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English Pages 375 [404] Year 1996
DE MORBIS ACUTIS ET CHRONIIS Edited with Commentary by
Ivan Garofalo Translated into English by
Brian Fuchs
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ISSN 0925-1421 ISBN 90 04 10227 2
© Copyright 1997 by EJ. Brill, Leiden, The Nether/,ands
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, trans/,ated, stored in a retrieval .rystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, el.ectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission ftom the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by E.J. Brill provul.ed that the appropria.te fees are paid direct!), to The Copyright Cl.earance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910 Danvers MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS
Introduction .................................................................... ........... ..... vii Editorial practice .......................... ....................... ........................... xxvii Acknowledgments .......................................................................... xxix Siglorum explicatio .................... ........................ ............. .. ............. xxx
ANONYMI MEDICI De morbis acutis et chroniis, Greek text and English translation in front.............................................................
Bibliography .............. ................. .. ........................................ ..........
Indices ...... ............ ............ .. ... ..................................... .. .................. Index nominum propriorum .................... ................ .................. Index graecus .... .......... ..... ......................... ............... .................. Index auctorum et locorum .................... ................ ................ .... Index of drugs and foods ...... .. ...... .... .. ................ ............. ..........
267 269 271 343 355
The work on acute and chronic diseases, by an anonymous physician of the imperial age Anonymus Parisinus 1 (AP) Darembergii2 sive Fuchsii, 3 is the still nameless4 author of the only work beside Aretaeus' ,5 preserved in Greek, on acute and chronic diseases. 6 The distinction between the two kinds of disease is of course a very ancient one. We have the Hippocratic work on the regimen in acute diseases7 and the therapeutical treatises of the Corpus Hippocraticum (CH) describing many acute diseases. 8 After "Hippocrates" other works entitled On Acute diseases are mentioned. 9 Chronic diseases, however, were not dealt as opposed to acute ones. A distinction between internal and external diseases goes back to the CH and was followed later on. 10 Diodes 11 and Praxagoras 12 entitle their works On diseases, their causes and treatment.
The name Parisinus is due to the fact that the sole complete manuscript is the Parisinus suppl. graec.636, a codex brought to Paris by the M. Mynas (s. below). 2 Daremberg was the first who understood the independence and the originality of this work, Mysas saw in it Galen's Euporista. See Garofalo Prolegomena. 3 R. Fuchs was the first editor of parts of AP (s. below). 4 For tentative identifications see below. 5 Ed. Hude, see bibliography. 6 In Latin we have the adaptation of Soranus' by Caelius Aurelianus. 7 Of course we are considering the subject, not the title, which is not ancient. 8 Of the sixteen dealt with by AP (phrenitis, lethargy, epilepsy, apoplexy, cephalea, angina, tetanus, pleuritis, peripneumonia, syncope, bulimia, hydrophobia, cholera, ileus, colic, satyriasis) all, except bulimia, hydrophobia and satyriasis are described in the CH. 9 Asclepiades: CA Ac. I §6, II §6 etc. De celeribus. For Asclepiades see Vallance 1990 and 1993. 10 Cf. De interioribus. Heraclides of Tarentum CA Ac. I §166 (Curationes de intemis passionibus), Apollonius Glaucus, CA Chr. IV§ 113 (De interioribus). 11 Fragments collected by Wellmann. A new collection is being prepared by P. van der Eijk. 12 Ed. Steckerl. 1
Prior to Themison 13 (1st c. BC), according to Caelius Aurelianus, 14 physicians did not treat specifically chronic diseases. In Celsus' 15 times (under Tiberius) the specificity of chronic diseases was recognized, but theoretical difficulties arose in ranking diseases among either group, and Celsus himself does not adopt the classification. In the methodist school, 16 which was developing in Rome in this period, the treatment of chronic diseases became very sophisticated, with Thessalus, 17 in the Neronian age, and other anonymous methodists. 18 It reached its perfection with Soranus. 19 The other "Roman" school, the pneumatists, 20 were also active in developing special treatments for chronic diseases. Aretaeus' treatise On Acute and Chronic Diseases is not to be dated with certainty. 21 Archigenes 22 (fl. under Trajan) wrote on the causes' signs ('t&v o~icov Kcxt xpovicov 1tcx0oyvcoµovtKa) 23 and on the therapy (0epcx1teunKcx 't&v o~icov Kcxt xpovicov 1tcx0&v) of acute and chronic diseases, of which many chapters
On Themison v. Diller, RE Themison, Pigeau p.566 ff. See CA Preface to Chronic Diseases I §3 scribentium igitur medicinam nullus ante Themisonem tardarum passionum curationes principaliter ordinavit. The reason is both theoretical and sociological. Caelius stresses the medical difficulties of healing a chronic disease. But it was also an economical question. The treatment of chronic disease requires a class of relatively rich patients, such as the urban bourgeoisie of the Roman Empire. 15 Celsus ed. Marx, 3.1.1. For difficulty concerning this classification v. Celsus 13
ib. For the philological problems concerning the origin of methodism see Edelstein, RE Suppl. VI, Methodiker, and Pigeau. 17 On Thessalus see Diller RE and Pigeau. 18 CA Chr. I §3. For methodist medicine see Mayer-Steineg. 19 On Soranus see Hanson-Green, ANRW, also for the vexata quaestio concerning the degree and quality of Caelius' originality. For the text of Caelius Aurelianus (CA) ed. Bendz and Drabkin. 20 Wellmann's Pneumatische Schute is still fundamental. For recent literature Kudlien Pneumatische Aerzte. 21 On the chronology of Aretaeus see S.M. Oberhelmann, ANRW 37.2 also for bibliography. His dependence from Archigenes, affirmed by Wellmann Pneumat. Schute, is now rejected. 22 The fragments of Archigenes are chiefly preserved in Galen and Aetius. A modern collection does not exist. Most are in Wellmann's Pneumat. Schute. The partial edition by Calabro is not completely reliable. A great improvement on the text will be made by the critical edition of Aetius' IX-XVI prepared by Garzya and his equipe. 23 Gal. De tocis ajfectis 8.203: a quotation from the causes of vertigo (skotomaticon pathos). 16
are extracted by Aetius24 • Galen relies largely on him. 25 A work of this title is not attested for Rufus, although in his fragments chronic diseases are present, and the Ephesian wrote three monographs on chronic diseases, on The diseases of kidneys and the bladder, on Gout, on Jaundice. Only the first is preserved in Greek. 26 The division ac./chr. is not followed by Oribasius, Alexander of Tralles, Aetius, Paulus of Aegina, Paulus of Nicea. 27
Both acute and chronic diseases are ranged a capite ad calcem, according to the common disposition in Greek medical works 28 and follow a precise physiopathology, which is often different from the principles followed by Aretaeus and Caelius Aurelianus and others. 29 In particular, for acute diseases: head (phrenitis, lethargy, epilepsy, apoplexy, cephalea), neck (angina, tetanus), chest (pleuritis, peripneumonia, syncope), esophagus 30 (hydrophobia), peritoneum (cholera), intestines (ileus, colic), sexual organs (satyriasis). In the chronic diseases: head (vertigo, madness, melancholy, fanaticism, various forms of paralysis) 31 ; chest (blood-spitting, phthisis, empyems, atrophy, 32 asthma); abdominal cavity (liver inflammation, jaundice, liver cirrhosis, spleen inflammation, spleen cirrhosis, kidney inflammation, bladder haemorrhage, ulceration and paralysis); intestinal diseases (lientery, dysenteric rheumatism, dysentery) then general diseases (cachexia, dropsy), anus (tenesmus) and penis (gonorrhoea), joints (sci-
Orib. 8.1-2 on hellebore. 25 Galen himself did not write a manual, but treated the subject of aetiology, semeiology and therapeutics in a general way. In practical details he prefers to comment on other authors' works, such as Arc hi genes' IlEpt trov icatcx toitov £'1fllc:mvn:c; scripsi: 1tpocraq>E'lfllaavtE AUXVOU
2 lCCX.t touc; µev ElC 1tpcot11c;
11 6eutepa.c; nµepa.c; 7tCX.pCX.1CO'lfCX.Vta.c;
q>AEPotoµritfov 1ta.povtrov t&v 1tpoc; t'JlV q>AEPotoµia.v a.pt0µ&v, 7tEpt t'JlV OEUtepa.v 11 tpit11v nµepa.v' 0'1ta.viroc; 0£ 7tEpt t'JlV t£tClpt11v. do' o'Ov 1CAUO'tftpt µeta.JCtfov Ent ta Katro t'JlV UATlV.
