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English Pages [60] Year 1994
VOLUME 107 FALL 1994 NUMBER 426 1988-1994 Supplement to The Centennial Index Michael Taft, Indexer
Index to JAF, 1988-1994 Serial Listings, Volumes 101-107479 481
ClassifiedIndex Index 518 516 Subject Geographical Index323 522 Person Index Author Index 531
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ISSN 0021-8715 Copyright 1994 by the Ametican Folklore Society Published quarterly by the American Folklore Society, 4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 640, Arlington, Va. 20035. Printed in the U.S.A. Second-class postage paid at Arlington, Va., and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Journal of American Folklore at 4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 640, Arlington, Va. 20035. !
Index to JAF, 1988-1994 This index follows the same principles as The Centennial Index (JAF 101, no. 402 [1988]). Each item includes an identifying number made up of its year and sequence of publication in the journal; the volume, number, and pagination of the item; the author(s) and title; and, in the case of notes and articles, index terms which describe the item. Reviews include a two-letter marker at the end of their identifying number: ra for reviews of audio material; rb for reviews of
printed material; re for reviews of exhibitions; and rv for reviews of visual material (videos, film, and slides). The major difference between this index and the Centennial Index lies in the way this index has been divided: 1. the serial listings, 2. the classified index, 3.
the subject index, 4. the geographical index, 5. the person index, and 6. the author index. After the serial listings, the classified index describes the corpus according to the basic generic classification first devised for the Centennial
Index: I. general studies II. history of the discipline III. folk literature IV. ethnomusicology V. belief systems VI. behavior VII. material culture. The subject index and the geographical index follow. The person index lists all those who are the subject of an item in the journal or whose work has been reviewed. The authors index lists all those who have written an item in the journal. Unlike its predecessor, this index includes no title index.
Serial Listings, Volumes 101-107
Hoes 1988:11ra (101/399:63-73). Norm Cohen. Chie Ilesle! Bluegrass Music. [folk literature: poetry: 1988:1 (101/399:3-5). Bruce Jackson. From 0ng, bluegrass song, United States, record
the Editor. [history and study, Journal of | 98S review essay].
American Folklore business, editorial policy]. 1988:12rb (101/399:74-75). Karl G. Heider.
1988:2 (101/399:6-22). Sally Peterson, Visual Anthropology: Photography as a ReTranslating Experience and the Reading of a search Method. By John Collier, Jr. and Mar
Story Cloth. [material culture, art, textile art, com Morice Press (O86) University 0 t loth, Laos, Thailand, H - Viet- ew Mexico Press , nam War). A089 AN ANOES AOSSB OSES 4.988:13rb (101/399:75-76). Philip Nus1988:3 (101/399:22). anon. The Chicago baum. Learning How to Ask: A Sociological Folklore Prize. [history and study, awards, Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in
Uni ; Social Charles nited States,Science ChicagoResearch. Folklore By Prize, . , ooL. .
Bridget Connelly] Briggs. New York: Cambridge University 1988:4 (101/399:23-36). Daniel W. Patter- 1988s14rb (1 01/399:76-79). Carole H. Carson. William Hauser’s Hesperian Harp and ° ; ' "a. Olive Leaf Shape-Note Tunebook Em. Penter. American Folklore Studies: An Intel-
pe-Note Tunebooks as Em , : J. Bronner. . lectual History. By Simon
blems of Change and Progress. [ethnomusi- Lawrence: Universirty Press of Kansas
cology, music, shape-note music, print (1986) tradition, William Hauser, Hesperian Harp, 4998-4 5¢t (101/399:76-79). Carole H. Car-
Olive Leaf, United States]. ; yy: penter. Good Fnends and Bad Enemies: 1988:5 (101/399:37-47). Elizabeth Willis. Robert Winslow Gordon and the Study of Voice in the Wilderness: The Diaries of Patty American Folksong. By Deborah Kodish Sessions. [belief systems, medicine, United Urbana: University of Illinois Press (1986). States: Utah, Patty Bartlett Sessions, Mor- 1988:16rb (101/399:79-80). Charles Kaut
mons, diary]. Plains Indian Scul ture: A Traditional Art
1988:6 (101/399:48-52). C. Kurt Dewhurst. 60.) America’s Heartland. By John C. EwPleiku Jackets, Tour Jackets, and Working .,. Washington, DC: Smithsonian InstituJackets: “The Letter Sweaters of War”. [ma- tion Press (1986) terial culture: products: costume, Vietnam 1988:17rb (101/399:80-82). Susan Niles War, occupational folklore, military, Pleiku Native South American Discourse. Edited by jacket, United States, see response, 1989:7]. Joel Sherzer and Greg Urban. Berlin: Mou1988:7 (101/399:52). anon. The Elsie Clews ton de Gruyter (1986). Parsons Folklore Prize. [history and study, 19§8:18rb (101/399:80-82). Susan Niles. awards, Elsie Clews Parsons Folklore Prize, sacred Language: The Nature of SupernatuDennis Tedlock, Robert Cochran, United 14) Discourse in Lakota. By William K. Pow-
States]. ers. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press
1988:8 (101/399:53-55). Diane Chnistian. (1986). Not One New Truth and All the Old False- 1988:19rb (101/399:82-84). Richard Keelhoods. [behavior: ritual: religious mte, ing. The Federal Cylinder Project: A Guide United States: Texas, women, Sicilians, Ital- to Field Cylinder Collections in Federal 1an-Americans, calendar nite, St. Joseph’s Agencies, Volume 2, Northeastern Indian Day, foodways, feminism, Christianity: Catalog: Southeastern Indian Catalog. Edited
Cathol icism, response to 1987:117]. . by Judith A. Gray and Dorothy Sara Lee. 1988:9 (101/399:56-59). anon. On the Field Washington, DC: American Folklife Center
and Work of a Journal of American Folk- (1985). Lore. [history and study: methodology, his- 1988:20rb (101/399:84-85). Daniel R. tory of the discipline, theory, classification, | Mandell. Science Encounters the Indiana,
definition, JAF, re print of 1888:2]. 1820-1880: The Early Years of American 1988:10 (101/399:60-62). anon. JAF Goes Ethnology. By Robert E. Bieder. Norman: On-Line [history and study: Journal of University of Oklahoma Press (1986). American Folklore business, computeriza- 1988:21rb (101/399:84-85). Daniel R.
tion, on-line retrieval]. Mandell. Native American Folklore in Nine-
482 Journal of American Folklore teenth-Century Periodicals. By William M. Southeast. By Bruce Bastin. Urbana: UniverClements. Athens: Ohio University Press sity of Illinois Press (1986).
(1986). 1988:34rb (101/399:102-103). Egle Victoria 1988:22rb (101/399:85-86). John B. Wol- Zygas. Essays on Russian Folklore and My-
ford. Architecture of Acoma Pueblo: The thology. By Felix J. Oinas. Columbus: 1934 Historic Americans Buildings Survey Slavica Publishers (1985). Project. By Peter Nabokov. Santa Fe: An- 1988:35rb (101/399:103-106). Mac E. Bar-
cient City Press (1986). rick. “Findet, so werdet ihr suchen!” Die 1988:23rb (101/399:86-87). Mark Leone. Briider Grimm und das Sprichwort. By
Interpretation of Historic Sites. By William Wolfgang Mieder. Bern: Peter Lang (1986). T. Alderson and Shirley Payne Low. Nash- 1988:36rb (101/399:103-106). Mac E. Barville: American Association ofr State and Lo- | rick. Proverbium: Yearbook of International
cal History (1985). Proverb Scholarship, 1. Edited by Wolfgang 1988:24rb (101/399:87-89). Gerald L. Po- Mieder. Columbus: Ohio State University cius. Perspectives in Vernacular Architec- Press (1984). ture, II. Edited by Camille Wells. Columbia: 1988:37rb (101/399:103-106). Mac E. BarUniversity of Missouri Press (1986). rick. Proverbium: Yearbook of International 1988:25rb (101/399:89-91). Laurel Horton. Proverb Scholarship, 2. Edited by Wolfgang The Quilts of Tennessee: Images of Domestic Mieder. Columbus: Ohio State University Life Prior to 1930. By Bets Ramsey and Press (1985). Merikay Waldvogel. Photography by David 1988:38rb (101/399:103-106). Mac E. BarLuttrell. Nashville: Rutledge Hill (1986). rick. Proverbium: Yearbook of International 1988:26rb (101/399:91-93). Susan L. F. Proverb Scholarship, 3. Edited by Wolfgang Isaacs. Turners and Burners: The Folk Potters Mieder. Columbus: Ohio State University of North Carolina. By Charles G. Zug III. — Press (1986). Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina 1988:39rb (101/399:103-106). Mac E. Bar-
Press (1986). rick. The Proverb and An Index to “The 1988:27rb (101/399:93-95). Nancy Groce. Proverb”. By Archer Taylor. Edited by
The Minnesota Ethnic Food Book. By Anne Wolfgang Mieder. Bern: Peter Lang (1985). R. Kaplan, Marjorie A. Hoover, and Willard 1988:40rb (101/399:106-108). Dan BenB. Moore. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Amos. Jewish Folklore: An Annotated Bibli-
Society (1986). ography. By Eli Yassif. New York: Garland 1988:28rb (101/399: 93-85). Nancy Groce. Publishing (1986).
A Taste of Kentucky. By Janet Alm Ander- 1988:41rb (101/399:108-110). Susan son. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press | McKinnon. Cosmology and Social Life: Rit-
(1986). ual Exchange among the Mambai of East 1988:29rb (101/399:95-96). Bernard Mer- Timor. By Elizagbeth G. Traube. Chicago:
gen. Grasping Things: Folk Material Culture University of Chicago Press (1987).
and Mass Society in America. By Simon J. 1988:42rb = (101/399:110-111). Kay F. Bronner. Lexington: University Press of Stone. Don’t Bet on the Prince: Contempo-
Kentucky (1986). rary Feminist Fairy Tales in North America
1988:30rb (101/399:96-97). Henry Willett. and England. Edited by Jack Zipes. New Killings: Folk Justice in the Upper South. By York: Methuen (1986). William Lynwood Montell. Lexington: Uni- 1988:43rb_ (101/399:111-113). Angus K.
versity Press of Kentucky (1986). Gillespie. Pinelands Folklife. Edited by Rita 1988:31rb (101/399:97-99). Guthrie T. Zorn Moonsammy, David Steven Cohen, Meade. Fiddlin’ Georgia Crazy: Fiddlin’ and Lorraine E. Williams. New Brunswick, John Carson, His Real World, andthe World NJ: Rutgers University Press (1987).
of His Songs. By Gene Wiggins. Urbana: 1988:44rb (101/399:113-115). Michael J.
University of Illinois Press (1987). Chiarappa. The Pennsylvania Culture Re1988:32rb (101/399:99-100). David G. gion: A View from the Barn. By Joseph W. Such. Sounds So Good to Me: The Blues- Glass. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press man’s Story. By Barry Lee Pearson. Philadel- (1986).
phia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1988:45rb (101/399:113-115). Michael J.
(1984). Chiarappa. Farming and Folk Society:
1988:33rb (101/399:100-102). Fred J. Hay. Threshing among the Pennsylvania Germans. Red River Blues: The Blues Tradition inthe By Beauveau Borie IV. Edited by Gregory
| Serial Listings 483 Sharrow. Foreword by Don Yoder. Ann Ar-_[behavior: ritual, festival, beauty pageant,
bor: UMI Research Press (1986). United States: Minnesota]. 1988:46rb (101/399:115-116). Manuel da 1988:58 (101/400:176-206). Timothy R. Costa Fontes. Romancero tradicional de Tangherlini. Ships, Fogs, and Traveling Pairs: Costa Rica. Collected and edited by Michéle Plague Legend Migration in Scandinavia. S. Cruz-Saenz. Newark, Del.: Juan de la [folk literature: narrative: legend: migratory
Cuesta (1986). legend, plague, Scandinavia].
1988:47rb (101/399:117-118). Sheila K. 1988:59 (101/400:207-218). Jack Santino.
Webster-Jain. Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Occupational Ghostlore: Social Context and Poetry in Bedouin Society. By LilaAbu-Lug- the Expression of Belief. [folk literature: narhod. Berkeley: University of California Press tative: legend: supernatural legend, ghost,
(1986). occupational folklore, airline workers, con-
1988:48rb (101/399:118-120). Stephen A. text, United States]. Mitchell. The Faroe Islands: Interpretations 1988-60 (101/400:219-226). anon. Style of History. By Jonathan Wylie. Lexington: Guide and Information for Contributors to
University of Kentucky Press (1987). the Journal of American Folklore. [history 1988:49rb (101/399:120-121). Linda Amy 4nd study: Journal of American Folklore busiKimball. Hawaiki: A New Approach to 26ss: editorial policy, style guide]. Maori Tradition. By Margaret Orbell. 1988:61ra (101/400:227-232). Jim Hornby. Christchurch: University of Canterbury Celtic Records from Atlantic Canada. [folk
(1985). song, wena] Atlantic c 191_prerarure: rovinces, poetry’ recordings review essay]. amino. Spiritualist Healers in Mexico: Suc-
128825088 _ MO1/999:121-123). Linda 9g8:62re (101/400:233-235). Thomas cesses and Failures of Alternative Therapeu- Vennum, Jr. Swiss Folk Music (Musique tics. By Kaja Finkler. South Hadley, Mass.: populaire suisse. Donneloye, . Switzerland:
ergin and Garvey (1985). . .
Bere; dG VDE 30-477/78 1986). [folk literature: po1988:51irb (101/399:123-124). Itzek Gottes- TY? Song, Switzerland, recordings review man. The Wandering Jew: Essays in Interpre- essay].
; me ; ; 1988:63ra (101/400:235-238). Norm Co-
tation of a Christian Legend. Edited by Galit h The World Collection of Recorded Hasan-Rokem and Alan Dundes. Bloom- Folk Music. Edited by C ‘ne Brailoj ington: Indiana University Press (1986). Essay by Jean Jacques Nattriez, Donneloye 1988:52rb (101/399:125-126). John P. Switzerland: VDE-Gallo Records, VDE 30-
, Homiak. Folklore from Contemporary Ja- 425/6/7/8/9/30.
maicans. By Daryl C. Dance. Knoxville: Uni- 1988:64rb (101/400:239-241). Barbro
versity of Tennessee Press (1985). Klein. Culture Builders: A Historical An1988:53rb (101/399:126-127). James S. thropology of Middle Class Life. By Jonas Gnfhth. Art Among Us/Arte entre nosotros: Frykman and Orvar Léfgren. Translated by Mexican American Folk Art of San Antonio. ajay Crozier. Foreword by John Gillis. New Edited by Pat Jasper and Kay Turmer. San Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press Antonio: San Antonio Museum Association (1987).
(1986). 1988:65rb (101/400:241-244). Charles Bird.
1988:54 (101/400:131-139). Bruce Jackson. Words and the Dogon World. By Geneviéve From the Editor: How the Journal is Edited. = Cajame-Griaule. Translated by Deirdre La [history and study: Journal of American Folk- pin. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of
lore business: editorial policy]. Human Issues (1986).
1988:55 (101/400:140-155). Barbara Kir- 1988-66rb (101/400:244-246). Steve shenblatt-Gimblett. Mistaken Dichotomies. Siporin. Oralita: Cultura, letteratura, dis[history and study, academic folklore, public corso. Edited by Bruno Gentili and Giuseppe sector folklore, applied folklore, advocacy, Paioni. Rome: Edizioni dell’Ateneo (1985).
United States]. 1988:67rb (101/400:244-246). Steve 1988:56 (101/400:156-167). William A. Siporin. Transition Rites: Cosmic, Social and Wilson. The Deeper Necessity: Folklore and Individual Order. Edited by Ugo Bianchi. the Humanities. [history and study, academic Rome: “L’Erma’” di Bretschneider (1986).
folklore, humanities]. 1988:68rb (101/400:246-248). Robert S. 1988:57 (101/400:168-175). Robert H. McCarl, Jr. By Land and By Sea: Studies in Lavenda. Minnesota Queen Pageants; Play, the Folklore of Work and Leisure Honoring Fun, and Dead Seriousness in a Festive Mode. Horace P. Beck on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday.
484 Journal of American Folklore Edited by Roger D. Abrahams, Kennesth S. By Tom Davenport, Daniel Patterson, and Goldstein, and Wayland D. Hand, with the Allen Tullos. Delaplane, VA: Davenport assistance of Maggie Craig. Hatboro, PA: Films (n.d.) [16mm and 1/2" video, 57 min.].
Legacy Books (1985). 1988:81irv (101/401:337-338). Stephen Gla1988:69rb (101/400:248-250). Martin C. zier. Legacy of the Spirits. By Karen Kramer.
Perdue. Common Places: Readings in New York: Erzulie Films (n.d.) [16mm, 52 American Vernacular Architecture. Edited min.]. by Dell Upton and John Michael Vlach. Ath- 1988:82ra_ (101/401:339-345). James P.
ens: University of Georgia Press (1986). Leary. Czech- and German- American 1988:70rb (101/400:250-251). Wolfgang “Polka” Music. [ethnomusicology: music: Mieder. Proverbs, Proverbial Sentences and dance music, polka music, Czech-Americans, Phrases in Thomas Deloney’s Works. By O. German-Americans, United States, recordR. Reuter. Helsinki: Finnish Society of Sci- ings review essay].
ences and Letters (1986). 1988:83ra (101/401:345-350). Norm Co-
1988:71 (101/401:259-260). Bruce Jackson. hen. From the Record Review Editor. [folk From the Editor [history and study: Journal literature: poetry: song, recordings review of American Folklore business: editorial pol- essay].
icy]. 1988:84 (101/401:351-357). anon. Records 1988:72 (101/401:261-275). Carol Silver- Received. [folk literature: poetry: song]. man. Negotiating “Gypsiness”: Strategy in 1988:85rb (101/401:358-360). James R. Context. [general studies: ethnography, Dow. Volkskunde und Nationalsozialismus. Gypsies, ethnic identity, New York: New’ Referate und Diskussionen einer Tagung.
York City, Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, Cali- Edited by Helge Gerndt. Munich: Miinchner
fornia: Los Angeles]. Vereinigung fur Volkskunde (1987).
1988:73 (101/401:276-292). Bruce Jackson. 1988:86rb (101/401:360-362). C. Scott LitWhat People Like Us Are Saying When We _ tleton. Comparative Mythology. By Jaan Say We’re Saying the Truth. [history and Puhvel. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Universtudy: theory, folk literature: speech, narra- sity Press (1987). tive, truth, interpretation, United States]. 1988:87rb = (101/401:362-363). Margaret 1988:74 (101/401:293-301). Judith McCul- Hiebert Beissinger. Lectura textului folloh. Writing for the World. [history and cloric. By Nicolae Constantinescu. Bucha-
study, publishing]. rest: Editura Minerva (1986).
1988:75 (101/401:302-311). John Charlot. 1988:88rb = (101/401:363-365). Steven Some Uses of Chant in Samoan Prose. [folk Swann Jones. Tradition and Innovation in literature: narrative: tale, poetry: chant, Poly- ‘Folk Literature. By Wolfgang Mieder. Hano-
nesia: Samoa]. ver, NH: University Press of New England
1988:76 (101/401:312-320). Dennis Ted- (1987). lock. The Witches Were Saved: A Zuni Ori- 1988:89rb (101/401:365-367). W. Edson gin Story. [folk literature: narrative: legend, Richmond. Structure and Meaning in Old Native Americans: Zuni, witch, Andrew Norse Literature: New Approaches to TexPeynetsa, United States: New Mexico]. tual Analysis and Literary Criticism. Edited 1988:77 (101/401:321-324). David M. Pen- by John Lindow, Lars Lénnroth, and Gerd dergast. The Historical Content of Oral Tra- Wolfgang Weber. Odense: Odense Univerdition: A Case from Belize. [folk literature, sity Press (1986). Native Americans: Maya, archaeology, his- 1988:90rb (101/401:367-369). Katherine
torical content, Belize]. Young. Story, Performance, and Event:
1988:78 (101/401:324-334). Laszlé6 Kiirti. Contextual Studies of Narrative. By Richard The Politics of Joking: Popular Response to Bauman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Chernobyl. [folk literature: narrative: tale Press (1986). joke, disaster, nuclear power, politics, Cher- 1988:91rb (101/401:369-371). Frank J. nobyl disaster, Europe: Eastern Europe]. Korom. The Word and the World: Fantasy,
1988:79rv = (101/401:335-336). Robert Symbol and Record. Edited by Veena Das. Georges. Passover, A Celebration. By Sharon _ Beverly Hills: Sage Publications (1986). Sherman. Eugene: Folklore and Ethnic Stud- 1988:92rb (101/401:371-372). Robert Co-
ies Program, University of Oregon (n.d.) chran. Ozark Folklore: An Annotated Bibli-
[3/4" video, 28 min.]. ography, Volume I. By Vance Randolph.
1988:80rv (101/401:336-337). Ray Allen. A © Columbia: University of Missouri Press Singing Stream: A Black Family Chronicle. (1987).
Serial Listings 485 1988:93rb (101/401:371-372). Robert Co- nial Index: One Hundred Years of the Jourchran. Ozark Folklore: An Annotated Bibli- nal of American Folklore. [general studies, ography, Volume II. By Vance Randolphand history and study: history of the discipline, Gordon McCann. Columbia: University of JAF, special issue].
Missouri Press (1987). 1988:103 (101/402:5-19). Bruce Jackson 1988:94rb (101/401:373). Michael Taft. In- and Michael Taft. A Century of Folklore. ternationale Volkskundliche Bibligraphie/ [history and study: history of the discipline, International Folklore Bibliography/Bibli- | methodology, classification, indexing, JAF]. ographie Internationale d’Ethnologie fiir die 1988:104 (101/402:20-49). Elizabeth F. Jahre 1981 und 1982 mit Nachtragen fiir die Null, W. K. McNeil, and Lynn Pifer. The vorausgehenden Jahre. Edited by James R. Journal’s Editors. [history and study: history Dow and Rolf W. Brednich. Bonn: Dr. of the discipline, JAF, United States]. Rudolf Habelt GmbH (1986). 1988:95rb (101/401:373-375). Birgit Han-
sen. RgVeda as the Key to Folklore: An Hong Imagery Experiment. By Carsten Bregenhoj.
Back (1989), Nyt Nordisk Forlag Amold 1999.4 (102/403:3-5). Bruce Jackson. From 1988:96rb (101/401:375-377). Karl Kroe- the Editor: The Humanities at Risk. [history ber. Native American Discourse: Poetics and and study: history of the discipline, Journal
; of American Folklore business, humanities, thony C. Woodbury. New York: Cambridge
Rhetoric. Edited by Joel Sherzer and An- National Endowment for the Humanities
University Press (1987). (US), Lynne V. Cheney, United States].
1989:2 (102/403:6-22). Lawrence W.
1988:97rb (101/401:377-379). George E. Levine. Jazz and American Culture. [eth-
Lankford. Stories of Maasaw, a Hopi God. By nomusicolo - music: jazz African-AmeriEkkehart Malotki and Michael Lomatu- cans. Un; red States} » JOM? way'ma. Lincoln: University of Nebraska 4999.3 (192/403:23-44). Shane White. A
loeebeen 101/401:377-379). G E Question of Style: Blacks in and around New
‘98rb ( a ). ©OTBe =: York City in the Late 18th Century. [general
Lankford. Maasaw: Profile ofa HopiGod. By oa... ethnography, African-Americans Ekkehart Malotki and Michael Lomatu- style, ethnic identity, United States: New
way ma. Lincoln: University of Nebraska York: New York City).
Press (1987). 1989:4 (102/403:45-56,65-67). Claude F. 1988:99rb (101/401:379-381). John D. Jacobs. Spirit Guides and osession in the
Dorst. Earnest Games: Folkloric Patterns in jew Orleans Black Spiritual Churches. [bethe Canterbury Tales. By Carl Lindahl. jief: religion: Christianity, spiritualism, Afri-
Bloomington: Indiana University Press can-Americans, United States: Louisiana:
(1987). New Orleans].
1988:100rb = (101/401:381-382). Oliver 49g9:5 (102/403:57-64). Michael P. Smith. Lerch. The Breton and His World, Requiem portfolio: New Orleans Spiritual Churches. for a Culture. Compiled and translated by [belief: religion: Christianity, spiritualism, Gabrielle L. Caffee. Mobile: Madaloni Press African-Amenicans, United States: Louisiana:
(1985). New Orleans, photo-essay].
1988:101rb (101/401:382). Jack Zipes. Dis- 4989:6 (102/403:68-75). Shane White. enchantments: An Anthology of Modern Pinkster: Afro-Dutch Syncretization in New Fairy Tale Poetry. By Wolfgang Mieder. York City and the Hudson Valley. [behavior: Hanover, NH: University Press of New Eng- festival, calendar rite, religious rite, Whitsun-
land (1985). tide, Pinkster, African-Americans, Dutch1988:102 (101/402:1-502). Bruce Jackson, Americans, syncretism, United States: New Michael Taft, and Harvey S. Axlerod, editors York, New York City].
and compilers. Ronald L. Baker, Kim 1989:7 (102/403:76). Stephen Sossaman. Burdick, Bruce Harrah-Conforth, Jean Har- Bruce Jackson, editor’s note. More on Pleiku rah-Conforth, Lydia Fish, Steven Glazier, Ju- Jackets in Vietnam. [material culture: proddith McCulloh, Gary Alan Fine, William K. ucts: costume, Vietnam War, occupational
McNeil, Alice Morrison Mordoh, W. F. H. folklore, military, Pleiku jacket, United Nicolaisen, Elizabeth F. Null, Lynn Pifer, States, response to 1988:6]. Sue Samuelson, Ellen J. Stekert, and Ehiza- 1989:8rv (102/403:77-78). Bruce Jackson. beth F. Tucker, contributors. The Centen- Sadobabies. Produced by Nancy Kalow and
486 Journal of American Folklore May Peterson. Chapel Hill: Nancy Kalow_ Rituals. By William G. Doty. Tuscaloosa:
(n.d.).[VHS, 30 min.]. University of Alabama Press (1986).
1989:9rv (102/403:79-80). Jack Santino. 1989:21rb (102/403:112-114). Joel Sherzer. The Classics Come Home: The Auburn To Speak in Pairs: Essays on the Ritual LanCord Dusenberg Reunion. By W. Edson guages of Eastern Indonesia. Edited by James Richmond, Inta Gale Carpenter and John J. Fox. Cambridge; Cambridge University Winninger. Bloomington: Indiana Univer- _ Press(1988). sity Productions (n.d.).[16mm, 57 min.]. 1989:22rb (102/403:114-116). Dwight F. 1989:10rv (102/403:79-80). Jack Santino. Reynolds. Oral Tradition: A Festschrift for Tigertown. By Daniel Sipe. Eugene, OR: Walter J. Ong. Edited by John Miles Foley. New Dimension Films (n.d.).[16mm, 29 Columbus: Slavica Publishers (1987).
min.]. 1989:23rb = (102/403:116-117). Richard 1989:11ira (102/403:81-85). Richard Price. Making History, Pukapukan and AnMarch. Slovenian- and Polish- American thropological Constructions of Knowledge. “Polka” Music. [ethnomusicology: music: By Robert Borofsky. Cambridge; Cambridge dance music, polka music, Slovenian-Ameri- University Press (1987).
cans, Polish-Americans, United States, re- 1989:24rb (102/403:118-120). John A.
cordings review essay]. Grim. The Wolves of Heaven: Cheyenne
1989:12ra (102/403:85-94). Norm Cohen. Shamanism, Ceremonies, and Prehistoric From the Record Review Editor: British Origins. By Karl H. Schlesier. Drawings by Folk Music. [folk literature: poetry: song, Wah-pah-nah-yah, Dick West. Norman: United Kingdom, records review essay]. University of Oklahoma Press (1987).
1989:13rb (102/403:95-97). Regina 1989:25rb (102/403:120-122). Ake
Bendix. Grimms’ Bad Girls and bold Boys: Hultkrantz. Sioux Indian Religion: TradiThe Moral and Social Vision of the Tales. By _ tion and Innovation. edited by Raymond J.
Ruth B. Bottigheimer. New Haven: Yale DeMallie and Douglas R. Parks. Norman:
University Press (1987). University of Oklahoma Press (1987).
1989:14rb (102/403:97-100). Donald Ward. 1989:26rb = (102/403:122-124). William The Hard Facts of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Westerman. We Shall Live Again: The 1870 By Mana Tatar. Princeton: Princeton Uni- and 1890 Ghost Dance Movements as Demo-
versity Press (1987). graphic Revitalization. By Russell Thorn-
1989:15rb (102/403:100-102). Ruth B. ton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Bottigheimer. The Complete Fairy Tales of (1986).
the Brothers Grimm. Translated by Jack 1989:27 (102/404:131-146). Regina Zipes. New York: Bantam (1986). Bendix. Tournsm and Cultural Displays: In1989:16rb (102/403:102-103). Ernest W. venting Traditions for Whom? [behavior: Baughman. A Guide to Folktales in the En- festival, Unspunnenfest, Harderpotschete, glish Language Based on the Aarne- _ tourism, folklorismus, identity, Switzerland]. Thompson Classification System. By D. L. 1989:28 (102/404:147-170). Thomas E. Ashliman. New York: Greenwood Press Bullard. UFO Abduction Reports: The Su-
/ (1987). pernatural Kidnap Narrative Returns in 1989:17rb (102/403:103-105). Margaret A. Technological Guise. [folk literature: narraMills. “Various Children of Eve” (AT 758): tive: legend: supernatural legend, UFO, abCultural Variants and Antifeminine Images. duction]. By Virginia G. Geddes. Uppsala: Etnologiska 1989:29 (102/404:171-182). = Nicholas
Institutionen (1986). Howe. Rewniting I[nitialisms: Folk Deriva-
1989:18rb (102/403:105-107). Jacob A. Ar- tions and Linguistic Riddles. [folk literature: low. Parsing Through Customs: Essays by a__ speech: language, riddle, joke, folk etymolFreudian Folklorist. By Alan Dundes. Madi- _ ogy, acronym, initials, United States]. son: University of Wisconsin Press (1987). 1989:30 (102/404:183-185). Frances Catter-
1989:19rb (102/403:107-110). Henry Ans- mole-Tally. Wayland Debs Hand (1907gar Kelly. The Old Enemy: Satan and the 1986). [history and study: history of the Combat Myth. By Neil Forsyth. Princeton: discipline: obituaries, Wayland D. Hand, Princeton University Press (1987). [see re- United States].
sponse 1990:6, reply 1990:7]. 1989:31 (102/404:186-190). Venetia Ne1989:20rb (102/403:110-112). Robert A. wall. A Moslem Chnstmas Celebration in Segal. Mythography: The Study of Mythsand London. [behavior: rituals: calendar rite:
Serial Listings 487 Christmas, Moslems, United Kingdom: Eng- 1989:45rb (102/404:214-216). Frank J.
land: London]. Korom. The Cult of Draupadi 1. Mytholo1989:32 (102/404:190-194). Pamela Myers- gies: From Gingee to Kuruksetra. By Alf Moro. Thai Music and Attitudes Toward the _Hiltebeitel. Chicago: University of Chicago
Past. [ethnomusicology: music, change, Press(1988).
