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English Pages [114] Year 1998
The Amenti Series – 1 (N.J. – 1998) DVD 1 Introduction to Keylontic Science – Matter Template Mechanics Well, everybody knows me, I’m Anna Hayes and I’m your local representative of the Guardian Alliance, which is a group of beings that come from other dimensional systems, but also other systems of our 3rddimension. Some of them are extra-terrestrial, some of them are meta-terrestrial and some of them are ultra-terrestrial, which means they’re completely outside of the framework of time and space, as we know it. It’s a large group that I speak for, and I have been a student of this group since childhood. And, I’m here this evening to share with you some of things that I have learned, and I’m hoping to give you something that you can take home with you, some information that can help you, perhaps, to understand a little bit better what you’re consciousness is about, what the experience of other dimensional beings and your relationship to them is about. And, give you some practical tips on how you can take the knowledge of understanding your bio-energetic system and use it to begin to accelerate the process of your own evolution, both spiritually and biologically. Now, a lot of people think that spiritual evolution and biological evolution are 2 separate things. I always thought that, and I think differently now because of what I have been taught by the Guardian Alliance. They introduced me to something called the “Science of Keylonta”. And I first asked them, “what is that?” And they said, “Well, it can be simply defined as the Science of Light, Sound, the sub-conscious symbol codes and the base codes of matter”. I was like, “Ok, light and sound I understand…these code things, I don’t know what they are at all”. So, I asked questions and I got many answers, all sorts of things I never really wanted answers to. But, Keylonta presents a fascinating perspective on the Human mind, on the Cosmos, on matter, anti-matter and the relationship between all of those thing. And I would like to share with you tonight, some of the information I’ve learned about this Science. And, hopefully, we can grow in our learning together, because I’m a fellow student of the Guardian Alliance and I have a feeling that our species will be learning this for a very long time. So, we have to start somewhere…Keylonta seems to be the place to start. All right, I’m going to use some of my notes to help me ///. Basically, first question is, “What is Keylonta?” Before everybody looks at this, and there’s people in the group who’ve had a little bit of exposure to this, and I would like to ask “what is Keylonta, from the information that the people who’ve heard about it have got, who would like to put a little into “what Keylonta, to your understanding right now?” Can you help me? (Asks a participant) Participant: Yes. (Anna- “yeah”) Well, I think it’s basically working with the life force energy of the universe. It’s also consciously working with it and working with the symbols and codes ok, that help that Soul accretion process that we talked about. And, it’s done with light and it’s done with sound, and it’s done by activating the chakras, ok, using these technologies. And, you know, it’s not only good to understand it intellectually, but we need to be activating it so we can experience this stuff first hand. So, it’s kind of like, you know, a quick overview of…” Anna: That’s very good, it touches on many of the basics of Keylonta. Is there anybody else that’s read or heard anything about Keylonta that would like to put anything in on that? Ok…(Anna looking at one, but another responds- she smiles, gives participant speaking her attention). Participant: I know that…(other participant says, “I’ll settle myself down first”. This one continues) I was going to say that my understanding of Keylonta, where we can use light, color and anything that is 1 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
electrified, may help heal people in the future. As we have seen some experiences of say, Dr. Robert Becker on growing limbs, which he was successful on frogs after he cut the limb and the limbs grew…provided the electrical potential of the limbs, changed from a positive zero to negative, and that causes the frog limb to grow into a normal ///, just like the salamander. I believe that in the future, Keylonta, my understanding of Keylonta, will be same line, and being in the field of medicine. They’re going to be very interested in that, especially in trauma surgery, and orthopedics. Anna: Keylonta has many, many healing applications. In fact, in has healing applications across the board, in everything that effects our Universe and our society and our personhood. Because, the real core of Keylonta is it’s a Science of Consciousness and a Science of Creation, it’s the underlying structures of what matter is created from. It is the underlying structure of consciousness, so it is not something you can learn in one night, by the way (chuckles), but there are some other things that Keylonta also is. And, I prepared this for both of us, so I can go down the list for myself, and also you can read along if you like. It is…(Participant asks, “show it”) Anna: Hold it up higher? Participant: Good. Anna: Ok, it is the Science of Creation and Consciousness. It’s the Science of macrocosmic and microcosmic interrelationships. It’s the Science of Energy Dynamics through which matter forms and consciousness manifests. It’s the Science of biological, physical and consciousness spiritual evolution. That’s not all (flips page of her “sand which board”- prior to Mylar usage)…it is the Science of Humanity’s relationship to its Source and the Cosmos. It is the Science of construction, perception and potentials of the Human organism and consciousness. It is the Science of the structure of multi-dimensional universe and Humanity’s multi-dimensional identity, and Humanity’s relationship to other sentient life forms within the multi-dimensional universe. Keylonta is all these things and more. It is the Science of the Human Soul and the Family Tree of Consciousness out of which all of us emerged, which is something not too many scientists know here. That sounds like something that would be found more so in the realms of religions or churches, but in truth there is not a difference between science and religion, we only perceive it to be, here. Science does has a Soul that it hasn’t found yet and Keylonta is the place where it can begin to find its Soul. Ok, it is the Science of DNA activation, genetic imprinting, cellular memory and transmutation of form. Through understanding the dynamics of Keylonta, we can literally change the way our DNA operates. DNA governs the structure of our physical body, and our physical body will determine what type of consciousness we are able to bring into our minds, our conscious minds while we’re here. There’s an intimate connection between Spirit, your spiritual aspect, or your higher dimensional aspects, and consciousness moving through the body. Because, you can be…you can have a wonderful level of development of consciousness in the higher dimensions, but if you have a neurological structure that is not able to handle the current of all the electrical information, you won’t have access to it on a conscious level. So, the Science of Keylonta gives us tools and understanding of our parts enough that we can start to expand the potentials of our body so we can bring in more of our consciousness and awareness, we can bring in more of our Soul into manifestation, here. Ok, Keylonta is the Science of dimensional ascension, teleportation, bi-location and regeneration of identity. For once you understand how to play with the little particles that you’re composed of, these units of consciousness that Keylonta will teach you about, things like teleportation will come easily to you. You won’t need a machine to do it, because you’ll know how to change the vibrational rate of your molecular structure. Do I know how to do this yet? No, but I’m first in 2 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
line as far as wanting to learn. And that’s…we’re getting the foundation of what one day, if we work with these tools, will teach us how to do these things. There are extra-terrestrial races that are in biologies…they’re not just meta-terrestrials that don’t have bodies any more, they are in bodies…who know this science and who are able to manifest and de-manifest at will. They are able to walk through solid objects, they are able to travel through time with no problem at all, things that seem only science fiction has; it’s because they understand the principles of Keylontic Science. Now, if we get a little more scientific about the whole thing, Keylontic Science explores the dynamics of time, space and matter…how those realities of our externalized reality are created. What are they really? Where do they come from? Are they what they appear to be? Some of these questions will be answered through Keylontic Science. We will find that time is not linear, as we perceive it to be; it’s simultaneous in nature. We will find that space all takes place in something called non-space. You’ll find that matter is actually an illusion, a holographic illusion created by the refraction of energy particles and light and sound frequencies. We will find that things are much different than our 5 senses tell us they are, when we begin to explore Keylonta. Ok, it is the Science of ultra-micro particle and anti-particle dynamics. It is the Science of 12 Human Senses, not just the 5. And, basically, it is the Science of Light, Sound, Sub-conscious Symbol Codes and the Base Codes of Matter. And now we’ll learn what they are. We know light and we know sound, but what are sub-conscious symbol codes? And, what are base codes of matter? We’ll skip over this section for a while (flipping pages). This gets into what it can do for us, but I think we’ll get into that at the end. Now, the reason that I’m reading these is because there is a lot of information and if I’m just talking to you off the top of my head, I might miss half of it. So, I’m going to read it. If you can read it, that’s all right, but I don’t think you can because it’s so tiny. But, it’s more so I’m going to read it you so I don’t lose content that way. So, if it gets a little annoying, bear with me, at least you will get the information. All right, there are 6 Primary Elements in the Science of Keylonta. The First Element are PartikI…that’s a new word. PartikI are the smallest units of energy in the Cosmos, according to the Guardian Alliance. They are electro-tonal units of energy identity that emanate from a central Source the Guardian Alliance calls the “Yunasai”. They operate as minute fission/fusion generators. They create and maintain the electromagnetic frequency fields upon which the universe and all structures built. They exist within and beyond all matter forms, pre-matter, anti-matter and consciousness. They form and sustain something called “Morphogenetic Fields” for all forms, sub-particles, etc. Everything has a Morphogenetic Field. And, a Morphogenetic Field is a basic energy field, energy structure, behind its manifest form, that allows that manifest form to keep its shape. And, everything in the universe, every little particle, sub-particle, has one and PartikI is what they are. Groups of PartikI form larger Morphogenetic Fields, like the ones Humans would have. But even PartikI represents a Morphogenetic Field itself, so they form…you could look at them, if you wanted to, as little tiny units that are the Morphogenetic Field or form-holding pattern we come out of. And, we are composed of PartikI; everything is…the space in the air here is composed of PartikI, our bodies are, our higher consciousness is. PartikI are Unified Energy Field that runs through the entire Cosmos. Ok, let’s go back to here…ok, PartikI are units of electro-tonal consciousness. They are the organizational intelligence within all things. In the Spiritual terms, they are the living units of conscious identity and energy, particles of the consciousness of the Yunasai…which some people call “God”. We are made of 3 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
these things. People think God is somewhere out there some place away from us…we are made of the substance of which that Being is, because PartikI are not just energy units, they’re energy identity units; they are conscious. And, they have consciousness that they will group to form different types of consciousness and awareness. They don’t think in terms like we do, but we think because we are composed of them. So, in Spiritual terms, the PartikI are our connection and continual connection to a centralized Source that we may call God if we’re comfortable with that. And, if not, the Yunasai works…it’s an energy identity that is a central Source of creation, and we take place within it. It’s not out there somewhere; all of reality is taking place within it. And, this is one of the things you’ll learn in Keylonta. You will learn the scientific parts of it, which a lot of spiritual people go, “oh, that’s not important”…then you’ll learn the spiritual parts of it that a lot of scientific people say, “Oh, that can’t be because spirit’s not real”. Hopefully, through Keylontic Science, we can learn that, yes, spirituality and our spiritual identity is as real as the identity of our leg or our arm. They are the same substance, they are composed of the same particles, and those particles are PartikI. Ok, now there are 2 types of sub-particles that are formed from the PartikI. First one, we call Particum, ok, it is a PartikI unit, it’s considered a PartikI, but the Particum PartikI is slower moving and it contains half of the electro-tonal, which is electrified sound thrust or force, of its twin. So, we have Particum and the Particum has a twin. The Particum moves half as fast, it pulsates half as fast as its twin does. The PartikI is a sub-unit…the Particum is a sub-unit of the PartikI- they make up particles in our universe. They are the little tiny units that make up our sub-atomic particles in the smallest known particles that we would have, would be composed of Particum PartikI, all right. There is another type of PartikI that are called PartikA. The PartikA are anti-particles to the particles that we are composed of. This implies the existence of a parallel universe, a parallel self- any form here is a Particum form and it will have its own reflection that moves twice as fast, vibrates twice as fast, in parallel dimensional system, parallel universal system. We have 15-dimensions in our system and so does the parallel universe. And, it’s not like they’re way over there some place in another universe far, far away…these two universes are intimately intertwined, they are taking place in the same space, but on different pulses of consciousness. So, we perceive one set of pulses over here and we don’t see their set and vice versa. Ok, now, let’s see, PartikI cycle. The Guardians call this “Cycling”. The PartikI unit is a unit of electro-tonal thrust that comes out of the Yunasaiit gets projected into the 15-dimensional system, ok. When it intersects with the 15-dimensional system, it under goes fission and it breaks apart and replicates itself. So, it creates…starts out as one, undergoes fission when it hits the frequency bands of the 15-dimensional system and then it replicates itself and the original breaks apart, ok. So, now the original pattern of that tone remains in the replication, so it’s never gone, ok. The one that broke up first, the replicable is the original pattern, the one that came first breaks up into 2 pieces, the Particum and the PartikA- they are created at the same time, ok, they flash on, one in our universe and one in the parallel universe. And, our particles…we’re made of an infinite number of them compose our bodies, but this is what they are doing so fast that we can’t perceive it. So, they break up into the PartikA and the Particum, they manifest into the dimensional fields and then because this one, the PartikA has twice the amount of thrust or force, and it’s moving away from the morphogenetic field just like this one is, it starts to tow the Particum- it makes it spin reverse direction and go back to fuse with the morphogenetic field. So, the Particum particle here flashes off in our universe and it goes back into the morphogenetic field, it expands the morphogenetic field, adding to it, then this becomes more of a thrust than what the PartikA is. So, it pulls the PartikA, makes it spin, pulls the PartikA anti-particle back in and it fuses with the Particum particle inside of the morphogenetic field. Now, both our particle and our anti-particle have both flashed 4 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
off, we have disappeared momentarily. Then, this act, as they fuse, it creates…as we know when something fuses it releases a burst of energy, it sends a quarter of its thrust back toward the Yunasai, creating something called a “backflow”, which is a current that pulls away from the dimensional matrix that we’re in ok. So, it would be the current that would take us back home to God, if you want to look at it that way. When it creates the backflow, that sets off another act of fission within the morphogenetic field and again, the ones that had come together will start to cycle again and it’ll do this again, and they’ll break apart again. So, they’re constantly flashing on together, then the particle flashes off, the anti-particle flashes off, they replicate, create a backflow and flash on again. And, this is happening so fast, I believe the particles…what /// …I believe it was 3/100ths of second in the 3 rd dimensional particles and some of them are much, much faster than that in the higher dimensional fields. So, we are composed of these structures. Most of us have no idea we’re composed of these structures and most of us don’t know that we flash on and off. Where do we go in between these flashes, was my first question. If I’m flashing on and off and it’s happening you know, too fast for my senses to see, where am I going? You know, when I de-manifest am I gone or what? No, we return to our original pattern, the morphogenetic field out of which we came, our original identity that has all of our parts in it and all possible versions of our parts. Our…all right, in the 15-dimensional Matrix…which we’re not going to go into it too heavily this time or I’ll never get to the end of what I want to get into, but the morphogenetic field for the particles that make up say, our bodies, these are d-1 particles, 1st dimensional particles, they would have their morphogenetic field in d-15. Our, what we call our “emotional bodies”, or, it’s actually our “elemental body”, the complex elements that form the matter in our bodies, that help to form it, that is our 2nd dimensional aspect of PartikI, or Particum in our universe. The morphogenetic field for that is in d-14, so there is a correlation between the levels of our PartikI here and where our morphogenetic field is in the higher dimensions. And, we’ll get into that in another little one. But, it’s enough to know that we’re made of these things, that most people don’t even know exist yet. And, they hold the key to our consciousness and our perception of matter, space and time. The 2nd Primary Element of Keylontic Science is a PartikI grid, and this brings it a little bit home, brings it down to where we can understand it a little bit more. It’s something that we have and it’s a grid, ok. A PartikI grid is composed of PartikI units. Ok, in our system there is a Particum grid, it’s made of the Particum particles. In the parallel universe it’s a PartikA grid. But, what the PartikI grid, whichever side it’s on, is…it’s a grouping of PartikI. PartikI group by like polarization. That means Particum will group together and PartikA will group together to form more complex structures. The first thing they’ll form are strands. They form strands of electro-tonal energy units. Those strands group to form grids. If you take strands and cross them this way and this way and this way, you get what looks like a little carpet of light; it’s made of little fibers of light and that is the Unified Field of Energy that exists within everything and through everything, and connects us directly into our Source of which we emerge. It connects us directly to the Yunasai; it connects us to each other, ok. So, the PartikI grid is simply…you can look at it as a carpet of light and sound. It’s invisible to our perceptions, but it exists beneath all matter forms and all forms of consciousness. Ok, let’s see, ok, here we have the Cosmos represents a massive PartikI grid, which serves as the Unified Field of Energy Substance within which all things exist and are interconnected. All beings and matter forms have personal PartikI grids, which are formed within the grid of the Unified Field. Energy and Identity perpetually circulate from the Yunasai into the dimensional systems and back again through the 5 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
electromagnetic fabric of the PartikI grids. They are electromagnetic fields that are created by the cycling of PartikI, that are the 1st level of our individuation of form…you could look at it that way too. Even though there’s a unified field of them, when they start to build up and group into more complex structures, that’s the first level of the creation of the human body or any other body, or a matter object. So, we have a PartikI grid. Now, each Human and object in our system has a PartikI grid composed of Particum units and it also has a PartikA grid in our parallel universe, which is the grid of our personal double or twin. So, we do have a twin that is our same body pattern that’s evolving on a similar course of action in a system that moves twice as quickly as us, it pulses twice as fast. They have more consciousness within their bodies than we do because they vibrate faster. And, if we can learn to move our consciousness into union with theirs, we expand. And, that is the process of evolution. Ok, now the process of biological and spiritual evolution is the process of progressing from lower dimensional reality fields into the higher fields- this is done by pulling higher frequencies, PartikI grids, from the higher dimensions into our Particum PartikI grids. As we do this, we are progressively merging our Particum grid with the PartikI grid of our twin. We’re literally, as we evolve up the dimensional scale, you have the 2 separate PartikI grids ok- the Particum and the PartikA, we and our double- we are getting…we are merging up further. And, as we…we’re in the 3rd dimensional frequencies, we’re actually composed of d-1 physical body, d-2 the emotional and elemental body and d-3 mental body where we have our minds focused- we are united with our double up to that degree. We still have from the 4th dimension to the 15th to unite with our double. And, we are literally merging consciousness, but also merging DNA. And, we are taking, what’s seemingly taking place in 2 separate spaces, two separate pulses and merging them, which creates another type of pulse; it creates the whole pulse. Which, completely takes you out of the illusion of matter on both sides, into the next level up. And this…it is hard to describe….you know, they’ve been teaching me this, the Guardians have been teaching me this for a number of years, some of these principles, and it’s still hard for me to put into words, but I feel it, all right, I feel the process taking place. A lot of people have mystical experiences or strange experiences, where they know they’re some place else too. Some people, especially people who’ve dabbled in like psychic development and that kind of stuff, they’ve run into experiences where they saw themselves and they felt themselves inside this double of theirs and they couldn’t figure out “what is this double? Where does it come from?” This is where it comes from. One person who experienced that very consciously was Jane Roberts, who channeled the Seth material. She would look on her wall and she would literally see an image of another space and time and she would be in a library, her double would be in a library reading and she would translate what her double was reading into material to write here, which is kind of a neat little trick. And, this is what we can learn to do once, first we realize we have this double, and then we realize we’re intimately connected to it, we can learn exercises that will help to speed up this evolutionary process and help the merger with the double. It’s ultimately, when you merge all of the, well, Humans can hold 12 dimensional frequencies in the body. After that, you would not be a Human form anymore you would evolve out of biology completely, ok. But, as your evolving up out of the 1st dimension up to the 15, you’re progressively pulling together with your double. When you get to d-12, you basically turn into what would appear as a ball of light, ok. If we were to see it, it is a ball of electro-tonal frequency and it is consciousness and it is identity. That is where we started, before we ever came into this place and found ourselves running around in matter form bodies, we existed in these states of pure cognition. So, it’s not as if it’s something foreign. Keylonta is not something foreign to us, our cells know what Keylonta is, ok. So, it’s time that our conscious minds became aware of that process.
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So, the 3rd Primary Element of Keylontic Science are Keylons; that’s where it gets its name, ok. Now, a Keylon is a dimensionalized, PartikI composite that forms within and around the fabric of the PartikI grid. Ok, once the grids are formed, let’s say our Particum grid of the strands pull together and they finally form a grid, well, PartikI group by like polarization, so those grids are going to pull in more energy; they’re going to pull in more PartikI units or Particum units in ours. These units build up within the grid as…you can almost imagine it like dirt building up in the fabric of a garment or something- if you put it under a microscope you could see the little pieces of dirt imbedding themselves in the grid. Well, Keylons do this. More and more PartikI group together to form clusters and these clusters become what are called Keylons. Now, Keylons don’t just group without a pattern, they group following certain geometrical, mathematical laws that apply to the way that the dimensions are structured and the whole bit. There’s a set order to them. They group to form things that if we could see them with a microscope, they would look like little crystals, little crystalline structures with a definite form and shape to them. Now, Keylons are the first step in the transition from consciousness to pre-matter substance. So, before we were matter, on the level before we were matter, we were pre-matter. Before that we’re something else, ok. Keylons are the level of our identity and our being that exist between pure consciousness and pre-matter substances. Now, if you were going to see Keylons, they would look something like this- this is an example of one (refers to her hand-written/drawn chart)- try to do a 3-dimensional thing 2-dimensionally. But, they would look like little crystal clusters, you know, if you look at a crystalline, like a little crystal cluster that you’d find in the Earth. They would have the little point sticking up and the whole bit, it’s kind of like that. They would look like that, and they are composed of millions and millions of PartikI units in just one little Keylon. And, they imbed themselves in the grids and they build up on the grids. It’s almost like if you were going to build a statue out of paper machete, you start with an armature, say out of wire. Then, on top of the wire you put a layer of paper as your next layer and you slowly build out to more solid form. Well, that is what’s happening with energy in PartikI. All right, so we have our Keylons that are building up in the grid. Now the next level…the next Primary Element to Keylontic Science are Keylon Codes. Now, Keylon Codes are complex groupings of Keylons. They direct the contours of energy upon which forms are built. PartikI and grids set the base forms in energy. Keylons add more substance to the forms and Keylon Codes further flesh out the energy structure upon which particles will manifest. They direct the flow of energy PartikI units through a form, into more specialized patterns. So, the next level out on fleshing out our form into what appears as matter form. Ok, they’re complex patterns of frequency, electro-tonal energy. They form into interwoven, geometrical, crystalline patterns that are the templates of living light and sound. And, they are living because they are conscious. We are conscious because we are composed of Keylons and PartikI. So, these are the living light and sound patterns that our sub-atomic particles build up on. Ok, they are a final step between energy consciousness and pre-matter substance, so they link the Keylons into the pre-matter and that’s where matter’s solidity or density starts to happen. They set the pattern for the DNA and the body rhythms also. So, held within…there are certain DNA, pieces of DNA, we can identify as, “oh, this controls this body (?), or this controls that or this controls the other thing”, but what controls the pattern that created that DNA in the first place? It’s the Keylon Codes and the Keylons and the PartikI beneath them- these are the foundation units of substance. Ok, as we evolve upward into the higher dimensions, we’re actually assembling into our PartikI grids, our personal PartikI grid that our /// and consciousness is built on, more and more complex forms of Keylons. And the more forms and Keylon Codes a person’s PartikI grid has the more consciousness you will be able to bring into that form. Like right now, we’re bringing into our form the consciousness of the 3rd dimension, 7 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
out of 15. We’ve got a long way to go. And, how we’re gonna go, whether we do it consciously or let evolution take its course, it’s the same process. “Evolution taking its course” is the process of building more complex…PartikI are still coming into our PartikI grid ok, they’re still forming. You can either break down Keylon Codes, which will make you de-evolve and your, basically your genetic code will fall apart, or you can evolve. You’re going one way or the other, because you’re either building Keylons or you’re tearing them down…none of it’s static. Ok, so our process of evolution can be made much simpler if we understand that we have these units and that there are things we can do with the energy directed through our minds that can build into our own grids more complex Keylon Codes, which will allow more of our higher consciousness to come into our bodies and, as we progress with this, it will lessen the Density of our bodies. Because right now we have a part, we’re made of Particum mostly, we have you know, more Particum particles than anything else- we have a matter density to us that’s pretty solid, or it appears to be anyway. Now, the more you bring in your double, you fuse with your double, you’re changing those Particum into PartikI, into the original pattern- you’re lessening the density of your matter form as you go. So, this is how, this is how dimensional ascension occurs. This is how spiritual evolution and biological evolution occurs. What it means to evolve and complete our evolutionary process is to evolve our Keylon Codes so high, where you have so many complex codes that we no longer manifest, we vibrate too high for our consciousness to manifest in the lower density matter form. So, what we’re really aiming for in evolution is coming to the point where we have evolved out of biology and back into the higher state of being, that we came from in the first place, all right. And, a lot of people don’t realize that this is what evolution is about. It’s not just about, “Hmm, species just happen to appear, they happen to go this way, happen to go that way and it’s all, there’s really no order to it or much of a pattern”. There certainly is a pattern. There’s a pattern, there’s a purpose and it goes for species all the way down to the individual, ok. And we can become conscious of this process by starting to understand how this process occurs and starting to work with our own PartikI grids and learning to plug things in, more energy, more frequency into our grids. We’ll speed up our evolutionary process and our spiritual evolution. Now, coming to the 5th Primary Element of Keylontic Science- this one I love, I just like the term, I don’t know why. I think it did a lot for me when they gave me this term- it made an instant visual, where I could see it. You know, it was a little abstract for me before…this helped- the Crystal Body, ok. This is the 5th Primary Element of Keylontic Science. This term is used to refer to the multi-dimensional Keylon Code structure of a matter form, or form of consciousness or energy. Everything has a Crystal Body- every little particle in the universe has a Crystal Body. Every big being in the universe has a Crystal Body. We have one, and it walks around with us- it’s inside of us. And, it’s exciting…I have seen this, all right. The Guardians have done things with my perceptions a couple of times where they shifted me to a higher dimensional field, my mental awareness, and from there you can see what your Crystal Body looks like in d-3. You can’t see if from here, but when you shift, change the pulsation rate of your consciousness, which you have to separate from your body right now to do because your body can’t handle a faster pulsation rate right now. They showed me what it looked like and it’s made of these little crystals of light and instead of seeing, if you were gonna look in a mirror you wouldn’t see yourself this way, we would all look the same, all right. Yet, all the little geometrical patterns that we’re made of are different and we process consciousness and energy in unique, individual ways, but we’re composed of the same substance. And, we are so beautiful on that level. So, the Crystal Body is something that when I’m introducing Keylontic Science, I would much rather teach you about this and teach you that you have one and teach you how to start playing with it, and how to start adding more energy to it and becoming aware of it, than worrying about some of the really 8 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
heavy duty scientific stuff, because this is the personal stuff that you can do something about and you can do something with. So, the Crystal Body does a number of things, ok…hold on a second, I want to find my place. All right, it sets the manifest characteristics of a form. So, our physical body, our DNA, all of those things are controlled and set by the Crystal Body. It sets the sub-atomic structure and the body rhythms, the way energy and PartikI units will move through the body and the type of conscious awareness that the form will be able to embody. The Human Crystal Body encompasses 12 dimensions of identity and form. That means, we can ultimately bring into the morphogenetic field of our Crystal Body, 12 dimensions. Participant asks a question: ///// about that. Is that going to be //// activation, the activation of the DNA ////? /////////// “activate our /////// to be able to mutate, a faster /////////////? Anna: Yes, exactly. What, what is going to happen with the 12 DNA that you’re referring to, we originally, our Proto-type, the morphogenetic field for our species, had a pattern for 12-strands of DNA, not just 2, all right. At certain points they were broken down, they became what we call the “junk DNA”, these little DNA particles that are float’n around in cells. They’re being plugged back in. The way they are being plugged back in is by plugging in Keylon Codes. They’re dismantled Keylon Codes is what they are and they’re getting plugged back in, which will reactivate those strands of DNA. Participant: At the same time the heart chakra will ////////////////////? Anna: Mm hmm, I’m not sure what chakra system you were studying, but we get into the chakras a little bit later, where yes, we’re activating the higher ones, the ones outside of the body. We’re doing that in order to help build the Keylon process, but they go hand in hand. If you start working with your Keylons or your DNA, you’re automatically affecting the other things. You’ll open your chakras if you start playing with your Keylons or if you start meditating on trying to plug in your DNA strands, you will build Keylons and activate chakras, so they all go together. Does that answer your question? Participant: yeah. Anna: The most important thing to understand about the Crystal Body, is that by interacting with the Crystal Body, we can expand our evolutionary potential, re-plug in those DNA that you were talking about, and we can accelerate the whole process of physical evolution, biological evolution and spiritual evolution. So, it’s very helpful to know you have a Crystal Body and that we can start taking steps to make changes in this Crystal Body. The term may seem like very un-scientific and I think that’s why I like it, it’s simple. We can call it, we could call it the PartikI Body, we could call it the Keylon Body, but the Crystal Body gives you and idea visually, of if you want to start meditating to use those, you want to start directing mental energy into making changes, picture the Crystal Body, that’s what you’re working with. Ok, now the last Primary Element to Keylontic Science, and I’m talking really primary elements here ok, this can go much, much further into particles, anti-particles and all sorts of real scientific jargon things. I’m not getting into those now. You know, some of them even confuse me, but the last thing…this is our control device on how to play with our Crystal Body. They’re called Light-Symbol Codes. A light-symbol code is a pattern of electro-tonal energy that comes from specific PartikI configurations. They make up certain frequencies and spectrums of multi-dimensional light. Now, if you want to know what a light-symbol code is, close your eyes and visualize say the pattern of the Star of David, which by the way, is a very powerful Keylon Code.
9 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
When you visualize that pattern of light on your inner screen, your inner mental screen, you don’t realize it, but you’re directing 4th dimensional sound patterns, all right. The mind is a very powerful thing. We forgot that as a race, and we’re re-learning it in these times. The mind is composed of PartikI. When you think a thought, you are making a PartikI pattern and you are plugging it into other patterns out here. Where does a thought go after you think it? It goes several places. It down scales, it slows in vibration and it ends up out here some place in manifest reality. And, we won’t get heavily into that right now, but the most important thing to understand about light-symbol codes is they can be used to program the way energy flows through the Crystal Body, the Keylons and the PartikI units. You can speed up your PartikI units by using certain light-symbol codes. Now, you can also invent machines that will direct specific frequencies, and if we knew how, we could invent machines that would direct specific d-4 frequencies. Because you see, to access our Crystal Body, you can’t do it from d-3, you have to do it from the dimensional frequency band above, that gets the Keylons to open to accept a new program of operation. So, when we use light-symbol codes with the mind, that light is directly d-4 sound. All right, just like when we have sound here, all right, our sound is actually d-2 light, it appears as light in the 2nd dimension. All right, so when we are making…just think about the little images we come up with in our minds and wow, they’re patterns of sound in the d-4. This is why things like mental visualization…a lot of people are into that…this is why it works. When you begin to visualize say, events that you would like to see happen, if you visualize that here in 3d, don’t think it in words, you think it in pictures, put yourself there. They always say, “put yourself there and make it as real as possible as if you’re walking around in the image”. What you’re doing is creating an energy signature here in light, which is creating it in sound in d-4, which enters into your Crystal Body and becomes part of the Crystal Body. Now, the Crystal Body has a couple of things that it does. It not only holds our form together, this is what creates our holographic perception of manifest 3-dimensional reality. So, when you put a new program into it, it will in some form or another, come out here. We’re like projector machines in a movie theater, ok. When you program the Crystal Body, it’s called cellular memory…everything we go through, this room right here, our Crystal Body is taking all this in and you’re making an imprint of it in energy and they’re holding it. This is where the concept of “Karma” comes from. Every energy signature we walk through becomes a part of us and it will cycle back out until we change that pattern, because the Crystal Body projects energy, it projects PartikI outward. We think this is all separate from us (points to the room), it isin’t. Right now, we’re all sitting in the middle of a Unified Field of PartikI Grid, all of our Crystal Bodies are interacting with the Crystal Body of the space between our objects, and we’re all experiencing a hologram that’s created by the refraction of light and sound. And, that’s because our consciousness is pulsating at a certain rhythm that we’re all seeing it at the same time, because if we weren’t pulsating at the same rhythm, some of us would be seeing something else, and we wouldn’t appear in the room either. So if you’re…manifestation is a very complex science. Keylontic Science will lead to an understanding of that, but it’s…the most important thing is just start with the basics. And the basics are understanding what you’re composed of, what you’re made of, and to realize too, that it’s not just your physical body that’s made of this, the parts of yourself that you can’t see are also made of these. And, those parts are, for instance, your conscious awareness…like, “yeah, I know I’m conscious. What is that stuff?” You know, “like what is consciousness? Where is it? Where does it come from? I know I have it, but where is it exactly?” You know, these are hard to answer questions and most people really don’t know, they just know they have consciousness and they’re awake and aware. Well, we have consciousness, our cells have consciousness, our bodies are conscious too in their own ways. We can learn to use our minds to tap into our bodies- we can read it, we can diagnose ourselves, 10 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
we can read it and we can learn many things about healing ourselves that way. But, we can also learn to expand our consciousness by playing with the Keylons and playing with our PartikI grids. We can merge the 3-dimensional grid, ok, we have a grid, we have a d-1 grid for our physical body, a d-2 grid for our emotional body, d-3 grid for our mental body, where our minds are focused now, we have a d-4 grid, which come people call the astral body. When you link this line of focus, the d-3 grid, with the d-4 grid, you move yourself out of your body and you can travel. And, this has been an ancient art for many, many billions of years. Really, this is part of the natural Human and most of our species has forgotten the ability to do this. But, we are reawakening to this ability now. Now, this has to do with what our DNA can handle too. When you merge those 2 grids, the 3-dimensional mental body grid with 4th-dimensional grid, you are creating a higher vibration of energy. If your genetic code is not activated to a certain level, it won’t be able to pull memory in from that. You’ll go, cause every one of us go astral every night, we go back to Source, we go all the way to the 8 th dimension and through to what’s called the Galactic Core, where we pick up energy to rejuvenate our consciousness, and then we come back here. The reason we go to sleep is because our physical genetic code can not process those frequencies of higher energies yet. But, as we evolve, it will be able to do that. We’ll need less sleep, we’ll need much less of all the things we depend on here. We will need much less food, we will need less water, we will need less air. Our biologies can be expanded by linking the PartikI grids that we have here with the higher dimensional bands. And, we’ll begin to remember our experience. Our dream reality, what we call our “dream reality” is other dimensional reality. Some of it’s processing of stuff we picked up here that we didn’t assimilate, but other parts of it are legitimate experiences in travel through the higher dimensions coming back in pieces that we can’t make sense of yet because we don’t have the full genetic code that allows it to flow through and process. It’s like having a computer that can’t handle the programs coming in, because they’re bigger programs, so we have to re-program the DNA. The way to re-program the DNA is by re-programming the Light Body or the Crystal Body with the LightSymbol Codes and it’s really not that hard to do. It sounds complex, but a lot of people have been doing this for a number of years now. In the New Age Movement and everything, they’ve been using mediations and sound and visualization and all those things. They’re not a bunch of nutty people that are just making grid sounds and you know, doing things with their minds. They might not have the scientific basis for what they’re doing, but what they’re doing when they start running sound frequencies through their body or toning, they’re directly affecting how their PartikI grid is vibrating. You can raise it’s vibration or you can lower it. You can make your Keylons build up or you can make them tear down, depending on what sounds you put in, depending on what electromagnetic currents you’re exposed to and depending on how you use your mind and your thoughts. Cause, your thoughts are PartikI, which means they are energy. And, that energy will affect the body and everything around you. This is the substance behind all those claims of “mind over matter”. This is how the mind can work over matter. We’re not real good at it here. There were times in our species development, many, many eons ago when we were more advanced, we had more DNA plugged in; we had complete control over our matter with our minds. It was nothing, it was like breathing, you know. Well, we have to re-learn that process and this is one tool, Keylonta is one tool that can help move us in that direction. 52:05 So, I think I’m going to take a break very soon here before I get into this. I’ll let you look at this and then I’ll talk about it in a little after the break. I just need to get something to drink and breathe for a couple minutes. I’m gett’n tired. All right to take a 5? 15 Chakra System – hand drawn graph 11 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Ok, all righty, for the second part of my discussion I would like to get into a little bit of Keylonta on a personal level. All right, we learned before that we have a Crystal Body and it’s composed of Keylons and PartikI and it can effect change in our physical bodies, in our consciousness and in our lives, by learning to use these energies within our own bodies. Now, one…a lot of people have heard of the chakra system before, some people believe it’s real, some people don’t. It’s considered levels of subtle energy that surround the physical body and that moves through the physical body at different levels. Well, the Guardians have assured me that yes, we do have a chakra system, for those who aren’t sure whether it’s real or not. It is there. It is actually a series of PartikI grids. You can see down here on this little one (refers to her graph), our physical body is here all right. All of these levels…kind of like being on the inside of an onion almost…these are energy fields and they are PartikI grids. And, we have 1 for each of the 15 dimensions surrounding our body. Now, the average one goes from the 1st to the 7th dimension- that extends about 300 feet out around us. We don’t see it because it’s pulsating at different rates than what most perceptions are tuned to. So, we don’t see those energies unless we learn to shift our consciousness to a different level of perception, then you can see them. People who develop their psychic senses are learning to perceive higher pulsations of energy, faster pulsations. So, they’re able to see the structures of the subtle energy bodies. 54:15 Now, most people who study chakras know that there are a set, well, they say that there are 7 Primary Chakras within the body. There are actually 15 Primary Chakras, all right. The 7 that most people refer to are in the body. Now, I’m not going to cover this extensively tonight, because there is a tremendous amount of written material on this. Barbara Brenan’s books are wonderful on that. She has a book called, what is that? One of them’s “Awakening the Light Body”…”Hands of Light” is the first one. This will give you an excellent analysis of the first 7 levels of the bio-energetic field and the chakras and how they work. What we’re concerned about tonight are gonna be the higher and lower chakras. There are chakras that run down below our feet and there are chakras that run up above our head. Now, they’re connected to the Main 7, but they are not secondary, they are also Primary Chakras. Now, with our level of development, a lot of these chakras have not been what they call “activated” yet. They are there, they exist, and so do the levels of awareness that go with them. But, they have not been plugged into our DNA…they have not been plugged into our Crystal Bodies yet…we didn’t build in the Keylon Codes. These are, all these energy fields are composed of Keylon Codes and PartikI. In order to have them activated in the body, those Keylon Codes have to be plugged into the Keylon Codes of our 3 rd-dimensional, 2nd-dimensional and 1st-dimensional body. We haven’t reached that stage of evolution yet, but we can change that and we can start to accelerate the process of evolution and spiritual expansion and biological evolution by plugging in the Keylon Codes from these outer fields and from the fields that extend beyond this. Now, the main chakras that I would like to teach you about tonight…I’ll show you our numbering system. We follow the basic 7 like most systems of chakra analysis do. You have the 1st, which is the base chakra, 2nd, which is the sacral chakra and it’s around down in here over the reproductive organs somewhere, and up here can be where your navel is (referring to her chart). And around here is the solar plexus chakra it’s the 3rd chakra ok. And that, I’ll get into what they apply to in a minute. The 4th chakra is the heart chakra, that connects to your astral body. The 5th chakra is the throat chakra and I’ll get into what that connects to in a minute. The 6th chakra is what a lot of people call the “3rd eye”, and once that’s activated, that’s when you start to be able to perceive and get a visual interpretation of the faster pulsating energy fields of the higher dimensional identity. And, that’s when you start to see the chakra system and those kind of things and other things too, that live in the higher dimensions. It’s not just your own chakras that you see. All right, this is the 7th chakra, the Crown Chakra, which brings energy from the expanded auric field down through into the body and the base chakra pulls it in, up through, from the Earth. All right, now up above 12 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
the head here I have the 10th chakra. What happened to 8 and 9, right? Ok, 8 is actually not manifested yet, it’s one of the things we’re activating. The 8th chakra will manifest between the 4th and 5th chakras and we’re working on that activation now. The 8th chakra runs at an angle from here up through your head and it starts at the Pineal Gland and comes out somewhere, right around the back of the head (has her hand near the groove where the head connects with the spine). All right, this is an important chakra cause it connects you to the frequencies of what’s called the Galactic Core, the center of the 15-dimensional Matrix. It connects you to the level of identity that you were before you came into manifestation at all, even within the dimensionalized system. All right, the 9th chakra runs at almost an opposite angle, where it’s base would be right around the base of the skull here where it hooks onto the neck. And it runs through the Pituitary Gland and it runs at an angle and comes out right around here somewhere (holds her hand on left side of her forehead). They actually create like an “X” type formation of energy and that gets into some more complex energy structures that we won’t go into. So, 8 and 9 are there. We’re going to deal with 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 cause these are the Primary Ones that bring energy from the highest dimensions into the physical body. Right now most people do not have the 10th chakra activated. It’s there, it’s dormant, and when you see it with higher sensory vision it would look like a little kind of clumped up ball of energy. Where, once it’s activated, it opens up into a circular formation of energy where you can see currents spiraling through it and it changes color, and it gets brighter when, with higher sensory vision. So, what we’re going to work on is activating or bringing all those, from a little clump of closed energy, opening them. And, when we open them it allows the frequencies from the higher dimensions to come in. And, they will come into the lower energy fields…they will come in from here, come into these fields, and they will start coming into our body, which will help us build Keylons and it will help us activate the rest of our Crystal Body and expand our DNA, the whole bit. Ok, now the 10th chakra connects to the 10th-dimensional frequencies. It’s very simple in their numbering system. They did it that way on purpose, so you know, we could remember very easily. The base chakra connects to the 1st-dimensional frequencies, the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, which is the astral level ok, the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, they all correspond to the dimensions that they’re numbered after. 10 th chakra, 11th chakra goes to the 11th dimension, 14th chakra, which actually, 13th is down here but we’ll deal with that in a little bit. 14th chakra is considered the “origin point”. It’s the 1st point of projection when you entered what they call the Time Matrix. That is the dimensionalized system that gives us the illusion of matter, space and progression through time. Before that, we existed as pure consciousness in something called the Energy Matrix, and then we entered the Time Matrix and it gives us this experience of separation and dimensionalization. The 14th chakra and the 14th dimension are the point at which we were originally projected; it’s where the whole pattern of our morphogenetic field for our identity exists. And this includes, not just us, but also others in what I call our Family Tree of Consciousness, because we are connected to others. Some people call it “reincarnation”, but it’s really simultaneous manifestation. We’re all existing at once in a field of time, pulsating at different rates. But, at the 14th chakra, when we activate this, we bring in the entire pulse of our identity. We can’t bring the whole thing in, the physical body can’t hold that. The physical body can only hold the frequencies of d-12, ok. But, when you activate the whole line up and this is what we want to do, I wanna do a meditation tonight that will begin that process of opening and activating them, you create an energy link that goes from the 14th all the way through you, through the Earth, around and through the 15 th dimension, which is actually, if you went through the Earth…you’re standing here…if you went through the Earth, came out the other side and kept going, you’d be way out in space, right? So, actually, the 15 th chakra is way out in space, but it’s 13 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
perceived as going through, that’s why I put it below the feet. It’s actually through the Earth core, an energy field that comes up you know, through the Earth core and through the bottom of our feet and works up, where the 14th is coming down. What the energy fields that these create, the 14th and the 15th, this is the 15th, creates a spiral of energy going up this way and the 14th creates one going down this way. It’s 2 counter-rotating spirals of energy, which some people call the Merkaba, ok. This is an energy field that if you could learn to spin it the right way, holds the key to de-manifestation, to teleportation and to control over matter, being able to control the matter of our bodies. So, the first step is becoming aware of what chakra centers are involved in this and beginning to activate them. You can’t activate it over night or you’ll blow your body up, because the body has to grow into the ability to process higher frequency. Sometimes people do this like spontaneous combustion thing and scientists go, “wow, how did that happen?” Sometimes it happens, because too much energy came in from their own Unified Field from their own auric field. And, sometimes there are glitches in this, and when that happens it speeds up the molecules so fast that they either implode or explode; I’m not sure which it does, but it does one or the other; it breaks the pattern apart. When that happens it fragments your Crystal Body, completely fragments it into little pieces, back into like d-1 and d-2 pieces. So, activations do take time. Participant: They become ashes? They become ashes when they combust? Anna: Mm hm. Participant: I have a book with the pictures and so the ashes are ///// (accent difficult for me to hear). Anna: And, what’s happened underneath those ashes, those ashes used to be a form that had a Crystal Body in it. The ashes still have a Crystal Body, but it’s broken up in all sorts of little pieces. It’s as if you took a crystal glass and shattered it on the floor. They have to start the process of evolution all over again putting those Keylons back together to get to the point where they originally were. So, it’s, it’s better to build Keylons than break them down. So, anyway, when we’re doing activations what we’re going to learn to do first is to bring this, this and this chakra on-line with the rest of them right now that are functioning in our body systems (points to 10, 11 and 14 above the head on her hand-drawn graph). All right, we’re going to do that by…all right, first of all, I want to get into this a little bit. The 13th chakra is the chakra that exists at the center of the Earth. It’s one of the Earth’s chakras too, not just ours. It is a chakra that unites our Crystal Body with the Crystal body of the planet. And, it’s where we draw energy from the planet, so we’re a living part of the energy of the planet, which a lot of people don’t realize. They walk around on the Earth and they think it’s just a thing to walk around on. They don’t realize they’re body is a part of the Earth body and we’re all connected to it. So, we connect through the 13th chakra. Participant: Some information was given me by the Pleiadians is that the higher chakras are shared chakras and we operate from the higher planes in community with other beings through their chakras. Anna: Yes. Yes, I’m going to keep it simple for tonight though, and keep on basically what we can do with ours, and later we’ll get you know, in other classes or other times, we’ll go into…you could write a book on each chakra explaining what it does, what it’s connected to, what it’s function is, how to use it in the best ways. So, you know, there’s a lot of information that goes with them. The higher chakras above /// (something falls – loud) do connect you to the expanded field of the universe and also to the expanded field of your own family tree of consciousness. And, you become plural after a certain point, where you’re not just an individual self…you know yourself as one of many (? – other talking going on- guessed). 14 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Just like, if you look at yourself now and you think of yourself as a child with all those childhood memories. Now, they don’t seem to be a separate, different “you”, right, they were just “you” at a different stage, right. When we, as we evolve and as we start to activate the higher chakras, we start to understand that the other identities in family tree of consciousness are kind of like us at different stages, and they’re all “us”. And, you start to refer to yourself as a “we” because you know you are. We are all plural. We think we’re separate and individual, and that’s one of the learning experiences we have in this dimension right now. But, we’re actually part of a larger consciousness that knows itself as “self”. And, it’s not something that controls us it’s something that is us at a higher level of evolution, just like we are a higher-level evolution for that child that we were once, you know. So, that gets into the plural concept, where it connects you to more than just you know, yourself. But, I just want to get us familiar with how the chakras run, where they are, so if you say “gee, I want to activate my 10th chakra, where’s that?” you know. You know, it’s right up here- it’s about 6 inches above the head- it’s above the crown chakra, directly above it. And, it’s right around in there- it’s a little higher, a little lower on some people. The 11th chakra is about 18 inches above the head. So, when we’re visualizing this stuff it helps to know, because if you don’t have your higher sensory perception you know, on yet, you have to visualize it…you have to imagine it there. “Ok, where would that be? Ok, it would be right about here.” The 14th one is about…you could picture it about 3 and a 1/2 feet above the head. And then the 15 th one, you could picture it going right through the Earth and way out into outer space on the other side of the planet. So, you’re going through the Earth, that is an important connection because it’s actually a line of energy that runs all the way down through. It connects you to the Cosmos, but also to the Earth Core. All right, in the meditation that I would like to teach, there’s a couple other energy centers. These are not chakras, these are kind of like, if you look at them with higher sensory perception they look like little balls of energy or little stars of energy. What they are…they function as a data base- they hold certain key frequencies of your soul and your over-soul, and they…within them you will find the story of what your existence is about, your personal existence- why you were created, what you came here to do this time. We all have a purpose, which a lot of people don’t realize. We really did come for a purpose. We’re part of a big purpose that our Soul Family or our Family of Consciousness is involved. So, when you start to get into these other energy centers you’ll start to be able to find that part of yourself, and the Guardians call it the Inner Sanctum. And, I like that because I’ve used this as a sanctuary after they taught me how to find this part of my energy system. The first level that I would like to deal with is called the- it’s hard to pronounce…the Brehmn, but there’s no “e” between the “m” and the “n”. All right, it’s B-r-e-h-m-n; that’s their word, ok. This connects to the Core of what’s called your over-soul. Ok, you have your identity here, your incarnate identity. Then, you have your Soul, which is in the d-4, d-5 and 6 frequency bands. Then, you have your Over-Soul, which is in the d-7, 8 and 9 frequency bands. All right, that is the center that you came out of. You emerged out of your Over-Soul. Even the higher parts of your identity will have to come back through the Over-Soul to get back out of the Time Matrix, or out of dimensionalized reality. All right, so this one connects to the Over-Soul. There’s another one down here that’s a little bit above the navel, just a little bit above it. And, if you look at them and you could see with higher sensory perception, they would like little starbursts, little stars that were in the middle of your energy field way deep inside of your body. This one is called…it sounds like “on”…it’s A-u-a-n, but it’s pronounced like you would say “on”, “O-n”, that kind of sound. All right, this connects to the geomantic entity.
