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English Pages 150 Year 1928
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^ '- ^ ’ ^ . ..111 u A020J4 ...111 21 D raw er Knob. . . . 43 21 L a tc h ................ . . . 7 1 021 B o lt.................. . . . 96 021 L i f t .................. . . . 107 021 P u ll.................. . .. 82 A021 B o lt................. . . . 96 A021 L if t.............. *. . . . 107 22 D raw er Knob. . .. 43 022 P u lley ................ . . . 100 A022 P u ll.................... . . . 8 2 LC022 P u lley............... . . . 101 U . . . 100 022M a ...101 LC022M u 022>^ . . . 100 (( LC022>^ .,.101 23 H a n d le .............. . . . 108 23 Spindle............. . . . 4 5 023 P u lley ................ . . . 100 A023 P u ll.................... . . . 82 024 S top................... . . . 8 7 a A024 ...87 26 H an d le.............. . . . 108 026 S to p ................... . . . 8 7 A026 ...87 27 G rip ................... . . . 8 0 U A27 ...80 (( 28 . .. 80 (( A28 . .. 80 u 29 . .. 80 u A29 ...80 30 43 30 G rip ......... 80 e two. t Packed w ith one-half trim .
ABYSS DESIGN Cast Bronze I llu s t r a tio n o n e -q u a r te r size FO R IN S ID E D O ORS O F H O T EL S Show ing I n d ic a to r The set illu stra te d includes as follows: Lock—Num ber A1390 same as shown on Page 55. Escutcheon—N um ber A208. IN D IC A T O R The in dicato r on the escutcheon (see illustration) betw een cylinder and knob is throw n out b y th e locking of th e dead bolt on th e A1390, A1390J^, A1392 and A1392J^ or th e locking of the latch b o lt on the A1395, A1395K, A1397 and A1397J^ from the inside of th e door, thu s indicating th a t the room is occupied. When any of these locks or sets are desired w ith th e in dicato r specify (w ith indicator) F or lock A1390 to A139734, see pages 55 to 58. Set No. 208A1390—^with indicator.
RIDGE DESIGN Cast Bronze I llu s t r a t io n o n e -q u a r te r size Number
A400 A407 A415 A425 A410 A430 A440 A422 A420 A416 A404
Size Inches
X lY s 7 } ^ x 2M
7Mx2M 7}^ x 2M 10x2M 10x2% 10x2M 2^x1^ 4M X l Y f i 3%xlJ^
Keyhole Escutcheon Inside Escutcheon Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece Flush Cup Escutcheon Outside Escutcheon Push Plate Door Pull, Grip No. A27 E lectric Push B utton Flush Sash Lift, Shown on page 107 Flush Sash Lift, Shown on page 107 Door Knobs, Doz. Pr.
425A530 425AD530 407A290 407A381 410A381 410A391 410A390 410A395
Sliding Sliding Double Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ron t B. K. F ro nt Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 69 64 64 64 48 48
A250 A255
67 68
Knobs 2K x 1)4 Ins.
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
A404 A404 A404 A404 A404 A404
7>ix2M 7J^x2i^ 7^x2Ji 7Hx2Ji 10x2% 10x2% 10x2% 10x2%
7 J ^ x 2% 7 H x 2K 7 J ^ x 2M 7 H x 2J^ 7 } ^ x 2% 7 ^ x 2M 7 ^ x 2% 7 ^ x 2M
A404 A404
7 } ^ x 2J^ 7 J ^ x 2%
7Kx2Ji 7^x2%
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
415A250 415A255
Three Bolt Split Bolt
When ordering escutcheons only state w ith w hich lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
NEWARK DESIGN Cast Bronze and Iron I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size Cast Bronze No.
Size Inches
A600 A608 A615 A625 A610 A630 A640 A622 A620 A602
2x11^ 8x2^ S x 2 } i 8
lO x S V s
10x3^ 10x31^ 10x3J^ 3x
Cast Iron No.
3 ^ x IM
K eyhole E scu tch eo n ......................................................... Inside Escutcheon.................................................................. Inside Escutcheon w ith T urnpiece........................................ F lush Cup E scutcheon............................................................ O utside E scu tch eo n ............................................................... Push P la te ................................................................................ Door Pull, Grip No. A 27......................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. 2 7 .......................................................................... E lectric Push B u tto n ................................................................ Flush Sash L if t.......................................................................... D oor Knobs, Doz. P r ...............................................................
600 608 615 625 610 630 640 622 620 602
LOCKSETS Cast Bronze Lock Set No.
625A530 625AD530 608A290 608A381 610A381 610A391 610A390 610A395
Sliding Sliding Double Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro n t B. K. F ro n t Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 69 64 64 64 48 48
A250 A255
Knobs 2 ^ In.
Outside Size Inches
A602 A602 A602 A602 A602 A602
8x2j^ 8x2M 8x21^ 8 x 23^ 10x31^ 10x33^ 10x3J^ 10x3J ^
A602 A602
8x2K 8 x 23^
Inside Size Inches
8 x 23^ 8x2J4 8 x 23^ 8 x 23^ 8 x 23^ 8 X 23^
8 x 23^ 8 x 2 } i
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
615A250 615A255
Three Bolt Split B olt
8 x 2 } 4 S x 2V2
Cast Iron 625M530 625MD530 608M290 610M391
Sliding Sliding Double Inside F ront B. K.
S530 SD530 S290 S391
53 53 69 64
602 602
8 x 23^
8 x 23^
8 X
8 x 23^ 10x3K
When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith which lock th ey are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
NEWARK DESIGN Cast Bronze I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r s iz e
For A partm ent Corridors T h e P a r tic u la r F e a tu r e o f t h is L ock is t h e B u rg la r P r o o f S e c u r ity Lock Set No.
Escutcheon Knobs 2M In.
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
l O x S V s
l o x s y g
PURITAN DESIGN C a st B ro n ze a n d Iro n Cast Bronze No.
A706 A715 AB5801 PR
Size Inches
53^ X \Y l 5M x 13^ 2
C&st Iron No.
Inside Escutcheon...................................................................... Inside Escutcheon w ith tu m p ie c e ......................................... Door K n o b .................................................................................. Glass Door K n o b .......................................................................
706 715 MS5801
LOCKSETS C ast B ron ze Lock Set No,
Knobs No.
706A290 PR706A290
Inside Inside
A290 A290
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
AB5801 PR
53^x1^ 5M X V / 2
MS5801 PR
SJ^xlK 5^xlK
5 V 2 X 1 V 2
69 69
C ast Iro n 706M290 PR706M290
Inside Inside
S290 S290
69 69
When ordering escutcheons only state w ith which lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
ROUEN DESIGN Cast Bronze and Iron I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size
Cast Bronze No.
Size Inches
A907 A915 A925 A910 A930 A930 A930 A940 A940 A940
7 M x 2K
A922 A921 A920 A902
4M xl^ 4M x 1 ^ 4MxlM 2M
7 H
7 H ^ 2 V 2
10x2^ 10x2^ 16x31^ 20x4 10 X 2 ^ 16x33^ 20x4 10x2^
Cast Iron No.
Inside E scutcheon............................... Inside Escutcheon w ith tu rn p iece....................................... Flush Cup E scu tch eo n............................................................ O utside E scu tch eo n ............................... Push P la te ............................................................................ P ush P la te ................................................ P ush P la te ................................................ Door Pull, G rip No. A27......................................................... Door Pull, G rip No. A3090..................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. A2790..................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. 27............................................................. E lectric Push B u tto n ................................................................ D rop D raw er P u ll...................................................................... Flush Sash L if t.......................................................................... Door Knobs, D oz. P r ................................................................
907 915 925 910 930 930 930
940 922 921 920 902
LOCKSETS Cast Bronze Lock Set No.
925A530 925AD530 907A290 907A381 910A381 910A391 910A390 910A395
Sliding Sliding Double Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ront B. K . F ro n t Cyl. V estibule Cyl.
Knobs 2M In,
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 69 64 64 64 48 48
A902 A902 A902 A902 A902 A902
A250 A255
67 68
A902 A902
Outside Size Inches
7^x23^ 7^x2^
Inside Size Inches 7 H
7 H
7 H ^ 2 V 2
7 M
7Mx2>^ 10 x2 M 10x2^ 10 X 2 ^
7 M x 2M
1 0 x 2 3 4
7 M
7 H ^ 2 V 2 7 H X 2^2 7 Mx 2>^
C o m m u n ic a tin g S e ts
915A250 915A255
Three B olt Split B olt
7 K
7 U ^ 2 V 2
7 H ^ 2 V 2
7 M x 2J^
7 M x 2J^
Cast Iron 925M530 925MD530 907M290 910M391
Slidiag Sliding Double Inside F ro n t B. K.
8530 SD530 8290 S391
53 53 69 64
902 902
7 M ^ 2 V 2
7 M
7 H
7 H
When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith w hich lock th ey are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
7 M x 2H
OAKVIEW DESIGN Cast Bronze I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size Number
A1209 A1215 A1225 A1213 A1230 A1240 A1222 A1220 A1202
Size Inches
9x3 9x3 9x3 13x3 13x3 13x3 S x l } 4
33 ^ x 1M
Inside Escutcheon Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece Flush Cup Escutcheon Outside Escutcheon Push P late Door Pull, Grip No. A27 E lectric Push B utton Flush Sash L ift D oor Knobs, Doz. Pr.
LOCKSETS Escutcheon
Look Set No.
Door No,
Sliding 1225A530 1225AD530 Sliding Double 1209A290 Inside Vestibule B. K. 1209A381 1213A381 Vestibule B. K. F ro nt B. K. 1213A391 1213A390 F ront Cyl. Vestibule Cyl. 1213A395
2M In-
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
9x3 9x3 9x3 9x3 9x3 9x3 9x3 9x3 13 X 3 9x3
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 69 64 6i 64 48 48
A1202 A1202 A1202 A1202 A1202 A1202
9x3 9x3 9x3 9x3 13x3 13 X 3 13x3 13x3
A250 A255
67 68
A1202 A1202
13x3 9x3
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
1215A250 1215A255
Three Bolt Split Bolt
A1507 A1515 A1525 A1510 A1530 A1540 A1522 A1520 A902
Size Inches 7 H
7 M x 2H 7 H
10x3 10x3 10x3 Xi } 4 3HxlM 2M
Inside Escutcheon Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece Flush Cup Escutcheon Outside Escutcheon Push P late Door Pull, G rip No. A27 E lectric P ush Button Flush Sash L ift D oor K nobs, Doz. P r.
LOCKSETS Escutcheon
Lock Set No.
1525A530 1525AD530 1507A290 1507A381 1510A381 1510A391 1510A390 1510A395 1510A390
Sliding Sliding Double Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro nt B. K. F ro nt Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
63 53 69 64 64 64 48 48
2H In.
A902 A902 A902 A902 A902 A902
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
7 H x ‘2V2 7HX2V2 7 M x 2J^ 7^x21^ 10x3 10x3 10x3 10x3
7 M x 2K 7 M x 23^ 7 H
7 H
7Jix2H 7J€ X 2 ^ 7^x2^ 7 H
7 H
X 2H
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
A250 67 A902 1515A250 Three B olt 7 H ^ 2 V 2 Split B olt A255 68 A902 1515A255 When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith w hich lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
7 H ^ 2 V 2
CHICAGO DESIGN C ast B r o n z e a n d Iron Illustrations one-quarter size Cast Bronze No.
Size Inches
A1300 A1307 A1315 A1325 A1310 A1330 A1330 A1330 A1340 A1340 A1340
2xlM x2J^ 7^x2^ 7^x21^ 10x31^
A1322 A1321 A1320 A1326 A1329 A902
w x s y s W x 3 y 2
20x4 10x3>| 16x334 20x4 10 X 3 3x 3M x I H 3 %
l y i
7x23^ 9^x2^ 2M
Cast Iron No.
Keyhole E scu tch eo n .......................... Inside E scutcheon.................................. Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece...................... Flush Cup E scutcheon............................... O utside E scu tcheon ......................................................... Push P la te .......................................................... Push P la te .................................................... Push P la te .................................................................. Door Pull, Grip No. A27.......................................... Door Pull, Grip No. A3090........................................ D oor Pull, Grip No. A27G0............................................ Door Pull, Grip No. 27................................................... E lectric Push B u tto n .......................................................... Drop Draw er P u ll........................................................ Flush Sash L ift................................................................... L etter Box P la te .............................................................. L e tte r Box P la te ........................................................ Door Knobs, Doz. P r ................................................
1300 1307 1315 1325 1310 1330 1330 1330
1340 1322 1321 1320 1326 1329 902
LOCKSETS C ast B ro n ze Lock Set No,
1325A530 Sliding 1325AD530 Sliding Double 1307A290 Inside Vestibule B. K. 1307A381 1310A381 Vestibule B. K. F ro n t B. K. 1310A391 F ro n t Cyl. 1310A390 1310A395 Vestibule Cyl.
2M In.
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
63 53 69 64 64 64 48 48
A902 A902 A902 A902 A902 A902
A250 A255
67 68
A902 A902
Outside Size Inches
7 M x 2K 7M 7M 7M
Inside Size Inches 7M 7M
x x
2J^ 2^
2}^ 23^ 2>^
7 H
7 H
10x3>i l OxBj ^
7 H
7 H
lO x S V s
7 H
lO x S V s
7 H
x x x
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
1315A250 1315A255
Three B olt Split Bolt
7 M x 2K
7 H
C ast Iron 1325M530 1325MD530 1307M290 1310M391
Sliding Sliding Double Inside F ro n t B. K.
8530 SD530 8290 8391
53 53 69 64
902 902
7 H x 2V2 7 K x 2V2 7 M x 2K 10x31^
When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith w hich lock they are to t e used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
7H x 7Hx 7Hx 7H x
2V2 2V2 2V2 2V2
HYDECREST DESIGN Cast Bronze Illustrations one-quarter size Size Inches
A1908 A1915 A1925 A1912 A1930 A1940 A1922 A1920 A1902
8x4 8x4 8x4 12x4 12 X 4 12x4 3xlM 3^xlM 2M
Inside iiiscutcheon Inside Escutcheon w ith tum piece Flush Cup Escutcheon Outside Escutcheon Pull P late Door Pull, Grip No. A27 F le c tric Push B utton Flush Sash L ift Door K nobs, Doz. Pr.
1925A530 Sliding 1925AD530 Sliding Double 1908A290 Inside 1908A38I Vestibule B. K. 1912A381 Vestibule B. K. 1912A391 F ro nt B. K. 1912A390 F ro nt Cyl. 1912A395 Vestibule Cyl.
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 69 64 64 64 48 48
A250 A255
67 68
2Vi In.
Escutcheon Outside Size Inside Size Inches Inches
A1902 A1902 A1902 A1902 A1902 A1902
8x4 8x4 8x4 8x4 12x4 12x4 12 x 4 12 X 4
8x4 8x4 8x4 8x4 8x4 8x4 8x4 8x4
A1902 A1902
8x4 8x4
8x4 8x4
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
1915A250 1915A2.‘55
Three Bolt Split Bolt
PINEHURST DESIGN C ast B ro n ze Size Inches
A2007 A2015 A2025 A2010 A2030 A2030 A2030 A2040 A2040 A2040 A2022 A2020 A2026 A2202
7 ^ x 2M 7>^ x 2M 7 H x 2M 10x2% 10x2% 16x3H 20x4 10x2% 16x3J ^ 20 X4 2]/2
4 X 1% 7 ^ x 2H 2%
Inside Escutcheon Inside Escutcheon w ith tum piece Flush Cup Escutcheon Outside Escutcheon Push P late Push Plate Push Plate Door Pull, Grip No. A27 Door Pull, Grip N o. A4390 Door Pull, Grip No. A4290 Electric Push Button Flush Sash Lift L etter Box P late Door Knobs, Doz. Pr.
LOCKSETS Loclc Set No.
2025A530 2025AD530 2007A290 2007A381 2010A381 2010A391 2010A390 2010A395
Sliding Sliding Double Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B, K. Front B. K. Front Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
Knobs 2M In.
Escutcheon Outside Size Inside Size Inches Inches
53 53 69 64 64 64 48 48
A2202 A2202 A2202 A2202 A2202 A2202
7 } ^ x 2M 7}^x2Ji 7^x21^ 10x2% 10 x 2% 10x2% 10x2%
67 68
A2202 A2202
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395 A250 A255
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
2015A250 2015A255
Three Bolt Split B olt
IV ?
73-^x 2M 73^x23^ X 2% 7M X 2% 73^x2% W 2 X 2% 73^ X 2% 7>^ x 2%
W 2
7^x2% 1V>
2 M
When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith w hich lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
BRENTWOOD DESIGN C ast B r o n z e Illustrations one-quarter size Number
A2107 A2115 A2125 A2110 A2130 A2130 A2130 A2140 A2140 A2140 A2102
Size Inches 7 H x 2V2
7V4X2V2 7 H x 2V2 10x2M 10x2M 16x3M 20x4 10x2^ l& x S V z
20x4 2^
Inside Escutcheon Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece Flush Cup Escutcheon O utside Escutcheon Push P late Push P la te Push P late D oor Pull, Grip N o. A27 D oor Pull, Grip No. A3090 D oor Pull, Grip No. A2790 D oor K nobs, Doz. Pr.
Set No.
2125 A530 2125AD530 2107A290 2107A381 2110A381 2110A391 2110A390 2110A395
Sliding Sliding Double Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro n t B. K. F ro n t Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
Knobs 2M In.
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
63 53
69 64 64 64 48 48
A2102 A2102 A2102 A2102 A2102 A2102
A250 A255
67 68
A2102 A2102
Escutcheon Outside Size Inside Size Inches Inches 7 M x 2>^ 7 H Xt V i 7Mx 2^ 7 M x 2H 7 J€ x 2>^ 7 M x 2M 7M X 2 7 M x 2H 10 x 2M 7 M x 2K 7 % x 2}^ 10x2% 10x2M 7 % x 2H 10x2% 7 M x 2K
C o m m u n ic a tin g S e ts
2I15A250 2115A255
Three Bolt Split B olt
7Mx 2 ^
7 V A y i2 y 2
MANHATTAN DESIGN C ast B r o n z e Number
A5008 A5015 A5010 A5030 A5040 A5022 A5020 A5026 A5004 A.‘5002
bize Inches
8X 8 x 23^ 10x2M 10x2% 10x2% 3x11^ 3 K x l%
103^x3 2 ^ X V /2 214
Inside ii^scutcheon Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece O utside Escutcheon Push P late Door Pull, G rip N o. A27 E lectric Push B utton Flush Sash Lift L e tter Box P late Door K nobs, Doz. Pr. Round Door Knob furnished only when specified
5008A290 5008A381 5010A381 5010A391 5010A390 5010A395
Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro nt B. K. F ront Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
Escutcne.jn Outside Size Inside Size Inches Inches
Knobs 2 H x lH In .
A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
69 64 64 64 48 48
A5004 A5004 A5004 A.'5004 A5004 A5004
8 x 23^ 8 x 23^ 10x2% 10x2% 10x2% 10x2%
8 X 23^ 8 X 23^
A250 A2,55
67 68
A5004 A5004
8x2H 8 X 23^
8 x 23^ 8x2J^
8 x 2 ) 4
8 x 23^ 8 x 23^ 8 X 23^
C o m m u n ic a t in g S e ts
5015A250 5015A25.5
Three B olt Split B olt
• When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith w hich lock th ey are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
PARKSIDE DESIGN C ast B r o n z e a n d Iro n Illustrations one-quarter size
Cast Bronze No. '
A2900 A2908 A2915 A2925 A2910 A2930 A2940 A2922 A2920 A2926 A2902
Size Inches
23^ X 13^ 7 %
V /s
7 %x l A 7%xVA
10 X 23^ 1 0 x 23^ 1 0x 23^ 10 X 23^ 2x2 X 1% 8Mx2M 234
Cast Iron No.
