100+ AMRAP Workouts

Our 100+ training programs are made up of 100 of our favorite workouts in one e-book. *ALL WORKOUTS INCLUDE SCALES FOR E

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100+ AMRAP Workouts

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  • 100+ AMRAP Workouts + training programs are made up of 100 of our favorite workouts in one e-book.
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AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY In consideration of being allowed to participate in the activities and programs offered by AMRAP Plus One, LLC, and to use its programs and training, in addition to the payment of any fee or charge, I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge and hold harmless AMRAP Plus One, LLC and its consultants, officers, agents, and employees from any and all responsibility, liability, cost and expenses, including injuries or damages, resulting from my participation in any activities, or my use of any programs designed by AMRAP Plus One, LLC. I do also hereby release AMRAP Plus One, LLC its consultants, officers, agents and employees from any responsibility or liability for any injury, damage or disorder (physical, metabolic, or otherwise) to myself, or in any way arising out of or connected with my participation in any activities with AMRAP Plus One. I understand and am aware that strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment are a potentially hazardous activity. I also understand that fitness activities involve a risk of injury and even death, and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment and machinery with knowledge of the dangers involved. I hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risks of injury or death related to said fitness activities. In addition, I certify that I am 18 years of age or older. I do hereby further declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease, infirmity or other illness that would affect nutrient metabolism or prevent my participation or use of equipment or machinery except as hereinafter stated. I do hereby acknowledge that AMRAP Plus One, LLC has recommended to me that I obtain a physician’s approval for my participation in an exercise/fitness activity or in the use of exercise equipment and machinery. I also acknowledge that AMRAP Plus One, LLC has recommended that I have a yearly or more frequent physical examination and consultation with my physician as to physical activity, exercise and use of exercise and training equipment so that I might have his/ her recommendations concerning these fitness activities and equipment use. I acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination and been given my physician’s permission to participate, or that I have decided to participate in activity and use of equipment, machinery, and programs designed by AMRAP Plus One, LLC without the approval of my physician and do hereby assume all responsibility for my participation and activities, and utilization of equipment and machinery in my activities. AMRAP Plus One diet/training programs are not meant to treat or manage any health condition. Always consult with your healthcare provider prior to adjusting your current style of eating or beginning any new diet and/or training plan. In addition, I hereby represent and warrant that I am currently covered by an accident and health insurance policy. With my purchase of the AMRAP Plus One Training Programs or any other template purchase, I understand that I am not purchasing individual consultation services, and I neither expect nor presume any requirement on the part of the AMRAP Plus One, LLC staff to answer specific, direct questions about the templates nor their modification procedures. I understand that by purchasing any of AMRAP Plus One Training Programs I am bound to this entire agreement. I also agree that the templates are not a guaranteed guide to results of any sort and agree not to hold AMRAP Plus One, LLC staff liable for any outcomes or a lack thereof.

Our 100+ training programs are made up of 100 of our favorite workouts in one e-book. AMRAP stands for “As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible”. AMRAP’s are one of the most common metabolic workout formats that deliver high amounts of volume, training stimulus, and calorie expenditure in a minimal amount of time. This program is a great supplement you can use with your current workout regiment or can be used on its own by performing multiple workouts. There are suggested rep ranges and scaled versions available to make sure anyone and everyone receives the best possible workout for their skill set. A great mix of strength, stamina and skill “100+ AMRAP Workouts” is a must have for your collection. Every WOD needs a Warm-Up! Grab a copy of another one of our best selling programs “100+ Warm-Up Routines” CLICK HERE

100+ AMRAP Workouts Vol. 2 1. AMRAP12:

10 Toes 2 Bar (Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

50 Double Unders

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

12 Barbell Squat Cleans #135/#85 (Scale: DB/KB Squat Clean - DB/KB Power Clean)

2. AMRAP14: 100m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

1 Barbell Deadlift #185/#115 (Scale: DB/KB Suitcase DL’s - DB/KB Romanian DL’s) *Keep adding 1 deadlift each round until time runs out

3. AMRAP12:

8 Barbell Power Snatch #75/#55 (Scale: DB/KB Snatch - DB/KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

6 Toes 2 Bar

(Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

4 Lateral Burpees Over Barbell

(Scale: Burpee Step Over - No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers)

4. AMRAP18:

400m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

14 American Kettlebell Swings #50/#30 (Scale: Russian Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

3 Bar Muscle-Ups

(Scale: Banded Muscle Ups - Muscle Ups from the floor or box - pull-ups of your choice)