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A geomantic entity is a level of your identity that exists beyond the dimensionalized system. It’s the collective, gestalt identity that you were before you fragmented yourself into individuation and became individual beings running around in a dimensionalized system. You can consider it the “whole self”. Some people consider it the “God Self”- people who prefer spiritual terms. We call it the Geomantic Entity because it is composed of many, many interwoven, geometrical PartikI strands and Keylon Codes. So, it’s geometrical and it’s a level of consciousness that can’t even be translated in human form, but parts of it can be. So, this connects you right to the Entity. That whole…the whole primary purpose is not only for your life, but for all of the lives within your Family Tree of Consciousness. And, you can get a lot of information about you know, “what is my life about”, “what do I do next” from this place. All right, there’s one more center and this one has been used in, I believe, Chinese and Japanese martial art type things. It’s…they call it the ////, but I believe it was called the Tan Tien in martial arts, or some people call it the Hara. It’s a ball of energy that’s connected to the Earth directly. And, it usually looks gold when it’s dormant, like it is in most of us, but if you want to bring energy and energize your whole systemyour whole body system- your PartikI Grid, your Crystal Body…by bringing energy from the Earth Core, which has a lot more energy than we do as individuals, you can activate this. You can concentrate, focus your energy on it and use visualizations to literally bring energy up from the 13th chakra, straight up this middle line and into that until it becomes a big, red, glowing ball. This is what the martial arts masters who can do things like you know crack bricks and you know, piles of bricks in half and all those, it’s their center of, it’s all of our center of balance. But it’s, by using it and by building it and bringing the power of the Earth power up, that they are able to do some of the feats that they do. And, the old masters…I don’t know if there’s anyone around who can do it these days, but some of them used to be able to appear and disappear, or replicate themselves, where people would see 4 of them, if they wanted…the enemy wouldn’t know which one was the real one to fight. They could do amazing things by activating that energy center. So, basically, if you were going to learn anything about the chakras, I would think that these were the most important, the Brehmn, between the 4th and 5th chakras, the Auan, right above the belly button and the Etur one, right below. Now, these create, there’s an energy, a little, tiny line of energy- it looks like a laser beam- that runs from the 14th chakra all the way down thorugh the other chakras, through the crown, all the way down through the Brehmn, the Auan, through the ///, all the way down thorugh the Earth and through, out into the galaxy, thorugh the 15th dimension back up into the 14th, ok. They call that the ////. It doesn’t really matter what you call it, just know you have a line of energy that runs there. Sometimes this line gets broken within our bodies, like a laser light, and you know, if you put something in its way, if there’s a frequency coming in, in its way it can push it out of shape or you know, cut it off. If we begin to be aware that we have this line of energy running through our bodies, we need to learn to check it, to learn to use visualization to say, “ok, I’m going to check this line. What is it doing?” Your inner self is the part of you that understands how visualization works, will help you to see it. It will help you to develop your higher sensory perception enough where you can start to see the condition of your line. If that line is broken, you will have energy blockage in the area of the break. You will also have energy leakage, which can build up in different parts of the body and the organs and it can create physical disease, you know, as well as other problems. So, one very therapeutic thing for all of us is to become aware of that name, /// line, running down through. And, aware to check, you know, just lay down at night when you don’t, before you go to sleep, and say, “Where is this line?” And, start trying to find it, and eventually you will find it if you use visualization and say, “I know it’s there”, eventually you’ll feel it. And once you start to feel it you know you’re really on it, there’s a feel to this too, not just a visual, but a feel. 16 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
You’ll then be able to use the visual translation to be able to see where the breaks are in the line. What they are is they’re breaks in the PartikI grid pattern. You can use visualization to fix that line of energy. And, what you’re doing is using 4th dimensional sound to correct the pattern and re-align. That’s one of the most important things you can do when you first start working with the Crystal Body and the energies, making sure it grounds your energies into the Earth and it also aligns you with the higher dimensional aspects of your own identity. So, it’s one of the basic things that the Guardians have stressed that was most important. Now, I’m going to get into one more quick picture here. Pardon the artwork here, I did this in about 10 minutes. I was putting this whole thing together so I’d have something to use tonight cause I didn’t have the Mylars for the overhead projector. Once they’re in a book they’ll be much neater, I promise. Participant: That’s a nice little drawing. Anna: I’m a perfectionist. Ok, this wild looking thing, if you had your higher sensory perception turned on all the way up to the 15th dimension, this is what we look like, ok. Now, most systems that teach you about the auric field and all of that, will take you up to about let’s see, d-1, 2, 3, they take you up to the 7th level; they’ll show you the 7th level of the aura. They usually don’t show you what’s beyond that. Not a lot of people know what’s beyond that, but some people do, the Guardians do. Ok, we’ll start with this, we have a physical body here. Right outside of the physical body, and you can learn to see this part, is something called the Etheric body, and it kind of goes with the Physical body. It’s actually your PartikA body; it’s actually where you’re attached to your double, where your energy fields are attached, ok. Right outside of that, right about, it’s a little bit different for everybody, but it’s right about here and it’s literally out in the atmosphere around you, is a bubble of energy that’s not quite as defined, it doesn’t follow you quite as closely, it’s a little looser, that’s called the Emotional body. And, a lot of people know this part all ready. Now, the Emotional body corresponds with the 2 nd dimension. And, that means the 2nd chakra also corresponds to the 2nd dimension, ok. So, this level of your aura is your d-2 frequencies, your d-2 PartikI grid. Now, the next level up here is your Mental Body PartikI grid. And, if you see it with higher sensory perception it looks kinda gold. And, it doesn’t just hang out around you, every one of these fields is around you but permeates you too, it goes through every part of you and saturates you. So, it’s like a level of saturation upon a level of saturation, not just an onion skin that you’re peeling, ok, it’s running right through you. So, you have your d-3 Mental Body, which gives you your mental focus here, your conscious awakeness here and it corresponds with the 3rd chakra, your solar plexus chakra. Ok, now if you notice these red bands I have here, these are, within the etheric field and within the PartikI grids, there’s actually a reversal of the spin of the particles between these dimensions here: between 3 and 4. It creates a separation or polarization within the energy fields that you have to pick up a certain speed within your mental body grid before you can move through that and bring your astral body grid in, where you start to learn astral body projection and all this kind of stuff. Usually it starts to happen cause your Soul inspires it, and you don’t say, “Hm, I’m gonna learn to astral project”. Some people do, but usually it starts to happen to you before you understand what is happening to you. All right, the next level up, after you go through that little level of polarization let’s call it, or reversal of spin of the particles, you have your d-4 which goes with the 4th dimension. Some people call it the astral body and they call the 4th dimension the “astral plane”. That’s also a matter plane that has matter to it just like this, but it’s a thinner level of matter. Up here is d-5 and it creates the 5th level of the auric field, which is called by some, the “etheric template”. I like that term. That’s a term that Barbara Brenan uses. When I’m 17 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
speaking with the Guardian Alliance, they tend to use terms that are a little hard to pronounce and /// we’ve never heard at all before you know, they have their own language. And, instead of using some of their terms for these levels, I’m just going to stick to Barbara Brenan’s interpretation cause it’s a lot easier. All right, so we have the etheric template. She calls it that because this level of the auric field, the 5 th level, actually sets the pattern that the Etheric body will hold, which sets the pattern for our double and physical body. Ok, so if we want to change structures in our Physical body to a large degree, we have to access the 5th dimensional level of our PartikI grids. Participant: When you say, “change structures”, what do you mean by “structures”? Anna: Or, “limbs”- they’re one and the same. Like if you were able… Participant: Diseased organs? Anna: Yes, yes. (Participant: really?) You can create healings. There are techniques that they have taught me for personal healing, where once you can learn to move your consciousness out of your body and into higher states, there are experiences you can go through in those higher states that can directly affect the condition of your Physical body. I’ve had my back fixed that way a couple of times cause my back tends to go out on me, and when it’s corrected from that level, from the 5 th dimensional level, the fix holds a lot better, it lasts a lot longer than if I tried to do it from just like a d-3 level of perception. Participant: Did they do it or did you do it? Anna: Sometimes they do it and they’re teaching me how to do it. So, I guess they’re gett’n sick of putt’n me back together (chuckles), cause they’ve done that a couple of times. Participant: Then you teach us how to do it. Anna: Yeah, yeah, I would- at some point I will share with you some of the things they’ve taught me. (Anna goes back to diagram with small body and 15 circles drawn around it). Ok, out here is the 6th level of the auric field that’s, in Barbara Brenan’s terms, is called the “Celestial Body”, ok. We basically just refer to that as the 3rd level of the Soul Body. We consider d-4 the 1st level of the Soul Body, d-5 the 2nd level and the center of the Soul Body and d-6 the 3rd level of the Soul Body. So, there’s 3 dimensional frequency bands that compose your Soul Identity, ok, and they’re directly attached energetically to you. And, it’s a process of bringing them into the body more, to become conscious of it, all right. Now, up here there’s d-7. Barbara Brenan calls that the Ketheric Template. We call it the 1 st level of our Monadic Identity, ok. A monad is basically the Primary 3 Templates that we were created from before we broke down into a double and ourselves, a Particum Being and a PartikA Being. The Monadic Identity is composed of d-7, d-8 at the center, which corresponds with the Galactic Core literally out there in the universe some place, and d-9 – they are our Monad. And, we call it the Teura- that’s what the Guardians use. Other people have called it the Monad and they said either term is fine. So, d-7 is the last level where you experience form, all right, like matter form, at all. You don’t have a Physical body at d-7; you have like a Pre-matter, semi-solid type body.
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In the Soul Body you do have a matter body. It’s not as dense as this one, but it is still a body. So, once you hit d-7, after you, you know, evolve past d-7, you just don’t have form anymore, your consciousness. But these levels of our identity exist right around us at all times and we can evolve into bringing them into the body. You can have a d-8 awareness in a body, but the whole codes for d-8 won’t be activated cause if they were it’d blow you out of form manifestation. So, one of our primary objectives in learning to evolve, consciously evolve, and to evolve our DNA and to evolve our Spirit, is to learn to activate these 3 frequencies of d-7, 8 and 9 within the body, because that brings in the higher dimensional aspects and that also allows more rapid acceleration of the double and you merging with each other. Now, out here in the auric field we have dimensions 10, 11 and 12. These correspond with dimensions 10, 11 and 12, they are the 10th, 11th and 12th level of our identity and our auric field and the Guardians call these the Dolar levels. It’s the Avatar level of awareness and they call it the Dolar- that’s their word- Dolar or Dolis, either one. So, we have 1, 2 and 3 levels of our Dolar identity. Then, these bands out here, which are way out in the universe, this is where we’re connected to the universe and we’re connected to the dimensionalized system, the 13th, 14th and 15th dimensions. But, and all of our fields are constantly overlapping, like you know, our fields are running through each other right now as we sit here. Well, these, this part of our fields runs through the universe (points to 13th, 14th and 15th levels), so it’s part of the Unified Field, ok. They consider this level of our identity the Rishi Identity. And I know, it’s interesting, I know that word is used in some type of Eastern philosophies, I think, where I remember something like, somebody wrote a book called “Return of the Rishi”. And, I haven’t read it but it was like, “Oh, there’s that word”, you know. So, the Rishi is something that’s known as a “master” or something like that. Participant: A seer. Anna: Is that what it means? It’s a level of consciousness, a level of our identity that exists completely beyond form manifestation at all, of any of the dimensions. It’s the composite, when you evolve to become a full Rishi. If you were to see a Rishi it would look like a sun- it would look like a ball of flaming light, that’s what it would look like, that would be the form that you would have and you’re actually pure consciousness at that point, all right. Now, we’re still connected to that level of our identity. When, working with the Guardian Alliance, they go through things called “Initiations”, “Consummations” and “Activations”. An Initiation is when, let’s say, you’re a d-3 Being, you start to pull in the frequencies and the Keylon Codes of d-4, that’s an Initiationyou’re “initiating” the Keylon Codes of d-4, or this dimension, into the ones that you already have. A Consummation would be when you pulled in all of the frequency bands / Keylon Codes of d-4. And an Activation would be when they were taken from storage in your “junk DNA” and in your Keylon Codes and plugged into your neurological structure, where it would start to manifest through the hologram of your life. The whole process of dimensional ascension is a process of Initiation, Consummation and Activation of higher and higher levels of Keylon Codes. And, it’s a fascinating and very confusing process when you’re doing it blind, which I did, when I started to do this with them. I had no idea- I didn’t have this information then, but by going through these Initiations and bringing more Keylons into my body I was able to process some of this data. I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I hadn’t, because the more Keylons you have in your PartikI grid, the more awareness you are able to filter through into the Physical body. And the translation is an Electrical process. So, it’s definitely well worth our while to learn about our energy systems and to learn what we can do to begin expanding. We’re going to do the process whether we like it or not- it’s called being Human- it’s called evolving. We can either participate and have more control over the process or let it happen to us, it’s really our choice. 1:27:15 19 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
This is the Inner Sanctum- it’s a meditation and it’s kind of where I’d like to leave off for this evening. It’s going back to the Primary Centers of the //// /// Line. They just gave this one to me today, so I’m gonna have to read it. I will read it with you and I know how to do it, but I haven’t done it with them yet, myself. If you want to do it, you know, I will walk you through a guided meditation on it. If you don’t, that’s ok too. I’m going to be making tapes of it eventually, you know, on audio tape or whatever, where you can plug it in and listen to it and then just do the guided meditation. What its purpose is, is to activate all of these fields and also, teach you how to focus your awareness in the – what is it called- the Bremn. When you focus your attention in the Bremn there’s a lot of things you can do. I’ve learned to Astral Project from there, which was kind of neat little trick that I didn’t know could happen. Whenever I feel exhausted or overwhelmed or frightened, or any of those things, once you learn to center your consciousness in this little star of energy that you carry around inside of you, it’s- the greatest analogy I have for this is- remember the “I Dream of Jeanie” show, and she’d get //// and she just wanted away from everybody, and she’d dive down into her little bottle and that was it. You know, she had the long stem with the little you know, bulb bottle on it and she’d sit down there all comfortable in her, little bulb of her little bottle and she was safe. You can do this once you learn to center in your Inner Sanctum. You can literally pour yourself down your Crown Chakra, end up in there, and it shifts your energy. It justyou can learn to develop a focus in there, where everything else is out here and you get this quietness and this focus and this hyper-cognition level, can be found in there. It’s a very, very special space to be in. And, once you find that level of focus you can take it many, many places- that’s the best place to learn to communicate. If anyone’s interested in trying to open up the lines of communication, either with Guardians or with your own level of Higher Identity. Some people call that “channeling your higher self”- you might as well, it’s yours anyway. I mean, you know (chuckles), it’s not like you’re letting something invade you, the higher self is “you”. The next level up is your Soul Level, your d-4, 5, 6 self. There’s a lot of awareness there just waiting for you to plug it in. Yeah, I’m smiling in that direction (Ash mildly points to one part of the room – to a person? Group? Giggles). When you go into the Inner Sanctum, you will find a place to start, a place to focus- it’s your connection to the Universe, basically. It’s also a lot more than that, but that’s we really need to know for tonight. So, are you interested in doing it tonight or…? Participants: “Yes. Wanna do it? Yes.” Anna: You want to do it tonight? Ok. I could do without that light, though (points to a light above), makes it a little…(someone dims the light). Participant: We need to be sitting down or spun straight- all that? Anna: Whatever’s most comfortable for you. A lot of them, especially when I’m learning new ones, I tend to lay down- it’s just too much energy to keep my body up and focused too. So, I tend to not keep my body up. Whatever is most comfortable for you. Now, I’ll do my best to walk us through this, nicely. Once I get more familiar with it I’ll be able to do it off the top of my head and probably go with you. Ok, everybody get comfortable and since we’re going to be visualizing, it’s best to close your eyes. Close your eyes and take a couple of slow, deep breaths.
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Inhale, hold it for a second or two on the Inhale, then slowly exhale. Take about 3 breaths like that. They just help your system to calm down and shift focuses a little bit inside of the consciousness. Inhale, hold, Exhale. Inhale, Exhale. Now, we’re going to imagine on the Inner Screen- the inner screen is the space right between your eyes, on the inside of your forehead. It’s the place where your 6 th chakra will open when it is time for it to open. It’s a place where you can create mental imagery – it will direct energy, it will direct sound frequency from the dimensional body by using symbols made of light here. First thing I would like you to imagine on your inner screen is picturing a long, thin line of energy running straight through your body, starting way up in the Universe some place. About 3 and a 1/2 feet above your head, that line connects to your 14th chakra, and then it drops the line right through your body to the center of your body, all the way out and through a point below the bottom of your feet down to the Earth and then back up around. It makes a circle of energy between you, the Earth and the Cosmos. Become aware of that line of energy even if you can’t yet feel it- know it’s there and try to visualize it. Now, I would like you to draw your attention to what we call the Teura Ball (?). The ///, if you’ll remember, was the little ball of energy that exists right below the navel. It’s the center of gravity for the body. You can picture it as a little golden ball of light. Once you have the visualization of the little golden ball of light right below your navel, imagine that with your breath you’re going to Exhale and go down into the 13th Chakra in the center of the Earth. And, your going to Inhale and pull energy up from the center of Earth into the /// Ball, into the little, golden ball. And do this 3 or 4 times- Inhale /// and Exhale down into the 13th Chakra at the center of the Earth. And, when your lungs are fully empty stay there for a second and let the energy from the center of the Earth move into your consciousness for a moment (?). Then, Inhale, bring that energy back up into the ////. After doing this several times, you’ll find that the //// begins to glow red as the frequencies from the PartikI at the Earth Core become activated within the //// (*sphere thing at navel). This is grounding your energies within the Earth Grid. The second thing I will have you do is to remember the Bremn. The Bremn is the place we call the Inner Sanctum. It is located around the area of the Thymus Gland, between the 4 th and 5th Chakras (*Ash moves hand to the area- our AzurA point, as we know it now). Picture it as a little star of light that’s right on that line of energy that’s running down through the middle of your body. The line goes right through the Bremn. Take your consciousness as a small point of light, try to imagine condensing yourself up, make a little image of your body, make it tiny, tiny, tiny until it becomes a tiny little point of light. And then, move that little point of light into the center of the star within the body that is the Bremn. From this space in consciousness, breathe several times- Inhale slowly, Exhale. Inhale, Exhale- /// you can actually Exhale and Inhale about 7 times, but for times sake this evening we’re not gonna take you through to that level. If I make some tapes of this and we can give them to you, you’ll be able to do that at home. 21 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Next thing, after you’re centered within the Bremn, I want you to feel an energy field around the outside of your body- feel yourself as if you were inside of the Bremn, inside of the bubble or star of light. The more you work with this visualization, the more you will get the sense of the reality of that space- you’ll begin to feel it physically around you. Once you get to the point where you do feel the physicality of this energy around you, you are in a place called, where you are centered is called “being centered in the Bremn”- you are centered in the Seat of your Soul. From this place, you can link with higher levels of your identity. From your consciousness within the Bremn, we’d like you to now move that, you and that energy bubble, the Bremn around you, you’re going to move it down the line of energy, you’re going to move it down to the Aon, which is just above the navel. Imagine the Aon as a star of light, just as the Bremn was, but it’s bigger and brighter. You’re going to move the star of the Bremn down the line of energy inside of you and merge it with the Aon. You’ve now connected the core of your Soul to the core of your Over Soul. From this space, breathe several times. If you’re trying this at home, we suggest 7 breaths, Inhales and Exhales, for each step. You are now centered within the Aon and within the Bremn. We are a point of light and consciousness centered within the field of 2 stars, that surround us. From this point, we are going to move ourself as the Bremn and Aon into the //// ///, breathe it down into the energy center that is just below the navel, the part that connects you to the Earth. When you feel the energies of the /// /// and the Aon merging, take several deep, slow breath. You are combining the higher dimensional aspects of yourself, your Soul and your Over Soul, with the physical aspects of yourself, and you are grounding them within your physical reality. You are building PartikI as you’re doing this- you are bringing more and more energy in PartikI units, into your PartikI Grid. The more times this exercise is practiced, the more energy you will bring in. Once you have centered your energy and your awareness within the spot of the /// ///, then move your energy with your Inhale up the main energy line, up through your Crown Chakra to about 6 inches above your head. There is another Chakra that is your 10th Chakra. You’re moving energy from the /// /// into the 10th Chakra and then on the Exhale, pushing it outward to open that Chakra Center. You could picture it, the 10th Chakra, as a little ball of light, and when you add the energy of the /// /// to it, it expands and becomes a circle of light, with space in the middle like a ring of light- it is now opened. We will have you breathe several times, bringing energy up from the /// ///, up into the 10 th Chakra, expanding it with the Exhale. After several times of expansion in that Chakra, we would have you pull energy from the /// // (*same placebelow the navel- our E-Umbi now?) up to about 18 inches above your head into the 11 th Chakra. Pull the energy up on the Inhale and expand it out on the Exhale. 22 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Just as you did with the 10th Chakra, you’ll bring energy from the /// // up into the little ball at the 11th Chakra and push outward and expand into a ring of light. You’ve now opened the 11 th Chakra. And now, finally, we will take the energy from the /// // (*E-Umbi area) and bring it up, up through the 10th Chakra, up through the 11th and into the 14th Chakra, what is about 3 and a 1/2 Feet above your head. Picture it as a bluish-purple ball of light. You will bring the energy from the /// // on the Inhale, up into the 14th Chakra and Exhale out to expand it, creating a ring of bluish-purple light around you. You have opened your energy field to the 10 th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th systems by simply opening those highest chakras. Now, you will ground the energy by reversing this process. As those are opened and circles of light now, moving about your head way out into the Universe, you will take your energy and your consciousness back into the /// // (*E-Umbi area) and you will move it downward. You will move it down through the Base Chakra, down through your legs and through the soles of your feet where you have 2 chakras. At a point about 6 inches below your feet is the 12th Chakra- it is the point where the energy current, running down both legs and out your feet, meets. You will bring the energy from the /// // (*E-Umbi area), down the legs, down into the 12th Chakra. This time you will do it on the Exhale. Breathe in, then push the energy down your legs and down into the 12 th Chakra. Once you are centered with your consciousness in the 12th Chakra you’ll breathe in and hold for a moment, then Exhale outward while your consciousness is still there, and expand the 12th Chakra. This will open the energy field of the Earth into the energy fields of your body. You will now do the same, take energy from the /// ///, move it down through your legs, through the 12th Chakra, into the center of the Earth. Visualize the center of the Earth. From there, you will again breathe in, push outward and expand and open the Krist (?), the flow of energy from the Earth Core into your energetic system. Breathe up again and center your consciousness within the /// // (*E-Umbi area). There will be one more chakra that you will activate in your system. You will breathe in and then breathe outward and a quick Exhale down through the legs, through the 12 th Chakra, through the 13th Chakra and out to the Earth, out through the center of the Earth, out the other side and way out into the Galaxy. Imagine yourself out in the Galaxy and you find a circle of light. You won’t see it there hanging, but it is there. It is an energy field- it is the energy field of the 15th Chakra- it connects to the energy field of the //// ///, which is ///. Once you’ve brought your awareness through the /// // (*E-Umbi point), down through the Earth Core and into the 15th Chakra and back up into the Universe, you have linked the Unified Field of the Universe with that of your entire PartikI Grid. You have brought the higher levels of dimensional Identity into association with your body, where your body is preparing itself to integrate into its Keylon Crystal Body, the Keylon Codes of those higher dimensional frequencies. If you work with this meditation in a more quiet environment, doing about 7 Inhales and Exhales for each step, you will find many pleasant sensations, but you’ll also find an increase in energy coming through your system. It will help you to learn the next steps of how to learn to Astral Project through the energy centers in the body, or project from any level- it will help you to do that. But, the first step is learning this breathing. 23 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
It may seem arduous to practice the breath, but it will teach you how to run energy through your system, how to activate your chakra centers and how to begin accessing the levels of awareness that are information on your Crystal Body and the PartikI and all that will make sense to you. You’ll be able to get your own intuitive sense //// (car drives by). So, I will attempt to put this meditation on a tape in a much more formal, pleasant way and you can use it as a Journey. But, that was just a run through 1:47:37
1:48:00 - Sometimes you fall asleep /// them. The best way to do them is to get a tape or a cassette tape/ audio tape and even if you like see one some place, a meditation you like, read it on the tape for yourself so you’re not distracted by trying to remember it, and take yourself on guided meditations that help you activate chakras. There are a lot of people that have meditations out there- start using them, because they do affect your chakras and your Crystal Body and they increase your /// PartikI in your grid. So, meditations aren’t just some fluffy thing that you do with your head, they directly affect every aspect of your energy field and your body. So, I’ll try to have that one ready for you so you can focus more on those specific energy centers. And, I think that’s all I would like to talk about for tonight. If there’s any questions/// answer questions. Class 2 (1:49:02) Ok, I want to introduce myself for the one person who doesn’t know me. My name is Anna Hayes and I’m a local representative of a group called the Guardian Alliance. And, they are part of a larger group called the Inter-dimensional Association of Free Worlds. The individuals I have been involved with since childhood are of an extraterrestrial nature. They have biologies similar to ours, but not in Human form. They are Physical- they are not just Entities or in that vein of reality. The Inter-dimensional Association of Free Worlds has members that are in biology such as Humans or extraterrestrial races. They also have what are called Meta-terrestrial members, which are beings who have evolved beyond the stages of development where matter, Physical Matter and Biology, is characteristic to that level of evolution. They are part of the dimensions of 9 through 15- they’re pure conscious energies. And, they are basically the ones who run the Inter-dimensional Association of Free Worlds. So, the level of information brought through anyone who is communicating with these levels of Identities will include information about the Physical, but will also include information about worlds that we, as a general rule, don’t yet know exist. And, I just wanted to qualify where I’m coming from a little bit for the new members in the group so you have an idea, you know, where the information is being drawn from. In the last class that I gave we addressed the issues of something called the Crystal Body. And, it’s part of the Science of Keylonta, which I dealt with more heavily in the 1st class. To sum that up very quickly, Keylonta is the Science of Light, Sound, the Sub-conscious Symbol Codes and the Base Codes of Matter. The Sub-conscious Symbol Codes represent Light Symbol Codes that effect the way energy moves through our biological structure and through the energy structures that are the foundations of that biological structure. The Base Codes of Matter are called Keylons. They are formed by minute units called PartikI, and in order to understand these aspects better you really need to see the 1st class, because I’m going to pick up from there and go onto a little bit more of the theory involved with Keylontic Science. 24 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
The 1st aspect of things that I would like to talk about involves something called the 15-dimensional Matrix. It’s part of the structure of reality that we are all walking around in. And, in the 2nd part of my discussion I will get into that. What I would like to do first, as I’ve discussed with you know, several members of the group, they would like to ask some questions on various subjects and I will answer the questions first, to my knowledge anyway- you may hit me with some that even I have to go back and ask what the answers are. But, we’ll start with some question and answers and that may help the new members of the group get a little idea of what Keylonta was about, just by the answers to those questions. And then after that, I would like to go into the 15-dimensional Matrix and how that applies to the Human Bio-energetic Field and Chakra System. And then, get into a little bit of what the process of evolution is, as far as our biologies and our consciousness. And, in order to understand that process, it’s very necessary to understand the 15-dimensional Matrix because it’s the Framework that that process takes place within. So, I’ll begin with an open forum on questions and a little while later we’ll get into the 15-dimensional Matrix. Participant: I have a question. (Anna: Yes, Tom) In your book you said that we’re evolving and that there are steps to that evolution and that we’re dealing with the dreaming reality, the astral projection and the Merkaba rotation (rotation?). Can you expand on that a little bit? And, maybe not now, but maybe in future classes we could start to get technique for doing this stuff? Anna: Yes, we will get into technique. In fact, tonight, at the end of the discussion, I would like to get into some energy sensing techniques and also some basic techniques to help open yourself to channel your higher level of identity. Ok, now with your question, you were asking specifically for what? Can you be a little bit more specific on the areas? Participant: Well, we’re talking about dreaming reality, ok, and I know that there are times when I’ll go to sleep and I’ll tell myself, “I’m gonna remember these dreams, ok, whatever they are”, and I’ll wake up unconscious, not remembering anything. But, I did remember one dream last week. I even forgot what the dream was, but I actually was able to remember the whole thing, and it was the first time in a long time that I actually remembered it. I was like, “Hey, that’s cool”, because for decades- I remember when I was a kid I could remember a lot of dreams, and I had some scary ones when I was kid. But recently, I think it was last week I had this one dream and it wasn’t even a big deal, but it was something that I actually remembered, you know, so that was a victory for me. Anna: So, you’re looking for a way to improve your recall of what takes place in the dream state? Participant: Basically. Anna: Ok, I think the 1st part in understanding how to do that is understanding a little bit about what the dream state really is. All right, there are different levels to the dream state. Certain levels, we are processing information from this reality system- bits and pieces of information, frustrations- we’re working them out there so we don’t have to work them out here in Physical terms. There’s an area between that level and the next level of dreaming that’s kind of a place of complete unconsciousness- you’re just not aware of being “aware”. And then after you pass through that state of unawareness there is a greater reality field. That state of unawareness takes place in what’s called the polarization zone, that occurs between the 3-dimensional frequency bands and the 4th-dimensional frequency bands. It’s a level of polarization between your mental awareness in d-3 and your astral awareness. And, part of dream recall is learning how to keep Your Self awake and focused to go through that area of unconsciousness and into the 4th-dimensional experiences. 25 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
So, there are a number of techniques – some of them I’ll cover, you know, toward the end of this class, as long as we have time. But, it’s important to understand that there are different levels to “dream reality”. Some people, many Scientists, believe that dreams are just a product of us processing the data from our daily experience. That is true on one level, but after that level, there are other levels of dreaming. When your consciousness goes to sleep here, it first passes out of its focus within the 3-dimensional bands that we are in right here- we are focused, our mental awareness, is focused in the 3-dimensional frequency bands- there are 15 dimensions, so there’s a lot more reality to perceive things in. When we go to sleep we first shift our awareness, our mental awareness our “mental body” if you want to call it, shifts into a little higher frequency zone. Then, it shifts into that unconscious zone, then it shift and it speeds up- the particles that your consciousness is made out of, the PartikI units, actually start speeding up, and they go into the 4th-dimension and you begin to have Astral experience. Some people can do this at will, they have trained their consciousness to the point where they can make that link and go right through that unconscious area and be awake in both places- this is something we’re evolving toward. But, every night, when each of us goes to sleep, even if we have no memory of what took place, our consciousness moves all the way up through the dimensional scale to the 8 th level, at minimum it goes to the 8th level of awareness. We’ll get into it in the 15-dimensional Matrix- it is called the Galactic Core, the Meta-Galactic Core, actually. It’s also the core of something called our “Over Soul” and the Guardians call that the Teura. So, our consciousness travels every night, every time we go to sleep. The reason we have “sleep” is because the genetic codes in our bodies can not yet hold that much frequency. Because, frequency and energy is “information”, and in order to process information through your body, your body has to be able to handle higher current, ok. Right now, our bodies tend to be able to handle only the frequencies of the 3 rd dimension, so we have to go to sleep to have the rest of our experiences. And, when we are dreaming, we will have experiences from the Astral Planes in d-4. We will have experiences from the higher planes in d-5, we will have them in d-6 and many of us can train the consciousness to go all the way up past d-7, through d-8, into the pure consciousness states, which you won’t even get symbolic translation, you won’t get dream imagery on that, you just get cognition- and it can’t even be put into words, it’s just a knowing. So, these are the Journeys that we go on, on a nightly basis. Our process isin’t so much learning how to do the process, cause our consciousness knows how to do it anyway, it’s reminding our selves to stay awake during the process. And, as we remind ourselves to stay awake, we are literally training the energy systems of our body to affect our DNA in ways that it stimulates our neurological structure to grow new nerve endings, more nerve endings that will allow more data to process and translate into 3-dimensional perception. So, we become more and more conscious of the higher dimensional experiences that we are having as we evolve the genetic code. And we evolve the genetic code by making an effort with our conscious mind and directing it, learning- we need to learn that our thoughts and where we focus them controls energy in our body and it controls what our consciousness will do. Once we can learn that much, we can learn “what are the steps”, you know, “to dream reality. Ok, once I get past the unconsciousness you know, what’s on the other side of that?” We will learn those things. So, does that answer some of the question about the dreams? Participant: Absolutely- Thank you. Anna: Ok, anybody else have a question? 2nd Participant: Yeah, I don’t have my glasses on so I can’t see- hold on- that’s great. I’ll try this one, herehow do we heal the 12, or cellular memory, like the 144 Incarnates that we are? 26 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Anna: Ok, how do we heal it? 2nd Participant: Well, through cellular memory, yes. In other words, for us to really be able to activate anything or even translate out of here, we have to heal the cellular memory of at least the 12 Incarnates, but also the 144. Now, is that process very similar to some of the beginning of the process of what you taught us last week- activating all the chakras, opening up the, as you call, as we talked about, “Seals”? Anna: Yeah, that is part of the process, but all right, what I think that you’re saying with “healing the cellular memory” is in the other Incarnate, the other members of our Incarnational Family, the areas where they’d have what we would call “Karma”, or where they made choices that weren’t in harmony with the Soul’s purposes and therefore fragmented them into Probable Selves, rather than uniting them into the Whole Identity- how do we heal that within our own blueprint, because it’s carried as cellular memory, within us? (2nd Participant: Yes.) Ok, the Keylontic meditations and all those things are geared toward helping with that process. The more PartikI units we bring into our bodies, through the energy, through activating the chakra centers, the more those patterns are transmuted, even without us knowing what the patterns are, and that’s what’s nice about Keylonta. There are many therapies out there you know, New Age therapies, where you have to go through and rehash you know, the Incarnational stuff- you have to release the emotional pattern of the Emotional Body and you have to like literally walk through it. And, this can be very, very time consuming, not to mention unpleasant. There are ways to create the same results shifting you know, shifting those patterns back into their proper, where they should have been in the 1st place, where the choices were made in the right way that didn’t create a lower vibration of Karma. And, you do it by using the energy exercises. When you activate the higher chakras, what you’re doing is creating a reaction in the lower chakras- you’re transmuting the lower vibrating Particum Units that your body’s composed of and the lower aspects of your consciousness. You’re pulling in the Morphogenetic Field from higher dimensions, which transmutes the Particum into PartikI, which are pure consciousness units- that clears the Karma. So, if you want to look at healing cellular memory, if you wanna look at it that way, it’s really the process of bringing light, or pure consciousness energy into areas where it is darkness. Darkness would symbolize the lower vibrating, slower moving Particum Particles. So, it can be looked at in a scientific way rather than just in an esoteric way, where you have to process all this Karma. Does that answer your question? 2nd Participant: Yes. Anna: Ok. I’m going to get into the Morphogenetic Field relationships to the other chakras in this discussion tonight, so that question was like should have been asked later, probably (chuckles). 2nd Participant: Is that bad? Anna: No, it was funny because you picked up on what my subject matter, without even knowing what it was. 2nd Participant: I can’t see, unless I’ve got my glasses on- (*must be looking at something written?) A 3rd Participant assists and tells her: Reverse Mutation. 2nd Participant: Yes- (*to Anna) is that not a good idea to go into right this minute?
