A Catalogue of Works Pertaining to the Explanation of the Creed in Carolingian Manuscripts (Instrumenta Patristica Et Mediaevalia) 9782503544076, 250354407X

The catalogue identifies works used to explain the creed in Carolingian collection volumes compiled for the instruction

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A Catalogue of Works Pertaining to the Explanation of the Creed in Carolingian Manuscripts (Instrumenta Patristica Et Mediaevalia)
 9782503544076, 250354407X

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Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity


Susan Keefe




Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity

Rita Beyers Georges Declercq Jeroen Deploige Paul-Agustin Deproost Albert Derolez Antony Dupont Willy Evenepoel Jean Goossens Guy Guldentops Mathijs Lamberigts Gert Partoens Paul Tombeur Marc Van Uytfanghe Wim Verbaal

To John Machielsen, Whose personal kindness and whose invaluable CPPM have inspired and enabled me to offer this work.

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose and Nature of the Catalogue . . . . . . .  2. Overview of the Catalogue  . . . . . . . . . .  3. Presentation of the Catalogue . . . . . . . . .  (a) Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (b) Incipit/explicit . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (c) Author, Title, and Brief Typological Description. .  (d) Edition(s) and Manuscript(s) . . . . . . . .  4. Presentation of the Manuscript Descriptions  . . . .  Appendix: Concordance between present and old numbers  

9 10 12 12 12 13 13 14 17


Reference Works and Series Abbreviated  . . . . .  Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Abbreviations and Signs . . . . . . . . . . .  Abbreviations of Libraries  . . . . . . . . . . 

21 22 57 59

I. CATALOGUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 




INDICES 1. 2. 3. 4.

Names of Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Latin Geographical Names  . . . . . . . . . .  CPL Numbers Cited in the Catalogue . . . . . . .  CPPM Numbers Cited in the Catalogue . . . . . . 

393 396 397 400






The purpose of the catalogue is to identify works intended as explication of the creedal faith for the clergy and the people of the Carolingian empire; that is, which were specifically composed or selected by Carolingian manuscript compilers for this purpose. The catalogue is compiled from published references (manuscript catalogues, incipit lists, articles and books) and my own inspection of manuscripts in European archives. It includes both edited works and works still unpublished, some of which will be edited by Martin Parmentier in a forthcoming volume of the CC SL. The works are not all Carolingian in origin. Some that were composed before the Carolingian period were altered by a Carolingian, others were simply copied without any intentional editing. All the works, nevertheless, represent what the Carolingians chose to use in order to explain the creedal faith. In the past, we have had little concept of the range of works intended as popular instruction on the creed,1 that is, whose contents were heard and reflected upon at the parish level, because their manuscripts were unidentified by their editors, or ignored, that showed how the work was intended to be used. The catalogue is in two interdependent parts: the catalogue proper of works pertaining to the explanation of the creed, and the descriptions of the manuscripts in which the works are found. For many of the works, their inclusion in the catalogue is based on their manuscript context, that is, the other material with which they were copied in the manuscript. For example, one might ask if the famous “Tome” of Pope Leo I was even remotely known to Carolingian parish priests. It appears in the catalogue (n. 195) because in one of its manuscripts the “Tome” is associated with a creed commentary collection in a volume intended for the instruction of a missionary (Fulda, Dommuseum, Bonifat. 2). This consideration of the manuscript context in which a work appears vastly expands the number and variety of works used to explain the creed to the clergy and people, as the following brief overview of the catalogue will show. 1 By ‘the creed’ I refer generically to all formulas of faith recognized as creeds by their users, the three most well-known being the Apostles’, the NiceneConstantinopolitan, and the Athanasian.






Some of the works listed in the catalogue are creed commentaries or expositiones symboli in the strict sense; that is, the composer quotes the entire text of a creed, offering an explanation after each word or phrase. These creed “glosses” were popular of the three most utilized creeds, the Apostles’, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan, and the Athanasian, or some variation of them.2 In the catalogue, “CAP” (Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed) indicates the work consists of a gloss of the textus receptus form of the Apostles’ Creed, while “CAP-type” indicates that the work consists of a gloss of a variation of the Apostles’ Creed. “CNIC” (Commentary on the Nicene Creed) indicates that the work consists of a gloss of the Nicene Creed (its original form with the anathema), while “CNIC-type” indicates that the work consists of a gloss of a variation of the original Nicene Creed. “CNC-type” (Commentary on the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) signals a work that glosses a variation of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed. (None of the works is a “CNC”.) “CAT” (Commentary on the Athanasian Creed) indicates a work that consists of a gloss of the Athanasian Creed. (There are no works that are a “CAT-type”.) By far the greatest proportion of works in the catalogue, however, are not glosses of the phrases of the creed. Rather, they are what I have termed “explanations of the faith” (abbreviated “EF”). Their authors may begin with a general definition of the word ‘symbolum’ and give a summary of Christian belief, defining the triune God, Christ’s incarnation, passion, death, resurrection, ascension and second coming, the church, the communion of the saints, forgiveness of sins, resurrection of the flesh, and eternal life. “EF”s also include works explaining only one article of the faith, such as the Trinity, or the resurrection of the flesh. These works in their manuscripts are grouped with other works pertaining to the creed or with other texts of pastoral instruction, such as expositions on baptism, the Lord’s Prayer, the mass, and the clerical grades. Yet other works in the catalogue consist of professions of faith (abbreviated “PF”), whether personal professions (often falsely attributed to a famous authority, such as Augustine or Jerome), or professions of faith of local or regional church councils. These are creeds, but in some of their manuscripts they are performing the function of creed explanation. In such manuscripts they are grouped, like the “EF”s,


That is, not their textus receptus form, as published in DENZINGER – SCHöNEnchiridion symboli, p. 28, 67, and 41-42, respectively.




with other works pertaining to the explanation of the creed, whether because the Carolingians thought these “PF”s restated in nuanced or richer ways the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, or because they also contain some interpretation of the articles of the faith. An example is Gregory of Tours’ personal declaration of faith, which some Carolingian manuscript compiler extracted from Gregory’s Historiarum libri X and included in a collection of creed commentaries (see n. 80). Another is the creed of the first Council of Toledo (n. 53), which was included in numerous creed commentary collections.3 Still a fourth kind of work used to interpret the creed was a polemical tract, or defense of the faith against heretical ideas (abbreviated “DF”). These are sometimes in a declaratory genre, such as a synodal decree (for example, n. 53, 222), or a list of anathemas (for example, n. 17, 239), or are in the form of a dialogue or altercation with an adversary, such as an Arian or a Manichaean (for example, n. 6, 93, 97, 137). Any one of these types may be found in a variety of literary forms; for example, a “CAP” may be a sermon, an exhortation to catechumens, or a major treatise; a “DF” may be a letter, a debate, a list of anathemas, or a collection of testimonia from Scripture; a “PF” may be an act of a council, a prologue of a personal work, or a bishop’s preinstallation confession; an “EF” may be a lengthy florilegium, a brief clerical interrogation, a similitude, or dicta of the Fathers. The catalogue shows that the teaching of the creedal faith was assembled from snippets of, or whole, patristic works, homilies, personal professions of faith, and works of many other genres. Even though the catalogue is far from complete of those works which are still extant, and represents only a tiny fraction of what the Carolingians knew and made use of, the variety of works employed by the Carolingians to interpret the creed is impressive. Whether this variety reflects local preferences and even differences in the teaching and understanding of the faith may now be more possible to investigate. It is hoped that the catalogue will be of benefit to students and specialists who wish to identify anonymous works encountered in their manuscript research, as well as for those interested in the cultural history of western Europe. 3 See KEEFE, ‘Creed Commentary Collections’, p. 193-195, n. 36 (= n. 53 in this volume) in collection 6, 21, 22, 54, and 64. (The catalogue numbers referred to in bold in this article follow an older number sequence of the catalogue. A concordance of the old and new numbers is given following this Introduction, on p. 17).






The works are listed alphabetically by incipit. Each is identified by: (a) a number, in bold type; (b) its incipit and explicit; (c) its author (if known), title, and brief typological description; (d) its edition(s) and manuscript(s). (a) The number: a number (in bold type) has been assigned to each incipit for convenience in cross-referencing the works and describing the contents of the manuscripts in the “Descriptions of the Manuscripts”. Some of the bold numbers are preceded by an asterisk. These are creed explanations that are only found within, and not separated from, a larger work (also intended for the instruction of the clergy and people). For example, n. *24, *54, *84, *99, *101, *105, *154, *174, *188, *237, *238, *283, *289, *343, *344, *361, *364, *368, *369, *370 I have found only within Carolingian baptismal expositions; n. *55, *112, *151 I have found only within theological-ascetical florilegia (such as Ps. Alcuin’s Disputatio puerorum and Ps. Pirminius’ Scarapsus). Clerical examinations and episcopal capitularies are some other kinds of works that contain creed explanation. A question-mark before the number indicates that no Carolingian manuscripts of the work are known to me and the author is anonymous or pseudonymous, so that there is no way of telling whether or not the work is Carolingian; nevertheless, the work is included in the catalogue, because it has been argued that it is Carolingian, or it is surrounded by Carolingian material in its manuscript, or it was almost undoubtedly used (excerpted) by ninth-century composers.4 (b) Incipit/explicit: If a work begins with a Roman numeral or with the word “Interrogatio”, or “Magister:”, the work is listed alphabetically according to the first word after these words. When the work begins with the words of the Apostles’, Nicene, or Athanasian Creed, I put these words in capital letters, but I do not do this for personal creeds that look almost identical to one of these three creeds. (Compare the difference between n. 79 and n. 80.) The incipits may be unusually lengthy, in order to distinguish two or more different works that have the same beginning. On the other hand, the same work may An exception is three commentaries on the Athanasian Creed (n. 276, 277, 279), which no one has claimed to be Carolingian, but which I have included, partly in order to distinguish them from Carolingian commentaries on the Athanasian Creed (all begin with “Quicunque uult saluus esse”), and partly because Carolingian manuscripts may yet be found of them, or of excerpts from them.




have a slightly different incipit in its different manuscripts (which I note when I list its manuscripts). Significantly different incipits of a work are listed alphabetically with their own catalogue number, followed by a reference to the work (“see n. 45”, for example). The orthography of the incipits and explicits is corrected, even if the editor of the work (if it has been edited) did not correct it, but followed the spelling of the manuscript. I have capitalized the first letter and proper, divine, and geographical names, and I have also supplied punctuation. Any word(s) in parentheses in the incipits or explicits means that only some manuscripts have the word(s). Any words in pointed brackets < > indicate words supplied by the editor of the work or myself. Scriptural quotations in the incipits and explicits are italicized. (c) Author, title, and brief typological description: The name of the author, if known, is given in small capital letters in its Latin form, including his identity if the author is not well known (for example, “VALERIANVS EPISCOPVS CALAGORITANVS”5). If the work is listed in the CPL, CPPM, or CSLMA, I give the author (and sometimes pseudonymous authors to whom the work has been attributed in its manuscripts) and title (in italics) according to these Claues. If the work is not listed in them, I give the author and title its modern editor has given it. If the author is unknown, the work is simply cited by a title. The title is either that given in the manuscript(s), or invented by myself (or by a modern author, in the case of n. 9 and n. 192), in which case it is put in pointed brackets (< >). Following the Clauis or Claues number(s) (if there is one), I sometimes refer the reader to further discussion on the date, author, and sources of the work in monographs or articles. All these references are given in full in the bibliography. So that the reader may gain some idea of the nature of the work (not always clear from the title), I sometimes provide a very brief description of its contents or state the focus of the work. I use the abbreviations “CAP”, “CAP-type”, “CNIC”, “CN-type”, “EF”, “PF”, or “DF” to indicate the type of the work. (d) Edition(s) and Manuscript(s) (ED./MS): I give the most recent critical edition of the work, and any older editions using manuscripts The “Index of Names of Authors in the Catalogue” gives the author’s dates. A list of Latin geographical names following the “Index of Names” gives the English translation of the Latin place name.




not used in the most recent edition, although in a few cases I list different editions that are based on the same manuscript(s). Even if it has a critical edition, I sometimes include its location in the PL for the sake of clarification, since the PL may name the work differently. Many of the works have received only uncritical editions and their editors failed to identify, or identify fully, the manuscript(s) they used. I list only the Carolingian manuscripts (or earlier) used by the editor, not any post Carolingian manuscripts the editor may also have used, unless the only manuscript(s) used by the editor is dated s. X or later.6 All manuscripts listed without a date are Carolingian (s. VIII or s. IX). I give their date only if they are not Carolingian (or if they are dated s. IX-X). The reader can refer to the “Descriptions of the Manuscripts” for more information about the date.7 I give the folios on which the text is found, if I was able to ascertain this information. I always include “r” (recto) and “v” (verso) if I know this; if no recto or verso is given (“f. 1-80”), it means I am following the catalogue. If a manuscript has a variant title or incipit or explicit, I give the variant reading in quotation marks, following the spelling of the manuscript (which means the reader will meet some oddities and errors) and not capitalizing names. Sometimes I am aware of manuscripts not employed by any editors of the work. These are listed under “additional manuscripts” (ADD. MSS). I add only Carolingian manuscripts, with a few exceptions (put in parentheses) of manuscripts that are copies of Carolingian exemplars, such as Barcelona, BU 228 (s. X2/2), Troyes, BM 1979 (s. XI), and Roma, BN Sessor. 52 (s. XI and XII). 4. PRESENTATION



All the manuscripts mentioned in the catalogue are listed under “Descriptions of the Manuscripts”. The entire contents of each 6 I list all the Carolingian manuscripts known to me of the work, whether in all of them the work is used as creed instruction or not (for example, in some manuscripts of the “Tome” of Pope Leo the “Tome” is simply part of a canon law collection): the work is used as creed explication in at least one of its manuscripts. The reason for listing all of its manuscripts, even those in which it is not used as creed explication, is that it shows the kind of volumes (letter collections, canonical collections, homiliaries, psalters, missals, etc.) from which the creed commentary compilers were drawing their material. 7 In four cases (n. 58, 169, 106, 263) I do not list all of the Carolingian manuscripts known of the work, because there are too many and they are already listed in a readily accessible source.



Carolingian manuscript is described, so that the reader can see the kind of book in which the works listed in the catalogue were found. Manuscripts preceded by a double asterisk are dated after the ninth century. These are manuscripts that an editor used for the edition of a work listed in the catalogue, who did not know any Carolingian manuscripts of the work.8 They are described only very briefly (except for a few that I describe in full, because they contain extensive Carolingian material, such as Barcelona, BU 228, or seem to be a copy of a Carolingian codex in their entirety, such as Troyes, BM 1979). Some codices are described more fully than others; I have not seen them all and sometimes am dependent on catalogue descriptions that are inadequate. As far as I have been able, I give the date and place of origin of the manuscript according to B. Bischoff, H. Mordek, R. E. Reynolds, and other recent sources, in preference to, or in addition to, older catalogue dates. The source given for the date of the manuscript may have received his or her information from another authority: it may not be his or her own estimation. The geographical location given after the date is always the proposed origin, not provenance, unless I specifically say provenance. I give the number of folios, physical dimensions (always the measurements of the page and not the written space), lines per page (in long lines unless I say it is written in two columns), words per line, and sometimes a feature that might help to determine the user of the codex, such as decoration, Tironian notes, marginal glosses, and the presence of Old High German. I give any further sources of information I used under “Add. Descrip.”, that is, in addition to the names or pages already cited when giving the date and place of origin of the manuscript. For example, under Berlin, SBPK, Phillipps 1671 (78) I say: s. IX, provenance Fleury (Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 142), and under “Add. Descrip.” I say: Rose, p. 142-149. If there is no “Add. Descrip.” this means that all my information about the contents of the manuscript comes from the same source(s) and page number(s) I cited for the date and place of origin of the manuscript. Occasionally I am able to supplement or correct published descriptions with my own hand notes taken when inspecting the manuscript in person, or from microfilm, which I indicate under “Add. Descrip.” Preceding the contents of each manuscript, I sometimes offer my own or another’s hypothesis as to its intended recipient or purpose. 8 Sometimes these post Carolingian manuscripts contain other works listed in the catalogue. See, for example, Paris, BnF, lat. 2076.



Many of the manuscripts I have termed “clerical instruction reader”.9 Such a volume characteristically contains expositions on baptism, the mass, the creed, the Lord’s Prayer; material on penance, the computus, and other concerns of a priest’s office, as study material. It often contains priestly interrogations on these matters, as well. In the descriptions, the term “clerical interrogation” (“interrogatio sacerdotalis”) refers to a series of questions made to a priest concerning how he says or understands such topics as the mass, baptism, the ecclesiastical grades, canons, the creed, the chief sins, etc.10 When describing the contents of the manuscript, an equal sign in the left margin means that the entire manuscript consists of the one work indicated, such as a canon law collection, or a homiliary. The works listed in the catalogue are identified by their catalogue number (in bold type). A group of these numbers separated by commas means that the works are contiguous in the manuscript (for example, under Albi, BM 38 bis, “f. 52v-57v = n. 246, 356, 393, 46, 292” means these five works immediately follow one another between f. 52v and f. 57v), unless I indicate that they are not contiguous (as is often the case with several creed commentaries or explanations of the faith found in one canon law collection, but not contiguously). The other material in the manuscripts is described either by author and title (Bede, De temporum ratione), modern title (Collectio Quesnelliana), description (exposition on the mass, penitential, on letters [“de litteris”]), or merely by incipit (if I have no further identification). I have added occasionally the CPL number of the work, or its edition in the PL, to clarify its identity. Sometimes a manuscript is made up of parts from different centuries, in which case I may describe only the pre-tenth century material.

9 For this kind of book, intended to be placed in the hands of a priest who was already ordained and serving a local church, see my Water and the Word, 1, p. 23-26. 10 (see, for example, my Water and the Word, 2, p. 10-11, Albi, BM 43, f. 15v19v).

APPENDIX concordance between present and old numbers new number

old number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

1 1a 2 3 3a 3b 4 5 6 7 7a 8 9 10 10a 10b 11 11a 12 12a 13 13a 13b 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20a 21 21a 22

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

22a 23 24 25 26 26a 27 28 29 29a 30 31 32 33 34 34a 35 35a 36 37 37a 37b 38 39 40 41 42 43 43a 43b 43c 44 45 45a 45b 46

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

47 48 48a 49 50 51 52 52a 53 55 56 57 58 59 59a 60 61 61a 62 63 64 64a 64b 65 66 66a 66b 67 68 68a 69 69a 70 71 72 73

18 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148


73a 74 75 76 77 78 78a 79 80 80a 80b 81 82 83 84 85 85b 86 88 89 90 90a 90b 91 92 93b 94 94a 95 96 96a 97 98 99 99a 100 101 102 102a 103 104 105

149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

105a 105b 106 106a 106b 107 108 109 110 111 113 113a 113b 114 115 115a 115b 115c 115d 115e 116 117 117a 117b 118 119 120 120a 120b 120c 121 122 122a 123 123a 124 125 127 128 130 131 131a

191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232

131b 132 132a 132b 132c 132d 132e 133 134 135 136 136a 136b 137 138 139 139a 139b 140a 141 142 143 143a 143b 143c 143d 144 144a 144b 145 146 147a 147b 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 155a



233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274

155b 156 157 158 159 160 160a 160c 160d 160e 160f 160g 161 162 163 164 165 166 166b 166c 167 168 168a 169 170 171 172 172a 172b 173 173a 174 174a 175 176 176a 177 178 179 180 181 182

275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316

183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 192a 193 193a 193b 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 200a 201 202 203 203a 203c 204 204a 204b 204c 204d 204e 205 206 207 208 209 209a 210 210a 211a

317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358

211b 212 213 214 214a 215 217 218 218a 218b 219 220 220a 221 221a 221b 222 223 224 224a 224b 225 226 227 228 228a 229 232 233 234 234a 235 235a 236 236a 237 238 239 240 241 242 243

20 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370


244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 253a 254

371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382

255 256 257 257a 258 259 259a 260 261 261a 262 262a

383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393

263 263a 263b 263c 264 266 266 (alt. form) 267 268 269 270

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Reference Works and Series Abbreviated BHL

Bibliotheca hagiographica latina – ed. Socii Bollandiani, 2 vol. (Subsidia hagiographica, 6), Bruxelles, 18981901 (2nd ed., 1949); Supplementum (Subsidia hagiographica, 12), 1911; ouum Supplementum – ed. H. Fros (Subsidia hagiographica, 70), 1986. BHM B. Lambert, Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta, 4 vol. (Instrumenta Patristica, 4), Steenbrugge, 1969-1972. CC CM Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio mediaeualis, Turnhout, 1966-. CC SL Corpus Christianorum. Series latina, Turnhout, 1953-. CPL E. Dekkers (– A. Gaar), Clauis patrum latinorum, Turnhout, 1995 (3rd ed.). CPPM J. Machielsen, Clauis patristica pseudepigraphorum medii aeui, 5 vol. (CC SL, IA, IB, IIA, IIB, IIIA), Turnhout, 1990-2003. CSEL Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum, Wien, 1866-. CSLMA M.-H. Jullien – F. Perelman, Clauis scriptorum latinorum medii aeui: Auctores Galliae, 735-987, 3 vol., Turnhout, 1994, 1999, 2010. EL Ephemerides liturgicae, Roma, 1887-. GW Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 11 vol., Leipzig – Stuttgart, 1925-2008 (serial, published by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz). HBS Henry Bradshaw Society, 1891-. JTS Journal of Theological Studies, London, 1900-1905; Oxford, 1906-1949; new series, Oxford, 1950-. MGH Monumenta Germaniae historica. MGH AA Auctores antiquissimi, 15 vol., Berlin, 1877-1919; re-ed. 1978-1991. MGH Capit. Capitularia regum Francorum, 2 vol., Hannover, 18831897; re-ed. 1980-1984. MGH Capit. episc. Capitula episcoporum, 3 vol., Hannover, 1984-1995. MGH Conc. Concilia, 6 vol., Hannover, 1893-2003; re-ed. 1979-1998. MGH Epp. Epistolae (in quart;), 8 vol., Berlin, 1887-1939; re-ed. 1978 sqq. MGH LL Leges (in fol.), 5 vol., Hannover, 1835-1889; re-ed. 19841993.



Leges ationum Germanicarum, 5 vol., Hannover, 18921969. Poetae latini medii aeui, vol. 1-4, Berlin, 1881-1923; re-ed. 1978 sqq. Scriptores, 30 vol., Hannover, 1826-1934; re-ed. 1974 sqq. Scriptores rerum Merouingicarum, 7 vol., Hannover, 18851920; re-ed. 1951. Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1939-. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series graeca – ed. J. P. Migne, 161 vol., Paris, 1857-1886. Patrologiae cursus completus. Series latina – ed. J. P. Migne, 221 vol., Paris, 1844-1864. Patrologiae cursus completus, supplementum – ed. A. Hamman, 5 vol., Paris, 1958-1974. Recherches augustiniennes (et patristiques), Paris, 1958-. Revue bénédictine, Maredsous, 1884-. Revue des études augustiniennes, Paris, 1955-. Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, Louvain, 1900-. Sources chrétiennes, Paris, 1942-. Sacris Erudiri, Brugge, 1948-. Theologische Quartalschrift, Tübingen, 1831-1928; diverse locations, 1929-. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, Stuttgart [etc.], 1876-.

2. Literature Amerbach, Sermones S. Augustini J. Amerbach, Sermones S. Augustini de tempore (Plura ac diuersa Diui Aurelii Augustini sermonum opera, Pars 6), Basel, 1495. Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani M. Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani du haut moyen âge, 5 vol. (Spicilegium sacrum Louaniense. Études et documents, 11, 23-24, 2829), Louvain, 1931-1961. Antolín, Catálogo G. Antolín, Catálogo de los códices latinos de la Real Biblioteca del Escorial, 5 vol., Madrid, 1910-1923. Arévalo, Isidori opera omnia F. Arévalo, S. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Hispaniarum doctoris opera omnia, 7 vol., Roma, 1797-1803. Ballerini, S. Ambrosii opera P. A. Ballerini, S. Ambrosii Mediolanensis episcopi…opera omnia ad Mediolanenses codices pressius exacta, 6 vol., Milano, 18751883.



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GW, Bd. 11, n. 12422, col. 33-36.



edita exstant…, 14 vol., Hamburg, 1705-1728 (4th ed. with G. C. Harless and C. A. Heumann, 12 vol., Hamburg, 1790-1809). Fabricius, Bibliotheca latina J. A. Fabricius, Bibliotheca latina, siue notitia auctorum ueterum latinorum, quorumcunque scripta ad nos peruenerunt…, Hamburg, 1697 (supplemented ed. with C. Schöttgen, Bibliotheca latina mediæ et infimæ ætatis, 6 vol., Hamburg, 1734-1746). Falckenheiner, Geschichte C. Falckenheiner, Geschichte Hessischer Städte und Stifte, 2 vol., Cassel, 1842 (unchanged repr., Walluf [by Wiesbaden], 1973). Férotin, Le Liber ordinum M. Férotin, Le Liber ordinum en usage dans l’église wisigothique et mozarabe d’Espagne du cinquième au onzième siècle, Paris, 1904. Feu-Ardent, Conflictus F. Feu-Ardent (Feuardentius), Conflictus de Deo trino et uno, de duabus in Christo substantiis in unitate personae, de gratiae et liberi arbitrii concordia, Köln, 1596 (= appendix to the edition of J. De Billy De Prunay – F. Feu-Ardent, Diui Irenaei… aduersus Valentini et similium gnosticorum haereses libri quinque, Paris, 1576). Ficker, Studien G. Ficker, Studien zu Vigilius von Thapsus, Leipzig, 1897. Fischer, ‘Sahagun und Toledo’ L. Fischer, ‘Sahagun und Toledo’, in Spanische Forschungen der Görresgesellschaft, vol. 3 – ed. H. Finke (Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Kulturgeschichte Spaniens, I, 3), Münster i. Westf., 1931, p. 286306. Fita, ‘El papa Honorio’ F. Fita, ‘El papa Honorio I y san Braulio de Zaragoza’, La Ciudad de Dios, 4 (1870), p. 188-204. Forster, Alcuini opera F. Forster, Beati Flacci Albini seu Alcuini…opera, post primam editionem ab Andrea Quercetano curatam,4 de nouo collecta…, 2 vol., Regensburg, 1777. Forstner, Die karolingischen Handschriften K. Forstner, Die karolingischen Handschriften und Fragmente in den Salzburger Bibliotheken (Ende des 8. Jh. bis Ende des 9. Jh.) (Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, 3, Ergänzungsband), Salzburg, 1962. 4 

See Du Chesne, Albini opera.



Fournier, ‘Notices’ P. Fournier, ‘Notices sur trois collections de l’époque carolingienne’, Revue des sciences religieuses, 6 (1926), p. 78-92, 217-230, 513-526. Franz, Karolingische Beda-Handschriften G. Franz, Karolingische Beda-Handschriften aus Sankt Maximin, Trier, 1990. Freeman, ‘Additions’ A. Freeman, ‘Additions and Corrections to the Libri Carolini; Links with Alcuin and the Adoptionist Controversy’, in Scire litteras: Forschungen zum mittelalterlichen Geistesleben – ed. S. Krämer – M. Bernhard (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften; Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Abhandlungen, N.F., Heft 99), München, 1988, p. 159-169. Freeman, Opus Caroli A. Freeman, Opus Caroli regis contra synodum (Libri Carolini) (MGH Conc., 2, Supplementum 1), Hannover, 1998. Freeman, ‘Theodulf of Orléans’ A. Freeman, ‘Theodulf of Orléans, a Visigoth at Charlemagne’s Court’, in L’Europe héritière de l’Espagne wisigothique – ed. J. Fontaine – C. Pellistrandi, Madrid, 1992, p. 185-194. Fuhrmann, ‘Justinians Edictum’ H. Fuhrmann, ‘Justinians Edictum de recta fide (551) bei Pseudoisidor’, Studia Gratiana, 19 (1976), p. 219-223. Gallandi, Bibliotheca ueterum patrum A. Gallandi, Bibliotheca ueterum patrum antiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum…, 14 vol., Venezia, 1765-1781. Gamber, CLLA K. Gamber, Codices liturgici latini antiquiores (Spicilegii Friburgensis subsidia, 1), Freiburg (Schweiz), 1963. Gamber, iceta von Remesiana K. Gamber, iceta von Remesiana: Instructio ad competentes; frühchristliche Katechesen aus Dacien (Textus patristici et liturgici, fasc. 1), Regensburg, 1964. Ganz, Corbie D. Ganz, Corbie in the Carolingian Renaissance (Beihefte der Francia, 20), Sigmaringen, 1990. García Villada, Catálogo Z. García Villada, Catálogo de los Códices y Documentos de la Catedral de León, Madrid, 1919. García Villada, ‘El Códice’ Z. García Villada, ‘El Códice de Roda Recuperato’, Revista de Filología Española, 15 (1928), p. 113-130.



García Villada, Historia eclesiástica Z. García Villada, Historia eclesiástica de España, 3 vol., Madrid, 1929-1936. Garnier, Marii Mercatoris opera J. Garnier, Marii Mercatoris s. Augustino aequalis opera quaecumque extant, Paris, 1673. Gelenius – Erasmus, Opera Chrysostomi S. Gelenius – D. Erasmus, Opera D. Ioannis Chrysostomi… quotquot per graecorum exemplarium facultatem in latinam linguam hactenus traduci potuerunt…, 5 vol., Basel, 1558.5 Gerbert, Monumenta M. Gerbert, Monumenta ueteris liturgiae Alemannicae, 2 vol., Sankt Blasien, 1777-1779. Gibson – Smith, Codices Boethiani M. Gibson – L. Smith, Codices Boethiani: A Conspectus of Manuscripts of the Works of Boethius. I. Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland (Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts, 25), London, 1995. Gil, Corpus J. Gil, Corpus scriptorum muzarabicorum, 2 vol. (Manuales y anejos de “Emérita”, 28), Madrid, 1973. Giles, S. Bonifatii opera J. A. Giles, S. Bonifatii opera, 2 vol., Oxford, 1844. Glareanus, Boethii opera omnia H. L. Glareanus, Anitii Manlii Seuerini Boethi in omnibus philosophiae partibus inter latinos et graecos autores principis opera quae extant omnia…, Basileae, 1546. Glassner, Inventar C. Glassner – A. Haidinger, Inventar der Handschriften des Benediktinerstiftes Melk (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Denkschriften, Bd. 285), Wien, 2000. Goldast, Manuale biblicum M. Goldast, Manuale biblicum siue enchiridion S. S. Scripturae a catholicae apostolicae ueteris ecclesiae patribus compendiatum et nunc primum ex uetustis membranis mss. collectum…, Frankfurt, 1610. This 1558 edition was used by Caspari; see n. 342. The first edition of the collected works of V John Chrysostom by Erasmus appeared in Basel in 1517, the second in 1525, the third by W. Musculus in Basel in 1539, in 5 vol., with the same title given here.




Gonzáles, Collectio F. A. Gonzáles, Collectio canonum ecclesiae Hispanae ex probatissimis ac peruetustissimis codicibus nunc primum in lucem edita…, Madrid, 1808. Gorman, ‘The Commentary on Genesis’ M. Gorman, ‘The Commentary on Genesis of Claudius of Turin and Biblical Studies under Louis the Pious’, Speculum, 72 (1997), p. 279-329. Gorman, ‘Wigbod’ M. Gorman, ‘Wigbod and the Lectiones on the Hexateuch Attributed to Bede in Paris Lat. 2342’, RB, 105 (1995), p. 310-347. Grégoire, Homéliaires R. Grégoire, Homéliaires liturgiques médiévaux, Spoleto, 1980. Gullotta, Gli antichi cataloghi G. Gullotta, Gli antichi cataloghi e i codici della abbazia di onantola (Studi e Testi, 182), Città del Vaticano, 1955. Gundlach, Epistolae W. Gundlach, Epistolae Merowingici et Karolini aeui, I (MGH Epp., 3), Berlin, 1892. Hadot, ‘Marius Victorinus’ P. Hadot, ‘Marius Victorinus et Alcuin’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 21 (1954), p. 5-19. Hägele, Das Paenitentiale G. Hägele, Das Paenitentiale Vallicellianum I. Ein oberitalienischer Zweig der frühmittelalterlichen kontinentalen Bussbücher. Überlieferung, Verbreitung, und Quellen (Quellen und Forschungen zum Recht im Mittelalter, 3), Sigmaringen, 1984. Hagen, Catalogus H. Hagen, Catalogus codicum Bernensium, Bern, 1875. Hagenmaier, Handschriften W. Hagenmaier, Die lateinischen mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau, 2 vol. (Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau, Bd. 1, Teil 1, 3), Wiesbaden, 1974-1980. Hahn, ‘Die angeblichen Predigten’ H. Hahn, ‘Die angeblichen Predigten des Bonifaz’, Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, 24 (1884), p. 585-625. Hahn, Bibliothek A. Hahn, Bibliothek der Symbole und Glaubensregeln der alten Kirche, Breslau, 1897. Halm, Catalogus C. Halm – G. Laubmann et al., Catalogus codicum latinorum bibliothecae regiae Monacensis, t. 1, pars 1-3; t. 2, pars 1-4 (Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae regiae Monacensis, 3-4),



München, 1868-1881 (2nd ed. of t. 1 München, 1892-1894; repr. of t. 1, part 3, and t. 2 Wiesbaden, 1968-1969). Hansitz, Germaniae sacrae tomus I[-III] M. Hansitz (Hansizius), Germaniae sacrae tomus I[-III], 3 vol., Augsburg, 1727-1754. Hanssens, Amalarii opera J. M. Hanssens, Amalarii opera liturgica omnia, 3 vol. (Studi e Testi, 138-140), Città del Vaticano, 1948-1950. Hanssens, ‘Deux documents’ J. M. Hanssens, ‘Deux documents carolingiens sur le baptême’, EL, 41 (1927), p. 69-82. Haring, ‘Commentaries’ N. Haring, ‘Commentaries on the Pseudo-Athanasian Creed’, MS, 34 (1972), p. 208-252. Hartmann, Diui Ambrosii opera A. Hartmann – U. Graf, Diui Ambrosii episcopi Mediolanensis omnia opera…, 3 vol., Basel, 1516. Hartmann, Die Konzilien W. Hartmann, Die Konzilien der Karolingischen Teilreiche 860874 (MGH Conc., 4), Hannover, 1998. Hartzheim, Concilia Germaniae J. Hartzheim – J. F. Schannat, Concilia Germaniae, 11 vol., Köln, 1759-1790. Hauke, Katalog H. Hauke, Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München Clm 28111-28254 (Catalogus codicum latinorum bibliothecae regiae Monacensis, 4, pars 7), Wiesbaden, 1986. Hausmann, Die Theologischen Handschriften R. Hausmann, Die Theologischen Handschriften der Hessischen Landesbibliothek Fulda bis zum Jahr 1600 (Die Handschriften der Hessischen Landesbibliothek Fulda – ed. H. Broszinski, 1), Wiesbaden, 1992. Hauthaler, ‘Ein Miscellancodex’ W. Hauthaler, ‘Ein Miscellancodex des neunten Jahrhunderts’, Centralblatt für das Bibliothekwesen, 10 (1893), p. 71-81. Heer, Missions-katechismus J. M. Heer, Ein karolingischer Missions-katechismus, Freiburg i. Breisgau, 1911. Heil, ‘Der Adoptionismus’ W. Heil, ‘Der Adoptionismus, Alkuin und Spanien’, in Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und achleben – ed. W. Braunfels, Düsseldorf, 1965, 2, p. 95-155.



Heinemann, Die Helmstedter Handschriften O. von heinemann, Die Helmstedter Handschriften, 2 vol. (Kataloge der Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel: Die alte Reihe, Band 1-2), Wolfenbüttel, 1884-1886 (repr. Frankfurt am Main, 1963-1965). Hen, ‘Knowledge of Canon Law’ Y. Hen, ‘Knowledge of Canon Law Among Rural Priests: The Evidence of Two Carolingian Manuscripts from around 800’, JTS, 50, 1999, p. 117-134. Hieronymus: Epistolae Hieronymus: Epistolae, Mainz (P. Schoeffer, printer), 1470.6 Hinschius, Decretales P. Hinschius, Decretales pseudo-Isidorianae et capitula Angilramni, Leipzig, 1863. Hinschius, ‘Die kanonistischen Handschriften’ P. Hinschius, ‘Die kanonistichen Handschriften der Hamilton’schen Sammlung im Kupferstich-Kabinett des königlichen Museums zu Berlin’, ZKG, 6 (1884), p. 193-246. Holder, Die Handschriften A. Holder, Die Handschriften der Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe, Band 5: Die Reichenauer Handschriften, Leipzig, 1906 (new ed. Wiesbaden, 1970). Huhn, ‘Der Agnellus-Brief’ J. Huhn, ‘Der Agnellus-Brief De ratione fidei nach einer Handschrift im Codex Bonifatianus II’, in Sankt Bonifatius: Gedenkgabe zum zwölfhundertsten Todestag – ed. C. Raabe, Fulda, 1954, p. 102-138. Huhn, ‘De ratione fidei’ J. Huhn, ‘De ratione fidei als ein Werk des Faustus von Reji’, TQ, 130 (1950), p. 176-183. Huhn, ‘Eine unedierte Fides’ J. Huhn, ‘Eine unedierte Fides Sancti Ambrosii’, TQ, 133 (1953), p. 408-426. Incipit liber s. Augustini Incipit liber sancti Augustini ad petrum diaconem de fide, Köln, 1473.7 Inguanez, Catalogus M. Inguanez, Codicum Casinensium manuscriptorum catalogus, 3 vol., Wien, 1915.

GW, Bd. 11, n. 12424-12425, col. 38-44. The editor of this Ps. Augustine (in fact, Fulgentius) work is not given and the printer is uncertain, perhaps Goiswin Gops or Johann Schilling. 6  7 



Inventario de la Biblioteca acional Inventario General de Manuscritos de la Biblioteca acional, 15 vol., Madrid, 1953- (serial publication of the Biblioteca Nacional). Jacobi, ‘Eine noch ungedruckte Bearbeitung’ J. L. Jacobi, ‘Eine noch ungedruckte Bearbeitung des Symbols vom Jahre 381’, ZKG, 6 (1884), p. 282-290. Jaffé – Wattenbach, Codices P. Jaffé – W. Wattenbach, Ecclesiae metropolitanae Coloniensis codices manuscripti, Berlin, 1874. Jaffé – Wattenbach – Dümmler, Monumenta Alcuiniana P. Jaffé – W. Wattenbach – E. Dümmler, Monumenta Alcuiniana (Bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum, 6), Berlin, 1873. Jecker, Die Heimat des hl. Pirmin G. Jecker, Die Heimat des hl. Pirmin, des Apostels der Alamannen (Beiträge zur Geschichte des Alten Mönchtums und des Benediktinerordens, 13), Münster in Westfalen, 1927. Jørgensen, Catalogus E. Jørgensen, Catalogus codicum latinorum medii aevi bibliothecae regiae Hafniensis, København, 1926. Justel, Bibliotheca H. Justel – C. Justel – G. Voellus, Bibliotheca iuris canonici ueteris…, 2 vol., Paris, 1661. Justus, Fulgentii opera H. Justus, Beati Fulgentii episcopi Ruspensis in Aphrica, priscorum ecclesiae doctorum nulli non conferendi, opera, quae extant, omnia…, Basel, 1587. Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol F. Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 2 vol., Leipzig, 1894. Kattenbusch, Verbreitung F. Kattenbusch, Verbreitung und Bedeutung des Taufsymbols, Leipzig, 1900. Keefe, ‘Creed Commentary Collections’ S. Keefe, ‘Creed Commentary Collections in Carolingian Manuscripts’, in Ritual, Text and Law: Studies in Medieval Canon Law and Liturgy Presented to Roger E. Reynolds (Church, Faith, and Culture in the Medieval West) – ed. K. Cushing and R. Gyug, Aldershot, England – Burlington, Vermont, 2004, p. 185-204. Keefe, Explanationes S. Keefe, Explanationes Symboli aeui Carolini (CC CM, 254), Turnhout, 2012.



Keefe, ‘An Unknown Response’ S. Keefe, ‘An Unknown Response From the Archiepiscopal Province of Sens to Charlemagne’s Circulatory Inquiry on Baptism’, RB, 96 (1986), p. 48-93. Keefe, Water and the Word S. Keefe, Water and the Word: Baptism and the Education of the Clergy in the Carolingian Empire: A Study of Texts and Manuscripts, 2 vol., South Bend, Indiana, 2002. Kelly, The Athanasian Creed J. N. D. Kelly, The Athanasian Creed, New York – Evanston, 1964. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds J. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds, London – New York, 1950 (3rd ed. = Harlow, Essex – New York, 1972). Keuffer, Verzeichnis M. Keuffer – G. Kentenich – A. Becker – P. Bissels, Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek zu Trier, 11 vol., Trier, 1888-1973. Kihn, Theodor H. Kihn, Theodor von Mopsuestia und Junilius Africanus als Exegeten, Freiburg i. Breisgau, 1880. Koehler – Milchsack, Die Gudischen Handschriften F. Koehler – G. Milchsack, Die Gudischen Handschriften (Die Handschriften der Herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Wolfenbüttel, Abteilung 4), Wolfenbüttel, 1913. Kottje, Die Bussbücher R. Kottje, Die Bussbücher Halitgars von Cambrai und des Hrabanus Maurus (Beiträge zur Geschichte und Quellenkunde des Mittelalters, 8), Berlin, 1980. Kottje, ‘Zur Herkunft’ R. Kottje, ‘Zur Herkunft der Handschrift Escorial, Bibl. de S. Lorenzo L. III. 8, aus Senlis’, Francia, 13 (1986), p. 623-624. Krause, ‘Die Münchener Handschriften 3851. 3853’ V. Krause, ‘Die Münchener Handschriften 3851. 3853 mit einer Compilation von 181 Wormser Schlüssen’, eues Archiv der Gesellschaft fur ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde, 19 (1894), p. 85-139. Krusch – Levison, Gregorii libri historiarum X B. Krusch – W. Levison, Gregorii episcopi Turonensis libri historiarum X (MGH SS rer. Merou., 1/1), 2nd ed., Hannover, 1951. Kruse, Die Kölner volkssprachige Überlieferung N. Kruse, Die Kölner volkssprachige Überlieferung des 9. Jahrhunderts, Bonn, 1979.



Künstle, Antipriscilliana K. Künstle, Antipriscilliana, Freiburg i. Breisgau, 1905. Künstle, Eine Bibliothek K. Künstle, Eine Bibliothek der Symbole und theologischer Tractate zur Bekämpfung des Priscillianismus und westgothischen Arianismus aus dem VI. Jahrhundert (Forschungen zur Christlichen Litteratur- und Dogmengeschichte, 1, Heft 4), Mainz, 1900. Kurz, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung 5/1 R. Kurz, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des Heiligen Augustinus, Band 5/1: Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Westberlin: Werkverzeichnis (Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 306), Wien, 1976. Kurz, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung 5/2 R. Kurz, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des Heiligen Augustinus, Band 5/2: Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Westberlin: Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken (Sitzungsberichte Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 350), Wien, 1979. La Bigne – Despont, Maxima bibliotheca M. De La Bigne – P. Despont, Maxima bibliotheca ueterum patrum et antiquorum scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, 27 vol., Lyon, 1677. Labbe – Cossart, Sacrosancta concilia P. Labbe – G. Cossart, Sacrosancta concilia ad regiam editionem exacta, 15 vol., Paris, 1671-1673. Lambeck, Commentariorum libri P. Lambeck (Lambecius), Commentariorum de augustissima bibliotheca Caesarea Vindobonensi liber primus [-octauus], 8 vol., Wien, 1665-1679. Lambot, ‘Le florilège’ C. Lambot, ‘Le florilège Augustinien de Vérone’, RB, 79 (1969), p. 70-81. Lambot, orth Italian Services C. Lambot, orth Italian Services of the Eleventh Century (HBS, 67), London, 1931. Lambot, Œuvres théologiques C. Lambot, Œuvres théologiques et grammaticales de Godescalc d’Orbais: Texts en majeure partie inédits (Spicilegium sacrum Lovaniense, fasc. 20), Louvain, 1945. Lauer, Catalogue P. Lauer, Bibliothèque ationale: Catalogue général des manuscrits latins, 3 vol., Paris, 1939-1952.



Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements V. Le Clerc et al., Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques des départements, 7 vol., Paris, 1849-1885.8 Leclercq, ‘Les Munimenta fidei’ J. Leclercq, ‘Les Munimenta fidei de Saint Benoît d’Aniane’, in J. Leclercq, Analecta monastica: I. série (Studia Anselmiana philosophica theologica, fasc. 20), Roma, 1948, p. 21-74. Lehmann, Iohannes Sichardus P. Lehmann, Iohannes Sichardus und die von ihm benutzten Bibliotheken und Handschriften, München, 1911. Lehner, ‘Das Florileg’ A. Lehner, ‘Das Florileg im Clm 6433’ (CC SL, 108D), Turnhout, 1987, p. xi-xxxix. Leitschuh – Fischer, Katalog F. Leitschuh – H. Fischer, Katalog der Handschriften der königlichen Bibliothek zu Bamberg, Bd. 1, Abt. 1, Lfg. 3: Kirchenväter und ältere Theologen bis zum Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts, Bamberg, 1903. Lemarié, ‘Un nouveau sermon’ J. Lemarié, ‘Un nouveau sermon de Saint Chromace d’Aquilée et fragments provenant d’homiliaires Bavarois’, RB, 76 (1966), p. 7-40. Levison, ‘Analecta Pontificalia’ W. Levison, ‘Analecta Pontificalia’, in Papstum und Kaisertum: Forschungen zur politischen Geschichte und Geisteskultur des Mittelalters: Paul Kehr zum 65. Geburtstag dargebracht – ed. A. Brackmann, München, 1926, p. 138-145. Levison, England and the Continent W. Levison, England and the Continent in the Eighth Century, Oxford, 1946. Levison, ‘Handschriften’ W. Levison, ‘Handschriften des Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum im Haag’, eues Archiv, 38 (1913), p. 503-524. Lieftinck, ‘Un fragment’ G. I. Lieftinck, ‘Un fragment de De spectaculis de Tertullien provenant d’un manuscrit du neuvième siècle’, Vigiliae Christianae, 5 (1951), p. 193-203. Lindsay, Isidori etymologiarum siue originum libri XX W. M. Lindsay, Isidori Hispalensis episcopi etymologiarum siue originum libri XX, 2 vol., Oxford, 1911. No more published in this series. A new series was begun in 1885, of which the first 43 volumes were published under the direction of U. Robert (see below). 8 



Locher, Marii Victorini Afri opera A. Locher, Marii Victorini Afri opera theologica, Leipzig, 1976. Lovanienses Theologi, Augustini opera Lovanienses Theologi, Opera d. Aurelii Augustini…illustrata preterea eruditis censuris et locupletata multis homiliis et aliquot epistolis eiusdem b. Augustini antea non editis, 10 vol., Antwerpen, 1576-1577. Lowe, The Bobbio Missal E. A. Lowe, The Bobbio Missal: A Gallican Mass-Book (Paris, B lat. 13246) (HBS, 58), London, 1920. Lowe, CLA E. A. Lowe, Codices latini antiquiores. A Palaeographical Guide to Latin Manuscripts Prior to the inth Century, 11 vol. + Supplement, Oxford, 1934-1971. Luchi, Venantii opera omnia M. A. Luchi, Venantii Honorii Clementiani Fortunati presbyteri italici deinde episcopi Pictauiensis opera omnia quae extant uel quae eius nomine circumferuntur post Browerianam editionem…, 2 vol., Roma, 1786-1787. Maassen, ‘Bibliotheca latina’ F. Maassen,’Bibliotheca latina iuris canonici manuscripta, Pars 1: Die Canonensammlungen vor Pseudoisidor’, Sitzungsberichte Wien, philosophisch-historische Classe, 53 (1866 [1867]), p. 373427; 54 (1866 [1867]), p. 157-288; 56 (1867), p. 157-212. Maassen, Geschichte F. Maassen, Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des canonischen Rechts im Abendlande, Bd. 1: Die Rechtssammlungen bis zur Mitte des 9. Jahrhunderts, Graz, 1870.9 Mabillon, Vetera analecta J. Mabillon, Vetera analecta, siue collectio ueterum aliquot operum et opusculorum omnis generis, carminum, epistolarum, diplomatum, epitaphiorum, etc., new ed., Paris, 1723 (1st ed. = J. Mabillon, Veterum analectorum tomus I[-IV] complectentes uaria fragmenta et epistolia scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, tam prosa quam metro, hactenus inedita, 4 vol., Paris, 1675-1685). Madan – Craster, A Summary Catalogue F. Madan – H. Craster – R. Hunt – N. Denholm-Young, A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, 7 vol., Oxford, 1895-1953. Madoz, ‘Una nueva redacción’ J. Madoz, ‘Una nueva redacción del Libellus de fide de Baquiario’, Revista española de Teología, 1 (1940-1941), p. 457-488. 9 

No further vol. appeared after Bd. 1.



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3. Abbreviations and Signs al. alt. an. acc. add. append. attrib. b. bd. c(c). c. CAP CAP-type CNIC CNC-type

alius (alia) alternate anno according additional appendix (-ces) attributed born band chapter(s)/ capitulum, -ula/ canon(s) circa Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed Commentary on a variation of the Apostles’ Creed Commentary on the original Nicene Creed Commentary on a variation of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed

58 CAT cfr col. d. descrip. DF dub. ed(d). EF ep(p). etc. ex. expl. f. fl. frag. in. inc. incompl. interr./resp. lib. marg. med. ms(s) n. p. OHG PF Ps. repr. s. s. n. sqq. St t. tit. vol. * ? **


Commentary on the Athanasian Creed confer column(s) died description Defense of the Faith dubious edition(s)/edited Explanation of the Faith epistle(s) et cetera exeunte explicit folio(s) flourished fragment ineunte incipit incomplete interrogation and response liber margin medium manuscript(s) number(s) page(s) Old High German Profession of Faith Pseudo reprinted saeculum/sanctus sine numero sequentes Saint/Sankt tomus title volume(s) (preceding the bold number in the Catalogue) indicates the work has only been found within a larger work (preceding the bold number in the Catalogue) indicates I do not know any Carolingian ms of the work (in the “Descriptions of the Manuscripts”) indicates the ms is post s. IX




(in the “Descriptions of the Manuscripts”) indicates the work following the double arrow is contained within the work preceding the double arrow (for example, “Collectio Albigensis >> n. 39” means n. 39 is contained within the Collectio Albigensis)


Archivo General de la Corona de Aragón (Barcelona) Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milano) Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Biblioteca Capitolare (Lucca, Monza, Novara, Vercelli, Verona) Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire (Montpellier) British Library (London) Bodleian Library (Oxford) Badische Landesbibliothek (Karlsruhe) Bibliothèque municipale Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Firenze) Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris) Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid) Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (Roma) Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria (Torino) Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit (Leiden) Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (München) Biblioteca Universitaria (Barcelona) Herzog-August-Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel) Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Brussel) Landesbibliothek (Fulda) Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Wien) Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo (Escorial) Stiftsbibliothek Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz Üniversitätsbibliothek (Basel, Düsseldorf, Freiburg i. Breisgau, Würzburg) Zentral Bibliothek (Zürich)


1. Accipite regulam fidei, quod symbolum dicitur. Et cum acceperitis, in corde scribite – qui est ipse uita aeterna, perducat uos Deus. Amen. Avgvstinvs, Sermo de symbolo ad catechumenos. CPL, 309. CAP-type. ed./ms: R. Vander Plaetse, CC SL, 46, p. 185-199, using seven mss (of thirty known to him), only one of which is Carolingian: Laon, BM 136, f. 1r-4v, and the editions of: Erasmus, Augustini opera, 9, 752-757 (mss used are not certain); Louanienses theologi, Augustini opera, 9, 249-252 (mss used are not certain); and the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, 6, 547-556 (using Laon, BM 136 and four post s. IX mss).

2. Accipite, filii, regulam fidei – perducat uos Deus. Amen. (See n. 1.) 3. Ambrosius de caelesti generatione, hoc est, de Christo Filio Dei, quando erat? Quid erat? – non de uirgine, sed de uxore generatum. (without tit. in mss). Brief EF by interr./resp. Sources cited: Ambrose, Jerome. edd./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 1, using: Albi, BM 40, f. 16v-17r (inc.: “Adeserere mihi de celeste generacione, hoc est, christo filio dei”); Einsiedeln, SB 27, f. 49r-v (inc.: “Hoc est de christo filio dei. interrogatio. quando erat, quid erat”); Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 387, f. 48r-49r; Paris, BnF, lat. 1603, f. 156r-v (inc.: “Interrogatio. edissere mihi de celeste generatione, hoc est, de christo filio dei”); Paris, BnF, lat. 2718, f. 138r and 138v (the text is separated in the ms; inc.: “Interrogatio. quando erat, quid egerat, quid agebat”); Verdun, BM 27, f. 122v-123r (frag., inc.: “Interrogatio. pro quid christus filius dei non de simplice uirgine”). Schmitz, Miscellanea Tironiana, p. 31, l. 16 – p. 32, l. 1, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 846, f. 105r-v. add. mss: The following mss contain n. 66, 135, 3 within the same clerical interrogation as they are found in the Albi, Paris 1603, and Vatican mss (Paris 2718 has some of the same questions following n. 3): Einsiedeln, SB 281, between p. 60-77; Sankt Gallen, SB 225, between p. 461-473; Sankt Gallen, SB 230, s. IXin., reportedly (Wilmart, ‘Les messes’, p. 69, note 15) contains 66, 135, 3 between p. 316-325 (I have not seen the ms, and the catalogue description is inadequate); Zürich, ZB, Rh. 104, between f. 94-99 (I have not seen, and the clerical interrogation is reportedly incomplete, ending “crucifixus, mortuus et sepultus”, which is not in Schmitz’s edition of the clerical interrogation.)





4. Anathematizamus eos qui non tota libertate – sine dubio credamus. (See n. 239.) 5. Apostolus dicit: erit, omnis qui inuocauerit nomen Domini saluus erit. Ad istam salutem curritis – si quis in uerbo errauerit, in fide non erret. Avgvstinvs, Tractatus de symbolo [4]. A sermon on the tradition of the creed, CAP-type; = an expanded version of Augustine, Sermo 213 (n. 350). ed./mss: Morin, S. Aurelii Augustini tractatus, p. 1-11 (= Morin, S. Augustini sermones, p. 441-450), using Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 12 (4096), f. 22v-27r (= PLS, 2, 536-543, where there is mention of two further mss of the text, Wroclaw [Breslau], UB, Cod. I. Q[uart.]. 344, and München, BSB, Clm 8826, both s. XV). On its inclusion in the homily collection of Wolfenbüttel as the “fourth” Tractatus de symbolo, see Grégoire, Homéliaires, p. 403.

6. Ariani dicunt Filium Dei non de substantia Dei Patris genitum, sed extrinsecus creatum. Ego credo Dei Filium de Patris natum substantia – coluerunt, et seruierunt creaturae potius quam creatori, qui est benedictus in saecula saeculorum. Ps. Vigilivs / Ps. Athanasivs, De Trinitate libri XII, 11. The author of Lib. 1-7, but not Lib. 10-12, is perhaps Eusebius of Vercelli. CPL, 105 (frag.); CPPM, IIA 701 (frag.), 1693 (frag.). DF; teachings of the Arians with responses of the orthodox, each response beginning “Ego credo”. edd./ms: V. Bulhart, CC SL, 9, p. 149-161, using Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671 (78), f. 16v-22v (tit.: “Incipit professio arriana et confessio catholica sancti athanasii”), and the editions of Chifflet, Vigilii opera (= PL, 62, 297C-308C) and Sichard, Antidotum. Simonetti, Pseudoathanasii De Trinitate libri, p. 43-68, using the same ms and editions as Bulhart and three mss of s. XV.

7. Audi Israel, Dominus Deus tuus, Deus unus est. Nam cum Pater et Filius – Remoue distantiam, et quod numeres non habes. Valerianvs Episcopvs Calagoritanvs, Fides sancti Valeriani. CPL, 558a. On its genuiness, see Morin, ‘Notes d’ancienne littérature’, p. 102, and Madoz, ‘Valeriano’, p. 131-137. Brief PF (it remarks, inter alia, that number does not exist in the Trinity, because there is no distance).





ed./ms: Morin, p. 102, using Paris, BnF, lat. 2076 (s. X), f. 54r. Madoz, p. 131, repeats Morin’s ed. add. ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 149v (tit.: “Incipit fides sancti ualeriani episcopi”).

8. Audite, dilectissimi, qui desideratis carere iugum seruitutis – sed ad aeterna paradisi praemia perueniatis. Ps. Fvlgentivs, Sermo de symbolo. CPL, 846; CPPM, IB 4883. African, s. VI; a sermon addressed to catechumens on the renunciation of the devil, including a CAP-type (the creed is African, but, unlike the creeds of Fulgentius and Quoduultdeus, it has “descendit in infernum”). edd./mss: Morin, ‘Deux sermons’, p. 236-242, using Wien, ÖNB 1616, f. 70v-78v (tit.: “Incipit sermo sancti fulgenti episcopi de simbolo”) (= PLS, 3, 1370-1376) and Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 439-449 add. ms: Westra: Wien, ÖNB 1014, f. 75v-76v (s. IXin.).

9. Audite, fratres carissimi, tam clerici quam et laici, tam iuuenes quam et senes, quomodo Dominus per Prophetam ad sacerdotes dixit: Si annuntiaueris – ut in praesenti uita nos conseruet et ad perpetuam uitam perducat, cui est honor et gloria in omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. (without tit. in mss). The tit. is Butzmann’s in Kataloge, p. 262. EF; a sermon on the necessity to love the Trinity and to do good works. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 2, using Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 91, f. 104v-106r.

10. Audiui quosdam, cum apud beatitudinem tuam controuersias siue de fide siue de aliis – et scandala fratribus propter inuidiam solam generant et liuorem. Rvfinvs Presbyter Aqvileiensis, Apologia ad Anastasium Romanae urbis episcopum. CPL, 198. PF on the Trinity, incarnation, resurrection of the flesh, eternal damnation of the devil, and origin of souls. ed./mss: M. Simonetti, CC SL, 20, p. 25-28, using: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 53r-v; Verona, BC XV (13), f. 87r-90r; and nineteen post s. IX mss.





11. Augustinus. credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem. Nullam itaque creaturam esse – (see n. 83). 12. Aurum et argentum non est mecum; quae autem habeo, haec uestrae pietati do, id est sententias sanctorum patrum – fiducialiter cantare et dicere: Declinate a me maligni et scrutabor mandata Dei mei. Sententiae sanctorum patrum. CPL, 1754; CPPM, IIA 4a/17. Written in Spain, s. VIII or IX (Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 164); written in Spain before s. VII (Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 116); doubtfully written in Spain (Dolbeau, ‘Nouveaux sermons’, p. 154; he follows Madoz on the date). EF; a lengthy series of questions and responses (which the modern editor has divided into twelve cc.) on God, the Trinity, and the two natures of Christ. Sometimes the interlocutors are designated as M[agister] and D[iscipulus] (the D written with the Greek capital delta), instead of Int[errogatio] and R[esponsio]. Sources: especially Ps. Augustine, Dialogus quaestionum 65 (n. 197), and Eusebius of Vercelli (Ps. Vigilius), De Trinitate, 2 (see n. 381). ed./ms: Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 149-173, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 60r-64r (tit.: “Sententiae sanctorum patrum excerptae de fide sanctae trinitatis, quorumdam discipulo interrogante et magistro respondente”) (= PLS, 4, 1498-1516). add. ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 2326, f. 86v-88r (incompl., ending in the middle of the right col. on f. 88r, and containing only cc. 1-5 and the beginning of c. 6, acc. to Künstle’s ed.).

13. Auscultate expositionem de fide catholica, quam si quis digne non habuerit – in eisdem corporibus possideant, praestante Christo, qui cum aeterno Patre et Spiritu Sancto uiuit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Hilarivs Episcopvs Arelatensis, Expositio de fide catholica (dub.). CPL, 505; CPPM, IIA 1000. Perhaps written in southern Gaul; combined, perhaps already c. s. VIex., with Sermo 10 of Caesarius of Arles (n. 308) (Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ [part 1], p. 180). CAPtype.





edd./mss: Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 173-175, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 57v, col. 1 (= PLS, 3, 57-58). Burn, p. 180-182, using: München, BSB, Clm 14508, f. 70r-71r; Oxford, BL, Junius 25, f. 192r-193v; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 91, f. 114r-115r. Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 432-438, using the same mss as Künstle and Burn and additionnally Paris, BnF, lat. 2123, f. 21v-24v; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 43r-46v.

14. Beatissimus Hieronymus, uir eruditissimus et multarum linguarum peritus – apud Graecos persona intellegitur, non natura. Isidorvs, Origines, VII, i-iv (“De Deo”; “De Filio Dei”; “De Spiritu Sancto”; “De Trinitate”). CPL, 1186 (frag.). EF. ed.: Lindsay, Isidori etymologiarum siue originum libri XX, 1. mss: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 67r-69v (tit.: “De libris etymologiarum nonnulla excerpta sancti isidori inprimis de deo”); Lucca, BC 490, f. 339r-342r; Paris, BnF, lat. 18104 I, f. 53r-63r; Zürich, ZB, Rh. 102, f. 80v-95r (beginning from VII, i, 3: “Primum apud hebreos dei nomen”); (Brussel, KB 8654-72, f. 137r-145v, contains VII, i-v, expl.: “diuinitate demonstrent misterium”); (Barcelona, ACA, Ripoll 151, s. XIc. med., f. 112r-119r). In these six mss the text is not contained within the Origines.

15. Beatus Fulgentius in libro ad Ferrandum diaconum de proprietate uniuscuiusque sanctae Trinitatis personae – quomodo procedit Spiritus ex Patre, ita procedit ex Filio. (without tit. in mss). EF. Excerpts attributed to Fulgentius, Augustine, Cassiodorus, Gregory I, Isidore, Prosper, Boethius, Ferrandus, and Jerome (the excerpt attributed to Jerome = n. 46) on the relation of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 3, using Sankt Gallen, SB 125, p. 265-273.

16. Benedictus filio Guarnario salutem. Nubem hanc testimoniorum catholicae fidei direxi tibi – quia qui blasphemauerit in Spiritu Sancto, non ei remittetur, neque in hoc saeculo, neque in futuro. Benedictvs Abbas Anianensis, Opuscula, I: Testimoniorum nubecula de incarnatione Domini, sancta et indiuidua Trinitate, et iteratione baptismatis deuitanda pernicie.





CSLMA, I, BENA 27, p. 232. A lengthy DF and EF on the two natures of Christ (what he did acc. to his humanity and acc. to his divinity), and on the divinity of the Holy Spirit. ed.: Baluze, Miscellaneorum libri, 5, p. 1-30 (= PL, 103, 1381D-1399B). The text is almost identical to a work of Caesarius of Arles (Ps. Faustus, Ps. Jerome, Ps. Leo), Breuiarium fidei aduersus Arianos haereticos or Breuiarium aduersus haereticos or Pauca de fide catholica contra omnes haereticos generaliter conscripta (CPL, 1015; CPPM, IIA 718, 833, 1170), inc. and expl.: “Errare haereticos haec maxime causa facit – neque in hoc saeculo, neque in futuro”. It was edited by Morin, S. Caesarii opera, 2, p. 182208, using: Paris, BnF, lat. 12097 (s. VI), f. 124r-139r; Paris, BnF, lat. 1564, f. 100r-111v; an unidentified ms from the Bibliotheca Ambrosiana, a copy of which was used by the Ballerini; an unidentified ms in the Passau monastery of the Holy Hermits Philip and James, which was discovered and collated by the Ballerini in S. Leonis opera, 2, col. 287-304; the ed. of Sirmond, Opera varia, 1, col. 223-238 (= PL, 13, 653-672); and the ed. of Baluze given above. ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 2390, s. XI, f. 85v-94v., within a collection entitled “Munimenta uerae fidei” (cfr CSLMA, I, BENA 20, p. 224-225), which is attributed in the ms to Benedict of Aniane (“Benedict[us] Levit[a]”), which collection includes, in the following sequence, n. 203, 169, 57, 106, 16, 58, 212, 39, 80. On the entire collection, see Leclercq, ‘Les Munimenta fidei’.

17. Blasphemiae Arii licet antehac fuerunt damnatae, latebant tamen occultae – si quae autem aliae blasphemiae Arii uel cuiuslibet repertae fuerint, similiter anathematizamus. Damnatio blasphemiae Arii et expositio integrae et catholicae fidei. DF; a series of anathemas against the teachings of the Arians; it affirms that the Son is not adopted. The text is followed in the ms by the Athanasian Creed, which may explain the title of the text. ed.: PL, 10, 698-699 (= ed. of Faber – Pithoeus – Mercurus, B. Hilarii fragmenta, who used a ms “ex Deruensi” in which, Faber says, the text follows the Nicene Creed and precedes the Athanasian Creed). ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 148v-149r (inc.: “Cum apud nicaeam tractatu habitum quam praedicti catholici in tractatu ariminensi firmauerunt et in manu sua subscripserunt, blasphemiae arrii licet ante hac fuerunt dampnatae, latebant tamen occultae”).

18. Carissimi – (see Karissimi).





19. Catholicae fidei fidissimum fundamentum post Christum apostolos esse – quia scriptum est: isi credideritis, non intellegetis. Ps. Fvlgentivs / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Testimonia de fide catholica or Liber de Trinitate or Pro fide catholica aduersus Pintam episcopum Arianum liber I or Dicta sancti Augustini de Trinitate, two excerpts. CPL, 843 (frag.); CPPM, IIA 190 (frag.), 751 (frag.); the complete work is African, s. V. DF/EF; the excerpts concern: the defense of the term homousion; testimonies from Scripture on the divinity of the Holy Spirit; and, under the title “Fides Catholica,” a statement of faith on each person of the Holy Trinity. ed./mss: J. Fraipont, CC SL, 90, p. 239-259, edited the complete work using nine mss, of which four have only the two excerpts (= p. 239-240, lines 1-33, and p. 256-259, lines 512-616); two of the four mss are Carolingian: Laon, BM 135, f. 13v-15r and Laon, BM 136, f. 49r-50v. In these two mss the text follows n. 137, and is not distinguished from it by any title; however, the first line of the text is written in larger letters.

20. Catholicam fidem ita profitemur: Credimus in unum Deum – (see n. 45). 21. Celebrata hactenus mysteria scrutaminum – fortius recenseas ubi sunt fideles. Ambrosivs Episcopvs Mediolanensis / Ps. Maximvs Tavrinensis, Explanatio symboli. CPL, 153; CPPM, IB 5939; IIA 32. CAP. edd./mss: O. Faller, CSEL, 73, 1955, p. 1-12, using: Sankt Gallen, SB 188, p. 339-345 (inc. and expl.: “Celebratis hactenus mysteriis scrutaminum – recenses ubi sunt fideles, incipias inter catechumenos uel haereticos recensere”); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5760, f. 167v-169v; the ed. of Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 2, p. 50-58, who used a ms from Lambach (s. XIII; lost?). This Lambach ms was used in the Roman ed. of 1784 of the works of Maximus of Turin repr. in PL, 57; the text is on col. 853858, among “Sermones dubios et supposititios”, inc. and expl.: “Celebratis hactenus mysteriis – recenses ubi sunt fideles, incipias inter catechumenos uel haereticos recenseri”. Mai, Scriptorum ueterum noua collectio, 7, p. 156158 (= PL, 17, 1155-1160), using a Vatican ms formerly of the monastery of Bobbio, which ms also contains the De sacramentis of Ambrose. Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5760 is possibly the Vatican-Bobbio ms used by Mai; there are a few minor descrepancies between it and Mai’s ed.





22. Celebratis hactenus mysteriis scrutaminum – recenses ubi sunt fideles, incipias inter catechumenos uel haereticos recenseri (recensere). (See n. 21.) 23. Certissima fides quam – post baptismum praedicamus. (See n. 238.) *24. VII. Ceterum fides quae in hoc symbolo – uitam aeternam pertinere. Theodvlfvs Episcopvs Avrelianensis, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber, c. 7. CAP-type. Source: creed of Toledo XI (n. 30). ed./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 16, c. 7, p. 290-292, using: Albi, BM 42, f. 9v-10v; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 310, f. 7r-8v; München, BSB, Clm 14532, f. 7r-8v; Troyes, BM 804, f. 2v-3r; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 278, f. 67v-68r; and three post s. IX mss. add. mss: Napoli, BN VI. G. 37, between f. 3r-23v; Paris, BnF, lat. 12279, f. 128r-v; Sankt Petersburg, Publichnaja Biblioteka, Lat. Q. v. I. 34, between f. 8v-21v; Torino, Bibl. Reale, Varia 141, f. 115v-116r; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 284, f. 6r-7r.

25. Christianae fidei symbolum, quod Graeco eloquio et pactum solet et collatio nuncupari – (see n. 199). 26. Christianam fidem noui et ueteris Testamenti pandit auctoritas – delectatio, cibus, opus, laus perpetua creatoris. Boethivs, De fide catholica (Opuscula sacra, 4). CPL, 893. DuFourcq, Études, 4, p. 35-36, doubts the genuineness and proposes a Spanish origin, s. VI. On its genuineness, see Mair, ‘The Text of the Opuscula sacra’, p. 206-207. EF on God against the errors of the Arians, Sabellians and Manicheans, and a brief summary of salvation history. ed./mss: Moreschini, Boethius, p. 195-205, using nine mss, of which eight are s. IX: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 46 (Q. VI. 32), f. 8v-12r (Moreschini mistakenly calls this Patr. 45 and dates it s. X-XI); Bern, Bürgerbibl. 510 + 517A, between f. 1-40; Firenze, BML, Plut. XIV, cod. 15, between f. 1-29; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 23r-24r; London, BL, Harley 3095, between f. 113v-149v (but s. X1/2, acc. to Bischoff; see description of ms); München, BSB, Clm 18765, between f. 1-75; Orléans, BM 270, between p. 230-324; Paris, BnF, lat. 12949, between f. 53-71; and using earlier





editions of: Peiper, Boetii Philosophiae consolatio, p. 175-185; Stewart – Rand, Theological Tractates, p. 52-70; and Vallinus, Boetii Consolatio philosophiae (= PL, 64, 1333-1338). add. mss: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 206, between f. 72r-101r; Wien, ÖNB 1370, f. 83v-89r, a different recension, inc. and expl.: “Incipit sermo ab exordio mundi usque ad apostolorum tempora et usque nunc boetii. dominus omnipotens qui semper in aeternum sine aliqua mutabilitate – ulla commutatione et fine”. On the ms classification of Op. sacra, and the inclusion or omission of Op. sacra 4, see Rand, Der dem Boethius zugeschriebene Traktat, p. 411-420. Of Vallinus’ mss, he identifies only the two from “Regio” as Paris, BnF, lat. 130 (s. XII) and Paris, BnF, lat. 7730 (containing only Op. sacra 1-3, 5; see p. 418, note 1), and says Peiper based his ed. on Einsiedeln, SB 235 (s. X/XI; see p. 408, 416-417).

27. Clemens Trinitas est una diuinitas, Pater itaque et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus – ab ecclesia catholica atque apostolica iudicandus est. Haec lege, haec retine, huic fidei animam tuam subiuga, a Christo Domino et uitam consecuturus et praemium boni operis. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Symbolum “Clemens Trinitas”. CPL, 1748. Written c. s. Vex. or VIin. in southern Gaul (de Aldama, ‘El símbolo Clemens Trinitas’, p. 487-488); an antipriscillianist work composed in Spain, an. 380-384 (Künstle, Antipriscilliana, p. 65-67, 58-62). PF on the Trinity. ed./mss: de Aldama, p. 487-488, using: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 18v (tit.: “Exemplar fidei catholicae sancti augustini episcopi”; the final sentence is lacking, expl.: “iudicandus est”); Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 149v; (and Paris, BnF, lat. 2076, s. X, f. 54r). add. mss: Leiden, BR, BPL 67. F, f. 154v-155r; München, BSB, Clm 6407, f. 104v-105r (tit.: “Exemplar fidei catholicae aureli augustini”; expl.: “iudicandus est”).

28. Clemens Trinitas est una diuinitas. Vt autem per sacramentum cognoscatur – in sancta ecclesia. Nunc et in immortalia saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Martinvs Tvronensis, Confessio sancti Martini. CPL, 1748a; CPPM, IIA 1230, 1240. Concerning the author (Hilary of Poitiers? Marius Victorinus? Gottschalk, monk of Orbais?), see Stegmüller, ‘Martin von Tours oder Gottschalk’, p. 177-230. PF on the Trinity. ed./mss: Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 154-155, collating twenty-seven mss and ten editions. Nine of the mss are Carolingian: Berlin,





SBPK, Phill. 1877, f. 2r; Paris, BnF, lat. 5325, f. 135v-136v; Paris, BnF, lat. 5580, f. 1r-2r; Paris, BnF, lat. 10848, f. 101r-102r; Paris, BnF, lat. 18312, f. 118v-119v; Quedlinburg, Städtische Museen Quedlinburg, Historische Bibliothek 10 (f. not given); Valenciennes, BM 518, f. 143r-144r; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 845, f. 67r; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 495, f. 1r2r. In all of these mss the text is part of a collection of works related to Saint Martin of Tours, whose mss are known as “Martinelli”.

29. Confitemur et credimus sanctam atque indiuiduam Trinitatem, Patrem – die decernenda transiuimus. (See n. 30.) 30. Confitemur et credimus sanctam atque ineffabilem Trinitatem Patrem – cum illo sine fine regnemus. Haec est confessionis nostrae fides exposita, per quam omnium haereticorum dogma perimitur, per quam fidelium corda mundantur, per quam etiam ad Deum gloriose acceditur, cuius sacrosanctum saporem sub triduano dierum ieiunio continua relationum collatione ructantes ad ea quae subnixa sunt sequenti die decernenda transiuimus. Concilivm Toletanvm XI, Symbolum (Ps. Evsebivs Vercellensis, De sancta Trinitate confessio). CPL, 111e; CPPM, IIA 702. A lengthy PF on the Trinity and the incarnation. ed./mss: Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 16-26, using: (1) Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 14r-15v; (2) Roma, Bibl. Angelica 1091 (s. IXX), p. 99-102; (3) Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 4887, f. 198v-200r (s. XVI), which conserves the variations of a now lost ms, s. IX, of Lucensis (Lugo in Galicia, Spain) (on this ms see de Aldama, El símbolo Toledano I, p. 13, and de Aldama, ‘Deitas Innascibilis’, p. 77-78); (4) Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 575, f. 41v-43r (s. IX-X); (5) the ed. of Gonzáles, Collectio, repr. in PL, 84, who used Spanish mss, of which only one is possibly Carolingian: El Escorial, RBSL e. I. 13, f. 44v-46v; (6) the ed. of de Levis, Anecdota sacra, p. 5-16, who used a ms (unidentified?) from the monastery of SS Michael and Januarius of Lucedio (near Vercelli), s. IX; his ed. is repr. in PL, 12, 959-968, under the name of Eusebius Vercellensis, De sancta Trinitate confessio. Vives, Concilios, p. 346-354, using El Escorial, RBSL d. I. 1 and El Escorial, RBSL d. I. 2 (both s. X). (El Escorial, RBSL e. I. 12 does not contain the text, giving only the beginning of Toledo XI on f. 13r-v, acc. to Diéz – Rodriguez, La Colección, 1, p. 112.)

31. Confitemur et credimus sanctam atque ineffabilem Trinitatem, Patrem – sine ulla ambiguitate retinere studeat.





Concilivm Wormatiense (an. 868), Professio episcoporum. PF. Source: creed of Toledo XI (n. 30) (see Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 149). edd./mss: Hartmann, Die Konzilien, p. 262-264, using eleven mss, of which two are Carolingian: Köln, Dombibl. 118, between p. 104-121; and München, BSB, Clm 3851, f. 53v (incompl.; only the beginning). Mansi, Sacrorum conciliorum collectio, 15, col. 867-869, where a note in the margin says, “Ex MS. Bibl. Caesar. haec edidit P. Hansizius (= Hansitz) in Germ. sacr., tom. 1, pag. 161”; Madoz, p. 151-152, repeats this ed.

32. Confiteor me credere Deum Patrem omnipotentem, qui creauit omnia; et Deum Filium, qui ab eo genitus est ante saecula; et Deum Spiritum Sanctum, ab ambobus procedentem – quod credunt intellegant ut uitam aeternam habeant. De fide. PF, professing belief in the Trinity and the faith as outlined in the Apostles’ Creed. ed./ms: PL, 101, 1411-1412 (= ed. of Martène, De antiquis ecclesiae ritibus, 2nd ed., vol. 3, between col. 655-694, who used Orléans, BM 184, between p. 260-356, tit.: “De fide”); Müllenhof-Scherer, Denkmäler, p. 234. add. mss: München, BSB, Clm 6330, f. 71r-v; and München, BSB, Clm 28135, f. 51r.

33. Confiteor sanctam atque ineffabilem Trinitatem, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, unum Deum naturaliter esse, unius substantiae, unius naturae, unius maiestatis atque uirtutis. Dominum quoque nostrum Iesum – in fine saeculi, ut reddat singulis prout gesserunt in corpore positi, siue bonum siue malum. (See n. 129.) 34. Credere iubemur in Dei Patris omnipotentiam et Filii eius Iesu Christi et Spiritus Sancti indiuisam quidem et inseparabilem Trinitatem – ut audiamus ab apostolo: Gratia Domini Iesu Christi et dilectio Dei et communicatio Spiritus Sancti cum omnibus uobis. Amen. Ps. Vigilivs / Ps. Athanasivs, De Trinitate, 10. CPL, 105 (frag.); CPPM, IIA 701 (frag.), 1693 (frag.). Concerning Lib. 10, see CPL, 105 and CPPM, IIA 701, 1693.) EF; after a brief outline of key articles of faith, a lengthy dialogue by interr./resp. between Athanasius and “Haereticus” on the Trinity and Christ.





edd./mss: V. Bulhart, CC SL, 9, p. 135-145 (he edits Lib. 10 separately from De Trinitate, 1-7 [n. 381], because he believes it is possibly by another author), using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 11v-16v (tit.: “Fides s. athanasi episcopi contra hereticos”); Verona, BC LIX (57) (s. VI-VII), f. 1r-3r (frag.); and the editions of Chifflet, Vigilii opera (= PL, 62, 289-298) and Sichard, Antidotum. Simonetti, Pseudoathanasii De Trinitate libri, p. 17-39, using the same mss as Bulhart and three mss of s. XV.

35. Credere nos in Deum Patrem omnipotentem uniuersorum creatorem – (see n. 314). 36. Credimus Deum quod fuit et erat – (see n. 218). *37. Credimus et confitemur omnium creaturarum, quae trinis rerum machinis continentur, auctricem atque conseruatricem indiuiduam Trinitatem – cum diabolo eiusque sociis igniuomis rogis cremabuntur. Concilivm Toletanvm XVI, Symbolum. CPL, 1790. PF; a detailed exposition on the Trinity, the relation of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son, the incarnation of the Son, and, especially, two wills in Jesus Christ. Sources: creeds of the Toledan councils, Fulgentius, Augustine, Ambrose. ed./mss: Madoz, El Símbolo del Concilio XVI, p. 22-29, using: El Escorial, RBSL e. I. 13, f. 73r-75r (s. IX-X or X-XI); five s. X or XI mss of the Collectio Hispana; and the ed. of Gonzáles, Collectio, col. 562-567. The text is only transmitted, to my knowledge, in the Collectio Hispana, but is lacking in the s. IX exemplar of the Collectio Hispana, El Escorial, RBSL e. I. 12.

38. Credimus et tenemus et fideliter praedicamus, quod Pater genuerit uerbum – Quae bonitas si Spiritus Sanctus recte intellegitur, uniuersa nobis Trinitas in suis operibus intimatur. Avgvstinvs, De ciuitate Dei, 11. 24 (frag.). CPL, 313 (frag.). The final two sentences of c. 24 are lacking. PF on the Trinity; the Holy Spirit is the “bonitas” and “sanctitas” of the Father and the Son. ed.: B. Dombart – A. Kalb, CC SL, 48, p. 343-344. ms: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 18v-19r.





39. Credimus in Deum Patrem omnipotentem cunctorum uisibilium et inuisibilium conditorem. Credimus et in Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, per quem creata sunt omnia: uerum Deum, unigenitum et uerum Dei Filium, non factum aut adoptiuum – confiteamur esse arbitrii. Haec fides est, papa beatissime, quam in ecclesia catholica didicimus quamque semper tenuimus et tenemus. In qua si minus perite aut parum caute aliquid forte positum est, emendari cupimus a te, qui Petri et fidem et sedem tenes; sin autem haec nostra confessio apostolatus tui iudicio comprobatur, quicunque me maculare uoluerit, se imperitum, uel maleuolum, uel etiam non catholicum, non me haereticum comprobabit. Pelagivs / Ps. Hieronymvs / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Libellus fidei ad Innocentium papam (an. 417). CPL, 633/ep. 16, 731; CPPM, IA, 1021; CPPM, IB, 5007; CPPM, IIA 205, 865, 1392; BHM, IIIA, n. 316. PF and DF; the text = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 236 (n. 200), without its preface and concluding sentence. edd./mss: Hahn, Bibliothek, p. 288-292, using prior editions; van Egmond, ‘Haec fides est’, p. 345-385, using nine mss, of which five are Carolingian: ’s-Gravenhage, Koninklijke Bibliotheek 130. E. 6, f. 6r-7v; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 16v; Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, f. 9r-10r (attrib. to Jerome); Paris, BnF, lat. 1867, f. 115r-116r (attrib. to Jerome); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 191, f. 49r-v and 51r-52v (expl.: “a uestra bonitate deinceps posse teneri”); and the editions printed in PL, 39, 2181-2183 (= n. 200), PL, 45, 1716-1718 (= ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera), PL, 48, 488-491 and 498-505, and PL, 98, 1113-1115 (= Libri Carolini), as well as other editions (see all the printed editions in van Egmond, p. 347, note 11). The text was included in the Libri Carolini, 3. 1, edited by Freeman, Opus Caroli, p. 336-340, using: Paris, Bibl. de l’Arsenal 663, f. 114v-116v, with a different expl.: “Haec est catholicae traditionis fidei uera integritas, quam sincero corde credimus et fatemur et in hoc opere beati hieronimi uerbis expressam taxauimus. Haec est uera inconuulse et intemerate custodierit, perpetuam salutem habebit”; and Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 7207, f. 117v-119v. add. mss: Angers, BM 277, f. 71r-74r (lacking end, from “Haec fides est”); Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1674, f. 55v-58r (attrib. to Jerome); Brussel, KB 8654-72, f. 109r-111r; Cambridge, Pembroke Coll. 108 [A. 1. 13, Schenkl, Bibliotheca, n. 2491A], f. 50r-54v; (formerly ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 9 [10. B. 4] contained the text); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. LII, f. 48r-49r (attrib. to Jerome); København, Kongelige Bibliothek, Gl. kgl. S. 28. fol., f. 140r-v1 (s. IX-X); Köln, Dombibl. 60, f. 78v-80v; Oxford, BL, Bodl. Junius 25, f. 112r-114r (attrib. to Jerome; 1 

Information thanks to van Egmond.





with a final sentence following “haereticum comprobabit”: “Dolendum est non querere homines aeterna quae certa sunt, sed sperare”); Paris, BnF, lat. 1869, f. 216v-218r (attrib. to Jerome); Paris, BnF, lat. 1870, f. 71v1-73r1; Paris, BnF, lat. 10741, f. 133r-135r (lacking end, from “Haec fides est”); Paris, BnF, lat. 11632, f. 61r-62v1; Paris, BnF, lat. 12163, f. 72r1; Paris, BnF, lat. 14085, f. 231r-232r; Roma, Casa Madre dei Padri Maristi, A. II. 1, f. 108r-110r; Troyes, BM 804, f. 48v-49v; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Lat. 355, f. 73r-74v1; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. Lat. 186, f. 1r-3v1; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127, f. 12v-14r1; Wien, ÖNB 1861, f. 7r-10r; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Gud. lat. 179, f. 167r-169r; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 91, f. 111r-114r (attrib. to Jerome); Zürich, ZB, C. 78, f. 54v-57r (s. IX or c. 900). BHM lists Paris, BnF, lat. 1790 as s. IX, but the folios on which the text appears (f. 37r-38v) are s. X, acc. to Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 176.

?40. Credimus in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, omnium uisibilium et inuisibilium conditorem. Et in Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium Dei uiui, per quem creata sunt omnia; non extrinsecus natum aut factum – ullo scandalo interueniente soluatur. Ivlianvs Episcopvs Aeclanensis, Libellus fidei or Expositio fidei catholicae (dub.). CPPM, IIA 1125 (cfr CPL, 778). PF concerning the Trinity and Christ and topics concerning Pelagianism (the necessity of baptism; grace; marriage; human nature, etc.). edd.: PL, 45, 1732-1736 (= ed. of Sirmond, who used a ms of Verona [s. IX?] without the name of the author, but bearing the expl.: “Explicit libellus fidei S. I. C.” (on some doubtful conjectures for this abbreviation, see PL, 48, 526-527, and PL, 45, 1732, note b). PL, 48, 509-526 (= ed. of Garnier, Marii Mercatoris opera, who ascribed the text to Julian).

41. Credimus in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, uisibilium et inuisibilium conditorem – me haereticum comprobabit. (See n. 39.) 42. Credimus in unum Deum esse – firmiter credo. (See n. 59.) 43. Credimus in unum Deum omnipotentem et in unum unigenitum – peccatis aeterni supplicii. (See n. 47.) ?44. Credimus in unum Deum omnipotentem, uisibilium omnium et inuisibilium factorem. Et in unum Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium Dei uiui. Et Spiritum Sanctum Domini. Non tres deos, sed – clementiam et post mortem corpoream in regno Dei uitam aeternam. Amen.





Credulitas christiana uerissima. S. VIII-IX (de Aldama, El símbolo Toledano I, p. 125). PF of a priest before he is ordained; = elaborated creed with some unusual phrases; echoes of the Athanasian Creed. ed./ms: Fischer, ‘Sahagun und Toledo’, p. 296-297, using Toledo, Biblioteca del Cabildo 39-14 (s. XIII), f. 44r-46r (tit.: “Credulitas christiana uerissima”; tit. of section in the ms (f. 35): “Ordo qualiter in Romana ecclesia presbiteri, diachoni, subdiachoni sunt ordinandi”).

45. Credimus in unum Deum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum. Non tamen ut sit Pater ipse qui Filius – aut bonorum praemium aut poenam malorum. Ps. Hieronymvs, Fides S. Hieronymi. CPL, 638; CPPM, IIA 939. Composed c. 381 (de Aldama, El símbolo Toledano I, p. 88). PF. ed./ms: de Aldama, p. 148-150, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1328 (s. XIV), f. 415r-v (tit. and inc.: “Fides hieronymi presbyteri. Catholicam fidem ita profitemur”) (= PLS, 2, 295-296). add. ms: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 2r-v (without attrib.).

46. Credimus in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem et in unum Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium Dei et in Spiritum Sanctum Deum; non tres deos – et uitam consequeris praemia. Ps. Damasvs / Ps. Hieronymvs / Ps. Gregorivs Illiberitanvs, Fides Damasi or De fide catholica or Hieronymi de fide apud Bethleem or Ep. Hieronymi ad papam Damasum de symbolo. CPL, 554; CPPM, IIA 626, 781 (all three references giving a slightly different inc.: “Credimus in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem et unigenitum Filium eius”); CPPM, IIA 864; BHM, IIIA, n. 315. Perhaps s. Vex., southern Gaul (Kelly, The Athanasian Creed, p. 11, 59). PF; regarding the procession of the Holy Spirit, some mss have “de patre et filio procedentem”, others lack “et filio”. ed./mss: V. Bulhart, CC SL, 69, p. 271-272, using: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 16r (tit.: “Fides beati Hieronimi presbyteri ad Damasum papam”); Leiden, BR, BPL 67 F., f. 152v-153r (tit.: “Exemplar fidei chatolice sancti Hieronimi presbiteri”); Milano, BA O. 212 sup., f. 17r-18r (tit.: “Hieronimi incipit fides”); Sankt Gallen, SB 125, p. 271-272 (tit.: Fides Hieronimi ad Damasum papam”); and two post s. IX mss.





add. mss: Albi, BM 38 bis, f. 57r-v (tit.: “Exemplar fidei catholice sancti Hieronimi presbyteri”); London, BL, Royal 2. A. XX, f. 28r (only the beginning; tit.: “Fides catholica”; expl.: “non tres deos, sed patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum unum deum colimus et confitemur”); Lyon, BM 611 (527), f. 36v-37r (tit.: Item incipit expositio fidei a beato Hieronimo”); Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 149r-v (tit.: “Fides dicta a sancto Hieronimo presbitero”); Saint-Mihiel, BM 28, f. 143v-144v (tit.: “Incipit de fide sancti Hieronimi presbiteri; Wien, ÖNB 2223, f. 76r-77r (no tit.); Zürich, ZB, Rh. 41, f. 243v-244r (tit.: “De symbulo ad Damasum”). (BHM erroneously lists Oxford, Bodl. Lib., Junius 25, f. 112-114, but this = n. 39.)

47. Credimus in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem et in unum unigenitum Filium eius Iesum Christum, Deum et Dominum saluatorem nostrum, et Spiritum Sanctum Deum; non tres deos – aut uitam aeternam praemium boni meriti aut sententiam pro peccatis aeterni supplicii. Ps. Phoebadivs Agennensis / Ps. Gregorivs Illiberitanvs / Ps. Gregorivs Nazianzenvs / Ps. Damasvs, Fides Romanorum. CPL, 552; CPPM, IIA 630, 784, 1451. PF. For a summary of all the forms in which the text is found, see Wilmart, ‘Les “Tractatus”‘, p. 297-298, note 1. edd./mss: Burn, An Introduction, p. 216-217, using: (1) Leiden, BR, BPL 67 F., f. 153r-v; (2) München, BSB, Clm 6330, f. 54v-55r; (3) München, BSB, Clm 14008; (4) Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, f. 26v-27r; (5) Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 149v; (6) Paris, BnF, lat. 3836, f. 51r-v (lacking the beginning and the end, = lines 6-32; another version of the text, not used by Burn, is on f. 91r-v of the same ms, where the text is divided into two tracts thus: “[tit.:] Incipit expositio fidei. credimus unum deum patrem omnipotentem et filium eius unicum dominum nostrum conceptum de spiritu sancto, iesum christum deum et dominum nostrum, et spiritum sanctum deum; non tres deos – unum deum piissime confitemur. Explicit. [tit.:] Incipit eiusdem sermo. credimus iesum christum dominum nostrum dei filium, per quem omnia facta sunt – pro peccatis aeterni supplicii”; on this form of the text see Maassen, p. 395, n. 506); (7) Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A, f. 81r-v (expl.: “pro peccatis aeterni supplicii recepturos); (8) Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1342, f. 185r-v. V. Bulhart, CC SL, 69 (1967), p. 267-268, and CC SL, 9 (1957), p. 129-131, right col., repeats the ed. of Burn, but shortens Burn’s apparatus criticus. add. mss: olim Cheltenham, Phill. Coll. 17849 (in the same separated form as in Paris, BnF, lat. 3836, f. 91r-v); Firenze, BML, Aedil. 82, f. 163v-164r; Fulda, Dommuseum, Bonifat. 2, f. 53v-55r; Fulda, Hessische LB Aa 9,





f. 169r-170v (tit.: “Incipit libellum fidei sancti hilarii”); ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 10. B. 4 (olim 9); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CXVIII, f. 93r-94r (tit.: “Incipit de fide nicaenae”); Köln, Dombibl. 213; Lucca, BC 490 (in the same separated form as in Paris, BnF, lat. 3836, f. 91r-v); Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 4, p. 110-111 (acc. to CPL, 552; not seen); München, BSB, Clm 5508 (in the same separated form as in Paris 3836, f. 91r-v); Paris, BnF, lat. 1455; Paris, BnF, lat. 1564, f. 22v-23r; Paris, BnF, lat. 4279 (in the same separated form as in Paris, BnF, lat. 3836, f. 91r-v); formerly in Roma, BN, Sessor. 77 (2107) (ms now mutilated); Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, SB 7/1 (in the same separated form as in Paris, BnF, lat. 3836, f. 91r-v); Vaticano, BAV, Barb. Lat. 679, f. 286r-v (tit.: “Fides catholice aeclesie romane”); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127.

48. Credimus in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem et unigenitum Filium eius Iesum Christum, Deum et Dominum saluatorem nostrum, et Spiritum Sanctum Deum; non tres deos – aut uitam aeternam pro praemio boni meriti, aut poenas pro peccatis aeterni supplicii. Haec retinete, huic fidei animas uestras subiugate, a Christo Domino praemia consecuturi regni caelorum. Amen. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 235. De fide catholica. III. CPL, 368/sermo 235; CPPM, IA 1020, IIA 627, 1532. PF; the text is nearly the same as n. 47, conflated with parts of n. 46. ed.: PL, 39, 2180-2181. ms: Laon, BM 136, f. 37v-38r (tit.: “De fide catholica”).

49. Credimus in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem et unigenitum Filium eius – consequeris praemia. (See n. 46.) 50. Credimus in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem factorem caeli ac terrae, uisibilium omnium et inuisibilium. Credimus et in unum Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium Dei unigenitum, natum ex Patre ante omnia saecula et ante omnia tempora, lumen de lumine, Deum uerum de Deo uero, natum non factum, naturalem non adoptiuum – perpetuae beatitudinis heredes pariter perficiat in aeternum. Amen. Carolvs Magnvs, Ep. ad Elipandum et episcopos Hispaniae, excerpt. PF against the Adoptionists found at the close of the letter. Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 421, 427-429, who believes





Alcuin wrote this confession of faith in Charlemagne’s name, discusses the text and corrects some errors of Wallach, Alcuin, p. 152-155, regarding parallels of the text with the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed and its use in the liturgy. ed./mss: Werminghoff, Concilia, p. 163-164, using: Einsiedeln, SB 191, f. Iv-IIv (contains only our text, that is, the end of Charlemagne’s letter, and not the entire letter; it is preceded by this tit.: “Expositio catholicae fidei a sanctis patribus et uenerabilibus sanctae dei ecclesiae pastoribus qui piissimo principe rege karolo iubente congregati sunt in loco celebri, qui dicitur francofurd, latinae uadus francorum, concordi professione et pacifica omnium unanimitate perscripta, quatenus huius sanctissimi symboli signum memoriale permaneret in domino”); München, BSB, Clm 14468, f. 86r-87v (the entire letter = f. 78r-88r); Reims, BM 385, between f. 90v-95r.

51. Credimus in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem, omnium uisibilium et inuisibilium creatorem: et in unum Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium eius, natum de substantia Dei Patris ipsa, quod Graece dicitur homousion – et regnum caelorum hereditatione non ambigua sunt sortiti. Ps. Hieronymvs, Ep. 17 seu Explanatio fidei ad Cyrillum or Expositio fidei iceni concilii or Commentarius alter in symbolum icaenum siue potius in tomum Damasi papae. CPL, 633/ep. 17, 1746; CPPM, IIA 866; BHM, IIIA, n. 317. Written shortly after an. 400; a lengthy CNIC-type. (It adds to “et in Spiritu Sancto” of the Creed the words: “qui de Patre processit proprie, et Deus est uerus sicut Filius”.) ed./mss: Turner, EOMIA I, 2, p. 355-363, using: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 16v-18v; Köln, Dombibl. 60, f. 108v-113r; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 355, f. 132r-136r (Turner says it begins on f. 131v; the text begins on a recto side following the verso side labeled “cxxxi”; Reifferscheid gives f. 134r-137v); and four early editions: one of Rome (= Bussi, Tractatus siue epistol[a]e S. Hieronymi); one of Naples, c. 14702; one of Strasbourg (= Epistolae [S. Hieronymi]); and one of Mainz (= Hieronymus: Epistolae). Turner believes the Roman ed. depends on the Vatican ms, the Strasbourg ed. depends on the Karlsruhe ms, and the Mainz ed. possibly depends on the Köln ms. The filioque in reference to the procession of the Holy Spirit is found only in the Mainz ed. and only once; it is not in the Köln ms. 2 GW, Bd. 11, n. 12420-12436, does not list a Latin edition of Naples of the Epistulae of St Jerome.





add. ms: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. LII, f. 56v-58v; Paris, BnF lat. 1866, f. 116r-121r; Paris, BnF, lat. 1869, f. 266v-270r. (BHM, IIIA, n. 317 erroneously says that Fulda, Landesbibliothek, Aa9, f. 168 contains the text; but f. 167v-169r = n. 53.)