Thailand]. 1989:46rb 9 (102/404:216-218). Reginetta 1989:33ra (102/404:195-201). Norm Co- Haboucha. Folk Literature of the Sephardic hen. From the Record Review Editor. [folk Jews. Vol. II. Judeo-Spanish Ballads from literature: poetry: song, recordings review Oral Tradition. I. Epic Ballads. By Samuel G.
essay]. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman. Musical
1989:34rb (102/404:202-206). Roger D. transcriptions by Israel J. Katz. Berkeley: Abrahams. Bakhtin, the Critics, and Folk- University of California Press (1986). lore. [history and study: theory, Mikhail M. 1989:47rb (102/404:218-219). Yedida K.
Bakhtin, book review essay]. Stillman. Women’s Folk Songs in Judeo-Ara1989:35rb (102/404:202-206). Roger D. bic from Jews in Iraq. Translated and edited Abrahams. The Market and the Theater in by Yitzhak Avishur. Or Yehuda: Iraqi Jews’
Jone Christoohe noun, area By Traditional Culture Center, Institute for Reecan-Waristophe Agnew. Vambnage: -am- search on Iraqi Jewry (1987).
bridge University Press (1986). 1989:48rb (102/404:220-222). Roberta £989:36rb vice Onan y Weatering Reeder. A Collection of Russian Folk Songs.
Oe - By Nikolai Lvov and Ivan Prach. Edited by
Press (1984). . ,
Clark and Michael Holquist. Cambridge: Malcolm Hamrick Brown. Ann Arbor: UMI Belknap Press of the Harvard University Research Press (1987).
1989:37rb. (102/404:202-206). Roger D. 87 (102/404:222-223). Kip Lornell.
or ousin Joe: Blues from New Orleans. By
Abrahams. The Culture of Criticism and the Pleasant “Cousin Joe” Joseph and Harriet J. Criticism of Culture. By Giles Gunn. New Ottenheimer. Chicago: University of Chi-
1986). ; ; ; eon ;
York: Oxford University Press (1987). cago Press (1987) Bo:
1989:38rb _(102/404:202-206). Roger D. rogo.sorb (102/404:223-224). Pack Carnes. Abrahams. The Politics and Poetics of Trans- Marie de E - Fables. Edited and trans-
gression. By Peter and Allon are, Ge nTanees Bas aq: ; ae ated by Stallybrass Harriet Spiegel. Toronto: University
White. Ithaca: Cornell University Press of Toronto Press (1987) 1989.39rb (102/404:202-206). Roger D, 2989:51rb — (102/404:224-226). Peter Abrahams. Carnival and Theater: Plebian Knecht. Japanese Tales. Selected, edited and
Culture and the Structure of Authority in reas Cosy) Tyler. New York: PanNonansane . Methuen. (1985). D. Bristol: 1989:52rb (102/404:226-228). John A. Bur-
1989:40rb (102/404:202-206). Roger D. ‘son. Tall Betsy and Dunce Baby: South Abrahams. Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogic Georgia Folktales. Collected and edited by Principle. By Tzvetan Todorov. Minneapo- Mariella Glenn Hartsfield. Athens: Univerlis: University of Minnesota Press (1984). sity of Georgia Press (1987). 1989:41rb (102/404:202-206). Roger D. 1989:53rb_ (102/404:228-229). Peggy A. Abrahams. The Place of the Stage: License, Bulger. Florida Folktales. Edited by J. Russell Play and Power in Renaissance England. By Reaver. Gainesville: University of Florida Stephen Mullaney. Chicago: University of Press (1987).
Chicago Press(1988). 1989:54rb = (102/404:229-230). Candace
1989:42rb (102/404:207-210). Robert A. Slater. Two Guadalupes: Hispanic Legends Segal. The Jealous Potter. By Claude Lévi- and Magic Tales from Northern New MexStrauss. Translated by Benedicte Chorier. ico. Edited by Marta Weigle. Santa Fe: AnChicago: University of Chicago Press(1988). | cient City Press (1987). 1989:43rb (102/404:210-211). Thomas A. 1989:55rb = (102/404:230-231). Joseph Adler. Bluegrass: A History. By Neil V. Falaky Nagy. More Tales of the Big Bend. By Rosenberg. Urbana: University of Illinois Elton Miles. College Station: Texas A & M
Press (1985). University(1988).
1989:44rb (102/404:211-214). Charles L. 1989:56rb (102/404:231-233). John W. Briggs. Fieldwork. By Bruce Jackson. Ur- Roberts. Long Gone: The Mecklenburg Six bana: University of Illinois Press (1987). and the Theme of Escape in Black Folklore.
488 Journal of American Folklore By Daryl Cumber Dance. Knoxville: Uni- mentary and Ethnographic Resources from
versity of Tennessee Press (1987). Western New York and the Genesee Valley. 1989:57rb = (102/404:233-235). Michael Edited by Russell A. Judkins. Geneseo: DeOwen Jones. When You’re Up to Your Ass partment of Anthropology, State University in Alligators. . .More Urban Folklore from of New York and the Geneseo Foundation the Paperwork Empire. By Alan Dundes and (1987). Carl R. Pagter. Detroit: Wayne State Uni- 1989:69 anon. (102/404:256). The B. A.
versity Press (1987). Botkin Folklore Prize. [history and study:
Mee Tokee. Stadia carenofE. awards, B. A. Botkin Folklore Prize]. intz.Sead Cracking Jokes: Studies Sick Hu- 1989:70 (102/405:259-274). Robert Comor Cycles and Stereotypes. By Alan Dun- chran. “What Courage!” Romanian “Our
1989:59¢b 11 nen 359) Oe?) 8 Leader” Jokes. [folk literature: narrative: tale:
None, ae we Comedy in Puppetry, Joke humor, Nicolae Ceausescu, omania]. A Celebration of Popular Culture. Edited by 49g9.74 (102/405:275-291). Maurie Sacks.
ana Sherzer and Joel Sherzer. Bowling Computing Community at Purim. [behavPopular aad (S87) State University jor: ritual: religious rite, Purim, foodways, exchange, identity, women, Jews, United
1989:60rb = (102/404:239-241). W.City]. K. , ; States: New York: New York
McNeil. Jeg vil synge en sang. By Erik Kaas 4989.72 (102/405:292-298). Alan Jabbour.
Nielsen. Copenhagen: Fremad (1986). On the Val £ ; Iklori ;
1989:61rb (102/404:241-242). John M, ©” the Values of American Folklorists. [hisCoggeshall. German-American Folklore tory and study: history of the discipline, the. -, ory, values, pluralism, United States]. Compiled and edited by Mac E. Barrick. 4989.73 (102/405:299-314). Michael Taft.
Introduction by W. K. McNeil. Little Rock: Suppl h ‘el Ind August House (1987). BPP dies, JAF]tudies, e Centenniel Index. [genJ/
1989:62rb (102/404:242-244). Stuart A. ‘ocoage i ats |
Marks. American Wildlife in Symbol and Mee Writne in anew St Sans
Story. Edited by AngusChicago: K. Gillespie and Jay AL: (n.d.).[1/2 5 oY SP ; ay rts Roszell. Facets Video
see Press (1987). ; aan
1987). 5
Mechling. Knoxville: University of Tennes- and 3/4" video, 28 min.]
1989:63rb (102/404:244-245). Sue Samuel- 1787#79rv (ON/ A0S:51 7-218). Gary Stan
son. The Folklore of American Holidays. Med ck and Dirk Ei oy lle Jena an
Edited by Hennig Cohen and Tristram Potter canick ang Lik prizen. Fellow Springs, Coffin. Detroit: Gale Research Company OH: I-Video, Communications Institute,
, Antioch College (n.d.).[1/2" video, 28
1989.64rb (102/404:245-247). Thomas min. ]. .
Carter. Idaho Folklife: Homesteads to Head- 1989?76rv (102/405:318-320). Rachelle H. stones. Edited by Louie W. Attebery. Salt Saltzman. Living in America: One Hundred Lake City: University of Utah Press (1985). Years of Ybor City. By Gayla Jamison. 1989:65rb (102/404:247-248). Davie A. Wayne, NJ: New Day Films (n.d.).[1/2" and Taylor. The World of the Oregon Fishboat: 3/4" video, 53 min.]. A Study in Maritime Folklife. By Janet C. 1989:77rv (102/405:318-320). Rachelle H. Gilmore. Ann Arbor; UMI Research Press Saltzman. Murray Avenue: A Community in
(1986). Transition. By Sheila Chamovitz. Wayne,
1989:66rb (102/404:249-250). Ridie W. NJ: New Day Films (n.d.).[all video formats
Ghezzi. Native American Legends and 16mm, 28 min.].
(Souteastern Legends: Tales from the 1989:78ra (102/405:321-329). Barry Lee Natchez, Caddo, Biloxi, Chickasaw, and Pearson. Current Blues Recordings. [folk litOther Nations. Compiled and edited by erature: poetry: song: blues, African- AmeriGeorge E. Lankford. General Editor W. K. cans, United States, recordings review essay]. McNeil. Little Rock: August House (1987). 1989:79ra (102/405:329-337).Norm Co1989:67rb (102/404:250-251). Elisabeth hen. From the Record Review Editor: EthTooker. The False Faces of the Iroquois. By nic Recordings. [folk literature: poetry: song, William N. Fenton. Lincoln: University of | ethnic song, United States, recordings review
Nebraska Press (1987). essay].
1989:68rb (102/404:251-252). Elisabeth 1989:80rb = (102/405:338-339). Stanley
Tooker. Iroquois Studies: A Guide to Docu- _ Brandes. Violence and Piety in Spanish Folk-
: Serial Listings 489 |
7 lore. By Timothy J. Mitchell. Philadelphia: By Clarke Garrett. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
. University of Pennsylvania Press(1988). University Press (1987). | 1989:8irb (102/405:339-341). Bruce Jack- 1989:93rb (102/405:358-359). James E. son. Black American Street Life: South Phila- | Doan. Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe:
, delphia, 1969-1971. By Dan Rose. Early Scandinavian and Celtic Religions. By : Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania H.R. Ellis Davidson. Syracuse: Syracuse
Press (1987). University Press (1988).
1989:82rb (102/405:341-342). Jack Santino. 1989:94rb (102/405:359-361). Edward Pe-
, George Magoon and the Down East Game ters. Eros and Magic in the Renaissance. By War: History, Folklore, and the Law. By [oan P. Couliano. Translated by Margaret | Edward D. Ives. Urbana: University of Illi- Cook. Foreword by Mircea Eliade. Chicago:
, nois Press (1988). University of Chicago Press (1987).
1989:83rb (102/405:343-344). ‘Marion Kal- - 4989:-95rb (102/405:362-363). Frank
| son. Dried Millet Breaking: Time, Words, Reynolds. Cosmologies in the Making: A , and Song in the Woi Epic of the Kpelle. By Generative Approach to Cultural Variation , Ruth M. Stone. Bloomington: Indiana Uni- in Inner New Guinea. By Fredrik Barth.
versity Press (1988). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
| 1989:84rb (102/405:344-345). Micheline (1987).
Galley. The Merchant of Art. An Egyptian 49g9:96rb —(102/405:364-365). Brigitte
| Hilali Oral Epic Poet in Performance. By { ane. Paroles paiennes: mythe et folklore. By Susan Slyomovics. [Berkeley]: University of = Kyicu]e Belmont. Pans: Editions Imago
California Press (1987). (1986) 1989:85rb (102/405:345-347). David Shul- 49 g9.97¢b (102/405:365-367). Rachelle H. man. Folktales of India. Edited byParades Brenda E.Street Theatre Saltzman. and Power: F. Beck, Peter J. Claus, Praphulladatta . ; . . By in Goswami, Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia. and Jawaharlal Handoo. Chicago: S ;Uni-_ ; - , .; usan G. Davis. Philadelphia: Temple
University of Chicago Press (1987). versity Press (1986) , 1989:86rb (102/405:347-349). Sally Meck- 4 9 g9-98 eb (102/405:368-369). C. Kurt De-
, Jt,
ling and Amy Shuman. Everyday Life. Editedby ; Doug Blandy and Kristin G. Congdon. NewColumb; York: Yale University Press (1987). Teacher’s Coll
, whurst. Artin a Ross. Democracy. by Alice Kaplan and Kristin Hartford: —_Edited
, 1989:87rb (102/405:349-351). Ruth Fin- 1987). s College, Columbia University
negan. Comparative Research on Oral Tra- ‘Oo
ditions: A Memorial for Milman Parry. 1989:99rb (102/405:369-371). Robert Blair
| Edited by John Miles Foley. Columbus: St. George. Architecture and Rural Life in
Slavica Publishers (1987). nentral anaes 900. Py iemare L.
. 1989:88rb (102/405:351-353). Margaret erman. AnOxville: University Of 4 ennessee
. Hiebert Beissinger. The Wedding of the Press (1987).
| Dead: Ritual, Poetics, and Popular Culture 1989:100rb (102/405:371-373). Leonard , in Transylvania. By Gail Kligman. Berkeley: Norman Primiano. The Chnistian Home in
: University of California Press (1988). oe Haina By Colleen
, 1989:89rb (102/405:353-354). Dan Ben- McDannell. Bloomington: Indiana Univer: Amos. International Proverb Scholarship: An SIFY Press (1986).
: Annotated Bibliography. By Wolfgang 1989:101rb (102/405:373-374). Sally Peter| Mieder. New York: Garland (1982). son. Hmong Art: Tradition and Change. Ed| 1989:90rb (102/405:354-355). Anthony ited by Joanne Cubbs. Sheboygan: John 2 Seeger. Explorations in Ethnomusicology: Michael Kohler Arts Center (1986). Essays in Honor of David P. McAllester. 1989:102rb (102/405:375-376). Jane Glad-
| Edited by Charlotte J. Frisbie. Detroit: Infor- den Kelton. Urban Resources, Volume 4,
, mation Coordinator (1986). Number 3. Edited by Leslie Chard. Cincin-
| 1989:91rb (102/405:355-356). Emily So- nati: Metropolitan Services, Division of : colov. Traditional Papermaking and Paper Continuing Education, University of Cin| Cult Figures of Mexico. By Alan R. Sand- — cinnati (1987). strom and Pamela Effrein Sandstrom. Nor- 1989:103rb_ (102/405:377-378). Margaret man: University of Oklahoma (1986). Clunies Ross. A Tale-Type Index of Austra-
| 1989:92rb (102/405:357-358). Daniel W. lian Aboriginal Oral Narratives. By Patricia 2 Patterson. Spint Possession and Popular Re- Panyity Waterman. Helsinki: Academia | ligion: From the Camisards to the Shakers. Scientiarum Fennica (1987).
490 Journal of American Folklore 1989:104 (102/406:387-452). Bruce Jack- 1989:116rb (102/406:476-479). W. F. H. son, ed. [Folklore about the Vietnam War]. Nicolaisen. African Folktales: Traditional
(general studies, Vietnam War, United Stories of the Black World. Selected and
States, special issue]. retold by Roger D. Abrahams. New York:
1989:105 (102/406:387-389). Bruce Jack- Pantheon Books (1983). son. From the Editor: Wars Don’t End. [his- 1989:117rb (102/406:476-479). W. F. H. tory and study: Journal of American Folklore | Nicolaisen. American Indian Myths and Leg-
business, Vietnam War, film]. ends. Selected and edited by Richard Erdoes 1989:106 (102/406:390-411). Lydia Fish. and Alfonso Ortiz. New York: Pantheon General Edward G. Lansdale and the Folk- Books (1984). songs of Americans in the Vietnam War. [folk 1989:118rb (102/406:476-479). W. F. H. literature: poetry: song, occupational folk- Nicolaisen. Afro-American Folktales: Stories lore, military, Edward G. Lansdale, Vietnam from the Black Tradition in the New World.
War, Philippines, United States). Edited and selected by Roger D. Abrahams. 1989:107 (102/406:412-423). Varick A. New York: Pantheon Books (1985). Chittenden. “These Aren’t Just My Scenes”; 1989:119rb (102/406:476-479). W. F. H. Shared Memories in a Vietnam Veteran’s Art. Nicolaisen. Irish Folktales. Edited by Henry [material culture: art: sculpture, military, vet- Glassie. New York: Pantheon Books (1985).
erans, Vietnam War, Michael Cousino, 1989:120rb (102/406:476-479). W. F. H.
United States: New York]. Nicolaisen. Arab Folktales. Translated and 1989:108 (102/406:424-441). Carol Burke. Edited by Inea Bushnag. New York: Pan-
Marching to Vietnam. [folk literature: po- theon Books (1986). .
etry: verse: chant, occupational folklore, 1989:121rb (102/406:479-484). Hans Jorg ilitary, Vietnam War, United States}. Uther. Tale Type and Motif-Indexes: An 1989:109 (102/406:442-452). John Charlot. Annotated Bibliography. By David S. AzVietnamese Cinema: The Power of the Past. zolina. New York: Garland Publishing
military, ,
. ; ; (1987). War, Vietnam]. McGill. The Predicament of Culture: Twen1989:110rv = (102/406:453-456). David and . tierth Century Ethnography, Literature, Whisnant. The Electric Valley. By Ross AHarvard 7, ; rt. By James Clifford. Cambridge: : 1 y Press (1988). [general studies, folk literature, film, Vietnam 1989:122rb (102/406:485-487). Kathleen
Spears. Johnson City, TN: James Agee Film University P Project (n.d.).[l6mm and 1/2" video, 90 49g9:423rb (102/406:487-489). Eric J. Ar-
min. ]. nold. Culture and Consumption: New Ap1989:111rv (102/406:456-457). John Alex- proaches to the Symbolic Character of ander Williams. When You Make a Good Consumer Goods and Activities. By Grant Crop: Italians in the Delta. By Louis Guida. \ycCracken. Bloomington: Indiana UniverMemphis: Center for Southern Folklore and sity Press (1988).
Co-Media, Inc. (n.d.).[1/2" video, 28 min.]. 1989:124rb (102/406:489-491). Jeff 1989:112rv (102/406:457-459). Blanton Opland. The Theory of Oral Composition: Owen. Cowboy Poets. Ny Kim Shelton. Los History and Methodology. By John Miles Angeles: Direct Cinema, Ltd. (n.d.).[1/2" Foley. Foreword by Alan Dundes. Bloom-
video and 16mm, 52:54 min.]. ington: Indiana University Press (1988). 1989:113ra_ (102/406:460-463). Paul F. 4989:125rb (102/406:491-493). Becky VorWells. Fiddle Music from Alabama, Wyo- pagel. Blood Magic: The Anthropology of ming, and Montana. [ethnomusicology: mu- Menstruation. Edited and with an introducsic: fiddle music, United States: Alabama, tion by Thomas Buckley and Alma Gottlieb. Wyoming, Montana, recordings review es- Berkeley: University of California Press
say]. (1988).
1989:114ra (102/406:463-475). Norm Co- 1989:126rb_ = (102/406:493-495). Barbie hen. Hillbilly Reissues. [folk literature: po- Zelizer. Media, Myths, and Narratives: Tele-
etry: song: hillbilly song, commercial vision and the Press. Edited by James W. recordings, United States, recordings review Carey. Beverly Hills: Sage (1988).
essay]. 1989:127rb (102/406:495-497). Erika Bour1989:115rb (102/406:476-479). W. F. H. guignon. Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobi-
Nicolaisen. The Pantheon Fairytale and ology of the Haitian Zombie. By Wade Folklore Library. [folk literature: narrative, Davis. Foreword by Robert Faris Thompson.
Pantheon Books, book review essay]. Preface by Richard Evans Shultes. Chapel
Serial Listings 491 Hill: University of North Carolina Press che Studien. Edited and with an introduction
(1988). by Wolfgang Mieder. Bern: Peter Lang
1989:128rb (102/406:497-500). Ed (1984).
O’Reilly. Taleworlds and Storyrealms: The 1989:139rb (102/406:512-514). Pack CarPhenomenology of Narrative. By Katharine nes. Carl Schulze: Die biblischen SprichGalloway Young. Dordrecht: Martinus Ni- worter der deutschen Sprache. Edited and
jhoff Publishers (1987). with an introduction by Wolfgang Mieder.
1989:129rb (102/406:500-502). Candace Bern: Peter Lang (1987). Slater. Romanceiro da Provincia de Tras-os- 1989:140rb (102/406:514). Henry Glassie. Montes. (Distrito de Bragan¢a). Edited by Ireland of the Proverb. By Liam Mac Con Manuel da Costa Fontes. Collaboration by Jomaire. Photographs by Bill Doyle. Grand Maria-Joao Camara Fontes. Preface by Sa- Rapids: Masters Press (1988). muel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman.
Musical transcriptions by Israel J. Katz.
Coimbra: University of CoimbraStuart (1987). 1989:130rb (102/406:502-503). H.(1J[9][9] “J fefis fio) Blackburn. Laughing Matters, Comic Tradi-
tion in India. By Lee Siegel. Chcago: Uni- 1990-1 (103/407:3-23). Kenneth = M.
versity of Chicago Press (1988). George. Felling a Song with a New Ax:
1989:131rb (102/406:503-505). Brian Sut- miting and the Reshaping of Ritual Song
ton-Smith. Fun and Games in Old Europe. Performance in UP land Sulawesi. [folk hteraBy Walter Endrei and Laszio Zoknay. Trans- ture: poetry: song: ritual song, religious sons:
lated by Karoly Ravaasz and Bertha G orality, literacy, written tradition, Ada’ map-
) Y Derena laste. purondo followers, Indonesia: Celebes]. ee Kiado, Zrinyi Printing 4999:2 (103/407:24-41). Stanley Brandes. loae {sock ). (102/406:505-507) Peter The Sardana: Catalan Dance and Catalan NaBenes Threshing in the Midwest 1820- tional Identity. [ethnmusicology: dance: sar1940 B ]. Sanford Rikoon Bloomin on: dana, ethnic identity, Catalans, Spain]. lediana Pane Press (1988) BtOn: —_ 1990:3 (103/407:41). anon. The Elsie Clews 1989:133rb (162/406:807-508) }oM Parsons Folklore Prize. [history and study: " ne * awards, Elsie Clews Parsons Folklore Prize, Adovasio. Southwestern Indian Baskets: United States] Their History and Their Makers. By Andrew 4999.4 (103/407:42-67) Corinne A. Kratz Hunter Whiteford. Santa Fe: School of percuasive Suggestions and Reassuring
aorta arene Promises: Emergent Parallelism and Dialogic
eee (102 8-510). Bnan Encouragement in Song. [folk literature: po-
Swann. Imagine Ourselves Richly: Mythic etry: song: ritual song, nite of passage: initia-
Narratives of North American Indians. By ton rite, parallelism pragmatics Christopher Vecsey. New York: Crossroad performance, Okiek women: girls Kenya, Publishing Company (1988). Indonesia]. 1989:135rb (102/406:510-511). Charles Stewart. 1990:5 (103/407:68-71). G[ershon] Legman. HEAATViKn Kot SteBvett ENLOTHHOVUKT] = Tumble O’Lynn’s Farewell. [folk literature:
ovopatobecia tHO Aaoypagiat [The poetry: ballad, “Tumble O’Lynn,” “Tom Greek and international scholarly names for Boleyn,” “Packington’s Pound,” parody obfolklore]. By Minas A. Alexiadis. Athens: scenity, AIDS, United States, United King-
Kardamitsa Press (1988). dom].
1989:136rb (102/406:512-514). Pack Car- 1999-6 (103/407:73-77). Neil Forsyth. Opnes. Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander: Das position or Combat? A Reply to H. A. Kelly. Sprichwort, betrachtet nach Form u. Wesen [folk literature: narrative: myth, apocalypse,
fur Schule u. Leben, als Einleitung zu einem Bible, Satan, opposition, response to
| grossen volksthimlichen Sprichworter- —_1989:19rb, see reply 1990:7]. schatz. Edited and with an introduction by 1990:7 (103/407:77-84). Henry Ansgar , Wolfgang Mieder. Bern: Peter Lang (1983). Kelly. Bruce Jackson, editor’s note. Satan the 1989:137rb (102/406:512-514). Pack Car- Old Enemy: A Cosmic J. Edgar Hoover. [folk nes. Deutsche Sprichworterforschung des 19. _ literature: narrative: myth, apocalypse, Bible,
} jahrhunderts. Edited by Wolfgang Mieder. Satan, reply to 1990:6, see 1989:19rb].
Bern: Peter Lang (1984). 1990:8 (103/407:84). anon. The Chicago 1989:138rb (102/406:512-514). Pack Car- Folklore Prize. [history and study: awards,
, nes. Oswald Robert Kirchner: Parémiologis- | Chicago Folklore Prize, United States].
492 Journal of American Folklore 1990:9rv (103/407:85-86). Jeff Titon. Lily to Topics and Genres. Edited by Lawrence E. May Ledford. By Anne Lewis Johnson, Mimi Mintz. Westport: Greenwood Press (1988).
Pickering, Buck Maggard, Andrew Garrison, 1990:2irb (103/407:119-121). Elaine J. Martin Newell, Susan Wehling, and Dee Lawless. Powerhuse for God: Speech, Chant, Davis. Whitesburg, KY: Headwaters, a divi- and Song in an Appalachian Baptist Church.
min.]. Texas Press (1988).
a of Ppalshop, Inc. (1988).[1/2" video, By Jeff Todd Titon. Austin: Univerity of 1990:10rv (103/407:86-89). Margaret Rose 1990:22rb (103/407:121-122). Eleanor Yocom. Hearts and Hands. By Pat Ferraro. Wachs. Belle Gunness: The Lady Bluebeard.
TN. J. University Press (1985).
on in} Ferrero Films (1987).[16mm, By Janet L. Langlois. Bloomington: Indiana 1990:1irv (103/407:89-91). Rachelle H. 1990:23 {103/408:131-132) Bruce Jackson.
Eden By | en angi in the Garcen of from the Editor. [history and study: Journal - of American Folklore business, Burt FeinFirst Run/Icarus Films, Inc. (1987).[1/2" tuch].
video and 16mm, 75 min_]. 1990:24 (103/408:133-156). Dennis Ted-
1990:12ra (103/407:92-104). Norm Cohen. Jock. From Voice and Ear to Hand and Eye. Afro-American Tradiitons. [folk literature: [folk literature, personal experience narramp pines SOn8: rengious State Je2Z tive, prayer, textualization, transcription, in-
vondin rican review sssay]. nited states, Te terpretation, discourse analysis, Native cordings essay]. Ameri - Oniché 1990:13ra (103/407:105-107). Norm Co- 4999-95 S03 /a0R.1 57 176) Kristin hen. A Brief List of Recommended Albums Wardetzky. Ruth B Bott; heimer transla-
of Early (Pre-1942).Commercial Blues and The S dl 6 a £ Fai
Gospel Records. [folk literature: poetry: 1 c Saeed, by Chiltee, tr Tk |; ae
. . . _ 9) “11:
song: blues song, religious song, commercial : “8 ompose 1 Ms h ren: ve terarecordings, African-Americans, United re: narratives tale: Machen, Chvlaren, Psy-
States] choanalytic approach, Germany].
1990:14rb (103/407:108-110). Barre 1990:26 (103/408:177-192). William M. ._.. Clements. Schoolcraft as Textmaker. [folk
Toelken. Haa Shuka, Our Ancestors: Tlingit 1 hi € the discipl; 4 Oral Narratives. Edited by Nora Marks Rowe Sch ee me lieu mes se Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer. Seat- SOWE SCnoorcra ‘ fextua izanon, trans a tle: University of Washington Press (1987). States: Minnesota]
or , tion, Native Americans: Ojibwa, United 1990:15rb (103/407:110-111). - a : rb (1035/4 O-111). Susan Ste- J 999.2764 (103/408:193-205). Norm Cowart. Anthropology: A New Interv; eer ; Literary hen. Anglo-American Music. disciplinary Approach to People,Traditional Signs and folk I; . Literature. Edited by Fernando Poyatos. [fo iterature: poetry: song, United King-
Philadelphia: John Benjamins North Amer- dom, United States, recordings review essay].
ica, Inc. (1988) 1990:28 (103/408:206-208). Norm Cohen. 1990:16rb (103/407:111-112). Jane C. A Brief List of Recommended Recordings of Beck. Afro-Carnbbean Folk Medicine. By Older Style Traditional Anglo-American Michel Laguerre. South Hadley, MA: Bergin Ballad Singing. [folk literature: poetry: bal-
and Garvey Publishers, Inc. (1987). lad, United States]. 010.9
1990:17rb (103/407:112-114). Susan Ni- 1990:29rb (103/408:209-214). Simon J.
ditch. The Flood Myth. Edited by Alan Dun- Bronner. The Fragmentation of American des. Berkeley: University of California Press Folklife Studies. [material culture, United
(1988). States, book review essay].
1990:18rb (103.407:114-115). Shirley L. 1990:30rb (103/408:209-214). Simon J. Arora. A Spanish-English Glossary of Mexi- Bronner. Fait a la Main: A Source Book of can Flora and Fauna. By Louise C. Schoen- Louisiana Crafts. Edited by Maida Bergeron. hals. Mexico City: Summer Institute of Baton Rouge: Lousiana Crafts Program, Of-
Linguistics (1988). fice of Cultural Development, Department of
1990:19rb (103/407:115-117). Shirley L. Culture, Recreation and Tourism (1988). Arora. A Dictionary of Mexican American 1990:31rb (103/408:209-214). Simon J. Proverbs. Compiled by Mark Glazer. New Bronner. The Grouse Creek Cultural Sur-
York: Greenwood Press (1987). vey: Integrating Folklife and Historic Preser1990:20rb (103/407:117-118). James P. vation Field Research. By Thomas Carter Leary. Humor in America: A Research Guide and Carl Fleischhauer. Foreword by Jerry L.
Serial Listings 493 Rogers. Washington, DC: Library of Con- by Larry D. Benson. Cambridge: Harvard
gress (1988). University Press (1989).
1990:32rb (103/408:209-214). Simon J. 1990:41rb (103/408:219-220). Dan Ben-
Bronner. Pieced by Mother: Symposium Pa- Amos. J. G. Frazer: His Life and Work. By pers. By Jeannette Lasansky with Tandy Robert Ackerman. Cambridge : Cambridge Hersh, Patricia T. Herr, Alan G. Keyser, Sally University Press (1987).
Peterson, Geraldine N. Johnson, Annette 1990:42rb (103/408:220-222). Bnan V. Gero, Virginia Gunn, Ricky Clark, Dorothy Street. Literacy and Orality. By Ruth FinCozart, and Barbara Brackman. Lewisburg, negan. Oxford: Basil Blackwell (1988). PA: Oral Traditions Project of the Union 1990:43rb (103/408:222-224). Jane H. Hill.
County Historical Society (1988). Competence in Performance: The Creativity 1990:33rb (103/408:209-214). Simon J. of Tradition in Mexicano Verbal Art. By Bronner. Michigan Quilts: 150 Years of a Charles L. Briggs. Philadelphia: University of Textile Tradition. Edited by Marsha Mac- Pennsylvania Press (1988). Dowell and Ruth D. Fitzgerald. Forewordby 1990:44rb = (103 /408:224-226). Regna Carolyn E. DiBiaggio. East Lansing: Michi- Darnell. Anthropology Through the Look-
gan State University Museum (1987). ing-Glass: Critical Ethnography in the Mar1990:34rb (103/408:209-214). Simon J. gins of Europe. By Michael Herzfeld. Bronner. Circles of Tradition: Folk Arts in Cambndge: Cambridge University Press Minnesota. With essays by Willard B. Moore, (1987).
