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English Pages 64 Year 1998
Amenti Class 1 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD1) 0:00–00:40 min.
Questions and Answers 1. Ash describes the “Science of Keylonta” in detail. What points does she use to characterize, or describe it with? It is the Science of: • Creation & consciousness. • Macrocosmic & Microcosmic interrelationships. • Energy dynamics through which matter forms & consciousness manifest. • Biological (physical) & consciousness (spiritual) evolution. • Humanity's relationship to its Source & the cosmos. • The construction, perceptions & potentials of the human organism and consciousness. • The structure of the multidimensional universe and humanity's multidimensional identity. • Humanity's relationship to other sentient life forms within the multidimensional universe. • Conscious evolution. • The human soul & the family tree of consciousness out of which all of us emerge. • DNA activation, genetic imprinting, cellular memory and transmutation of form. • Dimensional ascension, teleportation, bi-location and re-generation of identity. • The dynamics of time, space and matter. • Ultra micro particle & anti-particle dynamics. • The 12 human senses. • Light, sound, the sub-conscious symbol codes and the base codes of matter. 2. What are the functions of Partiki? • Partiki operate as fission-fusion generators. • Partiki create and maintain the electro-magnetic frequency fields upon which the universe and all structure is built. • Partiki exist within and beyond all matter forms, pre-matter, anti-matter and consciousness. • Partiki form and sustain Morphogenetic Fields (form-holding patterns). • Partiki form the unified energy field that runs through the entire cosmos. • Partiki are the organizational intelligence within all things. • Partiki are the living units of conscious identity & energy.
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Partiki Units are the consciousness of God/Yunasai. (We are made from the consciousness of God!). Partiki Units are our connection to a centralized source (God/Yunasai). Partiki are the structure of the physical and the spiritual aspects of our identity.
3. What are the points Ash uses to describe Particum Units? • A Particum Unit is an intrinsic part of the Partiki Unit. • A Particum Unit is a Particum-Partiki Unit. • Particum are slower moving than the PartikA particles. • Particum Units contain half of the electro-tonal (electrified sound) thrust or force of its twin (PartikA). Particum Units move or pulsate half as fast as PartikA Units. • Particum are sub-units of Partiki. • Particum Units make up particles in our universe. • Particum Units create sub-atomic particles. 4. What are the points Ash uses to describe PartikA Units? • PartikA is a PartikA-Partiki Unit. (Like the Particum, it is a sub-unit of the Partiki Unit). • PartikA are anti-particles to the particles that we are composed of. • PartikA Units imply the existence of a parallel universe and a parallel self. • PartikA Units make up the parallel selves/universes that run twice as fast as our selves/universes. 5. What is the process of Partiki Cycling? • Simple Answer: Partiki Cycling is the process of Particum and PartikA Units constantly flashing on together. The Particum particle then flashes off. Then the PartikA anti-particle flashes off. They then replicate, create a backflow and flash on again. •
In-depth Answer: A Partiki Unit is a unit of electro-tonal thrust, which comes out of the Yunasai; The Partiki starts as one and undergoes fission when it hits the frequency bands of the 15-Dimensional system. It then replicates itself and the original breaks apart. The original pattern of that tone remains in the replication. The Partiki that comes in first breaks up or polarizes into two pieces, a Particum (PCM) and a PartikA (PKA). They are created at the same time. They flash on, one in our universe and one in the parallel universe. This happens so fast that we can’t perceive it. Because the PartikA has twice the amount of thrust or force as the Particum and is moving away from the Morphogenetic Field, it starts to tow the Particum and makes it spin, reverse direction and go back to fuse with the Morphogenetic Field.
The Particum flashes off in our universe. It expands the Morphogenetic Field, adding to it. The Morphogenetic Field then becomes more of a thrust than the PartikA Unit, causing the PartikA to spin and pulling it back in. The PartikA then fuses with the Particum particle inside of the Morphogenetic Field. Now both particle and anti-particle have flashed off. When both have flashed off and fused, it releases a burst of energy. It sends a quarter of its thrust back toward the Yunasai, creating a backflow that pulls away from the dimensional matrix that we are in. (This would be the current that would take us back home to God/Yunasai). When the backflow is created it sets off another act of fission within the Morphogenetic Field. Then the particles that come together will cycle and break apart again. 6. How do Particum & PartikA universes take place in the same space? • Particum & PartikA universes are intertwined and taking place in the same space but on different pulses of consciousness (flashing on and off). The PartikA universe is pulsing twice as fast as the Particum universe, which in turn changes the angular rotation of particle spin. That then moves both universes and beings in the universes out of each others’ perception. 7. What is a Partiki Grid? • A carpet of light and sound that is invisible to our perceptions but exists beneath and through all matter forms and all forms of consciousness. A Partiki Grid is a grouping of Partiki Units by like polarization. I.e., Particum Units group together with more Particum Units. 8. Once a Partiki Grid is formed what is the next process? • Partiki then group by like polarization. The grids pull in more Partiki Units that cluster together and form Keylons, e.g., like dirt building up on a fabric. 9. What is a Keylon? • A Keylon is a dimensionalized Partiki composite that forms within and around the fabric of the Partiki Grids. Keylons are the first step in the transition from consciousness to pre-matter substance. 10. What are Keylon Codes? • Keylon Codes are complex groupings of Keylons that direct the contours of energy upon which forms are built. • Keylon Codes are complex patterns of frequency and electro-tonal energy. • Keylon Codes are the living light and sound patterns that our sub-atomic particles build upon. • They set the pattern for our DNA and body rhythms.
11. What has a Crystal Body and what are the functions of the Crystal Body? • The Crystal Body is the multidimensional Keylon Code structure of a matter form or a form of consciousness or energy. Therefore, everything has a Crystal Body— every atom, every small being, and every large being, including us. We have a Crystal Body which walks around with us. Our Crystal Body is inside, through and around us. Our physical body & DNA are controlled and set by the Crystal Body. The Crystal Body sets the sub-atomic structure and the body rhythms. The Crystal Body also sets the way energy and Partiki Units will manifest throughout the body and the type of conscious awareness the form will be able to embody. 12. What is the process of biological & spiritual evolution? • Biological & spiritual evolution is the process of progressing from the lower dimensional reality fields into the higher dimensional fields. Evolution is the process of pulling higher frequencies (Partiki Grids from the higher dimensions) into our Particum/Partiki Grid. As we do this we are progressively merging our Particum Grid with the PartikA Grid of our twin. We are literally, as we evolve up the dimensional scale, merging with our double and transmuting into higher fields.
Vocabulary 1. Guardian Alliance: The Guardian Alliance is a group of beings from other dimensional systems and also from our 3rd dimension. Some are extra-terrestrial, some are meta-terrestrial, and some are ultra-terrestrial, which means they are completely outside of the framework of time and space. The Guardian Alliance upholds Christiac principles as a way of existing. 2. Yunasai: The Yunasai is the central Source/God, an energy/consciousness identity that is the central source of creation. All of reality takes place within the Yunasai. 3. Unified Field: A Partiki Grid forms the unified field of energy that exists within and through everything. The unified field of energy connects us directly into the source from which we emerge (Yunasai). 4. Cosmos: The cosmos represents a massive Partiki Grid, which serves as the unified field of energy/substance within which all things exist and are interconnected. 5. Partiki: Partiki are the smallest units of energy in the cosmos. Partiki are electro-tonal units of energy identity that emanate from a central source.
6. Morphogenetic Field: A Morphogenetic Field is a basic energy field/energy structure behind a manifest form that allows the manifest form to keep its shape. 7. Keylontic Science (Keylonta): The science of light, sound, the subconscious symbol codes and the base codes of matter. 8. Keylon: A dimensionalized Partiki composite that forms within and around the fabric of the Partiki Grids. 9. Keylon Code: Keylon Codes are complex groupings of Keylons. 10. Crystal Body: The Crystal Body is the literal underlying structure of the body and its functions. 11. Partiki Grid: A Partiki Grid is a carpet of light and sound that underlies all consciousness and matter. 12. Junk DNA: Unplugged Keylon Codes.
Multiple Choice 1. What are the two units that split from a Partiki Unit? (a) Electrons and Neutrons. (b) Mions and Dions. (c) Particum and PartikA. (d) All of the Above. 2. What is the first form a Partiki Unit takes? (a) Strands, which then group to form grids. (b) Grids. (c) Morphogenetic Fields. (d) Shields. 3. Perception of space, time and matter is controlled by what factor? (a) Particum & PartikA Phasing or Cycling (flashing on and off). (b) Radio waves. (c) A and B. (d) Anti-particles.
4. What are the two types of Partiki Grids? (a) Particum & Particle Grids (b) Particum & Partikus Grids (c) Particum & PartikA Grids (d) Particum & Partikam Grids 5. What are Keylon Codes? (a) Keylon Codes are complex groupings of Keylons. (b) Keylon Codes are complex patterns of frequency of electro-tonal energy. (c) Keylon Codes are the living light & sound codes that our sub-atomic particles build on. (d) All of the above. 6. What form do Keylons take? (a) Keylons only form squares. (b) Keylons form into geometrical crystalline structures. (c) Plants. (d) Keylons form rectangles inside of rectangles. 7. What patterns do Keylons follow when grouping together? (a) Geometrical mathematical laws applying to the way dimensions are structured. (b) There is no pattern to their grouping. (c) Keylons only group when it is the right heat. (d) All of the above. 8. What is the term used to describe the multidimensional Keylon Code structure of matter form? (a) Morphogenetic Field. (b) The Crystal Body. (c) Eckasha. (d) Star. 9. What is the purpose of the Crystal Body? (a) It sets the manifest characteristics of a form. (b) To communicate with other sentient life forms. (c) To heal other life forms. (d) To help crystals grow. 10. What is a Morphogenetic Field? (a) A rectangular form holding structure. (b) A basic energy field/structure behind a manifest form that allows the manifest form to keep its shape. (c) A manifest form that keeps planets orbiting around the sun. (d) A baseball field.
11. How many dimensional frequencies can humans hold in body before evolving out of biology? (a) 9 (b) 15 (c) 6 (d) 12 12. How many dimensions are in a universe? (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 13 (d) 15
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #1 LOVE — Recognition of the TRUTH of the ALL-ONE-ness Responsibility of Mastery #1 SELF-ACTUALIZATION: Freedom from the "Victim-Victimizer Blame-Game" and willingness to be accountable for all perceivable manifestations as direct projections of intended learning from the personal Consciousness/DNA Template.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. C, 2. A, 3. A, 4. C, 5. D, 6. B, 7. A, 8. B, 9. A, 10. B, 11. D, 12. D.
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 2 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD1) 0:40–01:20
Questions and Answers 1. What are light-symbol codes used for? • To program the way energy flows through the Crystal Body, the Partiki and the Keylon units. 2. To move your consciousness out of your physical body and travel in the astral, which dimensions do you have to link together? • D3 and D4 3. What are the seven Primary Chakras within the body? • 1–base, 2–sacral, 3–solar plexus, 4–heart (astral), 5–throat, 6–third eye, 7–crown. 4. Where is the 8th Chakra? • Between the 4th and 5th Chakras at an angle, and coming out at the back of the head. 5. Where is the 9th Chakra? • At the base of skull and through the pituitary gland at an angle, coming out of the forehead. 6. Which Chakra/dimension is the first point of projection into the Time Matrix? • The 14th. 7. Where is the 15th Chakra? • Through Earth's core and way out in space. 8. What is a cause of human spontaneous combustion? • Too much energy comes from the unified and auric fields and fragments the Crystal Body. 9. Where is the 13th Chakra? • In the center of the Earth. 10. We have a line of energy running down the center of our body (the Central Vertical Current). If the line is broken, what are the results? • You will have energy blockages and leakage of energy.