52. Credimus in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem omnium uisibilium et inuisibilium factorem – inuicta ueritate oppositum. (See n. 201.) 53. Credimus in unum uerum Deum, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, uisibilium et inuisibilium factorem, per quem creata sunt omnia in caelo et in terra. Hunc unum Deum, et hanc unam esse diuinae substantiae Trinitatem – contra sedem sancti Petri faciat, anathema sit. Concilivm Toletanvm I, Symbolum (= Ps. Pastor Episcopvs Gallaeciae, Libellus in modum symboli). CPL, 559 (cfr CPL, 1748b); CPPM, IIA 1325; (the version of Ps. Pastor = the lengthier recension of the symbol of Toledo I, concluding with eighteen anathemas; on the two recensions, see Morin, ‘Pastor et Syagrius’, p. 385-394; Kelly, The Athanasian Creed, p. 56-57; and Cardelle de Hartmann, ‘El supueste concilio’, p. 207-214). PF/DF; the filioque is possibly a later addition. edd./mss: de Aldama, El símbolo Toledano I, p. 29-37 (both recensions, in parallel col. The shorter recension, with twelve anathemas, is entitled “Regula fidei catholicae contra omnes haereses”, and concludes: “esse uenerandas, anathema sit”). The lengthier recension is entitled “Incipiunt regulae fidei catholicae contra omnes haereses”; it is in the Collectio Hispana and many Hispana-derivative collections. Of the mss de Aldama used for the lengthier recension, the following are Carolingian or s. IXX: Berlin, SBPK, Hamilton 132 (de Aldama erroneously says Hamilton 435), f. 181r-182r; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 14r and f. 70r (the anathemas are separate); a lost ms of Lugo (on this ms, see n. 30); Paris, BnF, lat. 3846, f. 193r-v; Roma, Bibl. Angelica 1091 (s. IX-X), p. 33-34; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 575 (s. IX-X), f. 4v-5v and Wien, ÖNB 411, f. 101r-102v. For the shorter recension, Carolingian mss de Aldama used are: six mss of the Collectio Quesnelliana (the text = c. 40): Arras, BM 644, f. 78r-79v; Paris, BnF, lat. 1454, f. 100v-101r; Paris, BnF, lat. 3842A, f. 76r-77r; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A, f. 81v-82v; Wien ÖNB 2141 (s. IX-X); Wien, ÖNB 2147; and three mss in which the text is not part of a canon law collection: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 63v-64r (tit.: “Incipit expositio fidei catholicae sancti augustini”); Fulda, Dommuseum, Bonifat. 2, f. 56r-57r; and Milano, BA D. 268 inf., f. 1r-v. Díez – Rodríguez,





La Colección, 4, p. 340-344, using sixteen mss, of which Carolingian or s. IX/X are: El Escorial, RBSL e. I. 12; Gerona, Biblioteca Capitular, s. n.; Roma, Bibl. Angelica 1091 (s. IX-X); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1341; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 575; Wien, ÖNB 411. The shorter recension is also in Ps. Augustine, Sermo 233, 1-2 (PL, 39, 2175-2176). add. mss: Basel, UB B. VI. 3 (s. IX-X), f. 221r-223r (the lengthier recension); Fulda, Hessische LB Aa 9, f. 167v-169r; München, BSB, Clm 15818, f. 12r-13r (tit.: “Incipit fides sancti augustini aduersus omnes hereticos”; it is the shorter recension, but omits the anathemas, expl.: “uel dei partem, sed creaturam diuina uoluntate non prolapsam”). The shorter recension was formerly in Roma, BN, Sessor. 77 (2107), but the ms is now mutilated.

*54. Credimus Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum unius essentiae – mortuorum expectatur uenturus. Isidorvs, De ecclesiasticis officiis, II, xxiv, 1 (frag.). CPL, 1207 (frag.). The frag. lacks the first sentence of xxiv, 1; it is found in an anonymous exposition on baptism. Brief PF. ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 10, p. 248, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 69 (possibly s. XI), f. 121r-v (tit.: “De credulitate diuina). C. Lawson, CC SL, 113, p. 99, 4/17 (using many Carolingian mss of the De eccl. off.).

*55. Credimus Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum unum esse, totamque in Trinitate deitatem conessentialem et – salua enim separatione personarum totum commune diuinitatis est. Fides synodi Carthaginensis. PF contained in a theological/ascetical florilegium. Sources: Gennadius, Liber de ecclesiasticis dogmatibus (n. 58), 1; Ps. Isidore, Liber de ordine creaturarum, c. 1 (n. 384). The text is nearly the same as a section of the prologue of the Statuta ecclesiae antiqua (n. 263); on its relation to the prologue, see Parmentier, ‘The Creed of the Statuta ecclesiae antiqua’, p. 326-327, and Lehner, ‘Das Florileg’, p. xix. ed./ms: Lehner, p. 3-4, using München, BSB, Clm 6433, f. 1r-2r (tit.: “Fides senodi cartaginiensium”).

56. Credimus quoniam una est substantia sanctae Trinitatis – (see n. 382).





57. Credimus sanctam Trinitatem, id est, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, unum Deum omnipotentem, unius substantiae, unius essentiae, unius potestatis – uisio aeterna erit omnium sanctorum beatitudo et gloria. Gratia, et pax a Deo Patre et Filio eius Iesu Christo Domino nostro sit ista confitenti in omnia saecula saeculorum. Alcvinvs, Confessio de Trinitate or Symbolum fidei de sancta Trinitate. Cfr CSLMA, II, ALC 28, p. 134-135. In many mss it is attached to an appendix of Alcuin, De fide sanctae et indiuiduae Trinitatis (n. 169) entitled, Inuocatio ad sanctam Trinitatem, inc.: “Adesto, lumen uerum, Pater omnipotens Deus. Adesto lumen de lumine” (PL, 101, 55-56). It is included in Gottschalk, Excerpta de Trinitate, under the tit. “De sancta Trinitate”. EF, containing many excerpts from the Athanasian Creed. edd./ms: Lambot, Oeuvres théologiques, p. 122-124, using Bern, Bürgerbibl. 584, f. 24r-25r. PL, 101, 56D-58C; PL, 102, 1030D-1032B; PL, 129, 1260A-1262B; cfr Mansi, Sacrorum conciliorum collectio, 13, col. 978. add. mss: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 64r; Metz, BM 494, f. 10v-12r (perhaps not s. IX; see description of ms); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 487, f. 24r-v (only the first half, on account of the loss of a folio. In these mss the text is separate from Alcuin’s De fide and Inuocatio.

58. Credimus unum Deum esse, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, Patrem eo quod habeat Filium – similitudinem in moribus inueniri. = Gennadivs Presbyter Massiliensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs / Ps. Isidorvs, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus liber or Liber siue definitio ecclesiasticorum dogmatum. CPL, 958; CPPM, IIA 174, 766, 1085. On its genuiness, see Turner, ‘The Liber ecclesiasticorum dogmatum: Supplenda’, p. 103-114. On its different recensions, see CPPM, IIA 174 and especially Mundó, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 285-287. EF: cc. 1-9 concern the Trinity, Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the future judgment; cc. 10-54 concern a large variety of topics, many directed at Pelagianism. edd./mss: Turner, ‘The Liber ecclesiasticorum dogmatum’, p. 89-99. Turner lists many mss of the text (p. 81-87), but bases his ed. only on Milano, BA O. 212 sup. (in fifty-four cc.), comparing: Bern, Bürgerbibl. 89 (f. 5r-17r; inc.: “I. De fide. Patrem [credimus added over the line] eo quod habeat filium, filium eo quod habeat patrem”; the end is incomplete due to loss of





a folio); Brussel, KB 8654-72; Karlsruhe BLB, Aug. CIX; Paris, BnF, lat. 2175; Paris, BnF, lat. 10612; and Verona, BC LX (58). Turner, ‘The Liber ecclesiasticorum dogmatum: Supplenda’, p. 107-109, edited cc. 1-6 using Lucca, BC 490, f. 233r (f. 233r-234v = the entire text), and listed, p. 111112, two additional mss he found. Other recensions: PL, 42, 1213-1222 (= ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera); PL, 58, 979-1054; PL, 83, 12271244 (= ed. of Arévalo, Isidori opera omnia). Hrabanus Maurus repeated the entire text in De uniuerso libri XXII, iv, 10 (= PL, 111, 96A-104D). add. mss: The text was joined to many canonical collections: Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 374, lists over forty mss beyond the forty-eight Carolingian mss listed by Turner. Mss not listed by Turner or Mordek: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1743 (84), f. 165r-171v (in fifty-five cc.; added at the end: “Iuxta diuina scriptura relationem integrum homine qui ex animam constat et carnem ad imaginem dei – masculum et feminam creauit eos”; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 58r-60r and f. 66v (f. 66v = the final two cc.; the text is divided into fifty-five cc.); Paris, BnF, lat. 2718, f. 59r-61v (attrib. to Augustine).

59. Credimus unum Deum esse, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum – unum Deum firmiter credo. (without tit. in mss). The author combines Gennadius, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus (n. 58), 1, with a brief PF, beginning “Credo Patrem”. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 4, using München, BSB, Clm 14508, f. 121r-v and Zürich, ZB, Rh. 95, f. 68r-69r (inc.: “Credimus in unum deum”).

60. Credimus unum Deum esse Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum – proprie Christianum est. Tradidi enim uobis omnia in cibum, quasi olera uirentia, excepto quod carnem cum sanguine non comedetis; sanguinem enim animarum uestrarum requiram de manu cunctarum bestiarum. Haec sententia de libro Genesi collecta est, sicut dixit Dominus ad Noe. Definitio dogmatum ecclesiasticorum eiusdem concilii. EF: an excerpted form of Gennadius, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus (n. 58), cc. 1-32, with significant editing of the excerpts and an entirely foreign end, from the words “Tradidi enim uobis”. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 5, using Zürich, ZB, Rh. 102, f. 122v-127v.





61. Credimus unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem et Filium – aeterni supplicii. (See n. 47.) 62. Credimus unum Deum secundum scripturam esse credendum, non sicut Iudaei aut haeretici, solitarium, sed in mysterio Trinitatis – Et haec bona per Filium facta sunt, sanctificata Spiritu Sancto, quem Paracletum appellamus, qui super apostolis… (incompl.). Isaac Ivdaevs, Expositio fidei catholicae (dub.). CPL, 190; CPPM, IIA 15a. Possibly African, s. V-VI (Caspari, Anecdota, p. xxiii-xxv). PF/EF, a lengthy commentary on the words of the creed, “unum Deum” and “omnipotentem”. ed./ms: A. Hoste, CC SL, 9, p. 347-348, using Milano, BA I. 101 sup., f. 74r-v, and the editions of Caspari, Anecdota, p. 304-308, and Morin, ‘L’Ambrosiaster’, p. 97-121 (excerpts), who both used Milano, BA I. 101 sup.

63. Credimus unum esse Deum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, Patrem eo quod Filium habeat – similitudinem in moribus inueniri. (See n. 58.) 64. Credimus unum esse Deum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, Patrem eo quod habet – sed homo in Deo et homine Deus. Gennadivs Presbyter Massiliensis, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus, frag. (= cc. 1-5). CPL, 958 (frag.). EF on the Trinity and the two natures of Christ, without chapter partition. ed.: See n. 58 for ed. of the entire work of Gennadius. ms: Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 68, f. 192v-193v.

65. Credimus unum esse Deum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, sine initio existentem ac sine fine – cum sanctis et iustis aeterna gaudia mereamur. Ps. Gennadivs, Ep. de fide ad Gelasium episcopum urbis Romae missa. CPL, 960; CPPM, IIA 767. Written by a Frank against the Adoptionists, s. VIIIex. (Caspari, Anecdota, p. xxiii); written in Spain, s. V (Künstle, Antipriscilliana, p. 102-106). On the attribution to Gennadius, see Mundó, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 289-290, note 62. PF on the Trinity, Christ, and the resurrec-





tion of the flesh. Sources: Gennadius, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus (n. 58) and the Athanasian Creed. (On its relation to the Athanasian Creed, see Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. xxxii-xxxiii.) edd./mss: Caspari, p. 301-304, using: München, BSB, Clm 14461, f. 124r; München, BSB, Clm 14468, f. 1v-3r (tit. in both mss: “Gennadius massiliensis episcopus, de fide disputans, inter caetera dixit”) (= PLS, 3, 723-725). Burn, p. 64-65, and Hahn, Bibliothek, p. 353-355, repeat ed. of Caspari.

*66. (Interrogatio:) Credis resurrectionem? (Responsio:) Credo. (Interrogatio:) Quomodo? (Responsio:) Postquam moriar, quod resurgam in die iudicii in XXX annorum aetate – reddere unicuique secundum opera sua. (without tit. in mss). A very brief EF in the form of interr./resp., found within a larger clerical questionnaire. In all of its mss it immediately precedes n. 135. edd./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 6, using: Albi, BM 40, f. 15r; El Escorial, RBSL L. III. 8, f. 77v; Paris, BnF, lat. 1603, f. 154r-v. Schmitz, Miscellanea Tironiana, p. 30, l. 12-15, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 846, f. 104v. add. mss: The following mss contain n. 66, 135, 3 within the same clerical interrogation as they are found in the Albi, El Escorial, Paris 1603, and Vatican mss: Einsiedeln, SB 281, between p. 60-77; Sankt Gallen, SB 225, between p. 461-473; Sankt Gallen, SB 230, s. IXin., reportedly (Wilmart, ‘Les messes’, p. 69, note 15) contains 66, 135, 3 between p. 316-325 (I have not seen the ms, and the catalogue description is inadequate); Zürich, ZB, Rh. 104, between f. 94-99 (I have not seen, and the clerical interrogation is reportedly incomplete, ending “crucifixus, mortuus et sepultus”, which is not in Schmitz’s edition of the clerical interrogation.) (Milano, BA M. 79 sup., s. XI-XII, f. 45v, in an abbreviated form.)

67. Credo Deum Patrem omnipotentem. Credo Iesum Christum – instituta sunt credo fideliter. (See n. 80.) 68. Credo igitur in unum Deum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum: Patrem scilicet omnipotentem – et uniuersalis ecclesia Dei. (See n. 161.)





69. Credo igitur in unum Deum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum: Patrem scilicet omnipotentem – poscenti nos rationem. (See n. 161.) 70. Credo in Devm. In primis, dilectissimi, qualis sermo sit symboli capite, diligenter aduertite, et quali principio inchoetur sollicitius pertractate. Ergo in primo habet credo. Videte, quod non nos iubet discutere iudicia diuina, sed credere; nec rationem requirere, sed fidem simpliciter exhibere. Scire enim Dei Filium et professionem diuinae generationis – sed a Filio incarnato Patrem recessisse non credas. Filius carnem… (incompl.). (without tit. in ms). A lengthy CAP, only up to “natus ex maria uirgine”. It consists of a collection of excerpts whose authors are not cited, but include Ps. Augustine, Augustine, Rufinus, Bede, Ps. Isidore, Pope Gregory I, Pope Leo I, Cassiodorus, Alcuin, and Cyril of Alexandria. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 7, using Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 141, f. 4v-8v (incompl.; it sometimes indicates in the margin the names of the authors being quoted). (Not edited by the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, vol. 5, part 2, p. 397, contrary to Bouhier as cited in Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 338; also a marginal note in Montpellier 141, f. 4v, erroneously says it is edited in vol. 6, in the Append., p. 279.)

71. Credo in Devm. Nullam – ad uitam aeternam. (See n. 83.) 72. Credo in Devm patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. Bene incipit a credulitate – per uniuersas prouincias tradiderunt, dicentes: credo in Devm patrem omnipotentem. Ps. Origenes, Expositio Origenis. Composed perhaps s. VIII2/2 or s. IX (Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 315). CAP and EF. The text consists of Nicetas of Remesiana, De symbolo (n. 262), lacking the beginning and up to “sanctam ecclesiam catholicam”, followed by an excerpt from an unidentified source, inc.: “Cum in principio creasset deus”, on Adam, his fall, Christ, baptism, and the composing of the creed by the apostles. The entire text is extant only in s. XII mss. ed./ms: Caspari edited the second part, beginning “Cum in principio creasset deus”, on p. 310-312, using five s. XII mss (see n. 262 for these





mss), and the first part in Anecdota, p. 341-360, using the same mss and Vaticano, BAV, Chigi A. VI. 184 (s. XIV). add. mss: Sankt Gallen, SB 87, p. 187-188, and its exemplar, Torino, BN Universitaria F. II. 17, f. 51r-v, contain a frag. of the first part, inc. and expl.: “Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem – deposita modicum corpore ut homo sed quadriduanum mortuum de sepulchro”. The frag. is found in the homilies of Origen (at Lib. 13, Sermo 12 in Exodo), due to a copyist’s error, as a corrector indicates in the margin of Sankt Gallen, SB 87. In the s. XII mss, the entire text precedes the homilies of Origen on Leviticus and Joshua. The frag. in the St Gall and Turin mss is not in the related ms, Paris, BnF, lat. 12121 (c. 800), contrary to Vezin, ‘Observations’, p. 131-132 and Bouhot, ‘L’Instructio ad Competentes’, p. 282, note 7 (who follows Vezin).

73. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. Deus enim res est inuisibilis. Inuisibilis quia numquam – uita aeterna: uita sine tempora. (without tit. in ms). CAP-type. ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 18104 I, f. 67r-68v.

?*74. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. et in iesvm – et vitam aeternam. Amen. Haec doctrina apostolica symbolum dicitur – siue fideliter, siue fiat. Symbolum apostolorum. Perhaps Carolingian; known in the Pontificale Romano-Germanicum saeculi decimi, c. 113. CAP, preceded by the entire text of the Apostles’ Creed. edd./mss: Vogel – Elze, Le Pontifical, 2, p. 185-190, using five mss, all s. XI: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Lit. 53, f. 152r-153v; Eichstätt, Diözesanarchiv B4, f. 154v-156r; Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 451, f. 174v-176r; Roma, Bibl. Vallicell. D. 5, f. 138v-140r; Wien, ÖNB 701, f. 143v-144v. Gerbert, Monumenta, 2, p. 208-210, using Wien, ÖNB 1817, f. 54r-57r (s. XII2/2).

75. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. et in iesvm – et vitam aeternam. amen. Symbolum est quod seniores nostri collationem – absque ulla dubitatione. Sermo de symbolo.





CPL, 1758. CAP, preceded by the entire text of the Apostles’ Creed. Sources: Nicetas of Remesiana, Ps. Augustine (Sermones 240, 242). edd./mss: Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ (part 1), p. 184-186, using Sankt Gallen, SB 27, p. 690 (= PLS, 4, 1521-1522) and Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 474-479. add. mss: Westra: München, BSB, Clm 3729, f. 307r-308r (s. X); München, BSB, Clm 14501, f. 204r-204v (s. XII).

76. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. In primis, dilectissimi, qualis sermo sit in symboli capite diligenter aduertite, et quali principio inchoetur sollicitius pertractetur. Ergo in principio habet credo. Vides quod Dominus noster non nos iubet discutere diuina iudicia, sed credere; nec rationem quaerere, sed fidem simpliciter et indubitanter exhibere. In Devm Patrem. Aduertite, quod cum Dei – liberaliter amando iustitiam. Ipso adiuuante, qui uiuit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Tractatus de symbolo apostolorum (tit. in ms). CAP-type. In a large part consisting of Ps. Augustine, Sermo 242 (n. 254) and Augustine, Sermo 212 (n. 376). ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 8, using Cambrai, BM 204 (199), f. 59v-60v.

77. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. Omnipotens Deus ideo dicitur – alii uitam aeternam, alii uero poenam suscipiunt. Incipit symbolum (tit. in ms). CAP-type. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 9, using: Merseburg, Dombibl. 103, f. 40r-42v (without tit.); Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IX-X), f. 20r-21v.

78. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. Omnipotens ipse creauit omnia bona – (see n. 353). 79. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. Quo nomine uocatur haec doctissima fides? Symbolum Graeca lingua – (see n. 356). 80. Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem. Credo et in Iesum Christum Filium eius unicum Dominum Deum nostrum; natum a Patre,





non factum, non post tempora – Et omnia, quae a trecentis decem et octo episcopis Nicaeni concilii congregatis instituta sunt credo fideliter. Ps. Gregorivs I Papa, Fides sancti Gregorii papae (= Gregorivs Episcopvs Tvronensis, Historiarum libri X, 1, Prologue, excerpt). PF, especially against the Arians. ed.: Krusch – Levison, Gregorii libri historiarum X, p. 3, line 22 – p. 4, line 16, not using any of the mss listed below. PL, 71, 161-162. (Hahn, Bibliothek, p. 336-337, reprints the PL ed.) mss: Brussel, KB 8654-72, f. 108v-109r; El Escorial, RBSL L. III. 8, f. 11v-12r; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 69v; Paris, BnF, lat. 14085, f. 232v; Roma, Casa Madre dei Padri Maristi, A. II. 1, f. 107v-108r; Wien, ÖNB 1861, f. 5v-6v; (Paris, BnF, lat. 2390, s. XI, f. 102v). In all of these mss the text is attrib. to Pope Gregory I and not part of Gregory of Tours, Historiarum libri X.

81. Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem et in Iesum Christum Filium eius unicum Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria uirgine. Credo et in Spiritum Sanctum ex Patre Filioque procedentem – sacramentum diuinum per quod saluati sumus. Ps. Leo I Papa, Dicta Leonis episcopi. CPPM, IIA 4a/6a, 1173. Braga, s. VI (DuFourcq, Études, 4, p. 65); France or possibly Italy, s. VIIIex. or IXin., against the Adoptionists (Parmentier, ‘The Sayings of Bishop Leo’, p. 48). PF consisting of excerpts from the “Tome” of Leo (n. 195), with additions, for example: “quia non est adoptiuus, sed proprius dei filius unigenitus”. ed./mss: Parmentier, p. 38-40, using: Köln, Dombibl. 85, f. 120v-121v (s. X); New York, Columbia University, Butler Library, Plimpton 58, f. 108v-109v (f. 120v-121v acc. to s. XVIII foliation); Orléans, BM 313, p. 232-233; Paris, BnF, lat. 2175, f. 127r-128r; Paris, BnF, lat. 10612, f. 122v-123v. add. ms: Albi, BM 39, f. 136r-137r (incompl.). (The text is lacking in Paris, BnF, lat. 614A, s. IX-X or X, although this ms has much in common with New York, Columbia University, Butler Library, Plimpton 58.)

82. Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem et unigenitum Iesum Christum – sententiam pro peccatis aeternam. (See n. 47.)





83. (Augustinus.) Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem. Nullam itaque creaturam esse, quae ab omnipotente non creata – iustorum autem ad uitam aeternam. (without tit. in mss). Lengthy CAP-type; for the most part it consists of excerpts attrib. to Augustine, Isidore, Rufinus and unattrib. excerpts from Fulgentius, Alcuin, and n. 90. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 10, using: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Lit. 131 (A. II. 53), f. 110v-117v; Paris, BnF, lat. 1248, f. 35v-41v; Paris, BnF, lat. 1535, f. 155r-157v (the first seven lines are on f. 155v, inc.: “Agustinus. credo in devm”; the text then continues on f. 155r, then on f. 156r-157v, end incompl.). add. ms: (Roma, BN, Sessor. 52 [2096], f. 174r-177v, s. XIex.)

*84. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem. Qui Deus est et Pater est; Deus potestate, Pater bonitate – Per ipsum uitam speramus aeternam. (without tit. in ms). Contained in an anonymous florilegium-commentary on baptism. CAP, largely using Augustine. ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 34, p. 471-473, using Wien, ÖNB 1370, f. 7v-10v.

85. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem. Si credidisti, dubitare noli; noli facere de credulitate perfidiam – Credimus et vitam aeternam. Quia homo tunc uiuere incipit, quando se nesciat mori. Petrvs Chrysologvs Episcopvs Ravennatensis, Expositio symboli. CPL, 229a. CAP in the form of a sermon to catechumens at the traditio symboli. edd./mss: A. Olivar, CC SL, 24, p. 354-355 (= Sermo 62bis; extrauagans XV), using Cividale, Musaei Archeologici LXXVII, f. 26v-28r (s. XIV), within an ordo of the scrutinies in baptism of the church of Aquileia, s. IX or before. On its authorship, see Olivar, ‘San Pedro Crisólogo’, p. 294-312. Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 423-425.

*?86. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem. Si de Dei magnitudine – retinere debetis et reddere. Per Dominum. Sermo in traditione symboli.





CAP; a sermon to catechumens at the traditio symboli in an ordo of the scrutinies from northern Italy, s. VIII, acc. to Lambot, orth Italian Services, p. xxxiii-xxxiv; Morin, ‘Un ordo scrutiniorum’, p. 80, proposes Grado. edd./ms: Lambot, p. 26-27, using Milano, BA T. 27 sup., f. 21r-22r (s. XIXII). Morin, p. 72-74, using the same ms.

87. Credo in vnvm Devm, id est Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, et in his tribus personis unam inconfusam deitatem – id est aeternae beatitudinis gloriam et felicitatem. Catholica fides. CPL, 1752a. Perhaps s. VIIIex./IXin.. Parmentier, ‘The Catholic Faith’, p. 162-163, conjectures Spain or France, after the Adoptionist controversy. CNC-type. ed./mss: Parmentier, p. 150-152, using El Escorial RBSL b. IV. 17, f. 135v-136v (end incompl.); Paris, BnF, lat. 2817 (s. XI), f. 79v-81r. add. ms: Merseburg, Dombibl. 103, f. 10r-13r.

?88. Credo in unum Deum omnipotentem, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, tres personas, unam substantiam – in qua sola possint laxari peccata in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Gregorivs I Papa, Symbolum fidei dictatum a beato Gregorio (uncertain). CPL, 1714/i. On its being a genuine work of Gregory, see Vollmann, Studien, p. 81, and Brou, ‘Et saeculum’, p. 275. The text is found at the beginning of the Registrum epistolarum Gregorii I in nearly all the mss, acc. to the Maurini, S. Gregorii opera, 2, p. 1283. John the Deacon refers to the text in Sancti Gregorii uita, 2, 2. PF. edd.: PL, 77, 1327-1329 (= ed. of the Maurini, p. 1283). Hahn, Bibliothek, p. 337, and Künstle, Antipriscilliana, p. 113-114, repeat the ed. of the Maurini.

89. Credo in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem uisibilium et inuisibilium factorem. Credo in unum Dominum Iesum Christum Filium Dei, natum de Deo, Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, omnipotentem de omnipotente – sed Patri et Filio coaeternum. Credo remissionem peccatorum in sancta ecclesia catholica, sanctorum communionem, carnis resurrectionem ad uitam aeternam. Amen.





Ps. Damasvs / Ps. Gregorivs Illiberitanvs / Hieronymvs (dub.), Fides sancti Hieronymi. CPL, 553; CPPM, IIA 628, 782, 814. On the author, see Wilmart, ‘La lettre de Potamius’, p. 275. Brief PF, combining phrases from the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, with additions; for example, following “passus” it adds “sub herode rege”; following “tertia die resurrexit” it adds “apparuit apostolis”. edd./mss: V. Bulhart, CC SL, 69, p. 275, acc. to the ed. of Morin, S. Hieronymi tractatus, p. 199-200, who used: Saint-Mihiel, BM 28, f. 143v; and three post s. IX mss. Morin, ‘Un symbole inedit’, p. 3, using the same four mss.

90. Credo in vnvm Devm sanctam Trinitatem, id est in Patrem omnipotentem factorem – uitam cum sanctis habebit aeternam. Symbolum. CPL, 1752. Written in Spain, s. VII, or France, s. VIII, against the Adoptionists (Parmentier, ‘Jacobi’s Unknown Creed’, p. 378); perhaps southern Gaul, s. VI (Jacobi, ‘Eine noch ungedruckte Bearbeitung’, p. 282-288). CNC-type, although it begins with “Credo”, not “Credimus”; the Holy Spirit is treated near the beginning. edd./mss: Parmentier, p. 354-376, using: München, BSB, Clm 19417, f. 24v-28r; Salzburg, Museum Carolino Augusteum, 2163, f. 1r-2r (frag.; Hauthaler, ‘Ein Miscellancodex’, p. 71-72, first edited this frag.). Jacobi, p. 288-290, using München, BSB, Clm 19417 (= PLS, 4, 1519-1520). Schnurr, Katechetisches, p. 18-20, using Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 91, f. 151v-152v. add. ms: München, BSB, Clm 6407, f. 106v-108v.

91. Credo Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum unum esse Deum; Patrem, qui genuit Filium et misit eum in mundum – columbae specie in Iordane. Incipit expositio de credulitate (tit. in ms). Brief PF, followed by an EF in interr./resp. form, inc.: “Dic mihi quomodo credis Deum?”. Part of this text = the first three interrogations of n. 110. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 11, using Paris, BnF, lat. 2796, f. 102r-103v.





92. Cum apud Nicaeam tractatu habitum quam praedicti catholici in tractatu Ariminensi firmauerunt – similiter anathematizamus. (See n. 17.) 93. Cum apud Nicaeam urbem Bithyniae, a trecentis decem et octo episcopis, ex euangelicis apostolicisque spiritali uigore doctrinis, fides ecclesiae confirmaretur – ad uictoriae palmam Athanasius purae fidei assertor ualeat peruenire. Ps. Vigilivs / Ps. Athanasivs, Contra Arianos dialogus. CPPM, IIA 1692 (cfr CPL, 812, note). DF in the form of a dialogue between Arius and Athanasius, with Probus as judge. ed.: PL, 62, 155-180. mss: Cambridge, Pembroke College 108 [A. 1. 13, Schenkl, Bibliotheca, n. 2491A], f. 60r-118v; Fulda, Hessische LB Aa 2, between f. 200v-203v (excerpt; see n. 97 on the excerpt); Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 143v-148v; Trier, Stadtbibl. 118, f. 123r-183v; Troyes, BM 2405, f. 35r-51r.

94. Cum apud patres nostros, sicut liber Iudicum refert – mortuos reducit ad uitam. Ps. Maximvs Tavrinensis Episcopvs/ Maximvs Tavrinensis Episcopvs II, Homilia 83 in traditione symboli. CPL, 220/hom. 83; CPPM, IB 5814. Included in the homiliary of Paul the Deacon, sermo 95 (= Grégoire, Homéliaires, p. 447, n. 95). CAP-type. ed.: PL, 57, 433-440. ms: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 56v-57v (tit.: “Expositio symboli sancti Maximi episcopi”).

95. Cum beatum legimus Paulum apostolum dixisse fidelibus – fideliter credo quae in symbolo continentur. Amen. Symboli apostolici explanatio. Bouhot, ‘Le manuscrit Angers’, p. 241, proposes Bishop Leidrad of Lyons or one of his clergy as the author. CAP (against the Adoptionists, under “filium eius unicum” it states: “unicus uero, non gratis adoptatus”). ed./ms: Mai, Scriptorum ueterum noua collectio, 9, p. 384-395, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 231, f. 142r-152v (inc.: “Quando beatum legimus”) (= PL, 213, 725C-736C).





add. mss: Angers, BM 277, f. 1v-17v; Paris, BnF, lat. 2832, f. 136r-v (frag., inc.: “…iniurias ut nos ineffabilibus onoribus suauissisme ditaret uitae – ex qua inuisibiliter//” = p. 391-392 of Mai’s ed.); Troyes, BM 804, f. 54r-58v.

96. Cum Carthaginem Cerealis sanctae catholicae fidei stellensis episcopus uenit – subiecit illi omnia (= Introductio). Cerealis. Quia aequalis est Patri Filius – Iam inter uos Deus audit. Cerealis Episcopvs Castelli Ripensis, Libellus contra Maximinum Arianum. CPL, 813. EF. (Maximinus interrogates Cerealis, and Cerealis provides testimonia from Scripture to support: the equality of the Father and the Son; the oneness of God in three persons; the omnipotence of the Son; the Holy Spirit as God, Creator, Vivifier, and omnipotent; and to disprove other Arian claims that subordinate the Son to the Father.) ed./mss: PL, 58, 757A-768B. Sichard, Antidotum, f. 226r-230r, using an unidentified ms. (Lehmann, Iohannes Sichardus, p. 59, 145, says the work of Cerealis is also in Torino, BN Universitaria E. IV. 43 [s. VII].) add. mss: Fulda, Dommuseum Bonifat. 2, f. 14v-34r; formerly in Roma, BN, Sessor. 77 (ms now mutilated).

97. Cum in manus strenui lectoris, beatissime papa Materne – ualeant custodire (= Prefatio incerti auctoris). Dum mecum de fidei ueritate diu multumque tractarem – ut uerae integraeque confessionis praemium indubitata sorte capessant. Amen. Vigilivs Episcopvs Thapsensis, Contra Arianos, Sabellianos, Photinianos dialogus libri tres. CPL, 807; on the Prefatio incerti auctoris belonging rather to n. 93, see CPPM, IIA 1690. DF in the form of a debate between Arius and Athanasius, with Probus as judge. See Freeman, ‘Theodulf of Orléans’, p. 187, on Theodulf’s use of the text. ed.: PL, 62, 179-238. mss: Ficker, Studien, p. 35-38, distinguishes this text from a briefer recension (= n. 93). Carolingian mss he lists include: Cambrai, BM 436 (409); “a s. IX ms in the catalogue of Fulda, p. 31, n. 20, which contains an altercatio Athanasii cum Ario, Probo iudice”; München, BSB, Clm 14679; Oxford, BL, Bibl. Canonic. Script. eccl. lat. 112 (Ficker erroneously dates s. XI), f. 55r-103r); Paris, BnF, lat. 2341; Sankt Gallen, SB 90, p. 1-130; Zürich, ZB, Car. C. 116, f. 1r-50v. I have not seen these mss to verify if they contain the text (or rather n. 93, which is frequently confused with





n. 97 in ms catalogue descriptions), except Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, which contains only Lib. 1 (PL, 62, 179-198), f. 140r-143v, without the Prefatio incerti auctoris, expl.: “suffragiorum adminiculis adiuuare. explicit prima propositio”. Immediately follows: “Incipit eiusdem secunda”, which is not Lib. 2, but rather n. 93 (“Cum apud Niceam”). add. mss: Fulda, Hessische LB Aa 2, between f. 200v-203v (excerpts) (= PL, 62, 179B, 180B), followed by an excerpt from n. 93, “Cum apud Niceam – diuinitas conprobatur” (= PL, 62, 155-156C), followed by more excerpts from n. 97 (= PL, 62, 181D-183A, passim); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 49v-51v (only Lib. 3, inc.: “Amore ueritatis et fidei”); Reims, BM 385, f. 14v-61r; Saint-Mihiel, BM 28, f. 68v-132r (Ficker, p. 35, erroneously thought this ms contained n. 93). (Cambridge, Pembroke College 108 [A. 1. 13, Schenkl, Bibliotheca, n. 2491A], f. 59v, contains only the preface in a hand of s. X, followed by n. 93 in a s. IX hand.)

98. Cum me peruigil fidei cura fecisset exsomnem, his me interrogationibus – saltem fidei compendio nanciscantur. Ps. Avgvstinvs, De unitate sanctae Trinitatis dialogus. CPL, 379; CPPM, IIA 173. EF by interr./resp.; the Trinity is explained by an analogy with the three-letter word ‘PAX’. ed.: PL, 42, 1207-1212 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera). mss: Lyon, BM 611, f. 32r-36v (tit.: “Incipit conlati trinitatis sancti agustini episcopi a seipso ad semetipso”; expl.: “conpendio nasciscantur”); München, BSB, Clm 6407, f. 75v-81v (tit.: “Incipit soliloquium sancti augustini de trinitate”; inc. and expl.: “Cum me pervigil – conpendio nascantur. amen. explicit liber sancti augustini episcopi soliloquium de trinitate”); (Madrid, Bibl. de la Real Academia de la Historia 78, s. Xex.-XIin., f. 222v-225r; following the expl. it adds: “contuli ut potui cum omni solercia”; cfr note [a] by the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, in PL, 42, 1207, who cite an unidentified apparently Carolingian ms of the text with the added ending, “Contuli, ut potui, cum omni solertia. qui legis, ora pro me”.)

*99. Interrogatio: Cur ei ostenditur symbolum? Responsio: Vt exquiratur ab eo si credat in Deum Patrem – et carnis resurrectionem. Hrabanvs Mavrvs Archiepiscopvs Magvntinvs, De clericorum institutione, i, 27, excerpt. PF: an abbreviated form of the Apostles’ Creed. It is found separate from Hrabanus’ work within two different anonymous expositions on baptism. edd./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 47, p. 569, lines 14-19, using Troyes, BM 1979 (s. XI), f. 332r-v. Another recension, abbreviated, beginning: “Deinde apostolicae fidei ostenditur symbolum et requirat ab eo





si credat”, and ending: “et reliqua simboli” is in Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, SB 5/1, f. 154r, ed. by Keefe, 2, Text 44, 558, lines 14-16.

100. Dauid uno lapidis ictu goliae frontem percutiens – non dixit: Deus maior me est, sed: Pater maior me est. Favstinvs Presbyter Lvciferianvs, De Trinitate, siue de fide contra Arianos, excerpt (= cc. 16-37). CPL, 120 (excerpt); CPPM, IIA 25 (excerpt), 788 (excerpt). EF against the Arians (the Son was not created from nothing; the Son is “indemutabilis”). ed./mss: M. Simonetti, CC SL, 69, p. 310-339 (= cc. 16-37; for the entire work, cfr n. 303), using (for cc. 16-37): Köln, Dombibl. 33 (Darm. 2029); six mss that contain only cc. 16-37, three of which are Carolingian: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CCLI, f. 1r-26r (tit.: “Liber sancti ambrosii episcopi contra hereticos”); Sankt Gallen, SB 94, f. 2r-31r (same tit. as the Karlsruhe ms); Valenciennes, BM 247, f. 45v-69v (Simonetti erroneously gives f. 54v-69v; tit.: “Incipit primus liber sancti ambrosii contra eosdem feliciter”); the edition of Gallandi, Bibliotheca ueterum patrum (= PL, 13, 49D-69C), who used Köln, Dombibl. 33; the edition of Statius, Gregorii De Trinitate liber (who edited it as a work of Gregory of Elvira); and the editio princeps of the work at Basel (apud Faber), 1528.

*101. Debet unusquisque qui baptizatus est credere Deum Patrem – in futuro cum Christo regnare. De credulitate, excerpt. CAP-type in an exposition on baptism composed c. 812 in the ecclesiastical province of Sens. (On the baptismal tract and its place of origin, see Keefe, ‘An Unknown Response’, p. 48-93.) ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 17, c. “De credulitate”, excerpt, p. 323, line 9 – p. 324, line 2, using Troyes, BM 804, f. 7r.

102. Debitor sum, fratres, fateor, non necessitate cogente – qui credentes in se custodit in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Qvodvvltdevs Episcopvs Carthaginensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Aduersus quinque haereses. CPL, 410; CPPM, IA 1204. DF against pagans, Jews, Manichaeans, Arians, and Sabellians. ed./mss: R. Braun, CC SL, 60, p. 261-301; Braun knew 116 mss; he used 34, of which six are Carolingian or before: Leiden, BR, Voss. lat. F. 113,





f. 59v-68v; Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671 (78), f. 105r-114v; München, BSB, Clm 14746, f. 129r-171r; Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 136r-140r; Sankt Gallen, SB 146, p. 67-116; Torino, BN Universitaria G. V. 26, s. VI2/2 (frag.). (Braun dates Angers, BM 179 (171) as s. IX and X, but see description of ms.) add. mss: Lucca, BC 490, f. 274r-280r. Braun knew but did not use: Paris, BnF, lat. 12218, f. 1r-13v; Saint-Mihiel, BM 28, f. 145r-156r (defaced at the end).

?103. Decimo die post ascensionem, discipulis prae timore Iudaeorum congregatis – formidabilem nimis atque terribilem. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 240. De symbolo. IV. CPPM, IA 1025. CAP, with each verse of the creed attributed to an apostle (see Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 1, p. 190-191, on the wording of the creed in this sermon). ed.: PL, 39, 2188-2190. Acc. to Bouhot, ‘L’origine apostolique’, p. 164, note 21, it was first edited by Camerario, Monumenta, p. 129-132 (repr. by Vignier, S. Aurelii Augustini operum supplementum, 2nd ed., p. 390).

104. Deinde apostolicae fidei ostenditur symbolum – (see n. 99). *105. Demum enim interrogare eum debet sacerdos his uerbis: Credis in Deum Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae? – tunc uidebimus eum sicuti, ipso adiuuante qui cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto uiuit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen. (without tit. in ms). CAP in an anonymous Carolingian exposition on baptism. ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 8.1, excerpt, p. 235, line 22 – p. 237, line 22, using Sankt Gallen, SB 40, p. 330-331.

106. Desideratissimo filio Fredegiso Albinus salutem. Placuit prudentiae – fulgebunt claritate (= preface). Interrogatio I. Quomodo Deus uere sit unitas et uere Trinitas? – dum emisit in cruce spiritum Christus. Alcvinvs, De Trinitate ad Fredegisum quaestiones 28. CSLMA, II, ALC 36. EF in interr./resp. form on the relation of the Father to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, using Augustine, Gennadius, the Athanasian Creed, and other sources.





edd.: PL, 101, 57-64. The preface only is edited by Dümmler, Epist., Ep. 289, p. 447-448. PL, 42, 1171-1176, contains a form of the text without the preface and appended with the first five questions of Alcuin, Quaestiones in Genesim (= n. 293).

mss: See CSLMA, which lists thirty-three s. IX or s. IX-X mss (including mss listed by the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, Paris). The text nearly always is found after n. 169, but not in Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 64v-65r. add. ms: (not listed in CSLMA) Einsiedeln, SB 27, f. 34v-43v (inc.: “Quomodo deus uere sit”).

107. Deus Trinitas inuissibilis3 est: inuissa etenim adque inmensa – nam fides plus sentit, quam disputari queat. Favsti Reiensis Discipvlvs, De mysterio sanctae Trinitatis (uncertain). CPL, 980; CPPM, IIA 722. On the author and provenance, see Morin, ‘Deux pièces inédites’, p. 166-170. EF on the Trinity. ed./ms: Morin, p. 164-166, using Milano, BA O. 212 sup., f. 16r-17r (without tit.) (= PLS, 3, 712-713).

108. Dic in quem credis – operibus impleamus. (See n. 109.) 109. (Interrogatio:) Dic mihi in quem credis? Responsio: Ego credo in Deum – et operibus (fideliter) impleamus. Alcvinvs, Disputatio puerorum per interrogationes et responsiones (dub.), c. 11 (excerpt). CSLMA, II, ALC 42. Alcuin’s authorship is still disputed. The text consists of the first part of c. 11 after the words: “Ista suscipio. Sed quoniam, sicut nosti, omnes per fidem saluari credimus, rogo ut dicas mihi quomodo fidem tuam intelligis, uel etiam”. In many mss the text is found within an interrogatio sacerdotalis, separate from the Disputatio puerorum. CAP-type by interr./resp. ed.: PL, 101, 1136D-1138A. mss: München, BSB, Clm 14508, f. 127r-128v; Orléans, BM 116, f. 81r-83v (inc.: “Dic in quem credis”); Paris, BnF, lat. 1535, f. 153v-154r; Sankt Gallen, SB 40, p. 326-328; Sankt Gallen, SB 732, p. 162-167; Sélestat, BM Orthographical variation for ‘inuisibilis’.






132, f. 17r-18r (beginning lacking); (Troyes, BM 1979, s. XI, f. 330r-331v). In all of the above mss the text is separate from the Disputatio puerorum. In Wien, ÖNB 458, f. 71v-73v, it is part of the Disputatio puerorum. For the earliest mss of the Disputatio puerorum, see Reynolds, ‘Canon Law Collections’, p. 29, note 92.

110. Interrogatio: Dic mihi, Pater et Filius et Spiritus unus est Deus? – non tres dii, sed unus Deus et Dominus benedictus in saecula. Interrogatio de fide catholica. CPL, 1755. Perhaps s. VI, Spain (Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 121). EF by interr./resp. on the operations of the Trinity. The first three interrogations and responses are found in the latter part of n. 91. ed./ms: Künstle, p. 175-177, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 66v-67r (= PLS, 4, 1516-1518). add. mss: Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, f. 8r-9r (tit.: “Exemplar fidei sancti augustini. incipiunt interrogationes de trinitate et unitate patris et filii et spiritus sancti”); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 191, f. 75r-76v; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127, f. 11v1-12v2; (formerly ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 9 [10. B. 4] contained the text).

111. Dic mihi quomodo credis Deum? Responsio: Trinum et unum. Quomodo unum? – in Iordane. (See n. 91.) *112. Dic mihi symbolum, in quo haec eadem fides continetur – regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Alcvinvs, Disputatio puerorum per interrogationes et responsiones, c. 11 (excerpt). CSLMA, II, ALC 42. Alcuin’s authorship is still disputed. The text consists of the second part of c. 11 (cfr n. 109). EF defining the word symbolum, and CAP, with each verse of the creed attributed to an apostle. ed./ms: PL, 101, 1138B-1143B, from Wien, ÖNB 458, f. 73v-80r (within the Disputatio puerorum).

113. Dicit Dominus exercituum: Primum Christianae religionis officium est Deum unum, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, credere, unius dei(tatis), maiestatis atque substantiae – et quod aspectus carnalis excludit, animus per fidem cernit.





(without tit. in ms). EF; perhaps a sermon. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 12, using Zürich, ZB, C. 64 (286), f. 211r-v. *114. Dilectissimi nobis, accepturi sacramenta baptismatis et in nouam creaturam – tenens manum super caput infantis, in his uerbis: Credo in vnvm Devm – et vitam fvtvri saecvli. Amen. Hoc expleto, sequitur presbyter his uerbis: Haec summa est fidei nostrae, dilectissimi nobis, haec uerba sunt symboli – et nos qui uobis mysteria tradimus, una uobiscum ad regna caelestia faciat peruenire: per eundem Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, qui uiuit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen. In traditione symboli explanatio. It is found in the Gelasian Sacramentary (Vat. Reg. lat. 316) and other ‘Gelasian of the eighth-century’-type sacramentaries, in Ordo Romanus XI, 61-67, and other ordines Romani. De Puniet, ‘Les trois homélies’, p. 770-784, attributes the preface (up to the text of the Creed) to Pope Leo I. EF in some mss the text of the Creed is the Nicene-Constantinopolitan, in others it is the Apostles’. Deshusses, Le Sacramentaire Grégorien, 3, p. 108, gives a ms in which the rubrics state either Creed may be said. N. 360, 343 contain part of this text. ed./ms: Mohlberg, Liber sacramentorum, p. 48-51, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 316. (Other liturgical books in which the text has been edited are not listed here.) 115. Dilectissimo fratri et amabili consacerdoti Epictito (Epicteto) in Domino salutem. Ego quidem putabam omne uaniloquium – in loquendo infirmitati. Saluta cunctos fratres nostros. Te omnes qui nobiscum sunt, plurimum salutant. Athanasivs Episcopvs Alexandrinvs, Ep. ad Epictetum Corinthiorum episcopum, contra eos qui de Domini incarnatione spiritu blasphemiae diuersa senserunt. DF; Athanasius defends the word homousion in the Nicene Creed. edd./mss: Schwartz, ACO I, 5, p. 321-334 (= Collectio Quesnelliana, c. 52 = PL, 56, 664-673), using six mss, of which five are Carolingian: Arras, BM 644; Einsiedeln, SB 191; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A; Wien, ÖNB 2141 (s. IXX); Wien, ÖNB 2147. Schwartz also edits a second version beneath the





Quesnelliana version, acc. to Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1776 (79), f. 2v-7r (partly mutilated), inc. and expl.: “Ego quidem opinabar omne uaniloquium – ipsi infirmi esse uidemur”. add. mss: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 3r-7r; Paris, BnF, lat. 1455 (incompl. at f. 69v; it appears from the words Maassen gives (Geschichte, p. 537) where the text breaks off, “qui ex Maria processit, non esse ipsum Christum et Dominum et Deum//”, that this is a different version than Schwartz’s editions).

116. Dilectissimo fratri Flauiano episcopo Leo episcopus – (see n. 195). 117. Discipulus: Quot modis diuina significatur essentia? – (see n. 299). 118. Dispone mihi fidem quomodo credis. Credo Patrem et Filium – capite tradidit spiritum. (See n. 136.) 119. (Interrogatio.) Dispone nobis fidem tuam, quomodo credis. Profiteor Patrem – extat in personis. Incipit qualiter requirendi sunt sacerdotes secundum canonicam institutionem (tit. in mss). PF by interr./resp. in an examination of a cleric on his faith. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 13, using Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IX-X), f. 25v-27r and Barcelona, BU 228 (s. X2/2 or XI), f. 134v-135v.

120. Domino clarissimo (uel glorioso) Carolo imperatori – (see n. 169). 121. Domino eximio et in Christi caritate plurimum – salutem. Multum benedico Dominum, dilectissime fili, cuius gratia talis es, ut cum sis aetate iunior – et unam personam duasque naturas in unigenito Dei Filio Domino nostro Iesu Christo. Fvlgentivs Episcopvs Rvspensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Ep. VIII seu Sancti Fulgentü episcopi EP. de fide ad Donatum. CPL, 817/Ep. 8; CPPM, IIA 189. EF on the Trinity against the Arians, on Christ (Christ is not adoptiuus), and on various errors of heretics. ed./mss: J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91, p. 257-273, using: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 20 (B. III. 30), f. 55v-69v; (Grenoble, BM 226, s. XII; f. 179v-186v;





Paris, BnF, lat. 1909, s. XIII-XIV, f. 105v-108v); and the editions of: Justus, Fulgentii opera; Molanus, Opera Diui Fulgentii; and Quesnel, S. Fulgentii opera. (Quesnel used the Grenoble and Paris mss and the editions of Justus and Molanus.) add. mss: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 32r-34v; Laon, BM 265, f. 83r-95r; Wien, ÖNB 2223, f. 56r-66v.

122. Domino meo dilectissimo fratri et consacerdoti Iohanni Cyrillus in Domino salutem. Exsultent caeli et laetetur terra; solutus est enim medius paries macheriae; quod contristabat quieuit, atque dissensionis – tuae sanctitati paria destinauimus (acc. to Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B). Cyrillvs Episcopvs Alexandrinvs, Ep. ad Iohannem Antiochenum episcopum. DF/PF, especially on the unity of the two natures in Christ. edd./mss: Schwartz, ACO, I, 2, p. 104-107, edits the form given above (but not using Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B), using: Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1320 (s. XV); Verona LVII (s. X); and Wien, ÖNB 489 (s. XV). Schwartz edits another form of the text in the Collectio Quesnelliana, c. 53, in ACO I, 5, p. 334-337, using: Arras, BM 644; Einsiedeln, SB 191; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A; Wien, ÖNB 2141 (s. IX-X); Wien, ÖNB 2147; and one s. XIII ms of letters of Cyril. The inc. and expl. of this second form = “Laetentur caeli et exsultet terra; solutus est enim medius paries saepis, et cessauit illud quod adferebat tristitiam, et totius dissensionis – et utile intelleximus et fratribus nostris de exemplaribus antiquis edere, quae apud nos sunt bene explanata, et similia tuae uenerabilitati dirigere”. add. mss: Paris, BnF, lat. 1456; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 60v-64r (not part of a canon law collection in this ms; immediately following the explicit it continues: “Et cum legerentur reuerentissimi episcopi, clamauerunt omnes: sic credimus; papa leo, sic credit anathema qui diuidit; anathema qui confundit. haec fide leonis archiepiscopi; leo sic credit – deuotissimus secretarius sacri consistorii recitauit ex codice porrecto sibi ab actio archidiacono sanctae Constantinopolitanae ecclesiae”).

123. Domino sancto fratri Nestorio Cyrillus episcopus, et quae conuenit apud Alexandriam synodus ex Aegyptia dioecesi in Domino salutem. Cum saluator noster aperte pronuntiet: Qui diligit Patrem – quod uita est et uiuificator, ut Deus, anathema sit. Cyrillvs Episcopvs Alexandrinvs, Ep. tertia synodica directa estorio Constantinopolitanae urbis episcopo, duodecim continens anathematum capitula.





DF against Nestorius on the unity of the Word and the flesh. edd./mss: Schwartz, ACO I, 5, p. 236-244, using, for the first part (the letter preceding the anathemas): Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671 (78), f. 114v-118v (not within a canonical collection); Oxford, BL, Bodl. e. Mus. 102 (s. VII); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 234; Wien, ÖNB 411; seven mss of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, five of which are Carolingian or possibly Carolingian: Einsiedeln, SB 199; Leiden, BR, Voss. lat. Q. 122 (incompl. in the first part, f. 10v-14v; the second part = f. 9r-10r); Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308 (incompl. at the beginning, inc.: “Religioso et deo amabili consacerdoti nestorio cyrillus, et quae conuenit apud alexandriam synodus”); Sankt Gallen, SB 671; Würzburg, UB M. p. th. f. 70; and the ed. of Sicard, Antidotum. For the second part (the twelve anathemas), Schwartz used: the same mss of the Berlin, Bodleian, Leiden, Montpellier, and Vatican libraries, and Sichard’s ed., listed above, as well as three mss of the Collectio Vaticana: Firenze, BML, Aedil. 82; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1342; Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 679; and three mss of the Collectio Hadriana aucta, two of which are Carolingian: München, BSB, Clm 14008; Roma, Bibl. Vallic. A. 5. The text is contained in many canonical collections in many Latin versions. Other editions of Schwartz: ACO I, 2, p. 45-51, using all post s. IX mss; ACO I, 3, p. 26-35, of Carolingian mss using Paris, BnF, lat. 1572; and, only for the anathemas, Merseburg, Dombibl. 104 (s. IX/X) and Verona, BC LXI [59] (s. VII-VIII).

124. Dominus qui uerbum consummans et breuians fecit super terram – Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. Cum enim quisque se dicit credere in Deum – sine dubio possidebit. Ps. Fvlgentivs Episcopvs Rvspensis, Expositio symboli apostolici sancti Fulgentii episcopi (tit. in Paris, BnF, lat. 13208). CPPM, IIA 752a (= only the creed embedded in the text, “Credo in Devm – vitam aeternvm”). The text is a retracted version of excerpts of Fulgentius, Contra Fabianum, frag. n. 36 (see n. 199). On the retraction not being the work of Fulgentius, and one of many examples of re-worked creed commentaries, see Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 260-261, note 21. CAP-type. edd./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 14, using Paris, BnF, lat. 13208, f. 160v-162v. Caspari, p. 317 (= Hahn, Bibliothek, p. 62-63), edited only the text of the creed from this creed commentary, using Paris, BnF, lat. 13208. (CPPM erroneously says it is on f. 3v.)

125. Dum de symbolo conferre uolumus, inquirendum et – iusti gloriabuntur cum Domino in saecula saeculorum. Amen.





Sermo de symbolo. CPL, 1759. EF (the creed is compared to a pact or covenant made in the custom of sea-merchants) and CAP-type. On the text of the creed in this sermon, see Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 2, p. 748-751 (perhaps from Ireland), and Bratke, ‘Das Glaubensbekenntnis’, p. 158, who thinks the creed was written in Gaul before s. V. The sermon is partly similar to n. 348 and n. 357. edd./mss: Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ (part 1), p. 186-190, using München, BSB, Clm 14508, f. 67r-70r (= PLS, 4, 2156-2159). Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 480-496, using also Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 91, f. 106v-111r. add. mss: Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 91, f. 106v-111r. Westra: Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 671, f. 157r-160r (s. IX).

126. Dum per sacratissimum crucis signum uos suscepit – ab omni macula et ruga mundans, totam pulchram suo aduentui praeparauit. Amen. Qvodvvltdevs Episcopvs Carthaginensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo III de symbolo ad catechumenos. CPL, 403; CPPM, IA 1105. CAP-type. ed./ms: R. Braun, CC SL, 60, p. 349-363, using twelve mss, of which one is Carolingian: Laon, BM 136, f. 16v-20v.

127. Ecce, mysterium dico uobis. Omnes quidem resurgimus – (see n. 198). 128. Interrogatio. Edisserere mihi de caelesti generatione, hoc est de Christo Filio Dei – (see n. 3). 129. Ego Adalbertus, uocatus episcopus Morinensis, reuerentissimo patri Hincmaro Remorum archiepiscopo. Quia fundamentum bonorum operum, per quod ad caeleste regnum gratia Domini peruenitur – et omnibus supra scriptis cum cordis et oris professione subscribo. Adalbertvs, Professio Adalberti futuri episcopi Morinensis Hincmaro Remorum archiepiscopo ante ordinationem oblata. PF of Adalbert in 872 AD. He professes his faith in the first six universal councils, the tome of Leo, and the Athanasian Creed; gives a version of the Apostles’ Creed; and anathematizes all heresies and schisms that the catholic and apostolic church condemns.





ed.: Labbe – Cossart, Sacrosancta concilia, 8, col. 1881-1884, not identifying the ms used. Immediately following this text in Labbe-Cossart, on col. 1884-1885, is another PF, entitled by them: “Professio altera generalis ordinandi archiepiscopi”, inc.: “Ego huius sedis ordinandus archiepiscopus, et sacro ministerio uestro, sancti patres, praedicationis officium suscepturus, confiteor sanctam atque ineffabilem Trinitatem – ”. Hahn, Bibliothek, p. 363, and repeating him, Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 153, erroneously attribute this second PF to Adalbert, and print a fragment of it, inc. and expl.: “Confiteor sanctam atque ineffabilem Trinitatem, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, unum Deum naturaliter esse, unius substantiae, unius naturae, unius maiestatis atque uirtutis. Dominum quoque nostrum Iesum – in fine saeculi, ut reddat singulis prout gesserunt in corpore positi, siue bonum siue malum”.

130. Eos qui nunc inprimis inbuuntur ecclesiastici dogmatis diligentia, aut ex aliquo uolunt haeretico errore ad ueritatem conuerti, doceri confiteri oportet quia credimus in unum Deum – secundum sanctae catholicae ecclesiae regulam anathema sit (acc. to Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671). Ps. Nestorivs, Exemplar expositionis falsitatis fidei estorii or Symbolum estorianum. S. Vin. or before. There are different versions in different canonical collections. EF (explanation of the creed acc. to Nestorius). edd./mss: (1) Schwartz, ACO, II, 3, 1, p. 213-215 (= version of the text in the Gesta of the Council of Chalcedon), using eleven mss, of which nine are Carolingian or before: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 120r-121v (tit.: “Incipit exemplar exposicionis falsitatis fidei nestorii”; not in a canon law collection); Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 58; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308; Paris, BnF, lat. 11611; Paris, BnF, lat. 16832; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5750 + Milano, BA E. 147 sup. (s. VII); Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 680; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1045; Verona, BC LVIII; and the ed. of Sichard, Antidotum, who used an unidentified ms, but it is similar to Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, acc. to Schwartz, I, 5, p. iiii). (2) Schwartz, I, 5, p. 23-25 (= the version of Marius Mercator of the Council of Ephesus), using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 234, between f. 3r-13r (inc. and expl.: “Qui aut nunc primum in ecclesiasticis erudiuntur dogmatibus liquido cognoscendis aut ab haeretico errore conuerti decreuerint ad ueritatem, doceri eos oportet quoniam credimus in unum deum patrem omnipotentem – haec, inquit, ecclesiasticorum dogmatum doctrina, atque adeo omnis qui contra haec sentit, anathema sit”; = PL, 48, 447-449 and PL, 48, 1043-1046). (3) Schwartz, I, 5, p. 97-99, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1743 (84), inc. and expl.: “Quisquis uel nunc primum instituitur ecclesiasticorum dogmatum scientia, uel ex quolibet haeretico errore in ueritatem desiderat





commigrare, eum discere conuenit et confiteri quod credimus in unum deum – quisquis contra haec credit, anathema sit. Quisquis non accipit salutarem paenitentiam, anathema sit. Qui sanctum diem paschae non facit iuxta morem catholicae ecclesiae, anathema sit” (= PL, 48, 877-880); Oxford, BL, Bodl. e Mus. 102 (s. VII); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 234, f. 50r. (4) Schwartz, I, 3, p. 130-132 (= the version of the Council of Ephesus of the Collectio Casinensis), using three mss, one of which is Carolingian: Paris, BnF, lat. 1572, inc. and expl.: “Eos qui uel nunc primum erudiuntur ecclesiasticorum dogmatum scientiam uel ex quolibet haereticorum errore ad ueritatem desiderant commigrare – quisquis sanctum diem paschae non facit iuxta sanctionem sanctae catholicae ecclesiae, anathema sit”. (5) A large part of the text is contained in the Confessio fidei of Felix of Urgel (n. 165; ed. Werminghoff, p. 222, line 38 – p. 223, line 27, using Reims, BM 385, between f. 154r-158r). (6) The text is also partly contained in Agobard of Lyons, Aduersum dogma Felicis, 7, ed. L. Van Acker, CC CM, 52, p. 77, line 23 – p. 78, line 30 (with variations from Werminghoff’s ed. of Felix).

131. Epistolam, fili Petre, tuae caritatis accepi – illi Deus reuelabit. Amen. Fvlgentivs Episcopvs Rvspensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, De fide ad Petrum. CPL, 826; CPPM, IIA 152. EF; cc. 1-3 = on the Trinity, incarnation, creation, and original sin; cc. 4-44 = a series of rules, each beginning “Firmissime tene et nullatenus dubites”, on the Trinity, Christ, the Eucharist, angels, rational creatures, original sin, baptism, the judgment, the resurrection of the flesh, grace, predestination, the damned, heretics, bad Christians, food, marriage, both good and wicked people within the catholic church, and persistence in faith. ed./mss: J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91A, p. 711-760, using six mss, four of which are Carolingian or before: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 20 (B. III. 30), f. 13v-55v; Paris, BnF, lat. 1796, f. 202v-232r; Roma, BN 1006, f. 125r-153r; Sankt Petersburg, Publichnaja Biblioteka, Lat. Q. v. I. 7, f. 62r-112r (s. VIVII); and four editions: Incipit liber s. Augustini of Köln (ed. unknown), 1473; Molanus, Opera Diui Fulgentii, p. 437-489; Quesnel, S. Fulgentii opera, p. 500-531, who used the Sankt Petersburg ms, four Vatican mss, two Oxford mss, and the ed. of Molanus, Opera Diui Fulgentii; and the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, 6, appendix, who used the same material as Quesnel, as well as three mss Sorbonicus, Victorinus, and Beccensis. add. mss: Berlin, SBPK, Diez. B. 66, f. 362r-363r (only cc. 1-2; attrib. to Augustine); Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 64r-74v (attrib. to Augustine); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 42r-47r (attrib. to Augustine); Laon,





BM 265, f. 95r-122r; Madrid, BN 373, f. 163v-182r; Paris, BnF, lat. 2718, f. 61v-72r; Wien, ÖNB 2223, f. 66v-76r, (beginning with c. 4, “I. Firmissime tene et nullatenus dubites patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum unum esse naturaliter deum”); Zürich, ZB, Rh. 102, f. 1r-45r.

132. Est Deus Pater, Filius, Deus etiam Spiritus Sanctus; non tres, sed unus Deus. Vna substantia siue natura, una sapientia, una uirtus, una dominatio, unum regnum, una omnipotentia, una gloria – et: Iesus Christus heri et hodie, ipse et in saecula. Iohannes Maxentivs Monachvs Scythicvs, Professio breuissima catholicae fidei. CPL, 658. PF. edd./ms: Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 85, p. 33-36, using Oxford, BL, Laud. Misc. 580, f. 10r-11r, whose readings he took from the ed. of Schwartz, ACO IV, 2, p. 11 (the only ms used by Schwartz), and the ed. in PG, 86, 89A-90B.

133. Et adnuntiat diaconus, ut supra. Et sequitur presbyter his uerbis: Primum omnium, filii carissimi, uenientes ad fidem catholicam, obseruate, ne quis infideliter ueniat – laetos et laetas suscipere per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium eius, qui cum eo uiuit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Symbolum. CPL, 1751. CAP-type used at the tradition of the creed to catechumens, extant in a Florentine missal, s. XII; the text itself is s. VII (Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 1, p. 133); see Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 305-308, on the arguments for its composition in s. VII or VIII. edd./mss: Caspari, p. 291-304, using Firenze, BML, Plut. XVI, cod. 8, f. 130r (s. XIIin.) (= PLS, 4, 2145-2148) and Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 466-473. add. ms: Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 466-468: Oxford, BL, Canonic. Lit. 345 (s.XII).

134. Exempla (Exemplum) testimoniorum Sancti Hilarii (Pictauiensis) episcopi et confessoris de fide catholica in libro II (inter cetera). Humani enim generis causa Dei Filius – (see n. 386). *135. Expone mihi fidem tuam, quomodo credis. (Responsio:) Credo in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem, et reliqua, quae secuntur de symbolo Nicaeno. (Interrogatio:) Inter personam Patris et Filii et





Spiritus Sancti quid interest? (Responsio:) Inter personam Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti ita secernitur, quod Pater nec natus – non amisit diuinitatem. (without tit. in mss). EF by interr./resp. on the Trinity and how the Son is both less than and equal to the Father, found only within interrogationes sacerdotales. Sources: Isidore, Ps. Isidore, and others. edd./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 15, using: Albi, BM 40, f. 15r-16v; El Escorial, RBSL L. III. 8, f. 77v-78r (only the first part, up to “procedens spiritus sanctus”); Orléans, BM 116, f. 63r (frag.); Paris, BnF, lat. 1603, f. 154v-156r; Paris, BnF, lat. 2718, f. 137v-138v (a variant form, inc.: “Inter personam patris et filii et spiritus sancti secernuntur quod pater nec factus nec natus”). Schmitz, Miscellanea Tironiana, p. 30, l. 16 – p. 31, l. 17, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 846, f. 104v-105r. add. mss: The following mss contain n. 66, 135, 3 within the same clerical interrogation as they are found in the Albi, El Escorial, Paris 1603, and Vatican mss (Paris 2718 has some of the same questions following n. 3): Einsiedeln, SB 281, between p. 60-77; Sankt Gallen, SB 225, between p. 461-473; Sankt Gallen, SB 230, s. IXin., reportedly (Wilmart, ‘Les messes’, p. 69, note 15) contains 66, 135, 3 between p. 316-325 (I have not seen the ms, and the catalogue description is inadequate); Zürich, ZB, Rh. 104, between f. 94-99 (I have not seen, and the clerical interrogation is reportedly incomplete, ending “crucifixus, mortuus et sepultus”, which is not in Schmitz’s edition of the clerical interrogation.)

136. (Incipit interrogatio.) Expone nobis fidem tuam, quomodo credis. (Responsio:) Credo Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum unum esse – iustitiam, temperantiam, et fortitudinem. (without tit. in mss). EF by interr./resp. on the Trinity and Christ; whether the Father begot the Son by will or necessity; the spirit and soul in Christ. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 16, using: Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IX-X), f. 22r-24v; Albi, BM 43, f. 22v-24v (the questions are partly in a different order from Paris, BnF, lat. 1008; inc. and expl.: “Dispone mihi fidem tuam quomodo credis? credo patrem et filium – capite tradidit spiritum”).

137. Extorsisti mihi, dilectissimi fili, ut de unitate Trinitatis – cum iustis coeperit reddere (or retribuere) mercedem.





Vigilivs Episcopvs Thapsensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Contra Felicianum Arianum de unitate Trinitatis liber I (dub.). CPL, 808; CPPM, IIA 168. DF, with “Augustinus” and “Felicianus” altercating; inter alia, it defends homousion. ed.: PL, 62, 333-352; PL, 42, 1157-1172 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera). mss: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 22 (B. III. 31), f. 67r-91v; Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671 (78), f. 74v-85v (tit.: “Incipit liber sancti augustini ex disputacione habita cum feliciano arriano”); Laon, BM 135, f. 1v-13v; Laon, BM 136, f. 38r-49r; Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 19, p. 245263 (tit.: “Concertatio sancti augustini episcopi contra felicianum”); Sankt Gallen, SB 140, p. 107-178 (tit.: “Incipit altercatio Augustini et Feliciani Arriomanitae”); Troyes, BM 2405, f. 3r-14r.

138. Fidei symbolum et Dominica oratio pro tota lege paruulis ecclesiae – omnem scripturarum coarctari latitudinem. Isidorvs, Sententiarum libri tres, I, xxi. EF: the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer express in brief form all of Scripture. ed./mss: P. Cazier, CC SL, 111, p. 73, using twelve mss of s. VIII or s. IX and the ed. of Arévalo, Isidori opera omnia (= PL, 83, 586-587). For the mss and their descriptions, see Cazier’s introduction, p. lxii-lxxiv). add. ms: Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 91, f. 106v (separate from the Sententiarum; tit.: “De simbulo et oratione”).

139. Fidem meam catholicam, quam in ecclesia Christi didici – incolumem Christus Dominus custodiat. Amen. Lvllvs Archiepiscopvs Magvntinvs, Professio fidei ante ordinationem. PF c. an. 780. On its sources, see Levison, England and the Continent, p. 233-238. ed./ms: Levison, p. 238-240, using the ed. of Falckenheiner, Geschichte, 2, p. 165-167, who used a ms at Marburg: Marburg, Hessisches Staatsarchiv, “Cartulary of Fritzlar”, s. XV, and using Lull’s sources: the Nicene Creed, the PF of Gregory Thaumaturgus (n. 388); the Libellus fidei of Pelagius (n. 39); and the Creed of Toledo XI (n. 30). MGH Conc. II Suppl. 2 (Harald Wiljung), p. 24 sq.

140. Fides autem catholica quam me secundum sanctorum patrum doctrinam retinere profiteor ac firmiter credere haec est. Confiteor





itaque sanctam perfectam ueramque Trinitatem – uenturus est iudicare uiuos et mortuos et saeculum per ignem. Amen. Professio fidei. PF of a bishop before his ordination, perhaps s. VIII (Morin, ‘Textes inédits’, p. 511-512). This text is partly the same as n. 135. It makes large use of the Athanasian Creed. edd./mss: Brewer, Das sogenannte Athanasianische Glaubensbekenntnis, p. 185-186, using Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 42v-43v. Morin, ‘Notice sur un manuscrit’, p. 487-488, using Roma, BN, Sessor. 52 (2096), f. 165r-v (s. XIex.) (= Burn, An Introduction, p. 161-162). add. mss: Einsiedeln, SB 27, f. 43v-46r; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 387, f. 45r-46v; Verdun, BM 27, f. 108r-110v.

141. Fides conscripta apud Nicaeam a recte credentibus episcopis trecentis decem et octo: Credimus in unum Deum – (see n. 201). *142. Fides, quae a patribus nostris exposita est, cuncta breuiter conprehendit – perpetuas luet poenas. Commentarius in symbolum icaenum. Perhaps s. IV2/2, northern Italy (Turner, EOMIA I, 2, p. 329, 353-354. Lengthy CNIC. ed./ms: Turner, p. 330-347, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1997, f. 137r-152r.

*143. Fides, quae in hoc symbolo – (see n. 24). 144. Fides religionis catholicae lumen est animae, ostium uitae, fundamentum salutis aeternae – memoria retineat, uita custodiat. Ps. Evsebivs Emesenvs (“Gallicanvs”), Homilia 2: De symbolo (2). CPL, 966/sermo 2; CPPM, IB 4626. CAP. Source: Faustus of Riez, De Spiritu Sancto. ed./mss: J. Leroy – Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 101, p. 113-126, using eleven mss, of which two are Carolingian: Saint-Omer, BM 97, f. 132v-134v (incompl.); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 131, f. 43r-50r (erroneously given as 43v-50r).

145. Fides unius substantiae Trinitatis, hoc est, Patris et – uirtus et unitas Trinitatis.





Ps. Evsebivs Vercellensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs / Ps. Athanasivs, Expositio fidei sancti Augustini episcopi. CPPM, IIA 196. EF on the Trinity; it frequently uses innascibilis, as in the creed of Toledo I (n. 53). ed./ms: V. Bulhart, CC SL, 9, p. 115-118, using six mss, of which one is Carolingian: Milano, BA I. 101 sup., f. 75v (incompl.), and the editions of Sichard, Antidotum, who entitles the text “Ps. Eusebius Vercellensis, De Trinitate, Liber X”, and Chifflet, Vigilii opera, who entitles the text “Ps. Eusebius Vercellensis, De Trinitate, Liber VIII” (= PL, 62, 285C-288B). add. ms: León, Archivo Catedral 22, f. 5v-7v (at the end of the acts of the Council of Cordoba of 839, as the PF of the bishops).

146. Filii mei dilectissimi ad animarum pabulum – (see n. 86). 147. Firmissime tene et nullatenus dubites – (see n. 131). 148. Firmum [fi]dei est fundamentum principaliter credere Patrem – aut seruatae fidei merces erit sempiterna laetitia. fvlgentivs Episcopvs Rvspensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Ep. ad Faustinum, frag. CPL, 817a and cfr CPPM, IIA, 152. In the Migne editions this text = Fulgentius, De fide ad Petrum (n. 131), c. 45 (this chapter has not been considered genuine). EF on the Trinity and two natures of Christ. edd./mss: J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91A, p. 627-629, using four mss, of which one is Carolingian: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 34v (incompl.; tit.: “Item sancti fulgentii sermo excerptus de epistula ad faustinum”; expl.: “omnis de corde nostro humanus timor atque pauor abscedat. et cetera”); the ed. of Molanus, Opera Diui Fulgentii, p. 486-489; and the ed. of Quesnel, S. Fulgentii opera, p. 532-533 (who took the text from the ed. of Molanus). PL, 40, 778-780; PL, 65, 706D-708C (inc.: “Vere firmum fidei est”).

149. Flauiano episcopo Constantinopolitano Leo urbis Romae episcopus – (see n. 195). 150. Frater Martinus exigit litteras – uera lux, impassibilis perseuerabit in Christo? Agnellvs Episcopvs Ravennatensis, Ep. de ratione fidei ad Arminium.





CPL, 949; EF against the Arians (inter alia, treats the question whether the Father begot the Son by necessity or will, and truly or putatively; compares the Trinity to the inseparability of a voice, a word, and its efficacy; compares the unity of the Father and the Son to a river and its source). edd./mss: Huhn, ‘Der Agnellus-Brief’, p. 112-118 (with a German translation), using Fulda, Dommuseum Bonifat. 2, f. 34r-39r. PL, 68, 381D-386A (= Sichard, Antidotum, using an unidentified ms from Trier, acc. to Huhn, p. 105-106). The text formerly existed in Roma, BN, Sessor. 77 (on its place in the ms, see Huhn, p. 103).

*151. Fratres, credite in Deum Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. Credite et in Iesum – et cum uerbis et operibus sanctis, auxiliante et gubernante Domino nostro Iesu Christo, qui cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto uiuit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Pirminivs Abbas, Sancti Pirminii abbatis de singulis libris canonicis scarapsus, frag. from the end. On the author, see Bouhot, ‘Alcuin’, p. 180. Partial CAP (on the resurrection of the flesh and the Last Judgment), and a long exhortation on obeying Christian precepts and doing good works. The text has been found only within the Scarapsus. edd./ms: Caspari, Anecdota, p. 151-193, using Einsiedeln, SB 199, p. ? (p. 461-510 = the entire Scarapasus). PL, 89, 1046-1050. add. ms: Albi, BM 40, f. 36r-42r (distinguished in the Scarapsus by the decoration of the first letter, and by large letters in the incipit).

152. Garriunt quidem, sicut audio, quidam de existimatione – (see n. 306). 153. Gennadius Massiliensis episcopus, de fide disputans, inter caetera dixit: Credimus unum esse – (see n. 65). *154. Graece etenim symbolum latine collatio dicitur. Hanc igitur fidei catholicae normam – symboli sacramenta tenentes fideliter custodiant. (without tit. in ms). CAP-type within a Carolingian exposition on baptism. ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 53, p. 600-601, using Paris, BnF, lat. 2796, f. 57r-v.





155. Gratia uobis et pax a Deo Patre et Spiritu Sancto adsistat et abundet – gloria praepararet, cui gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Ambrosivs, Exhortatio ad neophytos de symbolo. CPL, 178; CPPM, IA 138. On the author, see Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 1, p. 203. Morin, ‘Pastor et Syagrius’, p. 390-393, proposes Syagrius, a fifth-century Spanish bishop, as the author. CAP-type. edd./mss: Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 187-195, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 30v-32r (attrib. to Ambrose) and two mss of Vienna. Emended by B. Fischer in PLS, 1, 606-611; on col. 599 he identifies erroneously the Vienna mss as Wien, ÖNB 664 (s. XIV) and Wien, ÖNB 305 (s. XV). Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 410-422, using additionnally Reims, BM 295, f. 18v-21v. add. mss: Westra: Wien, ÖNB 1471, f. 223v-226r (s. XIV); Wien, ÖNB 4602, f. 335v-337r (s. XIV/XV); Paris, Bibl. Mazarine 627, f. 29v-31r (s. XIII).

156. Haec est autem post apostolorum symbolum certissima fides, quam doctores nostri tradiderunt, ut profiteamur Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum unius essentiae, eiusdem potestatis et sempiternitatis – tota fidei credulitas amittitur. Isidorvs, De ecclesiasticis officiis, II, xxiv (“De regula fidei”). EF on the Trinity and the person of Christ, followed by various doctrines on the goodness of creation, the origin of the soul from nothing, love of God and neighbor, sin, marriage, rebaptism, penance, grace, temporal goods, the resurrection of the flesh, and the eternal damnation of Satan. ed.: C. Lawson, CC SL, 113, p. 99-102; Zimpel, Hrabanus Maurus, p. 422424 (= De institutione clericorum, 2. 57); PL, 101, 1284-1286 (= Ps. Alcuin, Liber de diuinis officiis, 57). ms: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 19r-v (tit.: “Regula fidei sancti ysidori episcopi).

157. Haec est fides catholica quam exposuerunt – (see n. 158). 158. Haec est fides, quam exposuerunt patres, primum quidem aduersus Arium – non similiter quaestionem de haeresibus habuissent (= recension of Mansi). Dionysivs Exigvvs, Annotatio ad symbolum icaenum (uncertain).





On the author, see Mansi, Sacrorum conciliorum collectio, 2, col. 665. Brief EF on the historical context of the Nicene Creed. edd./mss: Mansi, 2, col. 665, using a “cod. Luc.”, s. XI, in which the Nicene Creed immmediately follows the text. Maassen, Geschichte, p. 3940, who gives two recensions, one of the Collectio Quesnelliana and the Collectio canonum Theodosii Diaconi (= Roma, Bibl. Casanatense 378 + Verona, BC LX [58]), which is the same recension as that of Mansi given above; the other of the Collectio Veronensis incompleta (= Verona, BC LIX [57]), Collectio Hispana [chronologica], and Collectio Vaticana (Vat. lat. 1342), inc. and expl.: “Haec est fides, quam exposuerunt – non similiter inquisitionem de haeresibus habuerit”, which is different in specifying the heresies, namely, of Sabellius, Photinus, Paul of Samosata, the Manichees, Valentinus, and Marcion. add. mss: Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 148v (inc. and expl.: “Haec est fides, quam exposuerunt patres nostri primum quidem aduersus arrium – conscripta in synodo nicena secundum propheticam et euangelicam et apostolicam ‘credimus in unum deum’”; this recension has many differences from Mansi, and it is not followed by the Nicene Creed); Wien, ÖNB 1032, f. 83r (frag., up to “congregati episcopi CCCXVIII”, followed by the Nicene Creed; it has differences from Mansi and Paris, BnF, lat. 2341). (Paris, BnF, lat. 2076, s. X, f. 50v.)

159. Hucusque, fratres dilectissimi, de Deo Patre – dignetur adducere, cui est gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 238. De symbolo. II. CPL, 368/sermo 238; CPPM, IA 1023. Written in the region of Milan, s. VImed., perhaps by a bishop (Lambot, ‘Le florilège’, p. 76-80; Bouhot, ‘Note sur trois sermones’, p. 137-141). Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 1, p. 190, note 2, says the author is not Faustus of Riez, and that to the Benedictines it recalls Ps. Augustine, Sermo 118 (on the incarnation), which they think might be by Vigilius of Thapsus. Partial CAP-type: a commentary on the single verse “et in Iesum Christum Filium eius, qui natus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria uirgine”, against Apollinarius and Arius. ed./mss: Sobrero, Anonimo Veronese, p. 91-97, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 92r-93v; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 29v-30r; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 70v-72v; Verona, BC LIX (57) (s. VI-VII), f. 119v-124r; a ms of S. Remigius of Reims acc. to the ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, 5, Append. 238 (= PL, 39, 2185-2187), who call it “uetustissimus remigianus”, s. IX? (on this ms, see Lambot, p. 80, note 3; it is not Reims, BM 295, which also contains the text; in all these mss the text is attrib. to Augustine and is preceded by n. 227 and





followed by n. 226); five post s. IX mss; the ed. of Amerbach, Sermones S. Augustini, 193; the ed. of Erasmus, Augustini opera, 10, 193; and the ed. of the Louanienses theologi, Augustini opera, 10, 193;

160. Humani enim generis causa Dei Filius natus ex uirgine – (see n. 386). 161. Humani generis saluator ac Dominus discipulos suos docens ait: on est uoluntas Patris uestri – (the PF itself begins:) Credo igitur in unum Deum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum: Patrem scilicet omnipotentem, sempiternum, ingenitum; Filium uero – iustissimo iudicio traditurum. Haec est igitur fides mea et spes, que in me dono misericordie Dei est, pro qua maxime paratos esse debere beatus Petrus apostolus praecepit ad respondendum omni poscenti nos rationem. Nunc conuenit excellentiam uestram – Incolumem excellentiam uestram Deus noster custodiat, Domine fili gloriosissime atque excellentissime. Pelagivs I Papa, Ep. ad Childebertum I regem. CPL, 1698/1702. PF of Pope Pelagius written an. 557. edd./mss: Gundlach, Epistolae, p. 77-80, using three mss, of which two are Carolingian: Paris, BnF, lat. 2777, f. 40r-41v; Paris, BnF, lat. 3849, f. 46v-50r. In all three mss the text is part of the Collectio ecclesiae Arelatensis (see Maassen, Geschichte, p. 767-771). Pitra, Spicilegium Solesmense, 4, p. xii-xiv, using Leiden, BR, Voss. lat. Q. 122, f. 36r-37v (frag., inc. and expl.: “Credo igitur in unum deum patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum – iustissimo iudicio traditurum. haec est igitur fides mea et spes quae in me dono misericordiae dei est; pro qua maxime paratos esse debere beatus petrus apostolus praecepit ad respondendum omni poscenti nos rationem”; the ms continues with profession of belief in the four universal councils; the letters of popes, etc.; Pitra assigns all the material in Voss lat. Q. 122, f. 36r-39r [in his ed., p. xii-xvi], to Pope Vigilius, on his succession to the papal chair, an. 537, without giving strong reason; but if it was written by, or used by, Pope Vigilius, then Pope Pelagius simply borrowed from his predecessor’s confession of faith). add. ms: Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 178v-180r, frag. (it begins as the Leiden ms, and after the text it continues as the Leiden ms does, although not quite as far as the Leiden ms).

162. Idcirco huius symboli ratio – (see n. 343). 163. Igitur Leuuigildas rex Agilarem legatum – in Spania est regressus (= recension of Paris, BnF, lat. 1451).





Gregorivs Episcopvs Tvronensis, Libri historiarum X, excerpts (= 5, cc. 43-44 and 6, cc. 5, 40). DF (against Agilan, an Arian; Chilperic and his Sabellian notions; a Jew; and Oppila, an Arian legate from Spain). ed./mss: Krusch – Levison, Gregorii libri historiarum X, p. 249-254, 268272, 310-313, using many mss of the Libri historiarum and also Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, f. 11v-15v (erroneously they give 11r-15v), in which it is separate from the Libri historiarum. They also list ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 10. B. 4 (olim 9), which formerly had the text between f. 1-30. add. ms: Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127, f. 16r1-20r2.

164. In Christo alia est natura deitatis secundum quam a Patre – in Christo intellegatur homini unita. Paschasivs Radbertvs / Ps. Hieronymvs, Ep. 9 ad Paulam et Eustochium de assumptione beatae Mariae uirginis, excerpts. CPPM, IIA 858 (excerpts). On the author, see Ripberger, Der Pseudo-Hieronymus Brief. EF on the two natures and one person of Christ, especially on his nativity from the Virgin Mary. The excerpts are not disposed in the order they appear in the epistle; the text is composed with care. ed.: Ripberger, p. 57-113, edits the entire letter, using eight mss, of which two are Carolingian: Paris, BnF, lat. 18168; and Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 318 (= CC CM, 56C, p. 109-162). ms: Zürich, ZB, Rh. 102, f. 70v-80r (tit.: “Sancti hieronimi presbiteri de christo quod uere filius dei et uere filius hominis ex duabus naturis inconfuse consistat una in sancta trinitate persona”).

165. In Dei nomine Felix, olim indignus episcopus, domnis in Christo fratribus Emani presbytero – et uitium excluderet uetustatis. Felix Episcopvs Orgellitanvs, Confessio fidei. PF of Felix of Urgel at the Council of Aachen c. an. 799/800. See de Abadal y de Vinyals, La batalla, p. 144-151, on its Adoptionism context. The text clarifies Christ’s true Sonship in both natures (“non alius Dei Filius et alius hominis filius, sed Deus et homo, unicus Dei patris uerus et proprius filius, non adoptione, non appellatione, nuncupatione, sed in utraque natura, ut dictum est, unus Dei patris, secundum apostolum uerus ac proprius Dei filius credatur”); repeats a large part of the Nestorian Sym-





bol (n. 130); and gives a series of testimonies of the fathers (Cyril of Alexandria, Pope Gregory I, Athanasius, Gregory Nazianzus, Pope Leo I). ed./ms: Werminghoff, Concilia, p. 221-225, using Reims, BM 385, f. 154r-158r.

166. In Deutheronomio: Audi, Israel, Dominus Deus tuus unus est – et ad noui Testamenti mediatorem Iesum. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Testimonia de Patre et Filio et Spiritu Sancto or Florilegium Fuldense. CPL, 386.; CPPM IIA 46 (Ps. Ambosivs) S. V; Africa. DF (a florilegium of sentences from Scripture against the Arians). ed./ms: De Bruyne, ‘Un florilège’, p. 203-208, using Fulda, Dommuseum, Bonifat. 2, f. 47v-53v; he corrected his ed. in CC SL, 90, p. 227-233 (on p. 226 he notes that the text formerly existed in Roma, BN, Sessor. 77, acc. to the list of contents on f. 2v of this now mutilated ms: “Item eiusdem [sc. Ambrosii] testimonia de patre et filio et spiritu sancto”).

167. In Euangelio secundum Matthaeum facta est uox de caelo dicens: Hic est Filius meus dilectus. Hilarius in VI libro de fide dixit – Vos autem, quem me esse dicitis? Respondit unus pro omnibus… (incompl.). De adoptione (tit. in ms), frag. EF; an explanation of Christ against the Adoptionists; Hilary of Poitiers and Alcuin are cited by name. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 17, using München, BSB, Clm 15813, f. 102v (incompl.).

168. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Sancto incitante Spiritu – (see n. 317). 169. In nomine sanctae Trinitatis. Quamuis enim in huius exsilii aerumnosam caecitatem – mereamur ad illud peruenire regnum cuius nullus est finis. Amen. Alcvinvs, De fide sanctae et indiuiduae Trinitatis ad gloriosum imperatorem Carolum magnum Deo deuotum libri tres. CSLMA, II, ALC 28; CPPM, IIA 191. Heavily based on Augustine, De Trinitate. Lengthy EF; lib. 1-2 are on the Trinity; lib. 3 is on the incarnation, the two natures of Christ, the last days,





the resurrection of the flesh, the final Judgment, and eternal beatitude. Written c. an. 801. ed.: PL, 101, 13-54 (= ed. of Forster, Alcuini opera). mss: See CSLMA, p. 135-137, which lists twenty-seven Carolingian mss (of which six are fragments or incompl.).

170. In primis, omnibus communiter fidelibus et infidelibus – cui est gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. In nomine dei summi. EF, the sermon follows the outline of the creed; it quotes phrases from both the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. ed./mss: McNally, ‘Seven Hiberno-Latin Sermons’, p. 139-140, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 212, f. 21r-v (without tit.) and Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 220, f. 38v-40r (tit.: “In nomine dei summi”). add. ms: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1716, f. 23r-v.

171. In primis, qualis sermo sit in symbolum capite, diligenter aduertite, et quale principio incohetur, sollicitia pertractate. Ergo, in primo habet credo – et speci communione… (incompl.) Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 242. De symbolo VI: Ad competentes, excerpt. CAP, = Sermo 242 (n. 254) beginning in the middle of c. 2 and ending in the middle of c. 4 (up to “sanctorum communionem”). ed.: PL, 39, 2192, line 35-2193, line 21. ms: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CCXXIX, f. 55r-57r (tit.: “Incipit expositio symbolum”; the final words are at the top of f. 57r; the remainder of the page is blank; there are many small differences from the PL ed.).

172. In primo sermone huius operis et multa et fortiora quaedam etiam horum, o amice Candide – sic Iesum Christum Filium, sic Spiritum Sanctum. Amen. Marivs Victorinvs Afer, Ad “Candidum” Arrianum or Aduersus Arium libri quattuor ad Candidum Arrianum (tit. = Sichard, Antidotum). CPL, 95. Lengthy EF on the Trinity and Christ. On Alcuin’s use of the text in his De fide (n. 169), see Bullough, ‘Alcuin and the Kingdom of Heaven’, p. 63, and Hadot, ‘Marius Victorinus’, p. 5-19).





edd./mss: P. Henry – P. Hadot, CSEL, 83, 1, p. 54-277, using Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1684 (s. IX-X), f. 2v-93v, and the ed. of Sichard. Locher, Marii Victorini Afri opera, p. 32-167, using the same ms and the editions of Henry – Hadot, Sichard, and Wöhrer, Candidi ad Marium.

173. In resurrectione ex mortuis sexus – ad poenam conuertantur aeternam. Gennadivs Presbyter Massiliensis, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus, frag. (= cc. 43-45). See n. 58 for the entire work of Gennadius. A brief EF on the gender of bodies in the resurrection and where the souls of saints and sinners go before the resurrection. ed.: Turner, ‘The Liber ecclesiasticorum dogmatum’, p. 97. The first part of the text = the last chapter of the Capitula S. Augustini, ed. Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 85A, p. 272-273, using Carolingian mss. mss: Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, f. 11r (preceded by n. 58, cc. 10-19; tit.: “Sententia de can“); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127, f. 15r. (Formerly ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 9 [10. B. 4] contained the text.)

*174. Cap. XXXVII. In symbolo firmitas, et quaedam est separatio – totius fidei robur amittitur. Ildephonsvs Episcopvs Toletanvs, Liber de cognitione baptismi, frag. (= cc. 37-96). CPL, 1248 (frag.). CAP-type, not found apart from the Liber de cognitione baptismi. ED./MSS: CCSL, 114A, p. 374-403 (=cc. 37-96) using: Paris, BnF, lat. 1686, f. 63r-101r (=entire work), and León, Archivo Catedral 22, f. 16rb (frag. of c 49). For earlier editions, see p. 340-342.

175. In terris uisus est, et inter homines conuersatus est; et in ipso cognitus est Pater – Domini quo redemit. Cui honor et gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Priscillianvs Episcopvs Abilensis, De Trinitate fidei catholicae (dub. or Ps. Priscillian). CPL, 788; CPPM, IIA 1512. S. IV-V, perhaps by Priscillian, or certainly by one of his first followers (Morin, ‘Traité priscillianiste’, p. 177). Lengthy EF, especially on the oneness of God and the equality of the Father and the Son.





edd./ms: Morin, p. 178-205, using Laon, BM 113, f. 1r-13v (= PLS, 2, 14871507).

176. Incipit confessio uel professio Iudeorum ciuitatis Toletanae in nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi – (see n. 313). 177. Incipit libellum Fausti confessoris, ratio fidei quare Filius modo aequalis Patri modo minor esse creditur quid respondendum – (see n. 285). 178. Incipiunt regulae fidei catholicae contra omnes haereses – sancti Petri faciat, anathema sit. (See n. 53.) 179. Iniunxistis mihi illud fidei – (see n. 275). 180. Inter cetera et ad locum diuinarum Scripturarum testimoniis introducti Patrem et Filium et Spiritum, tres personas – homo, rete, lapis, Dominus, Deus, omnia Christus. Amen. Diligentia Armonii et Honorii de libris canonicis. CPL, 1757; CPPM, IIA 110. Spanish, s. VI or IX. Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 121-123, sees it as an antipriscillianist work. EF, on the Trinity and thirty-two names of Christ in the Scriptures. The first part (from the second sentence up to “et ideo Deus Pater omnipotens”) = the close of Ps. Augustine, Sermo 239 (n. 226). On the names “Armonius” and “Honorius”, see the note of Mabillon repr. in PL, 74, 1243. edd./mss: Künstle, p. 178-181, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 69v (tit.: “Diligentia beatorum monachorum armonii et honorii de libris canonicis ueteris atque noui testamenti sed etiam confessio fidei catholicae quam breuiter uiro inlustri theofilo direxerunt”). Goldast, Manuale biblicum, p. 71-75, using Sankt Gallen, SB 191 (s. X), p. 111-114. Mabillon, Vetera analecta, p. 27-28 (in 1st ed. = 4, 177-181), using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII (= PL, 74, 1243-1246).

181. Inter Deum et Dominum ita quidam definierunt, ut in Dei appellatione – frater quia primogenitus, Dominus quia unigenitus. Isidorvs, Differentiarum libri duo, 2, 1-6. CPL, 1202 (frag.). EF, on the difference between Deum/Dominum, Trinitatem/unitatem, Pater/Filius/Spiritus Sanctus, essen-





tia/substantia, Filius aequalis/Filius minor, unigenitus/primogenitus. ed./mss: M. A. Andrés Sanz, CC SL, 111A, part 2, p. 7-15, using twentysix mss of s. VIII or s. IX (see p. 3-5), and the ed. of Arévalo, Isidori opera omnia, 5, 1-114 (for Arévalo’s mss, see Díaz y Díaz, Index, p. 28, n. 101). add. ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 66v-68r (tit.: “Item isidori in libro differentiarum”); in this ms the texts seperate from the Differentiarum.

182. Inter personam Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti quid interest – (see n. 135); in this ms the text is seprate from the diferentiarum. 183. Inter personam Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti secernuntur quod Pater nec factus nec natus – (see n. 135). 184. Inter pressuras atque angustias praesentis temporis – Ipse est enim, qui uiuit et regnat cum Deo Patre et cum Spiritu Sancto in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Qvodvvltdevs / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 4, contra Iudaeos, paganos et Arianos. CPL, 404; CPPM, IA 1205, IB 6400. Part of the sermon is a CAP-type addressed to neophytes. The first part is on the renunciation of Satan in baptism; the commentary on the creed includes the statement that the creed will be recited before us at the Last Judgment. ed./mss: R. Braun, CC SL, 60, p. 227-258, using sixteen mss, of which seven are before s. X: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 101 (B. V. 19), f. 2r-16v (beginning lacking); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 35r-41v (attrib. to Augustine); München, BSB, Clm 14746, f. 1r-30r; Paris, BnF, lat. 2150 (s. IX-X), f. 69-77; Reims, BM 296 (E. 381) (frag. on f. 5v-8v, inc.: “Omnes, inquam, conuenio, o iudaei” = Braun, p. 241); Torino, BN Universitaria G. V. 26 (s. VI2/2); Wien, ÖNB 1616, f. 34r-37v (frag., = c. 10-14, “Labia dolosa – qui tollat peccata mundi”); and the ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, 8, appendix, p. 11-20 (= PL, 42, 1117-1130). add. mss: Leiden, BR, Voss. lat. Q. 72, f. 10v-61v; Leiden, BR, Voss. lat. Q. 75, f. 93v-101v (incompl.; the text goes up to most of c. 14, with “dignus soluere” = Braun, p. 246, line 33); München, BSB, Clm 15813, f. 2r-14v; München, BSB, Clm 15818, f. 13r-34v (tit.: “Sermo sancti augustini de trinitate”); Saint-Omer, BM 254, f. 27v-35v; (Arras, BM 731, f. 104r-124v; these folios = s. X).





185. Interrogatio (see the incipit starting with the word after “Interrogatio”). 186. Inuestigatam diutissime quaestionem, quantum nostrae mentis igniculum illustrare lux diuina dignata est – imbecillitas subtrahit, uota supplebunt. Boethivs, Quomodo Trinitas unus Deus ac non tres dii (= Opuscula sacra, 1). CPL, 890. EF, a philosophical treatment of the doctrine of the Trinity using Aristotle’s category of relation to explain the Trinity. ed./mss: Moreschini, Boethius, p. 165-181, using twelve mss, of which ten are s. IX: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 46 (Q. VI. 32), f. 1r-6r (tit.: “ manilii seuerini boetii u. c. et ill. excons. ord. patricii incipit liber quomodo trinitas unus deus ac non tres dii, ad q. aur. memmium symmachum – socerum”) (Moreschini mistakenly calls this Patr. 45 and dates it s. X-XI); Bern, Bürgerbibl. 510 + 517A, between f. 1-40; Firenze, BML, Plut. XIV, cod. 15, between f. 1-29; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 20v-22r (tit.: “Incipit anicii manlii seuerini boetii exconsolatione ordinis patricii de sancta trinitate”); London, BL, Harley 3095, between f. 113v-149v (but s. X1/2, acc. to Bischoff; see description of ms); München, BSB, Clm 18765, between f. 1-75; Napoli, BN IV. G. 68; Orléans, BM 270, between p. 230-324; Paris, BnF, lat. 7730; Paris, BnF, lat. 12949; and using earlier editions of: Glareanus, Boethii opera omnia; Peiper, Boetii Philosophiae consolatio; Stewart – Rand, Theological Tractates, p. 2-30; and Vallinus, Boetii Consolatio philosophiae (= PL, 64, 1247-1256). add. ms: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 206, between f. 72r-101r.

