Yoga and Pilates revolutionary result

Almost every day, from TV screens and billboards, the image of an ideal figure is imposed on us (I would even say, we ar

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Yoga and Pilates revolutionary result

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  • Calm down, correct your figure and posture, hela back and joint pain, deep breathing
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What is Pilates? According to polls conducted at the end of 2005 by Shape, one of the most popular fitness magazines (if not the only one), Pilates is one of the five leaders in various wellness areas, heading the so-called fitness hit parade. I think this is due to the fact that Pilates refers to systems under the general name "mind body", or "body and spirit", "intelligent body". A thoughtful attitude to your body, attention to every movement, quiet music and a calm atmosphere, well-chosen exercises, a certain philosophy of training have a beneficial effect not only on our body, but also on our psyche, weakened by stress, work and many other social factors. In addition, this unique type of fitness is ideal for those who are too heavy, do not like to run and jump, who have recently suffered an injury, even the elderly. It is no secret that many women are oppressed by going to a fitness club: it is necessary to demonstrate to those around you your not always perfect body, to purchase a subscription and special clothing for training. And what to say about simulators, terrifying with their devices (many do not know how to approach them) ?! Pilates is ideal for home workouts. It does not require any special devices or any specific clothing. And the new fashion dictates individuality, that is, fitness from a group becomes more individualized. For example, in the USA such a service as a coach's home visit appeared. And professionals call fitness over the phone the latest fashion. There is a huge sense in all this: group training cannot individualize the load (it is too hard for someone, but someone asks to speed up the pace). And professionals call fitness over the phone the latest fashion. There is a huge sense in all this: group training cannot individualize the load (it is too hard for someone, but someone asks to speed up the pace). And professionals call fitness over the phone the latest fashion. There is a huge sense in all this: group training cannot individualize the load (it is too hard for someone, but someone asks to speed up the pace). From all of the above, we can conclude: in addition to the ideal figure, we are more and more interested in health, emotions, soul, psychology ... All this you will find in Pilates, it is not without reason that it is called a system that helps to control your body. Pilates is a variety of emotions, body plastic, physical and mental relaxation, relaxation and positive emotions.

The world of fitness is unique, it does not stand still. If you belong to the category of women who want to get sustainable results without overexertion, pain and risk of injury, I suggest joining the pilates advocates. Not so long ago, the method created by Joseph Pilates was considered an elite type of training, a closed school, accessible to few. But he could not stay in the shadows for long, because this system, in its essence, is the most effective exercise program suitable for most people. Currently, many international sports stars, show business elite, singers and actors are fond of Pilates. The list of supporters of the method is steadily growing and impressive: Madonna, Jessica Lange, Glenn Close, Jodie Foster, Patrick Swayze, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Murray and so on. Already unique is the fact that, created in the 19th century, Pilates remains popular in the 21st century, and its popularity does not subside. The Joseph Pilates method, like no other, will help to globally change yourself and your body. By exercising regularly, you will restore harmony and balance to him. It will move the way it was programmed by nature. The newfound figure and freedom of movement will provide you with effective work not only of the musculoskeletal system, but also of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Your psyche, under the influence of the exercises performed, will be able to actively resist stress. But it's no secret that stress is overweight, early aging, wear and tear of the body, and a whole bunch of diseases. A skeptic might ask, "What's so special about this training method?" The answer is extremely simple: Pilates, as a method of body control, leaves nothing without attention. This is a completely holistic approach. Like the eastern health systems, it trains the mind in addition to training the body. By learning to listen to and be aware of your body, by developing coordination and balance between body and mind, you will gain the ability to control your body. There is no need to use force in Pilates; to avoid stress and injury, movements are performed smoothly and slowly. But thanks to this, you can give strength to weak muscles, lengthen short ones, increase joint mobility and, of course, lose weight. The downside to many fitness programs is that they target problem areas very narrowly. But you cannot train one area of the body separately from the rest. They are all closely related. For example, trying to achieve a flat stomach, many forget about the back. And according to professional fitness professionals, it is impossible to

have a perfect waist and abs with a weak back, and vice versa. These two parts are dependent on each other. Pilates is unique in that it allows a complex effect on the body: not a single part of the body is left without attention. It is a complete and harmonious physical training method. All exercises complement each other and keep your body balanced and balanced.

Pilates effectiveness Many women begin to feel the beneficial effects of Pilates after three to four weeks of regular exercise. Of course, a lot is individual and will depend on how often you practice. The Pilates method should not be considered a panacea for all problems, but its beneficial effect has been confirmed by millions of adherents and decades of existence. I will list just some of the positive results: • increased flexibility, mobility and strength of the joints; • posture correction, which will make your movements graceful and elegant; by stretching the spine, you may even "grow up"; • feeling of inner peace due to elements of relaxation; • efficient work of internal organs; • improvement of general well-being, as exercise, improving oxygen metabolism, accelerates the release of endorphins ("hormones of happiness"); • strengthening the immune system, which will lead to persistent resistance to many diseases; • improvement of the condition of the skin and hair (you will feel young and beautiful); • gaining a slim figure (do not be alarmed if your weight does not decrease at first, because it is known that muscles weigh more adipose tissue); combining exercises with the correct diet, you will further speed up the process of forming a beautiful figure; • relief from back pain.

When should you not practice Pilates? • When you are not feeling well or sick. • Immediately after eating.

• When drinking alcohol. • If you have overtrained (it is better to give your muscles a chance to rest). • After an injury or in case of problems with the spine (it is better to consult a doctor). • If you are pregnant (also consult your doctor).

Eight principles of Pilates Constantly improving his method, Joseph Pilates, however, always adhered to the basic principles laid down by him in the developed exercise program. These principles are: 1. Relaxation. 2. Concentration. 3. Alignment. 4. Centering. 5. Breathing. 6. Smoothness of execution. 7. Endurance. 8. Coordination. Let's consider them in more detail. Relaxation.Regardless of how Josef Pilates' program changes over time, any workout begins with relaxation to help you release tension in various areas of the body. The relaxation position does not mean getting ready for sleep, on the contrary, it helps to adjust the body for further training, relieving the body and mind of tension and stress. By taking a certain position, you prepare the muscles that you want to work. The first principle is based on the fact that before strengthening weakened muscles, it is necessary to relax and lengthen them (the tense muscle contracts strongly and resists working out). Concentration... The second principle is based on the fact that the body is created by the mind. The ability to concentrate thought on the part of the body that is being worked on helps to achieve maximum effect. Over

time, after practice, your actions will become automatic, but concentration is still needed. Agree that any movement originates not in muscles or joints, but in the mind - in the cerebral cortex. Usually we unconsciously perform many movements, for example, we do not need to teach our legs to walk. The nervous system itself chooses the correct coordination of movements, and by mentally concentrating, we help it to choose the correct combination of muscles to perform new motor actions. The visual image created by concentration, for example, on the abdominal muscles, will ensure that you perform the exercise correctly, which means that you will achieve the expected results as quickly as possible. Alignment.The body is a single, closed system. If one of its parts does not work well, all others suffer. For example, curvature of the spine inevitably leads to frequent headaches (osteopaths always warn about this). Let's draw an analogy between our body and building a house: if you laid the foundation incorrectly, your house can collapse at any moment. Likewise, the condition of your spine (or posture) affects your overall wellbeing and health. As a result of improperly performed exercises, the force of gravity is shifted to the side, and this, in turn, creates additional stress in the joints or ligaments. The dominance of one muscle leads to the fact that others work less or not at all. Pilates helps to solve this problem, as in exercises a lot of emphasis is placed on the position of the feet, neck, Particular importance should be given to the neutral position of the spine, as well as the relative position of the spine and pelvis. Any muscle imbalances must be ruled out. Your body must be in the right position to engage the right muscles. Centering.The initial stage of each exercise is to create a strong center. To understand where it is, it is enough to understand the connection between the abdominal muscles and the spine. The abdominal muscles serve as a corset and support for the spine and internal organs. Skirting around the torso in criss-cross layers, they do not allow the upper vertebra to slide off the lower one. All abdominal muscles also play an important role in supporting the midsection: they not only flex the torso, but are also essential for maintaining correct posture.

Weakness in these muscles leads to instability in the lower back (which is why many complain about lower back problems). When doing any exercise (standing, sitting or lying), try to pull your lower abdominal muscles up and inward towards the spine. By doing this, you will not only pump them up, constantly keeping them in tension, but also create a power rod between the navel and the spine. This centering is the starting point for most exercises because it stabilizes the trunk and allows Breath.Breathing is life. In order for the body to receive the maximum amount of oxygen during movements, it is necessary to learn how to breathe correctly. As a rule, we breathe too shallowly, with a deep breath, either our shoulders rise or our stomach protrudes. Bulging of the abdomen is unacceptable when practicing Pilates, as you remember - the lower abdominal muscles must be constantly pulled up to the spine. Breathing correctly means breathing deeply, expanding the chest as much as possible (this is the so-called "chest" or "lateral breathing"). When inhaling, the lower chest should expand; when exhaling, it should contract. Your task is to stimulate the movement of air to the sides and back. Make sure that the sternum does not rise too high; at the beginning, do not make excessive efforts - this can cause dizziness. Breathe easily and naturally, adhering to the following rule: before performing the movement - inhale; in the process of execution - exhalation, and while exhaling, pull your stomach to the spine; then inhale, relax and return to the starting position. Exhalation exercise will allow you to avoid overstrain and relax in motion You will also be able to maintain the stability of the torso and not hold your breath (holding it negatively affects the heart) Smoothness of execution.Each exercise should be performed at a specific pace and rhythm. Some are done slowly, others are associated with fairly fast movements. But none of the exercises in Pilates are performed at a fast pace, on the contrary, they all require uniformity and smoothness of movement. Pilates is all about graceful, controlled, and controlled natural movements, allowing you to focus on getting the right muscles to do the work. Plus, many women make the mistake of thinking slow exercise is

pretty easy. On the contrary, they are much more difficult, and besides, there is less chance of deceiving yourself. And one more thing: fast and abrupt movements at a good pace often lead to injuries. I advise you to choose calm music that should sound a light background. This way you will not be distracted and concentrate more on your body. It should also be remembered that with fast movements, the muscles contract sharply, and you need lengthening. Muscles are easier to stretch slowly and calmly - this way you reduce the risk of joint damage and your muscle adapts faster to the load. Endurance.As you practice Pilates gradually, you will find how much your endurance has increased. If in the past you were often tired, spending the whole day on your feet, then after regular training for a month or two, you will notice a noticeable surge of strength. Strengthening the deep muscles of the trunk will make it easy to cope with any activity, because you will stop wasting energy on unnecessary tension and useless movements, because the muscles will begin to work the way nature programmed them. Coordination.The ability to concentrate is inextricably linked with the ability to coordinate their actions. Thanks to the method of body control (due to the fact that you will consciously perform the movement), your sense of the body will increase significantly. By gradually developing a concentration of attention on the coordination of movements of the arms, legs and trunk, as well as breathing, you will lose the awkwardness of movements, make them smoother and more refined, which will be noticeable not only during exercise, but also in everyday life. The developed connection between mind and body will qualitatively improve your business, personal or household life.

Outcome of the eight principles 1. Relaxation - doing exercises without muscle tension, relaxed and calm. 2. Concentration - focusing on any movement; to help yourself, create visual images (for example, imagine a muscle in the lower abdomen contracting).

3. Alignment - compliance with the relative position of body parts. 4. Centering - pulling the abdomen up and down to the spine before starting the movement. 5. Breathing: preparation for movement - inhale, the process of movement - exhale (breathe deeply). 6. Smoothness of execution - slow, without jerks and haste execution of the movement. 7. Endurance - a gradual increase in the load (thereby increasing endurance). 8. Coordination - developing a sense of your own body (thereby you will improve coordination of movements).

Yoga - an ancient teaching about the harmony of body and mind Yoga is an ancient system with detailed techniques for all aspects of human development, from music and dance to psychology and sociology. Translated from Sanskrit, yoga means "to unite, coordinate or energize." Here is just a partial list of how this deep spiritual teaching is understood today: a fashionable system of physical exercise; Alternative medicine; correct integration of body, mind and spirit, which allows us to fully reveal our high life potential; the unification of secret energies and the natural mind to reach the heights of spirituality and so on. We can say that yoga is part of the millennial search of humanity for health, happiness and enlightenment. Therefore, it is not surprising that today it has received worldwide recognition. Yoga lessons are available and very popular, classes are held everywhere: in fitness clubs, in spas and in spa salons, in medical and rehabilitation centers. In its versatility, yoga can only be compared with Indian Ayurveda (with which, by the way, it is closely interconnected) and Chinese qigong. But yoga is much more than just a great system of exercise. Possessing extraordinary healing power, both for the body and for the psyche, its effect is directed not only to structural disharmony in the body (for example, problems with joints and bones), but also to organic dysfunctions, including disorders of the hormonal and immune systems. In addition, yoga breathing and meditation practices can treat nervous disorders, emotional stress and psychological problems of all types - from stress to psychosis. The main yoga practice is asanas, or postures. Experts also call them "the outer face of yoga", and for many people they are the first step towards mastering this ancient teaching. The roots of asanas can be found in a yogic tradition called hatha yoga, which is based on the trinity of the following spiritual traditions: asanas, pranayama (breathing) and meditation, aimed at developing our inner energies. It is the texts of hatha yoga that contain the most complete and detailed description of asanas, but it should be borne in mind that this is only one aspect, and not the entire system as a whole. The hatha yoga tradition also has its roots in classical yoga, concentrated in the Sutras of the great sage Patanjali (200 BC). These

Sutras are called Yoga Darshana or Yoga Philosophy. But Patanjali cannot be called the inventor of the ancient teachings, yoga existed for many centuries before him. Patanjali systematized and codified her tradition in the form of aphorisms, which today remains the best result of the system assimilated in different ways from yoga techniques. Patanjali's yoga is called "Raja Yoga" or "Royal Yoga" because of its high level of teaching. It has another name "ashtanga yoga", or "eight-step yoga", since it consists of eight steps, where asanas are just one of them. Hatha yoga has to do with the initial stages of Raja Yoga, especially the preparation of the body and prana (energy). We can say that hatha yoga is an important step towards their full development. The Raja Yoga of Patanjali, in turn, is rooted in even more ancient teachings of Hindu Yoga in the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata and in the Sankhya philosophical system contained in them. The listed Sankrit texts explain the various yoga practices meditation, mantra, initiation and the development of prana (energy). After Patanjali, it is the Bhagavad Gita that is considered the original text of yoga, and the teacher of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna, is the greatest of all yogis. Indeed, yoga is as old as humanity itself.

Eight steps of yoga Patanjali "draws" the complete eight-step yoga path, dealing with both the internal aspects and the external ones. Eight steps (ashtanga) of yoga • Pit - behavior. • Niyama is a way of life. • Asana - yoga postures. • Pranayama - control over prana (energy). • Pratyahara - control over sensations. • Dharana - concentration. • Dhyana - meditation. • Samadhi is the highest level of human potential realization. And a little more detail on each of the steps.

Yama and NiyamaAre practices that eliminate the possibility of inappropriate, harmful, or disturbing behavior. They help to create the foundation for a correct life, peace and harmony - both social and personal. Thanks to them, yoga provides a simple model of self-discipline to eradicate problems arising from the excessive material demands present in daily life. Yama and Niyama are based on ten practices, five of which are about personal and social behavior, and five are about personal development and lifestyle principles. I list them: harmlessness, truthfulness, proper use of sexual energy, non-stealing, non-covetousness, purity and integrity, contentment, selfdiscipline, self-study, recognition of divine will. Asana It consists of movements and postures that release tension, detoxify, energize the body and prepare the mind for meditation. Pranayama.Excess prana, or energy, is vital for our body. Most pranayama practices consist of breathing exercises that cleanse the body and activate energy. Asana brings the body into harmonious balance so that you can work on the pranas through pranayama. Certain pranayama techniques are spiritual practices specially designed to develop a deep connection between cosmic life and powerful transformative forces. Pratyaharaconcerns the methods of managing impressions and controlling sensations, which are the main source of our contact with the outside world. Through the proper use of sensations, we can live in harmony with the world around us. Deep relaxation is also considered part of pratyahara to bring the motor organs into a calm state. DharanaAre concentration practices that improve and stabilize attention. And attention, as you know, is the main power of the mind. We must train it like a muscle, especially if we want to unleash our mental abilities. Typical examples of dharana are concentration on chakras (internal energy sources) or on an object (for example, a candle flame). Asanas also help to concentrate consciousness, keeping the body in a stable posture. Dhyanarefers to meditation, which is deep reflection or prolonged concentration. By meditating, we can come to a deep understanding of the reality of the entire world. Meditation is the main method of classical yoga,

the ability to control your mind. And if the asana calms our body, meditative practices calm the mind. Samadhi- the highest goal of yoga practice, which is carried out through long-term meditation. It consists in the merging of the mind with the object of its attention; when consciousness becomes one with the object, we experience deep peace and bliss. But this supreme goal is for only a few extraordinary mystics and spiritual teachers. At the end of this chapter, I will only add that doing yoga, you will feel more harmonious, happier, wiser, it gives us a clue on how to do it in the best way, and opens us to a higher spiritual aspiration.