27 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Anna: We can go into it briefly, but I would have to give a basic history lesson to go into it fully, ok. Ask your question and then I’ll… (2nd Participant begins asking) 2nd Participant: I just wanted to know if that reverse mutation in- hm- in what you want – just give me a briefing, just a little tiny bit, then I’ll take it…(Anna begins speaking) Anna: Basically, what is reverse mutation, as it was mentioned in the new book, the Keylontic transcript book? 2nd Participant: Yes. Anna: Ok, reverse mutation is referring to undoing some genetic damage that was done to us a long, long time ago, genetic damage that was passed on for generations and generations. This was done, probably over 200,000 years ago, and it was carried on in our line for that amount of time. There was certain(chuckles) here’s where the history comes in, cause this goes back to where our species really came from and who was involved with us at that time. So, I’m not going to go into that because that’s going to be an hour discussion. But, the reverse mutation is basically learning to activate certain of the chakras within our bio-energetic system in order to allow the higher dimensional energies to come through, that because of the mutation that occurred all these 200,000 years ago, were not allowed to come through our bodies. We became much more dense in Physical Matter terms than we were intended to be, originally, because of this reverse mutation. The mutation can be looked at in terms of Keylon Codes. If you have a group of Keylon Codes here, that represent the lower dimensional ones that we’re in, and a group of them up here that represent the higher ones, there’s some Keylon Codes in between that would connect both sections. And, these Keylon Codes set the basis for our DNA, all right. Our DNA manifests by what pattern is set by our Keylon Codes. So, if you take out that linking code in the Keylon Codes, it also unplugs pieces of DNA where certain parts of the DNA can not interact with each other the way they were intended, to bring in the higher frequency, to bring in the higher awareness. 2nd Participant: So, in other words, it’s the same principle as “junk DNA”? Anna: Kind of, but the mutation, part of the mutation is the fact that the DNA was literally disassembled. It was broken down in pieces, left in the cells, but not assembled at all. There are also other portions of that mutation, where the particular codes were left in the DNA strands, but the key plugs that would allow those codes to plug into the operating DNA strand, where omitted and thrown into the “junk DNA”. So, we’re basically trying to reassemble those plugs, those couple of codes that will link different parts of our DNA units in a way that energy works in a certain way that allows us to bring in our higher dimensional identity. This was taken away from us a long time ago through Extra-terrestrial manipulation, and it was done for various reasons. And, the reverse mutation is the process of undoing that by putting back the key codes that will allow our DNA to function as it was normally you know, intended to function. 2nd Participant: Basically then, the procedure down the road is the same by activating the chakras in the same proper way. Anna: Mm Hm. Yeah, the processes are all the same. Whether you have you know, a huge amount of scientific data behind it or not, when you start playing with chakras you are effecting Keylons and Keylon Codes and PartikI. When you are playing with Keylons, you are affecting chakras, and when you play with either of them, you are totally affecting your consciousness and its relationship to the 15-dimensional Matrix. And, you have the power, once you understand some of these things, to speed up your evolution 28 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
or to stop it and reverse it if you want to, which a lot of people do without meaning to. So, they all go together- when you deal with one you’re affecting the other, and all of them are a part of affecting consciousness and your experience of reality, whether you’re here or in the higher dimensional levels. Does that answer that question? 2nd Participant: Yes, thank you so much. Anna: Ok, did you have another one- did you say? 2nd Participant: He can ask one. 3rd Participant: I just wanted to find out where one belongs or is placed on the Soul Family Clock that we talked about. Anna: Ok, that gets into very, very personal Soul Family relationships. What I have been taught to teach other people in relation to answering that question- now, you can go to someone who has the ability to see those things, or who is in communication with a Meta-terrestrial who knows those things. But, the most important thing to do- they can give you a tip on like “I think it’s this or that”, but the most important is to find it in yourself. And the way you do that is to learn to open to the channel the information that’s being sent to you from your higher aspects of identity. You have a soul that’s focused in the 4th, 5th and 6th dimension- that’s your Soul Body- that contains a vast amount of information about you, your Incarnational Family you know, where you are on the Soul wheel, what the next stage is for you evolutionary wise, you know, whether you need to Incarnate again or whether you can ascend this time. These are all things that, that information is held right in your Soul, and as you work to open your chakras and your mental awareness into communication with the energies that are coming from your Soul Matrix, you’ll learn these things for yourself- your own Soul will tell you. And, that the most important thing, that’s why I’d like to do, at the end of tonight, I want to do some energy sensing exercises, kind of play, because that’s where you start to learn to feel energies. And, once you learn that you can learn a few little techniques as far as trying to contact your Soul, and because you learn how to feel, to sense, you will know when you made a connection and you will begin to learn the process of translating data. And, some people it happens very quickly, some people it takes quite a bit of time, but it starts with energy sensing. So, you know, there are some people who can give you accurate Soul Level readings, where you know, “What is my Entity’s name”, you know, “What is my Soul Family and you know, what number am I within the Soul Family”? You can get that information but it’s still not going to have a lot of meaning to you personally, until you get to directly aligning with it. You will not only get the statistics on “where am I in relation to the rest”, you’ll get a cognition that goes with it- a cognition that you can’t even be put into words, but it orients you in a way where you’re no longer the same- you know yourself as a member of a group that’s very, very intimate, an intimate group. And your Identity expands because of it, and you begin to realize your plural, instead of singular. So, you know, learning to channel your higher self, if you want to call it that. It’s very, very important if you want to become responsible and able to be responsible for your evolution of consciousness process. If you have questions that you want answered you can look “out here” for a million years, but you’re not going to find them until you find those answers through your own identity first. So, tapping into the Soul Matrix is the first way, you know to find out those very personal statistical analysis. I mean, I can do readings, ok, and sometimes I do for people, but I don’t really like to because it’s so much more meaningful if you find it yourself. You know, it’s like being on an Easter Egg Hunt and if the grown ups are stand’n 29 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
there saying, “Yeah, there’s one, there’s one, there’s one”, the kid doesn’t have any fun finding it- the experience is lost because of it. 3rd Participant: So, experientially, it’s obviously more powerful? Anna: Yes, when it comes from inside you it is YOURS, and you feel it and there’s a meaning assigned to it that you will never get by somebody explaining it to you on the outside. And, that really goes for any of this data, you know. I can explain things or you know, some psychics can explain things, but when you find it within- - at least you have a framework with what they’re teaching us in Keylonta- they’re showing you that you are a member of a Family Tree of Consciousness. The fact that you exist implies the fact that there are 11 other Physical Incarnate Beings in different Time-Space locations that are part of your family. And, there are also that- that’s one Soul. Your Soul is not a singular identity- your Incarnate is. Your Soul is a plural, it has 12 faces, and the Soul is part of the larger Identity called the Over Soul. And the Over Soul is composed of 12 Souls, each with their 12 identities. So, you’re dealing with 144 Incarnates in your immediate family, and that’s just your immediate, you know, Over Soul Level family. When you start to connect with that, when that starts to have meaning rather than just hearing it from the outside, but you start to get this fact, more data becomes available to you, you know, for one, and it becomes a process of – how do I put it – knowing, knowing everything in a different context. Because, once you realize you are part of a plural, nothing looks the same out here anymore. You begin to understand what the words “Unified Field” means and all that kind of thing. Participant 4: For people who are new here or haven’t heard you describe the Soul Family Tree, maybe it would be a nice idea to explain to them that in the 12 Incarnates, or the 144, that all of this exists at the same time, now. And, would you like to elaborate on that? Anna: The concept of simultaneous time? Participant 4: In other words, you actually plugged me into that you know, by telling me you know about 1 or 2, but which opened a door just by knowing that little bit does give your awareness you know, vastness. In other words, you could think in a whole different way. So, perhaps if they knew that, if they could recognize the 12 Incarnates and know that each one of those is existing at this very moment in time, just twisted (?) in another, in another place, that would open their thoughts to think. Anna: Right- you just explained it very well, actually (Chuckles). The basic concept you’re talking about is what is simultaneous time and what that means in relation to what some people call “Reincarnation”. All right, simultaneous time is most easily explained by comparing how we look at time here. We look at it as if one moment happens and then we move onto the next, and the one we just left is gone and we’re moving in a linear direction. That’s linear time perception- that’s created from our what’s called “genetic time codes”. There’s certain Keylon configurations that control our perceptions and allow us to perceive linear time. The true nature of time is more like how we perceive space, as if well, let’s pretend ok, if time is the United States- picture a map of the United States, all right. We have things happening, like we have a family of consciousness over in say, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, then that’s one time area. Over here, in California is another time area. They’re really there at the same time. In spacial concepts that makes sense to us. The Time Matrix works this way, too. Time can be viewed as a carpet of energy, and just like the map of the United States, there is the map to this energy- it’s called the Time Matrix and it’s a literal structure of energy. You will have Incarnates, some of them may be over in New Jersey, some of them may be in California and they may be “30,000 years apart” if you look at them in concepts of linear time, 30 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
but they are actually all united and they are occurring right now, simultaneously, within their own timespace coordinate. So, the time-space coordinates that our Incarnates live in are concurrent with our own- they’re taking place now in their Field just like we’re taking place. And, what’s interesting about this is because our consciousness is tapped into the Unified Field and so is theirs, we have the ability to tap into their consciousness and we have the ability and they have the ability to affect each other. We can affect our Incarnates, they can affect us, because time is all taking place at once. Does that explain it for you? Was that good enough? Participant: Yeah, yes. I just thought that that was a very nice thing to know that and think about, so that in the future when we’re reading parts of this book, your mind is opened enough to understand that Reincarnation has /// about it. Most people, myself included ok, we think of Reincarnation as a person we used to be, instead of a person that we already are, and that is existing at the very same moment in time, just now as we are. In other words, any incarnation that you could pick out- she could pick out a million of them and she’s only picked out 2 for me, but those are happening just as I’m sitting here you know, we are still “they”. I don’t know if we’re a future part of them? We could call our self future if we measure linear time, but we are just another “one” of who they are that are existing right now, not in the past; now. You see, that was a milestone in how to think. Anna: You know what it does for your understanding of Identity when you realize, “It wasn’t the fact that I was this person and I’m going to be that person”, it’s I AM These People. You see the shift there? You go from perceiving yourself as a single, individual identity to saying, “Wow, I have 12 of me running around down here, don’t I?” And it shifts you into Soul Level awareness, where you realize that you are a plural. And when it comes to past and future Incarnates, past incarnations would be those that have a smaller Keylon Code content than you do- they have less Keylon Codes built into their PartikI Grids. And, future ones have more than you do. And, as you build PartikI and Keylon Codes into your PartikI Grids, you are building yourself toward becoming what they are. So, it’s a different relationship than what we’re taught through many of the religions that teach Reincarnation. They were almost done in a symbolic way because to go into the science of it would have been very difficult at the times those religions were Seeded. But, we’re all here all at the same time. If we get good at it, we can learn to communicate back and forth and teach our other Incarnates to communicate with us. We can influence them, we can become their “spirit guides” that talk to them in their head (Chuckles) you know what I mean? Our thoughts, if we know how to direct them, can go back in time once we find the Incarnate, once we start to find the memory in our cellular memory, once you have your target you can aim for that target, go back and think some thoughts in her head, and she’ll pick them up as her own. And she’ll choose whether or not to act on them, because we can’t change their free will, and our free will is protected too. But, that’s where we get a lot of our thoughts or our inspirations from, they’re actually future aspects of our own Identity that are leading us onward, trying to help us you know, get to the right spot and avoid some of the negative things. But, it just- Patty was right for bringing that up because if you haven’t been familiar with the material, I throw “simultaneous time” around like you know, “everybody knows this”, just like everybody knows water is water, and maybe that’s not true. I’m just so used to it myself I don’t even perceive time in a linear fashion, so thank you for bringing that up. I hope that helped. Did that help the new people in the group? Did it? Ok.
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Participant: Once you get to think that way you continue to think that way. I mean, the new information that comes through, we’ll begin to think it and hear it a whole, different kind of way than we did 2 years ago or a year ago. You know what I’m saying? (Anna: Mm Hmm.) Ok, that was ////. Anna: Ok, /// (a name?). 5th Participant: Some time after I started thinking // and Parallel Lives, I started realizing I have Parallel Selves alive in Pleiades, which is why there’s so much connection with that. And, I wanted experience with channeling in this body here, in this time frame, and in the course of my contacts with the Pleiades one of the things that started to happen was I started to channel through a Pleiadian in Pleiades, which is like reverse process. (Anna: Mm Hmm) And so, that was pretty strange- that was stranger than just channeling this body. Anna: So, you found yourself as the disembodied spirit channeling through a biological Pleiadian form? 5th Participant: Yes. Anna: Right- well, if they can do it with us, we can do it too, with them. But, usually people don’t get into that yet, cause we’re so used to thinking of ourselves as the “physical receivers”, but that’s you know- I’ve heard of that. Is there a question attached to that? 5th Participant: No. I just wanted to point out also, that many of us who have some connection those ETs (?) probably have other selves on other Planets. Anna: Yeah, I do find that to be very true. And, it goes back to even our genetic codes. Certain Humans on the planet have a, more of an Extra-terrestrial genetic code than they do Human Codes. Humans were originally “Extra-Terrestrials”. We were created from the genetic codes- we were Star Seeds and a conglomerate of different ET groups got together off-planet, it wasn’t even on Earth when this started, and they created the prototype for our species. Now, we’ve gone through billions of years of evolution on other planets and then here, and through that we’ve been diluted a bit. And, certain groups of Humans have interacted with Earth species which created a mutation. Many Humans now carry that mutation and they call it “Human”- this is the Human Code. Most Humans don’t realize that they do have some form of ET genes in them, and that usually means you will have ET Incarnations as well, because there is a connection between what you carry in your gene code and your Incarnational Lineage. 5th Participant: I think Humans are the mutations. Anna: Yeah, what we call “Human” today, your basic “Human Code”, there really was no such thing. 5th Participant: We’re sub-standard mutation of what we used to be. Anna: Um, well, that’s such a terrible way to look at it you know (Chuckles). I wouldn’t call it substandard, I would say, “genetically challenged” (Laughs from Group). I try to be politically correct here, you know. Participant: Genetically challenged? Anna: Yeah, we’ve been genetically challenged because of some of the manipulations that have been done to us on purpose by other ET groups that didn’t want us to evolve and also because of some of the messes we got ourselves into. And, there were periods in our history where we interbred with animals 32 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
from Earth, and this deteriorated our Higher Stellar gene code, and so, there’s a lot of things. But we are a bit genetically challenged right now and that’s what we’re trying to undo by the process of learning chakras, learning to activate them, learning to stimulate the DNA to grow back into what it once was. Participant: Interesting concept- the only book I ever read that really got into that was Ruth Montgomery’s book, “The World Before”. Anna: I never read that. Participant: About man mixing with animals and – Another Participant: Some of the Cayce material goes into that. Participant: Well, Cayce and Ruth both talked about it, but Ruth Montgomery wrote a whole book and explaining that process- a very interesting book. Anna: Mm hmm- there were some really horrendous species that came out of it too, we’re one of the better ones- this Human-likeParticipant: There was a sub-humans almostAnna: Yeah, thereParticipant: Like, not what we would consider a slave, but a sub-human. Anna: Our apes came out of that - some of them. Now, not all apes are the same, ok, there are certain apes that are genetically the same and some of them aren’t- they don’t really know where they fit yet. And, some of the supposedly are like you know, “Cro-Magnon Man” and all those guys, not all of them were directly associations with our lineage. Some of them were creations that happened as a result of combining us with an animal species. Many of the apes actually evolved out of us, rather than we evolving out of the apes, where we had a stronger gene code to begin with- we were here first. We weren’t created from the apes they were created from us, so- where are we going with that? Do we know? (Laughs). I get off on my tangents here. So, did anybody else have any questions? Participant: I started to talk with ///, right? I started to talk with Cathy, a little earlier about /// to the extent that we have a time continuum shift in the next, early next century. And, even though would spend a few minutes just glossing over that ///clear that it is imperative to do this work, for survival. Anna: Ok, all right, well, I’m going to try to make this short because this is a lecture all in itself, on what’s taking place – there’s a lot of it is really technical. Basically, what I have been taught by the Guardians and some of my encounters with them, is that there’s certain things, just as we go through evolutionary cycles as a species, our planet does too. There are time cycles that are involved with the planet’s evolution. And, at certain points in those time cycles we – the planetary grid, which is called a PartikI Grid- it’s an energy grid that the planet’s matter is structured on. In its cycle, it passes through the grid of its double, all right, and this is a natural process, it’s not necessarily a “negative” thing. As long as the grids are in balance with each other, where the vibrational rate of our planet is within a comprable range to that of its double when they pass through each other, an energetic exchange takes place and it actually stimulates the planet into its next cycle.
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So, this is a natural thing we’re headed for, all right, that we would do all right with if it weren’t for some of the manipulations that have been inflicted upon us by intruder, Extra-terrestrial visitors. They’ve been here since about 1937. They’ve been working with the United States and several other governments since about- right around, right before the end of WWII - they had something to do with the outcome of that war. Because of the energetic things that they are doing to the grid on the planet our vibrational rate, the vibrational rate of our planet’s grid is not within an acceptable range to pass through its double without creating changes, like major earth changes. So, that’s where you’re getting a lot of the predictions where people are saying, “Oh, we’re gonna have floods, we’re gonna have volcanoes”- all of this stuff. People are picking up on that probability where this does happen. Now, the Guardians have assured me they are not going to allow this to happen, because if it was just allowed to go its course, it would wipe out our species. The planet would survive, but not many living things on it would. There are too many things at stake with our evolutionary development and what the Guardians would like to see us grow into for them to allow it to happen, so they have intervened. Right around the time of the Harmonic Convergence, and I believe that was in- when was that? Participant: 1987. Anna: ’87, yeah- ’87- there was enough people that came together in peace that showed the Guardians this species is worth intervening for. There was enough of us concerned about healing and about changing things to be in harmony with the Universe, so they intervened. What they have created is a situation, they have explained to me a situation that we’re in- not only do we have these earth changes facing us if we don’t shift the planetary rate to a higher level, there’s also something that’s happening in our future in this probability. So, we’re in a time continuum right now, ok, we’re circling here let’s say. In the year 2976, in this time continuum, because of the manipulations that are taking place now by the intruder visitor forces, the planet implodes. And, what happens when a planet implodes is not only the fact that everything on it gets killed biologically, but its Keylon Codes, the Keylon Codes of its consciousness get ripped apart and fragmented back down to the 1st dimension where they have to start re-evolving all over again. So, the Guardians do not want to see us have to go through this, and it’s not just about us anymore, because if this planet implodes it’s going to take a number of other planetary systems with it, and it’s going to rip a hole in the fabric of the Time Matrix, which is going to be like a vortex that sucks other things down into it. This has to be stopped. And, they have a couple of options. They need to stop the intruders from doing this- they can’t directly intervene and you know, with us not knowing anything- just go have this big war with the intruders out there and we won’t even see it. It won’t work that way. The portals are too sensitive on this planet right now. If they started to try to control the intruders, what the intruders would do is retaliate. They wouldn’t win, but they could blow the planet up right now in the process, so the Guardians will not intervene by force. But, they can intervene by educating us and by infusing the planetary grid with more energy. What’s taking place with the intruder agendas right now is, because of the time cycles that we’re in, they have until the year 2012 to get control over the portal system on this planet. If they don’t do it by then they’re not going to have the opportunity to do it, because that’s where we go into the phase where we cross through our double and it speeds up our planet enough where the intruders won’t be able to manipulate anymore- they don’t have that range of frequency manipulation. So right now, between now and 2012, the intruders are trying to set up a couple of agendas here. Their first area of interest is in getting us under control on a mass level without us knowing, basically. They’re setting up what is called a “frequency fence”. 34 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
A frequency fence is created through certain types of electro-magnetic pulses that are run through physical stone of the planet and also run as a phantom trace along known electrical lines. They would like to use these things, and they have studied for about, you know, maybe about 30 years, trying to figure out exactly what frequencies to use in order to harness our perceptions. They have to know where our Crystal Bodies function, they have to know what frequencies our neurological structure’s picking up on, in order to know where to block. And, that’s what they’re trying to do right now because if they can get us under frequency fence control, they can carry on whatever they’re doing and we’ll be clueless. Once we’re under frequency fence, they can project what’s called a “holographic insert”- it’s like a 5 Century hologram. This could be a holographic insert and we wouldn’t know the difference, if we were under a frequency fence. It makes a whole, global population very easy to control- you could make ‘em see and feel, or whatever, anything you want to, and that’s one of the things the intruders are trying to do. The Guardians, of course, are having their counter-strategy you know- this can not be allowed to happen, because if it does, we have a problem when we pass through our double cause the grid vibrates too low, because the frequency fence hampers the resonance rate or the frequency rate of the planet, not just the people. And, there will be Earth changes and all those kind of things. And, it will also keep us in the time continuum where we hit that 2976 implosion. So, the Guardians have to get us out of this time continuum now, before 2012. They’ve created something called the “Bridge Zone”- it’s an artificial time continuum. And, time continuums, you can look at them as bands of frequency really, like frequency waves, if you want to just conceptualize it that way- waves of frequency, and they go in spirals. So, we’re spiraling here in this one- they’re creating another one here and we need to make the leap up into here. (She holds her hands one above the other and brings her fingers from each hand up and down together- uniting/meetingas she continues). Literally, the energetic grid of the planet will start to vibrate up to this one (upper hand held up higher in the air) instead of down here. We will not see the reality down here as long as we make the shift to the Bridge Zone. So, we’re in the process now, of learning the energy techniques and how they apply to our bodies so we can start to make differences in our bodies. We can a) shift ourselves out of the range of the frequency fence transmissions. Then, we become immune and they can’t mess with us- it’s instant protection when you start bringing in your Soul Level Identities, your d-4, 5 and 6 Identity. Those frequencies are too high and the frequency fence will not work on people who are embodying those frequencies. So, that’s the first thing for personal, you know, personal safety, is learning how to use the energy fields to block this attempt at manipulation. Secondarily, the people who become aware of their energy systems and of the Earth’s energy systems will be asked by the Guardians to help do something called “Keying Portals”. All right, just like we have a chakra system the planet has a chakra system too, and just like our chakras can be out of balance and not functioning properly, so can the planet’s. What the Guardians want us to do once we learn how to balance our own energy systems, is to send energy into these portal areas on the planet and key them to a higher frequency, out of the range of the intruder manipulation frequencies. So, right now there’s this unseen battle for frequency for the portals going on, between the intruder groups and the guardian groups. And, the Guardians are asking us to help, once we become aware of our own systems, to help with this project. We can Seal, help them Seal the portals to a higher frequency, into the frequencies that would be the same pattern as those of the Bridge Zone time cycle, and out of the one where we hit the implosion. And, so as we’re learning these things, it’s not just something fun to play with your energy and maybe you can speed up your own evolution. There are planetary stakes here at this point, because it’s a multi-level drama. It’s not just that we’re at a certain sensitive point in our time continuum, it’s not just that there’s intruder manipulation, it’s all of these things put into one big picture, all happening at the same time. And, that’s why there’s so many people having contact with ETs and stuff at this point- the intruders are trying to 35 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
manipulate, the Guardians are trying to get people out of the manipulation and to educate them because everybody out there, except of us down here, sees the big drama that’s taking place. This doesn’t happen every day on this planet or any other one, all right. So, that’s kind of like the framework within which we’re learning these things about Keylonta and about our energy fields. And I could probably describe- I would rather, if I was going to describe that to you, to you know, anybody new that doesn’t really, hasn’t heard that part of it, I would rather do that with diagrams and charts and everything to show, basically, what I’m talking about. It’s hard to do without that- that’s basic run-down, you know- quick format. So, I hope that helps, ok. Participant: Thank you. Anna: Sure- is there any other questions? No? Ok, let me look here for a second. I’m debating on whether to take a 5-minute break and get something to drink and catch my voice back, or should I start this? Participant: I think you ought to take a break. Anna: All right, what I’ll do- I’m going to leave this up for visual purposes and in about 5-minutes we’ll come back and I’ll go into the presentation on 15-dimensional Matrix. And, this is going to be kind of likeyou know when you’re in a hotel or something and they show the little map called the floor plan of the hotel and they put a little, red “X” and “you’re here” (Chuckles)- it gives you an orientation as to where you are within the rest of the structure and the rest of the building. Well, the 15-dimensional Matrix does the same thing in relation to where we are in relation to what the Cosmos is doing and where the rest of our Identity is. So, we’re going to go into that in about 5-minutes and I hope that’ll help. That helped me a lot when they gave me this information, so I’m hoping this’ll be you know, something that you can really use to plug into. Ok, so can we take a break? 2:36:04 --------------------------------------------2:36:07 All right, for the 2nd half of my presentation, I would like to get into some more technical information. First thing I would like to start with is to give a basic orientation as to where we are in relation to the Cosmic Structure and the Universe and all of that. The Guardian Alliance taught me this format, and it helped me conceptualize what’s going on very well. I was very pleased with the format they gave me for explaining this. Now, they call them a 15-dimensional Matrix. A 15-dimensional Matrix is basically a set of 15, stacked dimensions and dimensions are composed of frequencies, fields of frequency. Within frequencies there are certain Keylon Codes and PartikI Grids so, frequencies are built up by PartikI Grids and Keylon Codes- and they form frequencies and then the frequencies form the different levels of dimensional bands. We’re in a system that has 15 dimensional bands, and they call that, the ones from 1 to 15, the 15-dimensional scale. All right, we’re focused- our consciousness right now is focused here, in the 3rd dimensional frequency bands. And we’re actually composed of the Keylon Codes of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions. The first dimension would give us our sub-atomic structure and the particles that we’re made of. The 2nd would give us what’s called the “Emotional Body”, which is actually a portion of our identity that is connected to the more complex molecular structures that form the natural elements of the Planet- it’s our connection to the Planetary Field. And, the 3rd dimension is what you could call the “Mental Body”.
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Now, we see our Physical Body, but from the higher levels, if we were focused up in here (moves her finger up 2 Densities) we could also see our Emotional Body and our Mental Bodies. They are composed of PartikI Grids; they are composed of- they would look like little crystalline structures of energy if we were able to see them. So, right now we’re evolving in through here, in our 15-dimensional scale. At the center of the 15-dimensional Matrix is something, it’s at the 8th dimension, it’s called a Meta-galactic Core. This is way out in space some place, and it connects our 15-dimensional structure into larger energy structures that the Cosmos is composed of. So, that’s our connection to the expanded Cosmic Structure, not just the Universe that we’re in. We’re in- they define “Universe” as smaller than “Cosmos”- so we have a Universe here that’s created through the 15-dimensional scale. And then we have our Cosmos Structure that’s even larger than that, and the Universe is a part of it. All right, with one 15-dimensional scale there is actually a double scale, which runs in a counter-rotation; they call it counter-rotation. It basically means if the particles in this Universe are flashing on, these would be flashing off, and vice versa. Ok, one spiral- all right, these are spirals of energy (points to the oval/elliptical spheres on the 15-dimensional Time Matrix graph) that form the dimensions. In this one, which we are in- it’s called the Particum Particle Universe. Now, as we discussed in the last class, Particum Particles are, they are the lower vibrating particles that have about a quarter of the thrust, the electro-tonal thrust or force of their twin particles, which are the PartikA Particles. Our particles and our consciousness takes place over here in the Particum Universe. We have a parallel universe and a parallel double that exists in a counter-rotating spiral and they would be our anti-particle selves and our anti-particle planet. So you have 2, 15-dimensional Matrices, or 15dimensional Scales running through each other, and they’re actually transposed. They run through each other literally, it’s not like one’s over here and one’s over there- they’re all taking place in the same space, but they’re on different frequency bands. You can kind of look at it like with radio or TV stations you know, certain channels come in on one band and you change the channel and you’re on another band and you get a different picture or a different radio station. Well, they’re all taking place in the same space but they’re all running on different frequency patterns and different patterns of particle pulsation, but they are inter-meshed. Now, both of them, if we’ll look at how the Particum Universe and the PartikA Universe interact with each other when they are transposed, there are correspondences between the dimensions, all right. They both meet in the middle, at the Meta-Galactic Core; they’re linked there. And, our dimension 1 has the dimension 15 from the PartikA Universe flowing through it, so there are dimensional correspondences between our 15-dimensional Scale and that of our anti-particle. This becomes important when we start to understand our relationship to our “double”. We are energetically linked to our double and our evolutionary process is really the process of integrating our biology and our consciousness with our double, which takes us out of biology, eventually. And sometimes this takes thousands of years, it’s not something, “well we can do this for a week, it’ll happen at the end of the week”- it’s not that fast. But anyway, this is a basic orientation we have. We are living in a structure of 15-dimensions with the Meta-Galactic Core at the center and our anti-particle selves are running through on a counterrotation. Our spiral of energy is running, it’s a Particum Universe, and Particums draw in energy, so it is a drawing in spiral; it is a contracting spiral. It’s pulling energy out of the Time Matrix and- or they call this part of the Time Matrix- and into the Central Source, whereas the Anti-Particle Universe has the opposite spiral rotation, it would go clockwise and it projects energy into the Matrix. So, we’re basically on the moving out spiral, which is good on a larger, planetary scale. Our planet is going through its evolutionary cycles right now and it’s moving back into Source- it’s, you could look at it as the process of “being born” would be spiraling outward, on the anti-particle scale, and then when you’re going back to Source to return, 37 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
you would be spiraling back in (* into Source is what is meant here). We’re on that spiraling back in spiral on our, in our Particum Universe. And, the dimensional correspondences are there. Ok, let’s see…ok, I think I’ve covered everything I’ve written here. Ok, this is a little thing they mentioned to me today that I’m just gonna throw in here. It’s not that important to know, but ok, where they are linked, at the Meta-Galactic Core, where the 2 Universes are energetically linked? Ok, our Particum Universal Core exists as a black hole, ok, drawing in center, that exists at the center of a Central Sun in the PartikA Universe. Now, I’m not going to go in too heavily cause I don’t understand it all yet. What the Guardians have been explaining to me as every Sun has at its Core a black hole that allows the exchange of energy between 15-dimensional Matrices or between even smaller ones. If you have Suns down here, it allows for exchange of energy between the dimensional bands and then on a larger scale. But basically, we are linked, we represent the black hole- the whole Universe is taking place within this black hole that exists at the center of a huge, Central Core Sun in PartikA Universe. So, it’s a very intimate relationship that’s taking place here between our system and the PartikA system.
(New Graph) Now, that was 1, 15-dimensional Matrix that we’re a part of, ok. There are actually, in the Cosmic Structure, 6 of those Matrices. Each one of these, here, would represent 1, 15-dimensional Matrix, with its 2 counter-rotating 15-dimensional Scales. We’re over here in this arm of it, and our evolution is taking place in here. These outer circles here which are the 15-dimensional Matrices, when they are viewed collectively, they are called the “Time Matrix”. They are where dimensionalized reality and perception of time and individuation of consciousness takes place. When you evolve- - all right, before we get into when we evolve, when we enter the 15-dimensional Matrices, we come from a Central Source and we are in a State of Consciousness that is what, in spiritual terms would be considered “At-One-Ment with our Creator”, whatever you want to call that Creator. We are projected outward as electro-tonal energy, energy identity. Energy is aware, and we are, we start as pure energy. We’re projected into one of the 15-dimensional Matrices and then we go through our process of expanding into the dimensions. And then, we have to pull ourselves back out of it again and spiral back up into Source- that’s the process of spiritual evolution. So, this kind of gives you a little bit of a map as to where we are. We’re in one of these over here, 1 of these 15-dimensional Matrices, and after we finish our evolution through here, we will begin our evolution back to Source. And, there is a sequence to these, which I’m not going to go into, cause it’s kind of technical and I don’t have enough diagrams for it, but after evolve through this spiral, we end up over here (*have to see graph) and then evolve through this one. Then, this one and this one, and eventually we end up in these 2. These 2 points here, these 2 green dots, are Cosmic Cores. Like we had Meta-Galactic Cores, well, these are Cores to the Cosmos, and there’s only 2 of them. We evolve through these spirals too, and then eventually, end up back in the Central Source. Now, the Guardian Alliance chooses to use the word “Yunasai” for that Central Source. It is a Source of energy emanation out of which everything, all the Matrixes spring, and nothing takes place outside of those Matrixes; everything is contained within this structure. It’s also the Identity, the original collective Identity that religious concepts have tried to explain as “God”. So, it’s Energy Identity and it is a Central Source we have all come out of and which we will all evolve back into. And, as we evolve and undergo our experiential realities within the dimensional Matrices, we actually add to the data banks of that Central Source, we, you could look at it as we expand God and God expands us. And, it’s a relationship that spirituality helps to explain better than Physics can explain, but it’s important to realize that both spiritual and scientific realities plug into each other through this structure, all right. It may 38 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
be difficult to explain how our particles first fragment down and we become conscious beings and evolve through dimension 1 all the way up to the 15th dimensional Matrix and we’re somewhere in there, we’re in d-3 right now, and how that you know, how we relate back into the Yunasai or the Source. In energy terms, it is a little difficult to follow that, but in spiritual terms it’s not that hard to understand, and that’s why most of it’s been given to us in spiritual terms throughout our development here on the planet. So we would understand that, “Yes, there is a Central Source”. You can call it “God”- we’ve been taught to call it “God” in our civilizations. Ok, and yes, we are evolving to return “home”- that’s where that concept comes from. And really, the dynamics that are involved are energy dynamics, where because of the way PartikI behave, PartikI Units behave, where they undergo fission and fusion and replication, they expand and then they contract – it’s a literally energy pulse, electromagnetic energy pulse that is created, that propels consciousness into the 15dimensional Matrices, then reassembles it and pulls it back out and back into the Source, and it is perpetual. People wonder where the Universe started and where it’s going to end- there was no “beginning point”, it always has been. And, energy always has been, and energy is consciousness, and it is in perpetual motion through these structures. There are dynamics of energy balance that takes place between them. When one spiral is contracting, the other is throwing energy out; it is expanding. So, there’s a constant flow of energy and consciousness between the Matrices and between the dimensions within the Matrices. It is a perpetual motion Universe that we are part of. We are eternal and we will always be eternal. We will change form, we will expand our concept of Identity you know, right now we know ourselves as “this person”, as we become aware of our Incarnations we know ourselves as “them”, too. As you evolve into the higher dimensions you will know yourself as forms of consciousness we can’t even fathom from this stage. But, you’re body will die and it just goes back into the substance of the Unified Field to be reassembled and used for other evolution, but your consciousness continues. And, it continues on the Journey, through the Matrices up until it gets back into the Yunasai, at which point it’s a level of cognition of being “ALL”- you know yourself as the Cosmos. And, it’s a level that you really can’t translate into human symbolism or human words, or even human emotional concepts; it is beyond that. But, there is an energetic structure that…it’s kind of interesting because they are some Physicists out in WA State that are interested in some of this material. They feel that it plugs very much into the Unified Field Theory that they have been working on you know, themselves. So, they’re understanding the scientific basis for this, there is a scientific basis that gets into energy and you know, small particle behavior and anti-particles and how they relate to each other- that’s all a part of this process. But, the most important part is for us, as individuals to just understand what we’re connected to. We find ourselves down here on Earth and we haven’t a clue- did we come out of apes? Where did we come from? You know, did a big bang just accidentally make us all happen? We’ve lost touch with the structure of the Cosmos, and because of that we’ve lost touch with our history and our purpose here as Beings. And, as we start to understand the structure of the Cosmos, and “yes, there is an order to it” and “yes, there is a purpose behind it”, you start to understand your personal purpose within the whole. And, I know for me, that was very, very transformative when I started to understand myself as a Unit of Consciousness within this Collective of Consciousness. We’re never alone and our lives are never purposeless, but sometimes we forget what the purposes are. So, this is a basic orientation as to where we are inside it and what we are connected to, all right. These again are…would represent the Time Matrix, and then when you spiral up out of those, when you leave your own 15-dimensional Matrix through the 8th dimension, you’ve evolved through up all the 15 and you go back in and through the Meta-Galactic Core and start entering into these spirals of energy and consciousness. This is called the Energy Matrix. It doesn’t have “time” in any format at all, you don’t 39 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
experience time there, it’s a level of cognition; it’s Entity Awareness. That’s where the Ultra-Terrestrials reside- some people call them Ultra-Terrestrials. They are really Entities. The Guardian Alliance calls them Geomantic Entities, because they are composed of extremely complicated geometrical formations of units of PartikI and consciousness. Now, PartikI are units of consciousness, they are electro-tonal energy identity, so Geomantic Entities have very, very intricate PartikI patterns and they are aware. They are a level of awareness that we originally came out of and that we will go back into as we evolve- it’s a step in our own development as Beings. So, we will move from the Time Matrix, through our evolution there, then we will move into the Energy Matrix and evolve there on the Entity Level, which is a different process altogether. You can’t even describe it. I have a little bit of intuitive feeling- they’ve shown me some things experientially- I can’t even translate them into words to try to explain what the Energy Matrix is like, to be there. But, what we need to worry about here is our own little 15-dimensional Matrix and what we’re up to in it. What does it mean to evolve in a 15-dimensional Matrix? It means some very specific things, and I’ll try to get into that now.