K eyhole E scutcheon .................................................................. Inside E scutcheon...................................................................... Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece......................................... Flush Cup E scutcheon............................................................... O utside E scu tcheon ................................................................... Push P la te .................................................................................. D oor Pull, Grip No. A 27.......................................................... D oor Pull, Grip No. 27............................................................. Electric Push B u tto n ................................................................. Flush Sash L if t........................................................................... L e tter Box P la te ......................................................................... Door Knobs, Doz. P r ................................................................
2900 2908 2915 2925 2910 2930 2940 2922 2920 2902
LOCKSETS C ast B ro n ze Escutcheon
Lock Set No.
2925A530 Sliding 2925AD530 Sliding Double 2908A290 Inside 2908A381 Vestibule B. K. 2910A381 Vestibule B. K. 2910A391 F ront B. K. 2910A390 F ront Cyl. 2910A395 Vestibule Cyl.
Knobs 2M In.
A530 AD530 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 69 64 64 64 48 48
A2902 A2902 A2902 A2902 A2902 ■ A2902
A250 A255
67 68
A2902 A2902
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
10x 23^ 1 0 x 23^ 1 0 x 234 10x 23^
7% X VA mxVA iy% X lA 7% X lA 7v%X m 7A X VA 7A X 7Ax\A
7V8x VA 7 A x VA
7AxVA 7 %x l A
7 V 8 X V A
I V s x V /s
1 %
7Ax\A 7V%xVA 7V%x\A,
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
2915A250 2915A255
Three Bolt Split Bolt
C ast Iron 2925M530 2925MD530 2908M290 2910M391
Sliding Sliding Double Inside Fro n t B. K.
8530 SD530 S290 S391
53 53 69 64
2902 2902
1 %
X1 % 1 0x 23^
When ordering escutcheons only state w ith which lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
7 V 8 x i y s
m X VA
HILL DESIGN W r o u g h t B r o n z e a n d S te e l I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
Bronze No.
B5124 B5106 B5115 B5125 B5110 B5130 B5140 B5122 B5120 B5102
Size Inches
] i
6Ji x2M 6 M x 2M 10 X 3 10x3 10x3 10x3
3^xlK 3 ^ x 1 ^ 2M
Steel No.
Closet E scutcheon ..................................................................... Inside Escutcheon...................................................................... Inside Escutcheon w ith turnp iece......................................... Flush Cup Escutcheon.............................................................. Outside E scutcheon................................................................... Push P la te ................................................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. A27......................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. 27............................................................ Electric Push B u tto n ................................................................ Flush Sash L if t........................................................................... Door Eiiobs, Doz. P r ................................................................
S5124 S5106 S5115 S5125 S5110 S5130 S5140 S5122 S5120 S5102
LOCKSETS W ro u g h t B ro n ze Escutcheon
Lock Set No.
5125B530 5125BD530 5124B37 5106B290 5106B381 5110B381 5110B391 5110B390 5110B395
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. Front B. K. Front Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
A530 AD530 A37 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53
70 69 64 64 64 48 48
B5102 B5102 B5102 B5102 B5102 B5102 B5102
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
6 M x 2M 6 M X 2}4
6 M x 2M 6 J^x2M 3 ^ x IVg X2 \ i 6 M x 2M 6 M X 21-^ 6 M x 2M 6M X 2M
SysxlV s 6 H x 2 M
10x3 10x3 10x3 10x3
C o m m u tiic a tin g S e ts
5115B250 5115B255
Three Bolt Split B olt
A250 A255
B5102 B5102
X 2K X 2M
6M X 2 } 4 , 6 K X 2M
W ro u g h t S te e l 5125S530 5125SD530 5124S37 5106S290 5106S381 5110S381 5110S391
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ront B. K.
S530 SD530 S37 S290 S381 S381 S391
53 53 70 69 64 64 64
S5102 S5102 S5102 S5102 S5102
X 2M 6j|x2K 3 ^ Xm
6M X 2)4.
6 }4 X 2 M
6 J i X 2M
6Mx2M 10x3 10x3
X 2J^ 6 M x 2M
When ordering escutcheons only state w ith which lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screw^s. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
6J2 X 2M
3 ^ XV
6M X 2 V
LOWLAND DESIGN W r o u g h t B r o n z e a n d S te e l Iltustrations one-quarter size Bronze No.
Size Inches
Steel No.
B5200 B5224 B5206 B5215 B5225 B5207 B5210 B.5230 B5240
1% x l y i 3 j | X l}/2 6x2 6x2 5 X 2 j^ 7K x 2M 10x2% 10x2% 10x2% 10x2% 3 % x lJ i 3% xlJ^ 2% 2%
Keyhole E scutch eo n.................................................................. C loset E scu tch eo n ...................................................................... Inside E scutcheon...................................................................... Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece.......................................... Flush Cup Escutcheon............................................. . , Outside E scutcheon................................................................... Outside E scu tch eo n ......................................................... . Push P la te .................................................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. A27.......................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. 2 7 .......................................................................... E lectric Push B u tto n ................................................................. Flush Sash Lift, shown on page 1 0 7 ............................................... Door Knobs, one piece. Doz. P r ..................................... Door Knobs, two piece, Doz. P r ..................
S5200 S5224 S5206 S5215 S5225 S5207 S5210 S5230
B5222 B5220 B12 BIO
S5240 S5222 S5220 S12 SIO
LOCKSETS W ro u g h t B" o n z e Lock Set No.
5225B530 5225BD530 5224B37 5206B290 5207B381 5210B381 5207B391 5210B391 5207B390 5210B390 5207B395 5210B395 . t5215B293
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ront B. K. F ro nt B. K. F ro nt Cyl. Front Cyl. Vestibule Cyl. Vestibule Cyl. B ath Room
Knobs 2M In.
A530 AD530 A37 A290 A381 A381 A391 A391 A390 A390 A395 A395 A293
53 53 70 69 64 64 64 64 48 48 48 48 66
B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12
A250 A255
67 68
B12 B12
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
5 X 2% 5 X 2%
5 X 2% 5 X 234
3Mxl3^ 6x2
3% xlH 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2
7> ^x 2%
10x2% 7 J ^ x 2% 10x2% 7^x2% 10x2% 7 J ^ x 2% 10x2%
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
5215B250 5215B255
Three B olt Split Bolt
6x2 6x2
6x2 6x2
W ro u g h t S te e l 5225S530 5225SD530 5224S37 5206S290 5207S381 5210S381 5207S391 5210S391 t5215S293
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ront B. K. F ront B. K. B ath Room
S530 SD530 S37 S290 S381 S381 S391 S391 S293
53 53 70 69 64 64 64 64 66
S12 S12 S12 S12 S12 S12 S12
5 X 2% 5 X 2% 3 % x 1J4 6x2 7^x2% 10x2% 73^x2% 10 X 2%
5x2% 5 X 2 )4 , 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2 6x2
When the BIO Knob is w anted in place of the B12 or the SIO in place of the S12, prefix 0 to the num ber in either instance, example 05207B290 etc. When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith w hich lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws, t Packed w ith one-half trim . Specify finish w anted, see page two.
CLIFF DESIGN W r o u g h t B ro n ze a n d S te e l Illustrations one-quarter size Bronze No.
Size Inches
B5400 B5424 B5407 B5415 B5425 B5410 B5430 B5440
X 4 X 1% 7 X 2M
B5422 B5420 B5404 B12 BIO
7 x 2 U
8x21^ 10x27^ 10x27^ 10x2% 10x27^ 4 X 4 x
2M xl^ 2J€ 2M
Steel No.
Keyhole E scu tcheo n .............................. Closet E scutcheon..................................... Inside E scutcheon.................................................. Inside Escutcheon w ith turnpiece................ ................ Flush Cup Escutcheon.................................................. Outside E scutcheon............................................... Push P la te ........................................................ Door Pull, Grip No. A27........................................................ Door Pull, Grip No. 27........................................................... Electric Push B u tto n .............................................................. Flush Sash L ift......................................................................... Door Knobs, two piece, Doz. P r .......................................... Door Knobs, one piece, Doz. P r .......................................... Door Knobs, two piece, Doz. P r .......................................... Door Knobs shown on page 41 ............................................
S5400 S5424 S5407 S5415 S5425 S5410 S5430 S5440 S5422 S5420 S5404 S12 SIO
LOCKSETS W r o u g h t B ro n ze Lock Set No.
5425B530 5425BD530 5424B37 5407B290 5407B381 5410B381 5410B391 5410B390 5410B395
Es3utcheon Knobs Ins.
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro n t B. K. F ron t Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
Outside Size Inches
A530 AD530 A37 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 70 69 64 64 64 48 48
B5404 B5404 B5404 B5404 B5404 B5404 B5404
8 x 23^ 8 x 23^ 4 X1^ 7x2M 7x2Ji 10x2% 10x2% 10x2% 10x2%
7 x 2 K
A250 A255
67 68
B5404 B5404
7x21^ 7x2M
7x23i 7x23i
8 x 23^ 8 x 23^ 4 x IM 7x23^ 7x2M 10x2% 10x2%
8 x 23^
Inside Size Inches
8 x 23^ 8 x 23^ 4x1^ 7x23^ 7x23^ 7 X 234 7 x 2 ) 4 7 x 2 H
C o m m u n ic a t in g S e ts
5415B250 5415B255
Three B olt Split Bolt
W ro u g h t S te e l 5425S530 5425SD530 5424S37 5407S290 5407S381 5410S381 5410S391
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro n t B. K.
S530 SD530 S37 8290 S381 S381 8391
63 53 70 69 64 64 64
85404 85404 85404 85404 85404
4x1% 7 x 23i 7x23^ 7x23i 7x23i
S ubstituting knobs No. B12 in place of B5404, is no extra charge. S ubstituting knobs No. S12 in place of S5404, is no extra charge. When su bstitu ting sta te by B12 knob, example: 5407B290 x B12, etc. S ubstituting knobs No. BIO in place of B5404, knobs No. SIO in place of S5404, prefix 0 to th e number in e ith er instance, example: 05407B290, etc. When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith w hich lock th ey are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. L ocksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
DALE DESIGN W r o u g h t B r o n z e a n d S te e l IITO
Illustrations one-quarter size Bronze No.
Size Inches
B5500 B5524 B5506 B5508 B5515 B5525 B5510 B5530 B5540
2M X 33^x1® ^
B5522 B5520 B5502
33^x1% 33^x1%
6Hx2K 7Vi X 23^ 7Va, X 234 7^x234 10x2K 10x2% 10x2% 10x2% 23i
Steel No.
S5500 S5524 S5506 S5508 S5515 S5525 S5510 S5530
Keyhole E scu tch eo n .................................................................. Closet E scu tch eo n ..................................................................... Inside E scutcheon...................................................................... Inside E scutcheon...................................................................... Inside Escutcheon w ith turn p iece......................................... Flush Cup E s c u tc h e o n ............................................................. O utside E scu tch eo n ................................................................... Push P la te .................................................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. A 27.......................................................... Door Pull, G rip No. 27............................................................. E lectric Push P la te ................................................................... Flush Sash L if t........................................................................... Door Knobs, Doz. P r ................. ...........................................
S5540 S5522 S5520 S5502
LOCKSETS W rought B ronze Escutcheon
Lock Set No.
5525B530 Sliding 5525BD530 Sliding Double 5524B37 Closet 5506B290 Inside 5508B290 Inside 5508B381 V estibule B. K. 5510B381 Vestibule B. K. 5510B391 F ro nt B. K. 5510B390 F ro nt Cyl. 5510B395 Vestibule Cyl.
Knobs 2M In.
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
7^x23^ 7M x23^ 3 > ^ x l^ 634x234
7Vi X 2 3 ^ 7% X 23^
A530 AD530 A37 A290 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 70 69 69 64 64 64 48 48
B5502 B5502 B5502 B5502 B5502 B5502 B5502 B5502
7M X 2M 10x2% 10x2% 10x2% 10x2%
7M 7M 7M 7M
A250 A255
67 68
B5502 B5502
7 M X 23^ 7 M X 23^
7 M x 23^ 7 M X 23^
7 %
3 H x l% 634 X 234 7 V i x 2 y 2
x x x x
23^ 2% 23^ 23^
7 V 4 .X 2 V 2
C o m m u n ic a tin g S e ts
5515B250 5515B255
Three Bolt Split Bolt
W r o u g h t S te e l 5525S520 5525SD530 5524S37 5506 S290 5508S290 5508S381 5510S381 5510S391
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro n t B. K.
S530 SD530 S37 S290 S290 S381 S381 S391
53 53 70 69 69 64 64 64
S5502 S5502 S5502 S5502 S5502 S5502
7M X X 2}^
7 H x 2 V 2
S V 2 x i y s
S V 2 X I H
7 % X 2J^
6M x 2 j i
634 X 2)4,
7H X 2 V 1
7Mx2j^ 7^x2>^ 7M X 7 Mx 2 > ^
7 ^ x 2 ^ 1 0 x 2 V s
10x 2V8
When ordering escutcheons only state w ith w hich lock th ey are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylindor locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
ALPINE DESIGN W r o u g h t B r o n z e a n d S te e l Illustrations one-quarter size
Bronze No.
Size Inches
B5624 B5607 B5615 B5610 B5630 B5640
3 ^ x lK 7x2M 7x2M 10x2^ 10 X 2V4, 10 X 2 % 10x2M 3 ^ x 1 ^ 1 ^ x 3 ^
B5622 B5620 B5602
Steel No.
S5624 S5607 S5615 S5610 S5630
Closet E scutch eo n..................................................................... Inside E scutcheon..................................................................... Inside Escutcheon w ith turn p iece......................................... Outside E scutcheon.................................................................. Push P la te ................................................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. A27......................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. 27............................................................ E lectric Push B u tto n ................................................................ Flush Sash L if t.......................................................................... Door Knobs, Doz. P r ...............................................................
S5640 S5622 S5620 S5602
LOCKSETS W ro u g h t B ro n ze Escutcheon
Lock Set No.
Door No.
5624B37 5607B290 5607B381 5610B381 5610B391 5610B390 5610B395
Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ront B. K. Fro n t Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
2M In.
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
A37 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
70 89 64 64 64 48 48
B5602 B5602 B5602 B5602 B5602 B5602 B5602
3 ^ x lJ^ 7x2M 7 x 2M 10x2M 10x2^ 10x2M 10 x 2 ^
A250 A255
67 68
B5602 B5602
7x21^ 7x2M
7x23^ 7 x 2M
3^xlJ^ 7x2M 7x2M 10x2M
3^xlM 7x2M
X iV z 7x2M 7 x 2M
7 x 2 H
7x2M 7x2M 7 x 2J2
C o m m u n ic a tin g S e ts
5615B250 5615B255
Three B olt Split B olt
W ro u g h t S te e l 5624S37 5607S290 5607S381 5610S381 5610S391
Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro n t B. K.
S27 S290 S381 S381 S391
70 69 64 64 64
S5602 S5602 S5602 S5602 S5602
1 0 x 2 %
7 x 2 } 4
7x2M 7x2M
When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith which lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are Packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Suitable for following finishes: 24 A ntique Copper, 38 Dull Brass, Oxidized and Relieved. 339—Oxidized Brass Relieved, top and edge polished, 449 Oxidized Bronze Relieved, top and edge polished.
ASTORIA DESIGN W r o u g h t B r o n z e a n d S te e l Illustrations one-quarter size
Bronze No.
Size Inches
B5724 B5707 B5715 B5710 B5730 B5740
3 ^ X
B5722 B5720 B5702
3 ^ x l> ^ 1^x3?^
7x2M 7x2M 10x2^
10x2M 10x2M 10x2M 2M
Steel No.
S5724 S5707 S5715 S5710 S5730
C loset E scu tch eo n .................................................................... Inside E scu tch eo n .................................................................... Inside Escutcheon w ith tu m p iece....................................... Outside E scu tch eo n ................................................................. P ush P la te .................................................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. A27 ........................................................ Door Pull, Grip No. 2 7 ............................................................. E lectric Push B u tto n ................................................................. Flush Sash L if t........................................................................... Door Knobs, Doz. P r ................................................................
S5740 S5722 S5720 S5702
LOCKSETS W rought B ronze Lock Set No.
5724B37 5707B290 5707B381 5710B381 5710B391 5710B390 5710B395
Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ront B. K. Front Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
Knobs 2M In.
A37 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
70 69 64 64 64 48 48
B5702 B5702 B5702 B5702 B5702 B5702 B5702
A250 A255
67 68
B5702 B5702
C o m m u n ic Jtin g Sets
5715B250 5715B255
Three Bolt Split Bolt
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size In ch ^
S V s x l V z
s v s
7x2M 7x2M 10x2M 1 0 x 2 %
10x2M 10x2M 7 x 2 H
7 x 2M
7 x 2 ]4 , 7 x 2j J 7 X 2M 7 x2M 7x2M 7x2M 7x2Ji 7x21^
W r o u g h t S te e l 5724S37 5707S290 5707S381 5710S381 5710S391
Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ront B. K.
S37 S290 S381 S381 S391
70 69 64 64 64
S5702 S5702 S5702 S5702 S5702
7 x 2 H 7 x 2 ) 4
10x2M 10x2M
3?^xlH 7x2M 7x2M 7x2M 7 x 2K
When ordering escutcheons only sta te -with w hich lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Suitable for following finishes: 24 Antique Copper, 38 Dull Brass, Oxidized and Relieved. 339 Oxidized B p s s Relieved, top and edge polished, 449 Oxidized Bronze Relieved, top and edge polished.
PLYMOUTH DESIGN W r o u g h t B ro n ze a n d S te e l I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r siz e
Bronze No.
B5806 B5815 AB5801 O PR O PH
Size Inches
IM 2
Steel No.
Inside E scutcheon................................ Inside Escutcheon w ith turn piece......................................... M etal K n o b .............................. Glass K nob............................................. Glass K nob................................................................................
S.'5806 S5815 MS5801 O PR O PH
LOCKSETS W ro u g h t B ro n ze Lock Set No.
5806B290 OPR5806B290 OPH5806B290
Inside Inside Inside
A290 A290 A290
Size Inches
69 69 69
2 IM
Outside Size Inches 5 % X 13^ 5 } 4 X 13^ 534 X l A
Inside Size Inches
5J ^x 1^ 6>^x IM
W ro u g h t S te e l 5806S290 OPR5806S290 OPH5806S290
Inside Inside Inside
S290 S290 S290
69 69 69
MS5801 O PR O PH
53^ X 134 2 IM
When ordering escutcheons only state w ith w hich lock they are to be used. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
134 V A
53 ^ x l > ^
GLENN DESIGN W r o u g h t B r o n z e a n d S te e l Illustrations one-quarter size
S ill
_y iiiiiiiil
Bronze No.
Size Inches
Steel No.