Yogalates - a unique synthesis of yoga and pilates Are you tired of carrying an extra load on yourself? Do you want to be slim and fit? I will not argue that, they say, nothing is easier. On the contrary, I will say that dissatisfaction with your appearance is not enough. It is necessary to shake up what psychologists call motivation, and also to determine what exactly serves as an obstacle for you in the fight against extra pounds. Having developed your own strategy for overcoming difficulties, I hope my advice will help you in this matter, your chances of becoming slim, and in the future to maintain optimal weight, will increase significantly. So, in order to consistently reduce excess weight, it is not enough to have willpower and a passionate desire to lose weight. The main thing in this matter is to be ready to change your lifestyle. Confirmation of this is based on recent US research. One hundred and twelve obese women participated in the experiment, who, under the guidance of specialists, tried to get rid of excess body fat. The aim of the study was to identify those stereotypes of consciousness and behavior that stand in the way of achieving a slender figure. The result was the following: some of the subjects "left the race" in the midst of the experiment, others reached the end of the program, but lost little weight. The reason is that people set themselves tasks, expecting the supernatural or miracle: unrealistic weight loss, miraculous changes in life after losing weight. Among other things, Psychologists have concluded that even with the most serious of intentions, negative perceptions of your own body, poorly set goals, and negative experiences with dieting can work against you. If you are not supported or you are not helped by loved ones, if there is no time for regular training, or if they simply don’t have a heart, all your efforts are doomed to failure. How do you set yourself up for success? From the very beginning, you need to clearly understand that fitness is a matter of time. The result cannot be accelerated, just as you cannot persuade the tree under your window to grow faster. But there is no need to despair. Time is your friend because years multiply the result. In this sense, time flows the other way around - the longer you train, the younger and more beautiful your body becomes. In short: everyone loses, you gain.

The next step is that you have to flatly abandon the fanatical belief in miracles. That is, there is some mythically correct way to lose weight. As a rule, it is this belief that leads many to resort to strict diets, and as a result, to failure. Such fast weight loss diets lead to the same fast weight gain. In addition, confidence in the magical properties of a particular dietary innovation paralyzes the will. It has long been proven that only a properly balanced diet allows you to stay healthy, slim and have a beautiful appearance (I mean the skin of the face and body). The human psyche is one big solid mystery. Psychologists have long noticed a very interesting phenomenon: the more we want something, the stronger the internal resistance to the goal. In other words, the more you want to have a beautiful figure, the more laziness overcomes us. You need to know this and help yourself with all sorts of little tricks: for someone it is enough to turn on incendiary music, someone just put on a fitness suit and sneakers, some are inspired by the beautiful figures of professional fitness girls, especially if you watch videos of fitness competitions. And why not, because you are no worse than these women. As many experienced "miss fitness" say, before training, their figures were simply far from the current ideal and had excess body fat. Of course, the hardest part is getting started. But, according to scientists, the beginner's period of stressful reactions lasts about three weeks. Then the symptoms subside, you start to feel more and more confident, and in a month or two workouts will bring you real pleasure. The secret is that rapid breathing stimulates the brain's production of endorphins - "hormones of joy", and they, in turn, allow you to feel a surge of delight. So don't be afraid for your willpower or strength of character, just be patient a little. And one more thing: be sure to reward yourself for every step of the work done. Pamper yourself with pleasant little things as often as possible. It boosts self-esteem and improves mood. So that your psyche does not give up halfway, make sure you give yourself gifts and keep them in plain sight. It is no coincidence that sports trophies are put on a place of honor. They remind of past victories and inspire new ones. If gifts are made "on occasion," they perfectly strengthen self-esteem. When there is no need to fight the constant and oppressive feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, strength remains for training, for changing your lifestyle. Train yourself to keep a journal. First, it’s easier to learn from past mistakes, rather than constantly lamenting them. Secondly, it will be easier

for you to look at what is happening to you from the outside, so perspectives are better seen. For example, to learn from past failures, make two lists. In the first, enter completed tasks such as "get up 15 minutes earlier to have a normal breakfast"; in the second, what you are unable to accomplish, such as waking up at 5 o'clock in the morning and jogging. Thus, you will direct your attention to achieving real goals, and also will not be executed about what is above your strength. Be sure to plan your life and celebrate what you have done. According to psychologists, a school-like life schedule attached to the wall is of great help. Do not hesitate to write the date, time and nature of your workout in your journal. Or write down your workouts several weeks in advance in your life schedule. I also advise you to write down your usual activities in the graphs of the schedule, such as cleaning the house or going to the cinema, meeting with a girlfriend, going shopping, etc. This helps you plan your time and look to the future. Try not to make excuses for quitting classes. Any excuses are weakness and the first bell that can easily become a habit. Whatever happens - whether the boss was rude, the child brought a deuce, repeat like a spell: fitness is not to blame for anything, training is above all. Believe me, in the process of training, all the negative recedes and life seems easier and more fun; as you remember, training promotes the production of hormones of happiness. Many professionals advise that you tell everyone around you about your promises to lose weight. This will cross out the way back, and it is a shame to give up ahead of time or fall in the eyes of loved ones, friends or girlfriends. If you are silent, like a partisan, then dreams will remain dreams. It is believed that fitness is excellent health: normalizing blood pressure, improving heart health, improving metabolism and, therefore, activating fat metabolism ... Who would argue. But from fitness, our unpredictable and mysterious female psyche expects something completely different - an improvement in the sexual image. You will never achieve regular training if the improvement in your figure does not start to catch the eye of others. Hence the conclusion: train only for external returns. Get on the scales, lose volume, and be sure to keep in mind that when it comes to your figure, you need an aimed blow on the shortcomings of the physique.

A hip problem - a lot of emphasis on the hips, a tummy problem - an emphasis on abs, and so on. To accustom yourself to regularity, try starting small, because a lifestyle that has evolved over decades is difficult to reshape overnight. Therefore, start with two to three workouts per week. Get used to it. Then take up your diet and gradually change it for the better. Find a special chapter in the book that will not only allow you to smoothly move to a healthy diet, but also successfully fight cellulite. And do not move forward at a sprint pace, move with pleasure. This way you will last longer.

Warm up Exercise 1

Sit up straight with your legs bent at the knees and crossed in front of you, your arms raised above your head and slightly bent at the elbow joints, palms facing each other with the inside.

Bring your arms through the sides down to shoulder level and gently tilt your head back until you feel comfortable. Try to keep your back straight. Feel the stretch in your upper torso muscles. Hold this position for 10-12 accounts.

Raise your arms up, palms facing out to the sides. Stretch your torso slightly for your arms and linger at the end point of the stretch for several counts. Attention! This exercise consists of three movements that smoothly flow one into another, so try not to allow long pauses between them (except, of course, delays in stretching). If you are at a beginner level or have not been in fitness for a long time, then pause for 5 to 8 counts, gradually increasing the stretch time. At a more advanced level, on the contrary, you can increase up to 30-60 accounts.

Tilting your head down and rounding your back as much as possible, at the same time lower your arms through the sides and, crossing them in front of your chest, grab your shoulders. Feel the stretch in your upper torso muscles. Hold this position for 1012 accounts. Relax. Exercise 2

Sit up straight with your legs bent at the knees and crossed in front of you, with your hands on the floor. Keep your head straight, do not lower your chin.

Bend your left arm at the elbow and place your palm on the right side of your head. Pressing gently with your palm, tilt your head to the left. Feel the stretch in your neck muscles. Hold this position for 10-12 accounts.

Without changing the previous position of the hand and body, tilt your head forward and to the left, continuing to gently press with your palm. Feel the stretch in your neck muscles. Hold this position for 10-12 accounts.

Place your right palm on your left and, applying gentle pressure with your hands, tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chest with your chin. Feel the stretch in your neck muscles. Hold this position for 10-12 accounts. Relax, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side. Attention! In order not to injure the muscles of the neck, do not apply sharp and strong pressure on the head with your palm. The angle of inclination of the head should not exceed 45 °. If you are at a beginner level or have not been in fitness for a long time, then hold the pose for 5 to 8 counts, gradually increasing the stretch time. On the other hand, at a more advanced level, increase the time to 30-60 accounts. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Exercise # 3

Sit up straight with your knees bent and crossed in front of you. The left arm is bent at the elbow and with the palm and forearm pressed to the floor. The right arm is extended upward, the palm is directed to the left with the inner side. Keeping your back straight, stretch your right hand up and to the side so that you feel the stretch in the lateral muscles of the trunk. Hold this position for 10-12 accounts.

From the previous position, at the same time smoothly move your arms and body in a circle at 45 ° - tilt forward-left - and stretch for your

hands. Feel the stretch in your back and glutes. Stay in this position for 1012 accounts.

Without lifting your torso up, smoothly move your arms and body another 45 ° - tilt straight forward - and stretch your arms. Feel the stretch in your back and glutes. Stay in this position for 10-12 accounts.

Continuing the movement in a circle and without lifting the body up, again smoothly move the arms and body to another 45 ° - tilt forward and to the right, also reach for your hands. Feel the stretch in your back and glutes. Hold this position for 10-12 accounts. Relax.

Change the position of the hands, take the starting position to the right and repeat the exercise on the other side. Attention! If you are at a beginner level or have not been in fitness for a long time, then hold the pose for 5 to 8 counts, gradually increasing the stretch time. On the other hand, at a more advanced level, increase the time by 30-60 accounts. Be sure to keep your back straight, at the initial stage I advise you not to tilt too deep. Throughout the entire exercise, make sure that the arm or arms, body and head always form one straight line or are in the same plane. When tilting, try not to touch the floor with your hands, keep them slightly raised above the surface. Exercise 4

Sit straight with your right leg extended forward, the foot pulled out as far as possible, the left leg bent at the knee, the foot pressed against the inner surface of the right thigh. The arms are extended upward above the head. From this position, straighten your spine upward as much as possible, reaching out for your hands. Do not raise your shoulders. Stay in this position for several accounts.

Without changing the straight position of your back, lower your hands to your right knee and tilt your body forward slightly. Stretch the top of your head forward and up and stay in this position for 10-12 counts.

Attention! The head, neck and back should be in one straight line, the knee of the straightened leg should not be bent. To enhance the stretching effect, pull the toes of the foot towards you as much as possible.

From the previous position, grasp your right foot with your hands and make a deep tilt of the body to the leg, trying to touch the thigh with your chest. Feel the stretch in your calf, gluteus, hamstrings, and hamstrings. Hold this position for 10-12 accounts. Relax, change the position of your legs and repeat the exercise. Attention! To avoid injury, especially if you are at a beginner level or have not been in fitness for a long time, do not immediately try to perform a deep torso to the leg. As the muscles develop in the process of regular training, they will become more elastic and you can not only perform the exercise with ease, but also increase the time for fixing the posture to 30-60 counts.

A set of exercises Exercise 1

Lying on your back, legs are bent at the knees, feet are hip-width apart, parallel and firmly pressed to the floor. Hands are loosely placed along the body. Attention! The upper torso should be relaxed during execution. Be sure to keep your abdominal and glute muscles tense throughout the exercise.

Take a deep breath, as you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and slightly pull your gluteal muscles forward and up. Perform rhythmic lifting and lowering of the buttocks up and down, each time touching the floor. The total number of repetitions: at the initial stage - from 20 to 50 times, at the advanced stage - from 50 to 80 times. Exercise 2

Lying on your back, bend your knees at a 90 ° angle and lift off the floor so that your ankles are parallel to the surface. The feet are connected. Hands are loosely placed along the body. Take a deep breath, as you exhale, lift your upper body off the floor, extend your arms forward parallel to the surface, palms with the inside facing down. Keep your neck muscles relaxed, firmly press the pelvis to the surface without moving it to the sides.

From this position, perform 100 back and forth swinging arms. Combine the movement of your hands with breathing: inhale - 5 sways, exhale - 5 sways. After completion, slowly lower your head to the floor, then alternately both legs. To relax your neck muscles, slightly lower your chin to your chest. Attention! At the initial stage, break the exercise into 20 sets of 5 repetitions each. Advanced - Perform 100 hand wiggles without interruption. Keep your abdominal and buttock muscles tense from start to

finish. Exercise the press only with the abdominal muscles, not including the hips in the work - they should be relaxed. Exercise # 3

Lying on its side, the right arm is extended up, the palm is firmly pressed to the floor, the left is bent at the elbow, the palm rest in front of the body at chest level. The head is on the shoulder, the legs are straightened, the feet are connected, the toes are extended forward. Attention! Try to maintain a straight body position throughout the exercise. Do not tilt the body forward or backward. Keep your abdominal muscles and buttocks tense at all times.

Tighten your abs and pull your buttocks up and forth slightly. Inhale, as you exhale, lift both legs up, linger at the end point of the ascent for 1-2 counts and slowly return to the starting position. Combine the execution of movements with breathing: on exhalation - lifting the legs, on inhalation returning to the starting position. Relax after completing the exercise. Then roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise. The total number of repetitions: at the initial stage - 2 sets of 8-12 repetitions in each, at the advanced stage - 2 sets of 15 repetitions. Be sure to rest 30 seconds between sets. Exercise 4

Lying on your stomach (for comfort, place a small rolled towel under your forehead), arms straight along the body, palms with the inside facing up. The legs are straight, the toes are extended, the distance between the feet is the width of the hips. Attention! The most important thing during the exercise is to maintain a straight body position: the head, neck and upper back should be in one straight line.

Inhale and stretch to the full length of your body. As you exhale, contract your abdominal and buttock muscles, bring your shoulder blades together and lift your upper body off the floor. Do not tilt your head back, your gaze is always directed to the floor, do not take your feet off the surface. As you inhale, stretch from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes, exhale and slowly return to the starting position. The total number of repetitions: at the initial stage - 5-8 times, at the advanced stage 10-12 times. Exercise 5

Lying on his stomach, his forehead touches his palms pressed to the floor and crossed into a lock. The legs are straight, the toes are extended, the distance between the feet is the width of the hips. Attention! The most important thing in this exercise is the smooth and slow leg raises. It is also necessary to try to press the stomach and pelvis to the floor.

Inhale, contract the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thighs. As you exhale, slowly lift both legs up. Pause at the end point of the ascent for 1-2 counts and slowly return to the starting position. The total number of repetitions: at the initial stage - 2 sets of 5-8 reps, at the advanced stage - 2 sets of 10-12 reps. Be sure to rest 30 seconds between sets. Attention! By straining your legs and buttocks, keep the rest of your body relaxed. The level of leg lift is individual and depends on the level of training. Exercise 6

This exercise is a slight relaxation or respite that allows you to simultaneously rest and stretch your body muscles. Lying on your back, bend your left leg at the knee and move it as far to the right as possible, trying not only with your foot, but also with your knee to touch the floor. In this case, do not tear the lower back from the surface. Arms are extended to the sides at shoulder level, palms are firmly pressed to the floor. The head is turned to the left, the gaze is at the left hand. Feel the stretch in your muscles. Hold this position for 30-60 counts, then relax and repeat the exercise on the other side. Exercise 7

Sit up straight with your knees bent and pull towards you with your arms around. Attention! Keep your back absolutely straight, roll back only to the shoulders. Movements should be smooth and slow to avoid injury. Combine execution with breathing: roll back - exhale, return to starting position inhale.

Inhale, tighten your abdominal muscles, and as you exhale, roll back gently onto your back. While inhaling, return to the starting position, but do not lower your feet to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. Relax. Exercise 8

Lying on your back, bend your knees at a 90 ° angle and lift off the floor so that your ankles are parallel to the surface. The feet are connected. Hands are loosely placed along the body.

From the starting position, raise your shoulders and head above the floor, extend your arms forward parallel to the surface. Then straighten your legs forward and up, but not to a vertical position. The lower you lower your legs, the harder the exercise is.

Inhale, as you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and swing your arms back and forth. Combine movement with breathing: inhale - 5 sways, exhale - 5 sways. Total reps: Initially 20 sets of 5 reps, Advanced 100 reps without a break. Attention! While doing this, relax your neck muscles by slightly lowering your chin to your chest. Perform movements only with the abdominal muscles, not including the hips in the work - they should be relaxed. Exercise 9

Sit up straight with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Clasp your heels with your hands and lift your legs up, spreading them as wide (as possible for you) to the sides and straightening your knees to the end. Hold this position for 5 breaths (5 breaths and 5 deep breaths).

After the first stage of execution, bend your knees (as shown in the picture) and again hold in the pose for 5 breaths and 5 deep breaths. Then relax and repeat the exercise 3-5 more times.

Attention! In this exercise, it is very important to maintain balance, a straight back position and keep the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen in tension. Exercise 10

Get on all fours with your arms straight, the distance between your palms is shoulder width. Your body - from crown to tailbone - should form one straight line. Smoothly pull back your straight right leg, the forefoot touching the floor.

From the previous position, slowly raise your right leg to the level of the buttocks and the left arm to the level of the shoulder. Pull your body through your leg and arm and hold this position for 5 breaths and 5 deep breaths. Feel the stretch in your spine and back muscles. Relax, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 3 more times. Then change the position of the arms and legs and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise 11

Lying on your stomach, lean on the forearms of bent arms, palms pressed to the floor, elbows are located strictly under the shoulders. Tighten the muscles in your legs, buttocks and abdomen and do alternate knee bends. The total number of repetitions is from 50 to 100 times. Exercise 12

Get on your knees with your legs joined together, your back straight, your arms raised above your head and joined together.

From the starting position, alternately lower the buttocks to the right and left of the knees (until they fully touch the floor). While squatting, do not stay on the floor, immediately continue the exercise in the other direction. The total number of repetitions: at the initial stage - from 30 to 50 times, at the advanced stage - 100 times without a break. Attention! Keep your back straight throughout the exercise and contract your glutes and abs. Exercise 13

Stand straight, legs together, feet are connected, right arm is straight, raised up, palm is pointing to the left with the inner side, left arm is freely located along the body. Inhale, pull the muscles of the buttocks forward and up, tighten the abdominal muscles.

