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English Pages 726 [728] Year 2004
World Guide to Foundations
Handbook of International Documentation and Information Volume 19
Vol. I Europe Vol. II Africa / The Americas / Asia and Oceania
World Guide to Foundations 3rd Edition
Volume II Africa / The Americas / Asia and Oceania
K - G - S a u r München 2004
Editors: Michael Ziis t Frank Kirchner
Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek
Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nafionalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.ddb.de.
Printed on acid-free paper © 2004 by K. G. Säur Verlag GmbH, München Printed in Germany All Rights Strictly Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher. The publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in Work! Guide to Foundations. whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. Computer-controlled data preparation and automatic data processing by bsix information exchange GmbH, Braunschweig Printed and Bound by Strauss GmbH, Morlenbach Cover Art by William Pownall ISSN 0939-1959 (Handbook ...} ISBN 3-598-22267-X ISBN 3-598-22269-6 (Vol. I I )
Preface The new, third edition of the World Guide to Foundations contains more than 42,000 foundations world-wide from all fields of science, culture and technology. Due to intense research the number of entries raised by more than one thousand. Now the World Guide to Foundations, Volume I - Europe includes about 22,000 foundations, while Volume II - Africa, The Americas, Asia and Oceania lists 20,000 entries. In addition to the new entries the World Guide to Foundations is presenting more information on E-rnaii and internet-addresses, on personnet and financial assets of the foundations and specific information about grant restrictions regarding geographical or subject matters. Each volume contains its own alphabetical index of foundation names and a subject index containing 200 areas in which grants are awarded. The entries are arranged alphabetically by English country names and within countries according to the nam.es of the foundations, (f a foundation is named after an individual, it is listed twice in the alphabetical index: By the first name and the surname. Thus in the alphabetical index the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust is listed under Winston and under Churchill. Foundations which have been dissolved are mentioned in the main section only. The entries include - if available - the following information: Foundation name Abbreviation Previous name Address Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet address Year of establishment Chairman General manager Founder Assets Yearly income /expenditure Grant restrictions Areas supported Editorial deadline was Mai 15th 2004. Corrections or new entries submitted after this date could not be considered. We would like to thank all the foundations and organizations for their friendly support of our editorial efforts and would be grateful to receive any corrections or names of missing foundations. Finally, we would like to mention our address collections which are available in various formats: labels, lists, or computer files. We will gladly send you more information free of charge. May 2004
The editors V
Contents Areas of Specialization Abbreviations
3 3 3 3 9 9
Afghanistan Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Azerbaijan ,
Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belize Benin Bermuda Bolivia Botswana , Brazil British Virgin Islands Burkina Faso
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 31 31
Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cayman Islands Chile China, People's Republic China, Republic Colombia Costa Rica Cote d'lvoire Cuba
31 31 31 40 40 42 46 52 58 58 58
Dominica Dominican Republic
59 59
East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Ethiopia
59 59 60 60 60 60
Georgia . Ghana Grenada Guam Guatemala
60 60 60 60 60
Haiti Honduras
61 61
India Indonesia , Iran Iraq Israel
61 64 64 64 64
Jamaica Japan . . Jordan .
64 64 68
Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Republic Kuwait Kyrgyzstan
68 68 69 69 69 69
Lebanon Libya . .
69 69
Malawi Malaysia Mexico Mongolia Morocco
69 69 69 71 71
Namibia . Nepal Netherlands Antilles N e w Zealand . . . . . Nicaragua Niger Nigeria
75 76 76 76 76 78
Pakistan Panama . Paraguay Peru Philippines
72 72 74 74 74
Contents / Inhalt St. Kitts-Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines . . . Samoa Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore South Africa , Sri Lanka Suriname Swaziland
78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79
Tajikistan Tanzania Thaifand Tunisia Turkmenistan
79 79 80 80 80
Uganda United Arab Emirates Uruguay , U.S.A Uzbekistan
80 80 80 81 389
Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam
389 389 390
Zambia . . Zimbabwe
390 390
INDEX Alphabetical Index to Foundation Names
Subject Index
Areas of Specialization Abbreviations AIDS
Accident medicine
Development aid
Adult Adv
Adult education Advertising
Documentation Drug abuse
Air AgrE Agric Ale Alterg Am Anat Ang!
Africa Agricultural engineering Agriculture Alcoholism Allergies America Anatomy Anglistie studies
Drug East Eco! Econ Educ
East and Southeast Europe
Egyp Elect Electron En Eng
Ecology Economics
Animal husbandry
AnimP Anthrop Antis Archeo Archil
Animal protection Anthroposophy Antisemitism Archeology Architecture
Archive management
Arts As Ast Ast ran Astrop
Arts Asia Asthma Astronomy Astrophysics
Egyptology Electrical engineering Electronics Energy Engineering Entomology Epidemiology Epilepsy Ethics Ethnology Europe
Fam Fin
Family Finance
Automotive engineering
Fire Fish Food
Fire prevention
Aut Bad Bait Biol
Bacteriology Baltic states Biology
Bios Blinds Book Bot Brew
Biophysics Blinds Book science Botany Brewing
Gemm Genet Geogr Geol
Geology Geriatrics
Building construction
Business management
Germ Glass Graph
Germanic studies Glass Graphics
Cane Card Chem
Cancer research Cardiology Chemistry
ChurchWI Cin
Church music Cinema
Ent Epid Epil
Comm CommS CommT Compu Cons Coop Copy
Communications Communication science Commerce, trade Computer science Consumer protection Cooperatives Copyright
Cultural development
Dance Deafs
Dance Deafs
Fisheries Food Forestry Fruit growing Futurology Gemmology Genetics Geography
Health care
Hemat Heral Hist Horn Home HomeE Hort Hous
Hematology Heraldry History Homeopathy
Humanities Human rights
HumR Hunt Immun Indo Indu
Homeless Home economics Horticulture
Housing Hunting Immunology
Indo-European studies
Industry Insurances
IntM IntU
International understanding
Internal medicine
Areas of Specialization Abbreviations Isl
Jewish welfare Journalism
Pris Psychia Psychol Publ Pulm
Prisoners Psychiatry Psychology Publicity Pulmonary diseases
Labour Landscape architecture
Racism Radiology Refugees
Lepr Libr
Leprosy Librarianship Linguistics Literature
Religious education Research, general
Machine engineering Materials science Mathematics
Mach Mater Math
Romance studies
Medicine Medical engineering
Schol Scie
Scholarships Science, general
Sem Sen
Semitic studies
MedE Media Metal Meteo Micro Mi lit Min Miss
Mon MultS Musi Music
Media Metallurgy Meteorology Microbiology Military
Mining Missions Monuments protection Multiple sclerosis Musical instruments Music
Neur Numis Nurs
Natural sciences Naval engineering Neurology Numismatics Nursing
Obst Ocean Opht
Obstetrics Oceanography Ophthalmology
Optics Orient Omit Orp Ortho Otor
Optics Orientalism
Paper technology Parapsychology Parasitology Pathology Peace research Pediatrics Pharmacy Philosophy Photography Physics Plastics Police Political science Population studies Precision mechanics Printing
NatS Nav
Pa rap Paras Path Peace
Ped Pharm Phil Phot Phys Plas
Pol PolS
Pop Prec Print
Ornithology Orphans Orthopedics Otorhinolaryngology
Ship Slav SocS SocW Sports Stand Stat Surg
Senior citizens Shipping Slavonic studies Social sciences Social work Sports Standards Statistics Surgery
Textiles Theatre Therapeutics Tourism Town planning Toxicology Trade unions Traffic Traumatology Tropics
Unemployed Universities Urology
Text Theat Ther Tour Town Tox Trade Traf Traum
Uni Urol
Ven Vet Vir
Voc Warv Waste
Venereology Veterinary medicine Virology Vocational education
Wine Worn Wood
War victims Waste material Water resources Widows Wine Women Wood
Wat Wid
World Guide to Foundations
00001 - 0007S Afghanistan The Asia Foundation (Kabul). GPOB 1070. Kabul
E-Uait [email protected]
Fundacion A. Floss. Csrauba 1347. 2000 Ftosario
Fundacion Ambiente, Cultuta y Desarrosfo.