Marion J. Nelson, Colleen J. Sheehy, 1990:45rb (103/408:226-227). Bengt HolThomas Vennum, Jr., Johannes Riedel, and __ bek. Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allu-
M. Catherine Daly. Foreword by Lyndel sion, and Paradigm. Edited by Ruth B. King. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Bottigheimer. Philadelphia: University of Press for the University of Minnesota Art Pennsylvania Press (1986).
Museum (1989). 1990:46rb (103/408227-229). Mary Beth
1990:35rb = (103/408:209-214). Simon J. Stein. The Brothers Grimm and Folktale. Bronner. Remaining Faithful: Amana Folk Edited by James M. McGlathery, with Larry
Art in Transition. By Steven Ohrn. Des Danielson, Ruth E. Lorbe, and Selma K.
(1988). Press (1988).
Moines: Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Richardson. Urbana: University of Illinois
1990:36rb = (103/408:209-214). Simon J. 1990:47rb (103/408:229-231). Saraswathi Bronner. You Hear the Ice Talking: The Venugopal. Singing of Birth and Death: Ways of People and Ice on Lake Champlain. Texts in Performance. By Stuart H. BlackBy I. Sheldon Posen. Foreword by Stanley A. burn. Philadelphia: University of PennsylvaRansom. Plattsburgh: Clinton-Essex-Frank- nia Press (1988).
lin Library System (1986). 1990:48rb = (103 /408:231-232). Joan E.
1990:37rb = (103/408:209-214). Simon J. Gross. In Favor of Deceit: A Study of TrickBronner. Decorated Furniture of the Maha- — sters in an Amazonian Society. By Ellen B. tongo Valley. By Henry M. Reed. Essay by Basso. Tucson: University of Arizona Press Don Yoder. Foreword by Monroe H. Fabian. (1987).
Lewisburg, PA: Center Gallery of Bucknell 1990:49rb (103/408:232-233). Bengt af
University (1987). Klintberg. Scandinavian Folk Belief and Leg-
1990:38rb = (103/408:209-214). Simon J. end. Edited by Reimund Kvideland and
Bronner. Craft and Community: Traditional Henning K. Sehmsdorf. Minneapolis: UniArts in Contemporary Society. Edited by versity of Minnesota Press (1988). Shalom D. Staud. Foreword by Mark S. 1990:50rb (103/408:234-235). Dana HowSingel. Philadelphia: Balch Institute for Eth- ell. The Image of Ivan the Ternble in Russian nic Studies; Harnsburg: Pennsylvania Heri- Folklore. By Maureen Perrie. Cambndge:
tage Affairs Commission (1988). Cambndge University Press (1987).
1990:39rb = (103/408:209-214). Simon J. 1990:5irb (103/408:235-236). David E. Bronner. The Ladies’ Work Table: Domestic Whisnant. The Past is Another Country: Needlework in Nineteenth-Century Amer- Representation, Historical Consciousness,
ica. By Margaret Vincent. Allentown, PA: and Resistance in the Blue Ridge. By
Allentown Art Museum (1988). Stephen William Foster. Berkeley: Univer1990:40rb = (103/408:215-218). Wolfgang — sity of California Press (1988).
Mieder. Modern Proverbs and Proverbial 1990:52rb (103/408:236-238). Edgar H. Sayings. By Bartlett Jere Whiting. Foreword — Schein. Inside Organizations: Understanding
494 Journal of American Folklore the Human Dimension. Edited by Michael 1990:64rb (103/409:355-359). Enrique R. O. Jones, Michael D. Moore, and Richard C. Lamadrid. The Lore of New Mexico. By Snyder. Foreword by Ian Mitrodte. New- Marta Weigle and Peter White. Albuquerbury Park, CA: Sage Publications (1988). que: University of New Mexico Press (1989). 1990:53rb_ (103/408:238-239). Kristin G. 1990:65rb (103/409:359-361). John Ashton. Congdon. Exploring Folk Art: Twenty Years Folksongs of New Brunswick. By Edward D. of Thought on Craft, Work and Aesthetics. Ives. Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions
By Michael Owen Jones. Ann Arbor: UMI (1989).
Research Press (1987). 1990:66rb = (103/409:361-362). Shane 1990:54rb (103/408:239-241). Charles G. White. Black Yankees: The Development of Zug, If. Viewpoints on Folklife: Looking at an Afro-American Subculture in Eighteenth-
the Overlooked. by Warren Roberts. Fore- Century New England. By William D. word by W. Edson Richmond. Ann Arbor: Piersen. Amherst: University of Massachu-
UMI Research Press (1988). setts Press (1988).
1990:55rb (103/408:241-243). Del Upton. 1990:67rb (103/409:363-364). William K. Native American Architecture. By Peter Powers. Songprints: The Musical Experience Nabakov and Robert Easton. New York: of Five Shoshone Women. By Judith Vander.
Oxford University Press (1989). Urbana: University of Illinois Press (1988). 1990:56rb (103/408:243-245). Doug De- 1990:68rb = (103/409:365-367). Regina Natale. Working the Water: The Commer- Bendix. Grundriss der Volkskunde: Eincial Fisheries of Maryland’s Patuxent River. fiihrung in die Forschungsfelder der Edited by Paula J. Johnson. Charlottesville, | Europaischen Ethnologie. Edited by Rolf W. VA: Calvert Marine Museum and the Uni-__ Brednich. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag
versity Press of Virginia (1988). (1988).
1990:57rb (103/408:245-247). Yvonne J. 1990:69rb (103/409:367-368). Jack Zipes. Milspaw. The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Wage es, den Frosch zu kiissen: Das GrimFeminine in American Indian Traditions. By mische Marchen Nummer Eins in seinen Paula Gunn Allen. Boston: Beacon Press Wandlungen. By Lutz Réhrich. Cologne:
(1986). Eugen Diederichs Verlag (1987).
1990:58 (103/409:259-300). G[ershon] Leg- 1990:70rb (103/409:368-369). Rosemary man. “Unprintable” Folklore? The Vance Lévy Zumwalt. Daniel Garrison Brinton: Randolph Collection. [folk literature, ob- The “Fearless Critic” of Philadelphia. By scenity, erotica, censorship, Vance Ran- Regna Darnell. Philadelphia: Department of
dolph, United States]. Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania 1990:59 (103/409:301-323). Enn Moore. (1988).
Dream Bread: An Exemplum ina Rajasthani 1990:71irb (103/409:370-372). Robert A. Panchayat. [folk literature: narative: tale: ex- Segal. Jane Ellen Harrison: The Mask and the emplum, parable, AT 1626 “Dream Bread,” Self. By Sandra J. Peacock. New Haven: Yale legal system, contextual analysis, historical- University Press (1988).
geographical method, India: Rajasthan]. 1990:72rb (103/409:372-374). Steven F. 1990:60 (103/409:324-333). Michael Walker. Joseph Campbell: An Introduction. Buonanno. The Palermitan Epic: Dialogism By Robert A. Segal. New York: Garland and the Inscription of Social Relations. [be- Publishing (1987). havior: drama: puppet theater, Carolingian 1990:73rb = (103/409:374-376). Thomas period, dialogism, social relations, Italy: Sic- DuBois. Metafolkloristica: An Informal An-
ily]. thology of Folklorists’ Humor. Edited by 1990:61 (103/409:334-335). Edith Fowke. Franz Kinder and Boaz the Clown. Salt Lake Helen Creighton (1899- 1989). [history and City: Franz and Boaz (1989).
study: history of the discipline: obituaries, 1990:74 (103/410:386). anon. The B. A.
Helen Creighton, Canada]. Botkin Folklore Prize. [history and study:
1990:62ra_ (103/409:336-352). Norm Co- awards, B. A. Botkin Folklore Prize, United hen. From the Record Review Editor. [folk States]. literature: poetry: song, recordings review 1990:75 (103/410:387-389). Bruce Jackson.
essay]. From the Editor: Dead Soldiers and the Arc1990:63 (103/409:352-354). Norm Cohen. — tic Night. [history and study: theory, iconol-
Other Foreign and Ethnic Recordings Re- ogy]. ceived. [folk literature: poetry: song, ethnic 1990:76 (103/410:390-399). Leshe A.
song]. Fiedler. Mythicizing the Unspeakable. [folk |
| Serial Listings 495 literature: narative, film, literature, mytholo- analytic theory, plagiarism, Bruno Bettelgizing, war, Vietnam War, United States]. heim, Julius E. Heuscher]. 1990:77 (103/410:400-416). Bruce Jackson. 1991:7 (104/411:84-85). Suzi Jones. From The Perfect Informant. [history and study: the Exhibitions and Events Review Editor. methodology: fieldwork, personal experi- [history and study: Journal of American Folkence narrative, Vietnam War, personality ore business: editorial policy].
construction, veterans, United States]. 1991:8re (104/411:85-91). Frank de Caro. 1990:78 (103/410:417-501). G[ershon] Leg- Cultural Conservation: Reconfiguring the man. Erotic Folksongs and Ballads: An Inter- Cultural Mission. The First National Confer-
national Bibliography. [folk literature: ence. Organized by Mary Hufford. Washingpoetry: song, ballad, erotica, obscenity, bib- ton, DC: American Folklife Center, Library
ography]. of Congress (1990). 1990:79 — (103/410:502-513). Alessandro 4994:9 (104/411:92-102). Neil V. RosenFalassi and Edward Tuttle. California’s berg. From the New Sound Recordings ReHouses in Costume. [material culture: prod- view Editor: Collecting Our Thoughts.
poetry 8; ;
ucts, architecture, art, exterior decoration, hj d study: hist £ the discipline
United States: California]. [history ang study: fistory © Pass
1990:80ra_ (103/410:514-534). Norm Co- S08 reviewing, JAF, United States]. hen. From the Record Review Editor. [folk 1991:10 (104/411:103). Tom Rankin. From literature: poetry: song. United States. re- the Film and Videotape Editor. [history and
cordings review essay]. study: Journal of American Folklore business: 1990:81 (103/410:553). anon. The Chicago ditorial policy]. Folklore Prize. [history and study: awards, 1991:11rv (104/411:103-105). Charles C.
United States]. Zug, II]I. Unbroken Tradition: Jerry Brown’s
Pottery. By Joey Brackner, Herb E. Smith, and Erin Kellen. Whitesburg, KY: Appalshop, Inc. (n.d.).[16mm and 1/2" video, 28 min.].
1991:1 (104/411:3-4). Burt Feintuch. From 1991:12rv (104/411:105-106). Shifra Epthe New Editor. [history and study: Journal stein. Turkey’s Sephardim: 500 Years. Diof American Folklore business: editorial pol- rected by Laurence Salzmann. Co-produced
icy]. and narrated by Ayse Gursan-Salzmann. 1991:2 (104/411:5-31). Susan Stewart. Philadelphia: 500 Years Project (1989).[1/2" Notes on Distressed Genres. [history and VHS, 60 min.].
study: history of the discpline, folk literature, 4994-43 (104/411:107). Amy Shuman. From
: :32-53). Laurie Kay Som- ; * a oc”
199153 (104/411 92 33) Lane the New Book Reivew Editor. [history and mers. Inventing Latinismo: The Creation of wdited poli) Folklore business:
Hispanic’ Panethnicity in the United — 4994:44rb (104/411:108-110). Susan Ritchie. States. [behavior: festival: Cinco de Mayo, Cultural Texts: A Review of Cultural Studies ethnic identity, latinismo, Hispanic-Ameri- Journals. [history and study: theory, cultural
CISCO}. ne
a United States: California: San Fran- studies journal review essay] Y 1991:4 (104/411:54-71). Shelley R. Adler. ean (104/ The Dewan _ Norman
Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syn- ceerer. Americas wine tream of My Life: drome among Hmong Immigrants: Examin- Selections from the Federal Writers Project s ing the Role of the “Nightmare.” [belief; New Jersey Ethnic Survey. Edited by David medicine, religion, sudden unexpected noc- Steven Cohen. New Brunswick: Rutgers turnal death syndrome (SUNDS), nightmare, Umiversity Press (1990).
war, acculturation, stress, Laotian-Ameri- 1991:16rb = (104/411:112-114). Regina
cans, Hmong, United States]. Bendix. The Hidden Musicians: Music-mak1991:5 (104/411:72-73). William Lynwood 1g in an English Town. By Ruth Finnegan. Montell. D. K. Wilgus (1918-1989). [history Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and study: history of the discipline: obituar- (1989).
ies, D. K. Wilgus, United States]. 1991:17rb (104/411:115-117). Susan G. 1991:6 (104/411:74-83). Alan Dundes. Davis. The Written Suburb: An American
Bruno Bettelheim’s Uses of Enchantment Site, An Ethnographic Dilemma. By John D. and Abuses of Scholarship. [history and study: Dorst. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylva-
history of the discipline, Marchen, psycho- nia Press (1989).
496 Journal of American Folklore 1991:18rb = (104/411:117-119). Shalom 1991:29rb (104/411:133-137). Carl LinStaub. Folklife and Museums: Selected Read- dahl. Chaucerian Play: Comedy and Control
ings. Edited by Patricia Hall and Charlie inthe Canterbury Tales. By Laura Kendrick.
Seemann. Nashville: AASLH (1987). Berkeley: University of California Press 1991:19rb = (104/411:119-120). Deirdre (1988). Evans-Pnitchard. The Ethics of Collecting 1991:30rb (104/411:137-139). Kay F. Cultural Property: Whose Culture? Whose Stone. “Beauty and the Beast”: Visions and , Property? Edited by Phyllis Mauch Messen- Revisions of an Old Tale. By Betsy Hearne. ger. Albuquerque: University of New Mex- Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1989).
ico Press (1989). 1991:31 (104/412:147). Burt Feintuch. 1991:20rb (104/411:121-122). Jeff Todd Ti- From the Editor. [history and study: Journal ton. God’s Peculiar People: Women’s Voices of American Folklore business].
& Folk Tradition in a Pentecostal Church. By 1991:32 (104/412:148-163). Robert Elaine J. Lawless. Lexington: University Cantwell. Conjuring Culture: Ideology and
Press of Kentucky (1988). Magic in the Festival of American Folklife. 1991:21rb (104/411:121-122). JeffTodd Ti- [history and study: history of of the disciton. Diversities of Gifts: Field Studies in _ pline, festival: folk festival, Festival of AmeriSouthern Religion. Edited by Ruel W. Ty- can Folklife, Smithsonian Institution Office son, Jr., James L. Peacock, and Daniel W. of American Folklife, public sector folklore, Patterson. Urbana: University of Illinois cultural conservation, politics, ideology,
Press (1988). magic, United States, see response 1991:121, 1991:22rb (104/411:123-124). Frances Cat- and reply 1991:122]. termole-Tally. A Dictionary of Superstitions. 1991:33 (104/412:164-178). Kennethy S. Edited by Iona Opie and Moira Tatem. Ox- Goldstein. Notes toward a European-Ameri-
ford: Oxford University Press (1989). can Folk Aesthetic: Lessons Learned from 1991:23rb (104/411:124-125). Christopher Singers and Storytellers | Have Known. [hisVecsey. “The Orders of the Dreamed”: tory and study: theory, fieldwork, folk literaGeorge Nelson on Cree and Northern _ ture, aesthetics, bigness]. Ojibwa Religion and Myth, 1823. By Jen- 1991:34 (104/412:179-181). Gary Alan nifer S. H. Brown and Robert Brightman. St. | Fine. Redemption Rumors and the Power of Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press Ostension. [folk literature: narrative: legend:
(1988). modern legend, rumor, ostension, United 1991:24rb = (104/411:125-127). Richard States].
March. Fish Decoys of the Lac du Flambeau = 1991:35ra (104/412:182-197). Catherine A. Ojibway. By Art Kimball and Brad Kimball. Shoupe. Music and Song Traditions in ScotBoulder Junction, WI: Aarvard Publications, land: Springthyme Records. [folk literature:
Inc. (1988). poetry: song, Springthyme Records, United
1991:25rb (104/411:127-129). Ann Grodz- Kindgom: Scotland, recordings review esins Gold. The Poison in the Gift: Ritual, © say]. Presentation, and the Dominant Caste in a 1991:36rb (104/412:198-201). Roger D. North Indian Village. By Gloria Goodwin Abrahams. Folklore Matters. By Alan DunRaheja. Chicago: University of Chicago des. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press
Press (1988). (1989). 1991:26rb (104/411:129-130). Frances W. 1991:37rb (104/412:202-203). Alan Dun-
Pritchett. Pakistani Folk Culture: An Anno- des. Interpretation of Fairy Tales: Danish tated Bibliography. Compiled by Frank J. Folklore ina European Perspective. By Bengt Korom. Islamabad: Lok Virsa Research Cen- Holbek. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum
tre (1988). Fennica (1987). 1991:27rb (104/411:131-133). Judith Ber- 1991:38rb (104/412:203-205). Ruth B.
man. Recovering the Word: Essays on Na-__ Bottigheimer. Marchen—Bilder—Wirkun-
tive American Literature. Edited by Brian gen. Zur Wirkung und _ RezeptionsSwann and Arnold Krupat. Berkeley: Uni- geschichte von illustrierten Marchen der versity of California Press (1987). Briider Grimm nach 1945. By Helge M. A. 1991:28rb (104/411:133-137). Carl Lin- Weinrebe. Frankfurt: Peter Lang (1987). dahl. Chaucer Aloud: The Varieties of Tex- 1991:39rb = (104/412:203-205). Ruth B. tual Interpretation. By Betsy Bowden. Bottigheimer. Studien zur Volkserzahlung. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Berichte und Referate des ersten und zweiten
Press (1987). Symposions zur Volkserzahlung Brunnen-
Serial Listings 497 burg/Siidtirol 1984/85. Edited by Leander J. Hugill and D. Bruce Dickson. College Petzoldt and Siegfried de Rachewiltz. Frank- Station: Texas A & M University Press
furt: Peter Lang (1987). (1988).
1991:40rb (104/412:205-206). Gregory 1991:52rb (104/412:224-227). Robert Blair Nagy. Oral-Formulaic Theory: A Folklore St. George. Hearth & Home: A History of Casebook. Edited by John Miles Foley. New Material Culture. By Norman J. G. Pounds.
York: Garland Publishing (1990). Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1991:41rb (104/412:206-208). Avner Ben- (1989). Amos. Models and Mirrors: Towards an An- 1991:53rb (104/412:227-229). Janet thropology of Public Events. By Don Hutchison. Perspectives in Vernacular ArchiHandelman. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- _ tecture, III. Edited by Thomas Carter and
sity Press (1990). Bernard L. Herman. Columbia: University of 1991:42rb (104/412:208-209). Roger L. Missouri Press (1989). Janelli. The Life and Hard Times ofa Korean 1991:54rb (104/412:229-231). Shifra EpShaman: Of Tales and the Telling of Tales. stein. The Development and Dissemination By Laurel Kendall. Honolulu: University of | of the Chest-Panel of the Bethlehem Em-
Hawaii Press (1988). broidery. By Ziva Amir. Jerusalem: The Is-
1991:43rb (104/412:209-210). James P. rael Museum (1988). Leary. Ethnic Humor Around the World: A 1991:55rb (104/412:229-231). Shifra EpComparative Analysis. By Christie Davis. stein. Palestinian Costume. By Shelagh Weir. Bloomington: Indiana University Press Austin: University of Texas Press (1989).
(1990). 1991:56rb = (104/412:231-232). Gregory
1991:44rb (104/412:211-212). Marta Wei- Schrempp. Dictionary of Polynesian Mytholgle. Mother Russia: The Feminine Myth in ogy. By Robert D. Craig. New York: GreenRussian Culture. By Joanna Hubbs. Bloom- wood Press (1989).
ington: Indiana University Press (1988). 1991:57rb (104/412:233-235). Yair Zak1991:45rb (104/412:212-214). Katharine ovitch. Underdogs and Tricksters: A Prelude Young. Vampires, Burial and Death. By Paul to Biblical Folklore. By Susan Niditch. San Barber. New Haven: Yale University Press Fransisco: Harper & Row (1987).
(1988). 1991:58rb (104/412:235-237). Anthony R.
1991:46rb (104/412:214-216). Harry A. Walker. Counsel from the Ancients: A Study Senn. The Darkling: A Treatise on Slavic of Badaga Proverbs, Prayers, Omens and Vampirism. By Jan L. Perkowski. Columbus: Curses. By Paul Hockings. Outline of the
Slavica Publishers (1989). Badaga language by Chnistiane Pilot-
1991:47rb = (104/412:216-217). John HH. Raichoor. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
McDowell. The People of the Bat: Mayan (1988). Tales and Dreams from Zinacantan. Col- 1991:59rb (104/412:237-239). Joan L. Erdlected and translated by Robert M. Laughlin. man. Fruitful Journeys: The Ways of RajasEdited by Carol Karasik. Washington, DC: thani Pilgrims. By Ann Grodzins Gold.
Smithsonian Institution Press (1988). Berkeley: University of California Press 1991:48rb (104/412:217-218). John Mason (1988). Hart. Judas at the Jockey Club and Other 1991:60rb (104/412:239-241). Joyce BurkEpisodes of Porfirian Mexico. By William H. halter Flueckiger. Storytellers, Saints and Beezly. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Scoundrels: Folk Narrative in Hindu Reli-
Press (1987). gious Teaching. By Kirin Narayan. Philadel1991:49rb (104/412:218-221). Charlotte M. — phia: University of Pennsylvnia Press (1989).
Emans. Plain Painters, Making Sense of 1991:6irb (104/412:241-242). Charles American Folk Art. By John Michael Vlach. Lindholm. The Bazaar of the Storytellers. By Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution W.L. Heston and Mumtaz Nasir. Islamabad:
Press (1988). Lok Virsa Publishing House (1989).
1991:50rb (104/412:221-223). John A. Bur- 1991:62rb — (104/412:242-243). Raphael rison. Craftsman of the Cumberlands: Tradi- Patai. Magyar Népkoltészet [Hungarian Folk tion and Creativity. By Michael Owen Jones. Poetry]. Editor-in-chief, Lajos Vargyas. Ed-
Lexington: University Press of Kentucky ited by Marton Isvanovits. Editorial con-
(1989). tributor, Agnes Szemerkényi. Budapest:
1991:51rb (104/412:223-224). W.F.H.Ni- Akadémiai Kiadé (1988). colaisen. The Transfer and Transformation of 1991:63rb_ (104/412:243-244). R. Gerald Ideas and Material Culture. Edited by Peter Alvey. Encyclopedia of Southern Culture.
498 Journal of American Folklore Coedited by Charles Reagan Wilson and and study: history of the discipline: obituarWilliam Ferris. Chapel Hill: University of ies, Sue Samuelson, United States].
North Carolina Press (1989). 1991:75re (104/413:345-348). Thomas 1991:64rb (104/412:245-246). Timothy H. Vennum, Jr. In Tune with Tradition: WisEvans. Folk Roots, New Roots: Folklore in consin Folk Musical Instruments. Curated by American Life. Edited by Jane S. Becker and Robert T. Teske. Research by James P. Barbara Franco. Lexington, MA: Museum of Leary. Photography by Lewis Koch. Cedar-
Our National Heritage (1988). burg, WI: Cedarburg Cultural Center (19901991:65rb (104/412:246-249). Jay Mech- 91). ling. American Children’s Folklore. Com- 1991:76rb (104/413:345-348). Thomas prec ane edited by Simon J. Bronner. Little Vennum, Jr. In Tune with Tradition: Wis-
ock: August House (1988). _ consin Folk Musical Instruments. Edited by
1991:66rb (104/412:249-251). William Ber- Robert T. Teske. Introduction by James P. nard McCarthy. Pilgrims of Paradox: Calvin- Leary. Cedarburg, WI: Cedarburg Cultural
ism and Experience among the Primitive Center (1990). Baptists of the Blue Ridge. By James L. Pea~ 4994:77re (104/413:348-351). Ray Allen.
cock and Ane Me Panes ass (1980) DC: Folk Roots, New Roots: Folklore in Ameri-
Preasonian Anstitution Press can Life. Coordinated by Jane S. Becker.
1991:67rb (104/412:251-253). Peter Gold- directed by Barbara Franco. Lexington, MA:
smith. Happy in the Service of the Lord”: Museum of Our National Hentage (1988Afro-American Gospel Quartets in Mem- 90). pass By Kip Lornell. Urbana: University of 1991:78b (104/413:348-351). Ray Allen.
inois Press (1988). Folk Roots, New Roots: Folklore in Ameri-
1991:68rb (104/412:253-256). Werner En- can Life. Edited b S Beck d Bar-
ninger.. Amische: Die Lebensweise der Amis- b MA: ~—e y Jane eens AN atof . . ara Franco. Lexington, Museum
chen in Berne, Indiana. By Brigitte ; ;
Bachmann- Geiser and Eugen Bachmann- LOO ee a Oat ee (1388). L Tavl Geiser. Bern: Benteli Verlag (1988). Behind the Mask in Moxico/Deteas de le
1991:69rb (104/412:256-257). M. Herbert .
Danzger. Making Judaism Meaningful: Am- mascara en Mexico. Curated by Marsha Bol. bivalence and Tradition in a Havurah Com- Designed by Christopher Beisel. Videogra-
munity. By Chava Weissler. New York: phy by Tom McCarthy. Santa Fe: Museum
AMS Press (1989). of International Folk Art (1988-92).
1991:70rb (104/412:272). anon. The B. A. 1991:80rb (104/413:351-354). Lonn TayBotkin Folklore Prize. [history and study: lor. Behind the Mask in Mexico. Edited by awards, B. A. Botkin Folklore Prize, United Janet Brody Esser. Santa Fe: Museum of In-
States]. ternational Folk Art (1988).
1991:71 (104/413:275-294). Jay Mechling. 19974:81re — (104/413:354-360). Andrew
The Failure of Folklore in Richard Wright’s Connors. Norte/Sur. Curated by Rene Black Boy. [folk literature, literature, racism, Yanez, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, and Coco autobiography, Richard Wright, Black Boy, Fusco. San Fransisco: Mexican Museum
African-Americans, United States]. (1990).
1991:72 (104/413:295-317). Ray Allen. 1991:82rv— (104/413:361-362). | Tom Shouting the Church: Narrative and Vocal Rankin. We Shall Overcome. By Jim Brown,
Improvisation in African-American Gospel Ginger Brown, Harold Leventhal and Quartet Performance. [folk literature: po- George Stoney. San Fransisco: California etry: song: religious song, narrative, perform- Newsreel (n.d.).[3/4" and 1/2" video, 58 ance, improvisation, communitas, Afrcan- min.].
Americans, United States]. 1991:83rv (104/413:362-364). Beverly Pat-
1991:73 (104/413:318-340). Walter Pitts. terson. Amazing Grace. By Bill Moyers. Like a Tree Planted by the Water: The Mu- Burlington, VT: WNET (n.d.).[VHS, 80 sical Cycle in the African-American Baptist muin.]. Ritual. [behavior: ritual: religious rite, relig- 1991:84rv (104/413:364-365). Kathy Foley. ion: Christianity: Baptist Church, song: reli- Kathputli: The Art of Rajasthani Puppeteers. gious song, African-Americans, United By Naizir Ali Jairazbhoy. University Park:
States: Texas]. Audio-Visual Services, Pennsylvania State
1991:74 (104/413:341-344). Simon J. Bron- University (n.d.).[3/4" and 1/2" video, ner. Sue Samuelson (1956-1991). [history 16mm, 30 min.].
Serial Listings 499 1991:85rb (104/413:366-367). Susan J. Ramallah: Bir Zeit University Research and Ritchie. Human Textuality: A Review of Documentation Center (1986). Journals in the Medical Humanities. [belief; 1991:97rb (104/413:385-387). Susan Slyo-
medicine, journal review essay]. movics. Destroyed Palestinian Villages: Ma1991:86rb = (104/413:368-369). Barbro jdal Asgalan. By Sharif Kanaana and Rashad Klein. Nordic Folklore: Recent Studies. Ed- al-Madani. Ramallah: Bir Zeit University ited by Reimund Kvideland and Henning K. Research and Documentation Center (1986). Sehmsdorf. Collaboration by Elizabeth 1991:98rb (104/413:385-387). Susan SlyoSimpson. Bloomington: Indiana University ™ovics. Destroyed Palestinian Villages:
Press (1989). Salameh. By Sharif Kanaana and Lubna ‘Abd
1991:87rb — (104/413:370-371). Clyde al-Hadi. Ramallah: Bir Zeit University ReThrogmartin and James R. Dow. Le projet search and Documentation Center (1986). culturel de Vichy. Folklore et révolution na- 1991:99rb (104/413:385-387). Susan Slyotionale 1940-1944. By Christian Faure. Pref- ™ovics. Destroyed Palestinian Villages: Deir ace by Pascal Ory. Lyon: Centre Régionalde Yassin. By Sharif Kanaana and Nihad eaye Publication de Lyon, Universitaires de Lyon 2W1. Ramallah: Bir Zeit University Researc
(1989). and Documentation Center (1987).
1991:88rb (104/413:371-374). Robert A. 1991:100rb (104/413:385-387). Susan SlyoSegal. Four Theories of Myth in Twentieth- Movies. Destroyed Palestinian Villages: Inna-
Century History: Cassirer, Eliade, Lévi- beh. By Sharif Kanaana and Muhammad Strauss, and Malinowski. By Ivan Strenski. Sitayen, amallah: or on Concer (1987). Iowa City: University of Iowa Press (1987). scarce ane 7 ocumen : ton enter
1991:89rb (104/413:374-375). Natalie re eee. Susan tye" Lind ; _Ivamts. jun. By Shanf Kanaana and Umar inda J. Armonk, NY, and London: : ; ; Mahamid.
Kononenko Moyle. Russian Folk Belief. By 9 O™IS: SSOYES Falestinian Niages: an
M. E. Sharpe, Inc. (1989). pamaliah: Bir Zeit University Research and 1991:90rb (104/413-376- . - ocumentation Center (1987).
61 nad ( 92976-3577). Anne Le- 4994 :402rb (104/413:385-387). Susan Slyo-
Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar , _. al; Dans. ; movics. Destroyed Palestinian Villages: ays. Edited and translated by Jack Zipes. Faluiah. By Sharif Kanaana and Rashad Hanover and London: University Press of Jon ; .; y al-Madani. Ramallah: Bir Zeit University
New England (1989). , Research and Documentation Center (1987).
1991:91rb (104/413:377-378). Carol= (104/413:387-389). Silver- ; , Lenora 1991:103rb man. Gypsy Folktales. By Diane Tong. San Greenbaum Ucko. How About Demons? 5 ee New apes London: Harcourt Possession and Exorcism in the Modern 1991. SAA TOUR 380). All World. By Felicitas D. Goodman. Bloom‘92rb nenanes )- nen F. ington: Indiana University Press (1988). Roberts. Allegorical Speculation in an Oral 1991:104rb (104/413:387-389). Lenora Society: The Tabwa Narrative Tradition, By Greenbaum Ucko. Ecstasy, Ritual, and AlRobert Cancel. Berkeley: University of Cali- — ternate Reality: Religion in a Pluralistic
fornia Press (1989). _. World. By Felicitas D. Goodman. Bloom1991:93rb (104/413:380-382). Partricia ington: Indiana University Press (1988).
Menvale. The Cult of Pan in Ancient 1991:105rb (104/413:389-392). Charles L. Greece. By Philippe Borgeaud. Translated by Perdue, Jr. Foxfire Reconsidered: A TwentyKathleen Atlass and James Redfield. Chicago: Year Experiment in Progressive Education.