As you exhale, tilt to the side as deep as possible. Stretch your right hand to the left and swing 50 back and forth. Combine the execution of movements with breathing: inhalation - 5 swinging, exhalation - 5 swinging. Relax, return to the starting position, change the position of the hands and repeat the exercise on the other side. Exercise 14

Sit up straight with your legs as wide apart as possible (as far as possible for you). Raise your right hand up above your head, with your left hand - grasp the big toe of your left foot. The back is straight, look at the left hand. Inhale, pull the gluteal muscles forward and upward, tighten the abdominal muscles, and as you exhale, stretch your right hand up and to the left. Hold this position for 60 accounts. Relax, change the position of your arms and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. Attention! Throughout the execution, try to keep your back straight, and tilt strictly to the side, without collapsing the body forward or backward. Exercise 15

Standing straight, take a wide step to the side with your right foot, toes pointing forward. Fold your arms in namaste (Indian greeting), palms together at chest level.

Inhale, contract your abdominal muscles, and as you exhale, raise your arms above your head. Then your breathing should be calm and even.

Expand your torso and right foot to the right, at the same time bend your right knee and lower your straight arms to shoulder level. The head is turned to the right, the gaze is directed forward, in the direction of the right hand. Hold this pose (by the way, it is called "Warrior-2") for 1 minute. Then relax, join your legs with a jump and repeat the exercise on the other side. Attention! It is very important to keep your back, arms and back legs straight. The lower leg and thigh of the forward leg should form an angle of 90 °, the arms should be in one straight line. Do not lower your chin, do not tilt your head back. The right foot should be directed strictly to the right, the left - forward, the feet must be firmly pressed to the surface. Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 asanas performed as one flowing movement - a technique called vinyasa. The asanas included in Surya Namaskar are unique in their effect on the body: they improve digestion, have a beneficial effect on the psyche, promote harmonious weight loss, increase the amount of energy in the body and enhance the feeling of youth and vitality. The complex can be practiced both separately from the rest of the exercises, and as part of them. Performing at a fast pace in the morning will help you wake up and energize your body before a workday, while practicing at a slow pace in the evening will help you recover and relax your body. I also advise you to use Surya Namaskar from time to time as a warm-up before yogalates. And a little about breathing: you should breathe through the nose - first a deep breath, until the lungs, chest and abdomen are filled, then vigorous exhalation. I also want to note: linger in each pose for 4–6 counts (especially when you practice the complex at a slow and smooth pace); be sure to repeat the asanas, changing the position of the legs; the total number of repetitions of the complex is 12 times, but if at the initial stage it will be difficult for you, start with 6 repetitions.

Stand straight, toes together, heels slightly apart, hands are joined together in front of the chest - namaste - thumbs touching the chest.

Spread your arms to the sides through the bottom and lift them up above your head (in a circular motion of a wide amplitude), join your palms together. Stretch your arms up and back, arching your ribcage forward. With each inhalation, the shoulders and arms are extended up and back.

At the same time, bend your knees slightly, tilt your torso and lower your arms down through the sides, pressing your palms to the floor near your right and left feet. The back is as straight as possible, the head stretches downward with the crown (if you are not so flexible, then touch the floor with your fingertips).

Step your left leg back as far as possible, bend your right knee at a 90 ° angle. The right foot is firmly pressed to the floor, the left foot touches the surface with the toe. Pull your ribcage forward and relax your hips, lowering them down to the floor.

Resting on your palms, take a step back with your right foot, bringing it to your left. Lift your pelvis up: your body should resemble a "mountain" or an inverted V. Straighten your back by moving your hips back and lowering your ribcage.

Bending your elbows, lower your pelvis down, rest on the floor with only your palms and the front of your feet. In this position, keep your elbows close to your body, your body - from crown to heels - should be in one straight line.

Leaning on your palms and feet, slide your body forward along the floor. Then push up on straight arms, performing a back bend of the torso in the lower back.

Lift your pelvis up in one motion: your body should resemble a "mountain" or an inverted V. Straighten your back by moving your hips back and lowering your chest.

Take a wide step with your right leg forward, bending it at the knee and placing your foot between your palms pressed to the floor. Pull your ribcage forward and relax your hips, lowering them down to the floor.

At the same time straightening your right knee and lifting your pelvis up, pull your left leg towards your right, taking a wide step forward. The palms are tightly pressed against the right and left foot. The back is straight, the head stretches downward with the crown.

At the same time, raise your arms through the sides up and straighten your torso, connect your palms above your head. Stretch your arms up and back, arching your ribcage forward.

Return to the starting position by lowering your arms to a position in front of your chest, palms in namast.

Cardioaerobics - a hard rebuff to body fat Unfortunately, Pilates, no matter how unique it is, must be supplemented with cardio training, which allows you to burn excess fat to the maximum. In this chapter, I offer you an overview and the most effective aerobic programs. Aerobic exercise is exercise that increases breathing and heart rate for a relatively long time without disturbing the balance between oxygen intake and use. Running, swimming, cycling, skiing, dancing and many other types of physical activity, in which loads are not performed with maximum effort for a fairly long period of time, are considered aerobic. It has been established that regular aerobic exercise for several weeks gives the following training effect: the physical condition of the body improves, the activity of the cardiovascular system and the individual's ability to endure stressful load increases, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Correctly selected aerobic exercise produces the fastest "fat burning" result. In any workout for different muscle groups, the most important thing is variety. The same principle applies to cardio training. Many women who work hard on simulators, literally squeezing out Tshirts from spilled sweat, often complain that all this work does not give the desired effect. The extra folds remain as they were. Why it happens? Our body is a unique mechanism. He very quickly gets used to any load and stops responding to it. And we are not talking at all about the duration or intensity of the exercises, but about the very nature of the training. An intense hour on an exercise bike, stepper, or treadmill will not cure excess weight problems or cardiovascular disease. And aerobic training - it can also be different. That is why it is impossible in the same way to fight extra pounds, train the heart and increase endurance. There are programs for each of these purposes. In order to fight excess weight, interval training is necessary. But first, let's make a small digression. To choose the right cardio program, you need to proceed from the state of your body. If you feel lethargic, depressed, and fatigued, then the usual quiet work for 30 minutes to 1 hour on any machine of your choice is suitable for you. You will definitely feel a surge of energy and your mood will noticeably improve.

Now let's talk about interval training, because it is they that tune our body to an accelerated metabolism, which, by the way, continues throughout the day after exercise, and it is they who effectively burn excess fats, perfectly transforming our figure. What does interval training mean? This is an alternation of cycles of intense cardio work and so-called active recovery, when you noticeably slow down. For example, at first you run very fast, then slowly - we recuperate, then again quickly ... And so on. Alternating the intensity of training in one run (for example) not only burns fat, but also quickly removes toxins and lactic acid from the muscles, which cause pain in all working muscles the next day. Finally, our “fiery motor” the heart - recovers much faster after such trainings than after running at the same pace for half an hour or an hour. And after 30 years it is oh, how important! Thoughtless pedaling at high speed will lead you to a heart attack rather than a beautiful figure. But even with such interval loads, cardiologists recommend practicing cardio no more than twice a week. This is why a workout pattern like this will work for you: two interval, one at a normal, moderate pace. Women over 30: one interval, two moderate workouts. Let's talk about each in more detail. Moderate cardio at an equal pace is the best medicine for fatigue and depression. This type of aerobics effectively burns fat and trains the heart, increases endurance and contributes to the health of the whole body as a whole. Previously, experts believed that half an hour of aerobic training was enough to effectively burn fat. But recent research shows that this effect only occurs after 45 minutes of cardio training. That is why it is necessary to train for at least an hour so that the body will be in the fat burning mode for at least 15 minutes. And that's why professionals do aerobics for two whole hours. Intensity is measured by heart rate. It should be 70–75% of your maximum heart rate. If you want to lose weight, do this cardio three to five times a week. How to determine your heart rate? 220 minus your age in years equals your maximum heart rate (formula). MP x 0.7 = 70% of your MP.

MP x 0.75 = 75% of your MP. For example: 38 year old woman. 220 - 38 = 182 (MP) 182 x 0.7 = 127 182 x 0.75 = 136. Thus, the desired heart rate is between 127 and 136 beats per minute. An approximate workout plan that increases the tone of the body: 1st day: moderate cardio training 35-60 minutes, load - 50-70% of the MP. 2nd day:moderate cardio training 35-60 minutes, load - 50-70% of the MP. # 8197; 3rd day: combo, load - 70-90% of MP. 4th day: relaxation. 5th day: moderate cardio training 35-60 minutes, load - 50-70% of the MP. 6th day: combo, load - 70-90% of MP. 7th day:relaxation. # 8197; What is a combo? This is 40 minutes doing a combination of cardio and fitness. First, the heart rate is increased with aerobic activity, and then maintained at a high level by exercise on the muscle groups. If you plan to train at home, then jumping rope, just jumping in place, running with high knees will suit you instead of cardio equipment. A sample workout plan to burn fat and actively deal with stress: 1st day: combo, load - 70-90% of MP. 2nd day: combo, load - 70-90% of MP. 3rd day: relaxation. 4th day: interval training, load 70–80% of MP. 5th day: moderate cardio training 35-60 minutes, load 5-7 (on the scale, which is given below). 6th day: combo, load - 70-90% of MP. 7th day: relaxation. Now let's talk about interval training.

Interval cardio is the most effective and fastest fight against fat, but not more often than 1-2 times a week. There must be at least two to three days between interval workouts to recuperate. I advise beginners to stick to intervals of 10-15 seconds, advanced 45-60 seconds. The recovery phase for beginners should be three times the intensive interval. For example: 30 sec. - intensity, 90 sec. - restoration. For advanced - twice, for example, 45 sec. - intensity, recovery - 90 sec. For better heart rate control, you will have to purchase a heart rate monitor or work on simulators with heart rate sensors. Interval training example

Finally, we figured out cardio training. It's time to consider the most effective cardio programs aimed not only at fast fat burning, but also at correcting problem areas. Here are some general practical tips. Choose an aerobic exercise that you enjoy and enjoy doing. It is important not only to choose the right place to study, but also to determine how you will get there and return. Obviously, you shouldn't choose swimming if the pool is 30 km away from you, and the time allotted in the daily routine for classes is only 45 minutes. And are you a good enough swimmer to do the load at a high pace? For example, if you are not very good at swimming or skiing, it will be simply impossible to fulfill the required amount of aerobic load and achieve an increase in heart rate: you will spend too much effort on practicing your technique, you will not be able to raise your heart rate to the limits that provide a training effect. Consider whether the activity you choose requires a partner. If so, how easy can you find it? Scientific research has shown that with less intense activities, such as walking, the likelihood of injury is significantly lower. With these types of physical activity, you can achieve the same effect as with high-intensity training, it only takes more time. It will also be useful to consult with your doctor, especially if you are over forty or your weight is 9 kg higher than the norm. If you experience any persistent pain during exercise, stop exercising and consult your doctor. Pain or discomfort should always be a signal to stop.

Increase the load gradually. Excessive exercise (and even in a fast mode) will inevitably lead to injury. If you have been in poor physical shape for many years, you cannot improve it in one or two evenings. An excellent means of exercise intensity is the "talking" test. If you can continue the conversation while running, then the intensity is acceptable. If you lose your breath and are unable to pronounce even a word, the load is higher than the permissible one. In order for any program of aerobic exercise to bring maximum effect, four main phases should be observed - warm-up, aerobic exercise, cool-down, exercise. It is very important to complete your endurance training correctly and safely. In short, the body must be allowed to gradually return to its pre-working state. Anyone who abruptly stops performing strenuous physical activity puts their heart in danger and even plays with death. This is why it is very important to cool down properly after each aerobic workout. Its main principle is never to end the exercise with an abrupt stop. The drop in blood pressure during a hitch should be gradual. This means that you must keep moving, gradually slowing down the pace. For example, if you are a regular jogger, walking at a fairly fast pace usually plays the role of an effective cool-down. After walking, take a walk at a very slow pace, continuing to move for 3-5 minutes. Observe the following requirements: - do not stand still without moving, even at the moment when you measure your heart rate; - do not sit down; - don't stop to talk to friends; - if after a strenuous workout you feel nausea or dizziness, just lie on your back for a few minutes so that the body recovers.

Let's take a closer look at the basic and most effective aerobic activities. Cross-country skiing

Cross-country skiing is one of the most difficult of all aerobic activities. This is mainly due to the fact that skiing engages most of the muscle groups, including the muscles in the arms, legs, and trunk. If you have certain skills and abilities and if there are conditions for skiing, then

this is a great opportunity to train the cardiovascular system. There are, however, some "buts", especially if you have never been skiing, or live in a warm climate where such activities are impossible. But even if you are a good skier, you may still come to the idea of the need to practice some other sport that is adequate for skiing. Running, roller skating or a simulator that simulates cross-country skiing can be an equivalent substitute for skiing in the warm season. You just need to remember Swimming

Swimming is the second most effective aerobic exercise. This is because training uses the same major muscle groups as when skiing. The regularity and intensity of the exercise is almost the same as in skiing; you need to swim from 20 to 30 minutes at least 4 times a week. Good swimmers burn 5 to 20 calories per minute, depending on swimming style and speed. It has several advantages over other types of endurance exercise. For example, it is much easier for the musculoskeletal system to work in water due to its low resistance, as a result, the likelihood of injury is greatly reduced compared to running. Swimming allows you to holistically strengthen the entire body Run

Jogging is perhaps the most popular type of aerobic exercise because it does not require any special equipment or special conditions. Almost everyone can afford to buy a pair of sneakers, go outside and start running. The most important thing is to be guided by the following principle: start gradually and in no case overload yourself. The best is considered to be jogging 4 times a week for 40 minutes, and the maximum - the mileage per week should not exceed 24 km. To prevent injury, observe the following rules: stretching - be sure to remember about warm-up exercises; shoes - it is very important to choose the right sneakers for running: the harder the coating, the softer the shoes should be; coverage - there is a direct connection between its varieties and injuries, the worst is concrete, the best is synthetic, smooth grassy field or unpaved road is also considered a good surface. But if you don't have to

choose, then make very high demands on the correct selection of sports shoes. At the beginning, try to run on a level surface. Later, with higher training, run on very rough terrain. It is very important to observe correct running technique. Keep your torso, neck and arms as relaxed as possible during exercise. Avoid running on toes, you need to run "rolling", that is, from heel to toe. Overtraining often occurs in beginners. The most common mistakes here boil down to dramatic increases in distance and training intensity, which can overwhelm your body. Therefore, if you plan to increase the amount of physical activity, do it gradually. Walking

Many people are skeptical about walking, not considering it an effective means of developing endurance. But this is far from the case. Oddly enough, but it belongs to the five types of physical activity that maximize the development of aerobic capacity. Walking has the same benefits as running or more labor-intensive activities, it just takes more time. It is necessary to train 4-5 times a week and walk a distance of 5 km in 45 minutes. However, training time can be shortened by choosing a route that does not go along a flat area, but, say, up the slope. And if you pick up a pair of small dumbbells, then you will not only shorten the training time, but also achieve no less tangible results, as if you were running. We will talk about various kinds of simulators and work on them a little later. From the offered programs you can choose the ones you like the most. But first, let's talk about some of the aerobics rules you need to know in order to burn those extra calories quickly and efficiently.

Aerobic Training Rules The main criterion for the return of aerobic training is considered to be the heart rate (or in short - heart rate). The entire range of your heart rate, from resting to maximum, is divided by experts into four zones that correspond to different levels of training intensity. This division is due to the fact that our body draws energy from different sources. Yes, fat is not

the only source of energy for your exercise. There are also amino acids of muscle tissue, glycogen, blood sugar, etc. And in each of the zones the body prefers one source, not necessarily fat. You may be doing long and hard aerobic exercise, but with a heart rate that does not burn fat at all. This is exactly the zone of maximum aerobic intensity, which many women practice until they drop, and the huge amount of sweat they shed does not guarantee success. Let's take a closer look at each of the zones. Zone 1: low intensity. The main sources of energy in this area are:fat and glucose. The individual assessment of the load is approximately 3-4 points, that is, heart rate: 50-60% of the maximum. The purpose of this zone: It can be used for warm-up or cool-down as a means of recovery from strength training, and can be used as a rest phase in interval training. The frequency of use of this area should be as follows: at each workout as a warm-up or cool-down. The optimal types of aerobics for this area are: swimming, skiing, skating, walking, bicycle ergometer, stepper, elliptical trainer. How you feel or how you feel:you can maintain a conversation, do not have time to sweat, the load is given easily. Advantages of the 1st zone: quickly stimulates an increase in blood circulation in the body during warm-up, well "warms up the muscles", ensures that the pulse is brought back to normal after heavy physical exertion. Zone 2: medium intensity. The main sources of energy in this area are: fat and glycogen, that is, blood sugar previously stored in the liver. The individual assessment of the load (or as it is usually pronounced in the abbreviation ION) is approximately 5–7 points, that is, the heart rate is 70–85% of the maximum. The purpose of this zone: increase in general physical endurance; It is used to "interrupt" the rhythm of heavy aerobic workouts. The training frequency should be as follows:1-2 times a week. Assuming 4–5 aerobic workouts per week, 1–2 of them should be in zone 2 and interspersed with hard workouts. The optimal types of aerobics for this zone are: dancing, step aerobics (step platform), jogging, treadmill, elliptical trainer, bicycle ergometer (moderate pace), stepper.