5. 4 x AMRAP3:

400m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

Max Plate Burpees #35/#25 (Scale: No Plate Burpees - Mountain Climbers)

6. AMRAP18:

6 Box Jumps (Scale: Box Step-Ups - Lunges x2)

8 Barbell Thrusters #75/#55 (Scale: DB/KB Thruster - Medball Thruster - Air Squats x 2)

15 American Kettlebell Swings #50/#30 (Scale: Russian Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

7. AMRAP12:

5 Barbell Hang Power Cleans #95/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Hang Power Clean - DB/KB Hang Squat Clean)

5 Barbell Push Press

(Scale: DB/KB Push Press - DB/KB Push Jerk - DB/KB Press)

5 Barbell Back Squat

(Scale: Box Squat - KB/KB Front Rack Squat - Air Squats)

10 Lateral Jumps Over Barbell (Scale: No Bar)

8. 3 x AMRAP4: 12 Wall Balls

(Scale: Medicine Ball Front Squat - DB/KB Goblet Squats - Air Squats)

6 Barbell Power Clean #115/#75

(Scale: DB/KB Power Clean - DB/KB Squat Clean) *Rest 1 Min After Each AMRAP

9. AMRAP18:

30 Double Unders (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

10 Barbell Deadlifts #155/#105

(Scale: DB/KB Suitcase DL’s - DB/KB Romanian DL’s)

10 Box Jump Overs

(Scale: Step Overs or Lunges)

10. AMRAP10:

15 GHD Sit-Ups (Scale: AbMat Sit-Ups - Heal Touchers - weighted Sit-Ups)

30 Medball Back Rack Lunges #20/#14 (Scale: KB/DB Front Rack Lunges - KB/DB Farmer Carry Lunges - Air Lunges)

20 Sumo Air Squats

(Scale: Air Squat to Sitting Position)

11. AMRAP15:

200m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

10 Butterfly Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

10 Barbell Push-Press #95/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Push Press - DB/KB Push Jerk - DB/KB Press)

12. 4 x AMRAP4:

20 Kettlebell Box Step Overs #26/#35 (Scale: Step-Ups - KB Lunges)

Max Plate Burpees #35/#25 (Scale: No Plate or Lighter Plate) *Rest 2 Min After Each AMRAP

13. AMRAP10:

20 Double Unders (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

8 Barbell Front Squat #115/#75 (Scale: DB/KB Front Rack Squats - DB/KB Suitcase Squat - Air Squats x2)

8 Toes 2 Bar

(Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

14. AMRAP12:

7 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

7 Ring Dips (Scale: Bar Dips - Box Dips - Bench Dips)

7 Push-Ups

(Scale: Push-Ups from Knees or Shoulder Taps from Knees)

15. AMRAP18:

10 Barbell Power Snatch #75/#55 (Scale: DB/KB Snatch - DB/KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

18 Barbell Back Rack Step Ups #75/#55

(Scale: KB Front Rack Step Ups - KB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups) *Alternating

50 Double Unders

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Tuck Jumps x2)

16. AMRAP12:

6 Barbell Hang Power Snatch #95/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Snatch - DB/KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

12 Sit-Ups

(Scale: Heal Touchers - Crunches)

30 Double Unders

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

17. 3 x AMRAP5:

3 Barbell Power Cleans #135/#95 (Scale: DB/KB Power Clean - DB/KB Squat Clean)

6 Barbell Front Squats

(Scale: DB/KB Front Rack Squats - DB/KB Suitcase Squat - Air Squats x2)

9 Diamond Push-Ups

(Scale: Regular PU - Wide Grip PU - Close Grip PU - PU from Knees or Shoulder Taps from PU Position) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

18. AMRAP16:

6 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

8 Barbell Push-Press #75/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Push Press - DB/KB Push Jerk - DB/KB Press)

10 Barbell Front Rack Lunges (Scale: Lunges) *Alternating

19. AMRAP16:

10 Barbell Power Snatch #95/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Snatch - DB/KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

20 Wide Grip Push-Ups

(Scale: Diamond PU - Regular PU - Close Grip PU - PU from Knees or Shoulder Taps from PU Position)

30 Dumbbell Weighted Sit-Ups #35/#25 (Scale: Heal Touchers - Crunches)

20. AMRAP18:

6 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

8 Barbell Weighted Step Ups - Right Only #75/#55 (Scale: KB Front Rack Step Ups - KB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

8 Barbell Weighted Step Ups - Left Only

(Scale: KB Front Rack Step Ups - KB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