Fundacion Argentina de Educacion y Aecion
T: (0341) 4485378, 4486JS. Fax: 4466290
Safilos Vega 1063. 5000 Cordoba T: (0351) 4718267; Fax 4713287 Focus· EocW; Ci*
ComunSaria (FADEAC). Eva Pe*r 5'73 143S Buenos Aves T: (011) 468J7330; Fax: 46842868 LmnsKnS- Grants in Argenna Focus: Fduc: SocW . 00053
facie: mi: Dcv: As
. . ΟΛΒΙ
FL'ndacion Aecion para la Comumdad. 239. 1632 Lomas de Zamora T: (011)4245872S Focus; SosW
Angola Fundacie Friedlich Eberl (Angola) (Fre-JrkSi Cnefl Foundation (Angola)). Alameda do Principe Real (Praea da unusde Alncanai 45/47, Luanda, CP 3984. uanoa Τ: (Q2) «2361: Fax: 445973; E-Mail: ies.iuanisa etonet.nel; UF1L: angola.fes-iitemalional.de Seer Vie Haan
Kissairs Foundation. FOB 2I10 L.anda Fax: (02! 392245. URL: imw.kissama.org Seen Joao Baptist« * Maies FOCUS: AnimP; Ecol
Antigua and Barbuda Caribbean Hea'th and Hctsino Foundation, E Ferrple St, Saint John's Γ: (266) 462-9964
Focus: HBain: Hous
National Development Foundation. 3CB 502. Saiit Jofcns T: (266) 462-1704: Fax: (266) 4624342 Fetus: Οβϊ
Fwidacion Accien Ciudadana. A, V. satf-alc 56, sooocwdoba T. (0351) «70228 Focus: SocW
Seen Jon Summers
. . -C
Furtdaciori Aocicn Soliifaria E»a Peron, J. Perdiaueto 2024, 1B78 Castros T: (011) 475«Η6β, 47342S67. 47597324; Fan: 47342967; UHL· i nolasinolaBfmita.Wryi Es biished; 19B4; Chair: Hugo Omar Curio, Seer:
Maria F. de Cuno Focus: SocW
. . . OMZ3
FL'ndacion Acindar, Fslanisas Zcbaltas 2739. 1643 San hJdro EMail fundacior8acintbr.comar: URL Kfw«.aon*r.Hiniarfeno(reilun*d.him Esatjiished; 1S82; Do»r|s). Aitam Acsvaifc. J.M. Aragon, J£. Acmredo, AF.A. Acave*). M. Ezcurra. Roceli: A. Galarce. R.S. Pujals. J Jose Be, Tiranas Jelersai William;. C.A. Aceredo Limkiliors: Grams ή Central and South America and the Caribbean FOCUS: SOC-W; Cult; EduC; Res
. . KB24
Fundacion AcQnqui|a. San Juan 450. 40CO San Migual da Tucuman Γ: (0361! 43B2737 WOK "undaiion Acts Fonob para 'a Salud Menial. Casila de Carrao 170, Sue. 25, 1425 Buenos Aires I: (011) 4857621ft Fax: 46573151; E-Ual: luactae
Es b shed: 1366; Chair. Dr. Cesar A. ( tral. Seer Dr. Dena Vidai, Conorfs): Dr. Guieims Vtial Focus: Cw; EduC; Lib«; Psytiiia; Ps/chal; Rss
Fonco Cultural del Sut. Rodriguez Pena 468, 1080 Buenos Ains T: (011) «3724360: Fax; 43724360 Focus: Cull
Fonco de Cultura tconomica. El iaiada5665. 1414 Buenos Aires T: (011)
Fonco de Cultora Municipal. Captan Dniiy .s/n. 8370 Neuquen T: (02972) 426676
Focus: Cul
Fontfo Editor Mijrticipalidad de Villa Ca as, Calic 53 Mo 460, 2607 Vil Cartes T: (0346!) 4503)1; Fax: 4S0551 Focua: Putl
FonQo Editor Tinogasta Grafica. 25 * Vayo y Sarmientu. 5340 Tinooasta T: (03337) 420386. 420696; Fax; 429383 Established: 1883: Chair: ProL Adclfo Antone Maj. Donor(s): Prof. Adolfo Anlonio Diaz Ftooeipte US $ 1.000,-. Expenditure: US $ 900.milationE; US $ I.UQQ.Focus: Putl; Tour 0001U
Foncf Editorial de ia Munieipaiidad de Ralaela. Mo-eiw β. 2300 =islaela T; (0349J) 427201: Fax; 426661 Focus: Pnbl
O Ofi
Fonoo Editorial de San Nicc-Fas. Oe to rtecior 139. 2900 San Nicolas T: (03481)428*80 Focus: Pcbl
Estabiuried: 1977; ctair. Dr. Hector Fernandez Abaraz
Focus Psychol OOOS9 Fiindaeion Alberto Efias Mario Robirosa. Azcuenap 1/3$. 1128 Buenos Aires T: (011) 48030496: Fax: 48C304S6 6003!) E
Fonco Editorial Neuquino (FEN). VueSa de Obtgack! 50, 8300 Meuqiten OttHC j
Fondo Editorial Parnpeano. Caii je Gtb-e-x;. 6300 Sama Hcsa 00016
Fonc'o Editorial San Luiseno. Ay cwcfc 735 S/M San Luis F: (02652) 422196 Focus: Publ 00017 Fonda municipal de Cutlura, Cap Crury sffi. 9370 San Martin 0s Ins Andes T: (02972) 426676
Foneo National de las Artes (FNA). (Naiiaai Arts Foundation), AteJna 673. 10B7 Buenos Aires T: (Oil) 43431590; fax: 43431590 exl 144: E-Mail: IriartesSfriarlis.gDv.ar: 'Ml: www.hartes.yovas Established: 1358; Chair Arnalia lacwe de Fortabat, Sesr AMce E. Contno Lnilalions: Grants in Repubiica Argentina Focus: Arts 00019
Funcacion Amhiente y Rscurscs Saturates (Fundacion ARN), (Environment and Matural RBSOUKBS Fomdation). Monroe 2! 42. 1428 Buenos Aires 1: (011) 47B842B6; Fax 47B84266; E-Mail: farn-
;osomire-i, ape 019 Esabfehed 1385; Sen; Pedro Tarak . iMalins- Grants in Souin and Central America RJCUS Ecol. Agrtc; En; For
. . . CWM
Funeacion Americana para )a Educscion y la Salud. Lavalle 976. 10i7 Buenos flies T: (011)43936831: Fax' 46211410 Fecus- Educ; SocW
Fumiacion Amigos de fa Tierra Argentina, A,· Contoba 5051. 1414 Buenos Aires T· (011) 47779837 Limialkiris: Grams in AKjerrtina Focus Ecol
Funiacioit Aniar M. Elclieijaray 252. 7SXi tfa
del Plata
T (02231 4650443
Funcacion Arafina Av Em-e Ros 2ia. W7S aoeros fares T: (Oil) 43731368 FOOE. CorrmT
Fundacion ANPUY. ΛΪ Sarmiento 431. 4400 Salla F; (0387) 4318400 OTOW
Fundacion Anlorchas. Chi 300. '·>96 Buenss Aires T· (011) 43319805; FiB: 4331S673; F-Wai risfluceiundanlorcnasrelinajr; U HL: vfliw.1undanlorchas.relina^r
Established: 1375; Chair: Joset E. Oopertieimer, Seer -tose X. Martini. Dcnorfs): Itochsshld Group of companies ExtjanoStures: US $ 7.000.000, Limialions: Grams in Arganfna, Brad and Chile Focus Scie. Euuc; Cul: SocW: Sdrol . . 00050 Fundacion APADSM. (APADIM Fomdaoon). 25 de Vaya 501. 5000 Cordoba T. (0351) 4212442; Fax' 4212442; E-Mail;
fundackmapattmerioimail com
Established: 1993: Ctiair: Dr. Henry Jos Pafacini. Seer, lleana Patricia Valid rocus SocW 0005) Fundacion Aplana General Pai 564. 5000 Πίο Cvarto T (tS56) 4623353 OC S2
Fundacion Aplauso Wunai. cnc.cr.iro dc Voiuntedes. Uriarte 2432. 1425 Buenos Aires
Fuudacion A^enlina de Estgttio. del Cerearo (FAOEC). Las Heras 3257. 1425 Bumos Ares T: (011) 46016143: Fax: 460S6221 Unlalions: Grants in Argertha
Focus; Neur ........... ΰΟΟββ Fundacion Argentina de Juvsnologia. Tacuat 1
2094. 1139 Buenos Aires T: (01 1)43616011 Urnraliorts: Grams in Argerrir» Focus: Youth . . .
E. FranW. Charcas 3151. 1425 Buenos Aies T: (011) 462J967S Fax: 46227672
LJribliorts: Grants in Argertha
Focus: Ther . . . . 00062 Furdacion Argentina de los Creadores .'.·:: Aleere s*. 5109 Umuij T: (03543) iS7597
Urntalions: Grams in Argentina
into eiundscioncnagas-orgjr Eslaottedt 1975: Chair; Juan Carte Rodn'rjuei,
Seer Sergio Perez Camps. Doncr(s): Bealriz Camps do Perez HWoVts; JS $ 35.000... ExpenditUTs: US I 35.000.LimhalBfis: Granls in Argentina
Focus: Educ; Med
. . . Ί
Fjndacion Hargonari Glavich. Av Gc-icoechea 451, 5105 Villa Ailendc 1; Itl3543) 431424
^jndaei n Maria de la Conco^dia. v. Sa-snefc 675, 3200 Concotdia T: (0345) 4225118
Fundacion Maria Teresa Maiorana Chacaxco 194. 1068 Buenos Aires T : (011) 43431148
. . . . .
Funoacion La Roea. Cramer 2648. 142S Buenos
Fyndacion Hater Dei Seha ΐβ9β. 2COO Rosaris FeoiK Hei - . 0033?
T: $11)45449578
Fundacton Uatera. Avda Cssercs 1857 ~ i £
Focus; Bei
Funrfac^on Las ?atas de Ja Meniira. n-i-wn 1164. 1414 Hue-KS Aires T: (011) S856 1(187: Fa«: «561087
. . . 00357
EJii^gs Aires T: (011) 4304-2673: Fax: 4304.2673: JHL:
wvMJuatera orgar Frxus Weur
. . . .
. . . 00333
Funcacion Latina da Cuilura. Ollaros 2665.
rundacion Wedica Dr. Ma'ue; Medrano.
1426 Buenos Aires T: (011) 4jij3343/: Fay; 4653343? FocuR: Cull ............
General Paz 753. 2609 Maria Teresa T: (03462) 4BOC07 Feeus: Med
Fitnciacr n Libertad. D.F. Sarmiento 756. 2000 Rosario T; (034!) 4245000
Funcacion Libra. Aw COTfcba 659, 1054 Burnos Aires T. (011) 431J/414 Focus: Ecoc ............ 00360
Fundacion Litterse, institute Superior ie Es:,«; Lngiiisliccs y Utarams. Viney Arredondo 2247.