testes LPl 1 oelhco(y)µevoi; Fuchs 0£0tcoµevoi; Pl oeoucoµevoi; L I 1tu1CVcoi; Pl 2 ofot11cra Pl (non oicrto:cra ut contendit Fuchs) 3 Kat seclusi 4 iMXpou L 5 tai; l(Etpai; exovtoi; Pl 6 KpoKiOai; LPl corr. LSJ I cixupa supplevi 8 oiovd ] 1Ca1 Pl I 11 ci).1:r1 Pl 15 A.aA.ouow LI aypu1tviai; L 10 1Cpo1Ct6il;oucn PlL correxi tpauA.i/;oucrt Pl 15 j,erxoucrt om. Pl 20 £1C1Cptv£ LPl correxi 22 1tapa1CO\jlOVtai; L 24 0"1tavicoi; OE 7t£pl tiiv t£tapt11v om. L
small, thick; breathing continuous and not enterely dilating the chest 3 Besides, perpetual sleeplessness and trouble of mind: sometimes he gets angry and savage and runs outside, at other times he is happy and sings, or lies down; he holds his arms suspended in air and plucks lint from the blankets or collects twigs or pulls chaff from the walls and thinks he is plucking something [71] but he gets nothing and palpates; 4 chilling of the extremities, complete sleeplessness, delirium or silence, laughing or depression; eyes red, quickly moving, with tears; the patients collect lint. Their tongue lacks moisture, the appetite differs in individual patients. 5 In those who are in [serious] danger the hypochondrium tenses and is pulled up, neck and face sweat, the belly suffers catarrh, the body trembles. 6 If the patients are near death they utter high-pitched screams, speak indistinctly, stutter, their pulse abates and they have difficulty breathing and snore. Consider these as a whole signs of phrenitis. 3
Phrenitis, therapy 1 First of all have the patients lie in a bright place; for most of them this is a good procedure. However, choose an appropriate milieu for those who are bothered by light. For some of them you should also adopt the light of a lamp. 2 Bleed those who suffer from delirium beginning on the first or second day; on the second or third day, if the various conditions for phlebotomy are present; seldom on the fourth. Otherwise, divert the matter downward by means of a clyster.
2.3 mxpV (l'l)'tO(jl'\JOOV P2 9-10 l((lt 'tOV YE] 'tOV 'tE VPl 10 E\jlll'tOV P1P2 11 7tOtKtA1l Pl I1tpoc;] Eic; V 12 mx0oc; P2 I l((ll(OXUµtac; Ota post mx0ouc; Pl I yiyvot'tO P2 YEV'Tl't7tllp&v Pl ucrcr0>1t11PIDV V ucr111t11p&v P2 17 1tpocruvat..Etq>OV'tac; scripsi: 1tpocrcruvat..dq,ovtac; P2 cruvat..dq,ovwc; V om. Pl 18 ep1tut..fou, cxwiv0fou V ep1tut..fou cxwiv0fou Pl awiv0rov ep1tut..ou P2 19 Kt..tcrµan P2 I Acxµl3cxv£'tCO cr11:co6rn; P2
20 KCX'tCX1tACXcrfo9cocrcxv P2
20-21 crucr1:peq>e1v]
V lCCXl P2 6 µcxA.ayµcxto£proc; tote; 111tattKotc; 8£pa1t£Utfov, i6iroc; 0£ E1t 'm'.>trov 1tac; Optµdac; 1tpocroicroµ£v Kat ~11poq>ayiac; Kat OA.tyo1tocriac;, airopac; OE Kat 1t£pt1topov UA'Yf\µa. t'JlKOV fo9' OtE lixpt pcixerov scripsi: xuµii>v P2 10 OtllµEvou P2 locus corruptus I lipa.vou tov tpiopoA.ov P2 11 11 seclusi I Kpa.µµa.to; P2 12 Oto seclusi I OE seclusi 13 OK'.UATI; P2 I EµEtou; P2 15 tou; &1to scripsi: &1to P2 17 1tEpt veq>pmKrov P2 index 1tEpt veq>pmx:ii>v ait V 19 veq,pin; iiv P2 I ouµpa.ivoiVPl 20 ouµmi0eia.v P2 I a.itirov P2 21 Eq>' a.utou; P2 E1t 'a.utot; VPl 22 Eµ1tE1CA.1lOµEvrov Pl 24 Clq>OOpro; Pl 25 , and the drug made from the 7 We shall adopt vomiting with radish more frequently, and if squill. the bad condition persists, also with hellebore. The general remedy is burning.
Nephritis, causes Patients happen to suffer by reason of the kidneys in two ways, either because the kidney themselves have got a primary inflammation or one from some external cause, or because they get filled and distended and inflamed because morbid matter has moved to them from the whole body. Nephritis, signs Symptoms of nephritis are: severe pain in the loins, which sometimes extends up to the dorsal spine and to the [cervical] sinews, or downwards to the legs, since the bladder, too, is affected and the lower belly; some2
I Lime] Archig. I cp;\,eyµatrocrn; is hapax 4 µexpt tOU Oaouvm to 7tV£UµattoV Athen. ap. Orib. 10.7.22 5 potions] hulwort or clary (salvia horminum)] CA Orib. I caper root] CA Orib. Scrib.l cheme] CA cotylae I ammoniac] Scrib. CA Biz. 6 mixing of wine] CA ex vino mixto. elsewhere Kpiiµa I Fruit of tamarisk in honey and vinegar, Scrib. I squill] cooked Orib. Pliny 20.100 I burning The mi son ap. CA§ 66 XXXVII Nephritis Rufus Ren. Celsus 4.17 A + Capitani Arel. Ac. 2.8, Ch. 2.3 CA Chron. V iii §52 ff.(nephritis) and Vx § 103, I IO, (internal abcess) Archig. ap. Gal. 13.331 Def 19.424 Orib. fr.62 Paul. 3.45.4 Byz. LIi. 1 vecpptttiiv is hapax, but cf. EAecpavnaro, nooayptaro etc. I two ways] three are mentioned I nprotona0etav] cf. Gal. 8.31, the verb 1tproto1ta8iro in Sor. 3.38.3 al. I vooonotou UAT\~] Herod. ap. Orib. 10.18.4. 2 loins] KEVEWVE~ Rufus I O'KEArov] µT\piov Rufus
1('\)0'tE~ cruµna0ot>O'% l((ll, EpEtoc; o~uc; l((ll, 1tapaK01t~, a.vatpon~ crtoµTJ q>cotoc; 32.4 110.12 1tpoc; to q>. EKtapacrcroµEvotc; 4.19 q>coteivoc; EV t07tCfl q>. 4.18 114.18
q>uAacrcrfo0cocrav 1CtVT10"tV 188.1-2 O"t!XO"tV 254.1 (pass.)
