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English Pages [512] Year 1988
| The Centennial Index
Publications of the American Folklore Society (New Series) Patrick B. Mullen General Editor
One Hundred Years of the Journal of American Folklore
edited and compiled by
Bruce Jackson, Michael Taft, and Harvey S. Axlerod
with contributions from
Ronald L. Baker, Kim Burdick, Bruce Harrah-Conforth Jean Harrah-Conforth, Lydia Fish, Steven Glazier Judith McCulloh, Gary Alan Fine, William K. McNeil Alice Morrison Mordoh, W. F. H. Nicolaisen Elizabeth F. Null, Lynn Pifer, Sue Samuelson Ellen J. Stekert, and Elizabeth F. Tucker
The American Folklore Society Washington, D. C.
Publication of this work was supported in part by grants from the L. J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation, the John W. and Clara C. Higgins Foundation, and the Faculty of Arts and Letters of State University of New York at Buffalo.
The Centennial Index was edited and set with WordPerfect 5.0. Ventura Publisher
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Published simultaneously as Journal of American Folklore 101:402 and, in book form, as a Centennial Publication of the American Folklore Society.
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Copyright © 1988 by the American Folklore Society. Published quarterly (January, April, July, and October) by the American Folklore Society, 1703 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Wash-
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VOL. 101 OCTOBER-DECEMBER, 1988 NO. 402 STAFF FOR THIS [SSUE: Editors Bruce Jackson, Michael Taft, Harvey S. Axlerod
Assistant Editors Patricia Gannon, Diane Christian Editorial Assistants Lynn Pifer, Jocelyn Shepard Data Processing Assistant David F. Keighley Production Editor Lyle L. Green Indexers Ronald L. Baker, Kim Burdick, Bruce Harrah-Conforth, Jean Harrah-Conforth, Steven Glazer, Judith McCulloh, Gary Alan Fine, Lydia Fish, Alice Morrison Mordoh, W. F. H. Nicolaisen, Sue Samuelson, Ellen J. Stekert, Elizabeth F. Tucker
Foreword Bruce Jackson 1 A Century of Folklore Bruce Jackson and Michael Taft 5
The Journal’s Editors Elizabeth F. Null,
Abbreviations 50 Serial Listings 51 Author Index 293 Subject Index 321 Title Index 419 W. K. McNeil, and Lynn Pifer 20
‘To the authors and editors whose work is indexed here, and the people who made their contributions possible.
Foreword The Centennial Index was an enormously complex and expensive enterprise. A large portion of the project’s expenses was covered by a generous grant to the American Folklore Society by the L. J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation; our thanks to the Foundation and to its staff member most closely involved with AFS projects over the past five years, Jillian Steiner Sandrock. Grants from the John W. and Clara C. Higgins Foundation and the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the State University of New York at
Buffalo offset a portion of the typing and data encoding costs. The SUNY/Buffalo Department of English provided more than the usual amount of xeroxing, supplies, telephone service, and postage. The master sheets for
the entire issue, including the front cover and the spine, were typeset and printed in our Buffalo offices, so funds normally targeted for typesetting and Washington office expenses were applied to the increased costs of printing and mailing. The AFS Executive Board increased the Journal’s ordinary printing and postage allocation for this issue. The Center for Studies in American Culture at SUNY/Buffalo provided office space during the early phase of the project, the microcomputer used for creating database records, and the software used for final editing and typesetting. Documentary Research provided the micrcomputer on which
the Index was edited and composed and the laser printer on which the typeset sheets were printed. Special thanks go to the University Computing Services at SUNY/Buffalo.
From the very inception of this project they contributed much of the necessary hardware and programming support. They assigned professional
staff to the design of the program necessary for handling the massive amount of data (in their final form before the last sort, the on-line data files occupied more than 15 megabytes). During the final phase of the project, UCS permitted us to virtually confiscate an IBM 3081 mainframe. Harvey S. Axlerod was the UCS programmer assigned to the project. He
became, in the course of the work, a true collaborator. His suggestions helped us refine our design and achieve our goal. The collaboration led to
the development of a system and program that can be applied to other projects, and which will make it possible for researchers eventually to have
on-line access to the contents of all folklore scholarship published in periodicals. By his careful attention to the specific, Axlerod let us export the design to the general. He provided an elegant solution to our questions. David Keighley managed the IBM 3081. He picked up data disks at the
eccentric hours we had them ready, brought them to the University’s computer facility, ran the programs that Axlerod had written, and waited
for the computer to consume the data or demand corrections. He then carried heavy boxes with the sorts back to our office, where they were given
2 Journal of American Folklore preliminary proofreadings, the disks were corrected, and the cycle commenced anew. In the course of the project David made more than 20 round trips, 12 miles each way, and checked more than 10,000 pages of computer
output sheets. During the final run, the long weekend when we did the massive sort operation, he was at the keyboard for 18 consecutive hours one
day and 12 hours the next. Joseph Hickerson, of the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress, helped us solve the riddle of discrepant 1903 citations noted on page 17. Joe and Tim Lloyd ferreted out the dates for the JAF Supplement and the AFS Newsletter. Lydia Fish proofread portions of the manuscript. This project was first suggested in 1981, when I was a member of the
AFS Executive Board and Marta Weigle was editor of PAFS. When we formed the Centennial Coordinating Council in 1983, the Index was one of the first projects approved. In her capacity first as chair of the Centennial Coordinating Council and more recently as chair of the CCC’s Publications Committee, Marta has been consistently supportive. Her successor as CCC chair, Roger D. Abrahams, has also provided essential aid. The AFS Executive Board has likewise been consistent in its support of the project. Of the several individuals who served as AFS president during the years the project was in development and production, I would especially thank Judy McCulloh, who was a strong supporter of this project from the beginning, and who provided advice and encouragement. Judy was there with a protective shield on two occasions when malign forces threatened to scuttle the whole enterprise. William A. Wilson, at the time a member of the AFS Executive Board, also helped fend off the forces of the night.
The indexers were Ronald L. Baker, Kim Burdick, Bruce HarrahConforth, Jean Harrah-Conforth, Lydia Fish, Steven Glazier, Judy McCulloh, Gary Alan Fine, Alice Morrison Mordoh, W. F. H. Nicolaisen, Sue Samuelson, Ellen J. Stekert, Michael Taft, and Elizabeth F. Tucker. They each did
an enormous amount of work. Several of them provided suggestions that helped us remove potential kinks in the original protocol. Their work was the substance upon which all the other tasks depended. Elizabeth F. Null, Lynn Pifer, and William K. McNeil took on the difficult task of preparing brief sketches of individuals who had complex and varied
careers. The sketches are meant to be introductory and suggestive, not definitive statements. Patricia Gannon, Lynn Pifer, Rachel Jackson, and Jocelyn Sheppard, as editorial assistants, and Gannon later as assistant editor, were consistently
diligent, helpful, and necessary. , Diane Christian was involved in almost every aspect of this project from
the beginning. She read proof, edited copy, helped find the supplementary grants, and provided cogent advice that regularly kept the enterprise on track. Tristram P. Coffin did the previous version of this Index all by himself, with no staff and no electronic wizardry. At the end of this project I looked again at Coffin’s An Analytical Index to the Journal of American Folklore: Vols. 1-67, 68, 69, 70 (1958, Philadelphia: American Folklore Society) and I realized that in ways that matter we haven't come as far as the electronic
mavens would have us believe. I'd always thought Tris had done an interesting job of work with that Index; now I know how massive was the job he really did. This Index couldn’t have happened without Michael Taft. He set up the
protocol used by the indexers and refined the protocol as complexities revealed themselves. Michael did approximately one-third of the indexing himself, he vetted the sheets by all the others, and he proofread the typeset printout. Were it not for his expertise in bibliographical organization and folklore scholarship, this would have been a clumsy effort indeed. I want to acknowledge the sharpest, crankiest, wittiest, and by far the most helpful editor I ever knew: John Greenway. The brief notes on him at the end of this volume don’t tell you that Greenway’s greatest virtues as an editor were his fine eye and ear, and his utter willingness to tell authors when their work offended either. The most important thing he taught me is that writing is never collateral to the scholarship; it is part and parcel of it. If the writing is lousy, the scholarship is lousy; badly expressed ideas are bad ideas.
Ever since I took Norbert Fuerst’s seminar in European Fiction in graduate school I’ve been aware that all scholarship is a collaborative enterprise, but this particular project made me vastly more aware of Professor Fuerst’s counsel. I suppose there were giants at various times in the past, but that’s not the interesting part. The shoulders we stand on, | realized in the process of reading every data sheet, checking many of the entries, and finally typesetting and proofreading this volume, belong to people very much like ourselves. Giants can take a lot of climbing-on without notice; it’s ordinary people doing special work who really deserve our thanks. I’ve become, in the course of this project, really proud to join the company of seventeen that began in 1888 with William Wells Newell. B.J.
A Century of Folklore The first section of this index consists of a serial listing of the 9,655 articles,
reviews, notes, obituaries, queries, and announcements published in the Journal of American Folklore’s first century. The listings begin with item 1888:1, the unsigned “Rules of the American Folklore Society,” and they end with 1987:128, Ellen J. Stekert’s “Autobiography of a Woman Folklorist.” Those two articles bracket the vita of folklore scholarship in the past century. The 9,655 entries tell stories of the discipline. In the early years, there is the continuing discovery of the terms of inquiry, the pleasure in finding and presenting patterns in groups of verbal objects. There are attempts to
define the objects of concern and set the boundaries of inquiry, the contrasting tonalities of the literary scholars and the anthropologists. Genres for a while dominate the pages, then nearly disappear: in recent decades, only rarely does anyone deal seriously with ballads or Marchen. In its youth, the Journal is rich in citation and review of material in nearly every learned language; in recent years, paralleling the decline in language requirements in American higher education, there has been a matching decrease in the amount of non-English material reviewed and, even more critical, a decrease in the amount of non-English material appearing in the references cited. The
discipline may have maintained the internationalist concerns of the founders, but the language skills have become far more parochial. The entries display a shift to theory not unlike the shift to theory in literary studies. And, also like literary studies, there is (happily) still no
single theoretical model or even small group of theoretical models that encapsulates the field. For all the academic and doctrinal posturing in its pages over the years, the Journal has maintained a vigorously Whitmanian core: Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Multitudes are here, polyvalence is here, relentless inquiry and smug complacency are here. Skim the serial list of entries and you see an extraordinary range of concern, inquiry, subject, and mode. Folklore is perhaps the only scholarly discipline that has been simultaneously grounded in two areas of scholarly inquiry usually kept separate in the management of academic resources. Early on the two areas were anthropology and literary studies; in recent years, the scope has broadened to social sciences and humanities. It’s not just a matter of anthropology and linguistics on one side, and literature on the other. Folklore is, or at least
6 Journal of American Folklore has the potential of being, one of the great synthetic disciplines. Though grounded in the Journal’s history, the Centennial Index is very much a product of its time. The categories, definitions, distinctions, and features of significance implicit and explicit in its pages represent the way a group of North American folklorists see their field, as well as the way they
would wish their colleagues to understand the last one hundred years of folklore scholarship found in the Journal.
This index couldn’t have been done without a good deal of very sophisticated computer technology, but it is still an organic, humanistic
piece of work. It is perhaps best to see this index from a folkloristic perspective: it is a work growing out of the traditions of a small, cohesive group, for its form and content reflect the beliefs which folklorists hold about their own society and their particular community of ideas. The Index itself is an item of folklore.
In form, this index is not too different from others, especially in its reliance on the genre as a basic classificatory device. But does a genre index represent the way folklorists see their discipline? For most of the last one hundred years, the text—and therefore the genre—have been the thing; but
over at least the last thirty years, North American folklorists have been intent on breaking down the barriers of genre distinction, and have courted
a considerable array of theories and approaches in order to take the discipline beyond a simple, text-oriented study. Yet a look at current folklore scholarship reveals that the genre still holds sway in most cases and that the
struggle to see beyond the text still goes on. Our heavy reliance on genre distinctions in this index is not grounded in strong convictions about the preeminence of genre and text; rather it reveals our inability to discover an alternative approach to indexing. Can an index be created which is based on theory, approach, type of analysis or paradigm? What would such an index look like? How useful would it be? This last question is critical, for the main purpose of this index is that the greatest number of users find it useful in their research. Our purpose is to provide access to the great wealth of material that has appeared in Journal of American Folklore, not to redraw the historical map. The index is a part of the tradition of the scholarship which it documents.
Form of the Entries | Here are two typical entries from the Serial Listings, the section of the index
to which the other three parts refer: 1888:10 (1/1:68-72). George Bushotter, J. Owen Dorsey. A Teton Dakota Ghost Story. [folk literature, narrative, legend, United States, Dakota, Teton Dakota, supernatural legend, ghost]. 1973:83rb (86/341 :299-300). Venetia Newall. The British Folklorists: A History. By Richard M. Dorson. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press. (1968). |
A Century of Folklore 7 All items are listed serially by year. The fifth item in 1905 is 1905:5, and the thirty-sixth item in 1977 is 1977:36. The first item above, therefore, is the tenth item in 1888, and the second is the eighty-third in 1973. Reviews are identified by r and at least one other letter appended to the serial number: rb for a book review (so a reader knows immediately that 1973:83rb is a book review), ra for a review of an audio recording in any medium (tape, disk, etc.), and rv for a review of a visual item (film, video, optical disk, etc.). The Journal didn’t begin reviewing museum exhibits regularly until after the period covered by this index, but our current codes include re to mark reviews of exhibits and performances.
The review suffix is useful when a reader utilizes one of the three
indexes drawn from the information in the Serial Listings. In the Author Index, for example, it distinguishes between articles and reviews, and in the Subject and Title indexes, it identifies a term as a title rather than a topic. The parenthetical field immediately following the serial number contains
three items of information: the JAF volume and issue number, and the item’s inclusive pages. Thus, 1888:10 appeared on pages 68-72 of volume 1, issue 1, and 1973:83rb appeared on pages 299-300 of JAF 86, issue 341. The third field in all entries is the name of the author of the JAF item— in this case George Bushotter and J. Owen Dorsey for the earlier item and
Venetia Newall for the later one. Items printed without attribution are indicated by “anon.” If we were fairly certain of the authorship of an unsigned item, we put the name in square brackets. The fourth field in all entries is the title. For reviews, we give the title of the review and titles of separate books or films reviewed therein. All other titles are as given in JAF. A few items in early years appeared without titles: our identifying titles for these items appear in square brackets. For reviews, the remainder of the entry consists of the name(s) of the author(s) or performer(s), place(s) of publication, publisher(s), and date of publication. Reviews of items that appeared in periodicals include information on the original publication’s volume, issue, and pages, if such informa-
tion was provided by the reviewer. Some reviews include additional information in square brackets. For articles, the remainder of the entry consists of a series of identifying
terms in this order: generic (three levels), geographical location, tnbal groups, other groups, other features, and a listing of other JAF items to which the current item is a response or subject of a response. Because of the consistency in position, it is unlikely that there will be confusion between geographical locations and tribal groups having the same name. The following section should make our organization of information clearer. For now, here is the obvious decoding of the two examples: The tenth item to appear in JAF’s first volume (on pages 68-72, in 1888) is “A Teton Dakota Ghost Story,” by George Bushotter and J. Owen Dorsey. The article deals
with a Dakota and Teton Dakota ghost legend collected in the United States.
Venetia Newall’s review of Richard M. Dorson’s The British Folklorists: A History (published in 1968 in London by Routledge & Kegan Paul and in Chicago by the University of Chicago Press) appears in JAF 83 (issue 341) on pages 299-300.
8 Journal of American Folklore Organization of the Index The Index is based on a three-level hierarchy of genre classification which defines every item in the Journal according to (1) a general generic designation, (2) a more specific designation, and (3) an even more specific, sub-generic designation. Since most users of this index come from cultures in which the number three is especially significant for lists, explanations,
revelations and classifications, this tripartite system should require no justification. As an example of this system, consider item 1888:10 above. At the most
general level, this item falls under the heading of folk literature. More specifically, it deals with narrative, and even more specifically with legend. This three-part generic system, under which all items have been indexed, consists of the following categories:
I. general studies A. ethnography B. _collectanea
Il. history and study A. _ history of the discipline 1. obituaries
C. theory ]
B. methodology
1. fieldwork
D. archives
1. archive management
E. museums
1. museum management
F. programs and institutes G. congresses and societies H. publications
I. awards
J. American Folklore Society business 1. meetings 2. branch reports 3. officers and members K. Journal of American Folklore business 1. editorial policy
III. folk literature
A. narrative 1. tale 2. legend 3. histories 4. personal experience narrative 5. myth
B. poetry 1. epic 2. ballad 3. song 4. verse
1. proverb ,
C. speech
2. riddle 3. names
4. graffiti |
A Century of Folklore 9 5. language 6. ethnography of speaking
IV. ethnomusicology A. dance B. music
V. belief systems C. musical instruments
A. medicine
1. childbirth 2. faith healing 3. herbalism 4, shamanism
B. magic 1. witchcraft 2. evil eye 3. conjuration 4. dowsing 5. luck
C. religion 1. Christianity 2. Islam 3. Judaism 4, Hinduism 5. cultism
D. science
VI. behavior
1. alchemy 2. astronomy
A. drama 1. mumming 2. puppet theater 3. skit
B. games and play 1. sports
C. ritual
1. rite of passage 2. calendar rite 3. sacrificial rite 4. fertility rite 5. religious rite
D. foodways
E. festival VII. material culture
A. art
1. painting 2. sculpture 3. interior decoration 4. bodily adornment
B. products
1. architecture 2. ceramics 3. costume 4. household items 5. musical instrument, construction of 6. tool 7. toy
C. technology 1. agriculture
10 Journal of American Folklore
4. logging 2. fishing 3. hunting
5. textiles 6. shipbuilding 7. metalworking
D. settlement patterns VIII. book and journal reviews IX. film, slide and videotape reviews X. record and audiotape reviews
In our original plan, categories VIII, IX, and X were to be listed as part of the full serial entry, along with the other nouns and verbs. As we began working with the data,. however, we realized that it would be extremely useful if users of each of the three indexes could know without having to refer to the main entry when an item was a review and what sort of thing it was a review of. We found that a simple suffix system permitted us to
more efficiently include that information in the serial numbers of the entries.
| Not all possible tertiary categories have been listed above, as this most specific level was meant to be open-ended. Not all items deserve a threepart classification, as some notes and articles deal with many different sub-genres or with a genre in general terms. Thus, some items were classified no further than “material culture” or “ritual” or “narrative.” For
items which are entirely general in nature (such as surveys of folklore scholarship, the kinds of folklore found within a specific culture or group,
or the different kinds of folklore concerned with plants, animals, or children), we utilized a general studies designation. Most of the above categories are self-explanatory to the folklorist. Some, however, deserve explanation: ethnography: items of a general nature, usually anthropological in approach, which describe a particular group or culture, especially in terms of social systems. collectanea: items which list various genres of folklore found within a culture or group, or centering on a specific topic. histories: narrative-like accounts, usually elicited rather than set pieces of performance, concerning the history of an individual, a group, or a culture: life history, local history, oral history. This genre is related to historical legend. The term history, as used in this index, refers solely to the academic discipline of that name.
language: linguistic-type items which examine kinds of language associated with one or . another group: dialect, slang, occupational language, and the like. ethnography of speaking: items dealing with the behavioral or social-interactive aspects of language, such as analyses of conversation, verbal aggression, or oratory.
Note that the preface “folk” does not appear in any of these categories with the exception of folk literature (to separate it from the discipline of literature); as this is a folklore index, one can assume that poetry, drama, religion and the like are all “folk” activities. Note as well that there is no “miscellaneous” category, but that the general studies category is a designa-
A Century of Folklore 1] tion of last resort for items which cannot be defined according to a more specific heading. The above classification scheme will not satisfy everyone; folklorists as a
group are not of one mind when it comes to the definition of their discipline. Is a riddle a part of speech? Is verse a sub-set of poetry? Should shamanism fall under medicine, or foodways under behavior? What’s the difference between ritual and festival? While aware of these questions, the editors have chosen to mediate between differing ideas of folklore classification, ultimately arriving at an admittedly arbitrary, but (we think) nonetheless workable, genre classification. The editors also had to mediate among the many indexers who contributed to this work: one indexer’s ballad and festival is another indexer’s song
and calendar rite. The result of editing the indexers’ work is a kind of uniformity in the classification of Journal items which could not be achieved
were indexers to work in an entirely independent fashion. Index-users whose views on the classification of folklore differ from the editors’ should
be prepared to search for material under a variety of related headings, rather than simply under one category. If this index were nothing more than the tripartite classification outlined
above, it would be a poor thing indeed. To supplement and make this system more flexible, most items in the Journal were subject to further, more specific indexing. Descriptors of usually not more than one or two words help to clarify and define many of the Journal items beyond their tripartite genre classification. Take item 1888:10 once more: beyond the tripartite classification of this item as “folk literature,” “narrative,” and “legend,” it is further subject-indexed under “supernatural legend” and “ghost.”
This subject-indexing allows the index considerable flexibility, since neither the indexer nor the user must worry about the mutual exclusivity of terms. If, for example, a Journal article deals with both ballads and magic, it can be classified under both terms: under “ballad” in the tripartite classification and under “magic” in the subject index. If an indexer was not
sure whether an item is primarily about a ritual or a festival, he or she could classify it under both terms. Magic, science, medicine, and religion are
anything but mutually exclusive categories; indexers could take this into account by subject-indexing each item under a variety of terms, so that most users would find the item regardless of their personal classification systems.
These terms allow the index to indicate more than the usual generic distinctions. Specific texts such as Child ballad numbers, Aarne-Thompson tale type numbers, titles of unclassified narratives, and literary titles are all a part of the subject index. Literary terms such as “metaphor,” “humor,” “satire,” and “parody” have been noted by indexers. Themes, figures, and motifs (although not motif numbers), such as ghost, love, Bunyan, Paul or politics form part of this subject index, as do the names of people, whether authors, scholars, informants, or historical figures. Topics such as occupational folklore, communism, print, Chicago Folklore Prize, or American Anthropological Association are also included in this index. We took special care to identify the geographical context of Journal items.
12 Journal of American Folklore We again used a tripartite system: geographical locations—at least in North
America—are indexed down to whatever level seems appropriate under country, state (or province), and city. An article dealing with folklore from various parts of Texas, therefore, would have “United States: Texas” for its geographical classifier, while an article dealing with folklore from Buffalo would have “United States: New York: Buffalo.” Small towns, geopolitical divisions in countries (other than the United States, Canada, Mexico, the
United Kingdom, France, the Soviet Union, and India), and other less well-known geographical designations, however, are not included in this index. In all cases, the editors asked themselves whether a user would be ~ likely to look up relatively obscure geographical headings. For example, users might naturally look for headings such as England, Ukrainian SSR, Newfoundland, or Uttar Pradesh, but would they search for the geopolitical
divisions of Cuba, Nigeria, or Turkey, rather than the names of these nations, when interested in particular regions of such countries? We have remained flexible in this matter, however, for certain well-known regions such as Tibet or Bali. (Cynics might see this as inconsistency, which is why theyre cynics and not flexible scholars.) Generally, modern names for geographical regions have been used, despite the dated place names which appear in early issues of the Journal: Iran rather than Persia, Belize rather than British Honduras, Zimbabwe rather than Rhodesia; this sometimes means an article will have the older place-name in the title and the newer one in the list of identifiers. The subject-index also identifies different kinds of groups and cultures. Native American tribes and ethnic groups are particularly numerous in the Journal and care has been taken to identify these groups. Native Americans
are identified according to their tribal names as given in George P. Murdock’s Ethnographic Bibliography of North America. Ethnic groups are identified by a hyphenated term in which the first part of the term names
the ethnicity of the group and the second part of the term identifies their country of residence; for example, Hungarian-Canadians are people of Hungarian ethnicity living in Canada. One exception to this rule is the term “Afro-Americans,” which refers to blacks found anywhere in the New World; their nationality is indicated by the geographical term applied to the Journal
item (e.g., Afro-Americans; Trinidad and Tobago). Non-national or trans-national ethnic groups, such as Jews, Gypsies, whites or blacks, are included where called for. The Index also notes gender (women, men), religious groups (Moslems, Mormons), occupational groups (loggers, office workers), age groups (children, adolescents), disabled groups (the deaf, the
blind), and others as necessary. If adding a term to the list of identifiers might increase the item’s accessibility or be of likely use to a researcher, we tried to err on the side of inclusion. Theoretical approaches were particularly difficult. All items—articles,
reviews, notes, obituaries, announcements—contain an implicit, if not explicit, theoretical approach. Sometimes, the gift of historical perspective permits us to see that an author's explicit theoretical approach wasn’t the one informing the manuscript at all. In most cases, authors do not clearly enunciate their theoretical posture, and we suspect that groups of scholars
A Century of Folklore 13 asked to detail the theoretical approach of complex folklore studies would
rarely be unanimous in their designations. So we opted for the overt: a theoretical approach (functionalism, structuralism, anthropological, etc.) is noted only if the author explicitly states that his or her study makes use of a specific approach (“My analysis will be a semiotic one. . .”). Even this rule leaves much to be desired in the indexing of theories, since a majority of readers might disagree with the author’s own designation (“That’s not a semiotic approach, it’s a structural analysis!”). We also note cross-disciplinary studies such as folklore and literature or folklore and sociology. Once again, this use of another discipline must be explicit in the item, and is designated in the index according to the name of the discipline to which folklore is being linked (literature, sociology, history, etc.). How detailed is this index? Obviously a journal cannot be indexed in the same way as a book, since a page-by-page description would be incredibly long and arduous to create or use. The purpose of this index is to describe the Journal item as a whole, as the smallest coherent unit in the Journal.
Thus, not every mention of songs is documented in the index, but only when the topic of song is primarily or largely the subject of an item. A user
looking for every mention of Stith Thompson in the Journal will be disappointed, as Thompson’s name has only been indexed where he is the subject of an item, where he authored an item, or where one of his books has been reviewed. Similarly, texts of AT 500 are noted in the index only when AT 500 is one of the primary subjects of an item. Where an article or note is entirely concerned with an individual text,
topic, theory, personality, group, geographical location, or genre, the appropriate term appears in the index. But what about items which deal with a number of clearly-defined subjects? Here again, the rule of three applies. If an item is concerned with three or fewer genres, texts, groups, theories, etc., these subjects appear in the index. For example, an article dealing with the Iroquois, the Cree, and the Micmac is indexed under these three Native American groups; if, however, the article deals with four or more Native American groups, the article is indexed under the more general heading of “Native Americans,” rather than under the names of individual tribes.
One result of this rule of three is that small notes tend to be indexed in more detail than long articles, since a one-paragraph note 1s not likely to discuss more than three genres, topics, groups, etc. Here is an indexing paradox which, with a body of data this size, is probably unsolvable. The more general categorizations will lead readers to the articles they seek; they just can’t do it as efficiently as the specific categorizations possible with more focused or less substantial items. To glean every reference to, for example, the Iroquois, the user will have to look up the heading specific to this group (Iroquois), as well as the more general heading Native Americans. Even then, the user will miss casual references to this group found in items
not primarily or largely concerned with the Iroquois or Native Americans (e.g., a one-line allusion to an Iroquois analog of a ritual performed by the Ainu of Japan).
14 Journal of American Folklore As the index stands, individual items may be indexed under one term or under fifteen or twenty terms—all depending on the nature of the item and
the rules of indexing outlined above. This index is a window into the storehouse of folkloristic information in the pages of the Journal, not an inventory. It allows researchers to begin to search in an organized way, but
it is no substitute for the actual reading of or browsing in the Journal. There is valuable information in the Journal’s pages which cannot appear in this index. The considerable scholarship found in the Journal’s century of reviewing books, films, and records, for example, remains unretrieved, as this index notes only the appropriate bibliographical information for reviews
and not their content. Review essays of books and films appear as items in their own night; the
individual books and films reviewed in these essays are cited as biblio-
graphical or filmological references. ,
Review essays of records are another matter. Since the time of D. K. Wilgus, there has been a tradition of reviewing records in review essay form; often these essays include a great number of individual mentions of records. Using the rule of three, only those review essays which concentrate on three or fewer records receive an individual discographical citation for the records reviewed. All record review essays, however, are cited as such in the index (usually under folk literature: poetry: song). Sorting through the thousands of individual mentions of records is a project for the future.
Using the Index This index has four parts: Serial Listings, Subject Index, Title Index, and Author Index. The three indexes are all keyed to the Serial Listings, and all facts in the three indexes is contained in the Serial Listings. The Serial Listings describe in order of publication every article, review, report, editorial, note, announcement, and commentary published in JAF 1
through JAF 398. Serial numbers begin at 1 each year. Some scholarly indexes (e.g., those produced by the Modern Language Association) number all items serially, but part of our concern here was the historical relation of these items. Using a serial number that locates an item within a specific year
provides a reader scanning the indexes more information than a mere number between 1 and 9655. Sometimes two articles or reviews may appear to occupy the same space. “Folklore in Literature: A Symposium” (1957:1) occupies pp. 1-14. The next four items, all part of that symposium, occupy pp. 1-8, 9-10, 10-15, 15-21. 1957:6, which is not part of the symposium, begins on page 25. It’s not that
we've left out pp. 22-24, but rather that those are included in 1957:1, the
overarching entry for the symposium itself. |
Entries in omnibus book reviews each receive their own number, so an
omnibus book review covering 13 items will have 14 serial numbers assigned to it: one number for the composite item and the others for the individual items. Large groups of sequential review serial numbers appearing in the Author Index indicate an omnibus review, not a frantic proliferation of articles. For example, the 36 items—1969:138rb-174rb—occupying the
A Century of Folklore 15 same four pages in a single 1969 issue of the Journal comprised a single omnibus review issue by Jan Brunvand, who was at the time the Journal’s book review editor. JAF book reviews are not only important components of the Journal, but they provide a record of the most important folklore book publications over the past century, so the expanded entry format seems to us justified. The Subject Index sorts all entries according to reviewees’ names, ethnic and other groups, and other features. The Subject Index does not include publishers, publishers’ locations, and response or reply listings. The Title Index lists alphabetically all items published in the Journal. This
list indicates component reviews even though such reviews may not have received separate titles in JAF originally. Titles in English are sorted on the first non-article (“Art of the Bagpipe, The”). Since the article is part of the noun in most non-English languages, titles in languages other than English are sorted on the first word (“Les Lutins”). The Author Index lists the names of all contributors credited for articles in the Journal, including individuals named as translators, music transcribers, editors, and so forth. Since most users of this section of the Centennial
Index will be seeking contributions by certain individuals rather than variations in scholarly signatures, contributors are indexed under the fullest form of their name to have appeared in Journal of American Folklore. Thus Gertrude Prokosh Kurath, who appeared in JAF under that name as well as Gertrude P. Kurath and Gertrude Kurath, appears with the full name. But Alfred Lewis Kroeber, who always signed his articles as A. L. Kroeber is indexed as A. L. Kroeber. Of the 42 citations in the entry for Franz Boas, 2 refer to items signed “F. Boas,” 10 to items signed “F. B.,” and the rest to items signed “Franz Boas.” Articles abstracted are listed under the names of the original authors, so the several components of any “Folk-Lore ScrapBook” entry would all be under the original authors’ names, if given. For the exact names used in the Journal, always refer to the Serial Listings. As noted above, when we were reasonably certain of the authorship of
an unsigned item, we put the name in full brackets (there are five such citations for [Franz Boas]. We did not include in the Author Index the 1,631 items ascribed in the Serial Index to “Anon.” Authors’ names in the Serial Index are as they originally appeared, with our informational extensions indicated by square brackets.
Diacritical Remarks The Journal is international in subject matter and authorship, so any analytical index to it presents more than the usual range of typesetting problems. This index uses more than seventy diacritical configurations. Since
the Journal is a century old, its use of those diacriticals and several other aspects of spelling is by no means consistent. Spelling in our lists of key words (bracketed items in the Serial Listings) generally follows modern usage. For example, we use Zuni throughout as our indexing term, even though most of the older articles spell the word with a tilde: Zuni. The titles in the Serial Listings maintain spellings as they
16 Journal of American Folklore appeared in the Journal, which is why an item such as 1917:36 will have Zuni in the title line but Zuni in the features list. All diacritical marks in these pages had to be added individually after the computer sorts were finished. A few words could be handled with global commands—Alcée, Lévi-Strauss, Liestol, for example—but most had to be altered one word at a time. Adding diacriticials to the Serial Listings took a great deal of time and adding them to the three indexes would, because of the nature of the computer sorts, have taken far longer. We decided that it wasn’t really necessary, since a user of the Index will almost always be using the three indexes only as guides to the Serial Listings anyway. Because of the limitation of the technology we were using, we were forced to present a small group of terms slightly inaccurately. We transliterated the Greek in 1894:56, 1900:17, 1905:78, and 1944:77. We could not print the letter 1 without a dot, and the type we were using was too small to do the job manually, so ignore the lower case i in the Turkish words in 1948:112, 1948:113, 1948:114, and 1973:77. We could not print a phonetic character in 1956:109 and 1966:10, or the dot inside the hachek in 1967:72. Dots under the letter O in 1968:52, 1972:35, and 1978:56, under the tilde in 1971:123, and under the s in 1986:111 and 1986:112 looked cluttered, so we let them go. Finally, we may not have gotten one of the Icelandic characters in 1976:104 quite right, but we're close. Our assumption is that anyone citing the items in the Centennial Index will always check the original issue of the Journal, so these 17 deviant entries shouldn’t be troublesome.
A Sight for Sore Eyes The base font for the Index is 6.5 point Bitstream Charter, with 6.0 point
bold used for the serial numbers at the head of each entry in the Senal Listings. The type, obviously, is small; it is the same size as the type in Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and the New York telephone book.
The reason for the parsimony with type size is the realities of publishing. Had we gone just one point larger, to the size of the usual JAF endnote, this book would have been more than 200 pages longer. Using so small a type meant another compromise: many people can read 6.5 point type without glasses, but few people can read 6.5 point italic type without difficulty. So, as many journals do as a matter of course anyway, we decided to use regular typeface for titles and foreign terms. The book,
journal, record, and film titles are always obvious, since they occur in reviews which have the identifying ra, rb, or rv in the serial number. We also decided that most foreign terms would be obvious, and would not therefore need italics either. The need for scanning identification that italics
provide in normal text is not present in an index. The few points of surviving ambiguity were justified by the great increase in readability. There may be some ambiguity with titles of omnibus reviews (is “Great Blues Recordings” the title of an album or the title of a review essay?), but
our survey of titles indicated only a few of these, and most of them are clear in the Serial Listings.
A Century of Folklore 17 Eccentricity
The numbering of volume 91 got weird: someone forgot to set the counter back to 1 when they were finished with volume 90. The first article on the first page of JAF vol. 91 begins on page 513.
The reason JAF has 398 rather than 400 issues in its first century is because there were only three issues in the first volume and because the issue numbers in volume 21 (1908) got addled. That volume consists of three issues, with two of them of them sharing a number. Pages 1-96 comprise JAF 80; no problem there. Pages 97-269 form a double issue numbered 81-82. Then pages 269-391, a regular-length issue, are numbered issue 82. The first issue of 1909 begins with 83. If you can’t find an item listed here, make sure you have the original JAF rather than the Kraus reprint edition. We noted one instance where Kraus
inserted a sheet from an AFS Memoir into their reprint of the Journal. If you're looking things up in the Kraus reprint, you won't find items 1903:7276, which are supposed to be on pages 193-194. The Journal version of the Centennial Index is also paged in a way that will cause some confusion. It is the fourth number of JAF for 1988 and it should begin with page 385. But that would have caused weirdness in the book version, which is being produced from the same originals. We could
have avoided the problem by postponing publication for one issue. The Index would then have become the first number of 1989 and it could have started with page 1 with no ambiguity whatsoever. We declined that option for sentimental reasons: the 1988 annual meeting of the American Folklore Society in Boston will be the Society’s formal celebration of its Centennial,
and we thought the Society’s Index ought to be on hand for that event. Scholars quoting anything in this issue can avoid ambiguity by citing the book rather than periodical version. Pagination and editors are the same; the only difference, other than the wrappers, is that the volume has a place
and publisher (Washington, DC: American Folklore Society) and the periodical has a volume and issue number (101:402).
Conventions We adopted a few other conventions not noted above: Reverse-order items are alphabetized to the comma, with words to the right of the comma used only to order groups of terms identical to the left of the comma: Smith, John; Smith, William; Smith Brothers; Smith County. We kept inconsistent spellings when they appeared in the original titles or names of reviewees. The Alan W. Watts whose book is reviewed in 1965:100rb seems to be the same person as the Alan W. Watt whose book is reviewed in 1966:25rb. We kept both names in the Subject Index, since this is an index to JAF, not an index to the things JAF is about. Similarly, when we found 1984:131rv and 1984:132rv listing Yashia Aginsky and
1984:33rv listing Yasha Aginsky, we kept both names. We handled
18 Journal of American Folklore variations in contributors’ names differently (see the notes on Author Index above). We did not edit spelling errors in titles, either in the Serial Listings or the Title Index, since this is a record of what the Journal published, not what it should have published. That is why, for example, siécle remains in the title of 1977:95rb. We have not identified items as “article,” “note,” or “comment,” because the meaning assigned those terms by editors over the years has varied so greatly as to render the distinctions useless over time (though perhaps not within the tenure of any single editor). Quotation marks are as they are in the oniginal-—titles with quotation marks get them, as do references to specific ballads, stories, etc. References to the song “John Henry” get quotation marks; references to the character do not. We also use quotation marks around key terms when the context is primarily definitional, e.g. the many instances of “folklore,” which are not meant to indicate the presence of or even discussion of folklore, but rather attempt to define it. Geographical descriptors stop at the largest inclusive descriptor appropriate to the material in question. Thus, “United States: Arkansas: Ozark
Mountains” (1981:96) differs from “United States: Ozark Mountains” (1981:52) in that the first item focuses specifically on Arkansas highland material, while the second is an obituary for Vance Randolph, whose work traversed the region.
Though we didn’t meddle with titles or reviewees’ names, we did standardize some inconsistencies in the subject index. In a single issue of the
Journal, for example, the middle word in “Texas Folklore Society’ was spelled twice with a hyphen and once without the hyphen; that didn’t seem to deserve two separate entries in the Subject Index (we left the terms as they originally appeared in the Serial Listings, however). The sorting program used a comma as the separator between items gathered in the bracketed segment of the Serial Listings. With titles or terms
set in quotation marks, this made for a violation of the usual standard of comma placement. But we found that placement of the comma in that position greatly facilitated scanning, so we didn’t reverse the sequence.
Help Wanted The Journal of American Folklore used to be both a place to publish scholarship and a journal of record. The latter function has slid away over the years. Early issues included the Society’s annual reports and membership
lists, as well as “Folk-Lore Scrap-Book”—bits and pieces of interest to folklorists from newspapers and magazines; in the 1950s, Richard M. Dorson compiled a similar listing. JAF 254 (1951) contained news of the Popular Literature section of the MLA, the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, the AFS Nominating Committee,
the New York Folklore Society meeting, a report on a mimeographed publication in West Virginia, and a section titled “Personalia,” which noted the presence of various AFS representatives at the inauguration of chancel-
A Century of Folklore 19 lors and presidents of the University of Chicago, University of Arizona, University of Michigan, and so on.
Some of those informational functions were taken over by the JAF Supplement, which was first published in January 1954. The American Folklore Society Newsletter began publication in 1972. At first, the Newsletter
provided the kind of information that had previously been published in the Journal’s “Personalia” columns; then its coverage expanded to include much of the information in the Supplement. The last Supplement appeared in
March 1975. Some, but not all, of the Society's annual reports have appeared in the Newsletter. In effect, the official statements of the Society's actions moved in two
stages toward the most ephemeral of the Society's publications. The Supplement, so far as we can discover, was never bound with regular issues of JAF, but some libraries kept it anyway. The Newsletter is a completely separate publication, and most libraries don’t save it at all. Even though the Newsletter now contains all of the Society's annual reports, summaries of Society executive actions, and much other material of historical interest, it may be the kind of document to which few future scholars will ever have direct access. The Library of Congress and a few other institutions may keep full runs of those publications, and copies may be preserved on microfilm, but in general, issues will not be easily available. We would recommend, therefore, that someone undertake for the AFS Newsletter and the 22 issues of the Supplement the same kind of index we have provided here for the Journal. That would, at least, let scholars know what information exists in those publications and where in them it might be found. The surviving copies and microfilm versions will then be far more useful.
Finally, a request regarding the Centennial Index itself. This has been a
vast enterprise; it is inevitable that we missed some errors of fact or interpretation or that in the final stages we introduced new typographical errors of our own. The AFS now maintains a current database of Journal entries; an eventual update to this index will be a far simpler affair. We
would hope that the editors of any future JAF Index would include corrections to this one. Indeed, if there is a sufficient number of such corrections, we'll publish them in a regular issue of the Journal. So if you
discover errors, please send a card or note with the correction to the Journal’s editor. (Here’s the first: after the rest of this book was set and it was too late to make changes, we discovered that Micha Joseph Bin-Gurion [coll.] and Emanuel Bin-Gurion [ed.], both named in 1980:129rb, got lost en route from the Serial Listings to the Subject Index.)
The Journal’s Editors
The authors offer brief professional notes on the seventeen editors who guided the Journal of American Folklore through its first century.
William Wells Newell (vols. 1-12, 1888-1899) William Wells Newell (1839-1907) was the American Folklore Society’s guiding spirit during its formative years. Treasurer (1888-1889), permanent secretary (1888-1906), editor of the Journal of American Folklore (18881899), and supervisor of the Societys Memoir series (1894-1906), Newell became the AFS’s most public spokesman. He proselytized, organized local
and regional chapters, refined a conceptual vocabulary, and mapped out areas for collection and study.’ Newell was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Others in his family had been Unitarian ministers and it was expected that Newell would be one as well. He trained for the ministry at Harvard but soon abandoned this calling
for a scholarly career. Of the early members of the Journal’s editorial committee (Franz Boas, Daniel G. Brinton, T. Frederick Crane, J. Owen Dorsey, and Newell) only Newell had the leisure and financial resources to devote himself full-time to the Society’s needs. In turn, the Society provided
him with an institutional base from which to launch his own critiques of unilinear, cultural evolution; folklore as the expression of racial or national essence; and ungrounded speculation on folkloric origins or survivals.
Theory should wait, he maintained, until a comprehensive record of empirical data had been amassed, interpreted, and compared. Newell had consistent notions about the nature of folklore and its role in cultural life as a whole. He equated folklore with oral tradition, expanding
upon European concepts of the folk as a traditionally inclined rural peasantry functioning within a larger, modern society. “Folk” as a category was divorced from specific notions of class, occupation, or status; indeed Newell specifically included old, established New England families among
the folk. “Folk” was a fixed term, but its personnel were transient. They were considered folk only insofar as they participated in folkloric acts. He believed that the various native peoples of the Americas also comprised folk
The Journal’s Editors 21 societies, societies in which entire ways of life could be considered the stuff of folklore. These societies, he was sure, provided ideal opportunities for observing cultural transmission. Anyone could be considered one of the folk when engaged in acts sustaining or sustained by oral traditions. Newell thought that intellectually and artistically gifted individuals with
the leisure to develop new ideas provided the locus of esthetic creation. Transmission moved from the leisured levels of society downward, aided by
the tendency of human beings to emulate those they considered more advanced than themselves. During this top to bottom transmission, tradition
acted as a stabilizing, conservative force. People retained and passed on those things which illuminated commonly understood meanings in their lives. Gradually, over time, they rejected or reworked anything that made no sense in terms of the world they knew. In the Middle Ages, for Newell, there existed a consummate folk society in which entire social orders were bound together by unified perceptions. People at the bottom received, preserved, and sustained art from the top. As a medievalist, Newell explored the transition from individual expression to collective heritage by examining how Chrétien de Troye’s creation of the Arthurian cycle was transmuted into the folk and popular variants comprising the “matter of Britain.” In Games and Songs of American Children (1883), his most famous work, Newell examined how adult medieval games and pastimes developed into the lore of modern day children. During his years with the AFS, Newell struggled hard to establish folklore as a field of scientifically respectable inquiry. He fought efforts by Fletcher
S. Bassett and the Chicago Folklore Society to isolate folklore from anthropology, which Newell considered the mother discipline. Bassett and
his allies wanted folklore to be appreciated in its own right; they were uninterested in studying it in a wider cultural content. At the Columbian Exposition of 1893, Bassett organized a Folk-Lore Congress under the auspices of the Exposition’s Department of Literature. Newell led a boycott of the Folk-Lore Congress and instead represented the AFS at the Exposition’s Congress of Anthropology.
Newell’s first Journal issues focused attention on various collecting categories: relics of Old English folklore, Southern Negro lore, the lore of North American Indian tribes, and Mexican and French-Canadian folklore. Later, he also suggested that immigrant material, European and African antecedents, and folklore from other parts of the world (including Asia and Latin America) be included. Consistently short of copy, especially scholarly articles, Newell was unable to develop as professional and cosmopolitan a journal as he would have liked. In an effort to provide money and support
for its publication, he encouraged the formation of subsidiary, regional societies. But this also meant that the Journal had to consider lay interests and could not easily turn down the offerings of amateur enthusiasts. Newell himself contributed more than 200 signed articles and notes. Franz Boas and a growing number of academic anthropologists contributed additional materials. One particularly prolific group of contributors was affiliated with
the Bureau of American Ethnology in Washington. They brought a distinctively American perspective to the Journal based on their work with
22 Journal of American Folklore Native American peoples. They had a special interest in language and material culture, often taking a more polygenetic stand than their editor. Newell was not alone in shaping European concepts of folklore to a New World agenda. As a public spokesman, he usually articulated a body of opinion shared by AFS officers and the JAF editorial committee. Certainly his views on diffusion rather than polygenesis parallel those of his friend and associate, Franz Boas. This is also true of his belief in the universal equality of human potential and the historical particularities of cultural development. Newell was the prime mover of the AFS. It was he who articulated its objectives and defined its peculiar spirit of romanticism and
scientific inquiry. , ,
Alexander Francis Chamberlain (vols. 13-20, 1900-1907) Alexander Chamberlain (1865-1914) was born in England, then settled with his parents in Peterborough, Ontario. He received a B.A. in modern languages at the University of Toronto in 1886. There, under the influence of Sir Daniel Wilson, he first began to train himself in ethnology. He was
appointed a fellow in modern languages in 1887 and later received a fellowship in anthropology at Clark University. In 1892, under the tutelage of Franz Boas, he was granted America’s first Ph.D. in anthropology. His
interest in linguistic anthropology resulted in his journeying to British Columbia for the British Association for the Advancement of Science, where,
in 1891, he studied the Kutenai Indians. At Clark University, where Chamberlain taught for the rest of his life, anthropology fell under the auspices of the Psychology Department, headed by Clark’s president and pioneer in the study of adolescence, G. Stanley Hall. Chamberlain’s two books on childhood, The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought (1896) and The Child: A Study in the Evolution of Man (1901),
show how deeply he was influenced by Hall’s work. They represent a blending of anthropological and psychological perspectives on comparative and evolutionary aspects of child development. Developmental stages and the childhood lore and behavioral patterns associated with them are often probed for what they reveal about the cultural and biological evolution of
humans as a species. But there is scant original theorizing here or in any of Chamberlain’s numerous journal and encyclopedia articles. His main strengths lie in the breadth of his reading and the range of his information. Chamberlain’s principal contributions to the Journal of American Folklore were bibliographic. Drawing upon his extensive language skills, he compiled bibliographies on current international writings on anthropology, eventually supervising a short-lived bibliographic periodical with Robert Lowie, Current
Anthropological Literature (1913), sponsored jointly by the AFS and the American Anthropological Association. As editor of the Journal of American
Folklore, Chamberlain wrote more than 250 signed items, most of them
reviews and notes on recent publications. , Newell had combined his position as editor with the office of permanent secretary to form the most visible power base in the American Folklore
The Journal’s Editors 23 Society. Chamberlain, on the other hand, rarely reported on editorial business to his readership or took on a public role in Society policy formation. He had inherited an articulated set of editorial guidelines which he made no attempt to alter. The Journal was sound financially. He seems to have defined his job as one of maintenance. Beyond expanding the space devoted to work on Native American peoples and fostering the role of JAF as a repository for raw collected texts, Chamberlain did little to alter the format. His term was respectable but not dramatic. Like his mentor, G. Stanley Hall, Chamberlain saw child development as recapitulating cultural evolution; both could be seen in terms of a unilinear
model. But, increasingly, he also seems to have stressed fundamental similarities in human potential. Cultural level was more a matter of circumstance than inheritance, and humans had the inherent capacity to transcend their cultural limitations if given the chance. Chamberlain was committed to Anglo-American civilization and its values; he was quick to
note indolence and moral failings in other societies. As a passionate positivist, however, he was convinced that the moral, rational, and technological advances of his own culture could be extended to all humankind. He drew upon comparative folklore to show that, beneath the superficial differences of custom, insight, and habit, people everywhere were much the same. According to the obituary Franz Boas wrote for Chamberlain in JAF, Chamberlain’s last years were spent researching the linguistic problems presented by South American Indian languages.
Franz Boas (vols. 21-37, 1908-1924) In 1908, Franz Boas (1858-1942) took over as editor of the Journal of
American Folklore. His growing prominence and activity within the anthropological community brought increased prestige to the Journal and renewed visibility to the editorship. The Journal and the Amenican Folklore Society (which he served as president in 1900, 1931, and 1934) were key parts in Boas’s lifelong campaign to professionalize anthropological practice, to redirect disciplinary definitions, to develop ngorous, empirical procedures grounded in scientific fieldwork, and to build academic and institutional structures for folklore’s practice, research, and support. When Boas became editor, he was finishing his second year as president
of the American Anthropological Association. He was in the midst of enlarging a power base for himself and for those students who had completed their dissertations under his guidance at Columbia University. As
they fanned out across the country to develop new anthropology departments, to take on museum work, and to immerse themselves in the study of Native American peoples, most were already joining him in his multibarrelled attack on unilinear, orthogenetic, evolutionary theories of culture. For years, the Journal had been the major place for Boas and his followers to refine their arguments against the idea of a universal progression of cultural stages through which all societies pass as they mature. Boasians were convinced that environmental factors were crucial in influencing the course of a particular culture’s development; they minimized the role of an
24 Journal of American Folklore internally fixed cultural trajectory. With the change of editors, Boasian ideas were in the ascendancy at the Journal. The Washington-based orthogenet-
icists (who had initially clustered under John Wesley Powell at the Smithsonian) still held sway at the Bureau of Ethnology; they submitted texts and descriptive materials to the Journal while promoting their theories at the American Anthropologist. On the other hand, Boas encouraged his students to send articles of general interest to the American Anthropologist
but to reserve for the Journal their more theoretical work. During this period Boas and his followers had also established control of the International Journal of American Linguistics, Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology, and American Ethnological Society Publications. But of all the
journals open to them, Boasians were aware that JAF was the one for the longest and richest articles. Boas never articulated his emerging theoretical construct in a concise or systematic way. It must be inferred or salvaged piecemeal from the dense volumes of facts, texts, and descriptive data that documented most of his ideas. For Boas, the primary determinant of human behavior is neither race nor language nor geography, which are all best understood on their own terms as independent variables with their own imperatives. Instead, it is culture—or, rather, “cultures,” seen more as a plural noun than as a single force (Stocking 1968:202-203). Culture is no longer that series of stages through which all peoples pass. It is not some quantitatively or qualitatively _ measurable entity which civilized and primitive humans possess to disparate
Alexander Lesser, a former student of Boas, describes his mentor’s view
of cultures as “behavioral environments in which human thought and feeling are structured and operate” (Lesser 1968:102). Elements of one culture are often borrowed by another. They are usually acquired without self-consciousness, accidentally and as the result of each culture’s peculiar historical development. Elements are passed from generation to generation
by “transmission.” They are internalized through repetition until they become “traditional” or a matter of “habit.” Though the elements of a particular culture are acquired irrationally, they may give rise to rationalizing secondary explanations during the process of their assimilation. Such secondary explanations find expression in myth, ritual, symbols, or art. These formal expressions of a culture Boas found most interesting, for they represent the efforts of a culture to explain its own elements to itself. Alien borrowings are thus brought into conformity with the specific values that make a culture unique. Elements in themselves do not mirror the whole; it is their rationale that successfully accommodates them and communicates
them as a cohesive part of an integrated world-view. | ;
Boas’s critique of unilinear cultural evolution emerges out of his study of
the most folkloric aspects of culture, drawing upon them continually for justification and example. Elements of myth and traditional art, and oral and visual symbols, lend themselves to easy tracking from one culture to the
next. In studying particular cultures holistically, Boas and his students believed they could actually demonstrate processes of diffusion and
The Journal’s Editors 25 assimilation at work. Boas was inspired by many ideas current in Germany during his childhood and youth. He was born in Minden, Westphalia, to a free-thinking Jewish family which still espoused the liberal ideals of the 1848 revolution. Unable to accept without question received authority, he was anxious to “recognize
the shackles tradition has laid upon us” (1939:21). He attended the Universities of Heidelberg, Bonn, and Kiel and educated himself in physics, math, and philosophy while soaking up the neo-Kantian philosophy of his
day. In studying the color of sea-water for his dissertation, he became acutely aware of the ways an observer imposes preconceptions upon the observed phenomena. He became increasingly interested in “the relations between the objective and the subjective worlds” (1939:20). Participation in a geographical expedition to Baffin Land, where he spent time among the
Eskimo, intensified his growing commitment to ethnography. Upon his return to Berlin, where he was a docent in geography and worked at the Ethnological Museum, he worked closely with “folk psychologist” Bastian and studied anthropometrics with Virchow. After a second field trip, in 1887, to study the Kwakiutl, Boas settled in America for good. He was uncomfortable with Germany’s political climate and pessimistic about his career opportunities there as a Jew. His first job was in New York, as an assistant editor at Science magazine. In 1888, the same year he helped to found the AFS, he became a docent in anthropology at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, staying on as curator of the museum set up to house the Exposition’s permanent collections. In 1896
he began to teach at Columbia University (he retired in 1936) and also began work at the American Museum of Natural History (1896-1901). Having achieved job security, he was finally able to devote full time to teaching, research, and the hard organizational tasks of establishing anthropology as an accepted academic discipline. Boas’s priorities as JAF editor were to create more space for the material
he wished to see printed and to broaden the financial base for meeting publication costs. He also wanted to work up the neglected departments of Negro, French-Canadian, Spanish-American, and European folklore. The
permanent secretary, Alfred Tozzer, at the Twentieth Annual Meeting, warned that the Journal would be unable to expand without additional increases in income (Tozzer 1909:84-85). The Society was barely meeting its expenses. Nevertheless, Boas hoped to increase the Journal’s size by at least twenty percent, and in 1909, 1910, and 1911, he exceeded the 360page maximum limit per volume by 80 to 120 pages. He then determined to have the Society co-sponsor a quarterly periodical with the American Anthropological Association which would merge the review and bibliographical sections of both JAF and the American Anthropologist. By doing this, he gained additional space while reducing the Journal’s copy back toward the official maximum. The venture was a financial disaster. Current Anthropological Literature ceased publication by the end of its first year. Boas never returned to the
quantity of reviews and bibliographic notes that had been a staple of Newell’s and Chamberlain’s editorships. In a seventeen-year tenure, he
26 Journal of American Folklore | published only 52 reviews. , The next strategy Boas used to tap into new sources of support was remarkably successful. He recruited scholarly experts to oversee the neglected departments and located outside sources of funding to underwrite special issues. His first new associate editors were George Lyman Kittredge
(European folklore), Aurelio Espinosa (Hispanic folklore), and Marius Barbeau (French-Canadian folklore). Special Spanish and French-Canadian issues received substantial help
from the Hispanic Society, the French Institute, and AFS’s Canadian membership. For Negro material, there was no institutional sponsorship available. From 1915 on, developing the Negro department became Boas’s prime concern. He recruited Elsie Clews Parsons, a sociologically-trained anthropologist of independent means, to serve as associate editor in charge
of Negro folklore. (Parsons financed her own work and many of the Society’s other ventures as well. In a very real sense, she was the Society’s “angel,” who kept it alive during financially depressed periods.) Boas was an indefatigable worker who tried his best to keep the Journal broad in scope and to have at least a trickle of theoretical thought flowing at all times. Despite his involvement in a large number of anthropologically-
related activities, he never stinted on the time and care he gave to the Journal. In 1923, Boas’s editorial assistant died. The Society authorized an
assistant editorship for Ruth Benedict, who took on routine editonal functions. The next year, 1924, Boas passed the entire job of editing to her.
There is no communication in the Journal or in his private papers to indicate why he chose to do this; it may be simply that his interest in the
AFS as a power base was waning. His relationship with the Society, however, remained warm and active until his death.
Ruth Fulton Benedict (vols. 38-52, 1925-1939) Ruth Fulton Benedict (1887-1948) had only recently completed her dissertation, “The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America” (1923), when she took on the editorship of the Journal of American Folklore. Boas valued her gift for meticulous research and had already used her to assist
him with teaching and other special projects. Her position at JAF was underwritten by nominal contributions from the Southwest Society (the organization through which Elsie Clews Parsons made her grants). This, along with a series of one-year appointments at Columbia and Barnard, gave her a professional base when job opportunities for women in the
discipline were very scarce. Benedict was born to an established farming family in the Chenango
Valley area of upstate New York. Her mother, a Vassar graduate like Ruth and her sister, was widowed while the two girls were still infants. Benedict’s memories of her father, a doctor, and his commitment to science, were kept alive by her mother’s extended period of mourning. The grandparents, with whom she lived, were Baptist; their farm became for her a lifelong place of respite and delight. Their religious outlook imbued her with a strong sense
The Journal’s Editors 27 of free will and individual choice.
After college and a few years of charitable work and teaching, Ruth married Stanley Benedict, a doctor with familial roots in the same region as her own. They moved to the New York area where Stanley affiliated with
Cornell Medical College while Ruth sought fulfillment as a suburban housewife. At first she tried various forms of volunteer social work while working on a biography of Mary Wollstonecraft. Then, in 1919, at the age of 32, she began studying anthropology, first with Elsie Clews Parsons and Alexander Goldenweiser at the New School and then at Columbia with Boas.
Initially, she attempted to sustain the Journal as she found it while stabilizing its precarious financial situation. Like Boas, she wanted more space devoted to studies of folklore examined in thoroughly delineated cultural contexts. She also wanted to include materials from Europe, whether or not they had previously been embraced by the “departmental” approach. In order to help fund these goals, the Journal’s printing was moved to France (and later Germany) where costs were cheaper. The Journal was already a year behind schedule when Benedict assumed control; transatlantic delays and cash shortages only compounded the problem. Her numerous special issues—often abstruse, uninterpreted collections of Native
American or foreign-language texts—eroded interest among the general readership. Though she did much to encourage informed collecting efforts among serious amateurs and expanded the amount of regional collectanea while reinstating the book review section, she could not counteract a slowly
developing opinion that the Journal was too narrowly reflective of New York-based anthropological interests. Ruth Benedict’s positive impact on folklore scholarship paralleled rather than emerged directly from her involvement with the Journal. She was a
persuasive and accessible writer who popularized the idea that cultures, seen as discrete wholes, are dominated by certain “configurations” of traits. These configurations can be considered as overarching social characteristics analogous to those associated with individual personalities. She excelled at making sense of great quantities of empirical data associated with a single culture. In doing so, she drew enthusiastically, if critically, upon gestalt and
psychoanalytical theories for insight. In one of her most famous works, Patterns of Culture (1934), she described the Dobu peoples of Northwestern Melanesia as “paranoid” and Kwakiutl Indians as “megalomaniacal” in order to stress the fact that behaviors considered abnormal and deviant in one’s
own culture are acceptable elsewhere. Indeed, they may reach their full fruition under different societal circumstances. In the same book, she also applied the Nietzschean distinction between “Apollonian” and “Dionysian” styles to contrast Pueblo and Plains Indian culture.
She found the study of folklore especially well-suited for the task of discovering cultural configurations. In folklore, myth-fantasies, wish-
fulfillment and the need to compensate for inhibited behavior play themselves out. Cultural innovations are either borrowed and adapted, or
they are initiated by individual action. The processes of retaining and incorporating such innovations into tradition are decidedly collective.
28 Journal of American Folklore Cultures, and the individuals comprising them, are predisposed by existing configurations to select certain conventions and ways of doing things while
discarding others. Human behavior is thus channelled along predictable lines in an almost orthogenetic fashion. Nevertheless, Benedict maintained that culture’s primary role is expressive rather than integrative. Trajectories
can be bent and shifted by cumulative, individual choice. She saw some cultures as more integrated than others, their elements more likely to form coherent patterns. In such cases, single items of folklore are apt to embody dominant configurations. On the other hand, she recognized the dynamic nature of many human societies and pointed out that the adjustment of folklore to changing cultural patterns is ongoing and rarely complete. She suggested that discontinuities between folklore and ongoing contemporary behavior are particularly useful in revealing how a culture resolves strain
and reasserts its dominant values under stress. These ideas permeate Benedict’s writing, finding their most explicit expression in her introduction to Zuni Mythology (1935). Her Race, Science, and Politics (1940) is a lucid restatement of Boas’s earlier attack on the philosophical and scientific fallacies of racism. Like Patterns of Culture, the book reached a broad audience and thrust Benedict into the public limelight. During World War II and immediately thereafter,
Benedict applied anthropological techniques to the analysis of complex societies. This was particularly useful when societies had to be studied from a distance. Her most notable success in this vein was The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture (1946). Most of her later work was sponsored by governmental agencies to aid them in policy formation. Along with other scholars who entered the public sector at this time, she helped set a precedent for the growing involvement between government and anthropology. Benedict didn’t learn that she’d been fired as editor until a month after
the fact, when she received a warm but embarrassed letter from George Herzog, then acting secretary of the AFS. She responded with good grace
but apparently was hurt by the surreptitious manner with which her removal was accomplished. Apparently, she would have been a willing participant in the efforts to replace her. After this experience, Benedict played no active part in Society affairs. Most of her papers, along with the poetry she published under the name of Ann Singleton, are now housed at the Vassar College Library.
Gladys Reichard (vol. 53, 1940) Gladys Amanda Reichard (1893-1955) served as secretary of the American Folklore Society from 1924 to 1926 and 1928 to 1936, the longest time the
office had been held by anyone other than William Wells Newell. In addition, she frequently contributed to the Journal and worked closely with Ruth Benedict during the years in which their offices overlapped. Reichard was an expert in linguistics, myth, and material culture and a scholar who
did extensive fieldwork, primarily among Native American peoples,
The Journal’s Editors 29 particularly the Navajo. She stepped in as acting editor of the Journal of American Folklore in early 1940.
Reichard was born in Bangor, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Quakers. After teaching first in a rural school and later in the Bangor elementary school, she enrolled in Swarthmore College where she received a degree in classics in 1919. Her undergraduate college awarded her the Lucretia Mott Fellowship, which she used to attend Columbia University where she earned an M.A. in anthropology in 1920. Five years later she received a Ph.D. from the same university with a dissertation on the grammar of the Wiyot Indian language. Reichard had an abiding interest in the conceptual life of the peoples she
studied. She examined world-view from an emic perspective, trying to classify ideas, ritual forms, and artistic genres in native terms. Of all Boas’s
students, she was the one most concerned with questions of style. An extraordinarily detailed and graphically rich pair of volumes titled Melanesian Design (1922) won the A. Cressy Morrison Prize awarded by the New York Academy of Sciences. Her AFS memoir, An Analysis of Coeur d’Alene
Indian Mythology (1947), won the Chicago Folklore Prize for 1948. A monograph, Prayer: The Compulsive Word (1944a), published by the American Ethnological Society, is generally recognized as a clever anticipa-
tion of the formalism and structuralism that later influenced American folklore studies. Ironically, Reichard explicitly disavowed any interest in structuralism, although her introduction to that book acknowledges the help of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Roman Jakobson, both of whom lived in New York during the war years. Her last major publication was Navaho Religion: A Study of Symbolism (1950b), a book that marked the culmination of her work with the tribe she first visited in 1923. For over two decades she had immersed herself in Navajo life, developing intense and extended friendships
with some of her informants. Reichard participated actively in Navajo religious life and learned several of the tribal crafts. Her stance as an ethnographer was frequently that of a student to her teachers. In Navaho Religion, as in her other writings, she assigned great importance to the individual as a shaper of esthetic values and philosophical interpretations. She freely acknowledged that some of her informants had more to impart esthetically than others. The interplay between group and individual was a constant theme in her writings. Reichard became editor at a time of great confusion for the American Folklore Society. At the Annual Meeting in December 1939, a decision was made to summarily remove Ruth Benedict from her position as editor of the Journal of American Folklore and replace her with Anna Hadwick Gayton,
the book review editor. Concerned about the irregularities of these proceedings, the new secretary, George Herzog, neglected to notify Gayton
of her appointment until a month later. When Gayton did learn of her election she declined, leaving the position temporarily vacant. At a special Council Meeting in February 1940, engineered by Herzog, Reichard was asked to serve for a year, during which time she would bring the Journal
up to date. An austerity budget was drawn up so that she could do so without recourse to a large infusion of extra funds; she was not mandated
30 Journal of American Folklore to develop an editorial policy. Instead, a determination was made to get a sense of the membership and to recommend policy changes at the next Annual Meeting. The 1940 Editor’s Report indicates that Reichard largely succeeded in what she was empowered to do. She put out seven issues of the Journal, saw one Memoir through to publication, and was busy nursing
two others through the final stages of production.
During Reichard’s term, a consensus developed among Council Members in favor of broadening the Journal’s appeal and for including more literary scholarship within its pages. George Herzog’s official correspondence, on file
at the University of Pennsylvania Department of Folklore and Folklife Archive, is filled with vivid exchanges about who should run the Journal and where it might be relocated. At year’s end, a committee consisting of Elsie Clews Parsons, Archer Taylor, Stith Thompson, Leslie White, and Melville J. Herskovits called for the following changes in editorial policy: a
discontinuance of single issue topics, more space for short articles, methodological discussions for the benefit of amateurs, theoretical papers
to balance the exposition of raw data, and reviews of material in other periodicals. More importantly, it recommended that the job of editor rotate and be subjected to an annual election. When Reichard stepped down as editor, the era of Boasian dominance came to a close. Reichard helped provide a smooth transition and a firm base on which to build a more flexible and marketable Journal of American Folklore. She continued to participate actively in Society affairs and, in 1943, her years of service were rewarded when she was elected president of the American Folklore Society.
Archer Taylor (vol. 54, 1941) Like Reichard, Archer Taylor (1890-1973) served as editor for a single year with a mandate to continue bringing the Journal and the unpublished backlog of other projects up to date. Taylor was the first non-anthropologist to edit the Journal since William Wells Newell; his term marked the end of its control by Columbia-based
scholars. Unable to get out more than two back issues because of the American Folklore Society’s serious financial difficulties, Taylor attributed the Journal’s troubles and the Society's dwindling membership to the long period of Columbia’s dominance. In an undated letter written to A. Irving Hallowell, the University of Pennsylvania anthropologist, he discusses the problem: The fundamental problem is that the Journal and the Society is a Columbia institution. I think that I might as well state the fact frankly and simply. It has been under Columbia rule for so long that it would be easier to let the Society die and then start a new one than to revivify this one with an injection of blood from west of the Hudson . . . You see that all doesn’t bear on Anthropology vs. Humanities in Folk-Lore. That’s not a very significant issue—to my way of thinking. The anthropologists of my acquaintance seem to recognize a difference between a chunk of data and an interpretive essay or discussion. The Journal has run too far in the direction of printing collections of More Tales From the Western Chicamonons and More
The Journal’s Editors 31 Ballads From the Backwash of the Monongahela—the first from the anthropologists and the second from the students of the humanities and both equally indigestible. Now, that can’t be changed very quickly. There isn’t much written that is good, and the Southern Folklore Q. is in the way of getting what is written.
Taylor had been president of the American Folklore Society in 1936 and continued an active relationship with the Society throughout his life. He and
Stith Thompson were America’s leading exponents of a comparative, typological approach to folklore: the historic-geographic method usually associated with Finnish folklore scholarship. Taylor studied several folklore
genres (in particular the proverb and the riddle) as they appeared in a multitude of languages. Works like The Proverb (1931), English Riddles from Oral Tradition (1951), and A Dictionary of American Proverbs and Proverbial
Phrases, 1820-1880 (1958), the latter compiled with Bartlett Jere Whiting, have become standard reference works. “Edward” and “Sven i Rosengard”: A Study in the Dissemination of a Ballad (1931) and The Shanghai Gesture (1956) are short, more focused applications of historic-geographic methodology. Taylor was at least as prominent a literary scholar and bibliographic specialist as he was a folklorist. C. Grant Loomis’s bibliography of Taylor’s writings up to 1960 is included in Humaniora: Essays in Literature, Folklore, Bibliography (1960), a testimonial publication edited by his former students, Wayland D. Hand and Gustave Arlt. Taylor was born in 1890 to a prominent Philadelphia Quaker family. After graduating from Swarthmore and receiving an M.A. in German from the University of Pennsylvania, he taught for two years at Pennsylvania State College and made trips to Europe during the summers. In 1912 he enrolled in the Harvard Graduate School. During his stay there he first met Stith Thompson, a fellow student. Taylor received his Ph.D. in German in 1915 with a dissertation on the fairy tale motifs in the “Wolfdietrich” epics. The work indicates that questions about the dissemination of oral tradition were central to his interests at an early point in his career. In 1915 Taylor moved to Washington University in St. Louis where he spent the next ten years. He began to publish extensively during this period, the Journal of American Folklore becoming a major outlet for his articles on folklore. Taylor received an appointment in German at the University of Chicago in 1925 and became chairman of the Department two years later. The Chicago years spanned a period of peak productivity during which he developed graduate course offerings in folklore and enriched his contacts with European scholars in the field. He also strengthened Chicago’s library holdings in folklore and early German literature, collaborating in this latter endeavor with his friend and departmental colleague, Leonard Bloomfield, the linguistics scholar.
In 1939 Taylor accepted a professorship in German literature at the University of California at Berkeley. Two years later he began editing the Journal of American Folklore and three years later, in 1942, he helped found and became first editor of the California Folklore Quarterly (now Western Folklore). In 1951 he served as president of the Modern Language Association. After his retirement he maintained a vigorous intellectual and physical
life, producing important work in genre research, bibliography, and
32 Journal of American Folklore bibliographic history, the latter a growing interest in his last years. Weekends were spent in the Napa Valley where he and his wife constructed
a ranch house with their own hands, utilizing the rocks and timber furnished by their property. Colleagues remember Taylor’s ability to achieve a tranquil, balanced life-style ideally suited to the demands of scholarship.
A revered figure whose cosmopolitan interests and world prominence did much to enhance the reputation of American folklore studies at home and abroad, Archer Taylor was one of the most influential American folklorists of the twentieth century.
Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin (vols. 55-59, 1942-1946) Erminie Brooke Wheeler was born in Oakland, California in 1903. Trained as an anthropologist at the University of California at Berkeley, and at Yale, where she received her Ph.D. in 1939, she could not obtain a regular faculty appointment at Indiana University because her husband, Charles Frederick Voegelin, the linguistics specialist, was already on the faculty. Wheeler-
Voegelin was a gifted scholar in her own right, specializing in Native American languages and culture. Editing the Journal gave her an academic
base during a period when only short-term teaching jobs and research fellowships were open to her. She remained a prolific writer throughout her tenure as editor—three major articles and two monographs were published during this time—and she gave the Journal of American Folklore the stamp of her own energy and commitment. Wheeler-Voegelin’s term as editor reestablished the Journal as a financial-
ly viable quarterly able to command the interest of scholars from many disciplines. With the cooperation of Gladys Reichard and Archer Taylor, the two previous editors, she brought it up to date by the end of 1943 and was able to start soliciting new manuscripts for both articles and memoirs. She worked closely with Wayland Hand to develop a comprehensive section of
national, international, and interdisciplinary news pertinent to the entire field of folklore. She expanded the book review section and restricted it to
items related to folklore. Collections of raw uninterpreted data were balanced by more theoretical discussions. During her tenure as editor, membership in the American Folklore Society increased substantially. Between 1943 and 1945, for instance, it rose from 532 to 690. This growth
meant that Wheeler-Voegelin had increased amounts of money at her disposal. The Journal grew fatter; more musical transcriptions were included as well as a number of photographs. A change of printers made it possible for the Journal to use special phonetic characters without additional costs. She also developed a new format: an enlarged page and a new cover design.
In 1946 Wheeler-Voegelin passed the editorship on to Wayland D. Hand,
but she continued to maintain an interest in the Society for several years afterwards, becoming its president in 1948 and also one of its first Fellows.
From 1947 to 1949 she served as executive secretary of the American Anthropological Association. In 1954 she became editor of Ethnohistory, a
The Journal’s Editors 33 new journal sponsored by the American Indian Ethnohistoric Conference, a position she held for nine years. Today she is regarded as a pioneer in ethnohistory, a field that brings anthropological insights to bear upon the history of Native Americans and other peoples who have few wnitten records of their past. The American Society for Ethnohistory awards an annual prize in her name for important new work in ethnohistory. During the 1950s, Wheeler-Voegelin’s research became increasingly
historically oriented. In 1956 she became a member of the Indiana University history faculty (the dissolution of her marriage two years earlier
freed her from the University’s discriminatory nepotism rule). She also directed the Great Lakes-Ohio Valley Research Project, in which capacity she
supervised a research team that explored the history and patterns of land usage among Native Americans of this part of North America. She was often called upon by the Department of Justice to testify in opposition to Indian
land claims. By so doing she was vulnerable to the criticism of other anthropologists who felt professionally obliged to play either an actively supportive or a neutral role. These issues were debated in the pages of Ethnohistory during her editorship. Those who defended the stance of Wheeler-Voegelin, and other anthropologists who testified for the government, maintained that true scholarship should not and could not be swayed by the pressures of either side—the important thing was to air the facts of the situation and let the judicial process take its course. Regardless of the circumstances that brought about their funding, Wheeler-Voegelin’s reports for the Justice Department are regarded as authoritative, and several were published by Garland Press in the 1970s. Most of her papers dealing with Native Americans are now deposited at the Newberry Library. Wheeler-Voegelin retired from Indiana University in 1969. Always an outdoors person able to set trap lines and perform other survival skills, she now pursues her interests in horticulture while living with a daughter in Virginia.
Wayland Debs Hand (vols. 60-64, 1947-1951)
Wayland Debs Hand, a son of Mormon missionaries, was born in . Auckland, New Zealand in 1907. Receiving a B.A. in 1933 and an M.A. in
1934 from the University of Utah, Hand went on to obtain a Ph.D. in Germanic Languages in 1936 from the University of Chicago. His dissertation, “The ‘Schnaderhupfel’: An Alpine Folk Lyric,” was written under the supervision of Archer Taylor. Except for an early, one-year stint as German instructor at the University of Minnesota, Hand’s entire teaching career was spent at UCLA. There he founded an interdisciplinary program empowered to grant graduate degrees in folklore and was instrumental in starting the Center for the Study of Comparative Folklore and Mythology. Hand made several contributions to the study of folk narrative and had
a lively interest in all aspects of verbal folklore. He was particularly fascinated by the ways popular beliefs and belief systems manifest themselves in religious, magical, and healing practices. He was awarded the Chicago Folklore Prize in 1942 (for his Dictionary of Words and Idioms
34 Journal of American Folklore Associated with Judas Iscariot), and became the first American scholar to be awarded the Giuseppe Pitre Prize (for his two-volume edition of Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from North Carolina [1961-1964]). During the 1980s he published two similar collections: Popular Beliefs and Superstitions: A Compendium of American Folklore from the Ohio Collection of Newbell Niles
Puckett (1981) and Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from Utah (1984). A collection of Hand’s essays dealing with healing practices was published under the title Magical Medicine (1980). During the last thirty years of his life Hand was increasingly preoccupied with plans for an encyclopedia of popular beliefs. This projected multivolume work, drawing upon the expertise of many scholars, was to be based upon the almost two million items he amassed, classified, and filed in the Archive of American Popular Beliefs and Superstition, another project he started at UCLA. Intellectually vigorous during his retirement years, Hand was busy readying the first volume for publication when he suffered a fatal
Society. |
heart attack on his way to the 1986 meeting of the American Folklore
Hand was a capable editor who inherited a solvent, up-to-date Journal with an expanded readership and an increasingly international outlook. As
an active editorial presence under his predecessor, Hand himself had contributed to this happy state of affairs. During his term of office, Hand sought to balance literary and anthropological interests and to broaden the quarterly’s appeal. He opened up the Journal’s pages to regular record reviews, introduced an editor’s page for associate editors to articulate some of the problems and challenges facing contemporary folklorists, surveyed
folklore “work in progress” on a regular basis, and increased musical notation, photographs, and tabular material. He increased coverage of international proceedings and strove to stimulate interest by American folklorists in the research of their European counterparts. At the same time Hand edited the Journal, he also edited the Memoirs, a customary pairing of responsibilities. Both publications faced escalating costs that Hand tried to curtail by various means, including mailing memoirs on request rather
than automatically to all the membership, initiating a self-sustaining bibliographical series, and seeking subsidies from organizations like the
American Council of Learned Societies.
After passing the editorship on to Katherine Luomala, Hand continued to
play an active role in the Society. He served as its president in 1956 and 1957 and in 1960 was elected a Fellow. In 1953 he became associate editor
for Western Folklore and was its editor from 1954 to 1966. Despite his growing international reputation and lengthening string of commitments, Hand remained active in local and regional folklore circles. He is remembered by those who worked with him as a collegial and erudite man whose insatiable curiosity about folklore was grounded in an esthetic delight in the abundance and variety of human invention.
The Journal’s Editors 35 Katharine Luomala (vols. 65-66, 1952-1953) Ellen Catarine Luomala was born in Cloquet, Minnesota in 1907, the daughter of John Erland and Eliina Forsness Luomala, naturalized citizens who came to Minnesota from Finland. Luomala’s interest in folklore was
undoubtedly aroused at an early age, for both her mother and an uncle were noted local narrators who delighted in telling folktales and legends of Finland and America. Years later Katherine told a newspaper reporter that the tales told by her mother and uncle filled her “with a yearning for more and more stories of that type.” After graduating from high school in Cloquet, Luomala worked for a time in a local public utilities company and lumber company. Then, in 1927, she
followed an older sister west where she enrolled in the University of California at Berkeley, eventually receiving the A.B., M.A., and Ph.D. from that institution. Both her master’s thesis, “Turtle’s War Party: A Study in Comparative Mythology” (1933b), and her doctoral dissertation, “Maui the Demigod: Factors in the Development of a Polynesian Hero Cycle” (1936), concentrated on oral narratives. A Ph.D. in anthropology in the 1930s did not guarantee one a university faculty appointment, so Luomala was forced to earn her living during her immediate post-graduate years by a variety of jobs. In 1937 she was awarded the Dorothy Bridgman Atkinson Fellowship from the American Association of University Women, a grant that allowed her to pursue post-doctoral studies in New York City with Ruth Benedict and other anthropologists. During World War II, Luomala spent four years in Washington, D.C. working for the government as an interviewer and analyst of public opinion
surveys on domestic issues. In 1944 she changed jobs, moving to the Community Analysis Section of the newly created War Relocation Authority. She did a good deal of writing for the Community Analysis Section but also spent much time visiting and conducting interviews in California communi-
ties where Japanese evacuees would be returned. She later wrote both technical and popular accounts of her experiences with the War Relocation Authority. In 1946 Luomala joined the faculty at the University of Hawaii where she
spent the rest of her academic career. She was a mainstay of the Department of Anthropology, teaching popular courses on Polynesia, Oceania, Native American cultures, comparative religion, history of anthropological theory, Asian cultures, folk cultures of Europe, and, of course, folklore. She was also one of the guiding forces behind the University’s doctoral program in anthropology. Luomala’s research has been divided almost evenly between the library
and the field. She conducted extensive fieldwork in several California communities as part of the War Relocation Authority project, and with a Diegueno Indian informant, but she is best known for her work in Poly-
nesian studies, Oceanic mythology and folklore. For ten months in 1948 and 1949 she worked on an ethnographic survey of the Gilbert Islands, spending five months among the residents of Tabiteuea Atoll in the Central Pacific.
Voices on the Wind: Polynesian Myths and Chants (1955), which many
36 Journal of American Folklore authorities consider her best work, grew out of her field research there. She became associate editor of the Journal of American Folklore in 1947 and in 1952 she was elected to replace Wayland D. Hand as editor. She made progress in bringing the publication up to date, but lack of finances forced her to shorten individual issues to offset printing costs. The fiscal
situation was so bad that Luomala often had to do the final typing of manuscripts herself. In 1953 she resigned as editor “in order to spend more time on paid duties of research and teaching” (Luomala 1953:255). Luomala is a fellow of the American Anthropological Society and the
American Folklore Society. Colleague Leonard Mann noted that, “her organizational ties have been stronger in the field of folklore than in anthropology, especially through her great contribution of time and effort to the American Folklore Society’ (Mason 1976:4). She retired from her university responsibilities in 1976 but has remained active as a researcher and writer.
Thomas A. Sebeok (vols. 67-71, 1954-1958) Thomas A. Sebeok was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1920 and emigrated
to the United States in 1937, becoming a naturalized citizen in 1944. He studied at the University of Chicago and Princeton, receiving a B.A. from the
former and an M.A. in 1943 and a Ph.D. in 1945 from the latter. In 1943 he joined the faculty of Indiana University, where he has spent his entire academic career. During his forty-five years in Bloomington he has received
numerous honors and awards, including two fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, five Fulbright travel grants, and two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities. In 1967 and 1978 he was honored as a Distinguished Professor. Sebeok’s status as a Professor of Anthropology, Folklore, and of Uralic and Altaic Studies indicates the diversity of his scholarship. He founded the Department of Uralic and Altaic Studies at Indiana University and was the first director of the Uralic and Altaic Language and Area Center. Currently, he chairs the Research Center for Language and Semiotic Studies. With his wife, Jean Umiker, he has co-edited several works, including the Topics in Contemporary Semiotics series. Sebeok has also written or edited works on folk songs and mythology, and is well known in folklore circles as the editor
of Myth: A Symposium VJAF 270 [1955]). Sebeok sums up his varied academic interests in his preface to I Think I Am a Verb: My earliest papers, beginning in 1942, were technical articles in this or that domain of Uralic linguistics, ethnography, and folklore . . . In 1954, my name becomes fecklessly associated with psycholinguistics . . . by 1962, I had edged my way into animal communications studies . . . In 1966, I published three books which temporarily bluffed some of my friends into conjecturing that I was about to metamorphose into a historiographer of linguistics. The topmost layer in my scholarly stratification dates from 1976, when I started to compile what eventually became my “semiotic tetralogy.” [1986:ix]
Sebeok has done fieldwork among the Winnebago Indians in Wisconsin,
The Journal’s Editors 37 and with various cultural groups in Lapland, the Soviet Union, the Mongolian People’s Republic, Panama, and Japan. Sebeok’s wide-ranging | expertise is acknowledged not only by academicians but also by several organizations—the Ford Foundation, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial
Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Office of Education—which frequently use him as a consultant. Sebeok took over the editorship of the Journal of American Folklore about the same time his own publications were moving away from folklore to a concentration on psycholinguistics. The issues published during his term do not betray any particular linguistic bias, but they do reveal an inclination for material of an interdisciplinary nature.
Sebeok served as editor-in-chief of various publications including Semiotica (since 1968), Current Trends in Linguistics (1963-1976), Approaches to Semiotics (1968-1974), and Studies in Semiotics (since 1974). As these
titles and those of his most recent books—Contributions to the Doctrine of Signs (1976), The Sign and Its Masters (1979), The Play of Musement (1981), and I Think I Am a Verb (1985)—indicate, Sebeok’s primary interests are in linguistics and semiotics.
Richard M. Dorson (vols. 72-76, 1959-1963 ) Richard Mercer Dorson, one of folklore’s more colorful and controversial personalities, was born in 1916 in New York City. His entire undergraduate
and graduate school education was at Harvard; he received the A.B. in 1937, an M.A. in History in 1940, and a Ph.D. in History of American Civilization in 1943. He taught history at Harvard for one year and then moved to Michigan State University (1944-1956), where his interests gradually turned from American history to American folklore. Dorson first became aware of the subject of folklore while doing research for an undergraduate paper on Mark Twain’s debt to the frontier oral talltale tradition. He also did a dissertation on “New England Popular Tales and Legends” (published as Jonathan Draws the Long Bow [1946]) but his real love affair with folklore began in Michigan. In 1946 Dorson travelled to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to do five months of fieldwork, a foray
that he later said was a “voyage of discovery.” He found this experience both exhilarating and astonishing, for the “bard and troubadours of Homer’s day and King Arthur's court were all there, reciting in a variety of American accents their wondrous sagas” (1952:vi-vill). Dorson’s presentation of his findings was published in 1952 as Bloodstoppers and Bear Walkers: Folk
Traditions of the Upper Peninsula. This work, based entirely on tales collected by Dorson, focused on a variety of folk traditions existing in the area—Indian, European immigrant, lumberjack, and townsfolk—rather than on the lore of a single folk group. Dorson moved to Indiana University in 1957. In 1963 he established the Folklore Institute at Indiana and began editing the Journal of the Folklore Institute. He expanded the Indiana University folklore program greatly. He directed nearly one hundred Ph.D. dissertations, an achievement in which
38 Journal of American Folklore he took great pride. Dorson was constantly active on behalf of folklore, organizing numerous conferences, editing such publications as the Chicago Folktales of the World series, and literally travelling all over the world to champion the cause of his adopted field. From 1966-1968 he served as
president of the American Folklore Fellows. In the same year Indiana University honored him as a Distinguished Professor.
He relished being editor of JAF, for it gave him the opportunity to publicize the international character of folklore studies, an interest reflected in the special issue titled Folklore Research Around the World (VJAF 294
[1961]). Never one to back off from controversial issues, Dorson also published in 1962 a Symposium on Obscenity in Folklore JAF 297 [1962]).
Lauded as both a courageous and epoch-making venture, the bite of this special issue was lessened by the printer’s demand that all “four-letter” words be expurgated by means of hyphens. Even with those changes the “obscenity issue” proved to be one of the best selling volumes of the Journal
and is rightly considered a landmark publication. ,
Dorson insisted that serious study of the field required grounding in history. In his American Folklore (1959), one of the early textbooks on the subject, Dorson notes that no previous work integrated folklore studies and American history. “It is my conviction,” he writes in the introduction, “that the only meaningful approach to the folk traditions of the United States must be made against the background of American history” (1959:5). Dorson’s own historical works bracket and mark his career. His first book was Davy Crockett: American Comic Legend (1939). The British Folklorists: A
History (1968) was a highly-regarded intellectual history of British folklore scholarship. American Folklore and the Historian (1971) was “a group of essays intended as much for the historian interested in folklore as for the folklorist interested in history” (Dundes 1982:xiii). Dorson explored legend in oral tradition and print in America in Legend (1973) and Man and Beast
in American Comic Legend (1982).
Ever curious intellectually, his wide-ranging research ranged from rural folk
(1952, 1967) to big city steelworkers (1981). His last major project, Handbook of American Folklore (1983) was unfinished at the time of his
death on 11 September 1981; editorial work was completed by his colleagues at the Indiana University Folklore Institute. The Handbook, like much of Dorson’s work over the years, was clearly designed to impose on the diverse field of folklore Dorson’s mature vision of disciplinary coherence. Like a number of his earlier publications, it provided an enormous range of useful information and generated a surprising amount of controversy (see, for example, Jackson 1984). Dorson wrote and edited more than twenty-five books and two hundred articles, a vast number by almost any standard. His numerous publications
brought him a widespread reputation, but he is also remembered for his strong personality. He relished a good argument and was not reluctant to attack other scholars, either in person or in print (see Dorson 1972a, 1976). As a “result he made enemies-—lots of them” (Dundes 1982:xiv). But no one,
enemy or friend, can honestly deny that he was one of the dominant
The Journal’s Editors 39 personalities in twentieth-century American folklore studies. Neither can he be fairly denied a large portion of the credit for folklore’s being recognized as a serious academic field.
John Greenway (vols. 77-81, 1964-1968 ) Although John Greenway has stated that he “was about to accept the general opinion that I was dead,” he insists that he is indeed alive and active in Port Charlotte, Florida (Greenway 1987). Groenweg (surname legally translated to Greenway) was born in Liverpool, England, in 1919 and
became a U.S. citizen by derivation. After working for several years as a carpenter and building contractor, Greenway turned to academics. He took three degrees at the University of Pennsylvania—the A.B. in 1947, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in English in 1948 and 1951—where he came under the influence of folklorist MacEdward Leach. Later, in 1958, he earned an M.A. in anthropology from the University of Colorado. His dissertation, “American Folksongs of Social and Economic Protest: An Introduction to a Neglected
Phase of American Folk Culture,” was published in 1953 as American Folksongs of Protest. Immediately the book was praised by some as a major
work, while others found it, at best, controversial. It is now generally recognized as one of the first serious academic treatments of protest songs as a legitimate part of folk tradition. Greenway’s teaching career was spent at the University of Denver, where he was an assistant professor of English, and at the University of Colorado, where he was a professor of anthropology. At various times he also worked as a revival folksinger, reserve police officer, deputy sheriff, and security guard. In addition to folklore, his research interests include anthropology, archaeology, and ethnomusicology; he has taught university courses in all of these subjects and, in addition, in ethnology, primitive religion, primitive arts and crafts, Old and Middle English, Shakespeare, English and American poetry, composition, and chess. In addition to his four-year term as editor of the Journal of American Folklore, Greenway served as editor of Southwestern Lore and Western Folklore. His fieldwork in Australia between 1956 and 1972 led to several books, including Down Among the Wild Men—The Narrative Journal of Fifteen Years pursuing the Old Stone Age Aborigines of Australia’s Western Desert (1972), Literature Among the Primitives (1964b),
and The Primitive Reader (1965). Two films also came out of his field researches “down under.”
Greenways nineteen books and more than three hundred articles and reviews are usually enlivened by his distinctive sense of humor. Commenting
on some of his concerns as an editor he offered a novel explanation to account for the significant drop in memberships to the American Folklore Society in 1935: Through thick and thin they stuck it out, through Coyote Trickster tales, through articles printed in Neo-Melanesian (pidgin), whole issues in Canadian French, Coyote Trickster tales, articles in specialized variants of the International Phonetic Alphabet, pieces in Latin, German, and similar outlandish languages, Coyote Trickster tales . . . Some think it was the Depression
40 Journal of American Folklore that cut the list of subscribers in 1935 to 191; I think it was those incessant Coyote Trickster stories. [Greenway 1969:9]
During his term as editor, Greenway and the Journal of American Folklore
survived a drastic change of officers as four people, including the book review editor and an associate editor, resigned. Greenway calmly noted the
change of personnel, along with the announcement that the Journal was changing publishers, and that he would be editing long distance from Australia for the next year. With his usual sense of humor “he assures readers of the Journal . . . that the sky is not falling. Repeat, not. These resignations are no more serious to the society than the collapse of the currency and the resignation of the president would be to the United States” (1965: 194). The sky never did fall. In 1966 Greenway published a special issue of the Journal of American Folklore titled The Anthropologist Looks at
Myth GVAF 311 [1966]). Shortly after the conclusion of his editorship, Greenway compiled Folklore of the Great West (1969), a selection of articles from the first 82 volumes of the Journal of American Folklore (even though the subtitle insisted on 83 years). Since retiring from his academic career in 1979, Greenway has written four book manuscripts.
Ameéerico Paredes (vols. 82-86, 1969-1973) Greenway’ successor was the first editor of the Journal of American Folklore who was a specialist in Mexican-American folklore. A bilingual and bicultural scholar, Américo Paredes was born near the border between Texas
and Mexico in Brownsville, Texas in 1915. Although as a child he heard traditional songs and legends from his own family and other people in his community, he was not inspired to become a folklorist until many years
later. His initial intent was to be a writer of fiction and poetry, but he earned his living for fourteen years as a journalist. Then, in 1951, after a period of residence in the Far East, Paredes entered the University of Texas where he earned three degrees and eventually became a faculty member. During his more than three decades in Austin, he received many honors, among them a Guggenheim Fellowship, and appointment as both the Ashbel
Smith Professor of English and Anthropology and Anderson Centennial Professor at the University of Texas. For his Ph.D. dissertation Paredes did a study of Gregorio Cortez, a ballad hero whose story had long interested him. Published in 1958 under the title “With a Pistol in His Hand”: A Border Ballad and Its Hero, this work earned Paredes a reputation as the outstanding scholar of border folklore. Although an adroit, sensitive portrayal of its immediate subject, the book is more than just a study of a ballad. It illuminates the folk psychology of the Mexican border folk, who saw themselves vindicated in Cortez’s defiance of the hated
Texas Rangers; it also indicates how folklore sources can contribute to historical knowledge. Folktales of Mexico (1970) was a selection of 80 texts
prepared for Richard Dorson’s Folktales of the World series. The expert annotations and translations indicate that Paredes is, as Dorson notes, “the
The Journal’s Editors 41 thorough folklorist, equally at home in the field, the library, and the archives, knowledgeable in Spanish-American and comparative as well as in Mexican folklore” (Paredes 1970:lv-lvi). A Texas-Mexican Cancionero (1976)
reveals the meaning 66 folksongs from the lower border have held for generations of singers. This book has been characterized as a sensitive autobiographical homage to Paredes’s patrimony (Bauman and Abrahams 1981:5). While editor of the Journal of American Folklore, Paredes produced two
special issues of considerable import to folklore studies. The Urban Experience and Folk Tradition (JAF 328 [1970]), guest edited by Ellen Stekert, heralded the burgeoning interest in urban folklore studies. Toward New Perspectives in Folklore (JAF 331 [1971]), guest edited by Richard Bauman, emphasized the “event” rather than the “item” aspect of folklore. For Paredes, recording, reporting, and analyzing folk traditions are only part of the folklorist’s task; the ultimate goal is to “illuminate, dignify, and even improve the existence of those among whom the folklorist lives and learns” (Bauman and Abrahams 1981:6). Such cultural advocacy is, of course, far removed from the long-held belief that scholars should remain detached and objective towards the people they study. Paredes would say that complete objectivity is a utopian ideal that is probably not possible and, in any case, is not desirable, for cultural advocacy can give folklore scholarship enhanced practical value.
Barre Toelken (vols. 87-89, 1974-1976) Born in 1935 in Ware, Massachusetts, John Barre Toelken earned an undergraduate degree from Utah State University and graduate degrees from
Washington State University and the University of Oregon. None of his formal training is in folklore. Like many other college students in the late 1950s and early 1960s he became involved in what was called the “folksong revival,” appearing fairly regularly on the concert circuit. More importantly,
he came under the influence of Wayland Hand who encouraged his enthusiasm for folklore. Toelken later officially acknowledged his debt to Hand by dedicating one of his books to the senior scholar.
After completing his dissertation in medieval literature on “Poetic Functions of Folklore in the English and Scottish Ballads,” Toelken began his teaching career at the University of Utah. After a brief time he returned to his alma mater, the University of Oregon, where he spent nearly two
decades. During his years in Eugene he was known as an outstanding teacher whose classes attracted large numbers of students, his ability being officially recognized when he was chosen to receive the Ersted Award for
distinguished teaching. He was also active as a fieldworker and was particularly concerned with making fieldwork materials available to researchers. Largely through his efforts, the Universitys Randall V. Mills Archive of Northwest Folklore was able to acquire the valuable collection of Robert Winslow Gordon. In 1985 Toelken returned to his undergraduate
alma mater, Utah State University, as Professor of English and History, Director of the Folklore Program, and Director of the Graduate Program in
42 Journal of American Folklore
American Studies.
Toelken established and from 1963-1966 edited Northwest Folklore, a journal that was recently revived. From 1971-1976 he was a member of the AFS Executive Board. In 1977-1978 he was president of the Society, and in 1981 he was selected as one of the Society's Folklore Fellows. Three years later, in 1984, he was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress. His articles have appeared in a variety of folklore journals and collections.
Toelken has written on balladry, the nomenclature of folklore, and American Indian traditions. His best known work, however, is a textbook, The Dynamics of Folklore (1979), which was an attempt “to provide a fair, eclectic combination of the main trends in folklore today, with the focus admittedly on the active, live aspects of folk and their lore” (1979:x). During his years as editor of the Journal of American Folklore, Toelken sought to publish articles that were both scholarly and readable. Because of his own specific scholarly interests he made a concerted effort to get essays
on Native American lore and balladry, but served notice in his initial editorial statement that he was not restricting the Journal’s pages to these topics. “To be a little more specific, there is no embargo on computers, Coyote Trickster tales, pedagogics, theorizing, Coyote Trickster tales, structuralism, women, country music, or Coyote Trickster tales, so long as the central point is folkloristic and the writing felicitous” (1974: 10-11). Indeed, in his initial issue Toelken included an article on Coyote Trickster tales, one which inaugurated a new policy of encouraging tradition bearers to make critical comments concerning the ongoing study of their own folklore. This policy proved somewhat controversial and was not continued by subsequent editors. Many of Toelken’s other plans for the Journal were cut short when health reasons forced him to resign in 1976.
Jan Harold Brunvand (vols. 90-93, 1977-1980) Jan Harold Brunvand, born in 1933 in Cadillac, Michigan, attended Michigan State University, where he received a B.A. in journalism and an M.A. in English. He also took courses from Richard M. Dorson and in 1957 followed his mentor to Indiana. Four years later he completed his Ph.D. with a dissertation on “The Taming of the Shrew: A Comparative Study of
American Folklore. |
Oral and Literary Versions,” later excerpted for his book The Study of Brunvand’s teaching career began at the University of Idaho. He then
moved to Southern Illinois University, and in 1966 to the University of Utah where he has remained. Prior to his affiliation with the Journal of American
Folklore Brunvand served as assistant editor and book review editor of Midwest Folklore. He had twice been associate editor of the Journal of American Folklore, from 1963-1967 and from 1973-1976, and also served as
book review editor from 1968-1972. In 1974 he was named a Folklore Fellow and in 1985 he was elected president of the Society. Among his essays and books are works on proverbs, onomastics, American
The Journal’s Editors 43 folklore, Romanian folklore, and folklore and literature. He is, however, best known for his textbook, The Study of American Folklore (1968, rev. 1978, 1986), and for his three popular collections of urban legends: The Vanishing ‘Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings (1981); The Choking Doberman and Other “New” Urban Legends (1984); and The Mexican Pet: More “New” Urban Legends and Some Old Favorites (1986b). These three
volumes have been roundly criticized by some for their blatantly popular orientation, but they perform the valuable task of publicizing the field of folklore, as do Brunvand’s appearances on television programs, such as the David Letterman Show, and “Urban Legends,” his syndicated column. Brunvand was particularly interested in making the Journal of American Folklore more readable and more useful to its major audience, American folklorists. He also keenly felt the need for interdisciplinary interaction with those outside folklore who might be doing work relevant to that being done by professional folklorists. Thus, his goals as editor of the Journal were to include more articles on American folklore, to encourage submission from non-folklorists, and to publish only articles written in “concise concrete readable English.” He was particularly appalled by the increasing scholarly use of unnecessary jargon and takes great pride in having banned from the pages of the Journal the word “parameter,” which he insists 1s often used incorrectly. Brunvand’s editorship saw a “growing emphasis on folklore and
literature, folklore and history, folklife Gncluding a foodways article), festival, and modern folklore (including the Gomer, Polish Pope jokes, alligators in the sewers, and cokelore)” (Brunvand 1986a).
Richard Bauman (vols. 94-98, 1981-1985) For the sixteenth editor of the Journal of American Folklore, the American
Folklore Society turned to its former secretary-treasurer, a man who was also one of the leading figures in the performance school of folklorists. Richard Bauman was born in New York City in 1940 and graduated from
the University of Michigan in 1961 with a degree in English. He then studied under Richard Dorson at Indiana University, receiving the M.A. in
folklore with a 1962 thesis entitled “Folklore and Oral Tradition in the Fables of Robert Henryson.” Bauman completed his graduate schooling at
the University of Pennsylvania, where he received an M.S. in social anthropology and a Ph.D. in American Civilization in 1968. Bauman’s teaching career has been spent at the University of Texas and at Indiana University. From 1968-1986 he was located in Austin where for two years he was Assistant Director of the Center for Intercultural Studies
in Folklore and Oral History and for sixteen years was Director of the Intercultural Studies in Folklore and Ethnology Program. Since 1986 he has
been Professor of Folklore and Anthropology and Chair of the Folklore Institute at Indiana. He has also served on a variety of boards including the Smithsonian Institution’s Folklife Advisory Committee and the Folk Arts Panel of the Texas Commission on the Arts. Bauman has published on a wide variety of folklore genres including
proverbs, riddles, and folk drama; in addition, he has written about
44 Journal of American Folklore collecting folklore and has done considerable fieldwork. He is primarily known for his work in theory, specifically for his efforts to persuade folklorists to think of folklore not as an “item,” but as an “event.” This argument for a shift of studies from folk artifact to folk performance was the main thrust of Toward New Perspectives in Folklore, the special issue of the Journal of American Folklore that Bauman guest edited for Américo Paredes JAF 331 [1971]). Essentially the same viewpoint permeates several books by Bauman: Verbal Art as Performance (1977); “And Other Neighborly Names": Social Process and Cultural Image in Texas Folklore (Bauman and Abrahams 1981); and Story, Performance, and Event: Contextual Studies in Oral Narrative (1986). Bauman contends that when folklore is viewed as
an “event” rather than as an “item” it ultimately leads to “greater formal precision in the description and analysis of folklore, not as an end in itself but with a strong commitment towards the integration of form, function, and performance” (Bauman 1971:v) Thus, the break with past approaches to folklore is not only desirable but essential if scholars are going to account for the variables and cultural diversity found in folk tradition. During his five years as editor of the Journal of American Folklore Bauman was, not surprisingly, receptive to articles on folklore as performance, but he also published studies, grounded in other methodological perspectives,
on material culture, folk art, balladry, nicknaming, and folk drama and other subjects. A large percentage of the articles dealt with American folklore, even though he was criticized by some for not publishing more in
| this area. Greater dissension surfaced among those scholars who thought Bauman had sold out to anthropology, merely the most recent manifestation of a longstanding and often bitter conflict between the anthropological and the literary folklorists.
Bruce Jackson (vols. 99-, 1986-—)
Bruce Jackson, the seventeenth and last editor in the Journal’s first century, was born in Brooklyn in 1936. After three years in the Marines and forays into engineering and physics, he took a B.A. in English at Rutgers University in 1960. He won a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, which enabled him to take an M.A. in the School of Letters at Indiana University. He was named a Harvard Junior Fellow in 1963 and for the next four years had the support of that extraordinary company. Jackson has written or edited twenty books and, in collaboration with
Diane Christian, produced and directed seven films. Six of his books specifically focus on folklore matters: Folklore and Society (1966), The Negro and His Folklore in 19th Century Periodicals (1967), “Wake Up Dead Man”: Afro-American Worksongs from Texas Prisons (1972b), “Get Your Ass in the
Water and Swim Like Me”: Narrative Poetry from Black Oral Tradition (1974), Teaching Folklore (1984), and Fieldwork (1987). With Judith McCulloh and Marta Weigle, Jackson edited the Society’s Folklore/Folklife
booklet (1984). He was record review editor of Midwest Folklore and recorded, edited, and annotated seven LPs based on his field recordings, one
The Journal’s Editors 45 of which, Wake Up Dead Man, was nominated for a Grammy. The folksongs which first drew him into prison research led to sociological and ethnological studies of criminal culture, the criminal justice system, and adolescent socialization: A Thief’s Primer (1969), In The Life: Versions of the Criminal Experience (1972a) Killing Time: Life in the Arkansas Penitentiary (1977), Death Row (Jackson and Chnistian 1980), Law and Disorder: Criminal Justice in America (1985b), Your Father’s Not Coming Home Any More (Jackson and Jackson 1981), and Doing Drugs (Jackson and Jackson 1983). B. A. Botkin, who nominated Jackson for the Harvard Society of Fellows, and Richard M. Dorson, who recommended Jackson for his first Guggenheim Fellowship, were the first American folklorists to argue that Jackson’s
criminological studies were significant folklore studies as well. Michel Foucault, in the introduction to the French version of In The Life (which appeared, as did Death Row, in the French La Terre Humaine anthropological series), said that Jackson presents and analyzes not just criminal voices and
narratives, but the system and social power that function through them (Foucault 1975). Jackson has been president of the American Folklore Society (1984) and was for six years a member of the Society's Executive Board (1978-1985). He was a director of the Newport Folk Festivals and is now trustee of the Newport Folk Foundation. He is chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress. With Roger D. Abrahams and Marta Weigle he edits the Folklore/Folklife series published by the University of Illinois Press. At SUNY/Buffalo, where he has been a faculty member since 1967, he directs the Center for Studies in American Culture and, with Diane Christian, directs the University’s Ph.D. Program in Folklore, Mythology, and Film Studies. Jackson has argued that research questions and trends are dominated by
the current structure of academic opportunity (which includes funding available for research and opportunities and rewards for publication), the questions and models current in a discipline (what Foucault might have termed micro-epistemes), and the technology available (1985c). Since that triangulation is always a given, it becomes at some point external to the work being done, so the optimum analytical and presentational models are best derived from the material revealed: “The task isn’t just getting data, but in managing data 1n a way that permits it to reveal the inherent design. The best humanistic scholarship in that regard is like Michelangelo’s sense of the
marble: the scholar/artist’s job is permitting what is there all along to be revealed” (1988). His approach to editing the Journal reflects the same
humanistic eclecticism, as does the range of his own work. He has vigorously opposed the recent tendency to scientism, which he characterizes as trading the discipline’s humanistic core for the diction of pseudo-science (1985a). He has actively solicited for the Journal articles from scholars in other fields, extended the review sections to include folkloric exhibitions,
and revived the practice of single-topic issues, such the Folklore and Feminism issue, (JAF 398 [1987]), and the projected issues on the war in Southeast Asia and professional ethics.
46 Journal of American Folklore
Note ‘These brief sketches were based on a wide range of sources. In addition to the works cited
in the text, the authors relied on discussion and correspondence with some of the recent editors of the Journal and the American Folklore Society correspondence in the University of Pennsylvania Department of Folklore and Folklife Archives, and especially the dissertations of Susan Dywer-Schick (1970) and W. K. McNeil (1980). The following texts were also utilized: Bell (unpublished ms.), Boas (1927, 1955, 1982), Darnell (1969), Dorson (1972b), Goldfrank
(1956), Herskovits (1953), Kroeber (1943), Lowie (1944), Mead (1974), Reichard (1944a, 1950a), Socolov (1986), and Zumwalt (1979).
References Cited — Bauman, Richard. 1962. Folklore and Oral Tradition in the Fables of Robert Henryson. M.A. thesis. Bloomington: Indiana University. . 1971. Differential Identity and the Social Base of Folklore. Journal of American Folklore —84:31-41.
. 1977. Verbal Art as Performance. Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers. . 1986. Story, Performance, and Event: Contextual Studies in Oral Narrative. Bauman, Richard, and Roger D. Abrahams, eds. 1981. “And Other Neighborly Names”: Social
Protest and Cultural Images in Texas Folklore. Austin: University of Texas Press. Bell, Michael. “William Newell.” Unpublished manuscript. Benedict, Ruth. 1923. The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America. Ph.D. diss. New York: Columbia University. . 1934. Patterns of Culture. Boston: Houghton Mifflin & Co. . 1935. Zuni Mythology. New York: Columbia University Press.
. 1940. Race, Science, and Politics. New York: Viking Press. . . 1946. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin. ,
Boas, Franz. 1927. The Mind of Primitive Man. New York: Macmillan. . 1939. I Believe. Clifton Fadiman, ed. New York: Simon & Schuster
| . 1955 [1927]. Primitive Art. New York: Dover . 1982 [1940]. Race, Language, and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Brunvand, Jan Harold. 1968. The Study of American Folklore. New York: W. W. Norton.. . 1981. The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings. New York: W. W. Norton. & Company. . 1984. The Choking Doberman and Other “New” Urban Legends. New York: W. W. Norton. . 1986a. Letter to Lynn Pifer. 17 March.
W. W. Norton. |
. 1986b. The Mexican Pet: More “New” Urban Legends and Some Old Favorites. New York:
Chamberlain, Alexander Francis. 1896. The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought. New York:
Macmillan and Co. ‘.
. 1901. The Child: A Study in the Evolution of Man. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Darnell, Regna Diebold. 1969. The Development of American Anthropology: 1879-1920. Ph.D.
diss. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. ,
Dorson, Richard M. 1939. Davy Crockett: American Comic Legend. New York: Rockland Editions.
. 1946. Jonathan Draws the Long Bow. New York: Russell and Russell. . 1952. Bloodstoppers and Bear Walkers: Folk Traditions of the Upper Peninsula. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. . 1959. American Folklore. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. . 1967. American Negro Folklore. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett.
The Journal’s Editors 47 . 1968. The British Folklorists: A History. . 1971. American Folklore and the Historian. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. . 1972a. Folklore and Folklife. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. . 1972b. Folklore: Selected Essays. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. . 1973. America in Legend: Folklore from the Colonial Period to the Present. New York: Pantheon.
. 1976 Folklore and Fakelore: Essays Toward a Discipline of Folk Studies. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. . 1981. Land of the Millrats. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. . 1982. Man and Beast in American Comic Legend. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
., ed. 1983. Handbook of American Folklore. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. . 1972. Folklore: Selected Essays. Indiana University Press, Dundes, Alan. 1982. Introduction. In Man and Beast in American Comic Legend, by Richard M. Dorson, pp. ix-xix. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Dwyer-Schick, Susan. 1970. The American Folklore Society and Folklore Research in America: 1888-1940. Ph.D. diss.. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
Foucault, Michel. 1975. Preface, in Leurs prisons, by Bruce Jackson, pp. i-vi. Paris: Plon, Editions Terre Humaine. Goldfrank, Esther S. 1956. Gladys Amanda Reichard, 1893-1955. Journal of American Folklore
69:53- 54. Greenway, John. 1953. American Folksongs of Protest. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
. 1964b. Literature Among the Primitives. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates. , ed. 1965. The Primitive Reader: An Anthology of Myths, Tales, Songs, Riddles and Proverbs of Aboriginal Peoples Around the World. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates. , ed. 1969. Folklore of the Great West. Palo Alto: American West Publishing Company ___. 1972. Down Among the Wild Men—The Narrative Journal of Fifteen Years Pursuing the Old Stone Age Aborigines of Australia’s Western Desert. Boston: Atlantic-Little, Brown.
. 1987. Letter to Lynn Pifer. 3 May. Hand, Wayland, ed. 1942. Dictionary of Words and Idioms Associated with Judas Iscariot. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. . 1961-1964. Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from North Carolina Vols. VI-VII of the Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. . 1980. Magical Medicine. Berkeley: University of California Press. , ed. 1981. Popular Beliefs and Superstitions: A Compendium of American Folklore from the Ohio Collection of Newbell Niles Puckett. 3 vols. Boston: G. K. Hall. ___, ed. 1984. Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from Utah. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Hand, Wayland, and Gustave Arlt, eds. 1960. Humaniora: Essays in Literature, Folklore ad Bibliography Honoring Archer Taylor on his Seventieth Birthday. Locust Valley, NY. Herskovits, Melville J. 1953. Franz Boas: The Science of Man in the Making. New York: Scribner's. Jackson, Bruce, ed. 1966. Folklore and Society. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates. , ed. 1967. The Negro and his Folklore in 19th Century Periodicals. Austin: American Folklore Society and University of Texas Press. . 1969. A Thiefs Primer. New York: Macmillan. . 1972a. In the Life: Versions of the Criminal Experience. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. . 1972b. Wake Up Dead Man: Afro-American Worksongs from Texas Prisons. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. . 1974 “Get Your Ass in the Water and Swim Like Me”: Narrative Poetry from Black Oral Tradition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. . 1977 Killing Time: Life in the Arkansas Penitentiary. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. . 1979. Death Row. Buffalo: Documentary Research. . 1984. Dorson’s Farewell. New York Folklore Quarterly, 10:99-112. , ed. 1984. Teaching Folklore. Buffalo: American Folklore Society and Documentary Research. . 1985a. Folkloristics. Journal of American Folklore, 98: 95-101.
48 Journal of American Folklore . 1985b. Law and Disorder: Criminal Justice in America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
. 1985c. “Things That From a Long Way Off Look Like Flies.” Journal of American Folklore 98:131-147. . 1987 Fieldwork. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. . 1988. “The Eye’s Cuts.” Editing Reality Symposium, SUNY/ Buffalo. Jackson, Bruce and Diane Christian. 1980. Death Row. Boston: Beacon Press.
; . 1983. Out of Order. Buffalo: Documentary Research. Jackson, Bruce, Judith McCulloh, Marta Weigle, eds. 1984. Folklore/Folklife. Washington, D.C.: American Folklore Society. Jackson, Michael, and Bruce Jackson. 1983 Doing Drugs. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Jackson, Michael, and Jessica Jackson. 1981. Your Father’s Not Coming Home Any More. Bruce Jackson, ed. New York: Richard Marek/Putnam’s. Kroeber, Alfred L., ed. 1943. Franz Boas 1958-1942. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association 61. Washington, DC. Lesser, Alexander. 1968. Boas, Franz. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. vol 2,99-110 Lowie, Robert. 1944. Franz Boas 1958-1942. Journal of American Folklore, 57:59-64. Luomala, Katharine. 1933 Turtle’s War Party: A Study in Comparative Mythology. M.A. thesis. Berkeley: University of California. . 1936. Maui the Demigod: Factors in the Development of a Polynesian Hero Cycle. Ph.D. diss. Berkeley: University of California . 1953. Editor’s Report. Journal of American Folklore 66:250-251. . 1955. Voices on the Wind: Polynesian Myths and Chants. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press.
Mason, Leonard, ed. 1976. Directions in Pacific Traditional Literature: Essays in Honor of Katharine Luomala. Honolulu: Bishop PRess. McNeil, William K. 1980. “A History of American Folklore Scholarship Before 1908.” 2 vols. Ph.D. diss. Bloomington: Indiana University. Mead, Margaret. 1974. Ruth Fulton Benedict 1887-1948. American Anthropologist 51:457463 Modell, Judith Schlachter. 1983. Ruth Benedict, Patterns of a Life. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Newell, William W. 1883. Games and Songs of American Children. New York: Harper and Brothers. Paredes, Américo. 1970a. Folktales of Mexico. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. . 1970b. “With a Pistol in His Hand”: A Border Ballad and Its Hero. Austin: University of Texas Press. . 1976. A Texas-Mexican Cancionero: Folksongs of the Lower Border. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Reichard, Gladys A. 1922. Melanesian Design. 2 vols. New York: Columbia University Press. . 1944a. Individualism and Mythological Style. Journal of American Folklore 57:16-25. . 1944b. Prayer: The Compulsive Word. Monographs of the American Ethnological Society 7. New York: J. J. Augustin. . 1947, An Analysis of Coeur d’Alene Indian Mythology. Memoirs of the American Folklore
Society 41. Philadelphia: American Folklore Society. . 1950a. Gladys A. Language and Cultural Pattern. American Anthropologist 52:194-205. . 1950b. Navaho Religion: A Study of Symbolism. 2 vols. New York: Pantheon. Sebeok, Thomas. 1976. Contributions to the Doctrine of Signs. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. . 1985. I Think I Am a Verb: More Contributions to the Doctrine of Signs: New York, Pelnum Press. . 1979. The Sign and Its Masters. Austin: University of Texas Press. . 1981. The Play of Musement. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Socolov, Emily. 1986. Ruth Benedict’s Patterns of Culture. Unpub. ms. Stocking, George, Jr. 1968. Race, Culture, and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
The Journal’s Editors 49 Taylor, Archer. 1931. “Edward” and “Sven i Rosengard”: A Study in the Dissemination of a Ballad. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. . 1931. The Proverb. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. . 1951. English Riddles from Oral Tradition. Berkeley: University of California Press. . 1956. The Shanghai Gesture. Helsinki: FF Communications 166. .1958. A Dictionary of American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases, 1820-1880. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Toelken, Barry. 1974. Editorial Statement. Journal of American Folklore 87:10-11. . 1979. The Dynamics of Folklore. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Tozzer, Alfred M. 1909. Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society. Journal of American Folklore 22:82-89. Zumwalt, Rosemary. 1979. American Folkloristics: The Literary and Anthropological Roots. Ph.D. diss. Berkeley: University of California.
50 Journal of American Folklore
——sis—=Cs=C*sCOAbbreviations— — —e
rr __ All items in the Serial Listings are identified by a serial number in
__ that the review deals with printed material, ra that it deals with _ __ audio recordings, and ry that it deals with visual recordings. The _
__@2, and c¢ in the pages field indicate that the item appears on the _
__ inside front cover, inside back cover, or outside back cover,
__and a few articles in the Serial Listings and Subject Index:
fom) complet
gen. ed))~—isilustrator ~—sogemeraleeditor Gus) Gntrod)~—simroduction—— —
© rasan |. ———— nen
Loughran, John L., (ed.) 1987:92rb . lyrics 1974:68 Loughran, Katheryne S., (ed.) 1987:92rb | Lys, Claudia de 1949:34rb
1892:101 ,
Louis Charles Elson Memorial Fund 1948:20, 1948:70 _
Louisiana Association of the AFS 1892:28, 1892:67, Louisiana Branch of the AFS_ 1893:67, 1893:122, .