1426 Buenos Aires
T: (D11) 47861127; Fas: 47861127; t-Mail:
Esabfehed· 1831 1931; Cnai: Dr. Jorge Rouges,
Seer. Dr. -fcise Anlonio Haeob Rorai, Donor(s]c Dr. Miguel L*o
ficus ArimP: Archeo; Siol: otit: Ganet; βαΛ: Agric; Ecol; Ent; Eim; Gefnm; Micro: Ocean; Omit; 2nd; Mil
Fundaeion Minoridao en fliesgo ?adre J rgs Herrera Galld (FPJHG) La Γ*& 16S7 ιί« T. (01!) 43080S47: E-Mail: Esablishad. 1996: Oiair: Jbrga Hmera GaFo. Seer:
Psychia; Psycho!: Reh; RelE: SocW: Ton; Worn: . . D039f
Fundacton Mirar, Av Ccidoba 2625. Iro. 1187 t uerws Aires T· (Oil) «63-9151: Fai: 4961-5835: E -Mai: nfo^lmirariom; URL· «ftw.fmirar.org ar Eslablished 1994: Chair: Dr. Jorge Mar» Lavit, Seer. Gladys Campos, Donors): Dr. Jorga Mar» Levil. Gladys Campos LimitalBns: Finding n Lalin America Focus. Adult: Med; Op« . . . . 003S2
Fundacion Kot fr ernacionai. Av F. Lacroze 2025, 1426 Buenos Aires
fyndacion Margarita Perez, Huta ProviKial N Ά sin, 16» Escobar T: (1B48R) 426J45 00378
Fgnoacion Miguel Ulk) (FML), Miguel Lillo !S1, 4000 San Miguel de Tucurnan T: (0331) 330868. 4239960 (free): Fai: 4330868: E-Mail; fmlhlorea eivcbbs.com ar, bibliKsca® iisorear; JRL: mmSbaeat
* Pom LinialBns: Grants in ArgerKria Focus: P e d ...
. . . 00404
Fundacion Noatec. 12 -de oaobis 2fS70.4000 San Miguel dc Tucuman 1: (0391) 4275351 Focus: Erg ...
. .
Fur.dacion Norte Sop. del Eslcro 1444. 4400
T: (0337) 4216726; Fas: 4312262: E-Mail;
EstatiSshed: 1983: Chat. Atarlo Moons. Seer: Sib» Banns. Donor[s): Silvia Barrios. Albom
Moons. Eduards Ashur
linialions: Granls in North AnjEnlna, Botvia. Chile and Paraguay Focus: Crit Res; Arts; Peace. Jazz . . D«06
Fundacion Norte Chico. U Esperanza 331, 4600 JuiUi I: (0388) 4260125; Fai: 4260125
. . OMU7
Fu.-ntacion Nosotros. Uancm 50·. 16J3 Acassuso T: (Oil) 4743?34?, 47431814; Fas: 47431614:
E-Mail: nosolros8csBim.com an URL:
Foctis Canc; Ped . . . . 00371 fandacion Madre de la Esperanja F D.
Funcac^on Kon.'ad Adenaue.' (Argentina) Λν Lli Aiem ESQ. 1031 Buenos Aires
Esabfched 1388; Chair: Zina Handey. Sscr Uura Uobera Focus: Hcallli .......... 0038S
T: (011) 4803749S; Fai: 48037493; URL: www.sertk.org.ar Chat: A. Mgue! UigOB. SKI: Maria b Andrich
Fccus: AduS; Chid; Dev; Fam; Haallh; MulS: Neur: Reh: Ftend: SocW: Thar . . . 00408
T: (011) 43133$??; Fai: «lUtttS: F-Mai: »bkasarg^toumetcomar L'mitations: Grams in Argentina Focus: PdS ............ 00351 Parana 1: (0343} 4311193 FOCUS: SOCW
[email protected]
Buenos A«es
Oncc legten. Navarro 1042. 1643 Beocar T; (011) 47424905
1425 Buenos Aires Γ (011) 48056158. Fai: 46019611
Fundacion La Frateinidad. Ooncortfe 270, 3100
Urliasiioico (FAtftM), Dr E. Finocfiiello S63. 1272 Buenos Ares T: (011) 43077013; FBI· 43577018; E-Mail:
Nsciio y Famifis (F.U.N.) Latiea '47S. 1117
US t 13.135.Limitations: Granls in Argentna POCUS· AIDS: Child; Drug: Fam; Hand; Horic;
«jndaeion Hananliales. Fotre Rios 831, 1080 Buenos Aires
Limitations; Grams in Arfienlina
fjnttaei n Madre Cecilia de Aysjda af Nino
T; (011) 47730161
Γ (011)45281118 Eslablishad- 1818
Funoscion M=jstenia Gravss-Avutfa Integral ;l
www.nosntros.com Established: 1981: Chair Fermin Murall. Seen Feimin Muial. Donorjs): Bianca Murall
Fundacion Junior Achievement Argentina Sanriento 731. 1041 bents A r es
Fundacion Neo.natologla para el Reiaers
Ctolario Sanctiez. Dcnor(s): Jtecge Herrera Sails Receipts: JS t 142CO,-, Expenditures:
Rindacion Malta Shakti. Le-ma 4/i 14· ι .........
Fundacion Hercedario, General Grjemes 77,
Buenos Aires T: (011) 48067850
Funiac™ josefina fiats. Ay Cordota 1995. ZQOO Bosario 013344
Guaymailen I: (0261) 4313764
Esabfehed: 1977 LJmtalions: Brans in Cenlral and Soulti America
Fundacion Los Cedros Avaotro use. Ίϋ
Fundaci ti LuiS Aggilera - A C fet-a 7BO. 5123 Ferreyra 1: (0351) 4972901 003S9
Fundacion Naiate! Vetez Safsiiad 753, S51S
Buenos Aires T: (011) 43261655
3400 San Juan T (0264) 4220046
T: (011) 9618588: U HI: iraw.zeoerfl.Kra.ar Established: 1880: Chair: Borotea Liiv Buttncr de ieberio. Uo-)or(s): uoiotea Lily Butlner de /ebene Focus: Flhn; Asiron; Be!: Phys; Hum; Psychd; Bet; Geol; Malh; Siol ..... 00343
FundacUn Juan de Garay. Ugarteche 30%
Fundacion Mediteirar.ea. Fbri* 537. 1005
Pocus: Eccfl . . 00363
Argentina; Fundacion
f jndacion Madicina Ccmunitaria (FMC) Av Ofcera 117, 1407 Buenos Aires T: (011) 46742255. 46724720; Faz: 46716180; E-Mail, [email protected]; URL.
T (011) 47715441
Fundacion Mokichi Qkada. Federiso lacro/e 20», 1436 Buenos Aires T 011 J 477185S3; Fai 47781380
. . . uW
Established 1956: Chair Armando R. Golcrran. Secr: J rge B. Montemurro, Dcnnn[5): Armando H. GoMhHT, J rge B. MonlemuTO, MaOde de l.eiin, Pauhr-a N. Mxtta Lilialions: Grants h Ihe Buenos Aires area Focus; Heahll . . HOS5
Fundacion Medicos en Catastrofe. '.lo^laneses
EilaMslHtJ: 1990; Chair Alicia Maria Zcrrib to Rodriguez Focus: Ling: U .......... OC 6!
2161, 1128 Buenos Aires T: (Oll) 478S5540 Focus; Med
Mitre 2351. 1605 MUM T: (Oil) 47650609 FOCI» SOCW
Piedra Bgena 3596. 1139 Buenos Aies T: (Oil) 46385691 Fccus: Educ . . . «Mil Fundacion Nuessra Senora de tos Angeles. Tie. und. Rccuero 2023, H40£ Buenos Aires T: (Oil) 46320226 Focus: Rel CSK12
Fundacton Nuesira Seriora del Hogar. H.
Zapiob 445. 1426 Buenos Aires T: (Oil) 4 50323 30396
Fundacion Vundo Marino, (Munde Marino Foundation), Av Decirrfl 157, 7105 San Clsmenls t (02252) 421071, 422624: Fan: 421501; Ε-Melt [email protected]; JRL:
vmwjnundomarinoxcrn.ar Fsablished· 1987: Chair; Store Mende/ de
Cabrera. Doftor(s): Vundo Marino F tus. Ocean ........... 00397 Fundacion Muses Automovilrsmo Juan M. Fangio. Calla 18 Flo. 639, 7620 Bakarce T· (02266) 425540: Fa«: 430756; E-Mail:
1980: Chair: Eduaroo Antonio ManolcSia, Seer. Luis Carlos Barrapn, Dcror(s): Juan Manuel Fahgio, Juan Manuel Bordeu Recepts: JS Ϊ 800.000,-, Eyperdiiures US l 300.000.· Limilaliais: Granls in an area 400 km soulh of Buenos Aires F tus; All ............ 003SS Fundacion Museo de La Plata Francisco Pascasio Mureno. Fasea de) Bosque s/n 1300 La Plata T (02211 4254368: Fas. 1257527; E-Mail: www.museoeicnym unlp.edu.ar Established 1987 Focus Ads ............ 849, 1058 Buenos Aires T: (011) 43116838: Fax' 48121424
. . . 0£W9f
Fundacion Navarro Viola (FNVJ. Qiihlsna '74 1014 Bueros Aires T· (011) 49117045; Fai: 48154*42; E-Mail: Irwe frw.org ar URU www.lnv.org.ar estabfehed. 1973; Chai: Dr. Carte Valienlo rtoaetes. Secr Maria Eugenia Herrera Vegas. Donorts): Man'a del Carmen Mavano Viola. Sara rocus. Educ; Med
FefflK SocW
Fundacion Nues'ra Senora del Rosario, -
Fundacion Wuewa Esoeranza. Olivia 333. 45RG Taitagai T: (03875) 421387 OMI5
FuTidacion Nueva Sociedad. Arao^ 837.
Buenos Aires T: (Oil) 47730860 Focus: SocS
. .
Fundaeion Nuevas Perspeclivas. Bc^rano 3603, 1210 Buenos Aires T; (Oil) 49570745
Fundacion Nuevo Horizonte. Maipu 2850. 7400 Olivarria . . . . . (KMia Fundacion Nuevo Naeimiento. 30 de Sepierrbre 1650. 1646 Adrogue T: (Oil) 42934739
. .
