Monarchie?, Stuttgart: Hoffmann’sche VerlagsBuchhandlung, 1848, 53–85), is not identical with this translation. It also contains errors, though it is sometimes more accurate. It fails to include the signatures
V ERFASSUNG VON T EXAS (1845) and the ordinance. Bromme went to the United States in the early 1820s and traveled extensively through the country, including Texas, in subsequent years. He returned to Germany where he published on emigration to America in the 1840s. Bromme does not reveal his sources for the Texas Constitution, however, he had connections with the Texasverein, which may have provided him with the text. Whether the translation was his own, or whether the emigration organization was responsible for it, remains unknown. Cf., generally on these connections, his correspondence as preserved in the Wied Archives, 1839–1881, Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin. 2 In English original, “Joint Resolution”. 3 In English original, “Bill of Rights”. 4 In English original, “Government”. 5 In German translation, “Section”, but counted in Roman numbers. 6 In English original, “governments”. 7 In English original, “form of Government”. 8 In English original, “set of men”. 9 In English original, “religious test”. 10 In English original, “public trust”. 11 In German translation, “against his consent” missing. 12 In English original, “mode of worship”. 13 In English original, “Legislature”. 14 In English original, “indictments for libels”. 15 In English original, “unreasonable seizures or searches”. 16 In English original, “affirmation”. 17 In English original, “by due course of law”. 18 In English original, “No bill of attainder”. 19 In German translation, “ever” missing. 20 In English original, “privileges”. 21 In English original, “except by due course of the law of the land”. 22 In English original, “Perpetuities”. 23 In English original, “government”. 24 In English original, “entailments”. 25 In English original, “the Legislature or its authority”. 26 In English original, “the high powers herein delegated”. 27 In English original, “in this ‘Bill of Rights’”. 28 In English original, “powers of the government”. 29 In English original, “collection”. 30 In English original, “permitted”. 31 In English original, “Legislative Department”. 32 In English original, “descendants of Africans”. 33 In English original, “anywhere in the State”. 34 In English original, “descendants of Africans”. 35 In German translation, “of this State” missing. 36 Throughout the translation “Legislatur” stands for the English “Legislature”. 37 In English original, “sessions”. 38 In English original, “shall be biennial”.
In English original, “Republic of Texas”. In German translation, word added. 41 In English original, “Republic of Texas”. 42 In English original, “allowing one day”. 43 In German translation, “or for obstructing any of its proceedings” missing. 44 In English original, “in case of great emergency”. 45 In English original, “by the Speaker and President of their respective Houses”. 46 In English original, “resolution”. 47 In German translation, “of the Legislature” missing. 48 In English original, “resolution”. 49 In English original, “session”. 50 In English original, “session”. 51 In English original, “during such term”. 52 In German translation, “of the Legislature” missing. 53 In German translation, “of the Legislature” missing. 54 In English original, “Court of law or equity”. 55 In English original, “Clerk of any Court of Record”. 56 In English original, “lucrative”. 57 In English original, “until he shall have obtained a discharge for the amount of such collections, and for all public moneys with which he may have been entrusted”. 58 In English original, “at their first meeting, and in the year”. 59 In English original, “descendants of Africans”. 60 In English original, “session”. 61 In English original, “session of the Legislature”. 62 In English original, “session”. 63 In English original, “throughout”. 64 In German translation, “one thousand eight hundred and fifty” missing. 65 In English original, “Judicial Department”. 66 In English original, “quorum”. 67 In English original, “writs of mandamus, and such other writs as shall be necessary”. 68 In English original, “sessions”. 69 In English original, “of each House of the Legislature”. 70 In English original, “impeachment”. 71 In English original, “on the journals of each House”. 72 In English original, “on the Journals of each House”. 73 In English original, “throughout”. 74 In English original, “prosecutions”. 75 In English original, “authority”. 76 In English original, “peace and dignity”. 77 In English original, “suits”. 78 In English original, “penalties forfeitures and escheats”. 79 In English original, “and of all suits, complaints, and pleas, whatever, without regard to any distinction between law and equity”. 40
In English original, “superintendence and control”. In English original, “punishment or fine imposed”. 82 In English original, “regular”. 83 In English original, “nominate”. 84 In English original, “In the trial of all causes in equity”. 85 In English original, “trials at law”. 86 In German translation, word added. 87 In English original, “Executive Department”. 88 In English original, “both Houses of the Legislature”. 89 In English original, “from the regular time of installation”. 90 In English original, “of the State of Texas”. 91 In English original, “Department”. 92 In English original, “take care”. 93 In English original, “impeachment”. 94 In English original, “forfeitures”. 95 In English original, “recess”. 96 In English original, “session of the Legislature”. 97 In German translation, “when in Committee of the whole” missing. 98 In English original, “his impeachment”. 99 In English original, “be impeached”. 100 In English original, “whilst in such administration, die resign or be absent from the State during the recess of the Legislature”. 101 In English original, “authority”. 102 In English original, “attested”. 103 In German translation misnumbered as “XIV”. 104 In English original, “papers, minutes and vouchers”. 