Well-being and your feelings:you will be able to flip words in conversation, but if you want to tell something you will become suffocated. Intuitively, many fitness club clients prefer this level, but zone 2 does not offer significant weight loss. The advantages of the 2nd zone are as follows: endurance increases, the work of the cardiovascular system improves, in combination with a diet, weight is effectively reduced. Zone 3: increased intensity. The main source of energy in this area is glycogen; if you exercise for more than a year and a half, then fat. Individual assessment of the load 8-9 points, that is, heart rate: 85-92% of the maximum. The purpose of this zone:if used as part of interval training, then against the background of a diet, it gives a pronounced effect of weight loss. However, if the training experience is more than 2–3 years, this zone has no effect. Practice it no more than 1 time a week to "cut" the training monotony. The training frequency should be as follows:2 times, subject to 4–5 aerobic workouts per week. The optimal types of aerobics for this zone are considered: running, cycling, bicycle ergometer, stepper, treadmill. How you feel or how you feel: it is impossible to talk, breathing is frequent, there is a burning sensation in the muscles, I want to slow down. The advantages of this zone are as follows: improves heart function, increases endurance, burns a large number of calories. Zone 4: high intensity. The main sources of energy in this area are: glycogen, an amino acid in muscle tissue. The individual assessment of the load, or ION, is approximately 10 points, that is, the heart rate: 95-100% of the maximum. The purpose of this zone: it is used in interval training, provides a huge energy consumption, in combination with a diet, it gives the maximum effect. The training frequency should be as follows: 1-3 times a week. The optimal types of aerobics for this area are: bicycle ergometer, sprint runs. How you feel or how you feel: the muscles are burning, there is not enough air, the heart is pounding.

The advantages of this zone are as follows: improves physical fitness, pushes the limits of the cardiovascular system, burns a lot of calories. Karvonen's formula

Training intensity in the fitness world is measured by the Karvonen formula, although it is not scientifically accurate. In particular, because to calculate the maximum heart rate, you have to refer to the old template "220 minus age". Nevertheless, the results of the formula are closer to reality. The formula looks like this: Heart rate during exercise = (maximum heart rate - heart rate at rest) x intensity (in percent) + heart rate at rest. For example, a 35-year-old woman wants to know what heart rate she needs to work with so that the intensity of the load is 75%. Her resting heart rate is 60. We calculate: 220 - 35 = 185 185 - 60 (heart rate at rest) = 125. 125 x 75% = 93.7 93.7 + 60 = 153.7 Thus, her heart rate during training at an intensity of 75% of the maximum will be 154 beats per minute. You can determine your heart rate at rest as follows: you must wake up in the morning on your own without ringing the alarm clock. Without getting out of bed, count the number of heartbeats in 30 seconds. It's not very convenient in a minute, you can lose count. Multiply that by 2 and you get your resting heart rate. If you do not have a heart rate monitor, intensity can be measured using a 10-point personal load rating scale - ION. The assessment is done as follows: ION / load 3-4 mild to moderate (65% HR max.); 5-7 from medium to high (80-85% HR max.); 8-9 almost maximum load (90-92% HR max.).

All this information is very necessary for you when we move on to the description of cardio programs. I offer you a choice of several very effective programs aimed at burning calories, some of the programs involve going to fitness clubs; jumping rope can be done at home; Well, the walking program does not need any comments at all. The choice is yours. Take a good look at the suggested cardio workouts and choose according to your taste based on the amount of time you can spend on your workouts. The basics of cardio are simple: keep moving, pushing large muscle groups, raising your heart rate, strengthening your heart, and burning a lot of calories to reduce fat. But the point is, not all cardio exercises are created equal. When it comes to fighting excess weight, some cardio programs are more effective than others. To maintain good physical shape (note, this is not about losing weight), I recommend doing moderate to high intensity aerobic exercises 2-3 times a week for 20-60 minutes. And those who managed to lose weight and not gain it again, did even more, burning an average of 2,700 kcal per week through various exercises. Experts believe that an effective cardio workout program should include a variety of exercises performed at varying intensities. This will allow you to burn calories and not get bored of monotony. Instead of using the same cardio machine all the time, it's best to divide your workout into short, intense cycles of 15 minutes on different machines. Here are some intense machine training options that can be used to create a set of exercises for each session lasting 45-60 minutes.

Three special programs to maximize calorie burn, reduce glute volume and increase energy potential I offer you three most effective programs that are aimed not only at shaping your figure and fighting excess weight, but also allow you to raise the tone and "charge the batteries" in the body as soon as possible. By combining these cardio programs with Pilates and smart eating habits, you can achieve weight loss success. Each of the three programs is performed once a week, for a total of three workouts per week. I recommend doing it in a day or two. Do yogalates in between cardio. You can also combine cardio with strength training before or after your programs.

Warm-up and cool-down are already included in these three programs, but for greater effect I recommend adding exercises that stretch the muscles (before and after training). Give preference to a treadmill, stepper or elliptical trainer, as these are the ones that most contribute to the correction of the legs and buttocks. In addition, they allow you to adjust the angle of inclination and resistance, which even better helps to get rid of unnecessary wrinkles and weight. If you do not plan to spend your time on simulators, it does not matter, you can successfully use the programs on the street. When I tell the program to increase incline or resistance, it means running or walking uphill or over rough terrain. You just have to designate the route of your training in the conditions of your city. If you want to speed up the results, add a fourth cardio workout: start with a warm-up, then work out at an intensity of ION 5-6 for 45 minutes, and finally do a cool-down and a stretching exercise. Use the following data:

For a more complete determination, use the sensors on the simulators that show your heart rate. The first program will allow you to gradually energize your body, banishing lethargy from it and developing endurance. During cardio exercise, be sure to additionally tighten your glutes, which will increase the training result. In 30 minutes on average, you will lose about 300 kcal. After warming up for 4 minutes, work with ION 7, then 2 minutes with ION 4. Repeat this cycle three times. If you choose a treadmill, then the incline is 2%; on other machines, work with a resistance of 6-8. If you want to additionally affect the buttocks, then work a little harder before the hitch (increase resistance or angle). Burning Calories

After warm-up in the "Preparation" stage, build up the pace, stabilizing the heart rate.

At the main stage, alternate 2-minute high-intensity intervals (ION 8) with moderate (ION 5). Repeat 4 times. On the treadmill, set the incline to 2%; on other machines, set the resistance level to 6–8. While strengthening the buttocks, increase the bend or resistance every minute, while simultaneously reducing the speed of the movement so that the ION is stable. In 30 minutes, on average, you will burn a little more than 300 kcal.

Reducing the volume of the buttocks

After warm-up, gradually reduce the intensity while increasing incline or resistance. Finish the main stage with a 30-second acceleration that will increase muscle tone and cardiovascular resistance to stress. Do it all over again. If you choose a treadmill, start with a 2% incline, other machines have a resistance level of 6-8. As the incline or resistance increases, decrease the pace. When strengthening the buttocks, engage with the highest possible bend or resistance for you. Alternate a moderate load at ION 4 with a higher load at ION 6. Maintain a uniform speed, since this stage does not imply relaxation and rest. In 30 minutes of training, on average, you will lose up to 300 calories.

This program can be further enhanced by adding a set of exercises for the legs and buttocks. I offer you advice from one of the best professional fitness players in the world. The advice applies to those who already have some level of physical fitness. To slim down your legs faster, use the following workout routine. Give your legs a powerful strength load once a week. Train, as they say, until you drop, until you are very tired. But only once a week. Sprint every other day (it is better to do this at the stadium). Cover a distance of 100 meters at least 6-10 times at the highest speed you

can. After two days, do the jumping load on your legs for about an hour. With such training, within 3-6 weeks your legs will become unrecognizably beautiful.

Combination of running and walking Many women are engaged in walking and running. However, the most effective workout is considered to be a combination of both. Thus, by varying the intensity of aerobic exercise, we burn more calories. When walking at a speed of 5.5 km / h for 30 minutes, a woman burns about 140 kcal. When running for the same time, it consumes 237 kcal. However, from running we get tired faster, the joints are heavily loaded. By replacing jogging with walking, and vice versa, we save time and energy, besides, we burn a lot of calories. That is why I am offering you this particular program, which combines both walking and running. The program is designed for 4 weeks. It must be remembered that during training, you cannot switch from a slow step to a sprint run. You need to run a little faster than if you were walking. The intensity of your workouts can be assessed on a 10-point scale, taking one for rest and ten for moving at maximum speed. Then, when walking, the intensity should be 4–6 points, while running - 5–7 points. If, performing the complex, you do not feel discomfort or you clearly lack the load, proceed to the workouts provided for the next week. Otherwise, repeat the complex until you perform it confidently and without tension. The total time shown in each set includes warm-up time, number of intervals, and cool-down time. If your workout seems too long or too short, simply increase or decrease the number of intervals that alternate between running and walking. In this program, walking time gradually decreases and running time increases. But if walking is more your thing, use only those complexes that work best for you. Initially, or if you have not been involved in sports for a long time, before starting the program, strengthen your muscles and develop endurance for 6-8 weeks. To do this, walk for 20 minutes twice a week. Increase the duration by 1–3 minutes each week. When it is 25 minutes, add a third walking activity. Continue adding 1-2 minutes per week.

When you are free to walk for 30 minutes 3 times a week, start training according to the program. If you only want to run, then increase the speed of the running intervals, or, conversely, switch to jogging during the walking intervals. Cross-country running also noticeably increases training intensity regardless of speed. If you only enjoy walking, then in order to be as intense as the running intervals, pay attention to walking technique. This will increase the speed. Move your legs quickly and work your arms vigorously in time with the walking, or you can train by doing uphill walking. If you enjoy exercising, then this program is perfect for that. Position the machine at an angle of 1–2%. This will allow you to simulate air resistance when walking, and your speed will be approximately the same as if you were jogging outside. Before starting a specific workout, be sure to warm up - 5 minutes of slow walking, 2 minutes of stretching the main muscle groups. After each workout, be sure to cool down: gradually slow down the pace for three minutes, then stretch the main muscle groups for 5 minutes. First week First lesson: 31 minutes. Walking - 8 minutes. Then two walking intervals with a variable speed: brisk walking - 1 minute, walking at a moderate pace - 3 minutes. Second lesson: 45 minutes. Walking at a moderate pace - 15 minutes. Then three intervals: running - 1 minute, walking - 4 minutes. Third lesson: 43 minutes. Walk at a moderate pace - 12 minutes. Then three intervals: running - 1 minute, walking - 3 minutes. Second week First lesson: from 35 to 41 minutes. Brisk walking - 8-10 minutes.

Then three to four intervals: fast walk 1 minute, walking at a moderate pace - 3 minutes. Second lesson: 50 minutes. Walk at a moderate pace - 12 minutes. Then three intervals: running - 2 minutes, walking - 2 minutes. At the end: running - 2 minutes, walking - 6 minutes. Third lesson: 43 minutes. Walking at a moderate pace - 8 minutes. Then five intervals: fast walk 1 minute, walking at a moderate pace - 3 minutes. Fourth lesson: 45 minutes. Walking - 10 minutes. Then five intervals: running - 2 minutes, walking - 2 minutes. Third week First lesson: 43 minutes. Walking at a moderate pace - 8 minutes. Then five intervals: running - 2 minutes, walking - 2 minutes. Second lesson: 48 minutes. Walking - 6 minutes. Then four intervals: running - 3 minutes, walking - 3 minutes. At the end, run - 3 minutes, walk - 4 minutes. Third lesson: 55 minutes. Walking - 10 minutes. Then six intervals: running - 2 minutes, walking - 2 minutes. At the end, run - 2 minutes, walk - 4 minutes. Fourth lesson: 55 minutes. Walking - 4 minutes. Then five intervals: running - 4 minutes, walking - 2 minutes. At the end, run - 2 minutes, walk - 4 minutes.

Fourth week First lesson: 49 minutes. Walking - 4 minutes. Then five intervals: running - 4 minutes, walking - 1 minute. At the end, running - 1 minute, walking - 4 minutes. Second lesson: 47 minutes. Walking - 2 minutes. Then four intervals: running - 5 minutes, walking - 1 minute. At the end, run - 2 minutes, walk - 4 minutes. Third lesson: 51 minutes. Walking - 8 minutes. Then seven intervals: running - 2 minutes, walking - 2 minutes. Fourth lesson: 50 minutes. Walking - 1 minute. Then three intervals: running - 8 minutes, walking - 1 minute. At the end, walking - 6 minutes, running - 1 minute.

Rope-lifesaver as the most effective cardiovascular equipment Remember how in childhood we adored "jumping ropes" and did it for fun. Experienced fitness women call this simple aerobic equipment the most effective cardiovascular equipment in the world. Indeed, in just 15 minutes of jumps, it allows you to burn up to 200300 calories, which is more than when running. But that's not all. It turns out that jumping helps the movement of venous blood, insuring against varicose blockages, which means that you are not afraid of cellulite. And in addition, there are fewer toxins in the body. This miracle is cheap, it takes up little space, but you can practice anywhere: at home, in the park, in the yard, on the street. First, let's figure out how to find the right rope size. On sale you can find a variety of skipping ropes: synthetic, leather, cotton, etc. The simplest rope with plastic handles is suitable for your workouts. You only need to pick it up by height or shorten the finished one by tying

knots at the handles. Height / Rope Length 152-167 cm - 210 cm 167-183 cm - 280 cm More than 183 cm - 310 cm

After you choose the right rope, there are some other little things to consider. 1. Comfortable shoes. Best of all sneakers. And definitely - a sports top that supports the chest. 2. I do not recommend jumping on a stone or cement floor to avoid injuries to the ankles and knees. 3. Jumps should not be high. Rotate the rope by twisting your wrists, limiting the movement of your forearms. 4. Never start jumping without a gentle warm-up (5-10 minutes). In order not to put undue stress on your joints and muscles, be sure to stretch, jump in place without a rope. Now about how to jump correctly. Starting position: legs together, knees slightly bent, arms lowered along the body and relaxed. Jumping should be low and rotate your wrists in a circular motion, keeping your elbows close to your body. Perform one jump for one rotation of the rope, any excesses (for example, double rotation of the rope for one jump) are inappropriate here. Now about the most important thing - about the load level. I'm sure many of you have seen boxers train. Let us recall at least the film "Rocky", in which S. Stallone jumped on a rope in a speed-crazy mode. It doesn't threaten you. He developed stamina, and your goal is to burn fat. The measure of the load here is completely different and should be calculated by the pulse. In the fitness world, it is customary to measure intensity using the Karvonen formula, so let me remind you of the whole calculation mechanism again. In particular, because to calculate the maximum heart rate, you have to refer to the old template - "220 minus age". Nevertheless, the result of the formula is closer to reality. To begin with, you need to determine your resting heart rate (HR). It is best to do this in the morning after waking up: you must wake up on your own, without ringing the alarm clock; without getting out of bed, count the number of heartbeats in 30

seconds. It is not very convenient for a minute, as you can lose count. By multiplying this value by 2, you get the desired heart rate at rest. Further calculation is made according to the formula: heart rate during training = (maximum heart rate - heart rate at rest) x intensity (in%) + heart rate at rest. For example, a 35-year-old woman wants to know what heart rate she needs to work with. The level of training should be taken into account: for beginners, the intensity in percentage is 60–70, for women with an intermediate level of physical fitness - 70–80. a 35-year-old woman wants to know what heart rate she needs to work with. The level of training should be taken into account: for beginners, the intensity in percentage is 60–70, for women with an intermediate level of physical fitness - 70–80. a 35-yearold woman wants to know what heart rate she needs to work with. The level of training should be taken into account: for beginners, the intensity in percentage is 60–70, for women with an intermediate level of physical fitness - 70–80. Let's make a calculation for a 35-year-old woman with an initial level of fitness, resting heart rate is 60. We calculate: 220 - 35 = 185 (i.e. 220 is age) 185 - 60 (heart rate at rest) = 125 125 x 70% = 87.5 87.5 + 60 = 147.5.

Thus, her heart rate during training at an intensity of 70% of the maximum will be 148 beats per minute. It may happen that while jumping at a normal pace, your heart rate will exceed the calculated value. This is what happens when the heart is out of tune. There is nothing wrong with that. Jump in this rhythm, then put the rope aside and just jump until your heart rate drops. Then grab the rope again. After regular training, your heart will become a real athlete and will work like a “fiery motor”. Plus, you'll stop choking on the stairs. Increase the intensity as you adjust to the percentage of the load, but do it gradually. Cardio session with rope

First level

First, train yourself to jump in place without the rope to determine your economical jump height. The secret to long jumps is to rotate the rope with just one hand. You must remember this. Otherwise, if you engage your arms and shoulders, an additional moment of inertia will arise. And he, in turn, will disturb the vertical balance of the body in the jump. To get started, learn to jump for 30 seconds without stopping. Then go to the cycle: 30 seconds of jumping, 30 seconds of rest. Rest does not in any way mean sitting, lying or standing. Take gentle side-to-side steps while normalizing your breathing. Session duration is 10-15 minutes. When you confidently master this rhythm, proceed to a new one: 1 minute of jumping plus 20 seconds of rest; duration - 15 minutes. Once you are comfortable with this level, move on to the next. The number of workouts per week is 3 for 10-15 minutes, the pulse is 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. Middle level At this level, try to stretch the initial mode (1 minute of jumping, half a minute of rest) for 20 minutes. When you master the new interval, start increasing the time of continuous jumps to 4–5 minutes, rest 30–60 seconds. The duration of the session remains the same - 20 minutes. When you overcome this peak, go to a new level - advanced. The number of workouts per week is 4 for 20 minutes, at an intensity level of 70-80% of the maximum heart rate. Advanced level Practice 4-5 minutes jumping, 30-60 seconds rest for 20-30 minutes. Start shortening your rest intervals by lengthening your jump interval. In the future, you can either increase the time of the aerobic session to 45 minutes, or, by reducing to a minimum or eliminating rest, stretch the jumping interval to 30 minutes. The number of workouts per week is 5 x 30 minutes, the heart rate is 75–80% of the maximum heart rate.