8 Barbell Push Press

(Scale: DB/KB Push Press - DB/KB Push Jerk - DB/KB Press)

21. AMRAP15:

15 Box Jumps (Scale: Box Step Ups - Lunges x2)

10 Barbell Hang Squat Cleans #75/#55

(Scale: DB/KB Hang Squat Clean - DB/KB Hang Power Clean)

5 Barbell Thrusters

(Scale: DB/KB Thruster - Medball Thruster - Air Squats x 2)

22. AMRAP12:

12 Barbell Hang Clean and Jerks #95/#75 (Scale: DB/KB Hang Clean & Jerk - Medball Clean & Jerk)

8 Barbell Bent Over Row

(Scale: DB/KB Bent Over Row - Ring Rows)

6 Lateral Burpees Over Barbell (Scale: Burpee Step Over - No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers)

23. AMRAP14:

10 Dumbbell Deadlifts #40/#25 (Scale: KB Suitcase DL’s - KB Romanian DL’s)

10 Butterfly Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

20 Double Unders

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

24. AMRAP16:

2 Dumbbell Power Clean #40/#25 (Scale: KB Power Clean - KB Squat Clean - Air Squats)

2 Box Jumps

(Scale: Box Step Ups - Lunges x2) *Keep adding 2 reps to each movement until time runs out

25. AMRAP16:

20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch #40/#25 (Scale: KB Snatch - KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

18 Alternating Dumbbell Step Ups

(Scale: KB Front Rack Step Ups - KB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

3 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

26. AMRAP15: 200m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

10 Dumbbell Push-Press #40/#25 (Scale: KB Push Press - KB Push Jerk - KB Press)

10 Toes 2 Bar

(Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

27. AMRAP14:

6 Single Arm Russian Kettlebell Swing - Right #50/#30 (Scale: American Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

6 KB Weighted Step Ups Right #50/#30

(Scale: DB Front Rack Step Ups - DB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

6 Single Arm Kettlebell Swing - Left 6 KB Weighted Step Ups Left 12 Box Jumps (Scale: Box Step Ups - Lunges x2)

28. AMRAP15: 5 Ring Dips

(Scale: Bar Dips - Box Dips - Bench Dips)

7 Strict Pull Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

9 Box Jumps

29. 3 x AMRAP4: 12 Wall Balls

(Scale: Medicine Ball Front Squat - DB/KB Goblet Squats - Air Squats)

6 Handstand Push-Ups

(Scale: Strict - Handstand Shoulder Taps - Handstand Holds - Pike Push-Ups off Box Negatives) *Rest 1 Min Between AMRAPs - pick up where you left off at the end of each round

30. 3 x AMRAP4:

6 Alternating Dumbbell Power Cleans #40/#30 (Scale: KB Power Clean - KB Squat Clean - Air Squats)

8 Close Grip Push-Ups

(Scale: Diamond PU - Wide Grip PU - Regular PU - PU from Knees or Shoulder Taps from PU Position)

10 Sumo Air Squats *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

31. AMRAP16:

20 Dumbbell Weighted Step-Ups #40/#25 (Scale: KB Front Rack Step Ups - KB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups) *Alternating

200m Run (See Cardio Scale if Neccesary)

10 Burpee Pull-Ups

(Scale: Burpee Ring Row - Burpee Jumping Pull-Up)

32. AMRAP15:

4 Burpees to 6” Target (Scale: No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers)

8 Box Jump Overs

(Scale: Step Overs or Lunges)

12 Double Squat Wall Balls

(Scale: Medicine Ball Front Squat - DB/KB Goblet Squats - Air Squats)

33. AMRAP16:

200m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

14 Medball Squat Cleans #20/#14 (Scale: DB/KB Squat Clean - DB/KB Power Clean)

10 Medball Back Rack Lunges

(Scale: KB/DB Front Rack Lunges - KB/DB Farmer Carry Lunges - Air Lunges)

34. 2 x AMRAP5:

5 Wall Walks

(Scale: Ground Walk Outs)

10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk #40/#25 (Scale: KB Power Clean - KB Squat Clean - Air Squats) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP - Start each round with the opposite movement you ended with.