187. Ista suscipio – uel etiam dic mihi – impleamus (see n. 109). *188. Item quomodo credis? Responsio. Credo (in) Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum. Item quomodo credis in Patrem – semper (et) Spiritus Sanctus. De uerbis Graecis baptisterii, quomodo uertantur in latinum, frag. (final part, subtit.: “Item de Trinitate”). EF by interr./resp. on the Trinity, our resurrection, and the difference between the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (using the Athanasian Creed), known only within a baptismal commentary.





ed.: Vogel – Elze, Le Pontifical, 2, c. 111, n. 22 – 28, p. 175-176, using five mss post s. IX, for which see n. 277. ms: Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 323, p. 61-62.

?189. Iterum de beata Maria. Credo eam super angelos et arcangelos – quo sanctificeris, quo credas. Formulae Hispanicae in modum symboli e cod. Rotensi. CPL, 1753. S. VIII (Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 146). Lengthy EF by interr./resp. on the Trinity, Christ, and the Last Judgment. The text contains n. 331. ed./ms: García Villada, Historia eclesiástica, 2, 2, p. 274-280, using Madrid, Bibl. de la Real Academia de la Historia 78 (s. Xex.-XIin.), f. 217r-222v (= PLS, 4, 2148-2155).

190. Iudaei nefaria incredulitate Christum Dei Filium abnegantes – in quibus habitat in aeternum. Isidorvs, De fide catholica (ex uetere et nouo Testamento) contra Iudaeos (ad Florentinam sororem suam libri duo). CPL, 1198. The preface begins: “Quaedam quae diuersis temporibus”. EF/DF; Lib. 1 concerns the divinity of Christ foretold in the Old Testament; Lib. 2 concerns the calling of the Gentiles, the rejection of the Jews, and the Christian sacraments. ed.: PL, 83, 449-538 (= Arévalo, Isidori opera omnia). mss: Angers, BM 277, f. 113r-120r (frag., = Lib. 1, cc. 14-18; the beginning of c. 14 is lacking); Arras, BM 731 (683), f. 1r-77v; Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 101 (B. V. 19) (s. IX-X), f. 17v-80r; Cheltenham, Phillipps B 1325, f. 39-93; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CXII, f. 33r-45r; Laon, BM 405; Lyon, BM 611, f. 39v-89r (incompl. in the end, from Lib. 2, c. 23); Paris, BnF, lat. 2035, f. 150v-216; Paris, BnF, lat. 2326, f. 1r-33v, 34r-79r (= Lib. 1 only, incompl., selected form); Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 176r-188r; Paris, BnF, lat. 2826, f. 4r-61r; Paris, BnF, lat. 2990, f. 81r-148v; Paris, BnF, lat. 13396, f. 1-72; Paris, BnF, lat. 18104 I, f. 1r-47r; Sankt Gallen, SB 255, p. 115-230; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 278, f. 1r-63v; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 279, f. 1-40; Wien, ÖNB 1032, f. 2r-83r; Wien, ÖNB 3093bis (frag.); Würzburg, UB M. p. th. f. 144, f. 2r-77v.

191. Karissimi, accipite regulam fidei quod symbolum dicitur – unus Deus gloriatur in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Sermo in traditione symboli ad catechumenos.





Gamber, CLLA, 390. CAP-type. Prologue = Augustine, Sermo de symbolo ad catechumenos (n. 1). The text appears in the Spanish Liber ordinum. ed.: Férotin, Le Liber ordinum, col. 184-186 (all his mss are post s. IX). ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 2328, f. 124r.

192. Karissimi, beatissimus apostolus Paulus inter cetera diuinae legis praecepta, in epistola sua ad Romanos ita scripsit: Fides ex auditu; auditus autem per uerbum Christi. Propter quod – remissionem omnivm peccatorvm, carnis resvrrectionem, vitam aeternam. Amen. (without tit. in ms) = (title given by Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 3, p. 61, note 104). A sermon on the creed at the ceremony of the traditio symboli, with an Apostles’-type creed at the end. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 18, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CCXXIX, f. 54r-55r. (Caspari does not edit the text, but only refers to the baptismal creed in it.)

193. Laetentur caeli et exsultet terra. Solutus est enim – (see n. 122). 194. Laurentius uir clarissimus partibus et personis in cominus positis dixit – ne fiat iniuria temere Trinitati. Ps. Vigilivs / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Collatio Beati Augustini cum Pascentio Ariano or Altercatio cum Pascentio Ariano. CPL, 366; CPPM, IIA 145/(20), 1691. S. V-VI, Africa. DF; “Augustine” defends the use of the word homousius, not in the divine Scriptures. ed./mss: PL, 33, 1156-1162 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera, who used three mss, “Laudunensi, Arnulfensi, et Corbeiensi”, of uncertain identity). add. mss: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671 (78), f. 85v-89r (not one of the Maurini mss, acc. to Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 147, but an abbreviated form, lacking cc. 1-3; tit. and inc.: “Incipit liber disceptationum sancti augustini episcopi aduersus comitem pascentium arrianum praesente laurentio uiro clarissimo iudice ab utrisque partibus electo. pascentius u c dixit: nec presens prudentissimus augustinus suae fidei”); Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 19, p. 263-270 (attrib. to Augustine); Paris, BnF, lat. 12218, f. 113r-118; Torino, BN Universitaria G. V. 26 (s. VI2/2).





195. Lectis dilectionis tuae litteris, quas miramur fuisse tam seras – ut is qui errauerat, damnata sensus sui prauitate saluetur. Deus te incolumem custodiat, frater karissime. Leo I Papa, Ep. 28 ad Flauianum episcopum Constantinopolitanum (= “Tomus Leonis”). CPL, 1656/ep. 28; CPPM, IIA 4/6a. Some mss have a preface, inc.: “Dilectissimo fratri flauiano (episcopo) leo (episcopus)”; or: “Leo episcopus flauiano episcopo constantinopolitano”; or: “Flauiano episcopo constantinopolitano leo urbis romae episcopus”. DF; against the teaching of Eutyches, Leo explains the operation of the divine and human natures in the one person of Christ by communicatio idiomatum. ed./mss: Schwartz, ACO, II, 2, i, p. 24-33, using forty-four mss, of which the following twenty-six are Carolingian (nearly all are canon law collections): Albi, BM 2; Arras, BM 644 (expl.: “prauitate saluetur contuli”); Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1743 (84); Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1776; Einsiedeln, SB 191; El Escorial, RBSL e. I. 12; Firenze, BML, Aedil. 82; Fulda, Dommuseum, Codex Bonifat. 2, f. 2v-11v (not in a canon law collection); Leiden, BR, Voss. lat. Q. 122, f. 24r-29r; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 58; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 138r-142r (with canonical material); München, BSB, Clm 14540; Novara, BC XXX (66); Oxford, BL, Laud. Misc. 580, f. 13v-18v (not in a canon law collection); Paris, BnF, lat. 1564; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 51v-58r; Paris, BnF, lat. 11611; Paris, BnF, lat. 16832; Roma, Bibl. Vallicell. A. 5; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1342; Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 679; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1997; Verona, BC LVIII; Wien, ÖNB 2141 (s. IX-X); Wien, ÖNB 2147.

196. Leo episcopus Flauiano episcopo Constantinopolitano – (see n. 195). 197. Licet multi et probatissimi uiri diuerso quidem stilo – qui praeesse desiderat, non prodesse. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Dialogus quaestionum 65 Orosii percontantis et Augustini respondentis. CPL, 373a; CPPM, IIA 151 (giving bibliography on its disputed date, s. V, s. IXex., and s. VIIImed.). Freeman, ‘Theodulf of Orléans’, p. 186-187, thinks it is Spanish, perhaps coming to France with Theodulf, who commemorates the Dialogus quaestionum (under the name of Augustine) in the Libri Carolini. Taio, Bishop of Zaragoza (651-683), commemorates the Dialo-





gus quaestionum in his Liber sententiarum. Also, Orosius was a Spanish priest venerated in Spain. EF (similarities with Spanish symbols). Questions 1-11 concern the Trinity (questions 1-12 are also found in Ps. Augustine, De Trinitate et unitate Dei [n. 233]); questions 12-65 explain certain sentences in the divine Scriptures, especially in Genesis. Sources: Ps. Eucherius, In Genesim; Augustine, De Genesi ad litteram and De ciuitate Dei, 19. 19. ed./mss: PL, 40, 733-752 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera, who used: a ms of Corbie [= Paris, BnF, lat. 13373, f. 1r-32v]; a ms of Saint-Mihiel and a ms of Vendôme, both s. XI; four Vatican mss [without giving their date]; and prior editions). A new ed. is being prepared by Gorman; see ‘The Commentary on Genesis’, p. 313, note 126. add. mss: Leiden, BR, BPL 67. F, f. 155r-158v. Gorman, ‘Wigbod’, p. 336337, note 54, lists further Carolingian mss: Albi, BM 42, f. 72v-80r; Bern, Bürgerbibl. 117, f. 266r-270r, perhaps s. IX; El Escorial, RBSL b. IV. 17, f. 61r-87r; Leiden, BR, BPL, 3230; Lyon, BM 611, f. 1r-31v; Madrid, BN 10018 (olim Toledo, Biblioteca del Cabildo 14-24), excerpts, between f. 181v-189v; München, BSB, Clm 14468, f. 88r-94r (incompl., questions 1-14); München, BSB, Clm 14492, f. 1r-39r; München, BSB, Clm 14500, f. 1r-22r (lacking the final two words, “non prodesse”); Paris, BnF, lat. 2710, f. 1r-6r (excerpts); Paris, BnF, lat. 13187, f. 31r-61v (excerpts); Salzburg, Bibliothek des Stifts Nonnberg, frg. 12, f. 1r-3v (questions 45-61). Gorman does not mention the frag. in Paris, BnF, lat. 2718 (see n. 208).

198. Mihi quidem, fidelissime papa Laurenti, ad scribendum animus tam non est cupidus – liberari uero a confusione et obprobio aeterno, per Christum Dominum nostrum, per quem est Deo Patri omnipotenti cum Spiritu Sancto gloria et imperium in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Rvfinvs Presbyter Aqvileiensis / Ps. Cyprianvs / Ps. Avgvstinvs / Ps. Hieronymvs, Commentarius in symbolum apostolorum or Expositio in symbolum ad papam Laurentium. CPL, 196; CPPM, IIA 143, 555, 840. CAP-type (the creed of Aquileia). ed./mss: M. Simonetti, CC SL, 20, p. 133-182, using nineteen mss, four of which are Carolingian: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 86 (B. V. 13), f. 127v-166v; Köln, Dombibl. 33, f. 2r-28v; Paris, BnF, lat. 13756, f. 143v-189r; Reims, BM 377 (E. 230), f. 81r-108r (attrib. to Augustine). add. mss: BHM, IIIB, n. 514, adds: Sankt Petersburg, Publichnaja Biblioteka, Lat. Q. v. I. 19, f. 1-33v; Torino, BN Universitaria G. V. 26 (s. VI2/2) (many excerpted cc.); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 195, f. 64r-65v





(two excerpts, inc. and expl.: “Ecce mysterium – cum domino erimus” = CC SL, 20, p. 177, line 40 – p. 178, line 56; and “Nonne aperte dicit – et obprobrium aeternum” = p. 179, line 8 – p. 181, line 16).

199. Miror autem cum ex illis nominibus – rectam fidem de Sancto Spiritu mox habebis. Fvlgentivs Episcopvs Rvspensis, Contra Fabianum. CPL, 824. The text consists of 39 fragments of a lost work of Fulgentius (collected by Florus of Lyons, acc. to Charlier, ‘Une œuvre inconnue’, p. 102-103). The fragments address various errors of the Arians regarding the Trinity, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Frag. 36 = CAP-type, inc.: “Christianae fidei symbolum, quod Graeco eloquio”; n. 124 is a retracted excerpt from frag. 36. edd./mss: J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91A, p. 763-866, using: Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 85r-138r; the ed. of Chifflet, Scriptorum ueterum opuscula, index, p. 133-170 (who used Montpellier 308 and two post s. IX mss); the ed. of Sirmond in S. Fulgentii excerpta (who used two post s. IX mss); and the ed. of Sirmond in Fragmenta.

?200. Multa quidem et frequenter ausi sunt Ariani haeretici – deinceps posse teneri. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 236. De fide catholica. IV. CPL, 368/sermo 236; CPPM, IA 1021. The text is essentially the same as Pelagius, Libellus fidei (n. 39), with an added preface and concluding sentence. Partial CAP; it concludes with anathemas of heretical notions regarding souls, the body, God’s commands, marriage, Christ’s human will, future merits and virtues acc. to Jovinian, and free will. ed.: PL, 39, 2181-2183. ms: (Reims, BM 295 [E 380], s. XI, f. 24v-26v.)

201. Multas quidem et graues haereses nouimus – nec initium habet nec finem (or terminum), cuius est honor et gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Gregorivs Episcopvs Illiberitanvs / Ps. Ambrosivs / Ps. Phoebadivs / Ps. Vigilivs Thapsensis / Ps. Gregorivs Nazianzenvs, De fide orthodoxa contra Arianos.





CPL, 551; CPPM, IIA 29, 786, 1450, 1695; The text has been preserved in two versions: (1) to the text were added the acts of the Council of Aquileia of 381; (2) to the text were added a lengthy preface and brief conclusion, tit./inc: “Fides conscripta apud Nicaeam a recte credentibus episcopis trecentis decem et octo: Credimus in (unum) Deum Patrem omnipotentem, omnium uisibilium – (the entire original version of the Nicene Creed follows, then a lengthy prologue:) Amore catholicae fidei – Academicus disputator abscedat. (then the text:) Multas quidem (at the end is added:) Haec qui legis, per Deum obsecro – contra omnes haereses inuicta ueritate oppositum”. Both versions were contaminated by each other (there are four versions in the PL). Lengthy CNIC. edd./mss: Simonetti, Gregorio di Elvira, p. 56-122; for the shorter version beginning “Multas quidem” he used: Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 310, f. 119r-137v (attrib. to Ambrose); Paris, BnF, lat. 2717, f. 77r-107v; three post s. IX mss; and the ed. of Hartmann, Diui Ambrosii opera, 2, 154-157v; for the longer version beginning “Fides conscripta” he used: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CXVIII, f. 75r-93r (attrib. to Gregory Nazianzus); Novara, BC XXX (66), f. 5r-10r, 14r-16v; Oxford, BL, Laud. Misc. 276, f. 71r-80r; one ms post s. IX; and the ed. of De Billy de Prunay, S. Gregorii azianzeni opera, 1, p. 727-736. V. Bulhart, CC SL, 69, p. 218219, says the version beginning “Multas quidem” without the ending “Haec qui legis” is the original form; he does not give a ms edition, but he edits all the printed versions, showing their differences, p. 221-247, using: PL, 17, 549A-568A, 579A-598A (= ed. of Maurini, under the name of Ambrose); PL, 20, 31A-50A (= ed. of Maurini, under the name of Phoebadius); PL, 62, 466-468 (= Ps. Vigilius of Thapsus, Tractatus de fide icaena aduersus Arianos); the 1690 ed. of De Billy de Prunay; and PL, 39, 1969-1971 (= Ps. Augustine, Sermo 113).

202. Multis etiam modis Christus appellari – intellegitur, non natura. Isidorvs, Origines, VII, ii-iv (“De Filio Dei”; “De Spiritu Sancto”; “De Trinitate”). EF. ed.: Lindsay, Isidori etymologiarum siue originum libri XX, 1. ms: Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 68, f. 187r-192v (separate from the Origines).





203. Nanciscere satagenti doctor gentium in fide et ueritate depromsit – gratuita praeueniente ac subsequente gratia, et nunc et per inmortalia saecula saeculorum. Amen. Benedictvs Abbas Anianensis, Forma fidei. CSLMA, I, BENA 14. It is the first work in Benedict’s collection, Munimenta fidei (see n. 16 for the works in this collection). Lengthy EF composed of fifteen “tomi” on the Trinity and on seeing God, followed by a recapitulation and a PF of Benedict containing a large excerpt from the PF of Gregory Thaumaturgus (n. 388). ed./ms: partially by Leclercq, ‘Les Munimenta fidei’, p. 28-53, giving the full text of what he believes is original to Benedict, and only the inc. and expl. of the sources quoted by Benedict, using Paris, BnF, lat. 2390 (s. XI), f. 1v-48r.

204. Necessarium est enim unicuique homini primitus scire – quae praeparauit Deus diligentibus se. Nicetas Episcopvs Remesianensis, Sermo (dub.). Gamber, iceta von Remesiana, p. 176-177, argues for Nicetas as the author of the sermon. Bouhot, ‘Alcuin’, p. 184, note 20, doubts Niceta’s authorship. Partial CAP-type. It contains a large frag. of the Athanasian Creed. It treats in succession: the Trinity, which created all things in six days, our pristine dignity; the fall of Adam and God’s regret to have made us; the flood and Noah’s ark; Isaiah’s prophecy of the annunciation to Mary; Jesus’ baptism and his words about the necessity of baptism (Jn. 3, 5); his crucifixion and water from his side giving us baptism, his burial, descent to hell, resurrection and second coming; the capital sins, the remission of sins; and the virtues and works of mercy. edd./mss: Scherer, ‘Eine lateinische Musterpredigt’, p. 436-441, using München, BSB, Clm 6330, f. 66r-70r, and Wien, ÖNB 515. Gamber, p. 177181, using Wien, ÖNB 515, f. 6r-8v (end illegible). add. ms: Laon, BM 265, f. 176r-180v.

205. Necessarium est, fratres karissimi, unicuique qui desiderat ad regnum caelorum peruenire – iusti uero in gloriam sempiternam.





Ps. Bonifativs, Sermo de recta fide. On the sermons attrib. to Boniface, see Bouhot, ‘Alcuin’, p. 184191 and Hahn, ‘Die angeblichen Predigten’, p. 585-625. EF (partial CAP) on the Trinity (from Gennadius, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus (n. 58), 1; the remission of sins; the Last Judgment; eternal punishment; and the resurrection of all with their bodies. edd./mss: Martène – Durand, Veterum scriptorum collectio, 9, col. 186187 (= PL, 89, 843-845), most probably using: Paris, BnF, lat. 10741, f. 102v-103r; and two post s. IX mss (on the identification of the codices see Bouhot, p. 186, 190). (Giles, S. Bonifatii opera, 2, p. 58-59, reproduced the ed. of Martène – Durand). add. ms: Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 214, f. 119r-120v (incompl. at the very end).

206. Nemo autem cum audit Patrem – (see n. 250). 207. Nestorius dicit: Si quis eum qui est Emmanuel Deum uerum esse dixerit – non discernens dignitatem naturarum, anathema sit. (= Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671). Nestorivs Patriarcha Constantinopolitanvs, estorii blasphemiarum capitula XII (dub.). DF, refuting each of the twelve anathemas of Cyril against Nestorius. edd./mss: Schwartz, ACO I, 5, p. 247-249, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671 [78], f. 119r-120r (tit.: “Incipiunt capitula nestorii heretici blasphemiarum quibus epistulis ad se missis a sancto caelestino episcopo romane urbis et cyrillo episcopo alexandrino contradicunt et disputatione grauissima resoluendo XII capitula fidei que ad se missa fuerant refellit”); the following s. IX mss of canonical collections: Firenze, BML, Aedil. 82; München, BSB, Clm 14008; Roma, Vallicell. A. 5; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1342; Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 679; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 234, f. 39r-45v; and the ed. of Sichard, Antidotum. PL, 48, 909A-923A.

208. …nisi filium? Ipse enim de seipso interrogantibus Iudaeis quis esset – Ideo quaecumque audiet, loquaetur. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Dialogus quaestionum 65 Orosii percontantis et Augustini respondentis, frag. (= questions 1-11). For the entire text, see n. 197. EF; these questions concern whether God is Trinity; if the Holy Spirit is begotten or unbegotten; if the Son and the Holy Spirit are both God, and if





there is one ousion; how the Son called the Father greater than himself; how there are not two Sons; how only the Son became incarnate; whether the Father begat the Son by necessity or will; how to understand the phrase, “the [Father] gave the Son to have life in himself”; how the Holy Spirit is called “sent”; the difference between the birth of the Son and the procession of the Holy Spirit; and how to understand the phrase, “the [Holy Spirit] does not speak from himself”. ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 2718, f. 136r-137v (the first question and the beginning of the response to it is lacking due to mutilation of the ms).

209. Non esse inter creaturas Spiritum Sanctum – omnipotens etiam Spiritus Sanctus. Ps. Ambrosivs, Fides sancti Ambrosii. CPPM, IIA 48. Perhaps written before s. VI in northern Italy or southern Gaul, possibly by Faustus of Riez (Huhn, ‘Eine unedierte Fides’, p. 409-411). EF on the equality of the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son. Source = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto. ed./ms: Huhn, p. 409-411, using Fulda, Dommuseum, Bonifat. 2 (Codex Ragyndrudis), f. 45r-47v (attrib. to Ambrose) (= PLS, 1, 604-606). add. ms: Formerly in Roma, BN, Sessor. 77 (2107) (the ms is now mutilated).

210. Nos credimus Deum in persona Patris creasse mundum, sicut apostolus dixit: Ex quo omnis paternitas – nec in cor hominis ascendit, quae praeparauit Deus diligentibus se. Amen. (without tit. in ms). Brief PF declaring the Father as Creator, the Son as Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as Illuminator and Confirmer of the world. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 19, using Paris, BnF, lat. 2796, f. 102r.

211. Nos Patrem credimus, qui non sit Filius, sed habeat – ipse eiusdem substantiae cum Patre et Filio sicuti eiusdem deitatis. Ps. Lvcifer Episcopvs Calaritanvs, Fides S. Luciferi episcopi. CPL, 118; CPPM, IIA 1193. Brief PF on the Trinity. It is excerpted from Faustinus, Confessio fidei (n. 339) (on the relation-





ship of the two texts, see Simonetti, ‘Note su Faustino’, p. 9298). ed./ms: G. F. Diercks, CC SL, 8, p. 325-326, using Milano, BA I. 101 sup., f. 75r.

212. Nos Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum unum Deum confitemur, ita ut in Trinitate perfecta et plenitudo diuinitatis sit et unitas potestatis. Nam tres deos – Si quis uero hanc fidem non habet, catholicus dici non potest. Qui catholicam non tenet fidem, alienus est, profanus est, aduersus ueritatem rebellis est. Ps. Ambrosivs / Ps. Priscillianvs, Fides S. Ambrosii. CPL, 789; CPPM, IIA 36a. The text is now generally accepted as Priscillianist, acc. to Bullough, ‘Alcuin and the Kingdom of Heaven’, p. 47, note 109. Brief PF, especially on the unity of the Trinity (“Haec unum sunt in Christo Iesu”). The three persons are called three “formae”. edd./mss: Künstle, Antipriscilliana, p. 59-60, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 114v; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 16r (attrib. to Ambrose); Milano, BA I. 101 sup., f. 73v and f. 75r (f. 74 is positioned after f. 75) (attrib. to Ambrose; inc. and expl.: “Nos patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum confitemur. ita ut in trinitate perfecta et plenitudo sit diuinitatis et unitas potestatis. nam tres deus – non tenet fidem alienus est aduersus ueritatem rebellis christian“). Buchanan, ‘The Codex’, p. 542, using Milano, I. 101 sup. PL, 56, 582 (= the Collectio Quesnelliana, 37, inc.: “Nos patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum confitemur, ita in trinitate perfecta, ut et plenitudo sit diuinitatis. Nam tres deos”). Lambeck, Commentariorum libri, 2, p. 268, edits another recension of the text using Wien, ÖNB 1861, f. 5r-v., inc. and expl.: “Patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum confitemur ita ut in Trinitate perfecta plenitudo sit diuinitatis. Pater deus, filius deus – et aduersus ueritatem rebellis”. add. mss: El Escorial, RBSL L. III. 8, f. 10v; Leiden, BR, BPL 67. F, f. 154v; München, BSB, Clm 5508; Paris, BnF, lat. 1455; Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 150r; Paris, BnF, lat. 3836, f. 91v (in the Collectio Sanblasiana); Sankt Gallen, SB 40, p. 332 (attrib. to Ambrose); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 191, f. 77r; five other mss of the Collectio Sanblasiana (in which it immediately follows n. 47): olim Cheltenham, Phill. Coll. 17849; Köln, Dombibl. 213; Lucca, BC 490; Paris, BnF, lat. 4279; Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, SB 7/1; and mss of the Collectio Quesnelliana: Arras, BM 644 [572]; Düsseldorf, UB, Handschriftenabteilung E. 32 [frag.]; Einsiedeln, SB 191 [277]; Paris, BnF, lat. 1454; Paris, BnF, lat. 3842A; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A; Wien, ÖNB 2141 (s. IX-X); and Wien, ÖNB 2147.





add. mss of the recension edited by Lambeck: Brussel, KB 8654-72, f. 108v (attrib. to Ambrose); Paris, BnF, lat. 14085, f. 232r (attrib. to Ambrose); Roma, Casa Madre dei Padri Maristi A. II. 1, f. 107v; Wien, ÖNB 1032, f. 83v (the text is not distinguished from the Nicene Creed [original], which precedes it).

213. Notum uobis facimus quomodo credimus, et inuenimus in diuinis libris. Credimvs in vnvm Devm Patrem omnipotentem, qui creauit omnia et misertus est humano generi. De eo quod unus est Deus – non pepercit Deus, et reliqua. (without tit. in ms). EF; the first part consists of a series of sentences each beginning “De eo quod”. edd./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 20, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CCXXIX, f. 221v-222v. Partly edited by Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ (part 1), p. 182-183 (from, “Petrus dixit: credo in devm patrem” to “Mathias dixit: vitam aeternam. Amen”), using the same ms. Holder, Die Handschriften, p. 527, edits only the last lines, using the Karlsruhe ms.

214. Nubem hanc testimoniorum catholicae fidei – (see n. 16). ?215. Nullus igitur qui sanum sapit omnipotentem Deum – tuaque perfectio ad gloriam et laudem nominis tui per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Ambrosivs / Ps. Evgenivs Toletanvs, De Trinitate seu Tractatus in symbolum apostolorum. CPL, 171; CPPM, IIA 27, 692. S. V-VI, Spanish and antipriscillianist (Künstle, Antipriscilliana, p. 187-191); towards the end of s. VI, Spanish (Díaz y Díaz, ‘De patrística’, p. 19-20). A lengthy EF and partial CNIC and CAP (excerpted phrases from both Creeds); on its sources see Díaz y Díaz, p. 13-20. ed./mss: PL, 17, 537-576 (509A-546D) (= Du Frische – Le Nourry, S. Ambrosii opera, 2, p. 321-344, using an unidentified Vatican Reginensis ms and an unidentified ms of the BnF, acc. to Díaz y Díaz, p. 13, note 33).

216. Omne quod est, aut genitum est aut ingenitum (or aut ingenitum est aut genitum) aut factum – Sed dicis, quomodo si natus non coepit? – conlata credentibus conferebantur. Amen.





Syagrivs Episcopvs Hispanvs / Ps. Hieronymvs, Regulae definitionum contra haereticos prolatae. CPL, 560; CPPM, IIA 936. Concerning the author, see Morin, ‘Pastor et Syagrius’, p. 385-394. Lengthy EF; the beginning is also found in Ps. Ambrose, Tractatus de Trinitate (n. 215), PL, 17, 540C-541A. ed./mss: Künstle, Antipriscilliana, p. 142-159, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 57v-62v (same tit. as in Karlsruhe, below); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 47r-49r (tit.: “Incipiunt regulae definitionum prolatae a sancto hieronimo presbitero contra hereticos); and four post s. IX mss (including Reims, BM 295, s. XI, f. 11v-18v); the ed. of Mai of only cc. 1-3 in Scriptorum ueterum noua collectio, 3, 2, p. 249-251 (= PL, 13, 639-642), who used a detached folio from a Vatican ms of c. s. XI (acc. to Morin, p. 391). Part of Künstle’s ed. is reprinted in PLS, 3, 132-140, beginning with c. 4: “Sed dicis, quomodo si natus”.

217. Omne quod est, aut ingenitum est, aut genitum est, aut factum est – renatum non est, animalia . Cerase opus est (tit. in ms). Very brief EF: how the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, creation, man, and animals are distinct philosophically. The text is an abbreviated form of the first fifteen lines of n. 216. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 21, using Einsiedeln, SB 27, f. 49v-50r.

218. Omne quod fuit, ipsum quod erit, et non est omne recens sub sole – excubent suffragia orationum tuarum ad Iesum Christum Dominum nostrum, cui gloria in saecula saeculorum. Finit. Amen. Deo gratia. Bachiarivs Peregrinvs, De fide or Fides or Libellus de fide or Liber de fide. CPL, 568; CPPM, IIA 390. PF of Bachiarius, perhaps a Spanish monk, in Rome, c. 383-384, against accusations of Priscillianism (Duhr, ‘Le De fide’, p. 5-40 and ‘A propos du De fide’, p. 85-95). See Bouhot, ‘La tradition manuscrite’, p. 73-84, and Mundó, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 287-289, on the relation of the text to Gennadius, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus (n. 58). The first part is on the Trinity and the Holy Spirit; the second part is on the origin of the soul, the devil, the flesh, marriage, penance, the canon of the Scriptures, and fasting.





edd./mss: Muratori, Anecdota, 2, p. 9-26; Moran, Essays, p. 296-303; and Gallandi, Bibliotheca ueterum patrum, 9, 183-202 (= PL, 20, 1019-1036), all using Milano, BA O. 212 sup., f. 8r-14r. Madoz, ‘Una nueva redacción’, p. 463-474, edited a second recension he believes was made in s. V, using Barcelona, ACA, Ripoll 151 (s. XIc. med.), f. 147v-153r, and Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 194 (s. XI), f. 138v-140v (= frag. of second part, p. 468, line 153 – p. 473, line 308, written as a continuation of Gennadius’ Liber ecclesiasticis dogmatibus. The frag. begins and ends: “LXXX. Carnis quoque nostrae resurrectionem – secundum Apostolum qui”//). A frag. of the Vatican recension is contained in a s. IX work, perhaps by Florus of Lyons, Inuectio canonica in Amalarium officiographum: “Omnem scripturam quae ecclesiastico canoni – non debeat peruenire” (edited by Hanssens, Amalarii opera, 1, p. 385, line 29 – p. 386, line 16 [= PL, 20, 1034A, line 2 – 1034B, line 13]; Hanssens used Sankt Gallen, SB 681, s. XI; he believes the Inuectio was composed between 835 and 838; on the frag. in the Inuectio, see Mundó, p. 266-267). add. mss: München, BSB, Clm 52, between f. 3r-5r (frag., = PL, 20, 1035A, lines 7-14; this ms follows the same recension as the Milan ms); München, BSB, Clm 14253 (= direct copy of Clm 52, acc. to Mundó, p. 266), f. 3v has the same frag. as Clm 52; (Troyes, BM 1979, s. XI, f. 30r-35r; lacking the beginning, inc.: “Credimus deum quod fuit et erat, est et erit, numquam aliud”; this ms follows the same recension as the Vatican ms).

219. Omnes catholici tractatores hoc intenderunt secundum Scripturas docere quod Pater et Filius – et ipso sine ullo interuallo temporis dante communiter de utroque procedit. Avgvstinvs, De Trinitate, epitome. CPPM, IIA 120d. EF; the excerpts proceed in the same order as in De Trinitate, giving book and chapter number of the De Trinitate. ed./ms: W. Mountain – Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 50A, Appendix E, p. 592-593, list all the excerpts from De Trinitate in the text, and in Appendix D, p. 571-589, show all the variations from De Trinitate acc. to Boulogne-surMer, BM 51, f. 1r-53r (tit.: “Ex libris beati augustini de sancta trinitate haec collecta sunt”). add. ms: Valenciennes, BM 51, f. 53r-81r (same tit. as Boulogne-sur-Mer, to which the text also is very close).

*220. Cap. III. Omni tempore hoc maxime debent docere sacerdotes in ecclesiis suis: fidem uidelicet sanctae Trinitatis ut omnes homines credant Deum trinum in personis et unum in deitate, Patrem ingenitum, Filium genitum, Spiritum Sanctum ex Patre et Filio procedentem. Deinde ut credant – iusti autem in uitam aeternam.





Capitulum de fide. The text = c. 3 of an anonymous capitulary in thirty cc., perhaps from the province of Reims, s. IX2/2 (the contents of the capitulary are discussed by McKitterick, The Frankish Church, p. 73-74). Brief EF; source = Apostles’ Creed. edd./ms: Werminghoff, ‘Reise nach Italien’, p. 580-587, edits the entire capitulary, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Ottob. lat. 261, f. 130r-135r (inc. and expl.: “Cap. I. presbiteri eclesiarum nouerint se custodes esse animarum et pro commissis plebibus rationem domino reddituros – parrochia festiuitate illius sancti qui ibidem requiescat ab omnibus caelebretur. amen”); the text is on f. 130r-v. MGH Cap. episc. III, p. 123 sq.

221. Omnipotens Deus Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus unus atque trinus. Vnus uidelicet in natura – refertur ad opus iustitiae. Ps. Ambrosivs / Ps. Hieronymvs / Ps. Avgvstinvs, De essentia diuinitatis or De his quae Deo in scripturis sanctis attribuuntur or De essentia diuinitatis atque immensitate (or incommutabilitate) Dei or De uestimentis et membris et actibus Deo attributis or De inuisibilitate et immensitate Dei. CPPM, IIA 35, 172, 205, 863; see CPL, 488 and BHM, IIIA, p. 67, n. 314 for the relation of the text to Eucherius of Lyons: the first and longest part of the text is from Eucherius, Formulae spiritalis intellegentiae, c. 1 (ed. C. Wotke, CSEL, 31, 1894, -6.9, and in PL, 50, 729-737). EF; the first part concerns the human attributes given to God; the second part concerns Christ, his incarnation, death, resurrection and ascension (“quemadmodum in symbolo uniuersi decantant fideles”), and the human soul made in the image of God. ed.: PL, 42, 1199-1208 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera, who used mss “Vaticano” and “Victorinus”, in which the text is attrib. to Augustine and entitled: “De essentia diuinitatis et de inuisibilitate atque incommutabilitate Dei”). mss: Albi, BM 43, f. 1r-15v (tit.: “In nomine domini incipit opusculum de essentia diuinitatis dei et de inuisibilitate atque inmensitate eiusdem”); Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IX-X), f. 34r-49r (tit.: “Incipit opuscula de essentia diuinitatis dei et de inuisibilitatem adque inmensitatem eius et sua pot[estate]”); (Barcelona, BU 228, s. X2/2 or XI, f. 163r-173r; tit.: “Incipit opusculum de essencia diuinitatis dei et de inuisibilitate atque inmensitatem eius”).





222. I. Omnis ergo qui fidem et communionem ab Ario uenientem, et hucusque a nobis retentam – XVII. Quicunque Ariminense concilium non ex toto corde respuerit et damnauerit, anathema sit. Concilivm Toletanvm III, Confessio fidei episcoporum, presbyterorum, uel primorum Gothicae gentis, excerpt (= the first seventeen anathemas). CPL, 1790. DF against the Arians. ed./mss: Díez – Rodríguez, La Colección, 5, p. 78-83 (within the Collectio Hispania; on the mss used, see n. 53). add. ms: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 70r.

223. Omnis qui qualemcumque differentiam facit in substantia Trinitatis et inferiorem Filium dicit a Patre uel Spiritum Sanctum a Filio – contra fidem ueram dicuntur. Amen. Rvfinvs Presbyter Aqvileiensis / Ps. Hieronymvs, Excerpta ii de libro sancti Hieronymi presbyteri, excerpt i (for excerpt ii, see n. 260). CPL, 196a (frag.); CPPM, IIA 942 (frag.). On the author, see Duval, ‘Le Liber Hieronymi’, p. 165 (with whom Meyvaert now agrees, as Duval acknowledges, p. 186). DF: anathematizes those who make a distinction in the substance of the Trinity such that the Son does not see the Father and the Holy Spirit does not see the Son; Arians, Valentinians and Anthropomorphites are also anathematized. edd./ms: Meyvaert, ‘Excerpts’, p. 204-205, using Autun, BM 3, f. 1r-v (tit.: “Excerpta de libro sancti hieronimi presbiteri”. Colophon: “Excerpta de libro sancti presbiteri hyeronimi ad papam gaudentium de his qui falsauit eusebium emisinus et de quibus calumniatur”.). Duval, p. 165, using Meyvaert and Autun, BM 3.

224. Oportet attendere, fratres carissimi, quanta Dei pietas – si autem credideris, aeternis gaudiis insereris; per Christum Dominum nostrum uiuentem et regnantem cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto nunc et semper, et in omnes aeternitates saeculorum saeculi. Amen. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 243. De symbolo. VII. CPPM, IA 186, 1028; IB 4003. CAP-type.





ed.: PL, 39, 2193-2194 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera). mss: Melk, SB 597 (914, Q. 52), f. 112v-114r (attrib. to Ambrose). This sermon is also found “among additions to Collection G [of the sermons of Caesarius of Arles] in some mss” (G. Morin, CC SL, 104, p. 979). On the mss of Collection G, see G. Morin, CC SL, 103, p. lxvi-lxx; of thirteen mss, only two are Carolingian: München, BSB, Clm 6298, and Wien, ÖNB 1556; I have not seen them and do not know from their catalogue descriptions whether they contain the text as an addition to Collection G.

225. Oportet utique, dilectissimi fratres, ut in hac sacratissima obseruatione Quadragesimae sicut corpus – consequi Christo donante mereamini. Amen. Hrabanvs Mavrvs Archiepiscopvs Magvntinvs, Homilia 13: In Dominica V quadragesimae: In traditione symboli. CPPM, IA 1441. Largely = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 242 (n. 254) with an added prologue and conclusion and some substitutions (not simply additions, as Étaix indicates in ‘Le recueil’, p. 130, n. 13). CAP addressed to catechumens and their sponsors. edd./ms: Caillau, Collectio selecta, vol. 131, p. 483-486, using Firenze, BML XVII, 41 (s. XII), f. 212v-213r (separate from the Homiliary of Hrabanus). PL, 110, 27-29 (= ed. of de Pamèle – Heirat – Colveneere – de Henin, Hrabani Mauri opera, 5, p. 580-626, from an unknown ms, today lost, acc. to Étaix, p. 125). add. ms: Würzburg, UB M. p. th. f. 80, f. 32r-36v (of the mss of Hrabanus’ homiliary listed by Étaix, p. 125-126, only the Würzburg ms contains Homilia 13 and is Carolingian.

226. Ordinem symboli, fratres dilectissimi, in quo totius fidei nostrae sacramenta consistunt – unum esse dicamus Deum, cui est honor et gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 239. De symbolo. III. CPPM, IA 1024. Written in the region of Milan, s. VImed., perhaps by a bishop (Lambot, ‘Le florilège’, p. 77, 79, and Bouhot, ‘Note sur trois sermones’, p. 138). Partial CAP, treating only the phrase “[Credo] in Spiritum Sanctum”. ed./mss: Sobrero, Anonimo Veronese, p. 99-103, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 93v-94v; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 30r-v; Montpellier BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 72v-74r; a codex of S. Remigius of Reims, acc. to the ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, who used this ms, which they call “uetustissimus remigianus”, s. IX? (it is not Reims, BM 295, which also





contains the text); Verona, BC LIX (57) (s. VI-VII), f. 124r-126v; (in all of these mss the text is attrib. to Augustine and preceded by n. 227, 159); four post s. IX mss; the ed. of Amerbach, Sermones S. Augustini, 194; the ed. of Erasmus, Augustini opera, 10, 194; the ed. of the Louanienses theologi, Augustini opera, 10, 194; and the ed. of the Maurini, 5, Append., p. 239 (= PL, 39, 2187-2188). Lambot, p. 80, found the sermon in a homiliary “de provenance africaine et acclimaté en Campanie (Cassin 17 et Naples 14)”; these mss are s. XI and s. XII.

227. Ostendimus, fratres dilectissimi, ut uestra certe dilectio recordatur – studium perficere dignetur, cui est honor et gloria cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 237. De symbolo I, ac de deitate et omnipotentia Patris. CPPM, IA 1022. Written in the region of Milan, s. VImed., perhaps by a bishop (see n. 159 and 226 for references to its origin). Partial CAP, treating the word “omnipotentem”. ed./mss: Sobrero, Anonimo Veronese, p. 85-89, using Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 91r-92r; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 29r-v; Montpellier BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 69v-70v; a codex of S. Remigius of Reims, acc. to the ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, who used this ms, which they call “uetustissimus remigianus”, s. IX? (it is not Reims, BM 295, which also contains the text); Verona, BC 57 (LIX) (s. VI-VII), f. 117v-119v; (in all of these mss the text is attrib. to Augustine and precedes n. 159, 226); nine post s. IX mss; the ed. of Amerbach, Sermones S. Augustini, 192; the ed. of Erasmus, Augustini opera, 10, 192; the ed. of the Louanienses theologi, Augustini opera, vol. 10, 192; and the ed. of the Maurini, 5, Append., p. 237 (= PL, 39, 2183-2184).

228. Pascentius uir clarissimus dixit: nec praesens prudentissimus Augustinus suae fidei – (see n. 194). 229. Pater Deus, Filius Deus, Spiritus Sanctus Deus. Haec unita substantia – conuersationem aduenit in nos Spiritus Sanctus. Amen. Ps. Hieronymvs, Libellus de Trinitate. CPL, 1749; CPPM, IIA 941. S. VII (Caspari, Anecdota, p. xxvxxvi); s. VII or rather s. VI (O. Faller, in CSEL, 79, 1964, p. 33*). EF; the first part is on the Trinity against the Arians, the second part concerns the two natures of Christ. ed./ms: Caspari, p. 308-311, using Milano, BA D. 268 inf., f. 1v-2r (= PLS, 4, 2144-2145, and Hahn, Bibliothek, p. 351-353).





230. Pater genuit Filium Deum, mater uero hominem simul et Deum – id est diuinitatis et humanitatis. (without tit. in mss). Brief EF. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 22, using Merseburg, Dombibl. 103, f. 43r-v and Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IX-X), f. 21v-22r.

231. Patrem et Filium et Spiritum – rebellis. (See n. 212.) *232. Patris tamen et Filii et Spiritus Sancti diuinitas est una, aequalis gloria, maiestas coaeterna – minor Patri in humanitate. Isidorvs, De ortu et obitu patrum, interpolated recension, excerpt (= part of a chapter entitled “Iesus Christus”). EF; the text consists of a variation of an excerpt from the Athanasian Creed on the equality of the three persons of the Trinity. On the interpolated recension of De ortu et obitu (= PL, 83, 12751294), see Díaz y Díaz, Index, p. 29, n. 103, note 29. ed./ms: Morin, ‘Textes inédits’, p. 508-509, using Colmar, BM 39, f. 29v-30v (= PLS, 4, 1522-1523); in this ms the interpolated recension of De ortu et obitu patrum (f. 1r-60v) has undergone further retouches and additions.

?233. Personam geniti Filii principium Geneseos euidenter ostendit – Vbi autem non est sapientia Dei? etc. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Liber de Trinitate et unitate Dei or Collatio de Trinitate. CPPM, IIA 171. EF (in the ed., in five cc.): cc. 1-2 and part of c. 3 = an abbreviated and transformed version of Ps. Augustine, Dialogus quaestionum 65 Orosii percontantis et Augustini respondentis (n. 197), questions 1-12 (on the relationship of the text to the Dialogus, see Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 184, note 2); cc. 3-4 are on the Holy Spirit; cc. 4-5 = a shortened and interpolated form of Augustine, Contra sermonem Arianorum (PL, 42, 683-708). ed.: PL, 42, 1193-1200 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera; their mss are not identified).

234. Petrus: Credo in Devm Patrem – Thomas: Carnis resvrrectionem, vitam aeternam.





Symbolum uel Fides apostolorum. The text consists of the Apostles’ Creed, with each verse attributed to an apostle. It is nearly the same text as n. 235 and in n. 213, and in Ps. Pirminius, Scarapsus (PL, 89, 1034); on the differences, see Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ (part 1), p. 183. edd./mss: Partly (abbreviating the text of the Apostles’ Creed) by Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 3, p. 252-253, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 13v (tit.: “Incipit symbolum uel fides apostolorum”) (= Hahn, Bibliothek, p. 103-104). Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 359-360, using two mss of the Collectio uetus Gallica: Stuttgart, Württ. Landesbibl. HB. VI. 113 and Stuttgart, Württ. Landesbibl. HB. VI. 112 (s. X), and giving the variants of Einsiedeln, SB 199; Paris, BnF, lat. 1603; and Paris, BnF, lat. 13408; the form is the same as in Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, with a few minor differences; Mordek believes the Stuttgart mss represent a very old, hitherto unknown version of the Apostles’ Creed from the Scarapsus; see Mordek’s notes for the relation of the text to that in Ps. Pirminius’ Scarapsus. (Jecker gives a critical ed. of the version in the Scarapsus in Die Heimat des hl. Pirmin, p. 41, using: Einsiedeln, SB 199; Paris, BnF, lat. 1603; and Paris, BnF, lat. 13408.)

235. Petrus dixit: Credo in devm patrem – Mathias dixit: Carnis resvrrectionem et vitam aeternam. Amen. Expositio symboli. See n. 234 on the description of the work. ed./ms: Bouhot, ‘L’origine apostolique’, p. 163, note 12, using Troyes, BM 804, f. 69r.

236. Petrus dixit: Credo in Devm Patrem – Thaddaeus dixit: Carnis resvrrectionem. Mathias dixit: vitam aeternam. Amen. (See n. 213.) *237. Post apostolicum symbolum certissima fides quam magistri ecclesiarum crediderunt – eterna ipse Christus erit. De credulitate. The text = one chapter of an anonymous Carolingian exposition on baptism; it is a contracted form of n. 238. EF on the Trinity and partial CAP-type. ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 28, p. 401-402, using Orléans, BM 116, f. 9r-v. add. ms: Torino, Biblioteca Reale, Varia 141, f. 119v-120r.





*238. Post apostolicum symbolum certissima fides quam magistri ecclesiarum tradiderunt – post baptismum praedicamus. Leidradvs Episcopvs Lvgdvnensis, Liber de sacramento baptismi, c. 5 (“De credulitate”). EF; the first part = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis II, xxiv, 1-2a, “De regula fidei”, with small differences; the second part = CAP-type. (N. 237 = contracted form of the text.) ed./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 25, p. 364-366, using four mss, two of which are Carolingian: Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IX-X), f. 98v-99v (inc.: “Certissima fides quam”); Paris, BnF, lat. 12262, f. 138v-139r; (and Barcelona, BU 228, s. X2/2 or XI, f. 146v-148r; tit. and inc.: “De credulitate apostolorum simbolum. certissima fides quam”).

239. Post concilium Nicaenum, quod in urbe Roma concilium congregatum est a catholicis episcopis, addiderunt de Spiritu Sancto. Et quia postea is error inoleuit, ut quidam ore sacrilego auderent dicere Spiritum Sanctum factum esse per Filium: I. Anathematizamus eos qui non tota libertate proclamant – et substantiam eandem sine dubio credamus ut aeternam attingere mereamur ad uitam. (= Version in PL, 13, 358-364.) Damasvs I Papa, Ep. 4 ad Paulinum Antiochenum episcopum or Confessio fidei. CPL, 1633/Ep. 4. Written before 380. It is found in many works and canonical collections, with many diverse readings (see Maassen, p. 232-239, on its different forms in canonical collections). DF consisting of twenty-four (or twenty-five) anathemas against those who hold errors of the Arians, Sabellians, Macedonians, Photinians, and other errors. edd./mss: Turner, EOMI, I, 2, p. 284-294, using twenty-five mss and the ed. of Feu-Ardent, Conflictus, p. 567. Twenty-four of the mss are Carolingian or pre-Carolingian (almost all are canonical collections): Arras, BM 644 (572, f. 124v-?; Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1743 (84, f. 38v-?; Firenze, BML Aedil. 82, f. 87r-88r; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 13v-14r (not in a canonical collection); Köln, Dombibl. 33, f. 107v-109v (not in a canonical collection); Köln, Dombibl. 212 (c. 600), f. 84r-?; Köln, Dombibl. 213, f. 137v-?; Lucca, BC 490, f. 266v-?; Milano, BA S. 33 sup., f. 152r-154v (alt. foliation = f. 153r-155v); München, BSB, Clm 6243, f. 13r?; Paris, BnF, lat. 1564, f. 21r-?; Paris, BnF, lat. 3836, f. 89v-?; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A, f. 136r-?; Paris, BnF, lat. 12097 (s. VI), f. 89r-?; Roma, Bibl. Vallicell. A. 5, f. 235v-?; Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, SB 6/1, f. 13v-?; Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, SB 7/1 (s. VII-VIII), f. 138r-?; Toulouse, BM





364 + Paris, BnF, lat. 8901 (s. VII), f. 72v-?; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1322, f. 9v-?; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1342, f. 100r-?; Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 679 (olim XIV. 52), f. 137r-?; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 574, f. 15r (frag.); Wien, ÖNB 2141, f. 90r-?; Würzburg, UB M. p. th. f. 146, f. 26v-27r (incompl., = Turner, p. 284-287, line 65). PL, 13, 358-364 (among the letters of Pope Damasus, tit.: “Ep. 4: Confessio fidei catholicae quam papa Damasus misit ad Paulinum Antiochenum episcopum”). Klaus-D. Daur, CC SL, 25A, p. 170, line 2158 – p. 173, line 2232 (= Arnobius Iunior, Conflictus cum Serapione, Lib. 2, c. 32), using five mss and the ed. of FeuArdent (repr. in PL, 53, 319-322). Three of the five mss are Carolingian: Augsburg, Bischöfliche Ordinariatsbibl. 13 (s. IX/X); Paris, BnF, lat. 12269; and Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 505. W. Jacob – R. Hanslik, CSEL, 71 (1952), 518-522 (= Cassiodorus, Historia ecclesiastica tripartita, Lib. 9, c. 16), using Sankt Petersburg, Publichnaja Biblioteka, Lat. F. v. I. 11, and two post s. IX mss. PL, 69, 1134-1136 (= Cassiodorus). PL, 56, 686-691 (= Collectio Quesnelliana, c. 55, second part; Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 239240, gives a list of mss of the Collectio Quesnelliana, of which eight are Carolingian: Arras, BM 644 [572]; Düsseldorf, UB, Handschriftenabteilung E. 32 [frag.]; Einsiedeln, SB 191 [277]; Paris, BnF, lat. 1454, f. 140v-141v; Paris, BnF, lat. 3842 A; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A; Wien, ÖNB 2141 [s. IXX]; and Wien, ÖNB 2147. add. mss (all are canonical collections): ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 9 (= 10. B. 4 [olim 9]) (have not seen); München, BSB, Clm 5508; Paris, BnF, lat. 1451; Paris, BnF, lat. 1455; Paris, BnF, lat. 4279; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 575 (s. IX-X), f. 87v; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127 (have not seen); Wien, ÖNB 411.

240. Praesenti lectione percipimus: Si quis uult post me uenire – non dubites praeparatos. Ps. Evsebivs Emesenvs (“Gallicanvs”), Homilia 34 (33): Homilia de Trinitate generalis. CPL, 966/sermo 34 (33); CPPM, IB 4651. EF, especially on the Holy Spirit against the Macedonians. edd./mss: Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 101, p. 387-393, using eight mss, two of which are Carolingian: Brussel, KB 1651-52 (1316), f. 30v-32v; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 131, f. 130v-133v. La Bigne – Despont, Maxima bibliotheca, 6, p. 653 (= PLS, 3, 629-633, (where it is entitled “Sermo 33. De Trinitate generalis”)).

241. Prima eorum obiectio est, qua dicunt impossibile esse Deum Patrem – et nusquam potuerint creatum ostendere. Ps. Vigilivs Thapsensis, Solutiones obiectionum Arianorum.





CPL, 812; CPPM, IIA 1696. DF; in the first part the author responds to objections that the Father, incorporeal and invisible, is able to beget from his substance; that the Son, if he is sempiternal, can be begotten; and that the same substance can be both unbegotten and begotten. ed.: PL, 62, 469-472, incompl. (= Chifflet, Vigilii opera, who edited only the beginning of the work, up to “sed a Patre subsistit”). mss:; New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Glazier Collection G. 33, s. IX, f. ?-134r; Oxford, BL, Canonic. Script. eccl. lat. 112, f. 106r-112r; SaintMihiel, BM 28, f. 136r-143v.

*242. Primo omnium credendum est atque omnibus generaliter praedicandum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum – uitam consociandi aeternam. Radvlfvs (Rodvlfvs) Episcopvs Avaricensis, Capitularium, excerpt (= cap. 1). The text is an excerpt made by Radulf from the Capitularia Ansegisi, I, 76 (Brommer, Capitula episcoporum, p. 234, note 12). Brief PF. ed./ms: Brommer, p. 234-235, using eight mss, of which none contains cap. 1 and is Carolingian except possibly Paris, BnF, lat. 614A, f. 67v.

243. Primum apud Hebraeos Dei nomen – (see n. 14). 244. Primum omnium, filii carissimi, uenientes ad fidem – (see n. 133). 245. Primum omnium qualis fuit tua – (see n. 257). 246. Primum requirendum est quid in se rationis ipsum symboli nomen habeat. Apud ueteres symbola uocabantur – quanta largietur aeterno. Ps. Favstvs Reiensis / Ps. Evsebivs “Gallicanvs”, De symbolo or Tractatus S. Faustini de symbolo. CPL, 977; CPPM, IB 4695, 4753; IIA 723 [Add.]. CAP-type (inter alia, the phrase “sanctorum communionem” confounds those who say the ashes of the saints and friends of God should not be held in honor and who do not believe the sacred tombs of the martyrs should be venerated). Sources: Ps. Eusebius Emesenus





(“Gallicanus”), Homilia 9 (n. 335), who used Faustus; perhaps other works of “Faustus” (Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 257260). edd./ms: Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 101B, p. 829-834 (= Eusebius “Gallicanus”, Sermones Extrauagantes, Sermo 2), using Albi, BM 38 bis, f. 52v-55r (CPPM, IB 4753 erroneously has f. 52v-53r) (tit.: “Incipit tractatus s. fausti [corrected from faustini] de simbolo”), and the ed. of Caspari, p. 262-280, who used the same ms (Caspari is repr. in PLS, 3, 541-545).

247. Pro modulo aetatis rudimentorumque nostrorum – Christianus fidelis agnoscitur. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 214. De symbolo. CPL, 284/sermo 214. CAP-type; dictated or composed by Augustine c. an. 412 as an exemplar for young priests, to whom he confided the tradition of the creed to the catechumens (Verbraken, ‘Le sermon CCXIV’, p. 7-9). ed./mss: Verbraken, p. 14-21, using the ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera (= PL, 38, 1065-1072), who used: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 21, f. 139v-144v; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 80v-85r; a ms of St Remigius of Reims, perhaps s. IX (it is not Reims, BM 295); and two post s. IX mss.

248. Interrogatio: Pro quid Christus Filius Dei non de simplice uirgine – sed de uxore generatum. (See n. 3.) 249. Profitemur nos credere indiuisibilem sanctam Trinitatem – et mortuos iudicandos uenturum, cuius regni non erit finis. (= PL, 87, 1265B-1267B.) Mansvetvs Episcopvs Mediolanensis sev Damianvs Episcopvs Ticinensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Expositio fidei. CPL, 1171; cfr CPPM, IA 1808. PF of the Synod of Milan of 679 against the Monothelites (Morin, ‘Textes inédits’, p. 512). edd./ms: PL, 87, 1265B-1267B (it follows a letter entitled: “Ep. Damiani sub nomine ‘Mansueti’ Mediolanensis archiepiscopi ad Constantinum imperatorem” (= CPL, 1170; the letter in PL, 87, 1261-1265, is repr. from Fabricius, Bibliotheca latina, who obtained the letter “ex uetustissimis membranis quae apud nos sunt, ‘De fide catholica’”). Mai, oua patrum bibliotheca, 1, p. 463-464, and Scriptorum ueterum noua collectio, 7, p. 161162, edited the first part of the text, up to: “ideo et unus est Dominus”,





using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5755 (s. XI) (= PL, 13, 651-654; this form has many different readings from PL, 87, 1265B-1267B). add. mss: Verdun, BM 27, f. 112v-118r (not attached to the letter of ‘Mansuetus’); the following mss contain the text following the letter of ‘Mansuetus’, included in an appendix to the Collectio canonum Cresconii: Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 233, f. 131r-133r; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1347, f. 71v-72v; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 579, f. 103r-104v; (Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 423, f. 64v, has only the beginning of the letter of ‘Mansuetus’ and not our text, due to loss of folios); Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Helmst. 842, f. 87r-88r.

250. Promisimus primo tractatu nos de omnibus quae per ministerium nostrum – non uult mundatos iterum sordidari. Huic gloria et honor cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Maximvs Tavrinensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Tractatus iii de baptismo, Tractatus ii, or Sermo de mysterio baptismatis. CPL, 222; CPPM, IA 1118; IB 5931. The greatest part of this sermon to the catechumens is on the creed they recite at their baptism. Partial CAP-type, beginning with the words “Nemo autem cum audit Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum”. edd./mss: Sobrero, Anonimo Veronese, p. 118-124, using Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671 [78], f. 96r-98r; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 76r-78r; a codex of St Remigius of Reims, acc. to the ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera, who used a ms they call “uetutissimus remigianus”, s. IX? (it is not Reims, BM 295); Verona, BC LIX (57) (s. VI-VII), f. 134r-139r (attrib. to Augustine; in this ms it is sermo 6 of an anonymous homiliary of northern Italy, s. V-VI); three post s. IX mss; the ed. of Sirmond, Sermones noui, Append., p. 455-465 (Sirmond found Tractatus i-iii attrib. to Augustine in a ms of Fleury [= the Berlin ms] and in a “uetustissimo codice Remigiano” of Reims); and the ed. of the Maurini, 6, Append., p. 289 (= PL, 40, 12091212). PL, 57, 775-778 (= ed. of Bruni, S. Maximi Taurinensis opera; Bruni says (PL, 57, 763-764) he found Tractatus i-iii attrib. to Maximus of Turin in three “antiquissimis codd.”: (1) “abbatiae olim S. Dalmatii”; (2) “de Appannis”; and (3) “Maioris ecclesiae Taurinensis”; a description of these mss, s. XI; s. IXex. or X; and s. XI, respectively, is reprinted from Schoenemann, Bibliotheca, 2, 618-642, at PL, 57, 197-198, numbers 3o, 4o, and 1o, respectively.

251. Quaedam quae diuersis temporibus – (see n. 190).





252. Quaeri solet quare Dominus post resurrectionem suam discipulis apparens dixerit: Pax uobis, et non potius – diuisio deitatis non admittitur ut unitas Trinitatis intellegatur. (without tit. in ms). EF. Source = Ps. Augustine, De unitate sanctae Trinitatis (n. 98). ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 23, using Paris, BnF, lat. 2373, f. 4r.

253. Quaero, an Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus de diuinitate substantialiter praedicentur – si poteris rationemque coniunge. Boethivs, Vtrum Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus de diuinitate substantialiter praedicentur (= Opuscula sacra, 2). CPL, 891. EF. ed./mss: Moreschini, Boethius, p. 182-185, using twelve mss, of which ten are s. IX: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 46 (Q. VI. 32), f. 6r-7r (tit. = same as in Karlsruhe (see below), except it has “ad ianuarium diaconem” for “ad ioannem diaconum”) (Moreschini mistakenly calls this Patr. 45 and dates it s. X-XI); Bern, Bürgerbibl. 510 + 517A, between f. 1-40; Firenze, BML, Plut. XIV, cod. 15, between f. 1-29; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 22r (tit.: “Anicii manlii seuerini boetii uiri clarissimi et inlustrissimi exconsulis ordinis patricii ad ioannem diaconum utrum pater et filius et spiritus sanctus de diuinitate substantialiter praedicentur”); London, BL, Harley 3095, between f. 113v-149v (but s. X1/2, acc. to Bischoff; see description of ms); München, BSB, Clm 18765, between f. 1-75; Napoli, BN IV. G. 68; Orléans, BM 270, between p. 230-324; Paris, BnF, lat. 7730; Paris, BnF, lat. 12949; and using earlier editions of: Glareanus, Boethii opera omnia; Peiper, Boetii Philosophiae consolatio; Stewart – Rand, Theological Tractates, p. 2-30; and Vallinus, Boetii Consolatio philosophiae (= PL, 64, 1299-1302). add. ms: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 206, between f. 72r-101r.

254. Quaeso uos, fratres karissimi, ut nobis reserantibus expositionem symboli adtentius audiatis. Quae doctrina symboli uirtus est sacramenti, illuminatio animae, plenitudo credentium – ac bonis actibus conseruetis. Hunc breuem sermonem de uniuerso symbolo uobis debitum reddidi – sed sub hac breui forma fidelibus confitendum et profitendum est. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 242. De symbolo. VI. Ad competentes. CPL, 368/sermo 242; CPPM, IA 1027. The sermon concludes (from the words “Hunc breuem sermonem”) with the genuine Augustine Sermo 212 (n. 376). C. an. 500, Gallican (Madoz, Le





Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 44, note 1, who says Morin communicated to him that the sermon was preserved in liturgical books of Autun and Burgundy since at least s. VII, and included in “Collection G” of the sermons of Caesarius of Arles, a collection perhaps made by Caesarius himself). See CPPM, IA 1027 on the sermon being a sermon of Faustus of Riez retracted by Eusebius “Gallicanus”. CAP-type. edd./ms: PL, 39, 2191-2193 and (for the conclusion) PL, 38, 1060. Mohlberg, Missale, p. 9-10, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 493 (= Missale Gallicanum uetus), f. 14r-18v, edits a slightly different form of the text than in the PL; it is incompl., due to loss of folios (tit.: “Incipit expositio symboli”; inc. and expl.: “Fratres dilectissimi, uirtus est sacramenti inluminatio animae, plenitudo est credendi in eo – credo in filivm eivs. aduertite quomodo in patrem, sic et in filium sit credendum; et qui cum patre//”). In many small differences from the PL, it agrees with the excerpts of Sermo 242 in n. 349. add. mss: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 28r-29r (attrib. to Augustine); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CCXXIX, f. 55r-57r (frag.; see n. 171); Laon, BM 265, f. 182r-183v, 168r-v (the order of the text is changed in one part, and the end is shortened, expl.: “non dubia mente praesumite, donante illo qui regnat cum patre et filio et spiritu sancto in saecula saeculorum. amen”); München, BSB, Clm 6298, f. 61r-63v; Paris, BnF, lat. 2123, f. 17r-21v (with large differences from the PL ed., including the addition of an excerpt from Isidore and the Apostles’ Creed with each verse attrib. to an apostle); Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 37v-43r (with the same differences as in Paris, BnF, lat. 2123); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 191, f. 47v-49r (same expl. as Laon, BM 265); (I have not seen Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Helmst. 496a, f. 15r-21v, inc.: “Quaero uos”).

255. Quaeso uos, fratres karissimi, ut nobis reserantibus expositionem symboli adtentius audiatis – quod in hunc modum incipit: Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem et caetera. Nosse debemus et nouimus, fratres carissimi, quod ad ueram nemo potest recte beatitudinem peruenire, nisi per fidem – sed ad aeternam uitam resurgamus per Christum, dominum ac redemptorem nostrum, uiuentem et regnantem per omnia saecula saeculorum. Ps. Avgvstinvs / Ps. Beda, Expositio beati Augustini episcopi super symbolum or Homilia 5: (aliter: De fide). CPL, 365; CPPM, IA 1852, IB 4002. This sermon begins with the identical introduction as Ps. Augustine, Sermo 242 (n. 254). CAP-type (it omits the phrase “carnis resurrectionem”).





edd./mss: Caspari, Anecdota, p. 290-292, using Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl. Q. XI. 24 (incunabulum) and München, BSB, Clm 23817 (partly incunabulum). He edits only the part after the introduction, beginning “Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem et caetera. Nosse debemus”, because the introduction is identical to Ps. Augustine, Sermo 242 (n. 254) (repr. in PLS, 2, 1361-1363) Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 426-431. add. ms: Melk, SB 597, f. 110v-112v.

256. Quaeso uos, fratres carissimi, ut nobis reserantibus expositionem symboli – scientia ueritatis demonstratur. Sermo antequam symbolum traditur (tit. in ms). EF; a florilegium of excerpts from Ps. Augustine, Sermo 242 (n. 254) and from Isidore, and from a text in which each of the verses of the Apostles’ Creed is attrib. to an apostle, but without their names (“Vnus dixit – alius dixit – tertius dixit”). ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 24, using Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 141, f. 3v-4v.

*257. Qualiter confiteris Deum Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum in Trinitatem et unitatem? Confiteor Trinitatem – cum Spiritu Sancto in Trinitate perfecta. Capitularium: Qualiter requirendi sunt sacerdotes secundum canonicam institutionem, frag. EF; = the great part of a capitulary (the entire capitulary begins: “Primum omnium qualis fuit tua natiuitas”), consisting of questions on the Trinity, the divinity and humanity of Christ, baptism, and the resurrection of the flesh. Source = the Athanasian Creed. ed./ms: Vykoukal, ‘Les examens du clergé’, p. 85-86, using Paris, BnF, lat. 1012, f. 27v-29r. add. ms: (Barcelona, BU 228, s. X2/2 or XI, f. 158r-v; the ms contains the entire capitulary.)

258. Quamuis enim in huius exilii aerumnosam caecitatem – quia Patrem habet qui eum genuit. Alcvinvs, De fide sanctae et indiuiduae Trinitatis libri tres, frag. (= Lib. 1, c. 1 up to the first part of c. 14). EF, covering the topics: faith; the unity of the Trinity; how some things are said substantially, some relatively, about God;





the Holy Spirit; whether Father and Son are substantial or relative names; the necessity to discern what is said substantially or relatively; God not greater in the three persons than in one person; how in God nothing is said acc. to accident; how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same in substance; what is proper to each; some works suit certain of the Persons; the Trinity not separable in nature or in persons; the Father unbegotten, the Son begotten, the Holy Spirit neither begotten or unbegotten. ed.: PL, 101, 15-22A (see n. 169 for the entire De fide of Alcuin). ms: Laon, BM 445, f. 93r-95r (following the frag., the remainder of f. 95r is blank).

259. Quando beatum legimus – (see n. 95). 260. Quantum ad meam propriam sententiam – anathema sit in ista regula fidei. Rvfinvs Presbyter / Ps. Hieronymvs, Excerpta ii de libro sancti Hieronymi presbyteri, excerpt ii (for excerpt i, see n. 223). CPL, 196a (frag.); CPPM, IIA 942 (frag.). DF; it anathematizes those who deny the unity of the Trinity, or deny that all three Persons see one another, or deny the Son of God is true man, or deny the resurrection of the flesh. edd./ms: Meyvaert, ‘Excerpts’, p. 205, using Autun, BM 3, f. 13r (tit.: “Item excerpta ex libro s. hieronymi cuius est supra”). Duval, ‘Le Liber Hieronymi’, p. 165-166, using ed. of Meyvaert and Autun, BM 3.

261. Qui aut nunc primum in ecclesiasticis erudiuntur dogmatibus – (see n. 130). ?262. Qui credit in Christo et sequitur eum ad ueram ducentem uitam – simul cum Domino (or Christo) uiuamus; cui gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Nicetas Episcopvs Remesianensis / Ps. Origenes, Competentibus ad baptismum instructionis libelli vi or Libelli instructionum (ad catechumenos; ad competentes), excerpt (= Libellus v: De symbolo). CPL, 647 (frag.); CPPM, IIA 2810 (frag.). CAP-type. edd./mss: Caspari, Anecdota, p. 341-360, using five mss (s. XII, from the same exemplar) that contain the text only partly: Göttweig, SB 26 and





27; Kremsmünster, SB (s. n.); Sankt Florian, SB 23; and Wien, ÖNB 768, f. 1r-3r; Vaticano, BAV, Chigi A. VI. 184 (s. XIV); and a frag. of the text commemorated in other works. Mai, Scriptorum ueterum noua collectio, 7, p. 332-339 (erroneously under the name of Niceta of Aquileia), using the same Chigi ms (his ed. = PL, 52, 865-874). Burn, iceta, p. 38-52, using: Göttweig, SB 97 (s. XII); Heiligenkreuz, SB 122 (s. XII); Kremsmünster, SB 313 (s. XIex.); London, BL, Royal 7. C. II (s. XIex.); München, BSB, Clm 5916 (s. XV); Sankt Florian, SB 74 (s. XI); Vaticano, BAV, Chigi A. VI. 184 (s. XIV); Wien ÖNB 768 (s. XII); (all except the Vatican Chigi ms and the London ms are incompl., ending in the middle of c. 10 of its 14 cc.). Burn also edits separately, p. 53 (“frag. 7”) an excerpt of the text in Rouen, BM 469 (s. XI/XII) on the immortality of the soul. Gamber, iceta von Remesiana, p. 115-122 (= Instructio ad competentes libri sex, 5, sermo 3), using the editions of Burn, Caspari, Mai (= PL, 52, 865-874), and Braida, S. icetae opuscula duo.

263. Qui episcopus ordinandus est, ante examinetur si natura prudens est, si docibilis, si moribus temperatus, si uita castus, si sobrius, si semper sui negotii – patrum definitionibus adquiescat. Statuta ecclesiae antiqua, Prologue. CPL, 1776 (frag.). PF; what a bishop ought to confess about the faith before he is ordained. On the similarities between this text and Gennadius, De ecclesiasticis dogmatibus (n. 58), see Munier, ‘La profession de foi’. edd./mss: C. Munier, CC SL, 148, p. 164-166, using the editions of Crabbe, Concilia, 1, 256; Ballerini, S. Leonis opera, 3; and González, Collectio, and nineteen mss, all Carolingian or earlier, and all canon law collections, except Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, f. 11r-v (a frag. of another recension of the text within the Collectio S. Mauri in this ms is on f. 64v), in which the text is separate from the Statuta ecclesiae antiqua. The text appears in the Collectio uetus Gallica, V, 4 (where it is attrib. to the Statuta), edited by Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 384-386, using eleven Carolingian mss and two post-Carolingian mss, all different from those used by Munier. It also appears in the Collectio Heroualliana, VII, and see Mordek, p. 122-123, on its appearance in the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana and the Concordia canonum Cresconii. Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 42-43, edits a large frag. of a variant form of the text (where it is separate from the Statuta) in Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1681, f. 276r-v (s. X/XI). add. mss: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1743 (84), f. 20. A different form of the text is contained within the Collectio librorum duorum, Lib. 2, Prologue, in the following three mss: Basel, UB N. I. 6, Nr. 9, f. 2r-v (frag., beginning and end of text lacking, inc.: “…confirmans totamque in trinitate deitatem coessentialem – expl.: episcoporum maximeque metropolitani autoritate





uel presentia ordinetur//”); Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. lat. 452, f. 91v; and Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 407, f. 32r-33r. The greatest difference of the Collectio librorum duorum recension is the addition of two phrases: (1) “Deus et homo unus et uerus filius et hominis filius uerus et proprius” and (2) “Si unam sanctam et ueram credit ecclesiam esse catholicam, unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum omnium praeteritorum et ueram omnium hominum resurrectionem”. The Collectio librorum duorum has not been edited. Dold, ‘Alte Väterfragmente’, p. 243-244, edited the Basel frag. (The Basel frag. and Vat. Reg. lat. 407 agree fairly closely acc. to Reynolds, ‘The Pseudo-Augustinian Sermo de conscientia’, p. 311). Another variation of the text, although only a frag., is in n. 55; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127, f. 15r2-16r1 (inc. = “Ante examinetur si natura”). This ms, as well as ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 9 (= 10. B. 4 [olim 9]), also contain the Collectio S. Mauri, but I do not know if they have the same fragment within the Collectio S. Mauri as Paris, BnF, lat. 1451.

?264. Qui in principio erat, intra se concludit omne principium – in caelo sursum et in terra deorsum. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 234. De fide catholica II. CPL, 368/sermo 234. Consists of 7 cc., of which cc. 1-5 = Ps.(?)Faustus of Riez, Liber de ratione fidei (n. 285), frag. (= CSEL, 21, p. 453, line 8 – p. 457, line 13), and cc. 6-7 = Ps. Vigilius, De Trinitate (n. 381), 6, two excerpts. EF, it concerns: the two nativities of Christ; how Christ acted now as God, now as man; how Christ is both less than and equal to the Father; the divinity of Christ; how to respond to those who say the Holy Spirit is a creature; those who confess the catholic faith acquiring its blessing; those who confess false beliefs acquiring curses. ed.: PL, 39, 2177-2180.

?265. Qvicvmqve homo vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia, id est super omnia, opvs est, id est necesse est, vt teneat, id est retineat uel intelligat, catholicam, id est uniuersalem, fidem, id est credulitatem – quando reddet uniquique secundum opera sua. Expositio fidei catholicae (tit. in ms). CAT. ms: (Milano, BA M. 79 sup., s. XI-XII, f. 33r-34r.)

266. Qvicvnqve vvlt esse salvvs, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem, qvam nisi qvisqve integram in-





violatamqve servaverit, absqve dvbio in aeternvm peribit. Ideo apostoli symbolum constituerunt. Primus Simon Petrus dicit: Credo in Devm Patrem – Quicumque inuocauerit nomen Domini, saluus erit. Sermo de symbolo. CPL, 1762. EF (not a CAT), containing: an Apostles’ Creedtype text with each verse attrib. to an apostle; an explanation of the Trinity including some phrases from the Nicene Creed; a definition of the word symbolum from Isidore; the explanation of the creed in the traditio symboli in the Gelasian Sacramentary; and Augustinian comparisons of the Trinity to material examples (a river, a tree, the sun, fire). edd./mss: Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ (part 2), p. 133-135, using: Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 212, f. 13v-15r; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 220, f. 23v-26r (and Roma, BN, Sessor. 52, frag., s. XIex.). (= PLS, 4, 2163-2164.) Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 519-525, using additionally Vaticano, BAV, Reg. lat. 316 (iuxta Mohlberg) partim; Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 38v-39r. add. ms: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1716 (49), f. 5v-15r.

267. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Catholica dicitur uniuersalis; et quid uniuersalis – unde nos Dominus pro sua pietate eripere dignetur. Haec est fides catholica, id est uniuersalis. Nam nisi qvisqve fideliter et firmiterqve crediderit, salvvs esse non poterit. Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum (“Commentarius Parisiensis”). CAT. ed./ms: Ommanney, Early History, p. 376-386, using Paris, BnF, lat. 1012, f. 59v-66r (tit.: “Incipit fides chatolica cum expositione”).

268. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem, et cetera. Neqve confvndentes personas, sicut Sabellius errauit, quia omnimodo tres personae sunt, sicut in historia conprobatur ueteris Testamenti: Faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram, et cetera – passvs, sicut per filium Abraham exemplum posuit olim, hoc expleuit postea, quia non uenit legem soluere, sed impleret… (incompl.) (without tit. in ms). CAT.





ms: Fulda, Hessische LB Aa 2, f. 203v-204r (incompl.).

269. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Fides dicitur credulitas siue credentia. Catholica uniuersalis dicitur, id est recta, quam uniuersa ecclesia tenere debet. Ecclesia dicitur congregatio Christianorum siue conuentus populorum. Vt vnvm Devm in Trinitate – aliter dicit ‘uiuos’ iustos et ‘mortuos’ peccatores. ad cvivs adventvm omnes homines resvrgere habent cvm corporibvs svis et redditvri svnt de factis propriis rationem. Et qvi bona egervnt ibvnt in vitam aeternam, qvi vero mala in ignem aeternvm. Haec est fides catholica, qvam nisi qvisqve fideliter firmiterqve crediderit, salvvs esse non poterit. Venantivs Fortvnatvs Episcopvs Pictaviensis, Commentarius Fortunati (in symbolum Athanasianum) or Expositio fidei catholicae (dub.). CPL, 1747; CPPM, IIA 39, 1641. CAT. ed./mss: Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. 28-39, using fourteen mss, of which ten are Carolingian: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Lit. 131 (A. II. 53; Burn erroneously has A. II. 16), f. 117v-125v; München, BSB, Clm 14508, f. 71r-75r; München, BSB, Clm 19417; Oxford, BL, Junius 25, f. 108r-112r; Zürich, ZB, C. 78 (451), f. 123r-127v (s. IX or c. 900); Paris, BnF, lat. 2826, f. 142r-145v; Sankt Gallen, SB 27, p. 692-700 (= a different recension); Sankt Gallen, SB 241, p. 172-178 (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 88, erroneously thinks it is not the Commentarius Fortunati); Wien, ÖNB 1032, f. 83v-86r (incompl.); Zürich, ZB, C. 78 (451), f. 123r-127v (s. IX or c. 900). add. mss: Einsiedeln, SB 27, f. 27v-32v (acc. to Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 225-227, but it has a different beginning, inc.: “Qvicvmqve vvlt salvvs esse, id est uoce et intellectu, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem, id est uniuersalem quam uniuersa ecclesia tenere debet”); Fulda, Hessische LB Aa 2, f. 196r-200v (incompl. at the very end); Laon, BM 288, f. 6r-15r; Merseburg, Dombibl. 103, f. 13r-18v; (Milano, BA M. 79 sup., s. XI-XII, f. 36v-38v, the only ms in which the text is attrib. to Fortunatus, acc. to Haring, p. 226, note 8); Paris, BnF, lat. 18104 I, f. 68v-72r (lacking the final two sentences, expl.: “factis propriis rationem”); (Haring erroneously lists Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 212, f. 13v-14v and Vat. Pal. lat. 220, f. 23v-26r; these mss contain n. 266); Verdun, BM 27, f. 97r-108r; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 91, f. 115v-120v.

270. Qvicvmqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Fides dicitur credulitas siue credentia; catholica uero uniuersalis uocatur, quod ab uniuersa ecclesia tenere





oportet. Ecclesia autem est congregatio fidelium, siue conuentus fidelium populi. Fides uera haec est, ut credamus et confiteamur vnvm (ms adds: est) uerum Devm in Trinitate et Trinitatem in vnitate – ad electorum gaudia nequaquam ultra consurgent, ipso iudice teste, qui ait: Et ibunt hi, id est, impii et peccatores, in supplicium aeternum, iusti autem in uitam aeternam. Haec est fides catholica, quam uniuersalis ecclesia in electis suis corde credit, ore profitetur, et bonis operibus exsequitur. De qua fide quicunque ex his, qui Christiano nomine censentur, quicquam detraxerit aut credere noluerit, proculdubio catholicus non erit, sed intra ecclesiam positus sub nomine Christianitatis recte catholicus, ut haereticus deputabitur. Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum (“Commentarius Trecensis”). Cfr CPL, 1747; an. 649-680 (Ommanney, Early History, p. 34); an. 780-820 (Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. lvi). CAT. ed./ms: Ommanney, p. 311-327, using Troyes, BM 804, f. 58v-61v (= Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. 21-27). add. ms: Gent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Ms. 324 (olim 581), f. 49r-54r (s. IXex./ Xin., or XI, or XII).

271. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Hic beatus Athanasius liberum arbitrium posuit – ut nullus a tua fide te remouere possit nullo schismate uel haeresi. Et si ita non credide(ris saluus esse non poteris). Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum (“Commentarius Stabulensis”). Cfr CPL, 1747. S. IX, acc. to Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. xlix-l. CAT. edd./mss: Burn, p. 12-20, listing seventeen mss, all post s. IX, of which he uses Boulogne-sur-Mer, BM 20, and London, BL, Add. 18043. A later recension of the Stavelot Commentary, known as the Commentary of Bishop Bruno of Würzburg (consecrated in 1034), is printed in PL, 142, 561B-568D (see Burn, p. xlviii, on Bruno’s few additions). add. mss: Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 228-231, lists thirty-three mss, all post s. lX.

272. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Fides, quae credentem saluat – gloriemur. (See n. 378.)





273. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Qualiscumque homo sit qui uult saluus esse – catholicus ut haereticus reputabitur. Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum (“Commentarius Aurelianensis”). Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. xlvi-xlvii, doubts the author is Theodulf of Orléans. CAT. ed./ms: Cuissard, Théodulfe (not giving the entire text of the Creed), using Orléans, BM 116, f. 1r-4v. (Burn, p. 7-10, repeats Cuissard’s ed.).

274. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, id est uoce et intellectu, ante omnia – (see n. 269). 275. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem, qvam nisi qvisqve integram inviolatamqve servaverit, absqve dvbio in aeternvm peribit. Quod dicitur in capite horum uersuum, hoc repetitur in fine. Nam hoc est in aeternum perire – Deum laudantes de illius laude uiuamus, de illius laude et nos gloriemur, qui uiuit et regnat per infinita semper saecula saeculorum. Theodvlfvs Episcopvs Avrelianensis, Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum (uncertain). (“Commentarius Oratorianus”.) On Theodulf’s possible authorship, see Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. li-liii, and Bouhot, ‘Les sources’, p. 136, note 14, and ‘Le manuscrit Angers’, p. 238-240. CAT. edd./mss: Ommanney, Early History, p. 327-355, using: Troyes, BM 804, f. 61v-66v; and the ed. of Mai, Scriptorum ueterum noua collectio, 9, p. 396409 (= PL, 213, 735-748), who used Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 231, f. 152v-165v (preface: “Iniunxistis mihi illud fidei opusculum, quod passim in ecclesiis recitatur opuscula meditatur – teneat integre et inuiolabiliter fidei ueritatem”). add. ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 2832, f. 137r-v (frag., “…Sequitur: qualis pater, talis filius, talis spiritus sanctus. sciendum est – ubique totus per diuinitatis//” = Mai, p. 400-401).

?276. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Quicumque dicitur quia non est Deus personarum acceptor. Te adoramus – Filium et Spiritum Sanctum. Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum.





Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 233, n. X, and Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. 43, n. 8. CAT. ed./ms: Inguanez, Catalogus, I, 1, p. 44, says that the text has been edited in Florilegium Casinense in Bibliotheca Casinensis seu codicum manuscriptorum qui in tabulario Casinensi asseruantur series – ed. M. Casini, 4 vols, 18741894, I, p. 230-234, using Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 30 (s. X-XI), p. 333-338. add. mss: (all post s. IX): Köln, Dombibl. 45 (Darmstadt 2040), f. 179v-181v; München, BSB, Clm 14617, f. 118v-120v; München, BSB, Clm 17181, f. 92-100; Praha, Knihovna Metropolitní Kapituli 585 (D. XX), f. 61r-65v.

?277. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem et cetera. Eiusdem traditio fidei catholicae. Fides est credulitas illarum rerum quae non uidentur – haec est fides catholica, qvam nisi qvisqve fideliter, id est absque ruga, firmiterqve crediderit, salvvs esse non poterit (some mss add: versiculum istum per adfirmationem repetit ut non recte credentes terreat et ad quaerendam rectae fidei semitam prouocet.) Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum. Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 234, n. XI. CAT. edd./mss: Vogel – Elze, Le Pontifical, 2, c. 112, p. 176-185, using five mss, all s. XI: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl. Lit. 53, f. 149v-152r; Eichstätt, Diözesanarchiv B4, f. 151v-154v; Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 451, f. 171r-174v; Roma, Bibl. Vallicell. D. 5, f. 135v-138v; Wien, ÖNB 701, f. 145r-147r (Vogel – Elze erroneously give f. 145v-147r). Gerbert, Monumenta, 2, p. 211-214, using Wien, ÖNB 1817, f. 59v-64r (s. XII2/2). add. mss: (all post s. IX:) Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 234, lists: Milano, BA M. 79 sup. (s. XI-XII), f. 34r-36v (Haring erroneously gives f. 33r-36v, inc. and expl.: “Fides est illarum rerum que non uidentur credulitas – semitam prouocet”); Milano, BA T. 103 sup. (s. X) (expl.: “semitam prouocet”); Oxford, BL, Bodl. Laud. lat. 105 (s. XIII), f. 44r-45v (expl.: “semitam prouocet”); Trier, Stadtbibl. 222 (s. XIII-XIV), f. 56r-58r; Trier, Stadtbibl. 531 (s. XII), f. 43r. Haring fails to list: Paris, BnF, lat. 1231 (s. XI), f. 259r-264r; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Helmst. 141 (s. XII), f. 108v; and Helmst. 493 (s. XI), f. 68r.

278. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Fides est illarum rerum quae non uidentur credulitas – (see n. 277).





?279. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Fides est uoluntaria certitudo – haec est fides catholica: et saepe repetit ut eam artius in cordibus fidelium inculcaret absque ruga: firmiterqve crediderit, salvvs esse non poterit. Augustinus: Credo in Patrem omnipotentem ingenitum. (= expl. acc. to Swainson, Creeds, p. 457, note 1, but the last sentence seems to be the beginning of a separate text, which directly precedes an exposition of the Athanasian Creed (n. 277) in the Pontificale Romano-Germanicum saeculi decimi; see Vogel – Elze, Le Pontifical, 2, c. 111, n. 23, p. 175 for the phrase “Credo in patrem omnipotentem ingenitum”). Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum. On its identity, see Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 213 and p. 226, note 11. CAT. ms: München, BSB, Clm 12715, f. 1r-3r (these folios = an. 1229-1230) (tit.: “De symbolo Athanasii”).

280. Interrogatio: Quid continetur in symbolo – non dicitur. (See n. 284.) ?281. Quid est fides? Responsio: Fides est per quam ea quae non uidemus esse confidimus – qui recta credulitate et fide Deum glorificant. De fide catholica et symbolo et ecclesia (tit. in ms). EF by interr./resp. consisting of five questions: “Quid est fides? – Quid est catholica? – Quid est quod profitemur in fide catholica? – Quid est symbolus? – Quid est orthodoxus?” See Bouhot, ‘Extraits’, p. 172, on this text as part of a Carolingian catechism. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 25, using Troyes, BM 1979 (s. XI), f. 329v-330r.

282. Interrogatio: Quid est hoc quod interrogas ei si credit – opera eorum recepturos. (See n. 353.) *283. Interrogatio: Quid est symbolum? Responsio: Symbolum Graece dicitur, Latine interpretatur collatio siue indicium. Collatio, quia sancti apostoli post aduentum Sancti Spiritus – ad distinctionem temporalis uitae.





De symbolo. The text is contained in an anonymous exposition on baptism. EF (on the word symbolum), and CAP-type. ed./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 50, p. 580-581, using: Barcelona, BU 228 (s. X2/2 or XI), f. 106v-107v; El Escorial, RBSL Q. III. 10 (s. XIIex.), f. 126r-v; and Vercelli, BC CXLIII (s. X2/2). Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 536-538, using none of the cited mss. add. ms: Westra: Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana 256, f. 136v-137v (s. XII).

*284. Interrogatio: Quid est symbolum? Responsio: Symbolum Graece, Latine signum uel cognitio interpretatur. Discensuri enim apostoli ad euangelizandum in gentibus, hoc sibi praedicationis signum uel indicium posuerunt. Interrogatio: Quot symbola habentur in canonibus? Responsio: Tria – tertium in Constantinopolim a centum quinquaginta patribus constitutum regnante Theodosio seniore, quod nos ad missam canimus. Interrogatio: Quid continetur in symbolo? Responsio: Summa totius fidei – Interrogatio: Quibus modis constat fides catholica? Responsio: Duobus, id est credulitate et confessione – Interrogatio: Deus unde dicitur? – Interrogatio: Vnde tractum est Deus? – Interrogatio: Quomodo credis in Deum? Responsio: Credo Deum esse sine principio et sine fine, incorporeum et incompraehensibilem – (final question:) Interrogatio: Quomodo credis in Spiritum Sanctum? – tunc in praepositio non dicitur. Interrogatio sacerdotalis, frag. EF by interr./resp. and CAP-type. ed./ms: Brewer, Das sogenannte Athanasianische Glaubensbekenntnis, p. 186, line 30 – p. 188, line 22, using Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 70v-72v (inc.: “Simbolum greca, latine signum” and including an explanation of the order of bishops [inc.: “Ordo episcoporum in quattuor partes diuiditur”] before “Quid continetur in symbolo?”). add. mss: (Milano, BA M. 79 sup., s. XI-XII, f. 45v; incompl., ending with “quia iustus ex fide uiuit” = Brewer, p. 187, line 15); Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 387, f. 50v-54r; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Helmst. 532 (579), f. 91v-92v (= Monza form, but lacking the final words; expl.: “mysterium trinitatis impleri”).

285. Quid respondendum est his, qui legentes in Euangelio ita intellegunt, Pater maior me – tres deos credere comproberis. Favstvs Episcopvs Reiensis, De ratione fidei (dub.). CPL, 964; CPPM, IIA 720. On the genuiness of the author, see Huhn, ‘De ratione fidei’, p. 176-183. EF in four parts, each be-





ginning: “Quid respondendum est his?” It treats the equality of the Son and the Holy Spirit to the Father. ed./ms: A. Engelbrecht, CSEL, 21, p. 453-459 (= PLS, 3, 496-501), using the editions of: Sichard, Antidotum, f. 239v-240v (who did not identify the ms he used); Pithoeus, Veterum aliquot scripta, p. 124-128; and Ps. Augustine, Sermo 234 (n. 264), which contains a frag. of the text. mss: Fulda, Dommuseum, Bonifat. 2 (Codex Ragyndrudis), f. 39r-45r (tit. and inc.: “Incipit libellum fausti confessoris. ratio fidei quare filius modo aequalis patri, modo minor esse creditur”); perhaps the ms used by Sichard. Formerly in Roma, BN, Sessor. 77 (2107) (now the ms is mutilated).

286. …Quinque enim sunt omnia, quae sunt haec, sed tria et duo – mecum est nec me dereliquit. (= Paris, BnF, lat. 1546. Zürich, ZB, Rh. 140 adds to the end:) Trina lucis inuiolabilis aeternitas – unitas Trinitas deitas. Isaac Ivdaevs, Fides Isatis or Liber de Trinitate or Liber fidei de sancta Trinitate et de incarnatione Domini or De sanctae Trinitatis tribus personis et incarnatione Domini. CPL, 189; CPPM, IIA 15, 1065. EF; A. Hoste, CC SL, 9, p. 333, says the beginning of the text seems to be lacking. The treatment of the two natures of Christ is dense and may sound Nestorian unless read very carefully. ed./mss: A. Hoste, p. 337-343, using: Paris, BnF, lat. 1564, f. 11r-14r; Zürich, ZB, Rh. 140, f. 22r-32r; and the editions of: Sirmond, Opera uaria, 1, 402 sqq. (= PG, 33, 1541-1546), who used the Paris ms; Souter, ‘Fides Isatis’, p. 2-8, who used both the Paris and Zürich mss; and Zeuschner, ‘Studien’, p. 101-105 (with an emended version, p. 110-114), who used the Paris ms.

287. Quinque genera hostium. Debitor sum, fateor, non necessitate cogente – (see n. 102). 288. Quisquis uel nunc primum instituitur ecclesiasticorum dogmatum – (see n. 130). *289. VI. Quod symbolum Latine indicium uel signum uel conlatio interpretatur. Indicium, quia per id indicatur fidei integritas – sermonibus his breuiauit. Haec de symbolo et nomine eius dictum sit. Theodvlfvs Episcopvs Avrelianensis, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber, c. 6. EF, on the word symbolum (partly using Isidore).





ed./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 16, p. 288-290, using: Albi, BM 42, f. 9r-v; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 310, f. 6r-7r; München, BSB, Clm 14532, f. 6r-7r; Troyes, BM 804, f. 2v; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 278, f. 67r-v; and three post s. IX mss. add. mss: See n. 24, with the same add. mss.

290. Interrogatio: Quomodo credis in Deum? Responsio: Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem. Interrogatio: Qui est Pater? – iudicare (uiuos et mortuos ) saeculum per ignem. Amen. (without tit. in mss). Brief EF by interr./resp. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 26, using: Einsiedeln, SB 27, f. 33v-34v; Verdun, BM 27, f. 123r-124r.

291. Interrogatio: Quomodo credis in Deum? Responsio: Credo in Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum trinum et unum. Interrogatio: Quomodo trinum et quomodo unum – malis uero perhenniter mala. Interrogationes de Trinitate et unitate Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti (tit. in ms). EF on the Trinity, two natures of Christ, his incarnation, death, descent to hell, resurrection, ascension, and the final judgment (some echoes of the Athanasian Creed). ed./ms: Staerk, Les manuscrits latins, 1, p. 180-181, using Sankt Petersburg, Publichnaja Biblioteka, Lat. Q. v. I. 34, f. 22r-23v.

292. Interrogatio: Quomodo credis? Responsio: Credo Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum unum esse Deum: Patrem qui genuit – et aeternitate in Deo confidimus. Item de sancta Trinitate qualiter quisquae credat (tit. in ms). Brief PF; the author declares the equality of the three persons of the Trinity; our resurrection in the same flesh in which we now live; and eternal life for the just and sinners. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 27, using Albi, BM 38 bis, f. 57v.

293. Quaestio prima. Quomodo Deus uere sit unitas et uere Trinitas? Responsio: Vnitas in substantia – sed esset quasi unus ex pecoribus.





Alcvinvs / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Quaestiones xxxiii de Trinitate et de Genesi. CPPM, IIA 169; cfr CSLMA, II, ALC 36. The text consists of Alcuin, De Trinitate ad Fredegisum quaestiones 28 (n. 106), without the preface and appended with the first five questions of Alcuin, Quaestiones in Genesim. EF by interr./resp. ed.: PL, 42, 1171-1176 (tit.: “Quaestiones xxxiii de Trinitate et de Genesi ex Alcuino descriptae”). mss: Kurz, Die Handschriftliche Überlieferung 5/1, p. 191-192, lists: Darmstadt, Hess. Landes- und Hochschulbibl. 700 (s. XII), f. 70v-74r; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 64v-65r; and Trier, Stadtbibl. (s. XV? XVI?), f. 106r-107r; however, the Karlsruhe and Darmstadt mss contain only Alcuin, De Trinitate ad Fredegisum quaestiones 28. The Trier ms appears to contain the text, acc. to Keuffer, Verzeichnis, 2, p. 69. He says the text is on f. 101r-102r, tit. and inc.: “Inquisicio de trinitate et de aliis quibusdam sentenciis. interrogacio. quomodo deus uere sit unitas et uere trinitas. responsio. unitas in substancia – (expl.:) unus ex peccatoribus”.

?294. Quomodo diffinitur fides secundum intellectum? Fides est credulitas illarum rerum quae non uidentur – salvvs esse non poterit. Ps. Boethivs, Commentarius in symbolum ‘Quicumque’. CPPM, IIA 455a. mss: Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 235, n. XIII gives: Berlin, SBPK, Theol. Lat. Fol. 54 (Elect. 851) (s. XV), f. 93v-94v (tit.: “Boecius super symbolum anastasii”; expl.: “Boecius super quicumque. deo laus et aeterna gloria. amen”); London, BL, Royal 8. B. XIV (s. XII), f. 145r-152r.

295. Interrogatio: Quomodo sanctam Trinitatem intellegis aut quomodo unitatem credis? Responsio: Trinitatem itaque confiteor propter personarum distinctionem – in qua et ad caelos ascendit; in ipsa uenturus est ad iudicium. Capitula de eadem catholica fide (tit. in Monza, BC e-14/127). EF by interr./resp. on the Trinity and Christ. ed./ms: Brewer, Das sogenannte Athanasianische Glaubensbekenntnis, p. 186, lines 4-29, using Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 43v-44r. add. mss: Einsiedeln, SB 27, f. 46r-48v; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 387, f. 46v-48r; Verdun, BM 27, f. 110v-112v.





296. Quoniam nonnulli uidentes nos contra eos, qui inimico proposito uenerabilis Chalcedonensis concilii fidem nitur euertere – sed per gratiam Domini Iesu credimus saluari quemadmodum et illi. Iohannes Maxentivs Monachvs, Libellus fidei. CPL, 656; CPPM, IIA 1060. PF received by Pope Hormisdas (d. 523), and declared catholic; excerpts from (commemorating their names) Athanasius, Cyril, Gregory Nazianzus, Flavian of Constantinople, Proclus of Constantinople, Pope Leo, and Augustine. Christ is “unus ex Trinitate”; Mary is “Dei genetricem”; the end is on grace against Pelagius and Celestius. ed./ms: Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 85A, p. 5-25, using Oxford, BL, Laud. Misc. 580, f. 2r-9r, from the ed. of Schwartz, ACO IV, 2, p. 3-10.

297. Quoniam scriptum est et apostolicae disciplinae robustissima auctoritate firmatum – quod credunt intellegant. Avgvstinvs, De fide et symbolo liber unus. CPL, 293. CAP-type. ed./ms: J. Zycha, CSEL, 41, p. 3-32, using eleven mss, of which one is Carolingian: Verona, BC XXXIII (31), f. 40r-70v; the ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera (= PL, 40, 181-196); and the ed. of Dodon, Prima[undecima] pars librorum Augustini. add. mss: Angers, BM 179 (171), f. 38r-46v (s. X/XI acc. to Bischoff; see description of ms); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 25r-28r; Melk, SB 597 (914. Q 52), f. 115v, a small frag. (= the last c.; tit. and inc.: “Ex dictis augustini. haec est fides, quae paucis uerbis – [expl.:] quod credunt intelligant”); Paris, BnF, lat. 12218, f. 14r-22v.