B7100 B7124 B7105 B7107 B7115 B7125 B7110 B7130 B7130 B7130 B7140 B7140 B7140
1% X 3x1^ 5V2Xiya
Keyhole E scu tch eo n .................................................................. Closet E scutcheon...................................................................... Inside E scutcheon....................................................................... Inside E scutcheon...................................................................... Inside Escutcheon w ith tu rn p ie c e .......................................... Flush Cup E scutcheon............................................................... Outside E scu tch eo n ................................................................... Push P la te .................................................................................... Push P la te .................................................................................... Push P l a t e .................................................................................. Door Pull, G rip No. A27.......................................................... Door Pull, G rip No. A 27.......................................................... Door Pull G rip No. A 28......................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. 27............................................................. Door Pull, Grip No. 27............................................................. Door Pull. Grip N o. 2 3 ............................................................. E lectric Push B u tto n ................................................................ Flush Sash L ift, Shown on page 107..................................... D oor Knobs, one piece. Doz. P r ............................................. D oor Knobs, two piece, Doz. P r ............................................
S7100 S7124 S7105 S7107 S7115 S7125 S7110 S7130 S7130 S7130
B7122 B7120 B12 BIO
7x2j4 7x2H 10x2% 10x2% 12 X 3 14 x 3 10 X 2% 12 X 3 14x3 10 x 2 M 12x3 1 4 x3 3x1^ 3x1^ 2Ji
S7140 S7140 S7140 S7122 S7120 S12 SIO
LOCKSETS W ro u g h t B ro n ze Lock Set No.
7125B530 Sliding 7125BD530 Sliding Double 7124B37 Closet 7105B290 Inside 7107B290 Inside 7107B381 Vestibule B. K. 7110B381 Vestibule B. K. 7110B391 F ront B. K. 7110E390 F ront Cyl. 7110B395 Vestibule Cvl. B ath Room f7115B293
Knobs 2M In.
A530 AD530 A37 A290 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395 A293
53 53 70 69 69 64 64 64 48 48 66
B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12 B12
A250 A255
67 68
B12 B12
Escutcheon Outside Size Inside Size Inches In c h ^
7 X 234 7 x 2H ^X lV s 534 X V/s 7x2M
7x2}4 10 X 2% 10x2M 10x2% 10 x 2%
C o m m u n ic a tin g Sets
7115B250 7115B255
Three Bolt Split B o lt...................
7 x2U 7 x 2H 3 X 15^ 5 K x lK 7 x 2M
7x2}i 7x 2 3 4 7x2 34 7x234 7x23^ 7x2H
7x2M 7x23^
7 x2}i 7 x 2H
7x2M 7x2M 3 x 15^
7x2M 7x2j^ 3x15^
W ro u g h t S te e l 7125S530 Sliding 7125SD530 Sliding Double 7124S37 -Closet 7105S290 Inside ' 7107S290 Inside 7107S381 Vestibule B. K. 7110S381 Vestibule B. K. 7110S391 Front B. K. B ath Room t7115S293
S530 SD530 S37 S290 S290 S381 S381 S391 S293
53 53 70 69 69 64 64 64 66
S12 S12 S12 S12 S12 S12 S12
7 x 2 H 7 x 2 l i
10 X 2 % 10x2M
5 V 2
7 x 2 H 7 x 2 H 7 x 2 H 7 x 2 H 7 x 2 } 4
When ordering escutcheons only sta te with -which lock th ey are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws, t Packed w ith one-half trim . Specify finish w anted, see page two. When th e BIO knob is w anted in place of th e B12 or the SIO in place of the S12, prefix 0 to the number in either instance, example 07107B290, etc.
RUTLAND DESIGN W r o u g h t B r o n z e a n d S te e l I llu s t r a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size Bronze No.
Size Inches
B9124 B9108 B9115 B9125 B9110 B9130 B9140
4x1^ 8x2^ 8x2^ 8x 2 5 ^ 10x3 10x3 10x3 10 X 3 4x1^ 4x1^ 4x1^ 2Ji
C loset E scutcheon ..................................................................... Inside E scutcheon...................................................................... Inside E scutcheon w ith turn p iece......................................... Flush Cup Escutcheon.............................................................. Outside E scu tch eo n ............................................................. Push P la te ................................................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. A27....................................................... Door Pull, Grip No. 27............................................................ E lectric Push B u tto n ............................................................... Drop D raw er P u ll...................................................................... Flush Sash L if t.......................................................................... Door Knobs, Doz. P r ...............................................................
B9122 B9121 B9120 B9102
Steel No.
S9124 S9108 S9115 S9125 S9110 S9130 S9140 S9122 S9121 S9120 S9102 9110B390
LOCKSETS W ro u g h t B ron ze Escutcheon
Lock Set No.
9125B530 9125BD530 9124B37 9108 B290 9108B381 9110B381 9110B391 9110B390 9110B395
Knobs 2M In.
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ront B. K. Front Cyl. Vestibule Cyl.
A530 AD530 A37 A290 A381 A381 A391 A390 A395
53 53 70 69 64 64 64 48 48
A250 A255
67 68
Outside Size Inches
Inside Size Inches
B9102 B9102 B9102 B9102 B9102 B9102 B9102
8 x 2Vs 8x2% 4 x IJ^ 8x2% 8x2% 10x3 10x3 10x3 10x3
8x2% 8x2% 4x1% 8x2% 8x2% 8x2% 8x2% 8x2% 8x2%
B9102 B9102
8x2% 8x2%
8x2% 8x2%
8x2% 8x2% 4x1% 8x2% 8x2% 10x3 10x3
8x2% 8x2% 4x1% 8x2% 8x2% 8x2% 8x2%
C o m m u n ic a tin g S e ts
9115B250 9115B255
Three B olt Split B olt
W r o u g h t S te e l 91258530 9125SD530 9124S37 9108S290 9108S381 9110S381 9110S391
Sliding Sliding Double Closet Inside Vestibule B. K. Vestibule B. K. F ro n t B. K.
8530 SD530 837 8290 8381 8381 8391
53 53 70 69 64 64
89102 89102 89102 89102 89102
When ordering escutcheons only sta te w ith w hich lock they are to be used. Specify thickness of doors for cylinder locks. Locksets are packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
FRENCH WINDOW LOCKSETS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size Nos. 7105S352 a n d 7105B352
Nos. 105M352 a n d 105A352
H Nos. D5400S352 a n d D5400B352
Nos. 5400S352 a n d 5400B352
C ast Iro n P la te d Lock
Set No.
Lever Handle 2 In. No.
Size, Inches
Roses 1% In. No.
C ast B ro n ze 105A352
A352 ,
W ro u g h t S te e l K n o b a n d E sc u tc h e o n s, C ast Iro n R o ses a n d L ever H a n d le 7105S352 5400S352
352 352
69 .69
MS5801 MS5801
44 44
87105 S5400
5x1 iM xlM
34 34
W r o u g h t S te e l E sc u tc h e o n s, Ir o n Lever H a n d le a n d R o ses, G la ss K n o b D5400S352
W r o u g h t B r o n z e K n o b a n d E sc u tc h e o n s, C ast B r o n z e R o ses a n d L ever H a n d le 7105B352 5400B352
A352 A352
69 69
AB5801 AB5801
A44 A44
B7105 B5400
5x1 iM xlJi
A34 A34
W r o u g h t B r o n z e E sc u tc h e o n s, C ast B ro n ze Lever H a n d le a n d R oses, G la ss K n o b D5400B352
All above locks have in. backset, as described on page 69. When other backsets are required, make selection from locks described on page 69. Substituting 3 tum bler locks suffix % to set number. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
SECTIONAL INSIDE SETS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
000DCA290 Jefferson
0400DA290 Ridge
1000A290 P rin c e to n
400LDCA290 R idge
1700A290 R o se m o n t
2900A290, 2900M290 P ark sid e
2200A290 C r e s tm o n t
3400A290 U p lan d
C ast B r o n z e K n o b s, R o ses a n d E sc u tc h e o n s Lock
Set No.
000DCA290 0400DA290 400LDCA290 1000A290 1700A290 2200A290 2900A290 3100A290 3400A290
A290 A290 A290 A290 A290 A290 A290 A290 A290
69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69
A201 A202 A201 A1003 A1702 A2202 A2902 A3402 A3402
Size, Inches
IM 2 2M 2 M
2M 2M 2M
A34 A35 A34 A1035 A1735 A2235 A2935 A3135 A3435
Size, Inches
2 IM 2 2x2 2x2 2x2 2^ 2K
One set in a box, w ith screws. The C ast Sets are regularly furnished w ith Model C Mounting as shown on page 46. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
OOOD A400D A400LD AlOOO A1700 A2200 A2900 A3100 A3400
Size, Inches
2xK 1/^ X l ^ s 2x1 2 x V s
1^ x 13^ 2V %
2 8
SECTIONAL INSIDE SETS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
4900A290 M em orial
5400B290, 5400S290 Cliff
PR000DA290 Jefferson
G1700A290 R o se m o n t
D3100A290 R aleigh
M3400A290 S tyle of N3400A290 U p la n d
CH300A290 C arso n ia
I G3400A290 S ty le of D3400A290 U p la n d
C ast B r o n z e K n o b s, R o ses a n d E sc u tc h e o n s Lock
Set No. Size, Inches
Escutcheons Size, Inches
W r o u g h t B ro n ze K n o b s, R o ses a n d E sc u tc h e o n s B35 A290 69 1 B12 2 2M
l U
W ro u g h t S te e l K n o b s, R o ses a n d E sc u tc h e o n s 2 835 8290 69 1 812 2M
Size, Inches
G la ss K n o b s w ith C ast B ro n ze S h a n k s, R o ses a n d E s c u tc h e o n s PR000DA290 CH300A290 G1700A290 D3100A290 G3400A290 D3400A290
A290 A290 A290 A290 A290 A290
69 69 69 69 69 69
2 2M 2M
2H m
A34 A335 A1735 A3134 A3435 A3434
m 3 % x 2M 2x2 IM 2M
AOOOD A300 A1700 A3400 A3400 A3400
2x% 2H X I p s 1^x11^ m I H
O pal K n o b s w ith C ast B r o n z e S h a n k s, R o ses a n d E sc u tc h e o n s M3400A290 N3400A290
A290 A290
69 69
2 H I H
A3435 A3434
A3400 A3400
One Set in a box, -with screws. The cast sets are regularly furnished w ith Model C M ounting and the w rought sets w ith S tandard M ounting as shown on page 46. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
SECTIONAL INSIDE SETS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
'■t /
I F3500A290 A lto n
G3500A290 x 4735 Rose C am bridge
OCH5400B290 Clift
OG5400B290, OG5400S290 G400A290 R idge a n d Cliff
G la ss K n o b s w ith C ast B r o n z e S h a n k s, R o ses a n d E sc u tc h e o n s Lock Set No.
A290 A290 A290
F3500A290 G3500A290 G400A290
Knobs Page
Size, Inches
69 69 69
25^ x 2
Size, Inches
A3535 A4735 A35
2 %
A3500 A3500 A400
2M 2
Size, Inches X 1 iM xl 1 %
1% X
1 ^ 8
G la ss K n o b s w it h W r o u g h t B ro n ze S h a n k s, R o ses a n d E sc u tc h e o n s OG5400B290 OCH5400B290
B290 B290
69 69
B35 B35
2M 2M
2 2
B5400 B.5400
iM xiM iM xiM
G la ss K n o b s w it h W r o u g h t B ro n ze vShanks, S te e l R o ses a n d E sc u tc h e o n s OG5400S290 OCH5400S290
8290 8290
69 69
835 835
2M 214
2 2
85400 85400
iM xlM iM xlM
SCREEN DOOR LOCKSETS S to p , on in sid e, locks th e la tc h b o lt
I 7104B67 a n d 7104S67
R . B. S trik e
t 7104B68 a n d 7104S68
5203B25 a n d 5203S25
J a p a n n e d Iro n C ase, S iz e IV2 X I V 4 X V 2 in .. F r o n t 2 V s x % in ., B a c k se t 1V4 in . Number
7104B67 7104867
Knob, If In. Material
Lever 2 In. Material | No.
C ast Bronze Wrought Bronze A B ll C ast Bronze W rought Steel M811 Wrought Steel C ast Iron
C ast Bronze C ast Iron
J a p a n n e d Ir o n C ase, S iz e 2 x l% x V 2 in .. F r o n t 7104B68 7104868
C ast Bronze Wrought Bronze A B ll C ast Bronze W rought Steel M S ll Wrought Steel C ast Iron
A43 43
Escutcheon, 4 x Material
\y%In. No.
W rought Bronze B7104 W rought Steel 87104
in ., B a c k se t IV4 in .
C ast Bronze C ast Iron
A43 43
Wrought Bronze B7104 W rought Steel 87104
C ase, S ize, I V a m V A Number
Knob IV2 In. Material No.
Lever 2 In. Material No.
Escutcheon, 3H ^ IK Material No.
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze A25 Cast Bronze A25 W rought Bronze B5203 Cast Bronze 5203B25 C ast Iron 25 Cast Iron 25 C ast Iron C ast Iron Wrought Steel S5203 5203S25 R. B. Strike for doors opening out. When ordering th is strike suffix R. B. to the number, as 5203B25RB, etc. Nos. 7104B67 to 7104868, one set in a box; others, three sets, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r siz e
I Lock
Set No.
71158293 .52158293
L ow land a n d A byss
W r o u g h t S te e l K n o b s a n d E s c u tc h e o n s
G le n n a n d Brook
8293 8293
66 66
Yi Pair Knobs 1% In. No. 812 812
One Escutcheon Design No,
Size, Inches
87115 8.5215
7x2M 6x2
Glenn Lowland
W r o u g h t B r o n z e K n o b s a n d E sc u tc h e o n s 7115B293 5215B293
A293 A293
B12 B12
66 66
B7115 B5215
7x2% 6x2
Glenn Lowland
C ast B ro n ze K n o b s a n d E sc u tc h e o n s 115A293 215A293
A293 A293
A202 A202
66 66
A115 A215
7>^x2M 7 H X 2M
Brook Abyss
G le n n a n d B rook
^ G le n n a n d B rook
L ow land a n d A byss
L ow land a n d A byss
W ro u g h t B r o n z e K n o b s a n d E sc u tc h e o n s Lock Set No.
7115B250 5215B250 7115B255 5215B255
A250 A250 A255 A255
67 67 68 68
One Pair Knobs 2M In. No.
B12 B12 B12 B12
One Pair Escutcheons Design No.
^ize, Inches
B7115 B5215 B7115 B5215
7x2M 6x2 7x2% 6x2
Glenn Lowland Glenn Lowland
C ast B r o n z e K n o b s a n d E sc u tc h e o n s 67 A202 A250 A115 7>^ x 2% 115A250 Brook 67 A202 A215 A250 7>^x2K 215A250 Abyss A202 6S A115 A255 115A255 m X 2M Brook A202 68 A215 A255 73 ^ x 2% 215A255 Abyss When the BIO Knob is w anted instead of the B12, or the 810 instead of the 812, Prefix 0 to the num ber on w rought sets in either instance, example, 07107B290 etc. Packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
STORE DOOR HANDLE LOCKSETS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
7114B560and7114S560 S tyle of 7112B560and7112S560 G le n n
7114B590 S tyle of 7112B590 G le n n Lock
Handle No. One Pair
Set No.
7112S560 7112B560 7114S560 7114B560 7114B590 7112B590 114A590 116A590 120A890 214A.590 216A590 220A890
560 A560 560 A560 A590 A590 A590 A590 A890 A590 A590 A890
64 64 64 64 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52
120A890 S tyle of 114A590 a n d 116A590 w ith d iffe re n t g rip Brook Handle Center to Center Inches
Plates Size, Inches
27 A27 28 A28 A28 A27 A4390 A28 A4290 A4390 A28 A4290
12x3 12 X 3 14x3 14x3 14 x 3 12x3 14 X 3 16x33^ 20 X 4 14x3 16 X 3 1 4 20 x 4
^ ^ 5^ 53^ 5 ^ 43^ 43 43
5 ^ 734
5H 5Vo 7U
220A890 S tyle of 214A590 a n d 216A590 w ith d iffe re n t grip A byss Material
W rought Steel W rought Bronze W rought Steel W rought Bronze W rought Bronze W rought Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
Grip and Thumb Piece
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron Bronze Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
Especially a d a p te d fo r M ill a n d F a c to ry D oors, E x tra heavy h a n d le s a n d large p la te s, J a p a n n e d F in is h S20A890
Packed one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
20 x 4
| W rought Steel
| Cast. Iron
STORE DOOR HANDLE LOCKSETS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size
1320A890 S tyle of 1316A590 w ith d iffe re n t g rip Chicago
920A890 S ty le of 916A590 w ith d iffe re n t grip R o u en
Lock Set No.
916A590 920A890 1316A590 1320A890 2016A.590 2020A890 2116A590 2120A890
A590 A890 A590 A890 A.590 A890 A.‘590 A890
52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52
P acked one set in a box, w ith screws. Specify finisli w anted, see page two.
2020A890 S tyle of 2016A590 w ith d iffe re n t g rip P in e h u r s t
Handle No. One Pair
Plates Size, Inches
A4390 A3090 A4390 A3090 A4390 A4290 A27 A3090
16x3}^ 20x4 16 X 3 3 ^ 20 X 4 16x33^ 20 X 4 16 X 3 3 ^ 20x4
Handle Center to Center, Inches
5 H
5M 5M 5 H
5M 7M 43 ^ 5 H
2120A890 S ty le of 2116A590 w ith d iffe re n t grip B ren tw o o d
Material Plates
Cast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
Grip and
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast Cast C ast C ast
Thumb Piece Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
STORE DOOR AND RESIDENCE LOCKSETS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size
In sid e T rim fo r R esidence S ets O nly
No. 1790A490 R o se m o n t
No. 2490A490 M elrose
No. 2890A490 Fairview
No. 4390A490 B rooklyn OUTSIDE-TRIM
One-half Pair Handles and Cylinder Collar Cast Bronze
Set No. No.
1790A490 2490A490 2890A490 4390A490
A490 A490 A490 A490
Handle No.
Center to Center Inches
A2690 A2490 A4390 A2690
50 50 50 50
Sij ze
Overall Inches
7 6
13M X
5 H 7
U V s
l S } i x 2 y 2
X 2M
Glass Knob 2M In. No.
Wrought Bronze Escutcheons IM X1J€ In. No.
Cast Bronze Turnpiece m x V s
A53 A53 A53 A53
B5446 B5446 B5446 B5446
Sets are regularly packed w ith w rought bronze inside trim as shown ^bove, but any o ther w rought bronze design can be su bstituted, if so desired a t no extra charge. See w rought designs, pages 17 to 25. C ast inside trim can be furnished a t an extra charge.
One-half Pair Handles and Cylinder Collar Cast Bronze
Set No. No.
1790A590 2490A590 2890A590 4390A590
A590 A590 A590 A590
Packed one set in a box. Specify thickness of door. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
Page b'Z
52 52 52
Handle No.
A2690 A2490 A4390 A2690
Center to Center Inches
7 6 7
Size Overall Inches
1 4x3J ^ 12M X 2 ^ 12^x21^ 1 3 ^ x 2M
Cast Bron 2 e Description
Same Same Same Same
as as as as
Outside Outside Outside Outside
STORE DOOR AND RESIDENCE LOCKSETS I llu s t r a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
In s id e T rim F o r R esidence S e ts O nly L e ft H a n d I llu s tr a tio n
No. 4790A490 H a rv a rd
No. 3213A490 R u s tic R ig h t H a n d I llu s tr a tio n
No. 2690A490 M a rlin
No. 2590A490 L ex in gton
One-half P air Handles and Cylinder Collar Cast Bronze
Set No. No.