q>UAuAacrcroµEvmc; 42.19 (Ouvaµetc;) 7t£q>UAaX0at 28.21 q>uUa aot&vtou 240.22 aµ1tEAou 254.16 -otc; 1Cuµatcov 166.15 (j)'UO"EAECO 254.4 &x:pmo; 84. 7 opiµuq>a.yia. 82.21 x:a0a.pai; 104.23 q>AE~otoµia. 168. 7 (pass.) 28.134.1436.4 260.19
coq>EAtµo;, anoq>Aeyµa.naµoi 134.18 eµ~a.at; 164.24 x:a.tllV'tATIO"t; 208.25 x:Auaµoi 134.21 1ta.tEtV 130.12 (sup.) COq>EAtµc.ota.tOV yap 230.21 x:a.uat; 118.19 pil;,a. 238.8 coxpia.ai; 150.8 coxpoµEAa.va. (tK'.'tEpov) 180.4 coxp6t11; U7COAE'UK'.O; 222.9
Aetius ed. A.Olivieri CMG VIII Lipsiae et Berolini 6.30 p. 1935, 1938 (Demosthenes?) 7.54 8.60-63 8.65 8.74 9.1 11.32 11.33 12.6 16.26 16.29
133 139 141 149 65 73 107 241 243 211 113
Andromachus ed. E.Heitsch Die griechische Dichterfragmente der roemischen Kaiserzeit v.2 Gottingen 1964 apud Galenum n°62 189 13.239 K Anonymus Bruxellensis p.226W. p.231 w. Antyllus apud Oribasium Collectiones 6.21.7 6.61.1 9.13.1 9.13.1 Archigenes apud Galenum 13.217 13.228 13.262 apud Oribasium Collectiones 44.26
219 51
163 229 31 70
171 179 225
apudAetium 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.39 6.28 6.39 8.50 8.68 9.6 9.28 9.35 9.41 10.13 10.19 11.3 11.24 13.121
111 113 117 51 123 51 39 57 81 95 215 237 189 223 199 207 259
Archigenes et Antyllus apudAetium 9.43 9.40
211 219
Archigenes et Herodotus apudAetium 10.29
Aretaeus ed. Hude SA (De signis et causis acutarum passionum) 1.2.1, 8 11 1.2.1 13 1.2.8, 11 17 1.5.1, 2, 4, 6 19 1.5.9 21 1.6.4 51 1.10.4, 5 59 1.11.4 167 2.1.2, 3 67 2.2.1 141
91 2.5.2 2.6.1 97 CA (De curatione acutarum) 27 1.4.2, 5 21 1.5.1 1.5.2, 3 23 1.6.2, 3, 4, 5, 6 51-3 41 1.7.2 47 1.7.4, 6 61 l.10.9, 12 1.10.10, 14 65 37 1.12.16 67 2.1.1 145 2.2.2 145 2.2.3, 5 145 2.2.17 75 2.3.9, 17 73 2.3.15-17 91 2.4.1 61 2.5.3 177 2.6.6 109 2.11.2-4 SD (De signis diuturnarum) 119 1.3.2 115 1.6.8 119 1.5.4 115 1.6.10 125 1.7.2 133 1.7.2 139 1.7.7 151 1.10.4 CD (De curatione diuturnarum) 33 1.2.1 47 1.2.17 37 1.2.3 111 1.3.2, 6 111 1.3.3 119 1.5.2, 4 119 1.5.12 153 1.8.1 195 2.3.3 243 2.5.4 243 2.12.1 259 2.13.3 261 2.13.4 261 3.13.8
Aristoteles apud Caelium Chron. l.173 Artemidorus Erasistrateus apud Caelium 3.113
Artorius Asclepiadeus apud Caelium Acut. 3.113 85 Asclepiades Bithynus apud Anonym. Lond. 37,34 apud Galenum 13.232 14.136 apud Caelium Acut. l.107 2.34 2.129 2.156, 157 2.228, 229 3.34 3.89, 91 3.89, 92 3.168 Chron. 2.55, 56 2.56 2.56 2.109 2.183 3.149, 150 3.150 apud Celsum 3.18.14 3.21.8
75 183 185 175
81 43 61 67-9 77 49 53
55 77 123 125 131 157 143 229 235 9 231
Bizantius unpublished edition by K.D.Fischer 51-3 c.VI 57 VIII 89-93 XVII
111 113 121 121 85 81 159-61 211 237 155 141 149 159 167-171 171-3 193 241 247 251 259-61
Caelius Aurelianus ed.G.Bendz CML VI 1 Berlin 1990, 1993 Acut. (Celerum passionum) 1.34 1.34 1.35 1.39
5 5 7
1.64 1.70 1.75 1.83 2.10, 13, 16-18 28 2.26, 29 2.91, 92, 97 2.103, 106, 110, 112 2.112, 143 2.145, 149, 150, 151 2.160 2.168, 191,192,193,196 2.196, 209,211,232 2.197, 218, 232 3.49, 51, 57, 58 3.21 3.66, 68 3.75, 78, 79
5 7 7 13 15
59 61 63
65 69 73 77 79 27-9 47 51 53
3.76 p.338, 1 55 3.101, 103, 113 85 3.103, 117,127 87-9 3.135 89 3.181-183 109 3.180, 185 107-9 91 3.195 3.198, 199,201,202 91-3 3.147, 150, 173 99 3.149, 152,162,173 101 Chron. (Tardarum passionum) 1.4, 5, 6, 45 33 1.28 31 1.61, 63, 64, 65 21-3 1.65, 74, 77, 117 23 1.152, 155, 158, 160, 161 115 1.181-184 119 2.3, 18-19 127 2.19 127 2.25, 31, 34-35 127-9 2.26 129 2.55 127 2.94-95, 101, 106 155-7 2.98, 103-4 159 2.127, 129 141 2.130-131, 149,152,158, 170,183 143-5 2.159, 160,165,174 145-7 2.182 149 2.196-197 151 2.198-199, 207-8 151 2.210-212 153 3.3 167 3.7, 11 167-9 3.10 171 3.49, 54-5 187-91 3.51, 59 191 3.68-69 181 3.75-6 183 3.71, 74, 76, 78-9 185 3.81, 87, 88, 89 223-5 3.91, 93, 94 165 3.96, 105, 106 225-7 3.106 227 3.117, 118, 137 231-3 3.113 235 3.114, 115, 121, 137 235
4.4 4.1, 2, 8-11 4.20 4.23, 48, 65-66 4.34-35 4.45 4.58 4.48 4.59 4.68, 72, 76 4.71 4.69 4.92 4.94, 95, 97, 99, 101, 104 4.102-5 5.21, 30, 31 5.27 5.23 5.37, 43, 47 5.45, 47 5.66, 68-70 5.94 5.116, 118, 121 5.118, 121-2, 126 5.117, 121, 125-6
259 261 217 217-9 221 239 217 217 175 213-5 217 213 103 105-7 107 251 243-5 249 253-5 257 199-201 159 161-3 177-9 197
Cassius ed. J.L. Ideler Physici et medici graeci minores Berlin 1841 205 57 115 61 Cassius Felix ed. V.Rose Lipsiae 1879 p.1
Celsus ed. Marx CMLI Berolini 1915 153 1.1 103 1.7 5 2.7.24 159 2.7.38 113 2.17 61 2.17.25 117 3.17 5 3.18.5, 7, 8 7 3.18.12
3.20.5 3.18.15 3.19.1 3.21 3.21.5, 11, 13 3.21.6, 8 3.21.9, 10 3.21.7, 17 3.22.1 3.22.5 3.22.3 3.22.8 3.22.11 3.22.7 3.23.3, 7 3.23.3 3.24 3.24.4 3.25.1 3.25.2 3.26 3.27 3.27.lC 3.27.lD 3.27.lD 3.27.2C 4.2.2 4.2.5, 7 4.2.8 4.3 4.3.5 4.6 4.6.2 4.6.6 4.7.3 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.11.3 4.11.6, 7 4.11.8 4.13.1,2 4.14.1 4.14.2, 3 4.14.3 4.14.3, 4 4.15.1 4.15.1, 2
15 9 73-81 225 229 231 233-5 235 163 165 149 151 153 223 21 25 179 185 259 259 27 123 127 131 131 257 31 33-7 37 133 155 51 53 55 49 167 169 141 145 147 61 65 67-9 67 69 171 173