105 In English original, “both Houses of the Legislature”. 106 In English original, “order, resolution or vote”. 107 In English original, “concurrence of both Houses of the Legislature”. 108 In English original, “two-thirds of the Senate”. 109 In English original, “who, in addition to such duties as are prescribed by law, shall discharge such other duties as the Legislature may, from time to time prescribe”. 110 In English original, “recess”. 111 In English original, “session”. 112 In English original, “session”. 113 In English original, “session of the Legislature”. 114 In English original, “the public good”. 115 In English original, “office or commission, civil or military”. 116 In English original, “both Houses of the Legislature”. 117 In English original, “by the joint ballot”. 118 In English original, “Comptroller of public accounts”. 119 In English original, “recess of the Legislature”. 120 In English original, “session of the Legislature”. 121 In English original, “the Constitution and laws”. 81
122 In
English original, “who conscientiously scruples”. 123 In English original, “military duty”. 124 In English original, “oath or affirmation”. 125 In English original, “I (A. B.) do solemnly swear (or affirm)”. 126 In English original, “swear (or affirm)”. 127 In English original, “high crimes”. 128 In English original, “tumult or other improper practice”. 129 In German translation, “and prohibiting under adequate penalties” missing. 130 In German translation, “except in the election of their officers” missing. 131 In German translation, “of persons against the Republic of Texas” missing. 132 In English original, “to affect”. 133 In English original, “private or individual purposes”. 134 In English original, “regular”. 135 In English original, “paper of any description intended to circulate as money”. 136 In English original, “residence”. 137 In English original, “elected or appointed”. 138 In English original, “gift, devise or descent”. 139 In English original, “from forced sale”. 140 In English original, “homestead”. 141 In English original, “lots”. 142 In English original, “be subject to forced sale”. 143 In English original, “both Houses of the Legislature”. 144 In English original, “profession”. 145 In English original, “franchise”. 146 In English original, “bills, checks, promissory notes, or other paper”. 147 In English original, “both Houses of the Legislature”. 148 In English original, “session”. 149 In English original, “at any subsequent session”. 150 In English original, “all those voting for Representatives”. 151 In English original, “a majority of all the citizens of this State, voting for Representatives”. 152 In English original, “next Legislature”. 153 In English original, “sessions”. 154 In English original, “the Legislature shall have no power to deprive them”. 155 In English original, “a free white person”. 156 In English original, “in case of insurrection”. 157 In English original, “Impeachment”. 158 In English original, “of impeachment”. 159 In English original, “Impeachments”. 160 In English original, “Impeachments”. 161 In English original, “in cases of impeachment”. 162 In English original, “office of honor, trust or profit”. 163 In English original, “against whom articles of impeachment may be preferred”.
188 In
165 In
189 In
English original, “such impeachment”. English original, “suspension”. 166 In English original, “impeachment”. 167 In English original, “for the trial, punishment, and removal from office of all other officers of the State, by indictment or otherwise”. 168 In English original, “Legislature of this State”. 169 In German translation, “in the several districts of the State” missing. 170 In English original, “for the purposes of education”. 171 In English original, “the parties suing”. 172 In English original, “all process”. 173 In English original, “suits at law and equity”. 174 In English original, “prior to”. 175 In English original, “joint resolutions”. 176 In English original, “fines, penalties, forfeitures and escheats”. 177 In English original, “the Chief Justices of the several counties of this Republic”. 178 In German translation, “in their respective counties” missing. 179 In German translation, “and promptly” missing. 180 In English original, “County Court”. 181 In German translation, “of the United States” missing. 182 In German translation, “of the State Legislature” missing. 183 In German translation, “of the precincts where such failure exists” missing. 184 In German translation, “of this Republic” missing. 185 In English original, “Legislature of the State of Texas”. 186 In English original, “elected”. 187 In English original, “as early as practicable”.
English original, “arms and armaments”. English original, “records”. 190 In English original, “branch of the government”. 191 In English original, “government”. 192 In English original, “Foreign Ministers, Chargés and Agents”. 193 In German translation, “of the Republic of Texas” missing. 194 In German translation, “of the Republic of Texas” missing. 195 In English original, “on the first Monday in November, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven and shall be held biennially thereafter, on the first Monday in November, until otherwise provided by the Legislature”. 196 In English original, “elected in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven”. 197 In English original, “ordinance”. 198 In the ledger journal manuscript, “McNeill”. 199 In the ledger journal manuscript, “Powers”. 200 In German translation, subsequent title of resolution “Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas to the United States” missing. 201 In English original, “in convention assembled with the consent of the existing government”. 202 In English original, “dues”. 203 In English original, “New States of convenient size not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas”. 204 In English original, “Missouri Compromise Line”. 205 In German translation, subsequent line “Done in Convention at the City of Austin Republic of Texas, July 4th 1845” missing. 206 In English original, followed by names of signers.