1896:66 Mabinogi 1979:103
Louisiana Folklore Association 1946:125 Mabuchi, Toichi (advisory ed.) 1965:62rb
Louisiana Folklore Society 1969:8 Macalister, R. A. Stewart (trans., ed.) 1909:39rb
Louisiana Society 1895:52 Macaroni Club 1889:57 : Loukatos, Demetrios S. 1980:181rb, 1981:6 macaronic narrative 1920:25
Lounsbury, Floyd G. 1962:45rb macaronic song 1888:70
loup garou 1942:55 macaronic verse 1971:64
Louverture, Toussaint 1941:48 MacColl, Ewan 1980:21rb; (notes, perf.), 1956:38ra, Lovat, Simon Fraser, Lord 1934:7 . 1957:113ra, 1956:38ra; (perf.) 1958:14ra,
love 1888:47, 1889:24, 1900:73, 1907:2, 1951:40, 1959:125ra, 1963:78ra >
1976:59 . 1957:112ra
1952:104, 1960:7, 1968:30, 1971:24, 1972:2, - MacColl, James (perf.) 1969:56ra; (perf., notes),
love charm 1895:88, 1899:68, 1946:81 MacCormick, Donald 1970:69rb
love song 1960:78 MacCrae, Josh (perf.) 1959:134ra lover's test 1955:4 MacCulloch, J. H. 1975:115rb
Loveridge, Arthur 1947:7 Macculloch, John Arnott 1920:16rb Low, Joseph, (illus.) 1950:125rb . MacDonald, Margaret Read 1983:114rb, 1985:66rb Lowell 1891:86 MacDougall, David 1984:36rv, 1984:37rv, 1984:38rv, Lowenstein, Wendy 1981:89rb 1984:39rv, 1984:40rv, 1985:21rv, 1985:91rv Lowie, Luella Cole, (foreword) 1960:133rb MacDougall, J. 1891:94rb Lowie, Robert H. (tr.) 1943:152rb MacDougall, James 1981:78rb
Lowie, Robert H. 1908:64, 1940:3rb, 1941:40rb, MacDougall, Judith 1984:36rv, 1984:37rv, 1984:38rv, 1943:112rb, 1958:28, 1960:133rb, 1961:44rb; (coll.) 19894;39rv, 1984:40rv, 1985:21rv, 1985:91rv 1942:45rb; (coll., tr, ed.) 1960:144rb; (trans., ed.) MacDowell, Betty 1985:46rb
1948:79rb MacDowell, Marsha 1985:46rb |
LSD cult 1970:51 Mace, Carrol Edward 1972:101rb
Luba 1976:48 oo MacEachern, Ron, (ed.) 1982:58rb Lucero-White (ed., comp.), Aurora 1943:123rb Macedonia 1980:52
Lucio 1924:4 MacFadden, Fred R., Jr. 1968:26 luck 1888:75, 1891:80, 1904:37, 1939:14, 1941:51, MacGillivray, James 1944:60 1947:130, 1949:99, 1951:42, 1956:78, 1974:37 MacGregor, George 1971:88rb
Luckert, Karl W. 1981:66rb MacGregor, Gordon 1948:89rb | Ludkevyc, O. 1903:8 machine imagery 1987:120 Ludwig, Allan I. 1967:67rb MacInnes, J., (ed.) 1961:18rb Luebke, Frederick C. 1979:177 MacKay, Dorothy Epplen 1944:25rb Lughnasa 1967:83, 1968:55, 1978:2 MacKenzie, A.S. 1911:20rb Luisa, Maria 1961:78ra,(perf.) 1961:79ra Mackensie, J. Boyd 1961:47rb 7
Luiseno 1903:41, 1904:30, 1906:5, 1906:47, 1906:74, MacKenzie, Midge 1986:99rv -
1908:6 Mackenzie, William Roy (coll.) 1965:26rb
Lukas, “Hillcroft”Marek, (notes) 1963:23ra, 1963:24ra Mackenzie Inuit 1908:11 :
Subject Index 377 Maclagan, Robert Craig, 1903:18rb; (comp.) Manchu 1933:25
1901:84rb Mandan 1912:8, 1913:24, 1916:17, 1959:40, 1959:98
MacLaughlin, David 1894:79 Mandel, Jerome, (ed.) 1972:65rb Macler, Frederic (tr.) 1907:16rb Mandelbaum, May 1940:17rb
MacNeill, Marie 1963:102rb mandinadha 1979:101
MacPhail, Heather 1962:11 mandrake 1921:23
MacRitchie, David 1890:52, 1890:122rb, 1893:39rb, Mangione, Jerre 1976:98rb
1894:65rb, 1896:39rb Mangue 1914:14
Macsweeney, Patrick M. (ed., tr., introd., notes, glossary) Manifold, John 1959:89rb; (coll., arr.) 1957:160rb
1907:36rb manitou 1905:42, 1915:20
mad-stone 1902:83 Manley, Kathleen E., (ed.) 1987:24rb
Madden, Don, (illus.) 1965:18rb Mann, Robert (ed., tr.) 1981:26rb
Madison, Virginia 1961:40rb Mann, Thomas C. 1964:36rb
Madrid, Susan 1951:46 Mannheim, Ralph (tr.) 1980:127rb Madsen, William 1962:16rb Manning, Ambrose N. 1968:32rb,(ed.) 1969:25rb madstone 1892:17 Manning, Frank E. 1985:20rb,(ed.) 1986:11rb Magdamo, Priscilla Y. 1956:8 Manning, Nick 1978:119rv Magellan voyage 1972:87 Mansfield, Grace Yarrow, (ed.) 1933:27rb magic 1888:75, 1889:25, 1891:80, 1894:7, 1896:47, Maushop 1941:12 1899:44, 1901:78, 1903:29, 1904:24, 1904:32, mantinada 1985:53 1907:50, 1909:30, 1923:22, 1936:3, 1940:35, Manuel, E. Arsenio 1959:122rb 1945:76, 1945:101, 1946:32, 1946:82, 1946:115, manuscript 1952:10, 1977:45 1947:116, 1949:99, 1951:42, 1951:88, 1952:8, Maoris 1952:36 1953:10, 1953:97, 1954:116, 1955:11, 1955:44, Mapuche 1963:56 1956:46, 1958:5, 1958:25, 1960:43, 1961:26, Maranda, Pierre 1973:14rb, 1977:3
1966:43, 1974:116, 1977:84 marbles 1943:136
magic flight 1923:32 Marchand, Noel 1925:2
magic incantation 1978:8 Marchen 1888:3, 1888:37, 1889:6, 1889:72, 1893:10, magician 1934:23, 1968:74 1893:63, 1893:83, 1894:10, 1895:36, 1897:32,
magicianship 1944:65 1900:54, 1905:1, 1906:71, 1908:12, 1910:20, Magoun,, Francis Peabody, Jr. (tr.) 1962:47rb, 1911:30, 1912:20, 1915:4, 1917:4, 1923:20,
1964:106rb 1923:32, 1923:33, 1925:30, 1926:23, 1931:4,
Magriel, Paul 1942:32 1933:7, 1934:25, 1935:22, 1941:52, 1946:113,
Mahias, Marie-Claude 1986:106rb 1950:66, 1952:42, 1952:102, 1955:52, 1955:66,
Mahican 1907:14 1959:2, 1964:72, 1965:46, 1965:90, 1966:12, Maichak 1944:85 1967:35, 1975:5, 1977:82, 1977:83, 1979:7, 1979:8, “Maid with the Bonny Brown Hair, The” 1974:71 1982:73, 1986:103 Maid-at-Arms, The 1904:39 marching song 1965:5 Maidu 1900:67, 1903:4, 1904:3, 1908:41, 1909:49 Marcus, Eliezer 1968:91rb mail-order degree 1906:57 “Margaret's Ghost” 1939:4 Maire, A. 1906:55 Margaretten (collab.), Selma 1981:18rb Majumdar, D. N., (ed.) 1947:102rb Margolin, David 1983:60rb
Maka-andog 1966:4 marijuana 1920:3
Makah 1952:7 Marillier, Leon 1895:66rb; (introd. & tr.) Makemson, Maud Worcester 1943:125rb 1896:18rb
Malagasy Republic 1985:26 mariners 1957:53 Malaurie, Jean 1986:41rb Marion, Francis 1980:1
Malawi 1922:11 Mariposa 1902:21 Malays 1913:2, 1919:13 Marique, Joseph M. F. 1945:116rb
Malaysia: Borneo 1961:8, 1963:34, 1963:42 Mariscal de Rhett, Beatriz 1987:52rb; (ed.) 1987:53rb
Malcolmson, Anne 1954:60rb Marlowe, George Francis 1946:64rb
Malecite 1895:73, 1907:33, 1913:18, 1915:18, 1917:32, Marneffe, Alphonse de 1948:36rb
1923:21 Marolt, France 1959:121rb
Maledicta: The International Journal of Verbal Marongo, Rosa 1925:36
Aggression 1979:133 Marpa 1949:4
Malekebu, Daniel 1922:11 Marquis, Huguette 1977:95rb
Maler, Teobert 1902:33rb . marriage 1888:47, 1900:73, 1946:82, 1947:33, Mali 1982:99 1947:44, 1980:152; belief 1892:3; rite 1888:48, Malin, Edward 1981:15rb 1888:54, 1888:73, 1889:16, 1889:73, 1890:116, Malinowski, Bronislaw 1927:20rb, 1943:102, 1891:18, 1891:114, 1892:23, 1892:92, 1893:47,
1947:69rb, 1973:1 1893:48, 1893:118, 1894:33, 1895:30, 1895:42,
Mallery, Garrick 1890:22rb, 1895:23rb 1898:61, 1899:48, 1901:77, 1908:15, 1910:6,
Malloch, Douglas 1944:60 1948:58, 1950:106, 1957:99, 1958:88, 1960:2, Malm, William P. 1980:173rb 1966:13, 1973:33, 1981:4, 1984:51, 1985:53; rite Malone, Bill C. 1970:68rb, 1982:71rb, 1986:82rb; (ed.) 1973;118
1977:124rb Marriott, Alice 1946:148rb, 1948:83rb, 1955:19rb
Malone, Kemp 1960:58rb; (ed.) 1963:104rb Marshall, Alan 1955:80rb, 1956:63rb Maloney (arranger, dir.), Paddy 1969:61ra Marshall, Howard W. 1983:49rb
Malotki, Ekkehart, (ed.) 1987:104rb Marshall, Howard Wight 1983:85rb
Malta 1975:8 Marshall, John 1984:27rv mammoth 1980:110 Marshall, Mrs. R. H. 1973:12 Man 1945:9 Marshall, Sybil 1983:59rb Man in the Moon 1935:25 Martha Baird Rockefeller Fund for Music, Inc. 1967:53 Manchester Leader 1945:105 Martians 1986:6
378 Journal of American Folklore Martin, Ariadna (tr.) 1986:39rb Mattfield, Julius 1926:10rb
Martin, Charles L. 1957:147rb Matthews, Albert 1902:71irb, 1902:72rb, 1902:73rb Martin, Fredericka I., (ed.) 1947:70rb Matthews, Elmore Messer 1968:19rb
Martin, Laura C. 1986:91rb Matthews, Frances 1918:4 Martin, Peggy 1980:135rb Matthews, J. K. 1918:4
Martin, Richard P. (tr.) 1986:39rb Matthews, John Joseph 1946:63rb Martinengo-Cesaresco, Mme. la Comtesse de E. Matthews, Minnie 1918:4
1894:66rb Matthews, Washington 1896:54rb, 1897:40rb, Martinez, J. 1916:5 1903:14rb, 1905:50, 1960:128
Martinez, Mariano 1916:31 Matthews, William Henry 1970:141rb Martinez, Maurice A. 1978:44rv Mattina, Anthony (ed., tr.) 1986:58rb
Martinique 1978:127 Matton, Roger (coll.) 1967:98rf Marvel, Elinore (collaborator) 1953:102rb Mattsson, Christian 1987:65rb
Marwick, Ernest W. 1978:15rb Maud, Ralph, (ed.) 1980:174rb
Marx, Olga 1949:176rb Mauldin, Barbara 1987:32rb Marxism 1961:90, 1983:2, 1984:83, 1984:84 Mauna Loa 1929:2
“Mary Blane” 1926:15 Mauss, M. 1905:80rb Mary-Ursula, Sister 1947:11 mawwal 1967:37
Maryland Folklore Society 1946:119 maxim 1904:26, 1904:51
Mas, Tjokorda (assistant) 1967:100ra Maxwell, Allen 1964:21rb; (ed.) 1954:123rb,
mask 1888:64, 1889:108, 1899:46, 1899:53, 1904:39, 1956:26rb, 1958:101rb, 1959:109rb, 1960:91rb,
1943:99, 1948:1, 1954:117, 1966:87 1960:132rb, 1966:24rb, 1968:34rb mason 1977:5 May 1943:42 Mason, Barnard S. 1951:67rb May, Elizabeth, (ed.) 1983:47rb Mason, Edward T., (comp.) 1890:96rb May Day 1951:76, 1952:83, 1952:116
Mason, J. Alden (coll.) 1922:3rb May, Sydney 1957:76rb
Mason, John Alden 1969:71 May, Teddy 1980:55 : Mason, Otis Tufton 1889:51, 1891:17, 1894:95, Maya 1894:88, 1894:118, 1971:14, 1984:50 1908:58 Mayer, Fanny Hagin (tr.) 1956:61rb Masons 1890:6, 1909:43 Mayer, Harold 1984:102rv mass media 1981:142, 1982:3 Mayer, Lynne Rhodes 1984:102rv.
massage 1986:25rv Maynadier, G. H. 1903:16rb
Massignon, Genevieve 1955:57rb Maynadier, Howard 1908:50
Mastayans 1979:55 Mayo 1970:7, 1977:2
Master’s House; a Tale of Southern Life, The 1964:72 Mayo, Margot 1949:86rb
Masterson, James 1976:34rb . maypoles 1955:69
Masterson, James R. 1944:54rb Mazatec 1912:21, 1940:28 matachin 1949:43 ) Mbacca_ 1893:108 Mateene, Kahombo C. (ed., tr.) 1971:29rb Mbamba 1893:108
material culture 1888:69, 1908:40, 1909:43, 1915:2, Mbeere 1976:47, 1978:126
1948:57, 1958:75, 1959:42, 1965:89, 1966:86, Mbiti, John S. 1968:63rb
1977:111 McAllester, David P. 1956:111rb; McAllester, David P.,
—art 1982:75, 1985:1, 1987:44; bodily adornment (ed.) 1981:106rb; (ed., commentary); (tr., arranger) 1905:49; design 1897:2; environmental art 1980:6; 1982:105rb, 1957:102rb painting 1980:108, 1981:51, 1985:25; sculpture McAllester, Susan W. (photographer) 1982:105rb 1959:40, 1959:98, 1975:9, 1975:11, 1979:9; textile McAnally, D. R., Jr. 1976:76rb
art 1979:100, 1986:51 McAtee, Nancy 1918:21, 1919:35
—products 1903:50, 1920:24; architecture 1895:94, McBee Keysort System 1953:98 ; 1896:77, 1984:1; costume 1895:12, 1920:7, McCallum, Brenda, (ed.) 1984:15rb 1920:10, 1939:16, 1961:26, 1975:6, 1977:84, McCarl, Robert 1987:59rb 1987:70; household items 1892:21, 1903:63, McClary, Ben Harris, (ed.) 1964:55rb 1940:13, 1945:9, 1979:59, 1982:16; musical McClellan, Catharine 1973:52rb
instrument, construction of 1964:73, 1970:109; tool McCloy, James F. 1978:93rb 1891:4, 1891:51, 1891:84, 1917:10, 1973:7; toy McConnaughey (contributor), Susanne 1959:19rb
1902:29, 1903:72; vehicle 1902:57, 1906:87, McCormick, Dell J. 1954:60rb 1906:89, 1907:31; vehicles 1903:46; weapon McCown, Theodore 1943:53
1904:38 McCulloh, Judith, (ed.) 1977:124rb; (music note)
—technology 1890:56; agriculture 1902:88, 1981:52, 1976:21rb
1984:81; fishing 1986:7, 1986:8; metalworking McCullough, L. E. 1978:31rb; (pref.) 1981:130rb 1970:8; textiles 1891:113, 1915:11, 1946:17; McCullough, William Shields 1910:23
mathematics 1959:103 McCurdy, Ed (perf.) 1956:124ra, 1956:129, 1958:S1ra
Mather, Cotton 1911:28 McCurry, John Gordon 1974:49rb Mather, Increase 1980:91rb McCutcheon, John (perf.) 1979:38rv Matheson, A., (ed.) 1961:18rb McDavid, Raven I. 1953:19 . Mathew, John 1901:61rb, 1911:19rb McDonald, Allan (tr.) 1970:69rb
Mathewson, Frank E. 1941:13 McDonald, William F. 1976:97rb Mathias, Elizabeth 1986:113rb McDowell, Fred (perf.) 1977:30rv
Mathieu, Jacques, (ed.) 1983:87rb McDowell, John Holmes 1982:4rb Matossian, Mary Kilbourne 1984:18rb McElrath, William 1953:63
matrilineal descent 1954:35 , McEwen, Alex (perf.) 1957:111ra matrilineal system 1956:14 McEwen, Rory (perf.) 1957:111ra Matsell, George W. 1890:117 McFeat, Tom 1975:82rb Matta, Jakim Ria 1892:72rb , McGary, Jane, (ed.) 1984:56rb
Matteson, Maurice (coll., arranger) 1937:36rb McGary, Mary Jane, (ed.) 1986:62rb
Subject Index 379 McGee, John T. 1965:105rb 1941:55rb, 1956:24rb
McGee, W. J. (pref.) 1894:140rb Meigs, Peveril, (illus.) 1940:16rb McGuigan, John 1979:132 Meine, Franklin J. (ed., introd.) 1956:113rb; (ed.,
McIlwaine, Shields 1941:32rb introd., notes) 1958:45rb Mcllwraith, T. F. 1951:104rb Mejade’sse 1917:30 McIntyre, Paul 1980:69rb Melanesia 1971:6, 1973:1, 1973:116 McKay, J. G. 1938:22 Melbourne Highland Pipe Band (perf.) 1969:57ra McKay, John G. (tr.) 1941:66rb; 1961:18rb Melendez, Francisco 1965:90 McKee, Louise 1943:61irb Melford, Michael (coll.) 1976:38ra McKelvey, Frank 1981:135rv, 1981:136rv, 1981:137rv, Mellinkoff, Ruth 1973:121rb, 1983:61rb
1981:138rv, (coll.) 1981:139rv Melo, Verissimo de 1949:131rb
McKennerey, Michael 1982:124rv melodic analysis 1909:6, 1910:25, 1910:27, 1918:30
McKim, Fred 1949:33rb melodic classification 1950:1, 1950:20 McKinley, Pauline 1959:46, 1959:57, 1959:99 melodic movement 1954:81
McKnight, Robert K. 1962:82rb melodic structure 1942:53, 1942:58
McLain (music ed.), Raymond Kane 1958:47rb Melusine 1902:16 McLain, Mrs. Raymond 1951:98, 1951:139 Melville and Elizabeth Jacobs Research Fund 1976:119
McLean, Mervyn 1980:38rb Melvin, Grace 1944:19rb McLean, Sammy K. 1977:10rb memnomic verse 1895:10
McLeod, Calum, (comp.) 1980:192rb Memoires de la Societe Finno-Ougrienne 1950:38rb,
McLeod, Mrs. 1907:28 1950:119rb
McLeod, Norma 1985:36rb Memoirs of the AFS 1916:24, 1950:117rb McLuhan, Terri C. (dir., producer) 1978:42rv Memorial Museum of Science 1893:15
McNally, Raymond T. 1973:122rb Memorial Museum, University of Texas 1969:117
McNamara, Brooks 1982:29 memorization 1961:24, 1961:25 McNeil, William K. 1968:77, 1974:122rb, 1977:72, memory 1985:93
1977:130; (ed.) 1986:15rb, 1986:60rb men 1903:57, 1906:45, 1907:2, 1956:12, 1956:14,
McPeake Family (perf.) 1976:114rv 1982:99, 1984:5, 1986:53, 1986:103, 1987:43
McPhail, Ruth 1939:3 Men-es-to-kos 1893:7
McPherren, Ida 1953:5irb Mena, Vicente 1967:43rb
McRaven, Charles 1980:176rb Menard, D. L. (perf.) 1984:28rv McRaven, Linda Moore (photographer) 1980:176rb Mendall, M. D. 1926:7 Me All Face 1963:89, 1964:70 Mendelsohn, S. Felix 1952:142rb Mead, Margaret 1959:104rb; (ed.) 1954:122rb; (pref.) Mendes, Miguel 1932:14
1952:143rb; foreword) 1952:140rb Mendez Pereira, Octavio 1945:16
measurement 1898:12 Mendieta, Geronimo de 1897:70 measuring 1892:97, 1902:54 “Mending Wall” 1951:131
meat preservation 1979:135 Mendoza, Vicente T. 1941:60rb, 1948:134, 1965:42,
Mededovi¢, Avdo 1956:82 1965:110rb mediation 1969:68 Menefee, Anne L. 1931:26
medicine 1888:17, 1888:64, 1889:38, 1889:78, Menefee, Samuel Pyeatt 1983:94rb 1889:80, 1890:13, 1891:54, 1891:77, 1891:106, Mennonites 1939:16, 1944:40, 1954:7 1892:18, 1892:22, 1892:49, 1893:77, 1894:30, Menominee 1911:14, 1913:3 1894:32, 1894:93, 1895:12, 1898:22, 1900:50, Menomini 1915:20, 1935:12 1900:66, 1901:2, 1901:3, 1901:64, 1901:78, 1904:6, Mensa Philosophica 1945:5
1906:57, 1908:10, 1909:16, 1909:18, 1910:17, menstrual rite 1987:124 1915:27, 1917:31, 1921:29, 1925:31, 1931:38, menstruation 1938:8 1934:27, 1935:23, 1938:5, 1939:7, 1940:2, 1940:10, Merchant of Venice, The 1936:19
1942:4, 1942:52, 1945:42, 1945:72rb, 1945:100, merchants 1958:76 1946:7, 1946:37, 1946:81, 1947:31, 1947:75, Meredith, John (coll., ed.) 1957:78rb; (ed.) 1957:161rb 1947:130, 1948:133, 1949:3, 1949:48, 1949:99, Meri, Lennart 1982:24rv, 1982:25rv 1950:130, 1951:42, 1952:105, 1953:70, 1955:9, Merin, Jennifer 1981:85rb 1955:41, 1955:43, 1955:44, 1955:67, 1958:94, Merlin 1897:51 1961:26, 1962:88, 1969:38, 1969:65, 1970:7, mermaid 1892:126, 1910:20, 1945:40, 1947:76 1971:54, 1971:58, 1971:63, 1973:13, 1975:11, merman 1949:13 1975:94, 1977:2, 1978:125, 1986:37; dance Merriam, Alan P. 1955:35, 1957:122rb, 1970:118rb;
1911:14, 1955:13, 1955:50; man 1959:57 (coll., ed., notes) 1955:100ra
medieval folklore 1959:103 Merriam, Barbara W. (coll. ed.) 1955:100ra
medieval hero 1975:13 Merriam, C. Hart (coll., ed.) 1910:10rb medieval literature 1898:6, 1898:38, 1899:45, 1899:64, Merryman 1889:67 1905:1, 1907:59, 1909:4, 1909:16, 1917:22, 1945:5, Mescalero Apache 1936:4
1945:6, 1960:7, 1960:81, 1960:83, 1961:54, Messenger, Betty 1980:3 1963:84 Messenger, John C. 1985:44rb Medieval Period 1894:5, 1896:19, 1897:31, 1897:51, messiah figure 1891:12 1897:73, 1966:3, 1966:43, 1971:60, 1977:47, messianic movement 1891:13, 1891:36, 1891:47,
1977:84, 1978:1, 1979:103 1891:48, 1893:49, 1952:73
medieval romance 1902:7, 1975:60 Messina-Faulisi, M. 1896:99rb
Medina, Esteban 1945:20 Mestizos 1951:122, 1955:11, 1956:100, 1969:120
Medina, Melita 1945:20 metalworking 1973:7
Medvednikoff, Nicoli 1903:3 Metamorphoses 1977:87 meetings 1950:75 metaphor 1889:24, 1889:59, 1936:7, 1955:104,
Megas, G. A. (ed.) 1958:18rb, 1959:22rb 1955:109, 1964:69, 1965:12, 1972:61, 1976:50, Megas, Georgios A. 1979:29rb; (ed.) 1972:14rb 1978:126, 1979:101, 1982:73 Meier, John 1937:6rb, 1947:134, 1951:96; (ed.) metathesis 1984:52
380 Journal of American Folklore Metawin Society 1906:80 1964:5, 1974:37, 1983:74; Morelos 1929:15; Metcalf, Peter 1984:65rb Oaxaca 1899:6, 1912:21, 1912:22, 1912:30,
meteorite 1900:43 . 1915:35, 1915:37, 1916:31, 1923:16, 1935:2,
meteorology 1900:77, 1919:37, 1932:20, 1939:14, 1935:6, 1940:28; 1944:3, 1956:100, 1963:55; 1941:51, 1947:45, 1948:100, 1949:12, 1951:42, Oaxaca: Mitla 1932:14; Puebla 1932:15, 1986:103; 1951:48, 1952:105, 1953:10, 1954:118, 1956:11, Queretaro 1890:5; San Luis Potosi 1897:27;
1960:127, 1963:50 | Sonora 1977:2; Tamaulipas 1889:8; Tlaxcala meter 1959:6, 1965:40 1963:50; Vera Cruz 1916:31, 1944:14; Veracruz Metfessel, Milton 1930:18rb oe 1923:17, 1927:11, 1945:71; Yucatan 1984:50
Methodists 1946:85 Meyer, Anna (tr.) 1911:9rb
methodology 1888:44, 1890:112, 1891:110, 1892:85, Meyer, Henry (tr.) 1968:103rb 1893:119, 1895:78, 1898:3, 1901:13, 1901:67, Meyer, Kuno (ed., trans.) 1897:83rb; (ed., trans., notes)
1902:1, 1907:47, 1908:3, 1910:16, 1915:39, 1893:29rb, 1895:108rb
1919:25, 1920:24, 1934:1, 1938:20, 1942:7, Meyer Robert, Jr. 1957:120rb, 1957:121rb_ 1942:58, 1943:102, 1943:135, 1944:38, 1946:29, Meyer, Hans 1905:85rb 1946:78, 1946:130, 1947:117, 1947:118, 1947:119, Meyer, Jeff 1987:17rv 1947:124, 1947:127, 1948:99, 1948:134, 1948:136, Meyer, Johann Jacob 1916:25rb _
1949:9, 1949:42, 1949:44, 1951:129, 1952:28, Meyers, C. S. (appendix) 1907:54rb 1952:70, 1953:33, 1955:105, 1955:106, 1955:109, Miami 1939:34 1957:3, 1957:10, 1957:11, 1957:81, 1957:124, Miami University 1949:17
1958:27, 1959:54, 1960:1, 1960:113, 1960:114, mice 1979:139
1960:126, 1960:129, 1960:130, 1961:95, 1962:4, Michaelis-Jena, Ruth 1973:81rb
1962:61, 1962:66, 1963:5, 1963:82, 1966:42, Michaud, Neil (dir.) 1967:99ra 1967:84, 1971:12, 1974:118, 1982:16, 1983:40, Michel, Ed 1960:48 1987:84, 1987:113, 1987:127; field work 1923:7 Michel, Hollander 1952:84, 1952:85
Metis 1953:94 Michelson, Truman 1938:44rb
Metke, Luther (perf.) 1984:43rv Michener, James (introd.) 1949:128rb
Metoac 1903:5 Michigan Academy of Arts and Sciences 1942:8 Metraux, Alfred 1942:48rb, 1945:32rb, 1946:156, Michigan Academy of Science 1954:113 1948:134, 1960:100rb Michigan Folk Group 1942:8 -
Metraux, Rhoda, (ed.) 1954:122rb Michigan Folklore Society 1943:83, 1943:105, 1944:48,
metric analysis 1915:30, 1918:19 1947:47, 1949:115, 1952:125, 1954:144, 1955:74,
metrical romance 1916:4, 1916:5 - 1956:90
metrics 1972:59 Michigan State University 1957:41 Meulendyke (instr.), Eve 1952:139rb Michoacan 1970:50 Meuli, Karl (introd.) 1956:56rb Mickiewicz, Adam 1902:91
Mexican Branch of the AFS 1917:24 Micmac 1896:47, 1897:26, 1900:24, 1907:33, 1915:5,
Mexican Congress of History 1944:14 1923:21, 1925:2, 1925:3, 1925:14, 1926:24
Mexican Folklore Society 1939:8 Micronesian-Americans 1953:67
Mexican Society of Anthropology 1939:8 - Mid-America Conference on Literature, History, Popular Mexican-Americans 1888:53, 1894:32, 1895:6, 1895:13, Culture, and Folklore 1965:6 1896:19, 1910:19, 1911:25, 1911:30, 1913:9, - — Midcentury International Folklore Conference 1949:164,
1914:11, 1914:13, 1914:24, 1915:16, 1915:30, 1950:75, 1950:138, 1950:140 1915:34, 1916:29, 1916:30, 1920:6, 1922:2, Middlebury College 1947:60 1923:13, 1923:14, 1935:3, 1938:9, 1945:76, Midewiwin 1911:14 1947:121, 1951:36, 1953:30, 1960:50, 1963:51, Midsummer festival 1956:4 1963:53, 1966:41, 1971:56, 1971:64, 1973:75, Midwest Folklore 1951:24
1975:3, 1975:10, 1975:87, 1976:42ra, 1979:9, midwifery 1987:115 ;
1981:132ra, 1985:54, 1985:96 7 midwinter rite 1954:117
Mexicans 1914:15 Mieder, Wolfgang 1978:25rb, 1979:70rb, 1980:35rb,
Mexico 1891:47, 1892:97, 1893:45, 1894:88, 1894:117, 1980:37rb, 1987:35rb; (ed.) 1978:28rb, 1983:91rb
1895:6, 1895:32, 1896:19, 1896:46, 1897:28, Mielke, R. 1904:14 1897:70, 1899:42, 1899:53, 1899:77, 1901:17, Miesmer, Adrienne 1984:27rv 1905:29, 1905:40, 1905:73, 1909:33, 1909:36, migraine headache -1975:94 1911:25, 1912:23, 1914:14, 1915:34, 1915:36, migrants 1970:44, 1970:48_ . 1915:38, 1917:24, 1918:32, 1918:36, 1920:3, migration 1921:15, 1939:6; legend 1956:47; route 1920:7, 1920:11, 1922:2, 1923:13, 1938:9, 1939.8, 1902:46; song 1978:80 1943:2, 1943:13, 1943:19, 1943:82,-1946:50, Mijatovic, Elodie 1969:151rb | 1946:112, 1947:31, 1947:33, 1947:122, 1948:135, Mikey, Josiah 1913:21 1948:136, 1949:43, 1951:9, 1951:13, 1951:126, Milcetic, Ivan, (ed.) 1898:36rb
1956:79, 1957:97, 1957:98, 1958:7, 1961:92, Miles, Joyce C.. 1975:100rb . 1963:53, 1965:42, 1966:41, 1969:21, 1969:73, Miles, Kay (animator) 1977:38rv 1969:117, 1970:7, 1970:50, 1972:56, 1975:3, military 1889:39, 1892:117, 1905:67, 1918:21, 1975:90, 1976:42ra, 1981:132ra, 1982:73, 63:1; 1949:52, 1950:141, 1957:83, 1965:5, 1980:1
Baja California 1969:35; Chiapas 1944:32, milk 1948:140, 1969:41 1973:30; Chiapas: Chamula 1971:14; Chihuahua mill 1964:11 . 1943:130, 1965:46, 1965:90; Coahuila 1946:36; Miller, Fay, Jr. 1978:93rb . Guanajuato 1914:15; Guerrero 1940:28, 1963:55; Miller, Hugh 1980:87rb
Hildago 1975:88; Jalisco 1912:20, 1914:12, Miller, Julia E. 1986:110rb : 1960:50; Jalisco: Guadalajara 1902:17; Mexico Miller, Kate B. 1930:13rb; (tr.) 1931:32rb _ 1955:41; Mexico City 1899:66, 1914:15, 1918:34, Miller, Robert J. 1950:67 1920:1, 1920:2, 1924:4, 1935:2, 1959:95; Mexico Miller, Walter S. 1958:100rb DF 1906:11; Mexico State 1918:29; Michoacan “Miller and His Sons, The” 1935:29
1942:4, 1951:122; Michoacan: Tzintzuntzan Millien, Achille 1955:27rb
Subject Index 381 Milliss, David E., (ed.) 1957:161rb Moki 1889:87, 1891:39, 1891:74
Mills, Alan, (ed.) 1961:70rb mollusk 1915:11
Mills, Randall V. 1951:115rb, 1951:139 Moltke, Harald, (illus.) 1909:25rb
Mills, William (introd.) 1980:123rb Moluccans 1972:87 Milne, James 1952:77, 1953:67 monarchy 1956:40, 1956:95, 1957:90, 1957:125
Milton, John 1969:41 money 1905:66, 1906:54
mine 1901:5 Mongolia 1987:5
miners 1892:14, 1900:49, 1941:45, 1942:60, 1944:38, Mono 1923:28, 1953:31
1945:109, 1956:4 Monographs of the American Ethnological Society “minhagim” 1973:79 1950:166rb Mining Industry 1892:14 Monroe, Bill 1967:31 minstrel 1952:102; show 1976:91; song 1926:15, Monroe, Will S. 1906:11 1962:5 Monseur, Eugene 1894:104rb Mintz, Jerome R. 1969:128rb, 1980:148rv, 1980:149rv, monster 1895:34, 1897:76, 1943:99, 1946:72
1985:17rb Monsterkongresskrankheit 1965:41 miracle play 1897:14 1925:1, 1932:5, 1941:54
Minucius Felix, Marcus 1983:42 Montagnais 1895:73, 1897:55, 1901:18, 1923:21,
miroloi 1981:4 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de 1963:89
mirror 1893:4 Montell, William Lynwood 1971:71rb, 1973:28,
miserliness 1949:58, 1950:143 1973:108, 1978:36rb, 1983:54rb, 1984:119rb Mishler, Craig (biography) 1984:56rb Montero, Mercedes 1967:43rb
Mishna 1938:8 Montero, Paloma (collab.) 1981:18rb
misinterpretation 1967:82 Montesdeoca, Antonio 1944:85 Misra, Bhabagrahi 1977:22rb Montezuma 1909:33, 1921:15 Mission 1906:5, 1906:47, 1906:74 Montferrand, Joseph 1960:4 Mississaga 1892:118 Montgomerie (ed. & comp.), Norah 1949:89rb; (ed.,
Mississagua 1888:40, 1889:45, 1890:21, 1890:50 illus.) 1950:32rb; (retold by, illus.) 1965:72rb Mississippi Folklore Society 1943:84, 1969:9 Montgomerie, William, (ed.) 1950:32rb; (ed. & comp.) Mississippi Valley Historical Association 1952:111, 1949:89rb
1953:2, 1955:5 month names 1889:61
Missouri Branch of the AFS 1906:19, 1906:51, 1908:24, Monthan, Doris 1987:99rb
1909:23, 1911:6, 1917:13 Monthan, Guy 1987:99rb
Missouri Folklore Society 1943:85 Monthly Budget of Music 1905:71
mistletoe 1946:131 Montoucet, Don (perf.) 1984:29rv
mistreatment 1977:85 Montreal Branch of the AFS_ 1892:65, 1892:139, Mitcalfe, Barry 1981:28rb 1893:24, 1893:65, 1893:121, 1894:13, 1894:42, Mitchell, George 1972:44rb; (illus.) 1976:13rb 1895:20, 1895:51, 1896:15, 1896:64, 1897:19
Mitchell, Roger E. 1981:109rb monument 1959:40
Mitewin 1978:80 Moody, Alan 1946:52rb
Mithun, Marianne, (ed.) 1982:109rb Mookini, Esther T. 1978:110rb Miwok 1908:37, 1909:49, 1928:10 moon 1893:7, 1893:114 Mixon (piano accompaniments), Keith 1942:13rb Mooney, James 1892:76rb, 1896:42rb, 1897:60rb
mnemonic device 1944:2 Mooney, Karen 1983:33rv mnemonic song 1905:27 Moonsammy, Rita 1985:89rv mnemonic verse 1904:43 Moore, A. W. 1972:114rb mo'lawia 1916:15 Moore, Clifford B. 1954:99rb mock-combat 1941:49 Moore, Frank Gardner 1937:21rb modal analysis 1909:6, 1954:36, 1957:47, 1957:87 Moore, Gladys 1921:34
Modelski, Sylvia (tr.) 1984:120rb Moore, T. Inglis, (ed.) 1955:80rb Modern Language Association of America 1943:23, Moore, Willis L., supervisor 1905:14rb 1944:97, 1945:19, 1947:20, 1948:14, 1948:96, Moqui 1888:32, 1888:42, 1888:49 1949:18, 1949:122, 1949:161, 1951:23, 1951:134, Moquilumnian 1902:21 1954:105, 1957:79, 1958:92, 1958:121, 1960:8, moral code 1892:131
1964:91, 1970:42, 1971:62, 1973:43, 1974:40, moral tale 1896:80, 1949:58 1976:44; Popular Literature Group 1938:16; Morales, Luz (perf.) 1962:32ra
Popular Literature Section 1942:7 morality 1899:1
modern legend 1906:63, 1940:29, 1944:8, 1945:50, Moras 1901:94 1960:85, 1962:11, 1962:68, 1970:106, 1979:105, Moravians 1895:98 1979:139, 1980:55, 1982:2, 1983:42, 1983:113, More, Hannah 1896:84
1985:3, 1986:37 Morek, Blanche B. 1951:46
modernization 1963:40, 1963:81 Moreland Latchford Productions 1979:174rv Modoc 1889:86, 1891:40, 1893:50, 1906:44, 1957:14 Morency, Jean 1919:5
Moe, [Jorgen] 1925:7rb mores 1980:152
Moe, Moltke 1914:26 Morgan, Dale L. 1944:23rb
Mofolo, Thomas 1933:19rb Morgan,, Elemore, Jr. (photo) 1987:21rb Mogey, John, (foreword) 1968:19rb Morgan, Harry T. 1975:31rb Mohamed, Ethel Wright 1979:79rb Morgan, Jane 1982:5rb Mohapatra, K. M. (joint ed.) 1966:38rb Morgan, Kathryn L. 1983:22rb Mohave 1908:40, 1926:4, 1928:9, 1947:74 Morgan, Melvyn Vyn 1945:8
Mohawk 1889:75, 1889:116, 1895:75, 1900:27, Morgan, Thomas Hurry 1964:96
1905:28, 1906:40, 1950:97 Morgenstern, Julian 1975:121rb
Mohegan 1903:28, 1903:29, 1904:29 Morin, Michel 1919:8, 1920:25
Mois d’Ethnographie Francaise 1953:17, 1954:82 morisca 1949:43
Mojave 1889:67, 1921:19, 1948:92 Morland, J. Kenneth (ed., intro.) 1972:27rb
382 Journal of American Folklore Morley, Sylvanus Griswold 1948:158rb Mufraw, Joe 1960:4
Mormon missionary 1974:115 Muir, Willa 1968:13rb Mormons 1940:1, 1945:97, 1947:6, 1951:4, 1953:28, Mukerji, B. V. 1946:111
1964:66, 1970:5, 1977:102ra, 1987:118 Mukwitch 1959:41 —
Moros 1902:41, 1902:42 mulizi 1957:47
morphemics 1985:58, 1987:73 Mull, H. K. 1951:51 Morris dance 1951:76, 1972:5 Mullen, Pat 1974:41 Morris dancing 1949:43 Muller-Fraureuth, Karl 1905:76rb
morphology 1954:1 Mullen, Cyril, (illus.) 1932:10rb
Morris, Adam 1939:3 Murrler, Henri F. 1945:116rb 1959:33, 1982:83rb Muller, Max 1890:69, 1955:103 Morris, Isabella Googoo 1925:3 Muller, W. Max 1918:25rb Morris, Margaret 1939:3 Muller, Wenzel . 1952:46 Morris, Alton C. 1938:18, 1949:74, 1951:106rb, Muller, Joseph 1903:74rb
Morrow, Mabel 1982:36rb Mullett, George Merrick 1981:34rb Morse, Jim (coll.) 1959:86rb multiple producer 1979:9 | Morse, Michael Lynn 1978:36rb Mumbo Jumbo 1899:46 Morton, Frances 1985:106rv mummification 1935:23_ . Morton, Robin (coll.) 1976:20rb mumming 1966:83, 1987:3 Morwitz, Ernst (tr.) 1949:176rb Munch, Peter A. 1971:68rb Moser, Artus (perf.) 1958:54ra Munoz, Luciano 1914:15 Moses, Jesse 1948:171rb murder 1896:13, 1903:10, 1929:20, 1929:22, 1968:71,
Mortillet, Paul de 1902:27 mumia 1964:1
Moses, Thomas 1985:81rb 1969:120 Moshup 1898:28 . murder ballad 1959:7 Moslems 1902:41, 1903:59, 1907:44, 1956:82, . Murdoch, John 1894:22rb
1971;13, 1974:114, 1975:54 , Murdock, George Peter 1961:46rb
mosquito 1889:101, 1921:36; bite 1893:58 Murphree, T. M. 1902:83
Moss, Grover Lee (perf.) 1979:36rv | Murphy, Michael J. 1981:87rb
Moss, Fletcher 1898;51rb Murphy, Robert F. 1960:31rb
mother 1955:12 Murphy, Tadhg 1953:4
Mother Goose 1962:67 Murray, Daniel 1905:70
Mother’s Day 1948:142 Murray, Henry A. (introd.) 1960:68rb
motherhood 1987:119 | Musee National des Arts et Traditions Populaires Motherwell, William 1969:166rb, 1970:31rb 1953:17
Mothon, Pere 1890:108 Musello, Chris 1986:128rv, 1987:15rv motif analysis 1914:9, 1916:1, 1916:4, 1917:1, 1944:35 Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Caracas 1947:135
motif classification 1953:98 museum management 1987:70 : Motif-Index of Folk Literature 1943:135 Museum of Archaeology 1892:31
motif-indexing 1943:135, 1951:43, 1952:43, 1959:3, Museum of New Mexico 1987:70
1979:140 Museum of the Department of Archaeology and motion 1950:2 museums 1893:15, 1906:24, 1943:55, 1946:17, motifing 1908:3, 1908:35, 1909:32, 1910:1, 1962:66 Paleontology 1892:70
Moulden, John 1982:69rb 1951:11, 1961:81, 1961:84, 1961:85, 1961:86, Moule, W. R. (trans.) 1933:19rb 1962:4, 1987:44 . Mount Rainier 1973:42 music 1896:65, 1903:40, 1903:91, 1905:2, 1905:4, mountain 1904:27 1905:21, 1905:43, 1905:63, 1906:65, 1906:80, Mountain, Walter 1923:32 1907:23, 1908:14, 1909:17, 1909:44, 1909:45, Mountain Folk Festival 1938:62, 1948:101 1911:23, 1911:25, 1912:1, 1912:12, 1912:16,
mountain people 1889:36, 1891:105, 1893:52, 1912:23, 1912:24, 1912:25, 1913:10, 1913:12, 1894:30, 1899:28, 1907:57, 1909:17, 1910:14, 1913:15, 1913:16, 1913:29, 1914:4, 1914:24, 1911:24, 1912:12, 1913:10, 1914:22, 1915:12, 1915:9, 1915:12, 1915:21, 1915:36, 1916:2, 1916:3, 1921:34, 1925:22, 1927:2, 1928:14, 1916:23, 1917:1, 1917:3, 1917:5, 1917:20, 1918:7, 1929:17, 1929:18, 1929:21, 1931:5, 1932:1, 1933:1, 1918:8, 1918:19, 1918:30, 1919:1, 1919:18, 1933:7, 1934:5, 1934:6, 1934:12, 1935:10, 1935:25, 1919:35, 1920:13, 1920:21, 1921:4, 1921:5, 1936:14, 1936:15, 1936:16, 1938:2, 1939:1, 1941:7, 1921:31, 1922:15, 1922:19, 1925:9, 1928:25,
1945:51, 1947:3, 1947:32, 1947:43, 1948:53, 1928:27, 1929:17, 1930:21, 1931:1, 1931:5, 1953:97, 1954:74, 1954:75, 1957:94, 1958:8, 1931:26, 1927:11, 1931:27, 1931:39, 1935:18,
1959:100 1935:26, 1935:27, 1935:28, 1935:29, 1936:16,
mourning 1914:8 1936:17, 1938:26, 1939:1, 1939:5, 1941:44,
movement 1954:79, 1959:99 . 1942:23, 1942:58, 1944:93, 1945:99, 1946:30, Moyle, James Henry 1974:115 1950:20, 1950:58, 1950:60, 1950:96, 1951:8, Moyle, Natalie K. (introd.) 1982:64rb 1951:40, 1951:122, 1952:110, 1953:5, 1953:27, Moyne, Ernest J. 1966:36rb 1953:31, 1953:41, 1954:7, 1954:12, 1954:36,
Mowry, George 1952:111 1946:85, 1946:112, 1947:78, 1949:47, 1949:51, Mozambique 1922:8, 1922:11, 1973:71 1954:38, 1954:40, 1954:72, 1954:115, 1956:9,
Mozolkov, Y., (ed.) 1945:29rb 1956:81, 1957:47, 1957:83, 1957:88, 1957:129,
Mpongwe 1915:3 1959:7, 1959:100, 1960:48, 1960:81, 1961:52, Mstislav 1956:73 1962:9, 1963:49, 1964:74, 1965:10, 1965:44, Muchembled, Robert 1987:34rb 1965:80, 1967:101ra, 1974:138ra, 1975:53, “Muela del juicio, La” 1925:31 1976:36ra, 1977:73ra, 1980:52, 1980:186rb, Mueller, Franz H. 1943:64rb 1981:93, 1986:21ra, 1987:7, 1987:71 Mueller, Gordon 1982:123rv Music and Contemporary Life Institute 1944:93
Muensterberger, Warner, (ed.) 1964:62rb _ Music and Women 1948:154
Subject Index 383 Music Division, Library of Congress 1946:13 1952:108, 1953:29, 1953:68, 1953:69, 1953:70, Music Teachers National Association 1944:72 1953:98, 1954:42, 1955:2, 1955:10, 1956:2, musical instrument 1907:29, 1951:6, 1957:51 1956:101, 1957:82, 1957:131, 1968:83, 1971:53,
musicians 1960:84, 1967:83, 1968:55 1972:58, 1972:61, 1972:83, 1978:124, 1984:79, Musick, Ruth Ann 1965:120, 1966:104rb, 1971:76rb; 1985:26
(ed.) 1980:26rb narrative content 1983:75
musicology 1950:137, 1951:35 Nart saga 1978:1, 1979:103 muskie 1907:30 Nartyamonga 1979:103 Mussey, Barrows, (ed.) 1949:87rb Nash, Jacob 1985:81irb
Muthesius, K. 1901:31rb Naskapi 1915:6, 1923:21, 1925:1 Myerhoff, Barbara 1981:49rv, 1982:53rb nat 1891:37
mysticism 1904:41 Nathan, Hans 1979:167rb
myth 1888:42, 1888:52, 1889:87, 1894:2, 1894:78, Nathhorst, Bertel 1972:11rb, 1973:8, 1973:9 1894:89, 1897:1, 1897:55, 1897:72, 1898:5, national character 1931:2, 1959:2, 1959:53, 1960:5,
1898:25, 1899:3, 1899:47, 1900:31, 1900:47, 1968:27, 1971:17
1900:67, 1903:43, 1903:89, 1904:2, 1904:12, national characteristics 1906:60 1904:47, 1905:18, 1905:19, 1905:59, 1906:4, National Committee on Folk Arts of the United States 1906:5, 1906:76, 1907:24, 1908:36, 1910:1, 1914:2, 1944:66 1915:5, 1915:19, 1915:20, 1916:15, 1917:10, National Defense Education Act (United States)
1923:5, 1923:22, 1923:33, 1925:36, 1933:15, 1961:29, 1962:42
1933:24, 1936:3, 1940:33, 1940:34, 1940:36, National Ethnological Institute, Colombia 1951:11 1941:1, 1942:24, 1942:56, 1943:99, 1944:36, National Folk Camp 1952:123 1944:61, 1944:85, 1945:72rb, 1946:1, 1946:72, National Folk Festival 1938:61, 1944:16, 1944:67, 1946:72, 1946:75, 1946:115, 1947:4, 1947:125, 1945:54, 1946:92, 1947:88, 1948:16, 1948:153,
1948:92, 1949:2, 1949:46, 1949:98, 1952:113, 1949:104, 1950:17, 1952:56 1954:107, 1955:65, 1955:103, 1955:105, 1956:104, National Folk Festival Association 1955:5
1956:105, 1957:44, 1957:49, 1958:78, 1958:79, National Gallery of Art 1953:11 1959:1, 1960:46, 1962:40, 1962:41, 1963:36, National Giuseppe Cocchiara Prize 1969:74
1964:68, 1965:92, 1966:9, 1966:13, 1967:1, national identity 1984:80
1969:73, 1970:7, 1971:6, 1973:110, 1975:11, National Museum of Canada 1946:141, 1954:33 1975:86, 1979:56, 1980:110, 1984:3, 1984:55, National Museum of Canada Bulletin 1950:89rb,
1985:1, 1985:27 1950:91rb
“myth” 1955:102, 1955:109, 1955:110 National Museum of Man 1954:68 , myth-ritual theory 1956:103, 1957:44, 1957:49, National Research Council (US) 1950:24
1957:131, 1958:11, 1958:30, 1958:31 National Socialism 1944:62, 1972:57, 1977:46,
mythography 1952:28 1980:113, 1980:114, 1980:115, 1980:116, 1982:100,
“mythology” 1888:43 1987:72 Mzechteno, William 1965:37 National Society of the Colonial Dames of America
1975:109rb National University of Cordoba 1943:108 National University of Ireland 1938:14 nationalism 1922:5, 1958:7, 1958:71, 1959:54, 1972:4,
na-ac-nai-ya 1892:84 1978:3, 1985:27, 1986:3, 1986:51, 1987:126
Nadeau, Salomon 1920:25 Native Americans 1888:42, 1888:70, 1888:78, 1889:64, Nagel, Ernest 1973:8, 1973:9 1889:108, 1889:118, 1890:55, 1890:59, 1891:2,
nageltonne 1946:3 1891:4, 1891:8, 1891:12, 1891:25, 1891:45, Nagl, J. W. 1905:12rb 1891:47, 1891:51, 1891:62, 1892:25, 1892:27, Nagra II C 1957:95 1892:64, 1892:95, 1892:126, 1893:120, 1894:89, nagual 1956:100 1894:91, 1894:93, 1895:35, 1895:39, 1895:100,
Nah-nee-tah, A Tale of the Navajos 1977:117 1896:1, 1896:6, 1896:7, 1896:46, 1896:52, 1897:2,
Nahuat 1982:73, 1986:103 1897:8, 1897:34, 1897:52, 1897:68, 1898:9,
Nahuatl 1924:4, 1929:15, 1940:28, 1955:41 1898:20, 1898:21, 1898:26, 1898:28, 1898:41, Nahumck, Nicholas 1957:73rb, 1957:74rb, (illus.) 1898:54, 1898:60, 1899:2, 1899:29, 1899:47,
1957:75rb 1899:60, 1899:76, 1900:7, 1900:24, 1900:29,
names 1891:107, 1892:21, 1893:62, 1902:22, 1902:85, 1900:45, 1900:47, 1900:71, 1901:8, 1901:43,
1905:30, 1916:6, 1925:24, 1935:7, 1945:100, 1901:67, 1901:72, 1901:76, 1901:92, 1902:6, 1946:71, 1947:31, 1949:103, 1951:2, 1952:108, 1902:22, 1902:23, 1902:24, 1902:45, 1902:59,
1953:40, 1962:69, 1965:9, 1975:10 1902:79, 1902:81, 1903:6, 1903:32, 1903:34,
Namibia 1955:9, 1955:43, 1955:67, 1956:46 1903:89, 1903:92, 1904:8, 1904:27, 1904:32,
naming-rite 1951:2 1904:33, 1904:42, 1904:49, 1904:53, 1904:55, Nana, Lizardo 1972:37 1905:5, 1905:20, 1905:23, 1905:40, 1905:48, Nanabozho 1903:89 1905:60, 1905:68, 1905:73, 1906:8, 1906:43, Nance, John 1978:136rb 1906:56, 1906:67, 1906:76, 1906:86, 1906:88, Nanibohzo 1892:118, 1892:119 1907:13, 1907:47, 1907:48, 1907:52, 1908:1,
Nanibozhu 1891:70 1908:3, 1908:27, 1908:29, 1908:35, 1908:51, Nanticoke 1938:10 1908:60, 1908:66, 1909:1, 1909:48, 1910:1, 1910:6, Napier, John 1975:32rb 1910:16, 1911:3, 1912:22, 1912:30, 1913:17,
Narangho, Francesco 1909:33 1914:2, 1914:29, 1914:30, 1914:31, 1915:2, Naranjo, Jose Manuel 1916:30 1915:35, 1917:2, 1917:33, 1920:1, 1920:2, 1921:16, narrative 1891:9, 1893:109, 1894:83, 1901:44, 1923:17, 1923:23, 1925:21, 1927:12, 1929:26, 1906:84, 1909:43, 1910:27, 1914:11, 1920:12, 1931:20, 1933:14, 1935:17, 1936:7, 1940:31,
1923:7, 1926:4, 1932:15, 1934:29, 1935:3, 1938:20, 1941:1, 1941:12, 1941:49, 1943:2, 1943:99, 1944:1,
1943:43, 1945:55, 1945:100, 1946:7, 1946:37, 1944:5, 1944:36, 1946:6, 1946:31, 1947:5, 1947:78, 1946:114, 1947:116, 1949:154, 1950:101, 1952:1, 1947:116, 1947:125, 1947:126, 1947:127, 1948:57,
384 Journal of American Folklore 1948:136, 1949:43, 1950:8, 1950:9, 1950:101, 1909:10, 1909:24, 1910:18, 1911:7, 1911:31, 1950:136, 1951:52, 1951:128, 1952:115, 1953:28, 1946:126 1953:65, 1954:4, 1954:8, 1954:35, 1954:72, New York Folk-Guitar Club 1953:39 1954:81, 1954:108, 1955:51, 1955:68, 1956:11, New York Folklore Quarterly 1945:14, 1945:56,
1956:98, 1957:51, 1957:52, 1957:134, 1959:36, 1949:163
1960:44, 1960:45, 1962:2, 1963:54, 1964:68, New York Folklore Society 1944:90, 1945:14, 1946:45, 1965:34, 1967:101ra, 1971:58, 1971:101, 1972:58, 1946:127, 1947:16, 1949:19, 1949:155, 1950:78, 1973:114, 1975:90, 1976:58, 1977:101rb, 1977:114, 1950:114, 1950:146, 1951:25, 1951:137, 1955:37,
1978:41rv, 1978:57, 1980:110 1956:92
Native Canadians 1954:33 | New York Historical Association 1948:65, 1949:70, nativistic movement 1955:51, 1976:54 1950:77, 1951:21, 1953:81
“Natural Magic” 1895:14 New York Historical Society 1944:90 _
Nature 1902:86 New York State College for Teachers 1948:154 Navaho 1894:78, 1894:90, 1901:2, 1901:3, 1923:29, New York State Historical Association 1946:45,
1936:3, 1942:24, 1943:49, 1944:2, 1945:68, 1947:12, 1951:137, 1952:124, 1956:91, 1969:42 1945:102, 1950:2, 1953:8, 1959:46, 1959:57, New York State Teachers College 1945:14
1959:99, 1977:117, 1987:70 New York Times 1979:105
Navaho Curriculum Center 1976:27rb, 1976:28rb, New York University School of the Arts 1982:29 |
1976:29rb . New Zealand 1952:36 1899:1, 1908:4, 1908:32, 1930:3, 1930:4, 1940:2, 1977:57rb; (foreword.) 1977:58rb, 1978:94rb, 1960:128, 1980:54 1978:95rb navy 1894:8 Newberry Library 1918:18
Navajo 1888:52, 1889:35, 1890:44, 1891:18, 1892:132, Newall, Venetia J. 1970:36, 1971:15, 1972:22rb; (ed.)
Nawigishkoke (Mrs. Bolin) 1889:45 Newcombe, Franc Johnson 1970:62rb —
Nayars 1958:89 Newell, Mrs. Frank 1943:48
Neat, Timothy 1982:21rv, 1982:22rv, 1982:23rv Newell, William Wells 1891:21, 1893:56, 1893:68,
Nebraska 1889:55 1893:85, 1897:90rb, 1901:10, 1901:11, 1906:96,
Nebraska Academy of Sciences 1943:86 1907:1, 1907:6, 1907:7, 1907:8, 1907:49, 1979:2; Nebraska Folklore and Ethnology Group 1943:86 (coll. & notes) 1967:10rb
Nebraska Folklore Society 1969:10 Newettee 1896:2
neck riddle 1917:3, 1935:11, 1983:110, 1985:4 Newman, Ronald B. 1978:20rb
Neckel, Gustav 1937:33rb Newman, Stanley S. 1941:70rb Necker, Claire 1975:105rb Newmark, Maxim 1957:70rb necklace 1895:12 newpaper 1906:88 . Nedo, Paul; (ed.) 1971:73rb Newport Folk Festival 1966:112ra Needham, Rodney, (foreword) 1970:125rb_ News Bulletin 1947:133 Negelein, Julius von 1906:32rb newsboys 1892:69
Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast 1889:110 newspaper 1888:48, 1889:23, 1890:12, 1894:7,
Nehmad, Moshe 1968:94rb 1894:114, 1895:97, 1905:68, 1957:99, 1963:80, Neihardt, John G. 1981:32rb 1972:9, 1972:32, 1973:110, 1979:105; account
Nelson, Gus 1978:47rv 1902:80; column 1944:46; riddle 1974:72; Denver
Nemes (dir., ed.), Andrew B. 1979:95rv _ Post 1970:106 , Nephites 1940:1 newspapers 1906:57, 1944:60, 1955:63
Nequatewa, Edmund 1937:46rb Newstead, Helaine 1948:61 Neron, Marie-Louise 1902:29 . Newswanger, Christian 1955:86rb
Nespelem 1933:15 Newswanger, Kiehl 1955:86rb
Netherlands 1902:48, 1909:22 Newton, Stan 1948:32rb
Nettel, Reginald 1957:110rb Nez Perce 1890:18, 1891:107, 1908:2, 1908:30, Nettl, Bruno 1953:63, 1958:16rb, 1961:67rb, 1954:9, 1971:11
1963:75rb, 1963:86, 1964:112rb, 1966:60rb, Nez Perce Texts 1971:11
1964:114rd 1960:154ra
1985:11rb; (musical annotations) 1961:37rb, Ngata, Apirana T. (coll.) 1964:51rb; (notes)
Neubauer (supplement), Henrik 1959:120rb Ngumba 1903:51 | .
Neuhaus, John 1960:77 ) Nha-Trang Céng-Huyén-Tén-Nil_ 1971:123rb Nevada Branch of the AFS 1906:20 Nicaragua 1891:8, 1954:15 Nevell, Richard 1980:72rb Nicholaichuk, Alice 1981:16rb Nevins, Richard, (notes) 1974:87ra Nichols, Charles Lemuel 1901:33rb
Nevius, John L. 1896:90rb Nichols, J. Ben 1889:117 1947:16, 1950:152 Nicholson, Eddie (perf.) 1982:18rv
New Jersey Folklore Society 1946:12, 1946:123, Nichols, Lydia R. 1894:94, 1900:51, 1900:52
New Mexico Folklore Society 1943:87, 1946:88, Nick 1922:2
1946:124, 1947:18, 1947:57, 1947:85, 1948:106, Nick of Zuni 1920:6
1949:108, 1954:145 Nickel, Johanna, (ed.) 1960:103rb
New Mexico Highlands University 1950:15 nicknames 1920:23, 1923:11, 1962:69, 1964:14,
New Orleans Association of the AFS 1893:25 1974:30, 1980:1, 1981:2 New Orleans Branch of the AFS 1894:41, 1946:125 Nicol, Kathy 1984:41rv
new society 1947:92 Nicolaides, Jean (trans.) 1890:40rb
New Voyage to Carolina, A 1972:62 Nicolaisen, W. F. H. 1978:4, 1979:116rb
New Year 1897:14, 1901:18, 1958:35 Nicolar, Joseph 1981:33rb |
New Year rite 1963:81 Nielsen, Erik Kaas 1966:22rb_ New Year’s 1905:69; Day 1966:83; rite 1963:49 Nielssen, Christen 1956:60rb New York 1984:77rv Nierenberg, George T. 1978:51rv
New York Branch of the AFS 1893:22, 1893:64, Niethammer, Carolyn 1980;126rb 1894:16, 1894:119, 1895:18, 1895:53, 1896:65, Nieves, Ignacia 1929:14
Subject Index 385 Nigeria 1904:4, 1913:1, 1922:12, 1930:22, 1931:41, North Star Folk News 1947:56
1943:43, 1949:1, 1958:26, 1960:79, 1961:27, North, Thomas 1888:83rb 1961:55, 1961:56, 1963:88, 1965:12, 1965:35, Northcote, Sydney 1943:117rb 1968:51, 968:52, 1970:103, 1972:35, 1973:3, Northeast Folklore Society 1962:92, 1969:11 1976:49, 1978:56, 1979:102, 1984:1, 1987:68s Northeastern New Mexico 1935:3
night chant 1908:4 Northern Europe 1980:118
“Night of the Gods, The” 1895:93 Norton, Sue (animator) 1977:38rv
nightmare 1945:101, 1980:56 Norton, F. J., (ed.) 1970:116rb
Nigra, Constantino 1889:120rb Norway 1907:46, 1914:26, 1938:7, 1949:3, 1953:95, Niles, John Jacob 1939:18rb, 1939:19rb, 1939:20rb, 1946:90, 1955:46, 1959:2, 1960:82, 1961:85, 1943:141, 1969:135rb; (coll., arranger) 1942:12rb; 1976:93, 1978:61 (perf.) 1953:108ra, 1979:176rv; (tr.) 1984:11rb Norwegian-Americans 1938:7
Nilgiris 1958:81 nosebleed 1892:136 Nilsen, Alleen Pace, (ed.) 1986:71rb notebooks 1951:47
Nilsen, Don L. F., (ed.) 1986:71rb Notes on American Studies 1943:107 Nimmo, H. Arlo, (ed.) 1978:12rb Nouvelles Recreations et Joyeux Devis 1962:6, 1962:7 Nimuendaju, Curt 1943:152rb, 1948:79rb novella 1943:135, 1947:38
Nina-Rodrigues, Dr. 1903:38rb Nowak, Margaret 1980:24rb Nine Night 1957:127 Noy, Dov 1968:84rb, 1968:85rb, 1968:88rb; (ed.)
Ninth Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the 1961:61rb, 1964:104rb, 1964:105rb, 1968:12rb,
Secretary of the Smithsonian 1894:23 1968:89rb, 1968:90rb, 1968:91rb,(ed.) 1968:92rb,
Nisbet (prod., writer), Sandra Lewis 1987:11rv 1968:93rb, 1968:98rb, 1972:102rb, 1973:95rb,
Niwan 1956:84 1975:66rb; (ed., annotator) 1968:11rb Nixon, H. C. 1947:148rb Noy, Meir, (ed.) 1973:95rb Nixon, Richard M. 1963:38, 1963:39 Nubians 1970:104
No-Tongue 1913:24 nudity 1948:133, 1953:97
“No-Tongue” 1916:17 Nugual 1942:4 Noah 1921:35 number 1890:119, 1892:5, 1892:14, 1901:15 Nogales, Luis G., (ed.) 1972:28rb numerology 1916:18, 1959:103
Nolasco, Flerida de 1947:71rb numskull tale 1966:8
Nomaki 1939:31 nursery rhyme 1934:20, 1961:54, 1962:67 Nominating Committee, AFS 1951:136 nurses 1978:6
nonsense 1982:98; song 1951:89; verse 1901:47 Nusic, Branislav Gj. 1903:25rb, 1904:22rb
Nootka 1919:17, 1959:39 Nut (Egyptian deity) 1987:121 Nogoilpi 1889:35 Nutt, Alfred 1888:82rb, 1897:83rb, 1900:58rb,
Norberg, Leo 1903:75rb, 1903:76rb 1900:60rb, 1900:63rb, 1951:1; (ed.) 1893:27rb;
Nordiska Museets Handlingar, 32 1950:163rb (essay) 1895:108rb; (introd.) 1891:94rb; (introd.,
Nordland, Odd 1971:118rb notes) 1891:95r
Norfleet, Helen 1939:21rb Nuttall, Zelia 1894:144rb, 1901;85rb Norse 1894:8, 1983:3 Nye, Hermes 1956:127ra,(perf.) 1956:130ra
north 1894:115 Nye, Russel B., (foreword) 1977:66rb
North America 1888:78, 1889:64, 1889:118, 1890:85, Nye, Wilbur Sturtevant 1963:59rb, 1982:108rb
1892:27, 1893:120, 1897:68, 1898:9, 1898:26, Nyerges (contrib.), Anton 1954:91rb 1898:41, 1898:54, 1898:60, 1899:29, 1900:7, Nygard, Holger Olof 1953:12, 1960:25rb, 1968:3 1900:24, 1900:29, 1900:45, 1900:47, 1900:68, 1900:71, 1901:8, 1901:43, 1901:72, 1901:92, 1902:23, 1902:24, 1902:45, 1902:81, 1903:6, 1903:32, 1903:92, 1904:8, 1904:10, 1904:33,
1904:34, 1904:38, 1904:49, 1904:53, 1904:55, O Criomhthain, Tomas 1958:38rb 1905:2, 1905:5, 1905:23, 1905:48, 1906:8, 1906:67, O'Bryan, Aileen 1957:103rb
1906:83, 1906:84, 1907:13, 1907:47, 1907:48, O'Doherty, Eamonn 1982:70rb 1908:51, 1908:52, 1909:15, 1910:16, 1914:2, O'Donnell, Thomas F. (intro, notes) 1982:9rb 1914:28, 1914:29, 1914:30, 1914:31, 1917:2, O’Duilearga, Seamus 1938:15; (ed.), 1950:29rb (ed., 1917:33, 1923:24, 1925:21, 1928:1, 1931:20, intr.), 1958:17rb; (ed., foreword, notes) 1958:38rb; (ed.,
1936:7, 1941:49, 1943:1, 1943:45, 1943:56, intro, notes) 1943:74, 1944:1, 1946:7, 1946:37, 1947:117, 1945:25rb; (introd.) 1964:109rb 1947:119, 1947:128, 1948:57, 1948:96, 1949:14, O'Flynn, Anna C. (coll.) 1950:121 1950:115, 1951:36, 1951:52, 1952:47, 1952:115, O'Leary, Frank, (ed.) 1953:50rb
1953:65, 1954:1, 1954:80, 1956:98, 1957:9, O'Leary, Timothy J., (ed.) 1965:56rb 1958:34, 1959:47, 1960:35ra, 1960:44, 1960:117, O'Malley, Dominick J. 1967:29 1963:54, 1963:89, 1964:31, 1964:68, 1964:90ra, O’Neale, Lila M. 1947:98rb
1965:34, 1965:118ra, 1967:101ra, 1968:29, O'Neill, Christopher 1982:5rb 1972:58, 1973:136ra, 1975:5, 1976:119, 1977:23ra O'Neill, John 1894:126rb, 1895:55, 1895:93, 1897:43rb
North American 1908:29, 1974:30 O’Suilleabhain, Sean 1945:24rb, 1964:109rb,
North Americans 1915:2 1970:121rb, 1972:55rb
North Carolina Branch of the AFS 1913:20 O'Sullivan, Sean 1978:17rb
North Carolina Folklore 1948:107 Oakes, Maud 1952:95rb, 1965:99rb North Carolina Folklore Council 1948:144 Obell, Margaret 1980:165rb
North Carolina Folklore Society 1943:88, 1943:147, obituary verse 1955:63, 1970:6 1944:12, 1945:11, 1945:53, 1947:17, 1948:15, obscenity 1949:50, 1959:96, 1959:97, 1962:60, 1950:150, 1950:151, 1952:49, 1953:34, 1954:84 1962:61, 1962:62, 1962:63, 1962:64, 1962:65, North Central Popular Culture Association 1972:93 1962:66, 1962:67, 1962:68, 1962:69, 1962:70, North Korea 1893:20, 1893:21rb, 1895: 26, 1897:45, 1962:71, 1963:88, 1964:12, 1965:39, 1965:45,
1897:71, 1898:42, 1955:10 1965:93, 1970:52, 1971:105, 1972:35, 1973:6,
386 Journal of American Folklore 1975:88, 1979:101, 1987:43 1916:12, 1916:14, 1917:34, 1919:12, 1928:2,
Observations...In his Travels from Pensilvania to 1933:32, 1945:99, 1946:34, 1978:80
Onondago, Oswego and the Lake Ontario, in Canada Okafor, C. A. 1985:7rb .
1972:621903:56 Okamoto, Kiichi, 1926:23 (illus.) 1956:61rb obsidian Okanogan Occidental College 1948:22, 1949:66 Oklahoma Folklore Society 1943:89 occupational folklore 1889:39, 1890:81, 1890:120, Okun, Milt (perf.) 1956:37ra 1891:59, 1892:14, 1892:69, 1892:117, 1894:5, Olason, Vesteinn 1987:103rb
1894:8, 1900:49, 1901:71, 1903:47, 1906:2, Old Be’ale 1940:2 1906:54, 1908:43, 1909:19, 1909:43, 1913:13, Old English 1909:16 1915:34, 1921:30, 1938:26, 1939:14, 1941:45, Old French 1909:47 1942:25, 1942:60, 1943:134, 1944:31, 1944:38, “Old Man Tucker” 1960:49, 1971:104
1944:64, 1945:44, 1945:109, 1946:30, 1946:33, “Old Mrs. Tucker” 1960:49 1946:79, 1947:115, 1949:52, 1949:146, 1950:135, Old Torlino 1960:128 1950:141, 1951:121, 1951:125, 1952:84, 1952:85, “Old Uncle Peter He Got Tight” 1951:89
1953:27, 1954:38, 1954:41, 1956:4, 1956:78, “Old Wives Tale, The” 1981:141 1957:53, 1957:83, 1958:75, 1958:86, 1959:100, Old Wool 1908:31 1960:4, 1960:14, 1961:1, 1961:5, 1965:5, 1968:49, Older, Lawrence (perf.) 1979:82rv
1968:72, 1969:18, 1969:20, 1969:66, 1971:98, Oledoska 1975:69rb 1972:7, 1972:36, 1972:92, 1973:70, 1973:78, Oliver, Paul 1986:44rb, 1986:45rb 1974:31, 1974:110, 1975:8, 1976:5, 1977:50, Olmsted, D. L. 1966:29rb © 1980:108, 1980:111, 1983:1, 1983:109, 1984:106, Olney, Marguerite 1947:60, 1956:22rb
1986:7, 1986:8, 1986:53, 1986:54, 1986:55 Olrik, Axel 1943:37rb .
occupational language 1898:12, 1968:50, 1978:6 Olschki, Leo S., (ed.) 1962:80rb -
Oceania 1903:50, 1949:101, 1956:16, 1966:2, 1966:8, Olson, Ronald L. 1939:43rb 1971:6, 1971358, 1971:100, 1973:1, 1973:116, Olsson, Helmer (coll.) 1948:30rb
1974:118; . Oltolina, Carlo 1985:72rb
—Micronesia 1951:47, 1961:6, 1966:2, 1971:100; Olum, Walum 1955:16
Banaba 1973:7; Caroline Islands 1949:94, 1949:95, Omaha 1888:9, 1888:12, 1888:33, 1888:66, 1888:67,
1951:80, 1952:105, 1955:3, 1956:14, 1959:6, 1888:68, 1888:76, 1889:2, 1889:3, 1889:15, 1960:78, 1962:41, 1969:119; Caroline Islands 1889:19, 1889:55, 1889:68, 1889:73, 1889:98, 1967:58; Ponape 1966:5; Marshall Islands 1890:75, 1892:51, 1893:79, 1893:85, 1895:81, 1952:77, 1953:67; Nauru Island 1973;74; Palau 1901:40, 1941:15 -
) 1968:1, 1971:100 omen 1899:77, 1904:37, 1906:78, 1952:105, 1980:117 —Polynesia 1942:59, 1952:36, 1961:96, 1986:51; Ellice one-volume reissue of 1950-1951 edition 1973:134rb Island 1973:74; French Polynesia 1949:100; Gilbert Oneida 1944:87, 1947:34
Islands 1966:8, 1973;74;, Kiribati 1965:3; Tonga Onojo Ogboni 1968:52
1967:33 onomatopoeia 1964:69
—Melanesia 1916:6, 1949:48; Fiji 1975:54 Onondaga 1888:7, 1888:20, 1888:64, 1888:65, Samoa 1969:118; Solomon Islands: 1967:56, Tahiti 1889:17, 1889:24, 1889:58, 1889:59, 1889:60,
1902:85, 1902:86, 1965:9; Tristan da Cunha 1889:61, 1889:82, 1889:97, 1889:99, 1889:100,
1961:52 7 1889:101, 1893:76, 1893:77, 1895:74, 1900:70,
ocimbanda 1899:44 1902:20, 1954:117, 1962:86, 1966:87
Odin 1980:118 Ontario Branch of the AFS. 1917:25, 1917:38, 1918:1, Odum, Howard W. 1925:35rb, 1967:21rb 1920:28
Odysseus 1946:69 ontogeny 1958:33 Odyssey, The 1900:31 opening stanza 1970:3
Oedipus 1955:105, 1956:104, 1956:105; complex opera 1908:33, 1948:155, 1952:46
1958:1; myth 1966:5, 1966:15 Opie, Iona 1953:79, 1961:74rb, 1986:47rb; (coll.)
Oeland, Legare L. 1909:5 1949:38rb; (ed.) 1952:93rb
Office of Censorship, U. S. government 1943:50 Opie, Peter 1953:79, 1961:74rb, 1986:47rb; (coll.)
officers and members 1902:70, 1907:12, 1915:43 1949:38rb; (ed.) 1952:93rb ]
Officers for 1949 1949:22 Opland, Jeff 1985:99rb
Ofield, Jack 1979:82rv, 1984:78rv Opler, Morris E. 1943:63rb Ogalala 1907:22, 1907:43 opossum 1921:21 — Ogibenin, Boris L. (introd.) 1973:22rb Oppe, A. P. 1973:62rb
Oglala Dakota 1930:30 Oraibi 1923:10
Oglala Sioux 1929:28 : Oral English 1972:31
ogre 1978:126 oral fixation 1952:31 Ohio College Association 1955:75 oral history 1917:2, 1960:12, 1960:13, 1968:52, Ohio Folklore Society 1950:83, 1950:148, 1951:54, 1976:54, 1978:40ra, 1980:109 1952:52, 1952:126, 1953:16, 1953:77, 1954:143, orality 1912:1, 1980:154
1955:38, 1955:75, 1969:12 . oratory 1947:34, 1953:28, 1969:118 Ohio State University 1947:58 Orbell (tr., introd.), Margaret 1970:65rb
Ohlsson, Ib, (illus.) 1973:132rb Ord, John 1974:58r
Ohrlin, Glenn 1974:120, 1976:21rb order 1892:100, 1971:11 Ohrn, Steven, (ed.) 1986:17rb Oregon Folklore Society 1969:13
Oikonomides, Al. N., (foreword) 1965:102rb Orengo, Franca 1985:71rb |
oil workers 1951:121 Orengo, Vladi 1985:71rb
Oinas, Felix J. 1971:66rb, 1981:72rb, 1986:61rb; (ed.) organizational folklore 1986:37
1978:138rb, 1980:132rb; (ed., tr.), Felix J. origin 1888:4, 1890:3, 1893:107, 1894:10, 1895:2,
1978:65rb 1946:72, 1955:42, 1971:18, 1971:54, 1971:56,
Ojibwa 1897:76, 1902:3, 1904:38, 1906:64, 1906:80, 1971:60, 1972:6, 1975:12, 1975:59, 1976:58,
1906:81, 1906:84, 1911:14, 1911:17, 1913:7, 1979:139; legend 1940:2, 1978:80
Subject Index 387 origin myth 1902:78, 1908:38, 1908:56, 1909:34, Pagayaw (coll., tr.), Saddani 1959:122rb 1923:9, 1923:10, 1928:16, 1943:49, 1944:36, Page, Denys 1976:103rb 1944:59, 1945:102, 1947:2, 1955:13, 1955:50, Page, Ralph 1979:32rb
1955:71, 1960:128, 1961:8, 1963:56, 1965:35, pageant 1977:2 1978:126, 1979:102, 1985:1; myths 1947:33 Pagter, Carl 1977:13rb
originality 1894:91 Pahl, Mildred 1914:7
origins 1899:75, 1905:63, 1907:3, 1909:4, 1909:47, Paichewski, Gisela 1937:32rb 1910:16, 1911:1, 1911:3, 1912:1, 1922:16, 1931:4, painters 1938:26 1944:85, 1948:139, 1949:143, 1949:146, 1952:34, Paipai 1969:35 1952:116, 1953:93, 1954:80, 1955:12, 1955:104, Paiute 1891:36, 1892:18, 1908:40, 1910:27, 1923:7,
1962:70 1960:13, 1974:6
1956:41, 1957:44, 1957:49, 1957:131, 1958:8, 1924:1, 1938:59, 1953:31, 1959:41, 1960:12, Oring, Elliott 1983:57rb; (ed.) 1970:71rb, 1987:28rb Pakistan 1980:108
Orion constellation 1897:72 palaquin-bearers 1968:50
ornamentation 1903:63, 1905:49 Palestine Institute of Folklore and Ethnology 1946:47 Orpheus 1935:17, 1946:2, 1947:2; myth 1972:37 Paley, Tom (perf.) 1954:134ra
Orr, Cathy M. 1979:119rb,(ed.) 1979:120rb Palle, Friedrich 1905:38rb
Orso, Ethelyn G. 1981:71rb Palmakhniks 1973:111
Ortoli, Frederic 1890:128rb Palmer, Vance (coll.) 1957:158rb
Ortroy, Franciscus van, (ed.) 1903:79rb Palmer, Roy 1974:48rb,(ed.) 1983:58rb
Ortutay, Gyula (ed. in chief) 1979:112rb, 1984:57rb Palmer, Kingsley 1976:72rb
Osakie 1899:65 Palmer, Roy 1973:102rb
Osgood, Cornelius 1938:33rb Palmer, Samuel 1983:68rb
Osias, Camilo 1908:12 Palmer, Susann 1983:68rb
Ospina, Gabriel (asst.) 1949:31rb Paluskas, Stella 1956:85 Ossetes 1956:73, 1978:1, 1979:103 pamphlet abstract 1892:131 Oster, Harry 1971:32rb; (ed., coll.) 1959:30ra Pamunkey 1943:101
Oswalt, Robert L. 1966:54rb Pan 1945:72rb Otero, Nina 1938:39rb Pan American Union 1956:88
Oto 1893:79 Pan-American Scientific Congress 1915:26 Oto (advisory ed.), Tokihiko 1965:62rb pan-Indian movement 1955:51, 1957:52
Otomi 1975:88 Panama 1943:137, 1943:140, 1945:16, 1979:55,
Ottawa 1892:131, 1931:19, 1946:34, 1949:151, 1979:140, 1979:141, 1979:142, 1981:94, 1981:97
1954:113, 1956:4 Panama Canal Zone 1973:32
Ottenberg, Phoebe, (ed.) 1962:95rb Panamaroff, Corneil 1903:3 Ottenberg, Simon 1962:95rb,(ed.) 1984:90rb Pani 1889:19
Otto, John Solomon 1986:14rb Panislamism 1904:17 outlaw 1956:15, 1956:76, 1958:6, 1966:14, 1972:4 panpipe 1908:34
Ouwehand, C. 1966:100rb pansy 1899:16 Ovimbundu 1899:44 Paolucci, Luigi 1968:101rb
Owen, Juliette A. (illus.) 1893:72rb, 1893:129rb Papa Ita 1901:20, 1901:93 Owen, Mary Alicia 1893:72rb, 1893:129rb, 1897:62rb, Papadoupoulos, S. A. (introd.) 1971:120rb
1905:56rb Papago 1909:36, 1912:4, 1912:9, 1921:15, 1973:75,
Owen, Roger C. 1960:148rb 1983:40
Owen, Trefor M. 1960:56rb Papamichael, Anna J. 1981:116rb Owen, Walter (trans.) 1946:55rb Papashvily, George 1947:95rb Owens, Harry J. 1956:113rb Papashvily, Helen 1947:95rb Owens, J. G. (assistant) 1894:125rb paper abstract 1894:91
Owens, Jesse Ann (musical transcr.) 1984:126rb Papua New Guinea 1944:84, 1964:93, 1966:10
Owens, John Gundy 1893:26 Papua-New Guinea 1904:44 Owens, Laurella 1983:117rb Para 1915:32 Owens, William A. 1951:107rb, 1984:126rb parade 1966:83, 1977:47
owl Paradis, Roger Owl 1950:101 Dance 1956:12 Paradise Lost1982:54rb 1969:41
Owl, Mrs. Samson 1913:23 Paraguay 1903:11, 1913:25, 1943:41, 1944:36 Owsley, Frank Lawrence 1968:20rb Pardo de Tavera, T. H. 1902:62
ox 1947:81 pardon 1947:44
Oxford, Edward de Vere, seventh Earl of 1965:8 Paredes, Americo 1954:87, 1960:26rb, 1964:65, Oxfordshire and District Folklore Society 1950:112 1968:57, 1971:21, 1974:56rb, 1978:90rb; (ed.)
oyster fishing 1986:7, 1986:8 1973:94rb, 1974:79rb; (ed., tr.) 1972:13rb; (notes, Ozark Folklore Society 1949:119, 1952:128 tr.) 1962:73rb; (pref.) 1969:125rb
parents 1985:95 Parezo, Nancy J. 1985:37rb Paris Exposition 1891:41; 1900 1900:79 Parizeau Medal 1946:141
P’u, Sung-ling 1948:159rb Park, Peter 1966:29rb Pa-lu-lu-kon-ti 1893:110 Parker, Arthur C. 1969:95rb Pable, George 1911:16 Parker, Arthur G. 1925:25rb Pablo, Abraham 1921:15 Parker, Everett 1975:69rb
Pache, Alexander 1905:57rb Parker, Langloh (coll.) 1956:64rb
Pacyaya, Mrs. Masinay 1953:70 Parker, Mrs. K. Langloh 1899:39rb; (coll.) 1896:91rb
Paden, Irene D. 1944:99rb Parkman, Francis 1893:125 paganism 1955:69 1962:67, 1962:69, 1964:6, 1970:51; song 1966:16
Padula, Fred 1978:52rv parody 1913:10, 1950:141, 1954:117, 1959:35, 1961:5,
388 Journal of American Folklore Parry, Milman 1956:82, 1983:39; (coll.) 1955:58rb, peddlers 1909:43 .
1978:63rb, 1982:65rb, 1982:66rb pedlars 1898:43, 1968:49
Parry-Jones, D. 1956:19rb . Peel, Alfreda M. 1951:19 Parsons, Desmond (tr.) 1940:6rb Peele, George 1981:141
Parsons, Elsie Clews 1925:8rb, 1937:25rb, 1940:25, peer group 1980:54 1943:1, 1943:6, 1943:7, 1943:24rb, 1943:45, Peesch, Reinhard 1969:136rb, 1970:76rb 1945:69, 1946:102rb, 1964:85rb, 1987:113; (ed.) Peet, S. D. 1894:67rb
1938:47rb Pegram, George 1958:53ra,(perf.) 1958:54ra 1951:150rb 1982:17rv; (ed.) 1976:107rv, 1977:40rv,
Partridge, Eric 1962:55rb; (intro., etymologies) Peiser, Judy 1977:36rv, 1977:77rv, 1978:123rv,
Partridge, Mrs. James Otis 1945:103, 1948:139 1977:79rv,(ed.) 1978:53rb
party 1985:53; games 1941:7, 1963:87 Pelasgians 1945:72rb Paskin 1902:3 Pele 1929:2 .
Passamaquoddy 1889:77, 1890:102, 1892:9, 1912:19 Pei, Mario A. 1945:116rb
passion play 1894:37, 1899:42, 1899:53 Penitentes 1894;117, 1963:51, 1971:56
Passover 1889:71, 1905:3, 1954:14 Penitents 1957:46 Pastores, Los 1945:20 Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Center 1952:122 Paszti, Miklos 1958:110rb Pennsylvania Folklore Society 1943:90, 1950:16, Pastor, Pedro Marcelino 1912:22 . Pennsylvania Branch of the AFS 1906:22
Pata Mata 1902:42 1952:60, 1956:7, 1956:93_
Patai, Raphael 1945:107, 1946:47, 1947:89, Pennsylvania German Folklore Society 1943:91,
1965:103rb, 1969:85rb, 1969:126rb, 1973:47rb, 1949:109, 1952:121 1980:122rb, 1982:114rb, 1984:115rb; (ed.) Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario
1946:98rb, 1961:61rb; (ed., introd.) 1967:92rb 1969:14
Pathe Cinema 1983:32rv Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Patoka Valley Boys (perf.) 1984:31irv 1948:146 Patrick, Walton R. 1956:30rb Pennsylvania Poetry Society 1952:60
patterning 1930:4 “Pennsylvanian Dutchman, The” 1949:113 Patterson, Daniel W. 1985:39rb, 1987:20rb; (ed.) Penny, Charles 1919:28 1974:49rb Penobscot 1890:87, 1913:4, 1915:4, 1915:28, 1923:21, Patterson, G. James 1979:63rb, 1979:145rb 1935:1
Patterson, Nancy-Lou Gellermann 1982:60rb pentatonic scale 1958:97 | . .
Patterson, Ruth Polk 1987:48rb Pentecostalism 1974:109, 1974:111, 1975:94, |
Patwatomi 1965:37 1977:134rv, 1983:111, 1987:119
Paul Bunyan 1950:135 Pentikainen, Juha 1970:19rb, 1979:98 Paul, Emmanuel C. 1964:79rb | Penyak, Barbara 1953:14 Paul, Gabe 1917:32 Penzer, Norman M. (tr., ed., pref.) 1935:13rb
Paul, Jim 1913:18 Penzer, N. M. 1953:83rb
Paul, Sapiel 1917:32 Peoria 1917:35
“Paul’s Wife” 1960:80 Pepicello, W. J. 1985:97rb
Paulding, James Kirke 1956:114rb Pepys, Samuel 1951:88 Paulsen, Deirdre (coll.) 1982:85rb Pequot 1903:28, 1903:29, 1904:29
Paulsen, Frank M. 1978:132rb Perbosc, Antonin 1956:54rb | Paulson, Ivar 1964:48rb, 1964:81rb perception 1945:68
Paviotso 1924:1 Percival, James 1918:30
Pawlowska, Harriet M. (coll., ed.) 1963:12rb “Percival” 1897:31 Pawnee 1891:104, 1892:50, 1893:51, 1894:80, Percy, Bishop 1917:26 1900:66, 1903:2, 1904:12, 1907:46 Perdue, Charles L., Jr. 1985:56, 1987:39, 1987:67
Payette, Frances 1914:7 Peretz, I. L. (adaptor) 1974:83rb
Payne, Scott 1917:6 | Perez, Jose 1949:56
Pays Borain, Le 1903:12 performance 1895:103, 1904:44, 1909:17, 1909:31,
Paz, Fabian de la 1908:12 1910:13, 1910:27, 1911:1, 1911:22, 1917:9, Peabody Museum 1891:25, 1906:24 1948:92, 1952:7, 1953:26, 1956:1, 1956:44, Peabody, Alfred 1918:19 1956:82, 1956:102, 1958:10, 1958:81, 1969:114, Peabody, Velton 1977:64rb 1971:4, 1971:5, 1973:36, 1975:52, 1976:2, peace rite 1899:65 1980:153, 1980:154, 1982:30, 1984:55, 1984:106, Peaceable Kingdom 1981:51 1985:93, 1986:2, 1986:34; analysis 1981:54,
peacock feather 1892:56 1975:86 .
Peachy, Frederic (ed., intro., notes) 1958:105rb 1981:144; studies program 1982:29; theory
Peacock, James L. 1970:67rb performers 1920:24, 1978:56
Peacock, Kenneth 1971:69rb Periers, Bonaventure des 1962:6, 1962:7, 1964:7, Peake, Mervyn, (illus.) 1948:168rb Perley, Gabe 1917:32
Peacock, N. 1969:88rb | 1964:8 | |
Pearce, John (perf.) 1961:22ra Perlick, Alfons, (ed.) 1957:19rb
Pearce, T. M. (ed., comp.) 1948:169rb Perrault, Charles 1980:101rb
Pearsall, Marion 1960:53rb Perrin, Charles 1901:91 . . Pearson, Clara 1944:34 Perry, Clay 1948:84rb “peasant” 1971:3 Perry, Frances 1890:105 Peate, Iorwerth C. 1945:9 Persians 1984:53 . Peccinotti (photographer), Harry 1973:130rb . personal experience narrative 1942:22, 1944:4,
Peck, Anne Merriman, (illus.) 1962:27rb. 1944:83, 1945:101, 1947:4, 1947:7, 1948:7,
Peckham, Howard H. 1948:88rb 1949:52, 1951:82, 1961:51, 1964:66, 1971:98, pedagogical discourse 1985:54 1975:7, 1975:87, 1976:5, 1987:40, 1987:41 pedagogy 1950:102, 1958:23 personal names 1893:62, 1903:54, 1906:45, 1920:23,
Subject Index 389 1923:11, 1951:2, 1981:56 Pichette, Jean-Pierre, (ed.) 1980:184rb
personality 1968:27 Pickard, Madge E. 1946:95rb personification 1902:2 Pickens, Andrew 1980:1 Peru. 1894:110, 1942:52, 1943:143, 1950:79, 1955:11, Pickering, M. J. 1950:17
1960:45, 1969:38, 1971:58, 1972:1, 1972:37, Pickett, A. G. 1960:123rb
1980:117 Pickow, George (photog.) 1954:103rb
Pesni donskikh Kazakov 1955:7 Pickwick Papers, The 1929:25, 1983:113
Petenyi, Katalin (dir.) 1987:79rv pictograph 1978:80
Petenyi (writer, ed.), Katalin 1987:78rv Pictou, Lucy 1925:3
Peter 1960:73rb Pidgin 1931:41; English 1937:2, 1944:84
Peter, Katherine (transcriber) 1984:56rb “Pied Piper’ 1903:13 “Peter Piper’ 1891:54, 1892:26, 1892:96 Piegan 1911:16, 1916:19, 1916:20, 1932:4
Peters, Harry B. 1979:155rb Pierce, Elijah (perf.) 1984:47rv
Peters, J. E. C. 1975:71rb pig 1902:11, 1951:41
Petersen, Karen Daniels (commentary) 1966:71rb Pigafetta, Antonio 1972:87
Petersen, Ron (introd.) 1980:172rb pigment 1895:38 Peterson, Elizabeth 1983:107rv Pike, Kenneth 1962:36 Petraakakos, Dem. A. 1905:84rb Pikler, Julius 1901:101rb Petrie, W. M. Flinders 1905:75rb Pilaga 1943:130 petroglyph 1959:40, 1959:98 pilgrimage 1904:15, 1946:112, 1978:2 Petropoulos, Dimitrious 1957:20rb; (ed.) 1960:99rb Pilkington, Walter, (ed.) 1944:76rb
Petrullo, Vincenzo 1936:9rb Pilling, J.C. 1894:136rb Pettazzoni, Raffaele 1954:96rb pilots 1950:141
Pettengell, George (perf.) 1977:110rv Pima 1903:87, 1912:4, 1936:32
Pettitt, George A. 1947:101rb pin 1891:58
Pettitt, Thomas 1984:61rb Pinart, Alphonse L. 1888:56rb
Petzoldt, Leander 1980:34rb Pine Hill High School Students 1982:8rb Peuckert, Will-Erich 1952:134rb; (ed.) 1962:77rb pink elephant 1954:67 Peyote Cult 1947:31, 1953:41, 1962:2 pinna 1915:11
peyote rite 1936:4 Pino Saavedra, Yolando 1965:58rb, 1965:59rb, Ph.D. dissertation 1939:25rb 1965:60rb; (ed.) 1969:48rb
phallic symbol 1966:3, 1979:59 Pinon, Roger 1960:69rb phantom 1898:46 Pinxten, Rik 1985:60rb
Philadelphia Chapter 1890:115 Pio, orn 1968:59rb
Philadelphia Chapter of the American Folklore Society pioneer preachers 1947:35
1890:14, 1890:23, 1890:60, 1891:23 pioneers 1945:98
Philadelphia Folk Festival 1973:44 pipe 1906:79
Philadelphia Folksong Society 1973:44 Pipe Chief 1891:104
Philadelphia Mummers 1966:83 Pipe, Samuel Zanvel 1968:92rb
Philippen, Jos 1970:66rb Pipernus, Peter 1891:54
Philippines 1901:77, 1901:94, 1902:62, 1903:31, Pipile 1907:24 1903:44, 1904:35, 1904:52, 1905:25, 1906:9, pirates 1946:73, 1957:53
1906:36, 1906:61, 1906:62, 1906:71, 1907:18, Pirkova-Jakobson, Svatava(ed. introd.) 1959:5irb 1907:19, 1907:20, 1907:21, 1907:29, 1907:63, Pirsoul, Leon 1903:70 1907:64, 1908:12, 1908:44, 1916:4, 1916:5, Pischel, Richard 1890:66rb, 1901:103rb 1921:33, 1933:26, 1949:97, 1949:102, 1956:8, pishtaco 1969:120 1956:85, 1966:4, 1966:12; Bohol 1957:134; Luzon pitchmen 1983:1 1902:56, 1953:70, 1956:84, 1961:5; Mindanao Pitre, Giuseppe (annotator) 1969:46rb
1902:41, 1902:42, 1913:2 Pitre, Giuseppe 1890:125rb, 1890:126rb, 1893:41rb,
Phillips, D.U. McGrigor 1964:44rb 1894:68rb; (coll., ed.) 1896:95rb, (comp.) 1894:102rb
Phillips, Emma 1945:49 Pitt-Rivers Museum 1894:117
Phillips, Percy 1906:79 place name 1888:38, 1890:21, 1895:73, 1900:27,
Phillips, Walter, (illus.) 1947:27rb 1904:27, 1905:68, 1906:86, 1920:23, 1943:134,
philology 1955:103 1944:39, 1945:98, 1946:42, 1946:71, 1972:86;
1901:46 1974:36
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society legend 1889:81, 1907:15, 1938:10, 1949:103,
philosophy 1945:68, 1955:102, 1960:124, 1962:3, plant names 1891:42, 1893:53, 1894:29, 1896:49,
1971:103 1897:5, 1897:33, 1898:44, 1898:57, 1902:20
philosophy of science 1973:8, 1973:9 plants 1888:50, 1889:17, 1889:27, 1892:3, 1893:60, Phinney, Archie 1936:21rb, 1954:9, 1971:11 1895:38, 1895:39, 1895:40, 1901:49, 1901:75,
Phister, Nathaniel P. 1891:36 1902:5, 1907:24, 1911:18, 1935:21, 1952:104, phonetics 1890:107, 1892:90 1956:2, 1956:101 phonograph recording 1901:95 Platero, Dillon, (ed.) 1976:13rb
phonology 1982:74 Plath, Oreste 1981:114rb
photocopy folklore 1977:50, 1978:6 Plattner, Stuart, (ed.) 1986:38rb
photocopying 1973:38 play-party 1914:19, 1915:21, 1916:2, 1919:34, photography 1901:50, 1901:96, 1920:24 1920:13, 1929:17, 1931:1, 1936:14; song 1907:58, physical characteristics 1893:3 1911:23, 1912:24, 1922:19, 1941:46 physicians 1978:6, 1980:111 Playfair, A. 1910:8rb
physiology 1949:48 Pleiades 1900:70
Piaget, Jean 1977:3 Pleistocene Era 1980:110 Piankishaw 1931:18 Pleyte, C. M. 1894:69rb
piano 1892:127 Plough Monday Play 1938:2 piano music 1969:179ra Pocomanian cult 1957:127
390 Journal of American Folklore
poetics 1960:124 pornography 1965:39 poetry 1906:84, 1908:33, 1911:14, 1917:22, 1925:21, Porta Magica 1895:8 | 1940:10, 1943:8, 1946:114, 1947:34, 1948:5, Porta, John Baptista 1895:14
1960:81, 1963:84, 1980:4, 1984:53 Portelli, Sandro, (ed.) 1985:88ra | pogonip 1906:88 portent 1980:117 a Poirier, Claude, (illus.) 1980:184rb Porteous, Alexander 1969:167rb
poison ivy 1904:42 Porter, Enid 1969:77rb, 1969:78rb,(ed.) 1969:79rb
Pokagon, Chief 1899:38rb : Porter, Glenn 1977:51
Polad, Michael (assistant) 1974:45rb . Porter, James, (ed.) 1985:14rb | Poladian, Sirvart 1944:53rb Porter, J. R., (ed.) 1981:12rb Poland 1895:87, 1898:37, 1902:28, 1902:91 Porter, Katherine Anne 1944:45 Poldmae, R. 1941:35rb . Porter, Mare 1981:47rv, 1984:28rv
pole 1895:81 Porter, Marion E. (ed., tr.) 1963:101rb Polish Folklore 1956:94 Porter, Mary H., (comp.) 1974:78rb
Polish Folklore Society 1898:37 Porter Family 1941:47
Polish joke 1973:38, 1979:60, 1980:156 Porterfield, Nolan 1981:73rb | Polish-Americans 1949:57, 1956:94, 1071:17 Portugal 1902:43, 1903:62, 1903:63, 1912:16, 1912:30, political change 1967:81 1944:63, 1951:36; Azores 63:1
political humor 1970:58 Portuguese-Americans 1892:2, 1917:8, 1920:4, 1920:9, political joke 1963:39 1921:3 political organization 1903:87 | Portuguese-Indians 1937:1 political song 1960:77, 1966:88, 1969:19, 1971:97 posada 1983:74
political verse 1915:32 Posnansky, Ignacio Arthur 1943:142
politics 1902:84, 1905:2, 1922:5, 1938:7, 1948:99, possession 1890:5, 1893:108, 1974:109, 1975:94,
1951:40, 1951:124, 1955:45, 1958:7, 1959:35, 1978:83
1960:5, 1961:90, 1961:99, 1962:42, 1963:38, Post (piano settings), Ruth 1951:72rb 1964:67, 1967:59, 1972:4, 1972:57, 1973:6, Postma, Minnie 1977:119rb 1976:59, 1977:46, 1978:3, 1978:8, 1979:144, Potawatomi 1956:4 1980:112, 1980:113, 1980:114, 1980:115, 1980:116, Potiphar’s wife 1904:49
1982:100, 1983:2, 1984:51, 1985:27, 1985:96, potlatch 1923:23 1986:3, 1986:35, 1986:54, 1986:55, 1986:104, Potter, Dale 1953:27
1987:72, 1987:125 Potter, Murray Anthony 1903:17rb |
Politis, N.G. 1891:61rb Potter, Tim (Big Grizzly Bear) 1888:11
Polivanov, Y. D. 1948:52 pottery 1897:2, 1982:16
Pollack, Herman 1972:67rb, 1973:135 Poulaille, Henry 1947:51; (ed.) 1947:103rb Pollak-Eltz, Angelina 1974:129rb, 1975:102rb Poulakis, Peter 1969:142rb
| Pollard, J. G. 1894:137rb Poulet, Mary Madeline Newell 1925:3 Pollock, Cary, (ed.) 1987:81rv Poulin, A., Jr. (ed.) 1968:17rb oo Pollock, Adam 1972:107rb Poulsen, Richard C. 1986:77rb . Poloczek, Frantisek, (comp.) 1958:43rb Pound, Louise 1960:18rb Poloczek, Frantisek (comp., ed.) 1966:57rb poverty 1949:58
Polome, Edgar C., (ed.) 1971:28rb Powamu Ceremony 1948:3
poltergeist 1951:121 | powder horn 1889:39, 1892:117
Polunin, Ivan (coll.) 1963:33ra Powell, Frederick York 1895:56rb . polygenesis 1979:139 Powell, John Wesley 1893:127rb, 1893:128rb, Polynesian 1929:2 1894:21rb, 1895:104rb, 1902:66, 1902:67; (ed.) Polynesian-Americans 1984:80 | 1894:22rb, 1894:23rb; (foreword) 1987:31rb Polynesians 1900:65, 1901:20, 1901:93, 1916:21, Powell, Lawrence Clark, (foreword) 1975:77rb
1949:96, 1949:98 Powell, Major 1918:17
polyphony 1955:7 power 1948:1, 1987:118, 1987:119 . Pomeransteva, E. V. 1977:93rb; (ed.) 1977:92rb Powers, William K. 1980:63rb
Pomo 1892:13, 1906:4, 1928:10, 1935:16 powwow 1902:80, 1957:52
1939:33 pragmatics 1984:82
Ponca 1888:11, 1888:12, 1888:66, 1888:76, 1889:98, powwowing 1897:12
Ponka 1893:85 Prairie-Plains Folklore Society 1974:119
Pool, Ithiel de Sola, (ed.) 1961:41rb prank 1891:53, 1892:22, 1944:65, 1945:7, 1947:7, “Pop Goes the Weasel” 1921:24 ; 1948:58, 1951:49, 1951:130, 1953:29, 1954:41,
Pope John Paul II 1979:60, 1980:156 1957:99, 1986:53
Pope Night 1892:133, 1893:16 : prayer 1888:52, 1892:136, 1959:35, 1962:69, 1964:6,
poplar 1900:49 1983:4, 1984:50
Popol Vuh 1907:25 ) prayersticks 1944:2 Popoluca 1945:71 _ ; pre-cognition 1976:57
Popova, Vasil’evna 1957:65rb pre-conquest song 1960:44
Poppe, Nikolaus 1957:143rb preaching 1958:82, 1970:1, 1979:35rv, 1983:111, popular culture 1944:60, 1948:10, 1948:143, 1948:152, 1987:119 1949:2, 1949:47, 1950:135, 1951:19, 1951:90, Predestinarian Church 1975:53
1954:6, 1956:99, 1959:53 Preece, Harold 1948:87rb, 1953:53rb | popular drama 1986:35 Preloran, Jorge 1984:43rv popular music 1957:87 Prempeh, Albert Kofi 1958:114rb oe popular song 1922:17, 1954:72, 1954:115, 1955:47, Prenner, Manuel, (notes) 1956:37ra
1957:85, 1958:10, 1965:77, 1965:78, 1965:79, Presbyterians 1943:40 . 1965:80, 1965:81, 1965:82ra, 1965:86 presentation 1975:7 .
popularization 1952:28, 1953:62, 1957:10, 1957:124, preservation 1888:44
1959:54, 1975:58 . Presley, Delma E. 1983:129rb
Subject Index 391 Presti, Louise J. 1985:89rv puberty rite 1888:54, 1896:56, 1946:70 Preston, Michael J. 1979:119rb,(ed.) 1979:120rb, public sector 1919:25, 1963:48
1981:83rb public sector folklore 1948:138, 1948:146, 1976:96rb,
Price, Arthur, (illus.) 1948:39rb 1982:34, 1986:104
Price, Fred (perf.) 1977:33rv publications 1891:21, 1893:2, 1893:87, 1894:17,
Price, Richard 1985:30, 1986:33; (foreword) 1894:18, 1898:37, 1901:51, 1902:24, 1902:27,
1980:169rb 1903:9, 1903:12, 1906:27, 1906:70, 1910:15,
Price, Robert 1956:20rb 1912:1, 1916:24, 1938:17, 1938:21, 1939:8, priest 1941:53, 1947:38 1939:11, 1943:19, 1943:20, 1943:21, 1943:109,
Prince, John (I-and-way-nay) 1894:81 1944:62, 1945:79, 1945:81, 1945:84, 1945:108, print 1892:96, 1892:116, 1895:97, 1902:83, 1904:24, 1945:111, 1946:13, 1946:34, 1946:43, 1946:130,
1905:4, 1905:68, 1905:71, 1906:56, 1906:57, 1946:156, 1947:60, 1947:119, 1947:120, 1947:121, 1909:45, 1909:47, 1911:2, 1912:1, 1912:13, 1947:126, 1948:57, 1948:135, 1948:136, 1948:151, 1950:135, 1956:9, 1957:84, 1958:82, 1966:12, 1948:154, 1949:14, 1950:21, 1950:137, 1950:139, 1966:90, 1967:29, 1970:6, 1972:5, 1972:9, 1972:32, 1951:13, 1951:22, 1951:58, 1952:11, 1952:38, 1972:89, 1973:110, 1975:4, 1976:94, 1979:105, 1952:62, 1952:118, 1953:78, 1954:113, 1955:36,
1980:154, 1982:3, 1987:40 1956:94, 1957:81, 1957:94, 1960:6, 1961:81,
printers 1947:115 1961:86, 1961:91, 1962:61, 1962:63, 1979:132, “Priscilla Alden” 1917:26 1986:100, 1987:67, 1987:74 prisoners 1950:130, 1965:89 publishing 1957:10 prisoners of war 1945:1, 1945:50 Puckett, Newbell Niles 1953:14, 1953:19, 1967:79,
procession 1898:23, 1898:53, 1899:42, 1899:66, 1971:49rb
1903:10, 1951:122, 1957:46, 1971:56, 1977:2 Pueblo 1891:84, 1895:102, 1896:12, 1916:30, 1918:11,
Proctor, Edna Dean 1893:21rb 1921:10, 1936:2, 1936:32, 1943:3, 1960:127, products 1919:19, 1953:11 1961:2, 1976:54, 1979:9, 1987:113, 1987:116 profession of folklore 1982:34 Puentes, Nancy O’Bryant 1987:96rb professional conduct 1965:41, 1965:73 Puerto Ricans 1947:121
professionalism 1949:44, 1958:10, 1963:48, 1975:58 Puhvel, Jaan (co-ed.) 1978:62rb; (ed., introd.) 1985:8rb
Proffitt, Frank Noah 1968:54 Pukui, Mary Kaewna 1978:110rb; (tr.) 1966:72rb
program 1891:87 Pullar-Strecker, H. (comp., notes) 1956:118rb program announcement 1948:71 Pullen, C. L. 1888:51, 1889:63
pronunciation 1891:83 Pullman porters 1983:109
1982:100 punch-card 1953:98
propaganda 1948:99, 1966:88, 1972:57, 1977:46, pun 1957:13, 1962:65, 1963:5, 1964:69
Propp, Vladimir J. 1959:5irb, 1969:139rb, 1971:61, punishment 1899:13, 1902:89, 1946:3 1972:1, 1972:2, 1973:2, 1973:35, 1981:95, 1982:31, Purdue Conference on American Culture 1966:91
1983:75, 1985:64rb, 1986:39rb Purdue University 1965:6
Proskouriakoff, Tatiana 1953:54rb purism 1961:58
prosody 1919:1, 1964:32, 1967:34, 1979:104 purity 1959:1 prostitutes 1947:44, 1973:70, 1975:8 Purslow, Frank (perf.) 1961:22ra
protest 1966:88 Put Yourself in His Place 1962:12 protest song 1964:67, 1967:59, 1969:18, 1969:19, Putna, George Palmer 1949:80 1970:2 Putnam, Frederic Ward 1888:58rb, 1893:15, 1906:24,
Protestantism 1958:97, 1962:37 1907:7, 1915:24
proverb 1889:69, 1889:70, 1896:80, 1896:83, 1897:26, Puyallup 1946:5 1902:5, 1902:28, 1902:48, 1915:32, 1919:3, 1920:3, Pyne, William Henry 1981:84rb 1921:2, 1922:8, 1934:2, 1935:9, 1943:46, 1948:100, Pyrelle, Louise Clark 1902:60 1952:43, 1953:64, 1956:76, 1959:3, 1960:79, Python, a Study of Delphic Myth and Its Origins
1961:55, 1961:56, 1968:29, 1974:8, 1978:126 1960:124
proverbial comparison 1889:48, 1913:9, 1949:12, 1957:6
proverbial expression 1889:48, 1892:10, 1949:12, 1951:50, 1953:90, 1954:13, 1954:67, 1956:41,
1957:130, 1967:38, 1968:7, 1970:108 Qaraqush 1903:66 proverbial expressions 1896:5, 1952:76 Quahu, Yak 1889:96
Proverbs 31 1969:22 Quain, Buell H. 1943:154rb psychiatric analysis 1959:1 Quapaw 1895:33
psychic power 1945:49 Quebec Branch of the AFS 1917:38, 1919:6, 1919:7, psychoanalytic analysis 1948:92, 1958:1, 1959:1, 1920:27
1964:30, 1966:15, 1977:82, 1980:4 Quechua 1961:59 psychoanalytic approach 1961:28 Quechua-speakers 1894:110, 1915:32, 1940:30 psychoanalytical theory 1956:16, 1956:104, 1956:105 Queen of Sheba 1907:44 psychological analysis 1945:68, 1950:2, 1952:3, “Queen's Closet Opened, The” 1892:11 1952:31, 1952:70, 1955:13, 1955:50, 1955:62, Quenne, Camille 1894:138rb 1955:65, 1955:71, 1956:81, 1958:24, 1958:89, query 1888:48, 1888:73, 1889:27, 1890:86, 1890:119,
1960:78, 1964:93, 1973:37 1891:113, 1892:19, 1892:57, 1892:60, 1892:63,
psychological theory 1966:3, 1977:3 1892:99, 1894:116, 1897:78, 1898:28, 1898:31,
psychology 1904:2, 1908:29, 1913:19, 1948:137, 1899:71, 1901:73, 1905:30, 1906:68, 1907:50, 1953:26, 1953:65, 1960:5, 1967:77, 1969:37, 1908:62, 1909:20, 1912:18, 1933:9, 1942:60, 1970:52, 1971:9, 1973:1, 1978:55, 1979:59, 1943:136, 1943:138, 1944:69, 1946:11, 1946:82,
1980:117 1948:13, 1948:140, 1949:14, 1949:105, 1950:23,
psychosocial analysis 1972:33 1951:52, 1952:62, 1953:79, 1954:118, 1955:63,
psychotherapy 1969:38 1956:11, 1956:41, 1956:98, 1960:50, 1962:71,
puakai 1949:94 1968:30, 1968:78, 1968:108, 1969:122, 1970:58,
392 Journal of American Folklore 1971:25, 1972:63, 1972:90, 1973:118, 1974:38, Ranke, Friedrich 1937:5rb
1974:71 . Ranke, Kurt 1956:106rb, 1957:16rb, 1959:62rb, .
1974:118 1967:42rb
questionnaire 1891:13, 1902:54, 1906:28, 1906:68, 1960:143rb, 1968:99rb,(ed.) 1974:14rb; (foreword)
Quetzalcoatl 1975:90 Rankin (assistant), Diana M. 1983:128rb Quiche 1949:46 Rankin, Lois, (ed.) 1983:23rb Quigley, Colin 1987:26rb Rankin, Henry W. (note) 1896:90rb
Quileute 1919:11, 1933:29 Ranks, Prof. 1904:13
quilt 1892:21, 1919:19, 1945:9 Ransom, Harry H. (ed.) 1940:8rb, 1942:39,
Quinn, Esther Casier 1964:108rb 1966:107rb, 1968:33rb Quintero Brothers 1925:31 Ransom, Harry H. (ed.) 1942:39 Quiroga, Adan 1903:37rb Rappaport, Angelo S. 1967:92rb Quong, Rose (tr.) 1948:159rb Rasheed, Baheega Sidky 1966:76
Rasmussen, H. 1959:117rb, 1959:118rb, 1966:19rb Rasmussen, Marcel, (illus.) 1968:103rb Raspa, Richard 1986:113rb
. Rassmussen, Knud 1909:25rb
rabbi 1964:94 rat 1892:4, 1892:128, 1893:86
rabbi trickster 1966:92 Ratnayake, K. R. 1955:49 rabbit 1899:25, 1915:31, 1945:102 rattle 1908:4
rabbit-hunting 1895:102, 1896:12 Rattray, R. S. (coll., trans.) 1931:31rb
race records 1939:6 Ratzel, Friedrich 1894:145rb
race riot 1983:41 Raum, O. F. 1942:50rb racial characteristics 1894:107, 1904:4, 1905:70 raven 1946:75
racial evolution 1979:2 Ravenscroft, Thomas 1964:86rb
racial origin 1976:58 Raw Head 1956:41, 1957:130
racial stereotype 1959:1 Raw Head and Bloody Bones 1964:15
1983:41 1941:34rb
racism 1902:59, 1966:83, 1970:47, 1972:84, 1976:4, Rawson, Marion Nicholl 1939:23rb, 1941:33rb,
Rada y Delgado, Juan de Dios de la 1894:24rb Ray, Dorothy Jean 1963:10rb, 1979:152rb
Radin, Paul (coll.) 1972:97rb Ray, Jamini 1954:67
Radin, Paul 1939:40rb, 1945:71, 1946:146rb, Ray, Verne f. 1939:44rb 1952:119, 1957:100rb, 1961:7; (coll.) 1918:40rb; Rayburn, Otto Ernest 1957:94
(ed. & introd.), 1953:102rb Rayford, Julian Lee 1959:14rb radio 1944:43, 1944:71, 1946:16, 1947:3, 1948:152, Raymen, Steve 1984:43rv
1951:90; Read, Allen Walker 1979:27rb; (introd.) 1963:98rb radioactivity 1904:41 “Real McCoy, The” 1948:13 radium 1904:41 Reaney, P. H. 1981:82rb Rae, John 1900:65 Reaver, J. Russell 1964:75rb
preaching 1974:111 Reade, Charles 1962:12
Rael, Juan B. 1952:94rb, 1958:99rb, 1966:106rb, Reavy, Joseph M. 1982:67rb
1980:39rb reciprocity 1902:59, 1943:130, 1976:47 raft 1902:57 1949:152, 1950:72, 1962:64, 1971:16, 1972:33, Rafferty, Milton D. 1982:89rb recitation 1898:29, 1904:43, 1944:64, 1944:88,
Raglan, Lord 1957:44, 1958:11, 1958:30, 1958:31 1973:39, 1974:7, 1974:66, 1975:14, 1975:15,
ragtime music 1979:127, 1985:82ra 1975:16, 1975:95, 1977:44, 1983:95ra, 1987:43
Ragusa-Moletti, G. 1892:33rb Reck, Gregory G. 1980:179rb |
railroad 1968:109ra record list 1981:133, 1982:15, 1983:31, 1983:135 railroad workers 1891:59, 1983:109, 1986:53 record notes 1970:41 Raim, Ethel (collaborator) 1979:128rv record review essay 1948:73, 1959:27ra, 1959:94,
rain 1903:51, 1954:118 1959:124ra, 1960:35ra, 1960:75ra, 1960:117, Rain and the Fire and the Will of God, The 1957:135 1960:152ra, 1961:48ra, 1961:77ra, 1962:31ra, rain dance 1960:127 1962:57ra, 1962:84ra, 1963:18, 1963:77, 1964:28ra,
Raine, James Watt 1971:75rb 1964:63r, 1964:64, 1964:90ra, 1964:118ra,
“Raise a Ruckus Tonight” 1970:55 1965:32ra, 1965:74ra, 1965:82ra, 1965:118ra,
Rajputs 1958:74 1966:40ra, 1966:77ra, 1966:78ra, 1966:79, Ralston, W. R. S. 1980:100rb 1966:109ra, 1966:110ra,1966:111ra, 1966:112ra, Ram Lila 1958:79 1967:27ra, 1967:50, 1967:51ra, 1967:52ra, Ramayana 1958:79 1967:73ra, 1967:101ra, 1968:23, 1968:24,
Ramblers, The 1959:130ra,(perf.) 1959:131ra ra1968:44ra, 1968:45ra, 1968:46ra, 1968:64ra,
Ramos Carrion, Miguel 1925:31 1968:65ra, 1968:66, 1968:68ra, 1968:109ra,
Ramsay, Eloise 1965:43 1968:111, 1968:114ra, 1969:34ra, 1969:54ra,
Ramsay, Frederic, Jr. 1979:168rb 1969:11lira, 1969:112ra, 1969:113ra, 1969:176ra,
Ramsey, Jarold (comp., ed.) 1980:60rb 1969:177ra, 1969:178ra, 1969:179ra, 1970:37ra, Ramsey, Obray 1958:53ra,(perf.) 1963:20ra 1970:38ra, 1970:39ra, 1970:40ra, 1970:92ra,
Rand, Silas Tertius 1894:48rb 1970:97ra, 1970:98ra, 1970:143ra, 1971:52ra, Randell, Arthur 1969:79rb 1971:94ra, 1971:95ra, 1971:127ra, 1971:128ra,
Randolph, Vance 1947:143rb, 1948:161, 1951:151rb, 1972:79ra, 1972:122ra, 1972:123ra, 1972;124ra,
1952:68rb, 1954:75, 1954:98rb, 1954:100rb, 1973:27ra, 1973:68ra, 1973:104ra, 1974:28ra,
1956:49rb, 1973:131rb, 1979:21rb, 1980:137rb, 1974:29ra, 1974:63ra, 1974:64ra, 1974:86ra, 1981:96; (coll.) 1954:93rb; (coll., annotator) 1973:106ra, 1973:136ra, 1974:138ra, 1975:85ra, 1967:66rb; (coll., ed.) 1949:18irb, 1949:182rb 1976:35ra, 1976:36ra, 1976:37ra, 1976:40ra,
Range Life Series 1943:16 1976:41ra, 1976:79ra, 1976:80ra, 1977:23ra, Rank, Gustav 1954:49rb 1977:73ra, 1977:74ra, 1977:101ra, 1977:102ra,
Subject Index 393 1977:133ra, 1978:40ra, 1978:79ra, 1978:114ra, religious object 1891:5 1978:150ra, 1979:34ra, 1979:97ra, 1981:131lara, religious rite 1888:8, 1888:20, 1891:15, 1891:39, 1931:132ra, 1982:12ra, 1982:13ra, 1982:93ra, 1891:45, 1891:46, 1892:69, 1892:70, 1894:39, 1983;28ra, 1983:30ra, 1983:71ra, 1983:72ra, 1895:81, 1898:23, 1898:40, 1898:53, 1899:30, 1983:95ra, 1983:96ra, 1983:134:ra,1984:24ra, 1899:42, 1900:1, 1901:18, 1904:5, 1906:44, 1984:75ra, 1984:76ra, 1984:99ra, 1984:129ra, 1906:79, 1910:28, 1916:15, 1916:22, 1917:36, 1985:47ra, 1985:48ra, 1985:82ra, 1985:85ra, 1918:35, 1921:22, 1935:6, 1938:8, 1940:2, 1942:3, 1985:104ra, 1986:21ra, 1986:48ra, 1986:93ra, 1942:54, 1946:35, 1946:112, 1947:37, 1949:43, 1986:94ra, 1986:124ra, 1987:8, 1987:45, 1987:76 1949:151, 1951:122, 1954:14, 1955:69, 1956:43, recording 1903:8, 1922:17, 1946:78, 1946:85, 1947:60 1956:78, 1957:46, 1958:79, 1960:127, 1960:128, recordings 1951:19, 1951:22, 1951:90, 1952:62, 1961:57, 1961:59, 1962:2, 1963:49, 1963:50, 1955:36, 1965:77, 1965:78, 1965:79, 1965:80, 1963:51, 1970:7, 1971:56, 1973:77, 1974:109,
1965:81 1978:2, 1978:83, 1980:52, 1980:118, 1984:50
Red River Lumber Company 1944:60, 1950:135 religious song 1894:39, 1894:111, 1896:53, 1897:30,
Redfield, Margaret P. 1955:39 1897:47, 1897:50, 1897:69, 1898:4, 1898:8, Redfield, Robert 1944:50rb 1901:90, 1903:40, 1905:3, 1907:52, 1909:31,
Redlich, F. A. 1937:19rb 1910:24, 1911:28, 1913:10, 1913:15, 1913:31, redundancy 1974:117 1914:17, 1916:22, 1921:6, 1922:13, 1922:17, Reed, Edward Bliss, (ed.) 1933:35rb 1925:10, 1927:16, 1928:22, 1928:24, 1928:25,
Reed, Mrs. 1903:3 1930:24, 1931:29, 1931:39, 1931:40, 1938:2,
Reed, Ola Belle (perf.) 1976:116rv 1939:5, 1942:3, 1942:54, 1949:47, 1949:144, Reed, Susan (perf.) 1956:133ra 1950:142, 1951:78, 1952:110, 1964:6, 1965:74ra,
Rees, Alwyn 1963:8rb 1966:78ra, 1968:73, 1968:114ra, 1969:36, Rees, Brinley 1963:8rb 1970:39ra, 1970:105, 1971:94ra, 1971:128ra,
Reeves, C. H. 1930:25 1973:27ra, 1974:26rb, 1975:53, 1975:54, 1976:80ra, Reeves, Goebel 1973:40, 1973:41 1978:150ra, 1982:1, 1983:29ra, 1983:134ra,
Reeves, James 1959:106rb 1986:48ra
reference works 1977:67rb, 1980:140 religious tale 1921:35
Reformation 1962:37 religious testimony 1983:111
refugee 1978:8 religious verse 1914:14, 1970:1 Regimental Band, Royal Highland Fusiliers (perf.) Remaines of Gentilisme and Judiasme 1980:154 1969:58ra Remick, Eliot W. 1905:8, 1905:32 Regional Economic History Research Center 1977:51 Remington, Frederic, (illus.) 1969:141rb
regional folklore 1947:119 reminiscence 1913:22
regionalism 1908:15, 1952:28, 1959:53, 1959:100, Ren-Ghilain, Mr. 1903:12
1960:129, 1960:130, 1987:1, 1987:42 Renaissance medicine 1955:41
Rehnberg, Mats 1948:116rb Renaissance Period 1980:154 Reich, D. L. (comp., notes) 1987:66rb Renwick, Roger deV. 1979:28rb, 1983:19rb Reich, Rosalie 1973:120rb repertoire 1949:46, 1982:31
Reichard, Gladys A. 1943:58, 1947:26rb, 1948:105, repertoire analysis 1946:111, 1947:6, 1965:79, 1971:7,
1950:117rb, 1951:145rb, 1956:13, 1981:37rb, 1972:82
1986:105 repetition 1925:21, 1971:55
Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerard 1946:105rb Report of the Smithsonian Institution 1902:86
Reid, Bill 1979:110rb Report of the United States National Museum for 1893
Reid, Loren 1979:158rb 1896:41rb, 1896:102rb Reilly, John 1983:33rv repression 1966:45
reincarnation 1909:49, 1949:4 reprints: 1890:1, 1900:8, 1901:15, 1901:16, 1901:19, religion 1889:87, 1889:95, 1891:9, 1891:12, 1891:107, 1901:46, 1901:74, 1901:93, 1902:91, 1912:25,
1893:51, 1894:2, 1894:89, 1894:93, 1895:70, 1967:13, 1936:12, 1941:12, 1945:105, 1986:105, 1897:46, 1897:68, 1897:70, 1898:40, 1898:54, 1987:7, 1987:75 ;American Journal of Sociology 1899:26, 1899:54, 1899:66, 1900:12, 1900:46, 1901:13; American Kitchen Magazine 1900:10, 1901:20, 1901:39, 1901:67, 1903:2, 1903:86, 1900:75; Archivio per L’Antropoligia 1902:26; 1903:93, 1904:3, 1904:24, 1904:52, 1905:42, Bulletin et Memoires de la Societe d’Anthropologie
1905:60, 1907:4, 1907:50, 1908:1, 1909:16, de Bruxelles 1902:88; Bulletin et Memoires de la 1909:30, 1910:6, 1910:16, 1916:18, 1921:29, Societe d’Anthropologie de Paris 1902:89; Bulletin 1923:5, 1927:17, 1932:15, 1935:1, 1939:5, 1940:30, of the Madras Government Museum 1902:46,
1940:31, 1940:32, 1942:55, 1944:32, 1946:84, 1902:47; Catholic University Bulletin 1901:14; 1947:79, 1947:130, 1949:4, 1951:52, 1952:73, Centralblatt fur Anthropologie 1902:63; 1953:65, 1953:97, 1954:37, 1954:40, 1955:6, Dictionnaire de la Langue Crise 1902:9; 1955:9, 1955:40, 1955:43, 1955:67, 1956:46, Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen 1902:53; Harvard 1956:80, 1957:45, 1957:127, 1958:84, 1960:2, Monthly 1899:65; Hawaiian Gazette 1901:20; 1961:58, 1962:37, 1970:102, 1977:114, 1979:101, Herald (Mexico City) 1899:66; Japan Evangelist
1982:73, 1983:4, 1985:1, 1986:51, 1987:118 1900:46; Journal of the Chinese Asiatic Society
religious architecture 1895:94, 1896:77 1898:62, 1899:13, 1899:14; l’Anthropologie
religious ballad 1935:28, 1947:35, 1965:10, 1965:94, 1902:52; Modern Language Notes 1901:48; Nature
1965:95 1901:12; New York Daily Tribune 1902:60; New
religious drama 1958:79, 1977:2, 1977:47 York Medical Journal 1901:94; New York Tribune
religious humor 1964:94 1902:61; New Yorker Magazine (1956) 1956:45; religious imagery 1894:9 North American Notes and Queries 1901:18;
religious legend 1903:48, 1905:53, 1907:44, 1918:12, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
1940:1, 1941:53, 1942:56, 1963:37, 1964:92, 1901:17; Revue des Traditions Populaires 1900:72,
1971:13 1900:73, 1900:74; Russk. Antr. Zhur. 1902:87;
religious music 1928:9, 1957:126 Southern Workman 1898:11, 1898:61, 1899:12,
religious narrative 1983:134ra 1899:50, 1899:67; Washington Post 1899:68;
394 Journal of American Folklore Worcester Evening Gazette 1902:82; Zeitschrift des Rider, Rowland W. 1982:85rb) |
Vereins fur Volkskunde 1901:49 Riedel, Johannes 1974:45rb
reptile 1945:100 Riesenfeld, Alphonse 1952:18rb
reputation 1986:34 Rigby, Ivan B. 1981:103rb
request for submissions 1947:53, 1947:134 Rigg, Horace A., Jr. 1953:19 Research in Primitive and Folk Music in the United. Riggs, Stephen R. 1901:51
States 1950:137 Riley, Barbara, (ed.) 1982:55rb Reshid, Harun 1974:114 Riley, Lula S. 1965:44 Resko, (Cillus.) 1952:141rb rimur 1977:131ra; music 1976:93 retirement rite 1984:106 Rinehart, Ray 1961:31
retort 1945:103 . Ring and the Book, The 1964:15
Retour du Soldat, Le 1950:58 | ring games 1899:73, 1899:74, 1889:113, 1900:25, Retour du Voyageur, Le 1950:58 , 1901:91, 1917:5, 1921:1, 1921:4, 1921:5, 1930:27,
retrieval system 1953:98 | 1947:1, 1947:129 | return motif 1975:60 | . Ringgren, Helmer, (ed.) 1968:36rb return to the William Byrd Press 1951:20 Rinker, Samantha E. 1926:18 7 Reuss, Richard A. (comp., annotations, introd.) Rinzler, Ralph 1982:20rv; (foreword) 1987:2irb 1969:29rb; (ed.) 1978:139rb [Rinzler, Ralph), (foreword) 1986:19rb :
revenge 1914:8 Rip Van Winkle tale 1889:23
Revesby Sword Play 1972:5, 1974:69 | risk 1972:7
Review of Folk-Lore 1894:53 a Ritchie, Jean 1954:103rb, 1956:23rb; (perf.)