11. What are two methods for seeing the line and detecting breaks in the Partiki Grid pattern? • We can use visualizations to sense the line and see the breaks and blockages. You can fix the line of energy with 4D sound directed via light-symbol codes. 12. In which dimensions does our Oversoul reside? • Dimensions 7, 8, and 9, Harmonic Universe 3.
Vocabulary 1. Light-symbol codes: Patterns of electro-tonal energy composed of specific Partiki configurations that make up certain frequencies and spectrums of multidimensional sound and light. 2. Galactic Core: The center of the 15-Dimensional Matrix. Connects to the level of identity you were before you entered manifestation. 3. Time Matrix: Dimensionalized system that gives us the illusion of matter space and progression through time. 4. Merkaba: Two counter-rotating spirals of energy that hold the key to demanifestation, teleportation and control over matter. 5. Geomantic entity: Level of your identity that exists beyond the dimensionalized system. It is the collective, gestalt identity you were before you fragmented yourself into individuation and became individual beings. 6. Hara Center: Ball of energy located along Central Vertical Current that is connected to the Earth directly.
Multiple Choice 1. A hologram is created by the refraction of light and ______. (a) sound (b) the atmosphere (c) the Sun
(d) your eyes 2. The D1 level refers to our __________ body. (a) physical (b) emotional (c) mental (d) astral 3. The D2 level refers to our ___________ body. (a) physical (b) emotional (c) mental (d) astral 4. The D3 level refers to our ____________ body. (a) mental (b) Partiki (c) PartikA (d) astral 5. The D4 level refers to our __________ body. (a) mental (b) astral (c) crystal (d) physical 6. The 8th Chakra connects to: (a) the heart (b) the Galactic Core (c) the Crystal Body (d) the base of the skull 7. The Chakra numbers correspond to the __________: (a) Partiki Grids (b) Unified Field (c) organs in the body (d) the numbers of the dimensions 8. The physical body can only hold frequencies up to dimensional level: (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12 9. The 13th Chakra unites our Crystal Body and the Crystal Body of: (a) the Sun
(b) our higher dimensional selves (c) Earth (d) our mental body 10. The 10th Chakra is located: (a) 6" above the head (b) 12 inches below the feet (c) in the center of the Earth (d) 36" above the head 11. The 11th Chakra is located: (a) 6" above the head (b) 36 " below the feet (c) 18" above the head (d) Earth's core. 12. Our Soul level refers to dimensions: (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 4, 5, 6 (c) 7, 8, 9 (d) 10, 11, 12
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #2 GRACE —Allowing the ALL-ONE-ness to Be what IT IS regardless of whether it suits you. Living Perpetual Forgiveness. Responsibility of Mastery #2 Self-sovereignty: Freedom from the need for approval from, or the need to rebel against any form of "external authority" through understanding that you, as a manifestation of the God Spirit, have the ability to create personal freedom without violating the spiritual rights of others and without allowing others to violate your spiritual rights of being.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. A, 2. A, 3. B, 4. A, 5. B, 6. B, 7. D, 8. D, 9. C, 10. A, 11. C, 12. B The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 3 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD1) 01:20–02:00
Questions and Answers 1. What are Morphogenetic Fields (review question)? • Morphogenetic Fields are the basic structures behind manifest form that allow forms to keep their shapes. Everything in the universe (every single particle) has one. 2. What is the Rishi Identity? • The level of our identity that exists completely beyond manifestation. It is pure consciousness to which we are still connected. It is essentially a ball of flaming light. 3. Explain the difference between Initiation, Consummation, and Activation. • Initiation occurs when a being from one dimensional level begins to pull in frequency bands and keylon codes from the next dimensional level—when, for example, a D3 being begins to pull in Keylon Codes from D4. Consummation occurs when a being has pulled in all of the frequency bands of that next highest level—when, for example, a D3 being has pulled in all the frequency bands of D4. Activation occurs when frequency bands and Keylon Codes are taken from storage in "junk" DNA and plugged back into one's neurological structure so they begin to manifest through the hologram of one's life. Initiation is the beginning of dimensional Ascension, Consummation is the next step, and Activation leads to manifestation. 4. Can you have an 8-dimensional consciousness (or higher) within the physical body? • It is possible; however, the consciousness could not be fully activated because the physical body cannot hold all the codes for D8+ without blowing the consciousness out of manifestation. 5. Explain what happens when you fall asleep. • Our consciousness particles start to speed up and go into the D4 astral planes. To do this, we move first through the polarization zone that exists between the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Our consciousness can go beyond the 4th dimension to the 5th, 6th, and higher dimensions. There is no dream imagery at this level of consciousness, only direct cognition.
6. What are some of the benefits of using the Inner Sanctum Meditation? • You can learn to communicate with your higher self, Guardians, etc. It’s your connection to the universe space. And it increases feelings of internal and external safety and security.
Vocabulary 1. Celestial Body: 6th level of the auric field, or the 3rd level of the Soul body. 2. Ketheric Template: The first level of Monadic identity. 3. Monad: The primary 3 tones from which we were created before we broke down into a Particum being and a PartikA being. 4. Initiation: The part of the dimensional Ascension process in which a being from one dimensional level begins to pull in frequencies and Keylon Codes from the next dimensional level— for example, when a D3 being begins to pull in Keylon Codes from D4. 5. Consummation: The part of the dimensional Ascension process in which a being has pulled in all of the frequency bands of the next dimensional level—for example, when a D3 being has pulled in all the frequency bands of D4. 6. Activation: The part of the dimensional Ascension process in which frequency bands are taken from storage in the "junk" DNA and Keylon Codes and plugged back into the neurological structure so they begin to manifest through the hologram of one's life.
Multiple Choice 1. What dimension comprises the Monadic Identity? (a) D3 (b) D4 (c) D8 (d) D12 2. What is the last dimension in which one can experience matter form? (a) D3—Once the body dies it is left behind and one can no longer experience matter. (b) D13—Rishi levels of identity have matter. (c) D7—Here, you have only a semi-matter body. (d) One can experience matter form in any dimension.
3. What are the Avatar levels of awareness? (a) D7, D8, D9 (b) Also called the Dolar Levels; they are comprised of levels/dimensions 10–12. (c) The levels of awareness the typical human has during incarnations on Earth. (d) All of the above. 4. If your consciousness is stationed in D3, what level appears solid? (a) D2 (b) D13 (c) D7 (d) One can view solid matter form in any dimension. 5. The process of ascension is a process of what 3 things? (a) Initiation, Consummation, and Activation—ultimately the activation of higher and higher level Keylon Codes. (b) Fulfillment of one's current incarnational contract. (c) Acknowledging mistakes, asking forgiveness for them, and processing Karma. (d) All of the above. 6. What is the purpose of the Inner Sanctum Meditation? (a) Field Activation (b) To serve as an inner sanctuary (c) To focus in the Brehmn (d) All of the above
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #3 GRATITUDE — Appreciating the ALL-ONE-ness; knowing your Alive-ness. Responsibility of Mastery #3 SELF-CONTAINMENT: Taking personal responsibility for, and realizing that at all times, you are accountable for DIRECTING PERSONAL ENERGIES. There is no one or no thing that "upsets you" and thus justifies or validates ANY personal spiritual misuse of reaction, idea, intention or action. It is YOU who "upsets yourself" by allowing the emotional body to follow misperceptions of the mental body that tell you that your power lies outside of yourself. At any given moment, you can CHOOSE which words, associations and ideas you will use as the filters through which you interpret an event. "UPSET," "MAD," HURT" or any other category of labeling (conscious or subconscious) are all MENTAL BODY FILTERS that direct emotional and physical body function. The self contained individual recognizes that at all times, the freedom of interpretation exists, and thus a "negative" experience and its associated dis-harmonic 3
energies of "upset" feelings can only exist as a personal interpretation of events. Accepting any less responsibility for the direction of personal energies will place you directly into the Victim-Victimizer "Blame Game," which can only take place among people who are placing their personal power and responsibility for manifestation onto externalized sources. Only you have the power to "upset yourself." Regardless of what others say or do, you are fully entitled to your own interpretation. No one or thing has the power to upset you unless you give this power away. Self containment comes when one recognizes that the direction of personal energies, whether physical, emotional, mental (ideas, beliefs, labels, interpretations), conscious or subconscious is an attainable level of personal mastery and exists as an implied responsibility that comes with the gift of free will choice. The more responsible you become, the greater freedom and personal empowerment you will know.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. C, 2. C, 3. B, 4. A, 5. A, 6. D
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 4 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD1) 02:00–02:40
Questions and Answers 1. How do we create immunity to a frequency fence? • By bringing in and embodying higher levels of your identity. This will raise your frequency and shift you out of range of the frequency fence transmissions. 2. What metaphor does A'sha use to clarify the concept of simultaneous time? Explain. • A’sha says that the true nature of time is more akin to how we perceive space; and could be likened to a map that one can move across. A family in California would represent one time area and a family in New Jersey would represent another different time area. They are taking place in different times but are really there at the same time and are connected. 3. What controls and limits our perception of time? • The genetic time codes in our DNA, which are Keylon Code configurations that make us perceive time in a linear, moment to moment fashion. 4. How does A'sha explain a Time Continuum? • As bands of frequency that move in spirals. 5. What does a frequency fence do? • It can control the perceptions of others and make them experience any reality that the intruders want them to. 6. Why are energy sensing techniques so important? • They allow you to make a conscious connection with other parts of your own consciousness and soul family. Once this happens you perceive yourself, everyone else, and the world around you very differently. Your identity expands and the “I” that you thought of as your self as becomes plural.
Vocabulary 1. Keylon: Dimensionalized composite crystalline structures that form within and around the fabric of Partiki Grids. 2. Keylon Code: A complex grouping of Keylons that direct and control the contours of energy upon which form is built. 3. Unified Field: A living energy substance composed of geometrical grids of electro-tonal and electromagnetic energy that are called Partiki Grids. 4. Time Matrix: Can be thought of as the “carpet of time” or map of all the timelines that are taking place in this Time Matrix. It follows a specific mathematical and geometrical program through which space, time and matter can be experienced by consciousness. 5. Oversoul Identity: The Monad identity or Harmonic Universe (HU) 3 identity; identity levels stationed in dimensions 7, 8, and 9 and composed of the frequency bands of those dimensions. 6. Frequency Fence: A barrier, created by unplugging Keylon Codes, that blocks higher frequencies from a group of people and can control what they hear, see and feel and experience.