(New Graph) 2:52:50 Oh boy, I put a lot of notes on this one (Chuckles). Participant: Did you just do this today? Anna: Yeah, at 4:00 they started this. They didn’t let me know how they wanted me to do the presentation until 4:00, and I had to be over here you know, by like 7. Ok, this is called “Morphogenetic Fields and 1, 15-dimensional Scale”. All right, what we’re dealing with in the diagram here is just the 1, 15-dimensional Scale within 1, 15-dimensional Time Matrix. Remember, there’s 2, 15-dimensional Scales, one counterrotating. We’re only dealing with 1 right now. And, we’ll deal with the Particum Universe cause that’s the one we’re in. Ok, now we have the dimensions running…now, if you’ll notice, I’m going to go back here real quick (flips back to last diagram)- pause- no, I’ll do it this way. I have it here (*upper right hand corner of current graph), I don’t know if you can see, it’s little. This is the actual layout of how the dimensions would be stacked if you…they’re actually all in once place, but if you expanded it they would run this way. It has dimension 1, 2, 3 then 12, 11, 10 then 7, 8, 9…6, 5, 4 and 13, 14, 15. It’s not…there’s a few turns in there and if you would picture this in the way energy moves they would represent areas where the energy reversed direction and flipped, ok. There’s energy movement involved here, it’s not just a flat structure that hangs there in the Universe like that and everything takes place in it. It’s a moving structure. So, every time, instead of running like a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, which would be easier, it’s actually a 1, 2, 3, you hit a polarization band, it flips and twists and 4, 5, 6 ends up here. So, this is the real layout of the numbering of the dimensions, but it’s not important when you’re just trying to understand how they basically relate to each other. That gets into the more heavy Physics stuff that even they haven’t taught me all of yet. So, we’re gonna number them the easy way for now, just 1 through 15, running upward. You still can get the same content you just don’t, you know, ignore the flip right now. We don’t need to know that. Ok, let me see, here I’m going to talk about Morphogenetic Fields. Now, a Morphogenetic Field is, can be looked at as an energy field that comes first and holds the pattern for forms or particles or things that will be built on particles. Every particle has a Morphogenetic Field. And, every Particum Particle that we’re composed of here, its Morphogenetic Field is the original PartikI Unit that it came out of. And, everybody else knows this, but the new people don’t probably, because they haven’t gotten into a PartikI Unit is an electro-tonal unit of energy identity that comes out from the Central Source, enters the 15-dimensional 40 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Matrix and it polarizes into a PartikA and Particum, the particle and the anti-particle. Ok, so that original PartikI pattern represents the Morphogenetic Field for both the particle and the anti-particle. Now, we’re down here, from dimensions 7 through 1 in the Particum Universe. These, the structures, identities and biologies, all those things in these dimensions are created of Particum Particles. The Morphogenetic Field, that whole pattern of those particles, what they came out of, are held in the dimensions up here, ok, dimensions 9 through 15. The Physical…all right, in d-1 is your Physical Body, your sub-atomic particles- your sub-atomic particle makeup. The Morphogenetic Pattern for that is up in d-15. You see the dimensional correspondences here? If you trace the circle around, d-2 corresponds with d-14, 3 with 13. That means the Emotional…all right, if you’re trying to transmute the Particum Particles in your Emotional Body let’s say, you would need to bring in the frequencies of d-14, where that Morphogenetic Field is. So, basically, we do have Morphogenetic Fields that hold our form together and give us the basic structure of our identity and our evolutionary path through time, and they are located in specific places. You know, the different parts of our own identity you know, our body would be in d-15, Emotional Body, d-14. There are these correspondences. And that’s important in understanding how the chakra system works and understanding what frequencies, what it means to bring in frequency from the Morph Field and what that’s going to do to our particles here. Now in general, in the 15-dimensional Scale, consciousness that resides in dimensions 7 through 1 or 1 through 7, they have biology all right, they have physical form, they have substance. In dimensions 1, 2 and 3 they are the most dense matter particles. That’s where you’ll get your physical, physical bodies you know, hard, solid matter, that kind of thing. In the dimensions 4 through 6 they still have bodies there, all right, they still have biologies, but they are of a less dense structure of matter, all right. They are more…some people call them “etheric”, and they’re still composed of Particum in our Universe, but they have more of, more of their particles have been transmuted into the Morphogenetic Field already. They have less dense matter particles, so they take place up…they, they have their identity and their reality up in here. A lot of our ET visitations are coming from here, all right. They still have biology and they can do things with matter that we never imagined is possible because they understand the laws involved with this. This area down here, d-1, 2, 3, where we’re in is called the “First Harmonic Universe”. It’s a part of the larger 15-dimensional Universe that we’re involved in, that’s the 1st Harmonic. This, they call the 2nd Harmonic (points to the next section up on the graph), and it’s also where your “soul identity” resides. All right, this here is the 3rd Harmonic, d-7, 8 and 9, and that’s what connects you directly to the Meta-Galactic Core. That’s your pathway home, is you know, evolving through this until you hit that level. Once you evolve up into where your consciousness is stationed in the 7th dimension you go into pre-matter form where you don’t have a biology. Then you…there’s a process going on here where you’re actually merging with your double. You transmute back into pure consciousness and then you finish evolving, bringing in the rest of the Morphogenetic Pattern until eventually you know your whole identity as the 15-dimensional Matrix and Its Unified Field. You go from being an individuated consciousness like we are here, to being a Soul consciousness, aware of Its 144 relatives that it actually is, as a Soul and an Over Soul, into Planetary Consciousness, where you know yourself as a Planet. And then, into Galactic Consciousness until your consciousness has embodied the entire frequency pattern of the 15-dimensional Matrix. And these…it’s hard to conceptualize this from our perspective because we’re still down here in individuated consciousness and we think you know, everything is divided up into single pieces. It isin’t, we actually grow and expand until we become what they call a Rishi. A Rishi would look like a big ball of light if we saw one, but it would be so big that you couldn’t see it on Planet Earth because it would engulf Planet 41 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Earth if it came here, all right. A Rishi is composed…now we’re all composed of Crystal Body, a Keylon Structure. Ok, we have Crystal Bodies that are made of the Keylons from d-1, 2 and 3, all right. The Rishi is composed of Keylons from 1 through 15. It is an awesome form of consciousness, and it does have a Keylon Code body. All right, so this is our evolutionary process. Basically, we work from what we call Incarnates or Tarn (?)they call them Tarnm (?)- that’s their word for it, the Guardian Alliance. They’re the dense matter bodies built up from simple forms. We start as sub-atomic particles and then we move up into more elaborate life forms of Elemental Life Forms. We become part of the Earth. We may have 2,000 years of evolution as crystals or something, in the Earth, as part of the Earth. Then, as we’re evolving, we’re building more frequency into our consciousness, into our PartikI Grids. It will take us, as we build more, it takes us to the next level of frequency. In d-3, when we build the d-3 frequencies into our PartikI Grids, we begin to have an individuated consciousness of being separate from the Earth and walking around on it, rather than just being a part of it and having a collective consciousness. When we start evolving up into here, which is right here is where our species is in its evolutionary imprint. Many of us are still stuck down here, but many of us are starting to make the leap up into d-4. That means, they’re starting to bring the frequencies and the Keylon Codes of the Astral Body, the 1st level of the Soul Identity, they’re starting to bring that into their conscious identity here, into their DNA and into their conscious awareness. That’s the next phase we have to work on, is to start bringing, cause you progressively, you can’t like you know, if you’re in d-2 you can’t all of a sudden decide you’re going to be a d-6. This is a process of building frequency and building Keylon Codes and each dimension has a certain number of Keylon Codes. ----------------------------------End of DVD 1
The Amenti Series – 1 (NJ, 1998) DVD 2 Cause you progressively, you can’t like you know, if you’re a d-2 you can’t all of a sudden decide you’re going to be a d-6, this is a process of building frequency and building Keylon Codes. And, each dimension has a certain number of Keylon Codes. So, you build these and then you have to build these before you can get to here. So, we’re here (*points to dimensions 1-3) and the next phase is building these Keylon Codes (*points to dimensions 4-6) into our Crystal Bodies and into our Auric Fields. When we begin activating the chakras, the higher chakras up here, we are activating the Morphogenetic Fields out of which we came. When we activate Morphogenetic Fields up here (*points to dimensions 10-12), it has a direct effect on how the Keylons in our Crystal Bodies are acting down here (*dimensions 1-3). So, the process of becoming conscious of our evolution is becoming conscious of what chakras connect to what dimensional frequencies and what level of energy you need to bring in next, ok. Let me see if I’m skipping anything here. All right, I said this but I’m going to say it again, in this 15-dimensional scale, the dimensions 1-7 in our Particum Universe are made of Particum Particles. The Morphogenetic Fields of 9 through 15 are made of PartikI Particles, ok. That’s going to be important in understanding what it is we’re trying to do when we’re consciously evolving, ok. Because basically, we need to transmute our Particum Particles into PartikI Units, units of pure consciousness, which would look like light if we saw them. So, we’re changing our dense matter into light, if you want to look at it in a simple term, but it’s really, we’re changing our 42 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Particum Units back into the Morphogenetic Field PartikI Units. And, we do that by incorporating the pattern of our Double, all right. So, here is where our Double and our evolution goes hand-in-hand. We evolve at the same time because our energy fields are intimately connected. If you remember the PartikI Unit, that was the Original Morphogenetic Field, that was the Original Pattern that both we and our Double came out of. So, to get back to that pattern, it puts you and the Double back together. And that’s, when we’re talking “back together” we’re not talking about 2 bodies standing there and going “zap” (*Ash claps her hands together one, firm time), we’re talking about the Crystal Body, the Keylon Structure of our energetic grids. We are slowly…if we and our Double are like this (*Ash holds her palms facing each other and a bit apart) we’re slowly merging those grids into one identity and into one biology (*Ash slowly brings the palms of both hands together and overlaps the fingertips of each hand). And eventually, when it completely finishes, we’re no longer in manifestation, ok. There’s a lot to that process and I’m going to cover some of the basics tonight. (New Graph) Ok, the Parallel Universe and Our Double (title) – the Auric Field Correspondences. Ok, now here we are in our Particum Universe. We have dimensions 1 through 7 where we will evolve to where, we’re down here, we’re going to evolve through having our Soul Body, which still has “matter”, but it’s less dense. Ok, and these are our Morphogenetic Fields, our Higher Levels of Identity. To assign “levels of identity”, you could look at 1, 2 and 3 as our Incarnate Self, 4, 5 and 6 as our Soul Self. 7, 8 and 9 would be our Over Soul, 10, 11 and 12 would be our Avatar Level of Identity and you know, completely out of form, out of “matter form”. And, 13, 14 and 15 would be the Rishi. They call them Solar Rishi because they’re like big flaming balls of light. So, this is our basic path of evolution, where we’re growing in consciousness and evolving. Now, over here in the 15-dimensional Parallel Matrix, ok, the numbers, if you’re going to use these diagrams to conceptualize what is taking place, it runs the opposite way. And again there’s correspondences, our d-1 corresponds with their d-15, etc. If our Physical Being is taking place between 1 and 7 and so is theirs and these dimensions are overlapped and taking place in the same place, you come out with one of these, ok. Here’s us and here’s our double (*shows 2 bodies head to head, “stacked” on top of one another). We’re energetically linked. And, the way it turns out is, this area here, which would be the Morphogenetic Field for the Double, that’s this area down here (*points to where we are), that becomes our Auric Field, ok. The Auric Field that psychics see around us and everything…what we are seeing is the higher identity aspect, the Morphogenetic Field, of our Double. And, our Morphogenetic Fields here are the Auric Field of our Double. And, as we…it’s hard to describe a little bit. I don’t have it down in pictures as much as I would like to, but I will try to describe this process because it is complicated. And, if it’s…if people are going like, “What is this”, I will try to explain this as best as I can. Ok, so we have our Auric Fields down in here, and this is where this is going to come in handy, all right. Here’s our Auric Field, if we were looking at just ourself. I don’t know if you can see this or not. Let me hold this up (*picks up a different ‘graph’ she’s drawn). We have the basic 7 Levels of our Auric Field. There’s some really good books on this. You don’t need to listen to me to learn about this, ok. There’s a lot of very good books about that. We also have the extended Auric Field of the 15-dimensional structure. And, for 7, it would involve these areas here (*points to the other graph/drawing). And the rest of them, it would involve the Morphogenetic Patterns (?). 43 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
All right, so we’re dealing with a Chakra System that’s plugged into the Auric Fields and also to each of the Dimensions. You could take this little onion-looking thing (*1 hand drawn graph) and plug it right into here, where the levels would correspond with dimensions 1 through 7, where you’re pulling in frequency. If you were a…all right, you have a Base Chakra, and that’s associated with the frequencies of the 1st dimension and that’s associated with what they call the Etheric Body. Psychics can usually see it, it’s like a little bluish-grayish haze that you can see running along your Physical Body. Now, your Auric Field in general has layers to it. First you have your Etheric Body, then you have a little further out your Emotional Body, then your Mental Body. Now, each of these levels of your Auric Field corresponds with a Chakra in the Physical Body. You know, the 1 st Base Chakra with the 1st, you know, all the way up to 7. All right, so this is this area. What most people don’t realize is the energy around us called the “Aura” is actually the Morphogenetic Patterns of our Double. And, as we start to activate the higher chakras…let’s say we’re here in this section down here, we’re the red numbers. Let’s say if we activate the 9th chakra, we start to bring in the frequencies of the 7th dimension in our Double’s Universe. We activate the 10th, we start bringing in the 6th (*from Double). We are pulling together the PartikI Patterns, the Keylon Codes that are in the Double’s Universe. As we activate our higher chakras, we’re pulling in the frequencies of the Parallel Universe. And, as we do that, we’re breaking down the dimensional barriers within our own Auric Field. All right, the Auric Field, I don’t really have diagrams that illustrate this yet, but the…(Laughs) let me see if I can explain this. Ok, the Auric Field has layers like an onion, ok, but they’re not exactly like an onion where you can peel them off, they’re intermeshed, ok, each layer goes all the way through the next one, like they run right through each other. There are bands of polarization that occur between them. There are also bands of polarization that occur between the chakras. Polarization is when the Particles in one are flashing at a different rate than the Particles in the next one. This gives us our “dimensionalized” experience, where we get our individuated focus and the experience of being in a physical body and perceiving time, space and matter. Ok, these illusions of perception are caused by the way energy is structured in the dimensional matrix. Now, as we bring in energies from our Morphogenetic Field and we begin to pull in the PartikA Particles of our Double, it begins to change our Auric Field and it starts at the outer levels. Ok, we have a Crown Chakra that corresponds with the 7th level in our Aura. As we begin to transmute the Particum Units, because they’re still made of Particum, from d-1 through 7 in our system would be Particum Particles, all right. As we begin to transmute the Particum Particles in the 7 th level of our Aura it…we would be able to transmute all of these into PartikI. They become pure consciousness, they begin to vibrate higher and higher and faster, they no longer hold a lower vibration. There’s something called a Seal inside each chakra, ok. Inside the 7th chakra, which is the Crown Chakra, there is a Seal. It’s a particular Keylon Code configuration. After we bring in all the frequencies before that Seal and underneath that Seal, the Seal opens and it opens the Auric Field into the next level, which would be the 6th one. So, you’re working your way down. You’re taking this huge Auric Field that sticks out about 300 feet around you, and you’re first transmuting the outer levels of it into light and pure consciousness, which breaks the barrier between that and the next level down. So, you break you know, between 7 and 6 you break down, then you finish transmuting these. Slowly, you work your way down into bringing this Unified Energy Field into yourself. When you get to the last 3 Seals, and I won’t cover the Seals heavily tonight, because it’s real technical and I don’t have the diagrams to get into it real heavily, but every chakra has a little Seal. And it’s a Keylon Code and it looks like a crystal, like a certain crystal configuration at the center of the chakras. When you 44 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
get to the 3rd one, when the 3rd Seal opens, your identity is so large, you’re bringing in so much frequency, you can no longer be in a body. It transmutes the whole Physical Body completely out of manifestation, and it’s because of this. All right, here’s our 3rd level of the Aura, our 3rd chakra. This corresponds with the 13th level of our Double’s Morphogenetic Field. The 13th Level is the Planetary Consciousness. So, when you remove the Seal here in the 3rd chakra, it completely blows your identity open into Planetary Consciousness cause you pull in the pattern of the d-13 frequencies of the Parallel Universe. So, these last 3 Seals, when they are released, take into first Planetary Consciousness, then Galactic Consciousness, then you are the Consciousness of the Unified Field and you’re out of here. That’s when you get to go into the Energy Matrix and From this level of awareness, you look back on all of the beings here, all 144 you know, of your immediate family. You know they are all you. But from here it’s a little hard to explain. But, we came in from d-14. We came in through d-8 and then first individuation started at d-14, and then progressively moved our way down. Now, we’ve gotta just move our way back, collecting frequency as we go. And, it’s really not a hard process if you can try to understand it from an intuitive level. Instead of…right now, as I’m trying to describe this, it would probably be easier for people to get what I’m saying if instead of trying to feel it with your mental focus here (*Points to her 3rd eye area). If you notice, your mental focus is here. You’re going to feel energy here (*Places her hand at her 3rd, Solar Plexus Chakra), cause it’s these two chakras that are trying to process this data. This is high-level data. It works better if you try and push your energy out, just your mental awareness. Just take a breath and push it out to here (*moves her hands about 2 feet out from her body) and just try to draw in what’s being said, so it can translate through your own system intuitively. That will probably help. It’s much easier to understand some of these things from an intuitive level than it is from a logical, rational level. We’re working on that part, but you know, like getting it across that way. But, we’re understanding right now we always communicate with each other on multiple levels, but usually we’re only aware of this level. If you try to reach a little, reach your energy field out around your head. Pretend you move yourself up and you’re bigger now. Try to feel what this information means from that level and it will probably click at some point for you. You’ll get a gist of it. You’ll get a feel of it. And, eventually I will you know, have more intensive information on this whole process. It’s going to begin part 4 of the transcript that we’re working on. But for now, I just wanted to introduce it I think primarily so we understand this intimate relationship we have with our Double in the Parallel Universe and the intimate relationship the Earth Body has with its Parallel Earth. And, it would be nice if it was just as complicated as that, but it gets worse because there are also something called Probable Selves, which some people mistake as “Doubles”. They look like us but they are not the same thing as the complete Double. Both we and our Double have Probable Selves. They have the same body pattern, the same image, the same identity, but they’ve developed along different lines. Probable Selves emerge out of our free will, actually. We have the ability to make choices other than what the original choices were when we as Souls chose to incarnate here. So, as Souls, we decided that there were certain things we wanted to accomplish through a cycle of incarnation. Now, each one of those incarnations still has free will. It can completely ignore its Soul Level purposes and go off on tangents and do whatever it wants. Every time it does that, it takes the quantity of energy that the Soul assigned for that Incarnate and it breaks that energy down; it fragments it. In terms of Keylons that the Soul gave each Incarnate a certain set of Keylons to work with, and the Incarnates purpose really is to build more Keylons into that Keylon, which expands the Soul and you know, creates the evolutionary process. But, sometimes when we’re not in tune with our Souls and we forget we have 45 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
them and we go making choices, we don’t know why and we don’t know what our purpose is for being here, we create “Probable Versions” of ourselves. And, they literally become people, just like we are, ok. I have had, a couple of people have explained to me where they run into this, where they see people that are like very much like their Doubles here. If you see them here they’re not your Double from the Parallel Universe, they’re a Probable Self. And, in some way or another, your energies are integrating into each other. There’s something called, and I like the term that was used in the Seth materials, that was channeled by Jane Roberts. Seth called it the Heroic Probability, ok. That is the Probability or the Path of Development, Path of Evolution that was originally set by the Soul, ok, before it Incarnated; before it sent its Incarnates into Manifestation. A person who chooses to follow its Heroic Probability gives its free will back to itself as a Soul, and it says, “I just want to follow this path. I don’t want to fragment myself all over.” Because, when you start to make choices that are not in line with what you originally came for, instead of building Keylons into your Crystal Body and building up your field, you’re fragmenting it into smaller and smaller pieces. Before you can worry about incorporating your Higher Dimensional aspects, you have to find, you’ve got to pull the energy of your Probable Selves back together first. And, in energy terms, if we looked at it like in terms of Physics and what Particles are doing it would probably drive even me crazy, trying to figure it out on that level. To even translate the data on that level is very difficult. 18:57 But, it’s not hard when we realize that there’s some very simple techniques we can learn to align ourselves with that Heroic Probability. And, it’s not like you have this “big, bad soul” that’s “making you do things” or anything. The Soul is you at a higher level. And it’s just like we, you know, we come down here and we forget about ourselves. We forget who we were before we came here and we got lost in the illusion. There are some real simple meditation techniques and just levels of awareness you can hold and say hey, “Ok, I have a Heroic Probability”. How many people knew that before? Did anybody know that before? Doesn’t it help to know that? That, “Wow, on some level I already have this all figured out, didn’t I? Why don’t I just follow my plan?” You know what I mean? And, the 2nd step, after recognizing that you do have this Heroic Probability, this path of fulfilling the purpose that you came for, you can…oh I just lost my train of thought. I’m sorry. That’s interesting. Ok, excuse me a minute. I’m getting a little bit of interesting energy feed back in my energy field here…sorry about that. Ok, the 2nd step, after you recognize that you have your Heroic Probability, you can begin to open yourself to finding out more about that by opening yourself to channel your higher self. Your higher self is the part of you, of your personal identity here, that serves as a liaison between your Soul Identity, which is a collective of 12, and your Over Soul. So, you can begin to work with energy here, with your mind, to learn to use your mind in certain ways. Learn to use your focus and to direct it through your chakras in certain ways to teach yourself new tricks on the mental level so you can receive data directly from your Soul Matrix. And the part of you that enables that, it’s like making a bridge between the 3rd dimensional frequencies part of your consciousness and the 4th. The higher self will be a bridge between those two levels. And there are…they’re going to do some energy techniques tonight a little bit to give you an idea of how to play with this- it’s playing with energy. You know, we all take it so seriously because it is important, but we need to be able to loosen up and trust we do have this level of identity called the Soul and even more beyond that. But, what we need to worry about now is establishing a conscious relationship with that part of ourselves, creating this higher-self aspect of our mental identity here that says, “Ok, I remember. I have a soul and I want to know what my Soul is telling me now,” you know.
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It will give you a sense of guidance that you cannot find anywhere in the outside world. No religious authority or scientific authority is going to be able to give you the level of guidance you will be able to find once you tap into that part of your own self. And, most people don’t even think about doing it cause a lot of people don’t even realize we have a soul. Or, they think the soul is something separate from us, or it’s this like abstract concept; it’s not. It’s a legitimate portion of our identity. It’s composed of particles like we are, but they’re not as dense matter and it’s a level of ourself we have to remember. It’s like being in a dream and forgetting you’re there. It’s like, “Oh yeah, I do have a waking identity. Let me wake up.” Well, we need to wake up back into the awareness that we were as Souls, as that’s where we’ll get our guidance. So, what I want to do tonight, for the rest of tonight, instead of going over any more of the technical data, I would like just to do some energy exercises to start opening that process. Now one of the neatest ones, and this is going to be a short one. They wanted to do a quick one because we did kind of a longer mediation last time and you know how people kind of fade out? Some people fall asleep, and it gets tiring. We just want to give you a real quick one. It’s called the Blue Flame meditation. And they finally told me what this is doing, Patti. It’s like “Ok, we’ve been doing this for years, what is it doing?” Ok, the Blue Flame meditation is a mental visualization exercise that we can use to help begin preparing our chakra system here and our energy fields and our body to receive the energies from the higher dimensions, from the morphogenetic patterns from the higher chakras, ok. What it does, when we visualize the Blue Flame, that is a translation into visual imagery of the frequencies of the 5 th dimension, all right. The 5th dimension holds a part of our energy system, a part of our auric field, called the Etheric Template. The Etheric Template holds the pattern for our Etheric Body, which is the one that’s closest to the skin. And that sets the template for our DNA and how that’s going to run. So, when you merge the 5 thdimensional Etheric Template into the physical body, you are bringing the center of the soul consciousness down into embodiment. So, at first it’s an easy exercise just to help you bring in and get focused into your body the soul identity, ok. And it’s very easy, you can, I always…when they first taught me this I imagined a gas flame. You know how it’s blue? That helped a lot. And then I turned it even more intense. In fact, that picture right there…this I’m going to bring out so you can see it in the video. This was when I first started using this technique…some of the experiences I had with it. I don’t know if you can see this with the video (*picture of the cover of what became the Voyagers 2 book cover). This is kind of the coloring that I saw when they showed me what the blue flame looked like. It’s like even more intense than a gas flame, and we’re basically going to breathe it down into our chakra system. And we’re first going to center it into our heart chakra and then move it all the way down through the ground and into the center of the Earth. And then we’re going to feel ourselves standing in the middle of it, as if we’re in the middle of blue flames, like that (*refers to framed painting of the cover picture of Voyagers 2 book). And then we’re just going to breathe. Because once you bring that in, when you’re mentally directing this energy, you are bringing this energy down into your field and it’s coming into your auric field, bringing it from the 5 th level down this way (moves her hands towards her physical body from out in her auric field), and when you start to breathe in you are breathing it into the cells. It is beginning the process of transmuting the Particum units into higher-level Particum units. First you have to translate them on that level before you can up-level them to the, you know, to the morphogenetic fields. So it’s a very good centering exercise. It’s short, it’s sweet (chuckles) and if ever you need to like just clear, where you want to make everything go away and you just need to escape because the world’s really 47 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
bothering you that day, it’s very helpful to just go into this meditation, center yourself in the center of that blue flame and let it heal you, because it will if you allow it. It will adjust your whole energy template down here with its higher soul-level version. It basically aligns you with your archetype. You could say like the “perfect version” of your body…the highest level of your body pattern. It will align you with that. Ok, so I would like to make the lights a little more dim if that’s ok. For the meditation it’s kind of distracting. Ok, is it back on (the taping)? Ok, is everybody ready? Blue Flame Mediation Let’s just start with 3 slow inhale/ exhale and then a final inhale and a very quick exhale which is a ‘cleansing breath’. It just moves energy you know, stagnant energy, out of your system. After that, then I will verbalize the meditation. And try to visualize the images as clearly as you can and try to feel, be aware of “what can I feel in me and around me”, not just “what can I think or what can I see or hear”…but “what can I feel?” Focus on the word “feeling”, that sensation, because you may have some. The more you use this meditation, the more you will find sensation. I’ve had some awesome sensations where I felt like my whole body was electric sometimes, but you have to be really focused into it to get that level. But you know, so try to be aware of feeling as we do this. So, I’ll count with the breaths and then after the cleansing breath we’ll go right into it, the Blue Flame Meditation. Inhale….Exhale. Inhale….exhale. Inhale….exhale. Inhale…(holds a bit)…exhale quickly. Now, become aware of your consciousness behind your closed eyelids. Become aware of the feel of your consciousness on the inside of your head. Imagine in the space right between your eyebrows, but on the inside, imagine that you see a point of light there and focus your consciousness upon that point of light. Move the stream of your consciousness toward that light, closer and closer, as if you were walking yourself toward a sun. At first it seems very tiny in the distance, and as you move closer and closer to it, it seems to become larger and larger. Imagine yourself as consciousness, moving toward the spot of light on the inside of your head, between your eyebrows, until you are standing before a blazing sun and your consciousness is just a small unit of awareness compared to the size of this blazing light. Observe for a moment the sensation of the largeness of this light compared to the size of your consciousness. Let the awe of this light fill you as you acknowledge you are dealing with a level of energy that is massive in size compared to your own. Now picture this large, sun of energy inside of your head turning first to a pale-violet color with flickers of gold running through it as if the sun took on different hues, and you can see the flames encircling the sphere of light. And they are violet and they are gold, and as they interact with each other they are now turning into a crystalline white. 48 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Use your consciousness to build these colors until you can see them on your inner vision. Imagine them there. And the more you imagine the clearer your vision will become. When you observe the golden and violet flames merging to form white, and you see more whiteness covering your sphere of energy that is in your head, it is time to merge yourself with this sun. The smallness of your consciousness as it was will now enter into that massive ball of energy and light. You will become that ball of energy and light. You are no longer small. You have expanded now with walking (?) into the white light of the sphere within your head. Breathe for a moment as you see yourself standing within this glowing sphere of white energy. Feel the white light moving through you from all directions. Feel it tingle like electricity running through your cells. It will feel as if you are nearly floating. Feel yourself becoming lighter and lighter; less dense; less heavy, as you are centered within this globe of glowing light within your head. Now, within the center of this globe of glowing light, picture before yourself a small flame of vibrant blue coming out of the center of this glowing ball. You are in the center of the sphere of the glowing white ball and as you observe, you are seeing a small, blue flame emerge. It is a standing-wave pattern of blue energy. As consciousness now, choose to create a small image of your body, as you know it here. See a small version of yourself standing before this small, blue flame. The small, blue flame will be about 2” high and you will see it down by your feet. Now, with your mind that is now focused within the small body, the little version of you within the globe of light, with your mind, direct that flame and request from it, from the consciousness of the flame, request, “I call to the Entity of the Blue Flame.” You are calling the frequencies of the 5th dimension into your consciousness and into your body. Watch the Entity of the Blue Flame come to life. The 2” flame now grows. It becomes 4 (inches), it becomes 6 (inches) and suddenly you find yourself standing before a 20-foot column of blue, blazing, glowing. This is energy. This is consciousness. This is a portion of your Soul’s Consciousness. The Entity of the Blue Flame is the Entity of your Identity as a Soul, and it knows you intimately. It is not strange to you, and once you remember this level of identity you will know yourself as the Blue Flame. But for now, as we become reacquainted with ourselves, we are watching a 20-foot column of blue, blazing glowing (glory?) before our eyes, in our little body inside the sphere. Let us now step into that Flame. The Blue Flame does not burn. In fact, it is so hot that it actually feels cold when you enter your small body into it. Picture yourself now stepping into the Flame with no fear. You will not be harmed. You will be healed. First you put in one foot, and as you start to enter the Flame become aware of the feeling. Put your hand up and feel as your hand starts to enter, feel the energy. For if you become involved in this visualization, 49 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
you’ll be able to put our your physical hand and you will begin to, in correspondence with your small body hand, you will be able to feel a sense of resistance in fuzzy vibration as your little body hand goes through into the Blue Flame. It’s important to become used to connecting movements of the physical body here with the movements of the little body that you are visualizing in multi-dimensional energy exchanges. So as you’re moving into the Blue Flame in your visualization, put out your hand there and put it out here, and feel. Begin to feel the fuzzy, warm, chill of energy. It’s warm but it’s cold…it’s hard to describe in typical human terms. Now, you are going to put the other hand outward and touch the Blue Flame that you are getting ready to step into fully. Feel the vibration of the Blue Flame before you in your little body. Feel the vibration run through the physical hands in your physical body here, for you are bringing in physical energy from the Unified Field of the 5th dimension in through your palms here, in the physical, when you correspond the actions with the visualization, with the physical actions. Now, we are touching the Blue Flame, the column of Blue Flame. Now, we can revert to visualizing this, but if you are at home alone, you may want to actually try this physically, where you will physically stand up, and as you are visualizing your body moving into the Blue Flame, you would literally take a step in physical sense to where you would imagine that Blue Flame to be. So we will go now…since we are in a small room we will not do that part…we’ll go to our small body, we have pushed our hands all the way into the Blue Flame and now we are going to take the first step and we are going to take a second step until we are standing inside of the Blue Flame. Once you are inside of the Blue Flame breathe deeply and slowly. Tell your body that it is time to adopt the “Soul Breathing Rhythm”. This may change the normal breathing rhythm of your body. It may slow it down. Say, “I will breathe the Soul-breath now”. And allow the adjustments to happen, for your soul will make those adjustments for you. Breathe several times while in the Blue Flame. We will just do it once or twice now, but if you use this exercise at home, breathe as many times as feels appropriate to you for each meditation that you do, because it may change from time to time. Once you are centered within the Blue Flame and you are standing there, visualize the Flames coming up through the bottoms of your feet. See the little cells in your body, each one of them, having a Blue Flame burst into the center of the nucleus of the cells. Imagine with your mind, the DNA turning bright blue, little bursts of fire, little Blue Flames emerging out of the DNA (stems?). We will do this up from the bottom of our feet, slowly, all the way up through the entire body. That would take quite some time to do. Right now…so again, if you use this technique at home, take the time to make the feeling real, where you feel the Blue Flame becoming activated within your cells, within the feet, within the legs, within the knees, all the way up until you have completed, at the top of the head. And once you get completed and merged this Blue Flame energy, this frequency of the 5 th-dimension, this frequency of your Etheric template, once you have merged it with your cellular code of your body here, you will begin to prepare for higher frequencies from the higher chakras to be brought in. 50 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
So we are standing in the middle of our Blue Flame and we feel each little cell bursting to a wonderful Blue Flame at the center of it. We feel the cooling sensation, not cold, but a cooling, calming sensation as if we were immersed in a sea of very comfortable temperature water, and we are floating in the water. As each area of our cells goes through the Blue Flame activation, we will feel the sensation floating in the water. We will feel the comfort of it. If there’s any area in our body that feels tightness or darkness, or pain or tension, we will bring more of the Blue Flame into that area, and watch it ignite. We will literally use the Blue Flame to burn away this conflict within the physical body. Once we have moved the Blue Flame through our system and we are standing within the middle of the Blue Flame as we do this, we will request of the body consciousness of our physical bodies here, the heart chakra will now open. We will now accept the Blue Flame. What this request is doing is allowing the astral body to open and accept the frequencies of the 5 th dimension and the Etheric template. Once the astral body has accepted this, you can then request that the mental awareness put aside all judgment and allow the Blue Flame to become one with the physical body. And the Blue Flame is now centered within your physical body. You, as a small, little self are inside the Blue Flame. A sphere of bright light is around you and Blue Flame, and now, that sphere of light and all that is within it is centered within your body. First, at the 4th chakra, the heart chakra, which is right in the center of the chest, and then move that ball of light down into the 3rd chakra, which is the solar plexus chakra. This is moving the frequencies of d-5 into the mental body. You will now move it down one more to the 2 nd chakra, which is the sacral chakra, that is down below the navel. You see the blue energy emanating out of the sphere of white light. You see blue waves of energy coming out and clearing all through your 2nd chakra, moving all through the auric field right around your body. It is clearing your emotional body now; it is healing and aligning it. And finally, we will bring the ball of white light with its Blue Flame emanations down into the base chakra. We will again see the frequencies of blue light emanating outward like a starburst. We will feel our physical selves responding to the magnetic pull of our Etheric template. We are being pulled into alignment with the ideal pattern for our body and our energy. We will now see the Blue Flame engulf us in the physical body. Use your mind and imagine and visualize the Flame around you, surrounding you as a huge pillar of light. Feel the kinetic energy as it jumps near your skin. For, if you focus heavily into this visualization, you will feel physical response. You will feel the hairs on your arms rising perhaps, or you’ll feel tingling or coldness or warmness or numbness. You will feel something if you continue to work with the Blue Flame visual. Once you have centered yourself in physical within the Blue Flame, breathe…slowly and deeply, for as long as feels right to you. Now, give yourself a command that can be heard on many levels, including the subconscious level, including the body consciousness level, “I accept the path of my Soul. I open to receive the truth and guidance of my Soul. I acknowledge that I AM my Soul and I will reawaken now.” 51 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
At times when you use this meditation and if you focus within the energies very severely, you may lose consciousness briefly at that point. You may find yourself what appears to be “falling asleep”, but what is really happening is there is a linking taking place between the 3-dimensional part of your awareness and the 5th-dimensional part of your awareness. As you use the meditation more you will not get a tired feeling, or feel like you’re losing focus. You will become able to focus more and more. And an image to hold, once you train your subconscious mind and your body, to know the basic…you can do a slower version or a longer version or a shorter version of this exercise, but once you bring in this pattern of bringing the Blue Flame into the body, you can instantly recall that sensation and create the same energy effect. After about 3 weeks of practice you will be able to simply close your eyes, visualize a Blue Flame around you and create the same energy effect that it took you 45 minutes to do before. So it’s a process of training your neurological structure and training your consciousness to handle these new frequencies. This is the beginning exercise, in preparing your system for activations on the higher levels. Because if you don’t and you try to bring in higher level energy, you will get much conscious confusion. You will get pieces of data, you will feel, feel stress for no reason, you will feel fatigued, you will feel physically fatigued. So you need to begin working up. We are opening the energies between here and here (*points to her graph but camera not on it). We’re shifting the focus of the frequencies in our body and our consciousness from here up into here, instead of just bringing these down (*higher frequencies- graph shown now). We are going to meet in the middle. We began activating these (*lower dimensional part of graph) and we will work with these also (*higher dimensional part of graph). But for now, the Blue Flame technique is a very, very powerful tool. For when you are dealing with the Blue Flame you are dealing with the core identity of your Soul. It is real. It is valuable. It is real in terms of energy and frequency and Keylons and PartikI, and it is very real in terms of identity and the next step in your consciousness and oneness with our Creator (?). So I suggest working with this energy and it will teach you what you can do with it. There are many, many things you can do with the Blue Flame once you learn to hold it in your body. But, the first step is learning to hold it in your body, and then learning to ask it, “What can I do with this /// (*loud car drives by), for you will find you are not just dealing with an energy pattern, you are dealing with an Identity. And when you ask it questions, it will give you back answers. This is how you start the communication process and opening the doorway between your mental focus here and the mental awareness, your higher mental awareness of your soul. There are many ways to open to channel, as people call it. The Blue Flame is one of the easiest, quickest and most effective and that’s why we gave it to you tonight. For there will be many, many questions as the more information we present will probably become more complex. You will be able to go within, if you use the Blue Flame you will be able to find your own answers. And hopefully that will be our gift to you. Participant: Thank you. Ashayana: Thank you. So I think we are done for the evening. For now, I would like to do a little energy sensing exercise for maybe 10 minutes after we have like a little break. But, that’s about it for the class this evening unless there’s any questions anybody’d like answered. Participant: Yeah. (None). 52 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Class – 3 (49:12) Well, thank you all for being here tonight and I’d like to welcome the new people to the class who haven’t been here before and this is the 3rd class in a series of, I’m sure how many yet…probably about 4. We’re going to try and keep it simple. Just for a really quick run down for the new people, in the first class we introduced something called the Science of Keylonta. And, we got into the Primary Elements of Keylonta. That information and the video for that is available if you are interested. In the second class we got into a little bit broader spectrum of the structure of the cosmic matrix, which is the basic energy structure within which our universe and all universes reside within the Cosmos. We got into that a bit and what that means in terms of our evolution as individuals and as a collective, as a species. In this class, the 3rd, what I would like to do is kind of pick up where we left off, with the Cosmic Matrix. I’ll cover that just a little bit for the people who have missed it, and I’m going to elaborate on that. Tonight I would like to talk about where we came from. And when we understand a bit of where we came from, we will be able to understand a bit more about where we’re going. We are part of an evolving race, and that much our science has identified. But what that means, science has not been able to tell us because science doesn’t know. There’s a lot of speculation as to “why we are here” and “what does it mean to be human”, and “what are we connected to”. Our scientific traditions tend to look backward in time to find relics to give us answers to those questions, so we can understand our past so perhaps we can understand more about our present and what it means to be “human” and what we are. Underneath of all of those investigations I do believe we’re looking for the purpose of our existence – why we are here. So we look for “where we came from”, “what are out roots”, to understand some of what it means to be human now, so we understand maybe where we’re going. In tonight’s discussion I’m going to present some information that was given to me by the Guardian Alliance that will be very controversial if you’ve been schooled in traditional, earthly thinking. It is a history, and I’m going to leave out a lot simply because it would take a very long time to cover the whole history, but it’s basically a history of our origins. And our origins are very different than what science has at this time formulated their ideas around. We did not come out of the apes they came out of us, some of them. The early man, as our history has identified, some of them were connected to us, others were completely independent races that evolved at different times with us, but that weren’t connected to us. There’s so much to our history that we have not had exposure to, and I would like to bring some of that information to you tonight, as it was presented to me by the Guardian Alliance. In order to understand our history, we are also going to need to understand a little bit about the way a 15dimensional Universe works. Because, there is much more to the universe than our little solar systems or even the massive galaxies that we’re able to see with our telescopes and the Hubble you know, telescopes and all that. There’s much more to reality than even those massive things. So I’m going to give a bit of structure of what it means to be in a 15-dimensional Matrix and then I am going to show you where our basic genetic pattern came from. And I hope I’m able to convey this information to you in a way that somehow, at least intuitively, I can pass on the meaning of this. There’s a meaning within understanding these things, through which our whole self concept of a Race is redefined. There’s a part of ourself that has been lost for centuries and centuries that has been completely unavailable to us but intuitively we have sensed, so we have sensed a longing for and ‘lack of’. When I was presented with this information by the Guardian Alliance something opened up in me 53 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
and it knew. It knew that this was true and it reconnected me as an individual to the Universe. And I was able to find a greater love for our species because I saw its place within the greater scheme of things. We were a grand species once. We were not apes. And to understand this, I hope I can convey somehow, through what I discuss this evening, the beauty and the meaning of what it means to be human. And also, once we understand that, where we had come from, we will begin to understand what is our process of evolution, where we are going. Because it is not just that we got this far and we happened to evolve to this place and there’s really no direction. Evolution is not aimless. There is purpose, there is an agenda, there are probable versions of what any species can evolve into, but there is also a Primary Version of what a species was intended to become. And if we can understand that, perhaps for the first time in at least the last 10,000 years, if we can grasp what we were a part of and what we were evolving toward to become, it can really change the way we feel about ourselves and our race and we can take an active hand in trying to reach that potential more quickly, because we do have a choice in how quickly we will or will not evolve. So, for tonight’s discussion I will begin where I left off with the last class. Ok, this diagram here…pretty simple looking diagram shows the basic conceptual structure of the energy systems for what is called the Cosmic Matrix. At the center of the Cosmic Matrix, and this is a center that we will not find no matter how far we send out a rocket ship into space. There’s multi-levels of dimensions to go through before you could ever find the center. But there is a center to the Cosmos. It’s called the Yunasai, using the Guardians terms. It doesn’t really matter what you call it. All of our religions have taught us about this, using the concept of “God”, because it is not just an energy source through which the whole universe is continually and perpetually fed energy, it is a Source of intelligent Identity as well. It is energy identity. And everything in the Universe is composed of portions of identity out of the Yunasai. We are all composed of particles that are conscious units of the Yunasai. Which means, we are all composed of particles of the consciousness of God. And that alone for me was a very moving concept. And it’s very true. This is where science and religion come together. Energy and Identity go together. Identity is energy and energy is identity. The central source of that is the Yunasai, and it doesn’t matter what you call it. You can call it ‘God’ or you can call it the ‘Yunasai’, or ‘that great central Source that we come out of’, but it is there and it creates and forms and holds together perpetually, forever and eternally, the entire electro-magnetic structure that the rest of the Universe is built upon. All right, out of the Yunasai there emanate 6 spirals of energy. Three of them move in a clockwise rotation and three move in a counterclockwise rotation. There are…I have…in the book we get into detail on how this is formed and what those mean, but right now I just want you to get the basic structure visually of what we are talking about when we talk about the Cosmic Matrix. Now each, there are basically 3 arms in the Cosmic Matrix. At the end of each end of the arms there is something called the 15-dimensional Matrix. And if you’ll notice, there would be 6 of them…1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. There are six, 15-dimensional matrixes…matrices I believe it’s pronounced. Ok, now, we in our earth system, reside in one of those six, 15-dimensional matrices. And in the cosmic map we would be in this arm and in this part of the arm right down here, all right. It’s going to be a long time before we as a species or even as individuals have to worry about evolving from here to here (*points to where we are compared to the Yunasai center), because right now our process of evolution is taking place within this part down here (*points to the open end of the cone/ spiral), 15-dimensional matrix. And now I want to basically show you a little bit about how the 15-dimensional matrices are formed. Ok now, each one of those six, 15-dimensional matrices have within them two, 15-dimensional scales. If you’ll notice, the dimensions run 1, 2, 3 then there’s a flip, which is an electro-magnetic turn of sorts. Energy 54 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
starts to move and spin in a different direction. But, the basic understanding is to understand that there are 15 dimensions: 1, 2, 3…(moves up towards top of graph) 4, 5, 6 (to middle of graph)…7, 8, 9 (and back near bottom of chart)…10, 11, 12…13, 14 and 15 (up to way top of chart). And there’s one scale you can conceptualize as running from bottom to top, and then there’s another scale you can conceptualize as running in the opposite direction, where dimension 1 is the same place dimension 15 would be in this one. These run together and they’re actually superimposed over each other, so the dimensions flow through each other. So when I’m speaking of a 15-dimensional matrix that we’re evolving in, we are evolving in one of these. Now, in our 15-dimensional scale, which would be this one…the energy particles basically, even though we have them, when you look under our microscopes you’ll see particles that move clockwise or counterclockwise. The general flow of micro particles in our system moves counterclockwise, while in the parallel system move clockwise. So you have 2 counter-rotating 15-dimensional scales superimposed within each other. Right now in our 15-dimensional scale, we are right around in the 3rd dimension, but there’s really more to it. That’s where our consciousness is stationed as individuals. We are focusing in and perceiving through 3-dimensional perception. And I’ll explain a little bit more about what that means in terms of the dimensions below it, because it’s more than just 3-dimensional perception that we’re seeing when we look out here, ok. So I want you to understand the basic layout of what a 15-dimensional matrix is. Now, this is material I covered before. Now, I’m going to go into a bit new material…if I can do this without knocking down the (?). There we go. Ok, our discussion tonight is going to get into where we came from, where we’re going as a race. All right, here again is our 15-dimensional scale within our 15-dimensional matrix. Ok, in the 15-dimensional scale there are something called Harmonic Universes. A Harmonic Universe is formed by 3 dimensional bands and how they relate to each other. And in between every set of 3-dimensional bands there’s something called a Repulsion Zone, which is an area of magnetism that literally forces the dimensions away from each other. So each Harmonic Universe will become a sort of spherical reality field that is separate from the one above it. They have a different rate of pulsation of particles, so even though they are taking place in the same space, individuals focused in one Harmonic Universe will not be able to perceive the activity or individuals focused in another one. And this is the basic structure of what we are living in here, in…on planet Earth, in the galaxy that we know. We are in something called the first Harmonic Universe. It is composed of dimensions 1, 2 and 3. Dimensions 4, 5 and 6, which are the ones that are the next up in the dimensional scale…they would represent our next stage of evolution…they represent the second Harmonic Universe. The third Harmonic Universe would be represented by the center, which is dimensions 7, 8 and 9. That is the Harmonic Universe that every one of our consciousness had to pass through in order to expand itself into the 15dimensional Matrix. Through the third Harmonic Universe we will also be able to leave the 15-dimensional Matrix. The 15-dimensional Matrix is what gives us the quality of perception we call “time” and “growth through time”. When we evolve through this scale and return to through here, we enter a level of Eternal Existence that really can’t even be described in “time terms”, in linear language, but it’s very beautiful place to be. And it is really the objective of all of our spiritual traditions. They have been trying to, in their conceptual way, lead us to the evolution through this scale and back through the center, through the third Harmonic Universe. Now, there are also…there is also the fourth Harmonic Universe here, which is composed of dimensions 10, 11 and 12, and then there’s the final, fifth Harmonic Universe, which is composed of dimensions 13, 14 55 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
and 15. So for this discussion we really just need to understand that there are 5 different Harmonic Universes within the 15-dimensional Matrix that we’re a part of. The only ones we really need to be concerned about now are the one we’re in and the one we’re going to be going to once we evolve beyond the one we’re in. We are in the 1st Harmonic Universe. We are going to be going as we evolve as a species, into the 2 nd Harmonic Universe. Now, in some of our traditions we have stories of “heaven”, and this is what they are referring to. They are referring to a place that does exist and it has matter, just like our world has matter, but the matter is less dense. We do have bodies there, in the 2 nd Harmonic Universe. But our stories of heaven were trying to lead us to an understanding of how to get to the 2nd Harmonic Universe, for it is much more beautiful there. Energy is much finer, consciousness is much clearer, beings are much more evolved so we don’t have the problems and the hurtful conditions that we often face. It is a heaven compared to where we are now. All right, the Harmonic Universes also represent different time cycles, which means the particles that things and consciousness are composed of in those universes pulsate at different rates of speed compared to each other. In our universe, in our 1st Harmonic Universe, we are in what they call the Tauren Time Cycle. That’s the slowest moving, slowest pulsating of the 5 Harmonic Universes. The next one…and as we move and as we evolve out of the Tauren Time Cycles and into the 2 nd Harmonic Universe, we will be evolving into a time cycle called the O/ndonc Time Cycle (*can’t make out the second letter on the graph), which is the next fastest moving. And they progressively go up. The 5th one would be the fastest moving, so we actually progress from the slowest moving time cycles to the, you know, the lower Harmonic Universes up to the top, and then we have to come back again, slow down again, to go back through the center. And that’s really the process of the overall evolution. But right now all we need to worry about are the 2 Time Cycles, the O/ndonc Time Cycle that we are headed toward and the Tauren Time Cycle that we are in right now. The most important thing this time, I believe, for us to understand about the relationship between those 2 Harmonic Universes is that our planet originally came from here (*Ash points to Density 2 on graph). Earth came from here and the planets in our solar system that we have identified, and there are 2 that we have not yet identified, they have all come out of a planet and a condition that happened to a planet in the 2nd Harmonic Universe. There was, about 560 Trillion Years Ago…and the Guardians tell me this is the closest translation of time they can get. We are dealing with 2 different time cycles. It’s very hard to translate amounts of time from one system in relation to the other. In our “time terms”, in our time concepts, it would be about 560 Trillion Years Ago there was a planet formed within the 2nd Harmonic Universe and that planet’s name was Tara. And Tara evolved for many, many millions and millions of years. Now, when we’re dealing with the 2nd Harmonic Universe and Tara, many, many of the visitors to our planet right now that you hear people talk about in like alien visitation and all of these kind of things, and some people don’t think they’re real cause they can’t imagine where they could come from. We know that they’re not on Mars. We have, you know, telescopes up there…we’d see them. Well, a lot of them, and most of them, are coming from the 2nd Harmonic Universe. That’s why you can send anything you want up in space to try to find life here. You’re looking in the wrong Harmonic Universe, so you probably won’t find it. You have to go into this Harmonic Universe to find it. So, what happened a very long time ago on a planet called Tara, about 560 Million Years Ago, there was a race of beings seeded on this planet. The Race was called the Turaneusiam and they were a very, very 56 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
special Race. They were kind of like the “babies of the Universe”. The Turaneusiam Race was created by taking the genetic strains of all of the other type of beings that existed within all of the other dimensional systems and harmonic universes…taking them and splicing together the best of the best in order to form a super-proto-type. And what the beings who created us wanted to create was a species that could embody not only a Soul, but an Over Soul. It could embody the consciousness of 12 of the 15 dimensions. Most body forms, either here or in the 2nd Harmonic Universe, can only embody within them a certain amount of energy identity. After a certain amount of energy identity is added in, the gene code can’t tolerate anymore. And that’s when the form would transmute and the consciousness would move into and evolve into a state of pure consciousness being, where it no longer needed a biology. The Turaneusiam Race was created to be a “living library” for the 15-dimensional Matrix. It would contain the gene codes of 12, within biology. It would contain 12 levels of dimensional systems. And they were contributors of I think they said, about several hundred million different species contributed gene code product to create this new species. This species was viewed as “godlings”. We were created to eventually become creator gods. And we were revered highly by those other extra-terrestrial and 2nd Harmonic civilizations who wanted to see themselves be able to evolve and expand beyond their own potentials of their species. So we were created with a lot of high hopes. And the Turaneusiams are who we originally were. And this is a surprise to most people cause most people don’t even know the 2 nd Harmonic Universe exists. So, about 560 Million Years Ago, the Universe got together, if you wanna look at it that way…different biologies got together and contributed their genetic material to create this super-race of beings. And they succeeded. They created the Turaneusiam Race. They were 2nd Harmonic Beings. There were gender delineations at certain periods of time. There were other periods of time when there was no gender to them. They did not reproduce by mimilla ? means, as we do. They produce through energy replication. They didn’t need to do the mamillion ? thing. They were a very, very special breed in the sense that they had 12-strands of DNA. We have 2-strands of DNA. Can you imagine what it might mean to have the potentialities of 12-strands? What abilities would that give us? What would our minds be like? What would our comprehension, our power, our…what would we be like with 12-strands. Compared to what we know ourselves as now, we would be God-Like. We would have abilities that we could only dream of having now. And that is what the Turaneusiam Race did have. And for many, many hundreds of thousands of years they evolved very well. They were created to be the Guardians for the planet Tara. They were in charge of making sure the energy balances of the whole planetary system stayed in tact. They were responsible for creating harmonious relationships with the other galaxies and the other planets in the galaxies of the 2 nd Harmonic Universe, because there were many. Unlike it is here in the 1st Harmonic Universe, within our solar system, within the Taran solar system there were many active extra-terrestrial civilizations and it was just a much larger inter-galactic community there. The Turaneusiams were raised to become mediators between species because they have the genetic codes that should enable them to be able to identify with every species. So they had a big job to play. They were supposed to be Guardians, they were supposed to be Mediators; they were really supposed to help the harmonious evolution of all species in the Universe. Well, they evolved for quite a long time. They evolved for about 10 Million Years there, but there were also a lot of other things happening in their culture. I won’t spend a lot of time on that tonight because it gets into…just like we have little politics things happening here, they had it happening there too, on planetary levels.