4.15.4 4.16.1 4.17 4.17.1 Capitani Maia 1974 p.65 p.66 4.18 4.18 4.18.5 4.19.4 4.20 4.20 4.21 4.22.1 4.22.1, 5 4.23 4.23.3 4.25 4.29 4.29.2 4.30 4.31 4.31.2, 3, 4, 8 4.31.4, 5, 6 5.18.4 5.27.1 6.6.37 6.14.1 Cicero De nat. deor. 2.140
179 189-91 193 195 201 207 89 93 93 215 95 97 103 219 221 211 213 237 247 249 243 251 253 255-7 191 85 139 49
Demetrius Herophilius apud Caelium Acut. 113 2.141 Dieuches apud Oribasium Collectiones 4.7
Diodes ed. M.Wellmann, Die Fragmente der sikelischen Aerzte, Berlin 1901 fr.38 3 fr.39 5
40 42-43 44-45 46-49 50 51-52 53-4
55 57-58 59 61 63 66 68-69 74 Dioscurides ed. M.Wellmann Berlin 1907-1914 De mat. med. 1.1.2 1.3 1.30 1.30.6 1.68 1.71.1 1.77 2.54 2.70 2.76 2.106 2.125.3 3.13 3.62 3.77 3.79.2 3.158.2 4.171 4.188 5.21 5.22 5.75.7 5.81 5.97, 113 5.99 5.119.1
347 113 117 11 225 149 19 179 25 123 31 39 59 65 171 95
69 231 95 247 201 187 261 103 111 221 213 151 241 213 197 157 173 173 205 77 69 203 125 147 201
[Dioscorides] Eup. 249 1.235 (242) 249 1 231 (238) 2.41 (39) 169 Theriaca ed. K.Sprengler ap. Kuehn vol.26. 31 praef. 26.56.15 259 cap.9.1 Erasistratus Erasistrati fragmenta ed. I.Garofalo, Pisa 1988 fr. 38 129-30 162,35 164 173 174 176 177 180 182 185 186-8 188 227-239 240-7 242 245 248-251 248-257 257 258 259-60 261A 262 263 266 267-9 269 283 284 286-287 (sp.) 293
49 207 107 89 163 27 3 11 57 65 179 159 179 141 123 127 133 187 225 171 73, 211 215 211,235 221 95 217 251 253 205 81 39 19
Gaius Herophili apud Caelium 3.113
Galenus De temperamentis ed. G.Helmreich Leipzig 1904 (1969) 1.517 187 1.667 202 De nat.fac. ed. Helmreich SM III 2.10 69 2.85 187 2.153, 3 207 Anat. admin. ed. M.Simon, Sieben Bucher Anatomie des Galen, vol. I Leipzig 1906 10.3 139 De usu partium ed. G.Helmreich Leipzig 1907-9 (1968) 3.334 203 3.354 211 3.786 165 4.19 16 De instrum. odor. ed. Kollesch CMG Suppl.V 2.1-5 155 4.3 157 De di.ff. feb. 7.324 149 De trem. 7.641 51 De tum. praet. nat. 7.728 107 De locis affectis 201 8.4 193 8.31 8.201 111 11, 31 8.204 39 8.228 8.248 39 8.301 73 73 8.342 171 8.346 207 I.VI, 4
De puls. ad tirones 8.476 8.477
11 57 19,41
De caus. puts. 79 9.58 De dieb. decret. 9.917 125 De medendi methodo 191 10.920 Ad Glauconem 11.109 187 11.140 259 De simpl. med. Jae. 11.609 203 11.835 55 De comp. med. sec. Loe. 12.562 31 133 12.582 167 13.105 13.236 189 De comp. med. per genera 13.903 39 De praen. ad Epigenem ed. V.Nutton
CMGV8.1 14.616 69 In Hipp. epid. I ed. E. Wenkebach CMG V 10, 1, 1 p.97 211 In Hipp. epid. VI ed.Wenkebach, CMG V 10, 2, 1 p.19 95 117 p.138 p.237 159 p.138 159 In Hipp. aphor. 17B.384 89 17B.623 95 17B.873 153 18A.4 211 18A.167 83 18A.192 211 In Hipp. progn. ed. Heeg CMG V.9.2 18A.705 211 18B.500 81
De motu muse. 188.930 [Gal.] De optima secta 1.136 1.156 Ps.Galenus Definitiones medicae K. vol.I n°234 n°235 n°240 n°246 n°247 n°248 n°251 n°252 n°254 n°256 n°255 n°259 n°260 n°264 n°265 n°266 n°269 n°270 n°271 n°272 n°273 n°296 n°340
255 51
3,5 11 19 113 117 31 111 155 39 81 85 65 149 57,59 73 89 219 237 211 103 95 259 139
lntroductio sive medicus K. vol.14 14.733 3 14.734 39, 415765 14.735 73,179 14.736 89,103 14.737 25,27,51 14.739 19, 21 14.740 113 14.741 11 14.743 141 14.747 225
14.754 14.755 14.757 14.763-7 14.775
211 247 259 95 139
Heraclides (v. Deichgraeber Empirikerschule) 3 fr.180 49 fr.181 17 fr.182 225 fr.183 39 fr.184 89 fr.245 Herodotus apud Gal. 11.558 13.788 apud Oribasium Collectiones 5.30.4 10.8.1 10.39.3 1.().40.3 Synopsis 6.3
3 235
43 233 167 113 7
Hippocrates (capitula editionis Littre) 119 Acut.15 Acut. (sp.) 39 6 157 14 83 54 27 Aer. 7 3 AJJ. 10 Aph. 27 2.42 157 3.16 181 4.64 197 4.70.2 153 5.4 87 5.5 21 5.7 247 6.69 237 7.27 5 7.82
de Arte 13 Epid. 2.6.26 3.6 3.17 Loe. horn. 14 Morb. 2.3, 14 MS 10 14 Mui. 2.212 Nat. Mui. 34 Prog. 8 12 16 Prorrh. 1.105 VM 15
229 97 11 111 59 33 19 115 191 61 5 197 159 53 6
Oribasius, ed. I. Raeder CMG VI Lipsiae et Berolini 1926-1933 Collectiones 50.12 185 Synopsis 2.2 85 3.14 175 3.183 155 8.4 11 l 8.12 85 8.5 25 8.7 119 8.46 139 9.4.12 153 9.21 223 Eclogae fr. 1 31 26 155 31 149 30 141 48 171 51 225 52 89 211-5 53 54 219 237 56
59 61 62 63
65 72 72, 7 72,8 74 75 84 116
95 103 193 199 201 207 107 123 133 135 137 247 243 135 151
Paulus Aegineta, ed. I. Heiberg CMG IX Berolini 1921 111 1.12.2 165 1.26.1 31 3.4 3 3.6 3.9 11 113 3.14 25,123 3.18 51 3.20 139 3.22 3.30 65 167 3.29.2 141 3.31 149 3.32 3.33 57 3.34 73 3.39 89 211 3.40.1 237 3.41 3.42.2 171 3.43 103 3.44 95 3.45.4 193 223 3.46.7 225 3.48 179 3.50 107 3.56 225 3.69.6 247 3.77 243 3.78
4.1.2 5.3 6.92 Pelops apud Paulum Aeg. 3.20 Philumenus apud Oribasium Collectiones 45.29 Synopsis 8.16
351 259 85 135
259 51
Plato Euthyd. 302a Lg. 746c R. 616c Tim. 45b-d
57 89 73 139
Plinius ed. Belles Lettres 15.88 20163 22.48 24.133 30.33 31.10 33.110
153 213 197 173 45 107 205
Praxagoras ed. F.Steckerl, The fragments of P. of Cos and his School, Leiden 1958 6 117 57 95 62 3 64 179 65 65 67 57 68 171 70 19 71 121 72 113 74 25 75 123 78 83
79 91 105 106 deest apud S.