Multiple Choice 1. What is Reverse Mutation? (a) undoing harmful mutations (b) de-evolution (c) creating harmful mutations (d) none of the above 2. Who or what has the most Keylon Codes? (a) a past incarnation (b) a future incarnation (c) yourself (d) your computer
3. How can we heal our miasms and karma without re-experiencing them in our lives? (a) bio-regenesis techniques (b) embodying our higher identities (c) bringing in more Partiki units to our fields (d) all of the above 4. Why do we need to sleep at night? (a) because our bodies are tired (b) because our bodies cannot hold and process certain higher frequencies that our consciousness needs to experience (c) because we need to process information on higher levels (d) both b & c 5. What is the minimal dimensional level that our consciousness travels to when we go to sleep? (a) 4th dimension (b) 6th dimension (c) 8th dimension (d) 12th dimension 6. What was dissembled in our DNA to limit our frequency, perception and awareness? (a) our RNA (b) our Keylon Codes (c) our Mental Bodies (d) none of the above
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #4 REVERENT - RESPECT— Acknowledging and giving to the ALL-ONE-ness. Responsibility of Mastery #4 SELF-DISCIPLINE: Accepting responsibility for directing personal energies toward, rather than in opposition to, the outcomes you desire to experience. The physical, mental and emotional bodies have long been directed by the subconscious forces of the hidden "shadow," creating within us urges, reactions, thoughts, impulses, perceptions and feelings that often work counter to the life creations we desire to manifest. Part of spiritual mastery entails teaching ourselves to be consciously diligent in observing our own minds, emotions and physical body-talk, so that we may employ conscious redirection of subconscious shadow energies that run on "auto-pilot." If we learn to "catch ourselves" when "negative" thought patterns or emotions run through us, we can 3
use that moment of recognition to reclaim this errant energy and consciously use the power of affirmative attitude, remedial word choice and direct energy re-direction to direct opposing energies of the Self into fulfillment of desired constructive, spiritually mature creations. It takes self discipline to become the "Lion Tamer" of the often roaring subconscious mind, but we do have the intrinsic power to help our subconscious shadow to evolve through loving but firm redirection, into a "cuddly lap cat" that will gladly join us in our constructive co-creations. Self-discipline emerges when we consistently remind ourselves to employ the "Spiritually Correct" thought, action or attitude, even if we don't "feel like it" when the shadow sneaks up from "down under." The shadow parts of Self surface so that we may see these parts of Self come to the conscious mind for healing. Through this process, the conscious mind itself can learn greater attributes of mastery.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. A, 2. B, 3. D, 4. D, 5. C, 6. B
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 5 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD1) 02:40–(DVD 2) 00:20
Questions and Answers 1. Our Particum (PCM) universe and our parallel PartikA (PKA) universe are transposed or intermeshed, and so exist in the same space. How is this possible? • They run on different frequency patterns and different patterns of particle pulsation. You could think of it as tuning in to different radio or TV channels. 2. What are the dimensional correspondences between the Particum and PartikA 15-Dimensional Matrices? • Particum dimension 1 and PartikA dimension 15 flow through each other. Particum dimension 2 and PartikA dimension 14 flow through each other. Particum dimension 3 and PartikA dimension 13 flow through each other, and so forth. Also, they both meet at the Metagalactic Core of dimension 8. 3. There is a flow of energy that spirals into and out of the Time Matrix from the Central Source. Describe this flow in relation to the Particum and PartikA universes. • Particum particles draw energy in and PartikA particles (or anti-particles) project energy out. Thus, the Particum universe draws energy out of the Time Matrix and back into the Central Source; it is contracting, spiraling IN, and moving back to Source on its evolutionary path. The PartikA universe projects energy into the Time Matrix from the Central Source; it is expanding, spiraling OUT, and you could look at it like the process of being "born." 4. What exists at the center of all suns in the universe that allows an exchange of energy between Particum and PartikA universes? • Natural black holes. It is important to note that not all black holes are naturally occurring, and this topic is covered in detail in later workshops. 5. What is the consequence to the Central Source and ourselves, as a result of our projection out into dimensionalization and our subsequent evolution back into Yunasai, or Central Source? • As we evolve and undergo our experiential realities within the dimensional matrices, we actually add to the "data banks" of the Central Source. You could look at it as if we expand God and God expands us.
6. When our body dies, what happens to us? • We are eternal beings and we will always be eternal, even though we will change form. After our body dies, it will go back into the substance of the Unified Field to be reassembled and used for other evolutionary purposes, but our consciousness will continue on its evolutionary journey back to the Central Source. 7. What has been the effect of losing touch with the structure of the Cosmos, such as we have? • We have lost touch with our history, and our purpose here as beings. There IS an order and a purpose to the Cosmos and ourselves within it. 8. Where are the Morphogenetic patterns held for dimensions 1 through 7? • Dimensions 15 through 9. The Morphogenetic pattern (MP) for dimension 1 is held in dimension 15. The MP for dimension 2 is held in dimension 14. The MP for dimension 3 is held in dimension 13, and so forth. 9. What is the relationship between our Auric Field and our double? • Our Auric Field is the Morphogenetic Field of our double. Conversely, our Morphogenetic Field is the Auric Field of our double. What this means in practical terms is that when we activate the 9th dimension here, for example, we bring in the 7th dimensional frequencies of our double. Activating the 10th dimensional field here brings in the 6th dimensional frequencies of our double, etc. This process helps break down the dimensional barriers within our own Auric Field. 10. As we transmute the Particum particles by bringing in the frequencies from our PartikA double, what does it mean to say we are starting at the outer levels and working our way down? How does this relate to the Seal inside each Chakra? • Our Auric Field begins to change. The particles oscillate faster, at a higher frequency. And after we bring in all the frequencies before the seal in a particular dimension, whatever dimension we’re up to, we hit that seal, and the seal opens, and in doing so it opens the Auric Field to the next dimensional level. So if we’re working with the 7th Chakra, the crown Chakra, in this process, the Seal would open up the 7th dimension to the 6th. In this way we are working our way down, starting at the outer levels, bringing in the Morphogenetic Field, and gradually opening up the outer dimensional levels to the inner ones. Hence when we get to the 3rd Seal, in the last 3 dimensions (pertaining to Density 1, dimensions 1, 2 and 3) we are bringing in an Identity so huge, with so much frequency, you cannot hold it in a physical body. It transmutes the physical body completely out of manifestation. 11. Explain how probable selves come into being, and what they are. • Our probable selves are not our doubles. They do look like us, but both we and our doubles have probable selves. They have the same body pattern and the same identity, but they have developed along different lines. They emerged out of our
free will choices. Basically, as Souls we decided there were certain things we wanted to accomplish in a cycle of incarnations. But as each of those incarnations have free will, which can completely ignore the Soul level purposes, we can go off on tangents. And every time it does that, it takes the quantity of energy that the soul assigned for that incarnate, and it breaks that energy down and fragments it. In terms of Keylons, the Soul gave each incarnate a certain set of Keylons, and the incarnate’s purpose really is to build more Keylons into those, which expands the Soul and creates the evolutionary process. But sometimes when we’re not in line with our Soul, and we make choices not fully understanding our purpose for being here, we create probable versions of ourselves. And they literally become people just like we are. 12. What is the Heroic Probability? • The path of evolution originally set out by the Soul before it entered incarnation. A person who chooses to follow its Heroic Probability gives its free will choice back to itself as a Soul.
Vocabulary 1. Energy Matrix: When you evolve out of the 15-Dimensional Matrix though the Metagalactic Core, you enter spirals of energy and consciousness called the Energy Matrix. It doesn't have time in any form. Rather, it is a level of cognition and energy awareness. The Geomantic Entities or Ultra-Terrestrials reside there. 2. Geomantic Entity: Conscious entities that reside in the Energy Matrix. They are composed of extremely complicated geometrical formations of Partiki patterns. They are a level of awareness that we originally came out of and we will go back into as we evolve. 3. Morphogenetic Field: This is an energy field that comes first and holds the pattern for forms, particles or things that will be built on particles. Every particle has a Morphogenetic Field (MF) and every Particum particle that we are composed of has a MF that is the original Partiki that it came out of. 4. Partiki: A Partiki is an electro-tonal unit of energy identity that comes out of the Central Source, enters the 15-Dimensional Matrix and then polarizes into a Particum (particle) and PartikA (anti-particle). The original Partiki pattern represents the Morphogenetic Field for the Particum and PartikA.
5. Time Matrix: The six 15-Dimensional Matrices within the cosmic structure [each 15-Dimensional Matrix has its 2 counter-rotating universes] is collectively known as the Time Matrix. It is where dimensionalized reality, perception of time and individuation of consciousness takes place. 6. Yunasai: Guardian Angelic Nations often refer to the Central Source of Creation as the Yunasai (pronounced “You’-na-sigh”), which means “Central Point of All Union” and “Eternal Consciousness of the One-All.” All reality itself emerges from, and exists within, a Central Source of Creation that is commonly referenced to as Spirit, Source or God.
Multiple Choice 1. What word does the Guardian Alliance choose to use to name the Central Source of energy emanation out of which all Time Matrices, and everything, springs? (a) Yunasai (b) Source (c) God (d) Spirit 2. How many 15-Dimensional Matrices exist in a Cosmic structure? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 12 3. Where do the Geomantic Entities or Ultra-Terrestrials reside within? (a) Yunasai (b) Cosmic Structure (c) Energy Matrix (d) All of the above; the Energy Matrix resides within the Cosmic Structure, and the Cosmic Structure resides within Yunasai. 4. Where does our physical, sub-atomic body reside? (a) Dimension 1 (b) Dimension 2 (c) Dimension 3 5. What do we call our 5th Harmonic Universe identity that is a big ball of light and is so big it engulfs planet Earth? (a) Oversoul (b) Avatar (c) Rishi
6. During the process of dimensional ascension we will eventually reach a point during our evolution that we release the 3rd Chakra Seal. This will bring in an Identity so huge, with so much frequency, you cannot hold it in a physical body. Releasing the 3rd Chakra Seal will blow your identity into what form of consciousness? (a) Galactic (b) Planetary (c) Unified field
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #5 RESPONSIBILITY — Co-Creating with, Serving and being able to Respond to the ALL-ONEness.
Responsibility of Mastery #5 SELF-LOVE: It is our own responsibility to love and nurture ourselves through the limitless gift of Divine Spirit that moves through us at every moment. Genuine love must come from within and can only be gained though genuine spiritual connection to the eternal God-self and its inherent connection to all creation. If we seek love "on the outside" in order to fulfill a personal loneliness or lack within, we enter relationships as "energy vampires." In doing this, we are seeking a substitute for our personal God-Source connection through tapping into the God-Source embodied within other people or beings. This is not "LOVE." It is "NEED." This implies the "LACK" of something essential, which in turn implies a limited personal connection to GodSource Universal Consciousness. Such lack cannot be filled by external "love." It can only be filled by recognizing the God within you, and thus recognizing that you are a living embodiment of absolute love. Once this is recognized, you will HAVE the greatest love of all, God Love. And from this Position of Divine Power, you can go into the world seeking those to whom you can give this love, rather than seeking those from whom you can "get" love. When love is approached through Self Love, the motivation is to give joyfully, knowing that anything you might need can be made manifest through the Love of the active God Source that you carry inside yourself. Self Love is a responsibility of spiritual maturity.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. A, 2. C, 3. D, 4. A, 5. C, 6. B The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 6 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD2) 0:20–01:00
Questions and Answers 1. How does the Blue Flame Meditation (BFM) help align ourselves to our Heroic Probability? • We learn to “channel” our own Higher Selves. • We learn to receive data from our own Soul Matrix. 2. Which dimensions of consciousness can be bridged in order to receive data mentally from the Soul Matrix? • Bridging from D3 to any dimension in the Soul Matrix/Harmonic Universe 2 will facilitate receiving data mentally from the Soul Matrix. 3. (a) What dimensional frequency does the Blue Flame (BF) translate into during the BFM? (b) What layer/level of the Auric Field does this dimension correspond to? • (a) D5 • (b) Etheric Template or Archetype or Archetypal Body 4. What layer/level of the Auric Field sets the pattern for our (a) DNA, (b) Etheric Body? • (a) Etheric Body • (b) Etheric Template or Archetype or Archetypal Body 5. (a) What layer/level of the Auric Field is the center of Soul consciousness? (b) What happens to this layer/level of the Auric Field during Soul embodiment? • (a) Etheric Template or Archetype or Archetypal Body • (b) It merges with the physical body/incarnate. 6. (a) What units of consciousness are being transmuted when we practice the BFM? (b) What are they transmuted into? • (a) Particum (PCM) particles • (b) Higher-dimensional PCM particles 7. (a) What are the colors visualized in order of appearance during the BFM? (b) What request is to be made before stepping into the BF? • (a) gold, violet, white, blue
(b) We request the Entity of the Blue Flame or Soul Identity, which is the frequency of D5.
