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German Pages 520 Year 2001
Handbook of International Documentation and Information Volume 19
Vol. I Europe Vol. II Africa / The Americas / Asia and Oceania
World Guide to Foundations 2nd Edition
Volume I
K-G-Saur München 2001
Editor/Redaktion: Michael Zils Editorial Office/Redaktionsbüro: Luppenstr. 1 b D-04177 Leipzig (Germany) Tel.+49 341 4869911 Fax +49 341 4869913
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme World guide to foundations / [ed.: Michael Zils], - 2. ed.. - München : Saur (Handbook of international documentation and information ; Vol.19) ISBN 3-598-22251-3 Vol. 1. Europe. - 2001 ISBN 3-598-22252-1 © Printed on acid-free paper © 2001 by Κ. G. Saur Verlag GmbH, München Printed and bound in the Federal Republic of Germany All rights strictly reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher. The publisher and editor do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in World Guide to Trade Associations, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. Data preparation and automatic data processing by bsix, Braunschweig Printed and Bound by Strauss Offsetdruck, Mörlenbach Cover Art by William Pownall ISSN 0939-1959 (Handbook) ISBN 3-598-22251-3 ISBN 3-598-22252-1 (Vol. I)
Preface The first edition of the WORLD GUIDE TO FOUNDATIONS was published in October 1997 and contained close to 22,000 foundations world-wide. Intense research has doubled the number of entries so that we are now publishing a two-volume edition of the WORLD GUIDE TO FOUNDATIONS. Volume I Europe includes 20,743 foundations while volume II Africa, America, Asia and Oceania documents 20,500 entries. In addition to the new entries, particular importance was placed on more detailed information. In contrast to the first edition, we were able to include many more e-mail and internet addresses, information on personnell and the financial assets of foundations. Detailed information concerning grant restrictions based on geography and subject matter was included for the first time. The entries are arranged alphabetically according to English country names and within countries according to foundation name. If foundations are named after individuals, the names are alphabetized by surnames. Thus the Jacob Rothschild GAM Charitable Trust is found under Rothschild, although the complete name is given in the entry. Each volume contains its own alphabetical index of foundation names and a subject matter index containing 200 areas in which grants are awarded. Foundations which have been dissolved and those which did not wish to have additional information included are only mentioned in the main section. We would like to point out that the editors are not responsible for the accuracy or the completeness of the information. The entries include - if available - the following information: Foundation name Abbreviation Previous name (new in this edition) Address Telephone Telefax E-mail Internet address (new in this edition) Year of establishment Chairman General manager Founder Assets Yearly income /expenditure Grant restrictions Areas supported The entire data bank was checked and updated. Editorial deadline was January 29th 2001. Corrections or new entries submitted after this date could not be included. We would like to thank all the foundations and organization for their friendly support of our editorial efforts and would be grateful to receive any corrections or names of missing foundations. V
Finally, we would like to mention our address collections, which are available in various formats: labels, lists, or computer files. We will gladly send you more information free of charge. January 2001
The editors
Vorwort Die erste Ausgabe des WORLD GUIDE TO FOUNDATIONS erschien im Oktober 1997 und verzeichnete damals knapp 22.000 Stiftungen weltweit. Aufgrund intensiver Recherchen konnte für die nun vorliegende 2. Ausgabe des WORLD GUIDE TO FOUNDATIONS die Gesamtzahl der verzeichneten Stiftungen annähernd verdoppelt werden, so daß der Bestand in zwei Bänden veröffentlicht wird. Band I Europa enthält 20.743 Stiftungen beinhalten, Band II Afrika, Amerika, Asien und Ozeanien 20.500 Stiftungen. Besonderer Wert wurde - neben der Bestandserweiterung - auf die Vertiefung von Detailinformationen gelegt. Gegenüber der 1. Ausgabe sind nun E-mail- und Internetadressen weitaus häufiger vorhanden, Informationen zu Personalia und der finanziellen Ausstattung der Stiftungen wurden verbessert. Zusätzlich werden detaillierte Angaben über geographische und thematische Begrenzungen der Fördermöglichkeiten gemacht. Die Sortierung der Stiftungen erfolgt nach dem englischen Länderalphabet und innerhalb der Länder nach den Stiftungsnamen. Sofern Stiftungen nach Personen benannt sind, sortiereren die entsprechenden Nachnamen unter Vernachlässigung eventuell vorhandener vorangehender Titel und Vornamen. So findet man z.B. die Jacob Rothschild GAM Charitable Trust unter Rothschild Foundation, mit Angabe des vollen Namens. Die Bände enthalten je ein alphabetisches Register der Stiftungsnamen und ein Sachregister mit 200 Fördergebieten, wobei der jeweilige Bestand des betreffenden Bandes erschlossen wird. Stiftungen, die seit Erscheinen der 1. Ausgabe aufgelöst wurden und Stiftungen, die eine Veröffentlichung von näheren Angaben nicht wünschten, werden nur im Hauptteil mit entsprechenden Hinweisen genannt. Wir weisen darauf hin, daß wir für Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Eintragungen keine Verantwortung übernehmen können. Die Einzeleinträge enthalten - soweit bekannt - folgende Detailinformationen: Stiftungsname Abkürzung des Stiftungsnamens früherer Stiftungsname (erstmals) Adresse Telefon Telefax E-mail Internetadresse (erstmals) Gründungsjahr Präsident Geschäftsführer Stifter Vermögen jährliche Einnahmen / Ausgaben Förderungseinschränkungen (erstmals) Förderbereiche VII
Der gesamte Datenbestand wurde im Rahmen eines Fragebobenversands überprüft und aktualisiert. Redaktionsschluß war am 29. Januar 2001. Korrekturen und Neueintragungen, die uns nach diesem Datum erreichten, konnten leider redaktionell nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden. Wir danken allen Stiftungen und Organisationen für die freundliche Unterstützung unserer redaktionellen Arbeit. Wir sind für Hinweise auf Fehler oder fehlende Stiftungen dankbar. Hinweisen möchten wir Sie auch auf unsere Adresskollektionen. Wir bieten Ihnen die Kollektionen in verschiedenen Formaten an: Etiketten, Listen oder Dateien auf Disketten. Gern senden wir Ihnen detaillierte Unterlagen kostenlos zu. Januar 2001
Die Redaktion
Contents Areas of Specialization Abbreviations . . .
Albania Austria
3 3
Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria
5 5 9 9
Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic
9 9 9
. . . .
Abkürzungsverzeichnis der Fördergebiete
Albanien Belgien Bosnien und Herzegowina Bulgarien
3 . . . .
5 9 9
Dänemark Deutschland
9 17
Finnland Frankreich
11 11
Finland France
11 11
Irland Island Italien
148 148 149
17 148
Iceland Ireland Italy
148 148 149
Lettland Liechtenstein Litauen Luxemburg
156 156 156 156
Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg
156 156 156 156
Malta Mazedonien Moldau Monaco
156 156 156 157
Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco
156 156 156 157
Niederlande Norwegen
157 166
Netherlands Norway
157 166
Poland Portugal
167 167
Romania Russia
171 171
Germany Greece Hungary
Polen Portugal
167 167
Rumänien Russland
171 171
200 IX
Contents / Inhalt
Slovakia . . . Slovenia . . . Spain Sweden . . . Switzerland
172 172 172 200
Schweiz Slowakei Slowenien Spanien
201 172 172 172
Tschechische Republik Türkei
9 221
Ukraine . . . United Kingdom
221 221
Ukraine Ungarn
221 148
Vatican City
Yugoslavia . .
Vatikanstadt Vereinigtes Königreich
318 221
Alphabetical Index to Foundation Names
Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Stiftungsnamen
German-English Concordance to Areas of Specialization . . .
Deutsch-Englische Konkordanz der Fördergebiete
Subject Index
Register nach Fördergebieten . .
Areas of Specialization Abbreviations AIDS AccM Adm Adult Adv Afr AgrE Agrie Ale Allerg Am Angl AnimH AnimP Anthrop Antis Archeo Archit Archiv Arts As Ast Astron Astrop Aut Aviat Bait Biol Bios Blinds Book Bot Brew Build Bus Cane Card Chem Child ChurchM Cin Class Comm CommS CommT Compu Cons Coop Copy Crim Cult Dance Deafs
AIDS Accident medicine Administration Adult education Advertising Africa Agricultural engineering Agriculture Alcoholism Allergies America Anglistic studies Animal husbandry Animal protection Anthroposophy Antisemitism Archeology Architecture Archive management Arts Asia Asthma Astronomy Astrophysics Automotive engineering Aviation Baltic states Biology Biophysics Blinds Book science Botany Brewing Building construction Business management Cancer research Cardiology Chemistry Children Church music Cinema Classics Communications Communication science Commerce, trade Computer science Consumer protection Cooperatives Copyright Criminology Cultural development Dance Deafs
Dent Derm Des Dev Diab Doc Drug East Ecol Econ Educ Egyp Elect Electron En Eng Ent Epid Epil Eth Ethn Eur Fam Fin Fire Fish Food For Fruit Fut Gemm Genet Geogr Geol Ger Germ Glass Graph Hand Health Hemat Heral Hist Horn Home HomeE Hort Hous Hum HumR Hunt Immun Indo
Dentistry Dermatology Design Development aid Diabetes Documentation Drug abuse East and Southeast Europe Ecology Economics Education Egyptology Electrical engineering Electronics Energy Engineering Entomology Epidemiology Epilepsy Ethics Ethnology Europe Family Finance Fire prevention Fisheries Food Forestry Fruit growing Futurology Gemmology Genetics Geography Geology Geriatrics Germanic studies Glass Graphics Handicapped Health care Hematology Heraldry History Homeopathy Homeless Home economics Horticulture Housing Humanities Human rights Hunting Immunology Indo-European studies XI
Areas of Specialization Abbreviations
Indu Ins IntM IntU Isl Jew Jour Lab Landsc Law Lepr Libr Ling Lit Mach Mater Math Med MedE Media Metal Meteo Micro Milit Min Miss Mon MultS Musi Music NatS Nav Neur Numis Nurs Obst Ocean Opht Optics Orient Ornit Orp Ortho Otor Pap Parap Path Peace Ped Pharm Phil Phot Phys Pias Pol PolS
Industry Insurances Internal medicine International understanding Islam Jewish welfare Journalism Labour Landscape architecture Law Leprosy Librarianship Linguistics Literature Machine engineering Materials science Mathematics Medicine Medical engineering Media Metallurgy Meteorology Microbiology Military Mining Missions Monuments protection Multiple sclerosis Musical instruments Music Natural sciences Naval engineering Neurology Numismatics Nursing Obstetrics Oceanography Ophthalmology Optics Orientalism Ornithology Orphans Orthopedics Otorhinolaryngology Paper technology Parapsychology Pathology Peace research Pediatrics Pharmacy Philosophy Photography Physics Plastics Police Political science
Pop Prec Print Pris Psychia Psychol Pubi Pulm Rae Rad Refug Reh Rei RelE Res Rheum Rom Schol Scie Sem Sen Ship Slav SocS SocW Sports Stat Surg Text Theat Ther Tour Town Tox Trade Traf Traum Trop Tub Unemp Uni Urol Ven Vet Vir Voc Warv Waste Wat Wid Wine Worn Wood Youth Zool
Population studies Precision mechanics Printing Prisoners Psychiatry Psychology Publicity Pulmonary diseases Racism Radiology Refugees Rehabilitation Religion Religious education Research, general Rheumatology Romance studies Scholarships Science, general Semitic studies Senior citizens Shipping Slavonic studies Social sciences Social work Sports Statistics Surgery Textiles Theatre Therapeutics Tourism Town planning Toxicology Trade unions Traffic Traumatology Tropics Tuberculosis Unemployed Universities Urology Venereology Veterinary medicine Virology Vocational education War victims Waste material Water resources Widows Wine Women Wood Youth Zoology
Abkürzungsverzeichnis der Fördergebiete AIDS AccM Adm Adult Adv Afr AgrE Agrie Ale Allerg Am Angl AnimH AnimP Anthrop Antis Archeo Archit Archiv Arts As Ast Astron Astrop Aut Aviat Bait Biol Bios Blinds Book Bot Brew Build Bus Cane Card Chem Child ChurchM Cin Class Comm CommS CommT Compu Cons Coop Copy Crim Cult Dance Deafs
AIDS Unfallmedizin Verwaltung Erwachsenenbildung Werbung Afrika Landtechnik Landwirtschaft Alkoholismus Allergologie Amerika Anglistik Tierzucht Tierschutz Anthroposophie Antisemitismus Archäologie Architektur Archivwesen Kunst Asien Asthma Astronomie Astrophysik Kraftfahrzeugtechnik Luftfahrt Baltikum Biologie Biophysik Bünde Buchwesen Botanik Brauwesen Bautechnik Betriebswirtschaft Krebsforschung Kardiologie Chemie Kinder Kirchenmusik Filmkunst Klassik Nachrichtentechnik Kommunikationswissenschaft Handel, Gewerbe Informatik Verbraucherschutz Genossenschaftswesen Urheberrecht Kriminologie Kulturförderung Tanz Taubstumme
Dent Derm Des Dev Diab Doc Drug East Ecol Econ Educ Egyp Elect Electron En Eng Ent Epid Epil Eth Ethn Eur Fam Fin Fire Fish Food For Fruit Fut Gemm Genet Geogr Geol Ger Germ Glass Graph Hand Health Hemat Heral Hist Horn Home HomeE Hort Hous Hum HumR Hunt Immun Indo
Zahnheilkunde Dermatologie Design Entwicklungshilfe Diabetes Dokumentation Drogenmißbrauch Ost- und Südosteuropa Ökologie Wirtschaft Erziehung Ägyptologie Elektrotechnik Elektronik Energie Technik Entomologie Epidemiologie Epilepsie Ethik Völkerkunde Europa Familie Finanzen Feuerwehr Fischerei Ernährung Forstwesen Obstbau Futurologie Edelsteinforschung Genetik Geographie Geologie Geriatrie Germanistik Glas Grafik Behinderte Gesundheitswesen Hämatologie Heraldik Geschichte Homöopathie Obdachlose Hauswirtschaft Gartenbau Wohnungswesen Geisteswissenschaften Menschenrechte Jagd Immunologie Indogermanistik XIII
Abkürzungsverzeichnis der Fördergebiete
Indu Ins IntM IntU Isl Jew Jour Lab Landsc Law Lepr Libr Ling Lit Mach Mater Math Med MedE Media Metal Meteo Micro Milit Min Miss Mon MultS Musi Music NatS Nav Neur Numis Nurs Obst Ocean Opht Optics Orient Ornit Orp Ortho Otor Pap Parap Path Peace Ped Pharm Phil Phot Phys Pias Pol PolS
Industrie Versicherungen Innere Medizin Völkerverständigung Islam Judentum Journalismus Arbeit Landschaftsgestaltung Recht Lepra Bibliothekswesen Linguistik Literatur Maschinenbau Materialprüfung Mathematik Medizin Medizinische Technik Medien Metallurgie Meteorologie Mikrobiologie Militärwesen Bergbau Missionen Denkmalschutz Multiple Sklerose Musikinstrumente Musik Naturwissenschaften Schiffbau Neurologie Numismatik Krankenpflege Geburtshilfe Meereskunde Ophthalmologie Optik Orientallstik Ornithologie Waisen Orthopädie Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde Papiertechnik Parapsychologie Pathologie Friedensforschung Pädiatrie Pharmazie Philosophie Fotografie Physik Kunststoffe Polizei Politologie
Pop Prec Print Pris Psychia Psychol Pubi Pulm Rae Rad Refug Reh Rei RelE Res Rheum Rom Schol Scie Sem Sen Ship Slav SocS SocW Sports Stat Surg Text Theat Ther Tour Town Tox Trade Traf Traum Trop Tub Unemp Uni Urol Ven Vet Vir Voc Warv Waste Wat Wid Wine Worn Wood Youth Zool
Bevölkerungswissenschaft Feinmechanik Drucktechnik Strafgefangene Psychiatrie Psychologie Publizistik Pulmologie Rassismus Radiologie Flüchtlinge Rehabilitation Religion Religionspädagogik Forschung, allgemeine Rheumatologie Romanistik Stipendien Wissenschaft, allgemeine Semitistik Senioren Schiffahrt Slawistik Sozialwissenschaften Sozialarbeit Sport Statistik Chirurgie Textilien Theater Therapeutik Tourismus Stadtplanung Toxikologie Gewerkschaften Verkehrswesen Unfallverhütung Tropen Tuberkulose Arbeitslose Universitäten Urologie Venerologie Veterinärmedizin Virologie Berufspädagogik Kriegsopfer Abfallbeseitigung Wasserversorgung Witwen Wein Frauen Holz Jugendliche Zoologie
World Guide to Foundations
A. Consolidation D. Restoration B. Restoration E. Reconstruction. Greek C. Reconstruction. History and Roman Myths and Legends of Trasmoz. and Legends. THIRD STAGE: F. Restoration. G. Reconstruction. Celtic, Central European, Nordic and Slav Myths and Legends, H. Mythical restaurant.
Trasmoz Castle with 2,300 m. high Moncayo in the background. Zaragoza.
e are looking for others Foundations, either as collaborators or even as partners, for the restoration of Trasmoz Castle, owned by our Foundation. It was built in 1150 being its location the confluence of the three medieval kingdoms of Aragón, Castille and Navarre. It is one of the Castles with more historic and literary entity in Spain and our purpose is to create in the inside the first monografìe European Museum of Myths and Legends, from Greece and Rome, Celtic, Germanic, Francs and Vikings, who are the real root of Europe. As a meeting centre of the European cultures of Peace, it is planned to be an interactive, didactic and ludic place of virtual reality. The total investment budget in three years is of 2 millions Euros. The later operating expenses will be widely covered with its own income.
F U N D A C I O N CASTILLO DE TRASMOZ Princesa, 19 - 50.004 Zaragoza - SPAIN Fax no. 0034 976 213368 E-Mail: [email protected]
Albania Albanian Civil Society Foundation, Rruga Asim Vokshi, Vila 137, Tirana T: (042) 33067; Fax: 33067; E-Mail: postmaster© acsf.tirana.al; Internet: http://www.soros.org/albania/ albalink.html Established: 1995; Chair Violanda Thedhorí, Secy: Rotónda Dhimrtri Expenditures: ALL 21.505.000,Liniftatjons: Grants to Albanian non-governmental organizations only Focus: SocW 00001 Open Society Foundation-Albania, Rruga Pjeter Bogdani, Pallati 23, Tirana T: (042) 34621; Fax: 35855; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.soros.org/ albania.html Established: 1992; Secy: Capajev Gjokutaj Expenditures: US $ 12.800.000,Limitations: Grants in Albania only Focus: Arts; Educ; Hum; SocS 00002
Austria Afro-Asiatlsches Institut In Wien, (Afro-Asian Institute in Vienna), TQrkenstr 3, 1090 Wien Τ: (01) 3105145; Fax: 3105145-312; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.aai-wien.at/ aai-wien Established: 1959; Chair: Kardinal Dr. Christoph Schónbom, Secy: Petrus Bstem, Donor(s): Kardinal Dr. Franz König Receipts: ATS 30.000.000,-, Expenditures: ATS 30.000.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev; Educ; Res; IntU; Afr; As . . 00003 AIT & FIA Foundation Mobility and Society, Universitätsstr β, 1090 Wien Τ: (01) 402706714; Fax: 402706715 Focus: SocS 00004
Prof. Anton Bauer Stipendien Stiftung, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1932 Focus: Schol
BAWAG Foundation. Tuchlauben 7a, 1010 Wien T: (01) 534532296 Focus: Arts 00017 Stiftung Werner Berg, 10. Oktober-Pl 1, 9150 Bleiburg 00018 Alban Berg-Stfftung, Trauttmannsdorffgasse 27, 1130 Wien Established: 1969 Focus: Music 00019 Blelka-Stfftung, Bräuhof 53, 8993 Grundlsee T: (03622) 8532 00020 Friedrich und Anna Böhler-Stlftung, Elisabethstr 12, 1010 Wien Established: 1939 00021 Julie Bosch-Sttftung, Brandgasse 2, 6900 Bregenz T: (05574) 52371 Dr. Rudolf und Ella Braun-Stiftung, c/o Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Seitenstettengasse 4, 1010 Wien T: (01) 5310450; Fax: 5310440 Established: 1966 Focus: SocW
P.F. Caille Stiftung, c/o FIT, Dr. Heinrich-MaierStr 9, 1180 Wien T: (01) 4403607, 4709819; Fax: 4403756, 47098194 Focus: Ut 00024 International Maria Callas Foundation, Auhofstr 22, 1130 Wien T: (01) 8767489 Focus: Music 00025 Chemie-Stiftung, Mozartstr 9, 4020 Linz T: (0732) 777291 Focus: Chem
Allgemeine Armenstiftung K r Niederösterreich, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1794 Limitations: Grants in the state of Niederösterreich only Focus: SocW 00005
Josefa Christenheit-Stiftung, Lichtenfelsgasse 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1938 00027
Allgemeine Hochschulstipendienststlftung für Wiener Hochschulen, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1915 Limitations: Scholarships at universities in Wien only Focus: Schol 00006
Czlbulka-Stlftung, Friedrich-Schmidt-PI 5, 1080 Wien Established: 1952 00029
Allgemeine Stlpendlensttftung Niederösterreich, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1858 Limitations: Scholarships in the state of Niederösterreich only Focus: Schol 00007
Jörg Demus-Stiftung, c/o Museo Christofori, Miglberg 30, 4852 Weyregg am Attersee T: (07664) 2396 Focus: Arts 00Û3J
Allgemeine Wiener MlttelschulstlpendlenStttfung, Friedrich-Schmidt-PI 5, 1080 Wien Τ: (01) 400084765; Fax; 40007216 Established: 1923; Secy: Helmut Simacek Limitations: Scholarships at schools in Wien only Focus: Schol 00008 Altenheim-StJftung Brunnkirchen, Haus Nr. 5, 3511 Brunnkirchen Τ: (02739) 22470 Focus: Sen 00009 American-Austrian Foundation, Jakob-HaringerStr 8, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 451599 Focus: Med; IntU 00010 Angestelltenunterstützungsfonds des Landesverbandes der Sparkassen Niederösterreichs und des Burgenlandes, Grimmelshausengasse 1, 1030 Wien Established: 1925 Limitations: Grants to employees of savings banks in the states of Niederösterreich and Burgenland only Focus: SocW 00011 Arehltekturstlfung Österreich, Krugerstr 17, 1010 Wien Τ: (01) 5130895; Fax: 5130895-4; E-Mail: aaf@ aatcr.at; Internet: http://www.aneta.at Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Austria only Focus: Archit 00012 Austria-African Medical and Research Foundation, Waagpl 3, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 840101; Fax: 847820 Focus: Afr; Med; Res
Heizog-von-Cumberiand-Stiftung, Königinvilla, Cumbeilandstr 15, 4810 Gmunden T: (07612) 64993 00028
Oafner-Schredt'sche Stiftung, Baumgartenstr 7179, 1140 Wien Established: 1884 00030
Margarete Bader-Walßnlx-Stlftung, Schloßpl 1, 2651 Reichenau an der Rax T: (02666) 54470 00015
C.M. Frank Klnderspltals-Sttftung, Gonzagagasse 23, 1010 Wien Established: 1918 Limitations: Grants in Wien only Focus: Ped
Frauenheimstlftung in Graz, Wartingergasse 43, 8010 Graz Established: 1913 Limitations: Grants in Graz only Focus: Worn 00046 Frauenstiftung Steyr, Wagnerstr 2-4, 4400 Steyr T: (07252) 87373; Fax: 873739 Focus: Worn 00047 Ernst Fuchs-Privatstlftung, HOttelbergstr 26, 1140 Wien Τ: (01) 9148575-14; Fax: 914857518 Established: 1988 Focus: Arts 00048 Hofrat Prof. Dr. Ernst Fuchs-Stipendlenstlftung für junge Ophthalmologen der Wiener Schule, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1932 Limitations: Scholarships in Wien only Focus: Opht; Schol 00049 Gaulhofer-Stretcher-Gedenkstlftung, Dr.-KarlLueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1970 00050 Generali Foundation, Wiedner Hauptstr 15, 1040 Wien T: (01) 5049880; Fax: 5049883; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.gfound.or.aVgJ/index.htm Focus: Aits; Cult 00051 Max Giesinger-Stiftung, Schwarzenberg^ 14, 1040 Wien Established: 1972 00052 Julius Glück-Stiftung für Eisenbahnbedienstete, Elisabethsir 9. 1010 Wien Established: 1980 Limitations: Grants to employees of Austrian railway companies only Focus: SocW 00053 Paul Godltsch-Stiftung, Spartersbachgasse 41, 8010 Graz Τ: (0664) 3586786 00054 Anne Goldenberg-Stiftung, Porzellangasse 36, 1090 Wien Established: 1980; Chair: Wilhelm Goldenberg, Secy: Wilhelm Goldenberg Focus: Worn; Aits 00055
Deutsch-Ordens-Stiftung, Singerstr 7, 1010 Wien T: (01) 5130739 00032
Ferdinand Graf-Stiftung, Wiener Str 2, 3580 Horn T; (02982) 30445 00056
Dialogzentrum für angemessene Wirtschaftsmodelle (Förderverein), Nonntaler Hauptstr 58a, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 829337; Fax: 829339 Focus: Econ 00033
Leopold Gratz-Stlftung, Vordere Zollamtsstr 13, 1030 Wien Established: 1980 00057
Fürst Dletrlchsteln'sche Stiftung, Wartingergasse 43, 8010 Graz Established: 1870 00034 Emst und Rosa von Dombrowski-Sttftung, Hofgasse 5, 8010 Graz T: (0316) 821636; Fax: 835612; E-Mail: stocker. vertag @ styria.com Focus: Lit; Music; Theat 00035 Donauland-Stiftung, Niederhofstr 37, 1120 Wien Established: 1975 00036 Or. Otti mar und Karl Dorazil-Sttftung, Or.-KarlLueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1971 00037 East-West Fund, Postfach 88, 1041 Wien Τ: (01) 501750; Fax: 50175360 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dev
EF-Stlftung, Kreuzgasse 46, 8010 Graz Τ: (0316) 386166 Focus: Ling; Educ
Stiftung Sammlung Essi, An der Donau-Au 1, 3400 Klosterneu bürg T: (02243) 37050; Fax: 3705022 Focus: Arts 00040 Ettehadieh-Stiftung, Jàgerstr 28, 4020 Linz Established: 1982 00041
Austrian Foundation for Quality Management, c/o österreichische Gründergemeinschaft für Qualitäts-Management, Gonzagagasse 1, 1010 Wien T: (01) 53506670; Fax: 535066750; E-Mail: office® afqm.at; Internet: http://www.afqm.at/ Established: 1995; Chair Helmut Jell, Secy: Dr. Johann Jàger Focus: Bus 00014
The Foundation for Shamanlc Studies, Neuwaldegger Str 38, 1170 Wien Τ: (01) 450153 Focus: Rei
European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Berggasse 17, 1090 Wien Τ: (01) 31945050; Fax: 319450519 Established: 1974 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: SocW; PolS 00042 Gustav Flgdor-Preis-Stiftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Dr.-lgnaz-Seipel-PI 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1938 Limitations: Scientific prizes in Austria only Focus: Scie 00043
Heinrich Graf Hardegg'sche Stipendienstiftung für Doktoren, Schottengasse 7, 1010 Wien Established: 1977 Limitations: Scholarships in Austha only Focus: Schol; Med 00058 Haus Fuschl, Kaigasse 14-16, 5010 Salzburg T: (0662) 80422080; Fax: 80422920 Established: 1939; Chain Landesrat Josef Eisl, Secy: Hofrat Dr. Karl Mayr Focus: Voc; Agrie 00059 Dr. Kurt-Hellmlch-Sttftung zur Förderung der ökumenischen Theologie, c/o Prof, Dr. Dr. Hubert Ritt, Lehrstuhl für Biblische Theologie, Richtstattweg 2, 4780 Schärding T: (07712) 7784; Fax: 7785 Established: 1983; Donops): Mathilde Hellmich Expenditures: DM 19.000,Limitations: Grants in Geimany only Focus: Rei 00060 Ferdinand Herzfelder-Bllnden-Stiftung, Baumgartenstr 71-79, 1140 Wien Established: 1923 Focus: Blinds
Hochschulsttpendlen-Stiftung für Hörer der Medizin an der Wiener Universität, Dr.-KarlLueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1881 Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Wien only Focus: Schol; Med 00062 Hochschulstlpendlenstiftung für Hörer der Rechte an der Wiener Universität Dr.-KarlLueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1916 Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Wien only Focus: Schol; Law 00063 Hof Urmannsau*Sttftung, Tormâuerstr 60, 3292 Gaming T: (07485) 97578 00064
Austria: Kreisky-Stifung
Industrial Development Fund, (formerly: United Nations Industrial Development Fund), do UNIDO, Postfach 300, 1400 Wien Τ: (01) 211310; Fax: 232156 , 2140414; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.unido.org Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Indu; Dev 00065 International Foundation for Cooperation and Peace for Bosnia and Hercegovlna, ProbosPrivatstrftung, Ebendorferstr 10, 1010 Wien Τ: (01) 4053138; Fax: 4079880 Focus: IntU; Peace 00066 International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, Rummelhardtgasse 2-18, 1090 Wien Τ: (01) 4088822; Fax: 408882250; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ihf-hr.org Established: 1982; Chair Ludmilla Alexeyeva, Secy: Aaron Rhodes Receipts: US $ 400.000,·, Expenditures: US $ 400.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: HumR 00067 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Schloßpl 1, 2361 Laxenburg T: (02236) 8070; Fax: 71313; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1972; Donor(s): Academies of Sciences or equivalent institutions in 12 countries Expenditures: US $ 10.000.000,· Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Ecol; Econ; Eng; SocS 00068 Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum, Schwarzstr 26, 5020 Salzburg Τ: (0662) 88940; Fax: 882419; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1881; Chair: Dr. Friedrich Gehmacher, Secy: Wieland Lafferentz Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Music 00069 Dr. Joham-Jubiläumsstlftung der Credltanstalt-Bankverein Wien, Franz-KieinGasse 1, 1190 Wien Established: 1956 Limitations: Grants in Austria only . . . 00070 Jubiläumsfonds Domblrner Sparkasse, Bahnhofstr 2, 6850 Donbim T: (05572) 3811 Focus: Arts; Scie
Robert-Jungk Stiftung, Imbergstr 2, 5020 Salzburg Τ: (0662) 873206; Fax: 871296; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.zukunft.de/ IB21 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocS; Fut 00072 Kaiser Franz Josef-Jublliumsstlftung für ein Unlversltâts- Studentenheim In Wien, Dr.-KarlLueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1910 Limitations: Grants to a student hostel in Wien only Focus: Hous 00073 Max und Rachel Kalmus-Stlftung, Taubstummengasse 17, 1040 Wien Established: 1969
Herbert von Karajan-Stlftung, Seestr 13, 5322 Hof bei Salzburg Τ: (06229) 2520; Fax: 2098 Established: 1968; Chair: C. Ludwig, Secy: Prol. Peter Csobádi, Donor(s): Herbert von Karajan Assets: DM 500.000,Focus: Music 00075 Burgenlandstiftung Theodor Kery, Postfach 2, 7001 Eisenstadt Τ: (02682) 603312; Fax: 603146 Established: 1976; Chair Eugen Horvath Limitations: Grants in the state of Burgenland only 00076 Freiherr von Kirchberg'sche Stiftung, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1764
F.A.B. KneJssl-Stlftung, Sengsschmiedstr 6, 4560 Kirchdorf an der Krems Τ: (07582) 61538 00078 Theodor Kômer-Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst, Theresianumgasse 1618, 1040 Wien T: (01) 5055689 Focus: Arts; Phot; Lit; Music; Theat . . . 00079 Kiki Kogelnlk-Stiftung, Wollzeile 9, 1010 Wien Τ: (01) 5124982 00080 Dr. Ernst Koref-Stiftung, c/o Landeskulturzentrum Ursulinenhof, Landstr 31, 4020 Linz T: (0732) 774007 Focus: Arts 00081 Josef Krapmaler'sche Wohltìtlgkelts-Stfftung, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1941 00082 Dr. Bruno Kreisky-Stifung für Verdienste um die Menschenrechte, Hohenstaufengasse 10-12, 1010 Wien Established: 1977 Focus: HumR 00083
Austria: Kunitzer-Stipendienstiftung Dr. Röbel Kunitzer-Stipendíenstrftung für Hörer der Medizin an der Universität in Wien, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1955 Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Wien only Focus: Schol; Med 00084 Felix Kuschenitz-Stiftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Pl 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1970 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Austria only Focus: Scie 00085 Julius Latzer-Stiftung, do Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Seitenstettengasse 4, 1010 Wien Τ: (01) 5310450; Fax: 5310440 Established: 1968 Limitations: Grants in Wien only Focus: Jew 00086 Irma Leistler'sche Stiftung für Mädchen aus Niederösterreich, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1906 Limitations: Grants to girls in the state of Niederösterreich only Focus: Child 00087 Fürst Liechtenstein Stiftung, Bankgasse 9, 1010 Wien Τ: {01) 53373320 00088 Prof. Dr. Eduard und Wanda Lippmann'sche Stiftung, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1923 00089 Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Palais Liechtenstein, Fürstengasse 1, 1090 Wien T: (01) 3176900; Fax: 3176901; E-Mail: haaser® mmkslw.or.at Limitations: Grants in Wien only Focus: Arts 00090 Hofrat Prof. Dr. Karl Luick-Stlftung, Dr.-KarlLueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1938 00091 Dr. Sigmund Lustgarten-Stipendienstiftung für Hörer der Medizin an der Universität Wien, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1955 Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Wien only Focus: Schol; Med 00092 Johanna Mahlke geb. Obermann-Stiftung zur Förderung der Krebsforschung an der Universität Wien, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1964 Limitations: Research grants to Universität Wien only
Focus: Cane
Make-A-Wish Foundation Austria, Gogolgasse 35, 1130 Wien Τ: (01) 8793942 00094 Maria Theres ien-Stiftung, Freyung 7, 1010 Wien Established: 1956 00095
Heinrich Nowak'sche Reisestipendienstiftung für Studiwende der Meisterschule für Architektur an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien, Schillerpl 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1960 Limitations: Scholarships to students at Meisterschule für Architektur in Wien only Focus: Schol; Archit 00103 Dr. Anton Oelzelt-Newln'sche Stiftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Pl 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1970 Focus: Scie 00104 Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Entwicklungshilfe, (Austrian Foundation for Development Research), Berggasse 7, 1090 Wien T: (01) 3174010; Fax: 3174015; E-Mail: office @oefse.at; Internet: http://www.oefse.at Established: 1967; Chair: Prof. Dr. Klaus Zapotoczky, Secy: Gerhard Brttner, Donor(s): Afro-Asiatisches Institut Wien, österreichischer Auslandsstudentendienst Expenditures: US $ 2.200.000,Umttations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev; PofS 00105 Österreichische Stiftung für Weltbevölkerung und Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Mariahiffer Str 57-59, 1060 Wien T: (01) 585987120; Fax: 585987121 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Pop; IntU 00106 Österreichische Studentenförderungsstiftung, Führichgasse 10, 1010 Wien Established: 1959 Limitations: Scholarships in Austria only Focus: Schol 00107 Österreichischer Fond zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, (Austrian Science Fund), Weyringergasse 35, 1040 Wien T: (01) 50567400; Fax: 5056739; Internet: httpjl www.fwf.ac.at Established: 1967; Chair: Prof. Dr. Arnold Schmidt, Secy: Dr. Eva Gluck Limitations: Grants in Austria only Focus: Scie 00108 Österreichischer Fond zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen, Weyringstr 35, 1040 Wien T: (01) 50567400; Fax: 5056739; E-Mail: name® mails.ffw.univie.ac.at Established: 1967; Chair: Prof. Dr. Arnold Schmidt, Secy: Dr. Eva Glück, Donops): Österreichische Bundesregierung Receipts: ATS 901.200.000,-, Expenditures: ATS 901.200.000,Limitations: Grants in Austria only Focus: Scie; Res 00109 OPEC Fund for International Development, Postfach 995, 1011 Wien Τ: (01) 515640; Fax: 5139238; E-Mail: info® opecfund.org; Internet: http://www.opecfund.org Established: 1976; Secy: Dr. Y. Seyyid Abdulai Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 00110
Marienheim-Stiftung. Maximilianstr 43, 6020 Innsbruck T: (0512) 520300 Focus: SocW 00096
Konstantin C. Panadi'sche Stiftung für Augenkranke und Blinde, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1864 Focus: Opht; Blinds 00111
Otto Mauer Fonds, c/o Katholischer Akademikerverband, Währinger Str 2 4 , 1090 Wien T: (01) 4056556: Fax: 4058391 Focus: Arts 00097
Stefanie Paulus-Stiftung, Ettenreichgasse 45a, 1100 Wien Established: 1976 00112
Otto Mayer Freiherr von und zu Gravenegg'sche Gesamtstiftung, Wien: defunct 00098 Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof-SUftung, Schwarzenberg^ 4, 1031 Wien T: (01) 711352362; Fax: 711352922; E-Mail: education® iv-net.at Established: 1972; Chair: Dr. Hans Igler, Secy: Dr. Gerhard Riema Assets: ATS 3.000.000,-, Receipts: ATS 180.000,-, Expenditures: ATS 180.000,Focus: Schol 00099 MEDIACULT, International Research Institute for Media, Communication and Cultural Development, Anton-von-Webern-PI 1, 1030 Wien Τ: (01) 711558800; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.mdw.ac.at/mediacult Established: 1969; Secy: Alfred Smudits Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Media; CommS; Cult 00100
00084 - 00166 Erzbischof Ladislaus von Pyrker und Erzherzog Albrecht-Gasteiner Badestiftung, Pyrkerstr 9, 5630 Bad Hofgastein T: (06432) 62140; Fax: 621496; E-Mail: hanusch® aon.at Established: 1842 Focus: Med 00119 Julius Raab-Stiftung zur Förderung von Forschung und Bildung, Tivoligasse 73a, 1120 Wien T: (01) 81024850; Fax: 810248540 Focus: Res; Educ 00120 Dr. Theodor Regenburger-Stiftung, Billrothstr 78, 1190 Wien Established: 1973 00121 Leopoldine Reimer-Stiftung, Schwarzenbergs 14, 1010 Wien Established: 1982 00122 Elena Rombro Stepanow-Stipendienststlftung, Lothringerstr 18, 1030 Wien Established: 1961 Focus: Schol 00123 Reinhold und Anna Rostock'sche JungbauemStiftung, Mozailpl 1, 5010 Salzburg T: (0662) 80422504; Fax: 80422923 Established: 1959; Chair Landesrat Sepp Eisl, Secy: Regierungsrat Andreas Kinzl, Donor(s): Reinhold Rostock, Anna Rostock Assets: ATS 21.000.000,-, Receipts: ATS 1.300.000,-, Expenditures: ATS 1.300.000,Limitations: Grants to young Austrian farmers only Focus: Agrie 00124 Rupertigau-Stiftung, Sankt-Julien-Str 2, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 872319 00125 Salzburg Obesity Academy Foundation, Linzer Gasse 29a, 5020 Salzburg T: (0664) 1806599 00126 Salzburg-Stiftung der American-Austrian Foundation, Jakob-Haringer-Str 8, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 451599 Focus: IntU 00127 Salzburger Literaturarchiv Stiftung, Schüttkasten, Hert>ert-von-Karajan-Pt 11, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 841486 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archiv; Lit 00128 Salzburger Multiple Sklerose Fond, IgnazHarrer-Str 79, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 4338210 Focus: MultS 00129 Sankt David's Trust, Ferienheim Carinthia, Würmlach 69, 9640 Kötschach-Mauthen T: (04715) 419 Focus: SocW 00130 Sankt Hildegard Stiftung, Dobersberger Str 23, 3851 Kautzen T: (02864) 2810 00131 Herzoglich Savoyen'sches Damenstift, Wollzeile 9, 1010 Wien Established: 1916 Limitations: Grants to Austrian senior ladies only Focus: Worn 00132
National-Fond der Republik Österreich, Dr.Karl-Renner-Ring 3, 1010 Wien Τ: (01) 4081263 Limitations: Grants in Austria only . . . 00102
Josef Prokop junior-Stìftung für Lungenkranke, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1903 Focus: Pulm 00118
Stiftung ARCH, Gstättengasse 29, 5020 Salzburg Τ: (0662) 8426160 00146 Stiftung Badehospiz Bad Gastein, Grenzbergstr 3b, 5640 Bad Gastein T: (06434) 6393 Focus: Reh 00147 Stiftung Behinderten- und Pflegeheim Wimpassing, Kirchengasse 17, 2485 Wimpassing an der Leitha T: (02623) 727540 Focus: Hand; Educ 00148 Stiftung der Ersten österreichischen SparCasse bei der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Pl 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1944 Focus: Scie 00149 Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe, Brockmanngasse 53, 8010 Graz T: (0316) 817908 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Ecol
Stiftung Gânsbrunn, Gânsbrunnstr 10, 5026 Salzburg Τ: (0662) 647108 00151 Stiftung Genesungsheim Kalksburg, Mackgasse 7-9, 1230 Wen T: (01) 8884138 Focus: Reh; Ger; Sen
Stiftung Halbwagen, Gaberistr 42, 8592 Kleinlobming T: (03147) 2600
Stiftung Jupident, Frastanzer Str 17, 6822 Satteins T: (05524) 5710 Focus: Hous; Educ 00154 Stiftung Kaiser Franz Josef-Spital, Geriosstr 5, 6280 Zell am Ziller T: (05282) 2239 Focus: Sen; Nurs 00155 Stiftung Kindertraum, Mariahilfer Str 69, 1060 Wien T: (01) 5854516; Fax: 5854514 Focus: Child 00156 Stiftung Kloster Viktorsberg, Haus Nr. 1, 6832 Viktorsberg T: (05523) 52464 00157
Stiftung Maria Ebene, Pater-Grimm-Weg 12, 6800 Feldkirch T: (05522) 771510 Focus: Drug; Child; Nurs 00159
Erich Schmid-Preis bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Dr.-Ignaz-SeipelP1 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1978 00136
Pro Oriente-Stiftung, Hofburg, Marschallstiege 2, 1010 Wien T: (01) 53380210 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Orient 00117
Steger-Stiftung, Johannesgass 2, 1010 Wien Τ: (01) 5121347 00145
E. Schindler-Stiftung, Herrengasse 7, 1014 Wien Established: 1964 00134
Petschnig-Stiftung, c/o Fleischmann & Petschnig, Rosentalerstr 87, 9023 Klagenfurt T: (0463) 216550; Fax: 2165527; E-Mail: [email protected] Focus: Arts 00114
Milchwirtschaftsfonds Landesstelle Steiermark, Babenbergerstr 88, 8074 Raaba Τ: (0316) 973954 Limitations: Grants in the state of Steiermark only Focus: Agrie 00101
Max Freiherr von Springer 1 sehe Waisenhausstiftung, c/o Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Seitenstettenstr 4, 1010 Wien T: (01) 5310450; Fax: 5310440 Established: 1964 Limitations: Grants to Jewish orphans in Wien only Focus: Orp; Jew 00144
Stiftung Liberales Bildungsforum, Nonntaler Hauptstr 1a, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 845266 Focus: Educ 00158
Dr. Karl Schleinzer Stiftung, Führichgasse 6, 1010 Wien Established: 1979 00135
Prinz Eugen Studienstiftung der Stadt Wien, Friedrich-Schmidt-Pl 5, 1080 Wien T: (01) 400084765; Fax: 40007216 Established: 1941; Secy: Helmut Slmacek Limitations: Scholarships In Wien only Focus: Schol 00116
Spirit of Europe Foundation, c/o Verein für Meditation und be wußte Lebensführung, Joachimsthal 3, 3972 Harmanschlag Τ: (02857) 2326 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Phil
Scheuchenstuel-Stiftung, Tagesheim, Kravoglstr 16, 6020 Innsbruck T: (0512) 345960 Focus: Child; Youth 00133
Waidemar-Petersen-Stiftung, Oberseitestr 38, 6992 Hirschegg T: (05517) 5217; Fax: 3730 00113
Karoline Prager-Stiftung für jüdische Waisenkinder, c/o Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Seitenstettengasse 4, 1010 Wien T: (01) 5310450; Fax: 53120440 Established: 1968 Limitations: Grants to Jewish orphans in Wien only Focus: Οφ; Jew 00115
Dr. Alois Sonnleitner-Stiftung bei der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Pl 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1943 Focus: Scie 00142
Josef Schönwald Ritter von BingenheimWaisenstiftung für öffentlich Bedienstete aus Niederösterrelch und Wien, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1891 Limitations: Grants in Wien and the slate of Niederôsterreicti only Focus: Ο φ 00137 Stipendienstiftung Albert Schweitzer, Gamisongasse 14-16, 1090 Wien Established: 1970 Focus: Schol; Med
Dr. Josef Seegen-Stiftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Pl 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1925 Focus: Scie 00139 Karl Seitz-Stlftung, Schottenring 30, 1010 Wien Established: 1952 00140 Johann und Maria Smuk Stiftung, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1891 Focus: Law
Stiftung Nothburgaheim, Innrain 39, 6020 Innsbruck T: (0512) 5615150; Fax: 5615159 Focus: Sen 00160 Stiftung pädagogische Akademie Burgenland, Wolfgarten, 7000 Eisenstadt T: (02682) 63570 Focus: Educ 00161 Stiftung Perspektiven zur Kultur, Gaisbergstr 7, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 642518 Focus: Cult 00162 Stiftung Soziales Friedenswerk, Schillerstr 8, 6020 Innsbruck T: (0512) 324011 Focus: SocW; Peace 00163 Stiftung Theresianische Akademie, Favoritenst 15, 1040 Wien T: (01) 50515710; Fax: 505157110 Focus: Res; Scie; Educ 00164 Stiftung Waisenhausfonds, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1763 Focus: Ο φ 00165 Stiftung zur Förderung des österreichischen Eishockeyjugendsportes, Prinz-Eugen-Str 12, 1040 Wien Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in Austria only Focus: Sports 00166
00167 - 00259
5 Agnes Straub-Sttftung, Großsonnberg 16, 5662 Gries Τ: (06543) 8163 00167 STS Ferlensprachechule High School Foundation, Plainstr 30, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 871119; Fax: 879929 Focus: Educ; Ling
Anni und Heinrich Sussmann-Stlftung für Bedürftige Bildende Künstler, Postfach 246, 1081 Wien Focus: SocW 00169 Thereelanlsches Damenetift In Innsbruck, Burggraben 31, 6020 Innsbruck Established: 1765 Limitations: Grants to senior ladies in Innsbruck only Focus: Worn 00170 Tiroler Matrikel-Stiftung, Peerstiftung, Anichstr 18, 6020 Innsbruck Τ: (0512) 578422 00171 Tiroler Zukunft Stiftung, Meinhardstr 3, 6020 Innsbruck T: (0512 576262 Focus: Fut 00172 Evangelische Stiftung de la Tour, Schloß Treffen 6, 9521 Treffen T: (04248) 28020 Focus: ChlkJ; Hand; Ger; Sen; Nurs . . 00173 Dr. Johannes und Hertha Tuba-Stiftung, KaiserFranz-Josef-Str 12, 6020 Innsbruck T: (0512) 585836 00174 Dr. Ladislaus Vajda-Stlftung, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien Established: 1964 00175 Vereinigte Attôsterreichische Mllitärsttftungen, Vorgartenstr 225, 1020 Wien T: (01) 7280456; Fax: 7276117/163 Established: 1793; Chain Wilhelm Harasek, Secy: Richard Götz, Donor(s): Kaiserin Karoline Auguste, Herr Van Vppen, Nikolaus Dumba, Hedwig Bleibtreu, Nathaniel Rothschild Receipts: ATS 11.000.000,-, Expenditures: ATS 11.000.000,Umitations: Grants in Austria only Focus: Milrt; SocW 00176 Freiherr von Vichter und Wlssend'sche Stiftung, Museumstr 12, 1010 Wien Established: 1723; Secy: Michael Sommergmber, Donops): Maria Anna Vichterin Freiin von Grueb Expenditures: ATS 602.000,Focus: Youth 00177 Sigmund Weinberger-Stlftung für Augenkranke und Blinde, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1869 Focus: Opht; Blinds 00178 Karl Weiser-Stiftung, c/o BVÖ-Landesverta/id Salzburg, Josef-Preis-Allee 12, 5020 Salzburg T: (0662) 846542; Fax: 846542 Focus: Arts 00179 Margaretha Welseer-Stfftung, Wilhelminenstr 91, 1160 Wien T: (01) 4810996; Fax: 4815488 . . . . 00180 Wiener Institut für Entwicklungsfragen und Zusammenarbeit, Weyrgasse 5, 1030 Wien T: (01) 7133594; Fax: 713359473 Established: 1987 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev; PolS 00181 Wiener Islamisches Zentrum, Am Hubertusdamm 17-19, 1210 Wien Established: 1967 Limitations: Grants in Wien only Focus: Isl
Wiener Wirtschaftsförderungsfonds, Cottagegasse 10, 1180 Wien Τ: (01) 4786449 Focus: Econ
Kommeizialrat Wilhelm Wllfllng-Stfftung, Landskrongasse 2, 1010 Wien Established: 1978
The World of NGOs, Spiegelgasse 8, 1010 Wien Τ: (01) 5131728; Fax: 5126089; E-Mail: worid.ngoeblackbox.at; Internet: http://www.ngo.at Established: 1997; Secy: Dr, Christiana Weidel, Donor(s): Christiana Weidel, Christian PichlerStainem Receipts: ATS 267.570,-, Expenditures: ATS 252.070,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Educ; Law; HumR; SocW; SocS . 00188
Belgische Stichting voor Dermatologie en Venerologie, 3 Sq Jacques Geerinckx, 9300 Aalsl limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Derm; Ven 00209
World Wide Fund for Nature, Ottakringer Str 114-116, 1162 Wien Τ: (01) 409164119; Fax: 409164129 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Ecol 00189
Fondation Gaston Bertrand, 18 Av Arnold Defvaux, 1180 Bruxelles T: (02) 3749474; Fax: 3749474 Established: 1988; Chair: Philippe Roberts-Jones, Secy: Serge Goyens de Heusch, Donor(s): Gaston Bertrand Focus: Arts 00212
Kommeizialrat Hans ZelHiofer-Stlftung für Drogisten, Knigerstr 3, 1010 Wien Established: 1955 Limitations: Grants to needy druggists only Focus: Health
Carl Michael Zlehrer-Stiftung, Annagasse 8, 1010 Wien Established: 1935 00191 Michael von Zoller-Stlftung, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1768 00192
Belarus Belarusian Charitable Fund for the Children of Chernobyl, Staravilenskaya 14, 220029 Minsk T: (0172) 341215; Fax: 343458; E-Mail: childr@ user.unibel.by Established: 1990; Chair: Prof. Dr. V. Grushevoy, Secy: Irina Pobyazhina, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. V. Grushevoy Limitations: Grants in Belarus only Focus: Chikl; Ped; Hand; Ecol 00193 Belarusslan Foundation Stop AIDS, POB 767, 700841 Minsk Fax: (0172) 347346 Limitations: Grants in Belarus only Focus: AIDS 00194 International Humanitarian Foundation, Masherov Av 1-2-5, 220004 Minsk T: (0172) 394163; Fax: 393163; E-Mail: infoôehu.minsk Established: 1992; Secy: Prof. Anatoli Mikhailov, Donors): Sabre Foundation Limitations: Grants in Belarus only Focus: Educ; SocW 00195 Soros Foundation-Belarus, Prospekt F. Sfarina 65, 220027 Minsk Τ: (0172) 399346; Fax: 328092 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Belarus only Focus: Educ; Ecol; Health; Arts; Econ . . 00196
Belgium Fondation Aclmovlc, 73 Av Hamoir, 1180 Bruxelles
Fondation Konrad Adenauer (Belgium), 11 Av de PYser, 1040 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 7430743; Fax: 7430749; E-Mail: konradbe® tomado.be Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: PolS 00198 AIG-Stlchtlng, Lange Kruisstr 29, 9000 Gent 00199 Alamlre Foundation, Ladeuzeplein 21, 3000 Leuven Τ: (016) 324661; Fax: 324706; E-Mail: e.schreurs θvillage.uninet.be; Internet: httpjl www.fuzzy.arts.kuleuven.ac, be/alamire Established: 1991; Chair Prof. Dr. Herman van dem Berghe, Secy: Eugeer Schreurs Limitations: Grants in Belgium and the Netherlands only Focus: Music 00200 Archeologlsche Stlchtlng Petra nella, Terlindehofstr 206a, 2170 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 6587161 Focus: Archeo
Fondation Arnaud Fraiteur, 2 Rue de la Cité Joyeuse, 1080 Bruxelles 00202
Dr. Georg Wlmmer'sche Wohttätigkettsettttung für Verwandte des Stifters, Gartengasse 19a, 1050 Wien Established: 1900 Limitations: Grants to members of the Wimmer family only Focus: Fam 00185
Artistenfonds Reine Elisabeth, Keizerstr 40, 2000 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2336210; Fax: 23336210 Established: 1943; Chair Nelly Roose-Verachtert, Donor(s): Benoit A. Roose Limitations: Grants to Belgium artists only Focus: Arts 00203
Wlndhag-Stlpendienstlftung für Nlederteterrelch, Landskrongasse 5, 1010 Wien Established: 1774 Limitations: Scholarships in the state of Niederösterreich only Focus : Schol 00186
Astra Foundation, 110 Rue Egide Van Ophem, 1180 Bruxelles 00204
Wohltätigkettshaue Baden, Badekuranstalt für Minderbemittelte, Herrengasse 11-13, 1014 Wien Established: 1808 Limitations: Grants in Baden only Focus: Health 00187
Fondation de la BarTe, 34 Rue Haute, 7050 Jurblse 00205 Fondation Claude Beckers, 63 Rue Lange veld, 1180 Bruxelles 00206
Fonds Tony Bergmann, Kasteeldreef 75, 9920 Lovendegem T: (02) 5075631; Fax: 5075634 . . . . 00210 Fondation Bernhelm, 65 Av Franklin Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles 002/1
Fondation Jacques Bervelt, 98 Rue Saint-Bernard, 1060 Bruxelles 00213 Fondation Claude de Bettignles, Maison Losseau, 37 Rue de Nimy, 7000 Möns 00214 Stichting Felix de Boeck, Oude Brusselbaan 42, 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw 00215 Stichting Edouard Bohets, Krommestr 5, 2800 Mechelen 00216
Belgium: European
Fondation Jacques Creyelmans, 88 Rue Augustes Danse, 1180 Bruxelles 00237 Stichting Denise Crivits, Stationsstr 62, 8480 Ichtegem 00238 Fondation Prince et Princesse Gustave de CroyRoeulx, 21 PI du Château, 7070 Le Roeulx 00239 Priester Daensfonds, Grote Markt 3, 9300 Aalst 00240 Fondation Damlen, Mouvement de Lutte contre la Lèpre et la Tuberculose, 263 Blvd Léopold II, 1081 Bruxelles T: (02) 44225911; Fax: 4225900; E-Mail: secret® damien-foundation.be Established: 1962; Chair: M. de Doncker, Secy: R. Peeters Receipts: BEF 370.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Bangladesh, Burundi, People's Republic of China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Comoros, Egypt, India, Laos, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Rwanda and Vietnam only Focus: Lepr; Tub; Afr; As; Am 00241 Fondation de Physiopathologie Prof. Lucien Dautrebande, c/o M.J. Stalport, 3 Av Batta, 4500 Huy Focus: Ther 00242
Born-Bunge Research Foundation, UniversiteitspJein 1, 2610 Wilrijk T: (03) 8202596; Fax: 8202669; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.bbfwww.uia.ac.be/BBF/BBFJndex.html Established: 1962; Chair Jorge Bom, Secy: P. de Groote, Donor(s): Dr. L. van Bogaert Receipts: BEF 18.500.000,-, Expenditures: BEF 18.500.000,· Focus: Neur; Card 00217
Davidsfonds, Blijde Inkomststr 79-81, 3000 Leuven T: (016) 310608 Focus: Arts 00243
Fondation Baron Bouvier, 2 PI Communale, 1315 Incourt 00218
Fonds de Soutien Marguerite-Marie Delacroix, 182 Av de Tervueren, 1150 Bruxelles Focus: SocW 00245
Fondation de M. et Mme. Frédéric BraconnierLamarche, cJo Marcel Chouffart, 57 Rue aux Granges, 4480 Engis 00219 Fondation Jacques Brel, 11 Vieille Halle aux Blés, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5111020 Focus: Music 00220 Brugs Fonds voor Ontwlkkeling en Samenwerklng, Stadhuis, Burg 12, 8000 Brugge Limitations: Grants in Brugge only Focus: Town; Econ 00221 Fondation Fernand et Louise Brunfaut, 45 Drève des Gendarmes, 1180 Bruxelles Focus: Libr 00222 Fondation Bull, 6 Rue du Planeur, 1130 Bruxelles Established: 1993 Focus: Ecol 00223 Fondation René Carean, 122 Rue Champ du Roi, 1040 Bruxelles T: (02) 7357355; Fax: 7357355 Established: 1990; Chair: Jean Desmedt, Secy: Jeannine Claeitiout, Donor(s): René Carcan Focus: Arts 00224 Fondation Internationale CardIJn, 11 Rue Plantin, 1070 Bruxelles T: (02) 5216983; Fax: 5216944 . . . . 00225 Care International, 58 Blvd du Régent, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5024333; Fax: 5028202; E-Mail: careci2« ibm.net Established: 1945; Chair: Sir Harold Walker, Secy: Guy Tousignant Receipts: US $ 500.000.000,·, Expenditures: US $ 500.000.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: SocW; Agrie; Ecol; Dev; Wat; Health; Fam; AIDS; Food 00226 Fondation Maurice Carême, 14 Av Nellie Melba, 1070 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5216775; Fax: 5202086 Established: 1975; Chair: Jeannine Bumy, Donor(s): Maurice Carême Focus: Arts 00227 Stichting Edgard Casteleln en C. Jusslant, c/o Kamer van Koophandel, Markgravestr 12, 2000 Antwerpen 00228 Fondation Lydia Cingoli, Hamerstr 59, 1040 Bruxelles 00229 Fondation ChaidronOulSSet, 83 Rue A. Raty, 5550 Vresse-sur-Semois 00230 Fondation Charcot, 264 Rue de l'Intendant, 1080 Bruxelles, BP 141, 1080 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 4264930 0Û23Ï Fondation Gouverneur René Close, 7 Rte Merveilleuse, 5000 Namur T: (081) 731116
Fondation John Cluysenaar, 87 Rue du Village, 5310 Noville-sur-Mehaigne 00233 Fondation Jean F. Collin, c/o R. Dujardin, 100 Blvd Louis Schmitt, Bte 9, 1040 Bruxelles 00234
Stichting Patrick de Befr, Kammerstr 20, 9000 Gent 00207
Fondation Gouverneur Emile Cornez, do Gouvernement Principal du Hainaut, 7000 Möns 00235
Fondation Léon Bekaert, 4 Rue Ravenstein, 1000 Bruxelles 00208
Fondation Ferdinand Cosme, 17 Rue Baron de Castro, 1040 Bruxelles 00236
Fondation Edmond Deglumes, 7-9 Rue Abbé Cuypers, 1040 Bruxelles 00244
Fondation Jean Delhaye, 25 Rue Américaine, 1050 Bruxelles Focus: Arts 00246 Stichting Paul Delvaux, Paul Delvauxlaan 42, 8670 Koksijde-Sint Idesbald 00247 Fondation Lydia et Albert Demuyter, Paul Lautersstr 66, 1050 Bruxelles
Prix Jules et Marie Destrée, Hôtel de Ville, 6000 Charleroi 00249 Fondation Docteur Albert Dubois, c/o Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 1 Rue Ducale, 1000 Bruxelles Focus: Med 00250 Fondation François Dubois pour l'Aide a u Tiers-Monde, Château de Trazegries, 32 PI Albert 1er, 6183 Trazegnies Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 00251 Fondation Elise Dugnlolle-Querton, 6 Av des Fleurs, 1150 Bruxelles Focus: Surg 00252 Emmanuel Durlet-Fonds, Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 168a-169, 2020 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2389864; Fax: 2389864 Established: 1976; Chain Willy Clijmans, Secy: Andrea Durlet Limitations: Grants to the International Emmanuel Duriet Prize for Piano in Antwerpen only Focus: Music 00253 Earth Action International, 26 Blvd Louis Schmidt, 1040 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 7368052; Fax: 7339769 Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Ecol; SocW; Peace 00254 Fondation Internationale Moka El-Abobakar, 191 Blvd Maurice Lemonnier, 1000 Bruxelles Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Sports 00255 Euphonla-Fondatlon pour la Musique, 4 Rue Léopold, 1000 Bruxelles Focus: Music 00256 European Foundation Centre, 51 Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5128938; Fax: 5123265; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJVWWW.efc.be Established: 1989; Chun Carlos A. Monjardino, Secy: John Richardson Limitations: No grants 00257 European Foundation for Educational Capacity Transfer, 15 Rue de la Charité, Bte 6, 1210 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2270851; Fax: 2270853 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Educ 00258 European Foundation for Entrepreneurshlp Research, 15 Blvd Saint-Michel, 1040 Bruxelles Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Bus 00259
Belgium: European
00260 - 00337
European Foundation for Landscape Architecture, 52 Av Brugmann, 1190 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 3463862; Fax: 3469876; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:cyberlandscape.com/efla/-private/ FrEFLAhome.fi tm Established: 198â; Chair: J. de Gry se, Secy: J. Colin Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Landsc 00260 European Foundation for Management Development, 88 Rue Gachard, 1050 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 6480385; Fax: 6460768; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.efmd.be Established: 1971; Secy: Bernadette Conraths Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Bus 00261 European Foundation for Quality Management, 15 Av des Pléiades, 1200 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 7753511; Fax: 7753535; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1988; Chair: John Roberts, Secy: Alain de Dommartin Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Bus 00262 European Foundation for the Accreditation of Hotel School Programmes, c/o HOTREC, 111 Blvd Ansprach, Bte 4, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5136323; Fax: 5024173 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Educ 00263 European Human Rights Foundation, 70 Av Michel Ange, 1040 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 7349424; Fax: 7347818; E-Mail: ehrt® skynet.be; Internet: http://www.ehrfourKJation.org Established: 1980; Secy: Peter Ashman, Donor(s): Commission of the European Union, European Parliament Assets: ECU 537.000,-, Receipts: ECU 481.000,-, Expenditures: ECU 244.000,Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: HumR 00264 Eurostep, European Solidarity Towards Equal Participation of People, 115 Rue Stévin, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2311659; Fax: 2303780; E-Mail: eurostep© agoranet.be; Internet: http://www.oneworfd.org/ eurostep Established: 1990; Secy: SimonStocker Expenditures: US $ 25.000,Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: PolS; SocW 00265 Stichting Evens, Van Putlei 18, 2018 Antwerpen 00266 Fondation Nicolas-Claude Fabfl de Pelresc, 326 Rue Royale, 1210 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2193088; Fax: 2190016 . . . . 00267 Stichting Antoine Faes, Parklaan 2, 2300 Tumhout 00268 Fonds Festraets-Bleeckx, Grote Markt 27, 2800 Mechelen 00269 Fonds de Solidarité Kurt Feuer, 68 Av du Péage, 1200 Bruxelles 00270 Fondation Marcel Florkin, 4-6 Blvd d'Avroy, 4000 Liège 00271 Fondatie Terninck, Teminckstr 22, 2000 Antwerpen
Fondation Abert Joachim pour Favoriser la Recherche Scientifqiue et OdontoStomatologique, 15 Av Hippocrate, 1200 Bruxelles Focus: Scie; Dent 00273 Fondation AEDES pour le Développement et la Santé, 34 Rue Joseph II, 1000 Bruxelles Focus: HomeE 00274 Fondation Africaine, c/o Parlament Européen, 91-113 Rue Belliard, 1040 Bruxelles Established: 1980 Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Afr 00275 Fondation Aide Echanges et Développement, Rue de la Bonté, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5371859; Fax: 5371859 Established: 1986; Chair: Diki Mongongu, Secy: Diki Mongongu, Donor(s): Prirce Bertrand de Merode Assets: BEF 20.000.000,-, Receipts: BEF 10.000.000,·, Expenditures: BEF 8.000.000,Focus: Dev 00276 Fondation Archéologique de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, 50 Av F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 6503807; Fax: 6503919 Focus: Archeo 00277 Fondation Astrida, c/o Vincent Pardoen, 2 Rue Ducale, 1000 Bruxelles 00278 Fondation ATD Quart Monde-Belgique, 12 Av Victor Jacob, 1040 Bruxelles Focus: Dev; IntU 00279
Fondation Auschwitz, (Auschwitz Foundation), 65 Rue des Tanneurs, 1000 Bruxelles T; (02) 5127998; Fax: 51258Θ4; E-Mail: auschwTt2.foundatk»[email protected]; Internet: http-Jl www.skynet.be/Auschwitz.Foundation/irKlex.htm Established: 1980; Chair Baron Paul Malter, Secy: Yannis Thanassekos Limitations: Grants nationally and Internationally Focus: Antis; Hist; Rae; Warv 00280 Fondation Beige de la Vocation, 16 Rue de Nainur, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5135783; Fax: 5024398; E-Mail: fbv.bsrÔ skynet.be Established: 1963; Chair Edouard Jakhian, Secy: S. Jacquet de Haveskercke, Donor(s): Emile Bemheim Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Youth 0028t Fondation Belge pour la Terre Sainte, 14a Av Hamoir, 1180 Bruxelles Focus: Orient 00282 Fondation Belgo-Turque d'Entraide et de Solidarité d'Emlrdag et de sa Région, 26 Pi de la Reine, 1030 Bruxelles Limitations: Grants in the city and region of Emirdag (Turkey) only Focus: IntU; SocW 00283 Fondation Bell'Arte, 37-39 Chaussée d'Alsemberg, 1420 Braine-l'Alleud Focus: Arts
Fondation Cardiologique Princesse Liliane, (Princess Liliane Cardiological Foundation), 5 Rue d'Egmont, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 5102467; Fax: 5102564 Established: 1952; Chair Herman de Croo, Secy: Charles Van Yaersele Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Card; IntM 00285 Fondation contre les Affections Respiratoires et pour l'Education à la Santé, 56 Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 5122936; Fax; 5123273 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Pulm; Educ; Health 00286 Fondation Côte d'Or pour la Protection de l'Eléphant, 41 Blvd Jamar, 1060 Bruxelles T: (02) 5201841, 5232000; Fax: 5205248 Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants in Côte d'Ivoire only Focus: AnimP; Afr 00287 Fondation Culturelle Saint-Michel-Archange pour une Europe Catholique, 84 Av Brigade Piron, 1080 Bruxelles T: (02) 4100354; Fax: 4100354; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.users.skynet.be/histcult Established: 1981; Chair: Alfred Denoyelle Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Rei; Cult; Educ 00288 Fondation de la FIJM, c/o FUM, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 10 Rue Royale, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5139774; Fax: 5144755 Focus: Music 00289 Fondation de la Tapisserie, des Arts du Tissau et des Arts Muraux de la Communauté Culturelle Française de Belgique, 82 Blvd des Combattants, 7500 Tournai T: (069) 234285 Focus: Arts 00290 Fondation de l'Entreprise, 8 Rue des Sols, 1000 Bruxelles Focus: Econ 00291 Fondation de Louvain pour le Développement, 1 PI de l'Université, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve T: (010) 473094, 478717; Fax: 474075; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 00292 Fondation de Solidarité Internationale, (International Solidarity Foundation), 33 Rue de Trêves, 1040 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2306295; Fax: 2308722; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.cmt-wel.org Established: 1963; Chair Armel Goumielon, Secy: Faustina van Aperen, Donor(s): Trade Unions affiliated to WCL Receipts: US $ 1.500.000,·, Expenditures: US $ 1.500.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dev 00293 Fondation Demeures et Châteaux, 214 Αν Louise, 1050 Bruxelles Focus: Mon 00294 Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche en Education et en Formation, c/o Université de Liège, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, Sart-Tilman, Bte 32, 4000 Liège T: (04) 3662051; Fax: 3662855 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Educ; Voc 00295
Fondation des Rotary Clubs Belges pour la Coopération au Développement, 102 Αν E. Ptasky, Bte 14, 1030 Bruxelles Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 00296 Fondation du Centre Belge de Conalssancee Symboliques, 135 Rue de l'Hospice Communal, 1170 Bruxelles 00297 Fondation du Dons Club de Binche, 112 Av Charles Deliège, 7130 Binche Focus: SocW 00298 Fondation du Monde Nouveau, 52 Av J.G. van Goolen, 1200 Bruxelles T: (02) 7624457 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocW 00299 Fondation Eau pour le Sahel, c/o Ecole Euroßenne de Bruxelles II, 75 Av Oscar Jespers, 1200 Bruxelles T: (02) 7742211; Fax: 7720530 Established: 1994; Chair Caria Giulietti Limitations: Grants in the region of Sahel (Africa) only Focus: Dev; Wat; Afr 00300 Fondation Economique et Sociale du Brabant Wallon, 10 Rue de la Religion, 1400 Nivelles Focus: Econ; SocW 00301 Fondation Egyptotoglque Reine Elisabeth, (Queen Elisabeth Egyptological Foundation), 10 Parc du Cinquantenaire, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 7417364; Fax: 7337735 Established: 1923; Chair: Comte d'Arschot Schoonhove, Secy: Prof. J. Ringen, Prof. H. de Meulenaere Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Egyp 00302 Fondation Euro-Afrlcalne, 15 Rue des Fripiers, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2231874; Fax: 2231874 Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus. Dev; Afr 00303 Fondation Europa Pacis Magna, Gladiolenstr 59, 9100 Sint Niklaas T: (03) 7761416 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Peace 00304 Fondation Europalla International, (Europalia International Foundation), 10 Rue Royale, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5078550; Fax: 5135488; E-Mail: europalia® skynet.be; Internet: http://www.eu ropalia.com Established: 1988; Chair Paul de Keerstmaeker, Secy: Luc Stainier Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Cult; Eur 00305 Fondation Européenne, (European Foundation), (formerly: Maison de la Fondation Européenne), 19 Rue de la Reine, 4500 Huy T: (085) 212671; Fax: 211071 Established: 1965; Secy: Prof. Pierre Pasleau de Chamay Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Arts; Hum; Cult 00306 Fondation Félix, c/o P. de Bie, Naamsesteenweg 2, 3052 Blanden 00307 Fondation Fil d'Ariane, 3 Rue des Communes, 5140 Sombreffe 00308 Fondation Industrie Université, 53 Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 5134580 Focus: Indu; Uni 00309 Fondation Internationale Belgo-Turque d'Entraide et de Solidarité d'Emlrdag et de sa Région, 26 PI de la Reine, 1030 Bruxelles Focus: IntU 00310 Fondation Internationale de Dachau, 95 Av des Ortolans, 1170 Bruxelles Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Hist; Rae; Waiv 00311 Fondation Internationale de la Femme Africaine pour le Développement, 10 Rue du Méridien, 1210 Bruxelles T: (02)2293800; Fax: 2293801; Internet: http:// www.amazone.be/residents.fifad.html Limitations: Grants to women in Africa only Focus: Worn; Dev; Afr 00312 Fondation Internationale des Droits de l'Enfant, (International Foundation of the Rights of the Child), 11 Rue de la Poste, 4900 Spa Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Child; HumR 00313 Fondation Internationale Flmela, 191 Blvd Lemonnier, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5131478 Limitations: Grants intemationalty . . . . 00314 Fondation Internationale Pro Arte Spirituali, Hellingen 5a, 1540 Heme Fax; (02) 3962305; E-Mail: pro.arte® vzw.net Established: 1991; Chair Dr. Petia Prime, Secy: Reinhokl Ritter Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Arts 00315 Fondation Marlapolis Vita, Beatrijslaan 90a, 3110 Rotselaar 00316
Fondation Médicale de l'Université Catholique de Louvain en Afrique Centrale, 50 Av. E. Mounier, 1200 Bruxelles Established: 1926 Limitations: Grants in Central Africa only Focus: Med; Afr 00317 Fondation Médicale d'Ottignles-Louvain-laNeuve pour le Tiers-Monde, 22 Rue Africaine, 1060 Bruxelles Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Med 00318 Fondation Médicale Reine Elisabeth, 3 Av J.J. Crocq, 1020 Bruxelles T: (02) 4783556; Fax: 4783556 Established: 1926 Focus: Med 00319 Fondation Melissa, 76 Av de Tervueren, 1040 Bruxelles Τ; (02) 7345542 00320 Fondation Mémorial National aux Martyrs Juifs de Belgique, (National Memorial Foundation of Jewish Martyrs in Belgium), 68 Av Ducpétiaux, 1060 Bruxelles T: (02) 5371691, 5389866 Chair Claude Marinower, Maurice Pioro, Secy: Armand Broder, Donor(s): Reine Elisabeth Focus: Jew 00321 Fondation MOA, c/o MOA Belgique, 79 Chaussée de Charleroi, 1060 Bruxelles T: (02) 5373334 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: IntU 00322 Fondation Mont-Godlnne, c/o Cliniques Universitaires de Mont-Godinne, 1 Av Dr. G. Thérasse, 5530 Yvoir Focus: Med 00323 Fondation Nationale d'Aide aux Grands Brûlés, 221 Chaussée de Vleurgat, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 6496589; Fax: 6440402 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: AccM 00324 Fondation Nationale de la Vieillesse, 32 Rue des Ménapiens, 1040 Bruxelles Focus: Sen 00325 Fondation Nationale de Recherche en Cardiologie Pédiatrique, 11 Rue d'Egmont, 1050 Bruxelles Focus: Card; Ped 00326 Fondation Nationale pour le Financement de la Recherche Scientifique, 8 Rue de la Science, 1040 Bruxelles Focus: Res 00327 Fondation Nationale Princesse Marie-José, 69 Av du Maréchal Joffre, 1190 Bruxelles Focus: IntU 00328 Fondation Nationale Reine Fabiola pour la Santé Mentale, (formerty: Fondation Reine Fabiola), 81 Rue Ducale, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5022993; Fax: 5021111; E-Mail: kfs.frf© skynet.be Established: 1967; Chair Dr. Ronse de Graene Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Health 00329 Fondation Neuf, 412 Av Louise, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 6402192; Fax: 6402201; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1989; Chair J. Dierickx, Secy: P. Smits, Donor(s): ULB, Chamber of Commerce of Brussels, City of Brussels Focus: Ling 00330 Fondation Paradislo, 1 Domaine de Cambrón, 7940 Brugelette 00331 Fondation Pégase, (Pegasus Foundation), 28 Rue Franklin, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 2842365; Fax: 2849009 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Members of the European Parliament Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Cult 00332 Fondation pour Favoriser les Recherches Scientifiques en Afrique, 145 Drève de Nivelles, Bte 10, 1150 Bruxelles T: (02) 6728536 Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Scie; Afr 00333 Fondation pour la Chirurgie Cardiaque, 11 Tenbosch, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 6443544 Focus: Surg; Card 00334 Fondation pour la Coopération entre la Russie, la Belgique et l'Europe, 38 Av du Feuillage, 1180 Bruxelles Limitations: Grants in Europe and Russia only Focus: IntU; Eur; East 00335 Fondation pour la Prévention des Allergies, 56 Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5116761; Fax: 5116761; E-Mail: allergies® usa.net; Internet: http://www.xoom.com/allergie Established: 1989; Chair S. van Rokeghem Focus: Allerg 00336 Fondation pour la Psychogériatrie, 1050 Chaussée de Gand, 1082 Bruxelles Focus: Ger 00337
00338 - 00440
Fondation pour la Qualité d e la Vie et les Relations Humaines, Thier de la Chartreuse, 4000 Liège Focus: SocS 00338 Fondation pour la Recherche et la Diffusion de l'Art A u p r è s des Aveugles et Malvoyants, 126 Rue Vanderborght, 1090 Bruxelles T: {02) 4258459 Focus: Aits; Blinds 00339 Fondation pour la Recherche Scientifique et les Echanges Educatifs, 4 Blvd de l'Empereur, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5195770; Fax: 5195773 Established: 19B0 Focus: Scie; Educ 00340 Fondation pour l'Architecture, (Architecture Foundation), 55 Rue de l'Ermitage, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 6490259, 2171196; Fax: 6404623, 2172953; E-Mail: fondation.architecture®skynet.be Established: 1986; Chair Philippe Bodson, Secy: Sandrine Alouf, Donorfs): Philippe Rotthier Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Archit 00341 Fondation pour l'Art Belge Contemporain, 18 Av Arnold Delvaux, 1160 Bruxelles T: (02) 3749474; Fax: 3749474 Established: 1981: Chair Serge Goyens de Heusch, Secy: Serge Goyens de Heusch, Donor(s): Serge Goyens de Heusch Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Arts 00342 Fondation pour l'Art, la Culture et la Médecine, 808 Rte de Lennik, 1070 Bruxelles T: (02) 5553431; Fax: 5553471 Chair Thierry Appelboom Focus: Aris; Cult; Med 00343 Fondation pour l'Assistance Morale aux Détenus, 62a Rue de Bordeaux, 1060 Bruxelles Focus: Pris 00344 Fondation pour l'Assistance Morale Laïque, 17 Rue du Méridien, 1210 Bruxelles Focus: SocW 00345 Fondation pour l'Enseignement d e la Coopération, c/o Université de Liège au SartTilman, Bât Β 33, 4000 Liège Focus: Bus 00346 Fondation pour les Arts à Bruxelles, 500 Av Louise, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 6442061; Fax: 6443397; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chair: E. Poullet, Secy: G. de Bellefroid, Donor(s): E. Poullet Limitations: Grants in Bruxelles only Focus; Arts; Cult 00347 Fondation pour les Générations Futures, 68 Rue des Trois Piliers, 5002 Namur T: (081) 226062; Fax: 224446 Focus: Fut 00348 Fondation pour Promouvoir la Recherche à l'Université d e Liège, c/o Université de Liège, 7 PI du XX Août, 4000 Liège Focus: Res; Uni 00349 Fondation pour un Monde Nouveau, 52 Av Van Goolen, 1200 Bruxelles T: (02) 7624457 00350 Fondation Prince Laurent pour le Bien-être des Animaux Domestiques et Sauvages, 157 Blvd Emile Jacqmain, 1210 Bruxelles T: (02) 3476475; Fax: 3476482; Internet: http-J¡ www.cep.be/lmv/magazines/n44/lme/laurent.htJTil Established: 1995 Focus: AnimP 0035) Fondation Pro Natura et Sclentia, 87 Rue Royale, 1000 Bruxelles Focus: Ecol; NatS; Scie 00352 Fondation Prométhéa, 60 Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 5137827; Fax: 5022657 Established: 1985; Chair Robert Delville, Secy: Chantai Pirlot Focus: Cult 00353 Fondation Reine Elisabeth de Belgique, 18a Rue A. Orts, 1000 Bruxelles Focus: Lab; Bus 00354 Fondation Reine Paola, Slegerslaan 356, Bte 17, 1200 Bruxelles 00355 Fondation Réllgleuse Islamique Turque e n Belgique, 6 7 Chaussée de Haecht, 1210 Bruxelles T: (02) 2185755; Fax: 2230152 Established: 1982 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: I si; SocW; Cult 00356 Fondation Rurale d e Wallonie, 140 Rue des Déportés, 6700 Arton Focus: Agrie 00357 Fondation Saint-Jean, 114 Rue du Marais, 1000 Bruxelles 00350 Fondation Secours Mondial, BP 6, 1040 Bruxelles T: (02) 7358676; Fax: 7358676 Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dev
Fondation Soeur Emmanuelle, c/o ASMAE, 14 Av de Woluwé-Saint-Lambert, 1200 Bruxelles 00360 Fondation Sylvie, 1 Rue J. Stallaert, 1060 Bruxelles T: (02) 3465298 00361 Fondation Toison d'Or, 4 Rue de la Procession, 1330 Rixensart T: (02) 6535324; Fax: 6541908 Established; 1969 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Hist 00362 Fondation Travail-Université, 5 Rue de l'Arsenal, 5000 Namur T: (081) 725122; Fax: 725128 Focus: Lab; Uni
Fondation Union dans la Lumière, 16 Rue Ménapiens, 1040 Bruxelles T: (02) 7336272 00364 Fondation Universitaire, (University Foundation), 11 Rue d'Egmont, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5950400; Fax: 5136411; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1920; Chair Baron Gilbert de Landsheere, Secy: Prof. Louis Baeck Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Uni 00365 Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, Rue de Déportés, 6700 Arton Focus: Uni 00366 Fondation Universitaire pour la Coopération Internationale au Développement, 61 Rue de Bruxelles, 5000 Namur T: (081) 725090 Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dev 00367 Fondation Vivat, 1 Rue d'Evere, 1140 Evere Fonds Beige du Rhumatisme, 14 PI Dumon, 1150 Bruxelles T: (02) 7700779 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Rheum 00369 Fonds d'Aide International, 67 Rue Faider, 1050 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5330820; Fax: 5388948; E-Mail: sky17793® skynet.be Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dev 00370 Fonds d e Coopération au Développement, 15 Blvd de l'Empereur, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5237545; Fax: 5128816 Focus: Dev 00371 Fonds d e Garantie Wallon, 16 Blvd de Waterloo, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 2898532; Fax: 2898995 Focus: SocW
Fonds Spéléologlque d e Belgique, 2 Rue A. Brächet, 6001 Marcinelle T: 431898 Focus: NatS 00382 Fonds voor d e Ontwikkeling v a n de VrIJe Unlversltelten, Krankenstr 3, 3000 Leuven Focus: Uni 00383 Food and Disarmament International, 30 Rue Marché aux Poulets, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 2178225; Fax; 2184569 Established: 1981 Assets: BEF 8.000.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Food; Peace 00384 Fondation Paul Forlers, 50 Av Franklin Roosevelt. 1050 Bruxelles 00385 The Foundation, Diksmuidelaan 49-51, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2193351; Fax: 2194000; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1987; Chair: Ronny d'Hulster Expenditures: BEF 10.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: AIDS 00386 Foundation for the Arts In Brussels, 500 Av Louise, 1050 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 6442061; Fax: 6443397; E-Mail: [email protected] Focus: Arts 00387 Stichting Jules François, do U.Z., Dienst Oogheelkunde, De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Gent Focus: Opht 00388 Fondation Francqul, 1 Rue Defacqz, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5393394; Fax: 5372921 Established: 1932; Chair: Baron Jacques Groothaeit, Secy: Prof. Dr. Luc Eyckmans, Donor(s): Emile Francqui Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Schol; Pubi; Scie
Stichting Simon Frederlcq voor de Vergelljkende Studie van d e Verzekerlngswetenschap, 29 Sq de Meeûs, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5136845; Fax; 5138871, 5142469 Focus: Ins 00390 Stichting Dirk Frlmout, Grote Markt 1, 8970 Poperinge 00391 Fondation Richard Gaillard, 83 Rue Arthur Hardy, 1300 Wavre-Limal 00392
Hlmuaï, Fondation pour l'Enfance, 67 Av Winston Churchill, 1180 Bruxelles Focus: Child 00414 Fondation Peter Paul Jacob Hodiamont, Mazarinen 9, 4837 Baelen
Fondation Rose et Jean Hoguet, 69 Av de l'Opale, 1040 Bruxelles
Fondation Hoover pour le Développement de TU.L.B.. 11 Rue d'Egmont, 1050 Bruxelles Focus: Uni 00417 Hoover Stichting voor d e Ontwikkeling van de Katholleke Universiteft te Leuven, Oude Markt 13, 3000 Leuven Focus: Uni 00418 Fondation Médicale Mathilde E. Horlalt-Dapsens, 6 Rue Cervantes, Bte 34. 1190 Bruxelles Focus: Med 00419
Fonds Houtman, 84-86 Av de la Toison d'Or, 1060 Bruxelles T: (02) 5421409; Fax: 5421419 . . . . 00421 Fondation Maggy et Robert de Hovre, 37 Av d'Italie, Bte 16, 1050 Bruxelles
Stichting Hubi en Vinclane, Tiensesteenweg 214, 3360 Lovenjoel 00423 Fondation Wallonne Pierre-Marie et Jean-François Humblet, 20 Verte-Voie, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve T: (010) 455122 00424 Fondation Marc Hurard, 21 Rue de la Cantilène. 1080 Bruxelles 00425
Fondation Gendeblen, 154a Rue de Bomel, 5000 Namur T: (081) 221525 00394
Stichting Jozef Indekeu, Stationstr 25, 3570 Alken 00427
Fondation Paul Geradin, 2 Marché aux Chevaux, 1370 Jodoigne 00396
Fonds Erasme, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Bruxelles
Stichting Gilles, Steenovenstr 1, 2390 Malle
Fonds National d e la Recherche Scientifique, (National Fund for Scientific Research), 5 Rue d'Egmont, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5049211; Fax: 5049292; E-Mail: mjsimoen© fnrs.be; Internet: http://www.fnr5.be Established: 1928; Chair M.-J. Simoen, Donor(s): Fondation Universitaire Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Res 00377
Fondation Marcel Mieter, 14 Rue Comet de Grez, 1210 Bruxelles T: (02) 2199886; Fax: 2173572; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1960; Chair: Xavier Mabille, Secy: Jean-Pierre Deru Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Cult; Arts 00413
Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Camille Huymans, Minderbroederstr 22, 200Û Antwerpen Focus: Scie 00426
Fonds d u Logement des Familles Nombreuses d e Wallonie, 7 Quai de Brabant, 6000 Charleroi T: (071) 331827 Focus: Hous 00374 00375
Fondation Hergé, 162 Av Louise, Bte 7, 1050 Τ: (02) 6262432; Fax: 6404120; E-Mail: info® tintin.be; Internet: http://www.tintin.be Focus: Graph 00412
Fondation Isabelle Gatti d e Gamond, 65 Rue du Marais, 1000 Bruxelles 00393
Fondation Internationale Michel de Ghelderode, 101 Rue Traversière, 1210 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2192674; Fax: 2192674; E-Mail: fondation.ghelderode @ skynet.be Established: 1980; Chair Robert van den Haute, Secy: Jean-Paul Humpers, Donor(s): Jean-Paul Humpers, Roland Beyen Assets: BEF 1.000.000,-, Receipts: BEF 4.500.000,-, Expenditures: BEF 4.500.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Lit 00397
Fonds Européen d e Coopération, 51 Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 5128938; Fax: 5124883 Focus: Eur 00376
Stichting Mevrouw Heimburger-Burghardt, Rusthuislaan 21, 2242 Puldeit>os-Zandhoven
Fondation Artistique Mathilde E. Horlait-Dapsens, 6 Rue Cervantes, Bte 34, 1190 Bruxelles Focus: Arts 00420
Fondation François Genlcot, Mechelsesteenweg 203, Bte 6, 2018 Antwerpen 00395
Fonds d e Sécurité d'Existence des Ouvriers d e la Construction, 68-70 Blvd Poincaré, 1070 Bruxelles T: (02) 5291211; Fax: 5291246 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: SocW 00373
Belgium: Jorion
00398 Fondation Albert Godelet, c/o Croix-Rouge de Belgique, Section de Huy, 12 Rue Rioul, 4500 Huy 00399 Fondation Louise Godln, 52 Av de Mariagne, 5000 Namur 00400 Fondation Hélène, Arnold et Jean Goffin, 95 Av des Ortolans, 1170 Bruxelles 00401
Institut Royal des Relations Internationales, (Royal Institute of International Relations), 13 Rue de la Charité, 1210 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2234114 Established: 1947; Secy: M.-Th. Bockstael Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: PolS; Law; Econ 00428 Institute for European Environmental Policy, 51 Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5140124; Fax: 5123265; E-Mail: icepbrus® skynet.be Established: 1990; Chair: Prof. Dr. G,H. Vonkeman, Secy: Ing. P.A. Maxson Receipts: BEF 10.000.000,-, Expenditures: BEF 10.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Ecol; PolS 00429 International Alzheimer's Research Foundation, 232 Av Bockstael, 1020 Bruxelles Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Psychia 00430 International Foundation, Centro Calvani, 16 Rue de la Victoire, 1060 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5371322; Fax: 5379348 Established: 1983 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: PolS 00431
Fondation Benedict L. Goldschmldt, 44 Rue de l'Industrie, 1040 Bruxelles 00402
Fondation E.P. Jacobs, 73 Val des Seigneurs, 1150 Bruxelles 00432
Stichting Georges Grard, Veumelaan 32, 8670 Koksijde 00403
Fonds Simonne Jacobs, 246 Av de Tervueren, 1150 Bruxelles 00433
Fonds Ontwlkkellingssamenwerking, GrasmarW 105/46, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5520300; Fax: 5520296; E-Mail: fos.infoÔ fos.ngonet.be; Internet: http://www.fos.ngonet.be Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dev 00378
Fondation Jeanne-Françoise de Guent, 1 Av du Château d'Egmont, 7428 Herchies . . . 00404
Fondation Joseph Jacquemotte, 1 Rue de la Roue, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5120704 00434
Fonde Reine Astrid et F o n d s Petra et Erik Hedborg en Souvenir de la Reine Astrid, 5 Sq d'Argenteuil, 1410 Waterloo Focus: Hist 00379
Fonds Social de l'Industrie Chimique, 26 Av d'Auderghem, 1040 Bruxelles T: (02) 2387306 Focus: SocW 00380 Fonds Social pour les Intérimaires, 21 Av de l'Héliport, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 2036095 Focus: SocW 00381
Fondation Jacques Gueux, 51 Av A. Demeur, 1060 Bruxelles T: (02) 5381512; Fax: 5384243 . . . . 00405 Fondation Gérard Guillaume, 48 Rte de Gembloux, 5002 Namur
Fondation Simon et Una Halm, 35 Rue de la Glacière, 1060 Bruxelles 00407 Fondation André Hallet, 1 Rue Pierre Theunis, Bte 80, 1030 Bruxelles T: (02) 2425633 Focus: Arts 00406 Heart Open to the World, Huy: defunct 00409 Fondation Jacques Héger Masson, do Prof. A. Jaumotte, 50 Av F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles 00410
Fondation Emmanuel Janssen, 60 Allée de la Recherche, 1070 Bruxelles 00435 Fondation Emile Janssens et Georges Theys, 29 Rue Vautier, 1040 Bruxelles . . . . 00436 Fondation Désiré et Maurice Jaumain, 2 Rue de la Gendarmerie, 5330 Assesse Focus: Libr 00437 Fondation Désiré Jaumain, 117 Av Gouvernement Bovesse, Bte 7, 5100 Namur Focus: Scie; Arts; Cuit 00438 Fondation Jaumotte-Demoulin, 50 Av F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles
Fondation Anne Jorion, 91 Av de l'Hôpital, 7000 Möns 00440
Belgium: KAPWA
00441 - 00551
KAPWA Fondation, c/o Kite Aerial PhotographyWorldwide Association, 14 Av Capitaine Piret, 1150 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5132146; Fax: 5126829; E-Mail: dusariez. pano.optic @ skynet.be Established: 1965; Chair: Michel Dusariez, Secy: Comte G. de Beauffort Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Phot 00441 King Baudouin Foundation, 21 Rue Brederode, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5111840; Fax: 5115221; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.kbs-frb.be Established: 1976; Chair: Comte Didisheim, Secy: Luc Tayart de Borms Expenditures: EURO 20.000.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: SocW; Ecol; Educ; Fut; Cult; East; Health; Town; Unemp; Youth; Sen; Media; Mon; Refug 00442 Stichting Labrfs, Baron Opsomerlaan 34 , 2500 Lier Τ: (02) 2309810; Fax: 2305653 . . . . 00443 Fondation Jenny Lagasse, 135a Rue Belliard, 1040 Bruxelles 00444 Fondation Lazard Fernand, 11 Rue d'Egmont, 1000 Bruxelles 00445 Fondation Jacques Ledoux, 23 Rue Ravenstein, 1000 Bruxelles 00446
Het Namen Vlaanderen, c/o HlV-Vereniging Vlaanderen, Schijfwerperstr145, 2020 Antwerpen T: (03) 8286900; Fax: 8254013 Limitations: Grants in the province of Vlaanderen only Focus: AIDS 00469
Fondation Emile Saucez et René Van Poueke, c/o U.L.B, 50 Av F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles 00497
Fondation Nercès Tchamkerten, 74 Rue Saint· Bernard, 1060 Bruxelles 00470
Stichting Baron Slmonart, Mortelstr 77, 3150 TihJonk 00499
NET-Cuftural Foundation, TorteWuivenstr 7, 3078 Everberg T: (02) 7599472; Fax: 7593666; E-Mail: ΝΕΤθΕΤΝnet.org; Internet: http://www.ETN-nel.org/NET Focus: Cult 00471
Stichting Pierre Simons, Verloren Kost 1, 3000 Leuven 00500
Fondation Manfred Nussbaum, 138 Av du Diamant, 1040 Bruxelles
Fondation Jacques et Yvonne Ochs-Lefebvre, Palas des Académies, 1 Rue Ducale, 1000 Bruxelles 00473 Oil Companies' European Organization for Environment and Health Protection, 1 Pi Madou, 1210 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2203111; Fax: 2194646; E-Mail: info© concawe.be; Internet: http://www.coocawe.be Established: 1963; Chair Bart van Hoik, Secy: Dr. Jochen Brandt Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Ecol; Health; Eur 00474
Fondation Albert Lefebvre-Snyers, Château d'Ogimont, 7760 Celles 00447
Fondation André Oleffe, 4 Rue Le Titien, 1040 Bruxelles Τ; (02) 3531870 00475
Fondation Arthur Legros, 2 Chaussée de Liège, 4500 Huy 00445
Stichting Jan Palfijn, Het Pand-Ondeitiergen 1, 9000 Gent 00476
Fondation Gabrielle Leleux, Brixtonlaan 23, 1930 Zaventem 00449
Prix Juliette Passeux, 15 Chemin du Jacotia, 1320 Beauvechain 00477
Fondation Léon Lesoli, 29 Rue Plantin, 1070 Bruxelles T; (02) 5234023 00450
Patchwork, 152 Av Albert, 1190 Bruxelles T: (02) 3458376; Fax: 3458376 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: AIDS
Fondation Levis, 2 Rue Toûne, 1461 Maut-lttre 00451
Stichting Jenny en Luc Pelre, Judenstr 64, 6300 Knokke-Heist 00479
Fondation Christian Sllvaln, Hochstr 195, 4701 Eupen-Kettenis 00498
Stichting Prof. Albert Soenen, Brede Akker 3, 3800 Sint-Truiden 00501 Stichting Maria Soens, Acacialaan 6, 1820 Grimbergen
Fondation Elisabeth-Marie-José Soesdorp, Wollemartó 15, 2600 Mechelen
Solidar, 2B Rue du Commerce, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5001020; Fax: 5001030; E-Mail: solidari skynet.be Established: 1951; Secy: Giampiero Alhadeff Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: SocW 00504 Solldartteftsfonds, Ledeganekstr 20, 2140 Borgerhout T: (03) 2724754; Fax: 2724759; E-Mail: solidariteitsfondsè okynet.be Established: 1985; Chair Hans Bouwen Focus; Dev
Solidaritätsfonds Binnenvaart, Sint-Katelijnevest 54, 2000 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2251019 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: SocW 00506 Southern African Research and Information Foundation, 25 Clos de Benne, 1410 Waterloo Τ: (02) 3851918; Fax: 3870716 Limitations: Grants in Southern Africa only Focus: Econ; Afr 00507
Phénix Foundation, 60 Rue des Ménagés, Bte 4, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 6497301; Fax: 5028295 Chair Anne-Marie Vanhauwaert Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: AIDS 00481 Fondation Nancy Philipart, 505 Av Molière, 1050 Bruxelles 00482
Stichting Antoon Splnoy, Grote Markt 21, 2800 Mechelen 00509
Stichting Maranatha, Postbus 80, 8500 Kortrijk 00456
Fondation Robert Pledboeuf, 11 Rue de la Lèche, 4020 Liège Τ: (041) 435544 00483
Fondation Jean Squllbeck, 124 Av Henri Jaspar, 1060 Bruxelles 00510
Masereel Fonds, 33 Rue de la Caserne, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5023880; Fax: 5024153; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.masereeltonds.be Established: 1971; Chair Ludo Abicht, Secy: Bernard Desmet, Donor(s): Marc Braet, J. Turf, Bob Paulus Focus: PolS; SocS; Cult; Arts 00457
Iles de Paix-Dominique Pire Foundation, 37 Rue du Marché, 4500 Huy T: (085) 230254; Fax: 234264; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1965; Chair: Eric Tllman, Secy: Isabelle Jacquet, Donor(s): Father Dominique Pire Limitations: Grants in Bangladesh, India, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea-Bissau only Focus: Dev; Afr; As 00484
Stichting AIDS Gezondheldszorg, Postbus 169, 2060 Antwerpen T: (03) 2366969; Fax: 2365555; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: AIDS 00512
Fondation Isabelle Masui, 4 Chemin du Crabbegat, 1180 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 3746312; Fax: 3746312; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.perso.intonie.fr/fond.masui/ Established: 1981; Chair: Adrien Masui, Donor(s): Adren Masui Focus: Arts; Cult 00458
Fondation Hubert Pirlot, 1 Rue Montoyer, Bte 62, 1040 Bruxelles 00485
Stichting Aspect, P. Benoitin 15, 2630 Aartselaar Τ: 8887022 00513
Fondation Placet-Fortune, 9 PI des Bienfaiteurs, 1030 Bruxelles 00486
Stichting Auteurs en Muzlkanten, Kreupelstr 126, 1980 Eppegem T: (015) 613800 Focus: Lit; Music 00514
Prix Lion-Francout, c/o J.M. Piret, 9 Av des Tourterelles, 1150 Bruxelles Chair: J.M. Piret 00453 Fondation Paul, Suzanne et Renée Llppens, 40-42 Av Herman-Debroux, 1160 Bruxelles . . 00454 Stichting Gordon Malta-Clark, c/o Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Leuvenstr 32, 2000 Antwerpen T: (03) 23Θ5960; Fax: 2162486; E-Mail: muhka© skynet.be Focus: Arts 00455
Médecins Sans Frontières, (Doctors Without Frontiers), Rue de la Tourelle, 1040 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2801881; Fax: 2800173 Established: 1971 Expenditures: US $ 180.000.000,Limitaticns: Grants internationally Focus: SccW; Med 00459 International Yehudi Menuhln Foundation, 61 Chaussée de la Hulpe, 1180 Bruxelles Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Music 00460 Mercatorfonds, Meir 85. 2000 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2027260 Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Arts
Fondation Théodor Meurer, HOnninger Weg 10, 4780 Saint-Vlth 00462 Fondation Président J.J. Michel, 9 Rue Auguste Orts, 1000 Bruxelles 00463
People's Resources International Foundation, Bruxelles: defunct 00430
Fondation Charles Pllsnier, 15 PI M. van Meenen, 1060 Bruxelles T: (02) 5370449 Established: 1954; Chair. Claire Anne Magnès Focus: Adult; Arts; Cult; Ethn; Hist; Ling; Lit 00487 Stichting Armand Preud'Homme, 95 Paardenmarkt, 2000 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2332075
Stichting de Raet Lodewljk, üedtsstr 27-29, 1030 Bruxelles 00489 Stichting Roger Raveel, Hoeverstr 14, 9870 Zulte 00490 Fondation Louis Ffemy, 44 Rue du Commerce, 6900 Marche-en-Famenne 00491 Fondation Julie Reneon, 35 Rue du Lombard, 1060 Bruxelles T: (02) 5389476; Fax: 5343864; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1957; Chair Guy-Laurent van der Beek, Secy: Martine Baudin, Donor(s): Julie Renson Focus: Psychia; Psychol 00492
Fondation International Moka, 3 Rue Auguste Snieders, 1030 Bruxelles T: (02) 2415629 00464
Fondation Jean Rey, Centre P. Hymans, 39 Rue de Naples, 1050 Bruxelles T: (02) 5129065; Fax: 5111538 Established: 1979 00493
Fondation Paul Monin et Madeleine Van Haverbeke, 20 Rue de la Cambre, 1200 Bruxelles 00465
Fondation Prof. Pierre Rl]lant, 1 Rue Ducale, 1000 Bruxelles 00494
Stichting Thérèse Moorkens, 123a Chaussée de Charleroi, 1060 Bruxelles 00466 Fondation Hélène et Lucien Morren, 2 PI Montesquieu, Bte 5, 1348 Ottignies
. . . 00467
Fondation Colonel Emmanuel Muller, 22 Rue de Stassart, Bte 9, 1050 Bruxelles
. . . .
Fondation André Ryekmans, 38 Av Maréchal Ney, 1410 Waterloo T: (02) 3548503 Established: 1961 00495 Fondation Bahaie Samll-Houssein, 205 Rue du Trône, 1050 Bruxelles Focus: Rei 00496
Stichting Kunstboek, Blankenbergesteenweg 14, 8000 Brugge T: (050) 312352; Fax: 313173 Focus: Book 00524 Stichting Leefmllleu, Kipdorp 11, 2000 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2316448; Fax: 2326398; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-J¡ www.sticlìtingleefmilieu .be Limitations: Grants in Belgium only Focus: Ecol
Stichting Logos, Congesti· 35, 9000 Gent
Stichting Mens en Kultuur, Groot-Brittanielaan 43, 9000 Gent T: (09) 2237065; Fax: 2239738 Focus: Cult 00527 Stichting Monument & Landschap, Bergstr 72, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5124097; Fax: 5123667 Focus: Mon; Landsc 00528 Stichting Ons Erfdeel, Murlssonstr 260, 8930 Rekkem T: (056) 411201; Fax: 414707 00529
Fondation Paul-Henri Spaak, 11 Rue d'Egmont, 1050 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 5118100; Fax: 5027915 Established: 1973; Secy: François Danis, Donor(s): Vicomte Etienne Davignon, Fernand Dehousse, Auguste Edmond de Schryver, André de Staercke, Walter Ganshof van der Meersch, Marcel Grégoire, André Jaumotte, Comte Georges Moens de Femlg, Jean Rey, Paul Smets, Fernand Spaak Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: PolS; Econ; IntU 00508
Stichting Albert Lilar, Mechelsesteenweg 203, Bte 6, 2018 Antwerpen 00452
Stichting Kunst en Projecten, Holle Voordestr 12, 6210 Zedelgem T: (050) 209518 Focus: Arts 00523
Fondation Baron Louis Steens, 255 Rue Haute, 1000 Bruxelles 00511
Stichting Cultuurpatrimonlum Bisdom Gent, Bisdompl 1, 9000 Gent Focus: Cult 00515
Stichting Onze Kleine Weesldnderen, Kerselaartaan 6, 3360 Lovenjoel Focus: Orp
Stichting Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Muylen te Uedekerke, Pamelstr 40, 1770 Liedekeike Focus: Rei 00531 Stichting Orde de Heilige Johannes de Deo Belglé, Preenakker 8, 1785 Merchtem Focus: Rei 00532 Stichting Stad, 11 Rue Vandendriesschein, 1150 Bruxelles T: (02) 7716529 Focus: Town 00533 Stichting Vlaams Erfgoed, Bergstr 72, 1000 Bruxelles T: (02) 5122272; Fax: 5123667 Focus: Hist 00534 Stichting Vlaamse Schoolspoit, Jetse Steenweg 229, 1080 Bruxelles Focus: Sports 00535 Stichting voor Vlaamse Creatle, Baron Dhanislaan 20, 2000 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2379643; Fax: 2481609 Established: 1994; Chair: Hugo Portier, Secy: Koenraad de Meulder Limitations: Grants for Flemish culture only Focus: Cult 00536 Stichting Wereld Dörpen voor Klnderen, Aarlenstr 40, 1040 Bruxelles Focus: Child 00537 Fondation Levi Strauss, c/o Levi Strauss & Co. Europe, 489 Av Louise, 1050 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 4616011 00538 Fondation Chartes Swyncop en André Marte, 126 Rue Sans Souci, 1050 Bruxelles . . 00539 Fondation Tanguy Moreau de Melen, 30 Btvd de l'Abattoir, Bte 2, 1000 Bruxelles . . . . 00540 Fondation Médicale Emile Tournay-Solvay, 35 Rue des Hautes Voies, 6830 Bouillon Focus: Med 00541 Fondation Laurence Tran, Elfbunderslaan 13, 1650 Beersel 00542
Stichting Euro Uver, Maftgravestr 10, 2000 Antwerpen 005Ï6
Fondation Alexandre et Gaston Tytgat, 2 Rue du Culot, 1338 Lasne 00543
Stichting Europese Chrlstelljke Mijnwerkers, 33 Rue de Trêves, 1040 Bruxelles Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Tracie 00517
Universitaire Stichting voor Armoedebestrijding, Prinsstr 12, 2000 Antwerpen Focus: SocW 00544
Stichting Flanders Technology International, 30 Rue Joseph II, 1040 Bruxelles T: (02) 2197900; Fax: 2194981 Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Eng 00518 Stichting Frankfurter Buchmesse, 192 Rue Royale, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (03) 552080 Focus: Book 00519 Stichting Het Schootvak Nederlands, Ten Doom 6, 1852 Beigem Τ: (02) 2693867; Fax: 2693867 Focus: Educ; Ling 00520 Stichting Integrate en Erkenning Prostitute, Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 83, 8400 Oostende T: (059) 808863; Fax: 808863 Secy: Conny Verbandt Focus: SocW 00521 Stichting International Tehuis voor Hoogstudenten Llbertas-Humanitae, Maifcgravestr 12, 2000 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2382219; Fax: 2336442 Focus: Educ
University Foundation for Development Cooperation, Prinsstr 13, 2000 Antwerpen Τ: (03) 2204037; Fax: 2204420, 2204039; E-Mail; [email protected] Established: 1984; Chair J. van Gerwen, Donor(s): University of Antwerpen, UFSIA, North Belgian Province Jesuits Receipts: BEF 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: BEF 4.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the Democratic Republic of Congo, India and Nicaragua Focus: Educ; Dev; Afr; As; Am . . . . 00545 Fondation Ernest Urban, 104 Rue d'Arion, 1040 Bruxelles 00546 Stichting Ria Vaes, Vierwindenlaan 25, 1810 Wemmel 00547 Stichting Antoon Van Clé, Abdijstr 40, 2260 Tongerio 00548 Stichting Emiel Van de Gucht, 139 Av Brand Whittock, 1200 Bruxelles 00549 H.A. Van den Eeckhaut-Fonds, Kasteeldreef 87, 9340 Lede 00550
Fondation Comtesse Frédéric Van den Steen de Jehay, c/o Juge de Paix, 6 Rue des Récollets, 6600 Bastogne 00551
00552 - 00624
Fondation Van der Burch, Au Château Fort, 7191 Ecaussines-Lalaing T: (067) 442490 Focus: Arts 00552 Fondation Maurice Van der Rest, 4 Rue Ravenstein, 1000 Bruxelles
Stichting Albert Van Dijck, Tumhoutsebaan 160, 2970 Schilde, Postbus 2, 2970 Schilde Τ: (03) 3832768 00554 Fondation Sophie V a n Gelderen, 11 Αν de l'Echevinage, 1180 Bruxelles 00555 Fondation Van Goethem-Brlchant, 11 Rue d'Egmont, 1050 Bruxelles 00556 Fondation Van Gysei pour la Recherche Médicale, Palais des Académies, 1 Rue Ducale, 1000 Bruxelles Focus: Med 00557 Fondation Julien Van Nerum, c/o Museum 't Nieuwhuys Hoegaarden, Ernest Ourystr 2-4, 3320 Τ: (016) 766294 Focus: Arts Stichting Dr. Georges Van Noyen, Van Benedenlaan 69, 2800 Mechelen . . . .
Stichting Van Wlnt, Vijverhoflaan 101, 8200 Brugge 00560 Fondation Van Zeeland, c/o Collège Saint-Vincent, 7400 Soignies 00561 Fondation Julien et Laure Van hove-Vonneche, Motel de Croix, 3 Rue J. Saintraint, 5000 Namur 00562 Fondation Léon et Piene-Bernard Velge, 67 Av des Combattants, 1332 Genval 00563 Stichting Veranneman, Vandevoordeweg 2, 9770 Kruishoutem T: (09) 3835287; Fax: 3838215 Established: 1974; Chair Emiel Veranneman, Secy: Patrick van Meerbeeck, Donops): Emiel Veranneman Focus: Arts 00564 Stichting Vertiulst-Van Eeckhoven, Italielei 62, 2000 Antwerpen 00565 Fondation Vleujant, 90 Rue Général Lötz, 1180 Bruxelles 00566 Fondation Volcher-Lepas, 36 Rue Dewez, 5000 Namur 00567 Prix Willy et Marcy de Vooght, c/o Faculté de Médecine, Université Catholique, 50 Av Mounier, 1200 Bruxelles Focus: Med 00568 Fondation Philippe Wiener et Maurice Anspach, 39 Av F.D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles . . 00569 Fondation Windisch-Graetz, Centre Culturel Européen, 6 Rue de Bierbais, 1435 Mont-SaintGuibert Limitations; Grants in Europe only Focus: Cult 00570 World Animal Handicap Foundation, 40 Sq Marie-Louise, 1000 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2307912, 2307646; Fax: 2305368 Established: 1991; Chair: Michelle Mommer, Donors): Michelle Mommer Receipts: BEF 800.000,·, Expenditures: BEF 700.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: AnimP; MedE; Vet 00571 World Solidarity, 579 Chaussée d'Haecht, 1031 Bruxelles Τ: (02) 2463111; Fax: 2463700 Established: 1971; Chair Luc Delanghe, Secy: Patrick Develtere Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocS 00572 Fondation Joseph Wybran, Ducpétiauxlaan 68, 1060 Bruxelles 00573 Stichting Zannekin, Paddevijverstr 2, 8900 leper 00574 Fond Margareta et Sixten von Zweigbergks, 15 Sq de Léopoldville, Bte 12, 1040 Bruxelles 00575
Bosnia and Herzegovina Open Society Fund-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dzenetica cikma 2, 71000 Sarajevo T: (071) 472580; Fax: 472580; E-Mail: osf® soros.org.ba; Internet: http://www.soios.org/natfourKy bosnia,html Established: 1992; Secy: Jakob Finci Expenditures: US $ 7.900.000,Limitations: Grants in Bosnia and Hercegovina only Focus: SocW; Educ; Pubi; Media . . . . 00576
Denmark: Danielsen
Konrad-Adenauer-Sttftung (Bulgaria), Bui Janko Sakasov 19, 1504 Sofia T: (02) 9434388; Fax: 9433459; E-Mài: kas.sofia@ mb.bia-bg.coni Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: PolS 00577
Archbishop Macarios III Foundation, c/o Museum of Byzantine Icons, Vamava St, Nicosia T: (02) 430008; Fax: 430667 Established: 1978; Chair Archbishop of Cyprus Chrysostomos, Secy: Prof. Costas E. Hadjistephanou, Donors): Board of Governors, Archbishop Macarios III Limitations: Grants in Cyprus only Focus: Arts 0059?