298. Quoniam uetus (uetusto) oriens inter se populorum furore conlisus, indiscissam Domini tunicam – cum antiquo sensu praedicent. Hieronymvs Presbyter, Ep. 15 ad Damasum papam de tribus hypostasis. CPL, 620. DF against those who use the phrase “three hypostases” for the Trinity of persons. ed./mss: I. Hilberg, CSEL, 54, p. 62-67, using eight mss, of which five are s. IX or IX-X: Köln, Dombibl. 35; Paris, BnF, lat. 1868; Roma, BN, Sessor. 63 [2102], f. 208r-209v; Roma, Bibl. Vallicell. A. 5; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 355 + 356 (s. IX-X). add. mss: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 18v; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. LII, f. 61v-62v; Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CV, f. 43v-44v;





Milano, BA S. 33. sup., f. 150r-152r (alt. foliation = f. 151r-153r); Zürich, ZB, Rh. 41, f. 10r.

299. Discipulus: Quot modis diuina significatur essentia? Magister: Duobus: principaliter et consequenter. Discipulus: Principaliter quibus uerbis? – ut ingenitus, sempiternus, sine initio et similia. Finit. Ivnilivs (Ivnillvs) Africanvs, Instituta regularia diuinae legis libri duo, excerpt (= I. 13-20). CPL, 872 (frag.). (The Instituta regularia is a work of Paul of Nisibis on the investigation of the divine Scriptures, translated and interpreted by Junilius.) EF on the various names for God in the Scriptures. ed.: Kihn, Theodor, p. 483-491, using thirteen mss, all post s. IX, and prior editions. mss: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 65v-66r; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Helmst. 532, between f. 122r-134v (within the Instituta regularia).

*300. Interrogatio: Quot symbola habentur in canonibus? Responsio: Tria – uisibilibus rebus. (See n. 347.) 301. Regali imperio fidei catholicae, quam tenemus, praecipimur reddere rationem – usque ad finem uitae huius confidimus et speramus. Amen. Explicit libellus directus sub die XII Kalendarum Maiarum per Ianuarium Zattarensem, Villaticum de Casis Medianis (episcopos Numidiae), et Bonifatium Foratianensem, et Bonifatium Gratianensem prouinciae Byzacenae. Evgenivs Episcopvs Carthaginensis, Fides. CPL, 799. PF of the catholic bishops of the Province of Byzacena sent to the Arian King Huneric (477-484), contained in Victor of Vita’s Historia persecutionis Africanae prouinciae; it is a very complete exposition on the faith, beginning with a defense of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as homousion. edd./mss: C. Halm, MGH AA, 3/1, p. 26-39 (between Lib. 2 and Lib. 3 of the Historia persecutionis with the title, “Liber fidei catholicae”), using: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl. E. III. 4; Laon, BM 113, f. 13v-33v (the Historia persecutionis is not in this ms, and the text appears separately, following n. 175, tit.: “Incipit libellus episcoporum catholicorum ad unericem regem wandalorum datum”); four mss post s. IX; and prior editions. M. Petschenig, CSEL, 7, p. 46-71 (at the end of Lib. 2 of the Historia persecutionis), using:





the same Bamberg ms; Laon, BM 113, acc. to the ed. of Halm; and nine mss post s. IX. PL, 58, 219-234 (= ed. of Sirmond). Sichard, Antidotum, f. 221v-225v, using an unknown ms (Lehmann, Iohannes Sichardus, p. 59 and 220, suspects that Sichard’s ms was the model of Laon, BM 113, or a copy of it).

302. Regina austri uenit audire – sed ex carnis infirmitate metitur. Ambrosivs, De fide ad Gratianum libri quinque. CPL, 150. Lengthy DF against the Arians. ed./mss: O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 3-307, using twelve mss prior to s. X: Köln, Dombibl. 33; Lucca, BC 13; Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 4, p. 1-110; München, BSB, Clm 8113, f. 1r-120v; Paris, BnF, lat. 8907 (s. V); Ravenna, BC s. n. (s. Vex. or VIin.), frag. of Lib. 4 and Lib. 5; Saint-Claude, BM, Claudianus 1 (formerly of the Monastery of Saint-Claude); Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, SB 1/1 (s. V/VI); Troyes, BM 813; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 266; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 267 (s. IX/X); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5760, f. 1r-78v. Faller listed (p. xii), but did not use: Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 308, f. 1v-28r; Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 310, f. 30r-91v. add. ms: Milano, BA D. 268 inf., f. 3r-35v.

303. Reginam te orbis Romanus suspicit; et quia iam nihil est – etiam in regno caelorum praestet cum tuis omnibus affectibus inueniri. Favstinvs Presbyter Lvciferianvs / Ps. Ambrosivs / Ps. Gregorivs Illiberitanvs / Ps. Athanasivs, De Trinitate, siue de fide contra Arianos or De Trinitate ad Augustam Flacillam or De fide contra Arianos. CPL, 120; CPPM, IIA 25, 788. On the author, see Simonetti, ‘Note su Faustino’, p. 50-98. Written an. 380, at the request of Flacilla, wife of Emperor Theodosius. EF in 51 cc. (or seven books) against the Arians, especially emphasizing that Jesus Christ is the true and not adopted Son of God, and that he was not made from nothing. ed./mss: M. Simonetti, CC SL, 69, p. 295-353, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1674, f. 316r-318v (= cc. 43-51 partly; tit., inc., and expl.: “Incipit sancti ambrosii ad flacellam de eo quod scriptum est deus creauit me. tangamus et illam ultimam questionem quam inter ceteras addidisti – non deerit quod loquatur”); Köln, Dombibl. 33 (Darm. 2029), f. 67r-101v; Verona, BC XV (13), f. 119r-122r (= cc. 43-51 partly; attrib. to Faustinus; Simonetti only took a few variant readings from this ms, which is very mutilated); six mss with only cc. 16-37, three of which are Carolingian (see n. 100 for





these mss); a post s. IX ms with only a frag.; and prior editions, including that of Gallandi, Bibliotheca ueterum patrum, which = PL, 13, 37-80.

304. Religioso et Deo amabili consacerdoti Nestorio – (see n. 123). 305. Res aliae sunt, quibus fruendum; aliae, quibus utendum est; aliae, quae fruuntur et utuntur – corporis aetatem gerant. Avgvstinvs, . The text consists, with slight variations, of Augustine, De doctrina Christiana, I, 3-5 (= J. Martin, CC SL, 32, p. 8-9), and Enchiridion, X, 35 – XIII, 42 (= E. Evans, CC SL, 46, p. 6973). EF on the Trinity (the Father is the oneness, the Son is the equality, and the Holy Spirit is the harmony between the oneness and the equality); and on the incarnation. ms: Zürich, ZB, Rh. 102, f. 64v-70v (tit.: “Sancti augustini episcopi de sancta trinitate”).

306. Reuerentissimo et beatissimo consacerdoti Nestorio Cyrillus. Oblocuntur, quidem sicut audio, quidam existimationi meae apud tuam reuerentiam et hoc frequenter processionum uel conuentuum tempora maxime obseruantes – haec nobiscum sentire et docere pariter, ut ecclesiarum pax perstet incolumis et sacerdotibus Dei indiscissum concordiae atque caritatis uinculum perseueret (= recension of Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B). Cyrillvs Episcopvs Alexandrinvs, Ep. secunda ad estorium . DF; Cyril explains the words of the creed incarnatum; natum; passum; resurrexit against Nestorius. The text translated into Latin has different forms. edd./mss: Schwartz edited four versions: (1) ACO I, 5, p. 49-51, inc. and expl.: “Garriunt quidem, sicut audio, quidam de existimatione mea apud religionem tuam, et hoc frequenter, processionum uel conuentuum oportuna tempora aucupantes, et eo magis forsitan arbitrantes – ut ecclesiarum salua sit pax et concordiae caritatisque uinculum indissolubile permaneat inter sacerdotes Dei” (= PL, 48, 804808B), using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 234. (2) ACO I, 2, p. 37-39, inc. and expl.: “Oblocuntur quidam, sicut audio, de mea opinione apud tuam reuerentiam, et hoc frequentius, conuentus maxime nobilium obseruantes – ut custodiatur ecclesiarum pax et





concordiae et dilectionis uinculum indisruptum permaneat sacerdotibus Dei”, of Carolingian mss using: ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum MeermannoWestreenianum 9 (= 10. B. 4 [olim 9]); Paris, BnF, lat. 16832; and using the ed. of Surius, Tomus primus[-quartus] conciliorum omnium. (3) ACO I, 5, p. 337-340, inc. and expl.: “Comperi quosdam existimationi meae detrahentes apud reuerentiam tuam multa garrire et id crebro frequenterque agere – et concordiae caritatisque uinculum indissolubile maneat sacerdotibus Dei”, using the Collectio Quesnelliana (text = c. 66). (4) ACO I, 3, p. 20-22, inc. and expl.: “Reuerentissimo et optimo dei cultori comministro Nestorio Cyrillus in domino salutem. Oblocuntur quidem, ut disco, quidam de mea opinione apud tuam religiositatem – uinculum indiruptum permaneat sacerdotibus dei. Alloquere apud te fraternitatem. te quae nobiscum est, in Christo salutat”, of Carolingian mss using Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1776 [79] and Paris, BnF, lat. 1572. add. mss: Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 58r-60v (separate from a canonical collection; tit.: “Epistula sancti cyrilli ad nestorium”). There are many other mss of canonical collections that contain the text.

307. Reuerentissimo fratri Albino diacono, non Christi ministro, sed Antifrasi Beati fetidissimi discipulo – aeternam damnationem (= preface). Epistolam tuam a recte fidei – pro dolor, principio bono, fine malo. Elipandvs Episcopvs Toletanvs, Ep. Elipandi ad Albinum or Rescriptio de adoptione ad Alcuinum. Díaz y Díaz, Index, n. 417. EF; Elipandus defends the term ‘adoptiuus homo’ in the sense of ‘assumptus homo’ to signify Christ. ed./ms: Gil, Corpus, 1, p. 96-109, using Reims, BM 385, f. 101r-108v.

308. Rogo et admoneo uos, fratres carissimi, ut quicunque uult saluus esse, fidem rectam ac catholicam discat, firmiter teneat, inuiolatamque conseruet. Ita ergo oportet unicuique obseruare ut credat Patrem, credat Filium, credat Spiritum Sanctum – remissionem peccatorum promerebitis, et uitam aeternam consequeritis, auxiliante Domino nostro Iesu Christo, qui uiuit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Caesarivs Episcopvs Arelatensis, Sermo 10: De symboli fide et bonis moribus (= Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 244). CPL, 1008/sermo 10; CPPM, IA 1029. EF, including: excerpts from the beginning of the Athanasian Creed; a CAP-type, with





each phrase of the creed beginning “Credite”; and a moral exhortation (how every Christian ought to live). ed./mss: G. Morin, CC SL, 103, p. 51-53, using: Ps. Augustine, Sermo 244 (PL, 39, 2194-2196); München, BSB, Clm 28135, f. 94v-97r; München, BSB, Clm 6433, f. 69r-v (frag., only the beginning); München, BSB, Clm 14470, f. 111r-112v (without the beginning and end); Sankt Gallen, SB 150, p. 281284; Zürich, ZB, C. 64 (286), f. 208v-210r; and the ed. of Caspari of n. 309.

309. Rogo uos et admoneo, fratres carissimi, quicunque uult saluus esse, fidem rectam catholicam firmiter teneat inuiolatamque conseruet; quam si quis digne non habuerit, regnum Dei non possidebit. Credite in Deum Patrem omnipotentem inuisibilem, uisibilium et inuisibilium omnium rerum conditorem, hoc est qui omnia creauit simul uerbo – remissionem peccatorum promerebitis et uitam aeternam consequeritis, auxiliante Domino nostro Iesu Christo, qui uiuit et regnat in saecula. Expositio fidei. CPL, 1763. S. VI-VII? See Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 2, p. 454, note 37, on the editions, contents, and date of the text. Largely = n. 308, although the CAP-type exposition is different. edd./mss: Caspari, Anecdota, p. 283-289 (= PLS, 4, 2165-2167), using Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 43r-46v, and Paris, BnF, lat. 2123, f. 21v-24v. Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 526-535. add. ms: Westra: Paris, BnF, lat. 2628, f. 122v-123r (s. XI) partim.

*310. Sacramenta diuina, fratres carissimi, non tam discutienda sunt quam et credenda – ad fructum uitae perpetuae uenire non poteris. Sermo in traditione symboli. CAP-type, contained in the Bobbio Missal. ed./ms: Lowe, The Bobbio Missal, p. 56-58, using Paris, BnF, lat. 13246, f. 87v-90v.

311. Sacramentorum rationem, siue transactae noctis – non quiescit praedicare secum permanentium filiorum. Qvodvvltdevs Episcopvs Carthaginensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo I. De symbolo i. CPL, 401; CPPM, IA 1103. CAP-type following an explanation of the word ‘symbolum’.





ed./mss: R. Braun, CC SL, 60, p. 305-334, using twelve mss, of which one is Carolingian: Laon, BM 136, f. 4v-12r. PL, 40, 637-652. See Dolbeau, ‘Note’, p. 308-309, on another recension in Firenze, BML, Conv. Sopp. 569, f. 176r-182v (s. XII-XIII). add. ms: Wien, ÖNB 1616, f. 31v-33r, frag. (Grégoire, Homéliaires, p. 284, n. 9a, identifies the frag., inc. and expl.: “Dauid propheta dicit: Mater Sion dicit – multa bona ille faciebat” = CC SL, 60, p. 317-319).

312. Sacramentum symboli quod accepistis memoriaeque mandatum – Deo Patri perpetuo coniungi mereamur. Amen. Qvodvvltdevs Episcopvs Carthaginensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 2. De symbolo ii. CPL, 402; CPPM, IA 1104. CAP-type. ed./ms: R. Braun, CC SL, 60, p. 335-348, using twelve mss, of which one is Carolingian: Laon, BM 136, f. 12v-16r. PL, 40, 651-660. add. ms: Wien, ÖNB 1616, f. 33v, 34r, two fragments (Grégoire, Homéliaires, p. 284, n. 9b and n. 9d, identifies the two fragments: “Sed hoc iudei antequam ista fierent – sed ut diabulum uincat” and “Sed tu haec non intellegens turbaris – magnus efficeris crudelis” = CC SL, 60, p. 33).

313. Sacratissimo concilio uniuersali quod anno praesenti in ecclesia sanctae Leocadiae martyris in praetorio Toletano conuenit adque glorioso et piissimo domno nostro Chintilani regis – anno feliciter secundo regno gloriosi domni nostri Chintilani regis. Confessio uel professio Iudaeorum ciuitatis Toletanae. Díaz y Díaz, Index, n. 188; CPL, 1233. S. VII. PF (the profession of faith begins: “Credimus in unum Deum Trinitatem Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum tres personas et unam substantiam creatorem omnium creaturarum”). ed./ms: Fita, ‘El Papa Honorio’, p. 189-201, using León, Archivo Catedral 22, f. 48v-51r (tit.: “Incipit confessio uel professio iudeorum ciuitatis toletane in nomine domini nostri ihesu christi”). (= PLS, 4, 1664-1669.)

314. Sacrosancti mysterii symbolum, quod simul accepistis et singuli hodie reddidistis – Spiritus Sanctus unus Deus, cui est honor et gloria in saecula saeculorum. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 215, in redditione symboli. CPL, 368/sermo 215. On its being a genuine work of Augustine, see Verbraken, ‘Les sermons CCXV et LVI’, p. 5-6. CAP-type.





edd./mss: Verbraken, p. 18-25, using nineteen mss, of which three are before s. X: Laon, BM 135, f. 54r-56r; Laon, BM 136, f. 86r-88r; Paris, BnF, lat. 13367, s. VIex., f. 219v-224v. PL, 38, 1072-1076. add. ms: Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 12 (4096), f. 20v-22v (beginning from c. 2: “Credere nos in deum patrem omnipotentem uniuersorum creatorem”).

315. Saepius uestrae probatissimae caritati scriberem, si occasionem – uel mare et omnia quae in eis sunt. Alcvinvs, Ep. 204. CSLMA, II, ALC 45.204. EF: written in 799 to a certain noble virgin (Gundrada?), whom Alcuin instructs on dogma against the Adoptionists, using the form of interr./resp. ed./mss: Dümmler, Epist., Ep. 204, p. 337-340, using: London, BL, Harley 208, f. 1r-4r; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 272, f. 96v-99r; and the editions of: Du Chesne, Albini opera, col. 1004-1008, who used a now lost ms of St Mary of Reims; Forster, Alcuini opera, 1, 921-922 (= PL, 101, 299); Jaffé – Wattenbach – Dümmler, Monumenta Alcuiniana, Ep. 144. add. mss: CSLMA lists as s. IX: Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. lat. 1096, f. 2v; Reims, BM 385, f. 158r-160r.

316. Sanctam autem, perfectam, inseparabilem et ineffabilem ueramque Trinitatem, id est Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum indiuiduam confiteor – in futuro cum angelis congaudebit. Pavlinvs Patriarcha Aqvileiensis, Confessio fidei in concilio Foroiuliensi. PF, it declares: the inseparability and consubstantiality of the three persons of the Trinity (with phrases from the Athanasian Creed); the two natures of Christ, who is not the putative or adopted Son of God, but true God and true man in one Son (against the Adoptionists); Christ’s works in his human nature (as outlined in the creed); the necessity for every Christian to know the creed and the Lord’s Prayer. ed./mss: Werminghoff, Concilia, p. 187-189, using: München, BSB, Clm 14468, f. 27v-30v (separate from the acts of the Council of Friuli of 796/7); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 3827.

317. Sancto incitante Spiritu, ac zelo fidei catholicae scintillatim – qui cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto uiuit et regnat Deus in Trinitate perfecta per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.





Pavlinvs Patriarcha Aqvileiensis, Libellus sacrosyllabus episcoporum Italiae contra Elipandum. DF against the Adoptionist heresy. There are two recensions, one lengthier and “public” (confirmed by the bishops in synod), acc. to Werminghoff, Concilia, p. 130. ed./mss: Werminghoff, p. 130-142, of Carolingian mss using for the lengthier recension: München, BSB, Clm 14468, f. 42r-57r; Reims, BM 385, f. 68r-77v; and for the shorter recension: Paris, BnF, lat. 10758, p. 1-24.

318. Sanctus Augustinus dixit: Quoniam singulorum apostolorum in symbolo singulas esse sententias – XII. Mathias: Carnis res… (incompl.) (without tit. in ms). EF. The Apostles’ Creed with each verse attributed to an apostle. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 28, using Paris, BnF, lat. 2796, f. 67v (incompl.).

319. Sanctus Augustinus in expositione Euangelii secundum Iohannem in omelia XXIII et cetera. Si quis uoluerit uoluntatem – nisi donauerit quod inueniat. Avgvstinvs, In Euangelium Iohannis tractatus 124, Tract 29, excerpt (= c. 6). Brief EF on the difference between believing someone (“credatis ei”) and believing in someone (“credatis in eum”). ed.: R. Willems, CC SL, 36, p. 287, lines 26-43. mss: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Lit. 131, f. 109v-110v; (Roma, BN, Sessor. 52 [2096], f. 174r, s. XIex.; inc.: “Si quis uoluerit uoluntatem”); Zürich, ZB, Car. C. 102, f. 59v (incompl. at the end, expl.: “credendo diligere credendo”). In these mss the text is separate from Tract 29.

320. Sanctus Augustinus in expositione Euangelii – credendo. (See n. 319.) 321. Satis quidem sunt quae a dilecto et comministro nostro Damaso – (see n. 340). 322. Scientes quod nihil aliud sic potest misericordem – Iesu Christo in die iudicii.





Ivstinianvs Avgvstvs Imperator, Edictum de recta fide. Issued in 551, a lengthy PF, especially against the Monophysites. On its use in the Ps. Isidorian Decretals and by Hincmar of Reims, see Fuhrmann, ‘Justinians Edictum’, p. 219-223. ed./mss: Schwartz, Drei dogmatische Schriften, p. 131-169 (Greek and Latin), using for the Latin: Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 58, f. 135r-142v; and one post s. IX ms. add. ms: Cambridge, Pembroke College 108 (A. 1. 13) (Schenkl, Bibliotheca, n. 2491A), f. 3r-49v.

323. Sed dicis, quomodo si natus – (see n. 216). 324. Sed quoniam disserendi et ratiocinandi necessitas per quattuordecim libros multa nos compulit dicere quae cuncta simul aspicere non ualemus – sic ergo Pater Filium genuit ut etiam de illo donum commune, hoc est Spiritus Sanctus, procederet (Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII). Avgvstinvs, De Trinitate, excerpts (= XV, 3, entire, and XV, 17, three excerpts). EF; the first excerpt (XV, 3) is a brief overview of everything Augustine has covered in Books I-XIV. The three excerpts from XV, 17 concern the Holy Spirit (1) as the common love between the Father and the Son; (2) as proceeding principally from the Father, but also from the Son; and (3) as gift and the spirit of both. ed.: W. Mountain – Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 50A, p. 462-467; 501, lines 1-5, 503, lines 51-58; 504, lines 60-62. (They do not use Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII in their ed. of Augustine’s De Trinitate.) ms: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 19v-20r (separate from the De Trinitate).

325. Septem sunt signa, quae sanauerunt hunc mundum. Primum signum natiuitas Domini nostri Iesu Christi ex Maria virgine, ut nos – in benedictione metet in uitam aeternam. In nomine Dei summi. EF; a brief tract on the seven miracles in the Apostles’ Creed by which the world is healed.





ed./mss: McNally, ‘Seven Hiberno-Latin Sermons’, p. 143, using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 212, f. 25v (without tit.); and Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 220, f. 47r (tit.: “In nomine dei summi”). add. ms: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1716, f. 28r (without tit.).

326. Serenissimo Augusto Carolo salus, pax, uirtus, uita, uictoria. Sacra, serenissime Auguste, Christianorum turba – et caelestis regni beatitudinem sortiti sunt sempiternam. (Appendix:) Domini Augustini explanatio mysterii sancti Trinitatis. Certe uita est Christus – qui erat in caelis? Responsio: Diuinitas ubique regnabat. Ps. Alcvinvs, Libellus de processione Spiritus Sancti ad Carolum Magnum, with an appendix. CSLMA, II, ALCPs 11 (not with the appendix). On the author, see the Monitum in PL, 101, 63-64. EF: a collection of sentences from the Scriptures and the Fathers (commemorated by name), in three cc.: (1) the Holy Spirit is shown to proceed from the Father and the Son; (2) the Holy Spirit is the “Spirit” of the Father and the Son in the Scriptures; (3) the Holy Spirit is sent by the Father and the Son. The contents are very similar to Fulgentius, Contra Fabianum, frag. 36 (n. 124). ed./ms: PL, 101, 64-84 (from Laon, BM 122bis, f. 2r-24v).

327. Sermo et sacramentum totius symboli, fratres dilectissimi, fides est Christiani hominis et uita: fides in praesenti, uita in futuro; fides in uia, uita in patria – certissime salutis aeternae cardinem possidebit, regnante Domino nostro Iesu Christo, cuius est honor et imperium per omnia saecula saeculorum. Caesarivs Episcopvs Arelatensis, Sermo 9. CPL, 1008/sermo 9. CAP-type. (= Sermon on the tradition of the creed in the Missale Gallicanum uetus; on its author and transmission into the Missale, see Morin, ‘Le symbole de S. Césaire’, p. 183-189). edd./ms: G. Morin, CC SL, 103, p. 46-50; Mohlberg, Missale, p. 17-21; Morin, ‘Le symbole de S. Césaire’, p. 179-182; Barbet – Lambot, ‘Nouvelle Tradition’, p. 339-344 (right col.), all using Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 493 (= Missale Gallicanum uetus), f. 20v-26v.

328. Sermo et sacramentum totius symboli, fratres dilectissimi, fides est christianorum hominum et uita; fides in praesenti, uita in futuro;





fides in uia, uita in patria – audistis passionem, audistis ascensionem, audistis iudicium; cotidie expectetis aduentum ut ipse uos in regno suo caelesti ualeat introducere, cui est honor et gloria et potestas in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ordo qualiter symbolum tradere debeant. CAP-type. The text consists of n. 327 appended with an excerpt from Ps. Augustine, Sermo 242, and an excerpt from Ps. Augustine, Sermo 241. ed./ms: Barbet – Lambot, ‘Nouvelle Tradition’, p. 339-345 (left col.), using Arras, BM 731 (683), f. 77v-80v.

?329. Serpens ille ueternosus, qui dudum contra catholicam fidem haereticorum linguas exacuit – haec etiam ad uos mea salutatio. Amen. Ivlianvs Episcopvs Toletanvs, Vtrum animae de humanis corporibus exeuntes mox deducantur ad gloriam uel ad poenam or Libellus de remediis blasphemiae (dub.). CPL, 1263; CPPM, IIA 1135. A genuine work of Julian (García Villada, Historia eclesiástica, 2, 2, p. 267-274); an anonymous Spanish author of s. VIIImed. (Madoz, ‘San Julián’, p. 62-65; also see PL, 96, 1383-1384, note b, on the reason for s. VIII). DF against the renewal of the error that none of the elect or damned are led to glory or punishment before the Last Judgment, giving proofs from the Scriptures and Pope Gregory I. ed./ms: Mai, Scriptorum ueterum noua collectio, 7, p. 264-270, using Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense 641 (B. IV. 18), f. 184r-187v (these folios = s. Xin.). (= PL, 96, 1379-1386.)

330. Si credis quod Deus erat uerbum secundum euangelistae testimonium – Qui uidet me, uidet et Patrem, quia ego in Patre et Pater in me est. Hoc autem ait inluminans nos. Finit de fide in Christo. Ps. Iohannes Chrysostomvs, Fides sancti Ioannis Chrysostomi. CPL, 1750. EF. Wilmart, ‘La Collection des 38 Homélies’, p. 324-325 describes it as ‘Homilia 38’ of a primitive collection of 38 homilies attributed to Chrysostom, of which ‘Homilia 38’ is of undetermined origin. ed.: Gelenius – Erasmus, Opera Chrysostomi, 3, p. 421-423.





mss: Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 24r-v (tit.: “Fides s. iohannis chrisostomi”). Wilmart, p. 306, note 1, lists eight mss s. IX or IX-X, containing the text within the ‘Collection of 38 homilies of John Chrysostom’: Angers, BM 147; Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1673 (44); Firenze, BML, Ashburnham 13; Oxford, BL, Laud. Misc. 452 (perhaps s. X); Paris, BnF, lat. 12140 (s. IX-X); Paris, BnF, lat. 12141 (s. IX-X); Sankt Gallen, SB 103; Saint-Omer, BM 97 (Wilmart erroneously has BM 57).

331. Si nominas hominem, Deus est uerus, quemadmodum si ponas ante oculos quemlibet hominem – quia caput et corpus una persona est Christus. Formulae Hispanicae in modum symboli e cod. Rotensi, excerpt. CPL, 1753 (frag.). Cfr n. 189. Beatus of Liébana and Heterius of El Burgo de Osma used this excerpt in Ep. Beati et Heterii aduersus Elipandum libri duo or Beati Apologeticum (an. 785), I, 59 (end) and 60 (entire). EF on the three substances of Christ. edd./mss: García Villada, Historia eclesiástica, 2, 2, p. 278-279, using Madrid, Bibl. de la Real Academia de la Historia 78 (s. Xex.-XIin.), f. 220r-221r (where it is separate from the Ep. Beati et Heterii) (= PLS, 4, 2153-2154). Rivera, ‘Más fórmulas’, p. 348-349, using the same Madrid ms as García Villada. B. Löfstedt, CC CM, 59, p. 44-45, lines 1658-1709 (within the Ep. Beati et Heterii), using: Madrid, BN 10018 (olim Toledo, Biblioteca del Cabildo 14-24), f. 23v-24r; two post s. IX mss; and the editions of the Ep. Beati et Heterii in: Gallandi, Bibliotheca ueterum patrum, 13, p. 290-351; Gil, Corpus (our text on p. 78-81); PL, 96, 893-1030; Stevartius, Etherii et Beati aduersus Elipandum libri duo, p. 17-241.

332. I. Si quis Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum non confitetur tres personas unius (esse) substantiae et uirtutis ac potestatis – legit et impia eorum figmenta sequitur aut defendit, anathema sit. Concilivm Bracarense I, Anathemata 17 contra Priscillianos. CPL, 1786a (frag.). DF of the Council of Braga in 561 against the Priscillianists. edd./mss: Barlow, Martini Bracarensis opera, p. 107-109, using eight editions and fourteen mss (almost all are canonical collections) of which the following are Carolingian: Paris, BnF, lat. 3846; Paris, BnF, lat. 12445; Roma, Biblioteca Angelica 1091 (s. IX/X); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 630; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Ottob. lat. 93. Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 575; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 423, f. 21v (only cc. 13, 14, 18, 21); Wien, ÖNB 411. Künstle, Antipriscilliana, p. 36-38, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 70v.





add. ms: Berlin, SBPK, Hamilton 132, between f. 226r-228r.

333. Si quis uoluerit uoluntatem eius facere – (see n. 319). ?334. Interrogatio: Si unaquaeque persona sanctae Trinitatis – et perpetrata peccata amittit. (without tit. in ms). EF by interr./resp. on the Trinity, Christ, infant baptism and the remission of sins, the Lord’s Prayer and its utility for the saints, the sin of Adam, and grace. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 29, using Troyes, BM 1979 (s. XI), f. 327v-329v.

335. Sicut nonnullis scire permissum est, apud ueteres symbola uocabantur, quod de substantia collecti in unum sodales in medio conferebant – post aquam baptismi, deuorandum suscipiat ignis inferni. Ps. Evsebivs Emesenvs (“Gallicanvs”), Homilia 9: De symbolo (1). CPL, 966/sermo 9; CPPM, IB 4625. CAP-type. On Faustus of Riez, De Spiritu Sancto, as the source of the text, see Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 2, p. 200-213. ed./ms: F. Glorie, CC SL, 101, p. 97-108, using ten mss, of which one is Carolingian: Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 131, f. 36v-43r (Glorie erroneously has f. 36v-43v); the ed. of Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 2, 183-213, using Madrid, BN 437 (A. 82) (s. XIVin.), f. 86-?; and the ed. of Caspari, Anecdota, p. 313-328, using: Angers, BM 144 (136) (s. X), f. 74v-80r; Angers, BM 145 (157) (s. X); and the Madrid ms.

336. Solent homines alterius religionis simplices quosque catholicos – Atque utinam incipi – (the last sentence is largely cut off) – poterat illos Deus secundum… (incompl.) Caesarivs Episcopvs Arelatensis / Ps. Avgvstinvs, De mysterio S. Trinitatis (incompl. at the very end). CPL, 1014; CPPM, IA 1792. Lengthy EF/DF, showing how to respond to an Arian by challenging him with certain questions. ed./mss: Morin, S. Caesarii opera, 2, p. 165-180 (dividing the text into 18 cc.) (= PLS, 4, 532-545 and Morin, ‘Le traité de S. Césaire’, p. 192-203), using: Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 19, p. 270-276 (tit.: “Incipit





epistola sancti agustini episcopi contra arianos de misterio sancte trinitatis”; incompl., ending near the end of c. 11: “quanto magis deo patri cognoscitur iniuriam facere, qui unicum filius eius//”); Roma, Bibliotheca Casanatensis 641 (B. IV. 18), f. 83v-90v (tit.: “Collectio de mysterio sanctae trinitatis”; incompl., expl. as given above: “illos deus secundum”); and the editions of Tosti, Storia, 1, p. 269-276, and Mai, oua patrum bibliotheca, 1, p. 407413, both using Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 19, and Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 1, p. 174-175, using Roma, Casanatensis 641 (B. IV. 18).

337. Spiritales patres ueteris Testamenti omnipotentem Deum Trinitatem (ita) esse crediderunt, sicut eandem Trinitatem noui – cum ergo ipsum tertio dixisset, adiunxit: Ipsi gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Taio Episcopvs Caesaravgvstanvs, Sententiarum libri quinque, excerpt (= Lib. 1, c. 7, beginning). Brief EF, showing that God is Triune in the divine Scriptures (Ps. 66, 7-8 and Rm. 11, 36). Source: Pope Gregory I, Homiliarum in Ezechielem prophetam libri duo, 2, Homilia 4, n. 7 (PL, 76, 977C-D). Used by Hrabanus Maurus, Commentaria in Ezechielem, 14 (PL, 110, 903B-C; Hrabanus is closer to Taio than to Gregory). ed.: PL, 80, 738D-739A. ms: Laon, BM 121, f. 129v (tit.: “De trinitate et unitate deitatis”).

338. Sufficiebat fides apud Nicaeam Bythiniae conscripta – (see n. 339). 339. Sufficiebat fides conscripta apud Nicaeam aduersus – Quam uocem catholici semper execrati sunt. Favstinvs Presbyter Lvciferianvs, Confessio fidei (Theodosio Imperatori oblata). CPL, 119. Brief PF on the Trinity; it contains n. 211. edd./mss: M. Simonetti, CC SL, 69, 1967, p. 357 (= CC SL, 8, 1978, p. 325326, right col.), using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 2v-3r (Simonetti has f. 2v) (inc.: “Sufficiebat fides apud niceam bitiniae conscripta aduersus”); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 19r; Milano, BA D. 268 inf., f. 1r (Simonetti erroneously has f. 48r-v); Paris, BF lat. 3848A, f. 80v-81r; Wien, ÖNB 2141 (s. IX-X), f. 49v-50r. Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 148-149, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII. PL, 13, 79-80; PL, 13, 1050; PL, 56, 582-583 (= Collectio Quesnelliana, c. 38).





add. mss: Mordek lists eight Carolingian mss of the Collectio Quesnelliana; see n. 239 for them.

340. Sufficiunt quidem ea quae scripta sunt et a dilectissimo et comministro nostro Damaso episcopo – per quem Patri cum Spiritu Sancto gloria et potestas in saecula saeculorum. Valere uos et memores esse nostri in Christo opto dilecte et desiderantissimo ad episcopos Africa constitutos (Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671). Athanasivs, Ep. contra Arianos, ad honoratissimos in Africa episcopos. Written c. 369. Lengthy EF. ed./ms: Sichard, Antidotum, f. 37v-40r, a diverse form, using a ms “uetustissimum ex bibliotheca Murbacensi”, in Gothic script (cited by Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 145), inc. and expl.: “Satis quidem sunt quae a dilecto et comministro nostro damaso magnae romae episcopo – per quem patri gloria et imperium in saecula. amen” (= PG, 26, 1029-1047, Greek and Latin in parallel col.). add. ms: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 7r-11v.

341. Summam totius fidei catholicae recensentes – et Sancto Spiritu gloriosum principatum intrans uictor regnat in caelo. Amen. Venantivs Fortvnatvs Episcopvs Pictaviensis, Expositio symboli (= Carminum libri XI, XI, 1). CPL, 1035. CAP-type. edd./mss: F. Leo, MGH AA, 4/1, p. 253-258, using ten mss of the Carmina, five of which are Carolingian: Laon, BM 469; Paris, BnF, lat. 9347, f. 132v-133v; Paris, BnF, lat. 14144; Sankt Gallen, SB 196; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 329. Leo also lists, but does not use, Autun, BM 38 (s. IX-X) and London, BL, Add. 24693 (s. IX-X).4 PL, 88, 345-352 (= ed. of Luchi, Venantii opera omnia). add. mss: Metz, BM 351, f. 62r-64v (incompl., only up to “requirens ut ueniet” = Leo, p. 256, line 28); (Milano, BA M. 79 sup., s. XI-XII, f. 26v-28v,

Leo, p. xiv; however, this appears to be an erroneous reference. Acc. to the Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum in the Years 1854-1875: Volume II: Additional Manuscripts 24027-29909, published by the Trustees of the British Museum, Norwich, 1877, repr. 1967, p. 98, Add. 24693 is described as a s. XIX paper volume containing minutes of the proceedings of the Record Commission 1800-1830. Nor did I find any Additional Manuscripts containing Venantius Fortunatus’ Carmina.






separate from the Carmina); Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 57v-62v (separate from the Carmina; attrib. to Venantius).

?342. Super fabricam totius ecclesiae nihil aliud in fundamento ponunt sapientes architecti, qui sunt uerbi praedicatores, nisi Iesum Christum, de quo fundamento credulitas surgit – hoc sapiamus credentes, ut Deus pacis sit nobiscum. Amen. Ps. Iohannes Chrysostomvs [Iohannes Mediocris Episcopvs Neapolitanvs?], Sermo in traditione symboli ad catechumenos. CPL, 915. CAP-type. edd./mss: Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 2, p. 230-234, using two prior editions: Du Duc, Chrysostomi opera omnia, 5, between p. 287b-289b; and Gelenius – Erasmus, Opera Chrysostomi, 5, between col. 718-723. Caspari knows, but does not use, Praha, Universitní Lobkowitz VI. C. 30 (s. XV), f. 172v-174v (which ms also contains n. 383; a second Prague ms, Praha, Universitní Lobkowitz V. G. 19 (s. XV) does not contain n. 342, but only n. 383; see n. 383, and Caspari, p. 225-226, on his use of these two Prague mss). Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 449; 453-458, using 7 other mss.

*343. Symbolum autem plurimis ex causis appellatum est. Symbolum enim Graece, Latine autem et indicium dici potest et conlatio aut pactum uel complacitum fidei quod plures in unum conferunt. Ratio igitur symboli huius omni breuitate connexa est, cuius quidem pauca sunt uerba, sed magna mysteria. Hic Dei Patris et Filii – resurrectio ac uita aeterna perducetur. Maxentivs Patriarcha Aqvileiensis, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum imperatorem de significatu rituum baptismi, excerpt. EF = a summary of the Creed (Apostles’-type). The text is used in an ordo of the scrutinies in baptism of Lupus of Aquileia (Lupus I, s. IXc. med. or Lupus II, s. X) (in Cividale, Musaei Archeologici LXXVII, s. XIV, inc.: “Idcirco huius symboli ratio omni breuitate connexa est”); see Porter, ‘Maxentius of Aquileia’, p. 6-7, on Maxentius as a witness of local sources. The text is partly found, from the words, “Hic Dei Patris”, in the traditio symboli in the Gelasian Sacramentary (n. 114). ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 33, p. 464-465, using München, BSB, Clm 14410, f. 98v-99r.

*344. Symbolum autem sic: Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem. In Devm: uiuum et uerum, Patrem: aeternum aeterni geniti – Amen. Vere, absque ulla dubitatione ita credimus.





Amalarivs Divodvri, Archiepiscopvs Trevirensis, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum Imperatorem de caeremoniis baptismi, excerpt (= c. “De symbolo”). CSLMA I, p. 122-123 (AMAL 10.1); CAP. ed./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 23, p. 342-344, using ten mss, six of which are Carolingian: Freiburg i. Br., UB 8, f. 137r-v; München, BSB, Clm 13581, f. 244v-245r; Paris, BnF, lat. 10741, f. 137v-138v; Sankt Gallen, SB 446, p. 151-152; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 284, f. 27r-v; Zürich, ZB, Car. C. 102, f. 72v-73r.5

*?345. Magister: Symbolum didicisti aut auctorem eiusdem habes uel cuius lingua symbolum sit, an Latina quid interpretatur? Discipulus: Domine, symbolum quod dixistis me didicisse Graecus sermo est – uerus fuit semper et Deus. Interrogationes Phoas Etti Archiepiscopi (tit. in ms, given entirely in Greek capital letters), frag. EF on the word ‘symbolum’, followed by a CNIC-type (using the Athanasian Creed among other sources; the text is partly the same as a “Sermo de fide” discussed by Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 2, p. 808, note 74), followed by a lengthy series of questions on the Trinity and the two natures of Christ (using Isidore and Alcuin among other sources). It is part of an interrogatio sacerdotalis, which in its one known ms is attributed to a certain Archbishop “Etti” (in Greek letters). On his identification (Hetti of Trier, d. 847?; Heddo of Strasbourg, d. after 775?; Hatto of Basel, d. 836?), see Burn, ‘Neue Texte’, (part 3), p. 85-87. ed./ms: Burn, p. 88-89, using Gent, Universiteitsbibliotheek Ms. 324 (olim 581) (s. XI), f. 124v-135r.

346. Symbolum enim Graece dicitur quod Latine interpretatur conlatio siue indicium. Et hanc similitudinem, quam nunc dicturi sumus – uiam ueritatis inlapsa firmitate custodiat. Incipit apertio symboli (tit. in ms). 5 Angers, BM 277, lacks this excerpt due to the removal of a folio between f. 76v and 77r; the variant readings attrib. to Angers, BM 277 in my ed. should be ignored.





EF and CAP by interr./resp.; it is a florilegium, beginning with a definition of the symbolum. Its composition by the twelve apostles. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 30, using Verdun, BM 27, f. 67r-86v.

*347. LII. Symbolum enim Graece, Latine signum uel indicium siue cognitio dicitur. Discessuri enim ab Hierusalem apostoli ad euangelizandum in gentibus – de inuisibilibus atque uisibilibus rebus. De symbolo (tit. in the mss). EF. The text is found in the Collectio duorum librorum (unedited), 1, 52-53 (c. 52 = Isidore, Origines VI, xix, 57-58, with minor variations; c. 53 = questions on the creed, beginning: “Interrogatio. quot symbola habentur in canonibus? responsio. tria”). ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 31, using: Montpellier, BI, Section Méd. 387, f. 50v-51r (same frag. as in the Wolfenbüttel ms, see below); Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 70v-71r (same frag. as in the Wolfenbüttel ms, see below); Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. lat. 452, f. 71r-73; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 407, f. 25r-v; Verdun, BM 27, f. 68r-v (shorter part of the frag. as in the Wolfenbüttel ms, see below); Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Helmst. 532, f. 91v-92r, frag. (of the second part).

348. Symbolum enim in Graeca lingua dicitur, quod in Latina sonat conlatio pecuniae. Et hanc habet similitudinem, quam nunc dicturi sumus. Quicumque transmarinas partes tansfretare uoluerit – perpetuas habebunt poenas corporis et animae. Apertio symboli. EF; a definition of the ‘symbolum’, which is compared to a pact made in the custom of marine merchants, followed by the text of the creed (Apostles’-type) with the names of the apostles at the end, followed by a CAP-type. It is very similar to n. 349. ed./ms: Brewer, Das sogenannte Athanasianische Glaubensbekenntnis, p. 182, line 5 – p. 185, line 9, using Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 39r-42v (tit.: “In nomine domini nostri iesu christi incipit apertio symboli”).

349. Symbolum enim in Graeca lingua dicitur, quod et in Latina sonat conlata pecunia. Et hanc habet similitudinem, quam nunc (or hanc) dicturi sumus. Quicumque transmarinas partes transfretare uoluerint – unus dixit, credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem. Alius dixit, et in Iesvm Christvm Filivm eivs. Tertius dixit, vnicvm Dominvm nostrvm. Quartus dixit – si haec, quae uobis ex-





ponimus sacramenta fideliter teneatis, ac bonis non dubia mente praesumatis, donante illo qui regnat in saecula saeculorum. Expositio symboli (tit. in ms). The text is an expanded form of n. 348, using excerpts from Ps. Augustine, Sermo 242 (n. 254) with some variant readings. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 32, using Zürich, ZB, C. 64 (286), f. 1r-5v., and, to emend the text, Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 39r-42v (= n. 348).

?350. Symbolum est breuiter complexa regula fidei, ut mentem instruat, nec oneret memoriam – Quare? Quia credimus in Deum Patrem omnipotentem. Ergo tenete quod et proposuimus uobis, et quomodo Deus dare dignatus est exposuimus. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 213: In traditione symboli, 2. CPL, 284/sermo 213. CAP-type. edd./ms: PL, 38, 1060-1065 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera, using prior editions only, not mss); Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 231-249, using: Wroclaw (Breslau), UB, Cod. I. Q(uart.). 344 (s. XV) and the editions of the Maurini, 5; Amerbach, Sermones S. Augustini; and Erasmus, Augustini opera. Partially edited by Morin in his ed. of n. 5, of which n. 350 is an expansion.

351. Symbolum…(illegible)…fide duodecinarium numerum apostolorum est cum magna cautella collectum et credentibus adsignatum. Petrus dixit: Credo in Deo – superueniente ira timere non potest. Expositio symboli. An Apostles’-type creed with each verse attributed to an apostle, followed by a definition of ‘fides’. ed./ms: Lowe, The Bobbio Missal, p. 181 (among “Additamenta uaria”), using Paris, BnF, Lat. 13246 (= Missale Bobbiense), f. 297v-298v.

352. Symbolum Graeca lingua dicitur collata pecunia et habet hanc similitudinem. Quicumque ad partes transmarinas locum destinatum transfretare uoluerit mare – Mathius: Carnis usque aeternam. amen (amen is in Greek letters). Ps. Hieronymvs, Est etiam super hoc alia Hieronymi explanatio (tit. in ms). EF (definition of the ‘symbolum’, which is compared to a pact made in the custom of marine merchants, and the text of an Apostles’-type creed with each verse attrib. to an apostle). On





the order of the names of the apostles, see Bouhot, ‘L’origine apostolique’, p. 159-164. The text is very similar to n. 125, 256, 346, 348, 349, 357. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 33, using Paris, BnF, lat. 14085, f. 230r.

353. Symbolum Graeca lingua dicitur quod in Latine – aeterna uita erit ubi mors numquam erit, sed semper perpetua felicitas, sicut (cum?) Propheta dicit: Erit opus iustitiae pax, cultus iustitiae silentium et securitas usque in sempiternum. Sermo de symbolo. CPL, 1760. Perhaps s. VII; on the date and the special features of the text, see Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 2, p. 872874. The text nearly = n. 360, without its end. It is also similar to n. 355. EF (definition of symbolum) and CAP-type. edd./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, within Text 28, p. 397-400, using Orléans, BM 116, f. 6v-8v (tit.: “Incipit expositio super sinbulum”). Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ (part 2), p. 129-132 (= PLS, 4, 2160-2162), using: Sankt Gallen, SB 732, p. 156-162 (lacking the first three sentences; inc.: “Credo in devm patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. omnipotens deus ipse creauit omnia bona”); (Vesoul, BM 73, s. XI, f. 66r-68v; on f. 55v-57r there is a different recension in the form of interr./resp., ed. by Keefe, 2, within Text 52, p. 595-597, inc. and expl.: “Interrogatio: quid est hoc quod interrogas ei si credit in deum patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae? responsio: omnipotens dicitur quia ipse omnium potest. ideo creator caeli et terrae quia omnia bona creauit, non mala – iustos quoque ab ipso domino perpetuam beatitudinem percepturos; impios et peccatores una cum diabolo et angelis eius sempiternam poenam saecundum opera eorum recepturos”). Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 497-514, using the mss known by Keefe and Burn, as well as El Escorial, RBSL L. III. 8, f. 12r-14r; Roma, BNC, Sessor. 52 [2096], f. 161v-163r ; Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 36v-38v; Albi, BM 38 bis, f. 55r partim. add. mss: El Escorial, RBSL L. III. 8, f. 12r-14r; Laon, BM 288, f. 2v-6r (with variant readings; expl.: “carnis resvrrectionem. sanctus iob dicit: scio quod redemptor noster uiuit et in nouissimo die de terra retturis sim et in carne mea uidebo deum”); Paris, BnF, lat. 1012, f. 55v-59r. Westra: Firenze, BML, Plut. Sin. 4, f. 342v-343r (s. XI); Leiden, BR, Perizonius, Q 17, f. 49v-51r (s. XIII).

354. Symbolum Graeca lingua dicitur quod in Latina interpretatur conlatio siue placitum inter Deum et hominem – plenitudo fidei demonstratur.





Incipit expositio in symbolum (tit. in Paris, BnF, lat. 1008). Brief EF (definition of the ‘symbolum’ very similar to n. 356). ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 34, using: Merseburg, Dombibl. 103, f. 40r; Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IX-X), f. 19v-20r.

355. Symbolum Graeca lingua dicitur quod in Latinum interpretatur conlatio siue indicium; conlatio, quod XII apostoli – recipiat unusquisque secundum opera sua. Item alia expositio symboli (tit. in Paris, BnF, lat. 2373). CAP (up to “unde uenturus iudicare uiuos et mortuos”). Partly similar to n. 77, 346, 358, 360, 353. ed./mss: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 35, using Paris, BnF, lat. 2373, f. 35v-36r; Paris, BnF, lat. 13440, f. 222r-v (frag.; tit.: “Expositio”); Troyes, BM 804, f. 53v-54r (tit.: “Alia expositio symboli”; Bouhot, ‘Les sources’, p. 135 calls the form of the text in this ms an intermediary between n. 358 and n. 353).

356. Symbolum Graeca lingua est. Latina interpretatur conlatio siue indicium; conlatio, quia duodecim apostoli duodecim uerba symboli conposuerunt; indicium, per quod indicatur omnis scientia ueritatis, per quam possimus peruenire ad uitam aeternam. In ista duodecim uerba symboli tota haeresis excluditur, et omnis sapientia demonstratur (= entire text). De symbolo. EF. The text = the beginning of both n. 355 and n. 353. ed./ms: Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 280, note 182, using Albi, BM 38 bis, f. 55r. add. ms: (Laon, BM 303, s. XIII, based on a Carolingian exemplar, f. 9r, has a variant form, inc.: “Credo in devm patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. quo nomine uocatur haec doctissima fides? symbolum graeca”; the text in this ms is the beginning of a longer creed commentary, which continues, “Petrus dixit: Credo in devm patrem – sanctus mathias dixit: Vitam aeternam”, ed. partially [only the text of the creed, not the commentary on each article] by Bouhot, ‘L’origine apostolique’, p. 164, note 23, who considers the entire text in Laon, BM 303 [f. 9r-10r] a form of n. 360.)

357. Symbolum Graece, conlata pecunia dicitur Latine. Quicumque trans mare transire uoluerit, pecuniam ad nauem congregat – malis mala, bonis bona.





Incipit expositio symboli (tit. in ms). A contracted form of n. 349, with some variant readings. edd./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 36, using Sankt Gallen, SB 40, p. 322-325. Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ (part 1), p. 184, edited only the first part, using the same ms.

358. Symbolum Graece dicitur, Latine conlatio siue indicium siue signum. Conlatio dicitur quia conuenerunt XII apostoli in unum et composuerunt duodecim uerba symboli – mala in ignem aeternum. Item expositio symboli (tit. in ms). CAP-type. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 37, using Troyes, BM 804, f. 67v-69r.

359. Symbolum Graece dicitur quod in Latine – in carne mea uidebo Deum. (See n. 353.) 360. Symbolum Graece dicitur, quod Latine interpretatur conlatio siue indictio. Conlatio, quia duodecim apostoli duodecim uerba symboli conposuerunt. Indicium, per quod indicatur omnis scientia ueritatis, per quod etiam possumus peruenire ad uitam aeternam. In ista duodecim uerba symboli tota haeresis excluditur et omnis sapientia demonstratur. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem creatorem caeli et terrae. Omnipotens Deus dicitur – ubi mors numquam erit, sed semper perpetua felicitas. Amen. Haec summa est fidei nostrae, dilectissimi – in toto corpore quod praecessit in capite. De symbolo. The first part is nearly the same as n. 353; the second part (from “Haec summa est fidei nostrae”) = the first part of the traditio symboli in the Gelasian Sacramentary (n. 114). EF (definition of ‘symbolum’) and CAP. ed./ms: Brewer, Das sogenannte Athanasianische Glaubensbekenntnis, p. 179-182, using Monza, BC e-14/127, f. 36v-39r. add. mss: Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 387, f. 41r-45r (lacking the first ten lines due to loss of a folio, beginning from, “Iesus et messias hebraici dicitur”); (Roma, BN, Sessor. 52 [2096], f. 161v-163r, s. XIex.; Morin, ‘Notice sur un manuscrit’, p. 485-486, discusses the contents of the text using this ms).





*361. Symbolum Graece et indicium dare (lege dici) potest et conlatio, hoc est quod plures – a populo proclamaturet. Ecce eius interpretatio. Expositio symboli. VIIII. Credo in Devm Patrem omnipotentem. Deus enim sic Deus semper est, ita semper et omnipotens – haec est fidei plenitudo et arma animarum nostrarum. (without tit. in ms). Contained in an anonymous Carolingian exposition on baptism. EF (definition of ‘symbolum’, partly from Isidore) and CAPtype. ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 51, p. 589-591, using Paris, BnF, lat. 1012, f. 5v-8r.

362. Symbolum Graece, interpretatur Latine signum uel indicium; quod ideo signum uel indicium constat fuisse inuentum quia post peractam dominicae passionis gloriam – corpus generaliter compaginatas. (without tit. in ms). EF, largely using Isidore’s explanation of the symbol in De ecclesiasticis officiis, II, xxiii, 2, 3, and Origines, VI, xix, 57-58. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 38, using Paris, BnF, lat. 14085, f. 230r.

*363. Symbolum Graece, Latine collatio dicitur – et initium, et finem, ut sunt animalia et bestiae. De symbolo. The text = Ps. Alcuin, Liber de diuinis officiis, 41. (On the date of the work, thought to be s. IXex. or Xin., see CSLMA, II, ALC 27, p. 133.) EF (a definition of ‘symbolum’) and CAP. ed.: PL, 101, 1271-1273. ms: Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 479, f. 59r-v (in a frag. of the Liber de diuinis officiis).

*364. Symbolum Graece, Latine indicium et signum uel conlatio interpretatur. Indicium quia per id indicatur fidei integritas; signum quod eo bene retento – atque credunt remissionem peccatorum et resurrectionem carnis et uitam post mortem et regnare cum Christo in saecula saeculorum. Amen.





Magnvs Archiepiscopvs Senonensis, Liber de ordine baptismi ad Carolum Magnum, excerpt. EF on the creed and faith. ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 15, p. 267-268, using Paris, BnF, lat. 13655, f. 2r-v, and post s. IX mss.

?365. Symbolum Graece, Latine indicium siue conlatio dicitur. Indicium quia id indicatur fidei integritas – amen: quo dicitur fideliter siue firmiter. Sermo de symbolo. CPL, 1761; EF (definition of ‘symbolum’) and CAP. On the contents of the text, see Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 2, p. 973-974. edd./mss: Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ (part 2), p. 135-137, using Milano, BA M. 79 sup. (s. XI-XII), f. 28v-29r and Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 515518, using also Paris, BnF, lat. 2710, f. 60r.

366. Symbolum Graece, Latine signum uel cognitio – praepositio non dicitur. (See n. 284.) 367. Symbolum Graece, Latine uero interpretatur indicio uel conlatio, hoc est quod plures in unum – sed omnia continentur sacramenta. (without tit. in ms). EF, using Isidore’s explanation of the symbol in De ecclesiasticis officiis, II, xxiii, 3, 5, and Origines VI, xix, 57-58, with some variant readings. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 39, using Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IXX), f. 27r-28r.

*368. Symbolum Graece, Latine uero interpretatur indicium uel conlatio, hoc est quod plures in unum – sed in tabulis cordis carnalibus. Leidradvs Episcopvs Lvgdvnensis, Liber de sacramento baptismi ad Carolum Magnum Imperatorem, excerpt (c. 4, “De symbolo”). EF (an explanation of the ‘symbolum’, consisting of Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis II, xxiii, 3, and Origines VI, xix, 57-58, with a few differences).





ed./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 25, p. 363-364, using four mss, two of which are Carolingian: Paris, BnF, lat. 1008 (s. IX-X), f. 98r; Paris, BnF, lat. 12262, f. 138r-v; (one of the post s. IX mss is Barcelona, BU 228, s. X2/2 or XI, f. 146v).

*369. Symbolum itaque Graece, Latine signum uel cognitio interpretatur. Discessuri apostoli – et per praesens placitum, futurum pertrahit ad lucrum, ex fide in fidem. Iesse Episcopvs Ambianensis, Ep. de baptismo, excerpt (c. “De symbolo”). EF (definition of ‘symbolum’; the first part = Isidore, Origines VI, xix, 57-58). ed./mss: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 30, p. 422-424, using: Firenze, BML, Ashburnham App. 1923, f. 10r-11r; Sankt Gallen, SB 124, p. 321-323; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 485, f. 42v-43r; ed. of de Cordes, Opuscula, using an unidentified ms (= PL, 105, 781-791).

*370. Symbolum per linguam Graecam signum uel cognitio interpretatur. Dispersi enim apostoli – et omnis Christiani dogmatis sacramentum. Hic Dei Patris et Filii una et aequalis pronuntiatur potestas. Hic unicus – sed in tabulis carnis carnalibus. , excerpt. EF, contained in an anonymous Carolingian exposition on baptism. The text consists of Isidore, Origines, VI, xix, 57-58a (= a definition of ‘symbolum’); the sermon on the traditio symboli in the Gelasian Sacramentary (n. 114); and Isidore, Origines, VI, xix, 58b (on the symbol, which is written on tablets of flesh). ed./ms: Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, Text 58, p. 622, using Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 75 (4159) (s. X2/2 or s. XI/XII), f. 104v.

371. Symbolum quod idem competentes accipiunt – etiam apud infideles. De officiis. Ad fidem uenient non primo. De symbolo apostolico quo imbuuntur competentes Isidorus ait (tit. in ms). EF (definition of ‘symbolum’ and the text of an Apostles’-type creed, with each verse attrib. to an apostle). ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 40, using BM 625 (576), f. 67r-v.





372. Symbolum quod uobis tradituri sumus, fratres carissimi, comprehensio est fidei nostrae atque perfectio – audistis iudicium, quotidie exspectetis aduentum. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 241. CPL, 368/sermo 241; CPPM, IA 1026. S. VIIIex. (Bouhot, ‘L’origine apostolique’, p. 160). Kattenbusch, Verbreitung, p. 769-772, comments on the sermon in detail. EF (explanation of the word ‘symbolum’ and the text of an Apostles’-type creed with each verse attrib. to an apostle), followed by a CAP. ed.: PL, 39, 2190-2191 (= Maurini, S. Augustini opera). ms: Roma, BN 1190 (Phill. 8400), f. 200r-201v.

373. Symbolum tali ratione institutum maiores nostri edisserunt – Dominus per Prophetam loquitur: Verbum adbreuiatum faciet Dominus super terram. De symbolo apostolorum Isidorus (tit. in ms). EF (= abbreviated form of Isidore’s definition of the symbol in De ecclesiasticis officiis II, xxiii, with a few differences in wording). ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 41, using Troyes, BM 804, f. 67r-v.

374. Tangamus et illam ultimam quaestionem quam inter ceteras addidisti – (see n. 303). 375. Te, Pater omnipotens, mundum qui luce gubernas – Spiritui per cuncta Deo sit saecula Sancto. Pavlinvs Patriaracha Aqvileiensis, Regula fidei metrico promulgata stili mucrone. PF. ed./mss: Dümmler, Poet., p. 126-130, using: London, BL, Harley 3091; Paris, BnF, lat. 2846 (s. X). add. ms: Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 192, f. 99r-101v (only verses 1-81 are in a s. IX hand).

376. Tempus est ut symbolum accipiatis quo continetur breuiter, propter aeternam salutem, omne quod creditur (creditis). Symbolum autem nuncupatur a similitudine quadam translato uocabulo – ac sic Domino Deo largitori bonorum omnium placeatis non seruiliter





timendo poenam, sed liberaliter amando iustitiam. Hoc est ergo symbolum, quod uobis per Scripturas et sermones ecclesiasticos insinuatum est: sed sub hac breui forma fidelibus confitendum (consistendum) et proficiendum est. Avgvstinvs, Sermo 212. De symbolo or In traditione symboli. CPL, 284/sermo 212; CPPM, IA 595. CAP-type and exhortation to assign the creed to memory. edd./mss: Poque, Sermons, p. 174-184, using: Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. lat. 1594 (s. VII), f. 1-?; Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Weiss. 12 (4096), f. 27r-28v; five mss of a homiliary, all s. XII; and PL, 38, 1058-1060 (= ed. of the Maurini, S. Augustini opera). add. mss: Paris, BnF, lat. 2373, f. 34v-35v (lacking the final sentence); Troyes, BM 804, f. 52v-53v (lacking the final sentence, “Hoc est ergo”).

?377. Interrogatio: Tota Trinitas incarnationem accepit, an forte sola Filii persona? – Responsio: Ipse haerendo enim ad unitatem personae Filius Dei… (incompl.). Ps. Isidorvs, De Trinitate or Interrogatio. Responsio. Dehinc domini Isidori dicit ad Trinitatem breuiter collecta. CPL, 1200; CPPM, IIA 1088. A cento from the works of Isidore, perhaps composed in s. IX (Díaz y Díaz, ‘Isidoriana’, p. 151, note 3). Lengthy EF by interr./resp. on the Trinity and the two natures of Christ. ed./ms: García Villada, Historia eclesiástica, 2, 2, p. 282-289, using Madrid, Bibl. de la Real Academia de la Historia 78 (s. Xex.-XIin.), f. 225v-230v (incompl.) (= PLS, 4, 1807-1815).

?378. Traditur quod a beatissimo Athanasio – ita enim incipit ipsum opusculum. Qvicvnqve vvlt salvvs esse, ante omnia opvs est vt teneat catholicam fidem. Fides, quae credentem saluat et in aeternum perire non sinit, non est illa, de qua Iacob apostolus dicit – ubi cum angelis Deum laudantes de illius laude uiuamus, de illius laude et nos gloriemur. Amen. Commentarius in symbolum Athanasianum (“Commentarius Bouhierianus”). S. IX or after (Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. xlvi); s. VIII (Ommanney, Early History, p. 28); both Burn and Ommanney believe it is based on the “Commentarium Oratoriensis” (n. 275).





ed./mss: Ommanney, p. 355-374, using: London, BL, Add. 14902 (s. XI), f. 71r-78v; Troyes, BM 1532 (s. XII); Troyes, BM 1979, s. XI, f. 2r-13r (attrib. to Augustine).

379. Tradunt maiores nostri quod post ascensionem Domini omnes apostoli in unum – et inuenire inter eos qui resurgunt ad uitam aeternam. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Incipit expositio symboli (tit. in Barcelona, BU 228). CAP-type. The text is an abbreviated and transformed recension of Rufinus, Commentarius in symbolum apostolorum (n. 198). ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 43, using Barcelona, BU 228 (s. X2/2 or XI), f. 117r-120r. add. ms: (Milano, BA M. 79 sup., s. XI-XII, f. 29r-30r).

380. Trinitas appellata quod fiat totum unum ex quibusdam tribus quasi triunitas – persona intellegitur, non natura. Isidorvs, Origines, excerpt (= VII, iv). EF on the Trinity. ed.: Lindsay, Isidori etymologiarum siue originum libri XX, 1. ms: Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 65v-66v (separate from the Origines; tit.: “Item dicta sancti isidori episcopi de eadem trinitate”).

381. Tu unus Deus Pater et Filius et Spiritus, qui unitam deitatem nobis declarasti – operatio in factura. Evsebivs Episcopvs Vercellensis, De Trinitate, 1-7 or Ps. Vigilivs Thapsensis / Ps. Ambrosivs / Ps. Athanasivs, De Trinitate libri XII, 1-7. CPL, 105 (frag.); CPPM, IIA 37 (frag.), 701 (frag.), 1693 (frag.). Lengthy EF by interr./resp. on the Trinity against diverse heretics. ed./mss: V. Bulhart, CC SL, 9, p. 3-99, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671 (78), f. 22v-57v (attrib. to Athanasius; this is the Fleury ms used by Chifflet, Vigilii opera); Milano, BA O. 210 sup., f. 13r-33r (attrib. to Athanasius; incompl., only Lib. 1 – 5. 31); a ms of Murbach used by Sichard, Antidotum; Oxford, BL, Canonic. Script. eccl. lat. 112, f. 1r-before f. 37r (attrib. to Athanasius; it also includes Lib. 8 of the De Trinitate libri XII, which ends on f. 37r); Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5760, f. 142r-167r (attrib. to Ambrose); Verona, BC LIX (57) (s. VI-VII), f. 7r-11v (frag., = Lib. 6, cc. 4-17); one





post s. IX ms; the ed. of Chifflet, Vigilii opera, in PL, 62, 237-286; and the ed. of Sichard, Antidotum. add. mss: Saint-Mihiel, BM 28, f. 1r-before 68v, and Trier, Stadtbibl. 118, f. 313v-392v both contain De Trinitate libri XII, 1-9, 12.

382. Vna substantia est sanctae Trinitatis, quia unus est Christus Dominus Deus – quoniam ex ipso, et per ipsum, et in ipso sunt omnia; ipsi gloria in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Vigilivs Thapsensis, Sermo de duplici in Christo natura. CPL, 810; CPPM, IA 1783, IB 6446. A cento composed in northern Italy, s. VI (on the date and the ms tradition of the text, see Chavasse, ‘Un curieux centon’, p. 87-90). EF on the assumption of humanity by the Word, and the passion, not of the Word, but of the assumed humanity. edd./mss: Mai, oua patrum bibliotheca, 1, p. 391-393, using Verona, BC LIX (57) (s. VI-VII), f. 93r-96r (tit.: “Incipit de incarnatione et passione uel resurrectione domini nostri iesu christi sancti agustini”) (= PLS, 3, 12591261). Chavasse, p. 90-97, using: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 62v-63v (tit.: “Incipit de incarnatione domini sancti agustini”; inc.: “Credimus quoniam una est substantia sanctae trinitatis”); and Verona, BC LIX (57).

?383. Vniuersalis ecclesia gaudet in una regula caritatis Christi – cum perseuerauerit, quae audistis et uidistis et didicistis a nobis, haec agite, et Deus pacis erit uobiscum. Amen. Ps. Iohannes Chrysostomvs [Iohannes Mediocris Episcopvs Neapolitanvs?], Sermo. (In symbolum apostolorum expositio. Homilia 1.) CPL, 915. A western author, between 450-550 (Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 2, p. 234-244). CAP-type, using Augustine. edd./mss: Caspari, p. 226-230, using: Praha, Universitní Lobkowitz V. G. 19 (s. XV), f. 258r-260r (tit.: “Sermo iohannis crisostomi de expositione simboli”) and VI. C. 30 (s. XV), f. 169v-170v (tit.: “Sermo sancti iohannis crisostomi de expositione symboli”); and two editions: Du Duc, Chrysostomi opera omnia, 5, between p. 287b-289b; and Gelenius – Erasmus, Opera Chrysostomi, 5, between col. 718-723. Westra, The Apostles’ Creed, p. 449452; 456-457, using 7 other mss.

384. Vniuersitatis dispositio bifaria ratione debet intellegi – agnoscere potuit, sed apostolica fides tradidit, ecclesiastica uigilantia custodiuit.





Ps. Isidorvs, Liber de ordine creaturarum, frag. (= c. 1: “De fide Trinitatis”). Written in Spain, s. VII (Díaz y Díaz, Liber de ordine creaturarum, p. 13-28). EF on the Trinity and the incarnate Son. ed./mss: Díaz y Díaz, p. 84-88, using: twenty-five mss; the three editions of d’Achéry, Spicilegium (I, 225-268 = 1st ed., 1655; I, 268-307 = 2nd ed., 1665; I, 225-237 = 3rd ed., with Baluze – Martene, 1723), who used a s. VIII-IX ms of Reims, now lost; and the edition of Arévalo, Isidori opera omnia. Five of the mss are Carolingian; of these, one contains the text separate from the Liber de ordine creaturarum: Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B, f. 64v-65v; four contain the text as part of the Liber de ordine creaturarum: Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 102 (B. V. 18), between f. 78r-101r; Basel, UB F. III. 15b, between f. 1r-19r; München, BSB, Clm 6302, between f. 1r-29v; Paris, BnF, lat. 9561, between f. 1r-14r.

385. Vnum Deum sentite, Patrem et Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, unum Deum, unius maiestatis, unius substantiae atque uirtutis tripartitum. Vnum Deum probate, manifestate, adfirmate, in errore uagitantibus praedicate – a morte secunda euadamus. Professio fidei. Tosti, Storia, 1, p. 268, says unedited. PF. ms: Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 4, p. 205-207 (tit.: “De dei hunitate”).

386. Vnum igitur hoc est immobile fundamentum, una haec felix fidei petra, Petri ora confessa – scit enim unum esse Filium unigenitum carnem factum et hominem. Leo I Papa, Testimonia de fide or Testimonia sanctorum patrum or Exemplaria testimoniorum diuersorum sanctorumque patrum. Written in 458. In many mss this text is treated as an appendix to Leo, Ep. 165 “Promisisse me” (CPL, 1656/ep. 165) (= Ep. 104 in the ed. of Schwartz, ACO, II, 4, p. 113-119). EF: florilegium of excerpts from Hilary, Ambrose, Augustine, John Chrysostom, Theophilus of Alexandria, Cyril of Alexandria, Gregory Nazianzus, and Basil, on the incarnation and two natures of Christ. There are different recensions, on which see Saltet, ‘Les sources’, p. 289-303, especially p. 301-303. ed./mss: Schwartz, p. 119-131, using: München, BSB, Clm 14540; Paris, Bibl. Mazarine 1645; Verona, BC LIX (57) (s. VI-VII); five mss of the





Collectio Quesnelliana: Arras, BM 644; Einsiedeln, SB 191; Paris, BnF, lat. 3848A; Wien, ÖNB 2141 (s. IX-X); Wien, ÖNB 2147; five mss of the Collectio Hispana, one of which is Carolingian: El Escorial, RBSL e. I. 12; three mss of the Collectio Vaticana: Firenze, BML, Aedil. 82; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1342, f. 180r-185r; Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 679, f. 277r-286r; three mss of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana adaucta, two of which are Carolingian: München, BSB, Clm 14008; Roma, Bibl. Vallicell. A. 5. He also used Paris, BnF, 3848B, f. 46v-51v (= a different recension, inc.: “Exemplum testimoniorum sancti hilari episcopi et confessoris de fide in libro secundo inter cetera. humani enim generis causa dei filius natus ex uirgine est”). He also used six mss that contain another version of the text, lacking a number of chapters, four of which are Carolingian (all mss of the Collectio Rustici canonum concilii Chalcedonensis): Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 58; Paris, BnF, lat. 2777; Paris, BnF, lat. 11611; Verona, BC LVIII. add. mss: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 99v-100r (only cc. 21-24 of the ed. of Schwartz); Paris, BnF, lat. 1454, f. 101r-105r (= Collectio Quesnelliana, but the inc. is the same as Paris 3848B; expl.: “carnaliter natum esse dicitur” = Schwartz, p. 130, line 28); Paris, BnF, lat. 2123, f. 24v-29v (very similar to the recension in Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B).

387. Vnus Deus Pater, ex quo omnia, et unus Iesus Christus, per quem omnia, et unus Spiritus Sanctus, in quo omnia. Vnus Deus et tres personae. Vnusquisque Christianus tres in se habet – Spiritus Sanctus eo quod a Patre et Filio procedens diuidens singulis prout uult. Similitudines (per quas potest Christianus firmiter fidem catholicam credere et cognoscere). CPL, 1756. EF: the brief similitudes explain how the Trinity is three and one, and how the Father and Son are one and two. In part similar to Ps. Augustine, Sermo 242 (n. 254) and Augustine, De Trinitate, XV, 6-10; on the similitudes, see Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 118-119. ed./ms: Künstle, p. 177-178, using Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 66r (= PLS, 4, 1518-1519). add. mss: El Escorial, RBSL L. III. 8, f. 10r-v; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 191, f. 76v-77r.

388. Vnus Deus, Pater Verbi uiuentis, sapientiae subsistentis et uirtutis suae et figurae, perfectus perfecti genitor – neque itaque defuit





unquam Filius Patri, neque Filio Spiritus Sanctus, sed inconuertibilis et immutabilis eadem Trinitas semper. Gregorivs Thavmatvrgvs Episcopvs Neocaesariensis, Confessio fidei, translation of Rufinus. Brief PF on the Trinity. ed./ms: Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 15, using: (Paris, BnF, lat. 2076, s. X, f. 53r; same tit. as Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, see below); Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 149v, left col., tit.: “Exemplar fidei catholicae gregorii caesariensis episcopi et martyris”; Wien, ÖNB 1861, f. 6v-7r; the editions of Fabricius, Bibliotheca graeca, and Gallandi, Bibliotheca ueterum patrum, which both have the same reading forms as Wien, ÖNB 1861; and comparing the letter of Pope Hadrian I to Charlemagne on images (PL, 98, 1249D-1250), which contains a large excerpt of the text (“Vnus deus – et in omnibus cognoscitur”). add. mss: Brussel, KB 8654-72, f. 109r (tit.: “Fides beati gregorii mart et episcopi neocessariae”); Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. XVIII, f. 19r (the form is close to Caspari, p. 15, although it begins “Vnus deus principium”, which is the incipit of n. 389; Leiden, BR, BPL 67. F, f. 153r (tit.: “Exemplar fidei catholicae sancti gregorii martyri et episcopi”); Montecassino, Archivio della Badia 4, p. 207-208; Paris, BnF, lat. 14085, f. 232v (attrib. to Gregory Nazianzus); Roma, Casa Madre dei Padri Maristi, A. II. 1, f. 108r; Wien, ÖNB 2223, f. 77r-v (without attrib.).

389 Vnus Deus, principium et Pater Verbi uiuentis, sapientiae existentis et uirtutis et imaginis propriae, perfectus perfecti genitor – neque enim defuit aliquando Filius Patri, aut Filio Spiritus Sanctus, sed immutabilis et inconuertibilis haec eadem Trinitas semper. Gregorivs Thavmatvrgvs Episcopvs Neocaesariensis, Confessio fidei, ancient translation, not by Rufinus. Brief PF on the Trinity. edd./mss: Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 16-17, using: (Paris, BnF, lat. 2076, s. X, f. 54r); Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, f. 149v, right col. (tit.: “Fides sancti gregorii maioris”); one s. XV ms; the editions of Coleti, Sacrosancta concilia, Walch, Bibliotheca symbolica, and Hahn, Bibliothek (the relation of these to other editions of Justel, Bibliotheca, and Mansi, Sacrorum conciliorum collectio, are discussed by Caspari, p. 6, note 10). Diéz – Rodriguez, La Colección, 3, p. 89-90, using nine mss, of which four are Carolingian: El Escorial, RBSL e. I. 12; Gerona, Biblioteca Capitular, s. n.; Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1341; Wien, ÖNB 411 (the tit. in all four mss is “Fides sancti gregorii maioris”).





add. ms: Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1671, f. 2r (tit.: “Expositio fidei a sancto gregorio episcopo neocesariense”).

390. Vnus deus, sicut scriptum est: Audi Israel, Dominus Deus – seruitio diuini operis, hoc est homini deputata sunt non adoranda (or colenda). Amen. Ps. Ambrosivs, Libellus fidei. CPL, 174; CPPM, IIA 49. Not by Ambrose (Kattenbusch, Das apostolische Symbol, 1, p. 100, note 17; 2, p. 393-394, note 61). PF on the unity of the Trinity, the divinity of the Son, God as Creator, the soul as created, evil not created by God, and the goodness of all creation. ed./mss: Ballerini, S. Ambrosii opera, 6, p. 845-848, using: Milano, BA D. 268 inf., f. 35v-36r; and Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5760, f. 140v-141v (tit.: “Libellus fidei sancti ambrosii”). (= PLS, 1, 601-604.)

391. Vtile et pernecessarium, sanctisque Dei ecclesiis – Iohannes lector misericordia Dei subscripsit. Ps. Iohannes Maxentivs / Ps. Petrvs Diaconvs / Ps. Avgvstinvs, Ep. Petri Diaconi et sociorum scripta ad Africanos in Sardinia exsules or De incarnatione et gratia Domini nostri Iesu Christi ad Fulgentium et alios episcopos Africae. CPL, 663; CPPM, IIA 181, 1445. PF, largely a retraction of John Maxentius, Libellus fidei (n. 296). edd./mss: J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91A, p. 551-562, using: (Grenoble, BM 226, s. XII, f. 146v-179r); Roma, BN 1006 (Cheltenham 12260), f. 77v-125r; and prior editions. (Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 85A, p. 157-172, repeats Fraipont’s ed., without Fraipont’s apparatus criticus). PL, 45, 1772-1776. PL, 62, 83-92. PL, 65, 443-451 (= Ep. 16 among the letters of Fulgentius).

392. Vere firmum fidei est fundamentum – (see n. 148). 393. Vocat nos, fratres karissimi, diuina pietas ad salutem animarum nostrarum, ad gaudia sempiternae beatitudinis; uocat nos per ecclesiasticos doctores – in quibus sine fine cum sanctis angelis gaudebimus, praestante et adiuuante diuina pietate, cui sit laus et gloria, pax et potestas in omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. Ps. Avgvstinvs, Incipit praedicatio Augustini episcopi de fide catholica (tit. in ms).





EF: sermon on the Trinity, incarnation, burial, resurrection, and second coming of Christ, and how a Christian ought to live. ed./ms: Keefe, Explanationes, Textus 43, using Albi, BM 38 bis, f. 55r-57r. (Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 253, note 7, erroneously gives as the explicit of this text the explicit of another creed commentary [n. 46] in Albi, BM 38 bis, on f. 57v.)


Albi, Bibliothèque municipale 2/2

2 (147), s. IX , southern France, probably Albi (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 39, note 13). 184 f. (no foliation); 352 × 243 mm.; 31 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 10, n. 16; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 592-603.)

= Collectio Albigensis >> (not contiguous:) n. 58 (near the beginning), 263 (twice), 239, 195. Following the Collectio, the final seven folios = canons of the councils of Epaon, an. 517; councils of Bordeaux and Saint-Jean de Losne under King Childeric II (sat 662-675). 38 bis, s. IXc. med., probably southern France, Albi uncertain (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 269-270); s. IX3/4, southern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 10-11, n. 20). 65 f.; 228-240 × 160-175 mm.; 28 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 3-7; Mordek, p. 269-271.)

Clerical instruction reader. f. 1r-29v = Collectio uetus Gallica (with additions) >> (not contiguous:) n. 234, 263; f. 30r-38v = Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis (CPL, 1676); Pope Gregory I, Libellus responsionum ad Augustinum Cantuariensis; f. 38v-42r = clerical interrogation (inc.: “Interrogatio. canon in qua lingua dicitur”), including questions on the clerical grades (with two ordinals of Christ), baptism, and the mass; f. 42r-51r = penitential attrib. to Bede; dicta of Isidore on consanguinity; canons of Pope Gregory II on clerical marriage and incest; excerpts from other penitentials on usury, avarice, inhospitality, rebaptism, work on Sundays; f. 51r-52v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer attrib. to John Chrysostom; f. 52v-57v = n. 246, 356, 393, 46, 292; f. 57v-58r = Augustine, De uera religione, excerpt; f. 58r-65r = Bede, De temporum ratione, excerpt (“De aetate lune”); calendar; computus.





39, s. VIII-IX (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 489); southern France, prob. s. IX1/4 (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 11, n. 21). 137 f. (incompl.); c. 247 × 182 mm.; 20 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

Perhaps a clerical instruction reader. (The contents of this ms are the same as the related ms, New York, Columbia University, Butler Library, Plimpton 58 [see below].) f. 1r-12r = n. 58; f. 136r-137r = n. 81 (incompl. due to mutilation of the ms). 40, s. IX1/2, southern France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 235); s. IXend?, southern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 11, n. 22). 88 f. (incompl.); 249 × 162 mm.; 23 lines. Some decorated initial letters (f. 13v, 18v, 23r, 42v). (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes and microfilm.)

Perhaps a monastic schoolbook for instructing clergy. f. 1r-2v = probationes pennae; explanation of the words carmentes and uocales; f. 2v-4r = on letters, inc.: “Incipit de littera. lector scisti litteras, quid me interrogas de littera”; f. 4r-13r = sentences attrib. to Augustine on the Old and New Testament, inc.: “Incipiunt sentencias sancti augustini tam de uetus quam de nouo testamento. interrogas. quid interest inter uetus et nouum testamento”; f. 13v-18v = clerical questions, tit. and inc.: “Interrogaciones de diuersis. homo pro quid dicitur? ab umo quia de limo” >> n. 66, 135, 3 (f. 15r-17r); f. 18v-42r = Ps. Pirminius, De singulis libris canonicis scarapsus >> n. 234 (variation) (f. 25r-v), 151 (f. 36r-42r); f. 42r-88v = homilies; “Dicta s. isidori. in summo honore”; “Sententia s. geronimi”; other excerpts from the fathers. 42, s. IXex., probably southern France (Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 32); s. IX3/3 (after 852), northern France (area of Reims?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 11, n. 24). 80 f.; 230 × 160 mm.; 26 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 8-9.)





Episcopal handbook. f. 1v-7r = Hincmar of Reims, Constitutiones synodicae; additional episcopal capitularies; f. 7-21v = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber >> n. 289, 24 (f. 9r-10v); f. 21v-23v = Almannus, priest and monk, Ep. ad archiepiscopum Sigebodum arbonensem, on the difference between the body, soul, and spirit; f. 23v-42v = commentary on the dedication of a church (incompl. due to loss of folios); f. 43r-60r = Augustine, De agone Christiano (incompl. at the beginning); f. 60r-72r = ordines Romani (Andrieu’s ordines I, XXIV, XXVI, XLII for the mass, the day offices in Holy Week, the night offices in Holy Week, and the deposition of relics); f. 72r-v = Isidore, Allegoriae (the beginning only); f. 72v-80r = n. 197; f. 80r-v = various antiphons, prayers, litanies. 43, s. IX4/4, probably southern France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 261); s. IXc. ex., southern France (Rhône-Tal?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 11, n. 25). 116 f.; 197 × 163 mm.; 20 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 10-11.)

Clerical instruction reader. f. f. f. f. f.

1r-15v = n. 221; 15v-19v = clerical interrogation; 19v-22r = exposition on baptism; 22v-24v = n. 136; 24v-116r = Collectio Dacheriana. ANGERS, Bibliothèque municipale

**144 (136), s. X (Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 101, p. 94). 98 f. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 31, p. 232.)

f. 1-95 = homilies >> n. 335 (f. 74v-80r), 240 (f. 87-91?) f. 95v-98 = diverse hymns.





**145 (137), s. X (Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 101, p. 94). 88 f. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 31, p. 232.)

f. 1-88 = a partial copy of Angers, BM 144, it contains n. 335 and 240. 147 (139), s. IX (Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 31, p. 233); s. IXc. 3/4, western France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 18, n. 53). 187 f. (f. 183-187 add. s. X/XI; f. 8-15 add. s. XII); 245 × 215 mm.; 25 lines; many hands.

= Collection of 38 homilies and five tracts (acc. to the Catalogue: “De militia spirituali”; “De militia christiana”; “Neminem posse ledi ab alio nisi a semetipso”; “De compunctione cordis”; “De reparatione lapsi”), attrib. to John Chrysostom >> n. 330. **179 (171), c. s. X/XI, western France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 19); s. IX and X (R. Braun, CC SL, 60, p. lxi). 120 f.; 321 × 222 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 31, p. 247-248.)

f. 1r-10r = n. 102; f. 10v-38r = Augustine, De Genesi contra Manichaeos; f. 38r-46v = n. 297; f. 46v-74r = Evodius, Bishop of Uzalis (N. Africa), De fide contra Manichaeos; f. 74r-120 = Augustine, Collatio cum Maximino Arianorum episcopo; Contra Maximinum haereticum Arianorum episcopum libri duo, 2. 277 (268), s. IX3/4, region of Lyons (Bouhot, ‘Le manuscrit Angers’, p. 229, 232); s. IXc. 3/4, middle or southern France? (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 20, n. 64). 120 f.; 170 × 115 mm.; 18-21 lines; many hands; the Tironian notes on f. 22v, 33r, 120r-v are a little more recent. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 12-13.)

Study book (reflecting Lyonnaise bishops’ interest in educational renewal).





f. 1v-17v = n. 95; f. 17v-22v = Isidore, Origines V, xxxviii, 3 – xxxix, 42 (on the six ages of the world); f. 23r-31v = Hymnum ante cibum, with glosses; f. 32r-33r = Bede, In Marci Euangelium expositio (the beginning only); f. 33v-64r = exposition on the mass; f. 64r-v = Hymnum sanctae Mariae; f. 65r-71r = expositions on baptism; f. 71r-74r = n. 39; f. 74v-82r = Amalarius, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum imperatorem de caeremoniis baptismi (in which n. 344 is lacking due to removal of a folio); f. 82r-85r = glossary of Hebrew names from the Old Testament; f. 85v-112v = Agobard of Lyons, De spe et timore (incompl.); f. 113r-120r = n. 190, frag. (= Lib. 1, cc. 14-18; beginning of c. 14 lacking); f. 120r-v = a citation of Sedulius, Paschale carmen, 5, 188-194 from Bede, In Lucae Euangelium expositio, 6 (partly in Tironian notes). Arras, Bibliothèque municipale 644 (572), s. VIII-IX, probably northeastern France or northwestern Austrasia (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 239). 213 f.; 310 × 215 mm.; 29 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 494-500.)

= Collectio Quesnelliana >> n. 158 (= c. 1, part, f. ?); 212 (= c. 37, f. 77r-v); 339 (= c. 38, f. 77v); 47 (inc.: “Credimus unum deum”) (= c. 39, f. 77v-78v); 53 (= c. 40, f. 78v-79r); 386 (= c. 41, f. 79r-83v); 115 (= c. 52, f. 113r-117v); 122 (= c. 53, f. 117v-120r); 239 (= c. 55, part, f. 123v-124v); 306 (= c. 66, f. 150v-152r); 195 (= c. 69, f. 162r-166v). 731 (683), f. 1r-80v = one hand, s. IX1/4, northeastern France (Barbet – Lambot, ‘Nouvelle Tradition’, p. 335); area of Corbie? (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 28, n. 99); f. 84r-124v = s. X (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 4, p. 271). 124 f.; 242 × 163 mm.; f. 1r-80v = 24 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Barbet – Lambot, p. 335-336; Keefe, handnotes; Le Clerc, p. 271-272.)





f. 1r-80v = n. 190, 328; (f. 81r-83v = s. XI, Ps.(?) Seneca); (f. 84r-124v = s. X, Martin of Braga, Formulae uitae honestae; excerpts from the fathers; n. 184 [f. 104r-124v]). Augsburg, Bischöfliche Ordinariatsbibliothek 13, s. IX/X, monastery of Sankt Ulrich, Augsburg (Klaus-D. Daur, CC SL, 25A, p. 21); s. IX1/3, southwestern Germany? (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 32, n. 124). 102 f.; 227 × 130 mm., generally 23 lines, one hand, Carolingian minuscule. Titles in capital letters.

f. 2r-101r = Arnobius Junior, Conflictus cum Serapione (CPL, 239) (Lib. 1, tit.: “Conflictus Arnobii catholici”; Lib. 2, tit.: “Liber II altercationis Arnobii et Serapionis”) >> n. 239 (Lib. 2, c. 32); f. 101r-v = Ex angelorum gestis, frag.; (f. 102r = s. XI, revenues of Sankt Ulrich, Augsburg). Autun, Bibliothèque municipale 3, an. 754, monastery at Vosevio (unidentified location) (Nees, Gundohinus Gospels, p. 1, 9). 189 f.; 322 × 235 mm.; 25-32 lines, two col. Poor parchment (many holes, which are written around). One hand, uncial script. Decorated canon tables and initial letters, maiestas domini illustration, four full page Evangelist portraits (considered crude). (Add. Descrip. = Nees, p. 15, 230-235.)

= Evangeliary (“The Gundohinus Gospels”), with introductory matter. f. Ar = blank; f. Av-1r = brief dedication, inc.: “In nomine sancti trinitates “; list of various weight equivalencies, inc.: “Talentum CXXV libras sunt”; brief genealogical table listing generations from Adam to Christ, inc.: “Ratio annorum”; f. 1r-v = n. 223; f. 1v-12r = Jerome, letter to Pope Damasus, “Nouum opus” (on his new translation of the Scriptures); Jerome’s preface and prologue on the four Gospels, “Plures fuisse”; Eusebian canon tables; f. 12v = maiestas domini miniature;





f. 13r = n. 260; f. 13r-186r = the four Gospels, each preceded by a list of chapters; f. 186v-188r = miniatures of the four Evangelists. 38 (S 41), s. IX-X (F. Leo, MGH AA, 4/1, p. xiv); s. IX2/2, wider area of Paris? (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 39, n. 167). 143 f.; 190 × 138 mm.; 25 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 22.)

= Works of Venantius Fortunatus >> Carminum libri XI >> n. 341 (Lib. 11, 1). Bamberg, Staatliche Bibliothek Hist. 6 (E. III. 4), s. IX (M. Petschenig, CSEL, 7, p. i); s. IX/X, central Italy (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 49, n. 218). 248 f.; 195 × 145 mm.; 20, 21 lines; f. 89r-194r in Beneventan script; some decorated initials.

(1) Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis Africanae prouinciae >> n. 301; (2) Eutropius-Paul the Deacon, Historia Romana (incompl.). **Lit. 53 (E. III. 12), s. XI (Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 41) = Pontificale Romano-Germanicum saeculi decimi >> n. 277, 74 (f. 149v-153v). (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, p. 41-63.) Lit. 131 (A. II. 53), s. IX4/4 or IX/X (Bischoff, by letter); s. IX2/3, prob. southern Germany (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 50, n. 222); s. X (Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 84); southern Germany (Brommer, ‘Bemerkungen’, p. 223). 177 f.; 198 × 129 mm.; c. 22 lines; one hand (by ‘Reginpoldus clericus’). (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 16-17.)

Episcopal schoolbook (Andrieu, p. 481-482). f. 1r-26v = Amalarius, Eclogae (a commentary on the prayers of the mass); f. 26v-30v = ordo Romanus VII (of Andrieu’s numeration), on the canon of the mass; f. 30v-50v = exposition on the mass, “Primum in ordine missae antiphona – commendauit apostolus”;





f. 50v-54v = liturgical commentaries on priestly vestments, the sacraments of the church, the eucharist, the office and order of the mass; f. 54v-76r = Theodulf of Orléans, Capitularium I; f. 76r-v = Ps. Damasus I, letter to Jerome on the hour of celebrating mass; f. 76v = brief commentary, “Gregorius de resurrectione. ut de spe resurrectionis – et uitia deponentes”; f. 76v-84r = Haito of Basel, Capitularium, to which are appended, f. 84r-107r, excerpts from Walafrid Strabo, De exordiis et incrementis; f. 107r-109v = two expositions on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 109v-125v = n. 319, 83, 269; f. 125v-145v = five expositions on baptism; f. 145v-161v = Amalarius, Liber officialis, excerpts pertaining to the liturgical calendar; f. 161v-162r = Amalarius, letter to Jeremiah of Sens on the name Jesus; f. 162r-165r = Amalarius, Liber officialis, excerpt, “De die sancto paschae”; f. 166r-176r = Bede, De temporum ratione, 68-71 (on the threefold opinion of the faithful when the Lord will come); f. 176v-177v = blank. Patr. 20 (B. III. 30), s. IX (Leitschuh – Fischer, Katalog, p. 369); f. 1-69 = s. IXin., northeastern France-Belgium; f. 70-176 = s. IXc. 1/4-2/4 , Nonantola (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 51, n. 227, 228). 176 f.; f. 1-69 = 200 × 126 mm.; f. 70-176 = 220 × 127 mm.; f. 1r69v = 21-23 lines, without ornamented letters, many hands; f. 70r176v = 17 lines, with ornamented letters, two hands. (Add. Descrip. = Leitschuh – Fischer, p. 369-370.)

Perhaps a library exemplar. f. 1r-69v = n. 58, 131, 121; f. 70r-176v (in Beneventan-like script, acc. to Leitschuh – Fischer; in typical Nonantola script, acc. to Bischoff) = Vita S. Siluestri I papae; De inuentione sanctae crucis. Patr. 21 (E. III. 21), f. 1r-36v = s. XII; f. 37r-146r = s. IX/X? (Leitschuh – Fischer, Katalog, p. 370); s. IXex. or s. Xin., perhaps Reims (Verbraken, ‘Le Sermo CCXIV’, p. 10 and note 1); s. IXc. 2/3,





prob. eastern France, with s. Xex. additions on f. 43, 75, 86-88, 91, 98 (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 51, n. 229). 146 f.; 266 × 163 mm.; f. 37r-146r = 24-27 lines; many different hands. (Add. Descrip. = Leitschuh – Fischer, p. 370-371.) f. 37r-146r = works of Augustine on the faith: De doctrina Christiana (f. 37r-129v); Ep. 132 to Volusianus, on the virginity of St Mary; Ep. 135, rescript of Volusianus; Ep. 137, rescript of Augustine to Volusianus (f. 130r-139v); n. 247 (f. 139v-144v); Enchiridion (frag., the beginning), prefaced with Retractationes, II, 63 (f. 144v-146r). Patr. 22 (B. III. 31), s. IX/X or X (Leitschuh – Fischer, Katalog, p. 371); s. IXc. 3/4, prob. northern Italy (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 51, n. 230). 178 f.; 175 × 156 mm; 19-22 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Leitschuh – Fischer, p. 371-373.)

f. 1r-32v = Agustine, De haeresibus; f. 33r-48v = Epp. 135 and 137, (PL, 33) of Volusianus to Augustine on the virginity of St Mary, and rescript of Augustine; f. 49r-60v = n. 58; f. 61r-66v = Epp. 221-224 (PL, 33) of (Quodvultdeus to Augustine and responses of Augustine, on the composition of a catalogue of all heresies); f. 67r-91v = n. 137; f. 91v-96r = sermon attrib. to Augustine on the Canaanite woman (Mt. 15, 21-28); f. 96r-101v = sermon attrib. to Augustine (on 1 Jn. 1, 8: “If we say we do not have sin”); f. 101v-105r = Sermon attrib. to Augustine (on the unfruitful fig-tree, the woman with an infirmity for eighteen years, and the words of Ps. 9, 19: “Arise, O Lord! Let not man prevail”); f. 105r-107r = sermon attrib. to Augustine (=Maximus of Turin) (on the man with a withered hand whom the Lord cured on the Sabbath), f. 107r-109r = sermon attrib to Augustine (=Maximus of Turin) (on Judas the traitor); f. 110r-128v = Evagrius, Altercatio legis inter Simonem Iudaeum et Theophilum Christianum;





f. 129r-177r = John Chrysostom, two tracts (In Eutropium and De reparatione lapsi). Patr. 46 (Q. VI. 32), s. IX (Locher, Marii Victorini Afri opera, p. viii); s. IX-X (Leitschuh – Fischer, Katalog, p. 407; P. Henry – P. Hadot, CSEL, 83, 1, 1971, p. xi); s. IX3/3, circle of Iohannes Scottus (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 52, n. 234). 45 f.; 189 × 154 mm.; f. 1v-21r = 26-27 lines, fairly small miniscule, glosses in margins and between lines, mostly in cursive script, sometimes with Tironian notes; f. 22r-41r = 18-22 lines; f. 41v-45v = 35-45 lines in a very small irregular script, throughout mixed with Tironian notes. (Add. Descrip. = Leitschuh – Fischer, 407-409.)

Theological study book. f. 1r-21r = Boethius, Opuscula sacra (CPL, 889) >> n. 186 (= Op. 1); 253 (= Op. 2); Quomodo substantiae in eo quod sunt, bonae sint, cum non sint substantialia bona (or De hebdomadibus) (= Op. 3); 26 (= Op. 4); Liber contra Eutychen et estorium (= Op. 5); f. 22r-27v = Candidus the Arian to Marius Victorinus, Liber de generatione diuina; f. 28r-41r = Marius Victorinus to Candidus the Arian, Liber de generatione diuini uerbi; f. 41r = Jerome, In ep. ad Galatas, Prologue, excerpt, inc.: “Itaque et quod illi absenti”; f. 41r-45r = Hericus of Auxerre (d. 876/7), three homilies from the liturgical calendar. Patr. 86 (B. V. 13), written for Jesse, Bishop of Amiens, c. an. 800, at Amiens (Bischoff, ‘Panorama’, p. 237); before 836 (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 52, n. 235). 166 f.; 220 × 152 mm.; 23-24 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Leitschuh – Fischer, Katalog, p. 462-463.)

Exemplar for a bishop for use in instructing his clergy. f. 1r-127r = Jerome, Contra Iouinianum libri duo; f. 127v-166v = n. 198. Patr. 101 (B. V. 19), s. IX2/2, Italy, perhaps Rome (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 133); s. IX/X, prob. central Italy (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 53, n. 236).





149 f.; 221 × 142 mm.; 27-31 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Leitschuh – Fischer, Katalog, p. 481-483.)

f. 2r-16v = n. 184 (incompl. at beginning due to loss of f. 1); f. 16v-17v = canons from a Roman council under Pope Eugenius, an. 826, concerning clergy: “Cap. IIII. de indoctis sacerdotibus. quamquam admonita doctorum – Cap. VIIII. ubi clerici non plus quam sufficiat ordinentur” (PL, 97, 693-694); f. 17v-80r = n. 190; f. 80r-86r = two sermons attrib. to Augustine on Adam and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (PL, 39, 1735-1741, where it is one continuous sermon); f. 86r-111r = Bede, De natura rerum (with glosses in a “somewhat later hand”); De temporibus; f. 111r-136r = excerpts from Pope Gregory I, Dialogorum, Lib. 4; excerpts from the penitential of Ps. Theodore; excerpt from Gregory, Expositio in Iob, Lib. 31, c. 45 (on the eight principal vices); excerpts from Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis I, xii, 14 (on the writers of the Old Testament books and on the offertory chants); f. 136v-148v – Collectio uetus Gallica, excerpt; f. 148v-149r = Constitutio in synodo Matiscensium; Pope Gregory I, Libellus responsionum ad Augustinum Cantuariensis (incompl.). Patr. 102 (B. V. 18), s. IX (Díaz y Díaz, Liber de ordine creaturarum, p. 50; Leitschuh – Fischer, Katalog, p. 483); s. IX1/3, prob. Bavaria (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 53, n. 237). 110 f.; 245 × 170 mm.; 29-31 lines, one hand, Carolingian miniscule. Ornamented initials; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Leitschuh – Fischer, p. 483-484.)