Reville, Jean 1890:20 1954:129ra, 1956:131ra, 1956:132ra Revista de Folklore 1947:135 . rite 1889:15, 1940:2, 1944:84 | -
Revista de tradiciones populares 1945:13 rite of passage 1903:57, 1904:32, 1905:46, 1906:79, Revista Venezolana de Folklore 1947:135 1906:80, 1908:9, 1912:5, 1916:22, 1945:3, 1946:35, Revistade Antropologia de Bolivia 1943:142 1949:98, 1958:87, 1958:89, 1977:83, 1981:4,
Revitt (comp., introd.), Paul J. 1966:61rb 1982:99 | revival 1954:14 . rites of passage 1943:41, 1958:73, 1958:82 .
Revival Christianity cult 1957:127. Ritson, Joseph 1973:60rb revival meeting 1942:3 : ritual 1888:64, 1889:19, 1889:67, 1889:87, 1892:5,
revivalism 1987:124 1892:18, 1892:51, 1892:132, 1894:83, 1894:89,
Revue de |;’Histoire des Religions 1890:20 1894:90, 1895:74, 1895:94, 1896:77, 1897:49, Revue des Arts et Traditions Populaires, La 1953:17 1898:41, 1899:17, 1899:63, 1899:65, 1902:86,
reward 1899:13 1904:3, 1905:46, 1905:60, 1906:79, 1907:4, 1908:1,
Rex, Genevieve 1948:71 1908:4, 1908:8, 1908:40, 1909:16, 1909:30, 1910:1, Rey, Agapito 1943:13, 1944:29rb 1910:28, 1912:5, 1914:29, 1916:6, 1921:10, Reynolds, Emily Knox 1949:10 1925:23, 1929:15, 1930:30, 1936:3, 1940:35, Reynolds, James 1957:24rb 1940:36, 1941:2, 1943:3, 1943:99, 1944:2, 1944:36,
rhetoric 1947:34 1945:4, 1947:5, 1947:77, 1947:78, 1948:101, ©
rhetorical analysis 1967:32, 1978:55, 1986:52 1949:55, 1950:2, 1951:7, 1952:8, 1955:13, 1955:44,
rhetorical style 1975:7 . 1955:50, 1955:62, 1955:71, 1955:107, 1955:108, rhetorical theory 1968:29 1956:79, 1956:84, 1956:95, 1956:103, 1957:44, Rhodes, Helen, (illus.) 1930:10rb : 1957:45, 1957:46, 1957:49, 1957:131, 1958:11,
Rhos Male Voice Choir (perf.) 1963:92ra 1958:83, 1959:42, 1959:99, 1960:46, 1962:41,
rhus 1904:42 1962:87, 1962:89, 1962:92, 1964:1, 1967:83,
rhyme 1955:64, 1979:104 . 1968:55, 1969:118, 1971:8, 1972:7, 1973:1, 1974:5,
rhyme pattern 1964:9 - 1975:11, 1976:47, 1977:5, 1978:5, 1979:59, 1980:4, rhythm 1910:27, 1925:21 1981:93, 1985:2, 1985:53, 1987:120 rhythm analysis 1949:51 ritual song 1893:84, 1894:78
rhythm and blues song 1969:178ra Rivista delle tradizioni popolari italiano 1893:87
rice 1952:8 Rivlin, J. J. 1945:107
Rice, William Hyde 1925:18rb, 1980:82rb Roach, William Joseph 1949:67
“Richard Guile” 1938:4 : roadside art 1980:6 | | Richard M. Dorson Memorial Essay Prize 1985:29 Roback, Abraham Aaron 1981:90rb ,
Richards, Mat (perf.) 1957:61ra Robb, John Donald 1983:66rb Richardson, Boyce 1986:95rv Robbin, Ed 1982:86rb Richardson, Jane 1947:97rb : Robbins, Harry W. (tr.) 1964:53rb Richardson, Robert D. 1973:127rb | Robbins, Rossell Hope 1960:62rb | Richepin, Jean 1955:12 Robe, Stanley L. 1973:26rb, 1973:128rb, 1975:41rb; Richlin, Amy 1984:128rb . (ed.) 1980:27rb; (ed., intro.) 1965:57rb, 1972:12rb; Richman, Vivien, (notes) 1960:76ra (introd., notes) 1983:65rb; (tale-typing) 1967:42rb Richmond, W. Edson 1952:27, 1952:64, 1952:71, Roberson, Donald 1965:18rb__ .
1952:114, 1956:3, 1958:92, 1958:121, 1965:76, Roberts, Allen F. 1974:120
1966:116, 1968:26, 1968:48; (ed.) 1959:8rb; (ed., Roberts, Fred 1909:19
rev.) 1960:51rb : . Roberts, H. H. 1928:7rb
Richmond, Tillson (ed., rev.) 1960:51rb Roberts, Helen H. 1926:20rb, 1956:112rb Rickaby, Franz Lee 1927:9rb, 1968:72 Roberts, Leonard W. 1956:48rb, 1960:17rb, 1967:18rb,
Rickards, Maurice 1979:76rb 1971:45rb
Rickels, Milton 1963:73rb : Roberts, Robin (asst.) 1958:13ra
Rickford, John, (ed.) 1982:10rb Roberts, Warren E. 1954:87, 1959:63rb, 1962:51rb, Ricks, George Robinson 1980:58rb . 1974:41; (contrib.) 1954:91rb; (pref., notes)
Riddle, Almeda 1973:85rb, 1987:127 _ | 1966:97rb
Riddle, Mary 1926:17, 1929:20 Robertson, Ellison, (illus.) 1982:58rb Ridenour, Harry L. 1953:14 a Robertson, Jeannie 1976:2, 1987:127; (perf.)
Subject Index 395 1959:134ra Rosman, Abraham 1986:68rb
Robertson, Margaret R. 1986:120rb Rosnow, Ralph L. 1979:67rb Robertson, Sidney, (comp.) 1943:36rb Ross, Janet 1894:25rb
Robin Hood 1951:76, 1952:83, 1952:116, 1956:9, Ross, Mabel H. 1981:60rb
1958:6, 1961:53, 1966:14 Ross, Marvin C. 1981:35rb
Robinson, Earl 1945:81 Ross, Peter 1915:19
Robinson, Florence Brookhouse 1931:28 Roth, Klaus 1980:77rb Robinson, Roland (coll., ed.) 1956:65rb Rotunda, D. P. 1943:113rb Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences 1949:109 Roughsey (collaborator), Elsie 1983:53rb
rock 1980:6; art 1959:40, 1959:98, 1985:1; song Rounder Collective 1974:28ra
1967:30, 1970:37ra, 1973:112 Rounds, Glen 1952:68rb,(illus.) 1974:84rb
Rockefeller Foundation 1945:17, 1945:110, 1949:66, Rourke, Constance 1931:35rb, 1943:110rb
1956:8 Rout (joint ed.), J. K. 1966:38rb
Rockefeller Midwest Studies Grant 1951:55 Routley, Erik 1961:38rb
Rockhill, W. W. 1896:102rb rowan tree 1966:43 Rockwell, Joan 1984:9rb Rowan, Bob 1979:5irv
Rodee, Marian E. 1983:93rb Rowland, Beryl 1975:44rb, 1982:43rb Rodgers, Ava D. 1972:73rb Rowsome, Leo (perf.) 1969:62ra Rodgers, Jimmie 1957:85 Roxburghe Ballads, The 1948:131 Rodriguez Rivera, Virginia 1969:21 Roy, Bruno 1980:68rb
Rodway, Allen Edwin, (ed.) 1958:108rb Roy, Carmen 1954:94rb, 1957:144rb, 1964:78rb Roediger, Virginia More 1943:38rb, 1962:44rb Royal Society of Canada 1919:6 Roessel, Robert A., (ed.) 1976:13rb; (foreword) Roys, Ralph L. 1981:36rb; (tr., ed.) 1966:101rb
1976:15rb Rozdolskyj, I. 1903:8
Rogas, Alfonso Villa (intro.) 1958:100rb Rubel, Paula G. 1986:68rb
Rogers, Edith Randam 1983:21rb Rubin Mass 1978:135rb Rogers, Frederick Rand 1943:29rb Rubin, Arnold 1982:87rb Rogers, Josephine (collaborator) 1978:103rb Rubin, Barbara 1982:87rb
Rogers, Mary Pierson 1938:5 Rubin, Ruth 1966:58rb; (ed., comp.) 1951:72rb; (perf.) Rogers, Spencer L. 1984:19rb 1960:119ra; (perf., coll., ed., notes) 1960:41ra;
Rogers, Will 1934:26 (perf., notes) 1960:42ra Rogue River 1928:14 Rudd, Roswell 1982:92ra
Roghair, Gene H. 1984:92rb Rubstov, F. (music ed.) 1956:109rb Roheim, Geza 1944:101rb, 1946:101rb, 1956:104, Rudnyc’kyj, Jaroslav B. 1954:126rb, 1954:127rb,
1956:105 1954:128rb, 1959:80rb; (ed.) 1957:66rb
Rohrich, Lutz 1974:120, 1975:96, 1975:97rb, Rudnyckyi, J. B. 1953:75; 1965:109rb 1979:70rb, 1980:66rb; (ed.) 1975:67rb Rudolph, Wolfgang 1970:75rb, 1970:76rb
Rolling Stones 1973:112 Ruegg, Robert 1972:25rb
Roman de la Rose 1963:84 Rufty, Hilton (settings) 1939:22rb “Roman de Renart le Contrefait” 1960:83 rug 1979:100 Roman-Nose, Felix 1916:18 Rugoff, Milton, (ed.) 1950:125rb romance 1916:4, 1916:5; literature 1897:31, 1897:51, Ruiz, Juan 1980:159rb
1897:73, 1898:6, 1898:38, 1899:45, 1899:64, rumor 1944:8, 1983:41, 1986:37 1960:83; poetry 1905:1, 1909:4, 1960:7, 1963:84, Ruryk, Nancy R. (comp., ed.) 1981:17rb
1963:1 Russell, W. M.S. 1981:12rb,(ed.) 1983:90rb
Romance de Rico Franco 1969:121 Russell, Frank 1899:84rb, 1903:88, 1904:36
romancero 1920:5, 1920:8 Russell, H. K. (trans., condenser) 1943:116rb Romania 1949:45, 1978:8, 1979:144 Russell, J. B. 1945:6 Romania: Transylvania 1984:51 Russell, Mary Margaret (trans., condenser) 1943:116rb Romanian-Americans 1979:144 Russell, Nellie N. 1974:78rb
Romanian-Canadians 1979:144 Russell, Tony 1973:25rb romantic nationalism 1987:126 Russian Epic Studies 1949:123 romantic tale 1923:3 Russian-Americans 1927:16, 1945:104, 1946:9, 1976:59 romanticism 1950:65, 1987:1 Russian-Britons 1987:125 Rome, T. Herzl, (illus.) 1951:72rb Russian-Canadians 1980:112
Romig, Walter 1979:111rb Russians 1956:72
rooster 1896:26 Rust, Horatio Nelson 1907:27 rope of sand 1899:17 narrator) 1985:52rv
Rooth, Anna Birgitta 1952:97rb, 1979:20rb Ruth, John L. (producer) 1979:39rv; (writer, dir.,
Rosa, Joseph G. 1965:17rb Ruth 1:16 1969:22
Roscelli, William John, (ed.) 1966:74rb Rutledge, Abbie 1950:118rb
Roscher, Wilh. Heinr. 1891:61rb Ruud, Jorgen 1961:64rb
Rose, Al 1980:188r Ruud, Martin B. 1937:42rb
Rose, H. J. 1950:126rb Ruysch, W. A., (ed.) 1949:171rb Rosenbaum, Art (coll., text, illus.) 1985:68rb Rwanda 1954:77 Rosenbaum, Margo Newmark (photographer) Rydbert, Viktor 1889:92rb
1985:68rb Rydjord, John 1973:10irb
Rosenberg, Bruce A. 1970:23rb, 1971:62, 1972:42rb, 1977:4, 1978:69rb; (ed.) 1972:65rb; (foreword) Rosenberg, Neil V. (comp., introd., notes) 1977:61irb;
(ed.) 1980:79rb, 1983:7rb saantiguar 1984:50
Rosenberg, June C., (foreword) 1983:80rb Sabine, Ellen S. 1961:10rb
Rosenberry, Edward H. 1956:115rb Saboba 1902:4
396 Journal of American Folklore Sac 1902:44 Saperstein, Alan 1987:82rv Sachs, Curt 1942:36rb Sapir, Edward 1909:41rb, 1925:26rb, 1940:40rb, Sackett, S. J. 1956:89, 1963:58rb 1943:119rb, 1957:106rb; (ed.) 1909:42rb,
“Sacred Dramas” 1896:84 1936:30rb, 1937:38rb _
sacred song 1942:64 Sappho 1903:86 sacredharp name 1891:107 Saracens 1903:58
sacred pole 1889:15 “Sarah in the Chevrolet” 1960:87 sacred site 1889:19 “Sarah in the Shoe Shine Shop” 1960:87 sacrificial rite 1888:4, 1888:20, 1890:90, 1891:80, Sarci 1904:28 1893:9, 1897:46, 1899:69, 1902:52, 1902:88, Sarmatians 1978:1, 1979:103
1935:6, 1977:5 Sartori, Paul 1903:36rb Safed 1978:83 Sartre, Jean-Paul 1962:3
saga 1986:34 Saso, Michael (supplementary comment) 1975:101rb Saga och Sed 1938:12 Sass, Lorna J. 1978:32rb, 1978:33rb -
Sagarin, Edward 1963:98rb Sasson, Jack M. 1981:110rb
Sagendorph, Robb, (ed.) 1958:102rb Satanism 1892:91 7 | Sagsoorian, Paul, (illus.) 1966:51rb satire 1951:40, 1976:52 . Sahagun, Bernardino de 1895:32, 1897:70, 1937:44rb, satirical song 1966:16, 1974:7 .
1975:90 Satterthwaite Linton, Jr. 1948:115rb
Sahi, Jyoti 1983:10rb Sauermann, Dietmar 1970:16rb Sahlgren, Joran 1939:37rb, 1939:38rb,(ed.) Sauk 1901:87, 1905:42, 1928:3 1947:141rb . Saule, Edmund F. (music trans., indexes, lists) . Sailor Who Went Inland, The 1966:17 1954:30rb
sailors 1894:8, 1906:2, 1908:43, 1921:30, 1943:134, Saulteaux 1906:81, 1939:32
1946:30, 1946:73, 1972:36 Saussaye, P. D. Chantepie de la 1903:83rb
Sainean, Lazarre 1902:50 Saussure, Ferdinand de 1960:110rb saint 1935:23 Savage, William W., Jr. 1982:50rb Saint Elias 1966:17 Savannah Unit, Georgia Writers’ Project, W.P.A.
Saint John’s birthday 1948:5 1942:71 .
Saint Kitts-Nevis 1896:20, 1896:84 | Savannasama Jataka 1966:11
saint's day 1980:52 Savard, Felix-Antoine 1945:106, 1953:6 saint’s legends 1903:11, 1903:48, 1914:6,.1915:14, Savoy, Ann Allen 1986:33, 1987:2 1941:4, 1946:84, legend 1949:4, 1955:40, 1958:82, Savuskinoj, N. I., (ed.) 1983:69rb
1966:17 Saxton, Dean 1975:37rb
Saintes Artisanes--Les Brodeuses 1945:111 Saxton, Lucille 1975:37rb
Salinas, Maximilian 1915:35 Sayans 1954:110
Salish 1918:30, 1948:1, 1976:52 | Sayers, Robert 1982:20rv
Salish-speakers 1952:106 Sayle, Norman, (illus.) 1978:94rb Salmen, Walter 1958:42rb Sayre, Hannah Bayles 1938:5 Salo, Matt T. 1978:134rb scalp dance 1941:2. salt 1892:100, 1968:78 Scandinavia 1947:76, 1951:118, 1961:84
Salt, Allen (Auzozhay) 1892:118 . Scarborough, Dorothy 1925:34rb, 1938:41, 1965:28rb
Salt River ticket 1890:86 scatology 1964:12
salt-cask 1903:60 Schach, Paul (tr.) 1963:99rb
Salteaux 1906:80 . Schaefer, Heinrich (coll., tr.) 1906:58rb
Salvo, Calogero 1985:49rv Schaeffer, Myron 1943:137, 1945:16, 1945:86rb
Sam, Peter 1918:30 Schafer, William J. 1974:45rb Samar 1966:4, 1966:12 Schagticooke 1907:14
Sambo, Sergeant 1947:2 Scharf, Arthur (selections) 1976:98rb
Samhain 1968:28 Schechner, Richard 1982:29
Sami 1946:1 Scheiber, Sandor 1977:99rb | . Samizay, Rafi 1983:16rb Schellbach, Ingrid (tr.) 1961:63rb Samoyeds 1954:110 Schellbach, Louis, (illus.). 1931:13rb
Samples, Junior (perf.) 1968:112ra Scherman, L. 1900:18rb |
Sampson, John, coll. 1937:43rb Scheub, Harold, (comp.) 1972:121rb; (introd., notes),
San Blas Kuna 1981:94, 1981:97 1980:163rb
San Cayetano 1977:2 Scheuchzer, J. J. 1901:46
San Felipe 1928:16, 1928:17, 1928:28 Schidrowitz, Martha Pawlowna, (illus.) 1948:121rb
San Francisco earthquake 1906:49, 1906:78 Schiffeler, John William 1979:161rb Sanchez, Juan Felix (perf.) 1985:49rv Schildt, Frank (perf. notes) 1963:27ra
sand painting 1908:8, 1960:128 Schiller, Friedrich 1903:47, 1970:4
sand picture 1908:4 Schinhan, Jan Philip 1959:107rb,(ed.) 1964:19rb Sandall, Roger 1983:103rv Schlamme, Martha (perf.) 1960:120ra Sandburg, Carl 1929:6rb, 1969:122 Schlereth, Thomas J., (ed.) 1986:119rb Sandner, Donald 1982:38rb Schlossar, Anton 1891:112rb Sandstrom, A. Harry 1963:23ra,(perf.) 1963:24ra Schlossberger, E. M. 1971:65rb
Sangone 1967:33 Schlottman, Jeannette 1950:118rb Sanpoil 1933:15 Schmeichler, Dennis 1985:49rv Sanscrito en la Lengua Tagalog, El 1902:62 Schmeltz, J. D. E. 1909:22 Sanskrit 1958:73 : Schmidt, August F. 1959:115rb Santals 1958:88 Schmidt, Leopold (ed.) 1968:37rb
Santillana, Giorgio de 1971:27rb Schmidt, P. Wilhelm 1930:32rb . Santino, Jack 1985:90rv Schmitz, Carl A. 1963:69rb
santo 1979:9 Schneider, Ken 1978:117rv
Subject Index 397 Schneider, Laurence A. 1982:81rb seasonal rite 1913:16
Schnitzler, Otto, (ed.) 1968:95rb, 1968:94rb seasonal song 1903:45
Schock, Inge 1981:13rb seasons 1897:26, 1902:19, 1948:3 Schoellkopf, Anne 1926:12rb Seba 1907:44 Schofield, William Henry (tr.) 1899:85rb Sebba, Helen (tr.) 1980:169rb
Schofield, W. Henry 1894:70rb Sebeok, Thomas A. 1947:86, 1953:74, 1958:37rb,
school 1892:54 1986:42rb
Scholt, Grayce 1983:67rb 1963:67rb; (ed.) 1954:91rb, 1957:141rb, 1962;30rb, School for Scottish Studies 1957:93 Sebestyen, J. 1901:95 School of Inter-American Studies, University of Florida, Sebillot, Paul 1890:31rb, 1890:32rb, 1890:33rb,
1956:88 1890:34rb, 1890:35rb, 1890:36rb, 1890:37rb,
School of Scottish Studies 1953:80 1890:38rb, 1890:39rb, 1892:34rb, 1892:35rb, Schoolcraft, Henry R. 1903:89, 1946:34 1892:36rb, 1892:37rb, 1892:38rb, 1892:39rb, Schrank, Bernice, (ed.) 1980:78rb 1892:40rb, 1894:139rb, 1895:67rb, 1896:94rb,
Schultz, James Willard (Apikuni) 1964:41rb 1897:65rb, 1897:94rb, 1901:57rb, 1901:58rb, Schultze, Fritz 1902:94rb 1901:95 Schultze, Leonhard 1908:46rb Seche, Leon 1892:41rb
Schulz-Weidner (contrib.), W. 1961:13rb Sechehaye, Albert, (ed.) 1960:110rb
Schurr, Gertrude 1950:27rb “Second Concerto” 1966:93
Schurtz, Heinrich 1891:60rb, 1905:86rb Secret History of the Mongols 1987:5
Schvindt, Th. 1902:64 secret language 1903:57 Schwab 1979:125rb secret societies 1897:68, 1899:46
Schwab, George 1948:167rb secret society 1890:6, 1906:80, 1911:14
Schwab, Gustav 1949:176rb secret worship 1902:58
1981:25rb seed 1902:88
Schwartz, Alvin 1973:65rb, 1974:84rb; (coll., ed.) Sedgwick, Mrs. William T. 1928:6rb
Schwartz, Jo Metcalf, (ed.) 1975:78rb seega 1890:47 Schwartzman, Helen 1980:3 Seeger, Charles Louis 1959:33, 1974:82rb, 1979:134; Schwarzbaum, Haim 1970;11rb, 1982:45rb, 1984:110 (musical settings), 1950:120rb; (foreword)
Schwebe, Joachim, (ed.) 1970:110rb 1953:85rb
Schweitering, Julius 1980:113, 1980:114, 1980:115, Seeger, Daniel (coll., ed.) 1976:113rv
1980:116 Seeger, Peggy 1980:2irb; (music trans.) 1961:65rb,
Schweizer Volkskunde 1949:118 1967:45rb; (perf.) 1959:125ra, 1959:126ra
Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Volkskunde 1950:22 [Seeger, Peggy] (music trans.) 1961:66rb Schweizerischen Archive fur Volkskunde 1949:118 Seeger, Peter 1964:89rb, 1974:82rb, 1975:78rb, Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Volkskunde 1962:94rb 1976:112rv; 1976:117rv; (coll.) 1957:63ra,
Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde 1902:16, 1976:113rv, 1976:114rv, 1976:115rv; (ed.)
1904:14 1976:109rv; (narrator) 1979:83rv; (perf.)
science 1891:35, 1897:25, 1898:22, 1900:4, 1900:24, 1956:128ra, 1963:19ra
1904:41, 1915:11, 1932:20, 1942:52, 1946:32, Seeger, Ruth Crawford 1950:30rb, 1954:102rb; (music
1947:31, 1947:45, 1949:48, 1953:90, 1958:93 ed.) 1943:26rb
Scientific Collective of the Folk Art Museum of the Seeger, Toshi 1976:112rv; (coll.) 1976:113rv,
Rumanian People’s Republic 1957:15 1976:114rv, 1976:115rv, 1976:117rv scientific method 1973:31, 1974:35 Seele (ed., introd.), Keith C. 1964:41rb
scientific methodology 1952:28 Seeman, Erich, (ed.) 1969:86rb
Scobie, Alex 1985:62rb Sehnsucht 1903:47
Scot, Jon 1964:97 Seiber, Matyas (piano arr.) 1961:65rb
Scotland 1946:51, 1971:99 [Seiber, Matyas] (piano arr.) 1961:66rb “Scots Song upon America” 1950:8 Seki, Keigo, (ed.) 1964:80rb Scott, Bill (perf., notes) 1959:132ra Seklemian, A. G. 1898:65rb
Scott, Charles P. G. 1896:103rb Selby, Henry A. 1969:125rb Scott, Gini Graham 1982:116rb selection 1954:1 Scott, J. Powell, (illus.) 1943:6irb Seler, Edward 1905:73
Scott, James George 1918:25rb self-image 1987:123
Scott, Joe 1959:7 Seligman (pref.), Thomas K. 1982:39rb Scott, Laurence 1959:5irb,(tr.) 1969:139rb semantic analysis 1955:109
Scott, Michael 1899:17 semantics 1970:7, 1976:50, 1976:55, 1979:136 Scott, Oral E. 1943:157rb Seminars on American Culture 1949:70, 1956:91 Scott, Walter 1945:6, 1961:53, 1973:34 Seminole 1945:46, 1946:36
Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society 1938:22 semiotics 1971:8, 1973:33, 1981:2, 1982:32, 1983:41
Scottish immigrant ballad 1950:8 Semmens, Frank 1984:104rv
Scottish Reprint Library 1974:58r Seneca 1891:15, 1904:39, 1905:69, 1915:27, 1949:149
Scottish Studies 1957:93 Senior, John 1960:142rb
Scottish-Americans 1891:57, 1902:11, 1919:19, senryu 1945:1
1941:52, 1943:40, 1946:10, 1950:8, 1950:143 sentimental ballad 1978:55
Scottish-Canadians 1893:5, 1893:78, 1897:11, 1909:31, separation 1985:2
1918:3, 1918:6, 1918:8, 1942:27, 1959:4 Sephardic Jews 1962:87, 1963:2, 1964:1
scraper 1979:59 sequencing 1894:78, 1952:7, 1971:11 scrimshaw 1889:39, 1892:117 Serente 1944:59
sculpture 1946:1, 1946:84, 1961:26, 1982:75, 1987:113 Sergeant York 1948:143
sea 1918:9 Seris, Homero 1955:97rb
sea monster 1906:77 sermon 1970:1, 1974:111, 1979:35rv
seance 1986:25rv serpent 1892:126, 1898:46, 1935:12 Seashore, Carl E. (introd.) 1930:18rb Serrano 1923:7, 1925:36
398 Journal of American Folklore Serrano, Antonio 1943:108 shepherds 1903:56, 1945:72rb Serruys, Paul 1948:117rb Sheppard, Mubin (coll., tr.) 1967:46rb Sessions, Frederick 1894:71rb, 1894:72rb, 1894:73rb, Sherman, Sharon 1982:95rv
1894:74rb Sherr, Paul C. 1975:27rb
Sessions, William H. 1968:39rb Sherzer, Joel 1984:112rb Setterwall, Monica (tr.) 1982:40rb Shetland-Canadians 1918:9 seven 1901:15 Shifa, Ching, (illus.) 1982:80rb Seven Sleepers of Ephesus 1963:37 shingles 1902:55 Sevigny, Anna M. (narrator) 1983:51rb Shinn, G. Hazen 1942:47rb
sewer 1979:105, 1980:55 Shinnecock 1903:5, 1945:42 sex 1956:95, 1964:30, 1972:35 ; Shintoism 1946:84, 1963:49
sexism 1987:126, 1987:127, 1987:128 shipbuilding 1986:7, 1986:8 sexual humor 1960:85, 1962:11 Shipley, Joseph T. 1944:49rb,(ed.) 1948:25rb sexual intercourse 1921:21, 1962:71, 1965:45, 1965:93 “Shirburn Ballads” 1917:21
sexual relations 1947:33, 1973:33, 1978:54 Shirley, Kay, (ed.) 1966:65rb sexual roles 1978:126, 1979:104, 1981:94, 1983:38 Shively, Donald H. 1980:173rb
sexual symbolism 1983:4 Shoemaker, Alfred L. 1947:138, 1949:16, 1949:113,
sexuality 1945:101, 1948:92, 1949:50, 1951:49, 1960:52rb
1951:77, 1951:130, 1953:97, 1960:78, 1964:12, Shoemaker, Henry W. 1948:146, 1952:60, 1959:101
1987:43 Shona 1922:8
1965:39, 1966:45, 1967:84, 1970:52, 1977:84, Shokleng 1981:95, 1984:82
Shaaber, Matthias A. (introd.) 1964:86rb shooting 1973:5
Shackford, James Atkins 1958:44rb Shorthill, Fred 1966:47
Shackford, John, (ed.) 1958:44rb Shoshone 1924:1, 1925:36, 1945:68, 1953:31
shadow play 1903:66 Shoshoneans 1923:28 shadow puppet 1983:75 Shoshoni 1901:4, 1908:8, 1909:26 Shaffer, K. R. 1946:89 shower 1973:118 shaggy dog story 1961:30, 1963:5 Shreve, G. M. 1978:22rb Shaker Furniture, the Craftsmanship of an American shrew-mice 1899:70
Communal Sect 1940:13 shrine 1935:23
Shakers 1940:13, 1946:5 “Shuffle Along” 1922:17 Shakespeare, William 1903:90, 1936:19, 1956:17, Shulevitz, Uri 1974:83rb
1957:4 Shulman, David Dean 1983:12rb
Shalian, Artin K. (tr.) 1967:9rb Shuswap 1926:23 Shalleck, Jamie 1974:25rb Siberian native people 1975:11 shamanism 1888:45, 1890:11, 1902:89, 1907:4, sibling rivalry 1958:1 1907:62, 1908:9, 1908:11, 1908:32, -1911:14, Sicilians 1987:117
1914:29, 1923:22, 1933:24, 1939:33, 1940:34, Sickles, Alice L. 1947:29rb 1948:92, 1952:73, 1955:67, 1964:30, 1966:87, Sidahome, Joseph E. 1967:47rb
1971:54, 1975:11sideshow. sidehill beast 1945:3 shame 1902:89 1983:1 Shanar 1894:40 Sieber, Sylvester A. 1943:64rb shanghais 1958:35 Siebs, Ellen, (illus.) 1907:3rb8
Shango 1962:89, 1985:2 Siebs, Theodor (ed.) 1907:38rb
shanty 1946:30 Siegel, Morris 1943:53 shape-note singing 1958:97 Siegler, Scott (producers) 1977:135rv
shape-note song 1968:73, 1970:105, 1982:1 Siemens Hernandez, Lothar (music analysis) 1987:54rb
shapeshifter 1951:77 Sierra Leone 1930:23
Shapiro, Steve (prod., arr., conductor) 1982:14ra sieve 1899:17
Sharp, Cecil J. 1915:29, 1918:20, 1954:1, 1960:113, sifter 1892:15 1960:114, 1967:26rb, 1973:62rb, 1975:56; (coll.) sign 1892:61, 1892:134, 1893:18, 1893:58
1933:22rb, 1954:29rb; (ed.) 1964:17rb signboard 1902:5
Sharp Snaffles 1957:12 Siguenzay, Gongora 1905:73 Sharpe, Kirkpatrick 1972:113rb Siikala, Jukka 1984:66rb Sharrette, William 1982:125rv Sikes, Wirt 1976:77rb
1947:2 . Siletz 1890:77
Shasta 1904:3, 1908:31, 1910:2, 1910:12, 1915:17, Silber, Irwin (comp., ed.) 1961:69rb
Shaw, Anna Moore (coll., tr., ed.) 1970:64rb Silver, Joan Micklin (writer, dir.) 1979:92rv
Shaw, George Bernard 1960:83 Silver, Margery (introd.) 1965:101rb Shaw, Harry, (ed.) 1948:34rb Silver, Tony (prod., dir.) 1986:97rv
Shaw, Lloyd 1943:28rb silverfish 1899:70
Shaw, Tony 1978:66rb Silverman, Jerry (music arr.) 1961:69rb
Shawnee 1909:30, 1910:17, 1953:41, 1953:91 Silverman, Joseph H. 1973:87rb, 1973:135, 1984:96rb;
Shay, Florence Nicolar 1915:28 (ed.) 1973:88rb; (pref.) 1985:69rb, 1986:65rb -
Shay, Frank 1953:49rb; (ed.) 1949:129rb Simeone, William E. 1986:26
Shearf and Westcoat 1890:116 simile 1955:104, 1964:69 Sheldon, E. S. 1893:37rb, 1894:75rb Simmons, Merle E. 1958:98rb, 1978:142rb, 1978:143rb Shell, Willis A., Jr. 1951:20 Simmons, Philip 1973:7 Shelley, Donald A. (introd.) 1968:58rb Simmons, William S. 1987:93rb Shelta 1890:52, 1890:80 Simms, William Gilmore 1957:12 Shelton, Robert, (ed.) 1967:96rb Simon, Charlie May 1946:59rb
Shepard, Leslie 1963:71rb, 1971:70rb, 1979:169rb, Simonett, Christoph 1967:87rb 1980:142rb; (introd.) 1969:135rb, 1969:164rb; Simpson, Claude M. 1967:102, 1968:60rb
(introd., bibliog.) 1969:105rb, 1969:106rb Simpson, Claude M., Jr. 1965:38
Subject Index 399 Simpson, George A. 1965:38 sleep-walking 1947:37 Simpson, George E. 1965:38 Sleeper, Mary O. 1920:13 Simpson, George Eaton 1975:64, 1975:65rb, sleigh 1903:46, 1907:31
1980:121rb Slevin, Thomas (producers) 1978:45rv
Simpson, Jacqueline 1981:45rb; (tr., introd.) 1967:48rb slide collection 1953:11
Simpson, Michael (introd., tr., notes) 1980:25rb Sljivic-Simsic, Biljana (collaborator) 1973:88rb
sin 1978:83 Sloane, Anthony 1982:19rv
singer 1919:8, 1952:102 Sloan, Blanding (coll.) 1976:109rv Singer, Philip 1982:125rv Slobin, Mark 1983:115rb, 1984:14rb Singer, Samuel 1947:106rb Slotkin, Richard 1975:33rb singing 1957:126, 1967:55, 1972:59 Slovak-Americans 1956:77
singing contest 1909:31 Slovak-Canadians 1956:77
Sinkyone 1919:16 Slovenes 1948:54 Sinton, John W. 1987:107rb Small, Gil, (illus.) 1957:78rb Sioux 1891:78, 1891:108, 1892:119, 1901:66, 1902:18, Small, Robert 1925:28
1905:62, 1906:3, 1906:79, 1925:16, 1926:2, Smedley, Norman 1980:84rb
1977:45 Smedt, Carolus de, (ed.) 1903:79rb
Siporin, Steve, (ed.) 1986:18rb smerdaki 1945:72rb
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 1977:84 Smiraglia, Richard P. (music arr., transcr.) 1985:78rb
“Sir Orfeo” 1975:60 Smith, Art 1957:53 Sirdofsky, Sam, (illus.) 1977:63rb Smith, Barbara 1974:118 siren 1969:73 Smith, Barbara Herrnstein 1981:9rb
Sisala 1973:37 Smith, Catharine Ruth (trans.) 1950:156rb Sisoe 1900:78 Smith, Charles 1946:72 Sisoko (text), Fa-Digi 1987:105rb Smith, Charles Edward 1979:168rb; (notes) 1957:37ra Sitka 1888:54 Smith, DeCost 1944:2irb Sitton, Thad, (ed.) 1987:63rb Smith, Elsdon C. 1971:92rb
Siuts, Hinrich 1984:97rb Smith, Erminnie A. 1892:137, 1893:76 Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Smith, Flora 1951:132 Ethnology 1897:88rb Smith, Frances Petmecky 1973:39
Sizer, Miriam 1935:25 Smith, Georgina 1981:83rb
Skagit 1924:5, 1952:106 Smith, Grace Partridge 1960:47 Skaljic, Abdulah 1959:23rb Smith, Harlan I. 1902:14
Skar, Johannes 1962:48rb Smith, Herb E. (dir., ed.) 1985:105rv skate 1903:46 Smith, Hiram 1953:7 Skelly, (illus.) 1948:157rb Smith, Jack, (ed.) 1969:33rb
Skendi, Stavro 1955:9irb Smith, Laura A. 1970:87rb “Skewball” 1943:128 Smith, M. G., (foreword) 1971:30rb
“Skiboo” 1934:24 Smith, Marian W. 1942:69rb
Skidi 1903:2, 1904:12, 1907:46 Smith, Mary P. Wells 1897:96rb Skillet Lickers, The (perf.) 1965:79, 1974:87ra, Smith, Mrs. E. A. 1900:70
1974:88ra Smith, Paul 1981:83rb; (ed.) 1987:37rb
skin color 1972:84 Smith, Reed 1908:13, 1938:16, 1943:133; (comp., ed.)
skin-shedding 1980:56 1939:22rb; (coll., ed.) 1929:3rb Skinner, Neil (ed., tr.) 1971:30rb Smith, Richard Gordon 1909:38rb
Skinner, Charles M. 1970:86rb Smith, Robert J. 1978:4
skinwalker 1980:54 Smith, William George, (comp.) 1950:36rb skip rope 1950:23 Smith, Winifred 1894:101rb,(illus.) 1895:64rb skip rope rhyme 1945:105, 1946:80, 1946:135, 1948:6 Smith College 1948:154
“Skip to My Lou” 1948:58 Smith-Dampier, E. M. (tr.) 1943:37rb Folkslivforskning 1950:167rb smokejumpers 1976:5
Skrifter Utgivna an Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien for Smithsonian Institution 1987:74
skull 1896:13 Smyth, Mary Winslow 1927:8rb,(ed.) 1941:29rb
skunk 1894:93 Smythe, Mary Winslow 1974:59rb
Skuse (musical transcr.), David 1984:126rb snake 1889:60, 1889:86, 1923:21, 1923:24, 1940:29,
sky deity 1987:121 1945:68, 1947:83, 1954:15, 1972:32, 1973:13; bite
sky-god 1902:2 1889:86, 1892:17; handling 1974:109, 1977:134rv;
Skykomish 1924:5 dance 1891:39, 1895:94 slang 1889:106, 1890:109, 1890:117, 1891:59, Snake Order 1888:32, 1888:49, 1889:87
1904:16, 1905:66, 1908:18, 1960:77, 1962:71, Snapp, Emma Louise 1934:15rb, 1937:27rb
1964:13, 1966:89 snare 1940:29
Slater, Candice 1984:13rb Snelling, William Joseph 1936:35rb Slattery, Robert 1977:35rv, 1977:37rv, 1977:41irv snipe-hunting 1945:3 Slattery, Thomas C. 1978:23rb “Snipoo” 1923:26
Slave 1953:94, 1954:42 Snohomish 1918:30, 1924:5
1958:95 Snoqualmu 1918:30
slavery 1888:34, 1897:22, 1899:48, 1934:31, 1951:78, Snook, Charley 1908:31
slaves 1894:33, 1945:55 snow 1907:51
Slavey 1901:5 snow snake 1889:60 Slavic countries 1956:79 Snow, Florence L. 1946:60rb
Slavica Publishers 1980:132rb Snuqualmi 1924:5, 1946:5
Slavs 1956:80, 1958:25 Snyder, Gareth S. 1953:63 sled sleep1906:89 1963:37Snyder, Snyder,Gary Sally1961:45rb 1955:72
400 Journal of American Folklore Sobel, Eli 1959:69rb 1933:31, 1935:24, 1936:32, 1938:2, 1938:60,
sobor 1980:52 1939:2, 1941:46, 1942:23, 1942:64, 1943:9,
social attitude 1980:155 1943:51, 1943:128, 1943:141, 1944:2, 1944:46, social change 1964:30, 1967:59, 1967:81, 1971:100, 1944:71, 1944:72, 1944:93, 1946:6, 1946:11,
1985:96 1946:76, 1947:1, 1947:129, 1947:134, 1948:58,
social division 1948:95, 1958:95 1948:96, 1948:97, 1949:162, 1950:1, 1950:61, social interaction 1971:4, 1982:30 1950:62, 1950:96, 1950:133, 1951:51, 1951:78, social interaction analysis 1973:70 1951:90, 1951:119, 1952:102, 1953:18, 1953:31, social legislation 1899:46, 1956:47 1953:37, 1954:8, 1955:36, 1956:4, 1956:8, 1956:76,
social movements 1969:19 1956:85, 1957:47, 1957:51, 1957:52, 1957:87,
social organization 1908:37, 1914:31, 1955:65, 1957:126, 1958:82, 1958:95, 1959:53, 1960:45,
1978:57, 1985:55 1960:127, 1962:40, 1964:4, 1965:5, 1965:86,
social psychology 1966:5, 1968:27 1966:6, 1967:55, 1968:4, 1968:53, 1968:54,
social relations 1970:50 - 1969:35, 1969:122, 1970:41, 1973:44, 1976:92, social relationships 1963:3 | 1978:114ra, 1979:58, 1979:127, 1980:52, 1981:93, social role 1975:3, 1975:7, 1975:8, 1980:53, 1983:38, 1983:74, 1984:51, 1986:7, 1986:8, 1987:3, 1987:7,
1987:116, 1987:121 1987:125
Social Science Research Council 1949:158 songbook 1905:4, 1911:2, 1912:13, 1938:4, 1939:12,
social services 1951:124 1947:35, 1947:73 social status 1948:1 “Song for Woody” 1968:4
social structure 1955:6, 1958:91, 1979:100 song games 1943:138
socialization 1964:30, 1973:30, 1975:89, 1984:51 “Song of the Kid” 1889:71
Sociedad Brasileira de Folk-Lore 1946:94 songbook 1909:45, 1972:36, 1982:1
Sociedad Folklorica de Mexico 1943:19, 1943:82 Songs of the West 1975:59
Sociedad Folklorica de Uruguay 1946:94 Sonne, Birgitte 1982:106rb Societa delle Tradizioni Popolari 1894:18 Sonnischen, C. L. 1944:55rb, 1952:86 Societe d’Etudes Basques 1899:83 “Sons of North Britain, The” 1913:12 Societe des Traditions Populaires 1888:62, 1894:103rb Soper, C. J. F. 1969:89rb
Societe du Folk-Lore Wallon 1891:93rb | Sorden, L. G. 1963:60rb
Societe du Parler Francais 1920:27 — Sose-ha-wa 1897:44
Societe Historique et Folklorique Francaise de New-York Souchon, Edmund 1980:188r
1969:15 Soudakoff (ed., tr.), Stephen 1978:65rb .
Society for American Archaeology 1955:39 soul 1893:113, 1895:31, 1910:17, 1922:12, 1959:45
Society for Colonial History 1951:137 Sound and the Fury, The 1966:44 Society for Ethnomusicology 1960:8, 1974:139 Sourbeer, Wayne D. 1986:96rv
Society for Finnish Literature 1902:65 South Africa 1889:90, 1898:45, 1909:37, 1934:19,
Society Radio Canada 1983:104rv 1966:48, 1972:61, 1986:35; Transvaal 1973:71
sociolinguistics 1971:5 South Alaska Inuit 1903:3, 1903:27, 1907:62
sociological analysis 1958:89, 1960:78, 1961:27, South America 1888:78, 1889:64, 1893:120, 1898:9,
1964:93, 1966:18, 1966:88 1898:26, 1898:60, 1899:29, 1900:7, 1900:29,
sociology 1901:13, 1970:48, 1972:85 1900:45, 1900:71, 1901:8, 1901:43, 1901:72,
sod-house 1947:82 1901:92, 1902:23, 1902:45, 1902:81, 1903:6,
Soderblom (reviser), D. Nathan 1905:37rb 1903:32, 1903:50, 1903:92, 1904:8, 1904:10, |
Sokolov, Y., (ed.) 1945:28rb 1904:33, 1904:53, 1904:55, 1905:2, 1905:5, Solalinde, A. G. 1944:29rb : 1908:51, 1908:52, 1909:15, 1911:3, 1915:32, Sokolov, Y. M. 1950:156rb, 1967:7rb 1905:23, 1905:48, 1906:8, 1906:67, 1907:48,
solar mythology 1908:29, 1955:103 1915:38, 1923:8, 1928:1, 1943:1, 1943:56, 1944:1, soldiers 1921:7, 1921:31, 1923:18, 1923:26, 1934:24, 1946:31, 1946:156, 1947:128, 1948:57, 1948:93,
1934:32, 1945:8, 1945:50 1951:9, 1951:36, 1951:52, 1952:47, 1952:115, Solomon 1907:44, 1946:75 1953:65, 1955:17, 1960:44, 1961:93, 1963:54, “Solomon Grundy” 1956:96 1967:101ra, 1969:73, 63:1; Andes Mountains Solomon Islands 1973:1, 1971;6, 1973:116 1940:31 Solomon, Jack 1979:157rb : South Americans 1943:107 . Solomon, Joe 1915:4 South Atlantic Modern Languages Association 1948:17,
Solomon, Olivia 1979:157rb 1949:15, 1950:14
solutions 1974:65, 1976:49 South Carolina FolkLore Society 1913:28, 1943:93
Somalia 1902:87 7 South Carolina Negro Folklore Guild 1945:79,
Sombart, Werner 1902:40rb | 1946:128
“Sombrero Blanco, El” 1914:24 South Korea 1893:20, 1893:21rb, 1895:26, 1897:45,
Somlo, Felix 1901:101rb 1897:71, 1898:42, 1955:10, 1968:27, 1986:3 _ song 1889:15, 1889:40, 1889:55, 1889:86, 1890:50, Southall, Louise 1935:26 1890:75, 1890:76, 1891:79, 1892:51, 1892:123, Southeastern Folklore Society 1938:18, 1941:17, 1893:45, 1893:55, 1893:111, 1895:35, 1895:84, 1942:6, 1943:92, 1946:137, 1947:14 1896:21, 1897:9, 1898:20, 1901:2, 1901:95, Southern Anthropological Association 1973:69 1902:22, 1902:60, 1905:45, 1906:36, 1907:3, Southern Anthropological Society 1973:29 1907:23, 1907:29, 1907:58, 1908:32, 1908:36, Southern California Folklore Society 1952:130,
1908:42, 1909:6, 1909:17, 1909:30, 1910:5, 1953:36, 1969:16 ,
1910:25, 1911:23, 1912:22, 1912:24, 1913:16, | Southern Folklore Quarterly 1938:16, 1938:18, 1950:18
1914:5, 1915:32, 1915:36, 1916:2, 1916:22, Southern Workman 1894:17, 1898:3, 1922:14 1916:32, 1917:1, 1917:3, 1917:5, 1918:20, 1918:34, Southey, Robert 1946:113 1919:25, 1920:3, 1920:20, 1920:21, 1921:4, 1921:5, Southwest 1944:2
1921:7, 1922:19, 1923:12, 1923:18, 1925:16, Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 1945:12
1926:13, 1926:15, 1927:1, 1927:4, 1927:16, 1928:9, southwestern states 1921:10 1929:17, 1930:27, 1931:1, 1931:27, 1932:1; 1933:2, Soviet Army Chorus and Band (perf.) 1963:31ra
Subject Index 401 Sowayan, Saad Abdullah 1986:63rb Spott, Robert 1944:18rb
Soyinka, Wole 1979:13rb Spotted-Gopher 1911:17
Spaeth, Sigmund 1929:7rb, 1981:126rb Spray, Carole 1982:59rb Spain 1901:17, 1903:10, 1908:62, 1910:5, 1921:8, Spreen, Hildegarde L. 1950:164rb 1925:31, 1930:28, 1931:2, 1934:26, 1943:13, Sprenger, James 1972:111rb 1944:63, 1945:13, 1951:36, 1953:32, 1953:65, spring rite 1977:49 1955:69, 1957:46, 1959:3, 1961:87, 1969:121, Springer, Joe 1925:28 1971:56, 1971:60, 1973:115, 1975;51, 1982:73, Spurlock, John Howard 1983:63rb
1986:101, 1986:103 spurs 1970:8
Spamer, Adolf 1960:103rb square dance 1946:83, 1949:120
Spanish 1891:58 square dance song 1948:73 Spanish-American Folk Songs 1916:24, 1944:75 squirrel 1896:7
Spanish-Americans 1910:19, 1911:30, 1913:9, 1922:1, Sri Lanka 1894:40, 1943:132, 1955:49, 1972:63 1922:2, 1922:4, 1922:5, 1927:12, 1935:3, 1939:46, St. Clair, Leonard L. 1983:132rb
1942:1, 1945:20, 1945:70, 1947:121, 1951:36, St. Columba 1955:40
1953:65, 1956:43, 1985:54 St. James's Day 1902:17, 1956:43
Spanish-Jamaicans 1925:9 St. John’s Day 1955:69 Spargo, John W. 1938:19 St. Joseph’s Day 1987:117
Spartacus 1955:12 St. Lucia 1958:95 spatial analysis 1987:40 St. Martin, Gerard Labarre, (ed.) 1982:46rb
spatula 1979:59 St. Patrick 1978:2 special issue 1949:92, 1950:54, 1958:70, 1959:52, St. Paul Academy of Science 1892:69 1961:81, 1965:75, 1966:1, 1970:43, 1971:1, St. Peter 1903:48, 1906:82
1981:140, 1987:112 St. Petka 1980:52 special section 1962:60 St. Ronan 1978:2
Speck, Ernest B., (ed.) 1977:15rb St. Stephen’s Day 1893:55
Speck, Frank 1979:124rb St. Thomas 1903:11
Speck, Frank G. 1936:22rb, 1938:43rb, 1938:48rb, St. Valentine 1892:100 1941:68rb, 1943:71rb, 1943:155rb, 1943:158rb, St. Vincent 1982:98 1948:28rb, 1948:29rb, 1948:171rb, 1951:28rb, Stacey, Jim 1933:30
1951:128, 1952:23rb stage names 1890:120
speech 1889:37, 1894:38, 1895:30, 1898:27, 1900:68, staging 1977:47
1903:53, 1923:16, 1925:24, 1945:43, 1964:32, stair 1933:9
1968:49, 1971:10, 1983:1, 1984:82 Stamper, I. D. (perf.) 1979:38rv
speech act 1985:94 Stanard, Mary Newton 1971:90rb
Speir, Leslie 1936:30rb,(ed.) 1937:38rb Stand Rock Indian Ceremonial 1947:78
spell 1909:16, 1909:18 Standard Oil Company of California 1948:152 spelling 1904:43, 1906:86, 1910:7; riddle 1980:2 Standard School Broadcast 1948:152 Spence, Lewis 1921:27rb, 1948:127rb, 1975:118rb Standing, William, (illus.) 1963:7rb
Spencer, Baldwin 1901:12, 1969:110rb Stanford University 1945:83, 1949:122 Spencer, Katherine 1942:15rb, 1948:118rb, 1959:9rb Stanley, Ralph 1974:63ra Spencer, Robert F. 1967:12rb; (comp.) 1957:109rb star 1897:56, 1900:24, 1900:31, 1900:70, 1903:2,
Sper, Felix 1951:66rb 1903:42, 1908:4, 1908:39, 1944:36, 1964:68, Sperlich, Elizabeth Katz 1982:37rb 1972:58 Sperlich, Norbert 1982:37rb Star, Ernest (dir) 1980:106rv Speroni, Charles 1954:87, 1966:55rb, 1971:37rb; (ed.) “Star Girls’ Story” 1981:94
1947:147rb Star-Husband 1921:16
1971:86rb 1978:57
Spicer, Dorothy Gladys 1938:54rb, 1948:86rb, “Star-Husband Tale” 1893:79, 1894:80, 1971:101,
Spicer, Edward H. 1941:74rb, 1965:55rb; (introd.) star-woman 1943:41
1960:108rb Starck, Adolf Taylor 1918:42rb
Spicer, Rosamond B. 1950:165rb Starck, Taylor 1951:139
spider 1901:74, 1968:30 Stark, D. B. 1907:30
Spier, Leslie 1934:16rb, 1937:14rb, 1945:12, Starkey, Marion L. 1950:128rb
1947:142rb Starkie, Walter 1938:38rb; (foreword)
Spies, Nicholas, (ed.) 1979:39rv 1965:115rb,1965:116rb Spindler, George D. 1955:51 Starnes, DeWitt T. 1957:34rb
Spindler, Herbert J. 1927:20rb Starr, Frederick 1892:104, 1899:53, 1900:19rb
“Spinn, Spinn” 1951:51 Stasiatis, Jonas 1946:39 spirit 1892:124, 1892:126, 1912:5, 1923:17, 1923:22, state folklorist 1948:146
1944:33, 1946:77, 1951:77, 1955:44, 1961:51; statistical analysis 1969:38
possession 1900:46, 1900:50, 1956:84 Statue of Liberty 1987:113
spirits 1889:77, 1966:9 Stayt, H. A. 1933:18
Spiritual Baptists 1966:84 Stearns, Jean 1969:76rb spiritual writing 1966:84 Stearns, Marshall Winslow 1967:63, 1969:76rb; (notes) spiritualism 1904:41, 1947:130 1959:31ra
Spirituals and the Blues, The 1974:26rb steel band 1958:9 spitting 1890:8, 1890:56, 1890:81 Steele, Phillip W. 1986:59rb
Spitzer, Nicholas 1979:54 Steggerda, Morris 1945:62rb, 1945:63rb Spoils of Annwn, The 1979:103 Stegner, Wallace 1944:22rb
sponge fishing 1939:14 Steig, Lee, (ed.) 1978:46rv
spoof article 1961:5 Steiger, Brad 1977:91rb spoonerism 1962:65 Stein, Helga 1982:61rb sports 1919:13 Stein, William Bysshe 1955:20rb
402 Journal of American Folklore Steinbreuch, E. R. 1913:13 1986:34, 1986:102_——-
Steinen, Karl von den 1892:141rb Stoutenburgh, John, Jr. 1960:151rb
Steiner, Stan 1975:39rb Stovickova, Dana 1971:31rb
Steinitz, Wolfgang 1963:107rb Stovickova, Milada 1971:31rb -
Stekert, Ellen J. 1968:26, 1974:79rb, 1987:128 Strachwitz, Chris 1978:116rv
Stenhouse, William 1965:64rb, 1966:32rb Strack, Hermann L.- 1893:30rb
Stephen, Alexander M. 1894:125rb, 1888:49, 1938:47rb Strangways, A. H. Fox 1935:14rb
Stephenson, Sue H. 1978:39rb Strategy 1930:22
stereotype 1951:7, 1954:72, 1954:115, 1955:10, Strathern, Andrew 1972:54rb
1970:47, 1970:102, 1971:17, 1974:8, 1975:4, Strathern, Marilyn 1972:54rb 1985:95 Stratou, Dora (perf.) 1968:67ra Stern, Bernard J. 1948:123rb Straubergs, Karlie 1950:163rb
Stern, Carl von 1937:7rb straw 1892:83, 1895:96
Stern, Stephen, (comp.) 1984:74rb . street criers 1983:1
Sternberg, Thomas 1972:115rb street cries 1905:65, 1957:135, 1960:10, 1968:49 Stevens, Frank, (illus.) 1959:30ra , Strehlow, C. 1910:29rb
Stevens, Janet 1946:135 . Strickland, Joe 1963:80
Stevens, Marilyn 1946:135 strikes 1969:18
Stevens, William Oliver 1947:66rb string 1895:88 Stevenson, Burton E. 1950:161rb | string figures 1907:29, 1920:11, 1923:22, 1943:101 Stevenson, Debbie 1978:47rv Stroebe, Lilly L. 1906:35rb Stevenson, Mrs. 1916:15 Strom, Folke 1958:67rb Stevenson, Mrs. T. 1888:44 Stromback, Dag, (ed.) 1969:86rb, 1973:82rb Stevenson, Robert 1978:147rb : Stroven, Carl (ed., comp.) 1949:128rb
Steward, Douglas, (ed.) 1957:118rb structural analysis 1958:26, 1962:36, 1963:35, 1966:5,
Steward, Julian H. 1945:59rb 1970:7, 1976:4 Stewart, Alec (perf.) 1959:31ra structural categories 1977:3 Stewart, Douglas 1959:20rb structural theory 1966:45 OS
Stewart, George R. 1946:22rb structuralism 1955:105, 1971:101, 1972:1, 1972:2, Stewart, Hilary 1980:8rb, 1981:68rb 1973:1, 1973:2, 1973:8, 1973:9, 1973:35, 1973:110, Stewart, Janice S. 1954:104rb 1976:45, 1976:46, 1976:47, 1976:48, 1976:50, Stewart, John (coll,, ed.) 1984:127rb; (foreword) 1978:57, 1979:56, 1979:102, 1979:136, 1981:95,
1983:116rb 1982:31, 1983:39, 1983:75, 1985:93
Stewart, Kilton 1955:81rb Strutt, Joseph 1970:32rb
Stewart, Omer C. 1945:65rb, 1959:33 Strutynski, Udo, (ed.) 1983:17rb stick game 1898:54, 1955:68 Stuart-Glennie (introd., map), John S. 1891:32rb
stick-dice 1942:24 student collecting 1958:23
stick-doctoring 1891:49 students 1919:21, 1919:22, 1951:130, 1959:96, Stief, Carl 1955:92rb : Studer, Norman 1985:16rb; (ed., annotator) 1985:15rb stile 1933:9 Studies in Cheremis Folklore 1952:43 Stiliadis, Nick 1982:97rv Studies in the Russian Epic 1949:63 Stickney, Gardner P. 1894:44, 1896:43rb, 1897:97rb 1959:97, 1965:91, 1972:85, 1972:92
Stillman University 1956:8 Study of American Folklore: an Introduction, The
Stillman, Yedida K. 1981:41rb 1970:9 Stillwell, Hallie 1961:40rb Stull, Donald 1982:26rv
Stimson, Anna K. 1962:70 stupidity 1902:52
Stimson, J. F. (tr.) 1936:26rb Sturgill, Virgil (perf.) 1958:54ra
Stimson, J. Frank 1959:19rb . Sturlunga saga 1986:34 Stirling, Matthew W. 1943:156rb, 1945:91rb Sturluson, Snorri 1983:3 Stivens, Dal 1955:79rb style 1925:21, 1928:9, 1949:1, 1954:8, 1954:36,
Stock Growers’ Journal 1967:29 1954:81, 1954:108, 1956:82, 1956:102, 1967:55,
stockings 1888:73 1971:12, 1972:82, 1976:91 Stoddard, Albert H. (perf., transcr., notes) 1956:137ra style guide 1954:5, 1955:1, 1981:100, 1986:1, 1986:9 Stoddard, Hope 1962:34ra,(notes) 1969:55ra style sheet 1976:7, 1976:8
Stoett, Dr. 1902:48 stylistic analysis 1916:1, 1917:1
Stokes, Julia 1931:40 Suba, Susanne, (illus.) 1950:33rb
Stokoe, John 1968:104rb subjectivity 1945:68
stone 1889:58, 1891:5, 1892:17, 1892:88, 1899:8, substitution 1947:81, 1958:25
1908:10, 1915:7, 1917:10 succession rite 1889:50
Stone, John Augustus (reviser) 1956:114rb suck-teeth 1976:53 Stone, Anthony 1987:80rv Sugimoto, Etsu Inagaki 1956:62rb
Stone, Harry 1982:102rb Sugrue, Thomas (narr.) 1948:173rb .
Stone,face Ruth1907:15 M. 1977:69rb, 1984:91rb suicide 1946:36 stone Sulka 1904:44 stone implement 1903:56 Sullivan, Richard 1954:12 stone tool 1891:4, 1891:51, 1891:84, 1894:117 Sulte, Benjamin 1960:4_ .
stone-carving 1946:1 Sumberg, Samuel L. 1943:68rb
store 1972:83 Sumer, Faruk (ed., tr.) 1973:119rb
Storm, Hyemeyohsts (script) 1977:38rv_ Sumerians 1964:92 Story, G. M., (ed.) 1971:33rb Summer Institute of Latin American Folklore 1967:36
Story-Tellers League 1952:60 Summers, Montague (tr., annotator) 1972:111rb storytelling 1900:30, 1904:44, 1906:84, 1917:9, Summers, Richard 1943:61rb 1932:19, 1945:68, 1952:7, 1969:114, 1973:36, Sumter, Thomas 1980:1 1975:57, 1980:54, 1980:153, 1984:53, 1986:2, Sumu 1954:15
Subject Index 403 sun 1892:132, 1893:7, 1908:39, 1909:33, 1910:28; 1946:90, 1968:75, 1982:72, 1986:104; Smaland
dance 1914:8, 1929:28, 1941:50; god 1943:49, 1950:10; Stockholm 1951:93
1943:99 Swedish Academy at Abo 1950:151
Sun's Myth, The 1975:86 Swedish-Americans 1948:50, 1972:10
Sunderland, William 1913:13 Sweeney, James Johnson (introd.) 1953:102rb Sundgaard, Arnold 1948:155; (libretto) 1950:122rb Sweeney, P. L. Amin 1976:100rb
sunset 1957:14 sweet-medicine 1908:54
sunshine 1954:118 Sweezy, Nancy 1986:19rb
Suojanen, Paivikki 1985:70rb Swift, Esther Munroe 1979:74rb Suomalaisen kansantannsin Ystavat 1902:64 Swift, Jonathan 1964:29
supernatural 1900:12, 1946:35; beings 1896:2, 1896:8, Swint, Henry L. (ed., comp.) 1968:40rb
1896:47, 1907:4, 1910:12, 1915:20, 1952:78, Swiss Folklore Society 1949:118 1958:80; supernatural belief 1940:30; birth Swiss Museum for Photographic Documents 1901:96
1949:48 Swiss-Americans 1895:98, 1939:5
—legend 1888:10, 1888:76, 1888:77, 1889:10, Swiss-Canadians 1909:31
1889:19, 1889:58, 1889:69, 1889:74, 1889:77, Swistun, Mike (perf.) 1984:35rv 1889:95, 1889:104, 1891:8, 1891:56, 1891:77, Switzerland 1901:46, 1901:96, 1904:14, 1914:28, 1892:49, 1892:124, 1892:126, 1893:13, 1893:19, 1941:44, 1948:66, 1949:8, 1949:118, 1950:22, 1893:78, 1894:30, 1894:40, 1894:114, 1895:32, 1952:16, 1953:75, 1960:14; Geneva 1950:20;
1895:95, 1896:13, 1896:22, 1896:61, 1896:85, Oberwallis 1975:6 1897:53, 1898:14, 1898:46, 1898:62, 1899:8, sword 1962:8 1899:9, 1899:12, 1899:13, 1899:14, 1899:15, sword dance 1972:5
1899:31, 1899:32, 1899:60, 1899:63, 1899:75, Sydow, Carl Wilhelm Von 1931:4, 1938:14, 1971:7,
1899:77, 1900:44, 1900:74, 1901:7, 1901:65, 1980:95rb
1902:10, 1904:7, 1904:50, 1905:42, 1905:52, symbol 1897:2, 1900:47, 1955:102, 1958:7, 1975:4,
1905:54, 1906:43, 1906:61, 1906:62, 1906:66, 1978:126, 1980:4
1906:73, 1906:77, 1907:26, 1907:45, 1912:5, symbolism 1952:70, 1972:61, 1977:84 1912:26, 1913:23, 1914:15, 1915:27, 1915:28, sympathetic magic theory 1971:24 1918:9, 1918:15, 1918:29, 1918:37, 1920:17, syncretism 1954:116, 1955:41, 1985:2
1920:18, 1920:19, 1922:14, 1930:5, 1934:3, syndesis 1982:75 1934:23, 1935:6, 1935:8, 1935:23, 1938:5, 1938:10, synonym 1903:62
1940:1, 1941:53, 1942:22, 1942:55, 1943:148, Syria 1893:63 1944:83, 1945:40, 1945:42, 1945:44, 1945:45, Syrian-Americans 1903:39, 1965:4, 1987:123, 1987:124 1945:49, 1945:72rb, 1945:75, 1945:101, 1946:73, Szczpanowicz, Lucia Borski (trans.) 1931:32rb
1946:77, 1946:115, 1947:4, 1947:37, 1947:76, Szeftel, Marc (tr., ed.) 1949:79rb 1949:3, 1949:52, 1949:56, 1949:99, 1950:10, Szoverffy, Josephy 1954:87 1950:130, 1951:77, 1951:82, 1951:121, 1952:10, Szwed, John F. 1974:53rb, 1974:54rb, 1980:141rb;
1952:80, 1954:42, 1956:41, 1956:80, 1958:5, (ed.) 1971:109rb 1959:5, 1959:45, 1960:82, 1961:1, 1961:51, 1962:12, 1963:36, 1963:52, 1964:5, 1965:11, 1967:82, 1969:73, 1970:104, 1972:87, 1975:50, 1975:87, 1976:57, 1980:54, 1980:56, 1982:2,
1982:72, 1985:54, 1986:102, 1987:41 tabasheer 1892:17 supernatural power 1939:33 table of contents for French-Canadian special issues
supernatural tale 1938:46, 1949:94 1920:29
supplication 1956:78 taboo 1891:18, 1898:21, 1900:30, 1902:47, 1903:45, surgery 1915:38 1904:44, 1906:45, 1908:39, 1910:6, 1916:6, Surinam 1905:49, 1917:9 1923:22, 1925:24, 1938:8, 1945:104, 1947:33,
Suriname 1917:10 1947:77, 1954:35, 1958:25 surname 1891:83 Tabori, Paul 1976:74rb
Surmelian, Leon 1966:51irb, 1970:12rb Tabor, Edward 0. 1946:33
surveying 1899:63 Tachi 1908:38 survival theory 1955:103 Taft, James (coll.) 1898:10rb
Sustar, Marija 1959:120rb, 1959:121rb Taft, Michael 1984:125rb, 1985:31rb; (comp., introd.)
Sutherland, E. V. 1968:26 1977:70rb
Sutherland, Margaret (arr.) 1957:158rb tag games 1960:50, 1961:30
1987:94rb 1907:20, 1907:63
Sutton-Smith, Brian 1961:17rd, 1976:16rb, 1983:119rb, Tagalog speakers 1902:62, 1906:61, 1906:71, 1907:19,
Sutton, Joseph A. D. 1982:52rb Taggart, James M. 1984:113rb, 1986:24
Svardstrom, Svante 1958:111rb Tahamont, Beulah 1901:65
Swadesh, Morris 1940:40rb, 1956:112rb, 1957:106rb Tahamont, Mrs. (mother of Bertha Tahamont) 1902:10
Swahili 1979:136 Tahhan, Samir 1986:111rb, 1986:112rb
Swahn, Jon Ojvind 1956:107rb, 1964:110rb Tahitian Americans 1901:20, 1901:93
Swain, Fred 1971:57 Tahitan 1909:29, 1917:30, 1919:10, 1921:14, 1921:28
Swampy Cree 1906:80, 1906:81, 1923:33 Tahmont, Elijah 1903:34
Swan, C. (tr., notes) 1888:28rb Tai 1917:29
Swan, M. L., (comp.) 1980:172rb Taiwan 1953:78
Swann, Patricia Lambert 1980:51 Taiwan Folkways 1953:78 Swanson, Donald C. 1963:74rb Taiwan University 1953:78
1981:98 take 1956:68 swastika 1900:47 Takelma 1907:4 Swanton, John R. 1909:13rb, 1942:46, 1948:24rb, Takaoa 1949:100
swearing 1894:5, 1894:9 Taku 1909:29
Sweden 1889:84, 1936:6, 1938:14, 1939:9, 1939:10, Talayesva, Don 1948:3
404 Journal of American Folklore Talbert, Ernest W. 1957:34rb teamsters 1980:108 tales 1891:40, 1896:81, 1898:55, 1898:59, 1899:51, teasing song 1979:101 1902:49, 1905:3, 1906:73, 1910:24, 1912:26, technology 1949:55, 1973:78, 1987:120 1915:19, 1919:19, 1928:10, 1930:21, 1930:23, Tecumseh 1931:19 1935:11, 1938:14, 1938:15, 1943:145, 1949:95, Tedlock, Barbara, (ed.) 1979:16rb 1951:43, 1951:48, 1951:85, 1954:42, 1955:12, Tedlock, Dennis 1985:40rb; (ed.) 1979:16rb
1955:110, 1956:83, 1959:43, 1962:4, 1962:8, teeth 1961:4
1965:8, 1965:37, 1970:103, 1974:33, 1975:12, Tefft, B. F. 1966:90
1978:129, 1981:141, 1983:110, 1984:5, 1985:4 Teicher, Morton I. 1962:72rb .
Taliaferro, H. E. 1934:17 Teit, James E. 1900:37rb, 1923:6 Taliaferro, Harden E. 1980:90rb Teixeira, Pedro 1917:8 talisman 1888:17, 1891:41, 1896:82 Tell, William 1970:4
tall tale 1934:17, 1934:30, 1942:25, 1943:8, 1944:31, temperature change 1895:44
1944:60, 1945:3, 1945:44, 1946:7, 1946:33, Tempest, The 1903:90 1947:81, 1947:83, 1948:100, 1948:102, 1949:52, temporal analysis 1987:40 1949:146, 1950:135, 1950:143, 1951:48, 1951:125, Ten Year's Almanack 1946:133
1951:133, 1952:40, 1952:84, 1952:85, 1957:12, Ten’'a 1912:5 1959:57, 1960:4, 1960:80, 1961:31, 1972:62, Tenenbaum, Joan, (comp.) 1986:62rb 1974:112, 1974:113, 1979:10, 1987:122 Teneze, Marie-Louise 1967:94rb, 1979:19rb
Tallant, Robert 1947:144rb Tennessee Branch of the AFS 1900:55
Talley, Thomas W. 1970:126rb Tennessee Folklore Society 1942:66, 1943:14, 1943:94,
Tallman, A. Laurna 1980:12rb 1952:51, 1953:13
Tallman, Marjorie 1960:92rb Tennessee State Sacred Harp Singing Association
Tallman, Richard S. 1980:12rb 1942:64
Talmage, Frank, (ed.) 1983:56rb Tennyson, Alfred 1945:5 Talmud 1954:14, 1964:92 Tenth Annual Report, 1888-1889 1895:23rb
Tamakloe, E. F. (essay) 1933:20rb Tenth International Congress of Americanists Held at Tambunan Dusun 1961:8, 1963:34, 1963:42 Stockholm in 1894 1894:144rb
Tamil 1894:40 Teodoro, Jose 1908:12
Tamil-speakers 1981:54 Tepecano 1914:12, 1914:13 Tampere, Herbert 1938:29rb, 1940:5rb, 1941:35rb Tepehuan 1912:20
Tanabata San Festival 1897:56 terminology 1910:7, 1956:14, 1981:4, 1986:5 Tantaquidgeon, Gladys 1943:118rb Terry, Saul, (illus.) 1979:153rb Tante, Lucile (coll., ed.) 1963:62rb Terry, Sonny (perf.) 1959:31ra
Tanzania 1947:7; Zanzibar 1979:136 Tertullian 1983:42 |
Taora 1949:100 test 1908:29 Tapakan, Jero 1986:25rv tester 1896:26
Taoist scripture 1898:62, 1899:13, 1899:14 Teske, Robert T. 1977:24, 1977:75
tape recorder 1957:95 Tete de Boule 1928:12
Tapirape 1940:34 Teton 1889:42, 1905:59, 1905:62, 1906:3, 1906:79,
Tarahumara 1943:130 1907:22, Tarascan 1942:4 Teton Dakota1907:43 1888:10
Targ, William (ed., introd.) 1949:32rb Tewa 1909:33, 1921:12, 1943:11, 1956:47
Tarlovski, Mark (tr.) 1945:29rb Tewan 1926:5
Tarnawsky, George (tr.) 1982:64rb Texas 1941:6 Tarsouli, Georgia 1952:16 Texas Branch of the AFS 1911:5, 1913:14
tastoanes 1902:17 Texas Folklore Society 1914:25, 1915:25, 1917:23,
TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) 1966:2 1926:26, 1943:16, 1943:95, 1944:68, 1945:82,
Tatzil 1967:74 1946:93, 1946:129, 1947:59, 1948:62, 1949:68, taunt 1945:43, 1945:75 1949:116, 1950:37rb, 1950:76, 1950:113, 1951:56, Tauquitch 1903:41 1952:86, 1955:76, 1967:23rb, 1967:24rb Tausserat-Radel 1897:94rb Texas Square Dance Festival 1949:120 Taussig, Michael A. 1983:79rb Texas Tech University 1971:53 Tawaqwaptiwa, Chief 1948:3 text 1961:58, 1971:6 Tax, Sol 1957:128; (ed.) 1953:55rb textile art 1920:7, 1979:9
taxonomy 1981:4 textile mill workers 1972:7
Taylor, Archer 1930:7rb, 1942:29, 1943:15irb, textile workers 1903:47 1947:91, 1947:134, 1949:130rb, 1951:149rb, textiles 1892:21, 1939:16
1955:28rb, 1964:117rb, 1968:26, 1974:1, 1978:28rb, textual analysis 1958:71, 1967:60, 1973:72, 1979:55,
1978:129, 1978:130rb; (ed.) 1943:59rb, 1953:43rb; 1980:53, 1987:122 a (foreword) 1972:71rb Thailand 1957:50 | | Taylor, Alexander Burt (tr.) 1941:21rb Thalbitzer, William 1931:9rb, 1941:73rb Taylor, Bobby 1977:36rv; (camera) 1977:79rv Thanksgiving 1891:15, 1897:14
Taylor, Douglas 1953:12 Thanksgiving Day Parade 1946:48
Taylor, J. 1979:23rb Thanksgiving rite 1900:66
Taylor, John 1889:22 Thari 1898:43
Taylor, John (tr.) 1985:18rb Thatcher, Mary 1979:129rv
Taylor, Margaret, (comp.) 1958:118rb_ Thaw Fellowship 1891:25 Taylor, Martha (assistant) 1982:6rb theft 1889:44, 1891:107, 1896:26 Taylor, Pat Ellis, (ed.) 1983:52rb thematic analysis 1916:1, 1917:1, 1963:82, 1977:85
Taylor, Pauline 1945:116rb theme 1972:3 Taylor, Raymond L. 1957:91 theogony 1944:32 tea 1903:59 theory 1888:2, 1895:2, 1904:2, 1904:48, 1906:60,
Teahan, Terence “Cuz” 1982:68rb 1907:47, 1908:29, 1910:16, 1911:1, 1917:3, 1934:1,
Subject Index 405 1942:28, 1942:52, 1943:102, 1945:101, 1946:4, 1931:16, 1944:36; stone 1915:7, 1917:10 1946:130, 1947:117, 1947:120, 1947:123, 1947:124, Thuriet, Ch. 1892:73rb 1947:125, 1947:126, 1948:57, 1948:136, 1949:54, Thurnwald, Hilde 1938:50rb 1949:143, 1950:18, 1951:129, 1952:28, 1952:70, Thurston, Herbert 1955:21rb 1953:62, 1955:102, 1955:105, 1955:106, 1955:107, Thurston, Hugh 1954:69 1955:108, 1955:109, 1956:99, 1956:103, 1957:11, Thurston, Josiah 1901:53
1957:81, 1957:132, 1958:10, 1958:11, 1958:27, tide 1898:30 1958:30, 1958:31, 1961:50, 1961:58, 1962:36, Tietze, Andreas 1968:107rb, 1976:101rb
1962:61, 1962:63, 1965:1, 1965:2, 1966:42, Tigerstedt, R. 1902:64 1968:29, 1969:37, 1969:116, 1973:35, 1973:73, Tigua 1976:54
1979:56, 1979:113, 1983:39, 1986:101, 1987:1, Tihuanacu Institute 1943:142 1987:44, 1987:84, 1987:114, 1987:115, 1987:126, Tijaiha 1889:95
1987:1 Tillamook 1944:34
“There were three jolly Welshmen” 1890:88 Tillamook (Salish) 1898:5, 1898:25
thieves 1889:106, 1890:109, 1890:117 Tilley, Morris Palmer 1951:142rb
Third International Conference of Nordic and General Tillhagen, Carl-Herman 1947:63rb, 1949:183rb,
Linguistics 1981:44rb 1951:152rb, 1958:116rb, 1960:104rb
Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology Tilson, William (ed., rev.) 1960:51rb
1896:69rb Timbs, John 1970:34rb Rose 1966:35rb 1896:2, 1897:55 Thistleton Dyer, T. F. 1967:49rb Tin Pan Alley 1973:4, 1973:114
Thisse-Derouette (coll., commentary, harmonization), time 1900:30, 1905:73; consciousness 1982:99; lapse
Thistleton-Dyer, R. F. 1969:171rb Tinguians 1956:84 Thomas, Cyrus 1894:140rb “Tinker and Staffordshire Maid, The” 1926:19 Thomas, E. J. (comp., ed., introd., notes) 1918:23rb Tinker, Edward Larocque 1962:73rb Thomas, E. W. 1951:112rb Tinkers 1890:52, 1890:80, 1898:43, 1909:43 Thomas, Gerald 1980:23rb, 1985:65rb Tinkle, Lon, (ed.) 1960:91rb Thomas, J. Edward 1970:109 Tinling, Marion, (ed.) 1949:85rb Thomas, James 1975:9; (perf.) 1976:108rv Tioripi 1949:95
Thomas, Jean 1932:10rb, 1940:7rb, 1941:25rb Tirurayes 1901:94 Thomas, Northcote W., comp. 1907:17rb, 1908:26rb; Tisnado, Alasco 1941:2
(ed.) 1905:55rb Tit Jean 1949:146
Thomas, William I. 1909:52rb, 1960:111rb Tit-bits 1913:16 Thomason, A. P.(ed., comp.) 1948:169rb Titiev, Mischa 1953:56rb
Thompson 1916:11, 1926:23, 1937:17 title 1959:43
Thompson, Bonnie 1984:105rv title-author joke 1973:6
Thompson, C. J. S. 1971:93rb, 1971:126rb titles 1957:48 Thompson, Denys, (ed.) 1980:164rb Titon, Jeff Todd 1980:20rb; (ed.) 1978:24rb Thompson, Dewey (perf.) 1980:145rv Tkachuk, Mary 1981:16rb Thompson, Edward H. 1897:91rb Tlingit 1888:69, 1893:9, 1905:19, 1907:61, 1908:23, Thompson, Harold W. 1941:61rb, 1946:45, 1964:95, 1909:29, 1946:1, 1981:98
1982:9rb; (ed.) 1960:60rb Tlingit (Stickeen) 1892:88 Thompson, Laura 1947:24rb Tlingit Myths and Texts 1981:98
Thompson, Stith 1930:31rb, 1936:29rb, 1938:19, toast 1927:16, 1967:85, 1970:27, 1971:16, 1972:33, 1938:20, 1943:135, 1943:149, 1946:14, 1946:33, 1974:66, 1975:14, 1975:15, 1975:16, 1975:95, 1946:50, 1947:15, 1947:91, 1947:139rb, 1948:145, 1977:44 1956:3, 1958:12rb, 1959:58rb, 1962:51rb, tobacco 1889:17, 1889:82, 1889:108, 1892:54, 1963:70rb, 1968:26, 1971:101, 1977:1, 1978:105rb; 1902:56, 1951:52, 1965:34, 1966:89 (comp.) 1970:120rb; (comp., ed.), 1930:19rb; Tobago 1958:9, 1985:2
(index) 1955:56rb toby 1967:78
Thoms, William J. 1947:128 Tocilescu, Grigore 1978:8
Thomson, David 1975:104rb Todas 1958:81
Thomson, William 1964:88rb Todd Memorial Volumes, The 1928:18 Thoreau, Henry David 1960:80, 1967:32, 1972:32 Todd, Henry Alfred 1890:64rb, 1928:18
Thornburg family 1948:58 Toelken, J. Barre 1973:45, 1974:41; (appendix)
Thornton, George 1893:102rb 1969:27rb
Thornton, Philip 1936:36rb Tohee, David 1925:28
Thornton, Robert J. (ed., transcrib., notes) 1958:107rb Toles, Tom, (illus.) 1977:64rb Thorp, Nathan Howard “Jack” 1969:50rb, 1979:170rb Tolford, Joshua (illus.) 1954:61rb, 1958:47rb
Thorp, Raymond W. 1959:78rb, 1970:78rb Toll, Robert C. 1976:65rb
Thorpe, Lesbia, (illus.) 1956:63rb Tolman, Beth 1979:32rb
Thorpe, Thomas Bangs 1964:72 Tommy Hunter’s Carolina String Band (perf.)
Thouless, R. H. 1942:68rb 1963:93ra
Thousand and One Nights 1902:49 tomte 1950:10 threatening figure 1964:15 tonal 1956:100; analysis 1961:55, 1961:56
three 1892:14 tone riddle 1958:26, 1961:55, 1961:56
“Three Bears, The” 1946:113, 1977:82 Tonga 1967:33 Three Kings ceremony 1948:5 Tongue, Ruth L., (ed.) 1967:40rb three on a match 1974:37 tongue-twister 1891:54, 1892:26, 1892:55, 1892:96,
thriftiness 1901:40 1914:23, 1959:96, 1959:97, 1960:86, 1960:87,
throat disease 1902:87 1964:69
Thrum, Thomas G. 1925:19rb Tonone, Valentine 1942:34
Thrush, Amanda M. 1900:54 toodlembuck 1960:9
thunder 1893:85, 1944:36, 1956:11; bird 1909:34, Tooker, Elisabeth 1972:69rb; (ed.) 1985:98rb
406 Journal of American Folklore tool 1894:117, 1903:56 1964:64, 1958:9, 1966:84, 1983:29ra, 1985:2
Toor, Frances 1927:15rb, 1955:88rb Trinidadian-Americans 1919:28
toothache 1900:11, 1925:31 Trique 1899:6
toothpick 1903:63 Tristan da Cunha 1971:57 top 1960:9 : Tritheim, Johannes 1945:5 Top, Stefan 1986:73rb Tritton, Duke (perf.) 1976:117rv ; Torrey, Volta 1978:140rb Troilus and Criseyde 1939:15
1979:41rv Troy 1983:3 torture 1946:3 truck 1980:108 ) Tosches, Nick 1980:19rb True, Clara 1909:33 | Tortora, Vincent R. 1976:81rv, 1977:39rv, 1979:40rv, trovo 1915:16
totem 1898:40; pole 1905:19 truth 1955:102, 1956:9, 1957:132
totemic names 1980:1 Tryon, Henry H. 1941:22rb
totemism 1908:37, 1910:6, 1910:16, 1917:29, 1922:12, Tsarias (photographer), Alexander 1984:16rb
1944:5, 1946:1, 1954:35 Tschopik, Harry, Jr. 1949:180rb
Toulmin, Harry 1949:85rb Tsetsaut 1896:78, 1897:4 tourism 1948:102 Tshimshian 1889:102 tourist art 1975:6, 1987:70 Tsihnahjinnie, Andy, (illus.) 1976:14rb
Toussaint, Manuel 1943:66rb : Tsimshian 1891:6, 1891:7, 1921:32, 1925:30, 1946:75
Toy, C.H. 1907:7 Tsimsyan 1946:1 . toys 1942:4, 1943:101, 1945:48, 1960:9, 1969:117 Tsiwema 1918:12
Tozetti, Giovanni Targioni 1891:96rb Tsonga 1973:71
Tracey, Andrew 1976:85rv, 1976:86rv Tsu-k'uang, Lou, (ed.) 1974:11rb Tradicion: Revista Peruana de Cultura 1950:79 Tubach, Frederic C. 1972:64rb
“tradition” 1984:80 tuberculosis 1892:49 | . traghudho 1981:4 Tudor, Dean 1974:62rb . . Tralich (conductor), Peter 1963:28ra Tuer, Andrew W. 1970:129rb, 1970:130rb Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee 1904:12 Tucci, Giovanni. 1968:38rb
trance 1986:25rv Tugrul, Mehmet 1948:111rb, 1948:113rb
Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 1939:34 Tullos, Allen, (ed.) 1980:74rb | transcription 1898:59, 1903:8, 1954:79, 1957:10, Tully, Marjorie F. 1980:39rb
1958:72, 1960:113, 1960:114, 1967:84, 1982:74, tump 1903:34
1983:77, 1983:78 tune 1967:34, 1971:22; analysis 1949:42; evolution 1909:18, 1942:55, 1945:101, 1947:116, 1949:100, Tunebo 1962:40 ,
transformation 1905:1, 1907:62, 1908:29, 1909:8, | 1973:4; type 1942:53, 1942:58, 1949:9
1954:15 Tunica 1907:60
transformer figure 1976:52 | Tunisia 1902:89
translation 1901:67, 1947:125, 1954:4, 1971:12, Tunison, J. S. 1889:30rb
1981:98, 1983:40 Tupi-Guarani 1915:32
transliteration 1958:72 . Turco-Mongolians 1964:12
transmigration 1909:49 . , “Turk and Gawain, The” 1905:1 Oo
transmission 1890:3, 1906:1, 1910:1, 1910:26, 1911:3, Turkey 1903:66, 1942:22, 1945:73, 1945:74, 1949:145,
1912:2, 1913:19, 1914:4, 1945:6, 1945:68, 1950:132, 1951:7, 1952:102, 1956:82, 1961:89, 1951:118, 1951:129, 1952:1, 1952:110, 1955:47, 1968:49, 1970:52, 1971:53, 1971:105, 1973:77, —
1956:84, 1974:67 / 1974:114, 1976:9, 1978:9, 1978:10, 1979:3,
Trapero, Maximiano, (ed.) 1987:54rb 1979:104, 1986:2 -
Trask, Willard R. (tr.) 1980:119rb . turkey shoot 1948:143 . “Traum des Baume, Der’ 1965:10, 1965:94, 1965:95 Turkey: Sivas 1902:58 -
travel literature 1946:7, 1946:37 . Turkish-Americans 1942:22, 1962:87 treasure 1899:12, 1901:5, 1918:15, 1930:5, 1935:8, Turkish-Iranians 1970:100 1949:56, 1951:121, 1951:132, 1957:53, 1964:5, Turner, Edith L. B., (ed.) 1987:87rb
1965:11, 1982:72, 1985:54 Turner, Ian 1981:89rb
treasure hunt 1984:2 Turner, John 1915:6
Treasury of American Folklore 1945:18 Turner, Lorenzo Dow 1950:127rb
treaty 1953:28 _- ; Turner, Robert P., (ed.) 1968:58rb tree 1900:49, 1901:16, 1901:75, 1905:53 Turner, Victor W. 1971:106rb, 1982:29, 1984:109,
tree-planting 1889:112, 1895:101 . 1987:87rb; (ed.) 1987:88rb
trespass 1935:21 | Turney, Ida Virginia 1930:10rb
trial 1892:62 turtle 1967:33; rite 1962:41 tribal divisions 1890:44, 1890:45, 1890:77, 1891:18, Turville-Petre, E.O. G. 1965:24rb
1891:78, 1891:108, 1892:51, 1894:107, 1908:37,. Turville-Petre, G. 1950:112
1910:6, 1914:31, 1938:36, 1954:35, 1958:91, Tusayan 1892:84, 1893:110, 1893:115, 1894:106,
1961:2 1895:34, 1895:94, 1896:77
tribal names 1905:68 Tuscarora 1892:137
Tribe, Ivan M. 1987:55rb Tuskegee Institute 1919:21 a
Tribunal of Commerce exhibition (Paris) 1902:29 Tute, George, (illus.) 1978:95rb
trickster 1906:4, 1909:48, 1915:19, 1925:13, 1929:27, Tutuola, Amos 1973:3 | 1931:20, 1932:4, 1932:19, 1945:98, 1945:102, Tututni 1928:14
1946:31, 1946:75, 1947:6, 1948:92, 1952:7, 1954:6, Tututuni 1915:17 . 1955:50, 1957:13, 1959:57, 1963:3, 1964:94, Tveteraas, Harald L. 1960:96rb, 1960:97rb,(ed.)
1965:3, 1973:37, 1987:68; figure 1977:3; tale 1960:98rb . . 1947:7,Trimborn, 1966:92, 1970:47 Twain, Mark 1952:40 —_ Hermann, (ed.) 1962:19rb | Twelfth Night 1933:4 _ Trinidad and Tobago 1945:69, 1958:9, 1962:89, twelve 1890:119
Subject Index 407 “Twelve Numbers” 1950:142 1962:57ra, 1962:84ra, 1962:84ra, 1963:18, 1963:77, Twente, Theophil H. 1941:37rb 1964:28ra, 1964:90ra, 1965:32ra, 1967:4, 1967:60, Twenty-Sixty Annual Report of the Bureau of American 1967:61, 1969:111ra, 1970:36, 1970:56, 1971:57,
Ethnology 1909:13rb 1972:89, 1973:118, 1977:74ra, 1977:115, 1978:1,
twins 1895:34, 1943:49, 1946:31, 1956:98 1979:103, 1980:152, 1980:154, 1981:55, 1981:141,
Tye, Otis 1909:19 1981:142, 1984:109, 1985:94
Tyler, Hamilton A. 1965:16rb —Scotland 1895:45 type analysis 1955:17 —England 1891:55, 1891:72, 1892:11, 1893:46, type classification 1953:98 1893:58, 1894:87, 1895:10, 1895:13, 1895:41, type-indexing 1951:43 1895:55, 1895:93, 1898:12, 1899:72, 1902:59,
typology 1954:76 1903:90, 1905:61, 1909:46, 1915:29, 1917:21, Tzeltal 1973:30 1929:19, 1929:25, 1931:30, 1934:23, 1936:19, tzimbal 1908:34 1939:3, 1943:139, 1945:9, 1945:40, 1946:113, Tyrsova, Renata 1896:106rb 1917:26, 1919:33, 1921:13, 1921:29, 1921:37,
Tzintzuntzan 1970:50 1947:115, 1948:4, 1948:100, 1949:118, 1950:112, Tzotzil-speakers 1971:14 1951:1, 1951:48, 1951:76, 1951:88, 1952:83, 1952:116, 1953:9, 1953:93, 1954:69, 1954:78, 1955:14, 1957:4, 1957:6, 1961:54, 1962:12, 1962:37, 1963:5, 1964:6, 1964:15, 1965:8, 1965:45, 1965:93, 1965:96, 1965:118ra, 1966:14, 1966:43,
U.S. E. D. 1957:83 1967:3, 1970:93, 1971:54, 1972:5, 1972:36, Udekhe 1933:23 1972:91, 1973:6, 1973:76, 1973:112, 1973:117,
UFO 1987:41 1974:69, 1974:70, 1974:71, 1975:55, 1976:94,
Uhland, Ludwig 1923:27 1977:47, 1979:5, 1983:113, 1986:102, 1987:125; Uhlrich, Herta 1969:137rb Gloucestershire 1892:54; London 1890:114, Ujvary, Zoltan 1972:24rb 1891:26, 1891:64, 1891:87, 1891:109, 1895:76,
Ukrainians 1956:72 1901:42, 1947:131, 1952:57, 1953:20, 1974:36 Ulithi Atoll 1966:2 —Ireland 1962:57, 1967:52ra, 1967:83, Ulkutasir, Mr. (introd.) 1954:23rb 1972:78ra, 1973:68ra, 1974:52, 1982:93ra,
Ullman, John 1977:31irv 1985:48ra Ulysses 1965:37 —Northern Ireland 1901:50
Ullom, Judith C., (comp.) 1971:42rb —Isle of Man 1893:55
umbilicus 1904:32 —Scotland 1892:92, 1899:77, 1907:28, 1929:19,
Umbundu 1922:7 1934:7, 1938:19, 1938:22, 1945:6, 1949:156,
Uncle Remus 1893:107, 1903:93 1951:76, 1955:48, 1961:53, 1963:85, 1967:83,
uncorrupted body 1935:23 1968:55, 1970:54, 1972:78ra, 1973:34, 1976:2, “Undaunted Female” 1926:19 1979:1, 1982:31, 1987:125; Edinburgh 1953:80,
undead 1942:22 1957:93, 1969:39, 1978:124
Underhill, Ruth Murray 1939:53rb, 1948:31rb, —Shetland Islands 1925:24 1949:136rb, 1969:144rb, 1978:107rb, 1986:105; —Wales 1891:22, 1893:58
(foreword) 1964:39rb United Nations Relief And Rehabilitation Administration
Underwood, Peter 1976:74rb (UNRRA) 1966:16
underworld 1888:52, 1890:69, 1892:8, 1893:6, United States 1888:9, 1888:10, 1888:15, 1888:17,
1899:17, 1902:21, 1935:17 1888:39, 1888:41, 1888:42, 1888:44, 1888:47,
UNESCO 1946:46, 1948:68, 1949:75, 1949:159, 1888:52, 1888:67, 1888:70, 1888:74, 1889:1,
1951:95, 1951:124, 1952:54, 1974:118 1889:3, 1889:4, 1889:12, 1889:13, 1889:17,
Ungutsup 1953:28 1889:18, 1889:23, 1889:37, 1889:48, 1889:49, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1903:73, 1931:2, 1889:57, 1889:59, 1889:63, 1889:70, 1889:87,
1933:8, 1942:10, 1951:40, 1952:29, 1952:30, 1889:88, 1889:89, 1889:108, 1889:109, 1890:12, 1952:74, 1952:75, 1952:79, 1955:7, 1955:52, 1890:25, 1890:48, 1890:59, 1890:70, 1890:73, 1956:73, 1956:75, 1961:90, 1964:12, 1971:61, 1890:86, 1890:103, 1890:110, 1890:111, 1890:117, 1976:59, 1979:58; Bashkirskaya ASSR 1903:59; 1891:4, 1891:11, 1891:12, 1891:13, 1891:14, Bucovina 1978:82; Caucasus Mountains 1978:1, 1891:25, 1891:44, 1891:47, 1891:48, 1891:50, 1979:103; Czechoslovakia 1984:4; Estonian SSR 1891:51, 1891:52, 1891:55, 1891:57, 1891:62, 1902:53, 1903:9; Karelian ASSR 1963:52; Kolyma 1891:70, 1891:72, 1891:75, 1891:78, 1891:86,
1928:20; Lithuanian SSR 1930:28, 1946:39, 1891:108, 1891:113, 1892:3, 1892:15, 1892:16, 1960:115, 1960:116; Maris ASSR 1952:43; Russian 1892:19, 1892:21, 1892:24, 1892:26, 1892:44, SFSR 1933:23, 1956:74, 1965:10; Russian SFSR: 1892:55, 1892:64, 1892:89, 1892:90, 1892:95, Moscow 1956:76; Sakhalinskaya Oblast 1912:6; 1892:99, 1892:100, 1892:116, 1892:117, 1892:119, Siberia 1923:22, 1946:1, 1951:119, 1954:110; 1892:127, 1892:134, 1893:7, 1893:26, 1893:46, Ukrainian SSR. 1902:54, 1903:8, 1932:6, 1980:112; 1893:53, 1893:54, 1893:68, 1893:107, 1893:113,
Yakut ASSR 1933:24 1893:125, 1893:126, 1894:8, 1894:20, 1894:29,
Unitarians 1947:36 1894:124, 1895:3, 1895:9, 1895:30, 1895:31,
United Kingdom 1888:72, 1889:14, 1889:16, 1889:57, 1895:35, 1895:38, 1895:39, 1895:40, 1895:45, 1890:27, 1890:52, 1890:53, 1890:82, 1895:22, 1897:31, 1895:55, 1895:97, 1895:103, 1896:7, 1896:11, 1897:51, 1897:73, 1898:43, 1899:53, 1908:43, 1908:57, 1896:24, 1896:29, 1896:49, 1896:55, 1896:61, 1909:4, 1909:16, 1910:26, 1912:28, 1913:27, 1933:3, 1897:5, 1897:14, 1897:22, 1897:33, 1897:72, 1934:2, 1934:24, 1947:76, 1948:131, 1949:148, 1950:1, 1898:11, 1898:12, 1898:14, 1898:20, 1898:21,
1951:43, 1951:118, 1952:104, 1953:27, 1954:1, 1898:43, 1898:44, 1898:47, 1898:57, 1898:61, 1954:80, 1955:2, 1955:4, 1955:47, 1955:70, 1955:103, 1898:69, 1899:4, 1899:16, 1899:26, 1899:49, 1956:39, 1956:41, 1956:96, 1957:11, 1957:82, 1957:84, 1899:50, 1899:51, 1899:53, 1899:59, 1899:60, 1957:86, 1957:87, 1957:130, 1958:6, 1958:94, 1958:96, 1899:65, 1899:67, 1899:75, 1899:76, 1900:1, 1959:47, 1960:35ra, 1960:75ra, 1960:117, 1960:152ra, 1900:5, 1900:13, 1900:26, 1900:28, 1900:42,
1961:24, 1961:25, 1961:77ra, 1961:83, 1962:31ra, 1900:75, 1901:2, 1901:52, 1901:73, 1901:87, .