The 1968 Jubilee Foundation of the Danish National Bank of Denmark, Havneg 5, 1093 Kebenhavn Κ Limitations: Grants in Denmark only . . . 00605
ECOS Foundation, A. Stamboliiski 2A, 1000 Sofia T: (02) 7143371; Fax: 822400 Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: Ecol 00578 Evrlka Foundation, Patriarch Evtimii Blvd 1, 1000 Sofia T: (02) 9815181; Fax: 9815483; E-Mail; evrika© eirwt.bg Established: 1990; Chair: Prof. Dr. Zaharí Raikov, Secy: Vassil Veteν Assets: BGN 1.875.900.000,-, Receipts: BGN 311.285.000,-, Expenditures: BGN 229.806.568,Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: Scie; Eng; Bus 00579 Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation, Veneiin St 22, 1000 Sofia T: (02) 9888273; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1991; Chair John Dimitry Panitza, Secy: Georgi Danailov, Donor(s): Yvonne Panitza, John Dimitry Panitza Expenditures; BGN 181.494.800,· Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: PolS; Educ; Econ; Media . . . . 00560 Green Society Foundation, Vitosha Blvd 18, 1040 Sofia T: (02) 872421; Fax: 872421 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: Ecol 00581 Health and Environment Foundation, Rachka St 5a, 1618 Sofia T: (02) 561617 Secy: Elena Kabakchieva Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: Health; SocW; AIDS 00582 Institute for Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Foundation, Traicovich 1D, 1000 Sofìa Τ: (02) 542964, 543122; Fax: 549180 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dev 00583 Open Society Foundation-Sofia (Bulgaria), Balsha St 1, Block 8, 1408 Sofia T: (02) 9516552; Fax: 9516348; E-Mail: osinfo@ osf.bg; Internet: http://www.osf.bg Established: 1990; Chair: Evgenii Dainov, Secy: Georgi Genchev Assets: US $ 14.800.000,Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: Cult; Educ; PolS 00584 Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius International Foundation, Oborishte St 19, 1504 Sofia T: (02) 9434185; Fax: 446027; E-Mail: cmfnd® mgu.bg Established: 1982; Secy: Michael Tachev Assets: US $ 3.396.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Cult; Arts; Hum; Scie; Eng; Schol 00585 Union of Bulgarian Foundations and Associations, Tzvetna Gradina St 47-51, 1421 Sofia T: (02) 656522; Fax: 657600; E-Mail: ubf9cserv.mgu.bg Established: 1992 00586 Wildemess Fund, Gagarin St 2, 1113 Sofia Fax: (02) 705498 Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: Ecol 00587 XXI Century Foundation-Centre for Strategic Business and Political Studies, Aksakov St 11, 1000 Sofia T: (02) 658366; Fax: 657590 Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: Econ; PolS 00588
Croatia Ivan Mestrovië Foundation, Mletaéka 8, 10000 Zagreb T: (01) 428586; Fax: 274411 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Croatia only Focus: Arts 00539 Open Society Institute-Croatia, Hebrangova 21, 10000 Zagreb T: (01) 485557Θ/79, 4855576; Fax: 4856459; E-Mail: office ©soros.hr; Internet: http://www.soros.hr Established: 1992; Chair Slavica Singer, Secy: Branko Vukovic, Donor(s): George Soros Assets: US $ 4.000.000,·, Expenditures: US $ 4.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Croatia only Focus: Educ; Law; Med; Uni; Worn; HumR; Schol; Arts; Cult; Ttieat; L i n Media; Econ . . . 00590
Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, POB 21995, 1515 Nicosia T: (02) 677134; Fax: 662898; E-Mail: info® cultural.bankofcypnjs.com Focus: Cult 00592 George and Thelma Paraskevaldes Foundation, POB 2200, Nicosia T: (02) 463798; Fax: 450824 Established: 1980; Donor(s): George Paraskevaides, Thelma Paraskevaides Limitations: Grants in Cyprus only Focus: Med; Educ; Cuit; Mon 00593
Czech Republic Nadace Konrad Adenauera (Czech Republic), Klimentská 46, 110 02 Praha 1 T: (020) 2320190/91; Fax: 2320198; E-Mail: kasprag @ pha.inecnet.cz Limitations: Grants in the Czech Republic only Focus: PolS 00594 Architecture and Building Foundation, Václavská nám 31, 111 21 Praha 1 Τ: (02) 24225000; Fax: 24216004; E-Mail: infoabf θ .abf.cz Established: 1991; Chair: Jan Fibiger, Secy: Miloslava Duchková Limitations: Grants in the Czech Republic only Focus: Archit; Build 00595 Civic Forum Foundation, Karolíny Svétlé 4, n o 00 Praha 1 T: (02) 24228866; Fax: 269043; E-Mail: nadaceof® login.cz; Internet: http://www.radio.cz/nadace-of Established: 1990; Chair: Dasha Havel, Secy: Sunny A. Stastny Limitations: Grants in the Czech Republic only Focus: Cult; Scie; Educ; SocW . . . . 00596 Czechoslovak Charta 77 Foundation, Melantrichova 5, 110 00 Praha 1 T: (02) 24214452; Fax: 24213647; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.bariery.cz Established: 1989; Donor(s): Frantisek Janouch, Karel Jan Schwarzenberg, George Soros Assets: US $ 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 750.000,Limitations: Grants in the Czech Republic only Focus: SocW; PolS; Cult; Res; Eng; Educ; IntU 00597 Donors' Forum, Stepanska 61, 116 02 Praha 1 T: (02) 24216544; Fax: 24216544; E-Mail: donors® comp.cz 0059A ECOPOINT Foundation, Praha: defunct 00599 Information Centre for Foundations and other Not-For-Proflt Organisations, Karoliny Svetle 4, 110 00 Praha 1 T: (02) 2567233; E-Mail: aries.inc® geo2.poptel.org.uk Established: 1962 00600 Nadace Rozvoje Obòanské Spoleénosti, Selováíné nám 24, 116 47 Praha 1 Τ: (02) 24102398; Fax: 24102407; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Chair: Hana Silhánová Receipts: ECU 4.600.000,·, Expenditures: ECU 4.600.000,Limitations: Grants in the Czech Republic only Focus: SocW; Health; Cons; Ecol; HumR 0060f Open Society Fund Prague, Seifertova 47, 130 00 Praha 3 T: (02) 6279445; Fax: 6279444; E-Mail: osf©osf.cz; Internet: http://www.osf.cz Established: 1992 Limitations: Grants in the Czech Republic only Focus: SocW; Cult; PolS; Econ . . . . 00602 Vybor dobré vùle-Nadace Olgy Havlové, (Committee of Good Will-Olga Havel Foundation), POB 240, 111 21 Praha 1 T: (02) 24216883; Fax: 24217082; E-Mail: VDVdtelecom.cz Established: 1990; Chair: Dana Némcová, Secy: Dr. Milena óemá, Donops): Olga Havtová Assets: CSK 25.000.000,-, Receipts: CSK 32.000.000,·, Expenditures: CSK 27.000.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Am; Eun IntU 00603 Vzdéiávací Nadace Jana Husa, (formerly: Jan Hus Educational Foundation), POB 735, 663 35 Brno Τ: (05) 42212314; Fax: 42212084; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.vnjh.sk Established: 1990; Chair Dr. Miroslav PospíSil, Donops): Dr. Miroslav Pospfáil, Jana Kuchtová, Julie Stastná Assets: CSK 1.717.150,·, Receipts: CSK 11.776.780,-, Expenditures: CSK 10.231.110,· Limitations: Grants in the Czech Republic only Focus: Educ; Schol; Arts; Hum; Law . . 00604
AIDS-Fondet, Carl Nielsens Allé 15A, 2100 Kebenhavn T: 39271440; Fax: 39271340; E-Mail: henriette© aidsfondet.dk Established: 1985; Chair: Dr. Peter Shinhej, Secy: Henriette Laursen Receipts: DKK 12.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Denmark only Focus: AIDS 00606 The Albertina Foundation, c/o Thoivaidsens Museum, Posthusg 2, 1213 Kebenhavn Κ Established: 1879 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts 00607 The Ancker Foundation, Kongens Nytorv 1, 1050 Kebenhavn Κ Donor(s): Carl Andreas Ancker, Augusta Fredericka Ancker Focus: Arts 00608 The Laurits Andersen Foundation, 0stbaneg 55, 2100 Kebenhavn 0 Established: 1931; Donor(s): Laurits Andersen Focus: Eng; Scie 00609 The Augustinus Foundation, Amalieg 47, 1256 Kebenhavn Κ Established; 1942; Donor(s): Christian Augustinus Manufacturers Ltd. Focus: SocW; Arts; Scie 00610 The Benneweis Foundation, c/o Adv. Michael L. Rasmussen, Stockholmsg 37, 2100 Kebenhavn 0 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Eli Benreweis, Eva Benneweis 00611 Alfred Benzon Foundation, Strandvejen 203, 2900 Hellerup T: 39620937; Fax: 39620933; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.benzonsymposia.dk Established: 1952; Chair Prof. Ame Svejgaard, Donor(s): Dr. Beje Benzon Limitations: Grants in Denmark only Focus: Med; Pharm; Zool 00612 The Berlingske Foundation, Pilestr 34, 1147 Kebenhavn 0 Established: 1960 Focus: Media 00613 The Tagea Brandt Travel Foundation, Amager Ton/ 24, 1160 Kflbenhavn Κ Established: 1905; Donops): V. Brandt Focus: Worn 00614 The Niels Brock Foundation, Jul. Thomsens PI 6, 1925 Kebenhavn Κ Established: 1796; Donor(s): Niels Brock Focus: Educ 00615 Carlsbergfondet, (Carlsberg Foundation), H.C. Andersens Blvd 35, 1553 Kebenhavn V T: 33435363; Fax: 33435364 Established: 1876; Chair: Prof. Dr. Poul Chr. Matthiessen, Donors): J.C. Jacobsen Assets: DKK 14.372.000.000,·, Receipts: DKK 174.000.000,-, Expenditures: DKK 100.000.000,Focus: Scie 00616 Ny Carlsbergfondet, Brolaeggerstr 5, 1211 Kebenhavn Κ Τ: 33113765; Fax: 33143646; E-Mail: direktionen® ny-carisbergfondet.dk Established: 1902; Chair H.E. Nerregárd-Nielsen, Donoits): Carl Jacobsen Focus: Arts 00617 Carlsbergs Mindelgat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen, (Carisberg Bequest to the Memory of Brewer J.C. Jacobsen), Vesterfaelledvej 100, 1799 Kebenhavn V T: 33273320; Fax: 33274703 Established: 1938; Chair: Poul Christian Matthiessen, Secy: N,C. Roelsen, Donor(s): Carlsbergfondet Expenditures: US $ 575.000,· Focus: Educ; Scie; Youth; Arts; Hum . . 00618 The Carlsen-Lange Foundation, Gl. Kjegegaard, 4600 Kege Established: 1913 Focus: SocW; Nurs 00619 The Classen Foundation, Corseiitze, 4800 Nytebing Β 00620 The Cold Stores Foundation, Calgebjergvej 2, 6000 Kolding Limitations: Grants in Denmark only . . . 00621 Columbus-Fonden, (Columbus Foundation), Enebaervej 16, 9500 Hobro T: 98520213 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: IntU 00622 The Dandy Foundation, Dandyvej, 7100 Vjele 00623 E. Danielsen and Wife's Foundation, c/o Det Alm. Dansk E/endomsselskab, Gl. Lundtoftevej 7, 2800 Lyngby 00624
Denmark: Danish
00625 - 00695
The Danish Heath Society, Klostermarken 12, 8800 Viborg Limitations: Grants in Denmark only . . . 00625 Danmark-Amerika Fondet, (Denmark-America Foundation), Fiolstr, 1171 Kflbenhavn Κ Τ: 33128223; Fax: 33325323 Established: 1914 Limitations: Grants in Denmark and the USA only Focus: IntU; Am 00626 Dansk-Argentinsk Foerenlngs Kultur· og Hjaelpelond, Begebakkevej 4, 3400 Hillrod Τ: 48286083; Fax: 48266081; E-Mail: S t e e n s © image.dk Established: 1976; Secy: Ruth Steen Assets: DKK 10.000,-, Expenditures: DKK 65.000,Limitations: Grants in Argentina only Focus: IntU; Cuit 00627 Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands, do Kflbenhavns Universität, Botanisk Have, Oster Farimagsgade 2B, 1353 Kflbenhavn Established: 1959; Chair: Dr. Craig MacFarfand, Secy: Dr. Ole Hamann, Donor(s): Government of Ecuador, UNESCO, Wold Conservation Union Receipts: US $ 800.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 800.000,Limitations: Grants to the Charles Darwin Research Station on the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) only Focus: Biol; Ecol; AnimP 00628 The Egeskov Foundation, c/o Adv. Ths. Federspiel, H.C. Andersen Blvd 12, 1552 Kflbenhavn Κ
10 IUC-Europe International Education Centre, Postboks 150, 5700 Svendborg T: 62216992; Fax: 62202892; E-Mail: iucQiuc· europe.dk; Internet: http://www.iuc-europe.dk Established: 1985; Chair Dr. Jacob Christensen, Donor(s): Frits Korsgaard, Dr. Jacob Christensen, Dr. Tom Heyem, Dr. Knud Overa, Bent Le Févre, Ingolf Knudsen Limitations: Grants in Europe and North America only Focus: Educ; IntU; Cult; Eur; Am . . . . 00645 J.L. Fondet, Sankt Annae PI 26, 1250 Kflbenhavn Κ Τ: 33111222 Established: 1945; Secy: Laila Rasmussen, Donor(s): Ivar Lauritzen, Knud Lauritzen Limitations: Grants in Denmark and the Nordic countries only Focus: Ship; Cult 00646 Consul George Jorck and Emma Jorck's Foundation, Valkendorfsg 16, 1151 Kflbenhavn Κ 00647 The Jutland Post Foundation, Grandalsvej 3, 8260 Viby J Limitations: Grants in the region of Jutland only Focus: Media 00648 King Christian X's Foundation, c/o Justits Kontor, Prins Jergens Gird, 1218 Kflbenhavn Κ
The Krak Foundation, Virumgárdsvej 21, 2830 Virum 00650 00629
Egmont Fonden, Toldbodg 10A, 1253 Kflbenhavn Κ Τ: 33913644; Fax: 33913736 Established: 1920; Secy: Bente Groth Expenditures: DKK 50.951.000,Limitations: Grants to children and young people in Denmark only Focus: SocW; Educ; Health; Arts; Hum; Cin 00630 Europa-India Foundation, c/o Neuro-Kirugisk Afd, Odense Sygehus, 5000 Odense C T: 66113333; Fax: 66132854 Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in India only Focus: Dev; Med; As 00631 The Fisker & Nielsen Ltd. Foundation, Peter Bangsvej 30, 2000 Frederiksberg C . . . 00632 Fonden for International Forstaelse, Postboks 85, 1003 Kflbenhavn Κ Τ: 33139418; Fax: 33111068 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: IntU 00633 The Alex Foss Industrial Foundation, c/o Dansk Industri, H.C. Andersen Blvd 18, 1787 Kflbenhavn V Focus: Indu 00634 Foundation for Environmental Education In Europe, c/o Friluftsrádet, Olof Palmes G 10, 2100 Kflbenhavn 0 Established: 1984 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Ecol; Educ 00635 The Foundation for the Welfare of Denmark, H.C. Andersens Blvd 18, 1553 Kflbenhavn V Limitations: Grants in Denmark only . . . 00636 Fredsfonden, (Danish Peace Foundation), Dronningensg 14, 1420 Kflbenhavn Κ Τ: 32954417; Fax: 32954418 Established: 1981; Chair: Helle Hansen, Secy: Mille Rode, Donor(s): Lise Münk Plum, Niels Münk Plum Receipts: DKK 400.000,-, Expenditures: DKK 400.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Peace; PolS; Law; HumR . . . . 00637 The Sven Hansen and Ina Hansen Foundation, do Adv. H. J. Langkjaer, Storeg 17, 4180 Sore 00638 The J.C.A Hempel Foundation, Amalieg 8, 1256 Kflbenhavn Κ 00639 The Hielmatlerne-Rosencrone Foundation, Brundlund Slot, 6200 Aabenraa . . . . 00640 The HjerJ Foundation, Hjeri Hedevej 16, 7830 Vindenjp 00641 The Knud Hejgaard Foundation, Jaegersborg Allé 4, 2920 Charlotte 00642 The Ilium Foundation, c/o Anna & Per Bork, Strandg 44, 1401 Kflbenhavn Κ . . . . 00643 Investment Fund for Central and Eastern Europe, Bremerholm 4, 1069 Kflbenhavn T: 33637500; Fax: 33322524; E-Mail: io-cph® inet.uni2.dk; Internet: httpJ/www.ifu.dk Established: 1990; Chair: Johannes Poulsen, Secy: Sven Riskaer Assets: DKK 1.900.000,Limitations: Grants in Central and Eastern Europe Focus: Fin; Eur; East 00644
Hermod Lannung's Foundation. Svinget 18, 2300 Kflbenhavn T: 32957242 Established: 1970; Secy: Hermod Lannung, Donor(s): Hermod Lannung Assets: DKK 30.000.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Peace; IntU; Law 00651 A.P. Meiler og Hustru Chastine McKinney Meilers Fond til almene Formaal, (A.P. Maller and Chastine McKinney Mailer Foundation), Esplanaden 50, 1098 Kflbenhavn Κ Τ: 33633363; Fax: 33633410 Established: 1953; Chain Maersk McKinney Moller, Secy: Ove Hornby, Donor(s): A.P. Mailer Assets: DKK,·, Receipts: DKK 190.000.000,Limitations'. Grants in Denmark only Focus: Cult; Ship; Med 00652 Otto Mensteds Fond, Tingskiftevej 5, 2900 Hellerup T: 33620811 Established: 1934 Focus: CommT; Indu 00653 The Julie von Müllen Foundation, c/o Prof. Dr. Knud Waaben, Aamosebakken 6, 2830 Virum 00654 The Ebbe Munck Memorial Foundation, c/o Adv. Hjejle, Gersted & Mogensen, Amagertorv 24, 1160 Kflbenhavn Κ 00655 The Ka) Münk Memorial Foundation, c/o Graenseforeningen, Postboks 1530, 1020 Kflbenhavn Κ Τ: 33113063; Fax: 33327376 Established: 1945; Secy: Bent A. Koch . 00656 Nordlsk Kulturfond, (Nordic Cultural Fund), Store Strandstr 18, 1255 Kflbenhavn Κ Τ: 33690200; Fax: 33325636; E-Mail: kulturfonden® nmt; Internet: http://www.nordiskkulturfond.dk Established: 1966; Donor(s): Nordic Council Expenditures: DKK 25.000.000,Límítations: Grants in the Nordic countries only Focus: Cult 00657 Nordfta-Nordlsk Institut for Teoretisk Fyslk, Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Kflbenhavn 0 T: 35325500; Fax: 35389157 Established: 1957; Donor(s): Governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden Assets: DKK 17.300.000,· Limitations: Grants in the Nordic countries only Focus: Phys 00653 Novo Nordlsk Fonden, Postboks 71, 2820 Gentofte T: 44439035; Fax: 44439098; E-Mail: nnfond® novo.dk; Internet: httpJ/www.novonordiskfonden.dk Established: 1989; Chair: Vagn Andersen, Secy: Prof. Ulrik V. lassen, Donor(s): Novo Foundation, Nordisk Insulinfond, Nordisk Insulinlaboratorium Assets: DKK 3.283.903.000,Limrtations: Grants in the Nordic countries only Focus: Med; SocW; Biol 00659 Karl Pedersen and Wife's Industrial Foundation, c/o Dansk Industri, H.C. Andersens Blvd 18, 1787 Kflbenhavn V Limitations: Grants in Denmark only Focus: Indu 00660 The Egmont H. Petersen Foundation, Frederiksberg Runddel 1, 2000 Frederiksberg C 00661 The P. Cari Petersen Foundation, Vesteit>rog 10, 1660 Kflbenhavn V 00662 Queen Margrvthe and Prince Henrik's Foundation, c/o Hofmarskallatet, Amalieg 8, 1256 Kflbenhavn Κ Limitations: Grants in Denmark only . . . 00663
Rockwool Foundation, Hovedg 5Θ4, 2640 Hedehusene T: 46564300; Fax: 46591092 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Children of Gustav Kâhler Assets: DKK 1.447.500.000,-, Expenditures: DKK 11.151.270,Limitations: Grants in Denmark only Focus: Scie; Arts; SocW; Ecol; Pop; Lab; PolS 00664 Sonning-Fonden, 0 T: 39157100 Established: 1949; Expenditures: DKK Limitations: Grants Focus: Cult
Kirstineberg 3, 2100 Kflbenhavn Donor(s): C.J. Sonning 500.000,- (every two years) in Europe only 00665
Thomas B, Thrlges Fond, Strandv 64L, 2900 Hellerup T: 39615030; Fax: 39615031 Established: 1934; Donor(s): Thomas B. Thrige Assets: DKK 300.000.000,-, Receipts: DKK 15,000.000,-, Expenditures: DKK 7.500.000,Umitations: Grants in Denmark only Focus: CommT; Indu; Educ; Scie . . . . 00666 Tuborgfondet, Vester Feedlledvej 100, 1750 Kflbenhavn V Established: 1931 Focus: Educ; SocW; Scie; Arts; Hum; Sports 00668
The Velux Foundation of 1981, Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation, Tobaksv 10, 2860 Sflrg The Vingaard Foundation, Odense
I, 5250 . 00670
Foimer Wistl Foundation for International Understanding, Gammel Valleredvej 26, 2960 Rungsted Kyst T: 45861336; Fax: 45861346 Established: 1974; Chair Foimer Wisti, Secy: Helle Wisti, Donor(s): Foimer Wisti Assets: DKK 12.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: IntU; Eur 00671 The Nathalie Zahle's Foundation, do N. Zahles Skoie, Linnég 8, 1361 Kflbenhavn Κ Limitations: Grants in Denmark only Focus: Educ 00672
Estonia Konrad-Adenauer-Stlftung (Estonia), Vana Viru 3, 10111 Tallinn Τ; (02) 6405130; Fax: 6405120; E-Mail: kas· tin θ netexpress.ee Limitations: Grants in Estonia only Focus: PolS 00673 Avatud Kihnu Fond, (Open Kihnu Foundation), Linakûla, Kihnu, Pámu County T: (0244) 69924; Fax: 69924 Established: 1992; Secy: Annely Akkermann Limitations: Grants in the county of Pâmu only Focus: Dev; SocW; Cult; Arts; Agrie . . 00674 Betti Alveri Fond, (Betti Alver's Fund), Rohu 10, Jogeva T: (0277) 21976 Established: 1992; Secy: Maimu Valdmann Focus: Cult; Arts; Educ; Sports; SocW . . 00675 Eestl Heategevusfond, (Estonian Charity Foundation), Lembitu 8, Tallinn T: (022) 445052; Fax: 445052 Established: 1989; Secy; Tiia Upine Focus: SocW; Health
Eestlmaa Looduse Fond, (Estonian Fund for Nature), POB 245, 50002 Tartu T: (027) 428443; Fax: 428166; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet http^/www.elfond.ee Established: 1991; Chair. Robert Oetjen, Secy: Toomas Trapidu Receipts: EEK 2.500.000,-, Expenditures: EEK 2.500.000,Limitations: Grants in Estonia only Focus: Ecol 00683 Estonian Foundation Centre, Endla 4, 0001 Tallinn T: (02) 6263309; Fax: 6263310; E-Mail: kadri@ ngo.ee; Internet: http://www.ngci .ee Established: 1991; Secy: Heli Kask, Donor(s): 26 Estonian foundations Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Educ; PolS; Law; HumR . . . . 0061
Kistler-Rltso Eesti Sihtasutus, (Kistler-Ritso 00667
U-Landsfonden af 1962, Arhus: defunct
Eesti Tulevlkulapse Fond, (The Future Child Foundation of Estonia), Vana-Sauga 21, Pämu T: (0244) 41488 Established: 1996 Focus: Educ; SocW; Health 00682
Eesti llguskeskus, (Estonian Law Centre Foundation), Lossi 19, Tartu T: (027) 300460; Fax: 300470; E-Mail: IcÔlc.ee; Internet: http://www.lc.ee/ Established: 1995; Secy: Aavo Katne Focus: Econ; Trade; Law 00677 Eesti Meediakolledzl Fond, (Estonian Media College Foundation), Pimi 10/2, Tallinn T; (02) 6565469; Fax: 6565469; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Secy: Pille Vaher Focus: Media; Comm 00678
Eesti MlttetulundusOhlngute Ja Sihtasutuste
Lilt, (The Network of NorvProfit Associations and Foundations of Estonia), Endla 4A, Tallinn T: (02) 6263309; Fax: 6263310; E-Mail: info® eo.ngo.ee; Internet: http^/www.ngo.ee/ Established: 1991; Secy: Heli Aru Focus: SocW; Law; PolS; IntU 00679 Eesti Rahvuskultuurl Fond, (Estonian National Culture Foundation), A.Weizenbergi 20a-13, Tallinn T: (02) 6419162; Fax: 6419163; E-Mail: mailto:post@erì(f.ee; imernet: http://www.erkf.ee Established: 1991; Secy: Toivo Toomemets Focus: Educ; Cult; Aits; Trade 00680 Eestl Ratastoollfond, (Wheelchair Foundation of Estonia), Vikle tee 70-3, Tallinn T: (022) 523466; Fax: 523486 Established: 1994 Focus: SocW; Health 00681
Foundation), Endla tn. 69, Tallinn T: (02) 6505280; Fax: 6505281; E-Mail: krf@ mailer.ee; Internet: http://www.okupatsioon.ee Established: 1998; Secy: Heiki Ahonen Focus: PolS; IntU; Educ 00685 Lelsl Valla Arengu Slhtkapital, (Leisi Parish Development Foundation), Leisi, Saare County T: (0245) 73038; Fax: 73181 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in the parish of Leisi only Focus: Econ; Agrie; Educ; Voc 00686 Open Estonia Foundation, Estonia Av 3-5, 10143 Tallinn T: (06) 6313791; Fax: 313796; E-Mail: postmaster® oef.org.ee Established: 1990; Chair: Mati Heidmets, Secy: Mall Hellam, Donor(s): George Soros Receipts: US S 2.400.000,·, Expenditures: US $ 2.400.000,Limitations: Grants in Estonia only Focus: Educ 00687 Pämumaa libefond, (Pámu County Fund of Population Increase), Esplanaadi 2a-9, Pamu T: (0244) 44181 Established: 1995; Secy: Malie-Mari Lauk Limitations: Grants in the county of Pamu only Focus: SocW; Child; Law 00 Saare Tervlsekeskuse Slhtkapital, (Saare Healthcentre Foundation), Lootsi 18, Kuressaare T: (0245) 53323 Secy: Johannes Kaju Focus: SocW; Health; Sports 006
Sihtasutus Eesti Harldusfoorum, (Foundation of Estonian Education Forum), Endla 4, Tallinn T: (02) 6263369; Internet: http://www.odin.kbfi.ee/ haridusfoorum/ Established: 1996; Secy: Toivo Sikk Focus: Educ 00690 Sihtasutus Eesti Kohalike Omavalltsuste Tuglfond. (Estonian Local Government Support Foundation), Vana-Viru 12, Tallinn T: (022) 440637; Fax: 6314424 Established; 1996; Secy; Peep Kirsima Focus: PolS; SocW; Adm; IntU . . . . 00691 Talllnna Kunstlhoone Fond, (Tallinn Art Building Fund), Vabaduse Vâljak 6, Tallinn T: (022) 442818; Fax: 6446483 Established: 1994; Secy: Anu Liivak Focus: Cult; Arts 00692 Toompea Kunstlsihtasutus, (Toompea Foundation of Art), Toom-Rüütli 10, Tallinn Τ: (02) 6311781; Fax: 6311435 Established: 1994; Secy: Ivika Kàrmik Focus: Cult; Arts U.S.-Baltic Foundation Eestl Sihtasutus, (The U.S.-Baltic Foundation Estonia), Rüütli 6-110, Tallinn T: (02) 6464157; Fax: 6464122; E-Mail: usbf@ ngonet.ee Established: 1990; Secy: Katrin MakJre Focus: PolS; IntU; SocW 00694 Vlljandl KuftuurlkoiledzJ Arengufortd, (The Development Fund for Viljandi Cultural College), Laidoneri Plats 8, Viljandi T: (0243) 33590; Fax: 33590 Established: 1993; Secy: Enn Siimer Focus: Educ; Sports; Cult; Arts; Dev; Town 006
00696 - 00782
Finland Alands Kulturstiftelse, Postboks 172,22101 Mariehamn Established: 1950; Chair. Henrik Gustafsson, Secy: Bertil Johansson Limitations: Grants on the Aland Islands only Focus: Cult; Hist 00696 Baltic Sea Centre Foundation, c/o Peace Union of Finland, Juhlatalontie 4, 04500 Kellokoski T: (0) 282535; Fax: 2921448 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Finland only Focus: Peace 00697 Foundation for Sustainable Development, PL 35, 17501 Padasjoki T: (19) 593263; Fax: 13345 Focus: Ecol 00698 International Foundation for Production Research, c/o Lappeenranta University of Technology, PL 20, 53851 Lappeenranta T: (5) 62111; Fax: 6212350 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Eng 00699 International Solidarity Foundation, Agricolankatu 4, 00530 Helsinki T: (9) 7011200; Fax: 7731702; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.finsolid.1i Established: 1970; Chair: Tarja Halonen Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 00700 Yrjô Jahnseon Foundation, Ludviginkatu 3-5A, 00130 Helsinki Established: 1954; Donor(s): Hilma Jahnsson Limitations: Grants in Finland only Focus: Econ; Med; Educ; Res 00701 Sigrid Juséllus Stiftelse, Aleksanterinkatu 48B, 00100 Helsinki Τ: (9) 634461; Fax: 634502 Established: 1930; Chair Edward Andersson, Donors): Fritz Arthur Jusélius Assets: EURO 333.690.000,Umitations: Grants internationally Focus: Med 00702 Neste Oy Säätlö, (Neste Oy Foundation), PL 20, 02150 Espoo T: (0) 4501; Fax: 4504447 Established: 1964; Secy: Dr. Kyosti Riistama, Donops): Neste Oy Limitations: Grants in Finland only Focus: NatS; Educ 00703 Oulu University Scholarship Foundation, do Finance Office, Oulu University, PL 191, 90101 Oulu T: (8) 15534135; Fax: 1371158 Limitations: Scholarships at Oulu University only Focus: Schoi 00704 Paulon Sältlö, (Paulo Foundation), Mikonkatu 38, 00100 Helsinki T: (9) 6220461; Fax: 62204633; E-Mail: toimisto® paulo,fi; Internet: http://www.paulo.fi Established: 1966; Donor(s); Marja Paulo Limitations: Grants in Finland only Focus: Arts; Econ; Med; Music . . . . 00705 Suomen Kutttuurlrahasto, (Finnish Cultural Foundation), Bulevardi 5A, 00121 Helsinki T: (9) 602144; Fax; 640474; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.skr.fV Established: 1939; Chain Seppo Honkapohja, Secy: Paavo Hohti, Donor(s): Suomen Kulttuurirahasto Kannatusyhdistys r.y. Assets: EURO 230.837.000,·, Receipts: EURO 17.200.000,-, Expenditures: EURO 13.200.000,Limitations: Grants in Finland only Focus: Cult 00706 Svenska Kulturfonden, (Foundation for Swedish Culture in Finland), PL 282, 00181 Helsinki T: (9) 693070; Fax: 6949484 Established: 1908; Chair Pár Stenbáck, Secy: Magnus Lindholm, Donops): Svenska Folkpartiet Expenditures: US $ 5.000.000,Limitations: Grants for Swedish culture in Finland only Focus: Cult; Educ; Lit; Arts; SocS; Med; Hum 00707 Teknlikan Edlstâmlsslàtiô, Aleksanterinkatu 10, 00170 Helsinki T: (9) 669152 Established: 1949 Focus: Eng 00708 Jenny ja Antti Wlhurl Rahasto, (Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation), Arkadiankatu 21 A 14, 00100 Helsinki T: (9) 4542400; Fax: 444590; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.wihurinrahasto.fi Established: 1942; Chair: A. Prihti, Secy: A. Máenmaa, Donor(s): Antti Wihuri, Jenny Wihuri Assets: FIM,-, Receipts: FIM 40.000.000,-, Expenditures: FIM 30.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Finland only Focus: Cult; Ecori 00709
Wlhurln Kansalnvällsten Palklntofen Rahasto, (Wihuri Foundation for International Prizes), Artadiankatu 21 A 14, 00100 Helsinki T: (9) 4542400; Fax: 444590; E-Mail: toimisto@ wihurinrahasto.fi; Internet: httpii www.wihurinrahasto.fi Established: 1953; Chair A. Prihti, Secy: A. Mâenmaa, Donors): Antti Wihuri Assets: FIM 10.000.000,-, Receipts: FIM 400.000,-, Expenditures: FIM 300.000,· Limitations: International Prizes only Focus: Cult 00710
Fondation Abreu de Grancher, 7 Blvd Jourdan, 75014 Paris T: 0144168291 Focus: Agrie 00712 Fondation Konrad Adenauer (France), 7 Rue Jean Goujon, 75008 Paris T: 0156691500; Fax: 0156691501; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: PolS 00713 Africatrack, 8 Rue Juliette Lamber, 75017 Paris T: 0147312727; Fax: 0147312757 Established: 1987; Chair Henri-Jean Vittecoq Expenditures: US $ 955.000,Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Agrie; Afr; Dev 00714 Agence Internationale pour le Développement, (Agency for International Development), 32 Rue Traversière, 75012 Paris T; 0143415080; Fax: 0143443840 Established: 1986; Chair: Abdelkbir El-Hakkaoui Expenditures: US $ 4.600.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 00715 Fondation d'Aguesseau, 4 Blvd du Palais, 75001 Paris T: 0156248116 Focus: SocW 00716 Aide et Action, 53 Blvd de Charonne, 75545 Paris Cedex 11 Τ: 0155257000; Fax: 0155257029 Established: 1981; Secy: Jean-Claude Buchet Expenditures: US $ 16.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Africa and India only Focus: Educ; Afr; As 00717 Fondation d'AIIgre et Marie-Thérèse, 10 Rue Josaphat, 28300 Lèves Τ: 0237364530; Fax: 0237217922 . . . 00718 Alliance Israélite Universelle, (Universal Jewish Alliance), 45 Rue La Bruyère, 75009 Paris T: 0153328855; Fax: 0148745133; E-Mail: aiu@ imaginet-fr.; Internet: http://www.aiu.org Established: 1860; Chair Ady Steg, Secy: JeanJacques Wahl Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Jew 00719 Fondation Angla do ri-Dubrujeaud, 5 Rue Laboureur, 84000 Avignon T; 0490822903; Fax: 0490857807 Focus: Arte
Fondation Sophia Antlpolis, PI Sophie Laffitte, 06560 Valbonne T: 0492967800; Fax: 0493654401 . . . 00721 Fondation Arnaud. 04410 Puimoisson Τ; 0492745418; Fax: 0492745058 . . . 00722 Fondation Α φ , Musée de Sculpture, 21 Rue des Châtaigniers, 92140 Clamart T: 0145342263; Fax: 0146238030; E-Mail: arposophieô wanadoo.fr Established: 1979; Chair Claude Weil, Secy: Greta Stroeh, Donorts): Marguerite Α φ Assets: FRF 600.000,Limitations; Grants for young sculptors only Focus: Arts 00723 Fondation Internationale Banc d'Arquin, Le Sambuc, Mas Tour Vallat, 13200 Aries T: 0490972926
Fondation Daccuet Αν 21 Août 1944, 134O0 Aubagne Τ: 0442189213 00729
Fondation John Bost, 24130 La Force T: 0553580103; Fax: 0553585418 Assets: FRF 220.000.000,·
Fondation Baleare e Gutierrez de Estrada, 13 Αν peupliers, 91800 Brunoy Τ: 0160460041; Fax: 0160464779 . . . 00730
Fondation John Bost et Lou Camln, 46 Rue Emile Pouvillon, 62000 Montauban T: 0563220080; Fax: 0563669767 . . . 00760
Fondation Brigitte Bardot, 45 Rue Vineuse, 75116 Paris T: 0145051460; Fax: 0145051480 Established: 1986 Focus; AnimP 00731
Fondation Bouzemont, 10 Rue du Général Leclerc, 78380 Bougival T: 0139690177 Focus: Cult
Fondation Brandenburg-Neumark, 33 Αν Montaigne, 750Q6 Paris
Fondation Barsabée, 81 Rue Damrémont, 75018 Paris T: 0142237588 00732
Fondation Antoine d'Abbadie, Château d'Abbadie, Rte de la Comiche, 64700 Hendaye Τ: 0559200451; Fax: 0559209051 Focus: Aits 00711
Asile de Marie, 72 Rue de Condó, 14220 Thury Marcourt T: 0231797005 Established: 1978 Limitations: Local grants only Focus: Home 00725 Fondation Astor, Manoir de Kerazan, 29750 Loctudy Τ: 0298874040; Fax: 0298874383 Focus: Arts 00726 Fondation Asturión, Résidence Omphale, 2 Αν Edith Joseph, 06220 Vallauris T: 0493636807 00727 Fondation cfAumale, BP 70243, 60631 Chantilly Cedex Τ: 0344626262; Fax: 0344626261 Focus: Arts 00728
France: Centre
Fondation Barthelon, Blvd Salicis, 83000 Toulon T: 0494932030; Fax: 0494932031 . . . 00733
Fondation Brlgnole-Galliera, 1 PI Ferrari, 92141 Clamart Cedex Τ: 0146293939 00763
Fondation Firmin Bauby Sant Vicens, Rue Sant Vicens, 66000 Perpignan T: 0468669170 00734
Fondation François Brochet, 100 Rue de Paris, 89000 Auxerre T: 0386510974 Focus: Aris 00764
Fondation Beauflls, Blvd Nicolas Thiesse, 76440 Forges-les-Eaux T: 0235905093; Fax: 0232890102 Focus: Sen 00735
Fondation Louis de Broglio, 23 Quai de Conti, 75006 Paris T: 0140460554; Fax: 0140510865 . . . 00765
Fondation de Beaugulllot, 50480 Sainte-Marie-duMont T: 0233715699 00736
Fondation Bugattl, 4 Cour des Chartreux, 67120 Molsheim T: 0388382510; Fax: 0388386742 Focus: Aut 00766
Fondation Bélem, 23 Rue Tombe Issoire, 75014 Paris T: 0140784646; Fax: 0140784666 . . . 00737
Fondation Léa et Napoléon Bulluklan, 18 Rue Louis Tourte, 69410 Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or T: 0472529334; Fax: 0478474439 . . . 00767
Fondation Léopold Bellan, Château de Velor, 37420 Beaumont-en-Veron T: 0247584090; Fax: 0247589801 . . . 00738 Fondation Bemberg, PI Assézat, 31000 Toulouse T: 0561120689; Fax: 0561123447 . . . 00739 Donation Pierre-André Benoît, c/o MuséeBibliothèque, 94 Montée des Lauriers, 30107 Aies T: 0466869869 Focus: Arts 00740 Fondation de l'Automobile Marius Berliet, 39 Av Esquirol, 69003 Lyon T: 0478541534; Fax: 0472332025 Focus: Aut 00741 Fondation Xavier Bernard, BP 129, 86004 Poitiers Cedex T: 0549447470; Fax: 0549447509 Secy: V. Maret 00742 Fondation Gérard de Bemy, 157 Rue Hélène Versepuy, 60640 Guiscard T: 0344432040; Fax: 0344430413 . . . 00743 Fondation Bersabée, 64 Av Parmentier, 75011 Paris T: 0149231415; Fax: 0140216545 . . . 00744 Fondation Bertholon Mourfer, Rte Neuve, 69700 Givors T: 0472491500; Fax: 0472491504 Focus: Nurs 00745 Fondation Bertrand, 12 Av Docteur Jean Lambert, 15800 Vic-sur-Cère T: 0471496870; Fax: 0471475344 . . . 00746 Fondation Georges Besse, BP 3, 7Θ142 Vélizy Cedex T: 0139263796 Focus: Schol 00747 Fondation Louise de BetUgnles, 41 Av SaintBarthelémy, 06100 Nice T: 0493846433; Fax: 0493525951 Focus: Sen 00748 Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre, 9a Blvd Jourdan, 75690 Paris Cedex 14 T: 0140787200; Fax: 0145890003 Established: 1924 Focus: Scie 00749 Fondation Mona Bismarck, 34 Av New York, 75016 Paris T: 0147233888; Fax: 0142611118 . . . 00750 Fondation Emile Blémont, 11bis Rue Ballu, 75009 Paris T: 0140234599 00751 Fondation Marcel Bleusteln-Blanchet de la Vocation, 60 Av Victor Hugo, 75116 Paris Τ: 0145012928 Established: 1960; Donor(s): Marcel Bleustein Focus: Youth; Schoi 00752 Fondation Marc Bloch, 59 Rue Rocher, 75008 Paris T: 0143875248 00753 Fondation Erik et Odette Bocké, 9 Cours du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 33850 Leognan T: 0556640380; Fax: 0556640380 . . . 00754 Fondation Ferdinand Boé, 1 Rue Clairettes, 79100 Thouars T: 0549660653 00755 Fondation Bompard, Château Bompard, 25 Rue du Château, 57680 Noveant-sur-Moselle T: 0387699980; Fax: 0387699972 . . . 00756 Fondation Bordas, La Malassie, 28200 Châteaudun T: 0237457736; Fax: 0237451732 . . . 00757 Fondation Bomlche, 2 Grande Rue, 77440 Marysur-Mame T: 0160615400; Fax: 0160612105 . . . 00758
Fondation Burat, 20 Rue Fossés, 77250 Mcret-surLoing T: 0160705152 Focus: Nurs 00768 Fondation Burlot, 30 Rue Pierre Buriot, 89420 Thizy T: 0386320909; Fax: 0386320012 Focus: Sen 00769 C.I.E. Centre International de l'Enfance, Château Longchamp, 75016 Paris T: 0144302000; Fax: 0145207367 Established: 1949 Assets: FRF 37.700.000,Limitations: Grants internationally . . . . 00770 La Fondation Calvet, 63 Rue Joseph Vemet, 84000 Avignon T: 0490863384; Fax: 0490146245 Established: 1810; Donor(s): Esprit Claude François Calvet Focus: Libr 00771 Fondation Camescasse, 160 Rue Foulons, 59500 Douai T: 0327884141 Focus: Sen 00772 Fondation Camus, 18 Rue Raoul Trocmé, 80740 Epehy T: 0322866442 Focus: Sen 00773 Fondation Camot, 7 Blvd Jean Mermoz, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine T: 0147472420; Fax: 0147472420 . . . 00774 Fondation Cartier, 3 Rue de la Manufacture, 78350 Jouy-en-Josas T: 0239564646 00775 Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, 261 Blvd Raspati, 75014 Paris T: 0142185650; Fax: 0142185652 Established: 1984; Secy: Hervé Chandes Assets: FRF 30.000.000,· Focus: Arts 00776 Fondation Carzou, 7 Blvd Elémir Bourges, 04100 Manosque T: 0492874049 Focus; Arts 00777 Fondation du Castelllas, Av de la Gare, 11190 Montazels T: 0468742213 00V8 Fondation Duc et Duchesse de Castries, Château de Castries, 34160 Castries Τ: 0467706866 Focus: Aris 00779 Fondation Anne Cellier, 125 Av Malakoff, 75116 Paris T: 0145009535; Fax: 0145005818 . . . 00780 Centre d'Etudes de Documentation, d'Information et d'Action Sociales, (Centre for Social Studies, Documentation, Information and Action), 5 Rue Las Cases, 75007 Paris T: 0145516610; Fax: 0144180181; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1963; Donops]: Office Centrai des Oeuvres de Bienfaisance, Musée Social Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Doc; Compu; SocW; Educ . . . 00781 Centre Français de Droit Comparé, (French Centre of Comparative Law), 28 Rue SaintGuillaume, 75007 Paris T: 0144398623; Fax: 0144398628; E-Mail: cfdc@ sky.fr Established: 1951; Chair Jacques Robert, Secy: Didier Lamethe Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Law 00782
France: Centre
00783 - 00883
Centre International de l'Enfance, Château de Longchamp, Bois de Boulogne, 75016 Paris T: 0145207992; Fax: 0145257367 Established: 1949 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Child; Ped 00753 Fondation Cerga, 201 Av de la Justice, Résidence des Facultés, 34000 Montpellier . . . . 00764 Fondation Chabrand Thibault, 31 Rue ThibauH Chabrand, 95240 Cormeilles-en-Parisis T. 0134504321; Fax: 0139787303 Focus: Sen 00785 Fondation Chantepie-Mancler, 9 Rue ChantepieMancier, 95290 L'isle-Adam T: 0134690033 Focus: Nurs 00786 Fondation Léonie Chaptal, 19 Rue Jean Lurçat, 95200 Sarcelles T: 0139905845; Fax: 0139948374 Focus: Nurs; Ger 00787 Fondation Teilhard de Chardin, 38 Rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 75005 Paris T: 0143311855; Fax: 0143310115; E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: http://wvw.mnhn.fr/ teilharú/index.html Established: 1964; Chair: Henry de Lumley, Secy: Maurice Ernst Focus: Rei; Scie; Phil; Educ 00768 Fondation Marie-José Cherioux, 91 bis Rue Falguière, 75015 Paris T: 0144108120; Fax: 0140478764 Focus: AIDS
Fondation Emilie Chiris, 81 Rue Jeanne Jugan, 06130 Grasse T: 0493360289; Fax: 0493368239 Focus: Child 00790 CIMADE-Service Oecuménique d'Entraide, 176 Rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris Τ: 0144186050; Fax: 0145560859; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://vww.cimade.org Established: 1939; Chair: Bernard Picinbono, Secy: Jean-Marc Dupeaux Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Refug 00791 Cité Internationale des Arts, (International Centre for the Arts), 18 Rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75180 Paris T: 0142787172 Established: 1957; Donor(s): Félix Brunau, Paul Leon, Eero de Snellman Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Arts; Hous 00792 Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, (International University Centre of Paris), 19 Blvd Jourdan, 75014 Paris T: 0144166400; Fax: 0144166404; Internet: http:// www.ciup.org Established: 1924 Limitations; Accommodation for foreign students and professors in Paris only Focus: Hous 00793 Fondation J.-M. Clausse, 24 Rue Mames, 92380 Garches T: 0147410872; Fax: 0147415832 Focus: Educ 00794
Fondation Michelle Darty, 20 Rue Dunois, 75013 Paris T: 0144243377; Fax: 0144243332 Focus: Hand 00807 Fondation Serge Dassault, 80 Rue Dauphine, 91100 Corbeil-Essonnes T: 0164960075; Fax: 0164962405 . . . 00808 Fondation Jean Dausset, 27 Rue Juliette Dodu, 75010 Paris T: 0142499850; Fax: 0142061619 Established: 1983 Assets: US $ 10.000.000,Focus: Med; Health 00809 Fondation Alexandra David Neel, Αν Mar. Juin, 04000 Digne-Ies-Bains Τ: 0492313238; Fax: 0492312808 . . . 00810 Fondation Day Solvay, 161 Rue de Sèvres, 75015 Paris T: 0147836771 00811 Fondation Maurice Dayras, Maison de Pays, Rue Vieille, 23200 Aubusson 00812 Fondation Debruxelles, Av du Président Clemenceau, 60200 Compiègne T: 0344236000
Fondation Monsieur et Madame Guy Deg renne, Bâtiment A, Résidence Bisquine, 50400 Granville T: 0233615999; Fax: 0233615999 . . . 00814 Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca, 10 Rue Alfred de Vigny, 75008 Paris T: 0147660121; Fax: 0146224502 Established: 1975 Focus: SocW; Ecol; Cuit 00815 Fondation Delapierre, 15 Allée Tamaris, 78480 Vemeuil-sur-Seine T: 0139280138 00816 Fondation Albert Delegue, 6 PI de la Liberté, 65200 Merilheu T: 0562912561 00817 Fondation Benjamin Delessert, 30 Rue de Lübeck, 75116 Paris T; 0145534169 00818 Fondation Louis Demarches, 12 Rue Albert André Huet, 76600 Le Havre T: 0235413363 Focus: Blinds 00819 Fondation René Denis, Santa Catalina, Bât A, 16 Rue Campestre, 06400 Cannes T: 0493399069 00820 Fondation Depoorter, 9 Rue Depoorter, 59190 Hazebrouck T: 0328419606; Fax: 0328431588 Focus: Voc 00821 Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, 37 Blvd Jourdan, 75014 Paris T: 0140788100 00822 Fondation Jean Dollfus, 6 Rue Panorama, 68200 Mulhouse T: 0389332373; Fax: 0389591682 . . . 00823
Fondation Cognacq-Jay, 11 bis Rue de Maubeuge, 75010 Paris Fax: 0142850592 00795
Fondation Dosne-Ttiiers, 27 PI Saint-Georges, 75009 Paris T: 0148781433; Fax: 0142802610 Focus: Libr 00824
Fondation Condé, 1 PI Versepuy, 60500 Chantilly Τ: 0344624600; Fax: 0344574603 . . , 00796 Fondation Cooper, Rue Javelly, 83400 Hyères Τ: 0494357612 00797
Fondation Jacques Doucet, 4 Rue Vrvienne, 75002 Paris T: 0147037624 Focus: Libr 00825
Fondation Coprim, 46 Rue Sévigné, 75003 Paris T: 0144786000; Fax: 0144789191 . . . 00798 Fondation Paul Coroze, 4bis Rue Grande Chaumière, 75006 Paris T: 0143545072 00799 Fondation de Coubertin, Domaine de Couberlin, 78470 Saint-flémy-lès-Chevreuse T: 0130856960 00800 Fondation de Crussol, Mas Monneron, 07130 Saint-Peray T: 0475413523 00601 Fondation Curie, 4 Av de la Convention, 94110 Arcueil T: 0145470594 Focus: Rad 00802 Institut Curie, 26 Rue d'Ulm, 75231 Paris Cedex 05 T: 0144324000; Fax: 0143255271 Established: 1921; Chair: P.C. Burg, Secy: P. Devillers Focus: Cane 00803 Fondation Czlffra, Chapelle Royale SaintFrambourg, 60300 Senlis T: 0344533999 Focus: Arts Fondation Darblns, 40320 Samadet T: 0558791126 Established: 1975 Assets: FRF 2.235.023,-
Fondation Roger Douvllle, Village, 76560 Canvilleles-Deux-Eglises T: 0232700920 00826 Fondation Dranem, 20 Rue Saint-Biaise, 75020 Paris T: 0143793500; Fax: 0143799123 Focus: SocW; Theat; Sen 00827 Fondation Lucien Dreyfus, 15 Rue du Tivoli, 68100 Mulhouse T: 0389440950 00828 Fondation Dubois, 2 Av 8 Mai 1945, 33420 Branne T: 0557846398; Fax: 0557846586 Focus: Sen 00829 Fondation Jean Dubuffet, 137 Rue de Sèvres, 75006 Paris T: 0147341263; Fax: 0143067970 Focus: Arts 00830 Fondation Ernest Duffο, 10 Rue Henner, 75009 Paris T: 0140824444 00831 Fondation Dumenll, Rue de la Chapelle, 778630 Orgeval T: 0139223569 00832
Ecoles Sans Frontières, (Schools Without Frontiers), BP 466, 83514 La Seyne-sur-Mer T: 0494300910; Fax: 0494301025 Established: I960 Expenditures: FRF 7.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Southeast Asia and Guatemala only Focus: Educ; Schol; Dev; As; Am . . . 00835 EF Fondation, 9 Rue Duphot, 75001 Paris T: 0142868194; Fax: 0142860991 Established: 1979 00836
Fondation Albert Jean, Rte de Dieppe, 76730 Bacqueville-en-Caux T: 0235832110; Fax: 0235831504 . . . 00859
Emmaus Fondation Abbé Pierre, 3 Av du Général de Gaulle, 02190 Berry-au-Bac T; 0323799588; Fax: 0323256062 , , . 00837 Energies pour le Monde, 45 Rue de Richelieu, 75001 Paris T: 0142962477; Fax: 0142962643 Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: En 00838
Fondation Amour et Vérité, 37 Rue Abbé Grégoire, 75006 Paris T: 0145491748 00862
Fondation Ephrussl de Rothschild, Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild, 06230 Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat T: 0493014590; Fax: 0493013110 Focus: Arts 00839
Fondation Aragon, Ham Moulin de Villeneuve, 78730 Saint-Amoult-en-Yvelines T: 0130882742 00864
Fondation Auguste Escoffler, 3 Rue Auguste Escoffier, 06270 Villeneuve-Loubet T: 0493208051; Fax: 0493739379 . . . 00840 Fondation Esmery Caron, 14 Rue Saint-Jean, 28100 Dreux T: 0237460428; Fax: 0237464649 . . . 00841 Fondation Etienne, 112 Rue de la Marne, 33500 Uboume T: 0557553434 Focus: Nurs 00842 European University Research Foundation, 1 Rue Descartes, 75005 Paris T: 0147051803; Fax: 0146343678 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Uni 00843 European Youth Foundation, 30 Rue Pierre de Coubertin, 67000 Strasbourg Τ: 0388412019; Fax: 0390214964; E-Mail: EYF© coe.int; Internet: http Λ www.coe.irit/yoLrth Established: 1972; Secy: André-Jacques Dodin, Donor(s): Council of Europe Assets: FRF 16.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Youth; Eur 00844 Fondation Favler, 2 Rue Four, 94360 Bry-surMame T: 0149834700; Fax: 0148824591 . . . 00845 Fondation de Faykod, Qua Espouveries, 83630 Aups T: 0494700394 00846 Fondation Leila Fodll, 37 Blvd de Bury, 18000 Angouleme T: 545952852; Fax: 545946245; E-Mail: F.LeilaFodil.joly2 @ wanadoo.fr Established: 1992; Chair: Dr. Jean Bernard Joly Assets: FRF 6.700.000,-, Receipts: FRF 500.000,-, Expenditures: FRF 400.000,Focus: Child; Health; Educ 00847 Fondation Raoul Follereau, 31 Rue de Dantzig, 75722 Paris Cedex 15 Τ: 0148287242 00848 Fondation Follereau, 13 Rue du Couvent, 63360 Saint-Beauzire T: 0473339381 Focus: Lepr 00849 Fondation 2100, 47 Rue Vignes, 60190 Montiers T: 0344515290; Fax: 0344515291 . . . 00850 Fondation 3 Suisses, 18 Rue d'Enghien, 75016 Paris T: 0144834292; Fax: 0144834243 Established: 1994 Assets: FRF 5.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only . . 00851 Fondation 30 Millions d'Amls, 3 Rue Arrivée, 75015 Paris T: 0145389898 00852
Fondation Alsace, 24 Av de la Paix, 67000 Strasbourg T: 0388366377; Fax: 0388366377 . . . 00860 Fondation Américaine, 3128 Rte Berck, 62180 Rang-du-Fliers T: 0321090211; Fax: 0321847420 Focus: Educ 00861
Fondation Aquitaine, Rue Burgo de Osma, 33780 Soulac-sur-Mer T: 0556098399 Limitations: Grants in the region of Aquitaine only Focus: Arts 00863
Fondation Arc en Ciel, 46 Av Wilson, 25200 Montbéíiard T: 0381312330; Fax: 0381954538 . . . 00865 Fondation Arts et Métiers, 19 Rue RICM, 13100 Aix-en-Provence T: 0442215340 Focus: Arts 00866 Fondation Assistance aux Animaux, 24 Rue Berlioz, 75116 Paris T: 0140671004; Fax: 0144179001 Established: 1989; Chair A. Alessandri, Secy: L. Ferrara Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: AnimP 00867 Fondation Aurovllle, c/o Auroville International France, 6 Rue Cail, 75010 Paris T: 0140364367; Fax: 0140364367 Established: 1968 Focus: Dev; Ecol 00868 Fondation Bon Sauveur, 65 Rue de Baltimore, 50008 Saint-Lô Cedex T: 0233777777; Fax: 02337777B5 Focus: Psychia 00869 Fondation Bon Sauveur d'Alby, 1 Rue Lavazière, 81000 Albi T: 0563484848 Focus: Nurs
Fondation Bouddhique, I2bis Rue de la Liberté, 92220 Bagneux T: 0146635717 Focus: Rei 00871 Fondation Celtique, Lézuel, 22140 Brelidy T: 0296432888; Fax: 0296432490 Focus: Ethn 00872 Fondation Château de Jau, 66600 Case-dePene Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 00873 Fondation Château de Malntenon, 2 Pl Aristide Briand, 28130 Maintenon T: 0237230009; Fax: 0237230079 . . . 00874 Fondation Coloplast pour la Qualité de la Vie, Penpole 126, 58 Rue Roger Salengro, 94126 Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex T: 0149741709; Fax: 0148765464 Focus: Health; Med; Reh; Hand; Derm . 00875 Fondation Communautaire pour l'Enseignement et l'Education, 3ibis Rue de Thionville, 75019 Paris T: 0140181040; Fax: 0140181074 Focus: Educ 00876 Fondation Création Musicale, 141 Rue La Fayette, 75010 Paris T: 0148785060; Fax: 0145960697 Focus: Music 00877
Fondation SCI, 1 Rue de Metz, 75010 Paris Τ: 0148242434; Fax: 0148242435 . . . 00853
Fondation Crédit Lyonnais, 19 Bfvd des llaliens, 75002 Paris T: 0142955446; Fax: 0142956548 . . . 00878
Fondation 93, 70 Rue Douy Delcupe, 93100 Montreuil-sous-Bois T: 0149886633 00854
Fondation Croix Saint-Simon, 3 Rue Oudinot, 75007 Paris T: 0143061116; Fax: 0147344388 . . . 00879
Fondation Abbé Pierre pour le Logement des Défavorisés, 53 Blvd Vincent Auriol, 75013 Paris T: 0153828030; Fax: 0145852083 Established: 1992 Assets: FRF 2.400.000,Focus: Hous 00855
Fondation Culture Promotion, 1 Rue Louis XI, 45370 Cléry-Saint-André T: 0238457693 Focus: Cult 00880
Fondation Afrique en Créations, 51 Rue Sainte-Anne, 75002 Paris T: 0142606103; Fax: 0142606082 Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Air 00856
Fondation Julienne Dumeste, 77 Rue de Lille, 75007 Paris T: 0145484636 00833
Fondation Agir contre l'Exclusion, 48 Rue Roquette, 75011 Paris T: 0149237777; Fax: 0149237794 Focus: SocW 00857
Fondation Darnel, 64 Rue Montreuil, 78000 Versailles T: 0139500387; Fax: 0139512427 . . . 00806
Fondation Héloise Dupond, 275 Rue Plantis, 79360 Beauvoir-sur-Niort T: 0549096745; Fax: 0549097300 . . . 00834
Fondation Aide Loisirs, 9 Rue Léon Gambetta, 59157 Fontaine-au-Pire T: 0327855471 00858
Fondation Custodia, c/o Institut Néerlandais, 121 Rue de LJIIe, 75007 Paris T: 0147057519; Fax: 0145556535; E-Mail: custodiadwor1dnet.fr Established: 1947; Chair W.J. Haak, Secy: M. van Berge-Geitaud, Donops): Frits Lugt Focus: Arts 00881 Fondation Danoise, 9 Blvd Jourdan, 75014 Paris T: 0145894168 00882 Fondation de Coliloure, Château Royal, 66190 Collioure T: 0468820643 Limitations: Grants in Collioure only . . . 00883
00884 - 00974
13 Fondation de France, 40 Av Hoche, 75006 París Τ: 0144213100; Fax: 0144213101; E-Mail: fondation® fdl.org; Internet: http://www.fdf.org Established: 1969; Chair: Hubert Curien, Secy: Francis Chartion Expenditures: FRF 305.000.000,· Limitations; Grants in France onty Focus: Child; Youth; Sen; Dev; Scie; Ecoi; Cuit; SocS; Eur; Res; Hand 00884 Fondation de Jouques, 3 Blvd de la République, 13490 Jouques T: 0442637051; Fax: 0442676325 . , . 00885 Fondation de la Maleon de la Chasse et d e la Nature, 60 Rue des Archives, 75003 Paris T: 0153019240; Fax: 0142774570 Focus: Hunt; Ecol 00886 Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 54 Blvd Raspail, 75270 Paris Cedex 06 T: 0149542020; Fax: 0149542133 Chain Maurice Aymard Focus: SocS 00887 Fondation de la Miséricorde, 15 Fossés SaintJulien, 14000 Caen T: 0231385050 00888 Fondation de la Photo Chaufferie, 25 Rue Premier Film, 69006 Lyon T: 0476760170 Focus: Phot 00889 Fondation de la Révélation, Chemin Carambot de Ribassière, 13190 Allauch T: 0491074519 00890 Fondation de la Santé des Etudiants de France, 6 Rue E. Deutsch de la Meurthe, 75014 Paris T: 0145894339; Fax: 0145891762 Focus: Health 00891 Fondation de la Santé et de l'Homme, BP 36, 75661 Paris Established: 1983 Focus: Health; SocS 00892 Fondation de la Tour de Valat, Le Sambuc, 13200 Arles T: 0490972013; Fax: 0490972019 . . , 00893 Fondation de l'Abbaye d'Hautecombe, Abbaye d'Hautecombe, 73310 Saint-Pierre-de-Curtille T: 0479955860 Limitations: Local grants only 00894 Fondation de l'Academle Nationale de Medeclne-Farsam, 16 Rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Med 00895
Fondation de Service Politique, 83 Rue SaintDominique, 75007 Paris T: 0147530550; Fax: 0147530119 Focus: PolS 00908
Fondation du Prix Mondial de la Paix, BP 411, 75626 Paris Cedex 13 T: 0146282006 Focus: Peace 00933
Fondation d'Entreprise Umagraln, BP i, 63720 Chappes T: 0473634000; Fax: 0473634044 Established: 1992 Assets: FRF 1.414.525,Focus: Econ· 00909
Fondation Electricité de France, 26 Rue de la Baume, 75008 Paris Focus: En 00934
Fondation des Amis du Lycée International, 2bis Rue Fer à Cheval, 78100 Saint-Germain-enLaye T: 0134513740 Focus: Educ 00910 Fondation des Droits de l'Homme au Travail, 16 Rue Ampère, 75017 Paris T: 0147632094 Focus: HumR; Lab 00911 Fondation des Etats-Unis, 15 Blvd Jourdan, 75014 Paris T: 0153806880; Fax: 0153806899 . . . 00912 Fondation des Maristes de Puylata, 4 Montée Saint-Bailhélémy, 69005 Lyon T: 0478288911 00913 Fondation des Monastères de France, 21 Rue Paradis, 75010 Paris T: 0148244721; Fax: 0148000566 Focus: Rei 00914 Fondation des Mutuelles d u Mans Assurances, 19-21 Rue Chanzy, 72030 Le Mans T: 0243231291; Fax: 0243416477 Established: 1983; Chair Jean-Claude Seys, Secy: Michel Ridou Assets: FRF 150.000,Focus: Ins 00915 Fondation des Pays, 5 Rue Sextius Michel, 75015 Paris T: 0145773081; Fax: 0145772362 . . . 00916 Fondation des Petits Logements de la Vallée de Maromme, 4 Blvd des Belges, 76005 Rouen T: 0235523838 Focus: Hous 00917 Fondation des Sciences et Etudes Comptables, 86 Rue de Courcelles, 75008 Paris T: 0145386500 Focus: Bus 00918 Fondation des Stratégies, 14 Clos de la Trésorerie, 27100 Le Val-de-Reuil T: 0232590744
Fondation de l'Arche de la Fraternité, Toit de la Grande-Arche, 92040 Paris-La Défense Cedex
Fondation des Treilles, 90 Rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris T: 0147057189; Fax: 045559872 . . . . 00920
T: 0168536600; Fax: 0168536609; E-Mail: agi® fond-int-dh.org; Internet: http://www.fond-int.dh.org Established: 1989; Chair: Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, Secy: Marc Agi 00896
Fondation Distribution, 66 Av Breteuil, 75015 Paris T: 0140610001 00921
Fondation de l'Art du Futur, 3 Rue Lazare Hoche, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt T: 0148255372 Focus: Arts 00897 Fondation de l'Avenir pour la Recherche Médicale Appliquée, 17 Av de Choisy, 75013 Paris T: 0140775353; Fax: 0145832090 Focus: Med 00898 Fondation de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 29 PI Corolles, 92400 Couibevoie T: 0147758900; Fax: 0146989229 Focus: Voc; Eng 00899 Fondation de l'Economie Sociale, 24 Rue de Prony, 75017 Paris T: 0147663233 Focus: Econ 00900 Fondation de l'Education d'Environnement en Europe, 48 Rue du Docteur Pierret, 38250 Villardde-Lans T: 0476949029 Focus: Educ; Ecol 00901 Fondation de l'Etang, Etang, 72110 SaintCosme-en-Vairais T: 0243975509 00902 Fondation de l'Europe des Sciences et des Cultures, 19 Av Président Wilson, 75116 Paris T: 0147205777; Fax: 0147237082 Focus: NatS; Ethn 00903 La Fondation d e Lille, Pavillon Saint-Sauveur, 99 Rue Saint-Sauveur, 59800 Lille T: 0320531820 00904 Fondation de l'Industrie à l'Ecole des Mines de Nancy, Parc Saurupt, 54000 Nancy T: 0383564268 Focus: Min; Voc 00905 Fondation de l'Institution des Jeunes Aveugles et Déficients Visuels de Nancy, 8 Rue Santifontaine, 54052 Nancy Cedex T: 0383906800; Fax: 0383902570 Focus: Blirtds 00906 Fondation de Lourmarln, Rue du Temple, 84160 Lourmarin T: 0490682519 00907
Fondation Don Bosco, 40 PI Don Bosco, 06000 Nice T: 0493928585 00922 Fondation du Bénévolat, 34 Av Bugeaud, 75116 Paris T: 0153706636; Fax: 0153706637 Focus: SocW 00923 Fondation du Bocage, 339 Rue Costa de Beauregard, 73000 Chambéry T: 0479332209 00924 Fondation du Château de Malntenon, 28130 Maintenon T: 0237230009; Fax: 0237230079 Established: 1961 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 00925 Fondation du Coeur et d e s Vaisseaux, 106 Rue Charentor, 75012 Paris T: 0144730954 Focus: Card 00926 Fondation du Japon. Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris, 2 Rue Fédération, 75015 Paris T: 0144379500 Focus: Cult; fntU 00927 Fondation du Judaïsme Français, 32 PI SaintGeorges, 75442 Paris Cedex 09 T: 0149700342; Fax: 0149700341 Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Jew 00928 Fondation du L e v a n t Le Chade, 07170 Mirabel T: 0475947427 00929 Fondation du Parc Naturel Régional de Ca marque, Mas du Pont-de-Rousty, 13200 Arles T: 0490971040 Limitations: Predetermined grants in the region of Camarque only Focus: Eco» 00930 Fondation du Patrimoine, 1 PI Trocadéro, 75116 Paris Τ: 0153700570 00931 Fondation du Prado, 200 Rue du Prado, 69270 Fontaines-Saint-Maitn T: 0472421122; Fax: 0472421129 . . . 00932
Fondation Energies pour te Monde, 146 Rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris T: 0144180080; Fax: 0144180036; E-Mail: [email protected] Focus: En 00935 Fondation Enfance Résidence Sociale, 3 Av de l'Europe, 92300 Levallois-Perret T: 0147480849 Focus: Child 00936 Fondation Entente Franco-Allemande, 15 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 67081 Strasbourg Cedex T: 0388321800; Fax: 0388224814 Established: 1981 Limitations: Grants in France and Germany only Focus: IntU 00937 Fondation Entreprendre en France, c/o Assemblée des Chambres Françaises de Commerce et d'Industrie, BP 448-16, 75769 Paris T: 0140693700; Fax: 0147206128 Focus: Bus 00938 Fondation EPF, c/o Ecole d'Ingénieurs, 3bis Rue Lakanal, 92330 Sceaux T: 0241130165; Fax: 0546603994 Established: 1925 Focus: Eng 00939 Fondation Etudiant pour la Ville, PI Europe, 62400 Béthune T: 0321572113 00940 Fondation Etudiante pour la Ville, 26bis Rue Château Landon, 75010 Paris T: 0140360101; Fax: 0140367576 Focus: Educ 00941 Fondation Europe et Société, 14 Av Victor Hugo, 75116 Paris T: 0145015547; Fax: 0145016523 Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: SocS; Eur 00942 Fondation Européenne de la Science, 1 Quai Lezay-Mamésia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex T: 0388767100; Fax: 0388370532; E-Mail: communications @ esf.org Established: 1974; Chair: Sir Dai Rees, Secy: Prof. Enríe Banda Assets: FRF 100.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Europe onty Focus: Scie 00943 Fondation Européenne de la Sophrologle et de l'Ecologie Humaine, 1 Rue Charles Hermite, 57100 Thionville T: 0382341903 Focus: Ecol 00944 Fondation Européenne des Métiers du Patrimoine, Les Cerisiers, 1 Av Amandiers, 13100 Aix-en-Provence T: 0442990745 00945 Fondation Européenne des Services d'Accueil Téléphoniques Drogues, 11 Rue du Long, 75017 Paris T: 0142671747; Fax: 0147638892 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Drug 00946 Fondation Européenne pour l'Homme, la Nature et la Vie, c/o Institut Européen d'Ecologie, BP 4005, 57040 Metz Cedex T: 0387754114; Fax: 0387364198 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: SocS; Ecol 00947 Fondation Européenne Pro Venetla Viva, c/o Council of Europe, BP 431 R6, 67006 Srasbourg Cedex T: 0388412000; Fax: 0388412781 Established: 1974 Limitations: Grants to the city of Venezia (Italy) only Focus: Mon 00948 Fondation Française à l'Etranger, 8 Av Daniel Lesueur, 75007 Paris T: 0143064437 Focus: Miss 00949 Fondation Française de Cancérologie Digestive, 7 Blvd Jeanne d'Arc, 21000 Dijon T: 0380381314; Fax: 0380381841 Focus: Cane 00950 Fondation Française d'Études Nordiques, 190 Rue Beauvoisine, 76000 Rouen Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Ling; Lit 00951 Fondation Française pour la Recherche en Homéopathie, do Laboratoires Boiron, 20 Rue de la Libération, 69110 Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon T: 0472324132 Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Horn 00952
France: Fondation
Fondation Française pour la Recherche sur l'Epllepsie, 48 Rue Bargue, 75015 Paris T: 0147836536; Fax: 0140610144 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Epil 00953 Fondation France Aquitaine, 10 Pl de la Bourse, 33000 Bordeaux T: 0556520307; Fax: 0556012305 . . . 00954 Fondation France Télécom, 6 PI Alleray, 75015 Paris T: 0144448963; Fax: 0144440096 Focus: Music; Health; Hand 00955 Fondation Franco-Allemande pour l'Etude et l'Avancement des Sciences Immunologiques, BP 25, 01400 Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne T: 0474552844 Limitations: Grants in France and Germany only Focus: Immun 00956 Fondation Franco-Américaine de Berck, 72 Esplanade Parmentier, 62608 Berck-sur-Mer T: 0321893333; Fax: 0321893318 Established: 1921; Chair: L. Degroote Assets: FRF 169.177.000,· Limitations: Grants in Berck only Focus: Hand 00957 Fondation Franco-Américaine de Lyon, 108 Av du Maréchal de Saxe, 69003 Lyon T: 0478607852 Focus: IntU 00958 Fondation Franco-Japonaise Saskawa, 27 Rue du Cherche-Midi, 75006 Paris T: 0144393040; Fax: 0144393045 Established: 1990 Assets: FRF 132.000.000,Limitations: Grants in France and Japan only Focus: IntU 00959 Fondation GAN pour le Cinéma, 2 Rue Piilet Will, 75448 Paris Cedex 09 T: 0142475514; Fax: 0142473548 Focus: Cin 00960 Fondation Haltlenne, 55 Rue Riveterie, 44300 Nantes T: 0240493115 00961 Fondation Historique Sellier, Château Sellier, 83310 Cogolin Limitations: Local grants only Focus: Hist 00962 Fondation Hôpital Gardiens de la Paix, 35 Btvd Saint-Marcel, 75013 Paris Fax: 0145878381 00963 Fondation Hôpital Salnt-Joeph, 26 Blvd de Louvain, 13008 Marseille T: 0491806500 Focus: Nurs 00964 Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris-Hôpitaux de France, 13 Rue Scipion, 75005 Paris T: 0140274262; Fax: 0140274649; Internet: http:// www.fondation-hoprtaux.tr Established: 1989; Chair: Madame Jacques Chirac, Secy: Dominique Bernard Limitations: Grants to French hospitals only Focus: Health; Child; Ped; Sen . . . . 00965 Fondation Hospice des Orphelins, 16 Av du Maréchal Joffre, 33115 Pyla-su r-Mer Τ: 0556545888 Focus: Ο φ 00956 Fondation Hospitalière, 50 Blvd Europe, 29430 Plouescat T: 0298696052; Fax: 0298696524 Focus: Nurs 00967 Fondation I.N.R.I.E., 11 Rue Michel Chasles, 75012 Paris T: 0143405550; Fax: 0143405001 Focus: Indu 00968 Fondation I.V.S., 9 Rue Châtillon, 75014 Paris T: 0145456812 00969 Fondation ICAR, 159 Quai Valmy, 75010 Paris T: 0153263661 00970 Fondation IH & RA pour l'Avenir, (IH & RA Foundation for the Future), c/o IH & RA, 251 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin, 75010 Paris T: 0144899400; Fax: 0140367330 Established: 1989; Chair Marie Maley, Secy: Ratna Lefort, Donor(s): Raymond Fenelon Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Schol; Voc 00971 Fondation III, 9bis Rue Lucien Sampaix, 75010 Paris T: 0140400174; Fax: 0142025130 . . . 00972 Fondation Industrie-Ecoles-MInes, 71 Av du Général Ledere, 54000 Nancy T: 0383569877 Focus: Indu; Educ; Min 00973 Fondation Internationale des Droits de l'Homme, Toit de la Grande Arche, 92040 Parisla-Défense T: 0149072670; Fax: 0149072721 Focus: HumR 00974
France: Fondation
00975 - 01066
Fondation Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature et du Patrimoine, 28 Rue du Général Leclerc, 93360 Neuilly Plaisance T: 0143001280; Fax: 0143006134; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 19Θ4; Secy: Pierre André Hervo Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Ecol; Mon 00975
Fondation Méditerranéenne d'Etudes Stratégiques, c/o Toulon Var Technologies, 47 Av de Lattre de Tassigny, Galaxie C, 83000 Toulon T: 0494068896 Established: 1991 Assets: FRF 1.500.000,Limitations: Grants in the Mediterranean region only Focus: Milit 00990
Fondation Internationale pour la Sauvegarde de la Faune, 15 Rue de Téhéran, 75008 París Τ: 0156597755; Fax: 0145633294 Focus: AnimP 00976
Fondation Médulienne, 1 Av El Burgo de Osiria, 33780 Soulac-sur-Mer T: 0556098399 00999
Fondation Internationale pour la Sauvegarde du Gibier, 15 Rue de Téhéran, 75008 Paris T: 0145635133 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: AnimP 00977 Fondation Internationale pour la Zoothérapie, La Briche, 37340 Hommes T: 0247246937 Focus: Vet 00978 Fondation Internationale pour l'Information Scientifique, 37 Blvd Lannes, 75016 Paris T: 0145703078 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Scie 00979 Fondation Internationales des Nations Unies pour l'Enfance, Les Landes, 24650 Chancelade T: 0553047849 Focus: Child 00980 Fondation Jade, Chemin Vignes Frize, 74140 Messery T: 0450947202 00981 Fondation Jazzaparc, Feneyrols, 12270 Bor-etT: 0565657760; Fax: 0565657430
. . 00982
Fondation Jeunesse Avenir Entreprise, 60 Av Jean Mermoz, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08 T: 0478770760; Fax: 0478770766 Established: 1990 Assets: FRF 5.874.000,· 00983 Fondation Jeunesse Feu Vert, 70 Rue JeanPierre Timbaud, 75011 Paris T: 0143570839 Focus: Youth 00984 Fondation Journalistes en Europe, 4 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009 Paris T: 0155772000; Fax: 0148244002; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.europmag.com Established: 1974; Chair: Frans Vink, Secy; Jacques Stoufflet, Donor(s): Philippe Viennoy, Hubert Beude-Méry, Gerald Long Receipts: FRF 5.520.000,·, Expenditures: FRF 5.520.000,Limitations: Grants to European journalists only Focus: Jour 00985 Fondation La Castille, Rte Fariède, 83260 La Crau Τ: 0494667148; Fax: 0494487834 . . . 00986 Fondation La Navarre, 46 PI Millénaire, 34000 Montpellier T: 0467654315; Fax: 0467653215 . . . 00987 Fondation tes Arts et les Autres, 15 Rue Jacques Hillairet, 75012 Paris T: 0143456846; Fax: 0143456846 Focus: Arts 00988 Fondation Les Dentelles, 8 PI Saint-Jacques, 76200 Dieppe T: 0235841873 00989 Fondation Les Treilles, Qua Treilles, 83690 Tourtour T: 0494505750; Fax: 0494505790 . . . 00990 Fondation Luthérienne pour la Recherche Oecuménique, 8 Rue Gustave-Klotz, 67000 Strasbourg T: 0388152575; Fax: 0388152570; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1963 Focus: Rei 00991
Fondation Mémoire d'Auschwitz, 266 Rue d'Estienne d'Orves, 92700 Colombes T: 0146490794 Focus: Hist 01000 Fondation Métallurgique et Minière pour la Santé, Bât A, 65 Blvd des Alpes, 38240 Meylan T: 0476419525 Focus: Health 01001 Fondation Mondiale Recherche et Prévention SIDA, 1 Rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15 T: 0145683841 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: AIDS 01002 Fondation Mondiale SIDA, 1 Rue Miollis, 75015 París Τ: 0145683841 Focus: AIDS 01003 Fondation Napoléon, 82 Rue Monceau, 75008 Paris T: 0145222457; Fax: 0142932351 . . . 01004 Fondation Nationale de Gérontologie, 49 Rue Mirabeau, 75016 Paris T: 0155746700; Fax: 0155746701 Established: 1967 Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Ger 0ÍOO5 Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, 11 Rue Benyer, 75008 Paris Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Arts; Graph 01006 Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiquee, 27 Rue Saint-Guillaume, 75337 Paris Cedex 07 Τ: 0145495050; Fax: 0142841864 Established: 1945; Chair: René Remond, Secy: Richard Descoings Assets: FRF 165.000.000,Lirnitations: Grants in France only Focus: PoiS 01007 Fondation Nationale d'Ostéopathie, 9 Rue Neyron, 42000 Saint-Etienne Τ: 0477212954 Focus: Med 01008 Fondation Nationale Entreprise et Performance, 2 PI Coupole, 92400 Courbevoie T: 0147445436 Focus: Bus 01009 Fondation Nationale pour la Protection des Habitats Français de la Faune Sauvage, 48 Rue Alésia, 75014 Paris Τ: 0143222864 Focus: AnimP 01010 Fondation Nationale pour la Protection Sanitaire et Sociale d u Clergé de France, 3 Rue Duguay-Trouin, 75006 Paris T: 0142220777; Fax: 0145485390 Focus: Health; SocW 01011 Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises, 2 Av Hoche, 75008 Paris T: 0147660308; Fax: 0147540599; E-Mail: fnege@ imaginet.fr Established: 1968; Chair: Yvon Chotard, Secy: Jean-Claude Cuzzi Limitations·. Grants in France only Focus: Voc; Bus 01012
14 Fondation Parole et Silence, 5 Rue Belzunce, 75010 Paris T: 0142804155 01020 Fondation Postuniversltaire Internationale Français pour Etrangers, 13 Rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris T: 0140280403; Fax: 0140284922 Focus: Educ 01021 Fondation pour la Connaissance de Paris, 21 Rue Repos, 75020 Paris T: 0143707087; Fax: 0143702816 , . . 01022 Fondation pour la Démocratie en Europe, 197 Blvd Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris T: 0149540160; Fax: 0149540165 Focus: PolS; Eur 01023 Fondation pour la Mémoire da la Déportation, 71 Rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris T; 0147053188; Fax: 0144423562 Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Hist 01024 Fondation pour la Paix, Le Verger, Av du Sémaphore, 06190 Roquebrune-Cap Martin T: 0493356370 Focus: Peace 01025 Fondation pour la Protection de la Forêt Méditerranéenne, Site Ecomusée, Chemin Départementale 7, 13120 Gardanne T: 0442514100; Fax: 0442584972 Focus: Ecol 01026 Fondation pour la Recherche Cardlovasculalre, 96 Blvd Maurice Barrés, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine T: 0146375119 Focus: Card 01027 Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Française, 54 Rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris T: 0144397575; Fax: 0145492392; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.frm.org Established: 1962; Chair: Pierre Joly, Secy: Claire Dadou Willmann, Donops): Jean Bernard, Jean Hamburger Assets: FRF 200.000.000,-, Receipts: FRF 130.000.000,-, Expenditures: FRF 90.000.000,Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Med 01028 Fondation pour la Recherche Sociale, 28 Rue Godefroy Cavaignac, 75011 Paris T: 0140091512; Fax: 0140091532 Established: 1965 Focus: SocS 01029 Fondation pour la Science, Centre International de Synthèse, 12 Rue Colbert, 75002 Paris T: 0142975068; Fax: 0142974646; E-Mail: sy nthese @fìIn et.fr Established: 1924; Chair: Jean-Claude Perrot, Secy: Michel Blay, Eric Brian, Donor(s): Henri Berr Focus: Scie 01030 Fondation pour l'Action Internationale en Montagne, Hôtel du Département, 4 Rue du Château, 73000 Chambéry T: 0479967419 01031 Fondation pour le Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae, 6 Rue Frédéric-Bastiat, 7500B Paris T: 0142562940 Established: 1972 Focus: Ut 01032 Fondation pour ie Logement Social, 31 Rue Dantzig, 75015 Paris T: 0153689898; Fax: 0148562222 Focus: Hous 01033 Fondation pour le Progrès de l'Homme, 10 Rue Pressoir, 93470 Coubron T: 0143321049 Focus: SocS 01034
Fondation pour une Vie Meilleure, 26 Rue Pierre Bérégovoy, 33150 Cenon T: 0557800236 Focus: SocS 01041 Fondation Régionale de Cardiologie, Résidence Rots Bleus, Bât C, 250 Av Evéché de Maguelone, 34250 Palavas-les-Fk>ts T: 0467505962 Focus: Card 01042 Fondation Rencontres Européennes, 12 Rue Massiou, 17087 La Rochelle T: 0546418115; Fax: 0546410249; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fundaqa-krokowa.pl/deutsch/buero-fr.hlm Secy: Gisela Sebbin Focus: IntU; Eur 01043 Fondation Résistance, 6 Blvd des invalides, 75007 Paris T: 0147057369 Focus: Milit 01044 Fondation Résurectlon, Chemin Coustères, 65100 Lourdes T: 0562947727 Focus: Reh 01045 Fondation Ripaille, Château Ripaille, 74200 Thonon-les-Bains T: 0450266444; Fax: 0450265474 Established: 1977 Focus: Ecol 01046 Fondation Roi David, 9 Rue d'Artois, 75008 Paris T: 0143598538 01047 Fondation Royale d'Albanie, Château Béthune, 18380 La Capelle-d'Angiilon T: 0248739477 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01048 Fondation Royaumont, Abbaye de Royaumont, 95270 Asnières-sur-Oise T: 0130355900; Fax: 0130353945 . . . 01049 Fondation Saint-Flrmln, 15 Beauvillé, 80000 Amiens T: 0322714604 Fondation Saint-Jean, 6 Rue du Général Metman, 57070 Metz T: 0387740639; Fax: 0387364363 . . . 01051 Fondation Saint-Louis, I02bis Rue de Miromesnil, 75008 Paris
Fondation Saint-Marc, Lieu dit Saint-Marc, 68420 Gueberschwihr T: 0389493969 01053 Fondation Saint-Martin, 33 Av du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 61000 Albi T: 0563471506; Fax: 0563477042 Focus: Rei 01054 Fondation Saint-Simon, 91bis Rue Cherche Midi, 75006 Paris T: 0142223852; Fax: 0142229533 . . . 01055 Fondation Saint-Thomas, 1a Quai Saint-Thomas, 67000 Strasbourg T: 0388259020 01056 Fondation Salve, 28 Rue de Lisbonne, 75008 Paris T: 0153891234; Fax: 0153891235 . . . Ûf057 Fondation Sansouire, Mas Ligagneau, Rte Etoumeau, 13200 Aries T: 0490987331 01058 Fondation Santé des Etudiants de France, 8 Rue Emile Deutsch de la Meurthe, 75014 Paris T: 0145894339; Fax: 0145891064 Assets: FRF 750.000.000,Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Health 01059
Fondation Notre Dame, 8 Rue de la Ville l'Evêque, 75008 Paris T: 0149241119; Fax: 0149241122 Established: 1992 01013
Fondation pour l'Education à l'Environnement en Europe, 6 Av Maine, 75015 Paris T: 0145494050; Fax: 0145492769 Focus: Ecol; Educ 01035
Fondation Lycée Professionnel, 254 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012 Paris T: 0143724972 Focus: Voc 00992
Fondation Scientifique de la Géologie et de ses Applications, 94 Av de Lattre de Tassigny, 54000 Nancy T: 0383553523; Fax: 0383510599 Focus: Geol 01060
Fondation Notre Dame de Joie, 175 Av du Général Leclerc, 92340 Bourg-la-Reine T: 0147022758 Focus: Rei 01014
Fondation pour l'Energie de Fusion, 19 Rue Nollet, 75017 Paris T: 0142930234 Focus: En 01036
Fondation M.G., 4 Rue Odessa, 75014 Paris T: 0140470333; Fax: 0145385297 . . . 00993
Fondation Oeuvre de la Croix Saint-Simon, 18 Rue de la Croix Saint-Simon, 75020 Paris T: 0144641600; Fax: 0143713396 Assets: FRF 180.000.000,01015
Fondation Scientifique Lyon Sud Est, 60 Av Jean Mermoz, 69008 Lyon T: 0478770461 Focus: Scie 01061
Fondation pour l'Enfance, 17 Rue Castagnary, 75015 Paris T: 0153681650; Fa*: 0153681659; E-Mail: dation .enfance θ wanadoo.fr Established: 1977; Chair: Anne-Aymone Giscard d'Estaing, Secy: Marie-Paule Poilpot, Donor(s): Anne-Aymone Giscard d'Estaing Focus: Youth; Chitó 01037
Fondation SCOA pour la Recherche Scientifique en Afrique-Noire, 31 Quai de Grenelle, 75738 Paris Cedex Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Scie; Afr 01062
Fondation Maison des Champs de SaintFrançois d'Assise, 16 Rue du Général Brunet, 75019 Paris T: 0148038610; Fax: 0142381629 Established: 1931 00994 Fondation Malérargues, Malérargues, 30140 Thoiras T: 0466850738; Fax: 0466854802 . . . 00995 Fondation Marie, Chemin Etroits, 31320 Toulouse T: 0561521457 00996 Fondation Médicale Franco-Américaine du Mont Valérien, Fondation Maréchal Foch, 40 Rue Worth, 92151 Suresnes T: 0145062924; Fax: 0146970439; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1929; Chair: Georges Dominjon Limitations: Grants in France and the USA only Focus: Med 00997
Fondation Ophtalmologique, 29 Rue Manin, 75019 Paris T: 0142081033 Focus: Opht 01016 Fondation Orphelin, 12 Av 8 Mai 1945, 33290 Blanquefort T: 0556956782 Focus: Orp 01017 Fondation Paradis, 1 Chemin Droit, 43000 Espaly-Saint-Marcel T: 0471090529; Fax: 0471099960 Focus: Sen 01018 Fondation Parlbas Musées et Monuments de France, 41 Av de l'Opéra, 75002 Paris T: 0142981604; Fax: 0142981411 Focus: Mon; Arts 01019
Fondation pour les Etudes de Défense Nationale, 94bis Av de Suffren, 75015 Paris T: 0153696320; Fax: 0153696329 Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Milit 01038 Fondation pour l'Intégration Républicaine, 62 Blvd Garibaldi, 75015 Paris T: 0143069103; Fax: 0143069104 Focus: PolS 01039 Fondation pour un Monde Nouveau, Villa Mayotte, 24 Blvd Taza, 13007 Marseille Fax: 0491310026 01040
Fondation Scouts de France, 54 Av Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris T: 0144523721 Focus: Youth 01063 Fondation Septentrion, Chemin Coulons, 59700 Lille T: 0320463032; Fax: 0320034764 . . . 01064 Fondation Sud, Maison P. Neruda, 66 Rue du 4 Septembre, 13200 Aries T: 0490937856; Fax: 0490493905 . . . 01065 Fondation Toxicomanie et Prevention Jeunesse, 38 Rue du Texel, 75014 Paris T: 0143201818; Fax: 0143216040 Focus: Drug
01067 - 01165
15 Fondation Transplantation Alsace, 5 Av Molière, 67200 Strasbourg T: 0386260626; Fax: 03Θ8261226 Focus: Surg 01067
France: Lejeune
Fondation Fourmentln-Gullbert, 84 Rue de la République, 93160 Noisy-ie-Grand Τ: 0143032169; Fax: 0143030045 . . . 01090
Fondation Joséphine Gulllon, 80 Av Joséphine Guillen, 01700 Miribel Τ: 0478557575; Fax: 0478550019 . . . 01117
Fondation Union Home, 35 Rue Daguere, 66200 Mulhouse Τ: 0389425741; Fax: 0389436903 . . . 01068
Fondation Fralneau, 62 Αν Paul Brino Marleil, 16100 Cognac Τ: 0545366320; Fax: 0545366325 Focus: Psychia 01091
Fondation Guyard-Untier, 339 Rue Grinhard, 53100 Mayenne Τ: 0243042208 01118
Fondation Université de l'Europe, 6 Rue Jean Calvin, 75005 Paris T: 0143317646 Focus: Uni 01069
France Active, 201 Rue du Temple, 75003 Paris Τ: 0144618850 Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants in France only . . . 01092
Fondation Guyénot Pall lot, 2 Rue du Château, 71270 Pierre-de-Bresse T: 0385762472; Fax: 0385768014 Focus: Educ 01119
Fondation Ushuaia, 52 Blvd Malesherbes, 75008 Paris T: 0144908303; Fax: 0144908319 Assets: FRF 11.000.000,· 01070
Fondation Franki, 9 Av Jean Baptiste Lebas, 59100 Roubaix Τ: 0320819820; Fax: 0320819821 . . . 01093
Fondation Jean Guyomarch, Talhouet, 56250 Saint-NoHf T: 0297484060; Fax: 0297484069 . , . 01120
French-American Foundation, 54 Btvd Raspail, 75006 Paris T: 0149542207; Fax: 0149542161 Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants in France and the USA only Focus: IntU 01094
Fondation Jacquemart-André, 158 Blvd Haussmann, 75008 Paris Τ: 0142890491; Fax: 0142250923 Focus: Arts
Fondation Hachette, 4 Rue de Presbourg, 75116 Paris T: 0140691873; Fax: 0147230192 Established: 1989 01121
Fondation Virginie Janssens, Mas Charrou, 46260 Limogne-en-Quercy T: 0565243050 01140
Fondation Val de Loire, 67 Rue Charles Beau hai re, 45140 Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle T: 0238884535; Fax: 0238860682 . . . 01071 Fondation Vallée, 7 Rue Benserade, 94250 Gentilly T: 0141248100 Focus: Psychia 01072 Fondation Villes, 37 Rue Huguerie, 33000 Bordeaux T: 0556447206; Fax: 0556447207 . . . 01073 Fonds d'Art Contemporain du Limousin, 27 Blvd de la Corderie, 87031 Limoges Cedex T: 0555451855 Focus: Arts 01074 Fonds d'Assurance Formation du Travail Temporaire, BP 40, 75462 Paris Cedex 10 T: 0144796969; Fax: 0144796979 Focus: Voc 01075 Fonds d'Indemnisation des Hémophiles et Transfusés, BP 115, 94303 Vincennes Cedex T: 0143987878 Limitations: Local grants only Focus: AIDS 01076 Fonds Européen pour la Liberté d'Expression, c/o J. Mallet, 278 Btvd Raspati, 75014 Paris T: 0169922849; Fax: 0160804591; E-Mail: fe. [email protected] Established: 1987; Chair: J. Mallet, Secy: C. Gasagrande Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: PoIS 01077 Fonds Francophone de la Recherche. c/o AUPELF-UREF, 4 PI de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris T: 0144411818; Fax: 0144411819; Internet: http:// www.refef.org/tir/ Established: 1993 Focus: Res 01078 Fonds Francophone pour le Développement des Inforoutes, c/o ACCT, 13 Quai André Citroën, 75015 Paris T: 0144373300; Fax: 0144373313 Established: 1997 Focus: Electron 01079 Fonds Multilatéral Unique, c/o ACCT, 13 Quai André Citroën, 75015 Paris T: 0144373300; Fax: 0144373313 Focus: Dev 01060 Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain, 13-15 Av de Fontmaure, 63400 Chamalières T: 0473363607 Focus; Arts 01061 Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain, 49 Rue de Longvic, 21000 Dijon T: 0380671818 Limitations: Regional grants only Focus: Arts 01062 Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain Bretagne, 3 Rue de Noyât, 35410 Châteaugiron T: 0299373793 Limitations: Grants in the region of Bretagne only Focus: Arts 01063 Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain RhôneAlpes, 25 Rue Chazière, 69000 Lyon Limitations: Grants in the region of Rhôe-Alpes only Focus: Arts 01064 Fondation Blanche de Fontarce, Rte de Velles, 36000 Château roux T: 0254221752; Fax: 0254342880 . . . 01085 Fondation de Fontarce, 14 Rue Marignan, 75008 Paris T: 0142561096 01086 Forum du Futur, 19 Rue de la Trémoille, 75008 Paris T: 0140738626; Fax: 0147201826 Established: 1982 Focus: Fut 01087 Fondation Fougerat, Bois Charente, 16120 Graves T: 0545819291 01088 Foundation lor International Scientific Coordination, 12 Rue Colbert, 75002 Paris T: 0142975068; Fax: 0142974646; E-Mail: synthè[email protected] Established: 1924; Chair Jean-Claude Perret, Secy: Michel Blay; Eric Brian, Dor>or(s): Henri Berr Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Scie 01089
Frères des Hommes international, 45bis Rue de la Glacière, 75013 Paris T: 0147070000 Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Educ; Dev 01095
Fondation Halleur, 24 Rue d'Amiens, 60210 Grandvilliers T: 0344467753; Fax: 0344461433 . . . 01122 Fondation Handas, 16 Rue Alexandre Dumas, 76380 Canteleu T: 0235089151; Fax: 0235083453 . . . 01123
Fondation Furtado Heine, Villa des Officiers, 121 Rue de France, 06000 Nice Τ: 0493375100; Fax: 0493375101 . . . 01096
Fondation Edmond Haraucourt, Kervarabès, 22870 Brehat T: 0296200117 01124
Fondation Fyssen, 194 flue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris Τ: 0142975316; Fax: 0142601795 . . . 01097
Fondation Hartmann, Pavillon Hartmann, 27 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris T: 0142341475 Focus: Opht 01125
Fondation GallgnanI, 89 Blvd Bineau, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine T: 0146372341 01098 Fondation Garino, Rue Etienne Lieutaud, 06220 Vallauris T: 0493649930 01099 Fondation Anne de Gaulle, 5 Rte de Romainville, 78470 Milon-Ia-Chapelle T: 0130526491; Fax: 0130524252 . . . 01100 Fondation Charles de Gaulle, 5 Rue de Sotférino, 75007 Paris T: 0145551260; Fax: 0145502560 Established: 1992 01101 Fondation Raymond Georges, Rue Louis Barthou, 60260 Lamortaye T: 0344215016 01102 Géotechnique Fondation Contrôle, 20 Chemin Furet, 31200 Toulouse Τ: 0534250150 Focus: Min 01103 Fondation Internationale Ferdinand Glllet, c/o International Concièrge Institute, 12 Rue Cambon, 75001 Paris Τ: 0142869527, 0143296248; Fax: 0142601644 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Educ 01104 Fondation Glllet Mérleux, Hôpital Lyon-Sud, Chemin Grand Revoyet, 69310 Pierre-Benite Fax: 0478505494 01105 Fondation Albert Glelzes, 11 Rue Berryer, 75008 Paris T: 0143597225 01106 Fondation Godln, 265 Cité Familistère, 02120 Guise T: 0323613536 0ÍJ07 Fondation Goethe, 1 Rue des Moulins, 67000 Strasbourg T: 0388325358 Focus: Lit 01108 Académie Goncourt, c/o Drouant, PI Gaillon, 75002 Paris T: 0145202721 Established: 1896; Donops): Edmond de Goncourt Limitations: Annual Prix Goncourt for the best prose work of the year published in French Focus: Lit 01109 Fondation Jean Jacques Goupll, 4-6 Rue la Grosse Pierre, 94152 Rungis T: 0546872300 Assets: FRF 250.000,01110 Fondation Louise Gouve, 44 Rue Commune de Paris, 93300 Aubervilliers T: 0148110164 01111 Fondation Greffulhe, 115 Rue Chaptal, 92300 Levallois-Perret T: 0147586000; Fax: 0147590231 . . .01112 Fondation Anne Grite, Le Village, 83670 Foxamphoux T: 0494807148
Fondation Grimaud, Chez Pipe, 42310 La T: 0477664080; Fax: 0477641014 Focus: Sen
Fondation Daniel et Florence Guerlain, 29 Rue Neuve, 78490 Les Mesnuls Τ: 0134861919; Fax: 0134869073 . . . 01115 Fondation Guile, Le Village, 26210 Moras-en· Valloire T: 0475318206; Fax: 0475318209 . . . 01116
Fondation Hans Härtung et Anna-Eva Bergman, 173 Chemin du Valbosquet, 06600 Antibes T: 0493334592; Fax: 0493332733; E-Mail: courier® FondationHartungBergman.fr; Internet: http:// www.FondationHartungBergman.fr Established: 1994; Chair: Daniel Malingre, Secy: François Hers Assets: FRF,-, Receipts: FRF 6.711.365.-, Expenditures: FRF 7.971.958,Focus: Arts 01126 Fondation Historique Dame Hautebrune, 22 Rue Edouard Branly, 18000 Bourges Τ: 0248240569 Focus: Hist 01127 Fondation Louis Hémon, Rte d'Elliant, ErguéGaberic, 29000 Quimper T: 0298595468 01128 Fondation Entraide Hostater, 40 Rue Rouelle, 75015 Paris T: 0145772490 01129 Fondation Hugot du Collège de France, 11 Rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: Econ; Cuit; Scie; Med; Rei; Hum; PoIS; Ecol 01130 Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l'Homme, 52 Blvd Malesherbes, 75008 Paris T: 0144908300; Fax: 0144908319; E-Mail: fnh@ fnh.org Focus: Ecol 01131 Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, 27 Rue Saint-Guillaume, 75337 Paris Cedex 07 T: 0145495050; Fax: 0142223964 Focus: PoIS 01132 Institut du Monde Arabe, 1 Rue des Fossés Saint-Bernard, 7005 Paris T: 0140513838; Fax: 0143547645 Focus: Orient 01133 Institut Néerlandais, 121 Rue de Lille, 75007 Paris T: 0153591240; Fax: 0145560077 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Frits Lugt, Jacoba Lugt Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: IntU 01134 International Agency for Research on Cancer, 150 Cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08 Τ: 0472738485; Fax: 0472738575; E-Mail: Lastname Ô iarc.fr Established: 1965; Chair: Dr. Paul Kleihues Assets: US $ 17.903.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Cane 01135 International Foundation for Social Innovation, 16 Av de Friedland, 75008 Pans Τ: 0142256881; Fax: 0142563432 Established: 1975 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocS 01136 International Foundation for the Conservation of Wildlife, 15 Rue de Téhéran, 75008 Paris Τ: 0145635133; Fax: 0145633294; E-Mail: igf@ cirad.tr Established: 1977; Secy: B, des Clers, Donors): Prince Abdorceza of Iran Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: AnimP 01137
International Osteoporosis Foundation, (formerly: European Foundation for Osteoporosis), 71 Cours A. Thomas, 69003 Lyon T: 0472914177; Fax: 0472369052; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1987; Chair Prof. Pierre D. Delmas, Secy: Mary Fraser, Donor|s): Prof. Herbert Fleisch, Prof. John A. Karis, Dr. Claus Christiansen Assets: CH F 1.500.000,-, Receipts: CHF 400.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 660.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Med 01138
Fondation de Jau, Château, 66600 Cases-de-Pène Τ: 0468641138 Focus: Arts 01141 Fondation Jean Jaurès, 73 Av Paul Doumer, 75116 Paris Τ: 0140722121; Fax: 0140722139 . . . 01142 Fondation Louis Jou, Grand Rue, 13520 Les Bauxde-Provence Τ: 0490543417 01143 Fondation Nationale Alfred Kastler, 2 Rue Brûlée, 67000 Strasbourg T: 0388755606; Fax: 0388222477 . . .01144 Fondation Kerjean, 5 Av Foch, 75116 Paris T: 0145021650 01145 Fondation Kikoine, 70 Blvd La Tour Maubourg, 75007 Paris Fax: 0145554668 01146 Fondation Institut Klorane, 15 Rue Théron Périé, 81100 Castres T: 0800491779 01147 Fondation Krüger, Mas Coume, Rte Col de Jau, 66500 Mosset T: 0468050164 01148 Fondation La Salle, 9bis Rte de Toulouse, 31820 Pibrac T: 0561067149 01149 Fondation Pierre Lafue, 21 Rue Cherche Midi, 75006 Paris T: 0145489348 Focus: Educ 01150 Fondation Lalance, Rue Carrières, 68200 Mulhouse T: 0389651474
Fondation Lamauve, 101 Rue Renard, 76000 Rouen T: 0232102830; Fax: 0232101759 Focus: Sen 01152 Fondation Lambrechts, 44 Rue Fontenay, 92320 Châtillon T: 0146542040; Fax: 0146540126 . . . 01153 Fondation Langiois, 17 Rue Emile Souvestre, 35000 Rennes T: 0299303311 01154 Fondation Larzac, La Blaquière, 12100 Millau 01155 Fondation Le Corbusier, 8-10 Sq du Docteur Blanche, 75016 Pans T: 0142884153; Fax: 0142683317; Internet: http:// www.fondationlecoibusier.asso.fr Established: 1968; Chair Christian Pattyn, Secy: Evelyne Trehin Focus: Archit 01156 Fondation Jean Léon Le Prévost. 7 Rue Blomet, 75015 Paris T: 0145671364; Fax: 0143066175 . . . 01157 Fondation Jules Lebaudy, 124 Av Daumesnil, 75012 Paris T: 0143422499 01158 Fondation Madame Jules Lebaudy, 24 Allée Anne de Beaujeu, 75019 Paris T: 0142493757 01159 Fondation Lucy Lebon, 33 Rue Louis Bréguet, 52100 Saint-Dizier T: 0325565709 Focus: Ther 01160 Fondation Lecallier Leriche, Rue du Général Giraud, 76320 Caudebec-les-Elbeuf T: 0232960888 01161 Fondation Maréchal Leclerc, Rue du Maréchal Lyautey, 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye T: 0134519179 01162 Institut Claude Nicolas Ledoux, Saline Royale, 25610 Arc-et-Senans T: 0381544500; Fax: 0381544501 Established: 1972 Focus: Fut 01163 Fondation Leducq, 46 Rue Paul Valéry, 75016 Paris T: 0144170900; Fax: 0144170909 . . . 01164 Fondation Jérôme Lejeune, 31 Rue Galande, 75005 Paris T: 0153100830; Fax: 0144071625 . . . 0JJ65
France: Lenval
01166 - 01270
Fondation Lenval, 57 Av Californie, 06200 Nice Τ: 0492150041; Fax: 0492150088 Focus: Nurs; Ped 01166
Fondation Messing, 227 Impasse Stade, 74500 Neuvecelle Τ: 0450752693 01193
Fondation Louis Lépine, 127bis Rue Gabriel Péri, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicetre Τ: 0146712297 01167
Fondation Martine Midy, 74 Rue Marcel Cachin, 93000 Bobigny T: 0148369722; Fax: 0148369731 . . . 01194
Fondation Lépine, 51 Rue Chantiers, 78000 Versailles T: 0139506116; Fax: 0139506076 Focus: Sen 01169
France-Liberté Fondation Danielle Mitterand, Palais de Chaillot, 1 PI du Trocadéro, 75116 Paris T: 0153251040 Established: 1981 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: HumR; Ecol; Rae; Child; SocW; AIDS 01195
Fondation Lepoutre, 5 Rue Emile Zola, 94130 Nogent-sur-Mame Τ: 014B732912 Focus: Sen 01169 Fondation Lesur, 180 Rue Albert Meunier, 02230 Fresnoy-le-Grand T: 0323090988; Fax: 0323660944 . . .01170 Fondation Leung K o k Yuen, do M. Picard, 14a Rue de Bàie, 67100 Strasbourg Τ: 0388842789 01171 Fondation A.G. Leventls, 86 Αν Foch, 75116 Paris 01172 Fondation Lévy, 67 Rue d'Amsterdam, 75008 Paris 01173 Fondation Marthe Andrée Lucas, 26 Blvd Maillot, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine T: 0146249151 01174 Fondation Luro, Bourg, 64220 Ispoure T: 0559370055; Fax: 0559372706 Focus: Nurs; Sen
Fondation Victor Lyon, 29 Blvd Jourdan, 75014 Paris T: 0144167468 01176 Fondation Martine Lyon, 17 Rue Albert Bayet, 75013 Paris T: 0145708608 01177 Fondation Maeght, 06570 Saint-Paul T: 0493328163; Fax: 0493325322; E-Mail: contact® fondation-maeght.com Established: 1964; Chair: Jean-Louis Prat Focus: Archit; Arts 01179 Fondation Napoléon Magne, Centre Hospitalier, Rte de Limoges, 24750 Trélissac T: 0553077174 Focus: Nurs 01179 Maison de la Chimie, 28-28bis Rue SaintDominique, 75007 Paris T: 0147051073 Established: 1927 Focus: Chem 01190 Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 54 Blvd Raspail, 75270 Paris Cedex 06 T: 0149542000; Fax: 0149542133; E-Mail: aymard® msh-paris.fr Established: 1957; Chair: Prof. Maurice Aymard, Donor(s): Prof. Fernand Brajden Focus: SocS 01181 Fondation Jacqueline Mallet et Jean Louis de Neuflize, 22 Rte Gressey, 78550 Richebourg T: 0134853600; Fax: 0134877279 . . . 01182 Fondation Mangini Gensoul, Le Fenoyl, 69610 Les Halles T: 0474700707; Fax: 0474700701 Focus: Nurs 01193 Fondation Mannheimer Zetterlof, 2 Av Selestre, 13260 Cassis T: 0442012492 01184 Fondation Paul Marmottan, 2 Rue Louis Boilly, 75016 Paris T: 0144965033; Fax: 0140506584 Focus: Arts 01185 Fondation Claude Martin, 9 Rue des Augustins, 69001 Lyon T: 0478284750; Fax: 0478306589 . . .01186 Fondation Massé Petit-Cuenot, 22 Rue Bourg, 29000 Quimper T: 0298553855; Fax: 0298551146 . . . 01187 Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l'Homme, 38 Rue Saint-Sabin, 75011 Paris T: 0143574422; Fax: 0143570663 Established: 1982 Focus: Hum 01189 Fondation Léon Mba, c/o Hôpital Claude Bernard, 10 Av de la Porte d'Aubervilliers, 75019 Paris T: 0142063751 Established: 1967 Focus: Med 01189 Fondation Méquignon, 16 Rue Abbé Méquignon, 78990 Elancourt T: 0130138700; Fax: 0130624581 . . . 01190 Fondation Marcel Mérieux, 17 Rue Bourgelat, 69002 Lyon T: 0472407979; Fax: 0472407950; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fondmerieux.org Established: 1967; Chair: Dr. Charles Merieux Focus: Biol; Immun; Epid; Med . . . . 01191 Fondation Mérieux, 55 Rte d'Annecy, 74290 Veyrier-du-Lac Τ: 0450648080; Fax: 0450601971 . . . 01192
Fondation Monceau, 2bis Allée du Parc-desCouvents, 57158 Montigny-lès-Metz Τ: 0387639496 Focus: Alts 01196 Fondation Claude Monet, 27620 Givemy T: 0232512821; Fax: 0232515418 Established: 1980; Chain Th. Gerald Van der Kemp, Secy: C. lindsey, Donorfs): Académie des Beaux-Arts, Institut de France Focus: Arts 01197 Fondation de Montcheuil, 35 Rue de Sèvres, 75006 Paris T: 0144397510 01198 Fondation Luce de Montgon, 27 Rue Jeanne d'Arc, 63200 Riom T: 0473331473 01199 Fondation Montusès, Mairie, PI Jean Jaurès, 03100 Montluçon T: 0470025570 01200 Association Gestion des Locaux Fondation Morand Allard, 74120 Megeve T: 0450212414; Fax: 0450919613 Assets: FRF 4.000.000,01201 Fondation Jean Moulin, 61 Blvd Emile Zola, 92000 Nanterre T: 0147217841; Fax: 0147212026 . . . 01202 Fondation Léopold Mourier, 1 Rue Léopold Mourier, 95240 Cormeilles-en-Parisis T: 0139784112; Fax: 0139789225 Focus: Sen
Fondation Nekbakht, 50 Rue Carrières, 92150 Suresnes T: 0142047061 01204 Fondation Noesis, Andrein, 64390 Sauveterre-deBéam T: 0559385005 01205 Fondation Olfert Dapper, 50 Av Victor Hugo, 75116 Paris T: 0145000748 01206
Fondation Paulianl, 4 Av Pauliani, 06000 Nice T: 0492176600; Fax: 0493923710 . . . 01218
Fondation Edmond de Rothschild, 13 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris 01247
Fondation Paumier Verne, 63 Rue Pemety, 75014 Paris T: 0145436950; Fax: 0145455981 . . . 01219
Fondation Gustave Roussy, c/o Institut Gustave Roussy, 39 Rue Camille Desmoulins, 94805 Villejuif T: 0545594909 Established: 1993 01246
Fondation Pendleton, 16 Rue Larrey, 75005 Paris T: 0145352540 01220 Fondation Perelre, 1 Rue Collange, 92300 Levallois-Pereire T: 0141401700; Fax: 0147300436 Focus: Nurs
Fondation Dorothée Petit, Rue de la Fondation Dorothée Petit, 69540 Irigny T: 0472308100; Fax: 0478460374 . . . 01222 Fondation Plctet, Les Treize Arbres, 74560 Messe ry T: 0450396357
Fondation Michel Platini, 4 Rue Catulle Mondés, 75017 Paris T: 0142670657 01225
Fondation de la Salle, 78 Rue de Sèvres, 75003 Paris T: 0140650268 01253
Fondation Ellen Poldatz, Rue Coudray, 77310 Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry T: 0160658282; Fax: 0164381560 . . . 01226
Fondation Erik Satie, 56 Rue des Toumelles, 75003 Paris T: 0142781518 01254
Fondation Pommé, 46 PI Gambetta, 64400 OloronSainte-Marie T: 0559390445; Fax: 0559360139 Focus: Sen 01227
Fondation Savart, Rue Chamrteau, 02830 SaintMichel T: 0323580931; Fax: 0323585910 . . . 01255
Fondation Claude Pompidou, 42 Rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris T: 0140137500; Fax: 0140137519; Internet: http:// www.FondationClaudePompidou.asso.fr Established: 1970; Chain Dr. Georges Pompidou, Secy: Dr. Richard Hutin Focus: Child; Hand; Ger 01229 Fondation René Pous, Les Escloupies, Rte de Crépiac, 31190 Auterive T: 05561083403 Focus: Arts 01229
Fondation Paul Parquet, 41 Blvd Paul Emile Victor, 92200 Neuilty-sur-Seine T: 0146249728; Fax: 0146247025 . . . 01213 Fondation de la Maison de Louis Pasteur, 83 Rue de Cou reelles, 39600 Arbois T: 0384661172; Fax: 0384661285 Focus: Hist 01214 Fondation Institut Pasteur, 28 Rue de Docteur Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15 T: 0145688100, 0140613333; Fax: 0140613061 Established: 1887 Focus: Med 01215 Institut Pasteur de Lille, 1 Rue du Professeur Calmette, 59019 Lille, BP 245, 59019 Lille T: 0320877800; Fax: 0320877906 Established: 1894; Donops): Ville de Ulte Focus: Biol 01216 Le Patchwork des Noms France, 7 Rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris T: 0153792058; Fax: 0145833577 Limitations: Grants in France only Focus: AIDS 01217
Fondation Schadet-Vercoustre, Rue SchadetVercoustre, 59630 Bourbourg T: 0328220969; Fax: 0328221927 . . . 01257 Fondation du Musée Schlumberger, R.N. 13, 14340 Crevecoeur-en-Auge T: 0231630245; Fax: 0231630596 Established: 1976; Chair: Didier Primat, Secy: Christophe de Ceunynck, Véronique Thomann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01258 Fondation Homéopathique Pierre Schmidt, 15 Rue de la Préfecture, 74000 Annecy T: 0450513323 Focus: Horn 01259
Fondation Rambaud, 176 Av Barthélémy Buyer, 69009 Lyon T: 0478255173 01231
Fondation Robert Schuman, 29 Blvd Raspail, 75007 Paris T: 0153638300; Fax: 0153638301 . . . 01260
Fondation Raspall, 13 Rue Galliéni, 94230 Cachan Τ: 0145464484 01232
Fondation Renaud Febvre, Les Etards, 4 Grande Rue, 77390 Ozouer-le-Voulgis T: 0164076903 01236
Fondation Astrid Paredes, 118 Rue Lauriston, 75116 Paris T: 0147550010; Fax: 0147654101 . . . 01212
Fondation Scelles, 14 Rue Mondétour, 75001 Paris T: 0140260445; Fax: 0140260458 , . . 01256
Fondation Anne et Albert Prouvost, Septentrion, 59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul T: 0320462637; Fax: 0320034764 Established: 1975; Chair Ghislain Prouvost, Secy: Michel Taeckens, Donor(s): Albert Prouvost 01230
Les Orphelins Apprentis d'Auteull, 40 Rue La Fontaine, 75781 Paris Cedex 16 T: 0144147575; Fax: 0144147401 Established: 1966 Focus: Ο φ 01209
Fondation Ozanam, Château Momceau, 71960 Prisse T: 0385378152 Focus: Sen 01211
Fondation Salnt*John Perse, Espace Méjanes, 10 Rue des Allumettes, 13098 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 2 T: 0442259885; Fax: 0442271186 Established: 1975; Chair Joëlle Gardes-Tamine Focus: Lit 01251 Fondation Francis et Mica Salabert, 55 Rue Rocher, 75008 Paris T: 0142938713; Fax: 0142939925 . . . 01252
Fondation Etienne et Maria Raze. 22 Blvd Victor Hugo, 87000 Limoges T: 0555779635 01233
Fondation Philippe Othenin Girard, Mont Evray, 41600 Nouan-le-Fuzelier T: 0254882232 01210
Fondation Henri Ruel, 8 Rue Clos d'Orléans, 94120 Fonte nay-sous-Bois T: 0148731050; Fax: 0148731271 . . , 01250
Fondation Pltois, 19 Quai Baronnie, 94480 Ablonsur-Seine T: 0145971822 01224
Organisation Panafricaine de Lutte contre le SIDA, 15-22 Rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris T: 0143263086; Fax: 0143256616; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1988; Chair: Prof. Man: Gentilini, Secy: Dr. François Chièze, Donor(s): Prof, Marc Gentilini Assets: FRF 1.000.000,-, Receipts: FRF 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: FRF 5.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: AIDS; Afr 01207
Fondation Ostermann, 2 Rue Jacques Preiss, 68000 Colmar T: 0389412022; Fax: 0389240162 . . . 01209
Fondation Roux, Lugagnac, 33180 Vertheuil Fax: 0556419565 01249
Fondation Théodore Relnach, Villa Kerytos, Av Gustave Eiffel, 06310 Beaulieu-sur-Mer T: 0493010144; Fax: 0493012336 Focus: Arts 01234 Fondation Renaud, 25 Blvd Antoine de SaintExupéry, 69009 Lyon T: 0478471082 01235
Fondation Jean-Claude Reynal, 11 Rue Cheverus, 33000 Bordeaux T: 0556444476 01237 Fondation Océanographique Ricard, Domaine Embiez, Ile Les Embiez, 83140 Six-Fours-les-Plages T: 0494340249; Fax: 0494744645 Focus: Ocean 01239 Rich Foundation, 71 Rue de la Tour, 75116 Paris T: 0145033770; Fax: 0145033819 Established: 1988 Expenditures: US $ 2.600.000,Focus: Jew 01239 Fondation Richard, 104 Rue Laennec, 69008 Lyon T: 047877B989 Focus: Educ; Hand 01240 Fondation Robert, 13 Chaussée Calvaire, 17400 Saint-Jean-d'Angély T: 0546320011; Fax: 0546320865 . . . 01241 Fondation Roguet, 58 Rue Georges Boisseau, 92110 Clichy T: 0141404600 01242 Fondalion Rollin, 79 Chemin Figuière, 30140 Anduze T: 0466617059; Fax: 0466617974 . . . 01243 Fondation Alphonse de Rothschild, 20 Rue Victor Hugo, 60270 Gouvieux T: 0344584848 01244 Fondation A. de Rothschild, 25 Rue Manin, 75019 Paris T: 0148036565 Focus: Opht 01245 Fondation de Rothschild, 76 Rue Picpus, 75012 Paris T: 0144687298; Fax: 0144687105 Focus: Gen Sen 01246
Secours Cathollque-Carttas France, 106 Rue du Bac, 75341 Paris T: 0145497300; Fax: 0145499450; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1946; Chain J. Thoraval, Secy: M. Roy Assets: FRF 695.000.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Afr; AIDS; Blinds; Child; Dev; Educ; Eun Fam; Food; Hand; Health; Home; HumR; Refug; Reh; Sen 01261 Fondation Edith Seltzer, Les Terrasses, 34 Rte de Grenoble, 05100 Briançon T: 0492253333 01262 Fondation de Selves, Loubéjac, 24200 Sarlat-laT: 0553317030; Fax: 0553311369
. . . 01263
Fondation René Seydoux, 18 Rue Séguier, 75006 Paris T: 0153102434; Fax: 0153108712; E-Mail: frsmed® woridnet.fr Established: 1980; Chair Jérôme Seydoux, Secy: Giovanna Tanzarella Limitations: Grants in the Mediterranean area only Focus: Cult 01264 Fondation René Seydoux pour le Monde Méditerranéen, c/o CFPJ, 33 Rue du Louvre, 75002 Paris T: 0142337914; Fax: 0142338633 Established: 1978 Limitations: Grants in the Mediterranean region oniy Focus: IntU; SocS; Cult; Scie 01265 Fondation Sicard-lpertI, 353 Montée des Impiniers, Nouvel Espace, 06220 Vallauris T: 0493641670; Fax: 0493645645 . . , 01266 Fondation Siegfried, Château de Langeais, 37130 Langeais T: 0247967260; Fax: 0247965444 Focus: Arts 01267 Fondation Slnger*Polignac, 43 Av Georges Mandel, 75116 Paris T: 0147273866 Established: 1928 Focus: Scie; Lit; Arts; Cult 01269 Fondation Solacroup-Hebert, 21 Rue Béranger, 75003 Paris T: 0142724425 01299 Soros Foundation - Paris, 38 Blvd Beaumarchais, 75011 Paris T: 0148052474; Fax: 0140216541; E-Mail: [email protected] Secy: Annette Laborey Focus: Dev
01271 - 01339
Fondation Sou Sfilai, Camp de Debat, 65170 Aragnouet T: 0562396004 01271
Fondation Wlnbum, 11 Rue Michaêl Winbum, 92400 Courbe voie T: 0147881266 01299
Fondation Al Slambolileky, 5 Rue Bizerte, 75017 Paris T: 0142930754 01272
Fondation Johann Wolfen, Ferrn Chesnay, 95510 Amenucourt T: 0134781518 01300
Sud Santé Fondation, 270 Chemin Fourches, 06140 Vence Τ: 0493580025 Focus: Health 01273
World Heritage Fund, c/o UNESCO, 7 PI de Fontenoy, 75732 Paris Τ: 0145681571; Fax: 0145685570 Established: 1976; Secy: Bernd von Droste Receipts: US $ 3.500.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 3.000.000,Limrtations: Grants internationally Focus: Cult 01301
Fondation Taylor, 1 Rue la Bruyère, 75009 Paris Τ: 0148748524 01274 Fondation Texler Gallas, 2 Rue Texler Gallas, 28140 Orgères-en-Beaucé Τ: 0237997664 Focus: Sen 01275 Fondation fixier Pouget, Bourg, 19700 Saint· Salvadour T: 0555216217 01276 Fondation Tricoche Maillard, 9 Av Tricoche Maillard, 10160 Aix-en-Othe T: 0325467144; Fax: 0325466983 . . . 01277 Fondation Eisa Triolet-Aragon, 61 Rue de Richelieu, 75084 Paris Cedex 02 T: 0147038944
Troisième Fondation, 24 Rue Jean Corre, 29470 Plougastel-Daoulas Τ: 0298042867 01279 Fondation Vincent Van Gogh-Arles, 24bis RondPoint des Arènes, 13200 Arles Τ: 04904Θ9404, 0490930806; Fax: 0490496132; E-Mail: [email protected] Focus: Arts 01280 Fondation Van Roggar, Qua Vallongue, Rte Beausset, 83150 Bandol T: 0494296977 01281 Fondation Varellles, 3 PI de la Révolution, 11700 Fontcouverte T: 0468439081 Focus: Book 01282 Fondation Alexandre Varenne, 100 Rue Fontgiève, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand T: 0473310874 01283 Fondation Vasarely, 1 Av Marcel Proust, 13090 Aix-en-Provence T: 0442200109; Fax: 0442591465 Focus: Arts 01284 Fondation Marius Vazellles, Abbaye Saint-André, PI du Bûcher, 19250 Meymac T: 0555951705 Focus: Ails 01285 Fondation Verdler, 50 Av Verdier, 92120 Montrouge T: 0146554230; Fax: 0146551444 Focus: Sen
Fondation Jules Verne, 5 Rue Rambouillet, 78120 Clairefontaine-en-Yvelirws T: 0134845492 Focus: Lit 01287 Fondation Pierre Verots, Domaine Praillebard, Saint-Jean de Thurigneux, 01390 Saint· And ré de Corcy T: 0474008933; Fax: 0474008927 Established: 1982 01288 Fondation Boris Vlan et Ursula Vlan Kubier, 6bis Cité Vôron, 75018 Paris T: 0146067356 01289 Fondation de Lourmarin Laurent Vlbert, Château de Lourmann, 84160 Lourmarin T: 0490681523; Fax: 0490682519 Established: 1927; Chair Paul Jourdan, Secy: Stéphanie Crevoisier, Donops): Robert LaurentVibeit Focus: Cult; Arts; Music 01290 Fondation Dina Vlerry, Hôtel Bouchardon, 59-61 Rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris Τ: 0142225958; Fax: 0142841444 . . . 01291 Fondation des Orphelins Vltagllano, 5 Rue Antoine Pons, 13004 Marseille T: 0495080140; Fax: 0491344347 Focus: Οφ Fondation Musée Volti, Citadelle, 06230 Vlllefranche-sur-Mer T: 0493763327; Fax: 0493763356 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts
Fondation Louis Vouland, 17 Rue Victor Hugo, 84000 Avignon T: 0490860379; Fax: 0490851204 . . . 01294 Fondation Wallach, 64 Rue Franklin, 68200 Mulhouse Τ: 0389422191; Fax: 0389604687 . . . 01295 Fondation Wallerstein, 14 Btvd Javal, 33740 Ares T: 0556038700; Fax: 0556602735 . . . 01296 Fondation Alexandre et Julie Weill, 46 Rue Cotisée, 75008 Paris T: 0142899844
Fondation P.L. Welller, 6 Rue Paul Wallerstein, 33740 Ares T: 0557170300 01298
Germany Aachener Stiftung für Umwelt, Natur und Jugend, c/o Dr. Neumann, Schmeer und Partner, Postfach 2079, 52022 Aachen Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Aachen onty Focus: Ecol; Youth 01302 Aalener Volksbank Stiftung, Wilhelm-Zapt-Str 26, 73430 Aalen T: (07361) 507249; Fax: 8249; E-Mail: marita.hermannθaalener-volksbank.de; Internet: http:/ /www .aalener-volksbank.de Established: 1993; Chair: Horst Uhi, Donor(s): Aalener Volksbank Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Grants in Aalen only Focus: Cult; SocW; Arts; Sports; Educ; Hist 01303 Claudio-Abbado-Musikstlftung, c/o Berliner Philharmonie, Matthàikirchestr 1, 10785 Bertin Established: 1996 Focus: Music; Schol 01304 Ernst Abbe-Fonds, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected] ; Internet: http-Jl www.stiftervertiand.de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Cari-Zeiss-Stiftung Expenditures: DM 108.000,Focus: Optics; Electron; Glass; Prec . . 01305 Emst Abbe-Stfftung, Ibrahimstr 31, 07743 Jena T: (03641) 461210; Fax: 461246 Established: 1992; Chain Dr. W.D. Dudenhausen, Secy: R.F. Schmalbrock Limitations: Grants in the state of Thüringen only Focus: Scie; Res; Uni 01306 ABC-Stfftung fur Lateinamerika, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, BarWiovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: Michaela. Furth® stifterverband.de; Internet: http:// www.strfterverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Ursula und Richard von Rheinbaben Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants in Latin America only Focus: Educ; Am 01307 Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 6401255; E-Mail: u Irike.joh ann in g β stifterverband. de ; Internet: http:/ Zwww.stifterverband.de Established: 1986; Donops): Prof. Dr. Karlhans Abel, Gertrud Abel Expenditures: DM 197.000,Focus: Lit; Ling; Class; Phil 01308 Abele-Stiftung, Königshammerstr 67, 90469 Nürnberg Established: 1989; Donops): Friedrich und Elisabeth Abele Focus: Child 01309 Abel'sche Famlllenstfftung, c/o Evangelisches Pfarramt Möckern, Kirchstr 23, 39291 Möckern Established: 1806 Limitations: Grants to members of the Abel family only Focus: Fam; Rei 01310 Abtei Rommeredorf-Stiftung, Stiftstr 2, 56566 Neuwied Τ: (02622) 837365; Fax: 837366 Established: 1976; Donorts): Fördererkreis Rommersdorf e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 01311 Abteilung Bergbau an der Technischen Universität Berlin, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31424163 Established: 1950 Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Min 01312 Kinder- und Jugendhllfe Mainz-Willi Abte Stiftung, Rheinallee 59, 55294 Bodenheim Τ: (06135) 931484; Fax: 931485 Established: 1998; Donops): Willi Abts Limitations: Grants in Mainz only Focus: Child; Youth 01313
Pfarrer Dr. Friedrich AchteItner-Stiftung, c/o Ev.Luth. Pfarramt München Sankt Lukas, Thierschstr 28, 80538 München T: (089) 221762 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Pfarrer Dr. Friedrich Achleitner Assets: DM 277.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to Protestant students only Focus: Schol; Rei 01314 Fritz Acker-Stiftung. Louisenstr 63, 61348 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe T: (06172) 676750; Fax: 676767 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Martha Margarete Elisabeth Acker Expenditures: DM 20.000,Focus: Cane; Card 01315 Adalbert'Stlftung-Krefeld, (formerly: Paul Kleinewefers-Stiftung), Schumannstr 25, 47600 Krefeld T: (02151) 505060; Fax: 593140; E-Mail: 101363.665 @ compusewe.com Established: 1989; Chair Hans F. Dickel, Donor(s): Senator Dipl.-Ing. Paul Kleinewefers Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 01316 Dr. Heinz und Helene Adam-Stiftung, Gewinnerstr 28 , 60388 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 416300 Focus: NatS; Med 01317 Jakob-Christian Adam-Stiftung, Heerstr 19, 53340 Meckenheim T: (02225) 945660; Fax: 945662 Established: 1987; Donops): Antoinette Adam Expenditures: DM 420.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants nationally and internationally. Applications not accepted Focus: Miss; Sen; Rei 01318 ADAMAS-Stiftung Götz Hübner für interkulturelle Studien am griechischdeutschen und polnisch-deutschen Beispiel, Zu den sieben Hämmern 9, 45527 Hattingen T: (02324) 32291; Fax: 34949 Established: 1996; Chain Dr. Sieghild Bogumil, Donops): Dr. Götz Hübner Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Literary grants in Germany, Poland and Greece only Focus: IntU; Lit; Hist 01319 Adecco-Stlftung für die Erforschung neuer Wege für Arbelt und soziales Leben, c/o Adecco Personakfienstieistungen GmbH, Pappelallee 33, 22089 Hamburg T: (040) 20203; Fax: 20203103 Established: 1993; Donops): ADIA Interim GmbH, Hamburg Expenditures: DM 402.000,Focus: Lab 01320 Adelberdt-Diakonlssen Mutterhaus in Stendal, Wendelstr 31, 39576 Stendal T: (03931) 662220 Established: 1862 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; SocW; Sen 01321 Adelberdt-Dlakonlssen-Stiftung, Sareptaweg 12, 33617 Bielefeld Established: 1989 Assets: DM 2.500.000,Limitations: Grants in Eastern Europe and in developing countries only Focus: SocW; East; Dev 01322 Adelenstlft-Heidberg, Adelenstr 68, 28239 Bremen T: (0421) 61023603 Established: 1927; Donor(s): Hans Lahusen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Nurs
Adelhausenstiftung Freiburg Im Breisgau, Deutschordensstr 2, 79104 Freiburg im ~ Τ: (0761) 2108110; Fax: 2108111; E-Mail: adelhausenstiftung ©stiftungsverwaltung-freiburg.de Established: 1867 Limitations: Grants to citizens of Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Educ 01324 Adelheldsttft, Kirchstr 4a, 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg Τ: (05234) 3638 Established: 1339 Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Low price living space in Horn-Bad Meinberg only Focus: Hous 01325 Adeliges Damenstift Walzenbach, c/o Michael Freiherr von Truchseß, Friedberger Landstr 3a, 61197 Niederflorstadt T: (069) 91022305; Fax: 91022394 Established: 1733; Secy: Michael Freiherr von Truchseß, Donops): Magdalena Regina verw. Generalin Truchseß von und zu Wetzhausen Limitations: Grants to unmarried women of the Truchseß von Wetzhausen and the von Stetten families only Focus: Worn 01326
Germany: Agrargewerbe
Martin Adelmann-Stlftung zur Unterstützung hilfsbedürftiger Rekonvaleszenten, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abteilung Stiftungsverwattung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1865; Donor(s): Martin Adelmann Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Nurs 01327 Adelmannsfelder-Frühmeß-Stlpendlen-Stlftung, Im Hof 5, 73479 Ellwangen T: (07961) 2714 Established: 1473; Donor(s): Schenk Friedrich Herr zu Limburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 01328 Staatsrat von Adelson'sche Famlllenstlftung, c/o Dr. von Stosch, Rosa-Luxemburg-Allee 77, 14772 Brandenburg T: (03381) 700004 Established: 1891; Donor(s): Hans von Adelson Expenditures: DM 26.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the von Adelson family only Focus: Fam 01329 Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., Tiergartenstr 35, 10785 Berlin T: (030) 26996222; Fax: 26996261; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.kas.de Established: 1956; Donor(s): Konrad Adenauer Expenditures: DM 207.200.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: PolS; IntU; Hist; Educ; Arts; Cult; Schol 01330 Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung für Flüchtlinge und Vertriebene, Ludwig-Ertiard-Pl 1-3, 53179 Bonn T: (0228) 8312623; Fax: 8312718 Established: 1953; Donor(s): Frau Berg, Herr Blumenfeld, Herr Dr. Pferdmenges, Herr Dr. Rainers, Herr Dr. Spennrath Assets: DM 25.000,Focus: Refug 01331 Robert Adlckes-Stlft, Bürgerweide 27, 20535 Hamburg T: (040) 2514323; Fax: 25495789 Established: 1883; Chair: Traute Ritter, Donor(s): Georg Heinrich Conrad Adickes Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 01332 Karfa und Alfred W. Adickes-Stfftung, Grotenbleken 2, 22391 Hamburg T: (040) 6065461; Fax: 60679347 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Karla und Alfred W. Adickes Focus: Sen; Child 01333 Lutz-Ε. Adolf Stiftung für Hochbegabte, Postfach 1101, 33776 Halle/Westfalen Established: 1997; Donor(s): Lutz-Ε. Adolf Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to young people between 16-28 years only Focus: Educ; Schol 01334 Adolphl-Stlftung Senioreneinrichtungen, Obere Fuhr 42, 45136 Essen Τ: (0201) 69695; Fax: 6969888 Established: 1691 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01335 Adt-Schwarz-Stiftung, Haberstalstr 1, 63619 Bad Orb T: (06052) 1583 Established: 1901; Donor(s): Johann Baptist Adt, Maria Adt Assets: DM 170.000,-, Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 01336 AFS-Stlftung für Interkulturelle Begegnungen, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: 0201) 6401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Geförderte des American Field Service (AFS) Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU; Cutt 01337 Agnes-Stiftung, Orchideenweg 4, 76571 Gaggenau Established: 1849; Donor(s): Johann Adam Hermann Dick Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Dick family only Focus: Fam; SocW 01338 Agrargewerbe Bildung Stiftung, Wolfgrasweg 31, 70599 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 167790; Fax: 4586093 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Bildungswerk Agrargewerbe e.V. Assets: DM 6.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Agrie 01339
Germany: Ahlborn-Stiftung
Ajgusle-Ahl born-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Göttingen, Stadtkämmerei, Hiroshimapl 1-4, 37083 Göttingen Τ: (0551) 4002858; Fax: 4002298; Internet: http:// www.goettingen.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Auguste Ahlbom Expenditures: DM 111.000,Limitatioris: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Child 01340 Ahlefeld'sche Stiftung, Schulstr 15, 25371 Seestermühle Established: 1736 Focus: SocW 01341 Ahlers pro Arte, c/o Adolf Ahlers AG, Postfach 1155, 32044 Herford Established: 1996 Focus: Arts 01342 Elisabeth-Ahr-Stlftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1957; Donor(s): Elisabeth Ahr Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Child
Akademie der Arbelt In der Universität Frankfurt am Main, Mertonstr 30, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 772021; Fax: 7073469 Established: 1921 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lab; Voc; Bus; Adult 01344 Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Baden-Württemberg, Industriestr 5, 70565 Stuttgart T: (0711) 90630; Fax: 9063299; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http ://www. ta-akade m i θ .d e Established: 1991; Chair: Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn, Donor(s): Land Baden-Württemberg Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 11.600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 11.600.000,Limitations: Grants in the slate of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Scie 01345 Akademie Schloß Solitude, Solitude 3, 70197 Stuttgart T: (0711) 996190; Fax: 9961950; E-Mail: mail® akademie-solitide.de; Internet: httprfwww.akademiesolitide.de Established: 1989; Chair: Jean-Qaptiste Soly, Secy: Rüdiger Immig, Donor(s): Land Baden-Württemberg Receipts: DM 3.040.000,· Focus: Arts; Cult; Schol 01346 Akademische Auslandstelle an der Universität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 6, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 428382739 Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants and scholarships nationally and internationally Focus: Schol; Uni 01347 AKB-Stiftung, c/o Dr. Carl-Ernst Büchting, Auf der Trumpe, 37574 Einbeck Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Rei; Cult . . . 01348 Aktion Kulturland, Gemeinnützige Stiftung für Landwirtschaft und Ökologie, Mittelweg 147, 20148 Hamburg T; (040) 41476213; Fax: 41476244 Established: 1988 Assets: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Agrie; Ecol; Bait 01349 Aktive Kinderwerkstatt Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Michael Kramer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; SocW 01350 Akzo-Nobel Stiftung zur Förderung der deutsch-niederländischen Zusammenarbeit, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1993 Expenditures: DM 23.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and the Netherlands only Focus: IntU; Scie; Educ 01351 Gerhard-Alber-Stiftung, Christophstr 8, 70178 Stuttgart T: (0711) 9669662; Fax: 9669666; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJ/www.alberstiftung.de Established: 1987; Secy: Dr. Fred Christmann, Donor(s): Gerhard Alber Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc; Health; Youth; Psychol; Sen; Sports; Scie 01352 Josef Albers-Stiftung, Im Stadtgarten 20, 46236 Bottrop T: (02041) 703288; Fax: 22578 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Anni Albers Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 0Í353
Albert und Emlllenetlftung, c/o Gräflich ErbachFürstenauische Verwaltung, Mümlingtalstr 39, 64743 Beerfelden Τ: (06068) 2221 Established: 1780; Donops): Albert Graf zu ErbachFürstenau, Emilie Gräfin zu Eibach-Fürstenau Assets: DM 290.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Gräflich Erbach-Fürstenauische Verwaltung (Beerfelden) only Focus: SocW; Wid; Orp 01354 Rudolf Alberti-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Bang, Bertiner Str 6, 37073 Göttingen Τ: (0551) 57494; Fax: 42094 Established: 1970; Donops): Rudolf Albeit Focus: Sports 01355 Friedrich von Alberti-Stfftung der Hohenlotíer Muschelkalkwerlte, c/o Haller Revision & Treuhand GmbH, Postfach 100144, 74501 Schwäbisch Hall T: (0791) 72069; Fax: 71175 Established: 1997 Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Scie; Res 01356 Alblg-Stlftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Stiftungsverwaltung, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13624427; Fax: 13624502 Established: 1992; Donops): Dr. Horst Albig Limitations: Grants in the region of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Scie; Cuft; SocW 01357 Albrecht, Mûller-Pearse & Co.-Sttftung, Baumwollbörse, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 363100; Fax: 3631012 Established: 1927 Expenditures: DM 13.000,· Limitations: Grants to former employees of Albrecht, Muller-Pearse & Co. (Bremen) only Focus: SocW 01358 Alcatel SEL-Stiftung für Kommunikationsforschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.atcatel.de/stiftung/ Established: 1979; Donops): Alcatel SEL AG Expenditures: DM 438.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Darmstadt, Stuttgart and Dresden only. Applications not accepted Focus: CommS 01359 Aldlnger-Stlftung Wasserburg (Bodensee), Dietmannsweiler 5, 88069 Tettnang T: (07528) 2481; Fax: 2481 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Agnes und Robert Aldinger Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Hist; Sen; Sports; SocW . . 01360 Alerds-Stlftung, Donaustr 10, 38120 Braunschweig Established: 1786 Limitations: Grants to needy Protestant citizens ol Braunschweig, with emphasis on the Alerds family Focus: Hous; SocW 01361 Gisela und Ernst Alers-Sttftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: info® denkmalschutz.de; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Gisela und Dr. Emst Alers Limitations: Predetermined grants in Weiben/Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Mon 01362 Alexander-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Nikolaus Honsel, Zeppelinallee 47, 60487 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 794050; Fax: 79405110 Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Germany, Israel and Middle East Arab states only Focus: Peace; IntU 01363 Alexander-Stiftung, Brentanoweg 4, 37075 Göttingen Τ: (0551) 53000; Fax: 487045; E-Mail; ¡Hernie© aol.com Established: 1968; Chair Dr. Ilse-Marie Leaver, Donor(s): Wolfgang Alexander Assets: DM 225.000,-, Receipts: DM 17.500,·, Expenditures: DM 17.000,Focus: Hist; Jour 01364 Alexandra-Stiftung, Hortensienstr 17a, 12203 Berlin T: (030) 8419070; Fax: 8315837 Established: 1852; Donor(s): Zar Nikolaus I. Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 13.805.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 01365 Alexandra-Stiftung zur Förderung der Westricher Geschichtsforschung, Bergstr 29, 66538 Neunkirchen-Wellesweiler Established: 1197 Limitations: Local grants only Focus: Hist 01366
Alice Hospital vom Roten Kreuz, Dieburgerstr 31, 64287 Darmstadt Τ: (06151) 4020; Fax: 402372; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.alk»hospital.de Established: 1883; Donor(s): Großherzog Ludwig IV. von Hessen und bei Rhein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 01367 ALLBAU-Stlftung, clo Stadt Essen, Kulturbüro, Hollestr 3, 45127 Essen T: (0201) 8841202; Fax: 8888454 Established: 1992; Donops): Allbau AG Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 140.000,Limitations: Grants in Essen only Focus: Arts; Cult 01368 Gustav-Allers-Stiftung, Auf Barlinghausen 2, 27632 Mulsum Τ: (04742) 474; E-Mail: sglandwursten© sglandwursten.de; Internet: www.sglandwursten.de Established: 1997 Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in the region ot Land Wursten only Focus: Mon; Hist 01369 Aller'sche Armenstiftung für das Land Wursten, Auf Barlinghausen 2, 27632 Mulsum Τ: (04742) 474 Established: 1850; Chair Eibe Seebeck, Secy: Eibe Seebeck, Donor(s): Johann Gerhard Allers Limitations: Grants in the districts of Landkreis Wursten and Kreis Wesermünde only Focus: SocW 01370 Johann G. Allers'sche Tagelöhnerstiftung, Am Amtsgericht 2 , 27632 Dorum Τ: (04742) 474; Fax: 8799; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.sglandwu rsten.de Established: 1854; Donor(s): Johann Gerd Allers Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants in the district ot Landkreis Wursten only Focus: SocW; Youth 01371 ALLES GUTE Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Stade, Postfach 1526, 21655 Stade T; (04141) 109140; Fax: 109177 Established: 1993; Donops): Kreissparkasse Stade Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Stade only Focus: Arts; Cutt; Mon; Ecol; SocW . . . 01372 Allgemeine Fûrsorgestfftung Frankfurt am Main, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Sozialamt, Berliner Str 33-35, 80311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235171; Fax: 21230740 Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW 01373 Allgemeine Treuhand in Hamburg-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Karl Brinckmann, Kastanienallee 16, 21521 Wohltorf T: (04104) 2998; Fax: 7733 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Gerhard Zerth Focus: Scie; Educ; Schol; IntU; Cons; Bus; Law; Econ 01374 Allgemeine Wohltätigkeits-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten T; (0831) 2525395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1940 Limitations: Grants to citizens ot Kempten only Focus: SocW; Hand; Orp; Child . . . . 01375 Allgemeiner deutscher Schulfonds von Oberbayern, do Regierung von Oberbayem, Maximilianstr 39, 80536 München T: (089) 21762312 Established: 1782 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 01376 Allgemeiner Hannoverscher Klosterfonds, c/o Klosterkammer Hannover, Eichstr 4, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 34826200; Fax: 34826299 Established: 1542; Donor(s): Herzogin Elisabeth von Calenberg Expenditures: DM 66.958.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in the former kingdom of Hannover only Focus: SocW; Educ; Uni; Rei 01377 Allgemeiner Katholischer Kirchenfonds für Hohenzollern, Brenzkofer Str 9, 72488 Sigmaringen T: (07571) 73020; Fax: 730230 Established: 1820 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Educ 01378 Allgemeiner Schul- und Studlenlonds Aschaffenburg, c/o Staatliches Stiftungsamt Asch äff enburg, Stiftsgasse 7, 63739 Aschaffenburg T: (06021) 35770; Fax: 357799; E-Mail: stiftungsamt-aschaffenburg© t-online.de Established: 1808; Donops): Fürstprimas Carl Theodor von Dalberg Expenditures: DM 1.200.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Aschaffenburg only Focus: Educ; Schol 01379
Allgemeiner Stiftungsfonds, c/o Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Transferstelle, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 731 Established: 1961 Assets: DM 230.200,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 07380 Allgemeines Krankenhaus Viersen, Hoser Kirchweg 63, 41747 Viersen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 01381 Allianz Kulturstlftung. Jugend und Kultur In Europa, Maria-Theresia-Str 4a, 81675 München T: (089) 4107303; Fax: 41073040; E-Mail: l.huennekens® ailianz.de Established: 2000; Secy: Dr. Ludger Hünnekens, Donor(s): Allianz AG Focus: Cult; Arts; Youth; Eur 01382 Allianz Umweltstiftung, (formerly: Allianz Stiftung zum Schutz der Umwelt), Ainmillerstr 11, 80801 München T: (089) 347384; Fax: 349932; E-Mail: infoÔalllanzstiftung.de; Internet: http^/www.allianz-stiftung.de Established: 1990; Chair Dr. Lutz Spandau, Donops): Allianz AG Assets: DM 100.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000.000,Focus: Ecol 01383 Almosen-Stiftung Burglengenfeld, c/o Stadt Burglengenfeld, Marktpl 2-4, 93133 Burglengenfeld T: (09471) 70180; Fax: 701845 Established: 1542; Donor(s): Herzog Philipp von Pfalz-Neuburg Assets: DM 640.000,-, Expenditures: DM 74.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Burglengenfeld only Focus: SocW 01384 Almosenkasten-Sttftung, c/o Stadt Bayreuth, Stiftungsamt, Postfach 101052, 95410 Bayreuth Τ: (0921) 251218; Fax: 25305 Established: 1300 Assets: DM 1.384.000,-, Expenditures: DM 63.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Bayreuth only Focus: SocW; Sen 01385 Almosenstiftung Heldeck, c/o Stadtverwaltung Heideck, An der Kapelle 6, 91180 Heideck T: (09177) 49400; Fax: 494040 Established: 1430 Expenditures: DM 9.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hous; Aits; Child . . . . 01386 Familienstiftung Dr. Maria Alpers, Postlach 1114, 88381 Biberach Τ: (07351) 32846 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Maria Alpers Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Alpers family onfy Focus: Fam 01387 Otmar Alt-Stiftung, Obere Rothe 7, 59071 Hamm Τ: (02388) 1821; Fax: 3614 Established: 1991; Donops): Otmar Alt Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to German art students only Focus: Aits; Schol 01388 Alte Leipziger-Hallesche-Natlonale-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -J! www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Alte Leipziger Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft AG, Alte Leipziger Versicherung Focus: Med; Health 01389 Alten-Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Solingen, Postfach 100185, 42648 Solingen T: (0212) 2863341; Fax: 2863020 Established: 1962; Donops): Stadt-Sparkasse Solingen Limitations: Grants in Solingen only Focus: Sen 01390 Alten- und Pflegehelm Sankt Annen, Am Markt 22, 99817 Eisenach T: (03691) 670400; Fax: 670940 Established: 1885; Donor(s): Rittergutsbesitzer von Eichel-Streiber Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01391 Alten· und Pflegehelm Sankt Elisabeth, Herrenackerstr 22, 72379 Hechingen Established: 1798 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Altenauer-Schulfonds, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, SoziakJezemat, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021 Established: 1762; Donops): Johann Kaspar Altenauer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 01393
01394 - 01447