8. (a) What is the breathing pattern adopted after stepping into the BF? (b) As the BF moves from the feet to the top of the head, what else can it be directed to do? Describe the movement of the BF via the chakras as each layer of the Auric Field receives the frequencies of the BF. • (a) Soul breathing pattern • (b) To activate the DNA of cells and burn away discomfort from the rest of the body. • (c) Heart → solar plexus → sacral → base. 9. The following questions are related to the information from the Guardian Alliance about apes and our origins. (a) Did we evolve from apes? (b) Do some apes have human ancestry? • (a) No • (b) Yes 10. Where is the 15-Dimensional Matrix in the Cosmic Matrix? • There is one 15-Dimensional Matrix at the end of each “arm” spiralling from the Yunasai. 11. (a) What does each Dimensional Scale represent in a 15-Dimensional Matrix? (b) How does one Dimensional Scale relate to the other in a 15-Dimensional Matrix? • (a) One is for the Particum (PCM) Particle Universe and the other is for the Partika (PKA) Anti-particle Universe. • (b) The Dimensional Scales are interwoven and counter-rotating. 12. (a) What is the general direction of flow of PCM particles in our universe? (b) What is the general direction of flow of PKA anti-particles in our parallel universe? • (a) CCW (counter clockwise) • (b) CW (clockwise)
Vocabulary 1. Archetype or Etheric Template: D5 level of the Auric Field, center of Soul consciousness, which sets the pattern for our Etheric Body. It is the highest level of body pattern that the physical body aligns with during the Blue Flame Meditation. During Soul embodiment, the D5 Archetype or Archetypal Body merges with the Physical Incarnate. 2. Blue Flame Meditation: It prepares the chakra systems and energy fields in our bodies to receive the energies from the higher dimensions—from the Morphogenetic Field and the higher chakras. By bringing the 5th dimensional frequencies into the physical body, you get the soul focused 2
in the body. It also begins the process of transmuting the embodied PCM units into higher dimensional PCM units—you must first translate them on that level before you bring in the morphogenetic field. 3. Cosmic Matrix: The energy system in which our universe and all other universes reside. There are 6 spirals of energy that emerge from the Yunasai. Three of them move in a clockwise direction, and 3 in a counterclockwise direction. At the end of each arm is a 15Dimensional Matrix. So there are 6 15-Dimensional Matrices, and we in our Earth system reside in 1 of these 15-Dimensional Matrices. 4. Dimensional Scale: There are 2 interwoven, counter-rotating Dimensional Scales in a 15-Dimensional Matrix, one for the Particum (PCM) Particle Universe and the other for the Partika (PKA) Anti-particle Universe. 5. Higher Self: There are 2 definitions/versions stated explicitly in this DVD segment: (a) Our personal identity here in Harmonic Universe 1 that serves as a liaison between the Soul and Oversoul. (b) The bridge between D3 and D5. 6. Yunasai: Center of the Cosmic Matrix, God, Great Central Source of Intelligent Identity. We are all composed of particles that are conscious units of the Yunasai. It creates and forms and holds together the entire electromagnetic structure upon which the universe is built.
Multiple Choice 1. The Higher Self aligns the physical body with the Entity of the Blue Flame (BF) by serving as a bridge between _____. (a) D3 & D4 (b) D3 & D5 (c) The Soul and Oversoul (d) The Etheric Template and Oversoul 2. What is the purpose of the Blue Flame Meditation (BFM)? (a) To open the higher chakras. (b) To transmute micro-particles. (c) To get the Soul focused in the body. (d) To receive energies from our Morphogenetic Field. (e) All of the above.
3. Describe the transmutation of micro-particles when we practice the BFM. (a) Partika (PKA) units to higher dimensional Partiki (PKI) units. (b) Particum (PCM) units to higher dimensional PKI units. (c) PKA units to higher dimensional PKA units. (d) PCM units to higher dimensional PCM units. 4. The Archetypal Body affects our DNA by setting the pattern for the _____, which sets the pattern for our DNA. (a) Astral Body (b) Mental Body (c) Etheric Body (d) Elemental Body 5. What is merged during Soul embodiment? (a) Soul Identity + Ketheric Body (b) Soul Identity + Oversoul Identity (c) Etheric Template + Oversoul Identity (d) Physical Incarnate + Soul Identity 6. What is the color of the ball of light encapsulating the BF? (a) Gold (b) White (c) Green (d) Violet 7. The BF is initially 2 inches tall before growing in size. What is the next step after visualizing the 2-inch high BF? (a) Step into the Blue Flame. (b) Adopt the soul breathing pattern. (c) Request for the Entity of the Soul. (d) Direct the Blue Flame to the bottom of the feet. 8. Which is the first chakra to open and receive the frequencies of the Blue Flame (BF)? (a) Base (b) Heart (c) Sacral (d) Solar plexus 9. What does the Guardian Alliance say about our origins as a species? (a) We evolved from apes. (b) We did not evolve from apes. (c) Some of us evolved from apes. (d) Some of us did not evolve from apes.
10. Describe the movement of the spiral connecting our 15-Dimensional Matrix to the Yunasai. It moves _____. (a) CW towards the Yunasai. (b) CCW towards the Yunasai. (c) CW away from the Yunasai. (d) CCW away from the Yunasai. 11. What dimensions of the PKA Universe correspond to D1 & D2 of the PCM Universe respectively? (a) D1 & D2 (b) D2 & D1 (c) D14 & D15 (d) D15 & D14 12. What is the general direction of flow of micro-particles in our parallel universe? (a) CW PKA (b) CW PCM (c) CCW PKA (d) CCW PCM
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #6 TRUST — Knowing the Power and Love of the ALL-ONE-ness.
Responsibility of Mastery #6 SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY: It is our absolute responsibility to choose to act with spiritual integrity at all times. There is no excuse to knowingly violate the spiritual rights of others, regardless of how poorly they may react to you. Spiritual Integrity requires that we begin to LOOK AT what we are REALLY doing in the way we live our lives. Do our eating habits violate the plant, animal or Earth kingdoms? Do our choices of words and actions show respect for other people and other life forms? Do we "play the survival of the fittest" lack-game to give ourselves an excuse for unethical behaviors in money matters, such as showing our silent rebellion against the government by trying to "cheat" on taxes, or by "showing up" a fellow employee at work to prove you are more worthy and thus more entitled to favor? Do you "tell people what they want to hear" in order to gain their approval and support, even if it is not fully true and does not reflect your personal needs or feelings? Do you try to "get others to do your share" as far as work or responsibilities? Do you use erroneous excuses such as race, gender, creed, academic or economic status to justify disrespectful, exploitative or unkind treatment of others? Spiritual Integrity requires that we take a good hard, frequent look at how we conduct our lives, to face the areas of activity in which we are performing in less than spiritually congruent ways and to employ active commitment and discipline to bring these areas of our lives into Spiritual Integrity. One does not "get through the gates of Heaven" (or anywhere else desirable) through using
excuses for not employing genuine, not feigned, Spiritual Integrity. Cultivating spiritual integrity is a major responsibility on the path of spiritual mastery, and the way the universe works, you "can't leave home without it." This means that there is a biological reality of spiritual integrity that manifests chemically within the DNA as a result of that state and focus of consciousness. If you do not possess a sufficient amount of spiritual integrity in your consciousness, neither will your DNA Template. And though you might be able to "pull the wool over the eyes of others," your own biology will be eventually be your own task master. Passage through any stargate requires a sufficient amount of chemically encoded spiritual integrity of consciousness.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. B, 2. E, 3. D, 4. C, 5. D, 6. B, 7. C, 8. B, 9. B, 10. B, 11. D, 12. A.
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 7 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD2) 01:00-01:40
Questions and Answers 1. What is a Repulsion Zone? • It’s a band of magnetism that forces the dimensions away from each other, and exists between each Harmonic Universe (HU). 2. What characteristic of Harmonic Universes means that those focused in a particular Harmonic Universe are not able to be aware of what happens in others? • Harmonic Universes (and dimensions within them) each have a different rate of pulsation of particles. They represent different time cycles. The first Harmonic Universe is the Tauren Time Cycle, and it’s the slowest moving, slowest pulsating of the 5 HUs. 3. What is the significance of the 3rd Harmonic Universe in relation to our incarnation within the Time Matrix, and the Ascension process? • It is both the point at which we passed through in order to expand our consciousness into the Time Matrix, and the point through which we will leave it. We progress from the slowest moving time cycle, and Harmonic Universe, to the highest/fastest (HU 5, containing the 15th dimension). Then we slow our pulsation speed down to go back through the center in Harmonic Universe 3, which contains the 8th dimension. 4. How many Harmonic Universes are there in this Time Matrix? • There are 5, each composed of three dimensions. 5. What is the relationship between Earth and Tara? Where is Tara? • Earth (and our solar system as we know it) originally came from Tara, which is a planet that exists within the 2nd Harmonic Universe, in the Oundonc Time Cycle. About 550 million years ago (MYA) part of Tara dismantled itself in energetic terms. It fell in vibration, and in speed, and some of its particles began to pulsate slower. As a result, it ended up in Harmonic Universe 1. The fragments of Tara became our planet and solar system. There were originally 12 planets (the sun is also considered a planet). One of the planets imploded a long time ago (Maldek). And there is one we haven’t discovered yet (Nibiru). 6. Who are the Turaneusiam? How were they created? • About 560 million years ago there was a race of beings seeded on Tara called the Turaneusiam. They were created by splicing together the “best of the best” of the 1
gene code of all the other types of beings that existed in all the other systems and Harmonic Universes. The purpose was to create a prototype that could embody the consciousness of 12 of the 15 dimensions. They were viewed as God Beings (godlings) and created with the potential to become “Creator gods,” in the Christiac sense of the term. They were created to be Guardians for the planet Tara. They were responsible for making sure the energy balance of the whole planetary system stayed intact. They were responsible for creating harmonious relationships with other galaxies and planets of the 2nd Harmonic Universe. Because the Turaneusiam had the genetic codes of many different species, they had the capacity to identify with many different species, and so become mediators within the large intergalactic ET community in HU 2. 7. What happened on Tara that led to part of it breaking off and de-evolving? • Certain groups from other interplanetary systems that didn’t want to be involved in the original Turaneusiam experiment decided to try and take it in their own direction. So they interbred with some of the Turaneusiam and distorted the original gene code. This led to a loss of clarity of consciousness. It affected their (Turaneusiam) ability to identify as strongly with the God-presence, and the harmonious operations of the universe, as they had before. Some of these who had interbred evolved into a species called the Atlanians. They came to have problems with what we know here as the ego. They saw themselves as very powerful, and they saw power not as something to be used just in love and service to the universe, to the Christos, but against other beings. A group of them, called the Templar Solar Initiates, who were appointed as Guardian Keepers of certain of the energy dynamics of the planet Tara, abused the position entrusted to them in such a way that they caused implosions, then explosions, within Tara’s energetic grid. They used crystalline keylontic technologies in such a way that part of Tara’s grid broke off. Its energetic form dismantled, which is the opposite of evolution. It moved backwards, digressing into something less than what it was, instead of evolving to what it was supposed to become. 8. What was the Turaneusiam 2 experiment and what situation was it developed to help? • When part of the Taran grids imploded and fell, the souls of the people who were on that portion of Tara exploded and disintegrated. Their bodies were killed. And because they were part of an explosion, the energy structures, the Partiki Grids of their bodies and consciousness, were also ripped apart. Their oscillation rate dropped, and they ended up here in Harmonic Universe 1, even though they were originally from HU 2. If at this point they were “left to their own devices,” they would have become part of the Unified Field of energy within dimensions 1, 2 and 3. They would thus have been the substance out of which other species would evolve, rather than retaining their own sentient identity as Turaneusiam.