. OM1S
Fundacion Obligado. Pei G/II 65S. 293fj San
T: («33S9) 426310
Fundacion Obra Claretiana pars el Desarrollc (fandacion O.CLA.OE.J. (Clan; ans Work Iw Ifie Devdopmenl Foundation). Gobemador Tain 133, 4640 Ahra-Pampa T: (03887) 491078; 421187, (03SS5) [15)623119; Fai; 431076. 421187; E-Mail;
ociadeeimaghecomar, URL: www.(Kfcde.Kirn M3S5
Fundacion W'tiseo FerrovJario. M.T. de Arrear
1426 Buenos Aires T (011) 47859746: Fax. 17856636
Fundacion Niiesira SiSors de la Paz. A»
Fundacion M. S. I.A. Argentina. Tte Genoral Peran 1570. 1037 Buenos Aires T: (011) 43733164 .........
. . . . «M09
Fundacion Nuesira Seriora de la Merced Av
Inyjfe« 5321. 3000 Sanla Fe T; (0342) 4561428
Navarre· Viote, Mana Navarre Viola
Fuittacion Ntiesita Hisioria M.T da Avea2473. 1122 Buano! Aires T: (Oil) 49615774 Fcois: Hist
Fundacion fi'ordejai Anilevich, Tie. General Peron 3638. 1193 Buenas Aires T: (011) 48652604, 4B652823; Fax: 48652810; £-Mai1: travtargecompucienciacom.ar . . 003 5
Focus: Tral ............ «wo) Fundacion Natal i afne Flexer. Zztrah 1739
Umialicns; Granls « Argentina
EslablEhed: 1SS3; Chair Alonso M. Sanchez Matamcros. Seer Ramon Lascano (¥achay Project),
Nicolasa Cayo (Adminislracion}. Oonor(s): Jos M. M rquez Bemal, Catholic Bshoo o( Humahuaca^s Preterure Recsiits: US $ 1^00.000,-. EnpanciluBis: US t 1.100.000.-
LJmitalicns: Grants in Ihe Worth West of Argemira and Scuii America FOCUE Dev; rarrc Agiic
Fundacion Ociubre Safsrnto ?0&5, ιοω Buenos Aires T: (011) 4S542S37; Fai: 4S5310B2 Focus; SocW
Fursdacion Cflaltnotogica Clocchi Sa-anci 1S^, 1932 Lcfltas de Zamore T: (Oil) 42923006: Fai: 42444279 Focus: Cphl
Argentina: Furdacton
00424 - 00509
Fumtoeiin Oiata. Pas Rome Satm Pens 720.
Fundacion para la Educacion F.L Bellran.
Fundacior! Pettotuli. =j-aciHi· 7«. 1057
Fundacion Had; Prebisch. Pasa^s ds la =ia&d
1035 Buenos Aires T (D11) 43280KSC: fat 432801(16
GantHldi 330. 290(1 San Nicolas T: (03461] 1243*1 Focus- Ed,c .
Buenos Aires T: (Oil) 43124005; Fax 43150210; E-Mail: lunttacion epeitorwi.com; U H I : *w«i.peuon*it»n
24. 1037 Buenos Aires T: (011) 43713134; hai: 43732309 Eslabisried: 19W; Seer Dr. Gustavo Ferrari Wolensen. Donor(s): Eliara Oe Preois*. Earijue Garcia Vazquez
Fundacicr Olimpiafla Matcma'isa A-genlina uru,uiza 95. 500C Cuidoba Τ (03S1J 424/43ί Limitations: Grants in Argattha focus: Hath 00425 Fundacicrs Oncologies ArgenCaa (FUNDONAR). Cal Ε 37 Ms .121. 1905 _a Flak T (OWl) 42534C6 Limilalms: Grants in Argentiia Focus: Cane 00426
Fundacicr! Oncologies Encuentro (F.P.E.). Vianmle 2S65. 11« Buenos Aires Τ (Oil) 496251M: Fa«: 49S2510S; F-Mail: 'LftdacBne-KuaniroSvaroc.es: URL· WAW.grjocilics.comrlindacionencuErilro Established: 1990: Chair: Ftosa W. de Levin.
Donor(5j: Emanuel Levin Focus Cane
Fundacior. Optics Argentina. M. Acosla 1408, 1407 Buenos Aires T: (Oil) 4S1351E2
Limitations: Grants ή Argentina fans.·. Optics
Fundatio'n OSDE, L N Alan 1067, 1031 Buenos Ares T: (011) 43105280; Fa« 4310505? . . . 00429 Fgndaciofl P. Milesi, R. Zado 633. MOO Cordoba T. (0351) 4890447 Focus: Ubr
Fundacion Padre Luis Zelartayan. -tiuatp 1*84. 1411 Buenos /tires T' (01!] 4855SS79
Fundacion para la Erjadic Fiebre Aftosa. Bclgrano 2214. 3040 San JusB Τ: (ΠΜβΒ) 42736S Focus: Vei
Fundaciofl Papelnoncs. Saniaojj *| bslerc 4265. 7600 Mar del Pfela
. . OM-fS
Fundacio.i para Educacion, Ciencis y Culture. Moreno 43'. 1091 Buenos Aires T (011] «313020 Focus: Educ; Seia; Cult
Arroyo Seco sftt. 7000 Tandi T: (02293) 428350 FOCUS: Fenn
Fundaciori para et DesaTOt:u Agroforestal, Espana 1350. 4400 Sala T' (0387) 4210434 Focus; For
Fundacioi para «I Desarrollo del Sal Argentina. 9 do Jufc SOi, 9332 General Rcta 1
T (03541) 428144 F-ccus: tduc
Fundacion cara el DesairoKo Hurrano de Catamarca. Sarmiamo 245. 4700 CaEamarca T. (03833) 42S840 Focus: SocW 00440
Fundacion psra el Desa:rrol:o Regions y Local, 9 de Jufo 69. 5000 cortoba T (0351) 4221342
Fundscion psra el Progress de la Wedicips, 9 de Julio S41. 5000 Cordoba T: (0351) 4210777 Focus; Med
Ftindaciofl para el Ttrcer Milenio. .ian Varwei de Rosas 1870, 20CO Rosarlo l (0341) 4B2S15B
Fundscion psra Fstudio e Investigactoii de la Dujfir (FEIMJ. (Foundation lor S1u£fes and Research on Women), Parana 135, 1017 Buenos Aires T; (011) 43722763: Fan: 43722763: Ε-Mal: sein®
ciuriad.com.ar: JRL; www.sern^rgjr Fstablisried: 1999: Chair: Calaiha Abladei, Seen Atejandra Perron» Assets US t 160,000.Lmialions: Grants in Argeitna FOCUS: Worn
Fundaciu.i para 'a Curnuri ad. l^nsa &3. 4000 San Miguel ds Tricumin T (0381) 4213154 Fetus: SocW
Fundacion para la Gooperacion Intercgmunal Junin 169, 1000 Sar Migitl Ce Tucuman T: (0381) 4307377 Fetus: SocW 00445
. - 0>«$
Argentine. (FIAAR). Sirrraenso 517. 1041 Buenos Aires T: (Oil) 439406SO. 4394S67& Flu: 43253866 Liritalons: Grants in Argentina Focus: Arts . . . . . 0£M51 F u r d a c i j n para la Lucha contra las E-ifermedades Neurologic a: de la Irtlancia (FLENI). Montaneses 2325, 1428 Buenos Aires T: (Oil) 57773203: Fare 5777320S; E-Mail: neurctinlogiahcyeteni.orrj.ar; URL· K Eslablished: 1959: Ctiair Dr Ramon Carfcs Leiguarda, Seer Or. Chrisbn »an Geideren, Dr. Carlos Gianeb. Conor{s): Dr. Raiil Carrea Limitatons: predelermined grants «it/ Focus: New: Fed: Reh: Psychol; Psychia 01X52
T: (0351) 4836363: Fa«: 4E96SS3: E-Mail: [email protected] Eslablished: 1992: Chair Gabriela «ana Richard Beceipls JS I 20.000.-, Expendhures: US ί Μ) 000,· L;mrtatons: Grails in Ihe province nl Cordoba Focus: Healh: AIDS: Druj Farn: SocVK: Wrjm; Yowh ..... . . MUSS
FufirJscon para Is Pfomotion Vecinal
San Wartln 117, 5300 la Rioja T: (OS822) 421238 FOM: En . .
1838. 1414 Buenos Aires T: (011) 483115» Focis: Healh . . . . . .
F iai on para la Sanidad Animal de «at del Plaia 25 ce Uffl 3K1. 76CO Kn oits: Schotarahips for descendants of esservfcemen who have served overseas in Eallaret Focus: SM; Educ; Chia; Voulh . . (JOSI9 Archbishop Ma.nnix Travelling Scholarship, ΰϋ Newman Coiege. B87 Swanstor SI. Parfcville, Vic. 3052 T: (03) 93475577; Fax: 93492592 Inflations: Scholardiips for Oatbolic gradudtales of Ihe University ot Welboume or cfier Australian universities in postgraduate study abroad FOCUS: SdlOl; EdUC
The Archibald Prize, do Art QaVeiy of Mew South Wales, Art Gallery Hd. Sydney. MSW 2000 T: (02) 2251700; Fax: 2216226
Lrnkalions: Praes lor Austrafan artists Kocus: Aits
Ardcch Youth Foundation. 2%a Carfcle St, Balaclava, We. 3163 T: (03) 95272199; Fax: 35272255; Ε-Mal: ardtjchS vicnelnet.au; URL; wwvrhome.vicrKit.neT.au/Iardoch/ Eslabfehad: 1992; Chair. Mctael Smln. Seer: Kalh( Him, Handy Hughes Focus: Youlh 00522 ArlhHJis and Osteoporosis Foundation of the tie«!ie;n Territory IB Bautiiia SL Night:·. NT
I: (39) 89485232; tar. 69486234
Focus: Med
. 00623
Arthritis Foundation ol Australia. GP08 12f. Sydney, NSW JOOO T: (02) 92212J56; Fax 92322138 Lniiallons: Grants for medical, scieraific and allied healh protesfiionals in Auslrafa, Ihe United Kngdcm and the USA Focus: Med . 00624 Arth!iu$ Foundation ol Naw South Wales, is Harold a. North Parramatffl, NSW 2151 i: (02) 49294097 FOCUS: Med . .