19 Altonbegegnungsstätte der Sparkasse Vogtland, Stiftung der Sparkasse Vogtland, Postpi 3, 08468 Reichenbach T; (03741) 1232105; Fax: 1231299 Established: 1993; Chair Arthur Scholz, Donops): Sparkasse Vogtland Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01394 Altendank, Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Göppingen, Marictstr 2, 73033 Göppingen T: (07161) 603565; Fax: 603373 Established: 1965; Donops): Kreissparkasse Göppingen Limitations: Predetermined grants in the region of Göppingen only Focus: Sen 01395 Anna Luise Altendorf-Stiftung, Goethestr 42, 32427 Minden Τ: (0571) 8370810; Fax: 8370813; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpy/www.Anna-LuiseAttendorf-Stiftung.de Established: 1998; Chair: Claus Lemcke, Donorfs): Anna Luise Altendorf Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Minden only Focus: Sen 01396 Altenheim der 1848-er Gedächtnisstiftung Förth, Stiftungsstr 9, 90766 Fürth Τ: (0911) 7590750; Fax: 7590754 Established: 1950; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Wilhelm Wenning Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01397 Altenhelm Rudolfstift, Rudolfstr 21, 38114 Braunschweig T: (0531) 577990; Fax: 576415 Established: 1954; Donops): Minna Henneberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01398 Altenheim-Stlftung der Stadtsparkasse Duisburg, Königstr 23-25, 47051 Duisburg T: (0203) 2815205; Fax: 2815685 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Duisburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Altentielmstlftung des Niedersächsischen FuBball-Totos und Zahlenlottos, Am TÜV 2, 30519 Hannover T: (0511) 8402217; Fax: 8402341 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Toto-Lotto Niedersachsen GmbH Assets: DM 106.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.999.000,Limitations: Grants to old people's homes in the state of Niedersachsen only. Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01400 Altenhelmstlftung Flottbek-Nienstedten, VogtGroth-Weg 27, 22609 Hamburg T: (040) 8009770 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Kirchengemeinden Groß Flottbek und Nienstedten Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01401 Altenhilfe Munderkingen, Marktstr 1, 89597 Munderkingen Established: 1976; Donops): Erwin Hahl GmbH Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in Munderkingen only Focus: Sen 01402 Geschwister Attenloh-Stiftung, Forellenteich 1, 58566 Kierspe T: (02359) 6529 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Senatorin a.D. Dr. Emilie Kiep-Attenloh, Carolina Elisabeth Attenloh Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Educ; Sen 0/403 Altenpflegetielm Sankt Elisabeth, Bahnhofstr 29, 36419 Geisa Established: 1442 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01404 Altenpflegeheim-Stlftung Waiiersteln, Hauptstr 83, 86757 Walleretein Established: 1Θ04; Donor(s): Fürstin Wilhelmine zu Oettingen-Wallerstein Assets: DM 1.560.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 0/405 Altenstiftung Altenhelme Waiblingen, c/o Notar Gerstenmaier, Tribergle 28, 71409 Schwaikheim Τ: (07195) 53741; Fax: 965174 Established: 1976 Assets: DM 463.158,-, Expenditures: DM 32.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01406 Altenstiftung der Sparlasse Leverkusen, Friedrich-Ebert-Str 39, 51373 Leverkusen T: (0214) 3551010, 3551100; Fax: 3551118 Established: 1969; Donops): Opladen Expenditures: DM 172.000,Limitations: Applications not Focus: Sen 01407
Altenwohnanlage Sankt Johannis zu Hamburg-Bergedorf, Tarpenbekstr 31, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 4804239; Fax: 4804239 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Daniel-Schutte-Stiftung, Hamburgische Kommende des Johanniterordens e.V. Expenditures: DM 411.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 01408 Altenwohnstfft fOettgau, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung Klettgau, Degemauer Str 22, 79771 Klettgau T: (07742) 935100; Fax: 935150; E-Mail: kiettgau® rrz-freiburg.de; Internet: http://www.gemeindeklettgau.de Established: 19Θ6; Donor(s): Gemeinde Klettgau Expenditures: DM 106.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01409 Altershelm-BQrgerspltalstiftung Hammelburg, c/o Stadt Hammelburg, Marktpl 1, 97762 Hammelburg T: (09732) 902138; Fax: 902179 Established: 1846 Expenditures: DM 2.140.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Nurs 01410 Altersheimstiftung der Stadt Bautzen, c/o Stadtverwaltung Bautzen, Fleischmarkt 1, 02607 Bautzen T: (03591) 534219; Fax: 534211 Established: 1944 Expenditures: DM 217.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01411 Alterswohnung-Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Hannover, Raschpl 4, 30161 Hannover Limitations: Low pnce living space for senior citizens of Hannover only Focus: Sen 01412 Althanauer Hospital zu Hanau, c/o Stadtverwaltung Hanau, Stadtkämmerei, Am Markt 14-18, 63450 Hanau T: (06181) 295271; Fax: 295999 Established: 1330; Donor(s): Graf Ulrich II. Expenditures: DM 1.407.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 01413
Amberger Handwerker-Stiftung, Fuggerstr 18, 92224 Arnberg Τ: (09621) 49360; Fax: 470372 Established: 1935 Limitations: Grants to craftsmen in Amberg onty Focus: CommT; Educ 01422 Maria Amberg'sche Kleinkinderbewahrungsanstalts-stlftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, 97633 Herbstadt Τ: (09761) 1588; Fax: 1588 Established: 1916; Donor(s): Maria Arnberg Expenditures: DM 139.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 01423 AMCHA-Stlftung Deutschland, Sophienstr 3, 10178 Berlin T: (030) 28098038; Fax: 28099871; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Donor(s): AMCHA Deutschland e.V. Expenditures: DM 623.000,· Limitations: International grants to victims of Holocaust only. Applications not accepted Focus: IntU; Rae 01424
Antonlstlft-Stiftung Bamberg, c/o Stadt Bamberg, Finanzreferat, Postfach 110323, 96031 Bamberg Τ: (0951) 871200; Fax: 871907 Established: 1803 Expenditures: DM 2.687.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01436
AMREF-Wlssenschaftsstiftung, c/o AWITAG, Theatinerstr 31, 80333 München Established: 1993; Donor(s): AMREF Gesellschaft für Medizin und Forschung in Afrika e.V. Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Med; AIDS; Afr 01428
AlumneumstHtung, c/o Stadt Hof. Stiftungsverwaltung, Rathaus, Klosterstr 3, 95028 Hof T: (09281) 815331/32; Fax: 815370 Established: 1600; Donops): Organe der Stadt Assets: DM 410.000,·, Expenditures: DM 11.000,· Lim'itations: Grants to Protestant boys in Hof onty Focus: ChurchM; Educ 01419 Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Chausseestr 29, 10115 Berlin T: (030) 28390543; Fax: 2384303; E-Mail: amadeu θ RAA-Berlin.de Established: 1998; Chain Anetta Kahane, Donops): Karl Konrad Graf von der Groeben Expenditures: DM 200.000.· Limitations: Grants mainly in the states of Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Focus: Educ; IntU; Youth; PoiS; Cult . . 01420 Amalien-Stiftung, Postfach 1380, 79603 Rhelnfelden Established: 1927; Donor(s): Dr. Robert Haas, Amalie Haas Limitations: Grants to employees of Rheinfelden AG (Rheinfelden) only Focus: Med; Sen; Youth; Health . . . . 01421
Anstalt Bethel, Postfach 130249, 33545 Bielefeld T: (0521) 1443500, 1442247, 1443495; Fax: 1443182; E-Mail: Vorstand. [email protected] Established: 1867; Donor(s): Innere Mission, Bielefelder Bürger, Pastor Friedrich von Bodelschwingh Expenditures: DM 631.745.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Hand 01436
Dr. Alfred und Alice AmmelburgWohltätlgkettsstfftung, Am Fohlengarten 6e, 85764 Oberschleißheim Τ: (089) 3152074; Fax: 3152060 Established: 1949; Secy: Helmut Fichtl, Donor(s): Dr. Alfred Ammelburg, Alice Ammelburg Assets: DM 7.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Umitations: Grants in München and in the district of Landkreis Miesbach only. Applications not accepted Focus: Warv 01426
Altkönig-Stlftung, Feldbergstr 13-15, 61476 Kronberg im Taunus Τ: (06173) 310; Fax: 640954 Established: 1980 Assets: DM 4.000.000,Limrtations: Predetermined grants in Kronberg im Taunus only Focus: Sen 01415
Altstadt-Stiftung Görita, c/o Stadt Görlitz, Untermarkt 6-8, 02826 Görlitz Limitations: Grants in Görlitz only Focus: Mon 01418
Anselm'sche Stiftung für langjährige Betrlebsangehörfgkelt, Postfach 105, 91770 Weißenburg in Bayern Established: 1939 Limitations: Grants to employees of Anselm Co. (Weißenburg in Bayern) only Focus: SocW; Sen 01435
Anstalt Grünau Im Evangelischen Johanneswerk e.V., Schildescher Str 101, 33611 Bielefeld T: (0521) 8012100. 8012130; Fax: 8012150; E-Mail: susanre-kilian @johanneswerk.de Established: 1849 Assets; DM 60.586,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 01437
Alois Ammerschläger-Stlftung, Zeil 72-82, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 284344; Fax: 296217 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Alois Ammerschläger Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW; Cult; Sports 01427
Altsprachenstiftung am Frledrlch-LudwlgJahn-Gymnasium Gretfswald, Thâlmannpl 1, 17489 Greifswald Established: 1997 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ling; Class 01417
Dr. Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe-Stiftung, c/o Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1943; Donor(s): Dr. Hermann AnschüfcKaempfe Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München only Focus: Math; NatS; Uni 01434
Rosa und Maximilian Amendt Stiftung, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein @ susta.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Hedwig Amendt Expenditures: DM 9.000,· Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Sen 0/425
Willi Althof-Stiftung, Zenettipl 3, 80337 München T: (089) 7461320; Fax: 74613223 Established: 1993; Chain Dr. Leopold Nowak, Donops): Willi Althof Expenditures: DM 600.000,Focus: Sen; Blinds; Child; MultS . . . . 01414
Altonaer Museum In Hamburg Norddeutsches Landesmuseum, Museumstr 23, 22765 Hamburg Τ: (040) 42811480, 428112961; Fax: 428112122; E-Mail: am@kulturbehörde.hamburg.de; Internet: http://www.hamburg.de/altonaer-museum Established: 1999; Donor(s): Hansestadt Hamburg Expenditures: DM 5,900.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01416
Germany: Arcxs
Arthur Andersen-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1984; Donor(s): Arthur Andersen, Arthur Andersen & Co. GmbH Expenditures: DM 161.000,Focus: Econ; Law; Educ; Bus 01429 Walter und Eva Andrejewski-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: klaus.kulidstifterverband.de; Internet: http M www.stifterverband.de Established: 1990; Donops): Dr. Walter und Eva Andrejewski Expenditures: DM 57.000,· Limitations: Grants to Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Universität Göttingen and Universität Leipzig only Focus: Phys; Math; Uni 01430 Anhaftische Diakonissen Anstatt, Gropiusalfee 3, 06815 Dessau T: (0340) 65020; Fax: 6502114 Established: 1894 Expenditures: DM 27.547.000,Limítations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth; Health; Rei; SocW . 01431 Anna Stiftung, Am Königsberg 5, 92318 Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz Τ: (09181) 907654; Fax: 296489; E-Mail: infodanna-stiftung.de; Internet: http://www.annastiftung.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Anna Hofmann Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 01432 Pastor Annacke'sche milde Armenstiftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1869; Donor(s): Pastor Annecke Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Salzwedel only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 01433
Anzenberger-Trendel-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein @ susta.de Established: 1923; Donor(s): Friedrich Edgar Trendel Expenditures: DM 60,000,Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Blinds; Hand; SocW; Child; Orp; Warv . 01439 Georg und Edeltraud Apfl-Multiple-SkleroseStiftung, Lindenweg 1. 94265 Patersdorf Τ: (09923) 2174 Established: 1988 Assets: DM 95.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern, with emphasis on Patersdorf Focus: MultS 01440 Dr. August und Erika Appenrodt-Stiftung, Hausmannstr 12-13, 30159 Hannover Τ: (0511) 18422; Fax: 18103 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Erika Appenrodt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped 01441 Aral-Stlftung, Hetlinger Str 348, 44795 Bochum T: (0234) 9432200; Fax: 9432201; E-Mail: arai· [email protected] Established: 1998; Donor(s): ARAL Aktiengesellschaft Bochum Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Voc 01442 Arche-Noah-Stiftung, c/o Stiftungsverwaltung, Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurg am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Ingrid Fischer Focus: AnimP 01443 architekturbasis emmerlch, ab.e. Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse, c/o Stadtsparkasse Emmerich, Agnetenstr 3, 46446 Emmerich T: (02822) 76135 Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Emmerich only Focus: Archit 01444 Archiv- und Museumsstiftung Wuppertal, Stiftung für Interkulturelle Forschung, Missionsund Religionswissenschaft, Rudolfstr 137, 42285 Wuppertal T: (0202) 89004160 Established: 1998; Chair Friedrich Werth Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Archiv; Arts; Cult; Miss; Rei . . . 01445 Archiv Veterinärmedizin, tío Freie Universität Bertin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerlher Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 63853202; Fax: 83853227 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Vet 01446 Arcxs Stiftung, Guttenburgstr 18. 64559 Markt Kraiburg am Inn Established: 1999 Focus: Arts; Cult 01447
Germany: Arenberg
01448 - 01500
Stiftung Herzog Engelbert Charles und Herzogin Mathildis von Arenberg, Postfach 1661, 40641 Meerbusch T: (02132) 938100 Established: 1976 Focus: Sen; Youth 01448 Arenberg-Stiftung, c/o S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1981; Donops): Herzog Jean von Arenberg Expenditures: D M 43.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; Archiv; Cult; Arts 01449 Prince Charles d' Arenberg-Sttftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Alfred Wens, Promenadepl 15, 80333 München Τ: (089) 23901351; Fax: 23901371 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Prinzessin Anka von Arenberg Expenditures: D M 118.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cane; Child; Hand; S o c W . . . . 01450 Armen-, Alten- u n d Behlndertenstiftugn der Stadt Güsten, Platz der Freundschaft 1, 39439 Güsten Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Güsten only Focus: Sen; Hand 01451 A r m e n f o n d s Haueneberstein, c/o Ortsverwaltung Haueneberstein, 76532, Baden-Baden Τ: (07221) 95430; Fax: 954314 Established: 1729 Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Haueneberstein only. Applications not accepted Focus: S o c W 01452 Armenhospital Borgentrelch, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 4, 34432 Borgentreich Τ: (05643) 80944; Fax: 80990 Established: 1395; Donor(s): Rat der Stadt Expenditures: D M 1.020.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 01453 Armenkasten, Sangerhausen: defunct
, 01454
A r m e n k o m m i s s i o n der ehemaligen Standesherrschaft S c h a u m b u r g , Wingertstr 6, 65558 Cramberg T: (06439) 306 Established: 1817; Donor(s): Fürst zu Waldeck und Pyrmont Assets: DM 16.000,Limitations: Grants in the former principality of Schaumburg only Focus: Rei; Youth; SocW 01455 Armenstiftung, tío Stadt Günzburg, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach 1562 , 89305 Günzburg T: (08221) 9030; Fax: 903117; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1782 Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Günzburg only Focus: SocW 01456 Arneken-Stiftung. Katharmenstr 32h. 31135 Hildesheim Τ: (05121) 35392; Fax: 53553 Established: 1598; Donor(s): Henning Ameken Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: HOJS 01457 Arnesen-Stlft, Mannesallee 17, 21107 Hamburg Established: 1873 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Wid; Hous 01458 Eduard Arnhold-Hilfsfonds fur Künstler, c/o Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin Τ: (030) 39076142; Fax: 39076175 Donor(s): Familie Arnold Limitations: Grants for needy German artists only Focus: Arts 01459 von A r n i m ' s c h e Stiftung e.V., Hannoversche Str 21a, 10115 Berlin T: (030) 28598412; Fax: 28598412 Established: 1982 Expenditures: D M 30.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the von Arnim family only Focus: Fam; Youth; SocW 01460 Karl Arnold-Stiftung e.V., Venner Str 55, 53177 Bonn Τ: (022Θ) 382070; Fax: 382074; E-Mail: info® kaa.bn.ttle.de Established: 1961; Chair Dr. Bernhard Woms, Secy: Ralph Hug Expenditures: D M 4.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS 01461 Karl Arnoldt-Stiftung Eschelbron η, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Peter Bringer, Neuenheimer Landstr 20, 69120 Heidelberg T: (06221) 45940; Fax: 459460 Established: 1988; Donops): Irma Amoktt Limitations: Grants to members of the Amoldt family only Focus: Fam 01462
Wilhelm Amoul-Stlftung, Rathaus, Westendstr 6, 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Τ: (06105) 938815, 938813; Fax: 938888 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Regierungspräsident a.D. Wilhelm Amoul, Anna Barbara Amoul Focus: Schol 01463 Sanitätsrat Dr. med. Arthur Arnstein-Stiftung, Hohenzollemdamrri 90, 14199 Berlin T: (030) 8815886 Established: 19Θ2; Donoris): F.M. Kay, P.T. Kay Expenditures: D M 30.000,Limitations: Grants to German universities only Focus: Neur; Uni 01464 Luise Arntz-Stlftung, c/o S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: klaus.kuli θ stifterverband.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1980; Donor(s): Amulf Ummen Expenditures: D M 34.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Eng; NatS; Educ; Schol . . . . 0*465 Stiftung Hans Α φ und S o p h i e Taeuber'Arp e.V., Bahnhof Roiandseck, 53424 Rolandseck Τ: (02228) 94250; Fax: 942522 Focus: Arts 01466 Artan-Stiftung, c/o Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4. Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 199Θ Limitations: Scholarships to students at LudwigMaximilians-Universitât München only Focus: Schol; Med 01467 Prof. Dr. Walter Artelt und Prof. Or. Edith Helschkel-Artelt-Stlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Elb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1988; Donops): Prof. Dr. Edith Heischkel-Artelt Focus: Med 01468 Artländer Naturschutzsttftung, Gartenstr 7, 49610 Quakenbrück Established: 1994; Donor(s): Naturschutzbund Osnabrück e.V. Expenditures: D M 7.000,Limitations: Grants in Artland only Focus: Ecol 01469 Artlantie Kulturpreisstiftung, Heidelberger Str 10, 76646 Bruchsal T: (07251) 97210; Fax: 972125 Established: 1991; Donops): Hans-Jürgen und Helga Müller Assets: D M 50.000,·, Expenditures: D M 4.000,Focus: Cult 01470 Dr. Emil Artus-Gedächtnls-Stfftung, Glo Provinzialloge von Niedersachsen, Moorweidenstr 36, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 443723, 4669306 Established: 1774 Assets: D M 100.000,· Focus: S o c W
Dr. Aschrott-Wohlfahrlshaus-Sttftung, FriedrichEbert-Str 178, 34119 Kassel Τ: (0561) 30961/63 Established: 1926; Donor(s): Geheimer Justizrat Dr. Felix Aschrott Expenditures: D M 145.000,Limitations: Grants in Kassel only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Ubr 0/472 Asienstiftung, Bullmannaue 11, 45327 Essen T: (0201) 8303838; Fax: 8303830; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http i l www.asienhaus.de Established: 1991; Chain Dr. Manfred Kulessa, Secy: Dr. Klaus Fritsche, Donops): Prof. Dr. Günter Freudenberg Assets: D M 2.200.000,·, Expenditures: D M 70.000,Limltations: Grants in Germany, Austria and Switzerland only. Applications not accepted Focus: As; IntU 01473 A S K O Europa-Stiftung, Pestelstr 2, 66119 Saarbrücken Τ: (0681) 926740; Fax: 9267499 Established: 1990; Chair: A m o Krause, Secy: Hans Dieter Metz, Donor(s): A S K O Deutsche Kaufhaus AG, A S K O Vereinigung e.V. Assets: D M 11.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Eur
A s m u s s e n - W o l d s e n s c h e s Vermächtnis für die Stadt Husum, An der Aue 58 , 25813 Husum Τ: (04841) 75489; Fax: 75469; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.husum.de Established: 1859; Donops): Anna Catharina Asmussen, August Friedrich Wokjsen Assets: D M 5.919.462,-, Expenditures: D M 756.000,· Limitations: Grants in Husum only. Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Educ; Wid 01475
Gertrud A s s m a n n Stiftung, Dr. Hoch's Stipendienfonds, Konrad-Adenauer-Str 32, 60373 Offenbach Established: 1999 Limitations: Predetermined grants and scholarships in Offenbach only Focus: Educ; Schol 01476 Katharina Astor-Stlfiung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Dezernat III, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: soziakiezemat@ stadt-mainz.de Established: 1913; Donor(s): Edmund Astor Limitations: Grants to needy unmarried women in Mainz only Focus: Worn
Astor-Stlftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Nusslocher Str 45, 69190 Walldorf Τ: (06227) 35151; Fax: 61828 Established: 1Θ48; Donops): Johann Jakob Astor Assets: DM 4.832.400,·, Expenditures: DM 5.817.600,· Limitations: Grants to senior citizens of Walldorf only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hous; Sen 01478 Astrophyslkal leches institut Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam Τ: (0331) 74990; Fax: 7499362; E-Mail: gharinger© aip.de, [email protected]; Internet: httpjl www.aip.de Established: 1993; Secy: Prof. Dr. G. Haringer, Peter A. Stolz, Donor(s): Land Brandenburg Receipts: DM 18,000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Astrop 01479 Atlantis Kulturpreis-Stiftung, Senefelderstr 97, 70176 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6366884; Fax: 6361879 Established: 1992 Focus: Cult 01460 Attompto-Stlftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: Fred.Arndts uni-tuebingen.de; Internet: http:// www.uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1983 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Neun Psychia 01461 Johann und Susanne A u b e l e ' s c h e Caritasstiftung, c/o Pfarramt, 86668 Karlshuld T: (08454) 507 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Johann Aubele Limitations: Grants to needy children in Karlshuld only Focus: Child 01482 Prof. Hermann Auer-Stlftung, Paulastr 5, 81479 München Τ: (089) 7498100; Fax: 799531; E-Mail: Stiftung® auer3tiftung.de; Internet: http://www.auerstiftung.de Established: 1993; Chair: Gerhard G. Hampf, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hermann Auer, Ursula Auer Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: SocW 01483 Freiherr von A u f s e e s ' s c h e Seminarstiftung, Aufseesstr 2, 96049 Bamberg T: (0951) 519260; Fax: 5192621 Established: 1738; Donor(s): Jodocus Bernhard von Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Educ; Arts; Cult; Rei
. 01484
Auftragsberatungsstelle Sachsen-Anhalt, Ulrichpl 2, 39104 Magdeburg Τ: (0391) 6230446; Fax: 6230447; E-Mail: dutschke® abst.sachsen-anhalt.de Established: 1991 Assets: DM 100.000,Limrtations: Operations in the state of SachsenAnhalt only. Applications not accepted Focus: Econ 01485 A U F W I N D , c/o Stadtsparkasse Augsburg, Halderstr 3-5, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3255510; Fax: 3255517 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Augsburg Assets: D M 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Child; Youth; Educ; Health; Sports; SocW; Arts; Cult; Res; Eng 01486 Augenklinik Herzog Carl Theodor, Gewürzmühlstr 5, 80538 München T: (089) 222383; Fax: 226360 Established: 1917; Donops): Herzogin Maria Josefa in Bayern Expenditures: DM 14.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Opht 01487 A u g s b u r g e r Frauenstift 1835, A m Hirtenhaus 3, 86420 Biburg Established: 1835 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn
A u g s b u r g e r Kriegergedächtnissiedlung, tío Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein @susta.de Established: 1928; Donops): Stadt Augsburg Assets: DM 1.259.000,-, Expenditures: D M 317.800,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Warv; Hous . 01489 A u g s b u r g e r Sparkassen-Altenhilfe, Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Augsburg, Halderstr 3-5, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3255300; Fax: 3255365 Established: 1969; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Augsburg Assets: DM 15.000.000,·, Expenditures: D M 177.000,Limitations: Grants to senior citizens of Augsburg only. Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01490 Auguste-Stiftung zu Cottbus, tío Stadtverwaltung Cottbus, Neumarkt 5, 03046 Cottbus T: (0355) 6122400; Fax: 6122403 Established: 1897; Chair: Bernhard Neisener Limitations: Grants to needy girls and women in Cottbus only Focus: Worn 01491 Auguste-Viktorla-Stlftung, Elbchaussee 88, 22763 Hamburg T: (040) 3986830; Fax: 39868349; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1876; Donops): Ev. Diakonissenanstalt Alten Eichen Expenditures: D M 4.598.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01492 Augustenhilfe Ebingen, Sonnenstr 62-64, 72458 Albstadt Τ; (07431) 13250; Fax: 53012; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1840 Expenditures: D M 11.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Albstadt only. Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 0/493 Augustenstift, c/o Evangelische Altenhilfe- und Pflegeeinrichtungen, Schäferstr 17, 19053 Schwerin T: (0385) 558640; Fax: 5586448; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpj! www.augustenstift.de Established: 1860; Donops): Großherzogin Auguste von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Expenditures: D M 6.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01494 Richard Bernhard und Elisabeth A u g u s t i n Stiftung, Bleicherwiesen 14, 31224 Peine T: (05171) 77620; Fax: 776255 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Elisabeth Augustin Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult 01495 Ilse-Augustln-Stlftung zur Förderung der bildenden Künstler, c/o Stadtmuseum Berlin, Poststr 13-14, 10178 Berlin T; (030) 24002130 Established: 1997 Focus: Arts 01496 Heinrich und Arthur A u r n h a m m e r ' s c h e Jublläumsstlftung in TreuchtlIngen, Hauptstr 50, 91757 Treuchtiingen T: (09142) 96770 Established: 1917; Donor(s): Heinrich Aumhammer, Arthur Aumhammer, Helmut Aumhammer Limitations: Grants in Treuchtiingen only Focus: Rei; Sen; Youth 01497 Ausbildungsstiftung der Stadt Frankfurt a m Main, tío Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Amt für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Brückenstr 3-7, 60594 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21233367; Fax: 21237859 Established: 1927 Limitations: Grants and scholarships to children and pupils in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Educ; Schol 01498 Ausblldurtgswerk der Wohnungswirtschaft (gemeinnützige Stiftung), Springorumallee 20, 44795 Bochum T: (0234) 9447500; Fax: 9447555; E-Mail: info θ ausbildungswerk.de; Internet: httpIi www.ausbildungswerk.de Established: 1957; Donops): Verband der Wohnungswirtschaft Rheinland-Westfalen e.V. Assets: DM 300,000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 01499 Autorenstiftung, c/o Verlag der Autoren, Scfileusenstr 15, 60327 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2385740; Fax: 24277644; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1973; Chair: Dr, Mandred Schiedermair, Secy: Dr. Karlheinz Braun, Donops): Wolf Boehlich Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ut; Schol 01500
21 Mugo Auvera-Stlftung, Nebelhomring 126, 90471 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 8148056 Established: 1961; Donors): Hugo Au ve ra Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limttations: Grants in Nürnberg only Focus: Οφ; Wid; SocW 01501 Aventlnum Stiftung für Altbeyern, Postfach 39, 93322 Abensberg Τ: (09443) 90106 Established: 1986; Donops): Gesellschaft für Altbayerische Geschichte und Kultur der Weltenburger Akademie e.V. Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only. Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 01S02 Aventls Foundation, do Aventis AG, Altes Schloß Höchst, Höchster Schioppi 16, 65929 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 30582948; Fax: 30523497; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.Aventis-Foundation.org Established: 1996; Donor(s): Hoechst AG Expenditures: DM 5,000.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Arts; Cult; SocS; NatS; Econ . . 01503 Averbeck-Stfflung, Postfach 1144, 49181 Bad Iburg Τ: (05403) 2219, 6364; Fax: 780122 Established: 1994; Chair Adolf Averbeck, Secy: Hermann Tovar, Heinz Köhne, Donor(s): Adolf Averbeck Assets: DM 4.062.760,·, Receipts: DM 170.000,·, Expenditures: DM 170,000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only. Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Mon; SocW 01504 AWD-Stlftung Kinderhilfe, Rendsburger Sir 34, 30659 Hannover T: (0511) 9020268; Fax: 9020250 Established: 1991; Chair: B. Maschmeyer, M. Washausen, Secy: B. Maschmeyer, M. Washausen, Donor(s): Allgemeiner Wirtschaftsdienst GmbH Assets: DM 8.900.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,Limitations: Grants to sick children in Nigeria only Focus: Ped; Afr 01505 AWO Rheinlandstiftung, Gemeinschaftsstittung der Arbeiterwohtfahrt Niederrhein und Mittelrhein, Venloer Wall 15, 50672 Köln Τ: (0221) 5799849; Fax: 5799859; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Donor(s): Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bezirksverband Niedenhein e.V., Arbeiterwohlfahrt Beziiteverband Mittelrhein e.V. Limitations: Grants in the regions of Niederrhein and Mittelitiein only Focus: Sen; Hand; Youth; SocW . . . . 01506 Ayrer-Clüver'sche Famillenetfftung Nürnberg, Burg Grunsberg, 90518 Altdorf bei Nürnberg Τ: (09187) 41121; Fax: 41121 Established: 1591; Donor(s): Cäcilie Ayrer von Landeck Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Ayrer family only Focus: Fam 01507 B.A.T. Stfttung-Bildungsfördenjng (British American Tobacco GmbH In HamburgBahrenfeld), c/o Stadt Bayreuth, Amt für Senioren- und Stiftungswesen, Postfach 101052, 95410 Bayreuth T: (0921) 251621; Fax: 251350 Established: 1958; Donops): British American Tobacco GmbH Assets: DM 102.000,·, Receipts: DM 38.000,·, Expenditures: DM 32.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Bayreuth only Focus: Educ 01508 E.W. Baader-Stiftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) Θ401255 8401301; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1966; Donops): Ilse Baader, Prof. Dr. E.W. Baader Assets: DM 401.200.·, Expenditures: DM 39.000,Focus: Med 01509 C. Bach-Stiftung der Materialprüfungsanstalt der Universität Stuttgart, c/o Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 32, 70569 Stuttgart T: (0711) 68532604; Fax: 6852635 Established: 1939; Chair Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. Roos, Donops): Dr.-Ing. Cari von Bach Assets: DM 35.000,· Limitations: Grants arid scholarships to Technische Hochschule Stuttgart only Focus: Mater; Voc 01510 Dr. Franz und Birgit Bachmayr Stiftung, Schloßstr 36, 86732 Oeffingen Τ: (09082) 70911; Fax: 70988; E-Mail: Stadt® oettingen.de Established: 1998; Chair: Dieter Paus, Donops): Dr. Franz Bachmayr Expenditures: DM 28.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Child 01511
01501 - 01551 Katholische Bach'sche Seelhauestiftung In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1411; Donops): Katharina Rehm Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 01512 Großherzogin-Luise-von-Baden-Stfftung, OttoSachs-Str 2, 76133 Karlsruhe Established: 1997; Donops): Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. Focus: Sen 01513 Badenla-Stlftung, L 9, 9, 68161 Mannheim Established: 1996; Donops): Badenia-Loge Nr. 1 von Baden Limitations: Grants in the region of Baden only Focus: Health; SocW 01514 Badenwerk-Stlftung, Postfach 1680, 76005 Karlsruhe Established: 1971; Donor(s): Badenwerk AG Assets: DM 502.436,Focus: Elect 01515 Manfred Bader-Stlftung, Marttpl 1, 75175 Pforzheim T: (07231) 22028 Established: 1978; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Dr. Joachim Becker, Secy: Günter Sickinger, Donor(s): Manfred Bader Assets: DM 5.580.000-, Receipts: DM 104.000,·, Expenditures: DM 104.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 01516 Bade'sche Stiftung von Anno 1489 und 1844, Eichenhainallee 18, 51427 Bergisch-Gladbach Τ: (02204) 65019 Established: 1489; Donor(s): Matheus und Johannes Bade Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 01517 Astrid Badlna-Stffiung, Bertholdstr 8, 76530 Baden-Baden T: (07221) 3016360, 32320; Fax: 3016363, 32320; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Donor(s): Astrid Badina; Dr. Ingrid Fischer-Zach Expenditures: DM 115.000,· Focus: Neur; Psychol; Then Child; Youth; Pris 01516 BilZ'Stiftung, c/o Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, Fachbereich IV, Luxemburger Str 10, 13353 Berlin T: (030) 45042511; Fax: 45042006; E-Mail: asmus® tfh-berlin.de Established: 1978; Chair Prof. Dr. Friedbert Tiersch, Secy: Dipl.-íng. Karin Asmus, Donor(s): Helmut Bálz Receipts: DM 50.000,·, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Eng 01519 Stiftung Erwin Baer, Uferstr 26, 22113 Oststeinbek T: (040) 7126100; Fax: 7134036 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Renate Schult, Gerd Schult, Elisabeth Hoyer Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limitations: Grants in Oststeinbek and Hoisdorf only Focus: Youth; Child; Health; SocW; Sports; Educ 01520 Karl Emst von Baer-Stlftung, Friedrich-Legahn-Str 18, 22587 Hamburg T: (040) 864142 Established: 1975; Secy: Helmut Kühn, Donor(s): Deutschbaltische Landsmannschaft, Cart-Schirrerv Gesellschaft e.V. Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Cult; Bait 01521 August Baer-Stlftung, Mörikestr 20, 22587 Hamburg T: (040) 860374 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Edith Buschmann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01522 Rudi Baerwlnd-Stlftung, Postfach 121533, 68066 Mannheim T: (0621) 21722; Fax: 20808 Established: 1977; Donor(s): Rudi Baenvind Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01523 Bagemlhl-Stlftung, Schulzenstr 1, 17291 Prenzlau T: (03984) 804459 Established: 1994; Chair G. Keulicht, Donor(s): Dr. Scherpf Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.200,Limitations: Grants to pupils of Städtisches Gymnasium in Prenzlau only Focus: Schol; Ling 01524 Dr. Otto Bagge-Gedächtnisstiftung, c/o Juristisches Seminar der Universität Kiel, Leibnitzstr 6, 24116 Kiel Τ: (0431) 8803528; Fax: 8807607 Established: 1966; Donors): Dr. Otto Bagge Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Law 01525
Bagno-Konzertsaal-Stlftung, c/o Detusche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36665969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 01526 Rut und Klaus-Bahlsen-Stlftung, Berliner Allee 14, 30175 Hannover T: (0511) 392151; Fax: 392152; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www. Rut- u r>d-Klaus-B ah IsenStiftung.de Established: 1972; Chair. Prof. Dr. Burkhard Huch, Donor(s): Klaus Bahlsen Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hannover only Focus: Food; Ecol; Health; Med . . . . 01527 Walter und Pauline Baler-Stlftung, Am Kalvarienberg 1, 94094 Rotthalmünster T: (08533) 96210; Fax: 962130 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Walter und Pauline Baier Limitations: Grants in the governmental districts of Niedeibayem, Oberbayem and Oberpfalz only. Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Cult; SocW 01528 Paul und Klothilde Ballauf-Stlftung, Pfanzeltpl 2, 81737 München Τ: (089) 6376705 Established: 1993; Chair: Elisabeth Harris, Donor(s): Paul und Klothilde Ballauf Expenditures: DM 65.000,Limitations: Grants to needy families in the governmental districts of Oberbayem and Niederbayem only Focus: Fam 01529 Rudolf Ballin-Stlftung e.V., Weidestr 126, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 2707020; Fax: 27070255; E-Mail: Geschaeftsslelle® Rudolf·-Ballin-Sttftung.de Established: 1925; Donor(s): Eugenie Ballin Expenditures: DM 24.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped; Hand; Child 01530 Dr. von Balling-Blldungsstfftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 2260, 97688 Bad Kissingen Τ: (0971) 607231 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Dr. von Balling Assets: DM 51.320,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Kissingen only Focus: Educ 01531 Krankenhaus Balserlsche-Stiftung, Wilhelmstr 14, 35392 Gießen Τ: (0641) 79520 Established: 1865 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Nurs 01532 Dr. Balster'sche Stipendienstiftung, c/o Stadtkâmmerei, 93333 Neustadt an der Donau T: (09445) 97170; Fax: 971720 Established: 1666; Donor(s): Hauptpfarrer Anton Balster Limitations: Scholarships to Catholic students originating of Neustadt an der Donau only Focus: Schol 01533 Herbert Balzer-Stlftung, Dieburger Weg 1, 64390 Erzhausen Τ: (06150) 84427; Fax: 84427 Established: 1982; Chair Joachim Godei, Donor(s): Herbert Balzer Receipts: DM 82.000,Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main, Darmstadt and Wiesbaden only Focus: Sports 01534 Bamberger Universitätsstiftung, Kapuzinerstr 16, 96047 Bamberg T: (0951) 8631001; Fax: 8631005 Established: 1996; Chair: Rektor Prof. Dr. Afred Hierold, Secy: Oberamtsrat Edgar Leistner, Donor(s): Universitätsbund Bamberg e.V. Assets: DM 230.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Bamberg only Focus: Uni 01535 BambMflndergarten-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Bad Sachsa, Postfach 1276, 37438 Bad Sachsa Τ: (05523) 300310; Fax: 300349; E-Mail: rathause bad-sachsa.de; Internet: http7Avww.bad-sachsa.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Horst Gall, Ursula Gall Limitations: Grants in Bad Sachsa only. Applications not accepted Focus; Child Of536 Vereinigte Friederike Amalie von Bandemer'sche und von Cramon-Stfftung. c/o Rechtsanwältin Patricia Noisten, Clayallee 324, 14169 Berlin T: (030) 8111071 Established: 1854 Focus: Worn 01537 Bangert-Stiftung, Mallaustr 59, 68219 Mannheim T: (0621) 799640; Fax: 7996420 Established: 1989; Donops): Ina und Friedrich Wilhelm Bangert Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01538
Germany: Barth'sche
Dr. Jörg Bankmann-Stlftung zur Förderung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Dr. Jörg Bankmann Expenditures: DM 42.000,Focus: Econ 01539 Cari-Baresel-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Helmuth Jordan, Heilbronner Str 86-88, 70191 Stuttgart T: (0700) 10081944; Fax: 25540470 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Erna Baresel Focus: Card; Educ; Οφ 01540 Eduard Bargheer-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Jungfemstieg 22, 20349 Hamburg Established: 1976; Donor(s): Prof. Eduard Bargheer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01541 Günter und Marie-Luise Bariseh-Stiftung, Am Bach 19, 33602 Bielefeld T: (0521) 64186; Fax: 64187 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Günter und MarieLuise Barisch Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 01542 Barkenhoff-Sttftung, do Landkreis Osterholz, Osterholzer Str 23, 27711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck T: (04791) 930205; Fax: 930358 Established: 1981; Chair: Dr. Hans-Jörg Siewert, Donor(s): Land Niedersachsen, Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Landkreis Osterholz, Gemeinde Worpswede, Vogeler Erben, Heinrich-VogelerGesellschaft, Worpsweder Archiv, Stiftung Worpswede Expenditures: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Worpswede only. Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Schol 01543 Emst Barlach-Haus Stiftung Hermann F. Reemtsma, Parkstr 51, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 82201960; Fax: 82201666 Established: 1960; Secy: Jochen Mûnnich, Donor(s): Hermann F. Reemtsma Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 01544 Emst Barlach-Stiftung, Heidberg 15, 18273 Güstrow Τ: (03843) 82299; Fax: 82487; E-Mail: BarlachStiftung @ t-onl ine. de Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Christoph Ehmann, Secy: Dr. Volker Probst, Donor(s): Emst Barlach, Hans Barlach, Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Landkreis Güstrow, Stadt Güstrow Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01545 Barsinghäuser Bürgerstiftung, Ellernstr 13, 30890 Barsinghausen T: (05105) 82661; Fax: 82870; E-Mail: shaehlingötonline.de; Internet: http://www.deister-web.de/buerger Established: 1989; Chair: Siegfried Hàhling, Donor(s): 43 Bürger der Stadt Barsinghausen Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Barsinghausen only Focus: SocW 01546 Wilhelm und Elisabeth Bartels-Stiftung, Waisenhausdamm 8-11, 38100 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 242310; Fax: 46744 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Wilhelm und Elisabeth Bartels Expenditures: DM 7.000,Lim'lations: Grants in the governmental district of Braunschweig only Focus: AnimP; Ecol; Sports 01547 Georg Barthel-Stlftung, Brienner Str 28, 80333 München Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in Schweinfuit only Focus: Sen 01546 Gertrud und Hellmut Barthel-Stiftung, Dangaster Str 38, 26316 Varel Established: 1991; Donor(s): Gertrud und Heilmut Barthel Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in the former grand duchy of Oldenburg and the state of Sachsen only Focus: Mon; Arts; Cult; Ecol 01549 Stiftung Lulu und Robert Bartholomay, Strindbergweg 11, 22587 Hamburg T: (040) 866164; Fax: 86663442 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Lulu und Robert Bartholomay Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Child; Youth; Schol; Sen . . . . 01550 Johann Friedrich Barth'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadtkâmmerei, Uriasstr 22, 91207 Lauf an der Pegnitz T: (09123) 184120; Fax: 184184 Established: 1879; Donor(s): Johann Friedrich Barth, Katharina Baibara Barth Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Barth family and to needy children in Lauf an der Pegnitz only Focus: Fam 01551
Germany: Bertling-Stiftung
01552 - 01602
Rudolf Bertling-Stiftung, Lindernannallee 2B, 30173 Hannover Τ: (0511) 855368; Fax: 819373 Established: 1975; Chair: Gisela Joger, Secy: CarlFriedrich Schiedat, Donor(s): Rudolf Bertling Focus: Cane 01552 ORo Bartning-Stiftung für Baukunst und bildende Künste, c/o Schulamt der Stadt Darmstadt, Frankfurter Str 71, 64293 Darmstadt T: (06151) 133355; Fax: 132918 Established: 1953; Secy: Gerhard Reining, Donor(s): Stadt Darmstadt Focus: Archit; Arts 01553 Richard und Goida Baruch-Stlftung, c/o Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin, Fasanenstr 79-80, 10623 Berlin Τ: (030) 88028232 Established: 1958 Focus: Jew 01554 Christina Barz-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterveitand.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Michael Barz Expenditures: DM 144.000,Focus: Psychol 01555 Peter Barzen-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Dezernat III, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: sozialdezernat @ stadt-mainz.de Established: 1966 Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants to reedy citizens of Mainz only. Applications not accepted 01556 Paul Basiner-Stiftung, Geigenbergerstr 44, 81477 München Τ: (089) 795409; Fax: 797761 Established: 1994; Chair: B.M. Basiner, Donor(s): Paul Basiner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Build: Mon 01557 Basketballstiftung Bamberg, Hartmannstr 7, 96050 Bamberg T: (0951) 9151510; Fax: 9151511 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Heinz Fuchs, Franz Ruß, Ulf Schmitt, Heinz Kübler, Hans Beyer Assets: DM 180.000,-, Expenditures: DM 29.800,Limitations: Grants in Bamberg only Focus: Sports 01558 Bauakademie Biberach, Karistr 11, 86400 Biberach T: (07351) 582100; Fax: 582109; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fh· biberach.de Established: 1983 Expenditures: DM 692.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Fachhochschule Biberach only Focus: Archit 01559 Baudenkmal-Stiftung Raum Hannover, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail; [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1999 Limitations. Grants in the region of Hannover only Focus: Mon 01560 Fritz Bauer-Institut, Studien- und Dokumentationszentrum zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Rheinstr 29, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9758110; Fax: 97581190; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Donor(s): Land Hessen, Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Förderverein Fritz Bauer Institut e.V. Expenditures: DM 1.200.000,Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Hist; PolS 01561 Richard-Bauer-Stiftung, c/o Sladt SulzbachRosenberg, Bühlgasse 5, 92237 SulzbachRosenberg T: (09661) 510131; Fax: 4333 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Richard Bauer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01562 Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// wm.stifterverband.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Marlies Bauer-Hollmann Expenditures: DM 249.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Schol 01563 Bauer-Walser-Stiftung, Ostendstr 12, 75175 Pforzheim T: (07231) 358076; Fax: 36724 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Ruth und Edwin Walter Assets: DM 117.183,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limiiations: Grants in the region of Pforzheim only Focus: SocW; Sen 01564
Bauernschafts8tfftung Hollen, Burgstr 8, 26683 Saterland Τ: (04471) 15141; Fax: 85697 Established: 1883 Expenditures; DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Hollen and Holtermoor only. Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 01565 Johann Matthäus Bauer'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Bahnhofstr 14, 95615 Maittredwitz Τ: (09231) 501130; Fax: 501175 Established: 1883; Donops): Johann Matthäus Bauer Assets: DM 634.000,-, Receipts: DM 150,000,·, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; SocW 0Í566 Gert-Bauknecht-Stlftung, Schmidener Weg 7, 70736 Fellbach T: (0711) 95791211; Fax: 9579123 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Gert Bauknecht Limitations: Grants to members of the Bauknecht family only Focus: Fam 01567 Gottlob-Bauknecht-Stiftung, Schmidener Weg 7, 70736 Fellbach Τ: (0711) 95791211; Fax: 9579123 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Gottlob Bauknecht Limitations: Grants to members of the Bauknecht family only Focus: Fam 01568 Gcinter-Bauknecht-Stiftung, Schmidener Weg 7, 70736 Fellbach Τ: (0711) 95791211; Fax: 9579123 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Günter Bauknecht Limitations: Grants to members of the Bauknecht family only Focus: Fam 01569 Josef Baumann GmbH Studienstiftung, Hochstr 37, 94538 FOrstenstein T: (08504) 8811 Established: 1992; Chair: Manfred Himpsl, Donor(s): Josef Baumann Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to pupils and students originating of Oberpolling only Focus: Schol; Educ 01570 Baumann-Gonser-Stiftung, Rüdesheimerstr 28, 65366 Geisenheim Τ: (06722) 64937 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Josef Baumann, Hermann Baldes, Wilhelm Zerlass Assets: DM 600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 74.000,Focus: Food 01571 Günter und Bärbel Baumann-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: Michaela. Fruth @ stifterverband.de; Internet: www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Günter und Bärbel Baumann Expenditures: DM 21.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Voc; Arts; Cult . 01572
22 Erich vom Baur-Stiftung, c/o Wuppertaler Kurrende e.V., Mozartstr 35, 42115 Wuppertal T: (0202) 313544; Fax: 305795; Internet: http:// www.wuppertaler-kurrende.de Established: 1995; Chain Ulrich Strack, Secy: Olaf Rosier, Donops): Wuppertaler Kurrende e.V. Assets: DM 346.400,-, Receipts: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants in Wuppertal only Focus: Music 01578 Friedrich Baur-Stlftung Burgkunstadt, TheodorHeuss-Str 67, 96264 Altenkunstadt T: (09572) 75000; Fax: 750016 899; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1953; Donops): Dr. h.c. Friedrich Baur Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Neur 01579
Bayerische Stiftung für Kriegsopfer und Behinderte, c/o Bayerisches Landesamt für Versorgung und Familienförderung, Postfach 401140, 80711 München T: (089) 126102; Fax: 2612032 Established: 1933 Expenditures: DM 243.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Warv; Hand 01592
Stiftung Hans Bausch Mediapreis des Südwestrundfunks Stuttgart, (formerly: Stiftung Hans Bausch Mediapreis des Süddeutschen Rundfunks Stuttgart), Neckarstr 230, 70190 Stuttgart T: (0711) 9291059; Fax: 9291063; E-Mail: WoHgang.Wunden @ swr-online.de Established: 1983; Chair: Prof. Peter Vofl, Secy: Dr. Wolfgang Wunden, Donops): Süddeutscher Rundfunk Assets: DM 175.000,Umrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Media; Pubi 01581
Bayerische Stiftung fur Schullandhelmpädagoglk, Wasserweg 5, 90559 Burgthann Τ: (09183) 95195; Fax: 95196; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1991 Expenditures: DM 17,000,Limitations: Grants to Bayerische Akademie für Schullandheimpädagogik in Burgthann only. Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 01593
Julius Bauser-Stiftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Mühlheimer Str 2, 72186 Empfingen T: (07485) 998811 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Julius Bauser Assets: DM 1.300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: Sports; Cult; SocW 01582 Bay-Stlftung für Ausbildungsförderung. Schüttelgrabenring 3, 71332 Waiblingen Established: 1995; Donops): Spedition Bay GmbH 4 Co. Assets: DM 250.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at the Berufsakademie Mannheim and the Berufsakademie Glauchau/Sachsen only Focus: Schol; Traf 01583 Otto Bayer-Stiftung zur Auszeichnung und Förderung von Forschem auf d e m Gebiet der Naturwissenschaften, c/o Bayer AG, 51368 Leverkusen T: (0214) 3081037; Fax: 3061551 Established: 1982; Donops): Prof. Dr. Otto Bayer Assets: DM 2.024.000,-, Expenditures: DM 96.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS 01584 Bayerische Aids-Stiftung e.V., Biedersteiner Str 29, 80802 München T: (089) 349962; Fax: 349979 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only. Applications not accepted Focus: AIDS 01585 Bayerische Apothekerstiftung, Maria-TheresiaStr 28, 81675 München Τ: (089) 92620, 984922; Fax: 926222 Established: 1957; Donor(s): Bayerische Landesapothekerkammer Limitations: Grants and scholarships in the state of Bayern only Focus: Pharm; Schol; Health 01586
Heibert-Baumann-Stfftung, Friedrich-Stein-Str 10, 97421 Schweinfurt T: (09721) 2019010; Fax: 2019015 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Herbert Baumann Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Music 01574
Bayerische Forschungsstiftung, KardinalDöpfner-Str 4, 80333 München Τ: (089) 2802184; Fax: 2802185; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.forschungsstiftung.de Established: 1990; Chair Dr. Watter Schon, Secy: Horst Kopplinger, Donor(s): Freistaat Bayern Assets: DM 880.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Res; SocS; Compu; CommS; Eng 01587
Karl Baumgartner-Stiftung, Ludwig-Finckh-Weg 25, 71229 Leonberg Established: 1994; Donorfs): Karl Baumgartner Limitations: Grants nationally and in developing countries only Focus: Med; Sen; Dev 01576 Ema Baur-Stiftung. c/o Brinkmann & Partner, Brahmsallee 9, 20144 Hamburg T: (040) 4147550; Fax: 41475555 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Ema Baur, Willy Düster Focus: SocW; Sen 01577
Bayerische Sparkassenstiftung, Karolinenpt 5, 80333 München Τ: (089) 21732612; Fax: 21731200 Established: 1994; Chair. H. Schmidhuben, Secy: Dr. A. Findeisen, Donops): Bayerischer Sparkassenund Giroverband Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie; Res 01591
Baur'sche Stiftung, Bürgerweide 43b, 20535 Hamburg T: (040) 254998 Established: 1816; Donor(s): Daniel Baur Assets: DM 739.000,-, Expenditures: DM 197.000,Umilations: Grants in Hamburg-Altona only Focus: Psychol; Voc; Educ; Ther . . . . 01580
Helmut Baumann-Stlftung, Erzbergerstr 11, 73033 Göppingen T: (07161) 25294 Established: 1988; Chair: Heinrich Domes, Donor(s): Helmut Baumann Assets: DM 335.000,-, Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01573
Theodor Baumann'sche Ausblldungsstlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt und Notar Wilhelm Baumann, Postfach 1131, 46450 Rees T: (02851) 91470 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Theodor Baumann Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Baumann family only Focus: Fam; Educ 01575
Bayerische Polizei-Stiftung, Odeonspl 3, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21922836 Established: 1977 Assets: DM 135.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Pol 01590
Bayerische Kriegsbl Inden-Stiftung im Bayerischen Landesamt für Versorgung und Familienförderung, Postlach 401140, 80711 München T: (089) 126102; Fax: 12612032 Established: 1933; Donor(s): Bayerische Krieg sblindenfürsorge Limitations: Grants in the state oí Bayern only. Applications not accepted Focus; Blinds 01588 Bayerische Landesstiftung, Kardinal-Döpfner-Str 4, 80333 München Τ: (089) 286068; Fax: 280694 Established: 1972; Chair Hans Maurer, Secy: Oskar Auer, Donor(s): Freistaat Bayern Assets: DM,-, Receipts: DM 44.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 44.000.000.· Limitations: Grants in the state oí Bayern only Focus: Cult; SocW; Mon; Sen; Hand . . 01589
Bayerische Stiftung Hosplz, c/o Bayerisches Landesamt für Versorgung und Familienförderung, Postfach 401140, 80711 München Established: 1999; Donops): Freistaat Bayern, Bayerischer Hospizverband e.V., ChristophorusHospizverein e.V., Orden der Barmherzigen Brüder Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Health; Nurs 01594 Bayerische Volksstiftung, Residenzstr 27, 80333 München Τ: (089) 294143; Fax: 29161295; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1973; Chair Florian Besold, Donor(s): Bayerische Einigung e.V. Assets: DM 1.600.000,·, Expenditures: DM 230.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Cult 01595 Bayerischer Invaliden-, Witwen- und Walsenfonds, c/o Bayerisches Landesamt für Versorgung und Familienförderung, Postfach 401140, 80711 München T: (089) 126102; Fax: 12612032 Established: 1930 Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Warv; Milit; Wid; Orp; Hand . . . 01596 Bayerischer Naturschutzfonds, Rosenkavalierpl 2, 81925 München Τ: (089) 92142235; Fax: 92143951 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Freistaat Bayern Assets: DM 25.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 10.200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.607.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Ecol 01597 Bayreuther Hosplzstiftung, Kreuz 37, 95445 Bayreuth Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Bayreuth only Focus: Health; Nurs 01598 Bayritex-Stlftung, Guaitastr 3, 61476 Kronberg im Taunus Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Educ 01599 BayWa-Stiftung, c/o BayWa AG, Arabellastr 4, 81925 München Τ: (089) 92223890; Fax: 92223895 Established: 1997; Donors): BayWa AG, München Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hungary and Bulgaria only Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; East 01600 BBS Bietigheimer Bürgerstiftung, Postfach 1180, 76462 Bietigheim-Bissingen Τ: (07245) 939200; Fax: 932955 Established: 1992; Donops): Dieter Full, Rolf Ganz, Max Schmitt Assets: DM 118.834,Limitations: Grants in Bietigheim-Bissingen only Focus: Sen 01601 BDA-Stlftung Berlin, Köpenicker Str 48-49, 10179 Berlin T: (030) 27879912; Fax: 27879915 Established: 190 3; Chair Dipl.-Ing. Eberhard Zell, Secy: Annegret Hirschmann, Donor(s): Bund Deutscher Architekten Assets: DM 1.550.000,-, Expenditures: DM 300.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy members of Bund Deutscher Architekten and their families only Focus: SocW 01602
01603 - 01653 Belegschaftshilfe der Heilbronner
BDA-StHtung Hamburg, c/o Bund Deutscher Architekten der Hansestadt Hamburg e.V., Mittelweg 89, 20149 Hamburg Established: 1957; Donor(s): Bund Deutscher Architekten der Hansestadt Hamburg e.V. Limitations: Grants to needy BDA members in Hamburg only Focus: SocW; Schol; Archrt 01603
Behinderten-Stiftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkàmmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1961; Donops): Josef Hahn Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Hand
Johann Joachim Becher-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer, Postfach 1409, 67324 Speyer T: (06232) 654325; Fax: 654278; Internet: www.dhv-speyer.de/rei/jjbg/ Focus: Adm 01604
Behinderten-Stiftung Lebenshilfe Zollernalb,
Der Beck Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donops): Petra Beck, Firma Der Beck Expenditures: DM 23.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; SocW 01605 Gerlinde-Beck-Stlftung, c/o Galerie Schlichtenmaier, Schloß Dätzingen, 71117 Grafenau T: (07033) 41394; Fax: 44923; E-Mail: Schlichtenmaier θ t-online.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Prof. Gerlinde Beck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Schol 01606 Margot-und-Friedrich-Becke-Stlftung, Scheffelstr 4, 69120 Heidelberg Τ: (06221) 4368Θ7; Fax: 412470 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Margot Becke Focus: NatS; Eng; Hum; SocS 01607 Franz Beckenbauer-Stiftung, Postfach 700220, 81302 München Fax: (089) 78586464 Established: 1962 Focus: SocW; Hand 01608 Hermann Becker-Mita rtoetterstlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Münster, Saargemünder Str 39, 66119 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 665070 Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants to members of the Becker family and to employees of H. Becker & Sohn and Becolin Co. (Saarbrücken) only Focus: Fam; SocW 01609 Dr. Kurt Becker-Stiftung, c/o Kreisverwaltung Birkenfeld, Schloßallee 11, 55765 Birkenfeld Τ: (067Θ2) 15900; Fax: 15490; E-Mail: nieland© landkreis-birkenfeld.de; Internet: htlp://www.landkreisbirkenfeld.de Established: 1979; Donor(s): Archivdirektor Dr. Kurt Becker Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: Hist 01610 Erika von Beckerath-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Paul Gert von Beckerath Limitations: Predetermined grants in Ketzür/Brandenburg only Focus: Mon 01611 Stiftung der Eheleute Heinrich und Maria Beckers
zur Unterstützung von Multiple Sklerose
kranken Essener Bürgern, c/o Stadt Essen, Sozialamt, Kennedypl 3, 45121 Essen T: (0201) 8850113; Fax: 8888510 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Heinrich und Maria Beckers Assets: DM 99.000,· Limitations: Grants to Citizens of Essen only Focus: MultS 01612 Cordula Beck'sche-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Arnstein, Rathaus, Marktstr 31, 97450 Arnstein T: (09363) 80121; Fax: 80166 Established: 1627; Donor(s): Cordula Beck Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Arnstein only Focus: Schol; SocW; Youth; Rei . . . . 01613 Hauptmann Max Beckstein-Stiftung Bamberg, do Stadt Bamberg, Finanzreferat, Postfach 110323, 96031 Bamberg Τ: (0951) 871200; Fax: 871907 Established: 1963; Donops): Hauptmann Max Beckstein Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitalions: Grants to needy citizens of Bamberg only Focus: Orp; Wid; SocW 01614 Karl Heinz Beckurts-Sttftung, c/o SV Stfftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7/ www.stifterveitand.de Established: 19Θ8; Donor(s): Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft der Großforschungseinrichtungen Expenditures: DM 380.000,· Focus: NatS; SocS; Schol 01615
Thanheimer Str 46, 72406 Bisingen T: (07476) 899100; Fax: 899102
Limitations: Grants in the region of Zollemalb only Focus: Hand 01617 Behindertenstiftung Lauphelm, Kellerstr 19, 88477 Schwendi Limitations: Grants in Laupheim only Focus: Hand 01616 Behindertenstiftung Tannenhof Ulm, JohannesPalm-Str 77, 89079 Ulm Τ: (0731) 41106; Fax: 9404724 Established: 1998; Chair: Eberhard Wegener Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand 01619 Behnken-Berger-Stiftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Abt. Ert>und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13624422; Fax: 13624502 Established: 1997; Donops): Gertraud Behnken Expenditures: DM 156.000,Limitations: Scientific prizes in Germany only Focus: Rad; Ecol 01620 Heinrich F.C. Behr-Stiftung, c/o Sparkasse Heidelberg, Kurfürstenanlage 10-12, 69115 Heidelberg T: (06221) 511350; Fax: 511200 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Heinrich Friedrich Christian Behr Focus: Cane 01621 Bürgermeister Dr. Adolf und Dorothea Behrens Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Fachbereich Kultur, Postfach 211225, 67012 Ludwigshafen T: (0621) 5042262; Fax: 5042259; E-Mail: IrisDrescher ® ludwigshafen .de Established: 1979; Donor(s): Dr. Adolf und Dorothea Behrens Expenditures: DM 42.000,Limitations: Scholarships to Citizens ol Ludwigshafen only Focus: Schol 01622 Behrens-Weise-Stiftung, c/o Max-PlanckGeselschaft, Postfach 101062, 80084 München T: (089) 21082247; Fax: 21082229 Established: 1966; Donops): Anna Weise Assets: DM 8.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally. Applications not accepted Focus: Biol; Genet; Med 01623 Behrens'sche Stiftung, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Rätzlingen, Lindenstr 6, 39359 Rätzlingen Established: 1900 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Educ 01624 Dr. Cari Behrmann-Gedächtnisstiftung, c/o Fachbereich Seefahrt, Weserstr 52, 26931 Elsfleth T: (04404) 92880; Fax: 928841 Established: 1991; Donops): Gertrud Behrmann Limitations: Grants to Fachhochschule OldenburgElsfleth only Focus: Schol; Ship 01625 Georg Behrmann-Stlftung, Justus-Brinckmann-Str 60, 21029 Hamburg T: (040) 7241840; Fax: 724184 Established: 1959; Chair Dr. Herbert Henne, Secy: Peter Krôpke, Donor(s): Dr. Kurt A. Körber, Oberkirchenrat Pastor Georg Daur Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01626 Cari Beier-Stlftung, Riesengebirgstr 11, 85540 Haar Τ: (089) 469849; Fax: 4603861 Established: 1995; Donops): Christine Beier Focus: Health 01627
Bellstein-lnstitut zur Förderung dar Chemischen Wissenschaften, rechtsfähige
Stiftung, Varrentrappstr 40-12, 60486 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7917251; Fax: 7917511; E-Mail: [email protected], wbrich θ beilstein· institut.de Established: 1951; Chair Werner Rinnerl, Dr. Werner Brich, Donor(s): Max-Planck-Gesellschaft e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Chem; Doc; Compu; Schol . . . 01628
Beiträge zur Friedensarbeit Die Schwelle,
Hohentohestr 7, 28209 Bremen T: (0421) 3032575; Fax: 3032464; E-Mail: Luberô DieSchwelle.de Established: 1979; Donops): Ruth-Christa Heinrichs, Dr. Dirk Heinrichs Assets: DM 5.000.000,Lirnitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Peace 01629
Treuhandgesellschaft mbH, Postfach 2061, 74010 Heilbronn T: (07131) 9390 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Heilbronner TreuhandGmbH Expenditures: DM 43.000,· Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Heilbronner Treuhandgesellschaft mbH (Heilbronn) only Focus: SocW 01630 Resozialisienjngsfonds Dr. Traugott Bender, c/o Justizministerium, Postlach 103461, 70029 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 2790; Fax: 2792264; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1975; Donor(s): Land BadenWürttemberg Assets: DM 9.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.791.000,Limitations: Grants to former prisoners ir the state of Baden-Württemberg only Focus: Pris 01631 Fritz Bender-Sozlalwerk, Papperitzstr 11, 81479 München Τ: (089) 798954 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Fritz Bender Focus: Build; Immun; SocW 01632 Bender-Stiftung, c/o Sozialstatior Füssen und Umgebung, Augustenstr 18a, 87629 Füssen Established: 1993; Donor(s): Sozialstation Füssen Assets: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in Füssen only Focus: SocW 01633 Fritz Bender-Stiftung, Papperitzstr 11, 81479 München T: (089) 798954 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Fritz Bender Focus: Immun 01634 Otto Benecke-Stiftung e.V., Kenriedyallee 105107, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 81630; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.obs-ev.de Established: 1965 Receipts: DM 119.460.600,·, Expenditures: DM 119.460.600,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Refug; SocW; Schol 01635 Freiherrlich von Benkendorffsche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Martin-Luthe r-PI 1, 91522 Ansbach Τ: (0981) 51230; Fax: 51303 Established: 1796; Secy: Hans Engelhardt, Donor(s): Wilhelm Friedrich Freiherr von Benkendorff Assets: DM 55.200,-, Receipts: DM 3.700,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Grants in Ansbach only Focus: SocW 01636 Otto Bennemann-Stiftung Braunschweig, c/o Stadt Braunschweig, Stadtkàmmerei, Langer Hof 1, 38100 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 4702302; Fax: 4702582 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Minister a.D. Otto Bennemann Expenditures: DM 71.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Schol; IntU 01637 Rudolf von Bennlgsen-Foerder-Hllfsfonds, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: s.westermann@stiftervert>and.de; Internet: http7/ www.stifterverband.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Johanna von Bennigsen-Foerder Expenditures: DM 83.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 01638 Rudolf von Bennlgsen-Foerder-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, BaiWiovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -J! www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): VEBA AG Expenditures: DM 86.000,· Limitations: Grants in the states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen only Focus: Law; Econ 01639 Erwin Benslng-Stlftung, Rathauspl 6, 63628 Bad Soden-Salmünster Established: 1995; Donor(s): Erwin Bensing Assets: DM 3.000.000,Focus: Scie; Youth; SocW 01640 Thomas BerbericlvStlftung, Rolandstr 38, 53179 Bonn T: (0228) 332005; Fax: 335092 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Beiberich Limitations: Scholarships in Middle and East Europe only Focus: Schol; Law; East; Eur 07641
Germany: Berghe
Berchtesgadener Landesstiftung,
c/o Landratsamt Berchtesgadener Land, Salzburger Str 64, 63435 Bad Reichenhall T: (08651) 773332 Established: 1960; Donor(s): Freistaat Bayerm Expenditures: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land only Focus: Health; Nurs; Educ 01642
Berenberg Bank Stiftung von 1990, c/o Berenberg Bank, Neuer Jungfemstieg 20, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 35060461; Fax: 35060270; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1990; Donor(s): Berenberg Bank Expenditures: DM 36.000,Focus: Cult; Scie; Mon 01643 Berenbrok-Wintersteln-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Dresdner Private Banking Inland, Neckarstr 7-9, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26312230: Fax: 26312145 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Ursula BerenbrokWintersteir, Wilhelm P. Winterstein Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Nurs 01644 Johann-Berend-Stiftung, Am Dom 11, 24109 Meisdorf T: (04340) 715 Established: 1960; Chair: Genvien Stöcken, Secy: Gerd Hansen, Donops): Johann Berend Assets: DM 31.500,-, Receipts: DM 1.800,-, Expenditures: DM 1.800,· Limitations: Grants to girls in Kiel only Focus: Child 01645 Fritz und Hildegard Berg-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Hildegard Berg Expenditures: DM 612.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Cane 07646
Bergedorf-Bille-Stlftung zur sozialen
Integration von Menschen, Bergedorfer Str 122. 21029 Hamburg T; (040) 72560043; Fax: 72560044 Established; 1998; Doror(s): Gemeinnützige Baugenossenschaft Bergedorf Bille EG Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg-Bergedorf and Hamburg-Bille orly Focus: Youth; IntU; Sen; SocW . . . . 01647 Inge und Johann Heinrich Berger-LandefeldtStlftung, Nußbaumallee 51, 14050 Berlin T: (030) 45076111 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Inge und Johann Heinrich Berger-Landefeldt Assets: DM 95.000,Focus: Epil 01648 Roland Berger & Partner-Stiftung für
europäische Unternehmensführung,
c/o Maecenata, Barer Str 44, 80799 München T: (08) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1992; Doror(s): Roland Berger & Partner GmbH Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: Bus 01649 Gustav Berger-Stiftung, Ittlinger Str 8, 74060 Heilbronn Established: 1987 Limitations: Scholarships to students at Fachhochschule Heilbronn only Focus: Schol 0765Û Bergersche Studienstiftung, c/o Kulturforum Witten, Bergerstr 25, 58452 Witten Τ: (02302) 5812424; Fax: 15812499; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1875; Secy: Ines R/ttel, Donor(s): Carl Berger, Louis Berger Assets: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.500,Limitations: Scholarships to students, who are bom in Witten only Focus: Schol 07657 Berghalde-Stlftung, Liebermannstr 20, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) B803759 Established: 1971 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only. Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Youth 01652 Gräflich Berghe von Trips'sche Sportstiftung zu Burg Hemmersbach, Parkstr 20, 50169 Kerpen T: (02273) 940670; Fax: 69284; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1973; Donor(s): Eduard Graf Berghe von Trips, Thessa Gräfin Berghe von Trips Assets: DM 15.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports 07653
Germany: Berghof-Stiftung
01654 - 01705
Berghof-Stiftung für Konfliktforschung, Aftensteinstr 48a, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 8318090; Fax: 8315985; E-Mail: renate, eh ristai I e r @ be rg hof. b. shuttle. de Established: 1972; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Georg Zundel Assets: DM 1.500.000,· Limitations: Grants in the OSZE area only Focus: Peace; PolS; Eur 01654 Veith Berghoff-Stiftung, do Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Lämmersieth 72, 22305 Hamburg Τ: (040) 6904910; Fax: 6900341; E-Mail: office® stg-online.de; Internet: http://www.stg-online.de Established: 1933; Secy: Hermann Schmidt Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 19.000,· Focus: Nav 01655 Stiftung für empirische Sozialforschung Professor Dr. Heinhold Bergler, Balthasar-Neumann-Str 16, 90480 Nürnberg T: (0911) 546699 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Reinhold Bergler Assets: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocS 0Í656 Marie Bergmann-Stiftung, c/o Sankt PetriDomgemeinde, Sandstr 10-12, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 365040 Established: 1937 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: ChurchM 01657 Gerda Bergmann-Stiftung, c/o Bergische Universität, Gaußstr 20, 42097 Wuppertal T: (0202) 4391; Fax: 4392901 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Gerda Bergmann Expenditures: DM 28.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy students at Bergische Universität-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal only Focus: Schol 01658 Josef und Maria Bergmann-Stiftung VechtaLangförden, Josef-Bergmann-Str 1, 49377 Vechta Τ: (04447) 9700 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Maria Bergmann Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 63.000,Focus: Med; Reh 01659 Christina Bergmann-Stiftung zur Unterstützung der Kinderkrebsforschung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Christina Bergmann Expenditures; DM 3.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hemat; Cane; Ped 01660 Beringer-Altmann-Stiftung, In den Sandbergen 53, 49808 Lingen T: (0591) 9135421 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Beringer Altmann Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Arts 01661 Berliner Sparkassenstiftung Medizin, Bundesallee 171, 10715 Berlin T: (030) 8693370; Fax: 8693053 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Sparkasse der Stadt Berlin West Assets: DM 5.000.000,Limltations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Med 01662 Berliner Stiftung für Dermatologie, c/o Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie, Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstr 60-62, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 84456909; Fax: 84456907 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Dermatologischer Weltkongreß Berlin 1987 e.V. Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Derm 01663 Berliner Stiftung zur Förderung des Holzbaus, Alt-Moabit 76, 10555 Berlin Established: 1992 Assets: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants to Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Build 01664 Lennart-Bernadotte-Stiftung, Schloß, 78465 Mainau Τ: (07531) 303101; Fax: 303160; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http J/ www.mainau.de Established: 1974; Chair: Prof. Dr. George Turner, Secy: Volkmar Leutenegger, Donor(s): Gräfin Sonja Bemadotte af Wisborg, Graf Lennart Bemadotte af Wisborg Assets: DM 3.960.000,-, Receipts: DM 180.000,-, Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Hort; Cult; Landsc . . . . 01665 Albert Berner-Stiftung, Bemerstr 6, 74653 Künzelsau Established: 1995; Donor(s): Albert Berner Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Health; SocW; Arts; Cult; Sports 01666
Eva und Klaus Bemett-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ; (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36685969; E-Mail: info θ den kmabch utz.de; Internet; www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Eva und Klaus Bemett Limitations: Predetermined grants in Helmershausen/Thüringen only Focus: Mon 01667 Bremer Naturschutz-Stiftung Monika und Friedo Beminghausen-Fonds zur Erhaltung der natürlichen Umwelt, Postfach 101329, 28013 Bremen T: (0421) 386930; Fax: 3869380 Established: 1989; Donops): Monika und Friedo Böminghausen Assets: DM 900.000,-, Expenditures: DM B0.000,Focus: Ecol 01666
24 Bessarablendeutsche Stiftung, Florianstr 17, 70188 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2625481; Fax: 26228092 Established: 1975 Limitations: Predetermined grants. Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 01680 Dr. Alexander und Rita Besser-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaftungs GmbH, BarWiovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.simon@stiften/eiband.de; Internet: http-Jl www,sttfterverband.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Rita Besser Expenditures: DM 350.000,· Limitations: Scholarships in Germany and Israel only Focus: Jour; Schol 01681
Heinrich Berolzheimer'sche Jubiläums-Stiftung der Stadt Fürth, c/o Stadt Fürth, Stadtkämmerei, Königstr 86-88, 90762 Fürth T: (0911) 741294; Fax: 772713 Established: 1904; Donops): Kommerzienrat Heinrich Berolzheimer Limitations: Grants to Berolzheimerianum in Fürth only Focus: Adult 01669
Dr. Gertrud-Beet-Sttftung zur Förderung gehörloser Kinder und junger Erwachsener In Köln und Umgebung, c/o Gehörlosenschule, GronewaJdstr 1, 50931 Köln T: (0221) 402888 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in the region of Köln only Focus: Deafs 01682
Bertelsmann Stiftung, Postfach 103, 33311 Gütersloh T: (05241) 8170; Fax: 816677; E-Mail: tim.amold@ bertelsmann.de; Internet: http:// www.stiftung.bertelsmann.de Established: 1977; Donor(s): Reinhard Mohn Expenditures: DM 85.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; Media; Econ; Libr; Med; Cult 01670
betapherm Nachsorgestiftung, do Kreisspaitasse Augsburg, Martin-Luther-PI 5, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3251448; Fax: 3251254 Established: 1998; Secy: Lothar Kübler, Donor(s): Firma betapharm Arzneimittel GmbH Focus: Cane; Ped 01683
Bertelsmann Wissenschaftsstiftung, Postfach 103, 33311 Gütersloh T: (05241) 8170; Fax: 816677; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http Λ www.stittung.berlelsmann.de Established: 1995; Donops): Bertelsmann AG Expenditures: DM 5.101.000,Llmitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Econ; Law; Adm; Med; Health; SocS; Educ; Cult; Music; Lit 01671 Bertrams-Stiftung, Eiserfelder Str 70, 57072 Siegen T: (0271) 33081 Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Heinrich Bertrams AG (Siegen) only Focus: SocW 01672 Kail Bertsch-Stfftung, c/o VBH Holding AG, Siemensstr 38, 70825 Komtal-Mûnehingen Τ: (07150) 15316; Fax: 15376; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Donops): Karl Bartsch Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitalions: Grants to universities and colleges in the state of Baden-Württemberg only Focus: Ecol; Landsc 01673 Benifsblldungswerk Burghausen, JohannesHess-Str 5, 84489 Burghausen Τ: (08677) 832004; Fax: 835591 Established: 1969; Chair: Dr. Klaus von Lindeiner, Secy: Wilfried Spitzwieser, Donor(s): Wacker-Chemie GmbH Limitations: Grants in Burghausen only. Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 01674 Berufsförderungswerk des Baugewerbes im Lande Bremen, Außer der Schleifmühle 53, 28203 Bremen T: (0421) 339377 Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Bremen only Focus: Voc; Build; Schol 01675 Berufsförderungswerk des Hamburger Baugewerbes, Johnsallee 53, 20148 Hamburg Τ: (040) 4152723; Fax: 4152733; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1964 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Voc; Build 01676 Berufsförderungswerk Goslar, Schützenallee 69, 38644 Goslar Τ: (05321) 702201 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Evangelischer Verein für Innere Mission e.V. Braunschweig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 01677 Berufshitfe-Stlftung der IG Bauen-AgrarUmwelt, Olof-Palme-Str 19, 60439 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 95737260 Established: 1963; Secy: Willi Dzielak Limitations: Grants to orphans of former members of the IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt only Focus: Οφ; Voc 01678 Antonie-Besler-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwallung, Fachbereich Kultur, Postfach 211225, 67012 Ludwigshafen Τ: (0621) 5042262; Fax: 5042259; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1975; Donops): Antonie Bester Expenditures: DM 9.000,· Limitations: Grants in Ludwigshafen and the region of Pfalz only Focus: Music; Lit; Arts 01679
Bethanien-Dlakonlssen-Stiftung, do Diakoniewerk Bethanien e.V., Im Prüfling 21-25, 60385 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 4608413; Fax: 4608399 Established: 1998 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Health; Rei 01684 Bethe-Sttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaftungs GmbH, Barkhovenailee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http J/ www.stifterverband.de Established: 1996; Donops): Roswitha und Erich Bethe Expenditures: DM 265.000,Focus: Educ; Sen; SocW; Youth; Health; Ecol; Cult 01685 Betreuungswerk Post Postbank Telekom, Postfach 300261, 70466 Stuttgart T: (0711) 13563641; Fax: 13563699; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1892; Donops): Sozialeinrichtung der Beschäftigten und der Ehemaligen der Unternehmen Deutsche Post, Deutsche Telekom und Postbank sowie der Bundesanstalt für Post und Telekommunikation Deutsche Bundespost Expenditures: DM 7.825,000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth; Orp; Child 01686 Betrlebsfamille, Hofrichterstr 6, 51067 Köln Τ: (0221) 636838 Established: 1986; Donor(s): NOSTRA GmbH Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 01687 Betty-Stift, Grindelallee 141, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 446089 Established: 1898 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn ÛJ688 Stiftung Cari Rudolf von BeulwHz, Triererstr 48, 66617 Nonnweiler Τ: (06873) 7964 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Carl Rudolf von Beulwitz Expenditures: DM 300.000,Focus: Sen; Youth; Child 01689 Paul Beuteführ und Hanna Judick-Stiftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Stiftungsveiwaltung er Str 32-36, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13624427; Fax: 13624502 Established: 1984; Donops): Paul Beuteführ, Hanna Judick Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Tönisheide only Focus: Schol 01690 Beutel-Launer-Stiftung, Wallensteinstr 52, 72770 Reutlingen Τ: (07121) 577041; Fax: 504947; E-Mail: Watter.alte @t-online.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Elisabeth Beutel Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Scie; Res; Eng; NatS; Med; Hum; SocS; Educ; Arts; Cult; Rei; IntU; Youth . . . 0J6S1 Lieselotte Beutel-Stiftung, Am Wiesenhaus, 14089 Berlin Τ: (030) 3622272 Established: 1992 Assets: DM 4.000.000,Focus: Cane 01692
Hans Beutz-Stlftung für Verdienste um Erziehung und Bildung Im Ems-Jade-Geblet, Postfach 2343, 26703 Emden T: (04921) 91550 Established: 1989; Donops): Johannes Beutz, Edith Beutz-Titedinga Limitations: Grants in the region of Ems-Jade only Focus: Educ; Schol 01693 Dr. Beyer 1 sehe Stiftung, Marbachweg 350, 60320 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 281046; Fax: 287926 Established: 1640 Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW 01694 Beyeredorff-Wyrow-Stlftung, Wilhelm-ReineckeStr 64, 21335 Lüneburg Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in the region of Greifenhagener Land only Focus: IntU 01695 Aachener Stiftung Kathy Beys, Schmiedstr 3, 52062 Aachen T: (0241) 409290; Fax: 4092920 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Kathy Beys-Baldin Assets: DM 20.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 01696 BHF'Bank-Stiftung, Bockenheimer Landstr 10, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7183519; Fax: 7183410; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Donor(s): BHF-BankLimitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: SocW; Cult; Sen; Child; Cult; Lit; Music; Theat; Arts; PolS 01697 Hanns und Helene Biberger-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1997; Donops): Hanns und Helene Biberger Focus: AnimP 01698 Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, Stuttgart: defunct Dr. Theodor August Bieber-Stiftung, c/o Theodor Durrteu, Trostbrücke 1, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 363331; Internet: 362304 Established: 1941; Donor(s): Cari Ludwig Nottebohm, Emma Elisabeth Nottebohm Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW; Sen; Youth 01700 Blehler-von-Dorrer-Sttftung, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44. 60799 München T: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http 'Ji www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1996; Donops): Marlies Biehler Expenditures: DM 34.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Arts 01701 Dotationsstiftung des Christian Andreas von Biel vom 23.12.1795, Kelkheimer Str 55, 65812 Bad Soden am Taunus Τ: (06196) 24518 Established: 1805; Chair: Konrad von Krosigk, Anton Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, Donor(s): Christian Andreas von Biel Assets: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.500,Limitations: Grants to brides of the von Biel family only Focus: Fam; Worn 01702 Horst Bienek-Stfftung, c/o Maecenata, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774 Established: 1991; Chair: Prof. Dr. h.c. Heinz Friedrich, Secy: Maecenata Management GmbH (München), Donops): Horst Bienek Assets: DM 1.480.000,Focus: Lit 01703 Gertrud-Bienko-Sttftung, do Stadtverwaltung Koblenz, Kultuidezernat, Postfach 201551, 56015 Koblenz T: (0261) 1291043; Fax: 1291044 Established: 1988; Chair Michael Stein, Donor(s): Gertrud Bienko Expenditures: DM 65.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants and scholarships in Koblenz only Focus: Music; Schol 01704 Margarethe Bierteln-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: info θ denkmalschutz.de; Internet: www.rtenkmalschutz.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dieter Bierlein Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bergen/RQgen only, only Focus: Mon 01705
01706- 01760
25 Elise und Georg Mathias Biermann-Stiftung in Augeburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren· und Stiftungsamt, SchieBgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: inloallgemein® susta.de Established: 1889; Donops): Elise Biermann Assets: DM 282.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants to former employees of Baumwollspinnerei (Augsburg) only Focus: SocW 01706 Herbert und Ilse Blesewlg-Sttttung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Herbert und Ilse Biesewig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Youth 01707 B i l d u n g * und Informationszentrum des Gartenbaus Hamburg, (formerly: Hamburgische Gartenbau Versuchsanstalt Fünfhausen), Ochsenwerder Landscheideweg 277, 21037 Hamburg T: (040) 7371130; Fax: 7372851 Established: 1938; Chair Hans-Peter Pohl, Secy: Sandra Spilker Limitations: Predetermined grants in Hamburg only Focus: Hort 01708 Blidungs- und Technologiezentrum zu Efsenberg-Stlftung, Klosterlausnitzer Str 85, 07607 Eisenberg Τ: (036691) 740; Fax: 7420 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Bildungs- und Technologiezentrum Assets: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Eisenberg only. Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Eng 01709 Bildungs· und Technologiezentrum zu Thaïe und Aschersleben-Stlftung, Steinbachstr 7a, 06502 Thaïe T; (03947) 41070; Fax: 410779; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Donor(s): EHW Thaïe AG, Kreishandwerkerschaft Harzland, Landkreis Assets: DM 3.660.270,-, Receipts: DM 11.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 11.300.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Thale and Aschersleben only. Applicatone not accepted Focus: Voc 01710 Blndemann'sches Legat, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1718 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 01711 Familienstiftung Irene und Adalbert Binder, Remstaler Str 46, 13465 Berlin T: (030) 4014792; Fax: 40105415 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Irene Binder, Adalbert Binder Limitations: Grants to members of the Binder family only Focus: Fam 01712 Blndlng-Kulturstlftung, c/o Binding-Brauerei AG, Abt. Recht, Darmstädter Str 185, 60591 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6065438; Fax: 6065287 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Binding-Brauerei AG Assets: DM 1.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 100,000,Umitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main and in the region of Rhein-Main only Focus: Cult; Arts 01713 Binnwerk'sche Kindergartenstiftung, c/o Evangelisch-Lutherisches Pfarramt, KIrchpl 3, 97346 Markt Einershelm T: (09326) 378; Fax: 1334; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1884; Donor(s): Georg Binnwerk, Auguste Binnwerk, Luise Binnwerk Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 01714 Stiftung Binz, HakJenbergstr 65, 73547 Lorch T: (07172) 928066; Fax: 8185 Established: 1987; Chair J.C. Ludwig, Donor(s): Elisabeth Lehmann, Ludwig Lehmann Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: AccM 01715 BloTbera-Stlftung, Sonnhalde 72, 79104 Freiburg im ßreisgau T: (0761) 6966266; Fax: 6966301 Established: 1997; Donops): Prof, Dr. med. Roland Mertetsmann Focus: Cane; Med 01716 Egon Blrkel-Stlftung, Rathausstr 18, 42659 Solingen Established: 1971; Donops): Egon Birkel Limitations: Grants to members of the Birkel family only Focus: Fam 0J7J7 Blrkenhof-Stlftung, Birkenhof, Immenröder Str 21, 38644 Goslar Τ: (05321) 5690; Fax: 569117 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Rudolf und Anneliese Thiele Limitations: Grants to members of the Thiele family only Focus: Fam 01718
Birkner-Stffiung, Gerichtsweg 28, 04103 Leipzig T: (0341) 9832000 Established: 1997; Chair Runa Seidel, Donor(s): Sabine Buil, Heinz Dom, Heinz Böhm, Elfriede Böhm, Runa Seidel, Gerhard Vontra, Dieter Hausmann, Lothar Meyer, Michael Böhm Expenditures: DM 92.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Book; Graph 0J7Î9 Dr. Hans und Dr. Elisabeth Birkner Stiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg Established: 1999; Donops): Dr. Elisabeth Birkner Limitations; Grants to hospitals in Nürnberg only Focus: Med; MedE 01720 Bischöfliche Kierikalsemlnarsttftung Sankt Jakob, do Bischöfliche Administration, Ertiardigasse 4, 93047 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 5971300; Fax: 5971320 Established: 1Θ62 Limitations: Predetermined grants In Regensburg only Focus: Rei E 01721 Bischöfliche Kierikalsemlnarsttftung Sankt Stephan, Dompl 5, 94032 Passau T: (0851) 393242; Fax: 393830 Established: 1833 Limitations: Predetermined grants In Passau only. Applications not accepted Focus: Rei E 01722 Bischöfliche Klerikalseminarstiftung Sankt Wolfgang, c/o Bischöfliche Administration, Erhardigasse 4, 93047 Regensburg T: (0941) 5971300; Fax: 5971320 Established: 1818 Limitations: Predetermined grants In Regensburg only Focus: Rei E 01723 Bischöfliche Knabensemlnarstlftung der Diözese Regensburg, c/o Bischöfliche Administration, Erhardigasse 4, 93047 Regensburg T: (0941) 5971300 Established: 1844 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Regensburg only Focus: RelE 01724 Bischöfliche Stiftung Haus Hall, Einrichtungen für Menschen mit Behinderung, Tungerloh-Capellen 4 48712 Gescher T: (02542) 7030; Fax: 703234; Internet: http:// www.haushall.de Established: 1855; Donops): Bischof von Münster Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 01725 Bischof Hermann-Stiftung, Schillerstr 46, 46155 Münster T: (0251) 606301; Fax: 6063129 Established: 1896; Donops): Bischof Hermann Dingelstad Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Home 01726 Johannes Bisegger-Süftung, Uhlandstr 33c, 33617 Bielefeld Established: 1967 Limitations: Grants to Universität Innsbruck (Austria) only Focus: CommT; Hum 01727 Hanns Blsegger-Stlftung, Uhlandstr 33c, 33617 T: (0521) 152241; Fax: 1438084 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Konsul Hanns Assets: DM 13.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants in Bielefeld only. Applications not accepted Focus: Music 01728 Otto-von-Blsmarck-Stiftung, Am Bahnhof 2, 21521 Aumühle Τ: (04104) 97710; Fax: 977114; E-Mail: bismarckstiftung@fríedríchsmh.rz.shuttle.de; Internet: http -J! www.shuttte.de/friedrichsruh Established: 1994; Chair Heinrfch-E. Seraphim, Secy: Dr. Michael Epkenhans Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; PolS 01729 Bistumshaus Sankt Ludwig, Johannesstr 8, 67321 Speyer Τ: (06232) 6098; Fax: 609600; E-Mail: Bistumshaus-Speyeröt-online.de Established: 1989; Donor(s); Bischof von Speyer Expenditures: DM 1.854.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; RetE 01730 Louise Blackbome-Stlftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Geschwister-Scholl· PI 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1940; Donops): Louise Blackbome Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy students at Luwig-Maximitians-Universítát München only Focus: Seh ol 01731 Erich F. Btâse-Sttftung, Holzstr i l a , 65197 Wiesbaden Τ: (0611) 423437 Established: 1990; Dortoirs): Erich F. Blase Focus: Res; Scie 01732
Blanke-Stiftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail; Stiftungen Ö venvaltung.uni-mainz.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Uni.-Prof. em. Dr. Gustav H. Blanke Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants to young scientists at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz only Focus: Angl 01733 Jürgen und Monika Blankenburg-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: υ I ri ke. johan η i ng d stifterve rband .de ; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverba nd.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Jürgen und Dr. Monika Blankenburg Expenditures: DM 24.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cuit; Schol 01734 Wilhelm Blaschke-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, c/o Mathematisches Seminar, Bundesstr 55, 20146 Hamburg Τ: (040) 4125136 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. Emanuel Spemer Limitations: Grants to Universität Hamburg only Focus: Math 01735 Dr. Bieckmann-Stiftung zur Förderung Studierender des Bauingenieurwesens an der Fachhochschule Lübeck, Königstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Limitations: Scholarships to students at Fachhochschule Lübeck only. Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Build 01736 Blelb-Gesund-Stiftung, c/o WDV Wirtschaftsdienst, Gesellschaft für Medien & Kommunikation & Co. OHG, Siemensstr 6, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe Established: 1999 Focus: Health 01737 Helmut Bleks-Stiftung, Von-der-Tann-Str 5, 80539 München Τ: (0B9) 7901190; Fax: 7901419 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Helmut Bleks Limitations: Grants to coloured children in developing countries only. Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Dev 01738 Blindenhund in Hessen e.V.-Stlftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in the state of Hessen only Focus: Blinds 01739 Blindenheim Schwäbisch Gmünd, Asylstr 5, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd Τ: (07171) 2281; Fax: 36345 Established: 1831; Donor(s): Pfarrer Jünger Limitations: Grants in Schwäbisch Gmünd only. Applications not accepted Focus; Blinds 01740 Blindenhôrbûcherel-Stlftung, Harkonstr 9, 48163 Münster Τ: (0251) 719901; Fax: 712846 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Westdeutsche Blindenhörbücherei e.V. Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Grants to Westdeutsche Blindenhöibücherei e.V. only. Applications not Focus: Blinds
. 01741
Bllndeninstltutsstiftung, Ohmsir 7, 97076 Würzburg T: (0931) 2092161, 2092169; Fax: 2092251; E-Mail: Blindeninstitutsstiftung 0t-online.de Established: 1853; Donor(s): Moritz Graf zu Bentheim-Tecklenburg Assets: DM 183.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 85.181.000,Limìtatìons: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 01742 Blindenstiftung Münster, Von-Humboldt-Str 65, 46159 Münster Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in the region of Münster only Focus: Blinds 01743 Anna-Hugo-Bloch-Sttftung, Klosterwaldstr 17, 79295 Sulzburg T: (07634) 8646; Fax: 8648 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Hugo Bloch Limitations: Grants in Sulzburg only Focus: Jew 01744 Block'sche Stiftung, Hauptstr 525, 26683 Saterland Established: 1964 Limitations: Grants in the parish of Ramsloh only Focus: SocW; Hand 01745 Walter Blohm-Sttftung, Kreetslag 10, 21129 Hamburg T: (040) 74372280; Fax: 74374751; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1964; Donorfs): Familie Blohm Assets: DM 400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,· Focus: Schol; Aviat 01746
Germany: Bode-Stiftung
Paul Blümel-Grundlagenforschungs-Instltut, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Helms, Hohenzollemstr 6, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 3486622; Fax: 3486666 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Paul Blümel Expenditures: DM 440.000,Focus: Med; Immun 01747 Friedrich Bluhme und Else Jebsen-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. U. Ritzmann, Kari-WiechertAllee 4, 30625 Hannover T: (0511) 5661406; Fax: 5661996 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Friedrich Bluhme, Else Jebsen Assets: DM 3.400.000,Limrtations: Grants in Lübeck und Stockeidort only Focus: SocW; Arts; Scie; Schol; Ped . . 01748 Georg und Agnes Blumenthal-Stiftung, c/o Robert-Koch-Institut des BGA, Nordufer 20, 13353 Berlin T: (030) 45472356; Fax: 45472602 Established: 1974 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Immun; Hemat 01749 Blum'sche Waisenhausstiftung, c/o Bischöfliches Generalvikariat, Domhof 18-21, 31134 Hildesheim Τ: (05121) 307400; Fax: 307488 Established: 1838; Donor(s): Landrentmeister Friedrich Blum Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 01750 Gerhard Boblest-Stlftung In der Rudervereinigung Helias-Titania Berlin e.V., Manfred-von-Richthofen-Str 19, 12101 Berlin Τ: (030) 7514553; Fax: 7514553 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Gerhard Boblest Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Berlin only Focus: Sports 01751 Sophia von Bocholt'sche Studentenstiftung, Vor dem Falltor 4, 46459 Rees T: (02822) 69433 Established: 1578; Donor(s): Sophia von Bocholt Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to citizens of Rees only Focus: Schol; Rei; Educ; SocW . . . . 01752 Stiftung Bruno Bock, Fáhrstr 1, 21436 Marschacht T: (040) 515319; Fax: 515319 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Bruno Bock Expenditures: DM 47.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Elbmarsch only Focus: SocW 01753 Marianne Bock-Gedächtnis-Stlftung, Auf der Höhe 35a, 21339 Lüneburg T: (04131) 405570, 61733 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Bruno Bock Focus: Hous; Child 01754 Helene, Hedwig und Walther Bock-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 91780 Weißenburg in Bayern T: (09141) 907100 Established: 1998; Chair: Reinhard Schwirzer, Donops): Walther Bock Expenditures: OM 33.000,Limitations: Grants in Weißenburg in Bayern only Focus: Cult; Arts; Music; Hand 01755 Friedrichstiftung derer Bock von Wülfingen, Hannoversche Heerstr 16, 29221 Celle T: (05141) 28048, 25397; Fax: 29808 Established: 1885 Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Bock von Wülfingen family only Focus: SocW; Fam 01756 Vereinigte Tile, Nigel und Johann BockholtSttftungen, Friedrich-Klrsten-Str 23a, 22391 Hamburg T: (040) 472288 Established: 1500; Donor(s): Tile Nigel, Johann Bockhoft Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; SocW 01757 Heinz A. Bockmeyer Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwaltbüro H.D. Stubbe, W. von Guenther & J.-U. Schrieber, Postfach 105243, 28052 Bremen Τ: (0421) 170414 Established: 2000 Focus: Cult; Health; Educ; Voc; Hand . . 01758 Studienrat Laurenz Bocks-Stiftung, Nordkamp 7, 59302 Oelde Τ: (02520) 94100; Fax: 94102; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1948; Donops): Studienrat Laurenz Bocks Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Rei 01759 Arnold Bode-Stiftung, c/o Magistrat der Stadt Kassel, Rathaus, Obere Königstr 8, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7872002; Fax: 7872217 Established: 1978: Chair: Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Kassel, Donor(s): Marielouise Bode, Eva Nele Riehle, Peter M. Bode. Stadt Kassel Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 01760
Germany: Bode-Stiftung
Kurt-Eberhard Bode-Stiftung für medizinische und naturwissenschaftliche Forschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http'Jl www.stifterverbana.de Established: 1987; Donops); Eberhard Bode Expenditures: DM 140.000,Focus: Med; NatS 01761 Evangelische Stiftung der BodelschwinghGemeinde, Forsmannstr 17-19 , 22303 Hamburg T: (040) 69659111; Fax: 69659131; E-Mail: www. stiftungbodelschwi ngh @ westedt.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Evangelische Bodelschwingh-Gemeinde zu Hamburg-Winterhude Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; SocW 01762 Bodelschwingh-Studienstiftung, (formerly: Studienstiftung Kein anderes Evangelium), Bodelschwingh-Studienhaus, Schwanallee 53, 35037 Marburg T: (06421) 21337; Fax: 15911; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://stud-www.unimarburg.de/Bsh Established: 1981; Chair: Pfarrer Burghard Affeid, Secy: Pfarrer Martin Westertleide Assets: DM 750.000,-, Expenditures: DM 370.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Schol 01763 Bodensee-Stiftung, Internationale Stiftung fur Natur und Kultur, Paradiesstr 13, 78462 Konstanz T: (07531) 90980; Fax: 909877; E-Mail: office© bodensee-stiftung.org; Internet: http://www.bodenseestiftung.org Established: 1995; Chair: Humbert Entress, Secy: Harald Jacoüy, Donor(s): Deutsche Umwelthilfe, BUND, NABU, Österreichischer Naturschutzbund, World Wide Fund for Nature Schweiz, Pro Natura Schweiz Assets: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Bodensee only Focus: Ecol; Cult 01764 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Böcher Stiftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Zentrales Geschäftsfeld Private Kunden, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13624427; Fax: 13624502 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Wolfgang Böcher Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: AnimP 01765 Boecker-Stiftung, Breite Str 30, 58452 Witten T: (02302) 2070; Fax: 207115 Established: 1972; Chair: Dr. Κ. Tillmann, Secy: C. Lange, Donor(s): Gregor und Emilie Boecker Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01766 Martin-Carl-Adolf Böckler-Stiftung, Kisseleffstr 12, 61348 Bad Homburg T: (06172) 20529; Fax: 928200 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Dr. Erich Böckler Limitations: Grants in the Baltic states only Focus: Archit; Arts; Cult; Mon; Bait . . . 01767 Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Mitbestimmungs-, Forschungs- und Studienförderungswerk des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes, Bertha-vonSuttner-Pl 1, 40227 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 77780; Fax: 7778225; Internet: http:// www.boeckler.de Established: 1953; Donor(s): Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund Assets: DM 4.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 62.048.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Schol; SocS 01768 Dr. Hans und Henriette Böge-Stiftung, c/o Superintendent zu Lüneburg, Bei der Sankt Johanniskirche 4, 21335 Lüneburg T: (04131) 42077, 22070; Fax: 42250 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Dr. Hans und Henriette Boege Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens in the governmental district of Lüneburg only Focus: SocW 01769 blue planet von böger-stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwälte Brinkmann & Partner, Postfach 130182, 20101 Hamburg T; (040) 41475538; Fax: 445070 Established: 1993 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Ecol; AnimP; SocW; Pris 01770 Geitrud-und-Alexander-Böhlig-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhoverallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: karsten.kaieger® stifterverband.de; Internet: www.stifterverband.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Dr. Gertrud Anna Böhlig Focus: Orient; Schol 0J77J Babette Böhm-Stiftung, Hilfskasse der Firma Α. Böhm, Postfach 600142, 70301 Stuttgart T: (0711) 4010240, 4010220 Established: 1937; Donor(s): A. Böhm Assets: DM 302.400,Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Α. Böhm (Stuttgart) only Focus: SocW 01772
Kari-Böhm-Stlftung zur Ausbildung und Förderung musikalisch hochbegabter Kinder und Jugendlicher, Ottostr 4, 80333 München T: (089) 367067 Established: 1997; Chair Rechtsanwalt Herr Horn, Donor(s): Dr. Willy Rellecke, Sissy Böhm, Prof. August Everding, Dr. Rüdiger v. Canal, Peter Jonas Focus: Educ; Music; Schol 01773 Böhrlnger IIsfeld-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 6401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1969; Donops): Fritz Böhrrnger Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; Ecol; PolS 01774 Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, Stiftung für medizinische Grundlagenforschung, Stafflenbergstr 32, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 247390, 247397; Fax: 248140; E-Mail: secretariat® bifonds.de; Internet: http:// www.bifonds.de Established: 1963; Chair Prof. Dr. Bernd Wetzel, Secy: Dr. Hermann Fröhlich, Donops): C.H. Boehringer Sohn, Boehringer Ingelheim International Assets: DM 100.000,·, Receipts: DM 6.300.000, Expenditures: DM 6.300.000,· Focus: Med; Schol 01775 Paul Böhringer-Stlftung, Heuchlinger Str 35, 74229 Oedheim T; (07136) 910420; Fax: 910421 Established: 1992; Donops): Paul Böhringer, Elfriede Böhringer Limitations: Grants in Germany and in developing countries only Focus: Waste; Dev; Cane 01776 Ludwig Bölkow-Stlftung, Daimler-Str 15, 85521 Ottobrunn Τ: (089) 6081100; Fax: 6099731 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Dr. Ludwig Bôlkow Expenditures: DM 205.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: En; Traf 01777 Heinrich-Böll-Stlftung, Rosenthalerstr 40-41, 10178 Berlin T: (030) 285340; Fax: 28534109; E-Mail: info® boell.de; Internet: http://www.boell.de Established: 1997; Chair Ralf Fucks, Dr. Claudia Neusüß, Petra Streit Expenditures: DM 60.000.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Ecol; PolS; Cult; Worn 01778 Annemarie und Helmut Börner-Stiftung, Postfach 250127, 50517 Köln Established: 1983 Focus: Educ; Aris; Cult; Youth; Hand; Sen; Mon 01779 Kurl Bosch-Stiftung zugunsten der Universität Augsburg, c/o Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstr 2, 86159 Augsburg T; (0821) 5985103; Fax: 5985116; E-Mail: Rektor® rs.Uni-Augsburg.de; Internet: http://www.uniaugsburg.de Established: 1986; Donops): Kurt Bösch Assets: DM 2.600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 242.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Augsburg only Focus: Uni 01780 Boese-Kniese-Stiftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1859 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Child 01781 Dr. Carl Bôse-Stiftung, Breite Str 66, 23552 Τ: (0451) 1223020; Fax: 1223090 Established: 1926; Donor(s): Dr. Carl Böse Expenditures: DM 42.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Lübeck only Focus: Law; Schol 01782 Csilla von Boeseiager Stiftung Osteuropa-Hilfe e.V., Höllinghofen, 59757 Arnsberg Τ: (02932) 972222; Fax: 972210 Chair Dr. Wolfhard von Boeseiager Limitations: Grants in East Europe only Focus: East 01783 Böttcher-Stiftung, Billbrookdeich 36, 22113 Hamburg Τ: (040) 7310930; Fax: 73109394 Established: 19B0; Donorfs): Johann Max Böttcher Expenditures: DM 65,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Schol 01784 Böltchersches Legat, c/o Stadt Hann. Münden, Postfach 1528, 34335 Hann. Münden T: (05541) 75359; Fax: 75401 Established: 1754; Donops): Anna Catharina Böttcher Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Hann. Münden only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 01785
Julius Bötzow-Stiftung, Herbartstr 16, 14057 Berlin T: (030) 3211435 Established: 1927 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Berlin only Focus: Sports; Hist 01786 Albert und Reinhold Böhl-Stiftung, c/o Landkreis Neu-Ulm, Kantstr 8, 89231 Neu-Ulm Τ: (0731) 7040139; Fax: 7040677 Established: 1959; Donor(s): Albert Bohl, Reinhold Bohl Limitations: Grants and scholarships to pupils and students in the district of Altlandkreis lllertissen only Focus: Schol 01787 August Bohle-Stiftung, Dieselstr 10, 42781 Haan Τ: (02129) 5568104 Established: 1971; Donor(s): August Bohle Assets: DM 400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants to members ol the Bohle family only Focus: Fam 01788 Curt Bohnewand-Fonds, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1972; Donops): Curt und Erna Bohnewand Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitát München only Focus: Cane 01789 Simon Bolivar-Stlftung, Jungfemstieg 51, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 350050; Fax: 35005111 Established: 1978; Chair: Dr. Dr. Dedo Hundertmark, Donor(s): Dr. Dr, Dedo Hundertmark Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Scholarships in Venezuela only Focus: Schol; Am 01790 Krankenhaus Nienburg-Stiftung Bollmanns Krankenhaus, Marienstr 2, 31582 Nienburg T: (05021) 8090; Fax: 809119 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 01791 Benno Bolza-Stiftung, c/o Koenig & Bauer AG, Friedrich-Koenig-Str 4, 97080 Würzburg T: (0931) 9090 Established: 1912; Donor(s): Benno Bolza Assets: DM 268.000,Focus: Voc; Print 01792 Christian von Bomhard Stiftung, Adelhofer Str 14, 97215 Uffenheim T: (09842/8094 Established: 1973 Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: RelE 01793 Ilse und Oskar Bonde-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH. Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: m ichael a .fruì h θ stifte rverband.d e ; Internet: http:// www.stiftenirerband.de Established: 1969; Dor>or(s): Ilse und Oskar Bonde Expenditures: DM 6.000,· Focus: Educ; Scie; Res 01794 Bongartzstiftung, Postfach 1462, 41304 Nettetal T: (02153) 8985101; Fax: 898898 Established: 1906; Donor(s): Maria Agnes Bongartz Assets: DM 2.911.923,-, Expenditures: DM 397.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 01795 Stiftung Bonhoeffer-Lehrstuhl, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: ulrike.johanning@stiftefvert>and.de; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Dr. Klaus von Dohnanyi, Prof. Dr, Helmut Reihlen, Prof. Klaus von Bismarck, Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bethge, Bischof Dr. Martin Kruse Expenditures: DM 132.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 01796 Bonifatius-Haneberg-Stiftung, do Abtei Sankt Bonifaz, Karlssir 34, 80333 München T: (089) 55171102; Fax: 55171100 Established: 1994; Donops): Benediktiner-Abtei Sankt Bonifaz Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Home 01797 Bonifatiusstift, Hauptstr 16, 37345 Neustadt/Eichsfeld T: (036077) 230; Fax: 20213 Established: 1855; Donor(s): Bonifaz-Ignatz Soff Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 01798 Bonner Sportstiftung der Sparkasse, Friedenspl 1, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 6061067; Fax: 6061080 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Sparkasse Bonn Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 350.000,Limitations: Grants in Bonn only Focus: Sports 01799
Waldemar Bonsels-Stiftung, Von-der-Tann-Str 5, 80539 München T: (089) 7901190; Fax: 7901419 Established: 1977; Donor(s): Rose-Marie Bonseis Focus: CommS; Lit 01800 Boorberg-Stiftung, Levelingstr 6a, 81673 München Established: 1992; Donops): Dr. Bemdt und Renate Oestertieft, Isolde Dicke, Sibylle Boorberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hand; SocW 01801 Richard Borek-Stiftung, Theodor-Heuss-Str 7, 38090 Braunschweig T: (0531) 20503; Fax: 2051527 Established: 1981; Chair: Richard Borek, Secy: Bernd Assert, Donor(s): Richard Borek Limitations: Grants in the region of Braunschweig only Focus: Cult 01802 Borghardtstiftung zu Stendal, Osterburger Str 82, 39576 Stendal Τ: (03931) 669400; Fax: 211030 Established: 1875; Donor(s): Stadt und Landkreis Stendal, Altmärkischer Adel, Kirchenkreis Stendal Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 01803 Maria Borgmann-Stiftung, Klotenstr 320, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort Established: 1991; Donor(s): María Borgmann Expenditures: DM 216.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped; Cane 01804 Dr. Friedrich Borgmann-Stiftung beim RotaryClub Kleve, Burgunder Str 7, 47533 Kleve T: (02821) 28105; E-Mail: Walter.Berensdt-online.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): María Borgmann Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to needy people in the district of Kleve only Focus: SocW 01805 Stiftung von Borrles-Stlft, c/o LUBECA Verwaltung GmbH, Elisabeth-Haseloff-Str 3, 23564 Lübeck Τ: (0451) 6106750; Fax: 6106729 Established: 1903; Donor(s): Carl Adolf von Bomes Expenditures: DM 226.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 01806 Bodo von Borrles-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: klaus.kuli® stifterverband, de; Internet: http -Jl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donops): Hedwig von Borries Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Phys 01807 Amo-Borst-Stiftung zur Förderung der mediävistischen Geschichtswissenschaften, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: S.Westermann® stffterverband.de; Internet: http Jl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1996; Donops): Prof. Dr. Amo Borst Expenditures: DM 9.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 01808 Bemhard-Bosch-Sttftung, Jöbkesweg 19-21, 48599 Gronau Τ: (02562) 71418; Fax: 71476; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.bosch-textil.de Established: 1996; Donops): Renate Bosch, Bernhard Bosch, Marianne Boing, Bosch Holding GmbH, Engers GmbH Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria and Romania only Focus: Child; East 01809 Robert Bosch Stiftung, Heidehofstr 31, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 460840; Fax: 460841094; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.boschstiftung.de Established: 1964; Chair Dr. Kail Gutbrod, Secy: Dr. Ulrich Bopp, Donor(s): Robert Bosch Assets: DM 5.483.626,·, Expenditures: DM 65.000.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Health; IntU; Educ 01810 Marie von Boschan-Aschrott AltersheimStiftung, Fried rich-Ebert-Str 178, 34119 Kassel Τ: (0561) 30961/63 Establish«!: 1926; Donops): Geheimer Justizrat Dr. Felix Aschrott Expenditures: DM 5.900.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01811 Ballen-Stiftung Heinz Bosl, Wilhelmstr 19b, 80801 München Τ: (089) 337763; Fax: 344221 Established: 1978; Chair: F.G. Hoffmann, Secy: F.G. Hoffmann, Donor(s): Prof. Konstanze VemonHoffmann Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants to young dancers and choreographers in Germany only Focus: Dance 01812
01813 - 01865
Koenraad Bosman-Stiftung, Markt 1, 46459 Rees T: (02851) 51176; Fax: 51196 Established: 1994; Donops): Koenraad Bosman Assets: DM 1.150.000,· Lìmitatìons: Grants in Rees only Focus: Arts; Cult; Hist 01813 Kunststätte Johann und Jutta Bossard, Am Kiekeberg 1, 21224 Rosengarten-Ehestorf T: (040) 7901760; Fax: 7926464; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.bossard.de Established: 1995; Chair Hans Bodo Hesemann, Secy: Prot. Dr. Rolf Wiese, Donops): Jutta Bossard, Landkreis Harburg, Kreissparkasse Harturg Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01814 Johanna und Wilhelm Bott-Stiftung, Bahnstr 17, 74405 Gaildorf T: (07971) 2510; Fax: 251213 Established: 1986; Secy: Hans König, Donops): Johanna Bott Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Schwäbisch Hall only Focus: Educ; Eth; Cult; Sports 01815 Margret Boveri-Stittung für Demokratieforschung, Thuringerstr 50, 9707Θ Wüi7burg Τ: (0931) 26989 Established: 1984; Donors): Karl Heinz Eger, Lothar Bossle Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: PolS; SocS; Ut; Pubi 01816 Edmund-Bradatsch-Stlftung, Hinterm Zwinger 18, 92637 Weiden Established: 1999; Donops): Edmund Bradatsch Limitations: Grants to universities and colleges in Weiden, Amberg and Regensburg only Focus: Uni; Mach; Elect 01817 Hans Bräckler Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurg am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Hildegard Bräckler Limitations: Grants in Bad Hornburg-Gonzenheim only Focus: Sen; Child 01818 Bettina-Bräu-Sttftung, Mehr Leben für krebskranke Kinder, Balduin-Helm-Str 61, 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck T: (08141) 23139 Established: 1994; Chain Horst Wendling, Donor(s): Elteminrtiative Intern 3 im Dr. von Hauner"schen Kinderspital München e.V. Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ped; Cane 01819 Johannes Brahms-Stlftung, c/o Musikhochschule, Harvestehuder Weg 12, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 428482581 Established: 1921; Chair: Bernhard Lange, Donops): Fritz Schnack Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Grants to needy senior musicians in Hamburg only Focus: Music 01820 Louis und Ella Julie Brand-Stfftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Ella Julie Brand Focus: SocW; Sen 01821 Bundeskanzler Willy Brandt-Stiftung, Rathaus Schöneberg, John-F.-Kennedy-Pl, 10825 Berlin T: (030) 7877070; Fax: 78770750; E-Mail: into@ willy-brandt.org; Internet: http://vww.willy-braridt.org Established: 1994; Chair Dr. Gerhard Groß, Secy: Dr. Wolfram Hoppenstedt, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,Umrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 01822 Gustav Brandt'sche Stiftung, BischofshoJer Damm 79, 30173 Hannover T: (0511) 2Θ4930; Fax: 818489 Established: 1916; Donops): Gustav Brandt Expenditures: DM 5.464.000,LimrtaÖons: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01823 Brasilische Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Orleanspl 11, 81667 T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1829; Donor(s): Kaiser Peter I. von Brasilien, Prinzessin Amalie von Leuchtenberg Expenditures: DM 1.000,Umitations: Grants in München only Focus: Orp; Youth 01824 Lebensrettungs-Stíftung Jürgen Braubach, c/o Dr. Otto von Laun, Kreuzkamp 3, 22926 Ahrensburg T: (04102) 57340; Fax: 57340 Established: 1988; Chair: Dr. Otto von Laun, Secy: Hermann Wulff, Donops): Jürgen Braubach Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 01825 Brauchtumsstiftung, Am Lösch 18, 64686 Lautertal Τ: (06254) 1382 Established: 1988 Focus: Cult
von Brauck-Stiftung, Hándelstr 2, 30177 Hannover Τ: (0511) 965340; Fax: 965348 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Rolf-Peter und Brigitte Brauck Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Res; Educ 01827 Brauckmann-Wlttenberg-Sport-Stlftung, im kurzen Felde 1, 30938 Burgwedel Limitations: Grants to sports clubs in Burgwedet only Focus: Sports 01828 Bürgermeister Dr. h.c. Max-Brauer-Stlttung für Begabtenförderung, Steinstr 20, 20095 Hamburg Τ: (040) 32882692; Fax: 32883506; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.hochbahn.com Established: 1961; Secy: Reiner Horak, Donor(s): Hamburger Hochbahn AG Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Voc 01829 Jan Brauers-Stfftung fur Fortschritt durch Harmonie, Lichtentaler Allee 28, 76530 BadenBaden T: (07221) 24334; Fax: 392839; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1989; Donops): Jan Brauers Focus: Hum; Phil; Eth 01830 Wemher von Braun-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Deutsche Bank AG, Dr. Dr. Armin Haag, Prof. Dr. Furrer Arnim Haug Focus: Schol; NatS; Uni 01831 Max Braun-Stiftung, Cretzschmarstr 17, 60487 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 831283; Fax: 8204146 Focus: SocW 01832 Braun-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Sozialdezemat, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 13021; E-Mail: sozialdezemat© stadt.mainz.de Established: 1961; Donor(s): Wilhelm Braun, Betty Braun Limitations: Grants in Mainz only Focus: Sen; Youth; Orp 01833 Β. Braun-Stiftung, Postfach 1120, 34209 Melsungen Τ: (05661) 711647; Fax: 712797 Established: 1966; Chair Dr. Joachim Schnell, Secy: Prof. Friedrich von der Haar, Donor(s): Otto Braun, Dr. Bernd Braun Assets: DM 5.500.000,Limitations: Grants to clinical staff in Germany only Focus: Med; Health 01834 Dr. Bernhard Braun-Stiftung des Heimat- und Verschönerungsverdns Melsungen e.V., Akazienweg 9 , 34212 Melsungen T: (05661) 2378 Established: 1995; Chair Otto Wiegand, Donor(s): Heimat- und Verschönenjngsverein Melsungen e.V., Barbara Braun-Lüdicke Assets: DM 600.000,Limitations: Grants in Melsungen only Focus: Cult; Mon; Sports; Youth; Arts; Health; Ecol; IntU 01835 Artur Brauner-Stiftung, Marienbader Str 13, 14199 Berlin T: (030) 895953112; Fax: 895953150 Established: 1991; Donops): Artur Brauner Assets: DM 700.000,Focus: Rei; Cin 01536 Braun'sche und Susann'sche Stiftung Möhringen, Hermann-Leiber-Str 4, 76532 Tuttlingen Τ: (07462) 94820; Fax: 7572 Established: 1978; Donops): Anton Braun, Johann Susann Expenditures: DM 135.000,Limitations: Grants in Tuttlingen-Möhringen only Focus: Nurs; Sen; SocW 01837
Braunschwelge Stiftung zum Andenken an den 6. Februar 1794, Lange Herzogstr 63, 38300 Wolfenbüttel T: (05331) 88000 Established: 1794; Donor(s): Herzog Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Braunschweig only Focus: SocW 01840 Dr. Herbert Brause-Stiftung, c/o Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants to Bayerische Julius-MaximiliansUniversität in Würzburg only Focus: Educ; Electron; Uni 01841 Dr. Hans Joachim und Ilse BredeStiftung, do Dresdner Bark AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Mairi Τ: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dr. med. HansJoachim Brede Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Immun 01842 Hans Bredow-Institut für Medienforschung an der Universität Hamburg, Heimhuderstr 21, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4502170; Fax: 45021777; E-Mail: info® hans-bredow-institut.de; Internet: http://www.hansbredow-institut.de Established: 1950; Donor(s): Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk Assets: DM 1.720.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Media 01843 Bibliothek Brehm-Stiftung, Schloß Arolsen, Höhnscheid, 34454 Bad Arolsen T: (05691) 90110; Fax: 891119 Established: 1990; Chair: Adolf Brehm, Secy: Adolf Brehm, Prof. Dr. E. Bangert, Donor(s): Adolf Brehm, Landkreis Waldeck-Frankenberg Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bad Arolsen only Focus: Libr 01844 Emst Brehme-Stiftung, Meisenstr 4, 14195 Berlin Τ: (030) 8419350; Fax: 84193519 Established: 1980; Chair Thomas Thaler, Donor(s): Ernst Brehme Expenditures: DM 47.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: SocW 01845 Tierarzt Breinbauer-Ritzer-Walsenhausstittung, do Stadt Passau, Referat Unternehmen-Stiftungen, Postfach 2747, 94014 Passau T: (0851) 396383 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Hans Breinbauer, Rosa Breinbauer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 01846 August Breitenbach-Stiftung, Rehweg 12, 57078 Siegen T: (0271) 870074; E-Mail: Emst. Achenbach @tonline.de Established: 1968; Donor(s): August Breitenbach Assets: DM 8.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Siegen, Bethel, Kaiserswerth and Volmarstein only Focus: SocW; Nurs 01847 Kind ohne Eltem-Walter-Breitensteln-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Staats, Deliusstr 16, 24114 Kiel T: (0431) 67010; Fax: 6701599; E-Mail: recht® koch-partner.de Established: 1992; Donops): Walter Breitenstein Expenditures: DM 365.000,· Limitatiorts: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Orp 01848 Brelthauptsche Famlilen-Stlpendien-Stiftung, Rantzaustr 38, 22926 Ahrensburg Τ: (04102) 54966 Established: 1732; Chair: Dieter Breithaupt, Secy: Dieter Breithaupt, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Joachim Justus Breithaupt Limitations: Scholarships to sons of the Breithaupt family only Focus: Schol 01849 Bremer Hellpraktiker Stiftung, Celler Str 2, 28205 Bremen Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Horn 01850
Braunschwelg-Stiftung, Hennebergstr 14, 36102 Braunschweig T: (0531) 4Θ44690; Fax: 4844699; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www .bezirksregierung-braunschweig.de Established: 1934; Donops): Land Braunschweig Expenditures: DM 3.733.000,Limitatkms: Predetermined grants in Braunschweig only Focus: Uni; Theat; Arts 01838
Bremer Hellstätte Bad Rehburg, Contrescarpe 21, 28203 Bremen T: (0421) 3334215 Established: 1950 Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Pulm 01851
Braunschweiglscher Vereinigter Klosterund Studienfonds, Hennebergstr 14, 38102 Braunschweig T: (0531) 4644690; Fax: 4844699; E-Mail: MictaelRudolph@ br-bs.niedersachsen.de; Internet: http://www.bezirksregierung-braunschweig.d0 Established: 1832; Secy: Michael Rudolph Expenditures: DM 8.942.000,Limitations: Grants in the former state of Braunschweig only Focus: SocW; Cult; Mon; Schol . . . . 01839
Bremer Heimstiftung, Marcusallee 39, 28359 Bremen T: (0421) 24340; Fax: 2434299; E-Mail: info θ bremer-heimstiftung.de; Internet: http:// www.bremer-heimstiftung.de Established: 1953; Chair Alexander Kunzel, Donor(s): Senat der Freien Hansestadt Bremen Assets: DM 10.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 195.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 01852
Germany: Breuer-Stiftung
Bremer Landesbank Stiftung, Domshof 26, 28195 Bremen Τ: (0421) 3322207; Fax: 3322324; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Donor(s): Bremer Landesbank Kreditanstalt Oldenburg - Girozentrale Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Scie; Res; Arts; Cuit; Uni . 01853 Bremer Literaturstiftung, do Buchhandlung Geist, Langenstr 10, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 327173 Established: 1993 Focus: Lit; IntU 01854 Bremer Sparer-Dank Stiftung der Sparkasse in Bremen, tío Sparkasse in Bremen, Am Brill 1, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 1792007; Fax: 1793333, 1793627 Established: 1955; Donor(s): Sparkasse in Bremen Expenditures: DM 3.143.000,Limitations: Low cost living space for needy citizens of Bremen only Focus: Hous 01855 Geschwister Anna und Diederìch Bremer-Stiftung, tío Stadt Varel, Kämmerei, Postfach 1669, 26306 Varel T: (04451) 126150; Fax: 126130 Established: 1926; Donor(s): Johann Diederich Bremer Expenditures: DM 3.063.000,Limitatiors: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01856 Bremische Polizei-Stiftung, In der Vahr 76, 26329 Bremen T: (0421) 3623730; Fax: 36212619; E-Mail: dieter.goeddeke @t-online.de Established: 1982; Chair: Dr. Dieter Göddeke, Donor(s): Peter Boga Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitatiors: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Pol 01857 Bremische Stiftung für Rüstungskonversion und Friedensforschung, Goethepl 4, 28203 Bremen T: (0421) 402091 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Armin Stolle, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Ekkehard Lentz Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: Peace 01858 Brendan-Schmlttmann-Stlftung des NAVVirchowbundes-Verband der niedergelassenen Ärzte Deutschlands e.V., Beifortstr 9, 50668 Köln T: (0221) 97300553; Fax: 97300559; Internet: http:// www.medi-netz.com/bss-ziele.htm Established: 1974; Donor(s): NAV-Verband der niedergelassenen Ärzte Deutschlands Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 0/859 Helga Brenn-Stiftung, Wurmbergstr 60, 34130 Kassel T: (0561) 63574 Established: 1992; Chair Helga Brenn, Donor(s): Hausfrauenverband Kassel e.V. Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Worn; HomeE; Adult 01860 Otto Brenner-Stiftung, Lyoner Str 32, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66932951; Fax: 66932952 Established: 1972; Secy: Dr. Michael Blank, Dr. Klaus Lang, Donor(s): IG Metall Focus: Trade 01861 Brennpunkt Sozialarbeit, Auf dem Graben 23, 71111 Waldenbuch T: (07157) 27710; Fax: 22812 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Verein Forum Sozialarbeit Assets: DM 112.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Stuttgart only Focus: SocW 01862 Brethaupt'sche Stiftung, c/o Landkreis Verden, Lindhooper Str 67, 27283 Verden Τ: (04231) 15232; Fax: 15603 Established: 1706; Donor(s): Johann Hinrich von Brethaupt Assets: DM 568.000,-, Expenditures: DM 42.000,Umitations: Grants in Verden only Focus: SocW 01863 Dr. Friedrich und Auguste von Brettreich'sehe Stipendienstiftung, c/o Stadt Regensburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Kumpfmühler Str 52a, 93051 Regensburg T: (0941) 5071544; Fax: 5074549 Established: 1939; Donops): Staatsminister a.D. Dr. Friedrich von Brettreich Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to students originating of Regensburg only Focus: Schol 01864 Ewald Breuer-Stiftung, Am Gocher Berg 79, 47574 Goch Τ: (02823) 5193 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Ewald Breuer Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis KleveGeldern only Focus: Card 01865