The golden rules of wellness nutrition for weight loss In this chapter, we'll talk about the golden rules of wellness nutrition to help you lose weight. Before moving on to a new diet, write down everything you eat for four days. You don't need to weigh the food, just write down the approximate amount. Weighing will only increase the likelihood that you will only eat foods that are easy to weigh during those four days. And this will knowingly give a false result. Conversely, if you quickly get bored of the weighing fuss, you will give up this whole venture. The notes you make will give you a clear idea of what is the basis of your diet, when and how much you eat, and perhaps why. It often happens that we eat not out of hunger, but out of boredom or the desire for peace and comfort. In addition, it is common knowledge that we all underestimate the amount of food we eat. It's easy to forget, for example, the cookies you ate with your morning coffee, or the chocolate bar you chewed while waiting for the bus, so try to keep your notes carefully. This will allow you to see where the extra calories or canned food is coming from. Step 1: minimize your intake of artificial food colors, flavors and additives

Artificial colors and food additives can cause cellulite in people with hypersensitivity when they come into conflict with the neutralizing enzyme system of the body. It has now become known that artificial colors cause increased activity in children. In adults, these changes may be less noticeable, an example of this is the accumulation of fluid. Such artificial substances are found in many modern food products: semi-finished products, ready-to-eat, canned and instant foods, cakes, puddings, pates, sausages and smoked meats - the list goes on and on. The best way to avoid or at least cut down on artificial food intake is to cook your own food with fresh ingredients. Eat a lean chop or a serving of fish and fresh vegetables for dinner, or even baked beans and toasted bread instead of a chilled meal ready-to-eat. Don't feel like your diet should be modest or monotonous. A little imagination, herbs, spices, seasonings - and you will create dishes that are just as good, if not better, and certainly healthier than those on supermarket shelves. Fresh meat,

Some food additives are completely harmless because they are vitamins or food extracts and are used to prevent food spoilage. The most harmful substances are artificial colors and most preservatives. Emulsifiers and additional antioxidants are of lesser concern, but it is desirable to minimize their intake as well. The nutritional supplements listed below are made from natural nutrients and for this reason may be considered non-toxic and acceptable in the diet. Dyes (E100-E180) The only allowed substances: E100 - curcumin E101 - riboflavin E120 - Cochineal E140 - chlorophyll E141 - Copper chlorophyll compounds E160a - carotene E160b - annatto E160c - capsantin E160d - lycopene E160e - beta-apo-8'-carotenal E160f - ethyl ester beta-apo-8'-carotenal E161 - Xanthophyll E162 - beetroot E163 - Anthocyanins E170 - Calcium carbonate E171 - Titanium dioxide E172 - Iron oxides E174 - silver E175 - Gold Preservatives (E200-E290) The only allowed substances: E200 - sorbic acid E201 - sodium sorbate

E202 - potassium sorbate E203 - calcium sorbate E260 - Acetic acid E290 - carbon dioxide Antioxidants (E300-E320) The only allowed substances: E300 - vitamin C E301 - vitamin C E302 - vitamin C E304 - Ascorbyl palmitate E306 - Vitamin E E307 - Vitamin E E308 - Vitamin E E309 - Vitamin E Step 2: stop eating artificial sugar substitutes

Artificial sugar substitutes work in the same way as chemical food additives: they overload the body's neutralizing system and lead to fluid retention. In people sensitive to sugar, artificial substitutes can also stimulate the production of insulin, which contributes to fluid retention and weight gain. Avoid “no added sugar” foods, diet drinks, or low-calorie drinks, as they almost certainly contain artificial sugar substitutes such as aspartame, asesulfame K, saccharin, or sorbitol. This is difficult at first, but very quickly you will get used to the lack of these foods in your diet, weaned yourself from sweets and reorient your taste sensations. Avoiding artificial sugar substitutes in the diet can lead to a loss of 1–2 kg of weight. This effect is due to the loss of water that was previously retained in the body under the influence of insulin. An additional plus is that, having lost cravings for sweets, you at the same time stop "pressing" on salty foods. Step 3: monitor your sodium intake

In hypersensitive individuals, excess sodium (salt) causes fluid to accumulate. It is currently impossible to determine who is susceptible to sodium and who is not. However, a certain amount of sodium is needed by the body to maintain normal water balance. A blood test and measurement of sodium in urine, which you can do on the referral of a physician, make it possible to determine if the sodium balance in your body is normal. However, most people do not need this, unless they are undergoing a course of cellulolipolysis (a treatment in which electric currents are passed through the tissue affected by cellulite), for which the concentration of sodium in the body is of great importance. Regular consumption of foods high in sodium can lead to excess sodium in the body, so try to refrain from eating foods such as jerky, smoked meats, ready-made meals, chips, and also limit the use of salt in cooking. Remember a simple rule: add salt to food in the kitchen, not at the dinner table. In hot weather, however, you can add a little more salt to compensate for the loss of sodium in sweat. High sodium foods Cut back on the following foods: Anchovies Bacon Brynza Chips Ham Ham Olives Pre-packaged salty snacks Shrimp Smoked cheese Smoked meat Salami Salted fish (cod, haddock, salmon, etc.) Smoked fish Salted nuts Step 4: drink just as much water as you need, but don't overuse it

We cannot do without a certain amount of clean drinking water, be it mineral water or filtered tap water. However, if your cellulite was caused by fluid buildup, then the veins and lymph vessels are unable to adequately remove fluid from the tissues of your legs. Drinking too much water can only make this problem worse. Drink water only when you feel thirsty. Under normal conditions, the daily intake of water is 1.5 liters. In hot climates, this figure can rise to 3 liters per day. And, of course, you must make up for the water lost after exercising. And how much to drink it - thirst will tell you! Step 5: get rid of excess fat in your diet

This step should be combined with exercise, appropriate creams or medical treatments to remove fat from cellulite-affected areas of the body. Avoiding fatty foods will benefit you and help you lose weight. Attention! Remember that in women, fat is stored mainly in the lower body and removed from the upper body. Therefore, if you are following a weight loss diet, it must be combined with other forms of treatment, such as exercise and lipolytic aromatherapy formulations or creams. Simply put - formulations or creams that help remove fat from the part of the body to which they are applied. Otherwise, fat will remain on the lower body due to the consumption of fat stores in the upper body. If the above measures have been taken but there has been no improvement, you may need to resort to mesotherapy and cellulolipolysis.

A certain amount of fat is necessary for the vital functions of the body, but its source may not be meat, but vegetables and fish. A small amount of fat also slows down the digestion process, allowing you to feel full for longer and not feel hungry. In addition, some of the fats necessary for the normal functioning of the body are not produced by the body itself. These are essential fatty acids found in crops such as wheat and vegetable oils found in sunflower, sesame, walnut and grape seeds. Other fats found in fish oils are called eicosapaentanolic acids (EPAs) and help prevent heart disease and other degenerative diseases. Because of their anti-inflammatory and protective effects, they can even help prevent cellulite. Diseases such as eczema and dry or irritated skin are not treated with a fatty diet, but a diet rich in essential fatty acids. The three main fatty acids are linoleic, alpha-linolenic, and gamma-linolenic, or GLA. They can be obtained in high concentration from evening primrose oil, borage and a

number of other oils that can be purchased at most pharmacies and pharmacologists. If you have any doubts about the need for essential fatty acids, consult your doctor. Observing the anti-cellulite regimen, we thereby want to achieve an overall reduction in the amount of fat in the diet, which will automatically lead to a proportional decrease in calories from it. The rest of the calories should be provided by carbohydrates, fruits and protein, the daily consumption of which is determined by individual energy requirements. Reducing the amount of fat in your diet does not mean that you should cut down on all fats, including animal and vegetable oils, cream, or cut fat from meat. There are many hidden sources of fat, such as chocolate, cakes, and cookies. Chocolate is 50% fat, so think carefully before unwrapping the colorful wrapper. By the way, the other half of the chocolate bar is mostly sugar! Although frying as a cooking method is discouraged, some foods can be lightly browned. This applies to white fish, chicken and beef liver, which are low in fat. For frying, use only vegetable oil and only in minimal quantities. After frying, blot food with a tea towel or paper towels to remove any traces of grease. It would be wise to skip fried foods when visiting restaurants and cafes where you cannot control the amount of fat used in certain foods. Below is a list of foods high in fat that should not be eaten. Cookies, chocolates, pastries, cakes and muffins Almost all of these foods are high in fat and / or sugar. Marzipans should also be eliminated from the diet. Animal and vegetable oils All oils should be avoided with the exception of sunflower, sesame, walnut oil and grape seed oil (keep consumption to a minimum). Animal oil. Melted butter. Fat. Margarine. Eggs Fried eggs.

Omelettes. Pancakes. A fish Any fish canned in oil (choose fish canned in its own juice or in brine). Fish fried in batter. Fish caviar. Herring: raw, salted and pickled. Smoked herring. Sardines. Sprats. Smelt. Meat, poultry and meat products Toasting bacon. Beefburger (if not made from lean meat). Fatty minced meat (choose only lean or very lean). Liverwurst. Meat with visible lumps of fat (trim off fat). Pate. Pork belly. Pork pies. Rack of pork ribs. Poultry with skin (remove skin before cooking). Salami. Sausages. Sausage rolls. Language. Milk and dairy products All hard and soft cheeses with the exception of homemade and low fat cheese. Butter cheesecakes. Sour cream. Cream cheese. Cream (choose semi-fat or skim milk).

Nuts All nuts (except chestnuts) and products made from them, such as peanut butter, tahini, hummus. Spicy snacks Almost all of these foods are high in fat, such as crackers, chips, salty sticks, etc. miscellanea Avocados and sauces and pastes prepared with it, such as guacamole. Step 6: limit your sugar intake

This stage should be combined with the use of anti-cellulite creams, exercise or medical treatment. You may need to take micronutrients. Eaten sugar is stored in the liver as glycogen. When glycogen stores begin to exceed the norm, the excess sugar is stored as fat mainly in the lower body. However, since the body prefers to use sugar rather than fat for energy production, it is burned much faster. Sugar is a carbohydrate. In general, carbohydrates are classified into two main groups: simple carbohydrates (sugar) and complex carbohydrates (starch). Simple ones - glucose and fructose - are easily absorbed by the body and used for energy. Generally, the more complex the sugar, the slower it is absorbed, providing a gradual release of energy. For this reason, complex carbohydrates such as starch, which are found in potatoes, rice and a number of other foods, are much more useful as an energy source for daily activities and sports than simple carbohydrates. Because complex carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates, blood sugar does not rise as quickly. As a result, the insulin response is moderate and sugar is gradually burned throughout the day. Purists will argue that potatoes, white rice, refined flour, and white bread are not true complex carbohydrates and behave like simple ones. Indeed, there are even more complex forms of carbohydrates that release the sugar they contain very slowly throughout the day. Brown bread, wholemeal bread, brown rice, beans, lentils, and other legumes are extremely complex carbohydrates with a high protein content. These foods

keep sugar levels constant, lower the rate of fat absorption, and thus fit perfectly into the diet. Highly active people who need an adequate supply of energy should try to eat more of these protein-rich foods rather than relying on high-calorie snacks to make up for their lack of energy. which is not recommended for weight loss. But living on beans alone is not always possible in our modern life! If you succeed, so much the better, especially if cellulite is a major concern for you. It is probably easier to think of such foods as less complex carbohydrates, reserving the term “complex carbohydrates” for brown or unrefined flour, rice, pasta, grains and breads. Don't rely entirely on refined, less complex carbohydrates; instead, try to include some more complex foods in your diet. reserving the term "complex carbohydrates" for brown or brown flour, rice, pasta, cereals and bread products. Don't rely entirely on refined, less complex carbohydrates; instead, try to include some more complex foods in your diet. reserving the term "complex carbohydrates" for brown or brown flour, rice, pasta, cereals and bread products. Don't rely entirely on refined, less complex carbohydrates; try to include some of the more complex foods in your diet. Simple sugar intake should be kept to an absolute minimum and replaced with complex carbohydrates such as brown bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and legumes. The amount of these foods you need will depend on your activity. A good breakfast is cornflakes with milk, porridge, rehydrated dry fruit, or toast with jam. Such food provides a constant flow of energy, since the secreted sugar will be burned throughout the day. Some substances, such as zinc-nickel-cobalt oligosol, help reduce sugar cravings. Glucose tolerance factor has a similar effect. If you want to lose weight, you will have to respectively lower your calorie intake or increase your activity level, or maybe both. If fat is to be completely burned, then the energy received by the body must be slightly less than the generated energy so that the body gradually uses up its fat reserves. But only slightly - the process must be gradual if we want to keep the fat reserves on the upper body, and with them the same bra size! Cutting back on sugar will help reduce the absorption of fat, but remember, you must also combine this step with exercise and lipolytic cream to help remove fat from the lower body. Many women with cellulite are not overweight and do not want to lose it. They just need to redistribute it. This can be achieved with a combination of physical exercises and dietary changes.

The list below lists foods high in sugar to avoid. Cakes, biscuits, pastries Almost all of these foods are high in sugar (and fat). Only unleavened dough biscuits and crispbread are recommended. desserts Ice cream. Milk puddings. Pies. Puddings. Fruit icecream. Fruit cakes. Canned fruits. Dried fruits All foods containing dried fruit, such as fruit pies, muesli. Apricots. Bananas. Currant. Dates. Fig. Mango. Pears. Plums. Raisins. Kishmish. Step 7: limit yourself to alcohol

By expanding blood vessels, alcohol improves blood flow and promotes relaxation. Red wine contains tannins, which protect the small circulation from free radicals and strengthen it. Thus, in small doses, alcohol contributes to the treatment of cellulite. However, alcohol is too high in calories and quickly turns into fat. To take advantage of the positive properties of alcohol while avoiding the trap, limit yourself to one glass of wine a day, preferably red.

Step 8: limit yourself to coffee

The caffeine found in coffee, and to a lesser extent in tea, speeds up the basal metabolic rate - the rate at which we burn calories. However, in high doses, caffeine causes constriction of small blood vessels and thus contributes to the appearance of cellulite. Therefore, your daily caffeine intake should be limited to a maximum of three cups of instant coffee (one teaspoon per cup), or two cups of filter coffee, or one cup of espresso or cappuccino. Tea contains beneficial tannins and far less caffeine than coffee, so you don't need to limit your intake. Remember that tea in large quantities can lead to constipation, so be careful if you are prone to it. Also, pay attention to the amount of liquid in the tea. Step 9: add more fresh vegetables to your diet

Vegetables and salads enrich your diet and contain valuable vitamins, minerals and essential oils to help repair cellulite-damaged tissue. Vegetables, especially those with bright colors such as tomatoes, red peppers and spinach, are rich in important minerals and antioxidant vitamins that protect small blood vessels from free radicals and thus play a significant role in the anti-cellulite diet. To fully utilize the vitamin potential of vegetables, they should be stored in a cool and dark place and eaten as fresh as possible. Cooking vegetables tends to reduce their vitamin content, so (as much as possible) eat them raw or cook for a minimum of time in a little water. Steaming or microwave cooking vegetables also reduces vitamin loss and preserves flavor. Raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables, contain valuable enzymes and plant hormones that play an important role in maintaining normal body function and helping to neutralize artificial food additives. Moreover, raw foods have a certain charge of electromagnetic energy, which is destroyed during cooking and storage. Suffice it to say that they should form a sensible part of your diet. Certain vegetables and vegetable extracts are commonly used in the treatment of certain disorders. Carrot juice, for example, is used to treat

digestive disorders, potato juice is used to treat ulcers, and cabbage juice is used to treat gastritis. The vegetables listed below also have specific properties that are beneficial in treating cellulite. Artichokestimulates the removal of toxins from the liver. It also promotes the passage of feces through the intestines and stimulates the removal of fat from fat cells. Seaweed contains iodine, which stimulates the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland controls the metabolic rate, and a lack of iodine can slow the rate at which you burn calories. Nettle, contained in herbal teas, it stimulates the kidneys and thus helps to remove excess fluid from the body. GarlicIs a powerful anti-cholesterol product that protects small blood vessels from damage. It also helps to improve the blood supply to all body tissues, including fat. Recommended vegetables Eat as many types of vegetables as possible from the list below.

Step 10: eat fruit separately from your main food

Although fruits are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, many are very high in sugar, present in the form of fructose, the fruit sugar. Despite its natural origin, it is nonetheless sugar and provides a lot of calories. Fructose is easily absorbed by the body and, just like other types of sugar, promotes the absorption of fat from food if consumed simultaneously with it. The amount of sugar present depends on the particular fruit. Bananas, for example, contain mostly starch, but they don't have enough vitamins to be beneficial in an anti-cellulite diet. Black currants, strawberries, blueberries and other berries do not contain much sugar and are rich in antioxidant vitamin C, which makes them indispensable in the treatment of cellulite. Whatever the sugar content of fruits, they should always be eaten separately from the main food. Take at least two hours between meals and

fruit. In this way, you will prevent the increased absorption of fat, spurred by sugar, and have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. Dried fruits also contain natural sugar and are very high in calories. It is generally advisable to avoid eating them dry. However, since dry fruits are rich in calcium, iron and minerals, they can be doused with water at night and eaten at breakfast in the morning. In this case, sugar will be burned by the body throughout the day. Fruits with a relatively high sugar content Limit your intake of these fruits to 225 grams per day: Bananas. Blueberry. Dried apricots soaked in water. Black grapes. White grapes. Mango. Fruit with a medium sugar content Limit your intake of these fruits to 450 grams per day: Cherries. A pineapple. Low Sugar Fruit Can be used in unlimited quantities: Apples. Apricots. Blueberries. Blackberry. Black currant. Fig. Gooseberry. Grapefruit. Melon. Peaches. Papaya. Pears. Plums.