4790A490 2690A490 3213A490 2590A490
A490 A490 A490 A490
Handle No.
A3590 A2690 A3290 A4290
50 50 50 50
Center to Center Inches
Size Overall Inches
Glass Knob 2M In. No.
7 5 7M
13J ^x3 15x3 12Mx4M 15H X 2 ) 4 .
Wrought Bronze Escutcheons IM X I J i In. No.
B5446 B5446 B5446 B5446
Cast Bronze Turnpiece I J i X ^ In. No.
A53 A53 A53 A53
Sets are regularly packed w ith w rought bronze inside trim as shown above, b u t any other w rought bronze design can be su bstitu ted , if so desired a t no extra charge. See w rought designs, pages 17 to 25. C ast Inside trim can be furnished a t an ex tra charge.
4790A590 2690A590 2590A590
One-half Pair Handles and Cylinder Collar Cast Bronze
Handle No.
A590 A590 A590
52 52 52
A3.‘>90 A2690 A4290
P acked one set in a box. Specify thickness of door. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
Center to Center Inches
Size Overall Inches
12j^x3 14x3 1 4 ^ X 2Vi
Cast Bronze Description
Same as Outside Same as Outside Same as Outside
STORE DOOR AND RESIDENCE LOCKSETS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size
In s id e T rim F or R esid en ce S ets O nly
No. 3090A490 F e rn
No. 3490A490 U p la n d
No. 4290A490 B rookfield No. 2790A490 D elm ar OUTSIDE-TRIM Lock
One-half Pair Handles and Cylinder Collar Cast Bronze
Set No. No.
Handle No.
Center to Center Inches
Size Overall
Glass Knob 2M In. No.
Wrought Bronze Escutcheons In. No.
Cast Bronze Turnpiece I M X ^ In. No.
OG A490 50 A3090 3090A490 B5446 13M X 2M A53 5M A2790 OG A490 50 2790A490 B5446 m A53 18x 2M A4290 1 5J^ X 3 OG A490 50 4290A490 B5446 A53 7 H A4290 OG 50 15M x 3 A490 3490A490 B5446 A53 7^A Sets are regularly packed w ith wrought bronze inside trim as shown above, but any other wrought bronze design can be substituted , if so desired a t no extra charge. See w rought designs, pages 17 to 25. C ast Inside trim can be furnished a t an extra charge.
One-half Pair Handles and Cylinder Collar Cast Bronze
Set No, No.
3090A590 2790A590 4290A590 3490A.S90
A590 A590 A590 A590
Packed one set in a box. Specify thickness of door. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
52 52 52 52
Handle No.
A3090 A2790 A4290 A4290
Center to Center Inches
5k m
7 H
Cast Bronze Size Overall Inches
12^ X 1 7 x 2 % W A X3 14M x3
Same Same Same Same
as as as as
Outside Outside Outside Outside
STORE DOOR AND RESIDENCE LOCKSETS Illu str a tio n s on e-q u arter size
In sid e T rim F o r R esid en ce S e ts O nly
No. 4090A490 B e rk sh ire No. 3890A490 B e lm o n t
No. 3590A490 A lton
One-halfPairHandles and Cylinder C ollai^C ast Bronze
Set No.
Handle No.
Center to Center Inches
Size Overall Inches
Glass Knob 2M in. No.
Wrought Bronze Escutcheon IM X IM In. No.
Cast Bronze Turnpiece IM X ^ In. No.
60 A3090 A490 071 14M X 23^ A53 3890A490 B5446 5M 50 A3590 U H X2V s A490 071 3590A490 B5446 A53 m 50 A3090 A490 071 U U X 2 V 2 4090A490 B5446 A53 50 A4290 A490 15x3 071 4190A490 A53 7 H B5446 Sets are regularly packed w ith w rought bronze inside trim as shown above, but any other w rought bronze design can be substituted, if so desired a t no extra charge. See w rought designs, pages 17 to 25. C ast inside trim can be furnished a t an ex tra charge.
One-half Pair Handles and Cylinder Collar—Cast Bronze
Set No.
3890A590 3590A590 4090A590 4190A590
A590 A590 A590 A590
Packed one set in a box. Specify thickness of door. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
52 52 52
Handle No.
A3090 A3590 A3090 A4290
Center to Center Inches 5 %
Cast Bronze
Size Overall Inches
13Mx2^ 13M X 2H X 21^
Same Same Same Same
as as as as
Outside Outside Outside Outside
BIT KEY SECTIONAL HANDLE DOOR SETS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size
m 0 k > m s^ \m £ .
Im k
No. 4390A470 S ty le of 4390M470 B ro o k ly n
No. 1490A470 S ty le of 1490M470 C oncord
In s id e T rim
No. 1790A470 S ty le of 1790M470 R o se m o n t
No. 2890A470 S ty le of 2890M740 Farview
One-half Pair Handles and Key Plate Cast Bronze
Wrought Bronze
Lock Set No.
4390A470 1490A470 2890A470 1790A470
Handle No.
A470 A470 A470 A470
63 63 63 63
A4390 A1490 A4390 A1790
Size Overall Inches
Center to Center Inches
12^ 5M 5M 5^
12 X 23^ 13x2>^ 123^x33^
Knob 2M In. No.
Escutcheon 7 X 2M In. No.
B12 B12 B12 B12
B7115 B7115 B7115 B7115
OUTSIDE-TRIM Lock One-half Pair Handles and Key Plate Cast Iron
Set No. No.
4390M470 1490M470 2890M470 1790M47©
M470 M470 M470 M470
63 63 63 63
Handle No.
M4390 M1490 M4390 M1790
Center to Center Inches
5 % 5V2
x 2 H
1 2 x 2 } 4
13x2^ 12^x31^
Escutcheon 7 x2}i In. No.
S12 S12 S12 S12
S7115 S7115 S7115 S7115
Size Overall Inches 1 2 %
2M In. .
C ast Bronze sets are regularly packed w ith w rought bronze inside trim of the Glenn Design, b u t any other w rought bronze design can be sub stituted , if so desired a t no extra charge. See w rought designs, pages 17 to 25. C ast inside trim can be furnished a t an extra charge. P acked one set in a box. Specify thickness of door. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
SECTIONAL CYLINDER FRONT DOOR AND VESTIBULE KNOB SETS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size
N o. 4990A690 M em orial
No. 4390A690 B rooklyn
No. 2690A690 M a rlin
No. 1790A690 R o se m o n t
No. 1490A690 C oncord
No. 2890A690 Fairview
No. 2290A690 C r e s tm o n t
No. 4590A690 W a sh in g to n
No. 3490A690 U p la n d
No. 3090A690 F e rn
C ast B ro n ze ODTSIDE-TRIM Lock Set No.
4390A690 4990A690 1490A690 1790A690 2690A690 2290A690 2890A690 4590A690 3090A690 3490A690
Cylinder Collar
Size, Inches
A690 A690 A690 A690 A690 A690 A690 A690 A690 A690
49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49
A4395 A4995 A1495 A179.5 A2695 A2295 A2895 A4595 A3095 A3495
2% x2Vi 2%x2H 2]/2 X 2)4, 2^x25^ 3 x 2 ^ 23^ x 2 ^ 2^ x 2 ^ 2^ X 2 j ^ 2M x 2 M 2 M X 2%
A4335 A4935 A1435 Am.*; A2635 A2235 A2835 A4535 A303.5 A3435
Size, Inches
2> ^ x 2 3 ^ 2 2 x2 2% X 2^4 23
^ x 2 ^
23^ x 2 1 ^ 2x2 2 to X 2 ^ 2> ^ x 2 ^ 2M x 2 M
2H In. A202 A4904 A902 A1702 A2202 A2202 A202 A2902 A902 A3402
If w anted in Vestibule set su b stitu te lock No. A695. Example, 4390A695, etc. Specify finish w anted, see page two. Packed one set in a box.
Size Overall Inches
7 x 2 ^ 7 x 2% 6^ x 2 1 ^ x 2 7x2M 634 X 2 Q}4 X 2 63^ x 2 7 x 2 % 7 x 2 %
Knob and Rose Description
Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same Same
as as as as as as as as as as
Outside Outside O utside O utside O utside O utside O utside Outside Outside Outside
Turn Piece Plate No.
A4346 A4946 A1446 A1746 A2646 A2246 A2846 A4546 A3046 A3446
DOOR KNOBS EMBLEMATIC, MONOGRAM AND CUT GLASS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -th ir d size
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Sym bol Z Style of Sym bol W C u t Glass
Fig. 4
Fig. 3
Sym bol X S tyle of Sym bol U C u t Glass
Sym bol Y Style of Sym bol V C ut Glass
CG C ut Glass
PG C ut Glass
Figures 1-2-3 and 4 represent a few of the E m blem atic or Monogram Kiiobs w hich we are prepared to furnish. Special E m blem atic or M onogram K nobs made to order. Price on application. K nobs w ith cast brass shanks priced w ith cast brass roses, w rought brass shanks w ith w rought brass roses.
R ose Symbol in Sets No.
w u X
A34 A35 A35 A34 A35 A34 A35 A35
Knob Size Inches
Size Inches
2M IM 2M 2M
2M 2M IM 2M
2M 2M
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass
C lear C lear C lear Clear C lear Clear C lear Clear
C ut C ut C ut C ut Cut C ut Cut C ut
Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass
The knobs w ith cast brass and w rought brass shanks are regularly furnished w ith Model C moimting, as shown on page 46. Specify finish w anted, .see page two.
GLASS DOOR KNOBS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e - t h ir d size
Sym bol W R S ty le of S ym bol OWR P re sse d G lass
S ym b o l N S ty le of S y m b o l M O pal G lass
Sym bol RH S tyle of S y m b o l DH P ressed G lass
S ym b o l N R S ty le of S ym bo ls R R -O N R O R R . P re sse d G lass
S ym b o l L S ty le of S ym bol OL P re sse d G lass
S y m b ol F S ty le of S y m b o l O F -P F P re sse d G lass
■j S I ,1!...
Sym bol G S tyle of S ym bol O G -D P ressed G lass
Sym bol DR
Sym bol OEH P re sse d G lass F ire Po lish ed
S ym bol CH S ty le of S ym bol M H -P H -O C H -O M H P re sse d G lass Rose Sym bol in Sets
A35 A34 A35 B35 A35 A35 A35 A35 B35 B35 A35 B35 A35 B35 A34 A35 B35 A35 B35 A34 A35 A35 A34 B35 B35 B35 A35 B35
Size, Inches
K nob Size Inches
v> A
2 2M 2M 2M 2M 2 2 2M 2 2M 2 IM 2M 2 2 Ji 2 IM 2M 2M
2M 2M 2 2M 2M 2 2M 2 2M 2M 2M 2M m 2 H 2 H 2 H
2M m
2M 2V 8
2 2 2 2M 2
2M 2/^ 2M 2M 2M
Sym bol H S ty le of S ym bol OH P re sse d G lass
C ast Brass C ast Brass C ast Brass W rought Brass C ast Brass C ast Brass C ast Brass C ast Brass Wrought Brass W rought Brass C ast Brass Wrought Brass C ast Brass Wrought Brass C ast Brass C ast Brass W rought Brass C ast Brass W rought Brass C ast Brass C ast Brass C ast B rass C ast Brass W rought Brass W rought Brass W rought Brass C ast Brass Wrought Brass
D escription
Opal Glass Opal Glass', Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed C lear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed C lear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed C lear Pressed C lear Pressed C lear Pressed Clear Pressed Clear Pressed
Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass, Fii'e Polished Glass Glass
The knobs w ith cast brass and w rought brass shanks are regularly furnished wdth Model C mounting, as shown on page 46. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
DOOR KNOBS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -th ir d size
M in e ra l C lass 500
P o rcelain C lass 600 Mortise No.
Rim No.
500 600 700 514 614 714 518 618 718
505 605 705
Jet C lass 700
^ In. Spindles Knob Top
M ineral Porcelain Je t M ineral Porcelain Je t M ineral Porcelain Je t
Japanned Iron Shank and Rose Japanned Iron Shank and Rose Japanned Iron Shank and Rose Iron Shank A ntique Copper Finish Iron Shank A ntique Copper Finish Iron Shank Antique Copper Finish Iron Shank D ull Brass Finish Iron Shank Dull Brass Finish Iron Shank Dull Brass Finish
T he above are all for S tandard M ounting as shown on page 46.
SIO a n d BIO
S12, B12 a n d A202, A203 T y p e of M S ll, A B ll A201, MS202, AB202
K) A1003
MS5801 AB5801 N u m b er
s io BIO S12 B12 A202 A203 A201 M S ll A B ll MS202 AB202 A404 MS5801 AB5801 A 100.3
Two Piece 2 1 4 i n . Two Piece 2M in. One Piece 234 in. One Piece 2}^ in. 2M in. 2 in. 1 % in. One Piece 1 % in. One Piece 1 % in. One Piece 214 inOne Piece 23^ in. 2 ^ in. One Piece 1% in One Piece 1 % in. in.
M aterial
W rought S te e l........................................................... W rought B ronze....................................................... W rought S teel........................................................... W rought B ronze....................................................... C ast B ronze............................................................... C ast B ro n ze.............................................................. C ast B ronze............................................................... W rought Steel Top, C ast Iron B o tto m .............. W rought Bronze Top, C ast Bronze B ottom . . . W rought Steel Top, C ast Iron B o tto m .............. Wrought Bronze Top, C ast Bronze B o tto m .. . . C ast Bronze............................................................... W^rought Steel Top, C ast Iron B o tto m .............. W rought Steel Top, C ast Iron B o tto m .............. C ast B ronze..............................................................
Mountings shown on page 46. For other knobs see designs. C ast Knobs one pair in a box; others, six pairs in a box. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
M ounting
Standard S tandard Standard Standard C C
Standard Standard Standard Standard C C C
KNOB ROSES I llu s t r a tio n s o n e - h a lf siz e
A3135 S ty le of A3134
N um ber
B35 S35 A3135 A3134 A35 A34 A135 A435 A438 A38
A438 w ith A uxiliary S p rin g
Size, Inches
2 2 2M IM 2M 2M x2M 2x1^ 2 } i x lV 8
A38 w ith A uxiliary S p rin g
D escription
W rought Bronze W rought Steel C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze w ith Auxiliary Spring C ast Bronze w ith Auxiliary Spring
Roses pack one dozen in a box, w ith screws. Auxiliary roses should be used w ith oval knobs and lever handles. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
No. 22
S ty le of No. 20, 21 No. 32
S ty le of No. 30, 31
M a c h in e B o lt a n d N u t
Size Inches
20 21 22
D escription
C lear Pressed Glass Clear Pressed Glass Clear Pressed Glass
Packed w ith nickel plated machine bolts and nuts. No. 20, two dozen to a box. No. 21 and 22, one dozen to a box.
39 31 32
Opal Glass Opal Glass Opal Glass
Packed w ith nickel plated machine bolts and nuts. No. 30,two dozen to a box. No. 31 and 32, one dozen to a box.
Size Inches
W ith C ast B ra ss M o u n tin g
No. 40
No. 53 S ty le of No. 50, 51, 52, 54, 55
Size Inches
IV s
D escription
C lear Pressed Glass
Packed w ith machine screws, one inch long. dozen in a box.
50 51 52
Size Inches
% Vs
53 54 55
P acked w ith w^ood screws. F ifty in a box.
Size, Inches
1 IM
Illu str a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
No. 75 No. 76 No.
Size Inches
D escription Size Inches
C lear Pressed Glass
Packed one dozen in a box w ith nickel p lated machine bolts and nuts.
D escription
Opal Class
Packed one dozen in a box, w ith nickel plated machine bolts and nuts.
No. 2 O pal G lass H an g er S ty le of No. 1 C ry sta l G lass H an ger
No. 11 Hook
No. 12 Hook No. 1 No.
Size Inches
D escription No,
1 2 11 12
2^ 2K 2>^
C ry stal Glass Opal Glass C ry stal Glass Opal Glass
Packed two dozen in a box.
Size Inches
Bevel Inches
D escrip tio n
P la in C rystal Glass
Packed w ith screws and washers. One pair in a carton.
SPINDLES Illu str a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
01, 1, 11
4, 14
6, 16
07, 7, 17 iiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiin i
H ii niiiiiiiitiiH im iiiiiiii
133 N um ber
05 05T 05C 20 21 23 24 0 01 1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 07 7 17 8 18 9 19 177 144 133
L ength
2H 2 }4
2^ "2}-4
2J^ 2^ 3^ 3M iV 2 5
5 3^ 4)4 4)4 4M 41^ 4^ 4>^ 3^ 4M 4H 4>^ 4>^ 4J^ 4K 4>^ 4H 4>^
Size, In . 5 16 5 16 5 16 S 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 16 5 16 5 16
% 5 16
% 5 16
16 5 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 5 16
515 D escription
Closet Spindle, C ast Iron Rose, Standard M ounting Closet Spindle, C ast Iron Rose, Model B and C M ounting Closet Spindle, C ast Iron Rose, S tandard M ounting Split Spindle, for Knobs operating locks from one side Split Spindle, for Knobs operating locks from one side Split Spindle, for K nobs operating locks from one side Split Spindle, for Knobs operating locks from one side Five hole Spindle, S tand ard Mounting Six hole Spindle, S tandard Mounting Six hole Spindle, S tandard Mounting Six hole Spindle, Standard Mounting One end d rilled for pin, other end threaded, B M ounting One end d rilled for pin, other end threaded, B Mounting One end threaded, other end drilled and tapped, C x S tan d ard M ounting One end threaded, other end drilled and tapped, C x S tan d ard Mounting Swivel, D rilled and T apped Stan d ard M ounting Swivel, D rilled and T apped Stan d ard M ounting Swivel, T hreaded b o th ends, C Mounting Swivel, T hreaded b o th ends, C Mounting Swivel, B oth ends T hreaded and D rilled and Tapped, C x S tandard Mounting Swivel Both ends T hreaded and D rilled and Tapped, C x S tandard M ounting B oth ends th read ed , C Mounting B oth ends threaded, C Mounting B oth ends threaded, C Mounting Swivel, one end threaded, other end drilled and tapped, C x S tandard M ounting Swivel, one end threaded, o th er end drilled and tapped, C x Standard M ounting Swivel, one end drilled for pin, o th er end th read ed B M ounting Swivel, one end drilled for pin, o ther end threaded, B M ounting Swivel, one end % in. other end in. bo th ends th read ed C M ounting Swivel, one end cut to in., b o th ends drilled and tapped S tandard Mounting Swivel one end threaded, o th er end ^ in. cut to ^ in., drilled and tapped, C or S tan d ard Mounting Swivel, both ends cut to - f s in., drilled and tap p ed S tandard M ounting Swivel, bo th ends cut to A in., threaded C Mountina:
414 4>^ 515 4J^ 1 M ountings described on page 46. Specify if th e spindle is to be used w ith an oval knob. When ordering num bers 05, 05T and 05C specify finish w anted, see page two.
KNOB MOUNTINGS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e - t h ir d siz e
M odel A Screwless F u rn ish ed w ith C ast K nobs only.
Model A
The outside knob is pinned fast to the spindle. The inside knob, by means of the screw shank and lock nut, is adjustable for doors from 1 ^ in. to 2M in. th ick . O ther thicknesses to order. T his m ethod gives a very close fit, and sm ooth action, elim inating any end movement, or binding. The shank is 1 4 , in. diam eter and is m ounted on an escutcheon collar of the same size, w hich gives it a firm bearing and a neat appearance.