Germany: Breuning-Stiftung Robert Breuning-Stiftung, Basler Str 2Θ, 79540 Lörrach Τ: (07621) 3171; Fax; 3171 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Robert Breuning Focus: Sen; Hand; AnimP; SocW . . . . 01866 Jürg B r e u n i n g e r Stiftung, Forschungs· und Studienstiftung zur jüdischen Geschichte und zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Rheinstr 29 , 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 97581121; Fax: 97581190; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Secy: Reinhard Heinzel Focus: Jew; Rae 01867 Familienstiftung von B r e v e m , Hockenheimer Str 40, 67117 Limburgerhof T: (06236) 67835; Fax: 67396 Established: 1896; Donor(s): Alexander von Brevem Expenditures: DM 57.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the von Brevem family only Focus: Fam 01868 Senator Ing. Albert Brickwedde-Stiftung, c/o Firma Brickwedde, Postfach 1229, 49002 Osnabrück T: (0541) 584850; Fax: 5848527 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Dipl.-Ing. K. Münnich Focus: Voc 01869 Max B r i n c k m a n s e n . u n d A r n o l d M e r g e d s e n . Stiftung, Postfach 900750, 21047 Hamburg T: (040) 76625512; Fax: 76625511 Established: 1920; Donor(s): Η a f t urger Oelwerke Brinckman & Mergel! oHG Expenditures: DM 104.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hous 01870 Unterstützungskasse der Firma Martin B r i n k m a n n G m b H , Hermann-Ritter-Str 114, 28197 Bremen T: (0421) 5484066 Established: 1939; Donor(s): Martin Brinkmann A G Expenditures: DM 61.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Martin Brinkmann GmbH (Bremen) only Focus: SocW 01871 Theodor Brinkmann-Stiftung, c/o Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät, Meckenheimer Allee 174, 53115 Bonn T; (0251) 7064503; Fax: 7063708 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bonn Expendieres: DM 5.000,Focus: Agrie 01872 John Brlnley-Stiftung der D e u t s c h e n Gesellschaft für H u m a n i s t i s c h e P s y c h o l o g i e e.V., Schubbendenweg 4, 52249 Eschweiler T: (02403) 4726; Fax: 20447 Established: 1983; Donor(s): John Brinley Focus: Schol; Ther 01873 British C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e in G e r m a n y Stiftung, Severinstr 60, 50678 Köln T: (0221) 314458; Fax: 315335 Established: 1983; Donor(s): British Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. Limitations: Scholarships in Germany and Great Britain only Focus: IntU; Educ; Cult; Arts; Schol . . . 01874 Alfred Britsch-Stiftung, Hauptstr 101, 74930 Ittiingen T: (07266) 91910; Fax: 919191 Established: 1913; Donor(s): Alfred Britsch Expenditures: DM 59.000,Limltations: Grants in Ittiingen only Focus: SocW; Sen; Youth; Educ . . . . 01875 Dr, B r o c h e - S t i f t u n g N a u m b u r g , Markt 1, 06618 Naumburg Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Naumburg only Focus: Music; Theat; Lit 01876 Brochier Klnderfonds-Stiftung, Watteauslr 1, 81479 München Τ: (089) 74420280; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http i l www.Kinderfonds.org/brochier.htrTi Established: 1992; Secy: Phillip Hoi, Donor(s): Alexander Brochier Expenditures: DM 300.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 01877 Hermann Bröckelschen-Stiftung, Leibnizstr 96, 10625 Berlin T: (030) 31503388 Established: 1958; Secy: Hans Dieter Bünner, Donor(s): Bankier Hermann Bröckeischen Expenditures: DM 14.000,Focus: Archeo 01878 B r Ö h a n - M u s e u m , Landesmuseum für Jugendstil, Art Deco und Funktionalismus (1889-1939), Schloßstr 1a, 14059 Berlin T: (030) 32690600; Fax: 32690626; Internet: h t t p j l www.dhh.de/museen/broehan Established: 1994; Donor(s): Prof. Karl H. Bröhan Limitations: Grants to Bröhan-Museum in Berlin only. Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01879
01866 - 01917 Dorothea BröketechervSttftung, c/o Stadt Goslar, Postfach 2569, 38615 Goslar T: (05321) 704363; Fax: 704461 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Dr, Else Brökelschen, Werner Brökelschen Expenditures; DM 13.000,Limitations: Grants to former pupils of Christian-vonDohm-Gymnasium and Ratsgymnasium in Goslar only. Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 01880 Wilhelm Bröker-Stiftung, Postfatti 100111, 33597 Bielefeld Τ: (0521) 512154 Established: 1956; Donops): Wilhelm und Wilhelmine Bröker Expenditures: DM 500.000,Umitations: Grants to citizens of Bielefeld only Focus: SocW 01881 Dr. Broermann-Stiftung, Debusweg 4, 61462 Kd η igsteín - Falkenstein Τ: (06174) 901000; Fax: 901010 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Dr. Broemiann Focus: Health; Ther 01882 Alois B r o m k a m p - S t t f t u n g für W i s s e n s c h a f t s m a n a g e m e n t , do SV Strftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: klaus.kuli®stifterverband,de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donops): Keiko und Alois Bromkamp Expenditures: DM 27.000,Limitations: Grants to University of Ghana only. Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Schol; Uni; Air . 01883 Brons-Fürbringer-Stlftung, Nesserlander Str 5, 26721 Emden Τ: (04921) 20177; Fax: 33107 Established: 1961; Chair: Claas Brons, Secy: Claas Brons, Donor(s): Tiieda Brons, Wilhelm Fûrbringer, Caroline Fûrbringer geb. Brons Assets: DM 1,309.000,-, Receipts: DM 150.000,-, Expenditures: DM 177.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 01884 B r u c h s a l e r Muslkschul-Sttftung, Kaiserstr 66, 76646 Bruchsal Τ: (07251) 79215; Fax: 79455 Established: 1992; C h a i r Staatssekretär a.D. Heinz Heckmann, Secy: Otto Ihle, Donops): Staatssekretär a.D. Heinz Heckmann Assets: D M 240.000,·, Expenditures: D M 10.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to Musik- und Kunstschule Bruchsal only Focus: Music; Arts; Schol 01885 B r u c k m a n n - S t i f t u n g , Nymphenburger Str 86, 80636 München Τ: (089) 1257300; Fax: 1257305 Established: 1970 Assets: DM 250.000,Focus: Arts; Sports 01886 Bruderhaus-Sttftung Eggenfelden, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 84301 Eggenfelden Τ: (08721) 70832; Fax: 7388 Established: 1602; Donor(s): Helena Perghofer Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 144.000,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Eggenfelden only Focus: Hous; Sen 01887 Bruderhausstiftung Berchtesgaden, 1152, 83461 Berchtesgaden Τ: (08652) 60060; Fax: 64515 Established: 1400; Donor(s): Fürstprobst Griesstâtter, Brüder von Riedemann, Adelgunde von Modena Assets: DM 4.235.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.166.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.200.000,Limitations: Grants to old people's homes in Berchtesgaden only. Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01888 B r u d e r h a u s s t i f t u n g Mühldorf a m Inn, c/o Stadt Mühldorf am Inn, Stadtkâmmerei, Stadtpl 21, 84453 Mühldorf am Inn T: (08631) 612230; Fax: 612222; E-Mail: Stadtverwaltung Ômuehldorf.de; Internet: http:// www.muehldorf.de Established: 1563; Donops): Stadt MühkJorf am Inn Assets: DM 360.000,-, Expenditures: DM 23.500,· Limitations: Grants to 15 needy senior citizens of Mühldorf am Inn only. Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01889 Andrea BrudermOiler-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Helmut Meyer-Peters, Elmenhorststr 7, 22767 Hamburg T: (040) 3860430; Fax: 38604343; E-Mail: ra.meyerpeterset-online.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Renate und Wolfgang Brudermüller Expenditures: DM 7.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 01890
28 Brück-Sprenger-Stfflung, do Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Röseierstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 16843950; Fax: 16845062 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Ella Sprenger Assets: DM 1.634.028,·, Expenditures: DM 62.000,Limitations: Grants to handicapped citizens and their families in Hannover only Focus: Hand 01891 Β rücke/M ost-Stfftung zur Förderung der t s c h e c h i s c h e n V e r s t ä n d i g u n g u n d Z u s a m m e n a r b e i t , Reinhold-Becker-Str 5, 01277 Dresden T: (0351) 433140; Fax: 4331433; E-Mail: brueckemost-stiftung 0t-online.de Established: 1997; Donops): Dr. Helmut Köser, Frau Gertrud Köser Expenditures: D M 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 01892 Die Brücke-Stfftung, Eingliederungshilfswerk Hannover, Deisterstr 64, 30449 Hannover T: (0511) 454344; Fax: 454344; E-Mail: bruecke© sozialeseiten.de Established: 1974; Donops): Ruth und Wilhelm Markert Expenditures: DM 410.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Pris 01893 Johann Bruecker-Stiftung, Rathaus, 71101 Schönaich Τ: (07031) 63930; Fax: 63929 Established: 1953; Chair: Bürgermeister Franz Grupp, Secy: Michael Kopp, Donops): Johann Bruecker Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 222.000,-, Expenditures: DM 222.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hous 01894 Stiftung Brückner-Kühner, Kasseler Literaturpreis für grotesken Humor, c/o Magistrat der Stadt Kassel, Rathaus, Obere Königsir 8, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7872002, 7877079; Fax: 7872217 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Christine Brücker, Otto Heinrich Kühner Expenditures: DM 164.000,Focus: Lit 01895 Paula und Dr. Carl Brügmann-Stlftung, Lütgendortmunder Hellweg 242, 44388 Dortmund T: (0231) 61830 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Dortmundsr-Union-Brauerei (Dortmund) only Focus: SocW 01896 Heinrich Leonard B r ü g m a n n und G e h e l m r a t Dr. Cart Brügmann-Stlftung, Belegschaftshilfe der Dortmunder Union-Brauerei GmbH, c/o Dortmunder Union-Brauerei AG, Lütgendortmunder Hellweg 242, 44388 Dortmund T: (0231) 61830 Limitations: Grants to employees of Dortmunder Union-Brauerei GmbH (Dortmund) only Focus: SocW 01897 Ingeborg Brüninghaus-Stlftung, Lessingstr 7, 33604 Bielefeld T: (0521) 177242 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Ingeborg Brüninghaus Assets: DM 5.500.000,Limitations: Grants in Versmold only. Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 01898 Ruth und Christian Bruhn-Sttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7/ www.stifterverband.de Established: 1984; Donor(s): Ruth und Christian Bruhn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ther; Med; Hum; SocS; SocW . . 01899 Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker-Sttftung, Taunusblick 1a, 56112 Lahnstein T: (02621) 917010; Fax: 917033 Established: 1990 Focus: NatS; Eng; Educ; Ecol 01900 Alfred Brune-Stiftung, Rühberg 9-11, 29614 Softau T: (05191) 86200; Fax: 86221 Established: 1974; Dorions): Alfred und Gertrud Brune Assets: DM 67.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Soltau onfy. Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Nurs; SocW; Hand . . . 01901 B r u n e n b u s c h - S t e i n - S t l f t u n g zur F ö r d e r u n g der medizinischen Forschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: dorìs.zirkterdstifterverbaod.cte; Internet: http:// www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1984; Donops): Dr. Paul A. und Ursel Stein Expenditures: D M 63.000,Focus: Med 01902
Sparkassenstiftung Alex Brunnberg, Nieheimer Str 2, 33034 Brakel T: (05272) 366102; Fax: 366260 Established: 1993; Chain Herr Springer, Dcnor(s): Sparkasse Höxter Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Höxter only Focus: Youth; Sen; Arts; Cult 01903 Constantin Brunner-Stiftung, Stemstr 3, 37083 Göttingen Τ: (0551) 5314993 Established: 1975; Chair: Jürgen Stenzet, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Walter Beitiard, Leo Sonntag Focus: Phil; Schol; Lit 01904 Dr. G A. B r u n n e r ' s c h e Famlllenstiftung z u Halle, Alfred-Messel-Weg 26, 64287 Darmstadt Established: 1652 Limitations: Grants to members of the Brunner family only Focus: Fam 01905 Dr. Hans Bruns-Stiftung, Rembrandtstr 23, 55127 Mainz Established: 1983 Assets: DM 250.000,Focus: Schol 01906 Stiftung Richard B r u n s Vermächtnis, c/o Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Stiftungsverwaltung, Hamburger Str 13t, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1959; Donor(s): Richard Bruns Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 01907 Brunst-Weber-Stffiung, Heiigeiststr 51, 18439 Stralsund T; (03831) 612813; Fax: 612814 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Hansestadt Stralsund Expenditures: D M 889.000,Umitaüons: Grants in Stralsund only Focus: Hous; SocW; Health 01908 B u b e r - R o s e n z w e i g - S t i f t u n g , Postfach 1445, 61214 Bad Nauheim T: (06032) 91110; Fax: 911125; E-Mail: B R S ® aranea.de Established: 1989; Chair Ines Henn, Secy: Dr. Ansgar Koschel, Donor(s): Gesellschaften für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit Assets: DM 1.000.000,Focus: SocS; IntU 01909 Jehoshua und Hanna Bubis-Stiftung zur E r f o r s c h u n g u n d zur V e r m i t t l u n g d e s W i s s e n s über d a s J u d e n t u m , Schumannstr 65, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9757370; Fax: 751979 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Ignatz Bubis Assets: DM 258.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Focus: Jew 01910 Johanna und Fritz B u c h Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Kleine Johannisstr 2-4, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 362001; Fax: 364914 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Dr. Günther Buch Assets: DM 5.100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 350.000,Focus: Sen 01911 Harald Buch-Stiftung, Schwalbenweg 10, 58730 Fröndenberg Limitations: Grants in the region of Hagen only Focus: Sen; Child; SocW 01912 Amo Buchegger-Stiftung, Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 19, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 517021; Fax: 152217 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Amo Buchegger Expenditures: DM 2.039.000,· Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Ecol 01913 Buchhelm-Sttftung, Johann-Biersack-Str 23, 82340 Feldafing Τ: (08157) 1221; Fax: 3143; Internet: http:// www.buchheimmuseum.de Established: 1995; Chair Prof. Dr. Lothar-Günther Buchheim, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Lothar-Günther Buchheim, Diethild Buchheim Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 01914 Buchler'sche Famlllenstiftung, Höhenblick 7, 38104 Braunschweig T: (05307) 20525; Fax: 20550 Established: 1905 Limitations: Grants to members of the Buchler family only Focus: Fam 01915 Max Buchner-Forschungsstiftung, TheodorHeuss-AIIee 25, 60466 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7564247; Fax: 7564176; Internet: http -J! www.dechema.de Established: 1936; Donops): DECHEMA e.V. Expenditures: DM 500.000,Focus: Eng 01916 Julius-Theodor Buck-Stiftung, do Gesundheilsbehörde Hamburg, Tesdorpfstr 8, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 428482627; Fax: 428482606; E-Mail: MichaeLHaßÖ bags.hamburg.de; Internet: http:// wMw.afg.fhh.net.de Established: 1907; Donors): Julius-Theodor Buck Assets: D M 25.000,Focus: SocW 01917
01918 -01970
29 Dr. Buding-Stlttung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagemerit, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1996; Donops): Dr. Amalberg Buding Focus: Diab; Med 01918
Bürgerhelm·Stiftung, c/o Stadt Rosenheim, Liegenschaftsamt, Postfach 1209, 63013 Rosenheim Τ: {08031) 361257/58; Fax: 362006 Established: 1959 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01932
Bücherei des Judentums Buchen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathaus, Obergasse 6, 74722 Buchen T: (06281) 560561 Established: 1998; Chair Herbert Duffner, Donor(s): Herbert Duffner Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Libr; Jew 01919
Bürgerhospital-Stiftung Deidesheim, Postfach 220, 67143 Deidesheim Τ: (06326) 972160; Fax: 981560 Established: 1494; Donor(s): Ritter Nikolaus von Böhl Expenditures: DM 2.400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 01933
Gustav Bückel-Sttftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Filiale Pforzheim, Postfach 520, 75105 Pforzheim T: (07231) 372200; Fax: 372244 Established: 1966; Donops): Elise Buckel Expenditures; DM 5.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc 01920 Büdel-Ebert-Heim-Stlftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Stadtkámmerei, 69142 Neckargemünd Τ: (06223) 804131; Fax: 604232 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Ludwig und Johanna Büdel Expenditures: DM 121.000,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Neckargemünd only Focus: Sen 01921 Hans BQhler & Co. Inh. Kurt-Glesler-Stiftung, Postfach 1240, 73242 Wernau Τ: (07153) 31083; Fax: 31295 Established: 1949; Donor(s): Kurt Giesler Limitations: Grants to former employees of F, Bühler & Co. (Wernau) only Focus: SocW; Eng 01922 Eugen Bühler-Stiftung, Ouellenweg θ, 89349 Buitenbach Τ: (08285) 345 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dipl.-lng. Eugen Bühler Assets; DM 5.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 137.000,Limitations: Grants to employees of the German casting industry only Focus: Metal; Lab 01923
Bürgerhospttal-Stiftung Kulmbach, c/o Stadt Kulmbach, Stiftungsreferat, Marktpl 1, 95326 Kulmbach T: (09221) 940271; Fax: 940279 Established: 1550; Oonor(s): Bürger der Stadt Kulmbach Assets: DM 1.243.000,·, Receipts: DM 1.289.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.289.000,ümitations: Grants in Kulmbach only Focus: Sen 01934 Bürgerhospital und Sankt-EllsabethKrankenhaus, Schilierstr 22, 36088 HünfekJ T: (06652) 9870; Fax: 987699 Established: 1576; Donor(s): Fürstabt Ludwig Landau zu HersfekJ Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 01935 Bürgerliche Helllggelst-Stfftung Passau, c/o Stadt Passau, Referat Unternehmen-Stiftungen, Postfach 2447, 94014 Passau T: (0851) 396383; Fax: 396337 Established: 1344; Donor(s): Stadtrichter und Münzmeister Urban Gundacker, Plektraud Gundacker Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01936 Bürgerliche Walsenhaus-Stiftung zu Passau, c/o Stadt Passau, Referat Unternehmen-Stiftungen, Postfach 2447, 94014 Passau T: (0851) 396383 Established: 1749; Donor(s): Schiffsmeister Lukas Kem Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 01937
Max und Emi Bûhler-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. W. Hansis, Gaisburgstr 7, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2375020; Fax: 2375013; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Donops): Erna Bühler-Haegele Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Metal 01924
Bürgerspltal-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 1, 97346 Iphofen T: (09323) 87150; Fax: 871555 Established: 1616; Donor(s): Bischof Julius Echter Expenditures: DM 233.000,Limitations: Grants in Iphofen only Focus: SocW; Sen 01938
Vicco von Bülow-Stlftung, Gutsmuthsstr 16, 14770 Brandenburg T: (03381) 301564 Established: 1993; Secy: Fritz Musfeld, Donor(s): Vicco von BGlow Expenditures: DM 29.000,Limitations: Grants in Brandenburg only Focus: Cuit; SocW; Child; Youth; Sen . . 01925
Bürgerspltal-Stiftung Bamberg, c/o Stadt Bamberg, Finanzreferat, Postfach 110323, 96031 Bamberg T: (0951) 871200; Fax: 871907 Established: 1803 Expenditures: DM 3.129.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01939
Bülow-Stlftung, Heckenweg 42, 71229 Leonberg Τ: (0711) 16530; Fax: 1653201; E-Mail: info® buelow-ag.de; Internet: http://www.buelow-ag.de Established: 1984; Donor(s): Horst Bülow Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: AnimP; Ecol 01926
Bürgerspital-Stiftung Straubing, c/o Stadt Straubing, Stiftungsamt, Pfauenstr 6, 94315 Straubing Τ: (09421) 9803; Fax: 980500 Established: 1280 Expenditures: DM 12.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01940
Stiftung von Bülow'sches Armenhospital Gudow, Gutsallee 2, 23909 Gudow T: (04547) 634; Fax: 1361 Established: 1707; Donor(s): Otto Dietrich von Bülow Assets: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.500,Lirrtftations: Grants to citizens of the former district of Amtsbezirk Gudow only Focus: Hous 01927 Dr. med. h.c. Heinz Bürger-Büslng-Stfftung zur Erforschung und Behandlung des Diabetes mellitus e.V., Hahnbrunner Str 46, 67659 Kaiserslautem Established: 1987 Focus: Diab 01928 Bürger-Rettungs-instftut, Klosterstr 16, 13581 Bedin T: (030) 3311923 Established: 1796 Limitations: Grants to needy craftsmen in Berlin only Focus: SocW 01929 BOrger-Sttftung der Kreissparkasse Stede, Große Schmiedestr 12, 21682 Stade T: (04141) 109143; Fax: 109210; E-Mail: ¡nfoÖkskstade.de; Internet: http://www.ksk-stade.de Established: 1998; Donops): Kreissparkasse Stade Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Stade only Focus: SocW; Scie; Cult; Ecol; Sports . . 01930 Bürgertiausverein GoldsteJn-GemeinnOtzlge Stiftung, Am Wiesenhof 11, 60529 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 6666767 Established: 1994 Assets: DM 230.000,Limitations: Grants In Frankfurt am Main-Goklslein only Focus: Cult 01931
Bürgerspltal-Stiftung Volkach, c/o Stadt Volkach, Postfach 1161, 97326 Volkach Established: 1607 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Bürgerspttalsitftung der Stadt Schwandorf, c/o Elisabethenheim, Bahnhofstr 7, 92421 Schwandorf T: (09431) 8800; Fax: 860104; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.schwandorf.de Established: 1443; Donor(s): Hans und Heinrich Vogler, Lorenz Modler Assets: DM 30.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 01947 Bürgerspitalstlftung Hahnbach, c/o Marktgemeinde Hahnbach, Amberger Str 5, 92256 Hahnbach T: (09664) 91340; Fax: 913434 Established: 1549; Donor(s): Walburga Lobmeier, Maria Dotzler Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to needy senior citizens of Hahnbach only Focus: Seri 01948 Bürgerspitalstlftung Haßfurt, c/o Stadt Haßfurt, Stiftungsreferat, Hauptstr 5, 97437 Haßfurt T: (09521) 688120; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1452; Donor(s): Bürgermeister und Rat der Stadt Haßfurt Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Haßfurt only Focus: Sen 01949 Bürgerspitalstlftung Nabburg, tío Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Nabburg, Oberer Markt 16, 92507 Nabburg T: (09433) 1838, 1825; Fax: 1833; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.nabburg.de Established: 1412; Donor(s): Pfarrer Johannes Zeuger von Perschen Expenditures: DM 255.000,Limitations: Grants to needy Citizens of Nabburg only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 01950 Bürgerspitalstlftung Pottensteln, c/o Stadt Pottenstein, Forchheimer Str 1, 91278 Pottenstein T: (09243) 7080; Fax: 70810 Established: 1948; Donor(s): Franz Wittmann Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Child 01951 Bürgerspitalstlftung Sulzbach-Rosenberg, c/o Stadt Sulzbach-Rosenberg, 92237 Sulzbach· Rosenberg T: (09661) 510127; Fax: 510109 Established: 1366 Expenditures: DM 467.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01952 Bürgerstiftung Berlin, Im Schwarzen Grund 11, 14195 Berlin Τ: (030) 83228113; Fax; 83228114; Internet: http:// www,buergerstiftung-bertin.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Freunde der Bürgerstiftung Berlin e.V. Limitations: Grants in the region of Berlin only Focus: Youth; Educ; Sports; Arts; Lit . . 01953 Bürgerstiftung Bezirksmuseum Buchen, c/o Verein Bezirksmuseum Buchen e.V., Postfach 1422, 74713 Buchen T: (06281) 8898; Fax: 8898 Established: 1996; Chair: Bürgermeister Dr. Achim Brötel, Secy: Gerlinde Trunk, Donor(s): Verein Bezirksmuseum Buchen e.V.. Buchener Bürger Assets: DM 110.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 01954
Bürge rspttalsttftung, c/o Stadt Amberg, Referat 4 für Jugend und Soziales, Postfach 2155, 92211 Amberg T: (09621) 10330, 10371; Fax: 303112 Established: 1317; Donops): Kaiser Ludwig IV. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01942
Bürgerstiftung Darmstadt, Hermannstr 10, 64285 Darmstadt T: (06151) 663655 Established: 1975 Limitations: Grants in Darmstadt only Focus: SocW 01955
Bürgerspitalstfftung, c/o Stadt Dachau, KonradAdenauer-Str 4-6, 85221 Dachau T: (08131) 75243/44; Fax: 75299 Established: 1616; Donops): Dr. Wilhelm Jocher Expenditures: DM 382.000,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Dachau only Focus: Sen 01943
Bürgerstiftung der Kreissparkasse Kothen/Anhalt, Marktpl 3-4, 06366 Kothen T: (03496) 424170; Fax: 424100 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Köthen/Anhalt Expenditures: DM 23.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Köthen/Anhalt onty Focus: Mon; Ecol; Youth; Arts; Cult; Theat
Bflrgerspltaistfftung, Spitalstr 5, 91315 Hochstedt Established: 1513 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ser 01944
Bürgerspitalstiftung, tío Stadt Kötzting, Herrenstr 5, 93444 Kötzting Established: 1747 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01945
Bürgerstiftung der Sparkasse Iserlohn, tío Sparkasse der Stadt Iserlohn, Schilleipl 6, 58636 Iserlohn T: (02371) 216389; Fax: 216556 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse der Stadt Iserlohn Limitations: Grants in Iserlohn only Focus: Arts; Cult; Youth; SocW; Sports . 01957
BQrgerspKalsttftung Cham, c/o Stadt Cham, Marktpl 2, 93413 Cham T: (09971) 85790; Fax: 6811 Established: 1284; Donor(s): Bürger der Stadt Cham Assets: DM 20.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 01946
Bürgerstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Viersen, tío Stadtsparkasse Viersen, Hauptstr 91, 41747 Viersen T: (02162) 267103; Fax: 267109 Established: 1997; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Viersen Limitations: Grants in Viersen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Ecol; Mon; Sen; Youth; Sports 01958
Germany: Bürgerstiftung
Bürgerstiftung Dresden, Barteldespl 2, 01309 T: (0351) 315810; Fax: 3158181; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.buergerstiftung-dresden.de Established: 1998; Secy: Winfried Ripp Expenditures: DM 220.000,· Limitations; Grants in the region of Dresden only Focus: Cult; Youth; Educ; SocW; Ecol . . 01959 Bürgerstiftung Festung Rüsselshelm, Haßlocher Str 72, 65428 Rüsselsheim T: (06142) 64084; Fax: 64086 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Carlo von Opel, Dr. Heinz von Opel, Bürger der Stadt Rüsselsheim Assets: DM 271.281,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Rüsselsheim only Focus: Mon 01960 Bürgerstiftung für den Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck, Münchner Str 32, 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck T: (08141) 519777; Fax: 519582 Established: 1999; Chair: Fritz Morgenstern Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck only Focus: Youth; SocW; Arts; Cult; Mon; Ecol 01961 Bürgerstiftung für Goslar und Umgebung, Breite Str 98, 38640 Goslar T: (05321) 347552; Fax: 347549 Established: 1999; Secy: Hans-Joachim Rieck, Donor(s): Eheleute Tessner, Dr. Klaus Krause, Goslarsche Zeitung Kart Krause GmbH 4 Co. KG Limitations: Grants in the region of Goslar only Focus: Educ; Youth; Arts; Cult; SocW; Scie; Res 01962 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Wolfsschlucht 9, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7124232; Fax: 7124734 Established: 1999; Secy: Eckard Wörner, Donor(s): Kasseler Sparkasse Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants in Kassel and the district ot Landkreis Kassel only Focus: Scie; Res; Hum; SocS; Educ; Arts; Cult; Mon; Sen; Youth; Health; Sports; SocW . 01963 Bürgerstiftung Hamburg, Mittelweg 120, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 41449750; Fax: 41449751; E-Mail: info® buergeretiftung-hamburg.de Established: 1999 Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Youth; Sen; Educ; Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Ecol 01964 Bürgerstiftung Hannover, Lutzerodestr 9, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 3483660; Fax: 3483663; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Secy: Claus von Holn Expenditures: DM 328.000,Limitations: Grants in Hannover and the district of Landkreis Hannover only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Youth; SocW; Sports 01965 Bürgerstiftung Haus + Grund, Gemeinnütziges Hilfswerk des privaten Haus-, Wohnungs- und Grundeigentums zu Hannover, Theaterstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 3689377/78; Fax: 3078190 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Leistungsgesellschaft Hans + Grund Niedersachsen e.V. Limitations: Grants to needy senior citizens of Hannover only Focus: Hous 01966 Bürgerstiftung Historisches Weinheim, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Obertorstr 9, 69469 Weinheim Τ: (06201) 82352; Fax: 82268 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Stadt Weinheim Expenditures: DM 22.000,Limitations: Grants in Weinheim only Focus: Mon 01967 Bürgerstiftung Leipzig, (formerly: Bürgerstiftung Stadt Leipzig), Postfach 780, 04007 Leipzig Τ: (0341) 1233009; Fax: 1233005 Established: 1948; Donor(s): 144 Stiftungen der Stadt Leipzig Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in Leipzig only Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; Ecol . 01968 Bürgersttftung Ludwigsburg, tío Stadtkämmerei, Stadtverwaltung Ludwigsburg, Postfach 249, 71602 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 9102864; Fax: 9102847; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.Ludwigsburg.de Established: 1999; Donops): Stadt Ludwigsburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Sen; Youth; SocW; Sports 01969 Bürgerstiftung Ludwigshafen am Rhein, tío Stadtverwaltung, Kâmmerei, Rathauspl 20, 67059 Ludwigshafen Τ: (0621) 5042268, 5042265; Fax: 5043782 Established: 1983 Assets: DM 4.650.246,-, Receipts: DM 1.080.787,-, Expenditures: DM 454.446,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Ludwigshafen only Focus: SocW; Blinds; Orp; Schol; Wid . . 01970
Germany: Bürgerstiftung
Bürgerstiftung Neckarwesthelm, Rathaus, Marktpl 1, 743Θ2 Neckarwestheim T: (07133) 1840; Fax: 18430; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Donor(s): Gemei nschaftskemkraftwerk Neckar GmbH Assets: DM 5.595.000,Limitations: Grants in Neckarwestheim only Focus: SocW; Cult; Arts; Sports . . . . 01971
Bugenhagen-Stlftung, Stresemannallee 34, 30173 Hannover T: (0511) 9887533; Fax: 9887534; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Chair: Warner Conring, Donor(s): Ev.-luth. Bugenhagen-Kirchertgemeinde in Hannover Expenditures: DM 7.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hannover-Bugenhagen only Focus: Rei; SocW; Schol 01985
Bürgerstiftung Schwegenheim, Hauptstr 7Θ, 67365 Schwegenheim T: (06344) 5658; Fax: 6912 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in Schwegenheim only Focus: SocW; Educ 01972
Buhl-Strohmaler-Stlftung, c/o l München, Sozialreferat, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München Τ: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Anna Strohmaier Expenditures: DM 1.530.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Hand; Blinds 01986
Bürgerstiftung Stormarn, Hagenstr 19. 23843 Bad Oldesloe Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Stormam only Focus: SocW 01973 Bürgerstiftung Wehr, Hauptstr 16, 79664 Wehr T: (07762) 80830; Fax: 80861 Established: 1840; Donor(s): Philipp Merian Expenditures: DM 5.617.000,Limitations: Grants in Wehr only. Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Health 01974 Bürgerstiftung Wismar, Hinter dem Rathaus 6, 23966 Wismar T: (03841) 2513013; Fax: 2513002 Established: 1998; Chair: Gerhard Raabe Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants in Wismar only Focus: SocW; Cult; Sports 01975 Bürgerstiftung zukunftsfähiges München, Klenzestr 37, 80469 München T: (089) 20238111; Fax: 20238113; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.bszm.cte Established: 1998; Chair: Winfried Eckardt, Donor(s): Maecenata Limitations: Grants in the region of München only Focus: Educ; SocW 01976 Bürgerwaisenhaus Münster, c/o Stadt Munster, Stiftungsverwaltung, Ludgeripl 4-6, 48151 Münster T: (0251) 4925902; Fax: 4927704 Established: 1592; Donor(s): Johann Warendorf Assets: DM 3 100.000,-. Expenditures: DM 127.000,Lrmitations: Grants in Münster only Focus: Child; Youth 01977 Anna Büring Testament, Grellinger Str 5, 22299 Hamburg T: (040) 482594 Established: 1535; Chair: Vincent Schlüter, Donor(s): Anna Büring Assets: DM 450.000,-, Receipts; DM 170.000,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Focus: Child; Youth 01978 Christian Bürkert-Stiftung, Christian-Bürkert-Str 1317, 74653 Ingelfingen T: (07940) 100; Fax: 10465; internet: http:// www.buerkert.com Established: 1978; Donor(s): D. Biirkert Expenditures: DM 11.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at Fachhochschule Heilbronn/Künzelsau only Focus: Bus; Schol 01979 BÜROPA-Strftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Bar1and.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1983; Donor(s): Dr.-lng. Dr. h.c. Arthur Burkhardt Expenditures: DM 24.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS; Eng; SocS 01998 Burschenschaftliche Stiftung für nationale Mindertieften- und Volksgruppenrechte In Europa, Rosenbergstr 87, 70193 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6365186; Fax: 6364597; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.minderheitenstiftung.de Established: 1995 Assets: 300.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: HumR; IntU 01999 Horst-Busch-Sportler-Stlftung, Lübecker Str 9, 23795 Bad Segeberg Τ: (04551) 964200; Fax: 964222 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Horst Busch Assets: DM 46.000,· Limitations: Grants in Bad Segeberg only Focus: Sports 02000 Dorothea Busch Stiftung, Fritz-Ulrich-Str 60, 74080 Heilbronn T: (07131) 380804; Fax: 380805 Established: 1999; Chair: Waldemar Busch, Donor(s): Dorothea und Waldemar Busch Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: SocW 02001 Busch-Stiftung Quedlinburg Sankt Nikolai, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1996; Donorts): Beate und Thomas Busch Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 02002 Busch-Stiftung Seniorenhilfe, Spichemstr 50, 42699 Solingen T: (0212) 659700 Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Solingen only Focus: Sen 02003 Wilhelmina Busch-Woods-Stiftung Bernried mit Zustiftung Viktoria Neumüller, Ampeckstr 3, 81545 München T: (089) 645550; Fax: 6426904 Established: 1950; Donops): Wilhelmina BuschWoods, Viktoria Neumüller Expenditures: DM 120,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Landsc 02004 Walther und Käthe Busche-Stlftung, Neue Rabenstr 3, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 4146000; Fax: 41460010 Established: 1989; Chair: Karl-Heinz Dommel, Secy: Peter Rehaag, Donor(s): Käthe Busche Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 80.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at North German conservatories only Focus: Schol; Music 02005 Butter'sche Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Bruno Reuter, Nymphenburger Str 25, 80335 München Established: 1992; Donor(s): Johannes Butter Focus: SocW 02006 Eugen-Otto-Butz-Kunststiftung, Krabbenburg 3, 40723 Hilden Τ: (02103) 6761; Fax: 6763; Internet: www.ButzStiftung.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Eugen Otto Butz Expenditures: DM 190.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02007 Eugen-Otto Butz-Stlftung, Krabbenburg 3, 40723 Hilden Τ: (02103) 6761; Fax: 6763; Internet: httpJl www.Butz-Stftung.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Eugen-Otto Butz Expenditures: DM 123.000,Focus: Aut 02008 Eugen-Otto und Margarete-Butz-Stlftung, Krabbenburg 3, 40723 Hilden T: (02103) 6761; Fax: 6763 Established: 1998; Donops): Eugen Otto Butz Expenditures: DM 190.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth 02009 C.C.C.L de Brème, Contrescarpe 19, 28203 Bremen Τ: (0421) 326722, 328122 Established: 1955 Limitations: Grants in Germany and France only Focus: IntU 02010
C.D.-Stiftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Elinor Schùphaus, Ingrid Düllmann, Hans Carl Deilmann, Dr. Jürgen Deilmann Expenditures: DM 298.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Grafschaft Bentheim only Focus: Ped 02011 Ernst von Caemmerer-Gedächtnlsstiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1987 Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Law 02012 Dr. Walter und Margarete Ca|ewltz-Stlftung, Hildesheimer Str 11, 30169 Hannover Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02013 Adeline und Christoph Marco Calgeer'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, do Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten Τ: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1940; Donor(s): Adeline Calgeer'sche Stiftung, Christin Marco Calgeer'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Grants in Kempten only Focus: Child 02014 Calvör-Wiechmann'sche Stiftung, Bomhardtstr 4, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Established: 1725 Assets: DM 33.875,Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Cafvör-Wiechmann family and to needy citizens of Clausthal-Zellerfeld only Focus: Fam; SocW 02015 Hans Calwer-Stiftung, c/o Landratsamt, Abt. Organisationsamt, Herrenstr 15, 76437 Rastatt Τ: (07222) 381293; Fax: 381409; E-Mail: D1201 @ Landkreis-Rastatt.de Established: 1972; Chair Landrat Dr. Hudelmaier, Secy: Burkhard Jung, Donor(s): Hans Calwer Assets: DM 1.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 02016 von Campen'sche Stiftung, Johannesbnjnnen 3638, 38820 Halberstadt Τ: (0511) 8791650; Fax: 9790959 Established: 1759; Donops): Geheimrätin von Campen Expenditures: DM 62.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; ChurchM 02017 Campe'sche historische Kunststtftung, do Hamburgische Staatsoper, Große Theaterstr 34, 20354 Hamburg Τ: (040) 3568331; Fax: 3568456 Established: 1909; Chair: Prof. Dr. Uwe M. Schneede, Secy: Hans-Joachim Zirkel, Donor(s): Julius Heinrich Campe Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 2.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.500.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02018 Canter'sche Stiftung von Ebersdorf, c/o Gemeinde Ebersdorf, Rathaus, Raiffeisenstr 1, 96237 Ebersdorf T: (09562) 385200, 385210; Fax: 385221 Established: 1924; Donor(s): Friedrich und Therese Canter Assets: DM 80.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Educ; Cult 02019 CARE-Erlnnerungs-Stiftung / CARE-MemorialFoundation, c/o Haus der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege, Franz-Lohe-Str 17, 53129 Bonn T: (0228) 226225; Fax: 226298 Established: 1961; Chair: Josef SchmitzElsen, Donor(s): CARE New York, Bundearbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege Assets: DM 500.000,-, Receipts: DM 30.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: SocW 02020 Caritas Gemeinschafts-Stiftung, Wagnerstr 35, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2106966; Fax: 2106930; E-Mail: CaritasGemeinschaftsStiftung θ t-online.de Established: 1998; Donops): Caritasverband fur Stuttgart e.V. Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: SocW 02021 Carftas Kinderhilfe för geistig Behinderte Im Stadt· und Landkreis Pirmasens, Rodaiber Str 190, 66953 Pirmasens T: (06331) 5463; Fax: 546400 Established: 1973 Limitations: Grants in the region of Pirmasens only. Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 02022
02023 - 02076
31 Caritas-Sozialwerk Sankt Elisabeth, Postfach 1361, 49362 Vechta Τ: (04441) 870770; Fax: 870787; E-Mail: Cartas,LCVOIdenbu rg @t-online.de Established: 1974 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02023 Caritas-Stiftung Im Bistum Essen, Am Porschepl 1, 45127 Essen T: (0201) B102831; Fax: 810288031; E-Mail: andreas.meiwes® caritas-essen.de Established: 1998; Secy: Andreas Meiwes, Donor(s): Caritasverband für das Bistum Essen e.V. Limitations: Grants in the diocese of Essen only Focus: SocW 02Q24 Caritas-Stiftung im Erzbistum Köln, Georgstr 7, 50676 Köln T: (0221) 2010308; Fax: 2010130; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-Jl www.caritasnet.de Established: 2000; Chain Bernhard Inden, Donor(s): Diözesan-Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Köln e.V. Limitations: Grants in the archdiocese of Köln only Focus: SocW 02025 Caritasstiftung Sankt Joseph Oldenburg, c/o Bischöflich Münstersches Offizialat, Postfach 1462, 49363 Vechta Established: 1989 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02026 Ephraim Carlebach-Stiftung, Lohrstr 10, 04105 Leipzig T: (0341) 2115280; Fax: 2115280 Established: 1992; Chair Prof. Dr. Renate Drucker, Secy: Dr. Kerstin Plowinski Assets: DM 92.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Jew; IntU; Hist; Pubi; Arts; Cult . 02027 Carls-Stlftung, Am Hasensprung 17, 61462 Königstein im Taunus Τ: (06174) 952517; Fax: 1751 Established: 1988; Donor(s): O.W. Carls, Ursula Carls Limitations: Predetermined grants in Königstein im Taunus only Focus: Hand; Health; Then Ped . . . . 02026 Carolinen-Stiftung zu Haldem, Bad Essen T: (05472) 1028; Fax: 2764 Established: 1853; Chair Albrecht Bussche-Ippenburg, Donor(s); Carl dem Bussche Limitations: Grants to members of Bussche family only Focus: Fam
Ippenburg, 49152 Freiherr von dem und Caroline von the von dem 02029
Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung e.V., Arcisstr 61, 80801 München T: (089) 2729040; Fax: 27290444; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.carrerasstiftung.de Established: 1995; Chair: José Carreras, Karl Scheufeie, Secy: Ingo Kraus, Donops): José Carreras Receipts: DM 18.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only. Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 02030 Wilhelm Carstens-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Finkenau 31, 22081 Hamburg Τ: (040) 2271010; Fax: 22710119; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1960 Assets: DM 3.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,Focus: Sen 0203? Kail und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Am Deimelsberg 36, 45276 Essen T: (0201) 563050; Fax: 5630530; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJl www.carstens-stiftung.de Established: 1981; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Karl Carstens, Dr. Veronica Carstens Expenditures: DM 3.242.000,Focus: Horn; Schol
Carsten'sche Stiftung, c/o Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Gartenstr 6, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 9882311; Fax: 9882596 Established: 1792; Donor(s): C.C. Carstens Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Educ 02033 Edith Carstensen-Stiftung, c/o Gesellschaft zur Beförderung gemeinnütziger Tätigkeit 1789, Königstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02034 Bernhard und Anna Caspar-Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt Hannover, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 1663950; Fax: 16845062 Established: 1918; Donor(s): Bernhard Caspar Asseis: DM 90.843,·, Expenditures: DM 7.500,Limitations: Grants to charitable organizations in Hannover only Focus: SocW 02035
Gertrud Casperi-Familienstlftung, Friedlandstr 36, 63486 Bruchköbel Established: 1987; Donor(s): Gertrud Caspari Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02036 Helga Cavallo-Stiftung, Amulfstr 22, 80335 München Τ: (089) 559880; Fax: 55988266; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Donor(s): Helga Cavallo Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Sen; Blinds; Hand; Child . . . . 02037 Celler Helmstiftung, Haiturger Str 70, 29223 Celle Τ: (05141) 9680; Fax: 968199 Established: 1994 Assets: DM 25.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.525.000,Limitations: Grants in Celle only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02038 Dr. med. Franz-Rudolf Centner-Stiftung, Blütenweg 9, 54292 Trier Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants in Trier only Focus: SocW; Youth
CERES-Stiftung, Steinlachallee 14, 72072 Tubingen T: (07071) 791332; Fax: 760780 Established: 1993; Chair Ulfried Rudolph Focus: Neur
Senator de Chapeaurouge-Stiftung, Juthomstr 33, 22043 Hamburg T: (040) 687174 Established: 1962 Focus: Educ; Cin 02041 Checkpoint Charlie Stiftung, Berlin-USAFoundation, Wolfensteindamm 9, 12165 Berlin T: (030) 8449060; Fax: 84490620; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.cc-stiftung.de Established: 1994; Secy: Alexander Longolius, Donor(s): Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin Expenditures: DM 941.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin and in the USA only Focus: IntU 02042 Ida und Otto Chellus-Stiftung, Stockmattenweg 22, 79114 Freiburg im Breisgau Τ: (0761) 800256 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Otto Chelius Assets: DM 3.200.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Youth; Educ 02043 Children for Tomorrow, c/o Rechtsanwälte Dr. Weiland und Pariner, Neuer Wall 86, 20354 Hamburg Fax: (040) 361307250 Established: 1998 Focus: Child 02044 Children's Hour, c/o Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung, Chausseestr 29, 10115 Berlin Τ: (030) 2807000, 2807001; Fax: 2832202; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Child; Youth 02045 Daniel ChodowleckJ-Stiftung, c/o Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin Τ: (030) 39076142; Fax: 39076175 Established: 1992 Limitations: Scholarships to Polish artists only. Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Schol; East 02046 Chrlstensen-Stlftung, Winterer Str 83, 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau Τ: (0761) 368070; Fax: 3680755 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Heilpädagogisches Soziatwerk Freiburg Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Educ 02047 Christiani-SWtung (Geistliches Ministerium), do Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1794; Donops): Johann Gottfried Christiani Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Magdeburg only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02048 Familie Christiansen-Stiftung, Postfach 1883, 23506 Lübeck Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants In Lübeck only Focus: Hand 02049 Christliche Blldungs- und Erziehungsstiftung, Georgstr 24, 32756 Detmold Τ: (05231) 92160; Fax: 921618; E-Mail: c.e.neuser@ gmx.de Established: 1998 Focus: Educ 02050 Christliche Helmstfftung Bremerhaven, WaJther-Rathenau-PI 6, 27570 Bremerhaven Τ: (0471) 924550; Fax: 9245514 Established: 1972 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Germany: Cockerill'sche
Christophorus-Haus-Stiftung Gesundheitszentren, Burgerstr 28, 61476 Kronberg Τ: (06173) 940700; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Donor(s): Ingeborg und JörgFriedrich Harmsen Assets: DM 120.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin and in the state of Hessen only Focus: Health; AIDS; Cane 02052
Claussen-Slmon-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1981; Donor(s): Georg W. Claussen Expenditures: DM 239.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phil; Educ; Ung; Cult; Eng; NatS; Schol 02065
Christophorus-Stfftung, c/o HUK-Verband, Glockengießerwall 1, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 321070; Fax: 3210380 Established: 1957; Donor(s): Verband der Schadensversicherer e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Traf
Paul und Margarete Claussen-Stiftung Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Rissener Landstr 197, 22559 Hamburg T: (040) 819070; Fax: 8190759 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Margarete Claussen Focus: Voc; Econ; PolS; Bus 02066 02053
Clementine Kinderhospital Dr. Chrlst'sche Stiftung, Theobald-Christ-Str 16, 60316 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 949920; Fax: 432684 Established: 1975 Assets: Applications not accepted. Focus: Ped 02054 Dr. Lini Chroust-Stiftung, Abtei Münsterschwarzach, 97359 Münsterschwarzach Τ: (09324) 20230 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Dr. Lini Chroust Limitations: Scholarships to needy Roman-Catholic theological students only Focus: Schol; Rei 02055 CITIBANK Stiftung, Grabenstr 5, 40213 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 132282; Fax: 8984751 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Citibank Privatkunden AG Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Uni 02056 Clara-Elisen-Stift, Kartäuserwall 26, 50678 Köln Τ: (0221) 336020; Fax: 322041 Established: 1870; Chair C.A. von Joest, Secy: M. Lütke, Donor(s): Familie von Joest Assets: DM 11.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 4.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.500.000,Limitations: Grants to Protestant senior citizens of Köln only. Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02057 Clara-Stift Seppenrade, Moiistr 4, 59348 Lüdinghausen Τ: (02591) 79976 Established: 1851 Limitations: Applications noi accepted Focus: Sen
Max Clarner'sche Stipendienstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 95632 Wunsiedel Established: 1923 Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Wunsiedel only Focus: Schol; Educ 02059 Matthias-Claudlus-Haus, Hermann-Krebs-Str 5-7, 39387 Oschersleben T: (03949) 94240; Fax: 942418 Established: 1866; Chair: Christian Held, Secy: Christoph Warweg, Donor{s): Herr von Geilach, Herr Würfel, Herr Dr. Crusius Assets: DM 1.900.000,-, Receipts; DM 9.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 02060 Hermann-Claudlus-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Gisela Claudius Limitations: Predetermined grants and scholarships only Focus: Lit; Educ; Voc; Schol 02061 Matthias-Claudius-Stlftung, Witthofftstr 8, 22041 Hamburg T: (040) 428812586; Fax: 6522759 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Schulverein MatthiasClaudius-Gymnasium Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Umitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ; Schol 02062 Gustav Clausen-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Rechtsabteilung, Jungfemstieg 22, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 35012375; Fax: 35012383 Established: 1966; Donops): Gustav Clausen Limitations: Grants to senior citizens of Bremen only Focus: Sen 02063 Peter und Maria Clausen-Stiftung, c/o Gemeinde Harrislee, Süderstr 101, 24955 Hanislee T: (0461) 7060; Fax: 706173 Established: 1953; Donor(s): Peter Clausen, Maria Limitations: Grants in Hamslee (Germany) and Bov (Denmark) only Focus: SocW; Cult; Educ 02064
Clemens-August-Stiftung, Postfach 1110, 49430 Neuenkirchen/Oldenburg T: (05493) 5040; Fax: 504123 Established: 1946; Donor(s): Bernhard Janzen Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ther; Neur; Hand 02067 Clemens-August-Wohnungsstlftung für kinderreiche Familien, Kleinaustr 10, 14169 Berlin Τ; (030) 8107070; Fax: 81070718; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.petruswerk.de Established: 1932 Assets: DM 4.237.680,47 Limitations: Low cost living space for needy families in Teltow and Berlin-Lichtenrade only. Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; Fam 02068 von Clemens-von Millwitz-Stiftung, c/o Bischöfliches Ordinariat, Hermannspl 9, 99084 Erfurt T: (0361) 65720; Fax: 6572444 Established: 1816; Donor(s): Josepha von ClemensMillwitz Limitations: Grants to members of the von Clemens-von Millwitz family only Focus: Fam 02069 Ciemm-Moos-Hoffmann-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Fachbereich Kultur, Postfach 211225, 67012 Ludwigshafen Τ: (0621) 5042262; Fax: 5042259; E-Mail: IrisDrescher® ludwigshafen.de Established: 1948 Expenditures: DM 3.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Ludwigshafen only Focus: Educ; Voc 02070 Dr. Carf Clemm und Dr. Carl Haas-Stiftung, Postfach 310420, 68264 Mannheim Τ: (0621) 7780; Fax: 7783146 Established: 1942 Assets: DM 400.000,· Focus: Pap; Voc 02071 Georg und Margot Clever-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverbandde Established: 1994; Donor(s): Margot Clever Expenditures: DM 12.000,Focus: SocW; Scie; Res 02072 Clotten-Stlftung, c/o Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Medizinische Fakultät, Institut für Immunbiologie, Stefan-Meier-Str 8, 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau T: (0761) 2078111; Fax: 2078117 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dr. Annemarie Gotten Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitatìons: Grants in the region of Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Cane 02073 Altenheimstiftung Clus Schöningen, Helmstedter Str 23-24, 38364 Schöningen Τ: (05352) 51090; Fax: 5109555 Established: 1966 Assets: DM 2.753.205,Ljmitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02074 Coburger Landesstiftung, Schloß Ehrenburg. 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 80880; Fax: 808840 Established: 1919; Chair: Bürgermeister Richard Dlouhy, Secy: Manfred Fischer, Donor(s): Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, Freistaat Coburg Expenditures: DM 8.193.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Scie; Ecol 02075 Adele Cockerill'sche Familienstlfìung, Chlodwigstr 9, 52070 Aachen Τ: (0241) 152131 Established: 1910; Donor(s): Adele Cocherill Assets: DM 144.623,-, Expenditures: DM 253.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Cockerill and Suermondt families only Focus: Fam 02076
Germany: Colditz
020π - 02128
Stiftung Dr. Ludolf Colditz - Kloster Marienthal, Am Förstertiof, 37216 Wrtzenhausen T: (0551) 3839021; Fax: 3839038; E-Mail: mail© 3sselbstbau.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Familien Goepel und Schubert Limitations: Applications not accepted Focjs: Rei; Cult; PolS; IntU 02077 Collegium Augustinianum Gaesdonck, Gaesdoncker Str 220, 47574 Goch T: (02823) 9610; Fax: 961100 Established: 1849 Limitations: Grants in Gaesdonck only Focus: Educ
Collegium Gentium, Gutenbergstr 18, 35037 Marburg Τ: (06421) 23690 Established: 1950 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 02079 Collegium Novum Stiftung für Internationale Begegnung zu Fragen der Zelt, Herzog-TassiloRing 41, 85604 Zorneding T: (08106) 23489 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Ursula Keudel Assets: DM 520.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: IntU 02080 Collegium Pharmazeutlcum, Stroofstr 27, Gebäude A01, 65933 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 3803340; Fax: 38033411 Donor(s); Landesapothekerkammer Hessen, Hessischer Apothekerverband Focus: Pharm
Colsman-Stlftung, Am S c h m a l e n b e r g 20, 42555 Velbert T: (02052) 1312; Fax: (0201) 4865211 Established: 1982 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02082 Frau Geheimrat Adalbert Colsmann-Sttftung zur Pflege wertvollster Musik, Sophienstr 9a, 42555 Velbert Established: 1923 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 02083 Combinierte Stiftung Donauwörth, c/o Stadt Donauwörth, Rattausgasse 1, 86609 Donauwörth T: (0906) 78921C; Fax: 789999 Established: 1807 Expenditures: DM 113.000,Limitations: Grants in Donauwörth only. Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 02084 Commende Munich, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Rügenstr 2, 33397 Rietberg T: (05244) 988570 Established: 1758; Donor(s): Anna Gertrud Münich Limitations: Scholarships to Catholic students in Rietberg only Focus: Schol; Rei 02085 Commerzbank-Stiftung, Kaiserpl, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13623909; Fax: 13622848 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Commerzbank AG Expenditures: DM 2.600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc; Cult; Scie; SocW; Mon; Ecol 02086 Conrad-Stiftung, c/o Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Berlin, Fasanenstr 85, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31510261; Fax: 31510140 Established: 1876; Donor(s): Kaufmannschaft von Berlin Expenditures: DM 90.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: SocW; CommT 02087 C. Conrad-Stiftung, Dall'Aimistr 30, 80638 München T: (089) 172480; Fax: 17809838 Established: 1995; Chair: Dr. Jakob Conrad, Donor(s): Dr. Jakob Conrad Limitations: Grants to members of the Conrad family only Focus: Fam 02088 Otto Constien-Stlftung, Querweg 85, 21423 Winsen Established: 1991; Donor(s): Otto Constien Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Lüneburg only Focus: Scie, Cult; Econ 02089 Conto-Freitag Kinderfonds Stiftung, \ 1, 81479 München Τ: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: conto-Freitag® kinderfonds.org Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Dr. Dolly Conto Obregón Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02090 Friedrich G. Conzen-Stlftung zur Förderung von Handeisforschung, Berufsausbildung und beispielhafter Architektur, Am Weidendamm 1A, 10117 Berlin Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: CommT; Voc; Arcfiit 02091
Willa Cordes-Sttftung, c/o Steue iterator Hanno G. Streng, Wendenstr 29, 20097 Hamburg T: (040) 232937; Fax: 231277 Established: 1977; Donops): Willa Cordes Limitations; Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Cult; Landsc; Mon; AnimP . . . 02092 Peter Cordt-Kock-Stfftung, Wurzerstr 127, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 379939 Established: 1881; Secy: Marianne Fritsch, Donops): Johann Hermann Kock Limitations: Grants to members of the Kock family only Focus: Sen; Hous 02093 Comelsen Kulturetiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7/ www^ttfterve rband. de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Ruth Comelsen Expenditures: DM 2.092.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Mon; Cult 02094 Franz und Ruth Comelsen Stiftung, c/o Irina Pàchnatz, Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Comelsen Verlagsgruppe für Bildungsmedien, Mecklenburgische Str 53, 14197 Berlin T: (030) 829960; Internet: www.comelsen.de/ ueberx/stiftu ngen.html Established: 1986; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Franz Comelsen, Ruth Comelsen Expenditures; DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted
. . 02095
Comelsen-Stiftung Lehren und Lernen, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.simon®stifterverband.de; Internet: http-Ji www.comelsen.cfe/ueberj^stiftungen.html Established: 1978; Donops): Franz und Hildegard Comelsen Expenditures: DM 342.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02096 Tübinger Crafoord-Vortrige Stiftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: Fred.ArndtÖuni-tuebingen.de; Internet; http www.uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1995 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Biol 02097 Max Cramer-Sttftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Emst Cramer, Straße der Nationen 12, 09111 Chemnitz Τ: (0371) 6446617/18; Fax: 6446619 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Emma Cramer Limitations: Grants and scholarships to universities and archives in Germany only Focus: Hist; Schol; Archiv; Uni 02098 Cranach-Stlftung, Schloßstr 1, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg Τ: (03491) 4201917; E-Maii: [email protected]; Internet; http://www.wittenberg.de/seiten/ cranacMcstift2.html Established: 1994; Donor(s): Verein Cranach-Höfe Lutherstadt Wittenberg e.V. Expenditures: DM 427.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Lutherstadt Wittenberg only Focus: Cult; Mon; Arts; Schol 02099 Manfred Crisand-Stfftung zur Förderung sozialer Aktivitäten, Elisabethstr 9, 68165 Mannheim T: (0621) 410980; Fax: 412170 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Manfred Crisand Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Dev; Youth 02100 Cronstett- und Hynspergische Evangelische Stiftung Frankfurt a m Main, Lindenstr 19, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 746634; Fax: 747240 Established: 1753; Donops): Justina Steffan von Cronstetten Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Cult 02101 Peter Curtlus-Stiftung für das Uni vers ttätsseminar der Wirtschaft Köln, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen T: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: mail@stiftervert>and.de; Internet: http://www.stifterverband.de Established: 1968; Donor(s): Wolfgang und MarieLuise Curtius Expenditures: DM 85.000,ümitations: Predetermined grants in Köln only Focus: Schol; Bus 02102 Cusanuswerk - Bischöfliche Studienförderung, Baumschulallee 5, 53115 Bonn Τ: (0228) 631647/48; Fax: 651912; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.cusanuswerk.de Established: 1956; Chain Dr. Dietmar Bader, Donor(s): Deutsche Bischofskonferenz Limitations: Scholarships to Catholic German students only Focus: Schol; Rei 02103
CVJM Kinder- und Jugendstiftung Esslingen, Kiesstr 3-5, 73728 Esslingen am Neckar Τ: (0711) 3969650; Fax: 39696525; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.cvjm de/esslingen Established: 1998; Secy: Gerhard Proß, Donor(s): CVJM Esslingen Limitations: Grants in Esslingen only Focus: Youth 02104 CVJM-Westbund-Sttftung, Bundeshöhe 6, 42285 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 574220 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in West Germany only Focus: Youth 02105 von Czettritz und Neuhaus-Familienstlftung, Am Stadtwald 115a, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 314053 Established: 1880; Donor(s): Hans Heinrich Karl Freiherr von Czettritz und Neuhaus Limitations: Grants to members of the von Czettritz and von Neuhaus families only Focus: Fam 02106 DAAD-Stiftung, c/o Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V., Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 882215; Fax: 882446; E-Mail: bode® daad.de; Internet: http^/www.daad.de Established: 2000 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Schol; Arts; Scie; Uni 02107 Wilhelm Dahn-Stiftung, Hobôkentwiete 3646, 22559 Hamburg Τ: (040) 811484; Fax: 8119835 Established: 1934; Secy: Margrit Pietsch, Donor(s): Wilhelm Oähn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 02108 Heinz Daemen-Stiftung für Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung, c/o Rechtsanwatt Noiterl Meyer, Darmstädter Str 30, 64385 Reichelsheim T: (06164) 3024; Fax: 5826 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Heinz Daemen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Adult; Youth 02109 Daetz-Stlftung Internationale Skulpturen, Schloßpalais Lichtenstein, Badergasse 17, 09350 Lichtenstein T: (037204) 61108; Fax: 61108; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.daetzcentrum.com Established: 1998; Donor(s): Peter und Marlene Daetz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02110 Gisela und Bodo Daetz-Stlftung Kupfermühle, Wassersleben 20, 24955 Harrislee T: (0461) 7935; Fax: 7935 Established: 1979; Donops): Gisela und Bodo Daetz Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants in Kupfermühle only Focus: Cuit; Mon 02111 Alfred und Toni Dahlweld-Stlftung, Max-VolmerStr 9, 14473 Potsdam Τ: (0331) 710828; Fax: 741678 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Helmut Schwinning Limitations: Grants in Potsdam only Focus: Sen 02112 Dahmen'sche Stiftung, Langenhecke 3, 53902 Bad Münstereifel Τ: (02253) 180360; Fax: 180362 Established: 1788; Donor(s): Geschwister Dahmen Limitations: Grants to members of the Dahmen family only Focus: Educ; Fam 02113 Daimler Chrysler-Fonds, c/o SV StiftungsverwaJtungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: s.westermann®stifterverband.de; internet: http7/ www.stifterverband.de Established: 1987; Donor(s); Daimler-Benz AG, Daimler Chrysler AG Expenditures: DM 4.417.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Scie; Res; Eng; Uni 02114 Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft-Stiftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkâmmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1917; Donops): Daimler-MotorenGesellschaft Untertürkheim Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02115 Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz-Stlftung, Dr.Kart-Benz-Pl 2, 68526 Ladenburg Τ: (06203) 15924; Fax: 16624; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1986; Chair Prof. Dr. Gisbert Freiherr zu Putlitz, Dr.-Ing. Diethard Schade, Secy; Dr. Jörg Klein, Donops): Daimler Benz AG Assets: DM 48.894.000,-, Receipts: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Germany, Kaliningrad (Russia), Vietnam, China and South Africa only Focus: Scie; Schol; East; As; Afr . . . . 02116
Daisenberger'sche Stipendienstiftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung Oberammergau, Schnitzlergasse 5, 82487 Oberammergau T: (08822) 320; Fax; 32233 Established: 1913; Donops): Gemeinde Oberammergau Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Oberammergau only Focus: Schol 02117 von Dalberg'scher katholischer Kirchenfonds, An der Landhege 9, 35578 Wetzlar Τ: (06441) 48079; Fax: 48615 Established: 1812; Donor(s): Kail Theodor von Dalberg Limitations: Grants to the Catholic church in Wetzlar only Focus: Rei 02118 Dall'Arml-Helmstlftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1917; Donor(s): Heinrich Ritter von Dall'Armi Expenditures: DM 54.000,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in München only Focus: Sen Û2/Î9 Damenstift a m Luitpoldpark, Parzivaistr 63, 80804 München Τ: (089) 3000980; Fax: 300098/99; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1858; Donor(s): König Max II. von Bayern Limitations: Grants to an old ladies home in München only. Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02120 Damenstift Uppstadt, Im Stift 4, 59555 üppstadt Τ: (02941) 3214 Established: 1600; Donor(s): Fürst zur Lippe Assets: DM 4.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 490.000,Limitations: Grants to an old ladies home in Uppstadt only Focus: Sen 02121 Heinrich Dammann-Stiftung, Bockmühlenstr 21, 31185 Söhlde Τ: (05129) 780; Fax: 78702 Established: 1991; Chain Heinrich Dammann, Donor(s): Heinrich Dammann, Ortrud Dammann Assets: DM 426.114,40, Receipts: DM 25.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Hannover only Focus: Youth 02122 von Damm'sche Stiftung, Hannoversche Str 60, 38116 Braunschweig T: (0531) 52080, 54732; Fax: 2503524 Chair Jürgen von Damm, Secy: Jürgen von Damm, Donor(s): Familie von Damm Assets: DM 900.000,-, Receipts: DM DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants in Braunschweig only Focus: Cult 02123 Pfarrer Dangel'sche Stiftung, Böhmersweg 23, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4104122; Fax: 4104122 Established: 1732; Donor(s): Franz Xaver Dangei Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Mock, Eberle and Fuchs families only Focus: Schol; Rei; SocW 02124 Alex Danhuber-Stiftung, Am Westpark 7, 81373 München Τ: (089) 7434750; Fax: 74347520 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Alexander Danhuber Focus: Hous; Mon; Youth; SocW; Hand; Educ 02125 Dank-Stiftung, c/o Ev.-Luth. Pfarramt St. Markus, Killermannstr 58a, 93049 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 32917; Fax: 3782373 Established: 1998; Chair Rudolf Grell, Donor(s): Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Regensburg St. Markus Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants to St. Markus parish in Regensburg only Focus: Rei 02126 Käthe Dannenmann-Stlftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung von sozial benachteiligten Kindern und Jugendlichen e.V., Postfach 1119, 56171 Vallendar T: (0261) 6406434; Fax: 6406427 Established: 1971 Expenditures: DM 361.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Educ; Hand; Child; Youth; Schol . 02127 Danner-Sttftung, Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 9, 80539 München Τ: (089) 229267; Fax: 297482 Established: 1920; Secy: Petra Berg, Donor(s): Benno und Therese Danner Expenditures: DM 910.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to Germans only Focus: Arts; Mon; Schol 02128
02129 - 02181
33 Det Danske Hospltalfond in Hamborg, c/o Königlich Dänisches Generalkonsulat, Heimhuderstr 77, 20148 Hamburg Established: 1922 Limitations: Grants to needy Danish citizens in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 02129 Felix und Charlotte Danzlger-Stfftung für Altershilfe, c/o Jüdische Gemeinde zu Berlin, Fasanenstr 79-60, 10623 Berlin Established: 1966; Donops): Felix Danziger Limitations: Grants lo senior Jews in Berlin only Focus: Sen; Jew 02130 Darm Städter Sportstiftung, Jágeitorstr 207, 64289 Darmstadt Τ: (06151) 7092502 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Verein Sportstiftung für die Stadt Darmstadt und den Landkreis DarmstadtDieburg e.V. Limitations: Grants in the region of Darmstadt only Focus: Sports 02131 Darmstädter Stiftung für Technologietransfer, c/o Fachhochschule Darmstadt, Haardtring 100, 64295 Darmstadt Τ: (06151) 367350; Fax: 367398; Internet: http;// www.dst.fh-dannstadt.de Established: 1987; Donor($): Dr. Jürgen Schneider Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: 60.000,Focus: Eng 02132 Taraknath Das-Stiftung, Binger Str 64, 14197 Berlin T: (030) 8214240; Fax: 8226740 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. e.h. Taraknath Das Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 02133 Artur Davlter-Stiftung, do Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass· und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Artur Daviter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02134 Georg Dax-Stiftung, Anton-Kathrein-Str 1-3, 83022 Rosenheim Established: 1988 Focus: Schol; Eng 02135 Balthasar-Debler-Stlftung Schwäbisch Gmünd, lllerstr 11, 73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd T: (07171) 81102 Established: 1616; Chair: Werner Debler, Secy: Werner Debler, Donor(s): Balthasar Debler Receipts: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Schwäbisch Gmünd only Focus: Fam; Cult; Mon 02136 Dechamps-Stiftung, Hangstr 40. 52076 Aachen Τ: (0241) 61306; Fax: 603039; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1938; Secy: Wilhelm M. Plum, Donor(s): Heinrich Dechamps Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Aachen only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02137 Friedrich Deckel-Gedâchtnlsstiftung, c/o Technische Universität München, Arcisstr 21, 80333 München T: (089) 21051089; Fax: 21052000 Established: 1954; Donor(s): Dr.-Ing. Hans Deckel, Dipl .-Ing. Fritz Deckel Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Grants to Technische Universität München only Focus: Schol; Eng; Uni 02138 Familienstiftung von der Decken-Stellenfleth, Archivstr 3-5, 21682 Stade Established: 1988; Donops): Erhard von der Decken Limitations: Grants to needy members of the von der Decken family only Focus: Fam 02139 Wohltätige Stiftung von Johann Hinrich Decker, Droysenstr 40, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 597084 Established: 1858 Focus: SocW 02140 DEFA-Stiftung, Bürgstr 27, 10178 Berlin T: (030) 246562101; Fax: 246562149 Established: 1999; Chair Friedrich-Wilhelm Moog, Secy: Wolfgang Klaue, Donor($): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben Receipts: DM 1.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.500.000,· Limitations: Grants to non-profit organizations in East Germany only Focus: Cin 02141 Thomas Dehler-Stiftung, Agnesstr 47, 80798 München Τ: (089) 183184, 188666; Fax: 180255; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1979; Chair Hermann Rind, Secy: Günther Meuschel, Donor(s): Friedrich-NaumannStiftung, FDP Bayern Assets: DM 40.000,·, Receipts: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in the stale of Bayern onty. Applications not accepted Focus: Adult 02142
Curt Dehner-Stiftung, do Gesellschaft für Lungenund Atmungsforschung e.V., Hunscheidstr 12, 44789 Bochum Established: 1991; Donor(s): Curt Dehner Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Focus: Pulm 02143
Christian-Denz-Stlftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355465; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Christian Denz Focus: SocW 02157
Friedrich Deich-Stiftung für die Förderung des Wissenschaftsjoumalismus, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: ulrike.johanning@stiftervert>andde; Internet: http¿ /www.stiftervert)and.de Established: 1984; Donops): Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie e.V. Expenditures: DM 24.000,· Focus: Jour Schol 02144
Adolf Deppe-Stiftung, Krokusweg 12, 32760 Detmold Τ: (05231) 88331 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Kati Deppe Expenditures: DM 38.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Lippe only Focus: Ecol; AnimP 02158
Deinhard-Stiftung, Postfach 3040, 65020 Wiesbaden Established: 1969 Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitatìons: Applications not accepted Focus: Music
Hans Friedrich Oskar Dels-Gedächtnls-Stfftung Bamberg, c/o Stadt Bamberg, Finanzreferat, Postfach 110323, 96031 Bamberg T: (0951) 871200; Fax: 871907 Established: 1981; Donops): Henriette Deis Expenditures: DM 28.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02146 Delbrück'sche Famlllenstfftung, Am Rennbaum 9, 40883 Ratingen Established: 1873 Limitations: Grants to members of the Delbrück family only Focus: Fam; NatS; Eng; Educ 02147 Delmenhorster Helmstiftung, August-Jordan-Str 5, 27753 Delmenhorst Established: 1994 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02148 Ludwig Delp-Stlftung, Von-der-Tann-Str 5, 80539 München Τ: (089) 7901190; Fax: 7901419 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Ludwig Delp und Familie Focus: Scie; Educ; Book 02149 DELTA-Stiftung, do EM-Gerätebau GmbH, L11, L18, 68161 Mannheim T: (0621) 4108164; Fax: 20437 Established: 1990; Donor(s): EM-Gerätebau GmbH Holding der DELTA Gruppe Limitations: Scholarships to Lithuanian students at the universities in Mannheim and Heidelberg only Focus: Schol; East 02150 Alfred und Barbara Demmier· Wohltàtìgkeltsstfflung, Fischerstr 25, 87435 Kempten (Allgäu) Established: 2000; Donor(s): Barbara Demmier Focus: Youth; Sen; SocW 02151 Demmlersche Famlllensttttung, Am Hang 7, 29553 Bienenbüttel Τ: (05823) 6149 Established: 1891; Donops): Hofbaurat Georg Adolf Demmier Limitations; Grants to members of the Demmier family only Focus: Fam 02152 Dr. Democh-Maurmeier-Stipendlenstiftung, do Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (069) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1950; Donor(s): Dr. Ida DemochMaurmeier Limitations; Grants to female students at LudwigMaximilians-Universität München only Focus: Schol; Med; Law 02153 Ernst Denert-Stlftung für Software-Engineering, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255 8401301; E-Mail: klaus.kuli@ stiftervertand.de; Internet http^/www.sdm.de/e/ Stiftung Established: 1989; Donor(s): Prol. Dr. Emst Denert Expenditures: DM 33.000,· Limitations: Grants for prizes only Focus: Electron 02154 Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein BonnRechtsrheinJHaus Mehlem e.V., Kônigswinterer Str 300, 53227 Bonn T: (0228) 466817; Fax: 440019 Established: 1975; Chair Carl J. Bachem, Secy: Carl J. Bachem Focus: Mon; Hist 02155 Denkmalstfftung Baden-Württemberg, Chariottenpl 17, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2261185; Fax: 2268790 Established: 1985; Donops): Land BadenWürttemberg Assets: DM 40.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Mon
Edmund Deswatines-Stiftung, do Rechtsanwalt Dr. Harald Ring, Grüner Dyk 30-32, 47803 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 9590; Fax: 959199; E-Mail: Dr.Ring® treuhand-niederrheiade Established: 1933; Donor(s): Edmund Deswatines Expenditures: DM 21.000,· Limitations: Grants to former employees of Scheible & Co. (Krefeld) only Focus: SocW; Sen; Youth; Educ . . . . 02159 Christian und Hans-Christian DethleffsenGedächtnlsstlftung, Schleswiger Str 135, 24941 Flensburg Τ: (0461) 8650 Established: 1936; Donor(s): Verein der Familie Dethleffsen e.V. Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Flensburg only Focus: SocW 02160 Dr. DettiIng-Stiftung In Cadolzburg, do Markt Cadoizburg, Rathauspl 1, 90556 Cadolzburg T: (09103) 50936; Fax: 50910 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Dr. Charlotte Dettling Limitations: Scholarships to needy students originating of Cadolzburg and Oldenburg only Focus: Schol 02161 Dettmer'sche Stiftung, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Str 1, 38300 Wolfenbüttel Established: 1918 Limitations: Grants to children of German Protestant priests only Focus: Child 02162 Georg Deurínger-Stiftung Dlllingen an der Donau, c/o Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 1210, 89402 Dillingen an der Donau T: (09071) 54121, 54123; Fax: 586931 Established: 1938; Chair: Oberbürgermeister HansJürgen Weigl, Secy: Stadtkämmerer Gerhard Rieder, Donor(s): Georg Deuringer Assets: DM 96.000,·, Expenditures: DM 8.000,· Limitations: Grants in Dillingen an der Donau only Focus: SocW; Mon 02163 Georg Deuringer'sche Stiftung, do Stadt Kempten/Allgäu. Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten/Allgäu T: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1940; Donor(s): Georg Deuringer Expenditures: DM 118.000,Limitations: Grants in Kempten/Allgäu only Focus: Warv; Sen; Nurs; SocW; Warv . . 02164 und Oskar von Deuster'sche Schulstiftung/Suppenanstalt, Julius-Gagel-Str 8, 96126 Maroldsweisach T: (09532) 1581 Established: 1905; Donorts): Auguste und Oskar von Deuster Assets: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants in Ditterswind and Gresselgnjnd only Focus: Educ 02165 Deutsch-Französische Kultur-Stiftung, Hohenzollempl 7, 53173 Bonn T: (0228) 356401; Fax: 356401 Established: 1971; Chair Staatssekretär a.D. Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Secy: Simon Roser-Tagand Limitations: Grants in Germany and France only Focus: Cult; IntU 02166 Deutsch-Israelische Stiftung für Wissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung, do G.S.F. Forschungszentrum Neuheiberg, Postfach 1129, 85758 Oberschleißheim T: (089) 31873106; Fax: 31873365; E-Mail: GIF.steffer0GSF.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Deutschland, Israel Assets: DM 300.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and Israel only Focus: Scie; Res; IntU 02167 Deutsch-Türkische Stiftung, Sportallee 4, 22335 Hamburg T: (040) 32001501; Fax: 32001559; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dtsinfo.com Established: 1998; Donops): Vural Ôger Expenditures: DM 750.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 02168 Deutsche Afrika Stiftung e.V., Hauptstr 487, 53639 Kônigswlnter Τ: (02223) 70624; E-Mail: deutsche.afrika.stiftungÔtonline.de Established: 1978 Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Afr 02169
Germany: Deutsche
Deutsche AIDS-Stlftung, Markt 26, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 604690; Fax: 6046999 Established: 1987; Chair Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kopf, Secy: Dr. Ulrich Heide, Harriet Langanke, Donops): Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Rainer Jarchow, Bundesverband der Privaten Krankenversicherung Assets: DM 30.000.000,L/mitations: Grants to Germans with HIV or AIDS only Focus: AIDS 02170 Deutsche Apotheken-Museum-Stlftung, CariManich-Str 26, 65760 Eschbom/Taunus Τ: (06196) 9280 Established: 1937 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Pharm 02171 Deutsche Apotheker-Stiftung, Cari-Manich-Str 26, 65760 Eschbom/Taunus T: (06196) 9280 Established: 1977 Limitations: Grants to German pharmacists only Focus: Pharm 02172 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Baiinger Str 31, 70567 Stuttgart T: (0711) 7181240; Fax: 7181250; Internet: http:// www.dbg.de Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Rei 02173 Deutsche BôYinflâ-Stlftung, Ostanlage 21, 35390 Gießen Τ: (0641) 37433 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Dr. Vaubel Focus: Arts; Lit 02174 Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Postfach 1705 , 49007 Osnabrück Τ: (0541) 96330; Fax: 9633190; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dbw.de Established: 1990; Chair: Prof. Dr. Hans Tietmeyer, Secy: Fritz Brickwedde, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland Assets: DM 3.398.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 250.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 164.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Ecol 02175 Deutsche CARE-Stiftung, Hilfe für Menschen in Not, Dreizehnmorgenweg 6, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 9756314; Fax: 9756393; E-Mail: Stiftung® care.de; Internet: http://www.care.de Established: 1997; Secy: Janny Bahn, Donor(s): Dr. Ralf Bethke, Willi Erl, Hans Jürgen Ertle, Prof. Dr. Peter Molt, Prof. Dr. Ansgar Otto Vogel, CARE Deutschland e.V. Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocW; Dev 02176 Deutsche Crohn/Colitis Stiftung, Paracelsusstr 15, 51375 Leverkusen T: (0214) 876080; Fax: 8760888; E-Mail: info® dccv.de; Internet: http://www.dccv.de Established: 1996; Chair Reiner Hoeck, Donor(s): Reiner Hoeck Assets: DM 215.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 02177 Deutsche Diabetes-Stiftung, Stiftung zur Bekämpfung der Zuckerkrankheit, Unsöldstr 5, 80538 München Fax: (089) 21096119 21096120; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.diabetesstiftung.de Established: 1985; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dieter Grüneklee, Secy: Reinhart Hoffmann, Donor(s): Deutsche Diabetes-Gesellschaft, Deutscher Diabetiker-Bund Assets: DM 10.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Diab 02178 Deutsche Edelmetall Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteausir 1, 81479 München Τ: (0B9) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kinderionds.org/demet.htm Established: 1999; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Heinz Giegerich Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02179 Deutsche Evangelische Missionshilfe, Normannenweg 17-21, 20537 Hamburg Τ: (040) 25456143; Fax: 2542987; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1913; Secy: Martin Kaiser, Donor(s): Kaiser Wilhelm II Expenditures: DM 430.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Miss 02180 Deutsche Familienstiftung, Dr. Dietz-Str 21, 36043 Fulda T: (0661) 9338872 , 845900; Fax: 9338871, 845903; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.deutsche-familienstiftung .de Established: 2000; Chair Prof. Dr. Ludwig Spätling, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. med, Ludwig Spätling Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 02181
Germany: Deutsche
D e u t s c h e Förderstiftung der A c a d e m i a Scientiarium e t A r t i u m E u r o p a e a , c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Europäische Akademie der Wissenschaft und Kunst Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Arts 02182 D e u t s c h e F o r s c h u n g s a n s t a l t für L e b e n s m i t t e l c h e m i e , Lichtenbergstr 4, 85746 Garching T: (089) 28914170; Fax: 28914183; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.dfa.leb.chemie.tu-muencheri.de Established: 1918; Chair: Prof. Dr. Peter Schieberle, Secy: Wolfgang Wassenich, Donor(s): Staatsministerien des Königlichen Hauses Bayern Expenditures: DM 4.780.569,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Chem 02183 Das D e u t s c h e G l a s m a l e r e i - M u s e u m Linnich, Rurstr 9-11, 52441 Linnich Τ: (02462) 99170; Fax: 991725; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpj¡ www.glasmalerei-museum.de Established: 1997 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts 02184 D e u t s c h e Hautkrebs-Stiftung, c/o Commerzbank AG. Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 63015311, 13627063; Fax: 63015117, 13624502; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.hautkrebsstiftung.de Established: 1999; Chair: Prof. Dr. Roland Kaufmann, Donor(s): Namhafte Hautkrebsspezialisten Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cane; Schol 02185 D e u t s c h e Herzstiftung e.V., Vogtstr 50, 60322 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9551280; Fax: 955128313; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http:// www.herzstiftung.de Established: 1979; Secy: Renate Geus Receipts: DM 6.987.000,·, Expenditures: DM 6.316.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Card
D e u t s c h e H o s p i z Stiftung, Hohle Eiche 29, 44229 Dortmund Τ: (0231) 7380730; Fax: 7380731 Established: 1995; Chair: Eugen Brysch, Donor(s): Deutsche Assoziation des Souveränen MalteserRitterordens e.V. Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Sen
D e u t s c h e H u m a n i t ä r e Stiftung zur Förderung der h u m a n i t ä r e n Hilfe In Krisen-, Kriegs- u n d Katastrophengebieten, Lamachstr 40, 66694 Wiesbach T: (06337) 993153; Fax: 993154; E-Mail: info© dhst.org; Internet: http://www.Nothilfe.de Established: 1994; Secy: Uwe Breininger, Donor(s): Teamwork Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland e.V. Expenditures: DM 413.000,Limitalions: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Warv 02188 D e u t s c h e Institute für Textil- u n d F a s e r f o r s c h u n g Stuttgart, Körschtalerstr 26, 73770 Denkendorf T: (0711) 93400; Fax: 9340297; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.itv.unistuttgart.de Established: 1921; Secy: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Planck, Donor(s): Baúen-Württ. Textilindustrie, L a r d BadenWürttemberg Expenditures: DM 43.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Text
D e u t s c h e Kinder- u n d Jugend-Stiftung, Chausseestr 29, 10115 Berlin T: (030) 2807000/01; Fax: 2832202; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dkjs.de Established: 1994; Secy: Dr. Heike Kahl Assets: DM 160.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Child; Youth
Assets: DM 2.300.000,·, Receipts; DM 800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 125.000,02191
D e u t s c h e Krebshilfe e.V., Thomas-Mann-Str 40, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 729900; Fax: 7299011 Established: 1974 Expenditures: DM 98.500.000,Limitatlons: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cane
D e u t s c h e Krlegsbllndenstlftung, Schumannstr 35, 53113 Bonn Established: 1917 Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Blinds
Deutsche Kunststiftung der Wirtschaft e.V., Denninger Str 110, 61925 München T: (089) 913058 Chair: Kart Günther Stempel Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Arts
Established: 19Θ5; Chair Prof. Dr. Gottfried Kiesow, Secy: Dr. Robert Knüppel Assets: DM 18.000,000,-, Expenditures: DM 77.000.000,Umitations: Grants in Germany only 02207
D e u t s c h e L u n g e n s t i f t u n g e.V., Podbielskistr 380, 30659 Hannover T: (0511) 9063347; Fax: 9063779; Internet: http:/ /www.njhr-uni-bochum.de/-dezeejbp/Lungenstiftung/ Leitseite.html Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Pulm
D e u t s c h e Mittelstandsstiftung e.V., Augustinerweg 20, 30419 Hannover Τ: (0511) 791303; Fax: 792384 Established: 1992
D e u t s c h e Stiftung Frauen- u n d Geechlechterlorschung, Friedrich-Weinbrenner-Str 69, 69126 Heidelberg Τ: (06221) 300145; Fax: 303015; E-Mail: info ©stiftung-frauenforschu ng.de; Internet: http -J! www.stiftung-frauenforschung.de Established: 1996; Chair Dr. Waltraud Dumont du Voitel, Donor(s): Dr. Waltraud Dumont du Voitel, Dr. Roland Dumont du Voitel Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Worn
Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Econ; PolS
D e u t s c h e Multiple Sklerose-Stiftung, Vahrenwalder Str 205-207, 30165 Hannover T: (0511) 9683440; Fax: 9683450; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dmsg.de Established: 1990; Chair: R. Ludwig, Secy: D. Pitschnau, Donops): DMSG Bundesverband e.V. Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only. Applications not accepted Focus: MultS 02197 D e u t s c h e Multiple S k l e r o s e Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz, Hindenburgstr 32, 55118 Mainz Τ: (06131) 604704; Fax: 604930 Established: 1989 Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz only Focus: MultS 02198 D e u t s c h e Musikinstrumentenstiftung, EmilNolde-Weg 29, 37085 Göttingen Τ: (0551) 72198 Established: 1981 Assets: DM 200.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Musi
D e u t s c h e Nationalstiftung, Feldbrunnenstr 56, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 41336752; Fax: 41336755; internet: http:// www. nationalstiftung .de Established: 1993; Secy: Dr. Klaus Asche, Donor(s): Helmut Schmidt, Hermann Josef Abs, Gerd Bucerius, Kurl Körber, Michael Otto Assets: DM 10.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 400.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; SocW; IntU
D e u t s c h e Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 957380; Fax: 9573823; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-J! www.denkmalschutz.de
Focus: Mon
. 02200
D e u t s c h e Nierenstiftung, Postfach 3, 69491 Hirschberg an der Bergstraße Τ: (06201) 599533; Fax: 599535; Internet: http:// www.mannheim.de/nierenstifUjng/ Established: 1997; Chair Grants in Germany only. Applications not accepted. Focus: IntM 02201 D e u t s c h e Orient-Stiftung, Mittelweg 150, 20148 Hamburg Τ: (040) 4132050; Fax: 441484; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.uni-hamburg.de/DOI Established: 1960 Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orient; Cult
D e u t s c h e Post-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwälte Hölters & Elsing, Immermannstr 40, 40210 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 367870; Fax: 353928 Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only . . . 02203 D e u t s c h e R o c k m u s i k Stiftung, Emil-Meyer-Str 28, 30165 Hannover
D e u t s c h e Kinderkrebsstlftung der D e u t s c h e n L e u k ä m i e f o r s c h u n g s h i l f e , Joachimstr 20, 53113 Bonn Τ: (0228) 9139430; Fax: 9139433 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Deutsche LeukämieForschungshilfe - Aktion für krebskranke Kinder e.V.
Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cane; Ped; Schol
02182 - 02229
Τ: (0511) 3590922; Fax: 3590923 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Holger Maack Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Music
D e u t s c h e Schillerstiftung v o n 1859, Burgpl 4, 99423 Weimar T: (03643) 904076; Fax: 904076; Internet: http -J! www.schillerstifhjng.de Established: 1859; Donops): Nationallotterie Limitations: Grants to German writers only. Applications not accepted Focus: Lit
Established: 1988; Secy: Renate Gens Assets: DM 1.800.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 716.400,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Card
Entwicklung, Heussallee 1-10, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 2434717; Fax: 2434766; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dse.de Established: 1959 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only. Applications not accepted Focus: Dev; Educ 02210
Focus: Music; Musi
D e u t s c h e Stiftung Organtransplantation, Postfach 1562, 63263 Neu-Isenburg Τ: (06102) 3008107; Fax: 3008167; E-Mail: Geschaeftsfuehrung@dso-online Established: 1984; Donor(s): Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation Expenditures: DM 61.176.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only. Applications not accepted Focus: Surg
D e u t s c h e Stiftung Q u e r s c h n i t t l ä h m u n g , Weinstr 32, 73773 Aichwald T: (0711) 361017; Fax: 3630119; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1990; Chain Dr. Gemot Lukas, Secy: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft Assets: DM 700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Med; Reh 02221 D e u t s c h e Stiftung R h e u m a - L i g a Hessen, Elektronstr 12a, 65933 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1998
D e u t s c h e Stiftung Sail Training, Postfach 120129, 27515 Bremerhaven Τ: (0471) 945880; Fax: 9458845; E-Mail: infoddsstalex.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Sail Training Association Germany, Brauerei Beck & Co., E.H. Harms GmbH & Co. Assets: DM 1.200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.950.000,-
Τ: (0228) 95550; Fax: 9555100; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.irz.de
Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ship
Established: 1992; Chain Dr. Franz Schoser, Secy: Dr. Irene Pakuscher Expenditures: DM 5.500.000,Limitations: Grants internationally. Applications not
D e u t s c h e Stiftung Sklerodermie, c/o Dresdner Bank, Abt. Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten,
accepted Focus: Law
D e u t s c h e Stiftung für politische Bildung und Völkerverständigung e.V., utestr 55, 53179 Bonn T: (0228) 342942; Fax: 856902 Established: 1971; Chair: Rechtsanwalt Dr. Horst Gerold, Donor(s): Mitarbeiter der Verwaltung des Deutschen Bundestags Assets: DM 40.000,-, Expenditures: DM 35.000,· Limitations: Grants internationally. Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; IntU
D e u t s c h e Stiftung für Umweltpolitik, Postfach 120111, 53113 Bonn Τ: (0228) 2692212; Fax: 2692252; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1981 Expenditures: DM 400.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only. Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol; PolS 02213 D e u t s c h e Stiftung für
e.V., Rheinallee 4a, 53173 Bonn T: (0228) 355057, 355058; Fax: 355059; E-Mail: [email protected] Secy: Johannes Bausch Expenditures: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: flefug 02214 D e u t s c h e Stiftung für V e r b r e c h e n s v e r h ü t u n g u n d Straffälligenhilfe, Aachener Str 1064, 50Θ58 Köln T: (0221) 94865140; Fax: 94865141; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Germany only. Applications not accepted 02215
D e u t s c h e Stiftung Leben S p e n d e n , c/o DKMS, Biesingerstr 10, 72070 Tübingen E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Hand D e u t s c h e Stiftung L e b e n d s p e n d e , Rothenbaumchaussee 20, 20148 Hamburg Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Med; MedE
60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2634367; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1994; Chain Karlheinz Schönemann, Donor(s): Sklerodermie-Selbsthilfe e.V. Assets: DM 1.400.000,·, Receipts: DM 150,000,·, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany, Austria and Switzerland only Focus: Med
D e u t s c h e Stiftung United W o r l d Colleges, Yorckstr 22, 65195 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 4070705; Fax: 4050534; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.uwc.org Established: 1995; Secy: Caroline Le Douche, Donor(s): Dt. Komitee United Work! Colleges e.V. Limitations: Scholarships internationally Focus: Schol; IntU 02225 Deutsche Stiftung W e l t b e v ö l k e r u n g , Göttinger Chaussee 115, 30459 Hannover Τ: (0511) 943730; Fax: 2345051; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.dsw-online.de Established: 1991; Chain Ertiard Schreiber, Secy: Dr. Hans Fleisch, Donor(s): Dirk Rossmann, Ertiard Schreiber Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocS
D e u t s c h e T a n z k o m p a n i e - S t i f t u n g fur traditionellen T a n z im L a n d M e c k l e n b u r g · V o r p o m m e r n , WìIheIm-RiefstahI-PI 7, 17235 Neustrelitz T: (03981) 203334; Fax: 203327 Established: 1991; Chain Jürgen Goewe, Donor(s): Förderkreis Stiftung für traditionellen Tanz im Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Assets: DM 4.200.000,·, Receipts: DM 3.200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Dance 02227 D e u t s c h e Umwettstlftung, Postfach 1345, 76713 Germersheim T: (07274) 4767; Fax: 77302; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www, DeutscheUmweltsttttung.de
Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Ecol
Limitations: Applications not accepted
Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ
Established: 1982; Chain Mark vom Hofe, Secy: Hans Gunter Schumacher
Die D e u t s c h e Stiftung L l n b u g e m e i n s c h a f t , Halfenstr 3, 54340 Pölich/Mosel Τ: (06507) 3256; Fax: 802484 Established: 1990; Donops): Hallstein Farestveit, Lilian Agvald
Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Umitatìons: Grants in Germany only
D e u t s c h e Stiftung fur Internationale rechtliche Z u s a m m e n a r b e i t e.V., Ubierstr 92, 53173 Bonn
Deutsche Seemannsschule Hamburg, Johannisbollwerk 20, 20459 Hamburg T: (040) 316909; Fax: 7223493 Established: 1887; Chair: Hans A. Lindenau, Secy: Ludwig Säger, Donor(s): Hamburger Reeder und Kaufleute Focus: Ship; Voc
Established: 1962; Donor(s): Wolfgang Essen, Dr. Hans Sikorski
Limitations: Grants in the state of Hessen only Focus: Rheum 02222
D e u t s c h e Stiftung für Internationale
Focus: Crim; Pris 02204
Deutsche Stiftung für Herzforschung, Vogtstr 50, 60322 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9551280; Fax: 955128313; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.herzstiftung.de
D e u t s c h e Stiftung Musikleben, Herengraben 3, 20459 Hamburg Τ: (040) 37677150; Fax: 37677151; E-Mail: dsm@ dsm-hamburg.de
D e u t s c h e WlldtJer Stiftung, Billbrookdeich 210, 22113 Hamburg Τ: (040) 73339330; Fax: 7330278 Established: 1992; Secy: Hubertus Graf von Bothmer, Donor(s): Haymo G. Rethwisch Expenditures: DM 2.500.000,LimKations: Grants in Germany only
Focus: AnimP; Zool
35 Deutsches Bucharchiv München - Institut für Buchwissenschaften. Von-der-Tann-Str 5, 80539 München T: {089) 7901220; Fax: 7901419 Established: 1948; Donor(s): Dr. Ludwig Delp, Förderervereinigung des Deutschen Bucharchivs, Waldemar-Bonsels-Stiftung, Ludwig-Delp-Süftung Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Book 02230 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Notkestr 85, 22607 Hamburg T: (040) 89983301; Fax: 89984304; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.desy.cie Established: 1959; Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Freie und Hansestadt Mamburg, Land Brandenburg Expenditures: DM 323.695.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phys 02231 Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Augustenburger PI 1, 13353 Berlin T: (030) 45931000/01; Fax: 45931003; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dhzb.de Established: 1986; Chair: Prof. Dr. R. Hetzer, Donor(s): Land Berlin Assets: DM 82.258.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Card; Surg 02232 Deutsches Hllfswerk/ARD-Fernsehlotterle, Harvestehuder Weg 88, 20149 Hamburg T: (040) 41410410; Fax; 41410414; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http 'Jl www.ard-femsehlotterie.de/ Established: 1967; Chain Dr. Wolfgang Hamberger, Secy: Ingo Meyer, Donor(s): Norddeutscher Rundfunk Receipts: DM 132.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: SocW 02233 Deutsches Holzmuseum, Dammstr 28, 33397 Rietberg Established: 1993 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Wood 02234 Deutsches Institut für Auslandsforschung, Benediktenwandstr 6, 81545 München Established: 1983 Focus: IntU 02235 Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung, Schloßstr 29, 60486 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 247080; Fax: 24708444; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dipf.de Established: 1951; Donor(s): Land Hessen Expenditures: DM 13.700.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally. Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02236 Deutsches Institut für rationale Medizin, c/o Verband der privaten Krankenversicherung, Postfach 511040, 50946 Köln T: (0221) 376620; Fax: 3766210 Established: 1968; Chair: Dr. Maximilian Zollner, Secy: Günther Aumüller Assets: DM 750.000,·, Receipts: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Med 02237 Deutsches Kuratorium für Altertumsforschung und Denkmalpflege, Lindenweg 11, 69126 Heidelberg Established: 1987 Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Hist; Mon 02230 Deutsches Meeresmuseum, Katharinenberg 1420, 18439 Stralsund Τ: (03831) 265020; Fax: 265060; E-Mail: info @ meeresmuseum.de; Internet: http-Jl www.meeresmuseum.de Established; 1994; Donops): Hansestadt Stralsund, Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Meeresmuseums e.V. Expenditures: DM 6.700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ocean 02239 Deutsches orthodoxes Dreifaltigkeitskloster, 37619 Bodenwerder T: (05533) 999369 Established: 1990; Chair Abt Johannes R. Pfeiffer, Secy; lerodiakon Raffael M. Gast Assets: DM 41.700,·, Receipts: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; ChurchM 02240 Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin, Hannoversche Str 27, 10115 Berlin T: (030) 2851890 Established: 1988; Donops): Land Berlin, ImmanuelKrankenhaus GmbH Expenditures: DM 5.600.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rheum 02241
02230 - 02281 Deutsches Rotes Kreuz-Stiftung Altenheim Freier Grund, Am Birkenwald 1, 57290 Neunkirchen T: (02735) 7660; Fax: 766121 Established: 1969; Chair Hans Werner Harr, Secy: Hubert Multhaup Receipts: DM 7.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7,800.000,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Neunkirchen-Salchendorf only Focus: Sen 02242 Deutsches Schullandhelm, Gustav-Radbmch-Str 78, 28329 Bremen Τ: (04217) 462941 Established: 1990 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 02243 Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen, Bemadottestr 94, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 8390010; Fax: 8314750; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dzi.de Established: 1957; Secy: Lutz E. Worch Receipts: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocS 02244 Deutschland-Stiftung e.V., Kampenwandstr 16, 83209 Prien am Chiemsee T: (08051) 3041; Fax: 62497 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Kurt Ziesel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 02245 Graf von Deym'sche Nikolaus-Stiftung, Eschenstr 59 , 85716 Lohhof T: (089) 3103658; Fax: 3174836 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Monika Gräfin von Deym, Christoph Graf von Deym Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02246 Diakonenanstalt des Rauhen Hauses, Beim Rauhen Hause 21, 22111 Hamburg T: (040) 65591100, 65591170; Fax: 65591112; Internet: http://www.rauheshaus.de Established: 1833; Donor(s): Johann Hinrich Wiehern Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Rei 02247 Dlakonle-Sozialwerk Lausitz, Mühlweg 6, 02826 Görlitz T: (03581) 38750; Fax: 387524; Internet: http Jl www.dsw-lausitz.de Limitations: Grants in the region of Lausitz only Focus: SocW 02248 Diakonlegemelnschaft PaulinensWt, Schiersteiner Str 48, 65167 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 8410230/31; Fax: 8410232 Established: 1857; Donor(s): Herzogin Pauline von Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen; Nurs; Educ; Child . . 02249 Diakoniestlftung Alt-Hamburg, Brauhausstr 42, 22041 Hamburg Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Sen; SocW 02250 Diakoniestlftung Fürstenwald, Attstädter Kirchpl 5, 34369 Hofgeismar Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Drug 02251 Dlakoniestfftung Lazarus Berlin, Bemauer Str 115-118, 13355 Berlin T: (030) 467050; Fax: 46705241 Established: 1865; Donor(s): Wilhelm Boegehold Limitations: Grants in Berlin and in the state of Brandenburg only. Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; SocW; Rei; Sen 02252 Diakonlewerk Halle, Lafontainestr 15, 06114 Halle/Saale T: (0345) 77860; Fax: 7786666 Established: 1857 Expenditures: DM 41.535.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Rei; Sen 02253 Diakonlewerk Ruhr, Pferdebachstr 27-43, 58455 Witten Τ: (02302) 1750; Fax: 1752010 Established: 1890 Limitations: Applications not accepted .Focus: SocW; Rei; Sen; Educ 02254 Dlakonlezentrum Laubacher Stift Schottener Str 2-4, 35321 Laubach Τ: (06405) 8270; Fax: 3907; E-Mail: LaubacherStift® EuLink.net Established: 1711; Donops): Graf Johann-Friedrich zu Solms-Laubach Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Sen; Youth; Health; SocW . 02255 Diakonische Altenstiftung Schweinfurt, Gymnasiumstr 16, 97421 Schweinfurt Τ: (09721) 2087111; Fax: 2087120 Established: 1996; Secy: Jochen Keßler-Rosa, Donor(s): Diakonisches Werk Schweinfurt e.V., Evangelischer Verein für freiwillige Krankenpflege e.V., Evangelisch-Lutherischer Dekanatsbezirk Schweinfurt, Frau Kirchner-Schüllermann Expenditures: DM 7.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02256
Germany: Dimitrov-Preis-Stiftung
Diakonische Stiftung Bethanien (Lotzen) - Quakenbrück, Lôtzener Str 14, 49610 Quakenbrück T: (05431) 94340; Fax: 943434 Established: 1910; Chain Landessupermtendentin Doris Janssen-Reschke, Secy: Oberin Annedore Wendebourg Limitations: Predetermined local grants only Focus: Voc; Child; Adult; Psychia . . . . 02257
Dlesterweg-Stiftung, Tierparkallee 30, 22527 Hamburg T: (040) 5407024; Fax: 5407026 Established: 1971; Donor(s); Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Landesverband Hamburg Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Hamburg only Focus: Sen 02270
Diakonissen-Mutterhaus Ceclllenstlft Halberstadt, Am Cecilienstift 1, 38820 Halberstadt Τ: (03941) 68140; Fax: 681440; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.halberstadt.de/cecilienstift Established: 1873 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hand; Child; Sen . . . . 02258
Diesterwegstiftung Sollngen, c/o Städtische Schule für Lembehinderte, Wahnenkamp 1, 42697 Solingen T: (0212) 320905; Fax: 320126; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Hand 02271
Diakonissen-Mutterhaus Genthln, Am Birkenwäldchen 4a, 39307 Genthin T: (03933) 93290; Fax: 932920 Established: 1857; Donor(s): Weiblicher Verein für Kranken- und Armenpflege in Danzig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02259
Eduard Dietenberger-Stlftung. Postfach 1960, 73509 Schwäbisch Gmünd T: (07171) 6032010; Fax: 6033009; E-Mail: info® SchwaebischG muend .de Established: 1974; Chair: Eduard Dietenberger, Donor(s): Eduard Dietenberger Limitations: Grants in Schwäbisch Gmund only Focus: Cult; Scie; SocW; Arts; Scie; Res; AnimP; Mon 02272
Dlakonlssenanstalt Salem-Köslin-Minden Kuhienstr 82, 32427 Minden Τ: (0571) 95520; Fax: 52408; E-Mail: salem® brief.de; Internet: http://www.ms.de/salem Established; 1868; Chair: Wolfram Donnerstag, Secy: Pfarrer Hans-Ulrich Gorier, Donor(s): Baronin von Hünerbein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02260 Dr. Ferdinand, Maria und Ema DickWohltätigkeitsstiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abteilung Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr. Ferdinand, Maria und Ema Dick Expenditures: DM 190.000,Limitations: Grants to senior citizens of München only Focus: Sen 02261 Dieckell-Stiftung, c/o Notar Dr. Adam Freiherr von Kottwitz, Neuer Wall 75, 20354 Hamburg Τ: (040) 372323 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in the region of Bremerhaven only Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Schol; Ocean . 02262 Bûcher-Dleckmeyer-Stlftung zur Pflege der Kirchenmusik In Bayern - errichtet zum Gedächtnis an Karl Richter, Residenzstr 27, 80333 München Τ: (0B9) 221154; Fax: 293503 Established: 1994; Chair: Emmanuel Besold, Donor(s): Ingrid Bücher Assets: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: ChurchM 02263 Thea Diederichsen-Stiftung, c/o AG, Domshof 25, 28195 Bremen Τ: (0421) 3674211; Fax: 3674218; [email protected] Established: 1907; Donor(s): Thea Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants to sick children Kiel only Focus: Ped
Deutsche Bank E-Mail: Diederichsen in the region of 02264
G. Diederichsen-Stiftung, Am Ochsenzoll 194, 22417 Hamburg Established: 1925; Donor(s): Gustav Dìederìchsen Focus: SocW 02265 Dlederlchs'sche und BraunschweigHamburger-Stfftung, Salzdahlumer Str 170, 38126 Braunschweig T: (0531) 264320; Fax: 2643270 Established: 1952; Chair Dr. Bräcklein, Η. Ahlers, Secy: Ralf Leppin, Donor(s): Johanna Christina Elisabeth Diederich Assets: DM 290.000,·, Receipts: DM 19.800,·, Expenditures: DM 19.800,· Limitations: Grants to needy old ladies in the region of Braunschweig only Focus: Worn 02266 Karl Dlehl-Stiftung, Stephanstr 49, 90478 Nürnberg Τ; (0911) 9472672; Fax: 9473672 Established: 1987 Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Nürnberg only Focus: SocW; Hand 02267 Aloys DIekstail-Stiftung, Postfach 1304, 49380 Lohne Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants in Lohne only Focus: SocW; Cult; Ecol 02268 Paul Dlerlchs-Stlftung, c/o Presse- und Druckzentrum, Postfach 101009, 34010 Kassel Τ: (0561) 2031207; Fax: 2032116 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Dr. Paul Dierichs Focus: SocW 02269
Dr. Isolde Dietrich-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stiftervefband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Isolde Dietrich Expenditures: DM 37.000,Focus: Phys 02273 Cari Emst Dietrich-Stiftung, c/o Wilistätter Gymnasium, Innerer Laufer PI 11, 90403 Nürnberg T: (0911) 227985; Fax: 2447454 Established: 1987 Limitations: Grants to needy pupils of MelanchthonGymnasium, Neues Gymnasium and Wilistätter· Gymnasium in Nürnberg only Focus: Educ 02274 Hermann Dietrich-Stipendienstiftung, c/o Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Kollegiengebäude II, Platz der alten Synagoge, 79085 Freiburg im Breisgau Established: 1956; Donor(s): Hermann Dietrich Assets: DM 600.000,·, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Umitations: Scholarships and grants to students at the universities in Freiburg im Breisgau and Heidelberg only Focus: Schol; Educ; Eng; Econ . . . . 02275 Maria Dietz-Stiftung für behinderte KinderEmskirchen, Kirchpl 5, 91413 Neustadt an der Aisch Τ: (09161) 899512; Fax: 899550 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Maria Dietz Limitations: Grants in the region of Mittelfranken only Focus: Hand; Child 02276 Heinrich Dietz-Stiftung zur Förderung der Krebsforschung an der Universität des Saarlandes, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmüH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www,stifterverband.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Universität des Saarlandes Expenditures: DM 25.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; Uni 02277 DIetz'sche Stiftung, Rathauspl 1, 97686 Bad Kissingen Established: 1992; Donor(s): Ingeborg Dietz Limitations: Grants in Bad Kissingen only Focus: Health 02278 Gert-Volker-DIII-Stiftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Hans Joachim und Eva Maria Dill Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Stuttgart only Focus: Educ; Schol 02279 Dlllan*Stiftung, c/o Bezirksamt Zehlendort, Abteilung Finanzen und Wirtschaft, Haushaltsamt, Kirchstr 1-3, 14160 Berlin T: (030) 6072815; Fax: 80913090; E-Mail: haush5 @ ba-zehl.verwalt-berlin.de Established: 1954; Donor(s): Emst Dillan Assets: DM 112.000,-, Receipts: DM 6.500,·, Expenditures: DM 6.500,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Voc 02280 Dlmttrov-Preis-Stiftung, c/o TU Berlin, Der Präsident, III A 23, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31424163 Established: 1992; Donops): Prof. Dimitrov Assets: DM 57.000,Limitations: Prizes and scholarships to students at Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Scie; Res; Archit; Build; Schol . . 02281
Germany: Dinges-Stiftung
02282 - 02334
Otto Georg Dinges-Stiftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stittungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Georg Otto Dinges Limitations: Grants in the region of Frankfurt am Main and Offenbach am Main only Focus: Hand; SocW 02282 Hugo Dingler-Stiftung, Cranachstr 12, 63739 Aschaffenburg Established: 1979; Donor(s): Martha Dingier Focus: Scie; Res; Schol 02283 Dinser-Stiftung, Rumfordstr 20, 80469 München Τ: (089) 2285366; Fax: 2285366 Established: 1997; Chair: German Dinser, Donor(s): Lore und German Dinser Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02284 Diözesanklnderheim Sankt Nikolaus, c/o Bischöfliches Ordinariat. Kleine Pfaffengasse 16, 67346 Speyer T: (06232) 1020; Fax: 102300 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 02285 Stiftung Direk-Koster-Testament, Bollweg 12, 22525 Hamburg T: (040) 5709617; Fax: 57193035 Established: 1537; Chair: Kurt Zimmermann, Donor(s): Direk Koster Assets: DM 645.000,-, Receipts: DM 385.000,·, Expenditures: DM 385.000,· Focus: Sen 02286 DIsibodenberger Sclvlas-Stlftung, Disibodenberger Hof, 55571 Odemheim/Glan T: (06755) 285; Fax: 1653; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.disibodenberg.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Ehrengard Freifrau von Räcknitz Expenditures: DM 88.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Rei 02287 DLRG-Stiftung Bayern, Woffenbacher Str 34. 92318 Neumarkt Τ: (09181) 32010; Fax: 320120 Established: 1992; Chair: Wilhelm Leichtie, Donor(s): DLRG-Landesverband Bayern Expenditures: DM 76.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02288 DLRG-Stiftung Bremen, c/o Rechtsanwalt Wolf Dieter Scheeper, Oeversberg 20, 28759 Bremen T: (0421) 623070 Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bremen only Focus: SocW 02259 Schulkinder-Stiftung von Theodor Dobler und Stadtrat Dr. Reindl, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsami, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten T: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1940; Donor(s): Theodor Dobler, Dr. Reindl Limitations: Grants to pupils in Kempten only Focus: Educ 02290 Raimund von Doblhoff-Stlftung, c/o IHK Augsburg, Stettenstr 1-3, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3162211; Fax: 3162247; E-Mail: meder® augsburg.ihk.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Dipl.-lng. Raimund Freiherr von Doblhoff Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Graph 02291 Döbele-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 3-5, 74613 Öhringen Τ: (07941) 600302; Fax: 600308 Established: 1987 Assets: DM 200,000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Öhringen only Focus: SocW; Child 02292 Alfred Döblln-Prels, c/o Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin Τ: (030) 390760; Fax: 39076175 Established: 1985; Chair: Friedrich Christian Delius, Donor(s): Günter Grass Assets: DM 200.000,Focus: Lit 02293 Sophie Döhner-Hube-Stlftung, Quellenweg 1, 20535 Hamburg T: (040) 208307, 2512795 Established: 1888; Donor(s): Adolf Döhner Limitations: Low cost living space to needy Protestant unmarried women in Hamburg only Focus: Hous; Worn 02294 Wilhelm Doerenkamp-Stiftung, Postfach 270303, 50509 Köln Τ: (0221) 207000; Fax: 2070022 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Anna Maria Doerenkamp Expenditures: DM 130.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Köln only, Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Uni 02295 Dörffler-Stlftung für Jugend und Sport, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 32257 Bünde Focus: Youth; Sports
Heinz Dörks-Stiftung für kranke und hilfebedürftige Menschen, Niebuhrstr 16b, 53113 Bonn Established: 1959 Limitations: Grants to citizens of Bonn only Focus: SocW; Nurs 02297 Gräflich von Dörnberg'sche WalsenfondsStiftung Regensburg, Dr.-Gessler-Str 15a, 93051 Regensburg T: (0941) 9205507; Fax: 9205505 Established: 1897; Chair Oberkirchenrat a.D. Gotthait Preiser, Secy: Werner Nees, Donops): Emst Graf von Dörnberg zu Herzberg Expenditures: DM 973.000,Umitations: Grants to orphans in Regensburg only Focus: Orp; SocW; Schol; Arts . . . . 02298 August Doemer-Stiftung, Burg Lantershofen, Graf· Blankard-Str 12-22, 53501 Grafschaft T: (02641) 8920; Fax: 892180 Established: 1987 Focus: Youth; Rei; Scie 02299 Henry Doerr-Stiftung, c/o Notar Kurt Lampe, Wilhelmstr 23, 74072 Heilbronn Established: 1990; Donops): Prof. Dr. Walter Doerr, Gerhard Doerr, Prof. Dr. Albert Kochendörfer, Helmut Kochendörfer, Erwin Kochendörfer, Anni Oehme Limitations: Scholarships to students at Fachhochschule Heilbronn only Focus: Schol 02300 Wemer-Dohany-Stiftung, c/o Schroder Münchmeyer Hengst & Co., Kaiserstr 73, 63065 Offenbach am Main T: (069) 2179851; Fax: 2179899 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Werner Dohany Limitations: Grants to needy people in the region of Offenbach am Main only Focus: SocW 02301 Stiftung Evangelische Kindergärten Elise Doll In Eppingen, c/o Evangelisches Pfarramt, Kaiserstr 3, 75031 Eppingen T: (07262) 91720; Fax: 917222 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Elise Doli Assets: DM 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02302 Dom Augusto-Stfftung Eichstätt, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1344, 85067 Eichstätt T: (08421) 600125; Fax: 600160 Established: 1836; Donor(s): Prinz Dom Augusto von Portugal Assets: DM 1.140.000,-, Expenditures: DM 227.000,Limrtations: Grants In Eichstätt only Focus: Nurs 02303 Dombau-Stiftung Wesel, c/o Gemeindeamt der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Wesel. Korbmacherstr 14, 46483 Wesel T: (0281) 15622; Fax: 15624 Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 02304 Domhof-Stlftung, c/o Musikschule Bergstraße, Bismarckstr 13a, 69469 Weinheim Τ: (06201) 68572; Fax: 185716 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants In Bautzen and the region of Rheln-Neckar only Focus: Music 02305 Domkapitel der Vereinigten Hochstifte zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kolleglatsttfts Zeitz, Dompi 16-17, 06618 Naumburg T: (03445) 202095; Fax: 201676 Established: 1028; Chair: Prof. Dr. Emst Schubert, Secy: Christine Merkel, Donor(s): Kaiser Konrad II und Papst Johannes XIX Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; SocW; Cult; Mon 02306 Domstrukturfonds Verden, c/o Klosterkammer Hannover, Eichstr 4, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 34826200; Fax: 34626299 Established: 1685 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon £32307 Donaumoosregulferungefonds, c/o Landratsamt Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, Postfach 1540 , 86633 Neuburg an der Donau T: (08431) 57233; Fax: 57394 Established: 1903; Donops): Königreich Bayern, Kreis Schwaben und Neuburg Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limltatlons: Grants in the region of Donaumoos only Focus: Wat; Ecol 02308 Donauschwäbische Kulturstiftung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Panoramastr 33, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6695126; Fax: 6695149; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.gemeindetagbw.de/dsks/dsks.htm Established: 1988; Chair: Dr. Christian 0. Steger, Secy: Eugen Christ, Donops): Land BadenWürttemberg Limitations: Grants in Germany, Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia only Focus: Cult; East 02309
36 Donauschwäbisches Zentral museum, Schillerstr 1, 89077 Ulm Τ: (0731) 962540; Fax: 96254200; E-Mail: info@ dzm-museum.de; Internet: http://www.dzmmuseum.de Established: 1997; Donops): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Land Bremen, Land Württemberg, Stadt Ulm, Landsmannschaften der Banater Schwaben/Deutschen aus Ungam/Donauschwaben und Sathmarer Schwaben Expenditures: DM 1.053.000,Limitatlons: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Hist 02310 Gotthold Donndorf-Stiftung, Könlgsstr 54, 22767 Hamburg T: (040) 306200; Fax: 30620360 Established: 1969; Chair Pastor Heidenreich, Secy: Hartmut Sauer, Donops): Landesverband der Inneren Mission Hamburg Assets: DM 85.000,-, Receipts: DM 5.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Scholarships In Hamburg only Focus: Schol 02311 Etatsrätin Donner-Gedächtnis-Sttftung, Ballindamm 27, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 6781189 Established: 1915; Donor(s): Richard Henry von Donner Assets: DM 200.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Child 02312 Stiftung Conrad Hinrich Donner-Legat, c/o Stiftungsverwaftung, Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1921; Donops): Bankier Richard Henry von Donner Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Scholarships to pupils at the Fachschule Faite in Hamburg only Focus: Voc; Schol 02313 Conrad Hinrich Donner-Stlftung, Ballindamm 27, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 302170 Established: 1921; Donor(s): Richard Heniy von Donner Expenditures: DM 970.000,Limitations: Grants to craftsmen, artists and pupils In Hamburg only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02314 Fürst Donnersmarck-Stlftung zu Berlin, Dalandweg 19. 12167 Berlin T: (030) 7697000; Fax: 76970030; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fdst.de Established: 1916; Chair: Dr. Guidotto Graf Henckel Fürst von Donnersmarck, Secy: Wolfgang Schrödter, Donor(s): Guido Graf Henckel Fürst von Donnersmarck Assets: DM 200.000.000,Limitatlons: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 02315 Gerhard ten Doornkaat Koolman-Stlftung, Postfach 1755, 26697 Emden Τ: (04921) 942000; Fax: 942141 Established: 1988; Chair: Dr. Eckart Krömer, Donor(s): Gerhard ten Doornkaat Koolman Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Mon . 02316 Dora-Stift, c/o Evangelisches Pfarramt, Rathausstr 2, 74360 llsfeld Τ: (07062) 61355 Established: 1905; Chair: Pfarrer Horst Bachmayer, Donops): Karl Vollmöller Focus: Educ 02317 Unterstüt2ungsstiftung der Firmengruppe Dorfner In Hirschau, Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach, Scharhof 1, 92242 Hirschau T: (09622) 820 Established: 1918; Donops): Gebr. Dorfner OHG Expenditures: DM 93.000,· Limitations: Grants to employees of Gebr. Dorfner OHG (Hirschau) only Focus: SocW 02318 Ludwig Martin Dorl'sche Stiftung, Wllhelm-RoserStr 46, 35037 Marburg T: (06421) 67836; Fax: 67836 Established: 1883; Secy: Dr. Martin Kraatz, Donor(s): Ludwig Martin Dori Assets: DM 87.000,··, Receipts: DM 5.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Llmitations: Grants to needy craftsmen and their families in Marburg only Focus: SocW 02319 Domberger'eche Stiftung Ezelhelm, Ezelheim 47, 91484 Sugenheim Established: 1882 Limitations: Grants in Ezelheim only Focus: Child 02320 Peter Domler Stiftung, Rickenbacherstr 119, ΘΘ131 Undau T: (08382) 703281; Fax: 703316; E-Mail: peterdomierjstiftungd lindauerjlomier.com Established: 1985; Donor(s): Dipl.-lng. Peter Domier Expenditures: DM 600.000,· Limitations: Local grants only Focus; Orp; Landsc; Dev; Mon; SocW; Educ 02321
Christoph Domler-Stiftung für Klinische Psychologie, Salzstr 52, 46143 Münster T: (0251) 4183440; Fax: 4183450; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjl www.christoph-domier-stittung.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Christoph Domier Expenditures: DM 259.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Psychol 02322 Esther und Silvius Domler Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Schüler, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: renate. ζ i ndler θ stifterve rband. de; Internet: www.stifterverband.de Established: 1996; Donops): Silvius Domier Expenditures: DM 572.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Hum; SocS; Scie . . . . 02323 Erich Dorp-Fonds, c/o S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baikhovenallee 1, Essen, 45239 Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.Simon θ stifte rverband. de ; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1988; Donops): Erich und Maria Dorp Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Econ; SocS 02324 Elfriede Dorp-Stiftung, Mittelstr 12, 42697 Solingen T: (0212) 335934 Focus: Health
Käthe Dorsch-Stiftung, Eichenallee 47, 14050 Berlin T: (030) 3043926; Fax: 3043926 Established: 1973 Limitations: Grants to needy artists in Berlin and the state of Brandenburg only Focus: Arts 02326 Lagenser Kunst-Stiftung Sibylle Dotti, Bergstr 14, 32791 Lage Τ: (05232) 3095 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Sibylle Dotti Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants to artists in Lage only Focus: Arts 02327 Günter Dowlg-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.cle Established: 1995; Donor(s): Günther Dowig Limitations: Predetermined grants in Attwarp/Mecklenburg-Vorpommem only Focus: Mon 02328 Dozentur für Deutsche Kulturgeschichte, c/o TU Berlin, Der Präsident, III A 23, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31424163 Established: 1969 Assets: DM 11.000,Llmltatlons: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; CommS; SocS 02329 DPhQ-Stlftung zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stlfterverband.de Established: 1992; Donops): Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft Expenditures: DM 94.000,· Focus: Pharm 02330 Dräger-Stiftung, Moislinger Allee 53-55, 23558 Lübeck T: (0451) 8822151; Fax: 8823050; E-Mail: draegerStiftung θ draeger.com Established: 1974; Chair Dr. Christian Dräger, Prof. Dr. Dieter Feddersen, Secy: Petra Pissulla, Donor(s): Dr. Heinrich Dräger Assets: DM 12.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in northern Germany only. No grants to Individuals and no scholarships Focus: SocS; IntU; Cult; Mon; Med . . . 02331 Stiftung Georg Dralle, In de Tarpen BO, 22848 Norderstedt Τ: (040) 53433354; Fax: 53433322 Established: 1976 Assets: DM 1.301.170,-, Receipts: DM 80.000,·, Expenditures: DM 80.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg-Steilshoop only Focus: Sports; Youth; Voc 02332 Eugen Draut-Stiftung, Klüberstr 12, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (06174) 930445 Established: 1989; Donops): Eugen Draut Assets: DM 2.300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 59.000,Limitations: Grants to single parents In Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Hous 02333 Richard Dreutz-Stiftung, Bruchsaler Str 32, 74080 Heilbronn T: (07131) 92140; Fax: 44166 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Richard Drautz Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02334
02335- 02387
37 Bernhard Dreger-Stiftung, Postfach 11, 66794 Wallerfangen Τ: (06831) 6331; Fax: 60352 Established: 1995; Donops): Bernhard Dreger Assets: DM 2.150.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Dreger family only Focus: Sen; Nurs; Fam 02335 Drelkönlgskapellenstlftung Memmlngen, Spitalgasse 8, 87700 Memmingen Τ: (08331) 80378, 850195; Fax: 80368 Established: 1399; Donor(s): Klaus Tagbrecht Limitations: Grants to citizens of Memmingen only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 02336 Dreikönigsstiftung, c/o Dreikönigsverein Neubrandenburg e.V., Schwedenstr 11, 17033 Neubrandenburg T: (0395) 5823172 Established: 1993; Donops): Dreikönigsverein Neubrandenburg e.V. Assets: DM 550.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: SocW; Arts; Cult; IntU 02337 Dreißig Arme unterm Turm, do Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 128, 31833 Hessisch Oldendorf T: (05152) 782104, 782160; Fax: 782172 Established: 1562; Donops): Graf Otto zu Holstein und Schaumburg Assets: DM 14.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02338 W A Drenckmann-Sttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Jutta Penkert Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; Red 02339 Karin-Dresbach-Stiftung für Entwicklungsprojekte In Drltte-Welt-Ländem, Nibelungenweg 44, 50996 Köln T: (0221) 352600; Fax: (089) 244338163; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: members.aol.com/ EPStiftung Established: 1998; Chain Dr. Stefan Dresbach, Donor(s): Dr. Stefan Dresbach Expenditures: DM 73.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 02340 Dresdner Kunst· und Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Dresden, do Stadtsparkasse Dresden, Abt. Vereine und Stiftungen, Striesener Str 49, 01305 Dresden T: (0351) 4556510; Fax: 4559449 Established; 1992; Donops): Dresden Assets: DM 3.750 000,-, Receipts: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in Dresden only Focus: Arts; Cult 02341 Dresdner Stiftung für Jugend und Sport der Stadtsparicasse Dresden, c/o Stadtspartasse Dresden, Abt. Vereine und Stiftungen, Striesener Str 49, 01305 Dresden T: (0351) 4556510; Fax: 4559449 Established: 1992; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Dresden Assets: DM 3.750.000,-, Receipts: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in Dresden only Focus: Youth; Sports 02342 Dresdner Stiftung für Soziales und Umwelt der Stadtsparkasse Dresden, c/o Stadtsparicasse Dresden, Vereinscenter am Fetscherpl, 01305 Dresden T: (0351) 4556510; Fax: 4559449 Established: 1996; Donops); Stadtsparkasse Dresden Expenditures: DM 165.000,Limitations: Grants in Dresden only Focus: Ecd; AnimP; Sen; Youth; SocW . 02343 Dresen-Sttftung, Deweerthstr 117, 42107 Wuppertal Established: 1995 Focus: Sen . . . .