Raspberries. Strawberry. Mandarins. Step 11: follow the principles of food separation and combination

While medicine has yet to refute or prove this, there is no doubt that many people have experienced the benefits of a diet based on the principle of combining certain types of foods when treating a range of disorders, from digestive problems to chronic fatigue and cellulite. ... In fact, the term food sharing is probably more accurate, as the principle of this type of diet is that you separate proteins (proteins) and starches in such a way that they are never consumed together with a meal. This promotes a more efficient digestive system. The reason is that different groups of enzymes are required for the normal assimilation of proteins and starches. Protein enzymes prefer to act in an acidic environment, while starch enzymes prefer to operate in an alkaline environment. If they are forced to work together in an environment that is not conducive to one or the other, then neither one nor the other is functioning at maximum efficiency. Indeed, our digestive system is simply not adapted to digest different foods at the same time. Ancient man did not have the opportunity to eat meat and vegetables every day. He had to satisfy his hunger with one, in the rare case with two staples. (He was indeed a “food separator.”) He simply had no alternative. However, these days we have a lot to choose from and diets are becoming more complex. Many people can eat whatever they want, without any unpleasant consequences for themselves, as there are smokers who smoke all their lives and do not know what a morning cough is. There are exceptions to the rules, but each person has its own limit, depending on the body's ability to resist adverse influences, and, having crossed this line, we will immediately notice the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. People with a low threshold of resistance are sensitive to certain external stimuli. Cellulite is very sensitive to them, including nutrition.

Principles of food pairing

The basis of the diet should consist of protein, carbohydrates (starch and sugar), fruits and vegetables. The basic principle is that proteins and carbohydrates should not be eaten at the same time. Protein can be used with vegetables and legumes, but not carbohydrates (starch and sugar) or fruits. Carbohydrates (starch and sugar) can be used with vegetables and legumes, but not with protein. Fruit and fruit juices should be eaten separately from the main food two hours after meals. Skimmed milk, semi-fat and skim milk, and natural yogurt (curdled milk) can be consumed with proteins or starches, sugars, fruits and vegetables. Food groups and combinations

When composing your menu, you can combine products listed in either one or another column, but in no case combine products from different columns.

Recommended protein meals The dishes below can be paired with vegetables, legumes, and low fat (low!). Beef:grilled minced beef patties; Lean beef slice roasted without fat steak with blood; roast beef fried with sauce without fat, hot or cold; grilled steak or kebab. Chick:fried, baked, or microwave-cooked breasts hot or cold chicken fried without fat or skin; fried, baked or microwave-cooked hot or cold. Dairy:milk (preferably skimmed, semi-fat or non-fat); low fat cheese; homemade cheese; yogurt (low in fat, no added sugar) Duck: fried breast without added fat. Eggs:hard boiled; soft-boiled; cooked without shell in boiling water (poached egg).

A fish: All of the fish below can be grilled, boiled, smoked (in moderation), or lightly browned (remove fat after cooking). Canned fish (in brine or water) also acceptable: carp cod sea eel haddock hake halibut flounder salmon shark slope sole swordfish trout tuna Game: All of the following game types are low in fat and can be fried, boiled, stewed and microwaveable: guinea fowl hare partridge pheasant quail rabbit Mutton: chops cutlets grilled lean mince ham stewed with lemon juice and herbs ham roasted without fat sirloin kebab grilled meatballs Giblets:boiled kidneys, lightly fried (remove fat after cooking); grilled kidney kebab; boiled or lightly fried liver (remove fat after cooking). Pork:chopped cutlets without fat, grilled; grilled sirloin, boiled or cooked in sweet and sour sauce; grilled kebab; lean minced meat.

Legumes:beans; beans; soy; peas (turkish, green, yellow, crushed); lentils; hummus (check the fat content, some recipes use too much oil). Seafood:all the types of seafood listed below can be cooked, grilled and served both cold and hot with low-calorie seasonings (optional) mussels; shrimp; octopus. Soy products:miso; tofu; vegetable sandwiches (with soy). Turkey:grilled, boiled, microwaved; grilled kebab; lean minced meat; turkey roasted without skin. Recommended meals with a high carbohydrate content Can be combined with vegetables and legumes. Choose wholemeal breads, pasta, rice, and noodles whenever possible over refined carbohydrates. Baked beans - on toast with potatoes, boiled or baked with skin. Buckwheat - fried buckwheat grains, spaghetti with vegetable or tomato dressing. Noodles - with vegetable spices, sauces and herbs. Pasta - with vegetable sauce, tomato sauce, herbs (for example, basil), beans, salad. Polenta - with tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers and other vegetables. Potatoes- boiled with or without peel, served with low-calorie pasty products; low-calorie mayonnaise or margarine. Rice - with vegetables, tomatoes, peas, beans, corn. Legumes Despite the fact that legumes contain a lot of protein, they are considered neutral food products and for this reason can be eaten both in pure form and in combination with proteins and carbohydrates, but not with both at the same time. Depending on the combination with proteins or carbohydrates, they will belong to the corresponding food group. Vegetables and salads All green and colored vegetables and vegetable juices as well as mushrooms can be eaten at any time with all food groups. Potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, and corn on the cob are all carbohydrates and for this reason should be eaten separately from protein foods.

Dairy Yogurt and milk contain protein, but can still be combined with any food group. Prefer non-fat natural or bio-yogurt, and skim or semi-fat milk.

Breakfast Try to eat enough in the morning so that after a couple of hours you do not feel hungry and you are not drawn to high-calorie "snacks". Breakfast is the time when you can take your "dose" of sweets, based on the fact that you will burn calories throughout the day. The choice is yours: - cornflakes with skimmed or semi-fat milk; - corn flakes with fruits; - oatmeal cooked in semi-fat milk; - bananas; - unsweetened cookies, toasted bread, oat cakes, unleavened biscuits; - toast and not very sweet jam; - low-fat yogurt.

Snack Between Meals Fruit (remember to measure and do not forget to take a two hour break after the main meal). Low fat yogurt. Vegetables.

Lunches and dinners Group 1: low level of activity Some people are sedentary. Goal: During the week, in addition to breakfast, you should eat twelve protein-containing (that is, protein) and two carbohydrate meals. Group 2: normal activity level

Most of us, fortunately, fall into this group. It includes people who do reasonable physical work for a week: an established set of exercises, the equivalent of walking for an hour daily, or work that does not involve sitting at a table. Goal:During the week, in addition to breakfast, you should eat ten protein-containing and four carbohydrate-containing meals. Ideally, the latter should be consumed on the day of the exercise so that you have enough energy. Group 3: high level of activity This group brings together instructors of fitness centers, dance teachers, athletes, people engaged in work that requires increased physical activity. Goal: During the week, in addition to breakfast, you should eat seven or eight protein meals and six or seven carbohydrate meals.

Sample menu 1. Menu for a weekday Lunch with carbohydrates, dinner with high protein. Recommended for people with a busy working day. Ideal for those days when you do your exercise routine. Breakfast.Freshly squeezed orange juice. Wholemeal toast with lowfat butter and unsweetened jam. Coffee, tea or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch.Tea, herbal tea, or water. An Apple. Dinner.Boiled jacket potatoes with boiled beans or low-calorie mayonnaise gravy. Low fat yogurt. Herb tea. Afternoon snack.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Pear. Upon returning home.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Melon, strawberry. Dinner. Lamb fillet kebab, steak, chicken or turkey with bell peppers, onions and tomatoes (use garlic and herbs for taste), salad or vegetables. 2. Menu for a weekday High protein lunch and dinner. Breakfast.Freshly squeezed orange juice. Cornflakes with skim milk or semi-skim milk, or low-fat yogurt. Coffee, tea or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch.Tea, herbal tea, or water. An Apple.

Dinner.Tomato, mushroom or vegetable soup. Roast pork, beef or chicken with vegetables. Low fat yogurt. Afternoon snack.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Pear. Upon returning home.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Melon, strawberry. Dinner. Grilled salmon with salad. 3. Menu for a weekday Protein-rich lunch and dinner. Recommended for those days when you must do your exercise routine. Breakfast.Freshly squeezed orange juice. Oatmeal. Coffee, tea, or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch.Tea, herbal tea, or water. An Apple. Dinner.Fried chicken leg or breast with tomatoes and bell peppers. Low fat yogurt. Afternoon snack.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Orange. Upon returning home. 2-3 unsweetened cookies if you do your exercise later. Dinner.Soup (meat and (or) vegetable). Meat, chicken or fish, but no rice. Vegetables or salad. One glass of wine (if desired). 4. Menu for a weekday Protein-rich lunch and dinner. Breakfast.Freshly squeezed orange juice. Boiled dried fruits: apricots, plums or peaches. Coffee, tea or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch.Tea, herbal tea, or water. An Apple. A restaurant.Tomato juice, a glass of white wine as an aperitif. Vegetable soup. You can choose from meat, fish, poultry, shellfish, lobster, or crab (grilled, microwave, or boiled) with vegetables and / or salad with French sauce. One glass of wine with the main course (or two if you didn't drink anything for the aperitif). Coffee or tea (no sugar). Afternoon snack.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Peach or smooth peach. Upon returning home. Raw vegetables with yoghurt topping or homemade vinegar and olive oil seasoning. Dinner. Fried fish or chicken with salad or vegetables. 1. Weekend menu Lunch of dishes rich in carbohydrates. High protein dinner.

Breakfast.Fresh fruit salad. Toast with low-fat butter and unsweetened jam. Coffee, tea, or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Fruit. Dinner.Baked beans on toast. Salad or vegetables. Afternoon snack.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Fruit. Dinner.Vegetable or meat soup. Grilled steak with salad or vegetables. Low fat yogurt. No more than two glasses of wine (preferably red). 2. Weekend menu Sunday lunch with steak, dinner with carbohydrate-rich dishes. Breakfast.Fresh fruit salad. Toast with low-fat butter and unsweetened jam. Coffee, tea, or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch. Fruit juice. Dinner.Smoked salmon or shrimp in low-fat mayonnaise. Roast beef, lamb, pork, turkey or chicken with meat juice sauce (all fat removed), high protein sausages, fried mushrooms, vegetables (no chips or parsnips), or salad. Low fat cheese. One glass of wine (preferably red). Afternoon snack.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Plums. Dinner.Polenta with tomatoes and mushroom caps. Low fat yogurt. 1. Menu for semi-vegetarians Lunch with dishes rich in carbohydrates, dinner with protein dishes. Breakfast.Fruit salad with low-fat cheese. Coffee, tea, or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch. Tea, herbal tea, or water. Dinner. Pasta with vegetable sauce and salad. Afternoon snack.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Low fat yogurt. Upon returning home. One toast with low-fat butter or unsweetened jam. Dinner. Bean casserole, tofu, tomatoes. 2. Menu for semi-vegetarians Lunch with dishes rich in carbohydrates, dinner with protein dishes.

Breakfast.Fresh orange juice. One toast with low-fat butter or unsweetened jam. Coffee, tea or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch. Tea, herbal tea or water, or fruit. Dinner.Jacket potatoes with baked beans sauce. Tomato salad. Tea, herbal tea, or water. Any kind of fruit. Upon returning home. Low-fat yogurt. Dinner. Cheese omelet or scrambled eggs with grated cheese, herbs and vegetables. 3. Menu for semi-vegetarians Lunch with protein dishes, dinner with dishes rich in carbohydrates. Recommended for the days when you do your exercise routine. Breakfast.Freshly squeezed orange juice. Dry plums or apricots soaked in water. Low fat yogurt. Coffee, tea, or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch. Tea, herbal tea or water, or fruit. Dinner.A slice of low-fat cheese. Salad with legumes and tomatoes. Low fat yogurt. Afternoon snack. Plums, pears, fresh figs, or other fruits. Upon returning home. Oat cakes or savory biscuits. Dinner.Pasta with tomato sauce or basil and olive oil seasoning. Green or mixed salad. Bread roll. One glass of wine (preferably red). 1. Menu for true vegetarians Lunch with dishes rich in carbohydrates, dinner with protein dishes. Breakfast.Freshly squeezed orange juice. Dry plums or apricots soaked in water. Wholemeal toast with yeast extract. Coffee, tea, or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Pear Dinner.Couscous with fresh vegetables. Tea or herbal tea. Afternoon snack.Fruit. Tea, herbal tea, or water. Upon returning home. Soy milk and banana milkshake. Dinner.Tofu and in a sweet and sour sauce of peppers, tomatoes, onions, green onions and canned pineapple slices (in this case, the rules for eating fruit can be neglected, since canned pineapples are easier to digest). Soy shoots.

2. Menu for true vegetarians Protein-rich lunch and dinner. Recommended for busy working days when there is no time for cooking. Breakfast.Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Oatmeal with soy milk. Coffee, tea, or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch.Tea, herbal tea, or water. Oat cakes. Dinner.Vegetable sandwich (served with vegetables, tomato sauce and soy sprouts). Tea, herbal tea, or water. Afternoon snack. Pear, peach, plum, or other fruits. Upon returning home.One banana. Tea, herbal tea, or water. Dinner.Tomato or other vegetable soup. A dish made with structured vegetable protein (frozen or canned). Fresh vegetables. Tea, herbal tea, water, or vegetable juice. 3. Menu for true vegetarians Lunch of dishes rich in carbohydrates; high protein dinner at a restaurant. Breakfast.Freshly squeezed orange juice. Millet porridge cooked with soy milk. Coffee, tea, or herbal tea (no sugar). Before lunch.Fruit or fruit juice. Tea, herbal tea, or water. Dinner.Vegetable soup with bread roll. Pita with hummus. Couscous with salad. Bean salad with pasta and tomatoes. Afternoon snack.Tea, herbal tea, vegetable juice, or water. Fruit. Upon returning home.Oatcake. Tea, herbal tea, or water. Dinner. Chinese food with bean curd, soy shoots, mushrooms (several cashew nuts are allowed in the dish).

Delicious recipes for a perfect figure "Envelopes" with chicken in Chinese Serves 4. Preparation - 5 minutes. Cooking - 7 minutes. 500 g minced chicken breast; 1/3 cup chopped green onions 2 tablespoons of soy sauce

8 squares of dumplings dough size 6x6 cm; 1 tablespoon sesame or other vegetable oil 1/2 cup low-fat chicken stock salt and black pepper to taste. In a bowl, stir well the minced chicken, onion, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Divide the finished minced meat into 8 equal parts. Place each minced meat in the center of a square of dough, moisten the edges of the square with water, fold the dough into an envelope and pinch the edges. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet. Place the envelopes in a skillet, flat side down, and cook over low heat for 2 minutes until golden brown on the bottom. Add the broth, cover the skillet with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes until tender. Optionally, "envelopes" can be served with sauce: take a little soy sauce and chopped green onions, add a little chili sauce and stir. Nutritional value per serving (2 "envelopes"): 225 kcal, fat - 27% (6.7 g, including 1 g contains saturated fatty acids), carbohydrates - 20% (11 g), proteins - 53% (30 d), fiber - about 1 g. Chicken cutlets breaded with pine nuts with noodles Serves 4. Preparation - 5-7 minutes. Cooking - 7-8 minutes. 6 tablespoons of bread crumbs; 2 tablespoons of chopped pine nuts 4 halves of skinless and boneless chicken breasts, beaten to a thickness of 1 cm; 2 teaspoons of olive or any other vegetable oil; 200 g of vermicelli; 1 can of tomatoes (400 g) in its own juice. In a shallow bowl, stir together the breadcrumbs and pine nuts. Dip the chicken breasts in this mixture. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Fry the chicken cutlets for 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. With the heat reduced, cover the skillet with a lid and cook for another 1-2 minutes until cooked through. Boil the noodles separately. Drain, add tomatoes to the vermicelli and stir. Serve the chicken with noodles and tomatoes.

Nutritional information per serving (1 half chicken breast, 1 1/2 cups noodles with tomatoes): 464 kcal, fat 18% (9.3 g, including 2 g saturated fatty acids), carbohydrates 49% (57 d), proteins - 33% (38 g), fiber - 3 g. Fried chicken with rice and green peas Serves 4. Preparation - 5 minutes. Cooking - 5-7 minutes. 500 g skinless and boneless chicken breast, cut into thin strips; 1/4 cup low-fat chicken stock 1/4 cup peanut butter 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 cups instant rice (white or brown) 1 cup frozen green peas salt and black pepper to taste. Roast the chicken pieces over low heat for 3-5 minutes until golden brown and cooked through. Add salt and ground black pepper. In a saucepan, stir in the stock, peanut butter, and soy sauce. Heat, stirring continuously, for 2 minutes. Cook rice and add green peas, salt and pepper to it. Serve the chicken with peanut sauce and rice. Nutritional information per serving (125 g chicken breast, 2 tablespoons peanut sauce, 1 cup rice): 450 kcal, Fat 18% (9 g, including 2 g saturated fatty acids), Carbohydrates 49% (54 g ), proteins - 33% (37 g), fiber - 3 g. Spicy steak pasta 60 g dry spaghetti; 120 g sirloin steak; 1 teaspoon of spices; 1 teaspoon olive oil 1/4 cup thick kefir; 3 ripe tomatoes (cut into cubes); 2 tablespoons cucumber (cut into cubes) 1 tablespoon fresh herbs (finely chopped); salt, pepper - to taste.

Cook the spaghetti. Combine the oil, pepper and spices, and rub the tenderloin on all sides with the resulting mixture. Fry the tenderloin in a nonstick skillet for 5 minutes. Cut the finished tenderloin into thin long slices. Combine kefir, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and salt. Simmer the sliced tenderloin in this mixture, then combine with the pasta and serve. Nutritional value - 372 kcal, 35 g protein, 48 g carbohydrates, 7 g fat, 2 g fiber. Pasta with meatballs and teriyaki sauce 60 g dry spaghetti; 120 g ground beef; 1 teaspoon soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon of crushed garlic 1 cup of frozen vegetables per bag 1 teaspoon vegetable oil; 1/2 cup cooked teriyaki sauce Cook the spaghetti. Combine minced meat with soy sauce and garlic, roll up meatballs. Cook the meatballs over low heat, turning over from time to time. While they are cooking, fry the vegetables in oil until golden brown. Add the cooked meatballs to the teriyaki sauce. Heat everything together and serve with spaghetti. Nutritional value - 533 kcal, 30 g protein, 78 g carbohydrates, 11 g fat, 5 g fiber. Pasta with beans, chicken and pesto 60 g dry spaghetti; 120g skinless chicken breast (diced) 1 teaspoon vegetable oil; a pinch of garlic powder; 1/3 cup canned beans, drained; 1 tablespoon basil pesto sauce salt, pepper - to taste. Cook the spaghetti. Fry the chicken in vegetable oil for 4-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add garlic powder, beans and sauce. Warm up and serve with spaghetti.