So, to preserve the Turaneusiam, and to salvage those souls instead of their having to “begin again,” the “Turaneusiam 2” experiment was begun. The Turaneusiam 2 were the 12 tribes of the Human Race, which is us. We were created from the Turaneusiam 1 genetic code. The 12 strand of the T1 was taken and broken into 12 different pieces, and then polarized to make 2 strands. It created 12 different tribes of beings that all came out of the one primary race from HU 2. This polarization is what gives us gender as we know it. You have 12 tribes, each with one strand of DNA; you polarize the DNA, and you have 2 genders operating through each of the 12 tribes. 9. Why was there opposition to the creation of the T2 experiment? • When Earth had stabilized itself to the point where it could sustain life, about 250 MYA, it became a valuable piece of “real estate” to some of the beings in the 2nd HU. These beings had initially cooperated in the creation of the Turaneusiam, but some races did not want the Turaneusiam reseeded because they believed the genetic strain did not work and they wanted the territory of Earth for their own experiments. Not all of the races who contributed genetic material to the original Turaneusiam were of this mindset. The Elohim and the Syrians were strongly supportive of reseeding, and they worked through the Sirian Councils to bring this possibility about. And a war broke out between those supporting this and those not (the Electric Wars). 10. What was the purpose of the 12 tribes? • The purpose was to evolve over a long period of time in the 1st Harmonic Universe. To reassemble slowly, through the gene pool and the progression of races and evolution, to grow back into the 12 strand prototype that we originally came out of. This was supposed to be a slow process, millions of years of evolution. But we were messed with by the Annunaki, who decided they would rather use us as slave labor. The Elohim and the Annunaki had a falling out. The Elohim tried to protect us, but they didn’t want us to evolve too quickly, either, because they didn’t want to create another mess like what had happened in HU 2. 11. What did the Elohim do when we started to evolve too quickly, and put together a lot of the separated gene codes that were in the original 12 tribes? • They took out key elements in our operating DNA that allowed other codes to plug in. They put them in the nucleus of our cells, in what scientists call “junk DNA.” That’s our missing memory—its not “missing,” just unplugged. The Elohim were the primary force behind this distortion, and its purpose was to slow down our evolutionary progression. They did this because they were very concerned, as certain parts of the T2 went into animal digression—they interbred with animals and distorted the genetic code again. The Elohim did not want to see those code distortions added back into the 12 strand prototype we were rebuilding, as it could possibly create some very powerful monster. So the
“unplugging” was to try and rebalance and purify the genetic strain again. The Elohim were not especially fair in the way they applied this, however. They favored the tribes with greater amounts of the Lyran strain in them. The Lyrans were the Founders, and the Elohim were close to them. However, the Elohim did succeed in keeping the gene code alive when we almost digressed to the point of negating ourselves again. And while our evolution was repressed to some degree, it was done out of protection for the rest of the Universe, basically. 12. What were the Root Races and the Cloistered Races? • The 12 tribes were broken down into the 7 Root Races. They did not all appear at the same time on the planet. Each having a higher genetic code would follow on from the one before, until the 7th was able to come, which would be able to embody the full 12 strands of DNA. There were 7 Root Races and 5 Cloister Races. The Cloister races had the Silicate Matrix, the full 12 strand DNA pattern. At any time when these 7 Root Races were evolving, there would be at least 1 Cloister Race present that kept alive in the gene pool the 12 strand DNA pattern. The Cloister Races were the Guardians.
Vocabulary 1. Tara: A planet that was formed in the second Harmonic Universe about 560 trillion years ago. [Note: Considering Ash’s more recently published material, her stating in this class that Tara was created 560 trillion years ago is probably incorrect. She may have meant to say Tara was created about 560 billion years ago.] 2. Turaneusiam: A race of beings seeded on Tara 560 million years ago. 3. Elohim: They appear in our Biblical stories. They are beings of an extraterrestrial nature that came out of the HU 3 Lyran founders. They were one of the first forms created in HU 2 by the Lyran Founders, and they are very godlike even compared to the Turaneusiam. 4. Lyran: Nonphysical beings from Lyra. 5. Drakon: A species from the Vega star system who are stationed in HU 1 and HU 2. 6. Electric Wars: A war over the Earth territory about 250 million years ago. The Sirian and Elohim fought in favor of reseeding the Earth with the Turaneusiam species. 4
7. Turaneusiam 2 race: A race consisting of 12 tribes, created out of the first Turaneusiam race. 8. Silicate matrix: 12 strand DNA pattern.
Multiple Choice 1. Why were the Turaneusiam created? (a) To be a living library for the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix (b) To serve as mediators, and to help the harmonious evolution of all species in the universe (c) To serve as planet guardians of Tara (d) A, B and C 2. How many strands of DNA did the Turaneusiam possess to begin with? (a) 12 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6 3. Is there any matter in Harmonic Universe 2? (a) No, there are only gasses there. (b) No, everything is invisible in HU 2. (c) Yes, but it is less dense. (d) Yes, but it is more dense. 4. How many species contributed with their gene code product to the creation of the Turaneusiam race? (a) Two species (b) Three species (c) Twenty species (d) Several hundred million different species 5. Which planet in our solar system imploded a long time ago? (a) Nibiru (b) Maldek 6. What planet in our solar system is considered the 12th planet and is yet to be discovered? 5
(a) Nibiru (b) Maldek 7. How did our “junk-DNA” come into being? (a) By interbreeding with less evolved species (b) By evolution (c) By natural degeneration (d) It was unplugged by the Elohim; they took out a certain key element of our gene code, in order to make us evolve less quickly.
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #7 ACCOUNTABILITY — Being in a state of TRUTH with the ALL-ONE-ness. Responsibility of Mastery #7 APPRECIATION: Our present society continually teaches us to "want more," "need more," "be more," "do more" etc. We are constantly influenced to perceive what is lacking in order to motivate us to buy more, work more, pay more taxes and be "good little consumer sheep." Very rarely do we stop to think about all that we DO have, beginning with the gift of Life and mental free will choice. Through this disoriented perceptual filter we can cultivate a “full-blown” mutation of mental consciousness. In this mutated consciousness, we begin to believe that "we are entitled," that "someone OWES us" (GOD, the Universe, our parents, spouse, children, employer, government, etc....). Once we fall into this "You OWE me" mind trap, we set ourselves up for continuing selfcreated frustration, as we place unrealistic and untrue expectations upon life, others and ourselves. We can also often get mighty angry or hurt when we find the universe doesn't conform to our imagined "pictures." No one OWES us anything! If we feel we are "owed," then we are entertaining LACK CONSCIOUSNESS and a void within the Self is being recognized. If we give to another in order to RECEIVE for ourselves (such as do banks, and often parents, spouses or lovers), and the other does not "pay back" what we expected to receive, we may feel cheated, "taken advantage of," or "owed." In fact, these situations often emerge in our lives as lessons to teach us that giving should be done for the GIVING ALONE, and not for the expected return. If we give what we desire to give, for the joy of giving, we do not feel owed. If we live for the joy of living, without forcing our demands or expectations upon life, we will not feel that "life has short changed us!" It matters not what your neighbor possesses, because in comparing ourselves to each other to see how we "measure up" to each other, we are in effect, continually being distracted from seeing and utilizing the blessings that are our own. If we can work to cultivate the ability to APPRECIATE even the smallest of gifts, blessings and gestures, we will begin 6
to create a life that is at least “half full” instead of “half empty.” In terms of universal physics, what you focus your attention upon expands, what you resist persists and what you do not give the energy of appreciation to will eventually de-manifest right out of your experience. When you approach the world through the chosen filter of genuine GIVING, you are in effect, being an “electrical transmitter,” sending energy out to the world around you. When you release electrical energy in this way, you become more “magnetic,” as the sending out of energy creates magnetic vortices within the Diodic Grid of your Kathara anatomy. The "magnetized" Diodic points then draw in more universal energy supply, at a higher frequency and quality than the expressed energy, to re-fill the energy void created by the "giving." When you approach the world with the attitude of "getting," this natural physics process becomes inverted. The more you try to "pull" energy from the outside world, the more your energy becomes "stuck" in the Diodic Grid as miasms. The miasms progressively reduce the quantity and lower the frequency of the natural energies you can internally draw from the universal supply. Giving, even in its simplest form of giving appreciation, keeps the natural energy flow moving. Whatever you give out will return to you amplified. This also works in reverse, however, and giving out a bad attitude of ego, arrogance and “garbage” will cause more of the same to flow your way. Appreciate what you have. LOVE IT, find perspectives through which the joy of it can be known, and know that in the act of genuine appreciation itself, you will set loose the powers of manifesting more of what you desire and less of the illusion of lack. The "Universe Owes Me" mind trip is one of the most powerful self-sabotage games in the world. Trade it in for consistent appreciation and your world will progressively expand to hold the reality of the things you most desire. If you feel put upon by the world, and resentful for having your desires unmet, YOU OWE YOURSELF SOMETHING! You owe yourself a greater understanding of the nature of creation and better use of your personal power within the life creation game. SAY THANK YOU to the GOD SOURCE more often…to help yourself remember what things you have to appreciate, and many more of the kind will be sent along your way.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. D, 2. A, 3. C, 4. D, 5. B, 6. A, 7. D
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 8 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD2) 01:40–02:20
Questions and Answers 1. Which Root Races were not as physical as we are now? • The Polarian and Hyperbornean races. They were more “ghost like,” or less dense physically, but still lived in the 1st Harmonic Universe (HU) and were conscious and lived as a race. 2. Which was the first fully physical race? • The Lumanians. They evolved for many thousands of years. The Lumanians on Earth came out of an affiliation with a place on Tara called Lumia. Those in that Root Race carried a stronger version of the genetic code from the Lumian Taran strain. 3. What is the significance of the Aryan Root Race? • Every race on the planet right now is part of the Aryan Root Race. We represent the 5th stage in the processing of the 7 root races. It has nothing to do with the Aryans as described by Hitler. 4. What happens when we as a species get to the stage where the dominant root race is the Paradisian? • These are actually the Turaneusium, so at that point we will be able to plug back in the genetic codes that are carried by the Cloister Races, and we’ll be able to transmute ourselves as a race over large expanses of time into the T1 prototype. 5. How can we accelerate the process of our evolution? • By activating the dormant DNA codes that are carried within the cell nucleus. And by clearing the genetic distortions within our DNA that are preventing our “junk” DNA from assembling and plugging in. This includes, but is not limited to, the distortions created by the Elohim that were previously discussed. Other ET groups at different times also messed with our genetic codes. 6. Where is our Higher Self (HS) located in terms of energy dynamics? • Within each dimensional frequency band there are 4 primary frequency bands, namely the ultra low frequency, the low frequency, the high frequency and the ultra high frequency. This is true of each dimension in our 15-Dimensional system. They are bands of energy pulsation. Right now, our consciousness is stationed in 1
the mid range, between the low and high frequency bands. We perceive within this perceptual field. We perceive as physical matter anything that exists within these frequency bands, and we won’t perceive as physical anything that exists above them. We see part of D2, and part of the ultra low and low frequency from D3. And when we look under a microscope we’re seeing D1. This is our waking I AM self. While some people say our HS is our Soul, our HS is actually a bridge between our Soul (D4, 5 & 6) and our conscious identity. Our HS is stationed within the ultra high frequency bands of D3, and it creates a bridge to the Astral, 4th dimensional level of our awareness. 7. Where is our Avatar Identity located? • In the 4th Harmonic Universe, dimensions 10, 11, 12. 8. Where is our Rishi Identity located? • In the 5th Harmonic Universe, dimensions 13, 14, 15 9. What does it mean to say that when we reach the 7th dimensional level, we are no longer single identities? • At this level, we start to realize that Identity is One in Many, all at the same time. We become part of the planetary Logos, the planetary spirit, the identity of the planet. Eventually we evolve as a consciousness to know our I AM presence as being the entire 15-Dimensional Matrix. We know ourselves as the Unified Field, and it is at that stage that we’re ready to go home to God. 10. What chakras are activated when we start to actively make contact with our Higher Self? • The 2nd, 5th, 11th, and 13th chakras. When these chakras activate in synchronization, they begin the Reverse Mutation process. This will automatically begin to dismantle the “stop” the Elohim put on us a long time ago. Once that is removed, it will start to activate these energy centers and rebuild the DNA. 11. Describe the process of “channeling” in energetic terms. • You’re bringing an energy signature into your energy field—it’s interacting with your fields and is translating through your neurological structure into language and image patterns that are familiar to your biology. However, if you do so without first protecting and sealing your own fields, you can cause yourself major problems. Channeling is not endorsed by the Freedom Teachings. Instead, we focus on embodying our own higher levels of identities, such as our own Avatars and Rishi selves. 12. What is the significance of practicing Energy Sensing techniques? • They teach us the skills neurologically to begin sensing the different levels of our own HS. For example, crystals have a strong field that is easier to sense, and no two crystals are alike in their rate of movement. So by learning to distinguish
between vibrational speed of energy signatures you can begin to learn to distinguish the vibrational speed of your own consciousness as you know it on a day to day basis. And so you’ll begin to recognize when the energies from your own HS enter your system.