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There were certain groups from other planetary systems that didn’t like what was going on in one place and there was a lot of conflicts and those kind of things. At certain points in the evolution of the Turaneusiam there were other extra-terrestrial forces that weren’t originally wanting to participate in the Turaneusiam experiment, in the experiment of creating the Turaneusiam, that decided they wanted to take it in the wrong direction. So they came and they interbred with some of them. They distorted the gene code of the original Turaneusiam. And because of that distortion there was a certain clarity of consciousness that was lost by the Turaneusiam. Some of their Race began to digress. They began to lose touch with…they had a consciousness that felt total At-One-met with God. And it was a state of love and joy and…and beauty, that’s very hard to describe. When they got involved with some of the other extra-terrestrial groups that did not have that high of a gene code, it reduced their own. And it also reduced their ability to identify that strongly with the God Presence, with the harmonious operations of the Universe. So some of them evolved into a species called the Atlanians, not the Atlantians, but Atlanians…there’s only one “t” in that name. That was where our original race memories of Atlantis actually came from. It came from Harmonic 2, in Atlania (?). They began to have problems with what we would term here, “ego”. They began to see themselves as very powerful and they began to see power as something not to be used just in love and in service to the Universe, but as something they could collect and use against other beings. There was a large group of them in power in the Atlantian (Atlanian?) civilization. There was a group of them called the Templar Solar Initiates, who were appointed as the Guardian Keepers of certain of the energy dynamics of planet Tara. It was a very, very sacred position. And it was given to them by something called the Sirian Council from the planetary star systems of Sirius. They had given them, because the ones from Sirius were part of the parentage of the Turaneusiam Race, and they had trusted their children with this very, very sacred job. Well, the Templar Solar Initiates goofed up big time, to put it mildly. Our Atlantian memories, which we all have at some level deep down in our gene code, are the memories of what the Turaneusiam did to Tara in their abuse of power. And what they did was they used certain crystalline technologies, which are Keylontic technologies, as was discussed in some of the other classes that I gave. They used them in a way that caused implosions and then explosions within the energetic grid of planet Tara. Part of planet Tara, not the whole thing, but part of it broke off. It’s energetic form dismantled instead of being together. When a planet or a being begins to dismantle itself energetically, that is the opposite of evolution. It is deevolution. It is moving backwards and digressing into something less than what it was, rather than evolving into something that it was supposed to become. Participant: (something about stopping the tape…person recording says it’s ok…keep going and participant seems to be ‘blinded by the light’ of the camera). Ash: Let’s take a break and fix the light. (Smiles) Cameraman: Ok. Ashayana: (1:14:18) Ok, all right, we were discussing before our short break there, how the Turaneusiam Race from the 2nd Harmonic Universe began to digress and abuse power and how because of that abuse of power that the planet Tara underwent a tragedy, where a part of its substance was literally blown apart. Now, where did that substance go? It left the 2nd Harmonic Universe, it dismantled itself in energy terms and it fell in vibration, it fell in speed. Its particles began to pulse slower. It ended up in the first Harmonic Universe. The fragments of Tara became our solar system. And there are 12 planets…one of them 58 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
imploded a long time ago; it was called Maldak. And we have an asteroid belt now, I believe, where that once was. There’s another planet that hasn’t been discovered yet, and it’s called Nibiru, and that’s considered basically the 12th planet. And the sun is also considered a planet. So when the fragment came off of Tara from the 2nd Harmonic Universe, it came into the 1st Harmonic Universe and it created our “big bang”. The numbers are a bit off as far as where our scientists think the big bang occurred. It did occur, but not exactly for the reasons they think. And the planet existed before that big bang occurred. But what we are calling our solar system and the planets here were actually part of the planet Tara from the 2 nd Harmonic Universe. So our Universe came into being this way, or our solar system came into being this way…not our galaxy, just our solar system. The souls of the people who were on that portion of Tara when it exploded and disintegrated, they were killed, but when their bodies are killed, where does their consciousness go? Because they were part of an explosion, their, the energy structures, what we call PartikI grids of their bodies and of their consciousness were also ripped apart. They dropped in vibration. They also ended up down here in the 1st Harmonic Universe. And, if it were not for what was attempted and succeeded after that occurrence, those souls would have become what’s called the Unified Field of Energy, within dimensions 1, 2 and 3. They would have become the firmament and the substance that other species would evolve with and through, rather than retaining a sentient identity of their own. They would lose all complete orientation of consciousness as a Turaneusiam. And they would start their evolutionary process from a lower level than they originally started with in the first place, cause the evolutionary strain of the Turaneusiam did not start down here, it started in the 2nd Harmonic Universe. They were thrown all the way back down to the first and would have had to start basically as sub-atomic particles that make up you know, basic matter substance here. In order to preserve the strain of the Turaneusiam and also in order to salvage those souls, instead of making them begin again as something that they were intended to be much better than at the time, much higher level of evolution, there was an experiment tried and it was called the Turaneusiam-2 Experiment. Now I’ll get into this a little bit, in a minute, just want to see if I’m jumping ahead a little cause I think I might be (*checks her charts). 1:17:44 Go back real quick to the Turaneusiams from Tara, the Turaneusiam-1 Experiment. These are some of the contributors to the Race: from Harmonic 3, which is d-7, 8 and 9, there are something called the Lyrans. Now, they are in a state of being that is not physical as we know ‘physical’. It’s almost plasmoid, where it’s kind of like a gaseous, liquideous type substance. They are fully conscious and sentient, even much more than we are yet it’s not a type of physical existence that we would identify as physical. Well, the Harmonic 3 Lyrans were basically the Founders. They came up with the idea for the whole Turaneusiam Experiment and they are the ones who kind of motivated other beings within the Universal Structures and within the other Harmonic Universes to participate in this experience. And they, they served as overseers for the Turaneusiam of Harmonic 2. Now, in Harmonic 2 there were many different populations on different planets there. They use names that we are familiar with here to give us an idea of the orientation of how, when we see a star system up here in our skies there’s a consciousness affiliated with that and it has a connection to a series of planets and consciousness within the 2nd Harmonic Universe. So they use names that are familiar to us, like the Sirian Star System, the Pleiades…those are our names. They use them so we understand the connection. 59 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
All right, so in Harmonic 2, in d-4, 5 and 6, there were also Sirian beings, what would be considered consciousness that are connected to our planets, you know, our Sirian planetary systems. They were called Annunaki. The Annunaki were part of the genetic contributors to the Turaneusiam Race. They were also part of the teachers and overseers for the Turaneusiam until they evolved to become sentient and you know, adult in their own rite. So we had a very strong, as Turaneusiam, we had a very strong relationship with the Sirian Annunaki in the 2nd Harmonic Universe. The Pleiadians were also part of the genetic contributors to our Turaneusiam Race. They Lyran-Elohim were also a part of it, and the Elohim appear in our biblical stories. They are beings. They are of an extraterrestrial nature. They came out of the Harmonic 3 Lyran Founders. They are one of the first forms created in Harmonic 2 by the Lyran Founders and they are very “god-like” compared to even the Turaneusiams. They contributed quite a bit to our genetic makeup so they had a very vested interest in how our species evolved. Question? Participant: No, I just wanted to make a point there, the Elohim in Hebrew literally means “those that came from above”. Anna: Does it? Participant: yeah. That’s one of the translations. Anna: Right. Ok, so we are directly genetically related to the Elohim. There were also beings in Harmonic 2, from what we would consider the Orion-Vega Star Systems…they contributed genetic material. Also from the Andromeda, the Arcturian and many others. There many other systems we don’t even have names for to compare to what they have there. But we have many, many genetic contributors. But these are some of the main ones, and why they want us to understand that, they want us to understand that when we look up in the sky and when we see our stars and see our Pleiadian clusters and our, our Sirian planets there is a direct energetic relationship to the consciousness that exists on those planets in the 2nd Harmonic and our gene code. We are basically an extra-terrestrial gene code. And that is very amazing to many people cause we’re taught to believe that extra-terrestrials don’t exist, and when it comes down to that it’s saying we don’t exist because we are the extra-terrestrials. We just happen to be residing for the last many millions of years on planet Earth. It is important to understand our connection to the stars because it’s not just a hypothetical thing, it’s not just an astrology thing, it’s a literal thing that’s happening in our gene code. And a part of our genes in the little, tiny filaments that compose our genes vibrate in the same way that certain of those star clusters in our skies vibrate. There’s a direct energetic link and it helps us to create a sense of home when we realize that. We start to feel really connected to the Universe when you start to realize that part of your own self and you can feel it. It’s an intuitive thing, but you can feel it there once you start working with it. So these are some of the contributors to the Turaneusiam-1 gene code. Ok, and as I said before, they were created to embody the full Over Soul and we were supposed to hold the cellular memory records of 12-15 dimensions. So we were created to be an awesome Guardian Race. And that’s kind of nice. It’s a lot nicer to realize that than to think that, “Gee, we were apes and we grew up to this for some reason”, you know. There was a purpose to this, there is a purpose to our whole species. And we haven’t gotten rid of that purpose, whether or not we acknowledge where we came from that purpose still lives within our cells and it will still move us forward in time. And if we become more aware of that purpose we can make that moving through time toward what we were supposed to become happen more quickly. 60 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Ok, the Turaneusiam-1 Race evolved on planet Tara in the 2nd Harmonic for about 10 million years. And they had you know, ////- points where it was their heights and then they’d digress a little and then they’d come up again. And the final digression was when they blew part of the planet apart and ended up down here. Basically, the ones that were left on the planet Tara were migrated to other planets cause the planet was made uninhabitable. It went through pole reversal, it went through conditions energetically speaking that its climate, you could not live on a planet that had gone through what Tara had gone through at that time. So most of the Turaneusiam had been migrated into other 2nd Harmonic planets before the explosion took place cause they knew it was coming and they couldn’t stop it. The ones who stayed are the ones who ended up here. They’re the ones who basically became us, ok. Ok, it was about 550 million years ago I believe they said that Tara went though this implosion/ explosion, where…so 550 million years ago is really when the planets in our solar system entered this Harmonic Universe. Ok, after our planet had been let’s say ‘created’ here, or relocated here is more like it, after EarthTara…which we are still Tara but they delineate us now as “Earth”, being a part of what Tara was. After Earth had ended up here it was not possible to have life on the planet for quite a long time. It took time before even green things could grow or any of that. Firmament had to be built up. It takes a while for a planet to stabilize itself where it can sustain life after it goes through something like that. About 250 million years ago the planet became able to sustain life and it became a valuable piece of real estate to the beings in the Harmonic 2 Universe. There were large numbers of them…now, they had all cooperated on this Turaneusiam Experiment and many of them got…were very disgusted with the whole experiment because they saw how badly it turned out. There were certain races that did not want to see this experiment go again. They did not want this Race restarted because of all the trouble we caused in Harmonic 2. They said, you know, “It was a bad Race, the genetic strain didn’t work” and they just wanted the territory of Earth now for their own experiments for you know, creating other types of life forms. And there were others, the Sirians among them and the Elohim among the strongest supporters, that said, “No, we want this Race to be reseeded again. We’ll do it differently. We’ll make it happen more slowly, where not so much power is given so quickly. We’ll, we’ll guard the strains to make sure that this distortion in the genetic code doesn’t happen, but this Race should be able to grow again”. And there was a big division in our original genetic contributors. Some of them did not want to continue, others did. And there was a war that took place over planet Earth, whether or not this Race would be reseeded to give the consciousness, the Souls that had ended up down here from that implosion, a chance to re-evolve back into what they had been. If that chance was not given us, we would evolve as consciousness, but we would never become what we had started out being. We would be kind of lost in the fields of time to evolve into all sorts of different forms. And it’s like losing the mold that you were made from. It’s a sad path for a soul who had that level of cognition once, when you knew yourself as a Turaneusiam, to find yourself as a piece of rock on planet Earth and having no clue as to how to ever put your consciousness back together again into what you were, is a very sad predicament. And the saddest part is the people involved in, the souls involved in that wouldn’t even know it. They wouldn’t have the level of consciousness to understand what had happened to them. Because we were loved by many of our parents from Harmonic 2 Universe they fought a war and said, “We are going to reseed them here and we are going to give this species a chance to come back to what it was”, the ones who had fallen out of the species, cause some of the Turaneusiams evolved just fine on other planets in the 2nd Harmonic. We call them “extra-terrestrials” now, but they were actually us. But 61 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
the ones that ended up down here, we were loved enough to where we were given a 2nd chance. The Sirian Councils were primarily responsible for this, and they work also through the 1st Harmonic Sirian Star System. There are levels of activity taking place in the Sirius Star System. There are civilizations that exist there, but they’re cloaked. They’re…they’re in the 3 rd-dimension, or in the 1st Harmonic Universe with dimensions 1, 2, 3 but they’re off just a little bit, frequency wise, where we would have to know the frequency keys in order to go there and find them. But they are there. They’re even in our 1st Harmonic Universe. Some of them are Annunaki, which were Sirian strains…the Annunaki are a Sirian Root Race from the 2nd Harmonic Universe. The Annunaki were appointed as one group of overseers to watch this experiment once the Earth territory had been won. The Elohim were also another group of overseers who did the same. And all of them worked through the Lyran Councils of the Founders in d-7. They worked with them and under the guidance of them. The Pleiades, at certain points, did not want to continue this experiment. They abandoned us for a while. And they fought with the Sirians over letting us grow. And eventually the Pleiadians the Sirians came to an agreement where they decided, “ok you know, we’ll go for this. We’ll be supportive and we’ll help this species to re-evolve”. So the Pleiadians are now on our side, if you want to look at it that way. They are helping us to evolve. And at this point in time there are many other things happening with the Earth, which I’m not going to go into them. That’s a whole other class. But all of these parents that we came from, their species are still alive and well as we speak, in the 2nd Harmonic Universe. Many of them are sending representatives to communicate with us and to help us through the times that are coming cause we’re facing some interesting changes on a planetary level, and not just because of our own civilization. So…did you have a question? What? Participant: Since Tara exploded and formed our solar system and the assumption is Earth is just one piece of that explosion (Anna: “yes”), so are there beings on the other planets in similar situations? Are we congregated here on Earth? Anna: Ok, right now we’re congregated here on Earth. During other, in other space-time coordinates in the 1st Harmonic Universe, after that explosion took place and the solar system here was formed, at various times in various other planets in our solar system here there were life and civilization evolving. Some of them were Turaneusiam, but not in the pure sense strain. They weren’t reseeded. This is where they were reseeded, into the Earth, what we (Participant: “so”…) call “Earth”. Participant: So, so when the explosion happened, the stuff that became the solar system was barren, is what you’re saying, and then it was reseeded. Anna: Yeah, and it was reseeded here with a lot of different things, not just our Race, but there was a lot of different ones contributed different types of animal forms, plant forms, those kind of things. Most of them did come from the 2nd Harmonic Universe, where they would bring patterns in and reseed them down here to get, to create a version of them in the lower harmonic in order to bring life and more productivity to this area. But they had said in our solar system there was life on different planets, such as Mars, such as Venus, and Jupiter I believe they said, and definitely Nibiru. So there were cultures, but they weren’t our cultures. Some of them were Annunaki completely, like that didn’t have anything to do with the Turaneusiams. Some of them were other ones from the 1st Harmonic Universe because even in our Harmonic Universe, not in our solar system right now, but way out in our galaxy there are planets that do sustain life in various different forms, some of the biological.
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All right, but for tonight, what I’d like to keep focus on is basically where, how we got here, and where we came from. There’s a million questions that can be asked you know, with this stuff and the solar system. I’m going to try to stick to where I’m going with this so I get to the end, which gets to us, personally. Ok, so about 250 million years ago the Electric Wars, they call them, were fought. And the planet was again made a mess of for I believe they said several hundred thousand years passed before it could again sustain the experiment. But at least they won the territory. And they sat through waiting for the Earth to become hospitable again where it could sustain life. And the Sirian Confederation, basically, is what won those Electric Wars. They fought with various factions, one of them called the Drakon, which are from the Vega Star Systems. And they have d-3 versions of Drakon and they also have, well 1st Harmonic versions of Drakon and also 2nd Harmonic versions. So these wars did take place way before, you know, we were here. They won back the territory and then they seeded what’s called the T-2 Race, Turaneusiam-2; that’s us. Turaneusiam-2 were the 12 Tribes who are considered the 12 Tribes of the Human Race. About 2,500,000 years ago they were brought here and reseeded on the planet. They were created from the Turaneusiam-1 pure strain genetic code. They took that 12-strand DNA that the Turaneusiam-1’s from Harmonic 2 had. They broke it into 12 different pieces and then they polarized each to make 2-strands. It created 12 separate Tribes of beings, which all came out of one Primary Race, which were the Turaneusiam-1 from Harmonic 2 Universe. Ok, the 12-strands were separated and polarized. And the polarization is what gave us genderization. And this is where our ‘Adam’ and ‘Eve’ stories, what they’re really trying to explain to us in very metaphorical terms, was how we were created. I mean, we get this story of being created out of Adam’s rib and all of those things. What they were really cloaking in those stories was the fact that at one point we were not gender polarized. And “in the beginning” of life on our planet here, planet Earth, when our Turaneusiam-2 Race was seeded here, we…’Adam and Eve’ were thus created out of one, one Primary strand of DNA. So we have 12 Tribes, each with one strand of DNA, polarize the DNA and you have 2 genders operating through each of the 12 Tribes. Ok, the purpose of the 12 Tribes was to evolve over a long period of time in the 1st Harmonic Universe. To reassemble, slowly reassemble, through the gene pool and through the progression of races and evolution over very large expanses of time, we were supposed to grow back into the 12-strand proto-type that we had come out of. This was not going to happen quickly. This was going to be millions of years of evolution that we had to go through here before we could get to that point. We were kept under very close eye by the Elohim and we were messed with by the Annunaki. They decided, “You know, we’d rather use them as like kind of slave labor and that kind of thing”, so the Annunaki an the Elohim had a falling out. The Elohim tried to protect us, but they wouldn’t let us evolve too quickly because they didn’t want to create another mess like what, that was created in the 2 nd Harmonic Universe. So we were actually repressed in a lot of ways. They did something. Our gene code started to evolve and it started to evolve rapidly. We started to build a lot of those…put together a lot of the separated gene codes that were in the original 12-strand. And they took out, the Elohim, took our of our gene codes certain key elements that would allow other gene codes to plug in. They didn’t remove them completely, they took them out of the operating DNA strands and they put them into the, I believe, the nucleus of the cell. Our scientists call them “junk DNA”. They’re little particles of what resemble DNA and they just seem to be there. That’s our missing memory, it’s our missing DNA…it’s not “missing”, it’s just unplugged. The Elohim were the primary force that created this distortion. It’s a genetic mutation that was done to us on purpose to 63 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
make us evolve less quickly, because they were very, very concerned. They watched us again, in our race, since we were seeded on this planet, certain parts of us went into animal digression. We interbred with animals…some parts of us, and distorted the gene code again. So we were creating distortions in the gene code the Elohim did not want to see. That distortion, added to the acceleration and building back into the 12-strand is “god knows what it would create”. It would create some kind of very powerful possible monster. So they unplugged us in order to try to rebalance and purify the genetic strain. They didn’t do it in a real fair way though. They had certain “favorites” that had certain…certain of the Turaneusiam-2 Races of Tribes had more Lyran strain of the Turaneusiam gene codes in them. They favored the Lyrans because that, they were the Founders and the Elohim were very close to the Lyrans. So they weren’t really fair to a lot of the other 12 Tribes that didn’t contain, you know, that didn’t carry more of the Lyran strain. So a lot of…there’s information coming out now in our times through some communicated, not my channeled material or anything like that, but other people’s channeled material that the Elohim were actually a negative extra-terrestrial force. They were, but they weren’t. We would not still be alive today if they hadn’t been here, because they kept our gene code alive when we almost digressed this time through animal interbreeding to the point where we would have completely negated ourselves again. So they did keep us going, but they have repressed our evolution to some degree, out of the protection for the rest of the Universe, basically. And they are trying to help us now. They are willing to communicate, they are willing to help us understand the process, but they have a very strident set of spiritual rules before they will allow certain things to happen. And they are a force to contend with. People, a lot of times in our world, don’t realize these beings are real. They seem like mythological creatures from, you know, from our ancient history. Our ancient history sometimes knew more about what was taking place in our 2nd Harmonic Universe. They knew it existed and we don’t know that yet. So, the stories, sometimes it’s good to listen to some of the old stories about the Elohim and the other things, because they are real and they’re describing real extra-terrestrial Races from Harmonic 2 that are still influencing us today. 1:38:30 Ok, so basically we were put here to evolve over a long period of time. Through this process, all of the souls that fell, this was the “fall of man”, we fell from Tara down into this system, we would be able to evolve back up into the 2nd Harmonic Universe, back into our proverbial “heaven” where we had come from. This was done in a way where the 12 Tribes were broken into what’s called 7 Root Races, ok. These Root Races will not appear all at the same time on the planet. First, one would come and then the next one that had a higher genetic code would come and then the next one with a higher genetic code. And it would progress until the highest, the 7th would finally come, and that would have the ability to embody the full 12-strands of DNA, all right. There were 7 Root Races and there were 5 what they call Cloistered Races. The Cloistered Races, and they haven’t given me the names of all of these, only one. The Cloistered Races were special in that they were allowed to hold within their genetic code the whole pattern of what they call the Silicate Matrix, the 12strand DNA pattern. So at any time, when these 7 Root Races were evolving, there would be at least the presence of one Cloistered Race that would keep alive in their gene pool the full 12-strand DNA pattern. They were Guardians, the Cloistered Races were appointed as Guardians of the original proto-type. And they would appear within each phase of development. Some of…there are races today among us who carry the Silicate Matrix, ok. Now each of us carry some part of the Silicate Matrix cause the Silicate Matrix is basically the Turaneusiam-1 genetic strain. Each of us carry some part of it, but the ones who are of Cloistered families of genetic lines will carry more portions of it. Very few people on the planet right now carry all of it, but some are very close. 64 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Ok, the 7 Root Races, now these are names that several of the Guardian groups call them different things, which is not useful to me because it makes it more complicated. But they said that these names were used elsewhere so go ahead and use those rather than try to translate some of their more strange sounding names. They call the first Race the Polarians and the second Race the Hyperboreans. Both of these were not as physical as we are right now. They were more of like a ghost-like composition of matter. They were conscious and they lived as a race and they had their reality in the 1st Harmonic Universe, but they were not as fully physical as we are. The first fully physical race they call the Lumanians. And they said it’s not the “Lumarians”, it’s the Lumanians. They existed for a period of time here on the planet and they didn’t give me the dates. They’ve just given me this material so I don’t have a lot of the technical data on dates and where they were and all that. But these were the first ones to appear out of the reseeding of the Turaneusiam-1 Race, when the 12 Tribes were seeded. This was the first physical race to appear on this planet. And they evolved for many thousands of years I believe. The next Root Race were the Atlanians. Now, they call them these because on Tara there was a place, I believe it was called Lumia and Atlania, and that’s where these strains came out of. The first Root Race carried a stronger version of the genetic codes from the Lumia-Tara strain and then the Atlanians carried the Alania one. So there’s a connection to these Root Races and the races of Turaneusiam that had been on Tara. Ok, the fifth Root Race is called the Aryans. They didn’t tell me why it’s called that and it’s not the “Aryans” as Hitler described it. It has nothing to do with that. It is who we are now, all of us. I mean, you know, every race that’s on the planet now is part of the Aryan Root Race. And we represent the 5th stage in the processing of the 7 Root Races on the planet. We technically have 2 more to go as souls. Which means, most of us would experience reincarnation within the 6 th Root Race and then the 7th, in order to build into our consciousness the full 12-codes that would allow us to re-manifest ourselves within the 2nd Harmonic Universe. But, there are shortcuts, and that’s what we’re going to get into tonight. We don’t necessarily have to evolve…it would probably take, they said about 20,000 years to go through these other 2 Root Races as a species. It will take the species that long. There are things happening with the planet that may cut the experiment short, so they’re teaching us how to accelerate this process so we do get a chance to evolve back into what we once were; Turaneusiam. Ok, they call them the Meruvians. These are just beginning to come into being here. There are humans that are carrying what are calling the Meruvian codes within their gene structures. They will have a bit more easy access to what we call “psychic” abilities, to strange abilities that seem you know, super-human, compared to us. The souls that are able to hold that kind of gene code are just starting to come in. Some of them are being born now as babies and that kind of stuff. They…it will take many, many years for that to be the dominant race. Right now the Aryan Race is the dominant race. What they call the “Paradisians”…some people here call it the Paradisians, I’ve heard of it before, theirs were actually the Turaneusiams…that will be the 7th. When we finally get to the point where we evolve into the 7th Root Race gene code we will back to what we are, because the Cloistered Races who have kept within our gene pool the whole time the original pattern, once we have hit the 7th Root Race we’ll be able to plug in all of the genetic codes that are carried by the Cloisters. And we will transmute ourselves as a race over large expanses of time, back into the Turaneusiam-1 proto-type that we came out of. We don’t really have to worry about doing that right now as a race because it’s not going to happen for a very long time. But, there are things that can be done to accelerate the process for each one of us here, 65 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
and that’s what’s exciting about it. We are not as far removed from our DNA as we think we are. We have more control over what it does than we’re taught by science. Science doesn’t understand the Keylontic element to DNA, which was covered in the first 2 classes, a bit of that, where we got into the structures that DNA is composed of. All right, we can accelerate the process of our evolution by activating those dormant DNA codes that are stored in the cells nucleus. There are certain things we can do to begin this process. One of the first things we need to do in order to clear our present genetic strain, to be able to make this transmutation into the higher genetic strain, is we have to clear out the mutation that was done to us by the Elohim, and also a few others that were done to us by some other extra-terrestrial groups that just decided to mess with the species and see what they could do a long time ago. There are certain genetic distortions we carry right now that we need to get out of our way in order to begin plugging in the rest of our DNA. Ok, now I won’t kid you and say it’s an easy process, it’s just 1, 2, 3 you know…”here’s what DNA looks like and here’s what you need to do”. There is a lot of work that has to be done to get your mind to the point where it understands, first of all, what process it’s a part in. But…ok, let me see what I’m doing here for a minute. I want to make sure I didn’t lose anything (*checks her charts). Oh, I just want to throw this in here. There’s a little note that I made that really doesn’t apply to anything. In the bible they mention the Nephilim. They have, the Guardians have said these were actually giants, they were mutations created by the Annunaki, the Sirian Annunaki fathers that had mixed with the Atlanian and Aryan earth mothers. So these were actually a real Race of beings that walked here too. And there was a series of energy things that happened to the planet that created floods that did wipe them out. And the Elohim did it, because they created a Race of very intelligent beings that were making the human race totally subservient to them, and they got rid of them. So they were real. It was not just a little, you know, bible story there it was a real Race that was causing a problem with our Race. Ok, to begin the process of understanding what “plugging in DNA” is about and what “accelerating your evolution” is about you really cannot do this without discovering a part of yourself called your “Higher Self”, all right. No other person can give you the personal, intimate knowledge of your gene code. There’s nobody out here that can do that for you. You have to find that through the portion of yourself that’s called your Higher Self. Now a lot of people say, “Well great. I probably have one. What is it? Where does it live? Am I my “higher self”?” Sometimes we are. This little chart will hopefully give you some idea of the levels of personal identity and where the “higher self” is located in relation to the rest of us, ok. All right, right here I have a chart of the 15-dimensional scale. I just did it square this time, ok. We have the 1st Harmonic Universe here, dimensions 1, 2 and 3, 2nd Harmonic…and I just stacked ‘em easy so it would be easy to show in the diagram. They actually have that flip in there that I covered before, so I just stacked them 1, 2, 3, 4 all the way up through 15. So we have 1st Harmonic Universe, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. All right, here we are down in 1st Harmonic Universe. We have our sub-atomic and molecular component in the first dimensional frequency bands. They’re composed of the 1st dimensional frequency bands. Ok, we have our more complex elemental units that form our bodies, the water in our bodies, the molecules that compose our bodies, they are formed of energy patterns that are part of the d-2, 2nd dimensional frequency bands. Then, we have our mental awareness, which is actually a quantity of energy that’s attached to the other 2 quantities of energy that is focused within the frequency bands of the 3rd dimension, ok. 1:49:33
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Now, it’s a little hard to see because this isin’t really big enough, but each dimension is further broken down into 4 Primary frequency bands. So each one of these, 1, 2, 3 all the way up to 15, there are 4 Primary frequency bands in each one of those dimensions. There is an ultra-low frequency, a low frequency, a high frequency and an ultra-high frequency band. They’re bands of energy pulsation. Right now our consciousness is stationed within the mid-range, between the low and high frequency bands. We perceive within this perceptual field. We will perceive the Unified Field of things that exist within these frequency bands. We won’t see as physical matter anything that exists above. We can only see some…some of the physical matter we see is actually some of the frequency bands that are taking place down here (*Ash points to dimension 2, whereas she was in dimension 3 and its 4 primary further broken down frequency bands). When we look out around us we’re seeing part of this (*Ash points to dimension 2) and we’re seeing part of these frequency bands (*Ash points back up to dimension 3). When we look under a microscope we’re seeing this down here (*Ash points to dimension 1), ok. So right now, our consciousness is stationed here (*Ash points to dimension 3). That’s our waking “I Am Self” all right. Our Higher Self is not just…some people say our Higher Self is our Soul and all that, not really. Our Higher Self is a bridge between our Soul and our Conscious Identity. Our Higher Self is the part of our consciousness that as we speak, is stationed in the Ultra-high frequency bands of the 3rd dimension, and it creates a bridge between what’s called the Astral Level of awareness, which is the 4th dimensional aspect of our identity. For we have an aspect of our identity, a part of our energy pattern and our consciousness, exists within each one of these 15 dimensions. And the process of our personal evolution is the process of bringing more and more of these higher dimensional aspects of ourselves and our identity into our body and into focus in physicality. So our first step is learning to work with the Higher Self because the Higher Self will help you do a lot of things. All right, it holds a lot of information. It holds the information about your gene codes and it also has access to the information of the Soul Levels. If we look at the levels of personality…we covered this a little bit in the second class, but I’ll go over it real quick here. You can look at, in the first Harmonic you have what’s called the Incarnate, and that’s us- the part of us that’s composed of dimensions 1, 2 and 3. Now the Soul is a literal quantity of energy also. It’s the part of us that lived on Tara. It’s the part of us that is still focused, there’s still an energy imprint within the 2 nd Harmonic Universe, even though our bodies are no longer there. There’s still an energetic imprint of us left there. It’s called our Soul. The Soul resides within dimensions 4, 5 and 6. There’s 3 levels to it. In Harmonic 3, which is dimensions 7, 8 and 9, that would be the place where what we call the Over Soul is located. And these are all parts of our personal identity that each of us are connected to right now. In 4 th Harmonic Universe we would have what’s called the Avatar Level of our identity. After you get past the 7th dimensional aspect of identity you are dealing with energy identity. It is no longer able to be ‘housed’ in a biology in a matter-clad system. It’s pure energy consciousness. It would appear as a blazing sun if you were to be able to see it from here. So our Avatar Level of identity is in the 4th Harmonic Universe and what they call our Rishi Level of identity is in the 5th Harmonic Universe. What is interesting is after we get past the 7th level we are no longer singular identities. We become planetary logos, the planetary spirit, the identity of the planet, and then the galaxy. And eventually, we actually evolve as consciousness to know ourselves and our “I Am Presence” as being the entire 15-dimensional Matrix. We know ourselves as the Unified Field. And it’s at that stage that we’re ready to go home to God, because we start to realize that identity is one and many all at the same time. “I AM” is actually a plural concept when you get up into these dimensions.