University of Chicago Press (1989). By John L. Puckett. Urbana: University of 1991:94rb = (104/413:382-384). Joseph —_[]}inois Press (1989).
Russo. Orality and Literacy in Hellenic 1991-106rb (104/413:392-394). Virgil J. Greece. By Tony M. Lentz. Carbondale: Vogel. Chicano Folk Medicine from Los AnSouthern Illinois University Press (1989). geles, California. By Beatrice A. Roeder. 1991:95rb (104/413:384-385). Hanaway, Berkeley: University of California Press William L. Iranian Folk Narrative: A Survey (1988). of Scholarship. By Juliet Radhayrapetian. 1991:107rb (104/413:394-396). Laurie Beth New York and London: Garland Publishing Kalb. Hispanic-American Material Culture:
Inc. (1990). An Annotated Directory of Collections,
1991:96rb (104/413:385-387). Susan Slyo- Sites, Archives, and Festivals in the United movics. Destroyed Palestinian Villages: Ein States. Compiled by Joe S. Graham. WestHoud. By Sharif Kanaana and Bassam al-k‘bi. —_ port: Greenwood Press (1989).
500 Journal of American Folklore , 1991:108rb (104/413:396-397). Gerald L. havior: ritual: calendar rite: Halloween, Pocius. Art and Popular Religion in Evan- drama, parade, homosexuality, urban folk-
gelical America, 1915-1940. By Robert L. lore, United States: New York: New York , Gambone. Knoxville: University of Tennes- City].
see Press (1989). 1991:120 (104/414:466-494). Hans-W. | 1991:109rb (104/413:397-399). Stephen O. Ackermann and Jeanine Gauthier. The Ways
Murray. More Man Than You'll Ever Be: and Nature of the Zombi. [belief systems:
Gay Folklore and Acculturation in Middle religion: cultism: zombiism, magic, medi- , America. By Joseph P. Goodwin. Bloom- cine, African-Americans, Haiti, Africa].
Bilan Gowsseseay Roger Lhe Oeste "Peeinsee ° D77agic, Knowledge, and90) Irony
Welsch. The Central Dakota Germans: Their Exchange. A e Comment a oben: History, Language, and Culture. By Shirley — Cantwell’s Observations on the Festival of Fischer Arends. Washington, DC: George- American Folklife. [history and study: history
town University Press (1989). of of the discipline, festival: folk festival,
rer. Coal, Class, an r: are ; ;
eee Oe) Been Festival of American Folklife, Smithsonian Southern. West Vagina 19132. By oe puter Ofte: of American Fol pub
iIkinoik Press (1990) - Urbana: University of politics, ideology, magic, United States, re-
1991:112rb (104/413:402-404). Ellen J. fooq-499 rr oaya1 dae, 499). Ro bert Stekert. Michigan Folklife Reader. Edited by Cantwell Res to Pet S te] hj
C. Kurt Dewhurst and Yvonne R. Lock- Response to Peter Seitel. [ story
wood. East Lansing: Michigan State Univer- ane stay history of of ne asciphne, co
sity Press (1987). va ° eseival sstival © , menican fe) : 1991:113rb — (104/413:404-406). Kathy enn elklone Neustadt. The Last Yankees: Folkways in menncan Folklife, public sector folklore, Eastern Vermont and the Border Country. cultural conservalion, politics, ideology, By Scott E. Hastings, Jr. Hanover: University — te132). States, reply to 1991-121, see
Press of New England (1990). 1991:123re (104/414:500-502). Carol Jop-
1991:114rb (104/413:406). Barbara Allen. 77 Lane : a P
Plains Folk Il: The Romance of the Land- /198- Las Casitas: An Urban Cultural Alterna-
scape. By Jim Hoy and Tom Isern. Norman: ave. Curated by Betti-Sue Hertz. University of Oklahoma Press (1987). Washington, DC: Experimental Gallery, 1991:115rb (104/413:406-409). William K. Smithsonian Institution Arts and Industries Powers. Blackfoot Musical Thought: Com- Building (1991). parative Perspectives. By Bruno Nettl. Kent: 1991:124re (104/414:503-504). Joey Brack-
Kent State University Press (1989). ner. Crossroads of Clay: The Southern Alka1991:116rb (104/413:409-411). Ake line-Glazed Stoneware Tradition. Directed Hultkrantz. Dreamer-Prophets of the Co- by Catherine Wilson Horne. Research by lumbia Plateau: Smohalla and Skolaskin. By Cinda Baldwin. Designed by Tom Kinnard. Robert H. Ruby and John A. Brown. Fore- Columbia, SC: McKissick Museum, Univerowrd by Herman J. Viola. Norman: Univer- S!¥Y of South Carolina (1990-91).
sity of Oklahoma Press (1989). 1991:125rb (104/414:503-504). Joey Brack1991:117rb (104/413:411-413). David K. Mer. Crossroads of Clay: The Southern AlkaDunaway. Indeh: An Apache Odyssey. By line-Glazed Stoneware Tradition. Edited by
Eve Ball, with N. Henn and L. Sanchez. Catherine Wilson Horne. Columbia, SC: Norman: University of Oklahoma Press McKissick Museum, University of South (1988). [response 1992:57, reply 1992:58] Carolina (1990). 1991:118 (104/414:419-442). Thomas Car- 1991:126re (104/414:504-508). Charlie ter. Traditional Design in an Industrial Age: Seemann. The Cowboy Poetry Gathering. Vernacular Domestic Architecture in Victo- Directed by Hal Cannon. Elko, NE: The rian Utah. [material culture: products: archi- | Western Folklife Center (1991).
tecture: house, popular culture, industrial 1991:127ra = (104/414:509-522). Peter
society, United States: Utah]. Narvaez. Current Blues Recordings. [folk 1991:119 (104/414:443-465). Jack Kugel- literature: poetry: song: blues song, Africanmass. Wishes Come True: Designing the Americans, United States, recordings review Greenwich Village Halloween Parade. [be- _ essay].
Serial Listings 501 1991:128rb = (104/414:523-524). Roger Mount Horeb: Wisconsin Folk Museum DeV. Renwick. The Rise of the English (1990).
Street 1550-1650. By Natascha Wiir-reen. navi rioein he Rowe by Franc zbach.Ballad, Translated by Gayna Walls. CamtheBlited KWows. ,: bridge: Cambridge University Press (1990). Edward Abernethy. Dallas: Southern Meth1991:129rb (104/414:524-527). Ian Russell. odist University Press (1987). Demon-Lovers and Their Victims in British 1991:141rb (104/414:544-545). Jonathan C. Fiction. By Toni Reed. Lexington: Univer- David. Maryland Folklore. By George Carey.
sity Press of Kentucky (1988). Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers 1991:130rb (104/414:527). Charles L. Per- (1989). due, Jr. Afro-American Sources in Virginia:
A GuideCharlottesville: to Manuscripts. By Michael Hope Plunkett. University Press of : Virginia (1990). _ 1992:1 (105/415:3-18). Karin Becker. Pic1991:131rb (104/414:528-529). John Mi- turing Our Past: An Archive Constructs a chael Vlach. Africanisms in American Cul- njational Culture. [history and study: ar-
ture. Edited by Joseph E. Holloway. chives, museums, photography, documentaBloomington: Indiana University Press tion, Nordic Museum, Sweden].
(1990). 1992:2 (105/415:19-33). Jack Santino. Yel-
1991:132rb (104/414:529-531). Anne Bur- low Ribbons and Seasonal Flags: The Folk son-Tolpin. Backstage Domains: Playing Assemblage of War. [material culture: art: “William Tell” in Two Swiss Communities. exterior decoration, sssomblage. ribbon, flag, By Regina Bendix. Bern: Peter Lang (1989). calendar rite, patriotism, politics, Gulf War,
1991:133rb (104/414:531-533). Margaret United Gary States]. ; InBennett. Tales Until Dawn: Sgeul Gu Latha: 1992:3 (105/415:34-56). R. Butler. The World of a Cape Breton Gaelic Story- dexicality, Authority, and Communication Teller. By Joe Neil MacNeil. Translated and in Traditional Narrative Discourse. [folk litedited by John Shaw. Montreal: McGill- erature: narrative: legend, personal experi-
Queen’s University Press and Edinburgh ence narrative, communication,
University Press (1987). performance, indexicality, authority, dis-
1991:134rb (104/414:533-535). Michael N. course analysis, French-Canadians, Canada: Nagler. The Language of Heroes: Speech and Newfoundland]. Performance in the Iliad. By Richard P. Mar- 1992:4 (105/415:57-65). John Miles Foley. tin. Ithaca: Cornell Universtiy Press (1989), Albert Bates Lord (1912-1991). [history and 1991:135rb (104/414:535-536). Barbara Al- Study: history of the discipline: obituaries, len. Stories, Community, and Place: Narra~- Albert Bates Lord, United States].
tives from Middle America. By Barbara 1992:5 (105/415:66-72). Marcia Gaudet. Johnstone. Bloomington: Indiana University Bouki, the Hyena, m Louisiana and African
Press (1990). Tales. [folk literature: narrative: tale: animal 1991:136rb (104/414:536-537). Laura Har- ‘@!¢, hyena, Bouki, sexual ambiguity, trick-
lers: Folktales and Legends Alcee Portier, African-Americans, per Lee. Storyte & United States:S°*™ Louisiana, Haiti, Afnica].
_ ; : 15: . tyl L. Keyes. 1991:137rb = (104/414:537-539). — Ellen . ieee oo
from the South. Edited by John A. Burrison. 1992:6ra (105/415:73-80). Cheryl L. K Athens: University of Georgia Pres (1989). Women’s Heritage Series: Rosetta Records
4. 1. Dp: [folk literature: poetry: song: blues song, jazz
Badone. Kinship and Pilgrimage: Rituals of music, women, African-Americans, Rosetta Reunion in American Protestant Culture. By Records, United States. recordings review Gwen Kennedy Neville. New York: Oxford essay].
University Press (1987). 1992:7rv (105/415:81-82). Joe Wilson. 1991:138rb (104/41 4:539-542). Ake Powerhouse for God. By Barry Dornfeld,
Hultkrantz. Renewing the World: Plains In- Tom Rankin, and Jeff Todd Titon. Waterdian Religion and Morality. By Howard L. town, MA: Documentary Educational ReHarrod. Tucson: University of Arizona Press sources (n.d.).[1/2" VHS and 16mm, 58
(1987). min.].
1991:139rb (104/414:542-543). J. Sanford —1992:8rv (105/415:82-83). Stephen Glazier. Rikoon. Threshing Days: The Farm Paint- Voodoo and the Church in Haiti. By Andrea ings of Lavern Kammerude. Text by Chester Leland and Bob Richards. Berkeley: UniverGarthwaite. Introduction by James P. Leary. sity of California Extension Media Center
502 Journal of American Folklore (n.d.).[1/2" VHS and 3/4" U- Matic, 40 dokumenten. By Peter Assion. Frankfurt am min.]. Main: Insle Verlag (1987). 1992:9rv_ (105/415:83-85). Janet Herman. 1992:21irb (105/415:103-105). Peter TokofSkin and Ink: Artists and Collectors. By Bar- sky. Helau und Heil Hitler. Alltagsgeschichte
bara Attie, Mora Monroe, and Maureen der Fasnacht 1919-1939 am Beispiel der Stadt , Wellner. New York: Women Make Movies, Freiburg, Alltag & Provinz. Volume 2. By
Inc. (n.d.).[video and 16mm, 28 min.]. Berthold Hamelmann. Eggingen: Edition 1992:10rv (105/415:85-86). Yildiray Er- Isele (1989). dener. Every Island Has Its Own Songs. By 1992:22rb (105/415:105-107). Roland S. Nancy Michael. White Springs: Bureau of Moore. Contested Identities: Gender and Florida Folklife Programs and Tampa Public Kinship in Modern Greece. Edited by Peter
Television Station WEDU (n.d.).{3/4" Loizos and Evthymios Papataxiarchis.
video, 28 min.]. Princeton: Princeton University Press 1992:11rb (105/415:87-90). Jay Mechling. (1991).
City Games: The Evolution of American Ur- —- 1992:23rb (105/415:107-109). Susan Dwyer ban Society and the Ruse of Sports. By Steven Amussen. Warrior Women and Popular BalA. Riess. Urbana: University of Illinois Press ladry, 1650-1850. By Dianne Dugaw. Cam-
(1989). bridge: Cambridge University Press (1989).
1992:12rb (105/415:87-90). Jay Mechling. 1992:24rb (105/415:109-111). Robert Roy City Play. By Amanda Dargan and Steven’ Reed. In Sorcery’s Shadow. By Paul Stoller Zeitlin. New Brunswick: Rutgers University and Cheryl Olkes. Chicago: University of
Press (1990). Chicago Press (1987).
1992:13rb (105/415:90-91). Walter P. Zen- 1992:25rb (105/415:109-111). Robert Roy ner. Between Two Worlds: Ethnographic Reed. Fusion of the Worlds: An EthnograEssays on American Jewry. Edited by Jack phy of Possession among the Songhay of Kugelmass. Ithaca: Cornell University Press Niger. By Paul Stoller. Chicago: University
(1988). of Chicago Press (1989).
1992:14rb (105/415:91-93). Norman Led- 1992:26rb (105/415:111-112). Anthony F. erer. For Democracy, Workers, and God: Aveni. Orion y la Mujer Pléyades: SimLabor Song-Poems and Labor Protest, 1865- bolismo astronémico de los indios kalinia de 95. By Clark D. Halker. Urbana and Chi- Surnnam. By Edmundo Magana. Amsterdam: cago: University of Illinois Press (1991). Centro de Estudios y Documentacion Lati-
1992:15rb (105/415:93-95). Bill Ellis. namericanos (1988).
Southern Folk Ballads. Compiled and edited 1992:27rb (105/415:112-114). Carol S.
by W. K. McNeil. Little Rock: August Taylor. This Other Kind of Doctors. By
House (1987-88). Suzanne J. Terrell. New York: AMS Press,
1992:16rb (105/415:95-99). Jean Gregorek. Inc. (1990). Bossmen: Bill Monroe and Muddy Waters. 1992:28 (105/416:131). Burt Feintuch. By James Rooney. New York: Da Capo’ From the Editor. [history and study: JAF
(1971). business; multiculturalism, Shelley R. Adler].
1992:17rb (105/415:95-99). Jean Gregorek. 1992:29 (105/416:132-165). Brenda Danet, How Can I Keep From Singing: Pete Seeger. Bryna Bogoch. “Whoever Alters This, May By David Dunaway. New York: Da Capo God Turn His Face from Him on the Day of
(1981). Judgment”: Curses in Anglo-Saxon Legal ,
1992:18rb = (105/415:99-100). Timothy Documents. [folk literature: speech: ethnogLloyd. Bounty: A Harvest of Food Lore and raphy of speaking, curse, witchcraft, law,
Country Memories from Utah’s Past. By speech act theory, medieval period, Anglo- , Janet Alm Anderson. Boulder: Pruett Pub- Saxons, United Kingdom].
lishing Company (1990). 1992:30 (105/416:166-182). Richard R. 1992:19rb = (105/415:101-102). Guntis Flores. The Corrido and the Emergence of
Smidchens. Lettische Volksmarchen. Edited Texas-Mexican Social Identity. [folk litera-
by Ojars Ambainis. Translated by Benita ture: poetry: ballad, corrido, “Los SediSpielhaus. Munich: Eugen Diederichs Verlag _ciosos,” ethnic identity, culture conflict,
(1989). Mexican-Americans, United States: Texas]. |
1992:20rb (105/415:102-103). James R. 1992:31 (105/416:183-207). Jerrold Hirsch. Dow. Von Hessen in die Neue Welt. Eine Modernity, Nostalgia, and Southern Folklore
Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte der hessischen Studies: The Case of John Lomax. [history , Amerikaauswanderung mit Text- und Bild- and study: history of the discipline, John A. :
: Serial Listings 503 Lomax, nationalism, nostalgia, modernity, ited by Peter Seitel. Washington, D.C-.: African-Americans, United States: southern Smithsonian Institution (1991).
states]. 1992:42rb = (105 /416:238-240). Charles 1992:32 (105/416:208-210). Tristram Potter Joyner. Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways Coffin. John Greenway (1919-1991). [his- in America. By David Hackett Fischer. New tory and study: history of the discipline: | York: Oxford University Press (1989).
obituaries, John Greenway, United States]. 1992:43rb = (105/416:240-242). W. K. 1992:33 (105/416:210-211). Simon J. Bron- McNeil. The Invention of Appalachia. By ner. Mac E. Barnck (1933-1991). [history Allen W. Batteau. Tucson: University of Ariand study: history of the discipline: obituar- zona Press (1990).
, ies, Mac E. Barrick, United States: Pennsyl- 1992:44rb (105/416:242-244). Paula J.
, vania]. Johnson. Lake Ene Fishermen: Work, Tradi1992:34 (105/416:211-214). Carl Lindahl. tion, and Identity. By Timothy C. Lloyd and Harry A. Gammerdinger (1956-1990). [his- Patrick B. Mullen. Urbana: University of tory and study: history of the discipline: Illinois Press (1990). obituaries, Harry A. Gammerdinger, United 1992:45rb (105/416:244-245). J. Russell
States]. Reaver. Florida Cow Hunter: The Life and 1992:35ra_ (105/416:215-226). Barry Lee Times of Bone Mizell. By Jim Bob Tinsley. Pearson. Standing at the Crossroads Between Orlando: University of Central Florida Press Vinyl and Compact Discs: Reissue Blues Re- (1990). cordings in the 1990s. [folk literature: poetry: 1992:46rb (105/416:245-247). Joyce Cole-
song, blues song, compact disc, African- man. Fiction in the Archives: Pardon Tales
| Americans, United States, recordings review and Their Tellers in Sixteenth-Century
, essay]. France. By Natalie Zemon Davis. Stanford: 1992:36re (105/416:227-230). Andrea Gra- Stanford University Press (1987).
, ham. America’s Living Folk Traditions. 1992:47rb (105/416:247-249). Samuel G. Traveling exhibition orgnaized by the Mu- Armistead. Ten Hispano-Arabic Strophic seum of International Folk Art, Sante Fe, Songs in the Modern Oral Tradition: Music
N.M. Curated by Judy Smith. and Texts. By Benjamin M. Liu and James T. 1992:37re = (105/416:230-233). Andrew Monroe. Berkeley: University of California Connors. Images of Penance, Images of Press (1989). Mercy: Santos and Ceremonies of the His- 1992:48rb (105/416:249-250). Joyce Cole: panic Southwest. Traveling exhibition or- man. Magic in the Middle Ages. By Richard ganized by the Taylor Museum for Kieckhefer. Cambridge: Cambridge UniverSouthwestern Studies, Colorado Springs Fine sity Press (1989).
| Arts Center, Colo. Curated by William 1992:49rb (1 05/416:250-252). Leonard
, Wroth. Norman Primiano. Catholic Cults and Devo1992:38rb = (105/416:230-233). Andrew tions: A Psychological Inquiry. By Michael
, Connors. Images of Penance, Images of P. Carroll. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s UniMercy: Southwestern Santos in the Late versity Press (1989). Nineteenth Century. By Willaim Wroth. 1992:50rb (105/416:252-255). Bill Ellis.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press for New Age Encyclopedia. Edited by J. Gordon the Taylor Museum for Southwestern Studies Melton with Aidan A. Kelly and Jerome
(1991). Clark. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. (1990).
: 1992:39re (105/416:233-235). Sally Yerk- 1992:5irb (105/416:252-255). Bill Ellis. ovich. BIG BOATS made small. Temporary UFOs in the 1980s: The UFO Encyclopedia, exhibition organized by the Maine Maritime Volume 1. Edited by Jerome Clark. Detroit: Museum, Bath, Maine. May 1991-May 1992. Apogee Books (1990).
| Curated by Robert Webb. 1992:52rb (105/416:255-258). Tracy M.
, 1992:40re (105/416:235-237). Gary Stan- Lord. Les Productions symboliques du pouton. The 1991 Festival of American Folklife. voir. Sous la direction de Laurier Turgeon.
Organized by the Office of Folklife Pro- Quebec: Septentrion (1990).
, grams, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1992:53rb (105/416:255-258). Tracy M. , D.C. Director, Richard Kurin. Festival Di- | Lord. Domination in the Arts of Resistance: | rector, Diana Parker. Co-sponsored by the Hidden Transcripts. By James C. Scott. New National Park Service. 28 June-7 July 1991. — Haven: Yale University Press (1990).
1992:41rb (105/416:235-237). Gary Stan- 1992:54 (105/417:275-301). John Miles , ton. 1991 Festival of American Folklife. Ed- Foley. Word-Power, Performance, and Tra-
504 Journal of American Folklore dition. [folk literature: poetry: epic, verse, 1992:64rv (105/417:366-367). Beverly Patcharm, medicine, orality, formula, textuality, _ terson. Signs of the Times. By Leandra Little.
performance, ethnopoetics, Moslems, Croa- University Park: Audio-visual Services,
tia, Serbia]. Pennsylvania State University (n.d.).[1/2" 1992:55 (105/417:302-314). Elaine J. Law- VHS and 3/4" U-Matic, 28 min.]. less. “I Was Afraid Someone Like You...an 1992:65rb (105/417:368-373). James R. Outsider...Would Misunderstand”: Negoti- Dow. Austrian Volkskunde: A Contempoating Interpretive Differences Between Eth- rary Sampler. [general studies, Austria, book nographers and Subjects. [history and study: review essay). methodology: fieldwork, ethics, reflexive 1992:66rb (105/417:368-373). James R. ethnography, reciprocal ethnography, Chris- Dow. Speise und Trank im Siidoststeirischen tianity: Pentecostalism, women, preachers, Bauernland. By Anni Gamerith. Graz:
United States: Missouri]. Akademische Druck- und _ Verlagsanstalt
1992:56 (105/417:315-341). Cathy Lynn (1988). Preston. “The Tying of the Garter”: Repre- 4992:67rb (105/417:368-373). James R. sentations of the Female Rural Laborer in) pow. Gegenwartsvolkskunde und Jugend17th-, 18th-, and 19th-Century English ,ultur. Edited by Klaus Beitl. Vienna: Verlag Bawdy Songs. [folk literature: poetry: ballad, ger Qsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenbroadside ballad, chapbook ballad, sexuality, -naften (1987).
representation, occupational folklore, 4992-68rb (105/417:368-373). James R. women, men, Minited 1 go3.80 England, Dow. Industriegeschichte und Arbeitkultur. » COTE enon #04]. Beitrage zu Fragen ihrir Dokumentation und 1992:57 (105/417:342-343). Claire R. Par- musealen Prisentation, Edited by Olaf Bockrer. Living Names and Dead Traditions: horn and Reinhard Johler. Vienna: Institut Commentary on Indeh Review. [folk litera- fiir Volkskunde der Universitat Wien (1987).
ture: speech, names, language, Native 4999:69rb (105/417:368-373). James R. Americans: Apache 199258) Tespons© Dow. Osterreichische volkskundliche Bibli1992-58 (105/417:343) David K. Dunaway ographie. Verzeichnis der Neuerscheinungen
° Pr "fiir die Jahre 1981 bis 1983 mit Nachtragen
Response to Farrer. [folk literature: speech, aus den vorgangegangen Jahren. Edited by
veply 0 19025) nee acre Bh States, Klaus Beitl and Eva Kausel. Vienne: Verband
1992:59ra_ (105/417:344-358). Neil V. der Noreen Gesellschaften OsterRosenberg. From the Sound Recordings Re- reves
view Documentary Soundpoetry: Record- eee neg anentoen ze mes a ings.power [folk literature: song, narrative,
1h entary. necordings review essay), heute (unter Berticksichtigung von Siidtirol). 1992:60rv (105/417:359-360). Joseph Edited by Eva Kausel. Vienna: Verlag der Daniel Sobol. From My Grandmother's Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaf-
Grandmother Unto Me. Produced and di- ten (1987).
rected by John David Allen. Written and 1992:71rb (105/417:374-379). David K. performed by Clarinda Ross Clark. Atlanta: Dunaway. Folk Protest and Political Music in
IMAGE Film/video Center (n.d.).[1/2" the United States. [folk literature: poetry:
video, 52 min.]. song: protest song, politics, United States, 1992:61rv (105/417:360-362). Peter Tokof- United Kingdom, book review essay]. sky. American Chronicles. Creator and ex- 1992:72rb (105/417:374-379). David K. ecutive producer, Mark Frost. Los Angeles: Dunaway. When the Music’s Over: The Lybnch/Frost Productions (n.d.).[1/2" Story of Political Pop. By Robin Denselow.
video, 13 parts, 30 min. each]. New York: Faber (1989).
1992:62rv (105/417:362-363). Paddy Baker 1992:73rb (105/417:374-379). David K. Bowman. Saturday Market: A New Ameri- Dunaway. My Song Is My Weapon: People’s
can Town Square. By Bill Goldsmith. Songs, American Communism, and the PoliEugene: Bill Goldsmith (n.d.).[3/4" and 1/2" tics of Culture, 1930-50. By Robbie Lieber-
video, 30 min.]. man. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1992:63rv (105/417:364-366). Rachelle H. (1989). Saltzman. The Screen Painters. By Elaine Eff. 1992:74rb (105/417:374-379). David K. Baltimore: Baltimore Traditions (n.d.).[1/2" | Dunaway. Guemlla Minstrels: John Lennon,
video, 28 min.]. Joe Hill, Woody Guthrie, and Bob Dylan. By
| Serial Listings 505 | Wayne Hampton. Knoxville: University of ture: poetry: song: bluegrass song, United
, Tennessee Press (1986). States, recordings review essay].
1992:75rb (105/417:374-379). David K. 1992:87re (105/418:471-475). Alice E. Dunaway. Fakesong. By Dave Harker. Mil- Horner. Objects of Myth and Memory: ton Keynes: Open University Press (1985). American Indian Art from the Brooklyn Mu-
! 1992:76rb (105/417:380-382). Deborah A. seum. Traveling exhibition organized by the Kapchan. Romancing the Real: Folkloreand Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, N.Y. Curated
Ethnographic Representation in North Af- by Diana Fane, Ira Jacknis, and Lise M. rica. By Sabra J. Webber. Philadelphia: Uni-__ Breen.
versity of Pennsylvania Press (1991). 1992:88rb (105/418:471-475). Alice E. 1992:77rb (105/417:382-384). Peter Tokof- Horner. Objects of Myth and Memory: sky. Zwischen Festtag und Alltag. Zehn American Indian Art at the Brooklyn Mu, Beitrage zum Thema “Miindlichkeit und seum. By Diana Fane, Ira Jacknis, and Lise M. , Schniftlichkeit.”’ Edited by Wolfgang Raible. Breen. Brooklyn and Seatle: The Brooklyn Tiibingen: Gunter Narr Verlag (1988). Museum in association with University of 1992:78rb (105/417:384-385). Jan L. Perk- Washington Press (1991).
| owski. A Bibliography of Slavic Mythology. 1992:89re (105/418:476-477). Steve : By Mark Kulikowski. Columbus: Slavica Brown. Chiefly Feasts: The Enduring
Publishers Inc. (1989). Kwakiutl Potlatch. Traveling exhibition or1992:79rb = (105/417:385-386). Timothy ganized by the American Museum of Natural
Cochrane. Sense of Place: American Re- History, New York, N.Y. Curated by Al, gional Cultures. Edited by Barbara Allen and dona Jonaitis. Thomas J. Schlereth. Lexington: University 1992:90rb (105/418:476-477). Steve
Press of Kentucky (1990). Brown. Chiefly Feasts: The Enduring
, 1992:80rb (105/417:386-388). Richard R. Kwakiutl Potlatch. Edited by Aldona Jonai-
Flores. The Mexican Corrido: A Feminist tis. New York and Seatle: American Museum
: Analysis. By Maria Herrera~Sobek. Bloom- of Natural Histoey in association with the , ington: Indiana University Press (1990). University of Washington Press (1991).
. 1992:81rb (105/417:388-390). Paul W. 1992:91re (105/418:477-479). Lucille Hanson. Beyond Feminist Aesthetics: Femi- Chaveas. “Who'd a Thought It?” Improvisa-
| nist Literature and Social Change. By Rita tions in African-American Quiltmaking. : Felski. Cambridge: Harvard University Press Traveling exhibition organized by the San
(1989). Francisco Craft and Folk Art Museum. Cu1992:82 (105/418:402). anon. Correction. rated by Eli Leon. . [see 1992:56]. 1992:92rb = (105/418:477-479). — Lucille | 1992:83 (105/418:403-423). John H. Chaveas. “Who’d a Thought It?” ImprovisaMcDowell. Folklore as Commemorative _ tions in Aftican-American Quiltmaking. By
| Discourse. [folk literature: poetry: ballad, Eli Leon. Introduction by Robert Ferris : corrido, “Corrido de Sidonio”, commemo- Thompson. San Francisco: San Francisco | rative discourse, discourse analysis, Mexico: Craft and Folk Art Museum (1987).
Guerrero]. 1992:93rv (105/418:480-482). Jeff Todd Ti-
: 1992:84 (105/418:424-441). Patricia A. ton. Bonsoir Mes Amis. By “Huey.” Port, Turner. Ambivalent Patrons: The Role of land, ME: Films by Huey (n.d.).[1/2" VHS, : Rumor and Contemporary Legends in Afri- 46 min.]. | can-American Consumer Decisions. [folk lit- 1992:94rv (105/418:482-483). Andrew S. erature: narrative: legend: modern legend, Cahan. Morgan Sexton, Bull Creek Banjo rumor, consumerism, Ku Klux Klan, Afri- Player. By Ann Lewis Johnson, Buck Mag-
can-Americans, United States]. gard, and Andrew Garrison. Whitesburg,
1992:85 = (105/418:442-457). Herbert KY: Appalshop, Inc. (n.d.).[1/2" video, 28 Halpert. Coming Into Folklore More Than min.]. | Fifty Years Ago. [history and study: history 1992:95rv (105/418:483-485). Chris Goof the discipline, fieldwork, WPA (Works ertzen. Routes of Rhythm. Produced and
: Progress Administration), Herbert Halpert, directed by Eugene Rosow and Howard
: United States]. Dratchh New York: Cinema Guild
: 1992:86ra = (105/418:458-470). Neil V. (n.d.).[1/2" video, 3 parts, 60 min. each]. Rosenberg. From the Sound Recordings Re- 1992:96rv (105/418:485-486). Kip Lornell.
2 view Editor: Bluegrass Today. [folk litera~- Blues Houseparty. By Eleanor Ellis and Jack-
506 Journal of American Folklore son Frost. Takoma Park: 1989 Houseparty rita Xanthakou. Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des Productions (n.d.).[1/2" video, 57 min.]. Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (1988). 1992:97rv (105/418:486-487). Loyal Jones. 1992:109rb (105/418:508-510). Gillian Julie: Old Time Tales of the Blue Ridge. By Bennett. In Pursuit of Satan: The Police and Cece Conway, Maureen Gosling, and Les the Occult. By Robert D. Hicks. Buffalo:
Blank. El Cerrito, CA: Flower Films Prometheus Books (1991).
(n.d.).[16mm and 1/2" video, 11 min.]. 1992:110rb (105/418:510-511). Moira Kal1992:98rb (105/418:488-489). Gerald L. loran. “Peaks of Yemen I Summon”: Poetry Pocius. Primitive Art in Civilized Places. By as Cultural Practice in a North Yemen Tribe. Sally Price. Chicago: University of Chicago By Steven D. Caton. Berkeley: University of
Press (1989). California Press (1991).