163 237 123 125 227
Rufus Onom. ed. Kowalski 103 (p.55 K) 199 Pod. ed. M~rland "Symb. Oslo." Suppl.
Vl1933 34-35 Ren. ed. Sideras CMG III, 1 2.16 2.19, 26 2.29, 33 11 15 De satyr. et gon. ed. Daremberg p.62 p.64 s. p.74.12 p.121 apud Oribasium Collectiones 7.26.177 45.27.2 Rufus et Posidonius apudAetium 6.24 11.29.93 apud Oribasium Collectiones 7.26.166 fr. 70 73 77 79 80 120-121
251-8 197 195 197 201 205 207
209 107 109 241
121 259-61
85 57
69 117 23 51 55 179 179 25 27
122 126 127 128 140 141 lethargus 186 187 189 191,193,205 194,205 208 258 p.111
123 111 119 119 3 33 11 159 59 161 81 89 91 95
De pulsibus 6.2.1 6.3 6.6 Anat. 13 176
Soranus ed. J.Ilberg CMG IV Lipsiae et Berolini 1927 1.26.4, 1.31.2 1.34.2 1.46.7 2.22.6 3.17.3 3.13.1 3.29.2 3.38.3 3.45.1 3.48.3
3 11 57 139 179
37 259 17 55 61 79 95 195
98 71
Strat,Jn erasistrateus apud Orib. Coll. 45.27.2 259 Themison apud Caelium Acut. 2.44, 45 2.48,49 2.134 2.159
13 17 65 67 69
2.232, 286 3.185 2.186 Chron. 1.47 2.57 2.57-58 2.59 2.109 2.113 2.185 3.12 3.78 3.30
77 107 109 33 127 129 131 157 157 145 169 185 223
3.94 3.151 4.4 4.5 5.25
165 229 259 261 247
Thessalus apud Caelium Chron. 1.80 2.57 2.61 2.62 2.113 3.80
23 129 127 129 157 223
par. par. olf. perip. phoin.
anas. ang. apop. apophleg.
phren. pleur. pod. propot.
Complete references to loci paralleli are given in the commentary
anasarca dropsy angina apoplexy apophlegmatim, drug purging phlegm arthr. arthritis ascites dropsy asc. atroph. atrophy bulimia bul. cachexia each. catarrh catar. cephalea ceph. cyn. spasm cynic spasm degl. paralysis of deglutition dysentery dys. eleph. elephantiasis embrocation( s) embroc. empyem(s) emp. epilepsy epil. fumig. fumigation(s) fanaticism fanat. gon. gonorrhea haem. haemoptysis hemorrage haemor. hydroph. hydrophobia ict. jaundice inf. liver inflammation of the liver inf. spleen inflammation of the spleen inf. vesc. inflammation of the bladder lethargy leth. lient. lientery melancholy mel. Pliny, Naturalis historia NH nephritis nephr. smelling drugs odor.
rheum. sciat. sync. ten. tet. tinct. tymp. ulc. vesc. vapor. vert.
paralysis paralysis of olfaction pneumonia phoinigmos, rubefacient treatment phrenitis pleurisy podagra, gout propotism(s), potion( s) taken in fast dysenteric rheumatism sciatica syncope tenesmus tetanus tinctura, internal ointment tympanites dropsy ulcer of the bladder vaporation(s) vertigo
'A~p6tovov Habrotonon, Artemisia abrotonum arborescens Thphr. HP 6.7.3 Celsus Dsc.3, 246.7.3. NH 21.160 warming, with other indications. Different use in Celsus (diuretic in dropsy 3.21.7). Gargles ang. (42.8) bunch of h. to take away phlegm Jeth. (14.9) emollient inf. liver (l 74.3), with sulphur asthma (168.17 Scrib. Larg.). "Anoucm Alkanet, Anchusa tinctoria; A. Lys 48 X Oec 10 2 Thphr. HP 7.8.3 Dsc 4.23 NH 22 48 enema nephr. (196.12 Dsc. Pl.).
'A15icxvtov Maidenhair, Adiantum capillus Veneris, black and white Thphr. HP
7 .10.5 and 7.14.1 Dsc. 4.23 Pl. 22 65 propot. ict. (182.7 Dsc. Pl. Soranus) and leaves gon. (240.22). 'Aei~coov Evergreen, Sempervivum HP 1.10.4 NH 25 160 (chilling), Dsc 4.48 (haemostatic). Used as component of poultices, in perip. (70.6) sync. (76.10 CA), hydroph. (88.1) pod. (254.19). 'A1m1da Acacia arabica, Dsc 1.101 a chilling astringent (Celsus, Dsc., Pl.) much used: in poultices, cholera (92.4 Aret.) haem. (144.10 CA and 146.10) nephr. (196.4 ), haemor. bladder (200.11) lienter. (212.2); in enema in tenesmus (238.22) in tinct. gon. (240.16 Soranus). "A1mv8a Juice of e. prob. apa~tlCll, astringent Dsc. 3.13, in potion gon. (240.22). 'AK0Vl'tOV Aconite, Aconitum Anthora, Thphr. HP 9.16.4 Dsc 4.76-77 NH 27 4 in cirrhosis of spleen (192.1 ). "AKopov Iris pseudacoros Dsc 1.2. Pl. 25 157 ad calfaciendum extenuandumque. A diuretic, in anas. (230.25 Celsus). "AAm; Dsc.5.109,2 Pl.36.98. Salt is used in tinct. ang. (44.18), in foments tet. (52.21 Aret.), pleur. (60.16), in cerate perip. (70.16 CA) par. (126.14 Themison), with cuppings, asthma (170.2) cirrhosis of liver (188.4) cirrhosis of spleen (190.21 CA dihalon), in ointments anas. (228.20 Dsc.), in bath sciat. (248.18 CA), in poultice pod. (256.11 Celsus), warm in bags par. olf. (132.15 CA). 'AA.tKcxKa~ov (EA.tKaKcx~o'\J codd.) Dsc.4.71-2 Winter-cherry, Physalis Alkekengi, Celsus 5.19.B3 (hali-
caccabi ). In salve for malignant ulcers; or a variant of strychnos, Dsc. 4.72 NH 21.180 halicacabon, more soporiferous than opium. In AP and in Soranus pi~a ~11pcx, propot. in gon. (240.20 Soranus Gyn. 3.45, Aet.). 'AA.611 Aloes Dsc.2.124 NH 27.14. A purgative called pikra hiera, bitter h. (Gal.8.224) milder than the hiera, propot. anas. (230.25) in me!. (118.24 CA) added to hiera, and with wormwood (CA). "Aµi Ammi copticum, aethiopic cumin, Dsc.3.62 NH 20.163. Pills with ami lient. (214.1 ). "Aµµoi; Foment with sand 106.8 (colics) 196.26 (nephr.) on the beach 188.8 (cirrhosis of lever) 232.13 roasted (anasarca Herod.) heated (focx1mpoi;) par. vesc (210.4 Archig.) eleph. (260.19). 'AµµcovmK6v Sap of Femia tingitana. Dsc. 3.88 Pl. NH 12.107. In tinct. ceph (34.15 Orib.); tinct. with honey ang. (44.19 Orib.) propot. asthma, 1 obol (168.13 CA), cirrhosis of spleen (198.8 CA) 1 drachm. "Aµ1tEA.OpOOtVOV Used mostly in embroc. in acute and chronic diseases upon the head (except ceph.34.4 in poultice) phren. (6.6) leth. (14.1 Paul.) apop. (28.8) sync. (74.21), vert. (112.3), man. (116.10). In phren. (6.6) the ratio between rose oil and vinegar is 5: 1. In cyn. spasm (134.20) embroc. Ota poOtVO'I) KCXt o~o'\J;. TTcxAcxtov Old oil, phren. (8.18) leth. (16.2) epil. (22.11, 23) ang. (44.17) par. (126.11) catar. (156.13, 158.3) anas. l:cxPivov, also V. (228.29). Lt K'\JO)VtOV. 'P60tvov Dsc. 1.43. Rose oil is frequent in embroc. in phren. (6.26 Themison, Celsus) ceph. (32.15 and 34.10