408 Journal of American Folklore 1902:1, 1902:18, 1902:22, 1902:30, 1902:61, 1959:37, 1959:38, 1959:44, 1959:52, 1959:53, 1902:66, 1902:67, 1902:68, 1902:79, 1902:83, 1959:54, 1959:55, 1959:102, 1959:124, 1960:1, 1903:33, 1903:34, 1903:42, 1903:88, 1903:93, 1960:2, 1960:4, 1960:46, 1960:47, 1960:75ra, 1903:94, 1903:95, 1904:4, 1904:12, 1904:25, 1960:77, 1960:80, 1960:84, 1960:86, 1960:129, 1904:27, 1904:32, 1904:36, 1904:42, 1905:20, 1960:130, 1960:152ra, 1961:7, 1961:21ra, 1961:29, 1905:24, 1905:26, 1905:46, 1905:50, 1905:60, 1961:32, 1961:48ra, 1961:54, 1961:77ra, 1961:91, 1905:66, 1905:70, 1906:24, 1906:25, 1906:63, 1962:2, 1962:10, 1962:31ra, 1962:42, 1962:57ra, 1906:96, 1907:1, 1907:6, 1907:8, 1907:27, 1907:46, 1962:62, 1962:64, 1962:65, 1962:67, 1962:68,
1907:49, 1908:1, 1908:43, 1908:53, 1908:58, 1962:69, 1962:71, 1962:90, 1963:18, 1963:48, 1908:66, 1909:1, 1909:6, 1909:20, 1909:21, 1963:57, 1963:77, 1963:87, 1963:88, 1964:6, 1909:44, 1909:45, 1909:48, 1910:1, 1910:26, 1964:15, 1964:28ra, 1964:35, 1964:63ra, 1964:71, 1911:2, 1911:26, 1911:27, 1912:1, 1912:18, 1964:72, 1964:94, 1964:95, 1964:118ra, 1965:4, 1912:25, 1913:11, 1914:1, 1914:3, 1914:4, 1914:8, 1965:5, 1965:32ra, 1965:36, 1965:43, 1965:73,
1914:9, 1914:21, 1914:23, 1914:27, 1915:1, 1965:74ra, 1965:75, 1965:77, 1965:78, 1965:80, 1915:12, 1915:15, 1915:20, 1915:21, 1915:24, 1965:81, 1965:82ra, 1965:84, 1965:87, 1965:89, 1915:29, 1916:2, 1916:18, 1916:19, 1916:20, 1965:120, 1966:14, 1966:40ra, 1966:45, 1966:77ra, 1917:20, 1918:17, 1918:20, 1919:9, 1919:18, 1966:78ra, 1966:85, 1966:86, 1966:88, 1966:93, 1919:25, 1919:27, 1919:30, 1921:10, 1921:19, 1966:109ra, 1966:110, 1966:111ra, 1966:112ra, 1921:31, 1923:1, 1923:7, 1923:18, 1923:21, _ 1967:2, 1967:27ra, 1967:32, 1967:50, 1967:54, 1923:25, 1926:15, 1926:19, 1928:18, 1929:19, 1967:57, 1967:63, 1967:73ra, 1967:75, 1967:77, 1930:3, 1930:4, 1931:16, 1934:2, 1934:4, 1934:24, 1967:78, 1967:79, 1967:80, 1967:102, 1968:4,
1935:12, 1935:16, 1935:17, 1936:4, 1937:40, 1968:8, 1968:24ra, 1968:25, 1968:26, 1968:45ra, 1938:1, 1938:7, 1938:16, 1938:18, 1938:25, 1968:46ra, 1968:65ra, 1968:72, 1968:76, 1968:77, 1938:36, 1938:60, 1939:9, 1939:34, 1941:2, . 1968:80, 1968:109ra, 1968:111, 1968:114ra, 1941:53, 1942:7, 1942:25, 1942:26, 1942:60, 1969:1, 1969:2, 1969:19, 1969:34ra, 1969:36, 1942:61, 1942:63, 1943:6, 1943:8, 1943:17, 1969:54ra, 1969:65, 1969:67, 1969:69, 1969:71, 1943:22, 1943:49, 1943:52, 1943:53, 1943:57, 1969:73, 1969:111ra, 1969:112ra, 1969:115, 1943:58, 1943:75, 1943:92, 1943:99, 1943:107, 1969:122, 1969:176ra, 1969:177ra, 1969:178ra, 1943:128, 1943:133, 1943:138, 1943:141, 1944:2, 1969:179ra, 1970:1, 1970:2, 1970:6, 1970:37ra, 1944:38, 1944:42, 1944:43, 1944:47, 1944:70, 1970:38ra, 1970:39ra, 1970:40ra, 1970:41, 1970:42, 1944:75, 1944:97, 1945:3, 1945:12, 1945:18, 1970:45, 1970:47, 1970:49, 1970:58, 1970:97ra, 1945:22, 1945:54, 1945:55, 1945:72rb, 1945:80, 1970:101, 1970:143ra, 1971:10, 1971:12, 1971:16, 1945:102, 1945:108, 1946:6, 1946:9, 1946:11, 1971:17, 1971:18, 1971:19, 1971:20, 1971:52ra, 1946:15, 1946:43, 1946:72, 1946:73, 1946:76, 1971:62, 1971:94ra, 1971:95ra, 1971:97, 1971:99, 1946:86, 1946:117, 1946:122, 1946:130, 1946:134, 1971:101, 1971:105, 1971:127ra, 1971:128ra, 1946:139, 1947:5, 1947:10, 1947:34, 1947:46, 1972:6, 1972:30ra, 1972:31, 1972:32, 1972:33, 1947:54, 1947:55, 1947:91, 1947:116, 1947:120, 1972:62, 1972:82, 1972:84, 1972:88, 1972:122ra, 1947:121, 1947:122, 1947:123, 1947:124, 1947:125, 1973:4, 1973:5, 1973:13, 1973:27ra, 1973:29, 1947:126, 1947:127, 1947:132, 1947:136, 1948:6, 1973:40, 1973:41, 1973:43, 1973:69, 1973:72, -
-1948:13, 1948:18, 1948:52, 1948:55, 1948:73, 1973:75, 1973:104ra, 1973:105ra, 1973:110,
1948:97, 1948:99, 1948:100, 1948:105, 1948:108, 1973:114, 1974:1, 1974:3, 1974:5, 1974:26rb, 1948:143, 1948:150, 1948:152, 1949:16, 1949:21, 1974:28ra, 1974:29ra, 1974:31, 1974:32, 1974:39, -
1949:44, 1949:47, 1949:49, 1949:50, 1949:51, 1974:40, 1974:63ra, 1974:64ra, 1974:66, 1974:68, 1949:52, 1949:60, 1949:61, 1949:62, 1949:63, 1974:71, 1974:72, 1974:110, 1975:2, 1975:3, 1949:66, 1949:67, 1949:105, 1949:107, 1949:109, 1975:4, 1975:7, 1975:13, 1975:14, 1975:15, 1949:111, 1949:114, 1949:121, 1949:123, 1949:126, 1975:16, 1975:59, 1975:64, 1975:87, 1975:95, 1949:141, 1949:144, 1949:146, 1949:148, 1949:157, 1976:1, 1976:35ra, 1976:45, 1976:58, 1976:59, 1949:158, 1949:160, 1949:161, 1949:163, 1949:165, 1976:78ra, 1976:79ra, 1976:80ra, 1976:91, 1976:93,
1950:1, 1950:7, 1950:11, 1950:12, 1950:13, 1976:96rb, 1976:106rb, 1977:1, 1977:45, 1977:50, 1950:18, 1950:21, 1950:24, 1950:67, 1950:69, 1977:51, 1977:85, 1977:101rb, 1977:111, 1977:113, 1950:73, 1950:74, 1950:80, 1950:81, 1950:82, - 1977:117, 1977:133ra, 1977:134rv, 1978:6, 1950:84, 1950:100, 1950:101, 1950:102, 1950:107, 1978:40ra, 1978:41rv, 1978:54, 1978:55, 1978:57, 1950:134, 1950:136, 1950:137, 1950:140, 1950:141, 1978:59, 1978:60, 1978:79ra, 1978:81, 1978:84, 1950:143, 1950:147, 1950:153, 1950:155, 1951:3, 1978:85, 1978:114ra, 1978:127, 1978:128,
1951:8, 1951:19, 1951:22, 1951:24, 1951:37, 1978:150ra, 1979:5, 1979:34ra, 1979:35rv, 1979:57, 1951:48, 1951:57, 1951:78, 1951:83, 1951:87, 1979:60, 1979:97ra, 1979:127, 1979:133, 1979:134, 1951:89, 1951:90, 1951:125, 1951:128, 1951:139, 1979:138, 1979:139, 1979:144, 1980:5, 1980:110, 1952:33, 1952:53, 1952:54, 1952:59, 1952:75, 1980:152, 1980:156, 1980:157, 1981:99, 1981:118, 1952:82, 1952:85, 1952:92, 1952:103, 1952:104, 1981:132ra, 1982:12ra, 1982:13ra, 1982:16, 1952:110, 1952:132, 1953:11, 1953:40, 1953:41, 1982:75, 1982:76, 1982:101, 1982:121, 1982:128, 1953:61, 1953:62, 1953:63, 1953:64, 1953:66, 1983:1, 1983:29ra, 1983:30ra, 1983:36rv, 1983:71, 1953:90, 1953:92, 1953:96, 1953:111, 1954:3, 1983:72ra, 1983:76, 1983:95ra, 1983:96ra, __ 1954:4, 1954:8, 1954:15, 1954:70, 1954:72, | 1983:109, 1983:134ra, 1984:4, 1984:24ra, 1984:49,
1954:81, 1954:87, 1954:88, 1954:89, 1954:108, | 1984:54, 1984:76ra, 1984:99ra, 1984:109, _
1954:109, 1954:115, 1955:4, 1955:35, 1955:36, 1984:129ra, 1985:3, 1985:24, 1985:25, 1985:29, | 1955:44, 1955:46, 1955:51, 1955:60, 1955:72, 1985:30, 1985:47ra, 1985:82ra, 1985:85ra, 1985:94, 1956:11, 1956:13, 1956:41, 1956:69, 1956:77, — 1985:95, 1985:104ra, 1986:4, 1986:21ra, 1986:24, 1956:86, 1956:87, 1956:88, 1956:139, 1957:2, 1986:33, 1986:37, 1986:48ra, 1986:49, 1986:53, 1957:3, 1957:10, 1957:42, 1957:43, 1957:51, 1986:94ra, 1986:124ra, 1987:1, 1987:2; 1987:7, 1957:81, 1957:82, 1957:84, 1957:85, 1957:86, 1987:8, 1987:9, 1987:43, 1987:44, 1987:45, 1957:87, 1957:91, 1957:97, 1957:98, 1957:124, 1987:69, 1987:71, 1987:76, 1987:84, 1987:113,
1957:126, 1957:130, 1958:3, 1958:10, 1958:21, 1987:120, 1987:128
1958:23, 1958:28, 1958:29, 1958:32, 1958:93, —Alabama 1899:12, 1918:13, 1919:21, 1919:29,
1958:97, 1959:27, 1959:34, 1959:35, 1959:36, 1927:16, 1930:24, 1930:26, 1931:38, 1934:26,
Subject Index 409 1934:26, 1950:72, 1951:130, 1954:12, 1957:135, 1961:30; Middletown 1974:139; New Haven
1970:105, 1970:107; Birmingham 1917:28, 1899:52, 1899:78, 1900:6, 1926:16, 1938:23,
1946:137, 1947:14 1938:24
—Alaska 1888:54, 1888:69, 1890:11, 1892:88, 1893:9, —Cumberland Mountains 1936:16
1894:82, 1903:3, 1903:27, 1903:43, 1904:1, —Dakota 1905:62 1905:19, 1905:44, 1907:23, 1907:61, 1907:62, —DC 1888:38, 1888:46, 1889:10, 1891:56, 1892:1, 1908:5, 1908:23, 1909:2, 1909:35, 1912:5, 1913:16, 1893:109, 1894:85, 1894:95, 1894:123, 1895:1,
1923:22, 1938:35, 1941:15, 1944:5, 1945:104, 1895:54, 1897:20, 1898:35, 1899:68, 1901:98, 1946:41, 1947:4, 1954:11, 1966:15, 1973:2, 1902:55, 1902:69, 1903:7, 1910:24, 1912:7,
1975:11, 1976:92, 1981:98, 1984:5 1912:29, 1916:8, 1925:15, 1937:18, 1938:61,
—Alleghany Mountains 1894:30 1943:9, 1943:50, 1943:51, 1944:45, 1946:13,
—Appalachian Mountains 1894:30, 1912:12, 1913:10, 1946:140, 1947:20, 1948:20, 1948:70, 1948:151, 1929:18, 1929:21, 1931:5, 1932:1, 1958:8, 1970:44, 1949:153, 1950:68, 1955:112, 1957:96, 1962:59, 1973:109, 1974:90rv, 1974:109, 1975:56, 1975:94, 1967:53, 1980:111, 1984:106, 1987:74
1980:151 —Delaware 1938:10, 1951:58, 1955:63, 1969:5
—Arizona 1888:32, 1888:49, 1889:67, 1890:44, —Florida 1902:60, 1931:38, 1934:8, 1934:29, 1939:14, 1890:45, 1891:18, 1891:39, 1891:74, 1892:5, 1942:6, 1945:46, 1946:8, 1948:102, 1949:11, 1892:18, 1892:84, 1893:110, 1893:115, 1894:78, 1984:81; Miami 1917:6, 1960:87; Tallahassee
1894:90, 1894:106, 1895:34, 1895:94, 1896:19, 1949:15
1896:77, 1897:46, 1898:40, 1899:23, 1901:3, —Georgia 1889:80, 1889:110, 1892:12, 1892:87, 1903:87, 1906:14, 1906:48, 1907:10, 1908:4, 1894:109, 1896:60, 1897:30, 1897:47, 1897:50, 1908:32, 1909:36, 1910:27, 1912:4, 1912:9, 1897:69, 1898:4, 1899:25, 1899:61, 1899:62, 1921:15, 1923:10, 1923:12, 1928:9, 1933:30, 1900:3, 1900:12, 1900:50, 1901:68, 1901:69, 1936:1, 1936:32, 1943:10, 1943:11, 1944:17, 1906:10, 1911:22, 1911:29, 1912:11, 1913:31, 1945:56, 1945:68, 1947:33, 1947:58, 1947:74, 1916:3, 1917:5, 1918:13, 1919:22, 1921:6, 1929:23, 1948:3, 1948:92, 1953:8, 1956:47, 1957:45, 1931:40, 1934:8, 1934:20, 1934:29, 1942:3, 1957:46, 1959:46, 1959:57, 1959:99, 1960:12, 1943:100, 1947:3, 1965:79, 1974:86ra, 1982:1; 1960:13, 1960:128, 1961:2, 1969:3, 1980:54, Atlanta 1969:64; Okefenokee Swamp 1974:112,
1983:40, 1985:1, 1987:116; First Mesa 1921:12; 1974:113 Tucson 1953:71 —Guam 1949:93
~—-Arkansas 1888:18, 1888:19, 1892:48, 1927:2, —Hawali 1891:3, 1900:65, 1901:20, 1901:93, 1916:21,
1929:17, 1934:6, 1934:26, 1944:46, 1948:53, 1929:2, 1942:59, 1949:96, 1949:98, 1949:99, 1949:119, 1952:42, 1952:128, 1954:74, 1974:111; 1949:106, 1952:36, 1952:48, 1953:3, 1953:10, Little Rock 1959:56; Ozark Mountains 1947:32, 1956:40, 1956:95, 1957:83, 1957:90, 1957:125,
1981:52 1961:96, 1968:108, 1983:4, 1984:80, 1986:51;
—California 1890:77, 1892:13, 1892:25, 1900:9, Honolulu 1952:77, 1953:67
1900:67, 1901:70, 1901:76, 1902:4, 1902:21, —Idaho 1890:18, 1891:107, 1894:79, 1901:88, 1902:46, 1903:4, 1903:41, 1904:3, 1904:5, 1904:30, 1902:11, 1908:2, 1908:30, 1931:1, 1954:9, 1971:11,
1904:47, 1905:18, 1905:61, 1905:64, 1906:4, 1974:6
1906:5, 1906:16, 1906:41, 1906:42, 1906:43, —lIllinois 1906:90, 1908:42, 1910:23, 1911:6, 1917:35,
1906:44, 1906:45, 1906:46, 1906:47, 1906:49, 1918:10, 1919:34, 1933:7, 1934:12, 1935:26, 1906:74, 1906:75, 1906:76, 1906:77, 1906:78, 1935:27, 1939:4, 1944:9, 1944:40, 1945:98, 1907:11, 1908:7, 1908:8, 1908:9, 1908:10, 1908:31, 1947:73, 1948:7, 1950:98, 1951:94, 1954:73,
1908:35, 1908:36, 1908:37, 1908:38, 1908:40, 1969:6, 1972:85, 1986:36; Carbondale 1947:52,
1908:41, 1908:45, 1908:55, 1908:56, 1909:9, 1947:87, 1953:35, 1954:85
1909:27, 1909:49, 1910:2, 1910:12, 1911:25, —Illinois, Chicago 1892:30, 1892:68, 1892:71, 1914:7, 1914:24, 1919:16, 1923:28, 1925:36, 1892:94, 1892:104, 1892:105, 1893:14, 1893:15,
1926:4, 1928:9, 1928:10, 1928:11, 1929:26, 1893:69, 1893:81, 1893:82, 1894:4, 1894:19, 1931:14, 1932:19, 1933:14, 1936:32, 1937:16, 1894:45, 1894:46, 1894:53, 1901:97, 1902:8, 1938:59, 1939:31, 1942:29, 1943:76, 1944:8, 1908:17, 1909:47, 1918:18, 1939:6, 1940:11, 1944:10, 1944:61, 1945:1, 1945:77, 1945:83, 1943:78, 1945:113, 1946:38, 1946:136, 1947:21, 1946:2, 1946:74, 1947:2, 1947:19, 1947:53, 1947:39, 1947:81, 1947:84, 1947:130, 1950:99, 1947:74, 1948:132, 1949:122, 1950:15, 1952:40, 1950:105, 1953:30, 1956:6, 1956:85, 1957:128,
1952:89, 1952:130, 1953:29, 1953:31, 1955:8, 1957:163, 1960:48, 1980:111
1957:14, 1957:92, 1961:3, 1961:30, 1961:31, —Indiana 1935:18, 1936:17, 1938:4, 1939:5, 1942:31, 1967:36, 1969:16, 1974:4, 1980:4, 1984:2; Berkeley 1943:80, 1943:148, 1944:9, 1944:40, 1944:89,
1905:51, 1905:74, 1906:6, 1906:7, 1950:109, 1946:10, 1946:14, 1947:58, 1948:148, 1949:112, 1951:44, 1965:85; Los Angeles 1918:16, 1944:16, 1949:117, 1952:10, 1955:16, 1962:11, 1963:38, 1944:93, 1947:137, 1952:120, 1953:36, 1953:37, 1965:6, 1966:91, 1972:38, 1972:86, 1972:92,
1960:48, 1960:126, 1961:57, 1961:58, 1963:2, 1973:32, 1973:39, 1975:53, 1976:3, 1982:32, 1965:6, 1965:86, 1977:44; San Diego 1949:74; San 1983:111, 1987:119; Bloomington 1942:5, 1942:9, Francisco 1890:79, 1973:11, 1985:96; Tule Lake 1942:57, 1942:62, 1943:104, 1943:144, 1946:49,
1950:130 1946:91, 1946:138, 1947:49, 1947:86, 1948:145,
—Colorado 1891:74, 1902:19, 1906:17, 1908:39, 1948:155, 1949:164, 1950:75, 1950:108, 1950:110, 1912:3, 1924:1, 1939:46, 1941:3, 1942:1, 1945:20, 1950:138, 1950:151, 1954:34, 1954:111, 1954:142,
1948:63, 1948:69, 1957:46, 1965:10, 1969:4, 1955:39, 1956:3, 1958:4, 1958:22, 1960:8, 1971:56, 1973:38; Denver 1942:30, 1943:103, 1961:101, 1962:13, 1962:35, 1962:58, 1962:59, 1944:44, 1944:92, 1945:78, 1946:44, 1946:80, 1963:39, 1968:70; Gary 1970:46; Indianapolis
1947:50, 1947:90, 1948:67, 1949:71, 1949:76, 1944:96
1950:111, 1951:26, 1952:131, 1954:112, 1963:39 —lIowa 1889:103, 1902:44, 1906:90, 1908:16, 1908:65, —Connecticut 1890:105, 1891:59, 1892:123, 1893:118, 1909:50, 1912:24, 1936:18, 1939:13, 1943:40,
1894:31, 1895:4, 1895:72, 1896:58, 1898:30, 1949:103, 1956:78, 1968:6 1901:91, 1902:82, 1903:28, 1903:29, 1904:29, —Kansas 1889:19, 1891:104, 1892:50, 1892:59,
1907:14, 1908:13, 1941:13, 1949:12, 1951:50, 1893:51, 1894:80, 1898:24, 1903:2, 1925:28,
410 Journal of American Folklore 1941:47, 1944:95, 1946:81, 1947:82, 1956:89, 1906:18, 1906:50, 1907:7, 1910:21, 1918:19,
1965:37, 1972:9, 1972:10, 1977:47 1920:15, 1923:15, 1946:120, 1949:74, 1952:55; —Kentucky 1892:61, 1894:35, 1901:6, 1903:13, Martha’s Vineyard 1898:28; Salem 1889:111;
1907:52, 1907:58, 1909:5, 1910:14, 1911:24, Springfield 1895:92
1912:15, 1913:6, 1914:22, 1916:7, 1916:23, —Michigan 1897:10, 1897:76, 1900:49, 1906:64, 1923:30, 1927:4, 1928:24, 1929:21, 1929:22, 1913:7, 1914:7, 1918:31, 1920:13, 1931:6, 1931:19, 1934:30, 1935:26, 1935:27, 1935:28, 1936:16, 1933:32, 1938:26, 1943:83, 1944:60, 1944:64, 1938:2, 1938:62, 1939:1, 1943:81, 1944:9, 1944:89, 1946:34, 1946:79, 1948:50, 1948:141, 1949:57, 1946:17, 1947:3, 1948:101, 1951:92, 1952:50, 1949:151, 1950:71, 1951:55, 1954:113, 1954:144, 1956:5, 1956:9, 1956:42, 1958:2, 1962:91, 1968:71, 1956:4, 1956:90, 1959:42, -1959:97, 1960:85,
1971:104, 1972:85, 1973:28, 1974:7, 1975:57; 1961:30, 1962:11, 1963:90, 1976:10, 1978:80, Appalachian Mountains 1970:109; Kentucky: 1979:10, 1987:40; Ann Arbor 1942:8, 1943:105, Lexington 1953:2; Louisville 1916:9, 1917:14, 1944:48, 1947:47, 1952:125; Charlevoix 1950:9; 1918:39, 1951:91, 1952:61, 1953:76, 1954:86 —Michigan, Detroit 1897:36, 1897:39, 1897:58, —Louisiana 1888:36, 1889:6, 1889:7, 1890:108, 1944:58, 1945:49, 1945:76, 1947:93, 1948:14, 1892:28, 1892:67, 1892:101, 1893:8, 1893:67, 1948:56, 1949:115, 1951:59, 1951:79, 1951:84, 1893:122, 1895:52, 1896:50, 1897:9, 1899:27, 1951:134, 1952:44, 1957:123, 1960:87, 1963:86, 1899:32, 1900:44, 1905:47, 1905:52, 1905:53, 1970:44, 1977:24, 1977:75, 1983:41; Lansing
1905:54, 1906:39, 1907:60, 1908:61, 1917:31, 1955:74, 1957:41
1927:12, 1927:16, 1942:54, 1943:5, 1943:146, —Minnesota 1889:43, 1892:69, 1907:30, 1909:28,
1945:70, 1946:81, 1946:125, 1949:5, 1949:55, 1913:3, 1913:22, 1918:38, 1934:27, 1946:34, 1950:64, 1951:130, 1953:6, 1954:13, 1967:51ra, 1950:135, 1956:78, 1972:93, 1976:10; Minneapolis
1968:64ra, 1969:8, 1976:42ra, 1976:57, 1981:46, 1943:145, 1947:56 ;
1981:131ra, 1984:75ra; New Orleans 1888:80, —Mississippi 1897:35, 1903:40, 1911:17, 1911:22, 1890:13, 1890:109, 1892:129, 1893:25, 1893:59, 1911:29, 1922:6, 1926:13, 1927:16, 1934:3,
1894:41, 1896:66, 1899:71, 1922:6, 1931:38, 1943:84, 1960:3, 1964:70, 1966:44, 1968:73,
1957:99, 1962:5, 1974:137 1969:9, 1975:9, 1976:40ra, 1976:46, 1977:44 —Maine 1889:77, 1890:4, 1890:19, 1890:74, 1890:87, —Mississippi Valley 1897:2 1890:102, 1891:81, 1892:9, 1892:121, 1905:27, —Missouri 1888:48, 1903:13, 1905:71, 1906:19,
1905:68, 1906:85, 1912:19, 1913:4, 1915:4, 1906:51, 1906:65, 1906:72, 1907:52, 1907:65, 1915:28, 1917:32, 1926:7, 1935:1, 1939:3, 1944:39, 1908:15, 1908:24, 1909:23, 1910:17, 1910:22, 1944:88, 1946:132, 1947:7, 1948:12, 1949:150, 1911:6, 1911:23, 1912:15, 1912:24, 1914:19,
1953:27, 1957:53, 1959:7, 1961:1, 1962:92, 1921:34, 1927:2, 1929:17, 1931:26, 1934:6,
1974:116 1936:15, 1943:85, 1946:83, 1947:35, 1948:53,
—Maryland 1889:105, 1889:112, 1891:56, 1894:31, 1950:133, 1951:50, 1952:123, 1953:97, 1954:75,
1898:2, 1899:15, 1899:32, 1899:63, 1901:7, 1956:15, 1960:49, 1965:11, 1972:85, 1987:119; 1902:80, 1907:32, 1910:24, 1912:26, 1913:15, Little Dixie 1979:135; Ozark Mountains 1947:32; 1917:4, 1935:9, 1941:46, 1945:45, 1946:119, St. Louis 1909:46, 1916:22, 1917:13, 1920:14, 1965:44, 1971:102; Baltimore 1892:46, 1895:21, 1921:24, 1922:17, 1925:23, 1934:11, 1947:1, 1895:48, 1895:90, 1896:62, 1896:63, 1897:15, 1947:3, 1947:88, 1947:129, 1948:153, 1949:104,
1897:37, 1897:57, 1897:79, 1898:1, 1898:49, 1950:17, 1952:56, 1955:5, 1977:48
1899:31, 1899:33, 1899:79, 1901:9, 1902:12, —Montana 1893:49, 1905:67, 1907:42, 1908:54, 1905:61, 1906:57, 1909:7, 1919:15, 1964:74, 1911:16, 1921:17, 1923:32, 1932:4, 1945:109,
1985:53 1947:77, 1952:107, 1955:68, 1959:40, 1959:45,
—Massachusetts 1888:71, 1889:72, 1889:85, 1890:10, 1959:98, 1967:29 1892:10, 1893:10, 1893:86, 1894:31, 1894:86, —Nebraska 1888:12, 1888:33, 1888:66, 1888:68, 1894:92, 1894:94, 1894:122, 1895:11, 1895:36, 1888:76, 1889:2, 1889:15, 1889:42, 1889:55,
1895:77, 1895:85, 1895:86, 1897:21, 1897:80, 1889:68, 1889:73, 1889:98, 1890:75, 1890:107, 1899:69, 1900:51, 1900:52, 1900:53, 1901:53, 1891:104, 1892:50, 1892:51, 1893:51, 1893:79, 1902:84, 1903:91, 1905:4, 1905:41, 1905:72, 1893:85, 1894:80, 1895:81, 1896:8, 1901:40, 1906:11, 1906:38, 1906:86, 1907:15, 1909:43, 1903:2, 1905:59, 1905:62, 1912:24, 1913:26, 1911:28, 1913:30, 1914:5, 1917:8, 1917:26, 1925:28, 1935:29, 1941:15, 1943:86, 1964:73, 1918:37, 1921:3, 1921:30, 1925:4, 1929:24, 1931:7, 1969:10, 1980:51 1931:28, 1934:25, 1936:18, 1939:15, 1940:13, —Nevada 1891:36, 1893:49, 1906:20, 1906:88,
1941:12, 1942:22, 1946:133, 1949:58, 1951:86, 1938:59
1955:64, 1961:3, 1962:11, 1964:96, 1986:105; —New England 1888:13, 1889:104, 1890:88, 1891:42,
Andover 1928:15, 1936:5, 1942:2 . , 1891:77, 1892:2, 1892:52, 1892:128, 1893:19,
—Massachusetts, Boston 1888:73, 1889:52, 1890:24, 1893:47, 1893:48, 1893:58, 1893:62, 1893:117,
1890:61, 1891:24, 1891:63, 1892:11, 1892:29, 1894:34, 1894:84, 1895:12, 1897:78, 1898:29, 1892:66, 1892:93, 1892:98, 1892:122, 1892:138, 1899:47, 1905:21, 1905:43, 1905:63, 1915:13, 1893:1, 1893:23, 1893:66, 1893:123, 1894:14, 1920:4, 1920:9, 1925:31, 1932:20, 1935:11, | 1894:37, 1894:43, 1894:120, 1895:15, 1895:17, 1943:79, 1945:103, 1947:36, 1963:80, 1964:4, 1895:44, 1895:49, 1896:14, 1896:48, 1896:88, 1966:49, 1969:11, 1972:7, 1972:36, 1985:28 1897:16, 1898:16, 1898:18, 1898:32, 1898:33, —New Hampshire 1889:62, 1890:105, 1892:133,
1899:24, 1899:34, 1900:32, 1901:21, 1901:54, 1893:16, 1899:70, 1902:11, 1935:8, 1935:20,
1902:31, 1903:39, 1903:96, 1904:56, 1905:8, 1943:47, 1945:105
1905:9, 1905:31, 1905:32, 1906:18, 1906:23, —New Jersey 1892:62, 1893:60, 1908:14, 1939:2, 1906:50, 1906:87, 1907:31, 1908:63, 1909:11, 1941:13, 1942:23, 1943:48, 1946:12, 1946:123, 1909:46, 1909:51, 1910:3, 1913:12, 1915:23, 1947:16, 1947:129, 1953:91, 1956:17, 1976:4, 1926:14, 1945:52, 1946:120, 1947:38, 1951:82, 1986:7, 1986:8; Atlantic City 1933:16; Newark 1966:81, 1966:82; Cambridge 1889:53, 1893:124, 1950:152; Ramapo Mountains. 1972:60 1894:15, 1894:96, 1894:121, 1895:19, 1895:50, —New Mexico 1888:53, 1889:35, 1890:102, 1891:22, 1896:16, 1896:89, 1897:17, 1899:35, 1900:33, - 1891:84, 1892:8, 1892:132, 1894:78, 1894:90, © 1901:55, 1903:97, 1904:11, 1904:57, 1905:10, 1895:102, 1896:12, 1898:55, 1899:1, 1901:3,
Subject Index 411 1901:38, 1901:44, 1902:2, 1902:19, 1906:91, 1970:55, 1974:115, 1976:3, 1977:44; Appalachian 1908:4, 1908:60, 1909:33, 1910:19, 1911:30, Mountains 1974:34; Chapel Hill 1954:84;; Raleigh 1913:9, 1914:11, 1914:13, 1915:16, 1915:30, 1913:20, 1947:17, 1950:150, 1953:34 1916:15, 1916:29, 1916:30, 1917:36, 1918:11, —North Dakota 1908:54, 1909:8, 1909:19, 1912:8, 1918:12, 1918:27, 1918:35, 1920:6, 1922:2, 1923:9, 1913:13, 1913:24, 1916:17, 1918:38, 1925:16,
1923:11, 1923:29, 1926:5, 1928:16, 1928:17, 1929:28, 1959:40, 1959:98
1928:28, 1929:1, 1930:1, 1935:3, 1936:2, 1936:3, —Northeast States 1984:111 1936:32, 1939:46, 1940:2, 1941:18, 1942:1, —Ohio 1888:71, 1889:11, 1889:26, 1889:50, 1898:7, 1942:24, 1943:3, 1943:87, 1943:131, 1946:88, 1900:10, 1900:54, 1922:19, 1938:4, 1939:12, 1946:124, 1947:18, 1947:33, 1947:42, 1947:57, 1940:13, 1940:29, 1944:86, 1945:50, 1946:42, 1948:106, 1949:108, 1950:2, 1950:15, 1955:106, 1947:58, 1948:58, 1950:148, 1952:52, 1953:16, 1957:46, 1960:127, 1963:51, 1964:30, 1966:41, 1955:38, 1955:63, 1961:3, 1964:74, 1965:91, 1971:56, 1979:9, 1985:1, 1985:54, 1987:116; 1966:18, 1967:6, 1969:12, 1981:143, 1987:40;
Albuquerque 1948:19; Santa Fe 1947:85, Cincinnati 1896:27, 1897:18, 1897:38, 1897:81,
1954:145, 1987:70 1898:17, 1898:34, 1899:36, 1899:80, 1900:14,
—New York 1888:7, 1888:20, 1888:64, 1888:65, 1900:34, 1902:70, 1902:92, 1903:98, 1904:58, 1889:24, 1889:25, 1889:39, 1889:46, 1889:58, 1906:21, 1906:53, 1927:1, 1944:72, 1946:121; 1889:60, 1889:61, 1889:82, 1889:97, 1889:99, Cleveland 1913:5, 1917:27, 1931:22, 1946:80, 1889:100, 1889:101, 1889:113, 1889:114, 1889:117, 1946:92, 1953:14, 1953:19, 1954:114; Columbus
1890:17, 1890:69, 1890:83, 1890:90, 1890:113, 1918:16, 1934:10, 1950:83, 1951:54, 1952:126,
1891:9, 1891:15, 1891:49, 1891:85, 1891:103, 1953:77, 1954:143, 1955:75 1892:53, 1892:86, 1892:120, 1892:135, 1893:22, —Oklahoma 1888:77, 1889:9, 1889:86, 1891:46,
1893:61, 1893:64, 1893:76, 1893:77, 1894:16, 1895:33, 1900:40, 1902:78, 1906:56, 1907:5, 1894:119, 1895:18, 1895:53, 1895:74, 1895:75, 1907:42, 1909:30, 1913:21, 1915:8, 1925:28, 1895:99, 1896:65, 1896:79, 1897:44, 1898:7, 1928:3, 1931:18, 1939:33, 1943:89, 1944:46, 1899:8, 1900:23, 1900:27, 1900:70, 1901:64, 1964:69; Ozark Mountains 1947:32 1901:65, 1902:10, 1902:20, 1903:5, 1904:37, —Oklahoma Territory, Wichita 1902:78, 1903:42,
1904:39, 1904:43, 1905:69, 1909:10, 1910:28, 1904:25
1911:7, 1911:31, 1914:20, 1915:27, 1923:2, 1926:8, —Oregon 1888:77, 1890:77, 1891:40, 1893:50, 1898:5,
1930:16, 1931:27, 1935:24, 1940:13, 1943:134, 1898:25, 1899:48, 1907:4, 1909:3, 1910:2, 1910:12, 1943:148, 1944:11, 1944:31, 1944:83, 1944:87, 1915:17, 1928:14, 1938:59, 1944:34, 1946:33, 1944:88, 1944:91, 1945:14, 1945:42, 1945:49, 1949:13, 1952:31, 1952:73, 1953:7, 1956:1, 1945:56, 1946:45, 1946:126, 1946:127, 1947:12, 1956:44, 1956:102, 1957:48, 1963:3, 1963:4, 1947:16, 1948:65, 1948:147, 1948:154, 1949:70, 1976:5, 1977:114, 1985:93; Portland 1974:41 1949:149, 1949:155, 1950:97, 1950:114, 1951:21, —Ozark Mountains 1929:17, 1933:1, 1933:7, 1934:6,
1951:50, 1951:81, 1951:137, 1952:3, 1952:124, 1934:12, 1935:10, 1936:14, 1936:15, 1948:53, 1953:5, 1954:117, 1955:37, 1955:47, 1959:100, 1949:152, 1953:97, 1954:74, 1957:94, 1981:96 1962:86, 1966:87, 1969:15, 1969:42, 1971:24, —Pennsylvania 1888:35, 1889:5, 1889:69, 1889:80,
1976:4; Albany 1944:90; Buffalo 1896:68, 1890:78, 1890:115, 1891:38, 1891:82, 1891:106, 1906:52, 1956:92; Cooperstown 1950:77, 1953:81, 1892:82, 1892:97, 1893:117, 1895:98, 1896:13, 1956:91; Ithaca 1906:12; Mohawk Valley 1889:22 1897:12, 1898:23, 1898:53, 1902:80, 1904:24, —-New York: New York City 1888:75, 1890:6, 1890:51, 1906:22, 1906:37, 1917:4, 1926:18, 1927:17, 1890:101, 1891:1, 1891:73, 1892:91, 1892:103, 1931:29, 1934:28, 1938:5, 1939:16, 1943:90,
1892:123, 1893:4, 1894:97, 1895:88, 1896:87, 1943:91, 1945:44, 1946:81, 1947:138, 1948:146, 1897:6, 1898:48, 1899:10, 1899:74, 1900:15, 1949:10, 1949:113, 1951:51, 1952:122, 1953:91, 1902:13, 1902:93, 1904:9, 1904:54, 1906:70, 1956:93, 1956:94, 1957:54, 1959:96, 1959:101, 1907:9, 1909:24, 1910:18, 1913:8, 1914:10, 1962:70, 1964:11, 1964:13, 1966:90, 1972:8, 1917:12, 1919:28, 1921:2, 1922:9, 1922:17, 1924:2, 1973:44, 1979:59, 1980:151, 1980:155, 1981:51;
1929:16, 1929:25, 1938:9, 1940:12, 1942:32, Harrisburg 1950:16, 1952:60, 1956:7; Philadelphia 1943:15, 1943:23, 1943:44, 1943:55, 1943:106, 1889:51, 1890:1, 1890:6, 1890:14, 1890:23, 1943:136, 1944:8, 1944:13, 1944:66, 1944:69, 1890:28, 1890:60, 1890:116, 1891:23, 1892:31, 1944:71, 1944:74, 1945:15, 1945:19, 1945:43, 1892:70, 1892:123, 1895:89, 1896:10, 1899:73, 1945:75, 1945:112, 1946:16, 1946:48, 1946:80, 1900:35, 1905:7, 1915:10, 1918:14, 1921:11, 1946:85, 1947:48, 1947:129, 1948:71, 1949:18, 1928:23, 1944:16, 1944:37, 1944:67, 1945:10, 1949:19, 1949:64, 1949:110, 1950:19, 1950:78, 1945:47, 1945:57, 1950:8, 1952:121, 1960:8, 1951:23, 1951:25, 1951:95, 1951:97, 1953:39, 1966:83, 1973:36, 1976:53, 1976:89, 1980:111, 1954:83, 1954:105, 1957:133, 1958:92, 1958:121, 1985:55, 1987:75; Pittsburgh 1902:14, 1935:5 1960:10, 1962:70, 1963:2, 1963:80, 1964:14, —Plains States 1974:119, 1976:51, 1979:177 1964:91, 1976:44, 1977:3, 1977:107, 1979:105, —Puerto Rico 1916:28, 1918:26, 1920:8, 1921:9, 1980:55, 1982:29, 1987:123, 1987:124; Rochester 1922:1, 1922:4, 1922:5, 1924:3, 1925:29, 1926:21,
1892:102, 1950:146 1927:19, 1929:13, 1929:14, 1951:6, 1952:72,
—North Carolina 1888:31, 1889:36, 1890:7, 1891:80, 1952:88, 1955:17, 1956:43
1892:47, 1892:49, 1892:137, 1893:52, 1894:111, —Rhode Island 1892:57, 1895:85, 1901:99, 1903:91,
1896:53, 1898:8, 1898:58, 1900:25, 1901:90, 1908:14, 1917:8, 1921:3, 1945:41, 1955:48;
1907:51, 1907:57, 1909:17, 1911:22, 1911:29, Providence 1911:4
1913:23, 1917:3, 1919:19, 1921:4, 1925:22, 1926:3, —Rocky Mountains 1945:17
1926:17, 1929:20, 1929:21, 1933:2, 1934:5, —South Carolina 1891:71, 1891:83, 1892:20, 1934:17, 1934:18, 1934:26, 1935:27, 1935:28, 1894:114, 1895:83, 1896:22, 1908:13, 1913:28, 1935:29, 1936:19, 1941:52, 1943:88, 1943:147, 1914:16, 1919:20, 1921:1, 1921:35, 1925:10, 1944:12, 1944:15, 1944:94, 1945:11, 1945:53, 1928:25, 1929:23, 1931:39, 1943:93, 1944:4, 1946:50, 1946:80, 1946:115, 1947:9, 1948:15, 1944:33, 1945:79, 1946:128, 1947:6, 1951:49, 1948:107, 1948:144, 1950:14, 1950:151, 1951:131, 1951:132, 1961:3, 1973:7, 1973:12, 1980:1,
1952:49, 1957:12, 1960:11, 1960:48, 1962:9, 1980:56
1962:88, 1963:85, 1965:88, 1968:53, 1968:54, —South Dakota 1888:11, 1888:12, 1889:42, 1889:98,
412 Journal of American Folklore 1891:45, 1893:85, 1900:76, 1901:51, 1905:59, University of Arizona 1944:17, 1947:58 1906:3, 1906:79, 1907:22, 1907:43, 1908:54, University of Arizona Folklore Committee 1969:3
1909:8, 1930:30 University of California at Berkeley 1949:107, 1950:82,
—Southern States 1889:76, 1890:71, 1894:7, 1894:33, 1965:85
1894:39, 1895:42, 1896:25, 1896:59, 1899:28, University of California at Los Angeles 1944:93, 1901:78, 1913:17, 1922:13, 1950:131, 1967:34, 1945:83, 1947:137, 1948:22, 1950:15, 1950:153,
1968:7, 1970:48, 1970:108 1957:92, 1965:6
—Southwestern States 1948:17s University of California at Los Angeles Center for the —Tennessee 1889:25, 1891:105, 1892:103, 1893:52, Study of Comparative Folklore and Mythology 1960:12 1893:114, 1900:44, 1900:55, 1907:52, 1914:17, University of California Extension 1953:37 1929:21, 1933:2, 1933:6, 1934:3, 1934:5, 1935:19, University of California Extension Division 1949:74
1939:7, 1941:7, 1942:64, 1942:66, 1943:14, University of California Publications in Folklore
1943:94, 1945:51, 1946:116, 1947:81, 1952:51, 1952:89
1956:42, 1968:71, 1972:59; Chattanooga 1948:17; University of Chicago 1956:6, 1957:42, 1957:128
Nashville 1953:13, 1973:108 University of Denver 1948:67
—Texas 1894:32, 1896:19, 1901:71, 1906:89, 1907:60, University of Edinburgh 1953:80, 1957:93
1909:19, 1912:14, 1913:1, 1913:14, 1915:22, University of Hawaii 1949:107 1915:25, 1915:34, 1917:23, 1923:13, 1923:14, University of Illinois English Club 1908:42 1926:26, 1943:16, 1943:95, 1943:139, 1944:68, University of Mexico 1946:50 1946:36, 1946:77, 1946:129, 1947:59, 1948:11, University of Michigan 1945:108, 1956:4 1949:116, 1950:76, 1950:113, 1951:121, 1954:73, University of Michigan International Center 1948:141
1956:97, 1960:50, 1963:53, 1965:7, 1967:85, University of Montreal 1945:106 1968:64ra, 1969:20, 1969:66, 1969:117, 1970:8, University of New Mexico 1941:18, 1945:12 1970:106, 1971:21, 1971:23, 1971:53, 1971:64, University of North Carolina 1944:15, 1946:50, —
1971:98, 1973:70, 1975:61, 1975:91, 1976:42ra, 1948:144, 1950:151
1976:54, 1987:117; Austin 1914:25, 1927:3, University of Oregon 1949:111 1945:82, 1946:93, 1948:62, 1951:56, 1955:76, University of Panama 1943:140 1972:81; Dallas 1911:5, 1946:131, 1970:51, University of Pennsylvania 1892:31, 1892:70, 1900:35, 1975:10; El Paso 1952:86, 1953:72; Rio Grande 1945:57, 1948:154 1895:6, 1895:13; San Antonio 1949:68, 1949:120 University of Pennsylvania Press 1979:132 —Utah 1891:74, 1901:89, 1910:11, 1910:27, 1924:1, University of Texas 1943:139, 1944:46, 1969:117,
1930:2, 1931:15, 1940:1, 1941:45, 1945:97, 1971:21, 1975:61
1945:110, 1946:135, 1947:13, 1948:2, 1951:4, University of Texas Press 1965:76, 1965:87 1953:28, 1953:38, 1959:41, 1964:66, 1969:17, University of Utah 1953:38 1970:5, 1974:38, 1977:102ra, 1980:6, 1987:118; unpromising hero 1959:2
Salt Lake City 1946:82, 1951:85 Unzueta, Mario 1961:59
—Vermont 1889:10, 1892:120, 1908:60, 1912:13, Upham, Thomas Coggswell 1950:73 1914:5, 1939:17, 1947:60, 1951:18, 1952:129 Upper Chinook 1953:7
—Virgin Islands 1932:16 upper classes 1975:55
—Virginia 1890:104, 1891:56, 1891:114, 1892:45, upside down world 1978:5, 1979:4, 1979:5, 1979:6 1892:137, 1893:116, 1893:119, 1894:17, 1894:38, urban folklore 1890:28, 1891:73, 1895:97, 1903:39,
. 1894:47, 1894:98, 1895:47, 1897:53, 1897:54, 1898:3, 1905:65, 1918:4, 1918:7, 1927:1, 1928:23, 1938:9, 1899:12, 1900:11, 1907:26, 1909:18, 1910:23, 1910:24, 1944:58, 1945:43, 1945:75, 1945:76, 1947:1, 1912:26, 1913:15, 1913:29, 1916:10, 1921:5, 1921:7, 1949:50, 1951:84, 1952:28, 1956:77, 1957:133, 1922:14, 1923:19, 1933:31, 1934:22, 1934:32, 1935:25, 1958:84, 1964:14, 1969:65, 1970:43, 1974:66,
1939:15, 1941:17, 1943:96, 1943:100, 1943:101, 1983:41
1947:43, 1950:96, 1958:35, 1964:11, 1965:44, 1969:22, urbanization 1970:45, 1970:46, 1970:48
1986:93; Richmond 1917:15 Ursa Major 1900:24, 1900:31, 1900:47, 1964:68
—Washington 1893:6, 1896:1, 1909:34, 1918:30, Ursa Minor 1900:31 oe
1919:11, 1921:36, 1933:15, 1933:29, 1941:1, Urton, Gary 1983:123rb 1941:50, 1946:5, 1948:1, 1952:7, 1952:106, Uruguay 1946:94, 1951:12 1954:35, 1955:65, 1959:43, 1962:3, 1973:42, Usandizaga y Mendoza, Pedro Maria de 1973:92rb 1975:86, 1976:52, 1977:114, 1984:55, 1985:93; USSR: See Union of Societ Socialist Republics
Seattle 1905:19, 1962:87 Uta-matua 1949:95
—West Virginia 1916:16, 1918:21, 1919:35, 1919:36, Utah Humanities Research Foundation 1945:110
1934:21, 1938:5, 1943:97, 1945:40, 1947:83, Utah Humanities Review 1947:13 1950:85, 1951:133, 1951:138, 1952:127, 1957:88, Utah State University 1968:8, 1968:25
1957:129, 1964:11, 1968:30, 1977:105ra Utah: Salt Lake City 1963:41 —Wisconsin 1890:55, 1894:44, 1902:3, 1905:42, Ute 1891:74, 1901:89, 1910:11, 1924:1, 1941:2 1907:28, 1909:5, 1909:19, 1909:28, 1911:14, Utley, Francis Lee 1947:58, 1951:95, 1951:139,
1911:15, 1919:12, 1926:2, 1939:1, 1943:98, 1952:59, 1968:26, 1976:25rb; (ed.) 1961:61rb 1944:39, 1945:7, 1946:34, 1947:78, 1947:92, Utpatel, Frank, (illus.) 1949:78rb 1948:64, 1950:149, 1954:41, 1955:13, 1955:50, Utter, William 1960:49
1955:71, 1976:3, 1976:10, 1978:80; Madison uvula 1902:87
1944:73, 1957:79 Uysal, Ahmet, (ed.) 1967:97ra
—Wyoming 1892:126, 1901:4, 1909:26, 1912:3, Uysal (ed., tr.), Ahmet E. 1973:119rb
1968:6, 1969:20 Uysal, Ahmet 1971:53 United States Department of Agriculture 1892:99 United States Commission for UNESCO 1951:95 Uysal, Ahmet E. 1970:20rb
United States Songster, The 1939:12 Universite de Moncton Male Choir 1967:99ra Universite Laval 1942:33, 1942:34, 1945:57, 1946:87,
1947:11, 1950:69, 1953:6, 1954:43 Vabo, Finn 1976:93
Universite Laval Archives de Folklore 1961:91 vagina dentata 1971:63
Subject Index 413 Vahivanca Barots 1958:78 1905:68, 1906:11, 1906:37, 1906:90, 1908:15, Valcarcel, Luis E. 1956:32rb; (ed.) 1956:31rb 1909:16, 1909:46, 1910:24, 1911:24, 1912:22,
valentine 1890:86 1913:9, 1913:10, 1913:30, 1914:19, 1914:20,
Valentine, C. A. 1963:46rb 1915:21, 1915:30, 1916:28, 1916:29, 1916:31, Valentini, Ph. J.J. 1899:7 1916:32, 1917:17, 1921:1, 1927:16, 1932:20, Valenzuela Rojas, Ricardo 1966:98rb 1933:1, 1934:27, 1934:29, 1935:9, 1935:10,
Valle 1961:59 1936:19, 1938:6, 1940:2, 1941:47, 1942:59,
value systems 1954:77, 1971:3 1943:40, 1943:43, 1943:101, 1943:134, 1943:136,
values 1901:40, 1980:152 1946:35, 1946:81, 1946:83, 1947:1, 1947:73,
vampire 1935:23 1949:45, 1951:6, 1951:87, 1951:88, 1952:75, vampirism 1980:56 1953:5, 1956:45, 1957:50, 1959:96, 1964:9,
van Baaren-Pape, Mrs. G. E. (tr.) 1960:61rb 1964:34, 1965:91, 1966:43, 1967:29, 1969:118,
Van de Vall, Marinus 1952:119 1970:47, 1970:56, 1973:32, 1973:39, 1978:82,
van der Post, Laurens 1979:126rb 1986:34
Van Doren, Mark, (foreword) 1946:146rb; (pref.) Versunkene Glocke, Die 1901:48
1956:117rb Very, Francis George 1964:83rb
Van Gennep, Armold 1939:49rb, 1947:51, 1975:62; Vestal, Stanley 1944:79rb, 1958:65rb
(ed.) 1947:103rb Vetalapancavinsati 1958:68
van Hest, Pete L. A., (notes) 1960:153ra veterinary medicine 1915:38
Van Horn, Donald 1981:102rb Vetterl, Karel, (ed.) 1957:149rb van Ravenswaay, Charles 1980:73rb Vey 1896:56
Van Sickle, Milton (introd.) 1969:47rb Vickery, John B., (ed.) 1968:10rb van Wagenen, Jared, Jr. 1959:111rb Vickery, Roy, (comp.) 1987:64rb
Vandau 1922:8 vicuna 1901:19 “Vandy, Vandy” 1960:48 videotape 1978:47rv, 1978:48rv
Vaniaminov, Father 1907:23 Vidossi, Giuseppe 1962:2irb; (introd.) 1956:116rb
Vansina, Jan 1973:123rb Vidyadhara 1958:80
Vanta-Kutchin 1950:59 Viederman, Stephen 1961:49
Vantucci, Joyce 1965:44 Vietnam 1902:52, 1903:53, 1917:29, 1945:2 “Vaqueros de las Catarinas, Los” 1915:34 Vikar, Bela 1901:95
Vardy, Agnes H., (ed.) 1983:62rb Viking Fund Publications 1944:13
Vargyas, Lajos 1970:114rb Vikram and the Vampire 1958:68
variation 1906:60, 1920:12, 1929:19, 1929:20, Vilakazi, Absolom, (foreword) 1978:98rb 1932:19, 1936:15, 1942:53, 1944:34, 1945:68, Vilandre, Gilles 1977:96rb 1949:49, 1956:1, 1956:44, 1956:102, 1971:22 Vilhjalmsson, Bjarni 1976:104rb
Varillas Gallardo, Brigido 1967:71rb Vilkuna, Asko 1961:63rb Vasquez Santa Ana, Higinio 1943:16irb Vilkuna, Kustaa 1966:26rb
Vassal, Jacques 1976:68rb Villa, Pancho 1957:97, 1957:98 Vassar College 1919:30 Villa, Susie Hoogasian 1984:18rb Vatova, Giuseppe 1956:116rb Villalobo, Samuel 1912:22
Vatuk, Ved Prakash 1970:22rb Villieirs, Francois (coll.) 1976:111irv
vaudeville 1922:17 Villiers, Alan, (foreword) 1962:100rb Vaughn, Thomas 1987:10rv Virasaivas 1958:82 Vaughan, Alden T. (introd.) 1979:166rb violets 1889:17, 1895:39
Vaughan Williams, Ralph (introd.) 1956:35ra virgin birth 1949:13
Vazquez, Ezequiel 1912:22 Virgin Islands 1976:37ra
Veckenstedt, Edmond 1890:4irb Virgin Mary 1958:7 Veda 1958:73, 1958:77 Virginia FolkLore Society 1916:10, 1923:19, 1943:96 Vega, Carlos 1954:31rb Visayans 1906:36, 1906:62, 1907:18, 1907:64, 1908:44 Vehvilainen, Paul 1965:120 visionary narrative 1987:118 Velbrun, Bertrand 1943:129 visiting 1891:114, 1893:55
Velie, Alan R. (ed., introd.) 1981:69rb visiting rite 1969:118 Venezuela 1944:85, 1947:15, 1947:135 Viski, Karoly 1934:33rb
Veniaminov, Father 1908:23 visual joke 1973:38, 1976:10 Veniaminov, Ivan 1945:104 visual narrative 1898:13
Vennum, Thomas, Jr. 1984:103rv visual riddle 1980:2, 1982:32
Venus 1960:125 visual tale 1897:13, 1897:75, 1899:16 verbal aggression 1894:5, 1894:9, 1920:23, 1955:48, Vitry, Jacques de 1945:5
1955:64, 1959:38, 1961:2, 1962:64, 1963:88, Vizgirda, T. J., (ed.) 1949:137rb 1964:12, 1965:9, 1965:91, 1966;18, 1969:69, Vlach, John Michael 1979:98, 1981:14rb, 1983:131irb;
1970:52, 1970:56, 1970:57, 1975:54, 1976:9, (ed.) 1987:97rb 1976:53, 1979:101, 1979:104, 1979:133 vocable 1953:41, 1954:12
“verbal art” 1973:113 Vocabulum, or the Rogue’s Lexicon 1890:117
verbal creativity 1981:3 vocalization 1905:65
verbal dueling 1970:54, 1971:105, 1972:8, 1976:9 “vodun” 1890:84 verbal dueling rhyme 1970:52, 1979:104 Voegelin, Carl F. 1947:58, 1955:16; (ed.) 1942:45rb,
verbal threat 1964:15 1946:99rb
Verhulst, Margaret 1975:26rb Voegelin, Erminie W. 1945:113, 1947:84, 1947:136,
verifiability 1978:61 1948:18, 1949:160,
Vermont Folklore Society 1952:129 Voegelin, Florence M. 1959:34 verse 1889:37, 1889:111, 1889:113, 1890:9, 1890:89, Vogel, Virgil J. 1966:27rb 1891:56, 1891:58, 1892:135, 1892:136, 1893:46, Vogt, Evon Z. 1959:93rb, 1960:15rb 1893:118, 1895:11, 1897:77, 1902:80, 1903:86, voice modification 1981:145
1903:100, 1904:40, 1905:1, 1905:27, 1905:41, volcano 1929:2
414 Journal of American Folklore , Volkman, Toby Alice 1987:30rb : war 1890:17, 1909:29, 1918:21, 1941:2, 1946:42,
Volkov, Th. 1902:54 . 1955:62, 1956:95
1952:43 war dance 1914:8 volksstuck 1970:4 | War of 1812 1899:71 von Sydow, Carl W. 1938:20, 1946:90, 1951:103rb war prisoners 1972:36
Volksdichtung und Gebrauche der Tscheremissen (Maris) war atrocities 1945:50
1973:75, 1987:68 war song 1892:116 -
voodoo 1915:7, 1946:35, 1948:5, 1954:116, 1959:5, war rite 1899:65
Voodoo cult 1888:4, 1888:75, 1889:7, 1889:80, Ward, Donald 1965:6, 1970:60rb 1890:13, 1890:71, 1890:84, 1890:103, 1897:9, 1942:55 Ward, Donald J. 1969:175
Voorhies, Jacqueline K., (ed.) 1982:46rb Ward, John William, (ed.) 1964:24rb
Voorheis, Peter, (ed.) 1984:124rb . Ward, Russel 1959:88rb, 1959:123rb
Vos, Bert J. (tr.) 1903:83rb . Ward, Tab (perf.) 1965:119ra_ ' voyageurs 1894:5, 1954:38, 1954:40 Wardrop Marjory (tr.). 1894:128rb Vries, Jan de 1929:4rb, 1929:5rb, 1938:19 warfare 1907:2, 1909:35 .
vrykolakas 1942:22 Waring, Antonio J., (ed.) 1960:150rb
Vuk, St. Karadzic 1977:86 : . Warner, Frank 1954:130ra,(perf.) 1954:131ra
Warner, H. E. 1901:51 . : Warner, James A. 1972:47rb
Warner, Marina 1979:147rb Warner, W. Lloyd 1938:52rb, 1960:88rb
Wa-Rabai 1903:52 7 Warren, Peter (photographer) 1981:28rbWaas, Glenn Elwood 1943:114rb warriors 1958:74_ - . . Wabanaki 1888:72, 1890:4, 1890:19, 1890:74 wart cure 1946:10 Wacker, Peter O. 1969:53rb Wasco 1953:7 | Wagenknecht, Edward (introd.) 1969:140rb Washburn, Abe 1950:73
Wagley, Charles 1950:35rb . Washington, George 1888:46, 1917:6 .
Wagner, Louis A., (ed.) 1969:139rb Wass, Harry (perf.) 1957:59ra
Wagner, Paul 1983:102rv, 1985:90rv, 1986:30rv, Wassen, Henry 1939:52rb, 1942:49rb; (ed.) .
1987:77rv 1949:33rb; (tr., notes) 1949:175rb
wagon 1906:87 — Wasserman, Paul, (ed.) 1974:131rb
Wahpeton 1923:5 Waswanipi 1915:6 . Wai-hu-si-wa 1892:8 . Watahomigie, Lucille, (ed.) 1986:57rb.
Wailaki 1906:42 water 1900:73; monster 1899:60; river 1900:1; spirit
Wakamba (Bantu) 1899:30 1906:43, 1970:104
Wake, C. Staniland, (ed.) 1894:99rb Water Serpent Dance 1948:3
Wakefield (asst.), Stan 1957:161rb Waterman, Richard Alan 1948:59, 1951:139, 1957:123, Walden 1960:80, 1967:32 1957:163, 1963:86 | Waldhor, Arthur 1957:69rb- Waters, Edgar 1959:127ra, 1959:130ra, (notes)
Walker, Barbara K. 1981:60rb; (coll., ed.) 1962:81rb 1959:131ra |
Walker, Elva Kimball 1945:103 Waters, Edward, music transcriber 1941:26rb
Walker, H. J., (ed.) - 1977:52rb Waters, John (1959:125ra)_ Walker, J. R. 1977:45 Watkins, Charles Hubert 1975:74rb
Walker, J. W. 1954:17rb, 1976:71rb Watkins, Floyd C. 1975:74rb
Walker, James R. 1983:26rb Watkins, John A. 1964:70
Walker, Lilian 1931:19 | Watkins, Mary C. B. 1904:30.
Walker, Louise Jean (told by) 1960:34rb Watson, Bobby Rae 1978:47rv
Walker, Warren S. 1970:20rb, 1971:53; (coll., ed.) Watson, Doc (perf.) -1977:33rv 1962:81rb; (ed.) 1959:81rb, 1967:97ra; (ed., tr.) Watson, J. M. 1895:86
1973:119rb Watt, Alan W. 1966:25rb
walking boy 1899:67 Watts, Alan W. 1957:68rb, 1965:100rb
wall 1983:3 Watts, Caroline (tr.) 1903:19rb
Wallace, John 1945:38rb : | Wauchope, Robert 1964:23rb Wallace, Melanie 1984:25rv . Waugh, Arthur 1963:14rb Wallace, William J. 1947:49 Waugh, F. W. 1915:8, 1919:5
Wallascheck, Richard 1894:49rb Waugh, Julia Nott 1957:25rb .
Wallis, Charles L. 1955:32rb . Waugh, Linda R. 1982:6rb |
Wallis, Ruth Sawtell 1956:110rb ; wealth 1984:2 .
Wallis, Wilson D. 1944:24rb, 1956:110rb : weather 1889:70, 1889:79, 1889:111, 1891:50, — Wallonia 1902:25, 1902:77, 1903:12, 1903:68 1891:56, 1892:99, 1893:114, 1895:4, 1897:26,
Wallrich, William 1959:12rb 1901:46, 1902:30, 1903:51; terms 1907:51 Walls, Yvonne (tr.) 1982:80rb Weavers 1948:76ra,(perf.) 1948:77ra
Walls, Jan (tr.) 1982:80rb Weatherford, Claudine 1987:98rb
Walpole, Ronald N. 1949:67 weaving 1946:17
Walser, Richard 1982:111rb Webb, George 1960:108rb
Walters, Harry 1975:38rb - Webb, Margaret Ely 1905:81rb,(illus.) 1905:82rb
Walton, Alice 1894:142rb Weber, Brom (ed., introd.) 1955:83rb Walton, Ivan 1956:4 Weber, F. W. T. (tr.) 1905:37rb Wampanoag 1925:4 | Weber-Kellermann, Ingeborg 1973:80rb Wand, Gary 1978:51rv Webster Collection of Social Anthropology 1945:83 Wang, Chi-Chen 1946:143rb Webster, Clarence M.- 1947:23rb oe Wann, Lois (perf.) 1960:155ra Weed, Merry 1979:54 Wannan (comp., ed.), Bill 1957:32rb Weeks, David (tr.) 1985:8rb
Wappo 1908:55 . Wegg-Prosser, Victoria 1979:129rv
Subject Index 415 Weiant, C. W. 1944:100rb Westervelt, William O. 1925:20rb
Weigle, Marta 1971:116rb, 1977:4, 1977:97rb, Weston, Jessie L. 1898:18rb, 1900:61rb
1977:98rb, 1979:132 Wesuje 1920:6
Weill, Kurt 1948:155; (music) 1950:122rb Wetmore, Ruth Y. 1979:123rb
Weiman, Ralph W. 1945:116rb Wetzel, Donald 1957:135 Weiner, Alice (introd.) 1907:54rb Weymer, Mrs. 1970:47
Weinhold, Rudolf, (ed.) 1962:20rb Whatcom Museum of History and Art 1976:119
Weinhold, K. 1893:96rb Wheat, Margaret M. 1984:103rv Weinhold, Karl 1896:104rb Wheatley, Henry B. 1969:102rb
Weinreich, Max, (ed.) 1959:21irb Wheatley, Phyllis 1903:86 Weinreich, Uriel, (ed.) 1957:142rb Wheeler, Mary 1946:23rb Weinreich, Beatrice 1954:87 Wheelwright, Mary C. 1943:60rb, 1948:110,(coll.)
Weinreich, Max 1948:22, 1948:147 1957:102rb Weinstein, Esther 1968:96rb whipping 1899:63 Weise, Oskar, (ed.) 1905:38rb whirlwind 1905:59 Weiser, Francis X. 1955:23rb, 1955:24rb Whisnant, David E. 1985:30, 1985:42rb, 1986:33 Weisinger, Herbert 1954:20rb whistling 1971:58 Weiss, Ed 1985:107rv White, Ann 1981:135rv, 1981:136rv, 1981:137rv, Weiss, Harry B. 1970:142rb 1981:138rv,(coll.) 1981:139rv Weissleder, Wolfgang (tr.) 1965:13rb White, E. A. 1953:101rb Weit, Jan (camera) 1978:46rv White, John I. 1977:100rb Weksalahos 1903:42 White, Joseph 1888:63, 1889:95, 1891:102, 1894:1 Welch, R. 1901:50 White, Josh (perf.) 1949:26ra well 1889:19, 1955:40 White, Leslie 1945:64rb, 1971:103 Wellerism 1900:69, 1952:117, 1956:42, 1956:97, White, Leslie A. 1943:120rb, 1970:59rb
1957:54 White, Marjorie 1943:48 1965:70rb 1964:19rb, 1964:98rb Welsch, Roger L. 1969:31rb, 1973:125rb, 1978:91rb; White, Theodore 1906:57
Wellman, Manly Wade 1960:48, 1962:9, 1965:36, White, Newman Ivey 1917:28, 1967:22rb; (gen. ed.)
(narrator) 1986:126rv; (tr.) 1972:71rb White Dog feast 1889:60, 1890:90, 1905:69
Welsh-Americans 1902:30 White Dog rite 1904:39 Welsh, Andrew 1981:8rb White Man figure 1902:18 Weltfish, Gene 1939:42rb White Swan, Julia 1911:16 Welty, Eudora 1960:3 White Top Folk Festival 1933:31 Wenebojo 1955:13, 1955:50, 1955:71 White-Bread 1905:46
Wenner-Gren Foundation 1952:119, 1957:128 White-Bull, Ice 1921:17
Wentworth, Harold 1962:54rb Whitehead, Alfred North 1945:68 Wenzel, Marian 1972:109rb Whitehorse, Roland, illus. 1948:83rb
Wepman, Dennis 1978:20rb whites 1950:131 werewolf 1980:54 Whitfield, Irene Therese 1942:18rb
Wesakaychak 1929:27 Whiting, Bartlett Jere 1979:106rb; (ed.) 1953:43rb Weslager, C. A. 1944:102rb Whiting, Beatrice B. 1951:69rb
Wessels, Max Helmut, (notes) 1963:25ra Whiting, Julia D. 1889:72
Wesselski, Albert 1940:4rb Whiting, M. B. 1926:7
Wessman, V. E. V. 1951:73rb Whitman, William, (illus.) 1925:33rb West (writer, producer), George 1987:81rv Whitten, Jeanne Patten 1979:25rb
West Germany 1894:11, 1901:47, 1901:48, 1901:49, Whitten, Norman E., Jr. 1975:84rb; (ed.) 1972:41rb 1903:46, 1903:47, 1903:49, 1903:55, 1904:13, Whittier, John Greenleaf 1969:140rb 1904:14, 1905:6, 1923:27, 1931:2, 1931:3, 1933:4, “Whoopee Ti Yi Yo, Git Along Little Dogies” 1969:20
1935:22, 1945:84, 1947:115, 1947:134, 1951:96, whooping cough 1964:11 1952:84, 1955:66, 1960:125, 1961:82, 1965:94, Widdowson, J. D. A. 1980:130rb
1965:95, 1970:4, 1972:57, 1973:5, 1977:46, widow 1890:116
1980:113, 1980:114, 1980:115, 1980:116, 1982:100, Wiener, Leo 1900:56rb
1987:72 Wieschhoff, H. A. 1950:39rb
West Indies 1891:62, 1968:29, 1985:4, 1969:113ra, Wife of Bath 1968:74
1973;136; Bermuda, 1974;30; Barbados 1974:30 Wiggins, Catherine Emma _ 1947:82
West Virginia Folklore 1951:138 Wigginton, Eliot 1979:72rb; (ed.) 1973:58rb West Virginia Folklore Society 1916:16, 1943:97, Wilbert, Johannes, (ed.) 1980:62rb
1950:85, 1951:138, 1952:127 wild hunt 1962:12
West, George 1985:107rv, 1985:108rv, 1985:109rv Wilde, William 1974:23rb
West,, James L. W., (ed.) (illus.) 1980:160rb Wilde, William Cumming 1890:110
Westerman, D. (pref.) 1933:17rb Wildhaber, Robert, (ed.) 1958:106rb
Westermarck, E. 1905:39rb Wildhaber, Robert 1962:18rb Western Folklore 1947:19, 1947:53, 1949:163 Wilets, Bernard 1983:34rv
Western Folklore Conference 1942:30, 1943:103, Wilgus, D. K. (coll.) 1973:107ra 1944:44, 1944:92, 1945:54, 1945:78, 1946:44, Wilgus, D. K., (foreword) 1965:30rb 1947:50, 1947:90, 1948:67, 1948:69, 1949:71, Wilgus, D. K. 1963:20ra,(notes) 1963:93ra 1950:81, 1950:111, 1951:26, 1952:131, 1954:112 Wilgus, D. K. 1951:92, 1956:86, 1960:135rb, 1963:83,
Western Folklore Society 1956:139 1963:86, 1968:69, 1970:41, 1973:28 Western Kentucky University 1951:92 Wilkes, Hubert (perf.) 1984:41irv
Western Kentucky University Graduate Programs in Wilkie, James W. 1974:124rb
Folklore 1973:28 Willard, Emma 1893:118
Western Reserve University 1953:19 Willeford, William 1971:77rb
Western United States 1966:110ra Willhoit, Julia 1942:40rb
416 Journal of American Folklore William 1960:51rb Wit at Several Weapons 1956:96
William Byrd Press 1951:20, 1965:76, 1965:87 witch 1889:104, 1890:49, 1890:118, 1891:77, 1899:15,
William Tell 1970:4 1899:31, 1900:44, 1900:78, 1901:7, 1901:65,
William Ware & Co. 1905:11rb 1902:10, 1903:28, 1905:54, 1907:26, 1907:45,
Williams, Mentor L., (ed.) 1957:104rb 1934:3, 1934:23, 1935:6, 1951:132, 1952:10,
Williams (photographer), Charlotte 1976:19rb 1980:54
Williams, Alfred 1922:15, 1969:103rb witchcraft 1888:4, 1888:5, 1888:52, 1889:7, 1889:17, Williams, Alfred M. 1895:24rb, 1896:29 1889:38, 1889:80, 1889:95, 1890:5, 1890:71,
Williams, Christopher 1976:19rb 1890:85, 1891:106, 1892:22, 1893:18, 1894:30, Williams, Gwen G. 1979:42rv 1894:32, 1895:70, 1895:97, 1896:82, 1899:9,
Williams, Helen 1942:3 1899:44, 1899:67, 1899:75, 1900:1, 1900:8, Williams, John J. 1925:32 1900:44, 1902:80, 1904:24, 1921:32, 1931:38, Williams, John S. 1952:10 1946:73, 1947:130, 1955:9, 1955:41, 1955:43, Williams, Juanita H. 1975:40rb 1955:67, 1956:46, 1956:100, 1958:88, 1959:5,
Williams, Martin T. 1960:66rb 1959:99, 1960:43, 1961:2, 1973:75
Williams, Mrs. Johnson 1925:30 with cover illus. 1973:70, 1975:89, 1977:82, 1978:125,
Williams, Peter W. 1982:115rb 1981:51
Williamson (told by), Duncan 1987:60rb with cover photo 1973:1, 1973:30, 1973:109, 1974:3, Williamson (tr., int., notes, comm.), Craig 1984:8rb 1974:65, 1975:50, 1976:92, 1977:1, 1979:3,
Willimetz, Emil (producers) 1979:95rv 1979:55, 1979:135, 1980:6, 1982:1, 1982:101,
Willis (ed., tr.), Roy 1981:59rb 1983:38, 1984:1, 1984:80, 1984:109, 1985:1, Willis (tr., annotator), Roy 1984:7rb 1985:25, 1985:53, 1985:93 Wilsdorf, Helmut 1969:137rb with cover photo and illus. 1978:1
Wilson, Edward M., (ed.) 1970:116rb with cover photos 1977:111, 1979:100, 1982:30,
Wilson, Mark, (ed.) 1974:89ra 1983:1, 1983:74, 1983:109
Wilson, William, (foreword) 1982:85rb Withers, Carl, (comp.) 1950:33rb; (ed., introd.)
Wilson, E. A., illus.) 1949:129rb 1967:17rb
Wilson, Edward A., (illus.) 1953:49rb Witherspoon, Gary (contributor) 1976:15rb
Wilson, Jacques M. P. (tr.) 1973:46rb_ Wittig, Susan 1981:1l1rb : Wilson (ed., comp.), Mark 1974:88ra Wittliff, William D., Cillus.) 1964:99rb
Wilson, E. A. 1891:27 Wiyot 1905:18, 1908:7 Wilson, Fred 1967:78 WNYC 1943:106, 1944:71
Wilson, Edmund 1956:122rb WNBC 1944:43
Wilson, George P. 1954:100rb, 1980:137rb wolf 1948:12 Wilson, Gordon 1945:36rb, 1973:28 Wolf, Edwin, II 1964:116rb
Wilson, Howard Barrett 1903:94 Wolf, Edwin 1970:27rb Wilson, Jack 1893:49 Wolf, Eric R., (foreword) 1979:146rb Wilson, Monica 1960:137rb Wolfe, Charles K. 1980:43rb, 1984:60rb
Wilson, R. W. 1908:13 Wolff, Frank 1921:24
Wilson, Thomas 1897:42rb, 1901:25rb, 1902:68 Wolford, Leah Jackson 1960:51rb Wilson, William A. 1977:118rb, 1978:4, 1978:76rb Wolof 1958:5
Wiltse, A. S. 1900:44 Wolstenholme, G. E. W. 1965:41
Wiltse, Sara E. 1901:36rb Woman’s Anthropological Society 1895:54, 1898:35
Wimberly, Lowry Charles 1929:30rb Woman’s Anthropological Society, Folklore Section
Windigo 1947:75 1897:20
Windsor Drollery 1965:45 women 1888:47, 1888:54, 1890:120, 1892:53, wine 1902:5 1892:126, 1892:137, 1893:61, 1893:111, 1896:22, Winfrey, Howess Dewey 1974:7 1899:5, 1899:48, 1900:23, 1900:69, 1900:73, Wingart (essay), Paul S. 1952:146rb 1901:4, 1903:54, 1903:86, 1906:45, 1907:2, 1911:3, Wingert, Paul S. 1952:22rb 1923:1, 1942:24, 1945:5, 1947:44, 1947:130, Winkelman, Donald M. 1964:3 1948:142, 1955:40, 1956:14, 1960:80, 1960:128,
Winne, J. L. 1928:8rb 1961:2, 1962:37, 1969:73, 1970:44, 1973:70,
Winnebago 1889:43, 1890:107, 1896:8, 1909:28, 1973:118, 1974:8, 1975:1, 1975:2, 1975:3, 1975:4,
1911:14, 1913:22, 1926:2, 1931:16 1975:5, 1975:6, 1975:7, 1975:8, 1977:48, 1977:86,
Winner, Thomas G. 1959:71rb 1980:53, 1981:94, 1981:97, 1983:38, 1983:111, Winstedt (comp., introd.), Richard 1951:63rb 1984:51, 1985:95, 1986:51, 1986:53, 1986:103, Wintemberg, W. J. 1950:89rb . 1987:112, 1987:113, 1987:114, 1987:115, 1987:116, winter 1907:51, 1913:16 1987:117, 1987:118, 1987:119, 1987:120, 1987:121, Winter, Gordon 1972:76rb 1987:122, 1987:123, 1987:124, 1987:125, 1987:126,
Wintu 1932:19, 1957:14 1987:127, 1987:128
Wintun 1906:46, 1906:77, 1906:78, 1909:9 wood 1944:33, 1961:26
Wiora, W. 1956:25rb Wood, Hally (perf.) 1954:136ra Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters 1944:73 wood sculpture 1979:9
Wisconsin Archeological Society 1944:73 wood spirit 1955:44 Wisconsin Branch of the AFS 1894:44 wood-knife 1941:14
Wisconsin Folklore Society 1943:98, 1944:73 Wood, Gordon R. 1974:16rb
Wisconsin Museums Conference 1944:73 Wood, Ray 1942:70rb, 1944:46
Wisdom, Charles 1942:16rb Wood, William 1979:166rb Wise, Arthur 1981:125rb Woodbury, Hanni, (ed.) 1982:109rb
wishing 1890:79 Woods, Barbara Allen 1956:86 wishing-well 1900:73 Woods, Joe 1949:57 Wishosk 1905:18, 1908:7 Woods, Mrs. Joe 1949:57 Wishram 1953:7 Woodson family 1951:121
Wister, Owen 1969:20 Woolner, William (introd.) 1893:29rb
Subject Index 417 Wooten, George (perf.) 1974:95rv Yakima 1946:5
word game 1957:50 Yamamoto, Tadao 1956:120rb
work ethic 1984:2 Yampolsky, Helene Boas, (ed.) 1948:174rb Work Project Administration, Writers’ Program Yana 1908:10
1943:31rb Yanadis 1902:46, 1902:47 1946:30, 1967:85 Yanan 1902:46 Work, John W. 1970:105 Yang, Martin C. 1946:144rb work song 1903:40, 1931:39, 1938:26, 1945:51, Yanagita, Kunjo 1956:61rb
workers 1986:54, 1986:55 Yankee dime 1968:7, 1970:108 Workman, Nimrod (perf.) 1984:34rv “Yankee Doodle” 1889:57
Workman, Jeff 1947:83 Yankton 1930:30
works in progress 1944:70 Yanktonai 1930:30 Works Progress Administration Federal Writers’ Project Yao 1922:11
1976:96rb Yaqui 1900:9, 1957:46, 1970:7, 1973:75 worksong 1906:2 Yaroslav 1956:72 World Beneath the City, The 1980:55 Yates, Lorenzo G. 1955:8 World Turned Upside Down, The 1979:5 Yates, Norris W. 1958:103rb, 1980:89rb World War I 1921:7, 1921:31, 1934:24, 1934:32, Yates, Paul C. 1938:57rb
1941:50 Yates, Thelma R. 1949:60
World War Il 1940:27, 1943:22, 1943:23, 1943:50, Yavapai 1933:30 1943:53, 1943:57, 1943:145, 1944:62, 1945:1, Yazzie, Ethelou, (ed.) 1976:14rb 1945:50, 1946:42, 1946:89, 1947:80, 1948:23, Yearbook of Anthropology 1957:128 1949:52, 1950:139, 1950:141, 1957:83, 1970:2 Yearsley, Macleod 1969:104rb worldview 1944:2, 1955:41, 1955:65, 1955:108, Yeats, W. B. 1946:114, 1963:17rb
1962:86, 1971:10, 1976:50 Yeats, William Butler 1950:3
Worth, William 1982:88rb | Yellow Bird WJohn Rollin Ridge), Jackson (dir.) Wosten, Will 1916:23 (introd.) 1956:51rb Woycenko, Olha, (ed.) 1964:43rb Yelvington, Henry 1937:10rb
wren 1893:55, 1893:84, 1893:115, 1977:49 Yeshiva, Miriam 1968:93rb
Wright, Ann (tr.) 1987:5irb Yetman, Norman R. 1971:108rb Wright, Rose Abel (tr.) 1941:38rb Yiddish 1920:14, 1925:23, 1952:75, 1985:57 Wright, C. E. 1941:20rb Yiddish Scientific Institute 1947:137, 1948:147 Wright, Claude 1915:29 Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) 1954:83 Wright, Elizabeth Mary 1969:107rb Yidisher Folklor 1954:83 Wright, Harold Bell 1932;9rb YIVO Fellowship in Jewish Folklore 1947:137
Wright, J. E. 1942:14rb Yocum, Rachael Donavan 1950:27rb Wright, Jack 1987:80rv Yoder, Don 1949:113; 1969:94rb, (foreword) Wright, Lyle H. 1949:169rb 1983:132rb; (introd.) 1960:52rb Wright, Richardson 1942:41rb Yokuts 1906:45, 1906:75, 1908:38 Wright, Robert L. 1985:78rb Yorktown surrender 1979:5
Wright, Rochelle 1985:78rb Yoruba 1904:4, 1913:1, 1930:22, 1943:43, 1949:1,
Wright, Solomon Alexander 1943:126rb 1965:12, 1970:103, 1972:35, 1978:56, 1984:1,
Wright, Thomas 1955:70, 1976:75rb 1987:68
writing 1890:107, 1978:80, 1978:82; letter 1892:4 Young, Blanche Cowley (coll., retold by) 1960:109rb
Wroth, William 1984:94rb; (ed.) 1980:59rb Young, Colin 1976:82rv
wry-mouth family 1905:72 : Young, Egerton R. 1975:112rb Wu Chia-ch’ing 1977:20rb, 1977:21rb Young, Frank W. 1971:101
Wuradilagu 1966:9 Young, George 1946:5
Wurzback, Natascha 1984:21rb Young, Mrs. B. W. 1960:11
Wurzbach, Wolfgang von (ed., introd.) 1904:19rb Young Dog's Society 1891:104
Wust, Klaus 1972:105rb Youngerman, Suzanne 1982:29
Wyandot 1888:63, 1894:1, 1899:26, 1915:8 Yu-Li 1898:62, 1899:13, 1899:14
Wyld, Lionel D. 1964:40rb Yucatan Peninsula: Guatemala, Honduras 1894:88 Wylder, Robert C. 1950:67 Yucatec Maya 1984:50 Wylie, Jonathan 1983:60rb Yugoslavia 1948:54, 1948:94, 1951:42, 1951:53, Wyll of the Devyll 1957:130 Wyman, Leland C. 1960:33rb 1951:98, 1952:87, 1956:82, 1974:117, 1977:86, Wyman, Walker D. 1979:156rb, 1980:138rb, 1982:49rb 1980:52; Serbia 1978:125
Wymer, Norman 1949:135rb Yugoslavian-Americans 1977:133ra Wynar, Lubomyr R. 1981:29rb, 1983:64rb Yuki 1937:16, 1939:31 Wynter, Andrew 1969:105rb Yuma 1908:36, 1908:56, 1926:4, 1928:9 Yurchenko, Henrietta (introd., notes) 1963:21ra Yurok 1904:5, 1928:11, 1957:14 X. (trans.), Mlle. 1893:91rb Xhosa 1972:61 Xube 1939:33
Z (letter) 1890:120 Zahareas, Anthony N., (ed.) 1980:159rb Zahoris 1901:17
Y. L. Cahan Folklore Club 1954:83 Zaire 1957:47, 1961:99, 1976:48
Yagua 1972:1 Zambia 1958:5
418 Journal of American Folklore
Zamora, Pedro 1932:14 . 1976:86rv . Zinsli, Paul 1979:165rb Zantzinger, Gei 1976:116rv; (notes) 1976:85rv, Zimmermann, Georges-Denis 1969:26rb
Zapotec 1935:6, 1944:3 Zipes, Jack 1982:44rb, 1985:41rb, 1985:63rb
Zapoteca 1932:14 Zmigrodzki, Michael von 1888:84rb Zaragoza, Chon 1915:34 Znaniecki, Florian. 1960:111rb
Zarate, Dora P. de 1977:53rb Zobarskas, Stepas (comp., ed.) 1959:65rb
Zborowski, Mark 1952:140rb- zodiac 1898:22
Ze Skunk 1945:77 - zombi 1959:5
“Ze Skunk” 1944:64, 1944:88 ) zoology 1900:4, 1948:12 . Zeitlin, Steve 1983:102rv; (prod.) 1980:106rv Zorn Stipendium 1939:9 Zeitlin, Steven J. 1984:72rb, 1987:77rv : Zucker, A. E. (trans, condenser) 1943:116rb Zeitschrift des Vereins fur Volkskunde 1902:16, 1902:77 Zucker, A. E. 1943:115rb
Zemaitis, Ursula 1950:99 | Zulu 1903:93, 1972:61 .
Zen Buddhism 1970:51 Zuni 1890:102, 1891:22, 1892:8, 1901:44, 1916:15,
Zen koan 1967:5 1917:36, 1917:37, 1918:11, 1918:12, 1918:27,
Zender, Matthias, (ed.) 1965:2irb 1918:35, 1920:6, 1921:10, 1922:2, 1923:7, 1923:9, Zerbrochene Krug, Der 1955:66 | 1923:10, 1923:11, 1923:12, 1928:17, 1930:1,
Zguta, Russell 1981:22rb 1947:42, 1971:12, 1985:1, 1987:70, 1987:116 Zhirmunsky, Victor 1969:131rb Zuni Folk-Tales 1901:44 Zibrt, Cenek 1894:143rb, 1896:105rb . Zuni Pueblo 1921:10 | Ziedonis, Arvids, (ed.) 1974:135rb Zuricher, Gertrud 1902:38rb
Zimbabwe 1922:8 Zydeco 1981:131ra; song 1968:64ra
Zimmer, Heinrich 1947:150rb Zygas, Egle Victoria, (ed.) 1984:124rb Zimmerman, Zora Devrnja_ 1987:90rb
Title IndeX
As in the Serial Listings, books discussed in omnibus book reviews receive individual listings here. Titles in brackets were provided by the editors for items that originally appeared without them. All other titles are exactly as they appeared in the Journal’s pages.
Acculturation: The Study of Culture Contact 1939:54rb
A. Irving Hallowell: An Appreciation 1984:54 Accumulative Lullaby, An 1895:15
A-rab Summer 1979:90rv Accumulative Tales Told by Cape Verde Islanders in
AAA News Bulletin 1947:133 New England 1920:4 Abelard Folk Song Book, The 1959:85rb Accused Queen in “The Lass of Roch Royal” (Child 76), Abenaki “Witch-Story”, An 1901:65 An 1958:96 [Abenaki Legends of Glooscap] 1888:21 Achomawi and Atsugewi Tales 1908:31
Abenaki Witchcraft Story 1902:10 Achomawi Myths 1909:27
Abigail Snow: A Colonial Literary Ballad 1901:53 “Achtzig Marchen der Ljutziner Esten” 1903:22rb
Abkhasian Tales 1938:56rb Acknowledgment 1889:117 “Aboriginal Australian String Figures” 1943:72rb Acknowledgments 1888:51
Aboriginal Music Making: A Study of Central Australian ACLS Annual Meeting 1958:4
Music 1966:62rb Acoma, The Sky City 1928:6rb
Aborigines of New South Wales, The 1893:101rb Acronyms and Folk Etymology 1978:7
About Folklorists 1944:70 Across the Western Plains 1959:129ra
About Our New Officers 1943:58 Acting Book Review Editor Appointed 1970:35 “About Those Scoundrels I'll Let Everyone Know”: Acting Treasurer of the AFS 1905:32 Challenge Singing in a Fiji Indian Community Actor's Holiday with Theodore Bikel, An 1957:139ra
1975:54 Adam's Off Ox. A Study in the Exactness of the Inexact
“Above” and “Below.” A Mythological Disease of 1953:90
Language 1890:69 Addenda to Bibliography of Elsie Clews Parsons Tale-Teller 1980:7rb Addenda to Dorson's “The Sailor Who Went Inland”
Abraham “Oregon” Smith: Pioneer, Folk- Hero, and 1943:45
Absent Gender, Silent Encounter 1987:127 1966:17
Abstracts of Folklore Studies 1964:3 Addenda to Studies in Cheremis Folklore, Volume | Abstracts of Omaha and Ponka Myths 1888:66 1952:43 Abstracts of the Omaha and Ponka Myths Addendum 1979:113
1888:12 Additional Catch-Words 1909:32 1893:36rb Folk-Lore and Mythology 1890:3 Acadie et Quebec: Anthologie sonore de musique Additional List of Members of the American Folk-Lore folklorique 1967:98rf Society 1888:61 Account of the Northern Cheyennes Concerning Messiah Additional List of Members of the American Folk-Lore Acadians of Louisiana and Their Dialect, The Additional Collection Essential to Correct Theory in
Superstition 1891:13 Society, for the Year, 1891 1892:43
1896:51 1889:99
Account Respecting Beliefs of Australian Aborigines Additional Notes on Onondaga Witchcraft and Hon-do-i
Acculturation in Northern Haiti 1951:124 Additional Notes on the Irish Tinkers and Their Acculturation in the Americas. Proceedings and Selected Language 1890:80 Papers of the XXIXth International Congress of Additional Subscribers 1900:87, 1901:110
Americanists 1953:55rb Additional Subscriptions to the Publication Fund
420 Journal of American Folklore 1898:74 Afro-American Tradition in Decorative Arts, The
Addresses at Meetings of Local Branches 1906:23 1981:14rb
Addresses of the Editorial Committee 1890:26 Afro-American Traditions 1982:13ra
Adibasi 1966:38rb Afro-American Trickster Tale: A Structural Analysis, The Adieus of the Retiring Editor 1901:10 1981:113rb Adirondack Minstrel 1979:82rv . Afro-American Worksongs in a Texas Prison 1976:113rv Adirondack Voices: Woodsmen and Woods Lore AFS 1943:75
1983:43rb AFS Admitted to Constituency in American Council of
Aditi: The Living Arts of India 1986:107rb Learned Societies 1945:52
Aditi: The Living Arts of India: Reply to Seneviratne AFS Annual Meeting 1957:123, 1957:163
1987:74 AFS Fall Regional Meeting 1957:79
Adivinanzas Espanoles de la Tradicion Popular Actual de AFS Officers 1950:12
Mexico, Principalmente de las Regiones de AFS Plans for Special Joint Meeting 1952:111
Puebla-Tlaxcala 1982:84rb AFS Summer Meeting 1950:108
Adivinanzas Recogidas en Guatemala 1918:33 AFS to Hold Program Meeting This Year 1945:113
Adivinanzas Recogidas en Mexico 1918:32 AFS 1976 Annual Meeting 1976:89
Adolph Francis Bandelier 1914:28 AFS 1977 Annual Meeting 1977:24, 1977:75 Adventures of a Ballad Hunter 1948:37rb AFS, The 1954:105, 1969:2 Advertencias del Gucho Martin Fierro, a los Marineros AFS: Program for the Annual Meeting, 1966:
de la Armada 1945:118rb Sheraton-Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts: Advice Solicited 1965:41 Aftermath: A Supplement to the Golden Bough Advertisement to Whom It May Concern 1973:45 November 18, 19, and 20, The 1966:81
Advinhas 1949:131rb 1938:37rb .
AE. Dryht und Seine Sippe: Eine Wortkundliche. Kultur- Agent- and Patient-Centricity in Myth 1981:95
und Religionsgerschichtliche Betrachtung zur Agricultural and Hunting Methods of the Navaho
Altergermanischen Glaubensvorstellung vom Indians, The 1941:41rb . Wachstumlichen Heil 1967:90rb Ah-jih-lee-hah-neh, A Navajo Legend 1908:32 Affiliation of AFS with AAAS 1957:91 Aims of Anthropology, The 1895:80 Africa That Never Was, The 1972:39rb Ainu Folk-Lore 1912:6
African American Religious Music 1983:29 Air Force Airs. Songs and Ballads of the United States
African American Traditions 1985:104ra Air Force, World War One Through Korea
African and Afro-American Folklore: A Reply to Bascom 1959:12rb
and Other Misguided Critics 1975:12 Aislinge Meic Conglinne: The Vision of Mac Conglinne. African Background for American Negro Folktales?, An A Middle-Irish Wonder Tale 1893:29rb
1971:18 Ajax Meets the Jolly Green Giant: Some Observations on
African Dilemma Tales 1978:18rb the Use of Folklore and Myth in American Mass
African Fetishism 1894:108 Marketing 1974:5 :
African Folk-Life 1897:3 Akamba Stories 1968:63rb African Folklore 1974:19r Akan-Ashanti Folk-Tales 1931:31rb | African Folktales and Sculpture 1953:102rb Al-Amthal al-Baghdadiyya Vol. 1 1964:47rb_
African Genesis 1939:27rb . al-hakawati al-halabi hikayat sha’biyyah li-l-’atfal
African Idiom in Music, The 1962:38 1986:111rb
African Institutions in America 1905:2 | al-qassas al-haiabi 1986:112rb
African Masks and Secret Societies 1899:46 Alabama “Hollar’ and Street Cries, The 1957:135
African Music 1977:73rb Alabama Folk-Lore 1917:28
African Music and Oral Data: A Catalog of Field Alaska Beckons 1948:39rb
Recordings, 1902-1975 1977:69rb Alaska Diary 1926-1931 1944:78rb
African Races 1894:107 Alaskan Eskimo Ceremonialism 1949:84rb African Religion in Brazil: Toward a Sociology of the Albanian and South Slavic Oral Epic Poetry 1955:91rb
Interpretation of Civilizations, The 1980:169rb Alberta Folklore and Local History Project, The
African Religious Groups and Beliefs; Papers in Honor of 1946:118 William R. Bascom 1984:90rb Alberta Folklore Quarterly 1946:151rb African Studies Association: Oral Data Center, Albino Robin 1904:37 Grants-in-Aid for Scholars Preparing Collections of Alce Fortier 1914:27
OralData, The 1968:80 | Aldegonda, the Fairy of Joy. An Italian Tale 1893:83
Africanisms in the Gullah Dialect 1950:127rb Aleut Dialects of Atka and Attu 1960:72rbAfro-American Anthropology: Contemporary Perspectives Aleut Language, The 1947:70rb
1972:41rb Aleut Religious Beliefs: Veniaminov’s Account 1945:104 Afro-American Art and Craft 1973:91rb Aleutian Stories 1905:44 . Afro-American Folk Culture: An Annotated Bibliography Alexander and the King of Egypt Chapbooks 1981:83rb
of Materials from North, Central and South American Alexander Francis Chamberlain 1914:21 —
andthe West Indies 1980:141irb Alexander Haggerty.Krappe (1894-1947) 1948:55
Afro-American Folk Music 1976:79ra [Alfred Metraux to contribute reviews of South American Afro-American Folk-Lore. Told Round Cabin Fires of the publications} 1946:156
Sea Islands of South Carolina 1892:109rb Algonkian Words in American English 1903:34
Afro-American Folk-Songs 1917:18rb Algonkian Words in American English: A Study in the Afro-American Folklore 1947:122, 1973:136ra Contact of the White Man and the Indian 1902:79 Afro-American Music (Caribbean and South American) Algonkin Manitou, The 1905:42
1976:37ra . Algonquian Indian Folklore 1947:124
Afro-American Music: Early Commercial and Field Algonquian Names of Some Mountains and Hills
Recordings 1978:79ra 7 1904:27
Afro-American Religious Music: A Bibliography and a Algonquin Folklore from Maniwaki 1947:75
Catalogue of Gospel Music 1981:63rb Algonquin Manabozho and Hiawatha, The 1903:89 Afro-American Tradition 1971:52ra, 1972:30ra Algunas Observaciones Sobre el Folk-Lore de Guatemala
Title Index 421 1916:32 American Ethnological Society 1947:55
Hooper 1953:47rb 1943:15
Alias Simon Suggs. The Life and Times of Johnson Jones American Ethnological Society Centenary Celebration
Alouette! Nouveau Recueil de chansons populaires avec American Favorite Ballads 1964:89rb melodies, choisies dans le Répertoire du Musee American Fiction, 1774-1850. A Contribution Toward a
National du Canada. 1950:90rb Bibliography 1949:169rb
All in Together Girls: Skipping Songs from Regina, American Folk Art 1961:10rb
Saskatchewan 1983:28rb American Folk Art: A Guide to Sources 1985:76rb All Jolly Fellows 1970:96ra American Folk Decoration 1952:139rb All Silver and No Brass: An Irish Christmas Mumming American Folk Legend: A Symposium 1972:96rb
1977:128rb American Folk Legends 1964:31
All Souls Day at Zuni, Acoma and Laguna 1917:36, American Folk Lore Songs 1953:108ra
1918:35 American Folk Medicine, A Symposium 1979:14rb
All That is Native and Fine: The Politics of Culture in an American Folk Music and Folklore Recordings 1983: A
American Region Selected List 1986:22rb
All-Fools’ Day in Italy 1891:53 American Folk Music and Folklore Recordings 1984: A Allegories of the Wilderness: Ethics and Ambiguity in Selected List 1986:23rb
Kuranko Narratives 1984:89rb American Folk Music for High School and Other Choral
Allerei aus Volks- und Menschenkunde 1889:21rb Groups 1947:99rb
Alley Life in Washington: Family, Community, Religion, American Folk Painting 1968:22rb
and Folklife in the City, 1850-1970 1983:15rb American Folk Poetry: An Anthology 1978:92rb Allgemeine Einleitung und die Totemistischen kulte des American Folk Scene: Dimensions of the Folksong
Aranda-Stammes. (Veroffentlichungen aus dem Revival, The 1968:17rb
Stadtischen Volker-Museum Frankfurt am Main: I. American Folk Songs For Children 1950:30rb
Die Aranda- und Loritja-Stamme in Zentral- American Folk Songs for Christmas 1954:102rb Australien. [II. Teil. Die Totemischtischen Kulte der American Folk Tales and Songs 1972:110rb
Aranda- und Loritja-Stamme 1910:29rb American Folk Tales and Songs and other Examples of Allgemeine Methodik der Volkskunde. Berichte uber English-American Tradition as Preserved in the erscheinungen in den Jahren 1890-1897 1900:18rb Appalachian Mountains and Elsewhere in the United
Algunas Apuntaciones Sobre el Folklore Mexicano States 1958:47rb
1927:11 American Folk-Lore Society (Montreal Branch) 1892:65
Alliance College 1956:94 American Folk-Lore Society. Rules, The 1889:125 Alligators-in-the-Sewers: A Journalistic Origin 1979:105 American Folk-Lore Society, Boston Branch 1898:33 Almeda Riddle 1987:81rv American Folklife Center’s Selected Lists of Recordings, Alone of All Her Sex: The Myth and the Cult of the The 1986:21ra Virgin Mary 1979:147rb American Folklife Center's 1985 Selected List of
Alouette! 1950:90rb Recordings, The 1987:76
Alpha: The Myths of Creation 1965:98rb American Folklore 1961:9rb, 1969:142rb Alphabet of the Bureau of Ethnology 1892:90 American Folklore After Fifty Years 1938:1
Alsatian Witch Stories 1907:45 American Folklore After Seventy years: Survey and Altamaha Cherokee Folklore and Customs 1959:42 Prospect 1956:1, 1960:1
Alte Newe Zeitung. A Sixteenth-Century Collection of American Folklore and American Studies: A Final
Fables 1959:69rb Comment 1959:55
Altvolker Sud-Athiopiens 1961:13rb American Folklore and Legend 1980:42rb Always for Pleasure 1979:94rv American Folklore and Music: Bicentennial Series Always in Season: Folk Art and Traditional Culture in 1978:40ra
Vermont 1984:73rb American Folklore and the Historian 1973:48rb
Am Urds-Brunnen 1888:79 American Folklore Course Offered 1945:112
Aman Doger: Nubian Monster of the Nile 1970:104 American Folklore Films and Videotapes: A Catalog,
Amanda the Captive 1943:47 Volume II 1983:108rb
Amapa Storytellers 1973:128rb American Folklore Films and Videotapes: An Index Amateur Collector in Pacific Islands, The 1949:101 1978:53rb
Ambiguity and Exchange: The Double Dimension of American Folklore for Youth 1949:117
Mbeere Riddles 1976:47 American Folklore Society Annual Meeting 1958:92,
America Begins. Early American Writing 1952:66rb 1958:121, 1959:95 America in Hungarian Tradition 1970:101 American Folklore Society Depository for Folklore File
America’s National Folk Festival, 1934 1934:11 1944:46
American and Canadian Immigrant and Ethnic Folklore: American Folklore Society Meetings 1947:21, 1960:8,
An Annotated Bibliography 1984:74rb 1962:59
American Anthology of Old-World Ballads 1939:22rb American Folklore Society Meets 1945:10 American Anthropological Association 1950:109 American Folklore Society Memoir Announcement
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1960:6 1892:102, 1894:97, 1895:92, 1902:14 American Folklore Society Summer Meeting: July 27-28, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1962 1962:13
Section H. Anthropology American Folklore Society Winter Meeting 1955:112
American Balladry from British Broadsides. A Guide for American Folklore Society: Rules, The 1888:1
1959:10rb 1978:144rb
Students and Collectors of Traditional Song American Folklore: A Bibliography, 1950-1974
American Ballads 1912:18 American Folksong of Protest 1954:30rb, 1974:57rb American Council of Learned Societies, The 1957:96 American Furniture and the British Tradition to 1830
American Cowboy. The Myth & the Reality, The 1984:23rb
1957:58rb American Gypsy Study 1971:25
American Dialect Society 1889:53 American Heroes: Myth and Reality 1956:50rb American Dialect Society Publications 1943:17 American History in Ballad and Song 1963:19ra
422 Journal of American Folklore American Humor, A Study of Our National: Character Story, An 1929:25
1931:35rb American Versions of the Ballad of the Elfin Knight
American in Legend: Folklore from the Colonial Period 1894:86
to the Present 1975:68rb American War Songs 1975:109rb
American Indian Games 1898:54 American West: A Treasury of Stories, Legends, American Indian in Short Fiction: An Annotated Narratives, Songs and Ballads of the American West,
Bibliography, The 1981:40rb The 1949:32rb
American Indian Legends and Beliefs about the Squirrel American-Spanish Euphemisms 1961:76rb
and the Chipmunk 1896:7 American-Spanish Semantics 1961:75rb
American Indian Literature: An Anthology 1981:69rb Americanists 1904:54
American Indian Music in Wisconsin, Summer 1946 Americans Indians and Tobacco 1951:52
1947:78 Americans One and All 1948:34rb
American Indian Myths and Mysteries 1979:154rb Amir Khusro and Indian Riddle Tradition 1969:40 American Indian Names of White Men and Women Amish Beliefs, Customs and Discipline 1973:126rb
1899:4 Amish Society 1965:53rb, 1969:32rb American Indian Verbal Art and the Role of the Literary Amish, A People of Preservation, The 1979:39rv Critic 1975:90 Amishland 1955:86rb
American Indian Riddles 1941:15, 1944:1 Amish Weddings Days 1960:2 | American Indifference to Study of Folk-Lore 1919:25 Among Cannibals. An Account of Four Years’ Travels in
American Industrial Folksongs 1958:49ra Australia, and of Camp Life with the Aborigines of
American Instrumental Tradition 1974:64ra, 1975:56 Queensland 1890:65r
American Journal of Anthropology, An 1898:69 Among the People: Native Yugoslav Ethnography, American Log buildings: An Old World Heritage Selected Writings of Milenko S. Filipovic 1987:89rb
1985:102rb Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory City
American Material Culture and Folklife: A Prologue and 1980:177rb
Dialogue 1987:58rb Amphibian and Reptile Lore of the Six Nations Cayuga American Mother Goose, The 1942:70rb 1945:100 American Murder Ballads: And Their Stories 1962:23rb Amulet Collection of Professor Belucci, The 1891:41 American Name Society 1952:53, 1953:40 Amulets 1903:56 American Names. A Guide to the Origin of Place Names Amuzgo Riddles 1963:55
in the United States 1949:88rb An Index of Selected Folk Recordings 1987:20rb American Negro Folksongs 1967:22rb An Otoe and Omaha Tale 1893:79 American Nonsinging Games 1954:26rb Anadolu Koy Orta Oyunlari 1966:68rb American Notes and Queries 1889:63, 1944:76rb Analecta Bollandiana 1903:79rb American Play-Party Song, The 1965:31rb Analogic Ambiguity: A Paradox. of Proverb Usage
American Play-Party Song, with a Collection of 1984:107 | |
Oklahoma Texts and Tunes, The 1938:53rb Analogues to the Mak Story .1934:26
American Popular Music (Reference Book) 1875-1950 Analogy Between a South American and Oceanic Myth
1957:28rb Motif and Negro Influence in Darien, An 1942:49rb
American Protest Songs of War and Peace, A Selected Analysis of Coeur d’Alene Indian Myths, An 1950:117rb
Bibliography and Discography 1972:77rb Analysis of Cultural Reflection in Efik Folktales 1961:27 American Proverb Literature: A Bibliography Analysis of the Decoration upon Pottery from the
1974:122rb Mississippi Valley, An 1897:2
American Regional Folklore 1947:119 Analytical Index to the Journal of American Folklore, American School in France of Prehistoric Studies, The Vols .1-67, 68, 69, 70, An 1959:92rb
1921:18 | Analytical Index to the Publications of the Texas
American Sea Songs and Chanteys from the Days of Iron Folklore
Men and Wooden Ships 1949:129rb Society, Vols. 1-36 1974:134rb
American Sea Songs and Shanties (I) 1954:62ra Analytical Procedures in Eidochronic Study 1973:2 American Sea Songs and Shanties (II) 1954:63ra Analytical Survey of Anglo-American Traditional Erotica
American Song Sheets, Slip Ballads and Poetical 1977:12rb
Broadsides 1850-1870 1970:27rb Anang Proverb-Riddles 1960:79
American Song Sheets, Slip Ballads, and Poetical Anang Proverb-Riddles and Efik Tone Riddles 1961:56
Broadsides, 1850-1870: A Catalogue of the Anarchists of Casas Viejas, The 1985:17rb :
1964:116rb 1960:54rb
Collection of the Library Company of Philadelphia Anatomy of American Popular Culture, 1840-1861, The
American Songbag, The 1929:6rb Anatomy of Dirty Words, The 1963:98rb American Speech: 1600 to the Present 1986:76rb Anatomy of Puck, The 1980:97rb
American Square Dance, The 1949:86rb Ancestor Worship and Korean Society 1984:117rb American Storytellers Vol. I. Of Fishing, and the Ancestry of “The House-Carpenter”: A Study of the
Down-East Coast of Maine. 1957:59ra. Family History of the American Forms of Child 243,
American Storytellers Vol. 2. Of Caves and The 1971:99 . Cavemen—John Hawley Cook 1957:60ra Ancestry of Mexico’s Corridos, The 63:1
1957:61ra The 1963:53
American Storytellers Vol. 3. Of Whaling and Shipwreck Ancestry of Mexico's Corridos: A Matter of Definitions,
American Street Songs. Harlem Street Spirituals. Ancient Ballads, Traditionally Sung in New England.
Carolina Street Ballads 1958:56ra From the Helen Hartness Flanders Ballad Collection,
American Survivals of an Old English Ballad 1926:17 Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont American Talkers: Expressive Styles and Occupational 1961:37rb; 1964:114rd
Choice 1983:1 Ancient Burial Mounds of Japan, The 1893:99rb
American Tradition 1970:97ra Ancient Festivals of “Saturnalia” Type 1965:104rb
1964:96 1900:25
American Variant of “The Bonny Scotch Lad”, An Ancient Game of Courtship from North Carolina, An American Version of Sam Weller’s “Two-Penny Rope” Ancient Gift, An 1986:129rv
Title Index 423 Ancient God in Modern Turkey: Some Aspects of the Annotated Bibliography of Oceanic Music and Dance, An
Cultof Hizir, An 1973:77 1980:38rb
Ancient Greek Drakos-Tale in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses, Annotated Bibliography of Spanish Folklore in New
An 1977:87 Mexico and Southern Colorado, An 1980:39rb
Ancient Hawaiian Music 1928:7rb Announcement 1916:24, 1947:41, 1948:9, 1949:7, Ancient Jewish Customs Revived in Israel 1954:14 1949:59, 1949:124,1950:6,1950:86, 1950:116,
Ancient Maya, The 1948:158rb 1950:144, 1951:16, 1951:20, 1951:45, 1951:117, Ancient Mexican Superstitions 1897:70 1951:141, 1953:96, 1975:61 Ancient Myth and Modern Man 1979:68rb Announcement of a New Review 1894:53
Ancient Nigerian Drama. The Idoma Inquest, a Bilingual Announcement of Change of Editors 1963:83 Presentation in ]Jdoma and Engish, Together with [Announcement of Memorial Issue for MacEdward
“Odegwudegwu,” Ancient Spanish Ballads: Historical Leach] 1967:76
and Romantic 1969:150rb [Announcement of New Journal: Oral English] 1972:31 Ancient Symbolism in Lithuanian Folk Art 1960:32rb [Announcement of Second Number of Journal] 1888:16
Ancient Tales and Folk-Lore of Japan 1909:38rb Announcement of Style Change 1981:1, 1981:50 Ancient Themes and Characteristics Found in Certain Announcement of the Editor's Impending Liberation
New England Folksongs 1964:4 1968:57
And Horns on the Toads 1960:132rb Announcement of the 1963 Annual Meeting 1963:86
And They All Sang Halleluja 1976:64rb Announcement: Change of Officers of the AFS 1965:76 Andrew Lang as Man of Letters and Folk-Lorist 1913:27 Announcement: New JAF Editor 1980:107, 1980:150,
Anecdote about Jizo, a Japanese Buddhist Saint, An Announcement: New JAF Editors 1985:56
1946:84 Announcement: The Chicago Folklore Prize 1986:24
Anecdotes de I'Islet 1920:19 Announcement: The Elsie Clews Parsons Folklore Prize Anecdotes de la Cote-Nord, de Portneuf et de Wright 1986:33
1920:18 Announcing a New Journal: Great Plains Quarterly 1920:17 Announcing Change of Book Review Editor 1964:65
Anecdotes Populaires du Canada (Premiere Serie) 1979:177
Anfange und gattungstypische Ausformung der Annuaire 1959:24rb englischen Strassenballade 1550-1650. Annuaire des Traditions Populaires 1888:24rb,
Schaustellerische Literatur, 1894:103rb
Fruhform eines journalistischen Mediums, populare Annual AFS Meeting 1951:59 Erbauung, Belehrung und Unterhaltung 1984:21rb Annual Index to Popular Music Record Reviews, The
Angelo My Love 1984:77rv 1974:62rb
Anglo-American Ballads and Traditional Song 1983:30 Annual Meeting 1893:56, 1895:89, 1901:97, 1902:69,
Anglo-American Domestic Tradition 1969:111ra 1948:59, 1948:156, 1949:153
Anglo-American Folk Music 1983:71 Annual Meeting and Program Cancelled 1943:23 Anglo-American Folk Music: A Review Essay 1976:78ra Annual Meeting of the American Association for the
Anglo-American Folksong Scholarship since 1898 Advancement of Science 1897:39
1960:135rb Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society
Anglo-American Folksong Style 1969:49rb 1889:51, 1890:101, 1894:123, 1897:57, Anglo-American Music: Field Recorded and Otherwise 1898:48
1987:8 Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society “Anglo-Cymric Score” 1891:55 1956:139
Anglo-Saxon Charms, The 1909:16 Annual Meeting of the Ontario Branch 1920:28
Angolan Customs 1896:3 Annual Meeting Program Announcement 1967:54
Tradition 1982:73 1966:82
Animal Metaphors in Spanish and Mexican Oral Annual Meeting!1966: The American Folklore Society
Animal Myths and Their Origin 1900:4 Annual Meeting!1967: The American Folklore Society Animal Stories from the Indians of the Muskhogean 1967:75
Stock1913:17 Annual Meeting!1968: The American Folklore Society 1970:137rb Annual Meeting!1969: The American Folklore Society
Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture 1968:70
Animal Tales from North Carolina 1898:58 1969:64
Animal Tales of the Eskimo 1899:3 Annual Meeting!1972: The AFS 1972:81 Animal Tales Told in the Gullah Dialect 1956:137ra Annual Meeting!1973 1973:108
Animals and the Origins of Dance 1984:20rb Annual Meeting!1974 1974:41
Animals in Folklore 1981:12rb Annual Meeting!1975 1974:137 Animals with Human Faces: A Guide to Animal Annual Meeting, AFS 1944:97 Symbolism 1975:44rb Annual Meeting, American Folklore Society 1946:136 Animism among the Modocs 1889:86 Annual Meeting, The 1892:93
Anmerkungen zu den Kinder- U. Hausmarchen der Annual Meeting, 1897 1897:15 Bruder Grimm. Vol. 5. (Section 7 Amerika) Annual National Folk Camp 1952:123
1933:13rb Anonymous Expression: A Structural View of Graffiti
Anna Hadwick Gayton (1899-1977) 1978:84 1976:4
Anna May: Eight-Two Years in New England 1983:51rb Another “Witch's Ladder” 1892:22
Annali del Museo Pitre 1965:47rb Another Hoopsnake Story 1951:133 Anne Geddes Gilchrist, 1864-1954 1955:14 1953:30
Annamese, Arabic, and Panjabi Riddles 1945:2 Another Mexican Version of the “Bear’s Son” Folktale Annotated Bibliography of American Indian and Eskimo Another Note on Munchausen Motifs 1961:31
Autobiographies, An 1983:130rb Another Sheaf of White Spirituals 1953:85rb
Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Folklore from the Anthologie du Folklore Haitien 1949:29rb
Southwestern United States, An 1978:145rb Anthropological Approach, The 1953:68 Annotated Bibliography of Javanese Folklore, An Anthropological Bibliography of Negro Africa 1950:39rb
1973:67rb Anthropological Congress, The 1893:82
424 Journal of American Folklore Anthropological Department of the Exposition 1893:15 Arbeit und Rhythmus 1901:26rb
Anthropological Linguistics 1959:34 Arcadian Religion 1901:14
Anthropological Papers Numbers 19-26 1945:34rb [Archaeological Investigations] 1896:35rb Anthropological Society of Hawaii 1949:106. Archaeological Studies among the Ancient Cities of
Anthropologist at Play: Balladmongering in Ireland and Mexico 1897:92rb
its Consequences for Research, An 1985:44rb Archaic Roman Religion, with an Appendix on the Anthropologist at Work: Writings of Ruth Benedict, An Religion of the Etruscans 1975:34rb
1959:104rb : Archer Taylor (1890-1973) 1974:1
Anthropologist Looks at Myth, The 1966:1 Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft 1898:68rb Anthropology and the Classics 1963:16rb Archive of American Folk Song 1943:9 Anthropology as a Science and as a Branch of University Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative 1971:53
Education in the United States 1892:79rb Archives de Folklore Collection 1946:87
Anthropology of Experience, The 1987:88rb Archives Ethnos 1949:171irbAnthropology of Franz Boas. Essays on the Centennial of Archiving and Presenting Folk Literature in an
His Birth, The 1961:20rb Ethnological Museum 1962:4
Anthropology of Space 1985:60rb Archivos del Folklore Cubano 1927:2irb Anthropopheuteia: Jahrbuch fur folkloristische Argentine Folklore Quarterly 1943:18
Erhebungen und Forschungen zur Entwicklungs- Argentine Institute 1943:108 geschichte der Geschlechtlichen Moral 1905:78rb Argentinian Folk Dance School 1949:65.
Anthropophyteia. Jahrbucher fur folkloristische Argyle Boom 1981:107rb Erhebungen und Forschungen zur Entwicklungs- Arikara Creation Myth 1909:8 geschichte der geschechtlichen Moral. II Band Ariki the First-Born, an Analysis of a Polynesian
1907:39rb Chieftain Title 1962:22rb
Anthropophyteia. Jahrbucher fur folkloristische Arizona 1906:14, Arizona 1906:48, 1907:10 Erhebungen und Forschungen zur Entwicklungs- Arkansas Folklore (Tall Tales from Arkansas, 1942)
geschichte der geschechtlichen Moral. Band III 1976:34rb :
1907:40 Arkansas Folklore Society 1952:128
Anti-Italian-American Riddles in New England 1966:49 Armenian Fairy Tales 1893:63 | Anting-Anting Stories, and Other Strange Tales of the Armenian Folk Songs 1944:53rb
Filipinos 1901:83rb Armenian Folk-Lore 1896:83
Antologia de la poesia popular rumana 1957:23rb Armenian Folktales From Detroit 1944:58 Antologia do Folclore Brasileiro §1948:120rb Armenian Village Life Before 1914 1984:18rb Anuario de la Sociedad Folklorica de Mexico. Arnhem Land: Its History and Its People 1955:77rb 1945:114rb, 1947:64rb, 1938-1940 1944:28rb Arnold Van Gennep and Folklore Studies in France: A
Apache Life Way, An 1943:63rb Review Essay 1975:62
Aphorisms of Orazio Rinaldi, Robert Greene, and Lucas Arnold Van Gennep: Le Createur de l’ethnographie
Gracian Dantisco, The 1971:37rb . francaise 1975:63rb
Apleche de rondayes mallorquines d’en Jordi des Reco. Around the World in St. Paul 1947:29rb
Vol. I, Vol. Il 1897:63rb ARRABIN’ with the Hucksters of Baltimore 1979:89rv Appalachian Dulcimer, The 1958:8 Arrow-Making 1904:38 Appalachian Genesis 1974:97rv Art and Life in New Guinea 1937:35rb |
1980:44rb . 1960:61rb
Appalachian Oral History Project Union Catalogue, The Art as an Element of Culture, Especially in Negro Africa
Appalshop Films, The 1974:90rv Art in Arnhem Land 1951:154rb Appeal by the Indians of Vancouver Island, An 1923:23 Art in Negro Folksong 1943:128 Appeal for the International Exchange of Scholarly Art of Jazz: Essays on the Nature and Development of
Publications, An 1950:139 Jazz, The 1960:66rb |
Appeal to All Members of the American Folklore Society, Art of Northwest Coast Indians 1951:71rb | An 1951:5, 1951:32, 1951:34, 1951:61, 1951:120, Art of Pre-Columbian Mexico: An Annotated
1951:157, 1952:6, 1952:12, 1952:39, 1952:81, Bibliography of Works in English, The 1974:133rb
1952:101 Art of Primitive Peoples, The 1956:28rb Apperson’s English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases: Art of Queena Stovall: Images of Country Life, The Some Additions and Corrections 1948:4 1987:98rb . .
Apples of Immortality: Folktales of Armenia 1970:12rb Art of Ragtime: Form and Meaning of an Original Black
Application of Propp’s Functional Analysis to a Yagua American Art, The 1974:45rb_ .
Folktale, The 1972:1 . Art of the American Folk Preacher, The 1972:42rb
Appointed to Chair at Cambridge 1943:139 Art of the Bagpipe, The 1962:33ra ~
Appointment 1947:12 7 Art of the Huichol Indians 1982:39rb
Approaches to Folklore Research among Immigrant “Art Processes in Birchbark of the River Desert
Groups 1966:85 Algonquin, A Circumboreal Trait” 1943:71rb
Apuleius and Folklore: Toward a Hiscory of ML3045, Artesanias Artisticas de Oaxaca, Mexico 1966:98rb
AaTh5S67, 449A 1985:62rb : Arthur Baker: Appalachian Chairmaker 1980:146rv
Apuntes para el folklore de Yauvos 1967:71rb - Arthur of the English Poets, The 1908:50 Arab Legend of a Buried Monastery 1889:74 Arthur Palmer Hudson (1892-1978) 1978:128
Arab Legend of the Dead Woman's Offer of Marriage Arthur Pendragon of Britain: A Romantic Narrative by
1889:81 Sir Thomas Malory as Edited from Le Morte Darthur Arab Lying 1902:89 1945:89rb . Arabian Nights 1902:49 Arthurian Tradition & Chretien de Troyes 1951:147rb Arabic Calendrical Observances and Directions for Tricks Article on Folk-Lore 1888:22 :
and Practical Jokes - Artists of the Tundra and the Sea 1963:10rb .
Arabic Calendrical Observances and Directions for Tricks Arts and Architecture of German Settlements in
and Practical Jokes [Co] 1944:65 | Missouri: A Survey of a Vanishing Culture, The Arapaho Tales 1912:3 1980:73rb Araucanian Culture in Transition 1953:56rb Arts et Traditions Populaires 1954:82
Title Index 425 Arv. Tidskrift for nordisk folkminnesforskning. Autobiography of a Chinese Woman 1949:37rb
1947:141rb Autobiography of a Woman Folklorist 1987:128
As the Saints Go Marching By: Modern Jokelore Autograph Albums in the Ozarks 1948:53
Concerning Mormons 1970:5 Avanti Popolo: Revolutionary Songs of the Italian Working
Ashanti Fetishes and Oracles 1900:8 Class 1985:88ra
Ashanti Influence in Jamaica 1934:31 Avdo Mededovic, Guslar 1956:82 Asian Medical Systems: A Comparative Study Ave Atque Vale 1965:87
1979:15irb Avoidance in Melanesia 1916:6
Asiatic Origin of a Myth of the Northwest Coast, The Ax Fight, The 1979:84rv
1941:1 Aymara Biologicals and Other Medicines 1951:39
Asiatic Parallels in North American Star Lore: Milky Aymara: History and Worldview, The 1966:6
Way, Pleiades, Orion 1972:58 Az agrarkultusz a magyar es europai folklorban
Asiatic Parallels in North American Star Lore: Ursa 1972:24rb
Major 1964:68 Aztec Spectre, An 1899:77
Aspects de la marginalite au Moyen Age 1979:66rb
Aspects 1962:3of Existentialism in Clackamas Chinook Myths Bo Aspen Art in the New Mexico Highlands: A Photo Essay
1972:99rb B. A. Botkin Folklore Prize, The 1985:30, 1987:2
Assiniboines. From the Accounts of the Old Ones Told to Backwoods Band: Jes’ Fine, The 1982:122ra First Boy (James Larpenteur Long), The 1963:7rb Backwoodsmen: Daring Men of the Ozarks, Including the At the Big House, Where Aunt Nancy and Aunt ’Phrony Life of Nathaniel (Stub) Borders 1941:63rb
Held Forth on the Animal Folks 1904:45rb Bad Man of the West, The 1960:90rb
At the Crossroads of the Earth and the Sky: An Andean Bad Medicine & Good. Tales of the Kiowas 1963:59rb,
Cosmology 1983:123rb 1982:108rb
At the Gateways of Day: Tales and Legends from Hawaii Bad Men and Heroes 1956:129
1925:17rb Badger Folklore 1948:64
Atacamenan Folk-Lore 1901:19 Badger State Folklore Society 1947:92
Athabascan Myths 1900:2 Bagogo Myths 1913:2
Athabascan Tradition from Alaska, An 1908:5 Bahama Songs and Stories, a Contribution to Folk-Lore Athapascan Traditions from the Lower Yukon 1903:43 1895:79rb
Atlanta in America 1975:118rb Baker's Dozen of Books Reheated, A 1967:13
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World 1978:109rb Balinese Trance Seance, A 1983:106rv, 1986:26rv
Atlas der deutschen Volkskunde, auf Grund der von 1929 Ball-Lore 1906:90
bis 1935 durchgefuhrten Sammlungen im auftrage Ballad and Epic 1908:57 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Neve Folge, Ballad as Narrative: Studies in the Ballad Traditions of
Lieferung 2, Karte 13-24 1965:21irb England, Scotland, Germany and Denmark, The
Attention: Contributors to the Journal of American 1984:61rb
Folklore 1965:33 Ballad as Song, The 1971:67rb
Attila and Modern Riddles 1943:46 Ballad Book, The 1956:123rb
Auf uferloser See. Drama in vier Aufzugen 1903:25rb Ballad Books and Ballad Men: Raids and Rescues in
Aufsatze uber Marchen u. volkslieder 1969:154rb Britain, America, and the Scandinavian North since Aunt Deborah Goes Visiting: A Sketch from Virginia Life 1800 1933:11rb
1891:114 Ballad Image: Essays Presented to Bertrand Harris
Aunt Molly Jackson and Robin Hood: A Study in Folk Bronson, The 1985:14rb
Re-Creation 1956:9 Ballad in Music, The 1943:117rb
Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa, Sr., 1880-1958 1959:102 Ballad Makin’ in the Mountains of Kentucky 1941:25rb Aus der Welt der Worter. Vortrage uber Gegenstande Ballad Mongers: Rise of the Modern Folk Song, The
deutscher Wortforschung 1964:18rb
Aus Marsch une Heide 1901:59rb “Ballad of “The Jew’s Daughter, The 1926:18 Aus Namaland Und Kalahari. Bericht an die Kgl. Preuss. Ballad of Bold Dickie, The 1895:86 Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin ber eine Ballad of Heer Halewijn: Its Forms and Variations in Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Sdafrika, Western Europe, The 1960:25rb
ausgefhrt in den Jahren 1903-1905 1908:46rb Ballad of Hind Horn, The 1909:4 Ausschnitte aus den Herbstlichen Totenfest in Desa Ballad of Lady Isabel and the False Knight, The 1955:59rb
1979:45rv Ballad of Lord Randal, The 1926:7
Australian Aboriginal Songs 1957:156rb Ballad of Lord Randall in New England, The 1903:91 Australian Aborigines, The 1956:66rb Ballad of Springfield Mountain, The 1900:13 Australian Bush Ballads 1957:118rb Ballad of Sweet William and Gentle Jenny, The 1894:94 Australian Bush Songs 1957:39ra, 1959:127ra Ballad of the Broomfield Hill, The 1911:2
Australian Folksong Collection 1953:18 Ballad of the Cruel Brother, The 1915:23
Australian Legend, The 1959:123rb Ballad of the Jew’s Daughter, The 1902:61 Australian Legendary Tales 1956:64rb Ballad of the MacDonald Boys 1963:90 Australian Legendary Tales. Folk-Lore of the Ballad of the New Madrid Earthquake, A 1947:35 Noongahburrahs, as Told to the Piccaninnies “Ballad of the Skunk, The” 1944:88
1896:91rb Ballad of Tradition, The 1933:21rb
Australian Song Index 1959:90rb Ballad Place Names 1946:71
Australian: Yarns, Ballads, Legends, and Traditions of the Ballad Record: 20 Outstanding British and American
Australian People, The 1957:32rb Ballads Sung, With Guitar Accompaniment, by Ed
Authentic Folk Songs of Japan 1963:25ra McCurdy, The 1956:124ra
Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, The 1955:84rb Ballad Revival: Studies in the influence of Popular on Authentic Maori Chants. Issued Under the Auspices of the Sophisticated Poetry, The 1963:47rb
Maori Purposes Fund Board 1960:154ra Ballad Source Study: Child Ballad No. 4 as Exemplar
Autobibliographie 1892:40rb 1955:42
426 Journal of American Folklore “Ballad Themes in “The Fair Maid of the West 1955:4 Batanga Tales 1915:3 . Ballad Tunes and the Hustvedt Indexing Method 1942:58 Bauerliche und handwerkliche Arbeitsgerate in Westfalen:
Ballad-Seller and His Kind, The 1960:10 | Die alten Gerate der Landwirtschaft und des
Ballad-Singing in Nova Scotia 1909:31 | Landhandwerks 1890-1930 1984:97rb
Balladen I 1937:6rb Bavenda, The 1933:18
Balladic “Byliny” Recorded in the South Ladoga Basin Bazsarozsa: 99 Cigany Nepdal 1958:110rb
1956:74 Bealoideas, Journal of the Folklore of Ireland Society
Balladry in America 1912:1 1958:17rb
Ballads 1914:7 Bear Foster Parent Tale: A Kutenai Version, The 1947:77 Ballads and Ballad Research: Selected Papers of the Bear in Hellenic Astral Mythology, The 1900:31
International Conference on Nordic and Bear Mother 1946:1 — __ |
Anglo-American Bear Went Over the Mountain, Tall Tales of American Ballad Research 1981:19rb Animals, The 1965:71rb —
Ballads and Blues 1949:26ra Bear-Maiden: An Ojibwa Folk-Tale from Lac Courte Oreille Ballads and Folk Songs, Volume II 1949:27ra Reservation, Wisconsin, The 1902:3
Ballads and Folksongs from West Virginia 1957:88, Bear's Son Tale in Northern Mexico, The 1965:90
1957:129 Bears and Fawns 1929:26
Ballads and Rhymes from Kentucky 1907:58 Beauty in Holiness: Studies in Jewish Ceremonial Art and Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia 1928:29rb, Customs 1972:17rb
1965:26rb Bedford Painting in Pakistan: The Aesthetics and
Ballads and Songs 1917:20 Organization of an Artisan Trade 1980:108 Ballads and Songs Collected by the Missouri Folk-Lore Beech Mountain Folk-Songs and Ballads 1937:36rb Society 1942:11rb ; Before the Industrial Revolution 1979:41rv
Ballads and songs from Mississippi 1926:13 Beitrage zur Namenforschung 1951:114rb Ballads and Songs from Ohio 1965:30rb Beitrage zur vergleichenden Erzahlforschung 1957:16rb
Ballads and Songs from Utah 1966:31rb Beitrage zur Volkskunde, der Universitat Basel zur Ballads and Songs of Indiana 1941:57rb Feier ihres funfhundertjahrigen Bestehens dargebracht Ballads and Songs of Newfoundland 1933:27rb von Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Volkskunde Ballads and Songs of Southern Michigan 1942:17rb 1962:94rb Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy 1927:9rb Bekevar: Working Papers on a Canadian Community Ballads and Songs of the Southern Highlands 1929:21 1982:90rb Ballads and Songs of Western North Carolina 1909:17 Bel-Enfant de la Larme 1891:111rb Ballads from Nova Scotia--Continued 1912:17 Belief in the Evil Eye among the Christian Syrian-Lebanese
Ballads Migrant in New England 1956:22rb in America 1965:4 .
Ballads of the Civil War 1956:127ra Beliefs and Superstitions of the Pennsylvania Germans
Ballads of the Revolution 1956:125ra : 1918:22rb | Ballads!War of 1812 1956:126ra Beliefs and Tales of the Canadian Dakota 1923:5 Ballads, Carols, and Tragic Legends from Southern [Beliefs and Tales] 1899:51
Appalachian Mountains 1939:20rb . Beliefs of Southern Negroes Concerning Hags 1894:7
Ballads, Love-Songs and Tragic Legends 1942:12rb Bell Witch of Tennessee and Mississippi: A Folk Legend,
Ballads, The 1951:102rb The 1934:3
Ballets of the Atlas 1976:83rv Bella Coola Indians, The 1951:104rb Baltic Literature and Linguistics 1974:135rb Belle Isle Bridge Incident: Legend Dialectic and Semiotics Baltimore 1895:21, 1895:90, 1896:63, 1898:49, 1899:33, System in the 1943 Detroit Race Riots, The 1983:41
1899:79, 1902:12 Belling--An Ohio Custom 1948:58 Baltimore Branch 1895:48 “Belly Wash” 1964:13
Baltimore Branch, American Folklore Society (Maryland Belsnickles and Shanghais 1958:35 |
Folk-Lore Society) 1946:119 “Ben Deane” and Joe Scott: A Ballad and Its Probable
“Baltimore’s Arabers: A Photographic Essay” 1979:91rb Author 1959:7
Bandicoot Ballads 1957:160rb Benjamin A. Botkin (1901-1975) 1976:1 Bands and Drummer Boys of the Civil War 1981:125rb Bergleute und Huttenmanner in deutschsprachigen
Bangum the Boar-Slayer and His Weapon 1941:14 Untersuchungen von 1945 bis 1964 1969:137rb
Bangwa Funerary Sculpture 1972:107rb Berkeley Folk-Lore Club 1905:74, 1906:7 Banished Child: A Study in Tonga Oral Literature, The Bermuda Folklore 1925:11
1985:7rb Bernstein Proverb Library, The 1902:28
1977:10rb 1891:66rb
Banjo Songs of the Southern Mountains 1958:53ra Bertrand Harris Bronson (1902-1986) 1987:71 “Bankelsang” and the Work of Bertolt Brecht, The Beside the Fire. A Collection of Irish Gaelic Folk Stories Banks of the Condamine and Other Bush Songs, The Best of the American Cowboy, The 1959:16rb
1959:126ra “Betruf’ of the Swiss Alps, The 1960:14 Banyaruanda Proverbs 1954:77 Yorkshire Fishing Village
Bantu Tales 1917:11 Between Pulpit and Pew: Folk Religion in a North Baptismal, “Mourning,” and “Building” Ceremonies of the Beyond Necessity, Art in the Folk Tradition 1980:28rb
Shouters in Trinidad Bhajnopdeshak as an Agent of Social Change, The Baptist Ox, The 1921:35 1967:59 Barbados Folklore 1925:12 Bible in Western Indian Mythology, The 1977:114
Barge 1906:87 Bibliografi over Dansk Folkekultur, 1955 1959:117rb, “Barge” 1907:31 Bibliografi over Dansk Folkekultur, 1956 1959:118rb Barns, Sheds and Outbuildings 1978:106rb Bibliografi over Dansk Folkekultur, 1960 1966:19rb
Bascom Lamar Lunsford (1882-1973) 1974:34 Bibliografia de la literatura hispanica. Vol. I 1955:98rb Bashi Mulizi and its Music: An End-Blown Flute from the Bibliografia delle tradizioni popolari d’Italie 1894:102rb
Belgian Congo, The 1957:47 Bibliografia delle tradizioni populari d'Italia. Contre indici Basket Builder (Eddie Nicholson) 1982:18rv speciali 1894:68rb Basketry of the Appalachian Mountains 1978:39rb Bibliographic Guide to the Study of the Literature of the
Title Index 427 U.S.A. 1971:48rb Black Drink: A Native American Tea 1981:74rb Bibliographical Note on Wellerisms, A 1952:117 Black Elk Speaks 1981:32rb Bibliography of African Oral Narratives 1972:121rb Black English and the Mass Media 1983:124rb Bibliography of American Ethnology 1980:143rb Black Expression 1969:143rb Bibliography of American Folklore, 1915-1928 1928:1 Black Folk Music: Recent Recordings 1978:150ra
Bibliography of American Folksong 1938:16 Black Frontiersmen: A South American Case 1975:84rb Bibliography of Anthropology and Folk-Lore, 1906, Black Gods of the Metropolis 1945:66rb containing Works published within the British Empire Black Gospel Recordings 1976:80ra
1908:26rb Black Indians of New Orleans, The 1978:44rv
Bibliography of Elsie Clews Parsons 1943:7 Black Jack Davie 1935:26 Bibliography of Folk-Lore, 1905 1907:17rb Black Mountain Day 1976:29rb
Bibliography of Folklore as Contained in the First Eighty Black Music in Our Culture: Curricular Ideas on the
Years of the Publications of the Folklore Society, A Subjects, Materials and Problems 1971:80rb
1963:15rb Black Names 1978:77rb
Bibliography of Franz Boas in Folklore 1944:7 Black Ox: A Study in the History of a Folk-Tale, The Bibliography of Indian Folk Literature, A 1978:146rb 1930:7rb
Bibliography of Jazz, A 1957:122rb Black Pentecostal Music in Windsor 1980:69rb
Bibliography of Latin American Folklore 1941:65rb Black Prose Narrative in the Mississippi Delta: An Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folksong, A Overview 1972:34
1952:19rb, 1963:76rb Black Religions in the New World 1980:12irb
Bibliography of Prohibited Books 1966:23rb Black Religious Music 1971:128ra, 1973:27ra
Bibliography of Robin Hood 1940:44rb Black Roadways, A Study of Jamaican Folk-Life
Bibliography of Sex Rites and Customs: an annotated 1930:29rb | Record of Books, Articles and Illustrations in all Black Roadways: A Rejoinder 1931:23
Languages, A 1933:12rb Black Rock, Mining Folklore of the Pennsylvania Dutch
Bibliography of South Asian Folklore, A 1969:75rb 1964:25rb
Bibliography of the Navaho Indians, A 1942:15rb Black Spider, a Child’s Game, The 1889:85 Bibliography of the Wakashan Languages 1894:136rb Black String, The 1895:88
1970:111rb 1973:124rb
Bibliography of Ukrainian Folklore in Canada, 1902-64, A Black-Man of Zinacantan: A Central American Legend, The
Bibliography of Worcester. A List of Books, Pamphlets, Blackfeet and Buffalo: Memories of Life Among the Indians
Newspapers, and Broadsides, Printed in the Town of 1964:41rb Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1775 to 1848. With Blackfoot Indian Legends 1890:106
Historical and Explanatory Notes 1901:33rb Blackfoot Lodge Tales. The Story of a Prairie People
Bibliography of Zoological and Botanical Folk-lore 1893:28rb
1889:27 Blackfoot Mythology 1893:75
Biblioteca Mythica: La Rage et St. Hubert 1889:65rb Blackfoot Sun and Moon Myth, A 1893:7
Big Eaters 1979:10 Blackfoot Version of the Magic Flight, A 1923:32
Big Lever: Party Politics in Leslie County, Kentucky, The Blacking Up: The Minstrel Show in Nineteenth-Century
1985:106rv America 1976:65rb
Big Lies form Grassy 1934:30 Blacks, Whites and Blues 1973:25rb Big Road Blues: Tradition and Creativity in the Folk Blues Blason Populaire de Franche-Comte. Sobriquets-dictons-
1983:125rb contes-relatifs aux villages du Doubs, du Jura, et de la
Big Thicket Legacy 1980:48rb Haute-Saone 1897:66rb
1975:32rb 1890:38rb
Bigfoot: The Yeti and Sasquatch in Myth and Reality Blason populaire de la Haute-Bretagne (Ille-et-Vilaine)
Bill Monroe and His Bluegrass Boys: An Illustrated Blason, Geographie et Geneologie Populaires de Quebec
Discography 1977:6irb 1920:23
Billy Goat Overland 1959:132ra Blessing of Mary, The 1935:28 Billy the Kid. The Bibliography of a Legend 1953:87rb ““Blind’ Girl” and the Rhetoric of Sentimental Heroism ,
Bilmece: A Corpus of Turkish Riddles 1976:101rb The 1978:55
[Biographic Cyclopedia of Folklorists] 1894:148 Blind Lemon: Classic Folk-Blues by Blind Lemon Jefferson Bird Folklore from Roanoke Island, North Carolina 1947:9 1959:32ra
Bird Gods 1899:58rb Blind Man and the Loon: Barrow Eskimo Variants, The Bird, the Banner, and Uncle Sam: Images of America in 1954:11
Folk and Popular Art, The 1978:38rb “Blood on the Saddle”!an Anonymous Folk Ballad? Birds and Music 1903:67 1975:59 Birds with Human Souls: A Guide to Bird Symbolism Blood-root “Chocolate” 1906:85
1982:43rb Blood, Booze ’n Bones 1958:5lra
Birth and Plant Symbolism: Symbolic and Magical Uses of Bloodstoppers and Bearwalkers. Folk Traditions of the
Plants in Connection with Birth in Modern Greece Upper Peninsula 1953:86rb, 1973:55rb
1981:116rb Bloody Ballads, Classic British and American Murder
Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript 1969:164rb Ballads 1958:50ra
“Bitter Withy” and Its Relationship to “The Holy Well, “Bloody Decks and a Bumper Crop”: The Rhetoric of
The” 1967:3 Sealing Counter-Protest 1982:56rb
Black America 1971:109rb Blow My Blues Away 1972:44rb
Black and White Traditions 1979:97ra Blue Fairy Book 1950:42rb Black Border, The 1922:18rb Blue Velvet Band/The Black Velvet Band/The Maid with Black Civilization: A Social Study of an Australian Tribe, the Bonny Brown Hair, The 1974:71
A 1938:52rb “Blue-eyed Hag” 1906:26
Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Bluebeard. A Contribution to History and Folk-Lore, Being
Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom 1980:57rb the History of Gilles de Retz, of Brittany, France, Who
Black Delta Religion 1977:40rv Was Executed at Nantes in 1440 A.D., and Who Was Black Dog of the Blue Ridge, The 1907:26 the Original Bluebeard in the Tales of Mother Goose
428 Journal of American Folklore 1901:25rb _ Boston and Cambridge Branches, American Folklore
Bluegrass 1977:60rb Society, The 1946:120
Bluegrass Music 1969:176ra, 1971:95ra, 1984:99ra Boston Association 1893:23 Bluegrass Records: A Review Article 1976:106rb Boston Association of the American Folk-Lore Society
Bluegrass Songbook, The 1973:57rb 1890:61, 1891:24, 1891:63, 1892:29, 1892:66, Bluenose Magic: Popular Beliefs and Superstitions in Nova 1892:138
Scotia 1969:52rb Boston Branch 1893:66, 1893:123, 1894:14, 1894:43, Blues at Newport, The 1966:115ra | 1909:11, 1909:51
Blues Accordin’ to Lightnin’ Hopkins, The 1977:28rv 1894:120, 1895:17, 1895:49, 1896:14, 1899:18,
Blues from the Delta 1972:43rb, 1981:64rb Botanicum Sinicum 1893:97rb
Blues Lyric Poetry: An Anthology 1984:125rb. Botany Bay Broadsides 1957:154rb_
Blues Off the Record: Thirty Years of Blues Commentary Bothy Songs and Ballads 1974:58r |
1986:44rb Botkin Folklore Prize, The 1982:128
Blues People: Negro Music in White America 1966:63rb Bottle Up and Go 1984:30rv Blues, Pre-Blues, and Gospel Reissues 1986:48ra Boulder Effigy Monuments in the Northern Plains 1959:40
Body, Boots and Britches 1941:61rb Bourbon Street Black: The New Orleans Black Jazzman
Body, Boots and Britches: Folktales, Ballads and Speech 1977:125rb
from Country New York 1982:9rb Bowdlerization and Expurgation: Academic and Folk
[Bohemian Embroidery] 1896:106rb 1967:84 -
Bohmische Korallen aus der Gotterwelt. Folkloristische “Braes of Yarrow” Tradition in America, The 1950:100 Borseberichte von Gotter- und Mythenmarkte 1893:89rb Brahman Tradition, The 1958:73 Bohol Version of the Earth-Diver Myth, A 1957:134 [Branch Reports Deferred to Next Issue] 1896:28
Bold Soldier of Yarrow, The 1955:47 Branches of the AFS. Local Organization 1906:13
Book About Chapbooks: The People’s Literature of Bygone Branko Krsmanovich Chorus of Yugoslavia at Carnegie
Times, A 1970:142rb Hall, The 1963:30ra . :
Book About Fans: The History of Fans and Fan Painting, Brauchtumsgebacke und Weihnachtsspeisen, Ein
A 1979:77rb volkskunclicher Beitrag zur osterreichischen
Book of American Negro Spirituals, The 1928:4rb Kulturgeographie 1959:26rb '
Book of Apollonius, The 1938:30rb : Brautwerbung in der Weltliteratur 1960:107rb
Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, The 1981:36rb Braziel Robinson Possessed of Two Spirits 1900:50
Book of Danish Ballads, A 1943:37rb - | Brazilian Folklore 1948:68
Book of Dede Korkut: A Turkish Epic, The 1973:119rb Brazilian House in Nigeria: The Emergence of a Book of English Idioms with Explanations, A 1957:22rb 20th-Century Vernacular House Type, The 1984:1
Book of Folk Festivals, The 1938:54rb. Brazilian Songs 1912:16
Book of Folklore, A 1975:117rb —_ Breadfruit Cultivation Practices and Beliefs in the Marshall Book of New England Legends and Folk Lore, A Islands 1961:47rb
1969:168rb Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk and
Book of Noodles: Stories of Simpletons; or, Fools and Fairy Tales 1982:44rb , Their Follies, The 1971:84rb . Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox 1888:39 Book of Nursery Songs and Rhymes, A 1970:132rb Brer Rabbit Story, A 1919:29 Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts, The 1901:24rb Brewing and Beer Traditions in Norway: The Social
Book of the Blues, The 1966:65rb __- Anthropological Background of the Brewing Industry
“Book of the Dead and Rain Ceremonials, The” 1971:118rb
1894:132rb “Brian O’Lynn” 1941:13
Book of True Love, The 1980:159rb Bride-Price: A Contribution to the Study of Marriage Book of World-Famous Music: Classical, Popular and Folk, Customs in Modern Greec, The] 1986:108rb
The 1968:61rb Bride-Stealing in New England 1893:118
Book Review Policy, Continued 1974:85 Brides Dancing Barefoot 1888:73, 1889:16
Book Reviews 1927:5 Bridesman in the Indo-European Tradition: Ritual and Books and Articles for Review and Listing 1952:27, Myth in Marriage Ceremonies, The 1966:13
1952:64, 1952:71, 1952:114 Bridge Between Worlds: The Greek Women’s Lament as
Books for Devastated Areas 1946:89 Communicative Event 1980:53
Books of Festivals, The 1971:86rb Bridge of Sunbeams, The 1914:6
Books Received 1888:86, 1889:34, 1891:101, 1891:117, Briefe zum Himmel 1962:75rb
1892:80, 1948:49, 1956:67, 1986:20, 1987:38, Brinton Anniversary 1938:25
1987:111 Brinton Memorial Chair in the University of Pennsylvania Bop Jokes 1960:84 1900:35
Borabora of the Silent Paddles and Other Slanderous British and Irish Tradition 1973:68ra, 1977:74rb, 1982:93
Sayings of the Tahitians 1965:9 British Ballad from Maine 1941:29rb
Border Healing Woman: The Story of Jewel Babb as Told British Broadside Ballad and its Music, The 1968:60rb
to Pat Ellis Taylor 1983:52rb British Calendar Customs. Scotland, Vol I: Movable
1975:8 Wells,Fairs 1938:55rb 7
Bormliza: Maltese Folksong Style and Women, The Festivals, Harvest, March Riding and Wapynshaws, Born for Hard Luck: “Peg Leg Sam” Jackson 1978:49rv British Columbia 1906:15
Born to Win 1967:97ra British Family Names, Their Origin and Meaning, with Born with the Veil: Black Folklore in Louisiana 1976:57 Lists of Scandinavian, Frisian, Anglo-Saxon, and Borneo Journey into Death: Berawan Eschatology from Its Norman Names. Second edition, enlarged 1903:82rb
Rituals, A 1984:65rb British Folklorists: A History, The 1973:83rb
Borrowing Trouble 1898:7 British Folktales 1979:30rb Borzoi Book of French Folk Tales, The 1958:36rb British Goblins: Welsh Folk-Lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends
_ Bosom Serpent: A Legend in American Literature and and Traditions 1976:77rb
Culture, The 1972:32 British Popular Customs, Present and Past 1969:171rb
Boston 1896:88, 1897:16, 1898:16, 1899:34, 1900:32, British Tradition 1967:52ra . 1901:21, 1901:54, 1902:31, 1903:96, 1904:56 British Traditional Ballad in North America, The
Title Index 429 1965:66rb, 1979:28rb Cajun Music 1967:51ra
British Traditional Ballads in America 1954:132ra Cajun Visits 1984:132rv
Broadside Ballad: A Study in Origins and Meaning, The Calabria Bella, Dove T’hai Lasciate?: Italian Folk Music
1963:71rb Collected in New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island,
Broadside Ballad: The Development of the Street Ballad Volume Two 1985:87ra
from Traditional Song To Popular Newspaper, The Calendar Year in Ukrainian Folklore, Vol. 1 1958:109rb
1979:169rb Calendar Year in Ukrainian Folklore, Volume VI
Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of 1959:70rb
Mexico, The 1963:96rb California 1906:16, 1906:49, 1907:11
Bronislaw Malinowski 1884-1942 1943:102 California Branch of the AFS 1905:64 Brooklyn Public Library's Folksong Program Awarded First California Folklore Conference 1952:120
Place 1944:71 California Folklore Quarterly 1942:29, 1943:59rb
Brother Jonathan 1902:72rb California Folklore Society 1943:76
Brothers Grimm, The 1973:81rb California Folklore Society Affiliates with AFS 1944:10 Brothers in Clay: The Story of Georgia Folk Pottery California Indian Folk Lore 1936:23rb
1985:38rb California Indian Nights Entertainments 1931:34rb
Brothers of Light, Brothers of Blood: The Penitentes of the California Place Names: A Geographical Dictionary.