Perhaps an exemplar. f. 1v-78r = Defensor of Ligugé, Scintillarum liber (attrib. to Isidore); f. 78v-101r = Ps. Isidore, Liber de ordine creaturarum >> n. 384 (f. 78v-?); f. 101r-110r = prologue and tract on the Apocalypse of St John (attrib. to Isidore). **Q. XI. 24 (incunabulum) (Caspari, Anecdota, p. 290, note 1), contains n. 255.





Barcelona, Archivo General de la Corona de Aragón **Ripoll 151, s. XIc. med., Ripoll (Bouhot, ‘La tradition manuscrite’, p. 79). 168 f. (Add. Descrip. = Mundó, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 261263.)

f. 1-168 = Bede, Augustine, Chrysostom, Isidore, Vincent of Lérins, Fulgentius. F. 112r-119r = n. 14; f. 147r-153r = n. 218. Barcelona, Biblioteca Universitaria 2/2

**228, s. X , monastery in northern Italy (Kottje, Die Bussbücher, p. 16); s. X2/2, southern France or northern Italy (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 156); s. Xex./XIin., southern France (Pokorny, Capit. episc., p. 21) s. XI (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 131, note 154). 173 f.; 245 × 171 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Rosell, Inventario, 1, 286294; Pokorny, p. 21-22.)

Perhaps a bishop’s collection of works for the instruction of his clergy. f. 1r-5v = Capitula Parisiensia (ed. Pokorny, p. 25-35; also in Paris, BnF, lat. 1012), inc.: “Oportet igitur his qui curam hanc regimen pastoralem adipiscunt – I. quid sit canon uel quid contineatur in canone. II. qualiter fides catholica et credatur et obseruetur ab omnibus – (f. 2r) post agnitionem fidei canonicae adnotandum est qualiter fides catholica et obseruetur ab omnibus, id est patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum tres personas confiteri, sed trinitas est in uocabulis personarum. unitas numquam separatur a maiestate, ab essencia, ab aeternitate, ita ut sit consubstancialis pater uidelicet et spiritus sanctus ac filius, et quoaeternus et quooperator secundum fidem, qui exposita est in niceni sinodo a CCCtis X et VIII episcopis continens hunc modum: credimus in unum deum patrem omnipotentem omnium uisibilium factorem, et reliqua. fidem aetiam sancti atanasii episcopi in hoc opere censuimus obseruandam, et simbolum apostolorum cum tradicionibus et expositionibus sanctorum patrum in his sermonibus adnotatis. – (expl.:) uel quid contineatur in canone. req. retro





ut, que supra scripta sunt firmiter teneantur cum subiectis capitulis”; f. 5v-6v = frag. of a letter from the court of Charlemagne(?) to a missus, inc.: “Canonici primum interrogandi sunt quid sit canon. id est rectitudo et regula – (expl.:) vel multitudo plurimorum in unum”; f. 6v-46r = Halitgar of Cambrai, Paenitentiale; f. 46r-47r = a large instruction on penance, inc.: “Incipit inquisitio iheronimi presbiteri, de poenitentia. duodecim triduanas”; f. 47r-48v = sermon on penance, inc.: “Incipit sermo de penitentia. octo sunt uitia principalia, que humanum genus infestant – (expl.:) ut aliqua proponamus” (from Cassian, Conlationes, V, 2, 6); f. 48v-49v = instruction, inc.: “De capitalibus, primum, criminibus (expl.:) quotiescumque christianis”; f. 49v-70r = Paenitentiale Vallicellianum I; f. 70r-72r = Synodus Romana habita a Gregorio papa I; f. 72r-76v = sermon on baptism and the eucharist; sermon on how a good Christian ought to live; f. 76v-89r = Theodulf of Orléans, Capitularium I; f. 89r-91v = Bede, De ordinatione feriarum paschalium, excerpt; f. 91v-93v = two canons on clerics who are accused and on the selling of church goods; f. 93v-95r = Pope Gregory I, Ep. ad Secundinum (on the faith of the eastern churches, the souls of infants who die without baptism, the legitimate use of images); f. 95r-96r = Isidore, Ep. ad Massonum, excerpt on the restoration of clerics after penance, inc.: “Audi canonum doctrinam, quam sinodus dicit”; f. 96r-106r = two admonitions on offerings to God; f. 106r-109v = exposition on baptism >> n. 283 (f. 106v-107v); f. 109v-115v = epistle on the office of bishop; f. 116r-117r = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 117r-120r = n. 379; f. 120r-126r = prayers of confession to God and brothers; penances to impose; f. 126r-134v = exposition on the mass; f. 134v-139r = clerical interrogation >> n. 119 (f. 134v-135v); f. 139r-140r = Breuiarium apostolorum (brief biography of each apostle);





f. 140r-141r = catechism by interr./resp.; f. 141r-158r = Leidrad of Lyons, Liber de sacramento baptismi >> n. 368, 238 (f. 146v-148r); f. 158r-v = clerical interrogation >> n. 257 (f. 158r-v); f. 158v-163r = prayer, inc.: “Oratio pulcra et sancta. miserere, domine”; exposition on the clerical grades; f. 163r-173r = n. 221; f. 173r-v = two canons: “Si quis presbyter adulterium perpetrauerit” and “Quicunque episcopus alterii episcopi diocesem per XXXa annos”. Basel, Universitätsbibliothek B. VI. 3, s. IX-X (M.-H. Jullien – F. Perelman, CSLMA, II, ALC 36, p. 151); s. IX and s. X, c. upper Rhine (Switz.?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 59, n. 265). 235 f.; 251 × 163 mm; 23 or 27 lines; almost entirely in one s. IX hand, with additions in s. X hand. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r = blank; f. 1v = (a more recent hand) list of contents; f. 2r-182r = homilies for the liturgical year attrib. to Jerome, Bede, Bishop Maximus, Augustine, Leo, Bishop John [Chrysostom], Origen; f. 182r-186r = dedication of the basilica of St Michael the Archangel; f. 186r-v = excerpt on penance from John Chrysostom; f. 187r-199r = homily (unattrib.) for the Feast of St Gall; f. 199r-204v = n. 106; f. 204v-214v = Alcuin, De ratione animae ad Eulaiam sororem; f. 214v-220v = Alcuin, De confessione peccatorum ad pueros S. Martini; f. 221r-223r = n. 53 (longer recension); f. 223r-235r = Jerome, Ep. 52 (ad epotianum de uita clericorum et monachorum; PL, 22, 527-540); f. 235v = blank. F. III. 15b, f. 1-19 = s. VIIIex.; f. 20-45 = s. IXin. (Díaz y Díaz, Liber de ordine creaturarum, p. 48); f. 1-19 = perhaps Northumbria, taken to Fulda perhaps in s. IX; two hands (Lowe, CLA 7, n. 844); f. 20-45 =





s. IX1/4, German-Anglo-saxon area (prob. Fulda) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 61, n. 273). 45 f.; f. 1-19 = 270 × 210 mm., 26-28 lines; f. 20-45 = 260-265 × 195200 mm., 24-27 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

A monastic library book. f. 1r-19v = Ps. Isidore, Liber de ordine creaturarum >> n. 384 (f. 1r-v); f. 20r-37r = Life of St Antigonus and St Eupraxia; f. 37v-45r = Life of St Goar. N. I. 6, Nr. 9 (= a bifolium), s. IXmed., France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 121, note 87); s. IXc.3/4, prob. northern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 66, n. 310). 2 f.; 214 × 147 mm; 20 lines (c. 205 × 150 mm.; 17 lines, acc. to Bischoff), with ample margins. (Add. Descrip. = Dold, ‘Alte Väterfragmente’, p. 239-240; Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r = end of an unidentified sermon, “…rapuerit, reus erit sanguinis christi quae ecclesia fabricata est de sanguine christi – sed qui consentiunt facientibus”; f. 1r-v = Ps. Augustine, Sermo de conscientia, incompl., inc: “Fratres estote fideles in omnibus – sed audiamus apostolum dicentem: nulli//”; (Between f. 1 and f. 2 there were formerly many folios.) f. 2r-v = Collectio librorum duorum, frag., = n. 263 (a diverse form), beginning and ending lacking. Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz Diez. B. 66, s. VIIIex., Frankish area, probably partly at Aachen (Bischoff, ‘Hofbibliothek’, 2nd ed., p. 163). (Add. Descrip. = Bischoff, p. 162-167; Neff, Gedichte des Paulus Diaconus, p. xiii-xiv.)

The ms contains mainly grammatical works, as well as verses and poems and a catalogue of books. f. 362-363 = n. 131 (frag.).





Hamilton 132,1 f. 1-251 = shortly after an. 800, ‘ab’ script of Corbie, additions in many s. IX hands; f. 252-264 = s. IX2/2, Carolingian miniscule (f. 262v, upper right column = s. IX-X, perhaps Reims) (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 273); f. 252-264 = s. IX 2/3, northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 74, n. 353). 264 f.; 375 × 265 mm.; 42 lines, two cols.; many hands. The present order of folios is not the original. (Add. Descrip. = Hinschius, ‘Die kanonistischen Handschriften’, p. 195-218.)

f. 1r-251v = Collectio Hadriano-S. Amandi (= a combination of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana [with additions from the Collectio Hispana Augustodunensis] with the Collectio S. Amandi) >> n. 195 (between f. 75-84), 53 (longer recension, as in the Hispana pura) (f. 181r-182r), 30 (f. 221r), 332 (between f. 226r-228); f. 252r-253v = a glossary of uncommon words from the canons of the Greek councils, inc.: “Praumaticum causa (Hinschius gives: “Pracmaticum cause”), conibentes consentientes”, followed by a few German glosses; f. 254r = (another hand) a book catalogue, “Liber s. ieronimi in epistola pauli. liber legis romanae – item legis salice”; f. 254v = blank; f. 255r-263v = Ansegesis, Capitularium collectionis, Lib. 3 and 4 (with text gap due to loss of a folio). Phillipps 1671 (78), s. IX, provenance Fleury (Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 142); s. IX1/3, prob. Fleury (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 85-86, n. 407). 121 f.; 368 × 230 mm.; two col., 35, 37 lines, at least three hands. (Add. Descrip. = Rose, p. 142-149.)

f. 2r-89v = n. 389, 45, 339, 115, 340, 34, 6, 381, 216, 382, 53, 131, 137, 194; f. 89v-90r = (tit.:) “Item eiusdem beatissimi augustini exce[r] pta capitula ad supra scripta pertinencia de libris fidei catholicae, quemadmodum incarnatio christi accipiatur in tribis modis. (inc.:) Quantum animaduertere potuerimus” (= Augustine, Sermo 341, excerpts from cc. 1, 9, 10, 11 [PL, 39, 1493, 1499, 1500, with many variations]); De Aldama, El símbolo Toledano I, p. 18, calls it Hamilton 435, but on the tradition of the error, see Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 273, and Boese, Die Lateinischen Handschriften der Sammlung Hamilton, p. xix, note 12.






f. 90r-91r = (tit./inc.:) “Incipit communitorium beati augustini ad uniuersam ecclesiam distinatum. sub qua cautella manichei si conuersi fuerint suscipi debeant”; f. 91r-94v = n. 227, 159, 226; f. 94v-99v = three homilies on baptism, attrib. to Augustine; the second homily (f. 96r-98r) = n. 250; f. 99v-103v = n. 387 (frag., cc. 21-24) and twelve further excerpts from various works of Augustine (cfr Verona, BC LIX (57), f. 96v-117v); f. 104r-105r = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 118 (“De incarnatione dictum in natale domini”); f. 105r-121v = n. 102, 212, 123, 207, 130. Phillipps 1673 (44), s. IX (Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 60); s. IXc. 1/4-2/4, Lotharingia (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 86, n. 408). 191 f.; 318 × 223 mm.; two col., 34 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Rose, p. 60-64.)

= Collection of 38 homilies (f. 1r-130r) and three tracts (f. 130r191r: “De eo qu[od] non laeditur homo nisi a semet ipso”; “De cordis conpunctione”; “De reparatione la[p]si”) attrib. to John Chrysostom. >> n. 330 (f. 128v-130r, end lacking). Phillipps 1674 (17), s. IX (Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 17); s. IX1/3, Verona (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 86, n. 409). 324 f.; 310 × 205 mm.; 28 lines; numerous hands; frequent explanatory or rectifying glosses in the margin, for example, of Greek words in the text. (Add. Descrip. = Rose, p. 17-20.)

= Collection of letters of Jerome (including letters of Damasus and Augustine to Jerome, and letters of Ps. Jerome) >> n. 39 (f. 55v-58r), 51 (f. 58r-63r), 303 (only cc. 43-51 in part) (f. 316r-318v). **Phillipps 1681 (32), s. X/XI (Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 41). 276 f. Contains: Augustine, De Trinitate; Boethius, Opuscula sacra >> n. 186, 253, and 26 (Op. sacra 1-2, 4; cfr Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Patr. 46, f. 1r-21r on the sequence of five tracts in the Opuscula); n. 263 (f. 276r-v, incompl. at beginning and end). Phillipps 1684 (15), s. IX-X (P. Henry – P. Hadot, CSEL, 83, 1, 1971, p. xviii); s. X (Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 14; Locher, Marii Vic-





torini Afri opera, p. xiii); prob. Aachen, the Court of Louis the Pious (before 830) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 87, n. 411). 102 f.; 272 × 225 mm.; 27 lines; one hand (two hands, acc. to Bischoff); emendations and additions of three later hands. (Add. Descrip. = Rose, p. 14-16.)

Theological works of Marius Victorinus. f. 1r-2r = Aduersus Arium libri quattuor ad Candidum Arrianum, preface; f. 2v-93v = n. 172; f. 93v-101v = Hymni iii de Trinitate (CPL, 99) (“Adesto lumen uerum, pater, omnipotens deus. adesto lumen de lumine”; “Misere, domine, misere, christe”; “Deus dominus, sanctus spiritus”), interrupted (f. 95r-97v) by De homoousio recipiendo (CPL, 97). Phillipps 1716 (49), s. VIII/IX (Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 72); s. IX1/4, area of Holland? (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 87, n. 415). 74 f.; 240 × 155 mm.; 25 lines; titles underscored in green ink; f. 46r-74r (lexicographical part) = two col. (Add. Descrip. = Rose, p. 72-77.)

Perhaps a study volume, combining moral instruction and glossaries; cfr the contents with Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 212 and 220, below. (f. 1 is lacking; it contained Ps. Augustine, Sermo 251, on the day of judgment, as in Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 212, f. 1r; cfr f. 2r-46r with Vat. Pal. lat. 212, f. 2r-38v); f. 2r-7v = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 266 (incompl. at the beginning, due to loss of f. 1), on what sort are good Christians, what sort are bad; f. 7v-9v = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 265 (with a changed beginning and omission of end), on bearing the name Christian and doing unchristian works; f. 9v-12v = sentences from the Gospel of Matthew; f. 12v-14v = sermon on heaven and hell, inc.: “O fratres karissimi recordemur dignitatis regni caelestis qua christus nos uocare uenit”; f. 14v-f. 2 (of a new heft; see Rose, p. 72) = Ps. Boniface, Sermo 11, on the day of judgment (with a middle part lacking and a different close);





f. 2r-5v = dicta of St Ephraem and a sermon on the life of sinners and saints; f. 5v-15r = n. 266; f. 15v-16v = sermon, tit.: “Praedicatio carere tormenta”; inc.: “Peccatoribus autem et impiis”; f. 16v-18r = sermon, tit.: “In nomine dei summi”, inc.: “Primum quidem decet audire iustitiam”; f. 18r-23r = Ps. Augustine, Sermones ad fratres in eremo 66 and 64, on doing penance; f. 23r-v = n. 170; f. 23v-26v? = Augustine, Sermo 141 (incompl.), on observing the time of Lent, inc.: “Dominus et saluator noster qualiter ad eum post multas negligentias”; f. 26v-27r = sermon, inc.: “Timite dominum et diligite semper”; f. 27r-v = sermon, inc.: “Hic ergo natus est ex uirgine ut nos renasceremus”; f. 27v-28r = sermon, inc.: “Oportet nos unumquemque diligere animam suam”; f. 28r = n. 325; f. 28v-29v = [dicta of St Boniface?], inc.: “Sapientia oculi in capite eius et stultus in tenebris ambulat”; f. 29v-46r = Pope Gregory I, Homelia in Ezech. I, 9 (a moral exposition on Ezech. 2, and also touching on the necessity of prevenient grace, the consent and cooperation of free will, and the obscurity and interpretation of the Scriptures); f. 46r-74r = glossaries (Virgilian, biblical, Isidorian, and others). Phillipps 1743 (84), s. VIII2/2, Bourges (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 10, note 38, correcting “Reims” by Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 171, right col.); s. IX, Reims (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 88, n. 419a). 301 f.; script area = 250 × 150 mm.; two col., defective at beginning and end. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 638-640; Rose, p. 171-179.)

= Collectio Remensis. >> n. 263 (f. 20), 239 (f. 38v-?), 58 (f. 165r-171v), 195 (f. 208v-215r). Also, it appears to contain (between f. 186-201v) our catalogue numbers associated with Nestorius and the Council of Ephesis: (not contiguous?) n. 123, 130, 207, 306.





Phillipps 1776 (79), f. 1-92 = s. IX2/2; f. 93-128 = s. X1/2, Corbie (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 272); f. 1-92 = c. s. IX/X, France; f. 93128 = s. IXmed. (from 846) and s. IX4/4 (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 90, n. 427, 428). 128 f.; f. 1-92 = 182 × 125 mm., 40 lines; f. 93-128 = 183 × 128 mm., 19 lines, by many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 764-765; Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 149-156.)

f. 1-92 = Collectio Virdunensis >> n. 115 (f. 2v-7r), 195 (f. 43v47r); (f. 93-128 = privileges for Corbie.) Phillipps 1877 (115), s. IX (Rose, Verzeichniss, p. 237), St Vincent of Metz (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 152); s. IX3/4, Tours (gift to St Vincent of Metz in s. X) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 93, n. 441). 139 f.; 240 × 217 mm.; 17 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Rose, p. 237-241.)

= Collection of works pertaining to Saint Martin of Tours >> n. 28 (f. 2r-3v). **Theol. Lat. Fol. 54 (Elect. 851), s. XV (CPPM, IIB, p. 925), contains n. 294. Bern, Bürgerbibliothek in.

89 + A. 26, s. IX , perhaps Alsace (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 243); s. IX1/3, prob. Alsace (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 104, n. 491). 175 f. (A. 26 = 3 f.); 355 × 230 mm.; 25 lines, two col.; large script with ample margins and space between the lines. (Add. Descrip. = Hagen, Catalogus, p. 109-109; Keefe, handnotes.)

Perhaps an exemplar. f. 1r-4v = some conciliar decrees, “Incipit decretum quod factum fuit ad Vermeria palatium temporibus pippini regis de modis excommunicationis tam de clericis quam de laicis. si quis presbyter – non tacere”; f. 5r-17r = n. 58; f. 17r-169v = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana >> (not contiguous:) n. 123, 195, 201, 239, 263, 298; f. 169v-171v = tit. and inc.: “Testimonium seu testes quemadmodum probari debeant. De testimonio perfecto deuteronomium et euangelium”;





f. 171v-172v = Latin glossary pertaining to the canons (incompl.), tit. and inc.: “Incipiunt uerba difficillima excerpta de canones interp. adstruere adfirmare, appareor oboedior”, with some German glosses; a second hand (s. IX) wrote between the lines. 117, perhaps s. IX (Gorman, ‘Wigbod’, p. 336, note 54); s. X (Hagen, Catalogus, p. 173); not listed in Bischoff, Katalog. 271 f.; 345 × 265 mm.; large and heavy; 42 compressed lines, two col.; decorated initial letters. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r-261v = exposition on the Psalms attrib. to Augustine, incompl. in beginning (lacking Ps. 1-73); f. 261v-265v = exposition on Old Testament canticles; f. 266r-270r = n. 197; f. 270r-271v = questions on Genesis, inc.: “Quaeritur quid caeli terraeque nomine significatur (expl.:) – quia odio habuerunt me gratis”. 510 + 517A, prob. s. IXex., western France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 129, n. 600). 40 f.; c. 210 × 168 mm. and 150 × 74-85 mm.; 21 lines; many similar hands; many glosses; Tironian notes.

f. 1-40 = Boethius, Opuscula sacra, with commentary >> n. 26, 186, 253. 584, s. IXex., perhaps Reims (Carey, ‘The Scriptorium of Reims’, p. 58); s. X (Hagen, Catalogus, p. 470); s. IX4/4, Reims (f. 137r-138v = s. IX3/3, Reims) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 130, n. 605, 606). 148 f.; 200 × 160 mm.; 22 lines (197 × 165 mm.; 21, 22, 23 lines, acc. to Bischoff; f. 137-138 = 330 × 200 mm., inserted obliquely); many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Lambot, Oeuvres théologiques, p. xii-xviii.)

f. 1-147r = Works of Godescalc, monk of Orbais >> n. 57 (f. 24r-25r); f. 147v-148r = Carmen de diebus aegyptiacis and a short extract from Ambrose and another from Augustine. Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque municipale **20, s. X, “Psalter from S. Omer” (Burn, The Athanasian Creed, p. 11); s. XI, provenance Saint-Bertin (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 4, p. 585).





229 f.; “large”; in two col., 28 lines; the Psalms in 17 long lines, with glosses in margins. Decorated letters; figures. (Add. Descrip. = Le Clerc, p. 584-585.)

= Psalter, with canticles, hymns and prayers >> n. 271. 51, s. IX, provenance Saint-Bertin (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 4, p. 606); s. IXc.1/2-2/4, area of Tours (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 142, n. 669). 54 f.; 275 × 210 mm.; 22 lines, large miniscule. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, microfilm; W. Mountain – Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 50A, Appendix E, p. 592-593.)

f. 1r-53r = n. 212. Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek 1651-52 (1316), s. IXin. (Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 101, p. 384); s. IX/X (s. Xin.?), northern Italy (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 151, n. 701). 83 f. (86 f., acc. to Bischoff); 265 × 205 mm.; 30 lines, more than one hand. (Add. Descrip. = Morin, ‘La collection gallicane’, p. 9399; Van den Gheyn, Catalogue, p. 269-270.)

f. 2r-33v = homilies of “Eusebius Gallicanus” >> n. 240 (f. 30v32v); f. 33v-37v = homily on St Maximus, Bishop and Abbot; f. 37v-50v = homilies to monks (PL, 50, 833-859); f. 50v-83v = homilies of “Eusebius Gallicanus”. 8654-72 (1324), s. IXin., Benedictine monastery of St Bertin in Flanders (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 274); f. 1, 208 = s. VIII/IX, perhaps northeastern France/Belgium; f. 2-207 = s. IX1/3, prob. northeastern France (Channel coast?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 156, n. 723, 724). 208 f.; 263 × 170 mm. (f. 1, 208 = 250 × 195 mm, 29 lines); 29 lines, many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, microfilm; Lowe, CLA 10, p. 29, n. 1542; Mordek, p. 274-275; Van den Gheyn, Catalogue, p. 274-275.)

Clerical study book. f. 1v-107v2 = collection of patristic passages, tit.: “ super euangelium de dictis Agustini, Gregorii, 2  The foliation given here is acc. to Mordek and myself, not acc. to Van den Gheyn, Catalogue, 2 (1902), p. 274-275.





Hieronymi uel ceterorum, id est euche gregorii nazan de apole”; f. 107v-117r = Athanasian Creed; Nicene Creed (original); n. 212, 80, 39, 388, 58; f. 117r-119r = Bede, De locis sanctis, excerpt; f. 119r-127r = Charlemagne, Admonitio generalis of an. 789; (f. 127r-133r Mordek considers a separate small collection, consisting of:) f. 127r = canon of Ps. Pope Sylvester, “Fecit hos grados”; Collectio Hibernensis, I, 16a-c; I, 15; Collectio uetus Gallica, I, 1-2 (on clerics’ knowledge of the creeds and the handing over of the creed); f. 127r-130r = Ps. Jerome, Ep. ad Oceanum (on how clerics ought to live); f. 130r-132r = Collectio uetus Gallica, II, 1-3 (on the canonical books of Scripture; permission to read the passions of the martyrs on their feast days; gospels which must be repudiated); IV, 13d-14 (sentences from Isidore on Leviticus, on the requirements for a priest); and XLI, 28-30 (from Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis II, i-iii, on clerics); f. 132r-133r = Collectio uetus Gallica, LVI, XXXVIII (on clerics abstaining from meat and clerics not dwelling with extraneous women); f. 133r-136v = questions on the Gospel, “Liber generationis ihesu christi filii dauid – (final question:) Cur ihesus infans puer dicitur – (expl.:) proficiebat aetate et cetera”; f. 136v-145r = Isidore, Origines VII, i-v (cfr n. 14); f. 145v-146v = prologue (of Jerome) to the following: f. 147r-158v, 159v-160v = Bede, Explanatio sex dierum (f. 158v159v = De aetatibus mundi sex; f. 160r-187r = dicta of Jerome, Gregory, Augustine, Isidore, on Genesis; f. 187r-201v = Isidore, Ortus et uita uel obitus sanctorum patrum; f. 201v-202r = tit.: “Incipit dicta sancti augustini ad predicandum populum (inc.:) Primum enim scire et audire uel intelligere”; f. 202r-v = exorcism of salt; f. 203r = names of the books of the Old and New Testaments; f. 203v-205v = tit.: “De ebdomada et feria” (definitions of computistical names); f. 205v-206r = tit.: “De saltu lunae”;





f. 206v-207 = readings from the divine office for terce, sext, and none. Cambrai, Bibliothèque municipale 204 (199), f. 1-68 = s. IX (with s. X additions); f. 69-113 = s. X (Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 17, p. 63); f. 2-50, 52-113 = s. IXex. or s. IX/X, Franco-saxon area; f. I, 51 = s. XI (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 170, n. 776). 113 f.; 310 × 252 mm.; two col., 34 lines, many hands of two main styles; the foliation is out of order and folios are missing. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Robert, p. 61-63.)

Perhaps a clerical manual for teaching and preaching. f. 1r = prose in honor of St Maxellende (whose remains were translated to Caudri by the bishop of Cambrai-Arras in 673); f. 1r-59v = sermon attrib. to Ambrose, De corporis et anima misera uita; anonymous sermon, inc.: “In uos fratres impletur propheticum dauid eloquium”; Ambrose, De bono mortis; Martin of Braga, Libellus de quattuor uirtutibus ad Mironem regem; sermon attrib. to Ambrosius Autpertus, “Incipit sermo sancti ambrosii autperti presbiteri de cupiditate, uiris secularibus utilis ualde; inc.: “Incipit de duodecim abusibus saeculi cypriani martyris. duodecim abusiua”; Augustine, De disciplina Christiana libellus; John Chrysostom, Sermo de patientia et gratiarum actione; [Ps.] Augustine, Tractatus de oratione dominica, inc.: “Qualia sunt, fratres”; f. 59v-60v = n. 76; f. 60v-61r = inc.: “Haec sunt instrumenta bonorum operum. inprimis dominum deum diligere ex tota corde”; f. 61r-68v = [Ps. Augustine / Ps. Ambrose and others], Libellus de conflictu uitiorum et uirtutum, inc.: “Apostolica uox clamat”; f. 68v = names of the vices and virtues in Latin and in Old High German, inc.: “Inanis gloria, id est agelp”. 436 (409), s. IX (Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 17, p. 162); s. IX2/3, prob. northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 173, n. 789).





213 f. (in fact, 214 f. due to f. 109bis); 355 × 268 mm.; two col., 30 lines; many hands in beautiful Carolingian script.

f. 1-208 = Hilary of Poitiers, De Trinitate siue de Fide libri XII (CPL, 433); De synodis (CPL, 434); Contra Arianos seu contra Auxentium (CPL, 462), preface; f. 208-213 = n. 97. 625 (576), s. IX2/2, northern France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 153); s. IXc. ex., Brittany (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 177, n. 805). 80 f. (in fact, 81 f. due to f. 4bis); 402 × 270 mm.; two col., 36, 38 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes and microfilm; Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 17, p. 242-244.)

Perhaps a library exemplar. f. 1r-47v = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, in part, with additions from the Collectio uetus Gallica, f. 40v-47v3; f. 47v-51r = collection of excerpts from Scripture and the fathers, entitled: “De decimis”; “Hec sunt precepta que manducauit dominus mosy ad filios israhel in monte syna”; “Incipit de primogenitis”; “De primitiis”; f. 51r-66r = penitential composed of excerpts from the principal Anglo-saxon penitentials; f. 66r-67r = Theodulf of Orléans, Capitularium I (with a foreign c. on the creed at the end [c. 46 in PL, 105, 206-208]); f. 67r-v = n. 371; f. 67v-71r = penitential matter; f. 71v-79v = Lex Salica (incompl.). Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 206, s. IX, provenance northeastern France (Gibson – Smith, Codices Boethiani, p. 52-53, n. 19) (not listed in Bischoff, Katalog). 131 f.; 300 × 230 mm.; “probably [originally] two separate mss, though very similar” (Gibson – Smith, p. 52); f. 1-23 = one hand, 26 lines; f. 23-131 = three or four hands, 23 lines.

f. 1r-23r = Martianus Capella, De arte dialectica, with glossing on f. 1-2; 3 The Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana contains n. 123, 195, 201, 239, 263, 298 (not contiguously), but from the description of the Catalogue the frag. of the Collectio in this ms does not contain any of these texts.





f. 24r = frag. of Alcuin (ed. Dümmler, Poet., p. 295, only ten lines); f. 24r-39v = Ps. Augustine, Categoriae decem (expl. incompl.), with extensive marginal notes; f. 40r-48v = Ps. Apuleius, Peri hermenias (incompl. at beginning), with some glossing; f. 49r-60r = Porphyry, Isagoge, with very few glosses; f. 60r-71r = Glosae de Isagogis; f. 71v = stray text, “Neque enim est commune”; f. 72r-101r = Boethius, Opuscula sacra (CPL, 889), with glosses >> n. 186, 253, and 26 (Op. sacra 1-2, 4; cfr Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Patr. 46, f. 1r-21r on the sequence of five tracts in the Opuscula); f. 101r-119r = Charlemagne, letter to Alcuin on quinquagesima, sexagesima, and septuagesima (MGH Epp., 4, Ep. 144, p. 228-230); f. 120r-131v = Augustine, Dialectica, with a few glosses. Cambridge, Pembroke College 108, s. IX (Schenkl, Bibliotheca, 3, 2, p. 4, who numbers this ms A. 1. 13 [2149; 113 James] and in whose catalogue it is n. 2491A); s. IX2/3, eastern France? (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 183, n. 833). 124 f.; 205 × 145 mm.; 18 lines; many dissimilar hands. (Add. Descrip. = Schenkl, p. 4-5.) f. 3r-49v = n. 322; f. 50r-54v = n. 39; f. 54v-58r = inc.: “Beatus ut fertur agustinus in extreme aetatis suae haec uerba de fide catholica dixit. Da nobis domine in uia hac qua te duce – nihil facere possumus reputare”; f. 58r-v = inc.: “Prosper de fide et spe et de caritate hoc modo ait. (f. 58v) Fides iustitiae est fundamentum quam nulla, etc.”; f. 59v (another hand, s. X): n. 97; f. 60r-118v = n. 93; f. 118v-124r = Rufinus, Historia ecclesiastica, frag., inc.: “Incipit excarsum de historia ecclesiastica beati eusebii caesariensis de condemnatione arrii. cum apud alexandriam post achillam – gradibus similauit honorem”.





olim Cheltenham, Thirlestaine House Phillipps Coll. 17849, s. VIIIex., Italy (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 241). (As of 1991, owned jointly by H. Krause and B. Quaritch, acc. to Bischoff – John – Brown, ‘Addenda,’ p. 305.) Contains a large frag. of the Collectio Sanblasiana >> n. 47, 212. Phillipps B 1325, s. IX (Díaz y Díaz, Index, p. 35, n. 113); s. IXex. (Schenkl, Bibliotheca, 1, 2, p. 38). 93 f.

f. 1 = Pope Gregory I, Regula pastoralis (frag.); f. 39 = n. 190 (followed, on f. 93, by an appendix to n. 190 = Eucherius of Lyons, Formulae spiritalis intellegentiae, the beginning of the preface, frag. (inc.: “Formulas spiritalis intelligentiae – ad illam spiritalium in//; cfr Paris, BnF, lat. 2035, f. 215v-216v, and Würzburg, UB M. p. th. F. 144, f. 77v-78v)). CIVIDALE, Musaei Archeologici **LXXVII, s. XIV; a volume containing liturgical rites, among which is an ordo scrutinii attrib. to “Lupus”, who was either Lupus I, Patriarch of Aquileia after 855, or Lupus II, who sat after 944. In this ordo is n. 85 (f. 26v-28r). Following n. 85 is an exhortation to the catechumens, “Idcirco huius symboli ratio”, in which is n. 343. (On the ms, see Olivar, ‘San Pedro Crisólogo’, p. 294-296.) (Mazzatinti, Inventari, 3, p. 169, says only that it is a Rituale, s. XV.) Colmar, Bibliothèque municipale 39, s. VIII2/2; provenance Abbey of Murbach (Morin, ‘Textes inédits’, p. 507). 180 f.; 244 × 140 mm.; 22 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Morin, p. 507-508.)

f. 1r-60v = Isidore, De ortu et obitu patrum (retouched version of an interpretated recension) >> n. 232 (f. 29v-30v); f. 61r-176r = Ps. Isidore, Liber de numeris (interpretated recension); f. 176v-180r = calendar matter.





Darmstadt, Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek **700, s. XII (Kurz, Die Handschriftliche Überlieferung 5/1, p. 191), f. 70v-74r = n. 106. Düsseldorf, Üniversitätsbibliothek/Hauptstaatsarchiv (Üniversitätsbibliothek)4 E. 32, c. 800, perhaps from the monastery of Werden on the Ruhr (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 239). 4 f.; c. 320 × 220 mm.; 28-30 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Levison, ‘Analecta Pontificalia’, p. 139-140.)

= Collectio Quesnelliana, frag. The frag. preserves c. 10 (part), c. 23 (part), cc. 24-25, 33-34, 35 (part), and none of the texts of our catalogue (cfr n. 239 for mention of this ms). Eichstätt, Diözesanarchiv **B4, s. XI (Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 117) = “Pontifikale Gundekarianum II” >> n. 277, 74 (f. 151v-156r). (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, p. 117-134.) Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek 27, f. 1-24 = s. VIII; f. 25-140 = s. VIII or IX (Meier, Catalogus, p. 18); f. 1-24 = s. VIII/IX, northern Italy or Switz.; f. 25-140 = s. IXc. 2/3, Switz. or northern Italy (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 236, n. 1098, 1099). 140 numbered f.; f. 1-24 = 155 × 95 mm., 18 lines; f. 25-140 = 155 × 90 mm., 16 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Meier, p. 18-19.)

Perhaps a book of instruction for a monk priest; cryptic writing on f. 49r-v, where vowels are expressed by points, suggests a monastic school. f. 1r = blank; f. 1v-22v = text of Rev. 21, 9-27; two expositions on the Lord’s Prayer: “Vides quam breuis” and “Veritas dicit honora”; Düsseldorf, Üniversitätsbibliothek = Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine-Institut (= name given by Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 239); Düsseldorf, Hauptstaatsarchiv (Üniversitätsbibliothek) (= name given by Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 496). 4 





Ps. Augustine, Sermo 251 (on the day of judgment); a prayer, “Auxiliato mihi trinitas”; Hymnis de S. Benedicto, inc.: “Christe sanctorum deus”; f. 23r-24v = (another s. VIII hand, very rude) Hymnus alphabeticus de christo, inc.: “Almus altus agnus”; f. 25r-27v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, inc.: “Christus dixit”; f. 27v-32v = n. 269; f. 32v-33v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, inc.: “Pater noster quia ipse nos fecit”; f. 33v-53v = n. 290, 106, 140, 295, 3, 217, 181; f. 53v-55r = florilegium, inc.: “Dicta singulis doctoribus. in primis de caritate” (in part, cfr Defensor of Ligugé, Scintillarum liber); f. 55r-140r = various dicta attrib. to Jerome, Augustine, Gregory, Julian, Caesarius, Ephraem, Salvanus, Eligius, etc. (f. 73r = sermon attrib. to S. Caesarius of Arles, “Fratres quantum nos dominus”; f. 80 = “De elemosinis et de paupertate”; f. 92v = “De monachorum cupiditate”; f. 97r = “XII uerba abusiua sunt saeculi”; f. 97v = “Item de elimosinis et reliquis uirtutibus”). 191 (277), s. VIII-IX, probably northeastern France or northwestern Austrasia, perhaps from the same scriptorium as Arras, BM 644 (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 239). 239 (VI + 233) numbered f.; 318 × 226 mm.; 28 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, microfilm; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 487, 494-500; Meier, Catalogus, p. 150-151.)

(f. I-IV were originally blank, but filled in s. IX1/2) (Bischoff, ‘Hofbibliothek’, 2nd ed., p. 159, note 49). f. Iv-IIv = n. 50; f. IIv-IIIv = exposition on 2 Tim. 3, 1-13 (incompl. due to loss of folios after f. III); f. IVr-Vr = moral tract on the vices, incompl. at the beginning, “…membrum tangitur – ex ira quoque tristicia oritur – tristitia quoque ad auaritiam (expl.:) per contemplationem uolat”; (f. Vv = a colored arch with two columns); f. VIr-1 = names of the bishops of Rome, from Peter to Hadrian (d. 795; Hadrian’s dates are not given); De quattuor sinodis receptis;





f. 2r = blank; f. 2v = arch similar to f. Vv; f. 3r-229r = Collectio Quesnelliana >> n. 158, 212, 339, 47, 53, 386, 115, 122, 239, 306, 195 (not all contiguous; cfr Arras, BM 644); f. 229v-230v = otitia Galliarum; f. 231r-232r = Ambrosian hymns for Feria I to the Sabbath and for the infirm, inc.: “Christe coelestis medicina patris”; f. 232r-v (a different s. IX hand) = Capitulary of Attigny, an. 822, inc.: “Dei igitur omnipotentis inspiratione” (on establishing schools to train clergy, laylords who do not wish to hear preaching, and simony); f. 232v (s. IX) = hymn to St Mary with neumes, inc.: “Fecunda uerbo tu uirginum”; f. 233r = blank; f. 233v (s. IX) = “De modis annorum. primus modus est annus secundum stellam quae uocatur mercurius”. 199, s. VIII-IX, Rhaetia (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 359); s. VIII and IX (Meier, Catalogus, p. 155); p. 1-430 = s. IX1/3, Rhaetia; p. 431526 = s. VIII/IX, Rhaetia (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 239-240, n. 1117, 1118). 526 numbered p.; p. 1-430 = 211 × 130 mm., 22, 23 lines; p. 431526 = 195-215 × 125 mm., 24, 25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 441; Meier, Catalogus, p. 155-159.)

p. 1-430 (s. IX) = canonical texts: p. 1-256 = decrees of councils, beginning with Carthage I and ending with Toledo III; p. 257 = blank; p. 258-430 = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, frag.; p. 431-526 (s. VIII-IX) = ascetical texts: p. 431-459 = sentences from Augustine (on the future judgment; compunction); p. 459 = “Incipit oratio s. augustini. domine deus omnipotens qui in – patre et spiritu”; p. 460-461 = “Oratio post conpleturium. in pace christi – oratio iteneris [itinerantibus]. anbulemus in uirtute”; p. 461-510 = Ps. Pirminius, Scarapsus >> (not contiguous:) n. 151, 234 (variation); p. 510-515 = tit. and inc.: “Incipiunt monita s. porcarii abbatis. in mente habe quia hospis”;





p. 515-521 = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 266, on what sort are good Christians, what sort are bad (PL, 39, 2240-2242); p. 521-526 = Exempla from the Vitae patrum siue historiae eremiticae libri decem, inc.: “Frater quidam interrogabat abbatem ammonem”. **235, s. X/XI (Rand, Der dem Boethius zugeschriebene Traktat, p. 408), 165 p., p. 42-95 = Boethius, Opuscula sacra >> n. 186, 253, and 26 (= Op. sacra 1-2, 4; cfr Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Patr. 46, f. 1r21r on the sequence of five tracts in the Opuscula). (Add. Descrip. = Meier, Catalogus, p. 192.) 281 (886), p. 1-178 = s. VIII/IX, Rhaetia; p. 179-270 = s. XIV, Einsiedeln; p. 271-322 = s. IXc.2/3, France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 241). 322 p.; 202 × 125 mm.

p. 1-178 = various ascetica: p. 1-4 = “Haec sunt instrumenta bonorum operum – stabilitas in congregationem”; p. 4-47 = homilies attributed to Caeasarius of Arles, Augustine; p. 48-53 = “Ratio de baptismo paruulorum”; “Octo sunt principalia uitia”; “Iocha monachorum. Q. quid primum ex deo processit?”; p. 53-59 = inc.: “Orthographia incipit. religio ideo dicitur”; “Interpretatio nominum. theoria id est”; p. 60-77 = clerical interrogation (the same as in Paris, BnF, lat. 1603, Albi, BM 40, etc.) “Sententias de floratibus diuersis. homo pro qui dicitur? R. homo dictus ab humo – nullatenus sunt recipienda”>> n. 67, 135, 3; p. 78-176 = sermons; p. 176-178 = various, inc.: “De diaboli tentatione”; p. 271-315 = penitential of Halitgar; p. 315-322 = fragments of some compilation on the vices and virtues. El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo b. IV. 17, s. IX (Gorman, ‘Wigbod’, p. 336-337, note 54); doubtfully assigned to southern France, s. IX3/4 (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 177); s. X (Antolín, Catálogo, 1, p. 203); s. IX3/3, prob. southern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 252, n. 1192). 136 f.; 205 × 172 mm.; 20, 21 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Antolín, p. 203-204; Keefe, handnotes and microfilm.)





f. 1r-61r = Isidore, Soliloquiorum libri duo (or Synonymorum de lamentatione animae peccatricis libri duo); In Cant. Cantic.; f. 61r-87r = n. 197; f. 87r-93r = Ps. Origen, Lamentatio (CPL, 1153b); f. 93r-135r = De laude dei et de confessione orationibusque sanctorum libri quattuor; f. 135v-136v (= a different, s. IXex., hand) = n. 87 (incompl.). **d. I. 1, an. 992 (Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 14) = Collectio Hispana >> n. 30. **d. I. 2, an. 976 (Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 14) = Collectio Hispana >> n. 30. e. I. 12, s. IX, Andalusia (Cordoba?) (Diéz – Rodriguez, La Colección, 1, p. 109). 322 f. (irregular foliation, altered order of folios, missing folios, incompl. at beginning and end); 370 × 235 mm.; 39 lines, two col., Visigothic miniscule.

= Collectio Hispana (chronological) >> (not contiguous:) n. 158, 263, 389, 53, 222 (n. 30, Tol. XI, and n. 37, Tol. XVI, are lacking in this exemplar), 332, 195, 387. e. I. 13, s. IX-X (Madoz, El Símbolo del Concilio XVI, p. 19; s. X-XI, Cordoba? (Diéz – Rodriguez, La Colección, 1, p. 130). 135 f.; 365 × 260 mm.; 38-40 lines, three col., Visigothic miniscule; incompl. at beginning and end. (Add. Descrip. = Antolín, Catálogo, 2, p. 28-31.)

= Collectio Hispana (chronological) >> (not contiguous:) n. 158, 263, 389, 53, 222, 30, 37, 332, 195, 387. L. III. 8, c. 860-870, Senlis (Kottje, ‘Zur Herkunft’, p. 623-624). 189 f.; 230 × 172 mm.; 24 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Antolín, Catalogo, 3, p. 28-34; Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 19-23.)

Bishop’s pastoral manual. f. 1r = two canons on clerical simony and definitions of the words “chapter”, “title”, “prologue”, “argument”); f. 1v = Brief letter of Bishop Herpuin of Senlis to Archbishop Hincmar of Reims and three canons (on paying the tithe and offering the first fruits, on degraded priests, on priests wearing their stoles);





f. 2r-6r = Garibald, Bishop of Liège (probably), diocesan capitularies II and III; f. 6v = several unnumbered canons concerning crimes of clerics; f. 7r-8v = “subputatio aesdra”; on the works which God did in six days; Gregory on the three things required after baptism; a horologium; f. 9r-v = Brief letter dimissoria of Bishop Herpuin of Senlis for a deacon, addressed to Archbishop Wenilo of Rouen (sat 858-870); on the rising of the moon; on the beginning of creation; f. 10r-v = n. 387, 212; f. 10v-11v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, inc: “Oratio dominica propria dicitur”; f. 11v-14r = n. 80, 353; f. 14r-29v = expositions on the mass and baptism; f. 30r-41v = Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis ad Widonem comitem (starting in c. 18 due to loss of folios); f. 42r-63v = homilies attrib. to Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose on Jesus’ forty-day fast, on Cain and Abel, on Abraham, etc. (some identified as Caesarius of Arles’); f. 63v-77r = homilies on the days of Lent and doing penance; f. 77r-79v = clerical interrogation >> n. 66, 135 (f. 77v-78r); f. 80r-95r = the “Bede-Egbert double penitential”; f. 95v-117v = canons of the Councils of Nicea I and Antioch; Pope Gregory I, Libellus responsionum ad Augustinum Cantuariensis; preface and canons of Nicea I; f. 118r-127v = the seven penitential psalms; f. 127v-164r = Bede, Martyrologium; f. 164v-187v = computus; f. 188r = subscription of Archbishop Hincmar of Reims to the deposition of Bishop Rothad of Soissons; f. 188r (in another hand) = date of ordination of Herpuin and death of Fredebald; f. 188v (another hand) = names of bishops and abbots who subscribed to the Synod of Savonnières of June 14, 859, and the last canon (c. 14) of the council. **Q. III. 10, s. XIIex. (Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 636), contains Pope Gregory I, Dialogorum libri quattuor; hymns; Vita S. Euphrosynae; clerical interrogation >> baptismal exposition >> n. 283 (f. 126r-v). (Add. Descrip. = Antolín, Catalogo, 3, p. 427-4428.)





Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana Aedil. 82, s. IX3/4, Italy, probably northern Italy (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 278); s. IXc. 2/3, northern Italy (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 255256, n. 1207). 169 f.; 303 × 225 mm.; 30-43 lines, two col., many hands, Carolingian miniscule (f. 169r-v = s. XI1/2, Italy). (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 514-523; Mordek, p. 278-279.)

= Collectio Vaticana (cfr Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 679 and Vat. lat. 1342) >> (not contiguous, except for 386, 47) n. 158, 239 (f. 87r-88r), 386 (f. ?-163v), 47 (f. 163v-164r), 207, 263, 123, 195. Ashburnham 13, s. IX (Paoli, Codici, p. 21) (not listed in Bischoff, Katalog). 168 f.; 310 × 242 mm.; 28 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Paoli, p. 21-24.)

f. 1r-144v = collection of 38 homilies and three tracts attrib. to John Chrysostom >> n. 330; f. 144v-168v = Cassiodorus, Institutiones. Ashburnham App. 1923, s. IXin., Corbie (Bischoff, by letter; also, Katalog, 1, p. 258, n. 1217). 16 f. (= membrum disiectum of Paris, BnF, lat. 13373, between f. 107 and 108); 200 × 143 mm.; 24 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 24.)

f. 1r-13r = Jesse, Bishop of Amiens, Ep. de baptismo >> n. 369 (f. 10r-11r); f. 13r-16v = Bede, De temporibus, 16-22, 15 (“De mundi aetatibus”, “De sacramento temporis paschalis”; Ps. Bede?, “De altitudine lunae, solis, et stellarum. hipparcus in eo opere – numerum reddat”. **Conv. Sopp. 569, s. XII-XIII (Dolbeau, ‘Note’, p. 308), f. 176r182v = n. 311. Plut. XIV, Cod. 15, s. IX2/4, begun in France [Auxerre?], finished in Fulda (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 258, n. 1219). 90 f.; 238 × 180 mm.; 26 lines.

f. 1-29 = Boethius, Opuscula sacra >> n. 26, 186, 253; f. 30-90 = Boethius, De consolatione Philosophiae. **Plut. XVI, Cod. 8 (Missale Florentiae), s. XIIin., f. 130r = n. 133.





**BML XVII, 41, s. XII (Étaix, ‘Le recueil’, p. 127 [the ms signature as given by Étaix]), f. 212v-213r = n. 225. Freiburg im Breisgau, Universitätsbibliothek 8, s. IX2/2, eastern France (Bischoff, by letter); s. IXc.3/4, northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 272, n. 1287); Bodensee region (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 244). 138 f.; 305 × 265 mm.; 34 lines, two col., three hands (f. 1r-4v; f. 5r120r; f. 120r-138v). (Add. Descrip. = Hagenmaier, Handschriften, 1, p. 10-12; Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 25.)

Clerical study book. f. 1r-4v = canonical pieces (omina prouinciarum; otitia Galliarum); two excerpts from the beginning of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana; Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam; “De matrimonii ratione”); f. 4v-133v = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana >> (not contiguous:) n. 123, 195, 201, 239, 263, 298; f. 133v-134v = Pope Gregory I, “Decretum ad clerum in basilica beati petri apostoli”; f. 134v-135v = excerpts from Isidore and the Liber pontificalis on the mass; f. 136r-138v – Amalarius, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum Imperatorem de caeremoniis baptismi >> n. 344 (f. 137r-v). Fulda, Dommuseum Bonifat. 2 (Codex Ragyndrudis), s. VIII1/2, Luxeuil, or a Luxeuilinfluenced scriptorium (Hausmann, Die Theologischen Handschriften, p. 8). 143 f.; 285 × 190 mm.; 19-22 lines, one hand. Copiously decorated in bright red, yellow, and brown ornamentation (initial letters with fish and circles). Glosses in OHG and Anglo-saxon. (Add. Descrip. = Hausmann, p. 7-10.)

St Boniface took this ms on his legation to evangelize Frisia. f. 1v-2r = blank (until the ex libris); f. 2v-11v = n. 195; f. 11v-14r = Leo I papa, Ep. 108, to Theodore, Bishop of Frejus, on giving and receiving penance; f. 14v-57r = n. 96, 150, 285, 209, 166, 47, Nicene Creed, 53;





f. 57r-61v = Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis (CPL, 1676), excerpts (in PL, 62, 537-539, or in PL, 59, 159-162); f. 62r-96r = Ambrose, De bono mortis; f. 96r-97r = otitia regionum et ciuitatum in quibus sanctorum apostolorum corpora requiescunt, inc.: “Beatus iohannis baptista requiescit in ciuitate”; f. 97v-98r = blank; f. 98v-143r = Isidore, Soliloquiorum libri duo (or Synonymorum de lamentatione animae peccatricis libri duo). Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek Aa 2, an. 865 and s. IX3/3, Bodensee area (Hausmann, Die Theologischen Handschriften, p. 16); f. 20-35 + Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, SB 903/0, ten folios = s. IX3/3, prob. southwestern Germany; f. 1-19, 36204 = s. X (the whole ms united early) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 276, n. 1313). 204 f.; 275 × 200 mm.; six hands (the fourth hand, f. 7r-19v, has insular influence); colored initial letters. (Add. Descrip. = Hausmann, p. 16-23.)

Schoolbook. f. 1r-6r = hymn, “Adesto lumen de lumina – et unum tres confiteor” (PL, 101, 55A-55B); moral dicta: inc.: “Prima superbia per humilitatem – Haec sunt IIII uirtutes – Sex sunt que hic non inueniuntur, uita sine morte”; Ps. Fulgentius, Sermo 36 (in praise of Mary), excerpt; a penitential piece; Ps. Bede?, Homily on Jn. 2, 1); f. 7r-15r = n. 58; f. 15r-16v, 17v = Isidore, Origines, excerpts from Lib. VIII, VII, VI (on the church, the clerical orders, neophytes, catechumens, baptism, the office, and the chorus, antiphon, response and offertory of the mass); f. 16v-17v = Alcuin, exposition on baptism, “In illo officio primo paganus caticuminus fit”; f. 18r-19v = Ps. Augustine, two sermons “in natale domini”, inc.: “Hodie fratres karissimi salutis dies” and “Sancta atque gloriosa”; f. 20r-31v = Alcuin, De orthographia; f. 31v-35v = glossary on grammatical words from Alcuin;





f. 36r = collected sentences, inc.: “Annos habet XII menses”; inc.: “Tres habuit turris scriptas in fronte figuras”; f. 36v-38r = Jerome, Ep. 30 to Paula (on the Hebrew alphabet of Ps. 118); f. 38r-117v = two glossaries, on the books of the Old Testament and on the books of the New Testament; f. 117v-118r = Cassian, Conlationes, excerpts, “Octo sunt principalia uitia” and “He sunt proles supradictis uiciis”; f. 118r-120r = Ps. Jerome (Hrabanus Maurus?), Ad Dardanum de diuersis generibus musicorum; f. 120r-126v = Isidore, Origines, I (De grammatica), numerous excerpts; f. 126v-127r = Maximus Victorinus, Ars grammatica, excerpt; f. 127v-128r = Gregory I, Moralia in Iob, XXXIV and XXXI, excerpts (on pride); f. 128r-129v = collected sentences on the virtues and vices, inc.: “De timore domini – Item de irae”; f. 129v-139v = glossaries (from the Dialogues, the Rule of St Benedict, the canons, the Ecclesiastical History, the Pastoral Rule, and the Liber Antonii); f. 139v-151r = Hrabanus Maurus, De institutione clericorum libri tres, 1 (entire) and 2 (excerpts); f. 151r-152v = Isidore, Origines, V and I, excerpts (definitions of words and on discipline and art); collected sentences, inc.: “Ascensiones spiritales sunt septem – Dicta sancti hieronimi”; f. 152v-194v = glossary, inc.: “Abba syrum”; f. 194v-195v = vocabulary, inc.: “Argumentantur, rahchonti; abdicamus, firuuizames”; f. 196r-204r = n. 269 (incompl. at the very end), 93, 97 (only excerpts), 268; f. 204v = frag. on the soul, inc.: “…anima quando de corpore exiit, uadit ad orientem”. Aa 9, s. IXin., northern Italy (Hausmann, Die Theologischen Handschriften, p. 34); s. IXin., southwestern Germany, Alsace? (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 277, n. 1318). 221 f.; 300 × 185 mm.; 23 lines, one hand (prob. two hands, acc. to Bischoff); colored initial letters. (Add. Descrip. = Hausmann, p. 3437.)

f. 1v-42v = Augustine, Confessiones, 11-12; f. 43r-167v = Augustine, De ciuitate Dei, 20 and 22;





167v-170v = n. 53, 47; 170v-174v = Ambrose, De sacramentis, 3, 1-15; 174v-176v = Ps. Ambrose, De pudicitia et castitate; 176v-203v = Faustus of Riez, De gratia libri duo, 1, 1-8 and 2, 1-5, with foreign insertions; f. 204v-221v = Augustine, Contra Faustum Manichaeum, 1213, excerpts.

f. f. f. f.

Gent, Universiteitsbibliotheek **324 (olim 581), f. 49r-54r = s. IXex./ Xin. (Burn, ‘Neue Texte’ [part 3], p. 85); more probably s. XI (Dr. Martine De Reu, Curator of mss of the Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent); s. XI (de Saint-Genois, Catalogue, p. 400); s. XII (CSLMA, II, ALC 28, p. 136). The ms contains n. 169, 106 and 221 preceding, on f. 49r-54r, n. 270, and on f. 124v-135r, n. 345. Gerona, Biblioteca Capitular (= Archivo Capitular or Biblioteca Catedral) s. n., s. IXin., probably Gerona (Diéz – Rodriguez, La Colección, 1, p. 141). 389 f.; 350 × 270 mm.; two col., 38 lines; Carolingian miniscule.

= Collectio Hispana (chronological) >> (not contiguous:) n. 158, 30, 37, 53, 195, 222, 332, 386, 389, 263 (cfr El Escorial e. I. 12 and e. I. 13 above). Göttweig, Stiftsbibliothek **26, s. XII (Caspari, Anecdota, p. 341-342, note 2), contains n. 262. **27, s. XII (Caspari, Anecdota, p. 341-342, note 2), contains n. 262. **97, s. XII (Burn, iceta, p. 38), contains n. 262. ’s-Gravenhage, Koninklijke Bibliotheek 130. E. 6, s. IX3/3, Netherlands, Belgium or northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 300, n. 1435). 7 f. (frag.); 214 × 145 mm.; 21 lines, illuminated letters. (Add. Descrip. = van Egmond, ‘Haec fides est’, p. 372-373)

“A book of personal character” (Bischoff, p. 300).





A collection of symbola and creed commentaries >> 39 (f. 6r7v; incompl.). See Addendum, p. 392. ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 10. B. 4 (olim 9; Par. Clarom. 562; Meerm. 583), s. VIII2/2 (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 55, note 81), northern France, perhaps Reims (Lowe, CLA 10, n. 1572a); central France (Bourges?) (Bischoff, ‘Panorama’, p. 241, note 57). 197 f. (f. 31-53 = a somewhat later restoration [insertion] in early Carolingian miniscule, s. VIII-IX, acc. to Lowe); 285 × 185-193 mm.; 27 lines, many hands; decorated initials, illustrations. (Add. Descrip. = Levison, ‘Handschriften’, p. 513-518.)

= Collectio S. Mauri (of which Paris, BnF, lat. 1451 is a direct copy; also Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127 depends on this ms of the Collectio; see Stürner, ‘Die Quellen der Fides Konstantins’, p. 83-84, and Contreni, ‘Two descriptions’, p. 47). Previously there were 30 additional folios prior to what is today ‘f. 1’, containing the following nine pieces, acc. to a catalogue of 1764:5 (1) Collectio Actorum Concilii Quinti >> n. 306 (acc. to Schwartz, ACO I, 2, p. 37 [codex “M”]); (2) catalogue of popes, ending with Paschal I (817-824); (3) Athanasian Creed; (4) n. 110; (5) n. 39; (6) n. 58 (frag.); (7) n. 173; (8) n. 263; (9) n. 163; 5 Turner, ‘Notes and Studies’, p. 1-11, has shown that this ms is the archetype of Paris, BnF, lat. 1451. All the material preceding the Collectio S. Mauri in Paris, BnF, lat. 1451 was formerly in this ms, before the first 30 folios were lost (they were detached between 1764 and 1824; see Turner, p. 11. Turner mistakenly says 36 folios, probably because, acc. to Levison, the 1824 catalogue said the ms contained 191 folios, a misprint for 197 folios). Thus, this ms originally contained all the material, including creed material, described below in Paris, BnF, lat. 1451.





f. 1r = letter of Jerome to Damasus, “Supplex ligi litteras”; and metrical preface to canons of Nicea I (apparently added later in free space on f. 1r); f. 1v = a crude illustration of a mass-reading priest; f. 2r-17r = Liber pontificalis, Felician epitome; letters of Jerome and Damasus; names of popes; f. 17v-19v = otitia Galliarum; De uerbis Gallicis; omina prouinciarum (also in Paris, BnF, lat. 1451); f. 19v-197v = Collectio S. Mauri >> n. 239, 47 (contiguous), (not contiguous:) 58, 263 (frag.?), 222? (not part of the original Collectio S. Mauri, but in the Collectio S. Mauri in Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, acc. to Maassen, p. 621-622). Grenoble, Bibliothèque municipale **226 (134), s. XII (J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91, p. 256), f. 146v-186v = n. 391, 121. Heiligenkreuz, Stiftsbibliothek **122, s. XII (Burn, iceta, p. 38), contains n. 262. Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek Aug. perg. XVIII, s. IXin. (c. 806), Reichenau (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 256). (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 23, note 51 and p. 403, note 227, says it was copied at Reichenau apparently from a Toursorigin exemplar.) 90 f. (correct order = f. 83-90, 75-82); 418 × 294 mm.; 51 lines, two col., scribe = Reginbert of Reichenau. (Add. Descrip. = Holder, Die Handschriften, p. 58-69; Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 7-25.)

Perhaps an exemplar for those wishing to make smaller collections of instruction on the faith; or perhaps a uade mecum for a missus or a missionary to arm him against whatever heresy he might confront. f. 1r-12v = a collection of expositions on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 13v-70v = n. 234, Nicene Creed, 239, Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, 53 (part), 30, Athanasian Creed, 212, 46, 39, 51, 298, 27, 38, 388, 339, 156, 324, 186, 253, Boethius, Quomodo substantiae in eo quod sint, bonae sint, cum non sint substantialia bona (f. 22r-23r), 26, 330, 297, 254,





227, 159, 226, 155, 121, 148, 184, 131, 216, 97 (only Lib. 3), Basil, Homilia 6 (“De fide tractatus”) (f. 51v-53r), 10, Ps. Jerome, Dialogus sub nomine Hieronymi et Augustini de origine animarum (CPPM, IIA 886) (f. 53v-56v), 94, 13, 58, 12, 57, 106, 299, 387, 110, 14, 180, 53 (part), 222, 332; f. 71r-74v = Isidore, Origines, VIII, i-v, (on the church and the synagogue); VII, xii-xiv (on the clerical orders, monks, and other faithful); VI, xix (on the offices); f. 75r-90v = Collectio Hibernensis, frag. Aug. perg. LII, s. IX (Holder, Die Handschriften, p. 183); s. IXc. 4/4, southwestern Germany(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 336, n. 1603). 75 f.; 348 × 231 mm.; 39-42 lines, many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Holder, p. 183-188.)

= Collection of letters of Damasus, Jerome, and Augustine >> n. 39 (f. 48r-49r), n. 51 (f. 56v-58v), n. 298 (f. 61v-62v). Aug. perg. CV, s. IXin. (Holder, Die Handschriften, p. 267); s. VIII/ IX, Lorsch (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 342, n. 1634). 234 f.; 299 × 225 mm.; two col. (except f. 1r-3v, or 1v-2v, acc. to Bischoff), 33-35 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Holder, p. 267-276.)

= Collection of works and letters of Jerome >> n. 298 (f. 43v44v). Aug. perg. CIX, f. 1-48 = an. 820-842, Reichenau (f. 1v-5r written by Reginbert of Reichenau); f. 49-52 = an. 871; f. 52v-53v = an. 1268 (Holder, Die Handschriften, p. 281; Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 343, n. 1638). 54 f.; 306 × 197 mm.; f. 1-48 = 38 lines; f. 49-52 = 28 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Holder, p. 281-284.)

f. 1v-39r = Arnobius Junior (dub.), “Praedestinatus” (CPL, 243) (Lib. 1 = “De haeresibus numero xc”; Lib. 2 = Ps. Augustine, “Liber haereticorum de praedestinatis”; Lib. 3 = “Liber catholicorum episcoporum contra eundem librum”); f. 39r-43v = Ps. Augustine – Ps. Jerome, Dialogus sub nomine Hieronymi et Augustini de origine animae (cfr CPPM, IIA 205); f. 43v-47r = n. 58;





f. 47v-52r = passion and translation (to Reichenau in an. 871) of the martyr Januarius, Bishop of Benevento, and his companions. Aug. perg. CXII, s. VIII-IX (Holder, Die Handschriften p. 289); s. IXc.1/4, Reichenau (f. 7-9, 14-33, 35, 38, 40, 43-46 = palimpsest, s. VIII/IX, prob. Reichenau; f. 80-89 = palimpsest, s. VIII/IX, Bodensee area) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 344, n. 1642-1644). 115 f.; 302 × 222 mm.; different col. and lines; f. 1r-53v = 22-28 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Holder, p. 289-294.)

Schoolbook. f. 1r-32r = Isidore, Origines I, v (“De grammatica”); [Sergii] explanationum in artem Donati liber, excerpt (on Latin letters); further explanation on grammar; fragments of hymns as grammatical examples; Juvencus, Libri Euangeliorum quattuor, excerpt; excerpt from the Lex Alamannorum; Lk. 16, 19-21; f. 33r-45r = n. 190; f. 46r-50v = Isidore, Origines VII, xii; XVII, viii, 5-12; ix, 3-39; “De septem gradibus christi”; “De VII gradibus sapientiae”; “De perfecto predicatore. septem modis”; “Septem radices firmantes ueritatem”; “Item recapitulatio de ponderibus. calcus minima pars ponderis”; “De argento uiuo”; “Pro quibus et qualibus uirtutibus hore dei et noctis”; f. 51r-115v = excerpts on grammar from Donatus, Sergius, Audax, and excerpts from Isidore, Origines (“De magis et migromantiis” and “De ponderibus metallorum”); Formulae Augienses. Aug. perg. CXVIII, s. IX/X (Holder, Die Handschriften, p. 301); s. IXc. 3/4, eastern France(?)/western Germany(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 345, n. 1647). 169 f.; 294 × 193 mm.; 24 lines, almost entirely in one hand. (Add. Descrip. = Holder, p. 301-302.)

= Collection of works of Gregory Nazianzus >> n. 201 (longer recension), 47 (f. 75r-94r). Aug. perg. CCXXIX, between an. 806-822, Abruzzi (Bischoff, ‘Panorama’, p. 254, note 160); 821(?), area of Chieti (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 360, n. 1719).





222 f.; 229 × 161 mm.; 22-26 lines. Early Beneventan script of many hands, decorated letters and pictures. (Add. Descrip. = Holder, Die Handschriften, p. 521-527.)

Schoolbook. f. 1r-12r = Isidore, Origines VI, xix, xviii (“De officiis” and “De reliquis festiuitatibus”); f. 12v-16r = “Incipit sinodus pascale ordinationi. cum omnes apostoli ex hoc mundo transissent – nobis iussa est caelaebrari. explicit synodus pascale”; f. 16r-21r = Martin of Braga (?; cfr CPPM IIA 1231), Opusculum 7: De pascha; f. 21r-45v = calendar and geographical explanation; horologium; f. 46v-48v = letter falsely attrib. to Chromatius and Heliodorus to Jerome and response of Ps. Jerome (on composing a martyrology = Preface I and II of Ps. Jerome, Martyrology; CPPM, IIA 518-520); map of the world; f. 49r-53v = computus; f. 54r-57r = n. 192, 171; f. 57v-69v = computistical matter and Chronica attrib. to Jerome (CPL, 1155f. viii); f. 70v-183v = Isidore, Allegoriae de libris ueteris et noui Testamenti; De ortu et obitu patrum; De natura rerum; f. 184r = Generation of kings and nations, inc.: “Alaneus dictus est homo qui genuit tres filios”; historical notes about the destruction of cities by the Franks in an. 801 and 805; f. 184v-190v = tract on the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, inc.: “Sancti dei genetrix”; f. 191r-205r = Pope Leo I, Breuiarium aduersus haereticos; f. 205r-212v = Priscian, Institutiones, I, 1-23 (explanation of noun, pronoun, and verb); f. 212v-218r = prayers; f. 218r-220r = Athanasian Creed; f. 220r-221r = commentary on the Lord’s Prayer, inc.: “Oratio dominica propria dicitur”; f. 221v-222v = n. 213. Aug. perg. CCLI, s. IXin. (Holder, Die Handschriften, p. 566); s. VIII/ IX, a north Italian center (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 363, n. 1733).





96 f.; 199 × 138 mm.; 15-17 lines; two hands. (Add. Descrip. = Holder, p. 566-567.)

Collection of works against the Arians. f. 1r-26r = n. 100; f. 26v-64v = Sermo Arianorum (PL, 42, 677-684) and response of Augustine, Contra sermonem Arianorum, 1-19, part (PL, 42, 683-697, line 5); f. 65r-81r = Ambrose, Ep. 17, to the Emperor Valentinian; f. 81r-88v = Symmachus, Prefect of Rome, Relatio 3, 1-17 (an. 384); f. 91r-96v = Ambrose, Ep. 40, to the Emperor Theodosius (incompl.). København, Kongelige Bibliothek Gl. kgl. S. 28. fol. (= Gl. Kgl. S. 28 2o), s. IX-X (f. 140r-v = s. X (Jørgensen, Catalogus, p. 17); s. IX1/2 (f. 140r-141v = prob. somewhat later, s. IX2/4), Paris, Saint-Germain-des-Prés (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 410, n. 1979). 141 f.; 318 × 216 mm.; 28 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Jørgensen, p. 17-18).

f. 1-139 = Letters of Jerome; f. 140r-v = n. 39. Köln, Dombibliothek 33 (Darmst. 2029), s. IX (Jaffé – Wattenbach, Codices, p. 11; O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 20*); s. IX2/4, Köln (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 388, n. 1879). 158 f.; 360 × 245 mm.; 27 lines; many hands.

f. 2r-101v = n. 198, 302, 303, 100 (100 is contained in 303); f. 101v (100v acc. to Jaffé – Wattenbach)-107v = Niceta of Remesiana (attrib. to “St John”), De Spiritus Sancti potentia (= a frag. of Niceta, Competentes ad baptismum instructionis libelli vi; PL, 52, 853A-864B; CPL, 647); f. 107v-109v = n. 239; f. 109v-119r = Augustine, Epp. 135 and 137, Ad Volusianum de uirginitate Sanctae Mariae;





f. 119r-146r = Sermo Arianorum (PL, 42, 677-684) and response of Augustine, Contra sermonem Arianorum; f. 146r-158r = Augustine, Epp. 170 (referring to the doctrine of the Trinity) and 138 (on the unchanging God, turning the other cheek also, Christianity blamed for calamities, comparing Christ to the magician Apuleius). 35 (Darmst. 2031), s. IX (Jaffé – Wattenbach, Codices, p. 11); s. VIII/ IX, Salzburg (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 389, n. 1881). 265 f.; 305 × 188 mm.; 30-34 lines; on many folios there are interlinear glosses, some in Tironian notes. (Add. Descrip. = Jaffé – Wattenbach, p. 11-12.)

f. 1r. = Is. 6, 2-7; f. 1r-144r = collection of letters of Jerome (including, f. 92r94v, his treatise Ad Oceanum de uita clericorum) >> n. 298 (the third letter in the ms); f. 144v-145v = explanation of Lk. 11, 5-9; f. 145v = sentence of Jerome; f. 145v-146v = homily (attrib. to Augustine in the ms?) on avarice, inc.: “Modo cum diuina lectio legeretur, audiuimus”; f. 147r-193r, 193r-197v, 203v-214v, 251r-265r = letters of Jerome; f. 193r = Pascasius, letter to Martin, priest and abbot; f. 197v-203v = sentences “Teudoni”; f. 215r-224r = Ambrosius Autpertus, sermon “De lectione euangelica”, inc.: “Subtiliter a fidelibus quae sit huius dei festiuitas perpendatur – (expl.) aequali aeternitate uiuit et regnat deus in saecula saeculorum. amen” (ed. Martène – Durand, Veterum scriptorum collectio, 9, col. 235-249); f. 224v = hymn, “Gratuletur omnis caro” on the birth, life, death, descent, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, ed. by Jaffé – Wattenbach, p. 105-106); f. 225r-246v = Caesarius of Arles, eleven homilies; f. 246v-249r = sermon to monks; f. 249r-250v = on the reverence of prayer. **45 (Darmst. 2040), s. X (Jaffé – Wattenbach, Codices, p. 14); 183 f.; f. 28r-167v = a psalter with commentary, preceeded by explanation related to the psalms, and followed by: the canticles; the hymn “Te deum laudamus; n. 276 (f. 179v-181v); the Lord’s Prayer,





(Apostles’?) Creed, and a litany. (Add. Descrip. = Jaffé – Wattenbach, p. 14-15.) 60 (Darmst. 2053), f. 1-217 = s. IXin.; f. 218-244 possibly s. Xin. (Turner, EOMI I, 2, p. 354); f. 1-217 = s. IX1/3, Corbie; f. 218-243 = s. IXc. med., Corbie; f. 243v-244r = s. IX4/4 (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 392, n. 1896). 244 f.; 304 × 197 mm.; 29 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Jaffé – Wattenbach, Codices, p. 20).

= Collection of letters and works by Jerome or attrib. to him: f. 1r-78r, 80v-108r, 113r-120v, 125r-136r, 143v-227r, 232v243r = Epp.; f. 78v-80v = n. 39; f. 108v-113r = n. 51; f. 121r-125r = Ps. Jerome, homily on the three virtues; f. 136r-143r = Jerome, Liber aduersus Vigilantium; f. 227r-232v = Ps. Jerome, In Susannam lapsam obiurgatio. (f. 243v-244r = Consuetudo monastica). **85 (Darmst. 2086), s. X, entirely one hand (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 395); s. IX (Reynolds, The Ordinals of Christ, p. 70, note 9; Jaffé – Wattenbach, Codices, p. 31-32). 121 f.; two col.

(Cfr the contents of this ms with New York, Columbia University, Butler Library, Plimpton 58, below.) f. 2r-11r = n. 58; f. 11r-68v = expositions on the four gospels attrib. to Pope Gregory I: “In christo nomine incipit expositio sancti euangel[ii] edita a gregorio papa urbis rome. matheus sicut in ordine – gratiam spiritui sancti”; f. 68v-91v = Isidore, Allegoriae quaedam sacrae Scripturae; f. 91v-96v = various scriptural commentary: (1) “De septe[m] formis spiritus sancti. Egreditur uirgo de radice iesse – (f. 93r) in saecula saeculorum. amen”; (2) “Primo enim sciendum est quod omnes similitudines euangelicae”; (3) homily on Lk. 11, 5-13, “Amicus ad quem media nocte”; f. 96v-120r = clerical questions and responses, inc.: “Summum bonum deus est. quid est deus?” (including, on f. 99r-100v, an Isidorian description of the clerical grades; on f. 100v103r, questions on monks, neophytes, catechumens, lay,





and other words taken from Isidore, Origines); on f. 103r, “Incipiunt questiones de litteris uel singulis causis. quia uideo te de scripturis uelle contendere”; on f. 105r, “Incipiamus de sanctam scripturam et sacrorum numero librorum”; on f. 118r, “Hiis sunt gradus septem in quibus christus aduenit”; on f. 119r, “De decimis offerendis in genesis”; f. 120v-121v = n. 81. 118 (Darmst. 2117), s. IXex., Reims or Reims region (W. Hartmann, Die Konzilien, p. 247); s. X (Jaffé – Wattenbach, Codices, p. 48); s. IX3/3 (earliest 868), prob. northeastern France, area of Reims (Bischoff, Katalog, 1, p. 400, n. 1929). 80 f. (160 p.); c. 290 × c. 225 mm.; perhaps all one hand, except p. 156-160; incompl. at beginning and end. (Add. Descrip. = Jaffé – Wattenbach, p. 48-49.)

p. 30-33 = Augustine, De correctione Donististarum liber or Ep. 185 to Boniface, frag., c. 10, 45-46, part (PL, 33, 812, “Vt enim constitueretur – apostolus mansit”); Ps. Augustine, Sermo 277 (“De reddendis decimis”), frag., 1-3, part (PL, 39, 2266-2268, “Propitio christo – redimere noluisit”); p. 33-49 = letters of Hrabanus Maurus to Bishop Reginbald and to Humbert (ed. Hartzheim, Concilia Germaniae, 2, 214-219, and 226-228); p. 49-52 = letter of Pope Nicholas I to “Charolus”, Archbishop of Mainz (Jaffé 2046); p. 52-54 = Pope Gregory I, Libellus responsionum ad Augustinum Cantuariensis, excerpt, inc.: “Vsque ad quotam generationem”); p. 54-104 = letter of Hrabanus to Heribald (Hartzheim, 191212); an index of the preceding items from p. 33; the last part of the penitential on p. 135-155; prayers for visiting the sick and anointing; sermon attrib. to Augustine on penance, “Admoneo fratres – in infernum”; p. 104-121 = Capitulatio, Prefatio, Professio fidei (= n. 31), and canons 1-43 of the Council of Worms of an. 868; p. 121-124 = “Dicta Agustini in libro de sermone domini in monte. his qui sunt in coniugio confirmandum consilium. de his qui uxores atque uiros dimittunt ut sic maneant. ex concilio africano. placuit ut secundum – abstinendos. ex ep. papae innocencii qui ad testimonium sunt admit-





tenda . testes – produxerit. de presbiteris, diaconis et reliquis ex clero. fecit sanctus siluester – mistica ueritas”; p. 124-125 = various canons on litigious clerics; capitula of Hincmar, an. 852; p. 135-155 = penitential (ed. under the name of Bede); p. 156-160 = “Ordo in agenda mortuorum”. 212 (Darmst. 2326), c. 600, southern France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 80). 170 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 574-585.)

= Collectio Coloniensis >> n. 239 (f. 84r-?). 213 (Darmst. 2336), s. VIIIin., Northumbria or Northumbrian missionary area on the Continent; it came to Cologne already in s. VIII (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 240); perhaps in Middle-Frankish region by c. 800, but no evidence for Cologne (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 231, note 309). 143 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 504-509.)

= Collectio Sanblasiana >> n. 47, 212 (contiguous, f. ?), n. 239 (f. 137v-?). Kremsmünster, Stiftsbibliothek **s. n., s. XII (Caspari, Anecdota, p. 341-342, note 2), contains n. 262. Perhaps this is not the same ms as the following ms. **313, s. XIex. (Burn, iceta, p. 38), contains n. 262. Laon, Bibliothèque municipale 113, s. IX, northeastern France; came to Laon in s. IX (Contreni, The Cathedral School, p. 53); s. IXc. 2/4, prob. northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 26, n. 2075). 85 f.; 272 × 211 mm.; 29 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, microfilm; Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 97-99.)

Perhaps made for a monastic community. f. 1r-33v = n. 175, 301; f. 34r-36v = Augustine, Soliloquia (Soliloquiorum libri duo) (CPL, 252), (frag.; = 1, 1, conversation with Reason as to how he should proceed in the work he desires to write); f. 37r-43v = homilies:





f. 37r-38v = “Sermo de fluxu sanguinis” (ed. Turner, ‘A Laon MS’, p. 3-5, on the woman with the flow of blood and Christ as medicus); f. 38v-39v = De natali Sancti Cypriani, inc.: “Hodierna reddendi non debiti propitio Domino”; f. 39v40r = Sermo de resurrectione Domini, inc.: “Post laborem noctis praeterite”; f. 40r-42v = Sermo de natiuitate Domini, inc.: “Thalamus Marie et secreta coniugia”; f. 42v-43v = Sermo de natiuitate Sancti Iohannis, inc.: “Ecce amicus sponsi caelestis”; f. 43v-51r = n. 58; f. 51r-58v = Facundus, Bishop of Hermiane (N. Africa; d. after an. 571), Ep. fidei catholicae in defensione trium capitulorum; f. 59r-v = Sedulius, Carmen natalis Domini nostri (PL, 19, 763770); f. 60r-61v = Ps. Jerome, Ep. ad Oceanum et Sofronium de uita clericorum; f. 61v-85r = [unidentified, appears addressed to an abbess] tit.: “Incipit liber de quattuor uirtutibus hoc est caritatis, continentiae, patientiae et poenitentiae. (inc.:) Dominae meae dilectae et debita reuerentia proferende”. 121, s. IX1/2, northeastern France; came to Laon in s. IX2/2 (Contreni, The Cathedral School, p. 51-52); s. IXprob. 3/3, northeastern France(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 27, n. 2079). 130 f.; 247 × 165 mm.; 26 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Contreni, p. 203.)

f. 1r-46r = sermons of Ephraem; f. 46r-101r, 118r-122r = sermons of Caesarius of Arles (Sermones 30, 179, 45, 73, 74, 64, 65, 5, 32, 66, 5, 32, 66, 150, 67, 15, 60, 61, 39, 42, 46, 47, 23, 48, 12 of Morin, S. Caesarii opera); f. 101r-102v = Sermo de Adam et Eua et sancta Maria (Mai, oua patrum bibliotheca, 1, 1-2); f. 102v-103r = moral precepts: inc.: “Huius expeditionis curam quam non tacere”; glosses on 2 Pet,; f. 103r-v = Jerome, Octo ultimi libri in Isaiam, excerpt; f. 103v-115r = Gregory, Moralia, part 2, lib. 2, excerpt; Gregory of Tours, Historiarum libri X, excerpts; f. 115v-117r = sermon for Easter, inc.: “O fratres dilectissimi praesentem diem”;





f. 117v-118r = sermon on the sentences of St Peter and on judgment day, inc.: “Audi, frater karissime, qualem sententiam detulerunt”; f. 122r-128v = Ps. Basil, Admonitio ad filium spiritualem, selective and incompl., inc.: “Audi, fili, admonitionem patris – linguam tuam que ad benedicendum et lau//” (PL, 103, 683-688, 691-696); (one or more folios are missing after f. 128); f. 129r-v = [text lacking beginning] expl.: “…te peniteat incassum diu coluisse aliena”; f. 129v = n. 337; f. 129v = Taio, Sententiarum libri quinque, frag. (= Lib. 5, c. 32, beginning), tit.: “De dampnatione diaboli (inc.:) Aeterno iudice terribiliter apparente – ut et nunc per eius gratiam a pugnantibus//” (PL, 80, 988A-988B; incompl. due to loss of one or more folios); f. 130r = [end of a sermon] “…secundum opera sua id est bonis bona, malis mala” (cfr explicit of n. 357); f. 130r-v = sermon, “O fratres karissimi, istas res terrenas – et ueniam numquam consecuntur” (warning on loving this world instead of the eternal kingdom, citing Paul, Augustine). 122bis, s. IX, northeastern France, came to Laon in s. IX2/2 (Contreni, The Cathedral school, p. 53); Saint-Amand, perhaps an. 809 (Bischoff, cited by Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 6, note 7); f. 1-24 = s. IX2/4, northeastern France(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 27, n. 2081). 26 f.; 235 × 150 mm.; 23 lines; two hands. (Add. Descrip. = Contreni, p. 203.)

f. 2r-24v = n. 326; f. 25r-26v = [unidentified] Commentarius in Paulum (frag.). 135, s. IX2/2, Laon (Contreni, The Cathedral School, p. 63); s. IXc. 3/4, northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 28, n. 2086). 85 f.; 300 × 225 mm.; 41 lines (308 × 235 mm.; 42 lines, acc. to Bischoff); many similar hands. This book exactly reproduces the contents of Laon, BM 136, f. 38r-112v, although Laon, BM 136 was not copied from Laon, BM 135, but both are dependent on the same exemplar, acc. to Bischoff.

f. 1r-15r = n. 137, 19;





f. 15r = Sermo de contemnanda morte, inc.: “Omnis causa martyrii in contemnenda morte consistit”; f. 16r-28v = Augustine, De opere monachorum; f. 28v-41v = Augustine, De fide et operibus; f. 41v-54r = Augustine, De sancta uirginitate; f. 54r-56r = n. 314; f. 56r-59v = Augustine, Sermo 56 (on the Lord’s Prayer); f. 59v-67r = Augustine, De bono uiduitatis seu Ep. ad Iulianam uiduam; f. 68r-75r = Augustine, De cura pro mortuis gerenda; f. 75r-84r = Augustine, De octo Dulcitii quaestionibus. 136, s. IX, perhaps Laon (Contreni, The Cathedral School, p. 59-61); s. IXc. 4/4, area of Reims (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 28, n. 2087). 112 f.; 320 × 220 mm.; 43 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Contreni, p. 203.)

f. 1r-20r = n. 1, 311, 312, 126; f. 20v-23r = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 106, in fact, Quoduultdeus, Liber de quattuor uirtutibus caritatis (CPPM, IA 891; PL, 47, 1127-1134); f. 23v-37v = Quoduultdeus, Sermones (De cantico nouo ad catechumenos; De quarta feria; De cataclysmo; De tempore barbarico); f. 37v-50v = n. 48, 137, 19; f. 38r-112v = Laon, BM 135, f. 1r-84r. 265, a composite ms of at least seven sets of gatherings, all s. IX 1/2; f. 83r-191v, Saint-Amand; ms bound together and in Laon s. IX 3/4 (Contreni, The Cathedral School, p. 42, 130-134); a composite ms of four parts, united by 875: (1) f. 1-35; (2) f. 36-82; (3) f. 83-122; (4) f. 123-191; f. 1-35 and 83-122 and prob. also f. 36-82 were written at Saint-Amand, s. IX1/3; f. 123-191 = s. IX2/3, northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 30, n. 2096). 191 f.; c. 240 × 130 mm.; 30-21 lines, depending on the separate section; many hands.

A collection of dogmatic, moral and pastoral works, useful for teaching (Contreni, p. 132-134). f. 2r-35r = Gesta Saluatoris (= Acta Pilati or Euangelium icodemi; an apocryphal work recounting the trial of Jesus); f. 36r-50v = n. 58;





f. 51r-82r = excerpt from Jerome’s commentary on Daniel; two sermons of Pope Gregory I on Ezekiel; excerpt from Gregory’s Moralia; excerpt from Jerome’s letter on penance to Rusticus; Ps. Jerome, Ep. ad Oceanum (on the clerical life), frag.; f. 82v = blank; f. 83r-122r = n. 121, 131; f. 122v = [obliterated, but beginning of Ps. Augustine, Expositio sancti Augustini de secreto gloriosae incarnationis Domini can be seen]; f. 123r-148v = sermon on Mk. 16, 14-20, inc.: “Priusquam caelum Dominus ascenderet” (cfr Gregory, Homilia 29); sermon on Lk. 11, 5-13, inc.: “Amicus ille ad quem media nocte uenit” (cfr Bede, In Lucam); Isidore, Liber differentiarum [II] II, i-xli; f. 149r-156v = Bede, Homilia subditia, 48 (on the prodigal son); f. 157r-161v = homily on Jn. 1, 1-14, inc.: “Non frustra beatus iohannis supra pectus domini in caena recubuit”; homily on Mt. 4, 1-11, inc.: “Quaeri a quibusdam solet a quo spiritu ductus fuisset Iesus in deserto”; homily on Lk. 18, 9-14, inc.: “Puplicanus humiliter orans”; [the original ordering of f. 162-183 was: 176-183; 168-175; 162167] f. 162r-167r = decrees from capitularies of Pepin and Charlemagne on marriage; f. 168r-v = end of n. 254 (see f. 182r-183v); f. 168v-171v = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis I, xvii-xviii (on the benediction of the people and the sacrifice of the mass); f. 171v-176r = canons on marriage (degrees of prohibition) and baptism (use of wine in place of water in case of necessity); f. 176r-180v = n. 204; f. 180v-183v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, inc.: “O quam magna est clementia Dei”; f. 182r-183v = n. 254 (with f. 168r-v); f. 184r-191v = Passio Sancti Clementis; frag. of a homily on Mt. 11, 2-10 on John the Baptist. 288, s. IX1/3, eastern France, Laon uncertain (Bischoff, by letter); s. IXc. 2/4, northern France(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2. p. 31-32, n. 2102). 91 f.; 210 × 140 mm.; c. 20 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 26-29.)





Clerical instruction reader. f. f. f. f. f.

1v-2v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer; 2v-15r = n. 353, 269; 15r-28v = expositions on the mass; 28v-37v = expositions on baptism; 38r-54v = homilies of Ps. Jerome, Caesarius, Ps. Isidore, Augustine; f. 55r-59r = clerical interrogation; f. 59r-91v = collection of homilies, some attrib. to Augustine (“Quali sunt Christiani boni et quali sunt mali”; “Ad populum”; “De die iudicii”; “De conditione paradisi”; “De falso amico”; “De natale domini”; “Inter reliquas beatitudines”). **303, s. XIII, collection volume: Martin of Braga, Formula uitae honestae; gloss and sermon on the Lord’s Prayer; n. 356 (f. 9r); sermons; Life of St Mary the Egyptian; excerpt from Hugh of SaintVictor. (Add. Descrip. = Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 174-175.) 405, s. IX (Díaz y Díaz, Index, p. 35, n. 113); s. VIII-IX (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 208); s. IX4/4, northeastern France(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 33, n. 2111). 107 f.; 230 × 170 mm.; two col., 32 lines; entirely in one hand.

(1) = n. 190; (2) = Julian Pomerius, De uita contemplatiua libri tres (incompl. at Lib. 3, c. 28). 445, s. IXex. or s. Xin., northeastern France, in Laon shortly after written (Contreni, The Cathedral School, p. 69, 53, note 55); s. IXc. 3/3, northeastern France(?), except f. 82 – s. IXc. 4/4, northeastern France(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 36, n. 2121-2123). 97 f.; 320 × 205 mm.; mostly two col., 51 lines; f. 80-81 = 287 × 182 mm.; 3 col.; f. 82 = 175 × 125 mm.; 31 lines.

Schoolbook (Contreni, p. 118). f. 4r-79v = Liber glossarium (or Glossarium Ansileubi) (mostly Latin versions of Greek words, mythological vocabulary, terms from the study of the arts), with additions in margins and between lines; f. 80r-92v = fragments of three different glossaries; f. 93r-95r = n. 258;





f. 95v-96r = Sacramentarium Gelasianum, frag. of the aurium apertio (tradition of the creed and Lord’s Prayer). 469, s. VIII or IX (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 251 and F. Leo, MGH AA, 4/1, Berlin, 1881, p. vii), at Arras before Laon (Contreni, The Cathedral School, p. 45, note 25); s. IX2/3, northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 37, n. 2129). 182 f.; 252 × 190 mm.; 29 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Contreni, p. 203.)

f. 1r-142r = Venantius Fortunatus, Carminum libri XI >> n. 341 (Lib. 11, 1); f. 142r-181v = Venantius Fortunatus, Vita Sancti Martini; f. 181v = geneology, inc.: “Berchildis et filiae eius Raintrudis, Idelindis, Gerlindis, Bernildis”. Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit BPL, 67. F, s. VIII, IX (Burn, An Introduction, p. 185); s. IX, one hand (Molhuysen, Codices, p. 37); s. VIII-IX, France, probably northeastern France, several hands in small, sometimes tiny, Carolingian miniscule; f. 152v-158v (the creed material) doubtless copied from an insular exemplar (Lowe, CLA, 10, p. 40, n. 1575); s. VIII/ IX, northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 41, n. 2142). 158 f.; 230 × 140 mm.; 30-32 lines, glossaries = four col. Greek subscriptions, f. 62r, 158v; Tironian notes, f. 140r. (Add. Descrip. = Molhuysen, p. 37-38.)

Schoolbook. f. 2r-152r = eight distinct glossaries; the Synonyma artis rhetoricae [of Cicero]; a list of the sounds made by various objects, “Ouis bobat – aes tinuit”; f. 152v-158v = Nicene Creed, n. 46, 388, 47, Athanasian Creed, 212, 27, 197; f. 158v = Greek alphabet (Lowe says two Greek alphabets, but there appears to be only one). BPL, 3230, s. VIII, France (Bischoff – John – Brown, ‘Addenda’, p. 292). Bifolium from the center of a quire, only upper and lower horizontally cut fragments from the top and the bottom. Estimated 235 × 150 mm.; 25 lines (only 12 and 11 lines surviving).

The fragments consist of n. 197, c. 24-26.





Voss. lat. F. 113, s. IXc. med. (de Meyïer, Codices, 1, p. 242); (not listed in Bischoff, Katalog). 90 f.; 271 × 229 mm.; composed of two compacted codices: f. 1-70 and f. 71-90, both s. IXca. med.; f. 1-70 = 38 lines, f. 39r-70v = seemingly many hands; f. 71-90 = 36 lines, one or more hands? Cryptographic writing in margin, f. 87v (same type as in Einsiedeln, SB 27). (Add. Descrip. = de Meyïer, p. 242-245.)

Perhaps a monastic schoolbook. f. 1r-30r = Virgil of Salzburg, Cosmographia; f. 30v-46v = Historia Apollonii regis Tyri; Dares Phrygius, Historia de excidio Troiae; f. 47r-50r = translation (passion) of the apostles Simon and Jude, and a hymn on them; the legend of the apostle Matthew and a hymn on him; f. 50r-59v = Augustine, De agone Christiano: f. 59v-68v = n. 102; f. 68v-70v = Pelagius Britannicus (d. between 423-429) / Ps. Augustine, De uita Christiana (CPL, 730), incompl.; f. 71r-90v = unknown author, De situ orbis liber, preface and inc.: “Domino uenerabillimo regique gloriosissimo domino K(arolo), G. seruorum dei eximus. Cum olim quidem ut nunc”. Voss. lat. Q. 72, s. IX (de Meyïer, Codices, 2, p. 172); s. IXc. 3/4, perhaps area of Reims (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 60, n. 2225). 61 f.; 235 × 215 mm.; 24 lines. (Add. Descrip. = de Meyïer, p. 172173.)

f. 1r-10r = Jerome, Contra Luciferianos dialogus (or Altercatio Luciferiani et Orthododoxi) (CPL, 608; PL, 23, 155-182) (beginning lacking due to loss of first fascicle); f. 10v-61v = n. 184. Voss. lat. Q. 75, s. IXex. (de Meyïer, Codices, 2, p. 178); s. IX2/2, prob. eastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 60, n. 2226). 154 f.; 245 × 200 mm.; 29 lines; perhaps two hands: (1) f. 1r-101v, 133r-154v; (2) f. 102r-132v. (Add. Descrip. = de Meyïer, p. 178-182.)

Perhaps a monastic schoolbook. f. 1r-21r = Cassiodorus, De anima liber; f. 21r-47v = Augustine, De natura et origine animae;





f. 48r-61v = Isidore, Synonyma de lamentatione animae peccatricis (or Soliloquiorum libri duo); f. 62r-87v = Augustine, Soliloquia (Soliloquiorum libri duo) (CPL, 252); f. 87v-93v = Augustine, De disciplina Christiana; f. 93v-101v = n. 184 (incompl. due to loss of folios after f. 101); f. 102r-109v = Isidore, Allegoriae quaedam Scripturae sacrae; f. 109v-116r = astronomical matter: excerpt from Aratus on astrology; verse on the twelve celestial signs; Aratus on astronomy; frag. on astronomy; f. 116r-118v = selected canons from church councils and pontifical decrees; f. 118v-127r = Bede, De natura rerum liber; f. 127r-130v = astronomical matter: concordance of sun and moon, of sea and moon; on Aries; etc.; f. 130v-132v = Ps. Bede, Martyrologium poeticum (including the name of each month in Hebrew, Greek, Epyptian, and its zodiac sign); f. 133r-142v = Augustine, Ep. 166 (to Jerome, on the origin of the soul); f. 142v-154v = Jerome, Ep. 14, “Quanto amore” (to Heliodorus, reproaching him for leaving the eremetical life); Ep. 52, “Petis a me, nepotiane” (to Nepotianus, on the life of clerics and monks). Voss. lat. Q. 122, f. 1-88 = s. IX/X, area of Lyon; f. 89-96 = s. IXc. 3/4, western France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 63, n. 2240, 2241); f. 1-88 = s. X1/2; f. 89-96 = s. X (de Meyïer, Codices, 2, p. 267); s. IX (Schwartz, ACO I, 5, p. 234). 96 f.; 218 × 155 mm.; 29-32 lines. (Add. Descrip. = de Meyïer, p. 267-270.)

f. 1r-74v = collection of texts from canonical collections >> n. 123 (second part, f. 9r-10r), n. 123 (first part, incompl., f. 10v-14v), n. 195 (f. 24r-29r), n. 159 (frag.) (f. 36r-37v); f. 74r-87v = Alcuin, De dialectica (frag., up to c. 16); f. 88r-v = blank; f. 89r-96r = questions on the Old Testament, “Incipiunt questiones de libro genesis. genesis – ut eius ossa inde auferrent//” (incompl.; the remainder of f. 96r and f. 96v are blank).





León, Archivo Catedral 22, s. IX, Cordoba, most of the ms = c. 820-835; f. 1v-7v = an. 839 (Diáz y Diáz, Vie chrétienne, Essay XII, p. 224-226, gives a detailed argument for the origin of the ms; see especially p. 24, note 31, for its non-Toledan origin, although copied from a Toledan exemplar). 156 f.; 260 × 170 mm.; f. 9r-152v = 31 lines, two col.; remaining folios = different long lines (f. 6-8 = 30 lines). Decorated initials. (Add. Descrip. = García Villada, Catálogo, p. 53-56; V. Yarza Urquiola, CC SL, 114A, p.334.)