Arthritis f oupdalion ol Queensland. '34a Saint Pauls Terrace. Spring Hill. Ob. 4000 T: (07) 3Θ314255; Fax: 33314205 Focus: M e d . . . . . U0fi2£
Anti Cancer f oundalian of South Australia 202 Greenhill fid. Eastwced. SA 5063 I (08) 82914111; l-ax: 8291412S; UHL: Hwwad,0io,.au Limitations: Grants in Soutfi Australia FcoKCare 00611
Arthrib'a Foundation of South Australia. Slf 1 202-208 Btal Osmcrd Rd. Futeinn, SA 6U63 T: (OS) 83795711 Focus: Med COS27
Anti-Cancer Foundation of Victoria. ' RelttSowne St Cartton South. Vic. 3053 T: (03) 86355000; Fax: 96355270; E-Mail: enquiriesoaccv.&rg.au; URL: wvnrjaccu.erg.au Established: 1936: Seer Woody Macpherson. Donees): Stale Government of Victoria bpenolures: AUD 1.300.000.Limitalirtns: Grants lor Viclcrans Focus: Care 006)2
Anxiety Disorders Foundation of Australia. PO Bon U198, Nofltl. Sydney. NSW 2053 T (016) 59S 897; Fai m 9716 0116 Fccus: Psvchol 80613
Arthritis foundation of the Auslralian Capital Territory, 52 Parramatla Rd. Forast Ledge. NSW I: (02) 95526085; fax: 35526076; b-Mtil: [email protected]; URL. www.arthrrtisfoundatBnjcmju Seer Dura Aspinali Focus: Med
Arthritis Foundation of Westarn Australia. 17 Lenmos SI, Shenlon Parti. WA 6006 T: (OS) 93BS2199; Fax: 93βίΜ48β Focus: Med ............ 00630 Artswes! Foundation. r-OB H24, Parramale. NSW 2124 T: (02) 98311441; Fax: S8907010: E-Mail: [email protected]; URL. www.arswest.com.au Established 1973: Cha«: Geot Roserson. Seer: Kalherine Knight Lmhalions: Applications are not accepted Focus· Arts Cult .......... 0063Ϊ Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia, 133-137 Parramala Rd, Granvilln. NSW 2142 T: (02) 96378759; Fax: 98973259 Focus. Med ............ 3063? Asthma Foundation of New South Wales {Asisma HSU), 21100 Padfc H»V, Saint Lesnards. NSW 2065 T: (02) 93063233. freephone 1800645130: Fax: 33064493; E-Mail: a5dea5tfimrisH.org.au; URL: www.astimansw.cig^u Eslabished. 1961 Focus- Ast ............ 00633 Asthma Foundation of Queensland. 51 aaluw a Foniude valley. Old. JuO« T: (07) 32527677; Fai: 32571080 LiritatiorBc Grants lor medca! research n Focus Ast ΟΟ&ί Asthma Foundation of South Australia. 300 1 Sauft He . Hilton. SA 5033 T: (08) 82383300; Fax: 82383303: E-Mail: nib* asfimasa-org^u; URL: «ww.asthmasairgau Focus- A3 ............ 00635
Australian Children'$ Television Foundation (ACTF). 145 Smith SI. Fiiroy. Vc. 3CS5 Ί: (03) 9419S800: F-ai: 94190660, b-Mail hfo® a lcomau; URI: wrtfflf.aGOJCOmau Eslabished: 199Ϊ Chair: Dr. Patrisa Edaar Focus: VaJia: Child ........ OOiSI Australian Chorrobyl Ghildrens fleaief Foundalion, Inc. (A.C.C.H.F., inc.). FOE 531 Essendon. v";c. 2040 T: (03) 930S7I91: Fai: 93067131 Established: 1590s Chair: Irene Sawczah, Dcnorls): Zine Bole Umtalions: Grants in the Ukraine Focus: d d: Pad .......... 00652 Australian Conservation Foundation (ACFJ Level 1, 29 - 36 Shepherd a Ctuppandale, NSW 2008 "I: (02) 92126600; Hi: 92126977. t-Mail: Sydney^ a(ionfriej>rgau: URI: www.aclonlne oryju Eslabished: I96a: Chai: Peter Garreit mialions: Grants h Australasia Focus: Ccol ............ 00653 Australian Cord Slood Founoation K^h a. Ranch«!*, N5S« 2031
Asthma Foundation of Tasmania, vaibox ϊ McDouo^il Hldg, Ellerslie Rd. Tas-anh. Tas. ?004
T: (02) 93821626
T: (03) 62ϊ3/ϊίί; Fai: K!21Kj08t E-Wail:
Australian Country Music Foundation (ACMF). POB 1842. Tamwinh. NSW S340 T: (02) 676S8696: Fax; 67667314; E-Mail; acmf» coyntrymusic.asnau: URL: www4icml.org.au Eslabished: 1942; Chai: Ke*on Taytor Urnlalions: Gran^ h Auslralia Focus: «us« . . . . . . 00655
a^malas^bigpond.oom Focus Ast ............
The Asth-Tia FoundatroJi of Victors, t9 Fiemhgton Rd. North Melbourne, ve. 3051 T: (03) 93267088 Lm alions: Grants lor asthma pijjacls undarlakan CT Viclcria
Asthma Foundation of Western Australia 36 Ord S». West Perth. WA 6005 T: (08) 94S112; Fax; 948112 Focus Ast ............ ODS» Australasian Society to,' Immunology fASI). CO Dw-sKfi ol knmunology & Cell Biology. JCSMfl. KJB 334. Canberra. SCI 2601 F-Mail: thnstnptier.Darishganu.edu.au Established. 1991: Chai: Chris Parish Focus. Med ............ 00639 Australia Medic Alert Foundation 1',α Oseilv! Rd. Eastwood. SA 50«3 T: (OS) 82740361; Fai: 82723288t LIRL: www.com.au bstabfcshed· 1971; Chair: Murray Bray, Sect Josie Gray. Dtoor(s): Dr. Marion C. Collins Focus. Allsrg; Ast: Gad: Cpid; Keaflh; Mac 00640 Australia-Asia Foundation POe 367. Spnngvate.
Vic. 3171
T: (Oil) 1M794Q
Focus InW ........... WW! ALStralia-Cambodia Foundation. 4u Lake AV. Ocean Grjve. Vic. 3236 T: (03) 52562364 Focus: ImU ............ OOM2 Australia-China Endeavour Founda'ion. £5 Wifcughty Rd. Crows Nest, NSW 7065 T: (02) 94362324 Focus IMU ............ 0854,3 Australia-Japan Foundation. P08 E5CO. Kingstoci. ACT 2604 T: (02) 62613898; Fax: 62612143 Established: 19/6; Donor(s): Australian Govemmenl Lnilalions: Grants in Auslralia and Japan Focus IMU: Educ: S*. Arts ..... 00641 Aystralia-Kores Foundation, John McFwen Crs, Barton, ACT 2600 T: (02) 62613831 Focus IntU ............ 0064S Australian Accounting Research Foundalion. Level 10. 600 Bourie St. Hefcoume. Vic. 3030 T: (03) 96417433; Fax: 96022249; E-Mail: standard 8'aarf.asnau; URL: www.aarf.asn.au FOOJS la* ............ OCtas Australian Bird Environment Foundab'on ·?,ί Springyale Rd. Munawad:ng. Vic. 3131 T: (03) 98775752
Arthfitis Foundauon ol Victoria (AFVj. 263-265 Kooyong Rd. Elstenrv«=i. Vic. 3185 I: (03) 85318000; Fax: 35300226; t-Hail: alv§ arthriisvic.org au: URL: www.adhiHlsvic.orgau Estabtshed: 1968; Chair. JWm Marshal. Seer AnnMaree Cobsme, [ionorls): Dr. I. eslie Koadtow Focus: Health COSiS
Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF). Strand Arcade. SB 409. 412 George SI, Sydney. NSW 200C T: (02) 82237633. Free 1300Β84ΐββ; Fax 9??31flOO; F-Mgil: nfo^aodcomau; LIR1.: www.acrl.com^u Estabfetled: 1384: Chai: T.S. ttery. Seer: David W. Breltell, Donoijs): Sir Peter Abeies, Lady Sonia MoMahon Espendjures: AUD _3 000.000,Umialions: Grants h Australia Focus: Cane ......... 00650
Focus· Omit ............ £0647 Australian Brain Foundation, Sie 21. Regen! House. 37-43 Alexander St. Cnms Nest. NSW M65. POB 579. Crows Nest. NSW 1565 T: (02) 94375967, Fax; 9437597B: E-Mail: flfo« brainauslraEa.crg.au; LJRL- wwwbrainauslraia.nrg.au Focus. Neur ............ 0064i Australian Business Fouiidalion. S40 Α1 Λ αΓ Si. Worth Sydney, NSW ma T: (O?) S9277553 Focus tcon . . 0064S
Focus: Hemat
. 00654
Australian Cranio-Maxillo Facial Foundation (ACMFF). 226 Meboume St. North Adebde. SA 5006
T: (09) 82674129; Fai: 8?67ei64: E-*i! cran»Sl acmfforaai; URL: www.acmlira,at Eslabished: 1934; Chai: David David, Seer: Ewa Leydo Focus- SUTI ..... 0065S Australian Deer Research Foundation (ADflF). POB 1313. Udway. Vc. 3158 T: (03) 975266m Fax; 97526613; E-Mail; adrf9 vicnet net-au; URL· www.vicnet-nel auf-adrf Eslabished: 1979 Focus: Zool ............ 00657 Australian Drug Foundation (ADFJ, POB 819, Nonh Mefjoume, Vic. 3001 T: (03) 92788100; Fax: 93283308. E-Mail: adf@adl orgau; URL: www.adf.org.au Fstabfcliert 1959: Chai: Ri k Swinard, Seer: Rill Stronach Recafls: ADD 3.6MOOO,.. Eipendiures: AUD 3.640.000,Linlalions: Giants h Australia Focus: Drug: Youlh: Fair- . C565S The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust. ~3$ Regent Si, Chippendale. NSW 2008 T: (0?) 6381688; Fai: 8991618 Eslabished: 1954 Lnilalions: Grants h Auslralia Focus: Tncat; Dance: Music . . . 00659 Australian Federation of Univeisily Women - Georgina Sweet Feitowship (AFUW). POS 406S, Bay VJIag . KS'.V 22S1 E-Mail. jmsmi829eyah«.corr;ju: URL: www.afuwjrgau Limlalions: Grants lor members of Ihe Intemalionat Fsderaiion of Unwarsity Vucmen net normally resident in Auslralia Focus: Wool ....... . 00650 Australian Feminist Law Foundalion, POB 4337, Patkvilc. Vic. 3052 Γ: (03) 98829053; Fax; 9882*527. t-Mail: j gU«*e Ia1njbe.edu au Focus: Law ........... Ooeei Australian Foundation for Disabled, 10-12 Marieanne Pi, Mrchinbury. NSW 2770 T: (02) S677Q855 Focus: Hand ........ . OSS2 Australian foundation for Developn«nL 29 Cardgan Sr, Absrl Parti, vie 3206 T: (03) 690?635 FOCUS: DUS
- 006(3
The Australian Humanitarian Foundation, 247 Richardson St. Middle Pant, Vic. 3206 T: (03) 96864500
Focus: SocW
Australian Jai? Convention Trust Fund. 5 lookes A», Ralrrain, NSW 2M1 i-ocus: -321. . 06G5
Australia: Charles
- 00740
Auslialian Kidney Foundaiion (AUF). ΘΡΟΒ
Australian Vietnam War Veterans Trust
Beta Peptide Foundation, 191 GerfinQ St.