1992:99rb (105/418:489-491). Guy H. 1992:111rb (105/418:511-513). Frank J.
Haskell. Emics and Etics: The Insider/Out- Korom. The Life of a Text: Performing the sider Debate. Edited by Thomas N. Head- R4mcaritmanas of Tulsidas. By Phillip Lutgenland, Kenneth L. Pike, and Marvin Harris. dorf. Berkeley: University of California Press
London: Sage Publications (1990). (1991). 1992:100rb (105/418:491-493). Jeannie B. 1992:112rb (105/418:513-515). J. Robert Thomas. Forked Tongues: Speech, Writing, Phillips. Net of Magic: Wonders and Decepand Representation in North American In- tions in India. By Lee Siegel. Chicago: Unidian Texts. By David Murray. Bloomington: Verity of Chicago Press (1991).
Indiana University Press (1991). 1992:113rb (105/418:515-517). Robin 1992:101rb (105/418:493-496). Susan W. Ridington. Write It on Your Heart: The
Fair. Bashful No Longer: An Alaskan Eskimo FPi¢ World of an Okanagan Storyteller. By
Ethnohistory, 1778-1988. By Wendell H. Harry Robinson. Compiled and edited by
Oswalt. Norman: Oklahoma University Wendy Wickwire. Vancouver: Talon-
Press (1990). books/Theytus (1989).
1992:102rb (105/418:496-498). Linda J, 1992:414rb (105/418:517-518). W. K. Jencson. Mother Earth Spirituality: Native MeNeil. The Wolfpen Notebooks: A ReAmerican Paths to Healing Ourselves and cord of App alachian Lite. By James Still. Our World. By Ed McGaa, Eagle Man. New Foreword by Eliot Wigginton. Lexington:
York: Harper and Row (1990). University Press of Kentucky (1991).
1992:103rb (105/418:498-499). Miles 1992:415rb (105/418:518-519). Sander L. Richardson. Little Bit Know Something: Gilman. Social Order/Mental Disord er: AnStories in a Language of Anthropology. B glo-American Psychiatry in Historical PerRobin Ridington. lowa City: University of spechive. By Andrew Scull. Berkeley:
guag pology. Dy ; Iowa Press (1990). y University of California Press (1989).
1992:104rb (105/418:499-502). H. Russell Bernard. Native Latin American Cultures Through Their Discourses. Edited by Ellen B. Basso. Bloomington: Folklore Institute
(1990). 1993:1 (106/419:3-37). Roger D. Abra-
1992:105rb (105/418:502-503). Donald J. hams. Phantoms of Romantic Nationalism in Cosentino. Possession. By Erika Bour- _ Folkloristics. [history and study: theory, roguignon. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland mantic nationalism, politics, definition].
Press (1991). 1993:2 (106/419:38-60). Wolfgang Mieder.
1992:106rb (105/418:503-505). Uli Linke. “The Only Good Indian Is a Dead Indian”: Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas and Power. History and Meaning of a Proverbial StereoBy Jesse L. Byock. Berkeley: University of type. [folk literature: speech: proverb, stereo-
California Press (1988). type, racism, Native Americans, United 1992:107rb = (105/418:505-507). Carl — States].
Rahkonen. Kalevala Mythology. By Juha Y. 1993:3 (106/419:61-98). James Porter. ConPentikdinen. Translated and edited by Ritva vergence, Divergence, and Dialectic in Folk-
Poom. Bloomington: Indiana University song Paradigms: Critical Directions for
Press (1989). Transatlantic Scholarship. [folk literature: 1992:108rb (105/418:507-508). Gregory poetry: song, theory, Marxism, Ireland,
Gizelis. Cendrillon et les Soeurs Cannibales: | United Kingdom, United States].
De la Stakhtobouta maniote (Gréce) 4 l’ap- 1993:4rb (106/419:99-100). Gai Ingham proche intraparentale imaginaire. By Marga~__ Berlage. The Olympics of 1972: A Munich
Serial Listings 507 Diary. By Richard D. Mandell. Chapel Hill: cupational folklore, sexual infidelity, United University of North Carolina Press (1991). States].
1993:5rb (106/419:100-101). Karl G. 1993:17 (106/420:171-183). Mark E. WorkHeider. Wild People: Travels with Borneo’s man. Tropes, Hopes, and Dopes. [history and
Head-Hunters. By Andro Linklater. New study: theory, identity, otherness, trope, York: Atlantic Monthly Press (1991). Holocaust, AIDS, Jews, homosexuals]. 1993:6rb (106/419:101-103). Rachelle H. 1993:18 (106/420:184-189). William HanSaltzman. American Historical Pageantry: sen. Bengt Holbek (1933-1992). [history and
, The Uses of Tradition in the Early Twentieth study: history of the discipline: obituaries, Century. By David Glassberg. Chapel Hill: Bengt Holbek, Denmark, includes bibliogUniversity of North carolina Press (1990). raphy].
1993:7rb (106/419:103-104). Regina 1993:19ra_ (106/420:190-204). Neil V. Bendix. Localizing Strategies: Regional Tra- Rosenberg. From the Sound Recordings Reditions of Ethnographic Writing. Edited by view Editor: Reissues. [folk literature: po-
RichardInstitution Fardon. Washington, DC: Smith- ¢'ry: song, reve recordings, recordings sonian Press (1990). TeEVIeWw essay}. 1993:8rb (106/419:104-106). Christine 1993:20re — (106/420:205-207). Andrew Goldberg. The New Comparative Method: Wiget. American Encounters. Permanent exStructural and Symbolic Analysis of the Alo- hibition organized by the National Museum motifs of “Snow White.” By Steven Swann of American History, Smithsonian Institu-
Jones. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedakatemia nO A ngton, a Co-curators: Rach
1990). ar om, Rayna Green, and Lonn Taylor.
1993:54b (106/419:106-107). Elon A. Kulii, Designer: Hank — Grasso. Scriptwriter: Liberating Voices: Oral Tradition in African Howard Mormison. Education specialist: Lisa
, American Literature. By Gayl Jones. Cam- rae Execueve Produ 4h OF ins Karen
3:10r 7107-108). Philip Nus- oye, . ,
bridge: Harvard University Press (1991). Flores. Project manager: Harold Closter.
baum. Frontier Fiddler: The Life ofa North- 1993:21ce (106/420.207.310), ‘Many A
a eons di ted by Larry V. Shumway, Zwolinski. Worlds of Art—-Worlds Apart. Tucson: University of Arizona Press (1990) ' Permanent exhibition organized by the New
, 1993:11rb (106/419:109-110). Rob D York State Historical Association, Fenimore
. » Oder House Cooperstown, N.Y. Curated by Paul
Bethke. For Singing and Dancing and All D’ Ambrosio Des; ib David Mijhal
Sorts of Fun. By I. Sheldon Posen. Toronto: 1993-22 10 TO) y on may:
Deneau Publishers (1988). ‘2rv (106/420:211-215). James P.
1993:12rb (106/419:110-112). Susan “°2"Y: Images of Loggers. [general studies,
, Ritchie. The Case of Califo 4. B occupational folklore, loggers, United States,
a , momma. Y videotape review essay]. Looe te eet | Leary. From Stump to Ship: A 1930 Logging Lawrence Rickels. Baltimore: John Hopkins — 4993-23 ry (106/420:211-215). James P.
A ‘L3rb ( a7 -114). Glynis Carr. Film. By the Northeast Archive of Folklore
natomy of Racism. Edited by David Theo and Oral History, University of Maine. Blue
Goldberg. Minneapolis: University of Min- yi] Falls. ME: Northeast Historic Film
nesota Press (1990). (n.d.).[1/2" video, 28 min].
1993:14rb (106/419:114-118). Pertti J. 4993:24rv (106/420:211-215). James P.
Anttonen. Bibliographia Studiorum Urali- Leary. Woodsmen and River Drivers: “Ancorum 1917-1987. Uralistiikan tutkimuksen — other Day, Another Era.” By the Northeast
bibliografia. II. Perinnetieteet. Editor-in- Archive of Folklore and Oral History, Unichief, Kaisa Sinikara. Helsinki: Suomalaisen versity of Maine. Blue Hill Falls, ME: North-
Kijallisuuden Seura (1990). east Historic Film (n.d.).[1/2" video, 30 1993:15 (106/420:131-155). John D. Niles. min.].
| Understanding Beowulf: Oral Poetry Acts. 1993:25rv (106/420:211-215). James P. ; [folk literature: poetry: epic, fieldwork, tran- Leary. Dead River. By Richard Searls and scription, orality, Beowulf, United King- Stuart Silverstein. Blue Hill Falls, ME:
dom]. Northeast Historic Film (n.d.).[1/2" video,
, 1993216 (106/420:156-170). Archie Green. 55 min.]. ! Boss, Workman, Wife: Sneaking-Home 1993:26rv (106/420:211-215). James P.
. Tales. [folk literature: narrative: legend, oc- Leary. Kings of the Woods: The Wisconsin
508 Journal of American Folklore Loggers, Part I. By Malcolm Rosholt and 1993:38rb (106/420:226-227). Thomas A. Craig Anderson. Rosholt, WI: Rosholt Green. The Pueblo Storyteller: Develop-
House (n.d.).[1/2" video, 41 min.]. ment of a Figurative Ceramic Tradition. By 1993:27rv (106/420:211-215). James P. Barbara A. Babcock, Guy Monthan, and Leary. Rivers and Raftsmen: The Wisconsin Doris Monthan. Tucson: University of AriLoggers, Part II]. By Malcolm Rosholt and zona Press (1990).
Craig Anderson. Rosholt, WI: Rosholt 1993:39rb (106/420:227-228). Sharlotte House (n.d.).[1/2" video, 41 min.]. Neely. The Cherokees: A Population His1993:28rv (106/420:211-215). James P. tory. By Russell Thornton with the assistance Leary. Sawmills and Sawdust: The Wisconsin of C. Matthew Snip and Nancy Breen. LinLoggers, Part III]. By Malcolm Rosholt and coln: University of Nebraska Press (1990).
Craig Anderson. Rosholt, WI: Rosholt 1993:40rb (106/420:228-229). Thomas E.
House (n.d.).[1/2" video, 41 min.]. Graves. Familiar Strangers: Gypsy Life in 1993:29rv (106/420:211-215). James P. America. By Marlene Sway. Chicago: UniLeary. Steam Whistles, Sawdust, and Salt Air: versity of Chicago Press (1988). Operations of the Pacific Spruce Corpora- 1993:41rb (106/420:229-231). Mark Slobin. tion. By the Northwest Interpretive Associa- Bridge of Light: Yiddish Film Between Two
tion. Waldport, OR: Waldport Ranger Worlds. By J. Hoberman. New York: The District (n.d.).[1/2" video, 80 min.]}. Musem of Modern Art and Schocken Books 1993:30rv (106/420:216). Barbara Allen. An (1991). Oral Historian’s Work. By Edward D. Ives. 1993:42rb (106/420:231-232). Jan RosenOrono: Northeast Archives of Folklore and _ berg. Piled Higher and Deeper: The Folklore
Oral History, University of Maine of Campus Life. By Simon J. Bronner. Little
(n.d.).[1/2" VHS, 33 min.]. Rock: August House Publishers (1990).
1993:31rv = (106/420:216-218). Nancy 1993:43rb (106/420:232-233). Arnold KruKalow. Boneshop of the Heart. By Scott pat. Chainbreaker: The Revolutionary War Crocker and Toshiaki Ozawa. Berkeley: Memoirs of Governor Blacksnake, as Told to University of California Extension Media Benjamin Williams. Edited by Thomas S. Center (n.d.).[16mm, 1/2" video, 53 min.]. | Abler. Lincoln: Nebraska University Press 1993:32rv = (106/420:216-218). Nancy (1989). Kalow. Well Known Stranger: Howard Fin- 1993:44rb (106/420:233-235). William Ber-
ster’s Workout. By Elizabeth Fine and nard McCarthy. Traditional Oral Epic: The Robert Walker. Blacksburg, VA: CIMA Pro- Odyssey, Beowulf, and the Serbo-Croatian ductions, Inc. (n.d.).[3/4" and 1/2" video, 28 Return Song. By John Miles Foley. Berkeley:
min.]. University of California Press (1991).
1993:33rv (106/420:218-220). David Evans. 1993:45rb (106/420:235-236). Frank J. Piano Players Rarely Ever Play Together. By Korom. Types of Indic Oral Tales: SuppleStevenson J. Palfi. New Orleans: Stevenson ment. Compiled by Heda Jason. Helsinki: Productions, Inc. (n.d.).[WHS, 76 min.]. Academia Scientiarum Fennica (1989). 1993:34rv (106/420:220-221). David Evans. 1993:46rb (106/420:236-237). Margaret
Juke Joint Saturday Night. By Patricia Hiebert Beissinger. Lirica de dragoste: Index Johnson and Jim O’Neal. Clarksdale: Juke motivic $1 tipologic vols 1-4. By Sabina Ispas Joint Productions (n.d.).[1/2" video, 86 and Doina Trufga. Bucharest: Editura Acade-
min. ]. meie Republicii Socialiste Romania (19851993:35rb (106/420:222-223). James C. 1989).
Moss. Discovering American Folklife: Stud- 1993:47rb (106/420:237-239). Michaele T. ies in Ethnic, Religious, and Regional Cul- Haynes. Cloth and Human Experience. Ed-
ture. By Don Yoder. Foreword by Henry ited by Annette B. Weiner and Jane Glassie. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press Schneider. Washington: Smithsonian Institu-
(1990). tion Press (1989).
1993:36rb (106/420:223-224). Sheryl Owens. 1993:48rb = (106/420:239-241). Regina By the Work of their Hands: Studies in Afro- Bendix. Narrenidee und Fastnachtsbrauch. American Folklife. By John Michael Vlach. Studien zum Fortleben des Mittelalters in der Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press (1991). europaischen Festkultur. By Werner Mezger. 1993:37rb (106/420:224-226). Glynis Carr. Konstanz: Upniversitatsverlag Konstanz Anatomy of Racism. Edited by David Theo (1991). Goldberg. Minneapolis: University of Min- 1993:49rb (106/420:241-242). Melissa S.
nesota Press (1990). [reprint of 1993:13rb]. Cefkin. Dance and the Body Politic in
Serial Listings 509 | Northern Greece. By Jane K. Cowan. 1993:60rb (106/421:352-353). Michael G. | Princeton: Princeton University Press Bennett. Museums and Communities: The
(1990). Politics of Popular Culture. Edited by Ivan
1993:50rb (106/420:242-244). Pamela My- Karp, Christine Mullen Kreamer, and Steven
ers-Moro. African Stars: Studies in Black D. Levine. Washington, DC: Smithsonian
South African Performance. By Veit Institution Press (1992).
, Erlmann. Chicago: University of Chicago 1993:61rb (106/421:353-355). John B.
, Press (1991). Wolford. Cultural History and Material Cul1993:51rb (106/420:244-246). Greg Urban. ture: Everyday Life, Landscapes, Museums. Icanchu’s Drum: An Orientation to Meaning By Thomas J. Schlereth. Foreword by Ken-
| in South American Religions. By Lawrence neth L. Ames. Ann Arbor: UMI Research , E. Sullivan. New York: Macmillan (1988). Press (1990). 1993:52 (106/421:259-284). Ruth B. Bot- 1993:62rb (106/421:355-356). Laurel Hortigheimer. Luckless, Witless, and Filthy- ton. Always There: The African-American
| Footed: A Sociocultural Study and _ Presence in American Quilts. By Cuesta BenPublishing History Analysis of “The Lazy berry. Louisville: The Kentucky Quilt ProBoy.” [folk literature: narrative: tale: Mar- Ject (1991). chen, AT 675 “The Lazy Boy,” men, so- 1993:63rb (106/421:356-358). Susan G.
: ciocultural analysis, print tradition]. Davis. Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to
1993:53 (106/421:285-303). Esther Schely- Disney World. By Sharon Zukin. Berkeley: Newman. The Woman Who Was Shot: A. Umversity of California Press (1991). Communal Tale. [folk literature: narrative: 1993:64rb (106/421:358-359). Michael Ann legend: historical legend; personal experience Williams. The Stolen House. By Bernard L. narrative, sociocultural analysis, Tunisian-Is- Herman. Charlottesville: University Press of
raelis, Jews, Israel]. Virginia (1992).
1993:54 (106/421:304-337). Dang Nghiem 1993+65rb (106/421:359-361). John Dorst. Van. The Flood Myth and the Origin of romep ace: The Social Use and Meaning of
| Ethnic Groups in Southeast Asia. [folk litera- me rors Dwelling nn Southwestern North ture: narrative: myth: origin myth, flood ware ena. By Machae’ Ann Williams. Athens myth, ethnicity, Vietnam, Southeast Asia]. (1991). on: University of Georgia Press
g ustry. [folk
| ora (106/421:338-345). Marie-An- 1993-6626 (106/421:361-362). Ruth B.
Contemporary Folk Bottiche; ae , Women nick and theDesplanques. Recording Industry. [fol ottigheimer. Folklore & Literature:.Rival literature: poetry: song, recording industr Siblings. By Bruce A. Rosenberg. Knoxville: women, recodings neview essay). Y> University of Tennessee Press (1991).
| 1993:56rb (106/421:346-347). Lee Haring. Beterden. (106/421:362-363). Thomas E. The Brothers Grimm and Their Mexican Ballads, Chicano Poems: History Critics: Folktales and the Quest for Meanin , and Influence in Mexican-American Social B Chr K Sans: pee y Chnsta Kamenetsky. Athens: Ohio Uni-
of, aCalifornia Press 2). . , ; , ; neration: Memory, peat athe (199) University versity Press (1992).
Te Eee e349). Dorothy 1293:688_(106/821:363-365), Patick B Noyes. Living in a Material World: Canadian Mastery, Legacy. By Mary Hufford, Marjorie and American Approaches to Material Cul- tyunt, and Steven Zeitlin. Washington, DC, ture. Edited by Gerald R. [sic] Pocius. St. and Seattle: Smithsonian Institution in assoJohn’s: Institute of Social and Economic Re- ciation with University of Washington Press
| search, Memorial University of Newfound- (1987).
land (1991). 1993:69rb (106/421:365-367). Joanne B.
, 1993:58rb . (106/421 349-351). Burt Fein- Mulcahy. Life Lived Like a Story: ive Stories , tuch. Public Folklore. Edited by Robert of Three Yukon Elders. By Julie Cruikshank Baron and Nicholas R. Spitzer. Washington, in collaboration with Angel Sidney, Kitty
, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press (1992). Smith, and Annie Ned. Linciln: University of 1993:59rb (106/421:351-352). Deirdre Nebraska Press (1990).
, Evans-Pnitchard. The Ethics of Collecting 1993:70rb (106/421:367-368). Janet M. Cultural Property: Whose Culture? Whose Cliff. Other Destinies: Understanding the
, Property? Edited by Phyllis Mauch Messen- American Indian Novel. By Louis Owens. | : ger. Albuquerque: University of New Mex- Norman and London: University of Okla-
ico Press (1989). homa Press (1992).
510 Journal of American Folklore 1993:71rb (106/421:368-370). Lee Irwin. ico. By Diana Pardue. Phoenix: Heard Mu-
Imagine Ourselves Richly: Mythic Narra- seum (1992). ,
tives of North American Indians. By Chris- 1993:81re (106/422:466-468). Barre topher Vecsey. New York: Harper Collins Toelken. The 1992 O’odham Waila Festival.
Publishers (1991). Sponsored by the Arizona Historical Society 1993:72rb = (106/421:370-371). Justine Museum, Tucson, Arizona. Organized by the McGovern. Folk, Fantasy and Play: Selec- Waila Committee; Angelo Joaquin, Festival
tions from the Caplan Collection of The Director.
Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. By 1993:82re (106/422:468-475). Sally Peter- | Theresa Caplan, Peter V. Sterling, Tom R. son. Hmong Voices in Montana. Exhibition Kennedy, and Ronald Gibson. Indianapolis: organized by the Missoula Museum of Arts, The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Missoula, Montana. Curated by Bounthavy
(1991). , Kaitoukaysy, Susan Miller, Tou Yang.
1993:73rb (106/421:371-373). Elizabeth E. 1993:83rb (106/422:468-475). Sally PeterWein. He-Said-She-Said: Talk as Social Or- son. Hmong Voices in Montana. By Bounganization among Black Children. By Mar- thavy Kaitoukaysy, Susan Miller, and Tou jone Hamess Goodwin. Bloomington and Yang. Missoula: Missoula Museum of the
Indianapolis: Indiana University Press Arts Foundation (1993).
(1990). 1993:84rv = (106/422:476-483). Blanton 1993:74rb = (106/421:373-374). Marshall Owen. The Working Cowboy on Film.
Joseph Becker. The Powhatan Indians of Vir- _ [general studies, occupational folklore, cowginia: Their Traditional Culture. By Helen hands, United States, film review essay. ]
C. Rountree. Norman: University of Okla- 1993:85rv (106/422:476-483). Blanton
homa Press (1989). Owen. The Last Cowboys. By John Howe.
1993:75 (106/422:387-434). Charles L. Salt Lake City: KUED-TV (1991).[1/2"
Briggs. Metadiscursive Practices and Schol- video, 58 min.]. arly Authority in Folkloristics. [history and 1993:86rv (106/422:476-483). Blanton
study: theory, narrative, Grimm Brothers, Owen. Vanishing Breed. By Maggie St. authority, authenticity, context, perform- Claire. Salt Lake City: KSL Broadcast House ance, ethnopoetics, discourse analysis.] (1992) .[1/2" video, 22 min.]. 1993:76 (106/422:435-449). Jo Ann Koltyk. 1993:87rv (106/422:476-483). Blanton Telling Narratives Through Home Videos: Owen. Great Ranches of the West. By Gary Hmong Refugees and Self-Docummentation Gibson. Seattle: KCTS-TV (1990).[1/2" of Life in the Old and New Country. [folk video, 56 min.].
literature: narrative, videos, ethnic identity, 1993:88rv (106/422:476-483). Blanton | memory, Laotian-Americans, Hmong, Owen. Ranching: The Living Legacy of the
United States. ] American West. By Kathleen Jo Ryan. | 1993:77ra_ (106/422:450-461). Neil V. Greenwich, CT: Cabin Fever Entertainment, |
Rosenberg. From the Sound Recordings Re- Inc. (1989).[1/2" video, 31 min.]. | view Editor: Representations. [folk litera- 1993:89rv (106/422:476-483). Blanton ture: poetry: song, United States, recordings Owen. A Cowhand’s Song: Crisis on the |
review essay. | Range. By Gwendolyn Clancy and Nancy | 1993:78re (106/422:462-464). Marsha Mac-_ Kelly. Reno: Cattle Kate Communications, | Dowell. Turkish Traditional Art Today. Ex- Historic Preservation Program, University of |
hibition organized by the Museum of Nevada (1981).[16mm and 1/2" video, 28 | International Folk Art, Santa Fe, New Mex- min.]. ico. Project directed by Karen M. Duffy and 1993:90rv = (106/422:476-483). | Blanton |
Henry Glassie; primary research by Henry Owen. Cowgirls: Portraits of American |
Glassie; exhibition design by John Tinker and Ranch Women. By Nancy Kelly. Reno: Cat-
Nancy Allen; videography by Tom __ tle Kate Communications, Historic Preserva- |
McCarthy; photography by Henry Glassie. tion Program, University of Nevada 1993:79re (106/422:464-466). Jim Griffith. (1987).[1/2" video, 29 min.]. : CHISPAS! Cultural Warriors of New Mex- 1993:91irv (106/422:476-483). Blanton | ico. Exhibition organized by the Heard Mu- Owen. The Highly Exalted. By Kim Shelton. !
seum, Phoenix, Arizona. Curated by Diana San Rafael, CA: Kim Shelton Films |
Pardue. (1984) .[16mm and 1/2" video, 58 min.]. | 1993:80rb (106/422:464-466) Jim Griffith. 1993:92rv (106/422:476-483). Blanton , CHISPAS! Cultural Warriors of New Mex- Owen. Ranch Album. By Gail Steiger. |
Serial Listings 511 Prescott, AZ: Sharlot Hall Historical Society 1993:104rb = (106/422:499-500). —_ Bert
(1987) .[1/2" video, 58 min.]. Beynen. The World and the Word: Tales and 1993:93rv (106/422:484-488). Carl Lindahl. | Observations from the Xhosa Oral Tradition.
Cajun Culture. [general studies, French- By Nongenile Masithathu Zenani. Collected Americans, Cajuns, United States: Louisiana, and edited with an introduction, commentar-
film review essay]. ies, and annotations by Harold Scheub.
1993:94rv (106/422:484-488). Carl Lindahl. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press Anything I Catch: The Handfishing Story. (1992). By Patrick Mire and Charles Bush. Eunice, 1993:105rb (106/422:500-502). Mark LA: Attakapas Productions (1990).[1/2" Bender. Pingtan yishujia pingchuan lu. Ed-
video, 27 min.]. ited by Shanghai quyi jia xiehui. Shanghai:
1993:95rv (106/422:484-488). Carl Lindahl. Shanghai yishu chubanshe (1991). Dance for a Chicken: The Cajun Mardi Gras. 1993:106rb (106/422:502-503). John Miles By Pat Mire. Eunice, LA: Attakapas Produc- Foley. Before Writing. Volume I: From
tions (1993).[1/2" video, 56 min.]. Counting to Cuneiform. By Denise
1993:96rv (106/422:484-488). Carl Lindahl. Schmandt-Besserat. Foreword by William J'ai Eté au Bal (I Went to the Dance): The W. Hallo. Austin: University of Texas Press Cajun and Zydeco Music of Louisiana. By (1992). Les Blank, Chnss Strachwitz, and Maureen 1993:107rb (106/422:502-503). John Miles Gosling. El Cerrito, CA: Flower Films Foley. Before Writing. Volume II: A Catalog
(1989) .[16mm and 1/2" video, 84 min.]. of Near Eastern Tokens. By Denise 1993:97rv (106/422:484-488). Carl Lindahl. Schmandt-Besserat. Austin: University of Marc & Ann: A Visit to Cajun Country with Texas Press (1992). Marc and Ann Savoy. By Les Blank, Maureen 1993:108rb (106/422:504-505). John B. Gosling, and Chris Simon. El Cerrito, CA: Wolford. Creativity and Tradition in FolkFlower Films (1991).[1/2" video, 27 min.]. lore: New Directions. Edited by Simon J. 1993:98rb = (106/422:489-490). Elisabeth Bronner. Logan: Utah State University Press Panttaja. The Brothers Grimm and the Folk- (1992). tale. Edited by James M. McGlathery, with 1993:109rb (106/422:505-507). Robert AtLarry Danielson, Ruth E. Lorbe, and Selma __kinson. American Folk Masters: The NaK. Richardson. Urbana: University of Illinois tional Heritage Fellows. By Steve Sipomn.
Press [1988] (1991). New York: Harry N. Abrams (1992).
1993:99rb (106/422:490-491). Ruth B. 1993:110rb (106/422:507-508). Lin Poyer. Bottigheimer. Marchen-Lesarten von Kin- A Politics of Virtue: Hinduism, Sexuality, dern. Eine empirische Studie. By Kristin and the Countercolonial Discourse in Fiji. By Wardetzky. Berlin/New York/Frankfurt/ John D. Kelly. Chicago: University of Chi-
Basel: Peter Lang (1992). cago Press (1991).
1993:100rb (106/422:491-493). Peter Tok- 1993:111rb (106/422:508-510). Ruth E. ofsky. Off With Their Heads! Fairy Tales and Andersen. 100 Years of Gypsy Studies. Ed-
the Culture of Childhood. By Maria Tatar. ited by Matt T. Salo. Cheverly, MD: The Princeton: Princeton University Press Gypsy Lore Society (1990).
(1992). 1993:112rb (106/422:510-512). Robert A.
1993:101rb (106/422:493-495). Danielle M. Rothstein. Slovenské koledy. Od Stedrého Roemer. Manufacturing Tales: Sex and vatera do Troch kral’ov. Compiled and edMoney in Contemporary Legends. By Gary ited by Eva Krekoviéova. Bratislava: Praca Alan Fine. Knoxville: University of Tennes- (1992).
see Press (1992). 1993:113rb (106/422:512-513). Egle Victo1993:102rb (106/422:495-497). Ann ria Zygas. Abstract Design in American
Grodzins Gold. Oral Epics in India. Edited Quilts: A Biography of an Exhibition. By by Stuart H. Blackburn, Peter J. Claus, Joyce Jonathan Holstein. Louisville: The Kentucky
B. Flueckiger, and Susan S. Wadley. Quilt Project (1991). Berkeley: University of California Press 1993:114rb (106/422:513-515). Scott H.
(1989). Suter. The Pennsylvania Barn: Its Origin,
1993:103rb (106/422:497-499). Stephen Evolution, and Distribution in North Amer-
Belcher. African Oral Literature: Back- ica. By Robert F. Ensminger. Baltimore: grounds, Character, and Continuity. By Isi- Johns Hopkins University Press (1992).
dore Okpewho. Bloomington: Indiana 1993:115rb (106/422:515-516). Scott Col-
University Press (1992). lison. William Cobbett and Rural Popular
512 Journal of American Folklore Culture. By Ian Dyck. Cambridge: Cam- the Social Body. [folk literature: poetry:
bridge University Press (1992). song: ritual song, ethnomusicology: dance, 1993:116rb (106/422:516-517). Janet M. behavior: ritual: rite of passage, bodylore, Cliff. Games of the North American Indian. sexuality, embodiment, marginality, occupaBy Stewart Culin, with an introduction by _ tional folklore, shikha, women, Morocco]. Dennis Tedlock. Lincoln and London: Bison 1994:8 (107/423:106-120) Clover Nolan Books, University of Nebraska Press (1992). Williams. The Bachelor’s Transgression:
1993:117rb = (106/422:517-519). Linda Identity and Difference in the Bachelor
Mizejewski. Will Rogers and the Ziegfeld Party. [behavior: ritual: rite of passage: | Follies. Edited by Arthur Frank Wertheim. _ bachelor party, identity: sexual identity, gen-
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press der, feminization, cross-dressing, humili-
(1992). ation, expulsion, occupational folklore,
1993:118rb (106/422:519-520). Linda J. strippers, men, United States: California]. Jencson. The Satanism Scare. Edited by James 1994:9 (107/423:121-138) Danielle M. T. Richardson, Joel Best, and David G. Roemer. Photocopy Lore and the NaturaliBromley. New York: Aldine de Gruyter zation of the Corporate Body. [material cul-
(1991). ture: art, photocopy folklore, folk literature: narrative: tale: joke, parody, satire, bodylore,
corporeality, corporations, occupational
folklore. United States].