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But for right now we’re just going to concentrate on the Higher Self, cause the Higher Self is the bridge from where we are focused right now on a waking level to all those other aspects of identity in the higher dimensions. And there are many ways…there’s many good programs out there besides ours, as far as how to work with the Higher Self. And I suggest everybody look into them, because they’re exciting. You know, work with them. You will find yourselves. But we have our own way of you know, presenting information and how to start getting used to the Higher Self. Now, when we begin to take steps to actively make conscious contact with the Higher Self, it does a couple of things to our energy systems. It activates certain chakras. It activates the 5th, the 11th, the 2nd and the 13th chakra. Now here’s a rundown of how the Guardians use the chakra layout. 5th chakra’s here, the 11th is here, the 2nd is here and the 13th is here in the center of the Earth. When we begin to use our minds in a way that we are directing energy to making an energetic conscious link with the Higher Self, it is activating those 4 chakras. When those 4 chakras activate in synchronization they begin the reverse-mutation process. So without having to understand all about our DNA and what part means what, if we begin to actively make a bridge where we learn to channel our Higher Selves consciously, where we can learn to dialogue with it, where we can learn to put ourself in that state and bring that state into our body, it will automatically activate these chakra centers. And that will automatically start dismantling the genetic stop (?) the Elohim put on us a long time ago, which will allow us once we remove that, once we activate these energy centers, it will naturally start rebuilding of the DNA process. So working with the Higher Self is much easier than trying to figure out your DNA and what parts belong to who and “how do I do this”. The Higher Self will tell you at your level of awareness what is right for you to do next with this process. It’s a part of your identity when you’re dealing with your Higher Self. I’ve actually, I can put myself in that state of consciousness sometimes. And it’s me, it’s not like channeling somebody different, it’s me but it’s me at a level of peace, awareness, perspective, cognition that boy I wish I had on a daily basis. I look forward to the point where I become my Higher Self and I can embody that, because you can do that. You can learn to work with your Higher Self until you integrate that level of your identity with your own identity here. When you get to that point it will change your sleeping patterns. You will find that you need less sleep. You will find that there’s less of a distance between your waking focus and your dreaming focus. You will find the ability to start doing conscious astral projection. It’ll come much easier. These are all the things that when you start working with your Higher Self that will happen. But the first stage in working with the Higher Self, and I think we’re going to take a little break before I finish it, cause there’s some exercises I would like to introduce. It is important to understand the concept of channeling, ok. And I’m not talking about channeling strange beings from outer space, ok. A lot of us like to do that, some of us don’t, but channeling is a very misunderstood concept in this world. It’s not about esoteric philosophies and strange beings that might hurt you. Channeling is the innate ability that we have as human beings to read energy signatures. Everything around us right now is composed of energy, energy units called PartikI, which we got into in the first class. Just knowing that all of this is energy, if you close your eyes and pretend you don’t see the shapes and the forms you’ll get a feel there that you can still feel it around you. You just feel the people and maybe not see the shapes, but feel it. You’re feeling the energy fields around you. When people channel, whether they’re channeling a plant, cause you can channel plants…don’t laugh at me (*as she laughs). Or if you’re channeling some great being from the stars, you’re doing the same thing. When you’re channeling you are bringing an energy signature into your energy signature and it is interacting with your energy signature and 68 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
it is translating through your neurological structure into language and image patterns that are familiar to your biology. You are taking energy transmissions and translating them into linear language and perception. That is what channeling is about. It’s nothing scary, it’s nothing “god forbids”; it’s nothing “bad”. A lot of people try to make it this big, bad thing. It can get you in trouble if you don’t know how to use it, because if you don’t know what energy you’re bringing into yourself, yes, you can cause yourself some trauma. And anyone that teaches channeling or reading of energy signatures will teach you how to protect your energy fields from doing that. It’s just awareness. It’s not that there’s big, bad things that are gonna get you, it’s being aware of your own energy fields and being responsible for what you will allow into them and what you will not. So when we get back into this I’m going to teach you a little bit…you’re probably going to think I’m very silly. I’m going to do a couple exercises with you that are geared toward just getting you used to, first of all, sensing subtle energy. Turning your mind into a direction we usually just don’t think about doing this, of sensing subtle energy patterns. We’re used to thinking about “I see this” and this means this. If we learn to use our thoughts in a different way we can learn to sense those energies that we can’t see. And as we learn to sense the energy of objects and things here, this will teach us the skills neurologically that we need to begin sensing the different levels of our Higher Self. We will learn to channel our Higher Self the more we learn to sense energy, the more we learn to translate energy through our bodies. So for now, I think we better go in before we get rained on. You can take a short break and then we can you know, continue with the exercises inside. There’s about…there’s 5 little exercises I’d like to do and then we’ll wrap it up for the evening. 1:52:50 1:59:51 Ok, and now that we’re back from break we are going to go into the last phase of the class here. I’m not going to run it too long because a lot of people seem to express being tired or that they want, you know, have to go places this evening. So I’m going to do a couple energy sensing exercises. These exercises are being brought to you in order to help you begin sensing subtle energy fields. Because, if your objective is to begin opening to your Higher Self and to that portion of yourself that we described before that was in the Ultra-high frequency bands of the 3rd dimension, you want to begin bringing that level of consciousness into your waking consciousness, you do need to be able to know what it means to sense subtle energy. Because at first, when you begin to bring that part of your awareness in, there are sensations in your body that will take place, but they will be very subtle. What you are doing is you are bringing more frequency energy into the body structure and into your neurological structure. So I want to begin with introducing you to the Higher Self by teaching you first what it feels like, what I’m talking about when I say “subtle energies”, and teaching you just a little bit of mental focusing that, with a little physical props…the crystals that we have each chosen…that will help you get the feel of what a “subtle energy” is. What we’re going to do in the first exercise is we have each selected 2 crystals. They’re all different types and every person chose one as they felt like they wanted to pick that particular set of crystals. We are going to first, in our exercise, first I would like you to get, to get comfortable but to sit with your spine as straight as possible. Because when your spine is straight, the energy current that’s called the Main Vertical Current, that runs directly through your body and up into the higher chakras and down into the Earth, it is much straighter so the energy moves more clearly. 69 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
When you are sensing subtle energies you are bringing energy in through your palms and you are bringing it up through your arms and into that Main Vertical Current, where it gets distributed through other parts of your body cells. And that’s where you will get a sense of the energy field that you are sensing. So when your Main Vertical Current is straight, when your back is straight that holds your Main Vertical Current straight, it will allow a smoother line of transmission for the energies coming through your palms from the items you’re holding, to move into your system for translation. So whenever you’re doing Higher Self work you can do it without adjusting your body posture, but it is very helpful to adjust your body posture to accommodate the most easy flow of energy. So, back straight…I sit with my legs crossed and some people don’t. Some people prefer to put their feet on the ground with the chakras in the feet right on ground. That may be a better method for some people. I’m just very uncomfortable in that position so I sit this way. So in our exercise, once we get our posture adjusted to a comfortable level of straightness, just take a few deep and relaxing breaths, just to clear ourselves a little. I’m going to start talking a little bit slower now, cause I’ve been talking pretty quickly through the rest of the presentation. Take a few breaths just to relax. Now, I would like you to begin by becoming aware of the crystal that you’re holding in your left hand. First, I’d like you to open your eyes and look at the crystal. Look at it up close. See its contours and its shape and its color. Just become familiar with it in visual terms. Once you’ve looked at it for a minute or two, then I would like you to close your hand around it, your left hand around it loosely, where you’re not squeezing it. Because when you squeeze it you’re /// some of the sensing of the energy. You will make it so your nerve endings are over-stimulated where they won’t pick up the more subtle impressions of the energy. And hold it loosely in your left hand. And now close your eyes and draw your attention to that hand and to the crystal it’s holding, and for a minute, hold the image in your mind of the crystal that you saw when you were looking at it visually. Breathe deeply. Now imagine a current of energy moving from the middle of your brain right behind your eyes, right around where your 6th chakra would be, stream of white light moving down through your Main Vertical Current that runs through the center of your body, down to the center of the breast area, then detouring over to the left and down the left arm, down into the left hand. Picture that line of white energy creating an energy field around the crystal that you are holding. Try to feel the reality of this energy image that you just created, for you did create an image in energy. You’ve created an energy signature that you have now wrapped around the energy signature of which the crystal is composed. Envision the white energy that you have created, that is now surrounding the crystal, envision this energy moving itself into the crystal, moving it through the crystal…every molecule in the crystal is becoming imbued with this white energy that you have created. See the white light moving through the crystal and inward until the crystal seems to be floating within the substance of the energy field you have created. You have now linked the energy field of your own Main Vertical Current with the energy signature of the crystal object. For a moment or two breathe in deeply. And when you inhale, imagine that you are pulling with you the entire energy signature of the crystal. You are taking the white light you had created and the crystal that is now contained within it. 70 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Visualize it moving up your arm, through your palm and up your arm as you inhale and bring it into the center of your body right around the breast area, in the area of the heart chakra. Visualize the crystal there in the center of the heart chakra. Now, from the crystal’s position within the heart chakra, push out the energy field that you have made and expand the pattern of the crystal’s energy through every cell in your body. You are sending the cells and the molecules and the DNA within the cells, an impression of the energy signature that you are trying to read. Now, relax your mind a bit and gently focus your awareness, not crisply, but very gently, as if you are looking at something out of the corner of your mental eye. Focus your energy toward the physical crystal that is in your hand. Try to feel the energy, the reality of its energy field. It is unique. Every item that you will ever pick up in your hand is unique from every other. It has its own very special energy signature. Feel the energy of the energy signature vibrating in your palm. Let it come to you. Become aware of the subtle energy feel (Field?) that sits in your hand with (through?) the object. Feel the weight of the object sitting upon your palm. Feel the texture of the object as it rests against your skin. Is it rough or smooth? Is it cool or warm? Become aware of the sensations. It may be necessary to slow your mind down a little to focus on “I will now notice temperature”. “I will now notice texture”. When you’re slowing your mind down and point it at observing specific qualities, you will get a more accurate reading of the energy signature that you are trying to understand. So for a moment now, be with the crystal that you hold in your left hand. Try to feel its reality as strongly as you can. Try to feel yourself as part of it, and it as part of you. It will become more real to you as you do so. We may not have time this evening to reach the level of awareness in which you would begin to feel the merging of your energy field and that of the crystal, for sometimes it takes time to train the mind to loosen itself and loosen its focus in this way. But for now, just become aware of the sensation of the crystal. You may feel heat radiating from it. Some of you may feel coolness radiating from it. It depends on the crystal that you hold. After you have been with the crystal for a moment, then switch your attention to the crystal that you hold in your right hand. When you are alone, if you should ever like to try this exercise, you can do the same version, where you send the line of white light down to surround it and then bring the energy signature into your body. But for now, just the intent to do so will be a shortcut that we can use. We will focus on just the feel of the crystal in your right hand. Feel its weight, feel its texture, feel its temperature, feel if there is a fuzziness of energy that you might feel around it, for most crystals do emanate such a fuzziness of feel. 71 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Be with the crystal in your right hand for a moment. Once you have a feeling for the sense of the energy in the crystal in your right hand, then I would like you to bring both hands together in front of the solar plexus area with both crystals there. Just below the breast level where the 3rd chakra would be. Breathe in a time or two just to relax. Breathe the energy of the crystals in…into your 3 rd chakra. Now rest your hands comfortably wherever is comfortable for you, but preferably with the crystals close together. Try to feel the difference now, between the energy signatures of the crystal in your left hand and of that in your right hand, for there will be a distinct difference. But it may take you a bit of time to be able to detect that difference. First you may notice weight…one feels heavier than the other. Then you may notice temperature…one is warmer or cooler than the other. What I would like you to focus your attention on identifying, after you’ve identified temperature and weight, is the sense of energy movement. There will be a slight tingling…it may be ever so slight if you are not used to this and sensitized to this, but there will be an ever so slight tingling in the palms of the hands where the crystals sit. Try to become aware and identify which crystal has a faster moving rate of pulsation or vibration, the fuzziness feels like it is moving a little faster than the other. For one will be faster than the other. No two crystals have the same movement rate of their energy fields. If you can identify which crystal has the faster moving field of energy around it, you have taught the neurological structure and the nerve endings in the palm of the hands a new trick. You have taught them to become sensitized to vibrational movement. You will be able to tell which crystal has a higher vibrational pattern once you can sense the rate of movement. You, once you learn to do this with crystals, and crystals are very good because they carry a very strong energy signature with them, so they are very good teachers in that other objects you may hold may not radiate a field strong enough for you to sense when you are just beginning. But if you can learn to differentiate between the rate of vibration of a very subtle energy movement that is radiating from each of the crystal objects, you can also apply this to many other things. You can, once your palms have been sensitized to identifying energy signatures in this way, you can hold 2 food items in a grocery store…you can hold 2 tomatoes with the exact same visual appearance and you can find out which one has more life force energy within it. Because you’re palms will be able to feel the fuzziness and which fuzziness moves faster than the other. This lesson applies to the Higher Self. For once you begin to distinguish the very simple differences between the vibrational speed of energy signatures, you can first learn to identify the basic feeling of the vibrational speed of your consciousness as you know it on a day to day basis. And you will be able to identify when the energies from your Higher Self begin to enter your system, for they will feel to…around the areas of the head and the shoulders, and sometimes in the brain itself, they will feel just like the faster moving field from the crystal that vibrated just a little faster. You will feel a slight difference, a slight tingling. 72 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
If you do not become sensitized to noticing these very subtle differences first, you may find that when you start working with “I want to open to my Higher Self and bring my Higher Self in”, your Higher Self will respond and it will begin sending more energy to you. But if you’re not used to sensing the energy signatures, you may interpret this as fatigue or stress, or jittery-ness. You’ll feel this energy bouncing around. It may make you feel a bit confused or unfocused. You won’t realize that it is in response to your request to work with the Higher Self. So if you become aware of the differences between energy fields and their movement, even on a subtle level, you will begin to be able to notice when you feel that extra influx of energy coming in around the shoulders, around the head, around sometimes even the solar plexus, when the Higher Self is responding to your request for more communication. Eventually, with energy sensing techniques such as this, you will learn to translate the energy signatures you are getting into linear language and images. You will be able to take each of the crystals and hear them talk, for you will take that energy signature and run it through your neurological structure and your neurological structure will put on the language patterns and patterns of imagery that makes sense to your conscious mind. That’s how we will learn to channel a crystal, that’s how you can learn to channel a plant, another person, a guide from another Universe. And that’s also how you learn to channel your Higher Self. It’s all about energy signatures. So for now we’ll bring us back to focusing out here in the outer world and let you just talk for a moment to see if anybody had any experiences with the feelings of the crystals. Did people notice the differences? (Participant: “I did.”) Ok, how many people noticed the difference in the feelings of the crystals, between the 2 of them? Participant: There was a change in the heat of…a warm kind of feel…more warm on the left side than on the right. There’s still a little bit more like a little distraction though, from so many things going on during the experience you know. Probably this, we could try to learn this on an every day basis and follow you know, the technique in a quiet environment. Ashayana: Oh, it is much better to do it that way. I wanted to bring some of these exercises to you so that you would have a game to take home with you, that if you want to develop the sensitivity in your palms first of all, which is very good in people interested in healing. If you want to begin to learn to teach yourself…I can’t teach you but you can teach yourself…how to sense these energies…I can tell you ways to learn how to do it, but I can’t do it for you or make it happen, but you can. This is one of the ways you can begin. And once you begin working with crystals, if you take them home and play with them, or get your own and play with them, you will find that after you feel the differences and you start to feel the uniqueness, you’ll start to feel the fuzziness of the energy fields, you’ll start to feel the vibration, they will take you further. You may start getting spontaneous ideas, words, phrases, images. They may start to come to you, and you may not at first realize the crystal is communicating things to you as you are reading the crystal’s energy. It is giving you information. A lot of…when I first encountered crystals I didn’t know this could be done- I didn’t know they could talk. Well they can. Anything with an energy signature has something to say. And whether or not we can hear it depends on whether we can translate that energy signature through our neurological structure, through a pattern that makes sense to us. 73 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
And I happen to be very naturally…um, I won’t say “good” at it…it just kind of happened with me. So I picked up my first crystal once and it literally spoke to me. And it said, “You know we talk, don’t you?” And it was like, “I must be losing my mind”, you know. “I just heard a crystal talk. Crystals don’t talk”. And it said, “Yes we do,” you know. And I understand now it was my consciousness and my Higher Self moving itself through the energy pattern of the crystal, and bringing some of the reality of the crystal’s consciousness into words that I would understand. The crystals, which we don’t realize usually, are aware of us just like we’re aware of them. In a different way, but they perceive energy signatures too; everything does. The plants are aware of us, we’re aware of them. Most of us don’t think about, “Yeah, they know we’re here too”, ya know. They’re sensing us while we’re sensing them. There are many, many wonderful things that you can learn and that things like crystals will help you to learn when you’re working with your Higher Self. If you get yourself a crystal at home, that you feel comfortable with, and you start saying, “Ok crystal, let’s get to know each other”, and try some of these techniques. Try to feel the energy and the reality. If we remember that all units of energy that compose both biological beings and also inanimate objects are composed of PartikI Units. And PartikI Units are units of consciousness of the substance of the Yunasai. They are units of consciousness of God. They are conscious too. It’s consciousness interacting with consciousness. We begin to look at inanimate objects like a crystal much differently. They have a story to tell, they have information to give to us. And some of them are programmed from the ones in the 2nd Harmonic. They’ve left many crystals here. So, this is just one exercise that if you know, if you feel inclined to do so at home, get some crystals come to know them in energy terms. Come to feel them and work with them, and they will teach you. Ask your Higher Self to show you how to work with the crystals. Become sensitized to the crystals in order to become more sensitized to your Higher Self, and it will become a growing process that will happen naturally for you…it will open intuitively with you. And I just wanted to this one tonight so you get the sense, the difference in energy fields, cause they really are there. If you can get, when you’re using 2 crystals, if you can get to the point where you can really feel that fuzziness in your hands and really feel that, “Hey, this fuzziness is different than this fuzziness”, you’re learning something; you’re really sensitizing. And you can take that further and further and further, to where you don’t need a crystal in your hand. You can go over to a plant and a group of plants and go like this, and you can feel which ones vibrate higher…you can feel cold spots and hot spots, which ones need something, which ones are doing fine where the energy’s being stored. Once you sensitize you can learn to do many things out here and you can also learn to differentiate, when you feel energy moving into your system from your Higher Self, you can notice it’s there and you can also tell the difference between what is your Higher Self and what is something else possibly trying to communicate with you. And that’s very important, because as you open yourself to wanting to integrate your Soul, you have to move your consciousness into the realms of the 4th dimension. There are many things in the 4th dimension, just as there are many things in this dimension. Some of those things you don’t wanna deal with. You learn to sense energy, you can learn to feel when something is pushing in on your energy fields you don’t like. And you can learn to build energy in the form of light in your own auric field that will block out energies you don’t like. And as you open to channel your Higher Self, and then later you can channel many other things and communicate with the Universe, basically, you need to learn these protective devices. Energy sensing is the absolute first lesson that needs to be learned because you will need to 74 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
know how to feel the difference between energy signatures out here, but also especially when you begin working inwardly. You need to know if it’s a sub-personality you’re talking to, because we all have ‘em. They come out of our cellular memory. They may be Incarnational, they may be us when we were 4, that something got stuck and there’s still a pattern left there, and you learn to tell the difference. “Am I talking to my Higher Self, a sub-personality, or is this a communication from some being that’s not exactly ‘me’?” And it’s all in energy sensing. So this is just one exercise you can use to begin the process. There are many good schools of thought out there that will help you learn those processes, but I would just stress that becoming aware of the need to learn that is one of the most important things you could do for yourselves, in your own spiritual growthlearn to sense energy. I don’t know if everybody’s tired now. Some people look a little chilly. Is it getting too chilly out here? Yeah? There’s a couple other things we could do, but we’ve kinda gone pretty long tonight. So, are we…Ok, we can do some of the other ones at another time. There’s a bunch of exercises we could do. But this is a good one for now. I think we’ve run long enough…did we? Ok…I’d just like to wrap it… Participant: Do you have another one? Ashayana: I probably have about 6 different ones, but I think for now…I’m just sensing the group energy and it’s kind of like it’s stretching out now and yawning. So you know, not the people, but the energy. You have a question? Participant: Was Azara here tonight? Ashayana: Yeah. (Participant- “thank you”.) She always comes in on the meditations. Participant: Thank you. Another Participant: Is there anything she’d like to say to us tonight? Ashayana: No, we’re not going to do that tonight. She’s just observing tonight and she handles the meditations. We have an agreement that when Azara comes through and helps me with the classes, her job is to just run the meditations off the top of my head (chuckles). So I don’t know what the meditations are going to be, I just participate as the student and she kind of runs them through me. And I get to do it with you, which is kind of nice. So we’re not going to do any you know, channeling sessions, or anything like that. So I hope that the class was helpful to everybody and informational. I would like to put more together on working with the Higher Self cause there’s a lot of different techniques that can be learned that will help you. One of the things that I…she’d like to assign for homework actually, for people who are really interested in starting this process, it’s a form of creating writing. It’s called “Stream of Consciousness” writing. If you go into this type of exercise…get a journal out…get a notebook and a pen and some quiet time and say, “Ok, I have a Higher Self huh? Let me talk to my Higher Self here. Ok Higher Self, I’m hailing you. I would like to talk with you. Will you talk with me?” And at first you’ll find a whole bunch of thoughts coming up, like “this is silly”. “I’m talking to myself and expecting an answer, oh boy!” You’ll have to move through that point where your ego self is saying like, 75 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
“this is silly”, you know. We’re not conditioned to believe in this Higher Self to begin with. Get that out of the way a little and then let the stream of consciousness start to move through you. Ask your Higher Self a question on anything. It doesn’t matter what it is, but a serious one, that you don’t have the answer to. And say…write it down. And then say, “Ok Higher Self, what do you think about this?” If you play this game with yourself for a while, it may be instant or it may take a little while, but you’ll start to find a vein of answer coming even though it’s not your main channel of focus. You’ll be like, “Oh cool. I didn’t know I knew that, you know. Where’d that come from?” You will begin to process another channel. That’s why they call it “channeling”. It’s like having a radio or a TV, where you’re switched on the one station, but we can operate like those TVs that have the little boxes where you can watch several different channels at once. Our brains can do this. We can learn to bring in some of those other channels. Creative Writing is a very good way to do it, where you ask questions of the Higher Self and just spontaneously let whatever comes to mind flow through the pen. Bless you (someone sneezed). And don’t be surprised if in some of you, you feel a shutter run down through your arm and the pen want to go by itself. Let it go. Nothing’s taking over your body. It’s not possession. It’s your Higher Self energy coming through and tapping into the neurological structure, ok. When you’re working with your Higher Self with that intent you will be protected. There is a veil of protection that goes with this. You haven’t bridged the gap into the 4th dimension yet so you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble or running into astral problems while you’re working with just the Higher Self. It’s only when you start expanding into the Incarnational memory and the Soul memory that you have to cross that bridge. The Higher Self will get you across that bridge, so feel safe working with it; trust it; let it come out and play. And sometimes you’ll find sub-personalities, you know, me at 4, or me at 6 you know. Or, maybe Incarnational personalities will start to flow some information through, but if you can use this homework you know, the Creative Writing process, you might be amazed at what comes through and how much information you have- questions you never thought you had answers to. You may find the answers to, and even more, and it’s a wonderful interior guidance tool once you can access that level of verbal translation either in writing…for me the writing came first. It was much easier for it to come through me and into writing than through me and into like, speaking or even like telepathically listening to, you know, my Higher Self or other beings that communicate through my Higher Self. So it’s the beginning of the process and I thought you might like to try it. So I guess we’re done for the evening. Thank you all very much for coming; goodnight. Participants: Thank you. 2:29:49
Class 4 Participant: It’s so quiet tonight. The last time we filmed there was so much noise. The traffic was going up and down. It’s real quiet today. Cameraman: Ok, all set. Anna: I guess we’re ready. Participant: I see you don’t have to use your /// tonight. Anna: No, no I limited myself… 76 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Participant: ////. Anna: I guess I can present this in some kind of intelligent format here, because it’s a tremendous amount of information. And to analyze it in 3-days and get it summarized is a little bit much, so I’ll do my best with it. And I hope I can get the meaning across here and…uh oh. People aren’t seated yet. Can we wait ‘til they’re seated? Cameraman: Sure. Participant: Kyle (to child), remember what I said? Anna: Ok, well thank you all for coming this evening. This evening I would like to present some information to you that is very, very new. It was given to me about 3-days ago and in order for me to convey to you the importance of the message that was given to me, I need to take you through some history on certain things that have appeared now and then in our mythological stories and things that have emerged within our history that nobody really knew if they were real or not, or what they represented. I was given information recently that made sense of a lot of things for me, and I’m hoping that by the end of this presentation I can get that meaning across to at least in a small way, so you can understand the significance of the information that has been given. Ok, in the last class we got into a little bit about the very early history of our lineage and that “no, we didn’t come out of apes”, that we had started our evolution on a planet called Tara about 560 million years ago, and Tara was located in something called Harmonic Universe 2. So we’ll pick up from there in this class and then through the course of our discussion tonight, I will bring you up to the present time and some information that was given to me that directly affects what is happening on our planet right now. Ok, just for a very quick recap, this is a very quick diagram of a 15-dimensional Matrix. All right, we have dimensions 1-3, 4-5…4, 5 and 6 actually, 7, 8 and 9, 10-12 and 13-15. All right, the only thing we need to know for this discussion this evening is that each group of 3-dimensions creates something called a Harmonic Universe. And reality fields take place within the Harmonic Universe. Now, right now, our Earth is positioned in what is called Harmonic Universe 1. It’s composed of the frequency patterns of dimensions 1, 2 and 3. When we speak of our origins as beginning on Tara all those many years ago, we’re talking about Harmonic Universe 2, which is the reality field that takes place in dimensions 4, 5 and 6. It’s a higher vibrating universe that what we are in right now. What we’re going to get into tonight is what our relationship is to that planet Tara that’s in the 2nd Harmonic Universe, and how our planet Earth ended up down here in the first place. For we need to understand those things if we are going to understand the significance of certain other material. The material this will lead into tonight is called something- the Secrets of Amenti. The Secrets of Amenti go way back to our history through the Egyptian period, but even further back than that. And many people at different times were aware of something called the Halls of Amenti. Very few people knew what they were or what they represented, they just knew they were very secret and were guarded within the metaphysical traditions of many philosophies, but nobody knew what they were or why they were important. 2:34:15
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2:34:16 (DVD 2) In understanding our relationship between Tara and Earth, we’ll be able to begin to understand what the Halls of Amenti represent. And in order to understand the significance of the information I was just given it’s going to be important to know what Amenti represents. Now I will let the cat out of the bag in the beginning of the discussion, and then I will lead you back through a trail of “why” this is important and what it means to us today. I was told several days ago that something called the “Arc of the Covenant” had sparked. And I said, “What is that? And what does that mean?” Because my communicator seemed very, very excited about this, and it meant nothing to me on a conscious level, so I asked them to explain it to me and then they did. They put a whole new chapter in my book and explained to me things that some ancient part of me knew, but I didn’t know. So we’re dealing with a reality today of something called the Arc of the Covenant, whatever that is, having sparked, whatever that means. By the end of this discussion, we should be able to understand what that means and the significance it will have to us, today. We’ll do a real quick run on history here. We covered a little bit of this before in the last class, but I’ll just start there and work our way up. But, 560 million years ago on the planet Tara in the 2 nd Harmonic Universe, a Race called the Turaneusiams were seeded by a large group of inter-galactic beings from the Harmonic 2 Universe and also from the higher Harmonic Universes; there are 5. The beings that are in Harmonic Universes 3 and up are not in physical form anymore, they’re evolved consciousness that are in pure energy form. So these beings from the higher Harmonic Universes motivated some of the beings within Harmonic Universe 2 who do have some form of physicality, to create an experiment together in which a new Race strain could be created. This race strain was very special because it was intended to be able to hold the whole energy pattern of an Over Soul, not just a Soul. So the Turaneusiam strain were created to be Guardians of the planet Tara and they were created, biologically speaking, in a way that would allow them to hold much more energy than most other races could. So all these other races contributed their genetic imprint to the Turaneusiam strain. Ok, they evolved for quite a while on Tara. They were originally seeded, and this is right into our mythology here, our Christian story, they were seeded into a place, it was a continent that was called E-Den, E slash D-e-n, so it was not Edon it was Eden. That was the name of a continent that was on Tara at this time. So the Race was seeded in there and that’s where our stories of the “Garden of Eden” come from, that’s the garden they were referring to, it was on Tara. All right, now the Taran Races for about 8 million years doing quite well. There were 12 sub-races within the racial strain and they all carried the 12-strand DNA package. They were ‘gods’ compared to us. They didn’t reproduce like we do, they reproduced by fission, or budding, where they could just replicate by combining energy fields. It was an awesome type of existence to be a Turaneusiam. They didn’t die, they didn’t have to, if their consciousness became bored with being in a body they would simply de-manifest it and leave. Ok, about 8 million years after they had evolved into very, very sophisticated cultures on Tara, there were interactions from other stellar groups from Harmonic Universe 2. They would visit and they had an open community just like we have a lot of cities where lots of people pass through. Well, lots of inter-galactic communities would pass through Tara at that time. By 8 million years ago they started to digress because their gene codes got mixed with the gene codes of some of the other star people that they weren’t originally intended to blend with, and because of the digress that occurred, certain…uh oh (something 78 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
fell)…certain separations occurred between, not only within the genetic code, but also between the belief systems of the people. And 2 Primary groups began to faction out of the Turaneusiams. One were called the Alanians and the other were called the Lumians. And they both co-existed on the continent of E-Den, creating a culture called Alania and Lumia. The Alanians became, because of their more exaggerated inter-mixing with stellar groups, became much more aggressive than the Lumians, and they began to dominate the Lumians and make it very uncomfortable for them to be there. They also began to use technologies that were drawing energy from the core of Tara and using it in ways that was not in harmony with planetary physics. The Lumians were aware of this and they knew it, and they knew something bad was going to come out of it, but the Alanians wouldn’t listen and they didn’t, you know, they just wanted to dominate the Lumian culture and that was it. Ok, because there was so much tension being created on Tara between these 2 groups the Lumians asked something called the Sirian Council, which was from the star system Sirius…there is a star system Sirius in Harmonic Universe 2 just like we have star system Sirius. It’s like its twin reflection in the higher dimensional field. The Sirian Councils had been one of the original overseers of the Turaneusiam Experiment because they had contributed a lot of genetic make up to our experiment, so we are related to the Sirian cultures through our original gene codes. They asked the Sirian Councils to help them with this problem that they were having with the Alanianswhat could they do about this? And the Council intervened and got involved with a group called the Elohim, which appear in our biblical stories. The Elohim were actually a group that were from Harmonic Universe 3, a higher Harmonic Universe. They were not physical. They were not even as physical as the Turaneusiams, and they had been created by Lyran groups, that were Founders of a lot of the civilizations down here. So the Sirian Council and the Elohim got involved with the Lumanians that were, the Lumians that were having a problem with the Alanians on the continent of E-Den. What came out of that was something called the Covenant of Palaidor and the formation of a group called the Palaidorians. The Palaidorians started out as the Sirian Council giving permission and assistance to the Lumian people so they could move most of their Race to a smaller continent that existed on Tara at that time, but it was not in a highly civilized state of being. There were beings on it but they weren’t highly civilized. So through the Sirian Council and the Elohim, the Lumians were given a way to get away from the Alanians and evolve on their own. They moved most of their people across the seas and they took them to this new continent, and they named that continent Mu. And that’s where our legends of “Mu” come from. They were not from Earth they were from Tara, all right. There were other series of events that paralleled the Atlantian (Alanian- sounds like a “t” in there) and Lumarian dramas that did occur on Earth, but Mu was on Tara and that was that level of that part of our history- it came from Tara. Ok, so for quite a while the Lumians evolved on Mu. They created something called the Council of Mu and set up their own governmental structures and all that kind of thing. They also set up something called the Priesthood of Mu, which was…priests were male or female, they didn’t make a gender distinction, but they were very focused on adhering to and teaching of the Sacred Law of One, which is Unity Consciousness, the understanding that we all come from the same Source and that we’re all related and have to work in harmony. 2:42:28 So these things were set up and they evolved for quite a while, but there was a problem with some of the strains. Just like a lot of the Alanians had mixed with the inter-stellar groups, so did the Lumians. So they didn’t have a pure 12-strand DNA code anymore, and it was continuing to digress. So the Elohim and 79 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
some other groups got involved and they interbred with them and they created a race called the Seres. The Seres basically purified the Lumian genetic code so that race could continue to evolve rather than digress. At certain point in the evolution of the people on Mu, there were things called the Sirian Rebellion broke out. And this broke out in Alania. The Alanians were run by something called the Templar Solar Initiates. They were a group of spiritual and political beings that were appointed and originally by the Sirian Council to run things in Alania. Well, they decided to side with Sirian-Annunaki groups, which were a seed Sirian Race and the Sirian-Annunaki were rebelling against the Sirian Council, and they were trying to take over their own Sirius planetary system. The Templar Solar Initiates from Alania got involved with this and decided they would rebel against the Sirian Council too, and they would use power any way they wanted to. So the Sirian Rebellion broke out and great hostilities broke out between the people of Mu and the people of Alania, because the Templar Solar Initiates wanted to take Mu and put it under their dominion. So there was a lot of, there was many years of, I think it was about 40 or 50 thousand years worth of this constant battle and pull between these 2 Races. Finally at one point, the Lumians were able to see, and the Seres, were able to see that there was going to be a catastrophe that happened in the future because of the way the Alanians were using power from the Earth Core. And they tried, and made petitions to try to convince them to stop this, they tried to get the Sirian Council involved to stop it, but nobody could stop them. They were going to do what they wanted to anyway. Knowing this was going to occur, knowing that there was going to be a major explosion in the planetary grid that would very possibly wipe out all of them, they had to form another plan of what they could do. So the Lumians and the Seres and the Elohim and the Sirian Council and a number of other ET Races that were sympathetic to this cause, including the Pleiadians from Harmonic Universe 2, got involved in something called the Covenant of Palaidor. This was a rescue mission designed before a rescue needed to be. They knew the event was going to occur so they devised, before the event occurred on Tara, they devised a plan by which the souls that were lost, the people who were killed in this explosion of the grid, whose vibrational rate would fall and their soul essence would fragment into pieces all over the place down into Harmonic Universe 1. They knew this would happen and they knew they would have to be able to bring those souls back up or they would be stuck in Harmonic Universe 1 from now until eternity. So that was part of the reason that they formed the Covenant of Palaidor, was to allow those souls that got trapped in time in the first Harmonic Universe following the explosion on Tara, to evolve. But there was also another reason for the formation of it, and it gets into the physics of planetary grid structures. If you have a planet that is say in Harmonic 2 and part of that grid blows off, what that means is part of the Morphogenetic Field, the form-holding pattern for that planet, has been ripped away. In the case of Tara, the parts of the Morphogenetic Field that got ripped away, ended up in Harmonic 1 Universe. Once they merged there, they separated into 12 different pieces and began to pull energy to them. It’s a process called “accretion”. And they formed planetary bodies- they formed their own little solar system down in Harmonic 1 Universe. But that left Tara without a portion of its Morphogenetic Field. Now I won’t get too much into the structure of how the Harmonic Universes relate to each other, but basically, upon entering the 15-dimensional Matrix what is created at the same time will be a Morphogenetic Field for whole planetary systems in the higher dimensions. And the from dimension 7 down, in the 3 Harmonic Universes, you will have 1 version of the planet in the 3 rd Harmonic Universe, 80 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
another version of it in the 2nd Harmonic Universe and another in the 1st Harmonic Universe. So there’s an evolutionary process that takes place here as planets ascend- it’s dimensional ascension. At what it means is pulling in frequency into the grid pattern. And a grid pattern is made of Keylons, which we talked about before. So anyway, when Tara did finally explode 550 million years ago, and part of it was blown off, part of its Morph Field was lost, it could not evolve. It was stuck in the tracks of time within Harmonic Universe 2, until the time when it could reassemble those parts of its grid. It had to pull back in the portions of the Morphogenetic Field that had been lost in the explosion or it would be stuck in time and it would just not evolve. There are many planets this has happened to, where they’re literally stuck. They’re called non-ascension planets, where they just stay there and eventually, I think eventually, they implode. I’m not really sure about the physics on that but there’s a process here. An ascension planet is a planet that still has its original energy connection to its Morphogenetic Field in the higher dimensions, which allows it to be able to ascend. So Tara was an ascension planet until the explosion happened. When the grid exploded and the energies ended up down in Harmonic Universe 1, this plan of rescue, not just for the people, but for the fragments of the Morphogenetic Field of Tara, had to be set in motion if any of them were going to be able to evolve. The Tarans needed us to evolve in order for them to evolve. So it was a very, very sacred covenant. It was assisted by beings from the highest levels, including the ones like up in dimension 15. There are entity beings up there…they assisted…a group called the Breneau assisted in this process. Also a group from the Galactic Core, which is about as high as you can go before you return to Source; it’s out of the dimensionalized system. A group called the Ra Confederacy also helped to set up this plan. So the rescue plan was made and that was titled the Covenant of Palaidor. Palaidorians were the beings involved with fulfilling this rescue mission and this contract. Ok, now part of the process of the Covenant of Palaidor required the seeding, or the re-seeding, of the Morphogenetic Field for the Turaneusiam Race back onto Earth. So after the explosion occurred, they did a number of things that will be discussed in the book that are really too sophisticated for me to get into right now. I don’t think I could off the top of my head. But it basically broke down into several stages of evolution. We started out coming here as a group of Palaidorians. But we did not come here as Palaidorians in body, we came here in energy essence. The Palaidorians did something very interesting with the help of the ones from Meta-galactic Core. They were able to transmute the cellular codes in their body, turn themselves into a field of light and then merge their energy together. And by doing that, they created a Morphogenetic Field that was composed of all their consciousness. This Morphogenetic Field became known as something called the Sphere of Amenti. And what it did was hold the whole imprint for the evolution of the Turaneusiam Race. What had to be done with the Sphere of Amenti was it had to be placed down into the Earth grid in the 2 nd dimension in Earth and attached to the Morphogenetic Field piece that got ripped off from Tara when it blew. Cause each of our planets ended up with a piece of that Morph Field, this new Morph Field, Sphere of Amenti, had to be put into the Earth Core. And that would allow the souls who were part of that sphere to begin manifesting themselves into the lower Harmonic Universe 1. They were doing this as a favor to the souls who got blown apart in the implosion. What they would do was they would literally grow them bodies that they could attach to, so they didn’t have to be lost in the Elemental Kingdoms from now until kingdom come. So with the Palaidorians forming the Sphere of Amenti and then beginning to birth themselves onto planet Earth, they allowed for the soul 81 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
fragments of the others to accrete or pull into their body pattern and merge consciousness and evolve. They allowed them to re-evolve. So that was the plan. There were a number of stages to it and it was a great plan if there wasn’t a lot of things that happened in the meantime to hang up the plan, where it had to be re-done over and over and over again. Stage 1 began on Earth about 250 million years ago and it went up to 25 million years ago. I forgot a “5” there. Ok, the first phase in this was 5 Cloistered Races were formed, all right. The Morphogenetic Field that was composed of the Palaidorians broke into 5 pieces. And out of those 5 pieces the energetic pattern, the imprint in energy was formed for 5 different races. They were like smaller parts of what the Palaidorian Turaneusiam-1 imprint was. So they broke them down into what they called 5 Cloistered Races. The Cloistered Races carried among all of them together, the whole 12-strand DNA package. So by evolving through each of those, souls could be pulled in and evolve into the Cloistered Races and then ascend. By assembling through a couple Incarnations they could ascend their DNA package and return back to Tara. And this was the first step in the plan. And what was interesting was because of the way that Universal physics works, which I can’t go into now cause I probably couldn’t explain it, they needed to be seeded not on Earth first, they needed to be seeded on Earth’s anti-particle double. So the first stage of the Race re-evolution plan were 5 Cloistered Races representing 1 of each of the different skin colors that became our skin colors here, were seeded on Parallel Earth. And they evolved there for a very long time. They evolved there between 250 million and 25 million years ago. That’s a very long time to evolve. And they did well and many souls ascended through being there. The next stage in the plan started around 25 million years ago and took place between 25 and 20 million years ago. The first 2, what they call Root Races were seeded. And they were seeded on the 7thdimensional version of our planet, which was Gaia. They were, they were more Etheric in nature. They didn’t have physicality like we do. They were kind of like a ‘ghost’, if you wanted to…if we looked at them they would look like ghosts, but they were highly evolved. And they did something very special for us. Each one of the first 2 Root Races was responsible for bringing into the Morphogenetic Field one half of the patterns, or the frequency patterns, for the 1st-dimension, which was the 1st Harmonic Universe way down there. They grounded the Morphogenetic Field into matter in the 1st Harmonic Universe. So through their evolution, the 1st-strand of DNA was put together and added into the Morphogenetic Field, whereby the next strand could be built by the next group of races. Ok, and there is a very strong correlation between DNA strands and dimensions that I may get into this time or not, but it will be in the book. You know, it’s kind of complicated to try to explain it. Ok, so the 2 Etheric Races evolved on Gaia. Ok, the next stage, stage 3, began about 25 million years ago, around the same time that this was (*2 Etheric Races on Gaia). It was something called the Halls of Amenti. And this was a very closely guarded secret for many, many years, especially in ancient Egyptian times, because they knew what it was. Ok along with the Halls of Amenti, there was something called the Staff of Amenti. Now, I will try to explain what the Halls of Amenti are. If we’ll remember, we call the Sphere of Amenti, that was the name we gave to the Morphogenetic pattern that was set by the Palaidorians and put into the Earth Core, which gave Consciousness from the Palaidorians the ability to manifest through the Earth Core and into manifestation on the Earth planet. Well, not only did the Sphere of Amenti set the pattern for the Races, it also created a connection between our planetary core in d-2, second dimension and the planetary core in Tara, d-5. Within the Sphere of Amenti, the next phase of the seeding of the Races involved opening the Sphere and creating a portal bridge between d-2 and d-5 and opening it. That would allow passage between the Earth Core and the pre-cataclysmic timeframe in Tara, the time before it blew up. Because this is when this whole experiment 82 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
started, they did it before it blew. So they had a time coordinate link up between the Earth’s Core and that past of the Taran Time Cycle. This became important later because it was a way to link Tara’s past to Tara’s future and link back the time cycle, to put it back together. All right now, the Halls of Amenti didn’t involve just one portal structure, that was the first one to be set. Then there were one…there was one portal structure set for each dimension of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. So in the Halls of Amenti, the “Halls” represented 6 portals all together. The 6 portals, one of, the main one was the one that connected Earth Core to pre-cataclysmic Tara. Then the other 5 connected into each dimension, which meant…now dimensions work like timeframes, ok. If you are in d-2, that means you’re in a specific space-time location within the Time Matrix, so what the Halls of Amenti did was create a time portal structure between each of the different various times in dimensions 2 up through 6. Where those portals could open into the main portal, beings could evolve back and forth through them, and it would eventually link the past and present, I mean the past and future of Tara so the Time Cycle could be restored. And through this process, the Earth grid would be able to merge back into Tara. And all of the planets in our solar system are also attached to this whole process, ok. So the main thing with the Halls of Amenti were they were the literal portals that beings needed to pass through. Once they got here the souls had to pass through the Halls of Amenti to get out of here. If you were a person who wanted to ascend back to God, you had to go through the Halls of Amenti. There was no other way to leave the 1st Harmonic Universe. So the Halls of Amenti were very important because they held our promise of ascension not only to what we used to be as Turaneusiams, but beyond that. If we couldn’t evolve back to our original Morph Field, we couldn’t evolve beyond it. So the Halls of Amenti were set. Then there was something that was called the Staff of Amenti that was created. The Staff of Amenti was a portion of the whole Morphogenetic Field that was stored in Tara. Now, a planet stores its Morph Field in its Core, ok. Tara had what was remaining from its Morph Field in d-5. Because of some of the pole reversals and some of the very intense things that happened after the explosion there, Tara could no longer hold the energy field of its Morph Field inside of itself. It would have imploded. It had to be removed. And the Elohim and the much higher Councils became involved in this. And they literally took a piece of Tara’s Morph Field, they took the whole thing out, broke it into 12 pieces and put 1 piece of each of that Morph Field into the Morphogenetic Fields at the Cores of all of the planets, the 12 planets down here. So they linked the ones that blew up back into that one by putting the original Morph Field back into the smaller pieces. And eventually they would all evolve back up together into Tara. Meanwhile, Tara draws energy from them, or it wouldn’t be able to hold its form, ok. So the Staff of Amenti is something that’s called a Blue Flame. It represents the frequency patterns of our portion of Tara’s Morphogenetic Field. It is our connection to the …….end of DVD 2. 3:00:19
The Amenti Series-1 Classes N.J. – 1998 DVD 3 So the Staff of Amenti is something that’s called a Blue Flame. It represents the frequency patterns of our portion of Tara’s Morphogenetic Field. It is our connection to the divine and to Tara. And each one of the planets here has been entrusted with one of these pieces, one of these flames. They call it a Blue Flame because if you could see it, which you can at certain times, particularly at d-4 level of perception. It 83 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
looks like a standing wave pattern and it’s about that high…very small, little thing, but very powerful. It’s d-5 frequency, 5th-dimensional frequencies in just a wave pattern that slowly moves back and forth. If it’s activated sometimes it moves fast, but it’s an extremely intense energy field. And that became known as the Staff of Amenti. It became known as the Staff of Amenti because at certain points much, much later in the evolution of our cultures down here, certain of the Elohim and other groups taught the Egyptian cultures and a couple other ones how to literally bring energy out of that Blue Flame and put in an object here to make a power object. And the energy of the Blue Flame was attached to something called the “Staff” in Egypt, ok. In the bible it was referred to as the “rod and the staff”. Well this was the staff out of the “rod and the staff”. The rod actually held the flame Morphogenetic pattern from d-2, Earth’s part of it. So between the 2 of them they made a very powerful force. When the evolving races were taught how to embody those things within a gold object, and it had to be “gold”, that was the only element that could hold it, that could hold that kind of energy. They had the power to open certain portals. They also had the power to open the portals to the “underworld”, which was not a good thing. I won’t get too much into what happened with all that because a lot of things happened in the Egypt period where they were opening portals that they shouldn’t have, and they almost blew the whole Palaidorian Project. But, most important thing to know is that the Halls of Amenti represent a time warp portal system that create wormholes that go between various points of time in our Earth, into various points in time in post and pre-cataclysmic Tara. And it’s through those- they are the Ascension Chambers. That is how Souls, whether they live in a body that can live forever here, if they ever want to get out of here they have to pass through these because we are part of the Morphogenetic Field of the planet. Every being on the planet is part of that. We have to move through that Morphogenetic Field in order to get any place else out of this field of reality. And then it’s important to know that the Staff of Amenti was a very, very sacred object that was a Blue Flame of great, great power. And it held knowledge, not just power, because energy is conscious. And that means it has consciousness like we do. We…it has the ability, not to think in terms like we do, it has the ability to know, to cognate. So when you move…there are ways you can move your own mental energy field into this Blue Flame once you know it exists and know what it is. You can draw energy from it, but you can draw information from it as well, because it’s full of information. Our whole species history is contained in there as well as Tara’s history, all right. So these 2 objects are important because of the current events that are taking place now on the planet. I’m going to skip over some of this. I’m just trying to get you a basic idea of what was happening and why it’s important. Ok, stage 5 of the Rescue Mission of, you know, rescuing the Souls from Harmonic Universe 1 mission took place between 25 million years ago and about 5 and a 1/2 million years ago. This was called the First Seeding, and it referred to the physical races, the races who had built up enough matter density where when they manifested they would become physical. All right, about 18 million years ago, the 5 Cloistered Races were seeded on this Earth. Remember before they were seeded on the Parallel Earth to begin downloading the DNA pattern into the Morph Field. Well, 18 million years ago they were all seeded here out of the Morph Field. And again, they were seeded through a process called Budding, which is fission replication of energy. Ok, after the 5 Cloistered Races here…now the Cloistered Races carried the strands of DNA that corresponded with dimensions 7-12, ok, they were considered the “ascension strands”. We had a 12-strand DNA package here, and I might as well plug this in now (Chuckles)…”plug it in”. Ok, yeah.
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Each strand of the 12-strand DNA corresponded to one of the dimensional fields, and the Human Body was originally designed to hold 12 dimensional fields, which means we wouldn’t be locked into matter at all. We’d have bodies that didn’t die, we could move our consciousness wherever we wanted to. So there’s a correlation between our strands and what’s coded in our DNA and the dimensional fields that we’re talking about. The DNA is literally composed of minute frequency patterns of each level of those dimensions. And one of each strand corresponded to each one of those 12 dimensions in our imprint. There were 3-dimensions, because remember, we have 15-dimensions, 3 that weren’t in our genetic code at all, that the body just could not hold. All right, so just understanding that will help to understand the relationship now between something called the Cloistered Races and the Root Races, ok. When the first seeding took place it was going to be orchestrated in this way: first, the 5 Cloistered Races would come. The 5 Cloistered Races would also later appear with something called a Root Race. The Root Race would carry within its base DNA pattern, the patternings for one of the strands of DNA. And through moving through that Race, that particular Race…and later it became “Incarnation”, but it wasn’t at first. We just ascended. Our body…we could live for a thousand years until we pulled in all the frequency patterns of the dimension that corresponded to the DNA strand that our Race was working on. We’d pull that all in…it’s called “Assemblying the DNA Strand”…once the full strand was assembled, it allowed the physical being and the consciousness to plug into the Morphogenetic Field of its Cloister, which held strands 7-12. Which, once they plugged in, it would allow the strand that you had just built to merge with its double from the Parallel Universe- the particle and anti-particle. And, it would create a burst of energy within the Morphogenetic Field that would plug you into strand 7-12 and move you from Harmonic Universe 1 into Harmonic Universe 2. It would speed up the pulsation rate of your particles, turn part of them back into the Morph Field, de-densify the body into the next level of, less density than here. So there’s a process involved here with DNA and pulling in frequency from the dimensions. And each of the 5 Root Races that were created after the first 2…the first 2 created the base strand-1. They took care of d-1 for us, ok. We still had dimensions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 before we’d have the full dimensional frequency patterns that represent Harmonic Universe 2. So each of the Root Races were assigned 1 strand of DNA. The 3rd Root Race was working on building DNA strand 2. The 4th Root Race was working on strand 3. The 5th Root Race, which is us, was working on strand 4. And the 6th was working on 5 and the 7th was working on 6. So there’s a whole process here, about evolving through the Root Races to build one particular strand of DNA. Originally, the plan was once that was done in one Incarnation, you’d be able to plug into the Cloister, start to move that part of the Morph Field through you, and that would transmute you outa here. But, they altered our genetic codes along the way for various different reasons and we can’t do that anymore. And that’s where “death” was born, when we could, the Soul could not longer pull into the one genetic code all of the frequencies it needed to ascend out of here. So the Races began, the First Seeding to be entered. First, 18 million years ago the 5 Cloistered Races, the ones who carried strands 7-12, as well as the strand of their Root Race…so, each Root Race came in with a Cloister Race, and the Root Race had just the one strand to build. The Cloistered Race had the one strand that would plug into the Root Race and then it had strands 7-12. So, there’s a process of plugging them in here by moving and pulling the patterns into your body from the Morph Field, that later became our Incarnational Pattern. About 15 million years ago the 3rd Root Race came into being and they were the Lumians. They were descendants of course, of the Taran Lumians. And about 9 million years ago, the Alanians came in, and they were working on strands 2 and 3- those 2. Now, the Cloistered Race that went with the Lumians were 85 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
called the Ur-anthrians. And there’s some books here about Urantra that are referring to these Cloistered Races. And they talk about other planets and moving to another planet…they’re talking about moving back to Tara, all right. In Root Race 4, the Alanians had a Cloister called the Breneau. Ok, at least now we’ve established a basic pattern of how DNA was related to the Root Races and how a Root Race would have a Cloister Race to go with it. And the Cloister Race was very special because it held its ascension gene codes, all right. All right, about 5,509,000 years ago…(Participant: “geez”) Yeah, a long time ago ok, something happened called the Electric Wars. Ok, there were some of the Annunaki, the Sirian ones that were rebelling against the Sirian Council from Harmonic Universe 2, got involved with a group of entities that didn’t like the idea of the Turaneusiam Experiment. They, there was a lot of beings that held a grudge against the Turaneusiams for what they did, for blowing Tara apart like that…why do we want them back…you know. It’s like, they did that once, forget it…leave them; gone, you know. Well, the Elohim and the Palaidorians of course, were on our side. They wanted the Turaneusiam strain to be able to evolve again and they wanted the pieces of Tara to be able to come back again. So there was a war fought called the Electric Wars that didn’t just involve beings perhaps in space ships, this was bigger than that. These were wars that were fought between the Beings of Harmonic 3 and up. They were Electric Wars, they were called that, because they were literally Electrical Entities that came down and were throwing energy all over the place. They almost blew the planet up doing it. So you’re talking like Entity Wars here. And the Entity Wars were done over whether or not the Covenant of Palaidor would be allowed to be fulfilled. And fortunately, because some of the very higher ups got involved the Earth territory and the Palaidorian Contract was upheld. And the Annunaki lost. But, something happened during this time. You have a lot of Entities coming down into Harmonic 1 and throwing energy all over a planet, it’s definitely going to affect the planet, ok. It created some major, major problems in the planetary grid that they didn’t know of immediately. It took them a while to figure out that the grid had been damaged very badly and the portal system on Earth had been damaged very badly. They started to notice that the Halls of Amenti, the portals were not working properly. They were not stable and they were like throwing you into other timeframes and stuff, so something was wrong. What basically had happened where there were rips made in the energetic bodies of the planet that allowed chaotic energies to just, you know, spew all over the place. And, the grid speed began to drop because, just like your finger, if you let your finger bleed long enough all your blood will come out, you know. Well, if you leave a piece of the grid blown apart long enough all the energy’s going to leak out and its vibrational rate is gonna drop. That is what happened. And the Earth’s speed dropped to the point where it could no longer hold within its core, the Sphere of Amenti, just like the problem that had happened on Tara…it couldn’t hold the Morph Field anymore or it would have imploded, the Morph would have pulled it right back in. So, they had to take the Sphere of Amenti out of the Earth Core. And they called this the “Seal of Amenti”, because what happened when this occurred was the Halls of Amenti were sealed. And because there is a total connection, energetically speaking, between the Morphogenetic Field of the planetary core and every piece of DNA that walks around on the planet, because certain things were taken out of the Sphere of Amenti, certain codes were taken out to be able to remove it, certain things would not manifest in the DNA anymore. So we couldn’t plug in the strands as our Root Races were supposed to, and it started creating this real genetic problem that resulted in us not being able to stay in one body, pull in all the frequencies and ascend. All of a sudden, we could only pull in so many frequencies and then the body couldn’t hold anymore in the genetic code. So this is when “reincarnation” came into being, where we would have to drop the body and then move into another one that vibrated a little bit higher, through the Morph Field and back in. So 86 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
because of the damage done during the Electric Wars, this problem was created that became our major problem. And it became a genetic problem because it was run through the Morphogenetic Field at the center of the planet. And, what also happened, is when you take a Morphogenetic Field out of a planetary grid, you’re taking part of its memory bank. That’s part of its cellular memory. So the beings that would come into Earth after the Sphere had been removed, they’d still have to pass through it…and it was placed some place else. It was put in storage in another system. They would have to pass through it, but once they got here the veils would come down. They wouldn’t remember where they came from, they wouldn’t remember their connection to the Earth, to each other, or to anything else except their present moment time. They lost their history. And during the Electric Wars, most of the beings were killed or they were migrated to other planets in this Harmonic Universe. This is where we got a lot of ET gene codes mixed up with our gene codes, because they literally let us go onto their planets before, you know, cause we wouldn’t have lived through the Electric Wars. But, ok…gonna reorganize here where I’m going. Ok, so anyway, during this period of time, 5,508,100 years ago, the Seal of Amenti came into being. And the Sphere of Amenti was removed, taken out of our planet, and the portions of our gene code that were connected to that sphere, certain portions of them were taken out, which gave us the type of consciousness that we have now. Ok, right after that, they said it was only about 40 years after the Sphere of Amenti was taken out there was a slight pole reversal. Not a full one, but a slight one, and it created a very quick freeze. There was an Ice Age-type thing that happened very, very quickly about 5,504,000 years ago. The Sphere of Amenti was taken out, and like I said, I’m just doing an overview here. If you want the full story you’re going to have to like read it in the book cause it’s hard to put this much history into a presentation, especially only 3days after you learned it (Laughs). Ok, now there’s something else that occurred that was called the Seal of Palaidor. At a certain point in time, and I won’t get into “why” it happened, but at a certain point in time the Sphere of Amenti was not only removed from the planet core and kept in d-3, it was taken into the 4th-dimension and put in a storage area for certain reasons that had to do with other ET tamperings and trying to destroy the Sphere. When that happened, the Sphere acquired what they call “a 4th-dimensional Seal”, which meant beings that didn’t have the frequency codes of d-4 within their DNA would not be able to go back into the Morphogenetic Field, they would be stuck within the lower dimensions that they resonated with. And because of the thing that already happened with the Seal of Amenti, they couldn’t plug in the 4 th-dimensional codes. So what this resulted in was when a being would die, it would come into an Incarnation from the Morph Field, it would come down, it would come into the Incarnation and live its Incarnation, body’d start to deteriorate, it would leave where normally it would go back to the Morphogenetic Field; it couldn’t do that. Part of it fragmented into d-2 Earth Core and became part of the Elemental Kingdom and another part of it, because it had already passed through d-4 from where the Sphere was to get down here, another part of it had a little bit of the codes but they didn’t plug into each other, so it formed an “Astral Self” in d-4 and an “Elemental Self”, a lower element of the human nature. So our souls got trapped in here. We could no longer put ourselves together and get out of here. There became a huge build up of Soul essences within 4th-dimensional astral planes and a huge build up within the d-2 elemental kingdoms. And this was something that was not intended to happen with our species, but it was all because DNA got unplugged and it got unplugged because things were done to the Morphogenetic Fields that were in the Sphere of Amenti.