Vocabulary 1–7. Root Races: 1. Polarians: 2. Hyperborneans: Both of these races were not as physical as we are now. They were more “ghost like” composition of matter, far less dense than we are now. They were conscious and lived as a race in HU1. 3. Lumanians: These were the first physical race to appear on the planet. They came out of an affiliation with a place on Tara (HU2) called Lumia. Those in that root race carried a stronger version of the genetic code from the Lumian Taran strain. They evolved for many thousands of years. 4. Atlanians: This Root Race came out of a place on Tara called Atlania and carried the stronger version of the genetic code from Atlanian strain. 5. Aryans: Every race on the planet right now is a part of the Aryan Root Race. We represent the 5th stage in the processing of the 7 Root Races. We technically have two more to go. Which means that most of us would experience reincarnation with the 6th Root Race and the 7th in order to build into our consciousness the full 12 codes that would allow us to remanifest ourselves in the 2nd HU. 6. Meruvians: These are just beginning to come in. There are humans that are carrying what are called Meruvian codes within their gene structures. They will have a bit more easy access to what we call psychic abilities, to strange abilities that seem super human compared to us. Some are being born as babies. It will many years before they become the dominant race. The Aryan race is the dominant race currrently. 7. Paradisian/Turaneusium: When we finally get to the point where we have evolved into the 7th Root Race gene code, we will be back to what we are, because the Cloistered Races have kept the original pattern within our gene pool the whole time. Once we have hit the 7th Root Race we will be able to “plug in” all the genetic codes that are carried by these Cloister Races over
larger expanses of time back into the Turaneusium 1 prototype that we came out of. 8. Identity Consciousness: Each dimension is further broken down into 4 primary frequency bands. Each one has an ultra low frequency band, a low frequency band, high frequency band and an ultra high frequency band. These are bands of energy pulsation. Right now our consciousness is stationed within the mid range between the low and high frequency bands. We perceive within this perceptual field. We perceive as physical matter anything that exists within these frequency bands. We won't perceive as physical matter anything that exists above them. When we look out around us we see part of dimension 2 and the ultra low and low frequency of dimension 3. When we look under a microscope we are seeing dimension 1. An aspect of our identity, a part of our energy patterns and our consciousness, exists with each of the 15 dimensions. The process of our personal evolution is the process of bringing more and more of these higher dimensional aspects of ourselves and our identity into our body and into focus in physicality. 9. Higher Self: Some people say our Higher Self is our soul. But that’s not really accurate. Our Higher Self is the bridge between our soul identity (D 4-5-6) and our consciousness. Our HS is stationed within the ultra high frequency bands of the 3rd dimension. It creates a bridge to what's called the Astral level of our awareness, which is the 4th dimensional level of our identity. Your HS will help you do a lot of things. It holds a lot of information. It holds information about your gene codes, and it also has access to the information of the soul levels. Incarnate (D 1-2-3), Soul (4-5-6) and Oversoul (7-8-9) are all parts of our personal identity that each one of us is connected to. In HU 4 (10-11-12) is our Avatar level of identity. After you get past the 7th dimensional aspect of identity you are dealing only with energy identity. It is no longer able to be housed in a biological or matter system. It is pure energy consciousness. It appears as a blazing sun if you were able to see it from here. Rishi is our HU 5 level of identity. Here we are no longer singular identities. We become part of the planetary Logos, planetary spirit, the identity of the planet, and then the galaxy, and eventually we evolve as consciousness to know our selves—I AM presence— as being the entire 15-Dimensional Matrix. We know ourselves as the Unified Field, and it is at that stage that we are ready to go home to God. Reverse Mutation:
When we begin to take steps to actively make conscious contact with the HS, it does a couple of things to our energy systems. It activates certain chakras—chakras 5, 11, 2 and 13 at the center of the Earth. When we begin to use our minds in a way that is directing energy to making energetic conscious connection with our HS, it activates those four chakras. When those four chakras activate in synchronization they begin a reverse mutation process. So, without having to understand all about our DNA and what part means what, we begin to actively make a bridge when we learn to channel our HS consciously, when we learn to dialogue with it. When we can learn to put ourselves in that state and bring that state into our body, it will automatically activate those chakra centers and it will automatically start dismantling the genetic “stop” the Elohim put on us a long time ago. Once we remove that, and once we activate these energy centers, it will naturally start the rebuilding of the DNA process. So working with the HS is much easier than trying to figure out the DNA and what parts belong to where and “how do I do this.” The HS will tell you your level of awareness, what is right for you to do next in this process. 10. Energy Sensing: Tuning the mind into the direction of sensing subtle energy patterns. We're used to thinking “I see this and this means this.” If we learn to use our thoughts in a different way, we can learn to sense those energies that we can't see. As we learn to sense the energy of objects and things here, it will teach us the skills that we need neurologically to begin sensing the different levels of our Higher Self. We'll learn to channel our HS the more we sense energy, the more we learn to translate energy through our bodies. E.g., crystals have a strong field that is easier to sense, and no two crystals are alike in their rate of movement. 11. Main Vertical Current: This is an energy current that runs directly through the center of your body, up into the higher chakras (Chakra 14, 36 inches above the head) and down into the Earth core.
Multiple Choice 1. The seven Root Races are Polarian, Hyperbornean, Lumanian, Atlanian, Aryan, Meruvian and Paradisian/Turaneusium. One of these races is being born in this present time. Which race is it? (a) Atlanians (b) Meruvians (c) Paradisians (d) Aryan 2. At present we have only two strands of DNA. How many strands should we really have? (a) 6 strands 5
(b) 8 strands (c) 12 strands (d) 24 strands 3. How many Harmonic Universes are there in this Time Matrix? (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) countless 4. Choose from below the correct order of our different levels of identity in the five Harmonic Universes: (a) HU 1 Soul, HU 2 Physical Body, HU 3 Oversoul , HU 4 Avatar , HU 5 Rishi (b) HU 1 Physical Body, HU 2 Soul, HU 3 Rishi, HU 4 Avatar , HU 5 Oversoul (c) HU 1 Rishi, HU 2 Avatar, HU 3 Oversoul , HU 4 Soul, HU 5 Physical Body (d) HU 1 Physical Body, HU 2 Soul, HU 3 Oversoul , HU 4 Avatar , HU 5 Rishi 5. An aspect of our identity, a part of our energy patterns and our consciousness, exists within each of the 15 dimensions. (a) True (b) False (c) Cannot be determined (d) Varies depending on the situation 6. Who were the Nephilim? (a) They were a visiting race from another planet. (b) Giants living on Earth, with a very high intelligence. (c) They were mutations created by Sirian Annunaki fathers who had mixed with Atlanian and Aryan Earth mothers. (d) Both b and c 7. This dimension/frequency band in our Harmonic Universe is composed of subatomic molecular components. Which dimension/frequency band? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 8. More complex elemental units that form our bodies, the water in our bodies, and the molecules that compose our bodies, are in which dimension/frequency band? (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2 9. Where does our Main Vertical Current exist?
(a) In our feet. (b) It is a vertical line that runs through the center of our physical body, extending up to our 14th Chakra 36 inches above our head and down to Chakra 13 in Earth’s core. (c) In our Auric Field. (d) In our hands. 10. Why are you advised to have a straight back when you do “energy sensing?” (a) You are bringing in energy through your palms, up your arms and into the Main Vertical Current. (b) Energy gets distributed through other parts of your body cells. (c) It allows for a smoother line of transmission for the energy that is coming in through your palms. (d) All 3.
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #8 IMPECCABILITY — Upholding and Protecting the ALL-ONE-ness. Responsibility of Mastery #8 PATIENCE: God Source has its own schedule! We can either acknowledge this intrinsic reality of manifestation and choose to work co-creatively with the God-Source within, trusting that together you and the universe will create the perfect "Divine Right Timing" (and if that isn't "Right NOW," there IS a very good reason for this), or you can let the ego-self try to force its will upon the intrinsic nature of time. If time does not cooperate with your expectations, you can "let that be OK, and trust in Divine Right Timing" or you can progressively frustrate yourself with attachment to the artificial time of clocks, and choose to believe that you cannot have what you desire just because it does not appear when you demand. If we learn to relax, and realize that most things we desire we can indeed achieve in Divine Right Time and Order, we can learn to work co-creatively with the consciousness of time. We will often then find that our lives will progressively better conform to our wishes, especially when we ask nicely rather than DEMAND, and also when we trust the universal God-Source to do its part in our co-creation. Patience is a virtue that reflects our comprehension of the nature of Universal Order.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. D, 5. A, 6. D, 7. A, 8. D, 9. B, 10. D The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 9 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD2) 02:20–END
Questions and Answers 1. What is the first lesson in figuring out the difference between my Higher Self wanting to communicate with me, one of my subpersonalities wanting to communicate with me, or something else that wants to mess with me? • Energy sensing: Linking your Central Vertical Current with the energy signature of the communication source. 2. Why didn’t the Taran races continue to evolve successfully? • They mixed gene codes with other Star People they were not intended to blend codes with. In other words, interbreeding. 3. The Priesthood of Mu teach and believe in the Sacred Law of ______, also known as ______________ Consciousness. • ONE, Unity 4. Do the Tarans need us to evolve in order for them to evolve? • Yes 5. Universal physics required that the 5 Cloister Races be seeded on ____________ first. • Parallel, our anti-particle double 6. Which race/nationality has known about Amenti since ancient times? • Egyptians 7. The Sphere of Amenti set the pattern for the ___________. • Races; it holds the whole imprint for the evolution of the Turaneusiam race. 8. What did the Sphere of Amenti connect together? • Earth Core in Dimension 2 and Tara in Dimension 5 BEFORE it blew up. 9. Where does a planet store its Morphogenetic Field? • In its core. 10. Why couldn’t Tara hold its Morphogenetic Field in itself any more? • Intense explosions and pole reversals.
11. Where is Tara’s Morphogenetic Field now? • Split among all 12 planets of our solar system (including the sun, Maldek and Nibiru). 12. What does the Blue Flame represent? • The frequency pattern of our (Earth’s) portion of Tara’s Morphogenetic Field.