35. AMRAP18:

7 Burpee Pull-Ups (Scale: Burpee Ring Row - Burpee Jumping Pull-Up)

15 Dumbbell Thrusters #35/#20

(Scale: KB Thruster - Medball Thruster - Air Squats x 2)

10 GHD Sit-Ups

(Scale: Heal Touchers - Crunches)

36. 5 x AMRAP3:

5 Dumbbell Push Press #40/#25 (Scale: KB Push Press - KB Push Jerk - KB Press)

6 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges #40/#25 (Scale: Farmer Carry Lunges - Air Lunges) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

37. AMRAP12:

12 Dumbbell Burpee Step Ups #40/#25 (Scale: KB Front Rack Step Ups - KB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches #40/#25 (Scale: KB Snatch - KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

20 Double Unders

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Tuck Jumps x2)

38. AMRAP14:

7 Toes 2 Bar (Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

7 Decline Push-Ups

(Scale: Diamond PU - Wide Grip PU - Close Grip PU - PU from Knees or Shoulder Taps from PU Position)

7 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

39. 5 x AMRAP3:

100 Meter Farmer Carry #40/#25 (Scale: Use Lighter Weight)

Max Reps Wall Balls (Scale: Medicine Ball Front Squat - DB/KB Goblet Squats - Air Squats) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

40. AMRAP12:

10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch #40/#25 (Scale: KB Snatch - KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

10 Explosive Push Ups

(Scale: Diamond PU - Wide Grip PU - Close Grip PU - PU from Knees or Shoulder Taps from PU Position)

10 Box Jump Overs (Scale: Step Overs or Lunges)

41. 4 x AMRAP3:

6 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks #40/#25 (Scale: KB Hang Clean & Jerk - Medball Clean & Jerk)

Max Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell (Scale: No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

42. AMRAP12:

5 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell (Scale: No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers)

5 Dumbbell Power Cleans #40/#25 (Scale: KB Power Clean - KB Squat Clean - Air Squats)

4 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

43. AMRAP11:

2 Dumbbell Squat Cleans #40/#25 (Scale: KB Squat Clean - KB Power Clean)

2 Pistol Squats

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang) *Keep adding 2 reps to each movement until time runs out

44. AMRAP15:

30 Mountain Climbers (Scale: No Chest Burpee - Burpees)

9 Box Jumps

(Scale: Box Step-Ups - Lunges x2)

9 Kipping Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

45. AMRAP15:

3 Dumbbell Front Squat #40/#25 (Scale: KB Front Rack Squats - KB Suitcase Squat - Air Squats x2)

3 Toe 2 Bar

(Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups) *Keep adding 3 reps to each movement until time runs out

46. AMRAP10:

30 Peg Leg Jump Rope (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3) *Each side

10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans #40/#25 (Scale: KB Hang Squat Clean - KB Hang Power Clean)

10 Plate Weighted Sit-Ups #45/#35 (Scale: Heal Touchers - Crunches)

47. AMRAP18:

50 Running in Place Jump Rope (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch #40/#25 (Scale: KB Snatch - KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

8 Toes 2 Bar

(Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

48. AMRAP14:

10 Alternating Dumbbell Burpee Step Up #40/#25 (Scale: KB Front Rack Step Ups - KB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

10 Dumbbell Squats

(Scale: Box Squat - Farmer Carry Squat - Air Squats)

50 Boxer Jump Rope

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

49. AMRAP15:

3 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

6 Deficit Push-Ups

(Scale: Diamond PU - Wide Grip PU - Close Grip PU - PU from Knees or Shoulder Taps from PU Position)

9 Dumbbell Squats #60/#40 (Scale: Box Squat - Farmer Carry Squat - Air Squats)

50. 4 x AMRAP4:

12 Dumbbell Deadlifts #40/#25 (Scale: KB Suitcase DL’s - KB Romanian DL’s)

12 Dumbbell Push Press

(Scale: KB Push Press - KB Push Jerk - KB Press)

30m Farmer Carry

*For grip strength do not put dumbbells down for entire AMRAP **Rest 30 sec between AMRAPs

51. AMRAP10:

1 Wall Walk to 5 Push-Ups (Scale: Push-Ups from Knees - Shoulder Taps from Knees to push-up)

2 Dumbbell Thrusters #40/#25

(Scale: KB Thruster - Medball Thruster - Air Squats x 2) *Keep adding 2 reps of dumbbell thrusters until time runs out

52. AMRAP16:

8 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean #40/#25 (Scale: KB Hang Power Clean - KB Hang Squat Clean)

8 Dumbbell Push Press

(Scale: KB Push Press - KB Push Jerk - KB Press)

8 Burpees

(Scale: No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers)

25ft Handstand Walk

(Scale: Nose 2 Wall Holds - Shoulder Taps - Hip Touches - Off Wall Handstands Holds)