Southwest 1977:98rb 1950:50rb
Brothers of Light: The Penitentes of the Southwest California Place Names. The Origin and Etymology of
1938:63rb Current Geographical Names. Second Edition, Revised
Buck Dancer 1977:76rv and Enlarged 1962:28rb
Buckaroos in Paradise 1983:49rb Call for Papers: American Pioneer Landscapes: Origins and
Buell Kazee 1977:34rv Evolutions 1980:51
“Buffalo Chips” as a Remedy 1899:76 Calling Me Home: Music from the Maryland-Pennsylvania
Bugeyes and Skipjacks: Reply to Cohen 1986:8 Border 1979:172rv
Building of the City Walls: Troy and Asgard, The 1983:3 Calling on the Devil to Cure Disease 1892:91
Building the Hewn Log House 1980:176rb Calling the Rain Gods 1960:127
Built in Texas 1981:101rb Calls to Domestic Animals 1906:91
1986:101 1984:59rb
Bullfighting: The Ritual Origin of Scholarly Myths Calus: Symbolic Transformation in Romanian Ritual
Bulu Folk-Tales 1914:18 Cambridge 1897:17, 1899:35, 1900:33, 1903:97, Bulu Folktale: Content and Analysis, A 1966:7 1904:57, 1905:10 Bulu Tales 1919:24, 1922:10, 1949:142 Cambridge Branch 1893:124, 1894:15, 1894:96,
Bulu Tales from Kamerun, West Africa 1912:10 1894:121, 1895:19, 1895:50, 1896:16, 1896:89 Bundle of Troubles and Other Tarheel Tales by Workers of Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard Folk-Lore Club 1901:55
the Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Camillus 1983:17rb
Administration in the State of North Carolina Camp Meeting at Willowtree, 1881 1974:115
1945:90rb Camp Mock-Ordeal: Theater as Life, The 1981:143
Bureau of Ethnology of the Republic of Haiti 1945:21 Canada’s Story in Song 1961:70rb Burial and Holiday Customs and Beliefs of the Irish Canadian and Canadian-American Music 1978:114ra
Peasantry 1895:3 Canadian Branches of the AFS 1917:38
Burial Custom Formerly Observed in the Naval Service Canadian Folk-Life and Folk-Lore 1898:66rb
1894:8 Canadian Folk-Lore 1898:27
Burial of the Dead, The 1921:26rb Canadian Folk-Lore from Ontario 1918:2
Burial of the Wren 1893:115 Canadian Folklore Perspectives 1980:80rb
Burl Ives Song Book, The 1954:101rb Canadian French Folklore Research and Award 1946:141 Burl Ives’ Folio of Australian Folk Songs 1957:159rb Canadian Indian Aid and Research Society, The 1891:27
Burns and Tradition 1986:122rb Canadian Indian Research and Aid Society 1890:62 Burying Dogs in Central Africa 1892:130 Canadian Issue 1954:2 Bush Music Club: Traditional Australian Bush Songs, The Canadian Number 1950:54
1959:133ra Canadian Number [introduction and dedication] 1950:55
Bushman Stories 1951:112rb {Canadian research activities] 1954:68 Bushwhacker Broadsides 1958:60rb [Canadian Special Issue] 1954:32
Butter Charm from the Ozark Mountains, A 1935:10 Canadian-English Folk-Lore 1918:1 “Buy me a Milking-Pail” and Songs of the Civil War Canciones de mi padre: Spanish Folksongs from Southern
1918:21 Arizona 1948:40rb
Buying the Wind: Regional Folklore in the United States Candleday Art 1941:33rb
1973:99rb Cannon’s Point Plantation, 1794-1860: Living Conditions
Buzkashi: Game and Power in Afghanistan 1983:126rb and Status Patterns in the Old South 1986:14rb
By Cheyenne Campfires 1929:10rb Cant and Thieves’ Jargon 1890:117 “By Hook or by Crook” 1967:38 Cantares historicos de la tradicion argentina 1962:93rb Byliny M. S. Kruikovoi 1945:28rb Cantares Mexicanos: Songs of the Aztecs 1986:117rb Cante Fable in New Jersey, The 1942:23 Canti e racconti del popolo Italiano Vol. VIII: Canti popolari della Montagna Lucchese 1889:121rb Canti poplari amoroso raccolti a nuovo 1893:90rb
Cactus Whips and Wooden Crosses 1963:51 Canti popolari del Peimonte 1889:120rb
Caddo Customs of Childhood 1905:46 Canti Populari Religiosi Baresi 1966:34rb
Caddoan Texts: Pawnee, South Bend Dialect 1939:42rb Cantometrics 1982:91 Cadernos de Folclore. No. I. Poesias e Adivinhas Cantometrics: A Method in Musical Anthropology
1957:148rb 1982:92ra
Cahuilla Tales 1908:39 Cantos Costenos, Folksongs of the Atlantic Coastal Region
Caingang Deluge Legend 1905:45 of Colombia 1976:39ra
Cajun and Zydeco Music 1968:64ra Canyon de Chelly: Its People and Rock Art 1981:70rb
430 Journal of American Folklore Canzoni popolari toscane 1894:25rb Centenary of Louisville. A Paper Read before the Southern Capon Theory of the Cuckold’s Horns: Confirmation or Historical Association, Saturday, May 1, 1880, in
Conjecture?, The 1987:4 Commemoration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the
Capturing the Soul 1910:17 Beginning of the City of Louisville as an Incorporated Caraja Cosmography 1940:33 - Town, under an Act of the Legislature of Virginia, The
Care Packages 1948:23 1894:59rb | Carib (Kamarakoto) Myth from Venezuela, A 1944:85 Ceol Rince na hEireann, II 1979:69rb
1969:133rb . 1945:93rb
Caribbeana 1900-1965, A Tropical Bibliography Ceramic Sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico
Carl Sandburg and Folklore 1969:122 | Ceramic Stratigraphy at Cerro de las Mesas, Veracruz,
Carnegie Grant for Folk Records 1955:36 Mexico 1945:92rb
Carnival! 1986:42rb Ceremonial Circuit 1892:60 Carol of the Twelve Numbers, The 1891:72 | Ceremonial Circuit among the Village Indians of
Carolina Folk Festival 1948:144 Northeastern Arizona, The 1892:5 Carrying Corpses Feet First 1898:31 Ceremonial Circuit, The 1892:132
Carter Family and Doc Hopkins, The 1973:105ra Ceremonial Costumes of the Pueblo Indians. Their
Carter Family on Border Radio, The 1973:106ra Evolution, Fabrication, and Significance in the Prayer
Carter Family, The 1974:43rb Drama 1943:38rb, 1962:44rb
1981:102rb 1908:36 | . Castles in Spain 1963:84 . . 1963:50
Carved in Wood: Folk Sculpture in the Arkansas Ozarks Ceremonies and Traditions of the Diegueno Indians
Case for the Sea-Serpent, The 1970:139rb Ceremonies Concerned with Hail and Rain in Tlaxcala Castles in Spain and Other Enchantments 1930:14rb Ceremony of the Quichuas of Peru, A 1894:110
Cat Buried with Mistress 1902:82 Certain Canadian Superstitions 1897:11
Cat Came Fiddling, and Other Rhymes of Childhood, A Certain Common Superstitions 1893:57
1958:119rb Certain Irish Superstitions 1898:46 Cat's Got Our Tongue, The 1975:105rb ~ -1915:7 |
Cat’s Cradle 1920:11 . Certain West-Indian Superstitions Pertaining to Celts
Catalog of Phonorecordings of Music and Oral Data Held Cev’armuit Qanemciit Qulirait-Llu: Eskimo Narratives and
by the Archives of Traditional Music, A 1977:68rb Tales from Chevak, Alaska 1985:81rb Catalogue of a Collection of Objects Illustrating the CGR: Catalogo General del Romancero, 3 vols.: I.A.:
Folk-Lore of Mexico 1900:19rb . Teoria general y metodologia del Romancero
Catalogue of the Romany Collection, University of pan-hispanico: Catalogo general descriptivo: II-III: El
Leeds1964:44rb ) : Romancero pan-hispanico: Catalogo - general
Catawba Folk Tales from Chief Sam Blue 1947:6 descriptivo 1987:52rb .
Catawba Herbals and Curative Practices 1944:4 Chaga Childhood: A Description of Indigenous Educations Catawba Hunting, Trapping, and Fishing 1948:29rb in a East African Tribe 1942:50rb
Catawba Texts 1936:22rb : Chain Carvers: Old Men Crafting Meaning 1987:33rb Catch-Words for Mythological Motives 1908:3 Chained or Fettered Images 1892:63 _
Catch-Words in American Mythology 1908:35 “Chaingavane: el Pongo de Mainique y los petroglifos.
“Catorce Tamboritos Panamenos” 1945:86rb Vocabulario de los indios m 1946:157 Catskin Legend in Southern Illinois, The 1945:98 Chairmaker 1980:145rv [Cave of Loftun and the Chultunes of Labna in Yucutan, Chaka, an Historical Romance 1933:19rb
The] 1897:91irb Chakwena Song of Zuni and Laguna 1923:12.
Cebuano Sorcery: Malign Magic in the Philippines Chambers’ Encyclopaedia 1890:92rb
1979:162rb Chamula Genres of Verbal Behavior 1971:14
Cecil Sharp 1935:14rb [Change in Book Review Editorship] 1977:72 Cecil Sharp's Collection of English Folk Songs 1977:16rb (Change in Film Review Editorship] 1977:43
Cegiha Language, The 1892:107rb Changing Configurations in the Social Organization of a Celebration of American Family Folklore: Tales and Blackfoot Tribe during the Reserve Period 1947:96rb Traditions from the Smithsonian Collection, The Changing Functions of A Folksong, The 1957:83
1984:72rb Changing Functions of the Huanancha Dance at the Corpus Cultural Performance, The 1985:20rb 1951:122 Celebration of Society: Perspectives on Contemporary Christi Festival in Paracho, Michoacan, Mexico
Celestial Bear Comes Down to Earth. The Bear Sacrifice Changing Patterns in Negro Folk Songs 1949:47 Ceremony of the Munsee-Mahican in Canada as Related by Changing Role of a Dulzainero in Leon, Spain, The
Nekatcit, The 1948:171rb 1975:51
Celestial Bear, The 1900:24, 1900:47 Changing Traditions of a Low Caste 1958:87 Celluloid Vampires, The 1981:87rb . Chansons et Rondes de Laprairie 1920:22
1966:74rb - Musicale 1957:145rb
Celtic Cross: Studies in Irish Culture and Literature, The Chansons Folklorique Francaises au Canada; Leur Langue
Celtic Doctrine of Re-Birth. With Appendices: The Chansons populaires de la France. A Selection from French
Transformation of Tuan MacCairill, the Dinnshenchas Popular Ballads 1891:97rb | of Mag Slecht, The 1897:83rb Chants Populaires du Canada (Premiere Serie) 1919:1
Celtic Folklore and Christianity: Studies in Memory of Chapbook Mummers’ Plays, The 1971:34rb
William W. Heist 1985:9rb Chapbook Study 1972:89 Celtic Heritage 1963:8rb Chapel of Our Lady of Talpa, The 1982:88rb
Celtic Mythology (The Mythology of All Races, Vol. III] Character and Personal Relationships Seen through
1920:16rb . Proverbs in Tzintuntzan, Mexico 1970:50
Centenary of Kentucky. Proceedings at the Celebration by Character of Chinese Folk-Tales, The 1895:71 the Filson Club, Wednesday, June 1, 1892, of the One Characteristics of German Folklore Studies 1961:82
Hundredth Anniversary of the Admission of Kentucky Charivari 1957:99 }
as an Independent State into the Federal Union, The Charles E. Brown Memorial Fund 1950:149
1894:60rb : Charles F. Lummis: The Man and His West 1978:29rb
Title Index 431 Charles Grant Loomis, 1901-1963 1964:35 Children’s Game Rimes from New Hampshire 1945:105 Charles Louis Seeger (1886-1979) 1979:134 Children’s Games Among the Aleut 1946:41 “Charles Merbury “Proverbi Vulgari 1947:147rb Children’s Literature in Hitler’s Germany: The Cultural Charleston Blacksmith: The Work of Phillip Simmons Policy of National Socialism 1986:79rb
1983:131rb Children’s Lore in Finnegan’s Wake 1986:78rb
Charm from North Carolina and The Merchant of Venice, Children’s Magical Death 1979:88rv
Il, vii, 75, A 1936:19 Children’s Rhymes and Incantations 1889:38, 1889:83 Charm from Pepys, A 1951:88 Children’s Rhymes from Michigan 1931:6 Charm Is Broken: Readings in Arkansas and Missouri Children’s Rhymes From Missouri 1950:133 Folklore, The 1986:15rb Children’s Rhymes, Children’s Games, Children’s Songs, Charm of the Gulf of Mexico Sponge Fishers, A 1939:14 Children’s Stories: A Book for Bairns and Big Folk, 2nd Ed.
Charms for Young Women 1888:47 1969: 160rb
Chaucer's Weaving Wife 1968:74 Children’s Riddling 1982:4rb Checklist of Manuscripts in the Edward E. Ayer Collection, Children’s Singing Games. Second Series 1895:64rb
A 1946:150rb Children’s Singing games, with the Tunes to which They 1946:116 Children’s Songs and Rhymes of the Porter Family: Robert
Checklist of the Titles of Tennessee Folksongs, A are Sung 1894:101rb
Cherokee and Iroquois Parallels 1889:17 Porter, 1828-1910; Ellis K. Porter, 1860-1936 1941:47 Cherokee Dance and Drama 1952:23rb Children’s Tales from Other Lands, The 1950:34rb
Cherokee Nation, The 1950:128rb Chile 1961:79ra
Cherokee River Cult, The 1900:1 Chilian Folk-Lore Society and Recent Publications on Cherokee Theory and Practice of Medicine 1890:7 Chilian Folk-Lore, etc., The 1910:15
Cherokee-Iroquois Little People 1946:115 China Thirty-Five Centuries Ago 1893:98rb
Cherry-tree Carol, The 1916:7 China’s Dirtiest Trickster: Folklore about Hsu Wen-ch’ang
Cherry-Tree Carol, The 1916:23 (1521-1593) 1980:128rb
Cheshire Folk Drama 1971:35rb Chinese “Boy Who Could Not Learn to Tremble”, A
Cheyenne and Arapaho Music 1938:32rb 1930:5
Cheyenne Marriage Customs 1898:61 Chinese and German 1901:47 Cheyenne Obstacle Myth, A 1903:30 Chinese Anecdote 1968:79 Cheyenne Sketchbook, A 1966:71rb Chinese Art of Shifting Shape, The 1951:77
Cheyenne Tales 1900:40 Chinese Fairy Tales 1971:31rb
Cheyenne Way, The 1943:25rb Chinese Fairy Tales and Folk Tales 1940:6rb Chicago Folk-Lore Society 1892:30, 1892:68, 1943:78 Chinese Feast of Lanterns, The 1950:134 Chicago Folk-Lore Society Prize 1947:84, 1948:105 Chinese Festivals 1955:22rb
Chicago Folk-Lore Society, The 1894:45 Chinese Folklore 1938:17
Chicago Folklore Prize 1943:52, 1952:132, 1956:6, “Chinese Games with Dice and Dominoes” 1896:36rb 1956:86, 1957:42, 1958:3, 1965:120, 1966:76, Chinese Ghost and Love Stories. A Selection from the Liao 1967:102, 1968:77, 1969:175, 1973:135, 1974:120, Chai Stories 1948:159rb 1977:4, 1978:4, 1979:98, 1980:3, 1982:127, 1987:9 Chinese Kinship System, The 1938:67rb
Chicago Folklore Prize 1971 1971:15 Chinese Legend of Rip Van Winkle, The 1889:23 Chicago Folklore Prize 1972 1972:80, Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes 1901:27rb
Chicago Folklore Society Prize 1942:65, 1949:121 Chinese Nights’ Entertainment. Forty Stories Told by
Chicken Soup 1978:117rv Almond-Eyed Folk. Actors in the Romance of the Chief in Hawaiian Mythology, The 1956:40, 1956:95, Strayed Arrow 1893:130rb 1957:90, 1957:125 Chinese Secret Societies in the United States 1890:6 “Chief-Making” among the Passamaquoddy Indians 1892:9 Chinese Symbols and Superstitions 1975:31rb
Chieftains: Music Arranged and Directed by Paddy Chinese Traditional Tales 1946:143rb
Moloney, The 1969:61ra Chinese Trigrams in Micronesia, The 1969:119
Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought. (The Child in Chinese Village, Taitou, Shantung Province 1946:144rb
Primitive Culture), The Chinook Songs 1888:70 Child and Snake 1893:17 Chinook Texts 1895:105rb
Child and the Serpent: Reflections on Popular Indian Choctaw “Me All Face” Story, A 1964:70
Symbols, The 1983:10rb Choctaw Afterworld, The 1959:44
- Child Ballad in America: Some Aesthetic Criteria, The Choctaw Game of Achahpih, The 1897:35
1957:86 “Choctaw Music” 1945:61rb
Child Ballads 1949:14 Chorti Indians of Guatemala, The 1942:16rb
Child Life of the Pennsylvania Germans 1948:44rb Christ Is Risen 1981:48rv
Child Memorial Volume 1897:95rb Christian Images in Hispanic New Mexico 1984:94rb [Child-Life among New England Puritans] 1897:96rb Christian Swarm Charms from the Ninth to the Nineteenth
Child’s Comfort: Baby and Doll Quilts in American Folk Centuries 1964:34
Art, A 1978:103rb Christmas “Fools” and “Mummers” in Newfoundland
Childhood and Folklore: A Psychoanalytic Study of Apache 1893:12
Personality 1981:65rb Christmas Book, The 1955:23rb
Childhood of Fiction: A Study of Folktales and Primitive Christmas Carols from Georgia 1899:62
Thought, The 1975:115rb Christmas Carols Printed in the Sixteenth Century Sketches, The 1901:30rb Christmas Customs in Newfoundland 1893:11
Childhood ofJishib, the Ojibwa, and Sixty-Four Pen 1933:35rb
Children of Strangers: The Stories of a Black Family Christmas Garlands 1892:57
1983:22rb Christmas in French Canada 1901:18 Development 1948:48rb 1960:52rb
Children of the People: The Navajo Individual and His Christmas in Pennsylvania, a Folk-Cultural Study
Children’s Chants and Games 1983:34rv Christmas Maskings in Boston 1896:48
Children’s Curse 1955:48 Christmas Mumming in Newfoundland 1971:33rb
Children’s Derogatory Epithets 1969:69, 1970:56 Christmas Rhymers and Mummers in Ireland 1969:87rb
432 Journal of American Folklore Christmas Shooting Rounds in America and Their el Museo Arqueologico Nacional (Madrid) 1894:24rb
Background 1973:5 Coffin Hollow and Other Ghost Tales 1980:26rb
Chronological List of Grimms’ Kinder- Und Haus- Marchen, Coincidence in Names 1943:131
A 1935:22 Cokelore and Coke Law: Urban Belief Tales and the
Chrysanthemum and the Sword, The 1949:178rb Problem of Multiple Origins 1979:139
Chuckchee Tales 1928:20 Cold Weather Comments 1948:100
Chulas Fronteras 1978:116rv Cold Weather Comments Again 1951:48 CIAP Activities 1949:75 . Colinda Romaneasca: The Romanian Colinda (Winter Cicisbeo and the Magnificent Cuckold: Boardinghouse Life Solstice Songs) 1984:58rb and Lore in Immigrant Communities, The 1978:54 Collected Writings of Dougal Graham, ‘Skellat’ Bellman of
Cider Maker, The 1979:49rv | Glasgow, Edited with Notes. Together with a Cildirli Asik Ilyas Anlativor 1948:112rb Biographical and Bibliographical Introduction and a
Cincinnati 1896:27, 1897:18, 1898:17, 1899:36, 1899:80, Sketch of the Chap Literature of Scotland, The
1900:14, 1900:34, 1903:98, 1904:58 1971:88rb
Cincinnati Branch 1897:38, 1897:81, 1898:34, 1902:70 Collecting in County Kerry 1953:4 Cincinnati Branch of the American Folk-Lore Society Collecting Miners’ Folklore 1945:109
1902:92 Collecting of Folk Music and Other Ethnomusicological
Cincinnati Branch, American Folklore Society 1946:121 Material, a Manual for Field Workers, The 1959:105rb
Cinderella a Century Ago 1964:72 “Collection and Study of Tales and Proverbs, The”
Cinderella Cycle, The 1952:97rb 1978:130rb
Cinderella Dressed in Yella 1981:89rb Collection de contes et chansons populaire. Tome XXIX. Cinderella in the Eastern Bisayas: With a Summary of the Contes Armeniens 1907:16rb
Philippine Folktale Collection de Voyages Illustres. Voyage en Patagonie
Cinderella. Three Hundred and Forty-Five Variants of 1901:62rb
Cinderella, Catskin, and Cap o’ Rushes 1893:71rb Collection International de la Tradition. Volume II. Les
Cinderella: A Folklore Casebook 1984:10rb livres de divination 1890:40rb | :
Circus and Culture, A Semiotic Approach 1979:12rb Collection International de la Tradition. Volume III. La Circus and Street: Psychosocial Aspects of the Black Toast Musique et la danse dans les tradition des Lithuaniens,
1972:33 les Allemands et les Grecs 1890:41rb
City of Women, The 1947:149rb Collection internationale de la tradition. Vol. IV. Traditions City Work at Country Prices: The Portrait Photographs of japonaises sur la chanson la musique et la danse
Duncan Donovan 1980:41rb 1890:127rb
Civilization 1937:37rb Collection internationale de la tradition. Vol. V. Les Clackamas Chinook Texts. Part 1 1959:49rb conciles et synodes dans leurs rapports avec la Clareti Enigmata: The Latin Riddles of Claret 1958:105rb traditionnisme 1890:128rb Clasificacion de las Adivinanzas Rioplatenses 1915:39 Collection internationale de la tradition. Vol. VI. Etudes
Class and Cultural Traditions in India 1958:77 traditionnistes 1890:129rb Classic American Graffiti 1979:27rb Collection of Airborne Cadence Chants, A 1965:5
Classical Myth and Legend in Renaissance Dictionaries, A Collection of Ballads and Folk Songs, A 1949:25ra Study of Renaissance Dictionaries in their Relation to Collection of Esthonian Folk-Lore 1902:53 the Classical Learning of Contemporary English Writers Collection of Folk Music in the Ozarks, The 1947:32
1957:34rb Collection of Folk Song, The 1914:5
Classical Ragtime Guitar 1985:83ra Collection of Folk-Lore in Finland 1892:7
Classification and Description of Ainu Folklore, The Collection of Folklore by Undergraduate Students of East
1951:119 : Tennessee State University, A 1968:32rb
Classification for Shaggy Dog Stories 1963:5 Collection of Folklore: Folksongs 1969:25rb
Classification of Formula Tales 1933:5 Collection of Highland Rites and Customs, A 1978:16rb Classification of Humor in Nez Perce Mythology 1954:9 Collection of Ladakhi Proverbs, A 1901:105rb
“Clerk Colvill” Mermaid, The 1947:76 Collection of Maryland Folklore, The 1898:2 Cleveland Folklore Society 1953:14 Collection of Slave Narratives Microfilmed 1945:55 Cleveland Folklore Society 1954:114 “Collection of Welsh Riddles, A” 1943:151rb
Clever Hands of the African Negro 1948:26rb Collections and Indexes: A Brief Review 1957:9
Clever Hero, The 1954:6 Collector's Obligation, The 1948:138
Click Go the Shears: Songs of Australia 1959:128ra College de France Requests Offprints 1968:47 Close to the Floor: Folk Dance in Newfoundland Colombian Ghost Story, A 1949:56
1987:26rb Colonial Ballads 1958:64rb
Clothed Images 1894:116 Colonial Days in Old New York 1969:158rb Clotheslines 1986:98rv Colonial Virginia: Its People and Customs 1971:90rb Clown’s Function, The 1945:4 Color in Personal Names 1903:54 Clure and Joe Williams: Legend and Blues Ballad 1968:71 Color-Symbolism of the Cardinal Points, The 1899:2
Coaching Roads of Old New England 1946:64rb Colorado 1906:17 | Coal Dust on the Fiddle 1967:20rb Colorado Folklore Society 1947:90, 1948:69, 1949:76,
Coal Dust on the Fiddle. Songs and Stories of the 1950:111, 1969:4 Bituminous Industry 1944:27rb Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities
Coalminingwomen 1985:5irv 1977:107 .
Coast Yuki Myths 1937:16 Columbia World Library of Folk and Primitive Music. Vol. Coasts of Illusion, The 1925:6rb : XV: Northern and Central Italy, The 1959:28ra Cochiti. A New Mexico Pueblo, Past and Present Columbia World Library of Folk and Primitive Music. Vol.
1961:34rb . XVI: Southern Italy and the Islands, The 1959:29ra
Cocina Prehispanica 1975:80rb Columbia World Library of Folk and Primitive Music, Vols. Cock of the Walk: The Legend of Pancho Villa 1957:31rb 1-14, The 1958:13ra
Cockney and His Dialect, The 1895:76 Columbian Museum of Chicago, The 1894:46
Cocks and Bulls in Caracas 1946:58rb Comanche Texts 1959:50rb
Codice Maya denominado Cortesiano, que se conserva en Come a Singing! Canadian Folk-Songs 1948:80rb
Title Index 433 “Come a-Waltzing Matilda.” Australian Folk-Lore and Conference on the Character and State of Studies in
Forgotten Tales 1957:77rb Folklore 1942:28, 1946:130
Come All Ye Bold Miners, rev. ed. 1981:27rb Conference Sequence: Patterned Narration and Narrative
Come and | Will Sing You 1987:18rb Inconsistency in the Odyssey, The 1972:95rb Come Day, Go Day, God Send Sunday: The Songs and Life Confession of Editorial Error 1965:38
Story, Told in His Own Words, of John Maguire, Confining Maidens in Alaska 1888:54 Traditional Singer and Farmer from Co. Fermanagh Conflict and Promise in Folklore 1952:28
1976:20rb Confluencias Culturales en el Folklore Argentino
Comedy and Centralization in Java: The Ludruk Plays 1946:158rb
1967:81 Congratulations to Professor Putnam 1906:24
Comment 1985:28 Congres International de Folklore 1938:11
“Comment on Professor Bauman’s Reply, A” 1969:44 Congres International des Traditions Populaires, The
Comments on Smith’s Yankee Proverb 1949:150 1900:79
Commerce of the Prairies 1971:125rb Congress in Edinburgh 1938:19 Commercial Parlor-Ballad to Folksong 1957:87 Congress of Americanists 1902:93
Committee on Copyright 1959:33 Congress of anthropology 1893:70
A. A. 1940:25 1893:14
Committee on Exchange of Publications by Individuals, A. Congress of Anthropology in the Columbian Exposition
Common Muse. An Anthology of Popular British Ballad Congress of Basque Studies 1899:83
Poetry XVth-XXth Century, The 1958:108rb Congresses at the Columbian Exposition 1893:133 Commonplace and Memorization in the Oral Tradition of Coniston Muster 1983:103rv the English and Scottish Popular Ballads 1961:24 Conjuring and Conjure-Doctors in the Southern United
Communal Composition of Ballads in the A. E. F. 1921:31 States 1896:25 Communal Rituals of the Nyakyusa 1960:137rb Conjuring and Conjure-Doctors in the Southern United
Communications 1942:35 States (continued) 1896:59
Compadrinazgo: Ritual Kinship in the Philippines Conjuring in Arkansas 1888:18
1980:120rb Conjuring Rats 1892:4, 1949:12, 1951:50
Comparative Dictionary of Maltese Proverbs, A 1973:93rb Consecration Ritual for a Blacksmith Novice Among the
Comparative Folk Tale Study 1951:129 Yakuts 1933:24
Comparative Literature 1949:111 Constitution of the American Folklore Society 1946:68 Comparative Note on Sorcery, A 1943:130 Construction Techniques in an Old Appalachian Mountain Comparative Notes on New-Mexican and Mexican Folk Dulcimer 1970:109
Tales 1914:13 Contemporary Calypso 1964:64
Comparative Studies in Nursery Rhymes 1969:159rb Contemporary Country-Western and Folk-Rock 1970:37ra Comparative Study of the Graven Glyphs of Copan and Contemporary Culture of the Cahita Indians, The
Quirigua. A Preliminary Paper., A 1894:88 1946:100rb
Comparative Vocabularies and Parallel Texts in Two Contemporary Folk Beliefs of a Slave Indian Band
Yuman Languages of Arizona 1947:142rb 1954:42
Comparison of Pueblo and Pima Musical Styles, A Contemporary Patterns of Malign Occultism among
1936:32 Negroes in North Carolina 1962:88
Comparison of Themes in Folktales by the General Inquirer Content and Context of Zulu Folk-Narratives 1978:98rb
System 1963:82 Content and Form of Yoruba Ijala, The 1968:62rb
Complete and Authentic Life of Jesse James, The Content and Style of Oral Literature: Clackamas Chinook
1955:25rb Myths, The 1960:28rb
Complete Catalogue of Sheet Music and Musical Works [Contents List of Journals Postponed to Next Number]
Published by the Board of Music Trade of the United 1893:134
States of America, 1870 1981:120rb Contes de Bucherons 1979:118rb Complete Irish Tinwhistle Tutor, The 1978:31rb Contes de Gascogne. 1956:54rb Complete Tales of Uncle Remus, The 1957:62rb Contes de Haute-Bretagne 1957:18rb Composite Myth of the Pomo Indians, A 1906:4 Contes de l'Ouest 1955:57rb Computer and the Finnish Historical-Geographical Method, “Contes de la Haute-Bretagne” 1894:139rb
The 1974:33 Contes de marins recueilles en Haute-Bretagne 1892:36rb
Computer Programs for Literary Analysis 1986:85rb Contes des Landes et des Greves 1901:58rb Con Safos: Mexican-Americans, Names and Graffiti Contes du Nivernais et du Morvan 1955:27rb
1975:10 Contes et chansons folkloriques des Hautes-Alpes 1969:116 Contes folkloriques des Hautes-Alpes 1957:17rb
Concept of Equivalence: A Polemical Analysis, The 1957:151rb
Concept of Motion as the Psychological Leitmotif of Contes Populaires Canadiens 1916:1, 1950:66 Navaho Life and Literature, The 1950:2 Contes Populaires Canadiens (Cinquieme Serie): Contes de Concepts and Structures of Maya Calendrical Arithmetic Quebec 1926:22
1948:115rb Contes Populaires Canadiens (Quatrieme serie) 1923:20
Concerning AFS Memoirs 1945:84 Contes Populaires Canadiens (Septieme Serie) 1940:10 Concerning Cultural Determinism 1971:103 Contes Populaires Canadiens (Sixieme Serie) 1931:25
Concerning Negro Sorcery in the United States 1890:103 Contes Populaires Canadiens (Troisieme Serie) 1919:2 Concerning the “Historical” and the “Local” Legends and Contes Populaires Canadiens: Seconde Serie 1917:1
Their Relatives 1971:13 Contes populaires gaspesiens 1954:94rb
Concise Dictionary of Holidays 1959:114rb Contes traditionnels du Bresil 1980:185rb Concise Dictionary of the American Language, A Contes turcs 1956:55rb
1957:69rb Context of Belief. A Consideration of Fetishism among the
Concordance of American Myths, A 1907:47 Yako, The 1960:30rb
Concordance of Ojibwa Narratives in the Published Works Contos tradicionais do Brasil 1947:100rb
of Henry R. Schoolcraft 1946:34 Contra Dance Book, The 1957:71rb
1975: 106rb 1971:5
Concordance to the Sayings in Franklin's Poor Richard, A Contribution of Folklore To Sociolinguistic Research, The
434 Journal of American Folklore Contribution to Passamaquoddy Folk-Lore, A 1890:102 Country Folks: A Handbook for Student Folklore Collectors
Contributions of Alchemy to Numismatics 1890:130rb 1980:12rb .
Contributions to New England Folk-Lore 1891:77 Country Music, U.S.A., rev. ed. 1986:82rb . Contributions to North American Ethnology. 1892:75rb Country Music, U.S.A.: A Fifty Year History 1970:68rb
{Contributions to Our Knowledge of the Dissemination of | “Country of the Neutrals, The” 1896:98rb | |
Bows and Spears within th 1894:145rb- : Country Road 1946:56rb Contributions to the Ethnography of the Kutchin Country School 1983:35rv . |
1938:33rb . - Country Songs of Vermont 1939:21rb 1893:19 Country: The Biggest Music in America 1980:19rb
Contributions to the Folk-Lore of New England 1889:104, Country-Western Music and the Urban Hillbilly 1970:45 Contributions Toward a Bibliography of Folk-Lore Relating Course in General Linguistics 1960:110rb
to Women 1899:5 Courting Songs 1956:131ra |
Contributions toward a Bibliography of Philippine Courtship Formulas of Southern Negroes 1895:42
Folk-Lore 1903:31 Courtship of Ferb, The 1903:19rb | Conventionalism in Ancient American Art 1888:58rb 1948:33rb | - | Control of Incest in Eskimo Folktales 1966:15 Cow-Tail Switch and Other West African Tales, The
Convicts and Currency Lads 1959:125ra Cowboy and Western Songs: A Comprehensive Anthology
Cooking with the Pennsylvania “Dutch” 1948:43rb 1972:45rb — : |
Cooper's Craft, The 1977:110rv Cowboy Dances 1943:28rb
“Coos Myth Tales” 1942:72rb Cowboy Hero, The 1982:50rb Coplas del Amor Feliz, Cancionero Folklorico de Mexico, Cowboy Poetry from Utah. An Anthology 1987:23rb Vol. 1 1977:59rb Cowboy Poetry: A Gathering 1987:22rb Corn Goddess and other Tales from Indian Canada, The Cowboy Reader, The 1960:91rb
1957:105rb | Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads 1941:26rb, Corn Is Life 1986:130rv Oo 1968:14rb | “Corn Mother in America and in Indonesia, The” Cowboy Songs, Ballads, and Cattle Calls from Texas
1953:57rb 1954:64ra |
Corn-Planting Rhyme 1897:78 | Cowman Says it Salty, The 1973:63rb
Cornell Studies in American History, Literature and Cowtown Columnist 1948:170rb _ -
Folklore 1944:11 Coyote and Little Pig 1902:11 1986:74rb Coyote Tales: A Paiute Commentary 1974:6
Cornkister Days: Portrait of a Land and Its Rituals, The Coyote Stories of the Navaho People 1976:13rb
Cornstalk Fiddle, The 1964:73 Coyote Was Going There: Indian Literature of the Oregon
Corpus Christi Festival at St. Mary’s, Pa. The 1898:53 Country 1980:60rb Corpus Christi Festival at St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania, The Coyote Wisdom 1940:8rb
1898:23 | Coyoteway: A Navajo Holyway Healing Ceremonial Correction 1905:73, 1978:78, 1979:96 1981:66rb :
Correction on “Amanda the Captive” 1950:73 CRAC 1983:104rv [Correction] 1893:73, 1908:23, 1908:64 Cracklin Bread and Asfidity: Folk Recipes and Remedies
Corrections 1900:39 1979:157rb Corrections of Address 1899:22 Cradle-Songs of Negroes in North Carolina 1894:111
Corrections to Be Made in Vol. VII 1895:16 Crafts of China -1980:75rb
Correspondence 1963:43 | Craftsmanship and Folklore 1940:13 Corridos & Calaveras 1962:73rb Craftsmen of Necessity 1976:19rb |
Corrigenda 1976:105, 1977:71, 1980:103 . Creation and Procreation, Cosmogony and Childbirth:
1940:30 Mythology 1987:115
Cosmography of Indians of Imbaburu Province Ecuador Reflections on “Ex Nihilo”, Earth Diver, and Emergence Cosmological Beliefs of the Cubeo Indians 1940:32 — Creation Myth and Acculturation in Acatan, Guatemala,
Cosmological Ideas Among the Indians of the Southern The 1943:42
Andes 1940:31 ) Creation Myth of the Assinaboines 1892:24
Cottonwood-Tree: Louisiana Superstition, The 1905:53 Creation Myth of the California Indians 1892:25
Council Fires 1950:31rb Creation Myth of the Tsimshians of Northwest British
Council Meeting of AFS 1913:8 oo Columbia, A 1891:7 oo
Counting the Apple-Pips 1913:30 Creation Myths of Primitive America 1969:148rb Counting-Out Rhyme 1918:19 Creation of a Mexican Memorate, The 1974:37 Counting-Out Rhyme, A 1892:59 Creative Role of Shamanism in Mescalero Apache
Counting-Out Rhymes 1903:73 . Mythology, The 1946:72
Counting-Out Rhymes of Children!Their Antiquity, Origin Creator Gods: Romantic Nationalism and the _
and Wide Distribution. A Study in Folk-Lore, The En-genderment of Women in Folklore, The 1987:126
1888:81rb Cree and Ojibwa Literary Terms 1906:84 __
Counting-Out Rhymes of Children, The 1970:133rb — Cree Hunters of Mistassini 1986:95rv
Counting-Out Rhymes of Children: A Study in Folk-Lore, Cree Trickster Tales 1929:27. _
The 1888:5 ' Creole Folk-Lore from Jamaica. I. Proverbs 1896:5
Counting-Out Rhymes: A Dictionary 1983:23rb Creole Folk-Lore from Jamaica II 1896:21 Country and Western Music Reissues 1986:94ra Creole Tales from Haiti 1937:31, 1938:46 |
Country Auction: The Paul V. Leitzel Estate Sale, A Cries of Defiance and Derision, and Rhythmic Chants of
1986:128rv, 1987:15rv West Side New York City, 1893-1903 1945:43
Country Camera, 1844-1914, A 1972:76rb Cries of Derision - A Cultural Trait 1945:75
Country Dance Book: The Best of the Square and Contra Critical Bibliography of American Folk Art, A 1980:33rb
Dances and All About Them, The 1979:32rb Critical Bibliography of Spoken Arabic Proverb Literature
Country Folk-Lore. Vol. IV. Printed Extracts No. 6. | 1952:13 . Examples of Printed Folk-Lore concerning Critical Views on Logan’s Speech 1947:34 Northumberland Critics and the Ballad, The 1962:98rb, 1974:5irb
1905:55rb Critique of Some Interpretations of Myths-and Fairy Tales,
Title Index 435 A 1967:35 Culture, The Diffusion Controversy 1927:20rb
Crockett Almanacks, Nashville Series, 1835-1838, The Cultures and Societies of Africa 1962:95rb
1956:113rb Cumboto 1951:111rb
Crooked Rib: An Analytical Index to the Argument About Cupid’s Arrow 1905:61 Women in English and Scots Literature to the End of Cure for an Aching Tooth 1900:11
the Year 1586, The 1976:25rb Cure for Cholera, A 1946:134
Cross Section of Mexican Life, A 1927:14rb Cures by Conjure Doctors 1899:67 Cross-Cultural Note on Verbal Dueling Games, A Curiosita popolari tradizionali. Vol. VI. Usi, credenze e
1971:105 pregiudici del Canavese 1890:125rb
Crossing the Back 1892:16 Curiosita popolari tradizionali. Vol VII. Credenze, usi e Crossing the Equator: Sailors’ Baptism and Other Initiation costumi abruzzesi 1890:126rb
Rites 1963:11rb Curiosita popolari tradizionali. Vol. X. Saggio di novelline,
Crow Curses 1959:38 canti ed usanzi popolari della Ciociaria 1891:96rb
1970:78rb 1970:84rb
Crow Killer, The Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson 1959:78rb, Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition and Folk-Lore
Crow Rapid-Speech Puzzles 1914:23 Curious Creatures in Zoology 1969:156rb
Crow Sun Dance, The 1914:8 Curious Relics of English Funerals 1894:87
Crow Texts 1960:144rb Curious Use for Salt-Casks, A 1903:60 Crow Word Lists. Crow-English and English-Crow Current Anthropology 1957:128
Vocabularies 1961:44rb Current Beliefs of the Kwakiutl Indians 1932:2
Croyances et Dictons Populaires des Environs de Current Folklore Bibliographies 1940:26
Trois-Rivieres (Canada) 1919:3 Current Hillbilly Recordings: A Review Article 1965:82ra Cuatro Cuentos Colombianos 1930:17 Current State and Problems of Folklore in Mexico Cuban-American Experience: Culture, Images, and 1948:135
Perspectives, The 1985:74rb Current Status of Mexican Indian Folklore Studies, The
Cuchullin Saga in Irish Literature. Being a Collection of 1948:136 Stories Relating to the Hero Cuchullin, The 1899:37rb Current Superstitions 1896:9rb
Cuentes Mixes 1958:100rb Current Superstitions | 1889:4
Cuento en Mexicano de Milpa Alta D.F, 1920:2 Current Superstitions II 1889:37 Cuentos en Mexicano de Milpa Alta D.F. 1920:1 Current Superstitions, Collected from the Oral Tradition of Cuentos Espanoles de Colorado y de Nuevo Mejico English-Speaking Folk in America, Part II] 1899:11rb
1942:1 Curtin’s Irish Folklore Rechecked 1938:15
Cuentos Espanoles de Colorado y de Nuevo Mejico Cushing Memorial Volume 1901:44
(Primera Serie) 1939:46 Custer and the Epic of Defeat 1975:13, 1978:69rb
Cuentos Espanoles de Colorado y de Nuevo Mejico. Custom Observed in Planting a Fruit-Tree 1889:112 Spanish Originals with English Summaries 1958:99rb Custom of “Measuring” Sick Children 1892:97
Cuentos folkloricos de Chile, Vol III 1965:60rb Custom of Wearing Gold Beads 1895:12 Cuentos folkloricos de Chile, Vol. 1 1965:58rb Customs and Fashions in Old New England 1893:132rb Cuentos folkloricos de Chile, Vol. II 1965:59rb Customs and Superstitions in Louisiana 1888:36 Cuentos Folkloricos de la Argentina. Primera serie Customs and Superstitions of the Rio Grande 1895:13
1961:36rb, 1964:102rb Customs of the Chapel, The 1947:115
Cuentos folkloricos del Ecuador 1967:42rb Customs of the Chinese in America 1890:70 Cuentos Populares de Guatemala 1918:28 Customs of the Indians of Western Tehama County
Cuentos populares espanoles, J-II]_ 1948:78rb 1906: 46
Cuentos y Leyendas de Mexico 1943:34rb Cut-Eye and Suck-Teeth: African Words and Gestures in
Culinary Anthropology Journal 1968:108 New World Guise 1976:53
Cult and Conflict in Tropical Polynesia: A Study of Cycles of Conquest: The Impact of Spain, Mexico, and the
Traditional Religion, Christianity and Nativistic United States on the Indians of the Movements Southwest--1533-1960 1984:66rb 1965:55rb Cult and Countercult: A Study of a Spiritual Growth Group Cycles of the Kings, The 1951:30rb
and A Witchcraft Order 1982:116rb Cynthia Gooding Sings Turkish and Spanish Folk Songs
Cult of Asklepios, The 1894:142rb 1954:139ra Cultivation of Saga in Anglo-Saxon England, The 1941:20rb Cultos Afroamericanos 1974:129rb Cults of the Dead Among the Nayars 1958:89
Cultura egonomica e culture subalterne: Rassegna degli D. K. Wilgus’ Album Notes 1970:41 Studi sul mondo popolore tradizionale 1974:74rb D. L. Menard: Cajun Musician 1984:28rv
Cultura Espanola 1908:22rb Da-ra-sa-kwa.--A Caughnawaga Legend 1906:40
Cultural Confusion on the Playground 1971:64 Dab Neeg Hmoob: Myths, Legends & Folktales from the Cultural Functions of the Efik Tone Riddle 1958:26 Hmong of Laos 1987:100rb Cultural Stability and Change among the Montagnais Daemon in the Wood, The 1980:158rb Indians of the Lake Melville Region of Labrador Dahomean Narrative, A Cross Cultural Analysis 1959:60rb
1965:105rb Dahomey Suite for Oboe and Piano 1960:155ra
Culture and Communication: The Logic by which Symbols Dahomey: An Ancient West African Kingdom 1940:21rb
Structuralist The 1937:22rb
are Connected (An Introduction to the Use of Daina, an Anthology of Lithuanian and Latvian Folk-Songs,
Analysis in Social Anthropology) 1979:148rb Daisy Chain, The 1962:71 Culture and Conquest: America’s Spanish Heritage Dakota Legend 1889:13
1961:11rb Dakota Legend of the Head of Gold 1900:76
Culture Heroes and Defied Kings 1894:67rb Dakota Legend of the Head of Gold 1901:51
1964:76rb 1979:167rb
Culture in History, Essays in Honor of Paul Radin Dan Emmett and the Rise of Early Negro Minstrelsy
436 Journal of American Folklore Dance Across Texas 1987:25rb Davy Crockett: American Comic Legend 1980:88rb Dance among the lowas 1891:46 Dawn of the World. Myths and Weird Tales told by the Dance and Human History: Movement Style and Culture Mewan Indians of California, The 1910:10rb
#1 1980:105rv De gamle vijses exempler oc hoffsprock 1956:60rb Dance Encyclopedia, The 1950:28rb 1983:42
Dance Composition: The Basic Elements 1966:105rb De Legendis Urbis: Modern Legends in Ancient Rome
Dance Index 1942:32 “De Los’ Ell an’ Yard” 1897:72
Dance Quest in Celebes 1941:36rb De Mortillet as Folk-Lorist 1902:27 Dance Relatives of Mid-Europe and Middle America: A De Oude Viaamse Bedevaartvaantjes: Hun Volkskundige en
Venture in Comparative Choreology 1956:79 Cultuurhistorische Betekenis 1970:66rb Dance Songs and Tales from the Bahamas. 1930:21 De Secon’ Flood: Story of a Negro Nurse 1898:47 Dance to the Fiddle, March to the Fife: Instrumental Folk De Witch-‘ooman an’ de Spinnin’-Wheel. The Witch
Tunes in Pennsylvania 1984:85rb Prevented from Reentering Her Skin: A Tale from
Dance-Rhyme of Children in Brooklyn, N.Y., A 1899:74 Louisiana 1905:54 Dance: A Basic Educational Technique 1943:29rb Dead Sea Scrolls, The 1956:121rb
Dance: An Historical Survey of Dancing in Europe, The Dean Faulkner Folk Story Series 1954:141ra
1973:62rb Dear Dog, Bulldog: Talking Traditions and Singing Blues
Dances and STories of the American Indian 1951:67rb in Arkansas Schools 1985:107rv
“Dances of Anatolian Turkey” 1960:65rb Dear Ones at Home: Letters from Contraband Camps
Dances of Early California Days 1951:153rb 1968:40rb
Dancing: A Handbook of the Terpsichorean Arts in Diverse Death and Funeral Customs among the Omahas 1889:2
Places and Times, Savage and Civilized 1971:91rb Death at the Ebbing of the Tide 1898:30
Danish Ballads and Folksongs 1968:103rb {Death Board Used in Mortuary Ceremonials in the Danish Emigrant Ballads and Songs 1985:78rb Bohemian Forest] 1894:141rb Danish Settlements on the Canadian Prairies: Folk Death Customs: An Analytical Study of Burial Rites Traditions, Immigrant Experiences, and Local History 1975:120rb
1978:132rb Death of Andrew Lang, The 1912:28
Danmarks Byremser 1959:115rb Death of Atahuallpa, The 1961:59 Danses Populaires de Wallonie 1966:35rb [Death of Frank Russell] 1903:88 Dansk Folkedigtning 1968:31rb Death Rituals of Rural Greece, The 1984:16rb
Dansk Folketradition 1966:20rb Death Signs and Weather Signs from Newfoundland and
Danske Folkesagn 1959:76rb Labrador 1900:77 Daredevils of Sassoun: The Armenian National Epic Death Valley and Its Country 1949:80 1966:5irb Deccan Nursery Tales, or, Fairy Tales from the South
Das Alter der Wirtschaftlichen Kultur der Menschheit. Ein 1975:113rb
Ruckblick und ein Ausblick 1905:79rb December's Child: A Book of Chumash Oral Narratives
Das Altere Volkslied 1901:32rb 1978:71rb
Das Asylricht der Naturvolker 1905:15rb Declined for Review 1974:26rb Das Blutaberglaube in der Menschenheit, Blutmorde und Decoration of a New-Built House 1893:60
Blutritus. Zugleich eine Anwort auf die Decoration of Graves of Negroes in South Carolina Herausfordenrung 1891:71 des “Osservatore Catolico.” Vierte, neue beartraitete Decoration of Negro Graves 1892:20
Auflage 1893:30rb Decorative Art of the Amur Tribes, The 1902:74rb Das bohmische Bauernhaus 1896:105rb Decorative Designs of the Ojibwa of Northern Minnesota Das Deutsche Volksliedarchiv 1951:96 1950:47rb Das Erbe des Ostdeutschen volksgesanges: Geschichte und Decreasing Power of Myth on Ulithi, The 1962:41
Verzeichnis seiner Quellen und Sammlungen Deep Down in the Jungle: Negro Narrative Folklore from
1958:42rb the Streets of Philadelphia 1965:116rb, 1972:49rb
Das Ich und die sittlichen Ideen im Leben der Volker. Deep Sea Chanteys and Whaling Ballads 1948:77ra
Vierte Auflage 1906:30rb Deep the Water, Shallow the Shore 1975:29rb
Das Kind auf der antiken Buhne. Abhandlung zu dem Deer-Hunt Complex in Louisiana, The 1949:55 Jahresberichte des Wilhelm-Ernst-Gymnasiums Defend Nathhorst (If You Wish) 1973:9
1906:59rb Defiant Maids and Stubborn Farmers: Tradition and
Das Marchen von dem Machandelboom (KMH 47): Der Invention in Mende Story Performance 1984:6rb Marchentypus AT 720 My Mother Slew Me, My Father Defoe’s “Blow-bladder Street” in A Journal of the Plague Ate Me 1982:62rb Year 1974:36
Das Pferd im arischen Altertum 1906:32rb Deities of the Early New England Indians, The 1899:47 Das Sexuelle Leben der Naturvolker. 2te stark vermehrte Del Mero Corazon (Straight from the Heart) 1982:28rv
Auflage 1903:74rb Delaware Folklore Society 1951:58 —
Das Sprichwort in unserer Zeit 1978:25rb Delaware Folklore Society, The 1969:5
Das Weib im Altindischen Epos. Ein Beitrag zur indischen Delaware's Forgotten Folk: The Story of the Moors and
und zur vergleichenden Kulturgeschichte 1916:25rb Nanticokes. 1944:102rb
1948:133 1986:106rb
Data on Nakedness and Related Traits in Hungary Deliverance et convivalite: Le Systeme culinaire des Jaina
Daughter of Alouette, The 1897:62rb Delta Blues Singer: James “Sonny Ford” Thomas
Daughter of the Samurai, A 1956:62rb 1976:108rv Columbia, The 1891:6 North Carolina, The 1892:49
Daughter of the Sun: A Legend of the Tsimshians of British Demon of Consumption. A Legend of the Cherokees in
Daughters of the Earth: The Lives and Legends of Demon Possession and Allied Themes. Second Edition with
American Indian Women 1980:126rb-— Corrections and Supplement 1896:90rb David and Goliath in St. Kitts 1896:84 Demon-Worship in Southern India 1894:40 David Crockett: The Man and the Legend 1958:44rb Demoniacal Possession in Angola, Africa 1893:108 David of Sassoun: The Armenian Folk Epic in Four Cycles Demos, Volkskundliche Informationen 1962:20rb
1967:9rb Dena’ina Sukdu’a: Traditional Stories of the Tanaina
Title Index 437 Athabaskans 1986:62rb Development of the Trickster in Children’s Narrative, The Denetsosie 1976:28rb 1977:3 Denham Tracts, The 1896:93rb Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America, The Departure of the Nshie: A North Nsukka Ibo Origin Legend 1983:79rb
1965:35 “Devil and His Imps, The” 1896:103rb
Der Alruan: Ein Beitrag Zur Pflanzensagenkunde Devil Bush of West Africa, The 1896:56
1918:42rb Devil Tales 1901:23rb
Der Bergbau und seine Kultur: Eine Welt zwischen Dunkel Devil’s Ditties. Being Stories of the Kentucky Mountain
und Licht 1984:118rb People with the Songs They Sing 1932:10rb
Der Gestirndienst der alten Araber und die altisraelitische Devil’s Grandmother, The 1900:69 Ueberlieferung. Vortrag gehalten im Verein fur judische Devil’s Pretty Daughter and Other Ozark Folk Tales, The
Geschichte und Literatur zu Berlin am 5, December, 1956:49rb
1899 1902:36rb Devinettes de la Haute-Bretagne 1890:32rb
“Der Menschheitsgedanke durch Raum und Zeit. Ein Dew on Jordan 1948:87rb Beitrag zur Anthropologie und Et 1902:75rb Di Folkloristik: A Good Yiddish Word 1985:57 Der Pflug und das Pflugen bei den Romern und in Diabolic Root: A Study of Peyotism, the New Indian
Mitteleuropa in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Eine Religion, among the Delaware, The 1936:9rb vergleichende agrargeschichtliche, kulturgeschictliche Dialect and Folk-Lore of Northamptonshire, The
und archaologische Studie zugleich als ein Beitrag zur 1972:115rb
Besiedlungsgeschicte. 1906:33rb Dialect of Railway Employees, The 1891:59 Der Richtige Berliner in Wortern und Redensarten. Sechste Dialect Stories of the Upper Peninsula: A New Form of
Auflage 1905:85rb American Folklore 1948:50
Der Roman einer Tibetischen Konigin. Tibetischer Text und Dialect, Proverbs, and Work Lore 1969:161rb
Uebersetzung 1911:12rb Diamond Jenness (1886-1969) 1970:53
“Der Skonk Pole Cat” 1945:77 Diary of Anna Green Winslow. A Boston Schoolgirl in Der Traum des Baume!A Religious Song from the Middle 1771 1895:25rb
Ages 1965:10 Dicette Pulicenella...; Inchiesta di antropologia culturale “Der Traum des Baume” 1965:94 sulla Campania Der Ursprung der Gottesidee, Eine Historiche-Kritische und Dicionario do folclore brasileiro 1957:29rb Positive Studie: Teil II, Die Religionen der Urvoiker: Dickens and the Invisible World: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, and
Band II, Die Religionen der Urvolkers Americas Novel-Making 1982:102rb
1930:32rb Dickon Among the Lenape Indians 1940:23rb
Der Ursprung des Totemismus. Ein Beitrag zur Dictionary of American Folklore 1960:92rb materialistischen Geschichtstheorie 1901:101rb Dictionary of American Proverbs 1956:117rb Der Wechselbalg; ein Beitrag zum Aberglauben der Dictionary of American Slang 1962:54rb
nordeuropaischen Volker 1937:32rb Dictionary of American Underworld Lingo 1953:50rb
Der Witz. Figuren, Formen, Funktionen 1980:66rb Dictionary of British Folk-Tales, A 1971:46rb Derivation of Names of Female Acrobats 1890:120 Dictionary of California Land Names, The
Descintece din Cornova-Basarabia 1986:67rb 1948:166rb
“Description of Thirty Towns in Yucatan, A” Dictionary of International Slurs, A 1981:90rb
1945:63rb Dictionary of Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases from Books
1950:165rb 1962:56rb
Desert People: A Study of the Papago Indian, The Published by Indiana Authors Before 1890, A
Deshilados 1920:7 Dictionary of Spanish Literature 1957:70rb
1972:4 1971:83rb
Desiderio Arias: Caudillo, Bandit, and Culture Hero Dictionary of Superstitions and Mythology, A
Destiny of a King, The 1975:36rb Dictionary of the American Indian 1960:151rb
Destiny of the Warrior, The 1972:94rb Dictionary of the American West 1969:93rb
Destruction of the Tusayan Monsters, The 1895:34 Dictionary of the Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and
Det lille Folk 1966:22rb Seventeenth Centuries, A 1951:142rb 1966:21rb Did You Feed My Cow? Rhymes and Games from City
Det 15. Nordiske Folkelivs- og Folkemindeforskermode Dictionary of World Literature, A 1944:49rb
Deutsche Marchen vor Grimm 1940:4rb Streets and Country Lanes Deutsche Sagen 1980:34rb, 1980:86rb Die Altenglischen Kleidernamen. Eine kultur-
Deutsche Sprichworter und Redensarten 1980:35rb geschichtlich-etymologische Untersuchung. Deutsche Volkskunde zwischen Germanistik und Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde
Sozialwissenschaften 1973:80rb der hohen philosophischen Fakultat der Deutsche Volkslieder 1947:134 Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat zu Heidelberg. 1906:35rb Deutsche Volkslieder demokratischen Charakters aus sechs Die Anfange der Anatomie bei den alten Kulturvolkern. Ein
Jahrhunderten, Band II 1963:107rb Beitrag zur Geschichte der Anatomie 1906:34rb
Deutsche volkslieder mit ihren Melodien, vol 3, Balladen, Die Anmut des Frauenliebes. Mit nahezu 300 Abbildungen
part 3, second half 1956:24rb nach Original-photographien 1905:77rb
1941:55rb 1961:63rb
Deutsche Volkslieder mit ihren Melodiens: Balladen Die Ausrustung des Menschen fur seinen Lebensweg Deutsche Volksschauspiele. In Steiermark gesamelt, etc., Die Bakairi-Sprache. Worterverzeichnis, Satze, Sagen,
nebst ‘Leiden Christi’ aus Karnten 1891:112rb Grammatik. Mit Beitragen zu einer Lautlehre der
Deutsches Jahrbuch fur Volkskunde 1956:53rb karaibischen Grundsprache 1892:141rb
Deutsches Kinderlied und Kinderspiel 1970:24rb Die Bauernhauser des Kantons Graubunden, Band I: Die
Development of a Primitive Myth 1892:50 Wohnbauten 1967:87rb
Development of Carpentry, 1200-1700: An Essex Study, Die Bildhaften Sprichworter der Romanen, II. Der Mensch
The 1975:70rb im Sprichwort der romanischen Volker 1937:20rb
Development of Farm Buildings in Western Lowland Die Braut muss billig sein! Ein bosnisch Singspiel
Staffordshire up to 1880, The 1975:71rb 1903:24rb
Development of Folklore in Turkey, The 1945:74 Die Denkschopfung umgebender Welt aus kosmogonischen
438 Journal of American Folklore Vorstellungen in Cultur und Uncultur. Mit Directory of UCLA Ethnomusicology Graduates
schematischen Abrissen und 4 Tafeln 1896:32rb 1978:147rb oe
Die Entwicklung der Pflanzenkenntnis beim Kinde und bei “Discoverer-of-the-Sun”: Mythology as a Reflection of
Volkern. Mit einer Einleitung: Logik der statistischen Culture 1966:2 Methode. Mit 14 Kinderzeichnungen 1901:104rb Discovering Saskatchewan Folklore: Three Case Studies Die erste Sammlung der lettischen Volkslieder von Gustav 1985:3irb
Bergmann 1963:108rb Discussion from the Floor 1959:54
Die Geheimsymbole der Chemie und Medicin des Diseases of Children 1903:52 Mittelaiters. Eine Zusammenstellung der von den Disenchantment by Decapitation 1905:1 . Mystikern und Alchymisten gebrauchten geheimen Dissemination of Tales Among the Native of North
Zeichenschrift, nebst einem kurzgefassten America 1891:2 — |
geheimwissenschaftlichen Lexicon Mit 120 Distant Voices: Poetry of the Preliterate 1980:164rb
lithographierten Tafein 1901:34rb Distribution and Relative Frequency of Folktale Types in
Die geografische Verbreitung einer nordischen Spanish South America, The 1955:17
Thiermarchenkette in Finland. Durch eine Karte District of Columbia Fire Fighters’ Project: A Case Study in
erlautert 1894:64rb Occupational Folklore, The 1987:59rb
Die Heilgotter und Heilstatten des Altertums, Eine Divination in South Africa 1898:45
archaologisch-medizinische Studie 1906:31rb Divination with an Egg 1893:59 .
Die heilige Hinterecke im Hauskult der Volker Divination with the Sifter 1892:15
Nordosteuropas und Nordasiens 1954:49rb Divine Horsemen: The Voodoo Gods of Haiti 1971:47rb
Die Heimat des Puppenspiels 1901:103rb Divine Twins: An Indo-European Myth in Germanic
Die Jaguarzwillinge. Ursprungssagen und Marchen Tradition, The 1970:60rb .
brasilianischer Indianer. Auf Forschungsreisen Dixie’s Forgotten People: The South’s Poor Whites
aufgenommen und aus dem Schrifttum ausgewahlt 1982:51rb
1960:70rb Do in Rome as the Romans Do 1903:61
Die kosmologischen und kosmogonischen Vorstellung Doc Hopkins 1973:107ra
primitiver Volker 1897:86rb | Doc Watson with Clint Howard and Fred Price 1977:33rv
Die Marchen von Klugen Ratsellosern, Eine Vergleichende Doctor to the Dead, The 1972:117rb
Untersuchung 1929:5rb . Doctrine of Souls and of Disease among the Chinook
Die Musik im Bismarck-Archipel: Musikethnologische Indians, The 1893:6
Studien zur Kulturkreislehre und Rassenfarschung Doctrine of Survivals, The 1936:27rb
1940:22rb . Documents anatoliens sur les Langues et les Traditions du
Die Mutter bei den Volkern des Arischen Stammes. Eine Caucase. II. Textes Qubykhs. 1964:46rb anthropologisch-historisch Skizze als Beitrag zur Dog Ghosts and Other Texas Negro Folk Tales
Losung der Frauenfrage 1888:84rb 1959:110rb Arktis 1964:81rb. Doing the Wash: An Expressive Culture and Personality
Die Religionen Nordeurasiens und der amerikanischen Dog in Folktales, The 1972:90
Die religiosen Vorstellungen der Mordwinen 1954:45rb Study of a Joke and Its Tellers 1979:62rb Die Sagen der Monathlichen Unterredungen Otto von Doll Exhibition 1903:72
Grabens zum Stein 1962:77rb “Dolls of the Tusayan Indians” 1894:133rb
Die samoanische Schopfungs-Sage und Anschliessendes aus Dolos: Creole Proverbs of French Guiana 1951:75
der Sudsee 1895:60rb Don Gypsy 1938:38rb
“Die Schlange im Volksglaube der Indonesier” 1894:69rb Don Jose de San Martin 1926:12rb
Die Speisung der Toten 1903:36rb Don Juan Legend in Literature, The 1908:33 Die Tacana. Ergebnisse der Frobenius Expedition nach Don Montoucet joue l’accordeon 1984:29rv Bolivien 1952 bis 1954. Volume One: Die Tacana. Don Quijote’s Housekeeper--Algebrista? 1973:115
Erzahlungsgut 1964:103rb Don’t Go Up Kettle Creek: Verbal Legacy of the Upper
Die Toten im Recht nach der Lehre und den Normen des Cumberland 1984:119rb _ -
orthodoxen morgenlandischen Kircherechts und der “Donald Monroe,” A Canadian Version of a Scottish
Gesetzgebung Griechenlands 1905:84rb Folksong 1942:27
Die Vereinogtem Konigreiche Koratien und Slavonien Donegal Piper; Irish Bagpipe Tunes, The 1962:34ra
1889:93rb Donegal Piper: Irish Bagpipe Tunes, Played on the Irish
Die Volkskunde in de Jahren 1897-1902. Berichte Uber Bagpipes by Neil A. Duddy. 2 Vols., The 1969:55ra
Neuerscheinungen 1904:21rb Doom of the Katt-a-quins. From the Aboriginal Folk-Lore Die Wahl- und Denkspruche 1970:25rb of Southern Alaska, The 1892:88 © Die Werke Maistre Francois Villons 1904:19rb Dorothy's World. Childhood in Sabine Bottom 1902-1910
Die Wiederholungslieder der Estnischen Volkspoesie. 1980:16rb
Volume 1 1903:23rb. Dorsey Centenary 1948:108 1900:17rb Double Invitation in the Legend of Don Juan, The
“Die Zeugung in Sitte, Brauch und Glauben der Sudslaven” Dostoevskij’s Use of Russian Folklore 1956:75
Diegueno Identification of Color with the Cardinal Points 1944:25rb
1908:9 © oo Double Life 1902:58
Differential Identity and the Social Base of Folklore Doughnut, The 1905:30 —_-
1971:4 / Down by the Riverside: A South Carolina Slave
Diffusion of Popular Tales, The 1888:3 Community 1985:73rb |
Diffusion of song-games, The 1893:46 oo Down in the Hollar: A Gallery of Ozark Folk Speech
Digenis Akritas. The Byzantine Epic in History and Poetry 1954:100rb, 1980:137rb
1944:56rb . Down in the Valley 1948:155, 1950:122rb __
Digression in Oral Narrative: A Case Study of Individual Down-East Spirituals and Others 1945:85rb
Remarks. by Turkish Romance Tellers 1986:2 Downhome and Urban Blues 1982:12ra | Dine: Origin Myths of Navajo Indians, The 1957:103rb Dowsing: The Psi Connection 1980:131rb
Dinka and Their Songs, The 1978:137rb. Dr. John H. Hinton 1906:25
Directions in Pacific Traditional Literature: Essays in Dr. Krauss’s Tribute to Mr. Newell 1907:49.
Honor of Katharine Luomala 1978:12rb Dragons and Dragon Lore 1970:30rb
Title Index 439 Drama in First-Naming Ceremonies 1951:2 East European Abstracts 1947:86
Drama in Shaman Exorcism 1953:26 Easter Book, The 1955:24rb
Drama in War 1955:62 Easter Eggs 1967:1
Drama of the Filipinos, The 1904:52 Easter Rock: A Louisiana Negro Ceremony 1942:54 Draumkvaede: An Edition and Study 1977:88rb Eastern Cheremis Manual, An 1963:67rb
Drawing a Cross for Luck 1892:134 Eastern Music 1968:68
Drawing a Cross to Avert Ill-Luck 1892:61 Eastern Timbira, The 1948:79rb Dream and the Deal: The Federal Writers’ Project, Ebsworth and the Roxburghe Ballads 1948:131
1935-1943, The 1976:98rb Echoes of Africa in Folk Songs of the Americas
“Dream-Bread” Story Once More, The 1921:24 1969:145rb Dream in Mohave Life, The 1947:74 Eclipse of Solar Mythology, The 1955:103
Dream in Primitive Culture, The 1936:37rb Ecrits Louisianais du Dix-Neuvieme Siecle. Nouvelles,
Dress Clothing of the Plains Indians 1980:9rb Contes et Fables 1982:46rb
Drum and the Hoe. Life and Lore of the Haitian People, Ed Nichols Rode a Horse 1944:80rb
The 1961:62rb Editor of Journal of American Folklore Invites Comments
Drums and Shadows: Survival Studies Among the Georgia on the Special Issue Folklore Research Around the
Coastal Negroes 1942:71 World, The 1962:102
Drums of the Yoruba of Nigeria 1955:99ra Editors Aubade 1976:56 Drunken King, or The Origin of the State, The 1984:7rb Editor's Note 1890:110, 1898:59, 1900:42, 1975:124, Dry Wood 1977:25rv 1976:7 Du Cote de Memphis [In the Direction of Memphis] Editor’s Page, The 1948:10, 1950:7,
1983:32rv Editor's Report, 1940 1941:11
Du Folklore suedois en Finlande 1893:93rb Editorial Changes 1945:81, 1950:145 Dual Function of the “Little People” of the Forest in the Editorial Council 1947:132
Lives of the Wolof, The 1958:5 Editorial Statement 1974:2, 1976:90
Duke Tritton, Australian Sheep-Shearer 1976:117rv Editors for Brown Collection Announced 1944:94 Duke University to Publish Folklore Collection 1944:12 Editors’ Page, The 1949:9, 1950:103, 1951:84 Dulcimer Maker: The Craft of Homer Ledford 1985:10irb Edoth 1947:89
Dumb Wife, The 1949:10, 1949:148 Edoth (“Communities”), a Quarterly for Folklore and
Dumezil: A Review Essay 1976:61 Ethnology 1946:98rb Duncan Emrich (1908-1977) 1978:59 Eduardo the Healer 1982:126rv Dust on the Folklorists 1944:38 “Education by Plays and Games” 1894:135rb
Dusty Desert Tales 1943:61rb Eesti Rahvaviiside Antologia, I: Anthologia Cantuum
Dutch Proverbs 1902:48 Popularium Estonorum 1938:29rb
Dying Stockman: A Ballad, The 1958:62rb Effects of Acculturation on Eskimo Music of Cumberland
Dynamics of Culture Change, The 1947:69rb Peninsula, The 1980:170rb
Effects of Acculturation on the Traditional Narratives of
Palau, The 1971:100
; Efik Tone Riddles and Anang Proverb-Riddles 1961:55 Eger and Grime 1934:13rb
E. W. Howe as Proverb Maker 1972:9 Egg at Easter: A Folklore Study, An 1972:22rb Eachtra an Madra Maoil. Eachtra Macaoim-an-iolair. Two Eglienceli Hikayeler 1948:113rb
Irish Arthurian Romances 1909:39rb Egyptian Rabbi Trickster, An 1966:92
Eaglehawk and Crow. A Study of the Australian Ehebruchschwanke in Liedform 1980:77rb Aborigines, Including an Inquiry into Their Origin and Eight Stories from Acoma 1930:2
a Survey of Australian Languages 1901:61rb Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1907:9 Ear-Flyers and Related Motifs in the Gilbert Islands and Its “Eighteenth-Century “Bear Story, An 1972:62
Neighbors, The 1973:74 Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society
Ear-Sleeper Motif in Navaho Mythology?, The 1977:117 1896:62, 1896:87, 1897:6 Ear-Sleepers: Some Permutations of a Traveler's Tale, The Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the
1963:36 Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1893:128rb
Earliest English Version of the Fables of Bidpai, “The Eighth Day Festival on Miyakejima, The 1963:49
Morall Philosophie of Doni”, The 1888:83rb Eighth Memoir of the AFS 1904:12
Early American Ballads 1899:59 Eighth Report on the Northwestern Tribes of Canada
Early American Ballads II 1900:26 1893:34rb
Early American Collection of Rogue’s Cant, An 1966:90 Ein Geniestreich. Volkstuck in funf Aufzugen oder neun
Early American Folk Song, An 1950:8 Bildern 1903:77rb
Early American Gravestone Art in Photographs Einige Zaubersteine und Zauberpflanzen im
1981:103rb Volksaberglauben der Finnen 1960:138rb
Early American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases Eisagoge sten Hellenike Laographia 1980:181irb
1979:106rb El Cancion del Rancho de los Olmos 1923:14
1980:20rb mexicano 1973:92rb
Early Down-Home Blues: A Musical and Cultural Analysis El chingoles: primer diccionario del lenguaje popular
Early English Meals and Manners 1970:138rb El Folklore de Oaxaca 1918:40rb
Early History of the Cherokees 1888:74 El Folklore en la Literature 1923:8 Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans 1948:41rb El Folklore en Los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica
Early Nantucket and Its Whale Houses 1967:86rb 1956:52rb
“Early Navajo and Apache, The” 1896:40rb E] Nacimiento del Nino Dios 1975:75rb
Early Peruvian Folk Music 1960:45 El Romance Espanol y el Corrido Mexicano, Estudio
Early Songs from North Carolina 1901:90 Comparativo 1941:60rb
Early Version of the “Tar Baby” Story, An 1981:99 El Romancero judeo-espanol en el Archivo Menendez-Pidal
Early Wisconsin through the Comic Looking-Glass (Catalogo-indice de romances y conciones) 1981:18rb
1953:46rb El Sombrero Chambergo 1920:10
Earthquakes 1906:76 El Tema de Delgadina en el Folk-Lore de Santiago de
440 Journal of American Folklore Cuba 1920:5 English Folk-Songs from the Southern Appalachians
Elder or Poetic Edda, commonly known as Saemund's 1954:29rb
Edda, Part I. The Mythological Poems, The 1909:12rb English Folk-Tales in America 1888:71, 1889:11, 1889:72,
Elektra Grant-in-Aid, The 1956:85 1890:105, 1899:27 .
“Elements of Mazetec Witchcraft, The” 1941:42rb English Folk-Tales in America: The Three Brothers and the
Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation Resident Research Hag 1895:36
Grants 1977:51 English Folklore 1942:37rb
Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore English Gentry: Aspects of Class Lore and Traditional
Society 1899:52, 1899:78, 1900:6 _ Prejudice, The 1975:55
Eleventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the English Gypsies and Their Language, The 1970:91rb
Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1889-90 English Gypsy Lore Society, The 1921:37
1895:104rb English Mummers and Their Plays: Traces of Ancient
Elitelore 1974:124rb Mystery, The 1971:107rb
Elizabethan Fairies, The 1931:24rb English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases 1970:90rb Ellenika Dimotkia Tragoudia 1960:99rb English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases: A Hlstorical Elli Kaija Kongas Maranda (1932-1982) 1983:112 Dictionary 1970:88rb
Eloise Ramsay, 1886-1964 1965:43 English Riddles from Oral Tradition 1951:149rb
Elsie Clews Parsons 1943:6 . English Ritual Drama: A Geographic Index 1969:88rb Elsie Clews Parsons Folklore Prize, The 1984:49 English Street Songs 1957:114ra
Elves of Old Mexico, The 1914:15 English Tradition 1970:93
Emblematic Use of the Tree in the Dakota Group. Read English Traditional Lore: To Which is Added Customs of before the American Association for the Advancement Foreign Countries and Peoples 1969:162rb
of Science, The 1896:101rb . English Traditional Songs and Carols 1976:33rb Emergence, The 1928:16 English, Scottish, and American Versions of “Twa Sisters”, Emigrant Experience: Songs of Highland Emigrants in The 1929:19
North America, The 1983:114rb English, Scottish, and Irish Tradition 1985:48ra
Emily Dickinson's “Babes in the Woods”: A Ballad Reborn Ensayo de una Bibliografia de las Leyendas Troyanas en la
1977:113 . Literatura Espanola 1944:29rb
Emotional Distance in the Narration of Legends 1975:57 Ephesus 1978:52rv — Empire's Children: The People of Tzintzuntzan 1949:31rb Epic of Palinadu: a Study and Translation of “Palnati En torno romancero sefardi (Hispanismo y balcanismo de Virula Katha,” a Teluga Oral Tradition from Andhra
1986:6 ; 1987:105rb _
la tradicion judeo-espanola) 1984:96rb Pradesh, India, The 1984:92rb
Encounters of the Fifth Type from a Martian Dictionary Epic of Son-Jara: A West African Tradition, The
Encyclopedia of Fairies, An 1979:31rb- Episodes in the Culture-Hero Myth of the Sauks and Foxes
Encyclopedia of Literature 1948:25rb 1901:87
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Epistemology of the Horror Story, The 1982:2
1980:142rb | Epitaphal Inscriptions 1892:120
Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology, The Epitaphs and Names 1893:62
1960:62rb ; . Epochs of Irish History. I. Pagan Ireland 1907:34rb
Encyclopedie de la Maison Quebecoise: 3 Siecles Epochs of Irish History. II. Early Christian Ireland
d’Habitations 1977:95rb 1907:35rb
End of an Old Song 1979:371rv Erex saga and Ivens saga 1979:149rb
Endemoniadas of Queretaro, The 1890:5 Ermatinger Collection of Voyageur Songs (CA. 1830), The Endymion in England: The Literary History of a Greek 1954:38
Myth 1945:87rb Erratum 1931:37, 1932:18, 1956:39, 1957:136, 1958:69,
Enemy Way Music 1956:111rb 1959:98, 1980:183, 1981:92, 1983:73
England in the Days of Old 1969:155rb Eskimo and Aleut Stories from Alaska 1909:2
1898:50rb Eskimo Songs 1915:9 :
English and Scottish Popular Ballads (Part X), The Eskimo Art 1979:152rb
The 1958:14ra 1977:120rb ,
English and Scottish Popular Ballads (The Child Ballads), Eskimo Storyteller: Folktales from Noatak, Alaska, The
The 1933:3 Eskimo Tales 1926:6
English and Scottish Popular Ballads of Francis J. Child, Eskimo String Figures 1923:22 _
English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Part V, The Eskimo Tales and Songs 1889:40, 1894:3, 1897:29
1888:23rb Esoteric Doughtray Scraper, An 1979:59
English and Scottish Popular Ballads, The 1967:14rb Essais folkloriques par Martti Haavio, publies a l'occasion
English Ballads and Indian Myths 1942:21 — de son 60 anniversaire 1962:79rb_— English Christmas Party, An 1909:46 Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis. Vol. II. Essays in English Country Crafts. A Survey of Their Development Folklore, Anthropology and Religion 1953:45rb from Early Times to the Present Day 1949:135rb Essays of an Americanist 1890:54rb, 1890:63rb
English County Folk Songs 1964:17rb Essays, Humor, and Poems of Nathaniel Ames, Father and English Drinking Songs 1957:115ra Son, of Dedham, Massachusetts, from Their Almanacks, English Fairy and Other Folk Tunes 1969:101rb 1726-1775, with Notes and Comments, The 1971:87rb
English Fairy and Other Folk-Tales 1890:98rb Estnische Volkssagen 1937:7rb | .
English Fairy Tales 1891:30rb Eternal Ones of the Dream: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation English Field Names: A Dictionary 1975:98rb of Australian Myth and Ritual, The 1946:101rb
English Folk Heroes 1950:92rb oe Ethical Expression in a Burmese Jataka 1966:11
English Folk Poetry: Structure and Meaning 1983:19rb Ethiopian Folktales Ascribed to the Late Nineteenth
English Folk Song: Some Conclusions 1967:26rb Century Amhara Wit, Alaqa Gabre-Hanna 1957:13 English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians Ethiopic Documents-Gurage 1951:31rb
1933:22rb Ethnic and Tourist Arts: Cultural Expressions from the
English Folk-Dance Society and Its Work, The 1915:29 Fourth World 1981:105rb
English Folk-Lore Society, The 1921:13 Ethnic Identity and the Lore of the Supernatural 1975:87
Title Index 44] Ethnic Recordings in American: A Neglected Heritage Suggestions as to Their Origin, and an Appendix
1984:12rb Consisting of the Iguvine Lustration in English, The
Ethnic Stereotyping in Arabic Proverbs 1970:102 1897:84rb
Ethnicity, Folklore, and Local Identity in Rural Brittany Even More about the Mummers’ Play 1974:70
1987:42 Evening Concerts 1966:113ra
Ethno-Atlas: A Student's Manual of Tribal, Linguistic, and Everglades: River of Grass, The 1948:90rb
Racial Groupings, An 1957:109rb Every Inch a Sailor, Forecastle Songs and Shanties Ethno-Botany of the Coahuilla Indians of Southern 1956:37ra
California, The 1901:81rb Every Man His Way: Readings in Cultural Anthropology
Ethno-musicology Newsletter 1955:35 1970:79rb
Ethno-musicology. A study of its nature, its problems, Every Sun That Rises: Wyatt Moore of Caddo Lake, methods representative personalities to which is added Including “Building the Last Caddo Bateau: 1987:63rb
a bibliography 1957:35rb Every-Day Book 1969:106rb
Ethnographic American Southwest: A _ Source Everybody Likes Stories 1986:126rv Book—Southwestern Society in Myth, Clan, and Everyman's Book of British Ballads 1983:58rb
Kinship, The 1986:116rb Everyman's Book of English Folk Tales 1983:59rb Ethnographic Bibliography of North America. 3rd edition “Everything Change...Everything Change”: Recollections of
1961:46rb Ida Nason, an American 1987:1lirv
Ethnographic Bibliography of South America 1965:56rb Evil Eye in the Western Highlands 1903:18rb
“Ethnographic Notes on the Washo” 1941:40rb Evil Eye. Studies in the Folklore of Vision, The 1960:63rb
Ethnographic views Taken in Ireland 1901:50 Evil Eye, The 1890:16
Ethnographical Survey of the United Kingdom. Notes Evil Eye: A Folklore Casebook, The 1983:92rb
Explanatory of Forms of Schedule Prepared by a Evolution de la Maison Rurale Traditionelle dans la Committee of the British Association for the Region de Quebec (Etude Ethnographique) 1977:94rb Advancement of Science, Appointed to Organize an Evolution of Literature, The 1911:20rb Ethnographical Survey of the United Kingdom Example of Legend Distortion from the Apaches of the
1896:38rb Mescalero Indian Reservation, An 1964:30
Ethnographie Lettone I 1956:56rb Example of the Rabbis; Being a Collection of Exempla, Ethnography of the Fox Indians 1940:41 Apologues and Tales Culled from Hebrew Manuscripts Ethnography of the Yagua 1945:33rb and Rare Hebrew Books, The 1969:81rb Ethnologia Scandinavia: A Journal for Nordic Ethnology Examples of Printed Folk-Lore, Concerning the North
1986:12rb Riding of Yorkshire, York, and the Ainsty 1901:102rb
“Ethnological Results of the Point Barrow Expedition” Excess and Restraint: Social Control among a New Guinea
1894:22rb Mountain People 1965:63rb
Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn 1893:104rb Excision of Uvula 1902:87 Ethnologist’s View of History. An Address Before the Exempla, or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Historical Society at vulgares of Jacques de Vitry, The 1969:152rb Trenton, N. J., January 28, 1896, An 1896:34rb Exempla, or Illustrative Stories Taken from the Sermones
Ethnology in Folk-Lore 1892:140rb Vulgares of Jacques de Vitry, The 1891:31rb Ethnology in Folklore 1970:81rb Exhibit of Games in the Columbian Exposition 1893:80 Ethnomusicology of the Flathead Indians 1970:118rb Exhibition of Folk-Lore Objects to be Made at the Ethnomusicology. A Study of Its Nature, Its Problems, Columbian Exposition 1892:71 Methods and Representative Personalities to Which Is Exhibition of Gems Used as Amulets, Etc. 1891:5
Added a Bibliography. 3rd Edition 1960:20rb Exhibition of Puppets 1902:25 Ethnopoetics: A Multilingual Terminology 1980:14rb Exhibition Review: “The Jewish Heritage in American Folk
Etruscan Magic and Occult Remedies 1964:107rb Art”: The Jewish Museum and the Museum of
Salesman 1960:3 1987:44
“Eudora Welty’s Use of Myth in “Death of a Traveling American Folk Art, 8 November 1984-15 March 1985 Europa et Hungaria. Congressus Ethnographicus in Exorcism and Xenoglossia among the Safed Kabbalists
Hungaria. October 16-20, 1963, Budapest. 1967:39rb 1978:83
Europaischer Volksgesang 1956:25rb Exotic Sounds of Bali, The 1967:100ra European and Other Tales from the Western Woods Cree Experiment in the Computer Measurement of Melodic
1953:94 Variation in Folksong, An 1971:22
European Anecdotes and Jests 1974:14rb Experimental Approach to Superstitious Behavior, An
European Balladry 1941:56rb 1962:1
European Folk Ballads 1969:86rb Explanation of the Seattle Totem Pole 1905:19 European Folk Tales 1964:82rb Explanatory Element in the Folk-Tales of the European Folk-Lore in the United States 1889:10 North-American Indian, The 1914:2
European Folk-Tales Among the Penobscot 1913:4 Explorations in the Far North 1899:84rb European Folk-Tales Collected Among the Menominee [Explorations of South American Rivers] 1894:146rb
Indians 1913:3 Exploring a Metaphor of Exposure 1979:101
European Folklore Archives 1938:20 Expression Profile, The 1971:9
European Folktale: Form and Nature, The 1984:11rb Expressive Utterance, Folk and Popular, The 1956:99
European Journals and the War 1940:27 Extemporaneous Hymn-making among the Pennsylvania European Tales Among the Chickasaw Indians 1913:21 Dutch 1931:29 European Tales from the Plains Ojibwa 1916:12 Extracts from the Yu-Li or Precious Records 1899:14
1916:11 1941:39rb
European Tales from the Upper Thompson Indians Eyak Indians of the Copper River Delta, Alaska, The European Tradition 1970:98ra European Versions of the Tar-Baby Story 1933:8 Evald Tang Kristensen: A Lifelong Adventure in Folklore 1984:9rb
Evaluation and Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio. An F.A.R.K. 1977:50 Account of the Ceremonies, together with Some Fabeldyr og Sagnfolk 1968:59rb
442 Journal of American Folklore Fable Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography 1986:114rb Fellowships and Collecting Activities. 1942:63 Fables des animaux du Congo. Nifano ya nyama ya Kongo Fellowships to JAF Contributors 1953:12, 1953:75
1948:36rb Feminist Voice: Strategies of Coding in Folklore and
Fables of Aesop, as First Printed by William Caxton in Literature, The 1987:114 1484, with Those of Avian, Alfonso, and Poggio Feminists Have Done It: Applied Folklore, The 1974:8
1890:93rb ; Feste und Brauche des Schweizervolkes 1946:96rb
Fabrication of a Traditional Fire Tool, The 1973:7 Festival in Haiti 1956:135ra |
Fabula: Zeitschrift fur Erzahiforschung 1960:143rb, Festival News 1948:101
1959:62rb Festival of Guyanese Words, A 1982:10rb
Fabulous Beasts 1952:150rb Festival of Lughnasa: A Study of the Survival of the Celic Face of an Island: Leigh Richmond Miner's Photographs of Festival of the Beginning of Harvest, The 1963:102rb
St. Helena Island : Festival of the Sacrifice of the White Dog as Now Practiced
Fair Charlotte 1909:20 at the Onondaga Reservation, The 1888:20 Fair Young Ladies and Bonny Irish Boys: Pattern in Festivals and Folkways of Italy 1955:88rb
Vernacular Poetics 1983:38 | Festivals and Songs of Ancient China 1938:64rb
Fairies 1888:77 Festivals Europe 1957:121rb Fairies as Fishes 1900:74 : Festivals U.S.A. 1957:120rb .
Fairies in Tradition and Literature, The 1968:35rb Festschrift fur Will-Erich Peuckert zum 60. Geburtstag
Fairies, Dwarfs, and Giants 1888:76 , dargebracht von Freunden und Schulern 1957:15rb “Fairness” in Love and War 1907:2 Fetish Worship in Brazil 1940:35 Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare, The 1900:63rb _ Feud in the Iceland Saga 1984:87rb Fairy Tale Motive in Kleist’s Der zerbrochene Krug, A Few Ballads and Songs, A 1931:27 .
1955:66 Few Observations on the World View of the Clackamas
Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion: The Classical Genre Chinook Indians, A 1955:65 |
for Children and the Process of Civilization 1985:41rb Few Words about the Creoles of Louisiana. An Address
Faiths of Man: Encyclopedia of Religions 1965:101rb Delivered at the Ninth Annual Convention of the Fall of Hochelaga: A Study of Popular Tradition, The Louisiana Educational Association, A 1893:35rb
1894:1 , “Fiddle and I”: The Story of Franz Rickaby 1968:72
Fallible Sword: Inception of a Motif, The 1962:8 Fiddle in North America: Recent Recordings, The
Falling Star, A Cheyenne Tale 1977:38rv 1982:121
Falling-Star 1921:17 Field Manual for Ethnomusicology 1985:36rb — “False Faces” 1904:39 Field of European Folk-Lore in America, The 1919:9 False Knight Upon the Road: A Reappraisal, The 1985:94 Field of Yiddish. Studies in Yiddish Language, Folklore,
Family Saga and Other Phases of American Folklore, The and Literature, The 1957:142rb
1959:108rb | Field Recordings 1966:77ra
Family Tree of Folk Songs, A 1959:135ra Field Songs of Chhattisgarh 1950:159rb Fannie Bell Chapman: Gospel Singer 1977:36rv “Field” Recordings 1966:109ra Fannie Hardy Eckstrom: A Descriptive Bibliography Fiesta of Santiago Apostol (St. James the Apostle) in
1979:25rb | Loiza, Puerto Rico, The 1956:43
Far Western Indian Folklore 1947:127 Fiestas y Costumbres Mexicanas 1943:16irb Faraway Time and Place: Lore of the Eastern Shore, A Fifteen Centuries of Children’s Literature. An Annotated
1976:22rb | Chronology of British and American Works in
Farewell to Old England: A Broadside History of Early Historical Context 1983:67rb . 7
Australia 1969:83rb | Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday, The 1958:66rb
Farm and the Village, The 1970:74rb | Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore
Fascists and Folklorists in Italy 1978:3 | Society 1904:11
Fastnacht in the Black Forest 1933:4 Fifteenth International Congress of Americanists 1906:69
Fat Tuesday 1978:43rv Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society Fatalistic Beliefs in Religion, Folklore, and Literature. 1893:112
1968:36rb 1896:33rb
Papers Read at the Symposium on Fatalistic Beliefs Fifth Catskill Folk Festival 1944:91 Held at Abo on the 7th -9th of September, 1964 Fifth Report on the Indians of British Columbia, A Fate of Poetry in a Disappearing Culture: The Case of Fiftieth Anniversary of the American Folklore Society
1966:44 1939:35 . :
Rennell And Bellona in Outer Polynesia, The 1967:56 1938:23
Faulkner’s Use of Folklore in The Sound and the Fury Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society
Favourite Australian Bush Songs 1969:84rb _ Fifty Lithuanian Riddles 1950:99 . Fearsome Critters 1941:22rb Oo Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore
Feast of Creatures; Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Songs, A 1984:8rb Society 1947:39 : Japan, The 1897:56 Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the AFS 1940:11
Feast of Lanterns and the Feast of the Star Weaver in Fifty-Fifth Annual Council Meeting 1944:37
Feathered Warrior, The 1974:106rv Fifty-fourth Annual Council Meeting, 1942 1943:44 . Feats of Honor: Ritual and Change in the Toraja Highlands Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting 1947:93
~ 1987:30rb Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1948:56
Febold Feboldson: Tall Tales from the Great Plains Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the AFS: Reports of the
1964:22rb | . . Committee on Policy 1941:9
Federal Relief Administration and the Arts: The Origins Fifty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Folklore
and Administrative History of the Arts Projects of the Society 1946:38 “Feed a Cold and Starve a Fever” 1958:68 Society 1945:47 |
| Works Progress Administration 1976:97rb Fifty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore — Fellows of the AFS 1978 Awards for Best Student _ Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the AFS 1942:2
Publications in Folklore 1979:54 Figmill 1951:81 | .
Fellows of the American Folklore Society 1961:23 Filipino (Tagalog) Version of Aladdin, A 1907:20
Fellowships and Awards 1946:86 OO Filipino (Tagalog) Versions of Cinderella 1906:71
Title Index 443 Filipino Folklore 1949:97 Florida Song-Games 1902:60
Filipino Medical Folk-Lore 1901:94 Flour from Another Sack & Other Proverbs, Folk Beliefs,
Filipino Superstitions 1949:102 Tales, Riddles & Recipes 1985:32rb
“Filipino” 1902:84 Flower in My Ear: Arts and Ethos of Ifaluk Atoll Films for Anthropological Teaching 1980:49rb 1964:52rb Films from the Raj 1979:129rv Flowers from a Persian Garden, and Other Poems
Final Reply, A 1980:116 1890:99rb
“Fine Times at Our House”: West Virginia Tradition Flying Dutchman of the Western World, The 1946:73
1977:105ra Focal Problems: Theory and Support in Stories and Myths
Fingernails, Toothaches and Charms: Folklore Notes on 1987:61rb
Two Spanish Plays 1925:31 Focus for Conflict: Southern Mountain Medical Beliefs in
Finlands svenska Folkdiktning, Band VI: A1, Aldre Detroit 1970:44
dansmelodier 1965:111rb Folk and Folklore 1950:65
1965:112rb Missouri 1983:85rb
Finlands svenska Folkdiktning, Band VI: A3, Brollopsmusik Folk Architecture in Little Dixie: A Regional Culture in
Finnish Charms from Minnesota 1934:27 Folk Art and Art Worlds 1987:97rb
Finnish Dances 1902:64 Folk Art in Rumania 1957:150rb
Finnish Dialect Dictionary 1902:65 Folk Art in Stone: Southwest Virginia 1972:105rb
1985:70rb to Be 1986:18rb
Finnish Folk Hymn Singing: Study in Music Anthropology Folk Art of Idaho: We Came to Where We Were Supposed
Finnish Folklore Research 1828-1918 1973:15rb Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania 1949:133rb
Fire Dancers, The 1977:81rv Folk Arts as Part of Folklore 1948:57
“Fire-Walk” in Tahiti, The 1902:86 Folk Arts Center 1948:71, 1951:97
Fire Walkers of San Pedro Manrique, Soria, Spain, The Folk Arts Center Exhibition 1943:55
1955:69 Folk Arts Foundation 1947:56
Fireside Stories of the Chippwyans, The 1903:26 Folk Arts of Hungary, The 1983:62rb Fireside Tales of the Traveller Children: Twelve Scottish Folk Arts of Norway, The 1954:104rb
Stories 1987:60rb Folk Arts of Yugoslavia, The 1980:30rb
First Annual Caribbean Festival, The 1952:88 Folk Ballads and Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast First Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society 1967:11rb
1890:1, 1987:75 Folk Ballads from North Carolina and Folk Songs from
First Annual Seminar on Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Culture North Carolina. Volumes II and III of the Frank C.
1952:122 Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore
First Conference on Chinese Oral and Performing 1953:100rb
Literature, The 1969:115 Folk Belief and Mormon Cultural Autonomy 1948:2
First Days Among the Contrabands 1893:131rb Folk Beliefs and Customs in an Hawaiian Community
First Fire, Central and South American Indian Poetry 1949:99
1980:168rb Folk Beliefs Collected in Southeastern Illinois 1950:98
First Franco-Americans: New England Life Histories from Folk Beliefs from Hawaii 1952:48 the Federal Writers’ Project 1938-1939, The 1986:75rb Folk-Beliefs in the Ozark Mountains 1927:2 First Group of British Folklorists, The 1955:2, 1955:70 Folk Beliefs of the Southern Negro 1927:7rb, 1927:18rb,
First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo 1971:49rb Grammaticus, The 1895:56rb Folk Beliefs Regarding Weather in Southeastern Illinois
First on the Land: The North Carolina Indians 1979:123rb 1948:7 First Penthouse Dwellers of America 1949:136rb Folk Classification: A Topically Arranged Bibliography of First Prize: Fifteen Years! An Annotated Collection of Contemporary and Background References Through
Romanian Political Jokes 1987:109rb 1971 1973:100rb
First Sex, The 1974:10rb Folk Culture of Yucatan, The 1944:50rb
1987:110rb 1935:30rb
Fisher Folk: Two Communities on Chesapeake Bay Folk Culture on St. Helena Island, South Carolina
Fisher’s River Scenes and Characters 1980:90rb Folk Culture on St. Helena Island, South Carolina
Fishing All My Days: Florida Shrimping Traditions 1969:94rb
1987:82rv Folk Dance Library, vols. 1- 5, The 1950:118rb
Fisk Festival of Music and Art 1948:72 Folk Dancer Here and Abroad, The 1954:88 Fists and Foul Mouths: Fights and Fight Stories in Folk Dances For All 1948:172rb Contemporary Rural American Bars 1976:3 Folk Dances I-IV, a Summary 1953:104rb
Fitchburg Ghost-Chair, A 1951:86 Folk Dances in Beauce County 1950:61 Five Danzas from Mexico 1915:36 Folk Dances of Latin America 1959:91rb
Five Interpretations of a Melanesian Myth 1973:1 Folk Dances of South India 1950:164rb
Five Mexican Dances 1915:35 Folk Dances of the World’s Peoples: Volume 1, Dances Five Old-Country Ballads 1912:15 from the Balkans and Near East 1960:36ra Fixed and Nonfixed Symbols in Xhosa and Zulu Oral Folk Dances of the World’s Peoples: Volume 2, European
Narrative Traditions 1972:61 Folk Dances 1960:37ra
Fixin’ to Tell About Jack 1987:13rv Folk Dances of the World’s Peoples: Volume 3, Caribbean Flashes of Merriment: A Century of Humorous Songs in and South America 1960:38ra
America, 1805-1905 1972:75rb Folk Dances of the World’s Peoples: Volume 4, Turkey,
Flathead Indian Tale, A 1952:107 Israel, Greece, Armenia, Caucasia 1960:39ra
Flavor of Texas, The 1937:9rb Folk Drama 1981:140
Flight of the Chiefs: Epic Poetry of Fiji, The 1943:154rb Folk Elements in American Dance Music, Ragtime, and
Flights: Readings in Magic, Mysticism, Fantasy and Myth Jazz 1979:127
1975:23rb Folk Expression of Time and Place: 19th-Century
A 1919:17 Folk Festivals 1944:16
Flood Legend of the Northern Indians of Vancouver Island, Midwestern Rural Diaries 1987:40
Florida Folklore - Summer 1945 1946:8 Folk Hero, The 1949:2
444 Journal of American Folklore Folk History and Cultural Reorganization: A Tigua 1954:134ra
Example 1976:54 Folk Songs of Canada 1955:90rb
Folk Housing in Middle Virginia: A Structural Analysis of Folk Songs of Europe 1958:41rb, 1968:16rb
Historic Artifacts 1978:87rb Folk Songs of France 1963:22ra
Folk Hymns of America 1940:19rb Folk Songs of French Canada 1925:26rb
Folk Ideas as Units of Worldview 1971:10 Folk Songs of Israel 1956:136ra
Folk Legends of Japan 1962:96rb Folk Songs of Mexico 1960:76ra
Folk Literature of the South Sumatra, Vol. I. Redjang Folk Songs of Mississippi and Their Background
Ka-Ga-Nga Texts (Part 1) 1966:99rb 1938:42rb
Folk Literature of the Yamana Indians: Martin Folk Songs of North America in the English Language, The
Gusinde’s Collection of Yamana Narratives 1980:62rb 1961:65rb, 1961:66rb . Folk Literature: An Operational Definition 1961:50 Folk Songs of Norway 1963:24ra
Folk Lore from Georgia 1934:29 Folk Songs of Old New England 1942:44rb,
Folk Lore of the Isle of Man, The 1972:114rb 1976:32rb :
Folk Lore, Old Customs, and Superstitions in Shakespeare Folk Songs of Old Vincennes 1950:121
Land 1980:46rb Folk Songs of Sweden 1963:23ra
Folk Materia Medica 1901:41, 1901:76 Folk Songs of the Allegheny Mountains 1957:36ra Folk Medicine and Folk Science 1942:52 Folk Songs of the Caribbean 1959:86rb
Folk Medicine in Trinidad 1962:89 Folk Songs of the Catskills 1985:15rb
Folk Medicine, A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health Folk Songs of the Philippines 1962:32ra
1959:79rb Folk Songs of the South 1965:29rb
Folk Music and Modern Sound 1984:98rb Folk Songs of the World 1968:15rb
Folk Music Courses 1953:37 Folk Songs on Records 1948:149 Folk Music in America 1941:23rb | of Words and Music
Folk Music in a Newfoundland Outport 1982:57rb Folk Songs Out of Wisconsin, An Illustrated Compendium
Folk Music Notation 1950:20 Folk Songs, Mostly from West Virginia 1941:24rb
1982:120rb 1947:111rb
Folk Music of Canada’s Oldest Polish Community Folk Tale, Fiction, and Saga in the Homeric Epics Folk Music of the United States and Latin America: Folk Tales for Children 1972:123ra Combined Catalog of Phonograph Records 1950:123rb Folk Tales from Grand Lake Victoria, Quebec 1928:13 Folk Music of the United States: Afro-American Spirituals, Folk Tales from Korea 1954:55rb
Work Songs, and Ballads, From the Archive of Folk Tales from Korea 1972:118rb
American Folk Song 1957:56ra Folk Tales from New Goa, India 1937:1
Folk Music of the United States: Anglo-American Ballads Folk Tales from Shumopovi, Second Mesa 1936:1
from the Archive of American Folk Song 1957:55ra Folk Tales from the Virgin Islands 1932:16 | Folk Music of the Western Hemisphere. A list of references Folk Tales in Chichicastenango: An Unsolved Puzzle
in the New York Public Library, reprinted with 1949:46
additions from the Bulletin of the New York Public Folk Tales of Chhattisgarh, India 1941:37rb
Library, November and December 1924, The Folk Tales of Haitian Heroes 1941:48
1926:10rb . Folk Tales of Missouri 1941:64rb
Folk Music Recordings in Series: The John Edwards Folk Tales of the Southern Poor-White, 1820-1860
Memorial Foundation and the Blue Ridge Institute 1950:131
1985:47ra Folk Traditions as Historical Fact 1960:12 and Contradictions, The 1971:97 1959:41
Folk Music Revival and the Counter Culture: Contributions Folk Traditions as Historical Fact: A Paiute Example
Folk Music Revival, The 1973:10 Folk Travelers: Ballads, Tales, and Talk 1954:123rb Folk Names of Tobacco 1966:89 Folk Tunes from Mississippi 1939:47rb
Folk Narrative 1968:111 Folk Visions and Voices: Traditional Music and Song in Folk Narrative Motifs, Beliefs, an Proverbs in Cervantes’ North Georgia 1985:68rb . Exemplary Novels 1959:3 Folk-Belief in the Virginia Lowlands 1894:38
Folk Narrative Recordings 1976:35ra Folk-Cures from Kansas 1898:24
Folk Poetry and Folk Criticism, as Illustrated by Cincinnati Folk-Custom and Folk-Belief in North Carolina 1892:47
Children in Their singing Games, and in Their Folk-Dances of Germany 1940:20rb
Thoughts about These Games 1927:1 Folk-Dancing and Folk-Singing 1918:20
Folk Poetry of Modern Greece 1983:20rb Folk-Foods of the Rio Grande Valley and of Northern Folk Recipes as a Measure of Intercultural Penetration Mexico, The 1895:6
1972:10 Folk-Guitar Class 1953:38
Folk Remedies 1891:52 . Folk-Lore & Legends of England 1973:61rb Folk Remedies for Diverse Allergies 1944:40 — Folk-Lore and Mythology 1888:43 Folk Revival Music 1979:34ra Folk-Lore Argentino 1935:4 Folk Revival Recordings 1975:85ra Folk-Lore at German Universities, etc. 1904:13
Folk Roots of Contemporary Afro-American Poetry, The Folk-Lore at the Columbian Exhibition 1892:94, 1893:81
1977:11rb . | Folk-Lore at the Meeting of the A.A.A.S., Detroit, August 10 Folk Song Chapbook, A 1958:48rb 1897:58 ) Folk Song from Newfoundland 1971:122rb Folk-Lore at the Meeting of the British Association at Folk Song from Pittsburg, New Hampshire 1935:20 Toronto, August 18-25 Folk Song in South Carolina 1972:52rb- | Folk-Lore Collected at Roebuck, Grenville County, Ontario
Folk Song of Chicago Negroes 1939:6 . 1918:6 .
Folk Song Style and Culture 1969:129rb Folk-Lore Collected in the Counties of Oxford and
Folk Song, Folklore Indices 1949:118 Waterloo, Ontario 1918:5
Folk Song: U.S.A.: 111 Best American Ballads 1950:120rb Folk-Lore Collected in Toronto and Vicinity 1918:4
Folk Songs and Fiddle Tunes of the U.S.A. 1962:99rb Folk-Lore Conference at Hampton, Va. 1894:98
Folk Songs for the Seven Million 1946:16 Folk-Lore Congress 1892:105, 1893:69 Folk Songs From the Southern Appalachian Mountains Folk-Lore de Oaxaca 1923:16
Title Index 445 Folk-Lore Expedition to Spain, A 1921:8 Folk-Lore Society of Texas, The 1917:23
Folk-Lore Exposition 1903:71 [Folk-Lore Society's Interest in the Folklore of the United Folk-Lore from Adams County, Illinois 1936:28rb States, The] 1889:14
Folk-Lore from Aiken, S.C. 1921:1 Folk-Lore Stories and Proverbs Gathered and Paraphrased Folk-Lore from Antigua, British West Indies 1921:2 for Little Children 1901:36rb Folk-Lore from Buffalo Valley, Central Pennsylvania Folk-Lore Study and Folk-Lore Societies 1895:78
1891:38 “Folk-Lore Topics. No. 2, The ‘Dowsing’ or Divining Rod”
Folk-Lore from Elizabeth City County, Virginia 1922:14 1894:71rb Folk-Lore from Grey County, Ontario 1918:3 “Folk-Lore Topics. No. 3, A Lucky Stone” 1894:72rb
Folk-Lore from Ireland 1893:109 “Folk-Lore Topics. No. 4, Beating the Bounds” 1894:73rb Folk-Lore from Ireland II 1894:85 “Folk-Lore Topics. No. 5, The Younger Son” 1894:74rb Folk-Lore from Maine 1892:121 Folk-Lore, Manners, and Customs of the Mexicans in San Folk-Lore from Northern New York 1892:135 Antonio, Texas, The Folk-Lore from Ottawa and Vicinity 1918:7 Folk-Lore, Old Customs and Tales of My Neighbors Folk-Lore from Schoharie County, New York 1914:20 1898;51rb Folk-Lore from the Cape Verde Islands 1925:8rb Folk-Lore: A Quarterly Review 1890:53 Folk-Lore from the Southern States 1909:18 Folk-Lore: What Is It? and What Is the Good of It? Foik-Lore from Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, 1900:59rb
and Florida 1919:18 Folk-Lorist, The 1892:113rb
Folk-Lore in “The Jewish Encyclopedia” 1906:27 Folk-Medicine 1902:55
Folk-Lore in Arkansas 1892:48 Folk-Medicine among Pennsylvania Germans 1897:12 Folk-Lore in Borneo 1899:87rb Folk-Medicine of Pension Claimants 1889:89
Folk-Lore in Literature 1901:48 Folk-Music 1901:71
Folk-Lore in Newfoundland 1897:49 Folk-Music in America 1909:6
Folk-Lore in the A. A. A. S. at Buffalo 1896:68 Folk-Names of Animals 1899:70
Folk-Lore Institute, A 1903:12 Folk-Song and Folk-Poetry as Found in the Secular Songs Folk-Lore Investigations in Australia 1901:12 of the Southern Negroes 1911:22
Folk-Lore Jottings from Rockhaven, D.C. 1891:56 Folk-Song and Folk-Poetry as Found in the Secular Songs Folk-Lore Jottings in the District of Columbia 1888:46 of the Southern Negroes--Concluded 1911:29
Folk-Lore Journal, The 1890:27 Folk-Song in Buchan and Folk Songs of the North-East
Folk-Lore Manual, The 1892:78rb 1965:25rb Folk-Lore Museums 1904:14 Folk-Songs 1918:8
Folk-Lore Museums 1890:112 Folk-Song Society of the Northeast 1943:79 Folk-Lore of Anthropology 1902:46 Folk-Songs and Music of Cataluna 1910:5 Folk-Lore of Anthropology 1903:50 Folk-Songs from the Kentucky Highlands 1942:13rb Folk-Lore of Bones, The 1890:57 Folk-Songs from the Southern Highlands 1940:39rb Folk-Lore of Canadian Children 1895:8 Folk-Songs of America 1940:18rb Folk-Lore of Chios, The 1950:126rb Folk-Songs of Italy, The 1980:99rb
Folk-Lore of Crime 1906:28 Folk-Songs of Old Quebec 1936:33rb Folk-Lore of Eastern Europe 1902:50 Folk-Songs of Old Quebec 1942:43rb Folk-Lore of Illinois 1908:42 Folk-Songs of the Civil War 1892:116
Folk-Lore of Marblehead, Mass. 1894:92 Folk-Songs of the Maikal Hills 1946:2irb Folk-Lore of Stone Implements 1891:51 Folk-Songs of the Upper Thames 1969:103rb
Folk-Lore of Stone Tools 1891:4 Folk-Songs of Virginia. A Descriptive Index and
Folk-Lore of Straw, The 1892:83 Classification 1951:108rb Folk-Lore of the Bones 1890:2 Folk-Tale of the Pansy 1899:16
1903:1 1919;22
Folk-Lore of the Bribri and Brunka Indians in Costa Rica Folk-Tales and Students in the Georgia State College
Folk-Lore of the Cape Verde Islanders 1921:3 Folk-Tales Collected at Miami, Florida 1917:6 Folk-Lore of the Carolina Mountains 1889:36 Folk-Tales from Georgia 1900:3 Folk-Lore of the Cherokee of Robeson County, North Folk-Tales from Liberia (in Abstract) 1919:23
Carolina 1919:19 Folk-Tales from Mexico 1918:36
Folk-Lore of the Cree Indians 1905:22 Folk-Tales from Oaxaca 1915:37 Folk-Lore of the Eskimo, The 1904:1 Folk-Tales from Students in Tuskegee Institute, Alabama Folk-Lore of the Flathead Indians of Idaho: Adventures of 1919:21
Coyote 1901:88 Folk-Tales of Angola 1894:6rb, 1894:36, 1894:112rb
Folk-Lore of the Horseshoe, The 1896:82 Folk-Tales of Mahakoshal 1946:20rb
Folk-Lore of the Musquakie Indians of North America and Folk-Tales of the Swampy Cree of Northern Manitoba
Catalogue of Musquakie Beadwork and Other Objects 1923:33 in the Collection of the Folk-Lore Society. With Eight Folk-Tales of the Tepecanos 1914:12
Plates and Figures in the Test 1905:56rb Folk, the Stage, and the Five-String Banjo in the Folk-Lore of the North Carolina Mountaineers 1907:57 Nineteenth Century, The 1976:91
Folk-Lore of the Number Seven 1901:15 Folkeeventyr fra Vendsyssel 1959:74rb
1889:69 1954:120rb
Folk-Lore of the Pennsylvania Germans 1888:35, 1889:5, Folkemindeforskningens Historie i Mellem- og Nordeuropa
Folk-Lore Prize Offered by the Folk-Lore Society of Folkeminder 1959:116rb
Montreal 1896:67 Folkgames of Children, The 1976:16rb
Folk-Lore Readers. A Primer, The 1905:8irb Folklife and the Rise of American Folk Museums
Folk-Lore Readers. Book One, The 1905:82rb 1977:111
Folk-Lore Section of the Museum of Archaeology of the Folklife Annual 1985 1987:56rb University of Pennsylvania, Loan Exhibition, 1892 Folklig Lakekonst 1960:104rb
1892:31 Folklore & Society, Essays in Honor of Benj. A. Botkin
Folk-Lore Society at Hampton, VA. 1894:17 1967:65rb Folk-Lore Society in Italy 1894:18 Folklore Activities in Mexico During 1950 1951:13
446 Journal of American Folklore Folklore Activities in Russia 1961:90 _ 1932:15 -
Folklore Activity in Europe 1948:21 ; | Folklore from St. Helena, South Carolina 1925:10 Folklore After a Hundred Years: A Problem in Redefinition Folklore from the American West and Midwest 1983:96ra
1946:28 Folklore from the Half-Breeds of Nova Scotia 1925:14
Folklore americano 1956:31rb, 1956:32rb, 1957:30rb, Folklore from the Schoharie Hills 1938:40rb
1959:18rb Folklore from the Schoharie Hills, New York 1980:102rb
Folklore and Anthropology 1953:89 _— : Folklore from Utah's Silver Mining Camps 1941:45
Folklore and Anthropology Courses 1947:58 Folklore Group at Indiana University 1943:144 Folklore and Fakelore: Essays Toward a Discipline of Folk Folklore in America 1967:44rb >
Studies 1979:73rb Folklore in American Literature 1959:13rb, 1972:120rb
Folklore and Feminism 1987:112 Folklore in American Literature: A Postscript 1958:32
Folklore and Folklife in Virginia 1980:191rb | Folklore in Literature 1946:51 Folklore and Folklife of New Jersey, The 1985:33rb Folklore in Literature: A Symposium 1957:1 Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction. 1975:21rb Folklore in Literature: Notes Toward a Theory of
Folklore and Folkliterature Series of National Peking Interpretation 1957:5 ;
University and Chinese Association for Folklore Folklore in Nigerian Literature 1977:9rb -
1974:11rb , Folklore in Norway: Addendum 1961:85 -
Folklore and Folklore Studies in American and Canadian Folklore in Periodical Literature 1949:77, 1949:125,
Colleges and Universities 1986:4 1949:166, 1950:25, 1950:87, 1950:115, 1950:154, Folklore and Literary Criticism 1957:3 1951:27, 1951:60, 1951:99, 1951:140, 1952:17, Folklore and Literature 1973:43, 1974:40 1952:63, 1952:91, 1952:133,. 1953:15, 1953:42, Folklore and Medicine in an Italian Village 1960:43 1953:82, 1953:99 . Folklore and Myth in the Mabinogion 1960:55rb Folklore in South America 1948:93 Folklore and Nationalism in Modern Finland 1977:118rb Folklore in the English and Scottish Ballads 1929:30rb
Folklore and Obscenity: Definitions and Problems Folklore in the Literature of Elizabethan England -1957:4
1962:61 Folklore in the Making: B. A. Botkin 1987:1 .
Folklore and Oral History 1980:79rb Folklore in the Modern World 1980:133rb
Folklore and Propaganda 1948:99 Folklore in the News 1947:53
Folklore and Psychoanalysis 1973:46rb Folklore in the Writings of Rowland E. Robinson
Folklore and Psychology 1948:137 1978:70rb | 1973:3 . Folklore Institute of America 1946:138, 1949:164,
Folklore and the African Novelist: Achebe and Tutuola Folklore Institute 1948:145, 1958:22 :
Folklore and the Africanist 1973:73 1950:75, 1954:34, 1954:111, 1962:35, 1962:58
Folklore and the Literature to Come 1952:5 Folklore Institute of Scotland 1949:156
Folklore and the National Defense Education Act 1962:42 Folklore Journal and Group at La Paz, Bolivia 1943:142
Folklore and the Sea 1975:48rb | Folklore Journals 1949:163
Folklore and the Study of Material Aspects of Folk Culture Folklore Keeps the Past Alive 1965:67rb
1966:86 Be Folklore Methodology Formulated by Julius Krohn and
Folklore and Tradition in Javanese Society 1955:6 Expanded by Nordic Researchers 1972:71rb
Folklore and Traditional History 1974:136rb . Folklore Monographs 1952:89 . Folklore and Women: A Social Interactional Analysis of the Folklore Movement in Canada, The 1943:77
Folklore of a Texas Madam 1973:70 : Folklore News From China 1953:78 Folklore Anthology Chosen by Book-of-the-Month Club Folklore of Canada 1979:64rb
1945:18 . Folklore of Cornwall, The . 1978:66rb
Folklore Archives 1948:154 Folklore of Eastern Middle Park, Colorado 1941:3 Folklore Archives of the World 1970:70rb | Folklore of Fairy-Tale, The 1969:104rb Folklore Argentino. Humanior, biblioteca del americanista Folklore of French Canada, The 1950:69
moderno 1966:75rb Folklore of Gambling 1949:105
Folklore as a Political Tool in Nazi Germany 1972:57 Folklore of Ghosts, The 1983:90rb Folklore as an Expression of Araucanian Culture 1952:112 Folklore of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, The
Folklore as an Historical Science 1909:14rb, 1969:99rb 1978:95rb .