Amendment of 1850
Änderung von 1850
Amendment to the Constitution1
Eine Veraenderung der Constitution1
S ECT. 1. Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That the Constitution of the State of Texas be so altered and amended, that the Judges of the Supreme Court, Judges of the District Courts, Attorney-General, District Attorneys, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Treasurer of the State, and the Commissioner of the General Land Office, shall, at the expiration of their respective terms of office, or in case a vacancy may occur, in either of them, by death, resignation, or otherwise, after this amendment takes effect, and thereafter, be elected by the qualified electors of the State, in the manner prescribed by law.
S ECT. 1. Es ist beschlossen von der Legislatur des Staates Texas, dass die Constitution des Staates Texas so umgeaendert wird, damit die Richtor des Suprem Gerichts, Richter der District Gerichte, der General Anwalt, die District Anwalte, der Comtrolleur der oeffentlichen Kasse, der Staats Schatzmeister und der Commissioner des General Land Amtes, nachdem der Termin ihrer respektiven Dienstzeit verflossen, oder im Fall dass entweder durch Absterben, Abtretung oder sonst, eines der Aemter unbesetzt sein sollte, von der Zeit an von welcher diese Veraenderung in Gewalt tritt, – von den berechtigten Waehlern des Staates dem Gesetze gemaess ferner erwaehlt werden.
S ECT. 2. Be it further resolved, That the election for District Judges and District Attorneys shall be confined to their respective Districts.2
S ECT . 2. Es ist ferner beschlossen, dass die Wahl des District Richters und Anwalts, auf den respectiven Districten beschraenkt ist.
Verified by Laws of the Third Legislature of The State of Texas. Volume III. Published by Authority, Austin: Printed by Wm. H. Cushney, at the State Gazette Office, 1850, 36. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the 1850 Session Law volume. The amendment had first been adopted by the preceding legislature on March 14, 1848 (cf. Laws of the Second Legislature of The State of Texas, Volume II, Published by Authority, Houston: Printed at the Telegraph Office, 1848, 84–85). 2 In 1848 Session Law volume, 85, added: “S ECT. 3. Be it further resolved, That the Governor cause this resolution to be duly published in the public prints of the State, at least three months before the next general election for Representatives of the State Legislature.”
Verified by Allgemeine Gesetze der dritten Sitzung der Legislatur des Staates Texas. In’s Deutsche uebersetzt von Albert Max von Germar. Mit Staats Ermaechtigung, Austin: Gedruckt im Bureau des South-Western American, 1850, 22, and checked against the English original. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Allgemeine Gesetze. Obvious typographical errors have been tacitly corrected.
Failed Amendment of 1858 Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the State Constitution1
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That the 3rd Section of the 10th Article of the Constitution of the State shall be so amended as to read as follows, viz: S ECT. 3. All public lands, which have heretofore, or which may hereafter be granted for public schools to the various counties in this State, may be sold by the County Courts of each county to which the lands belong, or by such tribunals as may succeed to their jurisdiction, by consent of a majority of the legal voters in said counties, and under such general rules as the Legislature may, from time to time, prescribe. Provided, that the principal of the proceeds
of the sale of such lands shall be retained, and invested as a permanent school fund for the counties owning the same, and the interest only shall be used for educational purposes.
Verified by General Laws of the Seventh Legislature of the State of Texas. Published by Authority, Austin: Printed by John Marshall & Co., State Printers, 1858, 283. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as in the Session Law volume. The amendment had first been adopted by the legislature on February 16, 1858, and was approved by the people in August 1859 by a vote of 10,761 to 7,986 (Texas Almanac, Galveston: Richardson & Co., 1860, 221). I am grateful to Leslie Prather-Forbis of the State Law Library of Texas for having provided this information. The amendment was lost in the succeeding legislature.