53. AMRAP16:

2 Dumbbell Devil Press #40/#25 (Scale: KB Devil Press - Medball Devil Press)

2 Alternating Dumbbell Step Ups (Scale: KB Front Rack Step Ups - KB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

4 Alternating Pistol Squats

(Scale: Assisted Pistols - Single Leg Box Step-Up - Reverse Lunge - Pistol from Box) *Keep adding 2 reps of each movement until time runs out

54. AMRAP15:

10 Front Rack Dumbbell Squats #40/#25 (Scale: Box Squat - Farmer Carry Squat - Air Squats)

10 Toes 2 Bar

(Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

10 Alternating Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (Scale: No Weight - Lunges)

200m Run

(See Cardio Scales if necessary)

55. AMRAP15: 200m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

15 American Kettlebell Swings #50/#30 (Scale: Russian Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

7 Strict Burpee Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang - Burpee Jumping Pull-Up)

56. AMRAP13:

12 Kettlebell Box Step Ups #35/#26 (Scale: DB Front Rack Step Ups - DB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

3 Butterfly Pull-Ups

(Scale: Strict - Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

50 Double Unders (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Tuck Jumps x2) *Keep adding 3 butterfly pull-ups until time runs out

57. 3 x AMRAP4:

30 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch #50/#35 (Scale: KB Snatch - KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

Max Dumbbell Facing Burpees

(Scale: Burpee Step Over - No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

58. AMRAP18:

30 Triple Unders (Scale: Double Unders - 1/2 TU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

20 Kettlebell Devil Press #35/#26 (Scale: DB Devil Press - Medball Devil Press)

10 Toe 2 Bar

(Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

59. AMRAP18:

50 Wall Balls (Scale: Medicine Ball Front Squat - DB/KB Goblet Squats - Air Squats)

5 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

10 Hand Release Push-Ups (Scale: Push-Ups from Knees or Shoulder Taps in Push-Up position)

50 Double Unders

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Tuck Jumps x2)

60. AMRAP12:

10 Burpees to a 25# Plate (Scale: No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers)

16 Butterfly Pull Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

10 Box Jump Overs (Scale: No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers)

61. AMRAP12:

10 Barbell Thrusters #125/#95 (Scale: DB/KB Thruster - Medball Thruster - Air Squats x 2)

10 Barbell Hang Cleans

(Scale: DB/KB Squat Clean - DB/KB Power Clean)

2 Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups

(Scale: Kipping/Butterfly - Prone Ring Row - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Jumping PullUp) *keep adding 2 chest 2 bar pull-ups until time runs out

62. 4 x AMRAP4:

10 Dumbbell Bent Over Row #40/#25 (Scale: KB Bent Over Row - Ring Rows)

10 Dumbbell Box Step Overs #40/#25 (Scale: Step-Ups - Lunges)

Max Dumbbell Facing Burpees (Scale: Burpee Step Over - No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

63. AMRAP15:

6 Strict Pull-Ups into Push Up

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

10 Dumbbell Single Arm Push Press #40/#25 (Scale: KB Push Press - KB Push Jerk - KB Press)

20 Dumbbell Front Rack Squat

(Scale: KB Front Rack Squats - KB Suitcase Squat - Air Squats x2)

64. AMRAP16:

20 Dumbbell Man Makers #40/#25 (Scale: KB Man Makers - Medball Man Makers)

20 Sumo Air Squats

(Scale: Sumo Air Squat to Sitting Position)

1 min Plank Hold From Elbows

65. AMRAP12:

6 Ring Muscle Ups

(Scale: Banded Muscle Ups - Muscle Ups from the floor or box - pull-ups of your choice - Bar Muscle up)

6 Wall Walks

(Scale: Ground Walk Outs)

50 Air Squats

66. AMRAP18:

400m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

20 Ring Rows

(Scale: DB/KB Bent Over Row - Bar Rows)

12 Medball GHD Sit-Ups #20/#14 (Scale: AbMat Sit-Ups - Heal Touchers - weighted Sit-Ups)

100 Double Unders

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Tuck Jumps x2)

67. AMRAP18:

8 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Butterfly/Kipping - Ring/KB/DB Rows - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

20 Bodyweight Box Step-Ups Right (Scale: Bodyweight Lunges)

20 Bodyweight Box Step-Ups Left 8 Dumbbell Front Squat #40/#25 (Scale: KB Front Rack Squats - KB Suitcase Squat - Air Squats x2)

8 Dumbbell Push Press

(Scale: KB Push Press - KB Push Jerk - KB Press)