M odel B F urnished w ith Cast, or W rought One Piece Knobs.
Model B
The outside knob is held securely in place b y means of a pin locked w ith a nut. The inside knob is held securely by means of a hardened steel set screw w hich operates through th e shank into the groove in the spindle. A djustable for doors from 1 in. to in. thick. O ther th ic k nesses to order. The shank is K in. in diam eter, and is mounted on an escutcheon collar of the same size, w hich gives i t a firm beariag and a neat appearance.
M odel C F urnish ed w ith C ast, W rought One Piece, or Glass K nobs.
Model C
This mounting is the same as Model B shown above, except t h a t adjustm ent can be h ad from both sides by means of the steel set screw. This m ethod is usually used on interior doors, especially w ith glass Jmobs, as the adjustm ent available from one side w ith glass knobs is not usually sufficient. A djustable for doors from 1 in. to 2 ,^ in. thick. O ther thick nesses to order.
Standard M ounting F urnished w ith C ast, W rought, Jet or Porcelain Knobs.
T h is is the common form of knob mounting generally known as standard. B oth knobs are fastened to the spindle by m eans of side knob screws. The spindle is tapped a t several points thus allowing the knob to be set out or in, as required. T he w ashers taking up any end movement th a t m ay exist. A djustable for doors from 1 in. to \ % in. thick. O ther thicknesses to order.
LEVER HANDLE I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size
No. A3145
■iiiiiil No. A44
No. A45
No. A1744 ‘Inches
N um ber
No. A3545
No. A1745
No. A1746
Rose No.
M aterial
A3135 C ast Bronze 3 A3145 A435 C ast Bronze A45 2M 2 A34 C ast Bronze A44 A3535 C ast Bronze A3545 3/^ A1734 C ast Bronze A1744 2^ C ast Bronze A1735 3 A1745 C ast Bronze A 1735 A1746 3M If w anted w ith auxiliary rose, add 3 to the Rose Number; Example A3135 would be A3138 then specify as follows A3145 X A3138. *Measurements from end of handle to center of spindle. D escription of spindles and types of moim tiags on pages 45 and 46. M odel C Moimting regularly furnished. A in. spindle. Six in a box, w ith screws. P riced ith roses.
DROP HANDLES WITH FLUSH CUPS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e - th ir d size
No. A ll
No. A09
D e p th of C up Inches
N u m b er
A08 A09 A ll
IM iy %
\y %
3 > ^ x 3 i^
M aterial
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
TURN PIECES I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -th ir d siz e
i No. A146
Nos. B5446 a n d S5446
No. A46
TURN N um ber
A46 B5446 S5446 A146 U ro p
A53 A53 53 A53 x iaU U ltJb j l la i i
M aterial
Size, Inches
C ast C ast C ast C ast vvAUii
B ronze.................... B ronze.................... Iro n ......................... B ronze....................
Turn Pieces; one dozen in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
A46 B5446 S5446 A146
Size, Inches X
l^ x lM IM X IM I V s x V /s
M aterial
C ast Bronze W rought Bronze W rought Steel C ast Bronze
MORTISE KNOB LOCKS— I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r s iz e FOR FRONT DOORS
C a se ......... F ro n t....... F ro n t....... B a c k s e t., B ackset. . B a c k s e t. . Spacin g ... H u b .......... C y lin d er.. Turnpiece. K e y s........ S trik e . . . . R ev erse. . .
Japanned Iron, 5 x 3 ^ x in. F la t, 7 X in. C ast Bronze R abbeted, 73^ x in. C ast Bronze 3^ in. R ab b et Face to center cf hub, 2 % in. R abbeted, Shortside, in. R ab beted , Longside, 2 % in. C enter of hub to center of cylinder, in. Bronze, for in. swivel spindle One C ast Bronze No. A390 C ast Bronze No. A53 Three, N ickel Silver Center of opening to end of lip, in. By removing cap
O peration: L atch b o lt by knob from either side, except w hen outside kn o b is se t b y stops in face of locks; th e n b y k ey from outside. D ead b o lt b y key from outside an d turn p iece inside. M aster-Keying: C an b e m aster-keyed a n d g ran d ma.ster-keyed in sets w ith a n y of o u r cy lin d er locks. A ny desired n u m b er of locks in a set.
R abbeted Front Locks n o t Reversible, Specify Hand N,umber
No. A390
A390 A390R
F ro n t
B olts
F la t R ab b eted
C a st Bronze C ast Bronze
U nlim ited U nlim ited
FOR VESTIBULE DOORS C a se . . . . F ro n t__ F ro n t__ B a c k s e t. B a c k se t. B a c k se t. Spacing.. H u b ........ Cylinder. K eys. . . . S trik e . . . R ev erse.
Japanned Iron, 5 x 3% x ^ in. F lat, 7 X in. C ast Bronze RablDeted, 73^ x in. C ast Bronze in. R ab b et Face to center of hub, 2 % in. R abbeted, Shortside, 2 ^ in. R abbeted, Longside, 2% in. Center of hub to center of cylinder, in. Bronze, for ^ in. swivel spindle One C ast Bronze, No. A390 T hree, Nickel Silver Center of opening to end of lip, in . By removing cap
Operation: L atch bo lt b y knob from either side, except w hen outside knob is aet b y stops in face of lock; th e n b y k ey from outside. Master-Keying: C an b e m aster-keyed an d grand m aster-keyed in sets w ith a n y of o u r cylinder locks. A n y desired n u m b er of locks in a set.
R abbeted Front Locks n o t Reversible, Specify H and N u m b er
No. A395
A395 A395R
F ro n t
B olts
F la t R abbeted
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
U nlim ited U nlim ited
FOR FRONT DOORS C a se ........ F ro n t....... F ro n t _ B a c k s e t.. B ackset. . B ackset. . Spacing... H u b .......... C y lin d e r.. T urnpiece. K e y s ........ S trik e . . . . Reverse .
Japanned Iron, 5 x 2 % x H in. F lat, 7 X I r j in. C a st Bronze R abbeted, 73^ x 1 in. C ast Bronze 3^ in. R abb et Face to center of hub, 2 in. R abbeted, Shortside, 13^ in. R abbeted, Longside, 2 in. Center of hub to center of cylinder, 33^ in. Bronze, for ^ in. swivel spindle One, C ast Bronze, No. A390 C ast Bronze, No. A53 Three, N ickel Silver Center of opening to end of lip, in. By removing cap
O peration: L atch b o lt b y knob from either side, except w hen outside knob is set b y stops in face of lock; th e n b y key from outside. D ead b o lt b y key from outside an d tu rn p iece inside. M aster-Keying: C an be rnaster-keyed a n d grand m aster-keyed in sets w ith a n y of our o ther cylinder locks. A ny desired n u m b er of locks in a set.
R abbeted F ront Locks n o t Reversible, Specify Hand No. A1190
N u m b er
F ro n t
A1190 A1190R
F la t R abb eted
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
Unlim ited U nlim ited
S tate thickness of door for cylinder locks. O ne in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
MORTISE KNOB LOCKS— I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r siz e FOR VESTIBULE DOORS C a se ........ F ro n t....... F r o n t.... B a c k se t. Backset. B a c k se t. Spacing.. H u b ........ Cylinder. K eys. . . . S trik e . . . R ev erse.
Japanned Iron, 5 x 2 % x xi in. F lat, 7 X 1 ^ in. C ast Bronze R abbeted, 73^ x 1 ^ in. C ast Bronze 3^ in. R ab b et Face to center of hub, 2 in. R abbeted, Shortside, in. R abbeted, Longside, 2 in. C enter of hub to center of cylinder, 33^ in. Bronze, for ^ in. swivel spindle One, C ast Bronze, No. A390 Three, N ickel Silver Center of opening to end of lip, l y i in. By removing cap
O peration; L atch bolt b y kn o b from eith er side except w hen outside knob is set by stops in face of lock; th e n b y key from outside. M aster-K eying: C a n b e m aster-keyed an d grand m aster keyed in sets w ith an y of our cylinder locks. A ny desired nu m b er of locks in a set.
R a b b e te d F r o n t Locks n o t R eversible, Specify H a n d
No. A1195
N u m b er
F ro n t
A1195 A1195R
F la t R abbeted
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
Unlim ited Unlim ited
C a s e ......... F r o n t ........ F ro n t . . . B a c k se t. . . B ackset. . , B ackset. . , Spacing... H u b .......... C y lin d er.. Tumpiece. K e y s........ S trik e . . . . R ev erse. .
FO R FR O N T DOORS Japanned Iron, 6 x x in. F lat, 83^ X 13^ in. C ast Bronze R abbeted, 8 ^ 4 x 1}^ in. C ast Bronze 3^ in. R abbet Face to center of hub, 2 ^ in. R abbeted, Shortside, 234 in. R abbeted, Longside, 2% in. Outside, A - f g in. Inside, 2 ^ inBronze, for % in. swivel spindle One, C ast Bronze No. A390—regular One, C ast Bronze No. A53 Three, Nickel Silver Center of opening to end of lip, in. By removing cap______________________________
O peration: L atch bolt b y knob from eith er side, except w hen outside knob is set b y stops in face of locks, th e n by key from outside. D ead b olt b y key from outside an d tu rn p iece inside. C an also b e used w ith A395, A396 an d A397 cylinders. When used w ith A395 operates sam e as A390. When used w ith A 396 o r A397 operates as follows: T en n an ts key o perates k ey an d latch bolts, m aster k ey operates latch b o lt only.
R a b b e te d F r o n t I.,ocks n o t Reversible, Specify H a n d N u m b er
A690 A691 A690R A691R
F ro n t
B olts
F lat F la t R abbeted R abbeted
C ast Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze C ast Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze
Unlimited Unlim ited Unlim ited U nlim ited
No. A690 No. A691 h a s A n tiF ric tio n L a tc h
FO R VESTIBUI-E DOORS Japanned Iron, _6 x 33^ x in. F ro n t.............................................................. F lat, 8 } i X 134 in. C ast Bronze F ro n t.............................................................. R abbeted, 8 % x 13^ in. C ast Bronze 3^ in. R abbet Face to center of hub, 2 % in. B a c k se t......................................................... R abbeted, Shortside, 234 in. B a ck set......................................................... R abbeted, Longside, 2 ^ in. Center of hub to center of cylinder, in. H ub ..................................................... Bronze, for % in. swivel spindle One, C ast Bronze No. A390 K e y s............................................................... Three, Nickel Silver Center^iof opening to end of lip, 1 % in. R ev erse......................................................... By removing cap O peration: key from o utside. » M aster-K eying: C an be m aster keyed an d grand m aster keyed in sets w ith an y of o ur cylinder locks. A ny desired n u m b er of locks in a set.
R a b b e te d F r o n t Locks n o t Reversible, Specify H a n d N u m b er
A695 A696 A695R A696R
F ro n t
B olts
F la t F la t R abbeted R abbeted
C ast Bronze Anti-Friction Bronze C ast Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze
U nlimited Unlim ited Unlim ited U nlimited
S tate thickness of door for cylinder locks. O ne in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
No. A695 No. A696 h a s A n tiF ric tio n L a tc h
MORTISE KNOB LOCKS—I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size FOR BUNGALOW DOORS—Sectional Handle O utside, Knob Inside Japanned Iron, 5 x x in. F la t, 7 X 1]^ in. C ast Bronze R abbeted, x in. C ast Bronze, in. R ab b et Face to center of hub, 2% in. R abbeted, Shortside, 2 % in. R abbeted, Longside, 2 % in. C enter of hub to center of cylinder, 3 K in. Lever to center of cylinder, 4 K in. Bronze, for ^ in. split spindle One, C ast Bronze No. A390 Three, N ickel Silver C ast Bronze, No. A53 C enter of opening to end of lip, 1 }/% in. By removing cap
C a se .......... F ro n t......... F ro n t....... B a c k s e t. . B ackset. . B ackset. . Spacing.. . Spacing... H u b.......... C y lin d er.. K e y s ........ Turnpiece. S trik e . . . . R everse. .
O peration: L atch b o lt b y th u m b piece from th e o u tsid e a n d k n o b inside, except w hen o u tsid e th u m b p iece is set b y stops in face of lock; th e n b y key from outside. D ead b o lt op erated b y key from o utsid e a n d tu rp p ie ce inside. M aster-K eying: C a n be m aster-keyed an d g ran d m aster-k ey ed in sets w ith a n y of o u r cylind er locks. A ny desired n u m b er of locks in a set.
Rabbeted Front Locks n o t Reversible, Specify Hand
No. A490 N u m b er
A490 A490R
ir lllKMl
F ro n t
B o lts
C hanges
F la t R abbeted
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
U nlim ited U nlim ited
FOR VESTIBULE DOORS—Sectional Handle O utside, Knob Inside Japanned Iron, 5 x x ^ in. F lat, 7 X 1]^ in. C ast Bronze R abbeted, 7J^ x 1 ^ in. C ast Bronze in. R a b b e t Face to center of hub, 2% in. R abbeted, Shortside, 2 } 4 , in. R abbeted, Longside, in. Center of hub to center of cylinder, 33^ in. Lever to center of cylinder, in. Bronze, for in. split spindle One, C ast Bronze, No. A390 Three, Nickel Silver Center of opening to end of lip, i y % in. By removing cap _______________
C a se . . . . F ro n t__ F ro n t__ B a c k se t. B a c k se t. B a c k se t. Spacing.. Spacing.. H u b ........ Cylinder. K e y s. . . . S trik e . . . R everse.
O peration: L atch b o lt b y th um b p iece from th e outside an d k n o b inside, except w hen o u tsid e th u m bp iece is set by stops in face of locks; th e n b y key from outside. M aster-Keying: C an be m aster-keyed an d g ran d m aster-keyed in sets w ith a n y of ou r cylinder locks. A n y desired n u m b er of locks in sets.
Rabbeted Front Locks n o t Reversible, Specify H and No. A495
N um ber
A495 A495R
F ro n t
B olts
C hanges
F la t R abbeted
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
U nlim ited U nlim ited
FOR BUNGALOW DOORS—Sectional H andle O utside, K nob Inside Japanned Iron, 5 x 2J^ x in. C ase ........ F ro n t........ F lat, 7 X 1]^ in. C ast Bronze F ro n t....... R abbeted, 7 ) 4 , x l A in. C ast Bronze in. R ab b et B ackset. . Face to center of hub, 2 in. B ackset. . R abbeted, Shortside, 13^ in. Backset. . R abbeted, Longside, 2 in. Spacing... Center of hub to center of cylinder, 3}^ in. Spacing... Lever to center of cylinder, in. H u b .......... B ronze, for ^ in. split spindle C y lin d er.. One, C ast Bronze, No. A390 K e y s........ Three, N ickel Silver Turnpiece. C ast Bronze, No. A53 C enter of opening to end of lip, 13^ in. S trik e . . . . Reverse. . By removing cap O peration: L atch b o lt b y thu m b p iece from th e o u tsid e an d knob inside, except w hen o u tsid e th u m bp iece is set b y stops in face of lock; th e n b y key from outside. D ead b o lt o p erated by key from ou tsid e an d tu rn p ie ce inside. M aster-Keying: C an be m aster-keyed an d g ran d m aster-keyed in sets w ith an y of o u r cylinder locks. A n y desired n u m b er of locks in a set.
Rabbeted Front Locks n o t Reversible, Specify Hand No. A1090
N u m b er
A1090 A1090R
F ro n t
F la t R abbeted
B olts
C hanges
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
U nlim ited Unlim ited
One in a box, w ith screws. S tate thickness of doors. Specify finish w anted see page two.
MORTISE KNOB LOCKS—I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r siz e FOR VESTIBULE DOORS—Sectional Handle O utside, Knob Inside C a se . . . . Japanned Iron, 5 x 2 % x H in. F r o n t.... F lat, 7 X in. C ast Bronze F ro n t__ R abbeted, x in. C ast Bronze in. R ab b et B a c k s e t. Face to center of hub, 2 in. B a c k se t. R abbeted, Shortside, in. B a c k se t. R abbeted, Longside, 2 in. Spacm g.. C enter of hub to center of cylinder, 33^ in. Spacing.. Lever to center of cylinder, 434 in. H u b ........ Bronze, for - f g in. split spindle Cylinder. One, C ast Bronze, No. A390 K eys. . . . T hree, Nickel Silver S trik e .. . C enter of opening to end of lip, inR ev erse. By removing cap _________________ O peration: L a tc h b o lt b y th um b p iece troin th e outside a n d knob inside, except w hen outside th u m b p iece is set b y stops in face of lock; th e n b y key from outside. M aster-K eying: C an b e m aster-keyed an d g ran d m aster-keyed in sets w ith a n y of o ur cylinder locks. A ny desired n u m b e r of locks in a set.
R abbeted F ron t Locks n o t Reversible, Specify H and N u m ber
F ro n t
________ Changes
Unlim ited A1095 C ast Bronze F la t R abbeted U nlim ited A1095R C ast Bronze . FOR BUNGALOW DOORS—Sectional Handle O utside, Knob Inside Japanned Iron, 5M x 3 % x 1,^ in. C a s e ........ F ro n t....... F lat, 7 % X I're in. C ast Bronze R abbeted, 834 x in. C ast Bronze 3^ in. R abbet F ro n t....... Face to center of hub, 2 % in. B a c k se t. . B a c k se t. . R abbeted, Shortside, 234 in. R abbeted, Longside, 2 % in. B ackset. . Center of hub to center of cylinder, 33^ in. Spacm g... Lever to center of cylinder, 434 in. Spacing. Bronze, for - f g in. split spindle H u b .......... One, C ast Bronze, No. A390 C y lin d er.. Three, Nickel Silver K e y s........ C ast Bronze, No. A53 Tumpiece. Center of opening to end of lip, in. S trik e . . . . By removing cap___________________________ ___ R ev erse. .
No. A1095
O peration: L atch b o lt b y th u m bp iece from th e outside an d knob inside, except w hen outside th u m b p iece is s e t b y stops in face of lock; th e n b y key from outside. D ead b o lt operated b y kej^ from outside a n d tu rn p iece inside. M aster-K eying: C an b e m aster-k ey ed a n d g ran d m aster-k ey ed in sets w ith an y of o u r cy lin d er locks. A ny desired n u m b er of locks in a set.
R abbeted F ront Locks n o t Reversible, Specify H a n d _______________ N u m b er
A892 A893 A892R A893R
F ro n t
F la t F la t R abbeted R abbeted
B olts
C ast Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze C ast Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze
Unlim ited U nlim ited t^nlimited U nlim ited
No. A892 No. A893 has A ntiFriction Latch
FOR VESTIBULE DOORS—Sectional Handle O utside, Knob Inside Japanned Iron, 534 x 35^ x 1 in. C ase. . . . F lat, 7 ^ X 1 ^ in- C ast Bronze F ro n t__ R abbeted, 8M x 1 ^ in. C ast Bronze 3^ in. R ab b et F ro n t__ Face to center of hub, 2 ^ in. B a c k se t. R abbeted, Shortside, 234 in. B ackset R abbeted, Longside, 2 % in. B a c k se t. C enter of hub to center of cylinder, 33^ in. Spacing . Lever to center of cylinder, 434 in. Spacing.. Bronze, for in. split spindle H u b ........ One, C ast Bronze, No A390 Cylinder. Three, N ickel Silver K eys. . . . C enter of opening to end of lip, in. S trik e . . . By removing cap R ev erse. . O peration; L atch b o lt b y th u m b p iece from th e outside a n d knob inside, except w hen o u tsid e th u m b p iece is set b y sto p s in face of lock; th e n b y key from outside. M aster-K eying: C a n b e m aster-keyed an d grand m aster-keyed in sets w ith a n y of o u r cylinder locks. A ny desired n u m b e r of locks in a set.