apportionment of representatives, 18, 52, 65, 169–170, 175, 236, 284 – by geographical units, 25–27, 33–36, 69, 175, 210–211, 236–237, 285 – by inhabitants, 43, 59, 76–77, 103, 122– 123, 170, 175–176, 198, 235–236, 284– 285 – by tax revenue, 27 census, 43, 59, 76, 169–170, 235, 284 church – separation of church and state, 37, 65– 66, 73–74, 84, 226, 235, 279, 284 citizenship, 100–102, 168–169, 185, 212– 216 – loss of, 101–102, 212 – obligations of, 145, 212 commerce, 202 common law, 182–183 constitution, 66, 145, 263–266, 299–300 – amendment of, 32, 41, 44, 66, 85–86, 90, 146, 175, 216, 257, 295–296 – – constitutional convention, 41, 66 – constitutional review, 253, 293–294 – legal status of, 209 – purpose, 225, 279 corporations, 169, 255, 295 debtors, 67, 74–75, 168, 228, 280 economy – banking, 169 education, 86–87, 119, 144, 212, 260–261, 297, 307 – common schools, establishment of, 169, 260, 297 election, eligibility for, 108, 112, 122–123, 235, 284 – age, 34, 36, 38, 60, 62, 77, 79, 81, 103– 104, 107–108, 124, 132–133, 135–136, 142, 170–171, 174, 197–198, 206, 231– 232, 244, 282, 289
– citizenship, 34, 36, 38, 62, 77, 79, 102– 104, 107–108, 124, 132–133, 135–136, 142, 170–171, 197–198, 206, 209–210, 231–232, 244, 282, 289 – disqualifying attributes, 24–25, 28, 37, 39, 48, 61, 65, 78, 84, 104, 124, 132, 136, 171, 174, 206, 211, 234–235, 250–253, 259, 284, 292–293, 297 – education, 107–108, 135–136, 142 – gender, 34, 36, 170, 209–210 – property, 24, 26, 34, 36, 38, 60, 62, 104, 133, 135–136, 168 – race, ethnicity, 36 – religion, 23–24, 26, 84 – residence, 24, 26, 34, 36, 38, 60, 62, 77, 103–104, 107–108, 124, 132–133, 135– 136, 170–171, 197–198, 206, 231–232, 244, 252, 282, 289, 293 elections, 20, 28–29, 37, 59, 63, 69, 80, 83, 106–107, 111, 169–170, 189–190, 210, 231, 237–238, 263–264, 267, 282, 285– 286, 299–300 – contestation of, 61–62, 79, 108–109, 111–112, 243–244, 288–289 – election committee, 106–114, 120, 122– 123, 136 – election day, 18, 20, 25–28, 36, 54, 57, 59, 77, 94, 106–107, 110–111, 122–123, 130, 136, 169, 197–198, 231, 237–238, 267, 282, 285–286, 300 – electoral returns, 18, 26, 61–62, 79, 130, 171–172, 199, 203, 211, 237–238, 243– 244, 285–286, 288–289 – voting procedure, 106–111, 113, 130– 131, 136, 171–172, 243–244, 288–289 – – ballot, 17, 19, 20, 23–25, 27–29, 33, 36–39, 61–63, 79–80, 94, 112–113, 115, 131, 169, 208, 251, 292–293 – – viva voce, 80, 108, 203, 208–209, 251, 292–293
I NDEX electoral districts, 20, 25–28, 33–34, 37, 43–45, 47–48, 50–52, 55, 56, 59, 85, 103, 105–107, 110–111, 118, 122–123, 130, 170, 236–237, 285 electoral principles, 170 – equal elections, 66, 74, 167 – free elections, 66, 74, 167 – general elections, 44, 83, 91, 235, 284 – majority principle, 110 executive, 25, 37–38, 61, 76, 79, 102–103, 171, 197, 203, 229, 243, 281, 288 – council of state, 17, 19, 20, 23–30, 116– 117, 120–121, 125, 127–128, 130, 133, 179–186, 188 – duties, 125, 179–180 – – state of the government address , 24– 25, 38, 62, 80, 115–116, 172, 208, 245, 289 – head of state, 17–19, 21, 23–25, 27–28, 32, 37–40, 43, 48, 61–63, 79–80, 103, 118, 120, 124, 126–128, 130, 133, 135, 141, 171–174, 179–182, 185–186, 203, 206–210, 243–244, 248–249, 256, 288– 289, 291, 295 – – competencies, 18, 20, 25–27, 29–30, 36, 38–39, 43, 54, 57, 60, 62, 64, 79–80, 83, 115, 121–122, 124, 133, 135, 141, 172–173, 180–186, 188– 190, 201–202, 205, 207–208, 210, 232, 239–242, 244–245, 247–249, 283, 286–292 – members, 17, 19, 21, 24–25, 28–29, 38, 40, 83, 127, 132, 172–173, 179–180, 247, 290 – – appointment, 62–64, 80–81, 83, 208 – – election, 17, 19, 20, 23–25, 29, 32, 37– 38, 61–62, 79, 83, 118, 120, 124, 128, 130–132, 171–173, 179–181, 203, 207, 209–210, 243–246, 249, 288–291, 306 – – impeachment, 24, 38–39, 48, 63, 128, 174, 209, 245–247, 259, 289–290, 296– 297 – – inability to serve, 19, 24–25, 38, 62, 80, 131, 209, 245–247, 289–290 – – length of term, 19, 23–25, 29, 37–38, 62–64, 79–81, 83, 124, 127–128, 171–