68. AMRAP15:

20 Box Jumps (Scale: Box Step-Ups - Lunges x2)

10 Dumbbell Hang Cleans #40/#25 (Scale: KB Hang Squat Clean - KB Hang Power Clean)

20 Dumbbell Thrusters

(Scale: KB Thruster - Medball Thruster - Air Squats x 2)

69. AMRAP18:

100 Double Unders (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

20 American Kettlebell Swings #50/#30 (Scale: Russian Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

10 Box Jump Overs

(Scale: Burpee Step-Ups - Burpee Lunges - Burpee Tuck Jumps)

25ft Handstand Walk

(Scale: Nose 2 Wall Holds - Shoulder Taps - Hip Touches - Off Wall Handstands Holds)

70. AMRAP18:

30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/#35 (Scale: KB Snatch - KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

18 Dumbbell Deadlifts

(Scale: KB Suitcase DL’s - KB Romanian DL’s)

12 Butterfly Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

1 Shuttle Sprint

*5 yards there and back - 10 yards there and back - 15 yards there and back - 60 yards total

71. AMRAP12:

6 Double Hang Dumbbell Snatch #40/#25 (Scale: KB Snatch - KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

15 Sit-Ups For Speed

(Scale: Heal Touchers - Crunches)

50 Double Unders

(Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

6 Wide Grip Pulls-Ups

(Scale: Regular Pull-Ups - Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative PullUp - Chin Over Bar Hang)

72. AMRAP12:

15 Dumbbell Weighted Sit Ups #40/#25 (Scale: Heal Touchers - Crunches)

30 Dumbbell Goblet Lunges (Scale: Hang DB Lunges - Lunges x2)

7 Dumbbell Strict Pull Ups Into Negative Pull-Ups

(Scale: Bodyweight Pull-Ups - Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang) *same dumbbell for all movements

73. AMRAP12:

50 Double Unders (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

12 Barbell Front Squat #125/#95 (Scale: DB/KB Front Rack Squats - DB/KB Suitcase Squat - Air Squats x2) *unbroken if possible

6 Strict Toes 2 Bar (Scale: kipping toe 2 bar - Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

74. AMRAP15:

200m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

20 Butterfly Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

10 Barbell Push-Press #95/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Push Press - DB/KB Push Jerk - DB/KB Press)

16 Alternating Barbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (Scale: Regular DL - DB/KB Suitcase DL’s - DB/KB Romanian DL’s)

75. AMRAP18:

10 Barbell Bench Press #95/#65 (scale: DB/KB Bench Press - Medball Bench Press - Hand Release Push-Ups x2)

10 Russian Kettlebell Swings #50/#30

(Scale: Russian Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

10 American Kettlebell Swings #50/#30

(Scale: Russian Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

10 Handstand Push-Ups

(Scale: Strict - Handstand Shoulder Taps - Handstand Holds - Pike Push-Ups off Box Negatives)

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs

(Scale: No Burpee - Step Overs or Lunges)

76. 4 x AMRAP4: 20 Wall Balls

(Scale: Medicine Ball Front Squat - DB/KB Goblet Squats - Air Squats)

20 Tuck Jumps for Height Max Dumbbell Devil Press #40/#25 (Scale: KB Devil Press - Medball Devil Press) *rest 30 sec between AMRAPs

77. AMRAP12:

7 Strict Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

20 Hand Release Push-Ups (Scale: Push-Ups from Knees or Shoulder Taps in Push-Up position)

20 Pistols

(Scale: Assisted Pistols - Single Leg Box Step-Up - Reverse Lunge - Pistol from Box) *Alternating

78. AMRAP14:

10 Barbell Power Cleans Into A Barbell Push-Up #95/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Power Clean - DB/KB Squat Clean - No Push-up)

10 Barbell Thrusters

(Scale: DB/KB Thruster - Medball Thruster - Air Squats x 2)

10 Barbell Facing Burpees

(Scale: Burpee Step Over - No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers)

10 Calorie Air Bike

(See cardio scales if Air Bike is unavailable)

79. AMRAP15:

75 Double Unders (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

20 Russian Kettlebell Swings #50/#30 (Scale: American Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

Max Handstand Hold

(Scale: Nose 2 Wall Holds - Shoulder Taps - Hip Touches - Wall Handstands Holds)

30 Heal Touchers

(Scale: AbMat Sit-Ups - Heal Touchers - weighted Sit-Ups)

80. 3 x AMRAP5: 400m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

20 Peg Legs Hops

*10 on left leg then 10 on right leg

Max Dumbbell Devil Press #40/#25 (Scale: KB Devil Press - Medball Devil Press) *1 min rest in between AMRAP’s