Orib.), in haem. (144.3 CA, Aret.) in mania (114.20). It is added in poultices ceph. (34. 9) perip. (70. 7 alternative to quince oil); component of injection in ulc. vesc. (204.15, 20), of clyster (204.22), in massages par. vesc. (208.23), component of enema ten. (238.23). Tenesmus is the disease in which it is most used. A kindred remedy is the rose cerate poo{v11 (v. infra). l:cxpivov Sabinian oil, of over-ripe olives Gal.11.872, in ointments, man. (old 116.10 126.11) LtK'\JO)VtoV Sicyonian oil. Dsc. 1.30.5 unripe olives oil cooked with water. In alternative to old oil, in embroc. in leth. (16.2) epil. (22.11, 23), old S.o. asthma ( 170.4); embroc. As alternative to old Sabinian oil, par. (126.11 ). In ointment tet. (52.15), massages par. vesc. (208.14) embroc. in enema par. vesc. (208.10 Archig.). l:xivtvov Lentisk oil. Dsc. 1.41 and 42. NH 23.67: in embroc. haem. (164.3). 'OµotptPe; Unripe olives oil. Food haem. (146.1) embroc. phren. (6.5) clyster ulc. vesc. (204.15) massages par. vesc. (208.23) 'EMq>o'I> Kepcx; Dsc. 2.59 NH 28.204, 230. Odorat. leth. (16.17 quid.am Celsus) propot. with vetch ict. (182.12, 15 CA, authority in CA) 'EAcxtftptov Thphr. HP 9 .14.1. Juice of the seeds of the wild cucumber, ecballium elaterium L. NH 20.3 tint. ang. (48.6 three recipes, with honey and oil Pl. (20.8); errhine with milk of woman ict. (184.3 Orib.).
'E11.11.ef3opov' EA.11.E~pi~co Hellebore. Dsc.4.148 NH 25.47 ff. For preparation to vomiting s. Herod. ap. Orib. 8.3. Hellebore is a strong remedy used in acute diseases in colics (106.11 CA) as vomitive. The white, vomitive, is probably distinguished from the black one, purging. The stemutative hellebore is the white (Dsc.4.148.1 Pl. 25.56); in hydroph. in potion (88.12 Agathinos, contra CA) or suppository (88.15 black). In chronic diseases it has a larger usage, but except eleph. and pod. it appears as extreme remedy. In ict. (184.10 CA) it is given boiled to strong people, in each. (224.5), and anas. (232.4 CA) when this becomes periodical, in tymp. 234.13 in purge (black? Pl., 55 and 60), in ascites (236.8) if this does not yield. In arthritis (244.25) in propotism (black), in chronic sciatica (248.25) along with al cautery in poultice with copper, in pod. (252.11) purgative in eleph. (260.5 Themison, Themisonis sectatores) twice in spring, once in autumn. 'Eiti8uµov Epithymum, Cuscuta epithymum, parasitic of thyme (LSJ), Dsc.4.177 Gal.6.614; flower of a thyme similar to savory NH 26.55. Purgative in hydroph. (86.16). According to Galen it purges black humours (11.477). 'Epef3iv8o~ Chickpeas, NH 18.124; as food ict. (182.8 CA Orib.), white in potion (182.7 CA Orib.) and cirrhosis of liver (186.23). 'Epiov Wool. Dsc.2.73 NH 29. 29 ss. A normal excipient in embroc.; and foments with oil: ileus (96.16) colics (104.5); epil. (24.16) ceph. (36.3,
36.15) ang. (42.4 1Ca8apo1~) tet. (56.16) pleur. warm (60.15 CA) perip. (66.22) soaked in oil (170.3) then with sulphur ( 170. 7) asthma, to cleanse sweat in tetanus, both soaked and dry (54.18). Wool is gener. grease (oim>1t1Jpa): 42.26 144.3 184.16 244.7, clear (1Ca8apa) in ang. (42.4). Anal wool flocks (eOptlCIXt 1Cp01CUOE~) as excipient for suppositories in phren. (8.6). "Ep7t'llA.A.OV Thymum Serpyllum Dsc.3.38 (for phren.) NH 20.245 (id.) Celsus 3.18.9. In embroc. phren. (6.9 Them. Celsus) in poultice on forehead phren. (8.1 Heraclides), in propot. ict. (182. 13) cirrhosis of spleen (192.7). 'Epu8p6fovov Madder. Rubia tinctorum NH 25.94 (different) Dsc.3.143.2 (root diuretic and for ict.). AP does not state which part of the plant is to be used. Madder in propot. phthisis (154.12), food ict. (182.8 Orib. CA). E{J1tat6pt0v Agrimony. Agrimonia Eupatoria. Dsc. 4.41 NH 25.65 semen dysintericis. Antidote in inf. liver (174.5). Euip6pf3t0v Spurge. Euphorbia resinifera Dsc. 3.82 NH 25.77. Phoinigmos par. (126.22 Asel.) antid. par. deg!. (138.6) acopon withs. tet. (54.24); ii Ot' euipopf3iou lCCOA.tlCTJ col. (104.12). 'Houocrµov Mint. Thphr. HP 7.7.1 Dsc.3.34 HN 20.147 ss. Embroc. phren. (6.8 Themis. Celsus) ceph. (32.17 Rufus. in capitis doloribus Pl.) poultice ceph. (34.7 Orib.) propot. gon. (204.21 in Pl. inhibits menses) "H11.E1Ctpov Amber, Dsc. 1.183; component of a
lozenges (61' TtAEJCTpou), in par. of degl. (138.5), haem. (148.6 Aret. Paul.), phthisis (154.9).
9aUia Olive green twigs Dsc. 5.75, in sitzbath haemor. bladder (200.13 CA), injection ulc. bladder (204.20). 0Cl\lflCl
Deadly carrot. Thapsia garganica Thphr. HP Dsc. 4.153 (different from AP, in chronic diseases) HN 13.124; juice in tinct., angina (48.2, 14) phoin. par. (126.22 128.10), ointment atroph. (166.2) lient. (214.14). 0e'iov NH 35. 176 ss. Dsc. 5.107. Ang. (48.8) in tinct. with chrysocolla, as odor. par. olf. (132.16) in propot. asthma (69.17 Scrib. Larg. suspiriosis linetu Pl. ) and ict., one small spoon in eggs to sip (182.9 Dsc. Orib., aliqui ap. CA), in fumig. discutit emp. (160.24 Dsc. collectiones Pl., aliqui Soranus), in propot. decoction to sooth pod. (256.19 Dsc. in ointment), ointments of sulphur forupov eleph. (260.16 Aret. Orib.), sulphured wools -re0rnoµeva asthma ( 170.8). 0rJ plCllCTI Not specified. Pleur. (64.10) hydroph. (88.10) ileus (100.13 Orib.) degl. (138.6) inf. liver (174.5 CA). 0p16a1dvTJ Lettuce. Dsc. 2.136 NH 20.58 ss. The stump ,muMc; as food, dys. (220.17 Philum.) anas. (230.14) lenitive of thirst. 0-uµ~pa Savory, Satureia thymbra, Hp. Nat. Mui. 32 Thphr. HP 3.1.4 Celsus 2.31 boni odoris; Dsc.3.37 (same use as thyme) NH 19.165. Odor. bul. (84.7) vert. (112.2), propot. emp. (160.17 CA).