Folklore as Expressed in the Dance in Tonga 1967:33 Folklore of Ireland, The 1978:17rb
Folklore at the MLA 1976:44 Folklore of Love and Courtship, The 1970:127rb
Folklore Bibliography 1949:20 | Folklore of Lunenberg County 1950:91rb | Folklore Bibliography for 1973 1978:142rb Folklore of Maine, The 1959:15rb ~ -
Folklore Bibliography for 1974 1978:143rb Folklore of New Mexico. Vol. I., The 1943:123rb
Folklore Calendar, The 1971:85rb Folklore of Orkney and Shetland, The 1978:15rb -
; Folklore Chair at Cuzco, Peru 1943:143 Folklore of Romantic Arkansas 1932:17rb Folklore Chair Established 1945:106 a Folklore of Shakespeare 1967:49rb
Folklore Chileno 1981:114rb Folklore of Spain in the American Southwest: Traditional Folklore Classification 1950:18 Spanish Folk Literature in Northern New Mexico and Folklore Conference at Emporia, Kansas 1944:95 Southern Colorado, The 1987:57rb Folklore Conferences at Indiana University. 1950:138 Folklore of Texan Cultures, The 1977:14rb Folklore Conferences, Institutes, Festivals 1945:54 Folklore of the Cotswolds, The .1977:58rb
Folklore Course 1951:92 - Folklore of the Daisy, The 1956:2, 1956:101 1949:107, 1950:15, 1950:153 - Years of the JAF 1972:98rb
Folklore Courses 1948:22, 1948:150, 1949:16, 1949:74, Folklore of the Great West. Selections from Eighty-Three Folklore Courses and Programs in American Colleges and Folklore of the Heroin Addict: Two Examples 1971:16
~ Universities 1971:20 | Folklore of the Isle of Man, The 1978:94rb |
Folklore from “Egypt” 1941:5 _ Folklore of the North American Indians 1971:42rb
Folklore from Eleuthera, Bahamas 1925:13 Folklore of the Northern Counties of England and the Folklore from Kansas: Customs, Beliefs, and Superstitions Borders, The 1974:22rb_
1982:113rb Folklore of the Oil Industry 1964:99rb
. Folklore from Santa Ana Xalmimilulco, Puebla, Mexico Folklore of the Sea, The 1982:82rb
Title Index 447 Folklore of the Texas Big Bend 1941:6 Folksong and Ballad!A New Emphasis 1957:81 Folklore of the Uncorrupted Body 1935:23 Folksong and Ballad: A Symposium 1957:80
Folklore of the United States: Jack Tales Told by Mrs. Folksong and Dance Sessions at Institute 1944:93 Maud Long of Hot Springs, N.C. 1957:57ra Folksong and Folksong Scholarship: Changing Approaches
Folklore of Victoria Beach, Nova Scotia 1950:57 and Attitudes 1974:52rb Folklore of Waterloo County 1950:89rb Folksong: Une Histoire de la Musique Populaire aux Folklore of Weddings and Marriage, The 1970:128rb Etats-Unis 1976:68rb
Folklore on the American Land 1973:50rb Folksongs and Ballads of Virginia 1958:52ra Folklore poetico/Cancionero ecuatoriano 1967:43rb Folksongs and Functions: Some Thoughts on the American
Folklore Reader, A 1966:96rb Lullaby 1974:32 Folklore Research and Western Marxism: A Critical Reply Folksongs and Their Makers 1973:16rb 1984:83 Folksongs in Settings by Master Composers 1972:23rb
Folklore Research Around the World: A North American Folksongs of Alabama 1951:68rb
Point of View 1961:81 Folksongs of Florida 1951:106rb
Folklore Research Center Studies, Volume | 1972:102rb Folksongs of Roanoke and the Albemarle 1941:59rb Folklore Research Center Studies: Volume 2 1973:95rb Folksongs of the Corn Belt 1944:9
Folklore Research in Africa 1964:2 Folksongs of the Hong Kong Boat People, The 1967:61 Folklore Research in Japan 1961:94 Folksongs of the Seven Million 1943:106 Folklore Research in Latin America I: A Report of the Folksongs of Virginia: A Checklist of the WPA Holdings,
Society 1951:9 1970:23rb Folklore Research in North America 1947:117 Folksongs on Records. Issue Three 1952:147rb
Committee on Research of the American Folklore Alderman Library, University of Virginia, The
Folklore Research in the Congo 1961:99 Folktale and Hero-Tale Motifs in the Odes of Pindar
Folklore Saintongeais 1937:34rb 1969:134rb
Folklore Scholarship in Australia 1961:97 Folktale and Ideology in the Third Reich 1977:46 Folklore Scholarship in Bulgaria 1967:62 Folktale Congress in Sweden 1936:6 Folklore Section Established in Library of Congress [Folktale Research for the Year] 1891:88rb
1946:140 Folktale, The 1947:139rb, 1978:105rb
Folklore Society Affiliation 1947:16 Folktale: A Symposium, The 1957:8
Folklore Society of Utah, The 1969:17 Folktales and Social Structure: A Comparison of Three
Folklore Society, The 1970:36 Analyses of the Star-Husband Tale 1978:57 Folklore Studies 1951:64rb Folktales and Society: Story-Telling in a Hungarian Folklore Studies at the National Museum of Canada Peasant Community 1971:65rb
1954:33 Folktales Commonly Told American and Japanese
Folklore Studies at University of North Carolina 1944:15 Children: Ethical Themes of Omission and Commission
Folklore Studies in England 1961:83 1967:2
Folklore Studies in Honor of Arthur Palmer Hudson Folktales from Arkansas 1952:42
1968:9rb Folktales in Homer's Odyssey 1976:103rb
Folklore Studies in Honour of Herbert Halpert: A Folktales of Chile 1969:48rb
Festschrift 1983:7rb Folktales of China 1969:127rb
Folklore Study in Spain 1961:87 Folktales of Egypt 1983:6rb
Folklore Text: From Performance to Print, The 1986:86rb Folktales of England 1967:40rb Folklore Theses and Dissertations in the United States Folktales of Germany 1968:99rb
1979:24rb Folktales of Greece 1972:14rb, 1979:29rb
Folklore Today: A Festschrift for Richard M. Dorson Folktales of Hungary 1966:103rb
1978:138rb Folktales of Israel 1964:105rb
Folklore Tour 1947:10 Folktales of Japan 1964:80rb
Folklore Travel Grants to the Soviet Union 1961:49 Folktales of Japan as Told in California 1946:74
Folklore Trends in Scandinavia 1961:84 Folktales of Mexico 1972:13rb Folklore. Storia, Obbietto, Metodo, Bibliografia 1954:90rb Folktales of Norway 1967:91irb
Folklore!Classification and Then What? 1949:147 Folktales of the Florida Seminole 1945:46 Folklore, Feminism, and the Folk: Whose Lore Is It? Folktales Told Around the World 1978:102rb
1987:125 Folkways in Music 1944:43
Folklore, Nationalism, and Politics 1980:132rb Foodways in the Northeast 1985:100rb Folklore, Verbal Art, and Culture 1973:113 Fool and His Scepter: A Study in Clowns and Jesters and Folklore: A Study and Research Guide 1978:101rb Their Audience, The 1971:77rb
Folklore: Breadth Versus Depth 1958:23 Foolish Frog, The 1974:82rb
Folklore: From Africa to the United States 1980:40rb Footprints 1890:85
Folklore: Selected Essays 1973:98rb Footprints of St. Thomas 1903:11 Folklore: Social Science or Humanistic Discipline? For the Ancestors: Autobiographical Memories 1984:127rb
1951:17 For the Children’s Hour 1980:45rb
Folklore’s Nature and the Sun’s Myth 1975:86 Foreign Language Censors Needed 1943:50 Folklorica: Festschrift for Felix J. Oinas 1984:124rb Forest Folklore, Mythology, and Romance 1969:167rb Folklorist of the Coal Fields: George Korson’s Life and Forever the Farm 1941:34rb
Work 1983:8rb Forgotten Language. An Introduction to the Understanding Folkloristics 1985:5 Form and Fable in American Fiction 1964:56rb Folkloristische Streifzuge 1900:20rb Form and Function of Tambunan Dusun Riddles, The Folklorists and Their Activities 1944:47 1963:34 Folkloristic Significance of the Wren, The 1977:49 of Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths, The 1953:2irb
Folkmusikvagen!The Folk Music Vogue 1987:65rb Formal or Structural Studies of Traditional Tales: The
Folkor es Targytortenet 1977:99rb Usefulness of Some Methodological Proposals
Folksingers and Folksongs in America: A Handbook of Advanced by Vladimir Propp, Alan Dundes, Claude Biography, Bibliography, and Discography 1961:68rb Levi-Strauss and Edmund Leach 1972:11rb Folksong Albums Ready for Distribution 1943:51 Formal Study of Myth, A 1969:125rb
448 Journal of American Folklore
1958:82 . 1956:38ra |
Format and Method for Translating Songs, A 1983:40 Four Women Artists 1978:123rv Forms of Communication in Viraseiva Religion, The Fourpence A Day and other British Industrial Songs
Forms of Folklore in Africa 1980:11rb - Fourteen Marshallese Riddles 1952:77 Forms of Folklore: Prose Narrative, The 1965:1 Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1903:7 Forms Upon the Frontier: A Conference on Folk Arts of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society -
Rocky Mountain West 1968:25 7 1893:1 }
Forms Upon the Frontier: Folklore and Folk Arts in the Fourth Annual Western Folklore Conference 1944:44
United States 1971:111irb Fourth European Tar Baby Story, A 1932:6 Counterstatement, The 1961:25 Fox Possession in Japan 1900:46
Formulaic Improvisation Theory of Ballad Tradition--A Fox Miscellany 1938:44rb
Formulaic Quality of Spontaneous Sermons, The 1970:1 Fox Texts 1909:40rb Formulettes, Rimettes et Devinettes du Canada 1920:20 Foxfire 1979:95rv Fornvannen, Meddelanden Fran k. Vitterhets Historie och Foxfire Book, The 1973:58rb
Antikvitets Akademien 1908:19rb : Foxfire 4 1979:72rb
Forthcoming 1956:83 | Fr. Hunt-Cortes, the “White Indian” 1905:29 Forthcoming Articles 1952:2, 1952:45, 1954:10, 1954:39 Fragebogen ueber Volksmedizin in der Schweiz 1904:18rb Fortieth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society Fragments of Two American Ballads 1901:52
1929:16 Framed House of Massachusetts Bay, 1625-1725, The
Fortune-Telling and Superstitions Among the Peasants of 1979:163rb .
the Poljica Region of Dalmatia 1951:42 Frances Densmore and the Music of the American Indian
Fortune-Telling in America To-Day. A Study of 1946:6
Advertisements 1895:97 Francis Hindes Groome: “Scholar Gypsy and Gypsy
Fortune’s Malice: Divination, Psychotherapy, and Folk Scholar” 1967:4
Medicine in Peru 1969:38 Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. Vol.
Forty Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Folklore I. Games and Rhymes, Beliefs and Customs, Riddles,
Society 1936:5 . Proverbs, Speech, Tales and Legends, The 1953:43rb
Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore, Vol.
Society 1937:18 . IV, The Music of the Ballads 1959:107rb
Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore, Vol.
Society 1934:10 . , VI: Popular Beliefs and Superstitions 1-4783, The
Forty-First Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore 1962:53rb
Society 1930:16 Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore, Vol.
Forty-Five Stories from the Dodecanese 1954:58rb VII: Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from North Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Carolina, The 1964:98rb
Society 1933:16 Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore.
Forty-Mile Jumper, The 1951:132 Volume V: The Music of the Folk Songs, The Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore 1964:19rb |
Society 1938:24 Frank G. Speck, 1881-1950 1951:128
Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Frank Jackson: Coal Miner 1974:94rv
Society 1931:22 . Frank Noah Proffitt (1913-1965) 1968:54
Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Frank Warner sings American Folk Songs and Ballads.
Society 1986:105 1954:130ra
Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Frankie and Johnny 1932:12rb
Society 1935:5 - Franz Boas (1858-1942) 1944:6
Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore ._—«~#Franz Boas: The Science of Man in the Making 1955:18rb
Society 1932:3 Fred McDowell 1977:30rv .
Foundation Rites. With some Kindred Ceremonies. A Frederic Ward Putnam 1915:24 contribution to the Study of beliefs, customs, and Free Loan Sets of Lantern Slides 1953:11 legends connected with buildings, locations, landmarks, Free Show Tonite 1987:77rv
etc., etc. 1903:20rb Freedom in the Air: Song Movements of the 60's Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach 1966:108rb
1975:83rb French and Canadian-French Folklore Festival 1942:34
Foundling and the Werewolf: A Literary-Historical Study French Canadian Folk-Tales. 1904:50
of Guillaume de Palerne, The 1960:141irb French Cumulative Tale, A 1949:5 |
Four British Ballads in Southern Illinois 1939:4 French Folklore Society 1944:74, 1947:48, 1949:110,
Four Corners of Earth 1986:31rv ; 1950:19 . | Four Cowboy Songs 1913:13 French Folklore Society Archives 1945:15 Four Folk-Tales from Fortune Island, Bahamas 1917:7 French Folklore Society, The 1946:122
Four Functions of Folklore, The 1954:106 French Traditional Songs 1954:140ra 499 Scottish Stories for the Price of 500 1946:66rb French University Theses on Folk-Lore Subjects 1906:55
Four Louisiana Folk-Tales 1906:39 French-Canadian Folklore 1947:11 .
Four Masterworks of American Indian Literature: French-Canadian Heritage in New England, The
Quetzalcoatl, The Ritual of Condolence, Cuceb, and 1987:91rb . The Night Chant 1976:31rb~ Friday Not an Unlucky Day According to Columbus
Four Mexican-Spanish Fairy-Tales from Azqueltan, Jalisco 1892:125
1912:20 Friends of Thunder: Folktales of the Oklahoma Cherokees
Four Navaho Summer Tales Part 1 1959:46 1966:53rb / Four Navaho Summer Tales Part II 1959:57 Frog-Eating 1902:47
Four Navaho Summer Tales Part Ill 1959:99 From “Spiritual” To Vaudeville 1922:17
Four Puget Sound Folktales 1946:5 From Blues to Pop: The Autobiography of Leonard “Baby
Four Rare Child Fragments 1951:18 Doo” Caston 1978:24rb
Four Riddles from Ceylon 1955:49 From Etic to Emic Units in the Structural Study of
Four Vodun Ceremonies 1946:35 Folktales 1962:36
Title Index 449 From Hell to Breakfast 1946:25rb From Memory to History: Using Oral Sources in Local Historical Research 1983:54rb
From Myth to Fiction: The Saga of Hadingus 1975:35rb Gabriel Nattau’s Soul Speaks 1959:45
From Native Roots 1951:66rb Gadsup Culture Hero Tales 1964:93 From Slavery to Freedom. A History of American Negroes Gaelic Proverbs in Nova Scotia 1959:4
1949:139rb Gaelic Songs in Nova Scotia 1980:192rb 1967:31 Galitch'do-rus’ko narodni propovidki 1902:90rb
From Sound to Style: The Emergence of Bluegrass Galax Old Fiddlers’ Convention 1986:93
From the Book Review Editor 1969:91rb, 1969:138rb, Galla Sud-Athiopiens 1965:49rb 1970:21rb, 1970:77rb, 1970:122rb, 1971:44rb, Gallows and the Golden Ball: An Analysis of “The Maid
1971:79rb, 1971:121rb, 1972:26rb, 1972:51rb, Freed from the Gallows” (Child 95), The 1966:46 1972:74rb, 1972:106rb, 1973:59rb, 1973:96rb, Gamalt or Saetesdal. Vol. | 1962:48rb 1973:133rb, 1974:20rb, 1974:50rb, 1974:80rb, Gambling Games of the Chinese in America. Fan Tan; The 1974:130rb, 1975:43rb, 1975:79rb, 1975:108rb, Game of Repeatedly Spreading Out; and Pak Kop Piu,
1976:26rb, 1977:67rb, 1978:27rb, 1978:74rb, or the Game of White Pigeon Ticket, The 1891:98rb 1978:104rb, 1978:141rb, 1979:26rb, 1979:71rb, Gambling Ghost and Other Stories, The 1955:79rb
1979:121rb, 1979:164rb, 1980:36, 1980:85, Game of Children in Philadelphia, A 1899:73 1980:140, 1980:186rb, 1981:30, 1981:77, 1981:118, Game of Goose, The 1895:37
1986:10 Game of the Child-Stealing Witch 1890:49
From the Desk of Washington Matthews 1960:128 Game of the Child-Stealing Witch, The 1900:78
From the Editor 1986:1, 1986:100, 1987:67 Game of the Farmer and His Wife 1889:113
From the Guest Editor 1958:71 Game-Songs from Southern Indiana 1936:17
From the New Film Review Editor 1976:118 Gamecock, the Swamp Fox, and the Wizard Owl: The
1975:123 Set,The 1980:1
From the New Record & Film Review Editor 1975:49, Development of Good Form in an American Totemic
From the New Record Review Editor 1981:91 Gameel, Gamal (Oh, Beautiful Dancer) 1979:93rv From the Record & Film Review Editor 1974:27rva Games Ancient and Oriental, and How to Play Them.
From the Record Review Editor 1959:27, 1959:94, Being the Games of the Ancient Egyptians, the Hiera 1959:124, 1960:35ra, 1960:75ra, 1960:117, Gramme of the Greeks, the Ludus Latrunculorum of the 1960:152ra, 1961:21ra, 1961:48ra, 1961:77ra, Romans, and the Oriental Games of Chess 1892:108rb 1962:31ra, 1962:57ra, 1962:84ra, 1963:18, 1963:77, Games and Amusements of the Ute Children 1891:74
1964:28ra, 1964:90ra, 1964:118ra, 1965:32ra, Games and Diversions of Argyleshire, The 1901:84rb
1965:74ra, 1965:118ra Games and Popular Superstitions of Nicaragua 1891:8
From the Record Review Editor 1986:124ra Games and Songs of American Children 1967:10rb From the Record Review Editor: The Blues 1964:63ra Games Mexican Girls Play 1975:3
Frontier Ballads 1956:128ra Games of Children in Lancaster, Mass. 1897:77
Fulbright Fellowship 1950:13, 1950:147 Games of Children, Their Origin and History, The Full Hold and Splendid Passage: America Goes to Sea 1969:157rb, 1970:28rb
1815-1860 1976:23rb Games of Danville, Va. 1921:5
Function and Meaning of the Kumulipo Birth Chant in Games of New Zealand Children, The 1961:17rd
Ancient Hawaii 1949:98 Garden of Priapus: Sexuality and Aggression in Roman
Function and the False Faces: A Classification of Onondaga Humor, The 1984:128rb
Masked Rituals and Themes 1966:87 Garland of Ballads, A 1910:26
Function of Magic Folk Belief among Texas Coastal Garland of Sixteenth-Century Proverbs, A 1965:96
Fishermen, The 1969:66 Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers 1981:134rv Functionalism Deja Vu 1977:8 Garments of the Dead 1900:72 Functions of Folk Costume in Moravian Slovakia, The Garos, The 1910:8rb
1973:22rb Gas City 1987:17rv
Fundamental Principles of New and Old World Gator 1951:73rb
Civilizations, The 1901:85rb Gawain’'s Girdle as Traditional Symbol 1977:84
Fundamentals of Folk Literature 1964:75rb Geechee and Other Proverbs 1919:27
Funeral Ceremonies of the Chinese in America, The Geisterglaube in Ingermanland. Part 1 1963:103rb
1888:80 Genesis of Structures in African Narrative, The 1978:22rb
Funeral Customs in the Mohawk Valley, AD 1802 1889:22 Genesis of Toby: A Folk Hero of the American Theater,
Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, The 1967:78 Mythology, and Legend 1973:134rb Gentile System of the Navajo Indians, The 1890:44 Funny in Deaf--Not in Hearing 1983:76 Gentile System of the Siletz Tribe, The 1890:77 “Funny Man” of Turkish Shadow-Play 1903:66 Gentle Tasaday: A Stone Age People in the Philippine Rain
Further Note on “Springfield Mountain”, A 1939:12 Forest, The 1978:136rb Further Note on Raw Head and Bloody Bones, A Geografia dos Mitos Tradicionais Brasileiros 1948:122rb
1957:130 Geographic Sayings from Louisiana 1954:13
Further Note on San felipe 1928:28 Geographical Names of the Kwakiutl Indians 1936:24rb Further Notes on Sex in the Classroom 1962:11 Geographische Namenkunde. Methodische Anwendung der “Further Notes on the Names of the Letters” 1894:75rb namenkundlichen Grundsatze auf das allgemeine
1960:86 1905:12rb
Further Reflections on Pennsylvania Tongue Twisters, | zugangliche topographische Namen-material Further Reflections on Pennsylvania Tongue Twisters, II Geography and Rhythm 1937:29rb
1960:87 Geography-Rhymes 1905:27
Further Walam Olum Research 1955:16 George Catlin 1981:35rb
George Korson (1900-1967) 1967:80 George Lewis: A Jazzman from New Orleans 1980:18rb George Pullen Jackson (1874-1953) 1953:92 George Pullen Jackson Collection of Southern Hymnody:
450 Journal of American Folklore A Bibliography, The 1966:61rb Gods of the Greeks, The 1953:22rb
Georgia Hillbilly Reissues 1974:86ra Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors: Folk Religion in a Taiwanese
Georgia Sea Islands Singers, The 1976:110rv Village 1975:101rb a ) Georgia Version of Barbara Allen, A 1929:23 Going to See the Widow .1951:49
Georgian Folk-Tales 1894:128rb “Going to See the Widow” Again 1951:130 German Folk-Tales Collected in Canada 1906:66 Going to the People: Chinese Intellectuals and Folk
German Folklore in Ontario 1954:7 . Literature, 1918-1937 . .
German Language in America: A Symposium, The Gold Rush Song Book. Comprising a Group of Twenty-Five
1972:72rb . . Authentic Ballads as They Were Sung by the Men Who
German Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases with their English Dug for Gold in California During the Period of t h e
Counterparts 1956:119rb Great Gold Rush in 1849, The 1943:36rb
German Volkskunde and National Socialism 1987:72 Gold, Guns, and Ghost Towns 1948:124rb
German Volkskunde: A Decade of Theoretical Golden Age of Homespun, The 1959:111rb Confrontation, Debate, and Reorientation (1967-1977) Golden Bird, The 1900:54
1987:19rv , Golden Bough. A Study in Comparative Religion, The
German-American Folklore 1947:120 1890:121rb
Germanistische Abhandlungen 1896:76rb Golden Gate Country 1945:117rb
Geschichte der Kultur: eine allgemeine Ethnologie Golden Hoof, The 1946:26rb
1948:160 : Golden Legacy: A Folk History of J. Golden Kimball, The
Get Along Little Dogies: Songs and Songmakers of the 1976:11rb
American West 1977:100rb Golden Maiden, and Other Folk-Tales and Fairy Stories
Get Your Ass in the Water and Swim Like Me 1978:21ra Told in Armenia, The Get Your Ass in the Water and Swim Like Me: Narrative Golden Mirages 1942:42 Poetry from Black Oral Tradition 1978:19rb Golden Mountain: Chinese Tales Told in California, The
Ghost Dance at Pine Ridge 1891:45 1972:97rb
Ghost Dance in Arizona 1892:18 Golden Peacock: Yiddish Folksongs, The 1972:18rb Ghost Dance on the Klamath River, A 1906:44 Golden Woman: The Coleville Narrative of Peter J.
Ghost Dance Religion, The 1897:60rb Seymour, The 1986:58rb | Ghost Husband: Society and the Individual in New Guinea Goldrush Songster 1959:87rb
Myth, The 1966:10 . Goliath Effect: Corporate Dominance and Mercantile
Ghost Lore 1937:10rb Legends, The 1985:3
Ghost Stories from the American South 1986:60rb Gombay, a Festival Rite of Bermudian Negroes 1890:76
Ghost Town 1943:67rb Gomer: A Figure of American Hospital Folk Speech, The
Ghost-Dance in California, A 1904:5 1978:6
Ghosts and Poltergeists 1955:21rb Good and Beautiful in Folksong, The 1967:55 Ghosts as Guardians of Hidden Treasure 1899:12 Good Characters in Myth 1943:49
Ghosts in American Houses 1957:24rb Good Fences Make Good Neighbors 1951:131 Ghosts of Borley, The 1976:74rb Good Hunter and the Iroquois Medicine, The 1901:64 Ghosts of New York: An Analytical Study, The 1944:83 Good Stories 1943:11 | Gib Morgan, Minstrel of the Oil Fields 1947:68rb Good Tale and a Bonny Tune, A 1966:24rb Gift Drawing and Gift Song: A Study of Two Forms of Gospel Music 1971:94ra
Shaker Inspiration 1985:39rb Gospel Song 1966:78ra
Gift to be Simple, The 1943:27rb Gospel-Singing Convention in South Georgia, The 1982:1 Gift to be Simple: Songs, Dances and Rituals of the Got Something to Tell You: Sounds of the Delta Blues
American Shakers, The 1964:16rb 1985:50rv
Gift to Library of Congress Will Preserve Original Archive Gott und Teufel als Weltshopfer: Eine Untersuchung uber
of Folksong Recordings 1967:53 die dualistische Tiererschaffung in der europaischen
Gilbert O. Roy: Peintre populaire de la vallee Saint-Jean und ausser-europaischen Volksuberlieferung 1976:69rb
1982:54rb Gourd Book, The 1981:88rb
Gino’s Pizza 1979:173rv Gourd Growers of the South Seas 1946:145rb Girl Who Married a Bear: A Masterpiece of Indian Oral Grace Partridge Smith, 1869-1959 1960:47 Tradition, The 1973:52rb Gradual Relaxation of Indian Customs 1890:18 “Give a Thing and Take a Thing” 1902:59 Graduate Study in Folklore at the University of Texas
Give My Poor Heart Ease: Mississippi Delta Bluesmen 1971:21
1977:35rv Grand Beehive, The 1982:119rb
“Giving an Altar’: The Ideology of Reproduction in a St. Grande Tromenie at Lacronan: A Major Breton Lughnasa
Joseph’s Day Feast Celebration, The 1978:2
Giving Thanks: a Pawnee Ceremony 1900:66 Grandfather Stories of the Navahos 1976:27rb Gladys Amanda Reichard, 1893-1955 1956:13- Grandfather Was Queer: Early American Wags and Gleanings from Chinese Folklore 1974:78rb Eccentrics From Colonial Times to the Civil War
Gleanings from the Emmons Collection of Ethnological 1942:4irb | Specimens from Alaska 1888:69 Grandma Esther Relates 1968:96rb
Glimpses of Child-Life Among the Omaha Tribe of Indians Grants and Fellowships 1945:108
1888:33 Grants in Folklore by Wenner-Gren Foundation for
“Go Tell Aunt Nancy” 1913:29 Anthropological Research, Inc. 1952:119
Go-Backs, The 1892:45 “Grasshopper War” Folktale, The 1953:91 God Bless the Devil! Liars’ Bench Tales 1942:40rb Grateful Animals 1889:41 Gods & Heroes - Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece Gravel in My Shoe 1965:69rb.
1949:176rb Gravel Springs Fife and Drum 1977:77rv
Gods and Heroes of the Greeks: The Library of Graven Images, New England Stonecarving and Its
Apollodorus 1980:25rb Symbols, (1650-1815) 1967:67rb
1979:125rb 1964:33
Gods and Heroes: Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece Great Articles from the Journal of American Folklore
Gods of the Ancient Northmen 1976:63rb, 1980:76rb Great Folktales of Wit and Humor 1957:138rb
Title Index 451 Great Mosquito, The 1889:101 Service 1982:34
Great North American Indians: Profiles in Life and Guiding Animals 1942:56
Leadership 1979:109rb Guingamor and Guerrehes: Psychological Symbolism in a
Great Russian Animal Tales!A Collection of Fifty Tales, Medieval Romance 1966:3
with an Introduction, A Synopsis of the Adventures and Gullible Coyote/Una’ihu: A Bilingual Collection of Hopi
Motives, a Discussion of the Same, and an Appendix Coyote 1987:104rb
1891:92rb Gumbo: The Mysteries of Creole and Cajun Cooking Great Scottish Ballads 1957:111ra 1981:47rv Great Team of English Folklorists, The 1951:1 Gyascutus: Studies in Antebellum Southern Humorous and Great Tradition in a Metropolitan Center: Madras, The Sporting Writing 1980:160rb
1958:84 Gypsies 1906:68
Great West, The 1966:110ra Gypsies, The 1975:28rb
Greek Accounts of the Vrykolakas 1942:22 Gypsies’ Fiddle, and Other Gypsy Stories, The 1958:116rb
Greek Folk Songs and Dances 1968:67ra Gypsy and Oriental Music 1907:3
Greek Handicraft 1971:120rb Gypsy and Oriental Musical Instruments 1908:34 Greek Personal Anecdotes of the Supernatural 1951:82 Gypsy Camp Vanishes into the Blue (Jabor Ollhodit
Greek Tales of Priest and Priestwife 1947:38 Webo), The 1982:27rv
Greek Variants of the Dragon-Slaying Hero: A Gypsy Folk Tales 1965:115rb Paramythological Study [Oi Elli, The] 1986:109rb Gypsy Folktales 1954:76
Greek Wolf-Lore 1939:25rb Gypsy Lore Society 1888:72 Greeks of Vancouver: A Study in the Preservation of Gypsy Medical Folklore in Hungary 1962:39 Ethnicity, The 1979:63rb Gypsy Queen in America 1889:50 [Green Corn Dance and Great Feather Dance of the Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune-Telling. Illustrated by Seneca] 1891:15 Numerous Incantations, Specimens of Medical Magic, (Green Corn Dance of the Iroquois] 1890:113 Anecdotes and Tales 1891:67rb
Green Fairy Book 1950:44rb Gypsy Sorcery, Magic, and Fortune-Telling 1890:82
“Green Grows the Laurel”: Further Notes 1954:80
Green Hills of Magic: West Virginia Folktales from Europe 1971:76rb
Green Mountain Folklore Society 1952:129 Greener Fields. Experiences Among the American Indians “Hacia la Investigacion Folklorica Integral: Una tentativa
1955:19rb en el valle calchaqui de Salta” 1946:159rb
Greeting 1901:11 Hae-thu-ska Society of the Omaha Tribe 1892:51 Greeting Delivered to Music Teachers National Association Hags Out of Their Skins 1980:56 1944:72 Haida Myths Illustrated in Argillite Carvings 1954:124rb “Grey Cock”!A Drollery Version , The 1954:78 Hail Chant and Water Chant 1948:110
Griechische Fruhlingstage. Zweite, neubearbeitete Auflage, Hail-Stones 1903:51
mit 21 Bildern nach der Natur 1905:35rb Haim Schwarzbaum (1911-1983) 1984:110 Grimm’s Household Tales 1970:140rb Hair of the Dog and Some Other Hangover Cures from Grimm’s Tales for Young and Old 1980:127rb Popular Tradition, A 1961:32 Grimms’ German Folk Tales, The 1962:47rb Hairy Leg Strikes: The Individual Artist and the Brazilian
Grist Miller, The 1979:48rv Literature de Cordel, The 1982:3
Grizzly Bear: Portraits from Life, The 1968:42rb Haku Mele!Der Poet in Polynesien: Ein
1982:33 1972:103rb
Grounding a Superstition: Lactation as Contraceptive sozialanthropologischer Beitrag zur Rolle des Kunstlers Group of Eastern Romances and Stories from the Persian, Half Horse Half Alligator, The Growth of the Mike Fink
Tamil, and Urdu, A 1889:119rb Legend 1958:45rb
Growing Up Through Drama 1946:70 “Half-Blood Indian, The” 1894:130rb Growling Tiger: High Priest of Mi Minor 1982:14ra Hallucinogenic Music: An Analysis of the Role of Whistling Growth and System of the Language of Charles Dickens. in Peruvian Ayahuasca Healing Sessions 1971:58 An Introduction to a Dickens Lexicon. Revised edition Ham Jones: Southern Folk Humorist 1965:88
1956:120rb Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay on Myth and the Frame of Time
Growth of a Tradition about Lord Lovat, The 1934:7 1971:27rb Growth of Folklore Courses, The 1950:102 Hammered Dulcimer in America, The 1985:80rb
Growth of Indian Mythologies. A Study Based upon the Hammerman in Williamsburg 1984:46rv Growth of the Mythologies of the North Pacific Coast, The Hammonds Family: A Study of a West Virginia Family’s
1896:1 Traditions, The 1977:106ra
Growth of the Hopi Ritual, The 1898:40 Hampton, Va., Folk-Lore Society 1894:47 Grundzuge des Estnischen Volksglaubens | 1950:167rb Hand Game of the Flathead Indians, The 1955:68 Guamanian Songs: A Collection of Songs Commonly Sung Hand of Destiny, The 1971:126rb
on Guam and Not Hitherto Notated 1949:93 Handbook of Folk-Lore, The 1891:65rb Guatemalan Backstrap Weaving 1982:37rb Handbook of Irish Folklore, A 1945:24rb, 1964:109rb, Guest Lecturer on Inter-American Program 1943:140 1972:55rb Guggenheim Fellowship 1947:46, 1951:57 Handbuch der volkstumlichen Boote im ostlichen Guggenheim Fellowships 1948:61, 1949:67, 1950:80 Niederdeutschland 1970:75rb
Guianese Folklore Society 1953:33 Handicrafts of the Southern Highlands 1974:13rb Guide for Collectors of Oral Traditions and Folk Cultural Handsels 1890:58
Material in Pennsylvania, A 1970:18rb Handworterbuch des Deutschen Aberglaubens, vol. I, vol.
Guide for Field Workers in Folklore, A 1965:106rb I] 1929:29rb
Guide to American Folklore, A 1952:67rb, 1972:119rb Handworterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens, vol. III
Guide to Ethnic Museums, Libraries, and Archives in the 1932:13rb
United States 1981:29rb Handwriting on the Wall: Toward a Sociology and
Guide to the Collection Folk-Lore 1891:21 Psychology of Graffiti, The 1980:31rb
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Folklore Scholarship and “Hansel and Gretel” in Spain and Mexico 1986:103
452 Journal of American Folklore | Happy Family: Myths Ritual and Society on Nunivak, The Woman , A 1975:4
1982:106rb Henry W. Shoemaker, 1882-1958 1959:101
Happy Hunting Ground 1965:5irb Henry, the Pole-Vaulting Fish 1948:102 Happy Hunting-Ground of the Ten’a, The 1912:5 Heritage d’Acadie 1980:81rb
Harmonists: A Folk-Cultural Approach, The 1977:55rb Heritage Deferred: The German-Americans in Minnesota,
Harmonize: Folklore in the Lives of Five Families A 1983:128rb oe
1983:102rv 7 . Heritage of Kansas 1976:51
Harold W. Thompson, 1891-1964 1964:95 Hermes the Thief: The Evolution of a Myth 1950:160rb Haromszeki magyar nepkolteszet 1960:57rb Hero and Chief: Epic Literature from the Banyanga (Zaire
Harps in the Wind: The Story of the Singing Hutchinsons Republic) 1980:166rb .
1981:123rb Hero in the Folk-Tales of Spain, Germany and Russia, The Harriet A. Andrews 1923:25 1931:2 Harry Cox 1970:95ra Hero Pattern and the Life of Jesus, The 1978:75rb
Harvard Folk-Lore Club 1894:122, 1897:21, 1897:80 Hero With a Thousand Faces, The 1950:49rb
Harvest and the Reapers, The 1978:34rb Hero-Trickster Discussion, The 1909:48 Harvest Festivals Among Czechs and Slovaks in America Hero, American Style, The 1970:73rb
1956:77 | Heroic Romances of Ireland. Vol. 2 1907:37rb
Harvest of World Folk Tales, A 1950:125rb Hexenglaube in der Gegenwart 1981:13rb
Hasidim, The 1977:39rv . “Hey, You've Got No Character’: Chizbat Humor and the
The 1958:114rb Hi-a-wat-ha 1891:103 .
Hat-Shaking Dance, and other Tales from the Gold Coast, Boundaries of Israeli Ident 1973:111 .
Haunted England: A Survey of English Ghost-Lore Hiawatha and Kalevala: A Study of the Relationship
1942:38rb between Longfellow’s “Indian Edda” and the Finnish Centuries, The 1953:23rb “Hidatsa Texts” 1942:45rb |
Haunted People: Story of the Poltergeist down the Epic 1966:36rb
Hausa Literature and the Sound System 1961:42rb | Hieroglyphic Stairway Ruins of Copan. Report on Hausa Tales and Traditions: An English Translation of Explorations of the Museum, The 1902:32rb
Tatsuniyoyi Na Hausa - High History of the Holy Grail, The 1899:57rb
Hausspruche und Volkskultur: Die thematischen Inschriften High Lonesome Sound, The 1977:78rv
der Prattigauer Hauser un Gerate, Kirchen und Highland Communities of Central Peru 1949:180rb
Glocken, Bilder und Denkmaler 1972:25rb — Highland Fairy Legends 1981:78rb
Hawaiian Historical Legends 1925:20rb : “Highland Folk-Lore. “The Pigmies 1896:39rb Hawaiian Hula-Dance, The 1916:21 Highland Settler, A Portrait of the Scottish Gael in Nova
Hawaiian Legends 1925:18rb, 1980:82rb . Scotia 1954:46rb
Hawaiian Legends in English and Annotated Bibliography Hill Country Tunes: Instrumental Folk Music of Western
1949:127rb Pennsylvania 1946:24rb
Hawaiian Mythology 1941:75rb, 1971:81rb Hill of Flutes: Life, Love and Poetry in Tribal India: A Hawaiian Poetry of Religion and Politics: Some Portrait of the Santals, The 1976:99rb Religio-Political Concepts in Postcontact Literature, The Hillbilly and Other Styles of Country Music 1970:38ra
1986:66rb Hillbilly Hootenanny 1965:84
Hawks of the Sun: Mapuche Morality and Its Ritual Hillbilly Issue 1965:75 |
Attributes 1966:70rb Hillbilly Music 1966:111ra, 1967:73ra, 1968:45ra, Hawthorne's Faust. A Study in the Devil Archetype 1970:143ra |
1955:20rb Hillbilly Music: Current Recordings 1969:54ra
Hazard of Good Fortunes, A 1969:22 Hillbilly Music: Reissues 1969:34ra ;
He Sings for Us: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Hillbilly Music: Source and Resource 1965:81 Appalachian Subculture and of Jesse Stuart as a Major Hillbilly Music: Source and Symbol 1965:78
American Author 1983:63rb Hillbilly Tradition 1971:127ra, 1972:122ra, 1973:104ra
Headless Cobbler of Smallett Cave, The 1968:100rb Hinkie Dinkie 1923:26 Healer of Los Olmos and Other Mexican Lore, The {"Hinkie Dinkie”] 1923:27
1953:103rb Hinkie Dinkie Parlevous 1923:18
Healing 1982:124rv Hints for the Local Study of Folk-Lore in Philadelphia and Health in the Mexican-American Culture: A Community Vicinity 1890:28 | |
Study 1960:112rb . Hispanic Crafts of the Southwest 1980:59rb 1974:88ra Hispanic Folk Music from New Mexico and the Southwest: Heart of the Valley 1983:101rv A Self-Portrait of a People 1983:66rb
Hear These New Southern Fiddle and Guitar Records! Hispanic Culture in the Southwest 1981:76rb
Heathens. Primitive Man and His Religions, The Hispanic Folktales from New Mexico: Narratives from the
1949:81rb R. D. Jameson Collection 1980:27rb
Heaven on Horseback: Revivalist Songs and Verse in the Hispanic Legends from New Mexico: Narratives from the
Cowboy Idiom 1975:73rb : R. D. Jameson Collection 1983:65rb
Hebrew Folklore and Ethnology Series 1946:47 Hispanic Riddles from Panama 1965:57rb Hebrew Goddess, The 1969:126rb, 1980:122rb “Hispanic Versions of the Tale of the Corpse Many Times
Hebrew Menstrual Taboos 1938:8 “Killed 1936:12 . Hebrew Myths: the Book of Genesis 1965:103rb Histoire de Montferrand: L’Athlete Canadien and Joe Hebridean Folksongs: A Collection of Waulking Songs Mufraw 1960:4 |
1970:69rb | Historia del Folklore Argentino 1954:121rb
Heidnische Religion und spaterer Aberglaube bei den Historic Robin Hood, The 1953:93
finnischen Lappen 1950:38rb Historic Truth and Ballad Truth: Two Versions of the
Heilag-Olav i norsk Folktradisjon 1957:152rb Capture of New Orleans 1952:82
Helen Hartness Flanders Collection 1947:60 Historical Account of the Belief in Witchcraft in Scotland,
Helen Keller Joke Cycle, The 1980:155 . A 1972:113rb
Hell-Bound Train: A Cowboy Songbook, The 1976:21rb Historical Folk Song Albums 1951:22 “Helpmate for Man Indeed”: The Image of the Frontier Historical Legend of the Zapotecs, An 1939:40rb
Title Index 453 Historical Origin and Stylistic Developments of the 1975:17rb
Five-String Banjo 1972:6 Hoofbeats and Society: Studies of Human-Horse
Historical Societies 1947:138 Interactions 1987:95rb
Histories ou Contes du Temps passe 1980:101rb “Hooked Rug! Its Origin, The” 1943:160rb “Historija Narodne Knjizevnosti” 1960:134rb Hooked Rugs in Newfoundland: The Representation of Historische Probleme in Nordost-Neuguinea, Huon Social Structure in Design 1979:100
Halbinsel 1963:69rb Hoosier Folklore 1946:91
Historische Volkslieder des 18, und 19, Jahrhunderts Hoosier Folklore Bulletin 1942:31, 1944:52rb
1970:16rb Hoosier Folklore Society 1943:80, 1948:148, 1949:112,
“History of “The Dog on the Tucker Box, The 1957:117rb 1950:110, 1954:142
History of an Ordeal, The 1896:26 Hoosier Folklore Society Meeting 1942:9, 1942:62,
History of Ancient Mexico, A 1937:44rb 1943:104 History of Children’s Play: The New Zealand Playground Hoosier Folklore Society Meets 1944:96 1840-1950, A 1983:119rb Hop-Scotch Diagrams 1901:98 History of Ethnological Theory, The 1940:3rb Hopi Basket Dances 1899:23
History of Highland Dress 1981:80rb Hopi Child, The 1941:69rb History of Iberoamerican Folklore: Mestizo Cultures Hopi Journal 1938:47rb
1971:26rb Hopi Tales 1929:1
History of Ireland. Volume 1, containing the Introduction Hopi Way, The 1947:24rb
and the first book of the History, The 1903:21irb Hopi: Songs of the Fourth World 1986:131rv
History of Musical Instruments, The 1942:36rb Horatio Nelson Rust 1907:27 History of Nursery Rhymes, A 1969:100rb Horn Book. Studies in Erotic Folklore and Bibliography,
History of Rhythm & Blues 1969:63ra The 1965:48rb
History of the Aesopic Fable 1969:153rb Horned Moses in Medieval Art and Thought, The
History of the Catnach Press, The 1970:83rb 1973:121rb
History of the Che-che-puy-ew-tis. A Legend of the Horned Serpent Stories 1954:15
Northern Crees, The 1897:1 Hot and Cold in the Universe of San Francisco Tecospa,
History of the Circus in America, A 1959:113rb Valley of Mexico 1955:41 History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, Vol. III, A Hot Pepper 1977:26rv
1888:59rb Hot Pepper Story: The Need for an Expanded Motif-Index
History of Yiddish Literature in the Nineteenth Century, 1979:140
The 1900:56rb Hot Springs and Hell and Other Folk Jests and Anecdotes
Hobyahs: A Scotch Nursery Tale, The 1891:57 from the Ozarks 1967:66rb
Hodgepodge Book: An Almanac of American Folklore “House Burned Down” Again , The 1963:87 Containing All Manner of Curios, Interesting and Out House Decoration in Nubia 1972:109rb of the Way Information Drawn from American House Mottoes and Inscriptions: Old and New 1969:96rb Folklore, and Not to Be Found Anywhere Else in the House Names Around the World 1975:100rb World, As Well as Jokes, Conundrums, Riddles, House that Jack Built, The 1889:71 Puzzles, and Other Matter Designed to Amuse and House-Opening, The 1985:21rv Entertain, All of It Most Instructive and Delightful, The Household Fallacies 1889:78
1973:132rb Housing of Oglethorpe County, Georgia: 1790-1860, The Hoffman 1967:96rb 1972:73rb Hogans: Navajo Houses and House Songs. House Poems How Come It’s Called That? Place Names in the Big Bend
from Navajo Ritual 1982:105rb Country 1961:40rb
Holda and the Venusberg 1960:125 How Musical is Man? 1974:42rb
Holger Cahill as Folklorist 1985:25 How the Manx Cat Lost Its Tail and Other Manx Folk
Holidays 1930:9rb Stories 1960:109rb Hollow, The 1978:5irv How the Summer Season Was Brought North (Abstract of Holy Ghost People 1977:136rv a Montagnais Tale) 1941:54
Holy Grail, the Cauldron of Annwn, and the Nartyamonga: How to Become a Witch 1944:86 A Further Note on the Sarmatian Connection, The How to Keep Off Witches (as Related by a Negro)
1979:103 1898:14
Holy Week in Mexico 1899:42 How to Make One’s Self Invisible 1907:50
Holzgerat in seinen Urformen 1969:136rb How to Make Sorghum Molasses 1978:118rv Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrase, The How Will Boatright Made Bits and Spurs 1970:8
1950:161rb Howard Barrett Wilson 1903:94
Home Circle, The 1981:119rb Howell’s New York City Ballad Seller 1957:133 Home Life of the Pennsylvania Germans 1948:45rb Howess Dewey Winfrey: The Rejected Songmaker 1974:7
Home Movie: An American Folk Art 1980:106rv Hsi-yu chi; A Study of Antecedents to the Home of the Eddic Poems, with Especial Reference to the Sixteenth-Century Chinese Novel, The 1972:68rb
Helgi-Lays, The 1899:85rb Hudhud of Dinulawan and Bugan at Gonhadan, The Homemade American Music 1984:33rv 1969:132rb
Homeplace 1978:50rv Human Bones 1888:78, 1889:18
Homer and the Oral Tradition 1980:167rb Human Factor in Changing Africa, The 1964:101rb
Honky Tonk 1978:48rv Human Physiognomy and Physical Characteristics in Honorary Members of AFS 1949:72 Folk-Lore and Folk-Speech 1893:3
Honour Your Partners! 1960:122ra Humaniora Norvegica: The Year’s Work in Norwegian
Hoodoo 1888:75 Humanities 1960:96rb, 1960:97rb, 1960:98rb
Hoodoo in America 1931:38 Humaniora: Essays in Literature, Folklore, Bibliography.
1975:47rb 1961:60rb
Hoodoo, Conjuration, Witchcraft, Rootwork, Volume Three Honoring Archer Taylor on His Seventieth Birthday
Hoodoo, Conjuration, Witchcraft, Rootwork: Beliefs Humboldt, Highway of the West, The 1944:23rb Accepted by Many Negroes and White Persons These Humor and Laughter: An Anthropological Approach
Being Orally Recorded among Blacks and Whites 1986:70rb
454 Journal of American Folklore Humor and the Individual 1987:28rb oe Icelandic Saga, The 1963:99rb Humor of the Chinese Folk 1923:4 . Ichthyophobia 1898:21
Humorous Folk Tales of the South Carolina Negro Idaho Lore 1941:3irb |
1949:174rb . . . Idea of the Martial Rajput, The 1958:74 |
Humorous Narratives about Individual Resistance to Ideal and Expected Behavior as Seen in Klamath Food-Distribution Customs in Tabiteuea, Gilbert Islands Mythology 1963:3_
. 1965:3 . Identification of Folklore in American Literature, The Hump Song, The 1950:141 1957:2
Hundestammvater und Kerberos 1939:36rb Ideology and Tradition in South African Black Popular
Hungarian Classical Ballads and Their Folklore Theater 1986:35
1970:113rb Idiom of the People, The 1959:106rb )
Hungarian Counting-Out Rhymes 1896:86 If It Rains While the Sun is Shining 1954:118 Hungarian Folk Beliefs 1984:88rb - | If You Don’t Be Good: Verbal Social Control in
Hungarian Folk Customs 1974:18rb Newfoundland 1980:130rb | Hungarian Folk-Lore Society, A 1889:54 . _ If You Don’t Outdie Me: The Legacy of Brown County
“Hungarian Parallels of the “Twelve Numbers 1950:142 1984:67rb | : Hungarian Peasant Costumes 1974:17rb Ifa Divination: Communication between Gods and Men in Hungarian Peasant Games 1934:33rb West Africa 1972:15rb_
Hunters 1968:41rb a 1904:7 | Hunting in the Old South: Original Narratives of the Ignis Fatuus, Its Character and Legendary Origin, The
Hunting Superstitions in the Cow Creek Region of Ignorance of Physiological Paternity in Melanesia 1949:48
Southern Oregon 1928:14 Igorrote Marriage Customs 1901:77 Hunting the Wren 1893:55 Il mito della poesia popolare 1968:105rb
Hunting the Dahut: A French Folk Custom 1945:3 “Hl folk-lore in Orazio” 1896:99rb
Hupa Narrative Tales 1948:132 ; Il romanzo del canto popolare piemontese’ 1985:71rb
Hurdy-Gurdy, The 1983:68rb Il'ia Muromets 1960:27rb . Huron Folk-Lore 1888:63, 1889:95, 1891:102 Illinois Folklore 1947:87
Huron-Wyandot Traditional Narratives in Translations and Illinois Folklore Society 1947:52, 1951:94, 1953:35,
Native Texts 1962:14rb | 1954:85, 1969:6 -
Hurry Home Wednesday: Growing Up in a Small Missouri Illustrated Handbook of Vernacular Architecture, An
Town, 1905-1921 1979:158rb 1972:20rb
1980:147rv | 1978:121rv
Hush Hoggies Hush: Tom Johnson's Praying Pigs Images of Country Women: A Patchwork Quilt , Hush, Child! Can’t You Hear the Music? 1983:116rb Images of Power and the Power of Images: The Hutterites: To Care and Not to Care, The 1985:52rv Significance of Rock Art for Contemporary Zunis
Hymns of the Amish: An Example of Marginal Survival, 1985:1 :
The 1957:126 Imitative Dances Among the American Indians 1947:5 Hypothesis Concerning the Relationship between —-1979:92rv a : . Hypotheses Fingo 1975:92 ; Immigrant Experience: The Long, Long Journey, The
“Verifiable” and “Unverifiable” Folk-Belief Stories in Impact of Migration on the Metropolitan and Folk Society
the Context of Storytelling, A 1978:61 of Carriacou, Grenada, The 1981:115rb
Importance of Storytelling: A Study Based on Field Work
, in Northern Alaska, The 1979:20rb _ , Important Notice 1966:116
| | Imprints on Pioneer Trails 1953:51rb_- |
I Ain't Lying: Folktales from Mississippi 1977:37rv In Comes I, Brut King: Tradition and Modernity in the “I Ain't Lying”: Folktales from Mississippi 1987:14rv Drama of the Jackson Bullguisers 1981:142
Women 1980:125rb Preston 1983:77 |
I Am the Fire of Time: The Voices of Native American In Defense of Literary Dialect: A Response to Dennis R.
I Could Talk Old-Story Good: Creativity in Bahamian In Defense of Nagel 1973:8
Folklore 1967:70rb : In Great Waters 1944:26rb 7
I Dressed Me All in Feathers 1950:63 In Heaven There is No Beer 1985:92rv , I Got the Word in Me and I Can Sing It, You Know: A In Honor of Eyak: The Art of Anna Nelson Harry
Study of the Performed Afro-American Sermon 1984:95rb | | | 1987:49rb ; a In Indian Texts. Stories Told by Penobscot,
I Heard It Through the Grapevine 1985:109rv Passamaquoddy, and Micmac Indians 1897:82rb “| Learned About Women from Her’ 1973:41 | In Memoriam 1893:26, 1895:9, 1895:55 I salmi di tradizione orale delle Valli Ossolane 1985:72rb In Memoriam - Francis Parkman 1893:125 _ I Saw Esau: Traditional Rhymes of Youth. 1949:38rb In Memoriam. Mary Hemenway 1894:20-
“I Was Born Just Exactly with the Gift’: An Interview with In Memoriam!Alfred M. Williams 1896:29 |
a Voodoo Practitioner 1973:75 In Memoriam!Francis James Child 1896:55 .
I Went Down Town to Buy a Penny Drum 1962:70 In Memoriam!Henry Carrington Bolton 1903:95 “I Went to Mombasa, There I Met an Old Woman...”: In Memoriam!John Gregory Bourke 1896:24
Structure and Meaning in Swahil 1979:136 In Memoriam, William Francis Allen 1890:25 I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala In Memoriam: Alexander Francis Chamberlain 1914:1
1987:51rb : 7 7 | In Memoriam: Daniel Garrison Brinton 1899:49 of Merrill, Maine 1981:109rb | In Memoriam: Frank Russell 1904:36
“!'m a Man That Works”: The Biography of Don Mitchell In Memoriam: Frank Hamilton Cushing 1900:28 “I'm a Monkey”: The Influence of the Black American Blues In Memoriam: Horatio Hale -1897:7
Argot on the Rolling St 1973:112 In Memoriam: John Wesley Powell 1902:66
Ice Cutting 1981:139rv In Memoriam: Walter James Hoffman 1900:5
Icelandic Bird and Beast Lore 1906:73 In Memoriam: Washington Matthews 1905:50 _ Icelandic Folktales and Legends 1981:45rb In Memoriam: William Wells Newell 1906:96
Icelandic Rimur 1977:131ra } In Memory of Larry Gorman 1962:92
Title Index 455 In Mezz'una Strada Trovai Una Pianta Di Rosa: Italian Index to Volume 32 1919:43 Folk Music Collected In New York and New Jersey, Index to Volume 33 1920:30
Volume One 1985:86ra Index to Volume 34 1921:38
In Old New England: The Romance of a Colonial Fireside Index to Volume 35 1922:20
1975:111rb Index to Volume 36 1923:34
In Partnership with Time, Part II 1984:101rv Index to Volume 38 1925:36
In Praise of Patchwork 1980:195rv Index to Volume 39 1926:27 In Search of Dracula: A True History of Dracula and Index to Volume 40 1927:22
Vampire Legends 1973:122rb Index to Volume 41 1928:30
In Search of the Primitive. A Critique of Civilization Index to Volume 42 1929:31
1979:146rb Index to Volume 43 1930:33
In the Eye of the Beholder: A Semiotic Analysis of the Index to Volume 44 1931:42
Visual Descriptive Riddle 1982:32 Index to Volume 45 1932:21
In the Field of Southern Folk-Lore 1901:78 Index to Volume 46 1933:36 In the Good Old Fashioned Way 1974:107rv Index to Volume 47 1934:35 In the Heart of Pennsylvania: 19th and 20th Century Index to Volume 48 1935:32
Quiltmaking Traditions Index to Volume 49 1936:39 In the Rapture 1980:196rb Index to Volume 50 1937:50
In the Shadow of History 1968:33rb Index to Volume 51 1938:70
In the Shadow of Tlaloc: Life in a Mexican Village Index to Volume 52 1939:56
1980:179rb Index to Volume 53 1940:46
In the Southern Field of Folk-Lore 1900:44 Index to Volume 54 1941:77 “In Vain I Tried to Tell You”: Essays in Native American Index to Volume 55 1942:74
Ethnopoetics 1983:121rb Index to Volume 56 1943:164
In Ya Blood 1974:93rv Index to Volume 57 1944:104 Incantation for Retrieving Lost Marbles 1943:136 Index to Volume 58 1945:120 Incantations and Popular Healing in Maryland and Index to Volume 59 1946:162
Pennsylvania 1902:80 Index to Volume 60 1947:153
Inchman: A Toho Epic 1977:17rb Index to Volume 61 1948:177 Incompleat Foiksinger, The 1975:78rb Index to Volume 62 1949:185
Independent Origins: Maine and Morogoro 1947:7 Index to Volume 63 1950:170 Index Exemplorum: A Handbook of Medieval Tales Index to Volume 64 1951:158
1972:64rb Index to Volume 65 1952:152
Index of American Design, The 1952:137rb Index to Volume 66 1953:110 Index of American Folk Legends 1960:126 Index to Volume 67 1954:146 Index of Early American Crafts and Folk Art 1979:131rv Index to Volume 68 1955:111 Index of English Songs Contributed to The Journal of the Index to Volume 69 1956:138 Folk Song Society and its Continuation The Journal of Index to Volume 70 1957:162
the English Folk Dance and Song Society, An Index to Volume 71 1958:120
1953:101rb Index to Volume 72 1959:136
Index of Mexican Folktales 1975:41rb Index to Volume 73 1960:156 Index to Borrowing in the Child Ballads of America, An Index to Volume 74 1961:100
1949:49 Index to Volume 75 1962:101
Index to Volume 1 1888:87 Index to Volume 76 1963:109 Index to Volume II 1889:127 Index to Volume 77 1964:119 Index to Volume III 1890:134 Index to Volume 78 1965:121
Index to Volume IV 1891:120 Indian Animal Tales: A Preliminary Survey 1959:59rb Index to Volume V 1892:146 Indian Art of the Northwest Coast: A Dialogue on
Index to Volume VI 1893:138 Craftsmanship and Aesthetics 1979:110rb Index to Volume VII 1894:154 Indian Basketry. With 360 Illustrations. Second Edition, Index to Volume VIII 1895:114 Revised and Enlarged 1902:37rb Index to Volume IX 1896:112 Indian Burial Customs 1950:71 Index to Volume X 1897:102 Indian Camp Meeting at Greensky Hill 1950:9 Index to volume XI 1898:75 Indian Corn Stories and Customs 1898:41 Index to Volume XII 1899:93 Indian Dances of North America, Their Importance to
Index to Volume XIII 1900:88 Indian Life 1980:71rb Index to Volume XIV 1901:111 Indian Doctrine of Souls 1893:113 Index to Volume XV 1902:99 Indian Experiences 1944:21rb Index to Volume XVI 1903:105 Indian Feast of the Dead 1949:151
Index to Volume XVII 1904:63 Indian Fishing: Early Methods on the Northwest Coast
Index to Volume XVIII 1905:91 1980:8rb
Index to Volume XIX 1906:97 Indian Folk Musical Instruments 1970:117rb Index to Volume XX 1907:70 Indian Folk-Lore. (Being a Collection of Tales Illustrating Index to Volume XXI 1908:71 the Customs and Manners of the Indian People)
Index to Volume XXII 1909:57 1905:17rb
Index to Volume XXIII 1910:34 Indian Folk-Tales, being Side-Lights on Village Life in
Index to Volume XXIV 1911:36 Bilaspore, Central Provinces 1908:47rb Index to Volume XXV_ 1912:35 Indian Hero as Vidyadhara, The 1958:80
Index to Volume XXVI_ 1913:36 Indian Intermezzi (“Play It One More Time, Chief!”)
Index to Volume XXVII 1914:36 1973:114
Index to Volume XXVIII 1915:44 Indian Legends from Vancouver Island 1959:39
Index to Volume XXIX 1916:37 Indian Legends of Canada 1962:15rb Index to Volume XXX 1917:43 Indian Legends of the Pacific Northeast 1954:97rb Index to Volume 31 1918:48 Indian Merchant, The 1958:76, 1891:12
456 Journal of American Folklore Indian Messiah, The 1891:36 . Insect Fact and Folklore 1956:27rb Indian Myth of the San Joaquin Basin, An 1902:21 Inspirational Dreams in East Asia 1931:21
Indian Names in Maine 1905:68 | Instance of Legitimate Folklore among Professional Indian Names of Places Near the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 Folklorists, An 1972:92
1889:20rb . Institute of Interamerican Folklore Suspended 1945:16
Indian Navel Cord, The 1904:32 Institute on Early American (United States) Folk Arts Indian Opinions of the Earthquake of April, 1906 1906:78 1944:66 . Indian Place Names in Illinois 1966:27rb — Instructions et Questionnaires 1890:37rb Indian Place Names of New England 1966:28rb Inteligencia do Folclore 1958:104rb
“Indian Proverbs” 1906:56 Intelligence and Originality of Primitive Man 1894:91 Indian Rawhide: An American Folk Art 1982:36rb Intensive Language Program 1942:61 Indian Recognition of Return Discharge in Lightning Inter-American Institute of Folk Music 1943:137
1956:11 Inter-American Society of Anthropology and Geography “Indian Rock,” Onset Bay 1907:15 1943:12 “Indian” Song, An 1907:52 International Bibliography of Explanatory Essays on
Indian Songs and Music 1898:20 Individual Proverbs and Proverbial Expressions 1980:37rb Indian Speaks, The 1944:19rb International Commission on Folk Arts and Folklore
Indian Summer 1901:73, 1950:88rb 1946:46
Indian Tales of North America 1963:6rb International Commission on Folk Arts and Folklore, The
Indian Theatre, The 1951:148rb 1948:98
Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction, and Use, The International Congress of Americanists 1904:9, 1905:6,
1958:65rb, 1979:78rb 1949:64, 1902:13
Indian Tobacco 1889:82 International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological
Indian Tobacco among the Modern Iroquois 1889:108 Science 1952:58, “Indian Use of Wild Rice” 1896:43rb — International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological
Indian Witchcraft 1921:32 Sciences 1951:135
Indiana Folklore Activities 1946:14 International Congress of Anthropology, The 1894:19 Indiana Folklore: a Reader 1983:9rb International Congress of Archaeo-Civilization 1948:104
Indiana Home, The 1945:35rb International Congress of Folk-Lore 1888:62
Indiana Place Names 1977:123rb International Congress of Folk-Lorists. Exposition of 1900
Indiana Ragtime: A Documentary Album 1985:84ra 1899:81 ,
Indiana University 1956:3 International Congress of Popular Traditions 1889:107 Indiana University Folklore Curriculum 1949:62 International Congress of the History of Religions 1899:54 Indiana University Summer Institute of Folklore 1942:5 International Cooperation in Folklore 1950:140
Indiana Witch Tales 1952:10 International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Indianermarchen aus Sudamerika 1921:25rb Studies 1949:159 Indianische Kunst and Kultur 1950:157rb International Directory of Anthropologists 1950:24 Indianische Sagen der Nord-Pacifischen Kuste Amerikas International Directory of Theatre, Dance and Folklore
1896:17rb . Festivals 1981:85rb
Indians and Their Captives, The 1979:122rb International Ethnology Congress 1951:93 Indians Decorate Soldier's Graves 1905:67. International Folk Festivals in Michigan 1948:141 Indians of the Painted Region. Hopis, Navahoes, Wallapais, International Folk Music Council 1948:66, 1949:8,
Havasupais, The 1949:73, 1951:53, 1951:98, 1952:57, 1953:20,
Indians of the Southeastern United States, The 1948:24rb 1970:99
Indians of the Southwest 1903:81rb International Folk Music Council Conference 1969:39
The 1977:62rb 1891:87
Indians of Thoreau: Selections from the Indian Notebooks, International Folk-Lore Congress 1890:114, 1891:64, Indians of To-Day. Illustrated with Full-Page Portraits of International Folk-Lore Congress of the World’s Columbian
Living Indians 1901:35rb Exposition, The 1899:55rb_—
Indians’ Book. An Offering by the American Indians of International Folk-Lore Congress. Papers and Transactions,
Indian Lore, Musical and Narrative, to Form a Record of The 1893:27rb the Songs and Legends of Their Race, The 1908:25rb International Folk-Lore Congress, 1891 1891:26 Individual and Collective Characteristics in Folk-Lore International Folk-Lore Congresses 1891:110
1906:1 International Folk-Tale Institute Proposed 1946:90
Individual Choice and the Control of Musical Change International Folklore Bibliography 1956:87
1976:93 International Folklore Conferences 1947:131
Individualism and Mythological Style 1944:2 — International Folktale Institute 1949:154 Induction of Women into Iroquois Tribes 1893:61 International Giuseppe Pitre Folklore Competition Prize
Indulco and Mumia 1964:1 1966:50
Influence of Aboriginal Pattern and White Contact on a International Idiom. A Manual for the Oregon Trade | Recently Introduced Ceremony, The Mescalero Peyote Language, or “Chinook Jargon”, An 1890:67rb
Rite,The 1936:4 . International Institute of Archaeo-Culture (Correlated
Influence of Celtic upon Medieval Romance, The Research in Archaeology, History of Religions, and
1900:58rb Folklore), The 1947:79 1947:145rb 1946:99rb, 1947:49 Ingalik Ceremony in Alaska, An 1913:16 International Popular Tales and Early Welsh Tradition, The
Influence of Islam on a Sudanese Religion, The International Journal of American Linguistics 1944:42,
Inhalants in Respiratory Disorders 1964:71 1963:45rb
Initiation and Meaning in the Tale of Snow White and the International Society for Folk-Narrative Research
Seven Dwarfs 1977:83 1978:124
“Injun-Giving” 1892:19, 1892:95 Internationale Volkskundliche Bibliographie/International Inlaid Stone and Bone Artifacts from Southern California Folklore Bibliography/Bibliographie Internationale
1946:103rb d’Ethnologie fur die Jahre 1979 und 1980 mit
Inland Whale, The 1960:29rb Nachtragen fur die vorausgehenden Jahre 1986:89rb
Title Index 457 Interpretation of Folk-Lore, The 1895:29 Traditions, and History, The 1892:110rb
Interpretation of Katcina Worship, An 1901:38 Iroquois Women 1900:23
Interpreters 1972:79ra Is the Pope Polish: Some Notes on the Polack Joke in
Interpreting Folklore 1983:14rb Transition 1980:156
Intertribal Dancing Contest, An 1955:51 Is the Study of a Tale Performance Suspect of Aggressive
Intimations of Eve 1947:109rb Nationalism? A Comment 1980:113 Into the Looking Glass: Reply to Kirshenblatt-Gimblett and Is There a Folk in the City? 1970:46
Ben-Amos 1986:5 Is There A Folk in the Factory? 1974:31
Introducing Folklore 1965:15rb Is There an American Stonehenge? 1984:102rv Introduction to Bluegrass, An 1965:80 Isaac Garfield Greer (1881-1967) 1968:53 Introduction to English Folk Song, An 1976:67rb Ishi in Two Worlds 1964:37rb
Introduction to Folk Music in the United States, An Ishi in Two Worlds: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian
1961:67rb, 1964:112rb in North America 1981:31rb
Introduction to Folk-Lore, An 1896:30rb Island Blackhouse, The 1981:79rb Introduction to Folklore (Preliminary Edition) 1975:22rb Oslenzkar YjOsgur og vintri 1976:104rb
Introduction to Hopi Chants 1957:45 Islenzkur arfur Songva: Islenzk Rimalog 1977:132ra Introduction to Mythology, An 1921:27rb Isles of Rhythm 1950:46rb Introduction to Polynesian Anthropology, An 1947:67rb Isleta Paintings 1964:85rb Introduction to the Ceramics of Tres Zapotes, Vera Cruz, Isleta Variants: A Study in Flexibility 1926:5
Mexico, An 1944:100rb Israel Folktale Archives Publication Series, General Editor,
Introduction to the Study of Hillbilly Music, An 1965:77 Dov Noy 1968:83 Introduction to the Ukrainian-Canadian Immigrant Israeli Humor: The Content and Structure of the Chizbat
Folksong Cycle, An 1973:19rb of the Palmah 1983:57rb
Introductory Remarks to a Rhetorical Theory of Folklore Israelite and Indian, Parallel in Plains Culture 1890:22rb
1968:29 Istarske narodne price 1960:106rb
Inuit Sange og Danse fra Gronland: Inuit Songs and Istoriniai Padavimai 1950:168rb
Dances from Greenland 1941:73rb Istunbul Folkloru 1948:114rb
Investigations in Uruguayan Folklore 1951:12 It Ain't City Music 1978:46rv Investigations of English Proverbs, Proverbial and It Takes All Kinds 1948:126rb Conventional Phrases, Oaths, and Cliches 1952:76 It Was a DeSoto 1970:106
Invitation to Abstract 1972:88, 1972:125 It's an Old Wild West Custom 1950:124rb lowa Branch 1908:65, 1909:50 Italian and Italian-American Folk Music Recordings: Reply
Irish Book, The 1939:24rb to Portelli 1986:55
Irish Broadside on the Great Chicago Fire, An 1950:105 Italian Folk Song 1976:115rv
Irish Come-All-Ye’s 1909:45 Italian Folk-Lore Society 1893:87 Irish Folk History: Texts from the North 1984:70rb Italian Folklore Scholars 1961:88 Irish Folk-Song 1911:26 Italian Folklore: An Annotated Bibliography 1986:88rb Irish Folk-Tale, An 1910:20, 1910:21 Italian Folktales in America: The Verbal Art of an Irish Folk-Tales, Collected by Jeremiah Curtin (1835-1906) Immigrant Woman 1986:113rb
1945:25rb Italian Marionette Theatre in Brooklyn, N.Y. 1890:51
Irish Folklore Association 1943:21 Italian Marionettes in Boston 1894:37 Irish Folklore Commission, The 1938:13 Italian Popular Tales 1969:97rb
Irish Humor Songs 1957:116ra Italian Songs and Dances 1963:21ra Irish Love Songs 1958:39ra Italian-American Records 1985:85ra
Irish Mythology, A Dictionary 1960:73rb Items From New Castle, Delaware 1938:10 Irish Popular Superstitions 1974:23rb Items of Ainu Folk-Lore. (Especially Relating to Matters
Irish Street Songs 1958:40ra Mythological and Psychological.) 1894:2
Irish Texts Society. Volume V. Martial Career of Conghal Items of Armenian Folk-Lore Collected in Boston 1899:24
Clairinghneach 1907:36rb Items of Folk-Lore from Bahama Negroes 1904:6 Irish Tradition 1970:92ra Items of French-Canadian Folk-Lore, Essex Co., Ontario
Irish Traditional Songs 1963:91ra 1908:59
Irish Wake Amusements 1970:12irb Items of German-Canadian Folk-Lore 1899:9 Irish Wonders: The Ghosts, Pookas, Demons, Leprechauns, Items of Maryland Belief and Custom 1899:63 Banshees, Fairies, Witches, Widows, Old Maids and Other Marvels of the Emerald Isle 1976:76rb {Irishman Stories] 1899:50 Iroquoian Concept of the Soul, The 1895:31
Iroquois Book of Rites, The 1964:100rb J.D. E. Schmeltz 1909:22
Iroquois Ceremonial of Midwinter, The 1972:69rb J. Frank Dobie, 1888-1964 1965:7
Iroquois Condolence, An 1895:99 J. Golden Kimball Stories Together with the Brother
“Iroquois Condoling Council. A Study of Aboriginal Petersen Yarns 1968:113ra
American Society and Govern , An 1896:37rb J.A.P. and the J.A.M. in American Jokelore, The 1985:95
Iroquois Dog Feast 1890:90 Jaarboek 1959:25rb
Iroquois Dog-Sacrifice 1890:17 Jaarboek, Nationale Commissie voor Folklore II
Iroquois Games 1896:79 1952:135rb
Iroquois Indian Folklore 1947:123 Jaarboek, Nationale Commissie voor Folklore III
Iroquois Notes 1891:9, 1892:86 1952:136rb
Iroquois Ohgiwe Death Feast, The 1950:104 Jaarboek, Natonale Commissie voor Folklore, Vlaamse
“Iroquois Place-Names in the Champlain Valley” Afdeling 1956:29rb
1962:45rb Jabo Proverbs from Liberia; Maxims in the Life of a Native
“Jroquois Suicide: A Study in the Stability of a Culture Tribe 1937:24rb
Pattern” 1943:69rb Jack a Kent: The Evolution of a Folk Figure 1934:23
Iroquois Sun Myths 1910:28 “Jack and the Dane”: Swift Traditions in Ireland 1964:29 Iroquois Trail, or Foot-Prints of the Six Nations, in Custom, Jack Hall 1931:30
458 Journal of American Folklore Jack in the Green, The 1982:41rb Jewish Folklore Fellowship 1947:137 Jack Tales: Folk Tales from the Southern Appalachians Jewish Folklore Institute Publishes Journal 1945:107
Collected and Re-told, The 1946:18rb Jewish Folktales from Morocco, Narrated and Collected in
Jack the Giant-Killer 1891:82 : Israel 1968:11rb
Jacob Grimm und Finnland 1959:67rb_ Jewish Folktales from Tunis[ia] 1968:12rb
Jacob Hamblin, Buckskin Apostle 1949:138rb Jewish Folkways in Germanic Lands (1648-1806). Studies JAF Contributor's Style Sheet: Third Edition, 1976 1976:8 in Aspects of Daily Life 1972:67rb
JAF in 1953 1952:109 “Jewish Life: “The Old Country 1960:41ra
JAF, The 1954:107 De Jicarilla Apache Expedition and Scalp Dance, A 1941:2 Jahrbuch for musikalische Volks- und Volkerkunde Jimmie Rodgers--A Folksong Catalyst 1957:85
1964:20rb . Jimmie Rodgers: The Life and Times of America’s Blue 1957:19rb - Jisabu, Jiheng’ele. Ifika ni Jinongonongo, Josonoke mu
Jahrbuch fur Volkskunde der Heimatvertreibenen Yodeler 1981:73rb
Jamaica Proverbs 1972:116rb . a Kimbundu Ni Putu, Kua Mon’Angola 1892:72rb Jamaican Duppy Lore 1961:51 Jo Stafford Fellowship in American Folklore 1954:3, Jamaican Song and Story: Annancy Stories, Digging Songs, 1954:109, 1955:72 - : Ring Tunes, and Dancing Tunes. Appendices on Traces Jo Stafford Folklore Prize 1948:18, 1948:103 of African Melody in Jamaica and on English Airs and Jo Stafford Prize 1949:160_
Motifs in Jamaica 1907:54rb Jo Stafford Prize in American Folklore 1949:24, 1949:60,
James A Teit 1923:6 1949:61, 1949:126, 1949:165, 1950:11, 1950:67,
James A. Bland Album of Outstanding Songs, The 1950:74, 1950:107, 1950:155, 1951:3, 1951:38,
1949:39rb . 1951:83, 1951:127, 1952:9, 1952:35, 1952:92,
“James Harris” in Britain Since Child 1967:60 1952:103
James Mooney Award for Studies of New World Societies Jo Stafford Prize in American Folklore: Winners for 1950
and Cultures: A $1,000 Competition, The 1973:69 1951:46
James Russell Lowell 1891:86 Jo Stafford Prize in American Folklore: 1953 1953:66
James Russell Lowell Prize Awarded _1971:62 Joe Albert's Fox Hunt...and Other Stories from the Pine
Janey Jeems 1947:110rb _ Barrens of New Jersey 1983:33rv 7 Janos Honti!Leben und Werke 1980:139rb Joe Cooley and the Composition of Folksong in
Japan and the Occident 1902:63 - Contemporary Ireland 1976:95
Japan’s Dirty Old Man: Sex Adventures of Hirota Joe Scott: The Woodsman Songmaker 1981:20rb
Kicchomu (1628-1717) 1981:58rb Joel Chandler Harris, Folklorist 1951:105rb
Japanese Folk Beliefs and Practices, Tule Lake, California Johannes Brahms’s Body 1966:93
1950:130 Johdatus kansanrunoustieteen peruskasitteisiin. Vol. | Japanese Folk Tales 1956:61rb 1960:131rb Japanese Folklore 1949:17 John Alden Mason (1885-1967) 1969:71
Japanese Folklorists 1950:82 John Aubrey Upon the Seventh Earl of Oxford 1965:8 Japanese Folksongs in New York City 1946:85 John Avery Lomax (1867-1948) 1948:97 . Japanese Popular Christmas: Coping with Modernity, The John C, Duval: First Texas Man of Letters 1967:25rb
1963:81 . John Darling, A New York Munchausen 1944:31
Japanese Proverbs and Sayings 1981:43rb John Edwards Memorial Foundation, Inc., The 1965:86
Japanese Riddle Materials 1948:52 John Fredson Edward Sapir Haa Googwandak: Stories
Japanese Song to Control the Weather, A 1953:10 - Told by John Fredson to Edward Sapir 1984:56rb
Japonica 1889:47 John G. White Collection, The 1917:27 Jataka Tales 1918:23rb John H. Hinton 1905:26 Jazz and the White Americans 1963:106r “John Hardy” 1919:36 .
Jazz Dance: The Story of American Vernacular Dance John Harrington Cox (1863-1945) Mellinger Edward
1969:76rb Henry (1893-1946) 1946:76
Jazz: New Orleans 1885-1963, An Index to the Negro John Henry 1930:11rb
Musicians of New Orleans 1964:113rb John Henry, a Folk-Lore Study 1933:34rb
Jazzmen 1979:168rb | John Jacob Niles 1979:176rv.
Jean Ritchie Singing the Traditional Songs of Her John Kuners 1926:3 | Kentucky Mountain Family 1954:129ra John Mitchel Hickman 1980:198rv
Jeannie Robertson's My Son David: A Conceptual John Neuhaus: Wobbly Folklorist 1960:77
Performance Model 1976:2 . John O’Neill 1895:93
Jefet Schwili erzahlt: Hundertneunundsechzig jementische John Pitts: Ballad Printer of Seven Dials, London
Volkserzahlung augezeichnet in Israel 1957-1960 1765-1844. With a Short Account of His Predecessors
1964:104rb . in the Ballad & Chapbook Trade 1971:70rb 1986:27rv John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Jero Tapakan: Stories from the Life of a Balinese Healer Fellowships, 1952, to Folklorists 1952:59 1986:29rv “John the Bear’ in the New World 1952:115 Jero on Jero: “A Balinese Trance Seance” Observed John Q. Anderson (1916-1975) 1975:91 .
Jersey Devil, The 1978:93rb John the Giant Killer in Mexico 1965:46
Jersey Genesis 1946:62rb John Wesley Powell, 1834-1902 1902:67 : Jesse “Lone Cat” Fuller 1977:32rv Johnny Appleseed: Man and Myth 1956:20rb Jesse James's Chivalry 1956:15 Johnny Chinook: Tall Tales and True from the Canadian
Jew in Early American Wit and Graphic Humor, The West 1947:27rb
1974:75rb “Johnny Collins” Version of Lady Alice, The 1945:40
Jew’s Daughter: An Example of Ballad Variation, The Johnny Faa and Black Jack Davy: Cultural Values and
1934:22 Change in Scots and American Balladry 1980:152
Jew’s Garden, Etc., The 1951:51 Johnny Reb Band from Salem: The Pride of Tarheelia, A
Jewish Folk Songs 1960:119ra, 1960:120ra 1981:124rb Jewish Folk-Life in America 1894:12. — Johnny Sands 1948:11
Jewish Folk-Stories from Hungary 1968:95rb Johnny Woods 1978:47rv
Title Index 459 Joint Committee on Southern Asia 1949:158 Kansas Folklore Society 1956:89 Joint Folklore and Anthropological Meetings 1955:39 Kansas Folklore Society, The 1969:7
Joint Meeting 1955:5 Kansas Place-Names 1973:101irb Jokes and the Discourse on Disaster 1987:69 Kantchil’s Lime Pit 1951:65rb
Jolly Tailor, The 1930:13rb Kapingamarangi: Social and Religious Life of a Polynesian
Jolo Serpent-Handlers, The 1979:43rv Atoll 1968:21rb
Jombee Dance of Monserrat: A Study of Trance Ritual in Karagoz: Turkish Shadow Theatre 1979:18rb
the West Indies, The 1987:101rb Karok Orpheus Myth, A 1946:2
Jonathan Draws the Long Bow 1947:6irb Kartographie bei den Naturvolkern. Inaugural-Dissertation
Jongleur Songs of Old Quebec 1964:58rb zur Erlangung de Doktorwurde der hohen
Jonny-Cake Papers, The 1945:41 philosophischen Journal Copies for Exchange 1943:54 1905:16rb
Josiah H. Combs, 1886-1960 1962:91 Fakultat der Friedrich-Alexanders-Universitat, Erlangen Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeology, A Kashaya Texts 1966:54rb
1892:112rb Kaska Tales 1917:30
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 1892:114rb Katharine M. Briggs (1898-1980) 1981:55 Journal of the International Folk Music Council Katherine Anne Porter Appointed Fellow of Library of
1956:34rb, 1958:19rb, 1960:2irb, 1960:22rb Congress 1944:45
Journals 1888:29, 1888:60, 1888:85, 1889:33, 1889:66, Kathleen Ware, Quiltmaker 1982:95rv 1889:94, 1889:123, 1890:42, 1890:68, 1890:100, Kentucky Branch 1913:6, 1916:9, 1918:39 1890:131, 1891:33, 1891:69, 1891:100, 1891:116, Kentucky Country: Folk and Country Music of Kentucky
1892:42, 1892:81, 1892:115, 1892:142, 1893:43, 1984:60rb 1893:74, 1893:106, 1894:27, 1894:77, 1894:149, Kentucky Folk Architecture 1978:36rb 1895:69, 1895:109, 1896:45, 1896:107, 1897:23, Kentucky Folk-Lore 1901:6 1897:67, 1898:19, 1898:39, 1898:67, 1899:21, Kentucky Folk-Lore Society 1917:14, 1943:81, 1951:91,
1899:41, 1899:88, 1900:22, 1900:38, 1900:82, 1952:50, 1952:61, 1953:76, 1954:86, 1956:5
1901:86 Kentucky Folksong in Northern Wisconsin 1939:1
Journals: Recent Articles of a Comparative Nature in Kentucky Mountain Songs 1956:132ra
Folk-Lore and Other Periodicals 1902:15 Kentucky Quilts and Their Makers 1978:37rb Journals: Recent Articles of a Comparative Nature in Kentucky's Age of Wood 1978:35rb
Folk-Lore Periodicals (Not in English) 1901:37 Kickapoo Indian Trails 1946:149rb
Joy Unspeakable 1983:107rv Kiliwa Indians of Lower California, The 1940:16rb Juan Bobo, Adapted from the Spanish Folktale Bertoldo Killing A Biting Dog 1901:99
1963:97rb Kimbundu Grammar. Gramatica Elementar do Kimbundu
Juan Felix Sanchez 1985:49rv ou lingua de Angola 1894:58rb
Jubelfest, Nagra notiser till guld- och Kinderlegen in der Deutschen Vergangenheit. Mit 149
silverbrollopsfirandets historia 1964:110rb Abbildungen und Beilagen nach den Originalen aus
Judeo-Spanish Ballad Chapbooks of Yacob Abraham Yona, dem 15-18. Jahrhundert 1901:28rb
The 1973:87rb Kinderlied und Kinderspiel im Kanton Bern. Nach
Judeo-Spanish Ballads from Bosnia 1973:88rb mundlicher Ueberlieferung gesammelt 1902:38rb Judeo-Spanish Derivative of the Ballad of The Bridge of Kinderspiele und Spiellieder 1982:63rb
Arta, A 1963:2 Kindheit und Volkstum 1901:31rb
Judge Jackson: Black Giant of White Spirituals 1970:105 “King and the Tinker, The” 1966:47
Judge Wooten and Coon-on-a-log 1974:95rv King Arthur and His Knights 1900:61rb Jump Rope Rhymes as Folk Literature 1948:6 King Arthur and the Round Table: Tales Chiefly After the
Jump Rope Rhymes: A Dictionary 1971:41rb Old French of Crestien of Troyes, with an Account of
Jumping Jeremiah 1950:72 Arthurian Romance, and Notes 1897:90rb
Jung and His Critics 1967:77 King Arthur in Legend and History 1976:70rb Jungian Psychology and Its Uses in Folklore 1969:37 King John and the Bishop 1908:14 Juraksamojedische Volksdichtung 1950:119rb King of the Mountains: A Treasury of Latin American Folk Stories, The 1962:74rb Kingdom Come School, The 1974:103rv Kingdom of Saguenay, The 1936:34rb Kingship 1930:8rb K. C. Douglas: A Dead-Beat Guitar and the Mississippi Kinship of a Tanoan-Speaking Community in Tusayan, The
Blues 1958:55ra 1894:61rb
Ka Po’e Kahiko. The People of Old 1966:72rb Kiowa Folk Sciences 1947:31 Kaarle Krohn’s “Die Folkloristische Arbeitsmethode.” A Kissing Over a Candle 1888:48
Critical Abstract 1971:74rb Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon, The 1892:106rb
Kadiak Island Story: The White-Faced Bear, A 1907:62 Klamath Myth Abstracts 1963:4
Kalapuya People, The 1899:48 Knew Paul Bunyan, They 1958:46rb Kaleidoscopic Model of Narrating: A Characterization and Know, Then, Thyself 1902:1
a Critique, The 1979:56 Knut Liestol (1881-1952) 1953:95
Kalevala. A Prose Translation from the Finnish 1954:48rb Kolloquium balticum ethnographicum 1966 1970:76rb Kalevala, or Poems of the Kaleva District, The 1964:106rb Koman Riddle and Turkic Folklore, The 1968:107rb Kalevalan Toisinnot (Les Variantes du Kalevala). Suomen Komt Vreinden, luistert naar mijn lied: Aspecten van de
Kansallis-Eposken Ainetset 1889:32rb marktzanger in Viaandern (1750-1950) 1986:73rb Kalevipoeg kutkeis ja muid esseid rahvaluulest, Konikillah- A Kwakiutl Tale, The 1946:40 mutoloogiast ja kirjandusest/Kalevipoeg in Fetters and Kontakte und Grenzen. Probleme der Volks-, Kultur-, und
Other Essays on Folklore, Mythology and Literature Sozialforschung. Festschrift fur Gerhard Heilfurth zum
1981:72rb 60. Geburtstag 1970:110rb
Kamassian Verse 1954:110 Kootenay “Medicine Men” 1901:39 Kamui Oina: A Sacred Charter of the Ainu, The 1952:113 Kootenay Legend: The Coyote and the Mountain Spirit, A
Kansas Boys, The 1947:82 1894:79
460 Journal of American Folklore Korean Folk-Tales 1897:71 1949:79rb Korean Folklore and Attitudes Toward China 1955:10 La Have Island General Store: Sociability and Verbal Art Korean Folklore Reader: Texts with Presyntactic analysis in a Nova Scotia Community, The 1972:83
1966:29rb La Legende du Passe: Traditions Orales du Burundi Korean Games 1895:26 1973:123rb Korean Games. With Notes on the Corresponding Games La Litterature orale en France 1892:39rb
of China and Japan 1895:106rb La Litterature orale en Gaspesie 1957:144rb
Korean Sex Jokes in Traditional Themes: How the Mouse La Macaronee de Michel Morin: Une Autre Version
Got Trapped in the Widow's Vagina and Other Stories Comedienne 1920:25
1976:24rb La Maison Traditionelle au Quebec: Construction,
Korean Tales. Being a Collection of Stories Translated from Inventaire, Restauration 1977:96rb | | the Korean Folk-lore, together with Introductory La Marihuana en Mexico 1920:3
Chapters Descriptive of Korea 1890:94rb La Mentalite Archaique 1964:60rb Korean-Canadian Folk Song: An Ethnomusicological Study, La Muerte ocultada 1987:53rb
The 1978:73rb . La Musique des Incas et ses Survivances 1928:19rb
Koreanische Marchen 1954:56rb La Mutilacion Operatoria del Caballo Recelo en la America
Kota Texts, Part One 1945:115rb : Latina 1915:38 -
Kota Texts: A Review of the Primitive in Indic Folklore La Naissance du Chevalier au Cygne, ou les enfants
1948:95 changes en cygnes 1890:64rb
Krankheitsprojektile. Untersuchung uber eine urtumliche La Pensee Sauvage 1964:59rb
Krankheitserklarung 1960:102rb La Poesia Folklorica en Santo Domingo 1947:71rb Kraus Musical Museum in Florence 1902:26 La Poesie populaire 1894:66rb
Kru Proverbs 1930:20 La Possession et ses Aspects Theatraux chez Ethiopiens de
Krylov's “Demian’s Fish Soup” 1952:30 Gondar 1960:64rb
Krylov’s “The Lion and the Wolf’ 1952:74 La Premiere Seance Annuelle de la Section de Quebec
Krylov’s “The Quartette” 1952:79 1919:6
Krylov’s “The Swan, the Crayfish, and the Pike” 1952:29 La Rose and La Marguerite Societies in St. Lucia 1958:95
Kuanyama Ambo Magic 1955:9, 1955:43, 1955:67, La Sibilla Appenninica 1968:101rb
1956:46 | La survivance de I’ame et l’idee de justice chez les peuples
Kumuhonua Legends: A Study of Late 19th Century non civilises . Hawaiian Stories of Creation and Origins, The Labanotation 1957:72rb
1970:112rb. | “Labanotation” 1955:15
Kumulipo. A Hawaiian Creation Chant, The 1951:143rb Labor and Industrial Protest Songs in Canada 1969:18
Kuna Ways of Speaking: An Ethnographic Perspective Lado 1963:29ra
1984:112rb “Lady and the Dragoon”: A Broadside Ballad in Oral
Kunstlerblut. Ein Schauspiel in vier Aufzugen 1903:76rb Tradition , The 1957:84 . . Kuolematonten lehdot 1963:63rb Lady Featherflight. An English Folk-Tale 1893:10
Kwakiutl Fragment, A 1909:34 Lady in the West (A Ballad), The 1895:77
Kwakiutl Grammar with a Glossary of the Suffixes “Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight” from Maryland 1965:44
1948:174rb Lady Lil and Pisspot Pete 1987:43
Kwakiutl Tales. New Series, Pt. I: Translations 1937:47rb Lafcadio Hearn, American Folklorist. 1978:127
Kwapa Folk-Lore 1895:33 Laguna Tales 1931:15
Laiekawai: A Legend of the Hawaiian Islands 1900:65 Lake Huron 1945:30rb Lake Lillooet Tales 1931:17
| Lakota Belief and Ritual 1983:26rb
L. A. in Installments: Forest Lawn 1982:87rb Lame Man Recovers the Use of His Legs, The 1934:12 L’Animisme fetichiste des negres de Bahia 1903:38rb Lamkin: The Motivation of Horror 1977:5 L'Eglise et la Sorcellerie, Precis Historique, Suivi des Land of Saddlebags 1971:75rb Documents Officials, des Textes Principaux et d’un Land of the Millrats 1983:88rb
Proces inedit 1911:8rb , Land of Wealth, Land of Famine: The Sua Nac (Parrot L'Erotisme au Moyen Age 1980:68rb | Dance) of Central India 1987:3 L’Origine des pouvoirs magiques dans les societes Land to the West: A Search for Irish and Other Pre-Viking
australiennes. Avec un rapport sommaire sur les Discoveries in America 1963:64rb conference de l’exercise 1903-1904 et le programme Language of Gesture, The 1941:19rb des conferences pour |’exercise 1904-1905 1905:80rb Language of Riddles: New Perspectives, The 1985:97rb La adivinanza en la Zona de los Ntumu: Tradiciones orales Language of the Railroader, The 1978:112rb
Bosque Fang 1965:20rb “Language Used in Talking to Domestic Animals, The” LadelAraucana 1946:55rb 1897:87rb
La comparaison dans la chanson populaire grecque Language, Memory, and Selective Performance: Cultee’s
1957:20rb “Salmon’s Myth” as Twice Told to Boas 1985:93
La Complainte de Cadieux, Coureur de Bois (CA. 1790) Laographia. Bi-annual Bulletin of the Greek Folklore.
1954:40 7 Society 1958:18rb, 1959:22rb
La Cruz en America (Arquelogia Argentina) 1903:37rb Laos Folk-Lore of Farther India 1899:86rb La Deuxieme Seance Annuelle de la Section de Quebec (a Lapse of Time in Fairy-Land 1897:55
Montreal, le 18 Mars 1919) 1919:7 Lapse of Time in Fairyland 1896:2
La Dolce Festa 1983:99rv Laraes and Penates, Once Removed 1959:56 La Facetie des “Trois Reves:” Une Autre Version Lares, Organo della Societa di etnografia Italiana e dell’
Canadienne 1920:26 istituto di storia delle tradizioni popolari dell’
“La fete et les traditions de Ste. Rolende” 1894:138rb universita di Roma 1962:80rb “La Fiesta Patronal de Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria en Larry and the Freedom Man 1960:74rb :
Molinos (Salta)” 1946:160rb Larry Gorman: The Man Who Made the Songs 1965:107rb La Genese des Mythes 1939:50rb . Las Chanecas of Tecuanapa 1923:17 La Geste du Prince Igor’. Epopee Russe du Douzieme Siecle Las Danzas Populares Argentinas. | 1954:31rb
Title Index 461 Las miniaturas en el arte popular mexicano 1972:21rb and Belief. Vol. Ill. Andromeda. Medusa, The Lassik Tales 1906:42 1896:92rb Last Kings of Thule: With the Polar Eskimos, as They Face Legend of Sir Gawain: Studies Upon Its Origin, Scope, and
Their Destiny, The 1986:41rb Significance, The 1898:18rb
Last of the Seris, The 1940:43 Legend of Tauquitch and Algoot, The 1903:41
Last Trek of the Indians, The 1947:107rb Legend of the Biloxi, A 1946:36 Latin American Studies 1956:88 Legend of the Fin-back Whale Crest of the Haidas, Queen Latin-American Folklore Journals 1947:135 Charlotte's Island, B.C. 1892:6
Latvian Folkloristics 1979:58 Legend of the Holy Grail I. The Percival of Crestien, The
Laughing Boy 1931:10rb 1897:31
Lawrence Doyle: The Farmer Poet of Prince Edward Island. Legend of the Holy Grail II, The 1897:51
A Study in Local Songmaking 1973:54rb Legend of the Holy Grail III, The 1897:73
Laws of the Creek Nation 1960:150rb Legend of the Holy Grail IV, The 1898:6 Lay My Burden Down 1947:25rb Legend of the Holy Grail V, The 1899:45
Lay of Thrym, or the Fetching of Thor's Hammer, The Legend of the Holy Grail VI, The 1899:64
1907:59 Legend of the Holy Grail VII: The Grail and Glastonbury, Texas, The 1969:117 Legend of the Mill-Pond 1898:13
Lazar Collection of Mexican Folk Toys at the University of The 1902:7
“Lazy Man” in Indian Lore, The 1901:40 Legend of the Origin of Nantucket Island 1941:12
Le conte merveilleux comme sujet d’etudes 1960:69rb Legend of the Origin of the Snake Order of the Moquis
Le Conte Populaire Francais 1967:94rb 1888:49
Le Conte Populaire Francais; tome troisieme 1979:19rb Legend of the Snake Order of the Moquis, as Told By
Le Cru et Le Cuit 1966:94rb Outsiders 1888:32
Le Folk-Lore des oreilles 1890:35rb Legend of the Teton Sioux Medicine Pipe 1906:79 Le Folk-Lore des Pecheurs 1901:79rb Legend of the Three Nephites among the Mormons, The Le Folk-Lore. Les traditions populaires et l’ethnographie 1940:1
legendaire 1890:31irb Legendary Character of Kaiser Maximilian, The
“Le Folklore dans I'Oeuvre de Charles de Coster” 1943:114rb
1931:1irb Legendary Creatures of the Shan-Hai Ching, The
Le Folklore de la Touraine 1978:13rb 1979:161rb
Le Folklore Francais Depuis 1938 1944:62 Legendes et curiosites de metiers. Ouvrage orne de 220
Le Folklore Pris Sur Le Vif 1950:64 gravures d’apres des estampes anciennes et modernes
Le Folklore Vivant 1947:51 ou des dessins inedits 1896:94rb
Le Folklore Vivant. Cahiers internationaux d'art et de Legendes et curiosites des metiers. IV. Les coiffeurs. V. Les
litterature populaires 1947:103rb couturieres, dentillieres et modistes 1895:67rb Le Folklore wallon 1894:104rb Legendes locales de la Haute-Bretagne. Les Margot la Fee
Le fournil: un rite saisonnier 1978:68rb 1892:35rb
Le Judaisme marocain: etudes ethno-culturelles Legendes peruviennes 1897:61rb
1978:135rb Legends and Dreaming: Legends of the Dream-time of the
Le Peuple et l'histoire. Les souvenirs historiques et les Australian Aborigines as related to Roland Robinson
heros populaires en Bretagne 1890:39rb by men of the Djauan, Rimberuga, Mungarai-Ngalarkan
Le Retour Du Soldat Et Le Retour Du Voyageur 1950:58 and Yungmun tribes of Arnhem 1956:65rb
Le Son des Cajuns 1978:115rv Legends and Lore of Missouri 1952:149rb
1903:15rb Area 1971:113rb
Le Theatre au Japon. Les Rapports avec les Cultes Locaux Legends and Myths of North Carolina’s Roanoke-Chowan
Le Theatre Populaire Europeen 1968:37rb Legends et Chants Esquimaux du Groenland 1931:9rb
Le Totemisme Aujourd’hui 1964:61rb Legends of Chappaquiddick 1918:37
Leabhar Sheain I Chonaill: An Cumann le Bealoides Legends of Green Sky Hill 1960:34rb Eireann. Baile Atha Cliath. Foundation Rites. With Legends of lowa 1889:103 some Kindred Ceremonies. A contribution to the Study Legends of Maui and Tahaki, The 1936:26rb
of beliefs, customs, and legends connected with Legends of Paul Bunyan 1951:62rb buildings, locations, landmarks, etc., etc. 1950:29rb Legends of Texas 1926:11rb, 1965:50rb Lead Belly, Burl Ives, and Sam Hinton 1958:10 Legends of the Apple. A Paper Read before the Cincinnati
Leadbelly’s “Frankie and Albert” 1951:85 Branch of the AFS, October 19, 1904 1905:33rb Leading Folklorists of the North 1973:82rb Legends of the Cherokees 1889:9 Leaping Hare, The 1975:104rb Legends of the Hasidim: an Introduction to Hasidic Culture Learned It in Back Days and Kept It: A Portrait of Lucreaty and Oral Tradition in the New World 1969:128rb
1986:32rv Legends of the Madonna as Represented in the Fine Arts
Learning the Fiddler’s Way 1982:78rb 1975:119rb
Leaves from my Omaha Note-Book 1889:73 Legends of the Micmacs, The 1894:48rb
Lebanese Proverbs 1958:24 Legends of the Slavey Indians of the Mackenzie River
“Lecture on Musical Subjects” 1894:124 1901:5
Lectures on American Folk-Lore 1893:68 Legends of the Spanish Southwest 1975:40rb Lega Culture; Art, Initiation and Moral Philosophy among Lehrbuch der Volkerkunde. Third revised edition
a Central African People 1975:103rb 1962:19rb Legend of le Detroit 1978:108rb Lendas Brasileiras 1948:121rb Legal Folk-Lore of Children 1903:100, 1904:40 Lenape Conversations 1888:6
Legend of Money Cove, The 1918:15 Leo Frank and Mary Phagan 1918:13, 1947:3 Legend of Perseus. A Study of Tradition in Story, Custom, Leon “Peck” Clark: Basketmaker 1982:17rv
and Belief Vol. I. The Supernatural Birth, The Les Ba-Ronga. Etude ethnographique sur les indigenes de
1894:127rb la baie de Delagoa™Droit coutumier—Vie
Legend of Perseus. A Study of Tradition in Story, Custom, natale—Industrie—Traditions—Superstitionsetreligion
and Belief Vol. II. The Life-Token, The 1895:107rb 1898:52rb Legend of Perseus. A Study of Tradition in Story, Custom, Les Bizarries des Races Humaines 1906:29rb
462 Journal of American Folklore Les Blues des Balfa 1984:131rv Life: The Lore and Folk Poetry of the Black Hustler, The Les Cadiens d’Asteur/ Today’s Cajuns 1983:27rb 1978:20rb Les Calendries a emblemes hieroglyphiques 1891:99rb, Lige: A Portrait of a Rawhide Braider 1986:127rv
1893:94rb Light-Bulb Jokes: Americans Look at Social Action
Les ceremonies du mariage. usages populaires et textes Processes, The 1980:157_
dialectaux du Sud de la prefecture de Ta-T’oung "Like Ann’s Gynecologist or the Time I was Almost
1948:117rb Raped”: Personal Narratives 1975:2 Les Colquillages de Mer. 1901:57rb } Lilith 1964:92 |
Les Comptines de la langue francaise 1963:62rb “Lillooet Stories” 1979:153rb .
Les Contes d’Animaux dans les Romans du Renard Limba Stories and Storytelling 1969:82rb
1889:122rb Lincoln-Lore: Lincoln in the Popular Mind 1977:66rb
Les Coquilles de mer. Etude ethnographique 1890:36rb Lineage and Birth of Sir Aldingar, The 1952:34 Les Cris de Loudres au xviii siecle. Illustres de 62 Lineage of a Tribe on Vancouver's Island 1888:45
gravures avec epigrammes en vers 1893:91rb Lines from the Cover of an Old Bible 1889:114 Les deux traditions: Le conte populaire chez les Linguistic Material from the Tribes of Southern Texas and
Franco-Terreneuviens 1985:65rb Northeastern Mexico 1942:46
Les Fontaines des Genies (Seba Aioun): Croyances Lion of the West, retitled The Kentuckian, or A Trip to
soudanaises a Alger 1904:20rb New York. A Farce in Two Acts, The 1956:114rb
Les fours a pain au Quebec 1978:67rb Lirica narrativa de Mexico: El corrido 1965:110rb
Les Indiens de l’Etat de Panama _ 1888:56rb List of Libraries and Societies, Being Members of the
Les Lutins 1892:37rb American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the Les metiers du cuir 1983:87rb Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1891 Les Moeurs des Indo-Chinois d’apres leurs cults, leurs lois, 1891:119 a |
leur litterature et leur theatre 1905:36rb List of Libraries and Societies, Being Members of the Les Os de Mort dans la legende et la superstition | American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the
1890:33rb : Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1896 Les Pendus 1892:38rb 1896:110 | Les petites images devotes 1983:86rb List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the AFS, or
Les Remedes D’Autrefois 1919:4 Subscribers to the JAF, in the Year 1903 1903:103
Les Reves des Chasseurs 1946:19rb List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the AFS, or
Les traditions populaires en Touraine: leur evolution au Subscribers to the JAF, in the Year 1904 1904:61
cours de siecles 1978:14rb List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the
Les Volcans 1890:34rb American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribing to the Lessa on Roheim 1956:104 Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1889 Let the Inside Be Sweet: The Interpretation of Music Event 1890:43 among the Kpelle of Liberia 1984:91rb List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the
Let the Spirit Move 1979:36rv | American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the
Let Ye Inherit 1987:79rv Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1890
Letter to the Review Editor 1960:113, 1960:115 1890:133 Lettisk folktro om de doda 1950:163rb List of Libraries or Societies, Being members of the Levette J. Davidson, 1894-1957 1958:29 American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the _ Levi-Strauss in the Nation-State 1985:27 Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1892
Lewis Miller (1796-1882): Sketches and Chronicles 1892:144 oe 1968:58rb List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the
Lexicon de sprichwortlichen Redensarten 1975:97rb American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the
Lexicon of Black English 1979:159rb Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1893
Lexington Girl, The 1929:20 Oo 1893:137
Leyenda Y Cancion Recognidas en Mexico, D.F. 1918:34 List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the
Li Sao, A Poem on Relieving Sorrows, by Ch’'u Yuan American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the
1961:16rd Journal of American Folk-lore, in the Year 1894
Libraries Acquire Folklore Collections 1945:83 ~ 1894:152 Oe Library of Congress 1949:23 List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the
Library of Congress Albums 1983:72ra American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the Library of Congress Recordings 1948:151 Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1895 Library of Congress Recordings, The 1968:109ra 1895:112 Lidove pisne a tance z Valasskokloboucka 1957:149rb List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the
Lieut. Fletcher S. Bassett, U.S. N. 1893:126 American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the Life & Tradition in the Yorkshire Dales 1969:92rb Journal Of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1897 Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta: The Celebrated 1897:100
1980:84rb 1898:72
California Bandit, The 1956:51rb List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the
Life and Tradition in Rural Wales 1980:83rb | American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the Life and Tradition in Suffolk and North-East Essex Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1898 Life and Tradition in West Yorkshire ~1979:22rb_ List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the Life and Traditions of the Red Man, The 1981:33rb American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the
1896:58 1899:91 | .
Life in Connecticut at the Beginning of the Century Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1899 Life Is With People: The Jewish Little-Town of Eastern List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the
Europe 1952:140rb American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the Life Story, The 1980:109 Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1900
Life Treasury of American Folklore, The 1963:44rb 1900:85
Life Under the “Peculiar Institution”: Selections from the List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the _
Slave Narrative Collection 1971:108rb American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the
Life-Giving Myth and Other Essays, The 1970:125rb Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1901
Title Index 463 1901:108 Living Country Blues 1971:32rb
List of Libraries or Societies, Being Members of the Living History Sourcebook, The 1987:86rb American Folk-Lore Society, or Subscribers to the Living Pioneers. The Epic of the old West by Those Who
Journal of American Folk-Lore, in the Year 1902 Lived it 1953:53rb
1902:97 Living Texas Blues 1986:46rb
List of Libraries or Subscribers, Being Members of the AFS, Living with Ballads 1968:13rb
or Subscribers to the JAF, in the Year 1906 1906:94 “Lizzard” 1906:89 List of Libraries, Colleges and Societies and Subscribers to Loan Exhibition of Objects Used in Religious Ceremonies,
the JAF for the Year 1918 1918:46 University of Pennsylvania 1892:70
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Being Members of Local Color: A Sense of Place in Folk Art 1984:15rb the AFS, or Subscribers to the JAF, in the Year 1907 Local Meetings and Other Notices 1905:9, 1905:31,
1907:68 1906:70
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Members of the Local Meetings in Boston 1890:24 AFS, or Subscribers to the JAF for the Year 1908 Local Meetings: California Branch 1908:45
1908:69 Lode-Stone, The 1895:14
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Members of the Log Cabin: Homes of the North American Wilderness, The
AFS, or Subscribers to the JAF for the Year 1909 1981:86rb
1909:55 Loga del Ninos Dios 1914:14
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Members of the Loki: Ein mythologisches Problem 1958:67rb
AFS, or Subscribers to the JAF for the Year 1910 Lolo Story, A 1955:73
1910:32 Lolo Story: “The Great God O-Li-Bi-Zih” by Lin
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, subscribers to the Kuang-Tien, A 1955:45
JAF for the Year 1911 1911:34 London Past & Present: A Dictionary of Its History,
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Subscribers to the Associations, and Traditions 1969:102rb
JAF for the Year 1912 1912:33 Lone Stars: A Legacy of Texas Quilts, 1836-1936
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Subscribers to the 1987:96rb
JAF for the Year 1913 1913:34 Long Ago Told 1932:9rb
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Subscribers to the Long Hidden Friend, The 1904:24
JAF for the Year 1914 1914:34 “Long Journey Home: Folklife in the South” 1980:74rb
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Subscribers to the Long Steel Rail: The Railroad in American Folksong
JAF for the Year 1915 1915:42 1983:44rb
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Subscribers to the Look Ahead in Oral Literature Research, A 1966:42
JAF for the Year 1916 1916:35 Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast 1981:68rb
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Subscribers to the Looking Backwards 1987:10rv
JAF for the Year 1917 1917:41 Loon with the Ivory Eyes: A Study in Symbolic
List of Libraries, Colleges, and Societies, Subscribers to the Archaeology, The 1975:11
JAF for the Year 1919 1919:41 Loon Woman Myth: A Study in Synthesis, The 1933:14
List of Libraries, or Societies, Being Members of the AFS, Loose and Humorous Songs from Bishop Percy’s Folio
or Subscribers to the JAF, in the Year 1905 1905:89 Manuscript 1964:87rb [List of Societies and Periodicals Allied with the Polish Loose-Tongued Greeks: A Miscellany of Neo-Hellenic Erotic
Folk-Lore Society] Folklore 1985:18rb
List of Subscribers to the Publication Fund, 1900 1900:86 Lorang’s Way 1984:36rv
List of Subscribers to the Publication Fund, 1901 Lord Bateman 1928:26
1901:109 Lord Derwentwater, Child 208 1934:8
Listen to Our Story: A Panorama of American Ballads Lord Randall 1931:28
1948:74ra Lore and Dieties of the Lacandon Indians, Chiapas, Mexico
Litauische Hochzeitsbrauche 1949:90rb 1944:32
Literary Aspects of Winnebago Mythology 1926:2 Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, The 1961:74rb Literary Folklore of the Hispanic Southwest 1955:82rb Lore of an Adirondack County 1945:37rb Literary History of the Popular Ballad, A 1970:15rb Lore of Faith and Folly 1973:56rb
Literary riddle Before 1600, The 1949:130rb Lore of Our Land 1965:18rb Literary Style in Yoruba Riddles 1949:1 Lore of Still Building, The 1974:126rb
Literary Types and Dissemination of Myths 1921:16 Lore of the New Testament, The 1954:25rb
Literary Use of Proverbs, The 1977:112 Lore of the Old Testament, The 1954:24rb
Literature among the Primitives 1965:97rb Lore: An Introduction to the Science of Folklore and Literature and Folk Culture: Ireland and Newfoundland Literature 1975:76rb
1980:78rb Los Concheros 1946:112
Literature and Folk Song 1903:47 Los Machiguengas: Contribucion para el estudio de la
Lithuanian Folk Tales 1959:65rb etnografia de las razas amazonicas 1948:164rb Lithuanian Folk-Art 1949:137rb Los Pastores Presented in Colorado 1945:20 Lithuanian Folksongs in America: Narrative Songs and Loss of Ornamentation 1903:63
Ballads 1962:24rb Lost Language of Symbolism, The 1969:109rb
Lithuanian Formula Tale, A 1946:39 Lost Tribes and Sunken Continents: Myth and Method in
Lithuanian Narrative Songs 1955:93rb the Study of American Indians 1964:23rb
Litiz 1895:98 Lost Tribes, A Myth: Suggestions Toward Rewriting “Little King,” “Sow,” “Lady-Cow” 1935:7 Hebrew History, The 1975:122rb
Little Orphan Annie and Levi-Strauss: The Myth and the Lost World of the Kalahari, The 1979:126rb
Method 1973:110 ‘Loucheux Myths 1915:19
Little Smoky Ridge: The Natural History of a Southern Loucheux Tales 1950:59
Appalachian Neighborhood 1960:53rb Louisiana 1893:122 Little Will and Big Will 1960:11 Louisiana Association of the American Folk-Lore Society
Living and the Dead. A Study of the Symbolic Life of 1892:28, 1892:67, 1892:101
Americans, The 1960:88rb Louisiana Branch 1893:67
Living Arts of Nigeria, The 1973:130rb Louisiana Cajuns/Cajuns de la Louisiana 1980:123rb
464 Journal of American Folklore Louisiana Creole Dialect 1943:153rb 1961:26 Louisiana Folk-Tales in French Dialect and English Magical Death 1979:87rv
Translation 1894:113rb, 1895:7rb . Magical Practices in Northern Haiti 1954:116 Louisiana Folklore Miscellany 1959:82rb Magician, The 1974:83rb Louisiana Folklore Society, The 1969:8 Magpie and the Fox (A Corean Tale), The 1893:20 Louisiana French Folk Songs 1942:18rb Magyar Neprajzi Lexikon 1979:112rb Louisiana French Music 1984:75ra Magyar Neprajzi Lexikon 1984:57rb Louisiana Ghost Story 1899:32 Maiden of the Buhong Sky: A Complete Song from the Louisiana Legend Concerning Will o’ the Wisp, A 1905:52 Bagobo Folk Epic Tuwaang, The 1959:122rb
Louisiana Nursery Tales 1889:6 Maileus Maleficarum, The 1972:111rb — Louisiana Nursery-Tales 1888:37 Maine Woods Songster, The 1941:28rb Louisiana Superstitions 1927:12 Maize: A Botanical and Economic Study 1894:62rb Louisiana Studies. Literature, Customs and Dialects, “Maka-andog”: A Reconstructed Myth from Eastern Samar,
History and Education | Philippines 1966:4 |
Louisiana Swamp Doctor, The Life and Writings of Henry Maka’s Story: A Study of Lakota Cosmogony 1977:45
Clay Lewis 1964:54rb : Makers of Cajun Music/Musiciens cadiens et creoles, The
Loup Garou and Loa Tales from Northern Haiti 1942:55 1987:21rb
Love Powders and Breastplates 1906:57 “Making All the Crooked Ways Straight”: The Satirical
Love-Charms at Wishing-Wells 1900:73 Portrait of Whites in Coast 1976:52 Lovingood Papers, The 1964:55rb | | Making of Religion, The 1899:56rb Low Bridge! Folklore and the Erie Canal 1964:40rb Malagasy Riddling 1985:26 “Lower Chinook Ethnographic Notes” 1939:44rb Malagasy Tale Index 1985:34rb
Lower Piedmont Country 1947:148rb Malaty'dan Derlenmis Masallar 1948:111rb
Lowie’s Selected Papers in Anthropology 1961:43rb Malay Proverbs 1951:63rb Luba and Finnish Riddles: A Double Analysis 1976:48 Malecite Tale: Adventure of Bukschinskwesk, A 1915:18
Luck of the Number Three, The 1892:14 Malecite Tales 1917:32 Luck-Stones Among the Yana 1908:10 | Maliseet Legends 1895:73
Lucky and Unlucky Days 1903:69 Maliseet Tales 1913:18
Lughnasa Musician in Ireland and Scotland, The 1967:83 Maliseet Vocabulary 1900:21rb : Lughnasa Piper in the Northeast of Scotland; A 1968:55 Man and Cultural Heritage: Papers in Honor of Fred B.
Luiseno Tale, A 1908:6 : Kniffen 1977:52rb
Lullabies in Jamaica 1928:27 Man and His Fiction 1975:24rb |
Lullaby Study 1972:63 Man and His Works: The Science of Cultural Anthropology Lumbering Songs from the Northern Woods 1973:17rb 1950:40rb Lunastettava neito, Vertaileva balladitutkinus (The Maid to Man and Temple in Jewish Myth and Ritual 1969:85rb
be Ransomed, A Comparative Study of Ballad) Man in the Moon, The 1935:25
1959:11rb Man Who Married the Moon, and Other Pueblo Indian
Lure of the Limerick: An Uninhibited History with Over Folk-Stories, The 1895:57rb
Five Hundred Examples, British and American, Man Who Plucked the Gorby: A Maine Woods Legend, The Collected from Many Sources, The 1968:106rb
Luther Metke at 94 1984:43rv 1961:1 . Lutins in the Province of Quebec 1892:124 Man-Eater, The. 1921:33 _
Lycanthropy as a Psychic Mechanism 1945:101 Man-of-Words in the West Indies: Performance and the
i Emergence of Creole Culture, The 1984:114rb Manas, Kirgizski Narodni Epos 1945:29rb
1 Mandan Social and Ceremonial Organization 1951:113rb
) Mandrake, A Bibliographical Note, The 1921:23
M.A. in Folklore Offered at Berkeley 1965:85 Mann und Fuchs. Drei Vergleichende Marchenstudien
Mabinogi and Other Medieval Welsh Tales, The 1892:32rb |
1979:150rb Manual de bibliografia de la literatura espanola Macaroni 1889:57 1955:97rb . Macedonian Folk-Lore 1905:34rb Manual for Field Workers, A 1977:18rb Macedonian Sobor: Anatomy of a Celebration, A 1980:52 Manual for Folk Music Collectors 1952:99rb
MacEdward Leach, 1892-1967 1968:26 Manual of Aesopic Fable Literature, a First Book of
Mad-Stones 1902:83 | Reference for the Period Ending A.D. 1500, A Made in Mississippi: Black Folk Arts and Crafts 1977:80rv 1896:74rb
Mademoiselle from Armentieres 1934:24 (Manual of Instructions for Federal Writers Project]
Madman of Ch’u: The Chinese Myth of Loyalty and 1939:11 |
Dissent, A 1982:81irb Manuel de Folklore Francais Contemporain, Vols. III and
Madonna of St. Luke: the Story of a Portrait, The IV 1939:49rb :
1895:58rb Many Meanings of Myth, The 1986:40rb
Madstones and Twisters 1959:109rb Maori Folktales 1970:65rb Magic Boat, The 1915:14 Maori Poetry: An Introductory Anthology 1980:165rb Magic Calabash: Folk Tales from America’s Islands and Map Exhibiting the Stars of the Celestial Bear 1900:48
Alaska, The 1958:115rb Maple Sugar Farmer 1978:120rv
Magic Carpet: Aleppo-in-Flatbush 1982:52rb Marble Threshing Floor: A Collection of Greek Folksongs,
Magic Kite and Other Ma’yong Stories, The 1967:46rb The 1974:47rb
Magic Mountain and Other Origin Myths of the Mapuche Marbles: An Investigation of the Relationship between
Indians of Central Chile, The 1963:56 Marble Games and Other Aspects of Life in Belize
Magic of Limping John, The 1945:88rb 1975:89
Magic of the Boy Scout Campfire, The 1980:4 Marchen 1981:111rb 7 Magic of the Horse-Shoe, with Other Folk-Lore Notes, The Maria Cadilla de Martinez, 1886-1951 1952:72
1898:64rb Maria Leach (1892-1977) 1978:60 ;
Magical and Medical Woods in Old Chinese Carvings Maria Lionza: Mito y culto venezolano 1975:102rb
Title Index 465 Marie Candelaria. An Historic Drama from American Mechanical Help in the Study of Folk Song 1949:42
Aboriginal Life 1897:64rb Mecklenburger erzahlen 1959:73rb
Marij kalak muro. Mariiskie narodnye pesni 1956:109rb Medicina popolare siciliana. Con dodici immagini
Marius Barbeau (1883-1969) 1969:70 popolari a stampa. Volume unico 1896:95rb
Mark of Cain, The 1983:61rb Medicine Arrows of the Oregon Indians 1893:50 Frog Story 1952:40 Medicine Power: The American Indian's Revival of His
Mark Twain's Use of California Folklore in his Jumping Medicine Men on the North Pacific Coast 1959:112rb
Marobavi: A Study of an Assimilated Group in Northern Spiritual Heritage and Its Relevance for Modern Man
Sonora 1960:148rb 1977:91rb 1893:40rb Background, The 1936:10rb Marriage of a Widow in a Shift 1890:116 “Medicine-Men of the Apache, The” 1894:23rb
Marriage Custom of the Aborigines of Bengal, A Medicine-Man of the American Indian and His Cultural Marriage Prohibitions on the Father’s Side Among the Medieval American Art 1943:150rb
Navajos 1891:18 “Medieval Carol Survival: “The Fox and the Goose, A
Marriage Superstitions in Scotland 1892:92 1961:54
Marshall Winslow Stearns (1908-1966) 1967:63 Medieval Literature and Folklore Studies: Essays in Honor
Marshallese Folklore Types 1953:67 of Francis Lee Utley 1972:65rb
Martha Warren Beckwith. A Commemorative Essay Medieval Rip Van Winkle Story 1963:37
1962:90 Medium Is the Masseuse: A Balinese Massage, The
“Mary Hamilton” and the Anglo-American Ballad as an Art 1986:28rv
Form 1957:82 Meeting Invitation 1972:93
Maryland and Virginia Folk-Lore 1912:26, 1913:15 Meeting of the American Folklore Society and The
Maryland Folk Legends and Folk Songs 1973:51rb Mississippi Valley 1953:2 Maryland Folklore and Folklife 1971:112rb Meeting of the Members of the America Folk-Lore Society
Maryland Superstitions 1907:32 in the Vicinity of Boston 1889:52
Masks 1974:25rb Meeting of the Philadelphia Chapter of the American
Masks and Men in a Melanesian Society, The Valuku or Folk-Lore Society 1890:14 Tabuan of the Lakalai of New Britain 1963:46rb Meeting of the Texas Folk-Lore Society, 1926 1927:3 Masks of God, Occidental Mythology, The 1965:14rb Megalithic Cultures of Melanesia, The 1952:18rb Masks of God: Creative Mythology, The 1969:45rb Mehinaku: The Drama of Daily Life in a Brazilian Indian
Masks of God: Primitive Mythology, The 1962:29rb Village 1980:124rb Masks of Orthodoxy, Folk Gravestone Carving in Plymouth Mehmed’s Brautfahrt (Smailagic Meho), ein Volksepos der
County, Massachusetts, 1689-1805, The 1980:29rb Sudslavischen Mohammedaner 1890:124rb
Massachusetts 1906:18, 1906:50 Melanesian Culture-Contact Myth in Pidgin English, A Massasoit of Sowams in Pokanoket 1894:57rb 1944:84 Master Virgil: The Author of the Aeneid as he Seemed in Melanges de traditionnisme de la Belgique 1893:92rb
the Middle Ages 1889:30rb Melbourne Highland Pipe Band: Airs, Marches and
Masterpieces of Dala Peasant Paintings 1958:111rb Selections 1969:57ra
Matachines Dance of the Upper Rio Grande: History, Melville and the Comic Spirit 1956:115rb
Music, and Choreography, The 1985:19rb Melville J. Herskovits 1975:65rb
Material Culture; A Research Guide 1986:119rb Melville J. Herskovits, 1895-1963 1963:57 Material History Bulletin 8: Papers from Canada's Material Melville J. Herskovits: A Review Essay 1975:64
History: A Forum 1982:55rb Members in Government Service 1943:22, 1943:53 Materials of Folklore, The 1953:1 Members of the AFS (for the Year 1908) 1908:68 Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft 1940:38rb Members of the AFS (for the year 1909) 1909:54 Materiialy do ukrains’ko-kanadiis’koi folkl’orystyky i Members of the AFS (for the year 1910) 1910:31 dialektologii. Ukranian-Canadian Folklore and Members of the AFS (for the year 1911) 1911:33
Dialectological Texts. | 1957:66rb Members of the AFS (for the year 1912) 1912:32
Matter for the Field Worker in Folk-Lore, A 1923:7 Members of the AFS (for the year 1913) 1913:33
Maud Karpeles (1886-1976) 1977:115 Members of the AFS (for the year 1914) 1914:33 Maui-of-a-Thousand-Tricks: His Oceanic and European Members of the AFS (for the year 1915) 1915:41
Biographers 1951:29rb Members of the AFS (for the year 1916) 1916:34
Mawwal in Egyptian Folklore, The 1967:37 Members of the AFS (for the year 1917) 1917:40 May Games And The Robin Hood Legend, The 1951:76 Members of the AFS (for the year 1918) 1918:45
Maya Word Pax, The 1894:118 Members of the AFS (for the year 1919) 1919:40 Maya Year, The 1894:140rb Members of the AFS. (For the year 1903) 1903:102 Mazes and Labyrinths: A General Account of Their History Members of the AFS. (For the Year 1904) 1904:60
and Developments Members of the AFS. (For the Year 1905) 1905:88 Data, The 1953:98 Members of the AFS. (For the Year 1907) 1907:67
McBee Keysort System for Mechanically Sorting Folklore Members of the AFS. (For the Year 1906) 1906:93
McPeake Family of Ireland, The 1976:114rv Members of the American [Folklore] Society, 1893.
“Me All Face” Story: European Literary Background of an (Additional List.) 1894:28 American Comic Indian Anecdote, The 1963:89 Members of the American Folk-Lore Society 1888:30
1987:50rb List) 1895:28
Me llamo Rigoberta Menchu: y asi me nacio la conciencia Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (Additional
Mea culpa 1968:23 Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year Meaders Family--North Georgia Potters, The 1982:20rv 1889) 1889:126
Meals 1903:55 Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year
“Men in Black” Experience and Tradition: Analogues with 1890) 1890:132 the Traditional Devil Hypothesis, The 1987:41 Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (For the Year
Meaning of cerbot, The 1966:43 1890, Additional List) 1891:34
Meaning of Courtly Love, The 1960:7 Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (For the Year
“Meat Preservation on the Farm in Missouri’s “Little Dixie 1892) 1891:118
1979:135 Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the year
466 Journal of American Folklore 1892) 1892:143 Mexican Border and Louisiana French Music 1976:42ra Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (For the Year Mexican Border Ballads and Other Lore 1948:38rb
1893). 1893:136 Mexican Branch 1917:24
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (For the Year {Mexican Calendar System, The} 1894:144rb
1895) 1895:111 Mexican Corrido as a Source for Interpretive Study of _ 1896) 1896:109 Mexican Corrido: Formula and Theme in a Ballad
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year Modern Mexico (1870-1950), The 1958:98rb
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year Tradition, The 1972:56 .
1897) 1897:99 Mexican Folk Songs 1954:138ra 1898) 1898:71 Mexican Folkdance Studies 1944:14
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year Mexican Folk-Songs .1912:23
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year Mexican Folklore Collected in New York City 1938:9
1899) 1899:90 Mexican Folklore Society Transactions 1943:19 1900) 1900:84 Mexican Gold Trail: The Journal of a Forty-niner
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year Mexican Folkways. Vols. 1-3. 1927:15rb
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year 1946:153
1901) 1901:107 Mexican Human Sacrifice 1905:40
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society (for the Year Mexican Indian Costumes 1972:46rb
1902) 1902:96 Mexican Moriscas: A Problem in Dance Acculturation Members of the American Folk-Lore Society for the Year 1949:43 : 1894 1894:151 | : Mexican Superstitions Relating to Maternity 1897:28
Members of the American Folk-Lore Society for 1892. Mexican Tales and Legends from Los Altos 1972:12rb
Additional List 1893:44 Mexican Tales and Legends from Veracruz 1973:26rb
Membership Committee 1949:69 Mexican Version of the ‘Bear’s Son’ Folk Tale, A_1951:126
Membership of the AFS, 1941 1942:20 Mexican Village 1947:112rb /
Membership of the AFS, 1944 1944:82_ Mexican-American: A Selected and Annotated
Membership of the AFS, 1948 1948:176. Bibliography, The 1971:40rb_
Membership of the American Folklore Society, July 1946 Michigan Folklore Group Meeting 1942:8
1946:110 Michigan Folklore Society 1943:83, 1947:47, 1949:115, 1951:156 | Michigan Folklore Society Meeting 1943:105, 1944:48
Membership of the American Folklore Society, 1951 1954:144, 1955:74, 1956:90
Membership of the Society 1891:16 Michigan Folklore Society, The 1952:125
Memoir 42 1949:63, 1949:123 Michigan Indian Festivals 1969:51rb Memoirs 1949:114, 1949:157 Michigan Place Names 1979:111rb
Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society 1895:43 Michigan State University 1957:41 Memoirs of the International Congress of Anthropology Mickiewicz and Folk-Literature 1902:91
1894:99rb - Micmac Folklore 1925:3
Memorate and the Proto-Memorate, The 1974:67 Micmac Indians of Eastern Canada, The 1956:110rb Memorial Meeting at the First Church, Cambridge, Mass., Micmac Magic and Medicine 1896:47
March 10, 1907 1907:7 Micmac Notes: St. Ann’s Mission on Chapel Island, Bras Memorials of the “Indian” 1902:22 d’Or Lakes, Cape Breton Island 1926:24 Memories of a Mormon Girlhood 1964:66 Micmac Tales 1925:2 | Men Who Built the West 1946:61rb Miconinovi Flute Altars, The 1896:77
Menehune of Polynesia and Other Mythical Little People Micronesian Informants as Collectors 1951:47 .
of Oceania, The 1952:65rb__ Mid-Century Child and Her Books, A 1970:131rb
Menomini Hairy Serpent and the Hairy Fish, The 1935:12 Mid-Hudson Song and Verse 1953:5
Menomini Word “Hawatuk", The 1915:20 Middle English Miracles of the Virgin, The 1965:114rb Menschen der Sudsee, Charaktere und Schicksale: Ermittelt Middle Way of the Jataka Tales, The 1969:68
bei einer Forschungsreise in Buin auf Bougainville, Midwest Folklore 1951:24 :
Salomo-Archipel 1938:50rb Midwest Pioneer: His Ills, Cures, and Doctors, The
Menteries droles et merveilleuses: Contes traditionnels du 1946:95rb
Saguenay 1980:184rb Midwinter Rites of the Cayuga Long House 1951:28rb
Merrily We Sing. Polish Folksongs 1963:12rb Mifologicheskie Personazhi v Russkom Fol’klore Merry Heart: Wit and Wisdom from Jewish Folklore, The 1977:93rb
1952:142rb | : Migratory Legends: A Proposed List of Types with a
Merry Morning of May, The 1982:21rv Systematic Catalogue of the Norwegian Variants, The
Mesquite and Willow 1958:101rb 1980:92rb , “Messiah Craze, The” 1891:47 Miles of Smiles, Years of Struggle: The Negotiation of Messiah Texts: Jewish Legends of Three Thousand Years, Ocupational Identity Through Personal Experience
The 1982:114rb Narrative 1983:109
Messiahs, Their Role in Civilization 1944:24rb Miles of Smiles, Years of Struggle: The Untold Story of the
Messianic Excitements among White Americans 1891:48 Black Pullman Porter 1985:90rv Metawin Society of the Bungees or Swampy Indians of Milk in Folklore 1948:140 7 Lake Winnipeg, The 1906:80 Mill as a Preventive and Cure of Whooping Cough, The
Meter in Eastern Carolinian Oral Literature 1959:6 1964:11 Method for Removing Warts, A 1946:10 Miller and His Sons, The 1935:29
Method of Challenge among California Indians 1892:13 Millstone Sewing Center 1974:101rv.