Rabbeted F ron t Locks n o t Reversible, Specify Hand N u m b er
A895 A896 A895R A896R
F ro n t
F la t F la t R abbeted R abbeted
B olts
C hanges
C ast Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze C ast Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze
Unlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited
One in a box, w ith screws. S tate thickness, of doors. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
No. A895 No. A896 has A ntiFriction Latch
MORTISE KNOB LOCKS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size FOR STORE DOORS C ase. . . . F ro n t__ F r o n t__ B a c k s e t. B a c k s e t. B a c k s e t. Spacing.. Cylinder, K eys. . . . S tr ik e .. . R e v e rse .
Japanned Iron, 5M x 3 % x 1 ^ in. F la t, 7 ^ X 1 ^ in. C ast Bronze R abbeted, 8M x 1]% in. C ast Bronze, 3^ in. R ab b et Face to center of cylinder, 2 ^ in. R abbeted, Shortside, 2}^ in. R abbeted, Longside, 2 % in. Lever to center of cylinder, in. Two, C ast Bronze No. A398 Three, N ickel Silver Center of opening to end of lip, 1 ^ in. By removing cap
O p eration: L atch b o lt b y th u m b p iece from e ith e r side. D ead b o lt b y key from e ith er side. M aster-Keying: C an b e m aster-keyed a n d g ran d m aster-keyed in sets w ith an y of o u r cy lin d er locks. A n y desired n u m b e r of locks in a set.
Rabbeted Front Locks n o t Reversible, Specify Hand N u m b er
F ro n t
A890 A891 A890R A891R
F la t F la t R abbeted R abbeted
B olts
Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze Bronze A nti-Friction Bronxe
U nlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited
FOR STORE DOORS C a se . .. , F ro n t__ F ro n t__ B a c k se t. B a c k se t. B a c k se t. Spacing. C ylinder K eys. . , , S trik e . . , R e v e rse .
Japanned Iron, 534 x 3% x in. 7 ^ x 1]^ in. C ast Bronze R abbeted, 834 x 1 in. C ast Bronze in. R a b b e t Face to center of cylinder, in. R abbeted, Shortside, 2 ) 4 , in. R abbeted, Longside, 2% in. Lever to center of cylinder, in. Two, C ast Bronze No. A398 Three, N ickel Silver C enter of opening to end of lip, in. By removing cap
O p e ra tio n : L atch b o lt b y th u m b p iece from e ith er side, except w hen o u tsid e th u m b piece is se t b y sto i« in face of lock; th e n b y k ey from o u tsid e. D ead b o lt b y k ey from eith er side. M aster-K eying: C a n b e m aster-keyed a n d g ran d m aster-keyed in sets w ith an y of o u r c y lin d er locks. A ny desired n u m b er of locks in a set.
______________Rabbeted Front Locks n o t Reversible, Specify Hand________________ N u m ber
F ro n t
A8903^ A8913^ A8903^R A8913^R
F la t F la t R abbeted R abbeted
B olts
Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze Bronze A nti-Friction Bronze
U nlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited U nlim ited
FOR STORE DOORS Japanned Iron, 4 x 33^, A1397, A1397K, A1590, A1592 A693 C ast Bronze A393 A693 A394 C ast Bronze A690, A691. C ast Bronze A395 A690, A691 C ast Bronze A396 A690, A691 C ast Bronze A397 A890, A891, A890}^, A891K C ast Bronze A398 W rought Bronze Adjustable cylinder ring. B392 S tate length wanted. Specify finish w anted, see page two. A390
C ast Bronze
D um m y Cylinder N um ber
A0390 Cylinder Pins Cylinder Springs
C ast Bronze
KNOB PARTS —I llu s tr a tio n s
Fig. 1 F ig u re
Size, Inches
14-24 10-24 V s X 10-24 For t r spindle *Specify B rass or Steel w hen ordering. Ys X
M aterial
Steel Steel Brass Steel
fu ll size
Fig. 3
D escription
M odel B. & C. Mounting M odel S tandard M ounting M odel S tandard M ounting
All knob p a rts packed one gross in a box.
STRIKES I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size iiK l
T y p eC
Type B
,Type A
Type E
Type D BlSii IjiMj willlB.g
Type F
Type G
Type H
Type I
TYPE A—R im Lock Strike Size
in. 3% in. in. 5 in.
and smaller and 4 in. to 4 : % in. to 63^ in.
TYPE B—One Bolt Reverse Bevel V
TYPE C—M ortise Dead Lock Material
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze
in.................................. in..................................
TYPE D—Two Bolt M ortise Locks 5 ^
.................... I C ast Bronze
TYPE E—Protected 3J4
in ................................... I C ast Bronze
TYPE F and G—For M ortise Locks Size
33^ in. in. 43^ in. 5 in. 6 in. 6 % in. 3 ^
and sm aller to 4 in. to 4 : % in. to 5 } 4 into in.
TYPES H and I—Box tTYPE J ^ T w o Bolt Rabbeted Size
Up to 43^ in ....... 4 ^ in. and over. Specify type of strike, and num ber of lock. Specify H and.
M aterial
C ast Bronze C ast Bronze fSpecify finish w anted, see page two.
Type J
KEYS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -h a lf siz e iiiip i
p m iy
: HAiimBUTOOico ,
KEYS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf siz e
l"li|*lA 5T E R
CM ii:
B2 C lass B M a ste r
C lass A M a ste r
M a llea b le Iron Class
830 930
D escription
For Lock 21 For Locks 731, 732B, 2735, 831, 832B, 2835 For Locks 931, 932B, 2935
C a st Iron , N ic k e l P la te d 140 225 250
For Locks S290, S292B For Locks 130 F or Locks 141, 231, 232B, 236, 237B, 321, 331, 332B, 336, 337P, 431, 432B, 441, 442B
550 560 570 575 580 585
F or Locks 234B, 239B, 334B, 339B, 634B, 639B, 2235, 2240, 2335, 2340, 2435, 2440, 2635, 2640 For Locks S291, A290 For Locks A352, A354, A355 For Locks A352%, A 354^, A355% For Locks 145, S145, 381, A381, S381, 387, A387, S387, 391, A391, S391, 397, A397, S397, A470, A480 For Locks 145%, S U 5 M , 381M, A381M, S381M, 3 8 7 ^ , A387M, S387M, 391%, A391%, S391%, 397%, A397%, S397%, A470%, A480% For Locks 260, 360 For Locks 260%, 360% For Locks 560, A560
N ick el P la te d S te e l
590 593 695
C a st B ron ze, N ick el P la te d 630 635 640 645 650 655 660 665 675 685
For Locks A6, A350, A418, A419, A430 For Locks A6%, A350%, A418%, A419%, A430% For Locks A6M For Locks A6%M, A418%M, A419%M, A430%M For Locks A420, A421, A453 For Locks A420%, A421%, A453% For Locks A420M, A421M, A453M For Locks A420%M, A421%M, A422%M, A423%M, A424%M, A425%M, A453%M For Locks A426, A427 For Locks A428, A429 ___________________
C a st B ro n ze, S lid in g D oor 355
I For Locks A530, S530, AD530, SD530
N ick el Silver 50
For Locks 5, 54, 58, 105, A300, A300>^, A390, A395, 450, 454, 458, 460, 464, 468, A490, A495, A550, A590, A5903^, A690, A691, A693, A695, A696, A790, A890, A890J^, A891, A89l3^, A892, A893, A895, A896, A990, A998, A1090, A1095, A1190, A1195, A1390, A1390J^, A1392, A1392J^, A1395, A13953^, A1397, A13973^, A1490, A1492, A1590, A1592 For C ylinder Locks. As above_______________________________________________________________
N ick el P la te d S te e l M a ster K eys Al A2 B1 B2 B3
For For For For For
M aster M aster M aster M aster M aster
K eyed K eyed K eyed K eyed K eyed
Ldcks using Locks using Locks using Locks using Locks using
640 Class 645 Class 660 Class 665 Class 685 Class
K ey, K ey, K ey, K ey, K ey,
1 Tum bler 3 Tum bler 1 Tum bler 3 Tum bler 4 Tum bler
PUSH BAR Illustrations one-quarter size
N o. A2 The regular size is 24 inches from center to center of brackets. Furnished in any desired length. B rackets: C ast Bronze in. diam eter. Projection: from base of b rack et to top of b racket 3 in. C learance: from base of b rack et to b ar 1% in. B ar: W rought Bronze seamless tubing 1 inch in diam eter. M easurements: in giving length of b ar w anted, measure from center to center of brackets. N u m b er
M aterial
Push Bar
N o. 28 a n d A28 No. A4390 T y p e of Nos. 27, A27, 29, A29, 30 a n d A30. N um ber
27 A27 28 A28 29 A29 30 A30 A4290 A4390 A20L A20R
No. A4290
C en ter to C enter Inches
Size Overall Inches
4>^ 4 ^ 5 ^
5H 6K
&V2 m
6 ^ 8 8
9 ^
7 l i
5 H
8 8
9 ^
No. A20L
N o. A20R
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron Bronze Iron Bronze Iron Bronze Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
These Grips m ay be used independently, especially on m etal doors; or when so ordered, will be fitted to Push P lates for use as D oor Pulls. Furnished w ith nuts for fastening to plates and machine screws for fastening through door. Two in a box. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
GRIPS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
No. A1490
No. A1790
No. A2490
N o. A2690
No. A2790
No. A3090
A1490 A1790 A2490 A2690 A2790 A3090 A32 A26
Center to Center Inches
Overall Inches
6M 9M 6 12 9
m 13
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze, specify R ig h t or Left
These Grips m ay be used independently, especially on m etal doors; or when so ordered, will be fitted to Push P lates for use as Door Pulls. Furnished w ith nuts for fastening to plates and machine screws for fastening through doors. Tw^o in a box. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
DOOR PULLS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e - h a lf size
Nos. 0803^ a n d A080J/2 Type of Nos. 080, 080M, A080 a n d A080M
No. 021
N um ber
080 080M 0801^ 080 0 8 0 H 0 8 0 }4
021 012 A080 A080M A080H A022 A023
No. 012
No. A022
Size Inches
3M 4M 5V2
3M 4^ 5V2
6 6 3M 4H 5^ 7 H
No. A023
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
No. A023 and A022 are fastened from the back w ith machine screws, through door. A022 can also be furnished w ith wood screws. Nos. 080, OSOJ^, 0803^, A080, A080}^, A0803^ and 021 two dozen: No. 012, one dozen in a box. Nos. A022 and A023 one-half dozen in a box. All packed w ith screws, except japanned. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
DOOR PULLS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
D esig n atio n P la te No. A41
S7140 to A140 G le n n a n d Brook
S5240 to A240 L ow land a n d Abyss
1340 a n d A1340, Chicago
PLATE N u m b er
Size, Inches
2140 a n d A2140 B rentw ood
HANDLE M aterial
S7140 W rought S te e l.......... 10x2M S7140 W rought S te e l.......... 12x3 S7140 W rought S te e l.......... 14 X 3 B7140 10x2M W rought Br onze. . . . W rought Br onze. . . . B7140 12x3 B7140 14x3 W rought Br onze. . . . A140 C ast B ronze.............. 10x2^ AMO C ast B ronze.............. 12x3 C ast B ronze.............. AMO 15 x S V z A140 C ast B ronze.............. 16 X 33^ AMO 20x4 C ast B ronze.............. S5240 W rought S te e l.......... lOx 2M W rought Br onze. . . . B5240 1 0 x 2 3 4 C ast B ronze.............. A240 10x2M A240 C ast B ronze.............. 12 X 3 A240 15x3}^ C ast B ronze.............. C ast B ronze.............. A240 16 x 3 V 2 20 X 4 C ast B ronze.............. A240 1340 10x3^ C ast Iro n ................... A1340 C ast B ronze.............. 10x3M A1340 16x33^ C ast B ronze.............. 20x4 C ast B ronze.............. A1340 C ast Iro n ................. 2140 10x3 A2M0 10x3 C ast B ronze.............. A2140 C ast B ronze.............. 16x3M A2140 20x4 C ast B ro n ze.............. A41 3Mx2 C ast B ronze.............. For o ther door pulls, see designs, pages 6-25. Always state Packed two in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two. When a cast bronze door pull is specified w ith the w ord pull
N um ber
Center to C enter Inches
27 27 28 A27 A27 ■ A28 A27 A27 A28 A28 A4290 27 A27 A27 A27 A28 A28 A4290 27 A27 A3090 A2790 27 A27 A3090 A2790
43^ 5^ 4}^ 5K 43^ 4^ 5}^ 5V2 m
4K 7M 4>^ 4^ 4>^ 43^ 43^ 4^ 9M
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron Iron Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze
size wanted. thereon, add 1 to the number: Example, A141 etc.
D e sig n a tio n P la te No. A31
Nos. S7130 to A130 G le n n a n d Brook
N um ber
S7130 S7130 S7130 B7130 B7130 B7130 ABO A130 A130 A130 A130 S5230 B5230 A230
Nos. S5230 to A230 L ow land a n d A byss
Size, Inches
1 0 x 2 %
12x3 14x3 10x2M 12x3 14x3 10x2M 12x3 15x33^ 1 6 x 3 H
20x4 10x2M 10x2M 1 0 x 2M
M aterial
W rought Steel W rought Steel W rought Steel W rought Bronze W rought Bronze W rought Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze C ast Bronze W rought Steel W rought Bronze C ast Bronze
Nos. 1330 a n d A1330 C hicago
N u m b er
Size, Inches
A230 A230 A230 A230 1330 A1330 A1330 A1330 2130 A21.^0 A2130 A2130 A31
12 X 3 15x31^ 16x3K 20x4 10 X 3 H 10x3}^ 16x31^ 20x4 10x3 10x3 16 X 3 ^ 2 20x4 3% X 2
Nos. 2130 a n d A2130 B re n tw o o d
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze Iron Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
For other Push P lates, see designs, pages 6-25. Always state size w anted. P acked six in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two. When a C ast Bronze Push Plate is specified w ith the word Push thereon, add 1 to the number: Example, A131.
No. 14 G auge S tr a ig h t Edge
No. 14jGaugejBeveled Edge No. B40 a n d S40
No. B30 a n d S30
W r o u g h t M eta l S tr a ig h t E dge N u m b er
M aterial
B14 S14
Brass or Bronze, N atu ral Color Steel
B ev eled E d ges o n T h ree S id es For K ick P lates beveled on top and two ends, as shown in the illustration, suflSx BE to number. Specify size w anted. P acked w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
Size Inches
B40 B40 S40 S40
10x2M 12x3
10x2M 12x3
H and le
W rought W rought W rought W rought
Br onze. . . . Br onze. . . . S te e l.......... S te e l..........
Center to Center In.
A27 A27 M27 M27
4H 43^
PUSH PLATES N u m b er
B30 B30 S30 S30 For other Push Plates, see designs, pages 6-25. P ack ed six in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
Size Inches
10x2% 12x3 1 0
2 M
M aterial
W rought W rought W rought W rought
Bronze Bronze Steel Steel
Always sta te size wanted.
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze Bronze Iron Iron
DOOR STOPS AND HOLDERS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r siz e
FO R D O O RS TH A T SW IN G OUTW ARD O VER S T E PS, FO R S T E P S U P T O 8 I n . R IS E R . Packed in Bulk w ith Screws
M61, Door S to p Base
M61 M61 Base
Nos. 71 a n d A71
3 ^x 3 7x6
Height In.
C ast Iron C ast Iron
No. 81, C e m e n t Box
71 A71 81 A81
Base In.
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron Polished................................................. Bronze P o lish ed ............................................ Iron P late, P o lish e d .................................... Bronze Plate, Polished...............................
Nos. 81 a n d A 81
Size, Inches
5}^ X 5 ^ X 2V2 2 ]/i
X X IH X 2V2 X 23^
Nos. 71 and A71 closed by pressing down w ith the foot; released by trigger a t top. Nos. 81 and A81; size of case—D iam eter in.; D epth, in. No. 81 C ast Iron boxes for applying Nos. 81 and A81 in concrete, cement or tile floors. Nos. 81 and A81 packed one-third dozen in a box. Nos. 71 and A71 packed one-fourth dozen in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
DOOR STOPS W ith R u b b e r - tip s Nos. 026 and A026
I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -th ir d size
No. A0171
Nos. 020 to A024 N u m b er
026 A026 A0171 020 024 A020 A024
P rojection or H eig h t Inches
M aterial
3K 3M 2 ^
3M .
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
No. 51
51 57
3}^ X 3V2
No. 57
Projection or Height Inches
C ast Iron E x tra H eavy, for floor w ith hook C ast Iron E x tra H eavy, for w all w ith hook
No. A53
N u m b er
Base Inches
Projection or H eight Inches
No. A55
M aterial
C ast Bronze, Polished, same as A53 but w ithout hook A52 a 2^ C ast Bronze, Polished, w ith hook for floor base 3 A53 C ast Bronze, Polished, same as A55 but w ith o u t hook A54 2 3V2 C ast Bronze, Polished, w ith hook for wall base 2 A55 m Nos. 026, A026, 020, 024, A020 and A024 two dozen in box. No. A0171 one dozen in a box, w ith screws. Nos. 51, 57, A52, A53, A54 and A55 one in a box, w ith expansion bolt, unless otherwise specified. Specify finish .wanted, see page two.