Drewe-SWtung, Galileistr 11, 46161 Münster Τ: (02533) 4750 Established: 1992; Donops): Eheleute Drewe Assets: DM 1.533.000,-, Expenditures: DM 465.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of the Drewe family and to employees of Drewe KG (Münster) only Focus: Fam; SocW 02345 Gebrüder Drewes-Stfftung, do Stadtverwaltung, Hiroshimapl 1-4, 37070 Gôttingen Τ: (0551) 40012858; Fax: 4002702 Established: 1920; Donors): Heinrich Drewes Limitations: Grants to citizens of Gôttingen only Focus: SocW 02346
Kunst· und Kulturstiftung Dr. Joseph E. Drexel, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursulalang® stk.stadt.nuemtoerg.de; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1977; Donops): Dr. Joseph E. Drexel Assets: DM 1.103.850,-, Receipts: DM 512.000,·, Expenditures: DM 48.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens and institutions of Nürnberg only Focus: Arts; Cult 02347 Dreyer & Hlllmann-Stlftung, c/o Haus des Deutschen Holzhandels, Rostocker Str 16, 65191 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 50690; Fax: 506969; E-Mail: bdhoiz® bdholz.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Dreyer & Hillmann GmbH & Co. Assets: DM 110.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Voc; Schol 02346 DRK-Krankenanstalten Wesermünde, Schrffdorfer Chaussee 29, 27574 Bremerhaven T: (0471) 182317, 182318 Established: 1963 Limitations: Grants in Wesermünde only Focus: Nurs 02349 DRK-Krankenhaus Clementi nenhaus, Lützerodestr 1, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 33940; Fax: 3326 Established: 1875; Donops): DRK-Krankenhaus Clementinenhaus Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Health 02350 DRK-Schwedenheim-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Jugendamt, I. Hagen 26, 45127 Essen T: (0201) 8851228; Fax: 8851565 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Schwedisches Rotes Kreuz Assets: DM 1.167.130,-, Expenditures: DM 1.019.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02351 DRK-Stlftung Diez und Umgebung, Wilheimstr 63, 65582 Diez T: (06432) 4414; Fax: 921183 Established: 1997; Chair: Franz Klöckner, Donops): DRK-Ortsverein Diez und Umgebung Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth; SocW 02352 Graf Droste zu VIscherlng'sche Famlltenstiftung, Schloß Darfeld, 48720 Rosendahl Τ: (02545) 820; Fax: 8227 Established: 1729; Donops): Äbtissin Cornelia Anna Droste zu Vischerìng Assets: DM 15.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 135.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Droste zu Vischering family only Focus: Fam; Educ 02353 Ottilie Drumm-Stlftung, Fritz-Schàffer-Str 9, 81737 München Τ: (089) 67853159; Fax: 67853148 Established: 1939; Donor(s): Vereinte Lebensversicherung AG Expenditures: DM 49.000,Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Vereinte Lebensversicherung AG (München) only Focus: SocW 02354 Ferdinand DQrkoop und Louise geb. BauckStiftung, Ueckerstr 28, 22547 Hamburg Established: 1884 Focus: SocW 02355 Abraham DGrnlnger-Stiftung, Oderwitzer Str 12, 02747 Hermhut T: (035873) 4110; Fax: 41110 Established: 1747; Donor(s): Abraham Dûminger Expenditures: DM 465.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Rei; Miss 02356 Hans DOrrmefer-Stipendlum, Tirierschstr 11, 80538 München Τ: (089) 224970; Fax: 296129; E-Mail: keiserdtrverlag.de Established: 1971 Assets: DM 125.000,Umitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Schol; Media 02357 Dürrschnabel-Sttftung, Brandelweg 30, 79312 Emmendingen Τ: (07641) 3378; Fax: 3893 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Anni und Karf Dürrschnabel Assets: DM 1.300.000,Umltations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Youth 023» Düsseldorfer Eissporthalle, Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Düsseldorf, c/o Stadt-Sparkasse Düsseldorf, Berliner Allee 33, 40212 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 715959; Fax: 7103098 Established: 1979; Donops): Stadt-Sparkasse Düsseldorf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports 02359
Friedrich DQttlng-Sttftung, Bahnhofstr 10, 48529 Nordhorn Established: 1969 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Miss; Dev 02360 Dr. Cari Dulsberg-Stiftung für das Auslandsstudium deutscher Studenten, c/o Bayer AG, 51368 Leverkusen T: (0214) 3081037; Fax: 3061551 Established: 1923; Donor(s): Geheimrat Prof. Dr. Cari Duisberg Assets: DM 862.510,Limitations: Scholarships to German students only Focus: Schol; Chem 02361 Dr. Carl Dulsberg-Stiftung zur Förderung von Studierenden der Hochschulen und FachHochschulen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Fachbereich Schulen, Miselohestr 4, 51379 Leverkusen T: (0214) 4064084; Fax: 4064002 Established: 1916; Donor(s): Geheimer Regierungsrat Prof. Dr. Carl Duisberg und Gemahlin Assets: DM 131.645,-, Expenditures: DM 32.400,Limltations: Scholarships to students in Leverkusen only Focus: Schol 02362 Dr. Cart Dulsberg-Stiftung zur Fortbildung von deutschen Studierenden der Medizin, c/o Bayer AG, 51368 Leverkusen T: (0214) 3081037; Fax: 3061551 Established: 1929; Donor(s): Prof. Dr, Johannes Plesch Assets: DM 196.800,-, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Scholarships to German students only Focus: Schol; Med 02363 Frítz-Durlng-Stfftung Im Kreis Plön, Hamburger Str 17-18, 24306 Plön T: (04522) 743510; Fax: 74395510 Established: 1997; Secy: Renate Appel, Donor(s): Kreis Plön Expenditures: DM 14.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Plön only Focus: Arts; Cult 02364 Dussmann-Stlftung, Fried richstr 90, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 20252520; Fax: 20252523 Established: 1991; Donops): Peter Dussmann Limitations: Grants in the region of Dresden only Focus: Mon; Arts; Cult 02365 DVA-Stlftung gemeinnützige Vertagsgesellschaft mbH, Postfach 101136, 70010 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 22292716; Fax: 22292773 Established: 1980; Secy: Horst Frank, Donor(s): Robert Bosch GmbH Assets: DM 10.026.000,·, Expenditures: DM 360.000,Limrtations: Grants to Gemían and French translators and French professors only Focus: Pubi; IntU 02366 Dyckerhoff-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7/ www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Ing. Edith und Dr. Ing. Klaus Dyckerhoff Assets: DM 1.678.443,-, Expenditures: 54.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mater 02367 Erich-Dzluba-Stlftung, Schloßstr 46, 78259 Mühlhausen-Ehingen Τ: (07733) 500510; Fax: 500540 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Erich Dziuba Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in Mühlhausen-Ehingen only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Mon; Sports . . 02366 Alfred und Hertha-Sarah Dzwonlckl-Stlftung, Lindemannallee 17, 30173 Hannover Limitations: Grants in Israel only Focus: Hand; Jew 02369 E.L-Famlllenstiftung zur Förderung von Literatur und Kunst, c/o Dr. H.J. Waitz, Alsterarkaden 27, 20354 Hamburg Established: 1986 Focus: Lit; Arts; Cult 02370 Georg Ebellng-Sttftung, Distelkamp 37, 30459 Hannover Τ: (0511) 422774 Established: 1927; Donor(s): Bergrat Georg Ebeling Assets: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Ebeling family only Focus: Fam 02371 Ebellng'sche Stiftung, do Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 13, 30880 Laatzen Τ; (0511) 8205308; Fax: 8205497 Established: 1908; Donor(s): August Ebeling Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health 02372 Stiftung Eben-Ezer, Atter Rintelner Weg, 32657 Lemgo Τ: (05261) 2150; Fax: 215322; E-Mail: infoôebenezer.de; Internet: http^/www.eben-ezer.de Established: 1871; Chair Hermann Adam Expenditures: DM 70.079.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 02373
Germany: Ecker-Stiftung
Eberhard-Stiftung für die Gymnasien, do Gymnasium Emestinum, Untere Realschulstr 2, 96450 Coburg Established: 1875 Limitations: Grants to pupils in Coburg only Focus: Educ 02374 Albert und Berta Eberhardt-Stiftung, Postfach 3940, 89070 Ulm Τ: (0731) 1612214; Fax: 1611647 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Rudolf Eberhardt Assets: DM 325.700,-, Receipts: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Ulm only Focus: Educ 02375 Eberle-Butschkau-Stlftung, Buschstr 32, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 2045560, 204565; Fax: 204748; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ebusti.de Established: 1968 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc 02376 RudoH Eberle-Stiftung, c/o Akademie Schloß Solitude, Solitude 3, 70197 Stuttgart T: (0711) 99619471; Fax: 9961950; E-Mail: ri θ akademie-solitude.de Established: 1987; Chair: Michael Russ, Secy: Rüdiger Immig, Donor(s): Michael Russ Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Music; Musi 02377 Ebemburg-Stlftung, Hermannstr 78, 55545 Bad Kreuznach Τ: (0671) 26044; Fax: 26044 Established: 1914; Chair: Landrat a.D. Hans Schümm Expenditures: DM 32.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 02378 Lisbeth Ebers-Stiftung, c/o Schmidt & Bethge GmbH, Alsterdorferstr 509, 22337 Hamburg Established: 1977 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02379 Stiftung R e ich sprâs ident-Friedrich-Ebe rtGedenkstâtte Untere Str 27, 69117 Heidelberg T: (06221) 91070; Fax: 910710; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.ebert-gedenkstaette.de Established: 1986; Chair: Bürgermeister Dr. Henning Scherf, Secy: Ulrich Graf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 02380 Arthur und Margarethe Ebert-Stlftung, c/o Bethmann Vermögensbetreuung GmbH, Kardinal·Faulhaber-Str 15, 80311 München Established: 1984; Donor(s): Arthur Ebert Limitations: Grants to Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main only. Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; Uni 02381 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., Godesberger Allee 149, 53175 Bonn Τ: (0228) 883666; Fax: 883396; E-Mail: presse® fes.de; Internet: http://www.fes.de Established: 1925; Donor(s): Friedrich Ebert Expenditures: DM 212.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; IntU; Arts; Cult; IntU; Dev; Schol; Res 02382 Julius Echter-Stlft Röttingen, Marktpl 1, 97265 Röttingen Τ: (09338) 97280; Fax: 205 Established: 1422; Donor(s): Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02383 Herbert und Hedwig Eckelmann-Stiftung, c/o Frankfurter Sparkasse, Stiftungs- und Nachlassmanagement, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414450; E-Mail: Joachim.Gockeln© Fraspal 822.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Herbert und Hedwig Eckelmann Limitations: Scholarships to students at JohannWoffgang-Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main only. Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Med 02384 Eckenroth-Stiftung für Medienkultur, Soonwaldstr 4, 55444 Eckenroth Τ: (06724) 8400 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Madeleine Lienhard Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Media; Arts; Cult 02385 Hans und Helga Eckensberger-Stlftung, Am Bruchtor 1, 38100 Braunschweig T: (0531) 120232 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Helga Eckensberger Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limltations: Grants in the region of Braunschweig only Focus: SocW; Educ; Arts; Cult; Hous . . 02366 Senatspräsident Ecker-Stiftung, Im Netzbecher 1, 56567 Neuwied Τ: (02631) 56127 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Josef Ecker Expenditures: DM 75.000,Limltations: Grants in Neuwied only Focus: Youth; Sen 02387
Germany: Eckert-Stiftung
02388 - 02441
Mirini Eckert-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Rechtsamt, Strftungsabteilung, Sandgasse 6, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21233425 Assets: DM 587.000,Focus: Child; Educ; Youth 02388 Eckert'sche Kindergartenstiftung In Lauf an der Pegnitz, Alter Schulhof 1, 91207 Lauf an der Pegnitz T: (09123) 3101 Established: 1873; Donor(s): Friedrich Eckert Assets: DM 1.295.410,-, Expenditures: DM 546.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02389 Stiftung Ecksberg, Ebinger Str 1, 84453 Mühldorf am Inn T: (08631) 6170; Fax: 617104; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1852; Donor(s): Pfarrer Joseph Probst Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 02390 EDEKA Stiftung, New-York-Ring 2, 22297 Hamburg Τ: (040) 63772321; Fax: 63772424 Established: 1950; Donor(s): EDEKA Zentrale AG, EDEKABANK AG, EDEKA Verband e.V. Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 303.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Sen; Youth; Arts; Cult; IntU; SocW; Educ; Scie; Res; Cons; Sports; Hand . . . . 02391 Julius Edelhoff-Stiftung zur Förderung der Kirchenmusik in Lübeck, Königstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: ChurchM 02392 EDEN-Stiftung zur Förderung naturnaher Lebenshaltung und Gesundheitspflege, Königsteiner Str 107, 65812 Bad Soden T: (06196) 643340; Fax: 642087; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjf www.infomarketing.de/eden-stiftung Established: 1962; Chair: Manfred Großmann, Secy: Dr. Aloys Kordes, Manfred Blaschke, Donor(s): Kurl Großmann, Emst Philipp, Emst Kröpf, Heinrich Graetz, Bernhard Reinecker Assets: DM 12.600.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 800.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Food; Health 02393 Johanna Margaretha Eding-Testament, c/o Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Matthias Κ. Scheer, Neuer Wall 54. 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 372135; Fax: 363569; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1761; Donor(s): Johanna Margaretha Eding Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02394 Ludwig Edinger-Stiftung, c/o Neurologisches Institut der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Deutschordenstr 46, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 63016042, 96769283; Fax: 679487 Established: 1917: Donor(s): Ludwig Edinger Assets: DM 1.500.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Neur; Cane; Neur 02395 Eduard-Stiftung, Helenerberg, 54298 Welschbillig Established: 1896 Focus: SocW; Ο φ 02396 Eduard-Stiftung katholisches KnabenWaisenhaus für die Diözese Trier, c/o Bischöfliches Generalvikariat, Hinter dem Dom 6, 54290 Trier T: (0651) 71050, 7105438; Fax: 7105517 Established: 1896; Donor(s): Eduard und Hyazinthe Furiceli i Expenditures: DM 900.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Orp 02397 August Egenolf-Stiftung, Lindenweg 5, 65589 Hadamar Established: 1955 Limitations: Grants in Hadamar only Focus: Child 02398 Egerland-Kulturhaus-Stlftung Marktredwitz, Fikentscherstr 24, 95615 MarMredwitz T: (09231) 3907; Fax: 5264 Established: 1970; Chair: Erich Fischer, Donor(s): Bund der Eghalanda Gmoin e.V., Stadt Marktredwitz Expenditures: DM 1.914.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Arts 02399 Egestorff-Stiftung Altenheim, Stiftungsweg 2, 2B325 Bremen Τ: (0421) 4272150 Established: 1908; Donor(s): Johann Heinrich Egesto rff Assets: DM 1.800.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02400
Hermann Wilhelm Eggers-Stiftung, Waitzstr 14, 22607 Hamburg T: (040) 891051 Established: 1913 Limitations: Grants to needy mothers in Hamburg only Focus: Worn 02401 Eh Inger Volksbank-Stlftung, MarWpl 10, 895Θ4 Ehingen Limitations: Grants in the region of Ehingen only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Sports . . . . 02402 Mathilde Ehler-Tamm-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Grüner Weg 42, 27472 Cuxhaven Τ: (04721) 700320; Fax: 12491 Established: 1962; Donops): Mathilde Ehler-Tamm Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants in Cuxhaven only Focus: Sen 02403 Ehlerding Stiftung, Hegereiterweg 2, 22459 Hamburg T: (040) 58916670; Fax: 58916671; E-Mail: info@ ehlerding-stfttung.de; Internet: www.ehlerdingEstablished: 2000; Donor(s): Karl und Ingrid Ehlerding Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol; Educ; Youth; Cult; IntU; Scie; Res 02404 Helene Ehlers-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Kuhlmann, Kleine Johannisstr 2-4, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 362001; Fax: 364914 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Helene Ehlers Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hand; Child 02405 Hermann Ehlers-Sttftung e.V., Gurlittstr 3, 24106 Kiel T: (0431) 389221; Fax: 389238; E-Mail: info© hermann-ehlers.de Established: 1968; Donor(s): Dr. h.c. Kai-Uwe von Hassel Expenditures: DM 5.200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; IntU 02406 Heinrich Ehmsen-Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Kulturamt, Postfach, 24099 Kiel T: (0431) 9013410/11; Fax: 90163475 Established: 1987; Donops): Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Familie Ehmsen Assets: DM 20.000.Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02407 Ehrensteiner Armenstiftung, c/o Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung, 53567 Asbach T: (02683) 912151; Fax: 912134 Established: 1499; Chair: Bürgermeister der Verbandsgemeinde Asbach, Donor(s): Ritter Bertram von Nesselrode, Margarete von Bourscheid Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 02408 Ehrich-Franck-Stiftung, Paulstr 10, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 32811521; Fax: 32811530 Established: 1989; Chair: Ina Nachtmann, Donor(s): Dr. Paula Ehrich Expenditures: DM 350.000,Limitations: Low cost living space to German women who are older than 60 years, than 60 Focus: Sen
. 02409
Wemer-Ehrich-Stlftung, Nordertorstriftweg 16, 31582 Nienburg Τ: (05021) 66278; Fax: 961148 Established: 1997; Secy: Heinz-Hermann Germer Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Nienburg/Weser only Focus: Schol; Voc; Youth; Sports . . . .02410 Paul Ehrilch-Stiftung, c/o Johann-Wolfgang· Goethe-Universitàt Frankfurt am Man, Senckenberganlage 31, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 79823931; Fax: 79828530 Established: 1929; Donops): Hedwig Ehrlich Focus: Tber; Cane 02411 Konsul Leonhard und Wally Ehrilch-Stiftung, Weberkoppel 28, 23562 Lübeck Established: 1976 Focus: Cane; Youth 02412 Ehrlichsche Schul- und Armenstiftung, An der Kreuzkirche 6, 01067 Dresden T: (0351) 4393952; Fax: 4393953 Established: 1742; Donor(s): Johann Georg Ehrlich Focus: Educ; SocW; Sen; Youth . . . .02413 Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Eibl-Stiftung, Kari-Eibl-Str 21, 91413 Neustadt an der Aísch Τ: (09161) 7870; Fax: 787250; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.bvn-online.de Established: 1973; Chain Dr. Gottfried Averdunk, Secy: Dr. Johannes Aumann, Donops): Besamungsverein Neustadt an der Aisch Receipts: DM 90.000,Focus: AnimH 02414
Elehelmann-Ups'sche Stipendien- und Wohltâtlgkeltsstiftung, c/o Stadt Ansbach, Stadtkämmerei, Stadthaus, 91522 Ansbach T: (0981) 51209; Fax: 51318; E-Mail: stadtkaemmerei @ ansbach.de Established: 1625; Donor(s): Dr, Martin Eichelmann Assets: DM 22.600,-, Expenditures: DM 2,570,Limrtatfons: Grants in Ansbach only Focus: Schol; SocW 02415
EKK-Stiftung, Postfach 101146, 34011 Kassel Τ: (0561) 7887103; Fax: 7887370; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Donor(s): Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft e.G. Kassel Assets: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Grants to young Protestant Germans only Focus: Educ 02428
Rudolf und Anna Katharina EichenauerStiftung, c/o Frankfurter Sparkasse, Nachlassund Stiftlingsmanagement, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414450; E-Mail: Joachim.Gockeln® Fraspat 822.de Established: 1990; Donops): Rudolf und Anna Katharina Eichenauer Limitations: Grants in the region of Rhein-Main only. Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 02416
Ekkehard-Stiftung, c/o Universität Mannheim, L 9, 5-7, 68131 Mannheim Established: 1982; Donops): Familie Karl Friedrich Meckel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; IntU 02429
Tour Gingko Christiane Elchenhofer-Stiftung, Lorcherstr 26, 73457 Lorch Τ: (07172) 22083; Fax: 4000; E-Mail: infoôtourgingko.de; Internet: http://www.tour-gingko.de Established: 1992; Donops): Christiane Eichenhofer Expenditures: DM 112.000,Limitations: No grants to individuals Focus: Ped; Cane 02417 Eichstitter Kulturstiftung VolksbankEichstätter Kurier, c/o Volksbank Eichstätt e.G., Postfach 1363, 85067 Eichstätt Established: 1996; Donor(s): Volksbank Eichstätt e.G., Eichstätter Kurier Limitations: Grants in Eichstätt only Focus: Arts; Cult 02418 Dr. Hans-Georg und Camilla Elcke-Stlftung, Ratsgasse 1, 82335 Berg Τ: (08151) 5080; Fax: 50888 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Hans-Georg und Camilla Eicke Assets: DM 3.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 175.000,Limitations: Grants to needy senior citizens of Berg only Focus: Sen 02419 Elnhundertjahresstiftung, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität, Referat III Β 4, Geschwíster-Scholl-PI 1, 60539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1926 Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maxim! I i ans-U ni vers ität in München only Focus: Uni 02420 Familienstiftung Elnwächter, Auf der Höhe 8, 76327 Pfinztal-Berghausen T: (0721) 460997; Fax: 463788 Established: 1995; Donops): Dipl. Ing. Gottfried Einwächter Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Archit; Mon 02421 Trude Eiperle-Rieger-Stlftung, 73432 Aalen Τ; (07361) 504211 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Trude Eiperie-Rieger Limitations: Grants in Aalen-Unterkochen only Focus: Cult; SocW 02422 Kurt und Christoph Elsele-Stiftung, Bismarckstr 59, 64293 Darmstadt T: (06151) 92920; Fax: 929210 Established: 1977; Donor(s): Kurt und Christoph Eisele Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Ecol; Agrie; Educ 02423 Vater und Sohn Elselen-Stlftung, Fürsteneckerstr 17, 89077 Ulm Τ: (0731) 935150; Fax: 9351529; E-Mail: info© eiselen-stiftung.de; Internet: http://www.eiselerstiftung.de Established: 1978; Chair: Dr. h.c. A. Merckle, Secy: Dr. Hermann Eiselen, Donor(s); Dr. Hermann Eiselen Focus: Food; Agrie; Schol 02424 Eisentraut'sche Wohltâtlgkeltsstiftung, c/o Stadt Schwabach, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach, 91124 Schwabach T: (09122) 860373; Fax: 860357 Established: 1921; Donops): Heinrich Eisentraut, Lisette Eisentraut Assets: DM 50.300,Limitations: Grants in Schwabach only Focus: Schol 02425 Anni-Elsler-Lehmann-Stlftung, Peter-Weyer-Str 80. 55232 Mainz Established: 1995; Chair Dr. Anton Maria Keim, Donops): Anni Eisler-Lehmann Limitations: Predetermined scholarships to Jewish students in Mainz only Focus: Schol; Music; Jew 02426 Kurt Elsner-Kulturstlftung, Trivastr 7, 80637 München Τ: (089) 1573219 Established: 1988; Chair: Wolfram Kästner, Donorfs): Wolfram Kastner, Gerhard Koitschew Assets: DM 120.000,Lìmhations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02427
Ekkehard-Stiftung der akademischen Ferienvereinigung Algovla Kempten (Allgäu), lllerdamm 6, 87437 Kempten Established: 1933; Chair Alfred Stoffel, Donor(s): Dr. Otto Merkt, AFV Algovia Assets: DM 500.000,-, Receipts: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to members of A.K.F. Algovia Kempten only Focus: Schol 02430 Stiftung Elim, Hohe Weide 17, 20259 Hamburg Τ: (040) 490660; Fax: 49066281 Established: 1893; Secy: Otto Buchhol2 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Rei; Sen 02431 Heinrich Ellmar-Precht Stiftung, do Sozietät Trentmann, Dr. Reinstorf & Partner, Sögestr 47-51, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 335290 Established: 1980 Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Sports 02432 Elisabeth-Diakonissen- und Krankenhaus, Lützowstr 24-26, 10785 Berlin T: (030) 2506227/28; Fax: 2506333 Established: 1837; Chair Dr. MetzmacherRitterspach, Secy: Jens-Martin Rudioff, Donor(s): Pastor Goßner Expenditures: DM 39.024.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Germany only Focus: Nurs; Sen 02433 Elisabeth-Stiftung des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Trierer Str 16-20, 55765 Birkenfeld T: (06782) 180, 181101; Fax: 181104; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.el-stift-bir.umwett-campus.de Established: 1966; Chair Wolfgang Fischer, Secy: Dr, Wolfgang Schneider, Donor(s): DRKKreisverband Birkenfeld Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Hand; Reh; Health; Youth; Sen 02434 Elisabethenpflege Schönebürg, 88477 Schwendi T: (07353) 1098 Established: 1884; Chair Karl Znk, Secy: Alfons Kohler, Donor(s): David Fuchs, Magdalena Jäckle, Aloysia Jäckle Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02435 Ellsabethospital-Sttftung Bad Königshofen Im Qrabfeld, Rathaussir 10, 97631 Bad Königshofen T: (09761) 91240 Established: 1627; Chair Landrat des Landkreises Rhön-Grabfeld, Donor(s): Eva Elisabetha Schmitt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02436 Elisabethstift, Berliner Str 118, 13467 Berlin T: (030) 405070; Fax: 40507160 Established: 1826; Donorfs): Prinzessin Elisabeth von Preußen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth; Educ 02437 Horst und Käthe Ellselt-Strftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Käthe und Horst Eliseit Expenditures: DM 78.000,Focus: Cult; Schol; Rei 02438 Eilsen-Stiftung, Industriestr 2, 82223 Eichenau Established: 1989 Limitations: Predetermined local grants only 02439 Ellsenstlft, Bundesstr 54, 32694 Dörentrup Established: 1881 Limitations: Predetermined local grants only Focus: Sen
Walter Ell-Stlftung, Luitpoldstr 10, 97421 Schweinfurt Τ: (09721) 716120; Fax: 22531 Established: 1997; Chair Hannelore Scheurig-EII, Donops): Hannelore Scheurig-EII Expenditures: DM 33.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students and pupils from Schweinfurt and the districts of Landkreis Schweinfurt and Landkreis Kitzingen only Focus: Schol 02441
02442 - 02494
39 Hans Freiherr von Ellrichshausen'sche Stiftung, Birkheckenstr 54, 70599 Stuttgart T: (0711) 453123 Established: 1964; Chair: Walter Mògie, Secy: Walter Mogie, Donops): Hans Freiherr von Ellrichshausen Assets: DM 895.044,-, Receipts: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 64.600,Limitations: Grants to Universität Hohenheim in Stuttgart only Focus: Uni; Mon 02442 Curt Elsehner-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Eisenach, Markt 1, 99817 Eisenach Τ: (03691) 670400; Fax: 670940 Established: 1927; Donor(s): Geheimer Kommerzienrat Dr. h.c. Curt Elschner Focus: Arts 02443 Emder-Sparkassenstlftung, c/o Sparkasse Emden, Postfach 2252, 26702 Emden Τ: (04921) 806496; Fax: 806599 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Emden Limitations: Grants in Emden only Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Ecol; SocW 02444 Fritz Emmel-Sttftung, Weinhalde 5, 72135 Dettenhausen Τ: (07157) 63824; Fax: 66002 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Eberhard Zwicker, E.M, Zwicker Assets: DM 370.000,-, Expenditures: 42.000,· Umitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Tübingen only Focus: AnimP; Ecol 02445 Sigrid Emmerling-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1999; Donops): Sigrid Emmerling Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 02446 Richard Emondts-Stiftung, Bergstr 116, 69121 Heidelberg T: (06221) 439011; Fax: 401068 Established: 1973; Donops): Richard Emondts Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02447 Emsländlsche Sparkassenstiftung, Postfach 1455, 49704 Meppen T: (05931) 151219; Fax: 151318 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Lingen, Kreissparkasse Meppen, Kreissparkasse AschendorfHümmling zu Papenburg Expenditures: DM 955.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Emsland only Focus: Arts; Cult; SocW; Mon 02448 Ender'sche Stiftung Ensdorf, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, 92266 Ensdorf Established: 1892 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02449 Bernhard Endres'sche Stiftung, c/o Stad Ansbach, Stiftungsreferat, Stadthaus, 91522 Ansbach T: (0981) 51207; Fax: 51318 Established: 1851; Chair: Günter Pfisterer, Secy: Walter Bamberger, Donor(s): Bürgermeister Johann Bernhard Endres Assets: DM 1.400.000,-, Receipts: DM 70.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Ansbach only Focus: Educ; Mach; Voc; Schol . . . . 02450 Energiestiftung Schieswig-Holstein, Dänische Str 3-9, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 9805600; Fax: 9805699; E-Mail: info® essh.de; Internet: http-y/www.essh.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Land SchleswigHolstein, Preussen Elektra, SCHLESWAG Expenditures: DM 6.300.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: En; Ecol 02451 Albert Engbers-Sttftung, Konrad-Adenauer-Str 1, 46599 Gronau Τ: (02562) 12221; Fax: 12333 Established: 1978; Donops): Albert Engbers Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Gronau only Focus: Sports; Music 02452
Hermann Engel-Stiftung, Mönckebergstr 10, Baikhof Β, 20095 Hamburg Τ: (040) 3202255; Fax: 32022500; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1961; Chair Klaus Pfau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02455 Fritz von Engelberg-Stlftung, Spitalfonds Radolfzell, Hausherrenstr 12, 78315 Radolfzell Τ: (07732) 881; Fax: 88806 Established: 1963; Donor(s): Dr. Friedrich von Engelberg Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants in Radolfzell-Böhringen only Focus: Educ 02456 Dr. Engelhard'sche Pfründnerspltalstfftung Geldershelm, c/o Altenheim St. Maitin, Züch 2, 97505 Geldersheim Established: 1516; Donops): Dr. V. Engelhardt Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Geldersheim only Focus: Sen 02457 Horst und Eva Engelhardt-Stiftung, O 6, 3, 68161 Mannheim Τ: (0621) 151051; Fax: 103944 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Horst und Eva Engelhardt Assets: DM 300.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; SocW 02458 Peter und Traudì Engelhorn-Stiftung zur Förderung der Biotechnologie und Gentechnik, c/o Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik, Nobelstr 12, 70569 Stuttgart T: (0711) 9704000; Fax: 9704006; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Donops): Traudì EngelhomVechiatto Expenditures: DM 935.000,· Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Germany, Austria and Switzerland only Focus: Eng; Schol 02459 Fnedrich Englsch-Stlftung, Schachenweg 12, 79241 Ihringen T: (07668) 303 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Fnedrich Engisch Focus: Hand 02460 Paul Ensle-Stiftung, Austr 10, 47076 Heilbronn T: (07131) 1320; Fax: 132282 Established: 1983 Focus: Econ 02461 Wilhelm EnBle-Stiftung, Rathaus, 73630 Remshalden Τ: (07151) 9731120; Fax: 9731124; E-Mail; [email protected] Established: 1964 Limitations: Grants in Geradstetten only Focus: Schol; SocW; Sen
Entz-von-Zerssen-Stlftung, c/o Cyrus, Makowski & Partner, Ost-West-Str 61, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 363343; Fax: 3743791 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Consul Thomas Johann Grottfried Entz von Zerssen Assets: DM 65.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 02463 Hortense Β. Eppler-Nachlaß-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Sozialamt, Berliner Str 33-35, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235425 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Child 02464 Erbacher-Stiftung, c/o Erbacher GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG, Postfach 1180, 6392t Kleinheubach Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev; Ecol 02465 Ludwig-Ertiard-Stlftung, Johannrterstr 8, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 539880; Fax: 5398849; E-Mail: bonn@ les,deu.net; Internet: http://www.les.deu.net Established: 1967; Chair: Prof. Dr. Otto Schlecht, Secy: Dr. Horst Friedrich Wünsche, Donor(s): Prof. Dr, Ludwig Erhard Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; Econ; SocS; Educ; PolS . . 02466
Engel-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www-stifterveitand .de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Dr. Frederico und Rosemarie Engel Assets: DM 389.350,-, Expenditures: DM 28.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Chem; Educ; Arts; Cult 02453
Erhardt'sche Stiftung, Auguststr 8, 12209 Berlin Established: 1995; Donops): Erika und HansJoachim Eitiardt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Arts 02467
Lotty Engel-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erbund Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Lotty Engel Focus: Hand; AnimP 02454
Fridericke und Wolfgang Erlenbach-Stiftung, Garmischer Str 8-10, 80339 München Τ: (089) 5022925; Fax: 5024137 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Wolfgang Erlenbach Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: SocW 02469
Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft, Mauerstr 39-40, 10117 Berlin Established: 2000 Focus: IntU 02468
Erlenhof-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1. 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -J! www.stifterverband.de Established: 1973; Donor(s): Wilma Knips Assets: DM 80.042,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitatìons: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02470 Dr. Fritz Erler-Stlftung, Kontumazgarten 4, 90429 Nürnberg Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr. Fritz Erler Limitations: Predetermined grants in Nürnberg only Focus: Nurs 02471 Eberhard und Fanny Ermann'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Thereslenstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1954; Donor(s): Fanny Ermann Assets: DM 481.457,-, Receipts: DM 98.000,·, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Sen; Nurs 02472 Marion Ermer-Stiftung, Gaisburgstr 7-9, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 243405; Fax: 2361238; E-Mail: vonberg® ibm.net Established: 1992; Donor(s): Marion Ermer Expenditures: DM 280.000,Limrtatiors: Grants and scholarships in the states of Sachsen and Thüringen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Schol; Theat; Music . , 02473 Emst-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1905; Donor(s): Herzog Emst II. von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha Assets: DM 222.028,Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of the former duchy of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha only Focus: Schol 02474 Roland Emst-Stiftung für Gesundheitswesen, Mommsenstr 13, 01062 Dresden Τ: (03328) 441100; Fax: 441105 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Roland Emst, Freistaat Sachsen Assets: DM 7.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Med; MedE; Ger; Reh; Health . . 02475 Roland Ernst-Stiftung für medizinische Forschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax; (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stiftervefband.de Established: 1980; Donor(s): Roland Emst Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limitations: Grants to Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg only. Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Cane 02476 Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Letter Berg 38, 48653 Coesfeld T: (02546) 93050; Fax: 930550 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kurt und Lilly Ernsting Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 100.000Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Scie; Res; Mon; Rei; IntU; Ecol; Sports; SocW; Youth; Sen 02477 Ernsting Stiftung Alter Hof Herding, Letter Berg 38 , 48653 Coesfeld T: (02546) 93050; Fax: 930550 Established: 1995; Chair Hermann-Josef Beyen, Donor(s): Kurt und Lilly Ernsting Assets: DM 8.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 550.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 02478 Erzbischöfliche Klerlkalsemlnarstittung Preising, c/o Erzbischöfliche Finanzkammer München, Maxburgstr 2, 80333 München T: (089) 21371286 Established: 1826 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei
Erzbischöfliches Kinder- und Jugendheim Sankt Anton, Hauptstr 63, 79359 Riegel T: (07642) 6880; Fax: 688218; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1861; Donops): Erzbischof Hermann von Vicari Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02480 Erzbischöfliches Kinder· und Jugendheim Sankt Kllllan, Adolf-Koiping-Str 29, 74731 Walldürn T: (06282) 92070; Fax: 920749 Established: 1858; Chair Günter Hauk, Donorts): Erzbischof Hermann von Vicari, Johann Baptist von Hirscher Assets: DM 10.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 6.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02481
Germany: Europa-Stiftung
Erzbischöfliches Kinderhelm Haus Nazareth, Brunnenbergstr 34, 72488 Sigmaringen T: (07571) 72030; Fax: 7203172 Established: 1858 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02482 Erzblschöfllches Studienseminar Sankt Michael, Traunstein, Kardinal-Falihaber-Str 6. 83278 Traunstein T: (0861) 166820; Fax: 1668220; Internet: http:// www.seminar-traunstein.de Established: 1982; Donor(s): Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger, Erzbischof von München und Freising Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Educ 02483 Esche Schümann Commlchau Stiftung Herrengraben 31, 20459 Hamburg T: (040) 368050; Fax: 362896; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Chair: Dr. Gerhard Commichau, Donor(s): Rechlsanwälte Esche, Schümann & Commichau Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Limitations: Scholarships nationally and internationally Focus: V x ; Law; Schol 02484 Eschels-Stlftung für alternde Arbeiter, Fibigerstr 111, 22419 Hamburg Τ: (040) 5277112 Established: 1851; Donor(s): Johann Hinrich Escheis Focus: Sen; Wid 02485 Jakob Eschweiler-Stlftung, Postfach 270303, 50509 Köln T: (0221) 207000; Fax: 2070022 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Jakob Eschweiler Expenditures: DM 70.000,Focus: Arts 02486 ESO Team Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1. 81479 München T: (089) 44200200; Fax: 44200300; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www, kinder1onds.org/esoteam.htm Established: 1998; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Alexander Dohn Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; SocW 02487 Espenhahn-Strftung, Ascherslebener Str 25a, 06456 Sandersleben T: (034785) 21182; Fax: 22034 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Eduard Espenhahn Assets: DM 1.800.000,·, Expenditures: DM 458.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02488 Wilhelm und Günther Esser-Stiftung, c/o Gesellschaft der Freunde der Ruhr-Universität Bochum e.V., Stiepeler Str 129, 44801 Bochum T: (0234) 706161; Fax: 703945 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Wilhelm Esser, Dr. Günther Esser Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at RuhrUniversität Bochum only Focus: NatS; Schol 02489 Esslinger Kulturpreis, Sommerweg 15, 73728 Esslingen Τ: (0711) 314161; Fax: 3169916 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Dr. Renate Unkrodt Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Esslingen only Focus: Arts; Cult 02490 Hasso und Katharina von Etzdorf-Stiftung, Am Ellersdahl 7, 40822 Mettmann Established: 1993; Donor(s): Katharina von Etzdorf Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Voc; Schol 02491 Friedrich-Wilhelm Euler-Stiftung, Schwanheimer Str 133, 64625 Bensheim Τ: (06251) 62211; Fax: 62271; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Chair: Jan Baumhauser, Donor(s): Institut zur Erforschung historischer Führungsschichten e.V. Limitations: Grants in Germany, Austria and Switzerland only Focus: Scie 02492 Europa-Haus Marienberg, Postfach 1204, 56464 Bad Marienberg Τ: (02661) 640440; Fax: 640100; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.europa-haus-marienbe rg.de Established: 1975; Donor(s): Europa-Haus Marienberg e.V., Land Rheinland-Pfalz Expenditures: DM 2.200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; IntU 02493 Europa-Stiftung, Rathaus, Am Augustinerhof, 54290 Trier T: (0651) 7182012; Fax: 7182014 Established: 1984 Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Trier only Focus: IntU 02494
Germany: Europäische
02495 - 02545
Europäische Gesundheitsstiftung, (European Health Foundation), Albstadtweg 4. 70567 Stuttgart T: (0711) 731024; Fax: 731696; E-Mail: info® eugest.de; Internet: http://www.eugest.de Established: 1995; Chair: Prof. Dr. Helmut Greim, Secy: Dr. Rüdiger Bartsch, Donops): Dr. Wolfgang Schuster, Prot. Dr. Hansheinz Kreuter, Prof. Dr. Franz Effenberger, Gisela Lasartzyk, Peter LemkeGoliasch Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Health; Ecol 02495 Europäische Jugendblldungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar, Jenaer Str 2-4, 99425 Weimar T: (03643) 8270; Fax: 827111; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; IntU; Youth 02496 Europäische Rechtsakademie Trier, Metzer Allee 4, 54295 Trier T: (0651) 937370; Fax: 9373790; E-Mail: ¡[email protected]; Internet: http://www.era.int Established: 1992; Chair Minister Peter Caesar, Secy: Emst Merz, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Großherzogtum Luxemburg, Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Stadt Trier, Verein zur Förderung der Europäischen Rechtsakademie e.V. Expenditures: DM 3.973.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Law; IntU; Eur 02497 Europäische Sankt-Ulrichs-Stiftung, do Landratsamt, Große Allee 24, 89407 Dillingen T: (09071) 51138; Fax: 51144 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Stadt und Landkreis Dillingen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Eur 02498 Europäische Stiftung für den Aachener Dom, Ritter-Chorus-Str 5, 52062 Aachen T: (0241) 47709142; Fax: 47709155; E-Mail: info® aachendom.de; Internet: http://www.aachendom.de Established: 1995; Chair: Michael Wirtz, Secy: Roland Wentzler, Donor(s): Domkapitel zu Aachen Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to the cathedral of Aachen only. Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 02499 Europäische Studienstiftung zur Förderung hochbegabter Schüler und Studenten, Grillparzerstr 46, 81675 München Fax: (089) 45555544; E-Mail: info @ intematsberatung.com Established: 1997; Donor(s): Wolfgang Tumulka Limitations: Scholarships in Europe only Focus: Schol; PoIS 02500 Europäischer Kulturpark Bllesbruck-Relnheim, Rathaus, Bliesstr 19a, 66453 Gersheim T: (06843) 80140; Fax: 80138; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kulturpark-online.de Established: 1989; Chair: Landrat Clemens Lindemann, Secy: Wolfgang Degott, Donor(s): Gemeinde Gersheim, Karlsberg Brauerei, SaarpfalzKreis Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 02501 European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes, Merowinger Str 29, 40223 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 316738 Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Diab 02502 EUS-Stiftung für Energie, Umwelt und Soziales, Bubenheimer Weg 22-23, 56072 Koblenz T: (0261) 210415; Fax: 27500; E-Mail: [email protected], Internet: www.eus.org Established: 1995; Chair Malin Görlitz, Donor(s): Martin Görlitz Expenditures: DM 12.000,Focus: En; Ecol; SocW 02503 Evangelisch-Lutherische Diakonissenanstalt Alten Eichen in Hamburg, Wördemanns Weg 19-35, 22527 Hamburg T: (040) 548701000; Fax: 54871009; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1867; Donor(s): Pastor Dr. L. Biematzki Assets: DM 13.750.000,-, Expenditures: DM 44.800.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02504 Evangelisch-lutherische Diakonissenanstalt Bethanien in Magdeburg-Cracau, Pfeifferstr 10, 39114 Magdeburg T: (0391) 8505140; Fax: 857814 Established: 1850; Chair: Propst Urmoneit, Donops): Albrecht Wachler Assets: DM 1.141.268,-, Receipts: DM 1.300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.607.000,Limitations: Predetermined local grants only Focus: SocW; Rei 02505
Evangelisch-Lutherische Diakonissenanstalt Marienstift, Helmstedter Str 35. 38102 Braunschweig T: (0531) 7011304; Fax: 7011504 Established: 1670; Donor(s): Staatsministerin von Campe Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02506 Evangelisch-Lutherische Diakonissenhaus· Stiftung, Karlspl 27-31, 99817 Eisenach Established: 1872 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02507 Evangelisch-Lutherische Mlssionsstiftung, Meiserstr 13, 80333 München T: (089) 5595224; Fax: 54916392; E-Mail: mueller© elkb.de Established: 1960; Donor(s): Norah Köberlin, Pfarrer i.R. Albrecht Köberlin Limitations: Grants in overseas countries only Focus: Miss 02508 Evangelisch-Lutherische Stiftung HQnenburg, Hûnenburgweg 64, 49328 Melle Τ: (05226) 98610; Fax: 986111; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1853 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02509 Evangelisch-Lutherischer Pfründestiftungsverband in Bayern, Karlstr 18, 80333 München Τ: (089) 5595151; Fax: 5595170 Established: 1935 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Rei 02510 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Diakoniewerk S i Aegidien In Hannover-Anderten, Humboldtstr 5, 30169 Hannover T: (0511) 1292200 Established: 1976; Chair: Pastor Rainer Reimann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02511 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Magdaienenstift, Stiftsgraben 20, 04600 Altenburg Τ: (03447) 311613; Fax: 502019; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1705; Donor(s): Henriette Kathanne Freifrau von Gersdorf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Sen; Youth; Health; SocW . 02512 Evangelisch-lutherisches Missionswerk in Niedersachsen, Georg-Haccius-Str 9, 29320 Hermannsburg T: (05052) 690; Fax: 69222; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1856 Expenditures: DM 32.000.000,Limitations: Grants in overseas countries only Focus: Miss; Rei 025/3 Evangelische Dlakonlestiftung Herford, Bünderstr 15, 32051 Herford T: (05221) 914923; Fax: 914933; E-Mail: EV_Diakoniestrftung_Herford @ t-online.de Established: 1881 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen
Evangelische Dlakonlssenanstalt Stuttgart, Rosenbergstr 40, 70176 Stuttgart T: (0711) 9914201; Fax: 9914203; E-Mail: info® diak-stuttgart.de; Internet: http://www.diak-stuttgart.de Established: 1854; Secy: Volker Geißel, Donor(s): Prälat Kapff, Charlotte Reihlen Expenditures: DM 110.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc; Health; Rei; Sen , . , 02515
Evangelische Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik Alten Eichen, Wördemannsweg 19-35, 22527 Hamburg T: (040) 54871000; Fax: 54871009; E-Mail: alteneichen θ T-online.de Established: 1998 Expenditures: DM 800.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Child 02519
Evangelische Schulstlftung Stuttgart, Gymnasiumstr 36, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2068130; Fax: 2262946 Established: 1906; Donops): Evangelische Landeskirche Württemberg, Evangelische Gesamtkirchengemeinde Stuttgart Expenditures: DM 16.974.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ
Evangelische Gemelndediakoniestiftung Memmingen, c/o Evangelisches Pfarramt Unserer Frauen, Frauenkirchpl 4, 87700 Memmingen Established: 1875 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Rei; Sen 02520
Evangelische Seminarstiftung, Gänsheidestr 4, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2149320; Fax: 2149236 Established: 1928; Chain Oberkirchen rat Dr. Martin Daur, Secy: Kirchenrat Helmut Weingärtner, Donops): Evangelische Landeskirche Württemberg Receipts: DM 3.100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.100.000,Limitations: Scholarships in the region of Württemberg only Focus: Schol; Rei 02534
Evangelische Hilfsstelle für ehemals Rassenverfolgte, Teltower Damm 124, 14167 Berlin T: (030) 8151039 Established: 1949 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rae 02521 Evangelische Hospitaistiftung Lindau (Bodensee), Schmiedgasse 18, 88131 Lindau Τ: (08362) 948540; Fax: 9435413 Established: 13. Jahrhundert; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Jürgen Müller, Secy: Volker Lukas, Donor(s): Lindauer Bürgerinnen) Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; Sen 02522 Evangelische Jerusalem-Stiftung, Postfach 210220, 30402 Hannover T: (0511) 27960; Fax: 2796717 Established: 1669; Donops): König von Preußen Expenditures: DM 1.115.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02523 Evangelische Jugendhilfe Frelburg-Zähringen, Burgackerweg 12, 79104 Freiburg T: (0761) 5043011; Fax: 5043040; E-Mail: Ev. Jugendhilfe® t-online.de Established: 1972; Secy: Elke Eppinger, Donor(s): Evangelisches Stift Freiburg im Breisgau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 02524 Evangelische Kindergärten Lemgo-Stiftung, LeopokJstr 6, 32657 Lemgo T: (05261) 189732; Fax: 927823 Established: 1845; Donor(s): Pfarrer Ferdinand Clemen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02525 Evangelische Kindergärten Tübingen, Hechinger Str 13, 72072 Tübingen T: (07071) 930498; Fax: 930429 Established: 1892 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child
Evangelische Krankenhausstiftung, Marienstr 13-14, 26122 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 236201 Established: 1890 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 02527 Evangelische Kulturstiftung Görlitz, Jochmannstr 4, 02826 Görlitz T: (03581) 402200; Fax: 402200 Established: 1997; Chair Norbert Emst, Donor(s): Evangelischer Parochialverband Görlitz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 02526 Evangelische Sankt Antonlstlftung Quakenbrück, Sankt Antoniorl 24, 49610 Quakenbrück T: (05431) 94660 Established: 1354 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Evangelische Erziehungsstiftung Gefrees, Kirchstr 1, 95482 Gefrees T: (09254) 9660; Fax: 96833; E-Mail: JES.Grefrees® t-online.de; Internet: http:// www.didaktik.phy.uni-bayreutti.de/-jersgf Established: 1973; Donor(s): Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche in Bayern Expenditures: DM 5.015.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02516
Evangelische Schulstiftung Brechten, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Kieppingstr 21-23, 44135 Dortmund T: (0231) 54222402; Fax: 54223112 Established: 1907; Donops): Evangelische Schulgemeinde Brechten Limitations: Grants in tt>e Protestant parish of Dortmund-Brechten only Focus: Child; Sen; Rei 02530
Evangelische Erziehungsstiftung Nürnberg, Blumenstr 15, 90402 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 992090; Fax: 9920918 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Ev.-Luth. Kirche in Bayern Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 025Í7
Evangelische Schulstlftung In Bayern, Gleißbühlstr 9, 90402 Nürnberg T: (0911) 244110; Fax: 2441118; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJ/www.essbay.de Established: 1987; Chain Pfarrer Wolfgang Storm, Secy: Ludwig Hock, Donops): Ev.-Luth. Kirche in Bayern Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Educ 02531
Evangelische Erziehungssttftung Ortenburg, Obere Jägergasse 1, 94032 Passau T: (0851) 931320; Fax: 9313273; E-Mail: 085l93l32@t-online,de Established: 1961 Expenditures: DM 4.760.000,· Limitations: Grants in Passau only Focus: Educ 02518
Evangelische Schulstlftung In der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland, Herrenhäuser Str 12, 30419 Hannover T: (0511) 2796243; Fax: 2796277 Established: 1993; Donops): Ev.-Luth. Kirche in Bayern Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02532
Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf, DorotheaKasten-Str 3, 22292 Hamburg Τ: (040) 507700; Fax: 50774139; E-Mail: t.vaerst© alsterdorf.de; Internet: http://www.alsterdorf.de Established: 1863; Chair Pastor Rolf Baumbach, Dor)or(s): Pastor Dr. Heinrich Matthias Sengelmann Expenditures: DM 263.021.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Nurs 02535 Evangelische Stiftung Bethanien, Landeskronstr 57, 02826 Görlitz Limitations: Granls in Görlitz only Focus: Rei; Sen; Health 02535 Evangelische Stiftung Christopherushof, Ortsstr 29, 07356 Altengesees T: (036643) 22238; Fax: 22239 Established: 1928 Limitations: Grants in the state of Thüringen only Focus: SocW; Youth; Hand; Sen . . . . 02537 Evangelische Stiftung Gotteshütte, c/o Jugendhof Porta Westfalica, Gotteshütte 1, 32457 Porta Westfalica T: (05722) 28010; Fax: 280117; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1853; Donor(s): Pastor Gößling Expenditures: DM 10.000.000,Focus: Educ 02538 Evangelische Stiftung Hephata, Rheydter Str 128-130, 41065 Mönchengladbach T: (02161) 246112; Fax: 246212; E-Mail: post© hephata-mg.de; Internet: http://www.hepha1a-mg.de Established: 1859 Expenditures: DM 117.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 02539 Evangelische Stiftung Llchtenstern, Im Klosterhof 10, 74245 Löwenstein Τ: (07130) 10100; Fax: 10260; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.lichtenstem.de Established: 1635; Donor(s): Karl-August Zeller Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 02540 Evangelische Stiftung Neuerkerode, 38173 Sickte T: (05302) 2010; Fax: 201474; E-Mail: direktion® neuerkerode.de; Internet: http-Jl www.neuerkerode.de Established: 1668; Chair Dr. W.A. Achilles, Secy: Pastor B. Isemieyer, Donor(s): Gustav Stutzer Assets: DM 38.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 02541 Evangelische Stiftung Rheda, Gütersloher Str 62-64, 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück T: (05242) 4500, 450150; Fax: 450109 Established: 1653 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 02542 Evangelische Stiftung Ummeln, Veerhoffstr 5, 33649 Bielefeld T: (0521) 48880; Fax: 4866112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-J/www.ummeln.de Established: 1866; Donor(s): Generalsuperinterdent D. Wiesmann, Westfälische Provinziaf-Synode Assets: DM 25.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth; Health 02543 Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein, Hartmannstr 24, 58300 Wetter T: (02335) 639100; Fax: 639109; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -Jl www.esv.de Established: 1904; Donops): Pastor Franz Arndt Expenditures: DM 130.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hand 02544 Evangelische Stiftung Wichemhaus. JohannesWüsten-Str 23, 02826 Görlitz Established: 1906 Limitations: Grants in the region of Schtesische Oberiausitz only Focus: Rei; Sen; Health 02545
02546- 02602
41 E v a n g e l i s c h e Stiftungen O s n a b r ü c k , Markt 2627, 49074 Osnabrück T: (0541) 27407; Fax: 258788 Established: 1931 Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Osnabrück only Focus: SocW 02546
E v a n g e l i s c h e s Kinder- und J u g e n d h e l m Overdyck, Westring 26, 44787 Bochum T: (0234) 9133155 Established: 1819; Donor(s): Adalbert Graf von der Recke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02560
Evangelisches Stift S a n k t Martin, JohannesMüller-Str 7, 56068 Koblenz Τ: (0261) 1371448; Fax: 1371654 Established: 1844; Donor(s): Johann Friedrich Kehr Assets: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen; SocW 02575
E v a n g e l i s c h e Varel nshaus-Stlftung, Klostergang 66, 36104 Braunschweig T: (0531) 3703000; Fax: 3703099 Established: 1894 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02547
E v a n g e l i s c h e s Kinder· und S c h u l h e i m Wilhelmspflege, Postfach 720105, 70577 Stuttgart Established: 1879; Donor(s): Stadt Stuttgart Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Educ 02567
E v a n g e l i s c h e s Stift z u WQsten, Langenbergstr 14, 32108 Bad Salzuflen Τ: (05222) 3970; Fax: 397666 Established: 1882; Donor(s): Dr. Heinrich von Lengerke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02576
Evangelische V o l k s · Lemgo-Lieme, Dorfstr T: (05261) 68334; Fax: Established: 1951 Limitations: Applications Focus: Rei
und Schriftenmission 3, 32657 Lemgo 66175 not accepted 02548
Evangelische Wohltätigkeitsstiftung in Regens bürg, Alte Manggasse 3, 93047 T: (0941) 50400, 50401000; Fax: 50401029 Established: 1296; Chair: Obrbürgermeister Hans Schaidinger, Secy: Verwaltungsdirektor Ulrich Landskron, Donor(s): Konrad Zandt Assets: DM 93.164.000,-, Expenditures: DM 46.900.000,Limitations: Grants in Regensburg only Focus: SocW; Nurs; Sen; Hand; Child; Rei 02549 Evangelische Zentralpfarrkasse, Evangelische Pflege Schönau, Zähringerstr 18, 69115 Heidelberg T: (06221) 910911; Fax: 910960 Established: 1881; Chair: Ulrike Kost, Donor(s): Evangelische Landeskirche in Baden Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ral 02550 Evangelischer A l m o s e n k a s t e n , c/o Evangelischer Regionalverband Frankfurt am Main, Kurt-Schumacher-Str 23, 60311 Frankfurt T: (069) 21650; Fax: 21652365 Established: 1828 Expenditures: DM 57.000,Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW 02551 Evangelischer Klrchenschaffnelfonds M e i s e n h e l m , Kurhausstr 6, 55543 Bad Kreuznach T: (0671) 251124/26; Fax: 251140 Established: 1567; Dorwr(s): Herzog Wolfgang von Pfalz-Zweibnücken Assets: DM 4,500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 215.000,Limitations: Grants in Meisenheim, Breitenheim, Desloch, Hundsbach, Jeckenbach, Medard and Raumbach only Focus; SocW; Rei 02552 Evangelisches A f t e n p f i e g e h e i m Bethanien, Gartenstr 34-35, 39387 Oschersleben T: (03949) 9360; Fax: 936416 Established: 1878 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02553
Evangelisches Kinderheim A r n s b u r g , Höhlerstr 4, 35423 Lieh T: (06404) 66320; Fax: 663230; E-Mail: ìnforTTì[email protected]; Internet: http:// www.amsburg.de Established: 1847 Assets: DM 811,778,Limitatìons: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02562 Evangelisches Konvikt-Studlenhaus der Kirchenprovinz S a c h s e n In d e n F r a n c k e s c h e n Stiftungen, Franckepl 1, 06110 Halle/Saale T: (0345) 291775710; Fax: 29175744 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Evangelische Kirche der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen Focus: Scie; Rei 02563 Evangelisches Kranken- u n d A r m e n h a u s Unna, Holbeinstr 10, 59423 Unna T: (02303) 106210; Fax: 12764 Established: 1858; Donor(s): Minette Poetter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 02564 Evangelisches K r a n k e n h a u s B a d G a n d e r s h e i m , Albert-Rohloff-Str 2, 37581 Bad Gandersheim T: (05382) 7020 Established: 1956 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Rei 02565 E v a n g e l i s c h e s K r a n k e n h a u s Bethesda, Glindersweg 80, 21029 Hamburg T: (040) 725540; Fax: 72554303 Established: 1858; Donor(s): Elise Averdieck Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs
Evangelisches K r a n k e n h a u s Düsseldorf, Kirchfeldstr 40, 40217 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 9192000; Fax: 9193900 Established: 1849 Assets: DM 47.000.000,Limitalions: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 02567 E v a n g e l i s c h e s K r a n k e n h a u s Holzminden, Forster Weg 34, 37603 Holzminden Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen; Hand 02560
Evangelisches A l t e n z e n t r u m Neuenkirchen, Schürenkamp 4, 49324 Melle Established: 1993 Assets: DM 789.800,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02554
Evangelisches K r a n k e n h a u s Melle, Riemsloher Str 7, 49324 Melle T: (05422) 603901; Fax: 603969 Established: 1977; Donops): Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Sankt Petri (Melle) Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 02569
Evangelisches D I a k o n i e w e r k Königin Elisabeth, Herzbergstr 79, 10362 Berlin T: (030) 54722121; Fax: 54722126 Established: 1843; Donorts): Königin Elisabeth von Preußen Expenditures: DM 135.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Health 02555
Evangelisches K r a n k e n h a u s z u O b e r h a u s e n , Virchowstr 20, 46047 Oberhausen T: (0208) 88100; Fax: 8814863; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.eko.de Established: 1883 Expenditures: DM 100.000,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 02570
Evangelisches D i a k o n i s s e n h a u s Berlin-Teltow, Lichterfelder Allee 45, 14513 Teltow T: (03326) 433433; Fax: 470364 Established: 1841; Donops): Frauenverein zur Besserung weiblicher Gefangener Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Health; Educ 02556
E v a n g e l i s c h e s Marienstift In Schorndorf, Burgstr 42, 73614 Schorndorf T: (07181) 62213; Fax: 21060 Established: 1993 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02571
Evangelisches D i a k o n i s s e n h a u s B e t h l e h e m Kalisruhe, Friedrich-Naumann-Str 33, 76187 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 750010, 750020 Established: 1981 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Educ 02557 Evangelisches D i a k o n i s s e n ha us Detmold, Marienstr 27-29, 32756 Detmold Τ: (05231) 7620; Fax: 762252, 762510; E-Mail: diakonissenhausèt-online.de Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 02559 Evangelisches J o h a n n e s s t i f t Berlin, Schönwalder Allee 26, 13587 Berlin Τ: (030) 336090; Fax: 33609506 Established: 1858; Chair Pfarrer Peter Christian Fenner Assets: D M 360.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 140.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Sen; Health; Rei; Reh; Youth; Hand; Voc; Hort; Ger 02559
E v a n g e l i s c h e s Stift AK- und Neu-Bethkehem, Humboldtallee 8, 37073 Göttingen T: (0551) 4940; Fax: 494273 Established: 1872 Expenditures: DM 30.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Nurs 02572 E v a n g e l i s c h e s Stift Freiburg, Hermanns* 10, 79098 Freiburg Τ: (0761) 319130; Fax: 31913126 Established: 1860; Secy: M. Michel, Donops): Cad Mez Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Nurs; Sen 02573 E v a n g e l i s c h e s Stift Sankt Arnual, A m Ludwigspl 5, 66117 Saaitoröcken T: (0681) 52342; Fax: 5846563; E-Mail: Ev.SlHt· St. Arnual ®t-online.de Established: 1803; Chair. Prof. Dr. H. W. Herrmann Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Grants to protestant parishes in the former county of Nassau-Zweib rücken only Focus: Rei; RelE; Hist; Educ 02574
Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Vllllgst, Iserlohnersir 25, 58239 Schwerte Τ: (02304) 755196; Fax: 755250; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.evstudienwerk.de Established: 1948; Chair: Dr. Hans-Detlef Hoffmann, Secy: Prof. Dr. Manfred Faßler Expenditures: DM 11.500.000,Limitations: Grants to Protestant European students only Focus: Schol 02577 Evangelisches W a l s e n h a u s Erfurt, Backhausstr 6, 99094 Elfurt Τ: (0361) 6437002; Fax: 6437002 Established: 1669 Expenditures: DM 49.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02578 Evangelisches W a l s e n h a u s Oeffingen in Bayern, Pfarrgasse 1, 86732 (Dettingen Τ: (09082) 2236; Fax: 4327 Established: 1714; Chair Dekan Günter Reichel, Donor(s): Fürst Albrecht Emst II von OettingenOettingen Assets: DM 76.600,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 02579 Evers-Stiftung, Stellbusch 16, 25358 Horst T: (04126) 394496 Established: 1993 Assets: DM 1.000.000,Focus: Youth; Orp; AnimP
H.F. E w a l d ' s c h e Stiftung, Ringstr 58, 55541 Bad Kreuznach Established: 1964 Focus: SocW 02581 Exjesulten- u n d W e l s c h n o n n e n - S c h u i f o n d s , c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Sozialdezemat, Postfach, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: sozialdezemat @ Stadt. mainz.de Established: 1561 Expenditures: DM 148.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02582 E y b s c h e Helllg-Gelst-Spltal-Stlftung Eichstätt, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1344, 85067 Eichstätt Τ: (08421) 600125; Fax: 600160 Established: 1245; Donor(s): Fürstbischof Johann Martin von Eyb Assets: DM 10.290.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.158.000,Limitations: Grants in Eichstätt only Focus: Sen 02583 Georg Eydel-Handwerkerstfftung, c/o Würzburger StiftungsverwaItung, Theaterstr 19, 97070 Würzburg T: (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Georg Eydel Assets: DM 5.086.859,·, Expenditures: DM 1.862.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 02584 Elisabeth Eydel-Stlftung, c/o Peler Rosengarth 4 Partner, Martin-Luther-Str 6, 97072 Würzburg T: (0931) 308699; Fax: 3086920 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Elisabeth Eydel Limitations: Grants to senior citizens of Würzburg only Focus: Sen 02585 Louise Eylmann-Stiftung, Postfach 300120, 20301 Hamburg T: (040) 37652503; Fax: 37652592; E-Mail: Heinrich.Voelkers 0Arthurandersen.com Established: 1981 Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Gen Libr 02586 Max-Eyth-SWtung, Bartningstr 49, 64289 T: (06151) 7001124; Fax: 7001123 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft für Agrartechnik e.V. Focus; Agrie; AgrE; Ecol; Schol . . . . 02587 F. u n d W . Stiftung für zeitgenössische K u n s t In der H a m b u r g e r Kunsthalle, c/o Bruckhaus, Westrick & Stegemann, Postfach 305270, 20316 Hamburg Established: 1996 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02588
Germany: Faudi-Stîftung
Gerhard F a b e r ' s c h e Studienstiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Bahnhofstr 6, 54649 Waxweiler T: (06554) 313; Fax: 1060 Established: 1703; Chair: Dechant und Ehrendomherr Hubert Colling, Donops): Dechant Gerhard Faber Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to students originating of the region of Waxweiler only Focus: Schol; Rei 02589 Fachinstitut d e s D a m e n s c h n e i d e r h a n d w e r k s , H a m b u r g , Holstenwall 12, 20355 Hamburg Established: 1948 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 02590 F A G Kugelfischer-Stiftung, Postfach 1260, 97419 Schweinfurt T: (09721) 912651; Fax: 913277; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fag.de Established: 1963; Chair: Dr. Gerhard Vogel, Secy: Werner Parwoll, Donops): FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schäfer AG Assets: DM 1.000.000,Focus: Eng 02591 Otto Fahr-Stlftung, c/o Vereinigung von Freunden der Universität Stuttgart e.V., Postfach 105028, 70044 Stuttgart T: (0711) 851053; Fax: 81133085; Internet: http-Jl www.uni-stuttgart.de/vereinigung Established: 1967 Assets: DM 981.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Stuttgart only. Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Eng 02592 Dr.-Fahrenschon-Stiftung, Kapellenberg 25, 85604 Zorneding Τ: (08106) 2521; Fax: 29996 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dr. Marga und Dr. Otto Fahrenschon Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Youth; SocW 02593 Maria F a l k e n b e r g - W e i m a n n und Dr. Ernst Heinitz-Stiftung, c/o Ingrid Krause-Windelschmidt, Emser Str 40-41, 10719 Berlin Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants to needy lawyers and their widows in Berlin only Focus: SocW; Wid 02594 Familie In Not-Stlftung d e s L a n d e s Niedersachsen, Postfach 141, 30001 Hannover T: (0511) 1203011/12; Fax: 1203067 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Land Niedersachsen Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 800.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Fam 02595 Familienstiftung Johannislehn, Brauerstr 13, 29525 Uelzen Τ: (0581) 73321 Established: 1376 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam; Schol 02596 Famlllenstiftung König L u d w i g I., c/o Verwaltung des Herzogs von Bayern, Schloß Nymphenburg 11, 80638 München T: (089) 17916119 Established: 1868 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Fam; Libr 02597 Bert Fanselau-Stiftung Paosostr 4, 81243 München Τ: (089) 8342826; Fax: 8206319 Established: 1980; Donor(s): E. Beri-Fanselau Focus: Sen; Hand; AnimP 02598 Oskar und Elisabeth Farny-Stfftung, Gut Dürren, 88353 Kißlegg Τ: (07522) 97880; Fax: 978810 Established: 1983; Chair Dr. Jörg Leist, Donor(s): Oskar Famy, Elisabeth Fa my Expenditures: DM 35.000,· Limitations: Predeterminded grants only Focus: Scie; Cult; Rei; SocW 02599 Fasei-Stiftung, Wilhelmshöhe 6, 47058 Dursburg Τ: (0203) 340947; Fax: 336275 Established: 1994; Donops): Wilhelm Fase) Expenditures: DM 250,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 02600 Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation, Kurfürstenstr 17, 10765 Berlin T: (030) 2618484; Fax: 2650214 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cin
Fritz und Margot Faudi-Stiftung, Lerchesbergring 98, 60598 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 681868; Fax: 684774 Established: 1969; Chair: Rechtsanwalt Gottfried Michelmann, Donor(s): Margot Faudi Assets: DM 17.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants to technical colleges and universities in Germany only Focus: Eng; En; Uni 02602
Germany: Faulhaber-Opfermann-Stiftung Familie Faulhaber-Opfermann-Stiftung, c/o Steuerberater Emst Deschner, Schwetzinger Str 62, 69168 Wiesloch T: (06222) 8071 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Ida Opfermann Limitations: Grants to members ot the FaulhaberOpfermann family only Focus: Fam 02603 FAUN-Stiftung. c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 19Θ6; Donor(s): Rita Schmidt Focus: Deafs; Blinds 02604 Fazit-Stiftung gemeinnützige Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Mainzer Landstr 243, 60326 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 75912066; Fax: 7393115 Established: 1959; Chair: Prof. Dr. Walter Hamm, Secy: Dr. Klaus Peter Krause Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Scie; Educ; Jour 02605 FBMA-Stiftung, Welcome Rasthaus Würzburg Nord, Am Katzenberg, 97084 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 614020; Fax; 6140222; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fbma.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Food + Beverage Management Association e.V. Expenditures: DM 15.000,Focus: Ecol; Voc; Cons; Food 02606 FDBR Forschungsstiftung, Postfach 320420, 40419 Düsseldorf Established: 1993 Focus: Res 02607 Fechter-Gedächtnis-Stiftung des alten Gymnasiums Nürnberg, c/o Direktorat Melanchthon-Gymnasium, Sulzbacher Str 32, 90489 Nürnberg T: (0911) 551963; Fax: 537872 Established: 1923; Chair: Hartmut Fritz, Secy: Heinz Gabler, Donor(s): Dr. Wilhelm Kalb, Dr. Max Bencker, Gustav Spiegel, Friedrich Stoer Assets: DM 3.000,-, Receipts: DM 200,-, Expenditures: DM 200,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02608 Feddersen-Laule-Stlftung, Stlftstr 9-17, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 299940; Fax: 282615 Established: 1995; Dcnor(s): Prof. Dr. Dieter Feddersen, Prof. Dr. Gertiard Laule Focus: Law 02609
02603 - 02656
Gemeinnützige Felder-Stiftung, Von-Kettìer-Str 76, 47807 Krefeld Τ; (02151) 31990 Established: 1966 Focus: SocW 02617 Günter Felke-Stlftung, Michaal-Felke-Str 15, 55487 Sohren Τ: (06543) 982184 Established: 1989; Donops): Günter Felke Assets: DM 140.000,Limrtations: Grants and prices to pupils of HerzogJohann-Gymnasium in Simmem/Hunsrück only Focus: Educ 026Í8 August Fels^Sttftung Mainz - Hilfe für Menschen In Not, tío Caritasverttand Mainz e.V., Grebenstr 9, 55116 Mainz T: (06131) 284642; Fax: 284650; E-Mail: caritas @ mainz-online .de Established: 1989; Donops): August Fels Assets: DM 1.050.000,-, Expenditures; DM 80.000,Umitations: Grants to employees of Caritasverband Mainz e.V. only Focus: SocW 02619 Fenzel'sche Stipendienstiftung, tío Direktorat Melanchthon-Gymnasium, Sulzbacher Str 32, 90489 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 551863; Fax: 537872 Established: 1938; Chain Hartmut Fritz, Secy: Heinz Gabler, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Gottlieb Fenzel Assets: DM 300.000,·, Receipts: DM 13.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to pupils of MelanchthonGymnasium in Nürnberg only Focus: Schol 02620 Ferdinandeische Stiftung, Dompl 27, 48143 Münster Τ: (0251) 495334; Fax: 495359 Established: 1683; Donops): Fürstbischof Ferdinand II. von Fürstenberg Assets: DM 11.700,Limitations: Grants to Catholic missions in Northern Europe only Focus: Miss 02621 Ferdinandheim, Langerstr 20a, 40233 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 7353212; Fax: 7353202 Established: 1894; Donor(s): Pauline Heye Expenditures: DM 27.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02622
Fehn'sche Stiftung zur Bekämpfung von Aids und anderen Seuchen, im Tal 10, 89335 Ichenhausen Established: 1988 Focus: AIDS; Med 02610
Ferien· und Studienstiftung der Bismarckschule Elmshorn, Bismarckstr 2, 25335 Elmshorn T: (04121) 231310 Established: 1960; Donops): Walter Stich Limitations: Grants to girts in Elmshorn only Focus: Schol; Econ; PolS; Res . . . . 02623
Betriebliche Unterstützungseinrichtung F.S. Fehrer, c/o F.S. Fehrer GmbH & Co. KG, Heinrich-FehrerStr 3, 97318 Kitzingen T: (09321) 302235; Fax: 302511 Established: 1975 Expenditures: DM 26.600,Limitatiors: Grants to employees and former employees of F.S. Fehrer GmbH & Co. KG (Kitzingen) only Focus: SocW 02611
Ferrlng-Sttftung, Süderweg 5, 25938 Alkersum T: (04681) 570005; Fax: 570025 Established: 1987; Donops): Dr. Frederik Paulsen Assets: DM 2.547.150,·, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Ecol; Cult; Ling; Med 02624
Arthur und Aenne Felndt-Stlftung, Mönckebergstr 10, Barkhof θ, 20095 Hamburg Τ: (040) 3202266; Fax: 32022600 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Arthur Feindt, Aenne Feindt Focus: En; Hous; Food 02612 Paul Feindt-Stiftung, Sorsumer Hauptstr 20, 31139 Hildesheim Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Hildesheim only Focus: Omit; Zool 02613 Kurt Feirabend-Stiftung, Pfarrstr 20, 65527 Niedernhausen Τ; (06127) 2508 Established: 1985 Assets: DM 1.600.000,Focus: Hand; Child 02614 Stiftung Dr. Karl Feldbausch, c/o Ref. 125 Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes GutenbergUniversität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T; (06131) 393749; Fax; 395453; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1966; Donor(s): Dr. Karl Feldbausch Expenditures: DM 31.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität In Mainz only Focus: Rei; Zool; Bot; Uni 02615 Dr. Feldbausch-Stiftung, Kobenhüttenweg 22, 66123 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 399501 Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Friedrich Feldbausch, Secy: Christian F. Feldbausch, Donor(s): Dr. Friedrich Feldbausch Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants to the universities of Dresden, Heidelberg, Leipzig and Mainz and to the city of Landau in der Pfalz only Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Bus; Law; Libr; Med; Cane; Uni 02616
Bemi und Chris Fetzer-Stlftung, Ôlbergstr 24, 89567 Sontheim Established: 1992; Donops): Bernhard Fetzer, Christi Fetzer Limitations: Grants in Sontheim only Focus: Arts 02625 Dr. Heinrich Feuchter-Stiftung, Westfalenweg 210, 42111 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 75931; Fax: 750119 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Dr. Heinrich Feuchter Expenditures: DM 3.889.000,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Wuppertal only Focus: Sen 02626 Feuchtgebiet Syen-Venn, c/o Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim, van-Delden-Str 1-7, 48522 Nordhorn Τ: (05921) 961333, 961616; Fax: 961629 Established: 1986; Chair: Josef Brüggemann, Secy: Ralf Iselhorst Assets: DM 25.000,-. Receipts: DM 65.000,·, Expenditures: DM 65.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim only Focus: Ecol 02627 Wilhelm Feyler-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkâmmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1941 Assets: DM 68.460,· Limitations: Grants in Coburg only Focus: Educ; Sen; Youth
Elisabeth und Georg Fick-Stìftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass· und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Elisabeth Ffck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02629
Andreas Robert und Alwine Flck-Sttftung, Mönckebergstr 10, Barkhof B, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 344231; Fax: 32022500; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1970; Chair Klaus Pfau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02630 Adolf FIck-Stiftung bei der Universität WQizburg, do Universität Würzburg, Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg T: (0931) 312051 Established: 1928 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Med 02631 Otto und Eugen Flcker-Stfftung, c/o Otto AG, Postfach 1251, 73220 Kirchheim unter Τ: (07021) 9990; Fax: 999230 Established: 1929; Donor(s): Eugen Ficker, Ficker Limitations: Grants in Kirchheim unter Teck Focus: Educ; SocW
Ficker Teck Caroline only 02632
Dr. Josef Fleger-Stiftung, Postfach 2565, 50359 Erftstadt T: (02235) 409303; Fax: 409300 Established: 1965; Donops): Anna Fieger, Konsul Franz Josef Fieger Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Grants in the former city of Lechenich only Focus: SocW; Youth; Rei; Sen; Nurs . . 02633 Gerhard Fleseler-Stfftung, Lilienthalstr 3, 34123 Kassel Τ: (0561) 53641; Fax: 573935 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Gertiard Fieseler Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Limitations: Grants to non-profit institutions in the city and region of Kassel only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sports; Sen; Arts; Cult . . 02634 Charlotte Flévet-Stìftung, c/o Institut für Diabetesforschung, Kölner PI 1, 60804 München T: (089) 3079310; Fax: 3081733 Established: 1969; Donops): Charlotte Fiévet Expenditures: DM 610.000,ümitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Diab Û2635 Wolfgang R. Flkentscher-Klnderhilfestlftung, Schifferistr 1, 80687 München T-. (089) 5809090; Fax: 58090919 Established: 1988; Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fikentscher Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Child 02636 Hans Fllblnger Stiftung, tío Dr. Albrecht Jebens, Stohrer Str 4, 71229 Leonberg T: (0711) 603530; Fax: 6493747 Established: 1993; Donops); Botschafter a.D. Dr, Alexander Böker, Brigadegeneral a.D. Heinz Karst, Helmut Eberspàcher, Dr. Heinrich Seewald, Dr. Herwig Praxi. Willi Dempf Focus: Educ; Voc; Res; Cult; Arts; PolS; IntU; Scie 02637 Filmstiftung Nordrheln-Westfalen, Kaisir 14, 40221 Düsseldorf T: (0221) 930500; Fax: 930505; E-Mail: info® filmstiftung.de; Internet: www.filmstiftung.de Established: 1991; Secy: Dieter Kosslick Expenditures: DM 70.000,Focus: Cin 02638 Filosofia Itallana-Stlftung Oldenburg, Erlenweg 34, 26129 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 777769 Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Wilhelm Buttemeyer Assets: DM 52.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phil 02639 Josef Filsermayr'sches Sankt Jodokstift Landshut, Freyung 597, 84028 Landshut T: (0871) 923390; Fax: 21348 Established: 1895; Donor(s): Josef Filsermayr Expenditures: DM 8.683.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02640 Wilhelm von Flnck-Stiftung, Keferloh 1a, 85630 Grasbrunn T: (089) 4569160; Fax: 45691699 Established: 1994; Donops): Wilhelm von Finck sen,, Wilhelm von Finck jun. Expenditures: DM 200.000,Focus: Arts; Cult; Theat; SocW; Child; Educ; Uni 02641 Karl und Theodora Flnck'sche WohltatIgkettsetfftung, Bürgerstift, Spitalgasse 8, 87700 Memmingen T: (08331) 80378, 850195 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Karl und Theodora Finck Limitations: Grants to needy Protestant citizens of Memmingen only Focus: SocW 02642 Dr. Gunther Findel-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, do Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Schloßpl 4, 38304 Wolfenbüttel T: (05331) 806208; Fax: 808266; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.hab.de Established: 1986; Chain Dr. Günther Findel Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students in Wolfenbüttel only Focus: Scie; Schol 02643
Findel· und Walsenhausstiftungen, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1368 Assets: DM 1.418.137,-, Receipts: DM 494.000,-, Expenditures: DM 400.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Orp 02644 Dr.-Walter-und Lydia-Finkeldey-Stiftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2635564; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Walter und Lydia FinkekJey Focus: Ecol; AnimP 02645 Die Finnische Seemannsmission In Hamburg, Ditmar-Koel-Str 6, 20459 Hamburg T: (040) 316971; Fax: 3195692; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.merimiekirkko.fi Established: 1975; Dor>or(s): Heikki Mikael Mattila Limitations: Grants to Rnns in Hamburg only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02646 Fl rnhaber-Trend el-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Bamberg, Finanzreferat, Postfach 110323, 96031 Bamberg T: (0951) 871200; Fax: 871907 Established: 1923; Donor(s): Fritz Edgar Trendel Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants in Bamberg only Focus: Milit; Blinds; Hand; SocW; Orp; Warv 02647 Friedrich Flrnhaber'sche Stiftung In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303 Established: 1904; Donor(s): Maria Fimhaber Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Schol; Scie; Eng 02648 Otto und Martha Fischbeck-Stiftung, Dreilindenstr 30, 14109 Berlin T: (030) 8087131 Established: 1920; Chair Edmund Rattberg, Donops): Martha Fischbeck, Otto Fischbeck Assets: DM 700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 36.000,Limitations: Grants to Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin only Focus: Scie 02649 Dr. Hans M. Fischer-Stiftung, do Universität Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth Τ: (0921) 555210; Fax: 555214 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Dr. Ing. Hans M. Fischer Expenditures: DM 9.000,· Limitations: Grants to Universität Bayreuth only Focus: Chem; Ger 02650 Karl Fischer-Stiftung, Limastr 19, 14163 Bertin T: (030) 8017578; Fax: 8022854 Established: 1965; Donops): Karl Fischer Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Scholarships in Germany only Focus: Schol; Eng 02651 Hans und Gertie Fischer-Stiftung, c/o KPMG Deutsche Treuhandgesellschaft, Alfredstr 277, 45133 Essen T: (0201) 4556702; Fax: 4556705; E-Mail: ehippe@ kpmg.com Established: 1976; Donops): Hans und Gertie Fischer Expenditures: DM 541.000,Limrtations: Grants to colleges and hospitals in the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen only Focus: Card 02652 Marianne und Dr. Fritz Walter FIscher-Stlftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.simon@stiftervert>and.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donor(s); Marianne und Dr. Fritz Walter Fischer Expenditures: DM 61.000,Focus: Schol; Arts; Biol; NatS 02653 Georg FIscher-Stlftung, Schillerstr 25, 95028 Hof Τ: (09281) 8100 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Georg Fischer Expenditures: DM 48.000,Limitations: Grants in Hof and in the districts of Landkreis Hof and Landkreis Lichtenfels only Focus: Hand 02654 Dr. Hans-Karl Fischer-Stiftung, do Steuerberater Frank O. Mantel & Partner, GCrtlbauerweg 18, 94036 Passau T: (0851) 5212528 Established: 1988 Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Germ 02655 Dr. Artur-Fischer-Stlftung, Fritz-Elsas-Str 31, 70144 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1242981; Fax: 1242862 Established: 1985; Secy: Dr. Günther Kôble Expenditures: DM 32.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Stuttgart only Focus: Build; Mach; Schol 02656
02657 - 02707
43 Fischer-Stiftung Gottesgabe, Rathausstr 14, 24937 Flensburg T: (0461) 28346; Fax: 27845 Established: 1867; Donor(s): Hans Hansen-Fischer Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02657
R e n d e r 1 s e h e Spltalstlftung, c/o Stadt Seßlach, Marktpl 97, 96145 Seßlach Τ: (09569) 273 Established: 1763; Donor(s): Pfarrer Render Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 672.000,Limitations: Grants in Seßlach only Focus: Sen 02671
Stiftung Heimathaus Irrnintraut Fischerhude, 28670 Ottersberg T: (04293) 7186 Established: 1985 Assets: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cuit 02658
Kaspar Fleschner-Stlftung, c/o Arbeiterwohlfahrt Eltville, Schwalbacher Str 27, 65343 Eltville Τ: (06123) 1225; Fax: 61778 Established: 1994; Donops): A W O Ortsverein Eltville am Rhein e.V. Assets: DM 30.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02672
Fischer's Wohltätlgkeltsstlftung Erding, Haager Str 40, 85435 Erding T: (08122) 14128; Fax: 47697 Established: 1891; Donops): Friedrich Fischer, Katharina Fischer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02659 Theodor-Fischwasser-Stlftung, Weinbergstr 7, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 323610, 327136; Fax: 327136 Established: 1996; Chair Ministerialdirektor a.D. Gerd Fischwasser, Donor(s): Gerd Fischwasser Expenditures: DM 19.000,Focus: Hand; Child 02660 Prof. Dr. med. Wilfried und Gisela FittingSttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Wilfried und Gisela Fitting Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants to Kunstmuseum Bonn only. Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Scie 02661 Dr. med. Heinz Fltz-Stiftung, Uhlenstr 46, 45259 T; (0201) 460982 Established: 1997 Focus: Youth; Hand
Karl Fix-Stiftung, Im Steingebiß 43. 76Θ29 Landau in der Pfalz Τ: (06341) 61710; Fax: 969546 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Karf und Edith Fix Expenditures: DM 1.497.000,· Limitations: Grants and scholarships in the regions of Landau in der Pfalz and Südpfalz only Focus: Hum; NatS; Sen; Educ; Voc; Adult 02663 Karl-Hermann Flach-Stlftung e.V., Marktpl 13, 65183 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 999310; Fax: 9990699 . . . . 02664 Prof. Martin Flâmig-Stlftung c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1993; Donops): Prof. Martin Flämig Focus: Hand 02665 Alfred Flakowskl-Stiftung, Jacobsir 12, 14776 Brandenburg T: (03381) 228851 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Horst Flakowski Assets: DM 5.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in Brandenburg and in the district of Kreis Potsdam-Mittelmark only Focus: Child; Youth 02666 Otto-Flath-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Bad Segeberg, Lübecker Str 9, 23795 Bad Segeberg Τ: (04551) 964200; Fax: 964222 Established: 1977; Chair Bürgermeister Udo Fröhlich, Donor(s): Otto Flath Assets: DM 800.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Segeberg only Focus: Arts 02667 Emil und Hanna Flatz-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: info® denkmalschutz.de; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1997; Donops): Dr. Sibylle und Dr. Gerhard Ratz Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Mon 02668 Fleck-Stiftung, Haidkamp 95, 25421 Pinneberg Τ: (04101) 79740 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Heinz Fleck, Fahnen Fleck M. Fleck & Sohn Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Youth 02669 Brunhilde Fleischmann-StlpendlefrStiftung, c/o Siebold-Gymnasium, Rennweger Ring 11, 97070 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 260130 Established: 1960; Donops): Brunhilde Fletschmann Assets: DM 80.000,·, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy pupils of SieboldGymnasium in Würzburg only. Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 02670
Friedrich Fllck-Fôrderungsstlftung, Postfach 102361, 40014 Düsseldorf Τ; (0211) 4382250 Established: 1963; Donor(s): Dr. Friedrich Flick Limitations: Grants to needy German applicants only Focus: Scie; Econ; Eng; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; Youth; Hand 02673 Dr. Friedrich Fllck-Stlftung G y m n a s i u m Kreuztal, Postfach 1660, 57207 Kreuztal Τ: (02732) 51221, 51223; Fax: 21004 Established: 1972; Chair Bürgermeister Rudolf Biermann, Secy: Stadtrat Horst-Helmut Siebel, Donor(s): Dr. Friedrich Flick Assets: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02674 Theodor Fliedner-Haus, Theodor-Storm-Str 100, 68259 Mannheim T: (0621) 126370; Fax: 1263730 Established: 1972 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02675 Theodor Flledner-Werk v o r m a l s Diakonenanstalt Duisburg, Fliednerstr 2, 45481 Mühlheim an der Ruhr T: (0208) 4843101; Fax: 4843140; Internet: http:// www.fliedner.de Established: 1844; Donops): Theodor Fliedner Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW; Hous; Hand; RelE; Psychia 02676 Stiftung Fliege, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München T: (089) 28808422; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Donor(s): Jürgen Fliege, tele-time Limitations: Grants to needy people nationally and internationally Focus: SocW 02677 F l i e g e n s c h u h ' s c h e Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, c/o Markt Hindelang, Marktstr 9, 87541 Hindelang Τ: (08324) 89231; Fax: 89260 Established: 1900 Assets: DM 3.420.298,-, Expenditures: DM 955.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Nurs 02678 Flörsheimer Bürgerstiftung, Bahnhofstr 12, 65439 Flörsheim Τ: (06145) 955160; Fax: 955198 Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants in Flörsheim only Focus; SocW 02679 Flößerei- u n d V e r k e h r s m u s e u m G e n g e n b a c h , Auf der Bünd 5. 77723 Gengenbach T: (07803) 3764; Internet: http://www.floessereimuseum.de Established: 1988; Donops): Flößergilde Gengenbach-Schwaibach e.V. Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Traf 02680 Flughafen Frankfurt/Main Stiftung, Gebäude 162, 60547 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 69066408; Fax: 69055101; E-Mail: fag· Stiftung @frankfurt-airport.de Established: 1987; Chair Dr. M. Teuber, Secy: W. Scherer, Donops): Rughafen Frankfurt/Main AG Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Focus: Aviat; Schol 02681 Flutopfer-Stlftung v o n 1962, Finkenau 31, 22081 Hamburg T: (040) 2271010, 22710117; Fax: 22710119; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1962; Donops): Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Assets: DM 12.756.046,-, Expenditures: DM 11.837.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW; Sen 02682 F ö r d e r f o n d s der S p a r k a s s e G ü n z b u r g · Stiftung, c/o Sparkasse Günzburg, An der Kapuzinermauer 2, 89312 Günzburg T: (08221) 92291; Fax: 92308 Established: 1983; Donops): Günzburg, Kreissparkasse Günzburg Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in Günzburg only Focus: Youth; Adult; Sen; Arts; Cult; SocW
Förderfonds der S p a r k a s s e Tegernsee, Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Tegernsee, c/o Kreissparkasse Miesbach-Tegemsee, Postfach 1262, 83681 Tegernsee Established: 1984 Assets: DM 200.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to students originating of Tegernsee only Focus: Schol 02684 Förderfonds Stiftungswesen, c/o Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen e.V., Postfach 330338, 14173 Berlin T: (030) 8979470; Fax: 89794711; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.stiftungen.org Established: 1998; Donor(s): Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res 02685 Förderstiftung Benediktinerabtei Schäftlarn, Abtei Schäftlarn, 82067 Ebenhausen Established: 1999; Donor(s): Benediktinerabtei Schäftlarn Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ; IntU; Mon; Rei 02686 Förderstiftung der Stadt Mainz, c/o Sparkasse Mainz, Bahnhofstr 1, 55116 Mainz T: (06131) 200300; Fax: 200830 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Sparkasse Mainz Limitations: Grants ir the former district of Landkreis Bingen only Focus: Unemp 02687 Förderstiftung Hautklinik Darmstadt, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Manfred Hagedorn Expenditures: DM 61.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Derm 02688 Förderstiftung Kloster Ettal, c/o Verwaltung der Benediktiner-Abtei Ettal, Kaiser-Ludwig-Pl 1, 82488 Ettal T: (08822) 74221; Fax: 74228; E-Mail: Verwaltung® kloster-ettal.de; Internet: www.kloster-ettal.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Benediktiner-Abtei Enal Expenditures: DM 340.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; IntU; Rei; Mon 02689 Förderstiftung Rumänienhilfe-Straßenkinder, Ravensburger Str 9, 86368 Bergaireute T: (07527) 4658; Fax: 921613 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 02690 Förderstiftung W i n d s b a c h e r Knabenchor, Heinrich-Brandt-Str 18, 91575 Windsbach T: (09871) 7080; Fax: 708129; Internet: http:// www.windsbacher-knabenchor.de Established: 1991 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 02691 Förderung der J u g e n d m u s i k s c h u l e Crailsheim, c/o Stadtverwaltung Crailsheim, Marktpl 1, 74564 Crailsheim T: (07951) 403101; Fax: 403159 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Stadtverwaltung Crailsheim Limitations: Predetermined grants onty Focus: Educ; Music
Förderung der University of Maryland University College S c h w ä b i s c h Gmünd, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Informationsamt, Marktpl 1, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd T: (07171) 6031310; Fax: 6031399; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.schwaebisch-gmuend.de Established: 1993; Chair Oberbürgermeister Dr. Gerhard Rembold, Secy: Klaus Eilhoff, Donor(s): Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd, University of Maryland Assets: DM 140.000,·, Receipts: DM 4.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants and scholarships in Schwäbisch Gmünd only Focus: Uni 02693 Dr. Friedrich Förster-Stiftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: Fred.Arndt@uni-tuebingen,de; Internet: h t t p ü www.uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1983 Assets: DM 290.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phys; Chem 02694 Karl Foerster-Stlftung für a n g e w a n d t e Vegetationskunde, Kurfûrstendamm 62, 10707 Berlin T: (030) 8839011 Established: 1966 Assets: DM 100.000,· Focus: Landsc; Hort 02695 Folkwang-Stiftung E m s t u n d Elly Henke, Goethestr 41, 45128 Essen Τ: (0201) 8845002 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Ernst Henke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02696
Germany: Forschungsstelle
Fonds der Kinderhilfe, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein @susta.de Established: 1834; Donor(s): Frauenverein zur Förderung der Zwecke der Kinderbewah ranstalten Assets: DM 149.808,·, Expenditures: DM 17.000,· Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Child 02697 John Fontenay's Hamburg T: (040) 4501160; Established: 1835; Limitations: Grants family only Focus: Fam
T e s t a m e n t , Mittelweg 20, 20148 Fax: 45011619 Donor(s): John Fontenay to members of the Fontenay 02698
Emst Forberg-Stiftung, c/o Trinkaus & Burkhardt, Königsallee 21-23, 40212 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 9102267 Established: 1961; Chair: Gerhard Winkel, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. h.c. Kurt Forterg Assets: DM 145.000,·, Expenditures: DM 15.100,Limitations: Grants to Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf only Focus: Arts; Uni 02699 Henry Ford ll-Studienpreis, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1979; Donor(s): Ford-Werke AG Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at RWTH Aachen only. Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Mach; Elect 02700 Birger Forell-Stiftung e.V.. Feldbergstr 6, 61273 Wehrheim T: (06081) 59983 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland Assets: DM 2.600.000,Focus: Refug 02701 F O R O N S T I F T U N G Besser Leben, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44. 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.maecenata.management.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): FORON Hausgeräte GmbH Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Eng 02702 F o r s c h u n g s - und E n t w i c k l u n g s z e n t r u m Sondermüll, Siemenstr 3-5, 91126 Rednitzhembach T: (09122) 63130; Fax: 631311; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1989; Donor(s): Zweckverband Sondermüll-Entsorgung Mittelfranken Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.761.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Waste 02703 Forschungs- u n d Studienstiftung der Vereinigung N o r d w e s t d e u t s c h e r Chirurgen, Alte Landstr 40, 22339 Hamburg T: (040) 428036913 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Vereinigung Nordwestdeutscher Chirurgen Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Surg 02704 Forschungsinstitut für a n w e n d u n g s o r i e n t i e r t e W i s s e n s v e r a r b e H u n g Ulm, Postfach 2060, 89010 Ulm T: (0731) 5010; Fax; 501999; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.faw.uni-ulm.de Established: 1987; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. F.J. Radermacher Expenditures: DM 11.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Compu 02705 Forschungsinstitut für K r a f t f a h r w e s e n und F a h r z e u g m o t o r e n Stuttgart, Plaffenwaldring 12, 70569 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6855605; Fax: 6855700; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Chair: Prof. Dr. V. Essers Assets: DM 12.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 13.000.000,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Aut 02706 Forschungsstelle O s t e u r o p a a n der Universität Bremen, Osteuropa-Gebäude, Klagenfurter Str 3, 28359 Bremen T: (0421) 2183687, 2182216; Fax: 2183269; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.forschungsstelle.uni-bremen.de Established: 1982; Donor(s): Freie lind Hansestadt Hamburg, Freie Hansestadt Bremen, NordrtieinWestfalen Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: East; Slav; SocS; PolS; Cult . . 02707
Germany: Forschungsstiftung
Forschungsstiftung für vergleichende europäische Überseegeschichte, Fischtrasse 57. 96045 Bamberg T: (0951) 8632357; Fax: 8632358; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Donor(s): Fördervereirt Forschungsstiftung für vergleichende europäische Überseegeschichte e.V. Focus: Hist
Forschungszentrum Borstel, Zentrum für Medizin und Biowissenschaften, Patlollee 1-40, 23845 Borstel T: (04537) 188220; Fax: 188244 Established: 1947 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Biol 02709 Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften, GEOMAR, Wischhofstr 1-3, 24148 Kiel T: (0431) 6000, 6002500; Fax: 6002900; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.geomar.de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Land SchleswigHolstein Expenditures: DM 3.500.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ocean 02710 Forstbedienstetenhilfe, c/o Regierungspräsidium, Abteilung VI: Forsten, Wilhelminenstr 1-3, 64278 Darmstadt Τ: (06151) 125787; Fax: 126381 Established: 1981 Expenditures: DM 51.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy and former employees of public forestry in the governmental districts of Darmstadt, Gießen and Kassel only Focus: SocW 02711 Forster-Dorfner'sche Spital- und Krankenhausstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathauspl 1, 92242 Hirschau Τ: (09622) 810; Fax: 8181 Established: 1854; Donor(s): Florian Dorfner Expenditures: DM 11.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs
Frieda Forster-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 89257 lllertissen T: (07303) 17242: Fax: 963813; E-Mail: Striegel© illertissen.de Established: 1972; Donor(s): Familie Forster Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02713 Forstwaisenstiftung 1903, Hildrizhauserstr 36, 71083 Herrenberg T: (07032) 5413; Fax: 22105 Established: 1903: Chair: Hansjörg Dinkelaker, Secy: Wolfram Hudelmaier, Donor{s): Max von Biberstein, Albert Graf Llxkiill, Ludwig Volz Assets: DM 27.000,-, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Orp
02708 - 02759
Forum Kultur, Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Hannover und des LK Hannover, Aegidientorpl 1, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 3600542; Fax: 3600769; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.stiftungforum-kultur.de Established: 1997; Secy: Henry Gathmann, Donor(s): Landkreis Hannover, Kreissparkasse Hannover Expenditures: DM 347.000,Limitations: Grants to individuals in the region of Hannover only. No grants to institutions Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 02715 FPZ Stiftung. WDR Arkaden. Auf der Ruhr 2, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 9201930; Fax: 92019394; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Donor{s): Forschungsund Präventionszentrum zur Analyse und Optimierung der Funktion von Wirbeisäule und Bewegungsapparat (FPZ) Köln Focus: Sports 02716 Albert Ludwig Fraas-Stiftung, Wilhelm-Busch-Str 4, 30167 Hannover T: (0511) 76219112; Fax: 76219113 Donor(s): Albert Ludwig Fraas Assets: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Schol; NatS; Eng; Econ . . . . 02717 Francisceumsstiftung, Weinberg 1, 39261 Zerbst T: (03923) 740911; Fax: 740922 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dr. Eberhard Schmaling, Regina Albrecht, Günther Speidel Assets: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to pupils of Gymnasium Francisceum in Zerbst only Focus: Educ; Arts 02718 Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle, Franckepl 1, Haus 37. 06110 Halle/Saale Τ: (0345) 2127400; Fax: 2127433 Established: 1698; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Paul Raabe, Secy: Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, Donor(s): August Hermann Francke Expenditures: DM 18.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Educ; Scie; Cult; Arts . . 02719
Dr. Georg Frank-Altenhilfe-Stlftung, Dr. Frank-Str 2, 86391 Stadtbergen Τ: (0821) 243480; Fax: 243488 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Dr. Georg Frank Assets: DM 10.000.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02720 Elfriede Frank-Stiftung, Dürrlewangweg 15, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Established: 1991; Donor(s): Elfriede Frank Limitations: Grants in Leinfelden-Echterdingen only Focus: SocW 02721 Michael Franke-Stiftung, Quantiusstr 8, 53115 Bonn T: (0228) 696939 Established: 1988 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 02722 Franken Brunnen-Stiftung Jugend und Natur, Bamberger Str 90, 91413 Neustadt an der Aisch T: (09161) 7890; Fax: 789166 Establish«!: 1995; Donor(s): Franken-Mineral und Heilbrunnen-Betriebe Hufnagel GmbH & Co. KG Expenditures: DM 160,000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Ecol 02723 Jürgen Frankenbach-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Sozialdezemat, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1980; Donor(s): Heinz Frankenbach Expenditures: DM 15.000,Focus: Hand; Child; Youth 02724 Frankfurter Bürger-Stiftung im Holzhausenschlößchen, Justinianstr 5, 60322 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 557791; Fax: 598805; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjf www.holzhausenschloesschen.de Established: 1989; Chain Dr. Günter Paul, Secy: Clemens Greve, Donor{s): Frankfurter Bürgertum und Unternehmen Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Cult 02725 Frankfurter Bürgertiilfe, Stiftung der Frankfurter Sparkasse, c/o Frankfurter Sparkasse, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414450; E-Mail: Joachim.Gockeln θ Fraspal 822.de Established: 1960; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Frankfurt am Main Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nous 02726 Frankfurter Institut - Stiftung Marktwirtschaft und Politik, Kisseleffstr 10, 61348 Bad Homburg T: (06172) 66470; Fax: 22292; E-Mail: institut® tran kfu rter-institut.de; Internet: http ://www.fra η kf urteresti tut.de Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Gert Dahlmanns, Donor(s): Frankfurter Institut für wirtschaftspolitische Forschung e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; PolS; Res 02727 Frankfurter Sportstiftung, c/o Getränkeindustrie Main Taunus GmbH & Co. KG, Sindlingerweg 1, 65835 Liederbach T: (069) 30091115; Fax: 30091165 Established: 1968 Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Sports 02728 Frankfurter Stiftung für deutsch-italienische Studien, Arndtstr 12, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 746752; Fax: 7411453 Established: 1992; Chain Karlheinz Pfeffer, Secy: Dr. Salvatore A. Sanna, Donor(s): DeutschItalienische Vereinigung e.V. Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and Italy only Focus: IntU 02729 Frankfurter Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder, Komturstr 3, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 96780713; Fax: 671022; E-Mail: info© fskk.de; Internet: http://www.fsfkk.de Established: 1994 Expenditures: DM 331.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Cane; Ped 02730 Vereinigte von Frank'sche Bürgerspitalstiftung Waldmünchen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 93449 Waldmünchen Τ: (09972) 30717 Established: 1962 Assets: DM 15.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 02731 Zacharias Frank'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, c/o Stadtkämmerei, 93449 Waldmünchen Τ: (09972) 30717 Established: 1921 Assets: DM 128.000,Limitations: Grants in Waldmünchen only Focus: SocW; Econ; Cult 02732 Frantz'sche Stiftung, Holländische Twiete 11b, 21502 Geesthacht Established: 1810 Focus: SocW 02733
Franz-Hospital Dülmen (Westfalen), Vollenstr 10, 48249 Dülmen Established: 1846 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 02734 Franz-Marie-Christinen-Stiftung, c/o Fürst Thum und Taxis Gesamtvewaltung, Postfach 110246, 93015 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 5048130; Fax: 5048140 Established: 1926; Chair: Fürst Albert von Thurn und Taxis, Secy: Dr. Martin Dallmeier, Donorfs): Königin Marie von Neapel und Beider Sizilien Assets: DM 4.300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Focus: Schol
Martin Franz-Stiftung, Brückenstr 7, 47574 Goch Τ: (02823) 97090; Fax: 970955 Established: 1865 Expenditures: DM 1.568.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02736 Albrecht Franz-Stiftung, Hersbrucker Str 23b, 91207 Lauf an der Pegnitz Τ: (09123) 14508 Established: 1991; Donops): Margarete Franz Assets: DM 1.101.624,-, Expenditures: DM 112.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; HomeE 02737 Gebrüder Franzen-Stiftung, Sieglindenweg 9, 42653 Solingen Τ: (0212) 252010; Fax: 56025 Established: 1971; Dor>or(s): Norbert und Gerhard Franzen Limitations: Grants to members of the Franzen family only Focus: Fam 02738 Franziskus-Stiftung, Franziskanisches Jugendwerk der Kölnischen Franziskanerprovinz, Immermannstr 20, 40210 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 357528; Fax: (02274) 82429; Internet: www.franziskus-stiftung.de Established: 1985; Secy: Ute Friedrich, Dorwr(s): Kölnische Franziskanerprovinz Limitations: Grants and scholarships in the Franciscan province of Köln only Focus: Youth; Schol 02739 Franzke'sche Stiftung, Hochbaumstr 36, 14167 Berlin T: (030) 31423363, 31422253 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hans-H. Franzke Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Eng 02740 J. und E. Frauendorfer-Förderstiftung, c/o Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Stiftungsverwaltung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Ehepaar Frauendorfer Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 02741 Frauengabe, c/o Rechtsanwältin Sybill Hardt, Kurfürstenstr 84, 10787 Berlin T: (030) 2141574; Fax: 2177756 Established: 1859; Donor(s): Frauenverein in Eberteld Assets: DM 355.985,-, Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limitations: Grants to needy Germans only Focus: Hand; Wid; Orp 02742 Frauenhaus zum Helligen Geist, c/o Evangelisch-lutherische Stiftskirchengemeinde, Stiftsfreiheit 1, 37581 Bad Gandersheim Established: 1238; Donops): Äbtissin Bertha II. von der Stiftskirche in Bad Gandersheim Assets: Dm 146.808,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limrtations: Grants in Bad Gandersheim only Focus: SocW 02743 FrauenMediaTurm, Das feministische Archiv und Dokumentationszentrum, Bayenturm, 50678 Köln T: (0221) 9318810; Fax: 83188118; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.FrauenMediaTurm.de Established: 1984; Donops): J. Philipp Reemtsma Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archiv; Worn 02744 Eheleute Freber-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Sozialdezemat, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1957; Donor(s): Heinrich Friedrich Freber, Margarethe Freber-Ley Expenditures: DM 5,000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Orp 02745 F r e c h e r e r Kulturstiftung, Postfach i960, 50209 Frechen T: (02234) 501415; Fax: 52031 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Stadt Frechen Assets: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in Frechen only Focus: Cult; Arts
Free the children Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München Τ: (089) 44200200; Fax: 44200300; E-Mail: freethechildren @ kinderfonds.org Established: 1998; Secy: Philipp Hof, Dor>or(s): Jochen Schneider Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02747 Ernst Frelberger-Stiftung, Kirchstr 13, 10557 Berlin T: (030) 39996635; Fax: 39996650 Established: 1999; Chair Ernst Freiberger, Secy: Peter-Hans Keilbach, Donor(s): Emst Freiberger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Mon 02748 Michael Freiberger-Stlftung, Feldmannstr 26, 66119 Saarbrücken Established: 1984 Limitations: Grants in the state of Saarland only Focus: Voc 02749 Freibettenfonds für arme Kranke in den Kliniken der Universität, c/o Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1958 Assets: DM 62.600,-, Receipts: DM 3.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus; Nurs 02750 Frelburger Diakonissenhaus, Burgunder Str 5, 79104 Freiburg T: (0761) 20730; Fax: 20730020 Established: 1896 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02751 Bernd Freier-Stiftung, Ostring, 97228 Rottendorf Fax: (09302) 309400 Established: 1996; Donops): Bernd Freier Focus: Text; Ecol 02752 Pfarrer Freimuth-Stiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Regensburger Str 1, 93086 Wörth an der Donau T: (09482) 1707 Established: 1909; Chair: Johannes Frischholz, Donops): Pfarrer Georg Freimuth Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 02753 Freimuth-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Wuppertal, Der Oberbürgermeister, Wegnerstr, 42275 Wuppertal T: (0202) 5636596; Fax: 5638032 Established: 1932; Donor(s): Hans Heinrich Freimuth Assets: DM 3.800,-, Receipts: DM 100,-, Expenditures: DM 100,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult
Freireligiöse und Unitarische Stiftung Offenbach a m Main, Schillerpl 1, 63067 Offenbach am Main T: (069) 8008060 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Dr. Hermann Jacobson, Josef Oppenheim Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: SocW; Educ; Rei
Dr. Frerichs-Stiftung in Norden, Am Markt 15, 26506 Norden T: (04931) 923251; Fax: 923456 Established: 1881; Chain Beigeordnete Johanne Carow, Secy: Stadtoberamtsral Reinhard Schmidt, Donor(s): Dr. Johann Frerichs Assets: DM 352,000,·, Receipts: DM 16,000,-, Expenditures: DM 16.000,Limitations: Scholarships to former female pupils of Ulrichs-Gymnasium in Norden only Focus: Schol 02756 Familienstiftung Frese, Gereonstr 15-23, 50670 Köln Limitations: Grants to members of the Frese family only Focus: Fam 02757 Line Fresenlus-Stiftung. c/o \ Diakonieverein e.V., Zentralverwaltung, Freiligrathstr 8, 64285 Darmstadt T: (06151) 6020; Fax: 602898 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Oberin Felicitas Hack Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Darmstadt only Focus: Educ 02758 Fresenlusetiftung, c/o Stadt Passau, Rathauspl 2, 94032 Passau Τ: (0851) 396299; Fax: 32241 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Maria Anna Luise Rumpf Expenditures: OM 13.000,Limitations: Grants to needy artists in the district of Niederbayern only Focus: Arts 02759
02760 - 02811
45 Sigmund-Freud-lnstJtut, Forschungsinstitut für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, Mylîusstr 20 , 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9712040; Fax: 97120; E-Mail: bareuther® em.unMrankfurt.de; Internet: http://www.sfi-frankfurt.de Established: 1995; Chair Ministerin Ruth Wagner, Secy: Prof. Dr. Dr. H.-E. Richter, Donor(s): Land Hessen Receipts: ca. DM 2.700.000,·, Expenditures: ca. DM 2.700.000,Umitations: Grants to Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main only. Applications not accepted Focus: Psychol; Med; SocS 02760 Sigmund Freud*Stlftung zur Förderung der Psychoanalyse e.V., Schumannstr 26, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 748242; Fax: 745996 Established: 1971 Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Psychol 02761 Freudenberg Stiftung, Freudenbergstr 2, 69469 Weinheim Τ: (06201) 17498, 803217; Fax: 13262; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1984; Secy: Christian Petry, Donor(s): Gesellschafter der Firma Freudenberg & Co. Assets: DM 25.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.500.000,· Focus: Educ 02762 Dr. Walter Freundlich und Luise Freundlich· Stiftung, c/o Stiftungs- und Nachlassmanagement, Frankfurter Sparkasse, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414450; E-Mail: Joachim.Gockeln @ Fraspal 822.de Established: 1994; Donops): Luise Freundlich Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Schol 02763 E.K. Frey/E. Werle-Stiftung der Familie Henning L Voigt, c/o LMU München, Abt. Klinische Biochemie, Nußbaumstr 20, 60336 München Τ: (089) 51602531; Fax: 51604735 Established: 1978; Chair: Prof. Dr. Hans Fritz, Donor(s): Henning L. Voigt Assets: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Chem; Card 02764 Bruno Frey-Stlftung, Gaisentalstr 28, 88400 Biberach Established: 1990; Donor(s): Bruno Frey Assets: DM 1.400.000,Limitations: Grants to Jugendmusikschule in Biberach only. Applications not accepted Focus: Music 02765 Hilde Frey-Stiftung, (formerly: Stiftung junge Künstler), Postfach 1662, 88396 Biberach T: (07351) 52204; Fax: 52405 Established: 1995; Chair Landrat Peter Schneider, Donops): Hilde Frey Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02766 Walter Frey-Stiftung, c/o Jugendamt, Elberfelder Str 96-98, 42853 Remscheid T: (02191) 442738; Fax: 446284 Established: 1959 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Child 02767 Bruno Frey-Stiftung der Jugendmusikschule Biberach, c/o Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Württemberg, Postfach 1261, 88412 Ochsenhausen T: (07352) 3074; Fax: 4687 Established: 1993; Chair Prof. Dr. Hans-Bruno Emst, Secy: Prof. Dr. Hans-Bruno Emst, Donops): Baino Frey Limitations: Grants to Jugendmusikschule in Biberach only. Applications not accepted Focus: Music 02768 Bruno Frey-Stiftung der Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend In BadenWürttemberg, Postfach 1261, 88412 Ochsenhausen T: (07352) 3071; Fax: 4687 Established: 1993; Chair Prof. Dr. Hans-Bruno Emst, Secy: Prof. Dr. Harts-Bruno Emst, Donops): Bruno Frey Limitations: Grants to Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Württemberg only. Applications not accepted Focus: Music 02769 Dr. Inge Freytag-Stfftung, Bismarckstr 29, 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen Τ: (07751) 886200; Fax: 886312 Established: 1995; Donops): Dr. Inge Freytag Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Waldshut only Focus: Arts; Cuit; Mon 02770 Dr. Richard Fricke-Stlftung, Aachener Str 3, 50126 Bergheim Τ: (02271) 43202; Fax: 43976 Established: 1947; Donops): Maria Fricke Assets: DM 83.566,-, Expenditures: DM 58.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Erftkreis only Focus: SocW 02771
Otto Friedeberg-Stiftung des Vereins der Getreidehändler der Hamburger Börse, Börse Hamburg, Kontor 24, Adolphspl 1, 20457, Hamburg Established: 1923 Limitations: Grants to needy members of Hamburger Börse only Focus: SocW 02T72 Heinz und Gisela Friederlchs-Stlftung, Köhlerweg 18, 61440 Oberursel Τ: (06171) 580059; Fax: 580449 Established: 1991; Chair Dr. Bert Rauscher, Donor(s): Heinz Friederichs, Gisela Friederichs Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 160.000,·, Expenditures: DM 100.000,LJmrtations: Applications not Focus: Arts; Youth; SocW 02773 Frlederlkenhaus, Karlstr 2, 06406 Bemburg Established: 1850 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child
Maria Friedrlch-Grundier-Stiftung, Sonnenstr 15, 80331 München Τ: (089) 5990850; Fax: 59908555 Established: 1992 Assets: DM 6.400.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Lepr; AnimP; Orp 02775 Friedrich-Lulsen-Stlftung, Schulstr 5, 88633 Heiligenberg Τ: (07554) 99830; Fax: 998329 Established: 1862 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Nurs 02776 Götz Friedrich-Stiftung, c/o Dr. Alard von Rohr, Deutsche Oper, Richard-Wagrier-Str 10, 10585 Berlin Established: 1995; Chair Dr. Karlheinz Knauthe Limitations: Grants to young German opera directors only Focus: Music 02777 Friedrich-Wllhelm-Stift, Evangelische Stiftung für Jugendhilfe-Einrichtungen seit 1856, Marker Dorfstr 185, 59071 Hamm T: (02381) 88590; Fax: 88553; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1856; Chair: Pfarrer Hans-Martin Thimme, Donor(s): Pfarrer Udo Richter, Karl Wiegmann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 02778 Frledrlch-Wllhelm-Stlftung, c/o Kanzler der RWTH, Templergraben 55, 52062 Aachen T: (0241) 804010 Established: 1865 Assets: DM 1.400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 95.000,· Limitations: Grants to RWTH Aachen only Focus: Scie; Res; Uni 02779 Friedrichs-Stm, Grabertstr 7, 12169 Berlin T: (030) 7961234 Established: 1866 Limitations: Grants to needy children in Berlin only. Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02780 Friedrichshelm-Pfründneranstalt, Allee 9, 97488 Stadtlauringen Established: 1904 Limitations: Grants to needy Catholics in Birnfeld, Stadtlauringen, Wetzhausen and Mailes only Focus: SocW; Sen 02781 Friedrichstift Braunschwelg. Inselwall 15, 38114 Braunschweig T: (0531) 49390 Established: 1920 Assets: DM 120.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy Protestant children in Braunschweig only Focus: Child 02782 Armenstiftung Heinrich Frlellng, Haus Runde, 48727 Billerbeck Established: 1882 Limitations: Grants to needy people in Aulendorf, Esking, Langenhorst and Temming only Focus: SocW 02783 Dr. Alex und Eva Friend Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb· und Strftungsangelegenherten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1987; Donor(s): Eva H. Rüb-Friend Focus: Scie; Res; Hum; SocS; Educ; IntU; Youth 02784 DEVRO-TEEPAK Stiftung Günter Fries, Lederstr 1, 22525 Hamburg T: (040) 54000328; Fax: 54000356 Established: 1991; Donor(s): DEVRO-TEEPAK, INC. Niederlassung Hamburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Schol 02785 Fries-Stiftung, An den Papenslücken 21, 30455 Hannover T: (0511) 496914; Fax: 471700 Established: 1930; Donor(s): Hermann Roos Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phil 02786
Hans und Martha Frlsch-Altenstiftung für die Stadt Bayreuth, c/o Stadt Bayreuth, Amt für Senioren- und Stiftungswesen, Postfach 101052, 95410 Bayreuth T: (0921) 251621; Fax: 251350 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Dr. Hans und Martha Frisch Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants to senior Citizens of Bayreuth only Focus: Sen 02787 Hans Frísch-SUftung, Findelgasse 9, 90402 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 5302656; Fax: 5302658 Established: 1962 Expenditures: DM 108.000,Umitations: Grants to professors at Universität Eriangen-Niimberg only Focus: Econ; SocS 02788 Dr. von Frlsch-Stlftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1882; Donor(s): Oberstudienrat Dr. von Frisch Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Educ 02789 Ria Freifrau von Frltsch-Stlftung, clo FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Ria Freifrau von Fritsch Assets: DM 948.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nümberg only Focus: Cane 02790 Bürgermeister Heinrich Frltzemeler-Sllftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 1, 32825 Blomberg/Lippe Τ: (05235) 504132; Fax: 504610; E-Mail: k.geise @ blomberg-lippe.de Established: 1986; Chair Dr. Siegfried Pilgrim, Secy: Klaus Geise, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Blomberg/Lippe Expenditures: DM 24.000,· Limitations: Grants in Blomberg/Lippe only Focus: Educ; Cult; Ecol; Sports . . . . 02791 Fritze'sche Famlllenstlftung, Gut Weilen 23, 28759 Bremen T: (0421) 623953; Fax: 623953 Established: 1914; Donor(s): Carl Fritze Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Fritze family only Focus: Fam 02792 Cläre Frltzsche-Stlftung, Tannenbergstr 9a, 28211 Bremen T: (0421) 434570 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus; SocW; AnimP 02793 Stiftung Froehlich, Brunnenwiesen 32, 70619 Stuttgart T: (0711) 753944; Fax: 755644 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Josef W. Froehlich Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Arts 02794 Edith-Fröhnert-Stiftung, Volksbank-Haus, Klingenberg 1-5, 23552 Lübeck Τ: (0451) 1404421; Fax: 1404444 Established: 1996; Chair Torsten Wirth, Donops): Edith Fröhneit Expenditures: DM 280.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Child; Youth 02795 Annelie Frohri-Stffiung, Berliner Str 7, 52428 Jülich Τ: (02461) 2590 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Dr. Waldemar und Anneliese Frohn Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Düren only Focus: Deafs 02796 Elfriede Fromm-Sttftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1995; Donops): Elfriede Fromm Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Youth 02797 E. Frommsche Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1254, 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg Τ: (09661) 510184; Fax: 510109 Established: 1965; Donops): E. Fromm Expenditures: DM 3.000,· Limitations: Grants to citizens of Sulzbach· Rosenberg only. Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 02798 fruit International Fruit Foundation, In der Aue 4, 69118 Heidelberg Τ: (06221) 899832; Fax: 899840; E-Mail: FRUIT @tonline.de; Internet: www.gesunde-emaehrung.org Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dr. Reiner Wild· Stiftung Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Bot; Food 02799
Germany: Fugger'sche
Stiftung Bruno Fuchs, Reutlinger Str 4, 73037 Göppingen Established: 1993; Donor(s): Bruno Fuchs Assets: DM 61.510,Limitations: Grants in the districts of Landkreis Göppingen, Landkreis Ulm, Landkreis Ostalb and Landkreis Ludwigsburg only Focus: Traf; Youth 02800 Dr. Herbert Fuchs-Sttftung, c/o Amt für Soziale Dienste, Postfach 1152, 24099 Kiel T: (0431) 9013600; Fax: 90164300 Established: 1988; Chair: Oberbürgermeister der Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Donor(s): Dr. Herbert Fuchs Assets: DM 66.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants to families in Kiel with at least 3 children Focus: Fam 02801 Stiftung sel. Johann Füchting-Testament, Glockengießerstr 25, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 76405 Established: 1637; Donor(s): Johann Füchting Expenditures: DM 220.000,Focus: Sen 02802 Sebald Füllsack'sche Stiftung, c/o Gemeinde Kirchehrenbach, Straße zur Ehrenbürg 1, 91356 Kirchehrenbach T: (09191) 79890; Fax: 798933 Established: 1805; Donor(s): Sebald Füllsack Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Kirchehrenbach only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02803 Fünfgeld-Längln-Stlftung, Seefelden, 79426 Buggingen Τ: (07634) 2217 Established: 1950 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02804 Für Kinder und Jugendliche unserer Stadt, Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse München, c/o Stadtsparkasse München, Sparfcassenstr 2, 80331 München T: (089) 21676122; Fax: 21676137; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.sskm.de/defkinder.htm Established: 1998; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse München Expenditures: DM 565.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Child; Youth 02805 Fürstlich Fürstenberglscher Landesspitalfonds, Hauptstr 2, 78183 Hüfingen Τ: (0771) 92170; Fax: 64586 Established: 1772; Donor(s): Joseph Wenzel Fürst zu Fürstenberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hand 02806 Stiftung Jakob Fugger-Medaiile für hervorragende Verdienste um das Zeitschriftenwesen, c/o Verband der Zeitschriftenverlage in Bayern e.V., Amalienstr 67, 80799 München T: (089) 2881270; Fax: 28812727 Established: 1963; Chair Erhardt D. Stiebner, Secy: Berthold Wesle Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Jour 02807 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Dr. Johannes Mylius-Stiftung, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1595; Chair: Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy: Wolf-Dietrich Graf von Hundt, Donor(s): Dr. Johannes Mylius Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 02808 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Dr. Simon Scheibenhardt-Stiftung, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1567; Chair Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy: Wolf-Dietrich Graf von Hundt, Donor(s): Dr. Simon Scheibenhardt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Nurs 02809 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Fuggerei Stiftung, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1521; Chair Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy: Wolf-Dietrich Graf von Hundt, Donor(s): Jakob Fugger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 02810 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Holz- und Blatternhaus Stiftung, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1548; Chair: Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy: Wolf-Dietrich Graf von Hundt, Donor(s): Anton Fugger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 02811
Germany: Fugger'sche
02812 - 02866
Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Sankt AnnaStiftung, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1521; Chair: Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy; Wolf-Dietrich Graf von Hundt, Donor(s): Jakob Fugger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Rei 02812 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Sankt Moritz Prädikatur-Stiftung, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1521; Chair: Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy: Wolf-Dietrich Graf von Hundt, Donor(s): Anton Fugger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 02813 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Schneidhaus· Stiftung, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1560; Chair: Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy: Wolf-Dietrich Graf von Hundt, Donops): Anton Fugger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 02814 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Spitalstlftung Waltenhausen, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1548; Chair: Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy: Wolf-Dietrich Graf von Hundt, Donor(s): Anton Fugger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 02815 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Velt-HörlStiftung, Fuggerei 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3198810; Fax: 31988112; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fugger.de Established: 1546; Chair: Albert Graf Fugger von Glött, Secy: Wolf-Dietrich Graf vor Hundt, Donor(s): Veit Hörl Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Cult 02816 Joe und Xaver Fuhr-Stiftung Regensburg, Kärcherstr 12, 76185 Karlsruhe Established: 1975 Focus: AnimP 02817 Harry und Peter Fuld-Stiftung, Erich-Heckel-Str 10, 76275 Ettlingen T: (07243) 597237; Fax: 597239 . . . . 02818 Peter Fuld-Stiftung, Kennedyallee 55, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 637054; Internet: http:// www.peterfuldstiftung.de Established: 1969; Donor(s): Peter Fuld Focus: Youth; Educ; Voc; Schol . . . . 02819 Else Funke Stiftung, Hermann-Löne-Str 20, 57610 Alten kirchen T: (02681) 81266 Established: 1996 Focus: SocW; Voc 02820
Hans und Luise Gäble'sche Stiftung, c/o Bürgerstift, Spitalgasse θ, 87700 Memmingen Τ: (08331) 8500; Fax: 5433 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants to Bürgerstift in Memmingen only Focus: Sen 02827 Gaede-Stiftung der Deutschen Vakuum Gesellschaft, c/o Rechtsanwalt Thomas Sogalla, Bonner Str 498, 50968 Köln T: (0221) 3471787; Fax: 3471572 Established: 1984; Donops): Dr. Manfred Dunkel Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Grants to German speaking scientists only Focus: Eng 02828 Heinrich Gaedertz-Stlftung, c/o LUBECA Verwaltung GmbH, Elisabeth-Haseloff-Str 3, 23564 Lübeck T: (0451) 6106750; Fax: 6106729 Established: 1896; Donops): Heinrich Gaedertz Expenditures: DM 132.000,Focus: Hous 02829 Gaehtje'sche FamlliensHftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1420, 24334 Eckemförde T: (0435t) 710200; Fax: 710199; E-Mail: Stadt, [email protected]; Internet: http Λ www.eckemfoerde.de Established: 1876; Donops): Senator Heinrich Friedrich Daniel Gaehtje Assets: DM 30.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.600,Limitations: Grants to citizens and institutions of Eckemförde only Focus: Fam 02830 Gaehtje'sches Familien Vermächtnis, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1420, 24334 Eckemförde T: (04351) 710200; Fax: 710199; Internet: http-Ji www.eckemfoerde.de Established: 1876; Donops): Senator Heinrich Friedrich Daniel Gaehtje Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens and institutions of Eckemförde only Focus: SocW; Educ; Arts; Cuft; Ecol; Mon; Sen; Youth; Health; Sports 02831 Johann August Gärtner-Stiftung, Sophienallee 33, 20257 Hamburg Τ: (040) 43170241; Fax: 43170232 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Johann August Gartner Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Hamburg only Focus: Sen 02632 Franz-Günther und Barbara von Gaertner-Stlftung, c/o Dr. Boemke, Bollmann, Kiesselbach & Partner, Neuer Wall 42, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 37868713; Fax: 37868720; E-Mail: Bollmann-Hamburg @ t-online.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Franz-Günther von Gaertner Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Focus: Cane; Ped 02833 Andreas Gärtner-Stiftung, Wollbrechtshof 3, 32457 Porta Westfalica Established: 1993; Donor(s): Hermann Gartner Focus: Hand 02834
Herbert Funke-Stiftung, Ringstr 74, 12205 Berlin T; (030) 8338026; Fax: 8338028 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Herbert Funke Expenditures: DM 240.000,Focus: Blinds 02821
Elisabeth Gätgens-Stlftung - Heldbarghof Osdorf, Langelohstr 141, 22549 Hamburg Established: 1985 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Cult 02635
Friedrich und Wilhelm Funke-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Jugendamt, Reckmannshof 9. 45133 Essen T: (0201) 8428995; Fax: 8428999 Established: 1912; Donor(s): Friedrich Funke Expenditures: DM 4.250.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Child 02822
Heinrich und Wilma Gaevert-Stlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Wilma Gaevert Focus: Blinds; AnimP 02836
Erhard Funke-Stiftung, c/o Schlegel & Volk KG, Postfach 900730, 60447 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1993; Donor(s): Liselotte Funke Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in Meerane only Focus: Hand; Orp 02623
Cai-Hermann Galser-Stlftung, Grabenstr 38-40, 73033 Göppingen Τ: (07161) 968508 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Carl-Hermann Gaiser Limitations: Grants in Göppingen only Focus: Sports; Sen 02837
Gabcke-Kllian-Sitftung, Douglasstr 18, 14193 Berlin T: (030) 8299020; Fax: 82990279 Established: 1930; Donor(s): Agathe Gabcke Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Gabcke and Kilian families only Focus: Fam 02824
Kardinal von Galen-Stiftung CloppenburgStapeffeld, Stapelfelder Kirchstr 13, 49661 Cloppenburg T: (04471) 1880; Fax: 1881130 Established: 1992; Chair Dechant Alfons Kütiling, Secy: Marion Brandt Assets: DM 50.000,Focus: Hist 02838
Ulrich Gabler-Stiftung, Triftstr 139-143, 23554 Lübeck Τ: (0451) 4002258 Established: 1978; Secy: K.O. Paulsen, Donor(s): Ulrich Gabler Limitations: Grants in the region of Lübeck only Focus: SocW; Sen; Youth 02825
Galewskl-Stlftung, Ferdinandstr 75, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 32820; Fax: 3766444 Established: 1981 Limitations: Grants to Jewish orphans only Focus: Orp; Jew
Rupert Gabler-Stiftung, Marktpl 10. 87634 Obergünzburg Τ: (08372) 7090 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Rupert Gabler Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie
Adolf von Galhau'sche Sophienstiftung, c/o Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital, Hosprtalstr 5, 66798 Wallerfangen Τ: (06831) 9620; Fax: 962465 Established: 1857; Donor(s): Adolf de Galhau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen; Child; Psychia . . . .028-
Max-Gallinger-Stlftung, Berger Weg 8, 94526 Metten Τ: (0991) 330120; Fax: 330139 Established: 1974; Chain Armin Kíendl, Donor(s): Max Gallinger Expenditures: DM 146.000,Limilations: Grants in Deggendorf, Regen and Zwiesel only Focus: Child; Sen; Landsc; Ecol; Mon . . 02841 Heinrich Galm-Stlftung Memmlngen, Prinzingstr 10, 87700 Memmingen T: (08331) 65392 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Heinrich Galm Expenditures: DM 11.000,Umitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Ped; Child 02842 Stiftung für Hör- und Sprachbehirderte am Institut für Hörgeschädigte in Straubing Maria GammelStiftung, Eichendorffstr 111, 94315 Straubing T: (09421) 5420; Fax: 542100; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1986; Chair. Helmut Goldbrunner, Secy: Helmut Goldbrunner, Donor(s): Maria Gammel Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Deafs 02843 Gappmayer-StHtung, Herbert-Weichmann-Str 56, 22085 Hamburg Established: 1998 Focus: Educ; Youth 02844 Gamer-Stiftung, Helene-Weber-Allee 23, 80637 München Established: 1959 Assets: DM 50.000,Focus: SocW; Hous 02645 Gartow-Stiftung, Freunde der Musik Sankt Petersburg, Schulauer Moorweg 25, 22Θ80 Hamburg T: (040) 123133; Fax: 123133 Established: 1992; Secy: Bettina Gräfin von Bemstorff Assets: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the conservatory in Sankt Petersburg (Russia) only Focus: Music; East 02846 Hermann und Katharina Gassen-Stiftung, c/o Frankfurter Sparkasse, Stiftungs- und Nachlaßmanagement, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414450; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1970; Donor(s): Hermann und Katharina Gassen Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only. Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 02847 Gast- und Krankenhaus, Hinsbleek 12, 22391 Hamburg T: (040) 6068940; Fax: 60689440 Established: 1248 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Sen 02848 Fritz und Brigitta Gastager-Stlftung, c/o Gemeinde Inzell, Postfach 1160, 83330 Inzell T: (08665) 986920; Fax: 986950 Established: 1998; Chair: Oskar Wimmer, Donops): Fritz und Brigitta Gastager Expenditures: DM 85.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens and charitable organizations in Inzell only Focus: Arts; Cult; Sen; Youth; Sports; SocW 02649 Gasthaussttftung Emmerich, Geistmarkt 1, 46446 Emmerich T: (02822) 930914; Fax: 931020 Established: 1364; Chair Bürgermeister Dr. Krebber, Secy: Stadtdirektor Horst Boch, Donor(s): Stadt Emmerich Assets: DM 7.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Emmerich only Focus: Sen; SocW; Hous 02850
Gebauer-Stiftung, c/o Fr. Gebauer VerwaltungsGmbH, Franklinstr 9-10, 10587 Berlin T: (030) 3916463 Established: 1921 Limitations: Grants lo former employees of Gebauer GmbH (Berlin) only Focus: SocW 02854 Gustav Adolf Gedat-Stlftung, Postfach 1228, 75375 Bad Liebenzell Τ: (07052) 92450; Fax: 924518 Established: 1959; Donor(s): Dr. h.c. Gustav-Adolf Gedat Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 02855 Geers-Stiftung, do Geers GmbH & Co. KG, OttoHahn-Str 35, 44227 Dortmund T: (0231) 97600; Fax: 9760100; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1976; Donor(s): Käthe und Theodor Geers Expenditures: DM 108.000,Focus: Deafs; Otor 02856 GEFRIM-Stiftung, Breslauer Str 9, 63128 Dietzenbach Τ: (06074) 25103 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dr. Franz Imhof Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: SocW; Educ; Dev 02657 Elisabeth Gehret-Holzhey-Stlftung, Birkenstr 34, 86199 Augsburg T: (0821) 91616; Fax: 91606 Established: 1992; Dortor(s): Elisabeth Gehret Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Mon 02656 Dr. Heinz Gehrhardt-Sttftung, c/o Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Albert-Rohlofl-Str 2, 37581 Bad Gandersheim Τ: (05382) 7020 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr. Heinz Gehrhardt Assets; OM 43.000,Limitations: Grants to Evangelisches Krankenhaus in Bad Gandersheim only Focus: Nurs 02859 Renate Gehring-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Gütersloh, Sozialamt, Berliner Str 70, 33330 Gütersloh T: (05241) 822332; Fax: 822134; E-Mail: Rudolf. Vemherm® gt-nel.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Werner Gehring Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to senior citizens of Gütersloh only Focus: Sen 02860 Werner G. Gehring-Stlftung, Ellemstr 10, 31832 Springe Τ: (05042) 940250; Fax: 940109; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1991; Chair Dr. U. Schneider, Donor(s): Dr. Werner G. Gehring Assets: DM 700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Biol 02861 Pfarrer Gehrmann-Stiftung, Balduinstr 74, 60599 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 657274; Fax: 655814; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Donor(s): Pfarrer Dr. h.c. Diether Gehrmann Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: IntU; Eth; SocS 02862 Kunst- und Kulturstiftung Dr. Geiger-Haus, Jahnstr 1, 87616 Marktoberdorf Τ: (08342) 400829; Fax: 400875 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Franz Schmid, Stadt Marktoberdorf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Graph 02663
Gastprofessur Deutsche Bundesbank, c/o Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Uni 02851
Dr. Geiger'sche Stipendienstiftung, c/o Stadt Rosenheim, Liegenschaftsamt, Postfach 1209, 83013 Rosenheim Τ: (08031) 361250, 361257; Fax: 362006 Established: 1657; Donor(s): Dr. Tobias Geiger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 02864
Walter Gastreich-Stiftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Walter Gastreich Expenditures: DM 201.000,Limitations: Grants in East Europe only Focus: Dev; IntU; Health; Youth; Educ; Voc; SocW; East 02852
Rudolf GeiBendörler-Stlftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baikhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255 1996; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Donor(s): Ragnhild Hedi Niemeyer Expenditures: DM 17.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Surg; Schol 02865
Otto Emst Cari Gauger-Stlftung, c/o Grundeigentümer-Veiband Hamburg, Paulstr 10, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 321391 Established: 1945; Donor(s): Otto Ernst Cari Gauger Expenditures: DM 290.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Sen 02853
Gelßler-Stiftung, Rathaus, Kochstr 8, 63739 Aschaffenburg Τ: (06021) 93411; Fax: 970192 Established: 1996; Secy: Burkard Fleckenstein, Donops): Ottmar Geißler Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 30.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants to Städtische Musikschule in Aschaffenburg only Focus: Music; Schol; Musi 02866
47 Anna Gelssler-Stlftung, c/o Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774 Established: 1993 Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Med 02967 Geistliches Lehnregister, c/o Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Schulamt, Stelle für Stiftungen, Röselerstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 16843950; Fax: 16845062 Established: 1989 Assets: DM 4.146.252,·, Expenditures: DM 376.000,· * Limitations: Grants to citizens and institutions of Hannover only Focus: SocW 02868 Geistliches Stipendium Hedemünden, c/o Pfarramt der Evangelisch-lutherischen Kirchengemeinde Hedemünden, Oppertor 20, 34346 Hann. Münden T: (05545) 285 Established: 1520; Donor(s): Mathias und Lamprecht Meyer, Gebr. H. Lange, Hans Achilles, Heinrich Bachoma Expenditures: DM 27.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Hedemünden only Focus: Schol; Music 02869 Gelsenklrchen-Stlftung, Neumartt 2, 45879 Gelsenkirchen Τ: (0209) 1612150; Fax: 1612102 Established: 1990 Assets: DM 2.900.000,Limitations: Grants in Gelsenkirchen only Focus: Cult; Scie; Sports 02870 GEMA-Stiftung, Rosenheimer Str 11, 81667 München Τ: (089) 4800300; Fax: 48003450; Internet: http:// Established: 1977; Chair: Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kreile, Secy: Dr. Michael Karbaum, Donor(s): GEMAGesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte Expenditures: DM 1.337.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Music 02871 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Jakobt in Braunschweig, c/o Evangelisch-lutherisches Pfarramt II Sankt Jakobi, Goslarsche Str 33, 38118 Braunschweig T: (0531) 56536 Established: 1907 Assets: DM 230.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02872 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Johannis in Braunschweig, Kapellenstr 14, 38102 Braunschweig T: (0531) 74398; Fax: 797729 Established: 1896 Assets: DM 24.000,· Limitations: Grants in the parish of Sankt Johannis in Braunschweig only Focus: SocW; Sen; Rei 02873 Gemeinde pfleg e*Sttftung zu Sankt Magni in Braunschwelg, Hinter der Magnikirebe 7, 38100 Braunschweig T: (0531) 46804 Established: 1878 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Child; SocW 02874 Gemelndepftege-Stiftung zu Sankt Martini in Braunschweig, Broitzemer Str 244, 38118 Braunschweig T: (0531) 82834; Fax: 890090 Established: 1892 Assets: DM 75.000,Limitations: Grants in the parish of Sankt Martini in Braunschweig only Focus: SocW; Rei 02875 Gemeindepflege-Stlftung zu Sankt Michaelis In Braunschwelg, c/o Evangelisch-lutherisches Pfarramt Sankt Michaelis, Echtemstr 12, 38100 Braunschweig T: (0531) 42663 Established: 1912 Limitations: Grants in the parish of Sankt Michaelis in Braunschweig only Focus: SocW; Rei 02876 Gemeindepflege-Stlftung zu Sankt PauliMatthäus In Braunschweig, Bemerstr 3, 38106 Braunschweig Established: 1894 Limitations: Grants in the parish of Sankt PauliMatthäus in Braunschweig only Focus: SocW 028Ή Gemeindepflege-Stlftung zu Sankt Ulrtci in Braunschweig, Alter Zeughof 3, 38100 Braunschweig Limitations: Grants in the parish of Sankt Ulrici in Braunschweig only Focus: SocW; Child; Youth 02878 Gemeindestiftung Alten wohn- und Pflegeheim Ilvesheim, Postfach 1165, 68543 Ilvesheim T: (0621) 496600; Fax: 4966050 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Gemeinde Ilvesheim Assets: DM 3.755.883,·, Expenditures: DM 515.000,Limitations: Grants in Ilvesheim only Focus: Sen 02879
02867 - 02916 Gemeindestiftung Schömberg, c/o Bürgermeisteramt Loßburg, Hauptstr 15, 72290 Loßburg T: (07446) 95040; Fax: 950433; E-Mail: postgemeinde θ lossburg.de Established: 1932 Limitations: Grants in Schömberg and Loßburg only Focus: SocW; Cult 02880 Gemeinnützige Fördergesellschaft Saarbrûcker Zettung mbH, Steinsir 10, 66115 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 42030 Focus: Scie; Cult; Educ 02881 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Hameln-Pyrmont, c/o Kreissparkasse HamelnPyrmont, Am Markt 4, 31785 Hameln T: (05151) 206229; Fax: 206103 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Hameln-Pyrmont Expenditures: DM 370.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont only Focus: Mon; Ecol; Landsc 02882 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Würzburg und Stadtsparkasse Ochsenfurt für den Landkreis Würzburg, c/o Kreissparkasse Würzburg, Ludwigstr 3, 97070 Würzburg Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Würzburg only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Youth; Sports 02883 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Bad Kissingen, c/o Sparkasse Bad Kissingen, VonHessing-Str 10, 97688 Bad Kissingen T: (0971) 828104; Fax: 828108 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Sparkasse Bad Kissingen Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 60.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Bad Kissingen only Focus: Ecol; Landsc; Cult; Mon; Sports . 02884 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Gifhorn-Wolfsburg zur Förderung des Fachbereiches Wirtschaftswissenschaften Wolfsburg der Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, Schloßpl 3, 38518 Gifhorn T: (05371) 84317; Fax: 84371 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Sparkasse GifhornWolfsburg Expenditures: DM 195.000,· Limitations: Grants to students and institutions of Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel only Focus: Bus 02885 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Miltenberg-Obernburg für den Landkreis Miltenberg, Römerstr 18-24, 63785 Obemburg T: (06022) 501121; Fax: 501105 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Spaiasse MiltenbergObernburg Expenditures: DM 58.000,Limrtations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Miltenberg only Focus: Sports; Cult; Youth 02886 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Stolzenau, Postfach 1180, 31586 Stolzenau T: (05766) 960340 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Sparkasse Stolzenau Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Stolzenau only Focus: Youth; Hand; Sen 02887 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Hof, Sonnenpi 6, 95028 Hof T: (09281) 817236; Fax: 817280; E-Mail: info® sparkasse-hof.de; Internet: http^/www.SparkasseHof.de Established: 1992 Expenditures: DM 233.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district and city of Hof only Focus: SocW; Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Mon; Sen; Hist; Youth; Sports 02889 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der TaunusSparkasse, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 6-7, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe T: (06172) 270171; Fax: 270209 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Taunus-Sparkasse Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants in the area of Bad Homburg vor der Höhe oniy Focus: Arts; Mon; Youth; Cult 02889 Gemeinnützige Stiftung des Handels, c/o Einzelhandelsverband Westfalen-Mitte e.V., Prinz-Friedrich-Karl-Str 26, 44135 Dortmund T: (0231) 577959; Fax: 521090 Established: 1986 Expenditures: DM 33.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 02890 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Freunde des Tieres, Am Weingarten 10, 94166 Stubenberg T: (08571) 2597, 1777; Fax: 2859 Established: 1967 Focus: AnimP; Zool 02891