Nutritional value - 485 kcal, 40 g protein, 56 g carbohydrates, 12 g fat, 7 g fiber. Dijon pasta with chicken and broccoli 60 g dry spaghetti; 120 g skinless and boneless chicken (cut into cubes); 1 teaspoon vegetable oil; 1 cup broccoli 1 tablespoon Dijon (sweet) mustard Cook the spaghetti. Fry the chicken in vegetable oil for 4-6 minutes, turning from time to time. Boil the broccoli and lightly fry it until crispy. Put all the ingredients together, stir and serve. Nutritional value - 440 kcal, 39 g protein, 51 g carbohydrates, 9 g fat, 7 g fiber. Pasta with chicken and vegetables in sour cream 60 g dry spaghetti; 1 cup frozen vegetables 120 g skinless and boneless chicken (cut into cubes); 1 teaspoon vegetable oil; 2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream; salt and pepper to taste. Cook the spaghetti. Add vegetables to the water in which the spaghetti is boiled, 5-6 minutes until cooked. Meanwhile, fry the chicken in oil for 4-6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add vegetables, sour cream, salt and pepper to the pasta, mix with ready-made chicken and serve. Nutritional value - 460 kcal, 37 g protein, 53 g carbohydrates, 11 g fat, 5 g fiber. Mexican burrito with salsa sauce 6 servings. Preparation - 20 minutes. Cooking - 15 minutes. For the salsa sauce: 2 tomatoes, cut into quarters; 2 cherry tomatoes, halved; 1/2 coarsely chopped red onion

1 hot chili, cut lengthwise and peeled; 1 clove of garlic, halved 1/2 teaspoon olive oil salt and pepper to taste; 1/2 lime juice; 1 tablespoon chopped fresh herbs For the burrito: 2 teaspoons olive oil 2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion 1/2 cup mushrooms, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons seeded and chopped chili 2 tablespoons finely chopped tomatoes 1 cup thinly sliced spinach leaves salt to taste; 6 eggs; 6 egg whites; 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese; 6 sheets of Armenian lavash; chopped fresh herbs. Salsa sauce.Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Combine tomatoes, onions, peppers and garlic. Add olive oil, salt and black pepper. Place the mixture on wax paper or foil and bake for 15 minutes, until the vegetables are browned. Transfer to a blender and blend for a few seconds - the consistency should be coarse. Pour in lime juice and sprinkle with herbs. The resulting sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months. Burrito.Brush a saucepan with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and cook over medium heat. When the saucepan is hot, add the chopped onion and fry, stirring constantly, for 2-3 minutes. Dip mushrooms, peppers and simmer until almost all moisture has evaporated from the mushrooms. Then add the tomatoes, spinach and let sit on the stove, stirring for another 2-3 minutes the spinach should be soft. Salt, remove from heat and transfer to another dish. Whisk eggs and whites. Pour into a saucepan and put on fire so that the eggs are slightly fried, but remain runny. Mix them with vegetables, sprinkle with feta cheese and set aside. Reheat the saucepan. Put the pita bread and fry for 20 seconds on both sides. Place on a flat surface and

spread 1/2 cup egg and vegetable mixture on each, season with 3 tablespoons of salsa sauce and herbs. Roll the pita bread into tubes with a diameter of 3.5 cm, cut obliquely and serve. If the burritos are cool, reheat them in the oven at 100 ° C for 20 minutes. Unused filling can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, but it is not recommended to freeze it. Nutritional information per serving (1 burrito, 3 tablespoons of salsa sauce): 224 kcal, 38% fat (9 g, of which 3 g sat), 35% carbohydrates (20 g), 27% protein (15 g), 11 g fiber, 118 mg calcium, 2 mg iron, 429 mg sodium. Chicken with red pepper puree sauce Add a fresh note to the familiar chicken breast with mashed baked sweet bell peppers with garlic, onions, brown sugar, chili peppers, tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. Serves 4. Preparation - 15 minutes. Cooking - 8-10 minutes. 2 teaspoons olive oil 4 halves of skinless and boneless chicken breasts; 1 cup slightly salted vegetable broth (available from frozen stocks) 1 tablespoon cornstarch 3 whole red bell peppers; 1/2 tablespoon minced garlic 1 cup chopped onion 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon chopped hot chili 2 cups sliced tomatoes 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar salt and black pepper to taste; 4 cups broccoli Hen: Fry the chicken breasts in olive oil until golden brown, about 1 minute on each side. Place in a baking dish and bake in an oven preheated to 160 ° C until tender, within 6-8 minutes. Puree sauce: Bake in the oven or microwave, turning the bell pepper periodically until dark on all sides. Transfer it to a small container, cover with cling film and let stand for 3 minutes. Then remove the skin, cut into halves and peel

off the seeds. Combine vegetable broth and starch in a small saucepan and place over medium heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 2-3 minutes, until thickened. Pour into a blender, add bell peppers, garlic, onions, sugar, chili peppers, tomatoes, vinegar, salt, ground black pepper and grind until smooth. Drain off excess liquid. Steam broccoli or microwave for 2-3 minutes. Divide the baked breasts into bowls, spreading 2 tablespoons of puree sauce on each plate. Serve with broccoli and French fries (see recipe below). Nutritional information per serving (1 half breast, 2 tablespoons puree sauce, 1/2 cup broccoli): 267 calories, 20% fat (6 g, of which 1 g sat), 34% carbohydrates (23 g), 46 % protein (31 g), 7 g fiber, 85 mg calcium, 3 mg iron, 349 mg sodium. French fries Serves 4. Preparation - 10 minutes. Cooking - 16–20 minutes. 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice 0.5 kg of unpeeled potatoes, cut into strips; salt and black pepper to taste. Preheat oven to 160 ° C. Cover the baking sheet, oiled with olive oil, waxed paper, or foil. Combine 1 tablespoon olive oil, mustard and lemon juice in a large bowl. Pour the potatoes into the marinade and stir well. Place on a baking sheet in an even layer and bake for 16-20 minutes, until the potatoes are golden brown and soft inside. Season with salt and pepper. Nutritional information per serving (120 g): 157 kcal, 21% fat (4 g, of which 1 g sat), 72% carbohydrates (28 g), 7% protein (3 g), 3 g fiber, 15 mg calcium , 2 mg iron, 128 mg sodium. Sandwich with turkey and Swiss cheese The fresh herb sauce replaces mayonnaise and turns a regular layered sandwich into a gourmet meal. This "phyto sauce" can also be used as a dressing for salads with fresh vegetables and herbs. Serves 4. Cooking - 15 minutes.

For herbal sauce: 2 teaspoons chopped shallots 3/4 teaspoon chopped basil 1/2 teaspoon chopped oregano 1/4 teaspoon minced garlic 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon olive oil salt and black pepper to taste. For a sandwich: 8 slices of cereal bread; 300g sliced turkey ham; 120 g Swiss cheese, sliced 1 tomato, cut into thin slices; 1 cup fresh spinach leaves Prepare the sauce by mixing all the ingredients you need in a small bowl. On 4 slices of bread, first spread the turkey, then the cheese, tomato slices, spinach leaves, add 1 tablespoon each of the herbal sauce and cover with the remaining slices of bread. Nutritional information per serving (1 sandwich): 363 kcal, 32% fat (13 g, of which 6 g sat), 38% carbohydrates (34 g), 30% protein (27 g), 7 g fiber, 491 mg calcium , 2 mg iron, 948 mg sodium. Turkey breast stuffed with papaya (mango can be used instead of papaya) Serves 4. Preparation - 10 minutes. Cooking - 35 minutes. 0.5 kg turkey breast without skin and bones; 1 cup diced papaya 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest salt and black pepper to taste. Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Place the turkey breast on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to make a pocket in the side of it. Rub the outside with salt and pepper. Transfer to a greased form. In a blender, combine papaya, honey, lemon juice and zest until smooth, add a pinch of salt. Stuff

the turkey with 2 tablespoons of papaya puree and place the rest on top. Bake for 30-35 minutes until tender. Cool for 10 minutes, cut into slices and serve. Nutritional information per serving (100 g turkey and 1 teaspoon of papaya puree): 147 calories, 4% fat (2 g less than 1 g sat), 24% carbohydrates (9 g), 72% protein (26 g ), 1 g fiber, 20 mg calcium, 1 mg iron, 46 mg sodium. Turkey with peanuts and green peas Serves 4. Preparation - 8 minutes. Cooking - 12 minutes. 1/2 kg boneless turkey breast, skinless, cut into 5 cm cubes 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 cup frozen green peas 1 cup raw brown rice 2 teaspoons olive oil 1/2 cup roasted peanuts 1/4 cup chicken stock 1 teaspoon of soy sauce In a small saucepan, combine the turkey with sesame oil, garlic powder, and pepper. Close the lid tightly and set aside. Place the peas in a microwaveable container and cook for 30 seconds at maximum power. Boil brown rice. Heat a large non-stick skillet, brush with olive oil. Dip the turkey spice mixture into the skillet and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Add the peanuts, after 30 seconds add the peas, and after another minute add the chicken stock and soy sauce. Keep on fire until liquid evaporates. Place the rice on the plates, and on top of it is the turkey with peanuts and peas. Nutritional information per serving (1 cup turkey with peanuts and peas plus 1/2 cup rice): 423 calories, 26% fat (13 g, of which 2 g sat), 41% carbohydrates (44 g), 33% protein ( 35 mg), 56 g calcium, 3 mg iron, 4 g fiber, 215 mg sodium. Turkey with spicy beans

Serves 4. Preparation - 6 minutes. Cooking - 14 minutes. 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 small onion, chopped; 1 clove of garlic, minced; 200 g minced turkey; 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 cup liquid-free canned dark beans 1.5 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon of cumin; 1 tomato, diced 1.5 cups of water; 2 bay leaves; 1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder 1 glass of couscous; 2 tablespoons of grated Cheddar cheese. Cook the couscous. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add olive oil. Saute the onion until translucent. Add garlic, stir. After 1 minute, lower the minced meat and fry, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Add tomato paste, beans, oregano, salt, chili, cumin and tomatoes. Simmer for 1 minute. Add water, bay leaves and cocoa powder. Cook, uncovered, until all the liquid has evaporated, about 10-13 minutes. Take out the bay leaves. Spread the couscous into 4 plates, top with the turkey and beans, sprinkle with the cheese. Nutritional information per serving (3/4 cup turkey with beans, 1/2 cup couscous and 1/2 tablespoon cheese): 259 calories, 13% fat (4 g less than 1 g saturated), 52% carbohydrates (34 g), 35% protein (23 g), 57 mg calcium, 2 mg iron, 7 g fiber, 423 mg sodium. Turkey meatballs in coconut sauce with pasta Serves 4. Preparation - 7 minutes. Cooking - 13 minutes. 1/2 kg minced turkey;

1 crushed garlic clove; 1.5 tablespoons of ground ginger; 2 tablespoons of soy sauce 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, minced 2 tablespoons coconut milk 1 glass of chicken broth; 250 g pasta; 2 cups frozen spinach, minced 6 tablespoons of water; 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder salt, pepper - to taste; sesame seed. Add garlic, ginger, soy sauce, pepper and cilantro to the minced meat. Form 16 small meatballs with a diameter of about 5 cm. Place on a baking sheet previously oiled with vegetable oil. Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Turn over once during cooking. Meanwhile, boil the pasta. Mix the spinach, water, garlic powder, salt and pepper separately. Cover and microwave for 1 minute. Pour the stock and coconut milk into a saucepan. Simmer for 6 minutes, until half of the liquid evaporates. Pour the sauce over the meatballs. Arrange 4 bowls with pasta and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve the spinach in a salad bowl. Nutritional information per serving (1/2 cup spinach, 1/4 cup pasta, and 4 meatballs): 377 calories, 12% fat (6 g, of which 1 g saturated), 50% carbohydrates (52 g), 38% protein (40 g), 178 mg calcium, 5 mg iron, 5 g fiber, 779 mg sodium. Just spaghetti 1 serving. 60 g dry spaghetti; 1 teaspoon olive oil 1-2 teaspoons of spaghetti dressing (or any other sauce). Cook the spaghetti, toss in the butter and dressing. Nutritional value - 240 kcal, 8 g protein, 42 g carbohydrates, 5 g fat, 2 g fiber.

Note. From 60 grams of dry spaghetti, about 1 cup of cooked is made. To understand how much 60 g is, take a bunch of spaghetti with a diameter of about 50 kopecks (this is about 20 pasta). If you are limiting the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, halve the serving of spaghetti and use 30 g. This will cut calories by 100 calories and reduce the amount of carbs by 21 g over what is indicated in the recipe. All-in-one spaghetti 1 serving. Surely you have cooked spaghetti with meat sauce more than once. I present you with an innovative recipe - both the sauce and the pasta are cooked in the same pan. 120 g ground beef; 1/2 cup cooked spaghetti sauce with green peppers and mushrooms 2 glasses of water; 60 g dry spaghetti; 1 teaspoon of spices; 1 teaspoon of grated Parmesan (optional) Brown the minced meat in a non-stick skillet. Reduce heat and add, stirring constantly, sauce, water, dry spaghetti and herbs. Add heat and bring to a boil. When the pasta is tender enough to be placed on the bottom of the skillet, reduce the heat again, close the lid and simmer for another 1015 minutes, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle cheese on the finished dish if desired. Nutritional value - 540 kcal, 33 g protein, 74 g carbohydrates, 13 g fat, 6 g fiber. Pasta with onion-garlic sauce Serves 4. Soy milk is a great base for a thick sauce. Coarse salt adds extra piquancy to the dish. 2 cloves of garlic; 1 small onion; 2 tablespoons chopped chives 2 cups fresh basil leaves 150 g dry soy milk; 1 glass of water;

1/4 cup pine nuts 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 500 g pasta or spaghetti; coarse salt to taste. 1. In a food processor, puree the garlic, onions, chives, basil, soy milk, water, pine nuts, salt and pepper. 2. Boil the pasta. Toss the cooked pasta and sauce in a large bowl and serve. Nutritional value per serving: 541 kcal, fat 10 g, protein 34 g, carbohydrates 81 g, fiber 2 g. Sandwich with salmon in yoghurt sauce Serves 4. Preparation - 6 minutes. Cooking - 12-14 minutes. 2 cans of salmon, 450 g each (drain the juice); 1/2 cup light mayonnaise 1/3 cup baked bread crumbs mixed with spices 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 2 teaspoon vegetable oil; 1 cup low fat yogurt, no fillers 2 teaspoons chives, chopped 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons minced tarragon 8 slices of "Borodino" bread. Preheat oven to 220 ° C. Mash the fish with a fork and toss it with mayonnaise, bread crumbs, oregano and black pepper. Form 4 cutlets with minced meat, about 1 inch thick. In a dish suitable for both stovetop and oven, heat the oil and sauté the fish cakes for 1-2 minutes on each side, until they are lightly browned. Then place them in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce by mixing yogurt, chives, Dijon mustard and tarragon. Place cutlets on slices of Borodino bread, pour over the sauce and cover with the remaining slices. Nutritional information per serving (1 fish cutlet, 1/4 cup sauce, 2 slices of bread): 469 kcal, 26% fat (14 g, of which 3 g saturated), 32%

carbohydrates (38 g), 42% protein ( 50 g), 5 g fiber, 346 mg calcium, 3 mg iron, 640 mg sodium. Chicken breast in almonds with blue cheese sauce Serves 4. Preparation - 5 minutes. Cooking - 10-15 minutes. 4 halves of skinless and boneless chicken breasts; 2 tablespoons flour; 1.5 teaspoons of garlic powder 2 egg whites; 1/2 cup chopped almonds 2 teaspoons olive oil 1.5 cups of low-fat milk; 1 glass of couscous; 4 cups broccoli 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley salt and pepper to taste. Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper on both sides. Dip them first in a mixture of flour and garlic powder, then in egg whites and almonds (to prevent the nuts from flying off, you can press them into the meat). Place the chicken in a greased skillet and fry for 1 minute on each side - the almonds should take on a golden hue. Pour in milk, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 8 minutes, until chicken is completely cooked through. Boil 1.25 cups of water in a saucepan, pour the couscous into it and hold it under a lid over low heat so that all the liquid is absorbed. Cook the broccoli in the microwave for 3 minutes with a little water. Divide the breasts into bowls. Pour the crumbled cheese and nutmeg into the boiling milk left in the pan. Cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute to melt the cheese. Remove the pan from the stove and add the parsley to the sauce. Drizzle over chicken breast slices and serve with a complex couscous and broccoli garnish. Nutritional information per serving (1 half chicken breast, 1/4 cup sauce, 1/2 cup couscous, 1/2 cup broccoli): 591 kcal, 29% fat (19 g, of

which 4.7 g saturated) , 39% carbohydrates (58 g), 32% protein (47 g), 12 g fiber, 309 mg calcium, 4 mg iron, 353 mg sodium. Roasted asparagus, yellow sweet pepper and green onions Serves 4. Since asparagus is a relative of the onion family, it has the same properties. Sesame seeds will be more flavorful when roasted in a non-oil pan. 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon ground ginger root or 1 tablespoon ground fresh ginger root 1 kg of asparagus, cut into 3 cm pieces (canned can be used); 8 stalks of green onions, cut into 3 cm pieces; 1 large yellow bell pepper, cut into strips 4 cloves of garlic, minced; 2 tablespoons of soy sauce 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds. 1. Heat a large skillet over high heat and pour vegetable oil into it. Put ginger in hot oil and fry for 15 seconds. 2. Add asparagus, green onions and peppers. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 4 minutes. 3. Add garlic, soy sauce, sesame seeds, salt. The nutritional value of one serving is 155 kcal, fats - 5 g, proteins - 9 g, carbohydrates - 24 g, fiber - 9 g. Egg casserole with rye bread, tomatoes and cheese Serves 4. Preparation - 10 minutes. Cooking - 6-10 minutes. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil; 8 slices of rye bread, diced; 400 g chopped canned tomatoes; 1 cup cheddar cheese, cut into strips; 1 glass of low-fat milk 4 large eggs; 2 teaspoons sweet mustard 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese; garlic powder, dried basil, and oregano to taste. Preheat oven to 170 ° C. Whisk together milk, eggs, mustard and pepper. Grease a baking dish about 10 x 30 cm. Place the bread cubes on the bottom, tomatoes on top, sprinkle with Cheddar cheese, basil, garlic powder and oregano. Pour in the egg-white mixture and sprinkle with Parmesan. Cover with a lid or foil. Bake until golden brown, about 30 minutes. Remove from oven, cool for 2 minutes, cut into 4 pieces and serve. Nutritional information per serving (1/4 casserole): 373 kcal, 31% fat (13 g, 6 g sat), 42% carbohydrates (39 g), 27% protein (25 g), 6 g fiber, 435 mg calcium , 3 mg iron, 1013 mg sodium. Halibut with herbs, rice and soy Serves 4. Preparation - 8-10 minutes. Cooking - 12 minutes. 4 slices of halibut fillet (trout, cod), 150 g each; 2 tablespoons minced basil 2 tablespoons of minced mint 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder 3 teaspoons olive oil 2 shallots, finely chopped; 2 minced garlic cloves; 1 cup instant brown rice 1.25 cups unsalted chicken or vegetable stock or water 1/4 cup toasted soybeans salt and pepper to taste. Preheat oven to 220 ° C. In a small bowl, combine the basil, mint, mustard and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Season the fish with salt and pepper, then brush on all sides with the mixture. Place in a greased baking dish and bake until tender, about 10-12 minutes (no need to turn the pieces). Heat the remaining olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat, lightly fry the shallots and garlic in it, add the rice and simmer for another minute. Pour in broth, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in soybeans. Serve with the fish. Nutritional information per serving (1 slice of halibut fillet and 2/3 cup rice with soybeans): 272 calories, 28% fat (8 g, of which 1 g saturated),