81. AMRAP14:

8 Barbell Overhead Squats #95/#75 (Scale: DB/KB OH Squats - Plate OH Squats - Med Ball OH Squats)

12 Barbell Hip Thrusts

(Scale: DB/KB OH Squats - Plate OH Squats - Med Ball OH Squats)

6 Toes 2 Bar

(Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

2 Legless Rope Climb

(Scale: Prone Rope Climbs - Ring Rows - DB/KB Bent Over Rows)

82. 4 x AMRAP4:

10 Strict Pull-Ups (Scale: Butterfly/Kipping - Ring/KB/DB Rows - Chin Over Bar Hang)

20 Reverse Lunges Max Nose 2 Wall Hold

(scale: back to wall handstand hold) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

83. AMRAP14:

1 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk #40/#25 (Scale: KB Hang Clean & Jerk - Medball Clean & Jerk)

1 Handstand Push-Up

(Scale: Strict - Handstand Shoulder Taps - Handstand Holds - Pike Push-Ups off Box Negatives)

1 Burpee (Scale: No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers) *Keep adding 1 rep of each movement until time runs out

84. 5 x AMRAP4:

10 Barbell Bent Over Row #125/#95 (Scale: DB/KB Bent Over Row - Ring Rows)

10 Barbell Deadlifts

(Scale: DB/KB Suitcase DL’s - DB/KB Romanian DL’s)

Max Lateral Burpees Over Barbell (Scale: No Chest Burpee - Mountain Climbers) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

85. AMRAP14:

50 Scissor Kicks 40 Mountain Climbers 30 Alternating Bodyweight Lunges 20 Dumbbell Deadlifts #40/#25 (Scale: KB Suitcase DL’s - KB Romanian DL’s)

30 sec Side Plank Hold *1 Rep Each Side

86. 3 x AMRAP4:

25 ft Handstand Walk (Scale: Nose 2 Wall Holds - Shoulder Taps - Hip Touches - Off Wall Handstands Holds)

10 GHD Sit-Ups For Speed

(Scale: AbMat Sit-Ups - Heal Touchers - weighted Sit-Ups)

Max Hand Release Push-Ups

(Scale: Push-Ups from Knees or Shoulder Taps in Push-Up position) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

87. AMRAP15:

15 Toes 2 Bar (Scale: Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

15 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows #40/#25 (Scale: KB Bent Over Row - Ring Rows)

30 Reverse Bodyweight Lunges

88. AMRAP10:

12 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatch #40/#25 (Scale: KB Snatch - KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

10 Dumbbell Squats #40/#25

(Scale: Box Squat - Farmer Carry Squat - Air Squats)

30 Leg Flutters

(Scale: crunches - heel touchers - sit ups)

89. AMRAP16: 200m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

20 American Kettlebell Swings #50/#30 (Scale: Russian Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

10 Burpee Pull-Ups

(Scale: Burpee Ring Row - Burpee Jumping Pull-Up)

90. AMRAP15:

200m Run

(See cardio scale if necessary)

40 Wall Balls #20/#14 (Scale: Medicine Ball Front Squat - DB/KB Goblet Squats - Air Squats)

20 Alternating Medball Back Rack Lunges #20/#14 (Scale: KB/DB Front Rack Lunges - KB/DB Farmer Carry Lunges - Air Lunges)

91. AMRAP16:

100m Sprint (See cardio scale if necessary)

20 Alternating High Knees 4 Medball Devil Press #20/#14

(Scale: DB/KB Devil Press - Barbell Devil Press) *Keep adding 2 medball devil press until time runs out

92. AMRAP18:

20 Box Jumps (Scale: Box Step-Ups - Lunges x2)

30 Wall Balls #20/#14

(Scale: Medicine Ball Front Squat - DB/KB Goblet Squats - Air Squats)

40 American Kettlebell Swings #40/#25

(Scale: Russian Kettlebell Swing - Dumbbell Swing - or amount of weight)

10 Calorie Row

(Scale: see cardio scale at end of program if rower unavailable)

93. AMRAP10:

50 Double Unders With Heavy Rope (Scale: Regular DU - 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

20 Dumbbell Front Squats #40/#25

(Scale: KB Front Rack Squats - KB Suitcase Squat - Air Squats x2)

10 Knees 2 Elbows

(Scale: Toe 2 bars - Hanging Straight Knee Raises or V-Ups)

94. 4 x AMRAP4:

50 Double Unders (Scale: 1/2 DU’s - Singles x1.5 - Hop in Place x3)

15 Dumbbell Squat Clean Thrusters #40/#25 (Scale: Dumbbell Thruster - Air Squats)

Max Pull-Up Bar Hang *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

95. AMRAP15:

10 Barbell Deadlifts #185/#125 (Scale: DB/KB Suitcase DL’s - DB/KB Romanian DL’s)

10 Butterfly Pull-Ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Negative Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

3 Rope Climbs *Using legs (Scale: Prone Rope Climbs - Ring Rows - DB/KB Bent Over Rows)

96. AMRAP18:

20 Barbell Power Snatch #75/#55 (Scale: DB/KB Snatch - DB/KB Single Arm Snatch - Lighter Weight)

15 Overhead Squats

(Scale: DB/KB OH Squats - Plate OH Squats - Med Ball OH Squats)

18 Alternating Barbell Back Rack Step-Ups #75/#55 (Scale: KB/DB Front Rack Step Ups - KB/DB Farmer Carry Step Ups - Air Step Ups)

5 Bar Muscle Ups

(Scale: Banded Muscle Ups - Muscle Ups from the floor or box - pull-ups of your choice)

97. 3 x AMRAP6:

10 Reverse Front Rack Lunges #95/#65 (Scale: KB/DB Front Rack Lunges - KB/DB Farmer Carry Lunges - Air Lunges)

10 Butterfly/Kipping Pull-ups

(Scale: Ring/KB/DB Rows - Band Assisted Pull-Up - Chin Over Bar Hang)

20 Medball Devil Press

(Scale: DB/KB Devil Press - Barbell Devil Press) *Rest 30 sec After Each AMRAP

98. AMRAP12:

1 Barbell Squat Clean Thruster #95/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Thruster - Medball Thruster - Air Squats x 2)

20 Mountain Climbers 6 Broad Jumps

*keep Adding 1 Rep of Barbell Squat Clean Thruster until time runs out

99. AMRAP12:

12 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge #40/#25 (Scale: Farmer Carry Lunges - Air Lunges)

12 Dumbbell Push Press #40/#25 (Scale: KB Push Press - KB Push Jerk - KB Press)

12 Dumbbell Bent Over Row #40/#25 (Scale: KB Bent Over Row - Ring Rows)

12 Dumbbell Deadlifts

(Scale: KB Suitcase DL’s - KB Romanian DL’s) *for grip strength keep dumbbells in hands

100. AMRAP18:

200m Farmer/Odd Object Carry #30/#20 30 Dumbbell Push Press #30/#20 (Scale: KB Push Press - KB Push Jerk - KB Press)

50ft Handstand Walk

(Scale: Nose 2 Wall Holds - Shoulder Taps - Hip Touches - Off Wall Handstands Holds)

101. 4 x AMRAP4:

6 Handstand Push-Ups

(Scale: Strict - Handstand Shoulder Taps - Handstand Holds - Pike Push-Ups off Box Negatives)

8 Dumbbell Devil Press #40/#25 (Scale: KB Devil Press - Medball Devil Press)

10 Barbell Sumo Deadlift #95/#65 (Scale: DB/KB Suitcase DL’s - DB/KB Romanian DL’s) *Rest 30 sec in between AMRAP’s

Cardio Scales The following scaled cardio activities are just a guide * every individual is different * please adjust accordingly. Distance Run Scale: * 200m Run = 180m Row * 200m Run = 120m Air Bike * 200m Run = 180m SkiErg * 200m Run = 5-6 Burpees * 200m Run = 50 Mountain Climbers Row Scale: * 200m Row = 230m Run * 200m Row = 130m Air Bike * 200m Row = 5-6 Burpees * 200m Row = 50 Mountain Climbers * SkiErg = Row

Air Bike Scale: * 200m Air Bike = 300m Run * 200m Air Bike = 280m Row * 200m Air Bike = 280m SkiErg * 200m Air Bike = 5-6 Burpees * 200m Air Bike = 50 Mountain Climbers SkiErg Scale: * 200m SkiErg = 220m Run * 200m SkiErg = 130m Air Bike * 200m SkiErg = 5-6 Burpees * 200m SkiErg = 50 Mountain Climbers * SkiErg = Row Calories * 1 Calorie SkiErg = 1 Calorie Row * 2 Calorie SkiErg = 3 Calorie Air Bike * 1 Calorie Row = 1 Calorie SkiErg * 2 Calorie Row = 3 Calorie Air Bike * 3 Calorie Air Bike = 2 Calorie Row * 3 Calorie Air Bike = 2 Calorie SkiErg