Caloundra Ca,thcl:c Communiiy foundation.
9993, Adelaide. SA 5IK11 Τ: (Οβ) 82674555: Fan: 83674450; EMail: akfa adelaida.kidnfiy.org.au: URL: www.kidney.oro^ai; Eslabfehcd: 1968: Chair Warwin Prime
(AVWVT), FOB K978. Sydney, NSW 1240 T: (02) 92817077; Fai: 92819164: E Mail: wte accsoft.comau: URL: vrwwjccsoft.com.au'iwt Eipendilures: AUD 250.000.Lirrialions: Grants and scholarships tor children of AuslraEan Vialnam veterans Focus: Educ: Schot . 00663
Barrain. NSW 2D41 T (OJ) 98187009. Fax: 5818*566
61 trtnind SI, Calounora. Old 4K1 T: (07) 54912760 Focus; SocW
Limitations: Granls lor hosprtate ana heairJvwellbfling and mecfcal research in Australia focus: Health; Med; Educ Australian K i d n e y Fuundauon, South
Australian Wet Tiopics Rainforest
Australia, S2 Me bourne a. North Adeside SA 5006 T: (08) 62674555 Focus: luM
Australian Koala rounds lion. 40 Charlotte St. Brisbane, Old. 4000 T: (OT 3228/233 Focus: AnimP
Australian Lung Foundalion. 473 ^jriwyoe f.d. I.UWy*e. 01!) 4030, POB 817, lawyer». OLD 4030 T: (07) 33576388; Fai: 33576388; E-Mail: enquiiesuluncfiel,com.au: UKL· www.lungneT.org.au Focus: IHM 006SS
Australian Mathematics Trust wto Unrr rsrty of Canberra. Canberra, ACT f&n T: (02) 620121 IS: Fax: 62015086; E'Mail: Heather Matthews® amt.canberra.edj au Focus: MaUi 00670 Australian Military Forces Relief Tr-jsl Fund, ein DGPSC-AI-1-13 Russel Offices. Canberra. ACT 2600 T: (06) 2653804; Fan: 36&3i06
L'mria'ions: Grants lor Ihe Australian regular army, Australian army reserve and ex-members Focus: Mi* 00671 Australian Mineral Foundation 63 Ccryrgnain St GfcnstJc, SA 5065 Γ: (Οβ) 83790444. fai: 83794584; b-Mail: aml@ airl.aHii.iiu: JFtl: vmw.sea-us yry.au CaatAshad: 1970 Focus: Geol 00622
Australian Minerals and Energy Environmeo! Foundation. Ci'j S^rourrE Irivs's-'y, Ci:s Bumup. !44 High St. Prahran. Vic. 3181 T: (03) Ά146695: Fai: 92146805; E-Mail: chrisS
arnwf.com.au: URL wwvr.ameef.ccrnau Focus: Getil; Fn; Fcsl
Australian Mutticult af Foundation (AUF). POS 538, Carton South, Vic. 3053 T: (03) 93476622. Fai: 93472218; E-Mail: ηΐοβ amj.nc-i.au; UHL: wwwximf.Tet.au bslab*shed: 19B9; Chair: Sir Jams Gotbo. Seer:
Lmha-jons: Grants lor Arxrignal people, people wlh cisatililies. children, youth, ethnic rniiofiies. nMittfwelhtjehg grains, ranies and older people in Australia
Focus: Lab: Child; Youth; Cult: Arts: Worn. SrcW 0067Ί
Australian Nomads Research Foundation 34 Chapman St. Msrth Melbourne. Vit 5051 Focus: Ethn
Australian Overseas Foundation P08 add. Dromana. Vic. 3938 T: (01 SOD) 066246: Fai: 068246 . . . . 0067S
Australian fiural Leadership Foundation, Ltd. (ABLF) ft Napier Close-, Dcakin. ACT 2600 Γ: (02) 6281C6BO. fai: 62854376; b-Mail: [email protected]: URL: www.rural-leaders com ευ Established: I»/; Chair: Robert A. Ferguson, Seer: Michael J Bec-tingham. Dcnoris) Rural Induslries Research and Oevetcfjmenl Corp.
HeceiJIs ALJD I.SOOJJOO.·. Eiparialures; AUO 1.500.500.Lntftalions: Grante in Australia Focus: Agnc
Australian Spinal Research Foundation (ASRF), PCB 1C47. Sprinr/mod. Qkj. 4127 T: (07) 38084098. Fan: 3B08 109; URL:
bslabisned: 1976; Chair Ur. Grain Kelly, Seer:
Noel Culoefl. Donor(s): Dr. Λ*η and Judy Hiuwod Lntftatbns: Grants lor Australian applicants Focus: HeaHti; Med
Australian Sports Foundation (ASF), spots House. Wattle Si, LIKmo. NSW 2007
T: (02) 95523080, Fai: 95524C90; E-Mail: no«
asl£cg_au: URL: www.aslorg.au Established: 1966; Chain Cheryl Bart, Seer Leanrse Evans Lmitalions: Granls ii Aus"alia Focus: Sports
Austialian Slijdent Traineesnip Foundation, 76-80 Clarence St. Sydney. MSW 2000 T: (02) 43628058. Fan; 43628059; E-Mail; NicolaCartwrignt^asll eori.au FOCUS: EdUC
. .
Australian Tax Research Foundation. Leve v. 81 Casitereagh St, Sydney. WSW 2000 T: (03) 62330011; Fai: 83230099: URL: www.a'jt com.au
Lrniraibns: Grams in Australia
. . OOSS-i
AustraiJarr Youth Foundalion {AYF}. ii.-ite 302/134 WMm SI. bast Sychey, NSW 2010 T: (02) 33572344; Fai: 93S8S635: E-Mail: yomheayf.orgau; URL: wwvr^yj^rg.au EslaMished: 1989 Eipendilures: AUO 1.000.000.· Liirialioris: Granls lor (Jsadvanlaged young Australians under 25 years of age Focus: Youth . OOflSS
Auslraljar-American i'ulbrignt Commission (AAFC). GFOB S541. Doakin, ACT 2600 T: (02) 62604460; Fai: 62604461:
ami OOSR2
NSW 2735
Focus Ecol
Bobby Goidsmitn FoondaUon [BGF|, 9 Oommonwealii St. Dartnghursl Sydney, NSW 3000 T' (Og 92838668. Fai: 92838288: E-Mal: bgtebgl.cfg^u: u: URL: URL: wtfw.bc^.org.au
Esabfehed· 198«; Chair: Leviiia Crocks. Seer: Seorgna Harman limiatwts: Grants in New Souli Wales FOCUS AIDS ..........