Gemeinnützige Stiftung für Diabetes-Therapie in Bad Lauterberg im Harz, Kirchberg 21, 37431 Bad Lauteiterg T: (05524) 811; Fax: 81204 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Gesellschaft für Kneipp'sche Kur- und Erholungsheime e.V. Assets: DM 2.580.782,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Diab 02892 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Helfen von Börners und Intecon-Mltarbetters, Große Schulstr 95, 49078 Osnabrück T: (0541) 4430212; Fax: 441347 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Peter Börner, Gertrud Börner Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hand 02893 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Kreissparkasse Bersenbrück, Lindenstr 4, 49587 Bersenbrück T: (05439) 63212; Fax: 63210 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Bersenbrück Expenditures: DM 114.000,· Limitations: Grants in the former district of Landkreis Bersenbrück only Focus: Youth; Hand; Sen 02894 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Kreissparkasse Syke, Postfach 1261, 28846 Syke T: (04242) 161281; Fax: 161277; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ksk-syke.de Established: 1985; .Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Syke Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Syke and in the former district of Grafschaft Hoya only Focus: Youth; Hand; Sen 02895 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Schloß Weißenstein In Pommersfelden, Schloßpl 1, 97353 Wiesentheid T: (09383) 97530; Fax: 7001 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dr. Karl Graf von Schönbom· Wiesentheid Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Mon 02896 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Sparkasse Osnabrück, Wittekindstr 17-19, 49074 Osnabrück T: (0541) 3243535; Fax: 3244005 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Osnabrück Expenditures: DM 27.000,· Limitations: Grants in Osnabrück and in the districts of Altkreis Osnabrück and Altkreis Wittlage only Focus: Youth; Hand; Sen 02897 Gemeinnützige Stiftung städtischer Einwohner Großröhrsdorf, Rathauspl 1, 01900 Großröhrsdorf T: (035952) 2830; Fax: 28350 Established: 1949 Expenditures: 1.000,· Limitations: Grants to citizens of Großröhrsdorf only Focus: SocW; Cult 02898 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Urspringschule, c/o Urspringschule, Θ9601 Schülingen Τ: (07394) 24611; Fax: 24665; E-Mail: urspringsc® aol.com; Internet: http://www.urspringschule.de Established: 1930; Chair: Michael Deckwerth, Donor(s): Dr. Bernhard Hell Assets: DM 8.800.000,-, Receipts: DM 7.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 02899 Gemeinschaftshilfe im DLW-Konzern, Postfach, 74319 Bietigheim-Bissingen T: (07142) 71364; Fax: 71500 Established: 1981; Secy: Helmut Geiger, Egon Pohl Expenditures: DM 6.000.· Limitations: Grants to former employees of DLWKonzern (Bietigheim-Bissingen) only Focus: SocW; Sen 02900 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt am Niederrhein, c/o AWO Kreisvert>and Wesel e.V.. Rheinberger Str 196, 47445 Moers T: (02841) 942114; Fax: 942130; E-Mail: GS@awokv-WESEL-de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisvertand Wesel e.V. Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Wesel only Focus: Sen; Youth; Arts; Cult 02901 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Baden-Baden, Rheinstr 164, 76532 Baden-Baden T: (07221) 361720; Fax: 361750 Established: 1997; Secy: Olaf Kópke, Donor(s): AWO Kreisverband Baden-Baden e.V. und Zustifter Expenditures: DM 2.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth; SocW 02902 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbelterwohlfahrt Essen, Pferdemarkt 5, 45127 Essen T: (0201) 1897401; Fax: 1897409 Established: 1996 Assets: DM 1.700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen; Fam; Youth; Cult . . 02903
Germany: Georg-Mildtätige
Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Sachsen-Anhalt, Klausener Str 17, 39112 Magdeburg T: (0391) 6279110; Fax: 6279211; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.awoLSA.de Established: 1997; Secy: Wolfgang Schuth, Donor(s): Arberterwohlfahrt Landesverband SachsenAnhalt Expenditures: 3626; 376; 305235; 361 DM 59.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hand; Youth; SocW . . . . 02904 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Oelde, Leuschner Str 7, 59302 Oelde Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Oelde only Focus: SocW 02905 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Diakonie im Evangelischen Stadtkirchenverband Köln, Kartäusergasse 9-11, 50678 Köln Τ: (0221) 3382128; Fax: 3382171 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Köln only Focus: SocW 02906 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Freie Scholle, c/o Baugenossenschaft Freie Scholle eG, Jöllenbecker Str 123, 33613 Bielefeld T: (0521) 9888152; Fax: 9888100; Internet: www.freie-scholle.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Baugenossenschaft Freie Scholle eG Focus: S x W ; Health; Youth; Sen; Arts; Cult; Hous 02907 Gemeinschaftsstiftung für Blinde und Sehbehinderte in Studium und Beruf, Frauenbergstr 8, 35039 Marburg T: (06421) 948880; Fax: 9488810; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.dvbs-online.de Established: 1998; Chair: Dr. Otto Hauck, Donor(s): Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. Focus: Blinds 02908 Gemeinschaftsstiftung zur Förderung des Gemeindezentrums und der Kirche auf der Billerbrlnkhöhe, Von-Seeckt-Str 26, 45130 Essen T: (0201) 790459 Established: 1999 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Rei 02909 Klara von Gemmlngen-Guttenberg'sche Stiftung, Burg Guttenberg, 74855 Haßmersheim T: (06266) 91022; Fax: 91023; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http:// www.burg-guttenberg.de Established: 1939; Donor(s): Clara Freiin von Gemmingen-Guttenberg Expenditures: DM 48.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Arts 02910 Generalarmenfonds, c/o Stadt Munster, Stiftungsverwaltung, Ludgeripl 4-6, 48151 Münster T: (0251) 4925902; Fax: 4927704 Established: 1806 Assets: DM 3.900.000,-, Expenditures: DM 156.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S x W 02911 Franz Gensler'scher Stiftungsfonds, c/o Sankt Anna-Krankenhaus, Nonnengasse 19, 65589 Hadamar Τ: (06433) 870; Fax: 87122; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1829; Donor(s): Stadtrat Johann Franz Gensler Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn; Nurs 02912 Harald Genzmer-Stlftung, Eisensteinstr 10, 81679 München Established: 1992; Donor(s): Prof. Harald Genzmer Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Music 02913 Geo Forschungs Zentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam T: (0331) 2881050; Fax: 2881005; Internet: http:// www.gfz-potsdam.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg Expenditures: DM 93.034,000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Geol 02914 Dr. Georg-Blindenstlftung, Brunnenstr 4, 49207 Bad Rothenfelde T: (05424) 21880; Fax: 218849 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Dr. Fritz Georg Assets: DM 5.120.000,-, Expenditures: DM 368.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Blinds 02915 Dr. Georg-Mildtätige Stiftung zum Wohle der Blinden, Bwnnenstr 4, 49207 Bad Rothenfelde T; (05424) 21880; Fax: 218849 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Dr. Fritz Georg Assets: DM 1.040.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Blinds 02916
Germany: Georg-Stiftung
02917 - 02970
Dr. Georg-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur, Brunnenstr 4, 49207 Bad Rothenfelde T: (05424) 21880; Fax: 218849 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Fritz Georg Assets: DM 330.000,-, Expenditures: DM 16.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Rothenfelde only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 02917 Stefan George-Stiftung, c/o Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Konrad-Adenauer-Str 8, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2124398; Fax: 2124422; E-Mail: george@ mailseiver.wlb-stuttgart.de Established: 1959; Chair: Hans-Peler Geh, Donops): Robert Boehringer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit; Archiv 02918 Tatjana Gerdes-Stiftung für Waisenkinder, Rathauspl 1, 61343 Bad Homburg T: (06172) 100336; Fax: 100551 Established: 1965; Chair: Reinhard Α. Wolters, Secy: Meinhard Matern, Donor(s): Tatjana Gerdes Assets: DM 2.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 160.000,-, Expenditures: DM 140.000,Focus: Educ; Orp 02919 Paul Gerhardt-Stift zu Berlin, Müllerstr 56-58, 13349 Berlin T: (030) 450050; Fax: 4500513 Established: 1886; Donor(s): 4500513 Expenditures: DM 6.100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Health; Hous 02920 Paul Gerhardt-Stiftung, Paul-Gerhardt-Str 42, 06886 Wittenberg T: (03491) 500; Fax: 502219, 502253 Established: 1876; Chair: Probst Heinrich Hamel, Donor(s): Evang. Kirchengemeinden des altsächsischen Kurkreises Expenditures: DM 77.159.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Drug 02921 Franz-Anton Gering-Stiftung, Sozialrathaus Höchst, Palleskestr 14, 65929 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21245515; Fax: 21245758 Established; 1901; Secy: Heinz Hitzler, Donor(s): Franz-Anton Gering Assets: DM 255.000,·, Expenditures: DM 233.100,Limitations: Grants to needy older women in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Sen 02922 Hermann Gerken Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Günter Wagner, Contrescarpe 10, 28203 Bremen Τ: (0421) 3358112; Fax: 321970; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Donor(s): Hermann Gerken Limitations: Grants in the region of Bremen only Focus: Voc; Music; Cult 02923 Gerlhoff-Brandt'sche Stiftung, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Osterburg, Wasserstr 12, 39606 Osterburg Established: 1892 Limitations: Grants in Osterburg only Focus: SocW 02924 Gerloff-Stiftung, Hagenmarkt 18, 38100 Braunschweig T: (0531) 41475 Established: 1918; Donor(s): Louis Gerloff Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child
German Health Foundation, c/o TreucuratorTreuhand GmbH, Luisenstr 25, 80333 München T: (08171) 955404 Established: 1997; Secy: Dr. med. Otto Pecher, Donor(s): Karl Ransberger, Dr. Rainer Wild, American Health Foundation Expenditures: DM 59.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Ther; Ped 02926 The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Oranienburger Str 13-14, 10178 Berlin T: (030) 2888130; Fax: 28881310; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.gmfus.org Established: 1972; Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland Limitations: Grants in Europe and the USA only Focus: IntU 02927 Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 1, 90402 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 13310; Fax: 1331200; E-Mail: info© gnm.de; Internet: http://www.gnm.de Established: 1852; Chair: Staatsminister Hans Zehetmair, Secy: Generaldirektor Dr. G. Ulrich Großmann Assets: DM 232.179,-, Receipts: DM 25.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000.800,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02928 Karl Gerold-Stiftung, Große Eschenheimer Str 1618, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2199316; Fax: 2199328 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Kar! Gerold Assets: DM 40.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Scholarships to journalistic students only Focus: Schol; Jour; Media 02929
Geretenberg-Erlnnerungs-Stlftung der Victoria Versicherungs-Gesellschaften, Victoriapi t, 40477 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 4773214; Fax: 4776739 Established: 1935; Donor(s): Gesellschaften der Victoria-Versicherunsgruppe Expenditures: DM 473.000,Limrtations: Grants to needy employees of Victoria· Versicherungsgesellschaft (Düsseldorf) only Focus: SocW 02930 AdoH und Käthe Gertels-Familienstfftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Matthias Kurbjuhn, Lange Str 83a, 79183 Waldkirch Τ: (07681) 6009; Fax: 3807 Established: 1966; Donops): Adolf und Käthe Gerteis Limitations: Grants to members of the Gerteis family only Focus: Fam 02931 Gertruden-Stiftung, Esteitiolzer Str 36, 29525 Uelzen Τ: (0581) 800240; Fax: 800220 Established: 1535 Assets: 164.400,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 02932 Württembergische Fitztuchfabrik D. GeschmayStiftung, c/o SV Söftungsvewaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: michaela.farth@stiftervert«nd.de; Internet: http:// www.strfterverband.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Württembergische Filztuchfabrik D. Geschmay Expenditures: DM 26.000,Focus: Voc 02933 Geselbracht'sche Armenstiftung, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Freren, Lünsfelder Str 9, 49832 Freren T: (05902) 92020; Fax: 92022 Established: 1821; Donops): Johann Eberhard und Juliane Geselbracht. Limitations: Grants in the Protestant parishes of Freren and Schale only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02934 GeSoBau-Stiftung, Wilhelmsruher Damm 142, 13439 Berlin Τ: (030) 40730; Fax: 40731356 Established: 1997; Chair Elke Spohn, Donor(s): Gesellschaft für sozialen Wohnungsbau gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin Expenditures: DM 184.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin-Reinickendorf, BerlinWedding, Berlin-Weißensee and Berlin-Pankow only Focus: Sen; Youth; Hous; Child; Sports; Music 02935 Thomas Gessmann-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: ka rsten. k rueger θ stifte rverbartd. de ; Internet: http:/ /www.stifte rverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Thomas Gessmann Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at selected colleges in the state of Baden-Württemberg only Focus: Eng; NatS; Schol 02936 Gestra GmbH-Stiftung, Hemmstr 130, 28215 Bremen T: (0421) 3502374; Fax: 3502585; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.gestra.de Established: 1939; Secy: Jürgen Friedrich, Donor(s): Gustav F. Gerdts Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 02937 Friedrich-Karl Gettkandt-Stiftung, Luchsweg 9a, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 8263612 Established: 1995; Donors): Friedrich-Karl Gettkandt Focus: Sen 02938 Gettmann-Berger-Stiftung, c/o Maria-WardSchule, Comichonstr 1, 76829 Landau T: (06341) 92300; Fax: 923030 Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 02939 St. Willibald Geucke's Stipendienfonds, c/o Kath. Pfarrgemeinde Sankt Josef, Schützenstr 209a, 42659 Solingen Τ: (0212) 42334; Fax: 49497 Established: 1912; Donor(s): Willibald Geucke Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to Catholic students only Focus: Schol; Rei; Educ 02940 GEW Stiftung Köln, Parkgürtel 24, 50823 Köln Τ: (0221) 1783025; Fax: 1782294; E-Mail: G.Gehrmann ©gewkoelnag.de Established: 1998; Donops): Gas-, Elektrizitäts- und Wasserwerke Köln AG Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Köln only Focus: Youth; Educ; Voc; Schol . . . . 02941 GEWOBA-Stiftung zur Förderung der Bildung Im öffentlichen Schulwesen, Rembertring 27, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 3672217; Fax: 3672510 Established: 1999; Donops): GEWOBA AG Wohnen und Bauen Expenditures: DM 156.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bremen only Focus: Educ; Musi 02942
48 Eduard Geyer-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Markt 27, 07607 Eisenberg T: (036691) 730; Fax: 73460; E-Mail: StadtEisenberg-Th θt-onIine.de; Internet: http-Jl www.Stadt-Eisenberg.de Established: 1910; Chair: Bürgermeister Wartner, Donor(s): Eduard Geyer Assets: DM 53.000,-, Receipts: DM 25.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in Eisenberg only Focus: SocW; Educ 02943 Ado If-Geyer-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Fachbereich Kultur, Postfach 211225, 67012 Ludwigshafen T: (0621) 5042262; Fax: 5042259; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1963; Donops): Adolf Geyer Expenditures: DM 3.000,Umitations: Grants to citizens of Ludwigshafen only Focus: Schol; Eng; Arts 02944 Gräflich Giech'sche Spltalstlftung, c/o Landratsamt Kulmbach, Postfach 1660, 95307 Kulmbach Τ: (09221) 707141; Fax: 70795141 Established: 1855; Donops): Graf Franz Friedrich Carl von Giech Limitations: Grants in Thumau only Focus: Nurs; Child; Educ; Mon . . . . 02945 Erika Glehrl-Stlftung, c/o Friedrich-AlexanderUniversitât Erlangen-Nümberg, Schioppi 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Erika und Kart Giehrl Assets: DM 1.900.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Amberg and the district of Amberg-Sulzbach only Focus: Schol 02946 Richard und Anne-Liese G le len-Leyer deckerStiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baikhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: ulrike.johanning@stiftervert>and.de; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterve itand.de Established: 1993; Donor(s); Anne-Liese Gielen Expenditures: DM 508.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Arts 02947 Anna von Gierke Stiftung, c/o Andersen Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft bmH, Düstemstr 1, 20355 Hamburg Established: 1998 Focus: Youth; Educ; Voc; Schol; Uni . . 02948 Stiftung Giersch, Schaumainkai 65, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 633040; Fax: 63304123 Established: 1994; Donops): Carlo Giersch, Karin Giersch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 02949 Heitert-Glersch-Stiftung, c/o Otto-von-GuerickeUniversität, Postfach 4120, 39016 Magdeburg Τ: (0391) 6718804; Fax: 6711177; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Herbert Giersch 02950 Cario und Karin Giersch-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Sport der TH Darmstadt, Alexanderstr 25, 64283 Darmstadt T: (06151) 162418; Fax: 166764; E-Mail: eglin© hsz.tu-darmstadt.de Established: 1990; Chair Prof. Dr. J.D. Wômer Prof. Dr. H. Böhme, Secy: G. Eglin, Donor{s): Senator E.h. Cario Giersch Assets: DM 1.500.000.·, Receipts: DM 150.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to members and institutions of Technische Hochschule Darmstadt only Focus: Scie; Sports 02951 Jakob von Gllardl'sctie Stiftung, c/o Kath. Pfarramt, Hinterer Markt 29, 90584 Allersberg 02952 Dr. Elisabeth Gllbert-Uchtwer-Stlftung, Am Sand 25, 94469 Deggendorf T: (0991) 8235 Established: 1953; Donor(s): Dr. Elisabeth GilbertLichtwer Focus: SocW; Schol; Med 02953 Gildemeister Stipendien, Peter-Henlein-Str 18, 28357 Bremen Established: 1754 Limitations: Grants to members of the Gildemeister family only Focus: Fam 02954 Paul und Yvonne Gillet-Stlftung, In den Kappesgärten 4-6, 67483 Edesheim Τ: (06323) 943711; Fax: 943777 Established: 1991; Chair Paul Gillet, Dono ris): Paul Gillet, Yvonne Gillet Assets: DM 6.600.000,Limitations: Grants in the regions of Pfalz and Weinstraße only Focus: Cult; Ecol; En; Educ; Voc; Adult; Schol 02955 Gips-Schüle-Stfftung, Badstr 9, 70372 Stuttgart T: (0711) 55059490; Fax: 550594933 Established: 1965 Focus: Build; Mater 02956
Otto Glrstenbrey'sche Stiftung, Gebrüder-MünchStr 8, 86153 Augsburg Established: 1926 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Baumwoll-Feinspinnerei Augsburg only Focus: SocW 02957 Rott und Elsa Gladebeck-Stiftung, Maximilianstr 12, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 605101; Fax: 605100 Established: 1973; Chair Martin Krüger, Donops): Rolf Gladebeck, Elsa Gladebeck Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limltations: Grants to Aktion Sorgenkind e.V. only. Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Child; Youth 02958 Gottlob Glafey'sehe Famllienstlftung, Neumühlweg 129, 90449 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 684223; Fax: 6880200 Established: 1889 Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of the Glafey family and to employees of GotUob Glafey Co. (Nürnberg) only Focus: Fam; SocW 02959 Helmuth von Glasenapp-Stlftung, c/o Franz Steiner Verlag, Birkenwaldstr 44, 70191 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2582303/04; Fax: 2582390 Established: 1964; Chair: Prof. Dr. Claus Vogel, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Helmuth von Glasenapp Focus: Indo; Orient 02960 Rudolf und Helene Glaser-Stiftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 4539 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: doris.ziikler@stiftervert>and.de; Internet: http j ¡ www.strfterverband.de Established: 1982; Donor(s): Helene Glaser Expenditures: DM 123.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 02961 Dr. Gertmd-Glauner-Stiftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Dr. Gertrud Glauner und Dr. Richard Glauner Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Sen 02962 Global Nature Fund, Gûttinger Str 19, 78315 Radolfzell Τ: (07732) 99950; Fax: 999577; E-Mail: into® globalnature.org; Internet: www.globalnature; www.livinglakes.org Established: 1998; Donops): Karia Bauer, Michael Bauer, Jörg Dürr-Pucher, Dr. Thomas Feske, Jürgen Resch, Prof. Gerhard Thielcke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol; AnimP 02963 Global-Umweltstlftung, Ampertal 8, 85777 Fahrenzhausen T: (08133) 890; Fax: 89199; E-Mail: beimbom@ dmv.de; Internet: http://www.globalmoebel.de Established: 1992; Donops): Deutscher MöbelVerbund Expenditures: DM 66.000,Focus: Ecol 02964 Ilsetraut Glock-Grabe-Stlftung, c/o Meyenburgmuseum, Alexander-Puschkin-Str 31, 99734 Nordhausen T: (03631) 881091 Donor(s): Ilsetraut Glock-Grabe Limitations: Grants in Nordhausen only Focus: Graph 02965 Glockengießer-Spitalstlftung Sankt Leonhard, Haus II, Geigenbühl 15, 91207 Lauf Established: 1374 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 02966 Glöckner-Stift, c/o Gemeindekirchenrat der Stadtgemeinde, Kirchpl 9, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg Established: 1863 Limitations: Grants in the district and city of Lutherstadt Wittenberg only Focus: Youth
Erich Glowatzky-SHftung, Hafnerweg 5, 76532 Baden-Baden T: (07221) 55891; Fax: 64051; E-Mail: KJHSt@ aol.com Established: 1993; Donor(s): Erich Glowatzky Assets: DM 219.965,Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Youth 02968 Kurt Gludlng-Stlftung, Andreasstr 38, 66538 Neunkirchen Τ: (06821) 89184 Established: 1994; Donops): Familie Gluding Focus: Youth; Sports 02969 Glückauf Stiftung, c/o Vorstand der Unterstützungskasse, Rellinghauser Str 1-11, 45128 Essen Established: 1997 Focus: Educ; Sen 02970
49 Deutsche Ökologische Vereinigung-Stiftung Gminder, Jägerhausstr 50, 74074 Heilbronn Τ: (07131) 173253; Fax: 163944 Established: 1986; Chair Prof. Dr. Rolf Gminder, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Rolf Gminder Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Ecol; AnimP 02971 Stiftung Heinrich Goebel-Realschuie, Schwarzer Koppelweg 6, 31832 Springe T: (05041) 4294 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Elisabeth Pfeifler Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Grants in Springe only Focus: Educ 02972 G o d e Sammler-Stiftung, Am Heerbach 5, 63Θ57 Τ: (06095) 950104; Fax: 950532; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.medaillenmuseum.de Established: 1997; Chain Josef Mengeier, Donor(s): Dr. Michael Göde Expenditures: DM 117.000,Focus: Arts; Cuft 02973 Gode Wissenschafts-Stfftung, Am Heerbach 5, 63857 Waldaschaff Established: 1999; Donops): Dr. Michael Gode Focus: Phys 02974 Johannes Göderltz-Stiftung, c/o Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina, Pockelsstr 14. 36106 Braunschweig T: (0531) 3914305 Established: 1980; Donops): Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Killus, Prof. Friedrich Gelpke, Architekt Dipl.-Ing. EmstMartin Winterstein Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig only Focus: Town; Schol; Hous 02975 Fran2 Göhler Stiftung, Chamissostr 1, 63768 Hösbach T: (06021) 367952; Fax: 624371; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Chair: Gerd Seibert, Donor(s): Franz Göhler Limitations: Grants in Hösbach only Focus: Sen 02976 Karl Göhrlng-Stiftung, Sigmaringer Str 107, 70567 Stuttgart T; (0711) 1614223 Established: 1986; Donops): Dipl.-Ing. Karl Göhring Limitations: Grants to Universität Stuttgart only Focus: Eng 02977 Dr. Eugen Göpel-Stiftung, do Diatonisches Werk der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland, Postfach 300204, 40402 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 6398288; Fax: 6398299 Established: 1984; Secy: Ralf Kraemer, Donor(s): Dr. Eugen Göpel Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Rheinland only Focus: Sen 0297Q
02971 - 03023 Emst-August Göttsche-Gedichtnlsstiftung, c/o Fachhochschule Kiel, Sokratespl 1, 24149 Kiel T: (0431) 2101350; Fax: 2101900; E-Mail; Christian.Zeigererdfh-Kiel.de; Internet: http://www.fhKiel.de Established: 1981; Secy: Christian Zeigerer, Donor(s): Emst-August Göttsche Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Prizes to young German engineers only Focus: Eng 02984 Antonia und Hermann Götz-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Marktoberdorf, Jahnstr 1, 87616 Marktoberdorf T: (08342) 400829; Fax: 400875 Established: 1987; Donops): Antonia und Hermann Götz Assets: DM 110.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to artists in the districts of Schwaben and Oberbayem only. Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Schol 02985 K.O. Götz und RIssa-Stlftung, Waldstr 28, 56589 Niederbreitbach-Wolfenacker T: (02638) 5176; Fax: 6733 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Prof. K. 0 . Götz, Frau Prof. Rissa Focus: Arts; Cult; Schol 02986 Golart-Stfftung, Westfalenstr 4, 80605 München Τ: (089) 3244410 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Hans Graf von der Goltz, Luitgard Grätin von der Goltz Assets: DM 300.000,Focus: Arts; Cult 02987 Catharina Goldenstede und Anna Willers· Testament, c/o Firma Max Heinrich Sutor, Hermannstr 46, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 32010710; Fax: 32010740 Established: 1592; Donor(s): Hans Goldenstede, Catharina Goldenstede, Anna Willers Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn 02988 Alois Goldhofer-Stiftung, Siechenreuteweg 22, 87700 Memmingen T: (08331) 12740 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Karoline GoldhoferPrötzel Assets: DM 200.000,Limrtations: Grants in the region of Bayerisches Allgäu only. Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Cult 02989 Edmund Goldschagg-Stfftung, Sendlinger Str 8, 60331 München T: (089) 2183313; Fax: 2183657 Established: 1995; Chair. Erwin Fritz, Secy: Erwin Fritz, Donor(s): Rolf Goldschagg Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 50,000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Grants to former employees of Süddeutscher Verlag GmbH (München) only Focus: SocW 02990
Cail und Anneliese Goerdeler-Sttfhing, c/o KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft, Beethovenstr 1, 04105 Leipzig T: (0341) 5660710; Fax: 5660715; E-Mail: Igraebsch θ kpmg.com Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dr. Marianne MeyerKrahmer, Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard Goerdeler, Ulrich Goerdeler, Benigna Klemm Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limrtations: Grants In the region of Leipzig only Focus: Arts; Cult; Adm 02979
Urban, Brigitte und Johannes Goll-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Luisenstr 9, 78073 Bad Düntieim Τ: (07726) 6660; Fax: 666300 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Urban Göll, Brigitte Göll, Johannes Göll Expenditures: DM 16.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to citizens of Bad Dùrrheim-ôfingen only Focus: Schol; Educ; Rei 02991
Prof. Dr. Berg-lng. H. Goergen und Frau Elisabeth-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiltungsverwaftungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 6401255; E-Mail: klaus.kuli θ stitterverband.de; Internet: http www.stifte rverband .de Established: 1994; Donops): Elisabeth Goergen Expenditures: DM 89.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Min; Metal; Geol . . . . 02980
Eugen Goller-Sttftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Ludwigsburg, Stadtkâmmerei, Postfach 249, 71602 Ludwigsburg Τ: (07141) 9102875; Fax: 9102847 Established: 1995; Donops): Eugen Goller Assets: DM 620.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Focus: Youth 02992
Johann Göritz-Testament, Parkstr 37, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 828670; Fax: 82279177 Established; 1742; Donops): Johann Göritz Assets: DM 14.500,Focas: SocW; Child 02981 Oberbürgermeister Dieter Görlitz Stiftung, c/o Stadt Deggendorf, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach 1920, 94459 Deggendorf T: (0991) 2960113; Fax: 2960247; E-Mail: herTnann.hackiedeggendorf.de; Internet: deggendorf.de Established: 1997; Dortor(s): Oberbürgermeister Dieter Görfitz Expenditures: DM 52.000,· Limitations: Scholarships in Deggendorf only Focus: Schol 02992 Hans-Karl GoeMIng-Stlftung, Am Hochanger 11, 85354 Freising T: (08161) 714881; Fax: 714971 Established: 1987; Donops): Dr. Hanskarl Goettling Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: For; Landsc; For 02983
Archiv Professor Dr. Gollwitzer, c/o Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1992; Donops): Prof. Dr. Gollwitzer Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Archiv; Rei 02993 Stiftung Frank Goltermann, c/o Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Alteburgslr 150, 72762 Reutlingen T: (07121) 271454; Fax: 271224 Established: 1991; Donops): Frank Goltermann Assets: DM 340.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.400,· Umitations: Scholarships to students at Fachhochschule Reutlingen only Focus: Schol; Electron 02994 G o o d Beare of the Worid-Deutschland, Am Markt 2, 26427 Esens Τ: (04462) 911121; Fax: 911250; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.ostfriesland.de/goodbears Established: 1998 Expenditures: DM 122.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 02995
Alfons Goppel-Stiftung, Oberanger 32, 80331 München Τ: (089) 264018; Fax: 269000 Established: 1980; Chain Emst Michl, Secy: Margret Kopp, Donops): Alfons Goppel Assets: DM 900.000,-, Receipts: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in developing countries only. Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Dev 02996 Gorbatschow-Stiftung, Werdener Str 4, 40227 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 725254 02997 Gordon-Stlftung, Haus Bríncke 6, 33829 Borgholzhausen Τ: (05425) 5753 Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW
Joana Maria Gorvln-Stiftung, c/o Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin Τ: (030) 39076142; Fax: 39076175 Established: 1995; Donops): Dr. Maximilian Bauer Assets: DM 250.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Theat; Archiv 02999 Lama und Li Gotami Govlnda-Sttftung, Beethovenpl 2, 80336 München T: (089) 5442300; Fax: 535110 Established: 1987; Chair Dr. Armin Gottmann, Secy: Dr. Gerhard Bopp, Donor(s): Dr. Kail-Heinz Gottmann Assets: DM 463.000,-, Receipts: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Rei 03000 Gothaer Kulturstlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Hauptmarkt 1, 99867 Gotha T: (03621) 222278; Fax: 222245 Established: 1995; Chain Dr. Wolfgang Peiner, Secy: Kathrin Dziallas, Donor(s): Stadt Gotha Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Gotha only Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie 03001 Friedrich Karl Gotsch-Stiftung, c/o Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen, Schloß Gottorf, 24837 Schleswig T: (04621) 8130; Fax: 813555 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Friedrich Karl Gotsch Focus: Arts 03002 Gottesacker Stiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Kirchgasse 3, 66675 Buchdorf T: (09009) 1253 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03003 Gottlieb-Stlftung, Maria-Ttieresia-Str 8, 79102 Freiburg Established: 1979; Donor(s): Dr. Ellen GottliebSchramm Expenditures: DM 27.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; AnimP 03004 Georg Gottlob-Stlftung MS-Hllfe, Daimlerstr 10, 45133 Essen Τ: (0201) 420684; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.gottlob-strftung.com Established: 1989; Chain Hildegard Gottlob, Secy: Hildegard Gottlob, Donops): Hildegard Gottlob Expenditures: DM 200.000,· Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Germany only Focus: MultS; Schol; Psychol; Hand . . . 03005 Thomas Gottschalk-Stlftung, Frankfurter Ring 105, 80807 München Τ: (089) 5522580; Fax: 591362 Established: 1992; Donorfs): Thomas Gottschalk Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: SocW; Child
Alfred Gottschalk-Stlftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.unMuebingen.de Established: 1969 Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy students in Tübingen only Focus: Schol 03007 Hans Gottschalk-Stlftung für medizinische Grundlagenforschung, c/o SV Stiftuηgsverwaitungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Emst Gustav Gottschalk Assets: DM 655.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 03008 Johannes und Elsbeth Gottwald-Stiftung, Rudolstädter Str 116, 10713 Berlin T: (030) 89724600; Fax: 89724601 Established: 1983; Donops): Johannes und Elsbeth Gottwald Expenditures: DM 3.185.000,Focus: Sen; Blinds 03009
Germany: Grau-Kulturstiftung Jacob Gould-Schurmann Stiftung, c/o Badenwürttembergische Bank AG, 0 4,4, 68161 Mannheim T: (0621) 1708217; Fax: 1708450 Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Am 03010 Elisabeth Grabau-Stiftung, Gartengang 15, 23562 Lübeck T: (0451) 76414; Fax: 77206 Established:-1925; Donor(s): Elisabeth Grabau Assets: DM 25.000,Focus: Fam 03011 Grabunterhaltungsstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Bautzen, Fleischmarkt 1, 02625 Bautzen T: (03591) 534219; Fax: 534211 Established: 1934 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03012 Margarethe Gradl-Stlftung, Am Hasenbichl 36, 86650 Wemding Established: 1981; Chair: Rudolf Schreff Focus: Sen 03013 Gradmann-Fonds, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkâmmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart Established: 1998; Donor(s): Erich- und Lieselotte Gradmann-Stiftung Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Ger 03014 Erich und Liselotte Gradmann-Stiftung, c/o Dr. Ebner, Dr. Stolz & Partner GmbH, Stiftstr 5, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 20490; Fax: 2049333 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Liselotte Gradmann Focus: Sen 03015 Agnes Gräfe-Stlftung, Stubbenhuk 3, 20459 Hamburg T: (040) 3749450; Fax: 37494511 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Hans Gräfe Assets: DM 20.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg and the state of Schleswig-Holstein only Focus: MedE; Mon; Sports; Educ; Youth; Ecol 03076 Stiftung zur Förderung des Steffi-GrafNachwuchszentrums des Sächsischen Tennis Verbandes e.V., c/o Sächsischer Tennis Verband e.V., Abtnaundorfer Str 47, 04347 Leipzig Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Sports 03017 Pfarrer Michael Graf-Stiftung Schwarzach, Dekan-Graf-Str 2-6, 94374 Schwarzach Τ: (09962) 2090, 209510; Fax: 209525 Established: 1950; Chair: Pfarrer Thomas Diermeier, Secy: M. Trots, Donor(s): Dekan Pfarrer Michael Graf Expenditures: DM 12.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ortho 03018 Graf & Trepte Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr I , 81479 München Τ: (089) 44200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: Graf&trepte® kinderlonds.org Established: 1999; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Margarita Graf Expenditures: DM 19.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03019 Erna Graff-Stiftung fur Tierschutz, Siegiindestr 4, 12159 Berlin T: (030) 8524953; Fax: 8529743; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1983; Chair: Prof. Dr. Gerhard von Mickwitz, Donor(s): Erna Graff Assets: DM 3.737.600,-, Receipts: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 148.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: AnimP 03020 Lucile Grahn-Stlftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abteilung Rechtsangelegenheiten und Stiftungen, Orleanspl I I , 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1900; Donops): Lucile Grahn Expenditures; DM 17.000,Limitations: Grants to young people in München only Focus: Voc 03021 Eduard und Christa Grathes-Stiftung, EmstSchneider-PI 1, 40212 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 3557310; Fax: 3557409 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Eduard Grathes, Christa Grathes Expenditures: DM 70.000,Umitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Voc 03022 Otto und Hildegard Grau-Kulturstiftung, BischotMeiser-Str 2, 91522 Ansbach Τ: (0981) 53472; Fax: 53585 Established: 1993; Donops): Hildegard Grau Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Arts; Lit; Music 03023
Germany: Grau
03024 - 03078
Therese Joseline verwitwete Grau und Jakob Schiestl'sche Familienstlftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwallung, Orleanspl 11, 61667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1934; Donor(s): Joseline Grau geb. Schiestl Assets: DM 53.800,·, Receipts: DM 4.300,·, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants to members ot the Grau family only Focus: Farn 03024 Graue-Panther-Stiftung, Dachauer Str 61, 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck T: (08141) 41548; Fax: 41456 Established: 1996; Chair: Prof. Dr. Volker Thieler, Secy: Nikolaus Turner, Donor(s): Trude Unruh Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Ger; Adult 03025 Ilse Graulich-Stiftung, Walther-Rathenau-Str 17, 72766 Reutlingen Limitations; Grants to employees of Kindler Co. (Gomaringen) only Focus: SocW 03026 Kurt Graulich-Stiftung Helfen in Not, Höllweg 7, 65439 Flörsheim Τ: (06145) 950400; Fax: 52838; E-Mail: infû@kurtgraulich-stiftung.de; Internet: http://www.kurt-grauIichstiftung.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kurt-Jochem Graulich Assets: DM 50.000,Focus: SocW 03027 Georg und Traud Gravenhorst-Stiftung, c/o Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwlster-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Traud Gravenhorst Expenditures: DM 97.000,Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitát München only Focus: Med; Uni 03028 Gregoriana-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH. Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) S401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1980; Donor(s): Gesellschaft Jesu Expenditures: DM 2.596.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 03029 Heinrich und Mathilde Greil-Stiftung, Rögeneck 25, 22359 Hamburg Established: 1953 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03030 Freiherr von Gremp'sche Stiftung, c/o Universität Tübingen, Zentrale Verwaltung, Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen Limitations: Scholarships to members of the von Gremp family only. Grants to the Universität Tubingen only Focus: Fam; Schol; Libr 03031 Hamburgische Stiftung für Entwicklung, Kultur und Forschung Dr. Helmut und Hannelore Greve, Osterbekstr 90b, 22083 Hamburg T: {040} 278900; Fax: 27690116 Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Econ; Cult; Res 03032 Irmgard Greve-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb-und Stiftungsangelegentieiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1998; Donor{s): Irmgard Greve Limitations: Grants in Klövensteener Forst (Schenefeld/Wedel) only Focus: Ecol; AnimP 03033 Dr. Helmut und Hannelore Greve Stiftung für Wissenschaften und Kultur Osterbekstr 90b, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 278900; Fax: 27890116 Established: 1988 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Cult 03034 Horst Eberhard und Henny Grewe-Stiftung, Charlottenburger Ring 16, 49186 Bad Iburg Τ: (05403) 4340; Fax: 780122; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1987; Chair: Henny Grewe, Secy: Heinz Köhne, Donor(s): Henny Grewe Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 5.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ther 03035 Gertiard-Greyer-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Uelzen, Fachbereich Soziales, Herzogenpl 2, 29525 Uelzen T: (0581) 800260; Fax: 800291 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Gerhard Greyer Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Uelzen only Focus: SocW 03036 Ernst und Elfriede Griebel's Förderungsund Unterstützungsstiftung, c/o Sutorbank, Hermannst 46, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 67580777; Fax: 6773975 Established: 1979; Chair: Werner Sutor, Secy: Peter Johannsen, Donor(s): Elfriede Griebel Focus: Opht 03037
50 Grillmaster Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München Τ: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: g rillmaster® kinderfonds.org Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Grillmaster System Betriebsgesellschaft mbH Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03038
Evangelisch-Lutherische Senior-Grotefend-StHtung, Goldener Winkel 12, 30159 Hannover Τ: (0511) 3643732 Established: 1872; Donops): Senior Grotefend Focus: SocW; Fam 03051 RudoK-Groth-Sttftung, c/o Beteiiigongs· und Stiftungsverwaltung, Fleischhauerstr 20, 23539
Grimminger-Stlftung für Zoonosenforschung, Eckartshaldenweg 11, 70191 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2569313 Established: 1964; Secy: H. Wild, Donor(s): Eugen Grimminger, Tilly Grimmlnger Expenditures: DM 184.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Epid; Vet; Med 03039
T: (0451) 1222031; Fax: 1222009 Established: 1923; Chair Maren Fehling, Secy: Wolfgang Treichel, Donops): Rudolf Groth Assets: DM 75.000,·, Receipts: DM 4.500,·, Expenditures: DM 4.500,· Limitations: Grants to Rudotf-Groth-Kindergarten in Lübeck only Focus: Child 03052
Emst und Berta Giimmke-Stlftung, Vogelsanger Weg 49, 40470 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 6392154; Fax: 6392569 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Emst Grimmke Expenditures: DM 2.500.000,Limitations: Grants in Düsseldorf only Focus: Med; Card; Opht; Sen; Hous . . 03040
Emst Martin Groth-Stiftung Esingen, Bockhorn 21, 25436 Tomesch T: (04122) 53626 Established: 1992 Limitations: Grants in Tomesch only Focus: Arts; Mon; Hist 03053
Lydia und Ruth Gröllch-Stlftung, Zwischenahner Str 74, 26655 Westerstede T: (04409) 928040; Fax: 928041 Limitations: Grants to Germans only Focus: Child; Youth 03041
Franz Grothe-Stlftung, Anzingerstr 17, 83737 Irschenberg Τ: (08062) 8114 Established: 1960; Chair Hans Schröpf, Donor(s): Franz Grothe Expenditures: DM 341.000,Focus: Music 03054
Heinrich Gröschel-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stadtkämmerei, Abteilung Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Heinrich und Theresia Gróschel Assets: DM 3.012.700,-, Receipts: DM 150.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens and institutions of Nürnberg only Focus: Sen; Educ; AnimP 03042 Stiftung Grone-Schule, Gotenstr 12, 20097 Hamburg Τ: (040) 23703315; Fax: 23703333; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.groneschule.de Established: 1964; Chair: Dr. Peter Rabels, Donor(s): Heinrich Grone Expenditures: DM 120.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc
Grotjahn-Stlftung zu Schladen/Harz, HermannMüller-Str 12, 38315 Schladen Established: 1651 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03055 Charlotten-Stiftung der Grotrian'schen Famille, Rùtlìweg 5b, 32427 Minden Τ: (0571) 57405 Established: 1859; Chair Eva-Maria Trieps, Donor(s): Franziska von Reinike Limitations: Grants to members of the Grotrian family only Focus: Fam 03056 Gertraud und Josef Gniber-Stiftung, BertaMorena-Weg 3, 83696 Rottach-Egem Established: 1999; Donor(s): Gertraud Gruber Focus: AnimP; Sen; Youth; Health . . . 03057
Heinrich Grone-Stiftung, Gotenstr 12, 20097 Hamburg T: (040) 23703315/16; Fax: 23703333; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.groneschule.de Established: 1936; Chair: Dr. Peter Rabels, Secy: Dr. Peter Rabels, Donops): Heinrich Grone Assets: DM 50.000,-, Receipts: DM 4.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Stiftung Grone Schule (Hamburg) only Focus: SocW 03044 Melchior und Josefa Grosjean'sche geb. Belerleln und deren Tochter Marie Wohltätigkeltsstlftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 61667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1904; Donor(s): Melchior Grosjean, Josepha Grosjean, Marie Grosjean Expenditures: DM 230.000,Limltations: Grants to citizens of München only Focus: SocW; Voc 03045 Grosse für Kleine Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.kinderfonds.org/grossefuerkleine.htm Established: 1999; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Michael Tetzner Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03046 GroBer Gotteskasten (Gardelegen), c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde, Holzmarkt 17, 39638 Gardelegen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03047 Großer Gotteskasten (Quedlinburg), cJo Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Sankt Nikolai, Konvent 20a, 06484 Quedlinburg Established: 1500 Focus: RelE; Rei; Schol 03048 Großes Walsenhaus BMV, SaJzdahlumer Str 170, 38126 Braunschweig T: (0531) 62268; Fax: 63654 Established: 1245; Donor(s): Bürgerinitiative Braunschweiger Bürger Assets: DM 28.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.174.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 03049 GroBheppacher Schwesternschaft. Oberiinstr 4, 71384 Weinstadt Τ: (07151) 99340; Fax: 993450 Established: 1856 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Educ 03050
Gruber-Stiftung, Oskar-von-Miller-Str 14, 82319 Starnberg Τ: (08151) 744230; Fax: 449152; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Chair. Peter Landgraf, Donor(s): Hans und Anna Gruber Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: Psychia; Health 03058 Max Grünebaum-Stiftung, Schillerstr 58, 03046 Cottbus Τ: (0355) 380920; Fax: 24666 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Max Grunebaum Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Theat; Music; Dance; Schol . . . 03059 Grünenthal-Stiftung für Palliativmedizin, c/o Grünenthal GmbH, Postfach 500444, 52088 Aachen Established: 1999 Focus: Med 03060 Herbert Grünewald-Stiftung, c/o Bayer AG, 51368 Leverkusen T: (0214) 3081037; Fax: 3061551 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Bayer AG Assets: DM 3.573.658,-, Expenditures: DM 212.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports 03061 Hans Grünewald-Stiftung, Prinzenstr 52, 51332 Schwelm T: (02336) 4990; Fax: 499100 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Auguste Grunewald Assets: DM 13.500,-, Expenditures: DM 350.000,Limitations: Grants in Gevelsberg, Schwelm and Volmarstein only Focus: Youth; Sen; SocW 03062 Inge und Werner Grûter-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenstr 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) Θ401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjl www.stjfterverband.de Established: 1994; Donors): Prof. Dr. Werner Grúter, Ingeborg Grúter Expenditures: DM 37.000,Focus: NatS; Biol; Bot 03063 Georg Christoph Carl und Anna Catharina Maria von Grundherr 1 sehe Familienstlftung von 1S57, Ginsterweg 21, 90480 Nürnberg T: (0911) 547004; Fax: 547020 Established: 1857; Donor(s): Georg Christoph Carl und Anna Catharina Maria von Grundherr Limitations: Grants for members of the von Grundherr family only Focus: Fam 03064
Grundig Akademie für Wirtschaft und Technik Gemeinnützige Stiftung e.V.. Beuthener Str 45, 90471 Nürnberg T: (0911) 4090501; Fax; 4090533; E-Mail: info @ Gru ndig-Akademte.de Established: 1978; Secy: Wemer Böhner, Donops): Dr. h.c. Max Grundig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; Eng; Educ; Adult . . . . 03065 Max Grundig-Sttftung, Am Europakanal 5, 90766 Fürth Established: 1970; Donops): Max Grundig Limitations: Grants to members of the Grundig family only Focus: Fam 03066 Hans und Lea Grundlg-Stiftung am Caspar-Dav1d-Fiiedrlch-in8tttut fur Kunstwissenschaften der Universität Greifswaid, Bahnhofstr 46-47, 17489 Greifswald Established: 1972; Donor(s): Lea Grundig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03067 Gnjndtvig-Stiftung e.V., Max-Eyth-AJlee 22, 14469 Potsdam T: (0331) 502211; Fax: 502210 Established: 1991; Chair Ulrich Jochimsen, Secy: Dr. A, Schaefer Receipts: DM 120.000,-, Expenditures: DM 120.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; Educ; Econ; Cons; HumR; IntU 03068 Emst Max von Grunellus-Stiftung, Mainzer Landstr 18, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161111 Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Scie; Cult; Sports; SocW . . . . 03069 Hilde Gruner-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Hilde Gruner Limitations: Predetermined grants in Landsberg/Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Mon 03070 Max Grunow-Stlftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Potsdamer Str 125, 10783 Berlin Focus: Voc 03071 Dr. Alexander Grupp-Stlftung, Dr.-Frey-Str 38, 73072 Donzdorf T: (07162) 922625; Fax: 922639 Established: 1992; Donops): Generalkonsul Dr. Alexander Grupp Assets: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to pupils of RechbergGymnasium in Donzdorf only Focus: Educ 03072 Louise und Stephan von Guaita-Sttftung, WilhelmBusch-Str 20, 61118 Bad Vilbel Established: 1846; Donor(s): Louise von Guaita, Stephan von Guaita Focus: SocW 03073 Guardini-Stiftung e.V., Askanischer PI 4, 10963 Berlin T: (030) 2173580; Fax: 21735899; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http jl www.Guardini.de Established: 1987 Focus: Scie; Arts; Rei 03074 August Gudewill-Stlftung, Braunschweiger Str 10, 27321 Thedinghausen Τ: (04204) 880; Fax: 8844 Established: 1906; Chair Gemeindedirektor der Gemeinde Thedinghausen, Donor(s): August Gudewill Assets: DM 200.000,-, Receipts: DM 14.000,·, Expenditures: DM 14.000,· Limitations: Grants in Thedinghausen only Focus: Sen; SocW; Health; Youth; Sports; Mon; Fire; Warv; Landsc 03075 Karl Gücklnger-Stlftung, c/o Ref, 125 - Fremdund Drittmittel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen @verwaltu ng.uni-mainz.de Established: 1988; Donops): Kar) Gückinger Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Scholarships and grants to members of the Johannes Guten berg-Unrversitàt in Mainz only Focus: Chem; Schol 03076 Freiherr von GQItllngen'sche Waldstiftung, Unteres Schloß, Bemeck, 72713 Attensteig Τ: (07121) 324050; Fax: 32410 Established: 1932; Donops): ehemaliges Fideikommiss Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 03077 Gerhard Günnewig-Stiftung, Haikortstr 15, 40210 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 994130; Fax: 9941340 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Gerhard Günnewig Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Voc; Schol 03078
03079 - 03130
51 Watter und Ella Günther-Lebenshllfe-Stiftung, Kronacher Str 60. 96052 Bamberg T: (0951) 9424900; Fax: 9424902 Established: 1985; Donops): Ella Günther Expenditures: DM 340.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Oberfranken only Focus: Hand; SocW 03079 Günther-Stiftung, do Günther & Co. GmbH, Eschbomer Landstr 112, 60489 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 78902545; Fax: 78902230 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Firma Günther & Co. Limitations: Grants to employees of Günther & Co. GmbH & Co. KG (Frankfurt am Main) only Focus: SocW 03080 Städtische Hardterwald-Klinik-Louise-Gueury» Stfftung-GmbH Louise-Gueury-Str 400, 41169 Mönchengladbach Τ: (02161) 5522200; Fax: 5522209 Established: 1900; Secy: Herbert Lauth, Donor(s): Louise Gueury Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Pulm 03081 Gräflich von Guiot du Pontell'sche Stiftung, Frölichstr 17, 86150 Augsburg Established: 1892 Limitations: Grants to Diakonissenanstalt in Augsburg only Focus: SocW 03082 Stiftung der Geschwister Eva, Christiana und Eduard Gummi, Schießgraben 7, 95326 Kulmbach Τ: (09221) 82820; Fax: 828299; E-Mail: info® gummi-stiftung.de; Internet: http;//www.gummistiftung.de Established: 1879; Donor(s): Eva Gummi, Christiana Gummi, Eduard Gummi Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 03083 Alfred und Angelika Gutermuth-Stlftung, Im Rosengärtchen 8, 61440 Oberursel Established: 1998; Donor(s): Barbara Demmler Focus: Hemat 03064 Förderstiftung der Brauerei Fritz Gutmann, Am Kreuzberg 1, 85135 Titling Established: 1998; Donops): Fritz Gutmann Focus: SocW; Scie; Cult; Sports; Ecol . . 03085 Hermann Gutmann-Stlftung, Hintere Marktstr 64, 90441 Nürnberg T: (0911) 623750; Fax; 62375500 Established: 1987; Chair Hans Novotny, Donops): Hermann Gutmann Limitations: No grants to individuals Focus: Econ; SocS; Educ 03086 Guts-Muths-Gymnaslum, Konvent 26a, 06484 Quedlinburg Τ: (03946) 4314; Fax: 915420; Internet: http j l www.st.schule.de/qlb/gym Established: 1993 Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants to pupils of Guts-MuthsGymnasium in Quedlinburg only Focus: Educ 03087 Guttempler-Stlftung, Adenauerallee 45, 20097 Hamburg T: (040) 245880; Fax: 241430; E-Mail: Guttempler® t-online.de; Internet: www.guttempler.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Deutscher GuttemplerOrden e.V. Expenditures: DM 66.000,· Limitations: Grants to Deutscher Guttempler-Orden e.V. only Focus: Educ; SocW; Drug; Ate; IntU . . 03088 Agnes Gwizdalskl Stiftung, Am Spitzenbach 23, 53604 Bad Honnef Established: 1990 03089 Gymnasial-Spielplatz-Stiftung in Detmold, Homsche Str 48, 32756 Detmold Established: 1895 Assets: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to Leopoldinum in Detmold only Focus: Sports 03090 Gymnasialkrankenkasse Bamberg, do KaiserHeinrich-Gymnasium, Aitenburger Str 16, 96049 Bamberg T: (0951) 54534; Fax: 59043 Established: 1856; Chair F. Lang, Donor(s): Freiherr von Homeck, Dr. Haupt Assets: DM 40.000,-, Receipts: DM 3.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants in Bamberg only Focus: Ins 03091 Gymnasialstipendienstlftung, Pfarrgasse 5, 93047 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 592010; Fax: 5920130 Focus: Schoi
Gymnasium und Berufskolleg Brede In Brakel, c/o Erzbischöfliches Generah/ikariat, Dompl 3, 33098 Paderborn Established: 1853; Donops): D. Graf von BocholtzAsseburg Limitations: Applications not s Focus: Educ; Voc; Econ; Adm
Gymnasiums-Fonds Aschaffenburg, do Staatliches Stiftungsamt Aschaffenburg, Stiftsgasse 7, 63739 Aschaffenburg T: (06021) 35770; Fax; 357799; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1620; Dortor(s): Kurfürst Schweickard von Kronberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 03094 GZB-Stlftung, Heilbronner Str 41, 70191 Stuttgart T: (0711) 9402120; Fax: 9402943; Internet: www.gzb-bank.de/aboiJt/sW.htrn Established: 1993; Chair Horst Fröhlich, Donor(s): GZB-Bank Genossenschaftliche Zentralbank AG Stuttgart Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: Voc; Coop; Schol 03095 Anemarie und Günther Haackert-Stlftung zur Förderung der Pränatalen Medizin, do Frauenklinik rechts der Isar, Ismaninger Str 22, 81675 München T: (089) 41402431 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Dr. Anemarie Haackert, Dr. Günther Haackert Assets: DM 490.000,·, Expenditures: DM 23.500,Limitations: Scholarships to German speaking students only Focus: Obst; Schol 03096 Stiftung Anna-Haag-Haus, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stuttgarter Frauen e.V. Limitations: Grants In Stuttgart only Focus: Worn 03097 Stiftung Dr. Georg Haar, Dichterweg 2a, 99425 Weimar T: (03643) 83540; Fax: 835423; E-Mail: weimar® stiftunghaar.de; Internet: http://www.stlftunghaar.de Established: 1947; Chair Gudrun Kaus, Secy: Joachim Faßnacht, Donops): Dr. Georg Haar Assets: DM 15.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Child 03098 Wilhelm Haarmann'sehe Fabrlksttftung, do Haarmain & Reimer GmbH, Mühlenfeldstr 1, 37603 Holzminden T: (05531) 900 , 901299; Fax: 901649 Established: 1917; Donor(s): Dr. Wilhelm Haarmann Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Haarmann & Reimer GmbH (Holzminden) only Focus: SocW 03099 Josef-Haas-Stlftung, Ruderfing 8a, 84326 Falkenberg Τ: (08727) 910468; Fax: 910469 Established: 1996; Chair: Josef Haas, Donops): Josef Haas Expenditures: DM 19.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Voc 03100 Wilhelm Haas-Stiftung, Mitteldicker Weg, 63263 Neu-Isenburg Τ: (069) 69780; Fax: 6978111 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Genossenschaftsveiband Hessen/Rheinland· Pfalz/Thüringen e.V. Assets: DM 200.000,-, Receipts: DM 14.000,-, Expenditures: DM 14.000,Focus: SocW; Voc; Schol 03101 Dr. Franz Xaver Haas'sche Familienstiftung, Oberer Markt 1, 87634 Obergúnzburg Τ: (08372) 574 Established: 1906 Limitations: Grants to members of the Haas family only Focus: Fam 03102 Dr. Andreas Habbena Fonds, c/o Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1972; Donops): Franziska Habbena Limitations: Scholarships to students at Freie Universität Berlin only Focus: Schol 03103 Karl und Magdalene Haberstock-Stiftung, do Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303 Established: 1958; Donor(s): Kart und Magdalene Haberstock Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Educ; Aris 03104 Marie Hack-Sttftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursula-Lang ©stk.stadt.nuemberg.de; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1970; Secy: DM 458.000,·, Donor(s): Marie Hack Assets: DM 7.172.117,·, Expenditures: DM 396.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens and institutions of Nürnberg only Focus: Blinds; Hand 03105
Gustav Hacker-Stiftung, Kellerstr 24, 91320 Ebermannstadt Established: 1981 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Agrie 03/06 Hackfeld'scher Marlenschulfonds, do Gemeindeverwaltung, 27777 Ganderkesee Τ: (04222) 440; Fax: 44120 Established: 1886; Donor(s); Marie Gesine Hackfeld, Johann Friedrich Hackfeld Limitations: Grants to Protestant youth in Ganderkesee only Focus: Educ; Schol 03107 Albert Hackmann Gotteswohnungen, Schedestr 11, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 479698 Established: 1553; Chair: Friedrich Asschenfeldt, Donor(s): Albert Hackmann Assets: DM 2.300.000,-, Receipts: DM 300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 280.000,Focus: Hous; Sen 03108 Friderun und Hans Hadlich-Stlftung, do Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53117 Bonn T: ((0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: info® denkmalschutz.de; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Friderun Hadlich Limitations: Predetermined grants in Schulpforte/Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Mon 03109 Frida und Fritz Häblch-Stiftung, Gänsheideslr 76a, 70186 Stuttgart T: (0711) 16400; Fax: 1640277 Established: 1983; Chair: R. Kopitz, Donor(s): Frida Hàbich, Fritz Hàbich Assets: DM 6.800.000,-, Receipts: DM 260.000,·, Expenditures: DM 200.000,· Limitations: Grants to Deutsches Rotes Kreuz in Waiblingen only Focus: Health 03110 Theodor Haebler-Vermächtnlsstiftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Hauptstr 54, 02779 Großschönau T: (035841) 3100; Fax: 2553 Established: 1940; Donor(s): Theodor Haebler Limitations: Grants to members of the Haebler family and to needy citizens of Großschönau only Focus: Fam; SocW 03111 Vermächtnis Frieda und Michael Häckel, (formerly: Frieda und Michael Häckel-Stiftung), do Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 1210, 89402 Dillingen Τ: (09071) 54121, 54123; Fax: 586931 Established: 1987; Chair: Oberbürgermeister HansJürgen Weigl, Secy: Stadtkämmerer Gerhard Rieder, Donor(s): Frieda Häckel, Michael Háckel Assets: DM 1.100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 88.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Dillingen only Focus: Sen; Mon 03112 Hämophllle-Stiftung, Landsteìnerstr 5, 63303 Dreieich Τ: (06103) 801750 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Biotest AG Expenditures: DM 65.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: AIDS 03113 Tierhilfe-Stiftung U. Händel, Bemsteinweg 10, 76332 Bad Herrenalb T: (07083) 8271 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Ursula Händel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: AnimP 03114 Hansel & Gretel, Hilfe & Geborgenheit für mißbrauchte Kinder, Friedrich-Eberie-Str 4d, 76227 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 9431922; Fax: 9431924; E-Mail: info© haensel-urd-gretel.org; Internet: www.haensel-undgretel.org Established: 1996; Secy: Jerome Braun, Donor(s): Klaus-Dieter Wülfrath Expenditures: DM 313.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Child 03JÍ5 Wilhelm Hârdrlch-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 100338, 07703 Jena T: (03641) 492000; Fax: 492020 Established: 1942; Donor(s): Wilhelm Hàrdrich Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitatlons: Grants in Jena only Focus: SocW; Ecol; Landsc 03116 Stiftung Arboretum-Par* Härle, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: karsten.kmeger^stifterveitiand.de; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Regina Härie Expenditures: DM 213.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Bot 03117 Haerlln'sche und Ludwig und Marie ThereseSozialst Iftung Gauting, do Gemeindeverwaltung, Bahnhofstr 7, 82131 Gauting T: (089) 85797100; Fax: 8504861 Established: 1977 Assets: DM 225.000,Limrtations: Grants to citizens of Gauting only Focus: SocW 03118
Germany: Hagemeister
Gerda und Kurt Hartwig-Stiftung, Postfach 1120, 76328 Bad Herrenalb T: (07083) 500516; Fax: 500511 Established: 1993; Donops): Kurt Hartwig Assets: DM 1.560.000,-, Expenditures: DM 89.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Herrenalb only Focus: Ecol 03119 Luisa Haeuser-Frsuen-Stiftung, Am Roten Graben 9 , 60386 Frankfurg am Main T: (069) 411014 Established: 1954; Donor(s): Luisa Haeuser Expenditures: DM 1.592.000,Limitations: Grants to needy old ladies in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Sen; Worn 03120 Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-StIftung, do Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Verwaltungsstelle Höchst, Bolongarostr 109, 65929 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21245521; Fax: 21245763 Established: 1914; Donor(s): Dr. Adolf Haeuser, Luisa Haeuser Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Grants to needy employees and former employees of Höchst AG (Frankfurt-Höchst) and to needy citizens of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW 03121 Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stlftung für Kunst und Kulturpflege, Wöllstädter Str 20, 60385 Frankfurg am Main T: (069) 459449; Fax: 459449 Established: 1954; Donor(s): Geheimrat Dr. h.c. Adolf Haeuser, Luisa Haeuser Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Cult; Aits; Music; Lit; Theat . . . 03122 Karl Häusler-Stiftung in Augsburg, do Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein® susta.de Established: 1928; Donor(s): Stadt Augsburg Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy actors ir Augsburg only Focus: SocW; Theat 03123 Dr. Hellmuth Häussermann-Stiftung, c/o Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen, An der Markuskirche 4, 30163 Hannover T: (0511) 390990; Fax: 3909936; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1979; Donor(s): Bezirk Northeim des Landesapothekerverbandes Niedersachsen e.V. Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Pharm 03124 Bertha und Ilse Hafferberg-Stiftung, do Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwartung, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dr. Ilse Hafferberg Expenditures: DM 62.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Sen 03125 Dr, Carola und Dr. Edmund Haffmanns-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dr. Carola und Dr. Edmund Haffmanns Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Youth; Scie; Res; SocW . 03126 Eduard Haffner-Stlftung, Rankestr 56, 90461 Nürnberg T: (0911) 47430; Fax: 4743133 Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Germany and Great Britain only Focus: Blinds; Hand 03127 Heinrich Hagemeler-Fonds für Wissenschaftsförderung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1965; Donor(s): Mitteldeutsche Hartstein Industrie AG Assets: DM 305.631,-, Expenditures: DM 27.500,Limitations: Grants to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft only Focus: Scie; Schol 03128 Carl und Helene Hagemeister-Stiftung, do Gilbert Wolsifler GmbH, Ziegelstr 30, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 28305500 Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Rei; Miss; Voc; Afr 03129 Rudolf Hagemeister Turnsport Stiftung, Heinrich-Albrecht-Str 16, 03042 Cottbus Τ: (0355) 7528310; Fax: 7528311; E-Mail: itiagemeister© greg-cottbus.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Rudolf Hagemeister, hsh Hochbau-Sanierungen-Huber GmbH, ABAKUS Immobilienverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, GESAP Gesellschaft für Sanierung und Privatisierung mbH Limitations: Grants in the region of Lausitz only Focus: Sports 03130
Germany: Hagemeyer-Stiftung Eheleute Dr. med. Wilhelm und Elisabeth Hagemeyer-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53117 Bonn T: (0226) 36865980; Fax: 36685969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Dr. Wilhelm Hagemeyer Limitations: Predetermined grants in Rostock only Focus: Mon 03131 Dr. Reinold Hagen Stiftung, Kautexstr 53, 53229 Bonn Τ: (022Θ) 97690; Fax: 9769500; E-Mail: Stiftung® hagen-stiftung.de; Internet: http://www.hagenstiftung.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Dr. Reinold Hagen Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,Umitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Adult; Pias; Mach 03132 Prof. Dr. Karl Fr Hagenmüller-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. M. Peltzer, Fried rich-Ebert· Anlage 44, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 71701222; Fax: 71701130 Established: 2000 Focus: Voc; Fin 03133 Dr. Carl Hagen$*Stiftung, c/o Oberlandesgericht, Zeil 42, 60313 Frankfui am Main T: (069) 13672225; Fax: 13676182 Established: 1907 Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW; Wid; Orp 03134 Willy Häger-Stiftung, Nöllenstr 45, 70195 Stuttgart T: (0711) 694052; Fax: 694054; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1973; Chair: Dr. Werner Diez, Donor(s): Willy Hager Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 03135 Joachim Hahlbeck-Stiftung, Dollendorfer Str 412, 53639 Königswinter T: (02102) 965200; Fax: 60178 Established: 1972; Chair: Dr. Albrecht Tyrell, Donor(s): Joachim Hahlbeck Assets: DM 225.000,-, Expenditures: DM 16.000,Limitations: Grants to Silesian cultural institutions in Germany only Focus: Arts; Cult 03136 Josef-Hahn-Friseur-Stiftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167716; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Josef Hahn Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Voc 03137 Josef-Hahn-Kindergartenstiftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T. (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Josef Hahn Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Child 03138 Philipp-Matthäus-Hahn-Stiftung, Hirschbergstr 29. 72336 Balingen T: (07433) 921109; Fax: 921666; Internet: http-M www.sparkasse-zollemalb.de/html/stiftungen.htm Established: 1989; Secy: Adrian Schiefer, Donor(s): Zollernalbkreis, Stadt Albstadt, Sparkasse Zollemalb Limitations: Scholarships to students at Fachhochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen only Focus: Schol 03139 Kurt Hahn-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1983; Donor(s): Altsalemer Vereinigung Expenditures: DM 1.406.000,Limitations: Grants to school Schloß Salem e.V. in Salem only Focus: Educ 03140 Eugen Hahn-Stiftung, c/o INDEX-Werke, Plochingerstr 92, 73730 Esslingen Τ: (0711) 3191202 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Eugen und Irmgard Hahn Focus: Card; Cane; Voc; NatS; Eng . .03141 Otto Hahn-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Amt für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Brückenstr 3-7, 60594 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1969 Focus: Scie; Res 03142 Irma-Hahn-Stiftung, Alte Rabenstr 22, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 6082526 Established: 1995 Focus: Hand; Blinds; AnimP; Sen; SocW . 03143 Joachim und Irene Hahn-Stiftung, FerdinandWallbrecht-Str 36, 30163 Hannover T: (0511) 667909 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Joachim und Irene Hahn Assets: DM 50.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants to Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover only Focus: AnimH; Uni 03144
03131 - 03185 Josef und An na-Hahn-Stiftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 216745 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Josef und Anna Hahn Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Libr 03145
Halepaghen-Stiftung von 1484 In Buxtehude, Rathaus, Breite Str 2, 21614 Buxtehude T: (04161) 501223, 501226; Fax: 501318 Established: 1464; Chain 1. Stellv. Bürgermeister Günther Rischkau, Donor(s): Magister Gerhard Halepaghe Limitations: Grants in Buxtehude only Focus: Rei; SocW 03159
Hamburger Semmelstiftung, Adolph-SchönfelderStr 5, 22083 Hamburg Τ: (040) 426634343; Fax: 428634343 Established: 1937; Secy: Wolfgang Müller, Donor(s): FH Hamburg Assets: DM 570.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 03174
Andreas-Hahn-Stlftung, Am Eisengraben 6, 56179 Vallendar T: (02622) 2173, (0261) 69164; Fax: 14756 Established: 1996; Donops): Marianne und Alfred Hahn Expenditures: DM 26.000,Limitations: Grants in the northern region of Rheinland-Pfalz only Focus: Sports 03146
Hailer-Stiftung, Adolph-Schönfelder-Str 5, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428633997; Fax: 428634343 Established: 1965; Secy: Wolfgang Müller, Donops): FH Hamburg Assets: DM 720.000,· Focus: Educ 03160
Hamburger Sttftung für politisch Verfolgte, Osterbekstr 96, 22083 Hamburg Τ: (040) 428635756; Fax: 428635757 Established: 1986; Chair: Ortwin Runde, Secy: Martina Bäurle, Donops): Dr. Klaus von Dohnanyi Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 250.000,·, Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Schol; SocW; IntU 03175
Wilhelm Hahn und Ei1>en«Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt und Notar Ulrich C. Cannawurf, Louisenstr 99, 61348 Bad Homburg T: (06172) 22081; Fax: 29367 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Caroline Wilhelmine Ebel Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main and to PhilippsUniversität in Maiburg only Focus: Uni 03147 Dr. Nelly Hahne-Stlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310556 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Nelly Hahne Focus: Med; Rei; IntU 03146 Dr. Hermann und Liselotte Hahnemann-Stlftung, Raiffeisenstr 36, 93077 Bad Abbach Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dr. Hermann Hahnemann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 03149 Heinrich Hahn'sche Famlilenstlftung, Huppenbergsir 30b, 53343 Wachtberg T: (0228) 325942 Established: 1990; Donops): Ulrich Hahn Limitations: Grants to members of the Hahn family only Focus: Fam 03150 Georg und Elise Haindi'sehe Stiftung, c/o Haindl Papier GmbH & Co. KG, Georg-Haindl-Str 4, 66153 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3109248; Fax: 3109152; E-Mail: Jose1.Kut$chenreiter@ HAINDL.com Established: 1932; Donor(s): Georg Haindl, Elise Haindl Limitations: Grants to needy and former employees of Haindl Papier GmbH & Co. KG (Augsburg) only Focus: Hous 03151 Georg und Willy Haindi'sehe Stiftung, c/o Haindl Papier GmbH & Co. KG, Georg-Haindl-Str 4, 66153 Augsburg T: (0821) 3109248; Fax: 3109152; E-Mail: Josef.Kutschen reiter® HAINDL.com Established: 1956; Donops): Georg und Willy Haindl Expenditures: DM 21.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy and former employees of Haindl Papier GmbH & Co. KG (Augsburg) only Focus: Hous 03152 Richard Halzmann-Stlftung, Rathauspl, 25699 Niebüll Τ: (04661) 1010; Fax: 60166 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Stadt Niebüll Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03153 Adam Haker-Fonds, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Wilhelm und Hildegard Haker Expenditures: DM 18.000,Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; SocW; Rei . . . 03154 Adam Haker-Stiftung, Juistweg 12, 45149 Essen T: (0201) 671345 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Dr. Wilhelm Haker, Hildegard Haker Focus: Fam 03155 HALA-Stiftung, Rûtenhôfe 1, 26355 Bremen T: (0421) 2586000; Fax: 2566004; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1927; Chair Jan Lahusen, Dorwr(s): Hans Lahusen Assets: DM 300.000,-, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Focus: Child; Youth; Sports; Schol . . . 03156 Haiasz-Sttftung, Kobenhüttenweg 56, 66123 Saarbrücken Established: 1990 Focus: Chem 03157 Lambert von Heldem'sche Studienstiftung, Kirchpl 6, 46459 Rees T: (02651) 1540 Established: 1611; Donops): Vikar Lambert von Haldem Assets: DM 57.000,Focus: Rei; Schol 03158
Friedrich Freiher von Haller'sche Forschungsstiftung In Nürnberg, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursula-Lang @stk.stadt,nuemberg.de; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1947; Donops): Oberregierungsrat Friedrich Freiherr von Haller Assets: DM 464.983,·, Expenditures: DM 37.000,· Focus: Hist 03161 J A. von Halle'sche Miete-UnterstützungsStlftung, Glockengießerwall 2, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 322541 Established: 1668; Donops): Frederike von Halle Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Hamburg only Focus: Hous 03162 Dr. Halller Stiftung, Postfach 105922, 20040 Hamburg Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: SocW 03163 Dr. Kurt Hamann-Stiftung, c/o Universität Mannheim, Postfach 103462, 68131 Mannheim Established: 1979; Donor(s): Victoria Versicherung Limitations: Grants to Universität Mannheim only Focus: Ins 03164 Karl Hamann-Stiftung für liberale Politik im Land Brandenburg, Alieestr 12, 14469 Potsdam T: (0331) 2801016; Fax: 2801017; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.khst.cjb.net Established: 1991; Chain Renate Schneider, Secy: Wolfgang Glaeser Assets: DM 50.000,·, Receipts: DM 230.000,·, Expenditures: DM 230.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS 03165 Hamburg-Mannheimer-Stiftung Jugend und Zukunft, Clberseering 45, 22297 Hamburg Established: 1998 Focus: Youth 03166 Hamburg Rotary-StJftung, Alter Wall 22, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 36922644; Fax: 36921209 Established: 1952 Expenditures: DM 109.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Educ; Schol; Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; IntU; Mon; Ecol 03167 Hamburger Arbeiter-Kolonie, Schäferhof, Schäferhofweg 30, 25462 Appen Τ: (04101) 50060611; Fax: 500666 Established: 1691; Donor(s): Baron Jasper von Oertzen, Frederic Freiher von Schroder, Emil Kohn Expenditures: DM 2.640.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW; Home 03168 Hamburger Blindenetlftung, Bullenkoppel 17, 22047 Hamburg T: (040) 69460; Fax: 69462223 Established: 1830 Assets: DM 16.000.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 03169 Hamburger Jugenderholungsheim Puan Klent auf Sylt, Finkenau 42, 22081 Hamburg T: (046510) 96440; Fax: 964412; E-Mail: Puanklentl@ aol.com Established: 1920 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 03170 Hamburger Jugendmusikstiftung, c/o Gerber & Kollegen Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH, Curienstr 2, 20095 Hamburg Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Music 03171 Hamburger Kunsthai le, Glockengießerwall, 20095 Hamburg Τ: (040) 428542613; Fax: 428542462; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Secy: Tim Kistenmacher, Donor(s): Hansestadt Hamburg Expenditures: DM 16.600.000,· Limitations: Applications not Focus: Arts 03172 Hamburger Literato rstiftung, Schwartenwik 38, 22087 Hamburg Established: 1994 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Hamburg only Focus: Lit 03173
Hamburger Sttftung Hilfe für NS*Verfolgte, Große Bleichen 23, 20354 Hamburg Τ: (040) 35713015/16; Fax: 35713105 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Senat und Bürgerschaft der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg Expenditures: DM 2.095.000,Limltations: Grants to victims of Nazi persecution only Focus: SocW 03176 Hamburger Stiftung Rehabilitation und Integration, Adolph-Schönfelder-Str 5, 22063 Hamburg T: (040) 428633997; Fax: 428634343 Established: 1952; Secy: Wolfgang Müller, Donor(s): FH Hamburg Assets: DM 15.000.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens and institutions of Hamburg only Focus: Hand; SocS; Reh 03177 Hamburger Sttftung zur Förderung der Krebsbekämpfung, Nydamer Weg 30c, 22145 Hamburg T: (040) 6761863; Fax: 67941897 Established: 1969; Secy: Detlef Möller, Donops): Gertrud Blume, Elisabeth Wilhelmine Grobel Assets: DM 2.289.238,·, Receipts: DM 200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Focus: Cane 03178 Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung des deutsch-amerikanischen Kultur- und Blldungsaustausches, c/o Amerikazentrum Hamburg e.V., Rothenbaumchaussee 15, 20148 Hamburg Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants to charitable organizations in Hamburg only Focus: Cult; IntU 03179 Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur, Mittelweg 36, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 4140970; Fax: 4104602; E-Mail: matthias Jcamm θ his-online.de Established: 1984; Chair Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Reemtsma Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to non-profit organizations only Focus: Scie; Cult 03180 Hamburger Taubstummen-Altenhelm, J.· Sahling-Weg 91, 22549 Hamburg T: (040) 802100; Fax: (0481) 74174 Established: 1933; Chair: Ulf Müller, Secy: Günther Steen, Donops): Allgemeiner TaubstummenUnterstützungsverein zu Hamburg von 1891 e.V. Assets: DM 4.400.000,·, Receipts: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Deals; Sen 03181 Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Chilehaus C, Burchardstr 13, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 339099; Fax: 326958; E-Mail: info© kulturstiftung-hh.de; Internet: http://www.kulturstiftunghh.de Established: 1968; Chair Dr. Christina Weiss, Secy: Sandra Issen, Donor(s): Senat der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg Assets: DM 5.500.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only. No institutional funds and no grants to individuals; no scholarships Focus: Cult 03182 Hamburgische Stiftung für Schwerhörige und Ertaubte, Tomquiststr 55, 20259 Hamburg Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Deafs 03183 Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Sttftung, Flemingstr 10, 22299 Hamburg T: (040) 472725 Established: 1907 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Scie 03184 Hamelner Sparkassenstlftung, do Stadtsparkasse Hameln, Osterstr 25, 31785 Hameln Τ: (05151) 785100; Fax: 785200; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ssk-hameln.de Established: 1995; Chain Obertürgenneister Klaus Amecke, Secy: Sparkassendirektor Alois Drube, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Hameln Assets: DM 1,000.000,·, Receipts: DM 50,000,·, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Hameln only Focus: Youth; Sen 03185
53 Gustav und Ilse Hamester-Stlftung, c/o G. Hamester GmbH, Einsiedekfeicti 7-9, 20539 Hamburg Τ: (040) 788710; Fax: 7887147 Established: 1981 Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Hous; Sen; Nurs; Med; Cane; Voc; Rei; Cult 03186 Ella Hammerschmldt-Stfftung, do Pfarramt Langenau, Fliederweg 10, 96355 Tettau Τ: (09269) 252; Fax: 943073 Established: 19Θ8; Donor(s): Ella Hammerschmidt Assets: DM 117.115,·. Expenditures: DM 9.000,Limitations: Grants in Kleintettau only Focus: SocW 03187 Handelsakademie Hessen-Thüringen, Haus des Handels, Pilgrimstein 28a, 35037 Marburg T: (06421) 910060; Fax: 910019 Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in the states of Hessen and Thüringen only Focus: CommT 03188 Freiherr von Handel'sche Stiftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (069) 21803449; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1887; Donor(s): Königlich-Bayerischer Kammerherr Meinhard Freiherr von Handel Expenditures: DM 89.000,· Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitât München only Focus: Uni 03189 Handelskasse Nürnberg, Hauptmailrt 25, 90403 Nürnberg T: (0911) 1335408; Fax: 1335200 Established: 1883; Donor(s): Handelsvorstand Nürnberg Limitations: Grants in Nürnberg only Focus: CommT 03190 Handwerkslehrlings- und Studienstiftung der Stadt Zirndorf, c/o Stadt Zirndorf, Stadtkämmerei, Fürther Str 8, 90513 Zrndorf T: (0911) 6920133; Fax: 6920129 Established: 1944 Limitations: Grants in Zirndorf only Focus: Voc 03191 Handwerksstiftung Denkmalpflege, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1995; Donops): Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Mon 03192 Anna und Heinrich Hanfft Stiftung, tío Dr. Hantke & Partner, Ebertallee 1, 22607 Hamburg Established: 1993 Focus: Sen 03193 Franz Hantel-Stiftung, Malkastenstr 7, 40211 Dusseldorf T: (0209) 350721; Fax: 362869 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Dr. Franz Haniel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 03194 HanlehStiftung, Franz-Haniel-Pl 1, 47119 Duisburg Τ: (0203) 806367; Fax: 806720; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1988; Chair: Jan von Haeften, Secy: E. Hagenguth-Wemer, Η. Hußmann, Donops): Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH Assets: DM 20.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Econ; Bus; Educ; Voc 03195 Hannchen Mehrzweck-Stiftung für homosexuelle Selbsthilfe, Postfach 120522, 10595 Berlin Τ: (030) 3912651; Fax: (0700) 47863467; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.gay-web.de/ homogeld Established: 1991; Donops): Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Hanno Assets: DM 900.000,·, Receipts: DM 16.500,·, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Adult; HumR; Law; Youth . . . . 03196 Hannover ROck-Stlftung, Kart-Wiechert-Allee 50, 30625 Hannover T: (0511) 5604124; Fax: 5604651; E-Mail: hildegard.stuke@ hannover-re.com Established: 1991; Chair R. Claus Bingemer, Secy: Hildegard Stuke, Donor(s): Hannover Rûckverslchemngs-AG Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants to Sprengel Museum in Hannover only Focus: Arts 03197 Hannoversche Kinderheilanstalt, JanuszKorczak-Allee 12, 30173 Hannover T: (0511) 81150; Fax: 8115190; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.hka.de Established: 1863 Assois: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped 03198
03186Dr. Hildegard Hansche-Sttftung, c/o Mahn- urtd Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück, Slraße der Nationen, 16798 Fürstenberg T: (033093) 36370, 39241; Fax: 38397 Established: 1994; Donops): Dr. Hildegard Hansche Expenditures: DM 90.000,Focus: Hist 03199 Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, c/o Uni Bremen, FB 2, Postfach 330440, 28334 Bremen Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Scie; Uni 03200 Hanseatische Universitätsstiftung zu Lübeck, Kohlmarkt 7-15, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 1492391; Fax: 1492395 Established: 1980 Expenditures: DM 19.000,· Limitations: Grants to Universität Lübeck only Focus: Uni 03201 Caroline Hansellmann-Sttftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Stadtkämmerei, Abteilung Kapital- und Schuldenverwaltung, Paulspl 9, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235171; Fax: 21230740 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Caroline Hansellmann Assets: DM 108.476,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: Worn 03202 Emmi Hansen geb. Buhl-Stfftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg T: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1987; Donops): Emmi Hansen Assets: DM 100.024,Focus: Sen; Youth; Health 03203 Carl-Friedrich Hansen-Stiftung, Holstenwall 12, 20355 Hamburg T: (040) 343887; Fax: 3480625 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Maler- und LackiererInnung Hamburg Assets: DM 1.078.000,·, Expenditures: DM 346.000,Limitations; Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW; Arts 03204 Heinrich Johannes und Maria Gertrud HansenStiftung, c/o Universität Karlsruhe, Dekan der Fakultät für Architektur, Postfach 6380, 76128 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 6082156; Fax: 6086090; E-Mail: gisela.nelles@ arch.uni-karlsruhe.de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Maria Gertrud Hansen Focus: Archit 03205 Kurt Hansen-Sttftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung naturwissenschaftlicher Lehrkräfte, c/o Bayer AG, 51368 Leverkusen T: (0214) 3081037; Fax: 3061551 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Bayer AG Assets: DM 1.955.000,-, Expenditures: DM 122.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Schol; NatS 03206 Hansische Universität-Stiftung Hamburg, c/o Universität Hamburg, Moorweidensir 18, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 428384479; Fax: 428384040; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1938 Expenditures: DM 60,000,· Limitations: Grants to members of Universität Hamburg only Focus: Uni; Scie; Res 03207 HAP-Grieshaber-Sttftung, Rathaus, Marktpl 22, 72764 Reutlingen Established: 1986; Donops): Rolf Szymanski, Margot Fürst, Horst Antes Assets: DM 365.625,-, Expenditures: DM 29.800,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Schol 03208 Hapag-Uoyd Stiftung, c/o Hapag-Uoyd Rechtsabteilung, Ballindamm 25, 20095 Hamburg Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants and scholarships nationally and internationally Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Health; Schol 03209 Martin Harbeck-Stiftung für Berufsausbildung, do Handelskammer Hamburg, Börse, 20457 Hamburg Τ: (040) 36138311; Fax: 36138313; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJl www.hamburg.ihk.de Established: 1942; Dortor(s): Martin Harbeck Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Voc 03210 Carl-Hans Graf von Hardenberg-Stiftung, Hohenzollemdamm 87, 14199 Berlin T: (030) 8257135; Fax: 89504276 Established: 1997; Donops): Astrid Gräfin von Hardenberg Expenditures: DM 30.000.Limrtations: Grants in the district of Kreis MärkischOderland only Focus: Educ; Child; Youth; Hand . . . . 03211 Günter Graf von Hardenberg-Stiftung BadenBaden, Postfach 4580, 76029 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 34505 Established: 1985; Donops): Günther Graf von Hardenberg Limitations: Grants to members of the von Hardenberg family only Focus: Fam 03212
Germany: Hauf-Stiftung
Harry Härder-Stiftung, Johannisthal Chaussee 363a, 12351 Berlin T: (030) 6046628 Established: 1936; Secy: Helmut Walde, Donor(s): Harry Harder Expenditures: DM 45.000,Umitations: Grants to former German citizens of Kolberg (Poland) only Focus: SocW; Child 03213
Hartzing-Clausthal-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Moers, Stadtkämmerei. Postfach, 47439 Moers Τ: (02841) 201358; Fax: 201888 Established: 1680; Donor(s): BraunschweigLüneburglscher Hof- und Bergrat Petrus Hartzirg Expenditures: DM 7.000,Umrtations: Scholarships to Protestant students originating of Moers only Focus: Schol; Rei 03226
Augusta Hardt-Helm gGmbH, Bermesgasse 11, 42897 Remscheid Τ: (02191) 60082/83 Established: 1945; Donor(s): Witwe Hermann Hardt Assets: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Health 03214
Dr. Hasel Naturlandstiftung, Larchacker 1, 74934 Reichartshausen Τ: (06262) 3107; Fax: 3107 Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Ecol; AnimP 03227
Friedrich und Irmgard Harms-Sttftung, Kirschengarten 39, 32052 Herford Τ: (05221) 75575/76; Fax: 759394 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Friedrich und Irmgard Harms Assets: DM 800.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Rostock only Focus: Agrie 03215 Heinrich-Ludwig Hartmann-Gedächtnisstlftung, Hans-Böckler-Allee 7, 30173 Hannover Τ: (0511) 85501114; Fax: 528665 Established: 1972; Chain Horst Dreßel, Donor(s): Elisabeth Tunner Limitations: Grants to employees of Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei (Dusseldorf) only Focus: SocW 03216 Heinrich Hartmann-Makula-Stlftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.unituebingen.de Established: 1998 Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Opht; Schol 03217 Paul August Georg Hartmann-Stiftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes GutenbergUniversität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1980; Donor(s): Paul August Georg Hartmann Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants to Johannes GutenbergUniversität in Mainz only Focus: Archeo 03218 Sigrid Hertmann-Stiftung, c/o Schröder, Münchmeyer, Hengst AG, Kaiserstr 73, 63065 Offenbach T: (069) 2179810 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Sigrid Hartmann Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 03219 Hartmannbund-Stlftung Ärzte hellen Ärzten, Godesberger Allee 54, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 8104163; Fax: 8104155 Established: 1955; Chair: Dr. Hans-Jürgen Thomas, Secy: Dr. Helene Kneip, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Siegfried Häußler Limitations: Grants and scholarships to needy children of German doctors, dentists or veterinary surgeons only Focus: SocW; Schol 03220 Hartmann'sche Armenstiftung, Alter Heltweg 37, 33106 Paderboen Established: 1659 Focus: SocW 03221 Dr. Hartmann'sche Armenstiftung, Welda-BergStr 11, 34414 Wait>urg T: (05641) 5838 Established: 1860; Donor(s): Dr. Hartmann Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Warburg and Borgentreich only Focus: SocW 03222 Franz Hartnagel-Stiftung, Marktpl 5, 64683 Elnhausen Τ: (06251) 96020; Fax: 56856; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1989; Chair: Hermann Dieter, Secy: Hermann Dieter, Donor(s): Franz Hartnagel Assets: DM 160.000,·, Expenditures: DM 9.000,Ljmitations: Grants to non-profit organizations In Elnhausen only Focus: Cult; Sports 03223 Rudolf Hartung-Stfftung, Flutstr 8, 31020 Salzhemmendorf Τ: (05153) 6572; Fax: 5843 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Rudolf Härtung Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Osterwald only Focus: Schol; Youth; Child 03224 C.G. Hartwig-Stiftung, c/o Bremer Bank, Domshof 8-9, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 36620; Fax: 36620 Established: 1942; Donor(s): C.G. Hartwig Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Bremer Bank (Bremen) only Focus: SocW 03225
Hasenheyer-Stlftung In Potsdam, Berliner str 148, 14467 Potsdam T: (0331) 4546 Established: 1893 Focus: Hous; Sen 03228 Hasenkamp-Stiftung Altersheim, Mozartstr 18, 40479 Düsseldorf Established: 1934 Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Düsseldorf only Focus: Sen 03229 O.E. Hasse-Stiftung, c/o Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin Τ: (030) 39076142; Fax: 39076175 Established: 1981; Donor(s): O.E. Hasse Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Theat 03230 Mailice und Hans Hasselmann-Stiftung, c/o Dr. F. Michael Boemke, Neuer Wall 42, 20354 Hamburg Established: 1968 Focus: Sen 03231 Matthias Hatz-Stiftung, Römerstr 14, 94099 Ruhstorf T: (08531) 319213; Fax: 319500; E-Mail: w.hatz@ hatz-dlesel.de; Internet: http^/www.hatz-diesel.de Established: 1992; Chair Woffram Hätz, Donor(s): Emst Hätz Expenditures: DM 22.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Hätz GmbH & Co. KG (Ruhstorf) only Focus: SocW 03232 Erich Haub-Zais-Stlftung für Denkmalpflege, c/o Stadtplanungsamt, Denkmalbehörde. G ustavStresemann-Ring 15, 65189 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 316493/94, 316526; Fax: 316492/95 Established: 1975; Chair: Bürgermeister Großmann, Secy: Berthold Bubner, Donor(s): Elisabeth Haub Assets: DM 2.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 160.000,·, Expenditures: DM 160.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 03233 Dr. Josef und Janina Haubenstock-Stiftung, οίο Stiftungs- und Nachlassmanagement, Frankfurier Sparkasse, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414404; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// [email protected] Established: 1999; Donor(s): Janina Maria Haubenstock Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; Child; Blinds; Orp . . . . 03234 Stiftung Michael Hauck, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.simon@stifte!verband.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Michael Hauck Expenditures: DM 48.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; SocW . . . 03235 Hans Heinrich Hauck-Stlftung, c/o BHF-Bank AG, Bockenheimer Landstr 10, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7183492; Fax: 7183488 Established: 1960; Donops): Hans Heinrich Hauck Expenditures: DM 24.000,Limitations: Grants to former employees of BHFBank AG (Frankfurt am Main) only Focus: SocW 03236 Erika Haucke-Stlftung, Lindenstr 3, 29640 Schneverdingen Τ: (05199) 9860 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Erika Haucke Expenditures: DM 46.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen
Christian Hauf-Stiftung, c/o Landratsamt Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen, Postfach 380, 91780 Weißenburg Τ: (09141) 902115; Fax: 902175 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Renate Häuf Assets: DM 327.922.-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Grants to pupils of Simon-MariusGymnasium in Günzenhausen only Focus: Educ 03238
Germany: Haug-Taxis-Stiftung Haug-Taxis-Stiftung, Bludenzer Str 37, 70469 Stuttgart T: (0711) 8900313; Fax: 8900360 Established: 19Θ7 Expenditures: DM 121.000,· Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Hofacker-Vereinigung only Focus: Rei; Ecol; AnimP 03239 Georg von Haugk-Stiftung, Mindermannweg 40, 22609 Hamburg T: (040) 801102 Established: 1904; Chair: D. von Oertze, M. Freiherr von Eickstedt, Donor(s): Georg von Haugk Limitations: Grants to members of the von Haugk family only Focus: Fam 03240 Astrid Haugstrup-Sörensen-Gedächtn Isstiftung, c/o SV StiftungsverwaItuηgs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: doris.zirkler@ stifte rvert>and.de; Internet: http:// www.stiftervertiand.de Established: 1985 Expenditures: DM 22.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 03241 Luise und Wilhelm Haun-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Hameln, Abt. 14, Rathauspl 1, 31785 Hameln T: (05151) 202631; Fax: 202710 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Luise und Wilhelm Haun Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Hameln only Focus: Cane 03242 Philipp Haupt-Dr. Gisela Spennemann-HauptStiftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Donor(s): Dr. Gisela Luise Mathilde Spennemann Limitations: Scholarships to members of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universitàt in Mainz only Focus: Archeo; Class; Schol 03243 Otto und Edith Haupt-Stlftung, c/o FriedrichAlexander-Universität Eriangen-Nümberg, Referat IV/3, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. mult. Otto Haupt Limitations: Grants to Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg only Focus: Math; Uni 03244 Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus, DeutschOsteuropäisches Forum, Bismarckstr 90, 40210 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 169910; Fax: 353118; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1963; Donor(s): Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen Expenditures: DM 1.672.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 03245 Gerhart Hauptmann-Stiftung, Kirchweg 13, 18565 Kloster-Hiddensee T: (038300) 397; Fax: 397 Established: 1994; Chair: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Bernhardt, Secy: Dr. Sonja Kühne, Donor(s): Annalise Hauptmann Focus: Lit 03246 Haus Bethesda im Evangelischen Johanneswerk e.V., c/o Evangelisches Johanneswerk e.V.. Schildescher Str 101, 33611 Bielefeld T: (0521) 8012100, 8012160; Fax: 8012150; E-Mail: susanne-kilian ©johanneswerk.de Established: 1875 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ser» 03247 Haus der Jugend, c/o Hansestadt Lübeck, Braunstr 21, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 1225110; Fax: 1225151 Established: 1547 Assets: DM 320.000,·, Expenditures: DM 9.000,· Limitations: Local grants only Focus: Youth 03248 Haus Mirjam-Stiftung, Emstkirchen 4, 63825 Schöllkrippen Τ: (06024) 67340; Fax: 673414 Established; 1854; Donor(s): Pfarrer Engert Limitations: Grants in the district of Aschaflenburg and in the region of Untermain only. Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Child 03249 Haus Petersberg-Stiftung, 85253 Erdweg T: (08138) 93130; Fax: 931322 Established: 1953; Chair: Franz Josef Zeheter, Donor(s): Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat München Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the archdiocese of München/Freising only, Applications not accepted Focus: Adult; SocW; Rei 03250 Haus vom Guten Hirten, Marzellenstr 32, 50668 Köln Established: 1B66 Expenditures: DM 190.000,· Limitations: Local grants only Focus: Youth; Worn 03251
03239 - 03292 Haus zur Heiligen Hedwig, Dreilindenstr 24-26, 14109 Berlin T: (030) Θ03030; Fax: 80303285 Established: 1951; Donor(s): Kongregation der Hedwigschwestern Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Youth; Child; Sen; Nurs . . 03252 Dr. Hauschka-Stlftung, Bosslerweg 2, 73085 T: (07164) 930169; Fax: 930295 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Or. Heinz-Hartmut Vogel, Kail Kossmann Assets: DM 2.800.000,-, Receipts: DM 120,000,·, Expenditures: DM 120.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and Dörnach (Switzerland) onty Focus: Med; Schol 03253 Kunststiftung Erich Hauser, Saline 36, 78628 Rottweil Τ: (0741) 15994; Fax: 15995; E-Mail: kunstsliftung.erichhauserôt-online.de Established: 1996; Secy: Ingrid Röschlau, Donops): Prof. Erich Hauser Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03254 Hauslage-Stiftung, do Rechtsanwalt Dr. Heuer, Postfach 100836, 60008 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 299940; Fax: 282615 Established: 1990 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Dev; Educ; Arts; Scie; AnimP 03255 Friedrich und Sophie Haußmann'sctie Stiftung, c/o Bürgerstift, Spitalgasse 8, 67700 Memmingen Τ: (08331) 80378, 850195 Established: 1894; Donor(s): Friedrich und Sophie Haulìmann Focus: Child 03256 Eva HauDner-Stlftung, c/o Diakonisches Werte Erlangen, Raumerstr 9, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 78030, 22776 Established: 1933; Donor(s): Eva Haußner Assets: DM 17.880,· Limitations: Grants in Eilangen only Focus: SocW 03257 Stiftung Hausstein für Kranke, Behinderte und deren Angehörige, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1939 Expenditures: DM 390.000,Limitations: Grants in München onty Focus: Nurs; Hand 03258 Hauswaldt'sche Famlllenstiftung vom Jahre 1889, Adolphsbrücke 11, 20457 Hamburg Τ: (0531) 16504; Fax: DM 51.000,Established: 1889; Donor(s): Familie Hauswaldt Expenditures: DM 51.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Hauswaldt family only Focus: Fam; SocW 03259 Hertha und Eitel-Fritz Haver-Sttftung, c/o SC Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: michaela.fruth@stiftefvert>and,de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1995; Donops): Eitel-Fritz Haver Assets: DM 600.000,Focus: Scie; Cult; Sports; SocW . . . . 03260 Rudolf-Haver-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1997; Donops): Rudolf Haver Expenditures: DM 104.000,Umrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Cult; Scie; Res 03261 Geschwister de Haye'sche Stiftung, Karl-Härle-Str 1-5, 56075 Koblenz Τ: (0261) 5011; Fax: 501203 Established: 1895; Donor(s): Josefine de Haye Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03262 Prof. Dr. Ludwig Haymann-Sttftung, c/o Deutsche Gesellschaft für Heilkunde, Kopf- und HalsChirurgie, Hittorfstr 17, 53129 Bonn T: (0228) 231770; Fax: 239385 Established: 1963 Focus: Otor 03263 HOS-Stlftung für hilfsbedürftig« Kinder BÜtZOWS, Hauptstr 5, 16258 Kassow Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants to needy children in Bûtzow only Focus: Child 03264 Friedrich Hebbel-Stiftung, c/o Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Brunswiker Str 16-22, 24105 Kiel T: (0431) 9885704, 9885883; Fax: 9885857 Established: 1903; Chain Dr. Cari, Secy: Volker Schulz, Donor(s): Christine Hebbel Assets: DM 90.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Lit 03265
Christian Hebberlng-Sttftung, c/o Theodor-HeussGymnasium, Hauptstr 148, 45219 Essen T: (02054) 95430; Fax; 954343 Established: 1964; Chair: Gudrnn Wille-Mergenthal, Donor(s): Bernd Hebbering, Margret Hebbering Assets: DM 48.640,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Umitations: Grants to pupils of Theodor-HeussGymnasium in Essen-Kettwig only Focus: Educ; Compu 03266 Hebelstiftung Hausen im Wiesental, Bahnhofstr 9, 79688 Hausen im Wiesental T: (07622) 68730; Fax: 687399 Established: 1861 Expenditures: DM 16.000,· Limitations; Predetermined grants in HauservWiesental only Focus: Hist 03267 Friedrich Hechelmann und SehloB Isny Kunstund Kulturstfftung, Schloß 1, 88316 Isny im Allgäu T: (07562) 5326 Established: 1998; Chair Hans Müller Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 03268 Collette-Hecht-Stlftung, Klaus-Groth-Str 82, 20535 Hamburg T: (040) 2504540 Established: 1992; Donops): Edith Hecht Expenditures: DM 400.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and Luxembourg only Focus: Sen 03269 Heckewerth-Stiftung, Lessingsir 7, 33604 Bielefeld Τ: (0521) 177242 Established: 1987; Donops): Ludwig Strack Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Arts; Music
H.W. und J. Hector-Stlftung, Nächstenbacher Berg 15, 69469 Weinheim Τ; (0621) 410980; Fax: 412170 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Hans-Werner Hector Expenditures: DM 1.873.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; AIDS; Mon; Arts; Cult . . . 03271 Hederlch-Grasse-Stlftung, Schafhofstr 21, 73479 Ellwangen Τ: (07961) 6660; Fax: 6660 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Erich Grasse Expenditures: DM 14.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03272 Dr. Hedrich'Stiftung, c/o Stadtkâmmerei der Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Stadtverwaltung Dresden, Dr.-Külz-Ring 19, 01001 Dresden Τ: (0351) 4882082; Fax: 4882081 Established: 1963; Donor(s): Dr. Hans Richard Hedrich Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to needy students at the universities in Dresden and Leipzig only Focus: Schol; Law 03273 Hedwlg*Stiftung, Schloß Stetten, 74653 Künzelsau Τ: (07440) 3742 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Dr. Wolfgang Freiherr von Stetten. Limitations: Grants in Kocherstetten only Focus: Youth; Child; Educ 03274 Hedwig-Stiftung, do Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1624 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Rei 03275 Dr. Heel'sche Studienstiftung, c/o DomGymnasium-Freising, Domberg 3-5, 85354 Freising T: (08161) 48070; Fax: 480718 Established: 1961; Donor(s): Dr. Heel Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 4.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 03276 Heerde-Stiftung, Aegidiikirchpl 4, 48143 Münster Established: 1718; Donor(s): Johannes Heerde Focus: Youth; Rei 03277 J.M. Heerdegen'sche Rettungshausstiftung, c/o Stadt Hof, Stiftungsverwaltung, Rathaus, Klosterstr 3, 95028 Hof T: (09281) 815331/32; Fax: 815370 Established: 1856; Donor(s): Johann und Jakobine Heerdegen Assets: DM 18.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.300,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03278 Freiherriich Heereman von Zuydtwyck Stiftung, Kanalstr 143, 48147 Münster Τ: (0251) 25565; Fax: 296287 Established: 1982 Assets: DM 141.000,· Limitations: Grants in Riesenbeck only Focus: Youth; SocW 03279
Heerleln und Zlndler-Stiftung, Alexanderstr 29, 20099 Hamburg T: (040) 240021; Fax: 2801708 Established: 1693; Donor(s): Marie Elisabeth Heertein, Anna Elisabeth Heertein Assets: DM 7.900.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; Sen; Cane 03280 Eugen Hegeler-Stlftung, Willy-Brandt-Atlee 26, 45891 Gelsenkirchen Τ: (0209) 708300; Fax: 708673 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Gelsenwasser AG Expenditures: DM 123.000,· Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Gelsenwasser AG (Gelsenkirchen) only Focus: SocW 03281 Hegemann-Stiftung, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Abteilung III A 23, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin Τ: (030) 31424163 Established: 1954; Donops): Prof. Emst Hegemann, Marie Hegemann Assets: DM 760.000,-, Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Schol; Eng 03282 Detlef Hegemann-Stiftung, c/o Detlef Hegemann GmbH & Co, Außer der Schleifmühle 39-43, 28203 Bremen T: (0421) 36640; Fax: 3664240; E-Mail: Stephanie.Weseman nr@ hegemann, de Established: 1994; Donops): Dipl.-Ing. Detlef Hegemann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS; Eng; Voc; Build; Nav . . . 03283 Georg Hegenauer-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Regensburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Kumpfmühler Str 52a, 93051 Regensburg T: (0941) 5071544; Fax: 5074549 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Georg Hegenauer Assets: DM 5.800.000,·, Expenditures: DM 7.499.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03284 Martha und Christian Hehl-Stiftung, Geverdesstr 16, 23554 Lübeck T: (0451) 41742 Established: 1954; Donor(s): Martha und Christian Hehl Assets: DM 49.000,· Limitations: Grants in the parish of Sankt Matthäi in Lübeck only Focus: Sen 03285 Josef-David Heidelberger-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Sozialdezernat, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: sozialdezemat© stadt-mainz.de Established: 1907; Donor(s): Josef-David Heidelberger Limitations: Grants in Mainz only Focus: SOCW 03286 Jutta Heidemann-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 3, 99084 Erfurt T: (0361) 7892090; Fax: 5667810 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Jutta Heidemann Expenditures: DM 29.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Erfurt only Focus: Schol 03207 Maren Heideman n-Stiftung, do Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Maren Heidemann Focus: Child; Youth 03288 Dr. Johannes Heldenhain-Stiftung, FridtjofNansen-Str 17, 83301 Traunreut Τ: (08669) 2728; Fax: 901022 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Dr. Johannes Heidenhain Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Focus: Prec; Optics; Electron; SocW; Health 03289 Georg-Heinrich Heige-Stlftung, c/o Günter Kolbe, Wiesenweg 90, 99958 Illeben Τ: (03603) 814511 Established: 1879; Donor(s): Johann Gottfried Heige, Georg Heinrich Heige, Heinrich Christoph Heige, Cari Friedrich Heige, Gottfried August Heige Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Heige family and to citizens of Illeben only Focus: Fam; SocW 03290 Heilerziehunge· und Pflegeheime Scheuem, Am Burgberg 16, 56377 Nassau T: (02604) 9790; Fax: 979109 Established: 1850; Donor(s): Kaplan Burchardi, H. Reichard Expenditures: DM 54.170.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Educ 03291 Helllg-Geist-BQrgerspItalstiftung Landau an der Isar, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 94405 Landau an der Isar Established: 1446 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03292
03293 - 03344
55 Helllg-Gelst-BQrgerstiftung Buchloe, Zeppelinstr 6, 86807 Buchloe T: (08241) 500111; Fax: 500140 Established: 1947; Donor(s): Kath. PfarTkirchengemeinde Buchloe, Stadt Budnloe, Ambulanter Krankenpflegeverein e.V., Pfarrer Josef Schön, Bonaventora Stammel Expenditures: DM 37.000,Lirnitations: Applications not accepted Focus; SocW; Child; Rei 03293 Heillg-Geist-Spftal-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursula±[email protected]; Internet: http7/ www. Stadt, nuemberg, de Established: 1339; Donor(s): Konrad Groß Assets: DM 32.766.400,-, Receipts: DM 4.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 950.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: SocW; Sen 03294 Hellig-Gelst-Spital-Stiftung Burg ha usen, do Stadtverwaltung. Postfach 1240, 84489 Burghausen Τ: (08677) 88709 Established: 1326; Donor(s): Herzöge Heinrich XIV., Otto IV. und Heinrich XV. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03295 Heilig-Geist-Spltal-Stiftung Ingolstadt, Rathauspl 2, 85049 Ingolstadt T: (0841) 3051400; Fax: 3051409 Established: 1319; Donops): Kaiser Ludwig Expenditures: DM 8.200.000,· Limitatíons: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Helllg-Gelst-Spltalstfftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1107, 84519 Neuötting Established: 1369 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Mon 03297 Helllg-Gelst-Spltalstlftung Aichach, Stadtpl 35, B6551 Aichach T: (08251) 87880; Fax: 8788116 Established: 1400; Donor(s): Konrad Werder, Elisabeth Werder Receipts: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Aichach only Focus: Sen 03298 Heilig-Geist-Spitalstiftung Eggenfelden, Öttingerstr 3, 84307 Eggenfelden T: (08721) 8938 Established: 1492; Donops): Magdalena Lengfelder Expenditures: DM 820.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03299 Helllg-Gelst-Spltalstlftung Füssen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Lechhalde 3, 87629 Füssen T: (08362) 903176 Established: 1860 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03300 Helllg-Gelst-Stlftung, Mûhlenweg 38, 48249 Dülmem Τ: (02594) 9580 Established: 1957 Expenditures: DM 9.800.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03301 Helllg-Gelst-Stlftung Nesselwang, Füssener Str 16 , 67484 Nesselwang Τ: (08361) 921610; Fax: 92161199 Established: 1503; Donor(s): Bischof Friedrich II Graf von Zollem Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03302 Helllg-Gelst-Stlftung Vereinigte Hosplzlen In Bernkastel-Kues, Rathaus, 54470 Bernkastel-Kues T: (06531) 3022 Established: 1873; Chair Stadtbürgermeister Expenditures: DM 137.000,Limitations: Grants in Bernkastel-Kues only Focus: SocW 03303 Hellig-Geist-Stmung Vllsblburg, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathaus, Stadtpl 26, 84137 Vilsbiburg T: (08741) 3050, 30541; Fax: 30555; Internet: http J /www.vilsbiburg.de Established: 1476; Donor(s): Caspar Westendorler Expenditures: DM 484.000,Limitations: Grants in Vilsbiburg only Focus: Sen; Hous 03304 Heilig Gelstspltalsttftung Landshut, c/o Stadt Landshut, Stiftungsverwaltung, Christoph-Domer-Str 8, 84028 Landshut Τ: (0871) 881247; Fax: 25925 Established: 1200; Donor(s): Herzog Ludwig I. der Kelhámer Assets: DM 43.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Landshut only Focus: Sen 03305 Helllgen-Gelst-Hospltal Lübeck, c/o Hansestadt Lübeck, Fleischhauerstr 20, 23539 Lübeck T: (0451) 1222040/41; Fax: 1222009 Established: 1243; Chair. Bürgermeister der Hansestadt Lübeck, Donor(s): Bertram Momeweg Expenditures: DM 2.616.000,· Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Sen; Mon 03306
Heiligen-Gelst-Stfftung, Waldstr 9, 29525 Uelzen Τ: (0581) 800240; Fax: 800220 Established; 1321; Donops): Propst Raven Expenditures: DM 3.600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Rei; SocW 03307 Bernhard Heiliger-Stiftung, Käuzchensteig 8, 14195 Berlin Τ: (030) 8312012; Fax: 8316435; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Chair Prof, Lothar Romain, Sabine Wellmann-Heiliger, Dorior(s): Sabine Wellmann-Heiliger, Dr. Anita Heiliger, Prof. Stefan Heiliger Limitations: Grants to young German sculptors only Focus: Arts 03308 Heillggeist-Spital-Stlftung München, do Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München Τ: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1204; Donops): Herzog Ludwig I. der Kelheimer Expenditures: DM 1.085.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Sen 03309 Heillggelst-Spital-Stiftung Schongau, Karmeliterstr 8, 66956 Schongau Τ: (08861) 23550; Fax: 235555 Established: 1525; Chair: 1. Bürgermeister Dr. Friedrich Zeller, Donor(s): Schongauer Bürger Receipts: DM 7.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03310 Helliggelst-Spitalstlftung, do Stadt Günzburg, Altenheimverwaltung, Postfach 1562, 89305 Günzburg Τ: (08221) 207900; Fax: 2079088 Established: 1745 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03311 Helllggeistspltal Mühldorf am Inn, c/o Stadt Mühldorf, Stadtkámmerei, Stadtpl 21, 84453 Mühldorf am Inn Τ: (08631) 612230; Fax: 612222; E-Mail: Stadtverwaltung ©muehldorf.de; Internet: http7/ www.muehldoif.de Established: 1475 Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 03312 Helliggeistspltal-Stlftung Frelsing, Rotkreuzstr 21, 85354 Preising Τ: (08161) 6030; Fax: 60323 Established: 1380; Donor(s): Domherr Magister Konrad Gaymann, Graf Christian Konrad von Königsfeld Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03313 Helliggeistspital-Stiftung Vohburg an der Donau, do Stadtverwaltung, Ulrich-Steinberger-Pl 12-13, 8508Θ Vohburg T: (08457) 92920; Fax: 929220 Established: 1480; Donor(s): Hans Rheinschmied Assets: DM 4.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03314 Heiliggelstspltal-Stlftung Wasserburg am Inn, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marienpl 2, 83512 Wasserburg am Inn T: (08071) 10028; Fax: 10570; E-Mail: info θ stadt.wasserburg.de; Internet: http:// www.wasserburg.de Established: 1341 Assets: DM 9.414.138,26 Limitations: Grants to citizens of Wasserburg am Inn only Focus: Hous; Child; SocW 03315 Helliggelstspltalstmung Erding, c/o Stadt Erding, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach 1151, 85421 Erding Τ: (08122) 4080; Fax: 408250 Established: 1400 Limitations: Grants in Erding only Focus: Sen 033Í6 Helllggelstepttalitlftung Freiburg Im Breisgau, Deutschordensstr 2, 79104 Freiburg Τ: (0761) 2108110; Fax: 2108111; E-Mail: info© stiftungsverwaltung-freiburg.de; Internet: http7/ www.stiftungsverwaltung-freiburg.de Established: 1255 Expenditures: DM 44.086.000,Limitations: Grants in Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Sen; Youth; SocW; Educ . . . . 03317 Das Heilpädagogium an der Ostsee, Stiftung für Christlich-Soziale Dienste - Eckemförde, Brennofenweg 4, 24340 Eckemförde T: (04351) 900933; Fax: 900955 Established: 1950; Donops): Freie Innere Mission e.V. Expenditures: DM 12.976.000,Limitations: Grants in Eckemförde only Focus: Youth; Child 03318
Das Heilpädagogium an der Schiel, Stiftung für Soziale und Missionarische Dienste, Brennofenweg 4, 24340 Eckemförde T: (04351) 900933; Fax: 900955 Established: 1977; Donops): Stiftung Missionskinderheim Eckemförde Expenditures: DM 2.421.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Miss; Dev; Hand 03319 Hellsbach Bildungs- und Freizeltstätte, 66996 Schönau T: (06393) 8020; Fax: 802288 Established: 1979; Donops): Diözese Speyer Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 03320 Hellsbronner Stipendienfonds Ansbach, c/o Regierung von Mittelfranken, Promenade 27, 91522 Ansbach T: (0981) 53722; Fax: 53206 Established: 1581; Donor(s): Markgraf Georg Friedrich der Ältere Assets: DM 105.000,·, Expenditures: DM 8.000,(every 3 years) Limitations: Scholarships to needy German Protestant students in the former principality of Ansbach only Focus: Schol 03321 Hellsbronner Stipendienfonds Bayreuth, c/o Regierung von Oberfranken, Postfach 110165, 95420 Bayreuth T: (0921) 6041332; Fax: 6041675 Established: 1736; Donor(s): Markgraf Friedrich von Bayreuth Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy German Protestant students in the former principality of Bayreuth only Focus: Schol 03322 Fritz und Margot Hetm-Stlftung, Johann-SebastianBach-Str 2, 77933 Lahr Τ: (07821) 22333; Fax: 22333 Established: 1970; Secy: Lothar Rosier, Donor(s): Margot Heim Expenditures: DM 31.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Uni 03323 Dr. Emst Heinrich Helmann-Stlftung, Weitlstr 66, App. 4096, 80935 München Τ: (089) 38584096 Established: 1989; Donops): Gudrun Heimann Expenditures; DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to Centre Villa Vigoni in Loveno di Menaggio (Italy) only Focus: IntU 03324 Helmatbuch-Stiftung Untertürkheim und Rotenberg, Augsburger Str 371, 70327 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1246300; Fax: 1244576 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Bürgerverein Untertürkheim e.V. Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim only Focus: Cult; Arts; Hist; Sports 03325 Heimathaus des Rupertiwlnkels, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1106, 84525 Tittmoning Τ: (08683) 70070; Fax: 700730; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http j f www.tittmoning.de Established: 1963; Chain 1. Bürgermeister Dietmar Cremer, Donops): Historischer Verein Tittmoning e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cuit 03326 Christian Heimeran'sche Familienstiftung, Haushoferstr 5, 81925 München Established: 1905 Limitations: Grants to members of the Heimeran family only Focus: Fam; SocW 03327 Helmkehrersttftung, Konstantinstr 56, 53179 Bonn T: (0228) 935760; Fax: 9357699; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.heimkehrerstiftung.de Established: 1970; Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland Limitations: Grants to former German prisoners of war only Focus: SocW; Sen 03328 Helmstatt-Stiftung, Oberiànderstr 100, 86163 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 261920; Fax: 668630 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Walter Röhl, Gerda Eser Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03329 Helmstfftung Karlsruhe, Sybelstr 11, 76137 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 1335430; Fax: 1335109; E-Mail: info® Heimstiftung.Kartsnjhe.de; Internet: http:// www.Heimstiftung-Karisruhe.de Established: 1995; Chair: Bürgermeister Harald Denecker, Secy: Josef Braun, Donops): Stadt Karlsruhe Assets: DM 14.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 25.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Sen 03330
Germany: Heitfeld
Minna-James Helneman-Stiftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1928; Donor(s): Dannie N. Heineman Expenditures: DM 683.000,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Scie; Med 03331 Emst-Georg Helnemann-Stlftung, c/o Haas, Monneijahn & Partner, Postfach 105280, 28035 Bremen T: (0421) 339530 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Rei; SocW; Cane; Schol . . . . 03332 Helnemann'sche Familienstiftung, Gehrener Str 7, 98708 Möhrenbach Established: 1925 Limitations: Grants to members of the Heinemann family only Focus: Fam 03333 Stiftung Dr. Heines, Rockwinkeier Landstr 110, 28325 Bremen Τ: (0421) 420012; Fax: 4099900; E-Mail: KarlDieter. [email protected] Established: 1992; Donor(s): Dr. Karl-Dieter Heines Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Scie; Res; Youth; Health . . . . 03334 Heine'sches Wohnstlft Alexanders^ 29, 20099 Hamburg T: (040) 240021; Fax: 2801708 Established: 1866; Donor(s): Therese Halle Expenditures: DM 349.000,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home In Hamburg only Focus: Sen 03335 Heinz Heinrich-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, do Deutsche Bank AG, Postfach 5010, 52006 Aachen T: (0241) 4661 Established: 1962 03336 Franz Helnrlch-Studien-Stiftung, Hohenberger Str 90, 95100 Selb Τ: (09287) 6425; Fax: 4883 Established; 1923; Donor(s): Franz Heinrich Limitations: Scholarships in Selb only Focus: Schol 03337 Christoph Friedrich Heinzelmann-Stiftung, c/o Spinnerei und Weberei Momm AG, Postfach 1553, 87575 Kaufbeurer Τ: (08341) 80930; Fax: 809354 Established: 1868; Donor(s): Christoph Friedrich Heinzelmann Assets: DM 1.900.000,-, Expenditures: DM 191.000,Limitations: Grants to former employees of Momm AG (Kaufbeuren) only Focus: SocW 03338 Adolf und Fanny Helnzmann*Stlftung, do Internationales Katholisches Missionswerk e.V., Postfach 1110, 52012 Aachen T: (0241) 750700; Fax: 7507335 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Fanny Heinzmann Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Miss 03339 Ludwig Heinz'sche Stiftung, Gemeindeverwaltung, 96355 Tettau Established: 1961 Limitations: Grants in Tettau only Focus: Nurs 03340 Alois Heiss-Stlftung, Alemannerstr 21, 73765 Neuhausen Established: 1990; Donor(s): Agnes Maria Heiss Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03341 Christian-Ludwig und Franziska Heister-Stiftung, do Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Stadtkámmerei, Abteilung Kapital- und Schulden Verwaltung, Paulspl 9, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235171; Fax: 21230740 Established: 1943; Donor(s): Christian-Ludwig, Franziska Heister Assets: DM 8.328,·, Expenditures: DM 5.400,Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Sen 03342 Heisterberg-Stlftung, Am Ahlemer Turm 1a, 30453 Hannover Limitations: Grants in Ahlem, Harenberg and Velbert only Focus: Sports; Youth 03343 Dr. Hildegard Heitfeld und Professor Dr. KarlHeinrlch Holtfeld-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -J! www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Dr. Hildegard und Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinrich Heitfeld Limitations: Grants in Rossau/Sachsen only Focus: Mon 03344
Germany: Heitland-Foundation Heitland-Foundation, Grauenbarge 1, 29229 Celle Τ: (05086) 2920 Established: I960 Assets: DM 25.000,Umitations: Grants to needy German artists only Focus: Arts 03345 Heitmann-Stiftung, c/o IHK Region Stuttgart, Bezirkskammer Ludwigsburg, Postfach 609 , 71606 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 1220; Fax: 122235 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Karl und Maria Heitmann Assets: DM 393.609,Limitations: Grants in Ludwigsüurg only Focus: Educ; Cult 03346 Held + Francke Fonds, c/o Technische Universität München, Arcisstr 21, 80333 München T: (089) 28901 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Held + Francke BauAG Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to Technische Universität München only Focus: Schol; Eng 03347 Helenenkinderheim, Neubrunnenweg 25, 31812 Bad Pyrmont Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 03348 Helfen in der Haveistadt, Neukladower Str 12, 14089 Berlin T: (030) 3652028 Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: SocW 03349 Cornelius Helferich-Stiftung, Ulmenstr 23, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 784880; Fax: 7848819 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Cornelius und Lucie Helferich Focus: Hand; Sen; Psychia 03350 Wilhelm und Helene Heil-Stiftung, c/o A.H. Lutteroth, Firma Bernhard Schulte, Vorsetzen 54, 20459 Hamburg T: (040) 3118960; Fax: 311B9623; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1897; Chair; Asean H. Lutteroth, Donor(s): Wilhelm Hell, Helene Hell Assets: DM 90.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Focus: Orp 03351 Theodor Hellbrügge-Stiftung zur Förderung der Sozialpädiatrie in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre, Heiglhofstr 63, 81925 München T: (089) 71009312; Fax: 7193610 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Prot. Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Hellbrügge Focus; Red; Reh; Psychol; Educ . . . . 03352 Armeastiftung Heilendorn für Wissel und Griethausen, Martinstr 8, 47533 Kleve T: (02821) 93567 Established: 1759; Donor(s): Alard Gerard Heilendorn Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limltations: Grants to senior citizens of Wissel and Griethausen only Focus: Sen 03353 Peter und Beate Heller-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Beate Heller Expenditures: DM 44.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Biol; Med 03354 Hubert Heller-Stiftung, c/o Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Postfach 1428 , 72604 Nürtingen Established: 1988 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Alts 03355 Richard Hellmann-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Vetschau, Postfach 1159, 03223 Vetschau T: (035433) 7770; Fax: 2302; E-Mail: Vetschau© spreewald-info.de; Internet: http://www.spreewaldlnfo.de/vetschau Established: 1929; Donor(s): Richard Hellmann Assets: DM 250.000,Focus: SocW 03356 Helmholtz-Fonds e.V., Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, 81739 München Established: 1913 Assets: DM 40.000,Focus: Schol; Eng; Phys 03357 Helms-Museum, Hamburger Museum für Archäologie und die Geschichte Hamburgs, Museumspl 2, 21073 Hamburg T: (040) 428713693; Fax: 428712684; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Donor(s): Hansestadt Hamburg Expenditures: DM 3.700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archeo; Hist; Mon 03356 Lothar & Ingrid Hemshorn Stiftung, Amold-HeiseStr 8, 20249 Hamburg T: (040) 4603838; Fax: 473995 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Lothar und Ingrid Hemshorn Limitations; Grants to needy German pupils only Focus: Educ 03359
03345 - 03401 Hans Hench aenlor-Stiftung für berufliche Weiterbildung In Aschaffenburg, c/o Landratsamt Aschaffenburg, Bayemstr 18, 63739 Aschaflenburg T: (06021) 394287; Fax: 394988; E-Mail: Landratsamt-Aschaffenburg @t-online.de Established: 1985; Donops): Hans Hench sen. Assets: DM 150.000,·, Receipts: DM 8,000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Aschaffenburg only Focus: Voc 03360 Hans Hench-Stiftung für Rheumatologie, c/o Hochrhein-Institut Fur Rheumaforschung, Bergseestr 61, 79713 Bad Säckingen T; (07761) 921711; Fax: 554329 Established: 1988; Chair Dr. Boos, Secy: Klaus Komeli, Donor(s): Hans Hench Assets: DM 300.000,-, Receipts: DM 10.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Rheum 03361 Herfling-Sttftung, Ampeckstr 3, 81545 München T: (089) 645550; Fax: 6426904 Established: 1977; Donor(s): Emil und Frieda Maria Henfling Limitations: Grants to pupils of Bayerische Landesschule für Körperbehinderte in München only Focus: Hand 03362 Konrad Henkel-Stiftung, Emst-Schneider-Pl 1, 40212 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 3557341/44; Fax: 3557340 Established: 1985; Donops): Dr. Konrad Henkel Limitations: Scholarships to Heinrich-HeineUniversität in Düsseldorf only Focus: Schol; Econ 03363 Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Malkastenstr 15, 40211 Dusseldorf Τ: (0211) 359853; Fax: 357137; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1976; Secy: Dr. Elisabeth Hemfort, Donor(s): Lisa Maskell Focus: Hum 03364 Henkell-Sttftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Sozialdezemat, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: sozialdezemat© Stadt, mainz.de Established: 1941 Limitations: Grants to Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz only Focus: NatS 03365 Günter Henle-Stlftung, c/o G. Henle Verlag, Forstenrieder Allee 122, 81476 München Τ: (089) 759820; Fax: 7598240; E-Mail: info® henle.de; Internet: http://www.henle.de Established: 1973; Donops): Dr. Dr. h.c. Günter Henle Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Lit 03366 Emst-Jakob Henne-Sttftung, Kunigundenstr 31, 80805 München Τ: (089) 36100454; Fax: 36100453 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Emst August Henne Expenditures: DM 213.000,Focus: Youth; Child; Sen; Hand . . . . 03367 Otto Henneberg-PoppenbOttel-Stlftung, Poststr 2, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 3456657 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants to Arboretum Marienhof in Hamburg only Focus: Bot 03368 Claire Hennes-Sttftung, c/o Steuerberater Willy Burgsmüller, Meiserweg 8, 42579 Heiligenhaus Τ: (02056) 69248; Fax: 69289 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Claire Hennes Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03369 Hennlg'sche Stiftung zu Großpösna, c/o Ev.Luth. Kirchengemeinde Großpösna, Oskar-UhlmannStr 3, 04463 Großpösna T: (034297) 42161; Fax: 42161 Established: 1997; Chair Johannes Langer, Donor{s): Hans Hennig Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; SocW 03370 Dr. Norbert Henning-Stiftung, c/o Universität Erlangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642, 8522892; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1986; Donops): Prof. Dr. Norbert Henning Expenditures: DM 79.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Med 03371 Henriettenstiftung, Marienstr 72-90, 30171 Hannover T: (0511) 2890; Fax: 2892000 Established: 1860; Donor(s): Königin Marie von Hannover Expenditures: DM 153.526.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen; Rei 03372 Hans-Henseleit-Stlftung, do Sparkasse Kiel, Lorentzdarnm 28-30, 24103 Kiel Τ: (0431) 5921701; Fax: 5921799 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Sparkasse Kiel Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein, with emphasis on Kiel Focus: Arts 03373
Eheleute Adolf Hensemann sen. und Gertrud geb. Nolden-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Neuss, Amt 40, Postfach 101452, 41456 Neuss T: (02131) 904003; Fax: 904010 Established: 1921; Donor(s): Friedrich Wilhelm Hesemann Limitations: Scholarships lo CathoJic students in the region of Neuss only Focus: Schol 03374
Heresbach-Stlftung, Postfach 1165 , 47538 Kalkar Τ: (02824) 13136 Established: 1557; Donor(s): Dr. Conrad Herzbach, Mechthild Duynen Assets: DM 50.250,Limitations: Grants in the former principality of Herzogtum Kleve, with emphasis on KaJkar and Wesel only Focus: Educ; Scie; Res 03389
Henstorf-Stiftung, Südeschfeld 18, 30900 Wedemark Limitations: Grants in Bissendorf only Focus: Cult; Youth
Dietrich Herfurth-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http J/ www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dietrich Herfurth, Freundeskreis Musik und Denkmalpflege in Kirchen des Merseburger Landes e.V., Rotary-Club Merseburg, Lions-Club Merseburg Limitations: Predetermined grants in Marseburg only Focus: Mon 03390
Amo-Hentsehel-Stlftung. Dortstr 147, 02744 Oberoderwitz Established: 1998; Chair: Albrecht Ludwig, Donor(s): Amo Hentschel Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Oberiausitz only Focus: Hand 03376 Heppel-Sttft, Diezer Str 65, 65549 Limburg Τ: (06431) 98110; Fax: 981133 Established: 1916; Donor(s): Joseph Heppel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Hepp'sche Stiftung, Ignaz-Ziegler-Str 64, 97491 Aidhausen Established: 1924; Donor(s): Eduard Hepp Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Child; Nurs 03378 Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Sttftung, Postfach 1553, 63405 Hanau Τ: (06181) 923250; Fax: 9232515; E-Mail: lang© we-heraeus-stif1ung.de; Internet: http://www.weheraeus-stiftung.de Established: 1963; Chair: Prof. Dr. D. Rôss, Secy: Dr. E. Dreisigacker, Donor(s): Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Heraeus, Else Heraeus Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,· Focus: NatS; Phys; Schol 03379 Herberge zur Heimat (Glauchau), Kirchpl 5, 08371 Glauchau T: (03763) 509312; Fax: 509315 Established: 1884 Assets: DM 123.690,Limitations: Grants in Glauchau only Focus: Hous 03380 Herberge zur Heimat (Northeim), BürgermeisterPeters-Str 36, 37154 Northeim T: (05551) 911637; Fax: 911639 Established: 1888; Donor(s): Herbergsverein Northeim Limitations: Grants in Northeim only Focus: Home 03381 Herberge zur Heimat (Saarbrücken), Am Ludwigspl 9, 66117 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 52801; Fax: 582002 Established: 1881 Limitations: Grants in Saarbrücken only Focus: Home
Sepp Herberger-Stiftung, c/o Deutscher FußballBund, Otto-Fleck-Schneise 6, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6788239; Fax: 6788415 Established: 1976; Chair: Dr. h.c. Egidius Braun, Secy: Goetz Eilers, Donor(s): Deutscher FußballBund Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.500.000,Limrtations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Sports 03383 Herbipdis-Bürgerstfftung, Theatersir 19, 97070 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1981 Expenditures: DM 34.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Würzburg only Focus: SocW 03384 Heinrich Herbst-Stiftung, Barmbeker Markt 19, 22081 Hamburg Τ: (040) 2999490; Fax: 29994930 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Heinrich Herbst Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW; Voc; Wid; Orp 03355 Herbstliche Musiktage Bad Urach, Postfach 1240, 72563 Bad Urach T: (07125) 156150; Fax: 156151; E-Mail: info© herbstliche-musiktage.de; Internet: www.heibstlichemusiktage.de Established: 1998; Chair Andreas Schüle, Donops): Stadt Bad Urach Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 03386 Helmut Herder-Stiftung, Kiefemstr 2, 42699 Solingen Established: 1970 03387 Max Herdlng'sche Familienstiftung, Kreuzberg 19, 46397 Bocho« Τ: (02871) 7483; Fax: 185135 Established: 1928; Donops): Mathilde HerdingPiekenbrock Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Herding family only Focus: Fam 03388
Herkomer-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Landsberg, Sliftungsreferat, 86899 Landsberg Τ: (08191) 128255; Fax; 128180 Established: 1929; Donops): Gräfin Maggie von Herkomer Expenditures: DM 91.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 0339Í Hermann-Josef-Stlftung Erkelenz, Tenholter Str 43. 41812 Erkelenz T: (02431) 890; Fax: 892218 Established: 1867; Donops): Hermann-Josef Gormans Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 03392 Rudolf Hermanns-Stiftung, Von-Lade-Str 1, 65366 Geisenheim T: (06722) 502222; Fax: 502212, 5022202; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjl www. rnnd,fh-wiesbaden.de/fag/fagall/rhs Established: 1987; Chair Heitert Zender, Secy: Emst J. Halle, Donops): Rudolf Hermanns Assets: DM 1.500.000,·, Receipts: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Umitations: Research grants in Germany and Europe. Scholarships to students at Fachhochschule Wiesbaden only Focus: Wine; Hort; Schol 03393 Hermes-Stiftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg T: (0391) 5346229 Established: 1843; Donops): Christiane Amalie Hermes Focus: Wid; Orp 03394 Herner Sparkassenstiftung für Kunst und Kultur, c/o Hemer Sparkasse, Berliner PI 1, 44623 Heme Τ: (02323) 590237; Fax: 590418 Established: 1992; Donops): Hemer Sparkasse Limitations: Grants in Herne only Focus: Arts; Cult 03395 Otto und Anna Herold-Altersheimstiftung, Joh.Rudolf-Glauber-Str 26, 97753 Karlstadt T: (09353) 798600; Fax: 798799; E-Mail: heroldstiftung@kkh-msp,de Established: 1973; Donor(s): Otto und Anna Herold Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03396 Johann und Maria Herr-Stiftung, Fuldablick 1, 34125 Kassel Τ: (0561) 8700502 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Maria Herr Limitations: Grants to former employees of Rheika AG (Kassel) only Focus: Child; Hand; Youth 03397 Deutsche Bank-Stiftung Alfred Herrhausen Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Bockenheimer Landstr 42, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 91034120; Fax: 91038836; E-Mail: mailehn.thieme® db.com; Internet: http Λ www.deutsche-bank-strftung.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Deutsche Bank AG Assets: DM 114.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000.000,Focus: SocW 03398 Karl Herrlger-Stlftung, Wevelinghovener Str 2, 41515 Grevenbroich Established: 1969 Focus: Educ; Sen; Youth 03399 Franz HerTleln-Sttftung, Großer Hasenpfad 30, 60598 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9622040; Fax: 96220420 Established: 1990 Assets: DM 2.000.000,· Limitations: Grants to German trainees in hotels and restaurants only Focus: Voc 03400 Frank Herrmann-Stiftung, Meerwiesenstr 66, 68163 Mannheim T: (0621) 811788; Fax: 811788 Established: 1994; Donors): Willi Herrmann Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Psychia 03401
03402 - 03452
57 Hermhuter Diakonie-Stiftung der Evangelischen Brüder-Unttát Zinzendorfpl 16. 02747 Hermhiit Τ: (035873) 460; Fax: 46299; E-Mail: [email protected] Chair Ulrich Mihan Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Sen 03402 Herrschaftlicher Bezlrksspltalfonds, Schafberg 12, 76534 Baden-Baden T: (07221) 70050; Fax: 7005118 Established: 1595; Donor(s): Markgraf Philipp der Ältere Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03403 Hertener Bürgerstiftung, Hermannstr 19, 45699 Herten Τ: (02366) 937346; Fax: 937348 Established: 1999; Chair Dr. Elisabeth Nilkens Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Youth; Cult; Scie; Res . . 03404 Dina Herter-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Siegen, Postfach 100320, 57003 Siegen Τ: (0271) 4042101; Fax: 4042716 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Dina Henriette Herler Expenditures: DM 19.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03405 Gemeinnützige Hertle-Stlftung, Lyoner Str 15, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66562418; Fax: 66562409; E-Mail: ReginaJaekel @ Compuserve.com; Internet: http:// vww.gemeinnuet2ige-hertie-stiftung.de Established: 1974; Chair: Reginald Graf von Norman, Secy: Dr. Roland Kaehlbrandt (Projektarbeit), Dr. Bernd J. Höfer (Administration), Donor(s): Georg Karg Assets: DM 1.600.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 89.009.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000.000,Focus: Scie; Educ; SocW; Youth; Sen; MultS; Fam 03406 Magda Hertz-Dyrks-Stiftung, c/o Caritasverband, Albertusstr 38, 41061 Mönchengladbach Τ: (02161) 81020 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Magda Hertz-Dyrte Focus: Sen; SocW 03407 Heinrich Hertz-Erlnnerungs-Stiftung, c/o Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1957; Donor(s): Heinrich Hertz Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Schol 03408 Heinrich Hertz-Stiftung, tío Ministerium für Schule und Weiterbildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Völklinger Str 49, 40221 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 8964266; Fax: 8964407 Established: 1961 Expenditures: DM 800.000,Limitations: Scholarships in the state of NordrheinWestfalen only Focus: Scie; Schol 03409 Hertzlg-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Reinbek, Schul-und Kulturamt, Hamburger Str 7, 21465 Reinbek Τ: (040) 72700265, 72700260; Fax: 7229407 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Eduard Hertzig, Elisabeth Hertzig Assets: DM 160.000,-, Receipts: DM 20.000,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants to pupils in Reinbek only Focus: Educ 03410 Vereinigte Herz-Näher'sche WohltàtJgkeitS8tlftung, tío Stadtverwaltung, Rathauspl 1, 87527 Sonthofen Τ: (08321) 615230; Fax: 615294; E-Mail: Wemer.GemgrosÔ Sonthofen.de; Internet: httpJl www.sonthofen.de Established: 1953; Donor(s): Thadáus Herz, Martin Näher, Maria Näher Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Sen; Fam 03411 Herzauge, Ringstr 34, 7Θ465 Konstanz T: (07533) 2140 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dr. Götz Hübner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Lit 03412 HerzogOûrr-Sttftung, Schwieberdinger Str 86, 71636 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 4080; Fax: 408222 Established: 1940; Donor(s): Cari Herzog, Fritz Dürr Expenditures: DM 23.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of A. Ziemann GmbH (Ludwigsburg) only Focus: SocW 03413 Kail Herzog*SWtung, Hohenheimer Str 93, 70184 Stuttgart Established: 1941 Focus: SocW 03414
Christiane Herzog Stiftung, Geißstr 4, 70173 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 246346; Fax: 242631; Internet http:// www.christianeherzogstiftung.de Established: 1996; Donops): Christiane Herzog Expenditures: DM 2.500.000,Limrtations: Predetermined grants and scholarships only Focus: Med; Schol 03415 Herzog-Wllhelm-Bllndenstlftung, Falkenbergstr 11, 38124 Braunschweig T: (0531) 602158 Established: 1962 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 03416 Herzoglich Georgianische Priesterhausstiftung, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUnrversität, Geschwister-Scholl-PI 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 286201; Fax: 28620210 Established: 1494; Donops): Herzog Georg der Reiche von Bayem-Landshut Expenditures: DM 918.000,Limitations: Scholarships to Catholic theological students at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München only Focus: Rei; Schol 03417 Johannes HeB-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Johannes-Heß-Str 24, 84489 Burghausen Τ: (08677) 833401; Fax: 835821 Established: 1929; Donor(s): Dr. Ing. E.h. Johannes Heß Limitations: Grants to employees of Wacker-Chemie GmbH (München) only Focus: Voc 03418 Dr. Walter Ηββ-Sttftung, c/o Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Eriangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen Τ: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr. Walter Heß Assets: DM 228.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limrtations: Grants to medical students at Universität Eriangen-Nümberg only Focus: Med; Schol 03419 Hermann Η esse-Literaturpreis Stiftung, Postfach 2406, 76012 Karlsruhe Τ: (0721) 12555; Fax: 15055 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Stadt Karlsruhe, Gemeinschaft zur Förderung der Kunst e.V. Assets: DM 502.000,· Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit 03420 Calwer Hermann-Hesse-Stfftung, c/o Kreissparkasse Calw, Marktstr 7-11, 75363 CaJw T: (07051) 9321125; Fax: 9321113 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Calw, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden Expenditures: DM 48.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Lit 03421 Hartwig Heese-Stiftung, Alexanderstr 29, 20099 Hamburg T: (040) 240021; Fax: 2801708 Established: 1826; Donor(s): Hartwig Hesse Expenditures: DM 12.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 03422 Peter-Hesse-Stiftung, Solidarität in Partnerschaft für eine Welt, Römerstr 1a, 41564 Kaarst-Büttgen T: (02131) 756830; Fax: 756831; E-Mail: p.hesse® solidarity.org; Internet: http://www.solidarity.org Established: 1983; Chair: Peter Hesse Assets: DM 210.000,·, Expenditures: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Grants in Haiti only Focus: Dev; Am 03423 Georg Hesse-Stiftung, Am Brühl 13, 79853 Lenzkirch-Kappel T: (07653) 1361 Established: 1977; Donops): Georg Hesse Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Musi 03424 Dr. phil. Cari Hesse-Stiftung, Sachsenhain 16, 27283 Verden Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in Verden only Focus: Educ 03425 Dr. Ferdinand Hesse Stipendien-Stiftung, c/o Stiftungsverwaltung, Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Amt für Verwaltung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 1914; Donorfc): Sophie Wilhelmine Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Rei; Music; Phil
Caspar Hessel-Gefoigschaftshltfe, Am Haweifcamp 13-27, 48155 Münster Established: 1943 Limitations: Grants to employees of Hessel Co. (Münster) only Focus: SocW 03427 Walter Hesselbach-Stiftung, Marie-Curte-Str 30, 60439 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 95872600; Fax: 95872626 Established: 1996 Focus: SocS; Econ; NatS 03428
Hofrat Friedrich Hesslng'sche orthopädische Heilanstalt In Augsburg-Göggingen, Hessingstr 17, 86199 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 9090; Fax: 909202; E-Mail: contact® hessing-stiftung.de; Internet: http://www.hessingstiftung.de Established: 1919; Donor(s): Hofrat Friedrich von Hessing Expenditures: DM 67.960.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ortho 03429 Hessische Hausstiftung, Hainstr 25b, 61476 Kronberg T: (06173) 70102; Fax: 701544 Established: 1928; Donor(s): Mitglieder der Kurlinie des Hauses Hessen Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Arts; Mon 03430 Hessische Kulturstiftung, Rheinstr 23-25, 65185 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 370689; Fax: 3082547; E-Mail: info® hkst.de; Internet: http://www.hkst.de Established: 1987; Chair: Dr. Jean-Christophe Ammann, Secy: Claudia Scholtz, Donor(s): Land Hessen Expenditures: DM 1.838.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Hessen only Focus: Cult; Arts 03431 Hessische Lesebuchstiftung, In der Baumschule 26, 65719 Hofheim am Taunus T: (06192) 3576; Fax: 3576 Established: 1949; Donor(s): Wilhelm Blum, Nikolaus Prediger, Otto Stückrath, Wilhelm Breidenstein Expenditures: DM 53.000,Limitations: Grants to Interessengemeinschaft für Behinderte e.V. in Schlangenbad onfy. Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 03432 Hessische Lutherstiftung, Pauluspi 1, 64285 Darmstadt T: (06151) 405381; Fax: 405440 Established: 1883; Donor(s): Hessische Landeskirche Expenditures: DM 120.000,Limitations: Scholarships to Protestant students in Hessen and Nassau only Focus: Schol; Rei 03433 Hessische Polizelstfftung, Friedricti-Ebert-Allee 12, 65185 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 353770; Fax: 353333 Established: 1974 Assets: DM 845.917,· Limitations: Grants in the state of Hessen only Focus: Pol 03434 Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9591040; Fax: 558481; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.hsfk.de Established: 1970; Secy: Prof. Dr. Harald Müller, Donor(s): Land Hessen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Peace 03435 Hessische Stipendlatenanstatt, Schloß 4, 35037 Marburg T: (06421) 2822489; Fax: 2822489; E-Mail: wwwhsa @ uni-ma rburg.de Established: 1529; Chain Prof. Dr. U. Schwab, Donor(s): Landgraf Philipp von Hessen Limitations: Scholarships to students of Collegium Philippinum in Marburg only Focus: Schol 03436 Cari von HeS'sche Familien- u n d Kirch hofskapellenstlftung, Ofenthaier Weg 20. 97762 Hammelburg Τ: (09732) 9000; Fax: 900113 Established: 1872; Donor(s): Baron Cart von Heß Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 03437 Cari von HeB'sche Krankenhaus· und Sozialstiftung, Ofenthaier Weg 20, 97762 Hammelburg T: (09732) 9000; Fax: 900113 Established: 1872; Donor(s): Baron Cari von Heß Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; SocW 03436 Anton Hefflch-Sttftung, Schöne Aussicht 13, 32049 Herford T: (05221) 21204; Fax: 26720; E-Mail: anton.hettidi@ ewikon.de; Internet: http:// www.ewikon.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Anton Hettich Assets: DM 260.000,-, Expenditures: DM 24.000,· Limitations: Grants to pupils of Musikschule Herford only Focus: Music; Musi 03439 Gebrüder· Hattiage-Stiftung, Starnberger Str 4, 82061 Neuried T: (089) 74518369; Fax: 74518442; Internet: hettìage-neuwied@ t-online.de Established: 1958; Chair Thomas Hengerer Assets: DM 4.400.000,· Focus: Child; Youth 03440
Germany: Hiebel-Stiftung