173, 203, 207–209, 244, 289 – – plurality of offices, 24, 38, 62, 80, 131, 234–235, 249, 254, 284, 291, 294 – – qualifications, 18, 38, 62, 79, 124, 127– 128, 171, 206, 244, 289 – – re-eligibility, 24–25, 38, 62, 79, 124, 127, 129, 171, 203, 244, 289 – – remuneration, 21, 38, 60–62, 79, 172– 173, 207, 244, 246–247, 256, 289–290, 295 – – responsibility, 12, 62–63, 80–81, 132 – official seat, 228, 280–281 – powers, 21, 126–127, 132, 172–173, 180–183, 186 – – adjourning legislature, 18, 244–245, 289 – – appointing power, 20, 29–30, 64, 83, 125, 133, 142, 173, 180–184, 188, 205, 207–208, 239, 247–248, 286, 290–291 – – – vacancies, filling of, 29–30, 60, 62, 80, 172, 207, 232, 248–249, 283, 291 – – budgetary powers, 125, 129 – – convoking legislature, 18, 27, 36, 38– 39, 62, 79–80, 125, 129, 172, 185–186, 208, 244–245, 289 – – dissolving legislature, 18 – – foreign affairs, control of, 172, 208 – – – treaties, 20, 30, 207 – – judicial powers, 125, 141, 180, 183– 184 – – legislative powers, 27, 121–122, 124, 129, 180–181 – – – legislative initiative, 124 – – – sanctioning of laws, 121–122, 172, 201–202, 247–248, 290–291 – – – veto power, 121, 172, 201–202, 247– 248, 290–291 – – military commanding power, 11, 38, 62, 79, 125, 172, 181–182, 188, 207, 244, 249, 289, 292 – – pardoning power, 38, 62, 79, 124, 172, 180, 207, 245, 289 – – removal power, 125, 240, 286–287 – – war and peacemaking, 20, 30, 181– 182
I NDEX – presidential system, 11, 203 – relation to other branches, 62–63, 80–81, 125, 129 feudal institutions and practices – entail, 228, 281 – primogeniture, 40–41, 228, 281 government, 102 – federal - state relations, 19, 28, 122, 175 – finances, 11, 143, 202 – – public debt, 11, 256, 295 – – revenue, ordinary and extraordinary, 142–143, 186 – form of, 11, 17, 179, 185–186 – governmental institutions see also executive, legislative , 184–185 – public institutions, 134 – subnational government – – municipal government, 79, 173 – – – municipal officers, 20, 29, 39, 64, 83, 91, 133, 173–174, 182–183, 205, 211, 234–235, 241, 252, 284, 287, 293 – – provincial subdivisons (counties etc), 19, 25–29, 32, 69, 83, 90, 91, 93, 133– 136, 182–183, 189–190, 203, 205, 210– 211, 307 – – supervision of local government, 133 – suits against the state, 67, 74 hereditary distinctions, outlawed, 40, 68, 75, 102 infrastructure – postal system, 180, 202 – roads, 180, 202 judiciary, 39, 63, 76, 81, 102–103, 137, 173, 182, 197, 203–204, 229, 281 – attorney general, 20, 21, 29, 78, 94, 174, 204, 234–235, 241, 259, 284, 287, 296– 297, 306 – courts, 29, 67, 74, 86, 103 – – court of sessions, 238–239, 286 – – courts of equity, 19, 20, 28–29
– – inferior courts, 39, 63, 81–82, 140– 141, 173, 203–204, 238–243, 261, 286– 288, 297–298 – – local courts, 32, 64, 204–205, 238, 240–241, 286–287 – – military courts, 19, 68, 75 – – supreme court, 39, 63, 81, 141–142, 173–174, 203–204, 238–239, 286 – – – as appellate court, 81, 205, 238–239, 241–242, 286–288 – – – judges, 63–64, 82, 142, 173, 211, 238–240, 256, 286–287, 295 – – – – appointment, 39, 63, 81, 94, 142, 173–174, 205, 239, 286, 306 – – – – chief justice, 205, 238, 286 – – – – impeachment, 81, 138, 142, 174, 240, 259, 286–287, 297 – – – – incompatibility with other offices, 39, 63, 82 – – – – number, 81, 238, 286 – – – – qualifications, 81, 94, 137, 142, 174, 241–242, 287–288 – – – – tenure, 39, 63, 81, 94, 173–174, 203–204, 239, 286 – judges, 19, 29, 39–40, 46, 63–64, 81–82, 182, 204–205, 211, 239–240, 256, 286– 287, 295 – – appointment or election, 20, 63, 81, 94, 140, 182–183, 205, 239, 286, 306 – – incompatibility with other offices, 24– 25, 39, 82 – – legally competent judges, 137, 140, 174, 241–242, 287–288 – – removal, 138, 174 – judicial districts, 48, 83, 94, 140, 173, 204, 239, 286, 306 – juries, 182 – jurisdiction, 19, 82, 182–183, 226, 242– 243, 279–280, 288 – – appellate, 242, 288 – – original, 240–242, 287–288 – local judicial officers, 20, 28–29, 40, 61, 64, 78, 81–83, 94, 174, 204–205, 239, 241, 243, 286–288 – relation to other branches, 19, 173