0-uµoc; Thyme, Thymbra capitata. Dsc.3.36 NH 21.154 (phlegmagogue and diuretic). Odor. leth. (14. 7) bu!. (84. 7) vert. (112.2), apophleg. leth. (14.7 Aret.) epil. (24.4), apop. (28.10), gargles ang. (42.6 Asclepiades) par. degl. (136.21 Orib.), fumig. emp. (164.24 aliqui CA). 'IEpcx Hiera is a purgative first mentioned by Scrib. 99, 155. Stronger than aloes. In apop. (30.6), man. (116.5) mel. (118.23 Aret.) par. (126.17) if the patients are strong in emp. (160.23 multi CA) and anas. (230.23), cirrhosis of liver ( 188. 7) sciat. (248.6) ict. both acute (182.15 Orib. contra CA) and chronic (184.23 also CA). The author seems to like it. 'ht1tOCfEA.lVOV
= crµupvtov LSJ Alexanders, from [Dsc.] 3.67. Propot. cirrhosis of spleen (192.9). ~1p1c; Dsc. 1.1 NH 21.40; embroc. phren. (8.15), propot. pleur. (62.19 Heraclides) asthma (168.12), elect. asthma (128.23) phthisis (150.19 Aret.); iUuptKTt poultice in pleur. (64.4), propot. perip. (68.22) iA,Aupic; perip. (68.6 Empirics in CA).
'Itfo Willow. Dsc. 1.104 NH 24 56 plaster 61' herov haem. (144.6 sanguinem reicientibus Pl., Dsc.) ulc. vesc. (204.2 Rufus) pod. (252.24 Rufus, Dsc.) 'Ix0uec; Fish enter the diet of an acute disease perip. (70.14), in chronic haem. (146.14) inf. liver (176.16 07t'tOUµE'll'tOtc;), lient. (214.12 cricATJpooapica).
Kat..aµiv0rt Catmint ps.Dsc. 3.35. In propot. phthisis (154.12-3) ict. (182.13 Orib.). Kcbmap1c; Caper. Poultice cirrhosis of spleen (190.23 192.6 plerique CA, Orib.).
Kap6aµov Nasturtium. Lepidium sativum LSJ elect. asthma (168.22). KapMµcoµov Cardamum seed poultice emp. (160.20) cirrhosis of spleen (192.1). Cfr. Dsc. 1.6, who does not mention the spleen. Kapua 0acna Thasian almonds, food ulc. vesc. (202.19). KacrtaVEa,KacrtaVEOV Chestnut Dsc. 1.106 NH 23.150 the rind q,A.016c; in wine haem. (144.15 PL) lient. 214.6 (sistunt ventris fluctiones Pl.) Kacrt6p10v Castor oil. Dsc.2.24.2 NH 32.26-31 (same uses). In embr. phren. (8.15) Jeth. (14.2) epil. (24.15) tet. (54.1, 25), odor. leth. (16.16) epil. (24.2-3) par. (126.12) par. olf. (132.16) asthma (170.4 ), ointment epil. (22.12) ceph. (36.15) tet. (54.1, 16) bu!. (84.2) hydroph. (88.6) chol. (92.26) par. (126.12), in acopa (bu!. 84.2), in cer. (56.11), prop. ceph. (38.3) ileus (100.7) par. (126.15) asthma (168.12) par. vesc. (208.9), in an antid. par. deg!. (138.7). Kax_pu fruit of rosemary. Phoin. par. (126.22) in the bath atroph. (166.3 with nitrum)*. Kirxpoc; Millet. Foment with millet and salt tet. (52.20 Aret.) pleur. (60.16) porridge of m. rheum. (216.20) lient. (212.8 CA) bags of m. anas. (228.22).
KEl)pia The pitch of the cedar of Lebanon. Dsc.1.77 NH 24.17. In ointment for eleph. (260.15 Dsc. Pl.) KEvtaup1ov Centaury. Gentiana centaurium, minor Dsc. 3.6-7 NH 25.66. propot. diuret. inf. liver (176.11) par. vesc. (208.10 Orib.) enema of oil with c. tymp. (232.20), vap. tymp. (234.4) emollient tymp. (234.22) in a yearly composition with scordium pod. (252.12). Kipac; v. EA.aq>Etoc; KEpana Carob tree fruits. Poultice haem. (144.13). KT1Kic; Oak-gall Hp. Nat.Mui. 32 Diocl. fr.76 Dsc.1.107 (astringent) NH 24.9. oµq,aKtVTI unripe, sprinkled, sync. (78.22); ointment (80.9) lient. (214.6 Dsc. for koiliakoi), food in haemor. of the bladder. (200.6) poultice with x_aA.Kinc; haemor. of bladder (200.11 ). KtX."-Tl Thrush. Food lient. (212.11 CA). Ktcrcroc; Ivy. NH 24.75 embroc. phren. (6.8) ceph. (32.17 Pliny) corymbi ceph. (34.8 Orib.). Kvi6T1 nettle, Dsc. 4.46, juice prop. haem. (146.77), the seed prop. asthma (169.16) and poult. pod. (256.13). KoKKoc; Kvi610c; Berry of cneorum. Purgative in CH. NH 27.70; enema ileus (98.22 Serapion). KoKKUµTIA.OV Plum. Dsc. 1.121. Poultice haem. (144.14). KoMKUv0a Gourd. Pell in poultice perip. (70.20) hydroph. (86.28).
KoAolC\Jv0{c; Coloquinth, Dsc.4.176.1 = KOA01C\JV0a &yp{a, purging hydroph. (88.15). Kcmpoc; Dung. Goat's d. aiyda in poultice asc. (234.21 CA). Kopiavvov Coriander. Coriandrum sativum, NH 20.216. Green in omelysis in case of peripn. (70.6Pl.) hydroph. (86.28), food, dys. (220.25). KoupaAAlOV Dsc. 5.121 NH.32.21 ss. In propot. haem. (146.9), the troche Otex KoupaU{rov par. (138.5), haem. (148.12). KoxAa~ Pebbles, heated in fire oubrnpot par. olf. for fumigations ( 132.12 CA in other cases). Kpavta Comelian cherry. Comus Mas, Dsc.1.119 (astringent) NH 23 .151. Food haem. (146.3), rheum. (216.16). Kpi0ivov aA.eupov Poultice pleur. (64.6 Lykos) cholera (92.5), pod. (256.8 Rufus). Kuaµoc;, lC\Jaµivov ec; Pine-seeds (diuretic Celsus 2.31. Food pleur. (62.3) propot. perip. (68.8) elect. phthisis (150.18).
Ilitupov Bran. Ingredient of a foment pleur. (60.16) of a poultice cirrh. spleen (190.24); as anal suppositories ten. (238.5 CA). Ilituc; Decoction of (leaves of) green pine, febrifuge, inf. liver (174.9 Diodes). IloA.toV Hulwort. Teucrium Polium. Dsc. 3.110 NH 21.145 poultice inf. liver (172.19) propot. cirrhosis of spleen ( 192.5 splenicis ex ace to Pl. ). IloAtrn; Porridge. Of unspecified cereal: ileus (96.24) catar. (156.17) inf. liver (176.15) lient. (212.7); with myrtle lient. (214.8 CA) of wheat, spelt or millet or lents, lient. (212. 7); of spelt, rize, olyra, millet rheum. (216.19 CA). IloAuyovov Knot-grass. Dsc. 4.4 NH 27.113. In poultice in case of perip. (70.7) cooked as food haem. (146.2 Aret.) propot. (146.6), in injection haemor. of the bladder (200.12 Rufus) and ulc. vesc. for women (204.10). Ilouc; taicepol 1t66ec; (pig) trottles in pleur. (62.16) perip. (68.15) sync. (74.23 CA)
Ilpacrtov Horehound. Hp. Ster. 224. Dsc.