1994:1 (107/423:3-196) Katharine Young 724710 _ UOU/#23:129 100) Ray. Be hel and Barbara Babcock, eds. Bodylore. [general A ane and Cramat on Warac Curin ’
studies, bodylore, embodiment, special is- peney aoe ; P B-
sue]. [belief systems: medicine: shamanism, folk 1994:2 (107/423:3-8) Katharine Young. [iterature: poetry: song, pooyore, eo iL Whose Body? An Introduction to Bodylore. empowerment, hustory and stu ee ° hy [general studies, bodylore, embodiment]. COBY: NEIOWOTK, — FENCAIVe ethnograp y
1994:3 (107/423:9-22) Deidre Sklar. Can Claude Levi Strauss Native Americans:
Bodylore Be Brought to Its Senses? [history oe eee es 180) L. A. Rebhun and study: theory, bodylore, movement, cor- AH " 0 F il. The We; ht } ¢ L i
poreality, kinesthetic empathy, behavior: rit- cart 100 Pull ane Weignt or ove in ual: religious rite, calendar rite, Northeast Brazil. [belief systems: medicine, ethnomusicology: dance, matachine, Purim, Men Brazil emotion, love, anger,
ews, Mexican-Amenicans, 4 New Mexico]. The Folkloristics of Licking. [history and
Portas Resta, Jes York: New York City, 1994:12 (107/423:181-196) Kathy Neustadt,
1994:4 (107/423:23-39) Michael Atwood study: methodology: fieldwork, participant Mason. “I Bow My Head to the Ground”: observation, theory, sensation, taste, sexualThe Creation of Bodily Experience ina Cu- ty» Tepresentation, epistemology]. . ban American Santerfa Initiation. [behavior: 1994:15 (107/424:211-247) Elliott Onng ritual: rite of passage: initiation rite, religious with comments by Barbara Kirshenblattrite, religion: Santeria, bodylore, gesture, Gimblett and Henry Glassie. ‘The Arts, Arti-
Cuban-Americans, United States]. facts, and Artifices of Identity. [history and
1994:5 (107/423:40-54) Barbara A. Bab- study: history of the discipline, theory, idencock. Pueblo Cultural Bodies. [material cul- tity, definition, difference, politics, racism,
ture: art, products: ceramics, costume, Purity, authenticity]. .
iconography, popular culture, bodylore, 1994:14 (107/ 424:248-267) Sylvia Rowomen, Native Americans: Pueblo, Zuni, driguez. Defended Boundaries, Precarious
Hopi, United States: New Mexico]. Elites: The Arroyo Seco Matachines Dance. 1994:6 (107/423:55-81) Elaine J. Lawless. [ethnomusicology: dance: matachine, behav-
Writing the Body in the Pulpit: Female- ior: festival, ritual, belief systems: religion: Sexed Texts. [folk literature: speech: ethnog- | Chnistianity: Catholicism, | revival, ethnic
raphy of speaking, sermon, preaching, identity, community identity, elites, Spanreligion: Christianity: Protestantism, sexual- ish-Americans, Native Americans: Pueblo,
ity, bodylore, politics, empowerment, United States: New Mexico]. |
women, United States]. 1994:15 (107/424:268-281) Steve Siponn. 1994:7 (107/423:82-105) Deborah A. Kap- From Kashrut to Cucina Ebraica: The Recastchan. Moroccan Female Performers Defining ing of Italian Jewish Foodways. [behavior:
Serial Listings 513 foodways, ritual: religious ritual, cookbooks, | Guida. Memphis: Center for Southern Folkprint tradition, identity, assimilation, class lore (1990).[1/2" video, 29 min.].
consciousness, Jews, Italy]. 1994:24rv_ (107/424:315-316) Charles G.
1994:16 (107/424:282-284) Nora Ellen Zug, III. The Sea Bright Skiff: Working on Groce and Larry Kaplan. E. Gale Huntington the Jersey Shore. Produced by Rita Moon(1901-1993). [history and study: history of | sammy, Louis Presti, and Al Rose. Trenton: the discipline: obituaries, E. Gale Hunt- NJN Video (n.d.).[1/2" video, 29 min.].
ington, United States]. 1994:25rv (107/424:316-318) Paige Gutier1994:17ra_ (107/424:285-303) Barry Jean rez. Yum, Yum, Yum!: A Taste of the Cajun Ancelet. Cajun Music. [folk literature: po- and Creole Cooking of Louisiana. By Les etry: song, French-Americans: Cajuns, Blank and Maureen Gosling. El Cerrito, CA: United States: Louisiana, recordings review Flower Films (1990).[16mm and 1/2" video,
essay]. 31 min.].
1994:18re (107/424:304-306) Molly Lee. 1994:26rv (107/424:318-319) Beverly Pat-
Sacred Encounters: Father De Smet and the _ terson. Dreadful Memories: The Life of Sarah Indians of the Rocky Mountain West. Or- Ogan Gunning. By Mimi Pickering. Whitesganized by Washington State University in burg, KY: Appalshop (1988).[1/2" and 3/4" collaboration with the Cheney Cowles Mu- video, 38 min.].
seum, Spokane, in cooperation with the Jes- 1994:27rv = (107/424:320-321) Nancy uit Missouri Province Archives, St. Louis, the © Sweezy. Our Lives in Our Hands. By Harold Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of | Prins and Karen Carter. Blue Hill Falls, ME:
the Flathead Nation of Western Montana, Northeast Historic Film (1986).[1/2" video, and the Coeur d’Alene Tribe of Idaho. Cu- 50 min.]. rated by Jacqueline Peterson; Laura Peers, 1994:28rv (107/424:321-323) Michael
curatorial associate; Raymond deMaillie, Owen Jones. Spirits in the Wood: The Kate C. Duncan, James Nason, Thomas Chainsaw Art of Skip Armstrong. By Sharon Rochford S. J., Frances Vanderberg, and Sherman. Eugene: Folklore and Ethnic Stud-
Betty White, consultants. ies, University of Oregon (n.d.).[3/4" and
1994:19re (107/424:306-310) Barbara Kir- 1/2" video, 28 min.]. shenblatt-Gimblett. Secrecy: African Art that 1994:29rv (107/424:323-325) Gail MatReveals and Conceals. Organized by the Mu- _ thews-DeNatale. In the Eye of the Hurriseum of African Art, New York. Curated by cane: Women’s Stories of Reconstruction.
Mary H. Nooter. By Carol Ward. Clemson: English Dept., 1994:20rb (107/424:306-310) Barbara Kir- Clemson University (1991).[1/2" video, 47 shenblatt-Gimblett. Secrecy: African Art that min.]. Reveals and Conceals. By Mary H. Nooter; 1994:30rb (107/424:326-327) Robert Blair "Wande Abimbola, Kwame Anthony Appiah, St. George. Dwellings, Settlements and Tra-
T. O. Beidelman, Suzanne Preston Blier, dition: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Edited Michelle Gilbert, Barry Hallen, Rachel Hoff- _ by Jean-Paul Bourdier and Nevar Alsayyad.
man, Cesare Poppi, Nii Otokunor Quar- Lanham, MD: University Press of America coopome, Allen F. Roberts, Z. S. Strother, for the International Association for the and Gary Van Wyk, contributors. New York: Study of Traditional Environment (1989).
Museum of African Art; Munich: Prestel 1994:31rb (107/424:327-329) Danielle M.
(1993). Roemer. Performance, Culture, and Iden-
1994:21rv (107/424:311-313) Gail Mat- tity. Edited by Elizabeth C. Fine and Jean thews-DeNatale. Talking Feet, Solo South- Haskell Speer. Westport: Praeger (1992). ern Dance, Flatfoot and Tap. By Mike Seeger 1994:32rb (107/424:329-331) Christopher and Ruth Pershing. El Cerrito, CA: Flower Antonsen. Creative Ethnicity: Symbols and
Films (1989).[1/2" video, 87 min.]. Strategies of Ethnic Life. Edited by Stephen 1994:22rv (107/424:311-313) Gail Mat- Stern and John Allan Cicala. Logan: Utah thews-DeNatale. Step Back Cindy. By Anne State University Press (1991). Johnson with Susan Spalding. Whitesburg, 1994:33rb (107/424:331-332) Catherine A. KY: Appalshop (1991).[1/2" video, 28 min.]. Shoupe. Cultural History and Material Cul1994:23rv (107/424:313-315) William H. ture: Everyday Life, Landscapes, Museums. Wiggins, Jr. All Day and All Night: Memo- By Thomas J. Schlereth. Kenneth L. Ames, ries from Beale Street Musicians. Directed by foreword. Charlottesville and London: UniJudy Peiser, Robert Gordon, and Louis versity Press of Virginia (1992),
514 Journal of American Folklore 1994:34rb = (107/424:332-335) Rebecca 1994:44rv = (107/425:427-429) — Eleanor Maksel. Women’s Words: The Feminist Wachs. Folk Culture in America: On Stage Practice of Oral History. Edited by Sherna at the National Folk Festival in Lowell, MasBerger Gluck and Daphne Patai. New York: — sachusetts. By Joe Wilson. Lowell: Page One
Routledge, Chapman and Hall (1991). Productions (n.d.).[1/2" viedo, 30 min.]. 1994:35 (107/425:343-363) Robert Paine. 1994:45rv = (107/425:427-429) — Eleanor Night Village and the Coming of Men of the Wachs. On My Own: The Traditions of Word: The Supernatural as a Source of Daisy Turner. By Jane Beck. Middlebury, Meaning Among Coastal Saami. [folk litera- WT: The University of Vermont and the ture: narrative: legend: supernatural legend, Vermont Folklife Center (n.d.).[1/2" video,
belief systems: religion: Christianity: 30 min.]. Laestadianism, fairy, sea spirit, wizard, mean- 1994:46rv = (107/425:427-429) Eleanor
ing, Saami, Norway]. Wachs. As the Twig Is Bent. By Jane Beck.
1994:36 (107/425:364-377) George H. Middlebury, VT: The Vermont Folklife
Schoemaker. Mai ’68 and the Traditionaliza- | Center (n.d.).[1/2" video, 30 min.].
tion of French Shadow Theater. [behavior: 1994:47rv (107/425:429-431) David A. drama: shadow theater, student movement, Taylor. Hap Collins of South Blue Hill, Mai ’68, politics, revival, traditionalization, | Maine: Lobsterman, Craftsman, Painter, Fid-
France]. dler, Poet. By Jeff Todd Titon. Bucksport, 1994:37 (107/425:378-414) Thomas Solo- ME: Northeast Historic Film (n.d.).[1/2"
mon. Coplas de Todos Santos in Cochabamba: _ video, 56 min.].
Language, Music, and Performance in Boliv- 1994:48rv = (107/425:431-432) Michael ian Quechua Song Dueling. [folk literature: Owen Jones. Traditions in Clay: C. J. and poetry: song: copla, speech: ethnography of | Cleater Meaders. By Bob Wheeler. Cartersspeaking: verbal dueling, behavior: festival, ville, GA: Wheeler Film/Tape (n.d.).[1/2" performance, improvisation, prosody, Marx- VHS, 10 min.]. ism, Native Americans: Quechua-speakers, 1994:49rv (107/425:432-433) H. Leedom
Bolivia]. Lefferts, Jr. The Korean Onggi Potter. By 1994:38 (107/425:415-416) Neil V. Rosen- Robert Sayers, Guha Shankar, and Thomas berg. George M. Story (1927-1994). [history Vennum, Jr. Washington, DC: Office of and study: history of the discipline: obituar- Folklife Programs, Smithsonian Institution ies, George M. Story, Canada: Newfound- (n.d). [all video formats, 24 min.].
land]. 1994:50rv (107/425:433-435) Timothy 1994:39ra (107/425:417-419) John Ashton. Tangherlini. An Initiation Kut for a Korean English Village Carols. [folk literature: po- | Shaman. By Diana Lee and Laurel Kendall.
etry: song: carol, behavior: ritual: calendar Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press rite: Christmas, United Kingdom: England, (n.d.).[1/2" video, 37 min.].
recordings review essay]. 1994:51irv (107/425:435-436) Cecily Cook. 1994:40ra (107/425:419-423) Janet Her- Moving Mountains—The Story of the Yiu man. British Folk-Rock; Celtic Rock. [folk | Mien. By Elaine Valaquez. New York: Filmliterature: poetry: song: rock song, Celtic makers Library (n.d.).[16mm and 1/2" video, rock, revival, Canada, Ireland, United King- 58 min.}. dom, United States, recordings review essay]. 1994:52rb (107/425:437-449) John Miles 1994:41rv (107/425:424-425) Enrique R. Foley. Ancient Greek Studies and FolklonsLamadrid. The Eagle’s Children. By Bruce _ tics.[folk literature: poetry: epic: Homeric “Pacho” Lane. Rochester, NY: Ethnoscope — epic, narrative: myth, classical literature, or-
(n.d.).[16mm and 1/2" video, 39 min.]. ality, Greece: Ancient Greece, book review 1994:42rv (107/425:425-426) Keith Cun- _ essay]. ningham. Gathering Up Again: Fiesta in 1994:53rb (107/425:437-449) John Miles Santa Fe. By Jeanette DeBouzek and Diane Foley. Early Greek Myth: A Guide to LiterReyna. Santa Fe: Quotidian Independent ary and Artistic Sources. By Timothy Gantz. Documentary Research (n.d.).[1/2" video, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
46 min.]. (1993).
1994:43rv (107/425:427) Leon Fink. Fast 1994:54rb (107/425:437-449) John Miles Food Women. By Anne Johnson. Whites- Foley. Homer and the Origin of the Greek burg, KY: Appalshop (n.d.).[1/2" and 3/4" Alphabet. By Barry B. Powell. Cambndge:
video, 28 min.]. Cambridge University Press (1991).
Serial Listings 515 1994:55rb (107/425:437-449) John Miles 1994:63rb (107/425:455-456) Tad Tuleja. Foley. Literacy and Orality in Ancient Folklore and Culture on the Texas-Mexican Greece. By Rosalind Thomas. Cambridge: Border. By Américo Paredes. Edited and in-
Cambridge University Press (1992). trod. by Richard Bauman. Austin: University 1994:56rb (107/425:437-449) John Miles of Texas Press/‘CMAS Books (1993). Foley. Homeric Misdirection: False Predic- 1994:64rb (107/425:456-458) Roland L. tions in the Iliad. By James V. Morrison. Ann Williams. Black Studies, Rap, and the AcadArbor: University of Michigan Press (1992). _emy. By Houston A. Baker, Jr. Chicago: 1994:57rb (107/425:437-449) John Miles University of Chicago Press (1993). Foley. The Stranger’s Welcome: Oral The- 1994:65rb (107/425:458-459). Gerald Porory and the Aesthetics of the Homeric Hos-___ ter. Verbal Riddim: The Politics and Aespitality Scene. By Steve Reece. Ann Arbor: _ thetics of African-Caribbean Dub Poetry. By University of Michigan Press (1993). Christian Habekost. Amsterdam and Atlanta: 1994:58rb (107/425:437-449) John Miles Rodopi (1993). Foley. Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession 1994:66rb (107/425:459-462) James C. of an Epic Past. By By Gregory Nagy. Balti- Moss. Mapping the Invisible Landscape: more: Johns Hopkins University Press Folklore, Writing, and the Sense of Place. By
(1990). Kent C. Ryden. Iowa City: University of
1994:59rb (107/425:450-452) Jack Zipes. Iowa Press (1993). L’histoire des contes. By Catherine Velay- 1994:67rb (107/425:462-464) | Marshall
Vallantin. Paris: Fayard (1992). Joseph Becker. Cemeteries and Gravemark1994:60rb (107/425:450-452) Jack Zipes.La ers: Voices of American Culture. Edited by fille en garcon. By Catherine Velay-Vallan- Richard E. Meyer. Logan: Utah State Unitin. Carcassone: Garae/Hesiode (1992). versity Press (1992). 1994:6irb (107/425:452-453). Lee Haring. 1994:68rb (107/425:462-464) | Marshall Pour une anthropologie des voix. By Centre Joseph Becker. Ethnicity and the American de recherche sur l’oralité. Edited by Nicole Cemetery. Edited by Richard E. Meyer.
Revel and Diana Rey-Hulman. Paris: Bowling Green: Bowling Green State Uni-
INALCO; L’Harmattan (1993). versity Popular Press (1993).
1994:62rb (107/425:453-455) Pamela My- 1994:69rb (107/425:464-465) Doris Devine ers-Moro. Text, Context, and Performance Fanelli. The Representation of the Past: Muin Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Edited by seums and Heritage in the Post-Modern Amy Catlin. Los Angeles: University of Cali- World. By Kevin Walsh. London and New
fornia at Los Angeles (1992). York: Routledge (1992).
Classified Index I. general studies 1988:102, 1989:73, —song 1988:6lra, 1988:62ra, 1988:83ra, 1989:104, 1989:109, 1992:65rb, 1993:22rv, 1988:84, 1989:12ra, 1989:33ra, 1989:79ra,
1993:84rv, 1993:93rv, 1994:1, 1994:2 1989:106, 1990:62ra, 1990:63, 1990:78,
—ethnography 1988:72, 1989:3 1990:80ra, 1991:35ra, 1993:3, 1993:19ra, 1993:55ra, 1993:77ra, 1994:10, 1994:17ra
. (bluegrass song 1988:11ra, 1992:86ra blues
II. history and study 1988:55, 1988:74 song 1989:78ra, 1990:12ra, 1990:13ra,
—archives 1992:1 1990:27ra, 1991:9, 1991:127ra, 1992:6ra,
—awards 1988:3, 1988:7, 1989:69, 1990:3, 1992:35ra, 1992:59ra carol 1994:39ra co-
1990:8, 1990:81, 1991:70rb pla 1994:37 ethnic song 1989:79ra,
—history of the discipline 1988:9, 1988:102, 1990:63 hillbilly song 1989:114ra protest
1988:103, 1988:104, 1989:1, 1989:72, song 1992:71rb religious song 1990:1, 1990:26, 1991:2, 1991:9, 1991:32, 1991:121, 1990:12ra, 1990:13ra, 1991:72, 1991:73
1991:122, 1992:31, 1992:85, 1994:13 ritual song 1990:1, 1990:4, 1994:7 rock —obituaries 1989:30, 1990:61, 1991:5, song 1994:40ra)
1991:74, 1992:4, 1992:32, 1992:33, —verse 1992:54 (chant 1988:75, 1992:34, 1993:18, 1994:16, 1994:38 1989:108)
—JAF business 1988:10, 1989:1, 1990:23, —speech 1988:73, 1992:58
1991:31, 1992:28 —ethnography of speaking 1992:29, —editorial policy 1988:1, —1988:54, 1994:6 (verbal dueling 1994:37) 1988:60, 1988:71, 1989:105, 1991:1, —language 1989:29, 1992:57
1991:7, 1991:10, 1991:13 —names 1992:57
—methodology 1988:9, 1988:103 —proverb 1993:2 —fieldwork 1990:77, 1991:33, 1992:55, —+iddle 1989-29 1992:85, 1993:15, 1994:10, 1994:12
—museums 199271 IV. ethnomusicology
—theory 1988:9, 1988:73, 1989:34rb, __ 1988-4. 1989-32 1989:72, 1990:75, 1991:14rb, 1991:33, dance music 1988-82ra. 1989-1 11a 1993:1, 1993:3, 1993:17, 1993:75, 1994:3, __Gddle music 1989-11 3ra ,
1994:12, 1994-15 —jazz music 1989:2, 1990:12ra, 1992:6ra —polka music 1988:82ra, 1989:11ra
Il. folk literature 1988:77, 1989:109, ~ dance 199427 1990:24, 1990:26, 1990:58, 1991:2, 1991:33, _ sardana 1990:2
1991-71 —miatachine 1994:3, 1994:14
—narrative 1988:73, 1989:115rb, 1990:76, :
1991:72, 1992:59ra, 1993:75, 1993:76 V. belief systems —legend 1988:76, 1992:3, 1993:16 (his- —_Magle 1991:32, 1991:120, 1991:121, torical legend 1993:53 migratory legend 1991:122 1988:58 modern legend 1991:34, 1992:84 medicine 1988:5, 1991:4, 1991:85rb, rumor 1991:34, 1992:84 supernatural leg- 1991:120, 1992:54, 1994:11
end 1988:59, 1989:28, 1994:35) —shamanism 1994:10
—myth 1990:6, 1990:7, 1994:52rb (flood —Teligion 1991:4 |
myth 1993:54 origin myth 1993:54) —Chnistianity 1989:4, 1989:5 (Catholi-
—personal experience narrative 1990:24, cism = 1988:8, — 1994:14 Protestantism
1990:77, 1992:3, 1993:53 1994:6 Baptist Church 1991:73 Laestadi-
—tale 1988:75 (animal tale 1992:5 exem- anism 1994:35 Pentecostalism 1992:55)
plum 1990:59 joke 1988:78, 1989:29, —Santeria 1994:4 1989:70, 1994:9 Miarchen 1990:25, —Cultism (zombiism 1991:120) 1991:6, 1993:52 parable 1990:59) —spiritualism 1989:4, 1989:5 —poetry
—hballad 1990:5, 1990:28, 1990:78, VI. behavior
1992:30, 1992:56, 1992:83 —drama 1991:119
—epic 1992:54, 1993:15 (Homeric epic —puppet theater 1990:60
1994:52rb) —shadow theater 1994:36
Classified Index 517 |
| —festival 1988:57, 1989:6, 1989:27, —religious rite 1988:8, 1989:6, 1991:73,
| 1994:14, 1994:37 1994:4, 1994:15 (Purim 1989:71, 1994:3 : —Cinco de Mayo 1991:3 Tortugas fiesta 1994:3) | —folk festival 1991:32, 1991:121,
! 1991:122 VII. material culture 1990:29rb
| —foodways 1988:8, 1989:71, 1994:15 —art 1990:79, 1994:5, 1994:9
. —ritual 1988:57, 1994:14 —extenior decoration 1992:2 ! —calendar rite 1988:8, 1989:6, 1992:2, —textile art 1988:2 | 1994:3 (Christmas 1989:31, 1994:39ra —sculpture 1989:107
: Halloween 1991:119) —products
: —rite of passage (bachelor party 1994:8 —architecture 1990:79 (house 1991:118)
! —ceramics 1994:5
initiation rite 1990:4, 1994:4, 1994:7) —costume 1988:6, 1989:7, 1994:5
Subject Index charm 1992:54 change 1989:32
abduction 1989:28 chapbook ballad 1992:56 academic folklore 1988:55, 1988:56 Chernoby] disaster 1988:78
acculturation 1991-4 Chicago Folklore Prize 1988:3, 1990:8,
acronym 1989:29 1990:81 Ada’ mappurondo followers 1990:1 children 1990:25
advocacy 1988:55 class consciousness 1994:15
aesthetics 1991:2, 1991:33 classical literature 1994:52rb African-Americans 1989:2, 1989:3, 1989:4, “lassification 1988:9, 1988:103 1989:5, 1989:6, 1989:78ra, 1990:12ra commemorative discourse 1992:83 1990:13ra, 1991:71, 1991:72, 1991:73, Commercial recordings 1989:114ra, 1991:120, 1991:127ra, 1992:5, 1992:6ra, 1990:134a_
1992:31, 1992:35ra, 1992:84 communication 1992:3
agency 1994:10 communitas 1991:72
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency sym- compact disc 1992:35ra
drome) 1990:5, 1993:17 consumerism 1992:84 airline workers 1988:59 context 1988:59, 1993:75
anger 1994:11 contextual analysis 1990:59
Anglo-Saxons 1992:29 cookbooks 1994:15 applied folklore 1988:55 corporations 1994:9 apocalypse 1990:6, 1990:7 corporeality 1994:3, 1994:9 archaeology 1988:77 corrido 1992:30, 1992:83 assemblage 1992-2 “Corrido de Sidonia” 1992:83 assimilation 1994:15 cowhands 1993:84rv AT 675 “The Lazy Boy” 1993:52 cross-dressing 1994:8 AT 1626 “Dream Bread” 1990:59 Cuban-Americans 1994:4
authenticity 1991:2, 1993:75, 1994:13 cultural conservation 1991:32, 1991:121,
authority 1992:3, 1993:75 1991:122—
autobiography 1991:71 cultural studies 1991:14rb culture conflict 1992:30 curse 1992:29 Czech-Americans 1988:82ra
B. A. Botkin Folklore Prize 1989:69, 1990:74, 1991:70rb
beauty pageant 1988:57 :
Beowulf 1993:15 definition 1988:9, 1993:1, 1994:13
Bible 1990:6, 1990:7 dialogism 1990:60
bibliography 1990:78 diary 1988:5 bigness 1991:33 difference 1994:13 Black Boy 1991:71 disaster 1988:78
bodylore 1994:1, 1994:2, 1994:3, 1994:4, discourse analysis 1990:24, 1992:3,
1994:5, 1994:6, 1994:7, 1994:9, 1992:83, 1993:75
1994:10, 1994:11 documentary 1992:59ra
Bouki 1992:5 documentation 1992:1
broadside ballad 1992:56 Dutch-Americans 1989:6
Carolingian period 1990:60 elites 1994:14 Catalans 1990:2 Elsie Clews Parsons Folklore Prize 1988:7,
Celtic rock 1994:40ra 1990:3
censorship 1990:58 embodiment 1994:1, 1994:2, 1994:7
Subject Index 519 emotion 1994:11 —community identity 1994:14
empowerment 1994:6, 1994:10 —ethnic identity 1988:72, 1989:3, 1990:2,
Enlightenment, The 1991:2 1991:3, 1992:30, 1993:76, 1994:14
epistemology 1994:12 —sexual identity 1994:8
erotica 1990:58, 1990:78 ideology 1991:32, 1991:121, 1991:122
ethics 1992:55 illness 1994:11
ethnicity 1993:54 improvisation 1991:72, 1994:37 ethnopoetics 1992:54, 1993:75 indexicality 1992:3
exchange 1989:71 indexing 1988:103
expulsion 1994:8 industrial society 1991:118
exterior decoration 1990:79 initials 1989:29
interpretation 1988:73, 1990:24 Italian-Americans 1988:8
fairy 1994:35 feminism 1988:8fu] ie feminization 1994:8
Festival of American Folklife 1991:32, Jews 1989:71, 1993:17, 1993:53, 1994:3,
1991:121, 1991:122 1994:15 flag 1992:2 1988:104, 1989:73, 1991:9
film 1989:105, 1989:109, 1990:76 JAF 1988:9, 1988:102, 1988:103,
folk etymology 1989:29 folklorismus 1989:27 formula 1992:54
French-Americans (Cajuns 1993:93rv, 1994:17ra) kinesthetic empathy 1994:3 French-Canadians 1992:3 Ku Klux Klan 1992:84
Bence tes Laotian-Americans 1991:4, 1993:76 erman-Americans 1988:82ra latin; atinismo 1991:3
gesture 1994:4legal law s1992-29 ghost 1988:59 tensystem 1990:59 Gulf War 1992:2 “Bat Gypsies 1988:72 literacy 1990:1
| _ literature 1990:76, 1991:2, 1991:71 loggers 1993:22rv love 1994:11
Harderpotschete 1989:27 Hesperian Harp 1988:4 Hispanic-Americans 1991:3
historical content 1988:77 Mai ’68 1994:36 historical-geographical method 1990:59 marginality 1994:7
Hmong 1988:2, 1991:4, 1993:76 Marxism 1993:3, 1994:37
Holocaust 1993:17 meaning 1994:35
homosexuality 1991:119 medieval period 1992:29
homosexuals 1993:17 memory 1993:76
humanities 1988:56, 1989:1 men 1992:56, 1993:52, 1994:8
humiliation 1994:8 Mexican-Americans 1992:30, 1994:3
hyena 1992:5 military 1988:6, 1989:7, 1989:106, 1989:107, 1989:108 modernity 1992:31 Mormons 1988:5
iconography 1994:8 Moslems 1989:31, 1992:54
iconology 1990:75 movement 1994:3 ~
identity 1989:27, 1989:71, 1993:17, multiculturalism 1992:28
1994:13, 1994:15 mythologizing 1990:76
520 Journal of American Folklore pluralism 1989:72 Polish-Americans 1989:11ira
National Endowment for the Humanities political humor 1989:70
(US) 1989:1 politics 1988:78, 1991:32, 1991:121,
nationalism 1992:31 1991:122, 1992:2, 1992:71rb, 1993:1, Native Americans 1993:2 1994:6, 1994:13, 1994:36
—Apache 1992:57, 1992:58 popular culture 1991:118, 1994:5
—Hopi 1994:5 pragmatism 1990:4 —Maya 1988:77 preachers 1992:55 —Ojibwa 1990:26 preaching 1994:6
—Pueblo 1994:5, 1994:14 pnnt tradition 1988:4, 1993:52, 1994:15 —Quechua-speakers 1994:37 prosody 1994:37
—Quiché 1990:24 psychoanalytic approach 1990:25 —Warao 1994-10 psychoanalytic theory 1991:6
—Zuni 1988:76, 1994:5 public sector folklore 1988:55, 1991:32,
nightmare 1991:4 1991:121, 1991:122 Nordic Museum 1992:1 publishing 1988:74 Northeast Archive of Folklore and Oral purity 1994:13
1993:24rv [R]
History, University of Maine 1993:23rv,
Northwest Interpretive Association i)
nostalgia 1992:31 racism 1991:71, 1993:2, 1994:13 nuclear power 1988:78 reciprocal ethnography 1992:55
recording industry 1993:55ra reflexive ethnography 1992:55, 1994:10 reissue recordings 1993:19ra representation 1992:56, 1994:12
obscenity 1990:5, 1990:58, 1990:78 reviewing 1991:9 occupational folklore 1988:6, 1988:59, revival 1994:14, 1994:36, 1994:40ra 1989:7, 1989:106, 1989:108, 1992:56, ribbon 1992:2 1993:16, 1993:22rv, 1993:84rv, 1994:7, romantic nationalism 1993:1
1994:8, 1994:9 Rosetta Records 1992:6ra
Okiek 1990:4 Olive Leaf 1988:4 opposition 1990:6
orality 1990:1, 1992:54, 1993:15, 1994:52rb
ostension 1991:34 Saami 1994:35
otherness 1993-17 St. Joseph’s Day 1988:8 Satan 1990:6, 1990:7 satire 1994:9 sea spirit 1994:35
“Sediciosos, Los’”’ 1992:30
“Packington’s Pound” 1990:5 sensation 1994:12
Pantheon Books 1989:115rb sermon 1994:6
parade 1991:119 sexual ambiguity 1992:5 parallelism 1990:4 sexual infidelity 1993:16
parody 1990:5, 1994:9 sexuality 1992:56, 1994:6, 1994:7, 1994:12
participant observation 1994:12 shape-note music 1988:4
patnotism 1992:2 Sicilians 1988:8
performance 1990:4, 1991:72, 1992:3, Slovenian-Amenicans 1989:11ira
1992:54, 1993:75, 1994:37 Smithsonian Institution Office of American personality construction 1990:77 Folklife 1991:32, 1991:121, 1991:122
photography folklore 1994:9 social relations 1990:60
photography 1992:1 sociocultural analysis 1993:52, 1993:53
Pinkster 1989:6 Spanish-Americans 1994:14 plagiarism 1991:6 speech act theory 1992:29 plague 1988:58 Springthyme Records 1991:35ra Pleiku jacket 1988:6, 1989:7 stereotype 1993:2
) Subject Index 521 |
.| story 1988:2 Unspunnenfest 1989:27 stresscloth 1991:4 urban folklore 1991:119 : strippers 1994:8
| student movement 1994:36 style 1989:3
| style guide 1988:60
| sudden unexpected nocturnal death syn-
| videos 1993:76
| drome (SUNDS) 1991:4 ” values 1989:72 | syncretism 1989:6 veterans 1989:107, 1990:77
| Vietnam War 1988:2, 1988:6, 1989:7, :| 1989:107, 1989:108, 1989:109, 1990:76, taste 1994:12 1990:77 1989:104, 1989:105, 1989:106,
| textuality 1992:54
textualizaton 1990:24, 1990:26
“Tom1989:27 Boleyn” |!tourism
1990:5 [w]
: traditionalization 1994:36
| transcription 1990:24, 1993:15 war 1990:76, 1991:4
| translation 1990:26 Whitsuntide 1989:6 trickster 1992:5 witch 1988:76 trope 1993:17 witchcraft 1992:29 truth 1988:73 wizard 1994:35
“Tumble O’Lynn” 1990:5 women 1988:8, 1989:71, 1992:6ra,
|| 1994:6, 1994:7, 1994:11 —girls 1990:4
, Tunisian-Israelis 1993-53 1992:55, 1992:56, 1993:55ra, 1994:5, WPA (Works Progress Administration) 1992:85
| UFO 1989:28 written tradition 1990:1
Geographical Index |
Africa 1991:120, 1992:5 United Kingdom 1989:12ra, 1990:5,
Asia 1990:27ra, 1992:29, 1992:71rb, 1993:3, || —Southeast Asia 1993:54 1993:15, 1994:40ra Austria 1992:65rb —England 1992:56, 1994:39ra
Belize —London1991:35ra 1989:31 || Bolivia 1988:77 1994:37 —Scotland
Brazil 1994:11 United States 1988:3, 1988:4, 1988:6, Canada 1990:61, 1994:40ra 1988:11ra, 1988:55, 1988:56, 1988:59, ; —Atlantic Provinces 1988:61ra 1988:73, 1988:82ra, 1988:104, 1989:1, | —Newfoundland 1992:3, 1994:38 1989:2, 1989:7, 1989:11ra, 1989:29,
Croatia 1992:54 1989:30, 1989:72, 1989:78ra, 1989:79ra,
Denmark 1993:18 1989:104, 1989:106, 1989:108, 1989:114ra,
Europe 1990:3, 1990:5, 1990:8, 1990: 12ra, |
—Eastern Europe 1988:78 1990:13ra, 1990:27ra, 1990:28, 1990:29rb, |
France 1994:36 1990:76, 1990:77, 1990:80ra, Germany 1990:251990:58, 1990:81, 1991:4, 1991:5, 1991:9, 1991:32, ||
Greece 1991:34, 1991:70rb, 1991:71, 1991:72, !