Methods and Aims of Archaeology 1905:75rb Milton’s Milky Stream 1969:41
Methods of Popular Religious Instruction in South India Mimekor Yisrael: Classical Jewish Folktales 1980:129rb
1958:83 Min ha-Mabua (From the Fountainhead): Forty-Four
Metrical Alternation in Folksinging 1972:59 . Folktales Collected by the “Mabuim” School-Pupils
Metrical Romances in the Philippines 1916:4 1968:91rb
Mexican American: A Selected and Annotated Mind of Primitive Man, The 1901:1
Bibliography, The 1972:28rb Miners’ Folklore 1942:60
Title Index 467 Minstrel of the Appalachians: The Story of Bascom Lamar Collected Texts, A 1954:4
Lunsford 1986:16rb Modern Oracle and Its Prototypes. A Study in Minstrels of the Mine Patch 1967:19rb Modern Witches of Pennsylvania 1927:17 | Minstrelsy Ancient and Modern, With an Historical Mody Boatright, Folklorist: A Collection of Essays Introduction and Notes 1969:166rb 1977:15rb Minstrel Tales from Southeastern Turkey 1956:108rb Catoptromancy, A 1893:4
Minstrelsy and the Dance 1948:63 Mody Coggin Boatright (1896-1970) 1971:23
Minstrelsy of Maine: Folk-Songs & Ballads of the Woods Mohammedanism: An Historical Survey 1950:48rb
& the Coast 1927:8rb, 1974:59rb Mohave Coyote Tales 1948:92
Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern 1970:31rb Mohawk Basketmaking: A Cultural Profile 1984:104rv
Miracle of Mathura, The 1974:15rb Mohawk Legend of Adam and Eve, A 1889:75, 1889:116 Miracle Play of the Rio Grande, The 1893:45 Mohawk Notes 1895:75 Miracle-Play in the West Indies, A 1896:20 Moltke Moe 1914:26
Mirror of Man? Traditional Music as a Reflection of Moment of Truth 1956:45
Society, A 1976:94 Monday Night Prayer Meeting with God and the Holy
Miscellanea Ethnographica. Tom I 1949:173rb Ghost Crusader Prayer Band 1979:42rv Miscellaneous Recordings 1974:29ra Mongolische Volksdichtung. Spruche, Lieder, Marchen und Misconceptions in Erotic Folklore 1962:63 Heldensagen Khalka-mongolische Texte mit UeberMishle Shu’alim (Fox Fables) of Rabbi Berechiah setzung und Anmerkungen 1957:143rb Ha-Nakdan: A Study in Comparative Folklore and Monograph on Omaha Songs 1889:55
Fable Lore, The 1982:45rb Monster in the Tree: An Ojibwa Myth, The 1897:76 Mississaga Legend of Na’niboju’, A 1892:118 Monsters of Beowulf: Creations of Literary Scholars, The
Mississagua Place-Names 1890:21 1967:82
Mississippi Black Folklore: A Research Bibliography and Montagnais and Naskapi Tales from the Labrador
Discography 1972:29rb Peninsula 1925:1
Mississippi Delta Blues 1976:107rv Montana Cowboy Poet, A 1967:29 Mississippi Folk Voices 1976:40ra, 1976:41ra Montana Cree, A Study in Religious Persistence, The
Mississippi Folk-Lore Society 1943:84 1963:94rb
Mississippi Folklore Register 1969:33rb Montana Margins 1947:104rb
Mississippi Folklore Society, The 1969:9 Montana: High, Wide, and Handsome 1945:31rb
Missouri 1906:19, 1906:51 Montreal 1893:121, 1896:64, 1897:19
Missouri and Illinois Branches 1911:6 Montreal Branch 1892:139, 1893:24, 1893:65, 1894:13, Missouri Branch 1908:24, 1909:23, 1917:13 1894:42, 1895:20, 1895:51, 1896:15
Missouri Dance Call, A 1946:83 Monuments in Cedar 1948:35rb
Missouri Folk-Lore Society 1943:85 Moon Cannot Fight: Yoruba Children’s Poems, The
Missouri Play-Party, The 1911:23 1966:59rb
“Missouri Variant of “The False Lover Won Back, A Moon Lore 1969:170rb
1921:34 Moonshine: Its History and Folklore 1974:127rb
Mister Jelly Roll 1974:61rb More About Paul Bunyan and Hollander Michel 1952:85
Mister Stormalong 1954:60rb More About Robin Hood 1952:83
Miti e Leggende, III, America Settentrionale 1954:96rb More Australian Legendary Tales 1899:39rb “Mitos y Cuentos de los Indios Chimila” 1946:105rb More Children’s Jumping Rhymes 1929:24
Miwok and Pomo Myths 1928:10 More Counting-Out Rhymes 1897:74
MLA Folklore Bibliography 1970:42 More Folk Customs from Western Ontario 1945:48 Mnemonics in Pre-Literature Palau 1962:82rb More Greek Folktales 1956:18rb
Moche: A Peruvian Coastal Community 1949:30rb More Hawaiian Folk Tales: a collection of native Legends
Mock Battle, The 1941:49 and Traditions, with Maps and Illustrations 1925:19rb Model and Text in Folk Drama 1980:111 More in Turkish Boy’s Verbal Dueling 1979:104 Model for the Analysis of Folklore Performance in More on Alligators in the Sewers 1980:55
Historical Context, A 1975:52 More on Folk Traditions 1960:13
Modern Additions to Indian Myths, and Indian Thunder More on Myth and Ritual 1957:49
Superstitions 1893:85 More on the “Mummers” Play 1972:91
Modern Analogue to Medieval Staging, A 1977:47 More on the Southernism “Yankee Dime” 1970:108
Modern Atrocity Story, A 1945:50 More on the Upside Down World 1979:4 Modern Child’s Game Rhymes, A 1926:8 More Quaker Laughter 1968:39rb
Modern Conjuring in Washington 1899:68 More Songs and Ballads from the Southern Appalachians
Modern Dance 1950:27rb 1916:3
Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion: A More Songs from the Southern Highlands 1931:5
Study in Survivals 1965:102rb More Songs of the Hill-Folk 1939:19rb
Modern Greek Folklore: An Annotated Bibliography More Tales from the Fens 1969:78rb
1986:110rb More Tales from Ulithi Atoll: A Content Analysis 1983:5rb
Modern Greek Folklore: The Smerdaki 1945:72rb More Than Drumming: Essays on African and Afro-Latin
Modern Greek Folktales 1954:59rb American Music and Musicians 1986:83rb
Modern Greek Humor: A Collection of Jokes and Ribald More Than Drumming: Essays on Afro-American Music and
Tales 1981:71rb Musicians 1986:84rb
Modern Greek Studies in the West. A Critical Bibliography More Thompson Indian Tales 1937:17 of Studies on Modern Greek Linguistics, Philology, and More Traditional Ballads of Virginia 1961:71rb
Folklore in Languages other than Greek 1963:74rb More West Highland Tales 1941:66rb Modern Language Association 1947:20, 1948:14, , More West Highland Tales. Vol. II 1961:18rb
1949:18, , 1949:161, , 1951:23 Moriz von Craun and the Chivalric World 1963:100rb
Modern Language Association of America 1951:134 Mormon Country 1944:22rb Modern Lebanese Proverbs, Collected at Ras al-Matn, “Mormon Folklore” 1978:76rb
Lebanon 1954:53rb Mormon Songs 1945:97
Modern Method for Field Work Treatment of Previously Mormon Songs from the Rocky Mountains: A Compilation
468 Journal of American Folklore of Mormon Folksong 1969:23rb Murut Music of North Borneo 1963:33ra | Morning Star Rises: An Account of Polynesian Astronomy, Musconetoong Valley of New Jersey: A Historical
The 1943:125rb Geography, The 1969:53rb .
Morphology of North American IMdian Folktales, The Musee National des Arts et Traditions Populaires 1953:17
1966:52rb , Museum Media: A Biennial Directory and Index of
Morphology of the “True Love” Ballad, A 1972:2 Publications and Audiovisuais Available from United Morphology of the Ballad-Tunes: (Variation, Selection, and States and Canadian Institutions. 1974:131rb
Continuity), The 1954:1 Museums, Sites, and Collections of Germanic Culture in
Morphology of the Folktale 1959:51rb, 1969:139rb North America: An Annotated Directory of German
Morrice Dancers at Revesby 1979:33rb Immigrant Culture in the United States and Canada
Morris and Matachin: A Study in Comparative | 1982:117rb a Choreography 1986:69rb Music and Dance: Oceania 1974:118
Mortal Who Married a Merman, The 1949:13 Music and Poetry in a Columbian Village: A Tri-Cultural Mortuary Customs and Beliefs of South Carolina Negroes Heritage 1985:12rb |
1894:114 Music Division, Library of Congress 1946:13
Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Music Fair 1974:100rv .
Cupid and Psyche, The Music from South India: Kerala 1963:79ra
Mostra etnografica siciliana 1893:41rb Music from the Welsh Mines 1963:92ra Mother Earth, Father Sky: Navaho and Pueblo Indians of Music in Primitive Culture 1958:16rb
the Southwest 1976:30rb . Music in the Marquesas Island 1928:8rb “Mother Goose” Dinner 1902:51 | Music of Argentina 1961:78ra
Mother Goose Vice Versa 1962:67 ‘Music Makers of the Blue Ridge 1978:45rv
Mother’s Day in Ethiopia 1948:142 Music of Brazil, The 1985:13rb
Motherlove 1986:99rv Music of Corktown, The 1982:67rb
Motif of a Pennyworth of Wit, The 1943:135. . “Music of the Indians of British Columbia” 1945:60rb Motif-Index of Early Irish Literature 1934:92rb Music of the Indians of Our Western States 1957:51
Motif-Index of Fokk Fiterature..A Classification of Narrative Music of the Waters: A Collection of Sailors’ Chanties, or
Elements in Folktales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Working Songs of the Sea, The 1970:87rb Mediaeval Romances, Exempla, Fabliaux, Jest-Books, Music of Yugoslavia: Dalmatia 1963:28ra and Local Legends. Revised and enlarged 1958:12rb Musical Adaptation among Afro-Americans 1969:36 Motif-Index of Folk-Literature: A Classification of Narrative Musical Adaptation and Afro-Americans 1974:53rb
Elements in Folk-Tales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Musical Culture and Ethnic Solidarity: A Baja California Mediaeval Romances, Fabliaux, Jest-Books, and Local Case Study 1969:35
Legends 1936:29rb Musical Holdouts 1979:81rv
| Motif-Index of Lithuanian Narrative Folklore 1937:41rb “Musical View of the Universe”: Kalapalo Myth and Ritual
Motif-Index of Mediaeval Spanish Exempla 1951:110rb as Religious Performance, A 1981:93 Motif-Index of the Italian Novella in Prose 1943:113rb Musics of Many Cultures: An Introduction. 1983:47rb
Motive und ‘Motivation in Redensarten und Meinungen. Musings on Folklore, 1943 1944:8 | Aberglaube, Wolks-Charakterologie, Umgangsformeln, “Muskie” 1907:30
Benufsspott in Verbreitung und Le bensformen Mustangs and Cow Horses 1942:39, 1966:107rb
1977:122rb Mute Language in the Tradition and Oral Literature of the Mount Rainier Legend 1973:42 South Slavs, The 1956:80 Mountain Artisan’s Quilting Book, The 1974:81rb Mwindo Epic, The 1971:29rb
Mountain Folk Festival, Berea College 1938:62 My Indiana 1965:68rb
Mountain Frolic. Square Dance Pieces and Hoedowns from My Kind of Country: Favorite Writings About New York
the Southern Mountains 1948:75ra 1968:43rb |
Mountain Man Vernacular: its Historical Roots, Its My Life in Pictures 1979:79rb Linguistic Nature, :and Its ‘Literary Uses, The My Rambles as East Texas Cowboy, Hunter, Fisherman,
1986:771rb Tie-Cutter 1943:126rb — Mountain White Folk-Lore: Tales from the Southern Blue Myth and Ceremonial among the Tunebo Indians of Ridge 1925:22 | Eastern Colombia 1962:40 Mountain White Riddles 1934:5 | Myth and Cult among Primitive Peoples 1965:13rb Mountain People, Mountain Crafts 1976:18rb Mystery and Romance of Astrology, The 1971:93rb
Mountain Wolf ‘Woman, Sister of Crashing Thunder. The Myth and Language 1983:13rb ; Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian. 1964:39rb Myth and Legend of Ancient Israel 1967:92rb Mountain, the Miner, and the Lord, The 1982:110rb Myth and Literature. Contemporary Theory and Practice
Mountaineer Jamboree: Country Music in West Virginia 1968:10rb —
1987:55rb Myth and Meaning in Early Taoism: The Theme of Chaos
Mountaineers of Middle Tennessee, The 1891:105 (hun-tun) 1984:116rb -
Mourning Customs of Negroes 1908:63 Myth and Modern Man 1973:47rb Movement ‘Notation: Its Significance to the Folklorist, A. “Myth and Mythmaking” 1960:68rb
1954:79 Myth and Practice in Jicarilla Apache Eschatology
Mowr Bayud Spellin’: A Reply to Fine =1983:78 1960:46
“Mr. Fox” (Baughman Type 955C): “A Cante Fable” Myth and Prayers of the Great Star Chant and the Myth of
1968:6 the Coyote Chant, The 1957:102rb |
Mrs Brown of Falkland: A Singer of Tales? 1979:1 Myth and Religion of the North 1965:24rb_ Mt. 1352: Jacques de Vitry, The Mensa Philosaphica, Myth and Ritual 1955:107
Hodeken, and Tennyson 1945:5 Myth and Ritual in Christianity 1957:68rb
Mu-Igala or the Way of Muu. A Medicine Song from the Myth and Ritual in Dance, Game and Rhyme 1948:127rb
Cuna Indians of Panama 1949:175rb Myth and Society in Attic Drama 1943:159rb Mules and Men 1971:124rb, 1980:161rb Myth and Tale Titles of the Lower Chinook 1959:43 -Mummer’s Plays and the Calendar 1973:76 Myth in Indo-European Antiquity 1978:62rb
‘Mummers’ Play and The Old ‘Wives Tale, The 1981:141 Myth of the Chamacoco Indians and Its Social Significance,
Mundurucu Religion 1960:31rb | A 1943:41
Title Index 469 Myth of the Magus, The 1949:167rb Middle India 1951:101rb
Myth of the Negro Past, The 1943:65rb Myths of the Bungees or Swampy Indians of Lake
Myth-Ritual Theory, The 1957:44 Winnipeg 1906:81
Myth, Literature and the African World 1979:13rb Myths of the Carrier Indians of British Columbia 1934:9
Myth, Metaphor, and Simile 1955:104 Myths of the Cherokees 1888:31 Myth, Poetry and Philosophy 1960:124 “Myths of the Ji’Baros” 1919:32rb Myth, Symbolism, and Truth 1955:102 Myths of the Jicarilla Apaches 1898:55
Myth: A Symposium 1955:101, 1957:14irb Myths of the New World: A Treatise on the Symbolism Mythes et legendes d’Australie, Etudes d’ethnographie et de and Mythology of the Red Race of America. Third
sociologie 1907:56rb Edition
Mythes, cultes et religion 1896:18rb Revised, The 1897:41rb Mythical Creatures of the U.S.A. and Canada: A Roundup Myths of the Nez Perce Indians. I. 1908:2 of the Mythical Snakes and Worms, Insects, Birds, Fish, Myths of the Nez Perce Indians. II. 1908:30 Serpents, and Mermaids, Animals and Monsters That Myths of the Uintah Utes 1910:11
have Roamed the American Land 1980:138rb Myths of Voodoo Worship and Child Sacrifice in Hayti
Mythical Monsters 1969:169rb 1888:4
Mythmakers, The 1967:89rb Mythological Basis for Attitudes Toward Animals Among Salish-Speaking Indians, The 1952:106 Mythologies 1963:17rb Mythology and Folk Belief in the Maintenance of Jicarilla Ntai, The Story of a !Kung Woman 1984:27rv
1914:30 1892:84
Apache Tribal Endogamy 1947:33 NA PULE KAHIKO: Ancient Hawaiian Prayers 1985:79rb Mythology and Folk-Tales of the North American Indians Na-ac-nai-ya: A Tusayan Initiation Ceremony, The Mythology and the Renaissance Tradition in English Poetry Nabati Poetry: The Oral Poetry of Arabia 1986:63rb
1938:27rb Nagano: The Alpine Prefecture of Japan 1963:68rb
1938:28rb 1946:3
Mythology and the Romantic Tradition in English Poetry “Nageltonne”: Its Uses in History and Folktale, The Mythology and Values: An Analysis of Navaho Chantway Nagualism. A Study in Native American Folk-Lore and
Myths 1959:9rb History 1894:52rb
Mythology of All Races. Volume I, Greek and Roman, The Nahuat Myth and Social Structure 1984:113rb
1916:26rb Nahuatl-English Dictionary and Concordance to the
Mythology of All Races. Volume VI: Indian, Iranian, The Cantares Mexicanos with an Analytic Transcription and
1918:24 Grammatical Notes, A 1986:118rb
Mythology of All Races. Volume X, North America, The Naivete of Childhood and Adult Superstition 1903:10
1916:27rb Nakedness in Ozark Folk Belief 1953:97
Mythology of All Races. Volume XII: Egyptian, Namazu-e and Their Themes: An Interpretive Approach to
Indo-Chinese Mythology, The 1918:25rb Some Aspects of Japanese Folk Religion 1966:100rb Mythology of Dark and Fair: Psychiatric Use of Folklore, Name “Chahnameed”, The 1903:29
The 1959:1 Name “Lamkin”, The 1977:116
Mythology of Indian Stocks North of Mexico 1905:20 Names and Narrative 1984:79 Mythology of Kodiak Island, Alaska, The 1938:35 Names on the Land 1946:22rb
Mythology of Puget Sound 1924:5 Naming Systems 1985:98rb
Mythology of the Aztecs of Salvador 1907:24 Nanibohzu in Siouan Mythology 1892:119 Mythology of the Bella Coola Indians, The 1900:36rb Nanibozhu amongst the Otchipwe, Mississagas, and Other
Mythology of the Central and Eastern Algonkins, The Algonkian Tribes 1891:70
1909:1 Narodna predaja o viadarevoj tajni 1970:14rb
Mythology of the Ifugaos, The 1957:67rb Narrative as Expository Discourse 1986:102
Mythology of the Indians of Louisiana and the Texas Coast Narrative Change in the European Tradition of the “Lady
1907:60 Isabel and the Elf Knight” Ballad 1952:1
1906:47 Evaluation 1980:54
Mythology of the Mission Indians 1904:30, 1906:5, Narrative Competence: A Navajo Example of Peer Group Mythology of the Navaho Game Stick-Dice 1942:24 Narrative Folksong: New Directions. Essays in Appreciation
Mythology of the Oglala Dakota 1930:30 of W. Edson Richmond 1987:24rb
Mythos und Kult bei Naturvolkern: Narrative Obituary Poems 1955:63
Religionswissenschaftliche Betrachtungen Narrative Obituary Verse and Native American Balladry
Myths and Dreams 1975:116rb 1970:6
Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland 1890:97rb Narratives of Sorcery and Magic from the Most Authentic Myths and Folk-Tales of the Russians, Western Slavs, and Sources 1976:75rb
Magyars 1891:68rb “Naskapi Law” 1948:125rb
Myths and Folktales 1955:110 Naskapi: The Savage Hunters of the: Labrador Peninsula
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land 1970:86rb 1938:48rb, 1979:124rb
Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest 1911:21rb Nat Turner Story, The 1971:72rb
Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization Nat-Worship among the Burmese 1891:37
1947:150rb National Folk Festival 1944:67, 1946:92, 1947:88,
Myths and Tales from Kapingamarangi, A Polynesian 1948:16, 1948:153, 1949:104, 1950:17
Inhabited in Micronesia 1949:94 National Folk Festival, The 1952:56
Myths and Tales of the Matako Indians 1942:48rb National Folk Festival, Washington 1938:61
Myths and Texts 1961:45rb National, State, and Regional Folklore Societies 1957:43, “Myths and Traditions of the Crow Indians” 1927:6rb 1958:21
Myths of a Minority: The Changing Traditions of the National, State, and Regional Folklore Societies, 1953.
Vincentian Caribs 1987:29rb 1953:61, 1953 1953:111
Myths of Creation 1967:8rb National, State, and Regional. Folklore Societies,. 1954 Myths of Middle India. Specimens of Oral Literature of 1954:70
470 Journal of American Folklore
1955:60 1962:26rb
National, State, and Regional Folklore Societies, 1955 Origin of the Place-Names of Nebraska, by J. T. Link
1956:69 The 1888:42
National, State, and Regional Folklore Societies, 1956 Necessity of Collecting the Traditions of the Native Races, Native Accounts of Nootka Ethnography 1957:106rb Neck-Riddle as a Dialogue of Genres: Applying Bakhtin’s
. Native American Art in the Denver Art Museum 1982:35rb Genre Theory 1983:110 .
Native American Balladry. A Descriptive Study and a Neglected Aspect of Creativity of Folklore Performers, A
Bibliographical Syllabus 1951:144rb, 1966:56rb 1973:36 Native American Music 1983:70rb Neglected Aspect of Witchcraft Studies, A 1960:5
Native American Religions: An Introduction 1983:120rb Negotiating Respect: Patterns of Presentation among Black
Native Americans: Prehistory and Ethnology of the North Women 1975:7 ,
American Indians, The 1967:12rb Negro and His Folklore in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals, Native Arts of the Pacific Northwest 1951:70rb The 1968:81rb Native Balladry in America 1909:44 Negro and His Songs, a Study of Typical Negro Songs in Native Costumes of the Oberwallis: Tourist Gimmick or the South, The 1925:35rb
Tradition?, The 1975:6 Negro and His Songs, The 1967:2irb
Native Myth and Modern Religion Among the Klamath Negro Ballad, A 1893:116
Indians 1952:73 Negro Conjuring and Tricking 1897:54
Native North American Music and Oral Data: A Catalogue Negro Corn-Shucking, A 1973:12
of Sound Recordings, 1893-1976 1980:190rb Negro Creation Legend 1890:108 Native Poetry of Northern Brazil 1915:33 Negro Customs and Folk-Stories of Jamaica 1896:81 Native Tribes of Central Australia, The 1900:16rb, Negro Dances in Arkansas 1888:19
1969:110rb — Negro Folk Music in America 1951:78
Native Tribes of Eastern Bolivia and Western Matto Negro Folk Music, U. S. A. 1966:64rb
Grosso, The 1945:32rb Negro Folk Rhymes 1970:126rb
Nativity Myth at Laguna and Zuni 1918:12 Negro Folk-Lore in South Carolina 1914:16 Natural History of Folk-Lore, The 1891:35 Negro Folk-Songs (Hampton Series). In Four Books. Nature and Problems of Mexican Indian Mythology, The Book I 1918:43
1944:3 Negro Folk Tales from the South (Alabama, Mississippi,
Nature of Speech According to Japanese Proverbs, The Louisiana) 1927:16
1968:2 Negro Folktales in Michigan 1957:26rb
Nature's Way 1974:105rv Negro Genius 1905:70
Naturgefuhl und Natursymbolik bei Heinrich Heine. Ein Negro Ghost Stories 1896:61 Beitrag zur Wurdigung seiner Kunst und Personlichkeit Negro Hymn 1913:31
1905:57rb | Negro Hymn from Georgia 1897:47, 1897:69, 1898:4
Nautical Terms (English) 1908:43 Negro Hymn of Judgment Day 1896:53 Navaho Coyote Tales and Their Position in the Southern Negro Hymns from Georgia 1897:30
Athabaskan Group 1945:102 | Negro in Northern Brazil: A Study in Acculturation, The
Navaho Creation Myth, The Story of the Emergence 1950:166rb . | 1943:60rb Negro in Turkish Folklore, The 1951:7. Navaho Door, The 1947:28rb Negro Music 1967:27, 1968:24rb, 1968:65ra
Navaho Education at Rough Rock 1976:15rb Negro Music: Piano 1969:179ra Navaho Figurines Called Dolls 1975:38rb Negro Music: Recent Recordings 1969:178ra
Navaho Folk Tales 1923:29 Negro Music: Reissues 1969:177
Navaho Folk Tales 1970:62rb Negro Myth from the Georgia Coast 1971:117rb
Navaho History, Vol. 1 1976:14rb Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast 1888:55rb
Navaho Indian Painting: Symbolism, Artistry, and Negro Prison Songs from the Mississippi State Penitentiary.
Psychology 1960:33rb Work Songs and Blues 1958:57ra .
Navaho Legends 1896:54rb, 1897:40rb Negro Riddles Collected in New Jersey 1943:100
Navaho Night Chant 1901:2 | Negro Secular Music 1966:40ra
Navaho Religion. A Study of Symbolism 1951:145rb Negro Sings a New Heaven, The 1971:50rb
Navaho Symbols of Healing 1982:38rb Negro Slave Songs in the United States 1955:89rb
Navaho Tales 1925:33rb | Negro Song from North Carolina 1898:8 Navaho Texts 1943:119rb Negro Song in Georgia 1897:50 Navaho Version of the “Bear's Son” Folktale, A .1953:8 Negro Songs and Folk-Lore 1910:24 Navaho Witchcraft 1947:22rb Negro Songs from Georgia 1931:40
Navajo Blessingway Singer: The Autobiography of Frank Negro Songs from the Pedee County 1931:39 .
Mitchell 1881-1967 1981:106rb | ; Negro Spirituals from the Far South 1922:13
Navajo Medicine Man Sandpaintings 1981:37rb Negro Stereotype: Negro Folklore and the Riots, The
Navajo Origin Legend 1930:3 1970:47
Navajo Pictorial Weaving 1979:80rb Negro Superstitions Concerning the Violin .1892:127
Navajo Rite-Myths 1894:90 Negro Superstitions in South Carolina 1895:83 Navajo Sandpainting: From Religious Act to Commercial Negro Superstitions of Europe Origin 1899:75
Art 1985:37rb Negro Tales from Georgia 1912:11
Navajo Song Patterning 1930:4 Negro Tales from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and Calvin,
Navajo, The 1948:47rb Michigan 1959:83rb, 1970:26rb | Nawi 1984:39rv . Negro Tales from West Virginia 1934:21 Nearby History: Exploring the Past Around You Nehalem Tillamook Tales 1960:145rb
1984:121rb Neighbor and Kin: Life in a Tennessee Ridge Community “Nebraska Folk Cures” 1937:28rb 1968:19rb Nebraska Folklore 1960:18rb . Neo-Klezmer Movement and Euro-American Musical
Nebraska Folklore and Ethnology Group 1943:86 Revivalism, The 1984:24ra Nebraska Folklore Society, The 1969:10 Neohellenika Laographika Keimena 1959:75rb Nebraska Place-Names. Including Selections from The Neshnabek: The People 1982:26rv
Title Index 471 Nevada 1906:20 New World Dutch Barn, The 1972:50rb Never Despair, Seven Folktales, Related by Aliza Anidjar New World Records 1984:76ra
from Tangiers 1968:97rb New York 1896:65, 1906:52
New “Child” from North Carolina, A 1970:55 New York Branch 1893:22, 1893:64, 1894:16, 1894:119, [New Acting Record Review Editor] 1968:69 1895:18, 1895:53, 1909:10, 1909:24, 1910:18, 1911:7, New Approaches to North American Indian Traditions 1911:31
1959:36 New York Branch, American Folklore Society 1946:126
New Ballad Texts 1911:27 New York City Folklore Activities 1946:48 New Beehive Songster, Vol. 1, The 1977:103ra New York Folk-Guitar Club 1953:39 New Beehive Songster, Vol. 2, The 1977:104ra New York Folklore Contest 1946:45 New Book Review Editor 1968:48, 1987:39 New York Folklore Quarterly 1945:14
New Classification of the Fundamental Elements of the New York Folklore Society 1946:127, 1949:19, 1949:155,
Tar-Baby Story on the Basis of Two Hundred and 1950:78, 1950:146, 1951:25, 1951:137, 1955:37,
Sixty-Seven Versions, A 1943:4 1956:92
New Comparative Mythology: An Anthropological New York Folklore Society Organized 1944:90 Assessment of the Theories of Georges Dumezil. New York Historical Association 1948:65, 1949:70,
Revised Edition, The 1976:62rb ! 1950:77, 1951:21 Cultures, A 1973:29 New York State Historical Association Seminars on New England Balladry 1948:20 American Culture 1952:124 New Competition for Studies of New World Societies and New York State Historical Association 1956:91
New England Fiddles 1986:125rv New-Mexican Folk-Lore 1915:30, 1910:19, 1911:30, New England Folk Beliefs in the Last Century 1932:20, 1915:16, 1916:29, 1916:30, 1913:9
1935:11 Newbell Niles Puckett (1898-1967) 1967:79
New England Funerals 1894:84 Newberry Library, The 1918:18
New England Singing Traditions 1984:111 Newfoundland Mummers’ Christmas House-Visit, The
New England Tales 1949:58 1986:120rb
New England Weddings 1893:48 Newport, 1964 1966:112ra New England’s Buried Treasure 1948:84rb Newspaper Riddle Joke, The 1974:72 New England's Prospect 1979:166rb Next Issue 1954:71 New European Journals of Folklore 1938:12 Next Issue 1954:147
New Evidence of American Indian Riddles 1963:54 Nez Perce Texts 1936:2irb
“New Garment, The” 1968:94rb Nga Moteatea: He Maramara Rere No Nga Waka Maha, “New Genealogy for Rico Franco, A” 1969:121 Part Il 1964:5irb New Golden Bough: A New Abridgement of the Classic Nicknames and Number Plates in the British West Indies
Book, The 1963:13rb 1974:30
New Green Mountain Songster: Traditional Folk Songs of Nicknames of Finnish Apartment Houses in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Vermont, The 1941:27rb 1964:14
New Hampshire's Golden Calf 1935:8 Nicknames: Their Origins and Social Consequences
New Harp of Columbia, The 1980:172rb 1982:5rb New JAF Editor, 1954 1953:74 Nigerian Folk Tales 1962:81rb
New Jersey Folklore Society 1946:12, 1946:123, Night Chant, a Navaho Ceremony, The 1903:14rb
1950:152 Night1957:93 in Jost Van1976:38ra Dyke/Carnival in St. Thomas, A New Journal New Journal to Publish Folklore Studies 1945:12 Night of the Gods. An Inquiry into Cosmic and
[New Journal: The Folk Dancer] 1954:69 Cosmogonic Mythology and Symbolism. Vol. I, The
“New Light on Maids “Leading Apes in Hell 1962:37 1894:126rb New Light on the Epic-Ballad Problem 1949:143 Night of the Gods. An Inquiry into Cosmic and
New Limerick, The 1980:67rb Cosmogonic Mythology and Symbolism. Vol. II, The
“New Material from Acoma” 1945:64rb 1897:43rb
New Mexican Alabado, The 1952:94rb Night Riders in Black Folk History 1977:54rb
New Mexican Spanish Folk-Lore 1914:11 “Night with the Hants” and Other Alabama Folk
New Mexican Village, A 1935:3 Experiences , A 1978:89rb
New Mexico Folklore Conference 1941:18 Nimrod Workman: To Fit My Own Category 1984:34rv New Mexico Folklore Society 1943:87, 1946:88, Nine Dayak Nights 1959:61rb 1946:124, 1947:18, 1947:57, 1947:85, 1948:106, Nine Gates to the Chassidic Mysteries 1962:78rb
1949:108, 1954:145 Nine Negro Spirituals, 1850-1861, From Lower South
New Orleans 1895:52, 1896:66 Carolina 1928:25
New Orleans Association 1893:25 Nine Night Ceremony in Jamaica, The 1957:127
New Orleans Branch 1894:41 Nine Songs from Newfoundland 1954:36
New Orleans Branch, American Folklore Society (The Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1908:17
Louisiana Folklore Association) 1946:125 Nineteenth International Congress of Americanists, 1914,
New Orleans Jazz: A Family Album 1980:188r The 1912:29
New Policy on JAF Offprints 1979:137 Nineteenth-Century Incantation of Bulgarian Refugees in New Publication on the Folk Music of the Near East and Romania, A 1978:8
Africa: Tatzil: A Forum for Music Research 1967:74 Nineteenth-Century Yiddish Folksongs of Children in
[New Publications Series] 1979:132 Eastern Europe 1952:75
New Regional Folklore Quarterlies 1945:56 Ninth Annual Meeting 1897:79
New Religion of the Iroquois, The 1897:44 Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society
New Spanish Folklore Journal 1945:13 1898:1
[New Style Guide) 1955:1 Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the New Tape Recorder 1957:95 Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887-88 New Trail 1941: A Book of Creative Writing by Indian 1894:21rb
Students, The 1943:124rb 1944 Memoir in Press 1945:22
New Version of “Musselburgh Field”, A 1953:9 1952 Meeting of the American Folklore Society: El Paso,
472 Journal of American Folklore Texas: December 22-23 1952:86 Tyrone, The 1982:70rb
1964 Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society Northern Iroquoian Texts 1982:109rb
1964:91 Northern Paiute Tales 1938:59
1967 Membership 1966:80 Northumbrian Minstrelsy 1968:104rb 1973 Mgogo wa Mbanguzi 1976:85rv, 1976:86rv Northwest Sahaptin Texts 1937:48rb
1984 Richard M. Dorson Memorial Essay Prize 1985:29 Northwestern Pennsylvania Wellerisms 1957:54
Nisurou Laographika 1944:77rb Norton Reader, The 1975:25rb
No Laughing Matter, Rationale of the Dirty Joke: 2nd Norway’s Askeladden, The Unpromising Hero, and
Series 1977:121rb | . Junior-Right 1959:2
No-Tongue, a Mandan Tale 1913:24 | Norwegian Emigrant Songs and Ballads 1937:42rb,
Noa Words in North Sea Regions: A Chapter in Folklore 1938:7
and Linguistics 1925:24 . Norwegian Fairy Tales 1925:7rb ;
Nomads of the Rain Forest 1986:132rv Norwegian Folk Music. Series I. Slattar for the Harding Nominating Committee 1948:60, 1951:136 Fiddle. Vol. I. Gangarar (Hallingar, Vosserullar) in 6/8 Nominativus Absolutus Formula--One Syntactic-Semantic Time 1960:23rb | Structural Scheme of the Finnish Riddle Genre, The Norwegian Settlers in Alberta 1978:131rb
1980:180rb Nos Traditions a l'Universite 1954:43
Nominies 1895:10, 1895:41 Not So Solid South: Anthropological Studies in a Regional
Non-Western Music 1966:79 Subculture, The 1972:27rb . Nonrational Riddle: the Zen Koan, The 1967:5 Note 1899:7
Nonsense Book of Riddles, Rhymes, Tongue Twisters, Note about Folklore and Literature (The Bosom Serpent
Puzzles and Jokes from American Folklore, The Revisited), A 1973:13
1971:78rb Note on “Songs from Rappahannock County”, A 1951:90
Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast 1971:89rb Note on a California Theme, A 1957:14
Nootka and Quileute Music 1941:71rb Note on a Lying Song 1926:14
1940:40rb A 1976:58 .
Nootka Texts: Tales and Ethnological Narratives Note on African Sources of American Indian Racial Myths,
Nogoilpi, the Gambler: A Navajo Myth 1889:35 Note on an Early Superstition of the Champlain Valley, A Nordic Dead-Child Tradition: Nordic Dead-Child Beings, 1891:85
The 1970:19rb . Note on Ancient Mexican Folk-Lore, A 1895:32
Nordic Languages and Modern Linguistics, The 1981:44rb Note on Definitions, A 1968:56 |
Nordic Riddle: Terminology and Bibliography, The {Note on film notes] 1979:50
1966:67rb Note on Haney’s Bibliography of Paul Bunyan, A 1943:8
Nordisk folkviseforskning siden 1800. Omrids af text--og Note on Modern Nagualism, A 1942:4 melodistudiets historie og problemer isaer i Danmark Note on Neck-Riddles in the West Indies as They Comment
1957:153rb on Emergent Genre Theory, A 1985:4
Norman Kennedy: A Man and His Songs. 1984:32rv Note on Numerology in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”,
Norse Atlantic Saga, The 1965:23rb A 1959:103
Norske Eventyr 1973:103rb Note on Present Day Myth, A 1929:2
Norske Folkeviser 1958:112rb Note on Springfield Mountain, A 1936:18 North American and British Fiddle Music 1969:112ra Note on Star-Lore Among the Navajos, A 1908:4
North American Folklore Societies 1943:74 Note on the “Gabriel Hounds”, A 1962:12
North American Folklore Societies: A Supplement [Note on the Death of MacEdward Leach] 1967:57
1946:117 Note on the Dyeing of Halb Leinich among the
North American Folklore Societies: Supplement II 1969:1 Pennsylvania-Dutch of Ontario 1939:16
North American Indian Dances 1960:40ra Note on the Final [s] in Folkloristics, A 1987:73 North American Indian Music 1977:101rb Note on the Ground-Hog Myth and Its Origin 1919:37, North American Indian Musical Styles 1954:8, 1954:81 1921:22 North American Indian Musical Styles [3] 1954:108 Note on the Review of American Folklore, A 1962:10 North American Indian Orpheus Tradition, a Contribution Note on the Song of “Mary Blane” 1926:15
to Comparative Religion, The 1959:48rb Note on the Sources of Redundancy in Oral Epic, A
North and South American Indian Music 1967:101ra 1974:117
North Carolina Branch 1913:20 Note on the Stickfast Motif, A 1944:35
North Carolina Folk-Lore Society 1943:88 Note on the Transcription of Indian Words, A 1958:72
North Carolina Folk-Lore Society to Affiliate with AFS Note on Two Far-Travelled Kachinas, A 1943:99
1945:11 Note on Visual Polack Jokes, A 1973:38
North Carolina Folklore 1948:107 Note to JAF Contributors, A 1979:99
North Carolina Folklore Society 1947:17, 1950:150, Note to Members of the Society 1943:149
1952:49, 1953:34, 1954:84 . Note Written on the Fly-Leaf of a Book 1890:91 |
North Carolina Folklore Society [a report of the annual Notes 1892:103
meeting, 1947] 1948:15 Notes and Memoranda Bearing Upon the Use of Human
North Carolina Folklore Society Affiliates with AFS Ordure and Human Urine in Rites of a Religious or
1945:53 | Semi-Religious Character Among Various Nations North Carolina Folklore Society Meeting 1943:147 1888:57rb North Carolina Folktales Current in the 1820’s_ 1934:17 Notes and Queries 1888:14 |
North Carolina Legends 1982:111rb Notes and Queries: Algonkian Words in American English North Carolina White Folktales and Riddles 1934:18 1908:18
1967:48rb 1985:16rb . |
North Men Talk: A Choice of Tales from Iceland, The Notes and Sources for Folk Songs of the Catskills
North Star Country 1946:108rb Notes from Alaska 1893:9 Northeast Folklore 1960:16rb Notes of Cree Folk-Lore 1902:9 |
Northeast Folklore Society, The 1969:11 . Notes of Syrian Folk-Lore Collected in Boston 1903:39 Northeastern and Western Yavapai Myths 1933:30 Notes on Apache Mythology 1890:73 Northern Fiddler, Music and Musicians of Donegal and Notes on Books Received 1892:74
Title Index 473 Notes on Chickasaw Ethnology and Folk-Lore 1907:5 Notes on the Slavic Religio-Ethical Legends: The Dualistic
Notes on Eskimo Customs 1890:11 Creation of the World 1965:22rb
Notes on Eskimo Traditions 1894:83 Notes on the Theory and Treatment of Diseases Among the Notes on Folk Medicine in the Hopi Village of Moenkopi Mackenzie River Eskimo 1908:11
1943:10 “Notes on the Word ‘Sidh” 1894:65rb
Notes on Folk-Lore of Texas 1915:22 Notes on Thief Talk 1890:109
Notes on Folk-Lore Periodicals 1902:16 Notes on Women’s Graffiti 1977:48 Notes on Folk-Lore Periodicals 1902:77 Notes sur la Facetie des Trois Reves 1919:5
Notes on Folk-Medicine 1908:16 Notes upon the gentile Organization of the Apaches of Notes on Journals and Pamphlets Received 1893:32 Arizona 1890:45
Notes on Journals Received 1892:111 Notice 1950:137
Notes on Kickball in Micronesia 1961:6 Notice of Meeting 1953:71 Notes on Latin American Studies 1943:107 Notice of Meetings 1965:6
Notes on Local Names Near Washington 1888:38 Notice sur Michel Morin 1919:8 Notes on Mexican Folk-Lore 1912:22, 1912:30 Notice to Authors 1952:4, 1952:32 Notes on Negro Folk-Lore and Witchcraft in the South Notice to Contributors 1954:5
1890:71 Notice-Back Journals 1962:85
Notes on Negro Music 1903:40 Notices and News About Folklore Societies 1952:11, Notes on Old New England Customs 1893:117 1952:38
Notes on Onondaga Dances 1893:77 Notices for “Work in Progress”: 1952 1952:15, 1952:41, Notes on Peoria Folk-Lore and Mythology 1917:35 1952:90 Notes on Publications Received 1893:88, 1894:54, Notices of the Folk-Lore of Other Continents 1889:29 1894:129, 1895:59, 1896:31, 1896:72, 1896:96, Nous Irons Jouer Dans Lisle 1950:60
1897:85 Nova Scotia Folk Music from Cape Breton 1956:134ra
Notes on Recent Articles of a Comparative Nature in November Eve Beliefs and Customs in Irish Life and
Folk-Lore and Other Periodicals 1903:85 Literature 1968:28
Notes on Recent Articles of a Comparative Nature in Now We Are Civilized, A Study of the World View of the
Folk-Lore and Other Periodicals 1904:46 Zapotec Indians of Mitla, Oaxaca 1961:35rb
Notes on Six Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast Nuba Personal Art 1972:108rb
1889:110 Nuer Customs and Folklore 1933:17rb
Notes on Some English Accounts of Miraculous Fasts Number Our Days 1981:49rv, 1982:53rb
1921:29 Number Twelve, The 1890:119
Notes on Swanton Numbers 80 and 81 1981:98 Numskull Clans and Tales: Their Structure and Function in
Notes on Tagal Folk-Lore 1902:62 Asymmetrical Joking Relationships 1966:8
Notes on the “Shirburn Ballads” 1917:21 Nuremberg Schembart Carnival, The 1943:68rb Notes on the Aborigines of New South Wales, With Nursery Rhyme of Solomon Grundy, The 1956:96
Personal Reminiscences 1893:102rb Nursery Rhyme, A 1899:72
Notes on the Chinese in Boston 1892:122 Nursery Rhymes and Game-Songs from Georgia 1934:20 Notes on the Cookery of Tapoztlan, Morelos 1929:15 Nursery Rhymes from Maine 1891:81 Notes on the Cosmogony and Theogony of the Mojave Nursery Rhymes in Finnegan’s Wake 1957:7
Indians of the Rio Colorado, Arizona 1889:67 Nursery Rhymes of England, The 1970:134rb Notes on the Dialect of the People of Newfoundland Nursery yarn, A 1895:103
1895:5 NYSHA Seminars on American Culture 1969:42
Notes on the Dialect of the People of Newfoundland II 1896:4 Notes on the Dialect of the People of Newfoundland III 1897:48
Notes on the Eskimo of Port Clarence, Alaska 1894:82 O Lovely Appearance of Death. American Folk Songs of
“Notes on the Ethnology of Tibet” 1896:102rb Sadness and Melancholy 1954:136ra Notes on the Folk-Lore of Newfoundland 1895:95 O-gi-maw-kwe Mit-i-gwa-ki (Queen of the Woods). Also a Notes on the Folk-Lore of Other Continents 1889:90 Brief Sketch of the Algaic Language 1899:38rb Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Fjort (French Congo) O-no-dah 1911:18
1898:63rb O’othham Hoho’ok A’agitha: Legends and Lore of the
Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Mountain Whites of the Papago and Pima Indians
Alleghanies 1894:30 Oaksie 1982:19rv
Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Wyandots 1899:26 Oath by Bread and Salt 1889:44
Notes on the Fox Indians 1911:15 Ob-Ugric Metrics 1960:136rb
Notes on the Gypsies 1906:63 Obituary Notice 1889:3
Notes on the History, Customs, and Beliefs of the Obituary: Wm. Hugh Jansen (1914-1979) 1980:5
Mississagua Indians 1888:40 Obray Ramsey Sings Folksongs From the Three Laurels Notes on the Katcina Cult in San Felipe 1928:17 1963:20ra Notes on the Language and Folk-Usage of the Rio Grande Obrjadovaja poezija Pinez'ja. Materialy fol’klornyx
Valley 1896:19 ekspedicij MGU v Pinezskij rojon Arxandel’skoj oblaskt
Notes on the Maidu Indians of Butte County California (1970-1972) 1983:69rb
1908:41 Observation of Primitive Ritual 1892:85
Notes on the Medical Practices of the Visayans 1908:44 Observations on “The Day of the Dead” in Catania, Sicily
Notes on the Mythology and Religion of the Nez Perces 1963:40
1891:107 Observations on a Study of Jewish Folklore in Los Angeles
Notes on the Northern Wintun Indians 1909:9 1961:57
Notes on the Origin and History of the Tar-Baby Story Observations on Meaningless Peyote Song Texts 1953:41
1930:15 Observations on Northern Blackfoot Kinship 1947:97rb
Notes on the Origins and Uses of Plants of the Lake St. Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain
John Montagnais 1932:5 1970:136rb
Notes on the Report of Teobert Maler 1902:34rb Observations on the Practice of Conjuring in Georgia
474 Journal of American Folklore 1901:69 | . oe Ojibwa Religion and the Midewiwin 1969:123rb
1947:65rb Ojibwa Songs 1945:99 |
“Observations on the Yurok: Childhood and World Image” Ojibwa Song, An 1933:32
Obstacle Myths 1903:33 | Oo Ojibwa Tales 1911:17, 1917:34
Occult in America: New Historical Perspectives, The Ojibwa Tales from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 1913:7
1985:771rb Ojibwa Tales from the North Shore of Lake Superior
Oceanic, American Indian, and African Myths of Snaring 1916:14
the Sun 1943:111rb Ojibway Heritage 1980:10rb— .
Ocimbanda, or Witch-Doctor of the Ovimbundu of Okefinokee Album 1983:129rb Portuguese Southwest Africa, The 1899:44 Oklahoma Delaware Ceremonies, Feasts and Dances
Oedipus and Job in West African Religion 1960:71rb 1938:43rb ' Oedipus-Type Tales in Oceania 1956:16 Oklahoma Folklore Society 1943:89 Oedipus: A Folklore Casebook 1985:61rb Ola Belle Reed: Memories 1976:116rv
Oesterreichs Marchenschatz, 1955:94rb — Old Album of William A. Larkin, The 1947:73 Of Cabbages and Kings: Tales from Zinacantan 1982:47rb Old Australian Bush Ballads 1957:158rb
Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax: Sundries from Old Bark Hut, The 1959:130ra
Zinacantan 1982:48rb Old Believers 1983:105rv
Of the Night Wind's Telling 1947:146rb Old Bill Williams, Mountain Man 1963:95rb
Of the Teeth 1961:4 Old Bush Songs. And Rhymes of Colonial Times. Enlarged
Officers 1949:22 1959:20rb
Of Time and Place, Part | 1984:100rv , and Revised from the Collection of A. B. Paterson. Officers of Local Branches of the AFS 1907:12 Old California Trail. Traces in Folklore and Furrow, The
Officers of the AFS 1907:66 1949:82rb Officers of the AFS (1904) 1904:59 sy Old Charm, An 1892:136 Officers of the AFS (1905) 1905:87rb Old Corn Meal: A Forgotten Urban Negro Folksinger Officers of the AFS (1906) 1906:92 1962:5 . : Officers of the AFS (1908) 1908:67 Old Country Store, The 1955:87rb
. Officers of the AFS (1909) 1909:53 Old Devon Customs 1959:72rb . Officers of the AFS (1910) 1910:30 Old English Customs Extant at the Present Time Officers of the AFS (1911) 1911:32 1969:98rb
Officers of the AFS (1912) 1912:31 | Old English Nursery Tale, An 1900:51 Officers of the AFS (1913) 1913:32 Old English Songs in American Versions 1892:123 Officers of the AFS (1914) 1914:32 | The Old Farmer and His Almanac. Being Some Officers of the AFS (1915) 1915:40 Observations of Life and Manners in New England a Officers of the AFS (1916) 1916:33 Hundred Years Ago Suggested by Reading Earlier Officers of the AFS (1917) 1917:39 : Numbers of the Farmer's Almanac. Together with Officers of the AFS (1918) 1918:44 Extracts Curious, Instructive, and Entertaining, as well Officers of the AFS (1919) 1919:39 as a Variety of Miscellaneous Matter. 1905;11rb
Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society 1889:124, Old Farmer’s Almanac Sampler, The 1958:102rb
1893:135, 1903:101 Old Greasybeard: Tales from the Cumberland Gap
Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1892) 1971:45rb__- | oe
1892:145 Old Hen Cackled and the Rooster’s Going to Crow, The Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1894) 1974:89ra ,
1894:150 Old Hudson River Town Names 1943:134
Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1895) Old Jewish Folk Music: The Collection and Writings of
~ 1895:110 Moshe Beregovski 1984:14rb
Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1896) “Old Lady Grant,” Another Child Ballad No. 278 1970:107
1896:108 Old Mauma’s Folk-Lore, An 1896:22
Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1897) Old Mrs. Tucker 1960:49
1897:98 | Old Navajo Rugs: Their Development from 1900 to 1940 1898:70 Old Norse Literature and Mythology: A Symposium .
Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1898) 1983:93rb Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1899) 1971:28rb
1899:89 7 Old Nursery Rhyme, An 1900:53
Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1900) Old Order Amish 1979:40rv
1900:83 . | Old Order Amish, Their Hymns and Hymn Tunes, The
Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1901) 1939:5 a 1901:106 Old Paths and Legends of New England 1975:114rb Officers of the American Folk-Lore Society (1902) Old Political Joke Reappears, An 1963:39 1902:95 Old Rabbit the Voodoo and Other Sorcerers 1893:72rb
“Offrenda” on All-Souls’ Day in Mexico 1897:27 Old Rabbit Voodoo and Other Stories 1893:129rb
Oglala Religion 1980:63rb Old Remedies Collected in the Blue Ridge Mountains _
“Oh Dem Golden Slippers”: The Philadelphia Mummers 1947:43
Parade 1966:83 . Old Signs in Alabama 1930:26 ,
Oh, Didn't He Ramble: The Life Story of Lee Collins as Old Songs from Clarksburg, West Virginia, 1918 1919:35
Told to Mary Collins 1977:126rb Old Sons of Skye: Frances Tolmie and Her Circle, The Ohio 1906:21, 1906:53 | 1980:17rb ee Ohio Folklore Society 1950:83, 1950:148, 1951:54, Old Spain in Our Southwest 1938:39rb
1952:52, 1953:16, 1953:77, 1954:143, 1955:38, Old Uncle Peter He Got Tight 1951:89
19S5:75 Old World Tales Among the Mohawks 1950:97
Ohio Folklore Society, The 1952:126, 1969:12 , Old-Country Ballads in Missouri.!I 1906:65 -
Ohio Valley Ballads 1957:37ra : Old-Country Ballads in Missouri.!II] 1906:72
Ojibwa Myths and Tales 1928:2 : . Old-Country Ballads in Missouri!“Geordie” 1907:65
Ojibwa Origin-Migration Songs of the mitewiwin 1978:80 Old-Time Fiddler’s Repertory, Volume 2, The 1986:92rb
Title Index 479 Old-Time Marriage Customs in New England 1893:47 Only a Miner: Studies in Recorded Coal-Mining Songs
Old-World Tale from Minnesota, An 1918:38 1973:53rb
Oldest Stories in the World, The 1954:54rb Onojo Ogboni: Problems of Identification and Historicity
Ole Rabbit an’ de Dawg He Stole 1890:48 in the Oral Traditions of the Igala and Northern
Olea Croger 1918:41rb Nsukka Igbo of Nigeria 1968:52 Omaha Buffalo Medicine-Men. An Account of Their Method Onondaga Customs 1888:65
of Practice, The 1890:75 Onondaga Metaphor 1889:24, 1889:59 Omaha Folklore Notes 1888:68 Onondaga Notes 1895:74 Omaha Songs 1888:67 Onondaga Plant Names 1902:20 On Abraham's Besom 1970:9 Onondaga Ritual Parodies 1954:117 Omaha Folk-Lore Notes 1889:68 Onondaga Names of Months 1889:61
“On Another Day...”: Tales Told Among the Nkundo of Onondaga Superstitions 1889:100
Zaire 1981:60rb Onondaga Tale of the Pleiades 1900:70
On Being a Joines: A Life in the Brushy Mountains Onondaga Tales 1893:76
1983:37rv Onondaga Tales 1 1888:7
On Certain Songs and Dances of the Kwakiutl of British Onondaga Tales II 1889:97
Columbia 1888:8 Ontario Branch 1917:25
On Child 76 and 173 in Divers Hands 1951:19 “Opening Address to the Folk-Lore Society for the Session, On Going in Circles: A Comment on Kongas Maranda’s 1890-91” 1891:89rb
“Five Interpretations” 1973:116 Opening of “Tam Lin,” The 1970:3 On Jewish Folklore 1984:115rb Opies Request Children’s Lore 1953:79 On Jewish Folkways in German Lands 1973:79 Oppfatningen av jotnene i de norrone
On Knowing the Answer 1974:65 kristningsberetningene 1958:113rb On Meaning and Gaming 1969:72 Oraibi Flute Altar, The 1895:94
On Our Selection and Our New Selection 1957:33rb Oral Art and Literature of the Kazakhs of Russian Central On PEIRAR ELESTHAI IESOU and the Manus Consertio of Asia, The 1959:71rb
the Romans 1894:56rb Oral Epics of Central Asia 1969:131rb
{On Some Ancient Portraits of South American Indians]. Oral Folk-Tales of Wessex 1976:72rb
1894:147rb Oral History 1984:71rb
On the Application of Concepts of Active and Inactive Oral Literature in Africa 1973:23rb
Traditions in the Study of Repertory 1971:7 Oral Literature of the Crow Indians, The 1959:37 On the Communication of Folk Belief in a Situation of Oral Performance: Narrative and Ritual in a Tamil
Disintegration 1960:82 Tradition 1981:54
On the Earth Earthy 1939:23rb Oral Poetry: Its Nature, Significance, and Social Context
On the Eastern Shore 1889:105 1980:65rb
On the Edge of the Bush: Anthropology as Experience Oral Poets of South Indiafthe Todas 1958:81
1987:87rb Oral Tales of India, The 1959:58rb
On the Field and Work of a Journal of American Folk-Lore Oral Tradition and History 1917:2
1888:2 Oral Tradition and Print: Domestic Performance in
On the Final [s}] in “Folkloristics” 1985:58 Renaissance England 1980:154
(On the Letter F in an Alphabet Verse Tongue-Twister] Oral-Formulaic Theory and Research: An Introduction and
1892:55 Annotated Bibliography 1986:87rb
On the Margins of Discourse: The Relation of Literature to [Orang of Belenda, The] 1896:75rb
Language 1981:9rb Orange Blossom Special 1963:93ra
On the Origin of Some Popular Oaths 1894:9 Ordinary and the Fabulous: An Introduction to Myths, On the Origin of the Maine-Maritimes Legend of the Legends and Fairy Tales, The 1979:114rb
Plucked Gorbey 1974:116 Oregon Folklore 1979:108rb
On the Principle of Convergence in Ethnology 1912:2 Oregon Folklore Society, The 1969:13
On the Producers of Folk Art 1979:9 Oregon Woodcarvers 1984:42rv On the Role of Functionalism in Contemporary Folklorists Oregonian Folk-Lore 1891:40
1977:6 Organization of a Story and a Tale, The 1945:68
On the Trail of Negro Folk-Songs 1925:34rb, 1965:28rb Organization of Folklore Study in Mexico 1961:92
On the Translation of Style in Oral Narrative 1971:12 Oriental Traditions 1976:36ra
On Type 449A 1987:6 Origin and Function of Culture, The 1944:101rb
On Verbal Dueling Among Turkish Boys 1976:9 Origin and Value of Weather Lore, The 1900:41 On Vladimir Propp and Albert B. Lord: Their Theoretical Origin Legend of Navaho Divinatory Rites 1936:3
Differences 1973:35 Origin Legend of the Navaho Eagle Chant 1940:2
1981:112rb Translation 1939:41rb
Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of Fairy Tales Origin Legend of the Navaho Enemy Way, Text and One Fairy Story Too Many: The Brothers Grimm and Their Origin Legend of the Navaho Flintway: Text and
Tales 1984:122rb Translation 1944:20rb 1967:93rb Origin Myth from Oraibi 1923:10
100 Armenian Tales and Their Folkloristic Relevance Origin Legends of the Oto 1938:36
100 Currier and Ives Favorites 1981:75rb Origin Myth of Acoma and a Other Records 1943:156rb One Hundred Favorite Folktales 1970:120rb Origin Myth of Zuni, The 1923:9
107 Bengali Proverbs 1946:111 Origin of Agriculture 1902:88
1,000 California Place Names 1948:165rb Origin of Cinderella, The 1894:10 One Last Proverb Publication by Archer Taylor 1978:129 Origin of Death, The 1917:33 “One of Those Intangibles”: The Manifestation of Ethnic Origin of English Surnames, The 1981:82rb
Identity in Southwestern 1986:36 Origin of Folk-Melodies, The 1910:25
One Potato, Two Potato...: The Secret Education of Origin of Martha’s Vineyard Indians 1898:28
American Children 1979:15rb Origin of Playing-Cards, The 1895:82 One-Eyed Ones, The 1958:33 Origin of the “Jackson Whites”: History and Legend among
Oneida Tale, An 1944:87 the Ramapo Mountain People, The 1972:60
476 Journal of American Folklore Origin of the Cat: A Negro Tale 1896:11 Ozark Superstitions 1933:1, 1948:161, 1954:98rb Origin of the English Names of the Alphabet, The Ozark Tales and Superstitions 1986:59rb
1893:37rb Ozarks: Land and Life, The 1982:89rb
Origin of the Grail Legend, The 1944:51irb
Origin the Melicites, The 1907:33 |P | Origin of theof Mummers’ Play, The 1971:54 Origin of the Penitente “Death Cart’, The 1971:56
Origin Tradition of the Chemehuevi Indians 1908:40 P’noblums 1949:11 Original Bilingual Play in Idoma and English, An Pa-lu-lu-kon-ti: A Tusayan Ceremony, The 1893:110
1987:106rb Pacific Number 1949:92
“Original Documents from the Cuna Indians of San Blas, Pagan Rituals and Beliefs among the Chontal Indians of
Panama” 1939:52rb Oaxaca, Mexico 1961:12rb
Original Mother Goose’s Melody, The 1970:85rb Page of Child-Lore, A 1891:11
1901:56rb 1970:130rb
Origins of Art. A Psychological and Sociological Study, The Pages and Pictures from Forgotten Children’s Books
Origins of Korean Folklore Scholarship, The 1986:3 Painful Plough, The 1973:102rb Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs, The Paiute Sorcery 1951:69rb
1969: 108rb Palaestra. Untersuchungen und Texte aus der deutschen
Origins of Totemism, The 1910:16 und englischen Philologie. XXIV. Blur und Wundsegen Orkney and Shetland Old Lore 1908:20rb in ihrer Entwicklung dargestellt 1903:78rb Orkney and Shetland Records (Diplomatarium Orcadense Palanquin Symbolism: The Special Vocabulary of the
et Hialtlandense) 1908:2irb Palanquin-Bearing Castes of North Central India 1968:50 Orkneyinga Saga, The 1941:21irb Pale Hecate's Team 1980:98rb Orpheus Caledonius 1964:88rb Palestinian Costume and Jewelry 1981:41rb Orpheus in the Middle Ages 1972:53rb Pammelia. Deuteromelia. Melismata 1964:86rb
Orpheus Myth in North America, The 1935:17 Pamunkey Indian Games and Amusements 1943:101
Orpheus, Myths of the World 1931:33rb Pamunkey Indians of Virginia, The 1894:137rb
Os Melhores Contos Populares de Portugal 1948:119rb Pan-Indianism in Great Lakes Tribal Festivals 1957:52
Osakie Legend of the Ghost Dance 1899:65 Panamerican Bibliographies and Reviews 1943:56 Ossetian Tale of Iry Dada and Mstislav, The 1956:73 Pancho Villa: Fiction, Fact, or Folklore? 1957:97
Ossian and Ossianic Literature 1900:60rb Panel on Folk Literature and the Obscene 1962:60 Other Sides of Reality: Myths, Visions and Fantasies, The Panorama du Folklore Haitien 1964:79rb
1975:26rb Papago Coyote Tales 1909:36
Other Tribes, Other Scribes: Symbolic Anthropology in the Papago Indian Religion 1948:31rb Comparative Study of Cultures, Histories, Religions, Papago Migration Legend, The 1921:15
and Texts 1984:123rb Paper of Professor Mason 1891:17
Otis Tufton Mason 1908:58 Papers Read at the International Congress of Musicology Otomi Obscene Humor: Preliminary Observations 1975:88 Held at New York, September 11th to 16th, 1939
Our Living Traditions: An Introduction to American 1946:107rb
Folklore 1969:28rb Paraguay Native Poetry 1913:25
Our Old Poets and the Tinkers 1898:43 Parallel Paths 1961:28 Our Singing Country 1943:26rb Parallel Proverbs in English, German and Hebrew Our Social Bees, or, Pictures of Town & Country Life, and 1957:21rb .
Other Papers 1969:105rb Parallels to Goethe’s “Elsassische Volkslieder’ 1931:3
Our Southern Highlanders 1978:30rb Pardhans of the Upper Narbada Valley, The 1947:140rb Ours Once More: Folklore, Ideology, and the Making of Pardner of the Wind 1979:170rb
Modern Greece 1983:118rb Paremiology: A Review Essay 1975:96 Out of Order 1985:22rv Parji Language. A Dravidian Language of Bastar, The Outline of a Philosophy of Costume, with Special Regard 1956:59rb to the Negro Race 1891:60rb Parker on the Iroquois 1969:95rb Outline of Anthropology 1948:123rb Parodied Prayers and Scripture 1959:35
Outline of the Documentary History of the Zuni Tribe, An Parodies of Scripture, Prayer and Hymn 1964:6
1893:33rb Parody and Nicknames among American Youth 1962:69
Outline of Zuni Creation Myths” 1896:69rb Parole et Sagesse: Valeurs sociales dans les proverbes du
Over the Great Navajo Trail 1901:80rb Rwanda 1986:64rb
11964:36rb 1983:39
Over Their Dead Bodies. Yankee Epitaphs & History Parry-Lord Theory Meets Operational Structuralism, The
Overpowered by Realism: Living History and the Pascua: A Yaqui Village in Arizona 1941:74rb
Simulation of Past 1987:84 Passing Institutions 1945:36rb
Owen Wister and the Dogies 1969:20 Passing the Time in Ballymenone: Culture and History of Owl and the American Indian, The 1950:101 an Ulster Community 1984:69rb Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, The 1952:93rb Passing Time and Traditions: Contemporary Iowa Folk
Oxford University Dictionary of English Proverbs, The Artists 1986:17rb
1950:36rb Passion Play at Coyoacan 1899:66
Oxfordshire & District Folklore Society 1950:112 Passover Seder: Afikoman in Exile, The 1983:81rb
Ozark Folklore Society 1949:119 Passover Song of the Kid and an Equivalent from New Ozark Folklore: A Bibliography 1973:131rb England, The 1905:3 Ozark Folksongs. Vol. 1 1947:143rb Past in the Present, The 1902:57
Ozark Folksongs. Volume II. 1949:181rb Past Titan Rock: Journeys into an Appalachian Valley
Ozark Folksongs. Volume III 1949:182rb 1985:75rb Ozark Folksongs, Vol. IV 1951:151rb Pastourelle: A Study of the Origins and Tradition of a Ozark Mountain Party-Games 1936:14 Lyric Type, The 1933:28rb
Ozark Mountain Riddles 1934:6 Pataka: Storehouse (of Knowledge), Being a Condensation Ozark Play-Party, The 1929:17 of Books I & II: A Collection of Maori Legend and Lore
Title Index 477 Including the Marae Series in Verse and Prose Myths and Tales, The
1980:32rb People of the Dreamtime 1956:63rb
Path of the Great, The 1946:97rb People of the Polar North, The 1909:25rb Patois and Paradox in a Boy Scout Treasure Hunt 1984:2 People of the Tobacco Belt: Four Lives 1978:11rb Pattern in the Material Folk Culture of the Eastern United People’s Song Book, The 1949:40rb
States 1970:17rb Pepe’s Family 1980:148rv
Pattern in Three Hawaiian Chants 1983:4 Pequot-Mohegan Witchcraft Tale, A 1903:28 Patterns in Cultural Anthropology 1966:69rb Percy Grainger!The Inveterate Innovator 1978:23rb Patterns of Structure and Role Relationships in the Child Performance and Honor in 13th-Century Iceland 1986:34
Ballad in the United States 1966:45 Performance Studies. A New Field That’s Expanding the Paul Bunyan and Hollander Michel 1952:84 Concept of Theatre and Dance 1982:29 Paul Bunyan and Little John 1949:146 Performative Categories and Symbols of Passage in Rural
Paul Bunyan Comes West 1930:10rb Greece 1981:4
Paul Bunyan in North Dakota 1938:57rb Perilous Hunt: Symbols in Hispanic and European
Paul Bunyan in 1910 1944:60, 1946:33 Balladry, The 1983:21irb
Paul Bunyan of the Great Lakes 1948:32rb Periodical Literature 1910:4, 1911:13
Paul Bunyan Twenty-Five Years After 1942:25 Perrault’s Popular Tales 1888:26rb Paul Bunyan: Last of the Frontier Demigods 1954:16rb Persistence of Folk Belief: Some Notes on Cannibalism and
Paul Delarue, 1889-1956 1957:89 Zombis in Haiti, The 1959:5 Paul E. Hall: A Newfoundland Song-Maker and His Personal Names in Traditional Ballads: A Proposal for a Community of Song 1974:54rb Ballad Onomasticon 1981:56 Paul Radin, 1883-1959 1961:7 Personal Narratives Reconsidered 1981:5
1892:41rb Folklore 1971:3
Paul Sebillot. Notice biographique et bibiographique Personal Power and Social Restraint in the Definition of
Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales 1890:29rb Personal Reminiscences of a Winnebago Indian 1913:22
Pawnee Mythology 1893:51 Personal Use of Myth in Dreams, The 1955:106 Pawnee Star Lore 1903:2 Personalia 1946:139, 1947:54, 1947:91, 1947:136, Pawnee Star Myth, A 1894:80 1948:70, 1949:21, 1949:109, 1950:21, 1950:84,
Pawnee, Blackfoot and Cheyenne. History and Folklore of 1950:114, 1950:151, 1951:55, 1951:139, 1952:55 the Plains from the Writings of George Bird Grinnell Personality of Ireland: Habitat, Heritage and History, The
1962:43rb 1974:73rb
Peacock Feathers 1892:56 Perspectives in Folklore 1951:35 Pearl Bryan 1943:48 Perspectives on Contemporary Legend 1987:37rb Pearl Bryant: An Unpublished Variant of an American Folk Perspectives on Folklore and Education 1970:71rb
Song 1929:22 Peter Henry Buck, 1880-1951 1952:36
Pearl Fisher, The 1987:83rv Peter Piper versus Peter Pipernus 1892:96 Peasant Customs and Savage Myths: Selections from the Peter Piper’s Proper Pronunciation of Perfect English versus British Folklorists 1973:84rb Peter Pipernus 1892:26
Peasant Lore from Gaelic Ireland 1900:57rb Peter Simon Suckegg 1949:152
1898:12 Peyote Jokes 1962:2
Peculiar Method of Counting Used in Crockery Trade Petite legende doree de la Haute-Bretagne 1897:65rb
Peguche, A Study of Andean Indians 1946:102rb Philadelphia Chapter of the American Folk-Lore Society
Pele and Hiiaka: A Myth from Hawaii 1981:42rb 1890:60, 1891:23
Penalties for Injuring Chinese Scriptures, and Rewards for Philadelphia Chapter of the American Folk-Lore Society,
Their Distribution 1899:13 The 1890:23
Peninsular Spanish Versions of the Tar-Baby Story Philadelphia Folk Festival 1973:44
1944:63 Philafrican Liberators’ League 1897:22
Penitente Bibliography, A 1977:97rb Philippine (Tagalog) Superstitions 1906:61
Penitentes of the Southwest, The 1971:116rb Philippine (Visayan) Superstitions 1906:62
Pennsylvania 1906:22 Philippine Folk Songs Will Be Recorded 1956:8 Pennsylvania Dutch American Folk Art 1949:132rb Philippine Folk Tales 1917:19rb
Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Songs 1957:38ra Philippine Folk-Tales 1908:12
Pennsylvania Dutchman, The 1949:113 Phillips Barry 1938:60
Pennsylvania Fairylore and Folktales 1945:44 Phonetic Alphabet Used by the Winnebago Tribe of Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies 1952:60 Indians, A 1890:107
Pennsylvania Folklore 1948:146 Phonographic Record of Folk-Songs 1903:8
Pennsylvania Folklore Society 1943:90, 1950:16, 1956:7, Phonographic Records of Folk-Songs 1901:95
1956:93 Phonophotography in Folk Music, American Negro Songs
Pennsylvania German Folk Medicine in Waterloo County, in New Notation 1930:18rb
Ontario 1936:13 Photographic Documents 1901:96
Pennsylvania German Folklore Society 1943:91 Photographies de Gens et de Choses du Terroir Canadien Pennsylvania German Folklore Society Meeting 1952:121 1920:24 Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario 1969:14 Physiologus 1982:42rb
Pennsylvania German Riddles and Nursery Rhymes Piankishaw Tales 1931:18
1906:37 Picardia Mexicana 1965:19rb
1955:96rb 1952:138rb
Pennsylvania German Tombstones: A Study in Folk Art Pictorial Folk Art, from New England to California Pennsylvania Songs and Legends 1954:47rb, 1964:26rb Pictorial History of Turkish Dancing, A 1978:111rb Penobscot Man: The Life History of a Forest Tribe in Picture Museum of Sorcery, Magic, and Alchemy
Maine 1941:68rb 1964:84rb
Penobscot Tales 1915:4 “Picture-Writing of the American Indians” 1895:23rb Penobscot Tales and Religious Beliefs 1935:1 Pictures on My Wall 1946:60rb
Pentamerone of Giambattista Basile, The 1935:13rb Picturesque Views of Rural Occupation in Early People Are Coming Soon: Analyses of Clackamas Chinook Nineteenth-Century England 1981:84rb
478 Journal of American Folklore Piegan Tale, A 1916:19 Points of the Compass 1903:64
Piegan Tales 1911:16 . Poison-Damsels and other essays in Folklore and Piegan Tales of European Origin 1916:20 Anthropology 1953:83rb : Piety and Motherhood: Reproductive Images and Maternal Pola Chapelle Sings Italian Folk Songs 1963:26ra
Strategies of the Woman Preacher 1987:119 Polar Eskimos, Language and Folklore, The 1956:57rb
Pig-tail Charley 1903:13 . Polish Peasant in Europe and America, The 1960:111rb Pigafetta’s Account of the Ear-Sleepers 1972:87 Polish Pope Jokes 1979:60
Pighunter 1981:28rb . Polish Riddles from Michigan 1949:57 _—
1965:108rb 1957:101rb
Pigments Used by Children in Their Play 1895:38 Politics in a Jump-Rope Rhyme 1963:38
Pills, Petticoats, and Plows: The Southern Country Store Pollen Path. A Collection of Navajo Myths, The. Pills, Petticoats, and Plows: The Southern Country Store Pollera of Panama, The 1977:53rb
1966:73rb Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs, A 1969:172rb, 1970:33rb
Pima and Papago Indian Agriculture 1943:12irb : Polynesian Navigation, A Symposium on Andrew Sharp's
Pima and Papago Legends 1912:4 Theory of Accidental Voyages 1964:111rb> Pima and Papago Ritual Oratory: A Study of Three Texts Polynesian Fire-Walkers 1901:20, 1901:93.
1977:129rb Polynesian Women and Tifaifai: Fabrications of Identity Pima Constitution, A 1903:87 1986:51 | Pima Indian Legends 1970:64rb . Pomo Creation Myth 1935:16
Pima Remembers, A 1960:108rb Pomo Myths 1936:20rb_ | Pin Lore 1891:58 Ponapean Oedipus Tale: Structural and Sociopsychological Pinata Party Presents Music of Peru, The 1969:60ra Analysis, A 1966:5 : Pink Elephants Again 1954:67 Ponapean Omens 1952:105 Pioneer Blacksmith 1984:45Srv . Ponka and Omaha Songs 1889:98 Pioneer Life in Western Pennsylvania 1942:14rb Ponka Stories, Told By Tim Potter, or Big Grizzly Bear, in
Pioneer Living: Preparing Foods 1979:174rv 1872, at Ponka Agency, Dakota Territory 1888:11 Pioneer Songster: Texts from the Stevens-Douglas Pontiac and the Indian Uprising 1948:88rb Manuscript of Western New York, 1841-1856, A Poor Pearl, Poor Girl! The Murdered-Girl Stereotype in
1960:60rb Ballad and Newspaper 1974:44rb)
Piper’s Choice: Leo Rowsome Plays the Irish Uilleann Pipes Pop Wiener: Naive Painter 1975:45rb
1969:62ra Pope Night in Portsmouth, N. H. 1892:133
Pirate Ship (The Lowland Sea), The 1935:27 Pope Night: Fifth November 1893:16
1969:120 : Poppy Shows 1895:40
Pishtaco: Institutionalized Fear in Highland Peru, The — Popovich Brothers of South Chicago, The 1979:128rv Pissing in the Snow and Other Ozark Folktales 1979:21rb Popular American Plant-Names 1892:44
Pistol Pete: Veteran of the Old West 1953:52rb Popular American Plant Names II 1893:53 Pitfalls of Snow White Scholarship, The 1979:7 Popular American Plant Names III 1894:29 “Pitons” and Canadian Substitutes for Money 1906:54 Popular American Plant-Names IV 1896:49
Pitseolak: Pictures Out of My Life 1981:38rb . Popular American Plant-Names V 1897:5
Pizza Pizza Daddy-O 1976:87rv Popular American Plant-Names VI 1897:33 Place Names of Hawaii 1978:110rb Popular American Plant Names VII 1898:44
Place of the Song “Der Traum des Baume(s)”, The Popular American Plant Names VIII 1898:57
1965:95 Popular and Modern Medicine in Mestizo Communities of
Place-Names of Greater London 1982:118rb Coastal Peru and Chile - | Places in the Sun: The History and Romance of Florida Popular Ballad in America, The 1911:28 .
Place-Names 1982:83rb Popular Beliefs and Customs among the Yiddish-Speaking
Plain Folk of the Old South 1968:20rb ~ Jews of St. Louis, Mo. 1925:23 Plains Cree Tales 1916:13, 1937:13rb . Popular Beliefs and Folklore Tradition in Siberia
Plains Ojibwa Tales 1919:12 1970: 10rb
Plan for an International Publication for the Comparative Popular Beliefs and Practices from Alabama 1959:77rb
Study of Folklore 1947:80 Popular Celebrations in Mexico 1896:46
Plan of Work and Summary Reports 1947:118 Popular Culture and Curricula 1971:43rb
Plant-Lore 1888:50 Popular Culture and Elite Culture in France 1400-1750
Plantation Courtship 1894:33 1987:34rb : Plantation Courtship II 1895:30 - Popular Culture and the Expanding Consciousness Play Party in Idaho, The 1931:1 1974:12rb : | Play-Party Games From Kansas 1963:58rb : Popular Formulas in Massachusetts 1895:11 |
Play-Party in Indiana, The 1960:5irb Popular Interpretation of Bird Sounds in Ethiopia Play-Party in Northeast Missouri, The 1914:19 1952:108
Play-Party, The 1912:24 Meets 1945:19
Play-Party Songs in Western Maryland 1941:46 Popular Literature Section of Modern Language Association
“Playing the Dozens” 1962:64 Popular Medicine, Customs, and Superstitions of the Rio
Please Give Me a Bow 1890:79 : Grande 1894:32 :
Pleistocene Animals in Folk Memory 1980:110 Popular Music and the Folk Tradition 1967:30
“Poesia Folklorica Quechua” 1945:27rb Popular Names of American Plants 1891:42
Poesie del popoli selvaggi o poco civili 1892:33rb Popular Notions Pertaining to Primitive Stone Artifacts in Poetes Nzakara, Tome | 1966:33rb Surinam 1917:10 |
Poetiques de la chanson traditionelle francaise Popular Poetry of the Baloches 1907:53rb
1980:136rb | | Popular Poetry of the Finns, The 1900:62rb
Poetry and Folklore: Some Points of Affinity 1964:32 Popular Religion in America: Symbolic Change and the Poetry and Pattern: Structural Analysis of an Ijo Creation Modernization Process in Historical Perspective
Myth 1979:102 1982:115rb -
Poetry of American Aboriginal Speech, The 1896:6 Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales 1970:135rb
“Pogonip" 1906:88 Popular Rimes from Mexico 1889:8
Title Index 479 Popular Romances of the West of England 1969:149rb Pretty Pa-Tree 1898:56 [Popular Songs and Tales of Germany] 1889:56rb Priceless Cats, and Other Italian Folk Stories, The
Popular Tales and Fictions: Their Migrations and 1958:117rb
Transformations 1888:25rb Priest, Warriors, and Cattle: A Study in the Ecology of
Popular Tales from the Norse, with an Introductory Essay Religions 1983:83rb on the Origin and Diffusion of Popular Tales. 3rd. ed. “Primitive American Armor’ 1896:41rb
1889:31rb Primitive Education in North America 1947:101rb
Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Orally Collected Primitive Man in Modern Beliefs 1890:9
1970:80rb Primitive Marriage Customs as Preserved in the Games of Porta Magica, Rome, The 1895:8 Children 1892:23 Portal Case: Authenticity, Tourism, Traditions, and the Primitive Mathematics 1902:54 Law, The 1987:70 Primitive Music: An Inquiry into the Origin and Porto Rican Folk-Lore, Folk-Tales 1926:21 Development of Music, Songs, Dances, and Porto Rican Folk-Lore: Decimas, Christmas Carols, Nursery Pantomimes of
Rhymes and Other Songs 1922:3rb the Savage Races 1894:49rb
Porto Rican Folk-Lore: Folk Tales 1924:3, 1925:29, Primitive Paternity: The Myth of Supernatural Birth in
1929:13 Relation to the History of the Family. 1910:9rb
Porto-Rican Folk-Lore 1916:28 Primitive Peace-Makers 1903:65 Porto-Rican Folk-Lore. Decimas, Christmas Carols, Nursery Primitive Religion 1979:160rb
Rhymes, and Other Songs 1918:26 Primitive Warfare among the Natives of Western Alaska Porto-Rican Folk-Lore. Folk-Tales 1921:9, 1922:1, 1909:35
1927:19 Primitive Woman as Poet 1903:86
[Portrait of William Wells Newell] 1907:1 Principal Influences on the Music of the Lilly Brothers of Portraits of the “Whiteman”: Linguistic Play and Cultural Clear Creek, West Virginia 1973:109 Symbols among the Western Apache 1982:104rb Principle of Limited Possibilities in the Development of
Portugal: A Book of Folk-Ways 1938:31rb Culture, The 1913:19
Portuguese Element in New England, The 1892:2 Principles and Practice of Textual Analysis 1977:65rb
Portuguese Folk Tales 1969:147rb Priscilla Alden!A suggested Antecedent 1917:26
Portuguese Folk-Songs 1902:43 Prison Folklore 1965:89
Posadas in Tzintzuntzan: Structure and Sentiment in a Prizes in Folklore 1954:87 Mexican Christmas Festival, The 1983:74 Problem of Icelandic Saga Origins: A Historical Survey,
Position of Men and Women in Truk and Ponape: A The 1966:37rb
Comparative Analysis of Kinship Terminology and Problem of Melodic Variation in Folk Song, The 1942:53
Folktales, The 1956:14 Probleme der Sagenforschung 1975:67rb
Positively Black 1971:110rb Probleme und Methoden volkskundlicher
Possible Origin of a Nursery Rhyme 1891:54 Gegenswartsforschung 1971:73rb
“Dozens” 1963:88 1957:11
Possible West African Sources for the American Negro Problems and Projects in the American-English Folktales
Possum, Oh Possum 1987:12rv Problems and Solutions: Korean Folktales and Personality Power of the Word: Healing Charms as an Oral Genre, The 1968:27
1978:125 Problems and Tasks of Jewish Folklore and Ethnology
Power of Words in African Verbal Arts, The 1981:3 1946:4
Powers of Presence: Consciousness, Myth, and Affecting Problems in the Study of Proverbs 1934:1
Presence, The 1983:84rb Problems of Folklore, The 1946:29
Prairie Smoke 1931:13rb Problems of Mexican Indian Folklore 1943:2 Prairie-Plains Folklore Society 1974:119 Proceedings of the American Association for the
Prayer of a Navajo Shaman, The 1888:52 Advancement of Science 1896:73rb
Prayer: The Compulsive Word 1947:26rb Proceedings of the California Branch of the AFS 1906:6 Pre- and Proto-Historic Finns, Both Eastern and Western Process of Cultural Stripping and Reintegration: The Rural
with the Magic Songs of the West Finns, The Migrant in the City, The 1970:48
1899:20rb Professional-Amateur-Popularizer Feud in Folklore, The
Pre-Civil War American “Fox and Goose”, A 1964:74 1975:58
1960:44 Music 1949:44
Pre-Conquest Narrative Songs in Spanish America Professionalism and Amateurism in the Study of Folk
Pre-Marriage Ceremonies 1973:118 Professor Einstein and the Chorus Girl 1960:83 “Prehistoric Naval Architecture of the North of Europe” Professor von Sydow Honored 1938:14
1894:131rb Progress and Nostalgia: Silvesterklausen in Urnasch,
Preliminary Bibliography of Turkish Folklore, A 1945:73 Switzerland 1987:102rb Preliminary Consideration of Aboriginal Australian Progress Report of Committee on Folklore of Non-English
Decorative Art, A 1939:26rb Speaking Groups, December 31, 1941 1942:7
Prentice-Hall Encyclopedia of World Proverbs: A Treasury Projected Bibliography of the Folklore of India, A 1961:95 of Wit and Wisdom Through the Ages, The 1987:35rb Prolegomena to a Study of the Principal Melodic Families
Present State of Folklore Studies in Colombia, The of British-American Folk Song 1950:1
1951:11 Prolegomena to a Study of Traditional Elements in the 1961:91 Proletarian Renascence: The Folkness of the Ideological
Present State of French-Canadian Folklore Studies, The Erotic Film 1965:39 Present-Day Superstitions at La Harpe, Ill., Survivals in a Folk, The 1969:19
Community of English Origin 1918:10 Pronunciation of Folk-Names in South Carolina, The Present-Day Survivals of Ancient Jewish Customs 1916:22 1891:83 Presentation to the Folk-Lore Society of Objects Illustrating Proper Book of Sexual Folklore, The 1980:182rb
Mexican Folk-Lore 1899:53 Prophet Dance of the Northwest and its Derivatives: The
Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings Source of the Ghost Dance, The 1937:14rb
1960:123rb Proposal for Folk-Lore Research at Hampton, Va.
Preservation of Archaeologic Monuments 1888:44 1893:119
480 Journal of American Folklore Proposed Edition of the Works of Reinhold Kohler Charakteristik des Naturmenschen in Intelleckueller,
1894:11 sthetischer, ethischer aund religiser Beziehung. Eine
Proposed Folk-Lore Museum, A 1890:115 natrliche Schpfungsgeschichte menschlichen VorProposed Testimonial to G. Laurence Gomme 1895:22 stellens, Wollens und Glaubens 1902:94rb Proposition for an Anthropological Congress 1892:104 Publication Appears in New Format 1946:15
Propp’s Tale Role and a Ballad Repertoire 1982:31 Publication Fund, A 1893:2 Protest Songs of East Indians in British Guiana 1964:67 Publication of Esthonian Folk-Lore 1903:9 Proverb and an Index to the Proverb, The 1964:117rb Publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology
Proverb in Bonaventure des Periers’ Short Stories, The 1918:17
1962:6 Publications Received 1893:105, 1894:76, 1895:68,
Proverb Rhetoric and African Judicial Processes: The 1896:44, 1948:91, 1948:130, 1948:175, 1949:41,
Untold Story 1986:52 1949:91, 1949:140, 1949:184, 1950:53, 1950:95, Criticism 1970:103 1951:155, 1952:26, 1952:69, 1952:100, 1952:151,
Proverb Usage in a “Natural” Context and Oral Literary 1950:129, 1950:169, 1951:33, 1951:74, 1951:116,
Proverb-Synonyms 1903:62 1953:25, 1953:60, 1953:88, 1953:109, 1957:40
Proverbes du Rwanda 1981:61rb {’Publications Received” and Certain Reviews Deferred to Proverbia Septentrionalia: 900 Balto-Finnic Proverb Types Issue 25] 1894:26 with Russian, Baltic, German, and Scandinavian [Publications Received Deferred to Next Issue] 1894:105
Parallels | Pueblo Baseball: A New Use for Old Witchcraft 1961:2
1987:36rb Pueblo Gods and Myths 1965:16rb
Proverbial Comparisons and Related Expressions in Pueblo Indian Clan in Folk-Lore, The 1921:10
Spanish 1979:107rb Pueblo Indian Folk Tales 1936:2 1955:28rb Pueblo of Santa Ana, New Mexico, The 1943:120rb
Proverbial Comparisons and Similes from California Pueblo Indian Religion 1943:24rb
Proverbial Comparisons in the Plays of Beaumont and Pueblo Potter, A Study of Creative Imagination in
Fletcher 1957:6 Primitive Art, The 1931:36rb
Proverbial Lore in Nebraska 1934:15rb Pueblo Rabbit-Hunt, A 1895:102, 1896:12 “Proverbial Lore in Nebraska” 1937:27rb Pueblo Storyteller: Development of a Figurative Ceramic Proverbial Material in the Popular Ballad 1934:2 Tradition, The 1987:99rb Proverbs & Sayings of Ireland 1980:134rb Pueblo-Indian Folk-Tales, Probably of Spanish Provenience
Proverbs and Phrases 1889:48, 1892:10 1918:11
Proverbs and Proverbial Expressions in the Works of Pulling the Heather Green 1935:21
Bonaventure des Periers, The 1964:8 Pump Log Boring 1981:136rv
Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases in Illinois 1966:102rb Punishment of the Stingy and Other Stories 1902:35rb Proverbs and the Proverbial Expressions in the Nouvelles Puppet Voices and Interlocutors: Language in Folk
Recreations et Joyeux Devis of Bonaventure des Puppetry 1981:145
Periers, The 1962:7 Purdue Conference on American Culture 1966:91 Proverbs for Pleasure. Uncommon Sayings 1956:118rb Puritan Gravestone Art II 1981:104rb
Proverbs from Abaco, Bahamas 1917:16. Puro Mexicano 1936:25rb .
Proverbs from Barbados and the Bahamas 1930:25 Puyallup-Nisqually, The 1942:69rb
Proverbs in an LSD Cult 1970:51 Pygmies and Dream Giants 1955:81rb
Proverbs in Nazi Germany: The Promulgation of Pygmies of the Rain Forest 1979:44rv Anti-Semitism and Stereotypes through Folklore Pysanka: Icon of the Universe 1981:16rb
1982:100 Python: A Study of Delphic Myth and Its Origins
Proverbs in the Making: Some Scientific Commonplaces 1960:105rb | 1904:26 Proverbs in the Making: Some Scientific Commonplaces. HN 1904:51
Proverbs in the Writings of Bonaventure des Periers
1964:7 Quaker Tradition and the Paintings.of Edward Hicks: A
Proverbs of Palau 1968:1 . Strategy for the Study of Folk Art 1981:51
Proverbs of the Bulgarian People 1952:37 Quarrelling Sons in the Secret History of the Mongols, The Proverbs, Proverbial Expressions, and Popular Rhymes of 1987:5
Scotland 1970:89rb Quartal Harmony in the Pentatonic Folk Hymns of the
“Provisional List of Annual Ceremonies at Walpi” Sacred Harps 1958:97 —
1896:100rb . Quatrains 1903:49
Prowess and Charity in the Perceval of Chretien de Troyes Quebec Prize Awarded to Marius Barbeau 1945:111
1961:15rb Queen of Hearts. Early English Folk Songs 1954:135ra
Pseudo-Indian Folksongs of the Anglo-American and Queen Of Heaven, The 1931:32rb
French-Canadian, The 1954:72 Queen of Sheba, The 1907:44
Pseudo-Indian Folksongs of the Anglo-American and Quellen und Forschungen zur Deutschen Volkskunde, Band
French-Canadian, The 1954:115 I, Heitere Volksgesange aus Tirol (Tisch- und
Psychiatric Study of Fairy Tales: Their Origin, Meaning Geselischaftslieder). Mit Singweisen 1908:48rb
and Usefulness, A Quellen und Forschungen zur Deutschen Volkskunde,
Psychiatric Study of Myths and Fairy Tales 1976:17rb Band II, Bremberger-Gedichte. Ein Beitrag zur Psychoanalytic Study of the Society, Vol. II, The Brembergersage 1908:49rb
1964:62rb , Queries 1891:113 .
Psychological Inferences From A Chinook Myth 1952:31 Quest of Seth, The 1964:108rb Psychological Interpretation of a Chippewa Origin Legend, Questionnaire de Folk-Lore 1891:93rb
A 1955:13, 1955:50, 1955:71 Questions on “A Theory for American Folklore” 1960:129
Psychological Types From Iroquois Folktales 1952:3 Quiet Land, The 1972:47rb ) Psychological Value as a Determinant of Earthquake Quileute Tales 1919:11
Portents in Two Peruvian Communities 1980:117 Quilt Patterns 1892:21 Psychologie der Naturviker. Entwicklungs-psychologische Quilting Women 1978:122rv
Title Index 48] Quilts in Women’s Lives 1982:96rv Recent Field Recordings 1984:129ra Quilts...Patterns of Love 1982:97rv Recent Folk-Lore Meetings in California 1905:51 “Quinault Indians, The” 1939:43rb Recent Literature on the South American “Amazons” {Quote concerning singer of epics} 1956:71 1911:3 Recent Publications Received 1942:73, 1943:39, 1943:73,
Ea 1943:127, 1943:163, 1944:30, 1944:81, 1944:103,1944:57, 1945:39, 1945:67, 1945:96, 1945:119, 1946:27, 1946:67, 1946:109, 1946:161, 1947:30,
Rabbi Trickster, The 1964:94 1947:72, 1947:114, 1947:152
Race and Democratic Society 1946:104rb Recent Records of Ralph Stanley 1974:63ra Race-Character and Local Color in Proverbs 1904:4 Reception by the Dead 1892:58
Race, Language and Culture 1941:67rb Reciprocal Controls Exerted by Ballad Texts and Tunes
Races and Peoples 1891:28rb 1967:34
Racial Proverbs 1940:37rb “Recitations” 1973:39 Racial Proverbs. A Selection of the World’s Proverbs Reconstructions of the Past: Syrian Jewish Women and the Arranged 1953:59rb Maintenance of Tradition 1987:123 Radio Folklore Program 1948:152 Record of American Folk-Lore 1889:28 Radium and Mysticism 1904:41 Record of American Folk-Lore 1889:64, 1889:118,
Raffaele Lombardi Satriani (1873-1966) 1968:5 1890:59, 1891:62, 1892:27, 1893:120, 1895:100,
Ragtime 1985:82ra 1896:52, 1897:8, 1897:34, 1897:52, 1898:9, 1898:26,
Ragtime: A Musical and Cultural History 1983:45rb 1898:60, 1899:29, 1900:7, 1900:29, 1900:45, 1900:71,
Railroad Songs and Ballads 1968:110ra 1901:8, 1901:43, 1901:72, 1901:92, 1902:6, 1902:23, Railroads Down the Valleys 1951:115rb 1902:45, 1902:81, 1903:6, 1903:32, 1903:92, 1904:8,
Rainbow in the Morning 1967:23rb 1904:33, 1904:53, 1905:5, 1905:23, 1905:48, 1906:8,
Rainbow Sign, The 1960:89rb 1906:67, 1907:13, 1907:48, 1908:66
Raised in Clay: The Southern Pottery Tradition 1986:19rb Record of American Folk-Lore. For Native Races 1892:64
Ralph Fasannela: Song of the City 1984:78rv Record of American Indian Folk-Lore 1908:27, 1908:51
Ralph Linton, 1893-1953 1954:89 Record of European Folk-Lore in America 1906:11,
[Ralph S. Boggs in Mexico] 1939:8 1906:83, 1908:53 Ram Lila, The 1958:79 Record of Folk-Lore and Mythology 1891:22, 1903:93, Ramayana and the Malay Shadow Play, The 1976:100rb 1904:10, 1904:34, 1904:55, 1905:24, 1905:49,
Ramsey Trade Fair 1974:104rv 1906:10, 1908:52, 1909:15
Ramsey Trade Fair, The 1987:16rv Record of Philippine Folk-Lore 1903:44, 1904:35,
Ranordine, Rinordine, Rinor 1905:71 1905:25, 1906:9, 1907:29 Rap-a-Tap-Tap: English Folk Songs Miss Pringle Never Recorded Folksongs 1946:78
Taught Us 1961:22ra Recording the Blues 1973:24rb
1943:158rb Music 1977:23ra
“Rappahannock Herbals, Folk-Lore and Science of Cures” Recordings of European, Canadian, and Euro-American
Rappahannock Taking Devices: Traps, Hunting, and Recordings of Extra-American Music 1972:124ra,
Fishing 1948:28rb 1974:138ra
Rapper at Winlaton in 1955 1971:36rb Recordings of Jimmie Rogers: An Annotated Discography, Rapper Dance as Taught by the Lowerson Family at The 1980:189rb
Murton, The 1969:89rb (Recordings of Wattle Records] 1958:61ra
Rapture Family, The 1980:197rv Recordings Received 1956:68, 1981:133, 1982:15, Rationale of the Dirty Joke: An Analysis of Sexual Humor 1982:94, 1983:31, 1983:135, 1986:49, 1987:46
1970:13rb Red Fairy Book 1950:43rb
Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Redemption Rumors: Mercantile Legends and Corporate
Mankind 1957:119rb Beneficence 1986:37
Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Redentin Easter Play, The 1943:115rb
Mankind 1973:97rb “Redentin Easter Play, The” 1943:116rb
Raven: A Collection of Woodcuts 1977:90rb Reed 'Em and Weep: The Songs You Forgot to Remember
“Raw Head and Bloody Bones” 1956:41, 1964:15 1981:126rb
Ray Lum: Mule Trader 1977:79rv Reed Smith 1881-1943 1943:133 Ray Lum: Mule Trader. A Multimedia Package 1979:53rb “Reedy River’ Song Book 1957:161rb
Ray M. Lawless (1896-19680 1968:76 Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian
Rayburn Ozark Collection 1957:94 1980:144rb
Rayna Green's Farewell as Book Review Editor 1977:130 Reference Materials in Ethnomusicology 1963:75rb Re-Visiting the Plains Indian Country of Mari Sandoz References to Sex in Yoruba Oral Literature 1972:35
1981:39rb Reflection of Social Life in the Navaho Origin Myth
Read "Em and Weep 1929:7rb 1948:118
Reader in Comparative Religion: An Anthropological Regeneration Through Drama at Death 1948:51
Approach 1959:93rb Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the
Readings in Canadian Slavic Folklore. I. Texts in Ukrainian American Frontier, 1600-1860 1975:33rb
1959:80rb Regional and Occupational Orientations of American
Readings in Polish Folklore 1954:128rb Traditional Song 1959:100
Readings in Russian Folklore 1954:127rb Regional Discography of Newfoundland and Labrador, Readings in the History of Anthropology 1975:81irb 1904-1972, A 1977:70rb Readings in Ukranian Folklore 1954:126rb Regional Vocabulary of Texas, The 1964:38rb
Real McCoy, The 1948:13 Reinventing Anthropology 1974:123rb Receives Grant for Rocky Mountain Folklore Research Reissues 1968:46ra
1945:17 Rejoinder to Hyman 1958:31
Recent Articles of a Comparative Nature in Folk-Lore and Rejoinder to Jackson 1975:15 Other Periodicals 1902:76, 1903:99, 1905:58, 1907:41 Rejoinder to Raglan and Bidney 1958:11
Recent Awards 1945:80 Relation of Balladry to Folk-Lore, The 1911:1
482 Journal of American Folklore | Relation of Folk-Lore to Anthropology, The 1915:2 Reprint Series of Journal Articles 1943:109 Relation of Mentality to Race: William Wells Newell and Reprints of Eleanor Hague's Spanish American Folk Songs
the Celtic Hypothesis, The 1979:2 : Now Available 1944:75
Relations between the Hawaiian Islands and Spanish Reptile Lore of the Northern Indians 1923:21
America in Early Times, The 1893:38rb _ | Request for Information in Regard to Terms Used in
Relationship of Legend and Folk Belief, The 1971:98 Talking to Domestic Animals 1888:15 : Relationship of Yoruba Folklore to Divining, The 1943:43 [Research Areas of Special Concern] 1889:1 Relationships Between Spanish and Spanish-American Folk Research Assistantships in Folklore 1957:92
Medicine 1953:65 Research in Folklore Under the National Defense Education
Release from Execution at a Woman's Request or by Act 1961:29 -
Marriage to Her 1947:44 ; Research in Hungarian Folk Culture: An Ethnological and
Relic of Astrology, A 1898:22. . Folkloristic Survey 1950:4.
Religion of the Anavils of Surat 1958:85 Research in Primitive and Folk Music in the United States
Religion of the North American Indians 1914:29 1946:11
Religion of the Teutons, The 1903:83rb Research Professorship in Folk-Lore 1919:30. Religions of American Indians, The 1982:40rb Researches in the Central Portion of the Usumatsintla Religious Folk Art in America: Reflections of Faith Valley. Report of Explorations for the Museum,
1985:46rb_——= 1898-1900 1902:33rb |
Religious Folklife Recordings 1983:134ra Researches into the Medieval History of Folk Ballad
Religious Folklore of the Poljica Region of Dalmatia 1970:114rb 1948:94 {resignation of the Secretary-Treasurer of the AFS] Religious Ideas of the Takelma Indians of Southwestern 1965:83 : Oregon 1907:4 Resolutions on the Death of William Wells Newell 1907:8
Religious Music 1968:114ra Response to “Toasts: The Black Urban Poetry”, A 1975:14 Remarkable Oath, A. 1894:5 Response to Craig Mishler’s Review of In Vain I Tried to Remarkable Providences Illustrative of the Earlier Days of ~ Tell You, A 1984:55 _
American Colonisation 1980:91rb | [Response to Dennis] 1922:4, 1922:5.
Remarks Preliminary to a Study of Ballad Meter and Response to Jones: “Scholarship is Never Just the Sum of
Ballad Singing 1965:40 All Its Variants” 1979:8
Remedy for the Influenza 1890:12 ne Response to Perdue’s Review of Folklore in the Modern | Reminiscences of Pennsylvania Folk-Lore 1892:82 World 1981:6
The 1972:82 . . 1898:38 -
Repertory and Style of a Country Singer: Johnny Cash, {Response to Review of Book by Jessie A. Weston]
Repetition in Oral Literature 1971:55. Resumption of an Old Cult 1904:15 Replies to Forsyth and Clement 1979:6 Rethinking the “Star Husbands” 1971:101
1960:130 , 1894:4
Replies to Questions on “A Theory for American Folklore” Retrospect of the Folk-Lore of the Columbian Exposition
Reply to Bascom = 1957:131, 1957:132, 1958:30 Return Song in Medieval Romance and Ballad: King Horn
Reply to Bierhorst 1979:141 and King Orfeo, The 1975:60 | Reply to Braddy 1957:98 : Reverend Gary Davis 1977:31rv _ . Reply to Haring 1973:11 Revesby Sword Play, The 1972:5 Reply to Jonas Balys 1960:116 Revesby Sword Play, The 1974:69 .
| Reply to Maud Karpeles 1960:114 Reviesta Venezolana de Folklore. Organo del Servicio de Reply to Mr. Hyman, A 1953:69 . Investigaciones Folkloricas Nacionales 1948:27rb
Reply to Mr. Winslow 1970:57 Review Essay 1983:36rv |
Reply to Parzen 1961:58 [Review essay of American folksongs on record] 1948:73 Reply to Posinsky 1956:105 Review Essay: A Balinese Tetralogy 1986:25rv
Reply to Sherzer 1979:142 Review Essay: Folk Crafts Film 1982:16 |
Reply to the Review of Hawaiian Mythology, A 1942:59 Review Essay: Folklore and Government Support
Reply to Wepman, Newman, and Binderman 1975:16 1976:96rb
Reply: Folk and Volk 1980:115 Review Essay: Gumbo 1981:46 “Report of an Ethnographical Investigation of the Yao Review Essay: Let the Spirit Move 1979:35rv
People” 1938:68rb — oO } Review Essay: Movement Style and Culture #1 1980:104
Report of an Indian Visit to Jack Wilson, the Payute - . Review Essay: Romanian Ethnics 1979:144
Messiah 1893:49 | Review Essay: Snake-Handlers on Film 1977:134rv |
Report of the Folk Song Committee of the Comparative © Review Essay: The Shadow Catcher 1978:41rv
Literature II Section of the Modern Language Review of a Review 1978:9
Association, ==> Revised Directory of Folklore Societies 1952:118
1947. 1948:96 Revista de Folklore 1949:83rb
Report of the Proceedings of the Baltimore Branch of the Revista de Tradiciones Populares 1945:58rb American Folk-Lore Society, from April, 1896, to April, Revista do Museu Paulista 1949:172rb
1897 1897:37. Revival and Traditional 1968:44ra
[Report of Voodoo Ritual] 1890:13 Revival, The 1987:45 .
Report on Folklore Research in Costa Rica, A 1951:10 Revolt of Job, The 1987:78rv
Report on Folklore Research in Honduras, A 1951:14 Revue de l’Histoire des Religions 1890:20 Report on Indiana University Folklore Institute 1942:57 Rhetoric of Religion. Studies in Logology, The 1962:83rb Report on the Conference of the International Folk Music Rhetoric of the Radio Ministry, The 1974:111
Council 1952:87 Rhetorical Function of Proverbs in Walden, The 1967:32 Reports Concerning Voodooism 1889:80 | Rhus-Poisoning 1904:42 . Reports of the Committee on Research in Folklore: Rhyme for Divination by Means of Apple-Seeds, A
Folklore Research in Mexico. Folklore and Psychology: 1889:25 |
Chairman's Preface 1948:134 Rhyme Relating to a Scold 1895:47 Reports of Voodoo Worship in Hayti and Louisiana Rhyme Relating to the Battle of New Orleans 1899:71
1889:7 Rhymes from Old Powder-Horns 1889:39
Title Index 483 Rhymes from Old Powder-Horns I] 1892:117 1974:109
Rhymes of Korean Children 1898:42 Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure, The
Rhythm and Blues in New Orleans 1981:21rb 1971:106rb Rhythm of Africa 1976:111rv Ritual Regarded as the Dramatization of Myth 1894:89
Rhythms of Ball-Bouncing Rhymes, The 1949:51 Ritual Service and Blood Sacrifice as Mediating Binary Ribald Russian Classics: Adult Stories from the Folk-Lore Oppositions: A Structural Analysis of Several Mayo
of Russia 1969:47rb Myths and Rituals 1970:7
Rice Legends of Indonesia 1952:8 Ritual Symbolism in Folk and Ritual Drama: The Mayo Richard Dyer-Bennett, Twentieth Century Minstrel Indian San Cayetano Velacion, Sonora, Mexico 1977:2
1949:28ra Ritual Theory of Myth, The 1975:20rb
Richard Jente, 1888-1952 1953:64 Ritual View of Myth and The Mythic, The 1955:108
Richard M. Dorson (1916-1981) 1982:76 Ritualized Verbal Insult in White High School Culture
Riddle in Africa, The 1971:96 1965:91
Riddle of “The Flying Cloud”, The 1953:27 River Song 1946:54rb
Riddle Parallel to Children’s Curse 1955:64 Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American
Riddle Process, The 1984:52 Indians, The 1946:146rb Riddle Redux 1978:10 Road to Glountane, The 1982:68rb
Riddles and Metaphors Among Indian Peoples 1936:7 Road to Hel: A Study of the Conception of the Dead in
Riddles and Other Verbal Pay among the Comanches Old Norse Literature, The 1944:98rb
1964:69 Roads Into Folklore: Festschrift in Honor of Richard M.
Riddles and Proverbs from the Bahama Islands 1919:26 Dorson 1978:139rb
Riddles and Riddling 1976:43 Roadside Rock Art 1980:6 Riddles and Ring-Games from Raleigh, N. C. 1921:4 Robber Maid, The 1926:19 Riddles and Superstitions of Middle Tennessee 1935:19 Robert Grant Haliburton (1831-1901) 1901:22 Riddles Dealing With Family Relationships 1938:3 Robert H. Lowie, Ethnologist: A Personal Record
Riddles from Andros Island, Bahamas 1917:17 1960:133rb
Riddles from Arkansas 1954:74 Robert Harry Lowie, 1883-1957 1958:28 Riddles from Massachusetts 1905:41 Robin Hood 1973:60rb
Riddles From Erzurum 1950:132 Robert W. Gordon and the “Wreck of Old 97” 1974:3 Riddles from Negro School-Children in New Orleans, Robin Hood and Little John 1910:23
Louisiana 1922:6 Robin Hood and Some Other Outlaws 1958:6
Riddles, Cultural Categories, and World View 1976:50 Robin Hood and the American Outlaw: A Note on History
Riddling and the Structure of Context 1976:46 and Folklore 1966:14 | Riddling Traditions in an Isolated South African Robin Hood of Ivanhoe, The 1961:53 Community 1966:48 Rockefeller Foundation Grant 1949:66
Riddling Traditions in Northeastern Scotland 1963:85 Rocket In My Pocket, A 1950:33rb
Riddling: Occasion to Act 1976:45 Rocky Mountain Tales 1948:157rb Rig Veda Americanus, Sacred Songs of the Ancient Rodeo: An Anthropologist Looks at the Wild and the Tame
Mexicans, with a Gloss in Nahuatl 1890:30rb 1984:64rb
Right On: From Blues to Soul in Black America Role of Conjuring in Saulteaux Society, The 1943:122rb
1981:129rb Role of Folk Legends in Place-Name Research, The
Ring Games and Jingles in Barbados 1930:27 1972:86
Ring of Dancers: Images of Faroese Culture, The Role of Humor in the Hupa Indian Tribe, The 1953:29
1983:60rb Role of Hypotheses in Folkloristics, The 1973:31
Ring of Polycrates in the Legends of the Saints, The Role of Obscenity in the Folk Tales of the “Intellectual”
1941:4 Stratum of our Society, The 1949:50
Ring-Games from Georgia 1917:5 Role of the Hopi-Tewa Migration Legend in Reinforcing
1830-60 1943:32rb 1956:47
Ring-Tailed Roarers. Tall Tales of the American Frontier Cultural Patterns and Prescribing Social Behavior, The Rise of Modern Mythology, 1680-1860, The 1973:127rb Roles of Magic and Healing: The Tietaja in the Memorates
Rise of the American Novel, The 1949:170rb and Legends of Canadian Finns 1978:134rb Risk and Ritual: An Interpretation of Fishermen’s folklore Roll and Go 1925:5rb
in a New England Community 1972:7 Roman Etruscan Remains in Popular Tradition 1893:31rb
Rites de la Mort, dans la Beauce 1954:37 Roman Jakobson (1896-1982) 1984:4 Rites of Birth, Marriage, Death and Kindred Occasions Roman’s World, The 1937:2irb
among the Semites 1975:121rb Romance of Flamenca, The 1963:101rb
Rites of Modernization: Symbolic and Social Aspects of Romance of the London Directory, The 1975:99rb
Indonesian Proletarian Drama 1970:67rb Romance of the Rose. By Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de
Rites of Passage in Shanti Nagar 1983:11rb Meun, The 1964:53rb
Rites of Women: Oral Poetry, Ideology, and the Romanceiro Da Ilha De S. Jorge 1986:65rb Socialization of Peasant Women in Contemporary Romanceiro portugues dos Estados Unidos: II. California Romania, The 1984:51 1985:69rb
"Ritin’ Fowklower Daun ’Rong: Folklorists’ Failures in Romancero de la Isla del Hierro: Romancero general de
Phonology. 1982:74 las Islas Canarias, Vol. HI 1987:54rb
Ritual and Significance of the Winnebago Medicine Dance, Romancero du Canada 1939:5irb
The 1911:14 “Romanian Design Portfolio” 1978:72rb
Ritual Animal Disguise: A Historical and Geographical Romanian Folk Arts 1979:117rb
Study of Animal Disguise in the British Isles Romanians of Saskatchewan: Four Generations of 1980:178rb Adaptation, The 1979:145rb Ritual Humor in Highland Chiapas 1975:18rb Romanusbuchlein. Historisch-philologischer Kommentarzu
Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition, The 1976:60rb einem deutschen Zauberbuch 1960:103rb
Ritual Myths Among the Tinguian 1956:84 Roostam, The Game-Cock 1919:13
Ritual of the Bacabs 1966:101rb Roots of American Culture and Other Essays, The Ritual Possession in a Southern Appalachian Religious Sect 1943:110rb
484 Journal of American Folklore Roots of Lyric. Primitive Poetry and Modern Poetics Sacro or Profano? A Consideration of Four
1981:8rb Italian-Canadian Religious Festivals 1978:96rb
Rope Jumping 1950:23 Saga of Coe Ridge: A Study in Oral History, The Rope Skipping Rhymes Collected at Greensboro, North 1971:71rb
Carolina 1946:80 Sagada Igorot Ballad, A 1953:70 .
Ropes of Sand; Asses; and the Danaides 1899:17 Sagada Legends 1961:5 “Rose Connoley”: An Irish Ballad 1979:57 Saggi e Scritti Minori di Folklore 1962:21rb
Rounder Collective, The 1974:28ra Saggio sui proverbi istriani 1956:116rb Roy Bean: Law West of the Pecos 1944:55rb Sailor's Chanties 1906:2
Royal Antelope and Spider: West African Mende Tales Sailor's Songbag: An American Rebel in an English Prison
1978:99rb 1777-1779, A 1977:127rb
Rozhinkes mit Mandeln 1960:118ra Sailor's Treasury. Being the Myths and Superstitions, Lore,
Rumanian Wedding 1963:32ra Legends and Yarns, the Cries, Epithets, and Salty
Rumor and Gossip: The Social Psychology of Hearsay Speech of the American Sailormen in the Days of Oak
1979:67rb and Canvas, A 1953:49rb_ >
Rural Houses of the North of Ireland 1985:103rb Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Une Mission Folklorique aux Iles
Russian Chastushka Abroad, The 1976:59- 1964:78rb Russian Fairy Tales 1946:142rb Saintes Artisanes I - Les Brodeuses 1945:94rb
Russian Folk Epos in Czech Literature, 1800-1900, The Saintly Fools in the Moslem Establishment 1974:114
1952:145rb : Saints and Saint Makers of New Mexico 1949:35rb
Russian Folk Literature 1969:30rb | Saints and Spirits; Religious Expression in Morocco
Russian Folk-Tales 1980:100rb 1984:26rv .
Russian Folklore 1950:156rb, 1967:7rb Sale of Back Issues 1942:67 |
Russian Formulas in Eastern Balto-Finnic Fairy Tales Salish People: The Local Contributions of Charles
1955:52 Hill-Tout, The 1980:174rb
Russian Minstrels: A History of the Skomorokhi “Salishan Texts” 1895:62rb
— 1981:22rb Salt River Tickets 1890:86 Russian Secret Tales: Bawdy Folktales of Old Russia Salvador Folklore Program 1943:20 1969:46rb Sam Slick in Texas 1946:152rb Russians Say It This Way 1946:65rb Samaritan Legends: Twelve Legends from Oral Tradition Russian Polyphonic Epics 1955:7 Salute to Colleague Marius Barbeau 1950:56
Russische Volksmarchen. Neue Folge 1911:9rb 1968:98rb
Russkaja skazka 1985:64rb Sammy Lingo and Bobby Cuso 1941:52 Russkii Fol’klor; Materialy i Issledovaniia 1960:93rb, Samoan Oratory 1969:118
1960:94rb Sampler of Louisiana Folksongs, A 1959:30ra
Russkij narodnyj svadebnyj obrjad. Issledovanija i San Blas, An Account of the Cuna Indians of Panama: The
materialy 1982:79rb | Forbidden Land, Reconnaissance of Upper Bayano
Russkoe narodnoe muzykal’noe tvorchestvo. Vol | River, R. P., in 1936 1949:33rb
1957:65rb Sanctification, Structure, and Experience in A Yucatec
Russkoe narodnoe poeticheskoe tvorchestvo 1957:64rb Ritual Event 1984:50
Rustic Speech and Folklore 1969:107rb Sandy Candy and other Scottish Nursery Rhymes
Ruth Benedict: Anthropological Folklorist 1979:138 1950:32rb | Ruth Fulton Benedict (1887-1948) 1949:141 Sanpoil Folk Tales 1933:15 |
Ruth: A New Translation with a Philological Commentary Santa Eulalia: The Religion of a Cuchumatan Indian Town
and a Formalist-Folklorist Interpretation 1981:110rb 1950:162rb Rymes of Robyn Hood: An Introduction to the English Santal Folk Tales 1928:5rb
Outlaw 1979:23rb Saracens 1903:58
“Sarah,” A Tongue-Twister Song 1959:97 Sarmatian Connection: New Light on the Origin of the Arthurian and Holy Grail Legends, The 1978:1
“Saucy Arethusa, The” 1921:30 :
S. Foster Damon 1974:39 Sauk Tales 1928:3
S. Hurok Presents the Regimental Band, Pipes, Drums and Sausage Stuffing with a Cow Horn 1981:137rv Bugles of the Royal Highland Fusiliers 1969:58ra Saxo Grammaticus & the Life of Hamlet 1985:10rb
Sabbath in Puritan New England, The 1891:115rb Say Something Dirty! 1962:62
Saboba Origin-Myth, A 1902:4 Sayings and Proverbs from Massachusetts 1906:38 Sac and Fox Tales 1902:44 _ . Scalded to Death by the Steam: Authentic Stories of Sackpipan i Sverige 1948:116rb Railroad Disasters and the Ballads That Were Written Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees, The 1892:76rb About Them 1985:67rb . Sacred Harp Association 1942:64 . Scandalizing the Rats 1892:128 Sacred Harp in Mississippi, The 1968:73 = Scatalogic Rites of All Nations, The 1891:91rb
Sacred Narrative: Readings in the Theory of Myth Scatological Lore on Campus 1962:68 )
1986:13rb Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland 1980:87rb
Sacred Pole of the Omaha Tribe, The 1895:81 Schagticooke Indians of Connecticut 1907:14
Sacred Trees 1901:75 Schiller’s William Tell: A Folkloristic Perspective 1970:4 [Sacred Well in Kansas, A] 1889:19 Schlesiens Volkstumlich Ueberlieferungen. Sammlungen
Sacred Words: A Study in Navajo Religion and Prayer und Studien der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fur Volkskunde
1983:82rb begrundet von Friedrich Vogt. Band II. Sitte, Brauch und
Sacredness of the North 1894:115 Volksglaube. 2. Teil. Sitte, Brauch und Volksglaube in
1891:80 1911:10 1899:30 1911:11rb
Sacrificial Element in Hopi Worship, The 1897:46 Schlesien. 1907:38rb Schlesische Sagen. Band I, SpukSacrificial Offerings among North Carolina Negroes und Gespenstersagen Sacrificing Among the Akamba of British East Africa Schlesische Sagen. Band II, Damonen- und Teufelsagen
Title Index 485 Schleswig-Holsteinische Volksmarchen (A-Th 300-402) Seega, an Egyptian game 1890:47
1956:106rb “Seeking Jesus.” A Religious Rite of Negroes in Georgia
School Children in Gloucestershire 1892:54 1901:68
School Jargon 1904:16 Seeking Life 1960:101rb
Schoolcraft’s Indian Legends 1957:104rb Select Tales from the Gesta Romanorum 1888:28rb Schooners and Oysters: Reply to Bethke 1986:7 Selected Papers from the American Anthropologist,
Schooners on the Bay 1985:89rv 1888-1920 1961:33rb
Schutzgeister und Gottheiten des Wildes (der Jagdtiere und Selected Papers on Folklore 1980:95rb
Fische) in Nordeurasien 1964:48rb Selected Papers on Folklore. Published on the Occasion of
Schwedische Volkskunde: Quellen, Forschung, Ergebnisse. His 70th Birthday 1951:103rb Festschrift fur Sigfrid Svensson zum Sechzigsten Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology 1983:46rb
Geburtstag 1963:61rb Selected Writings on Proverbs 1978:28rb
1970:59rb Folk-Lore 1962:52rb
Science of Culture: A Study of Man and Civilization, The Selections from Fornander’s Hawaiian Antiquities and
The 1891:90rb 1951:123
Science of Fairy Tales. An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology, Selections From The Bestiary Of Leonardo Da Vinci
Science of Fairy Tales: an Inquiry into Fairy Mythology, Selections from the Folklore of Vieques, Yauco, and
The 1969:165rb Luquillo, Puerto Rico 1951:6
Science of Folk-Lore, The 1932:7rb Self-Decoration in Mount Hagen 1972:54rb “Scobs Was in Her Lovely Mouth, The” 1958:94 Selling Warts 1890:78
Scope of Folklore, The 1949:54 Semantic Approach to Myth, The 1955:109
“Scopelism” 1897:89rb Semantic Fit in Riddles 1976:55
Scotch Folklore 1938:22 Seneca Fiction, Legends, and Myths 1919:3irb Scots Book, The 1952:25rb Seneca Tales and Beliefs 1915:27 Scots Folk Songs 1957:112ra Seneca White Dog Feast 1905:69 Scots and Irish Tradition 1972:78ra Seneca Myths and Folk-Tales 1925:25rb
Scots Musical Museum; Originally Published by James Senryu Poetry as Folk and Community Expression 1945:1 Johnson with Illustrations of the Lyric poetry and Separates Discontinued During the War 1943:57
Music of Scotland, The 1965:64rb Sephardic Folk-Curing in Seattle 1962:87
Scots Musical Museum, The 1966:32rb Serbian Folk Poetry: Ancient Legends, Romantic Songs
Scots Street Songs 1957:113ra 1987:90rb
Scott’s “Jock of Hazeldean”: The Re-Creation of a Serbian Folk-Lore 1969:151rb
Traditional Ballad 1973:34 Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs. Texts and Transcriptions of Scottish Bagpipe Tunes Played by Pipe Major James Seventy-Five Folk Songs from the Milman Parry Collection
MacColl 1969:56ra and a Morphology of Serbo-Croatian Folk Melodies Scottish Myths from Ontario 1893:78 1952:144rb Scottish Nursery Rhymes 1949:89rb Serbocroatian Heroic Songs: Vol. 1. Novi Pazar: English Scottish Place-Names 1979:116rb Translations 1955:58rb Scottish Tradition: A Collection of Scottish Folk Literature Serbo-Croatian Heroic Songs, Vol. 3. The Wedding of
1986:72rb Smailagic Meho. Avdo Medjedovic 1978:63rb
Scottish Vernacular Literature: a Succinct History, 3rd Rev. Serbo-Croatian Heroic Songs. Vol. 4. Zenidba Smailagina
Ed. 1969:174rb Sina. Kazivao je Avdo Medjedovic 1978:64rb
Scrolls from the Dead Sea, The 1956:122rb Serbo-Croatian Heroic Songs. Volume 6 1982:66rb Sculpture of Negro Africa, The 1952:22rb Serbo-Croatian Heroic Songs. Volume 14 1982:65rb Sea Enchantress: The Tale of the Mermaid and Her Kin Sereia na Historia e na Lenda, A 1955:85rb
1963:14rb Serente Tales 1944:59
Sea Language Comes Ashore 1980:94rb Serente, The 1943:152rb Sea Phantoms; or, Legends and Superstitions of the Sea Serial Order in Nez Perce Myths 1971:11 and of Sailors, in All Lands and at All Times Serious Side of Jump Rope: Conversational Practices and
1892:771b Social Organization in the Frame of Play, The 1985:55
Sea Slang of the Twentieth Century 1951:150rb Sermons in the Wood 1984:47rv
Sea Songs and Ballads from Nineteenth Century Nova Serpent in Kwakiutl Religion, a Study in Primitive Culture,
Scotia: The William H. Smith and Fenwick Hatt The 1933:33
Manuscripts 1984:22rb Serpent-Woman of Hatton Lake, The 1892:126
Seance Annuelle de la Section de Quebec 1920:27 Serrano Tales 1925:36
Seanchas on Oilean Tiar 1958:38rb Servant and a Man, a Hostess or a Woman: A Study of
“Sechzig turkische Tiermarchen” 1948:85 Expressive Culture in Two Transportation Occupations, Second Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society A 1986:53
1891:1 Servants of Satan: The Age of the Witch Hunts 1987:62rb
Second International Folk-Lore Congress, The 1891:109 Settlement and Early Social Condition of Kentucky
Second Oldest Profession: An Informal History of (1775-1792), The 1894:35
Moonshining in America, The 1974:128rb Seven Folk-Tales from the Sea Islands, South Carolina Second Pan-American Scientific Congress, Section of 1919:20
Anthropology 1915:26 Seven Folktales 1968:93rb
Secret Initiation Songs of the Shangana-Tsonga Seven Folktales from Mexico 1935:2 Circumcision Rite: A Textual and Musical Analysis Seven Folktales from Porto Rico 1929:14
1974:112 Seven Hundred Chinese Proverbs 1938:66rb
Secret Language 1903:57 Seven Mohave Myths 1950:51rb
Secret Language of Masons and Tinkers, The 1909:43 Seven Songs From Lorette 1950:62 Secret of No-Face: An Ireokwa Epic, The 1975:69rb Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1906:12
The 1979:11irb 1896;10
Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance, Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society
Seed of Sally Good’n: A Black Family in Arkansas, Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the
1833-1953, The 1987:48rb Secretary off the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886
486 Journal of American Folklore
1893:127rb 1937:26rb :
Sex and Semiotics 1973:33 Sigurd B. Hustvedt, 1882-1954 1955:46 Sex in the Classroom 1960:85 Sigurd Erixon (1888-1968) 1968:75 Sexual Symbolism, Origins, and the Ogre in Mbeere, Sikh Village, A 1958:90 Kenya 1978:126 , Siknaietk or Southern Okanagon of Washington, The Seznam pover azvyklosti pohanskych. zviii veku 1940:17rb
1894:143rb Silver Cradle, The 1957:25rb
Shadow and Act 1966:66rb Sinful Tunes and Spirituals: Black Folk Music to the Civil Shadow Catcher, The 1978:42rv, 1979:52 War 1980:22rb
Shadow of the Plantation 1935:15rb Sing a Song of England. A Social History of Traditional Shahat: An Egyptian 1980:175rb Song 1957:110rb Shaker Furniture: The Craftsmanship of an American Sing a Song of Social Significance 1973:86rb
Communal Sect 1940:14rb Sing the Cows Home: A Folklore Field Study of the
Shaker Textile Arts 1982:77rb . Swedish Fabod 1985:45rb Shakers in America, The 1976:81rv Sing to Me of Heaven: A Study of Folk and Early Shakers, The 1977:42rv American Materials in Three Old Harp Books Shakespeare, Abelard, and “The Unquiet Grave” 1956:17 1973:18rb
Shaking of the Sheets, The 1965:45, 1965:93 Singabout. The Magazine of the Bush Music Club Shakok and Miochin: Origin of Summer and Winter. 1958:59rb
1902:19 Singer and Her Songs: Almeda Riddle's Book of Ballads, A
Shaman: His Symbols and His Healing Powers, The 1973:85rb
1984:19rb Singer of Tales, The 1962:17rb
Shanties from the Seven Seas 1980:194rb Singers and Storytellers 1964:21rb Shanties from the Seven Seas, Shipboard Worksongs and Singin’ Fiddler of Lost Hope Hollow, The 1940:7rb Songs Used as Work-Songs from the Great Days of Sail Singing a Lullaby in Kuna: A Female Verbal Art 1981:97
1962:100rb . Singing Cowboy. A Book of Western Songs 1932:11rb,
Shantymen and Shantyboys: Songs of the Sailor and 1981:128rb
Lumberman 1951:146rb Singing Family of the Cumberlands 1956:23rb
Shared Fantasy: Role-Playing Games as Social Worlds Singing Fishermen of Ghana, The 1976:112rv
1985:59rb Singing for Power 1939:53rb
Shasta and Athapascan Myths from Oregon 1915:17 Singing for Power: The Song Magic of the Papago Indians
Shasta Myths 1910:2, 1910:12 of Southern Arizona 1969:144rb .