Spanish bishop’s exemplar? f. 1v-7v = authentic copy, with autograph signatures, of the Acta of the Council of Cordoba in 839 >> n. 145 (f. 5v-7v); f. 7v-15r = scriptural discussion, frag. (in margin: “Sperandeo”); a law of King Recesvind; Isidorian frag. on fasting and alms; prayer of Ildefonsus of Toledo, “O sanctum lumen uerum” (= beginning of his De uirginitate perpetua S. Mariae, PL, 96, 53-58); etymological explanation; extracts from Augustine and Isidore; f. 15v-32r = letter attrib. to Augustine on foods of Jews prohibited to Christians, “Cibi iudeorum inmolaxicii sunt”); extracts from Augustine, Gregory I, Isidore, Jerome on various matters; “Incipit de laude ispanie. omnium terrarum”: “Epitameron de primordia mundi. primus in orbe dies”; explanations concerning letters, sounds of men and animals, etc.; f. 16rb = n. 174 (frag. of c. 49); f. 32r-v = St Eugenius of Toledo, Carmina (28 poems); f. 32v-38v = Isidorian etymological explanations (a glossed tradition of a selection of Isidore); Epitaphion Antoniae, “In lacrimis cuncta si possem”; “De ortografia. ortografia grece latine recte”; f. 38v-88v = Braulio, Bishop of Zaragossa, Epistularium (separated by two insertions: f. 44r-47r = Exemplar iudicii inter Marcianum et Habentium and f. 48v-51r = n. 313; f. 88v = “Incipit de genealogiis. duo sunt Adam”; f. 89r-148v = a “Toledan recension” of the De uiris illustribus of Jerome, Gennadius, Isidore; an abbreviation of the life of Isidore by Braulio of Zaragossa (“Isidorus uir regius – operibus caritatis”; PL, 82, 53-55); Ildefonsus, De





uiris illustribus, augmented with appendices on the life of Ildefonsus by Julian of Toledo and the life of Julian by Felix of Toledo; f. 148v-152v = “Decretale in urbe Roma ab Ormisda papa editum de scrituris diuinis quid uniuersaliter catholica recipiat ecclesia uel post hec quit uitari debeat – esse dannata” (CPL, 1683/ep. 125) (an excerpt from the Decretum Gelasianum); ed. PL, 59, 166-180; f. 153r-156v = excerpts attrib. to: Prosper (= Julian Pomerius, De uita contemplatiua, Lib. 2, c. 7, n. 8); Augustine (“De muliere curba. agite penitentiam”); Adamantus, “Tractatus adamanti senis de arca noe” and “Eiusdem de tractatibus in genesim”; Augustine, excerpts from a sermon “de saltationibus respuendis”. London, British Library **Add. 14902, s. XI (Haring,’Commentaries’, p. 232), f. 71r-78v = n. 378. **Add. 18043 (“Psalter of Stavelot Abbey”), s. X (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 229), contains n. 271. **Add. 24693 (see footnote 4 under n. 341 on the ms signature). Harley 208, s. IX (after an. 814), Gaul (Dümmler, Epist., p. 5); c. 820 or a little earlier, Saint-Denis (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 75); s. IX1/4-2/4, Paris, Saint-Denis (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 111, n. 2438). 117 f. (119 f., acc. to Bischoff); 201 × 145 mm.; 23, 24 lines (f. 118r119v = 35 lines); many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Dümmler, p. 5-6; Bullough, p. 75-79 and passim [see index].)

f. 1r-112r, 117v = Alcuin, Epp. >> n. 315 (f. 1r-4r); f. 113r-116r = seven letters in an edited form of Dungal the Recluse; letters of Bishop Wilhelm; two form letters; f. 115v-116r = letter of Charlemagne to Emperor Michael; (the ms originally concluded with Alcuin, Ep. 131, f. 117v119v). Harley 3091, s. IXc. 2/3, Nevers(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 120-121, n. 2476); s. X, France (Dümmler, Poet., p. 124). 141 f. (f. 37-40 = inserted); c. 280 × c. 200 mm.; 30, 31 lines (f. 129sqq. = 35 lines); many hands, mostly from the same scriptorium; some Tironian notes and glosses; additions of s. IX-XII.





(Add. Descrip. = Wanley – Casley – Hocker – Morton, Catalogue, 3, p. 734.)

(On the front of the first page, in a contemporary hand = on the virtues of herbs and some verses); = n. 375; = ‘periodi annorum uarii’; = cantica, with musical notes; = Bede, De natura rerum liber; = Bede, De temporibus liber; = on the planets; = Bede, de equinoctio uerno; = Bede, De temporum ratione, c. 27 (de concordia lunae et maris); 9. = on the planets; 10. = ‘officia 12 mensium metrice’; 11. = Bede, ‘cursus lunae per 12 signa’; Bede, ‘calendarium ex eiusdem libro qui dicitur Ephemeris excerpta’; 12. = Bede, ‘decennouenales circuli usque ad an. 1272’; 13. = Bede, De temporum ratione; 14. = Bede, De sex aetatibus mundi; 15. = Bede, In Libros Regum quaestiones; 16. = Bede and others, verses on the months, the winds, etc.; 17. = S. Columbarius, Ep. uersibus Adonieis scripta. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

**Harley 3095, s. X½ (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 121); s. IX (Gibson – Smith, Codices Boethiani, p. 144). 149 f.; 276 × 218 mm.; 20 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Gibson – Smith, p. 144-145.)

f. 2v-110v = Boethius, De consolatione Philosophiae; f. 111r = list of Byzantine offices; Eugenius of Toledo, Hexaemeron, 2; f. 111v = liturgical material, neumed, in a slightly later hand; f. 112v = diagram of the heavens; f. 113v-149v = Boethius, Opuscula sacra >> n. 186, 253 and 26 (= Op. sacra 1-2, 4; cfr Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Patr. 46, f. 1r-21r on the sequence of five tracts in the Opuscula). Royal 2. A. XX, probably s. IX1/4, area of Worcester (Crowley, ‘Latin Prayers’, p. 223).





52 f.; 228 × 165 mm.; three different s. IX hands, numerous s. X additions and glosses in Old English, Greek, and Latin. (Add. Descrip. = Crowley, p. 223-253.)

“Prayerbook, including Gospel lessons, charms, hymns (two of them alphabetical), a litany, a long alphabetical series of prayers, common liturgical prayers and canticles, and various other prayers for protection” >> n. 46 (only the beginning, f. 28r). **Royal 7. C. II, s. XIex. (Burn, iceta, p. 38), contains n. 262. **Royal 8. B. XIV, s. XII (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 235), f. 145r152r = n. 294. Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana 13, s. VIIIex. (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 26*); s. IXc. 2/4, prob. Lucca (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 130, n. 2517). 241 f.; 240 × 170 mm.; 20 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 26*-28*.)

f. 1v-163v = n. 302; f. 163v-241r = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres. 490, s. VIII-IX, Lucca (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 240); c. 798-816 (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 362); c. 800, Lucca (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 131, n. 2524). 355 f.; 195 × 290 mm.; two col. (Add. Descrip. = Schiaparelli, Il codice 490, p. 2-20.)

(f. 1 = fly-leaf); f. 2r-30r = Ps. Jerome, Chronica Hieronymi (CPL, 1155f.viii); f. 30r-31r = Antiphonarium per anni circulum (“Antiphonale Missarum sextuplex”, CPL, 1933); f. 32r-35r = Isidore, Chronica maiora; (f. 35v = blank); f. 36r-48v = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis; f. 49r-132v = Eusebius, Historia ecclesiastica (translated by Rufinus); f. 132v-136v = Gregory I, Libellus responsionum ad Augustinum Cantuariensis, excerpt; the De uiris illustribus of Jerome and Gennadius, incompl.; (between f. 136 and f. 137 formerly there were sixteen folios, now in a private collection, containing Jerome and Gennadius);





f. 137r-210r = Liber pontificalis; f. 211v = “De fabrica in aqua”; f. 212r-213v = Isidore, Origines VIII, iii, 17, “De heresi et scisma”; f. 214r-216v = “Regulae ecclesiasticae sanctorum apostolorum per clementem prolate” (= Canons of the Apostles, ed. Turner, EOMI I, 1, 8-32, using this ms, which omits the list of titles preceding the 49 canons); f. 217r-231r = frag. of a collection of compositions, inc.: “XVIIII. De conpositio cathmiae – De ti(n)ctio omnium musiuorum”; f. 232v = “Gregorius presul meritis et nomine dignus” (a text on music); f. 233r-234v = n. 58; f. 235r-v =“Ars numeri pitacoricis”; f. 236r-271v = Collectio Sanblasiana >> n. 47, 212 (contiguous), and (not contiguous) n. 239 (f. 266v-?); f. 272r-v = Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis (CPL, 1676), with a unique prologue; f. 272v-273r = dicta of Pope Gelasius on catechumens and penitents; f. 273v = canons 1-8 of the second Council of Orange, an. 529 (on grace and free will), which are taken from a compilation called “Capitula S. Augustini in urbe Roma missa” (ed. C. de Clercq, CC SL, 148A, p. 55-59); f. 274r-280r = n. 102; f. 280r-281v = Augustine, De sermone Domini in monte secundum Matthaeum libri duo, 1, the beginning only (PL, 34, 1229); f. 282r-287r = tract, “De ratio paschae”, and a paschal table; f. 288r-309v = Epitome hispanica; f. 310r-321r = “Liber de natura rerum”; f. 321r-323r = Alcuin, Ep. 148 to Charlemagne, an. 798, incompl. (ed. MGH Epp., 4, p. 237-240, line 34, using this ms; Alcuin explains the course of the sun through the zodiac and how to calculate the daily increase in light); f. 324r-331v = material on time; f. 332r-337r = Ambrose, Expositio Euangelii secundum Lucam (CPL, 143), Lib. 10, 150-184; f. 339r-342r = n. 14;





f. 342r-346v = “Cura sanitatis Tyberii Caesaris augusti et damnatione Pilati”; f. 347r-v = Isidore, Origines VII, xiv (“De ceteris fidelibus”); VIII, i (“De ecclesia et synagoga”); VIII, ii (“De religione et fide”); f. 348r-354v = “Genealogiae totius bibliotecae scriptae Carthagine a. p. Chr. 463”. Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale 611 (527), s. IX (Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 30, p. 161); s. IXc. 2/4, prob. southern France (not Lyon) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 144, n. 2578). 135 f.; 225 × 175 mm.; 25 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, p. 160-161.)

f. 1r-37r = n. 197, 98, 46; f. 37r-39r = interpretations attrib. to Pope Gregory I and Jerome of passages of Scripture (including on the names of God by the Hebrews); f. 39v-89r = n. 190; f. 89r-135v = Ps. Augustine, Hypomnesticon contra Pelagianos et Caelestianos haereticos, 6; Ps.(?) Augustine, Sermo 366 (PL, 39, 1656-1650, on Ps. 22, inc.: “Psalmum uobis dilectissimi, qui ad christi baptismum properatis”); “Incipit libellus sancti agustini aduersum pelagianos ad syxtum presbyterum – Epistolam quam”; “Eiusdem epistola ad hilarium episcopum – Honorabilis filius noster”; Augustine, Ep. 147 (to Paulina, on seeing God). Madrid, Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia **78 (Codex Rotensis), s. Xex.-XIin., copied probably in the territory of Rioja, Navarre or Old Aragon; it was kept for a time at the Cathedral of Roda (García Villada, ‘El Códice’, p. 116). 232 f.; 205 × 285 mm.; Visigothic miniscule, illustrations. (Add. Descrip. = García Villada, p. 115-127.)

f. 1r-206r = chronicles, geneologies and historical matter composed by Spaniards; f. 206v-217v = exegetical fragments;





f. 217v-230v = n. 189, 331, 98, 377; f. 231r-232v = historical matter. Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional 373, s. IX-XI (Inventario de la Biblioteca acional, 1, p. 245); f. 137r154r = s. X (CSLMA, II, ALC 28, p. 136). 184 f.; 194 × 122 mm.; diverse hands. (Add. Descrip. = Inventario, p. 244-245.)

f. 1-67v = Ps. Isidore, compilation of canons (incompl.); inc.: “Compellor a multis tam episcopis”; f. 67v-120v = Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis ad Widonem Comitem; f. 120v-126v = Isidore, De ortu et obitu patrum; f. 126v-136v = various pieces: Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis I, excerpt (on the origin of the offices); Jerome, Ep. 108 ad Eustochium uirginem, excerpt, inc. “Quidam ueterator et callidus”; Decem nominibus quibus uocatur Deus apud Hebreos, inc.: “hel. eloy. eloe”; [De propriis nominibus antiquiorum ueteris testament], inc.: “Duo sunt Adam unus protoplastus”; f. 137r-154r = n. 169; f. 154r-160r = Ps. Ambrose, De conflictu uitiorum atque uirtutum; f. 160r-163v = Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis ad Widonem comitem, 1-4; and Caesarius(?), frag., inc.: “Audiuimus apostolum dicentem qua fundamentum elemosinarum largitate”; f. 163v-182r = n. 131; f. 182r-184r = on the day of judgment, inc.: “Quod itaque de die iudicii quem”. **437 (A. 82), s. XIVin. (Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 101, p. 94), f. 86-? = n. 335. 10018 (olim Toledo, Biblioteca del Cabildo 14-24), s. IX (Carlo, Los Códices, p. 25); s. IXex. or s. Xin. (Vega,’Gregorio Eliberritano’, p. 85 and B. Löfstedt in CC CM, 59, p. xxiv); s. X (Díaz y Díaz, Index, p. 129, n. 508).





189 f.; 260 × 180 mm. (very thick and heavy); Visigothic miniscule, f. 180r-end = two col. (Add. Descrip. = Carlo, Los Códices, p. 25-27; Carlo, ‘Manuscritos’, p. 42.)

f. 1r-88r = Beatus, Abbot and Priest of Liébana, and Heterius, Bishop of El Burgo de Osma, Ep. Beati et Heterii aduersus Elipandum libri duo or Beati Apologeticum >> n. 331 (f. 23v-24r); f. 89r-180r = Samson, Abbot of Cordoba, Apologeticum libri duo aduersus Hostigesium; f. 181v-189v = excerpts from patristic writings taken mostly from n. 197 and from [Ps.?]-Jerome’s commentary on Daniel, and others; topographical notes taken from the Peregrinatio Etheriae. Marburg, Hessisches Staatsarchiv **s. n.? (“Cartulary of Fritzlar in Hesse”), s. XV (Levison, England and the Continent, p. 235) >> n. 139. Melk, Stiftsbibliothek 597 (914, Q 52), s. IX2/4, Austria/Bavaria (Glassner, Inventar, p. 268); s. IX-X (Lemarié, ‘Un nouveau sermon’, p. 9); s. IXc. 2/4, southern Bavaria-Austria (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 180, n. 2740). 115 f.; 240 × 180 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Glassner, p. 268-269.)

Homiliary. f. 1r-104r = Ps. Bede, homilies on the epistles (acc. to the liturgical year); f. 104r-114r = appendix to the collection of Ps. Bede, homilies on the epistles, which consists of seven items (on this appendix, see Lemarié, p. 9, note 1): f. 104r-106r = Ps. Augustine/Ps. Bede, homily, “De resurrectione fidelium (aliter: De ecclesia)” (CPPM, IA 2279a, IB 3998); f. 106r-108r = Ps. Augustine/Ps. Bede, sermon, “De Alleluia” (CPPM, IB 1368, IB 3999; ed. by Lemarié, p. 14-17); f. 108r-109r = Ps. Augustine/Ps. Bede, sermon, “In Pascha. XIII. De resurrectione mortuorum” or “De resurrectione fidelium sancti Augustini” (CPPM, IB 956, IB 4000); f. 109r-110v = Ps. Augustine/Ps. Bede, homily, “Omelia de fide” (CPPM, IB 2280, IB 4001);





f. 110v-114r = n. 255, 224; f. 114r-115r = Ps. Boniface, Sermo 15, on the renunciation of the devil, his works and pomps, and profession of faith in baptism, inc.: “Audite, fratres, et attentius cogitetis” (PL, 89, 870A-872A); f. 15v = n. 297 (frag.: c. 25); f. 115v = frag. of the Didaché (only the beginning of the Latin tradition of the text, due to loss of last quaternion of the ms; ed. using this ms by W. Rordorf in SC, 248, 207-210). Merseburg, Dombibliothek 1/2

103, s. IX , northern Italy (Hägele, Das Paenitentiale, p. 34); s. IXc. 2/4, possibly northern Italy(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 182, n. 2751). 162 f.; 186 × 126 mm.; c. 19 lines, two s. IX1/2 hands: (1) f. 1r47r, 67r-124r, 160v-162r; (2) 47r-66v, 124r-160v. (Add. Descrip. = Hägele, p. 34-36.)

Perhaps a clerical instruction reader. f. 1r-9v = liturgical expositions (the first folios are badly ruined, but appear to contain explanation of the canonical hours; at the top of f. 3r: “Oratio quasi oris ratio – super electas, id est aduocatus” = a gloss on a prayer of the baptismal rite), on baptism, the clerical grades, the Lord’s Prayer; f. 10r-18v = n. 87, 269; f. 18v-39v = exposition on the mass; f. 40r-43v = n. 354, 77, 230; f. 43v-47r = penitential material; f. 47r-66v = exposition on the Gospel of Matthew; f. 67r-124r = penitential-related material and the Penitential of Merseburg; f. 124r-160v = expositions on the Gospels of Mark, John, and Luke (the interruption of the expositions on the four gospels is not due to incorrect rebinding of the ms, acc. to Hägele, p. 36). 104, s. IX/X, northern Italy or southern France (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 173-174); s. IXex., Italy(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 183, n. 2752). 159 f.; 205 × 145 mm.; 28, 27 lines; many similar hands.





Contains miscellania; canons; on Pope Formosus (d. 896); excerpts of the fathers; missae (incompl.), acc. to Bischoff, among which is the Collectio Epitome Hispana >> n. 123. Metz, Bibliothèque municipale ex.

351, s. IX or s. Xin., not before 875 or 876, Metz (Hanssens, Amalarii opera, 1, p. 202); f. 66-118 = s. IX3/3, Metz (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 188, n. 2779). 118 f.; 210 × 165 mm.; consists of two parts, f. 1-65 and f. 66-118; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Hanssens, p. 202-203.)

f. 1v-42r = Hrabanus Maurus, Liber de sacris ordinibus, sacramentis diuinis, et uestimentis sacerdotalibus ad Thiotmarum (PL, 112, 1165-1192); f. 42r-50r = Venantius Fortunatus, Expositio orationis dominicae (Carminum libri XI, 10, 1) (CPL, 1034); f. 50r-61v = Cyprian of Carthage, De dominica oratione (CPL, 43); f. 62r-64v = n. 341 (incompl.); f. f. 65 = blank; f. 66r-75v = (in three col.) incipits of antiphons of the mass and divine office, inc.: “A. rorate coeli. a. suscepimus deus. a. gaudeamus omnes”; f. 76r-78r = Caroline laudes, Latin and Greek, and other carmina of this type; f. 78v-103r = collection of canons and decrees of Roman popes; f. 103v-117v = Amalarius, Eclogae (a commentary on the prayers of the mass). **?494, s. IX (CSLMA, II, ALC 28, p. 138); s. XIin. (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 5, p. 184); (not listed in Bischoff, Katalog). (Add. Descrip. = Le Clerc, p. 184-185.)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

= n. 57 (f. 10v-12r); = sermon on the assumption of the Virgin Mary; = sermon on the Feast of St Arnulf of Metz; = Life of St Clement, Bishop and Confessor of Metz; = Passion of St Benignus; = Tract on music, inc.: “Quoniam pauci sunt qui maiorum et difficiliorum memoriam”.





Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana D. 268 inf., s. VIII (CPPM, IIA 49); s. IX, Bobbio (Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 141-142). 36 f.; 273 × 180 mm.; 42 lines, one hand, Longobard script. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r-2r = n. 339, 53, 229; f. 2r = letter of Emperor Gratian to Ambrose, “Cupio ualde”, asking for a work on the Holy Spirit; cfr CPL, 160; PL, 16, 875-876); f. 2v = blank; f. 3r-36r = n. 302, 390; f. 36v = letter on modesty and chastity (beginning mutilated). E. 147 sup. (see Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5750). I. 101 sup., s. VIII, Bobbio (Buchanan, ‘The Codex’, p. 538). 77 f.; 270 × 170 mm.; f. 1-75 = Longobard majuscule. (Add. Descrip. = Buchanan, p. 537-545.)

f. 1r-9v = Eucherius of Lyons, De terrenis; De animantibus; De nominibus; f. 10r-11r = commentary on the canonical books, frag. (= “Muratorianum fragmentum”; re-edited by Buchanan, p. 540542); f. 11r-12r = frag. from Ambrose on Abraham, “Abraham nomerauit seruolus suos”; f. 12r-19r = Eucherius of Lyons, Instructionum ad Salonium libri duo, 2, extract (= CSEL, 31, p. 146-161, beginning with the chapter, “De expositione diuersarum rerum” through the last chapter, “De graecis nominibus”; a variant reading, acc. to CPL, 489); f. 19r-31v = a lengthy exposition on the eschatalogical passage Mt. 24, 20-44, inc.: “Orate autem ne fiat fuca uestra hieme uel sabbato, id est ne cum fuca” (ed. Turner, “An exegetical fragment”, p. 227-241), followed by two brief pieces, “De tribus mensuris” and “De petro apostolo”; f. 31v-71v = John Chrysostom, De reparatione lapsi, inc.: “Quis dabit capiti meo aquam” (urging a monk to return to his monastery); f. 71v-73v = “De Abraham”, inc.: “Ante hostium sedebat abraam”;





f. 73v, 75r-v, 74r-v (the order of f. 74 and 75 is inverted) = n. 212, 211, Nicene Creed (original), 145, 62. f. 76-77 = cursive hand; f. 77 = fly-leaf. **M. 79 sup., s. XI-XII (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 234). 252 f.; 265 × 195 mm.; f. 9-252 41 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r-23v = exegetical: excerpts from the fathers on various verses in Scripture; f. 21r-23v = ordinal of Christ; “De uirtutibus et peccatis”; “De uirginitate mariae”; “Cassiani de morte beatae mariae uirginis”; commentary on words of John, “Ex patre diabolo estis”; “De mensura corporis christi”; f. 24r-25v = exposition on consanguinity; f. 25v-26r = on Greek letters, their dipthongs and number; f. 26v-30r = n. 341, 365, 379; f. 30v-33r = three expositions on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 33r-38v = n. 265, 277, 269; f. 38v = brief prayer; f. 38v-44v = Bede, Tractatus de locis sanctis and breuiarius on how Jerusalem was constructed; f. 44v-45r = on the interpretation of the names of the prophets Jeremiah and Haggai and the two cities Jerusalem and Babylon; f. 45r-46r = catechism by interr./resp., inc.: “Quibus modis sit ‘interrogatio’? responsio. tribus: cum discere uult homo” >> n. 66 (abbrev. form), 284 (incompl.) (f. 45v); f. 46v-59v = Eucherius; Virgilius of Spain; Isidore (excerpts from Origines); f. 59v-end = glossaries, computus material, various s. XI and s. XII material. O. 210 sup., f. 1-45 = s. VII; f. 46-53 = s. VIII, from Bobbio (Ficker, Studien, p. 59, relying on Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 2, p. 94); s. VIII (V. Bulhart, CC SL, 9, p. xxxi). 54 f.; 245 × 195 mm.; 32 lines, Gothic majuscule. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Reifferscheid, p. 94-96.)

f. 1r-13r = Augustine, Ep. 131 (= Liber de origine animae hominis; PL, 22, 1124-1138) to Jerome, and Jerome’s response (Ep. 172; PL, 33, 752-753); f. 13r-34r = n. 381 (incompl.);





f. 34v-40r = “Incipit doctrina iniqui et perfidi manichaei”; f. 40r-46r = letter of S. Archilaus, Catholic Bishop, to the priest Diodorus, against Manichaeus; f. 46v-54v (another hand) = Pope Gelasius I, Ep. ad omnes episcopos per Picenum, inc.: “Barbaricis hactenus dolebamus incursibus”(incompl. at end; PL, 45, 1766-1771) (a refutation of Pelagianism). O. 212 sup., probably s. VIIex. or s. VIIIin., probably Bobbio (Bouhot, ‘La tradition manuscrite’, p. 79). 18 f.; 250 × 190 mm.; insular majuscule, two or three different hands. (Add. Descrip. = Mundó, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 259261.)

f. 1v-14r = n. 58, 218; f. 14r-16r = Athanasian Creed; a prayer to the Mother of God, “Lacta, mater”; a sermon, De ascensione Domini; f. 16r-18r = n. 107, 46; f. 18v = blank. S. 33 sup., s. IX2/2, provenance Bobbio (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 254); Bobbio, under Agilulfus (887 to c. 896) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 165, n. 2655). 322 f.; 233 × 170 mm.; 23 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 471-476; Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 2, p. 26-31.)

= Collectio Dionysiana-Bobbiensis >> n. 298, 239 (f. 150r-154v; alt. foliation = f. 151r-155v). **T. 27 sup., s. XI-XII, one hand; 61 f.; 189 × 136 mm. (Lambot, orth Italian Services, p. xi); a Rituale >> n. 86 (f. 21r-22r). **T. 103 sup., s. X (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 234), contains n. 277. Montecassino, Archivio della Badia (Biblioteca dell’Abbazia) 4, s. VIII (de Bruyne, ‘Un document’, p. 307); s. IXin., Cordoba or region of Cordoba (Díaz y Díaz, Vie chrétienne, Essay XII, p. 239). 104 f. (208 p.); 375 × 270 mm.; 41 lines, two col., Visigothic script; marginal notes in Arabic. (Add. Descrip. = O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 34*-36*.)

p. 1-111 = n. 302, 47; p. 111-186 = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres;





p. 186-205 = Ambrose, De incarnatione dominicae sacramento liber; p. 205-208 = n. 385, 388. 19, s. VIII (de Bruyne, ‘Un document’, p. 307); s. IXin. (Morin, S. Caesarii opera, 2, p. 164); s. IXin., Cordoba or region of Cordoba (Díaz y Díaz, Vie chrétienne, Essay XII, p. 239). 276 p.; 365 × 265 mm.; two col., Visigothic script; marginal notes in Arabic. (Add. Descrip. = Inguanez, Catalogus, 1, 1, p. 30.)

p. 7-243 = Augustine, De Trinitate (preceded by chapter titles and notabilia); p. 245-276 = n. 137, 194, 336. **30, s. X-XI (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 233, following Inguanez, Catalogus, 1, 1, p. 44). 426 p., a collection of excerpts of many patristic writers, especially Augustine, Bede, Gregory I, Jerome. (There is a creed commentary collection on p. 226-229.); p. 333-338 = n. 276. 323, s. IX2/2, central Italy (Bischoff, by letter); s. IXc. 2/4, central Italy(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 195-196, n. 2811). 110 p.; 250 × 180 mm.; 35 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 36.)

Perhaps a monastic schoolbook. p. 1 = blank; p. 2-34 = Isidore, De ortu et obitu patrum; p. 34-56 = Isidore, Allegoriae quaedam sacrae Scripturae (incompl.); p. 56-57 = exposition on the mass, inc.: “Ordo misse a sancto petro apostolo institutus est. missa pro multis causis”; p. 57 = allegorical dicta (the five talents are the five senses); p. 57-62 = two expositions on baptism, the end of the second = n. 188 (p. 61-62); p. 62-63 = dicta: “Incipit dicta de septem celos – Sol pro qua dicitur – De tonitrua”; p. 65-110 = Physiologus. **451, s. XI = Pontificale Romano-Germanicum saeculi decimi >> n. 277, 74 (f. 171r-176r). (Descrip. = Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 176-211).





Montpellier, Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire, Section Médecine 58, s. VIII-IX (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 236); s. IXc. 2/4-3/4, Loire area(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 198, n. 2824). 142 f.; 325 × 245 mm.; two col., 42 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 308309; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 747.)

f. 1-134 = Rusticus, Collectio canonum concilii Chalcedonensis >> (not contiguous:) n. 130, 195 (not written out in full), 386 (lacking a number of cc.); f. 135r-142v = n. 322. 141, s. VIII-IX (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 1, p. 338); s. IX1/2, Flavigny or vicinity (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 5, note 6); s. IXin., Flavigny, and s. IXc. 3/4, Flavigny(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 201, n. 2835). 135 f.; f. 1-80, 95-135 = c. 300 × c. 165 mm., two col., 33 lines; f. 81-94 = 300 × 150 mm., 47 lines; Merovingian script. F. 41-79 = palimpsest (the acts of a Roman council have been written over older writing [only slightly older, seemingly], in four col., consisting, at least in part, of grammar and school material [fragments of Priscian, Pompeius Festus]). (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Le Clerc, p. 337-338.)

Perhaps meant to serve as an exemplar for preserving and copying selected works. f. 1r-3v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, inc.: “Dominus et saluator noster ihesus christus discipulis suis petentibus – (expl.:) inquiens dicit amen super tua benedictione”; f. 3v-25v = n. 256, 70, 169, 57; f. 25v-32v = Alcuin, De animae ratione ad Eulaliam; Inuocatio ad sanctam Trinitatem; poem, inc.: “Qui mare, qui terram”; f. 32v = n. 106 (incompl.); f. 33r-80r = Concilii Romani I acta seu disputationes Syluestri papae I cum Iudaeis in dicto concilio, habitae coram Constantino Imperatore anno 315, libri duo, beginning lacking; f. 81r-135v = Jerome, Commentarii in epp. Pauli (CPL, 591), inc.: “Prefatio ieronimi in epistola pauli apostoli ad ephesios. si quicquam est – (expl.:) et consolatus es me”.





233, s. IX1/3, Rhaetia, north Italian glosses (Zechiel-Eckes, Die Concordia canonum, Teil 2, p. 325); s. IX1/4-2/4, c. southern Switz.(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 204-205, n. 2848). 149 f. (145 f., acc. to Bischoff); 283-287 × 185-190 mm.; 28-29 lines. Colored initials. F. 1-83 have glosses. (Add. Descrip. = ZechielEckes, p. 325-327.)

f. 1v-110v = Cresconius, Concordia Canonum >> n. 263 (immediately after the preface); f. 110v-145v = an appendix to the Concordia canonum which appears in many mss and consists, in core, of seven pieces (described by Zechiel-Eckes, Teil 1, p. 87-88). Here the seven pieces are interwoven with other canonical works, as follows: two not identified canons; Council of Chalcedon, Actio VI, 8 (from “Dominus noster et saluator”); Ferrandus, Breuiatio canonum; Collection, “Pro causa iniustae excommunicationis’; Expositio sancti Augustini de secreto gloriosae incarnationis domini nostri Iesu Christi; Pope Gregory I, letter to Serenus of Marseilles, “Litterarum tuarum” and to the solitary Secundinus, “Dilectionis tuae scripta” (incompl. at the beginning); Jn. 1, 16-28; verse, “Marcellina tuos cum uita resoluerit artus”; Archbishop Mansuetus of Milan, letter to Emperor Constantinus IV Pogonatus (PL, 87, 1265-1267); n. 249 (f. 131r-133r); Pope Leo I, letter to Bishop Anastasius of Thessalonica, “Quanta fraternitati” (incompl.); Ps. Jerome, De septem ordinibus ecclesiae (incompl. at the beginning); Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam (incompl.); continuation from above of Leo’s letter “Quanta fraternitati”; Jerome, Ep. 71 to Lucian of Baetica; Ps. Jerome, De septem ordinibus, continued from above; Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam, continued from above. 308, s. IXmed., Saint-Claude in Jura, copied by Mannon, a disciple of Florus of Lyons (Charlier, ‘Une œuvre inconnue’, p. 88-93); s. IX3/4, Lyon or Saint-Oyan (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 207, n. 2859). 182 f.; 223 × 178 mm.; 27-28 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Charlier, p. 8185.)

Collection by Florus of Lyons of patristic and conciliar works on the faith. f. 1v-28r = n. 302; f. 28r-69v = Ambrose, De incarnationis dominicae sacramento;





florilegium of excerpts from Ambrose made by Florus, entitled: “Sententiae de fide sumptae ex libris explanationis Euangelii secundum Lucam”; f. 69v-74v = n. 227, 159, 226; f. 74v-80v = Ps. Augustine/Ps. Maximus, Tractatus tres de baptismo (CPL, 222; CPPM, IA, 1117-1119); Augustine, Sermo 272 (addressed to neophytes, on the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament of the altar), appendixed with a brief excerpt from Fulgentius, Ep. 12 to Ferrandus (PL, 65, 392C-392D: “Arbitror sancte frater – et uenerabilis frater”); f. 80v-142r = 247, 199, 195; f. 142v-182v = almost entirely material from the decrees and Gesta of the ecumenical councils: F. 142r-145r = Pope Leo I, Epp. 35 [confirming the right faith concerning the two natures of Christ against Nestorius and Eutyches], 32 [rejecting Eutyches’ opinion], 33 [on sending representatives to the Council of Ephesus to convey his condemnation of Eutyches’ heresy]; all ed. in Schwartz, ACO II; F. 145r146r = Peter, Bishop of Ravenna, Ep. to Eutyches [urging Eutyches to listen obediently to Pope Leo.] and Flavian, Archbishop of Constantinople, response to Emperor Theodosius giving his faith [both ed. Schwartz, ACO II, 3, 1, p. 5-7]. F. 146r-148r = creeds of the councils of Chalcedon, Nicea I, Constantinople I. F. 148v-150r = testimony of Diogenes of Cyzicus at Chalcedon [concerning additions to the Nicene Creed] [ed. Schwartz, ACO II, 3, p. 67-68]. F. 150r-v = n. 130. F. 150v-162v = preface to the council of Ephesus [ed. Schwartz, ACO V, 1, p. vi] and n. 123 (incompl. in the beginning). F. 162v-163v = excerpt from a letter of Cyril of Alexandria to Bishop Successus of Diocaesarea [against those who say that after the resurrection the holy flesh of Christ was converted into divine nature] [ed. Schwartz, ACO V, 1, p. 297, line 26 – p. 299, line 3]. F. 163v-164r = excerpts from the Gesta of the Council of Ephesus [= testimonies of Popes Julius and Felix, and Gregory Nazianzus against those who speak of two sons in Christ; ed. Schwartz, ACO, II, 3, 1, p. 205, line 20 – p. 206, line 3, and p. 207, line 27 – p. 209, line 6]. F 164r-v = excerpt from the Gesta of the Council of Chalcedon [Hilary, Deacon of Rome, on the custom of the pope not being pres-





ent in person at the universal councils; ed. Schwartz, ACO II, 3, 1, p. 58, lines 13-24]. F. 164v-165v = Florus of Lyons, note on the sixth ecumenical council and the creed of the sixth ecumenical council of Constantinople “in Trullo”. F. 165v-169v = attrib. to Gelasius: “Incipit de duabus naturis unius domini nostri ihesu christi, sancti gelasi papae Romani, contra eutychianistas et nestorianistas. necessarium fuit – in subditis”. F. 169v-171r = attrib. to Pope Symmachus, “Presbyteris, diaconis, archimandritis, et cuncto ordini et plebi, per illiricum et dardaniam et utramque daciam constitutis, symmachus episcopus urbis romae. quod plebi – karissimi”. F. 171r-174r = Symmachus, letter to Emperor Anastasius, “Ad augustae memoriae – immunis”. F. 174r-176r = Antoninus, Bishop of Constantine, letter of encouragement to Arcadius, exiled for his faith by Genseric, King of the Vandals (PL, 50, 567-570). F. 176r-177v = letter of Pope John II to certain illustrious men on Christ being one of the Trinity; whether Christ’s divine nature suffered in the flesh, whether Mary ought to be truly and properly called the Mother of God (ed. Schwartz, ACO IV, 2, p. 206-210). F. 177v-178v = Pope Gregory I, letter to Quiricus (MGH Epp., 2/1, p. 325-327). F. 178v-180r = n. 161 (frag.). F. 180r-181r = exemplar of prayers, “Deo amabili ac piissimo imperatori – prouinciae syriae. haurite aquas – disciplinam” [included in the Collectio Auellana; CSEL, 35, p. 703-707]. F. 181r-182v = Pope Hormisdas, letter to Emperor Justin I [included in the Collectio Auellana; CSEL, 35, p. 716-721, line 25; incompl.]. 310, s. IX2/3, western France (Bischoff, by letter); s. IX2/4-3/4, western France(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 207, n. 2860). 139 f.; 215 × 157 mm.; 21 lines; many different hands. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 37.)

Perhaps a bishop’s exemplar for teaching on baptism and the Trinity. f. 1r-27r = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber >> n. 289, 24 (f. 6r-8v); f. 27r-28v = exposition on baptism, incompl.; f. 29r = blank;





f. 30r-91v = n. 302 (with a letter to Emperor Gratian as prologue); f. 91v-119r = Gesta concilii Aquileiensis (against the Arians, with Ambrose’s subscription); f. 119r-137v = n. 201; f. 138r-139v = Alcuin, the preface to n. 169, addressed to Charlemagne. 387, f. 1r-80v = s. IX2/3, France (Reynolds, ‘Unity and Diversity’, p. 126); s. IXc. 3/4, northern France(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 208209, n. 2868). 105 f.; 137 × 116 mm.; 15 lines, c. six words per line. (F. 81r-104v = s. XIII.) (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 38-40.)

Clerical instruction reader (“pocketbook for personal use”, acc. to Bischoff, p. 208). f. 1r-40v = ordo of penance, penitentials, penitential matter; f. 40v = exorcism of water and salt (incompl.); f. 41r-49r = n. 360, 140, 295, 3; f. 49r-50r = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, “Pater noster qui es in caelis, id est patrem inuocamus”; f. 50r-57r = clerical interrogation >> n. 284 (f. 50v-54r), 347 (frag., f. 50v-51r), brief expositions on baptism and the mass (f. 54v-57r); f. 57r-78v = exposition on the mass, “Dominus uobiscum. salutat sacerdos”; f. 78v-80v = prayers for the vigil of the dead. Monza, Biblioteca Capitolare (Archivio della Basilica) e-14/127, s. IX-X (Bischoff, by letter); s. IX3/4, northern Italy (Belloni – Ferrari, La Biblioteca, p. 88 and Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 214, n. 2890). 113 f.; 270 × 170 mm.; 24 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 41-42.)

Clerical school/study book. f. 2v-29v = calendar matter; Ratio paschalis; computus; f. 29v-36v = expositions on baptism; f. 36v-44r = n. 360, 348, 140, 295; f. 44r-56r = exposition on the mass, “Dominus uobiscum. salutat”;





f. 56r-57v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, “Dominus et saluator noster iesus christus inter cetera”; f. 57v-62v = n. 341; f. 62v-69r = Isidore, Sententiarum, I, x-xiii (on angels, man, the soul, and the senses); f. 69r-70v = Ps. Jerome, Expositio quattuor Euangeliorum, Prologue, “Primis querendum est omnium librorum”; f. 70v-74r = clerical interrogation >> n. 284 (and a frag. of n. 347 contained in n. 284, f. 70v-72v), expositions on baptism (f. 73r-74r); f. 74r-111v = Ambrose, De mysteriis; De sacramentis; f. 112r-113v = various dicta, including excerpts from Proverbs; f. 113v = (s. X), a Greek-Latin glossary. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 52, c. late 830’s, Regensburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 205). 144 f.; 300 × 230 mm.; 28 lines. (Cfr the contents with München, BSB, Clm 14253, below.) (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 1, 1, p. 12; Mundó, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 265-266.)

f. 1r-2r = Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam de restauratione sacerdotis; f. 2r-5r = excerpts from Augustine, Isidore, Peter “in libro ecclesiae”, Gregory, “Pil.”, Eusebius, Jerome, Bachiarius (= n. 218, frag.), Cassian, “Nir.”, Clement; f. 5r-6r = “De sex cogitationibus sanctorum” (the Lord, the passion of Christ, the hour of death, the day of judgment, hell, eternal life); f. 6r-130r = Clement of Rome, Recognitiones libri X ex interpretatione Rufini; f. 130-134v = Clement?, Ep. ad Iacobum; f. 134v-137r = exemplaria from Pope Gregory I on admonitions to pastors; f. 137r-143v = Walafrid Strabo, Homilia in initium Euangelii sancti Matthaei, inc.: “Moyses uir sanctus librum creationis” (PL, 114, 849-862); (f. 144r = s. XI-XII). Clm 3851, s. IXex. (after 882) (Hartmann, Die Konzilien, p. 249); mostly two west German hands (f. 5v-72r; f. 72v-73r, line 10) (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 14); s. IX4/4, Lotharingia (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 226, n. 2958).





I + 75 f.; 237 × 207 mm.; 24 lines. (Loss of many folios after f. 53.) (Add. Descrip. = Brommer, Capitula episcoporum, p. vii, 83-84; Halm, Catalogus, 1, 2, p. 145; Krause, ‘Die Münchener Handschriften 3851. 3853’, p. 88-95.)

f. 1r = prayer, “Deus cui proprium est misereri” with version in OHG; f. 1r-2r = Jerome, Ep. ad Amandum, inc.: “Quesisti a me utrum mulier relicto uiro adultero”; f. 2r-52r = penitential canons and penitential books; f. 53r-v = list of canon titles, preface, and beginning of the profession of faith (= n. 31, incompl. due to folio loss) of the Council of Worms of an. 868; [for what may be missing, cfr Köln, DB 118, p. 121-124]; f. 54r-55r = canons concerning litigious clerics, beginning incompl. (for these canons see Krause, p. 91-92); f. 55r-65v = Capitularium Monacensia (= a compilation of 181 canons put in the framework of the decisions of the Council of Worms, including canons from Theodulf of Orléans, Capitularium I); Hincmar of Reims, Capitularium I and II; f. 66r-67v = on the seven principal sins from a penitential; Caesarius, Sermo 19 on penance, “Admoneo fratres in conspectu dei”; “Tres suggestiones diaboli in hominem mittat”; “Pro solido I C psalmos aut II missas”; f. 67v-72v = Ps. Pope Leo I, “De priuilegio corepiscoporum” and other canons (described by Krause, p. 93-95); (f. 73r-75v = s. X). Clm 5508, perhaps shortly before an. 798, Salzburg (Reynolds, ‘Canon Law Collections’, p. 20, note 30). 213 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 624-636; Reynolds, p. 20-22.)

f. 1-130 = Collectio Diessensis >> n. 263 (= c. 9, within the Statuta ecclesiae antiqua); 239, 47 (divided into two parts), 212 (= cc. 89-92). **Clm 5916, s. XV (Gamber, iceta von Remesiana, p. 114); 160 f.; f. 1r-5r(?) = n. 262; f. 5-50 = Origen, homilies in Leviticus). Clm 6243, s. VIIIex.; f. 1-199, 217-232 = area of Constance; ms in Freising by c. 800, where f. 200-216 and f. 233-238 were added (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 150).





238 numbered f.; 295 × 225 mm.; two col. (except f. 189v-191v), mostly 31 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 8688; Halm, Catalogus, 1, 3, p. 78; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 476-486.)

= Collectio Frisingensis secunda >> n. 239 (f. 13r-?). Clm 6298, s. VIIIex., Mainz or Fulda (Lowe, CLA 9, n. 1264). 114 f.; two col., Anglo-saxon script. (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 1, 3, p. 88; G. Morin, CC SL, 103, p. lxvii-lxviii.)

= Collection of homilies of Caesarius of Arles. F. 61r-63v (Sermo 32) = n. 254. Clm 6302, s. VIII4/4, Freising (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 81); s. VIII/IX, Freising (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 237, n. 3038). 69 f.; 255 × 185 mm.; 24-26 lines. The script shows insular influence. (Add. Descrip. = Díaz y Díaz, Liber de ordine creaturarum, p. 49; Lehner, ‘Das Florileg’, p. xx-xxi.)

An Irish monastic collection of exegetical/moral works. f. 1r-29v = Ps. Isidore, Liber de ordine creaturarum >> n. 384 (f. 1r-?); f. 29v-46r = “Incipit genelogium ihesu xpisti secundum carnem” (moral explanation of excerpts from the Gospel of Mt.); f. 46v-49r = “Incipit pauca secon marcum” (Ps. Jerome, Commentarius in Euangelium Marci, excerpts); f. 49r-64r = De operibus sex dierum (an Irish tract); f. 64r-69r = “Incipit prebiarium de multorium exemplaribus” (Irish work by interr./resp., on which see Lehner, p. xxixxiii); f. 69r-v = Jerome, Ep. ad epotianum, excerpt (moral admonition). Clm 6330, shortly after an. 800, Germany (Lorsch uncertain) (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 146). 71 f.; 194 × 125 mm.; 22-23 lines, two hands: (1) f. 1r-47v; (2) f. 48r71v. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, microfilm.)

f. 1r-53v = doctrine of diverse fathers (attrib. to Benedict, Ephraem, Isidore, Caesarius, Augustine, Basil, Pope Gregory I, Columbanus, and Scripture) numbered in 26 cc.; f. 53v-70r = Athanasian Creed, n. 47, Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, n. 204; f. 70v-71r = the Lord’s Prayer explained in OHG;





f. 71r-v = n. 32; f. 71v = prayer of confession, “Confitebor domino et tibi frat[ribus] quia”. Clm 6407, c. 800, Verona; almost immediately went to Freising (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 149-150); copied directly from a contemporary Tours exemplar (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 105, note 262). 119 f.; 240 × 145 mm.; 23 lines; seven hands, whose parts were joined early. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 4547.)

Perhaps a monastic schoolbook, concerned with the instruction of the clergy. f. 1r-75r = Alcuin, Dialogus de rhetorica et uirtutibus; De dialectica; f. 75v-81v = n. 98; f. 82r-89r = on the three modes of interpreting Scripture, inc.: “Oportet igitur secundum eandem sapientissimi salomonis doctrinam”; f. 90v-93v = excerpts from Augustine, De doctrina Christiana and De uera religione; f. 93v-104v = philosophical/theological dicta from Augustine, Alcuin, Candidus; f. 104v-105r = n. 27; f. 105r-106v = exposition on baptism of Alcuin; f. 106v-108v = n. 90; f. 108v-110r = dicta (inc.: “Septem sigillis in apocalipsin – Tria sunt genera credibilium”); f. 110r-114v = excerpts “De anima christi rationabili” from synods of Rome and Chalcedon, Cyril (to Nestorius), Augustine (In Iohannem); excerpt “De spiritu et anima” from Jerome; “Item dicta sancti isidori de sancta trinitate et quod amplius nihilem quam creator et creatura”; “De anima christi”; “Augustinus in libro questionum. int. uoluntate genuit pater filium an necessitate”; “Sanctus isidorus de spiritu sancto”; “Item sancti isidori. inter trinitatem et unitatem unitas propter”; “Item eiusdem de spiritu et anima”; “Item eiusdem sancti ysidori de sancta trinitate”; f. 114v-117v = Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam de restauratione sacerdotis;





f. 118r-v = on the qualities of God different from creatures; f. 118v = on the unity of God, the four corporeal elements (fire, air, water, earth) and the incorporeal elements. Clm 6433, between an. 764-784, Freising (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 61 and 75). 69 f.; 220 × 140 mm.; 20 lines, one Anglo-saxon hand. (Add. Descrip. = Lehner, ‘Das Florileg’, p. xiii-xvi.)

“Ascetical pocketbook” (Bischoff, p. 61). f. 1r-24v = theological/ascetical florilegium (on penance, various virtues and vices, etc.; see Lehner,’Das Florileg’, p. xvi, for the chapter titles) >> n. 55 (in which there is an excerpt from n. 263) (f. 1r-2r); f. 24v-48r = Isidore, Synonymorum libri duo, 2; f. 48v-62v = Defensor of Ligugé, Scintillarum liber, excerpts; f. 62v-67r = “Praedicatio ad populum satis necessarium. (inc.:) Primum quidem docet nos audire iustitiam”; f. 67r-69r = “Ep. s. augustini exitus animae” (same incipit as the preceding work, but the text develops differently, on the strife over the human soul at the moment of death); f. 69r-v = n. 308 (incompl.). Clm 8113, s. IX (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 32*); s. IX2/4, Fulda (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 246, n. 3102). 215 f. (218 counted f.); 240 × 160 mm.; 28 lines; at least twelve different hands. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 32*-33*.)

f. 1r-120v = n. 302; f. 121r-194r = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres; f. 195r-215r = Ambrose, Liber de incarnationis dominicae sacramento. **Clm 8826, s. XV (Kurz, Die Handschriftliche Überlieferung 5/2, p. 337), 475 f., f. 326r-327r = n. 5. **Clm 12715, s. XV, Nicholas of Lyra; f. 1r-3r = an. 1229-1230 (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 213 and p. 226, note 11), f. 1r-3r = n. 279. Clm 13581, s. IX, many hands, mostly of a western France type; ms composed of two originally independent parts, f. 1-146 and f. 147284 (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 230, 232-234 sees Tours connections, but for a detailed discussion of the difficulties of the ms’s pre-





cise date and place of origin [not before the 830’s?, Salzburg], see Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 71-74). 284 f.; 285 × 192 mm.; 27-29 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 48-49.)

Perhaps a monastic schoolbook. f. 1r-3r = Faustus of Riez (perhaps), homily on Mt., inc.: “Sanctus euangelista docet nos necessitatem inopiae”; f. 3r-31r = anonymous, commentary on the Apocalypse by interr./resp.; f. 31r-105r = Julian of Toledo, Antikeimena (questions on the Old and New Testaments); f. 105r-118r = Alcuin, Interrogationes et responsiones in Genesin; f. 118r-147r = letter of Candidus; Augustine, Sermo 88 (on the healing of the two blind men from Jericho, Mt. 20, 2934), frag.; on the four cardinal virtues; three exegetical sermons; “Papae Gregorii de spiritus sancti septim formis gratia”; Augustine, Sermo 58 (on the Lord’s Prayer); Jerome, Ep. ad Amandum (on diverse questions in the New Testament); f. 147r-226r = Augustine, In Iohannis epistulam ad Parthos tractatus X (CPL, 279); f. 226v-242v = collection of letters of Alcuin; f. 243r-244v = letter of Peter, Abbot of Nonantola, to Amalarius concerning his treatise on baptism, and Amalarius, verses sent to Peter; f. 244v-251v = Amalarius, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum imperatorem de caeremoniis baptismi >> n. 344 (f. 244v-245r); f. 252r-261r = extracted form of Jerome, Commentariorum in Isaiam; f. 261v-263r = moral interpretation of priestly garb; excerpt from Eugenius of Toledo, Carmina, on fleeing wine; f. 264r-283v = Ps. Jerome, Expositio quattuor Euangeliorum (CPL, 631). Clm 14008, s. IX2/2, Rome; provenance Sankt Emmeram, Regensburg (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 59, note 94); s. IX3/4, Rome (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 249. n. 3125). 259 f.; 440 × 325 mm.; 36 lines, two col., c. six hands; OldSlavic glosses; decoration and illustrations. (Add. Descrip. = Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 225-226; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 454-465.)





“Probably that Liber canonum, which the papal court released for the Slavic mission of Methodius in Moravia” (Mordek, p. 59, note 94). = Collectio Dionysian-Hadriana adaucta >> n. 263 (= c. 70), 239 (= c. 86), 298 (= c. 87), 123, 207 (= c. 101), 195 (= c. 115), 386 (= cc. 121-123), 47 (= c. 124), 58 (= c. 141, the last c. of the Collectio, beginning on f. 253r). Clm 14253, s. IX, Regensburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 223); s. IX4/4, Regensburg, Sankt Emmeram (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 252, n. 3145). 104 f.; 285 × 220 mm.; almost entirely one hand, two col., 31 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Mundó, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 266; he says the ms is a direct copy of Clm 52.)

Exemplar? f. 1 = Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam de restauratione sacerdotis; f. 2 = excerpts from Augustine, Isidore, Peter “in libro ecclesiae”, Gregory, “Pil.”, Eusebius, Jerome, Bachiarius (= n. 218, frag., on f. 3v), Cassian, “Nir.”, Clement; f. 5r = “De sex cogitationibus sanctorum” (the Lord, the passion of Christ, the hour of death, the day of judgment, hell, eternal life); f. 5r-100r = Clement of Rome, Recognitiones libri X ex interpretatione Rufini; f. 100r-134v = Clement of Rome?, Ep. ad Iacobum fratrem Domini ex interpretatione Rufini. Clm 14410, s. IX1/3, northern Italy or Bavaria (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 241). 102 f.; 258 × 173 mm.; 25 lines, one hand. Decorated inititals. (Add. Descrip. = Heer, Missions-katechismus, p. 5-54; Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 50-51.)

“Missionary catechism” (Heer, p. 4). f. 1r-77v = Ps. Bede, Homiliarium; f. 77v-83v = two sermons on penance; f. 83v-85v = fifteen canons (without title, perhaps of a Regensburg synod, s. VIII; ed. MGH LL, 3, p. 455-456 = admonitions to the people about their Christian duties and moral life);





f. 85v-92v = “Ratio de catechizandis rudibus” (consisting of six sermons); f. 92v-96v = sermon on the eight principal vices and sermon on peace and concord; f. 97v-99v = Maxentius of Aquileia, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum imperatorem de significatu rituum baptismi >> n. 343 (f. 98v-99r); f. 99v-102v = two further expositions on baptism. Clm 14461, s. IX, Regensburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 102); s. IX2/4, Freising (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 258, n. 3206). 150 f.; 245 × 145 mm.; one hand (except f. 39v), 20 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 2, p. 176.)

Perhaps a bishop’s pastoral manual. f. 1 = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis libri duo; f. 112 = capitulary, “Haec sunt quae iussa sunt discere omnes ecclesiasticos”; f. 113 = paraphrase of Hrabanus Maurus, De signis natiuitatis liber; f. 116-150 = various homilies of Pope Gregory I, Augustine, Leo, etc., among which is n. 65 (f. 124r); hymn, “Festum nunc celebre” (f. 149). Clm 14468, an. 821, Regensburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 200). 112 f.; 242 × 175 mm.; 20 lines, many similar hands. (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 2, p. 176-177; Keefe, partial microfilm.)

Canonical and conciliar material (f. 30v-88r = “Court Adoptionist-dossier”; the same is found in Reims, BM 385, f. 61r-95r [Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 68, note 163, and p. 429]). f. 1v-3r = n. 65; f. 3r-11 = tit. inc: “In Christi nomine incipiunt sententiae de canonibus expressae de synodo prima uel secunda” (= an excerpt from the Collectio Epitome Hispana); f. 12r-16r = 31 canons of the so-called “second synod of St Patrick” (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 222, note 34); f. 16 = canons; f. 20 = interrogations of Rusticus, Bishop of Narbonne, and responses of Pope Leo; f. 25-27v = various excerpts from Augustine, Isidore, Faustinus, others? (f. 27r = “Augustinus de legitimo matrimo-





nio”; f. 27v = “Inter essentiam dei et substantiam quod quidam definierunt”); f. 27v-30v = n. 316; f. 30v-42r = Pope Hadrian, Ep. ad episcopos Hispaniae contra Elipandum; f. 42r-57r = n. 317; f. 57v-78r = The acts of the Council of Frankfurt by the bishops of Gaul and Germany, sent to the bishops of Spain; f. 78r-88r = Charlemagne, Ep. ad Elipandum et episcopos Hispaniae >> n. 50 (f. 86r-87v); f. 88r-94r = n. 197 (incompl.); f. 94v-97v = blank; f. 98r-112 = three capitularies of Charlemagne of an. 789 (MGH LL, 1, 53ff.; 67-68; 68-69) (on f. 110[r?] is inserted a prayer in OHG with a Latin translation, inc.: “Truhtin gôd thu mir hilp”). Clm 14470, c. 800, probably Bavaria (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 246). 159 f.; 200 × 145 mm.; 22, 23, or 30 lines, four or five hands; colored titles. (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 2, p. 177-178.)

Monastic studybook. f. 1 = Sermons, homilies, expositions on the Scriptures (Augustine, Jerome, Justus); f. 54 = the months of the Hebrews, Greeks, and Egyptians compared to western; f. 57 = explanation of the Hebrew letters; dicta and excerpts from Augustine, Isidore, Alcuin (on monks, penance, the vices, etc.); f. 109 = dicta of Augustine on the resurrection; f. 111r-112v = n. 308; f. 113r = exposition on Ps. 48 and Ps. 51; explanation of certain gospel texts; on the wife of Loth; commentary on the four Gospels; f. 156 = Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed. Clm 14492, s. IX, probably after an. 833, Regensburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 219). 142 f.; 238 × 150 mm.; 21 lines; one hand (corrections in many hands). (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 2, p. 180.)

f. 1r-39r = n. 197;





f. 39r = Martin of Braga, Formula uitae honestae; f. 48 = Augustine, Sermo 9: De decem chordis (PL, 38, 75-91; moral exegesis); Sermo de disciplina Christiana (CPL, 310); f. 84 = Ps. Augustine, Oratio pro correptione uitae (PL, 83, 1261A-1274D); f. 110 = Augustine, De agone Christiano (CPL, 263). Clm 14500, s. IXc. 2/4, f. 1-38 = Regensburg; f. 39-123 = Benediktbeuron (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 38, 248, and Katalog, 2, p. 259, n. 3220). 133 f.; f. 1-123 = 232 × 162 mm.; f. 1-38 = 26 lines, several hands; f. 39-123 = 23 lines, perhaps four hands; f. 124-133 = 224 × 160, 24 lines, almost entirely one hand, early s. IX. (Add. Descrip. = Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 126; Halm, Catalogus, 2, 2, p. 182.)

Perhaps for the instruction of monk-priests in a monastic school. f. 1r-22r = n. 197; f. 22 = six questions of Pope Damasus with responses of Jerome; f. 29 = comments and questions on various places in Scripture; f. 38 = formula of confession and brief sermon on Mary Magdalene; f. 39 = exposition on passages in Rm., Gal., Eph., and Titus (partly = excerpts from Ps. Jerome and Origen); f. 94 = Jerome, Ep. ad Euangelum presbyterum; f. 100 = Ambrosius Aupertus, Liber de conflictu uitiorum atque uirtutum; f. 120 = excerpts from Augustine; f. 127 = dialogue between a magister and a discipulus on the existence of God, inc.: “Tu qui dicis te scire uelle quid deus sit”; f. 130 = Sermo habitus ad mensam S. Cypriani de die dominica praesente comite Bonifacio de remittendis fratribus. Clm 14508, f. 1r-63v = s. XIV; f. 64r-146v = s. IX3/4, northeastern France; provenance Regensburg (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 172). 148 f.; 226 × 154 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 52-53.)

Clerical instruction reader. f. 64r-66v = exposition and sermon on the Lord’s Prayer;





f. 67r-75r = n. 125, 13, 269; f. 75r-105v = Collectio Sangermanensis, large excerpt (which includes an exposition on baptism); f. 106r-119r = Theodulf of Orléans, Capitularium I and Garibald of Liège (probably), Capitularium I; f. 119r-121r = exposition on baptism; f. 121r-v = n. 59; f. 121v-127r = exposition on baptism; ordinal of Christ; dicta on the seven modes of preaching and eight damnations of death; exposition on the seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer by interr./resp.; f. 127r-128v = n. 109; f. 128v-146v = Collectio 53 titulorum. Clm 14532, s. IXex., perhaps in the area of Lotharingia (Bischoff, as reported by Kottje, Die Bussbücher, p. 41); s. IX3/4, northeastern France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 260, n. 3230). 94 f.; 220 × 175 mm.; 20 lines, one hand. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 52-53.)

Perhaps a clerical instruction reader. f. 1r-25r = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber (with a foreign prologue, f. 1r-2v) >> n. 289, 24 (f. 6r-8v); f. 25r-73r = penitential of Halitgar of Cambrai; f. 73r-77r = canons pertaining to penance; prayers and an ordo for reconciling a penitent at death; f. 77r-78r = excerpt on the eucharist; f. 78r-92v = exposition on the mass; f. 93r-v = ordinal of Christ; on the six ages of the world; Isidore, Origines IX, vi, 23 (on affinity, “Auctor mei generis mihi pater est”). Clm 14540, f. 1-157 = s. IX, possibly Regensburg; f. 158-245 = between an. 830-850, Regensburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 185186, 179, 213). 245 f.; 215 × 145 mm.; f. 1-157 = 16-21 lines; f. 158-245 = 17-19 lines, one hand. (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 2, p. 189-190.)

f. 1 = Collectio Ratisbonensis of the letters of Pope Leo I >> n. 195, 386;





f. 159 (158 acc. to Bischoff) = excerpts from the works of the fathers (Cassian, Cyprian, Jerome, John Chrysostom, Isidore, on the eucharist, penance, the reparation of the lapsed, the Ember Days); f. 177 = “Actus Sancti Syluestri episcopi Romae”; f. 219 = “De miraculis natiuitatis Christi”; homily on the passion of the Lord; f. 226 = Acta septem dormientium Ephesinorum; Pope Gregory I, Dialogi IV, 55-60. Clm 14679, s. IX2/4, Regensburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 219, and Katalog, 2, p. 261, n. 3241). 159 f.; 218 × 130 mm.; 17-18 lines, two hands: (1) f. 1r-119r; (2) 119v159r). (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 2, p. 216.)

f. 1r = n. 97; f. 51 = the passions of St Sebastian and his companions, St Agnetis, St Agatha, St Lucy, and SS Valerian, Tibertius, Maximus and Cecilia. Clm 14746, s. IX1/4-2/4, Regensburg; f. 1-29, 100-127 = three hands; f. 30-99 = two hands, added slightly later; f. 129-171 added still later (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 196-197, and Katalog, 2, p. 263, n. 3258). 171 f.; 170 × 115 mm.; 14-17 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 2, p. 227.)

f. 1r-30r = n. 184; f. 30r = Augustine, Sermo de decem chordis; f. 65 = Ambrosius Autpertus, Sermo in purificatione beatae uirginis Mariae; f. 90 = on the Hebrew names of the months and feasts; on sacred Greek words, “Omousion unius substantiae”; on the ages of the world, from Bede; on the solstice and equinox, from Isidore; on the week; f. 100 = Ambrosius Autpertus, De conflictu uitiorum et uirtutum; f. 129r-171r = n. 102. Clm 15813, Salzburg; f. 1a-36r = 821-836; f. 37r-102r = time of Arn (Bishop, then Archbishop, of Salzburg, 784-821); f. 102v = s. IX “a somewhat later hand” (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 124, 152).





102 f.; 290 × 180 mm.; f. 1a-36 = 26-33 lines, five hands (Baldo filled f. 1br-v with philosophical definitions and wrote the first part of the sermon on f. 2r-7v); f. 37-102 = 25 lines, probably three hands; decoration. (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 3, p. 35-36.)

Exemplar? f. 1r = on the four virtues, “Virtus est animi habitus”; a scheme of the four virtues (cfr Alcuin, De dialectica, PL, 101, 949950); f. 2r-14v = n. 184; f. 14v-34v = Augustine, De fide et operibus; f. 35r-36r = blank; f. 37r-90v = n. 169, 106; f. 90v-102r = Alcuin, De animae ratione ad Eulaliam; poem “Qui mare, qui terram” and “Te homo laudet”; litany, inc.: “Miserere domine, miserere christe”; f. 102v = n. 167. Clm 15818, f. 1-96 = an. 842-855, Würzburg; f. 97-144 probably an. 821-836, Salzburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 154, 162). 144 f.; f. 1-96 = 255 × 160 mm., 23 lines; f. 97-144 = c. 243 × 145 mm., 22 lines, many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 3, p. 36-37.)

f. 1r-34v, = n. 58, 53, 184; f. 34v = “Incipit Liber S. Laurenti de duobus temporibus. Duo sunt tempora ab altissimo praestituta in quibus datur duplex hominibus remissio peccatorum” (on penance); f. 58 = Ps.?-Chrysostom, Ep. de quinquagesimo psalmo, inc.: “Ad aeternae cenae uos reliquias aduocamus”, and Ep. de paenitentia, inc.: “Prouida mente et profundo cogitatu” (printed in PL, 118, 928-929 under Haymo of Halberstadt); f. 83 = Pope Leo I, Ep. 108 to Theodore, Bishop of Frejus, on giving and receiving penance; f. 86 = Augustine, Ep. ad Dardanum de praesentia Dei, excerpts; f. 97r-145v = Bede, Martyrologium. **Clm 17181, s. XI (Halm, Catalogus, 2, 3, p. 85); s. XII, provenance Convent of Scheftlarn on the Isere (Swainson, Creeds, p. 455-456) (165 f. = Legenda of St Veronica; Defensor of Ligugé, Scintillarum liber, etc.). F. 92-100 = n. 276. (Perhaps preceded, f. 83, by n. 131: Halm, p. 85, says f. 83 contains: “De fide S. Trinitatis edita a





beato Augustino ‘Firmissime tene[te]’”.) (Add. Descrip. = Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 152, and Katalog, 2, p. 281, n. 3390; he describes the front and back fly leaves of Clm 17181 as part of a frag., with other mss, of a Gregorian-type sacramentary, s. IXin..) Clm 18765 (f. 1-75), s. IXc. med., perhaps western Germany (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 270, n. 3311). 75 f.; 262 × 204 mm.; 28 lines; many hands; glosses in German of s. IX. (Add. Descrip. = Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 227-228.)

f. 1-75 = Boethius, Opuscula sacra >> n. 26, 186, 253; De consolatione Philosophiae. Clm 19417, s. IX1/3, probably southern Germany or perhaps Switzerland (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 164). 103 f.; 152 × 113 mm.; 14-15 lines, two hands: (1) f. 1r-28r; (2) 28v103). (Add. Descrip. = Halm, Catalogus, 2, 3, p. 244; Keefe, partial microfilm.)

“Episcopal reference book” (McKitterick, The Frankish Church, p. 41). f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f.

1r-14r = Preface, Creed, and canons of Nicea I; 14r-28r = n. 269, 90; 29r-71r = Physiologus; 71 = De lapidibus; 71-74 = tit.: “Variae quaestiones et responsa exigui momenti”, inc.: “Quid est quod tangitur et non uidetur: anima”; 74-100r = narrative account of councils and papal decretals with glosses in OHG and Latin; 100v-102v = a frag. on the virgin birth, inc.: “Dic mihi quinque in lege legimus”; 102v-103r = Athanasian Creed (incompl.); 103v = prayer, “Deo gracias semper tibi, domine”.

**Clm 23817 (partly incunabulum, partly ms) (Caspari, Anecdota, p. 290, note 1), contains n. 255. Clm 28135, s. IX1/2, Freising, between 811/812-836 (time of Bishop Hitto) (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 93). 127 f.; 205 × 138 mm.; 18-21 lines, c. twelve hands. Decorated initials. (Add. Descrip. = Hauke, Katalog, p. 31-37.)





f. 1r = Capitula de examinandis ecclesiasticis (an. 802), canons 2-4a, 5, 8-10; antiphon for mass of the Exaltation of the Cross; f. 1v-9v = statutes of ‘Rhispacensia’, Freising, Salzurg, an. 799, 800 (incompl.); f. 10r-11v = Charlemagne, Ep. ad Elipandum et episcopos Hispaniae (beginning lacking); f. 11v-13r = Liber de numeris; f. 13r-14v = De anima exeunte de corpore (at most a paraphrase of Augustine, De exitu animae); f. 14v-15r = De sex cogitationibus sanctorum et de septem damnationibus animae, inc.: “De sex cogitationibus – Cogitare de domino ut delectemur in illo. II. de passione”; f. 15r = Ps. Cyprian, De duodecim abusiuis saeculi; interpretation of gloria and alleluia; f. 15v-18r = sermon on the kingdom of heaven, inc.: “Predicatio cottidiana. O fratres karissimi recordemur dignitatis regni celestis”; f. 18r-35v = Defensor of Ligugé, Scintillarum liber, 1-4; f. 35v-39r = Caesarius of Arles, Homilia de missione Filii Dei in mundum (in the ms attrib. to Augustine); f. 39r-44r = Sedatus, Homilia de saluatione animae; f. 44r-47v = “Omelia sancti augustini de exitu animae”; f. 47v-50v = Caesarius, sermon on good and bad Christians (in the ms attrib. to Augustine); f. 51r = n. 32; f. 51v-94v = homily on acquiring heaven; Rule of St Benedict, c. 4; homily on the day of judgment; Ps. Augustine, homily on the name Christian and homily on the last judgment; Caesarius, homily on the judgment day; sermons on fear of the Lord, petitioning, love; Ps. Augustine, sermon on penance; sermon on vainglory and fear of the Lord; sermon on the narrow way; sermon on evil days; Ps. Augustine, sermon on the persecution of Christians; f. 94v-205r = n. 308; f. 97v-109v = Preface, Creed, and canons of Nicea I; f. 109v-114r = Capitula de examinandis ecclesiasticis (an. 802); f. 114r-121r = Pope Gregory I, Liber pastoralis, part I, c. 11, excerpt; f. 121v-127v = Arno of Salzburg, Instructio pastoralis.





Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele III IV. G. 68, s. IX4/4 and IX/X, Sankt Gallen (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, n. 3574). 236 f.; 212 × 147 mm.; 24 lines; by numerous Sankt Gallen hands.

f. 1-236 = Boethius, De consolatione Philosophiae; Opuscula sacra, 1-3 >> n. 186, 253; De institutione arithmetica; al.; Prudentius, Psychomachia; al. VI. G. 37, s. IX (Brommer, ‘Die bishöfliche Gesetzgebung’, p. 119); f. 3-23 = s. IXc. 2/4, Reims or the area of Reims (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 309, n. 3579). 23 f.; 195 × 170 mm.; 19 lines f. 3r-23v = entirely in red ink. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

Copybook? f. 1v-2v = (miscellaneous scribblings: declensions of various verbs, “sum, eram, fui, fuerit, ero”; definitions, “Bipedum solus ha[bet] animal”); f. 3r-23v = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber >> n. 289, 24. New York, Columbia University, Butler Library Plimpton 58, s. IX2/3, southern France (Reynolds, ‘South Italian Liturgica’, p. 493, note 46, and Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 315, n. 3603). 113 f.; 217 × 150 mm.; 23-25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Consuela Dutschke, publication forthcoming.)

Studybook. 1v-10v = n. 58; 10v-67r = Ps. Jerome, Expositio quattuor Euangeliorum; 67r-85v = Isidore, Allegoriae quaedam sacrae Scripturae; 85v-90v = Alcuin, Ep. 136, excerpt (MGH Epp., 4, p. 205, line 34 – p. 210, line 20; on the sword in Lk. 22, 36 and in Mt. 26, 52; on priests being permitted to preach in churches; on caring for altars); f. 90v = astronomical observation, inc.: “Gloriosa et aeterna caeli terraeque potestas”; f. 90v-92r = De septiformi Spiritu Sancto (commentary on Is. 11, 1);

f. f. f. f.





f. 92r-94r = passage on the spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures, inc.: “Primo enim sciendum est quod omnes similitudines euangelicae”; f. 94r-95r = homily on Lk. 11, 5-13, inc.: “Amicus ad quem media nocte. id est, tenebrosa tribulatione huius mundi uenitur ipse dominus”; f. 95r-101v = Isidore, Origines VII-IX, abbreviated version in the form of interr./resp. (on God, the angels and saints; the church and sects; tongues, races, militia, citizens, family and affinity); f. 101v-107v = Ps. Isidore, Interrogationes de rebus ueteris et noui Testamenti; f. 107v-108r = exposition on the clerical grades (“Primus lector fuit”) and on the priest (“Dicamus de sacerdote. sacerdos christus est – plusquam nostras animas diligamus”); f. 108r-109v = De decimis offerendis in Genesi; f. 109v-110v = n. 81; f. 110v-113v = Jerome, Commentariorum in Matthaeum libri quattuor, excerpts (on Mt. 27, 61 and 28, 16-17). New York, Pierpont Morgan Library Glazier Collection G. 33, early s. IX, northern France (Plummer, The Glazier Collection, p. 9 [n. 6]); s. IX2/3, eastern(?) France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 316, n. 3608). 140 f. (forty-four f. are lacking); c. 280 × c. 212 mm.; 30 lines, two col. Decorated initials. (Add. Descrip. = Plummer, p. 9-10.)

Ferrandus, Ep. ad Fulgentium; Fulgentius, De quinque quaestionibus; Victor, Ep. ad Fulgentium; Athanasius, De trinitate; Vigilius of Thapsis and others, primarily on the doctrine of the Trinity, among which, f. ?-134r, is n. 241. Novara, Biblioteca Capitolare XXX (66 [catal. n. 15]), s. IX3/4-s. X1/2, Novara (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 136); s. IX2/2, probably northern Italy (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 244); s. IX3/3, Novara(?), except f. 1-4 = partly s. IX; f. 97-102 = s. IXex.; f. 268-274 = s. IX/X (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 321, n. 3627). 282 f.; 457 × 305 mm.; 36 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 59-60; Schwartz, ACO, IV, 2, p. xiii-xx.)

Exemplar or reference book.





f. 1v = order of the Hebrew letters with interpretations, attrib. to Jerome, inc. and expl.: “Doctrina: aleth; domus: beth – signa: tau”; canonical frag., inc.: “Vocationem episcopi litteris debere fieri”; f. 2r-103r = fragments of canonical collections >> (not contiguous:) n. 201 (f. 5r-10r and another recension on f. 14r-16v), 195 (f. 43r-46r), 123, 239, 263, 298; f. 103r-233r = Cresconius, Concordia canonum >> n. 263; f. 233r-275r = canonical collection >> n. 263; f. 275-277v = Pope Gregory I, Regula pastoralis (incompl., through part II, c. 1); f. 277v-280v = exposition on baptism; exposition on the clerical grades, from Isidore; f. 281r-282r = canons of the Synod of Milan, an. 863. Orléans, Bibliothèque municipale 116 (94), s. IXc. 3/4, western France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 200, note 525); f. 1-62 = s. IX4/4, France; f. 63-105 = s. IXc. 2/3-3/3, western France, north of the Loire (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 338, n. 3691, 3692). 105 f. (incompl.); 190 × 138 mm.; 27-28, 18 lines, c. five words per line. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 61-64.)

Clerical instruction reader. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f. f.

1r-4v = n. 273; 4v-6v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer; 6v-8v = n. 353; 9r-11r, 20v-21v = exposition on baptism >> n. 237 (f. 9r-v); 11r-20v = exposition on the mass; 21v-28r = collection of prayers; 28r-62v = collection of homilies; 63r-v = clerical interrogation >> n. 135 (part, f. 63r); 64r-71v = Ps. Pirminius, Scarapsus, frag. (loss of folio or folios after f. 63 and after f. 71); 72r-77v = clerical interrogation; 77v-81r = exposition on baptism; 81r-83v = n. 109; 83v-85r = clerical interrogation; 85r-88r = Garibald of Liège (probably), Capitularium I; 88r-105v = exposition on the mass (incompl.).





184 (161), c. 820-840, southern Germany (Bullough, ‘Alcuin and the Kingdom of Heaven’, p. 14); s. IXin., area of Mondsee (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 345, n. 3718). 356 p.; 300 × 180 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 12, p. 85-86.)

p. 2-90 = Isidore, De ortu et obitu patrum; p. 90-240 = moral/ascetical dicta, most of which are attrib. to Isidore (“Anima quid est – de duabus uiis – de duabus infernis – de sobrietate uel ebrietate – de pace atque discordia – de penitentia – de ordine librorum”); p. 240-260 = diverse prayers; p. 260-356 = Libellus sacrarum precum >> n. 32; (p. 328 = confession in OHG); p. 356 = ten verses on medicine, inc.: “Flegmon apoplexis et reuma liturgia spasmis”. 270 (226), p. 1-229 = s. IX 1/3, Fleury; p. 230-324 = s. IX1/4-2/4, western France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 349, n. 3735, 3736). 324 p.; p. 1-229 = 243 × c. 170 mm., 20 lines; p. 230-324 = 242 × 167 mm., 21 lines; this part written by two hands.

p. 3-229 = Boethius, De consolatione Philosophiae; p. 230-319 = Boethius, Opuscula sacra, 1-5 >> n. 26, 186, 253. 313 (266), s. IX (Reynolds, The Ordinals of Christ, p. 70, note 9; Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 12, p. 161, and Parmentier, ‘The Sayings of Bishop Leo’, p. 38, erroneously have s. XI); s. IX1/4, western France (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 351, n. 3741). 255 p.; 277 × 175 mm.; 27-32 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, p. 159-161.)

p. 1 = Isidore, In libros ueteris et noui Testamenti proemia; De ortu et obitu patrum; p. 93 = Ps. Jerome, Expositio quattuor Euangeliorum; p. 204 = Ps. Isidore, Interrogationes de rebus ueteris et noui Testamenti; p. 222 = exposition on the clerical grades, “Hii sunt grados septem in quibus christus aduenit. primus lector”, and on the priest (“Dicamus de sacerdote. sacerdos christus est – plusquam nostras animas diligamus”); p. 224 (here begins another hand) = beginning incompl.: “… penitentiam abolere peccata indubitanter credimus – id est


p. p.

p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p.




non meritis debito. (tit.:) De uestimenta sacerdotale (expl. p. 225:) prius in dalmatia fuisse inuentam”; 226 = “Dilectissimi fratres, sanctissimi consacerdotes – faciat in omni opere bono, dilectissimi fratres”; 229 = “De canonibus conciliorum ex libro ethymologi. canon autem graecae, latinae regula – uel concilia a societate multorum in unum. explicit”; 230 = “De decimis offerendis in genesi. et dedit – immolat inquinata domino”; 232-233 = n. 81; 233-234 = “Sancti gregorii de mamona iniquitatis. nemo potest duobus dominis seruire – et omnia adicientur uobis”; 234 = “De canonibus conciliorum. canon autem graece”; 237 = “De septuagesimo die”; 238 = Rule of St Benedict, cc. 49, 21, 20 (on liturgical matters); 239 = “Dogmatum caelesticorum. ante exordium creaturarum – de factis propriis rationem”; 242 = exposition on the Lord’s prayer, “Oratio dominica proprie dicitur”; 243-255 = n. 58. Oxford, Bodleian Library

Bodl. e Mus. 102 (with Bodl. e Mus. 100 + 101 = Bodl. 3686-3688), s. VI-VII, Italy (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 10, note 39). (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 533-536.) = Collectio Iustelli >> (not contiguous?) n. 123, 130. Canonic. Script. eccl. lat. 112, s. IXin., France; it was at Corbie in s. IX1/2 (Wilmart, ‘La lettre de Potamius’, p. 276); s. VIII/IX, northern France; at Corbie s. IXin. (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 362, n. 3792). 112 f.; 313 × 215 mm.; 30 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Coxe, Codices1, col. 356). Cfr f. 1-112 with Saint-Mihiel, BM 28, f. 1r-143v, which has the same material.

f. 1-103 = Vigilius of Thapsis / Ps. Athanasius, De Trinitate libri XII, I-IX, XII >> n. 381 (between f. 1r-37r), 97 (f. 55r-103r); f. 103r-104r = letter of Potamius to Athanasius (ed. by Wilmart, p. 280-282, using this ms);





f. 104v-106r = letter of Athanasius to Bishop Lucifer, inc.: “Domino beatissimo”; f. 106r-112 = n. 241. Junius 25 (“The Murbach Hymnal”); the ms is composed of many parts; see below for the date and place of origin of each part acc. to Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 364-366, n. 3799-3808. (The whole was together at Murbach in s. XV.) 193 f.; the measurements of each part vary slightly, but = 280285 × 175-192 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Madan – Craster, A Summary Catalogue, 2, 2, p. 969-970.)

(f. 1 = s. XI); f. 2-59 = s. VIII/IX or s. VIIIex., prob. southwestern Germany (Murbach?) = Cosmographia; f. 60-86 = s. IX1/4, southwestern Germany = Alcuin, De rhetorica (f. 60v-76r); Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam de restauratione sacerdotis (f. 76r-77r); Alcuin, De dialectica (f. 77r-86r); Ps. Jerome, Ep. ad Dardanum de generibus musicorum, “Cogor a te, ut tibi, dardane” (f. 86r-v); f. 87-107 = s. VIII/IX, Bodensee area = Latin-OHG glossary; f. 108-115 = s. IXin., Murbach = n. 269, 39 (f. 108r-114r); two expositions on the Lord’s Prayer (f. 114r-115v); f. 116-121 = Murbach (no date given), and f. 122-129 = s. IXc. 2/4 = Latin hymns with glosses in OHG; a Latin-OHG glossary (incompl.); glosses on the Rule of St Benedict; f. 130-133 = s. IX1/4, Reichenau = grammatical forms, “Videntur uerba et forma gerendi perfecto in passiuum”; f. 134-151 = (date and place of origin not given) = Isidore, Origines I, i–II, ii (on grammar and its parts, on rhetoric); f. 152-157 = s. VIII/IX or IXin., prob. southwestern Germany = excerpts from Donatus, De octo partibus; and (f. 157v) verses on Christ and “De podagrico”; f. 158-193 = prob. Bodensee area (no date given) = LatinOHG glossary on Genesis (f. 158r-183v); Isidore, Origines VII (“De nominibus – De patriarchis – De prophetis – De apostolis – De martyribus – De clericis – De monachis”) (f. 183v-189r); three expositions on the Lord’s Prayer (f. 189r-192r); n. 13 (f. 192r-193v). **Laud. lat. 105, s. XIII (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 234), f. 44r45v = n. 277.





Laud. Misc. 276, s. IX (Simonetti, Gregorio di Elvira, p. 55); [s. IX(2/4-med.), Lorsch] (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 378-379, n. 3855). 85 f.; 315 × 250 mm.; 30 lines, many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Coxe, Codices2, col. 226-227.)

= Gregory Nazianzus (transl. by Rufinus), works: Apologeticus de fuga; De Epiphaniis; De luminaribus; Sermo de aduentu Spiritus Sancti; oration, inc.: “Incipit liber V. in semetipso de agro regressus”; Ad ciues azianzenos; De reconciliatione et unitate monachorum; “De grandinis uastatione cum pater episcopus reticerit “; n. 201 (f. 71r-81r, it is Ps. Gregory Nazianzus); “De Arrianis, quod non liceat semper et publice de Deo contendere” (= the first of his Five Theological Orations); (at end, a hymn to the Archangel Michael). Laud. Misc. 436, s. IX1/3, Würzburg (Zechiel-Eckes, Die Concordia canonum, Teil 2, p. 332); s. IXin., Würzburg(?) (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 380-381, n. 3862). 185 f. (183 f., acc. to Bischoff); 305-315 × 225 mm.; 22, 25 lines, Anglo-saxon miniscule. Colored initials. (Add. Descrip. = ZechielEckes, p. 332-334.)

f. 1r-161v = Cresconius, Concordia canonum >> n. 263; f. 161v-182v = appendix to the Concordia canonum (cfr Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 233, f. 110v-145v), consisting of: Council of Chalcedon, Actio VI, 8 (from “Dominus noster et saluator”); two not identified canons; Pope Leo I, letter to Bishop Anastasius of Thessalonica (up to c. 11, “et humilis corde”) and part of his letter to the bishops of Italy, “In consortium”; Jerome, Ep. 71 to Lucian of Baetica; Archbishop Mansuetus of Milan, letter to Emperor Constantinus IV Pogonatus; n. 249 (f. 179v-182r); Expositio sancti Augustini de secreto gloriosae incarnationis domini nostri Iesu Christi; f. 182v-183v (added in s. IX1/2) = Cyprian of Carthage, Ep. 10, “Exulto laetus et gratulor”. Laud. Misc. 452, s. IX, Lorsch? (Wilmart, ‘La Collection des 38 Homélies’, p. 306, note 1); perhaps s. Xex. (Coxe, Codices2, col. 325); f. 1-191 = s. IX2/4, Lorsch-influenced area(?); f. 192-277 = s. IXc. 2/4, Lorsch (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 381, n. 3864, 3865).





277 f.; f. 1-191 = 320 × 227 mm., 25 lines; f. 192-277 = 315 × 230 mm., 30 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Coxe, col. 325-327.)

f. 1v-192r = collection of 38 homilies and four tracts attrib. to John Chrysostom >> n. 330 (f. 143r-144v, here it is Tractatus I); f. 192r-277v = sixteen sermons of Origen on Leviticus (incompl. in the last sermon). Laud. Misc. 580, s. IX2/2, Würzburg (Bischoff – Hofmann, Libri sancti Kyliani, p. 37-38, n. 38 and p. 130, n. 115-116.); prob. written under Gozbald as Abbot of Niederaltaich (from 825) and taken to Würzburg in 842 (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 370, n. 3822). 67 f.; c. 285 × 210 mm.; 25 lines. (Formerly this ms was joined with Laud. Misc. 92, 175 f., which contains almost entirely works of Fulgentius.) (Add. Descrip. = Fr. Glorie, CC SL, 85A, p. xlii-xliii.)

f. 2r-9r = n. 296; f. 9r-10r = John Maxentius (Scythian monk, fl. s. VIin.), Capitula contra estorianos et Pelagianos (CPL, 657); f. 10r-11r = n. 132; f. 11r-13v = John Maxentius, Breuissima adunationis ratio Verbi Dei ad propriam carnem (CPL, 659); Responsio contra Acephalos (CPL, 660); f. 13v-18v = n. 195; f. 18v-67v = John Maxentius, Dialogus contra estorianos (CPL, 661); Responsio aduersus epistulam Hormisdae, praemissa ep. 124 Hormisdae papae (CPL, 662). Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 663, between an. 845-882, Reims (time of Archbishop Hincmar) (Freeman, Opus Caroli, p. 70). 244 f.; 295 × 207 mm.; 30 lines, over twenty hands; this ms = direct copy of Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 7207. (Add. Descrip. = Freeman, p. 70-73.)

= Libri Carolini >> n. 39 (f. 114v-116v). Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine 1645, s. IX, region of Friuli (Schwartz, ACO, II, 4, p. xxiiii). 173 p.; 282 × 175 mm.; no ornamentation. (Add. Descrip. = Molinier, Catalogue, 2, p. 142; Schwartz, p. xxiiii-xxv.)





p. 1-153 = Collectio Grimanica of the letters of Pope Leo I; p. 153-165 = n. 386; p. 165-170 = letter of Pope Symmachus to Emperor Anastasius, defendor of the Eutychian heresy, inc.: “Ad auguste memorie gratiani imperatoris epistolam octo libris beatus respondit ambrosius”; p. 170-172 = two letters of Augustine on illicit excommunication. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France6 **lat. 130, s. XII (Lauer, Catalogue, 1, p. 47), 123 f.; f. 113v-123 = Boethius, Opuscula sacra, incompl. >> n. 186, 253 and 26 (Op. sacra 1-2, 4; cfr Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Patr. 46, f. 1r-21r on the sequence of five tracts in the Opuscula). (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 46-47.) **lat. 614A, s. X, southern France (Reynolds, ‘South Italian Liturgica’, p. 493, note 46); s. IX-X (Lauer, Catalogue, 1, p. 219), f. 67v = n. 242. lat. 1008, s. IX-X, France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 229, note 65). 104 f.; 146 × 100 mm.; 20, 22 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 65-67.)

Clerical instruction reader. f. f. f. f.

f. f. f. f. f.

1r-18v = two expositions on the mass; 18v-19v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer; 19v-24v = n. 354, 77, 230, 136; 24v-25v = names of the books of the Old and New Testament (cfr Isidore, Origines VI, i, 3-10), and the names of the twelve apostles; 25v-28r = n. 119, 367; 28r-31v = clerical interrogation (on the clerical grades, baptism, the mass); 31v-33r = Breuiarium apostolorum (brief biography of each apostle); 33r-34r = clerical interrogation; 34r-54r = n. 221, 269;

6 I wish to thank J. Sclafer, ‘conservateur en chef’ of BnF, Western manuscripts department, in 1995, for the measurements of Paris, BnF, lat. 10771, 12262 and 1279.





f. 54v-81v = Ps. Pirminius, De singulis libris canonicis scarapsus >> (not contiguous:) n. 151, 234 (variation); f. 82r-85v = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis II, iii-xxi, in an abbreviated form; f. 85v-92v = Interpretation of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, frag., “Vt laicus qui se eunucizauit tribus annis comunione priuetur – in setembrio tercia ebdomada”; f. 92v-104r = Leidrad of Lyons, Liber de sacramento baptismi >> n. 368, 238 (f. 98r-99v). lat. 1012, s. IX1/3 (de Clercq, La législation, p. 157). 92 f.; 194 × 129 mm.; 21 lines, 4-6 words per line. Tironian notes on f. 9r, 59r. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 68-69.)

Perhaps a bishop’s manual for teaching and preaching. f. 1r-2v = Alcuin, exposition on baptism; f. 2v-8v = exposition on baptism >> n. 361 (f. 5v-8r); f. 9v-27r = Pope Gregory I, Homiliae 40 in Euangelia, Homelia 17 (on Lk. 10, 1-9); f. 27v-29r = n. 257; f. 29r-36v = Capitula Parisiensia (a diocesan capitulary; see Barcelona, BU 228, f. 1r-5v, for a more detailed description); f. 36v-55v = exposition on the mass; f. 55v-66r = n. 353, 267; f. 66v = canon of Pope Sylvester on the clerical grades; f. 67r-92v = three sermons on the Nativity of the Lord; homily attrib. to Augustine, “De letania maiore”; admonition attrib. to Pope Gregory I, “Dominus dixit in euangelio fratres mei et amici mei uenite ad regnum”; sermon on compunction; sermon on the six days of creation; homily attrib. to Augustine on the six original sins. **lat. 1231, s. XI (Lauer, Catalogue, 1, p. 456 (268 f. = Ordinal for Regensburg), f. 259r-264r = n. 277). lat. 1248, s. IXmed., northern France (Reynolds, ‘Unity and Diversity’, p. 126). 117 f.; 162 × 107 mm.; 18 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 265-269.)

Clerical instruction reader.





(f. 1r-4v = blank); f. 5r-25r = three expositions on the mass; f. 25v-35v = exposition on baptism; f. 35v-41v = n. 83; f. 41v-66r = Amalarius, Eclogae (a commentary on the prayers of the mass); f. 66r-67r = ordo Romanus XXXIII (of Andrieu’s ed.), inc.: “In caena domini ad primam”; f. 67v-68v = clerical interrogation (on the clerical grades, the four gospels, the four evangelists); (f. 69r-72v = s. XI; originally blank); f. 73r-78r = ordines Romani XLI, XLII, XXXVIIA (of Andrieu’s ed., for the dedication of a church, the deposition of relics, the Ember Days); f. 78v-82r = two expositions on baptism and a frag. of an ordo of baptism; (f. 82v-83v = s. XI, frag. of a litany of saints); f. 84r-88v = blank; f. 89r-116v = various prayers, psalms, and verses for different circumstances. lat. 1451, between an. 800-816, area of Tours; provenance V-Maurdes-Fossés, near Paris (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 55, note 81). 108 f.; 325 × 235 mm.; two col., 35 lines. Decorated initials. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, partial microfilm; Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 7; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 613-624, 384.)

Perhaps an exemplar (this ms is a direct copy of ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 10. B. 4; see above).7 7  There are four known mss of the Collectio S. Mauri, three extant and one now lost. The three extant are: ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum MeermannoWestreenianum 10. B. 4; Paris, BnF, lat. 1451; and Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat. 1127. The lost ms (at Laon at end of s. VIII) is described by Baluze in Paris, BnF, Baluze 2, f. 180r-181v, 184r, and by Bugnaiâtre in Paris, BnF, Collection de Picardie, vol. 265, f. 102r, “cod. 36”. Their descriptions of the lost Laon ms are printed by Contreni, ‘Two Descriptions’, p. 48-51. All four mss contain or contained at one time the same material preceding the Collectio S. Mauri proper, which includes a collection of symbols and creed commentaries, as described here under Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, from f. 1r-15v (also see under ’s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum 10. B. 4).





= Collectio S. Mauri, preceded by a collection of material which includes a collection of symbola and creed commentaries. (f. 1 = addition: tree of consanguinity); f. 2r = historical notices on the first six universal councils and the constitution of Justinian, “Semper studium fuit” (incompl.); f. 6v = a list of the popes from Peter to Hadrian I (d. 795) (Pope Leo III added later, without his years [d. 816]); brief chronology of the world to 793 AD; 7v-8r = Athanasian Creed; f. 8r-15v = n. 110, 39, 58 (frag., = cc. 10-19; tit. f. 10r: “De concilio aurilianense de [libro] ecclesiasticorum dogmatum”), 173, 263, 163; f. 15v = canonical pieces (Ps. Jerome to Damasus, metrical preface to the councils, etc.); f. 25v-108v = Collectio S. Mauri >> n. 239, 47 (contiguous); (not contiguous: n. 58, 263 (frag., f. 64v), 222 (last item; not part of the original collection acc. to Maassen, p. 621622)). lat. 1454, s. IX3/4, probably the area of Paris (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 239). 248 f.; 310 × 270 mm.; 30 lines. Colored initials. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 9-10; Maassen, ‘Bibliotheca latina’, p. 190195 of vol. 54.)

f. 1r-37r = canonical material; f. 37r-212v = Collectio Quesnelliana >> n. 158 (f. ?), n. 212, 339, 47, 53, 386 (f. 99v-105r, cc. 37-41), n. 115, 122 (f. 132r136r, cc. 52-53), n. 239 (f. 140v-141v, c. 55, second part), n. 306 (f. 161r-162v, c. 66), n. 195 (f. 170r-173v, c. 69); f. 213r-223v = “Differentia inter sacrificium et holocaustum. inter monachos et laicos tantum distat”; Ps. Pope Silverius, “Damnatio Vigilii”; Pope Leo I, letter to Theodoret of Cyrrhus, “Remeantibus ad nos”; penitential of Theodore; frag.: “Gregorius. sunt nonnulli qui cultum”; Trojan of Saintes, letter to Eumerius of Nantes (concerning a boy who did not know if he was baptized); Caesarius of Arles, excerpt from the Council of Marseilles, an. 533, concerning the case of Bishop Contumeliosus of Riez (ed. CC SL, 148A, p. 90, line 106 – 94, line 231);





f. 224r-230r = n. 58; f. 230r-237r = Scintilla de canones uel ordinationes episcoporum (Maassen, Geschichte, p. 873); f. 237r-240v = Statuta ecclesiae antiqua >> n. 263; f. 240v-244r = letter of Pope Gregory I to Queen Brunehild on sacred orders; further letter and canons concerning clerics; f. 244r-248r = canonical addenda (names of the provinces); Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam de restauratione sacerdotis (incompl. due to mutilation of f. 248r); f. 248v = blank. lat. 1455, s. IX3/4 – 4/4, perhaps the area of Reims (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 127, note 118). 199 f.; 325 × 240 mm.; 42 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 11; Maassen, ‘Bibliotheca latina’, p. 195-198 of vol. 54.)

f. 1r-2v = individual canons, in three slightly more recent hands, almost all concerned with metropolitans and bishops (described by Mordek, p. 127); f. 3r-79v = Collectio Colbertina (unedited, = Collectio Sanblasiana in its entirety and other canons from the Collectio Quesnelliana) >> n. 47, 212 (contiguous); (not contiguous:) n. 115 (incompl. at f. 69v; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 537, gives the explicit), 239 (f. 70v-71r); f. 80r-199v = Collectio S. Amandi >> (not contiguous:) n. 53, 222, 332, 263 (f. 187r-v). lat. 1456, s. IX-X, provenance Beauvais (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 237); s. XI (Maassen, Geschichte, p. 732). 50 f.; 345 × 315 mm.; two col. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 11-12; Maassen, ‘Bibliotheca latina’, p. 198-199 of vol. 54.)

= Collectio Salisburgensis concilii Epheseni >> n. 122. lat. 1535, s. IX-X (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 58). 158 f.; 285 × 230 mm.; two col.

Perhaps a bishop’s manual for study and teaching. f. 1r-7r, 9r-112v, 149v-151v = Council of Aachen, an. 816, cc. 1115, 122; f. 7v-8r = note on the liturgical hours, “Audiuimus dicentem scripturam”;





f. f. f. f.

13r = prayer to the Holy Spirit; 113v-149v = Chrodegang of Metz, Regula canonicorum; 151v-152r = Capitulare monasticum an. 817, cc. 1-78; 152r = frag. on penance, attrib. to Boniface, “Bonifacius archiepiscopus edidit. quomodo possumus paenitentiam VII annorum in uno anno penitere”; f. 152r-v = Pope Leo I, Ep. 15 (to Bishop Turribius of Astorga, on the renewal of the Priscillianist error; incompl.); f. 153r-v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer by interr./resp.; f. 153v-157v = n. 109, 83 (incompl.).

lat. 1564, between an. 785-810, northern France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 56, note 82). 136 f.; 300 × 220 mm.; 33 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 68-69; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 604-611.)

= Collectio Pithouensis. >> n. 286 (f. 11r-14r, c. 36), 239 (f. 21r?, c. 45), 47 (f. 22v-23r, c. 46), 195 (f. ?-87v, c. 76), a form of 16 (f. 100r-111v, c. 86). lat. 1572, s. VIII2/2, Tours (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 43, note 32). 226 f.; 255 × 185 mm. Decorated initials. Alcuin added marginalia in 797 (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 103, note 258 and p. 223, note 281). (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 73; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 721-727.)

= Collectio Turonensis de actibus concilii Ephesini >> (not contiguous:) n. 122, 123, 130, 306 (c. 6). lat. 1603, s. VIII-IX, northeastern France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 281-282); post 789, “apparently ‘Hofnahe’” (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 350, note 64). 203 f.; 220-225 × 130-135 mm.; 25 lines, two col. (except f. 1v-6v, 104v, 192v-201r in long lines). (Add. Descrip. = Hen, ‘Knowledge of Canon Law’, p. 124-134; Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 85-86.)