Stiftung Bundespräsident-Theodor-Heuss-Haus, Im Himmelsberg 16, 70192 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 9559850; Fax: 95598530 Established: 1964; Secy: Dr. Thomas Hertfelder Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,Focus: Educ; PoIS; Scie; Res 03441 Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Stlftung, Deutsches Müttergenesungswerk, Postfach 1260, 90544 Stein/Mittelfranken Τ: (0911) 967110; Fax: 676685; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.muettergenesungswerk.de Established: 1950; Chair: Prof. Adelheid Bonnemann-Böhner, Secy: Bettina Stoll, Donor(s): Elty Heuss-Knapp Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.226.000,· Limitations: Grants to German mothers and children only Focus: Worn 03442 Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung zur Förderung der politischen Bildung u n d Kultur In Deutschland und Europa e.V., Im Himmelsberg 16, 70192 Stuttgart T: (0711) 559198; Fax: 559207; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.theodor-heuss-stiftung.de Established: 1964; Donor(s): Dr. Hildegard Hamm-Brücher, Emst Ludwig Heuss, Waldemar Besson, Karl Hermann Flach, Otto Hahn, Werner Heisenberg, G. Hohmann, Karl G. Hasemarin, C a l Zuckmayer, Adolf Butenant, A. Marchioni. H.Ch. von Tucher, W. Friedemann, Hans Lenz Expenditures: DM 322.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: PoIS; IntU; Educ; Adult; Uni; Youth; Schol 03443 Heussenstamm-Stlftung, Berliner Str 27, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 1310016; Fax: 1310016 Established: 1933; Donor(s): Dr. Karl Jacob Moritz Heussenstamm Assets: DM 180.532,·, Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limitations: Grants to needy artists in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Arts 03444 Barbara und Claus Heyde-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwälte Nörr, Stiefenhofer & Lutz, Louis· Braille-Str 5, 01099 Dresden Τ: (0451) 85328 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Barbara und Claus Heyde Limitations: Grants in the region of Dresden only Focus: Sen; Ecol 03445 Freiherr von der Heydt-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Wuppertal, Stadtkàmmerei, Wegnerstr, 42275 Wuppertal T: (0202) 5632500; Fax: 5638032 Established: 1966; Donops): Dr. Eduard Freiherr von der Heydt Assets: DM 6.613.500,-, Receipts: DM 426.000,-, Expenditures: DM 426.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03446 Emst und Helene Heymann-Stlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenherten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1994; Donops): Helene Heymann Focus: Child; Youth; Jew 03447 Maria und Otto Heynen-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barthovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: klaus.kuli® stifterverband .de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1979; Donor(s): Maria und Otto Heynen Expenditures: DM 20.000,Focus: Educ; Text 03448 Senator Willy Heyrath-Stiftung, Yorckstr 3, 30161 Hannover T: (05177) 337060; Fax: 3370629 Established: 1984; Secy: Rainer Balke, Donor(s): Senator Willy Heyrath Focus: Voc; SocW 03449 Adda Haywinkel-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 17c, 49504 Lotte T: (05404) 4503; Fax: 71599 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Adda Heywinkel Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Osnabrück only Focus: Sen; Child; Rei 03450 Ewald HI bbe I η-Stiftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremdund Drittmrttel, Johannes Gutenberg-Unrversität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Donor(s): Dr. Ewald Hibbeln Limitations: Scholarships to students at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz only Focus: Hist; Schol 0345/ Friedrich Hlebel-Stlftung, Roggenstr 62, 70794 Filderstadt Established: 1983; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hiebel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Educ; Uni . . . 03452
Germany: Hildebrand-Stiftung Bürgermeister Hermann Hildebrand-Stiftung, Im Deichkamp 1, 28359 Bremen T: (0421) 235136 Established: 1946 Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: SocW; Warv; Sen 03453 Waldtraut und Sieglinde Hildebrandt-Sttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Waldtraut Hildebrandt Expenditures: DM 116.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds; Reh 03454 Hilfe für Familien in Not-Stiftung d e s L a n d e s Brandenburg, Heinrich-Mann-Allee 103, Haus 3, 14473 Potsdam T: (0331) 8665920/21; Fax: 8665183 Established: 1992; Chair: Brunhild Schumann, Secy; Helga Ramp, Donor(s): Minister für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Frauen des Landes Brandenburg Limitations: Grants in the state of Brandenburg only Focus: Fam; Worn 03455 Hilfe für Opfer der NS-Willkürherrschaft in Berlin u n d Brandenburg, Königin-Luise-Str 9296, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 8326042/43; Fax: 8326044 Established: 1987; Chair: Dr. Waltraut Rehfeld, Secy: Walter Sylten, Donor(s): Evangelische Hilfsstelle für ehemals Rassen verfolgte, Bund der Verfolgter des Naziregimes e.V., Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin Assets: DM 15.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 3.020.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.020.000,Limitations: Grants to Nazi victims in Berlin and in the state of Brandenburg only Focus: SocW 034S6 Hilfe für Querschnittsgelähmte, Obere Bachstr 5, 70794 Filderstadt T: (0711) 700050; Fax: 70005411 Established: 1986; Chair: Peter Braun Focus: H a r d 03457 Hilfe In Not. Rodigallee 64, 22043 Hamburg T: (040) 6564063 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Carl Friedrich Georg Jacobs Limitations: Grants in Hamburg orily Focus: Child; Sen 03458 Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe S u c h t k r a n k e r u n d Suchtgefährdeter, Postfach 102903, 69019 Heidelberg T: (06221) 767655 Established: 1981; Secy: Ludger Balke, Donor(s): Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Suchtkranker und Suchtgefährdeter e.V. Expenditures: DM 1.060.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Drug; Ale 03459 Hilfskasse Deutscher Ring in H a m b u r g , Ludwig-Erhard-Str 22, 20459 Hamburg T: (040) 35992833; Fax: 35993593 Established: 1953; Donor(s): Deutscher Ring Assets: DM 15.000,-, Expenditures: D M 180.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Deutscher Ring (Hamburg) only Focus: SocW 03460 Hilfswerk d e s Industrie-Pensions-Vereins, Beethovenstr 2, 26316 Varel Τ: (04451) 929266; Fax: 929333 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Industrie-PensionsVerein e.V. Limitations: Grants to needy families of IPV members only Focus: Fam 03461 Hilfswerk für behinderte Kinder, Ludwig-ErhardPl 1, 53179 Bonn Τ: (0228) 8312623; Fax: 8312655 Established: 1972 Focus: Hand; Child 03462 Dr. Hilmer-Stiftung zur F ö r d e r u n g der Forschung auf p h a r m a z e u t i s c h e m Gebiet, c/o SC Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http Λ www.stifterverband.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Johann Anton Hilmer Expenditures: DM 35.000.Focus: Pharm 03463 Himalaja-Stiftung im D e u t s c h e n A l p e n v e r e i n , Bruggspergerstr 70, 81545 München T: (089) 644365; Fax: 644365 Established: 1936 Assets: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants to scientific mountaineering in the Himalaya and other foreign mountains only Focus: Sports 03464 Max Himmelheber-Stiftung, Saarstr 7, 72270 Baiersbronn T: (07442) 3061; Fax: 81371 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Dipl.-lng. Max Himmelheber Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Cult; Ecol 03465
03453 - 03505 Wilhelmine Himmeröder-Stiftung, Rathaus, 51570 Windeck-Rosbach T: (0Ê292) 601; Fax: 601300 Established: 1964; Chair Bürgermeister J. Klumpp, Donor(s): Heinrich Fuhr Assets: DM 410.000,-, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Sen 03466 von H l n c k e l d e y - S t m u n g , MühlenfeWstr 25, 13467 Berlin T: (030) 69935502; Fax: 69935526 Established: 1993 Assets: DM 670.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin and in the state of Brandenburg only Focus: Mon; Pol 03467 August Hinrichs-Stlftung, c/o Oldenburgische Landschaft, Gartenstr 7, 26122 Oldenburg/Oldenburg Τ: (0441) 75031/32; Fax: 77560; E-Mail: okienburgischeJandschaft θ nwn.de Established: 19Θ2; Donops): Oldenburgische Landschaft Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Theat 03468 Stiftung Johannes und Ella Hlnsch zur Förderung d e s t e c h n i s c h e n N a c h w u c h s e s u n d der wissenschaftlichen F o r s c h u n g auf d e m Gebiete der Hydraulik, c/o TU HamburgHarburg, Denickestr 17, 21073 Hamburg T: (040) 77183231; Fax: 77182296 Established: 1963; Donops): Johannes und Ella Hinsch Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Focus: Schol; Eng 03469 Fritz Hlntermayr-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: h t t p j ! www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1968; Donops): Max Hintermayr Assets: DM 5.421.616,-, Receipts: DM 2.031.000,-, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants to institutions in Nürnberg only Focus: Sen 03470 Fritz H i n t e r m a y r ' s c h e Aftersheim-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren· und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 66150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemeindsusta.de Established: 1962; Donor(s): Fritz Hintermayr Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Sen 03471 Hiob-Hospital, Bürgerweide 25, 20535 Hamburg Established: 1514 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 03472 C.A. H i p p ' s c he Stiftung, Postfach 1350, 79704 Bad Säckingen T: (07761) 552112 Established: 1902; Donops): Karl August Hipp Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants to employees of Brennet AG and Dreilândereck Textilveredelungs-GmbH (Wehr) only Focus: Sen; SocW 03473 Stiftung Hirsch, Postfach 2905, 76016 Karlsruhe Established: 1989 03474 Heimann und Hugo von H i r s c h auf G e r e u t h ' s e h e Stiftung, c/o Bayerische Landesschule für Blinde, In den Kirschen 1, 80992 München T: (089) 17905121; Fax: 17905252 Established: 1914; Donops): Hugo von Hirsch auf Gereuth Assets: DM 21.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 03475 Vermächtnis Hirschberger, c/o Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 1210, 89402 Dillingen T: (09071) 54121, 54123; Fax: 586931 Established: 1975; Chair Oberbürgermeister HansJürgen Weigl, Secy: Stadtkämmerer Gerhard Rieder, Donor(s): Johann Hirschberger Assets: DM 103.000,-, Expenditures: DM 36.000.Focus: Sen 03476 Richard Hl rechinan Jugend-Stiftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Postfach 61, 71724 Benningen T: (07144) 9060; Fax: 90627 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Richard Hirschman Assets: DM 132.470,Limitations: Grants in Benningen only Focus: Youth 03477 Hlrschmann-Stiftung, c/o Fachhochschule Esslingen, Flandemstr 101, 73732 Esslingen Established: 1988; Donor(s): Senator E.h. Richard G. Hirschmann Expenditures: 7.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to members of Fachhochschule Esslingen only Focus: Cofnm; Prec; Compu; Schol . . . 03478
Wilhelm Hlrschmann-Stiftung, Kástleinsmühlensir 16, 91757 Treuchtlingen Τ: (09142) 8060; Fax: 80620 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Wilhelm Hirschmann Assets: DM 308.000,-, Receipts: D M 19.000,-, Expenditures: DM 31.000,· Limitations: Grants to employees of Hans Hirschmann KG (Treuchtlingen) only Focus: SocW 03479 Freiheitlich von Hlrsch'eche Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orteanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1897; Donor(s): Baronin Klara von Hirsch-Gereuth Assets: DM 410.000,-, Expenditures: DM 31.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus; Worn 03480 Wilhelm Hlrte-Stlftung, Georgstr 36, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 326831; Fax: 322991 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Wilhelm Hirte Assets: DM 4.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Sen; SocW; Sports . . . 03481 HISTORICA MUNDI Genealogisch-Heraldische Stiftung, Wilhelmstr 37, 75015 Bretten T: (07252) 937710; Fax: 87679; E-Mail: fds@ fulfillment,de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Siegfried W. KarbaumPortisch Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Archiv 03482
Hockenberger-StrauB-Stiftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Postfach 1762, 74889 Sinsheim Τ: (07261) 404314; Fax: 404165 Established: 1972; Donops): Georg-Friedrich Strauß, Armenfonds Ehrstádt Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Child; Nurs 03492 Der Hodenberg, Hodenbergstr 10, 28355 Bremen Τ: (0421) 259069 Established: 1937 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 03493 Hoechst-Stiftung für d e n wissenschaftlichen N a c h w u c h s , c/o Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Referat 125, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen θ verwaltung.uni-mainz.de Established: 19Θ8; Donorfs): Hoechst AG Frankfurt Limitations: Scholarships to students at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz only Focus: Schol 03494 Höchster Wohlfahrtsstiftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Verwaltung Höchst, Bolongarostr 109, 65929 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21245521; Fax: 21245763 Established: 1927 Expenditures: DM 80.000,· Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt-Höchst only Focus: SocW 03495
Historische Gärten In Niedersachsen, c/o Dr. Hans-Jürgen Frtir. v. Richthofen, Untergut, 30989 Gehrden-Lenthe Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Landsc; Mon 03483
Wilhelm Höffner-Stlftung, Mommsenstr 2, 10629 Berlin Τ: (030) 8816121 Established: 1949; Donops): Wilhelm Höffner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Youth; SocW 03496
Historisches M u s e u m der Pfalz, Dompl 4, 67324 Speyer Τ: (06232) 13250; Fax: 132540; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.museum,speyer.de Established: 1985; Secy: Gerhard Bessert, Donops): Bezirksvertand Pfalz, Stadt Speyer, Dr. Meinrad Maria Grewenig, Evangelische Landeskirche der Pfalz, Historischer Verein der Pfalz Expenditures: DM 14.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Hist; Archeo; Wine . . . . 03434
Gerhard und Margarete Hoehme-Stlftung, c/o Stiftung museum kunst palast, Ehrenhof 3, 40479 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 8924183; Fax: 8929252; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet www.museum-kunst-palast.de Established: 1998; Secy: Angela Eckert-Schweizer, Donor(s): Margarete Hoehme, Stiftung museum kunst palast Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 03497
HLBS-Stlftung, Kôlnstr 202, 53757 Sankt Augustin Τ: (02241) 928086; Fax: 928080; E-Mail: Stiftung®hlbs.de; Internet: http://www.hlbs.de Established: 1942; Chair: Dr. Rüdiger Wesche, Secy: Harald Vôlkel, Donor(s): Hauptverband der Landwirtschaftlichen Buchstellen und Sachverständigen e.V. Assets: DM 900.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Adult; Fin; Agrie 03485 Ewald und Karin Hochbau m-Sttftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, Jürgen-Ponto-Pl 1, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1998; Donops): Ewald und Karin Hochbaum Focus: Med; Opht 03486 Hochbegabten-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, c/o Kreissparkasse Köln, Neumarkt 18-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272675, 2272938; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Köln Expenditures: DM 172.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Schol 03487 Max Hochrein-Stiftung L u d w i g s h a f e n / R h e i n , c/o Bischhöfliches Ordinariat, Finanzkammer, Dompl 3, 67346 Speyer T: (06232) 102242; Fax: 102418 Established: 1976 Focus: Health; Sen; Youth; SocW . . . 03488 Stiftung Dr. H o c h ' s K o n s e r v a t o r i u m Frankfurt, Hebelstr 15-19, 60316 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 590701; Fax: 5961576; E-Mail: dr.hochs© dellmaiLcom Established: 187B; Chair: Jutta Ebeling, Donor(s): Dr. Joseph Hoch Expenditures: DM 6.594.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 03489 Hochschulgesellschaft f o r u m sociale M a i n z e.V., c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Franz J. Vogel, Rebenweg 16, 61348 Bad Homburg vor der Hohe T: (06172) 450978; Fax: 450978 Established: 1986; Chair Dr. Franz J. Vogel Limitations: Scholarships to students at Forum Sociale Mainz onty Focus: Scie; Voc; Schol; Educ; SocS . . 03490 Hochschulstiftung Ehemalige Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin, do Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-16, 14195 Bertin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1951 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Uni 0349/
Rudolph H ö h n e ' s c h e Stiftung, Ebereschenallee 48, 14050 Berlin Τ: (030) 3041114; Fax: 3055355 Established: 1911; Donor(s): Rudolph Höhne Expenditures: DM 202.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hous 03498 Sondervermögen Friedrich-Hölderiin-Fonds Cläre Jannsen, c/o Magistrat der Stadt Bad Homburg. Stadtkämmerei, Rathauspl 1, 61343 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe T: (06172) 100336; Fax: 100541 Established: 1983; Donops): Dr. Hermann Jannsen Assets: DM 250.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted F x u s : Lit 03499 Elly Hölterhoff-Böcking-Stlftung, c/o Rheinische Friedric h-Wilhel ms - U η ive rsrtät Bonn, Translerstelle, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 737299 Established: 1904 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Sen; SocW 03500 Dr. Paul Höltzcke-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Brunstermann, Königstr 2, 24159 Kiel Established: 1940; Donops): Dr. Paul Höltzcke Limitations: Grants to former employees of Hansa F. Weisshun & Co. KG (Kiel) only Focus: SocW 03501 Hoenes-Stiftung, Marktpl 1, 88471 Laupheim T: (07392) 963811 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Feodora Hoenes Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts; Cult 03502 H ö n n l c k s c h e Stiftung, Untere Kirchgasse 17, Established: 1855 Assets: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants in Orlishausen only Focus: Mon; Child
. 03503
Höpfner-Stiftung, Immermannstr 49-51, 50931 Köln Established: 1973 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Build 03504 Hoerie-Pahud-Sttftung, Reiherweg 26, 71032 Böblingen Τ: (07031) 275525 Established: 1942; Donor(s): Eugen Hoerle Assets: DM 2.500.000,Limitations: Grants to needy people in Frankfurt am Main and Konstanz only Focus: Cult; SocW 03505
03506 - 03563
59 Hoerter-Stlfhing, c/o Stadt Wuppertal, Der Obelbürgermeister, Wegnerstr, 42275 Wuppertal T: (0202) 5636596; Fax: 5638032 Established: 1902; Donops): Prof. Dr. August Hoerter Assets: DM 3.700,-, Receipts: DM 200,-, Expenditures: DM 200.Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 03506 Hoesch-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Wuppertal, Der Oberbürgermeister, Wegnerstr, 42275 Wuppertal T: (0202) 5636596; Fax: 5636032 Established: 1940; Donops): Ludolf Hoesch Assets: DM 7.000,-, Receipts: DM 500,·, Expenditures: DM 500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Arts; Ped 03507
Dr. Hermann Hoffmeister-Stiftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 2975995; E-Mail: Fred.Arndt© uni-tuebingen.de; Internet: http:// www.uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1992 Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ortho 03519 Georg Hofmann-Altenstlftung, Marktpl 1, 97711 Maßbach T: (09735) 890 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Georg Hofmann Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03520
Höschele-Böttger-Stlftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkâmmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Gerhard Böttger Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Sen 03508
Wolfgang Hofmann-Stlftung, Hebelstr 13, 68161 Mannheim T: (0621) 26740; Fax: 26740 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Prof. Wolfgang Hofmann Expenditures: DM 22.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Schol 03521
Heinrich und Emma von Hoesslln'$che Stiftung In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1962; Donor(s): Emma Josefine von Hoesslin Expenditures: DM 90.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Augsburg only Focus: Schol; Child; Youth 03509
Dieter Hofmann-Stlftung, Wemer-von-Siemens-Str 21, 64319 Pfungstadt Τ: (06157) 86742; Fax: 86297 Established: 1977; Chair: Dionys Hofmann, Donor(s): Else Hofmann, Dionys Hofmann Assets: DM 10.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.400.000,Focus: Sports 03522
Familie Hof Kinderfonds Stiftung, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.kinderfonds.org/ hol. htm Established: 1998; Secy: Philipp Mof, Donor(s): Philipp Hof Focus: Child; Youth 03510 Hofana-Sttftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 91786 Pappenheim Established: 1978 Limitations: Grants in Pappenheim only Focus: SocW; Sen 03511 Hoffbauer-Stlftung, Hermannswerder, 14473 Potsdam T: (0331) 23130; Fax: 2313239 Established: 1901; Secy: Pfarrer Reinhart Lange, Donor(s): Clara und Hermann Hoffbauer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; SocW; Sen; Hand . . . .03512 Stiftung Lore und Wolfgang Hoffmann für Spielzeug· und Kindheitsforschung, c/o Kulturamt, An der Dorenburg 28, 47929 Grefrath T: (02158) 91730; Fax: 917316 Established: 1993; Donops): Lore und Wolfgang Hoffmann Expenditures: DM 27.000,· Limitations: Grants to Niederrheinisches Freilichtmuseum Grefrath only Focus: Chitó 03513 Hoffmann-La Roche-Stlftung, c/o Universität Freiburg, Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät, Postfach, 79085 Freiburg im Breisgau Established: 1958 Limitations: Grants to members of the Universität Freiburg only Focus: Med 03514 Anna Hoflmann-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt KlausD. Geisler, Johannisthaler Chaussee 333, 12351 Berlin Τ: (030) 76802000 Established: 1958 Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Sen 03515 WK-Erwin-Hoffmann-Stlftung, Heilbronnerstr 4, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen T: (06102) 89900; Fax: 89908 Established: 1957; Chair Wilhelm Krahn, Donor(s): Erwin Hoffmann Assets: DM 50.000,-, Receipts: DM 120.000,-, Expenditures: DM 120.000,· Focus: Cult 03516 Alfred Hoffman n-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Wuppertal, Der Obeitiürgermeister, Burgstr 2, 42103 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 5632500; Fax: 5638091 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Alfred Hoffmann Assets: DM 404.000,·, Expenditures: DM 29.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aits; Schol 03517 Prof. Cuno Hoffmeister-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Sonneberg, Bahnhofspl 1, 96515 Sonneberg T: (03675) 880100; Fax: 3128 Established: 1991; Donops): Prof. Cuno Hoffmeister Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in Sonneberg only Focus: Health; Nurs 03518
Kurt Hofmann-Stlftung, Keltergasse 19, 89073 Ulm Τ: (08221) 32829; Fax: 22850; E-Mail: MMerkle® t-online.de; Internet: http^/www.Kurt-HofmannStiftung.de Established: 1992; Chain Maria Merkle, Secy: Fritz Hartmann, Donor(s): Dipl.-lng. Kurt Hofmann Assets: DM 120.000,Focus: Hum 03523 Oberarmsrichter Hofmann'sche Stiftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Maingasse 9, 97236 Randersacker Τ; (0931) 70530; Fax: 705320 Established: 1898; Chair: 1. Bürgermeister Herbert Zeidler Expenditures: DM 85.000,Limitations: Grants in Randersacker only Focus: Sen; Nurs 03524 Walter Hofmlller-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Joumalistenschule e.V., Aftheimer Eck 3, 80331 München Τ: (089) 2355740; Fax: 268733; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1987; Chain Mercedes Riederer, Donor(s): Anna Hofmiller, Anton Hofmiller Limitations: Scholarships to students at Deutsche Joumalistenschule e.V. in München only Focus: Schol; Jour 03525 Hohenburg-Stiftung, Postfach 1464, 34570 Homberg/Efze Τ: (05681) 999114; Fax: 999105 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Paula Holscher-Blaue Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 03526 Fürstliche Hohenloh'sche Karlstiftung Kirchberg, Karlsvorstadt 19, 74613 Öhringen Τ: (07941) 7082 Established: 1908; Donor(s): Fürstin Marie zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg Limitations: Grants in the former duchy of Hohenlohe-Kirchberg only Focus: Voc 03527 Dr. Wilhelm Hohimann-Stlftung, Nienhausenstr 7, 45326 Essen Established: 1943 03523 Toska Hohmann-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Toska Hohmann Focus: AnimP 03529 Hohner-Stiftung Trossingen, Vogesenstr 71, 78647 Trossingen T: (07425) 25210, 94070 Established: 1951; Donor(s): Matthias Hohner AG, Stadl Trossingen, Land SüdwürttembergHohenzoilem Assets: DM 2.300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 376,000,Limitations: Grants to Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Trossingen only Focus: Music; Musi 03530 Sebastian und Rosina Hoiß'sche Stiftung, c/o Gemeinde Uffing, Hauptstr 2, 82449 Uffing T: (08846) 92020; Fax: 920225 Established: 1934; Donor(s): Sebastian Hoiß, Rosina Hoiß Assets: DM 38.000.·, Receipts: DM 3.500,-, Expenditures: DM 3.800,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Uffing only Focus: SocW 0353t
Germany: Hornstein-Stiftung
Hermann Hinrich Holle-Stiftung, c/o Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1731; Donops): Hermann Hinrich Holle Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in Harnburg-Schiffbek only Focus: Educ 03532
Dr.·Ing. E.h. Fritz Honsel-Stiftung, c/o Honsel GmbH & Co. KG, Fritz-Honsel-Str, 59872 Meschede Τ: (0291) 291388; Fax: 291439 Established: 1961; Donops): Honsel-Werke AG, Dr ing. E.h. Fritz Honsel Expenditures: DM 11.000,Focus: Schol; Eng 03548
Christian C. und Asta Holler-Stlftung, Finkenstr 7, 80333 München Established: 1976 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Germany only Focus: Orp; Psychol 03533
Stiftung Gertrud Hontheim, c/o Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung Daun, Leopoldstr 29, 54550 Daun T: (06592) 939291; Fax: 939200 Established: 1995; Donops): Gertrud Hortheim Limitations: Grants in the city and district of Daun only Focus: Hand 03549
Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung, Fahrenheitstr 6, 28359 Bremen Τ: (0421) 2029111; Fax: 2029210 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Uwe Hollweg Limitations: Grants to charitable organizations in Germany only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 03534 Friedrich Holst-Stlftung, Johnsallee 53, 20148 Hamburg Established: 1927 Focus: Sen; Wid 03535 Hermann Hoist Stiftung, c/o Innung für Sanitärtechnik, Barmbeker Markt 19, 20081 Hamburg T: (040) 2999490; Fax: 29994930 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Emmy Dorothea Elisabeth Holst Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Voc; Eng 03536 Holtermann'sche Famlliensttftung, Knill 28, 27637 Spieka Established: 1809; Donor(s): Johann H. Holtermann Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Georgy, Holtermann and von Bremen families only Focus: Fam 03537 Holtfort-Stlftung, Hohenzollemstr 7, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 312809; Fax: 3481659; Internet: http:// www.rav.de/holtfort.htm Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Werner Holtfort Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Schol; Law 03538 Ilse Holzapfel-Stiftung, c/o Wirtschaftsprüfer Walter Scheiterle, Werastr 23, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 239070; Fax: 2390730 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Rolf Hochhuth Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; SocW; Theat . . . . 03539 Franziska Holzer-Stiftung, do Stadt Landshut, Jugendamt, 84026 Landshut T: (0871) 881249 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Franziska Hölzer Assets: DM 385.201,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in Landshut only Focus: Educ; Schol 03540 Dr. Holzheu-Stiftung, Medizinische Hilfe für Afrika, Frûhlingstr 7, 87484 Nesselwang Τ: (08361) 3144; Fax: 1830; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Chair: Dr. Jürgen Holzheu, Donor(s): Dr. Jürgen und Irmgard Holzheu Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Med; Afr 03541 Gottlieb Hoizwarth-Stlftung, Jahnstr 2, 71522 Backnang Τ: (07191) 60602 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Gottlieb Holzwarth Assets: DM 1.700.000,-, Expenditures: OM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Backnang only Focus: Child; Orp 03542 Hugo Homann-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 5, 49201 Dissen Τ: (05421) 30713 Established: 1977 Limitations: Grants in Dissen only Focus: Sen; Youth 03543
Gerda Hootz-Stlftung, Baden-Badener Str 15, 69126 Heidelberg Established: 1986 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Deafs 03550 Fritz und Liselotte Hopf-Stiftung, Glashütter Str 2, 86720 Nördlingen T: (09081) 2140; Fax: 22881 Established: 1996; Donops): Fritz und Liselotte Hopf Assets: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Educ 03551 Emilie Hopp-Gedächtnisstiftung Emden, c/o Steuerberater Hermann Thomssen, Bollwerkstr 53, 26725 Emden T: (04921) 93390; Fax: 933960/61 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr. Dora-Grete Hopp Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Emden only Focus: Educ 03552 Hoppen-Almosen-Stiftung, c/o Sankt WillibrordSpital, Postfach 100853, 46428 Emmerich T: (02822) 731222 Established: 1610; Donops): Licentiat der Rechte und fürstlich-klevischer Rat Sweder Hopp Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Child 03553 Hopt-Nguyen-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.stifterverband.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus J. Hopt, Frau Drs. Nhu-Dung Hopt Nguyen Expenditures: DM 31.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03554 Ewald Horbach-Stiftung, Heinrich-Heine-Allee 3, 40213 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 8641150 Established: 1985; Donops): Ewald Horbach Assets: DM 2.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Music 03555 Stiftung Rolf Horn, Hafensir 32b, 22880 Wedel T: (04103) 4243; Fax: 97762 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Rolf Horn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aris 03556 Otto-und-Emma-Horn-Stlftung, c/o Tom Lauerwald. Markt 1, 01662 Meißen Τ: (03521) 467329; Fax: 467332 Established: 1951; Donor(s): Emst Otto Horn Expenditures: DM 68.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Meißen only Focus: Schol; Arts 03557 Homeberpark Cadolzburg, Brieger Str 21, 90471 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 89670; Fax: 8967300 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Anna Erika KörnerDeussing Assets: DM 610.000,-, Expenditures: DM 89.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 03558
Friedrich und Louise Homann-Stiftung, Ferdinandstr 17, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 322107/08; Fax: 327351; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1980; Donor(s): Dr. Friedrich Karl Homann Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,Focus: SocW; Orp 03544
Horn'sche Spitalstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 97337 Dettelbach T: (09324) 3040; Fax: 30417; E-Mail: fjpechtl® dettelbach.de; Internet: http://www.dettelbach.de Established: 1494; Donor(s): Johann Horn Limitations: Grants in Dettelbach only Focus: Sen 03559
Hombergk-Schenklengsfeid-Seipp'sche Stiftung, Roter Hof 12, 35037 Maiburg Τ: (06421) 34220 Established: 1780; Donor(s): Catharina Louisa Michaelis, Friederica Sibylle Seipp Expenditures: DM 576.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Wid 03545
Horn'sche Stiftung, Wolfenbüttel: defunct 03560 Fritz Homschuch-Werk-Stiftung, c/o Kulmüacher Spinnerei, Postfach 1609, 95307 Kulmbach Established: 1912 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Kulmbacher Spinnerei (Kulmbach) only Focus: SocW 03561
Hompheus-Tabemakel-Stiftung, Willibrordstr 9, 46446 Emmerich T: (02822) 70520, 731215 Established: 1553; Donor(s): Dechant Petrus Limitations: Grants to German Catholic youth only Focus: Youth; Voc 03546
Karl-Gottlieb Hornschuch'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Bergstr 62, 91301 Forchheim T: (09191) 4774; Fax: 33950 Established: 1921; Chair Wolfram Bleile Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Child; Youth; Health . . . 03562
Joseph Honnerbachsche Bürger-WaisenhausSttftung, Sandstr 18-24, 46483 Wesel Established: 1862 Limitations: Grants in Wesel only Focus: Orp 0X47
Brunhilde von Hornstein-Stiftung, Scheffelstr 24, 88416 Ochsenhausen Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cane 03563
03564 -03621
Germany: Horst-Stiftung
Erich und Ilse Horst-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355464; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Ilse Horst Limitations: Predetermined grants in Wuppertal and Bethel only Fxus: SocW 03564 Mieze Hörster-Stiftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Aûteilung Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13624427; Fax: 13624502 Established: 1992; Donor(s); Maria Margaretha Hubertine Horster Limitations: Grants in the region of Krefeld-Úrdingen only Focus: Sen 03565 Horstermann'sche Familienstiftung, Andover-Str 30, 47574 Goch Established: 1853 Limitations: Grants to members of the Horstermann family only Focus: Fam 03566 Horstmann-Stiftung, Harthofer Str 2, 85132 Schemfeld Τ: (08422) 98916; Fax: 98917; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.horstmann-stiftung.de Established: 1990; Chain Rüdiger Horstmann, Donor(s): Rüdiger Horstmann, Alhard Horstmann, Kay Horstmann Assets: DM 1.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Ecol; Landsc . . 03567 Hortich-Stlftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1609 Limitations: Grants and scholarships to members of the Hortich family only Focus: Fam; Schol 03568 Charles Hosie-Stiftung, Abteistr 57, 20149 Hamburg T: (040) 419990 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Karl Georg Hosie, Wolfgang Christian Hosie Assets; DM 1.000.000,· Focus: Med 03569 Hospital Bad Hersfeld, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathaus, 36247 Bad Hersfeld Τ: (06621) 201281; Fax: 201343 Established: 1241; Donor(s): Abt Ludwig I. Expenditures: DM 529.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03570 Hospital in Grebenstein, Friedrichsthaler Str 12, 34393 Grebenstein Established: 1535 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03571 Hospital Korbach, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Sozialund Kulturamt, Rathaus, Stechbahn 1, 34497 Korbach T: (05631) 53251 Established: 1868 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth 03572 Hospital Sankt CyrlacI zu Löbejün, c/o Evangelische Kirchergemeinde Löbejün, Kirchhof 4, 06193 Löbejün Τ: (034603) 77277 Established: 1460 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03573 Hospital Sankt Elisabeth, Vor dem Brückentor 4, 37269 Eschwege Τ: (05651) 74410, 74520; Fax: 7441700 Established: 1235; Chair: Jürgen Zick, Secy: Ulrich Krüger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03574 Hospital Sankt Elisabeth Frankenberg/Eder, Auf der Burg 18, 35066 Frankenberg/Eder T: (06451) 72440; Fax: 724444 Established: 1977 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03575 Hospital Sankt Georg, Zolistr 28, 21354 Τ: (04131) 20770; Fax: 207741 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Herzog Wilhelm aus Celle, Gutsbesitzer von Neetze und Horndorf Assets: DM 140.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03576 Hospital Sankt Georg, An der Kirche 7a, 29451
Hospital Sankt Julian, Kupferhütte 1, 06526 Sangertiausen T: (03464) 570031 Established: 1386 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 03579 Hospital Sankt Marien, do Stadtverwaltung Wriezen, Freienwatder Str 50, 16269 Wriezen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 035Ô0 Hospital Sankt Nikolaihof, do Stadt Lüneburg, Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 2540, 21315 Lüneburg T: (04131) 309150; Fax: 309415; E-Mail: Peter.Koch @ stadt.lueneburg .de Established: 1251 Expenditures: DM 774.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03581 Hospital Sankt Wendel, Postfach 1366, 66593 Sankt Wendel T: (06851) 890810; Fax: 8908199; Internet: http-Jl www.home.st-wendel.de/hospital Established: 1455; Donops): Johann und Tryne von Oppenheim Expenditures: DM 26.429.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youlh; Sen 03582 Hospital Schlitzerland, c/o Magistrat der Stadt Schlitz, An der Kirche 4, 36110 Schlitz Established: 1949 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03583 Hospital-Stiftung, do Stadtverwaltung, 89415 Lauingen/Donau Established: 1200 Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Lauingen/Donau only Focus; SocW 03584 Hospltal-Stlftung, do Stadtverwaltung, 87719 Mindelheim Established: 1426 Expenditures: DM 37.500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03585 Hospital-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Bahnhofstr 8, 97357 Prichsenstadt T: (09383) 97500; Fax: 975040 Established: 1443; Donor(s): Friedrich Schûlein Expenditures: DM 327.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03586 Hospltal-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Schwabach, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach, 91124 Schwabach Τ: (09122) 860373; Fax: 860357 Established: 1375; Donops): Hermann Glockengießer, Elsbeth Glockengießer Expenditures: DM 371.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Hospital-Stiftung Aschaffenburg, c/o Stadt Aschaffenburg, Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Liegenschaftsamt, Postfach 100163, 63701 Aschaffenburg T: (06021) 330436; Fax: 330720 Established: 1959 Expenditures: DM 1.700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03588 Hospital-Stiftung Dlllingen an der Donau, Am Stadtberg 18, 89407 Dillingen an der Donau Established: 1257; Donops): Graf Hartmann IV. zu Dillingen Expenditures: DM 5.455.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03589 Hospltal-Stlftung Kupferberg, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 4, 95362 Kupferberg T: (09225) 95150; Fax: 951530 Established: 1327; Donor(s): Thomas Kürschner Expenditures: DM 1.358.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03590 Hospital-Stiftung Lohr am Main, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Schloßpl 3, 97B03 Lohr am Main T: (09352) 848310; Fax: 848453 Established: 1363; Donor(s): Graf Gerhard von Rieneck und Ehefrau Menna Expenditures: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Grants in Lohr am Main only Focus: Sen; SocW; Nure 03591 Hospltal-Stlftung Wunsledel, do Stadtverwaltung, 95632 Wunsiedel Established: 1451 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Hospital-Stiftung Zlemetshausen, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, 86473 Ziemetshausen Established: 1750 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03593
Hospital Sankt Georg, Hospitalstr 18, 34212 Melsungen T: (05661) 78102; Fax: 708119 Established: 1300 Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 03578
Hospital Trenge, Pfarrstr 18, 34368 Trendelburg Τ: (05675) 340; Fax: 725340 Established: 1558; Chair Dr. Michael Dorhs, Donof(s): Landgraf Philipp von Hessen Assets: DM 8.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03594
T: (05861) 8411; Fax: 7893 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Hospital· und Armenfonds Lahr, c/o Stadtverwaltung Lahr, Stadtkämmerei, Rathauspl 4, 77933 Lahr T: (07821) 9100212; Fax: 9100202 Established: 1832 Expenditures: DM 5.885.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW; Hand; Orp 03595 Hospital- und Leproeenhaus-Stlftung Haag In Oberbayern, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, 83527 Haag T: (08072) 91990; Fax: 919966 Established: 1538; Donor(s): Gräfin Kunigunde Assets: DM 8.190.000,-, Receipts: DM 587.000,·, Expenditures: DM 587.700,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03596 Hospital zu den Helligen Fabian und Sebastian, Schöppinger Str 10, 48720 Rosendahl T: (02547) 780; Fax: 7880 Established: 1850; Donops): Pfarrer Albert Vrede, Anton Schulze Tenhagen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03597 Hospital zu Gudensberg, Fritzlarer Str 26, 34281 Gudensberg T: (05603) 1231 Established: 1365 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03598 Hospital zu Immenhausen, Kampweg 17, 34376 Immen hausen T: (05673) 1250 Established: 1650; Donops): Landgraf Philipp Assets: DM 245.982,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03599 Hospital zum Graal, c/o Stadt Lüneburg, Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 2540, 21315 Lüneburg T: (04131) 309150; Fax: 309415; E-Mail: Peter.Koch 9stadt.lueneburg.de Established: 1502; Donor(s): Rat der Stadt Lüneburg Expenditures: DM 1.438,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03600 Hospital zum Gro8en Heiligen Geist, c/o Stadt Lüneburg, Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 2540, 21315 Lüneburg T: (04131) 309150; Fax: 309415; E-Mail: Peter.Koch θ stadt.lueneburg.de Established: 1277 Expenditures: DM 2.229.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03601 Hospital Zum heiligen Geist, Hospitalstr 1, 37308 Heilbad Heiligenstadt Τ: (03606) 6610; Fax: 619042 Established: 1200 Expenditures: DM 3.400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03602 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Stadtkämmerei, Obere Seestr 1, 88085 Langenargen T: (07543) 933024; Fax: 933046 Established: 1491; Donor(s): Graf Montfort Expenditures: DM 3.888.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03603 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Am Gymnasium 4, 24768 Rendsburg T; (04331) 206252; Fax: 206270 Established: 1846 Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03604 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Boppard, Hospitalgasse 2, 56154 Boppard T: (06742) 1010; Fax: 101610 Established: 1150 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs
Hospital zum Helligen Geist Fritzlar, Am Hospital 6, 34560 Fritzlar T: (05622) 9970; Fax: 70298; E-Mail: hospitalfrftzlardt-online.de Established: 1810 Expenditures: DM 23.800.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03606 Hospital zum Helligen Geist Homberg, Hospitalstr 4, 34576 Homberg/Efze T: (05681) 2290; Fax: 775537 Established: 1368; Donor(s): Pfarrer Heinrich Bischof Assets: DM 4.756.983,Limrtatk>ns: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Hospital zum Heiligen Geist In Biberach, (formerly: Hospital Biberach), Postfach 1757, 88396 Biberach T: (07351) 51239; Fax: 51517; E-Mail: info® biberach-riss.de; Internet: http^/www.biberach-riss.de Established: 1239; Chair: Martin Loth Limitations: Predetermined grants in Biberach only Focus: Sen 03608
Hospital zum Heiligen Geist In Schwäbisch Hall, Am Markt 7-8, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall T: (0791) 751222; Fax: 751297; E-Mail: hartmut.pawlitzkiθschwaebischhall.de; Internet: http:// www.schwaebischhall.de Established: 1228; Chair Oberbürgermeister Hermann-Josef Pelgrim, Secy: Hartmut Pawlitzki Receipts: DM 11.900.000,·, Expenditures: DM 11.900.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen; Youth; Health; Hous . 03609 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist KIBIegg, Siggenweilerstr 11, 88074 Meckenbeuren T: (07542) 101210; Fax: 101190 Established: 1718; Donor(s): Reichseibtruchseß Graf Ferdinand zu Waldburg-Wolfegg und Waidsee Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 036f0 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Rottenburg, Postfach, 72101 Rottenburg T: (07472) 1590; Fax: 159335; E-Mail: dannerGhv· rottenburg.de Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 03611 Hospital zum Helligen Geist und Llenau Stift, Am Heislerbusch 47, 23730 Neustadt in Holstein T: (04561) 3248 Established: 1344; Chair Torsten Reinhold, Secy: Jürgen Hering, Donops): Stadt Neustadt Expenditures: DM 110.000,Limitations: Low cost living space for needy citizens of Neustadt in Holstein only Focus: Hous 03612 Hospital zum Helligen Kreuz, Topfmarid 1, 06780 Zörbig Τ: (034956) 20304; Fax: 20304 Established: 1315; Donor(s): Gumprecht von Pouch Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitatlons: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03613 Hospitalfonds Hofheim, do Landeswohlfahrlsveiband Hessen, Stándepl 610, 34117 Kassel Τ: (0561) 10040; Fax: 10042595 Established: 1535; Donops): Landgraf Philipp der Großmütige zu Hessen Assets: DM 1.684.500,-, Receipts: DM 123.734.400,-, Expenditures: DM 123,425.000,Limitations: Grants to a hospital in Hofheim only Focus: Nurs; Sen; SocW 03614 Hospitalfonds Sankt Benediteti Lüneburg, c/o Klosterkammer Hannover, Eichstr 4, 30161 Hannover Τ: (0511) 34826200; Fax: 34826299 Established: 1172 Limitations: Grants to needy senior citizens of Lüneburg only Focus: Sen 03615 Hospitalpflege Riedlingen, Marktpl 1, 88499 Riedlingen Τ: (07371) 18311, 18313; Fax: 18355; E-Mail: ehosch© riedlingen.de; Internet: http://www.rtedlingendonau.de Established: 1378; Secy: H. Hosch, Donor(s): Konrad Manopp Expenditures: DM 3.646.000,Limitations: Predetermined local grants. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03616 Hospitalstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Spitalgasse 3, 91438 Bad Windsheim Τ: (09841) 66690 Established: 1318; Donor(s): Konrad Förster Expenditures: DM 4.300.000,Limitations: Applications not ι Focus: Sen 03617 Hospitalstiftung, c/o Stadt Bayreuth, Stiftungsamt, Postfach 101052, 95410 Bayreuth Τ: (0921) 251218; Fax: 251305 Established: 1431 Expenditures: DM 3.837.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03618 Hospitalstiftung, Postfach, 97420 Schweinfurt Τ: (09721) 51507 Established: 1500 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03619 Hospitalstiftung, do Stadtverwaltung, 97215 Uffenheim T: (09842) 20730; Fax: 20732; E-Mail: Stadt· Uffenheim @ Uffenheim.de Established: 1360; Donops): Gerfach und Margareta von Hohenlohe Expenditures: DM 748.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; SocW 03620 HospltaleWtung Bad Orb, Frankfurter Str 2, 63619 Bad Orb T: (06052) 80401; Fax: 804400 Established: 1836; Secy: Armin Engel, Donops): König Ludwig I. von Bayern Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 03621
03622 - 03671
61 Hospitalstlftung der Stadt Lohr am Main, (formerly: Städtische Hospital-Stiftung Lohr am Main), Schloßpl 3, 97803 Lohr am Main T: (09352) 848310; Fax: 84Ô453; E-Mail: kaemmerei θ iohr.de; Internet: http://www.lohr.de Established: 1363; Donor(s): Graf Gerhard von Rieneck und Ehefrau Menna Assets: DM 700.000,-, Receipts: DM 76.000,-, Expenditures: DM 76.000,Limitations: Grants in Lohr am Main only Focus: SocW; Nurs; Sen 03622 Hospitalstiftung der Stadt Pima, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathaus, Markt 1-2, 01796 Pirna T: (03501) 556339 Established: 1338 Expenditures: DM 1.619.000,Limitations: Grants to needy senior citizens of Pirna only Focus: Sen; Nurs; SocW 03623 Hospitalstiftung Dinkelscherben, Spitalgasse 2, 86424 Dinkelscherben Τ: (08292) 96060; Fax: 9606666 Established: 1604; Donops): Domherr Johannes Hieronymus Stor ab Ostrach, Joh. Franz Wilhelm Freiherr von Bettendort Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03624 Hospitalstiftung Günzenhausen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 23, 91710 Günzenhausen Τ: (09831) 508140; Fax: 508179; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJl www.gunzenhausen.de Established: 1351; Donops): Burkhard von Seckendorf Assets: DM 27.335.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.447.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Mon 03625 Hospitalstiftung Höchstädt an der Donau, do Stadtverwaltung, Bahnhofstr 10, 89420 Höchstädt T: (09074) 4421; Fax: 4455; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.hoechstaedt.de Established: 1368; Secy: Stadt Höchstädt Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Höchstädt only Focus: Sen; SocW 03626 Hospitalstlftung Hof, c/o Stadt Hof, Stittungsverwaltung, Klosterstr 3, 95028 Hof T: (09281) 815331/32; Fax: 815370 Established: 1263 Assets: DM 72.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.745,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Hospitalstfftung Langenzenn, do Stadtverwaltung, 90579 Langenzenn T: (09101) 70325; Fax: 70371 Established: 1350; Chair 1. Bürgermeister Manfred Rscher, Secy: Gregor Welker Expenditures: DM 1.790.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Nurs 03628 Hospitalstiftung Lelpheim, do Stadtverwaltung, Marktstr 5, 89340 Leipheim T; (08221) 70721; Fax: 70790 Established: 1368; Donor(s): Dipold GQß Expenditures: DM 125.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 03629 Hospitalstiftung Neustadt an der Alsch, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 5, 91413 Neustadt an der Aisch Τ: (09161) 6660; Fax: 66663; E-Mail: stadtneustad10aisch.de; Internet: http://www.neustadtaisch.de Established: 1400 Expenditures: DM 641.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Neustadt an der Aisch only Focus: SocW 03630 Hospitalstiftung Stadtprozeiten, do Staatliches Stiftungsamt Aschaffenburg, Stiftsgasse 7, 63739 Aschatfenburg Τ: (06021) 35770; Fax: 357799; E-Mail: stiftungsamt-aschaffenburgtt-online.de Established: 1319; Donops): Elisabeth Gräfin von Hohenlohe Expenditures: DM 164.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03631 Hospitalstlftung Ulm, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 3940, 89029 Ulm T: (0731) 1612214, 1612336; Fax: 1611614 Established: 1450 Assets: DM 11.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.800.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03632 HospHalsttftung Wemding, Spitalgasse 1, 86650 Wemding Established: 950; Donor(s): Edle Frau Winpurc Assets: DM 13.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.806.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03633
Hospftalstiftung zum Heiligen Geist, do Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 19, 91781 Weißenburg Τ: (09141) 907130; Fax: 907138; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.weissenburg.de Established: 1330 Expenditures: DM 1.827.000,Urotations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03634 Hospitalstlftung zum Heiligen Geist in Wangen, Spitalstr 16, 88239 Wangen Τ: (07522) 707990; Fax: 7079996 Donops): Stadt Wangen Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Grants to senior citizens of Wangen only Focus: Sen 03635 Hospitalstlftung zum Helligen Geist KIBIegg, Emmelhoterstr 1, 88353 Kißleg T: (07563) 91080; Fax: 910866 Established: 1575; Donor(s): Hans-Ulrich und Anna von Schellenberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 03636 Hospftalstiftung zum Heiligen Geist Schwäbisch Gmünd, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 1, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd Established: 1269; Donor(s): Brüder vom Heiligen Geist Limitations: Grants in Schwäbisch Gmünd only Focus: Sen; SocW 03637 Hospitalverwaltung Gundelsheim, do Landratsamt Heilbronn, Lerchenstr 40, 74064 Heilbronn T: (07131) 994278; Fax: 994150 Established: 1420 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03638 Schenkung Hubatsch, c/o Universität Bonn, Transferstelle, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 731 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Walther Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; Rei; IntU; Ecol; Health; PoIS; Econ; Cons 03639 Gemot Huber-Stiftung, Ulenbarg 5, 21220 Seevetal Τ: (04185) 2177; Fax: 2295; E-Mail: ateliergemot-huber Established: 1997; Chair Gemot Huber, Donor(s): Gemot und Gisela Huber Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Scholarships to sculptors only Focus: Arts; Schol 03640 Stiftung Hueberspflege, Postfach 110451, 97031 Wúrzburg Τ: (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1794 Assets: DM 3.200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.200.000,03641 Sanitätsrat Dr. Emi! Alexander Huebner und Gemahlin-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwallungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra,Simon ©stiftervertoand,de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1986; Donops): Marianne A. Huebner Expenditures: DM 158.000,· Focus: Ped; Cane 03642 Annie und Julia HQffer-Famllienstlftung, c/o Rechtsanwait und Notar Dr. Paul Hüffer, Phnzipalmarkt 13-14, 48143 Münster T: (0251) 690106 Established: 1969 Assets: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Grants »o members of the Hüffer family only Focus: Fam 03643 Ute-HQffner-SWtung, Pachmayrpl 5, 81927 München Τ: (089) 919561; Fax: 919561 Established: 1998; Donops): Ute Hüffner Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants to women in the region of München only Focus: Cane; Worn 03644 Hüls AG-Stiftung, 45764 Mari Τ: (02365) 495889; Fax: 496285 Established: 1988; Chair Heinz Papenheim, Secy: Dr. Hansfriedrich Sage, Donops): Hüls AG (Degussa-Hùls AG) Assets: DM 1.100.000,Limitations: Grants in the sister cities of Mari only Focus: Youth; IntU; Educ 03645 F.K.A. und G.A.E. Huelsmann-Stlftung, c/o Kunstgeweibesammlung der Stadt Bielefeld, Ravensberger Park 3, 33607 Bielefeld Τ: (0521) 513767; Fax: 513768; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Donops): Friedrich Karl August Huelsmann, Gertrud Agathe Elisabeth Huesmann, Stadt Bielefeld Assets: DM 6.400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03646
Elisabeth Hülsmann-Stiftung, Ostenallee 142a, 59071 Hamm Τ: (02381) 81341 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Elisabeth Hülsmann Limitations: Grants in Hamm only Focus: Youth; Sen; SocW 03647 Justin Húppe-Stfftung, Cloppenburger Str 200, 26133 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 592437 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Justin Hüppe Expenditures: DM 48.000,Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Justin Hüppe Co. (Oldenburg/Oldenburg) only Focus: SocW 03648 Dr. Hüther-Stiftung, c/o Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen Τ: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1924; Donops): Emst Hüther Assets: DM 30.400,Umitations: Grants to FriedrictvAlexander-Unrversrtàt Eriangen-Nümberg only Focus: Chem; Uni 03649 von Hugoische Kirchen- und Schulstiftung. Johanniskirchhof 2, 37073 Göttingen T: (0551) 56069; Fax: 5315251 Established: 1839; Chair Superintendent Klaus Steinmetz, Donor(s): Marie Margarethe Wilhelmine von Hugo Assets: DM 21.930,Limitations: Grants in Göttingen only Focus: SocW; Educ 03650 Pfarrer Huhn'sche Anstaitsstlftung Sankt Josef In Wernfeld, c/o Katholischer Kindergarten, Karlstadter Str 28, 97737 Gemünden am Main T: (09351) 3280; Fax: 5316 Established: 1924; Donor(s): Pfarrer Liborius Hahn Expenditures: DM 350.000,Limitations: Grants to a kindergarten in Gemünden am Main-Wemfeld only Focus: Child 03651 Humanismus heute, Franziskanerstr 9, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau Τ: (0761) 39695; Fax: 39130 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Land BadenWürttemberg Expenditures: DM 220.000,· Focus: Class 03652 von Humboldt-Ritter-Penck-Stlftung, Amo-HolzStr 14, 12165 Berlin T: (030) 791001; Fax: 7933249 Focus: Geogr 03653 Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Jean-Paul-Str 12, 53173 Bonn T: (0228) 8330; Fax: 833199; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.avh.de Established: 1860; Chain Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Frühwald, Secy: Dr. Manfred Osten, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland Assets: DM 25.900.000,-, Receipts: DM 145.000.000,-, Expenditures: 116.255.000,Limitattons: National and international scholarships Focus: Scie; Schol 03654 Johann Humbser'sche Stadtkämmerei, Königstr T: (0911) 741294; Fax: Established: 1903 Assets: DM 70.000,· Limitations: Applications Focus: Sports
Stiftung, c/o Stadt Fürth, 86-88, 90762 Fürth 772713 not accepted 03655
Dr. Wolf Hunold-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7/ www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Dargun only Focus: Mon 03656 Karl Hupe-Stiftung, Halbe Höhe 20, 45147 Essen Τ: (0201) 870180; Fax: 8701899 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Karl Hupe Assets: DM 9.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.400.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 03657 Christof Husen-Stiftung, Niemannsweg 113, 24105 Kiel Τ: (0431) 5111231; Fax: 5111400 Established: 1979; Dortor(s): Christof Husen Limitations: Grants to handicapped youth in the states of Schleswig-Holstein and MecklenburgVorpommern only Focus: Hand 03653 Hutschenreuther-Pabst-Stlftung in Selb, do BHS tabtetop AG, Postfach 1340, 95087 Selb Τ: (09287) 731320; Fax: 731318 Established: 1976; Chair Bemd Hummer Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Hutschenreuther AG (Selb) only Focus: SocW 03559
Germany: IKEA-Stiftung
Freiherriich Moritz von Hutten'sche Pfrundnerspltalstiftung Arnstein, c/o Staatliches Stiftungsamt Aschaffenburg, Stiftsgasse 7, 63739 Aschaffenburg T: (06021) 35770; Fax: 357799; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1546; Donor(s): Moritz Freiherr von Hutten, Fürstbischof von Eichstätt Expenditures: DM 4.330.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03660 Hildegard Hutzenlaub-Stfftung, c/o WilhelmHermann Müller GmbH & Co.KG, Postkamp 14, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 1660212 Established: 1984 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03661 Dr. Gotthard und Helga Hyllus-Stiftung, Ebnetstr 28, 79415 Bad Bellingen Established: 1996; Donor(s): Helga Hyllus Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth 03662 Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Theatinerstr 15, 80333 München Τ: (089) 37842809; Fax: 37848594 Established: 1983; Secy: Hans Dieter Eckstein, Donor(s): Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Expenditures: DM 650.000,Focus: Arts; Cult 03663 HypoVereinsbank-Stlftungsfonds zur Förderung bankwissenschaftlicher Nachwuchskräfte, c/o SV Sti ft un gsve rwaltu η g s GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1985; Donor(s): Bayerische Hypo· und Vereinsbank AG Expenditures: DM 31.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 03664 IAS Institut für Arbelts-und Sozialhygiene Stiftung, Steinhäuserstr 19, 76135 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 82040; Fax: 8204400; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.iasstiftung.de Established: 1976; Chair: Prof. Dr. Michael Keutner, Karl Hoppe, Donor(s): Dr. Walter Massmanr Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Med 03665 Ibach-Denk-Mal-Stlftung, Tannenstr 8, 96120 Bischberg T: (0951) 68037; Fax: 68039; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 2000; Chair: Heide Ibach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 03666 Paul und Regina Ibenthaler-Stiftung, Birkenweg 9, 79618 Rheinfelden Τ: (07623) 40981 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Paul und Regina Ibenthaler Assets: DM 220.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,· Focus: Arts 03667 Idstedt-Stlftung. Flensburger Str 7, 24837 Schleswig Τ: (04621) 87352; Fax: 87203 Established: 1978; Chair: Landrat J.-D. Kamischke, Secy: Herbert Jensen, Donor(s): Kreis SchleswigFlensburg Receipts: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 03668 IHK-Kulturstlftung der mittelfränkischen Wirtschaft, Hauptmarkt 25-27, 90403 Nürnberg T: (0911) 1335372; Fax: 1335201; E-Mail: schirmer@ nuemberg.ihk.de Established: 1992; Chair Prof. Hubert Weiler. Secy: Fritz Wunschel, Dr. Dieter Riesterer, Donor(s): Industrie- und Handelskammer Nürnberg für Mittelfranken Assets: DM 2.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Mittelfranken only Focus: Cult 03669 IHK-Stiftung Fachhochschule Aschaffenburg, Kerschensteinerstr 9, 63741 Aschaffenburg Τ: (06021) 880111; Fax: 880140 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Industrie- und Handelskammer Aschaffenburg Assets: DM 250.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni 03670 IKEA-Stiftung, Am Wandersmann 2-4, 65719 Hofheim-Wallau T: (06122) 997200; Fax: 997406 Established: 1981; Secy: Martin Hildebrand, Donor(s): Deutsche IKEA-Gruppe Assets: DM 15.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.100.000,· Focus: Hand; Blinds; Des; Educ; Res; Youth; Child; Ecol; Town; Schol; Scie; Hous 03671
Germany: Ikemeyer-Stiftung Friedrich-und-Barbara-lkemeyer-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwa11ungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail; [email protected]; Internet: www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Barbara Ikemeyer Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Geol 03672 Hermann Ilgen-Stiftung, Stúbelallee 6, 01309 Dresden Τ: (0351) 2501275 Established: 1936; Donor(s): Hermann Ilgen Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Arts; Mon 03673 Arthur und Geòrgie lilies Familien-Stiftung, Soltauer Str 21, 21335 Lüneburg T: (04131) 44702; Fax: 687161; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Donor(s): Anke Maria Müller-Illies Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03674 Hans Imhoff-Stiftung, c/o Universität Köln, Dezernat 6 Finanzwesen und Forschungsfördemng, Albertus-Magnus-Pl, 50923 Köln T: (0221) 4702316; Fax: 4705156 Established; 1995; Donops): Dr. Hans Imhoff Assets: DM 5.000.000,Limitations; Grants to Universität Köln only Focus: Med; Uni 03675 Flora immmerschitt-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJi www.stifterverbanú.de Established: 1992; Donops): Dr. Flora Immerschitt Expenditures: DM 23.000,· Focus: Med; Biol 03676 Impulse-Stiftung Heidelberg, Jahnstr 32, 69120 Heidelberg T: (06221) 401623; Fax: 401623 Established: 1996; Donops): Hans-Werner von Stutterheim, Friedrich Löffler Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Rhein-Neckar only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03677 Industriepreis zur Förderung kaufmännischen Nachwuchses, c/o Handelskammer Hamburg, Postfach 111449, 20414 Hamburg T: (040) 361380; Fax: 3618567; E-Mail: fehling© hamburg.handelskammer.de Established: 1986; Chair: Walter Stork, Secy: Margret Sitzler Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Voc 03678 informed ia-Stiftung, Gemeinnützige Stiftung für Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Publizistik, Widdersdorfer Str 217a, 50825 Köln T: (0221) 4911543; Fax: 4995789; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Donops): Dr. Rainer Hildmann, Klaus Kunkel, Klaus Nimtz Focus: SocS; Jour 03679 Initiative und Leistung, Stiftung der Nassauischen Sparitasse für Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, c/o Nassau ische Sparkasse, Rheinstr 42-46, 65185 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 36406601; Fax: 36406699 Established: 1989; Chair: H. Diehl, Secy; Wirfrid W. Rogge, Donor(s): Nassauische Sparkasse Assets: DM 25.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.820.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.820.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Nassau only Focus: Cult; Arts; Sports; Eco!; Health; Youth Innovationsstiftung Hamburg, After Steinweg 4, 20459 Hamburg T: (040) 428411759; Fax: 429411860 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Expenditures: DM 6.030.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Bus 03681 Institut Français de Hambourg, Heimhuder Str 55, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4133250; Fax: 41332525; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.hfi.shuttle.de/insf-francais Established: 1951 Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: IntU; Rom 03662 Institut Français de Stuttgart, Diemershaldenstr 11, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 239250; Fax: 2392511; E-Mail: a d m i s @tonline.de; Internet: http://www.kultur-frarkreich.cle Established: 1950; Chair: Jean-Louis Poitevin, Secy: Jean-Louis Poitevin. Doror(s): André François Poncet Receipts: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and France only Focus: IntU; Rom 03683
03672 - 03722 Institut für Afrika-Kunde, Neuer Jungfemstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 42634523; Fax: 42834511; E-Mail: iak@ uni-hamburg.de; Internet: www.uni-hiamburg.de/iak Established: 1963; Donor(s): Deutsches ÜberseeInstitut, Afrika Verein e.V., Afrika Kollegium Focus: Air 03664 Institut für Agrarentwlcklung In Mtttelund Osteuropa, Theodor-Lieser-Str 2, 06120 Halle/Saale T: (0345) 29280; Fax: 2928199; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.iamo.de Established: 1994; Secy: Prof. Dr. Klaus Frohberg, Donops): Land Sachsen-Anhalt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Agrie; Eur East 036Θ5 Institut für Asienkunde, Rothenbaumchaussee 32, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 443001; Fax: 4107945; E-Mail: ¡[email protected]; Internet: http://www.rrz. uni-hamburg.de/ ifa Established: 1956 Expenditures: DM 3.500.00,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: As 036Θ6 Institut für ausländisches und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, Senckenberganlage 31, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7983194; Fax: 79828446 Established: 1955; Donops): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Land Hessen, Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Universität Frankfurt am Main Expenditures: DM 412.000,Limitations: Applications n o t . Focus: Law 03667 Institut für deutsche Sprache, Postfach 101621, 68016 Mannheim T: (0621) 15810; Fax: 1581200; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ids· mannheim.de Established: 1964; Chair: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Stickel Receipts: DM 14,000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 14.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Germ 03686 Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden, Rothenbaumchaussee 7 , 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 428382617; Fax: 4480866; E-Mail: igdj@ public.uni-hamburg.de; Internet: http://www.rrz.unihambu rg.de/igdj/homepage. htm Established: 1966; Donor(s): Land Hamburg Expenditures: DM 835.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Jew 03689 Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg, Falkenstein 1, 22587 Hamburg T: (040) 8660770; Fax: 8663615; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.rrz.unihamburg.de/ifsh/welcome.hfm Established: 1971; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter S. Lutz, Donor(s): Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Peace; PolS 03690 Institut für Gesundheits-System-Forschung, WHO Kooperatíonszentrum für Forschung über Versorgungssysteme im Gesundheitswesen und ihre Entwicklung, Weimarer Str 8, 24106 Kiel T: (0431) 3895221; Fax: 3895255; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1975; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Fritz Beske Focus: Health 03691 Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde, Alsterglacis 8, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 41478201; Fax: 41478241; E-Mail: iikhh@ rrz.uni-hamburg.de Established: 1963 Focus: Am 03692 Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart, Allmandring 30a, 70569 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6855863; Fax: 6855930; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.ims-chips.de Established: 1983; Donor(s): Land BadenWürttemberg Expenditures: DM 17.175,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Electron 03693 Institut für Mittelstandsforschung, Maximilanstr 20, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 729970; Fax: 7299734; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ifm-bonn.org Established: 1957; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Bös, Prof. Dr. Uschi Backes-Gellner, Secy: Dr. Gunter Kayser, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen Receipts: DM 3.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.500.000,Focus: Econ 03694 Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung Gatersleben, Corrensstr 3, 06466 Gatersleben T: (039482) 5220; Fax: 5500; Internet: http ¿I www.ipk-gatersleben.de Established: 1992; Chain Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wobus, Secy: Bernd Eise, Donor(s); Land Sachsen-Anhalt Expenditures: DM 42.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Biol; Genet 03695
62 Institut für rehabilttattonsmedlzinlsche Forschung, Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts an der Universtttät Ulm, c/o Forschungsinstitut Rheumaklinik, 8Θ405 Bad Wurzach T: (07564) 301196; Fax: 301170; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.uni-ulm.de/institLite/reha-forschung Established: 1995; Donops): LVA Württemberg, Waldburg-Zeil Kliniken GmbH & Co. Expenditures: DM 400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Reh 03696 Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik, Universitätsallee GW 1, Block A, 28359 Bremen T: (0421) 220960; Fax: 2209655; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.isl.org Established: 1954; Chair: Prof. Dr. Werner E. Eckstein, Prot. Dr, Manfred Zachcial, Prof. Dr, Volker Speidel, Donor(s): Freie Hansestadt Bremen Expenditures: DM 6.400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ship; Traf 03697 Institut für soziale Demokratie, August BebelInstitut, Mùllerstr 163, 13353 Berlin T: (030) 4692121/23; Fax: 4692124; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1947 Expenditures: DM 440.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS 03698 Institut für Sozlallorschung an der JohannWolfgang-Goethe-Unlversität Frankfurt a m Main, Senckenberganlage 26, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7561830; Fax: 749907 Established: 1923 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocS 03699 Institut für Staats- und SozialWlssenschaftfiche Forschung, Robert-Bopp-Str 1, 74388 Talheim T: (07133) 3804; Fax: 7949 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Ursula Backhaus Focus: SocS; PolS 03700 Interkalarfonds Katholischer Kirchenstellen Rottenburg a m Neckar, Eugen-Bolz-Pl 1, 72108 Rottenburg am Neckar T: (07472) 169335; Fax: 169563 Established: 1821 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03701 Internationale Bachakademie Stuttgart, JohannSebastian-Bach-Pl, 70178 Stuttgart T: (0711) 619210, 6192113; Fax: 6192123; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpj! www.bachakademie.de Established: 1981; Chair Prof. Dr. Ing. E.h. Berthold Leibinger, Secy: Andreas Keiler, Donor(s): Stuttgarter Konzertvereinigung e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 03702 Internationale Künstlerlnnenstlftung Die Höge, Högenhausen 2, 27211 Bassum T: (04249) 93030; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 03703 Internationale Ludwig van Beethoven Stiftung, Kulturstiftung in Bonn, Maximilianstr 22, 53111 Bonn, Postfach 2529, 53015 Bonn T: (0228) 716288; Fax: 716364 Established: 1996; Chair: Dr. André Leysen, Secy: Bankdirektor a.D. Oskar Müller, Donor(s): Bonner Zeitungsdruckerei und Verlagsanstalt H. Neusser GmbH, Dipl .-Kaufmann Eberhard Brunn, Dipl.-Ing. Jan van Dorp, Industrieverwaltungsgesellschaft AG, Dr, Ludwig Klassen, Parkgemeinschaft Bonn e.V., Dr. Ralph Partener, Universitätsbuchhandlung Bouvier GmbH & Co. KG Assets: DM 562.000,-, Receipts: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 03704
Internationale Stiftung Photochemie, c/o Universität des Saartandes, Fachrichtung 11.2, Organische Chemie, 66041 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 3023219; Fax: 3024105; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1975; Secy: Prof.Dr, Heinz Dürr, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. D. Döpp Limitations: Grants to international scientific Focus: Chem
. 03708
Emst irlê-stfftung, Hauptstr 18, 57074 Siegen Limitations: Grants to employees of Friedrich Irte Co. (Crailsheim) only Focus: SocW 03709 Gotho von Irmer-Stlftung, Dieirich-Schifer-Str 5, 28211 Bremen T: (0421) 441108, 18596 Established: 1987 Focus: Youth; Educ; IntU; Music . . . . 03710 ISG-Stiftung zur Förderung der innovativen Systsmergonomle und Gesundheit Im Büro, Friedrich-Ebert-Str 12-14, 56579 Rengsdorf T: (02634) 2548; Fax: 7108; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.lSGsystemergonomie.org Established: 1997; Chair Dipl.-Ing, Paul Kamphausen, Donops): Helmut Steinhilber Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Lab; Health 03711 Adam Isheim'sche Stiftung zu GrÜnlngen, Ludwigstr 31, 35415 Pohlheim Τ: (06403) 60622; Fax: 60666 Established: 1864; Dorrar(s): Adam Isheim Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: ChurchM 03712 Adolf und Hildegard Isler-Stlftung, c/o Protz Steuerberatungs GmbH, Melerottostr 7, 10719 Berlin T: (030) 8804280; Fax: 88042899 Established: 1985; Donops): Adolf und Hildegard Isler Expenditures: DM 90.000,Umitations: Grants to zoos only Focus: Zool 03713 Karin Islinger-Stlftung, c/o Universität Mannheim, L 9, 5-7, 68131 Mannheim Established: 1967; Donops): Franz Islinger Limitations: Grants to members of Universität Mannhelm only Focus: Scie; Res 03714 Franz Islinger-Stlftung, Augartenstr 82, 68165 Mannheim Τ: (0621) 447037 Established: 1992; Donops): Eheleute Franz Islinger Assets: DM 12.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Uni 03715 Israel-Stiftung des Kreises Recklinghausen, Kurt-Schumacher-Allee 1, 45655 Recklinghausen T: (02361) 534014; Fax: 534284 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Kreis Recklinghausen Expenditures: DM 104.000,Focus: IntU; Jew 03756 Israelitisches Krankenhaus In Hamburg, Orchideenstieg 14, 22297 Hamburg Established: 1839 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Jew 03717 Museum Rade am Schloß Reinbek, Stiftung Sammlung Rolf Italiaander/Hans Spegg, Schloßstr 4, 21465 Reinbek T: (040) 7229158 Established: 1986; Donops): Rolf Italiaander, Hans Spegg Assets: DM 2.900.000,·, Expenditures: DM 205.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts 03718 Julius Itzel-Stlftung, Waldtruderinger Str 14a, 81827 München Τ: (089) 4305298; Fax: 4391516 Established: 1976 Focus: Child; Sen; AnimP 03719
Internationale Mendelssohn-Stiftung, Goldschmidtstr 12, 04103 Leipzig T: (0341) 1270294; Fax: 2115288 Established: 1991; Chair: Prof. Dr. h.c. Kurt Masur, Secy: Jürgen Emst Focus: Music 03705
IWKA-Stiftung, Gartenstr 71, 76135 Kartsruhe Τ: (0721) 143214; Fax: 143243 Established: 1998; Donors): IWKA AG Limitations: Scholarships to foreign students at the Universität Fridericiana in Karlsruhe only Focus: Schol; Eng; IntU 03720
Internationale Orgelwoche Nürnberg - Musica Sacra, Bismarckstr 46, 90491 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2313528; Fax: 2313510; E-Mail: ION@ nuemberg.de Established: 1990; Donops): Ev.-Luth. Kirche in Bayern, Stadt Nürnberg, Freundeskreis der Internationalen Orgelwoche Nürnberg e.V. Assets: DM 703.000,Limrtatkins: International grants to young organists only Focus: Music 03706
P. Walter Jacob-Sttftung, c/o Dr. H. Meise, Rothenbaumchaussee 81, 20148 Hamburg Τ: (040) 41234501, 41234479; Fax: 41234040; Internet: http ://www. rrz. uni-harr b urg .de/exi 11 it./ exilmain.html Established: 1979; Donor(s): P. Walter Jacob Expenditures: DM 55.000,Limitations: Grants to Hamburger Arbeitsstelle für deutsche Exilliteratur in Hamburg only Focus: Lit 03721
Internationale Stiftung Neuroblonlk, Europapl, 30521 Hannover T: (0511) 8931415 Established: 1993 Expenditures: DM 73.000,Focus: Neur 03707
Oberatten Johann Cart Jacobi-Stift, c/o Stiftung Anscharhöhe, Tarpenbekstr 107, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 4669306; Fax: 4669400 Established: 1865 Assets: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03722
03723 - 03775
63 Jacobson-Stiftung zu Seesen, do Jacobson· Gymnasium, Sankt-Annen-Str 23, 3Θ723 Seesen T: (05381) 93740; Fax: 937474 Established: 1801; Donops): Israel Jacobson Assets: DM 31.216,Limitations: Grants to pupils of Jacobson· Gymnasium in Seesen only Focus: Educ 03723 Heinrich Jacoby und Elsa GIndler-Stiftung, Teplitzer Str 9, 14193 Berlin T: (030) 89729605 Established: 1985 Assets: DM 450.000,Focus: Archiv; SocS 03724 Paul Wilhelm Carl Jahn Stiftung, Henry-Budge-Str 6, 22297 Hamburg Τ: (040) 5115912 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Paul Wilhelm Carl Jahn Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Ecol; AnimP; Sen; Youth; Health; Sports 03725 Jagdmuseum Wulff, Am Walde 3, 29386 Hankensbúttel Τ: (05832) 2303 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Günther Wulff Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 96.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hunt 03726 Jagdschlöflchen am Ukfelsee, Stiftung der Sparkasse Ostholstein, Am Rosengarten 3, 23701 Eutin T: (04521) 85210; Fax: 85208; Internet: http:// www.spk-ostholstein.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Sparkasse Ostholstán, Sparkassen- und Giroverband Schleswig-Holstein, Stadt Eutin, Kreis Ostholstein Expenditures: DM 101.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 03727 Rudolf Jahns-Stiftung, Leopold-Zunz-Weg 9, 32756 Detmold Τ: (05231) 24579; Fax: 24590 Established: 1994; Chain Barbara Roselieb-Jahns, Secy: Barbara Roselieb-Jahns, Donor(s): Barbara Roselieb-Jahns Assets: DM 250.000,Focus: Arts 03728 Jahn'sche Stiftung In Glindow, Johannisthaler Chaussee 333, 12351 Berlin Τ: (030) 76802000; Fax: 76802001 Established: 1958; Donor(s): Luise Jahn Limitations: Grants in the region of Glindow only Focus: Hand; Sen 03729 Jais'sche Stiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt Sankt Peter und Paul, Matthias-Klotz-Str 4, 82481 Mittenwald T: (08823) 92290 Established: 1817; Donor(s): Pastor Egidius Jais Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of the Jais family and to needy citizens of Mittenwald only Focus: Fam; SocW 03730 Jakoblnengroschen, c/o Stadt Hameln, Abt. 14, Ratfiauspl 1, 31785 Hameln Τ: (05151) 202531; Fax: 202710 Donops): Wilhelm Hohmeyer Limitations: Grants to pupils in Hameln only Focus: Educ; Music 03731 Pastor Jakobs-Stiftung, Althofstr 5, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr Established: 1932 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen Oskar Jandel-Stfftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Sozialamt, Kennedypl 3, 45121 Essen T: (0201) 8850000/01; Fax: 230666 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Walter Färber Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Ernst Günther Janka, Dr. Pater Kuhna und Frau Erika Stiftung, Kùnkelsgasse 1, 98574 Schmalkalden Established: 1997 Focus: Orp 03734 Sondervermögen Friedrich-Hölderiin-Fonds Cidre Jannsen, c/o Der Magistrat, FB Finanzen, Stadtkámmerei, Rathauspl 1, 61343 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe T: (06172) 100336; Fax: 100541 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Dr. Hermann Jannsen Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ut 03735 Gisela Janotte-Sttftung, Berliner Str 48, 13467 Berlin T: (030) 4047757 Established: 1990; Donops): Charlotte Janotte Assets: DM 4.700.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 03736
Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin, Saargemünder Str 2, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 839070; Fax: 83907220; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http V/www.jdzb.de Established: 1985; Donops): Land Berlin Assets: DM 30.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.500.000,Lim'rtations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU
Familienstiftung Johannlslehn, Brauerstr 13, 29525 Uelzen T: (0581) 73321 Established: 1376; Chair: Lisa Kuhlmann, Donor(s): Dietrich Sten, Hillegund Sten, Johann Lembeke, Dietrich Lembeke Focus: Fam 03751 03737
Paul Jauch-Stiftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Rathauspl 1, 72800 Eningen Τ: (07121) 892100; Fax: 892111 Established: 1985; Donops): Emilie Jauch Expenditures: DM 16,000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03738 Stiftung Anton Jaumann zur Pflege der Kirchenmusik Im Ries, Bei den Komschrannen 4, 86720 Nördlingen T: (09081) 801926; Fax: 801988; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http"7/ www.rvbankries.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Margarete Jaumann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: ChurchM 03739 Joseph Jausel-Stiftung, c/o Landgericht, Tegeler Weg 17-21, 10589 Berlin T: (030) 346040; Fax: 34604518 Established: 1876; Chair: Präsident des Landgerichts Berlin, Donor(s): Joseph Jausel Assets: DM 21,000,-, Expenditures: DM 700,· Limitations: Scholarship to one German law student only Focus: Schol; Law 03740 Hans R. Jenemann-Stiftung, c/o Gesellschaft Deutsche Chemiker e.V., Postfach 900440, 60444 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7917328; Fax: 7917374 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Hans R. Jenemann Assets: DM 500.000,Focus: Eng 03741 Farben Jenisch-Stlftung, Königsberger Str 10, 60487 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 97900153; Fax: 97900103 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Hans Carl Jenisch Assets: DM 75.000,Focus: Voc 03742 Jerusalemstift, Preußenallee 28, 14052 Bedin Τ: (030) 3059900 Established: 1680 03743 Jesus Christus Nazoraios Gott - Stiftung für Inneren Frieden, Scheffelstr 4, 77718 Gengenbach T: (07803) 40555; Fax: 40555 Established: 1995; Chair Dieter Chr. Schmidt, Secy: Dieter Chr. Schmidt, Donor(s): Dieter Chr. Schmidt Assets: DM 24.000,·, Receipts: DM 1.200,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Health; Psychol; Rei; IntU; Educ; Mon 03744 Guido und Olga Jochner'sche Stiftung Privatklinik Josephlnum, Schönfeldstr 16-20, 80539 München T: (089) 23688501, 23688508; Fax: 23688509 Established: 1933; Donops): Dr. Guido Jochner Limitations: Scholarships to German students only Focus: Nurs; Schol 03745 Johannes-Stiftung, Glockenstr 5, 09130 Chemnitz T: (0371) 4334135 Established: 1997; Chair: Sigrid Neubert, Dorior(s): Dr. Reinhard Peißel Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants in Chemnitz only Focus: Child; Youth; Fam; Home; Pris . . 03746 Johannes-Walsenhaus zu Helmstedt, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathaus, Markt 1, 38350 Helmstedt T: (05351) 17155; Fax: 17102 Established: 1890; Donor(s): Konsul Johannes Dieckmann Assets: DM 240.000,-, Expenditures: DM 14.500,Limrtations: Grants in Helmstedt only Focus: Orp 03747 Johannesstift im Evangelischen Johanneswerk e.V., Schildescher Str 101, 33611 Bielefeld T: (0521) 8012100, 8012130; Fax: 8012150; E-Mail: susan ne- kilian θ johanneswerk.de Established: 1853 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03748 Johanneum, Tucholskystr 7, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 2859703; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1869; Donor(s): Leopold Graf Sedlnitzky Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 03749 Johannlshofatlftung von 1161, clo Stadt Hildesheim, FB Soziales, Jugend urtd Wohnen, Hannoversche Str 6, 31134 Hildesheim T: (05121) 301552; Fax: 301737; E-Mail: sozìalamt.hildesheim θ t-oniine.de Established: 1161; Donor(s): Reinhard von Dassel Expenditures; DM 108.000,Limitations: Grants in Hildesheim only Focus: SocW 03750
Evangelische Alteneinrichtung Marie-Jonas-Stlft, Schneiderstr 4, 16225 Eberswalde T: (03334) 2543; Fax: 2544100 Established: 1899; Donor(s): Pfarrer Emst Jonas Expenditures: DM 700,000,Limitations: Grants in Eberswalde only Focus: Sen 03752 David Jonas-Stiftung zur Förderung des modernen Strafvollzuges, c/o Justizbehörde, Strafvollzugsamt, Drehbahn 36 , 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 34972147; Fax: 428433520 Established: 1888; Donor(s): David Joras Assets: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Pris 03753 Bertha Jordaan-van-Heek Stiftung Haus Welbergen, c/o Rechtsanwalt Heinz H. Baumeister, Hammer Str 95, 48153 Münster T: (0251) 972330; Fax: 9723340 Established: 1960; Donor(s): Bertha Jordaan-van Heek Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Cult; IntU 03754 W. & L. Jordan-Stiftung, Töpfenhofweg 41-44, 34134 Kassel Τ: (0561) 941770; Fax: 9417740 Established: 1994; Donor(s): W. & L. Jordan GmbH Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants in the chamber of commerce districts of Kassel, Erfurt, Fulda, Halle, Chemnitz, Dresden, Darmstadt, Regensburg, Nürnberg and Weiden only Focus: Voc 03755 Josef-Emlllenstiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt R. Feldmeier, Studtstr 20, 48149 Münster Τ: (0251) 925310; Fax: 9253111 Established: 1912; Donor(s): Josef Hotte Focus: Educ; Adult; Sen 03756 Josefi-Spltalstiftung mit Darlapp'seher ZuStiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Am ScWoßpl 1, 83646 Bad Tölz Τ: (08041) 504310; Fax: 72266; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.bad-toelz.de Established: 1752; Donor(s): Stadt Bad Tölz Expenditures: DM 3.221.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03757 Josefsheimstiftung, Kirchgasse 11, 95679 Waldershof T: (09231) 7356; Fax: 72856 Established: 1907; Chair: Johannes Wolff, Secy: Greti Kaiser, Donor(s): Pfarrer Deubzer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03758 Joseph-Stlftung, Hans-Birkmayr-Str 65, 96050 Bamberg T: (0951) 91440; Fax: 9144555; E-Mail: Wolfgang. Pfeuffer® Joseph-Strftung.de; Internet: www.joseph-stiftung.de Established: 1948; Donor(s): Erzbischof Joseph Otto Kolb von Bamberg Expenditures: DM 1.200.000,· Limitations: Grants in the archdiocese of Bamberg only Focus: Hous 03759 Fritz und Margarete Joseph-Stiftung, Landshuter Str 22, 10779 Berlin T: (030) 2115057; Fax: 2117079 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Margarete Joseph Assets: DM 5,000.000,Focus: Hand 03760 Dr. Helmut und Irmgard Jost-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dr. Helmut Jost, Irmgard Jost Focus: Child 03761 Jubiläums-Sttftung aus AnlaB der Goldenen Hochzelt des Königs Ludwig III. und der Königin Marie Therese von Bayern, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwattung, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1919; Donor(s): Stadt München Assets: DM 125.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Child 03762 Jubiläums-Stiftung der Deutsche Bank A G Filiale München zugunsten des Lenbachhauses, Promenadepl 15 , 80333 München T: (089) 23901351; Fax: 23901351 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Deutsche Bank AG Filiale München Assets: DM 873.920,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 03763
Germany: Jubiläumsstiftung
Jubiläums-Sttftung der Deutsche Bank AG Filiale München zugunsten des Projektes Zu Hause gesund werden, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Promenadepl 15, 80333 München T: (089) 23901351; Fax: 23901371 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Deutsche Bank AG Filiale München Assets: DM 324.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health 03764 Jublläums-Stiftung zum 400jährigen Bestehen der Universität Würzburg, c/o Universität Würzburg, Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg T: (0931) 312051 Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants to Universität Würzburg only Focus: Scie; Res; Uni 03765 Jublläums-Stipendienstiftung der Staatsbauschule Coburg, c/o Fachhochschule Coburg, Friedrich-Streib-Str 2, 96450 Coburg T: (09561) 3170; Fax: 317109 Established: 1952 Assets: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at Staatsbauschule Coburg only Focus: Schol; Build 03766 Jubiläumsfonds der Sparkasse Ν e u-U Irriti lertissen, c/o Sparkasse Neu-Ulm-lllertissen, Insel 13, 89231 Neu-Ulm T: (0731) 709140; Fax: 709111 Established: 1955; Donor(s): Sparkasse Neu-Ulmlllertissen Focus; SocW 03767 Jubiläumsfonds des städtischen Orchesters in Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: info· Established: 1925; Donor(s): Stadt Augsburg Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy members of Städtisches Orchester Augsburg only Focus: SocW
Jubiläumsstiftung 1988 Universität Köln, Albertus-Magnus-Pl, 50931 Köln Limitations: 378155 Focus: Uni 03769 Jubiläumsstiftung der Allgemeinen Rentenanstalt, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1961; Donor(s): Allgemeine Rentenanstalt Limitations: Grants to pupils of Kaufmännische Berufsschule Stuttgart I only Focus: Voc 03770 Jubiläumsstiftung der Credltverein Wilhermsdorf AG, Hauptstr 14, 91452 Wilhermsdorf T: (09102) 93910; Fax: 939190 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Creditverein Wilhermsdorf AG Assets: DM 446.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Umitations: Grants to organizations in the region of Mittetfranken only Focus: Youth; Child; Educ; Fire; SocW; Sports; Mon; Hist; Ecol; Sen; Nurs 03771 Jubilaumsstlftung der Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt am Main, c/o Finanzabteilung, Börsenpl 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21971258; Fax: 21971378 Established: 1908; Donor(s): Industrie· und Handelskammer Frankfurt am Main Assets: DM 235.400,Umitations: Grants in the region of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Voc 03772 Jubiläumsstiftung der Oberrealschule Kulmbach, Schießgraben 1, 95326 Kulmbach T: (09221) 801040; Fax: 8010499 Established: 1917; Donor(s): Wilhelm Meußdoerffer Assets: DM 12.000,Limitations: Grants to pupils of Markgraf-GeorgFriedrich-Gymnasium in Kulmbach only Focus: Educ 03773 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse der Stadt Straelen, c/o Sparkasse der Stadt Straelen, Markt 15-17, 47638 Straelen T: (02834) 7050; Fax: 705266 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse der Stadt Straelen Limitations: Grants in Straelen only Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Educ; Ecol; Hist; Sports; Youth; SocW 03774 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse Dieburg, Postfach 1160, 6481Β Groß-Umstadt T: (06078) 70214; Fax: 70321; E-Mail: post® sparkasse.dieburg.de; Internet: http://www.sparkassedieburg.de Established: 1984; Donor(s): Sparkasse Dieburg Expenditures: DM 385.000,Limiiations: Grants in the region of Dieburg only Focus; Cult; SocW 03775
Germany: Jubiläumsstiftung Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse In Meschede/Eslohe, c/o Sparkasse Meschede, Winziger PI 6, 59672 Meschede T: (0291) 208130; Fax: 208109 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Sparkasse Meschede Limitations: Grants in Meschede and Eslohe only Focus: Arts; Cult; Youth; Sen; SocW . . 03776 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse Neuss, Oberstr 114-124, 41460 Neuss T: (02181) 971090; Fax; 971019 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Sparkasse Neuss Assets: DM 3.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 225.000,Limitations: Grants in Neuss only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 03777 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse WarsteinRüthen, Hajptstr 68, 59581 Warstein T: (02902) 9750121; Fax: 9750110 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse WarsteinRüthen Limitations: Grants in Warstein and Rüthen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie; Res; Mon; Hist . 03778 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadt- und KralsSparkasse Darmstadt, Rheinstr 10-12, 64283 Darmstadt T: (06151) 2816777; Fax: 2816345 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Stadt- und KreisSparkasse Darmstadt Expenditures: DM 506.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Darmstadt only Focus: Cult; SocW; Ecol 03779 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Postlach 100862, 46428 Emmerich T: (02822) 76135 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Emmerich and Rees only Focus: Hist; Aris; Cult; Mon; Youth; Sen; SocW; Educ; Voc; Schol 03780 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Postfach 211209, 67012 Ludwigshafen am Rhein T: (0621) 5992277; Fax: 5992430 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Städtsparkasse Ludwigshafen am Rhein Expenditures: DM 107.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Ludwigshafen am Rhein only Focus: Cult; Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Ecol; Mon 03781 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Remscheid, Alleestr 76-88, 42853 Remscheid T: (02191) 166200; Fax: 166229 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Remscheid Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 350.000,Limitations: Grants in Remscheid only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 03782 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Schrobenhausen, Lenbachpi 1, 86529 Schrobenhausen T: (08252) 95100; Fax: 95103; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.spkschrobenhausen.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Schrobenhausen Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Schrobenhausen only Focus: SocW; Ans; Cult; Ecol; Hist; Landsc 03783 Jubiläumsstiftung der Verbands-Sparkasse Wesel. Bismarckstr 5 , 46483 Wesel T; (0281) 2051; Fax: 205343 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Verbands-Sparkasse Wesel Assets: DM 5.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Wesel only Focus: Hist; Arts; Cult; Mon 03784 Jubiläumsstiftung der Vereinigten Sparkassen im Landkreis Weilheim in Oberbayern, Marienpl 2-6, 82360 Weilheim in Oberbayem T: (0881) 641770; Fax: 641710 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Vereinigte Sparkassen im Landkreis Weilheim in Oberbayem Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Weilheim in Oberbayem only Focus: Hist; Ecol; Sen; Arts; Youth . . . 03785 Jubiläumsstiftung der Volksbank Höchst a m Main, Hostatostr 13, 65929 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 3102239; Fax: 3102392 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Volksbank Höchst am Main Assets: DM 250.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants in western suburbs of Frankfurt am Main and in Flörsheim and Hattersheim only Focus: Sports; Sen 03786 Jubiläumsstiftung für Altenhelme, Adolph· Schönfelder-Str 5, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428633997; Fax: 428634343 Established: 1928; Secy: Wolfgang Müller, Donops): Senat der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg Assets: DM 1.550.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Sen 03787
03776 - 03825
Jubiläumsstiftung für Gastvorlesungen, c/o Universität Stuttgart, Rektorat, Dezernat Finanzen, Keplerstr 7, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1212240; Fax: 1212271 Established: 1929; Donops): Stadt Stuttgart Assets: DM 16.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Stuttgart only Focus: Hum; Eng; Econ; Uni 03788 Jublläumsstipendlenstlftung zur Akademie der Bildenden Künste, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Kulturreferat, Burgstr 4, 80331 München Τ: (0Θ9) 23328229; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1909; Donops): Landeshauptstadt München Assets: DM 107.900,·, Receipts: DM 12.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München only Focus: Arts; Schol 03789 Marie-Juchacz-Stiftung der Arbelterwohlfahrt, Postfach 410163, 63023 Bonn T: (0228) 6685225; Fax: 6685209; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Secy: Andreas Johnsen, Donor(s): Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V. Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 03790 Jüdelstlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 3309, 38023 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 4702283 Established: 1911; Donor(s): Kommerzienrat Dr.-lng. E.h. Max JOdel Assets: DM 868.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Braunschweig only Focus: SocW 03791 Jüdisches Krankenhaus Berlin, Heinz-GalinskiStr 1, 13347 Berlin T: (030) 49940 Established: 1962 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Health; Jew 03792 Jüdisches Kulturmuseum AugsburgSchwaben, Halderstr 6, 86150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 513658; Fax: 513626 Established: 1985 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Jew
Cad-Christian Jügel-Sttftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Stadtkämmerei, Paulspl 9, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21233425; Fax: 21237898 Established: 1901; Donor(s): Carl Franz und Friedrich Martin August Jùgel Assets: DM 171.856,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants to Johann-Wotfgang-GoetheUniversität Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Scie; Uni 03794 Emst Jülichmanns-Stlftung, c/o SV Stifturajsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.simon θ stifterveiband.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Ferdinand Ernst Jülichmanns Expenditures: DM 361.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 03795 Kari Jüngel-Stiftung, Stixchesstr 136-150, 51377 Leverkusen T: (0214) 736214/15; Fax: 736202 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Kari Jüngel Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 03796 Emst Jünger-Stiftung, c/o Kreissparkasse Biberach, Zeppelinring 27-29, 88400 Biberach T: (07351) 570291; Fax: 570499 Established: 1997; Donops): Kreissparkasse Biberach Expenditures: DM 132.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Mon 03797 Heinrich, Elisabeth und Lise! Jüngst-Sttftung, Kirchberg 4, 35745 Herbom Established: 1969 Limitations: Grants in the Protestant parish of Herbom only Focus: SocW 03798 Udo Jürgens Stiftung, Metzlerstr 21, 60594 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 61990957; Fax: 61990958; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Donor(s): Udo Jürgens Expenditures: DM 50,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Music 03799 Hans und Eugenia Jütting-Stlftung, Schadewachten 48, 39576 Stendal Established: 1993; Donops): Hans und Eugenia Jútting Assets: DM 6.000.000,Limrtations: Grants in Stendal only Focus: Music; Educ; Arts; Cult 03800
Jugend-Stiftung der Sparkasse Ulm, Neue Str 66, 89073 Ulm T: (0731) 101372; Fax: 101809; E-Mail: vs© sparkasse-ulm.de; Internet: http://www.sparkasseulm.de Established: 1996; Donops): Sparkasse Ulm Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Ulm only Focus: Youth; Educ; Sports; SocW; Music; Musi 03801 Jugend- und Famlllenstiftung des Landes Berlin, Obentrautstr 55, 10963 Berlin T: (030) 21751370; Fax: 21751372; E-Mail: info® jfsb.de; Internet: http://www.jfsb.de Established: 1993 Assets: DM 20.000.000,Limitalions: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Youth; Fam 03802 Jugend- und Kultursttftung der Kreise parka sse Ludwigslust, c/o Kreissparkasse Ludwigslust, Robert-Stock-Str 11, 19230 Hagenow T: (03883) 634125; Fax: 634990; E-Mail: Karsten.WoH@KSK-Ludwi gslust.de Established: 2000; Donor(s): V Ludwigslust Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitatlons: Grants in the district of Landkreis Ludwigslust only Focus: Youth; Cult; Arts; Sports; Hist; Mon; Theat; Music 03803 Jugend· und Kulturstiftung der Mittelbrandenburgischen Sparkasse In Potsdam, Saarmunder Str 61, 14476 Potsdam T: (0331) 8912012; Fax: 8912095 Established: 1993; Donops): Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse in Potsdam Assets: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants in Brandenburg and Potsdam and in the districts of Havelland, Oberhavel and Potsdam-Mittelmark only Focus: Youth; Cult; Sports; Educ . . . . 03804 Jugend- und Senioren-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Tubingen, c/o Kreissparkasse Tübingen, Am Lustnauer Tor 3, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2051110; Fax: 205105; E-Mail: info © ksk-tuebingen; Internet: www.ksk-tuebingen.de Established: 1998; Donops): Kreisssparkasse Tübingen Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Tübingen only Focus: Youth; Sen 03805 Jugend- und Sportstiftung der Sparkasse Trier, Theodor-Heuss-Allee 1, 54292 Trier T: (0651) 7121010/11; Fax: 7121009; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www,sparkasse-trier.de Established: 1995; Donops): Sparkasse Trier Assets: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Trier only Focus: Youth; Sports 03806 Jugendförderung der Spar- und Leihkasse zu Bredstedt, Markt 29, 25821 Bredstedt T: (04671) 40922; Fax: 40925 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Spar- und Leihkasse Expenditures: DM 97.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Bredstedt only Focus: Youth; Educ; Sports 03807 Jugendfördemngswerk der Sparkasse Aachen, Postlach 1000, 52059 Aachen T; (0241) 4444300; Fax: 4443023; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.sparkasse-ac.de Established: 1972; Donops): Sparkasse Aachen Limitations: Grants in Aachen only Focus: Youth 03808
Jugend Stiftung der Kreissparkasse CochemZell, Brückenstr 2 , 56812 Cochem T: (02671) 6010; Fax: 601144 Established: 1986; Donops): Kreissparkasse Cochem-Zell Expenditures: DM 78.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Cochem-Zell only Focus: Youth 03813 Jugendstiftung der Kreissparkasse Osterholz, Bahnhofstr 45, 27711 Osterholz-Schermbeck T: (04791) 15567; Fax: 15568 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Osteriwlz Expenditures: DM 102.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Ostertwlz only Focus: Youth 03814 Jugendstiftung der Sparkasse Kiel, Lorentzendamm 28-30, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 5921701; Fax: 5921799 Established: 1967; Donops): Sparkasse Kiel Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth
Jugendstiftung der Stadtsparkasse EmmerichRees, do Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Agnetenstr 3, 46446 Emmerich T: (02822) 76135; Fax: 76200 Established: 1996; Donops): Städtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees Limitations: Grants in Emmerich and Rees only Focus: Youth; Sports 03816 Jugendstiftung Halsbach, Thaihausen 2, 84553 T: (08623) 1038 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Raiffeisenbank Halsbach Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Halsbach only Focus: Youth; Sports 03817 Jugendstiftung Oberkirch, Eisenbahnstr 1, 77704 Oberkirch T: (07802) 82100; Fax: 82174; E-Mail: Stadt® obeikirch.de; Internet: www.oberkjrch.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Stadt Obeikirch Limitations: Grants in Oberkirch only Focus: Youth 03818 Jugendwerk Aalen, Postfach 1805, 73408 Aalen T: (07361) 957523; Fax: 957530 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Wohnungsbau Aalen GmbH, Stadt Aalen Assets: DM 3.861.690,·, Expenditures: DM 1.153.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Hous 03819 Julius-Dlstrlkts-Pfründnerspitalstiftung Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Am Blendlein 1, 97618 Henstren T: (09771) 91040 Established: 1616; Donops): Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03820 Julius Pfründnerspitalstiftung Ebern, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rittergasse, 96106 Ebern T: (09531) 62923, 5418; Fax: 62952 Established: 1352; Donor(s): Dietrich und Hedwig Waltmann, Fürstbischof Julius Echter Assets: DM 3.459.540,-, Expenditures: DM 53.000,Limitations: Grants in Ebern only Focus: Nurs; Sen 03821
Jugendhelme Belserhaus, Niederbeisheimer Str 28-34, 34593 Knüllwald-Rengshausen T: (05685) 9990; Fax: 999173; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1844; Donops): Emil Rausch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth; Educ; Voc . . . . 03809
Jullus-SpitahStlftung Mellrichstadt, Suhlestr 17, 97638 Mellrichstadt T: (09776) 60720; Fax: 60721; E-Mail: Franziska· Streitel-Altenheim @1-online.de Established: 1349; Chair: Pfarrer Roßmark, Secy: Peter Neuner, Donops): Elisabeth Ungemach Assets: DM 9.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03522
Jugendhof Vechta, Kolpingstr 14, 49377 Vechta Τ: (04441) 872261; Fax: 872299; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.bmovechta.de/Jugendhof Established: 1981 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 03810
JullusspitahStiftung Rothenfels, Hauptstr 69, 97851 Rothenfels Τ: (09393) 99840; Fax: 1093 Established: 1601; Donor(s): Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03823
Jugendstiftung der Alteniânder Sparkasse, Westeijork 10, 21635 Jork T: (04162) 6060; Fax: 60620 Established: 1998; Donops): Altenländer Sparkasse Limitations: Grants in the region of Altenland only Focus: Youth; Child; Sports; Cult . . . . 03811 Jugendstiftung der Kreissparkasse Ahrweiler, Wilhelmstr 1, 53474 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler T: (02641) 380118; Fax: 35892; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-Jl www.kreissparkasse-ahrweiler.de Established: 1985; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Ahrweiler Expenditures: DM 48.000,Limitatlons: Grants in the district of Kreis Ahrweiler only Focus: Youth; Sports; Child 03812
Jullusspitaistlftung Bad Könighofen im Grabfeld, Kirchpl 9, 97631 Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld Τ: (09761) 2039; Fax: 6094 Established: 1616; Chair Bürgermeister der Stadt Bad Königshofen, Donor(s): Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03824 Jullusspitaistlftung Münnerstadt, Postfach 1229, 97698 Münnerstadt Τ: (09733) 1717; Fax: 1755 Established: 1616; Secy: Ferdinand Betzer, Donor(s): Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03825
03826 - 03881
Familtenstiftung Jung-Lundberg, Am Wallhof 6, 31139 Hillesheim Τ: (05121) 261506; Fax: 268357 Chain Dr. Bettina Desirée Jung-Lundberg, Secy: Dr. Bettina Desirée Jung-Lundberg, Donor(s): Elisabeth Jung-Lundberg, Ignaz Jung-Lundberg Limitations: Grants to members of the JungLundberg family only Focus: Fam 03826 Claere Jung-SHftung, Beim Rauhen Hause 21, 22111 Hamburg T: (040) 65591101; Fax: 65591112 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Emst Jung Focus: Blinds 03627 Dr.-Heinz-Jung-Sttftung, Kaiserstr 44a, 63065 Offenbach T: (082) 360140 Established: 1999 Focus: Phil 03 Jung-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Elbchaussee 215, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 8808051; Fax: 8801071; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://vuww.jung-stittung.ije Established: 1967; Donor(s): Emst Jung Focus: Med; Scie; Res 03629 Emst und Claere Jung Stiftung Hamburg, Elbchaussee 22Θ, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 8806056; Fax: 88098273 Established: 1964; Chair: C.-H. Gertoch, Secy: Winfried Johnsen, Donor(s): Emst Jung Assets: DM 20.373.119,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ser 03830 Emst und Claere Jung Stiftung Stade, Elbchaussee 228, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 8806056; Fax: 88098273 Established: 1964; Secy: Winfried Johnser, Donor(s): Emst Jung Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Märchen-Stiftung Walter Kahn, Walter-Kahn-Weg 1, 82435 Bad Bayersoien Fax: (08845) 7194 Established: 1985; Chair Walter Kahn, Donor(s): Walter Kahn Assets: Euro 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: Euro 110.000,Focus: Adult; Educ; Ethn 03841 Daniel Henry Kahnweiler-SUftung, c/o Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung, Bezirksamtsstr 7, 67806 Rockenhausen Τ: (08361) 4510 03842 KAIROS Stiftung, Fichtenstr 3, 82041 Τ: (089) 74722550; Fax: 74722511; E-Mail: mailto @ kairos-stiftung.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Monika Sauer Focus: SocS
Kalser-Slgwart-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Alfred Hollfelder, Bràuhausstr 1, 87509 Immenstadt T: (08323) 6011/12; Fax: 7926 Established: 1990; Donops): Gertrud Sigwart Limitations: Grants in Immenstadt and in the district of Landkreis Oberallgäu only Focus: Cult; Sports 03844 Rudolf Kaiser-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baikhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: kJaus,[email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1987; Donops): Dr. Dr. Rudolf Kaiser Expenditures: DM 38.000,Focus: Schol; Phys 03845 Jakob Kaiser-Stiftung e.V., Wilhelm-Külz-Str 22, 99423 Weimar T: (03643) 24630; Fax: 246315 Established: 1994 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc 03846
Jungwaldstiftung zur Förderung und Pflege von Gesundheit, Im Jungwald 9, 67663 Kaiserslautern T: (0631) 3111901; Fax: 3111902; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.foyer.de/ jungwald Established: 1998; Donops): Dr. Anne Wippermann Expenditures: DM 28.000,Focus: Health 03632 Gemeinnützige Junker-Kempchen-Stlftung für kompetente Elternschaft und Mediation, Am Mülhofskamp 7, 45470 Mülheim T: (0208) 3755872 Established: 1987 Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: Educ 03633 Stiftung der Junkers Flugzeug· und Motorenwerke GmbH, JFM Stiftung, Postfach 801109, 81663 München T: (089) 60723408; Fax: 60721165; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1938; Donops): Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace AG Expenditures: DM 1.018.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03634 Hugo Junkers-Stiftung, Karistr 9, 82152 Planegg Established: 1990 03835 JUST Jugendstiftung Sachsen, c/o JUST, AGJF Sachsen e.V., Uhlestr 34, 09120 Chemnitz T: (0371) 533640; Fax: 512580; E-Mail: agjteachsen@t-online,de; Internet: www.agjfsachsen.de Established: 1997; Chair Dirk Bach mann, Donor(s): AGJF Sachsen e.V. Expenditures: DM 16.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Youth 03838 Meta Kaasch-Stiftung, Neckarsulmer Str 9, 12247 Berlin T: (030) 871645 Established: 1987 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; Angl; PoiS; Educ . . . . 03837 Kabel· und Metallwerke Gutehoffnungshütte AG Pensions- und Wohlfahrtsstiftung, Postfach 3320, 49023 Osnabrück Limitations: Grants to former employees of Gutehoffnungshûtte AG and Neumeyer GmbH (Osnabrück) only Focus: SocW 03838 Kämpgen-Stlftung, Mathiaskirchpi 5, 50968 Köln Τ: (0221) 9312010; Fax: 93120120 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Clemens und Hanni Kàmpgen Focus: Hand 03839 Otto-Käsebohrer-Stiftung, Albecker Steige 74, 89075 Ulm Τ: (0731) 21735; Fax: 9217850 Established: 1984; Donorts): Otto Kássbohrer Expenditures: DM 960.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; SocW 03840
Kalserln-Augusta-Stlftung In Potsdam, Berliner Str 148, 14467 Potsdam T: (0331) 2718715; Fax: 2718790 Established: 1872; Donor(s): Kaiserin-Augusta-Verein Expenditures: DM 210.000,Focus: Educ; Adult 03847 Kaiserin Auguste-Victoria-Stiftung auf dem Ölberg bei Jerusalem, c/o EKD-Kirchamt, Postfach 210220, 30402 Hannover T: (0511) 27960; Fax: 2796717 Established: 1913; Donops): Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Expenditures: DM 695.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 03648 Kalserin-Friedrlch-Stiftung für das ärztliche Fortbildungswesen, Roben-Koch-Pl 7, 10115 Berlin T: (030) 30888920; Fax: 30888926; E-Mail: kfs@ kaiserin-friedrich-stiftung .de Established: 1903 Focus: Med; Schol 03849 Joseph Benedikt Kaiser'sche paritätische Armenkrankenstiftung, c/o Landratsamt Ostallgäu, Schwabenstr 11, 87616 Marttoberdorf T: (08342) 911267 Established: 1889; Donops): Joseph Benedikt Kaiser Limitations: Grants in Kaufbeuren only Focus: SocW 03850 Herbert Kajüter-Stiftung, Krumme Str 3, 48143 Münster T: (0251) 40888; Fax: 55039 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Dr. Bernhard Kajüter Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 55.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Münster only Focus: Sen; Child 03851 Kalandfundation Seeburg-Duderstadt, c/o Propst an der Propsteikirche Sankt Cyriakus, Bei der Oberkirche 2, 37115 Duderstadt Established: 1473 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; SocW 03852 Oskar Kalbfell-Stiftung, c/o Schul·-, Kultur- und Sportamt, Rathaus, Marktpl 22, 72764 Reutlingen T: (07121) 3032268; Fax; 3032727 Established: 1967; Donops): Oskar Kalbfell Expenditures: DM 55.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy children in Reutlingen only Focus: Child; Educ 03853 Leonhard Kalb'sche Stiftung, c/o Berliner Handels- und Frankfurter Bank, Bockenheimer Landstr 10, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7183390; Fax: 7183376 Established: 1924; Donops): Leonhard Kalb . Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn; Wkt 03854 Konrad Kaletsch-Stiftung, Postfach 1660, 57207 Kreuztal Τ: (02732) 51221, 51223; Fax: 21004 Established: 1976; Chair Bürgermeister Rudolf Biermann, Secy: Stadtrat Horst-Helmut Siebel, Donops): Konrad Kaletsch Assets: DM 636.000,-, Receipts: DM 30.000,·, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants in Kreuztal only Focus: Sen; Cult 03855
Georg und Marie Kalischer-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Sozialamt, Berliner Str 33-35, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235171 Assets: DM 100.000,03856 Prof. Hans Jürgen Kallmann-Stlftung, Schloßstr 2, 85737 Ismaning T: (089) 96090041; Fax: 963468 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Prof. Hans Jürgen Kallmann Expenditures: DM 146.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aris 03557 Dr. Anton Kalojanoff-Stlftung, Linprunstr 49, 80335 München Established: 1977; Donor(s): Dr. Anton Kalojanoff Limitations: Scholarships to young scientists in Bulgaria only Focus: Chem; Schol; East 03858 Dieter Kaltenbach-Stiftung, tío Zentrum für Spielen und Gestalten, Inzlinger Str 40, 79540 Lörrach T: (07621) 89420; Fax: 2497 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Dieter Kaltenbach Assets: DM 4.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03859 Walter Kamlnsky-Stiftung, Wilhelm-Warech-Str 12, 51143 Köln T: (02203) 982723; Fax: 982722 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Dr. Walter Kaminsky Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,· Focus: Educ; Child; Music; Sen . . . . 03860 Bürgermeister Joachim vom Kampe und Nicolaus van den Wouwe Gotteswohnungen, Schedestr 22, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 482029 Established: 1582 Expenditures: DM 550.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Hous; Sen 03861 Eduard und Adelheid Kann-Stiftung, Amdtstr 1, 60325 Frankfurt am Main Established; 1906; Chair: Rosi Arnsberg Assets: DM 121.285,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Jew 03862 Dr. Hans-Joachim-Kann-Sttftung zur Förderung der Mltteialterarchäologle In Trier und Im Trierer Land, Martin-Grundheber-Str 11, 54294 Trier T: (0651) 80160 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dr. Hans-Joachim Kann Limitations: Grants to archeologists at Landesmuseum Trier only Focus: Archeo 03863 Klaus Kanter-Stiftung zur Förderung der meisterlichen Ausbildung und Qualifikation Im Zahntechniker-Handwerk, Gustav-Freytag-Str 36, 60320 Frankfurt am main Τ: (069) 9567990; Fax: 562054 Established: 1993; Donops): Klaus Kanter Assets: DM 73.360,·, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Focus: Voc; Dent 03864 Kanzelmüller-Seminar-Fonds-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1240, 84480 Burghausen T: (08677) 887109 Established: 1670; Donor(s): Leonard Kanzelmülier Assets: DM 105.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to students originating of Burghausen only Focus: Schol 03865 Kapellenstlftung Allotting, Kapeilenpi 4, 84503 Altôtting Τ: (08671) 5166; Fax: 12947 Established: 1954; Donor(s): Bischöfliche Administration Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Mon 03866 Dr. Hans Kapflnger-Sttftung, Medienstr 5, 94036 T: (0851) 802213 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Dr. Hans Kapfinger Expenditures: DM 732.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Passau only Focus: SocW; Jour Youth; Sports; Arts; Scie; Lit 03867 KappeteMnstitut für die Wissenschaft des Selns-Deutschland, tío SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1975; Donops): Dr. Max Kappeler, Eva-Maria von den Steinen-Wauer, Hanns Dieter von den Steinen Expenditures: DM 45,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocS 03868 Hans-Joachim Kaps Stiftung, c/o TRIMET AG, Heinrichstr 155, 40239 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 961800 Established: 1998 Focus: Woe 03869
Germany: Karmapa-Stiftung
Mârta und Erik Karberg-Stiftung, Albertiweg 27, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 3860040; Fax: 3895097 Established: 1990; Donops): Maria und Erik Kaiberg Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Med; Horn; Schol 03870 Hans-Georg Karg-Stfftung, Grabenstätt, Lyoner Str 15, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66562112; Fax: 66562119 Established: 1987; Chair Dr. Klaus Rehmann, Dr. Peter Lex, Donor(s): Hans-Georg Karg Assets: DM 250.000,-, Receipts: DM 16.000,·, Expenditures: DM 16.000,Limitations: Grants in Grabenstätt only Focus: Hand; Youth; Sen 03671 Karg-Stiftung München, Lyoner Str 15, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66562420; Fax: 66562119 Established: 1989; Chair: Kurt Morgen, Secy: Dr. Klaus Achmann, Donor(s): Hans-Georg Karg, Adelheid Karg Assets: DM 9.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 900.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Germany only Focus: Educ; Youth 03872 Ludwig Karg'sche Stiftung, Kemptener Str 4, 88178 Heimenkirch Established: 1967 Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Heimenkirch only Focus: SocW 03873 Erich Karitzky-Stlftung, tío Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Ingeborg von Beckerath Limitations: Predetermined grants in Lüdersdorf/Brandenburg only Focus: Mon 03874 Karl Friedrich·, Leopold- und Sophienstiftung, Erlenweg 2, 76199 Karlsruhe Τ: (0721) 88011; Fax: 8801580; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: htip://www.kfls-karlsruhe.de Established: 1830; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Heinz Fenrich, Secy: Gerd Hurst, Donor(s): Christian Griesbach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03875 Karlshöhe Ludwigsburg, Königinallee 38, 71638 Ludwigsburg Τ: (07141) 9650; Fax: 965199; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1876 Expenditures: DM 38.000.000,· Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Rei 03876 Peter Karlson-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Karison Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Chem 03877 Karlsruher Sankt Josef-Stiftung, Donaustr 23, 76199 Karlsruhe Τ: (0721) 881350 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Kart Westermann Expenditures: DM 54.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany and to Centro Guada Lupano in Oaxaca (Mexico) only Focus: Voc; Dev; Am 03878 Karma-Kagyu-Stlftung, Postfach 1262, 65220 Wehen E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1989; Chair Herbert Giller Expenditures; DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Schol 03879 Wilhelm Karmann-Stiftung, Narupstr 69, 49084 Osnabrück Τ: (0541) 581229 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Wilhelm Karmann GmbH Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Zool; Schol; Uni 03880 Karmapa-Stiftung In Passau, Löwengrube 16, 94032 Passau Τ: (0851) 36750; Fax: 931100; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.diamond.way-buddhism.org Established: 1996; Donor(s): Theresia RaschSchaffer, Kari-Heinz Schaffer Expenditures: 32.000,Limitalions: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 03881
Germany: Karry-Stiftung
03882 -03933
Heinz Herbert Karry-Stíftung, Mainzer Landstr 243, 60326 Frankfurt am Main T; (069) 75911603; Fax: 7393115 Established: 1982; Chair: Or. Wolfgang Gertiardt, Secy: Hans-Wolfgang Pfeifer, Donor(s): Dr. Wolfgang Gertiardt, Haimund A. Bach, Dr. Agnes Bechthold-Berkenkopf, Hedwig Hesselbach, Dr. Otto Graf Lambsdorff, Dr. Friedmar Nusch, HansWolfgang Pfeifer, Dr. Walter Wallmann Assets: DM 175.00,Focus: PolS 03682 H. und H. Kaschade-Stlftung, c/o Fachhochschule Altmark, Am Dom 13, 39576 Stendal T: (03931) 217214; Fax: 217214 Established: 1995; Chair: W. Schulze, Secy: H.· J. Kaschade, Donor(s): Hans-Jürgen und Hermine Kaschade Assets: DM 110.000,-, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.000,Limitations: Grants to members of Fachhochschule Altmark and Fachhochschule Magdeburg only Focus: Schol 03883 Christoph und Stephan Kaske-Stlftung, StefanGeorge-Ring 19, 81929 München T: (089) 9931940; Fax: 937532 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Dr. Karlheinz und Christiane Kaske Assets: DM 365.000,-, Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 03884 Kasseler Bibelgesellschaft, Pfarrstr 8, 34576 Homberg (Efze) T: (05681) 993716; Fax: 993799 Established: 1974; Chair: Pfarrer Rainer Staege, Secy: Kirchenamtsleiter Rainer Thielmann, Donor(s): Evang. Kirche vor Kurhessen-Waldeck Limitations: Grants in the region of KurhessenWaldeck only Focus: Rei 03885 Katharinen-Stiftung Moers, Liebrechtstr 33, 47445 Moers T: (02841) 25197 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Katharina Potters Expenditures: DM 157.000,· Limitations: Grants in Moers only Focus: Hand; Sen 03886 Katholische Akademie in Bayern, Mandlstr 23, 80802 Müncher Τ: (089) 381020; Fax: 38102103 Established: 1957; Chair: Dr. Franz Henrich, Secy: Dr. Erich Kaiser, Donor(s): Bayerische Bischofskonferenz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 03887 Katholische Armenverwaltung in Krefeld, Hubertusse 226, 47798 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 80780; Fax: 69653 Established: 1755 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Child 03888 Katholische Bruderhausstiftung, c/o Stadt Regensburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Kumpfmühler Str 52a, 93051 Regensburg T: (0941) 5071544; Fax: 5074549 Established: 1833; Donor(s): Stadtpfarrer Paul Schönberger, Bürgerstift Sankt Michael Expenditures: DM 6.884.000,Limitalions: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03889 Katholische Schulschwesternstiftung Erbendorf, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathaus, Bräugasse 4, 92681 Erbendorf T: (09682) 92100; Fax: 921092; E-Mail: StadtErbendorf® e rbendorf.de Established: 1845; Chair: 1. Bürgermeister, Donor(s): Katharina Wolfram, Barbara Schraml Expenditures: DM 424.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03890 Katholische Studienhausstiftung Sankt Albertus Magnus München, Schrammerstr 3, 80333 München T: (089) 21371382 Established: 1958; Donor(s): Erzdiözese München und Freising Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Rei 03891
Katholische WohHâtigkeitsanstalt zur heiligen Elisabeth, Maria-Mertert-Str 3, 21465 Reinbek T: (040) 7284000; Fax: 72802247 Established: 1864 Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen; Child 03894 Katholische Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen in Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren· und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoEstablished: 1807 Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Augsburg only Focus: Nurs; Worn; Child; SocW . . . . 03895 Katholischer Studienfonds Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150, Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein @su sta.de Established: 1608; Donor(s): Jesuitenkolleg Sankt Salvador Expenditures: DM 12.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 03896 Katholischer Volksschulfonds der Stadt Augsburg, tío Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4 , 86150, Augsburg T: (0621) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1700 Expenditures: DM 85.000,Umitations: Grants to schools in Augsburg only Focus: Educ 03897 Katholisches Bürgerhospital, E 6, 1, 68159 Mannheim Τ: (0621) 1565357; Fax: 156357 Established: 1773 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03898 Katholisches Krankenhaus Sankt Johannes Nepomuk, Kartàuserstr 64, 99064 Erfurt Τ: (0361) 6540; Fax: 2250277; E-Mail: KKH.Erfurt® t-online.de Established: 1735; Donor(s); Geheimrätin von Spangenberg Expenditures: DM 46.950.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 03899 Geschwister Kauffmann-Stiftung, Gänsheidesir 76a, 70186 Stuttgart T: (0711) 16400; Fax: 1640277; E-Mail: wpg.stbg® kshp.de Established: 1991; Chair Rolf Schätz, Secy: Rolf Schätz, Donor(s): Dr. Dora Kauffmann, Elfriede Kauffmann, Agnes Kauffmann Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Child; Orp 03900 Kaufman n-Marx-Foundatlon for Transatlantic Christian Jewish Dialogue and Action, c/o Rechtsanwalt Alexander von Willich, Domkloster 1, 50667 Köln Focus: Rei; IntU 03901 Heinrich Kaufmann-Stiftung, c/o Zentralverband Deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften e.V., Adenauerallee 21, 20097 Hamburg T; (040) 24845220; Fax: 24845250 Established: 192S; Donor(s): Verlagsgesetlschaft deutscher Konsumvereine mbH Focus: Econ; Schol 03902 Matthias-Kaufmann-Stiftung, Biegenstr 25, 37235 Hessisch Lichtenau T: (05602) 2877; Fax: 915376; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1991; Chair Fritz Kaufmann, Secy: Fritz Kaufmann, Donor(s): Ingrid und Fritz Kaufmann Assets: DM 300.800,-, Receipts: DM 70.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants in the northern region of Hessen only Focus: Traf; SocW; Youth 03903
Katholische Waisen· und Armen kinderhausstlftung Augsburg, Auf dem Kreuz 56, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 503040; Fax: 5030426 Established: 1572; Chair: Dr. Walter Berz, Donor(s): Stadt Augsburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Child; Youth 03892
Kaufmann-Stiftung, Wolfskuhle 15, 37603 Holzminden Τ: (05536) 98030; Fax: 98031 Established: 1839; Donops): Kaufmanns-Gilde Holzminden Assets: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 03904
Katholische Waisenhaus· und Kinderheim Sankt Klara-Stiftung In Freising, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach, 85318 Freising T: (08161) 54124; Fax: 7686; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.freising.de Established: 1955; Donor(s): Magistrat und Kollegium der Gemeindebevollmächtigten der Stadt Freising Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth; Orp 03893
Henning Kaufmann-Stiftung zur Förderung der deutschen Namenforschung auf sprachgeschichtlicher Grundlage, c/o SV Strftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: ulrikejohanning® strftervefband.de; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1976; Donor(s): Dr. Henning Kaufmann Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ling 03905
66 Henning Kaufmann-Stiftung zur Pflege der Reinheit der deutschen Sprache, c/o SV Stiftungsverwattungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: ulrike.johanning@stifterverbar>d.de; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1978; Donops): Dr. Henning Kaufmann Expenditures: DM 50.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ling 03906 J. Max Kaupert-Sttftung, c/o Stadt Forchheim, Stadtkámmerei, Schulstr 2, 91301 Forchheim Τ: (09191) 714260; Fax: 714380; E-Mail: Liegenschaft- @ -baynet-Forchheim .de Established: 1996; Secy: Gerhard Schneider, Donor(s): Karoline Kaupert Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Hist 03907 Karl Kaus Stiftung FQr Tier und Natur, Mühlbachstr 2, 78315 Radolfzell Τ: (07732) 150724; Fax: 150777 Established: 1994; Chair Dr. Gerhard Thielcke, Donops): Dr. Lieselotte Klaproth Expenditures: 1.845.000,Focus: AnimP 03908 Ellis-Kaut-Stiftung, Von-der-Tann-Str 5, 80539 München Τ: (089) 7901190; Fax: 7901419 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Elisabeth Preis Focus: Lit 03909 Ella Kay-Stiftung für die Förderung pädagogischer Kinder- und Jugendarbelt, Rodensteinstr 11, 13593 Berlin T: (030) 3624779; Fax: 3610840 Established: 1983; Donops): Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Berlin e.V. Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Educ; Youth; IntU 03910 Stiftung Hüttenwerke Kayser, Kupferstr 23, 44532 Lünen T: (02306) 1080; Fax: 108449 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Hüttenwerke Kayser AG Assets: Grants and scholarships in the region of Lünen only. Focus: Educ; Schol 03911 Robert und Elise Kayser-Familienstiftung, tío Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160316, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1929 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 03912 August Kayser-Stlftung, August-Kayser-Str 23, 75175 Pforzheim T: (07231) 96600; Fax; 650032 Established: 1906; Donops): August Kayser Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 03913 Tanzstiftung Birgit Kell, Gerokstr 37, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2364666; Fax: 2364688 Established: 1995; Chain Ministerpräsident a.D. Dr. Lothar Späth, Donor(s): Birgit Keil, Marchesa Mina di Sospiro Focus: Dance 03914 Keilberg-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Christhart Kelberg GmbH Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bennungen/Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Mon 03915 Dr. Liesel Keinath-Stiftung zur Erforschung rheumatischer Erkrankungen, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Dr. Liesel Keinath Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rheum 03916 Keltel-Stlftung, Alexanderstr 29, 20099 Hamburg T: (040) 240021; Fax: 2801708 Established: 1902; Donor(s): Wilhelmine und Chariotte Keitel Expenditures: DM 290.000.Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn; Wid 03917 Auto Keizer-Stiftung, Postfach 1263, 48662 Ahaus T: (02561) 3011 Established: 1998; Chair: Ν. Terhüme, Donor(s): Albertus Johannes Keizer (Niederlande) Focus: Youth; Sen; Hand 03918 Friedrich Kelch-Stiftung, Wiesenstr 64, 73614 Schorndorf Established: 1969 Assets: DM 400.000,Limitations: Grants in Schorndorf only Focus: Schol; SocW 03919
Keller-Budenberg-Stlftung, Westendallee 76, 14052 Berlin T: (030) 3049123; Fax: 3049123 Established: 2000; Chair Axel Rabbach, Donor(s): Mady Keller· Qu den be rg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Music; Spotts; Educ; Schol; Ped; Youth 03920 Keller-Haus-Stlftung zur Förderung des Gottlieb-Schumacher-Instttuts in Haifa, c/o Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg, EduardSteinle-Str 44, 70619 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 478626, 1694500; Fax: 1694513 Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Haifa (Israel) only Focus: Archiv; Mon 03921 Jörg Kelter-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donops): Hans Joachim Keller Expenditures: DM 24.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 03922 von Keller-Stiftung, Weberkoppel 48, 23562 Lübeck T: (0451) 597587; Fax: 593079; E-Mail: straetz© web.de Established; 1995; Chair Claus Strätz, Donor(s): Eva von Keller Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Arts; Cult; Music 03923 Hans Keller-Stiftung, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1982; Donops): Rose-Marie Keller Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München only Focus; Law; Uni 03924 Keller-Thoma-Stiftung, Bergstr 53, 69120 Heidelberg T: (06202) 10046, (06221) 910927 Established: 1919; Donor(s): Frieda Thoma Limitations: Grants to a student hostel in Heidelberg only Focus: Hous
Friedrich und Luise Keller und Rechtsrat Kester-Stiftung zur Verschönerung der Stadt Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T; (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: intoEstablished: 1951; Donops): Friedrich und Luise Keller, Rechtsrat Kester Assets: DM 201.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 03926 Kellerhals-Sttftung zur Förderung der Aus- und Weiterbildung im Einzelhandel, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1999; Donops): Erich Kellerhais Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Voc; Schol 03927 Bürgermeister Kelllnghusen-Stiftung, Feldbrunnenstr 19, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 45037142; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1869; Donops): Heinrich Kellinghusen Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Focus: Scie; Arts 03928 Kellinghusen's Gotteshof, Postfach 280265, 20515 Hamburg Τ: (040) 7890321 Established: 1543; Chair Hans Kellinghusen Expenditures: DM 350.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 03929 Kemether'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 40, 92345 Dietfurt Τ: (08464) 64000; Fax: 640033 Established: 1906; Donor(s): Maria Kemether Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 03930 Paul Kemmer-Stlftung, FrCihlingstr 26, 97980 Bad Mergentheim Established: 1985; Donor(s): Paul Kemmer Limitations: Grants in Apfelbach only Focus: Youth; Sports; Music 03931 Heinrich Kempchen-Stiftung, Alleestr 4, 46049 Oberhausen Established: 1947 Limitations: Grants to members of the Kempchen family only Focus: SocW 03932 Dr. Wilhelm-Kempe-Stlftung des DRKBlutspendedienstes Ν SOB in Springe, Eldagsener Str 38, 31832 Springe T: (05041) 772216 Established: 1996; Donops): Dr. Wilhelm Kempe Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Schol 03933
67 Heinz Ρ. Kemper-Stiftung, tío Verein von Freunden der Technischen Universität ClausthalZellerleld, Osteröder Str 8, 38670 ClausthalZellerfeld T: (05323) 722378; Fax: 72237Θ; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.tu-dausthal.de/wf/ Established: 19ΘΘ; Donor(s): Wirtschaftsvereinigung Bergbau Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limrtations: Prizes to students at Technische Universität Clausthal-Zellerfeld only Focus: Schol; Min 03934 Fritz und Elisabeth Kempf-Stlftung, clo Frankfurter Sparkasse, Stiftungs- und Nachlaßmanagement, Neue Mainzer Str 47*53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414450; E-Mail: Joachim .Gockeln @ Frapsal 822.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Elisabeth KempfSennlaub Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Sen 03935 Max und Käthe Kempf Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Max und Käthe Kempf Focus: Sen; Child; AnimP 03936 Stiftung P.E. Kempkes, Biegenstr 10, 35032 Marburg T: (06421) 286103; Fax: 2825852; E-Mail: groendahl© venNaltung.uni-maiburg.de Established: 1971; Donor(s): Erika Kempkes Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Cane 03937 von Kerckerinck-Borg'sche Krankenhausstiftung zur Heiligen Familie, Kirchpl 3, 48317 Drensteinfurt Established: 1906 Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Sen 03938 William G. Kerckhoff-Stiftung fur wissenschaftliche Forschung und Fortbildung, Parkstr 1, 61231 Bad Nauheim T: (06032) 705260; Fax: 705211; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1929; Chain Staatsminister H.H. Bielefeld, Secy: B. Zeidenitz, Donor(s): L. Kerckhoff Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Schol 03939 Alfred Kerr-Stiftung, Milinowskistr 1, 14169 Berlin Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants to young actors and actresses in Berlin onfy Focus: Theat 03940 Paul L. Kerschensteiner-Stlftung, c/o Hotel- und Gaststättenverband, Augustenstr 6, 70178 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 619880; Fax: 616444 Established: 1995; Dooor(s): Paul Kerschensteiner Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants to Landesberufsschule and Internat für das Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe in Bad Oberkingen only Focus: Voe 03941 Tistou und Charlotte Kerstan-Stiftung Vision 2000 Sehen-Kunst-SInnesfunktlonen, Poststr 10, 79730 Murg T: (07763) 3666; Fax: 3669 Established: 1993; Chair Tistou Kerstan, Secy: Prof. Dr. Eberhart Zrenner, Donor(s): Dr. Charlotte und Tistou Kerstan Receipts: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Opht; Blinds; Arts 03942 Franz Kessler Gemeinnützige Stiftungsgesellschaft, Dr.-Wilhelm-Ladenburger-Str 5, 88422 Bad Buchau Established: 1978 Limitations: Grants to German handicapped children only Focus: Educ; Hand 03943 Karl und Auguste KeOler-Sttftung der Atting Keßler Sondermaschinen GmbH, Postfach 3120, 73413 AaJen T: (07361) 501317 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Affing Keßler GmbH Limitations: Grants to former employees of Atting Keßler Sondermaschinen GmbH (Aalen) only Focus: SocW 03944 Pastor KeBler'sche Stiftung zu Radisleben, c/o Kreisoberpfarramt, Bebelstr 1, 06493 Ballenstedt T: (039483) 450 Established: 1902; Donor(s): Johann Christoph Keßler Limitations: Grants to widows in Radisleben only Focus: Wid 03945 Kester-Haeusler-Stiftung. Haeusler-Villa, Dachauer Str 61, 82256 FQistenfeh&mck T: (08141) 41548; Fax: 41456; E-Mail: «esterHaeusler-Stiftung θ t-online.de Established: 1988; Chair Prof. Dr. Volker Thieier, Prof. Dr. Hermann Nehlsen, Secy: Nikolaus Turner, Donops): Mirjam und Gabriele Haeusler Focus: Scie; Res; Cult; Arts; Lit; Law; Hist 03946 Gustav Kettel-Stlftung, Zum Buschhof 21a, 53639 Königswinter Established: 1969 03947
03934 - 03988 Β ischof-Ketteler-Studlen Stiftung, c/o Bistum Mainz, Bischofspl 2, 55116 Mainz T: (06131) 253197; Fax: 253401; E-Mail: studienstiftung θ Bistum-Mainz.de; Internet: http:// www.bistum-mainz.de Established: 1978; Donops): Bistum Mainz, Bischöfliches Domkapitel Mainz Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Germany and Zimbabwe only Focus: Schol; Rei; Afr 03948
Gerhard und Lore Klenbaum-Stfftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpji www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dipl.-lng. Gerhard und Lore Kienbaum Expenditures: DM 44.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; Schol 03962
Ketter-Sttftung Zukunft für Kinder, Groß Flottbecker Str 17, 22607 Hamburg Τ: (040) 891303; Fax: 891304 Established: 1998 Focus: Child; Voc 03949
Emil und Arthur KieBIIng-Sttftung für Papyrusforschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltung GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7 /www.strfteive rband.de Established: 1987; Donops): Dr. Edith Kießling Expenditures: DM 152.000,Limitations: No grants to individuals and no scholarships Focus: Cult 03963
Horst-Richard Kettner-Stiftung, Lindenallee 28, 14050 Berlin Τ: (030) 3026864 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Horst R. Kettner Assets: DM 7.500.000,Focus: Ecol 03950 von Kettner-Stiftung, do Oberschulamt Karlsruhe, Postfach 100151, 76231 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 9264304; Fax: 9264271 Established: 1895; Donor(s): Ida von Kettner Expenditures: Predetermined grants in Karlsruhe onfy. Focus: NatS 03951 K M Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V., Martin-Behaim-Str 20, 63263 Neu Isenburg T: (06102) 3590; Fax: 359344; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.kfh-dialyse.de Established: 1969; Chair: Dr. Klaus Ketzler Limitations: Grants to dialysis and kidney transplants only Focus: Surg 03952 Klck-Oberreit'sche Jugendstiftung, Bregenzer Str 6, 88131 Lindau Τ: (08382) 918203; Fax: 918290 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Ludwig und Ursula Kick'sche Stiftung, Helene und Dr. Fritz Oberreit'sche Jugendfürsorgestiftung Assets: DM 82.947,-, Expenditures: DM 37.600,Focus: Youth 03953 Paul und Käthe KIck-Schmldt-Stlftung. Kadettenweg 80b, 12205 Berlin T: (030) 84310580/81; Fax: 84310582 Established: 1971; Secy: Marianne Augustin, Donor(s): Käthe Kick-Schmidt Limitations: Grants to needy Gemían composers and their widows only Focus: Music; SocW 03954 Gebrüder Hubert und Josef Kickartz-Stiftung, Postfach 1540, 47715 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 37055 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Josef Kickaitz, Anita Schössers Focus: Educ; Sports; Arts; Cult . . . . 03955 Ludwig und Lydia Kick'sche Heimatstiftung, Bregenzer Str 6, 88131 Lindau Τ: (08382) 918203; Fax: 918290 Established: 1929; Donor(s): Ludwig Kick, Lydia Kick Assets: DM 110.179,·, Expenditures: DM 17.190,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Archiv 03956 Kidsbooster Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donops): Jörg Tacke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Chikf 03957 Geschwister Kiefel-Sttftung Ettenhelm, Krozingerstr 6, 79292 Pfaffenweiler T: (07664) 60203; Fax: 60203; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Donops): Geschwister Kiefel Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in the archdiocese of Freiburg only Focus: ChikJ; Youth; Worn 03958 Arthur KJehl-Stfftung, Dülmener Str 13, 59348 Lüdinghausen Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants to needy senior citizens of Lüdinghausen-Seppenrade only Focus: Sen 03959
Kind-Phil Ipp-Stiftung für Leukimleforschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.strftetverband.de Established: 1972; Donor(s): Dr.-lng. Walter Reiners Expenditures: DM 447.000,Focus: Cane; Schol 03964 Verwaltungsgesellschaft der Andreas-Tobias KindStiftung, Postfach 100829, 44708 Bochum T: (0234) 57970; Fax: 5797133 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Prof. Hellmut Kind Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: Scie; Res; Med; Then Schol; Hand 03965 Kinder In Not, Stiftung zur Unterstützung notleidender Kinder in Deutschland, Döhlauer Pfad 5, 12247 Berlin Established: 1985; Donor(s): Herta Heidebrecht Limitations: Grants to needy German children only Focus: Child 03966 Kinder- und Altenheim-Stiftung Kallmünz, Speelberg 1, 93183 Kallmünz Τ: (09473) 94000; Fax: 940019 Established: 1862; Donor(s): Pfarrer Dietz Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Limitatiors: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Sen 03967 Kinder· und Jugendhilfestiftung Bottrop, c/o Sparkasse Bottrop, Pferdemarkt 8, 46236 Bottrop T: (02041) 104248; Fax: 104214 Established: 1997; Donops): Sparkasse Bottrop Limitations: Grants ir Bottrop only Focus: Child; Youth 03968 Kinder von Tschernobyl-Stiftung des Landes Niedersachsen, Hinrích-Wilhelm-Kopf-PI 2, 30159 Hannover Τ: (0511) 1204206/07; Fax: 1204250; Internet: http:/ /www.niedersachsen.de/us Jschemobyl.htm Established: 1992; Chair Prof. Dr. Η. Eckel, Secy: Ulrike Frttsche, Donor(s): Land Niedersachsen Assets: DM 3.000.000,Umitations: Grants to children in Tschernobyl (Ukraine) only Focus: Ped; East 03969 Kinderfeststiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, GeorgLangbein-Str 1, 96465 Neustadt bei Coburg T: (09568) 81440; Fax: 81222; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.neustadt-bei-coburg.de Established: 1977 Assets: DM 461.400,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03970 Kinderheim und Waisenhaus auf Sankt Maurftz, Mauritz-Lindenweg 56, 48145 Münster Established: 1843 Assets: DM 4.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 03971 Kinderheim Wieseneck, c/o Stadtkámmerei Göppingen, Konrad-Zuse-Str 27, 73037 Göppingen Τ: (07161) 650500, 650440, 650655; Fax: 650512 Established: 1913; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Reinhard Frank, Secy: Rudolf Hollnaicher, Donops): Pfarrer Blumhardt, Schwester Anna von Sprewitz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Ped 03972
Kieler Stadtkloster, Adelheidstr 10, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 580880; Fax: 5808866 Established: 1822 Assets: DM 120.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 27.000.000,Focus: Sen; Hand 03960
Kinderheimat Neuhaus Im Solling, Wieseng rund 1, 37603 Holzminden T: (05536) 95060; Fax: 950626 Established: 1952 Expenditures: DM 2.345.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03973
Gräflich Kielmanseggsche Familienstiftung, Am Bruchfeld 36, 29308 Winsen Τ: (05143) 1057; Fax: 1057 Established: 1852; Donor(s): Gräflich Kielmanseggscher Familienkonvent Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Kielmansegg family only Focus: Fam 03961
Klnderhilfestlftung Oberhessen, Alter Kirchhainer Weg 5, 35039 Marburg T: (06421) 162266; Fax: 162366; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992 Expenditures: DM 91.000,Limitations: Grants to chronic sick children in the region of Obertassen only Focus: Ped 03974
Germany: Kippenberg-Stiftung Kinderhof Gusrabira Stiftung, Hillmannstr 28, 84503 Altòtting Τ: (08671) 6127 Established: 1998; Chair Elmar Wibmer, Donor(s): Marianne und Peter Hoffmeister, Verein Gerd Brandstetter-Kinderdorf Guarabira e.V. Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Grants in Guarabira (Brazil) only Focus: Orp; Am 03975 Klnderkrebsnachsorge-Stiftung für das chronisch kranke Kind, Gemeindewaldstr 75, 78052 VS-Tannheim T: (07705) 920182; Fax: 920191; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kinderkrebsnachsorge.de Established: 1990; Secy: Roland Wehrle, Doior(s): Klausjürgen Wussow Receipts: DM 1.400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Focus: Ped; Cane 03976 Kinderkurheim Werraland, Balzerbomweg 2, 37242 Bad Sooden-Allendorf T: (05652) 9550; Fax: 955100 Established: 1879 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped 03977 Kinderkurheim Wiesenstelg-Bläslberg, Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Göppingen, Marktstr 2, 73033 Göppingen T: (07161) 603252; Fax: 603504; Internet: http:// www.ksk-gp.de Established: 1957; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Göppingen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped 03978 Klnderkurklinik Sassendorf, Postfach 1180, 59499 Bad Sassendorf T: (02921) 96000 Established: 1877; Donor(s): Franz von BockumDolffs Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped 03979 Klndernothllfe-Stlftung, Düsseldorfer Landstr 180, 47249 Duisburg T: (0203) 7789115 Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Asia, Africa and Latin America only Focus: Child; Youth; As; Afr; Am . . . . 03980 Kinderstiftung Zittau, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Markt 1, 02763 Zittau T: (03583) 752219; Fax: 752298 Established: 1995; Chair Dr. Jürgen Löffler, Secy: Dr. Volker Beer, Donor(s): Signal-Versicherung, Projektierungsbüro Dr. Rank, Kreissparkasse LöbauZittau, Stadt Zittau Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Grants to children in Zittau only Focus: Child 03981 Kindertagheim Charlotten-Krippe Ludwigsburg, Wilhelmstr 46, 71638 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 929663; Fax: 904640 Established: 1882; Donor(s): Kommerzienrat Wilhelm Franck. Expenditures: DM 1.890.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 03982 Pauline Kfndler-Stiftung, Mainaustr 199, 78464 Konstanz Τ: (07531) 32748; Fax: 34401 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Pauline Kindter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; Worn 03983 Dr, med. KInd'sche Stiftung, Universitätspi 1, 36037 Fulda Established: 1929; Donor(s): Dr. Hermann Kind Limitations: Grants in Fulda only Focus: SocW 03984 Silvia King-Stiftung zur Förderung der Diabetes-Forschung, Steppenbergallee 153, 52074 Aachen T: (0241) 873677; Fax: 873677 Established: 1986; Donops): Franz Josef King Focus: Diab 03985 Otto Klnne-Foundatlon, Nordbünte 23, 21385 Oldendorf T: (04132) 7127; Fax: 8883; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.int-res.com Established: 1992; Chair Dr. J. Lom, Secy: H. Wrtt-Thran, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Otto Kinne Assets: DM 250.000,-, Receipts: DM 15.000,·, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Scholarships to young East European scientists only Focus: Schol; Scie; East; Ecol 03986 Klnzeimann-Stlftung, Bahnhofstr 9, 88348 Saulgau Limitations: Grants in Saulgau only Focus: Health; Cult
Goethe-Museum Anton und Katharina KippenbergStiftung, Schloß Jägerhof, Jacobistr 2, 40211 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 8996262; Fax: 8929144; E-Mail: goethemuseum @ duesseldorf.de Established: 1953; Chair: Dr. Andreas Kleftel, Secy: Prof. Dr. Volkmar Hansen, Dor>or(s): Jutta von Hesler, Bettina von Bomhard Expenditures: DM 183.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit 03988
Germany: Kipper-Stiftung
03989 - 04047