30% carbohydrates (20 g), 42% protein ( 29 g), 1 g fiber, 68 mg calcium, 1 mg iron, 341 mg sodium. Meatballs with mushroom sauce and pumpkin puree Serves 4. Preparation - 20 minutes. Cooking - 30 minutes. 1/2 kg pumpkin, peeled and cut into 5 cm pieces; 4 tablespoons of seed oil; 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 kg lean ground beef (it's best to cook it yourself); 1/2 cup chopped onions 1/4 cup bread crumbs mixed with spices 2 egg whites; 1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley 1 cup chopped fresh mushrooms 1 teaspoon dry thyme 1 cup unsalted broth 1 teaspoon of starch; 1/4 cup sherry. Boil the pumpkin, drain the water, add 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and mash with a fork. Mix separately the minced meat, onion, crackers, egg whites and parsley. Add 1/4 teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Blind 16 small (about 5 cm diameter) meatballs. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a non-stick saucepan. Put the meatballs in it and fry on all sides until a brown crust forms. Then lower the mushrooms and cook for another 3 minutes, until the meatballs are tender. Sprinkle them with thyme, cover with broth, reduce heat and simmer until tender. At the end, pour in the starch diluted in sherry and, stirring occasionally, keep on the fire for about 1 minute to thicken the sauce. Spread the pumpkin puree on the plates, on top - meatballs with sauce. Nutritional information per serving (4 meatballs, 1/4 cup mushroom sauce, 1/2 cup pumpkin puree): 411 calories, 24% fat (11 g, of which 3 g saturated), 44% carbohydrates (45 g), 32 % protein (33 g), 5 g fiber, 66 mg calcium, 4 mg iron, 628 mg sodium.

Shrimps with tomatoes Serves 4. Preparation - 10 minutes. Cooking - 18 minutes. 2 teaspoons olive oil 4 minced garlic cloves; 900 g canned tomatoes, diced; 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper 350 g wholemeal pasta; 1/2 kg of peeled shrimp; 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil Boil pasta, drain water. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Sauté the garlic, add the tomatoes, oregano, red pepper and bring to a boil. Simmer covered over low heat for 15 minutes. Dip the shrimp and hold for another 2 minutes. Turn off heat and add basil. Arrange the pasta on plates, top - shrimp with canned tomatoes. Nutritional information per serving (1.5 cups): 448 kcal, 9% fat (4 g, of which less than 1 g saturated), 64% carbohydrates (72 g), 27% protein (30 g), 11 g fiber, 84 mg calcium, 6 mg iron, 596 mg sodium. Chicken with rice and vegetables Serves 4. Preparation - 10 minutes. Cooking - 30 minutes. 2 tablespoons sesame oil 2 finely chopped garlic cloves; 1/2 kg skinless and boneless chicken breasts, cut into 2 cm cubes 1 cup brown rice 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 cups unsalted chicken stock or water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 cups frozen broccoli 1 cup chopped red bell pepper 1/4 cup chives, chopped

Heat oil in a small skillet. Fry the garlic over medium heat, then the breast pieces until golden brown. Add dry brown rice, after a minute add soy sauce and stir well. Pour in the chicken broth, salt and pepper, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Top the chicken rice with broccoli and bell pepper. Cover with a lid and let sit on the stove for another 5 minutes: the vegetables should become soft and absorb all the liquid. Then toss them with rice and chicken. Serve sprinkled with green onions. Nutritional information per serving (1 cup): 299 kcal, 19% fat (6 g, of which 1 g sat), 37% carbohydrates (28 g), 44% protein (33 g), 4 g fiber, 53 mg calcium , 1 mg iron, 576 mg sodium. Chicken breast under an olive coat Serves 4. Preparation - 10 minutes. Cooking - 25 minutes. 1/2 cup pitted olives 1/4 cup green olives stuffed with pepper 1 tablespoon canned capers (drained) 1 clove of garlic, minced; 4 halves of skinless and boneless chicken breasts; 1 glass of millet; 2 finely chopped carrots; 1/2 cup canned green peas 1/3 cup chopped red onions 2 tablespoons minced basil 2 tablespoons olive oil salt and pepper to taste. Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Brush a baking sheet with olive oil. In a blender, grind the olives, olives, garlic and capers until smooth. Place the breasts on a baking sheet with the resulting olive paste on top. Bake until tender, about 25 minutes. Cook the millet porridge and stir it with carrots, peas, onions, basil and olive oil. Season with salt, pepper and serve as a side dish with the breasts. Nutritional information per serving (1 half chicken breast and 2/3 cup millet porridge with vegetables): 402 kcal, 28% fat (12 g, of which 1.6 g

sat), 39% carbohydrates (39 g), 33% proteins (33 g), 5 g fiber, 63 mg calcium, 6 mg iron, 580 mg sodium. Chicken fillet with oriental vegetables If desired, the chicken fillet can be replaced with lean beef, pork tenderloin, or shrimp. Brown rice is a good side dish. Serves 4. 5-6 dried mushrooms; 1/3 cup low-fat chicken or vegetable stock 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 teaspoons of starch; 2 teaspoons sesame oil 2 minced garlic cloves; 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced (or a pinch of ground) 4 cups shredded cabbage 1 carrot, chopped into thin strips; 1 small courgette (zucchini), cut into thin strips; 2 stalks of chopped green onions; 8 whole grain tortillas 1/4 cup mild sauce (preferably bamboo) 300-350 g of skinless and boneless chicken breasts, cut into strips of 0.5-0.7 cm. Soak mushrooms in 1/2 cup warm water for 20 minutes, squeeze out and set aside. Toss the stock, soy sauce, and starch. Heat oil in a wide skillet over high heat. Saute the garlic and ginger for 30 seconds, stirring continuously, then lower the fillets and continue stirring for another 2-3 minutes. Then add cabbage, carrots, zucchini, onion, mushrooms, 1/2 cup water and simmer for 1–2 minutes, until the cabbage is tender. Pour in a mixture of broth with starch and hold for 1 minute - the liquid should thicken. Remove from heat. Spread 1.5 teaspoons of mild sauce on the tortillas preheated in the microwave oven, place 1/2 cup each of the chicken and vegetable filling, and wrap. Serve with rice. Nutritional information per serving (2 tortillas, 1 cup chicken and vegetable fillet filling, 1/2 cup cooked brown rice): 498 kcal, fat 12% (6.6 g, of which 1 g is saturated fat), carbohydrates 57% (9 g), protein - 31% (35 g), fiber - 23 g, calcium - 112 mg, iron - 2 mg, potassium - 927 mg.

Salmon with spinach and wheat porridge Instead of salmon, you can use cod, eel or flounder. Steamed spinach and wheat porridge are a good addition to the dish. Serves 4. 4 pieces of salmon fillet, 150 g each; 2 tablespoons sweet mustard 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme / thyme or 1 teaspoon dried 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped or 1 teaspoon dried 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 small onion, chopped; 2 tomatoes, sliced. Make 3-4 cuts on each piece of fish, 4-5 cm long and 0.5-1 cm deep. In a shallow bowl, stir together the mustard, lemon juice, thyme, rosemary, oregano, salt and pepper. Dip the fish fillets in the mixture and let it soak, turning over from time to time. Then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 180–200 ° C. Grease the dish with butter, put the tomatoes and onions on the bottom, and the salmon slices on top. Drizzle with the remaining marinade. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Nutritional information per serving (1 fillet, 1/2 cup spinach, and 1/2 cup wheat porridge): 382 calories, fat 24% (10 g, of which 1.7 g are saturated fat), carbohydrates 42% ( 40.5 g), proteins - 34% (32 g), fiber - 7 g, calcium - 238 mg, iron - 7 mg, potassium - 475 mg. Spinach with salmon and mushrooms This salad can be served as a main course. It contains a lot of vitamins and medicinal phyto-substances. 6 servings. Sauce: 1/4 cup chopped green onions 1/4 cup soy sauce 1/4 cup table vinegar 2 tablespoons of water; 2 cloves of garlic, minced; 2 teaspoons toasted sesame seeds 2 teaspoons sesame oil 1 teaspoon chili pepper

Salad: 2 teaspoons sesame oil 6 stalks of green onions, cut into 2 cm pieces; 300 g sliced mushrooms; 3 cups canned corn 6 pieces of salmon fillet (100 g each); 500 g fresh spinach; 3 cups bean or soy sprouts 2 sweet red peppers, thinly sliced. Stir all the ingredients in the sauce. Brush fillets with vegetable oil, place on a baking sheet lined with foil and bake in a preheated oven or grill for 8 minutes. In a large skillet in preheated sesame oil, simmer the green onions and mushrooms for about 6 minutes. Add corn, stir, cover and remove from heat. Divide the spinach, bean sprouts and peppercorns into 6 bowls. Place the warm mushroom mixture on top, and the finished fillet pieces on it. Pour the sauce over and serve immediately. Nutritional information per serving (3 cups lettuce, 1 fillet slice): 365 calories, fat 39% (16 g, of which 3 g are saturated fatty acids), carbohydrates 29% (32 g), protein 32% (29 g ), fiber - 14 g. Baked sea bass in remoulade sauce with root vegetables Serves 4. "Remoulade" - mayonnaise-based sauce. Usually pickled cucumbers, capers, parsley, green onions, mustard and anchovies are added to it. 1/4 cup table mustard 2 tablespoons of light mayonnaise; 2 cloves of garlic, minced; 1 teaspoon of spiced vinegar 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (or 1 teaspoon dried parsley) 2 stalks of medium leeks; 2 Jerusalem artichokes; 2 medium carrots; 1 teaspoon olive oil 4 pieces of sea bass or cod fillet (110 g each). Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Prepare the remoulade sauce: In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, mustard, garlic, vinegar and parsley.

Peel the roots and outer leaves of the leeks, rinse with cold water and cut into thin strips 5 cm long. Peel the carrots and Jerusalem artichoke and cut into strips too. Heat the olive oil in a skillet. Add the leeks and simmer for 3 minutes until tender. Add Jerusalem artichoke and carrots, simmer for another 3-4 minutes. Remove skillet from heat. Place the fish fillets in a shallow baking dish, spread the remoulade sauce evenly over the fish, then the vegetables. Cover the tin with foil and bake for 15-20 minutes. Garnish the fish with lemon slices before serving. Nutritional value per serving (1 piece of fillet and 1.25 cups of vegetables): 318 kcal, fats - 18% (6.5 g), carbohydrates - 44% (24 g), proteins - 38%. Rice with rutabaga, walnuts and cranberries 8 servings as a side dish. Serves 4 as a main course. 2.5 cups low-fat chicken stock without salt 2 cups apple juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1 cup rice (brown is better) 1/2 cup pearl barley; 3 tablespoons maple syrup (or 1 tablespoon sugar) 500 g rutabaga, cut into 1 cm cubes; 3/4 cup fresh cranberries 1/2 cup chopped walnuts chopped greens (green onions or parsley). Pour chicken broth, apple juice, salt, cinnamon and cloves into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Add rice and barley. Cover the saucepan with a lid, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Add maple syrup (or sugar) and rutabagas. Cover and cook for 30 minutes, until vegetables and cereals are tender. Add cranberries and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, add nuts and transfer to a serving platter. Garnish with green onions or parsley. Nutritional value per serving (3/4 cup as a side dish): 242 kcal, fat 20% (5.5 g), carbohydrates 74% (24 g), protein 6%.

Vegetable stew Serves 4 as a side dish. 3 turnips, cut into 1 cm cubes; 3 carrots, cut into 1 cm cubes; 3 radishes, cut into 1 cm cubes; 500 g potatoes, cut into 1 cm cubes; 6 leeks, peeled and chopped; 1/4 cup chicken stock 1/4 cup melted margarine 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper Preheat oven to 260 ° C. Stir in vegetables, add chicken stock, margarine, salt, pepper and stir. Spread the mixture evenly into a baking dish and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes. Nutritional value per serving (1.5 cups): 270 kcal, fat 20% (6 g), carbohydrates 74%, protein 6%. Turnip dafinoise casserole 6 servings. "Dafinoise" is a French way of cooking potatoes, baked in layers with garlic, butter and sour cream. Since turnips have much less starch than potatoes, you need to add a little flour and hard cheese to make the sauce thicker and more tender. 3 tablespoons of grated hard cheese; 1/2 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 500 g turnips, cut into thin slices; 6 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme (or 2 teaspoons dried thyme) 1 teaspoon olive oil 1/2 cup skimmed milk powder 1/2 cup chicken stock Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Lubricate a baking dish with olive oil using a cotton swab. Toss 2 tablespoons of grated cheese, flour, salt and pepper. Place one third of the turnip on the bottom of the dish in a circle so that the slices overlap. Sprinkle the turnips with half the flour mixture and 2

teaspoons of thyme. Then add another layer: a third of the turnips, the remaining flour mixture, and 2 teaspoons of thyme. Top with the remaining turnip slices. Brush the top layer of the turnip with olive oil and sprinkle with the rest of the thyme. Combine the broth and milk and pour the mixture over the vegetables. Cover the tin with foil and bake in the oven for 35 minutes medium. Remove the casserole from the oven, remove the foil and use a spoon to press down on the vegetables to release the juice. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top of the casserole and place in the oven for another 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven and let stand for 10 minutes before serving. Carrot hummus 8 servings (2.5 cups). 3 cups grated carrots; 1.5 cups chopped onions; 2 cups canned garbanzo peas (or soak 1.5 cups dry garbanzo peas or chickpeas overnight, then boil them in salted water until tender); 1 tablespoon sesame oil (optional) 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 cloves of garlic, minced; 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 pitas. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Place the carrots and onions in a baking dish, drizzle with olive oil and stir well. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, stirring after 15 minutes. In a food processor, grind the carrot / onion mixture, garbanzo peas, sesame oil (optional), lemon juice, garlic, coriander, cumin and salt until smooth. Cut each pita into 4 pieces, spread with hummus and sprinkle with alpha-alpha sprouts, olives or pine nuts as desired. Nutritional information per serving (2 tablespoons of hummus and 1 pita): 216 kcal, fat 8% (4.82 g), carbohydrates 78%, protein 14%. Fish with black pepper, green onions and rice Serves 4.

Preparation - 5 minutes. Cooking - 14-16 minutes. 1 cup long grain white, brown, or jasmine rice 6.5 cups of water; 2 teaspoons olive oil 500 g fillet of sea fish (cod, mackerel), cut into 5 cm pieces; 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 teaspoons dried ground ginger 1 clove of garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/2 cup chopped green onions Pour 6 cups of water over the rice. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for another 8-10 minutes until tender. Drain off excess water. Meanwhile, put the skillet on high heat. When it gets hot, pour in the oil and spread it over the surface in a circular motion. Add fish pieces and fry, stirring continuously, for 2 minutes. Then add the red pepper and stirfry for 1 minute. Add 1/2 cup water, soy sauce, ginger, minced garlic and black pepper and simmer for another 3 minutes to soften the fish. Remove skillet from heat and add green onions. Divide the rice into bowls. Place the fish on top and serve. Nutritional information per serving (125 g fish, 2 tablespoons sauce, 1/2 cup rice): 308 kcal, fat 12% (4 g, of which less than 1 g are saturated fatty acids), carbohydrates 61% (46 g ), proteins - 27% (20.4 g), fiber - 2 g.