Bore Growth Foundalisn. 72 King Wttam Rd, North Adelaide, SA 5008 Focus Anal
www.1ulbrt3ht.com.au EstaKished: 1949: Cbair. David Bann. Seer: Mark Darby. Donorfs): WBam Fubrip/tl Lirrnalions: Awards lor cjizens ol ei'her county Australia or US Focus: Educ: IntU 006S6
Australan-Turkish Islamic Foundation ·22·ϋ Lakeside Dr. Broadrsadars. Vis. 3047 T: (03) S3596644 FOCUS: ISl
T (08) 8204/21 i. Fai: 8204ί(15ί
E-Mail. Iufcrighl@fufcrighl,c9rn.au; URL
. . BOSS/
Aviation Sa'eiy Foundation Australia. Beacri Rd. Lara. Vic. J212 T: (03) 52B20514; Fax: 52824455: URL:
www.asfa.orgju FOCUS: Avial
BHP B.lliron Community Trust. OB 66A. MetBume, Vic 3001 T. (03) 96094596. Fai: S609M?0 Ln4alions: Granls lor Australian organisations witti national status or prefects of nalionfll signiicance F-ocus SocW ........... OOTOi
Blue Mountain's National Park Trust tro JcN Yeamans. 173 Fvan's L oofcouT Rd. Blackr^tri,
. . . 00638
Avoncale Foundation, H 42 Fox Valey Rd,
Wahroonsa. NEW 2076 T: (02) 99898555 HJ6SS Aiiom Foundation, H Tindate St. Mandurah, WA 6210 . 006SO
Bailaral District Community Funrf. ΓΟΒ so. Ballarsl. Vic 3353 T: (053) 315555: Fai: 318618 Eipenditures: AUD 150.000.Lirnlalions: Grants for unerrployed. people wAh
disabilities, chWren, youth, heakh/wel'-beinp grousK. lartiilies and older people in Ihe greater Baliaral
area Focus: Lab: Hand; Chid; Youlh: SocW; Heallh; Fan: Ser . 00691
Baltic Research Foundation. POB 777. Sandy Bay, Tas. 7006 T: (03) 62352505, 62362511: E-Mail: A.Tastunase
Bonnie Babes Foundation. PUB 2220. riowv He Vte.
T (03) 975β!βΟΟ. Fai: 8758J833; E-Mal: erqiirya bbfjjrp,au ............ 007£»S
Sookmark Biosptiere Trust. PC8 231, Bern. SA 5J43
T (085) 953111; Fax: SS2110 Focus1 Biol ............
Award, no ANZ Electees ft Trustee Corrpariy Ltd., $30 Collins St, Meboune Vic 3000 T: (03) 92732701; Fax: 92732319 Lirrnalions: Scholarships for people witiin printing
and graphic arts industry Focus: Scnol: SocW . cos« Barry Long Foundation, POB 574, Miiuntimby,
NSW 2482 T: (03) 668W988; Fax: «801977; E-Mail: Mo« barrylong.org; URL: www.banylorKj.org . . C0695
The Basil and ?Aurttl Hooper Scholarship, Bo The Trustees. Art Gallery of Mew South Wales. Art Gallery Rd. Sydney, NSW 2000
T: (02) 2251700: Fai: 3216226 Limitations: Scholarships tor art students in Naw South Wales Focus; Scnol; Arts . . . . . . 00696
Bra.:n Foundation Tasmania, 169 Camp&ell SI, Hoban. Tas TOOO T (03) 6231442 Focus: Neur
Brain Imaging Research Foundation. 110 Ashhim Gr. Ashburtort. Vic. 3147 T (03) 9885?? 17 FOCUS: Neur
00 Perpetual Trustees Company Lid.. GPOB 41 ^2. Sydney. NSW 2001 T: (02) 92293951; Fai: 922S3957: E-Mail:
lourKlatioris®perpetuaJ.oom.au Limialions: Grants lor children, youth, people with afeabiluies and okjer people in Australia (not
inctuding Victoria) hocus: SocW . . . . . 00697 Berrima Court House Trust. POB. Btr-ima. NSW 2S77 Focus: Men 0069S Av. Fflley. NSW 2713 t: (03) 58831203 FOCUS: Nurs
Bessie Smylh Foundation 83 Pa R . Hornebush, NSW 2140 I: (02) 97644133
Caitjerra Region Medical Fo-jndab'on »amta Dr. Garran. ACT 2605 T: (02)
62442362, Fas; K2442256
Cancer and Natural Therapy Fourttfation of Australia. i31 blzabelh Dr. Suntury. ϊκ. 3429 T: (03) 97403977; Fa*: 97403977; E-Mail: cntlS webprophets^om^u Established: 1994; Cbair· Sandra Taylor Marfjeda. Seer: Sandra Taytor-Uaqueda Focus: Cane; Then Healh 0072!
Cancer Council pf Tasmania (CCT}, S40 Barjturst St. Hobal. Tas. 7000 T: (03) 62332030: Fai: 62333123: URL:
www.lascancemrg Established: 1995
Umlalicns: Granls in Tasmania Focus: Cane
The Cancer Council Western Australia. 4β Ventnor Av, Wea l>errh. WA 6005 T: (08) 92134333: Fax: 92124S34; E-Maii: educaljor^cancervra asn.au Ljrnlalicns: Grants in Western Australia
Break Free Foundation. 674 Princes Hwy, Sufterlarei, NSW 2232 Focus SocW
. .
. . 00TO
Brimbanfc Community Cftest, 3OB 70, Sunshine, Ve. 30 ) T· (03) 9312SS29 Eioenditures: AUD lO.OuO,· Limialions: Grants lor walare organisations, rJsabilities and hospitals η Briroank (Victoria) Focus: Child; YMIh; Nurs: SocW; Healfl; HarKi .................. 007M
Brooks-Hall Publishing Foundalion cro Mouri Everrti Christian School, Yorke Rd, Mfjurrl Evarj-n, Wo. 37S6 Focus· PuW ............ 0071S Suoyancy Foundation of Victoria (Buoyancy) 293 Punt Rd, Richmond, Vfc. 3121 T (03) 942933^, Fai; 94283655: ί-Mai; rffoS buoyancy.org.au; URL: www.buoyancy.org^lu Es^bfcshed 1S6?; Chair: Frarrs Trtmerman, Seer Deborah Homburg Assets. AUD BOO.OCO.-. necepts: AUD 178.000.-. Eipendiures; AUD 800.000.Focus: Drus; ADS; Ans; As; Cul: Deafs; Ecol;
Bh: Healh: In*»; Prtarm; Wau Worn; Youth
Burns Support Foundation. 1213 Princes Hwy, Engadiie. NSW 2233 ............
Bush Children"s Education Foundation of N«w South Wales, ;o Cwen St, Lhdfiek!, MSW 3070 T· (02) 94164630, Fai: 9116W53 LirrialkKte: Grants lor children and youti in Mew
Sadh Wales Focus. Educ
. . . . ΰΰ7?5
T- (09) S95a6P7
Canine Research foundation. E£6 [,veslETiiKJi Hwy. Stye, Vfc 3375 T: (03) 97832500t Faje; 97882539: E-Mail; cWce» vca.offi.au. URL: www vca.orfi,au Focus: Zool . . GQ727 Frahrar), V«. 3181 Focus: Drug . . .
. . .
Cairo« Foundalion POB 304. Ftemnfiton. Vic 3031 . . . S072S Trie Catherine Vary Collie Trust, cto ΑΊ2 tiec^ors & Trustee Company Ltd. 530 Collins SI. Melbourne. Vx. 3000 Fax: (03) 9273Z779 FOCUS: SOCW
. .
C.H. Ateiarider Foundation, c/o C.B. Aleianoer Agricultural Cotege, Tctal, Paterson, MSW 2421 Focus: Agric
The Brett Whi;e'ey Foundation 2 Raper St.
T (1800) 655063 FOCUS' AetlV
. . .
Cannabis Researctt J:ounc:ation. PC3 Ί8'
The Brash Foundation, cro Warn Carlson 10 Riverside Crt, hawlhem, Vic. 3141 T. (03) S415«i96: Fai: 841ϊ$)9& Lindalionfi: Grants lor govemmenE schools. professional development programs for teachers. Community music scriocfc end opportunlies lor handicapped people in Australia
Baiter Perpetual Charitable Trust.
Eipendituras: AUD 3 COO,· Umlaliorts: Capping lor disadvanlaged intftiduals h Victana Focus; Child: Youth 0072!
Ca.ldlelighl Trust. 100 Falls Rd, Hnvea, WA 8071
Surry Hills. NSW 2010 T: (02) 9638213S: Fai; 9690130% Ε-Mal; ρ.ρβ ag.rtfiw.guv.au; LJRL· wvm.ari£alery.nsw.goir.aii .................. 007O
Baroata Collie Settlement Scholarships
T: (03)
Linriatiors: Granls tor Lithuanian Studies at Ihe UnKafsriy of Tasmania Focus: Bait . GOSS?
T: (03) S68H667; Fai: (03) 98854488: URL: banlisa1dn.com Focus: Ecol 00693
Vermont South. V«. 31 S3
SI. Adelaide. SA 5000 T. (08) 82233758. Fai: S223S756: E-Mal: [email protected] au: URL: www.brainauslrajracrgau rocus Neur ............ 00700
utasedu.au tstabiished: 1983; Chair Join Watchom. Secrt A. Tasiiwvjs
Banttsia Environ mental Foundation, 2.^2 A:tjert Rd. South MelDourne. νΈ. 3205
Camp Mallana Trust. 51 Woodteflh Crescent.
Brain Foundation SoL'h Auslraiia 99 -io-^e
T· (02) 95456266
Bsfnqum Noising Horns Foundation. Sawe
Australian Tobacco Research Foundation QPOB 2850, Sydney, NSW 2001 T: (0?) 3*11716 Focus: Agnc
Foundation. 5b -ake St. Cairns. OH. 4870 T: (07) 40512000; Fax: 4031i40fc URL: www.wettrcpics.com.au
. . . 007!»
Cecily and Cofin P:gg Trcst c'a ArtZ Executors ί Trustee Company Ud. 530 Co iins St. Melbourne, V«. 3000 Fai: (03) 927ΪΪ701 Umialiorks: Prizes for Australian crafl workers Focus; SocW 00732
Central Coast Communhy ChesL POB 1135. Gostord. NSW 2250
T: (02) 43247256; Fax: 432*7181; E-Mail:
Seer: Chris Holsteii Limialicns: Granls tor health, welfare and community service organisations in tne Naw South Wales-Central coast region (Shres of Gosford and
. . 0073J
Central Coast Research Foundation ΡΟΒ9Ί1. QasfOfd. NSW 225C Τ: (1ΒΟΟ) 000237; Fax; 030238 Focus: Res
Cerebral Paisy Foundation 10S 3iaclar3 3*. CooftmH. WA 6050 T: (08) 94J3K11: Fai: 94417J99; F-Mail: cpawa.8
inet.neuu: URL. www.inet.nei au/^pawa
IJnIBIkins: Grants in Western Australia hocus: B e d . . . . . .