Perhaps a bishop’s book for reference and instructing. Hen, p. 128-129, believes it served as a uade mecum of a rural parish priest. f. 1r = blank; f. 1v-6r, 103r-v, 192v-201r = Libellus sacramentorum with votive masses;





f. 6v (added slightly later, s. IX1/4) = Charlemagne, Admonitio generalis (an. 789), c. 81, excerpts (on servile work on Sundays); f. 7r-66v = Collectio uetus Gallica >> (not contiguous:) n. 234, 263; f. 66v-163r = additions and appendices to the Collectio uetus Gallica, including a clerical interrogation, f. 152v-159v (tit. and inc.: “Incipiunt sententias de floratibus diuersis. homo pro quid dicitur?”) >> n. 66, 135, 3 (f. 154r-156v); f. 163r-191v = Ps. Pirminius, De singulis libris canonicis scarapsus >> (not contiguous:) n. 151, 234 (variation). (f. 192r = probationes pennae, it seems); f. 201v-202r = illegible. lat. 1686, f. 63-115 = s. IX probably Clermont (V. Yarza Urquiola, CC SL, 114A, 335, 338); f. 1-62 = s. XI-XII (Yarza Urquiola, p. 335; Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 125). 115 f.; 290 × 205 mm. (Add. Descrip. = García – Ruiz, San Ildefonso, p. 230-231; Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 124-125 Yarza Urquiola, p. 335-338.)

f. 63-101 = Ildefonsus, Liber de cognitione baptismi >> n. 174 (cc. 37-96); f. 101-115 = Ildefonsus, Liber de itinere deserti. lat. 1796, f. 1r-76r, s. IX, Carolingian script; f. 77r-232r, also s. IX, Visigothic and Carolingian script, perhaps the Pyrenees or southern France, Limoges? (Carlo, ‘Manuscritos’, p. 58-59); s. VIII and s. IX (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 179). 232 f.; 250 × 190 mm.

f. 1r-75v = Jerome, Contra Iouinianum haereticum; f. 75v-76r = on the seven principal vices, inc. and expl.: “Protoplasti transgressionis – uenerare contempsi”; f. 77r-113r = Vita Sancti Fulgentii episcopi Ruspensis ecclesiae; f. 113v-202r = letters of Ferrandus to Fulgentius and rescripts of Fulgentius; Augustine, Sermo 272 (addressed to neophytes, on the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament of the altar); letter of Victor to Fulgentius; sermon of Fastidiosus the Arian; Fulgentius, Liber contra sermonem Fastidiosi; f. 202v-232r = n. 131.





lat. 1866, s. IX (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 207). 207 f.; 245 × 185 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 206-207.)

Letters of Jerome and Ps. Jerome >> n. 51 (f. 116r-121r). lat. 1867, s. IX (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 207). 210 f.; 270 × 220 mm.

Letters of Jerome. f. 3r-23r = Pelagius, Ep. ad Demetriadem (attrib. to Jerome); f. 115r-116r – n. 39 (attrib. to Jerome) lat. 1868, s. IX (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 208). 192 f.; 275 × 175 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 207-208.)

f. 1-192v = almost entirely letters of Jerome >> n. 298 (= Ep. 15, between f. 61r-120r). lat. 1869, s. IX (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 208-209). 321 f.; 370 × 240 mm.

Letters of Jerome and Ps. Jerome >> n. 39 (f. 216v-218r; attrib. to Jerome), n. 51 (f. 266v-270r). lat. 1870, s. IX and XI (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 209). 174 f.; 345 × 250 mm.; two col. and long lines.

f. 1-6, 19v-71v-171v = letters of Jerome and Ps. Jerome >> n. 39 (f. 71v-73r); f. 6-19 = Origen, Homeliae in Cant. Canticor. interprete S. Hieronymo (with prologue); f. 172-174v = Comment. in Joelem (frag.; PL, 25, 952-957). **lat. 1909, s. XIII-XIV (J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91, p. 256), f. 105v108v = n. 121. lat. 2035, s. IX (Díaz y Díaz, Index, n. 113); s. IX-X (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 289). 253 f.; 345 × 230 mm. (c. 80 mm. thick); 26 lines, two col., large script, one hand; ample space in margins and between lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r = Augustine, Enchiridion; f. 54r = Augustine, Ep. ad inquisitiones Ianuarii; f. 78v = Isidore, Liber differentiarum [II], II;





f. 105v = on various sentences in three books, inc. (prologue): “Formula quaedam persuasit – I. de timore domini – (expl.:) culmen aliquando peruenire”; f. 150v-215v = n. 190; f. 215v-216v = appendix to n. 190 = Eucherius of Lyons, Formulae spiritalis intellegentiae, the beginning of the preface (inc.: “ Formulas spiritalis intellegentiae componendas tibique mittendas pro studio paternae erga te sollicitudinis – (expl.:) ergo scripturae sacrae sicut traditur in littera est. explicit liber beati isidori contra iudeos”); f. 216v = Augustine, De octo Dulcitii quaestionibus; f. 238v = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 107, De dilectione Dei et proximi; f. 241r = Isidore, Sententiarum libri tres, III, xxviii-xxx (“De dilectione”, “De fictis amicitiis”, “De amicitia ex munere orta”); f. 242r = frag., inc.: “Non dederit in tristitia”; f. 242v = Ps. Jerome, Ep. de septem ordinibus ecclesiae, 1-7 (incompl.); De VII gradibus, inc.: “Primus ergo in clericis”; f. 251v-253r = sermon, inc.: “Certum est, autem, fratres, quod sacerdotes – (expl.:) ad iuuandum me festina“; f. 253r-v = frag., inc.: “Hic namque uersiculus non inmerito de toto scripturarum exceptus est” (incompl.). **lat. 2076, s. X (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 308), contains many of our texts, not all of which are mentioned above in the catalogue: f. 1-62 = n. 102, 97, 93, 158, 17, Athanasian Creed, 46, 388, 7, 389, 27, 212, 58. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 307-308.) Cfr the same collection of creed material in Paris, BnF, lat. 2341, below. lat. 2123, an. 814-816, Flavigny (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 111). 156 f.; 285 × 160 mm.; c. 27-31 lines, two col. Some elaborately decorated initials. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 329-330; Keefe, microfilm.)

f. f. f. f.

1r-6v = canons excerpted from the councils; 6v-29v = n. 58, 254, 309, 386; 29v-52v = Liber pontificalis, Cononian abridgement; 52v-55v = Polemius Silvius, Laterculus (names of the provinces); otitia Galliarum; f. 55v-65v = Dicta (or Iudicia?) of Theodore of Canterbury;





f. 65v-104v = Collectio Heroualliana, “large extract” (lacking numerous cc.) (Mordek, p. 111, note 61); f. 105r-v = chronology of the ages of the world up to Charlemagne, “Prima aetas mundi ab adam”; f. 105v-153v = Marculf, Formulae (Collectio Flauiniacensis); f. 153v-156v = Isidore, Origines XVI, xxv-xxvi and III, x (“De ponderibus”, “De mensuris”, “De inuentoribus geometriae”). lat. 2150, s. IX-X (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 340). 77 f.; 275 × 215 mm.

f. 1 = Julian Pomerius, De uita contemplatiua; f. 45 = Augustine, De bono coniugali; De sancta uirginitate (with Retractions); f. 69r-77 = n. 184. lat. 2175, s. IX (Consuela Dutschke, by letter); s. VIII-IX (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 353). I + 128 f.; 265 × 170 mm.

f. 1r-108r = New York, Columbia Library Plimpton 58, f. 1v92r (cfr its description, given above); f. 1r-11v = n. 58); f. 108r-128r = New York, Columbia Library Plimpton 58, f. 101v-110v (see its description above); f. 127r-128r = n. 81). lat. 2326, s. IXin., Austrasia (Bischoff, Panorama, p. 243, note 71); f. 1-79r = s. VIII-IX; f. 79v-88v = s. IX-X (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 406). 88 f.; 245 × 145 mm.; partly two col.; Tironian notes, f. 86r, 88v. Decorated initials.

Schoolbook. f. 1r-79r = n. 190 (with a version in OHG on f. 1r-22r, in col. 2); f. 79v-86r = glossary, inc.: “Affatim” (incompl., A-C only); f. 86r = excerpt from Jerome, In Osee, on measures and coins; f. 86v-88r = n. 11 (incompl.; the remainder of the page is blank). lat. 2328, probably s. IX2/4, certainly southern France (Bischoff, by letter; see also Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 122). 125 f.; 288 × 175 mm.; 34 lines, two col. Decorated initials. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 73-74.)





Study book. f. 2r-79v – Isidore, Sententiarum libri tres; f. 89r-95v = Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis ad Widonem comitem; f. 95v-96r = Annotationes de lapidibus et gemmis; f. 96v = epitaph for Alcuin and definitions in diagram form; f. 97r-107v = the seven canonical letters of the New Testament; f. 107v-109v = exposition on baptism; f. 109v-115v = expositio on the mass; f. 115v-118v = four moral sermons; f. 118v-120r = Life of S. Marina; f. 120r-125v = sermons (related to gospel readings in Lent) >> n. 191 (f. 124r). lat. 2341, s. IX2/4, Orléans (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 263). 273 f.; 365 × 275 mm.; 51 lines, two col., very small writing. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, microfilm; Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 416-418.)

Perhaps a school exemplar for the instruction of clerics. f. 1v-14r = computus; chronology; table of movable feasts for an. 843-923; f. 14r-136r = Smaragdus, Collectiones in Epp. et Euangelia; f. 136r-151v = n. 102, 97, 93, 158, 17, Athanasian Creed, 46, 388, 47, 7, 389, 27, 212, 58; f. 151v-158r = Augustine, Epp. 221-224 (Quodvultdeus’s requests to Augustine to write a catalogue of all heresies, and Augustine’s responses to Quodvultdeus), and De haeresibus ad Quoduultdeum; f. 158r-167r = n. 169, 106; f. 167r-169r = Alcuin, De animae ratione ad Eulaliam (with carmen, ed. Dümmler, Poet., p. 302-304); f. 169r-176r = Isidore, Synonymorum libri duo; f. 176r-188r = n. 190; f. 188r-204r = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis; f. 204r-231r = Collectio Dacheriana followed by a letter of Pope Leo I to the African bishops, 1-4; f. 231r-235r = penitentials; f. 235r-252r = Julian of Toledo, Prognosticon; f. 252r-272v = Ps. Ambrose / Ps. Augustine / Ps. Jerome, De carne superba (CPL, 639a); Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis ad Widonem comitem (incompl.); abstruse glosses; names of





the twelve gemstones; explanation of Latin words of Greek origin, inc.: “Ortografia, recta scriptura”; Ps. Cicero, Synonyma (f. 272v = the same text, incompl.). lat. 2373, s. IX-X (Lauer, Catalogue, 2, p. 431). 48 f.; 270 × 160 mm.; 42 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 430-431.)

Perhaps a bishop’s collection for teaching. f. 1v-3v = two prayers for reconciliation of a penitent at death; notes on seasonal medicine and plants; verses; planct on penance with neumes; the Gloria with trope; f. 4r = n. 252; (f. 4v = s. XI); f. 5r = St Cornelius of Compiègne, translations II and III (MGH Poet., 4, p. 239-241); excerpts from Pope Gregory I, Augustine, and Isidore (“De sobrietate – De diuinis iudiciis – Tribus modis diabolus hominem in securitate mittit – Tribus modis continetur homo in bono opere – Quinque modis peccata soluuntur – Duo sunt dilectiones”); f. 7r = penitential of Halitgar of Cambrai; f. 26r = prayer to the Trinity, “Sancta trinitas, indiuisibilis unitas”; f. 26v = penitential of Bede, cc. 10-13 and frag., “Cum predicare apostoli gentibus in asia uoluissent – esse memorauit”; notes on the faults of virgins; f. 27r-33v = Augustine, De cura pro mortuis gerenda; f. 33v-34v = two expositions on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 34v-36r = n. 376, 355; f. 36r-37r = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 252 (God is not only praised with the tongue, but by practices and works, and on the pains of purgatory and the pit of hell); f. 37r-v = Augustine, De adulterinis coniugiis, II, 8, frag., and Quaestiones in Heptateuchum, I, 71, frag.; f. 38r, 39r = sentences excerpted from Jerome, inc.: “Non quaeras gloriam” and “Imperitus commentator est”; f. 38v = antiphon for obsequies, and Alleluia, with neumes; f. 40r-48v = Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis ad Widonem comitem (lacking cc. 1-6); f. 48v = Hincmar of Reims, letter to Bishop Odo of Beauvais (on the objections of the Greeks sent to the Franks





by Pope Nicholas, that Odo respond to them, including fasting on the Sabbath, use of filioque, etc.). **lat. 2390, s. XI (Leclercq, ‘Les Munimenta fidei’, p. 22). 110 f. (Add. Descrip. = Leclercq, p. 22-66.)

= Exemplar of the Munimenta fidei of Benedict of Aniane. f. 1v-48r = n. 203; f. 53v-102v = n. 169, 57, 106, other works of Alcuin, 16, 58, 212, 39, 80. f. 102v-109r = Disputatio Benedicti Leuitae aduersus Felicianam impietatem; f. 108r-109v = Laus hymnidica Beatae Dei genitricis Mariae Benedicti Leuite; f. 109v-110v = letter of Benedict to his “son” Guarnarius. lat. 2710, f. 1-44 = s. IX1/2; f. 45-60 = s. XII (Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 17). 60 f.; f. 1-44 = 240 × 150 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 16-17.)

f. 1r-6r = n. 197 (excerpts); f. 6r-42r = Julian of Toledo, Antikeimenon, excerpts; f. 42r-44v = Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis (CPL, 1676), abridged form. lat. 2717, f. 1-107 = s. IXex.; f. 108-140 = s. XII (Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 22). 140 f.; 165 × 130 mm.; 16 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 21-22.)

f. 1r-37v = Augustine, Quaestiones Euangeliorum (CPL, 275), interpolated form; f. 38r-77r = Gesta episcoporum Aquileiae aduersus haereticos Arianos; f. 77r-107v = n. 201. lat. 2718, s. IX, probably c. 830, Tours (Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 25). 140 f.; 160 × 250 mm. (oblong). Perhaps the hand of Hirminmaris, monk of Saint Martin of Tours and chief notary of Fredugisus and Theot, archchancellors of Louis the Pious. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 22-25).

exemplar/formula book?





f. 2r-58v = Augustine, In Iohannis ep. ad Parthos tractatus decem; De libero arbitrio; De correptione et gratia; f. 59r-72r = n. 58, 131; f. 72r-80v and 84v-85v, 105v-111v, 125r-127r, 134v = four groups of Carolingian formulas and capitularies, mostly in tachygraphy; f. 81r-84v, 86r-105r = ascetical works of Cyprian of Carthage; f. 112r-113r = Caesarius, Sermo 219 (“In natale martyris Stephani”); f. 113r-115v = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 117 for the Nativity of the Lord (on doing penance); f. 115v-124r = Augustine, De immortalitate animae; f. 124r-125r = Charlemagne, letter to Alcuin and the monks of Saint Martin of Tours concerning the return of a certain fugitive cleric to Theodulf of Orléans (MGH Epp., 4, p. 399-401); f. 127r-134r = John Chrysostom, “De compunctione ad Demetrium liber”, incompl. (written in tachygraphy); f. 135r-v = series of short didactic formulas and catechetical extracts, inc.: “Septem scale sunt”; f. 136r-140v = clerical interrogation >> n. 208, 135, 3 (f. 136r138v); f. 140v = “Incipit. de octo uitiis principalibus. octo sunt” (incompl.). lat. 2777, f. 1-42 = s. IXex., V-Denis (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 144, under “Collectio ecclesiae Arelatensis”); f. 43-61 = s. IX. 61 f.; f. 1-42 = 245 × 210 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, ‘Bibliotheca latina’, p. 218-220 of vol. 54.)

f. 1r-19v = Rusticus, Collectio canonum concilii Chalcedonensis, part 1 only >> n. 195 (not written out in full); acc. to Schwartz (see n. 386), the ms also contains n. 386 (lacking a number of cc.); f. 20r-42v = Collectio ecclesiae Arelatensis >> n. 161 (f. 40r-41v); f. 42v = canon 2 of the Council of Turin, an. 401 (Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 77, says an. 397), “Illud deinde inter episcopos urbium arelatensis et uiennensis, qui de primatus – inquietet” (who proves his city to be a metropolitan city obtains the honor of primate of the whole province); f. 43r-61v = (another s. IX hand in a smaller format). A collection of formulae, mostly papal constitutions which concern





privileges and other affairs of monasteries; eight of the constitutions concern privileges of Saint-Denis. On f. 61 is a letter of Charlemagne to Queen Fastrada of an. 791, ed. Dümmler, Epist., p. 528-529. lat. 2796, f. 1-153 = an. 813-815, France (Mordek, by letter, and Kirchenrecht, p. 148, note 242); f. 154-162 = nine folios in paper, s. XVII, XVIII (Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 95). Loss of one or more folios after f. 67v. 162 f.; 190 × 115 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, p. 90-95.)

Schoolbook. f. 1r-44r = Ps. Jerome, Expositio quattuor Euangeliorum; f. 44r-55v = computus and computistical explanation; f. 55v-56v = grammatical frag., inc.: “Quid est littera?”; dicta of Isidore on the six ages of life (cfr Origines, XI, ii); diverse frag., “Vidi filium inter IIIIor fontes – quis primum finxit litteram? – uoces uarie animantium: bos mugit, equos hinnit”; f. 56v-58r = exposition on baptism >> n. 154 (f. 57r-v); f. 58r-65v = exposition on the mass; f. 66r-67v = Greek and Hebrew alphabets; diverse sentences and questions, inc.: “Quattuor rote ecclesie, id est lectio, operatio, oratio – tres abrenunciationis monachorum – VII grados sapientie – IIIIor sunt uirtutes – quid sint psalmi – quid significat quod noe sexcentorum erat”; f. 67v = n. 318; f. 68r-101v = computus and computistical matter; f. 102r-103v = n. 210, 91; f. 103v-105r = Isidore, Origines V, xxviii-xxix, in the form of questions (on time); f. 105v-107r = medicinal remedy, “Contra ficum”; on the saltus lunae; computistical matter; f. 108r-153v = Collectio Bigotiana >> n. 58 (f. 145r-153v) (the Collectio Bigotiana contains the Statuta ecclesiae antiqua, but without the preface, so that it lacks n. 263); lat. 2826, s. IX2/4, unidentified scriptorium south of the Loire, later at Saint Martial, Limoges (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 80, note 192).





158 f.; 240 × 275 mm.; 28 lines, frequent Tironian notes in margin. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 120-122.)

Perhaps a monastic schoolbook. (f. 1r-3v = s. XII); f. 4r-61r = n. 190; f. 61r-71v = Emperor Leo VI, Ep. ad Omarum Saracenorum regem; f. 71v-125v = Julian of Toledo, Prognosticon; f. 126r-136r = n. 169 (frag.), 106; f. 136v-141r = letters of Alcuin (MGH Epp., 4, Epp. 210 (congratulating George, Patriarch of Jerusalem, on his election), 234 (an. 801, encouraging Pope Leo III), 140 (commending letter bearers to Rome to all his friends), 257 (dedicating a work on the Holy Trinity to Charlemagne)); f. 141v = epitaph for Alcuin (apparently a slightly later addition, acc. to Bullough, p. 122); f. 142r-145v = n. 269; f. 146r-147r = brief commentary on different parts of the mass, “Incipit liber sacramentorum edita gregorii pape urbis rome. quaerendum nobis est, fratres karissimi, cur dicitur basilica – clericus grecum est, in latino sors dicitur quia de sorte domini processit”; f. 147v = hymn in honor of St Agatha; f. 148r-151r = Ps. Augustine, Regula secunda or Disciplina monasterii and Regula tertia or Regula ad seruos Dei (CPL, 1839a and 1839b); f. 151v-153v = Capitulare monasticum, an. 817 (ed. A. Boretius, MGH Capit., 1, 343-349); f. 153v-154v = abecedarian hymn; (f. 155-158 = additions of s. XI and XIII). lat. 2832; f. 136-137 = membrum disiectum of Troyes, BM 1165 (described below), possibly not added to this ms until after s. IX. F. 136r-137v = n. 95 (frag.), 275 (frag.). (Between f. 136 and f. 137 originally were more folios.) F. 1-135 = s. IX2/2, Lyons, given to Saint-Oyan (Saint-Claude, Jura) by Mannon (d. 880) (Bouhot, ‘Le manuscrit Angers’, p. 240); s. IX3/4 (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 122). 137 f.; 215 × 155 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 128132.)





= almost entirely collection of carmina and epitaphs (Eugenius of Toledo, Dracontius, Cyprianus Gallus, Prosper of Aquitaine, Florus of Lyons, Wandalbert of Prüm, Theodulf of Orléans). **lat. 2846, s. X (Dümmler, Poet., p. 124), contains n. 375 (preceded by Paulinus, Contra Felicem Orgellitanum libri III, and followed by Augustine, De praedestinatione). lat. 2849, s. IX (Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 156). 48 f.; 215 × 150 mm.

f. 1r-42r = n. 169, 106; f. 42r-48v = Alcuin, De animae ratione ad Eulaliam (incompl.). lat. 2990, a composite of fragments of three mss: f. 1-45 = s. IXex.; f. 46-80 = s. IXin.; f. 81-156 = s. IXin. (Lauer, Catalogue, 3, p. 374). 156 f.; 160 × 110 mm. f. 1r-43r = Isidore, Synonymorum libri duo; f. 43v-45v = frag. on Ps. 98, 6; frag., “ De generationes . duo sunt adam – crucifixus est christus” (= brief treatise on people in the Bible having the same name); f. 46r-78v = Arbeonus, Bishop of Freising, Vita uel passio S. Haimrammi martyris; f. 79r-80v = prayers for the office of Sankt Emmeran; f. 81r-148v = n. 190 (with alterations; incompl. after Lib. 2, c. 7); f. 149r-156v = Isidore, De natura rerum, cc. 24-36. lat. 3836, s. VIII2/2, Corbie or region of Corbie (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 241). 104 f.; 325 × 275 mm.; many hands. Decoration. (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 271-272; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 504-512.)

f. 1r-101v = Collectio Sanblasiana >> n. 47 (an excerpt, f. 51rv, within the “Gesta Liberii”; for the “Gesta Liberii”, see Maassen, Geschichte, p. 506, and PL, 8, 1388-1389), 239 (f. 89v-?), 47 (a second form), 212 (f. 91r-v, contiguous); f. 101v-104r (different s. IX hand) = addenda to the Collectio Sanblasiana (letter of Pope Innocent I to Decentius of





Gubbio, “Si instituta”; and, “Cantatur autem scriptura sancti canonis – et uite patrum catholicorum leguntur”. lat. 3842A, s. IXmed. or 3/4, perhaps Paris (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 239). 191 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 487-488, 494-500, 873-874.)

f. 25r-163r = Collectio Quesnelliana >> n. 158, 212, 339, 47, 53, 386, 115, 122, 239, 306, 195 (not all contiguous; cfr Arras, BM 644). The ms also contains the Statuta ecclesiae antiqua (acc. to Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 245) >> n. 263; and the Scintilla de canones uel ordinationes episcoporum (on the Scintilla in this ms, see Maassen, p. 873-874). lat. 3846, s. IXin., provenance Saint-Amand (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 249); northern France origin (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 247). (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 780-784, 982.)

f. 3-123 = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana >> (not contiguous:) n. 123, 195, 201, 239, 263, 298; f. 128-253 = Collectio S. Amandi >> (not contiguous:) n. 53, 222, 332, 263 lat. 3848A, s. IX1/4, area of Metz (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 239). 244 f.; 285 × 200 mm. (c. 80 mm. thick); 30 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 486-487, 494-500.)

f. 1r-234v = Collectio Quesnelliana >> n. 158, 212, 339, 47, 53, 386, 115, 122, 239 (f. 136r), 306, 195 (not all contiguous; cfr Arras, BM 644); f. 235r-242r = n. 58 (attrib. to Augustine); f. 242r-244v = tit.: “Incipit christi nomine consolatio mortalitatis et de spe resurrectionis. (inc.:) Fidelibus quidem certa sunt” (incompl.). lat. 3848B, s. VIII-IX, Flavigny (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 111). 202 f.; 270 × 120 mm.; 31 lines; various hands, pre-Carolingian miniscule with Irish symptoms. (Add. Descrip. = Díaz y Díaz, Liber de ordine creaturarum, p. 50; Keefe, handnotes.)

Canonical works and numerous texts concerned with the profession of faith. Acc. to Díazy Díaz, p. 50, “one has supposed





that the collection of works in this ms was the work of some bishop aspiring to the pallium, who was obliged to present in Rome a profession of faith, generally documented with literary materials”. f. 1r-13r = inc.: “Canones sancti gregorii papae. in ordinatione episcopi ipse debet missa cantare”; f. 14r-24v = inc.: “Ex opusculis sancti augustini et sancti isidori de diuersis haeresibus. quidam haeretici ex nominibus suorum auctorum nuncupantur”; f. 24v-69v = n. 58, 254, 309, 386, 195, 306, 122, 384, 380, 181, Athanasian Creed, 80; f. 70r-178v = Collectio Heroualliana >> n. 263; f. 178v-180r = canon, inc.: “In ep. hieronymi de eo quod ait apostolus unius uxoris uirum”; f. 180r-185r = “Opuscula s. augustini de diuersis heresibus. symoniani sunt”; f. 185r-189r = “Item de heresibus in libro s. isidori. quadam heretici”; f. 189r-v = “In libro X aecclesiastice storiae hira III. cum nicena senodus denunciata fuit philosophi”; f. 190r-201v = n. 58 (appears twice in this ms). lat. 3849, s. IX (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 144). 53 f.; 239 × 156 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Gundlach, Epistolae, p. 1; Keefe, handnotes.)

= Collectio ecclesiae Arelatensis >> n. 161 (f. 46v-50r). lat. 4279, s. IXmed., probably western France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 241). 99 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 504-512.)

= Collectio Sanblasiana >> n. 47, 212 (contiguous), 239. lat. 5325, s. IX (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 153). = Collection of works related to Saint Martin of Tours. >> n. 28 (f. 135v-136v). lat. 5580, c. an. 840 (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 153). = Collection of works related to Saint Martin of Tours >> n. 28 (f. 1r-2r).





lat. 7730, s. IX, Fleury (Rand, Der dem Boethius zugeschriebene Traktat, p. 412). (Add. Descrip. = Melot, Catalogus bibliothecae regiae, 4, p. 388-389.)

(1) Curius (Chirius) Fortunatianus, Rhetorica; (2) Anonymous, Dialectica; (3) Porphyry, Isagoge; (4) Augustine, Categoriae; (5) Apuleius, De philosophia liber; (6) Vita of Donatus the Grammarian; (7-10) Boethius, Opuscula sacra, 1-3, 5 >> n. 186, 253 (= Op. sacra 1-2); (11) Candidus the Arian to Marius Victorinus, Liber de generatione diuina; (12) Marius Victorinus to Candidus, Liber de generatione diuini uerbi; (13) Anonymous, Carmen de categoriis; (14) Bede, Expositio figurae tabernaculi libri tres; (15) Isidore, Origines IV (incompl.); (16) Servius Honoratus, Grammatici centimetrum; (17) Anonymous, preface to Boethius, De consolatione Philosophiae; (18) Anonymous, glosses on Priscian; (19) Fulgentius, Expositio sermonum antiquorum ad Calcidium grammaticum (only the beginning). Cfr the contents with the contents of Cambridge, CCC 206; Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 46; Roma, Casa Madre dei Padri Maristi A. II. 1. lat. 8901, s. VIII, uncial script, councils of Gangre, Antioch, and Laodicea (Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 1, p. 12). See the description of Toulouse, BM 364, below, to which this ms belongs. lat. 8907, s. V2/2, northern Italy (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 13*-14*). 353 f.; 350 × 265 mm.; two col., 32 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 13*-16*.)

f. 1-259r = Hilary of Poitiers, De Trinitate, beginning incompl.; f. 259r-263v = Hilary, Ep. ad catholicos de auxentium (PL, 10, 609B-618C); f. 264-297v = Hilary, De exilio (Liber de Synodis, PL, 10, 479B546B); f. 298r-336r = n. 302 (Lib. 1-2); f. 336r-353v = Ambrose, Gesta episcoporum Aquileiae aduersum hereticos Arrianos (cfr PL, 16, 916A-939C). lat. 9347, s. IX (F. Leo, MGH AA, 4/1, Berlin, 1881, p. vii). 135 f.; 369 × 250 mm.; two col., different hands, many glosses between lines (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 1, p. 30.)

f. 1r-2r = blank, except for a title(?) on f. 1v;





f. 2v-76r = poetry (Sedulius, Juvencus, epitaph of Albert, Archbishop of York, epigrams of Prosper, many short poems, epitaph of Pope Hadrian, attrib. to Charlemagne); “Liber medicinalis Quinti Sereni”; verse on the Caesars; Arator, Historia apostolica; f. 76r-135v = Venantius Fortunatus, Carminum libri XI >> n. 341 (f. 132r-133v). lat. 9561, s. VIII2/2 (Díaz y Díaz, Liber de ordine creaturarum, p. 47), England or perhaps the Continent, perhaps the monastery of Saint Bertin, by an Anglo-saxon scribe (Lowe, CLA 5, n. 590). 81 f.; 285 × 220 mm.; 32 lines, one (beautiful) hand, Anglo-saxon uncials. (Add. Descrip. = Díaz y Díaz, p. 47-48.)

Book of a monastic library. f. 1r-14v = Ps. Isidore, Liber de ordine creaturarum >> n. 384 (f. 1r-v); f. 15r-81v = Pope Gregory I, Regula pastoralis (with glosses). lat. 10612, s. VIIIex. (Turner,’The Liber Ecclesiasticorum Dogmatum’, p. 82); s. IX (Reynolds, The Ordinals of Christ, p. 70, note 9). 156 f.; 235 × 165 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Consuela Dutschke, by letter.)

f. 1r-4v = an added quire in several hands with probationes pennae(?); material relating to ecclesiastical councils; on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 5r-106v = New York, Columbia University, Plimpton 58, f. 1v-92r (see description above) (f. 5r-15r = n. 58); f. 106v-123v = New York, Columbia University, Plimpton 58, f. 101v-110v (see description above) (f. 122v-123v = n. 81); f. 123v-154v = excerpt from Origen on Christ; a scheme of the scale of being, from “summum bonum” to “mouetur tempora et loca” and other phrases; homilies for the Nativity of the Lord, Epiphany, the beginning of Lent (attrib. to Augustine), Easter (attrib. to Augustine); sentences concerning the love of God, charity, the virtues of the saints; excerpt from Ephraem’s De beatitudine animae; diverse homilies on the moral Christian life (some attrib. to Augustine, one to Faustinus) and an excerpt attrib. to Isidore, “Scito homo temetipsum. scito quid sis, quare sis natus – retributorem postula”;





f. 154v-155r = inc.: “De nomina filiorum hoc est legitimus filius – et suscitet semen fratris sui”; f. 155r-156v = excerpt from Isidore, Origines I, xxvii, 1-28 (on orthography). lat. 10741, s. IX2/2, Lyons (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 263). 138 f.; 245 × 192 mm.; 25-26 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Bouhot, ‘Alcuin’, p. 187; Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 75.)

Perhaps a bishop’s manual for preaching, instruction. f. 1r-98v = Collectio Dacheriana (defective in the beginning); f. 98v-102v = Augustine, Sermo 67 (incompl.), moral exhortation on Mt. 11, 25, ‘Confitebor tibi, pater, domine caeli et terrae’, inc.: “Sanctum euangelium cum legeretur, audiuimus exultasse dominum iesum”; f. 102v-129r = fourteen sermons of Ps. Boniface >> n. 205 (sermon 1, f. 102v-103r); f. 129r-133r = two expositions on baptism; f. 133r-135r = n. 39; f. 135r-138v = Amalarius, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum imperatorem de caeremoniis baptismi (incompl.) >> n. 344 (f. 137v138v). lat. 10758, s. IX3/4 – 4/4, Reims (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 55, under “Ansegisus, Capitularia”). 340 p.; 245 × 206 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Eckhardt, Pactus legis Salicae, p. xx; Keefe, handnotes.)

p. 1-24 = n. 317; p. 25-35 = canons of the Council of Frankfurt in an. 794; p. 35-56 = Charlemagne, Admonitio generalis, an. 789 (ed. A. Boretius, MGH Capit., 1, p. 53-62) (cc. 61-82 are here [p. 45-56] labeled cc. 1-20 and begin: “I. cap. omnibus. primum omnium ut fides catholica ab episcopis et presbyteris diligenter legitur et omni populo praedicatur – (expl.:) oboedientibus gloria domini nostro iesu christo. amen”); p. 56 (different hand) = eleven questions between Pippin and Alcuin, inc.: “Incipiunt interrogationes pippini et responsiones alcuini. pippinus dixit: quid est in terra? alcuinus respondit: custos hystoriae. pippinus: quid est uerbum? alcuinus: praeditor animi”; p. 57 = blank;





p. 58-141 = legal material, including Isidorian questions, “De legibus diuinis et humanis”, decrees of Childebert, Clothar, and Charlemagne (p. 65 = pact of Childebert I and Clothar I, ed. A. Boretius, MGH Capit., 1, p. 4-7; p. 68 = second decree of Childebert, ed. Boretius, p. 15-17), sentences “De septem septennas”, a recapitulation of the Lex Salica, and the Lex Salica with prologues and list of cc. (p. 79-136); p. 137 = blank; p. 138-141 = decree of Childebert, and epilogue and list of kings from Theuderic III to Childeric III; p. 141-275 = Ansegisus, Capitularia (ed. A. Boretius, MGH Capit., 1, p. 394-446; Boretius says the text is on p. 141255, by error?); p. 275-280 = recapitulation of the Lex Salica (ed. A. Boretius, MGH Capit., 1, p. 292-293); p. 281-305 = Gesta quomodo domnus Hincmarus uillam ouiliacum apud domnum Karolum imp. impetrauit; p. 305-329 = Eginhard, Vita Karoli Magni; p. 329-337 = coronation of Charles the Bald; p. 337-340 = Testimonium of Charlemagne. lat. 10848, s. IX, before an. 837, Saint-Germain-des-Prés (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 153). (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 1, p. 96.)

= Collection of works related to Saint Martin of Tours >> n. 28 (f. 107r-102r). lat. 11611, s. IX (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 237). = Rusticus, Collectio canonum concilii Chalcedonensis >> (not contiguous:) n. 195 (not written out in full), 130, 306, 239, 387 (lacking a number of cc.). lat. 11632, s. IX (van Egmond, by letter). Letters of Jerome >> n. 39 (f. 61r-62v). lat. 12097 (Sangerm. 936; Corb. 26), f. 1r-139v = shortly after an. 524; f. 139v-224v = s. VI-VII, southern France; in Corbie by the beginning of s. VIII (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 90, note 126 and p. 92). 232 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 556-574.)

The ms contains the Collectio Corbeiensis >> n. 239 (f. 89r-?); following the original Collectio is an appendix >> (not contigu-





ous:) n. 195, 16 (variation). (386 is lacking in this appendix, which consists almost entirely of letters of Leo.) Following this appendix are further canonical additions in different hands, among which is the Statuta ecclesiae antiqua >> n. 263. lat. 12140, s. IX-X (Wilmart, ‘La Collection des 38 Homélies’, p. 306, note 1). 304 f.; 280 × 189 mm. (c. 75 mm. thick); 22-28 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r-303r = collection of 38 homilies and three tracts attrib. to John Chrysostom >> n. 330 (f. 199v-202v, Homily 38); f. 303v-304v = (probationes pennae; prayers in a more recent hand). lat. 12141, s. IX-X (Wilmart, ‘La Collection des 38 Homélies’, p. 306, note 1); f. 1-7 = s. XII (Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 38). = Collection of 38 homilies and three tracts attrib. to John Chrysostom >> n. 330; f. 7bis = hymn to St Cecilia. lat. 12163, s. IX (Date and Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 39). Letters and works of Jerome, Augustine, etc. >> n. 39 (f. 72r-). lat. 12218, s. IX1/2, Corbie (Ganz, Corbie, p. 139). 118 f.; 287 × 204 mm.; 28 lines.

f. 1r-22v = n. 102, 297; f. 23r-113r = Augustine, Aduersus Manichaeos; Contra Maximinum; f. 113r-118 = n. 194. lat. 12262, f. 1-71 = s. IX; f. 72-135 = s. XI and XII; f. 136-148 = s. IXc. med., France (Bischoff, by letter). 149 f.; 260 × 185 mm.; 33 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 76.)

Perhaps a bishop’s book for instructing. f. 1r-71r = Pope Gregory I, Regula pastoralis; f. 136r-143r = Leidrad of Lyons, Liber de sacramento baptismi >> n. 368, 238 (f. 138r-139r); f. 143r-148r = Leidrad, Ep. ad Karolum Magnum (on the renunciation of Satan in baptism).





lat. 12269, s. IX1/4 or 2/4, Abbey of St Peter, Corbie (Klaus-D. Daur, CC SL, 25A, p. 22). II + 119 f.; 281 × 180/195 mm.; 26 lines, one hand, Carolingian minuscule.

f. f. f. f.

1-57v = Julian of Toledo, Prognosticon; 58r = blank; 58v = glosses in Old German; 59r-119r = Arnobius Iunior, Conflictus cum Serapione (CPL, 239) >> n. 239 (Lib. 2, c. 32).

lat. 12279, s. IXex., northern France? (Bischoff, by letter). 147 f.; 310 × 250 mm.; 47 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 77-78.)

Study book. f. 1r-8v = tit.: “Breuis explanatio super euangelium iohannis”; f. 9r-10v = Pope Gregory I, Epp. 30, 75, 5, 6 and an excerpt from Moralia (f. 9v = brief teaching on two kinds of compunction); f. 11r-46v = Bede, In Marci Euangelium expositio; f. 47r-59r = Sedulius, Carmen paschale; f. 59r-119v = Alcuin, Commentarius in Euangelium Iohannis ad Giselam et Richtrudam; f. 120v-124r = Bede, In librum beati patris Tobiae; f. 124r-127r = Bede, De temporum ratione, 66-71 (on the six ages of the world and three opinions of the faithful on when the Lord will come); tract on the six ages, inc.: “De ortu et obitu patrum. adam pater generis humani”; f. 127r-131v = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber >> n. 289, 24 (f. 128r-v); f. 131v-147v – exposition on the mass; f. 147v = references to liturgical readings in I Tim., II Tim., Philemon, and Titus (incompl.). lat. 12445, s. IX3/4, Reims (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 249). (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 52; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 442 [= Cod. lat. Sangerm. 366].)

f. 1v = notice of the cities of Gaul; f. 12v = glossary of words from the canons, including Germanic words;





f. 13-151 = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana (Delisle says it begins on f. 17v) >> (not contiguous:) n. 123, 195, 201, 239, 263, 298; f. 153-156 = Penitential of Theodore; f. 156v = n. 332 (canons of Martin of Braga); Mordek says the closing part of this ms contains canons from the Collectio S. Amandi. Delisle says f. 163 = canons sent by Pope Hadrian I to Angilramnus of Metz; f. 166v = adhesion of Hincmar; f. 187v = extracts from the Theodosian Code. lat. 12949, s. IX (Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 81). f. 1 = Aristotle, Periermeniae; f. 12 = Augustine, Dialectica; f. 24 = Alcuin, Prologus ad Karolum super cathegorias Augustini; f. 24 = Aristotle, Cathegoriae, ab Augustino de graeco in latinum mutatae; f. 39 = notes and fragments, among which, a note on the sense of the word ‘Cerauna’; f. 41-42 = computus tables, one made in 896; f. 43 = rules on the size of sounding tubes; f. 46 = Porphyry, Isagoge; f. 53 = Boethius, Opuscula sacra (CPL, 889) >> n. 186, 253, and 26 (= Op. sacra 1-2, 4; cfr Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Patr. 46, f. 1r-21r on the sequence of five tracts in the Opuscula); f. 71 = Apuleius, Perimeniae, cum Boetii commentariis (f. 80v). (Cfr entire contents with Paris, BnF, lat. 7730 and Cambridge, CCC 206, described above.) lat. 13187, s. IX (Gorman, ‘Wigbod’, p. 336-337, note 54). 127 f.; 199 × 137 mm.; 21 lines. (Add Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 93; Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r-30v = tit.: “Explanatio sex dierum in quibus creauit dominus caelum et terram, ex dictis ambrosii, augustini, etc.”, inc.: “In principio creauit Deus caelum et terram. istud capitulum omnium librorum diuinorum caput est – (expl.:) nam uoluntas mala facit eam esse malam”; f. 31r-61v = n. 197 (excerpts); f. 62r-64v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer by interr./resp.;





f. 65r-127r = Alcuin, Commentarius in Genesim per interrogationes et responsiones dispositus; f. 127v = probationes pennae?. lat. 13208, s. IX (J. Machielsen, CPPM, IIA 752a, p. 212) 162 f.; 225 × 166 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 94; Keefe, handnotes.)

Exemplar? f. 1r-160r = Alcuin (Ps. Bede), Commentaria in Sancti Iohannis Euangelium, 1-12 (on Jn. 1-5); f. 160v-162v (same hand) = n. 124. lat. 13246 (Missale Bobbiense), s. VIII, northern Italy (Gamber, CLLA, n. 220, p. 168). = Missale Bobbiense >> n. 310 (f. 87v-90v), followed by a penitential (f. 286v-291r) and other additions (“Inquisitio de lege ad missam celebrare”; Apostles’ Creed; canon of the biblical books) (f. 292v-293r). lat. 13367, s. VIex., probably Italy, in s. VIII in Corbie (Verbraken, ‘Les sermons CCXV et LVI’, p. 7-8), f. 219v-224v = n. 314. 242 f.; 245 × 200 mm.; 25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Ganz, Corbie, p. 128.)

f. 1-235v = works of Augustine (De opere monachorum; De fide et operibus; Contra partem Donati post gesta; De bono uirginitatis; De bono coniugali; De bono uiduitatis; n. 314 (f. 219v-224v); De oratione dominica; f. 235-240 = extract from Josephus. lat. 13373, s. IX, probably before an. 820, Corbie (Ganz, Corbie, p. 137). 151 f.; 232 × 141 mm.; 24 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 80-81.) This ms originally included the membrum disiectum Florence, BML, Ashb. App. 1923, f. 1-16, between f. 107 and 108 (see its description above; it contains n. 369).

Clerical study book. f. 1r-32v = n. 197; (folios are lacking between f. 32-33); f. 33r-v = end frag. of an excerpted version of Augustine, De Genesi contra Manichaeos libri duo;





f. 33v-34r (a different hand) = exposition on the clerical grades, incompl., tit. and inc.: “Gradus ostiarius grece. hostiarii dicti sunt” (remainder of f. 34r is blank); f. 34v-96r = Alcuin, Quaestiones in Genesim ad litteram per interrogationes et responsiones and Epp. 133 (“De sexagenario et octogenario numero”), 81 (“Conparatio noui et ueteris Testamenti a denario numero usque ad unum”), 134 (“De ordine baptismi”), 135 (“De tribus generibus uisionum”); f. 96r-102r = ordo of baptism; f. 102v-104r = Charlemagne, letter to Alcuin on septuagesima, sexagesima, and quinquagesima (MGH Epp., 4, Ep. 144, p. 228-230); f. 104r-105r = Ps. Alcuin, tit. and inc.: “De X uerba legis. dat igitur dominus moysi – (expl.:) demones occidantur”; f. 105r-132v = computus for the embolism and other calendar material; Bede, Hexaemeron (incompl.); f. 132v-145r = Pope Gregory I, Concordia quorumdam testimoniorum sanctae Scripturae (CPL, 1717); f. 145r-151v = “De mensuris”; (in different hands:) frag. “De hora”; a prayer; hymns with notation. lat. 13396, c. s. VIIIex., northeastern France (Ganz, Corbie, p. 155). 108 f.; 279 × 187 mm.; 26-27 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 101.)

f. f. f. f.

1 = n. 190; 72v = sermons attrib. to Isidore; 78r = sermons of Augustine and Caesarius; 94r = homily of Autpertus, “De transfiguratione et in fine uersus cuisdam” (acc. to the list of contents on f. 1r).

lat. 13408, s. IX, provenance Corbie (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 359, note). (Add. Descrip. = Bouhot, ‘Alcuin’, p. 180; Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 101.) f. 1 = Haimo, Tractatus pro quattuor euangeliis; f. 105-121 = Ps. Pirminius, Scarapsus (tit.: “Incipit admonitio beati gregorii urbis rome ad plebem”), incompl. >> n. 234 (variation); f. 121v = Inuentio S. Crucis; f. 126 = sermon of Augustine.





lat. 13440, s. IX1/2, Corbie provenance (Ganz, Corbie, p. 143). 222 f.; 118 × 78 mm.; 15 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Ganz, p. 143-144.)

Perhaps for private use (small). f. 1v-64v = Ephraem, ascetical sermon (beginning lacking, expl.: “…nec malae aliquid proximus uestris facitis. explicit deo gratias. amen”; f. 65r-97r = Ps. Ambrose, sermon “De decem uirginibus” and De superbia carnis peccati (CPL, 639a); f. 97r-222r = sermons and excerpts attrib. to: Columbanus (Epistulae VI [CPL, 1111], 1, inc.: “O tu uita humana”); Caesarius (G. Morin, CC SL, 103, p. 151, says Sermo 35 of Caesarius of Arles is on f. 100v sqq. [on the Lord’s Prayer and love of enemies, inc.: “Quotiens sollemnitates”]); Athanasius; Jerome; and Cyprian; “Oratio cum compunctione cordis”; Ephraem, De munditia animae; expositions on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 222r-v = n. 355 (frag.). lat. 13655, s. IX-X (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 263). 127 f.; 254 × 205 mm.; f. 1r-120v = 16-20 lines; f. 121r-127v = c. 23 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 109; Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1r-4r = Magnus, Archbishop of Sens, Liber de ordine baptismi ad Carolum Magnum >> n. 364 (f. 2r-v); f. 4r-v = prayer, inc.: “Deus qui inter cetera – (expl.:) facies esse participes. per dominum”; f. 4v-11v = penitential tract; f. 12r-127v = Collectio Dacheriana; f. 127v = addendum to the Collectio?, inc.: “Beda famulus christi”. lat. 13756, s. IX (M. Simonetti, CC SL, 20, p. 127). 189 f. (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 112; Keefe, partial microfilm.)

f. 1-118v = Cassian, Conlationes; f. 119r-143r = Augustine, De agone Christiano; f. 143v-189r = n. 198.





lat. 14085, f. 1-90 = s. IXmed., Corbie; f. 91-232 = several hands (Ganz, Corbie, p. 146). 232 f.; 245 × 160 mm.; 30 lines; f. 154-176 = two col. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, partial microfilm.)

Clerical school?-study book. f. 1r-230r = Isidore, Origines II-X, XVI-XX, excerpts (without order); f. 230r = n. 362, 352; f. 230v = Augustine, Enchiridion, 30-32 (on free will); f. 231r-232v = n. 39, 212, 80, 388. lat. 14144, s. IX (F. Leo, MGH AA, 4/1, Berlin, 1881, p. v). (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 2, p. 129.)

f. 1r-60r = Venantius Fortunatus, Carminum libri XI >> n. 341. remainder of ms = extracts from Jerome and commentaries on the Gospels. lat. 16832 (formerly Notre-Dame 88), s. IX and s. X (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 208, 112). (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 739-745, 759-760.) f. ? (s. IX) = Collection of otre-Dame on the Council of Chalcedon >> (not contiguous:) n. 195, 130; f. ? (s. X) = Collectio concilii Constantinopolitani II (= Collectio actorum concilii quinti) >> (not contiguous:) n. 123, 306. lat. 18104 I., s. IX (Díaz y Díaz, Index, p. 35, n. 113). 227 f.; f. 1-135 = c. 235 × c. 170 mm.; f. 136-227 = various measurements. (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 5, p. 81; Keefe, handnotes.) f. 1r-47r = n. 190;

f. 47v-53r = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis II, xxii-xxvi (“De symbolo”, “De regula fidei”, “De baptismo”, “De crisma”, “De manu impositione et confirmatione”); f. 53r-63r = n. 14; f. 63r-66v = exposition on baptism (incompl.); f. 67r-71v = n. 73, 269;





f. 72r = Passio S. Andreae, inc.: “Incipiunt capitula libri de miraculis beati Andreae apostoli”; f. 87r = Laurentius, De duobus temporibus; f. 94r = De actiua uita et contemplatiua, expl.: “…Explicit de actiua uita et contemplatiua, deo gratias semper. Amen” (apparently not Julian Pomerius, De uita contemplatiua; perhaps = a work of this title attrib. to Isidore in Díaz y Díaz, p. 46); f. 98r-125v = Augustine, De Trinitate (incompl.); (folios missing between f. 125 and f. 126); f. 126r-? (different hand) = Venantius Fortunatus, Carminum libri XI, Lib. 10, 1 (on the Lord’s Prayer, incompl. at the beginning); (f. 136r to the end seem to be written post s. IX). lat. 18168, f. 1-98 = s. IX4/4, northeastern France, probably Soissons (Ripberger, Der Pseudo-Hieronymus Brief, p. 50-51); f. 1-98 = s. Xmed.; f. 99-110 = s. XII; f. 111-120 = s. X (Meersseman, Der Hymnos Akathistos, p. 10-12). 120 f.; in three parts: 1-98, 99-110, 111-120. (Add. Descrip. = Meersseman, p. 10-13.)

f. 1-98 = collection of sermons on the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary >> f. 11v-40v = Ps. Jerome, Ep. 9, “Cogitis me” >> n. 164; lat. 18312, s. IX, Paris (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 153). (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Inventaire, part 5, p. 91.) = Collection of works related Saint Martin of Tours >> n. 28 (f. 118v-119v). nouv. acq. lat. 452, Salzburg, time of Bishop Adalramnus, d. 836 (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 120, note 87). 106 f.; 184 × 110 mm.; 16 lines, c. 3-5 words per line. (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, Catalogue, p. 41-42; Fournier, ‘Notices’, p. 514-521.)

Probably composed for the instruction of the clergy (Fournier, p. 514). = Collectio duorum librorum (f. 1r-9v = list of cc. titles of Lib. 1 and 2, incompl. at end; f. 10r-85r = Lib. 1; f. 85v-106v = Lib. 2, incompl. after Lib. 2, c. 71; in Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Reg. lat.





407, Lib. 2 = 132 cc.) >> n. 347 (f. 71r-73r), 263 (a diverse form) (f. 91v). nouv. acq. lat. 1096, c. 820, Saint-Denis; before end s. IX in vicinity of Orléans (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 75; CSLMA, II, ALC 45.204, p. 295). (Add. Descrip. = Bullough, p. 75-79.)

‘Personal’ collection of letters? (Bullough, p. 75) The ms contains ninety letters of Alcuin, interrupted by three of Alcuin’s poems, followed by a smaller group of letters probably written by Dungal, interrupted by a letter of Charlemagne of an. 813 to the Greek emperor. The ms closes with a final letter of Alcuin (Ep. 131, on confession of sins to the boys of Saint Martin, f. 92r-95v) >> n. 315 (f. 2v). nouv. acq. lat. 1594, s. VII (Poque, Sermons, p. 174); s. VIIin. (C. Lambot, CC SL, 41, p. xv). Together with Lyon, BM 604 = “Collection de Lyon” (of the sermons of Augustine) >> n. 376 (f. 1). Praha, Universitné Lobkowitz **V. G. 19 (971), s. XV (Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 2, p. 225), f. 258r-260r = n. 383. **VI. C. 30, s. XV (Caspari, Ungedruckte Quellen, 2, p. 225), f. 169v170v = n. 383; f. 172v-174v = n. 342. Praha, Knihovna Metropolitní Kapituli **585 (D. XX), s. XIII (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 233), f. 61r65v = n. 276. Quedlinburg, Städtische Museen Quedlinburg, Historische Bibliothek (olim Stiftsbibliothek, Gymnasialbibliothek, Ratsbibliothek) 10, s. IX, before an. 834, Tours (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 153). = Collection of works related to Saint Martin of Tours >> n. 28.





Ravenna, Biblioteca Capitulare s. n. (= Lowe, CLA 4, n. 410), s. Vex. or VIin. (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 21*). 141 f.; 293 × 226 mm.; two col., 28 lines, semiuncials by two hands, f. 1-135v and 136r-141v; incompl. at beginning and end. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 21*-26*.)

f. 1r-47r = n. 302 (frag., beginning in Lib. 4); f. 48r-134r = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres; f. 134r-141v = Ambrose, De incarnationis dominicae sacramento (incompl.). Reims, Bibliothèque municipale **295, s. XI (Künstle, Antipriscilliana, p. 142); f. 3v-5r = n. 148; f. 11v-21v = n. 216, 155; f. 24v-32r = n. 200, 227, 159, 226. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 38, p. 291-299.) This is the Reims ms Morin refers to in ‘Pastor et Syagrius’, p. 392. 296 (E. 381), f. 1-64 = s. IX; f. 66-135 = s. X (Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 38, p. 303); f. 5v-8v = s. IX (R. Braun, CC SL, 60, p. 226). 135 f.; 269 × 206 mm. and 279 × 215 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, p. 299-303.)

= Book of homilies (f. 1-64) and passions (f. 66-135) for the use of the church of St Theodoric >> n. 184 (frag.) (f. 5v-8v). 377 (E. 230), s. IX (M. Simonetti, CC SL, 20, p. 127). 139 f.; 256 × 224 mm.; three hands; 23 lines; frequent Tironian notes in the margins of f. 1-62. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 38, p. 486-487.)

A book written by order of Hincmar, Archbishop of Reims, for use by the Chapter of the church of St Mary of Reims. f. 1r-81r = works of Ambrose: De mysteriis; De sacramentis; De paradyso; De uirginibus; f. 81r-108r = n. 198; f. 109r-139 = attrib. to Victor, Bishop of Tunnunum, De delapsis (it is, in fact, Victor of Cartenna, De paenitentia; cfr CPL, 854; CPPM, IIA 3007; Bouhot, ‘Un sermonnaire’, p. 203).





385 (E. 249), s. IX (A. Werminghoff, Concilia, p. 130). 160 f.; 248 × 194 mm. Ex-dono: “Hincmarus, archiepiscopus, dedit Sanctae Mariae Remensi”. The first and last folios are damaged, and the first three in part destroyed. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 38, p. 504-508.)

(f. 61r-95r = “Court Adoptionist-dossier”; the same is found in München, BSB, Clm 14468, f. 30v-88r [Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 68, note 163, and p. 429]). f. 1r-14r = Jerome, Contra Luciferianos dialogus (or Altercatio Luciferiani et Orthododoxi) (CPL, 608; PL, 23, 155-182, inc.: “Proxime accidit ut [quod] quidam Luciferi sectator – [expl.:]posse quam persuaderi”); f. 14v-61r = n. 97; f. 61r-68r = Pope Hadrian I, Ep. ad episcopos Hispaniae directa; f. 68r-77v = n. 317; f. 77v-90r = Ep. episcoporum Germaniae, Galliae, et Aquitaniae ad praesules Hispaniae (= acts of the Council of Frankfurt, an. 794, against Elipandus of Toledo); f. 90v-95r = Charlemagne, Ep. ad Elipandum et episcopos Hispaniae >> n. 50 (between f. 90v-95r); f. 95v-101r = Alcuin, Ep. ad Elipandum; f. 101r-108v = n. 307; f. 109r-151r = Alcuin, Aduersus Elipandum libri quattuor; f. 151r-153v = letter of Alcuin to Elipandus of Toledo (a preface to the preceding work) and letter of Elipandus to Felix of Urgel (about Felix’s conversion); f. 154r-160v = n. 165, 130, 315. Roma, Biblioteca Angelica 1091, s. IX-X, region of the Pyrenees? (Schneider, Die Konzilsordines, p. 126). 184 p., 360 × 230 mm.; two col., 42 lines, Carolingian miniscule. (Add. Descrip. = Diéz – Rodriguez, La Colección, 1, p. 136-137.)

= Collectio Hispana (chronological), partial (lacking part of the Gallican councils) >> (not contiguous:) n. 158, 30, 37, 53, 195, 222, 332, 386, 389, 263 (cfr El Escorial e. I. 12 and e. I. 13, described above).





Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense (= Biblioteca di Santa Maria sopra Minerva) 378 (A. III. 24) + Verona, BC LX (58) s. VIII2/2, Italy, in Verona by at least s. X (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 62, note 3). Roma, Bibl. Casanatense 378 (A. III. 24) = 7 f., s. VIII-IX (Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 1, p. 172). F. 1-7 = frag. of a canonical collection (see Verona, BC LX, below). 641 (B. IV. 18), f. 1-81 = an. 811-812 (Mundo, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 295, note 72; Díaz y Díaz, Index, p. 108, n. 402, erroneously has s. XI), Montecassino (Bischoff, ‘Panorama’, p. 254, note 158); f. 82-189 = s. Xin. (Revignas, Catalogo, p. 153). 189 f.; 250 × 205 mm.; Beneventan script. (Add. Descrip. = Revignas, p. 151-157.)

f. 1-6r = calendar and computus matter; f. 6v-81 = works of Alcuin >> n. 169, 106 (f. 6v-37r); f. 82-189 (s. X) = various authors (Charlemagne, Bede, Augustine, Ambrose, Cassiodorus, Isidore, Paul the Deacon, Pope Gregory I, Jerome, Alcuin) >> n. 336 (f. 83v90v), n. 329 (f. 184r-187v). Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II 1006 (Cheltenham 12260), s. VIII-IX, northern Italy, probably Nonantola (Lowe, CLA 4, n. 428, and J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91A, p. 550). 153 numbered f.; 292 × 195 mm.; 28-30 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1v-8r = Datianus Fortunatus, Ep. de episcopis; f. 8r-77v = Fulgentius, De ueritate predestinationis et gratiae libri tres (CPL, 823); f. 77v-153r = n. 391, 131. 1190 (Phill. 8400), s. IXin., seemingly area of Benevento (Grégoire, Homéliaires, p. 321); s. VIIIex., perhaps Beneventan, except f. 1-32 (Millar, The Library of A. Chester Beatty, I, p. 2). 293 f.; 300 × 225 mm.; 25 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Grégoire, p. 321-342; Millar, p. 2-18.)





(f. 1-32 = German additions of late s. XIII); f. 33r-293r = Homiliary of Ottobeuren >> n. 372 (f. 200r-201v); f. 293r = “order of the books laid down for reading in the Roman church throughout the year”; f. 293v = horologium. **Sessor. 52 (2096), f. 1-103, 178-190 = s. XII; f. 104-177, 191-205 = s. XIex. (Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 287). 205 f.; 295 × 179 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, p. 287-294; Morin, ‘Notice sur un manuscrit’, p. 481-488.)

f. 1r-103v = Institutio canonicorum (rule of canons promulgated by Louis the Pious at the Council of Aachen of 816); Regula formatarum, “Greca elementa litterarum” (for more on this text, see Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Ottob. lat. 261, f. 123v, below); rule of St Augustine for men; Isidore, excerpt from De ecclesiasticis officiis I, xxiii (“De officiis”); extract of canons from the Lateran Council of 1139; f. 104r-190v = ordines Romani, other liturgical pieces and liturgical commentaries >> n. 360 (f. 161v-163r), 140 (f. 165r-v), 319 (f. 174r), 83 (f. 174r-177v), 266 (frag., f. ?). Sessor. 63 (2102), s. IXc. 2/4, Nonantola (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 153). 232 f. (Add. Descrip. = Gullotta, Gli antichi cataloghi, p. 187-204 [under n. 127 of the catalogue of 1331].)

= Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana with addenda, in a fragmentary form (Mordek, p. 153, note 260) >> n. 263 (f. 204r-v), 298 (f. 208r-209v), 58 (f. 214v-222v, listed by Mordek, p. 374; attrib. to Augustine). Sessor. 77 (2107), s. VIII (Lowe, CLA 4, n. 423), perhaps Novara (de Bruyne, ‘Un florilège’, p. 199). The ms is now mutilated and contains only works of Eucherius, but it formerly contained Augustine, Enchiridion, and the collection of texts also in Fulda, Dommuseum, Bonafatianus 2, f. 14v-97r (described above). Thus, it formerly contained n. 96, 150, 285, 209, 166, 47, the Nicene Creed, 53. (Add. Descrip. = de Bruyne, p. 199-200.)





Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana 3/4

A. 5, s. IX , central Italy, probably Rome (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 244). 6 + 340 f.; 450 × 365 mm.; two col., beautiful Carolingian miniscule, numerous decorated letters, f. 33v-35v in gold uncial letters on purple. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 454-465; Massigli, ‘Sur l’origine’, p. 369-371.)

= Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana adaucta (see München, Clm 14008 for the texts contained in this Collectio). **D. 5, s. XI, 150 f. = Pontificale Romano-Germanicum saeculi decimi (incompl.) (Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 177-204) >> n. 277, 74 (f. 135v-140r). Roma, Casa Madre dei Padri Maristi A. II. 1, s. VIII-IX, Lyons (a ms of Bishop Leidrad of Lyons, sat an. 789-c. 814) (Lowe, CLA 4, n. 417). (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 377, note 144, says this codex is “s. n.”.) 114 f.; 260 × 175 mm.; 31-33 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Delisle, ‘Notice’, p. 831-842.)

Study book (Bischoff, ‘Hofbibliothek’, 2nd ed., p. 157, discusses this ms in relation to educational renewal). f. 2r-11r = Porphyry, Isagogue, introduction; f. 11r-28v = Ps. Augustine, Categoriae X ex Aristotele decerptae (CPL, 362); and (f. 28v) ten verses of Alcuin, which accompany the Categoriae X ex Aristotele in many mss; f. 28v-30r = tract on dialectic, frag.; f. 31r-39r = Apuleius, Periermeniae; f. 39r-106r = Boethius, In librum Aristotelis ‘Periermenias’ commentarii editio duplex (CPL, 883); f. 106v-107r = Ps. Ambrose? Alcuin? De dignitate humanae conditionis or De imagine Dei (without tit. in ms, inc.: “Faciamus hominem ad imaginem”); (f. 107r-113v = Wien, ÖNB 1861, f. 5r-22v [described above]): f. 107r-110r = Nicene Creed, n. 212, 80, 388, 39; f. 110v = poem (= Lord’s Prayer paraphrased); f. 110v-113v, 109r-v = instructions on the psalter (f. 109r-v should follow f. 113v); f. 109v, 114r-v = Athanasian Creed.





Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale c. med.

**469, s. XI , Fécamp (Bouhot, ‘Alcuin’, p. 201); s. XI/XII (Gamber, iceta von Remesiana, p. 114) (173 f.; mostly various works of Augustine), contains n. 262 (frag.). (Add. Descrip. = Bouhot, p. 201203.) Saint-Claude, Bibliothèque municipale Claudianus 1 (olim Monastery of Saint-Claud), s. IX (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 17*). 341 p.; 219 × 125 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 17*-18*.)

p. 1-119 = n. 302; p. 119-341 = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres. Sankt Florian, Stiftsbibliothek **23, s. XII (Caspari, Anecdota, p. 341-342, note 2), contains n. 262. **74, s. XI (Burn, iceta, p. 38), contains n. 262. Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek8 27, s. IX (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 14). 732 p.; beautiful script with golden initial letters. (Add. Descrip. = Scherrer, p. 14-15.)

p. 4-17 = prefatory material to the psalter from Bede, Isidore, Jerome, Cassiodorus, Ps. Jerome/Ps. Damasus, ‘Augustine’; p. 20-642 = psalter (with glosses in margins in contemporaneous script); p. 645-700 = the prophetical canticles; the Lord’s Prayer; the Apostles’ Creed (p. 690); n. 75 (p. 690); the Athanasian Creed (p. 692); n. 269 (p. 692-700); p. 701-731 = litanies and prayers. 40, composed of three codices: p. 1-167 = s. VIII/IX; p. 168-300 = s. IX; p. 301-357 = s. IX2/3 and 3/3, Switzerland (Bischoff, by letter). 357 p.; 295 × 213 mm.; 30, 23, 33 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 82-84; Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 18.) 8 I wish to thank F. Ochsenbein, Stiftsbibliothekar, Sankt Gallen, in 1995, for the measurements of Sankt Gallen, SB 40 and 124.





Clerical instruction reader. p. 1-167 = Book of Isaiah, with a preface by Jerome; Book of Jeremiah, with two prefaces (not by Jerome); p. 169-299 = Jerome, Commentariorum in Matthaeum libri IV (with glosses); p. 301 = ordo of baptism for a sick person (incompl.; continued on p. 35); p. 302 = exposition on the clerical grades; p. 304 = clerical interrogation, inc.: “Ioca episcopi ad sacerdotes. int. dic mihi pro quid es presbiter ordinatus?”; p. 304-322 = two expositions on the mass; p. 322-325 = n. 357; p. 325-326 = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer; p. 326-328 = n. 109; p. 328-331 = exposition on baptism >> n. 105 (p. 330-331); p. 332 = n. 212; p. 332-342 = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis II, i-iii (on clerics); sentences attrib. to Pope Gregory I, inc.: “Quattuor sunt quae ad memoriam reducere”; “Interpretatio s. augustini episcopi de decem talentis”; “Eiusdem de anima et spiritu”; “Liber s. augustini de arbore scientiae boni et mali”; p. 342-355 = exposition on baptism; Alcuin, Ep. 137 (on baptism); p. 356 = end of the ordo of baptism begun on p. 301. 87, s. IX (Vezin, ‘Observations’, p. 132). 344 p.; 360 × 247 mm.; 30 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 34.)

= Origen, Homiliae in Genesim, Exodum et Leuiticum (incompl.) >> n. 72 (frag.) (p. 187-188). 90, s. IX (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 35). 170 p.; one hand.

p. 1-130 = n. 97; p. 130-169 = Jerome, Contra Luciferianos dialogus (or Altercatio Luciferiani et Orthododoxi) (CPL, 608; PL, 23, 155-182). 94, s. IX (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 37). 113 p.; one hand.





The ms contains the same material as in Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CCLI (described above); p. 2-31 = n. 100. 103, s. IX (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 39). 531 p.; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Scherrer, p. 39-40.)

= Collection of 38 homilies and three tracts attrib. to John Chrysostom >> n. 330. 124, an. 804-820, region of Saint-Amand (Bischoff, by letter). 360 p.; 252 × 152 mm.; 28, 26 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 85; Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 44-45.)

Clerical (episcopal?) study book. p. 3-6, 360 (a different hand) = prayers; p. 7-118 = Ps. Jerome, Expositio quattuor Euangeliorum (CPL, 631); p. 119 = inc.: “Iudex iniquus id est antichristus”; p. 119-123 = Isidore, Origines I, xxvii (“De orthographia”); p. 126-129 = Charlemagne, letter to Alcuin on septuagesima, sexagesima, and quinquagesima (MGH Epp., 4, Ep. 144, p. 228-230); p. 130-132 = Cassian, Conlationes, V, 2, excerpt (on the eight principal vices); p. 133-306 = Defensor of Ligugé, Scintillarum liber; p. 306-307 = (tit.:) “Item s. augustini de exitu anime”, inc.: “Cum egreditur anima”; p. 308 = calendar matter; p. 310-326 = Jesse, Bishop of Amiens, Ep. de baptismo >> n. 369 (p. 321-323); p. 326-356 = twelve anonymous sermons; p. 357-359 = annals of Sankt Gallen. 125, s. VIII/IX (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 45). 276 p.; 242 × 156 mm.; Langobard script, many hands.

Perhaps a clerical instruction reader. p. 3-134 = Ps. Jerome, Expositio quattuor Euangeliorum (CPL, 631); p. 134-135 = inc.: “Iudex iniquus id est antichristus”; p. 137-158 = sermons of Jerome and Caesarius (Ps. Augustine);





p. 158-184, 201-229 = sentences extracted from the homilies of Pope Gregory I; p. 185-200, 229-233 = expositions on the Lord’s Prayer and the mass; p. 233-234 = exposition on the clerical grades, inc.: “Primus gradus lector quando aperuit librum”; explanation of the canonical hours, inc.: “Primus cursus nocturnus propter”; p. 235-248 = Isidore, Allegoriae quaedam sacrae Scripturae, excerpt; p. 248 = frag. of a sermon, inc.: “Fleuit super eam ostendit lectio sancti euangelii, fratres karissimi. sollicite”; p. 249-261 = Isidore, Liber differentiarum [II] II, xv-xxix (inc.: “Praevaricatores quippe angelos” and ending incompletely “…pro quam imagines rerum corpo//”); p. 262-264 = (incompl. at the beginning) Augustine, In Iohannis Euangelium tractatus 124, excerpts from Tracts 7, 8, and 9, and 8 again, partly on the two natures of Christ; p. 265-273 = n. 15 (>> n. 46, p. 271-272); p. 274-275 = two form letters. 140, s. IX-X (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 124, note 104). 404 p.; 210 × 160 mm.; one hand. (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 326-329; Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 52-53.)

Perhaps a bishop’s study book. p. 3-25 = letters of Augustine and Valentinus (Epp. 214-216, related to the following work); p. 25-104 = Augustine, De libero arbitrio (CPL, 260; not De correptione et gratia, CPL, 353); p. 107-178 = n. 137; p. 181-254 = Augustine, De magistro ad Adeodatum filium (CPL, 259); p. 255-353 = Amalarius, Liber officialis, excerpt from the second preface; ordines Romani and excerpts from papal letters and one from the Council of Neocaesarea relating to clerical ordinations; on clerical vestments; p. 354-404 = canonical material, including (p. 386-396) Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis (CPL, 1676).





146, p. 1-116 = s. IX; p. 117-294 = s. X (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 54). 294 p.

p. 1-45 = Augustine, Sermo 9: De decem chordis (CPL, 284/ sermo 9; CPPM, IA 456); p. 45-67 = Augustine, Sermo de disciplina Christiana (CPL, 310); p. 67-116 = n. 102; 150, p. 1-270 = s. X; p. 271-414 = s. IXin. (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 55, 56). 414 p.; 235 × 150 mm.; composed of five codices. (Add. Descrip. = Scherrer, p. 55-57.)

p. p. p. p.

273-281 = Ps. Augustine, Sermo 289 (on conjugal chastity); 281-284 = n. 308; 285-377 = penitential books and excerpts; 377-384 = Augustine, Sermo 64 (exhortation to priests, that they teach the Christian people what they ought to know and observe; CPL, 284/sermo 64; CPPM, IA 492); p. 385-414 = Pope Gregory I, Libellus responsionum ad Augustinum Cantuariensis. 188, s. VII/VIII (O. Faller, CSEL, 73, p. 6*); s. VII, Italy (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 66, 67). 211 f. (422 p.); 290 × 195 mm.; 25-34 lines, uncial script, one hand; inferior parchment. (Add. Descrip. = Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 196-198; Scherrer, p. 66-68.)

p. 1-339 = homilies of Maximus of Turin (p. 6-10 = by an unknown author, “De psalmis quare psalmi dicuntur”); p. 339-345 = n. 21; p. 345-392 = Ambrose, De sacramentis (incompl.); p. 393-421 = three sermons (two by Ps. Maximus of Turin). **191, p. 1-115 = s. X (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 69) (Jerome and Gennadius, De uiris illustribus; Damasus, De explanatione fidei; Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis), p. 111114 = n. 180. (Add. Descrip. = Scherrer, p. 69-70.) 196, s. IX (F. Leo, MGH AA, 4/1, Berlin, 1881, p. vii); s. X (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 72).





390 p.; one hand.

p. 2-373 = Venantius Fortunatus, Carminum libri XI >> n. 341; p. 374-387 = Symphosius Scholasticus, Centum epigrammata tristicha aenigmatica (CPL, 1518); p. 388-389 = inc.: “Enigmata interrogatiua”. 225, s. VIII/IX (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 80). 478 p.; 251 × 160 mm.; several hands.

p. 2-31 = list of contents; p. 33-56 = an excerpt from Isidore, Liber differentiarum [II], “Incip. Deferenciarum lib.”; p. 56-61 = “Quibus modis retenetur homo bono” (in ten titles); p. 62-113 = Isidore, Allegoriae quaedam sacrae scripturae; p. 114-166 = computus (an. 760-797); horologium; excerpts from Isidore; De grecis nominibus, Ordo librorum catholicorum qui ponuntur in anno circulo in ecclesia romana; De declinatione nominum; Inuentio crucis; p. 166-384 = Eucherius of Lyons, Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae; Instructionum ad Salonium libri duo; p. 384-439 = Ps.-Methodius, Reuelationes; p. 439-461 = excerpts from Isidore, Liber differentiarum [II] II, iv-xvi; p. 461-473 (by another hand) = clerical interrogation: inc.: “Int(errogatio). homo p(ropter) quid dicitur? R. homo dictus ab humo – (expl.) in die factus est mundus (incomplete; = the same clerical interrogation as in Paris, BnF, lat. 1603, Albi, BM 40, etc.) >> n. 67, 135, 3 (the clerical interrogation includes all these texts and ends incompletely “in die factus est mundus”; in Schmitz’s edition = p. 33, line 22); p. 473-478 (by a third hand) = passion of Saints Felix and Regula. 241, s. IX (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 88). 180 p.; 272 × 192 mm.; composed of three codices; p. 172-178 = 32 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

p. 2-47 = Paterius, Liber testimoniorum ueteris testamenti quem Paterius ex opusculis S. Gregorii papae excerpi curauit (CPL, 1718);





p. 49-63 = letters between Pope Damasus and Jerome on the seven punishments of Cain and other questions; p. 65-172 = Augustine, In Iohannis Euangelium tractatus CXXIV, Tracts i-xvii and xx, partly in excerpted form (beginning at i, 4); p. 172-178 = n. 269; p. 178 = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, “Oratio dominica propria dicitur”. 255, s. IX (Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 96). 424 p.; composed of two codices.

(1) p. 1-113 = Bede, Hexameron (the first recension, in two books, on Gen. 1-3; incompl. at the very end) (CPL, 1344); (2) p. 115-230 = n. 190; (3) p. 232-287 = Jerome, Ep. [78] ad Fabiolam [al. ad Theophilum] de mansionibus filiorum Israel per heremum, inc.: “In septuagesimo septimo psalmo quem iuxta euangelistam matthaeum” (BHM, IA, p. 39, n. 78); (4) p. 292-423 = 1 and 2 Maccabees. 446, p. 1-168 = s. IX3/3, Sankt Gallen (Bischoff, by letter). 344 p.; 250 × 185 mm.; 27 lines; p. 169-344 originally separate, joined with p. 1-168 s. IX. (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 336-343; Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 88-90.)

A manual for clerical instruction (Andrieu, p. 479-480). p. 2-145 = ordines Romani intermixed with liturgical commentaries (Amalarius, Eclogae; expositions on the mass, baptism, clerical grades, clerical vestments, the sacraments; the offices); p. 145-146 = exposition on baptism (= letter of Alcuin to Oduin); p. 147-159 = Amalarius, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum imperatorem de caeremoniis baptismi >> n. 344 (p. 151-152); p. 160-161, 163 (in a more recent hand) = an instruction on the biblical canticles recited in the daily office, interrupted by a sermon attrib. to John Chrysostom on the four months of fasts;





p. 163-169 = on quadragesima and quinquegesima; p. 170-204 = Theodulf of Orléans, sermons and Capitularium I; p. 204-205 = Ps. Damasus and Jerome, letters on the hour of celebrating mass; p. 205-213 = Haito of Basel, capitulary; p. 213-303 = Walafrid Strabo, De exordiis et incrementis quarundam in obseruationibus ecclesiasticis rerum; p. 303-340 = Jerome, Ep. CVI ad Sunniam et Fretelam de quibusdam uerbis Psalmorum; (p. 340-343 = s. XI). 671, s. IXin., Alemannia (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 138). 444 p. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 441-476; Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 217-218.)

= Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana >> (not contiguous:) n. 123, 195, 201, 239, 263, 298. **681, s. XI (Hanssens, Amalarii opera, 1, p. 33), 228 p., p. 4-54 = Inuectio canonica in Amalarium officiographum >> n. 218 (frag.). 732, p. 1-188 = c. 815-817, region of Freising; p. 189-194 = after an. 847 (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 215). 194 p.; 190 × 145 mm.; 16 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Scherrer, Verzeichniss, p. 240-241.)

Perhaps a bishop’s pastoral manual. p. 1-97 = Lex Alamannorum; p. 98-114 = two fragments on the description of Jerusalem, one from Theodosius, De situ terrae sanctae (CPL, 2328), the other from the anonymous Itinerarium a Burdigala Hierusalem usque (CPL, 2324); p. 115-141 = apocryphal account of the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (a different telling from those in the tracts of Augustine, Jerome, Ps. Melitus, and Ildefonsus); p. 142-155 = on the six ages of the world up to an. 810; list of Merovingian kings; p. 156-167 = n. 353, 109; p. 167-168 = on the four nativities of Christ and of humankind, inc.: “In[terrogatio]. quantas natiuitates habuit christus? quattuor: prima natiuitas christi diuinitas a patre”;





p. 168-188 = calendar, from an. 703 and computed for the years up to an. 999, with the annals of Sankt Gallen (p. 168-175); p. 189-194 = catalogue of popes ending with Pope Sergius (844847). Saint-Mihiel, Bibliothèque municipale 28, s. IX (Morin, ‘Un symbole inedit’, p. 1). 156 f.; oblong, c. 260 mm. × 110 mm. (Add. Descrip. = ms disappeared in 1914; before this date it was described by Morin, ‘Un symbole inedit’, p. 1-2, and by Wilmart, ‘La lettre de Potamius’, p. 277-278.) F. 1-143v of this ms have the same material as Oxford, BL, Canonic. Script. eccl. lat. 112, f. 1-112 (described above).

f. 1r-68v = Ps. Vigilius of Thapsus / Ps. Athanasius, De Trinitate libri XII, I-IX, XII >> n. 381 (f. 1r-44v); f. 68v-132r = n. 97; f. 132r-134r = letter of Potamius to Athanasius, inc.: “Domino fratri gloriosissimo”; f. 134r-136r = letter of Athanasius to Bishop Lucifer, inc.: “Domino beatissimo”; f. 136r-144v = n. 241 (= 136r-143v), 89, 46; f. 144v-145r = testimonies from Scripture on the divinity of the Holy Spirit, inc.: “Incipiunt capitula de diuersis sanctarum scripturarum uoluminibus scarpsa, ubi spiritus sanctus euidenter deus esse adprobatur. in genesi. spiritus dei”; f. 145r-156r = n. 102. Saint-Omer, Bibliothèque municipale 97, s. IX (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 3, p. 57). 134 f.; 320 × 240 mm.; 33 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Le Clerc, p. 57-58.)

f. 2r-126v = collection of 38 homilies and four tracts (or 39 homilies and three tracts) attrib. to John Chrysostom >> n. 330; f. 127r-132v = homilies attrib. to Eusebius of Caesaria; f. 132v-134v = n. 144 (incompl.).





254, s. IX (Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 3, p. 129). 134 f.; 285 × 212 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes.)

f. 1v-27v = Augustine, De libero arbitrio; De correptione et gratia; De disciplina Christiana; f. 27v-35v = n. 184; f. 36r-47v = Augustine, De perfectione iustitiae hominis (ms: omnis iustitiae) (CPL, 347); f. 48r-80v = Vigilius of Thapsus, Aduersus Eutychetum libri quinque (CPL, 806); f. 80v-134r = Augustine, De octo Dulcitii quaestionibus; De utilitate credendi; De natura boni; De octo quaestionibus ex uetere Testamento. Sankt Paul im Lavanttal (or in Carinthia), Stiftsbibliothek 1/1, s. V/VI, Italy, perhaps in Verona; c. 800 taken to Reichenau (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 30*). 155 f.; 250 × 215 mm.; 21 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 30*-32*.)

f. 1-2 (s. VII/VIII) = frag. from Luke’s gospel (Lk. 1, 64-2, 51); f. 3-155 = n. 302 (lacking almost all of Lib. V). 5/1, f. 3-6, 9-56 = s. IX1/3, northern Italy; the remainder of the f. = s. IX2/3, Reichenau (Bischoff, by letter). 168 f.; 220 × 115 mm.; 28 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 91.)

Exemplar? f. 1r = two blessings for the consecration of a monk; f. 1v-137r = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis libri duo and Liber differentiarum [II], II; f. 137v-150r = six expositions on baptism; f. 150v-168v = Hrabanus Maurus, De institutione clericorum libri tres, excerpts >> n. 99 (f. 154r). 6/1 (+ Karlsruhe, BLB, Aug. perg. CII) s. VIII1/3, Reichenau (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 246). = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana >> (not contiguous:) n. 123, 195, 201, 239 (f. 13v-?), 263, 298.





7/1, s. VIII, Italy; already in Reichenau in s. VIII (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 241). 195 f. ; 260 × 180 mm.; 27 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Lowe, CLA 10, p. 7, n. 1457.)

= Collectio Sanblasiana >> n. 47, 212 (contiguous, f. ?), 239 (f. 138r). Sankt Petersburg, Publichnaja Biblioteka im. M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina lat. F. v. I. 11, s. VIII/IX, Corbie; a s. XII colophon on f. 1v says it was copied at Noirmoutiers for Adalhard of Corbie (814-821) during his exile there (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 79, n. 2308). I + 249 f.; 327 × 230 mm.; two col., 31 lines; frequent changes of hands. (Add. Descrip. = Ganz, Corbie, p. 143.)

= Cassiodorus, Historia eccclesiastica tripartita >> n. 239. Lat. Q. v. I. 7, s. VI-VII (J. Fraipont, CC SL, 91A, p. 710); Italian uncial; at Corbie by c. 700 (Ganz, Corbie, p. 127); Lat. Q. v. I. 6 + Lat. Q. v. I. 7 + Lat. Q. v. I. 8 + Lat. Q. v. I. 9 + Lat. Q. v. I. 10 = s. IX2/2, Corbie (Bischoff, Katalog, 2, p. 82, n. 2317c). 220 f.; 260 × 210 mm.; 22 lines.

f. f. f. f. f.

1-61 = Rufinus, De fide; 62-113 (f. 62r-112r acc. to Fraipont) = n. 131; 114-153 = Origen, In Canticum; 154-191 = Jerome, De XLII mansionibus; 192-220 = Jerome, Ad Demetriadem.

lat. Q. v. I. 19, s. IXin., Corbie (Ganz, Corbie, p. 137). 34 f.; 240 × 164 mm.; 25 lines. Tironian notes added, f. 11v; colophon in Greek and Latin letters, f. 33v (“the monk Adalhard [of Corbie] ordered this volume to be made”); poor orthography. Originally bound with Paris, BnF, lat. 13354, which contains Jerome, Contra Iouinianum. Thus, this ms originally contained the same contents as Bamberg, Staatl. Bibl., Patr. 86 (B. V. 13) (described above).

f. 1-33v = n. 198. lat. Q. v. I. 34, probably s. IXex., northeastern France (not Corbie script) (Bischoff, by letter and Katalog, 2, p. 84, n. 2323).





88 f.; c. 250 × c. 190 mm.; 23 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Staerk, Les manuscrits latins, 1, p. 173-192.)

“Handbuch für die Seelsorgspraxis” (Kottje, Die Bussbücher, p. 34) or clerical instruction reader? f. 1r-8v = ordo of the scrutinies for the catechumens preparing for baptism (= ordo Romanus XI, n. 2-91, of Andrieu’s ed.); f. 8v-21v = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber >> n. 24; f. 22r-23v = n. 291; f. 23v-42v = three expositions on the mass; f. 43r-44v = computus and calendar matter; (between f. 44-45 this ms formerly contained the Collectio Laudunensis, which now = Sankt Petersburg, Publichnaja Biblioteka lat. Q. v. II. 5 (Staerk, p. 191, note 1; Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 164, note 313, dates Q. v. II. 5 s. IX4/4, possibly Cambrai); f. 45r-88r = the penitential of Halitgar of Cambrai; f. 88r = computus; (formerly a calendar for Corbie followed; now = Sankt Petersburg, Publichnaja Biblioteka lat. Q. v. I. 56; ed. by Staerk, p. 207). Salzburg, Bibliothek des Stifts Nonnberg frg. 12, s. IXin., southeastern Germany (Gorman, ‘Wigbod’, p. 337, note 54). (I could find no reference to this frag. in Forstner, Die karolingischen Handschriften.)

f. 1r-3v = n. 197 (frag.). Salzburg, Museum Carolino Augusteum 2163, s. IX1/4, Salzburg or its environs (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 248). 53 f.; 210-220 × 130-140 mm.; 23, 24 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Hauthaler, ‘Ein Miscellancodex’, p. 71-81.)

Perhaps a monastic schoolbook. f. 1r-2r = n. 90 (frag.);





f. 2r-10r = lectionary of a breviary (chapters to be read in the divine office); f. 10r-11r = Bede, De temporum ratione, 1; f. 11r = a list of the date and place where the apostles died (ed. by Hauthaler, p. 81); f. 12r-13r = the numbers in Greek and Latin from 1 to 900; Isidorian definitions, “Essentia in nostra lingua dicitur”; on the hyena, “Liber qui dicitur solinus narrat”; on the place of Paradise and its four rivers; definition of solicismus, Isidorian definitions of “omousion”, “ecclesia”, “catholica”, synagoga”, etc.; on the origin of the name “Gauls”; f. 13v = (only probationes pennae); f. 14r-17r = Eucherius, Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae, excerpts; (folios missing between f. 17-18?; f. 17v hardly legible); f. 18r = n. 169 (frag. = Lib. III, c. 8, incompl. in the beginning); f. 19r-20r = Bede, De temporum ratione, c. 20 and c. 45, excerpt; f. 21r-23r = glossary of the canons of ancient councils, with glosses in OHG; f. 25r-49r = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, excerpt. Sélestat, Bibliothèque municipale 132, s. IXmed., Mainz (Bischoff, by letter). 153 f.; 169 × 101 mm.; 18 lines, c. four words per line. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 92-94.)

Clerical instruction reader. f. 1r-16v = exposition on the mass, “Dominus uobiscum” (beginning and end lacking due to loss of folios); f. 17r-18r = n. 109 (incompl. at the beginning); f. 18v-19v = diocesan statute (on what clerics are required to know); f. 19v-28v = expositions on baptism and on the church and its ministers; f. 28v-32r = Garibald of Liège (probably), Capitularium I; f. 32r-63v = an ordo of baptism;





f. 64r-76r = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, excerpt (= the creed and the canons of Nicea I); f. 76r-153v = three penitentials and excerpts relating to penance. Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek **HB. VI. 112, s. X (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 293) = Collectio uetus Gallica >> (not contiguous:) n. 263, 234. HB. VI. 113, s. VIIIex., Rhaetia (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 294). 222 f.; 250-255 × 145-150 mm.; 24-25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Mordek, p. 294-295.)

= Collectio uetus Gallica >> (not contiguous:) n. 263, 234. Toledo, Biblioteca del Cabildo (= Biblioteca Capitular) **39-14, s. XIII, Sahagun (Fischer, ‘Sahagun und Toledo’, p. 295), 129 f. (bishops’ ceremonial); f. 43r-46r = n. 44. (Add. Descrip. = Fischer, p. 295-299.) Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria E. IV. 43, s. VII, provenance Bobbio (Lehmann, Iohannes Sichardus, p. 59, 145). (Add. Descrip.: Boll, Traube: Vorlesungen, 1, p. 244-245, gives bibliography referring to the ms.)

contains n. 96. F. II. 17, s. IX1/4, France, styleform of Saint-Denis (Bischoff, ‘Die Bibliothek’, p. 411). 257 f.; 335 × 235 mm.; two col., mostly 51-52 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Vezin, ‘Observations’, p. 129-132.)

= Origen, Homiliae in libris ueteris Testamenti >> n. 72 (frag.) (f. 51r-v). G. V. 26, s. VI2/2, Italy, probably northern Italy; at Bobbio s. IX or after (R. Braun, CC SL, 60, p. xl). 161 f.; 220 × 143 mm.; 21-22 lines; calligraphic semi-uncial.

(f. 1-61 should follow f. 62-161); (1) f. 7r-21v = n. 102 (frag.);





(2) Ps. Augustine, Altercatio cum Pascentio Ariano (CPL, 366) (beginning lacking); (3) correspondence of Augustine with Pascentius (Epp. 238240 of CSEL, 57); (4) f. 62-104 = n. 184; (5) n. 198 (many excerpted cc.). Torino, Biblioteca Reale Varia 141, s. IX-X, Lyons (C. M. Lawson, CC SL, 113, 1989, p. 21*). 120 f.; 247 × 160 mm.; 26 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, notes from the catalogue of the “varia” mss, vol. 2, seen at Turin, and handnotes from the ms.)

f. 1r-28v = Pope Gregory I, Regula pastoralis, incompl. (begins in Part III, c. 19); f. 28v-29r = Licinianus, Bishop of Cartagena in Spain, Ep. ad Gregorium papam, inc.: “Librum regularum a sanctitate” (CPL, 1097; incompl.); f. 29v-114v = works of Isidore: Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu quaestiones in uetus Testamentum (CPL, 1196), 14 (on the ten plagues) and 29 (on the ten commandments); Allegoriae quaedam sacrae Scripturae (incompl.); In libros ueteris et noui Testamenti prooemia; De ortu et obitu patrum; De ecclesiasticis officiis libri duo; Liber differentiarum [II] I-II; f. 114v-118v = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber (incompl. in the beginning) >> n. 24 (f. 115v-116r); f. 119r-120v = exposition on baptism (incompl.) >> n. 237 (f. 119v-120r). Toulouse, Bibliothèque municipale 364 (I.63) + Paris, BnF, lat. 8901, before 666/667, Albi (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 39, note 13). 107 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 592-603.)

= Collectio Albigensis (cfr Albi, BM 2, above) >> (not contiguous:) n. 58 (near the beginning), 263 (twice), 239 (f. 72v-?), 195.





Trier, Stadtbibliothek und Stadtarchiv 118, s. IX-XIV; f. 123r-183v = s. IXin. (Keuffer, Verzeichnis, 2, p. 6, 7); f. 232r-236v, 313v-392v = s. IX1/2 (Franz, Karolingische Beda-Handschriften, p. 52). 392 numbered f. (in fact, 395 f.); 160 × 229 mm. (100 mm. thick); heavy. (Add. Descrip. = Keuffer, p. 6-10.) Foliation = Franz.

(f. 1v-122v = s. XI and s. XII; f. 122av = post s. IX = Prefatio incerti auctoris; see n. 97); f. 123r-183v = n. 93; (f. 183ar-231av = post s. IX); f. 232r-236v = prefaces of Jerome: Praefatio in quattuor Euangelia papae Damaso, inc.: “Nouum opus facere me cogis” (PL, 29, 529-530); Commentariorum in Euangelium Matthaei ad Eusebium libri quattuor, prologue, inc.: “Plures fuisse, qui euangelia scripserunt” (PL, 26, 15-22); a second preface to Praefatio in quattuor Euangelia, inc.: “Sciendum etiam – quod solum est” (PL, 29, 529B, footnote c); (f. 237r-313r = s. XIII, s. XIV, and s. XI); f. 313v-392v = Ps. Vigilius of Thapsus / Ps. Ambrose / Ps. Athanasius, De Trinitate libri XII, I-IX, XII >> n. 381. **156/1213, s. XV (Kurz, Die Handschriftliche Überlieferung 5/1, p. 191-192); s. XVIin. (Keuffer, Verzeichnis, 2, p. 68) = large collection of shorter works and letters of Augustine >> n. 293 (on f. 106r-107r acc. to Kurz; on f. 101r-102r acc. to Keuffer). (Also, not mentioned in our catalogue, it contains n. 126 [f. 1r-15r], 314 [f. 29v-30v], 131 [f. 89v-100v], acc. to Keuffer’s foliation.) **222, s. XIII-XIV (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 234), f. 56r-58r = n. 277. **531, s. XII (Haring, ‘Commentaries’, p. 234), f. 43r = n. 277. Troyes, Bibliothèque municipale 804, f. 1-79 = s. IX2/4 or 2/3, Loire; f. 80-180 = s. IX3/4, Reims (Bischoff, by letter). 248 f.; 250 × 200 mm.; 39 lines. Originally three separate codices; combined in s. XV. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 95-97.)

F. 1-79 = perhaps a bishop’s reference book, or an exemplar.





f. 1v-6v = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber >> n. 289, 24 (f. 2v-3r); f. 6v-8r = exposition on baptism >> n. 101 (f. 7r); f. 8r-48v = exposition on the dedication of a church; exposition on the mass; f. 48v-49v = n. 39; f. 49v-52v = three expositions on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 52v-69r = n. 376, 355, 95, 270, 275, 373, 358, 235; f. 69r-75r = Adrevald of Fleury, Expositio in benedictiones Iacob patriarchae; (f. 75v = blank); f. 76r-79v = Augustine, De uiuendo Deo liber (incompl.). 813, f. 1v-78r = s. IX; f. 78r-220r = s. XIII; f. 221r-326v = s. IX (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, 1962, p. 18*). 326 f.; 290 × 230 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 18*-19*.)

f. 1v-78r = Augustine, De uiuendo Deo liber; De consensu Euangelistarum libri IV (CPL, 273); f. 78r-220r (s. XIII); f. 221r-242r = n. 302 (mutilated; parts lacking); f. 242r-326v = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres (mutilated; part lacking); De incarnationis dominicae sacramento (CPL, 152) (mutilated; part lacking); Ps. Ambrose, Liber pastoralis (frag.); Ambrose, De mysteriis (frag.); De sacramentis, excerpts; De officiis ministrorum libri tres (CPL, 144), I, excerpt. 1165, f. 1r-86v written probably shortly after 804, Tours, by at least five Saint Martin scribes; f. 87r-210v = s. IX2/4, Lyons (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 57); f. 87-210 = s. IX2/2, Lyons (Bouhot, ‘Le manuscrit Angers’, p. 239). Paris, BnF, lat. 2832, f. 136r-137v, is a membrum disiectum of this ms, after f. 210, containing n. 95 (frag.), 275 (frag.). It is apparently not known when these folios became detached, or when they were added to Paris, BnF, lat. 2832; Bouhot says (p. 240), “in the course of the Middle Ages”. 210 f.; 251 × 160 mm.; different hands. (Add. Descrip. = Bouhot, p. 239-240; Bullough, p. 57-61; Keefe, handnotes; Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 2, p. 478-479.)

f. 1r-3v = (mutilated);





f. 2r-86v = letters of Alcuin (incompl. at the bottom of f. 86v; f. 86bis-86ter = inserted folio folded in two, outside blank, inside s. XII script); f. 87r-97r = n. 58; f. 97v-98v = Passio S. Andreae, inc.: “Docens et predicans uerbum domini – eius cognoui tenere” (= BHL, 2, p. 71, n. 429, where inc. and expl. = “Conuersante et docente et praedicante uerbum dei – cognoui per famulum eius”); f. 99r-122v = exposition on the mass, “Quotiens contra se”; f. 123r-182r = n. 169, 106; f. 182r-188r = Alcuin, De animae ratione ad Eulaliam; f. 188r-191v = exposition on the beginnings of the four Gospels, inc.: “Expositio sancti euangelii. mathaeus sicut in ordine – secundus marcus ideo in figura leonis (expl.:) interius uero intellectu uertitur”; f. 191v-196r = inc.: “De seriem generationis iesu christi. Quomodo iuxta historiae fidem accipiendum est – (expl.:) passionem finem accepit”; f. 196r-210v = Isidore, Allegoriae quaedam sacrae scripturae (second part, on the New Testament, PL, 83, 115-130); In libros ueteris et noui Testamenti prooemia, 86-91; Allegoriae (first part, on the Old Testament, incompl., = PL, 83, 97114A, line 1). **1532, s. XII (= collection vol. of works of Pope Gregory I, Augustine, Prosper, and creed material: besides n. 378 (mentioned in our catalogue), it contains n. 95, 39 (BHM, IIIA, p. 79, n. 316) (both immediately preceding n. 378) and, not contiguous, n. 197. **1979, s. XI, probably s. XIin. (Bouhot, ‘Extraits’, p. 173); s. XI1/2, eastern France or western Germany (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 38); s. XI, France; provenance Dijon (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 128); s. X (CSLMA, II, ALC 27, p. 133). 338 f.; 145 × 100 mm.; 100 mm. thick; 23 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Bouhot, p. 169-173.)