I NDEX – – distinction from administrative bodies, 137 – remuneration, 21, 39, 60–61, 63, 82, 142, 174, 203–204, 239, 256, 286, 295 – trials, 19, 40, 46, 82, 240–241, 287 law, 32, 60, 78, 86, 98, 205–206, 212, 230– 231, 254, 282, 294 – codification of existing bodies of law, 23 – transitional provisions, 20, 21, 30, 40, 66, 69, 85, 87, 94, 146, 175, 179, 185–186, 209, 211, 262–263, 266–267, 298–300 – uniformity of, 39, 86, 137 legislature, 18, 23, 33, 59, 76, 102–103, 169, 197, 229, 281 – convocation of, 116–117, 120 – joint sessions, 17, 19, 36, 59–60, 77, 170, 208–209 – lower house, 23, 33, 59, 76, 103, 169, 197, 230–231, 282 – – members, 17, 19, 24–25, 43, 44, 61, 65, 84, 171 – – – appointment, 111 – – – election, 18, 20, 25–28, 33, 36, 45, 52, 54, 57, 59–60, 69, 77, 103–107, 112–113, 117, 130, 169–170, 175– 176, 197, 210–211, 231–232, 234– 235, 251, 282–284, 292–293 – – – immunity, indemnity, 36, 60, 77, 105–106, 170, 199–200, 232–233, 283 – – – incompatibility, 18, 28, 61, 65, 78, 201, 235, 284 – – – leader of lower house, 114–115 – – – length of term, 18, 33, 77, 105–106, 117–118, 169, 197, 231, 282 – – – mandatory attendance, 36, 60, 77, 232, 282 – – – plurality of offices, 17, 24–25, 28, 37, 61, 78, 104–106, 171, 201, 234– 235, 252–254, 283–284, 293–294 – – – qualifications, 18, 26, 34, 36, 60, 77, 103–104, 114–115, 170, 197–198, 232, 282 – – – re-eligibility, 117–118
– – – remuneration, 37, 61, 78, 105, 171, 199–200, 234, 237, 283, 285 – – – speaker, 18, 19, 27–28, 37, 60, 77– 78, 80, 170, 172–173, 198, 203, 232– 234, 243–244, 282–284, 288–289 – – – vacancy, 18, 27–28, 37–38, 60, 77, 200, 232, 283 – – powers, 18, 39, 60, 63, 65, 77, 81, 83, 86, 118, 119, 128, 130–131, 135, 142, 144, 168, 251–252, 254, 293–294 – – – adjournment, 18, 19, 27, 36–37, 60, 77–78, 117, 199–200, 232–233, 282– 283 – – – appointing power, 17, 19, 20, 24, 29– 30, 63–64, 81, 118, 142, 259, 297 – – – – confirmation of appointments, 129 – – – appropriation of funds, 86–87, 171, 201, 251–252, 260, 293, 297 – – – budgetary power, 119, 202 – – – bylaws, 18, 36, 60, 77, 199, 232, 282–283 – – – impeachment, 28, 39, 63, 81, 174, 259, 296–297 – – – interpellation, 170 – – – judiciary functions, 36, 60, 77, 118, 170, 200, 232–233, 259–260, 282– 283, 297 – – – legislation, 19, 37, 118, 119, 121, 253–254, 293–294 – – – – legislative initiative, 18, 27, 36, 60, 78, 170, 198, 203, 229, 233, 281, 283 – – – – passage of bills, 18, 60, 78, 170, 201–202, 233–234, 283 – – – – – majorities, 32, 41, 44, 90, 121– 122, 172, 200–202, 216, 247– 248, 290–291 – – – – promulgation, 41, 85–86, 216 – – – – publication of laws, 44 – – – – reading of bills, 37, 41, 44, 60, 78, 170, 200, 233, 283 – – – – restrictions, 170, 200, 233, 283 – – – – – bills of attainder, 40, 228, 280 – – – – – constitutionality of laws, 216
I NDEX – – – – sanctioning of laws, 27, 36, 60, 78, 121, 172, 233, 283 – – – – taking effect of law, 18, 41, 78, 85–86, 120, 233, 247–248, 283, 290–291 – – – – tax, revenue legislation, 18, 27, 36–37, 61, 78, 119, 143, 171, 202, 233, 251–252, 255, 283, 293–295 – – – ratification of treaties, 20, 30 – – – vote of no confidence, 81–82 – – – war and peace-making, 20, 30, 202 – – procedures, 117, 121, 170, 199 – – – budget report, 78, 119, 251–252, 293 – – – committees, 27 – – – dissolution, 116 – – – duration of session, 17, 116 – – – election of officers, 18, 27–28, 36, 60, 77, 115, 170, 198, 232, 282 – – – first/constitutive session, 19, 23–24, 87, 114, 130, 237, 285 – – – journal, 60–61, 78, 80–82, 85–86, 90, 171–172, 174, 200–202, 208– 209, 216, 240, 247–248, 286–287, 290–291 – – – – publication of, 171, 200, 232, 283 – – – quorum, 36, 60, 77, 199, 232, 282 – – – resolutions, 121, 172, 233–234, 248, 283, 291 – – – sessions open to public, 60, 78, 114, 171, 233, 283 – – – votes, 116, 172, 174 – official seat, 25–27, 36, 54, 57, 61–62, 66, 79, 87, 114, 211, 237–238, 243–244, 262, 285–286, 288–289, 298 – powers, 19–21, 23–24, 27–29, 48, 81, 83–84, 86, 94, 168, 171, 173–174, 202– 203, 205, 212 – structure – – bicameral, 23, 33, 59, 76, 169, 230– 231, 282 – third and further houses or chambers – – members – – – plurality of offices, 234–235, 284 – – powers – – – legislation