Chabad Torah Foundation. 396 AJeiarider Dr. Dianeila. WA 8059 T: (08) 92754912 Focus: J e w . . . .
. . . . 073B
Chai Foundation. 51 Hall St, Bondi, MSW 2C3t T: (Og 913DS315 tM737
Challenge Foundation of New So-jth V/ales 9 Junctten St, Ryde. NSW 2113 T: (03) 88072833 Focus: Spirts .
C h a n n e l 7 Children's Research Foundation Days Rd. Regency Park, ΞΑ 5010 T: (08) 82438202
Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship eft Truss Company of Auslrala Ltd. 151 Rathdowna SI, Carton Soulh. Vic. 30S3 T' (03) 96650200: Fai: 96650201
Linaalions: Schorarshps 'or graduates or diptomals ol schools ol architeiaure ή Mew Sowh Wgles F-ocus Archil; Sctiol ......... 0071S
Kocus: CnM
Thfl Charles H. Liltay Scholarship. &'o If_s:! Company ot Australia Ltd., 151 Ralhdowne SI,
Carton Soulh, Vfc. 3053
T: (03) 96650200: Fax: 96650201
uniaiiorrs: Scholarships lor graduates of Ihe Faculty of Medicne-Unwersity of Oueenstand hocus: SrJKl: Educ
Australia: Charley
The Charley Bear Foundation. 331 Fores; n>j aexley. NSW 2207 T' (1800) 888038 FOCUS: Child
Chemical Engineering Foundation. c/o Department of Chemical Engineering, University
of Sydney, Bkig J01, Sydney, NSW 2006 T (02) 9351 -2455; Fas: 9351-2954; E-Mail: C£FecWEM.E-I«!lU5YD.EOU.AIJ: LiFl:
www.chem.eng.usy d-Bdu^u Established: 1931; Chair: Ian Frew Limitations: Grants lor the Department ol Chemical Fnpneering-unwersay ol Sydney Fccus: Eng
O 742
Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia 50 &amston Terraoe. Herston, d. 4006 T. (07) 39541829 Focus: Traum
Child Health Research Foundation of Western Australia. Inc., ci'o Newman Refiners, A2i'55Q Canning Hwy. Attache. WA 6156 T: (08) 93174448; Fax: 33174449 FOCUS: Ped
Children's Foundation of Souts Au$tialia i S Wcodville Hd, woodvrie, SA son I. (08) 82687050 Focus: ChiM
Children's Health Development Foundation, 72 Ki>g William Rd. North Adelaide. 5A 5006 T· (08) 82047777 FOCUS: Ped ΰϋ/4β
Children's Leukaemia and Cancer Researcji Foundation. Roberts Rd. Subeco, WA 6008 ~ ;ra) 83S0833C FOCUS: Ped; Cane 00747 Chinuch Foundation, 301 Cld South Head Rd, Bond. NSW 2026 Τ' (02) 93006401
The Ch'jstensen Bu.'sary c/o Trust Corrpany ol Auslrala Ul. POB 441. Brisbana, Ufa. 4001 T: (07) 39509750; Fax: 32523513 Limitations: Anards tcr science students of ACGS Brisbane FOCUS: EdK W74S
Chnstina Noole Children's Foundation. eta December fine. POB 1096. Soulh Melbourne.
Vic. 33)5 T (03) 96988911; Fax: 96996611; E-Mail: [email protected]: URL: www.cnii.org hocus: CtiiW
Civic Trusl cf South Australia. DO Dep! ol Adul Educalcn. UiiMCiy d Adeiai*. POB 84, SUfiney. EA 5069 OD751
The Civil and Mining Engineering Foundation, tfo University ol Sydney, Sydney. NSW 2006 T. (02) 6322127. Fax: 6923343 Expemdurcs: AUD 50.000.-
Appfcations not accepted 00752
Clifford Willis Brown and Gyia Bettha Sromt Charitable Fund, c/o Trust Corrpany of Australia Ltd.. 151 RatteJowns St. Carttm Souti. Vic. 3053 T («3) 96550200; Fax: 96650201 Limitations: Grants lor the Church ol Christ Social Services Fund ri Victoria FOCUS: SOCW
Clive and Vera Ramaciofli Foundations. do Perpetual Trustee Company Ltd.. 39 Hunter SI, Sycney, NSW ax» T (92) S32S3951; Fax: 922S3967; E-Mail: ramac^rltj ©perpetual com^u Limitafote: Grants in Australia Fetus: Educ Med
Clive Johnson Trust, cfo Trust Company ol Australa Ud.. ist Raihoewne SI, Carltcn Soulh, Vic. 3053 T· (S3) 96640200; Fax: 96650201 Eipendiures: AUD 15.000,Limrtations: Grants lor the FEsryal District Nursing
Service in Meijoume 00755
The Cfyne Greenvale Trust. cft> Trust Comparry of Aus;raSa Ltd.. 151 Ratfsteime St. Carfton Soulh. Vic. 3C53 Τ (ίΓ3) 96650200; Fax: 96650201 Limitations: Grants lor the Maflra Base HospHai in Vkjtoria
Focus: Health iu75fi The Colong Foundation for Wilderness, Ltd.. 362 Kent St, Sydney, NSW 2000 T: (02) 92997341; Fax: 92995713; E-Mail; foundation@colongwiWerniiiSS^raju; U R I : wwwcolorgwikVirress org.au Establistied: 1968: Chair Pain* Thcmjeon. Sect: Kertl Muir, Donorjs); Mfc Duiphy Receins: AUD 83.831,-. Eiperidriures: AUD 86.632,Focus: Ecol 00757
Commstrength Foundation, fee 219, Walsend, NSW fS87 T (92) 4951W90 Fccus: SocW
The David Hastings Bursary C.O Ja~es Cook
HOB 1354, Cofirgwood. Vic. 3066 T: (03) 94198055; Fax: 941S352: E-Mei:
Unriffi'ty, Townsville. Old 4811 T: (077) 814111. Fas: 914644 Lnvtalioms: Bursanos tor undergraduate students
«Ιο® rjbf.com au; URL: www.cbf.ocm.au Fstabisned: 1964; Chair John Martin, Seer: ten Stantstreet Hece|jls: AUD 5ΌΟΟ.ΟΟΟ.-, ExpeTKtlunas: AUO 5.000.000.· I rotations Grants in Australia
Focus: Media ....... W/i Community Devetoprnens Foundation ft Oswald St. Victoria Park. WA 610D T: (09) 93553155 FOCUS: SOCW ..........
Community Food Ait; Foundation 232 tfnwhs Bridge FM. Trnpa. US»! 2044 T: (02) 95162503 Focus: SocW
Community Systems Foundation (Auiiratasia). POO eos, Crows Nest. MSW 20K T: (tfi) 4382233 Focus: SocS . .... 00762 Cornpoook Trusl. ?3 OtiiaHe Hd. Carine, WA 602[ι T: (09) 447S555 Focus: PuM ......... 007S3
Construction fndus'ry Drug and Alconol Founiiation, 361 Kent SI, Syuney, NSW EflOO Focus: Drug: A!c
Continence Foundation of Australia. 293 R&^aE Parade, Parkville. V*. 3052 T: (CO) 8347S522, 1800330066; Fax: 83472533; E-Mail: info^corKhenceorgau: UFTL:
www.continefice.orQ-au Cslebishadj 1939; Chair Therase Samson Tramey. Seer Barry Lahk ......... 00765
The Conway Langdon Scholarship t.n Veierinary Science, oo Trust Company of Ausirala Lid.. 151 RalhdoAne Ξι. Carltcn South, Vic. 3053 T: (03) 96650200; Far 86650201 Lirialons: Scholarstiips tor Veterinary science undergraduates at the Unnrersly of Queenstand
FOCUS: Sow: vet
Creation Science Foundalion. 5s veifcrc r , Acacia FMse, Old. 4110 T: (07) 32737705; URL www..AnswefslnGaness com Focus: Blimfe
. . . . .
Critical Incident Suess Managcmer:! FoLfndation Australia. 55Ξ D-ummonci £1. CartloT North. VK. 3054 T: (03) S347S313; FaK 83479313 Focus: Psfchcl ........... 011768 Vic 3073 T: (03) 9493878S; Fex: 34S97237
Limitatkns: Grants lor the School of Cr*l Focus: Eng
Community Broadcasting Foundation (C3F)
The Carnow Streel Trust. =CE ??s ™vmoc.
arid Wining Fngineerinjrjniversiy of Sy.'
T. (08) 938211/1: Fax; 936211Γ2; E-Mail: [email protected]
T. (08) 94211114: Fax:
OfOfS - 0)087
. . 01073
T: (03) 63635774; Fax: 62835877. E-Mail. [email protected]; URL:
www.hieertfuwidalion.com.au Eslablished: 1358; Chair: Harold Hope. Seer Dr. Lyn Roberts. Donor(s): Dr. Kemeson Maddox Assets: AUD 25.1iO.786.-, RecaplE AUD 3i.COO£CO,-. EipenoStures: AUD 31.000000.Urnlalions: Grants h Australia Focus: Card ............ 10S5
National Paris and Wildlife Founcation, GPCB 2666. Sydney. NSW 2001 T: (02) 9295716. 9234923 Focus: Ecol: AnimP .........
National S1DS Council ol Australia, POS 51 18 Westen, ACT 261 1 T: (02) 62874255: Fax: 62874210.
F-Mail canbena