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So, there came a time when we had to be re-seeded on the planet. The Root Races had to be re-seeded again after the Electric Wars and everything they had to, you know, be re-put back here. Re-put back? That’s not even a word…not exactly a word (Laughs). Ok, the re-seeding the Second Seeding began about 3,700,000 years ago to about 848,000 years ago. And they managed to get Root Races 3-5 on the planet at that point, and there was a lot of hope put in for Root Race 5, because they were responsible for assembling strand 4. They already had the base codes for the 4th-dimensional frequencies in their gene codes. If they could assemble all of the d-4 gene code, they would be able to release the Seal of Palaidor and at least allow the Souls to go back into the Morph Field. They still couldn’t ascend all the way up to Tara, because of the Amenti Seal, but at least they could make it back into the Morph Field where they weren’t fragmenting into the Elemental Kingdom and into the Astral Plane. So a lot of hope was put in the 5th, which is the Aryan, Root Race, and that’s what we’re a part of. But we weren’t a part of the Second Seeding. Course, couldn’t go that easy, right? Uh oh, losing paper work here. After the Second Seeding, about a million years ago, we had some extra-terrestrial infiltration by a group called the Drakon. And they came in and they messed with the gene codes again, and they created hybrids, and the hybrids were called Drakos. And the Drakos are actually messing with us again, right now, and are working with the Zeta, and they’re messing with us again. The Drakos were half human, half Drakon and the Drakon look like dragons, but they were intelligent and they walked upright, and they were from the Orion Star System. So they came in and messed up our gene codes again and there was a lot of hope again, put in on this 5th Root Race. If it could evolve its strand, it could release that Seal of Palaidor and let everybody return to the Morph. But thanks to these guys, we didn’t get to do that. They messed the gene code up totally, again. The Elohim had to come in and unplug more of the gene codes, because if the beings, the people, the humans had, had the distortions from the Drakon genes, if they were allowed to stay connected to the Morph Field, they would contaminate the whole Morph Field and the whole Race would pick up the codes from the Drakon. And they had a very violent streak to their temperament and were not compatible with human codes. So the Elohim came in and they literally unplugged a bunch of our DNA strands, leaving only what we needed to survive so we would have as little effect as possible on the Morphogenetic Field. And that created a really, a very limited type of consciousness, the kind that we have now, unfortunately. Ok, now there was…the big hope was to get the Sphere of Amenti to be able to be plugged back into the Earth Core and to get the digression out of the races enough to where they could be allowed to be plugged back into the Sphere. So this was the whole game plan here and it was a game plan that took millions of years, basically. Ok about 900,000 years ago the Earth grid vibrated high enough to where the Elohim could return the Sphere. And they decided that they wanted to, so they did. And right after that, they had a lot of resistance again, from the Annunaki and also from a race of hybrids the Annunaki created here by messing with our women, called the Nephilim. They…there ended up wars again. They call them the Thousand Year Wars, cause they lasted for about 1,200 years. Between the Elohim, the Sirian Council and the Pleiadians and the sympathizers on that side versus the Annunaki and the Nephilim and several other groups they…the Thousand Year Wars were also sometimes called the Lucifer Rebellion, which you might see in some of the Pleiadian material- they talk about that. So then, you know, this other problem happened. They had to, again, remove the Sphere and put it in a safe place, because the negative forces were trying to destroy it. They wanted to just destroy the Sphere of Amenti, then nobody down here could evolve and “too bad, we’ll use them for our own purposes” and that would be that. That was what the Annunaki had been trying to do to us all along, all right.
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So the Elohim and the Sirian Council, along with the Ra Confederacy from the Galactic Core, they moved the Sphere into a secret place in the Andromeda Galaxy. And right after they removed it, every time they took the Sphere out, major things happened on the planet. Ok, another huge flood came. This was our biblical flood, this was where all that, you know, the stories come from the bible flood. There was actually 3 floods kind of squished into 1 story with the bible flood. This was another one and it occurred because they had to take the Sphere of Amenti out of the Earth Core. Now, it was put in our galaxy, in the Andromeda, well, in the Andromeda Galaxy, but in our 3-dimensional Universe, but it had a d-5 Seal put on it. Which, is a certain frequency code that means, that meant energy could not enter it that didn’t have a vibrational rate of d-5 in its energy field, all right. So it was very offlimits to most humans down here and their Soul essences because they couldn’t get that kind of vibration with the genetic code that we’re working with. So they were all, you know, we were in quarantine at that point. It was a genetic quarantine and done, and orchestrated through our Morphogenetic Field, where we couldn’t return to our Morph Field, we couldn’t evolve, we were stuck in cycles of birth and death, constantly. And there was no way to get out of it; we were trapped here. Ok, that’s when something called the “Arc of the Covenant” came into being. And finally, we get to find out what in the world that was, because we’ve heard a lot of stories about it you know. No body really knew what its purpose was. They knew it housed power, they knew that power could be used for different things, but nobody knew where that power came from or what it was. Ok, the Arc of the Covenant was not referring to a boat and it wasn’t even referring to a box, it was referring to a portal that was created between the Andromeda Galaxy, where the Sphere of Amenti was placed, and certain portions of Earth. Now, it went through the Earth Core, but there were also certain portals on the Earth’s structure that would lead into that where you could access it. It allowed certain beings, certain humans, that could have managed to pull in enough of the gene codes, the ones that had more of the pure strain left, cause some of them had really digressed, some of them still had a little bit of the original coding left. It would allow them a chance, eventually, to move back up into the Arc and ascend back into the Morphogenetic Field. And ok, there was a plan to the Arc of the Covenant. If you can picture the Arc of the Covenant as being like a big wormhole or a tunnel that led between Earth and Andromeda Galaxy where the Sphere was, there was a Seal put in the middle of that tunnel that resonated to d-5. It would allow energy to come in from the Morph Field and Incarnate, but unless you could resonate to d-5 again, then you couldn’t go past that Seal; you’re stuck down here. So there was a plan. It would take some time to orchestrate, but the plan was, once the Earth grid started to vibrate high enough by enough of the Souls being brought down the Morph Field and stuck here, I mean eventually, you’re taking energy from one place and moving it to another place. This place is going to have less energy and this place is going to have more. So the more energy you add here, the higher the grid would start, was going to vibrate. Eventually, at a certain point, the grid here would vibrate high enough to hit that d-5 security seal. And what it happened, when the grid speed hit that level, it would send a spark of Blue Light up into the seal, up through the passage, the Arc of the Covenant, and it would hit the Seal and it would open it. And when that happened…I want to get this process right here so I don’t ////. After the Earth sent its spark up into the Arc and opened it, then another spark of energy would be sent back down to the Earth, which would begin to download the Morphogenetic Field into the Planetary Core. So it would put the Sphere back. Then after the Sphere was added back into the Planetary Core, that would again raise the frequency of the Planetary Core, it would send another spark back up through the Arc of the Covenant, and it would spark it the 2nd time. And on the 2nd Spark, the Blue Flame would be entered back into the Planetary Core in the Sphere of Amenti. 89 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
And the Sphere of Amenti would open and the Halls of Amenti would open, which means the portals between here and Tara would open, ok. It would mean that beings here, not all of them, but some of the, at certain points in the time cycles it’s involved in, would literally have the ability if they had, if they could transmute their genetic code, to walk through these portals and end up on planet Tara. They wouldn’t be stuck here anymore. Beings who didn’t have a genetic code high enough to do it while they were in a body, they could drop the body, die, move into the Morph Field, and do it from there, and they could at least move into Incarnation Cycles or “birth cycles” in the Taran environment, which is done through Budding. You don’t have to pick parents and go through baby bodies and all that stuff up there like you do here. So, it was a very exciting thing, the hoping for the Arc to get sparked and the energy fields to open between them, first the Morphogenetic Sphere of Amenti would be put back in and then send the spark back up, and the next would be the Blue Flame and the portals would open. This is why it’s important. It doesn’t matter what faith you’re a part of, it doesn’t matter what your spirituality is, even if you absolutely have none. You wouldn’t be here, in a human body, if you didn’t have a Morphogenetic Field, ok, it’s a form-holding energy field. The Morph Fields are the key to understanding what our evolution is about. We need to pass through them in order to expand them and go beyond them, or we just become finite creatures. What it means to have the Arc sparked and to have the Sphere of Amenti brought back to us, and then activated with the Staff of Amenti, the Blue Flame, it gives us the chance to transmute our body cells into light and to teleport onto Tara. And those of us who can’t do that will have the conscious choice whether they’ll stay in their body or not, and stay in this time continuum. Or if they don’t wanna stay in this time continuum, they can make the conscious choice of dropping their bodies…and I’m not talking about “killing” your body…you don’t have to kill it, you just decide to communicate with your Soul Level Identity and say, “I’m ready to go. I would like to leave, you know, just let me know when.” You leave it up to your Soul- you don’t take that into your own hands. But, when it’s time for your body to be left here, your consciousness can go through those portals, and you can re-manifest in a new body form on Tara. Tara is the “heaven” that we have heard about in so many of our legends. It’s the second world, the higher world. It’s not the “last step” in the passage home to our Source or to Creator, there’s several other Harmonic Universes you have to go through first to get there, but it’s the next stop for us. I’ve had experiences that in the beginning I didn’t know what they were. I would be taken by the Guardians, physically, into these light fields…I’d feel myself go- poof- and I knew I was turning into light, I could feel it. And the I’d be re-manifested on the other side, walking around on what looked like some other planet. And they would never tell me where I was. I was like, you know, “where am I, you know…is this Saturn, you know, I don’t know where I am”. And they finally explained to me that certain of the passages were beginning to open, because the Sphere of Amenti had been put back here in 1989. it hadn’t been activated yet. The first spark had happened and the Arc of the Covenant opened, it downloaded the Sphere, but the grid hasn’t adjusted enough yet, or hadn’t, to send that 2 nd spark back up to where the Flame could come back down. That’s what’s happening now, the 2nd spark, on the 26th of June, I believe they said at 3:46 pm…(Laughs) they even gave the exact time, the spark was sent up and the 2 nd Seal on the Arc of the Covenant was opened. And the Morphogenetic Field of Tara is beginning to enter back into Earth’s Core. When that process is completed, the portals will be available to those who can pass through them. And that’s what we’re being trained now, is to understand the ascension process. And it’s not some, you know, lofty 90 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
spiritual term, it’s a very scientific, energetic process that we’re involved in here, and it just so happens to “save our Souls” while we’re at it (Chuckles). So it’s very significant, yeah. What has happened, on June 26th, we have been waiting for not only 800,000 years for this to happen, since the Covenant was set up, we’ve been waiting for about 5 and a 1/2 million years we’ve been waiting, for the chance to be able to ascend into Harmonic Universe 2. Some of us haven’t been waiting here in physical bodies…they’ve been stuck in the Astral Plane and waiting. Some of them have been stuck in the Elemental Kingdom in d-2, waiting…it has been a very long wait. I wish I could convey the excitement that I feel about knowing this. I know it may sound very strange to a lot of you, and it’s a little difficult for me to try to explain it to you, because there’s so much technical stuff that I have to keep going back to the notes and, you know, I’m still trying to learn what, you know, what the energy dynamics are here, to where you can understand this is a science that is taking place here, or it’s not just lofty and makes no sense. It makes perfect sense. It’s what we’re a part of. We have an opportunity before us that is awesome. And that’s why so much help has been coming, through Guardian groups, through all sorts of spiritual groups; they’re all trying to prepare the people of this planet for what’s happening. But, very few groups have been given the information of exactly what is happening. For some reason, this group has been chosen for that, and we are to release the information, which is going to be done in the Voyagers Book. But, this is like celebration time on the Soul Levels. I hope, I hope I’m able to convey what, you know, how important this is. Does anybody get it? Do you feel it? Cause I’m at a loss for words at this point to try to explain it so I’m just kind of like pushing energy at you, so you can just get the feel of it. This is an ancient thing we’ve been waiting for, and we’ve Incarnated over and over and over here in these cycles, because we had no other choice. Finally we have that choice. So, if you want, we can take maybe a 5 minute break and I’ll take questions at the end, and maybe more will come out of that, because I’m basically at the end of what I know how to teach right now. Not bad for 3 days, you know. I got taught 3 days before and I went, “What am I teaching?” you know. Participant: Well you certainly just load it right out of there (“Yes”- another participant). Anna: I figured if I kept talking long enough I wouldn’t forget what I was trying to say and I keep going, so… Participant: I can’t imagine that you got that information and are able to flow with it like that, in 3 days. Another Participant: That was June 26th? Anna: That’s when they said that it sparked. Participant: Look at her, she’s not even //// Another Participant: So, that spark opened up the Seal, yes? Anna: That spark is sending the Staff back in, activating the Staff. That will not occur…now I do have the dates here on this…ok, it takes a bit of time once that Seal is sparked for the 2 nd time, for the Blue Flame to get put back in. It actually has to get put back in. It needs an escort. There’s going to be a Soul on the planet that moves into the Andromeda Galaxy through its Astral Body, pulls the Flame into its Astral Body and then moves down through the Arc of the Covenant and puts it back in the Sphere of Amenti. There are certain Souls who are trained in this. They are called Keepers of the Flame. And they Incarnate in 91 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
different periods of time, when things like this are going to have to be done. And, so there are Souls involved in this process that are going to be doing it. All right, what we can basically expect here, they said between December of 2010 and October of 2011, the Flame will be returned to the Sphere of Amenti in the center of the Earth’s Core. Which means, that’s when the portals will start to open between here and Tara. So, if any of us are interested in pursuing the path of Ascension and getting out of here, we have until these times to learn what that means and learn what we need to do with our cellular codes in our bodies, in order to be able to pass through those portals. Or at least know, that even if we can’t get our bodies to go, we can take our consciousness once we die. So, you know, I’m not preaching, “Oh, let’s die and go through the portals”…no, no, no (Chuckles). You know, death is something you let your Soul deal with; when it’s time you’ll go. At certain levels of awareness you become your Soul, and you can say, “Ok, we’re done” and just shut it down. You don’t need to kill it- you just shut it off. But until you get that good, it’s not your choice. So I’m not another “heaven’s gate”, basically, we’re not saying anything like that. So, we have these dates to look forward to. There’s going to be a lot more information given on what this means, because once the Seal on the Halls of Amenti are opened in our Earth’s Core, there’s going to be a huge influx of energy through our grid structure. It’s going to be very, very important that we get our grid structure, right now, to vibrate as high and as fast as we can. Because, if that energy starts to push through and the grid is not vibrating really fast…it’s not at the point, there’s not so much difference in vibration where it would implode, but it could cause severe shifting of Earth plates and tectonic plates, and it could cause a real mess, as far as Earth changes goes. We have a lot to say in how this will go. By…we need 8% of the people on the planet to raise, to bundle that strand, that Aryan strand of DNA that goes with the 4th-dimensional frequencies. That will raise the whole grid pattern, because we’re all connected to the grid. What our energy is doing as a single body is directly connected to the energetic grid of the Earth. So each one of us directly affects how fast the grid speed will move. We need 8% of the population to get our energetic grids vibrating higher, it’ll boost the Earth’s up enough, so hopefully we can avoid a lot of what could be a real mess, climatic change wise and Earth changes wise. So, we’re not innocent victims here. If we happen to start seeing earthquakes and, you know, things we really don’t want to deal with, first we need to know, if we do see these things, we need to know why, so we don’t feel like something’s being inflicted on us and there’s no purpose. We need to know that the Earth is trying to adjust to the portals being opened. And, that no matter how bad it might get out here on the planet, it is worth it, because it gives us the chance to ascend, all right. Hopefully it won’t be too bad. The Guardians won’t tell me yet. I think they’re trying to spare me. I just get the feeling (Chuckles), you know. Plus, they know I talk. Whenever they give me stuff it goes right out and I give it to you. So, they basically don’t tell me anything they don’t want everybody else to know about (Chuckles). So, we have a lot of preparation to do, those of us who are willing to take it seriously. And, that’s what we would like to focus our groups on from now on. I’m not going to go into a “let’s prove this stuff is real- type group”…I’ll leave that for other people. But we’re going to publish this stuff…let other people deal with it…they’ll have a good time with it. There’s a lot of groups that will really bite into it scientifically and start to try to find meaning in that. And I’ve seen that already, because Keylontic Science…Keylontic Science is the science of understanding the particles that create these energy patterns. It’s the science of understanding Morphogenetic Fields. Morphogenetic Fields? (asks in and vertical) Morphogenetic Fields. 39:11 92 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
So, when we learn Keylonta, we are learning to directly affect those energy systems. The scientist people are already getting interested in the science of Keylonta because they see that it makes sense in terms of physics. What they don’t know yet is the next step of understanding Keylonta is understanding what’s happening to our Earth’s Core, and what that means to each one of us. So, this is about all I can give tonight. And like I said, if you want to do questions and answers in a little bit, ok, but I could use a break, my voice is going.
Class 5 39:49 (timer) This evening I’d like to elaborate on what we spoke about in the last class. I know there’s 1 or 2 people here that weren’t in the last class so I’ll try to recap quickly on some of it so you have an idea of what we were discussing. The subject of tonight’s information was going to be Morphogenetic Waves. This was a new concept for me; I’d never heard of it before, until about 3 days ago when they started explaining to me about the process particles go through at certain points in the time cycle, as far as the Earth’s time cycle, in its evolutionary course. There’s a couple things we need to understand first before we get into Morphogenetic Waves. The first thing is a Morphogenetic Field. Now, the word “Morphogenetic” basically refers to, simply “the formholding structure” that sets and holds the design or the imprint for what’s going to manifest in matter. Everything has a Morphogenetic Field. And within that field is contained the basic structure for its biological form, its consciousness, the way the molecules are going to assemble themselves. Within a human Morphogenetic Field is contained the imprint for our DNA, and our DNA manifests through the Morphogenetic Field. So, a Morphogenetic Field is basically just a form-holding energy structure that gives matter particles something to fill out; it gives structure to matter. If we understand that we can get a little bit of an idea right off the top about what a Morphogenetic Wave might be. There are periods of time when energy is released from the Earth, and particles and anti-particles fuse and come together, and they…when that fusion occurs, both particles and anti-particles literally disappear. And they go back and return to the Morphogenetic Field. So when I’m speaking about Morphogenetic Waves, this is what I’m talking about. Before we get more into the Waves, I’m going to go down through some of the things I had listed here. In the last class we discussed something called the Sphere of Amenti. Now, the Sphere of Amenti represents the Morphogenetic Field for our species. It was created about 550 million years ago, and put here in order to hold the evolutionary blueprint for our Race. It holds the structure of our DNA, the smaller structures of the different races that will evolve through the species, and it is also the energy field that Souls have to move through to Incarnate onto Earth, and when they die, they need to move back through that Morphogenetic Field, the Sphere of Amenti, in order to leave the system that we’re in, the Earth System. So, the Sphere of Amenti is a very important thing to our species. It’s been a secret for thousands and thousands of years. And very few people on the planet ever knew about the Sphere of Amenti. It is literally a sphere of energy and, within that Sphere is the connection between each one of us the planet, and where we came from before we were here. So, the Sphere of Amenti was created…we were created before the Sphere of Amenti was created. We were created as part of a larger Morphogenetic Field that was part of a planet called Tara, which is in Harmonic Universe 2. There was a cataclysm there that 93 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
ended up with part of Tara’s energetic grid being blown apart and ending up in Harmonic Universe 1, which is where we are right now. The Souls that were part of that grid that blew up and ended up down here are the Souls that are ended up Incarnating on Earth. They would not have had an imprint to Incarnate through, they would have been distributed through the Unified Field of the dimensions of 1, 2 and 3 with no form of sentient consciousness, because they lost their evolutionary blueprint when that cataclysm occurred. There were several groups of Guardian Races from Harmonic Universe 2 that created the Sphere of Amenti to put back together the Morphogenetic Field, the imprint and blueprint for what the Race was supposed to be. So these Souls, these people, who ended up having their souls fragmented down here, would once again have the form-holding imprint for them to evolve through. They would have become part of the plant and animal kingdoms if they did not have that. So the Sphere of Amenti is something each and every one of us, being human, is directly connected to. And, the Guardians started teaching me about this only about a month ago. I’d never heard of it before. It’s called “Amenti” because that was actually a place on Tara, and they called it that because the Guardians that helped us to create this Sphere so we could evolve down here, were from that area on Tara. But they’ve been explaining to me some very, very detailed information that’s going to be contained in the Voyager book. I can’t cover a lot of it off the top of my head because I’m learning it too, but the Sphere of Amenti has been very, very important to the process of our evolution ever since we have been here. And there are certain things that are taking place now, in our times, in the next 20 years, that directly involve changes within the status of the Sphere of Amenti, and it allows us to have an opportunity that we don’t get very often, an opportunity as people in bodies, and also an opportunity as souls. So by the end of tonight’s discussion I hope to convey the understanding of the science of something called “Ascension”. People in our society, especially people of scientific persuasion, tend to look at “ascension” as some “lofty, spiritual concept” that you know, man has invented in order to entertain himself because he doesn’t want to face his limited existence. Ascension is not that. Ascension is a science; it’s the science of Multidimensional Physics. And, it’s the science of how consciousness and biology evolve from the lower dimensions into the higher dimensions. The Sphere of Amenti is a very important part of humanity’s process of evolution, because it is through that Morphogenetic imprint that we have to move in order to get out of the dimensions of 1, 2 and 3 that we are stuck in right now. So, we’re going to discuss a little bit about the process of ascension, and at the end I would like to get into DNA. Cause it all comes down to our DNA imprint that we carry around in our bodies right now. Whether or not we have the ability to ascend now or in another 26,000 years is going to be determined by what’s contained in our DNA within the next 20 years. And that’s a pretty profound concept if you think about it. You know, most people think about DNA and they think, “Yeah, I know it’s in there some place and you know, it directs the cells- whoopee”, you know. It’s a lot more than that. It does do that, but there are ways we can consciously interact with our DNA strands in order to add things to them that we need in order to ascend. So, I’ve given you a little bit of an idea of what the Sphere of Amenti is- it is a Morphogenetic Field, the one for our Race. The next Morphogenetic Field I’d like to discuss is the one called Earth Core. It’s in the frequency bands of the 2nd-dimension. It holds the form and the pattern for the manifest particles of Earth, and it’s also been referred to as “the Cave of Creation”, because when a Soul, be it human or another type of life-form, wants to Incarnate here it has to move from its own Morphogenetic Field down into the Earth Morphogenetic Field 94 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
before it can birth into a body here. So the science of ascension and the science of “how we get here”/ “where we came from” all comes back to 1 thing and that’s a Morphogenetic Field. So, there is one in the Earth Core, there is one that governs the pattern of our Races and our Races’ evolution, and there are interactions that take place between them at certain points, in time cycles that are very important. And we are coming up on one of those time…those important points in time cycles very, very soon. Ok, the next item I’d like to recap from last week, or last class, is something called the Blue Flame Staff of Amenti. Now, the Blue Flame of Amenti represents a portion, not the whole thing, but a portion of the Morphogenetic Field for a planet called Tara, which is Earth’s counterpart in the next Harmonic Universe up. Each of the planets in our Solar System received one part of that Morphogenetic Field. And what it does, is it connects the planets down here to the original planetary body that they came out of. The planets, the 12 planets in our solar system, actually came out of one planet called Tara, in the second Harmonic Universe. And that eventually, through billions of years, is where those planets will evolve back into, Tara, as long as they have that connection, energetic connection, between the grid of the planet here and Tara’s grid. That energetic connection is a part of the Morphogenetic Field of Tara and it’s called the Blue Flame or the Staff of Amenti. They call it the Blue Flame because to see it, it’s about this high (*Ash holds hands about a foot apart) and it looks like a standing wave pattern of blue energy. And it kind of oscillates very slowly and it’s very, very cool but it looks like a flame pattern. So, that’s why they use the symbolism of the Blue Flame. Ok, there is a relationship between the ascension process between the Sphere of Amenti, which is our Morphogenetic Field and between the Blue Flame. In order for the energetic connection to be made between the Sphere of Amenti and Tara, the Blue Flame has to be…its frequencies have to be opened in conjunction with the opening of the Race Morphogenetic Field, in order for the process of ascension to take place. Ascension is a very complex process in certain ways. It demands knowledge of multi-dimensional frequency bands, it demands knowledge of base tones and overtones and how they combine to form resonant tones…and that’s very, very complex stuff that we’re basically saving for books, because I don’t think I could talk about it off the top of my head. But, ascension is not just a personal thing. When we think about, “Ok, where are we going to evolve?” After we leave our bodies, let’s just say, “What if we happen to still be alive?” A lot of people don’t realize that you are, but you most definitely are. As a person, an individual, you will still have to make choices after you leave the physical body. You will find that you are confronted with the reality of ascension, or not, once you crossover. There’s an advantage to ascension, because “ascension” means going up to the next Harmonic Level up. That Universe is something that’s been described in our biblical stories as “Heaven”, because compared to what it’s like here, especially now, it is. It is a place of beauty and it is a place of immortal bodies, which is something we were designed to have and it was taken away from us by genetic manipulations that were done. So ascension is something that you can ignore when you’re here, but you’re better off not ignoring it because as soon as you crossover in the death transition, you will be faced with what you did- did you ignore it or didn’t you? Because, if, once you realize you’re awake and aware on the other side and you have someplace you have to go next, there are options to go to nice places and there are options to come back here, where you have to do some more hard work. If you make choices to ignore the concept of ascension while you’re here…there’s a lot of work that can be done while you’re in your body to prepare yourself for what you’re going to experience when you do 95 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
crossover. And what’s really exciting about the science of ascension is it’s not just about what happens when your body dies, because some of us who are able to build the gene codes to the full extent…you need to have 5-strands of DNA in order to be able to transmute the body, teleport it directly up to Tara, and turn it into an Immortal Body, which will make changes in the cellular structure that will perfect it, where your thought will direct what your body manifests. We will overcome disease, we will overcome death, if we choose. It is an option that we have. And, when this was explained to me, that was pretty awesome to me, to realize, “Oh gee, you know, this isin’t…you know, don’t talk to me about things that are going to happen to me after I die. I don’t really care. I’ll deal with it when I get there,” you know. But, then they explained to me, “it’s not just about when you die. It’s about what you can do with your reality right now”. We’re being offered an opportunity in the way the time cycles are right now, to be able to immortalize our bodies. And if we are unable to do that, we can at least make a whole lot of progress in where our consciousness is gonna end up once we do drop our bodies in death. And I assure any one of you and anybody who listens to this tape you are going to wake up on the other side. And you are going to have to make choices, and you’re going to have to see what choices you could have made better, from here. Nobody’s going to “judge” you but yourself. But, where you consciousness vibrates…everything is frequency…everything is particles of energy that move at certain speeds. When you crossover, your consciousness will take with it the imprint that your DNA had here. If you only had 3-strands built here, you will switch over with the frequencies of 3-dimensions within your consciousness. Which means, you will have to Reincarnate in the 1st Harmonic Universe Cycles. You will not have the option of going to the higher realms until you build the frequency within your own personal Morphogenetic imprint. So, the process of ascension and learning about the Sphere of Amenti, and learning about the dynamics involved is a way of planning your journey. Now, a lot of us would be very careful if we were going to like, you know, go to a foreign country or something. We’d make plans, we’d be sure what hotel we were staying at, we’d have everything, you know, just the way we needed it. We wouldn’t just pick up and go and not even pack a bag. We’re all in a process here. So many of us here have forgotten that we came from some place and we’re going some place after we leave the physical bodies. We make no preparation for this journey. We don’t think about anything except what takes place on planet Earth. And that’s a shame, because reality is much, much larger. 56:13 So, in getting involved with the ascension process I hope I can inspire people to want to do that, because it’s much more than just “spirituality”. It will give you that- it will give you expansion of consciousness, but it will also give you the power to transmute your biology. And if you have limitations, physically, if you have sicknesses, and you start to learn the process of DNA building and learning how to pull in your higher levels of consciousness, you will learn how to fix those diseases. If you have things in your life that you don’t like the way they’re going, if you learn to access those higher levels of consciousness you will be able to fix them. And if not fix them, at least understand why you’re creating them in the first place. So, that’s my speech for trying to get people interested in the process of ascension. And we’re…it seems the Guardian Alliance is trying very hard in the way they present their information to get the scientific community to wake up and say, “Listen, this is something important. This is something that’s not just a bunch of spiritual people getting together with some ideas. This is a literal, scientific process about how particles behave, and it just so happens to also be the process by which your consciousness evolves”. So, a lot of the stuff they’re giving us is very, very technical. I’m going to try to simplify it for the discussion, cause I would probably have to read it in order to convey the level of technicality involved. 96 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Ok, when I’m talking about Time Cycles there are, there is a set order or structure to the cycles of time. Time is not a random, happen-stance thing that just happens to occur. It is not a linear progression. It is a cyclic progression through Unified Fields of dimensionalized energy. Now, within 1 Harmonic Universe, which is a composite of 3-dimensions…right now we’re in Harmonic Universe 1. It’s made of dimensions 1, 2 and 3. Dimensions are composed of frequency bands; bands of frequency. And, there is 12 Primary Frequency Bands, 12 frequency bands in each of the dimensions, or they’re sub-frequency bands actually; there’s different delineations there. But, you need to understand, in order to understand the significance of time cycles, you need to have some idea that dimensions are not just a vague, hypothetical thought about something. They’re literal; they’re literal stacking of patterns of frequency that create certain perceptual distortion as consciousness moves through it, and one of those perceptual distortions is the illusion of “matter”, of physical matter. So, when we are dealing with a time cycle that Earth is in right now, we’re dealing with the Harmonic Universe 1 Time Cycle. That time cycle…eventually I’ll have the diagrams done to show you how this is laid out ////. But, a time cycle is called a Eyugao. Now, there are several different types. There are Pardos (?) in the Guardians vocabulary. There are Eyuagos and several other divisions of time cycles. The Eyuago is what we’re concerned with right now, because this is part of the process of our ascension, of our ability to ascend. We are dependent upon the planetary time cycles and what stage the planet is in. Now, a Eyuago is a Harmonic Time Cycle. That means it’s the full time cycle, the time it would take for the Earth to evolve through dimensions 1, 2 and 3 and be ready to transition over into the next Harmonic up. That takes place in a process of 26,556 years. That’s a long time, at least for a person to be on the planet. It’s not a very long time for planets themselves…it’s actually a pretty rapid ascension if they did it that way. We have been in our present Eyuago for almost 8 full cycles of 26,556 years. We didn’t have to, but there are certain conditions that have to be met before a planet can transition into the next Harmonic Universe up. The process of moving through the time cycles is a process of the Morphogenetic Field of Earth Core progressively pulling into itself more of the sub-frequency bands that each dimension is composed of. And as it pulls in all of the ones from dimension-1, then it shifts into the time cycle that represents dimension-2. Dimensions and time cycles go hand-in-hand. And the process of ascension, and the process of growth, is about pulling frequency bands from the Unified Field into the Morphogenetic Field, which expands the Morphogenetic Field and moves it up to the next level. And that is what the process of dimensional ascension is about, all the way up through the 15-dimensions. So right now Earth is in a Euyago that’s in the First Harmonic Universe. We have…the Eyuagos, which are the larger time cycles- they’re composed of 6 smaller time cycles of 4,426 years each. Now, 4 of those time cycles are spent in what they call the Particum Universe, which is the particle universe. 2 of those time cycles are spent in Parallel Universe, or the anti-particle universe. At the position in time that we are right now, we have gone through 1st, 2nd Particum cycles. We have gone through the 2 Parallel Universe cycles and 1 of the other Particum cycles. We’re in the last 4,426-year period of our larger Eyuago Cycle. Some very special things happen at the beginning and end of a Eyuago Cycle. They call them Ascension Cycles. And in those periods of time, there are 2 positions within each of the 4,426-year period on each end of the Eyuago Cycle where portals open between Harmonic Universe 2 and here. That means mass ascensions can occur during those times, but only during those times. And if we had 26,000 years, there’s a lot of time to spend here before you have the opportunity to do something like this. We are coming up on a point in time right now, in the year 2017, when we are at the halfway point in that last cycle.