– – – – restrictions – – – – – bills of attainder, 228, 280 – upper house, 23, 33, 59, 76, 169, 197, 230–231, 282 – – members, 17, 24–25, 36, 44, 59, 61, 65, 76–77, 84, 171, 231, 236–237, 282, 284–285 – – – election, 25–26, 28, 34–36, 52, 54, 57, 59–60, 69, 77, 169–170, 198, 210–211, 231–232, 234–235, 251, 282–284, 292–293 – – – immunity, indemnity, 36, 60, 77, 170, 199–200, 232–233, 283 – – – incompatibility, 18, 28, 61, 65, 78, 201, 235, 284 – – – leader of upper house, 27–28, 37– 38, 170–173, 199, 232–234, 245– 247, 267, 282–284, 289–290, 300 – – – length of term, 34–36, 57, 77, 169, 198–199, 231, 282 – – – mandatory attendance, 36, 60, 77, 232, 282 – – – plurality of offices, 17, 24–25, 28, 37, 61, 77–78, 170–171, 201, 234, 252–254, 283–284, 293–294 – – – qualifications, 36, 60, 77, 170, 231– 232, 282 – – – remuneration, 37, 61, 78, 171, 199– 200, 234, 237, 283, 285 – – – speaker, 18, 60–62, 77–80 – – – vacancy, 18, 27–28, 37–38, 44, 60, 77, 200, 232, 283 – – powers, 39, 60, 63, 65, 77, 81, 83, 86, 168, 173, 251–252, 254, 293–294 – – – adjournment, 18, 27, 36–37, 60, 77– 78, 199–200, 232–233, 282–283 – – – appointing power, 17, 19, 20, 24, 29– 30, 63–64, 81, 259, 297 – – – – confirmation of appointments, 207–208, 239, 241, 247–248, 286– 287, 290–291 – – – appropriation of funds, 86–87, 171, 201, 251–252, 260, 293, 297 – – – budgetary power, 202 – – – bylaws, 18, 36, 60, 77, 199, 232, 282–283
I NDEX – – – impeachment, 28, 39, 63, 81, 174, 199, 259, 296–297 – – – interpellation, 170 – – – judiciary functions, 36, 60, 77, 170, 200, 232–233, 259–260, 282–283, 297 – – – legislation, 19, 37, 253–254, 293– 294 – – – – legislative initiative, 18, 27, 36, 60, 78, 170, 203, 229, 233, 281, 283 – – – – passage of bills, 18, 60, 78, 170, 201–202, 233–234, 283 – – – – – majorities, 32, 41, 44, 90, 172, 200–202, 216, 247–248, 290– 291 – – – – promulgation, 41, 85–86, 216 – – – – publication of laws, 44 – – – – reading of bills, 37, 41, 44, 60, 78, 170, 200, 233, 283 – – – – restrictions, 170, 200, 233, 283 – – – – – bills of attainder, 40 – – – – – constitutionality of laws, 216 – – – – sanctioning of laws, 18, 27, 36, 60, 78, 172, 233, 283 – – – – taking effect of laws, 41, 78, 85– 86, 233, 247–248, 283, 290–291 – – – – tax or revenue legislation, 18, 27, 36–37, 61, 78, 171, 202, 233, 251– 252, 255, 283, 293–295 – – – ratification of treaties, 20, 30 – – – vote of no confidence, 81–82 – – – war and peace making, 20, 30, 202 – – procedures, 170, 199 – – – committees, 27 – – – duration of session, 17 – – – election of officers, 18, 27–28, 36, 60, 77, 170, 199, 232, 282 – – – first/constitutive session, 19, 23–24, 87, 237, 285 – – – journal, 60–61, 78, 80–82, 85–86, 90, 171–172, 174, 200–202, 208– 209, 216, 240, 247–248, 286–287, 290–291 – – – – publication of, 171, 200, 232, 283 – – – quorum, 17, 36, 60, 77, 199, 232,
259, 282, 297 – – – resolutions, 172, 233–234, 248, 283, 291 – – – sessions open to public, 60, 78, 171, 233, 283 – – – votes, 172, 174 lotteries, 86, 253, 294 military – conscription, 65, 80, 144, 188 – members, 20, 29, 64, 83, 188–189 – – special regulations for, 17, 24–25, 37, 83–84, 188–190, 217 – navy, 202, 227, 244, 280, 289 – organization of, 64–65, 189–190 – quartering of troops, 68, 75, 168, 256, 295 – standing army, 68, 75, 180, 181, 188– 189, 202 – subordination to civil authorities, 32, 40, 68, 75, 219, 228, 281 – supreme command, 188, 244, 289 militia, 18, 24, 28, 61–62, 64, 68, 75, 78– 79, 83, 119, 144, 168, 181–182, 189, 203, 219, 227, 234–235, 244, 249, 280, 284, 289, 291–292 nobility – abolition of titles of, 218 oaths, 11–12, 18, 21, 24, 26, 39, 49, 63–65, 81–82, 84, 112, 114–115, 145–146, 174, 199, 206, 227, 249–250, 259, 280, 292, 297 – loyalty oaths, 65 – of office, 30, 65, 175, 183, 206–207 police power, domestic security, 241, 287 population groups, 97, 99–101 – foreigners, 213–216 – minorities – – African-Americans, 212–216 – – indigents, 180 religion, 65 – Christianity, 30–32 – state religion, 30–32, 98–99