Shawnee Folk-Lore 1909:30 Singing for Power: The Song Magic of the Papago Indians “Shelta,” the Tinker's Talk 1890:52 of Southern Arizona 1978:107rb Shepherds’ Play of the Prodigal Son (Coloquio de pastores Singing Game Variants of “The Sleeping Beauty”
del hijo prodigo). A Folk Drama of Old Mexico, The 1947:129
1954:125rb Singing Game, The 1986:47rb »
Shimmy Shimmy Coke-Ca-Pop! A Collection of City Singing Sixties, The 1961:14rd
Children’s Street Games and Rhymes 1974:21rb Singing Soldiers 1969:135rb
Shinnecock Notes 1903:5 Singing Tradition of Child’s Popular Ballads, The Shinto, or the Mythology of the Japanese 1893:100rb 1978:113rb
Shofar: Its Use and Origin, The 1894:55rb Sinkyone Tales 1919:16 Shooting Fish in A Barrel: The Child Ballad in America Sinnamahone 1946:155rb
1958:34 Siouan Mythological Tales 1901:66
Shores of Darkness 1943:30rb Siouan Tribes of the East, The 1896:42rb
Short Grass Country 1944:79rb Sioux Games. 1 1905:62 Short Notes on Soul-Trapping in Southern Nigeria Sioux Games. II 1906:3
1922:12 Sir James George Frazer 1973:117
Short Story and the Oral Tradition, The 1975:27rb Sisala Trickster Tale, The 1973:37
Shoshone and Comanche Tales 1909:26 Sitte und Brauch des Liviandischen Kaufmanns 1937:19rb Shoshone Hand Game Gambling Song, A 1953:31 Situation and Sequence in the Study of Folklore 1952:7 Shoshonean Days: Recollections of a Residence of Five Six Authentic Songs from. the Kelly Country 1957:78rb
Years Among the Indians of Southern California, Six Mummers’ Acts 1969:90rb
1885-1889 1942:47rb Six Seneca Jokes 1949:149 Shoshonean Tales 1924:1 Southwest 1982:85rb .
Shoshonean Game of Na-wa-ta-pi, The 1901:4 Sixshooters and Sagebrush: Cowboy Stories of the Shouting for the Lord: The Power of Women’s Speech in Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1905:7
the Pentecostal Religious Service 1983:111 Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society
Showmaker, The 1980:149rv 1895:1
Shrimp Tips from New Orleans 1979:175rv Sixth Annual Seminars on American Culture 1953:81 Shuckin’ and Jivin’: Folklore from Contemporary Black Sixth Folklore Institute of America 1961:101
Americans 1981:23rb 6th International Giuseppe Pitre Folklore Prize and 3rd
Sibling Rivalry, the Oedipus Complex, and Myth 1958:1 National Giuseppe Cocchiara Prize. 1969:74
Sierra Popoluca Speech 1949:134rb Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society
Sight and Spelling Riddles _1980:2 1949:53 .
Sign of the Cross Made to Avert Ill-Luck 1893:18 Sixty Tales: Collected from Narrators in Ashkelon
Sign of the Cross, The 1893:58 1968:89rb
Significance of Mythology and Tradition, The 1904:2 Sixty Years a Fenman 1969:79rb
Signs and Omens from Nova Scotia 1893:5 Sixty Years of Historical Change in the Game Preferences Signs and Omens of the Eighteenth Century 1915:13 of American Children
Signs and Superstitions Collected 1923:1 Sixty-first Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Signs, Omens, and Portents in Nebraska Folklore Society 1950:68
1934:14rb Sixty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore
“Signs, Omens, and Portents in Nebraska Folklore” Society 1953:72
Title Index 487 Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Folklore 1948:76ra
Society, The 1951:44 Sod Walls: The Story of the Nebraska Sod Home Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of The American Folklore 1969:31rb
Society 1952:44 Sohrab and Rustem: The Epic Theme of a Combat
Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Folklore between Father and Son. A Study of its Genesis and Society: Detroit, Michigan: Dec. 27-28, 1951 (Statler Hotel Use in Literature and Popular Tradition 1903:17rb
unless otherwise announced) 1951:79 Sol Lockheart’s Call 1900:12
Sketch of Sam Bass, the Bandit, A 1957:147rb Soldier and Sailor Words and Phrases 1969:173rb Skildringar ur Pueblofolkens Konstlif 1903:84rb Solomon Legend Among the Indians of the North Pacific,
Skillet Lickers, Vol. 2, The 1974:87ra A 1946:75 Repertoire, The 1965:79 Somalia in Word and Image 1987:92rb
Skillet Lickers: A Study of a Hillbilly String Band and Its Solutions to Riddles 1976:49
Skulls of Horses Used as Charms 1896:13 Some “Whoppers” From the Armed Forces 1949:52
Sky is My Tipi, The 1950:37rb Some Additional Celtic and Germanic Traces of the
Sky-God Personations in Hopi Worship 1902:2 Tri-Functional Sacrifice 1980:118
Slang and Its Analogues 1971:51rb Some Analogues of Maistre Pierre Pathelin 1909:47 Slang Terms for Money 1905:66 Some Animal Fables of the Chuh Indians 1915:31 Slavic Ethnic Libraries, Museums and Archives in the Some Aspects of Bulgarian Folksongs 1956:81 United States: A Guide and Directory 1983:64rb Some Aspects of Caste in Bengal 1958:86
Slavic Folklore: A Symposium 1956:70 Some Aspects of Folk Poetry 1974:56rb Slavic Kinship Terms and the Perils of the Soul 1958:25 Some Aspects of Folk Song 1987:7
Sleep in the Sun 1946:52rb Some Aspects of Folk-Song 1912:25
Slim Green: Master Saddle Maker 1984:44rv Some Aspects of Penitential Processions in Spain and the
Slovenske l’udove Piesne 1958:43rb American Southwest 1957:46
Slovenski ljudski plesi Vol. I. Slovenski ljudski plesi Some Aspects of Pueblo Mythology and Society 1943:3
Primorske 1959:120rb Some Aspects of Religious Music of the United States
Slovenski ljudski plesi Vol. II. Slovenski ljudski plesi Negro: An Ethnomusicological Study with Special
Koroske 1959:121rb Emphasis on the Gospel Tradition 1980:58rb
Sloveske l’udove piesne, Zvazok IV 1966:57rb Some Aspects of the American Shaman 1908:1
Small-Group Cultures 1975:82rb Some Aspects of the Folk-Lore of the Central Algonkin
Smaller Slang Dictionary 1962:55rb 1914:9 Modern Occupation 1976:5 United States 1958:93
Smokejumper Initiation: Ritualized Communication in a Some Aspects of the Folklore of Water Witching in the
Smoky Mountain. American Folk Opera 1957:27rb Some Ballad Variants and Songs 1909:5 Snake Ceremonies of the Walpi, The 1894:125rb Some Ballads and Folk Songs from New Jersey 1939:2
Snake Dilemma, The 1940:29 Some Bits of Plant-Lore 1892:3
Snake Folk-Lore: The Snake Who Swallows Her Young Some Catawba Texts and Folk-Lore 1913:23
1923:24 Some Causes of the Retardation of African Progress
Snake Order of the Moquis 1889:87 1895:70
Snake Story from West Virginia, A 1947:83 Some Characteristics of Mexican Indian Folklore 1945:71
Snow Balls of Garhwal 1947:102rb Some Chitimacha Myths and Beliefs 1917:31
Social Analysis of Graffiti 1972:85 Some Contemporary Observations on Ancient Superstitions Social Anthropology of North American Tribes 1939:29rb 1946:32 Social Background of Eskimo Music in Northwest Alaska, Some Counting-Out Rhymes in Michigan 1918:31
The 1976:92 Some Coyote Stories from the Maidu Indians of California
“Social Condition, Beliefs, and Linguistic Relationship of 1900:67
the Tlingit Indians” 1909:13rb Some Customs and Beliefs of the Winnebago Indians
“Social Culture of the Nunivak Eskimo, The” 1949:179rb 1896:8
Social Dances of the Blood Indians of Alberta, Canada, The Some Czech-American Forms of Divination and
1956:12 Supplication 1956:78
Social Harp, The 1974:49rb Some Dakota Myths. I 1907:22 Social Life of Primitive Man, The 1943:64rb Some Dakota Myths. II 1907:43
Social Life of the Pennsylvania Germans 1948:46rb Some Dietary and Health Practices of Detroit Mexicans Social Organization of the Indians of North America, The 1945:76
1914:31 Some Early Cheyenne Tales 1907:42
Social Organization of the Souian Tribes, The 1891:78 Some Early Cheyenne Tales. Il. 1908:54 Social Organization of the Souian Tribes, The 1891:108 “Some Ethnological Data Concerning One Hundred
Social Organization of the Western Apache, The Yucatan Plants” 1945:62rb
1943:62rb Some European Folktales of the Berens River Saulteaux
Social Structure and Personality: A Casebook 1966:39rb 1939:32 Social Structure and Role Allocation in Tzeltal Oral Some Examples of Ponapean Folklore 1967:58
Literature 1973:30 Some Factors in the Diffusion of American Religious
Sociedad Folklorica de Mexico 1943:82 Folksongs 1952:110
Societe Historique et Folklorique Francaise de New-York Some Folk Etymologies for Place Names 1944:39
(French Folklore Society), The 1969:15 Some Folksongs from Indiana 1944:89
Society for Ethnomusicology: Annual Meeting 1974:139 Some Forgotten Indian Place-Names in the Adirondacks
Society, Manners and Politics in the United States 1900:27
1964:24rb Some Forms of a Proverbial Rhyme 1951:87
Socio-Psychological Aspects of Some Trukese and Some Fusions in Missouri Ballads 1936:15
Ponapean Love 1960:78 Some Games of Filipino Children 1907:21 Sociological Papers 1905:39rb Some Hawaiian Pastimes 1891:3 Sociological Studies of Health and Sickness: A Source Some Hidatsa and Mandan Tales 1912:8
Book for the Health Professions 1961:39rb Some Homely Viands 1900:75
Sod Buster Ballads. Folk Song of the Early West Some Ifaluk Myths and Folk Tales 1951:80
488 Journal of American Folklore Some Items of Algonkian Folk-Lore 1900:68 Song Beyond the Song: Aesthetics and Social Interaction Some Items of Negro-Canadian Folk-Lore 1925:32 in Greek Folksong, The 1982:30 Some Japanese Beliefs and Home Remedies 1952:80 Song Catcher in Southern Mountains, A 1938:41.
Some Japanized Chinese Proverbs 1896:23 Song of EM-EL and UNRRA, The 1966:16 Some Jump Rope Rhymes From Iowa 1939:13 Song of Hiawatha, The 1969:141rb Some Micmac Tales from Cape Breton Island 1915:5 Song of Prince Igor, The 1981:26rb
Some Minor Genres of Obscene Folklore 1962:65 Song of the Ancient People, The 1893:21rb Some Mohegan-Pequot Legends 1904:29 — Song Recitative in Paiute Mythology 1910:27 Some More Light on Paul Bunyan 1951:125 Song Structure and Social Structure 1974:55rb Some Mountain Superstitions of the South 1899:28 Song Tradition of Tristan da Cunha, The 1971:68rb
Some Naskapi Myths from Little Whale River 1915:6 Song-Games from Connecticut 1901:91 Some Negro Folk-Songs from Tennessee 1914:17 Song-Games of Negro Children in Virginia 1890:104
Some Negro Lore from Baltimore 1892:46 Song, Dance, and Customs of Peasant Poland 1952:143rb Some Negro Song Variants from Louisville 1928:24 Songs (Meles) of Old Ka’u, Hawaii 1949:96
Some New Ballad Variants 1907:28 ) Songs and Ballads of American History and of the Some Next Steps in the Study of Negro Folklore 1943:1 Assassination of Presidents 1954:65rb | a Some Nineteenth Century Shanties 1946:30 Songs and Ballads of Maine Lumberjacks 1925:27rb Some Notable Life-Histories in Zoological Folklore Songs and Ballads of the Maine Lumberjacks with Other
1947:116 Songs from Maine 1970:82rb
Some Notes on Aspects and Functions of Turkish Folk Songs and Battles of America’s Wars: from the French and
Games 1979:3 | | Indian War to the Civil War 1954:13lra >
Some Notes on Lead Belly 1963:41 | Songs and Rhymes from the South 1912:12, 1913:10, Some Notes on Medieval Studies and Folklore 1960:81 1915:12 Some Notes on the Southern “Holler” 1954:12 Songs and Sayings of an Ulster Childhood 1985:43rb
Some Nursery Rhymes of Korea 1897:45 Songs and Stories from Deep Cove, Cape Breton. As Some Ojibwa Myths and Traditions 1906:64 Remembered by Amby Thomas 1982:58rb Some Party-Games of the Great Smoky Mountains 1941:7 Songs and Stories of the Aleuts, with Translations from
Some Pennsylvania German Lore 1891:106 | Veniaminov, The 1907:23
Some Pennsylvania Rope-Jumping Rhymes 1934:28 Songs and Stories of the Ch’uan Miao 1955:56rb
Some Play-Party Games in Michigan 1920:13 Songs and Tales of the Sea Kings: Interpretations of the
Some Play-Party Games of the Middle West 1915:21 Oral Literature of Polynesia 1959:19rb — : Some Play-Party Songs from Eastern Illinois 1919:24 | Songs from Georgia 1921:6
Some Ponapean Proverbs 1955:3 Songs from Kentucky 1923:30
Some Practical Aspects of the Study of Myths 1910:1 Songs from Perce 1920:21 Some Problems in Plains Indian Folklore 1947:125 Songs From Rappahannock County, Virginia 1950:96 Some Problems Relating to the Study of Folklore in Songs from the Mountains of North Carolina 1893:52
England 1971:59° Songs My Grandmother Sang 1935:24 |
Some Recent Publications 1936:11, 1936:31, 1936:38, Songs of a Scots Tinker Lady 1959:134ra
1937:15, 1937:30, 1937:39, 1937:49, 1938:34, Songs of an Egyptian Peasant, The 1906:58rb 1938:45, 1938:58, 1938:69, 1939:30,. 1939:45, Songs of Billy Barlow 1957:155rb 1939:55, 1940:9, 1940:24, 1940:45, 1941:43, 1941:76, Songs of Fairy Land 1890:96rb .
1942:19, 1942:51 Songs of Irish Rebellion: Political Street Ballads and Rebel
Some Recent Publications from Argentina 1941:16 Songs, 1780-1900 1969:26rb Some Remarks on the Ritualist Controversy 1956:103 Songs of Israel 1960:121ra | ,
Some Saliva Charms 1890:8 a Songs of Jack Tar in the Darbies 1972:36
Some Sex Beliefs and Practices in a Navaho Community Songs of Love, Play and Protest 1963:27ra
1952:24rb Songs of Papago 1955:29ra
Some Shamans of Northern California 1904:3 Songs of Persuasion: A Sociological Analysis of Urban
Some Songs and Ballads from Tennessee and North Propaganda Songs 1966:88 : Carolina 1933:2 Songs of Protest, War and Peace: A Bibliography and Some Songs of the Puget Sound Salish 1918:30 Discography 1974:132rb
1956:44 1964:27rb .
Some Songs Traditional in the United States 1916:2 Songs of Robert Burns 1963:78ra |
Some Sources of Variability in Klamath Mythology Songs of Robert Burns and Notes on Songs by Burns, The
Some Sources of Variability in Klamath Mythology Songs of Sequence of the Navajos 1894:78
1956:102 Songs of the “Twelve Numbers” and the Hebrew Chant of
Some Superstitions in the Cumberland Mountains “Echod Mi Yodea” 1949:144
1911:24 : Songs of the American West 1969:24rb
Some Tales from Bahama Folk-Lore 1891:10, 1891:76 Songs of the Civil War 1961:69rb
Some Tete de Boule Tales 1928:12 | Songs of the Copper Eskimo 1926:20rb
Some Traditional Games from Roumania 1949:45 Songs of the Cowboys 1969:50rb Some Traditional Misconceptions of Law 1901:42 Songs of the Cumberlands 1936:16
Some Traditional Songs 1905:4 Songs of the Doukhobors, An Introductory Outline
Some Traits of Primitive Culture 1904:48 1971:69rb |
Some Types of American Folk-Song 1915:1 Songs of the Hill-Folk 1939:18rb Some Undeveloped Areas in American Folklore 1957:124 Songs of the Huckucka Society 1888:9 | Some Wellerisms from Kentucky and Tennessee 1956:42 “Songs of the Kwakiutl Indians” 1896:97rb Some Western Ontario Folk Beliefs and Practices 1938:6 Songs of the Menominee. Mandan and Hidatsa 1955:31ra Some Western Ontario Folk Beliefs and Practices 1941:51 Songs of the Michigan Lumberjacks 1943:35rb
“Some Western Shoshoni Myths” 1945:59rb Songs of the Mormons and Songs of the West 1954:66ra
Some Women of Marrakesh 1984:25rv Songs of the Nootka and Quileute 1955:30ra Some Words on Thief Talk 1889:106 “Songs of the Nootka Indians of Western Vancouver
Somerset Legends 1976:73rb Island” 1956:112rb
Song “Frohe Botschaft”, The 1952:46 Songs of the Pawnee and Northern Ute 1953:107ra
Title Index 489 Songs of the People, Selections from the Sam Henry The 1941:32rb
Collection 1982:69rb Southey and “The Three Bears” 1946:113 Songs of the Sioux 1953:105ra Southwestern Lore 1967:24rb
Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman 1973:129rb Southwestern Indian Ritual Drama 1983:25rb
Songs of the Western Cowboys 1909:19 Southwesterners Write. The American Southwest in stories Songs of the Yuma, Cocopa, and Yaqui 1953:106ra and articles by thirty-two contributors 1948:169rb
Songs of Uvea and Futuna 1946:57rb Soviet Army Chorus and Band 1963:31ra
Songs the Whalemen Sang 1965:27rb Soviet Folklore 1942:10
Songsters & Saints: Vocal Traditions on Race Records Spade in Northern and Atlantic Europe, The 1971:119rb
1986:45rb Spanish American Music 1966:41
Sonntagliche Totenklage in Desa 1979:46rv Spanish and Spanish-American Folk Tales 1951:36 Sonny Terry and his Mouth-Harp 1959:31ra Spanish Corpus Christi Procession. A Literary and Folkloric
Sonora Sketch Book 1948:128rb Study, The 1964:83rb
Sons of North Britain, The 1913:12 Spanish Dancing 1950:26rb Soogwilis. A Collection of Kwakiutl Indian Designs & Spanish Folk-Poetry in New Mexico 1947:108rb
Legends 1953:58rb Spanish Folk-Tale Recorded on First Mesa, Arizona, in Zimbabwe, The 1980:171rb Spanish Folklore Lectures 1943:13
Soul of Mbira: Music Traditions of the Shona People of 1885 1921:12
Sound Shape of Language, The 1982:6rb Spanish Folktales from Delacroix, Louisiana 1945:70 “Source and History of the Seventh Novel of the Seventh Spanish Romance from Porto Rico 1920:8
Day of the Decameron, The” 1894:70rb Spanish Songs from Southern California 1914:24 Source Book for Social Origins. Ethnological Materials, Spanish Tales from Laguna and Zuni, New Mexico 1920:6 Psychological Standpoint, Classified and Annotated Spanish Tapestry, Town and Country in Castile, A
Bibliographies for the Interpretation of Savage Society 1963:66rb
1909:52rb Spanish-American Folk-Songs 1911:25
Source for William Gilmore Simms’s “Sharp Snaffles”, A Spanish-American Folklore 1947:121
1957:12 Speaking Animals 1903:53
Sources and Analogues of the Nouvelles Recreations et Special Council Meeting 1940:12 Joyeux Devis of Bonaventure des Periers 1959:64rb Special Issue Coming 1965:92 Sources and Analogues of the Nouvelles Recreations et Spectres’ Mass, The 1947:37 Joyeux Devis of Bonaventure de Periers Volume 2 Speech about Speech in Speech about Action 1984:82
1970:123rb Speech of Children 1895:46
The 1966:106rb 1958:58rb
Sources and Diffusion of the Mexican Shepherds’ Plays, Speewa. The Journal of the Australian Folklore Society
Sources of Shakespeare’s Tempest 1903:90 Spell of the Pacific. An Anthology of Its Literature, The Sources of the Folk Tales in Ramon Llull’s Llibre de les 1949:128rb
besties, The 1971:60 Spelling Exercise 1904:43
Sourwood Mountain Dulcimer 1979:38rv Spend It All 1976:88rv
South American Folklore Society Activities 1946:94 Spider Invasion 1901:74 South American Indian Orpheus Tale, A 1972:37 Spider Woman Stories: Legends of the Hopi Indians
South American Thunderbirds 1944:36 1981:34rb
South Atlantic Modern Language Association 1948:17, Spirit Mountain: An Anthology of Yuman Story and Song
1949:15, 1950:14 1986:57rb
South Carolina Ballads: with a Study of the Traditional Spirit of Native American Balladry, The 1951:37
Ballad Today 1929:3rb Spirit of the New England Tribes: Indian History and South Carolina Folk Tales 1943:31rb Folklore, 1620-1984 1987:93rb South Carolina Folk-Lore Society 1913:28 Spirits of the Deep: A Study of an Afro-Brazilian Cult
South Carolina Folklore Society 1943:93 1972:104rb
South Carolina Negro Folklore Guild 1945:79 Spirits, Black Elves, Fairies and Giants in the Folklore of
South Carolina Negro Folklore Guild 1946:128 Aurland in Sogn, Norway 1949:3 South Carolina Rice Plantation as Revealed in the Papers Spirits, Devils, and Fugitive Soldiers 1963:52
of Robert F. W. Allston, The 1946:147rb Spiritual Folk-Songs of Early America 1940:15rb
South from Hell-fer-Sartin 1956:48rb Spirituals and “Shouts” of Southern Negroes 1894:39 South from Hell-fer-Sartin’ 1967:18rb Spirituals and Other Folklore from the Bahamas 1928:21 South Pacific and New Guinea Past and Present. With Spirituals from Alabama 1930:24 Notes on the Hervey Group, an Illustrative Song, and Spirituals from the “American” Colony of Samana Bay,
Various Myths, The 1893:103rb Santo Domingo 1928:22 South-American Popular Poetry 1915:32 Spiro Agnew Joke Fad, The 1970:58 Southeastern Europe 1968:66 Spitting on the Hands 1890:56, 1890:81
Southeastern Folklore Society 1941:17, 1943:92, 1947:14 Spoken Word and the Work of Interpretation, The
Southeastern Folklore Society Meeting 1942:6 1985:40rb
Southeastern Folklore Society to Meet 1946:137 Spoken Word, The 1983:95ra
Southeastern Indian Folklore 1947:126 Spook of Sulphur Springs, Texas, The 1946:77 Southeastern Indians, The 1979:17rb Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, The
Southern California Ceremony, A 1908:8 1970:32rb
Southern California Folklore Society 1952:130, 1953:36, Sprichwort 1979:70rb
1969:16 Sprichworter des Mittelalters. I. Von Den Anfangen bis ins
Southern Folklore Quarterly 1938:18 12. Jahrhundert. 3 vols. 1947:106rb
Southern Harvest 1943:162rb Spring Harvest 1978:119rv Southern literary culture: a bibliography of masters’ and Springfield Mountain 1931:7 doctors’ theses 1956:30rb “Springfield Mountain” 1946:133
Southern Mountain Folksongs and Ballads 1958:54ra Sprout Wings and Fly 1984:130rv Southern Music: American Music 1982:71rb “Squaw Winter,” “Indian Winter,” “Dogwood Winter” Southern Poor-White From Lubberland to Tobacco Road, 1907:51
490 Journal of American Folklore Sry Nagasary 1919:14 Story of Betts Haddington 1898:29
St. Kitts Miracle Play, The 1897:14 Story of Datto Pata Mata (Chief Four-Eyes), The 1902:42 St. Paul Academy of Science, St. Paul, Minn. 1892:69 Story of Faith Healing, The 1974:77rb .
St. Peter’s Mother 1903:48 : Story of No-Tongue, The 1916:17
Stability in Tillamook Folklore 1944:34 Story of Our Names, The 1971:92rb
Stagecoach North 1943:33rb | Story of Rock, The 1970:115rb |
Stakes of the Warrior, The 1985:8rb Story of Street Literature: Forerunner of the Popular Press,
Stand und Beruf im Volksmund. Eine Sammlung von The 1975:77rb :
Sprichworten und Sprichwortlichen Redensarten Story of the Bear and His Indian Wife: A Legend of the
1901:60rb Haidas of Queen Charlotte's Island, B.C., The 1889:96
Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend. Story of the Calabash-Tree in the “Popol Vuh", The
Vol. I, A-I, Vol. 1, J-Z 1951:100rb 1907:25 .
1957:10 1904:47
Standards for Collecting and Publishing American Folktales Story of the Chaup: A Myth of the Dieguenos, The
Stanford Regional Meeting 1949:122 | Story of the Eventful Life of Princess Florentina of the Star Girls’ Descent: A Myth about Men, Women, Kingdom of Germany 1916:5 Matrilocality, and Singing, The 1981:94 — Story of the Indian, The 1896:70rb Starlore Among the Navaho 1950:94rb Story of the Pinna and the Syrian Lamb, The 1915:11 Stars in Myth and Fact, The 1943:157rb | Story of the Sacred Harp, 1844-1944, The 1945:95rb Stars in Our Heaven: Myths and Fables, The 1950:93rb Story of Waltzing Matilda, The 1957:76rb | Stars of Country Music: Uncle Dave Macon to Johnny Story of Yank’ka Kain, The 1956:76
Rodriguez, The 1977:124rb Storytellers Sourcebook: A Subject, Title, and Motif Index
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation to Folklore Collections for Children, The 1985:66rb 1964:10, 1967:28, 1967:103, 1979:143, 1981:7, Storytellers in Classical Persian Texts 1984:53
1984:48, Storytelling Events: Wake Amusements and the Structure
1985:6, 1986:50 of Nonsense on St. Vincent 1982:98 .
Statement of Policy by the New Book Review Editor Straight Texas 1941:30rb
1974:9 . Straight with the Medicine: Narratives of Washoe 1946:23rb Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio 1926:9rb
Steamboatin’ Days: Folk Songs of the River Packet Era Followers of the Tipi Way 1986:115rb
Steel Drum: A New Folk Instrument, The 1958:9 Strangers and Kin: A History of the Hillbilly Image
Step It Down: Games, Plays, Songs and Stories from the 1985:105rv .
Afro-American Heritage 1973:90rb Strategies in Text and Context: Cuna kaa kwento 1979:55
Stephen Foster-Minstrel Show Songs 1981:122rb — Strategy of Turkish Boys’ Verbal Dueling Rhymes, The
Stick Doctoring 1891:49 : 1970:52 Still More About Robin Hood 1952:116 — Straw 1895:96 :
Still More Ballads and Folk-Songs from the Southern Straw in the Sun 1946:59rb
Highlands 1932:1 Streaks of Fire 1975:94 —
Stith Thompson (1885-1976) 1977:1 Street Cries in Turkey 1968:49 Stith Thompson: His Life and His Role in Folklore Street Customs of Buenos Aires 1905:65
Scholarship 1980:135rb Street Games of Boys in Brooklyn, N.Y. 1891:73 Stjarngossarna. Deras Visor och Julspel 1952:20rb Streifzuge im Reiche der Frauenschonheit. Mit gegen drei
Stjarngossarna. Dervas visor och julspel 1954:50rb hundert Abbildungen nach Original-Photographien
Stone Carvers, The 1986:30rv oO . 1903:35rb Stone Flakes Used for Gashing by Way of Penance Stringing the Fog and Other Plains Lies 1973:125rb 1894:117 Stringtown on the Pike: A Tale of Northernmost Kentucky
Stone Giants 1889:58 1901:63rb . |
Stone Implements 1891:84 - Stripmining in Appalachia 1974:98rv Stone Monuments of Southern Mexico 1945:91rb Strokes Shared 1923:31
Stoney Knows How 1984:133rv Strongest Man in the World, The 1984:35rv Stoney Knows How: Life as a Tattoo Artist 1983:132rb Structural Changes of Two Chinese Communities in
Storia del folklore in Europa 1954:119rb, 1955:54rb_- Alberta, Canada 1978:97rb_
Storia Dell’Etnologia 1967:95rb Structural Models in Folklore and Tranformational Essays
Stories and Legends from Filipino Folklore 1970:119rb 1973:14rb .
Stories and Legends of the Bering Strait Eskimos Structure of African Cults in Bahia, The 1940:36
1941:72rb Structure of Esthetic Response, The 1971:8
Stories and Songs from the Southern Atlantic Coastal - Struggle of Coon Branch Mountain, The 1974:99rv
Region of Mexico 1916:31 Strukturprobleme in Primitiver Musik 1933:10rb
Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires Stuart Albert Gallacher (1906-1977) 1978:85
1975:112rb Studia Fennica, Revue de Linguistique et d’Ethnologie
Stories from Old-Fashioned Children’s Books 1970:129rb Finnoises 1959:66rb, 1964:42rb
Stories from the Elkader Hills 1949:103 Studia Memoriae Bela Bartok Sacra 1958:15rb . Stories from Tuxtepec, Oaxaca 1912:21 Studia musicologica 1962:97rb _
Stories of an African Prince 1913:1 . Studia Norvegica: Ethnologica et Folkloristica 1948:163rb
Stories of Jean Sotte 1908:61 Studien zur Sudamerikanischen Mythologie: Die
Stories of the Benin Empire 1967:47rb Atiologischen Motive 1946:106rb .
Stories of the World’s Holidays 1975:110rb Studien zur vergleichenden Volkerkunde. Mit besonderer Stories on a String: The Brazilian Literature de Corbel Berucksichtigung des Frauenlebens 1901:100rb
1984:13rb ) Studien zur Wortsilbenstatistik der Alteren Estnischen
Stories on Stone: A Book of American Epitaphs 1955:32rb Volkslieder 1937:3rb | . Stories, Myths, and Superstitions of Fox Island Aleut “Studier till den svenska folkvisans historia” 1932:8rb
Children 1947:4 Studies and Texts in Folklore, Magic, Medieval Romance, Story of Bantugan, The 1902:41 Hebrew Apocrypha and Samaritan Archaeology
Story of Bear 1926:23 1972:66rb
Title Index 491 Studies in African Music. Vols. I, II 1960:24rb Study of Variants, The 1920:12 Studies in Aggadah and Folk-Literature 1975:66rb Study of Wintu Mythology, A 1932:19 Studies in Biblical and Jewish Folklore 1961:61rb Study on Singing Games in Preparation 1943:138
Studies in Cheremis Folklore, Vol 1 1954:91rb Stupidity of Deities 1902:52 Studies in Cheremis: The Supernatural 1958:37rb Style Guide and Information for Contributors to the Studies in Chinese Folklore and Related Essays 1975:30rb Journal of American Folklore 1981:100, 1986:9
Studies in Finnic Folklore: Homage to the Kalevala Style in Language 1962:30rb
1986:61rb Style Wars 1986:97rv
Studies in Finnic-Slavic Folklore Relations 1971:66rb Stylistic and Narrative Structures in the Middle English Studies in Folk Life: Essays in Honor of lowerth C. Peate Romances 1981:11rb
1980:96rb Stylistic Aspects of Primitive Literature 1925:21
Studies in Folk-Song and Popular Poetry 1895:24rb Stylistic Features of Proverbs, a Comment 1965:12 Studies in Folklore in Honor of Distinguished Service Subscribers to the Publication Fund (Additional List). 1894
Professor Stith Thompson 1959:8rb 1895:27
Studies in Folktales of India II: The Old Woman and her Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1906) 1906:95
Pig 1943:132 Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1907) 1907:69
Studies in Hakka Folktales 1979:61rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1909) 1909:56
Studies in Heroic Legend and in Current Speech Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1910) 1910:33
1960:58rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1911) 1911:35
Studies in Indonesian Culture: |. Oirata, A Timorese Subscribers to the Publication fund (1912) 1912:34
Settlement on Kisar 1938:51rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1913) 1913:35 Studies in Irish and Scandinavian Folktales 1961:72rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1914) 1914:35
Studies in Japanese Folklore 1965:62rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1915) 1915:43 Studies in Jewish and World Folklore 1970:11rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1916) 1916:36
Studies in Jewish Ethnopoetics 1980:13rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1917) 1917:42
Studies in Jewish Folklore 1983:56rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund (1919) 1919:42 Studies in Jewish Law, Custom and Folklore 1972:16rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund of the American Studies in Kabuki: Its Acting, Music, and Historical Context Folk-Lore Society, 1894
1980:173rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund of the American
Studies in Mythology 1969:124rb Folk-Lore Society, 1895
“Studies in Plains Indians Folklore” 1943:112rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund of the American
Studies in Russian Historical Song 1955:92rb Folk-Lore Society, 1896 Studies in Scandinavian-American Discography 1 Subscribers to the Publication Fund of the American
1978:148rb Folk-Lore Society, 1896. (Additional) 1897:24
Studies in Scandinavian-American Discography 2 Subscribers to the Publication Fund of the American
1978:149rb Folk-Lore Society, 1897
Studies in the History of Modern Greek Story-Motives Subscribers to the Publication Fund of the American
1954:28rb Folk-Lore Society, 1898 1898:73
Studies in the Legend of the Holy Grail, With Special Subscribers to the Publication Fund of the American
Reference to the Hypothesis of its Celtic Origin Folk-Lore Society, 1899 1899:92
1888:82rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund, 1902 1902:98
Studies on Shamanism. Based on Papers Read at the Subscribers to the Publication Fund, 1903 1903:104 Symposium on Shamanism Held at Abo, September 6-8, Subscribers to the Publication Fund, 1904 1904:62
1962 1968:18rb Subscribers to the Publication Fund, 1905 1905:90
Study of African Oral Art, The 1961:98 Subscribers to the Publications Fund (1908) 1908:70 Study of American Folklore: An Introduction, The Subscribers to the Publications Fund (1918) 1918:47
1969:27rb Subsidy to “Wallonia” 1903:68
Study of Ballad Rhythm, with Special Reference to Ballad Substituting for the Off Ox 1947:81
Music, A 1939:48rb Sucking Doctor 1982:123rv
Study of Ceremony, The 1897:68 Sug, the Trickster Who Fooled the Monk: A Northern Thai “Study of Certain Figures in a Maya Codex, A” Tale with Vocabulary 1978:100rb
1894:134rb Suggest as to the Meaning of the Moki Snake Dance, A
Study of Classic Maya Sculpture, A 1953:54rb 1891:39
Study of Culture at a Distance, The 1954:122rb Suite of Berber Dances 1976:84rv Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary
Beliefs 1943:118rb Achievement in the Third Millennium B. C.
Study of Ethics Among the Lower Races, The 1899:1 1947:151rb Study of Ethnic Slurs: The Jew and the Polack in the Sumerian Proverbs. Glimpses of Everyday Life in Ancient
United States, A 1971:17 Mesopotamia 1960:146rb
Study of Ethnomusicology: Twenty-Nine Issues and Summer Institute of Latin American Folklore 1967:36
Concepts, The 1985:11rb Summer Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society at
Study of Folk Literature: Its Scope and Use, The 1958:27 Detroit 1897:36 Study of Folk Song Variants Based on Field Work in Summer Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society,
Jamaica, A 1925:9 Boston, Mass., August 25, 1898 1898:32
Study of Folklore in American Colleges and Universities, Summer Walkers, The 1982:22rv
The 1978:81 Sun Dance of the Oglala Sioux, The 1929:28
Study of Folklore in Finland, The 1961:86 Sun Father's Way: The Kiva Murals of Kuaua 1965:54rb Study of Folklore in Literature and Culture: Identification Sun in Your Eyes 1948:129rb
and Interpretation, The 1965:37 Sun’s Gonna Shine, The 1977:29rv Study of Folklore, The 1967:64rb Sunny Side of Life, The 1987:80rv
Study of Omaha Indian Music, A 1894:50rb Sunny Slopes of Long Ago, The 1968:34rb Study of Philippine Games, A 1983:24rb Suomalainen mytologia. Mit deutschen Resume 1962:46rb
Study of Russian Folklore, The 1978:65rb Suomalaisten Muinaisusko 1952:98rb
Study of Society, Methods and Problems, The 1942:68rb Supernaturalism of New England, The 1969:140rb
492 Journal of American Folklore
de Mex. 1918:29 1939:38rb .
Supersticiones de la Region de San Juan Teotihuacan Est. Svenska Sagor Och Sagner. II, Sven Sederstroms Sager
Superstition and Education 1908:28rb Sveriges Samtliga Folksagor i Ord ock Bild 1952:96rb Superstition and Technological Change: An Illustration Swagman’s Tree 1957:157rb
1973:78 . Swai'xwe Myth of the Middle Fraser River: The Integration
Superstition Concerning Drowning 1889:109. of Two Northwest Coast Cultural Ideas, The 1948:1
Superstition of Italian Peasants 1896:85 Swapping Song Book, The 1954:103rb
Superstition Relating to Crossed Feathers 1897:10 Swastika. The Earliest-Known Symbol and Its Migrations.
Superstition Relating to the Color of Horses 1895:45 With Observations on the Migration of Certain
Superstitions and Beliefs from Central Georgia 1899:61 Industries Superstitions and Maxims from Dutchess County, New in Prehistoric Times, The 1897:42rb York 1923:2 - Swedish Community at Eriksdale, Manitoba, The Superstitions and Riddles from Mindoro and Marinduque 1978:133rb
1933:26 Swedish Folklife Research in the 1980's 1986:104 1929:18 : Swedish Legends of Buried Treasure 1982:72
Superstitions and Sayings among the Southern Highlanders Swedish Folklore 1938:21
Superstitions Concerning Death-Signs 1889:26 Swedish Rhyme for Counting-Out, A 1889:84 Superstitions Concerning Stiles and Stairs 1933:9 Sweet Soul Music: Rhythm and Blues and the Southern Superstitions Concerning the Deaf in Cape Breton Island Dream of Freedom 1987:47rb
1891:19rb : Sweet Words: Storytelling Events in Benin 1977:56rb
Superstitions Connected with the Human Hand 1888:17 Sweetness of the Fig: Aboriginal Women in Transition, The
Superstitions from Connecticut 1895:72 1983:53rb
Superstitions from Georgia II 1894:109 Swing Your Partner! 1927:4 Superstitions from Louisiana 1905:47 Swiss Folklore Atlas 1950:22
Superstitions in Georgia 1892:87 | Swiss Kuhreihen, The 1941:44 .
Superstitions in Newfoundland 1896:57 Swiss-German and Dutch-German Mennonite Traditional
Superstitions in the Isle of Man 1893:13 Art in the Waterloo Region, Ontario 1982:60rb Superstitions of Children on the Hudson River 1889:46 Sword Dance and Drama 1963:105rb
Superstitions of Georgia, No. 2 1896:60 Sword from the Rock, An Investigation into the Origins of Superstitions of Irish Origin in Boston, Mass. 1892:98 Epic Literature and the Development of the Hero, The
Superstitions of Negroes in New Orleans 1892:129 1954:21rb |
Superstitions of the “Crackers” in Georgia 1892:12 Sylvester Judd’s New England Lore 1947:36 Superstitions of the Passamaquoddies 1889:77 Symbol and Conquest: Public Ritual and Drama in Santa Superstitious Explanation of Patches of Warm Air 1895:44 Fe, New Mexico 1979:65rb
Sure Way to Catch Mosquitoes, A 1921:36 Symbol and Style in Cinco de Mayo 1985:96
Surinam Folk-Tales 1917:9 Symbolic Stories: Traditional Narratives of the Family Suriname Folk-Lore 1937:45rb Drama in English Literature 1982:103rb
1960:149rb © . } 1985:53 .
Survey of Indian Assimilation in Eastern Sonora, A Symbolic Village: Community Born in Performance, The
Survey of Research on Polynesian Prose and Poetry Symbolism of Backgammon, The 1890:72
1961:96 Symbolism of the Huichol Indians 1900:81rb
Survey of Verb Forms in the Eastern United States, A Sympathetic Magic in the Kentucky Mountains: Some
1954:52rb | Curious Folk-Survivals 1914:22
Survival in New England of Foundation Sacrifice 1899:69 Symposium on Western Folklore 1948:19
Survival of Indo-European Mythology in Germanic Syncretism and Separation: Ritual Change in an Legendry: Toward an Interdisciplinary Nexus, The Afro-Caribbean Faith 1985:2
1984:3 System and Sequence in Maidu Mythology
1938:2 :
Survivals of Astrology 1890:46 . Survival of Legends 1956:21rb 1903:4
Survivals of Old Folk Drama in the Kentucky Mountains Survivals of Old Marriage-Customs among the Low
Germans of West Missouri 1908:15 Tabasheer 1892:17
Survivances medievales dans la chansons folklorique: Tabeau's Narrative of Loisel’s Expedition to the Upper
Poetique de la chanson en laisse 1983:133rb . Missouri 1941:38rb :
Surviving Folktales and Herbal Lore Among the Table analytique et alphabetique des dix premieres annees
Shinnecock Indians of Long Island 1945:42 de la Revue des Traditions Populaires (1886-1893)
Susan Reed Sings Old Airs from Ireland, Scotland and 1897:94rb |
England 1956:133ra ; Table des Matieres 1920:29 “Suthin” (It's the Opposite of Nothin’) 1981:108rb 1961:64rb : 7
Sut Lovingood 1955:83rb Taboo: A Study of Malagasy Customs and Beliefs Suvremennata bulgarska narodna pesen (Proucvane i Taboos of Tale-Telling 1900:30, 1903:45, 1904:44
obrazci) 1967:72rb Tabou et Totemisme a Madagascar 1907:55rb
Suzanne Comhaire-Sylvain (1898-1975) 1978:58 “Tag, You're It’ 1960:50
[Sven Liljeglad awarded grant to study in America] Tagalog Folk-Tales. I 1907:19
1939:9 Tagalog Folk-Tales. Il 1907:63
Svendka Gator. I. Folkgator fran Bohuslan 1948:30rb Tahitian Month Names, Etc. 1902:85 Svensk Balladtradition I: Balladkallor och balladtyper Tahltan Tales 1919:10, 1921:14, 1921:28
1968:102rb | : Taikon berattar 1947:63rb
1950:52rb 1949:183rb
Svensk bygd och folkkultur i samling forskning och vard Taikon erzahlit. Zigeunermarchen und -Geschichten
Svenska folklekar ock danser 1951:152rb Taiwanese Ballads: A Catalogue 1974:46rb Svenska Sagor Och Sagner. I, Mickels i Langhult Sagor “Take It Easy, But Take It’: The Almanac Singers 1970:2
1939:37rb Taking Liberties, Writing from the Margins, and Doing It
Title Index 493 with a Difference 1987:113 Tall Barney, Giant of Beals Island 1977:64rb
Tale Actualized in a Game, A 1945:7 Tall Tale and Philippe d’Alcripe: An Analysis of the Tall Tale and Song from Virginia 1921:7 Tale Genre with Particular Reference to Philippe d’Alcripe’s Tale for Each Month 1961, A 1968:84rb “La Nouvelle Fabrique des Excellents Traits de Verite” Tale for Each Month 1962, A 1968:85rb Together with an Annotated Translation of the Work,
Tale for Each Month 1963, A 1968:86rb The 1980:23rb Tale for Each Month 1964, A 1968:87rb Tall Tales from Rogue River: The Yarns of Hathaway Tale for Each Month 1965, A 1968:88rb Jones 1976:12rb Tale of Cupid and Psyche, The 1956:107rb Tall Tales of Arkansaw 1944:54rb
Tale of Nisan Shamaness. A Manchu Folk Epic, The Tall-Tale Postcards: A Pictorial History 1978:91rb
1980:24rb Tambunan Dusun Origin Myth, A 1961:8
Tale of the Kind and the Unkind Girls: AA- Th 480 and Tambunan Dusun Riddles 1963:42
Related Tales, The 1959:63rb Tamil Temple Myths: Sacrifice and Divine Marriage in the Tale of the Mother’s Heart, A 1955:12 South Indian Saiva Tradition 1983:12rb
Tale of the Skunks 1894:93 Taos Pueblo 1937:25rb
1897:75 “Tar Baby” 1922:16
Tale of the Wild Cat: A Child’s Game, The 1897:13, Tapestry of Culture, 2nd ed., The 1986:68rb
Tale of Thebes, The 1979:115rb Tar Heel Ghosts 1955:95rb Tale-Bearing Winds. A Portfolio of Illustrations from Tarcal tortenete a szohagyomanyban 1972:40rb
Katherine Luomala’s Book Voices on the Wind Tarheels in the Northwest 1986:96rv
1957:108rb Taro Cultivation Practices and Beliefs. Part 1, The Western Tales Alive in Turkey 1970:20rb Carolines 1960:139rb Tales and Legends of the Dominica Caribs 1952:78 Taro Cultivation Practices and Beliefs. Part I], The Eastern Tales and Proverbs of the Vandau of Portuguese South Carolines and the Marshall Islands 1960:140rb
Africa 1922:8 Taste of Yiddish, The 1972:19rb
Tales and Riddles Collected in Philadelphia 1928:23 Tastoanes, The 1902:17
Tales and Riddles from Freetown, Sierra Leone 1930:23 Tatzlil (The Chord): A Forum for Music Research and
Tales from a Finnish Tupa 1937:8rb Bibliography 1962:50rb Tales From Guilford County, North Carolina 1917:3 Tea-Drinkers 1903:59 Tales from Kodiak Island 1903:3 Teaching Folklore 1986:43rb
Tales from Kodiak Island. If 1903:27 Teachings from the American Earth: Indian Religion and Tales from Maryland and Pennsylvania 1917:4 Philosophy 1979:16rb Tales from Old Carolina 1971:114rb Techniques of Blues Composition among Black Folksingers
Tales from Southern Africa 1980:163rb 1974:68
Tales from Spanish Picaresque Novels: A Motif-Index Technological Model of Birth, The 1987:120
1981:117rb Tell Me a Story, Sing Me a Song: A Texas Chronicle
Tales from the Amur Valley 1933:23 1984:126rb
Tales from the Basothto: Fiction from the Oral Tradition Telling About Bear: A Northern Athapaskan Men’s Riddle
of a Black South African People 1977:119rb Tradition 1984:5
Tales from the Cloud Walking Country 1959:84rb Telling the Tale in Belize 1980:153
Tales from the Fens 1969:77rb Telltale Lilac Bush and Other West Virginia Ghost Tales,
Tales from the Fjeld 1969:146rb The 1966:104rb
Tales from the French Folk-Lore of Missouri 1939:39rb Ten Folk-Tales from the Cape Verde Islands 1917:8
Tales from the Hoh and Quileute 1933:29 Ten Folktales in Modern Nahuatl 1924:4
Tales from the Mohaves 1982:107rb Ten Games From Europe 1952:16
Tales from Ulithi Atoll: A Comparative Study in Oceanic Ten Grandmothers, The 1946:148rb
Folklore 1963:9rb Ten Thousand Goddamn Cattle: A History of the American
Tales in Pidgin English from Ashanti 1937:2 Cowboy in Song, Story and Verse 1980:193rb
Tales in Pidgin English from Nigeria 1931:41 Tenement Songs: The Popular Music of the Jewish Tales of Alexander the Macedonian. A Medieval Hebrew Immigrants 1983:115rb Manuscript and Translation with a Literary and Tenetehara Indians of Brazil, The 1950:35rb
Historical Commentary 1973:120rb Tennessee 1900:55
Tales of California from the History and Folklore of the Tennessee Folk Beliefs Concerning Children 1939:7
Far West 1977:63rb Tennessee Folklore Society 1943:94, 1952:51, 1953:13
Tales of Frontier Texas, 1830-1860 1967:68rb Tennessee Folklore Society Meeting 1942:66, 1943:14
Tales of North American Indians 1930:19rb Tennessee Hill Folk 1973:66rb
Tales of Sendebar. Mishle Sindbad. An Edition and Tennessee Mountain Work Song, A 1945:51 Translation of the Hebrew Version of the Seven Sages Tennessee Remedies 1933:6 Based on Unpublished Manuscripts 1969:80rb Tennessee Strings: The Story of Country Music in
Tales of Spanish Provenience from Zuni 1922:2 Tennessee 1980:43rb
Tales of the Blue Mountains in Pennsylvania 1898:15rb Tentative Bibliography on the Slovene Proverb, A 1948:54 Tales of the Enchanted Island of the Atlantic 1899:40rb Tentative Study of a Typical Folk Lyric: “Green Grows the
Tales of the Mississaguas 1889:45 Laurel”, A 1952:104
Tales of the Mississaugas II 1890:50 Tenth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society
Tales of the Nez Perce 1986:56rb 1899:10
Tales of the Northwest 1936:35rb Term Indian Summer, The 1902:73rb Tales of the Rabbit from Georgia Negroes 1899:25 terms Hired Man and Help, The 1902:71rb
Tales of the Smith Sound Eskimo 1899:43 Terms Used in Calling Domestic Animals 1889:62
Tales Told in Togoland 1933:20rb Terror That Comes in the Night: An Experience-Centered
Talking to the Moon 1946:63rb Study of Supernatural Assault Traditions, The Talking Trash in the Okefenokee Swamp Rim, Georgia 1984:63rb
1974:113 Test for Witchcraft in New Jersey, 1730 1892:62
Talking Your Roots: A Family Guide to Tape-Recording Test-Theme in North American Mythology, The 1908:29
and Videotaping Oral History 1986:90rb Testimony of Tradition, The 1890:122rb
494 Journal of American Folklore Teton Dakota Ghost Story, A 1888:10 and Apache Folklore 1967:69rb Teton Folk-Lore Notes 1889:42 They Shall Take Up Serpents 1963:72rb, 1977:135rv
Teton Sioux Music 1919:38rb, 1925:16 _ They Tell It for the Truth 1984:41rv Teutonic Mythology 1889:92rb “They Were Tough Men on the Speewah” - 1955:80rb Tewa Firelight Tales 1929:8rb Thief of Love, Bengali Tales from Court and Village, The
Tewa Sun Myth, A 1909:33 1965:61
Texas and Southwestern Lore 1927:10rb Thierorakel und Orakelthiere in alter und neuer Zeit. Eine
Texas Branch 1911:5, 1913:14, 1914:25 ethnologisch-zoologische Studie 1890:15rb
Texas Folk and Folklore 1956:26rb Thieves in My House 1970:22rb Texas Folk Songs 1951:107rb Things Chinese: Being Notes on Various Subjects
1947:59 - . Enlarged 1901:29rb .
Texas Folk-Lore Society 1915:25, 1943:95, 1946:129, Connected with China. Third Edition, Revised and Texas Folk-Lore Society Cancels Meeting 1944:68 Things Not Generally Known: A Popular Handbook of
Texas Folk-Lore Society Elects Officers. 1945:82 Facts... 1970:34rb
Texas Folk-Lore Society, 1925, The 1926:26 Things That from a Long Way Off Look Like Flies
Texas Folklore Society 1946:93, 1948:62, 1949:68, 1985:24
1949:116, 1950:76, 1950:113, 1951:56, 1955:76 Things That Go Bump in the Night: Haunted Trails and
Texas Folklore Society Range Life Series 1943:16 Ghostly Tales 1960:19rb
Texas Folksongs 1956:130ra Things Walt Disney Never Told-Us 1975:5
Texas Graveyards: A Cultural Legacy 1984:93rb Third Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society
Texas Poltergeist, 1881 1951:121 1892:1
Texas Square Dance Festival 1949:120 Third European Version of the Tar-Baby Story, A 1930:28 Texas Version of “The White Captive”, A 1912:14 Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1919:15
Texas Wellerisms 1956:97 Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Texas-Mexican Border Broadsides 1923:13 Society 1902:8
A 1978:90rb Society 1927:13
Texas-Mexican Cancionero: Folksongs of the Lower Border, Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore
Texas-Mexico Border Music 1981:132ra Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of. the AFS 1924:2 Text and Context: Folksong in a Bosnian Muslim Village Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the AFS 1920:15.
1985:35rb Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1923:15
1980:64rb Society 1928:15 :
Text and Context: The Social Anthropology of Tradition Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Folklore
Text Books in Labanotation. My First Dance Book Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the AFS 1921:11
1957:73rb Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore 1957:75rb Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American folk-Lore Text Books in Labanotation. Three R’s for Dancing Society 1925:15 1957:74rb Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Text Books in Labanotation. Ten Dances in Labanotation Society 1926:16
Text is the Thing, The 1973:72 Society 1922:9 ,
Text, Play, and Story: The Construction and This is Ephemera: Collecting Printed Throwaways
Reconstruction of Self and Society 1986:38rb 1979:76rb .
Textiles of Highland Guatemala 1947:98rb “This Island, the World on the Turtle’s Back” 1962:86
Thai Word-Games 1957:50 Thomas Bangs Thorpe: Humorist of the Old Southwest
“That Can’t Be Alan Dundes! Alan Dundes is Taller Than 1963:73rb .
That”: The Folklore of Fol 1974:110 Thompson Indians of British Columbia, The 1900:37rb
Thaw Fellowship, The 1891:25 Thoms, “Folk-Lore” and the Folklore Centenary 1947:128 the Burial of the Wren 1893:84 Thoreau's “Old Settler’ and Frost's Paul Bunyan 1960:80
the English Carol 1961:38rb Those Texans 1946:154rb
the Mythology and Folk-Lore of Invention 1897:25 Thousand Years Before Arkansas, A 1964:97
the Mythology of the Dieguenos 1901:70 Three American Authors as Semi-Folk Artists 1965:36
the Structural Study of Myth 1955:105 Three Ballads from Nova Scotia 1910:13 :
Their Eyes Were Watching God 1980:162rb “Three Bears”: Four Interpretations, The 1977:82 | Thematic Classification and “Lady Isabel” 1972:3 Three Bushman and Hottentot Tales 1934:19 © Thematic Pattern in Downhome Blues Lyrics: The Evidence Three Dreams or “Dream-Bread” Story, The 1917:22 on Commercial Phonograph Records Since World War Three Epitaphs of the Seventeenth Century 1894:31
Il 1977:85 Three Functions of Folklore: Traditional Functionalism as
Theories of Diffusion of Folk-Tales 1895:2 Explanation in Folkloristics 1976:6— Theory and History of Folklore 1986:39rb Three Games of the Cape Verde Islands 1920:9
Theory and Method in Ethnomusicology 1966:60rb Three Generations of Children’s Singing Games in St. Louis
Theory and Practice of Riddle Analysis 1971:6 1947:1 Theory for American Folklore Reviewed, A 1969:67 Three Golden Oranges 1937:23rb |
Theory for American Folklore, A 1959:53 Three Horsemen 1985:91rv_ . Theory for American Folklore: A Symposium, A 1959:52 Three Irish Folk Tales 1941:53 _
Theory of Human Culture, The 1948:162 Three Jamaican Folk-Tales 1922:15 Theory of Indo-European Marchen, A 1931:4 Three Jolly Welshmen 1890:88
There Was a Certain Man. Spoken Art of the Fipa Three Kinds of Honesty 1953:62
1981:59rb Three Lectures on Chinese Folklore 1938:65rb
There Was a King in Ireland...Five Tales from Oral Three Lectures on Chinese Folklore, Delivered Before the
Tradition 1973:64rb Convocation of the North China Union Language There Was A Little Tree. American Folk Songs for Children School, Peiping 1934:34rb
1954:133ra Three Lessons in Rhabdomancy 1891:75
They Called Him Wild Bill. The Life and Adventures of Three Maine Legends 1957:53
James Butler Hickok 1965:17rb : Three Mexican Tar Baby Stories 1940:28
They Sang for Horses: The Impact of the Horse on Navajo Three Miami Tales 1939:34
Title Index 495 Three More Variants of the ‘Tag Tale’ 1961:30 Topoke People of the Congo, The 1960:153ra Three Nephites: The Substance and Significance of the Toss A Kiss to the Sweep for Luck 1951:41
Legend in Folklore, The 1980:93rb Tossing Up a Chip 1890:55
Three Old Ballads from Missouri 1910:22 “Totemic Atmosphere” on the North Pacific Coast 1954:35
Three Ottawa Tales 1931:19 Totemic Traces Among the Indo-Chinese 1917:29 Three Ravens in Ohio, The 1918:16 Totemism Among the Miwok Indians 1908:37
Three Shasta Myths, Including “Orpheus” 1947:2 Totemism, A Modern Growth on the North Pacific Coast
Three Songs by Leadbelly 1976:109rv 1944:5
Three Street Ballads 1959:88rb Totemism, an Analytical Study 1910:6
Three Tales from Gwent 1945:8 Toting the Lead Row: Ruby Pickens Tartt, Alabama Three Tales from the French Folklore of Louisiana 1943:5 Folklorist 1983:117rb Three Twins: The Telling of a South Indian Folk Epic, The Tough, Pretty or Smart 1984:31rv
1983:127rb Toward a Definition of Folk Drama 1978:86
Three White Hexes 1946:81 Toward a Definition of Folklore in Context 1971:2
The 1906:82 1981:53
Three Wishes: A Quaint Legend of the Canadian Habitants, Toward a Kpelle Conceptualization of Music Performance
Three Worlds of Bali, The 1983:98rv Toward a Motif-Index of Erotic Humor 1962:66 Thrift and Abstinence, “Scotch” Stories 1950:143 Toward a Reconstruction of the Development of the
Through Romany Songland 1890:95rb Appalachian Dulcimer: What the Instruments Suggest Thumb of Michigan Lumberjack Lore 1946:79 1980:151 Thunderbird Warclub, A Winnebago Tale, The 1931:16 Toward a Semiotics of Nicknaming; The Kamsa Example
Thyrsos of Dionysos and the Palm Inflorescence of the 1981:2
Winged Figures of Assyrian Monuments, The 1893:95rb Toward a Structural Definition of the Riddle 1963:35 Tibetan Story of the Transferring of One’s Soul Into Toward an Understanding of Storytelling Events 1969:114
Another Body, A 1949:4 Toward New Perspectives in Folklore 1971:1, 1973:94rb
Tides from the West: A Chinese Autobiography 1949:36rb Toward the Comparative Analysis of British-American Folk
Tiele’s Kompendium der Religionsgeschichte. Dritte Tunes 1959:47
deutsche Auflage 1905:37rb Toward the Indexing of Ballad Texts 1968:3
Tig! For the Morn’s the Fair Day 1982:23rv Towards a Behavioral Theory of Folklore: A Reply to Tiguas: The Lost Tribe of City Indians, The 1975:39rb Roger Welsch 1969:43
Time and Dreams 1979:47rv Towards a Method in Myth 1952:70
Time and Place of the Annual Meeting 1894:95 Towards an African Literature: The Emergence of Literary Time Consciousness and Growing Up in Bamana Folk Form in Xhosa 1977:89rb
Drama 1982:99 Town Meeting Country 1947:23rb
Time Machines: The World of Living History 1987:85rb Toy Exhibition at Paris 1902:29
Time To Dance, A 1980:72rb Toys as Culture 1987:94rb
Times of Melville and Whitman, The 1948:81rb Tradicion 1950:79
Title-Author Jokes, Now and Long Ago 1973:6 Tradicionnyj fol’klor Novgorodskoj oblasti. (Po zapisjam
Titles in an Oral Literature 1957:48 1963-1976). Pesni. Pricitanija 1982:7rb
Titles of Forthcoming Publications Requested 1944:69 Tradicoes populares acorianas (Collected in New England)
Tlingit Myths 1907:61 1893:42rb
To Come to Fetch Fire 1939:15 Tradition 1974:108rv
Expression 1968:7 1971:19
“To Give Someone a Yankee Dime”: A Southern Proverbial Tradition and Adaptation in American Jewish Humor
To Hear Your Banjo Play 1979:83rv Tradition and Change in American Playground Language
To Kill Cats is Unlucky 1890:83 1973:32
To Live with Herds 1984:38rv Tradition and Change in Greek Shadow Theater 1983:75 To the Editor of the Journal of American Folk-Lore Tradition and Creativity in Tribal Art 1975:72rb
1892:137, 1895:87 Tradition Formerly Obtained at Chico 1906:43
To the King’s Taste 1978:32rb Tradition of Shelter Island, N.Y., A 1899:8 To the Queen’s Taste 1978:33rb Tradition, Genuine or Spurious 1984:80 To Tour Pacific Coast 1943:141 Traditional Agricultural Practices in the Arkansas To Windward of the Land: The Occult World of Alexander Highlands 1981:52
Charles 1981:62rb Traditional American Indian Literatures: Texts and
Toast in Context, The 1977:44 Interpretations 1983:55rb
Toasts: The Black Urban Folk Poetry 1974:66 Traditional American Local Dishes 1900:10
Tobacco for Leeches 1902:56 Traditional Architecture of Afghanistan 1983:16rb Tobacco in Folk Cures in Western Society 1965:34 Traditional Ballad and Songs from Ontario 1967:45rb
Toda Songs 1973:21irb Traditional Ballad from the Kentucky Mountains, A Todd Memorial Volumes, The 1928:18 1910:14
Tom Peete Cross, (1879-1951) 1952:33 Traditional Ballad in America, 1933., The 1934:4
Tommy Johnson 1972:70rb Traditional Ballad in the South During 1914, The 1915:15 Tomorrow's People 1974:102rv Traditional Ballad in the South, The 1914:3
Tomte 1950:10 Traditional Ballads and Folk-Songs Mainly from West Tonal and Nagual in Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico Virginia 1964:115rb
1956:100 Traditional Ballads from Indiana 1935:18
“Tonawanda Longhouse Ceremonies: Ninety Years after Traditional Ballads From Utah 1951:4
Lewis Henry Morgan” 1943:70rb Traditional Ballads in Nebraska 1913:26 Tongan Myths and Tales 1929:12rb Traditional Ballads in New England 1905:21 Tongan Place Names 1929:11rb Traditional Ballads in New England. II 1905:43 Tongue Tanglers from Central Pennsylvania 1959:96 Traditional Ballads in New England. III 1905:63 “Toodlembuck”! Australian Children’s Gambling Device and Traditional Ballads of Iceland: Historical Studies, The
Game, The 1960:9 1987:103rb
Topics for Collection of Folk-Lore 1891:43 Traditional Ballads of Virginia 1931:8rb
496 Journal of American Folklore Traditional Belief Concerning the Generation of the Transmission of Folk Song, The 1914:4 Opossum (Didelphys virginiana, L.) 1921:21 Travelers’ Tales of Colonial Natural History 1946:7
Traditional Cat Names 1946:132 Travelers’ Tales of Colonial Natural History (Concluded)
Traditional Cattle-Herding Practices in Southern Florida 1946:37
1984:81 Travellers’ Songs from England and Scotland 1980:21rb
Traditional Celtic Fiddle Music of Cape Breton 1987:66rb Treasure at Home, The 1965:11
Traditional Chilean Songs 1961:80ra Treasure of the Sangre de Cristos: Tales and Traditions of
Traditional Chilean Songs 1969:59ra the Spanish Southwest 1964:77rb
1977:7 New Mexico 1985:54
Traditional Functionalism: Once More with Feeling Treasure Tales and Pedagogical Discourse in “Mexicano” Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland, The Treasure Tales, and the Image of the Static Economy in a
1967:15rb Mexican Peasant Community 1964:5
Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland. With Treasure-Trove, Pirates’ Gold 1952:148rb
Tunes, Singing-Rhymes, and Methods of Playing Treasurer of the AFS 1905:8 According to the Variants Extant and Recorded in Treasurer's Report, 1940 1941:10 Different Parts of the Kingdom, Vol. 1, The 1899:19rb Treasury of American Folklore: Stories, Ballads and Traditional Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with Traditions of the People, A 1945:23rb Tunes, Singing-Rhymes, and Methods of Playing Treasury of American Superstitions, A 1949:34rb According to the Variants Extant and Recorded in Treasury of Jewish Folklore, A 1949:168rb, 1951:72rb Different Parts of the Kingdom. Vol I. The 1894:100rb Treasury of Jewish Holidays: History, Legends, Traditions,
Traditional India: Structure and Change 1958:70 A 1952:141irb
Traditional Music at Newport 1966:114ra Treasury of New England Folklore. Revised Edition, A
Traditional Music of America 1941:58rb 1967:16rb
Traditional Music via the Urban Revival 1970:40ra Treasury of New England Folklore, A 1948:109rb Traditional Names for Cats Once More 1947:8 Treasury of Railroad Folklore: The Stories, Tall Tales, Traditional Quilt Making in Kentucky 1977:108rv Traditions, Ballads and Songs of the American Railroad
Traditional Songs of Tristan da Cunha 1961:52 Man, A 1955:55rb
Traditional Specialist: Mental Illness, A 1982:125rv Treasury of Southern Folklore, A 1950:158rb Traditional Tales from Northern Haiti 1943:129 Treasury of Western Folklore, A 1953:48rb
Traditional Texts and Tunes 1922:19 Treatment of Ailing Gods, The 1901:3
Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, Volume II, The Tree Dweller Cults of the Dakota, The 1955:44
1965:65rb Tree of Life, The 1977:109rv
Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, Volume III, The Tree that Absorbed Tears, The 1968:90rb
1966:30rb Tree-Planting at Childbirth 1895:101 1974:121rb Trends in Content Analysis 1961:41rb
Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, Volume IV, The Trees Struck by Lightning 1901:16
Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, with Their Texts, Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood: Versions
According to the Extant Records of Great Britain and of the Tale in Sociocultural Context, The 1985:63rb
America. Vol. I, Ballads 1 to 53 1960:59rb Tribal Culture in Crow Mythology 1937:40 Traditions et superstitions de la Boulangerie 1892:34rb Tribal Cultures of Peninsular India as a Dimension of Little Traditions in Transition: Contemporary Basket Weaving of Tradition in the Study of Indian Civilization: A Preliminary
the Southwestern Indians 1987:32rb Study 1958:91 Traditions 1984:62rb Tribal People in an Industrial Setting, A 1958:88 Traditions of Heroic and Epic Poetry. Volume One: The Tribal Myths of Orissa 1956:58rb
Traditions of the Coos Indians of Oregon 1909:3 Tribes of the Liberian Hinterland 1948:167rb
Traditions of the Indian Craftsman 1958:75 Tribute, A 1953:6 Traditions of the Iowa Indians 1925:28 Trickster Marries His Daughter 1931:20 Traditions of the Lillooet Indians of British Columbia Trickster Marries His Daughter 1932:4
1912:27 Trickster, a Study in American Indian Mythology, The
Traditions of the Papago Indians 1912:9 1957:100rb Traditions of the Sarcee Indians 1904:28 Trique Theogony: An Alleged Specimen of Ancient Mexican Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee 1904:31rb Folk-Lore 1899:6
Columbia 1898:10rb , 1975:19rb )
Traditions of the Thompson River Indians of British Trinidad Carnival: Mandate for a National Theater, The
Traditions of the Tillamook Indians 1898:5 Trinidad Proverbs (“Old Time Saying So”) 1945:69 Traditions of the Tillamook Indians II] 1898:25 Trip to Sligo, A 1981:130rb
traditions of the Ts’ets’a ut II 1897:4 Tristan Legend: A Study in Sources, The 1970:61rb Traditions of the Tse’ ts’a’ ut 1896:78 Trobriand Cricket: An Ingenious Response to Colonialism
Traditions populaires du Doubs 1892:73rb 1983:100rv
Traditsionnyi Fol’klor Viadimirskoi Derevni (v zapisiakh Trooper’s Narrative of Service in the Anthracite Coal
1963-1969 gg.) 1977:92rb Strike, 1902, A 1904:23rb
Tragedy and the Paradox of the Fortunate Fall 1954:20rb Trovas populares de Alagoas 1953:84rb
Tragic Days of Billy the Kid, The 1957:146rb. True History of Robin Hood, The 1954:17rb Traits of an Ancient Egyptian Folk-Tale, Compared with True History of Robin Hood, The 1976:71rb
Those of Aboriginal American Tales 1904:49 True Patriots All, or News from Early Australia, as told in
Transcribing and Editing Oral History 1979:75rb a Collection 1955:78rb
Transformation of the Hummingbird: Cultural Roots of a Truth About Robin Hood, The 1954:18rb
Zinacantecan Mythical Poem, The 1980:61rb Truth of a Hopi and Other Clan Stories of Shungopovi Transformations of Power: Mormon Women’s Visionary 1937:46rb
Narratives 1987:118 Tsa’ Aszi’: Traditional Navajo Foods and Cooking Translation 1901:45 1982:8rb Translation: A Study in the Transference of Folk-Thought Tsimshian Proverbs 1889:102
1901:67 Tsimshian Version of the Test Theme, A 1925:30
Transmigration in California 1909:49 Tsimshian: Their Arts and Music, The 1952:146rb
Title Index | 497 Tsonga Children’s Folksongs 1973:71 Two Brer Rabbit Stories from the Eastern Shore of Tuamotuan Tale of the Female Spirit Who Assumed the Maryland 1971:102
Form of Tu’s Wife, The 1949:100 Two Cheyenne Stories 1916:18
Tule Technology; Northern Paiute Uses of Marsh Resources Two Chinese Folk-Tales 1923:3
in Western Nevada 1984:103rv Two Chumash Legends 1955:8
Norms 1973:4 The 1952:95rb Tuneful Flame: Songs of Robert Burns as He Sang Them, Two Cultures, The 1965:73
Tune Evolution as an Indicator of Traditional Musical Two Crosses of Todos Santos: Survivals of Mayan Ritual,
The 1958:107rb Two English Ballads and Their Greek Counterparts
Turcismi u narodnom govoru i narodnoj knjizevnosti 1956:10
Bosne i Hercegovine 1959:23rb Two Eskimo Riddles from Labrador 1926:25
Turco-Mongolian Curses and Obscenities 1964:12 Two Folk-Tales from Nyasaland 1922:11
Turk Folklor Araslirmalari 1954:22rb Two Ghost Stories 1945:49 Turkey-Head Target 1948:143 (Two Ghost Stories from Virginia] 1897:53 Turkish Folk Poets, The 1949:145 Two Hands of God: The Myths of Polarity, The Turkish Folk Stories About the Lives of Minstrels 1965:100rb
1952:102 Two Hands of God: The Myths of Polarity, The 1966:25rb
Turkish Folklore: An Introduction 1961:89 Two Hopi Myths and Rites 1948:3
Turkish Folktales in Turkish 1967:97ra Two Irish Folk Tunes 1942:26 Turkish Hikaye-Telling Tradition in Azerbaijan, Iran Two Kutenai Stories 1941:50
1970:100 Two Legends of the Mojave-Apache, Told by Captain Jim
Etudu 1964:45rb 1921:19
Turkiye’de Dogumla Ilgili Adet ve Inanmalarin Etnolojik (Hoo-kut-a-go-che, “Nose-Tied-Up”) Of That Tribe
Turkiyede halk agzindan Soz Derleme Dergisi, vol 6: Two Letters from Home 1978:82
Folklore sozleri 1954:23rb Two Lost Centuries of Britain, The 1891:29rb
“Tusayan New Fire Ceremony, The” 1895:63rb Two Maine Texts of “Lamkin” 1939:3 “Tusayan Snake Ceremonies” 1897:88rb Two Mechanical Indexing Systems for Folklore Archives:
Tuscan Witch Songs 1891:79 A Preliminary Report 1974:4
Tutelo Spirit Adoption Ceremony. Reclothing the Living in Two Mountain Zapotec Tales from Oaxaca, Mexico
the Name of the Dead. Transcription and Analysis of 1935:6
Tutelo Music, The 1943:155rb Two Myths of the Mission Indians of California 1906:74 “Twa Sisters”!Going Which Way? , The 1951:118 Two Negro Spirituals from Georgia 1942:3 Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society Two Negro Stories from Jamaica 1896:80
1901:9 Two Negro Tales 1896:50 Twelfth International Congress of Orientalists, The Two Negro Witch Stories 1899:31 1899:82 Two Old Games 1890:89 Twelve Days of Christmas: a Nursery Song, The 1900:52 {two papers] 1897:93rb
Twelfth Annual Western Folklore Conference 1952:131 Two Negro Tales Concerning the Jay 1898:11
Twelve Folktales from Sanok 1968:92rb Two Penny Ballads and Four Dollar Whiskey 1967:41rb Twentieth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1909:7 Two Plains Cree Tales 1921:20 Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art 1943:66rb Two Popular Ballads 1908:13
Twenty Japanese Proverbs 1953:3 Two Possible Origins for the Term “Toast” 1975:95 Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Folk-Lore Two Representative Tribes of Queensland 1911:19rb
Society 1917:12 Two Rosetos, The 1976:102rb
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Studies 1938:49rb “Two Sisters” from Missouri, The 1931:26 Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1914:10 [Two Societies meet in Scandinavia] 1939:10
Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the AFS 1910:3 Two Songs of 57 1958:63rb 25 estudios de folklore: Homenaje a Vincente T, Mendoza Two Songs of Mexican Cowboys from the Rio Grande
y Virginia Rodriguez Rivera 1972:100rb Border 1915:34 Twenty-Five Fables 1965:72rb Two South-African Tales 1909:37
Twenty-Four Negro Melodies 1981:121rb Two Spanish Verse Chap-Books: Romance de Amadis (c. Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1913:5 1515-1519), Juyzio hallado y trobado (c. 1510). A Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1918:14 Facsimile Edition 1970:116rb
1892:131 1972:101rb
Twenty-One Precepts of the Ottawa Indians, The Two Spanish-Quiche Dance-Dramas of Rabinal Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the AFS 1911:4 Two Stories from World War II 1946:42 Twenty-Seven Chukchansi Yokuts Myths 1944:61 Two Studies on Modern Greek Folklore 1969:130rb Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the AFS 1916:8 Two Tahltan Traditions 1909:29 Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the AFS 1915:10 Two Traditional Songs 1906:41 Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the AFS 1912:7 Two Variants of the “Charlie Chaplin” Rhyme 1946:135 Twenty-Three Riddles from Central Burma 1964:9 Two Vodun-Related Ceremonies 1948:5 Twenty-Three Telugu Riddles from Nellore 1941:8 Two Wasco Motifs 1953:7
Twin Births 1956:98 Two Witch Stories 1899:15
Twin Heroes in South American Mythology 1946:31 Two Yokuts Traditions 1908:38
Twist-Mouth Family, The 1905:72 Two-Dimensional Scheme for the Classification of Twister of Twists, a Tangler of Tongues, A 1973:65rb Narratives, A 1965:2
Two Abnaki Legends 1912:19 Two-Gun Cyclone, A 1929:9rb Two Achumawi Tales 1931:14 Two-Headed Woman 1947:130
Two Algonquin Legends 1894:81 Type and Motif-Index of the Folktales of England and Two Ball-Bouncing Rhymes from Japan 1950:70 North America 1968:82rb
Two Ballads From Nineteenth Century Ohio 1938:4 Type Index of Korean Folktales, A 1981:57rb
[two belief statements] 1944:33 Typen Turkischer Volksmarchen 1955:53rb
Two Biloxi Tales 1893:8 Types of Indic Oral Tales 1962:5irb
Two Black Churches 1977:41rv Types of the Folk Song “Father Grumble” 1951:8
498 Journal of American Folklore The 1930:31rb | Up Cutchin and Down Greasy: Folkways of a Kentucky
Types of the Folktale in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Mountain Family 1960:17rb Republic, and Spanish South America, The 1959:17rb Urban American Dowser, The 1969:65 Types of the Folktale. A Classification and Bibliography, Urban Experience and Folk Tradition, The 1970:43
- The 1963:70rb Urban Experience and Folk Tradition, The 1974:79rb
Types of the Polack Joke, The 1971:38rb Urban Folklore from Colorado: Photocopy Cartoons
Typical Texan: Biography of an American Myth, The 1979:120rb
1955:33rb Urban Folklore from Colorado: Typescript Broadsides
1979:119rb |
Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire 1977:13rb Urban Legends in The Pickwick Papers 1983:113
Use by Yeats and Other Irish Writers of the Folklore of
Uber das Marchen von Eselmenschen 1893:96rb Patrick Kennedy, The 1946:114
Ueber Selene und Verwandtes 1891:61rb Use for Long-Bones 1903:46 | .
Ueber Wahnideen im Volkerieben 1902:39rb - Use of Maize by Wisconsin Indians, The 1897:97rb Ukrainian Dumy. Editio Minor. Original Texts 1982:64rb Use of Names by Micronesians, The 1960:67rb Ukrainian Embroidery Designs and Stitches 1981:17rb Use of Oral Literary Data for History: Examples from Niger
Ukrainian-Canadian Folklore and Dialectological Texts, Delta Proverbs, The 1968:51
Vol. 4 1965:109rb Use of Plants by Children 1901:49
Ukrajins’kyj rik u narodnyx zvycajax vistorycnomu Use of Race and Hillbilly Recordings as Sources for osvitlenni, Tom tretij (Vesnjanyj cykl) 1964:43rb Historical Research: The Problem of Color Hierarchy Ukranian Winter Folksong Cycle in Canada, The among Afro-Americans in the Early Twentieth Century,
1973:20rb _ The 1972:84
Ulster Dialects: An Introductory Symposium 1965:113rb Uses and Misuses of Folklore Terminology, The 1980:114
Ulysses Motif in Japanese Literature, The 1946:69 Usi e Costumi, Credenze e Pregiudizi del Popolo Siciliano
Um hohen Preis: Ein burgerlich Trauerspiel. 1904:22rb 1889:91rb : . | | Umbundu, Folk Tales from Angola 1964:49rb Utah Butterflies 1974:38 ;
Umbundu Tales, Angola, Southwest Africa 1922:7 Uta-Matua and Other Tales of Kapingamarangi 1949:95
UMWA: A House Divided 1974:92rv Utah Humanities Research Foundation 1945:110 Un Bagne russe. L'lle de Sakhaline. Ouvrage illustre de 51 Utah Humanities Review 1947:13 -
gravures 1905:83rb Utah Parallel of Logan’s Speech, A 1953:28
dell’ottocento- 1982:11rb
Una raccolta inedita di Canti popolari siciliani dei primi Utah Photographs of George Edward Anderson, The
1974:125rb : | . . 1978:26rb |
Unbidden Guests: A Book of Real Ghosts 1947:66rb Utah Pioneer Folksongs 1977:102ra
. Uncertain Glory: Folklore and the American Revolution Ute Tales 1901:89 Uncle Bud Long: The Birth of a Kentucky Folk Legend
Uncle Remus Traced to the Old World. 1893:107
Under the Ancestors’ Shadow 1951:109rb > V. D. Bonch-Bruevich and the Lenin Connection in New
Under the Man’s Tree 1984:40rv World Folkloristics 1980:112
Underground Life 1893:39rb V. Ja. Propp (1895-1970) 1971:61
Undermining the Great Depression 1984:105rv__. Vagina Dentata and Cystic Teratoma 1971:63 Understanding Youth Culture Through Autograph Books: Vahivanca Barots of Gujarat: A Caste of Genealogists and
the Israeli Case 1984:108 Mythographers, The 1958:78
Une France Oubliee: L’Acadie 1905:13rb Vainamoinen, Eternal Sage 1954:44rb
UNESCO 1951:95, 1952:54 | _ Valiant Sailor, The 1974:48rb
Universite Laval de Quebec Summer Courses in Folklore Valimik Eesti Rahvatantse 1941:35rb
1942:33 | Valpariso and Lily White 1934:25
Universities Institute Work in Folklore 1945:57 Value of the Epic for Sociology, The 1901:13 University College of Addis Ababa. Bulletin of the Vana Kannel III: Kuusalu Vana Rahvalaulud, I 1940:5rb
Ethnological Society 1958:20rb Vance Randolph (1892-1980) 1981:96
University College of Addis Ababa, Bulletin of the Vance Randolph: An Ozark Life 1986:123rb
Ethnographical Society 1956:33rb Vandy, Vandy 1960:48 —
University of Arizona Folklore Committee, The 1969:3 “Vandy, Vandy” Again 1962:9 |
1944:17 | Meanings, The 1983:89rb
University of Arizona to Sponsor Folklore Collecting Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their
University of Edinburgh, School of Scottish Studies __ Vaquero of the Brush Country, A 1931:12rb
1953:80 | . Variants of Counting-Out Rhymes 1895:85 ~
University of Michigan Summer Program 1956:4 : Variation in Early Human Culture 1906:60 University of North Carolina Folklore Institute of America Variety in Spelling 1906:86 |
1946:49 . Various Ballads 1913:11 ee
University of North Carolina Honors Folklorist 1946:50 Various Superstitions 1892:100
Unlucky Plants: A Folklore Survey 1987:64rb | Varofran Kommer Vara Sagor 1954:27rb
Unprinted Game Song, An 1889:88 Vashka 1946:9 ; —
Unpublished Louisiana Folklore Wanted 1943:146 Vaughan Williams Memorial Library Catalogue of the
Unter dem Direktorium. Drei Novellen 1903:75rb English Folk Dance and Song Society 1975:46rb Unter dem Odongbaum, Koreanische Sagen, Marchen und Vedische Studien. Vol. 1 1890:66rb
Fabeln 1954:57rb Venezuelan Folklore Activity 1947:15
Untersuchung uber das Hupfspiel. Kinderspiel-Kulttanz Venice Folk Festival 1949:162_
1959:68rb Verbal Aggression 1979:133
Unusual Patchwork Quilt Illustrated 1945:9 Verbal Art 1955:61 :
Up Before Daylight: Life Histories from the Alabama Vermilion 1948:82rb
Writers’ Project 1984:68rb | Vermischte Sagen 1937:33rb .
Title Index 499 Vermont Place-Names: Footprints of History 1979:74rb 1938 1958:106rb Vermont Variant of “The Frog’s Courting”, A 1939:17 Volkskundliche Bibliographie fur die Jahre 1937 und 1938
Vernacular Architecture of the Lake Counties: A Field 1962:18rb
Handbook 1977:19rb Volkssagenforschung: Vortrage und Aufsatze 1937:5rb
Verrier Elwin: A Pioneer Indian Anthropologist 1977:22rb Volkstumliche Arbeitsfeste in Finnland 1966:26rb
1972:8 volumes 1929:4rb
Verse Competition Jest in Central Pennsylvania, The Volksverhalen uit Oost-Indie (Sprookjes) en Fabels, 2
Verse Competition Jest in Northeastern Scotland, The Voodoo and Vodun 1890:84
1970:54 Voodoo Festival Near New Orleans, A 1897:9
Version of “Lord Lovel” (Child 75), A 1954:73 Voodoo in Haiti 1960:100rb
Version of the Game of the Child-Stealing Witch 1890:118 Voodoo in New Orleans 1947:144rb
Vicente T. Mendoza, 1894-1964 1965:42 Vorzeitkunde: Mundliches Erzahlen und Uberliefen im
Victor W. Turner (1920-1983) 1984:109 mittlealterlichen Skandinavien nach dem Zuegnis von Vietnamese Folklore: An Introductory and Annotated Fornaldersaga und eddischer Dichtung 1983:18rb
Bibliography 1971:123rb Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living.
Views of a Mohawk Indian 1905:28 An Old Irish Saga. Section I. The Happy Underworld, Viking Book of Folk Ballads of the English-Speaking The 1895:108rb
World, The 1957:137rb Voyageurs and Their Songs, The 1967:99ra
Viking Fund Publications 1944:13 Village Down East: A Sketch Book 1945:38rb Village, The 1976:82rv Vintner's Bush: A Survival of Twenty Centuries, The
1902:5 W. B. Laughead’s Great Advertisement 1950:135
Violet Fights 1895:39 Wa-Ba-Ba-Nai, or the Northern Lights. A Wabanaki Legend Violin, the Banjo and the Bones, The 1959:89rb 1890:74
Virgin of Guadalupe: A Mexican National Symbol, The Wabanaki Counting-Out Rhyme, A 1890:19, 1890:87
1958:7 Wabanaki Game of Ball 1890:4
Virgin’s Children, The 1962:16rb Wagner: The Dramatist 1980:187rb
Virginia Folk-Lore Society 1916:10 Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition. Argyllshire Series. No.
Virginia Folk-Lore Society, The 1917:15, 1923:19 lll. Folk and Hero Tales 1891:94rb
Virginia Folklore Society 1943:96 Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition. Argyllshire Series. No. Virginia Rodriguez Rivera (1894-1968) 1969:21 IV. The Fians: Stories, Poems, and Traditions of the
Visayan Folk-Tales. 1 1906:36 Fionn and His Warrior Band 1891:95r Visayan Folk-Tales, II 1907:18 Wailing Women of Folklore 1969:73
Visayan Folk-Tales. III 1907:64 Wakaima and the Clay Man and Other African Folktales Vision in Afro-American Folk Art: The Sculpture of James 1947:105rb
Thomas 1975:9 Wake of the Prairie Schooner, The 1944:99rb
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland 1971:82rb Wake Up Dead Man: Afro-American Worksongs from Texas
Visit with Vance Randolph, A 1954:75 Prisons 1973:89rb, 1974:60rb Visits to South American Folklorists 1961:93 Walking in the Parlor 1965:119ra Visual Expression in Finnish-American Ethnic Slurs Walloon Dictionary 1903:70
1976:10 Walpi Flute Observance: A Study of Primitive
Vita Tradizionale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise 1963:65rb Dramatization, The 1894:106
Vocabulary Change: A Study of Variation in Regional Walser Volkstum in der Schweiz, in Vorarlberg,
Words in Eight of the Southern States 1974:16rb Liechtenstein und Piedmont Voces del Purgatorio: Estudio de la Salve Dominicana Waltzing Matilda 1959:131ra
1983:80rb Wampanoag Indian Tales 1925:4
Voice of Atlas, The 1936:36rb Wanted: Saltlore 1968:78 Voice of the Congo (Music of the Belgian Congo and Wappo Myths 1908:55
Ruanda-Urundi) 1955:100ra War Ceremony and Peace Ceremony of the Osage Indians
Voice of the Folk: Folklore and American Literary Theory, 1940:42rb
The 1973:49rb War Stories from Two Enemy Tribes 1939:31
Voices from the Mountains 1976:66rb War Verses 1934:32
Voices from the Past: The Singing and Preaching at Otter Warning Drum, The 1947:62rb
Creek Church 1975:53 Warri: A West African Game of Skill 1930:22
Voices of a People: The Story of Yiddish Folk Song Warriors Without Weapons: A Study of the Society and
1966:58rb Personality Development of the Pine Ridge Sioux Voices of Haiti 1954:137ra 1948:89rb
Voices of Tradition: Scenes and Stories of Maryland Folk Wasco Tales and Myths 1909:42rb
Culture 1979:171rv Washboard Country Band Dance Tunes 1957:63ra
Voices on the Wind: Polynesian Myths and Chants Washington 1895:54,, 1895:91, 1897:20, 1898:35
1957:107rb “Washo-Northern Paiute Peyotism: A Study in Volkerkunde 1905:86rb Acculturation” 1945:65rb
Volkserzahlungen und Volksglaube von den Waste-Basket of Words 1888:13, 1888:41, 1889:12,
Schicksalsfrauen 1967:88rb 1889:49, 1889:76, 1890:10, 1890:111, 1891:14,
Volksglauber und religioser Brauch der Sudslaven. 1891:44, 1892:11, 1892:52, 1892:89, 1893:54, Vorwiegend nach eigenen Ermittlungen 1890:123rb 1894:34 Volkskunde der Stadt Linz an der Donau 1960:95rb Water Birch: An American Variant of Hugh of Lincoln
Volkskunde im Ostalpenraum 1962:76rb 1958:2
Volkskunde: Ein Handbuch zur Geschichte ihrer Probleme Water Monsters in Northern California 1906:77
1961:19rb Water Witching U. S. A. 1960:15rb 1952:134rb Shetlanders in British Columbia 1918:9
Volkskunde: Quellen und Forschungen seit 1930 Water-Beings in Shetlandic Folk-Lore as Remembered by Volkskundeliche Bibliographie fur die Jahre 1937 und Water-Fairies, The 1915:28
500 Journal of American Folklore Water-Monsters of American Aborigines 1899:60 Western Reserve Folklore Courses 1953:19 Water, Earth, and Fire: Land Use and Environmental Westpreussische Marchen 1962:49rb Planning in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 1987:107rb Westward the Briton 1955:34rb
Waterbird People, The 1982:24rv Whaling Songs & Ballads 1956:36ra
Way Down and Out, The 1960:142rb What Became of “Little Powder-Monkey Jim”: Additional Way I Heard It: Tales from the Big Band, The 1980:47rb Song Material from Tristan da Cunha 1971:57
Way of the Masks, The 1984:120rb What Befell the Slave-Seekers: A Story of the Haidahs on Ways of Mammals in Fact and Fancy 1954:99rb Queen Charlotte's Island, B.C. 1888:34
Ways of Men: An Introduction to Anthopology, The What Do Indians Mean to Do When They Sing, and How
1950:41rb Far Do They Succeed? 1895:35 1952:68rb What I Could Tell 1985:108rv
We Always Lie to Strangers. Tall Tales from the Ozarks What Happened to Jody 1967:85
We Called It Music. A Generation of Jazz 1948:173rb What Shall We Do With “Little Matty Groves?” 1963:48 Weather and Moon Superstitions in Tennessee 1893:114 What The People Are Now Singing in a Russian Village
Weather and Seasons 1889:79 | 1951:40
Weather and Seasons in Micmac Mythology 1897:26 What They Say in New England 1967:17rb Weather Folk-Lore and Local Weather Signs 1905:14rb What William Saw 1945:45
Weather Lore 1891:50, 1901:46, 1947:45 What's Red, White, Blue and Syndetic? 1982:75 Weather Proverbs in the United States 1892:99 Whatcom Museum of History and Art: The Melville and
Weather Sayings from Maryland 1935:9 Elizabeth Jacobs Research Fund, The 1976:119
Weather Sayings of Salem, Mass. 1889:111 Whatever Makes Papa Laugh. A Folklore Sheaf Honoring
Weather-Lore 1889:70 Harold W. Thompson 1959:81rb
Weather-Signs from Connecticut 1895:4 When All is Said and Done, We Make Hypotheses Too
Weathercock Legends 1908:62 1975:93
Weavers Demonstrate Craft 1946:17 When I grew Up Long Ago 1981:25rb Weaving Rag Rugs: A Women’s Craft in Western Maryland When Stars Came Down to Earth: Cosmology of the Skidi
1986:81rb Pawnee Indians of North America 1983:122rb
Webfoots and Bunchgrassers: Folk Art of the Oregon When The Jemez Medicine Men Came to Zuni 1947:42
Country 1983:S0rb When the Subject is Women: Encounters with Syrian
Wedding “Law-Suit” in Harar (Ethiopia), A 1950:106 Jewish Women 1987:124
Wedding Camels, The 1984:37rv Where the Word Ends: The Life of Louis Moreau
Wedding of the Goddess 1979:130rv Gottschalk 1980:50rb
Wee Ghaist and Oral Transmission, The 1945:6 “Where Was Moses When the Lights Went Out?” 1972:38
Weekly Journal of Anthropology, A 1889:115 “Which Party?” Reply to Siporin 1986:54
Weep Some More My Lady 1981:127rb WHIMSY III: Contemporary Humor 1986:71rb Well of the Holy Women: Some St. Columba Traditions in Whirlwind and the Elk in the Mythology of the Dakota,
the West of Ireland, The 1955:40 The 1905:59
Well Spent Life, A 1977:27rv Whistlin’ Woman and Crowin’ Hen 1959:14rb Well-Tempered Lyre: Songs & Verse of the Temperance White and Negro Spirituals: Their Life Span and Kinship.
Movement, The 1980:70rb Tracing 200 Years of Untrammeled Song Making and Welsh Folk Customs 1960:56rb Singing Among Our Country Folk. With 116 Songs as Welsh Folk-Lore: Its Collection and Study. A Paper Read Sung by Both Races 1945:26rb Before the Members of the “Liverpool Welsh National White Dog Feast 1889:60
Society,” November 16, 1892 1894:63rb White Dozens and Bad Sociology 1966:18, 1967:6
Welsh Folklore and Folk Custom 1981:81rb White Liver 1946:82
Welsh Legends and Fairy Lore 1956:19rb White Magic. An Introduction to the Folklore of Christian
Welsh Superstitions 1902:30 Legend 1949:177rb
West Indian Music on Records 1969:113ra White Man : A Siouan Myth 1902:18 West Indian Supernatural World: Belief Integration in a “White Peril” 1904:17
Pluralistic Society, The 1975:50 White Religious Music 1970:39ra
West Irish Folktales and Romances 1974:24rb White Southern and Other Anglo-Saxon Attitudes 1973:40 West Lake: A Collection of Folktales 1982:80rb “White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands. The Story of West Texas Kid, 1881-1910: Recollections of Thomas the Fasola Folk, Their Songs, Singings, and “Buckwheat
Edgar Crawford, The 1965:52rb Notes”. 1935:31rb
West Virginia Folk Ritual, A 1968:30 White Top Folk Festival, The 1933:31 West Virginia Folk-Lore Society 1916:16, 1943:97 Whitesburg Epic 1974:91rv
West Virginia Folklore 1951:138 Whitewashing Song 1938:26 West Virginia Folklore Society 1950:85, 1952:127 Whitsunday Rite at St. Briavels, The 1895:65rb
West-Indian Tale, A 1919:28 “Who Blowed Up the Church House?” and Other Ozark Western Country in 1793- Reports on Kentucky and Folk Tales 1954:93rb_
Virginia, The 1949:85rb Who Fears the Devil? 1965:70rb
Western Folklore 1947:19 Who Is That Fellow in the Many-Colored Cap?
Western Folklore Conference 1942:30, 1943:103, 1944:92, Transformations of Eshu in Old and New World
1945:78, 1946:44, 1947:50, 1948:67, 1949:71, Mythologies 1987:68
1950:81, 1951:26, 1954:112 Who Was the Medicine Man? 1905:60 Western Hemisphere Versions of Aarne-Thompson 301 Whole Tale Parallels of the Child Ballads as Cited or
1952:47 Given oy Child or in FFC 74 1951:43
Western Kentucky University: Graduate Programs in Folk Whose “Dan Tucker’? 1971:104
Studies 1973:28 Why Do They Laugh? An Interactional Approach to Humor
Western Marxism and Folklore: A Critical Introduction in Traditional Iranian Improvisatory Theater 1981:144
1983:2 Why Faith Healing? 1974:76rb—
Western Marxism and Folklore: A Critical Reintroduction Why is Mistletoe 1946:131
1984:84 Why the Irish Came to America 1933:7
Western Mono Myths 1923:28 Why the Poplar Stirs!Superstition of Miners in Michigan
Title Index 501 1900:49 Witchcraft at Salem 1970:72rb
Wichita Tales 1902:78, 1903:42, 1904:25 Witchcraft in England 1948:168rb
Wicked John and the Devil 1954:61 Witchcraft in New Mexico 1888:53 Wicked Stepmother. An Armenian Folk-Tale, The 1897:32 Witchcraft in Old and New England 1930:6rb
Widespread Boy Hero Story, A 1907:46 Witchcraft Magic and Spirits on the Border of Pennsylvania
Widsith 1963:104rb and West Virginia 1938:5
Wie denkt das Volk uber die Sprache? Plaudereien uber Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic Among the Azande die Eigenart der Ausdrucks- und Anschauungsweise des 1939:28rb
Volkes. Dritte, verbesserte Auflage 1905:38rb Witches and Demons in History and Folklore 1971:39rb Wife of Bath’s Tale: Its Sources and Analogues, The Witches and Demons in History and Folklore 1971:115rb
1903: 16rb Witches and Witch-Hunters 1972:112rb
Wigwam Stories Told by North American Indians Witching for Water, Oil, Pipes, and Precious Minerals: A
1901:82rb Persistent Folk Belief from Frontier Days Down to the Wil 1979:51irv Present 1979:156rb Wild Men in the Middle Ages 1953:44rb Witcracks: Jokes and Jests from American Folklore
Wild Orchard 1946:53rb 1974:84rb
Wildflower Folklore 1986:91rb With Air Transport Command 1943:145 Will C. Barnes’ Arizona Place Names 1962:27rb With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women’s
Will O’ the Whisp. Folk Tales and Legends of New Emergency Brigade 1983:97rv
Brunswick 1982:59rb “With His Pistol in His Hand”; A Border Ballad and Its
William Carter, The Bensontown Homer 1912:13 Hero 1960:26rb
William Jones 1909:21 With the Michigan Algonquians 1954:113
William Kimber 1970:94ra Wives for Sale: An Ethnographic Study of British Popular William Russel Bascom (1912-1981) 1982:101 Divorce 1983:94rb
William T. Porter and the Spirit of the Times: A Study of Wiyot Folk-Lore 1908:7
the Big Bear School of Humor 1958:103rb Wolves of Maine, The 1948:12 William T.Porter and the Spirit of the Times: A Study of Woman Elected a Chief of the Six Nations, A 1892:53
the Big Bear School of Humor 1980:89rb Woman's Song of the Kwakiutl Indians, A 1893:111
William Wells Newell 1907:6 Women and Folklore 1975:1
Wilson, Thomas, 1832-1902 1902:68 Women and Text in Gascon Tall Tales 1987:122 Wind-Catchers!American Windmills of Yesterday and Women of Ancient Egypt and the Sky Goddess Nut
Tomorrow 1978:140rb 1987:121
“Windigo Psychosis: A Study of a Relationship between Women of the Arabs, The 1891:20rb Belief and Behavior among the Indians of Northeastern Women of Turkey and Their Folk-Lore, The 1891:32rb
Canada” 1962:72rb Women, Reproduction, and Religion in Western Puebloan Windows Open to the World 1948:86rb Society 1987:116
Winds of the Milky Way 1982:25rv Women’s Changing Ceremonies in Northern Australia Winged Serpent: An Anthology of American Indian Prose 1953:24rb
and Poetry, The 1947:94rb Women’s Folklore, Women’s Culture 1987:27rb
Winnebago Folk-Lore Notes 1889:43 Women’s Songs in Serbo-Croatian 1977:86
Winnebago Tales 1909:28 Wonder Tales from Baltic Wizards 1930:12rb Winners of Jo Stafford Prizes in American Folklore: 1951, Wood Carvers of Cordova, New Mexico, The 1983:48rb
1952 1953:63 Wooden Scoop Shovel Making 1981:135rv
Winter Evenings in lowa, 1873-1880 1943:40 Wooden Shoe Making 1981:138rv
Winter Telling Stories 1948:83rb Woodrow Cornett: Letcher County Butcher 1974:96rv Wirtschaft und Mode. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Woodrow Wilson Guthrie (1912-1967) 1968:4
modernen Bedarfsgestaltung 1902:40rb Woody Guthrie 1967:50
Wisconsin Branch 1894:44 Woody Guthrie and His Folk Tradition 1970:49
Wisconsin Folklore 1982:49rb Woody Guthrie and Me: An Intimate Reminiscence
Wisconsin Folklore Society 1943:98 1982:86rb
Wisconsin Folklore Society Meeting 1944:73 Woody Guthrie Bibliography, A 1969:29rb
Wisconsin Is My Doorstep 1949:78rb Word 1945:116rb
Wisconsin Lore. Antics and Anecdotes of Wisconsin People Word “Gypsy”, The 1910:7
and Places 1963:60rb Word Geography of the Eastern United States, A Wisconsin Pastimes 1954:41 1954:51irb Wisdom of Many: Essays on the Proverb, The 1983:91irb Word on Hypotheses, A 1974:35 Wisdom of the Serpent: The Myths of Death, Rebirth, and Word on the Brazos: Negro Preacher Tales from the Brazos
Resurrection, The 1965:99rb Bottoms of Texas, The 1955:26rb
Wishful Defloration at a Girls’ School 1971:24 Words & Place: Native Literature from the American
Wishosk Myths 1905:18 Southwest 1985:23rv
Wishram Texts 1909:41rb Words of Indian Songs As Unwritten Literature, The
Wit and Humor of the Pennsylvania Germans 1948:42rb 1950:136
Wit and Humor of Well-Known Quotations 1975:107rb Work Accomplished in the Study of American Indian
Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy 1962:25rb Folk-Lore 1902:24 Wit and Wisdom of the Italian Renaissance 1966:55rb Work and Methods of the Hampton Folk-Lore Society
Witch Figure, The 1977:57rb 1898:3
Witch-Finding in Western Maryland 1901:7 Work in Progress 1946:43, 1953:73
Witchcraft 1908:60, 1954:19rb Work in Progress: 1946 1947:40 Witchcraft and Demonianism: A Concise Account Derived Work in Progress: 1947 1948:8 from Sworn Depositions and Confessions Obtained in Work in Progress: 1948 1949:6
the Courts of England and Wales 1970:124rb Work in Progress: 1949 1950:5 Witchcraft and Demonism of the Modern Iroquois Work in Progress: 1950 1951:15
1888:64 Work in Progress: 1951 1952:14
Witchcraft and Magic in the Elizabethan Drama 1919:33 {Work in Progress] 1889:15
502 Journal of American Folklore
Working on Ghost Stories 1943:148 , . :
World Festival of Folk Dance and Folk Song 1953:32, Yes and No, The Intimate Folklore of Africa, Dilemma
1956:35ra_- oo Tales, Proverbs, Stories of Love, and Adult Riddles
World from Brown's Lounge: An Ethnography of Black 1964:S0rb
Middle-Class Play, The 1984:86rb Yesterday in the Hills 1975:74rb
World Library of Folk and Primitive Music 1952:62 Yiddish Folklore Club 1948:147
World of Faces: Masks of the Northwest Coast Indians, A Yiddish Love Songs 1960:42ra
1981:15rb . Yiddish Proverbs, Sayings, Etc., in St. Louis, Missouri
World of Joe Strickland, The 1963:80 1920:14
World of Junior Samples, The 1968:112ra Yidishe Folkslider mit Melodies 1959:21irb | World of Man, Vol..I: His Work. The Story, Music and Yidisher Folklor 1954:83 Natural Sounds of People at Work; Their Animal Calls Yokuts and Western Mono Myths 1941:70rb and Hunting Cries, Their Timbering, Weaving, Digging, Yokuts Creation Myth, A 1906:75
Stonecutting and MHousebuilding Songs, The Yokuts Names 1906:45_ -
1957:140ra Yoruba Verbal Artists and Their Work 1978:56
World of Myths, The 1936:8rb You and Your Superstitions 1941:62rb :
World of Play. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of “You've Come a Long Wayland Now It’s Your Retirement”:
the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play, An Analysis of Performance 1984:106
The 1986:11rb Young Dog’s Dance, The 1891:104 :
World Treasure of Oral Poetry, A 1981:10rb Yu-Li or Precious Records (Chinese Taoist Scripture), The
“World Turned Upside Down” at the Surrender of 1898:62
Yorktown , The 1979:5 Yugoslav-American Records 1977:133ra
World Upside Down Shall Be: A Note on the Folklore of Yuma Account of Origins, A 1908:56
Doomsday, The 1978:5 Yuma Dreams and Omens 1926:4
World View of the Tapirape Indians 1940:34 © Yuman Musical Style, The 1928:9
World Was Flooded with Light: A Mystical Experience Yuman Tribes of the Gila River 1934:16rb
Remembered, The 1986:12irb Yurok Myths 1978:88rb Stories from the Folklore of all Countries, The Yurok Tales 1928:11 -
World’s Great Folktales: A Collection of 90 of the Best. “Yurok Narratives” 1944:18rb Worser Days & Better Times 1966:97rb Worship and Folk-Lore of Meteorites, The 1900:43 Wouldn't Take Nothin’ for My Journey Now 1982:112rb
Writing to the Rats 1893:86 Zahoris 1901:17 Wu-chin li-su yao-yen (Folklore, Folkliterature of Wu-chin, Zalmoxis: The Vanishing God: Comparative Studies in the
Chiang-su) 1977:20rb . Religions and Folklore of Dacia and Eastern Europe
Wu-chin min-chien ku-shih 1977:21rb 1980:119rb
Wulakai Tales from Manchuria 1933:25 Zapoteca and Spanish Tales of Mitla, Oaxaca 1932:14 Wuradilagu Song Cycle of Northeastern Arnhem Land: Zbojnik Michal Vdovec v historii a folklore gemerskeho
Content and Style, The 1966:9 ludu 1966:95rb
Wyandot Folk-Lore 1900:64rb Zbornik za narodi zivot i obicaje juznih Slavena Wyandot Tales, Including Foreign Elements 1915:8 1898:36rb
“Ze Skunk” 1944:64
Zeleni Juraj 1959:119rb .
| Zoltano Kodaly Octogenario Sacrum 1964:57rb
| . Zoological Mythology 1970:29rb Tradition 1985:99rb . 1969:163rb
Xhosa Oral Poetry: Aspects of a Black South African Zoological Mythology: The Legends of Animals
Xube, A Ponca Autobiography 1939:33 Zora Neale Hurston: A Literary Biography 1980:15rb XXI Welsh Gypsy Folktales 1937:43rb Zu Albert Wesselski’s Angriffen auf die Finnische
. 1900:80rb . ) Folkloristische Forschungsmethode 1937:4rb Zum Animismus der Sudamerikanischen Indianer
Oe Zuni Folk Tales 1987:31rb
Yale University Publications in Anthropology 1937:38rb Zuni Folk-Tale of the Underworld, A 1892:8 Yale University Publications in Anthropology Nos. 1-7 Zuni Folk-Tale, A 1917:37
1936:30rb : — - : Zuni Mo'Lawia, The 1916:15 -
Yankee Life, By Those Who Lived It. 1949:87rb Zuni Mythology 1937:1irb . Yankee Proverb, Vermont Variety, A 1948:139 Zuni Names and Naming Practices 1923:11 Yankee Tale--Fact or Folksay?, A 1945:103 Zuni Tales 1918:27, 1930:1 : . Yanomamo Myth of Naro as Told by Dedeheiwa, The Zuni Texts 1937:12rb |
1979:86rv Zuni: Selected Writings of Frank Hamilton Cushing
Yanomamo Myth of Naro as Told by Kaobawa, The 1981:67rb :
1979:85rv Zunis of Cibola, The 1981:24rb
Yaqui Myths and Legends 1960:147rb, 1970:63rb “Zur Geschichte des heidnischen Ritus” 1896:104rb
Yaqui Witchcraft 1900:9 . Zur Herkunft und Altersbestimmung einer Novellenballade Yaroslav the Wise in East-Slavic Epic Poetry 1956:72 1982:61rb Yeats's “The Grey Rock” 1950:3 Zur Mythologie und Psychologie der Nigritier in Guinea
Yellow Fairy Book 1950:45rb mit Bezugnahme auf socialistische -ElementarYes and No Stories: A Book of Georgian Folk Tales gendanken. Mit eine Karte 1895:61rb .
1947:95rb : Zydeco: A Musical Hybrid 1981:131_
eee ee eres sree eee eee eeeee eee eec nce een ecenenecceeeeeeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee ceee eeeeneeeeeeeeeceeeee ee ee ce eee eee e ee e
From the Editor BRUCE JACKSON 3 Translating Experience and the Reading of a Story Cloth SALLY PETERSON 6
William Hauser’s Hesperian Harp and Olive Leaf: Shape-Note Tunebooks as Emblems of Change and
Voice in the Wilderness: The Diaries of Patty Sessions ELIZABETH WILLIS —37
From the Editor: How the Journal Is Edited BRUCEJACKSON 131
Mistaken Dichotomies BARBARA KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT 140 The Deeper Necessity: Folklore and the Humanities WILLIAM A. WILSON 156
Minnesota Queen Pageants: Play, Fun, and Dead
Seriousness in a Festive Mode ROBERT H.LAVENDA 168
Ships, Fogs, and Traveling Pairs: Plague Legend
Migration in Scandinavia TIMOTHY R. TANGHERLINI 176 Occupational Ghostlore: Social Context and the
Expression of Belief JACK SANTINO _ 207
From the Editor BRUCEJACKSON — 259 Negotiating ‘““Gypsiness’’: Strategy in Context CAROL SILVERMAN 261 What People Like Us Are Saying When We Say We’re
Saying the Truth BRUCEJACKSON 276
Writing for the World JUDITH McCULLOH ~ 293
Some Uses of Chant in Samoan Prose JOHN CHARLOT 302 The Witches Were Saved: A Zuni Origin Story DENNIS TEDLOCK 312 NOTE Pleiku Jackets, Tour Jackets, and Working Jackets: “The
Letter Sweaters of War’’ C.KURTDEWHURST 48
The Historical Content of Oral Tradition: A Case from
The Politics of Joking: Popular Response to Chernobyl LASZLOKURTI 324 COMMENTARY
Lore 56
On the Field and Work of a Journal of American Folk-
Passover, A Celebration (Sherman) ROBERT GEORGES = 335 A Singing Stream: A Black Family Chronicle :
(Davenport, Patterson, and Tullos) RAY ALLEN 336
Legacy of the Spirits (Kramer) - STEPHEN GLAZIER = 337 RECORD REVIEWS
Bluegrass Music NORMCOHEN _ 63 Celtic Records from Atlantic Canada JIM HORNBY _ 227
Swiss Folk Music THOMAS VENNUM, JR. — 233
From the Record Review Editor: The World Collection of
Recorded Folk Music NORM COHEN — 235
Czech- and German-American “Polka”? Music , JAMES P. LEARY = 339 From the Record Review Editor Omaha Indian Music: Historic Recordings from the
Fletcher/La Flesche Collection 345
Miscellaneous Ethnic and Foreign Recordings
Briefly NotedReceived NORM COHEN 351 — 347 Records
Book REVIEWS , Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method
(Collier, Jr. and Collier) KARLG.HEIDER 74
Learning How to Ask: A Sociological Appraisal of the
Role of the Interview in Social Science Research |
(Briggs) PHILIP NUSBAUM — 75
American Folklore Studies: An Intellectual History
(Bronner), Good Friends and Bad Enemies: Robert | , Winslow Gordon and the Study of American Folksong
(Kodish) CAROLEH. CARPENTER ~~ 76 Plains Indian Sculpture: A Traditional Art from
America’s Heartland (Ewers) CHARLES KAUT 79
Native South American Discourse (Sherzer and Urban, eds.); Sacred Language: The Nature of Supernatural
Discourse in Lakota (Powers) SUSANNILES 80
The Federal Cylinder Project: A Guide to Field Cylinder Collections in Federal Agencies, Volume 2, Northeastern Indian Catalog: Southeastern Indian
Catalog (Gray and Lee, eds.) RICHARD KEELING _ 82
Science Encounters the Indian, 1820-1880: The Early Years of American Ethnology (Bieder); Native American Folklore in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals
Architecture of Acoma Pueblo: The 1934 Historic
American Buildings Survey Project (Nabokov) JOHN B. WOLFORD 85 Interpretation of Historic Sites (Alderson and Low) | MARKLEONE _ 86 Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, II (Wells, ed.) GERALDL. POCIUS 87 The Quilts of Tennessee: Images of Domestic Life Prior to
1930 (Ramsey and Waldvogel) LAURELHORTON _ 89
Turners and Burners: The Folk Potters of North Carolina
The Minnesota Ethnic Food Book (Kaplan, Hoover,
and Moore); A Taste of Kentucky (Anderson) NANCY GROCE 93 Grasping Things: Folk Material Culture and Mass
Society in America (Bronner) BERNARD MERGEN — 95
Killings: Folk Justice in the Upper South (Montell) HENRY WILLETT 9% Fiddlin’ Georgia Crazy: Fiddlin’ John Carson, His Real
World, and the World of His Songs (Wiggins) GUTHRIE T. MEADE 97 Sounds So Good to Me: The Bluesman’s Story (Pearson) DAVIDG.SUCH 99
(Bastin) FREDJ.HAY 100
Red River Blues: The Blues Tradition in the Southeast
Essays on Russian Folklore and Mythology (Oinas) EGLE VICTORIA ZYGAS 102 “Findet, so werdet ihr suchen!’’ Die Briider Grimm und
das Sprichwort (Mieder); Proverbium: Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship, 1, 2, and 3 (Mieder, ed.); The Proverb and An Index to “The
Proverb,” (Taylor; Mieder, ed.) MACE. BARRICK 103 Jewish Folklore: An Annotated Bibliography (Yassif) DAN BEN-AMOS _ 106 Cosmology and Social Life: Ritual Exchange among the
Mambai of East Timor (Traube) SUSAN MCKINNON __ 108
Don’t Bet on the Prince: Contemporary Feminist Fairy
Tales in North America and England (Zipes, ed.) KAYF.STONE 110 Pinelands Folklife (Moonsammy, Cohen, and
Williams, eds.) ANGUS K. GILLESPIE 111
The Pennsylvania Culture Region: A View from the Barn (Glass); Farming and Folk Society: Threshing among
the Pennsylvania Germans (Borie; Sharrow, ed.) MICHAELJ. CHIARAPPA 113 Romancero tradicional de Costa Rica (Cruz-Saenz, ed.) MANUEL DA COSTA FONTES — 115
Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society
The Faroe Islands: Interpretations of History (Wylie) STEPHEN A. MITCHELL 118 Hawatki: A New Approach to Maori Tradition (Orbell) LINDA AMY KIMBALL 120 Spiritualist Healers in Mexico: Successes and Failures of
Alternative Therapeutics (Finkler) LINDA CAMINO © 121
The Wandering Jew: Essays in the Interpretation of a
Christian Legend (Hasan-Rokem and Dundes, eds.) ITZEK GOTTESMAN 123
Folklore from Contemporary Jamaicans (Dance) JOHN P. HOMIAK = 125 Art Among Us / Arte Entre Nosotros: Mexican American
Folk Art of San Antonio (Jasper and Turner, eds.) JAMES S. GRIFFITH 126 Culture Builders: A Historical Anthropology of Middle
Class Life (Prykman and Lofgren) BARBROKLEIN 239
Words and the Dogon World (Calame-Griaule, tr. La
Oralitd: Cultura, Letteratura, Discorso (Gentili and Paioni, eds.), Transition Rites: Cosmic, Social and
Individual Order (Bianchi, ed.) STEVE SIPORIN 244
By Land and by Sea: Studies in the Folklore of Work and Leisure Honoring Horace P. Beck on His Sixty-Fifth
Birthday (Abrahams, Goldstein, and Hand, eds.) ROBERTS. MCCARL, JR. 246 Common Places: Readings in American Vernacular
Architecture (Upton and Vlach, eds.) MARTIN C. PERDUE 248 Proverbs, Proverbial Sentences and Phrases in Thomas
Deloney’s Works (Reuter) WOLFGANG MIEDER 250
Volkskunde und Nationalsozialismus. Referate und
Diskussionen einer Tagung (Gerndt, ed.) JAMESR.DOW _ 358 Comparative Mythology (Puhvel) C.SCOTT LITTLETON — 360 Lectura textului folcloric
(Constantinescu) MARGARET HIEBERT BEISSINGER — 362 Tradition and Innovation in Folk Literature (Mieder) STEVEN SWANNJONES — 363
Structure and Meaning in Old Norse Literature: New Approaches to Textual Analysis and Literary Criticism
(Lindow, Lénnroth, and Weber, eds.) W. EDSON RICHMOND — 365 Story, Performance, and Event: Contextual Studies of
Narrative (Bauman) KATHERINE YOUNG _ 367
The Word and the World: Fantasy, Symbol and Record
(Das, ed.) , FRANK J.KOROM _ 369
Ozark Folklore: An Annotated Bibliography, Volume I (Randolph), Ozark Folklore: An Annotated
Bibliography, Volume II (Randolph and McCann) ROBERT COCHRAN 371 Internationale Volkskundliche Bibliographie/International
Folklore Bibliography/Bibliographie Internationale d’Ethnologie fir die Jahre 1981 und 1982 mit
Nachtrdgen fir die vorausgehenden Jahre (Dow and |
Brednich, eds.) , MICHAEL TAFT 373 Rg Veda as the Key to Folklore: An Imagery Experiment
(Bregenho)}) BIRGIT HANSEN 373
Native American Discourse: Poetics and Rhetoric |
(Scherzer and Woodbury, eds.) KARL KROEBER = 375
Stories of Maasaw, a Hopi God (Malotki and , Lomatuway’ma), Maasaw: Profile of a Hopi God |
(Malotki and Lomatuway’ma) GEORGE E. LANKFORD 377
, Earnest Games: Folkloric Patterns in the Canterbury
Tales (Lindahl) JOHN D.DORST 379
The Breton and His World, Requiem for.a Culture
(Caffee, comp. andtrans.) OLIVER LERCH 381
Disenchantments: An Anthology of Modern Fairy Tale
Poetry (Mieder) , JACK ZIPES — 382