—Ancient Greece 1994:52rb 1991:74, 1991:121, 1991:122, 1991:127ra, |
Guatemala 1990:24 1992:2, 1992:4, 1992:6ra, 1992:32, 1992:34, | Haiti 1991:120, 1992:5 1992:35ra, 1992:56, 1992:57, 1992:58, .
India 1992:71rb, 1992:84, 1992:85, 1992:86ra, |
—Rayjasthan 1990:59 1993:2, 1993:3, 1993:16, 1993:22rv, ,
Indonesia 1990:4 1993:76, 1993:77ra, 1994:4, 1994:6, 1994:9, —Celebes 1990:1 1994:40ra Ireland 1993:3, 1994:40ra —Alabama 1989:113ra :
Israel 1993:53 —California 1990:79, 1994:8 || Italy 1994:15 —Los Angeles 1988:72
—Sicily 1990:60 —San Francisco 1991:3 Kenya 1990:4 —Louisiana 1993:93rv, 1994:17ra Laos 1988:2 —New Orleans 1989:4, 1989:5, 1992:5
Mexico —Miunnesota 1988:57, 1990:26
—Guerrero 1992:83 —Missour1 1992:55 Morocco 1994:7 —NMontana 1989:113ra Norway 1994:35 —New Mexico 1988:76, 1994:3, 1994:5,
Philippines 1989:106 1994:14 Polynesia —New York 1989:6, 1989:107
—Samoa 1988:75 —New York City 1988:72, 1989:3, Romania 1989:70 1989:6, 1989:71, 1991:119, 1994:3 Scandinavia 1988:58 —Pennsylvania 1992:33
Serbia 1992:54 —Philadelphia 1988:72 Spain 1990:2 —southern states 1992:31
Sweden 1992:1 —Texas 1988:8, 1991:73, 1992:30
Switzerland 1988:62ra, 1989:27 —Utah 1988:5, 1991:118
Thailand 1988:2, 1989:32 —Wyoming 1989:113ra
Venezuela 1994:10 Vietnam 1989:109, 1993:54
Person Index
| Basso, Ellen B. ! 990:481b, 1992:104rb Bastin, Bruce 1 :33r . 1992:43rb
Se eS Ae Bauman, Richard 1988:90rb, 1994:63rb 1m0ol4, ange eur Beck, Brenda E. F. 1989:85rb
Abler, Thomas S. 1993:43rb Beck, Jane 1994:45rv, 1994:46rv
eaaseue 1991:78rb
Abranam™ as 30. Abdi Becker, Jane S. 1991:64rb, 1991:77re,
; Beidelman, T. O. :20r Ahlborn, Richard 1993:20re , ~ ; , 7 | al-Hadi, Lubna ‘Abd 1991:98rb Bendix Regina 1 ee 135 Ackerman, Robert 1990:41rb Beezly, William H. 1991:484b
, ne Shelley R. 1992:28 Beisel, Christopher 1991:79re gnew, Jean-Christophe 1989:35rb Beit], Klaus 1992:67rb. 1992-69rb
al-k‘bi, Bassim 1991:96rb , ac
: al-Madani, Rashad 1991:97rb, 1991:102rb Benson, Larry D. 1990:40rb
“4: Belmont, Nicole 1989:96rb
| Alderson, William T. 1988:23rb Bergeron. Maida 1990-30rb Alexiadis, Minas A. 1989:135rb B 1 1903-118cb
Allen, Barbara 1992:79rb nina Ne Bruno 1991-6
Allen, John David 1992:60rv Lay
, Allen, Nancy 1993:78re Bianchi, Ugo £988:6 710 5
| Allen, Paula Gunn 1990:57rb Bieder, Robert E. 1988:20r Blackburn, Stuart H. 1990:47rb, Alsayyad, Nevar 1994:30rb
. Ambainis, Ojars 1992:19rb 1993:102rb
Ames, Kenneth L. 1993:611rb, 1994:33rb Blandy, Doug 1989:98rb
Amir, Ziva 1991:54rb Blank, Les 1992:97rv, 1993:96rv, Anderson, Craig 1993:26rv, 1993:27rv, 1993:97rv, 1994:25rv
1993:28rv Blier, Suzanne Preston 1994:20rb
Anderson, Janet Alm 1988:28rb, 1992:18rb | Boaz the Clown 1990:73rb
Appiah, Kwame Anthony 1994:20rb Bockhorn, Olaf 1992:68rb Arends, Shirley Fischer 1991:110rb Bol, Marsha 1991:79re
Samuel G. 1989:46rb, Borgeaud, Philippe 1991:93rb ,: Armistead, 1989:129rb Borie, Beauveau, IV 1988:45rb
| Ashliman, D. L. 1989:16rb Borofsky, Robert 1989:23rb | Assion, Peter 1992:20rb Bottigheimer, Ruth B. 1989:13rb, Atlass, Kathleen 1991:93rb 1990:45rb
. Attebery, Louie W. 1989:64rb Bourdier, Jean-Paul 1994:30rb Attie, Barbara 1992:9rv Bourguignon, Erika 1992:105rb
| Avishur, Yitzhak 1989:47rb Bowden, Betsy 1991:28rb
! Brackner, Joey 1991:1irv
Azzolina, David S. 1989:12irb Brackman, Barbara 1990:32rb
Brailoiu, Constantine 1988:63ra || Brednich, Rolf W. 1988:94rb, 1990:68rb Breen, Lise M. 1992:87re, 1992:88rb | Babcock, Barbara A. 1993:38rb Breen, Nancy 1993:39rb
, Bachmann-Geiser, Brigitte 1991:68rb Bregenhoj, Carsten 1988:95rb . Bachmann-Geiser, Eugen 1991:68rb Briggs, Charles L. 1988:13rb, 1990:43rb Baker, Houston A., Jr. 1994:64rb Brightman, Robert 1991:23rb Bakhtin, Mikhail M. 1989:34rb Bnstol, Michael D. 1989:39rb
| Baldwin, Cinda 1991:124re Bromley, David G. 1993:118rb , Ball, Eve 1991:117rb Bronner, Simon J. 1988:14rb, 1988:29rb, | Barber, Paul 1991:45rb 1991:65rb, 1993:42rb, 1993:108rb , Baron, Robert 1993:58rb Brown, Ginger 1991:82rv Barrick, Mac E. 1989:6irb, 1992:33 Brown, Jennifer S. H. 1991:23rb
| Barth, Fredrik 1989:95rb Brown, Jim 1991:82rv
524 Journal of American Folklore Brown, John A. 1991:116rb Craig, Robert D. 1991:56rb
Brown, Malcolm Hamrick 1989:48rb Creighton, Helen 1990:61 | | Buckley, Thomas 1989:125rb Crocker, Scott 1993:31rv Burnison, John A. 1991:136rb Crozier, Alan 1988:64rb
Bush, Charles 1993:94rv Cruikshank, Jullie 1993:69rb
Bushnagq, Inea 1989:120rb Cruz-Saenz, Michéle S. 1988:46rb Byock, Jesse L. 1992:106rb Cubbs, Joanne 1989:101rb Culin, Stewart 1993:116rb
Caffee, Gabrielle L. 1988:100rb
Calame-Griaule, Geneviéve 1988:65rb Daly, M. Catherine 1990:34rb Camara Fontes, Maria-Joao 1989:129rb D’Ambrosio, Paul 1993:21re
Cancel, Robert 1991:92rb Dance, Daryl C. 1988:52rb, 1989:56rb Cannon, Hal 1991:126re Danielson, Larry 1990:46rb, 1993:98rb Caplan, Theresa 1993:72rb Dargan, Amanda 1992:12rb Carey, George 1991:141rb Darnell, Regna 1990:70rb Carey, James W. 1989:126rb Das, Veena 1988:91rb Carpenter, Inta Gale 1989:9rv Dauenhauer, Nora Marks 1990:14rb Carroll, Michael P. 1992:49rb Dauenhauer, Richard 1990:14rb
Carter, Karen 1994:27rv Davenport, Tom 1988:80rv Carter, Thomas 1990:31rb, 1991:53rb Davidson, H.R. Ellis 1989:93rb Catlin, Amy 1994:62rb Davies, Christie 1991:43rb
Caton, Steven D. 1992:110rb Davis, Dee 1990:9rv Ceausescu, Nicolae 1989:70 Davis, Natalie Zemon 1992:46rb Centre de recherche sur ]’oralité 1994:61rb Davis, Susan G. 1989:97rb
Chamovitz, Sheila 1989:77rv Davis, Wade 1989:127rb
Chard, Leslie 1989:102rb DeBouzek, Jeanette 1994:42rv Cheney, Lynne V. 1989:1 DeMallie, Raymond J. 1989:25rb,
Chorier, Benedicte 1989:42rb 1994:18re
Cicala, John Allan 1994:32rb Denselow, Robin 1992:72rb Clancy, Gwendolyn 1993:89rv Dewhurst, C. Kurt 1991:112rb Clark, Clarinda Ross 1992:60rv DiBiaggio, Carolyn E. 1990:33rb Clark, Jerome 1992:50rb, 1992:51rb Dickson, D. Bruce 1991:51rb
Clark, Katerina 1989:36rb Dornfeld, Barry 1992:7rv
Clark, Ricky 1990:32rb Dorst, John D. 1991:17rb
Claus, Peter J. 1989:85rb, 1993:102rb Doty, William G. 1989:20rb
Clements, William M. 1988:21rb Dow, James R. 1988:94rb
Clifford, James 1989:122rb Doyle, Bill 1989:140rb Closter, Harold 1993:20re Dratch, Howard 1992:95rv Cochran, Robert 1988:7 Duffy, Karen M. 1993:78re
Coffin, Tristram P. 1989:63rb, 1992:32 Dugaw, Dianne 1992:23rb
Cohen, David Steven 1988:43rb, 1991:15rb_ =_Dunaway, David 1992:17rb
Cohen, Hennig 1989:63rb Duncan, Kate C. 1994:18re
Collier, John, Jr. 1988:12rb Dundes, Alan 1988:51rb, 1989:18rb, Collier, Malcolm 1988:12rb 1989:57rb, 1989:58rb, 1989:124rb, Congdon, Knistin G. 1989:98rb 1990:17rb, 1991:36rb
Connelly, Bridget 1988:3 Dyck, Ian 1993:115rb
Constantinescu, Nicolae 1988:87rb Conway, Cece 1992:97rv Cook, Margaret 1989:94rb Cordova, Gilberto Benito 1993:20re
Costa Fontes, Manuel da 1989:129rb Easton, Robert 1990:55rb
Couliano, Ioan P. 1989:94rb Eff, Elaine 1992:63rv Cousino, Michael 1989:107 Eitzen, Dirk 1989:75rv Cowan, Jane K. 1993:49rb Eliade, Mircea 1989:94rb Cozart, Dorothy 1990:32rb Ellis, Eleanor 1992:96rv Craig, Maggie 1988:68rb Endrei, Walter 1989:131rb
Person Index 525 | Ensminger, Robert F. 1993:114rb Gillespie, Angus K. 1989:62rb
| Erdoes, Richard 1989:117rb Gillis, John 1988:64rb : Erlmann, Veit 1993:50rb Gilmore, Janet C. 1989:65rb Esser, Janet Brody 1991:80rb Glass, Joseph W. 1988:44rb | Ewers, John C. 1988:16rb Glassberg, David 1993:6rb
|| Gluck, 1993:78re Sherna Berger 1994:34rb
: Glassie, Henry 1989:119rb, 1993:35rb, Glazer, Mark 1990:19rb
Fabian, Monroe H. 1990:37rb Gold, Ann Grodzins 1991:59rb
Falk, Lisa 1993:20re Goldberg, David Theo 1993:13rb, . Fardon, Richard 1993:7rb Goldman, Michael 1990:11irv Fane, Diana 1992:87re, 1992:88rb 1993:37rb
Faure, Christian 1991:87rb Goldsmith, Bill 1992:62rv
: Feintuch, Burt 1990:23 Goldstein, Kenneth S. 1988:68rb | Felski, Rita 1992:81rb Gomez-Pena, Guillermo 1991:81re | Fenton, William N. 1989:67rb Goodman, Felicitas D. 1991:103rb,
. Ferrero, Pat 1990:10rv 1991:104rb
Ferris, William 1991:63rb Goodwin, Joseph P. 1991:109rb
: Fine, Elizabeth 1993:32rv, 1994:31rb Goodwin, Marjorie Harness 1993:73rb
: Fine, Gary Alan 1993:101rb Gordon, Robert 1994:23rv . Finkler, Kaja 1988:50rb Gosling, Maureen 1992:97rv, 1993:96rv, : Finnegan, Ruth 1990:42rb, 1991:16rb 1993:97rv, 1994:25rv , Fischer, David Hackett 1992:42rb Goswami, Praphulladatta 1989:85rb
: Fitzgerald, Ruth D. 1990:33rb Gottlieb, Alma 1989:125rb 7 Fleischhauer, Carl 1990:31rb Graham, Joe S. 1991:107rb Flueckiger, Joyce B. 1993:102rb Grasso, Hank 1993:20re | Foley, John Miles 1989:22rb, 1989:87rb, Gray, Judith A. 1988:19rb
| 1989:124rb, 1991:40rb, 1993:44rb Green, Rayna 1993:20re
| Forsyth, Neil 1989:19rb Greenway, John 1992:32
. Fortier, Alcee 1992:5 Gnmm Brothers 1993:75
| Foster, Stephen William 1990:51rb Guida, Louis 1989:111rv, 1994:23rv
: Fox, James J. 1989:21rb Gunn, Giles 1989:37rb
Franco, Barbara 1991:64rb, 1991:77re, Gunn, Virginia 1990:32rb
|! Fnsbie, 1991:78rb Gursan-Salzmann, Ayse 1991:12rv Charlotte J. 1989:90rb | Frost, Jackson 1992:96rv Frost, Mark 1992:61rv
| Frykman, Jonas 1988:64rb
2 Fusco, Coco 1991:81re Habekost, Christian 1994:65rb
:| Hall, Halker, Clark D. 1992:14rb Patricia 1991:18rb
, Hallen, Barry 1994:20rb
Hallo, William W. 1993:106rb
: Gambone, Robert L. 1991:108rb Halpert, Herbert 1992:85
Gamerith, Anni 1992:66rb Hamelmann, Berthold 1992:21rb | Gammerdinger, Harry A. 1992:34 Hampton, Wayne 1992:74rb
Gantz, Timothy 1994:53rb Hand, Wayland D. 1988:68rb, 1989:30
Garrett, Clarke 1989:92rb Handelman, Don 1991:41rb
Garrison, Andrew 1990:9rv, 1992:94rv Handoo, Jawaharlal 1989:85rb
Garthwaite, Chester 1991:139rb Harker, Dave 1992:75rb
| Gaste, Bertha 1989:131rb Harris, Marvin 1992:99rb
| Geddes, Virginia G. 1989:17rb Harrod, Howard L. 1991:138rb
! Gentili, Bruno 1988:66rb Hartsfield, Mariella Glenn 1989:52rb Gerndt, Helge 1988:85rb Hasan-Rokem, Galit 1988:51rb Gero, Annette 1990:32rb Hastings, Scott E., Jr. 1991:113rb
Gibson, Gary 1993:87rv Hauser, William 1988:4 | Gibson, Ronald 1993:72rb Headland, Thomas N. 1992:99rb Gilbert, Michelle 1994:20rb Hearne, Betsy 1991:30rb
526 Journal of American Folklore Henn, N. 1991:117rb Jonaitis, Aldona 1992:89re, 1992:90rb Herman, Bernard L. 1989:99rb, 1991:53rb, Jones, Gayl 1993:9rb
1993:64rb Jones, Michael O. 1990:52rb, 1990:53rb,
Herr, Partricia T. 1990:32rb 1991:50rb
Herrera-Sobek, Maria 1992:80rb Jones, Steven Swann 1993:8rb
Hersh, Tandy 1990:32rb Joseph, Pleasant “Cousin Joe” 1989:49rb Hertz, Betti-Sue 1991:123re Judkins, Russell A. 1989:68rb Herzfeld, Michael 1990:44rb Heston, W. L. 1991:61rb Heuscher, Julius E. 1991:6
Hicks, Robert D. 1992:109rb | Hiltebeitel, Alf 1989:45rb Kalow, Nancy 1989:8rv Hoberman, J. 1993:41rb Kamenetsky, Christa 1993:67rb
Hockings, Paul 1991:58rb Kanaana, Sharif 1991:96rb, 1991:97rb, Hoffman, Rachel 1994:20rb 1991:98rb, 1991:99rb, 1991:100rb, Holbek, Bengt 1991:37rb, 1993:18 1991:101rb, 1991:102rb Holloway, Joseph E. 1991:131rb Kaplan, Alice 1989:86rb
Holquist, Michael 1989:36rb Kaplan, Anne R. 1988:27rb Holstein, Jonathan 1993:113rb Karasik, Carol 1991:47rb Hoover, Marjorie A. 1988:27rb Karp, Ivan 1993:60rb
Horne, Catherine Wilson 1991:124re, Kartchner, Kenner C. 1993:10rb
1991:125rb Katz, Israel J. 1989:46rb, 1989:129rb
Howe, John 1993:85rv Kausel, Eva 1992:69rb, 1992:70rb
Hoy, James 1991:114rb Kellen, Erin 1991:11rv
Hubbs, Joanna 1991:44rb Kelly, Aidan A. 1992:50rb Huey (James “Huey” Coleman) 1992:93rv Kelly, John D. 1993:110rb
Hufford, Mary 1991:8re, 1993:68rb Kelly, Nancy 1993:89rv, 1993:90rv
Hugill, Peter J. 1991:5irb Kendall, Laurel 1991:42rb, 1994:50rv Hunt, Marjorie 1993:68rb Kendrick, Laura 1991:29rb Huntington, E. Gale 1994:16 Kennedy, Tom R. 1993:72rb Keyser, Alan G. 1990:32rb Kiatoukaysy, Bounthavy 1993:82re, 1993:83rb Kieckhefer, Richard 1992:48rb
Isern, Tom 1991:114rb Kimball, Art 1991:24rb Ispas, Sabina 1993:46rb Kinder, Franz 1990:73rb
Ishtayeh, Muhammad 1991:100rb Kimball, Brad 1991:24rb
Istvanovits, Marton 1991:62rb King, Lyndel 1990:34rb
Ivanits, Linda J. 1991:89rb Kinnard, Tom 1991:124re Ives, Edward D. 1989:81rb, 1990:65rb, Kligman, Gail 1989:88rb
1993:30rv Koch, Lewis 1991:75re
Kodish, Deborah 1988:15rb Korom, Frank J. 1991:26rb Kramer, Karen 1988:81rv Kreamer, Christine Mullen 1993:60rb
Jacknis, Ira 1992:87re, 1992:88rb Krekovicova, Eva 1993:112rb
Jackson, Bruce 1989:44rb Krupat, Arnold 1991:27rb Jamison, Gayla 1989:76rv Kulikowski, Mark 1992:78rb Jairazbhoy, Naizir Ali 1991:84rv Kugelmass, Jack 1992:13rb
Jason, Heda 1993:45rb Kunin, Richard 1992:40re
Jasper, Pat 1988:53rb Kvideland, Reimund 1990:49rb, 1991:86rb Joaquin, Angelo 1993:81re Johler, Reinhard 1992:68rb Johnson, Anne Lewis 1990:9rv, 1992:94rv, 1994:22rv, 1994:43rv
Johnson, Geraldine N. 1990:32rb La Pin, Deirdre 1988:65rb
Johnson, Patricia 1993:34rv Laguerre, Michel 1990:16rb Johnson, Paula J. 1990:56rb, 1992:44rb Lane, Bruce “Pacho” 1994:41rv
Johnstone, Barbara 1991:135rb Langlois, Janet L. 1990:22rb
Person Index 527 Lankford, George E. 1989:66rb McNeil, William K. 1989:6irb, 1989:66rb,
Lansdale, Edward G. 1989:106 1992:15rb
Lasansky, Jeannette 1990:32rb Mechling, Jay 1989:62rb Laughlin, Robert M. 1991:47rb Mednick, Jonathan 1989:75rv
Lawless, Elaine J. 1991:20rb Melton, J. Gordon 1992:50rb Leary, James P. 1991:75re, 1991:76rb, Messenger, Phyllis Mauch 1991:19rb,
1991:139rb, 1993:24rv 1993:59rb
Lee, Diana 1994:50rv Meyer, Richard E. 1994:67rb, 1994:68rb Lee, Dorothy Sara 1988:19rb Mezger, Werner 1993:48rb
Leland, Andrea 1992:8rv Michael, Nancy 1992:10rv
Lentz, Tony M. 1991:94rb Mieder, Wolfgang 1988:35rb, 1988:36rb, Leon, Eli 1992:91re, 1992:92rb 1988:37rb, 1988:38rb, 1988:39rb, Leventhal, Harold 1991:82rv 1988:88rb, 1988:101rb, 1989:89rb, Lévi-Strauss, Claude 1989:42rb, 1994:10 Levine, Steven D. 1993-60rb 1989:136rb, 1989:137rb, 1989:138rb,
Lieberman, Robbie 1992:73rb 1989:139rb Limén, José 1993:56rb Mihaly, David 1993:21re Lindahl, Carl 1988:99rb Miles, Elton 1989:55rb
Lindow, John 1988:89rb Miller, Susan 1993:82re, 1993:83rb Linklater, Andro 1993:5rb Mintz, Lawrence E. 1990:20rb Little, Leandra 1992:64rv Mire, Patrick 1993:94rv, 1993:95rv
Liu, Benjamin M. 1992:47rb Mitchell, Timothy J. 1989:80rb Lloyd, Timothy C. 1992:44rb Mitrodte, Ian 1990:52rb Lockwood, Yvonne R. 1991:112rb Monroe, James T. 1992:47rb
Lofgren, Orvar 1988:64rb Monroe, Nora 1992:9rv Loizos, Peter 1992:22rb Montell, William Lynwood 1988:30rb Lomatuway’ma, Michael 1988:97rb, Monthan, Doris 1993:38rb
1988-98rb Monthan, Guy 1993:38rb
Lomax, John A. 1992:31 Moonsammy, Rita Zorn 1988:43rb,
Lonnroth, Lars 1988:89rb 1994:24rv
Lorbe, Ruth E. 1990:46rb, 1993:98rb Moore, Michael D. 1990:52rb
Lord, Albert Bates 1992:4 Moore, Willard B. 1988:27rb, 1990:34rb
Lornell, Kip 1991:67rb Morrison, Howard 1993:20re
Loveland, Karen 1993:20re Morrison, James V. 1994:56rb Low, Shirley Payne 1988:23rb Moyers, Bill 1991:83rv Lutgendorf, Phillip 1992:111rb Mullaney, Stephen 1989:41rb
Luttrell, David 1988:25rb Mullen, Patrick B. 1992:44rb Lvov, Nikolai 1989:48rb Murray, David 1992:100rb Lyons, Julie Jarrell 1992:97rv
Mac Con Iomaire, Liam 1989:140rb MacDowell, Marsha 1990:33rb
MacNeil, Joe Neil 1991:133rb Nabokov, Peter 1988:22rb, 1990:55rb Magana, Edmundo 1992:26rb Nagy, Gregory 1994:58rb
Maggard, Buck 1990:9rv, 1992:94ryv Narayan, Kirin 1991:60rb
Mahamid, Umar 1991:101rb Nasir, Mumtaz 1991:61rb Malotki, Ekkehart 1988:97rb, 1988:98rb Nason, James 1994:18re
Mandell, Richard D. 1993:4rb Nattriez, Jean-Jacques 1988:63ra Martin, Richard P. 1991:134rb Ned, Annie 1993:69rb
McCann, Gordon 1988:93rb Nelson, Marion J. 1990:34rb McCarthy, Tom 1991:79re, 1993:78re Nettl, Bruno 1991:115rb
McCracken, Grant 1989:123rb Neville, Gwen Kennedy 1991:137rb McDannell, Colleen 1989:100rb Newell, Martin 1990:9rv McGaa, Ed, Eagle Man 1992:102rb Niditch, Susan 1991:57rb McGlathery, James M. 1990:46rb, Nielsen, Erik Kass 1989:60rb
1993:98rb Nooter, Mary H. 1994:19re, 1994:20rb
528 Journal of American Folklore Price, Sally 1992:98rb Prins, Harold 1994:27rv
Ohrn, Steven 1990:35rb Puhvel joan 4 soem
Oinas, Felix J. 1988:34rb , Okpewho, Isidore 1993:103rb Olkes, Cheryl 1992:24rb O’Neal, Jim 1993:34rv
Opie, Iona 1991:22rb .