I NDEX representation, 27 rights, 87 – abolition or alteration of government, popular right of, 66, 73, 167, 217, 225– 226, 279 – assembly, freedom of, 68, 75, 168, 228– 229, 281 – bearing or keeping of arms , 68, 75, 219, 249, 292 – equality, 99, 216, 226, 279 – ex post facto laws, illegality of, 67–68, 74–75, 137, 167–168, 219, 228, 280 – expression, freedom of, 67–68, 75, 168, 217, 226, 279 – habeas corpus, 67, 74, 167–168, 182– 183, 218, 227–228, 238–239, 280, 286 – inalienability of rights, 40, 66, 73, 167, 173–174, 217, 218, 229, 281 – inviolability of the home, 66, 74, 140, 167, 217, 227, 280 – legal rights, 139, 174 – – bail, 40, 67, 74, 168, 218, 227–228, 280 – – compulsory process (for exculpatory evidence), 67, 74, 167, 217, 227, 280 – – confrontation with witnesses for the prosecution, 67, 74, 167, 217 – – counsel, 67, 74, 167, 217 – – cruel or unusual punishment, prohibition of, 40, 67, 74, 140, 168, 218 – – double jeopardy, 67, 74, 167, 218, 228, 280 – – due process, 217 – – excessive fines, prohibition of, 40, 64, 82–83, 140, 168, 218 – – indictment and information, 39, 63, 67, 74, 167–168, 217, 227, 259, 280, 297 – – non-self-incrimination, 67, 74, 167, 217, 227, 280 – – to be heard, 67, 74, 139, 167, 217, 227, 240, 280, 286–287 – – trial by jury, 19, 39–40, 48, 63, 66–67, 74, 140, 167–168, 183, 217, 218, 227– 228, 242–243, 258–259, 280, 288, 296–297 – liberty and security of person, 11, 32, 40,
66–67, 74, 99, 167, 217, 227, 280 – life, right to, 32, 40, 66–67, 74, 99, 167, 228, 258, 280–281, 296 – matrimony, 86, 253, 294 – personal freedom, 40, 66–67, 74, 99, 167 – petition, right of, 218, 228–229, 281 – popular sovereignty, 40, 59, 66, 73, 76, 97–98, 102, 167, 217, 225–226, 279 – press, freedom of the, 32, 67–68, 75, 99, 120, 168, 217, 226, 279 – privacy of mail, 140 – property rights, 11–12, 67, 74, 99, 168– 169, 185–186, 227–228, 253–254, 280– 281, 294 – – expropriation, 68, 75, 140, 167–168, 219, 228, 254, 280, 294 – – freedom of ownership, 32, 40, 66–67, 74, 99 – religion, freedom of, 30–32, 40, 66, 73– 74, 217, 226, 279 – self-defense, right of, 219, 228, 280 – separation of powers, 76, 102–103, 137, 197, 229, 281 – speech, freedom of, 67–68, 75, 168, 217, 226, 279 settlement, 214 slavery, 79, 99, 212–213, 257–258, 296 sovereign rights of the state – right of coinage, 255–256, 295 – state monopolies, 68, 75, 168, 228, 281 state and administrative apparatus – administration – – waters, 75 – civil servants, 48, 211 state independence, 59, 97–98 state insignias, 27, 37, 39, 62, 69, 80, 173, 208, 247, 290 state territory, 11, 68, 98, 169, 175, 214, 215, 260–261, 297, 307 tariffs and duties, 202 taxes, 18, 34, 43, 143 – tax equity, 61, 78–79, 143, 255, 294–295 – tax expenditures, 260, 297 – taxation, 61, 78–80, 169, 255, 294–295
I NDEX territorial organization, 65, 84–85, 91, 93, 231, 256, 282, 295 – boundaries, 68–69, 75–76 treason, 36, 60, 63, 77, 169, 219, 245, 250, 289, 292 voting rights, 63, 80, 230, 234, 282–284 – age, 26, 34, 45, 53, 63, 208, 229–230, 281–282 – citizenship, 26, 34, 45, 53, 80, 102, 229– 230, 281 – disqualifying attributes, 80, 84, 169, 211,
229–230, 250–251, 281–282, 292 – gender, 26, 34, 53, 63, 80, 229–230, 281– 282 – property, 18, 26, 34, 45, 53, 63, 168 – race, ethnicity, 26, 34, 53, 80, 198, 229– 230, 281–282 – religion, 26 – residence, 26, 34, 45, 53, 63, 208, 229– 230, 252, 281, 293 war, state of, 68, 75, 168, 184–186, 188– 189