LETTER BOX PLATES I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r siz e
A126, A128, A129, A132, 126 a n d 129 O u ts id e P la te s
A226 a n d 226 O u ts id e P la te s All L e tte r Box P la te s c a n be f u r n is h e d w ith C h u te a tta c h e d f o r hollow M etal Doors if
AH126, AH129, H126 a n d H129 In s id e H oods
AH226 a n d H226 In s id e H oods
A0126, A0128, A0129, A0132, 0126 a n d 0129 In s id e P lates
A0226 a n d 0226 In s id e P la te s
O u tsid e P la te s Number
A126 A226 A129 126 226 129 A128 A132
Size Inches
Opening Inches
7>^x 2M 9^2 X 2%
5M X \y% 7x1 5Mxl>i 5M X I K 7x1
7 } ^x2M 9^x2% 8x3 14 J^ x 4
6 X 1%
12 X 2 } |
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
In s id e H o o d s AH126 AH226 AH129 H126 H226 H129
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
7>^ x 2M 7Kx2Ji 93^x2^ 7 }^x2Ji 7 ^ x 2M 91^x2^
Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished
I n s id e P la te s A0126 A0226 A0129 0126 0226 0129 A0128 A0132
7 ^ x 2M 7Mx2M 93^ X 2 ^ 7 V 2 X 2 H 7 V 2 X 2 H
9V2X2VS 8x3 x4
X 5M X i H 7x1 SM xlJi XiV s 7x1 6X 12x23^ 5 H
C a st C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Outside Plates: Packed two in a box. Inside Hoods: P acked two in a box. Inside P lates: P acked six in a box, w ith wood screws. All l ]/2 inch L e tte r Boxes furnished regularly w ith wood screw's. screws, unless otherwise specified. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
Larger sizes furnished regularly w ith machine
DOOR KNOCKERS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -th ir d size
No. A2727 D elm ar
No. A2427 M elrose
No. A1227 Oakview
No. A1927 H y d ecrest
N u m b er
A2727 A2427 A2027 A1927 A1227 A1727
Packed one in a box. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
No. A2027 P in e h u r s t
Size Overall Inches
X 5J4; 25^ 3 V 8
x4M x4K x
6 ^
No. A1727 R o se m o n t
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
DOOR KNOCKERS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e - t h ir d size
No. A i F o r B edroom Doors
No. A3
No. A2 F o r B edroom D oors
No. A3527 A lton
No. A2527 L exington
N u m b er
Al A2 A3 A2527 A3527 A3827
Size Overall Inches
4i / gx2 5x4M 5V2
7MxlM 5Hx3M
No. A3827 B elm o n t
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
Bedroom Door Knockers, packed one-half dozen in a box. all others packed one in a box. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
LOOSE PIN BUTTS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
No. 150 Steeple Tips
No. 151 Ball Tips
No. 160 Ball Tips
C ast Iro n U n p o lish e d No. 150 Plain N ot Finished
No. 151 Plain N ot Finished
No. 160 Plain N o t Finished
Size Inches
Size Inches
Size Inches
2x2 2x2M 21^x2 2 Y 2 x 23^ 23^2 X 3 3x23^ 3x3 3x33^ 3>^x3
334 X 4 4 X 334
4x4 4 x43^ 43^ X 4 43^ X 43^ 5x5
2x2 2 x 23^ 23^x2 23^ x 23^ 23^x3 3 x 23^ 3x3 3x33^ 33^x3 33^ X 33^ 3 3^x4 4x334 4x4 . 4 x 434 43^ X 4 434 X 434 5x5
All plain b u tts, w ith o u t screws. 2 X 2 to 23^X 2 ] / 2 inclusive, 12 pairs in a package; 36 dozen pair in a case. 23^ X 3 to X 3 iaclusive, 6 pairs in a package; 36 dozen pair in a case. 3M X 3J^ to 43^ X 4 inclusive, 6 pairs in a package; 24 dozen pair in a case. 4/^ X 43^ 6 pairs in a package; 12 dozen pair in a case. 5x5 3 pairs in a package; 12 dozen pair in a case.
2x2 2 x 23^ 23^ x 2 23^ x 234 2> ^ x 3 3x2^ 3x3 3 x 3 34 33^x3 334x3^ 33 ^ x 4 4 X 33^ 4x4 4 X 43/2 434 X 4 43^ X 43^ 5x5
LOOSE JOINT BUTTS Illustrations one-half size
o o
No. 0162
P a rlia m e n t
M ayers
N o. 0162, C ast Iro n , D rilled Size, Inches.................................................... Pairs per p ack ag e......................................... Dozen pairs per c a se ....................................
23^ x 2
Size, inches..................................................... Pairs per package. . ; ................................... Dozen pairs per c a se ...................................
3^x3 6
3K X 3 V 2 6
12 48
2 /^ X 2}^ 12 48
3x2>^ 12
3x3 12
4J^ X 4
4 } /2
X 4H 6 12
3x3H 12 24
5x5 3 12
M ayers B u tt s , C ast Iron , D rilled N u m b er........................................................... Size, inches..................................................... P airs per package......................................... Dozen pairs per case....................................
0 2x3M 12 24
1 2Mx3i^ 12 24
2 2V2xm 12 24
3 2^x4 12 24
4 3x4Ji 6 12
5M 6 12
6 6 12
5 6 12
P a r lia m e n t B u tts , C ast Iro n , D rilled Size, inches............................ Pairs per p ackage................ Dozen pairs per c a se ..........
3 12 24
3M 12 24
4 6 24
Packed H alf R ig h t and Left H and, unless otherwise ordered.
43^ 6 12
5 6 12
LOOSE PIN BUTTS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf siz e
F ib re W ash ers F u ll Size
Ball B earin g s F u ll Size
Self R e ta in in g P in
C ast B rass or B ro n ze Five K n u ck les
Ball T ip s
Steel B u sh e d
Steel P in s Self L u b ric a tin g
L ig h t Weight, No. A50
H eavy Weight, No. A51
E x tra H eav y Weight, No. A52
Ounces, P air
Ounces, P a ir
Ounces, P air
Size, Inches
2x2 23^ X 2 Y 2 3x3 3 H X 3J^ 4x4 4J^ x43^ 5x5 5x6 5x7 5J^x 5H 6x6 6x7 7x7
6 9 13 16 23 31 39
11 15 20 29 35 47
58 72
Button Tip in place of Ball Tips, Suffix BT Suffix SR Self-Retaining Pins, Suffix FW Fib re Washers, Suffix BB Ball Bearings, The w eights sho'W'n are for one pair, w ithout screws. Packed one p air in a box, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
43 54 68 82 93 88 113 140 160
LOOSE PIN AND FAST PIN BUTTS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -h a lf siz e
ip i i
■ iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
N o. A53.
No. A54.
N o. A53.
No. A55.
C ast B rass or B ro n ze
F a s t Steel P in s .
No T ip s.
Five K n u ck les.
Size, Inches 3x3
No. No. No. No.
4x 4
3J4 x 31/2
N o s. A54 a n d ASS.
C ast B rass or B ro n ze
A54—F a st Steel Pins, no Tips, Five Knuckles. ASS—Loose Steel Pins, Ball Tips, Five Knuckles. A54—to N avy Specification No. 42H34 Type A. ASS—to N avy Specification No. 42H34 Type C.
Size, Inches
2Jix2M 2HxlM
lM x 2 lM x 2 M
2 Mx 3
2V2 k 2
3 3 3
x2 x 3 X4
2V2X2H 2 H k 2'A
xV A
2 x2 2 x2K
Size 2 ] A X 2 ] ^ in. and smaller, three pairs; others, one pair in a box, w i t h screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
101 N os. A31 a n d A31B
N os. A17 a n d A17B
Nos. A4 a n d A4B
No. 10
N o. 1 A ngle
N o. 2 S h o r t Lip
N o. 3 R eversible F la t
No. 4 L ong L ip
Nos. A31, A17, A4 and 10 operate from inside only. Nos. A31B, A17B and A4B operate from b o th sides. Stop in case deadlocks bo th lever and knob. Outside trim e ith er loiob and rose or lever handle and rose. Furnished regularly for 8 foot doors. If longer rods are required sta te height of doors. If the strik es illu stra te d w ith the bolts do n o t suit th e requirem ents, specify the type of special strike w anted a t top or b o tto m of the doors. N u m b er
A31 A31B A17 A17B A4 A4B 10
D escription
C ast Bronze Handle, Case, Guides and Strikes. \ Y z ia.; Lever Handle 33^ in.
Solid Bronze Rods, Case
C ast Iron Case and Guides, Steel Rods, Unfinished.
Packed one in a box, No. 10 without screws; others, with screws.
Specify finish wanted, see page two.
in.; Guides
FLUSH AND SURFACE BOLTS I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r size
I 0
'^ '1 Nos. 0118 to A0118
Nos. 013 a n d A013 T y p e of Oil a n d AOll
S09 B09 0118 0118 A0118 A0118
Siee, Inches
M x3 M x3 1x6 1x8 1x6 1x8
W rought Steel W rought Bronze C ast Iron, Polished C ast Iron, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished
FLUSH EXTENSION BOLTS C ast Iron, Polished 013 ^ X6 A013 % x5 C ast Bronze, Polished C ast Iron, Polished Oil X6 H AOll C ast Bronze, Polished IM X 6M 012 C ast Iron, Polished. H eavy Construction A012 C ast Bronze, Polished. H eavy Construction H i X 634 Furnished w ith rods 9, 12, 15 or 18 inches. Specify length wanted. O il and AOll also furnished w ith R abbeted cases for door stiles w ith in. R a b b e te d edge. When ordering prefix R to the number.
021 021 021 021 021 021 021 021 021 021 A021 A021 A021 A021 A021
Size, Inches
D escription
4 C ast Iron Guides, Steel Rods, Unpolished 6 C ast Iron Guides, Steel Rods, Unpolished 9 C ast Iron Guides, Steel Rods, Unpolished 12 C ast Iro n Guides, Steel Rods, Unpolished 18 C ast Iro n Guides, Steel Rods, Unpolished 4 C ast Iro n Guides, Steel Rods, Polished 6 C ast Iro n Guides, Steel Rods, Polished 9 C ast Iron Guides, Steel Rods, Polished 12 C ast Iron Guides, Steel Rods, Polished C ast Iron Guides, Steel Rods, Polished 18 4 C ast Bronze Guides, Bronze Rods, Polished 6 C ast Bronze Guides, Bronze R ods, Polished 9 C ast Bronze Guides, Bronze Rods, Polished 12 C ast Bronze Guides, Bronze Rods, Polished 18 Cast Bronze Guides, Bronze Rods, Polished S09 and B09 Flush Bolts one dozen; others, one-half dozen in a box, w ith screws. Surface Bolts; one-half dozen in a box, w ith screws. Specify size w anted. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
CHAIN AND FOOT BOLTS Illu stra tio n s one-q uarter size
Reverse Bevel
No. 130
Nos. 0130 and A0130 C hain B olts
Nos. 0120 and A0120 Foot Bolts
C hain B olts are reversible by removing back plate and tu rn in g bolt over. Number
Size, Inches
4 6 8 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
130 130 0130 0130 0130 0130 A0130 A0130 A0130 A0130
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron Iron Iron Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
FOOT BOLTS 120 120 120 0120 0120 0120 A0120 A0120 A0120
4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8
C ast Iron C ast Iron C ast Iron C ast Iron, Polished C ast Iron, Polished C ast Iron, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished
One-half dozen in a box, with screws. Japanned bolts without screws. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
Specify size wanted.
No. 120
BARREL BOLTS Illu str a tio n s on e-q u a rter size
No. 110—4 in .
No. 0110—4 in . T y p e of 3 in . a n d 5 in .
No. 0115—4 in . T y p e of 3 in . a n d 5 in .
L ig h t W e ig h t N um ber
Size, Inches
D escription
0111 111
3 4
C ast Iron, Unpolished C ast Iron, Unpolished
M e d iu m W eig h t 110 110 110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110
3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, U npolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, U npolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron,^ Polished
H eavy W e ig h t 0115 0115 0115 0115 0115 0115 A0115 A0115 A0115
3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, U npolished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
One dozen in a box, with screws, except Japanned and 01 finishes, no screws. Specify size wanted. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
No. A40 Sw ing L a tc h
Illu str a tio n s on e-q u arter size
No. A62 I n d ic a to r
No. A60 R im B olt
No. A46
D escription
No. A40 Includes Keeper A40XA42 W ith door stop T his latch is extra heavy and very substantial, Plates x 2 in., L atch No. A60 Includes Keeper A60XA62 w ith Indicator A60XA43 or A60XA44 W ith door stop A60XA43XA62 or A60XA44XA62 W ith door stop and indicator Case 2 ^ X 23^ in., B olt in., Face to center knob 1 % in. No. A46 Applied to edge of door or surface of w all _____
x 1 x M in-
LAVATORY D O O R STO PS W ith a n d W ith o u t K eepers
No. A41
No. A43
No. A42 N um ber
N ote:
No. A44
No. A45
D escription
A41 For doors opening in or out w ith o u t bolt hole A42 For doors opening in w ith keeper for A40 Swing L atch For doors opening in for A60 R im Bolt A43 A44 For doors opening out for A60 Rim Bolt F or doors opening out w ith keeper for A40 Swing L atch A45 Always give thickness of both p a rtitio n and door.
No. A65P
No. A65M N um ber
Ab-SW A65M A65P
No. A65W
D escription, D ouble or Single A cting
For Wood P a rtitio n s, C ast Bronze, Polished For M arble P artitio ns, C ast Bronze, Polished For Pine, C ast Bronze, Polished_____________
T his hinge is especially adapted for requirem ents when a P iv ot Type Hinge is desired. Can be applied to always hold the door closed or open if so desired. Can also be furnished w ith inverted clamps, when so specified. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
SASH PULLEYS Illu stra tio n s o n e -h a lf size
P la in Axle
R oller B earing
Ball B earing
All 2 in . P ulley s have in . Steel A xles; in . to 3 in . Inclu siv e ^ in . T u r n e d a n d P o lish e d R o u n d Groove W heels fo r Cord
Size of Wheel, Inches................................................................................... Size of F ront, Inch es....................................................................................
2 4 J ix l
2M SK x iV s
Front Material
Iron, U npolished................................................. Iron, L acquered P olished................................ Iron, B oston B ro n z e d ....................................... Bronze, P lated, P o lish ed ................................. W rought Brass, P o lish ed ................................. W rought Brass, P o lish ed ................................. C ast Brass, Polished......................................... C ast Brass, P o lish ed ......................................... W rought Bronze, Polished............................... W rought Bronze, Polished............................... C ast Bronze, Polished....................................... C ast Bronze, Polished.......................................
Plain Iro n .................. Plain I ro n .................. Iron, Bronzed........... P lated Iro n ................ P lain I r o n .................. C ast B ra s s ................ Plain I r o n .................. C ast B rass................. Plain Iron C ast B ronze.............. Plain Iro n .................. C ast B ronze..............
022 0322 0422 0522 0622 0722 0822 0922 01022 01122 01222 01322
022K 0322M 0422Ji 05223^ 0622M 0722M 08221^ 09221^ 010223^ 01122 012223^ 01322M
Roller Bearing A xles.................................................................................................... Prefix B all Bearing Axles........................................................................................................ Prefix Gun M etal Axles............................................................................................................Prefix Double Square G roove................................................................................................ Prefix A ntique Copper F in is h ................................................................................................ Prefix Sanded A ntique Copper F in is h ..................................................................................Prefix G alvanizing..................................................................................................................... Prefix Square G roove............................................................................................................... Prefix C om bination G roove.................................................................................................... Prefix
Nos. 022 to 0323 packed in barrels w ithout papers or screws. Nos. 0422 to 01323 packed in cases, one dozen in a box, w ith screws.
5 H
3 6 j^ X l3 ^
2 )4 , x l H
0 2 2 M
0322'J^ 04221^ 0522}^ 0622V 2 0722^4 0 8 2 2 }4 0922V 2 o m
2 } 4
011223^ 012223^ 01322M
to to to to to to to to to
the th e the the the the the the the
Number 023 0323 0423 0523 0623 0723 0823 0923 01023 01123 01223 01323
number. number. number. number. number. number. number. number. number.
SASH PULLEYS Illu str a tio n s o n e-h a lf size
Nos. 011% to 0312J/g C o m m o n Style
Nos. LCOllM to LC01322K N o rris S tyle
Nos. 53 a n d 63 C o m m o n S ense Style
C o m m o n S ty le —R o u n d G roove W h eels 1% in . to 2 in . In clu siv e have ^ in . S teel Axles: 2% in . a n d 23^ in . have 34 in . Axles Size of Wheel, Inches ... Dozen in a barrel approximately Size of Front, Inches. . Front Material
4A - X 1
175 4A X 1
2 125 4-ft X 1
5 X 114
65 5 3 ^x 1 %
1% 180 Wheel Material
Iron, U npolished........ Iron, U npolished....................... Iron, Lac. ^Polished.. ..
2% 85
Iron, U npolished.. . 011% 012 011% Iron, P o lish ed.......... 0111% 0112 0111% Iron, ISI WJLX,P o-Llish ed ........ v0311% o x x / 4 : _____________ 0312 0311% Prefix le tte r C to any num ber ending w ith No. 12, 12J^ o r 123^ when a combination groove
0123^ 01234 01123^ 011234 03123^ 03123i pulley is wanted.
C o m m o n S e n se S ty le —R o u n d G roove W h eels— Vis" S te e l A xles Size of Wheel, In c h e s........................ ............ ............ .................................................... Size of F ro nt, In ch es...................................................................................................................................
1% 4x1
2 4x1
Front Material
Wheel Material
Num ber
Iron, U npolished..................................................... Iron, U npolished.....................................................
Iron, U npolished.................................................. Iron, P o lish ed .....................................................
53PW 53
63PW 63
N orris S ty le — R o u n d G roove W h eels 1% in . a n d 2 in . have
in . Steel Axles: 2J^ in . a n d 23^ in . have 3€ in . Steel Axles
Size of Wheel, In c h e s................................................................................... Size of Fro n t, In c h e s....................................................................................
1% 33^ x %
Front Material
Wheel Material
Iron, U npolished................................................. Iron, Lac. P o lish e d ............................................
Iron, U npolished.. . . Iron, P o lish ed ..........
LC011% LC0311%
3% x« Number
LG012 LC0312
4H X %
4% X %
LC0123i LC0312%
LC0123^ LC03123^
LC0223^ LC03223^ LC05223^ LC08223^ LC09223^ LC01223^ LCOI32214
LC0223^ LC0322>^ LC0522J^ LC0822)^ LC09223^ LC012223^ LC013223^
C o m b in a tio n Groove W heels 2 in . P u lle y s have Iron, U npolished................ Iron, Lac. P o lish ed ........... Iron, Brz. P ltd . Polished. C ast B rass, P o lish e d ........ C ast B rass, P o lish e d ........ C ast Bronze, Po lish ed ....... C ast Bronze, P o lish ed ........
in- Steel Axles: 234 in . a n d 23^ in . have Plain I r o n ........................................... Plain I r o n ........................................... P lated Iro n ......................................... Plain Iro n ........................................... C ast B rass.......................................... P lated B ronze................................... C ast B ronze.......................................
in . Axles LC022 LC0322 LC0522 LC0822 LG0922 LC01222 LC01322
All packed in barrels w ithout paper or screws, except Nos. LC0522 to LC013223^ which are packed one dozen in a box, w ith screws. N orris Style from LC022 to LC01322}^ tak e same extras as shown on page 100.
CASEMENT ADJUSTERS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r siz e
No. O il.
Size of R od ^ in . N um ber
Oil o il o il 012 012 012 A012 A012 A012
Nos. 012 a n d A012.
L ength, In. 10 12
14 10 12
14 10 12 U
R od M aterial
W rought W rought W rought W rought W rought W rought W rought W rought W roueht
N um ber
8 8
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C a st C a st C a st C ast
Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
Size of P la te 1 ^ x 8M in .
L ength, In.
013 A013
B rackets
S te e l.............................. S te e l........................... S te e l.......................... S te e l.......................... S te e l.......................... S te e l...................... B ro nze................ B ro nze.................. B ro nze..........................
Nos. 013 a n d A013.
Size of R od % in .
M aterial
C ast Iron, Unpolished C ast Bronze, Polished
SASH CENTERS OR PIVOTS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
No. 041.