Collection of Carolingian works, perhaps intended to prepare a cleric for ordination. f. 2r-35r = n. 378, 58, 218; f. 35v-40r = Sunday sermon, “Veneranda nobis debet esse haec dies sancta” and a text on tones, “De tonis. tonus est grae-





cus sermo. quare? quia graeci inuenere tonos. tonus dicitur a tonando, eo quod ibi uoces sonant”; f. 40v-157v = Ps. Alcuin, De diuinis officiis liber >> n. 363 (c. 41); f. 158r-243v = Collectio in 234 capitulis; f. 244r-324r = treatise on the eight principal vices (similar to Lib. 1 of Halitgar’s penitential); penitenials; f. 324r-332v = n. 106, 334, 281, 109, 99; f. 332v-334r = exposition on baptism; f. 334r-336r = sentences on various topics, inc.: “Tres causae sunt infelices in lege”; f. 336r-337v = Ps. Augustine, Sermo de sacramentis altaris, “Vtrum sub figura” (edited by Bouhot, p. 122-133); f. 337v = sentences from Cyprian, Ambrose, Hilary, and Isidore on the eucharist. 2405, s. VIII/IX (Ficker, Studien, p. 35, note 1). The book belonged to Manno, pupil of Alcuin, later Master of the palace school under Charles the Bald. At the end of his life he retired to the monastery of S. Augendus or S. Claudius of Jura (now Saint-Oyend-de-Joux, diocese of Lyons) and presented all his books to the tomb of Saint Oyend (Ficker, p. 11, note 2). 147 f.; 237 × 163 mm.; 29-30 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Le Clerc, Catalogue général des départements, 2, p. 1001-1002.)

f. 1r = blank; f. 1v-2r = lists of contents of the vol.; f. 2v = ex libris: “Voto bonae memoriae mannonis liber ad sepulchrum sancti augendi oblatus”; f. 3r-14r = n. 137; f. 14r-26r = Augustine, Ep. ad Dardanum de praesentia Dei; f. 26r-34v = Augustine, Epp. 135 and 137, Ad Volusianum de uirginitate Sanctae Mariae and (f. 26v-27v) Volusianus, Ep. ad Augustinum episcopum; f. 35r-51r = n. 93; f. 51v-67v = Vigilius of Thapsus, Aduersus Eutychetum libri quinque, 1-3 (CPL, 806); f. 68r-93r = Ferrandus, Deacon of Carthage, Ep. ad Fulgentium episcopum Ruspensem de quinque quaestionibus (on the faith); f. 93r-v = Fulgentius, Responsio de quinque quaestionibus;





f. 94r-111r = Ferrandus, Ep. ad Anatolium diaconum urbis Romae contra Eutychianos (on the two natures of Christ); f. 111r-118v = Ferrandus, Ep. ad Seuerum Scholasticum Constantinopolitanum (that Christ is one of the Holy Trinity; c. 2 contains a creed or profession of faith); f. 118v-123r = Ferrandus, Ep. ad Pelagium et Anatolium diaconos urbis Romae aduersus estorium et Acephelos hoc est Eutycianos; f. 123r-140v = Ferrandus, Ep. (7) ad Reginum comitem qualis esse debeat dux religiosus in actibus militaribus; f. 140v-145v = Pope Leo I, Ep. ad Turibium Asturiensem episcopum contra Priscillianistas, excerpt; f. 145v-146r = of uncertain author, exposition on the beginning of the Gospel of John, inc.: “In principio erat uerbum – Proficit mens ultra naturalis sensus”. f. 146v-147v = blank. Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale 51 (44), s. IX and XII (Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 25, p. 213). 81 f.; 256 × 180 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, p. 212-213.)

f. 1r-46v = Ps. Jerome, Expositio sancti Hieronimi presbiteri in libro Cantici Canticorum, inc.: “Veri amoris” (CPL, 194a) (in the form of twelve homilies); (f. 47r-52r = s. XII); f. 52v = frag. of an act of s. IX; frag. of a letter of Siguald, Patriarch of Aquileia (762-776), to Charlemagne. f. 53r-81r = n. 219. 247, s. IX1/4, western France; provenance Saint-Amand (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 20, note 43). 135 f.; 242 × 161 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 25, p. 299-300.)

f. 1r-45v = Disputatio Arii; Responsio Augustini contra Arianos; f. 45v-69v = n. 100; f. 69v-125r = Augustine, Soliliquia (Soliloquiorum libri duo) (CPL, 252) (followed by the words: “Deo protegente et remegio abbate iubente, aiglulfus nimium peccator fecit hunc libellum. preco uos qui legitis ut pro me precetis”;





f. 125v-135r = Alcuin, letter to Charlemagne on septuagesima, sexagesima, and quinquegesima (MGH Epp., 4, Ep. 143, p. 224-227) and letter to Charlemagne on the lunar saltus (MGH Epp., 4, Ep. 126, p. 185-187). 518 (472), s. IX, Saint-Amand (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 153). 164 f.; 190 × 133 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Robert, Catalogue général de France. Départements, 25, p. 419.)

= Collection of works related to St Martin of Tours >> n. 28 (f. 143r-144r). Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Barb. lat. 505, s. IX (Klaus-D. Daur, CC SL, 25A, p. 20). 69 f.; 26 lines. f. 3 = title page, giving contents of volume; f. 4r-69r = Arnobius Junior, Conflictus cum Serapione (CPL, 239) (incompl. near end) >> n. 239 (Lib. 2, c. 32). Barb. lat. 679, s. VIII-IX, northern Italy (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 10, note 40). 298 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 513-524.)

f. 1r-295r = Collectio Vaticana >> (not all contiguous) n. 158, 239 (f. 137r-?), 207, 263 (= c. 27), 386, 47 (f. 277r-286v), 123, 195; (f. 295v-298r = s. XII, acc. to Maassen, p. 513; f. 298r = s. XI, acc. to Mordek, p. 10, note 40). Barb. lat. 680, s. IX (Schwartz, ACO II, 3, 1, p. viii); two col. = Collection of otre-Dame on the Council of Chalcedon (cfr Paris, BnF, lat. 16832), incompl. at the beginning and the end >> (not contiguous:) n. 195, 130. **Chigi A. VI. 184, s. XIV (Burn, iceta, p. 38), contains (not contiguous) n. 262, 72 (first part). Ottob. lat. 93, s. IX3/4, northern France (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 246).





Beginning and end of ms mutilated. (Add. Descrip. = Hinschius, Decretales, p. xxi.).= Ps. Isidore, Decretales >> (not contiguous:) n. 332, 389, 123, 239, 386, 193. Ottob. lat. 261, s. IXex., northern France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 263). 135 f.; 203 × 164 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes, partial microfilm.)

f. 1r-123r = a penitential in three books; f. 123v = inc.: “Ep. Attici episcopi Constantinopolitani. Graeca elementa litterarum” (= frag. of the Collectio Dacheriana); the Ep. formata Attici episcopi Constantinopolitani (a guide for the writing of form letters or canonical epistles, using Greek symbols; it is part of, or accompanies, many canonical collections; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 399, gives list. It is printed as part of the Collectio Hispana in PL, 84, 179-180, and as c. 63 of the Collectio Quesnelliana in PL, 56, 729731, where it is entitled, “Regula formatarum”); f. 124r-129v = Augustine, Sermo 67 (PL, 38, 433-437) (moral exhortation on Mt. 11, inc.: “De eo quod scriptum est, ‘Confiteor tibi, domine, pater caeli et terrae’”); f. 130r-135v = capitulary (inc.: “Cap. I. Presbiteri eclesiarum nouerint se custodes esse animarum”) >> n. 220 (c. 3, f. 130r-v). Pal. lat. 186, s. IX (Stevenson, Codices Palatini, 1, p. 32) 36 f.

f. 1r-3v = n. 39 (attrib. to Jerome); f. 3v = tit.: “Ebrietatis uitium declinandum” (verse in hexameter), inc.: “Qui cupis esse bonus et uis dinoscere uerum”; f. 5r = tit.: “S. Efrem opuscula de paenitentia”; f. 34v = inc.: “Plurima labenti donauit luminaria coelo” (beginning of a song); f. 35r = (sermon on chastity, beginning mutilated and last page nearly deleted): “…caro facere nisi uoluerit anima. Munda ergo cogitatione animo et caro non peccat”. Pal. lat. 212, c. 800, region of the upper Rhine (Bischoff, ‘Paläographische Fragen’, p. 115). 72 f. (incompl.); c. 242 × c. 164 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Stevenson, Codices Palatini, 1, p. 41-43.)





Perhaps a preaching manual, or meant for moral instruction. (The contents of f. 1r-38v are almost identical with Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 220, f. 1r-48v [described below], and also cfr Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1716, f. 2r-46r [described above].) f. 1r-13v = moral sermons of Ps. Augustine (251, 266, 265), Ps. Boniface, and anonymous; sentences from the Gospel of Mt.; dicta of Ephraem; f. 13v-15r = n. 266; f. 15r-v = sermon, tit. and inc.: “Praedicatio carere tormenta. Peccatoribus autem et impiis”; f. 15v-17r = sermon, tit. and inc.: “In nomine Dei summi. Primum quidem decet audire iustitiam”; f. 17r-19r = Ps. Augustine, Sermones ad fratres in eremo, 66 (PL, 40, 1352, inc.: “Pius et misericors dominus”), and 64 (PL, 40, 1347-1350, inc.: “Audite filioli mei et intelligite quomodo sacra scriptura uos admonet”); f. 19r-21r = sermon, inc.: “Ad ecclesiam frequenter conuenite”; f. 21r-v = n. 170; f. 21v-22r = brief tract, inc.: “Querite primum regnum dei”; f. 22r-23r = Augustine, Sermo 141 (incompl.), on observing the time of Lent, inc.: “Dominus et saluator noster qualiter ad eum post multas negligentias”; f. 23r-24r = sermon, inc.: “Visitate infirmi , requirantur in carcerem constituti”; f. 24r-v = brief tract, inc.: “Timete dominum et diligite semper”; f. 24v-25r = sermon, inc.: “Hic ergo natus est ex uirgine ut nos renasceremus”; f. 25r-v = brief tract, inc.: “Oportet nos unumquemque diligere animam suam”; f. 25v-26v = n. 325; f. 26v-38v = Pope Gregory I, Homiliae in Ezechielem prophetam, I, 9; f. 39r-72v = Pope Gregory I, Dialogorum libri quattuor, 4; f. 72v = tit. and inc.: “Incipit seculare sybyllinum uenientis irae magnae mundo stupore abenti in fine ut de imaginem dicam. omnibus profetando per singulas ciuitates ex quo turris cecedit” (incompl.).





Pal. lat. 220, s. IXin., middle Rhine region; came to Lorsch before an. 900 (Bischoff, ‘Paläographische Fragen’, p. 113, and McNally, ‘Seven Hiberno-Latin Sermons’, p. 121). 71 f.; 222 × 156 mm.; illustrations; glosses and prayers in the margins in various hands; verse in OHG on f. 58r (= s. X). (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; McNally, p. 121-132; Stevenson, Codices Palatini, 1, p. 46-48.)

Perhaps a preaching manual for evangelizers, with illustrations to impress the people. f. 1r-48v = Vat. Pal. lat. 212, f. 1r-26v (described above; the only difference is that in this ms, the seven sermons or brief tracts, “Primum quidem decet”; “Ad ecclesiam frequenter”; n. 170; “Querite primum”; “Timite dominum”; “Oportet nos”; and n. 325 are each entitled “In nomine dei summi”. In this ms, n. 266 = f. 23v-26r; n. 170 = f. 38v40r; n. 325 = f. 46v-47r; f. 48v-71v = sermons and dicta (f. 62v = list of German personal names and the beginning of the Nicene Creed). Pal. lat. 234, s. IX1/2, eastern France (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 211). 272 f.; divided in two parts, f. 1-113; f. 114-272. (Add. Descrip. = Stevenson, Codices Palatini, 1, p. 54-57.)

f. 2r-113v = Collectio Palatina concilii Ephesini >> n. 130 (between f. 3r-13r), 306 (f. 29r-v), 207 (f. 39r-45v), 130 (a second version) (between f. 50r-57r), 123 (f. 93v-98r); f. 114r-272 = Augustine, De Genesi ad litteram libri duodecim. Pal. lat. 278, s. IX


, northeastern France? (Bischoff, by letter).

88 f.; 203 × 178 mm.; 25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 99.)

Perhaps a bishop’s pastoral manual. f. 1r-63v = n. 190; f. 64r-79r = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber >> n. 289, 24 (f. 67r-68r); f. 79r-88v = Theodulf of Orléans, Capitularium I (mutilated near the end).





Pal. lat. 279, s. IX (Stevenson, Codices Palatini, 1, p. 71). 40 f.

f. 1-40 = n. 190 (mutilated at end). Pal. lat. 485, an. 860-875 (with s. IXex. additions), Lorsch (Paxton, ‘Bonus Liber’, p. 3). 113 f.; 268 × 178 mm.; 29 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 100-103; Paxton, p. 4-27.)

Monastic schoolbook. f. 1v-3v = Scripture passages related to penance, an ordo of confession, a confession in OHG; f. 4r-14v = computus; f. 14v-15v (s. IXex. or X) = uotive masses; f. 16r-17v = excerpts from Isidore, Origines VII and VIII (starting with the interpretation of the ten Hebrew names for God, attrib. to Jerome); a Greek-Latin glossary of grammatical and orthographical-type words from Isidore, Origines I; f. 17v-36v = two expositions on the mass; f. 36v-44v = Jesse, Bishop of Amiens, Ep. de baptismo >> n. 369 (f. 42v-43r); f. 44v-48r = excerpts based on Isidore on the church and its ministers and two expositions on baptism; f. 48r-63v = prayers for the Roman ordo of baptism and other prayers; f. 64r-72v = Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana, excerpt (the Creed and Canons of Nicea I and the Canons of the Apostles); f. 73r-80v = penitential attrib. to Egbert; f. 80v-91r = Theodulf of Orléans, Capitularium I; f. 91r-92r = Ps. Boniface, Sermo 15 (on the renunciation of Satan); f. 92r-96v = Garibald of Liège (probably), Capitularia III and II; Waltcaud of Liège (probably), Capitularium; f. 96v-113r = penitentials. Pal. lat. 487, s. IX (Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 319). 45 f.; 210 × 130 mm.; generally 29 lines; composed of two originally separate parts, f. 1-30 and f. 31-45; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, p. 319-321; Stevenson, Codices Palatini, 1, p. 158-159.)






f. 1r-24r = ordines Romani I (for the Roman mass); XI (for the scrutinies and baptism); XXVII (for the night offices from Holy Thursday to Easter); XXXIV (for the ordination of acolytes) (Andrieu’s numeration); f. 24r-v = n. 57 (incompl.); f. 25r-30v = ordo Romanus XXIX, incompl. at the beginning (monastic ordo for the last four days of Holy Week); f. 31r (s. IX-X) = questionnaire based on Bede, De diuisionibus temporum, with neumed responses, showing the answers were chanted by the schoolboys; f. 31v-45v = collection of poems; metrical sentences and epigrams of ancient writers, especially of Virgil; on the rising of new stars; poem on the months of the year; Ovid on Virgil’s Aeneid; epigram of Caesar Augustus not to burn the Aeneid. Pal. lat. 493, f. 1-10 = s. VIII1/2, France, probably Luxeuil; f. 11-18 = s. VIII1/2, France; f. 19-99 = s. VIIImed., France, northeast of Paris (Gamber, CLLA, p. 164-165, n. 212-214); f. 100v-106v = s. VIII or IX (Stevenson, Codices Palatini, p. 163). 106 f.; f. 1-99 = uncial letters; the three sacramentary fragments have, respectively, 16, 14, and mostly 20 lines. F. 100-106 = miniscule script. (Add. Descrip. = Stevenson, p. 163-165.)

f. 1r-99r = Missale Gallicanum uetus I-III >> n. 327 (f. 20v26v); f. 100v-106v = German personal names, in two col.; Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis (CPL, 1676); parable (different hand), inc.: “Audite uersus parabule quod quonnon puero con(ti)git”. Pal. lat. 574, s. VIII-IX, upper Rhine, provenance Lorsch (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 9, note 33). 151 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 585-591.)

= Collectio Laureshamensis >> n. 239 (frag.) (c. 9, f. 15r-?). Pal. lat. 575, s. IX-X, (Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 14); s. IX-X, provenance Mainz (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 176). 158 f.; 370 × 260 mm.; 41 lines, two col. (Add. Descrip. = Stevenson, Codices Palatini, p. 186-190.)





f. 1v = (s. XI); f. 2v = a decree of Pope Gregory I, “De uiro contra uoluntatem uxoris in monasterium ingresso”; f. 3r-158v = Collectio Hispana Gallica >> n. 53 (f. 4v-5v), 222 (between f. 5v-41v), 30 (f. 41v-43r), 37 (between f. 43r82r), 239 (f. 87v), 332 (between f. 143v-145v). (In this ms n. 389 is lacking: cfr Wien, ÖNB 411.) Pal. lat. 579, s. IX2/4, west Germany (Mainz?) (Zechiel-Eckes, Die Concordia canonum, Teil 2, p. 338). 104 f.; 295 × 220 mm.; 27, 34 lines, two col., Carolingian miniscule. No decoration. (Add. Descrip. = Zechiel-Eckes, p. 338-339.)

f. 1r-94r = Cresconius, Concordia canonum >> n. 263; f. 94r-104v = appendix to the Concordia canonum (cfr Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 233, f. 110v-145v), with the following pieces: Council of Chalcedon, Actio VI, 8 (part); two not identified canons; Pope Leo I, letter to Anastasius of Thessalonica, “Quanta fraternitati” (part) and part of his letter to the Italian bishops, “In consortium”; Archbishop Mansuetus, letter to Emperor Constantinus IV Pogonatus; n. 249 (f. 103r-104v); Expositio sancti Augustini de secreto gloriosae incarnationis domini nostri Iesu Christi. Pal. lat. 845, s. IX-X (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 153). = Collection of works related to Saint Martin of Tours >> n. 28 (f. 67r). Reg. lat. 69, probably s. IXex., possibly Tours provenance (Wilmart, ‘Un florilège’, p. 153); s. XI, Angers or lower Loire region (revised date by Bischoff; see Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 36, note 78; p. 68, note 163; p. 80). 130 f.; 185 × 120 mm.; 26, 25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 104-105; Wilmart, Codices, 1, p. 152-155.)

Schoolbook. f. 1r-88v = letters of Alcuin and (f. 8v-54v) Alcuin, Libri quattuor ad Elipantum (on Spanish Adoptionism); f. 88v-89v = letter of Gisela and Richtruda to Alcuin; f. 89v-90r = Eugenius of Toledo, Philomelaica carmina, excerptum; f. 90v-93r = Fredigisus, Ep. de nihilo et tenebris;





f. 93r-v = sermon on the fragility of the flesh and the necessity of giving alms, inc.: “Fratres karissimi, si laboramus pro carne nostra”; f. 94r-110v = abbreviated form of Alcuin, In canticum canticorum; f. 111r-114r = excerpts from a letter of Pope Gregory I to Secundinus on the priestly office and on images, and excerpt from Isidore on the defects of priests; f. 114v-115v = Alcuin, Ep. 132 to Charlemagne (a list of things to recall), and Charlemagne, Capitularium in pago Cenomannico (on the amount of labor a farmer owes his lord); f. 116r-120r = exposition on baptism; f. 120r-122r = exposition on baptism >> n. 54 (f. 121r-v); f. 123r-130r = explanations of words in the prologues (partly of Jerome) to the books of the Old Testament, inc.: “Prologus in Genesim. prologus est praelocutio siue praefatio”. Reg. lat. 131, c. an. 820-830, probably France (Wilmart, Codices, 1, p. 308). 175 f.; 292 × 190 mm.; 25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, p. 305308.)

f. 1r-141v = collection of 36 homilies of “Eusebius Gallicanus” >> n. 335, 144 (f. 36v-50r), 240 (f. 130v-133v); f. 141v-173v = Jerome, Ep. (129) ad Dardanum de terra repromissionis, incompl. near the end, inc.: “Quaeris, dardane, christianorum nobilissime et nobilium christianissime, quae sit terra repromissionis – offendistis deum//” (PL, 22, 1099-1106, n. 7, line 5); Niceta of Remesiana, De uigiliis (CPL, 648), frag., and De psalmodiae bono or De utilitate hymnorum (CPL, 649), frag.; Jerome, Ep. (121) ad Agalsiam de quaestionibus 11 (on passages in the New Testament), ends in the middle of question 6: “– qui tritico mandatorum//” (PL, 22, 1007-1021, line 4). Reg. lat. 191, s. IXex., perhaps also partly s. Xin., Reims (Wilmart, Codices, 1, p. 457); 800-825, Reims (Carey, “The Scriptorium of Reims”, p. 57). I-V + 105 f.; 185 × 140 mm. (175 × 125 mm. acc. to van Egmond, “Haec fides est”, p. 366); 19-39 lines; c. seven scribes, monks of St Remegius of Reims; frequent Tironian notes. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, p. 452-457; van Egmond, p. 366-367.)

Monastic schoolbook.





f. 1r-47v = Isidore, De ecclesiasticis officiis libri duo; f. 47v-49v = n. 254, 39 (first part); f. 50r-51r = Ebo, Archbishop of Reims (816-835), Opusculum de ministris ecclesiae (PL, 135, 407-410); f. 51r-52v = n. 39 (second part); f. 52v-53r = Hincmar, Archbishop of Reims, Capitula (quattuor) apud Carisiacum constituta contra praedestinatianos (PL, 125, 63C-64A, line 6); f. 53r-v = excerpt on foreknowledge and predestination; f. 54r-62r = liturgical matter (prayers of the mass and votive masses); f. 62r-v = n. 106 (first part); f. 63r-v = ordo of baptism (incompl. at the beginning); f. 63v-75r = penitential matter (liturgical) and penitential; f. 75r-77r = n. 110, 387, 212; f. 77r-84r = formula for anointing; Eucherius of Lyons, Formulae spiritalis intellegentiae (CPL, 488), 1; on clerical vestments, etc.; Isidorian definitions based on the Origines; various sentences of the fathers; f. 84v-87r = n. 106 (second part); f. 87r-v = explanation of the word “epistola”; f. 88r-102v = Prudentius of Troyes, Florilegium ex sacra Scriptura or Praecepta; f. 102v-103r = scribal fragments; (f. 104-105, with f. IIv-V, from another s. IXc. med. or after codex, = Ps. Seneca, De moribus, a large part). Reg. lat. 192, f. 1-101 = slightly after an. 800, northern Italy, perhaps in the province of Friuli (Wilmart, Codices, 1, p. 459); s. IXin. (c. 814), northern France (Bischoff, ‘Panorama’, p. 250, note 129, who expressly disagrees with Wilmart). 165 f.; formed out of two codices (f. 102-165 = s. XII); 240 × 180 mm.; f. 1-101 = 19 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, p. 458-461.)

Works of Paulinus, Patriarch of Aquileia. f. 1r-98v = Paulinus, Contra Felicem libri tres; f. 99r-101v = n. 375 (only verses 1-81). **Reg. lat. 194, s. XI, perhaps southeastern France (Wilmart, Codices, 1, p. 465); I + 141 f. = Faustus of Riez and Paschasius, Deacon of Rome, on the Holy Spirit; Florus of Lyons, Expositio missae (PL, 119, 15-72); exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, all preceding, f. 86v-





140v, n. 169, 58, 218 (frag.). (Add. Descrip. = Mundó, ‘Estudis sobre el De fide’, p. 263-264.) Reg. lat. 195, s. IXc. med., northern Italy (Wilmart, Codices, 1, p. 465, 468). 66 f.; 192 × 145 mm.; 25-28 lines.

f. 1r-50v = homilies for Holy Week; f. 51r-55v = Fulgentius, tit.: “Sermo beati fulgentii episcopi, de eo quod ait Micheas propheta: Indicabo tibi homo quid sit bonum”; f. 55v-59r = Ps. Cyprian, De duodecim abusiuis saeculi (incompl. due to loss of folios); f. 59r-65v = florilegium or excerpts from the works of the fathers (Chrysostom, Athanasius, Epiphanius, Ephraem, Gregory of Nyssa, [Ps.] Augustine), all on the resurrection of the flesh >> n. 198 (two excerpts) (f. 64r-65v); f. 65v-66v (different hand, s. IX-X) = Julian Pomerius, De uita contemplatiua, excerpt (Lib. 2, c. 7). Reg. lat. 214, f. 1r-120v = s. IXex. or Xin., France; f. 121-128 = s. XII (Wilmart, Codices, 1, p. 507). 120 f.; 195 × 160 mm.; f. 1r-120v = 18 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Bouhot, ‘Alcuin’, p. 188-189.)

f. 1v-118v = Florus of Lyons, Expositio missae (PL, 119, 1572); f. 119r-120v = n. 205 (very end lacking, but added at bottom of page in s. XI hand); Following f. 120 this ms possessed what is now Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. lat. 450 (separated in s. XI), which contains: the end of Boniface, Sermo 14; an exposition on baptism; Eligius of Noyon, Sermo de supremo iudicio; seven verses. Reg. lat. 231 = three compacted codices: f. 1-40 = s. XIIex.; f. 41165 = an. 820-830, northeastern France; f. 166-191 = s. XI-XII or XII (Wilmart, Codices, 1, p. 549-553). 191 f.; 228 × 145; f. 41-165 = 23 lines.

f. 41r-131r = same contents as Troyes, BM 1165, f. 123r-210v (described above); f. 41r-94r = n. 169, 106;





f. 131r-138v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, “Dominus et saluator noster clementissimus suorum eruditor” (PL, 213, 719-726); f. 138v-141v = “Incipiunt interpretationes nominum ex hebreo in latinum” (based on Isidore, Origines VII, and perhaps Jerome, Liber interpretationis hebraicorum nominum); inc.: “Graecorum nominum in latinum interpretationes. otheus: deus, kyrie: domine – (expl.) biblioteca: repositio librorum”; f. 142r-165v = n. 95, 275. Reg. lat. 272, s. IXmed. (Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 66); s. IXmed., Reims (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 58). 125 f.; 270 × 230 mm.; 27 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, p. 6668.)

= collection of Alcuin letters >> f. 96v-99r = n. 315. Reg. lat. 284, s. IX2/3, northern half of France, not Fleury script (Bischoff, by letter). 32 f.; 260 × 184 mm.; 22 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 93-94.)

Bishop’s reference book. f. 1r-23r = Theodulf of Orléans, De ordine baptismi ad Magnum Senonensem liber >> 289, 24 (f. 5r-7r); f. 23v-32v = Amalarius, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum imperatorem de caeremoniis baptismi >> n. 344 (f. 27r-v). Reg. lat. 316, c. an. 750, Chelles (Gamber, CLLA, p. 301, n. 610). 245 f.; 258-260 × 169-172 mm.; 23 lines, one hand, uncial letters. Copious decoration. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 200204.)

= Sacramentarium Gelasianum >> n. 114. Reg. lat. 318, c. 865 (Ripberger, Der Pseudo-Hieronymus Brief, p. 49). 258 f.; parts of this ms are now in other mss; it consists of many different parts, varying from 20-32 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Ripberger, p. 49-50; Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 208-215.) (1) f. 1-79 = sermons of Augustine; (2) f. 80-146 = series of Passions and Lives of saints;





(3) f. 147-195v = works ascribed to Jerome >> Ps. Jerome, Ep. 9, “Cogitis me” (f. 179v-195v) >> (cfr n. 164); (4) f. 195v-257v = second series of Passions and Lives of saints. Reg. lat. 329, s. IXmed. (Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 235), Corbie (Ganz, Corbie, p. 63). 170 f.; 252 × 152 mm.; mostly 33, 35 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 235-237.)

Poetical works. f. 3r-123r = Venantius Fortunatus, Carminum libri XI >> n. 341 (f. 115v-?); f. 123r-167r = Aldhelm, De uirginitate (metrical) (CPL, 1333); f. 167r-168v = Symphosius Scholasticus, Centum epigrammata tristicha aenigmatica (CPL, 1518); f. 169r-170v (two folios from another ms, s. IX2/2, probably a little after an. 850) = two fragments from Priscian, Institutiones (CPL, 1546), Lib. 2 (glossed by another contemporaneous hand). Reg. lat. 407, s. IXc. med. or 3/4, area of Sankt Gallen (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 120). 101 f.; 230 × 195 mm.; 22 lines, one hand. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 482-486.)

Wilmart calls it “some pastoral collection of the Carolingian age” (p. 482); perhaps it served as a uade mecum or manual of a pastor, given its portable size. f. 1v-54r = Collectio duorum librorum >> n. 347 (f. 25r-v), 263 (diverse form) (f. 32r-33r); f. 54r-101v = supplement composed of excerpts from the fathers on: penance (= Jerome, Paphnutius); the eucharist (= Cyprian, Ambrose, Jerome); the reparation of the lapsed (= Chrysostom, Gregory, Isidore); the Ember Days (= Chrysostom, Jerome); certain passages of Scripture (= Augustine, Bede); espoused women (= from the canons); purpose of marriage, concubinage (= Augustine); divorce (= Jerome); consanguinity; pastoral care (= sermon of Ps. Ambrose); the four virtues (= Halitgar); discipline of princes upon entering church; doing penance (= Ps. Isidore); how a just man ought to live (= sermon composed of ten moral sentences).





Reg. lat. 423, s. IX2/2, Weissenburg (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 254). 68 f.; 213 × 180 mm.; 39 lines (except f. 65r-68v = 35, 34 lines), one hand. (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 518-522.)

Canonical collections. f. 1v-25v = Collectio Weissenburgensis (it includes some of the Councils of Toledo and the Council of Braga I, but only select canons); f. 26r-61v = Concordia canonum Cresconii >> n. 263; f. 61v-64v = appendix to the Concordia canonum (cfr Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 233, f. 110v-145v), consisting of: Council of Chalcedon, Actio VI, 8 (from “Dominus noster et saluator”); two unidentified canons; Pope Leo I, letter to Bishop Anastasius of Thessalonica (up to c. 11, “et humilis corde”) and part of his letter to the bishops of Italy, “In consortium”; Jerome, Ep. 71 to Lucian of Baetica; Archbishop Mansuetus of Milan, letter to Emperor Constantinus IV Pogonatus (f. 64v), incompl. due to loss of folios (thus this ms does not contain n. 249); f. 65r-68v (from another codex, s. IX) = two fragments from Priscian, Institutiones (CPL, 1546), Lib. 9 and Lib. 9-10. Reg. lat. 479, composed of eight fragments of different mss, joined together s. XVII or before. The eighth frag. = f. 56-62; f. 56r-60r = s. IX-X, f. 60v-61v = s. X and XI, Fleury (Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 655-656). 62 f.; f. 56-62 = 185-188 × 127-140 mm.; 29 lines (except f. 60v, 28 lines). (Add. Descrip. = Wilmart, p. 651-656.)

f. 56r-59r = Ps. Alcuin, Liber de diuinis officiis, c. 40 (on the celebration of the mass), incompl. at the beginning (= Remigius of Auxerre [c. 841-c. 908], De celebratione missae, which was incorporated into Ps. Alcuin, De diuinis officiis); f. 59r-v, = n. 363; f. 59v-60r = on clerical vestments, inc.: “Primum indumentum est ministris ecclesie superhumerale”; (f. 60v-61v = s. X and XI; f. 62r-v = blank). Reg. lat. 495, s. IX, Tours (Stegmüller, ‘Das Trinitätssymbolum’, p. 153); s. IXin., Tours (Wilmart, Codices, 2, p. 703, 705). 120 f.; 236-239 × 192-195 mm.; 18 lines.





= Collection of works related to Saint Martin of Tours >> n. 28 (f. 1r-2r). Reg. lat. 846, s. IX, “provenant peut-être de Micy” (Wilmart, “Les messes”, p. 69, note 15); f. 99-114 = a somewhat older s. IX hand; these 16 folios were bound into the ms later; the texts on these 16 folios are entirely in Tironian notes except for the titles. Description and transcription of f. 99-114 = Schmitz, Miscellanea Tironiana (entire book). 114 f.

f. 1-99 = legal material, with many Tironian notes in the margin; f. 99r-103v = Defensor of Ligugé, Liber scintillarum (excerpted form; the first 43 chapters); f. 103v-104r = “Incipit epistola consolatoria ad pergentes in bellum” (author and circumstance unknown); f. 104r-106r = a clerical interrogation (the same as in Paris, BnF, lat. 1603, f. 152v-159v; Albi, BM 40, f. 13v-18v; El Escorial, RBSL, L. III. 8, f. 77r-78r, incompletely), tit. and inc.: “Incipiunt sententiae deflorate de diuersis causis. Homo pro quid dicitur? R. Homo dicitur ab humum – (expl.) nullatenus sunt recipienda”>> n. 67, 135, 3; f. 106v-107r = inc.: “Factus est autem homo primus adam de octo partes – De plasmatione adam. Ibi deus adam plasmauit – (expl.) annos de principio mundi”; f. 107r-108r = Eucherius of Lyons, Instructiones, II, excerpts (not in order); f. 108v-109r = Isidore, Origines I. xxvii (“De orthographia”); f. 109v-114v = medicinal. Reg. lat. 1045, s. IX (Schwartz, ACO II, 3, 1, p. 26); s. X (Maassen, Geschichte, p. 739). = Collection of otre-Dame on the Council of Chalcedon (cfr Paris, BnF, lat. 16832) >> (not contiguous:) n. 195, 130. Reg. lat. 1127, S. IX2/4, French; provenance: Angoulême (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 55, note 81). 165 f. (Add. Descrip. = van Egmond, handnotes, received 5/12/09.)

= Collectio S. Mauri (cfr Paris, BnF, lat. 1451, f. 2r-25r, with the same material prior to the Collectio S. Mauri proper, as





noted by Turner, ‘Chapters in the History’, p. 11; Contreni, ‘Two Descriptions’, p. 47; and Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 323). f. f. f. f.

1-3r = various notations; 3v-4r = genealogical tree; 4v = De senioribus conciliis, “Primum concilium nicenum”; 9v-10v = Hic sunt pontifices sancte romane ecclesie beati petri apostoli (= catalogue of the popes ending with Paschal I); (acc. to the microfilm two folios with various notations are inserted here?) f. 11r = Athanasian Creed; f. 11v-20r = n. 110, 39, 58 (frag. = cc. 10-19), 173, 263, 163; Ps. Jerome to Damasus, “Beatissimo papae damaso sedis apostolicae”; f. 20v = Prefatio conciliorum, “Concilium sacrum uenerandi culmina iuris”; Ps.?-Jerome to Damasus, “Hieronimus gloriam sanctitatis tuae nostra humilitas”; f. 21r = Ps.?-Damasus to Jerome, “Gaudet ecclesia tuo fonte iam faciata”; Liber pontificalis; f. 31r = otitia prouinciarum Galliae, etc.; f. 32r-end = Collectio S. Mauri >> n. 58 (f. 41r-46r).

Reg. lat. 1997, f. 1r-152v = s. VIII-IX, Chiete in Abruzzi (Metz model) (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 11, note 41). 160 f.; 276 × 190 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 526533; Turner, ‘Notes and Studies’, p. 14-19.)

f. 1r = two form letters (one to priests on excommunication and penance); f. 1-153 = Collectio Teatina >> n. 142 (f. 137r-152r), n. 195 (f. ?); f. 153v-160r (another hand, s. X?) = Pope Gregory I, Ep. ad Secundinum, “Dilectionis tuae scripta”; Isidore, Ep. ad Massonam de restauratione sacerdotis; “Ordo de sacris ordinibus benedicendis”; a litany. Vat. lat. 266, s. IX (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 16*), at Corbie before an. 830 (Ganz, Corbie, p. 46-47). 197 f.; 326 × 217 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 16*-17*.)





f. 1r = names of twenty-four monks; four alphabets: cryptographic, runic, Greek, and Hebrew; f. 1v = letter of Emperor Gratian to Ambrose, “Cupio ualde” (the letter is repeated with a title on f. 2r); f. 2v-26v = n. 302; f. 26v-83v = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres; f. 84r-100v = Ambrose, De incarnationis dominicae sacramento; f. 100v-107v = Ps. Ambrose, Liber pastoralis; f. 107v-197 = Ambrose, De sacramentis and De mysteriis. Vat. lat. 267, s. IX/X (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 28*). 185 f.; 298 × 220 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 28*-29*; Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 1, p. 422-423.) f. 1-98r = n. 302; f. 98r-183 = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres; De incarnationis dominicae sacramento; f. 184-185 = Liber pontificalis, frag. Vat. lat. 355 + 356, s. IX-X (I. Hilberg, CSEL, 54 (1910), p. 62; M. Kamptner, CSEL, 56/2 (1996), p. 291). Vat. lat. 355 = 184 f., two col. (Add. Descrip. = Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 1, p. 516-524.)

= Letters of Jerome and Ps. Jerome >> n. 39 (f. 73r-74v [f. 75r-76v acc. to Reifferscheid’s foliation]), 51 (f. 134r-137v acc. to Reifferscheid’s foliation), 298 (f. 24r-25v acc. to Reifferscheid’s foliation) (BHM, IA, p. 5-6). (Reifferscheid also describes, p. 524-530, Vat. lat. 356 [191 f., a continuation of Vat. lat. 355], which does not contain any of our texts.) Vat. lat. 630, s. IX3/4, Reims or Corbie (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 223). 321 f. (Add. Descrip. = Hinschius, Decretales, p. lxi-lxiv.)

= Ps. Isidore, Decretales (preceded by canonical pieces: a list of popes, annotations of synods, notice of provinces, form letter) >> (not contiguous:) n. 332, 389, 123, 239, 386, 193.





**Vat. lat. 1320, s. XV, Italy (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 237), contains the Collectio Salisburgensis on the Council of Ephesus >> n. 123. Vat. lat. 1322, s. VIex., probably Verona (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 43, note 32). (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 745-751.)

= Rusticus, Collectio canonum concilii Chalcedonensis >> (not contiguous:) n. 195 (not written out in full), 130, 306, 239. **Vat. lat. 1328, s. XIV (BHM, IIIB, p. 424, n. 512) (Add. Descrip. = de Aldama, El símbolo Toledano I, p. 88, note 46.) F. 415r-v = n. 388, 45, 212, 339.

Vat. lat. 1341, s. IX2/2, Corbie (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 252). = Collectio Hispana Augustodunensis >> (not contiguous:) n. 53, 389, 222, 30, 37, 239, 158, 195, 332, 123?, 386, 263. Vat. lat. 1342, s. VIII or before, central Italy (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 10, note 40). (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 512-522.) 213 f.

= Collectio Vaticana (cfr Firenze, BML, Aedil. 82, and Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 679) >> (not contiguous:) n. 239 (f. 100r-?), 386, 47 (f. 180r-185v), 123, 158, 195, 207, 263 (= c. 27). Vat. lat. 1347, s. IX2/2, Reims (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 263). 180 f.; 270 × 197 mm.; Carolingian miniscule; 29 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Zechiel-Eckes, Die Concordia canonum, Teil 2, p. 344-346.)

f. 1r-63v = Cresconius, Concordia canonum >> n. 263; f. 63v-73v = appendix to the Concordia canonum (cfr Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 233, f. 110v-145v), with the following pieces: Council of Chalcedon, Actio VI, 8 (part); two not identified canons; Pope Leo I, letter to Anastasius of Thessalonica, “Quanta fraternitati” (part) and part of his letter to the Italian bishops, “In consortium”; Archbishop Mansuetus, letter to Emperor Constantinus IV Pogonatus; n. 249 (f. 71v-72v); Expositio sancti Augustini de secreto gloriosae incarnationis domini nostri Iesu Christi; f. 73v-74v (Beneventan script, s. XI) = canonical material; f. 74v-76v = blank;





f. 77r-78v = glossary of words from the councils; f. 79r-180v = Collectio Dacheriana. Vat. lat. 3827, s. IX3/3, France; provenance Beauvais (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 72, note 38); s. IXex., northern France (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 41, note 92). (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 778-780.) = Collectio Bellouacensis >> n. 316 (as part of the Acts of the Council of Friuli of an. 796/7). **Vat. lat. 4887, s. XVI (Madoz, Le Symbole du XIe Concile, p. 13), f. 198v-200r = n. 30 (conserves the variations of a now lost ms, s. IX, of Lucensis [Lugo in Galicia, Spain]). Vat. lat. 5750 + Milano, BA E. 147 sup., s. VII (Schwartz, ACO II, 3, 1, p. 26); s. VII, Bobbio (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 209). Milano, BA E. 147 sup., 226 f., formerly one ms with Vat. lat. 5750, = mostly acts of Council of Chalcedon. (Add. Descrip. = Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 2, p. 22-25.) Vat. lat. 5750 = 143 f., = mostly letters of Pope Leo and others pertaining to the Council of Chalcedon. (Add. Descrip. = Reifferscheid, 1, p. 466-470.) = Collectio otre-Dame uersio emendata (= version of Rusticus, Collectio canonum concilii Chalcedonensis; cfr Reynolds – Firey, p. 209, 237) >> (not contiguous:) n. 195 (not written out in full), 130, 306, 239. **Vat. lat. 5755, s. XI, contains n. 249. Vat. lat. 5760 (olim Bobbio 33 of S. Columbanus), s. IX/X (O. Faller, CSEL, 78, p. 37*). 193 f.; 290 × 194 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Faller, p. 37*-38*.)

Works by or attrib. to Ambrose. f. 1r-78v = n. 302; f. 79r-140v = Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto libri tres; De incarnationis dominicae sacramento; f. 140v-169v = n. 390, 381, 21; f. 169v-184r = Ambrose, De sacramentis; f. 184r-193v = Ambrose, De abuthae (mutilated). Vat. lat. 7207, s. VIIIex., Aachen (Freeman, ‘Additions’, p. 159).





193 f.; 317 × 220 mm.; four hands, Carolingian miniscule; many correctors and Tironian notes contemporaneous with main script. (Add. Descrip. = Freeman, Opus Caroli, p. 67-70.)

f. 3r-192r = Libri Carolini (or Opus Caroli regis contra synodum) >> n. 39 (f. 117v-119v [= f. 116v-118v acc. to old foliation]). Vercelli, Biblioteca Capitulare **CXLIII, s. X2/2 (Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 640), contains n. 283. Verdun, Bibliothèque municipale 27, s. IX2/3, eastern France (Bischoff, by letter). 126 f.; 136 × 100 mm.; 16 lines, 4-6 words per line. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 109-110.)

Clerical school?/study book. f. 1v-59v = Isidore, De natura rerum (here entitled “Liber astracaelorum”); f. 60r-66v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, inc.: “Quia stuppida mens”; f. 67r-118r = n. 346 (>> frag. of 347), 106, 269, 140, 295, 249; f. 118r-122v = two expositions on baptism; f. 122v-124r = n. 3, 290; f. 124r-126r = interpretatio of the word “letter”, inc.: “Littera quid est? R. aelimentum”. Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare XV (13), s. VII2/2 or VIII1/2 (Spagnolo, I Manoscritti, p. 64). 137 f.; 233 × 195 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Spagnolo, p. 64-67.)

= Almost entirely letters of Jerome, interspersed with a few other works not by Jerome >> n. 10 (f. 87r-90r), 303 (frag., f. 119r-122r). XXXIII (31), s. VIII-IX (J. Zycha, CSEL, 41, p. iii). 70 f. (Add. Descrip. = Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 1, p. 7-8.)

f. 1 = Augustine, De agone Christiano; f. 40r-70v = n. 297.





**LVII (55), s. X (Schwartz, ACO, I, 2, p. i). (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 727-732.) = Collectio Veronensis concilii Ephesini >> n. 122 (= c. 29). LVIII (56), s. IX (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 237). 312 f.

= Rusticus, Collectio canonum concilii Chalcedonensis >> (not contiguous:) n. 195 (not written out in full), 130, 306, 239, 386 (lacking a number of cc.). LIX (57), s. VI-VII, probably Verona (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 43, note 32). 255 f.; 230 × 200 mm.; ca. 25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 761-763; Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca, 1, p. 28-35.)

= Collectio Veronensis incompleta (cc. 1-21 and beginning of c. 22 lacking, also incompl. at end). f. 1r-3r (c. 22) = n. 34 (frag. of the end); f. 3r-7r (c. 23) = Ps. Athanasius, tract on the Creed, “Incipit s. Athanasi de symbolo. Vna fides sed non in omnibus fidei una mensura est – doctrina constituit. amen. explicit” (ed. Bianchini, Enarratio, p. 95 [acc. to Künstle, Eine Bibliothek, p. 29]);9 f. 7r-11v (cc. 24-25) = n. 381 (frag.); f. 93r-96r (c. 35) = n. 382; f. 96r-v (c. 36) = creed of the Council of Chalcedon; f. 96v-105v (cc. 37-38) = n. 386, followed by an appendix (f. 105v-129v), consisting of nine excerpts from authentic works of Augustine (f. 105v-117v); n. 227, 159, 226 (f. 117v-126v = Ps. Augustine, Sermones 237, 238, 239); Ps. Augustine, Sermo 118 (“De incarnatione dictum in natale domini”; f. 127r-129v); f. 129v-134r (c. 39) = Ps. Augustine / Ps. Maximus of Turin, Tractatus I De baptismo; f. 134r-139r (c. 40) = n. 250; f. 139r-142v (c. 41) = Ps. Augustine / Ps. Maximus of Turin, Tractatus III De baptismo; 9  The text is not included in the Catalogue because it is not known in a Carolingian ms.





f. 142v-152r (cc. 42-44) = Ps. Augustine, two sermons on penance and one on the resurrection (ed. Mai, oua patrum bibliotheca, 1, p. 385, 387, 389); f. 152r-162v (c. 45) = n. 195; f. 216r-234r (c. 52) = Canons and Creed of Nicea I, among which (f. 230v-231r) is n. 158. LX (58), s. VIII2/2, Italy (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 62, note 3). 126 f.; 270 × 200 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 546551; Telfer, ‘The Codex Verona LX (58)’, p. 170-185; cfr Roma, Bibl. Casanatense 378 + Verona, BC LX, described above.)

f. 1r-35r = Collectio concilii Carthaginiensis an. 419; (f. 35v = s. XII; f. 36r = blank; f. 36v = s. X); f. 37r-126v = Collectio canonum Theodosii diaconi >> n. 158 (near the beginning), 58 (last piece in the Collectio, f. 116v126v, lacking last two cc.). LXI (59), s. VII-VIII, Verona (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 174). Contains the Epitome Hispana >> n. 123. Vesoul, Bibliothèque municipale **73, s. XI, France (Brommer, Capitula episcoporum, p. 98), 88 f. = penitentials; capitulary of Vesoul; clerical interrogation (ending with a questionnaire on the creed, f. 55v-57v); n. 269 (f. 57v-63r; not mentioned in our catalogue); “De officio”; exposition on the Lord’s Prayer; n. 353 (f. 66r-68v); first capitulary of Theodulf of Orléans; questions and responses, “Canon in qua lingua dicitur” (= excerpt from Collectio Sangermanensis). (Add. Descrip. = Fournier, ‘Notices’, p. 79-80, note 2.) Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek **305, s. XV (PLS, 1, 599), contains n. 155. 411, s. VIII-IX, eastern France (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 252); c. 800, region of the Rhine (Schneider, Die Konzilsordines, p. 127). 314 f.; 311 × 200 mm.; 30-32 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Díez – Rodríguez, La Colección, 1, p. 104-109; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 668.)





f. 1r-310r = Collectio Hispana Gallica >> (not contiguous:) n. 53, 222, 30, 37, 239, 332, 389 (cfr Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 575, described above); f. 310v-314 (different hand) = canonical addenda (prefaces to Nicea I; Nicene Creed; n. 239 [first eight anathemas]; Regula formatarum of Atticus [on which, see Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Ottob. lat. 261, f. 123v]). 458, an. 821-859, Salzburg (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 155). 192 f.; 282 × 188 mm.; 25 lines; colored initial letters. (Add. Descrip. = Mantuani – Zeissberg, Tabulae codicum, vol. 1-2, p. 75.)

Monastic schoolbook. f. 1r-26v = Arculf, De locis sanctis Ierusalem (edited under the name of Adamnan); f. 27r-81r = Alcuin, Disputatio puerorum >> n. 109, 112 (f. 71v80r); f. 81v-179r = works of Alcuin (letter to Arno of Salzburg, “Dum uestram, uenerande pater, sanctissimam uoluntatem”; expositions on the penitential psalms, Ps. 118, and the graduale psalms; De confessione peccatorum ad pueros S. Martini; De imagine Dei); f. 179r-186r = Paulinus, Patriarch of Aquileia, ‘Dictatus’ on baptism; f. 186r-189v = Alcuin, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum de ordinandis piis praedicatoribus; f. 189v-191v (s. IXex., Salzburg, many hands) = sermon with closing “amen” in Tironian notes. 489, s. IX1/4, Salzburg (Reynolds – Firey, Vademecum, p. 237). 194 f.; 257 × 185 mm.; 25 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 128-129; Maassen, Geschichte, p. 732-733.)

= Collectio Salisburgensis on the Council of Ephesus >> n. 122. 515, c. an. 800 (Bouhot, ‘Alcuin’, p. 183). 8 f. (Add. Descrip. = Mantuani – Zeissberg, Tabulae codicum, vol. 1-2, p. 87.)

f. 1r-5r = Annales Laureshamenses, frag.; f. 5r = s. X (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 1, p. 145) (= Germanic poem of Christ and the Samaritan woman); f. 5v = responses with neumes; f. 6r-8v = n. 204.





**664, s. XIV (PLS, 1, 599), contains n. 155. **701, s. XI (Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 373) = Pontificale Romano-Germanicum saeculi decimi >> n. 74 (f. 143v-144v), 188 (within “Ordo de uerbis graecis baptisterii”, f. 144v-145r), 277 (f. 145r-147r). (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, p. 373-388; Keefe, microfilm.) **768, s. XII (Burn, iceta, p. 38), 131 f., f. 1r-3r = n. 262 (incompl.); f. 3v-131v = Origenes, Homilies on Leviticus and Joshua. 1032, s. IXin., region of the upper Rhine (Bischoff, ‘Panorama’, p. 235). 86 f. (Add. Descrip. = Mantuani – Zeissberg, Tabulae codicum, vol. 1-2, p. 179-180.)

(f. 1r = pen figure of St Isidore; f. 1v = s. XII); f. 2r-86r = n. 190, 158 (first part), Nicene Creed (original), 212, 269 (incompl.); f. 86v = tract on the fourfold sense of Scripture, inc.: “Digna scriptura in duas diuidit species”. 1370, s. IX1/4-2/4, Mondsee (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 24). 120 f.; 180 × 130 mm.; 17, 19 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 115-116.)

Perhaps a bishop’s pastoral manual. f. 1r = exorcisms; f. 1v-18r exposition on baptism >> n. 84 (f. 7v-10v); f. 18r-53v = Institutio canonicorum of the Council of Aachen, an. 816, the final c. (= Epilogus breuiter digestus) and cc. 15-36 of the Council; f. 53v-62v = pastoral instruction, inc.: “Qualis debeat esse pastor aecclesiae”; f. 63r-70r = excerpt on fasting; Pope Gregory I, Regula pastoralis, part 1, c. 11; f. 70r-71v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer; f. 71v-81v = Creed and canons of Nicea I; f. 81v-83r = exposition on the mass by interr./resp.; f. 83v-89r = n. 26 (different recension); f. 89r-90r = on the eight principal vices, inc.: “De octo uitiis principalibus quorum nomina haec sunt: superbia, guila “;





f. 90r-98v = Collectio Hibernensis, excerpts (inc.: “De ratione matrimonii hieronimus ait”); f. 99r-107v = ‘Acts of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus’; f. 107v-120v = sermon, “De confusione diaboli et inferni”. 1616, s. VIIIex., probably northern Italy (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 168). 186 f.; 224 × 168 mm.; 18-20 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Grégoire, Homéliaires, p. 281-291.)

f. 2r-186v = Homiliary >> n. 311 (frag., f. 31v-33r), 312 (two fragments, separated by a frag. from another work, f. 33v, 34r), 184 (frag., separated from n. 312 by a frag. from another work, f. 34r-37v), 8 (f. 70v-78v). **1817, s. XII2/2, 192 f. = The Pontifical of Passau >> n. 74 (f. 54r57r), 277 (f. 59v-64r). (Descrip. = Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 388-397.) 1861, s. VIIIex., Aachen (Bullough, ‘Alcuin’, p. 35, note 74). 161 f.; 192 × 120 mm.; 23 lines, entirely in gold letters, lavishly decorated. (Add. Descrip. = Beer, Monumenta, 1, p. 29-35.)

= The Dagulf Psalter. f. 1-4 = (post s. IX, not part of original codex); f. 5r-10r = Nicene Creed (original), n. 212, 80, 388, 39; f. 10v-22v = poem (paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer); Gloria; prefatory material to the psalter (explanations on the origin and interpretation of the Psalms from Ps. Jerome/ Ps. Damasus, Jerome, Cassiodorius, Isidore, ‘Augustine’); f. 23r-24r = blank; f. 25r-145v = text of the Psalter; f. 146r-158v = biblical canticles, doxology, Lord’s Prayer, Apostles’ Creed, Athanasian Creed; f. 159-161 = (post s. IX, not part of original codex). 2141, c. an. 780, region of Lorsch (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 240). 171 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 487, 494-500.)

= Collectio Quesnelliana >> n. 158, 212, 339, 47, 53, 386, 115, 122, 239, 306, 195 (not all contiguous; cfr Arras, BM 644). 2147, c. an. 780, region of Lorsch (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 240). 229 f. (Add. Descrip. = Maassen, Geschichte, p. 488-490, 494-500.)





= Collectio Quesnelliana >> n. 158, 212, 339, 47, 53, 386, 115, 122, 239, 306, 195 (not all contiguous; cfr Arras, BM 644). 2223, s. IXin., written for a convent probably on the Main River (Bischoff, ‘Panorama’, p. 248). 87 f. (Add. Descrip. = Mantuani – Zeissberg, Tabulae codicum, vol. 1-2, p. 36-37.)

f. 1r = blank; f. 1v-41r = three penitentials; f. 41r-55r = Pope Gregory I, excerpts from his letter to Augustine of Canterbury on penance, and the letter of Augustine with responses of Gregory; f. 55r-v = Isidore, Origines IX, vi, 23-29 (on affinity, “Auctor mei generis mihi pater est – propinquitas generis tot gradibus aestimaretur”); f. 56r-77v = n. 121, 131, 46, 388; f. 77v-87r = penitential; f. 87r-v = Ps. Boniface, excerpt, “De dictis s. bonifacii archiepiscopi. quomodo possumus – cum lacrimis. explicit” (on the redemption of penances). 3093bis, s. IX (Díaz y Díaz, Index, p. 35, n. 113); s. VIII (Mantuani – Zeissberg, Tabulae codicum, vol. 1-2, p. 195). Collection of four fragments: (1) 15 f. = frag. of an OHG version of the Gospel of Matthew; (2) 6 f. = n. 190 (frag.); (3) 2 f. = frag. of a homily of Ps. Isidore on the nativity of the Lord; (4) 4 f. = frag. of Augustine, Sermo 76. Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek Gud. lat. 179, s. IX, Corvey; came to Corbie s. IX (Ganz, Corbie, p. 66, 158). 168 f.; 237 × 165 mm.; 22 lines; three contemporaneous hands. (Add. Descrip. = Koehler – Milchsack, Die Gudischen Handschriften, p. 180-181.)

f. 2r-77r = Prosper of Aquitaine, De uocatione gentium; f. 78r-98r = letters of Pope Leo I (to Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem, on the Eutchycian heresy; to Julian; to the Empress


f. f. f. f.




Pulcheria; to the Emperor Leo, “Promisisse memini, uenerabilis imperator”; to the Constantinopolitans); 98v-99v = blank; 100r-108v (second hand begins) = Jerome, Ep. ad Ctesifontem; 108v-166v = Jerome, Dialogus aduersus Pelagianos, sub persona Attici catholici et Cretoboli haeretici; 167r-169r (third hand) = n. 39.

**Helmst. 141, s. XII, 115 f. = Liber ceremoniarum >> n. 277 (f. 108v). (Descrip. = Heinemann, Die Helmstedter Handschriften, 1, p. 138-139.) **Helmst. 493, s. XI, 298 f. = Liber liturgicus nuncupatus Ordo Romanus) >> n. 277 (f. 68r). (Descrip. = Heinemann, Die Helmstedter Handschriften, 1, p. 375-376.) Helmst. 496a, c. an. 800, Fulda (Bullough, ‘Aula Renouata’, p. 142). 26 f.; 260 × 160 mm.; Anglo-saxon script, one hand. (Add. Descrip. = Heinemann, Die Helmstedter Handschriften, 1, p. 377.)

‘Reference library copy’ (Bullough, p. 142). f. 1r-15r = Charlemagne, Admonitio generalis, an. 789; f. 15r-21v = n. 254; f. 21v-25v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer attrib. to Augustine, “Quero uos fratres”; f. 25v-26v and partly on the inside cover = paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer, “O quam magna est clementia dei”. Helmst. 532 (579), probably c. an. 820, perhaps in Salzburg, but not in the regular scriptorium (Bischoff, Schreibschulen, 2, p. 149). 174 f.; 235 × 150 mm.; 36, 25 lines; many contemporaneous hands. (Add. Descrip. = Heinemann, Die Helmstedter Handschriften, 2, p. 20-23; Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 117-120.)

Perhaps a bishop’s collection for instruction or an episcopal schoolbook. f. 2r-54r = Defensor of Ligugé, Scintillarum liber (incompl. at the beginning); f. 54r-55v = Charlemagne, letter to Alcuin on septuagesima, sexagesima, and quinquagesima (MGH Epp., 4, Ep. 144, p. 228-230);





f. 5v = various brief notations, inc.: “Cardinales sunt numeri – euangelium quid est? – de peccatis adae. id est superbia, sacrilegium”; f. 56r = tit.: “Monita cuiusdam sancti de uirtutibus”. (inc.:) “Timor dei expellit”; f. 56v-85v = Isidore, Proemia de libris noui et ueteris Testamenti; Liber de ortu et obitu patrum; Allegoriae quaedam sacrae Scripturae; Ps. Isidore, Liber de genealogiis, inc.: “Duo sunt Adam, unus est protoplaustus” (incompl.); Isidore, Chronicon (last part); f. 85v-86r = preface to an Epitome temporum, and very brief annals from the Emperor Heraclius to an. 820, inc.: “Ab eracleo usque ad constantinum sunt anni XXX”; f. 86v-91r = circulatory letter of Louis the Pious (here to Archbishop Arno of Salzburg) on the transmission of the Regulae canonicorum of an. 817; decrees of the Council of Aachen of an. 817 (incompl.); f. 91v-93r = clerical interrogation >> n. 284 (f. 91v-92v; which contains a frag. of 347); f. 93v = canon on criminous clergy; f. 94r = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer, “Magna est dignitas hominum”; f. 94r-v = on measures, “Libra una et semis eminam”; f. 95r-114r = Eucherius of Lyons, Instructionum ad Veranum libri duo; f. 114r-120v = glossaries; f. 121r-v = ordo for a synod; f. 122r-134v = Junilius Africanus, De partibus legis diuinae libri duo >> n. 30; f. 134v-138v = clerical interrogation; exposition on the clerical grades; various moral dicta, maxims; catalogue of the kings of Israel since Roboam; f. 139r-153r = Alcuin, Dialogus seu disputatio de rhetorica et de uirtutibus; f. 153v = names of pagan gods, names for rulers, names of the months for the Hebrews; f. 154r-170v = Bavarian Law Code (with Prologue and some additions); f. 170v-173v = frag. of the Lombard Law Code (edict of King Rothar).





Helmst. 842, s. IX2/4, c. 840, Fulda, by the scribe Ercanberthus (Zechiel-Eckes, Die Concordia canonum, Teil 2, p. 352). 91 f.; 200 × 140-145 mm.; Carolingian miniscule with insular abbreviations; 32 lines. Decorated initials in blue and gold. (Add. Descrip. = Zechiel-Eckes, p. 352-354.)

f. 2r-79r = Cresconius, Concordia canonum >> n. 263; f. 79r-88v = appendix to the Concordia canonum (cfr Montpellier, BI, Section Médecine 233, f. 110v-145v), with the same series of pieces as in Vaticano, BAV, Vat. Pal. lat. 579; n. 249 is on f. 87r-88r; f. 89r-91r = Latin (partly Latin-OHG) synonym glossary. Weiss. 12 (4096), s. IX2/2, northern Germany? (Butzmann, Kataloge, p. 106). 194 f.; 330 × 255 mm.; 28 lines. (foliation = Butzmann, p. 107-113). (Add. Descrip. = Grégoire, Homéliaires, p. 393-422.)

= Homiliary >> n. 314, 5, 376 (f. 20v-28v). Weiss. 68, s. IXmed., Weissenburg (Butzmann, Kataloge, p. 214). 194 f.; 245 × 175 mm.; 28-29 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Butzmann, p. 214-216.)

Collection of moral and dogmatic works of four parts, joined together in s. IX: (1) f. 1v-57v = Augustine, De nuptiis et concupiscentiis; (2) f. 58r-94v = Augustine, De catechizandis rudibus; (3) f. 95v-186v = Augustine, Sermo 71 (“De euangelica quaestione idem de spiritu blasphemiae”); Fulgentius, De praedestinatione; Ps. Augustine, Sermo 82 (“De eo quod scriptum est, Si peccauerit in te”); Augustine, Aduersus Iudaeos; Augustine, Sermo 160, end frag., “Haec est doctrina christiani, humilitatis praeceptum – numquam se sanat egrotus” (= c. 5, last half-c. 7, end; PL, 38, 876-877; on glorying in the cross, against the Jews); Augustine, De bono uiduitatis; (4) f. 187r-194r = n. 202, 60; Ps. Jerome, De septem sigillis, “Legimus in Apocalypsin septem sigillis librum esse signatum”. **Weiss. 75 (4159), s. X2/2 (Butzmann, Kataloge, p. 226); s. XI/XII (Hanssens, ‘Deux documents’, p. 71), 121 f.; = largely works of Ama-





larius. Besides n. 370 (f. 104v) mentioned in our catalogue, the ms also contains: n. 94 (f. 93r-v); a variation of n. 254 (f. 93v-94r; same expl., but inc. = “Quid est symbolum? R. Symbolum grece, latine signum”); and n. 269 (95r-98v). Weiss. 91, s. IX1/2, Weissenburg (Butzmann, Kataloge, p. 257); s. IX, early, “possible Worms Domstift origin; definitely not Weissenburg” (Bullough, Alcuin: Achievement, p. 194, note 195). 176 f.; 210 × 122 mm.; 25, 26, 28, 38 lines; many hands. (Add. Descrip. = Butzmann, p. 257-268.)

A book for the instruction of a monk-cleric in a monastic school, perhaps; it is composed of five parts, different in their content and size of the written format: (1) f. 1v-24v = Canones Eusebiani 1-10; Pope Gregory I, Oratio de mortalitate, frag.; poem on St Peter; verse on the cross; (2) f. 25v-88v = Ps. Pope Clement I, letters to St James, the brother of the Lord; Vita of Pope Clement I; Ps. Jerome to Damasus on the mass; Pope Gregory I, Decretum ad clerum in basilica beati Petri; ordines Romani (some entire, some partial, of Andrieu’s numbers I, III, XI, XXIV, XXVIII, XXV, XXVIIIA, XXVI); Decretum Gelasianum de libris recipiendis et non recipiendis; Denuntiatio ieiuniorum; Ordo de sacris ordinibus benedicendis; ordines Romani (XXXIV, XLII, XLI for the ordination of clergy and dedication of a church); other liturgical fragments; verse on Gregory the Great; frag. of an introduction to a gradual or antiphonal; (3) f. 89v-103r, 161r-175r = computus material (only these folios = 38 lines); (4) f. 104v-126v = n. 9, 138, 125, 39, 13, 269; prayer to Mary, “Lacta, mater, eum”; two expositions and a sermon on the Lord’s Prayer; prayer for temporate weather; epitaph of Riculf, Archbishop of Mainz (d. 813); (5) f. 127v-160v = Pope Damasus, Epigramma in Sanctum Paulum; canons of concordances from all the letters of St Paul, inc.: “De unitate ecclesiae: ad corinthios prima epistula, capitulum secundum”; chapters and incipits of the letters of St Paul and of the letter to the Hebrews; Virgil, Georgica, frag.; note on the plagues of Egypt; exposition on the clerical grades; catechism in OHG and Latin, including an exposition on the Lord’s Prayer; n. 90 (f. 151v-152v);





the Apostles’ and Athanasian Creeds; the Gloria; (f. 157v161r:) breviary of the homilies of Pope Gregory I; uerse (mostly on St Peter). Wrocñaw (Breslau), Universitätsbibliothek **Cod. I. Q(uart.) 344, s. XV (Caspari, Alte und neue Quellen, p. 227), = collection vol. of various tracts >> n. 350. Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek M. p. th. f. 70, s. IXc. p. 244).


, probably Italy (Mordek, Kirchenrecht,

Contains the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana >> (not contiguous:) n. 123, 195, 201, 239, 263, 298. M. p. th. f. 80, s. IX2/3, Bavaria (Étaix, ‘Le recueil’, p. 125). 168 f.; 259 × 184 mm.; 17 lines; Carolingian unciales. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, handnotes; Thurn, Die Handschriften, p. 66-67.)

f. 1r-139v = Homiliary of Hrabanus Maurus >> n. 225 (f. 32r36v); f. 140r-168v = various homilies. M. p. th. f. 144, s. IXin. (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 149, note 242); f. 78v-80r = a more recent addition, s. IX1/2 (Thurn, Die Handschriften, p. 70). 80 numbered f.; 260 × 195 mm.; 21 lines; f. 2r-78v = one hand. Some insular letters, some decorated initial letters.

(f. 1r = s. XIII ex libris: “Liber sancti Kyliani”); f. 1v = blank; f. 2r-77v = n. 190; f. 77v-78v = Eucherius of Lyons, Formulae spiritalis intellegentiae, frag. of the preface, inc.: “ formulas spiritalis intellegentiae componendas tibique mittendas pro studio paternae erga te sollicitudinis – (expl.: ergo scripturae sacrae sicut traditur in littera est. deo gratias. amen”) (= PL, 50, 727A-728A); f. 78v-79v (another hand, not insular) = a reading and a homily, inc.: “Hebdomas II ante natale domini lectio secundum matthaeum. cum audisset iohannes in uinculis opera christi – an alium expectamus? cur iohannes qui in carcere





erat misit discipulos – (expl.) reddere unicuique secundum opera sua”. f. 80r = a brief admonition (same hand), “Hunc ante oculos ponite – in saecula sempiterna”. M. p. th. f. 146, s. IX1/3, Mainfränkisch (Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 81, note 88). 114 f.; 295 × 196 mm.; 26 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Thurn, Die Handschriften, p. 72-74.)

(f. 2r = s. X/XI; f. 2v = blank); f. 3r-108v = Collectio Wirceburgensis >> n. 239 (incompl.) (f. 26v-27r); f. 108v-112r = glossary of words from the canons; f. 112v = a penitential canon, “Si quis fornicatus fuerit”; probationes pennae; f. 113r = note about certain number relationships in the Gospels; a gloss; probationes pennae. Zürich, Zentralbibliothek Car. C. 102, s. IX3/3, Switzerland-northern Italy (Bischoff, by letter). 93 f.; 279 × 187 mm.; c. 22 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Andrieu, Les Ordines Romani, 1, p. 458-464; Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 121-122.)

A volume made for study, not for use in a church (see Andrieu, p. 476, on the purpose of such a book, combining collections of liturgical ordines and didactic expositions). f. 1r-v = prayer of blessing for the palm and olive; Bede, De temporum ratione, c. 66, frag. (on the ages of the world); f. 2r-32v = end frag. of an ordo for liturgical readings and ordines Romani (Andrieu’s I, XI, XXVIII, XLI, XLII, XXXVIIA for mass, baptism, Holy Week, the dedication of a church, and the Ember Days), ordines for electing the clerical orders; f. 33r-55v = Isidore, Origines VI–VIII, iii, (on the ecclesiastical books and orders; on God, the angels and saints; on the church and sects), excerpts; f. 55v-59v = exposition on baptism;





f. 59v = n. 319 (incompl.); exposition on the mass, “Dominus uobiscum. salutat” (incompl. due to loss of folios); f. 60r-68r = end frag. of an interpreation of the preceding exposition on the mass; f. 68r-78r = Amalarius, Ep. ad Petrum abbatem onantulanum (concerning Amalarius’ exposition on baptism); Charlemagne’s circulatory questionnaire on baptism and his letter to Amalarius in response to Amalarius’ exposition on baptism; Amalarius, Ep. ad Carolum Magnum imperatorem de caeremoniis baptismi >> n. 344 (f. 72v-73r); Peter Abbot of Nonantola, letter to Amalarius on Amalarius’ baptismal exposition; Amalarius, verses sent to Peter of Nonanatola; f. 78r-93v = fragments of two expositions on the mass. Car. C. 116, s. IX (Mohlberg, Katalog, p. 119). 66 f.; 278 × 180 mm.

(The contents are the same as Sankt Gallen, SB 90, above.) f. 1r-50v = n. 97; f. 51r-66r = Jerome, Contra Luciferianos dialogus (or Altercatio Luciferiani et Orthododoxi) (CPL, 608; PL, 23, 155-182, inc.: “Proxime accidit ut [quod] quidam luciferi sectator – [expl.:] posse quam persuaderi”). Rh. 41, s. IX-X (Mohlberg, Katalog, p. 177). 267 f.; 275 × 190 mm.; 30 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Mohlberg, p. 177178.)

= Almost entirely a collection of letters and homilies of Jerome and Ps. Jerome >> n. 298 (f. 10r), 46 (f. 243v-244r). Rh. 95, f. 1r-124v = s. IX/X, probably southwestern Germany (Bischoff, by letter); s. X and f. 125r-130v = s. XI (Mohlberg, Katalog, p. 205). 131 f.; 197 × 135 mm.; 19 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Keefe, Water and the Word, 2, p. 123-124; Mohlberg, p. 204-205.)

Monastic schoolbook. f. f. f. f.

1r-2r = ordo for the readings at matins; 2r-19v = Ps. Cyprian, De duodecim abusiuis saeculi; 19v-44v = Isidore, Allegoriae quaedam sanctae Scripturae; 44v = excerpts from Ecclesiasticus;





f. 45r-57r = sentences of Seneca; f. 57r-68r = two expositions on baptism; f. 68r-69r = n. 59; f. 68r-87r = homily on the dedication of a church, and sermons of Caesarius of Arles (on martyrs, the fire of purgatory, and the Last Supper); f. 87r-91v = Tertullian, Apologeticum, excerpt; f. 91v-103v = Q. Curtius Rufus, Historia Alexandri Magni, two excerpts; f. 103v-104v = Augustine, Enchiridion, 39. 109-110 (on the souls of the dead and on offerings for the dead); f. 104v-121r = Pope Gregory I, letter to Abbot Conon of Lérins, and Libellus responsionum ad Augustinum Cantuariensis; f. 121r-124v = mass prefaces from a Gelasian of the eighth century-type sacramentary; (f. 125r-130v = s. XI). Rh. 102, s. IX and X, composed of three codices: f. 1r-63v, 64r136v = s. IX; f. 137r-200v = s. X (Mohlberg, Katalog, p. 209). 200 f.; 190 × 138 mm.; 20 lines. (Add. Descrip. = Mohlberg, p. 209211.)

Perhaps a book of instruction for a cleric in a monastic school. f. 1r-45r = n. 131; f. 45v-56v = martyrology (= oldest calendar of Rheinau); computus; f. 57r-98r = n. 106, 305, 164, 14, 181; f. 98r-115v = Isidore, Sententiarum libri tres, I; f. 115v-120v = Bede, De temporum ratione, 69-70; f. 121r-127v = n. 106 (sic, again; here only questions 1-12), 60; f. 127v-136r = Halitgar of Cambrai, Paenitentiale libri sex, 2; f. 136r = a gloss in OHG. Rh. 104, s. IX (Mohlberg, Katalog, p. 211). 192 f.; 183 × 120 mm.; two manuscripts bound together; different hands in “Rätisch” script.

I. f. 1-94 = Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis; f. 94-99 = clerical interrogation (reportedly the same as in Paris, BnF, lat. 1603, Albi, BM 40, etc., but here incomplete, inc.:) “In christi nomine incipit liber sententiarum de





diuersis floratibus. homo pro quid dicitur? homo dictus ad umum…(expl.) crucifixus, mortuus et sepultus. Explicit liber” >> n. 67, 135, 3? (the clerical interrogation is incomplete, so I am uncertain if it has all three texts). f. 99-100 = (the end of Alcuin’s De uirtutibus et uitiis on f. 1-94). II. f. 101-190 = Jerome, Epistola ad Eustochium; f. 188-189 = two necrology notices: “Waldger diaconus obit in V Idus Iulii; Egino prespiter obit in XIII Kl. Augusti”; f. 191-192 = epitaph of Alcuin. Rh. 140, s. VIII (Mohlberg, Katalog, p. 228). 131 f.; 142 × 96 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Mohlberg, p. 228-230.)

f. 1r-22r = sermons (Pope Gregory I, Ps. Augustine, Faustus of Riez); f. 22r-32r = n. 286; f. 32r-45r = various moral excerpts from the fathers; f. 45v-73r = letters of Jerome; f. 73v-74v = Isidore, Sententiarum libri tres, II, vi (“De praedestinatione”) and II, xxiv (“De peccati recordatione”), incompl.; (f. 75r-v = s. XI); f. 76r-125v = sermons (Augustine, Ps. Augustine, Caesarius); f. 126-128 = only remnants; f. 129-131 = badly mutilated; f. 131r-131v = continuation (from f. 30r) of an exposition on the Lord’s Prayer found in the Gelasian Sacramentary, “Dominus noster [iesus christus inter] cetera sacra precepta”, incompl. C. 64 (286), s. VIII/IX, probably Sankt Gallen (Mohlberg, Katalog, p. 35, 38). 211 f.; 265 × 173 mm.; 26 lines; many hands. Clerical study book for doctrinal and moral instruction. f. 1r-5v = n. 349; f. 6r = Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed; f. 6r-7v = exposition on the Lord’s Prayer found in the Missale Gallicanum in the aurium apertio of the elect, “Dominus et





saluator noster discipulis suis petentibus” (PL, 72, 353B354C); f. 7v = dicta of Isidore, “Verba isydori: orationibus mundamur – cum domino loquimur”; f. 8r = Augustine, Sermo 177 (on the ascension of the Lord), incompl.; f. 8r-19r = inc.: “Excarpsum de diuersis auctoribus. gratias agimus, domine – (expl.:) neque maledicentes regnum dei possidebunt”; f. 19r-27v = excerpts from sermons (some by Caesarius of Arles) on avarice, temptation, penance, purgatory, the last judgment; f. 28r-39v = various excerpts: “In dialigorum “; “De uestibus preciosis”; “Sanctus gregorius super euangelium exposuit”; “Sancti augustini ad populum: adest nobis splendidus dies”; “Excarpsum de ep. sancti cy

riani de tempore quod absit mortalitas”; f. 39v-41v = inc.: “Regula euangeliorum quattuor. matthaeus regulam iustitiae – (expl.:) gentes perixisse”; f. 41v-45v = six homily fragments; f. 45v-47r = various excerpts: “Inter creatione mundi”; “Item dixit: in principio creauit deus”; “In sinodo niceno scriptum est: malum uel malitia”; “Duo sunt differentiae uel ordines hominum”; “Sancti augustinus dixit: qui ergo in hac uita peregrinamur”; f. 47r-167r = excerpts on various subjects: forgiving sins, renouncing riches, the servitude of Christ, penance, the seven clerical grades, wisdom, assiduity in reading, false prophets, pride and humility, avarice and cupidity, patience and peace, tribulation and persecution, the New and Old Testament; the yoke of Christ, honoring priests, the eight principal vices (f. 121v-134r), etc., (f. 149v-150r:) the eight damnations of death, the twelve grades of humility, etc., from Scripture, Jerome, Ephraem, Pope Gregory I, Augustine, and others; f. 167r-179r = excerpts from Gregory’s Pastoral Rule and Dialogues; f. 179r-193r = excerpts from a Gospel commentary by Ps. Jerome; f. 193r-202v = sermons of Caesarius of Arles; f. 202v-208r = excerpts from the Verba seniorum;





f. 208r-v = excerpt from Augustine, inc.: “Facilius est camellum – (expl.:) peruenire non poterit”; f. 208v-210r = n. 308; f. 210r-211r = excerpt from Augustine on the value of singing the Psalms; f. 211r-v = n. 113. C. 78 (451), f. 1r-6v, 47r-162v = s. IX; f. 7r-46v = s. XIV-XV (Mohlberg, Katalog, p. 42, 43); f. 47-162 = c. 900 (Bischoff, ‘Bücher am Hofe’, p. 210). 162 f.; composed of four parts: f. 1-6 = 185 × 115 mm.; f. 7-33 = 195 × 141 mm.; f. 34-46 = 197 × 142 mm.; f. 47-162 = 225 × 165 mm. (Add. Descrip. = Mohlberg, p. 42-44.)

Monastic schoolbook. f. 1r-6v = Alcuin, De uirtutibus et uitiis ad Widonem comitem (incompl.); f. 7r-46v = s. XIV-XV; f. 47r = Augustine, De ciuitate Dei, frag. (18. 23, n. 2, on Sybilline prophecies concerning Christ, inc.: “Inserit etiam lactantius”); f. 47v-48v = hymn to Mary; f. 48v-50v = Carmina Sangallensia; the arabic number signs; f. 51r-54r = various school pieces, including a glossary; formulas for entrance to monastic life; f. 54v-57r = n. 39; f. 57v = verse: “Herbarum species”; f. 58r-82v = Quintus Serenus, Liber medicinae; f. 82v-122v = various (among others: the seven wonders of the world; Alcuin to Daphne, “Quia pridem” [on the number of sixty queens and eighty concubines in Song of Songs 6, 7]; poems of Theodulf; distichs of Cato; Bede, Ep. de mansionibus filiorum Israhel; f. 123r-127v = n. 269; f. 128r-162v = various pieces (among others: Priscian; verses; excerpts from Augustine, De ciuitate Dei; Columbanus; Silvius; sentences of Publilius Syrus).

ADDENDUM P. van Egmond has kindly given me a more detailed description of the fragmentary manuscript (7 folios) ’s-Gravenhage, Koninklijke Bibliotheek 130. E. 6 (s. IX3/3) (see description p. 238-239)1. According to photos and a transcription received from him: f. 1v-4r = a seemingly unpublished Carolingian creed commentary, inc.: “Primum quaeri cum omni sollertia immo inuestigari omni alacritatis ingenio conuenit cur symbolum ab apostolis conscriptum constiterit… (what follows is largely Isidore, De eccles. off. II. 23 followed by [f. 3v-4r, in illuminated lines] the Apostles’ Creed with the names of the apostles each assigned a verse): … Simon Petrus dixit ‘Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem … (expl.:) …Mathias dixit `carnis resurrectionem, uitam aeternam’. Amen.” f. 4v = the original Nicene creed, but without the anathema, inc. and expl: “Incipit expositio fidei nicenae uel sinodicae disciplinae. Credimus in unum deum patrem omnipotentem… iudicare uiuos et mortuos. Et in Spiritum Sanctum. Haec est fides quam exposuerunt patres apud Niceam ciuitatem trecem decem et octo episcopi in unum congregati.” f. 4v-5r = Fides Gregorii Neocesariae episcopi et martyris. Vnus deus principium et pater… eadem trinitas semper. = Cat, 388. f. 5r-v = Fides credulitatis Sancti Augustini episcopi et confess(oris). Trinitas haec unus deus est ex quo omnia, per quem omnia, in quo omnia, ita pater et filius et spiritus sanctus et singulus quisque horum [omitted by homeoteleuton?: deus, et simul omnes unus deus; et singulus quisque horum] plena substantia et simul omnis una substantia. Pater nec filius est nec spiritus sanctus. Filius nec pater est nec spiritus sanctus...connnexa omnia propter spiritum sanctum. = Augustine, De doctrina Christiana, lib. 1, cap. 5 (with one phrase omitted on account of homeoteleuton?). Hincmar repeats the Augustinian passage in De una et non trina deitate, Schedula Gothescalci, Quod trina Deitate dici possit, 17 (PL, 125, 594-595A), where he also omits the same phrase. f. 5v-6r = Faustini presbyteri confessio vere fidei. Nos patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum confitemur ita in trinitate perfecta ut et plenitudo sit diuinitatis et unitas potestatis. Nam tres deos… aduersus ueritatem rebellis.” = Cat, 212 (= Collectio Quesnelliana version). f. 6r-7v = Pelagius, Libellus fidei = Cat, 39 (incompl.).

See my article “Creed Commentary Collections in Carolingian Manuscripts” for variations of this set of texts in other manuscripts.


INDICES 1. Index of Authors1 Adalbertus episcopus Morinensis (sat 872-?) 129 Agnellus episcopus Rauennatensis (sat 553 [556]-570) 150 Alcuinus abbas Turonensis (sat 796804) 50, 57, 70, 83, 106, 109, 112, 167, 169, 172, 258, 293, 315, 345 Pseudo-Alcuinus 109, 112, 326, 363 Amalarius Diuoduri (b. c. 780d. 850 [851], archiepiscopus Treuirensis (sat ca. 809-816) 344 Ambrosius episcopus Mediolanensis (b. 339-d. 397) 3, 21, 37, 209, 302, 386 Pseudo-Ambrosius 155, 166, 201, 209, 212, 215, 216, 221, 224, 303, 381, 390 Armonius et Honorius monachi 180 Arnobius Iunior (fl. c. 450) 239 Athanasius episcopus Alexandrinus (d. 373) 115, 165, 296, 340 Pseudo-Athanasius 6, 34, 93, 145, 303, 381 (Symbolum ‘Quicumque’: 44, 57, 65, 106, 140, 188, 204, 232, 257, 265, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 273, 275, 265, 276, 277, 279, 291, 294, 308, 316, 345, 378) Augustinus episcopus Hipponensis (b. 354-d. 430) 1, 5, 15, 37, 38, 70, 76, 83, 84, 106, 169, 191, 197, 219, 233, 247, 254, 266,

296, 297, 305, 314, 319, 324, 350, 376, 383, 386, 387 Pseudo-Augustinus 12, 19, 27, 39, 48, 53, 58, 70, 75, 76, 98, 102, 103, 110, 121, 126, 131, 137, 145, 148, 159, 166, 171, 180, 184, 194, 197, 198, 200, 208, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 233, 249, 250, 252, 254, 255, 256, 264, 285, 293, 308, 311, 312, 328, 336, 349, 372, 387, 391, 393 Bachiarius Peregrinus (fl. s. Vin.) 218 Basilius Caesar (d. 378) 38 Beatus abbas Liebanensis (fl. c. 785) 331 Beda Venerabilis (d. 735) 70 Pseudo-Beda 255 Benedictus abbas Anianensis (d. 821) 16, 203 Boethius (b. c. 480-d. c. 524) 15, 26, 186, 253 Pseudo-Boethius 294 Pseudo-Bonifatius Maguntinus 205 Caesarius episcopus Arelatensis (b. c. 470-d. 542) 13, 16, 224, 254, 308, 327, 336 Carolus Magnus (emperor 800-814) 50 Cassiodorus (b. c. 485-d. c. 580) 15, 70

1  The Catalogue number(s) following the name and date of the writer refers to where he is mentioned as the author, dubious author, or source of the work. This list does not include authors mentioned only in the “Description of the Manuscripts”.



Cerealis episcopus Castelli Ripensis (fl. ca. 484) 96 Concilium Bracarense I (an. 561) 332 Concilium Toletanum I (an. 400) 53 Concilium Toletanum III (an. 589) 222 Concilium Toletanum XI (an. 675) 30 Concilium Toletanum XVI (an. 693) 37 Concilium Wormatiense (an. 868) 31 Pseudo-Cyprianus episcopus Carthaginensis 198 Cyrillus episcopus Alexandrinus (d. 444) 70, 122, 123, 165, 296, 306, 386 Damasus I papa (sat 366-384) 239 Pseudo-Damasus I papa 46, 47, 89 Damianus episcopus Ticinensis (fl. c. 679) 249 Dionysius Exiguus (fl. 500-545) 158 Elipandus archiepiscopus Toletanus (b. c. 718-d. 802) 307 Eucherius lugdunensis (d. c. 449) 221 Pseudo-Eucherius Lugdunensis 197 Eugenius episcopus Carthaginensis (fl. c. 477) 301 Pseudo-Eugenius Toletanus 215 Pseudo-Eusebius Emesenus (Gallicanus) 144, 240, 246, 254, 335 Eusebius episcopus Vercellensis (d. 371) 6, 12, 381 Pseudo-Eusebius Vercellensis 30, 145 Faustinus presbyter Luciferianus (fl. c. 380-384) 100, 211, 303, 339 Faustus episcopus Reiensis (fl. c. 455-480) 107, 144, 159, 246, 254, 285, 335 Pseudo-Faustus Reiensis 16, 246

Felix episcopus Orgellitanus (d. 818) 165 Ferrandus diaconus Carthaginensis (d. 546 or 547) 15 Flavianus Constantinopolitanus (sat 446-449) 296 Fulgentius episcopus Ruspensis (d. 532 or 527) 15, 37, 83, 121, 131, 148, 199 Pseudo-Fulgentius Ruspensis 8, 19, 124 Gennadius presbyter Massiliensis (fl. 470-s. Vex.) 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 106, 173, 205, 218, 263 Pseudo-Gennadius 65 Gottschalcus Orbacensis (d. c. 869) 28, 57 Gregorius I papa (sat 590-604) 15, 70, 88, 165, 329, 337 Pseudo-Gregorius I papa 80 Gregorius episcopus Illiberitanus (d. after 392) 201 Pseudo-Gregorius Illiberitanus 46, 47, 89, 100, 303 Gregorius episcopus Nazianzenus (bishop 372-389) 165, 296, 386 Pseudo-Gregorius Nazianzenus 47, 201 Gregorius Thaumaturgus episcopus Neocaesariensis (b. c. 213-d. c. 270) 203, 388, 389 Gregorius episcopus Turonensis (sat 573-594) 80, 163 Heterius episcopus Oxomensis (fl. c. 785) 331 Hieronymus (b. c. 342-d. 420) 3, 15, 89, 298 Pseudo-Hieronymus 16, 39, 45, 46, 51, 164, 198, 216, 221, 223, 229, 260, 352 Hilarius episcopus Arelatensis (sat c. 429-449) 13 Hilarius episcopus Pictauiensis (sat c. 353-367) 28, 167, 386


Hrabanus Maurus archiepiscopus Maguntinus (sat 847-856) 99, 225, 337 Iesse episcopus Ambianensis (sat 799-814) 369 Ildefonsus episcopus Toletanus (sat 657-667) 174 Iohannes Crysostomus 386 Pseudo-Iohannes Chrysostomus 330, 342, 383 Iohannes Maxentius monachus Scythicus (fl. s. VIin.) 132, 296, 391 Pseudo-Iohannes Maxentius 391 Iohannes Mediocris episcopus Neapolitanus (sat c. 533-553) 342, 383 Isaac Iudaeus (fl. c. 384) 62, 286 Isidorus episcopus Hispalensis (sat 600-636) 14, 15, 54, 83, 135, 138, 156, 181, 190, 202, 232, 238, 254, 256, 266, 289, 345, 347, 361, 362, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373, 377, 380 Pseudo-Isidorus 55, 58, 70, 135, 377, 384 Iulianus episcopus Aeclanensis (d. after 455) 40 Iulianus episcopus Toletanus (sat 667-690) 329 Iunilius (Iunillus) Africanus (wrote at Constantinople c. 542) 299 Iustinianus Augustus Imperator (sat 527-565) 322 Leidradus episcopus Lugdunensis (sat 798-c. 814) 95, 238, 368 Leo I papa (sat 440-461) 70, 81, 114, 165, 195, 296, 386 Pseudo-Leo I papa 81, 16 Pseudo-Lucifer episcopus Calaritanus 211 Lullus archiepiscopus Maguntinus (d. 786) 139


Magnus archiepiscopus Senonensis (sat 801-818) 364 Mansuetus episcopus Mediolanensis (fl. c. 679) 249 Marius Victorinus (d. after 363) 28, 172 Pseudo-Martinus Turonensis 28 Maxentius patriarcha Aquileiensis (sat 811-c. 826) 343 Pseudo-Maximus Taurinensis episcopus (I) 21, 94, 250 Maximus Taurinensis episcopus II (bishop 451-465) 94 Nestorius patriarcha Constantinopolitanus (sat 428-431) 207 Pseudo-Nestorius 130 Nicetas episcopus Remesianensis (d. after 414) 72, 75, 204, 262 Pseudo-Origenes 72, 262 Paschasius Radbertus monachus (b. c. 790-865) 164 Pseudo-Pastor episcopus Gallaeciae 53 Paulinus patriarcha Aquileiensis (sat 787-802) 316, 317, 375 Paulus Diaconus (d. after 792) 94 Pelagius Brittanicus (d. c. 423-429) 39, 200 Pelagius I papa (sat 555-561) 161 Petrus Chrysologus episcopus Rauennatensis (sat c. 425-450) 85 Pseudo-Petrus Diaconus 391 Pseudo-Phoebadius Agennensis 47, 201 Pseudo-Pirminius abbas 151, 234 Priscillianus episcopus Abilensis (d. 386) 175 Pseudo-Priscillianus 212 Proclus Constantinopolitanus (d. 446 or 447) Prosper Aquitanus (fl. c. 420-450) 15



Quoduultdeus episcopus Carthaginensis (sat 437-454) 102, 126, 184, 311, 312 Radulfus (Rodulfus) episcopus Auaricensis (d. 866) 242 Rufinus presbyter Aquileiensis (b. c. 345-d. c. 411) 10, 70, 83, 198, 223, 260, 379, 388 Syagrius episcopus (s. Vmed.) 155, 216


Taio episcopus Caesaraugustanus (sat 651-683) 337

Theodulfus episcopus Aurelianensis (sat c. 798-818) 24, 273, 275, 289 Theopbilus alexandrinus (d. 412) 386 Valerianus fortasse episcopus Calagoritanus (s. Vin.) 7 Venantius Fortunatus episcopus Pictauiensis (d. 601) 269, 341 Vigilius papa (sat 537-555) Vigilius episcopus Thapsensis (fl. c. 484-500) 97, 137 Pseudo-Vigilius Thapsensis 6, 12, 34, 93, 194, 201, 241, 381, 382

2. Index of Latin Geographical Names2 Abilensis: Avila Aeclanensis: Eclanum (Apulia) Agennensis: Agen (SW France) Alexandrinus: Alexandria Ambianensis: Amiens Anianensis: Aniane (SW France) Aquileiensis: Aquileia Aquitanus: Aquitaine Arelatensis: Arles Aurelianensis: Orléans Auaricensis: Bourges Bracarense: Braga Brittanicus: Britain Caesaraugustanus: Zaragoza Caesariensis: Caesaria in Cappodocia Calagoritanus: Calahorra (NE Spain) Calaritanus: Cagliari (Sardinia) Carthaginensis: Carthage Castelli Ripensis: identity? (N. Africa)

Constantinopolitanus: Constantinople Diuoduri: Metz Emesenus: Emesa (Homs, Syria) Gallaeciae: Galacia (NW Spain) Hipponensis: Hippo Regius (N. Africa) Hispalensis: Seville Hispaniae/Hispanus: Spain Illiberitanus: Elvira Liebanensis: Liebana (Cantabria, N. Spain) Louanienses: Louvain Lugdunensis: Lyons Maguntinus: Mainz

The Latin names are given in adjectival form, as they appear in the catalogue. This list does not include Latin place names mentioned only in the “Description of the Manuscripts”.




Massiliensis: Marseille Mediolanensis: Milan Morinensis: Morini (tribe, N. France)

Remesianensis: Remesiana (Bela Pelanka, Serbia) Remorum: Reims Ruspensis: Ruspe (N. Africa)

Nazianzenus: Nazianzus (Cappadocia) Neocaesariensis: Neocaesarea (Pontus) Neapolitanus: Naples

Scythicus: Scythia Senonensis: Sens Stabulensis: Stavelot Abbey (Belgium)

Orbacensis: Orbais (dioc. of Soissons) Orgellitanus: Seo de Urgel (NE Spain) Oxomensis: El Burgo de Osma (N. Spain)

Taurinensis: Turin Thapsensis: Thapsus (N. Africa) Ticenensis: Pavia Toletanus: Toledo Treuirensis: Trier Turonensis: Tours

Pictauiensis: Poitiers

Vercellensis: Vercelli Virdunensis: Verdun

Ravennatensis: Ravenna Reiensis: Riez (Provence)

Wormatiense: Worms

3. Index of CPL Numbers Cited in the Catalogue3 CPL umber 95 105 (frag.) 105 (frag.) 105 (frag.) 111e 118 119 120 120 (excerpt)

umber in Catalogue 172 6 34 381 30 211 339 303 100

150 153 171 174 178 189 190 196 196a (frag.) 196a (frag.) 198

302 21 215 390 155 286 62 198 260 223 10

3  The list does not include CPL numbers mentioned in the “Description of the Manuscripts”.

398 220 (hom. 83) 222 229a 284 (serm. 212) 284 (serm. 213) 284 (serm. 214) 293 309 313 (frag.) 365 366 368 (serm. 215) 368 (serm. 234) 368 (serm. 235) 368 (serm. 236) 368 (serm. 238) 368 (serm. 241) 368 (serm. 242) 373a 379 386 401 402 403 404 410 488 (cfr) 505 551 552 553 554 558a 559 560 568 620


94 250 85 376 5, 350 247 297 1 38 255 194 314 264 48 200 159 372 254 197 98 166 311 312 126 184 102 221 13 201 47 89 46 7 53 216 218 298

633 (ep. 16) 633 (ep. 17) 638 647 (frag.) 656 658 663 731 778 (cfr) 788 789 799 807 808 810 812 812 (cfr) 813 817 (ep. 8) 817a 824 826 843 (frag.) 846 872 (frag.) 890 891 893 915 (serm.) 915 (serm.) 949 958 958 (frag.) 960 964 966 (serm. 2) 966 (serm. 9)

39 51 45 262 296 132 391 39 40 175 212 301 97 137 382 241 93 96 121 148 199 131 19 8 299 186 253 26 342 383 150 58 64 65 285 144 335



966 (serm. 34) 977 980 1008 (serm. 9) 1008 (serm. 10) 1014 1015 (cfr) 1035 1170 (cfr) 1171 1186 (frag.) 1198 1200 1202 (frag.) 1207 (frag.) 1233 1248 (frag.) 1263 1633 (ep. 4) 1656 (ep. 28) 1698/1702 1714/i 1746 1747

240 246 107 327 308 336 16 341 249 249 14 190 377 181 54 313 174 329 239 195 161 88 51 269

1747 (cfr) 1748 1748a 1748b (cfr) 1749 1750 1751 1752 1752a 1753 1753 (frag.) 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1776 (frag.) 1786a (frag.) 1790

270, 271 27 28 53 229 330 133 90 87 189 331 12 110 387 180 75 125 353 365 266 309 263 332 37, 222



4. Index of CPPM Numbers Cited in the Catalogue4 CPPM umber IA 138 IA 186 IA 595 IA 1020 IA 1021 IA 1022 IA 1023 IA 1024 IA 1025 IA 1026 IA 1027 IA 1028 IA 1029 IA 1103 IA 1104 IA 1105 IA 1118 IA 1204 IA 1205 IA 1441 IA 1783 IA 1792 IA 1808 (cfr) IA 1852 IB 4002 IB 4003 IB 4625 IB 4626 IB 4651

umber in Catalogue 155 224 376 48 39, 200 227 159 226 103 372 254 224 308 311 312 126 250 102 184 225 382 336 249 255 255 224 335 144 240

IB 4695 IB 4753 IB 4883 IB 5700 IB 5814 IB 5931 IB 5939 IB 6400 IB 6446 IIA 4a/6a IIA 4a/17 IIA 15 IIA 15a IIA 25 IIA 25 (excerpt) IIA 27 IIA 29 IIA 32 IIA 35 IIA 36a IIA 37 (frag.) IIA 39 IIA 46 IIA 48 IIA 49 IIA 110 IIA 120d IIA 143 IIA 145/(20) IIA 151 IIA 152

246 246 8 39 94 250 21 184 382 39, 81 12 286 62 303 100 215 201 21 221 212 381 269 166 209 390 180 219 198 194 197 131

4  The list does not include CPPM numbers mentioned in the “Description of the Manuscripts”.



IIA 152 (cfr) IIA 168 IIA 169 IIA 171 IIA 172 IIA 173 IIA 174 IIA 181 IIA 189 IIA 190 (frag.) IIA 191 IIA 196 IIA 205 IIA 390 IIA 455a IIA 555 IIA 626 (cfr) IIA 627 IIA 628 IIA 630 IIA 692 IIA 701 (frag.) IIA 701 (frag.) IIA 701 (frag.) IIA 701 (cfr) IIA 702 IIA 718 IIA 720 IIA 722 IIA 723 [Add.] IIA 752a IIA 766 IIA 767 IIA 781 (cfr) IIA 782 IIA 784 IIA 786

148 137 293 233 221 98 58 391 121 19 169 145 39, 221 218 294 198 46 48 89 47 215 6 34 381 34 30 16 285 107 246 124 58 65 46 89 47 201

IIA 788 (excerpt) IIA 788 IIA 814 IIA 833 IIA 840 IIA 858 (excerpts) IIA 863 IIA 864 IIA 865 IIA 866 IIA 936 IIA 939 IIA 941 IIA 942 (frag.) IIA 942 (frag.) IIA 1000 IIA 1060 IIA 1065 IIA 1085 IIA 1088 IIA 1125 IIA 1135 IIA 1170 IIA 1173 IIA 1193 IIA 1230 IIA 1240 IIA 1325 IIA 1392 IIA 1450 IIA 1445 IIA 1451 IIA 1512 IIA 1532 IIA 1641 IIA 1690 (cfr) IIA 1691

100 303 89 16 198 164 221 46 39 51 216 45 229 223 260 13 296 286 58 377 40 329 16 81 211 28 28 53 39 201 391 47 175 48 269 97 194

402 IIA 1692 IIA 1693 (frag.) IIA 1693 (frag.) IIA 1693 (frag.)


93 6 34 381

IIA 1693 (cfr) IIA 1695 IIA 1696 IIA 2810 (frag.)

34 201 241 262