Vocabulary 1. Halls of Amenti: The Halls of Amenti consist of six portals. The main portal bridge is between Earth Core in Dimension 2 and pre-cataclysmic Tara in Dimension 5. Five other portals connect into Dimensions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The Halls of Amenti hold the promise of evolution. They are literal portals to get out of here and ascend. 2. Sphere of Amenti: Morphogenetic pattern set by Palaidorians in Earth Core so that souls trapped in time when Tara exploded could manifest in Harmonic Universe 1 (HU 1). The Sphere of Amenti set race patterns and connected Tara’s Dimension 5 planetary core with Earth’s Dimension 2 planetary core. 3. Palaidorians: Beings who transmuted cellular codes in body into energy essence, turned themselves into a field of light, and then merged energy fields to create a Morphogenetic Field composed of all their consciousness. They became the Sphere of Amenti. They held the imprint for evolution of the entire Turaneusiam race. They (as the Sphere of Amenti) were placed in Dimension 2 Earth Core to attach to morphogenetic pieces that were ripped off from Tara so that souls could manifest into Harmonic Universe 1. This literally grew bodies that the souls could attach to so they wouldn’t be lost in the elemental kingdom forever. 4. Covenant of Palaidor: Sirians, Pleiadians, Ur-Tarranates, Elohim, Lyrans, Ceres, Lumians and Alanians who came up with a plan to rescue the Taran souls of HU 1, who would otherwise be stuck in time forever, and re-connect the Morphogenetic Fields of 12 planets back to Tara (where they came from in the first place) so they could remerge back into original Tara before the time of the explosion. 5. Alanians: Civilization on Tara that began to systematically disregard the Law of One and created the cataclysm of Tara. 6. Lumians: 2
Second of the primary groups on Tara. They were kinder, gentler than the more aggressive and dominating Alanians. They petitioned Sirian Councils to help them get away from the Alanians, who were using technologies to draw energy from the core of Tara, not in harmony with planetary physics. The Lumians moved to the continent of Mu on Tara (not Earth). Lumians had their own governmental structures. There were great hostilities between Alanians and Lumians. 7. Mu: A continent on Tara (not Earth) where the Lumians lived. 8. E-DEN: Existed on Tara, not Earth. It is where our stories of the Garden of Eden originated, where the Turaneusiam 1 race began 560 million years ago (MYA). It is where our stories of the “Original Sin” and the “Fall of Man” originated. 9. Ceres: A parent race who interbred with and purified the Lumians so they could evolve instead of digress. 10. Templar Solar Initiates: Alanian spiritual and political rulers who sided with Sirian Anunnakis, who were rebelling against the Sirian Council. The Sirian Rebellion broke out in Alania. They would use power any way they wanted to. Templar Solar Initiates wanted to take Mu and put it under their dominion. 11. Cloister Race: The Palaidorian Morphogenetic Field broke into five pieces, carrying the energetic pattern for five different races. Among them they carried the whole 12-strand DNA package. This was the first step in the plan to re-evolve fallen Tara and Tarans. 12. Root Race: The first two Root Races grounded the Morphogenetic Field into matter. Each one was responsible for bringing into matter one-half of the frequency pattern of the first dimension. The first DNA strand was put together. The next strand could be built on it.
Multiple Choice 1. The Arc of the Covenant has (a) sparked (b) fallen (c) landed (d) ascended 2. Humans originally began in Harmonic Universe 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1 2 3 4
3. How many dimensions are there in each Harmonic Universe? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 4. Humans originally began on (a) Mars (b) Venus (c) Nibiru (d) Tara 5. Taran races reproduced by (a) fission (b) budding (c) mammalian methods (d) both a & b 6. E-DEN was on (a) Mars (b) Venus (c) Nibiru (d) Tara 7. Elohim were from Harmonic Universe (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 8. How many portals did the Halls of Amenti represent? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 12 9. Elohim were created by which race? (a) Lyran (b) Anunnaki (c) Pleiadians (d) Sirians
10. From D-7 down, you will have one version of a planet in Harmonic Universe (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) all of the above 11. Palaidorians turned themselves into a (a) ghost (b) field of light (c) spark (d) sound tone 12. What did the Palaidorians literally grow the fallen souls so they wouldn’t be stuck in time? (a) Bodies (b) Wings (c) Clocks (d) None of the above
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #9 MINDFULNESS — Loving, Nurturing, and Being Attentive to the ALL-ONE-ness. Responsibility of Mastery #9 KINDNESS: Like Respect (Dance for Life Attitude of Mastery #4), Kindness is a birthright, but one that is quite often overlooked and misunderstood. When we approach the world through genuine kindheartedness, sending love and respect to all of creation in honor of the God Force that lives within all things, we are, again, transmitting electrical energy of a higher frequency, that will follow the mechanics of universal physics to bring more of like kind back to us through universal back flow. Kindness is a gift we must first give to ourselves in order to have it to give to others. Kindness implies being conscientious and caring toward the needs, feelings and desires of both the self and others, and to express this concern and caring in action, attitude and intention. Give to yourself random acts of kindness, then pass along the gift to all who cross your way. Try being kind to the mean and grouchy neighbor and you may help them rediscover the ability to smile. When we treat all things with kindness, we demonstrate that we acknowledge their intrinsic value as manifestations of God Source, and you will often find God Source lovingly returns the favor.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. A, 2. B, 3. C, 4. D, 5. D, 6. D, 7. C, 8. C, 9. A, 10. D, 11. B, 12. A.
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 10 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD3) 00:00–00:40
Questions and Answers 1. What field does a soul have to pass through in order the leave this universe? • The planet’s Morphogenetic Field. 2. How many strands of DNA was the human body designed to have? • A total of 12. 3. What is the process that was designed to happen when a Cloister Race appeared with a Root Race? • The Root Race, after it had pulled all the frequency of the dimension assigned to it, was allowed to plug into the Morphogenetic Field of its Cloister and then to merge with its double in the parallel universe and ascend into HU 2. 4. What Root Race are the present day humans? • Root Race 5. 5. What strand of DNA are we working on? • DNA strand 4/Dimension 4. 6. Who fought the Electric Wars and why? • Beings from Harmonic Universe 3 (HU 3) and up fought over whether the Covenant of Palaidor should be fulfilled. 7. What happened when the Sphere of Amenti was removed from the Earth’s core as a result of the Electric Wars? • To remove it from Earth’s core certain codes were removed and things would not manifest in the DNA anymore; therefore we could not assemble enough of our required DNA to ascend, and Death began. 8. What is the purpose of incarnation? • We drop the body (die) and pick up another body with a higher frequency to continue the ascension process. 9. The Seal of Palaidor created a buildup of beings in which dimensions? • D2 Elemental and D4 Astral.
10. The second seeding ended after the Thousand Year War started by which ET groups? • The Annunaki and the Nephilim. 11. When is the Blue Flame scheduled to be put back into the Sphere of Amenti? • 12/2010 – 10/2011. 12. What percent of the Earth’s population is needed to have the 4th Dimension Frequency to prevent major Earth changes when the Blue Flame enters Earth core? • Eight percent.
Vocabulary 1. Blue Flame: Also called the Staff of Amenti, it is a 2 foot high standing scalar wave energy pattern of D5 frequency, and is Earth’s portion of Tara’s Morphogenetic Field. 2. Rod: Earth’s D2 portion of the Blue Flame. 3. DNA strands: They are composed of minute frequency patterns of each level of the dimensions. One strand corresponds to one level of the dimensional fields. 4. Root Race: A Root Race carries within its base DNA pattern the patterning for one dimension’s strand of the DNA. 5. Cloister Race: A Cloister Race carries the strands of DNA that correspond with dimensions 7–12, which are called the ascension gene codes. 6. Seal of Palaidor: The Seal of Palaidor was created when the Sphere of Amenti was put into the 4th dimension. 7. Arc of the Covenant: The Arc of the Covenant is a time portal passage between certain places on Earth and the Andromeda galaxy, where the Sphere of Amenti was stored.
Multiple Choice 1. The “Staff of Amenti”: (a) Is called the Blue Flame, and has D5 frequency of intense power and knowledge. (b) Is Earth’s portion of Tara’s Morphogenetic Field, stored in the “Sphere of Amenti.” (c) Was set in Amenti, a place on the planet Tara, 25 Million Years Ago (MYA). (d) All of the above. 2. The “Halls of Amenti”: (a) Are six time-portal passages within the “Sphere of Amenti” that allow for teleportation ascension from Earth to Tara when opened. (b) Were created 52,000,000 Years Ago (YA). (c) Are closed when the Blue Flame enters the “Sphere of Amenti.” (d) b and c of the above. 3. The 1st Seeding of the Root and Cloister Races of Amenti: (a) 7 Root Races and 5 Cloister Races, created on Earth between 25–5.5 MYA. (b) 18 MYA, 5 Cloister Races were created with the ascension strands 7–12. (c) 9 MYA, Alanians DNA strand 3 Root Race was created, plus the 4th Cloister Race, which contains the patterning for DNA strands 4 and 7–12. (d) All of the above. 4. The Root and Cloister Races characteristics are: (a) Each Root Race would assemble & evolve 1 DNA strand imprint from Amenti into Earth’s biological gene pool. (b) The Cloister Race appearing with a Root Race would evolve the imprint for strands 7–12 as dormant gene codes along with the imprint of the strand carried by their Root Race. (c) The first 2 Root Races set the pattern of the 1st DNA strand into Earth’s planetary Morphogenetic Field. (d) All of the above. 5. The “Electric Wars” 5,590,000–5,508,100 YA: (a) The Sirian Anunnaki fought the Elohim, Palaidorians and the Guardians over humanity’s right to evolve on Earth. (b) Resulted in the “Seal of Amenti.” (c) Earth had a partial “Pole Shift” Ice Age about 4 years after the “Seal of Amenti.” (d) All of the above. 6. The “Seal of Amenti”: (a) Removed part of the Morphogenetic Field, causing lost memory after incarnating. (b) All of the DNA got unplugged and Death began. (c) Required entities to have acquired D4 DNA in order to pass the Seal. (d) a and c only. 3
7. The 2nd Seeding 3,700,000 –848,000 YA. (a) Root Race #5 Ayrians with DNA strand 4, along with Cloister Race #5 Hibiru with DNA strands 4 and 7–12, were created with high hopes of releasing the “Seal of Palaidor.” (b) The Drakon Digression from the Orion star system messed up the gene code. (c) The Thousand Year War (Luciferian Rebellion) resulted in the Sphere of Amenti being removed to the Andromeda galaxy in HU 1 with a D5 seal. (d) The major flood of the Bible resulted when the Sphere of Amenti was removed from the Earth. (e) All of the above. 8. The Arc of the Covenant: (a) Is a time portal passage between Earth and the Andromeda galaxy. (b) Is a gold box that contains the Blue Flame. (c) a and b (d) None of the above. 9. The plan of the Arc of the Covenant was that when Earth’s grids vibrated high enough to pass the D-5 security seal: (a) A spark would be sent into the Arc’s passage to release the “Seal of Amenti.” (b) The “Sphere of Amenti” would return to Earth’s core, raising the vibration. (c) The occurrence of a & b above would create a second spark that would open the “Halls of Amenti,” allowing those beings with high enough DNA to walk through the portals and end up on Tara. (d) All of the above. 10. “Sphere of Amenti” return to Earth: (a) The “Sphere of Amenti” returned to Earth in 1989 after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence measurement indicated that Earth’s vibrations had reached a high enough level. (b) The second spark was sent to the Arc on June 26, 1998. (c) The Halls of Amenti last opened 5.5 MYA . (d) All of the above.