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Now, at the halfway point and at the end point of the last cycle in the Eyuago you have the opportunity to ascend. The planet has the opportunity to ascend, which its not going to fully do this time, and people on the planet have the opportunity to ascend. The requirement for ascension is being able to hold 5 thdimensional frequency within your body and your gene code, because if you can’t you can’t make the transition into the 5th-dimensional frequency bands that are the center of Harmonic Universe 2. I’m not going to read it directly (Mylar). If you want to read off there you can. I’m just going to try…I want to get to DNA. I’ll put the next one up. See, a lot of this information you really, if you’re interested in it, you really need to read the book, because it’s so technical. It’s extremely technical, some of it. And I have a very hard time trying to explain it, even to myself. But it makes sense. It’s just you need to be able to, you know, really read it and like re-read it and say, “What did that say?” So we’re just going to basically touch on the Primary Elements of ascension and of what’s coming up on us in the time cycles. Ok, get back to Morphogenetic Waves. As we explained in the beginning, the…a Morphogenetic Field is the form-holding field of any object or manifestation within matter. Now, a Morphogenetic Wave is something that occurs at the half-point and the end point of that vast 4,426-year cycle in the Eyuago. There’s a lot of real complex dynamics to it as far as what particles are doing, because part of them reverse spin, and there’s 45-degree angles that change as far as their rotational spin…it’s very, very technical things. And I’ll just leave that for people who wanna read that level. But, I want to be able to explain the basic concept of how the Wave would work. It’s about particles, but people are about particles too because they’re made of them, and consciousness is made up of particles, so what applies to the planet and its particles applies to us too. Now, during…as we’re coming into the halfway point, which is at 2017 in our time cycle, there are several things that occur. About 20 years prior to that point, the particles in Earth and the anti-particles in Tara, they start to interact with each other. Because the time cycles of Tara and Earth start to move together. So the grids of Earth and Tara begin to cross through each other. When that happens, what they call “overtone” particles in our Universe begin to interact with the base tone particles in Tara’s Universe. When you take a particle and an anti-particle and put them together they fuse, and that creates an explosion of energy. All right, when you have many, many particles going through this process at one time, it creates a building wave of energy that continually…you could picture it as every time like millions and millions of particles and anti-particles are hitting each other coming through each other and it’s building up more and more and more energy and that energy starts to release and move from Earth up into Tara. But first, it goes up in, it goes through to Tara and it goes up into the highest dimensional fields, where the Morphogenetic Fields for the Harmonic Universes themselves are stored. They call them Morphogenetic Waves because it is taking particles and anti-particles, fusing them together and making them de-manifest and turn back into the Morphogenetic Field. When they reappear, they reappear at a higher Harmonic. So the particles from Earth that merge with the particles from Tara, they enter hyperspace into the Morphogenetic Field, when they return, the Earth particles are on Tara, and the Tara particles are in the next counterpart up in the 3rd Harmonic Universe. But, it’s a process of taking particles and consciousness and through waves of energy at different periods in the time cycle, shifting them from this planet and this Harmonic Universe into the next Harmonic Universe. And it’s the natural way that planets evolve. And it’s very complicated multi-dimensional Physics, but it’s also really not that difficult if you can look at it as a tide, a tide of consciousness, if you will. Cause all particles are conscious, whether they’re human beings, you know, or part of your table, they’re still units of consciousness. A Morphogenetic Wave represents energy particles that are conscious, moving from Earth into Tara and then on upward through the dimensional scale. 98 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
There are a number of things that occur during cresting of the Morphogenetic Wave. The wave starts to build about 20 years before the halfway point in the cycle. It builds until about 5 years before the cycle and then it starts to crest where, if you were looking at it as an ocean wave it will come up and then it starts to taper off at the top. There’s a 5-year period at the top there where it’s cresting, and after that it starts to go down, and the energy that is being exchanged stops being exchanged. What’s happening to create the Morphogenetic Wave in the first place is Earth’s and Tara’s grid are coming into alignment with each other. So, it’s kind of like if you take a, you know, 2 balls like this, and you pass them by each other like this. They fuse at this point and then they move past each other again and they’re no longer in range with each other. That point when they start to go like this, almost in alignment, that’s when your wave comes off and then the wave stops as they come out of alignment with each other. That’s what’s happening between our grid and Tara’s grid right now. When that wave starts to happen, right about here (*the 2 almost in alignment), the portals open between our Earth and Tara. Something called the Halls of Amenti, that we talked about in the last class, which are literal time portal passages that at different periods of time open through the Sphere of Amenti, that allow direct teleportation to take place between Earth and Tara. They are not always open. They open when the Sphere of Amenti is open during one of these Morphogenetic Wave cycles. There are a couple of interesting things that take place at this time during the opening of these portals. Earth gets infused with a wave of 5th-dimensional frequency, which makes it vibrate much faster. That makes it shift higher in its vibrational-oscillation rate so it actually jumps a little bit into the 4th-dimensional time band. So we literally leap through, and when we leap through the 3 rd-dimensional time bands into the 4th-dimensional time bands, there’s something called a Repulsion Zone that has…it’s a magnetic barrier that we have to go through. When Earth passes through this particles reverse spin, and they reverse…how did they say it…angle of…angle of rotation shifts by about 45-degrees. So there are some literal particle things that start to happen when the Morphogenetic Waves hit. If the Earth’s grids are out of balance when this starts to take place, you can have a major pole shift. Now usually it won’t happen, because the particles in Tara are reversing their spin just as the particles here are reversing our spin. They meet in the 4th-dimensional frequency bands and they balance each other. So it keeps both of them stable. But, if one of those grids is out of balance with itself, you’re going to have some problems when those particles start to try to merge in the d-4 band. One of the things the Guardians want us to be aware of is that what we do with ourselves here, what we do with our energy systems here, will have a direct effect upon how much Earth changes we will or will not see between 2012 and 2017. It could be really, really severe. If the Guardians hadn’t intervened to begin with, it would have been; it would have wiped us out. We, you know, the Earth would survive, but we wouldn’t. They’re not going to let that happen. There were many things done since, for probably about the last 25 years they have been working to prepare us for this period in time and, to prepare us and the Earth, to get the grid vibrating at a certain level to try to balance the portals and all that kind of thing. It requires 8% of the population on the planet to assemble the 5 th DNA strand and be able to hold 5thdimensional frequency in their body in order for Earth to be able to merge properly with its, with Tara, during this time cycle. We’re not quite up to that yet, but we’re close. So one of the things they’re asking us to do is learn about our DNA, learn how to use the higher chakras to bring high frequency energy into the DNA, which helps it assemble. Because the higher you can get your DNA and your body and your consciousness vibrating, you’re plugged right in to the Earth grid. It will make the Earth grid vibrate faster. There’s strength in numbers. The more of us that can do this, the faster the Earth grid will vibrate. 99 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
So it’s one of the things they’re asking us to do. If the majority of humans totally ignore this grand opportunity we’re being presented with, there are 2 worse-case-scenarios. One is, we do start to enter the Morphogenetic Wave period and the grids are so far out of balance that it starts to make Seals on the Earth’s vortices loosen. Which will cause volcanic activity and it will cause plate shifting, and it could be on a massive level. If it’s really out of balance, it could create up to a 45-degree shift of the angle of the Earth spinning on its axis, which, we’re history if that happens. It doesn’t look like that’s going to happen; it’s not that bad yet. But, they want us to be aware of how bad it could be. They want us to be aware that they’re not joking. They’re not saying, “Oh gee, come be ‘spiritual’ cause it’s fun”. They’re saying, “Hello, you’re in trouble if you don’t pay attention. And how many of us is it going to take to get you to pay attention?” You know, so… One of the neat things that happens if this goes right, is that during the 5-year period when the wave is cresting, the 5th strand of DNA will manifest spontaneously within the bio-energetic field of every person on the planet. Now, right now, we have people with all sorts of different gene codes on the planet; some have 4th DNA strand assembled, some only have 2. Now, when you look and you say, “Hey, I have 2 DNA strands” you know, we see that under a microscope. The other 2 are in your double. Most of us have 4strands here. And the strands are not that easily divided up, where ok, once I have my 12-strand package I’m going to see 12 little strands or 6 double helixes. They’re all encoded through each other. But basically, the human being was designed to have 12-stands of DNA. And when we do have that fully activated, we are immortal, and we live in Harmonic Universe 2, and we’re composed of less dense particles. So when…down here, what we are really trying to do, and unknowingly…for millions of years down here we’ve been evolving, not knowing what that meant. What does it meant to evolve? We’re here. We just, we’re here, we try to survive; that’s about it. That’s all…as far as we’ve got in understanding what evolution is about. What evolution is really about is just like with the planet, a planet evolves by pulling frequency into its Morphogenetic Field from the Unified Field of the dimensions that it’s in. That’s exactly how we evolve too. That’s how DNA strands evolve. We can use the higher chakras to repair damage that was done to our genetic code in order to get it functioning properly again. Because several times, within the last million years, our species has been altered several times. It’s been…had certain codes, base tones or overtones, unplugged in certain DNA strands, which literally stopped the evolutionary process so we could not ascend. We have to fix that. And the Guardians are giving us enough information where we can start to understand how to do that. They’re planning to give us exercises on how to use the higher chakras, Keylontic Exercises, to start repairing the DNA strands so we can take control over our own ascension process. Because even if 20 people, only 20, were able to make it through the portals whole, where they didn’t have to die to do it, they could walk through, that is such a victory for this Race. Because this Race forgot eons ago this was even possible. So, we’re hoping that a lot more people get to go through the portals, all right. If they don’t, there’s going to be one thing you probably will see if the planet’s going the way it’s supposed to, if the natural Morphogenetic Wave is happening as it’s supposed to, you will see certain areas having certain Earth changes and large groups of people being killed. It will appear to be tragic, from out here. These are arranged. The souls involved knew they couldn’t assemble their DNA fast enough. They wanted to get out of here and catch that Morphogenetic Wave before the portals close, because they can ascend from d-4 while the portals are open. And you go to d-4 after you leave the physical body in d-3. So if, in the next 20 years we start to see more and more groups of people dying, don’t let it scare you, don’t let it frighten you…know there’s a higher purpose to it. And know those people want to get free, and 100 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
this was their chance. So, there are things that you may see out here that will make no sense unless you understand some of things that are happening behind the scenes. Ok. Let’s see what else I’m going to cover with this (*Looks over Mylar). Oh, one of the questions I asked the Guardians was like, “Ok, what, tell me what am I going to physically see here when all this, you know, stuff starts to happen? Are we being metaphorical? Our consciousness is going to move through portals? Or is there literally going to be holes opening up in the air that we get to step through? Or what?” I asked them what it would appear like in the illusion of matter. And they told me 2 things. For the people that will be able to manifest the DNA strands to do this, they will experience directly, physically, one of two things. They will either experience a literal vortex of energy, them being guided to a literal vortex of energy that’s swirling…kind of like you see on the Sci-fi movies. They do a pretty good job of mimicking those, except you don’t see them with d-3 eyes, you see them with your inner vision. Some people will be taken directly through those. These are real. I’ve been taken through portals, and it’s an amazing experience, because all of the molecules in your body begin to vibrate very, very quickly. You get very interesting changes in sound and then everything goes totally quiet and totally black. You see nothing, hear nothing, and then you suddenly appear some place else. What’s happening is, when you go through a portal, you’re transmuting. Your particles are turning into light; they’re going back into their Morphogenetic Field and then they’re remanifesting in the next level up. So that’s what portal passage will be like for the people who can directly walk through. And there will be some. The Guardians are going to make contact with more people and it will be on a personal basis, because there’s not a very large percentage of people that are going to be able to assemble that strand fully. They have the chance, but people are so disinterested here on this planet, that to have the majority of people take that opportunity to “hey, you know, we have the imprint now, we can assemble the strand”. They’re more worried about what movie they’re going to rent tonight at the video store, you know. But the people who are serious about it and who want to do this, and who are willing to learn to communicate with their own Soul Essence and their higher self, they’ll be guided on how to do it. And when the time comes, they’ll be guided to the locations where the portals are, and they will be helped through them. There are some people that will…this was an interesting part that I had no clue about actually. They explained to me that some people will be very, very, very close to building that 5 th-strand, but it won’t quite be done in time before the portals close, because the portals will be fully closed after the year 2022. We have 10 years to do this, that’s it, to make the transition. The people whose bodies wouldn’t vibrate high enough, but were just close like you know, just a little bit more…they’ve been doing, the Guardian Races, through their extra-terrestrial contacts, have been doing some very interesting things to certain members of our Races. There are a number of abductees out there speaking about, “You know, they cloned me. Why did they do this?” You know, I’ve never had that experience. I’ve never been cloned. My gene code doesn’t need to be cloned in order to make this transition in time, but a lot of people wouldn’t make the transition in time within that 10-year period. They are actually creating clones that the consciousness can be transferred into clones that vibrate a little bit higher that are being kept in between like the 3 rd and 4th dimension so their frequency is higher. They’re going to transfer the consciousness of some of those people into them, and take them literally on space ships. And it’s funny, a lot of people think, “Oh yeah, that’s really out there”, until you’ve been there…until you’ve seen the space ships…until you’ve walked around on them. Some of us will have the opportunity to do that. Others won’t need to be cloned they’ll just be able to be picked up. There is going to be something 101 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
called “transports”, where certain individuals are contacted by Guardian groups and they will be told of times when ships are very discreetly coming in and, you know, if they wanna go. Cause that’s another way you can get over. If you can’t directly go through a portal, the ship can. The inter-dimensional starships work in a way, like a buffer, just like you put a coating on aspirin so it doesn’t make your stomach upset. Well, if we’re going through frequency bands that our body can’t tolerate by itself, you put that body in a space ship that has inter-dimensional cloaking…it has inter-dimensional transmutation abilities…it serves as a buffer around you. So the people who can’t directly walk through portals - which requires that you transmute into light and back into your Morph Field and back again…not all our gene codes can do it. But, the others will be taken craft to Tara. And, most of the people will not be taken anywhere. Most of the populations will stay right here. They’ll go through several interesting transformations during the 10-year period that the Morphogenetic Wave is cresting and ending. There may be some severe Earth changes, not enough to wipe us out, probably, but there may be some very noticeable problems that collapse a lot of the structures that we rely on, unless we get the grid vibrating high enough. It doesn’t look like we will, because we have a problem with the Zeta right now. And they are trying to make it so those portals don’t open. They’re trying to make it so Earth has to stay here for a whole other 26,000-year cycle. And what they are trying to do is block the Blue Flame of Amenti from coming in. 1:23:01 If they can keep the Earth grid vibrating low enough by 5-years before the halfway point, the Flame won’t be able to come down, and the portals won’t open and nobody’s going to go anywhere. And the Zeta are trying to make that happen. For…they’re not going to make it, but it is a struggle that’s going on right now…depending on how that struggle comes out, whether we can raise the grid high enough or the Zeta just give up and say, you know, “We’re not going to win this”, or what. If we’re still struggling in the year 2012, when all this starts to happen, when that 5-year period before the halfway point, it could cause massive Earth changes because of the problems with the Zeta, because of what they’re doing. So, one of the most important things humans can do right now is to become aware of what is taking place with this. I mean, there’s the Voyagers Books that can say it much better than I can. Voyagers, the Secrets of Amenti Book, that’s not even my words, I just transcribe it for them and, you know, through Keylontic communications. They put it much better than I do. I’m just learning this too. I’m a, you know, I’m a student of the Guardian Alliance just like anyone who’s listening to their information is, but I hope I can somehow convey the importance of what is taking place here. It’s monumental in terms of what we have seen. You know, in our life times we’ve never seen anything like it. One of the things we’re going to start doing once we get the book under control, because we do have our deadlines with the publisher, we’re going to start working with the chakra system to start the DNA healing. And that’s probably going to be the focus of most of you know, most of what we do in the groups for those who are interested. People who aren’t interested, that’s ok. But I will still recommend, you know, reading the Voyagers Book and any other book that’s talking about this. There’s several other venues that this information has been given through, you know, different authors who come out with their books about it. It’s worth reading. It’s something that is happening. It’s not science fiction, it’s not fake, and if you’re patient enough you will find the scientific validation for the things they speak about. They’re talking in terms of multi-dimensional physics, when most of our scientists are talking in terms of 3-dimensional physics. There’s a lot of difference between 3-dimensional physics and 15-dimensional physics, but there’s also a lot of similarities cause they’re all following the same pattern, the same laws of energy. If our physicists here and our scientists here understood the reality of multi-dimensional physics and what is taking place, they would be taking ascension very, very seriously. And if our scientists took it seriously, they’re the ones that people listen to, the common person would start to get it, they’d start to realize, “You 102 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
know, there is a purpose to my life, you know, my choices do mean something here”. So as far as what else to get into ////, there’s so much data I’m not even sure where to start or what pieces of it to bring out. It’s much easier to read it, for one, because they put it better than I do. I could take questions, which would probably be more helpful, because I’ve basically introduced the Primary Elements of the new material that they’re talking about, the Morphogenetic Fields and the Morphogenetic Waves, and how the directly affects us as particles and people and that kind of thing. So maybe, you know, if anybody wants to ask any questions or whatever, you know, do some questions for now. 1:26:45 Participant: The Morphogenetic Grid, this sounds like a template…to which (*someone says, “Louder”)…the Morphogenetic Grid to me sounds like a template into which all life is designed and then manifests in reality, somehow. I don’t know if that’s how you’re trying to convey it or that’s what I’m getting. Anna: That’s, that’s pretty good, that’s pretty close. When I think of “grid” I think of PartikI grids, which are a level of manifestation between the Morphogenetic Field, which would be here before the PartikI grid, and then the matter here. There are certain stages that particles and consciousness go through
(Audio Ends here) from going into this field of energy, the field of energy that holds the sound patterns that will build who you are or what you are and the structure of your body and the whole bit. It is a template and it works like a template, but before it becomes a grid you could say it’s made of energy substance, that has no direct form, but it’s conscious substance. It’s made of PartikI grids. And, Morphogenetic Fields are usually, if you were to hold one in your hand, it would be a spherical conglomeration of energy unless it’s distorted. Some of them are distorted. But they basically manifest in the form of a sphere of energy, a self-contained sphere of energy. So, but they do operate like the templates and that is what sets the pattern for what will manifest. And there are stages of manifestation in between Morph and Matter. Participant: Do you think we have conscious choice as to what we become, in terms of affecting that mass of energy? Anna: Actually, yeah we do. You know what’s neat about Morphogenetic Fields, is when it sends units out into a certain pattern, those units interact with the Unified Field of the dimensions and the frequencies there. And they experience different things and they pick up different energy patterns. When the essence as a soul or as a body returns to the Morphogenetic Field, it brings with it what it experienced. And that expands the Morphogenetic Field. So even though it’s the fixed pattern through which we manifest, that pattern is continually being added to. Each one of us that makes different choices in our life to go this way or that way, they’re added those choices into the Morphogenetic Field. Participant: It has memory? Anna: Yeah. It is, you could look at it as Living Memory. I mean, it is living memory, and it’s a place where your consciousness is stationed at all times. And the portion of you that’s conscious here is just projected outward from that portion of your consciousness that’s in the Morphogenetic Field. It’s a level of awareness, too, that’s beyond physicality and beyond the illusions of the dimensional perception. Participant: It sounds like artificial intelligence. Anna: Well, it could operate like that, except it’s the most organic intelligence you’re ever gonna get, because it’s created through the natural dynamics of the Universe. 103 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Participant: It’s biological? Anna: It’s biological but without body. It has substance, energy substance, made of PartikI units, which are units of consciousness that have electrical and sound tone reality to them. But they are units of consciousness and that’s what the Morphogenetic Fields are made out of, and then they progressively build up into you know, PartikI strands, and then as we talked about when we were talking about Keylontic Science, they go from PartikI strands into PartikI grids and then into Keylons and Keylon Codes and then eventually up into sub-atomic particles and matter particles. So, it’s our connection to where we came from and to where we’re going once we leave here. Participant: Who do you think writes the code? Anna: The code? Participant: Well, you’re suggesting that there’s, everything is encoded, like our DNA, the DNA is “coded”, and not everybody’s DNA is exactly the same and they’re probably finding this in things like the human genome project. They’re finding probably differences and different DNA and things…I mean, do you suggest “God” writes the “code”? What is your thought on that? Anna: Do I think that there’s a supreme intelligence that set this whole thing in operation and keeps it that way? Yes. Do I call that intelligence “God”? No, because that term has been terribly distorted in this reality. And when I think of the concept of “God” or a higher, creative, intelligent Source, I do not picture a man on a seat with a long, white beard. Sorry, you know, I don’t buy into the “gods of man”, the ones that men have created in the image of himself. It went the other way around. To me, that creative intelligence could almost represent a massive Morphogenetic Field, within which all intelligence exists and always will. And every piece of intelligence or piece of biology or piece of consciousness identity walking around is literally a piece of that identity of that supreme, creative intelligence. It’s not that we’re little beings down here being manipulated by some big being in the sky. We have a tremendous amount of choice, because ultimately we are that creative energy. We are God, but not just the “we” that we know here when we look in the mirror. We are much bigger than that identity that we’re able to put in our bodies here. And as you expand, there’s a lot of traditional, like spiritual traditions that do lead you through paths of initiation, which are really doorways of understanding, where you start to expand into those higher levels of identity. You will hit a point where you realize you’re a “plural”, for one. It will no longer be “me”; it will be “we”, because you realize, “I am a soul and I have “x” amount of Incarnations that are simultaneously taking place in various time-space locations”. You’re no longer just a “you”, you’re a “we”, and when you go higher and higher and higher…in the highest levels, before you leave the dimensional systems, you know yourself as the dimensional system. It goes back to the concept of pulling energy from the Unified Field into the Morphogenetic Field and thereby expanding the Morphogenetic Field to being more and more and more. Eventually it expands to include all things. And eventually, our consciousness does the same thing. Our consciousness works like a Morphogenetic Field. We bring in more and more frequency, more and more experience, and it changes who we are. And that will change the types of body we manifest through to the point where we don’t manifest through a body anymore.
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Once you have 7-dimensional frequencies contained within your consciousness you know longer fit into a body form, you are pure consciousness. And there are worlds of evolution beyond that. So, it’s kind of a neat process of taking…everything that’s out here is really what you’re going to become. Because, as you become more spiritually aware, and as the spirituality expands, you begin to know yourself as all of those things. You begin to know the separation between people and objects and things becomes not real, and you realize that there is oneness. And that’s called the Sacred Law of One, that realization that it is allone. And there is a state of consciousness where you just know that. And it’s pretty awesome. You can’t put it into words, but you can look at the separations, you can look at different people and say, you know, “I acknowledge that you are in this body and I am in this body,” but on a much bigger level you know you are the same being. And it’s called God Realization. That’s what “God” is. It’s when you get to the point where you are at-one with the Universe and the Universe is at-one with you. And that you know everything outside of you is not really “outside of” you at all; it’s inside of you. So that’s what we’re growing into. And it’s a mechanical process that involves particles and dimensional frequencies and all that kind of stuff, but it is also a spiritual process that involves cognitions that can’t be fit into definitions, but it can be felt. So that’s the process I see us being involved in. I don’t see us being directed and controlled by some superior force. I see us working cooperatively with It or being unaware of It and not knowing how to work with It, and therefore we kind of work against the natural flow of balances that are created from that level of intelligence. And when we work against that flow, we tend to get run over by it. You know, it’s like you have a soul level of identity…it will guide you, you know. Does that answer the questions that you were asking? Ok. Participant: Question. Are those people who cannot fully activate the 5th DNA and they decided they want to die and ascend through d-4 and go on, will their DNA at that time be of any “matter” at the time of ascension from d-4? Anna: yeah. Participant: After the person dies. Anna: It’s important, because you will take the imprint of your DNA with you when, as part of your, the substance of your consciousness when you crossover. So if you only have say, d-3 and a 1/2 or strand 3 and a 1/2, you will crossover with 3 and a 1/2. Which means, very quickly in d-4, you’re going to have to bring those other strands together in order to ascend. You still have to assemble it once you get over there. Participant: So you will be able to acquire the last, the 5th ///// (dog barking). Anna: Again, you will have to evolve it. Just because you crossover doesn’t mean you’ll get it. It means like you, some people, if they have certain genetic configurations because of the manipulations that were done, if they can’t assemble say strand-4 because they have a distortion in strand-3 that won’t let it plug in, if those people drop their bodies, once they get out of the body and out of that genetic configuration, they’re in d-4. D-4 contains within it all the frequency patterns from d-1, 2 and 3, so all of those frequencies can be realigned again and they can be plugged in. So that person could evolve. But there are blockages that can occur you know, within any of the strands or within any of the dimensional frequency patterns, and it will depend on what the individuals personal code is at. And you’ll never know what your personal code is at unless you learn to communicate with your higher self. That’s one of the 105 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
first, primary things in learning to build DNA, is learning you have this higher self and it’s located within the Ultra-high frequency bands of the 3rd-dimension. It’s…it used to be part of who you are down here, except they did a genetic thing to us that took out certain base tones and overtones, that didn’t allow those frequencies to plug in, so it created division in consciousness. What was whole, that higher level of our perception and cognition, and this level, they used to be one unified focus, and we understood so much more from that level. Well, you take a couple things out of the DNA and a couple little sound tones out of the DNA, it makes it so those portions of identity can’t plug into these portions. And that’s one of the things that was done to us. So, one of our first healing things is to learn to access our higher self. And as we do that, we’re starting to re-plug in those sound tones that were taken out that made that division in the first place. And there’s a whole process that once you integrate the higher self, it’s not over from there, then you have your Harmonic 2 level of identity, which is your Soul Level identity. It’s you; it’s your consciousness at the 4th, 5th and 6th-dimensional frequency bands. And there are certain things that have to take place in your DNA and in your bio-energetic field in order for that consciousness to embody itself in this body. So there’s a process here. And the beginning is the higher self. Then there’s the Soul, then there’s the Over Soul, then there’s the Avatar, and then there’s the Rishi, and after that you can get out of here. Evolution is not something that happens over night, in terms of ascension, or any of it. But, we got a little more spiritual tonight than I was planning on, but I think, I think that’s needed. Because I do try to present it scientifically, because that seems to be what people listen to, but the spirituality part of it is honestly the more important part. Cause you don’t have to know how to diagram a house with electrical wiring to use a light switch, and we’re more interested because of the timeframe at this point, in teaching people how to use the light switch, so they can get the lights on and get out of here, you know. Rather than analyzing the heck out of, you know, the schematic that you’re going to, you know, do the wiring and all that. We have that too, and we’ll put that in the books, but I think I’d rather just keep it, you know, open, and you know, I’d rather answer your questions if you have, you know, directions on the material that you don’t really, you know, know what this means or, you know, you’re interpreting it in a certain way. I would rather answer questions and take it from there to make it personal for you, rather than just throw data at you. And the data would be better if I read it to you anyway, and that gets boring, you know. So you can, you know, if you want to read it you can read it to yourself, or at some point maybe we’ll put it on you know, audio tapes, where you can listen to it when you’re driving. “How to Ascend- 3 easy steps” (Laughs), no, it’s not 3-easy steps. But, if you want to take a break… Participant: There is a…something that came out of Sedona Magazine that the humans right now are ascending to about 3.5 or something like that, dimension. Anna: Ok, that’d be the Bridge Zone. Participant: And they’re saying that we are also close to the 3.5 or 3.6. Anna: Right. And what that would mean is, we have 3 and a 1/2 strands of DNA plugged in, because the strands go right with the dimensions. Participant: I see. Now how can you coordinate…well, we call that ‘ascension’ to get to this 5 thdimension, I mean to the 5th DNA. What…you’re still in the Incarnation right here, right now, how do you plug that in?
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Anna: One of the most important things is, first of all, there’s a real nice thing that happens in that 10-year period, actually, yeah, in the 10-year period, 5-years on either side of the halfway point, when the d-5 frequencies are in the Earth grid, which means that d-5 imprint is available to any of us, the ones who will be able to use it and the ones who have gotten 4 down in balance and plugged in cause you’re not going to be able to plug in the d-5 strand and start to manifest that until your d-4 strand is taken care of. And you can’t do the d-4 strand until your d-3 strand is taken care of. So, the first important thing to do is start working with the chakras, the embodied ones. You can start pulling in, you know, energy from higher chakras, you know, using the Guardians system, where they showed the 15 chakras. But you’re only going to be able to pull that in to a certain level until you get the 7 Primary Chakras in the body that just about everybody knows about, functioning properly. You need to balance and harmonize the main chakra system so it’s prepared to hold the higher dimensional frequency. So, when that Wave kicks in, in 2012, and that imprint for the 5th-dimensional strand is made available to you, so your body can use that imprint. You know, so that would be the first thing to start doing. 1:42:55 And you don’t even need our material to do that, you can work with other chakra balancing systems, but it’s really important to do it because when you’re balancing chakras you’re realigning DNA sound tones. Nope, not one of ours (*Ash referencing plane overhead making lots of noise)…Laughs…I couldn’t resist. Anybody else have any questions? Participant: So contacting “higher Self” is also parts of activating the chakras? Anna: Yes, it…there’s a block put in…forget exactly which one. All right, in the 3rd-dimension there are 12 sub-frequency bands and I believe the block was put in the 7 th-sub-frequency band, which means it would manifest in the 3rd-strand of DNA as the 7th-base tone, I believe. That’s what’s keeping you and your higher self, separate. So, I think there’s actually 2 of them, I forget. There was a couple of tones taken out, but if you want to start working with your higher self, start working with the 3 rd chakra, yeah, because the 3rd chakra goes with the 3rd-dimensional frequencies, which goes with the 3rd DNA strand. And the 3rd DNA strand, in d-3, since your higher self is, part of it is in d-3, it’s in the ultra-high frequency bands, if you’re trying to open up d-3 frequencies to each other, you need to use the 3rd-DNA strand, you need to 3rd chakra, and so it’s very easy, the Guardian System the way they’ve lined up the chakras and everything, so you see where it plugs into each other. So start working with solar plexus chakra and learning to balance it, and running energy through your whole system like, you know, from some of the higher chakras. Just picture energy running down through that’s harmonizing all the way down through that one (*chakra 3 reference), down into the Earth Core. Start to harmonize them and start to request it. It’s a level of you. You know how you can talk to yourself in your own head sometimes, like you know, you go about muttering to yourself and you answer yourself sometimes? Well, start talking to your higher self. Realize it’s there. And you’re not weird, you’re talking to “you”, you know, a part of you that knows more than your conscious self does. Go for it. We’re trained in this society not to do that, not to look inward, not to acknowledge higher parts of our identity; it’s time we acknowledged them. Participant: We’re basically clueless about it. Anna: Yeah, and it’s really there, and it’s in a tangible spot too, you know. Higher self, where does that live? Ultra-high frequency bands of d-3. Where is the Soul? Well, the first level of it’s in d-4, the 2nd’s in d5, the 3rd’s in d-6. There are places these parts of identity exist within, and they are dimensional frequency bands that travel in layers. Just like you can have several frequency bands coming out of a radio or television that give you different channels, well the different parts of yourself run different channels. And you can learn to blend the channels. 107 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
Participant: And the /// actually knows how many strands it has activated? Anna: I wouldn’t have a clue in my own body if I hadn’t had the Guardians working with me and telling me, or my higher self. I mean, I work with my higher self a lot. If I’m not in the mood to talk to Guardians, cause they can give me some really heavy duty material sometimes that I don’t want to hear, I’ll just ask my higher self for an easy answer (Laughs), and you know, it will do that. So… Participant: Do you know how many strands you’ve got activated? Anna: Yeah…yeah…and I know how many I have left to activate, and how much time I have to do it in (Chuckles). Participant: Do you wanna share? Anna: Not really. No, there are certain things…one of the reasons that a lot of this DNA stuff was hidden for centuries from us was because we weren’t mature enough to handle it well. I mean we look at each other in this society, not ‘us’ this group, but like a lot of groups will look at each other and, “Oh, you have, you know, red skin, you have black skin, you have white skin”, and they hate each other because the color of their skin. You start getting into gene codes and whose got what, it would…until a species is mature enough to handle that information it was kept secret. There are certain things I know about my gene codes that I would never have on a video, that’s for sure, because it would put me in danger in this society. And that goes for a lot of other people too. So it becomes a very private thing. You need to work with your higher self to find out, “Ok, what do I have?” You know, or sometimes I can get information you know, if someone comes to me and asks me, “Gee, what’s in my gene code”, they’ll give me at least an idea. If…they use a term “resonance rate of body patterns” to determine types of gene codes, and say an 11-resonae rate body pattern, which is the highest on the planet right now, has a full set of 11 frequencies. It had 11-strands, basically. And some of them are Etheric strands, where you’re not going to see them under a microscope, but they’re still functioning, they’re sending energy down into the operating strands here. There are people…I think the range is between 3 and 1/2 up to 11 right now, as far as resonance rates of body patterns. The highest you can go in a body pattern is a 12. And they can’t have them on the planet right now because that energy would literally explode the Earth grid. But they’re coming, very soon, once this infusion starts taking place, there are going to ones that you know, children born, that have the gene codes that carry the full 12-strand package. And it’s going to be interesting because you can’t detect who they are. You’ll be able to tell by their deeds (?). I mean if strange things start to happen around them. If things levitate, well you know you might be dealing with one of them (Laughs). But it’s a very private matter and it needs to be kept that way for safety purposes. If they knew…for instance, I know this group, even the ones that don’t remember. This group wouldn’t be here if we didn’t share something similar in our gene codes. There’s a resonance rate that’s very similar. Some of us are on the higher end of it, some of us are just entering you know, that zone, but we…our group is being given some pretty advanced information. That alone tells us that somebody up there thinks we have the comprehension level to handle it. And that means we have more fully loaded gene code packages, because the people with the highest consciousness, are the people that have the most expanded gene codes. The gene codes will determine how much of your Soul awareness, how much of your cognition you can bring into a body.
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If you don’t have strand-3, you know, in your imprint, you cannot put your higher self in your body; you cannot access that level of consciousness while in a body. So the ones that have you know, like 7 and, you know, 7, 8, 9 resonant code bodies, their accessing 9, 7, 8, 9 levels of awareness. So the levels of awareness go with it too. Participant: I have a question. (Ash: “ok”). How much actually work does it take to do this? In other words, we have mundane stuff that we do on a daily basis and responsibilities that we have to do on a daily basis. How much work from your experience has to happen for us to consciously do this thing? And how many hours a day do we need to do this in order to actually do the work, cause it is work. Anna: Tell me about it…work…I live in a computer these days because, you know, I made a commitment to getting the work. They haven’t given me a lot of like a “program” yet, to use. Now I went through something called an Initiation Program. And Initiation is when the frequency patterns of one dimension start coming into your DNA, it’s called Initiation. When that full dimensional set of frequencies is plugged into the DNA, that’s called a Consummation. And when that starts to project outward and transmit through your cellular code, it’s called an Activation. Ok, so there are 15-dimensions, and there were 15-levels of Initiation that I went through. They…I went through it blind. I mean I had no idea what this crazy, wacky stuff was that was taking place. I mean there was all sorts of interactions with them and very interesting states of consciousness and like, you know, seeing simultaneous time at certain levels…all sorts of neat stuff. And it was completely orchestrated by my higher self, my Soul level and the Guardians. At some point they’ll bring that here, but we don’t have it in written form yet. They’re not ready, you know, to teach it, but it does exist. And I was glad I, you know, had the program even though I didn’t, you know, have the book of what the program was. I trusted. And that was the first step, was trusting and being able to surrender it. And I made a choice, and I think that’s why it tends to work pretty well with me. If I say, you know, I need information on this, please give it to me, it’s given to me most of the time. Because I made a choice a long time ago, when it came to, “Oh gee, I would rather do this or like, you know, I wanna have a career or have, you know, lots of money so I can have a nice big house ///”. I was put in a situation where I had to make a choice between my commitment to working with my Soul, my spirit, my soul agreements and the Guardians, or being a normal person and just you know, focusing on the material aspect. It’s not an easy choice, you know, I’d still love to have a nice house, and maybe someday I’ll get one before it’s too late who cares, you know. Personally, if I get to leave through a portal I’ll go. But there’s a level of surrender that’s needed by the ego, by the conscious personality, and it’s not a “surrender to” a Guardian or to a big ‘god’ up in the sky, it’s a surrender to the Soul Identity and an acknowledgement that, that Soul Identity is just ‘you’ at a level of consciousness where you remember why you manifested yourself here. So it’s like, you might as well listen to your Soul, it’s yourself and it has more knowledge. Once you cultivate the ability to surrender…sometimes it’s scary…your Soul will test you; you’re testing yourself. You know, it’s like, “Ok, this is a little challenging here. Is she going to run for the easy way out or is she going to actually turn to Soul Direction and follow the advice that she gets that way?” I’ve been through those tests and I understand them to be self-tests you know, me as a soul and testing me as an ego (Laughs), that kind of thing. Participant: Surrendering yourself is really surrendering your ego…is that true? Anna: yeah, but it’s not getting rid of the ego. A lot of the, you know, especially Eastern philosophies, tend to teach like you know, wipe out the egos…stomp all over it and kill it to death. It’s not about that; you embrace it, you incorporate it into the rest of the identity and it becomes more than it ever was. It’s not 109 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
about, you know, taking it out like it’s a cancer and throwing it away; it’s not about that at all. So, it’s integration of the ego, and first you integrate it with the higher self and then you don’t have an ego anymore, you have a part of you that looks out on the world just like the ego did, but it looks out with greater cognition; you become your higher self. And then once you become the higher self, you don’t get rid of the higher self to become the soul, you integrate the soul in and the higher self kind of becomes absorbed within it and now you’re the Soul. And that’s how the progression goes, you know, you start with the - - nobody gets lost in the process. You don’t have to divide yourself up, your personality up in pieces and cut part of yourself off as ‘bad’ and ‘wrong’. And there’s a lot of distortion in a lot of these spiritual traditions that teaches you that. They teach us our bodies are sinful, they’re ‘horrible’, they’re ‘bad’, they teach us our you know, our emotions are ‘bad’, or they teach us our intuitions are bad; that’s wrong. That was given to us to keep us blind and to keep us from integrating. We need to step beyond that, and there’s lots of ways to do it. I encourage people to look into other, you know, other venues of mysticism or any of this because I can’t provide the information fast enough for everybody. And there’s a lot of good stuff out there, you know. I don’t want to create a dependence on me or our information because I’m only one person and I still haven’t caught up with myself in this race yet, as far as getting the data out, you know, as fast as I’d like to. But, if I could help people to motivate themselves to, you know, there’s a real thing happening here, there’s a timeframe on it, and by exploring you know, your energy systems by really reaching for that spirit within you, that is your higher “you”, you can accomplish amazing things you don’t even realize yet. But if you work with your Soul and your Spirit it will lead you to those, it will lead you to understand it. You’ll be amazed, you’ll be amazed at what you can overcome, you can be amazed at the strength you can muster in the face of adversity, you’ll be amazed at who you grow to be. And even if the Halls of Amenti weren’t open, it’s still worth doing that. It’s just because these Halls are opening right now and because of the time cycle, this process is so much easier now for everybody. Grab it while you have the chance, because the 5th-dimensional energies that come in and infuse through the Earth grid during this process, they spark a 5th-dimensional level of awareness. We get part of our memory back that we don’t have operating right now, our cellular memory. We hit a level of consciousness that we could really surprise ourselves with that’s been there all along, we just haven’t been able to pull it in and you know, acknowledge it as ourselves. So it’s like now’s the time. It’s easy. It’s kind of like, you know, some days it’s really bad weather and it’s hard to go outside and some days it’s beautiful, sunny and just you know, walk out and have a great day…it’s one of those “walk out, have a great day” times, as far as spiritual development goes. There’s so much support and energy available now it would be a shame not to go for it. Cause it’s like…I think one of the hardest things for me to deal with because I’m very, very spiritually oriented, and I’m not religious at all. I’m very spiritual, but not religious. I don’t like organized, contrived things meant to control people and that’s usually what religions tend to do, but they don’t, all power to ‘em. But when I see people like, “Well yeah, when I have time I’ll be spiritual, when I get around to it, or when I’m older and I’m closer to death and I have to worry about it”. They’re missing so much on a daily basis because they haven’t integrated that part of themselves. Everything looks different when that part of you is with you. And you start to comprehend the deepness of everything. You could look at a molecule under a microscope and have an emotional experience because you cognate what it meant, you know. There’s levels there, of consciousness, that are worth exploring. So unless anybody has questions I kind of wrapped up for tonight. Participant: Well before you wrap up, there’s always this article that come out that says that the new world order is doing their darnedest best to do mind control in the mass of populations that we have, not 110 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
only in the United States, but throughout the world. What effect does that have, you know, in this kind of ascension process that we’re trying to activate on all of us? Anna: It depends on who’s doing it, and what tactic they’re using. Participant: Well, they’re using electronics, for example. Learned that the so called “high-frequency HAARP” machine has been deployed all throughout the world now. It’s going to be able to control mass of people as far as their way of thinking. How does it affect as far as the timeframe we have, you know, from ascending? Anna: Well, what…this was something you know, I wasn’t going to get into in this particular class, but that gets into the Zeta Agenda because the Zeta are working with the Interior Government. And there’s also a couple other ones working with them at this point. They’re intending to set up a “frequency fence”, which is mind control; mass level mind control. And they need it in operation by, I believe it was 2004, because they want to harness our perceptions in a way that they can start projecting holographic pictures. They can make 5 sense holograms that we can walk through and not know any difference between the hologram and what’s really behind it, and they want to use it as an infiltration tactic to take over the planet. There…this is technology, and I wrote an article about this in one of the contact forum magazines. In order for them to be able to do that to the population, they have to use certain electro-magnetic pulses, very specific ones, and it has taken them about 50 years to find out exactly what pulses to use to go with our bio-neurological system, ok. One very easy way to make these technologies not work is to learn to change the pulsing rate of your biological system. Because they’ll send their little programs and they’re not going to work anymore cause they were geared toward…our bodies resonate at a certain rate...they’ve had to devise plans of electro-magnetic transmission that were geared toward affecting that vibration rate and making blockages in that. You shift that vibration rate and they can’t reach it anymore. They can shoot their pulses, but it’s not going to affect us. So raising consciousness, which is assembling DNA strands, which is raising the frequency of the body, is the way to disable that whole program. But the people who do not do that will be in mind control, probably by 2006. And that’s scary. How many of them are going to sit in front of their big, digital TVs and not realize there’s little pulses of light being transmitted through the eyes, because it has to go through the eyes to affect the brain in certain ways to make the rest of the pulses coming through the Earth work, you know. And that’s something I haven’t gotten into, and we’re not going to sell this one because I’m not going to wind up getting in trouble with people that make digital TVs. But there are certain things that are being done, and there’s a purpose for them. Digital TV conversion, last time I heard this wasn’t “optional”; this was mandatory. Why? Why do you think? You know, why do you think little HAARP things are popping up all over the planet? It’s happening right before our eyes, but we’ve been so brainwashed into thinking “everything’s hunky dory”… Participant: That’s called the video drone (?) effect. Anna: So, being aware of this is important. And being aware that you have the power as an individual to use your energy systems in a way that you can block whatever they throw at you. As long as you know that and work with your energy, they won’t be able to affect you. Then they may have to hunt you, where they really come knock on your door and scare you, because if they can’t control you, then you’re a danger to them, you know. Right now it’s not that bad yet, where I can still get away with talking about this kind of stuff, occasionally in public, and not have anybody really trying to do me harm. We’ll see where that goes. 111 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
I know people that have revealed some information, some of it was a lot less than what I have, who’ve gotten a lot of harassment. And you know, death threats against them, have Men In Black at their door, and strange car accidents happening all the time, you know, weird things happening with their cars, break failure, you know, that kind of stuff- repeatedly. I’ve never had that harassment. But, these systems that are putting in, you know, the digital television networks, the HAARP systems and god knows what other kind of technologies, cause they are using a whole bunch of other types of electro-magnetic technologies to try to manipulate us. The only recourse we have is awareness and knowing that we do have recourse for anything electrical, or anything magnetic, because we are electro-magnetic. The energy running through us is Multidimensional electro-magnetic energy. And if they’re just beaming through with d-3 or like 3rddimensional energy, you learn to pull 4th-dimensional energy into your system and you’ll be able to synthesize and totally process and harmonize the energies they’re sending at you. It’s that simple. That’s what’s amazing. You don’t need big, fancy electrical devices and stuff to counter their nasty, little you know, waves that they’re sending at us, you just need to know how to control your own energy field. And that’s not even expensive. You know, you can buy like really big machines to like put up, you know, electro- magnetic screens to bounce their signals back at them, but if you could learn to do that in your own bio-energetic field you don’t need to spend all that money on a big machine. Participant: You think some of these frequencies can be blocked by shielding your dwellings, such as you know, for example, if architecturally you could design say a pyramidal building with proper shielding, using certain metallic, you know, material. Could you shield yourself from that? Anna: It could help. Yeah, there are little tricks like that, that would help. But really like, I mean you can do this stuff, but you don’t have to. You just need to learn how to control your own energy field, that’s it, you know. Participant: That’s it? Anna: Yeah. So I mean, it’d be great, you know, you can build fancy building and eventually I think people will become more aware of building in harmony with the energy laws, but it’s not something that you have to do that you’re not going to survive if you don’t do, at least not yet. I mean if things got out of hand here…see, there’s a little problem that I didn’t mention before that when we go through this 5-year period up to the 2017 thing, there’s a period of 3-days where the magnetic grids collapse briefly. Things get real, real dense during that period, where it’s like pressure, everything gets more dense, there’s more pressure on it. And that’s when we’re actually moving back out of the d-4 time band and back into the d-3 time band, which it gets into that in the more technical information that I have. This is not going to have a real good effect on things that are made like nuclear power things, when you start condensing atoms. It’s going to cause some problems. And there are Guardian Groups, especially the Sirian Council are, they’re trying to work out something that they can do to fortify the fields around the messes that we’ve made with our nuclear stuff, because it could set off chain reactions. And that wouldn’t be a positive thing, you know, we got this far and it’s taken us like 200,000 years to get to the point where we could get this thing open in the middle of our Earth Core and have this chance to evolve, to take this evolutionary leap, and then you have something dumb like that happen. So hopefully, we you know, with the help of the Sirian Council and maybe our own awareness, we can stop that from happening. They’ve been calling for disarmament for years. The governments don’t listen. The Sirian Council has approached them, the Arcturian Council has approached them, the Andromeda Council has approached them and they will not make any move whatsoever to go for, you know, disarmament, even temporary 112 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
disarmament. You know, even for that period of time, take out whatever detonators are, or whatever the things that react with each other…I don’t know anything about nuclear power, but I do know that when atoms start to get magnetically condensed, it’s going to affect and de-stabilize it. They should just take it apart for 3-days, you know, when they can locate when these periods are going to be. And you know, that’s one thing we haven’t really addressed because it’s kind of like, you know, barking up a sleeping tree, cause the tree’s not going to answer you. I don’t expect the government to do anything. Participant: Do the Guardians have any estimate on any groups or people or convening on a periodic basis in order to affect this ascension of the planet? Anna: Oh, how many groups like ours? (Participant: Yes) There are actually millions of them and ////. And they’re going to get bigger. They’re going to start like, you know, where there was like say a million little groups, they’ll get into like little bit bigger groups, and there won’t be so many, but they’ll be bigger and that kind of thing. There’s lots of us. We all have a piece of the information. Participant: So all of these little groups will become grid workers? Anna: Yeah, that’s what they’re building. Participant: And that’s what it’s building of? Anna: Yes. And the frequencies, if we’re able to raise our frequencies in our bodies, we become very valuable commodities to the Earth, because we’re able to you know, our field, our energy field is directly a part of Earth’s energy field. Where we vibrate will affect how the Earth vibrates. So the people that are working with these concepts and working with the energy fields and trying to make them vibrate higher, are helping everybody on the planet because they’re helping the Earth make it through these changes. Because you know, if it doesn’t vibrate high enough it’s going to be a mess. You know, you will see all sorts of natural disaster type things happening. We already see the shifts in the weather patterns, you know, and the increase in everything from like you know, earthquakes and tidal waves and all that kind of stuff. This is just the beginning. Participant: Changes in the temperature of each and every zone. Anna: (*Nods her head). Yeah, so they haven’t gotten into too much yet, as far as what, what degree of Earth changing we can expect to see. And I almost feel like they’re trying to protect me from myself (Laughs) like, “Don’t tell her that yet. Wait ‘til later,” you know. They’ll let me know if there’s something I need to know about or if I need to tell people about right away. But I don’t think it’s as hunky dory as they like to let people believe right now. I think that a lot of the Guardian groups, not just the one that’s working with me, they tend to say, “Oh, you know, it’s ok, things are like going to be just fine, you know. We’ll all get you through.” They’re saying that because what? You going to tell us, “Well, you know, it looks like you know, maybe a 1/3rd of the Earth is going to shift all over the place.” People are going to freak out; they’re going to panic, especially if there’s scientific data behind it that makes it look like a definitely plausible thing that could happen. So they’re giving that information slowly, you know, like you’ll be made aware when you need to be made aware of it. And you know, if you’re one of the Souls who on the Soul level has decided, “Well, I want out of here. I want to catch the Morph Wave and my body’s not going to make it one time”, you’ll be in one of those areas that get hit with something because you’re Soul will want you there, or you as a Soul will put yourself there. You know, and the other people who aren’t meant to go that way will be urged to move for 113 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series © 1998 - 2012 A & A Deane
one reason or another, they’ll find themselves out of the area that things are going to happen. Any more questions? Participant: No. It’s time to rest. Anna: I think so. (Clapping) Thanks, I kind of went ad lib on that one. Part of it’s because I can’t read it (*the Mylars). 2:11:42
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