H alf S et
N um ber
Nos. 043 to A046. H alf S et F o r R a b b e tte d S a sh Size, Inches
P in , Inches
M aterial
041 S x V s C ast Iron, Japanned V2 043 C ast Iron, P lated 3^xlM A043 C ast Bronze, Polished 3^xlM y% 046 C ast Iron, P lated y% A046 71 ^ X 13^ C ast Bronze, Polished % C asem ent A djusters: One-half dozen in a box, w ith screws. No. 041 P iv o ts: One dozen; others one-half dozen sets in a box, w ith screws, except Japanned. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
TRANSOM CATCHES I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf siz e
Nos. A0103 a n d A0104 w ith F la t o r U niversal S trik e
Nos. 0102 a n d A0I02 w ith Box S trik e
U niversal strikes for Nos. 0102 and A0102 substituted a t same price. When substituting suffix US to th e number, example, 0102US, etc. N um ber
AO103 A0104 0102 0102 A0102
Size, Inches
13^x3 2x3 x2 1^2X 2 V /2 X 2
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished
Nos. SOI a n d BOl No. 02 N u m b er
Size, Inches
12 15 12
15 15
Transom Catches, one dozen in a box with screws. Transom Chains, three dozen in a box, with screws. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
M aterial
W rought Steel W rought Steel W rought Bronze W rought Bronze Steel Chain, C ast Bronze Staples
TRANSOM EYES I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
Nos. 1 a n d A1
N um ber
1 A1 2 A2
Nos. 2 a n d A2
D iam eter of E y e Inches
Size of P late Inches
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast
X IV 2 1 ^ x 1 ^
Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished
0116 a n d A0116
N um ber
0116 0116 0116 0116 A0116 A0116
M aterial
Size, Inches
4 6
4 6
4 6
C ast C ast C a st C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, U npolished Iron, Poli,shed Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
Transom Eyes packed three dozen in a box, with screws. Chain Door Fasts; one-half dozen in a box, with screws, except Japanned.
Specify finish wanted, see page two.
CASEMENT FASTENERS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -q u a r te r size
Nos. 014 a n d A014 N o t R eversible Specify H a n d
Nos. 015 a n d A015
Nos. 018 a n d A018
N os. 019 a n d A019
H ook
M o rtise
N u m b er
013 013 A013 014 014 AO14 015 015 A015 016 016 A016
in.. C ast Iron, Unpolished in.. C ast Iron, Polished X l y i in., C ast Bronze, Polished 2}-^ X % in., C ast Iron, U npolished X % in., C a st Iron, Polished 2 ) 4 X % in., C ast Bronze, Polished 2/^ X ^ in.. C ast Iron, Unpolished 23^ X % in., C ast Iron, Polished 23^ X % in., C ast Bronze, Polished X 13^ in.. C ast Iron, U npolished 1 % X l }/2 in.. C ast Iron, Polished X in.. C ast Bronze, Polished X 1}/$
1^ x
S u rface
N um ber
017 017 A017 018 018 A018 019 019 A019 020 020 A020
M o rtise 020 a n d A020 S trik e s
2X in., C ast Iron, U npolished 2 X 1 } 4 in .. C ast Iron, Polished 2 X 1 } 4 in., C ast Bronze, Polished 2X in.. C ast Iron, U npolished 2 X 1 i n. , C ast Iron, Polished 2 X 1 } 4 in ., C ast Bronze, Polished \} /2 X in., C ast Iron, U npolished X 1 % in.. C ast Iron, Polished l }/2 X 1 % in.. C ast Bronze, Polished 3 X l } / s in., C ast Iron, Unpolished 3 X l } / i in., C ast Iron, Polished 3X in., C ast Bronze, Polished
D esignate strik e w anted by suffixing le tte r S for surface, M for m ortise, R for rim, and H for hook. 020 and A020 one-half dozen in a box, others, one dozen in a box. All packed w ith screws. Specify finish wanted, see page two.
SASH EASTS — I llu s t r a t io n s o n e -h a lf size
Nos. 045 a n d A045 M e d iu m W eig h t N u m b er
M aterial
Size, Inches
045 055 065 A045 A055
2 %
2% ,
Nos. 065 a n d A065 E x tra Heavy W eig h t
Nos. 055 a n d A055 Heavy W eigh t
1 %
2^x1^ 2MxlM
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, U npolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Unpolished Bronze, Unpolished
N um ber
A065 A045 A055 A065
M aterial
Size, Inches
3Mx2 2 %
x l V i
2 H ^ m
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze,
Unpolished Polished Polished Polished
Nos. 0265 a n d A0265 B oston P a tt e r n S ash F a s t N u m b er
Size, Inches
0265 A0265
2^x1 23^ X 1
M aterial
C ast Iron, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished
Nos. 06 a n d A06 P u ll D ow n H ook N um ber
06 A06 A06
M aterial
Size, Inches
x4M ll-i
C ast Iron, Unpolished C ast Bronze, U npolished C ast Bronze, Polished
Nos. S04 a n d B04 S a sh Socket
Nos. 02 a n d A02 S a sh S ocket N u m b er
02 A02 804 B04
Size, Inches
1^x2 '1^2 X 2 1 X 1 X iV
M aterial
C ast Iron, Unpolished C ast Bronze, Polished W rought Steel W rought Bronze
Nos. 044 a n d A044 S a sh Socket N um ber
Size, Inches
044 A044 07 A07
1x2 1x2 2 V 8 X iy 8 2V s
iV s
Nos. 07 a n d A07 Pole H an g ers M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished
Nos. S04 and B04 three dozen; others, one dozen in a box, w ith screw, except Japanned. Nos. 045, 055, A045 and A055 ten gross; Nos. 065, 0265, A065 and A0265, five gross in a case. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
HOOK, FLUSH AND BAR SASH LIFTS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf siz e
Nos. SOSO a n d B050 N um ber
Size, Inchea
X 1% IH
x lY s
M aterial
W rought Steel W rought Bronze, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished
Nos. S5220, BS220 a n d A220 N iunber
S5220 B5220 A220 S7120 B7120 A120
l^x3M lMx3H 1^x33^ 1^x33^ 1 %
N um ber
S0020 B0020
M aterial
W rought Steel W rought Bronze, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished W rought Steel W rought Bronze, Polished O ast lironze, ro iisiied
N um ber
A416 A420 B5420 S5420
M aterial
Size, Inches
X 3%
N os. S7120, B7120 a n d A120
Size, Inchea
1 V 2 X 3 H
Nos. S0020 a n d B0020
No. A013S
W rought Steel W rought Bronze, Polished
N os. A416, A420, BS420 a n d S5420 Size, Inches
lj^x3^ 1 Mx 4 J ^ X4 1 % X4
M aterial
C ast Bronze, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished W rought Bronze, Polished W rought Steel II
Nos. 021 a n d A021 Nos. 016 to A017
Nos. 019 and'A019 N um ber
016 017 A016 A017 019
Size, Inchea
4 5 4 5 4M
'No. A020 M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished
N um ber
A019 A020 A020 021 A021
Size, Inches
4^ •6M 6M m
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Bronze, Bronze, Bronze, Iron Bronze,
Polished Polished Unpolished Polished
H ook Lifts; three dozen in a box, w ith screws, ten gross in a case. Flush Lifts; one dozen in a box, w ith screws, ten gross in a case. B ar Lifts; No. A020 one dozen, others, three dozen in a box, w ith screws. Five gross in a case. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
CHEST HANDLES I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
N um ber H andle Size P late Size Inches Inch'^s
13 25 23 26
Nos. 13, 23 a n d 25
4M 4 3M 2 ^
D escription
4 X 4 3 4 C ast 4 x 4 M C ast C ast 2V 2 X S V 2 C ast
Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron,
Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished
No. 26
A272 A275 A276 A277 Nos. A272 to A277 B9121 S9121
Size, Inches i H
x i V s 2 x 2 %
2Hx3M 3x3M 4x1^ 4x1^
D escription
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Brass, Brass, Brass, Brass,
Polished Polished Polished Polished
Nos. B9121 a n d S9121
W rought Bronze Wrought Steel
CARD HOLDERS Nos. 03 a n d A03 S ty le of N u m b e rs 02 a n d A02
Nos. 04 a n d A04 S ty le of N u m b e rs 05 a n d A05 *t '
---N um ber
Size, Inches Overall
Size, Inches O pening
D escription
05 C ast Iron 6x2 i V s XIM A05 5x2 4J^ X l j | C ast Bronze 04 4^x2^ 5^x3^ C ast Iron A04 4^x2^ C ast Bronze X3 V s 03 2V 2X V 4, C ast Iron ' S /4 Xl^ s 3J^ X IJ^ 2^xM C ast Bronze A03 02 C ast Iron 4M x 2 3M X IM C ast Bronze A02 4^x2 Specify finish w anted when ordering D rop Handle D raw er Pulls and C ard Holders, see page tw o. For other design of drop handle draw er pulls see designs, pages 11 and 13 C hest H andles two dozen in a box, w ith o u t screws. Flush T rap Rings, one dozen in a box, w ith screws. C ard Holders, two dozen in a box, w ith screws.
DRAWER PULLS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
Nos. 074% a n d A074%
Nos. 078M a n d A078M N um ber
Size, Inches
4J^x2 43^x2 4 ji
078M A078M 074M A074%
iV s
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished
Nos. S070M a n d B070M
Nos. 070 to A070M N um ber
070 070M 070M A070 A070M A0703^ S070M B070M
M aterial
Size, Inches
3 Z H SV2
3 8M 3>^ 3M 3%
C ast Iron, Polished C ast Iron, Polished C ast Iron, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished C ast Bronze, Polished W rought Steel, Unpolished W rought Bronze, Polished
Nos. 06 a n d A06
Nos. 07 to A07M N u m b er
07 07
4 3
4 4 4 4
A07 A073^
06 A06 A06
Size, Inches
3M 3M
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, U npolished Bronze, Polished
Specify finish w anted, see page two. Bronze, one dozen; Iron and Steel, three dozen in a box, w ith screws, except Japanned Finish w hich are packed w ith out screws. Five gross in a case. Nos. 06 and A06 fastened th ru wood w ith machine screws.
CUPBOARD TURNS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e - h a lf s iz e Nos.
0 3 1 }4
Nos. 030MT a n d AOSO^T
a n d A031}/^ N um ber
M a te ria
Size, t Inches
030KT 0311^ 030J^T 0313^ A030MT A 031^
15^ X 1 ) 4 X m
1 %
X 1^8
1 % X iV s
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
Nos. 030T a n d A030T
Nos. 031 a n d A031 N um ber .
030T 031 030T 031 A030T A031
M aterial
Size, t Inches
2MxlK 2Mxl^ 2 } i x lV 2 2 H
1V 2
2Mxli^ 2 H
1V 2
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
Nos. S031 a n d B031
Nos. S030T a n d B030T
Our W rought Turns are strong and durable. N um b er
S030T S031 B030T B031
t Sizes given do not include strikes. gross in a case.
Special Spring w ire used in all springs. Size,
t Inches
2 H ^ 1 V 2 2 H ^ 1 V 2
2^x13^ 2Mxl^
M aterial
W rought W rought W rought W rought
Steel Steel Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished
Specify finish w anted, see page two.
One dozen in a box w ith screws. Ten
I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf siz e
Nos. 100 to lOOJ^
Nos. 0100 to AOIOOK Number
Size, t Inches
0100 OlOOJ^ 01003
lire X lA X 134 x
iVg iV s
1% I t s X 1%
0100 OlOOJi OlOOJ^ AOlOO AOIOOM AOIOO}^ 100 lOOM 100>^
l A x l ^
m x iVa Ij^ X 1 ^ lA xlM
1)4 X lYs lA xl^ lA X 1 % 13^ x 1^
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, U npolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, U npolished
0 Nos. 20 to 203^
Nos. 020 to A0203^ N um ber
020 0203€ 020M 020 0203i 02034 A020 A020>i A020>^ 20 203^ 2014
2x1^ 1^x1?^ 23^ x 1^ 2 X 154 IM xl^ 23^ X l Y s 2 x 1 %
iM xl^ 23^ X 2x1^ 1^x13^ 23< X 1 %
DOOR BUTTONS iOl 0121 0121 0121 0121 0121 0121 0221
G ^ v a n iz e d N o.
0122 0122 0122 0122 0122 0122 0222
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Iron, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Unpolished
Nos. 0221 and 0222
Nos. 0121 a n d 0122 Ja p an n ed No.
M aterial
Size, t Inches
Size Inches
13€ m
IM 2 2M 234 1
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron,
Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished
N os. 016 and A016 Size w ith o u t Strilce, 2 x 2^^ in.
French window and cupboard catches; two dozen in a box, w ith screws, ten gross in a case. D oor B uttons; one gross in a box, w ithout screws. Specify size w anted. Refrigerator Catches, plain iron in bulk, w ithout screws. R efrigerator Catches, cast bronze, one dozen in box w ith screws, t Sizes given do n o t include strikes. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
LAMP BRACKETS I llu s tr a t io n s o n e -q u a r te r siz e
No. 162 T y p e of No. 172
No. 462 T y p e of No. 472
Gold Bronze F inish N um ber
172 472 162 462
C ast Iron, L ight W eight C ast Iron, H eavy W eight W ith A djustable Reflector Holder C ast Iron, L ight W eight C ast Iron, H eavy W eight
HAND RAIL BRACKETS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf size
No. 6
No. 06 N um ber
Base, Inches
6 06 07 A07
3 x 11^ 3x11^ 3K X 2 3 /i 3 ^ x 2M
Nos. 07 a n d A07
Base to C enter Inches
2M 2 ^
3 3
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Iron, U npolished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished
Lamp Brackets; one-half dozen in a box, w ithout screws. Twelve dozen in a case. H and R ail B rackets; one-half dozen in a box, w ith screws. N um ber 07 and A07 E x tra H eavy for Store-Office and Public Building work. Furnished w ith M achine Screws. If w anted w ith wood screws specify so when ordering. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
SCHOOLHOUSE CLOAK-ROOM SETS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e - h a lf size
Nos. 05 a n d AOS H a t P in
Nos. 09 a n d A09 U m b rella H older
Nos. 08 a n d AOS C o at Hook
Nos. 05 AOS, 08 and A08 m ade regularly for IJ^ in. rail; can also be furnished for 2 in. rail. N u m b er
05 AOS AOS 08 AOS AOS 09 A09
Base, Inchea
Projection Inches
2 2 2 m
IM x2M 134 x 2K
3 3
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Iron, U npolished Bronze, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished
DISPLAY AND COAT AND HAT HOOKS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -th ir d size
POLE BRACKET I llu s tr a tio n s o n e s ix th size m.
No. A0161
M in ia tu r e view show ing 7 Pole b r a c k e t in u se
Nos. 7 a n d A7 No. 10
N um ber
Base, Inches
P rojection Inches
10 C ast 2^x% m A0161 C ast l^xlK m 7 103^ X 23^ 5 and 103^ C ast 7 5 and 1034 C ast X 23 ^ A7 103^ X 23^ 5 and 1034 C ast A7 C ast 5 and 1034 lOH X 2 1 ^ Nos. 05, AOS, 08 and AOS, one-quarter gross in a box, w ith screws. Nos. 09 and A09 one dozen in a box, w ith screws. No. 10 one dozen in a box, w ith o u t screws. No. A0161 one-quarter dozen in a box, w ith screws. Nos. 7 and A7 one-sixth dozen in a package, w ith screws. Specify finish w anted, see page two.
M aterial
Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished Iron, Polished Bronze, Unpolished Bronze, Polished
CEILING AND WARDROBE HOOKS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e - h a lf siz e Nos. 0142 a n d A0142
Nos. 014 a n d A014 Number
Projection Inches
014 A014 A014 0142 A0142 A0142
O ast C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
25^ V A IV s m
Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Unpolished Bronze, Polished Iron, Unpolished Bronze, Unpolished Bronze, Polished
Nos. 0141 a n d A0141
Nos. 0140 a n d A0140 Projection Inches
0140 A0140 A0140 0141 A0141 A0141
Nos. 0162 a n d 0164
3M 314
3M 3M 3 H
C ast Iron, Unpolished C ast Bronze, Unpolished C ast Bronze, Polished C ast Iron, Unpolished Cg,st Bronze, Unpolished C ast Bronze, Polished
Nos. 0262 a n d 0264 Number Japanned Coppered
0162 0262 0362 0462
0164 0264 0364 0464
Nos. 0362 a n d 0364 Projection Inches
3M 3
box, with screws, except Japanned, opecify iimsh wanted, see page two.
Nos. 0462 a n d 0464
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron,
Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished
01 and Coppered
finishes, which are without screws,
CLOTHES LINE OR HAMMOCK HOOKS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -h a lf size A
Nos. 0145 a n d 01453^
Nos. 0147 a n d 0147^ H ook a t Angle
Nos. 0146 a n d 01463^ Japanned
0145 0146 0147 0148
01453^ 01463^ 01473^ 01483^
Nos. 0148 a n d 0 U 8 } 4 W ith W ro u g h t Screw
Size, Inches
2x2 2M x 1 2 V 2 X 1 H
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron,
Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished
M aterial
0131 0132
C ast Iron, Japanned C ast Iron, Galvanized
Num bers 0131 and 0132 are 2 in. pulleys for
in. rope.
The large opening a t the top allows a kno tted rope to pass th ru freely and there is a guard to prevent the rope from getting between th e wheel and the case. Nos. 0131 a n d 0132
Ncs. 0165 to 0167>^ Ja p an n ed
0156 0157 0165 0166 0167
G alvanized
01563^ 01573^ 01653^ 01663^ 01673^
Nos. 0156 to 0157K M aterial
Size, Inches
2V2 SV2 iV 2
6 8
C ast C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron,
Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished Unpolished
C lothes Line or H am m ock Hooks packed three dozen in a box w ithout screws. C lothes Line Pulleys packed one dozen to a box, five gross to a case. Awning and Line C leats packed three dozen in a box, w ithout screws.
PLIERS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e - h a lf size
6 }4 C
a n d 6}^CP
7C a n d 7CP
N u m b er
M aterial
Size, I n c h ^
6H C P 7C 7CP
QV2 &V2 7 7
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron,
N ickel N ickel Nickel Nickel
Plated, P lated, P lated, P lated ,
T um bled Finish Polished Jaw Tum bled Finish Polished Jaw
One dozen in a box. Three gross in a case.
48C a n d 048C
46C a n d 046C N um ber
46C 046C 48C 048C One dozen in a box.
Size, Inches
eV 2 QV2 7V2 7V2
M aterial
C ast C ast C ast C ast
Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron,
N ickel P lated, Tum bled Finish P lain Unfinished Japanned, Polished Jaw Japanned
Two gross in a case.
TINNERS’ SNIPS I llu s tr a tio n s o n e - th ir d size
00 N um ber
00 003 One dozen in a box.
003 Size, Inches
W V 2 7
Two gross in a case.
M aterial
C ast Iron, Japanned, Polished Jaw C ast Iron, Japanned, Polished Jaw
CARPENTER’S SAW CLAMP I llu s tr a tio n s o n e -th ir d size
0 N um ber
L ength of Jaw, Inches
38 lbs. 4 oz.
N um ber
2 3 7
W eight P er Doz.
M aterial
C ast Iron, Japanned
Size of Jaw s, Inches
iV s 2 H
7 Pol’shed Jaw s P acked
C a st Iron, Ja p an n ed Weight P er Doz.
7 lbs. 12 oz. 14 lbs. 3 oz. 29 lbs. 5 oz.
dozen in a box dozen in a box 1 dozen in a box
PLUMB BOB AND CAN OPENER Illustrations one-half size
15 N u m b er
W eight
15 1
4 oz.
D escription
Size, Inches
C ast Iron, Polished and Nickel P lated, one dozen in a box, five gross in a case Steel Blade. C ast Iron Japanned Handle, one dozen in a box, five gross in a case
2'A N um ber
Opens, Inches
D escription
C ast Iron, Japanned, one dozen in a box, five gross in a case
Size 7 x 2 inches 1% inch Tempered Steel Blade N um ber
7 7 7P 7P
D escription
Polished Polished Polished Polished
Face, packed 6 in a box, 12 dozen in a case Face, packed 1 in a box, 6 dozen in a case Face and Sides, packed 6 in a box, 12 dozen in a case Face and Sides, packed 1 in a box, 6 dozen in a case
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