3.105 NH 20.241-4. It is lenitive of cough, phthisis (152.4 Celsus, Pl.) propot. emp. (160.19 CA) diuretic propot. inf. liver (176.11) electuary asthma (168.23) pounded in poultice pod. (256.11 CA). In vapor., tymp. (234.5) 1tpacrou is a conjecture based on CA. npacrov Leech. Dsc. 2.243. is present in AP by way of a conjecture, as lenitive of cough in phthisis (152.3 Dsc. CA) where its juice appears with horehound. TTp6-tpo1to~ v. otvo~ UtT\VCl Fowls are a food advised in perip. (70.14 1t0Mtpoq,a) in sync. (74.23) lient. (212.15 in oxycrat), rheum. (214.9) dys. (218.1). TTttO"ClVT\ Decoction of winnowed barley, the juice, barley-water xuM~, perip. (68.14) inf. liver(l74.16), 1tttCJCXVT\~ A.£1ttfi~ emp. (162.5); perip. (66.18) inf. liver (176. 7). The juice is also used in enema ulc. vesc. (204.16) and with butter nephr. (196.8). Of wheat, 1tUptVT\, food emp. (162.13 CA). TTupe8pov Pellitory. Dsc. 3.37 NH 28 151 herba salivaris. In syncope (76.7) bu!. (84.6); phoin. in par. (126.22) and in atroph. (164.21); in sprinkling, sync. (78.5). TTup6~ Wheat enters in porridge Jient. (202.8), the gruel 1tUp{v11 emp. (162.13), in decoction dys. (220.13) or the juice ten. (238.10) in enema. The meal «A.Eupov 1tupwov in poultice ceph. (34.10 Orib.). •pa Rubarb, Rha Ponticum, Celsus 5.23 Dsc. 3.2 (astringent and warming), propot. in deg!. (138.4) and haem.
(146.8 Dsc.), seasoning in haem. (144.22). 'Paµvo~ Box-thorn. Dsc. 1.90 NH 22.124. Leaves in poultice pod. (254.19). 'Paq,av{~ Radish. Dsc. 2.212. As food inf. liver (176.22) haemorr. of bladder (200. I 6). As vomitive in colics (106.10), ict. (184.8), cirrhosis of liver (188.14), cirrhosis of spleen (192.13), each. (224.5), anasarca (234.12), gon. (242.16), arthritis (248.22), pod. (252.9). 'Paq,avo~ The same as paq,av{~. Seed in propot. emp. (160.19). 'PT\ttvm Resines are: of pine mtutvT\, of lentisk, CJXtvtVT\, of terebinth, tEpE~tv8tVT\, S. 1tttU~, CJXlVO~, tepe~tv8o~. 'Poon Dsc. 1.99. fresh or dried roses, soaked, in poultice ceph. (34.5 Orib.), not specified haem. (144.9) nephr. (196.5) epithema lient. (212.18), in propot. haem., dried roses (148.5 Dsc.) in sitz-bath haemor. of the bladder (198.18), in enema decoction nephr. (196.9), in injection ulc. vesc. (204.9), in clysterten. (238.11 ). 'Pota, poa Pomegranate. Dsc. 1.101. Astringent and chilling. Food in sync. (74.24) ileus (100.21), green leaves of pomegranate poultice pod. (254.22) rind of sweet p. poultice pod. (256.6). S. also ~aA.aucrnov, lC'\ltlVO~, O"t~tOV. 'PO'U~ Sumach. Rhus coriaria. Dsc. 1.108 NH 24.91. Juice in haem. (144.11 CA). }:aµwuxov Marjoram, Celsus 5.11 discutiens
Dsc. 3.39 NH 21.61 and 163; emollient 6111 acxµlj1UXOOV pleur. (64.9). S. also EMXtoV, aµcxpcx1nvov. l:cxv6cxpcxX11 Sandarac or realgar, arsenic bisulphur, Hp. Morb. 2.14 Dsc. 5.105. NH 34 179, used to hasten rupture in emp. (160.25 aliqui CA with oinomeli Dsc.). l:EAtVOV Celery. Dsc. 3.64 (diuretic); diuretic in anas. (230.24 Orib.) in poultice pod. (256.3 Rufus ) electuary with honey, the seed, for asthma (168.23). l:eµifolic; Meal flower (similago NH 18.89). Gruel perip. (68.5). repic; Wild lettuce. Erasis. fr.260. Dsc. 2.132 NH 20.76. Food haem. (144.23) with vinegar dys. (220.18 Eras.). fa\hAOv Beet Dsc. 2.123 NH 20.69 (diuretic) food in inf. liver (176.16), in poultice pod. (254.22). l:Hiicx Rinds of pomegranate, astringent, Dsc.1.110.3, malicorium NH 23 107 poultice astringent ang. (48.19) cholera (92.5), haem. (144.9 Pl., CA) haemor. of the bladder (200.8) lient. (212.1 Celsus, coeliacis Plin.), pounded and sprinkled sync. (78.23 CA) in sitz-bath haemor. of the bladder (200.8), in injection in the urethra the decoction ulc. vesc. (204.20), in suppositories in tenesmus (238.6 Orib.), added to food lient. (214.9), s. poicx. l:faruoc; Cucumber seed, NH 20.5 O'tlCUO'U a1tepµcx, a diuretic, in propot. perip. (68.8) nephr. (196.6 Celsus) ulc. vesc. (202.16) anas. (230.4). The root in enema ileus (98.22), the pulp
pod. (254.21), the root of wild c., in poultice pod. (254.14). l:1mµrovicx Dsc. 4.170 (purgative of phlegm and bile). In propot. asthma (168.14). faiUcx Squill. Dsc. 2.171 NH 21.100. Ointment (166.2) propot. cirrhosis of spleen (192.7). Vinegar of squill 0'1CtAAivov asthma (168.15 Dsc., Pl. tussim veterem cum suspirio). The drug of s. cirrh. spleen (192.13) l:1C'Uj3EAttT1c; v. otvoc;. l:K6p6tov Garlic germander. Teucrium scordium Dsc. 3.111 NH 25.63 antidote with. g. in emp. (160.22CA) and inf. liver (174.5); in suffum., the drug with s. and centaury pod. (252.12 Dsc.). l:1Cropicx µ0Ail36ou Dsc. 5.82.1 (antihaemorrhagic and cicatricing). In injection in ulc. vesc. 204.23). l:µupvcx Myrr. Dsc. 1.64. In acrid enema ileus (98.23 Dsc. for dysentery), in nasal tinct. in catarrh (65.6 Orib.). l:µupvtov Cretan Alexanders, Smymium perfoliatum L. Dsc. 3.68 NH 27.133-136. Food inf. liver (176.22 CA). l:1to6oc; Ku1tpicx Oxids of zinc and copper.Dsc. 5.85 NH 34.128. Detergent, ulc. vesc. (204.23). l:tmplc; aypicx Staveacre. Delphinium Staphisagria. Hp. Nat. Mui. 95. Dsc. 4.152 (phlegmagogue) NH 23.17 ss. In pills ang. (48.9-10 Diodes). l:tcxqmM Raisins kept in earthenware EK 1CU8pcxc; in sync. (76.1) and ileus (100.22) rheum. (216.5 Archig.).