Orbell, Margaret 1988:49rb Quarcoopome, Niu Otokunor 1994:20rb Ortiz, Alfonso 1989:117rb Ory, Pascal 1991:87rb Oswalt, Wendell H. 1992:10irb
Ottenheimer, Harriet J. 1989:49rb Rachewiltz, Siegfried de 1991:39rb
Owens, Louis 1993:70rb Radhayrapetian, Juliet 1991:95rb
Ozawa, Toshiaki 1993:31rv Raheja, Gloria Goodwin 1991:25rb Raible, Wolfgang 1992:77rb Ramsey, Bets 1988:25rb Randolph, Vance 1988:92rb, 1988:93rb, 1990:58
Pagter, Carl R. 1989:57rb Rankin, Tom 1992:7rv
Paioni, Giuseppe 1988:66rb Ransom, Stanley A. 1990:36rb Palfi, Stevenson J. 1993:33rv Ravaasz, Karoly 1989:131rb Papataxiarchis, Evthymios 1992:22rb Reaver, J. Russell 1989:53rb Pardue, Diana 1993:79re, 1993:80rb Redfield, James 1991:93rb
Paredes, Américo 1994:63rb Reece, Steve 1994:57rb
Parker, Diana 1992:40re Reed, Henry M. 1990:37rb Patai, Daphne 1994:34rb Reuter, O. R. 1988:70rb
Parks, Douglas R. 1989:25rb Reed, Toni 1991:129rb
Patterson, Daniel W. 1988:80rv, 1991:21rb Revel, Nicole 1994:61rb Peacock, James L. 1991:21rb, 1991:66rb Rey-Hulman, Diana 1994:61rb
Peacock, Sandra J. 1990:71rb Reyna, Diane 1994:42rv Pearson, Barry Lee 1988:32rb Richards, Bob 1992:8rv
Peers, Laura 1994:18re Richardson, James T. 1993:118rb
Peiser, Judy 1994:23rv Richardson, Selma K. 1990:46rb, 1993:98rb
Pentikdinen, Juha Y. 1992:107rb Richmond, W. Edson 1989:9rv, 1990:54rb
Perkowski, Jan L. 1991:46rb Rickels, Lawrence 1993:12rb Perrie, Maureen 1990:50rb Ridington, Robin 1992:103rb
Pershing, Ruth 1994:21rv Riedel, Johannes 1990:34rb Peterson, Jacqueline 1994:18re Riess, Steven A. 1992:11rb
Peterson, May 1989:8rv Rikoon, J. Sanford 1989:132rb Peterson, Sally 1990:32rb Roberts, Allen F. 1994:20rb
Petzoldt, Leander 1991:39rb Roberts, Warren 1990:54rb Peynetsa, Andrew 1988:76 Robinson, Harry 1992:113rb
Pickering, Mimi 1990:9rv, 1994:26rv Rochford, Thomas, S. J. 1994:18re
Piersen, William D. 1990:66rb Roeder, Beatrice A. 1991:106rb
Pike, Kenneth L. 1992:99rb Rogers, Jerry L. 1990:31rb
Pilot-Raichoor, Christiane 1991:58rb Rohrich, Lutz 1990:69rb
Plunkett, Michael 1991:130rb Rooney, James 1992:16rb
Pocius, Gerald L. 1993:57rb Rose, Al 1994:24rv
Poom, Ritva 1992:107rb Rose, Dan 1989:81rb
Poppi, Cesare 1994:20rb Rosenberg, Bruce A. 1993:66rb Posen, I. Sheldon 1990:36rb, 1993:11rb Rosenberg, Neil V. 1989:43rb
Pounds, Norman J. G. 1991:52rb Rosholt, Malcolm 1993:26rv, 1993:27rv,
Powell, Barry B. 1994:54rb 1993:28rv
Powers, William K. 1988:18rb Rosow, Eugene 1992:95rv Poyatos, Fernando 1990:15rb Ross, Kristin 1989:86rb
Prach, Ivan 1989:48rb Roszell, Stephen 1989:74rv Presti, Louis 1994:24rv Rountree, Helen C. 1993:74rb
Person Index 529 Ruby, Robert H. 1991:116rb Smith, Judy 1992:36re Ryan, Kathleen Jo 1993:88rv Smith, Kitty 1993:69rb Ryden, Kent C. 1994:66rb Snip, C. Matthew 1993:39rb Snyder, Richard C. 1990:52rb Spalding, Susan 1994:22rv Spears, Ross 1989:110rv Speer, Jean Haskell 1994:31rb
Salo, Matt T. 1993:111rb Spiegel, Harriet 1989:50rb
Salzmann, Laurence 1991:12rv Spielhaus, Benita 1992:19rb
Samuelson, Sue 1991:74 Spitzer, Nicholas R. 1993:58rb Sanchez, L. 1991:117rb St. Claire, Maggie 1993:86rv Sandstrom, Alan R. 1989:91rb Stallybrass, Peter 1989:38rb
Sandstrom, Pamela Effrein 1989:91irb Staub, Shalom D. 1990:38rb
Sayers, Robert 1994:49rv Steiger, Gail 1993:92rv
Scheub, Harold 1993:104rb Sterling, Peter V. 1993:72rb Schlereth, Thomas J. 1992:79rb, Stern, Stephen 1994:32rb
1993:61rb, 1994:33rb Still, James 1992:114rb
Schlesier, Karl H. 1989:24rb Stoller, Paul 1992:24rb, 1992:25rb Schmandt-Besserat, Denise 1993:106rb, Stone, Ruth M. 1989:83rb
1993:107rb Stoney, George 1991:82rv
Schneider, Jane 1993:47rb Story, George M. 1994:38
Schoenhals, Louise C. 1990:18rb Strachwitz, Chris 1993:96rv Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe 1990:26 Strenski, Ivan 1991:88rb Schultes, Richard Evans 1989:127rb Strother, Z. S. 1994:20rb
Scott, James C. 1992:53rb Sullivan, Lawrence E. 1993:5irb Scull, Andrew 1992:115rb Swann, Brian 1991:27rb Searls, Richard 1993:25rv Sway, Marlene 1993:40rb Seeger, Mike 1994:21rv Szemerkényi, Agnes 1991:62rb
Seemann, Charlie 1991:18rb Segal, Robert A. 1990:72rb Sehmsdorf, Henning K. 1990:49rb, 1991:86rb Seitel, Peter 1992:41rb
Sessions, Patty Bartlett 1988:5 Tatar, Maria 1989:14rb, 1993:100rb
Sexton, Morgan 1992:94rv Tatem, Moira 1991:22rb Shankar, Guha 1994:49rv Taylor, Archer 1988:39rb Shanghai quyi jia xiehui 1993:105rb Taylor, Lonn 1993:20re
Sharrow, Gregory 1988:45rb Tedlock, Dennis 1988:7, 1993:116rb
Shaw, John 1991:133rb ~ Tejada-Flores, Rick 1993:20re Sheehy, Colleen J. 1990:34rb Terrell, Suzanne J. 1992:27rb
Shelton, Kim 1989:112rv, 1993:91rv Teske, Robert T. 1991:75re, 1991:76rb Sherman, Sharon 1988:79rv, 1994:28rv Thomas, Rosalind 1994:55rb
Sherzer, Dina 1989:59rb Thompson, Robert Faris 1989:127rb
Sherzer, Joel 1988:17rb, 1988:96rb, Thompson, Robert Ferris 1992:92rb
1989:59rb Thornton, Russell 1989:26rb, 1993:39rb
Shumway, Larry V. 1993:10rb Tinker, John 1993:78re
Sidney, Angel 1993:69rb Tinsley, Jim Bob 1992:45rb Siegel, Lee 1989:130rb, 1992:112rb Titon, Jeff Todd 1990:21rb, 1992:7rv, Silverman, Joseph H. 1989:46rb, 1994:47rv
1989:129rb Todorov, Tzvetan 1989:40rb
Silverstein, Stuart 1993:25rv Tong, Diane 1991:9irb Simon, Chnis 1993:97rv Traube, Elizabeth G. 1988:41rb Simpson, Elizabeth 1991:86rb Trotter, Joe William, Jr. 1991:111rb
Singel, Mark S. 1990:38rb Truta, Doina 1993:46rb Sinikara, Kaisa 1993:14rb Tullos, Allen 1988:80rv Sipe, Daniel 1989:10rv Turgeon, Laurier 1992:52rb Siporin, Steve 1993:109rb Turner, Kay 1988:53rb
Slyomovics, Susan 1989:84rb Tyler, Royall 1989:51rb Smith, Herb E. 1991:1irv Tyson, Ruel W., Jr. 1991:21rb, 1991:66rb
530 Journal of American Folklore Wheeler, Bob 1994:48rv White, Allon 1989:38rb
Upton, Dell 1988:69rb White, Betty 1994:18re Urban, Greg 1988:17rb White, Peter 1990:64rb Whiteford, Andrew Hunter 1989:133rb |
Whiting, Bartlett Jere 1990:40rb |
Wickwire, Wendy 1992:113rb | Wiggins, Gene 1988:31rb | Valaquez, Elaine 1994:51rv Wigginton, Eliot 1992:114rb |
Vander, Judith 1990:67rb Wilgus, D. K. 1991:5 | Vanderberg, Frances 1994:18re Williams, Lorraine E. 1988:43rb :
Van Wyk,Lajos Gary1991:62rb 1994:20rbWilson, Williams, Michael Ann 1991:63rb 1993:65rb || Vargyas, Charles Reagan Vecsey, Christopher 1989:134rb, 1993:71rb = Wilson, Joe 1994:44rv | Velay-Vallantin, 1994:59rb, Winninger, 1989:9rv | 1994:60rb Catherine Woodbury, Anthony C.John 1988:96rb Vennum, Thomas, Jr. 1990:34rb, 1994:49rv Wright, Richard 1991:71 ! Vincent, Margaret 1990:39rb Wroth, William 1992:37re, 1992:38rb )
1993:36rb |
Viola, Herman J. 1991:116rb Wiirzbach, Natascha 1991:128rb !
Vlach, John Michael 1988:69rb, 1991:49rb, Wylie, Jonathan 1988:48rb |
Wadley, Susan S. 1993:102rb Xanthakou, Margarita 1992:108rb
Waila Committee 1993:81re || Waldvogel, Merikay 1988:25rb Walker, Robert 1993:32rv ; |
Wah-pah-nah-yah 1989:24rb
Walls, Gayna 1991:128rb Yafiez, Rene 1991:81re Walsh, Kevin 1994:69rb Yang, Tou 1993:82re, 1993:83rb
Ward, Carol 1994:29rv Yassif, Eli 1988:40rb Wardetzky, Kristin 1993:99rb Yoder, Don 1988:45rb, 1990:37rb, Waterman, Patricia Panyity 1989:103rb 1993:35rb
Webber, Sabra J. 1992:76rb Weber, Gerd Wolfgang 1988:89rb :|
Webb, Robert 1992:39re Young, Katharine Galloway 1989:128rb
Wehling, 1990:9rv Weigle, MartaSusan 1989:54rb, 1990:64rb || Weiner, Annette B. 1993:47rb Zaytawi, Nihad 1991:99rb , Weinrebe, Helge M. A. 1991:38rb Zeitlin, Steven 1992:12rb, 1993:68rb :
Weir, Shelagh 1991:55rb Zenani, Nongenile Masithathu 1993:104rb |
Weissler, Chava 1991:69rb Zipes, Jack 1988:42rb, 1989: 15rb, |
Wellner, Maureen 1992:9rv 1991:90rb |
Wells, Camille 1988:24rb Zoknay, Laszio 1989:131rb
Wertheim, Arthur Frank 1993:117rb Zug, Charles G., III 1988:26rb
West, Dick 1989:24rb Zukin, Sharon 1993:63rb
Author Index Bennett, Gillian 1992:109rb Bennett, Margaret 1991:133rb Bennett, Michael G. 1993:60rb
Abrahams, Roger D. 1989:34rb, Berlage, Gai Ingham 1993:4rb 1989:35rb, 1989:36rb, 1989:37rb, Berman, Judith 1991:27rb
1989:38rb, 1989:39rb, 1989:40rb, Bernard. H. Russell 1992:104rb
1989:41rb, 1991:36rb, 1993:1 Bethke, Robert D. 1993-112b Ackermann, Hans-W. 1991:120 Beynen, Bert 1993:104rb
Adler, Shelley R. 1991:4 Bird, Charles 1988:65rb
Adler, Thomas A. 1989:43rb Blackburn, Stuart H. 1989:130rb
Adovasio, J. M. 1989:133rb Bogoch, Bryna 1992:29
Allen, Barbara 1991:114rb, 1991:135rb, Bourguignon, Erika 1989:127rb
1999:30rv Bottigheimer, Ruth B. 1989:15rb,
Allen, Ray 1988:80rv, 1991:72, 1991:77re, 1990:25, 1991:38rb, 1991:39rb, 1993:52,
1991:78rb 1993:66rb, 1993:99rb
Alvey, R. Gerald 1991:63rb Bowman, Paddy Baker 1992:62rv
Amussen, Susan Dwyer 1992:23rb Brackner, Joey 1991:124re, 1991:125rb
Ancelet, Barry Jean 1994:17ra Brandes, Stanley 1989:80rb, 1990:2 Andersen, Ruth E, 1993:111rb Briggs, Charles L. 1989:44rb, 1993:75,
Antonsen, Chnistopher 1994:32rb 1994-10
Anttonen, Pertti J. 1993:14rb Bronner, Simon J. 1990:29rb, 1990:30rb,
Arlow, Jacob A. 1989:18rb 1990:31rb, 1990:32rb, 1990:33rb,
ee eae: a ee 1990:34rb, 1990:35rb, Arnold, Eric J. 1989:123r Pore1990:36rb 3a 30h,
Arora, Shirley L. 1990:18rb, 1990:19rb joo oD 1990:39rb, Ashton, John 1990:65rb, 1994:39ra Brown, Steve 1992:89re, 1992:90rb
Atkinson, Robert 1993:109rb Buananno, Michael 1990:60 Aveni, Anthony F. 1992:26rb Bulger, Peggy A. 1989:53rb Axlerod, Harvey S. 1988:102 Bullard, Thomas E. 1989-28
Burdick, Kim 1988:102 Burke, Carol 1989:108 Burrison, John A. 1989:52rb, 1991:50rb Burson-Tolpin, Anne 1991:132rb
Babcock, Barbara A. 1994:1, 1994:5 Butler, Gary R. 1992:3
Badone, Ellen 1991:137rb Baker, Ronald L. 1988:102 Barden, Thomas E. 1993:67rb Barrick, Mac E. 1988:35rb, 1988:36rb,
1988:37rb, 1988:38rb, 1988:39rb Cahan, Andrew S. 1992:94rv Baughman, Ernest W. 1989:16rb Camino, Linda 1988:50rb
Beck, Jane C. 1990:16rb Cantwell, Robert 1991:32, 1991:122 Becker, Karin 1992:1 Carnes, Pack 1989:50rb, 1989:136rb,
Becker, Marshall Joseph 1993:74rb, 1989:137rb, 1989:138rb, 1989:139rb
1994:67rb, 1994:68rb Carpenter, Carole H. 1988:14rb, 1988:15rb
Beissinger, Margaret Hiebert 1988:87rb, Carr, Glynis 1993:13rb, 1993:37rb
1989:88rb, 1993:46rb Carter, Thomas 1989:64rb, 1991:118
Belcher, Stephen 1993:103rb Cattermole-Tally, Frances 1989:30,
Ben-Amos, Avner 1991:41rb 1991:22rb
Ben-Amos, Dan 1988:40rb, 1989:89rb, Cefkin, Melissa S. 1993:49rb
1990:41rb Charlot, John 1988:75, 1989:109
Bender, Mark 1993:105rb Chaveas, Lucille 1992:91re, 1992:92rb Bendix, Regina 1989:13rb, 1989:27, Chiarappa, Michael J. 1988:44rb, 1988:45rb 1990:68rb, 1991:16rb, 1993:7rb, Chittenden, Varick A. 1989:107
1993:48rb Chnistian, Diane 1988:8
Benes, Peter 1989:132rb Clements, William M. 1990:26
532 Journal of American Folklore Cliff, Janet M. 1993:70rb, 1993:116rb Cochran, Robert 1988:92rb, 1988:93rb, 1989:70
Cochrane, Timothy 1992:79rb Fair, Susan W. 1992:101rb Coggeshall, John M. 1989:61rb Falassi, Alessandro 1990:79 Cohen, Norm 1988:11ra, 1988:63ra, Fanelli, Doris Devine 1994:69rb 1988:83ra, 1989:12ra, 1989:33ra, Farrer, Claire R. 1992:57 1989:79ra, 1989:114ra, 1990:12ra, Feintuch, Burt 1991:1, 1991:31, 1992:28,
1990:13ra, 1990:27ra, 1990:28, 1993:58rb
1990:62ra, 1990:63, 1990:80ra Fiedler, Leslie A. 1990:76 Coleman, Joyce 1992:46rb, 1992:48rb Fine, Gary Alan 1988:102, 1991:34
Collison, Scott 1993:115rb Fink, Leon 1994:43rv
Congdon, Knstin G. 1990:53rb Finnegan, Ruth 1989:87rb
Connors, Andrew 1991:81re, 1992:37re, Fish, Lydia 1988:102, 1989:106
1992:38rb Flores, Richard R. 1992:30, 1992:80rb
Cook, Cecily 1994:51rv Flueckiger, Joyce Burkhalter 1991:60rb
Cosentino, Donald J. 1992:105rb Foley, John Miles 1992:4, 1992:54, Costa Fontes, Manuel da 1988:46rb 1993:106rb, 1993:107rb, 1994:52rb,
Cunningham, Keith 1994:69rb 1994:53rb, 1994:54rb, 1994:55rb,
Danet, Brenda 1992:29 Dang Nghiem Van 1993:54 Danzger, M. Herbert 1991:69rb Darnell, Regna 1990:44rb David, Jonathan C. 1991:141rb Davis, Susan G. 1991:17rb, 1993:63rb
1994:56rb, 1994:57rb, 1994:58rb Foley, Kathy 1991:84rv Forsyth, Neil 1990:6 Fowke, Edith 1990:61
de Caro, Frank 1991:8re Galley, Micheline 1989:84rb DeNatale, Doug 1990:56rb Gaudet, Marcia 1992:5 Desplanques, Marie-Annick 1993:55ra Gauthier, Jeanine 1991:120 Dewhurst, C. Kurt 1988:6, 1989:98rb George, Kenneth M. 1990:1
Doan, James E. 1989:93rb Georges, Robert 1988:79rv
Dorst, John D. 1988:99rb, 1993:65rb Ghezzi, Riddie W. 1989:66rb Dow, James R. 1988:85rb, 1991:87rb, Gillespie, Angus K. 1988:43rb 1992:20rb, 1992:65rb, 1992:66rb, Gilman, Sander L. 1992:115rb 1992:67rb, 1992:68rb, 1992:69rb, Gizelis, Gregory 1992:108rb
1992:70rb Glassie, Henry 1989:140rb, 1994:13
DuBois, Thomas 1990:73rb Glazier, Stephen 1988:81rv, 1988:102, Dunaway, David K. 1991:117rb, 1992:58, 1992:8rv 1992:71rb, 1992:72rb, 1992:73rb, Goertzen, Chnis 1992:95rv
1992:74rb, 1992:75rb Gold, Ann Grodzins 1991:25rb, 1993:102rb
Dundes, Alan 1991:6, 1991:37rb Goldberg, Chnstine 1993:8rb
Goldsmith, Peter 1991:67rb Goldstein, Kenneth S. 1991:33 Gottesman, Itzek 1988:51rb Graham, Andrea 1992:36re Ellis, Bill 1992:15rb, 1992:50rb, 1992:51rb Graves, Thomas E. 1993:40rb
Emans, Charlotte M. 1991:49rb Green, Archie 1993:16 Enninger, Werner 1991:68rb Green, Thomas A. 1991:140rb, 1993:38rb Epstein, Shifra 1991:12rv, 1991:54rb, Gregorek, Jean 1992:16rb, 1992:17rb
1991:55rb Gniffith, James S. 1988:53rb, 1993:79re,
Erdener, Yildiray 1992:10rv 1993:80rb
Erdman, Joan L. 1991:59rb Grim, John A. 1989:24rb
Evans, David 1993:33rv, 1993:34rv Groce, Nancy 1988:27rb, 1988:28rb
Evans, Timothy H. 1991:64rb Groce, Nora Ellen 1994:16
Evans-Pnitchard, Deirdre 1991:19rb, Gross, Joan E. 1990:48rb
1993:59rb Gutierrez, Paige 1994:25rv
Author Index 933
||!| Hanaway, pert, Herbert 2-76tb. 1994:7 Willi LWilliam 1991:95rb Deborah A. L. Kapchan, H . Kaut, Charles 1988:16rb ansen, Birgit 1988:95rb ; 1992: ro, : Haboucha, Reginetta 1989:46rb Kalb, 1993:31rv, Laurie Beth Fotis 190332 | Hal Herbert 1992:85 Kalow, Nancy 1993:32rv
|:| Hansen, , Keeling, William 1993:18 Richard 1988:19rb ,1:Kelly, Henry Ansgar 1989:19rb, 1990:7 || Haring, Hanson, Paul W. 1994:61rb 1992:81rb ; Gladden 1989:102,b Lee 1993:56rb, Kelton, Jane Gladden 1989:102r
!i|: Harrah-Conforth, H Keyes, Cheryl L. 1992:6ra arrah-Conforth, Bruce 1988:102 Killoran, Moira 1992:110rb Jean 1988:102 !|| Haskell H Kilson, Marion 1989:83rb art, John Mason 1991:48rb , Guv H 1992:99rb Kimball, Linda Amy 1988:49rb
|| Hay, eeeFred AldJ. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara 1988:55, 1988:33rb |: Ha Michaele T. 1993-47rb 1994:13, 1994:19re, 1994:20rb ve Kad @ 1ORR194. 16 Klein, Barbro 1988:64rb, 1991:86rb | Heider, Karl G. 1988:12rb, 1993:5rb ach ar Be £1990-45:b
|| Helstien, B. 1989:59rb K aha 89-51 Herman, Melvyn Janet 1992:9rv Knecht, Peter oar 5 r
Hill, Jane H. 1990:43rb Koltyk, Jo Ann 1993:76 || ;H ; Korom, Frank J. 1988:91rb, 1989:45rb, 1992:111rb, 1993:45rb 3 Hirsch, Jerrold 1992:31
}| Homiak, olbek, John Bengt 1990:45rb Cor; A. 1990-4 P. 1988:52rb Kratz, en 1088-o6eh
| Hornby, Jim 1988:61ra Re nant tose b Horner, Alice E. 1992:87re, 1992:88rb uPat, rere | Horton, Laurel 1988:25rb, 1993:62rb Kuge mass, Jac 1991119
Howe, ne1988-78 en joes ! Howell, DanaNicholas 1990:50rb 1989:29 Kurt, Laszlo ! Hultkrantz, Ake 1989:25rb, 1991:116rb, 1991:138rb
I ° -9 9-5 , Hutchison, Janet 1991:53rb
|: Lankford, Lane, Brigitte George E.1989:96rb 1988:97rb, 1988:98rb
Lamadnid, Enrique R. 1990:64rb, 1994:41rv
, Lavenda, Robert H. 1988:57
Irwin, Lee 1993-71rb ames Elaine J. 1990:21rb, 1992:55,
Isaacs, Susan L. F. 1988:26rb Leary, James P. 1988:82ra, 1990:20rb, | 1991:43rb, 1993:22rv, 1993:23rv, , 1993:27rv, 1993:28rv, 1993:29rv 1993:24rv, 1993:25rv, 1993:26rv,
Leblans, Anne 1991:90rb || Jabbour, Lederer,Alan Norman 1991:15rb, 1989:72 1992:14rb 1991:111rb,
| Jackson, Bruce 1988:1, 1988:54, 1988:71, Lee, Laura Harper 1991:136rb
| 1988:73, 1988:102, 1988:103, 1989:1, Lee, Molly 1994:18re
1989:7, 1989:8rv, 1989:81rb, 1989:104, Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. 1994:49rv
| 1989:105, 1990:23, 1990:75, 1990:77 Legman, Gershon 1990:5, 1990:58, 1990:78
Jacobs, Claude F. 1989:4 Leone, Mark 1988:23rb : Janelli, Roger L. 1991:42rb Lerch, Oliver 1988:100rb
Jencson, Linda J. 1992:102rb, 1993:118rb Levine, Lawrence W. 1989:2
| Jones, Loyal 1992:97rv Lindahl, Carl 1991:28rb, 1991:29rb, | Jones, Michael Owen 1989:57rb, 1992:34, 1993:93rv, 1993:94rv,
| 1994:28rv, 1994:48rv 1993:95rv, 1993:96rv, 1993:97rv | Jones, Steven Swann 1988:88rb Lindholm, Charles 1991:61rb Jones, Suzi 1991:7 Linke, Uli 1992:106rb Jopling, Carol 1991:123re Littleton, C. Scott 1988:86rb Joyner, Charles 1992:42rb Lloyd, Timothy 1992:18rb
534 Journal of American Folklore Lord, Tracy M. 1992:52rb, 1992:53rb Nicolaisen, W. F. H. 1988:102, Lornell, Kip 1989:49rb, 1992:96rv 1989:115rb, 1989:116rb, 1989:117rb, 1989:118rb, 1989:119rb, 1989:120rb, 1991:51rb Niditch, Susan 1990:17rb Niles, John D. 1993:15
MacDowell, Marsha 1993:78re Niles, Susan 1988:17rb, 1988:18rb
Maksel, Rebecca 1994:34rb Noyes, Dorothy 1993:57rb
Mandell, Daniel R. 1988:20rb, 1988:21rb Null, Elizabeth F. 1988:102, 1988:104 March, Richard 1989:11ra, 1991:24rb Nusbaum, Philip 1988:13rb, 1993:10rb Marks, Stuart A. 1989:62rb Matthews-DeNatale, Gail 1994:21rv, 1994:22rv, 1994:29rv McCarl, Robert S., Jr. 1988:68rb
McCarthy, William Bernard 1991:66rb, Opland, Jeff 1989:124rb
1993-:44rb O'Reilly, Ed 1989:128rb
McCulloh, Judith 1988:74, 1988:102 Oring, Elliott 1994:13
McDowell, John H. 1991:47rb, 1992-83 Owen, Blanton 1989:112rv, 1993:84rv,
McGill, Kathleen 1989:122rb 1993:85rv, 1993:86rv, 1993:87rv, McGovern, Justine 1993:72rb 1993:88rv, 1993:89rv, 1993:90rv,
McKinnon, Susan 1988:41rb 1993:91rv, 1993:92rv
McNeil, William K. 1988:102, 1988:104, Owens, Sheryl 1993:36rb 1989:60rb, 1992:43rb, 1992:114rb Meade, Guthrie T. 1988:31rb Mechling, Jay 1991:65rb, 1991:71,
1992:1irb, 1992:12rb Panttaja, Elisabeth 1993:98rb Meckling, Sally 1989:86rb Patai, Raphael 1991:62rb
Mergen, Bernard 1988:29rb Patterson, Beverly 1991:83rv, 1992:64rv,
Merivale, Patricia 1991:93rb 1994:26rv
Mieder, Wolfgang 1988:70rb, 1990:40rb, Patterson, Daniel W. 1988:4, 1989:92rb
1993:2 Pearson, Barry Lee 1989:78ra, 1992:35ra
Mills, Margaret A. 1989:17rb Pendergast, David M. 1988:77 Milspaw, Yvonne J. 1990:57rb Perdue, Charles L., Jr. 1991:105rb,
Mintz, Lawrence E. 1989:58rb 1991:130rb
Mitchell, Stephen A. 1988:48rb Perdue, Martin C. 1988:69rb Mizejewski, Linda 1993:117rb Perkowski, Jan L. 1992:78rb Montell, William Lynwood 1991:5 Peters, Edward 1989:94rb
Moore, Erin 1990:59 Peterson, Sally 1988:2, 1989:101rb, Moore, Roland S. 1992:22rb 1993:82re, 1993:83rb Mordoh, Alice Morrison 1988:102 Phillips, J. Robert 1992:112rb
Moss, James C. 1993:35rb, 1994:66rb Pifer, Lynn 1988:102, 1988-104
Moyle, Natalie K. 1991:89rb Pitts, Walter 1991:73
Mulcahy, Joanne B. 1993:69rb Pocius, Gerald L. 1988:24rb, 1991:108rb,
Mullen, Patrick B. 1993:68rb 1992-98rb
Murray, Stephen O. 1991:109rb Porter, Gerald 1994:65rb Musello, Chris 1989:74rv Powers, William K. 1990:67rb, 1991:115rb Myers-Moro, Pamela 1989:32, 1993:50rb, Poyer, Lin 1993:110rb
1994:62rb Preston, Cathy Lynn 1992:56 Price, Richard 1989:23rb Primiano, Leonard Norman 1989:100rb, 1992:49rb
Nagler, Michael N. 1991:134rb Nagy, Gregory 1991:40rb Nagy. Joseph Falaky 1989:55rb Narvaez, Peter 1991:127ra
Pritchett, Frances W. 1991:26rb
Neely, Sharlotte 1993:39rb Rahkonen, Carl 1992:107rb
Neustadt, Kathy 1991:113rb, 1994:12 Rankin, Tom 1991:10, 1991:82rv
Newall, Venetia 1989:31 Reaver, J. Russell 1992:45rb
Author Index 535 Rebhun, L. A. 1994:11 Slyomovics, Susan 1991:96rb, 1991:97rb,
Reed, Robert Roy 1992:24rb, 1992:25rb 1991:98rb, 1991:99rb, 1991:100rb,
Reeder, Roberta 1989:48rb 1991:10irb, 1991:102rb
Renwick, Roger DeV. 1991:128rb Smidchens, Guntis 1992:19rb
Reynolds, Dwight F. 1989:22rb Smith, Michael P. 1989:5 Reynolds, Frank 1989:95rb Sobol, Joseph Daniel 1992:60rv Richardson, Miles 1992:103rb Socolov, Emily 1989:91rb Richmond, W. Edson 1988:89rb Solomon, Thomas 1994:37 Ridington, Robin 1992:113rb Sommers, Laurie Kay 1991:3 Rikoon, J. Sanford 1991:139rb Sossaman, Stephen 1989:7
1993:12rb 1992:41rb
Ritchie, Susan 1991:14rb, 1991:85rb, Stanton, Gary 1989:75rv, 1992:40re,
Roberts, Allen F. 1991:92rb Staub, Shalom 1991:18rb Roberts, John W. 1989:56rb Stein, Mary Beth 1990:46rb Rodriguez, Sylvia 1994:14 Stekert, Ellen J. 1988:102, 1991:112rb
Roemer, Danielle M. 1993:101rb, 1994:9, Stewart, Charles 1989:135rb
1994:31rb Stewart, Susan 1990:15rb, 1991:2
Rosenberg, Jan 1993:42rb Stillman, Yedida K. 1989:47rb
Rosenberg, Neil V. 1991:9, 1992:59ra, Stone, Kay F. 1988:42rb, 1991:30rb 1992:86ra, 1993:19ra, 1993:77ra, 1994:38 Street, Brian V. 1990:42rb
Ross, Margaret Clunies 1989:103rb Such, David G. 1988:32rb
Rothstein, Robert A. 1993:112rb Suter, Scott H. 1993:114rb
Russell, Ian 1991:129rb Sutton-Smith, Bran 1989:131rb Russo, Joseph 1991:94rb Swann, Brian 1989:134rb Sweezy, Nancy 1994:27rv
Sacks, Maurie 1989:71 Taft, Michael 1988:94rb, 1988-102, St. George, Robert Blair 1989:99rb, 1988:103, 1989:73
1991:52rb, 1994:30rb Tangherlini, Timothy R. 1988:58,
Saltzman, Rachelle H. 1989:76rv, 1994:50rv
1989:77rv, 1989:97rb, 1990:11rv, Taylor, Carol S. 1992:27rb
1992:63rv, 1993:6rb Taylor, David A. 1989:65rb, 1994:47rv Samuelson, Sue 1988:102, 1989:63rb Taylor, Lonn 1991:79re, 1991:80rb
Santino, Jack 1988:59, 1989:9rv, Tedlock, Dennis 1988:76, 1990:24 1989:10rv, 1989:81rb, 1992:2 Thomas, Jeannie B. 1992:100rb
Schein, Edgar H. 1990:52rb Throgmartin, Clyde 1991:87rb
Schely-Newman, Esther 1993:53 Titon, Jeff Todd 1990:9rv, 1991:20rb,
Schrempp, Gregory 1991:56rb 1991:21rb, 1992:93rv Seeger, Anthony 1989:90rb Toelken, Barre 1990:14rb, 1993:81re
Seemann, Charlie 1991:126re Tokofsky, Peter 1992:21rb, 1992:61rv, Segal, Robert A. 1989:20rb, 1989:42rb, 1992:77rb, 1993:100rb
1990:71rb, 1991:88rb Tooker, Elisabeth 1989:67rb, 1989:68rb
Seitel, Peter 1991-121 Tucker, Elizabeth F.1988:102 Senn, Harry A. 1991:46rb Tuleja, Tad 1994:63rb Sherzer, Joel 1989:21rb Turner, Patricia A. 1992:84
Shoemaker, George H. 1994:36 Tuttle, Edward 1990:79 Shoupe, Catherine A. 1991:35ra, 1994:33rb Shulman, David 1989:85rb Shuman, Amy 1989:86rb, 1991:13 Silverman, Carol 1988:72, 1991:91rb
1994:15 1991:104rb
Siporin, Steve 1988:66rb, 1988:67rb, Ucko, Lenora Greenbaum 1991:103rb,
Sklar, Deidre 1994:3 Upton, Del 1990:55rb
Slater, Candace 1989:54rb, 1989:129rb Urban, Greg 1993:51rb
Slobin, Mark 1993:41rb Uther, Hans Jorg 1989:121rb
536 Journal of American Folklore Williams, John Alexander 1989:111rv Williams, Michael Ann 1993:64rb
Vecsey, Chnstopher 1991:23rb Williams, Roland L. 1994:64rb Vennum, Thomas, Jr. 1988:62ra, Willis, Elizabeth 1988:5
1991:75re, 1991:76rb Wilson, Joe 1992:71v
Venugopal, Saraswathi 1990:47rb Wilson, William A. 1988:56 Vlach, John Michael 1991:131rb Wolford, John B. 1988:22rb, 1993:61rb,
Vogel, Virgil J. 1991:106rb 1993:108rb
Vorpagel, Becky 1989:125rb Workman, Mark E. 1993:17
Wachs, Eleanor 1990:22rb, 1994:44rv, Yerkovich, Sally 1992:39re
1994:45rv, 1994:46rv Yocom, Margaret Rose 1990:10rv Walker, Steven F. 1990:72rb 1994:1, 1994:2
Walker, Anthony R. 1991:58rb Young, Katharine 1988:90rb, 1991:45rb, Ward, Donald 1989:14rb Wardetzky, Kristin 1990:25 Webster-Jain, Sheil K. 1988:47rb Weigle, Marta 1991:44rb
Wein, Elizabeth E. 1993:73rb Zakovitch, Yair 1991:57rb
Wells, Paul F. 1989:113ra Zelizer, Barbie 1989:126rb
Welsch, Roger L. 1991:110rb Zenner, Walter P. 1992:13rb
Westerman, William 1989:26rb Zipes, Jack 1988:101rb, 1990:69rb,
Whisnant, David 1989:110rv, 1990:51rb 1994:59rb, 1994:60rb White, Shane 1989:3, 1989:6, 1990:66rb Zug, Charles G., HI 1990:54rb, 1991:1irv,
Wiget, Andrew 1993:20re 1994:24rv
Wiggins, William H., Jr. 1994:23rv Zumwalt, Rosemary Lévy 1990:70rb
Willett, Henry 1988:30rb Zwolinski, Mary A. 1993:21re
Williams, Clover Nolan 1994:8 Zy gas, Egle Victoria 1988:34rb, 1993:113rb