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #10 FEARLESSNESS — Recognizing the Eternal Infinite Nature and Unconditional Love of the ALL-ONE-ness. Responsibility of Mastery #10
CONSERVATION: Conservation is a form of respect and appreciation for God Source energy in all of its expressions, from conserving and protecting our natural resources, to being attentive to the needs of our bodies, to using the energies of our words and actions with gentle conservation by which we freely use what is needed, but not more. God Source continually recycles its energies for the rebirth of new expression. All is given freely, but no thing is valueless or wasted. Conservation demonstrates that we have respect and appreciation for the gift of creative energy that God Source has provided to us. As we learn to use this energy, in all its forms, with respect and clear intention, we will progressively fine tune our ability to create what we desire, and in this process assist all other beings to do the same. There is truth in the old saying "Waste Not, Want Not." If everything we perceive in our hologram of life is understood to be manifestations of God Source, we might all employ a bit more respect, appreciation and conservation toward the use and applications of the energies of the Divine.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. D, 2. A, 3. D, 4. D, 5. D, 6. D, 7. E, 8. A, 9. D, 10. D
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 11 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD3) 00:40–01:20
Questions and Answers 1. What is the Earth Core? • The Morphogenetic Field of Earth, located within the frequency bands of D2 at the center of the Earth. It is also called the “Cave of Creation” because souls must pass through their species’ Morphogenetic Field into Earth’s in order to incarnate here. It holds the design for all physical and energetic manifestation that appears here. 2. What is the Blue Flame Staff of Amenti? • It is a standing wave pattern several inches high composed of D4, D5 and D6 frequency patterns and the portion of planet Tara's Morphogenetic Field that belongs to Earth and which energetically connects Earth's Morphogenetic Field to the planetary grid of Tara in Harmonic Universe 2. 3. What is the significance of the word “Amenti?” • Amenti is a continent on planet Tara from which came the Guardians who helped us create the Sphere to evolve down here. 4. What is an ascension cycle? • The first and last 4,426-year cycles in a Euiago, in which portals open and mass ascensions can take place. 5. When is the next mass ascension opportunity and why? • The next opportunity of mass ascension takes place in 2017, because it is the halfway point of the last 4,426-year cycle of the Euiago. 6. Why does the planet and its population have the opportunity to dimensionally ascend into the next highest Harmonic Universe (HU) at the completion of a Euiago? • Because the smaller time cycles of the Euiago allow the dimensional frequency bands of 1 Harmonic Universe to be progressively pulled into the planetary Morphogenetic Field. At the completion of this process, the planet shifts into the Euiago time cycle of the next highest HU to begin pulling the next set of 3 dimensional frequency bands into the Morphogenetic Field.
Vocabulary 1. Morphogenetic Field: Energetic form-holding structure composed of Partiki units and Keylons that sets/holds the design for the particle and anti-particle construction of all manifest forms. 2. Ascension: The science of multidimensional physics—how consciousness and the body evolve from the lower dimensions to the higher ones. 3. Time: The cyclic progression through unified fields of energy. 4. Dimension: A literal stacking of patterns of energy that creates perceptions of the illusion of matter as consciousness moves through it. 5. Sphere of Amenti: The Morphogenetic Field of our race that holds the biological blueprint and evolutionary imprint for the whole human species created 550 million years ago; the energy fields through which souls birth on Earth and through which they'll pass after death. 6. Sacred Law of One: Embodying the recognition that you are at one with the universe and the universe is at one with you—one Morphogenetic Field, one consciousness.
Multiple Choice 1. What is the Sphere of Amenti? (a) A sphere of light that appears in the sky every third night based on the position of the moon. (b) A continent on the planet Tara. (c) The Morphogenetic Field of our race, which holds the biological blueprint and evolutionary imprint for the whole human species created 550 million years ago; the energy fields through which souls birth on Earth and through which they'll pass after death. (d) All of the above. 2. Each dimension has how many subfrequency bands? (a) 12 (b) 6 (c) 3 2
(d) 1 3. What is a Morphogenetic Wave? (a) A natural disaster resulting from an increase in seismic and/or volcanic activity. (b) A particle/antiparticle wave of energy that is progressively released as the grids of Earth and Tara merge during the half point and end point of the 2nd ascension cycle. (c) A wave of light that passes through the Morphogenetic Field of the planet at frequent periodic intervals. (d) All of the above. 4. How many strands of DNA must one hold in order to ascend? (a) 12 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 2 5. What is a Euiago? (a) A breakfast pastry often served with maple syrup and butter. (b) A time cycle spanning 26,558 years composed of 6 smaller cycles of 4,426 years. (c) 1 Harmonic Time Cycle through which planets evolve within 1 Harmonic universe. (d) Both B and C. 6. When the portals of the Sphere of Amenti open to the masses, for how long will they remain open? (a) They remain open for 100 years. (b) They remain open until someone chooses to close them. (c) They remain open until 5 years after the halfway and end points. (d) Once they are open, they can remain so indefinitely.
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #11 ENGAGED DETACHMENT — Permitting the ALL-ONE-ness to BE without assigning Critique, Condemnation or Value Judgment; understanding the IS-ness of and Validating the ALL-ONE-ness. Responsibility of Mastery #11 COOPERATION/DIPLOMACY: Existence is and will always be a co-creative endeavor. We must be willing to allow other beings the fulfillment of their needs and 3
desires if we hope to have our fulfillment known. Creating "Win-Win" situations and creating with the intention of GIVING genuinely are natural ways of being. We might not always agree with the intended creations of others, and we all have a right to our points of view. Diplomacy can be a bridge between forces of opposition, through which effective actions or decisions can be reached to mutually support each perspective. We can learn to agree to disagree respectfully, so the Spiritual Art of Co-operative Co-creation can progressively evolve to higher levels of expression.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. C, 2. A, 3. B, 4. B, 5. B, 6. C
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.
Amenti Class 12 Amenti DVDs Counter Time: (DVD3) 01:20–END
Questions and Answers 1. Why do beings incarnate at this time have to catch the Morphogenetic Wave? • Because they know that they couldn’t assemble their DNA fast enough, and by catching the Morphogenetic Wave, they could make it out before the portals close and ascend from D4 while the portals are open. • You go to D4 after you leave the physical body in D3. 2. What is it like to go through a portal? • All of the molecules in your body begin to vibrate very, very quickly. • You get very interesting changes in sound, then everything goes totally quiet and black. • You suddenly appear somewhere else. 3. What happens to the physical body of those who can directly walk through a portal? • When someone goes through a portal, they are transmuting. • Their particles are turning into light. • They are going back into the Morphogenetic Field and then they are remanifesting in the next level up. 4. How will we know if we have assembled enough DNA to directly walk through a portal? • The Guardians will make direct contact with more people on a personal basis. 5. Some people will be very, very close to building that 5th strand of DNA, but it won’t quite be done in time before the portals close. What are their options? • Consciousness clones are being created at a higher vibration and being kept between the 3rd and 4th dimension, where the frequency is higher. • The consciousness of some of these people will be transferred into their clones and they will literally be taken on space ships. 6. Why do we work with our Chakra System? • To start the DNA healing. 7. What is Multi-Dimensional Physics?
It is 15-Dimensional Physics, as compared to scientists’ current view of the world as having only three dimensions.
8. What is a Partiki Grid? • A level of manifestation between the Morphogenetic Field and matter. • Partiki Grids are certain stages that particles of consciousness go through from going to this field of energy that holds the sound patterns that will build who you are or what you are and the structure of your body. 9. What are Morphogenetic Fields? • Morphogenetic Fields, if they were held in your hand, would be self-contained spheres of energy. • They operate like a template and are what sets the pattern for what will manifest. There are stages of manifestation between morph and matter. • They are made of energy substance that has no direct form, before the energy becomes a grid. • They are conscious substance made of Partiki. 10. What happens when Morphogenetic Fields send units out in a certain pattern and those units interact with the unified fields of dimensions and the frequency there? • They experience different things and pick up different patterns. • These patterns are brought back into the Morphogenetic Field and expand the field. • Even though it is a fixed pattern through which we manifest, that pattern is continually being added to by each one of us through the choices we make in our lives. • Morphogenetic Fields have living memory. • It is the place where our consciousness is stationed at all times. • Our consciousness on Earth is projected outward from the consciousness in the Morphogenetic Field. • It is a level of awareness that is beyond physicality and beyond the illusions of dimensional perception. • It is an organic intelligence created through the natural dynamics of the universe. • It is biological without body, and it has energy substance made of Partiki Units, which are units of consciousness that have both electrical and sound tone reality to them. • The Partiki Units build up into Partiki Strands and then into Partiki Grids and then into Keylons and Keylon Codes and eventually up into subatomic particles, which are matter particles. 11. Who writes the codes? • A Supreme Intelligence that could almost represent a massive Morphogenetic Field within which resides all intelligence and always will. Every piece of
intelligence or piece of consciousness walking around is a piece of that identity. Of that Supreme Creative Intelligence. 12. What is God Realization? • When you get to the point where you are at one with the universe and the universe is one with you. • When you know that everything outside of you is not really outside of you at all, but inside of you. • This is what we are growing into. • It is a mechanical process that involves particles and dimensional frequencies. • It is also a spiritual process that involves cognitions that can’t be fit into definitions, but can be felt.
Vocabulary 1. Portal: An energy vortex through which it is possible to pass to another dimension. 2. Partiki Units: Units of consciousness that have both electrical and sound tone reality to them. One of the smallest units of energy-substance. They are part of the building blocks of Morphogenetic Fields, matter and individuated conscious identity. They operate as minute perpetual motion fission/fusion generators. 3. Partiki Grids: They are the fabric of Morphogenetic Field structure. Partiki Units group to form interwoven strands, then grids, of electro-tonal substance out of which Morphogenetic Fields are fashioned. Out of a Unified Field of Partiki units, Partiki Grids form to create the frequency bands that make up dimensional fields, and then to form individuated Morphogenetic Fields. 4. Morphogenetic Fields: They govern the form of matter manifestation and evolution of consciousness. Keylonta is the science of Morphogenetic Field mechanics, and thus holds the key to physical reality and biological and spiritual evolution. 5. Subatomic particles: Subatomic particles are matter particles. 6. Chakra System: Composed of 15 Chakras: 1. Base 2. Sacral 3. Solar plexus
4. Heart 5. Throat/thyroid 6. 3rd eye/pituitary 7. Crown/pineal 8. Thymus/Cosmic Core 9. Thalamus/Galactic Core 10. Galactic Morphogenetic 1—6 inches above the head 11. Galactic Morphogenetic 2—18 inches above the head 12. Earth Star—6 inches below the feet 13. Earth Core 14. Universal Morphogenetic 1—36 inches above head 15. Universal Morphogenetic 2—Deep space through Earth Core 7. Dimensions: They are vibrating fields of electro-magnetic scalar grids built upon specific Morphogenetic Field templates that exist in specific relationships to each other, together forming an energetic framework of interwoven frequency bands within which manifest reality, individuated identity, time, space and matter can be experienced by consciousness. Dimensions form a matrix of morphogenetic order called the Time Matrix within which all manifest reality takes place.
Multiple Choice 1. Morphogenetic Fields are ______________ in shape. (a) Linear (b) Spherical (c) Circular (d) A and B 2. A Morphogenetic Field…? (a) Is a fixed pattern through which we manifest. (b) Has living memory. (c) Is made of Partiki Units. (d) All of the above. 3. Who writes the codes? (a) We write our own. (b) A Supreme Intelligence. (c) Our parents through the birth process. (d) None of the above. 4. Working with the Chakra System will initiate? (a) DNA healing. (b) Chakra shaping. 4
(c) A and B (d) None of the above 5. God Realization is? (a) A spiritual process. (b) A mechanical process. (c) What we are growing into. (d) All of the above. 6. What happens to the physical body when we ascend through a portal? (a) It is transmuted. (b) Its particles are turned into light. (c) Its particles go back into the Morphogenetic Field and then re-manifest in the next level up. (d) All of the above.
Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery Attitude of Mastery #12 JOY — Choosing to BE the embodied ALL-ONE-ness. Responsibility of Mastery #12 SENSE: Learning to identify and appropriately apply both "Common Sense" and the "Uncommon Sense" of spiritual knowing will allow us to establish the greatest balance of energy expression within all aspects of our lives.
Multiple Choice Answers: 1. B, 2. D, 3. B, 4. A, 5. D, 6. D
The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.