Ingrid Kipper-Stiftung, Windfuhr 20, 58566 Kierspe T: (02359) 6924; Fax: 902373; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1963; Donor(s): Ingrid Kipper Assets: DM 180.000,-, Expenditures: DM 49.900,· Limitations: Grants in Soest only Focus: Arts; Music 03989 Senator Kirch-Stiftung, c/o Bezirksamt Altona, Platz der Republik 1, 22756 Hamburg T: (040) 3807542 Established: 1954 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg-Altona only Focus: Child; Sen 03990 Kirch-Stiftung. Kardinal-Faulhaber-Str 15, 80333 München Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dr. Leo Kirch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cin; Media; Arts 03991 Carl KIrchelss-Stlftung, Bjömsonweg 74c, 22587 Hamburg T; (040) 865557; Fax: 865691 Established: 1958; Donor(s): Nautische Kameradschaft Hansea von 1896 e.V. Assets: DM 450.000,-, Expenditures: DM 120.000,Focus: Voc; Ship 03992 Kirchenmusik an der Hauptkirche Sankt Jacob) In Hamburg, Jacobikirchhof 22, 20095 Hamburg Established: 1976 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: ChurchM 03993 Kirchenmusik-Stiftung Paderborn, Steinhauser Weg 13, 33100 Paderborn Τ: (05251) 63362; Fax: 63397; E-Mail: H®Zie.de Established: 1996; Chair: Prof. Dr. Horst Ziegler, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Horst Ziegler, Suse Ziegler Limitations: Grants in the region of Paderborn only Focus: ChurchM 03994 Kirchenmusikschule Sankt Gregorlus-Haus, Weyhestr 16, 52072 Aachen Τ: (0241) 15048/49; Fax: 159829; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1881; Donor(s): Heinrich Bockeler Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: ChurchM 03995 Moses Jachiel Klrchheim'sche Stiftung, Amdtstr 1, 60325 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1876 Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Jew 03996 Dr. Friedrich Klrchhoff-Stlftung, c/o Heidelberger Zement, Postfach 104420, 69034 Heidelberg Established: 1928 Limitations: Grants to employees of Portland Zementfabrik Heidelberg (Lengfurt) only Focus: SocW 03997 Franz und Alexandra Kirchhoff Stiftung, Silcherstr 7, 70176 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 619240; Fax: 6192488 Established: 1976; Chair: Uwe Drewers, Donor(s): Franz Kirchhoff AG Assets: DM 400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 30.000,· Focus: Educ; Voc 03999 Kirchliche Stiftung Haus Lindenhof, Lindenhofstr 127, 73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd T: (07171) 802100, 802105; Fax: 802112 Established: 1970; Chair: Georg Leggus, Hubrt Sorg, Doror(s): Haus Lindenhof GmbH Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Sen; Educ 03999 Kirchliche Stiftung Kinderhelm Maria im Walde, Gudenauerweg 142, 53127 Bonn T: (0228) 289980; Fax: 2899899 Established: 1847; Donor(s): Franz Egon Graf zu Fürstenberg-Stammheim, Karl Freiherr von Boeselager Assets: DM 3.176.000,Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Child 04000 Kirchliche Stiftung Sankt Bernward, Treibestr 9, 31134 Hildesheim T: (05121) 900; Fax: 901655 Established: 1868; Donor(s): Bischof von Hildesheim, Kongregation der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom Heiligen Vinzenz und Paul Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 04001 Kirchliche Stiftung Zufluchtsstätten In Württemberg, c/o Weraheim, Oberer Hoppenlauweg 2-4, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1626311; Fax: 1626335 Established: 1907; Chair: Walter Raíble, Donor(s): Herzogin Wera von Württemberg Assets: DM 748.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.891.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04002 Kirchliche Zusatzversorgungskasse Baden, c/o KZVK Baden, Gartenstr 26, 76133 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 931130; Fax: 9311399; E-Mail: info® kzvk-baden.de; Internet: http^/www.kzvk-baden.de Established: 1984; Chair: W. Schneider, Secy: R. Tomczyk, Donor(s): Evangelische Landeskirche in Baden Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 04003
Johanna Kirchner-Stiftung, Neue Krâme 26, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2989010 Established: 1951 Assets: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04004 Gustl-G. Kirchner-Stiftung In Schweinfurt, c/o Stadt Schweinfurt, Martt 1, 97421 Schweinfurt Established: 1998; Donops): Elfrieda Marie Kirchner-Schúlleimann Limitations: Predetermined grants in Schweinfurt only Focus: Arts; Cult 04005
Werner Kleln-Stlftung, Rheinau 10, 56075 Koblenz T: (0261) 135150; Fax: 135159; E-Mail: geschaeftsstelle©tvm.org; Internet: http:// www.tvm.org Established: 1987; Secy: Lothar Stein, Donor(s): Turnverein Mittelrhein Assets: DM 135.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to sports clubs in the region of Mittelrhein only Focus: Sports 04019 A. Wilhelm Kleln-Stiftung, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 2325, 50672 Köln Established: 1985 04020
Dr. Hans Kirsch-Stiftung, Leonhardsnjhstr 15d, 91071 Günzenhausen Established: 1999; Donops): Walburga Kirsch Focus: SocW; Music 04007
Dr. Andreas Klelnlger-Fonds der Stadt Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren· und Stiftungsamit Schießgrabenstr 4, 66150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein ôsusta.de Established: 1968; Donops): Dr. Andreas Kleiniger Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limltations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Child 04021
A.W. Kisker-Stiftung, ñitterstr 19, 33602 Bielefeld Τ: (0521) 173047; Fax: 172196 Established: 1915; Donops): A.W. Kisker Expenditures: DM 47.000,Limitations: Grants to employees of A.W. Kisker GmbH & Co. KG (Bielefeld) only Focus: SocW 04008
Kleinkinderbewahranstalt Passau-Attstadt, c/o Stadt Passau, Unternehmen Stiftungen, Postfach 2447, 94014 Passau T: (0851) 396383 Established: 1846; Donops): Sebastian Huber Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04022
Elinor Kirchner von Opel-SUftung, c/o Stadtkámmerei, Rathaus, 65428 Rüsselsheim Established: 1995 04006
KIVU-Stlftung, RudoHstr 137, 42285 Wuppertal T: (0202) 89004165; Fax: 89004179 Established: 1997; Donops): N. Müller, G. und E. Rohland, B. Schreiber, O. Strecker Expenditures: DM 90.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Dev 04009 Frank und Ilse Klanberg-Sttftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36ΘΘ5969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Ilse Klanberg Limitations: Predetermined grants in LichAmsburg/Hessen only Focus: Mon 04010 Dr. Hermann und Ellen Klaproth-Stiftung, Panoramasir 28, 69198 Schriesheim Τ: (06203) 692949; Fax: 692939 Established: 1976; Donops): Ellen Klaproth Assets: DM 12.000.000,Focus: Traf; Mon
Kart Kiasen-Journallstenpreis Stiftung, Brabandstr 32, 22297 Hamburg T: (040) 51430068; Fax: 51430067 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Kai-Jakob Klasen Expenditures: DM 20.000,Focus: Jour 04012 J.G. Klaucke'sche Stiftung, Volkhartstr 2, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 151414; Fax: 151474 Established: 1806; Donor(s): Johann Gottlieb Klaucke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; SocW 04013 Heidi Kleber-Stiftung, Wallmenichstr 31, 81369 München T: (089) 7146548, 770454 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Hermann und Gertraud Kleber Assets: DM 30.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 04014 Stiftung Familie Klee, Fuchshohl 102, 60431 Frankfurt am Main Internet: httpj'/wvw. unieriangen.de/nkaep/Vleeprei.htm Established: 1994; Donops): Gerhard Klee Assets: DM 173.920,Focus: Med; Eng; MedE 04015 Ludwig Klee-Sttftung, c/o Baugewerbeverband Nordbaden e.V., Bassermannstr 40, 68165 Mannheim T: (0621) 423010; Fax: 4230120 Established: 1983; Donops): Franz Schmieder Limitations: Grants in Mannheim only Focus: Voc 04016 Leonhard Kleln-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.simon0sttfterverband.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1989; Donops): Leonhard und Lieselotte Klein Expenditures: DM 36.000,· Focus: Opht 04017 Paul und Ursula Kleln-Stlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb· und Stiftungsangelegenherten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1985; Donops): Paul Klein Limitations: Grants to Johann Wolfgang GoetheUnrversttât in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Med; Uni 04018
Kleinklnderbewahranstelt-Sttftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Kurparkstr 2, 63619 Bad Orb T: (06052) 860, 8616; Fax: 8668 Established: 1840; Donops): König Ludwig I. von Bayern Assets: DM 4.169.700,·, Expenditures: DM 1.316.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04023 Kleinkinderschule Neuwied, Postfach 1941, 56509 Neuwied T: (02631) 24464; Fax: 25497 Established: 1837; Donops): Fürstenhaus Wied, Bürgerinitiative Assets: DM 260.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Educ 04024 Georg Matthias und Karoline Klein'sche Brennmaterialienstiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaitung, Theresianstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursula±ang θ stk.stadt.nuemberg.de; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1953; Donor(s): Friederike Klein Assets: DM 902.369,-, Receipts: DM 133.000,·, Expenditures: DM 79.000,· Limitations: Grants to citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: SocW 04025 Dr. Robert Kleinschmidt-Vermáchtnis, c/o Allgemeines Krankenhaus Sankt Georg, Lohmühlenstr 5, 20099 Hamburg Τ: (040) 24882100; Fax; 24883506 Established: 1957; Donops): Dr. Maria KleinschmidtBecker Assets: DM 17.600,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Obst; Med; Health 04026 Jakob Klelntz-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Dezernat III, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: sozialdezemat® stadt-mainz.de Established: 1859; Donor(s): Jakob Kleintz Expenditures: DM 130.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Mainz only Focus: SocW 04027 Georg Kleinvogel-Stiflung, c/o Becker & Piscantor, Postfach, 37247 Großalmerode . 04028 Heinrich Klemme-Stiftung, Oberstr 115, 20149 Hamburg T: (040) 453503; Fax: 453503 Established: 1993; Donops): Heinrich Klemme Assets: DM 1.100.000,· Focus: Voc 04029 Hans Klenk-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Dezernat III, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Senator Hans Klenk Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04030 Gertrud KleBny-Kunde-Stiftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Sophienstr 27, 26180 Rastede T: (04402) 920101 Established: 1984 Limitations: Grants in Rastede only Focus: Cult; Scie; Music 04031 Fritz Klett-Gedächtnlssttftung, Zeppelinstr 39, 73760 Ostfildern Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Voc; Print 04032 Erika und Dr. Norbert KllemannSttftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb· und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1997; Donops): Dr. Norbert und Erika Kliemann Focus: Ecol; AnimP 04033
Horst Kliemann-Stiftung für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Großer Hirschgraben 17-21, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 1306287; Fax: 1306382; E-Mail: agb© bhv.de Established: 1969; Chair Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wittmann, Secy: Dr. Monika Estermann, Donops): Horst Kliemann, Margarete Kliemann Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Book; Schol 04034 Fritz-Kllng-Stlftung, Karlburg 2, 27568 Bremerhaven T: (0471) 414065 Established: 2000 Focus: Schol
Leopold-Kllnge-Stfftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baitoiovenaliee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: Ulrike.johanningθstifterveiband.de; Internet: www.stifterveiband.de Donor(s): Dipl.-Ing. Martin Johannes Klinge Expenditures: DM 365.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 04036 Karl KÜngler-Stfftung, Hohenkamps Weg 20, 28355 Bremen T: (0421) 259282; Fax: 2587906; E-Mail: MichaelKlingler® t-online.de Established: 1979; Donor(s): Marianne Migault Klingler Expenditures: DM 80.000,· Focus: Music 04037 Klinik der offenen Tür, Furtbachstr 6, 70178 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6465102; Fax: 6465144 Established: 1991; Donops): Klinik der offenen Tür GmbH Assets: DM 270.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 04038 von Klltzlng'sche Familienstiftung, Gut Schnellenberg, 21339 Lüneburg T: (04131) 63897; Fax: 683837 Established: 1892; Donor(s): Charlotte von Dewitz Limitations: Grants to needy members of the von Klitzing family only Focus: Fam 04039 Peter Klöckner-StHtung, Neudorferstr 3-5, 47057 Duisburg Τ: (0203) 331014; Fax: 3075130 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Peter KlôcknerFamilienstiftung Assets: DM 14.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 913.000,Focus: Scie; Res; Aris; Cult; intU; Mon; SocW; Schol; Music 04040 Elisabeth Kloke-Stlftung, c/o B+C Immobilienbüro Verwaltungs GmbH, Auf dem Königslande 92, 22047 Hamburg Τ: (040) 6969460 Established: 1992 Focus: SocW; Nurs 04041 Kloster Bergesche Stiftung Magdeburg, c/o Klosterkammer Hannover, Eichstr 4, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 34826200; Fax: 34826299 Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Educ; Uni 04042 Kloster Sankt Johannis, Bergstr 11, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 477802 Established: 1536 Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; Worn 04043 Kloster Sankt Loyen, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Marktpl 1, 32657 Lemgo Τ: (05261) 213244; Fax: 213215 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Lemgo only Focus: Ger; Sen 04044 Kloster Stift zum Helllgengrabe, Stiftsgelände 17, 16909 Heiligengrabe Τ: (033962) 50215/16; Fax: 50352 Established: 1287 Expenditures: DM 1.579.000,· Limitatìons: Applications not a Focus: Rei; Mon; Child; Youth 04045 Klosterstiftung zu DrObeck, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1687 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; SocW 04046 Matthias Klotz-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bahnhofstr 40-42, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen T: (08821) 7070; Fax: 707239; E-Mail: info θ spaiícasse-garmisch.de Established: 1989; Donops): Kreissparkasse Garmisch-Partenkirchen Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen only Focus: Educ; Voc 04047
04048 - 04103
Günter Klotz und Helena Klotz-Makowtecki Stiftung, Im Winkel 26, Θ3104 TuntenhausenHohenthann T: (08065) 180743; Fax: 180744, 180740 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Dr. Günter R. Klotz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Scie; Lit 04046 Josef Klûber-Stlftung Unterstützungskasse, c/o Klúber GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 1125, 63755 Alzenau Established: 1940 Limitations: Grants to employees of Klúber GmbH & Co. KG (Alzenau) only Focus: SocW 04049 Leonhard-Markus Kiuftlnger-Stlftung, Kapelle Sankt Stefan im Keck, Reichsstr 6, 87435 Kempten Τ: (0831) 5225820; Fax: 5225819 Established: 1975; Secy: Michael Kennerknecht, Donor(s): Leonhard-Markus Kluftinger Asseis: DM 137.000,·, Receipts: DM 10.000,·, Expenditures: DM 6.800,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 04050 Otto Klugt-Stlftung. c/o Konditoren-Innung, Holstenwall 12, 20355 Hamburg Established: 1954 Limitations: Grants to needy bakers and their families in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 04051 Geschwister Klumpp Stiftung, KindeiMe fur Honduras, Wattkopfstr 45, 76189 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 577814 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Hildegard Klumpp Limitations: Grants in Honduras only Focus: Child; Dev; Am 04052 Otto Klung-Stiftung, c/o Freie Universität Berlin, Kaiserswerttier Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 8383077; Fax: 8383077 Established: 1971; Secy: Ulf-Wilhelm Decken, Kurt Hammer, Donops): Otto Klung Assets: DM 580.000,·, Expenditures: DM 34.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rhys; Chem 04053 Klusmann-Bülter-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Varel, Kämmerei, Postfach 1669, 26306 Varel Τ: (04451) 126150; Fax: 126130 Established: 1938; Donops): Dr. Heinrich Wilhelm Klusmann Expenditures: DM 21.000,· Limitations: Grants in Varel only Focus: Educ; Mon 04054 Klusstiftung zu S c h n e f l i n g e n und Groß Börnecke, Hospitalstr 4, 39435 Schneidlingen T: (039267) 93113; Fax: 93199 Established: 1871; Donops): Kalandsbruderschaft Sankt Catharinae Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 04055 Armin Knab-Sttftung am Armln-KnabGymnaslum Kltzlngen, Kanzler-Stürtzel-Str 15, 97318 Kitzingen T: (09321) 13170; Fax: 131733; E-Mail: akg001 @ mail.uniwuerzbung.de Established: 1985; Donops): Paula Yvonne Knab Expenditures: DM 1.000,· Limitations: Grants to graduates of Armin-Knab* Gymnasium in Kitzingen only Focus: Music 04055 Paul Knabe-Stiftung, Winner Weg 5, 35085 Ebsdorfergrund Τ: (06424) 923040; Fax: 923042; E-Mail: Paul· Knabe-Stiftung θ t-online ,de Established: 1990; Chair. Hans-Günther Wege Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Youth 04057 Frau Otto Knaudt-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Sozialamt, Kennedypl 3, 45121 Essen T: (0201) 8850113; Fax: 8888510 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Hermine Knaudt Assets: DM 2.200.000,Limitations: Grants in Essen only Focus: SocW; Arts 04058 Karl Knauer-Stffiung, Postfach 1280, 77779 Bi be rach T: (07835) 78221 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Karl Knauer Assets: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Grants in Biberach and Harmersbachtal only Focus: Cult; SocW; Sports; Youth . . . 04059 Knecht'sche Kindergartenstiftung Burgsinn, c/o Katholischer Kindergarten, Kirchstr 14, 97775 Burgsinn T: (09356) 1248 Established: 1887; Donops): Apollonia Knecht Expertftures: DM 505.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepled Focus: Child 04060 Sebastian KneJpp-Stfftung, Postfach 5960, 97009 Würzburg T: (0931) 8002101; Fax: 8002102 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Senator h.c. Luitpold Leusser Assets: DM 625.000,· Focus: Ther 04061
Hans und Sofie Kneltlnger-Stlftung, Kreuzgasse 7, 93047 Regensburg T; (0941) 593020 Established: 1985; Donops): Hans und Sofie Kneitinger Expenditures: DM 62,000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Regensburg only Focus: Sen; Child 04062 Otto und TTiora Knles-Sttftung, c/o Notar Dr. K. Rauscherl, Alsterarkaden 9, 20354 Hamburg Established: 1966 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04063 Paul und Charlotte Knlese-Stiftung, Hardenbergpl 2, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 7959230; Fax: 7968600 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Charlotte Kniese Expenditures: DM 2.150.000,· Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Blinds; Opht 04064 Elfriede-Knlgge-Stlftung, Braunsberger Str 4, 27580 Bremerhaven Τ: (0471) 487610 Established: 1993 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand 04065 Freiherr Knlggesche Famlllenstfftung, Postfach 2707, 30027 Hannover Established: 1957 Limitations: Grants to members of the Knigge family only 04066 Stiftung Max Knoch, c/o Helmut Knoch, Bahnhofstr 24, 61476 Kronberg Τ: (06173) 5386 Established: 1993; Secy: Fritz Knoch, Helmut Knoch, Max Knoch, Donor(s): Fritz Knoch, Helmut Knoch Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 5.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 04067 Knödler-Decker-Stiftung, Ramsbachstr 3, 70597 T: (0711) 7656928; Fax: 9766525 Established: 1993; Chair: Ulrich Scholtz, Donor(s): Ruth Knödler Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants to Fachhochschule für Technik Stuttgart only Focus: Build; Archit; Uni 04068 Konrad Knöpfei-Stlftung Fritz Winter, c/o Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart, Schloßpl 2, 70173 Τ: (0711) 21621βό Established: 1981; Donor(s): Fritz Winter Assets: DM 25.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult
Knoll AG-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Fachbereich Kultur, Postfach 211225, 67012 Ludwigshalen Τ: (0621) 5042262; Fax: 5042259; E-Mail: IrisDrescher dludwigshafen.de Established: 1948 Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Ludwigshafen only Focus: Chem; Schol 04070 Dr. Willi Knoll-Stlftung, Mindelheimer Str 18, 86381 Krumbach T: (08282) 89970; Fax: 899721 Established: 1981 Expenditures: DM 146.000,Limitations: Grants in Krumbach only Focus: Sen; Youth; SocW; Rei 04071 Rudolph und Sofie Knosp*$tiftung, Falkeitstr 29, 70176 Stuttgart T: (0711) 61926100; Fax: 6192675; E-Mail: wohifahrtsweik-vorstvorsitzôt-online.de Established: 1909; Donor(s): Rudolph Knosp, Sofie Knosp Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Stuttgart only Focus: Educ; Voc 04072 Heinrich Knost und Christian und Marie Dittes-Stiftung, c/o Bäcker-Innung der Hansestadt Hamburg, Siemensstr 13, 25462 Rellingen Τ: (04101) 38720; Fax: 387218; E-Mail: infoÔBKVNord.de Established: 1960; Donor($): Heinrich Knost, Christian Dittes, Marie Dittes Expenditures: DM 16.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy bakers in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 04073 Hans Knudsen-SUftung, Rhumeweg 2a, 14163 Berlin Established; 1961 Limitations: Scholarships to students at Freie Universität Berlin only Focus: Theat; Schol 04074 Rudolf Knupp-Stffiung, Leonardusstr 42, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 375671; Fax: 371876 Established: 1999; Donors): Elfriede Knupp Expenditures: DM 13.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Solingen only Focus: Youth; Hand; SocW 04075
Markus Knuth-Sitftung, Strucksdamm 1a, 24939 Flensburg Established: 1891 Assets: DM 20.000,·, Receipts: DM 18.000,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000,· Focus: Educ 04076 Ko-Bra Koblenzer Brasilien-Stiftung, Hohlstr 27, 56642 Kruft Τ: (02652) 938090; Fax: 938088; E-Mail: Dr.H.J.Muertz θ t-oniine.de Established: 1997; Chair: Dr. Harts-Josef MGrtz, Donor($): Dr. Johann Josef Mürtz, Dorothea Mürtz Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limitations: Grants in Brazil only Focus: Dev; Youth; Am 04077 Koblenzer Sportstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Sport- und Bäderamt, Postfach 201551, 56015 Koblenz T: (0261) 1291551; Fax: 1291550 Established: 1987; Chair: Bürgermeister HeinzDieter Maahs, Secy: Jürgen Joran, Donor(s): Stadt Koblenz Limitations: Grants to schools and sport clubs in Koblenz only Focus: Sports 04078 Klaus Koch'Stiftung, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Fachbereich V, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31422296 Established: 1955; Donor(s): Eheleute Koch Assets: DM 300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Schol 04079 Heinz-Peter Koch-Stiftung, clo Rechtsanwälte Göhmann, Wrede & Haas, Postfach 105280, 28052 Bremen T: (0421) 339530 Established: 1998 Focus: Music; Arts 04080 Waldemar Koch-Stiftung, Stresemarnstr 1-7, 28207 Bremen T: (0421) 4495200, 4495203; Fax: 4495303 Established: 1963; Donor(s): Waldemar Koch Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,· Focus: Cult; Health; IntU 04081 Rudolf und Erika Koch-Stiftung, Neue Rabenstr 3, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 4146000; Fax: 41460010 Established: 1968; Chair Karl-Heinz Dommel, Secy: Joachim Lünenschloß, Donor(s): Dr. Erika Koch Assets: DM 1.150.000,-, Receipts: DM 70.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to colleges in Hamburg only Focus: Arts; Educ; Scie; Uni 04082 Georg Koch-Stiftung, Johnsallee 60, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 455483 Established: 1957; Donor(s): Marie Koch Focus: Child 04083 Carl Heinrich Koch-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Thorsten Hecke, Jacobstr 2, 30449 Hannover T: (0511) 8094949; Fax: 8094951 Established: 1978 Focus: Educ; Hand; Blinds; Voc . . . . 04084 Nikolaus Koch-Stiftung, Dietrichstr 12, 54290 Trier T: (0651) 41177; Fax: 48368 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Luise Koch Limitations: Grants in the governmental district of Trier only Focus: Voc; Orp; Hand 04085 Helmut Kochendörfer-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 7, 55566 Bad Sobernheim Τ: (06751) 93800; Fax: 989787; E-Mail: dhonaudickes ©t-online.de Established: 1986 Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Sobernheim only Focus: Cult 04086 Kocher-Kleln-Stiftung, Margarete-Gutöhrlein-Str 21, 74638 Waldenburg Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants to former children of AlbertSchweizer-Kinderdorf e.V. only Focus: Educ; Music; Arts 04087 Kocher-Stlftimg für Naturschutz sowie Kinder· und Jugendhilfe, Grafianusstr 7, 72766 Reutlingen Established: 1994; Donops): Ulrich Kocher, Karin Kocher Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.000,· Focus: E col; Child; Youth 04088 Koch'scher Stipendienfonds, Hermannspl 9, 99084 Erfurt Τ: (0361) 65720; Fax: 6572444 Established: 1702; Donor(s): Johannes Koch Assets: DM 9.098,88 Limitations: Grants to members of the Koch family only Focus: Fam 04089 Hans Kock-Stiftung, See kamper Weg 14, 24159 Kiel Established: 1986; Donops): Prof. Hans Kock Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04090
Germany: König-Burgunder-Stiftung Herbert Kögel-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: Michaela.FruthÔstrfterverband.de; Internet: www.stifterverband.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dipl.-Volkswirt Herbert Kögel Expenditures: DM 72.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 04091 Kögel-Wlilms-Stlftung, Johann-Hinrich-Wichem-Str 5, 26180 Rastede Established: 1956 Limitations: Grants to female members of the Kögel and Willms families only Focus: Fam 04092 Köhler-Osbahr-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Hans-Günther-Sohl-Str 1, 40235 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 6707639 , 6707168; Fax: 6707170 Established: 1986; Chair Dr. Ruprecht Vondran, Donor(s): Dr. Herbert W. Köhler Limitations: Predetermined grants in Duisburg only Focus: Arts; Music; Scie 04093 Constantin Köhler'sche Stiftung, c/o Katholische Gesamtkirchenpflege, Franziskanergasse 3, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd T: (07171) 2570 Established: 1938; Donops): Constantin Köhler Limitations: Grants in Schwäbisch Gmünd only Focus: SocW; Youth 04094 B.C. Koekkoek-Haus, Kavarinerstr 33, 47533 Kleve T: (02821) 768833; Fax: 768834 Established: 1997; Chair: Wilhelm Jansen, Donor(s): Nordrtiein-Westfalen-Stiftung Naturschutz, Heimat· und Kufturpflege, Freundeskreis Museum Kurhaus und Koekkoek-Haus Kleve e.V., Stadt Kleve Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 04095 Kölle'sche Stiftung, Doblerstr 13, 72074 Tübingen Established: 1828; Donor(s): Christiane Elisabeth von Kölle Expenditures: DM 24.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy unmarried elderly women only Focus: Worn 04096 Kölln-Metzger-Wuppermann-Krlegstiftung. Postfach 1751, 25407 Pinneberg Τ: (04101) 212389 Established: 1917 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Warv 04097 Emst-Hermann Kölln-Stiftung, Bismarckstr 2, 25335 Elmshorn Τ: (04121) 231310 Established: 1917; Donor(s): Peter Kölln, Bertha Kölln Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Scholarships to pupils of Bismarckschule in Elmshorn only Focus: NatS; Eng; Educ; Arts; Cult; Schol 04098 Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds, Stadtwaldgürtel 18, 50931 Köln T: (0221) 4063310; Fax: 4063319; Internet: http:// www.stiftungsfonds.org Established: 1800; Chair; Dr. Jürgen Baur, Secy: Thomas Erdle Assets: DM 75.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Köln only Focus: Educ; Schol; Scie 04099 Kölner KuiturstHtung der Kreissparkasse Köln, c/o Kreissparkasse Köln, Neumarkt 16-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272400, 2272675; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Köln Expenditures: DM 984.000,· Limitations: Grants in Köln only Focus: Cult; Theat; Arts; Zool 04100 Emil Kömmerling-Stiftung, c/o Universität Mannheim, L 9, 6-7, 68131 Mannheim T: (0621) 2920 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Emil Kömmerling Limitations: Grants to members of Universität Mannheim only Focus: Scie; Educ 04101 Koenlg & Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung des kulturellen Lebens in Würzburg, c/o Stadt Würzburg, StiftungsverwaItung, Theaterstr 19, 97070 Würz bürg T: (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Dr. Hans Bolza, Koenig & Bauer AG Expenditures: DM 96.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Theat; Music; Arts; Schol . . . . 04102 KÖnlg-Burgunder-Stiftung, Schillerstr 10, 32052 Herford T: (05221) 91430; Fax: 58110; E-Mail: Ra.Oehler® t-online.de Established: 1969 Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 43.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Herford only Focus: Orp; Sen 04103
Germany: König
04104 - 04156
K ö n i g Eduard VII. B r i t i s c h - D e u t s c h e S t i f t u n g , c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen T: (0201) 6401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http-Ji www.stitterverband.de Established: 1911 Limitations: Scholarships to British students in Germany only Focus: Schol 04104 K ö n i g L u d w i g Ill.-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Am Schioppi 1, 83646 Bad Tölz Τ: (08041) 504310; Fax: 72266; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.bad-toelz.de Established: 1918; Donor(s): Stadt Bad Tölz Expenditures: DM 4.000,Focus: Voc; CommT
K ö n i g L u d w i g Ilt.-Stlftung. c/o Landratsamt Lichtenfels, Kronacher Str 30, 96215 Lichtenfels T: (09571) 18254; Fax: 18300; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http j / www.Lichtenfels.de Established: 1919 Limitations: Grants in Lichtenfels only Focjs: SocW
K ö n i g L u d w i g - u n d K ö n i g i n Marie-ThereseS t i f t u n g B a m b e r g , c/o Stadt Bamberg, Finanzreferat, Postfach 110323, 96031 Bamberg T: (0951) 871200; Fax: 871907 Established: 1918 Expenditures: DM 428.000,Focus: Child; Youth; Fam; Hous . . . . 04107 Renate K ö n i g - S t i f t u n g , Deußstr 14, 47803 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 599560 Established: 1999; Secy: Dr. Hubertus von Loeper, Donor(s): Renate König Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Focus: Schol; Hist; Cult 04108 Fritz und Maria K o e n i g - S t i f t u n g , c/o Rechtsanwaft Georg Stock, Promenadepl 10, 80333 München Τ (089) 294441; Fax: 295904 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Fritz und Maria Koenig Limitations: Applications rot accepted FOCJS: Educ; Arts; Cult 04109 Dr. Paul K ö n i g - S t i f t u n g z u r F ö r d e r u n g d e s b e r u f l i c h e n N a c h w u c h s e s , c/o Stadt Bad Neustadt, Stiftungsreferat, Rathaus, 97616 Bad Neustadt T: (09771) 91060, 2214; Fax: 910628 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Dr. Paul König Limitations: Grants in Bad Neustadt and Salz only Focus: Voc; Educ; Econ; Cons . . . . 04110 K ö n i g i n Luise-Stiftung, Podbielskiallee 78, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 841813; Fax; 84181480; E-Mail: kls@ ber1in.snafu.de; Internet: http://www.snafu.de/kls Established: 1811 Expenditures: DM 10.000.000,Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Educ 04111 Karl-Oskar K o e n i g s - S t i f t u n g - N a t i o n a l p a r k e , Altenburgstr 11, 53125 Bonn T: (0228) 257900; Fax: 258605 Established: 1997; Chair: Alexander Freiherr von Hodenberg, Donor(s): Karl-Oskar Koenigs Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 04112 Gräflich K ö n i g s e g g - R o t h e n f e l s ' s c h e Spitalstiftung. Kemptener Str 13, 87509 Immenstadt T: (08323) 96230; Fax: 962334; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1661 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Nurs
Gräflich K ö n i g s e g g ' s c h e W a i s e n h a u s s t i f t u n g , Jahnstr 5, 87509 Immenstadt T: (08323) 96230; Fax: 962334 Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Child; Youth 04114 Hildegard Gräfin von K o e n i g s m a r c k - S t l f t u n g , Limastr 32, 14163 Berlin T: (030) 8025796; Fax: 8026197 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Hildegard Gräfin von Koenigsmarck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04115 K ö n i g s t e i n e r B ü r g e r s t i f t u n g , Nachtigallenweg 2, 61479 Glashütten T: (06174) 5090 Established: 1995 Assets: DM 53.000,Focus: Health 04116 Prof. Dr. K o e p c h e n - S t u d i e n s t l f t u n g , c/o RWEEnergie AG, Kruppstr 5, 45128 Essen T; (0201) 1222097; Fax: 1229402; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1954 Limitations: Scholarships to technical students in the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen only Focus: Schol; Eng 04117
70 Artur- und Aenne K o p p e n - S t t f t u n g , c/o Kirchenkreis Leverkusen der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland, Postfach 100744, 51307 Leverkusen Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants in the church district of Kirchenkreis Leverkusen only Focus: Child 04118
Eugen und Marga Kohler-Stiftung, cío Schoetz & Partner, Postfach 347, 73003 Göppingen T: (07161) 67380; Fax: 673855; E-Mail: SchoetzPartner@t-online,de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Eugen und Marga Kohler Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 04131
Elfriede und Willy K ö r b e r S t i f t u n g , Am Schienenweg 12, 48268 Greven Τ: (02575) 497 Established: 1999
Stiftung K o h l ' s c h e E l n h o m - A p o t h e k e W e i ß e n b u r g in Bayern, Rosenstr 3, 91781 Weißenburg Τ: (09141) 2307; Fax: 73471; E-Mail: EinhornApotheke @ gmx.de Established: 1986; Chair Almut Binkert Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Pharm; Hist 04132
Körber-Stlftung, Kurt-A.-Körber-Chaussee 10, 21033 Hamburg Τ: (040) 72502457; Fax: 72503645; E-Mail: info @ stiftu ng .koe rbe r. de ; Internet: http:// www.stiftung.koerber.de Established: 1959; Chain Ulrich Voswinckel, Secy: Horst Rödinger, Dr. Wolf Schmidt, Dr. Klaus Wehmeier, Donor(s): Dr. Kurt A. Kötber Assets: DM 720.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Cult; IntU; Ecol; Educ , 04120 Ernst Friedrich K ö r b e r ' s c h e S t i f t u n g In A u g s b u r g , c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: rnfoallgemein@ susta.de Established: 1852; Donor(s): Christian Gottfried Körber Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Körber family and to Protestant widows and orphans in Augsburg only Focus: Fam; Wid; Orp 04121 Willy Körner-Stiftung, Gutbrodstr 12, 70197 Stuttgart T: (0711) 631588 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Willy Kömer Focus: Sen
Marion-Köser-Sttftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Marion Koser Focus: Mon; Arts; Schol 04123 Gerd Köster-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1361, 26919 Brake T: (04401) 102222; Fax: 102216 Established: 1925 Assets: DM 27.904,Limitations: Grants in Brake and Elsfleth only Focus: SocW
Heinrich und Caroline K ö s t e r - T e s t a m e n t s t i f t u n g , Amalie-Dietrich-Stieg 2, 22305 Hamburg T: (040) 6970620; Fax: 69706299 Established: 1885; Donor(s): Heinrich und Caroline Köster Focus: Hous 04125 Oberregierungsrat Dr. Hermann K ö s t l b a c h e r S t i p e n d i e n f o n d s , c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Sophie Margarethe Köstlbacher Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy veterinary students at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München only Focus: Schol; Vet 04126 K o g g e - S t i f t u n g für v e t e r i n ä r m e d i z i n i s c h e F o r s c h u n g , c/o Institut für Veterinär-Pathologie der Justus-Uebig-Universität, Frankfurter Str 96, 35392 Gießen T: (0641) 9938200; Fax: 9938209 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Hubert Kogge Assets: DM 110.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.400,Limitations: Grants to Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen only Focus: Vet; Uni 04127 Hannelore K o h l - S t i f t u n g f ü r U n f a l l o p f e r zur F ö r d e r u n g der Rehabilitation Hirnverletzter, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterveit)and.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Hannelore Kohl Expenditures: DM 812.000,Limitations: Grants to Kuratorium ZNS only Focus: AccM 04128 Kohlars K i n d e r f o n d s S t i f t u n g , Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.kinderfonds.org/kohlars.htm Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Wilfried Kohlars Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04129 Traudì und Richard K o h l b e r g e r - S t i f t u n g , c/o Arbeiterwohlfahrt, Kreisverband Augsburg-Stadt e.V., Rosenaustr 38, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 345800 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Richard Kohlberger Expenditures: DM 83000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04130
Elfriede K o h n s t a m m - U f t e r - S t i f t u n g , HugoHoffmann-Str 52, 82064 Straßlach Τ: (08170) 275; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpV/www.koelle-online.de Established: 1972 Assets: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.000,Umitations: Grants to female artists in Sankt Ingbert only Focus: Arts 04133 Betty Kohout-Fonds, c/o Technische Universität München, Arcisstr 21, 80333 München Τ: (089) 21051; Fax: 21052000 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Betty Kohout Assets: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Scholarships to architectural students at Technische Universität München only Focus: Schol; Archit 04134 K o l n o n i a - S t i f t u n g , Alte Bohle 50, 50321 Brühl Τ: (02232) 928617; Fax: 928618 Established: 1977; Donor(s): Walter Weyel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Youth 04135 Eduard und Emma Kolb-PlecherW o h l t ä t l g k e i t s s t i f t u n g , c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1968; Donops): Eduard und Emma Kolb-Plecher Assets: DM 1.120.000,-, Expenditures: DM 75.000,Limitations: Grants ir München only Focus: SocW 04136 Walter Kolb-Stiftung, Berliner Str 27, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21240900; Fax: 21240901; E-Mail: info@ walter-kolb-stiftung.de; Internet: httpJ/www.waJterkolb-stiftung.de Established: 1959; Donor(s): Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Land Hessen Limitations: Grants to citizens of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Adult 04Í37 Georg-Kolbe-Stlftung. Sensburger Allee 25, 14055 Berlin T: (030) 3042144; Fax: 3047041; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http j l www.georg-kolbe-museum.de Established: 1949; Donor(s): Georg Kolbe Assets: DM 22.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04138 Dr. K o l b ' s c h e Famllienstipendlen-Stlftung, Pfauenstr 6, 94315 Straubing Τ: (09421) 9803; Fax: 980500 Established: 1905; Donor(s): Franziska Kolb, Agathe Kolb Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Scholarships to unmarried female members of the Kolb family only Focus: Schol 04139 Ignaz K o l b ' s c h e MeBwelnstiftung, c/o Stiftung Juliusspital Würzburg, Juliuspromenade 19, 97070 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 3930; Fax: 3931004 Established: 1918; Donor(s): Ignaz Kolb Assets: DM 60.755,-, Expenditures: DM 19.977,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Würzburg only Focus: SocW 04140 K o l i b r i - Interkulturelle S t i f t u n g , Grünwalder Str 252, 81545 München T: (089) 5439612; Fax: 51410355; E-Mail: kolibri© initiativgruppe.de Established: 1998 Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Cult; IntU 04141 Senator h.c. Prof. Dr. Fritz K o l k e - S t l f t u n g , c/o Commerzbank AG, Abteilung für Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13624422; Fax: 13624502 Established: 1990; Chair Thomas Maria Braun, Donor(s): Senator h.c. Prof. Dr. Fritz Kolke Assets: DM 3.600.000,·, Receipts: DM 150.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in the area of Nürnberg only Focus: AnimP 04142 Ingeborg-Kolkmann-StWung, Untere Bergertieide 30, 42113 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 722738 Established: 1998 Focus: AnimP 04143
Werner und Elisabeth K o l l a t h - S t f f l u n g z u r Förderung wissenschaftlicher Ernährungsu n d G e s u n d h e f t s f o r s c h u n g , Königsteiner Str 107, 65812 Bad Soden T: (06196) 643340; Fax: 642087; E-Mail: eden-stiftung@ rhein-main.com; Internet: http7/ www.infomarketing.de/eden-stiftung Established: 1981; Chair. Prof. Dr. Claus Leitzmann, Secy: Manfred Blaschke, Dr. Aloys Kordes, Donor(s): Elisabeth Kollath Assets: DM 880,000,·, Receipts: DM 80.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Focus: Food; Heafth 04144 Stiftung Käthe Kollwttz Gedenkstätte, Meißner Str 7, 01468 Moritzburg T: (035207) 82818; Fax: 82819 Established: 1994; Secy: Sabine Hänisch Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04145 Adolph K o l p i n g - S t i f t u n g , Postfach 2109 , 50151 Kerpen T: (02237) 58391, 58352; Fax: 58379 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Stadt Kerpen Assets: DM 110.000,Limrtations: Grants to German individuals and institutions only Focus: SocW; Youth; Voc; Educ; Schol; Cult; IntU 04146 J.D. Kolwey-Stfftung, c/o Relius Coatings GmbH & Co., Postfach 2561, 26015 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 34020 Established: 1939; Donor(s): Johann Dietrich Kolwey Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Bufa Baeuerle (Oldenburg/Oldenburg) only Focus: SocW 04147 K o m m u n a l e B ü r g e r s ü f t u n g d e r Stadt Frankenthal (Pfalz), c/o Stadtverwaltung Frankenthal (Pfalz), Rathauspl 2-7, 67227 Frankenthal (Pfalz) Established: 1987 Limitations: Grants in Frankenthal (Pfalz) only Focus: Educ; SocW
Matthias Josef K o m p - S t i f t u n g , Großbüllesheimer Str 11, 53881 Euskirchen T: (02251) 2115; Fax: 780863 Established: 1961; Donops): Matthias Josef Komp Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Großbüllesheim only Focus: SocW
Kon-Stahl-Stlftung, Am Hambuch 17, 53340 Meckenheim Established: 1980 04150 Johann K o n e n - S t i p e n d i e n - S t l f t u n g , c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozial referat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1979; Donops): Johann Konen Expenditures: DM 99.600,Limitations: Scholarships to students in München only Focus: Schol
K o n f l l k t - u n d L e b e n s b e r a t u n g , Haußmannstr 188, 7018B Stuttgart T: (0711) 2628001/02; Fax: 2628158 Established: 1977; Donor(s): Günter Hien Expenditures. DM 122.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Fam; Youth; Sen . . . . 04152 K o n o p a - S t i f t u n g , Tannenstr 18e, 85579 Neubiberg T: (089) 6010512 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Frantisek VohryzkaKonopa Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and the Czech Republic only Focus; IntU; East 04153 K o n s o l i d i e r t e S t i p e n d i e n s t i f t u n g , StreitheimTalblick 3, 86441 Zusmarshausen Τ: (08294) 1976 Established: 1804 Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to students in the governmental district of Schwaben only Focus: Schol 04154 Konvekta-Sttftung, Am Nordbahnhot 5, 34613 Schwalmstadt Τ: (06691) 7617; Fax: 7611 Established: 1985; Chair Carl H. Schmitt, Secy: Michael Hagemann, Donor(s): Konvekta AG Assets: DM 400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Dev 04755 K o n v i k t - S t i f t u n g an der Universität Erlangen, c/o Friedrich-Alexander-Universität EriangenNümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen Τ: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1747 Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Scholarships to Protestant students at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nümberg only Focus: Schol 04156
71 Carl-und-Emma-Konz-Stfftu ng, c/o Stiftungsmanagement, Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1946; Donops): Mina Konz Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Voc
Stiftung Johann K o o p T e s t a m e n t G o t t e s w o h n u n g e n , Postlach 540661, 22508 Hamburg T: (040) 545684; Fax: 542512 Established: 1611; Chair Eduard Pietzcker, Donops): Johann Koop Limitations: Low cost living space for needy old ladies in Hamburg only Focus: Hous; Sen; Worn 04158 Kopletz-Sommerstlftung zur Leseförderung, Klapperschell 2, 35638 Leun Τ: (06473) 411333; Fax: 411334; E-Mail: Stiftung-® kopietz-sommer.com; Internet: kopietz-sommer.com/ Stiftung
Established: 1999; Secy: Susanne Weber, Donor(s): Geht Kopietz, Jörg Sommer Focus: Ut 04159
K o s s o y Hall-Stiftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.unituebingen.de Established: 1968 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Law; Uni 04171 Kost-Poeher'sche Stiftung, do Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Ttieresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1921; Donor(s): Anna Kost Assets: DM 4.323.751,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Grants to institutions in Nürnberg only Focus: Town; Arts 04172 Hans Kottek-Stiftung, Kommarkt 2, 90402 Nürnberg Established: 1986; Donor(s): Hans Kottek Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen with emphasis on Ost ritz only Focus: Hand; Sen 04173
Luise Kopp-Stiftung, Bergstr 16, 55592 Rehbom T: (06753) 2440 Established: 1973; Donops): Luise Kopp Expenditures: DM 5.000,Focus: SocW 04160
Robert Krämer-Stiftung, Contrescarpe 6, 28203 Bremen Τ: (0421) 324313 Established: 1967 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; SocW; Mon 04174
K o p p e r m a n n K i n d e r f o n d s Stiftung, Watteausir 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: koppermann @ kinderfonds.org Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Wolfgang Koppermann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04161
Carl Kraemer-Stiftung, Martt 13. 57271 Hilchenbach Τ: (02733) 28882; Fax: 28880 Established: 1978; Secy: Stadtdirektor der Stadt Hilchenbach, Donor(s): Erna Strünckmann, Dr. Attred von Seefeld, Klaus Raabe Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol; AnimP 04175
Emst und Hertha Koppermann-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Jan J. Wentzien, Altenwall 9, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 320245 Established: 1984 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bremen only Focus: Arts; SocW 04162
Allgemeine von Krafft'sche Famlllenstlftung, Biberacherstr 100, 89079 Ulm Limitations: Grants to members of the Krafft von Dellmensingen family only Focus: Fam 04176
Janusz-Korczak-Stiftung für soziale Jugendarbelt, Stemstr 22, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg T: (03491) 885009, 411070; Fax: 406024 Established: 1999; Chair Lothar Löber, Donor(s): Helga Hoestermann Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Lutherstadt Wittenberg only Focus: Youth 04163
Dr. Helmut Kraft Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpli www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dr. Helmut Kraft Focus: Educ 04177 Josef und Luise Kraft-Stiftung, Lessingstr 12, 80336 München Established: 1988 Focus: Sen 04178
Paula und Jakob Korell-Stlftung, Zeppelinstr 34, 71409 Schwaikheim Τ: (07195) 53547 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Jakob Korell Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Cult; Rei; Sports; Child; Voc 04164
Helmut Kraft-Stiftung zur F ö r d e r u n g der Bildenden Kunst, Gerokstr 13b, 701B4 Stuttgart T: (0711) 164260; Fax: 1642640 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Helmut Kraft Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04179
Geschwister Korn u n d G e r s t e n m a n n - S t i f t u n g , c/o Historisches Museum, Saalgasse 19, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235599 Established: 1987; Donops): Abraham Kom Limitations: Grants in Israel and worldwide Focus: Peace; Jew 04165
Kralchgau-Stiftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt. 74889 Sinsheim Τ: (07261) 404301; Fax: 404165 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Landkreis Sinsheim Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Kraichgau only Focus: Hist 04180
Ludwig und Martha K o m e g g e r - S t i f t u n g , c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Postfach 1363 , 83203 Prien am Chiemsee Established: 1988 Assets: DM 1.093,000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to citizens of Prien am Chiemsee only Focus: SocW; Schol 04166
Kralchgauer A d e l i g e s Damenstift, Bahnhofstr 4, 74930 Ittlirigen Τ: (07266) 2358; Fax: 3669 Established: 1718; Secy: H. Maag, Donor(s): Amalia Maria Elisabeth Freifrau von Mentzingen Receipts: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn 04181
Bürgermeister K o m m e s s e r - S t l f t u n g , Beuthstr 6-6, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 90265010; Fax: 90265010 Established: 1720; Donor(s): Maria Kommesser Assets: DM 1.680.000,·, Expenditures: DM 45.000,· Limitations: Grants in the states of Berlin and Brandenburg only Focus: Orp 04167 Alex Kortboyer-Stlftung, Willibrorde 9, 46446 Emmerich Established: 1994 Focus: Nurs 04168 A. und E. Korus-Stiftung, do Rechtsanwalt Dr. Karl-Heinz Sasse, Halnstr 92, 42109 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 7670048; Fax: 7670049 Established: 1986; Donops): Eduard Emil Paul Korus Limitations: Grants to needy people on the island of Norderney onty Focus: Sen; Youth, Sports 04169 Stiftung Kos, Mülbergerstr 178, 73728 Esslingen Τ: (0711) 371198; Fax: (0937) 433433 Established: 1976; Donops): Ärztliche Gemeinschaft zur Förderung von Vorsorgeuntersuchungen Esslingen e.V. Focus: Heafth 04170
Kraillinger Bürger- u n d Rotkreuz-Stlftung für A l t e r - u n d Jugendhltfe, Rudolf-von-Hirsch-Str 1, 82152 Krailling Τ: (089) 8570638 Established: 1989; Donor(s): BRK-Kreisverband Starnberg, Gemeinde Krailling Assets: DM 415.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30,000,Limitations: Grants in Krailling only Focus: Sen; Youth 04162 Walter und Irmgard Kramer-Stlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Walter und Irmgard Kramer Limitatiorts: Grants in Berlin only Focus: AnimP; Sen; Schol 04183 Kramerstfftung, c/o Industrie und Handelskammer zu Leipzig, Goerdelemng 5, 04109 Leipzig T: (0341) 12670; Fax: 1267421; Internet: http:// www.leipzig.ihk.de Established: 1992; Chair: Prof. Dr. Günter NôtzokJ, Donor(s): Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Leipzig Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni 04184
Hedwig-Krampf-Stlftung, Obere Rôdt 9, 69123 Heidelberg Τ: (06221) 707700; Fax: 707722 Established: 1997; Chair Wolfgang Burkhardt, Donor(s): Hedwig Krampf Focus: Sen 04185 K r a n k e n h a u s Bethanien für d i e Grafschaft Moers, Bethanienstr 21, 47441 Moers T: (02841) 2000; Fax: 2002300 Established: 1853 Assets: DM 58.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 91.217.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 04106 Krankenhaus-Spltalfond Waldshut-Tiengen, Kaiserstr 95-97, 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen Τ: (07751) 65150; Fax: 85177 Established: 1411; Donor(s): Stadt Waldshut Expenditures: DM 52.907.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 04187 K r a n k e n h a u s f o n d s Löffingen, Seppenhoferstr 7, 79843 Löffingen Τ: (07654) 80281 Established: 1873 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04188 Krankenhausstlftung B a m b e r g , c/o Stadtverwaltung, Finanzreterat, Postfach 110323, 96031 Bamberg Τ: (0951) 871200; Fax: 871907 Established: 1789; Donor(s): Fürstbischof FranzLudwig von Erthal Expenditures: DM 780.000,Limitations; Grants in Bamberg only Focus: Nurs 04189 Krankenhausstlftung der Nlederbronner Schwestern, Klosterstr 60, 67472 Esthal Τ: (06325) 95420; Fax: 954250 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Kongregation der Schwestern vom Göttlichen Erlöser Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 04190 Krankenhausstlftung der S p a r k a s s e Wetzlar, Seiberlstr 10, 35576 Wetzlar T: (06441) 4090; Fax: 409558 Established: 1967; Donops): Sparkasse Wetzlar Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 90.000,· Limitations: Grants to hospitals in the region of Wetzlar only Focus: Nurs 04191 Krankenhausstlftung Porz a m Rhein, Urbacher Weg 19, 51149 Köln Τ: (02203) 566101; Fax: 55017 Established: 1960 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 04192 Karl und Gertrud Kratwohl-Stlftung, c/o Evangelisches Johannesstift, Schönwalder Allee 26, 135B7 Berlin Τ: (030) 3356686, 33609317; Fax: 33609429 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Karl und Gertrud Kratwohl Assets: DM 12.588.300,·, Expenditures: DM 1.600.000,Focus: Nurs 04193 Multiple Sklerose Stiftung Dr. Peter Kratz, c/o MS· Gesellschaft, Knesebeckstr 3, 10623 Berlin E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: MuttS 04194 Rudolf Kraus-Stiftung, do Stadt Bamberg, Finanzreferat, Postfach 110323, 96031 Bamberg Τ: (0951) 871200; Fax; 871907 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Rudolf Kraus Expenditures: DM t .063.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bamberg only Focus: Sen; Child 04195 Brigitte und Martin Krause-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: ulrike.johanning@stiftervert>and.de; Internet; http7 /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Brigitte und Martin Krause Assets: DM 953.743,-, Expenditures: DM 38.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hum; Egyp; Uni 04196 Hauptpastor Dr. Albrecht Krause-Stiftung, Postfach 103027, 20021 Hamburg Established: 1915 Limitations: Grants to needy people in the parish of Katharinen-Kirchspiel in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 04197 Dr. Gustav K r a u ß s e n . ' s c h e Krankenhausstlftung f ü r m e c h a n i s c h e O r t h o p ä d i e (Kraußianum), c/o Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, 80327 München T: (089) 21862473; Fax: 21862803; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1913; Donor(s): Dr. Gustav Krauß jun. Expenditures: DM 40.000,Focus: Ortho 04198
Germany: Kreissparkassen-Stiftung Johann K r a u s ' s c h e Stiftung, c/o Gemeinde Altenkunstadt, 96264 Altenkunstadt T: (09572) 3870; Fax: 4539 Established: 1924; Donor(s): Johann Kraus Assets: DM 10.400,-, Expenditures: DM 760,· Limitations: Grants in Altenkunstadt only Focus: SocW; Cult 04199 Dr. Armin und Maria Krauthelm-Stiftung, Markt, 87730 Bad Grönenbach T: (08334) 6050 Established: 1987; Chair: Johann Fleschhut, Donor(s): Maria Krauttieim Limitations: Grants in Bad Grönenbach only Focus: Sports; SocW 04200 Franz Josef Krayer-Stiftung, Postfach 4129, 88085 Langenargen T: (07543) 930615; Fax: 930611 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Franz Josef Krayer Assets: DM 192.098,Limitations: Grants in Langenargen only Focus: SocW; Cult 04201 Kreative für Kinder K l n d e r f o n d s Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Bernd Thomsen Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04202 Adolf-und-Margot-Krebs-Stiftung zur Förderung der W i s s e n s c h a f t e n , c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Hartmut Lübbert, Wallstr 15, 79098 Freiburg im Established: 1998 Focus: Scie
. 04203
Krefelder Baudenkmal-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: info© denkmalschutz.de; internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Gabriele und Klaus Reymann Limitations: Predetermined grants in Krefeld only Focus: Mon 04204 Adelheid Krehahn-Stiftung, Maria-Ward-Str 2, 55116 Mainz Τ: (06131) 253301 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Adelheid Krehahn Limitations: Grants in the diocese of Mainz only Focus: Blinds; Deafs 04205 Erwin von Kreiblg-Stiftung, Postfach 190528, 80605 München Τ: (089) 1781169; Fax: 175292 Established: 1989; Chair: Prof. Dr. Guido Eilenberger, Hildegard Merzenich, Donor(s): Erich von Kreibig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04206 Krelshilfskasse Bad Brückenau, c/o Landratsamt Bad Kissingen, 97688 Bad Kissingen Τ: (0971) 8013070; Fax: 8013333 Established: 1838; Donorfs): König Ludwig I. Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations: Grants in the former district of Landkreis Bad Brückenau only Focus: SocW; Sen
Familie Kreisl-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Mühlbachstr 21, 89269 Vöhringen Τ: (07307) 31145 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Franz Kreisl, Anna Kreisl Assets: DM 44.000,-, Expenditures: OM 2.800,Limitations: Grants to needy pupils of Realschule in Vöhringen only Focus: Educ 04206 Kreissparkassen-Stlftung f ü r d a s Pfälzische Handwerk, A m AHenhof 12-14, 67655 Kaiserslautern Τ: (0631) 36360; Fax: 3636401; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.snet.de/KSKKaiserslautem Established: 1986; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautern Assets: DM 250.000,-, Receipts: ca. DM 16.000,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 12.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: CommT 04209 Kreissparkassen-Stiftung f ü r die F a c h h o c h s c h u l e Kaiserslautern, A m Alteniof 12-14, 67655 Kaiserslautem Τ: (0631) 36360; Fax: 3636401; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www .snet.de/KSKKaiserslautem Established: 1987; Donops): Kreissparkasse Kaiseriautem Assets: DM 250.000,·, Receipts: ca. DM 21.000,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 14.000,Limitations: Grants to Fachhochschule Kaiserslautem only Focus: Uni 04210
Germany: Kreissparkassen-Stiftung
Kreissparkassen-Stiftung für die Universität Kaiserslautern, Am Altenhof 12-14, 67655 Kaiserslautem T: (0631) 36360; Fax: 3636401; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.sriet.de/KSKKaiserslautem Established: 1984; Oonor(s): Kreissparkasse Kaiserslautem Assets: D M 250.000,·, Receipts: ca. D M 23.000,-, Expenditures: ca. D M 20.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Kaiserslautem only Focus: Uni 04211 Kreissparkassen-Stlftung Im Landkreis Birkenfeld, Auf der Idar 2, 55743 Idar-Oberstein T: (06781) 6010; Fax: 601250 Established: 1987; Donops): Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld in Idar-Oberstein Expenditures: D M 25.000,Umitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Birkenleid only Focus: Scie; Voc 04212 Kreissparkassenstiftung, c/o Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg, Am Markt 4-5, 23909 Ratzeburg Τ: (04541) 881110; Fax: 661106 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg Limitations: Grants in the district of Herzogtum Lauenburg only Focus: Arts; Mon; Ecol; Landsc; SocW . 04213 Kreisspitalstlftung Kempten, c/o Landratsamt Oberallgáu, 8751Θ Sonthofen Τ: (08373) 790; Fax: 79212; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1963; Chair: Anton Klotz, Secy: Georg Dom, Donops): Landkreis Kempten Assets: DM 20.323.400,-, Receipts: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: D M 5.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04214 Kreistag Wurzen-Stlftung, c/o Landratsamt Muldentalkreis, Postfach 243, 04662 Grimma Τ: (034292) 72082 Established: 1993; Chair: Pfarrer Gottfried Süß, Donor(s): Kreislag Würzen Assets: DM 100.000,·, Receipts: DM 2.000,-, Expenditures: D M 10.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Muldentalkreis only Focus: SocW 04215 Kremerata Baltica Stiftung, Dorfstr 29, 25451 Quickborn Τ: (04106) 3278; Fax: 66307; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Chair: Werner Lutz, Donops): Gidon Kremer Limitations: Grants and scholarships to citizens of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania only Focus: Music; Musi; Schol; Bait . . . . 04216 Freiherr von K r e s s ' s c h e V o r s c h i c k u n g Kraftshof, Zur Steinbrúcke 13, 97490 Poppenhausen Τ: (09725) 708069; Fax: 708069; E-Mail: Chris. krkl @t-on!ine.de Established: 1936; Chair: Christoph Freiherr von Kreß, Secy: Christoph Freiherr von Kreß Assets: DM 70.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 04217 Familie Josef Kreten-Stlftung, c/o Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 71, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 5411306 Established: 19Θ6; Donor(s): Maria Katherine Hallerbach Assets: DM 2.600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 246.000,Focus: Sen 04218 Carl Kreuser jr. Stiftung, Bahnstr 67, 53Θ94 Mechernich T: (02443) 8060 Established: 1973 Assets: DM 4.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04219 Rudolf und Clara Kreutzer-Stiftung, Moosáckerstr 3, 90427 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 93650; Fax: 9365830 Established: 1950 Limitations: Grants to Rudolf-Steiner-Schule in Nürnberg only Focus: Educ 04220 kreuznacher dlakonie, Ringstr 56, 55543 B a d Kreuznach Τ: (0671) 6053217; Fax: 6053243; Internet: http:// www.kreuznacherdiakonie.de Established; 1889; Donor(s): II. Rheinisches Diakonissen-Mutterhaus Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Hand; Reh; Educ . . . . 04221 Georg· Kreye-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwälte Göhmann, Wrede & Haas, Postfach 105280, 28052 Bremen T: (0421) 339530; Fax: 326485; E-Mail: rechtsanwaelte @ g wb-bremen .de Established: 1994 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bremerhaven only Focus: Arts; Cult 04222
04211 - 04263
Emilie Krieger-Stiftung, Am Grünen Gitter, 14469 Potsdam Established: 1930 Limitations: Grants to widows and unmarried old ladies in Potsdam only Focus: Wid; Worn 04223 Konrad Krieger-Stfftung, Rheintor 9, 46483 Wesel Τ: (0281) 204228; Fax: 204435 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Konrad Krieger Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; Ecol . 04224 Kriegsgräberstiftung - W e n n alle Brüder schweigen, Mozartstr 5, 72456 Albstadt T: (07431) 2193; Fax: 4597 Established: 1993; Donops): Bundesverband ehemaliger Soldaten der Waffen-SS e.V. Expenditures: DM 179.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU; SocW 04225 Dr. Hans und Therese Krllle-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Dr. Herbert Krille Focus: Hand; Child; Youth 04226 Krimmer Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail; krimmer® kinderfonds.org Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Reinhard Krimmer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04227 Krippe und Kindergarten Rominger, Bôheimstr 56, 70199 Stuttgart Established: 1884 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child
Karl H. Krtscher Stiftung, A m Eichelberg 47, 52396 Haimbach T: (02446) 523080; Fax: 1330 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Karl Heinz Krischer Expenditures: D M 250.000,Limitations: Grants in Heimbach only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ; Hist; Wat . . . 04229 Kroeger-von Ludwiger-Stlftung, c/o Gesellschaft zur Beförderung gemeinnütziger Tätigkeit gegr. 1789, Königstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 04230 Hermann-August-Kröncke-Stiftung, Vogelsang 1, 21662 Stade T: (04141) 85540 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Hermann August Kröncke Limitations: Grants in Stade only Focus: AnimP 04231 Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stlftung, Postfach 1852, 61288 Bad Homburg T: (06172) 69750; Fax: Θ97515 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Else Kröner Assets: D M 300.000.000,Focus: Med 04232 K r o h n s c h e Stiftung, c/o Rechtsstelle, Markt 1, 18273 Güstrow T: (03843) 769106 Established: 1884; Donor(s): Heinrich Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Krohn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 04233 Kroning-Röcker-Stiftung, c/o Senator für Frauen, Gesundheit, Jugend, Soziales und Umweltschutz, Bahnhofspl 29, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 3612026 Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Sen 04234 Kronprlnz-Rupprecht v o n Bayern-Stiftung, Wohnungs- und Siedlungswerk, Schtörstr 5, 97074 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 796090; Fax: 7960930 Established: 1949; Secy: Ludwig Kufler, Donor(s): Kronprinz Rupprecht von Bayern Assets: DM 27.600.000,-, Expenditures: D M 4.500.000,Limitations: Low cost living space to needy Germans only Focus: Hous 04235 Chiemgau-Stiftung Dr. Georg und Hildegard Kropfhammer, Brandenburger Str 2, 83301 Traunreut Established: 1993
Kroppenetedter Reithufen, Rathaus, Am Markt 1, 39397 Kroppenstedt Τ: (039264) 435504 Established: 1992; Secy: Monika Schmidt, Donors): Stadt Kroppenstedt, Kirche Kroppenstedt Receipts: D M 70.000,-, Expenditures: D M 70.000,· Limitations: Grants in Kroppenstedt only Focus: SocW; Mon; Cult 04237 Kroschkestlftung für Kinder, Am Kratt 10, 22926 Ahrensburg Τ: (04102) 804101; Fax: 804141 Established: 1993; Secy: Dietrich Schacht, Donor(s): Christoph Kroschke, Klaus Kroschke Assets: D M 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: D M 500.000,Focus: Child; Ped 04238
Hans Krüger-Stiftung, Rankest: 21, 10769 Berlin T: (030) 214960; Fax: 21496100 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Hans Krüger Expenditures: DM 120.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy employees and former employees of W. Möbes Nachf. G m b H (Berlin) and to developing countries only Focus: SocW; Dev 04239 Eheleute Dr. Krüger-Stiftung, c/o S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen 7020 [email protected] Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http j ¡ www.stifterverband.de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr. Wolfgang Krüger Expenditures: D M 35.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Comm 04240 Prof. Herbert Krüger-Stiftung zur Förderung der überseeischen V e r f a s s u n g s vergleich υ ng, c/o S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen T: (0721) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.simon@stiftervertand,de; Internet: httpjl www.stttterverband.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Gabriele Krüger Expenditures: D M 18.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Law 04241 K r u g ' s c h e Stiftung, Schloßgasse 23, 63667 Nidda T: (06043) 80030 Established: 1763 Focus: Οφ; Wid 04242 Krupp-Jubiläums-Stiftung fur K u n s t · u n d Museumszwecke, c/o Stadt Essen, Porschepl, 45127 Essen T: (0201) 8820203; Fax: 8820003 Established: 1913; Donops): F.A. Krupp, Berta Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Expenditures: D M 190.000,Limitations: Grants to Museum Folkwang in Essen only Focus: Arts 04243 Stiftung Alfried-Krupp-Kolleg Greifswald, c/o Emst-Moritz-Amdt-Universität. Domstr 14, 17489 Greifswald T: (03834) 861111; Fax: 861113; E-Mail: kanzlerduni-greifswald.de; Internet: http://www.unigreifswald.de Established: 2000; Donor(s): Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Land MecklenburgVorpommern, Emst-Moritz-Amdt-Universität Greifswald Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni 04244 Margarethe Krupp-Stiftung für W o h n u n g s f ü r s o r g e , Sommerburgstr 16, 45149 Essen T: (0201) 871080; Fax: 718101 Established: 1906; Donops): Margarethe Krupp Expenditures: D M 23.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 04245 Alfred Krupp und Friedrich-Alfred-KruppStiftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Sozialamt, Kennedypl 3, 45121 Essen T: (0201) 8850104; Fax: 8888510 Established: 1887; Donor(s): Alfred Krupp, FriedrichAlfred Krupp Assets: D M 27.300.000,Limitations: Grants in Essen only Focus: S o c W 04246 Alfried Krupp v o n Bohlen und HalbachStlftung, Hügel 15, 45133 Essen T: (0201) 1681; Fax: 412587; E-Mail: info® krupp.stiftung.de Established: 1967; Chair Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Berthold Beta, Donor(s): Dipl.-lng. Dr,-Ing. E.h. Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Assets: D M 788.000.000,· Focus: Scie; Res; Schol; Health; Sports; Cult 04247 Stiftung des Rentners Heinrich Wilhelm Kruse, c/o Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Liegenschaftsamt, Postfach, 24099 Kiel T: (0431) 9012920 Limitations: Grants in Kiel only Focus: SocW 04248 Kruyk-Sttftung, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Essen-Bredeney, Am Brandenbusch 6a, 45133 Essen T: (0201) 421386; Fax: 42802 Established: 1989; Donops): Kurt und Anna Kruyk Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S e n 04249 K S B - S t l f h i n g , Lambsheimer Str 34, 67227 Frankenthal T: (06233) 362612; Fax: 663415 Established: 1961; Donops): Dr. Otto Klein-Kühborth Expenditures: D M 637.000,Limitalions: Grants and scholarships to Universität Kartsruhe and Universität Stuttgart only Focus: NatS; Eng; Schol; Uni 04250
Dr. phil. Friedrich Wilhelm Kube-Stiftung, c/o Alexandra-Stiftung, Hortensienstr 17a, 12203 Beilin T: (040) 8419070 Established: 1902; Donops): Wilhelm Valentin Arthur Kiibe Expenditures: D M 2.640.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S e n 04251 Mary Anne KQbel-Stlftung, Alter Weg 18, 64365 Reichelsheim T: (06164) 54702; Fax: 54730 Established: 1994; Chair: Mary Anne Kübel, Secy: Mario Seger, Donor(s): Mary Anne Kübel Assets: D M 500.000,-, Expenditures: D M 150.000,Limitations: Regional grants only Focus: Fam; Adult 04252 Karl Kübei-Stlftung für K i n d und Familie, Darmstädter Str 100, 64625 Bensheim T: (06251) 70050; Fax: 700555; E-Mail: irrfoekkstiftung.de; Internet: http://www.kksiiftung.ije Established: 1972; Chair Matthias Wilkes, Donor(s): Kail Kübel Limitations: Grants in Germany, India, the Philippines and Kosovo only Focus: Child; Fam; Dev; As; East . . . 04253 Hedwig KQch-Stiftung, Möllenberg 23, 45239 Essen T: (0201) 4089601; Fax: 4069895 Established: 1970; Donops): Hedwig Küch Expenditures: D M 17.000,Limitations: Grants in Essen-Werden only Focus: Worn 04254 KQchmeister- und Lietzo'sches Famlllenstipendlum In Zerbst, c/o Dietlof Puppe, Misdroyer Str 44, 14199 Berlin T: (030) 8235242; Fax: 8235242 Established: 1359/1600; Chair Kurt Schmidt, Secy: Dietlof Puppe Limitations: Grants and scholarships to members of the Küchmeister and Uetzo families only Focus: Fam; Schol 04255 Rosa-Maria Kügie-Stlftung, Frankenstr 23, 86343 Königsbrunn Τ: (08231) 7060 Established: 1995; Donops): Rosa-Maria Kugle Expenditures: D M 7.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Mering only Focus: SocW; Fam 04256 Anna-Maria und Uwe Karsten Köhl-Stiftung, c/o S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: michaela.f ruth θ stifterverband. de ; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donops): Anna-Maria und Uwe Karsten Kühl Expenditures: DM 44.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Nauheim only Focus: Card 04257 Heinz Kühn-Stiftung, c/o Staatskanzlei des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Stadtor 1, 40190 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 8371274; Fax: 8371120 Established: 1982; Donops): Land NordrheinWestfalen Focus: Jour 04258 Günther-Maria-Kühn-Sttftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Elb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Günther und Maria Kühn Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth
Stiftung K û h n a u s c h e G r ü n d u n g Lüneburg, Barckhausenstr 6, 21335 Lüneburg T: (04131) 789880; Fax: 7898811 Established: 1874; Donops): Sophie Kühnau Expenditures: D M 2.200.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 04260 Kühne-Förderstiftung. Schützenstr 38, 22761 Hamburg T: (040) 85305201; Fax: 85305376 Established: 1992; Donops): Carl Wilhelm Kühne Expenditures: D M 10.000,Limitations: Grants to young employees of Kühne (Hamburg) only Focus: Voc 0426? Franz KQhnemann-Stlftung, Landwehrstr 80, 30519 Hannover T: (0511) 83621B Established: 1952; Donor(s): Franz Kühnemann Assets: D M 8.308.289,-, Expenditures: D M 1.464.000,· Focus: Hous 04262 Amtsrat Philipp K û h n e ' s c h e Famlltenstlftung, Eichendorffstr 4, 34233 Rothwesten Τ: (05607) 390 Established: 1906; Donops): Amtsrat Philipp Kühne Limitations: Grants to members of the Kühne family only Focus: Fam 04263
73 Wilhelm Külz-Stiftung, Wasastr 2, 01219 Dresden Τ: (0361) 4717850; Fax: 4717850; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.wilhelm-kuelzstiftung.de Established: 1991; Chain Ludwig Martin Rade, Secy: Reinhard Werner Receipts: DM 200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Adult; PolS 04264 Eberhard von Kuenheim Stiftung, Brienner Str 11, 80333 München Τ: (089) 36222501; Fax: 38252825 Established: 2000 Focus: Bus; Eng; Educ 04265 Barbara-Künkeiln-Preis, do Bürgermeisteramt Schorndorf, Postlach 1560, 73605 Schorndorf Τ: (07181) 602126; Fax: 602190; E-Mail: Nicole.Marquardt® Schomdorf.de Established: 1983; Chair. Oberbürgermeister Winfried Kübler. Donor(s): Fritz Abele Limitations: Prices to German women and women groups only Focus: Worn 04266 Jürgen Küsel-Stlftung, Rudolf-Diesel-Str 20-22, 28876 Oyten Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Kúsel Co. (Oyten) only Focus: SocW 04267 Friedrich und Anna Küster-Stiftung, GustavFreytag-Str 31, 28201 Bremen T: (0421) 552627; Fax: 552627; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1921; Chair Peter Schmaltz Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Rei; Fam 04268 Kapitän Kugeimann-Stiftung, do Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung, Rheingrafenstr 11, 55583 Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg T: (06708) 61026; Fax: 61090 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Fregattenkapitän Harald Friedrich Kugelmann Assets: DM 120.970,-, Receipts: DM 8.500,-, Expenditures: DM 8.500,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Rheingrafenstein only Focus: Sen 04269 Kuhländler Archiv mit Heimatstube, Stuttgarter Str 62, 71638 Ludwigsburg T: (08141) 7481 Established: 1976; Chair Dieter Janik, Donor(s): Landschaftsrat Kuhländchen in der Sudetendeutschen Landsmannschaft e.V. Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Archiv 04270 Christian Kuhlemann-SttfUing, do Freundeskreis der Universität Hannover e.V., Wilhelm-Busch-Str 4, 30167 Hannover T: (0511) 76219111/12; Fax: 76219113 Established: 1964; Donops): Dr. Christian Kuhlemann Assets: DM 3.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 307.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Hannover only Focus: Uni 04271 Joachim Kuhlmann AIDS-Stiftung, Bismarcks^ 55, 45128 Essen T: (0201) 8791027; Fax: 8791099; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.jk-aidsstiftung.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Joachim Kuhlmann Limitations: Grants to national and international research on AIDS Focus: AIDS 04272 E.W. Kuhlmann-Stiftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Edmund und Edith Kuhlmann Focus: SocW 04273 Otto Kuhn-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baikhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: m.kohlhauer® stifterverband.de; internet: http'Jl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1976; Donor(s): Otto Kuhn Expenditures: DM 146.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Vir 04274 Johannes-Kuhrt-Stiftung, do Rechtsanwalt Erich R. Bertram, Brandstwiete 4, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 337439, 330539; Fax: 324870 Established: 1981; Chair Erich R. Bertram, Donor($): Johannes Kuhn Expenditures: DM 132.000,Limitations: Grants to orphans in the region of Schnaitheim/Hektenheim only Focus: Orp 04275 Franziska Kuhnert-Stiftung, Dachshofstr 4b, 81249 München Established: 1995; Donops): Franziska Kuhnert Focus: Hand 04276
04264 - 04312 Eugen Kufenkamp-Stiftung. Herrlichkeit 1, 28199 Bremen Established: 1849 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 04277 Markgräflich Ku Imbach-Bayreuth'sehe Stiftung, do Evangelisches Pfarramt, Kirchpl 3, 39356 Weferlingen Established: 1756; Donops): Markgraf KulmbachBayreuth Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Schol; Nurs 04278 Kultur·, Sport· und Sozlaisttftung der Kreissparkasse Köln In der Stadt Burscheid, Neumarkt 18-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272278; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1996; Donops): Kreissparkasse Köln Assets: DM 7.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 350.000,· Focus: Cult; Sports; SocW; Ecol . . . . 04279 Kultur-Stiftung der Deutschen Bank, 60262 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 91035866; Fax: 91036154; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www,kulturstiftung.org Established: 1994; Donor(s): Deutsche Bank AG Expenditures: DM 7.147.000,Limitabons: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Cult; Arts; Music; Lit; Theat . . . 04280 Kultur· und Naturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Düren, c/o Kreissparkasse Düren, Ecke Schenkel· /Zehnthofstr, 52349 Düren T: (02421) 1272684; Fax: 1272883 Established: 1992; Donops): Kreissparkasse Düren Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Düren only Focus: Theat; Arts; Music; Ut; Hist; Mon . 04281 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung, c/o Stadt-Sparkasse Haan, Kaiserstr 37, 42781 Haan T: (02129) 575255; Fax: 575250 Established: 1997; Donops): Limitations: Grants in Haan only Focus: Cult; SocW 04282 Kultur· und Sozialstiftung der RaiffelsenVolksbank Bad Wörlshofen-Ottobeuren, Hauptstr 10, 86825 Bad Wörishofen Established: 1996; Donor(s): Raiffeisen-Volksbank Bad Wörishofen-Ottobeuren e.G. Limitations: Grants in the region of Bad Wörishofen-Ottobeuren only Focus: Arts; Cult; Youth; Sen; Mon; Health; Sports; Ecol 04263 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung der Sparkasse Glfhom-Wotfsburg, Postfach 1329, 38516 Gifhorn T: (05371) 84263; Fax: 84470 Established: 1996; Chair: Dieter Prüschenk, Donops): Sparkasse Gifhom-Wolfsburg Limitations: Grants in the region of GifhomWolfsburg only Focus: Arts; Cult; SocW 04284 Kultur· und Sozialstiftung des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Rosenhelm, c/o Stadtverwaltung Rosenheim, Königstr 24, 83022 Rosenheim Established: 1996 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Arts; SocW; Sen; Hand . . 04285 Kultur- und Umweltstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, c/o Kreissparkasse Köln, Neumarkt 18-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272400, 2272278; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1983; Donops): Kreissparkasse Köln Expenditures: DM 1.085.000,Limitations: Grants in the districts of Erftkreis, Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis and Oberbergischer Kreis only Focus: Music; Lit; Theat; Aits; Mon; Hist . 04286 Kulturbund-Stiftung Kamern Elb-Havel-Winkel. Dorfstr 15, 39524 Kamem Τ: (039382) 216; Fax: 216 Established: 1990; Donops): Kulturbund Kamem e.V., Historischer Holzbau GbR Kamem Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Stendal and in Mazeikiai (Lithuania) only Focus: Arts; Cult; Child; Youth; Ecol; Econ; Tour; Dev; SocW; Bait 04287 Kutturstiftung Abtsgmünd, do Bürgermeisteramt, Postfach 40, 73451 Abtsgmünd Τ: (0736682) 18; Fax: 54; E-Mail: kultur-presseÔ abtsgmuend.de; Internet www.abtsgmuend.de Established: 1996; Donops): Gemeinde Abtsgmünd Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Theat; Aris; Music; Ut; Mon . . . 04288 Kufturetiftung Altes Land, Westerjoik 10, 21635 Jork Τ: (04141) 490301 Established: 1990; Donops): Landkreis Stade, Samtgemeinde Lühe, Gemeinde Jork, Altländer Assets: DM 700.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Altes U n d only Focus: Cult; Ecol; Mon; Germ 04289
Kulturstiftung Bemburg, Schtoßstr 24, 06406 Bemburg Τ: (03471) 370195; Fax: 624170 Established: 1992; Donops): Stadt Bemburg, Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Kutturstiftung Bemburg e.V. Assets: DM 160.000,Umrtations: Grants in the former principality of Anhalt-Bemburg only Focus: Cult; Mon; Arts; Hist; SocW . . . 04290 Kutturstiftung der deutschen Vertriebenen, Bonner Talweg 68, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 915120; Fax: 218397; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1974; Secy: Dr. Hans-Jakob Tebarth Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Focus: Cult; Refug; Arts 04291 Kutturstiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft, c/o Kulturpreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V., Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Breite Str 29, 10178 Berlin T: (030) 20281418; Fax: 20282418; E-Mail: kulturkreis @ bdi-online.de Established: 1992; Donops): Kufturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V. Assets: DM 1.364.000,-, Expenditures: DM 220.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 04292 Kulturstiftung der Kasseler Sparkasse, (formerly: Kulturstiftung der " Wolfsschlucht 9, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7124232; Fax: 7124734; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjl www.kasseler-sparkasse.de Established: 1992; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Georg Lewandowski, Secy: Eckard Wömer, Donops): Kasseler Sparkasse Assets: DM 5.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants to Citizens of Kassel only Focus: Cult; Music 04293 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse BltburgPrüm, Trierer Str 46, 54634 Bitburg T: (06561) 16214; Fax: 16312 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Bitburg· Prüm Expenditures: DM 223.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Bitourg-Prüm only Focus: Cult; Arts; Hist; Mon; Ecol; Landsc 04294 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Ludwigshafen, Bismarcksir 25, 67059 Ludwigs hafen T: (0621) 5388110; Fax: 5388119 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Ludwigshafen Limitations: Grants in the region of Ludwigshafen only Focus: Cult; Arts 04295 Kutturstiftung der Kreissparkasse LüchowDannenberg, Mûhlentor 1-3, 29451 Dannenberg Τ: (05861) 982140; Fax: 982145 Established: 1996; Chair: Günter Morisse, Donops): Kreissparkasse Lüchow-Dannenberg Expenditures: DM 34.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis LüchowDannenberg only Focus: Cult; Arts; Music 04296 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Schongau, Münzstr 36. 86956 Schongau T: (08861) 2160; Fax: 216105 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Schongau Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.100,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Ails; Educ; Ecol; Adult . . . 04297 Kulturstiftung der Kreissperkasse SchwelmEder für den Altkrels Fritzlar, Kasseler Str 44, 34212 Melsungen T: (05661) 707320; Fax: 707288 Established: 1988; Donops): Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder Limitations: Grants in the former district of Altkreis Fritzlar only Focus: Cult; SocW; Sports 04298
Germany: Kulturstiftung
Kutturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Wesermünde-Hadeln, Cuxhavener Str 18, 21762 Ottemdorf T: (0471) 144205; Fax: 144253; E-Mail: info@kskwesermünde-hadeln.de; Internet: http://www.kskwesermuende-hadeln.de Established: 1986; Chair: Dr. Johannes Hôppner, Secy: Rolf Súnderbruch, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Wesermünde-Hadeln Assets: DM 1.445.000,-, Receipts: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Bremerhaven and in the district of Cuxhaven only Focus: Cult; Mon; Hist 04301 Kutturstiftung der Lander, Kurfürstendamm 102, 10711 Berlin T: (030) 8936350; Fax: 8914251; E-Mail: kontakt© kulturstiftung.de; Internet: http://www.kulturstiftung.de Established: 1987; Secy: Prof. Dr. Karin von Welck, Donor(s): Alle Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Expenditures: DM 32.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cult 04302 Kulturstiftung der öffentlichen Versicherungen Oldenburg, Staugraben 11, 26122 Oldenburg/Oldenburg Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in the region of Oldenburg/Oldenburg only Focus: Cult; Arts 04303 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Aachen, Sparkasse 1000, 52059 Aachen Τ: (0241) 4544300; Fax: 4543023; E-Mail: info®sparkasse-aachen.de; Internet: http:// www.sparkasse-aachen.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse Aachen Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Aacfien only Focus: Cult; Mon; Hist; Ecol; SocW . . . 04304 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe, c/o Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Postfach 6140, 76041 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 1461381; Fax: 1461967 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Sparkasse Karlsruhe Limitations: Grants in Karlsruhe, Malsch, Pfinztal and Weingarten only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 04305 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Münster, Postfach 5920, 48135 Münster T: (0251) 5981386; Fax: 5981656; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Donor(s): Sparkasse Münster Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Limitations: Grants in Münster only Focus: Cult; Arts; Music; Lit; Theat . . . 04306 Kutturstiftung der Sparkasse Nordfriesland, c/o Sparkasse Nordfriesland, Großstr 7-11, 25813 Husum T: (04841) 8998235; Fax: 8998299 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Nordfriesland Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 04307 Kutturstiftung der Sparkasse OeldeEnnigerloh, (formerly: Kulturstiftung der Aemtersparkasse Oelde-Ennigerloh), Postfach 3120, 59280 Oelde T: (02522) 822130; Fax: 822111 Established: 1984; Chair: Martin Brockschnieder, Donor(s): Sparkasse Warendorf Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to artists in the region of OeldeEnnigerloh only Focus: Cult; Arts; Lit; Hist 04305 Kutturstiftung der Sparkasse Ratingen, c/o Sparkasse Ratingen, Postfach 1746, 40837 Ratingen T: (02102) 2030; Fax: 2039200; Internet: Established: 1997; Donor(s): i Expenditures: DM 36.000,Limitations: Grants in Ratingen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon
Ratingen 04309
Kutturstiftung der Sparkasse Rheinberg, Bahnhofstr 5, 47495 Rheinberg T: (02843) 1770; Fax: 177190 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Sparkasse Rheinberg Limitations: Grants in Rheinberg only Focus: Arts 04310
Kutturstiftung der Kreissparkasse SchwalmEder für den Altkreis Ziegenhain, Kasseler Str 44, 34212 Melsungen T: (05661) 707320; Fax: 707287 Established: 1988; Donops): Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Grants in the former district of Altkreis Ziegenhain only Focus: Cult; SocW; Spoils 04299
Kutturstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, Bahnhofstr 2, 48565 Steinfuit T: (02551) 650; Fax: 65105; E-Mail: Juergen_Holtz@ spk-steinfurt.s-web.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Sparkasse Steinfurt Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Steinfurt only Focus: Cult; Arts; Music; Ut; Theat; Mon; SocW 04311
Kutturstiftung der Kreissparkasse TettowFlämlng, Dahmer Str 1, 14943 Luckenwalde Τ: (03371) 6871110; Fax; 6871800 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse TeltowFllming Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Teltow-Fläming only Focus: Cult; Music; Ut; Theat; Arts; Mon; Hist 04300
Kulturstfftung der Sparkasse Stormarn, (formerly: Kutturstiftung Stormarn), Hagenstr 19, 23843 Bad Oldesloe Τ: (04531) 508464; Fax: 508478 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Sparkasse Stormarn Assets: DM 12.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 450.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Stormarn only Focus: Cult; Arts; Ecol; Hist; Youth; Sports 04312
Germany: Kulturstiftung
04313 -04363
Kulturstiftung der S t a d t s p a r k a s s e M ü n c h e n , Sparkassenstr 2, 80331 München T: (089) 21676113; Fax: 21676111; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.sskm.de/ Stiftungen,
Established: 1992; Chair: Josef Turiaux, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse München Assets: DM 10.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: No scholarships. Grants in München only Focus: Cult; Arts; Mon; Hist; Ther . . . 04313 Kulturstiftung d e r S t a d t s p a r k a s s e N ü r n b e r g , Lorenzer Str 2, 90402 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2304280; Fax: 2304747 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Nürnberg Expenditures: DM 1.030.000,Limitations: Grants in Nürnberg only Focus: Cult; Arts; Music 04314 Kulturstiftung der Städtischen S p a r k a s s e O f f e n b a c h a m Main, Berliner Str 46, 63065 Offenbach am Main T: (069) 8067500; Fax: 8067666 Established: 1963; Donor(s): Städtische Sparkasse Offenbach am Main Assets: DM 1.004.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in Offenbach am Main only Focus: Cult 04315 Kulturstlftung der VR Leasing, c/o VR Leasing GmbH, Hauptstr 131-137, 65760 Eschborn T: (06196) 9930; Fax: 993199 Established: 1998; Donor(s): VR Leasing GmbH Focus: Theat; Music; Lit; Archit; Des . . 04316 Kulturstiftung der Z F Friedrichshafen A G , 88038 Friedrichshafen T: (07541) 777114; Fax: 777550; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.zfgroup.de Established: 1990; Chair: Dietmar W. Pfister, Donor(s): ZF Friedrichshafen AG Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,-/DM 300.000,Focus: Cult; Arts; Schol 04317 Kulturstiftung d e s Freistaates S a c h s e n , KariLiebknecht-Str 56, 01109 Dresden T: (0351) 884800, 6848011; Fax: 8848016; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.kulturstittung-sachsen.de Established: 1993; Secy: Dr. Jürgen Uwe Ohlau, Donor(s): Freistaat Sachsen Expenditures: DM 3.100.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Cult; Arts 04318 Kulturstiftung d e s L a n d e s Schleswig-Holstein, Brunswiker Str 16-22, 24105 Kiel T: (0431) 9685863; Fax: 9885857; E-Mail: helgakoslo wski @ ku milandsh.de Established: 1984; Donor(s): Land SchleswigHolstein Expenditures: DM 800.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Cult; Arts; Hist 04319 Kulturstiftung d e s Landkreises Stollberg/Erzgebirge, c/o Landratsamt Stollberg/Erzgebirge, Uhlmannstr 1-3, 09366 Stollberg/Erzgebirge T: (037296) 591381; Fax: 591433 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Landkreis Stollberg Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Stollberg/Erzgebirge only Focus: Cult; Arts 04320 Kulturstiftung DessauWörlitz, Schloß Großkühnau, 06846 Dessau T: (0340) 646150; Fax: 6461510; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ksdw.de Established: 1918; Chair: Dr. Thomas Weiss, Donor(s): Land Sachsen-Anhalt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Landsc 04321 Kulturstiftung D r e s d e n der Dresdner Bank, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2636078 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Dresdner Bank AG Expenditures: DM 1.900.000,Limitations: Grants in Dresden only Focus: Cult; Town 04322 Kulturstiftung für d e n Landkreis M e r z i g · W a d e r n , c/o Landratsamt Merzig-Wadem, Bahnhofstr 44, 66663 Merzig T: (06861) 80100, 80115; Fax: 80113 Established: 1988; Chair: Michael Kreiselmeyer, Donor(s): Landkreis Merzig-Hadem, Sparkasse Merzig-Hadem Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Merzig-Hadem only Focus: Cult 04323 Kulturstiftung für d e n Landkreis N o r d w e s t m e c k l e n b u r g , c/o Sparkasse Mecklenburg-Nordwest, Direktion GDB-GVM, Sparkassenpl 2, 23936 Grevesmühlen Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Nordwestmecklenburg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Hist 04324
Kulturstiftung H a m e l n , Osterstr 2, 31785 Hameln Τ: (05151) 202276; Fax: 202651 Established: 1991; Donops): Arbeitgeberverband der Unternehmen irn mittleren Wesergebiet e.V., IHK, Kreishartdwerkerschaft, Einzelhandelsverband, DEHOGA, Stadt Hameln Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Hameln only Focus: Cult; Ails; Music 04325
Kulturstiftung Pro Bielefeld, c/o Rechtsanwälte Brandi, Dröge, Piltz, Heuer & Gronemeyer, ElsaBrändström-Str 1-3, 33602 Bielefeld T: (0521) 965350; Fax: 9653599; E-Mail: Bielefeld® bdphg.de Established: 1997 Expenditures: DM 65,000,Limitations: Grants in Bielefeld only Focus: Arts; Cult 04338
Kulturstlftung H a n s e s t a d t Lübeck, Mengstr 4, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 1224192; Fax: 1224140; E-Mail: ¡[email protected]; Internet: http:// www.buddenbrookhaus.de Established: 1995; Chair Senator Ulrich Meyenborg, Secy: Dr. Ada Hadeisbach, Donor(s): Hansestadt Lübeck Expenditures: DM 396.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 04326
Kulturstlftung Rottwell, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Hauptstr 21-23, 7862Θ Rottweil Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants in Rottweil only Focus: Cult 04339
Kulturstiftung H a u s Europa, c/o Maecenata, Barer Str 44, 80799 München T: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: khe@ maecenata-management.de Established: 1990; Chain Gabriele Muschter, Secy: Maecenata Management, Donor(s): Ministerium für Kultur der DDR Assets: DM 525.000,·, Expenditures: D M 60.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 04327
Kulturstlftung Ruhr, Hügel 15, 45133 Essen T: (0201) 413981, 422559; Fax: 421048; E-Mail: kuftur.huegel ©cityweü.de; Internet: http:// www.essen.de/kultur/villa-huegel/ Established: 1984; Chair: Prof. Dr. h.c. Berthold Beitz, Secy: Prof. Dr. Paul Vogt, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. h.c. Berthold Beitz Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Ruhrgebiet only Focus: Cult; Arts; Hist 04341
Kulturstiftung HBS, c/o Sparkasse Uelzen, Veerßer Str 42, 29525 Uelzen T: (0581) 84181; Fax: 84888 Established: 1998; Donops): Dr. Heinz Schiming, Brigitte Schiming Focus: Arts; Cult 04328
Kulturstlftung SchloB A g a t h e n b u r g , Hauptstr, 21684 Agathenburg Τ: (04141) 64011; Fax: 64861 Established: 1992; Secy: Bettina Roggmann, Donor(s): Landkreis Stade Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Music 04342
Kulturstiftung H e i m a t u n d W e i n Leiwen, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, 54340 Leiwen Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Leiwen only Focus: Cult; Wine 04329 Kulturstlftung Hohenlohe, Postfach 1362, 74643 Künzelsau T: (07940) 18373; Fax: 18363 Established: 1993; Chair: Kraft Fürst zu Hohenlohe· Oehringen, Donorjs): Hohenlohekreis Expenditures: DM 445.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Hohenlohe only Focus: Cult; Arts; Theat; Music; Lit . . . 04330 Kulturstiftung H o h e n m ö l s e n , Wilhelm-Külz-Str 7, 06679 Hohenmölsen Τ: (034441) 21511; Fax: 21565 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Gemeinde Großgrimm Limitations: Grants in Hohenmölsen only Focus: Mon; Hist; Cult 04331 Kulturstiftung K l i n g e n d e s S c h w a b e n , Burgauer Str 34, 86381 Krumbach T: (08282) 82441; Fax: 81787; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Chair: Christi Kling, Donops): Karl und Christi Kling Limitations: Grants in the region of Schwaben only Focus: Music 04332 Kulturstiftung Kreis R e n d s b u r g - E c k e m f ö r d e , c/o Kreisverwaltung Rendsburg-Eckemförde, Kaiserstr 8, 24768 Rendsburg T: (04331) 202201; Fax: 202295 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Kreis Rendsburg· Eckemförde Assets: DM 100.000,· Limitations; Grants in the district of Kreis Rendsburg-Eckemförde only Focus: Cult; Hist 04333 Kulturstlftung Leipzig, Stiftung für Denkmalpflege, Stadtkultur und Umweltschutz, Nikolaikirchhof 2, 04109 Leipzig T: (0341) 2118518; Fax: 2118520 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Leipzig only Focus: Cult; Mon; Eco!; SocW 04334 Kulturstiftung Meiningen, Bemhardtstr 5, 98617 Meiningen Τ: (03693) 454129, 454163; Fax: 454122, 502285; E-Mail: Das-Meininger-Tiwater.de; Internet: www.Das-Meininger-1iieater.de Established: 1997; Chair: Ina Bauche, Donor(s): Freistaat Thüringen, Landkreis SchmalkaldenMeiningen, Stadt Meiningen Expenditures: 32.978.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Theat; Arts 04335
Kulturstiftung Rügen, A m Markt 14, 18528 Bergen/Rügen Established: 1997; Donops): Landkreis Rügen Limitations: Grants on the island of Rügen only Focus: Cult; Arts; Hist 04340
Kulturstlftung SchloB Britz, AH Britz 73, 12359 Berlm T: (030) 6066051; Fax: 6064809 Established: 1989 Assets: DM 699.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only; no grants to individuals Focus: Cult; Mon 04343 Kulturstiftung Sparkasse Moers, Ostring 4-5, 47441 Moers Τ: (02841) 206232; Fax: 206444 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Sparkasse Moers Expenditures: DM 331.000,Limitations: Grants in Moers only Focus: Cult; Music; Lit; Theat; Arts . . . 04344 Kulturstiftung Sparkasse Ostholstein, c/o Sparkasse Ostholstein, A m Rosengarten 3, 23701 Eutin T: (04521) 85210, 85212; Fax: 85208; Internet: www.spk-ostholstein.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Sparkasse Ostholstein Expenditures: DM 65.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Ostholstein only Focus: Arts; Cult; Hist 04345 Kulturstlftung Sparkasse S c h l e s w i g · Flensburg, Stadtweg 18 , 24837 Schleswig T: (04621) 891101; Fax: 891109 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Sparkasse SchleswigFlensburg Limitations: Grants in the region of SchleswigFlensburg only Focus: Cult; Arts; Hist 04346 Kulturstiftung Sparkasse Trier, Theodor-HeussAllee 1, 54292 Trier T: (0651) 7121010/11; Fax: 7121009; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.sparkasse-trier.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse Trier Assets: DM 4.500.000,Limitations: Grants in Trier only Focus: Cult; Arts; Mon; Hist 04347 Kulturstlftung Sparkasse Unna, Bahnhofstr 37, 59423 Unna Τ: (02303) 104221; Fax: 104110; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.spk-unna.de Established: 1989; Chair Bürgermeister Wilhelm Dördelmann, Secy: Prof. Klaus Dunker, Donor(s): Sparkasse Unna Assets: DM 555.000,-, Receipts: DM 30.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Unna only Focus: Cult; Arts; Mon 04348
Kulturstiftung O b e r b e r g der K r e i s s p a r k a s s e Köln, c/o Kreissparkasse Köln, Neumarkt 18-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272400; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Köln Expenditures: DM 429.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Oberbergischer Kreis only Focus: Music; Lit Theat; Arts; Mon; Hist . 04336
Kulturstlftung Speyer, c/o Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Speyer, Wormser Str 39, 67346 Speyer T: (06232) 103214; Fax: 103420; E-Mail: Kontakt@ Sparkasse-Speyer.de; Internet: www.Sparkasse-Speyer.de Established: 1993; Secy: Uwe Wöhlert Expenditures: DM 13.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Speyer only Focus: Arts; Lit; Music; Theat 04349
Kulturstiftung Offenburg, Ritterstr 10, 77652 Offenburg Τ: (0781) 824255; Fax: 827521 Established: 1976; Secy: Michael Friedmann, Donops): Stadt Offenburg Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Hist; Mon; Schol . . . 04337
Kulturstiftung Stadt Buxtehude, c/o Stadt Buxtehude, Kulturabteilung, Stavenort 5, 21614 Buxtehude T: (0461) 501241; Fax: 501423 Established: 1994 Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Grants in Buxtehude only Focus: Cult; Arts; Music; Tbeal; Town . . 04350
Kulturstiftung S t a d t s p a r k a s s e Neustadt a n der Welrwtrafle, c/o Stadtsparkasse Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Schûtt 11, 67433 Neustadt an der Weinstraße T: (06321) 892100; Fax: 30004 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Neustadt an der Weinstraße Limitations: Grants in Neustadt an der Weinstraße only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Hist 04351 Kulturstlftung S t a d t s p a r k a s s e Wedel, c/o Stadtsparkasse Wedel, Gorch-Fock-Str 2, 22880 Wedel T: (04103) 966290; Fax: 966288 Established: 1995; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Wedel Limitations: Grants in Wedel only Focus: Arts; Cult; Hist; Youth; Sen; SocW 04352 Kulturstlftung Waiblingen, Kurze Str 33, 71332 Waiblingen Τ: (07151) 5001211/12; Fax: 5001421 Established: 1984; Donops): Albrecht und Karin Villinger Expenditures: DM 38.000,Limitations: Grants in Waiblingen only Focus: Cult 04353 Wilhelm Kumpf-Stlftung, Schubartstr 24, 73312 Geislingen Τ: (07331) 93720; Fax: 937248 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Wilhelm Kumpf Expenditures: DM 8.000,· Focus: Ecol; Mon 04354 Stiftung Rheingrafenstein Max und Hertha Kuna, Berliner Str 77, 55583 Bad Münster T: (06708) 1365; Fax: 1365 Established: 1989; Chair: Walter Schaust, Donops): Max und Hertha Kuna Assets: DM 19.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 800.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Münster am SteinEbemburg only Focus: Cult; SocW 04355 Julius und Gertraud Kunert-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 87509 Immenstadt T: (08323) 914103; Fax: 914190 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Julius Kunert Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants to sports d u b s in Immenstadt only Focus: Sports 04356 Kurt Gerd Kunkel-Stiftung, Meisenweg 13, 63741 Aschaffenburg Τ: (06021) 423802 Established: 1982; Donops): Kurt Gerd Kunkel Assets: DM 1.599.600,·, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants in Aschaffenburg only Focus: Mon; Arts 04357 Kunst-Stiftung Celle, c/o Stadt Celle. Amt für Kunst und Kultur, 29220 Celle T: (05141) 12355; Fax: 12495 Established: 1992; Secy: Susanne McDowell Limitations: Grants in Celle only Focus: Arts 04358 Hermann Kunst-Stiftung zur F ö r d e r u n g der neutestamentllchen T e x t f o r s c h u n g In Münster, Georgskommende 7, 48143 Münster Τ: (0251) 8322581; Fax: 8322582 Established: 1964; Chair Landesbischof Christian Krause, Secy: Prof. Dr. Barbara Aland, Donor{s): Bischof Dr. Hermann Kunst Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 04359 Kunst- u n d Kultur-Stiftung der S p a r k a s s e In B r e m e n , A m Brill 1, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 1792022; Fax: 1792986 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Sparkasse in Bremen Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bremen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Music; Lit; Theat; Mon . 04360 Kunst- u n d Kulturstiftung G e o r g s m a r l e n h ü t t e , c/o Stadt Georgsmarienhütte, Postfach 1420, 49112 Georgsmarienhütte T: (05401) 850247; Fax: 850446 Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants in Georgsmarienhütte only Focus: Arts; Cult 04361 Kunststiftung Baden-WOrttemberg, Gerokstr 37, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2364720; Fax: 2361049; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kunststiftung.de Established: 1977; Chair: Helmut Rau, Secy: Ingeborg Kimmig Assets: DM 2.200.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Arts; Lit; Music 04362 Kunststiftung der S t a d t s p a r k a s s e M a g d e b u r g , c/o Stadtsparkase Magdeburg, Untemehmenskommunikation, Postfach 4020, 39015 Magdeburg Τ: (0391) 2506463; Fax: 2508834 Established: 1997; Secy: Jutta Ritzmann, Donops): Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg Expenditures: DM 64.000,Limitations: Grants in Magdeburg only Focus: Arts; Theat; Music; Lit 04363
Kunststiftung Landesbank Schleswig-Holstein, c/o Girozentrale, Martensdamm 6, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 9001033; Fax: 9001032 Established: 1992; Donops): Landesbank SchleswigHolstein Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Arts 04364 Kunststiftung Sparkasse Bonn, Friedenspl 1, 53111 Bonn Τ: (022Θ) 6061063; Fax: 6061080 Established: 1984; Donops): Sparkasse Bonn Assets: DM 5.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 325.000,Umitations: Grants in Bonn only Focus: Arts 04365 Kunststlftung Volkswagen, c/o Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Porschestr 53, 38440 Wolfsburg Τ: (05361) 26690; Fax: 266966; E-Mail: info@kunstmuseum-woffsburg,de; Internet: httpjl www.kunstmuseum-wolfsburg.cie Established: 1987; Chair Jürgen Schoz, Gijs van Tuyl Assets: DM 15.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Woltsburg only Focus: Arts 04366 Pfarrer Kuntz'sche König Ludwig III und Königin Maria-Therese-Stiftung. Hauptstr 61, 76889 Kapsweyer T: (06340) 919572; Fax: 919571 Established: 1917; Donops): Pfarrer Andreas Kuntz Expenditures: DM 346.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus; SocW; Educ; Nurs 04367 Hans Kunz-Stiftung, Bahnhotstr 30-32, 71107 Waldenbuch 04366 Herbert Kunze Stiftung, Stemtaler für Kinder, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Menges, Herzogstr 127, 80796 München T: (069) 30779522; Fax: 30779523 Established: 1995; Chair Dr. Evelyne Menges, Donops): Herbert Kunze Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Educ; Scie; Res; Health; Eng; Arts; Sports; Child; Youth 04369 Josef Karl Kunz'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marldpi 2, 93413 Cham Τ: (09971) 85790; Fax: 6811 Established: 1906; Donor(s): Josef Karl Kunz Assets: DM 1.100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 18.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Rei 04370 Hans Kupcyk-Stlftung, c/o Universität Ulm, Präsidialbüro, Al bert-Ei nstei η - AI lee 5, 89081 Ulm Τ: (0731) 5022002; Fax: 5022200 Established: 1985; Donops): Ehrensenator Hans Kupcyk Assets: DM 250.000,Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 04371 Senator Hans Kupczyk-Stiftung, Fraschstr 25, 74405 Gaildorf T: (07971) 6007; Fax: 6000 Established: 1994; Donops): Gerda Kupczyk Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Gaildorf only Focus: Sen; Cult; Rei 04372 Hermann Kupsch-Stiftung, im Druseltal 8, 34131 Kassel Τ: (0561) 3087210; Fax: 3087270 Established: 1992; Chair Bankdirektor Hermann Sörgel, Secy: Fritz Kaufmann, Donor(s): Hermann Kupsch Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 120.000,·, Expenditures: DM 120.000,ümitations: Grants to CVJM in Germany only Focus: Youth 04373 Kuratorium Hilfe für die Balkanländer. Postfach 2644, 53016 Bonn T: (0228) 213061, 2426586; Fax: 2423220 Established: 1994 Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in the Balkans only Focus: Dev; Warv; IntU; East
Kurhessen-Stlftung. Kabemühlenweg 13, 34369 Hofgeismar Τ: (05671) 2492; Fax: 925478 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Eva Herrmann, Dr. Maria Jursch, Dr. Heinz Döring Limitations: Grants in the regions of North Hessen and East Hessen only Focus: Sen; Psychia 04375 Kurhessisches Dlakonlssenhaus Kassel, Goethestr 85, 34119 Kassel Τ: (0561) 1002422; Fax: 1002421; E-Mail: diakonissenhau.ksQekkw.de; Internet http:// www.ekkw.de/diakonissenhaus.kassel Established: 1902 Expenditures: DM 60.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Nurs 04376 Kurz-Seitz'sche Stiftung, Beethovenstr 14, 73663 Berglen Τ: (07195) 975721; Fax: 975737 Established: 1993; Chain Dieter Steinwand, Donor(s): Reiner Kurz Expenditures: DM 66.000,· Limitations; Grants in Berglen only Focus: Ecol 04377
Dr. Ing. Eduard Kurz-Stfftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursulalang θ stk.stadt.nuemberg.de; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1980; Donor(s): Gertrud Kurz Assets: DM 126.936,·. Receipts: DM 54.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Schoi; Educ 04376 Johann Nepomuk von Kurz-Stlftung zur Förderung von körperbehinderten Menschen, Kurzstr 2, 81547 München T: (089) 64258148; Fax: 64258400; E-Mail: kurz· [email protected] Established: 1991; Chair. Dr. Wolfdieter Rupp. Donor(s); Stiftung Bayerische Landesschule für Körperbehinderte Assets: DM 2.095.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 04379 Gertrud Kusen-Stiftung, Waldweg 2, 21227 T: (04183) 6362; Fax: 6361; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Donops): Gertrud Kusen Expenditures: DM 165.000,Focus: Opht; Schol
Henrik und Edith Kuszner-Stiftung, : 5, 81679 München T: (089) 984151, 4314422; Fax: 43650025 Established: 1988 Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and Israel only Focus: NatS; Med; Nurs; Jew 04381 Paul Kuth-Stlftung, Friedrich-Ebeit-Str 1, 42103 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 3902315; Fax: 3902192; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1970; Secy: Brigitte Maas, Donor(s): Paul Kuth Assets: DM 18.800.000,·, Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04382 Monika Kutzner-Sttftung, Dreilindenstr 30, 14109 Berlin T: (030) 8037131; Fax: 80404062 Established: 1995; Chain Edmund Pattberg, Donor(s): Christa Kutzner Assets: DM 6.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 360.000,-, Expenditures: DM 210.000,· Focus: Cane 04383 Emilie Kwiet-Stiftung, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Gummersbach, Von-Steinen-Str 2, 51643 Gummersbach Τ: (02261) 22133; Fax: 25147 Established: 1960; Donor(s): Emilie Kwiet Assets: DM 41.865,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Orp 04384 Kyffhäuser- und Finanzsportstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz, Frftz-von-Wille-Str 77, 54296 Trier T: (0651) 9360184 Established: 1986; Donops): Kyffhäuser Bund e.V., Sozialwer1( e.V. Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz onfy Focus: SocW; Warv; IntU; Sports . . . . 04385 Kynos Stiftung Hunde helfen Menschen, Am Remelsbach 30, 54570 Mürlenbach T: (06594) 653; Fax: 452; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand 04386 Matthias Lackas-Stlftung, tío Steuerberater Siegfried Götz, Geranienstr 4, 73663 Berglen Established: 1985; Donor(s): Gerda Lackas Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 04387 Otto Lacmann-SWtung, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Abteilung III A 23, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin Τ: (030) 31424163 Established: 1987; Donops): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Albenz Assets: DM 82,000,·, Receipts: DM 3.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität Berlin only. Universität Berlin only Focus: NatS; Schol 04388 von Laengenfeld-Pfalzheim'sche AussteuerStiftung Burglengenfekl, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 93133 Burglengenfeld T: (09471) 701817; Fax: 701845 Established: 1846; Donor(s): Josefine Haas Assets: DM 851.000,· Limitations: Wedding grants to needy girls in the region of Burglengenfeld onfy. Wedding grants to needy girls in the region of Burglengenfeld only Focus: Worn 04389
Gießener Eltemstiftung fur krebskranke Kinder Walter Lahme, Gartenstr 21, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe Τ: (06172) 684762; Fax: 7106313 Established: 1993; Donops): Deutsche Leukämie· Forschungshilfe Ortsverband Gießen e.V. Expenditures: DM 295.000,Limitations: Grants to Kinderklinik Gießen only Focus: Cane; Ped 04390 Joan Ph. und Elske W.H. Laman Trip-Stiftung, tío Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1998; Donops): Elske W.H. Laman Trip-Kleinstarink, Joan Ph. Laman Trip Limitations: Predetermined grants in Friedrichstadt/Schleswig-Holsteiri only Focus: Mon 04391 Lambertistift, Aiexanderstr 60-62, 26121 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 969970; Fax: 9699729 Established: 1882; Donor(s): Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Oldenburg/Oldenburg Expenditures: DM 3.850.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Dr. Fritz Landenberger-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Esslingen am Neckar, Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 269, 73726 Esslingen am Neckar T: (0711) 35122313; Fax: 35122908 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Dr. Fritz Landenberger Expenditures: DM 91.000,Limitations: Grants in Esslingen am Neckar only Focus: Cult; Arts; Scie; Mon 04393 Landesblindenstiftung Sachsen, Louis-Braiile-Str 6, 01099 Dresden Τ: (0351) 8043330; Fax: 8043330 Established: 1950; Chair: Dr. Preuße Expenditures: DM 270.000,Limrtations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Blinds 04394 Landeskreditbank-Muslkstiftung, c/o Bayerisches Landesamt für Versorgung und Familienfòrderung, Friedrichstr 24, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1222642; Fax: 1222674 Established: 1990 Assets: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at music colleges in the state of Baden-Württemberg only Focus: Music; Schol 04395 Landesstiftung HiHe fur Mutter und Kind. c/o Bayerisches Landesamt für Versorgung und Familienförderung, Schellingstr 155, 80797 München T: (089) 126102; Fax: 12612032 Established: 1918; Donor(s): König Ludwig III. und Königin Marie Therese von Bayern Limitations: Grants to citizens of Bayern only Focus: Child; Worn 04396 Landesverband Lippe HermannsdenkmalStiftung, Schloßstr 18, 32657 Lemgo Τ: (05261) 25020; Fax: 250287; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1875; Donor(s): Emst von Bändel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 04397 Landgraf Moritz-Stiftung, Postfach 100329, 34003 Kassel T: (0561) 3105200 Established: 1955; Secy: Ursula Quandt, Donor(s): Philipp Landgraf von Hessen, Dr. Karl Vötterie, Prof. Dr. Friedrich Blume, Dr. Richard Baum Focus: Music 04398 Fritz Landmann-Sttftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Hensell, Oberstr 115, 20149 Hamburg T: (040) 456444 Established: 1973 Focus: Voc; Pap 04399 Landpflegestiftung, c/o Stadt Ansbach, Stadkämmerei, Stadthaus, 91522 Ansbach T: (0981) 51209 Assets: DM 38.500,·, Expenditures: DM 1.700,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to citizens of Ansbach only Focus: SocW; Schol 04400 Landschaftsmuseum Obermaln, c/o Stadt Kulmbach, Stiftungsreferat, Martópl 1, 95326 Kulmbach Τ: (09221) 940322; Fax: 940279 Established: 1979; Donops): Stadt Kulmbach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04401 Prof. Dr. Dietrich Lang-Hlnrlchsen-Stìftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen® verwahung.uni-mainz.de
Established: 1979; Donor(s): Klara Beitiardine Elise Lang-Hinrichsen Expenditures: DM 55.000,· Limitations: Grants to Johannes GutenbergUniversität in Mainz only Focus: Law 04402
- 04418
Germany: Lantz'sche
Markus Lang-Stiftung, Ludwigsburger Str 65, 71726 Benningen T: (07144) 8585200 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Herbert und Rita Lang Limitations: Grants to citizens of the state of Baden-Württemberg abroad only. Grants to citizens of the state of Baden-Württemberg abroad only Focus: SocW; Law 04403 Heinrich und Amalie Lang-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1966 Assets: DM 236.300,-, Receipts: DM 17.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Sen 04404 Friedrich und Dorothea Langbein-Stiftung, c/o Christine Feddersen, Gârtnerstr 28a, Hamburg T: (040) 5319907 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Margarethe Langbein, Dorothea Langbein Focus: Sen 04405 Lange-Schucke-Stiftung. c/o Alexandra-Stiftung, Hortensienstr 17a, 12203 Berlin T: (030) 8419070; Fax: 8315837 Established: 1892; Donor(s): Adelheid Klara Lange Expenditures: DM 7.470.000,04406 Ernst A.C. Länge-Stiftung, Baumwollbörse, 28195 Bremen Τ: (0421) 339530 Established: 1978 Focus: NatS; Math; Eng; Educ 04407 Dr. Ulrich Länge-Stiftung, Buscher Holzweg 100, 47802 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 95690; Fax: 564304 Limitations: Grants in Krefeld only . . . 04408 Grete Länge-Stiftung, Weicheier Damm 25, 27356 Rotenburg/Wümme Τ: (04261) 960234; Fax: 960235 Established: 1982; Doror(s): Grete Lange Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants in Rotenburg/Wümme only 04409 Förderungsstiftung Langelüdcky, tío Philharmonie, Matthâikichstr 1, 10785 Berlin Established: 1996 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 04410 Julius Langenbach-Stiftung, Fabristr 10, 53225 Bonn Established: 1902 Assets: DM 2.753.000,Umilations: Grants to needy Gemían musicians only Focus: SocW; Music 04411 Hans Langendorff-Stiftung, Uhlandstr 9, 79122 Freiburg T: (0761) 70500; Fax: 7050070; E-Mail: info® krieger-und-partner-gbr.de Established: 1986; Chair: Prof. Dr. H. Frommhold. Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hanns Langendorff Assets: DM 400.000,-, Receipts: DM 25.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Rad 04412 Regina von Langenmantel'sche Hausstiftung, Schloß Hammel, 86356 Neusäss T: (0821) 487088 Established: 1777; Donops): Maria Regina von Stetten Expenditures: 70.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the von Hößlin, von Schnurbein and von Stetten families only 04413 Langesche Stiftung, Tteaterstr 14, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 321426; Fax: 321436 Established: 1867; Donops): Karl Lange Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Hannover only 04414 Johann Wolfgang Langgutfi-Stiftung, Postfach 1105, 56831 Traben-Traibach Τ: (06541) 17220; Fax: 17200 Established: 1976; Chair. Dr. Albrecht Leuschner, Secy: Heinrich Barois, Donor(s): Johann Wolfgang Langguth Expenditures: DM 400.000,Focus: Mon; Hand; Child 04415 Heinrich Langhans-Stiftung, Grambeker Weg 52, 23879 Mölln Τ: (04542) 2589, 803151; Fax: 5986 Established; 1905; Donops): Heinrich Langhans Expenditures: DM 426.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 04416 Hans und Klementia Langmatz-Stiftung, Riesserseestr 51, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen T: (08821) 57495 Established: 1990; Donops): Klementia Langmatz Focus: Hand 04417 Ludwig Lantz'sche Stiftung, tío Katholisches Pfarramt Lohausen, Im Grund 99, 40474 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 432824 Established: 1954 Limitations: Grants to the youth in DüsseldorfLohausen only 04418
Germany: Lanz-Stiftung
04419 -04475
Heinrich Lanz-Stiftung, Feldbergsir 68-70, 68163 Mannheim Τ: (0621) 8106344; Fax: 8106355 Established: 1916; Donor{s): Heinrich Lanz Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 04419 Heinrich und Julia Lanz-Stiftung, Steubenstr 3642, 68163 Mannheim T: (0621) 8104204, 8104318; Fax: 8104340 Established: 1897; Chair Klaus Hermann, Donor(s): Heinrich und Julia Lanz Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Deere & Co. (Mannheim) only Focus: SocW 04420 Emil und Maria Lanz-Stiftung, Rathauspl 1, 88677 Markdorf Τ: (07544) 5000; Fax: 500200 Established: 1934; Donor(s): Emil und Maria Lanz Assets: DM 2.200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 287.000,Limitations: Grants in Markdorf only Focus: Arts; Cult; Econ; Cons; SocW; Fam 04421 Oskar Lapp-Stlftung, c/o Lapp GmbH & Co. KG, Schulze-Delitzsch-Str 25, 70565 Stuttgart Established: 1992; Dorior(s): Ursula Lapp Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Card 04422 Stiftung Lauenstein, Haagweg 25, 61231 Bad Nauheim Τ: (06032) 73744; Fax: 73744 Established: 1993 Assets: DM 6.050.000,Focus: Hand; Anthrop 04423 Alois-Lauer-Stlftung, Postfach 1560, 66748 Dillingen/Saar T: (06831) 79319; Fax: 707531; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.lauer-gbz.de/ Established: 1984; Chair: Dr. Manfred Breyer, Donor(s): Alois Lauer Limitations: Predetermined grants in the district of Landkreis Predetermined grants in the district of Landkreis Saarlouis and in Dillingen and Nalbach only Focus: Med; Youth; Sports 04424 Heinz und Sibylle Laufer-Stiftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Ref. III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Heinz Laufer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; Schol 04425 Helmut Laumann-Stiftung, Breitestr 9, 53902 Bad Münstereifel T: (02257) 1540 Secy: Andreas Bartels Focus: Educ 04426 Christa und Hermann Laur-Stiftung, Ratbaus, Aachstr 4, 88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen Established: 1970 Focus: Youth; Educ 04427 Richard Lauschmann-Stiftung, llvesheimerstr 58, 68259 Mannheim T: (0621) 791867 Established: 1996; Chair: Dr. Elisabeth Lauschmann, Donor(s): Dr. Elisabeth Lauschmann Expenditures: DM 29.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 04428 Josef Lauten-Stiftung, Haiiptstr 143, 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück Τ: (05242) 4090; Fax: 45640 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Josef Lauten Expenditures: DM 29.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult 04429 Otto Lauterbach-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursula-Lang®stk.stadt.nuemberg.de; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuernberg.de Established: 1960; Donor(s): Oberstudienrat a.D. Otto Lauterbach Assets: DM 662.202,-, Receipts: DM 31.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Grants to citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Blinds; Warv 04430 Ursula Lautner'sche Wohltatlgkeltssttftung, c/o Marktgemeinde Massing, Marktpl 20, 84323 Massing T: (08724) 96160; Fax: 961690 Established: 1902; Chair: 1. Bürgermeister Lothar Müller, Donor(s): Ursula Lautner Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Massing only Focus: SocW 04431 Schenkung Lautrach, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1966 Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Applications not accepted Focus: Phil; NatS; Uni 04432
Johann Daniel Lawaetz-Sttftung, Neumûhten 1620. 22763 Hamburg T: (040) 3984120; Fax: 397548; E-Mail: info® lawaetz.de Established: 1986; Chair: Karin Schmalriede, Donops): Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Assets: DM 50.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 4.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; SocW; Unemp; Town . . . 04433 Gebrüder Lay-Stiftung Junge Sportler, Im Elbboden 2, 65549 Limburg T: (06431) 933625; Fax: 933699 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Firma Gebrüder Lay Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Nassau only Focus: Sports 04434 Theodor Laymann-Sttftung, c/o Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Transferetelte, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 731 Established: 1979; Donops): Theodor Laymann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Chem 04435 LazaretHfrüher Stechhaus-)Stfftung Β arching, do Landratsamt, Postfach 1405, 92318 NeumaiM T: (09181) 4203915; Fax: 4202212; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1374 Expenditures: DM 400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ger 04436 Lazarettstiftung, c/o Krankenhaus und Seniorenzentrum Beilngries, Kelheimer Str 1, 92339 Beilngries T: (08461) 7060; Fax: 706406 Chair: 1. Bürgermeister der Stadt Beilngries, Secy: Leiter des Krankenhauses und Seniorenzentrums Beilngries Focus: Nurs; Sen 04437 Leben mit HIV und AIDS, Perleberger Str 27, 10559 Berlin T: (030) 3953575; Fax: 3953575 Established: 1997; Donops): Heinz Bergner, Hans Stoermer Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: AIDS 04438 Lebenshilfe Schmerlenbaeh Wohnheimstiftung, Haibacher Str 50, 63768 T: (06021) 63620; Fax: 636250 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Lebenshille Werkstätten e.V. Schmerlenbach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; Hand 04439 Lebenshllfe-Stlftung Kreis Heinsberg, RichardWagner-Str 5, 52525 Heinsberg Τ: (02452) 9690; Fax: 969199; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.LebenshiHe-Heinsberg.de Established: 1997; Chain Jürgen Rosenthal, Donops): Lebenshilfe für Behinderte e.V. Kreis Heinsberg Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Heinsberg only Focus: Hand 04440 Lebensnerv-Stiftung zur Federung der psychosomatischen MS-Forschung, do Dr. Sigrid Amade, Krantorweg 1, 13503 Berlin T: (030) 4363542; Fax: 4364442; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/wwwJebensnerv.de Established: 1991; Chair: Dr. Sigrid Amade, Donor(s): Susanne Same, Dr. Sigrid Amade Assets: DM 100.000.Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: MuttS 04441 Alf-Lechner-Stiftung, Isardamm 20, 82538 Geretsried Established: 1999; Donops): Alf Lectiner Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts
Heinrich-Maria Ledlg-Rowohft-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Hans-Jürgen P. G roth, Neuer Wall 72, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 3696560; Fax: 36965656 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Jane Ledig-Rowohtt Assets: DM 1.700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit 04443 Leer'sche Stiftung für arme Walsenkinder und Vereinigte Beihllfenstiftung, c/o Stadt Bayreuth, Stiftungsamt, Postfach 101052, 95410 Bayreulh T: (0921) 251218; Fax: 251305 Established: 1949 Expenditures: DM 28.000,· Limitations: Grants in Bayreuth only Focus: Orp 04444 Leffers-Sportstiftung Neukölln, Bahnhofstr 23, 33602 Bielefeld Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Ernst Letters Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Berlin-Neukölln only Focus: Sports 04445
Gebrüder Leffere-Stiftung, Postfach 3040, 49020 Osnabrück Established: 1928; Donops): Gebr. Leffers AG Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; SocW 04446 Dr. Helmut Legerlotz-Stiftung, Himbeinstr 5, 87480 Weitnau Τ: (08375) 97303; Fax: 97304 Established: 1967; Chain Dr. Horst Kollmann, Donor(s): Dr. Helmut Legertotz Focus: Law 04447 Alfred Lehmann-Stiftung, Alexanderstr 163, 70180 Established: 1970 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts
. 04448
Dr. Friedrich Lehner-Stlftung, c/o Freundeskreis der Universität Hannover e.V., Wilheim-Busch-Str 4, 30167 Hannover Τ: (0511) 76219111/12; Fax: 76219113 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Marlen Lehner, Dr. Friedrich Lehrter Assets: DM 4.054.000,-, Expenditures: DM 213.000,Focus: Traf 04449 Prof. Emst Lehnhardt-Stiftung, Siegesstr 15, 30175 Hannover T: (0511) 851682; Fax: 851682 Established: 1994; Chair Prof. Dr. Dr. Emst Lehnhardt, Secy: Prof. Dr. Dr, Emst Lehnhardt, Donops): Prof. Dr. Dr. Emst Lehnhardt Assets: DM 1.050.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Ped; Deafs 04450 Lehrmittelstiftung Schiller-Gymnasium, c/o Stadt Hameln, Abt. 14, Rathauspl 1, 31785 Hameln Τ: (05151) 202631; Fax: 202710 Established: 1980; Donops): Haus Bielefeld Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 0445/ Lelbnitz-Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie Halle/Saale, (formerly: Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie Halle/Saale), Weinberg 3, 06120 Halle/Saale T: (0345) 55820; Fax: 5582149; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.ipb.uni-halle.de Established: 1992; Secy: Prof. Dierk Scheel, Lothar Franzen, Donor(s): Land Sachsen-Anhalt Receipts: DM 20.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Chem; Biol 04452 Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie Magdeburg, Brenneckestr 6, 39118 Magdeburg T: (0391) 6263219; Fax: 616160 Established: 1992; Donops): Land Sachsen-Anhalt Assets: DM 12,976.000,Focus: Biol 04453 Lelbniz-Kolleg, Brunnenstr T: (07071) 2972147 Established: 1949; Donor(s): Freunde des Leibniz-Kollegs Expenditures: DM 600.000,· Limitations: Applications not Focus: Schol
34, 72074 Tübingen Gesellschaft der e.V. accepted 04454
Josef Leicht Stiftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt Waldstetten, Hauplstr 1, 73550 Waldstetten T: (07171) 4030; Fax: 44418 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Josef Leicht Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants in Waldstetten only Focus: Sen 04455 Theodor F. Leifeid-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Theodor F. Leifeld Expenditures: DM 383.000,Limitations: Grants to Kunstmuseum Ahlen only 04456 Joseph und Marie geb. L'Ami Leineckerstlftung, c/o Pfarrei Sankt Peter und Paul, Peterpl 8, 97070 Würzburg Established: 1930 Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 04457 Stiftung Lelnert-Haus, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 216771Θ; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1960; Donops): Paula Leinert Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Worn
Dr. Leinweber-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Gladenbach, Karl-WakjschmkJt-Str 3, 35075 Gladenbach T: (06462) 2010; Fax: 201101 Established: 1982; Donops): Dr. Berthold Leinweber Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in Gladenbach only . . 04459 Martin Lelsser-Stlftung, c/o Amt für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Brückenstr 3-7, 60594 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1940; Donor(s): Prof, Martin B. Leisser Focus: Arts 04460
Andreas Lembke-Stlftung, Eutiner Str 15, 23701 Eutin T: (04521) 71061/62; Fax: 71063 Established: 1947; Donor(s): Prof. Dr, Dr. Andreas Lembke Focus: Vir 04461 Lemmen-Stiftung, c/o Evangelische ( Lindau e.V., Postfach 1270, 88102 Lindau T: (08382) 2990; Fax: 299199 Established: 1984 Limitations: Grants in Lindau only . . . 04462 Paul-Lempp-Stlftung, Rotenbergsir 20, 70190 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2687970; Fax: 2687978; E-Mail: pls@ udfm.de; Internet: hftp://www.udfm.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Paul Lempp Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04463 Lenbach-Museums-Stlftung, do Stadtverwaltung, Lenbachpl 18, 86529 Schrobenhausen T: (08252) 90240; Fax: 90255 Established: 1937; Donops): Lolo von Lenbach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04464 Marianne und Heinrich Lenhardt-Stiftung, Kurpfalzstr 16, 67663 Kaiserslautem T: (0631) 28743 Established: 1998 Focus: Graph
Lenoir'sche Stiftung, c/o Magistrat der Stadt Kassel, Kämmerei, Stiftungsverwaltung, Obere Königstr 8, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7872002, 7877079 Established: 1893; Donops): George und André Lenoir Assets: DM 5.000.000,Focus: Child; Orp 04466 August Lenz-Stiftung, Pettenkoferstr 9, 80336 München Τ: (089) 51604350; Fax: 51604352; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1957; Donor(s): August Lenz Assets: DM 1.600.000,·, Expenditures: DM 220.000,Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München only. Applications not accepted . 04467 Hermann Lenz-Sttftung, do Rechtsanwältin Bartiara Hamm, Friedrichstr 17, 80801 München Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants and scholarships to young German writers only Focus: Lit; Schol 04468 Hans Lenze-Stiftung, Liegnitzer Str 5, 53340 Meckenheim Established: 1975; Donor(s): Lore Toyka Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 04469 Hans Lenze-Stiftung Aerzen, Postfach 101353, 31763 Hameln Τ: (05154) 822274 Established: 1990; Donops): Elisabeth Belling Limitations: Grants in the region of Weserbergland and in the district of Kreis Lippe only Focus: Elect; Mach; Electron; Educ; Compu 04470 Adolf und Helene Leonhard-Stiftung, Akazienstr 25, 73773 Aichwald Τ: (0711) 362364 Established: 1996; Donops): Prof. Dr. Ing. Adolf Otto August Leonhard, Helene Klara Leonhard Expenditures: DM 20,000,Limitations: Grants to needy persons only Focus: SocW 04471 Carl und Paul Leonhardt-Stlftung, Hamburger Str 277, 38114 Braunschweig Established: 1906 Limitations: Grants to former employees of Leonhardt & Söhne, Albert Limbach and Eckensberger & Co. (Braunschweig) only Focus: SocW 04472 Leopolddankstift, Turmstr 22, 06842 Dessau T: (0340) 8822319; Fax: 8822319 Established: 1749; Donor(s): Leopold Maximilian Fürst von Anhalt Expenditures: DM 270.000,Limrtations: Grants in the region of Dessau only Focus: Sen 04473 LepeMSnitz-Sttftung Alten- und Behindertenhilfe, Postfach 200624, 80335 München Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants in Fürstenfeldbruck and in the region of München only Focus: Sen; Hand 04474 Freiherrlich von Lepel'sche LandschaftsschutzStiftung Hoheneiche, Domäne 2, 34388 Trendelburg Τ: (05675) 6340 Established: 1983; Donorts): Dr. Gunther Freiherr von Lepel Assets: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 04475
04476 - 04528
Leproeen-Sttftung Stiefenhofen, Hauptstr 7, 88167 Stiefenhofen Τ: (08383) 7181 Established: 1525; Donops): Gräfin Magdalena von Oeningen Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Oberstaufen and Stiefenhofen only Focus: SocW 04476 Dr. August und Dr. Anni Leemüller Stiftung, c/o Bayerisches Apothekerhaus, Marìa-Theresia-Str 28, 81675 München Established: 1997; Donops): Dr. Anni Lesmüller Focus: Pharm 04477 Friedrich-Christian Lesser-Stlftung, Rosenstr 1, 80331 München T: (089) 2605002; Fax: 2607098; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Donops): Annelies, Heinz und Andreas Lesser Assets: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants in Nordhausen only Focus: Hist 04478 Theodor Leasing-Stiftung, c/o Firma Gundlach, Am Holzgraben 1, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 3109258 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants to Universtàt Hannover only Focus: Schol; Econ; Uni 04479 Lesslng-Sttftung, Schützenweg 30, 27243 Harpstedt Τ: (04244) 966320; Fax: 966321 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Johannis-FreimaurerLoge Lesssing an der Delme e.V. Expenditures: DM 47.000,Limitatjons: Grants to needy citizens of Delmenhorst only Focus: SocW 04430 Lotte Lettau-Stlftung, c/o Hannover, RÔselerstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 16843950; Fax: 16845062 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Lotte Lettau Expenditures: DM 46.000,Limitations: Grants in Hannover only Focus: Music; Sen
LETTER Stiftung, Wieselweg 4, 50996 Köln Τ: (02236) 962260; Fax: 9622630 Established: 1993 Focus: Ails; Cult 04482 Leube-Stlftung SchloB Klingenstein, Königinstr 43, 80539 München Τ: (089) 336051; Fax: 347528 Established: 1974 Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 04433 Leu co rea Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Collegienstr 62, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg T: (03491) 4660; Fax: 466222; E-Mail: grabbed leucorea.uni-halle.de; Internet: http://www.zusas.unihalle.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Kultusministerium des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt Expenditures: DM 1.400.000,Limitaöons: Grants to members of Martin-LutherUnrversität Halle-Wittenberg only Focus: Law 04484 Leutklrcher Bank-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 2, 88299 Leutkirch T: (07561) 84110; Fax: 84222; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.Leutkircher.Bank.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Leutkircher Bank Raiffeisen- und Volksbank Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Grants in Leutkirch only Focus: SocW; Nurs; Sen; Child . . . . 04485 Herniann-Leverenz-Stlftung, do Handeiskammer Bremen, Haus Schütting, Am Markt 13, 28195 Bremen Τ: (0421) 36370; Fax: 3637299 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Maña und Hermann Leverenz Expenditures: DM 110.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 04486 Gemeinnützige Margaretha und Ernst A. LeversStiftung, Hummelsbùtteler Landstr 133, 22339 Hamburg Τ: (040) 592915 Established: 1986; Donops): Emst Α. und Margaretha Levers Focus: SocW; Med; AnimP; Sports . . . 04487 Stiftungsfonds Hellmut Ley, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaitungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www .stifterve ittand.de Established: 1974; Donops): Freundeskreis von Hellmut Ley Expenditures: DM 68.000,Limitatkxis: Applications not accepted Focus: Hum 04488
Dr.-Walther-Llebehenz-Stlftung, c/o SV Strftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www .stifterverband .de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Maria Liebehenz Expenditures: DM 19.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ethn; Uni 04489 Michael und Susanne Llebelt-Stiftung, Plan 5, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 321337; Fax: 326528 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Michael Liebelt, Susanne Liebelt Expenditures: DM 83.000,Focus: Cult; Arts; SocW 04490 Stiftung Liebenau, Siggenweilerstr 11, 88074 Meckenbeuren Τ: (07542) 101210; Fax: 10105 Established: 1870; Donor(s): Adolf Aich Expenditures: DM 76.230.000,Focus: Hand; Sen; SocW 04491 Llebersches Hospital, Eichbomstr 9, 65520 Bad Camberg T: (06434) 5046; Fax: 5047 Established: 1843; Chair Pfarrer Helmut Neumann, Donops): Gisbert Lieber Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Camberg only Focus: Nurs; Sen 04492 Liebesbund-Stiftung Isen, c/o Kath. Pfarramt Sankt Zeno, Bischof-Joseph-Str 8, 84424 Isen T: (08083) 8181 Established: 1660 Limitations: Grants to needy families and people in the parishes of Isen, Pemmering and Buch am Buchrain-Obemdorf only Focus: Fam; SocW 04493 Heinrich-Lleblg-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Heinrich Liebig Limitations: Grants in Pfungstadt and Darmstadt only Focus: Cult; Res; SocW 04494 Oswald Ueder-Stlftung, Am Martt 1, 29690 Schwarmstedt T: (05071) 8090; Fax: 80958 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Oswald Lieder Expenditures: DM 129.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04495 GA.-Llenert-Stlftung zur Nachwuchsförderung In Biopsychologischer Methodik, c/o Universität Gießen, Fachbereich Psychologie, Otto-Behaghel-Str 10, 35394 Gießen T: (0641) 9926150; Fax: 9926049; E-Mail: petra.netter@ psychol.uni-giessen.de Established: 1990; Chair Prof. Dr. Dr. P. Netter, Secy: Prof. Dr. Dr. P. Netter Assets: DM 113.000,-, Receipts: DM 8.670,-, Expenditures: DM 8,670,Focus: Schol; Psychol 04496 Fritz und Erika Uepold-Stlftung, c/o HypoVereinsbank, Private Banking, Maximilianstr 8, 95444 Bayreuth Τ: (0921) 7581121; Fax: 7581200 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Erika Uepold Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Orp 04497 von der Lieth'sche Stiftung, c/o Landkreis Verden, Lindhoper Str 67, 27283 Verden Τ: (04231) 15232; Fax: 15603 Established: 1613; Dorwr(s): Gotthardt von der Lydt Assets: DM 307.000,·, Expenditures: DM 19.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of the district of Verden only Focus: Schol 04493 Internationale Klavierstiftung Theo Lleven zu Hamburg, c/o CMS Hasche, Sigle, Eschenlohr & Peltzer, Stadthausbrücke 1-3, 20355 Hamburg T: (040) 376300; Fax: 37630300; E-Mail: friedlich, luckner β cmslegal,de Established: 1994; Donops): Theodor Ludger Lieven Limitations: Grants to concert pianists only Focus: Music 04499 Familie Uewald-StHtung, Strueckenstr 14, 31311 Uetze Τ: (05173) 970200 Established: 1990; Donops): Familie Liewaid Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.000,Limitations: Grants in Dollbergen only Focus: Child; Youth 04500 Dr.-lng. Otto und Karta Ukar-Stfftung, c/o TU München, Arösstr 21, 80333 München Τ: (089) 28922249; Fax: 28922297 Established: 1993; Donor (s): Dr.-lng. Otto und Karia Likar Assets: DM 561.500,Limitations: Scholarships to students at University Ljubljana (Slovenia) only Focus: Eng; Schol; East 04501
Ullenthalsttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaitungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -J! www.stifterveitand.de Established: 1968; Donops): Gesellschaft von Freunden der Deutschen Forschungsanstalt für Luftund Raumfahrt e.V. Expenditures: DM 106.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aviat 04502 Hanns-Ulje-Sttftung, c/o Landeskirchenamt, Goethestr 29, 30169 Hannover T: (0511) 1241165; Fax: 1241183; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.evlka.de/liljestift Established: 1989; Chair: Hans May, Secy: Pastor Ralf Tyra, Donops): Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Hannover Assets: DM 24.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.600.000,Limitations: Regional grants only Focus: Rei 04503 Alfred Ull-Stlftung, c/o Ministerium für Arbeit und Soziales und Gesundheit Sachsen-Anhalt, Seepaik 5-7, 39116 Magdeburg T: (0391) 5676908; Fax: 5676962 Established: 1993 Assets: DM 75.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Nurs; Med; Health 04504 Limbach-Stiftung, Limbachstr 35, 53343 Wachtberg Τ: (0228) 8510; Fax: 851118 Established: 1896; Donor(s): Heinrich Limbach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04505 Lindauer Kindergartenstiftung, Bregenzer Str 6, 88131 Lindau Τ: (08382) 918203; Fax: 918290 Established: 1949 Assets: DM 250.394,·, Expenditures: DM 82.000,Umitations: Grants in Lindau only Focus: Child 04506 Paula Llndauer-Stfftung, Joh.-Hirsch-Str 6, 82380 Peißenberg Τ: (08803) 4168; Fax: 60136 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Josef Lindauer Expenditures: DM 206.000,· Limitations: Grants in Peißenberg only Focus: Sen; Nurs; Hand 04507 Lindauer Stipendienstiftung für begabte landwirtschaftliche Schüler aus Stadt- und Landkreis Lindau, c/o Landratsamt Lindau, Stiftspi 4, 88131 Lindau T: (08382) 270140; Fax: 270115 Established: 1951; Donor(s): Landkreis Lindau Limitations: Scholarsflips to students originating of the region of Lindau only Focus: Schol; Agrie 04508 Undauer Stipendienstiftung für begabte Studierende der Stadt Lindau, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Bregenzer Str 4-12, 88131 Lindau T: (08382) 918127; Fax: 918178 Established: 1949; Chair Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Lindau Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Lindau only Focus: Schol 04509
Germany: Lippert-Stiftung
Dipl.-lng. Lindow-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaitungs GmbH, Barkovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: m.kohlhauer@ stifterverband.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1983; Donops): Dipl.-lng. Karl Lindow Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Traf 04515 Stiftung der Unga Bibliothek In der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Von-Melie-Park 3, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 428382225; Fax: 428383352 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Bertha P. de Unga Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Libr 04516 Helmut und Ruth Lingen-Stlftung, Stiftung zur Förderung der medizinischen Wissenschaft und Forschung, Stadtwaldgürtel 24, 50931 Köln T: (0221) 9405940; Fax: 94059450 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Helmut und Ruth Ungen Focus: Card; Cane 04517 Alfred und Martha Link-Stiftung, Hüttenweg 4, 97877 Wertheim Established: 1984 Focus: Rei; AnimP; Nurs; Sen 04518 Städtische Wohlfahrts- und Geschwister LinkStiftung Emmendingen, (formerly: Städtische Wohlfahrtsstiftung Emmendingen), Rathaus, Landvogtei 10, 79312 Emmendingen T: (07641) 452322; Fax: 452374; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1941; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Niemann Assets: DM 407.134,-, Receipts: DM 36.800,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Emmendingen only Focus: SocW 04519 Geschwister-Llnke-Stlftung, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Essen-Holstertiausen, Zu den Karmelitern 15, 45145 Essen Τ: (0203) 870060 Established: 1999 Focus: SocW 04520 Dr. Fritz Linnert-Gedächtnis-Stlftung, Fallstr 34, 81369 München Τ: (089) 72480154; Fax: 72480155; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1951; Donor(s): Dr. Fritz Linnert Limitations: Grants to needy dentists and their families in the state of Bayern only Focus: SocW 04521 Llons-Altenwohnstlft Rastatt, Rheintorstr 21, 76437 Rastatt Τ: (07222) 22927 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Lions-Club Rastatt Assets: DM 15.000.000,Limilations: Grants in Rastatt only Focus: Sen 04522 Llons-Stlftung Prien am Chiemsee, Gartenweg 8, 83209 Prien am Chiemsee Τ: (08051) 69490; Fax: 62585 Established: 1994; Secy: Dr. Thomas Wrede, Donor(s): Lions-Club Prien am Chiemsee Assets: DM 180.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Nurs 04523
Carl von Unde-Stlftung an der Technischen Universität München, Dr.-Carl-von-ünde-Str 6-14, 82049 Höllriegelskreuth T: (089) 74453607; Fax: 74453610 Established: 1934; Chair: Gerhard Full, Donops): Linde AG Assets: DM 504.000,· Limitations: Grants to Technische Universität München only Focus: Mach; Uni 04510
Lions-Sttftung Stade zur Föderung des Naturund Umweltschutzes, Neue-Brücken-Feld 9, 21682 Stade T: (04141) 530172; Fax: 511823; E-Mail: KurtzeÖ in-sta.de Established: 1998 Expenditures: DM 22.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Stade only Focus: Ecol; AnimP 04524
Lindenstiftung für vorschulische Erziehung, Freudenbergstr 2, 69469 Weinheim T: (06201) 17498; Fax: 13262 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Comelie und Helmut Lindemann Expenditures: DM 240.000,Focus: Educ 0451?
Stiftung Ignaz und Wanda Uplnskl, Heiligkreuzgasse 12-14, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 20681/82; Fax: 291561 Established: 1985; Chair Maria Taubenblatt Assets: DM 300.000,-, Receipts: DM 26.250,-, Expenditures: DM 26.000,Umitations: Grants to Jews in Germany and Israel only Focus: Jew 04525
Hans Lindner Institut, Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts, Bahnhofstr 29, 94424 Amstorf T: (08723) 202899; Fax: 202851; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.hans-lindnerinstitut.de Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants to universities and colleges in Regensburg, Deggendorf, Passau and Landshut only Focus: Uni; Bus 04512 Hermann-LI ndner-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Hameln, Abt. 14, Rathauspl 1, 31785 Hameln Τ: (05151) 202631; Fax: 202710 Established: 1961; Donor(s): Hermann Lindner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 04513 Elisabeth und Karl Undner-Sttftung, Kemptener Tor, 87600 Kaufbeuren Established: 1999; Donor(s): Elisabeth und Kail Lindner Focus: Rei; SocW 04514
Augustische Familienstiftung des Fürstlichen Gesamthauses Lippe, Postfach 1150, 31667 Bückeburg Established: 1696 1 696 Limitations: Grants to unmarried daughters of the dukes of Lippe and the dukes of Schaumburg· Lippe only Focus: Worn 04526 Alfred Lippert-Stiftung, Sedanstr 2, 12167 Berlin Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Sports 04527 Albert Lippert-Stiftung, Sonnenstr 4, 63869 Heigenbrücken Τ: (06020) 1343; Fax: 492 Established: 1980; Donor(s): KJR Aschaffenburg Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Aschaffenburg only Focus: Youth 04528
Germany: Lippisches
04529 - 04580
Lippisches Damenstift Sankt Marlen In Lemgo, Heustr 34 , 32657 Lemgo T: (05261) 927974; Fax: 927976 Limitations: Grants ir Lemgo only Focus: Sen
Lippisches Gemeinschaftswerk, Dorfstr 3, 32657 Lemgo T: (05261) 68334 Established: 1925; Chair: Hans Greift, Donops): Lippischer Gemei nschaftsbund e.V. Assets: DM 310.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants in Lemgo only Focus: RelE; Child 04530 Friedrich List-Stiftung. Nauklerstr 47, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2972575; Fax: 551435; E-Mail: wemer. neos© uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1937; Donor(s): Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Tübingen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; Law 04531 Literatur-Archiv Oberschwaben, Theaterstr 6, 88400 Biberach T: (07351) 51277; Fax: 51525; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1978; Chair: Dr. Martin Walser, Secy: Dr. Hans-Peter Biege, Donor(s): Dr. Martin Walser Assets: DM 330.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit; Archiv; Germ 04532 Literaturforschung in Ostwürttemberg, Unterm Stein 13, 73540 Heubach T: (07173) 375Θ Established: 1999; Donor(s): Reiner Wieland und Freundeskreis Limitations: Grants in the region of Ostwürttemberg only Focus: Lit 04533 Literaturpreis der Stadt Bad Wurzach, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathaus, 88410 Bad Wurcach Τ: (07564) 302100; Fax: 302170 Established: 1983; Chair: Bürgermeister Helmuth Morczinietz, Donor(s): Senator E.h. Friedrich Schiedel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; Lit 04534 Gottfried Ferdinand Lobedau-Strftung, Telemannstr 13, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 722981 Assets: DM 20.200,Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Wid; Orp 04535 Cora Lobscheid-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhoverallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) B401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www. stifterverband .de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr.-lng. Heinrich Wilhelm Lohscheid Expenditures: DM 12.000.Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 04536 Rudolf Lodders-Stiftung, Gertrudenstr 3, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 339530; Fax: 33953290 Established: 1979; Chair: Horst von Bassewitz, Donor(s): Rudolf Lodders Assets: DM 2.400.000,·, Receipts: DM 120.000,-, Expenditures: DM 110.000,Limitations: Grants to needy German artists only Focus: Archit; Arts; Sen 04537 Freiherrlich von Loeffelholz-Held'sche Unterrichts- und Wohltätigkeitestiftung, Emmericher Str 21, 90411 Nürnberg T: (0911) 522455; Fax: 5216369 Established: 1752; Donor(s): Sjsanne Maria Loeffelholz Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: Schol; Worn; Wid; Orp
Prof. Dr. Edmund Löffler-Stiftung, Luitpoldstr 15, 63791 Karlstein am Main T: (06188) 990540; Fax: 990542; E-Mail: lnfo@ loeffier-stiftung.de; Internet: http://www.loefflerstiftung.de Established: 1996; Secy: Dieter Brehm, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Edmund Löffler Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Music; Lit; Miss; Afr . . . 04539 Hinrich Löhmann Stiftung, Schmiedeberg 6, 27389 Lauenbrück T: (04267) 566; Fax: 688 Established: 1998; Chair: Hubertus Graf von Bothmer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Ecol; Landsc; Mon . . . . 04540 Franz Löhr-Sottmar-Stlftung, Wemer-Schrader-Str 51 d, 38302 Wolfenbüttel T: (05331) 77590 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Franz Lohr-Sottmar Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 247.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04541
Dr. Jakob Löhr'sche Stipendiumstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rittergasse 3, 96106 Ebern T: (09531) 62923, 62925; Fax: 62952 Established: 1685; Chair 1. Bürgermeister Robert Herrmann, Donor(s): Dr. Jakob Lohr Expenditures: DM 79.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to needy members of the Lohr family only Focus: Schol 04542 Manfred und Marianne Losing Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: renate.zindler@ stiftetv0rb0nd.de; Internet: www.stiftervetband.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Manfred Losing Expenditures: DM 43.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Schol . . . 04543 Johann und Erika Loewe-Stfftung, c/o Wohn-, Arbeits- und Begegnungsstätte Lüneburg, Ochtmisser Str 3, 7, 10, 21339 Lüneburg T: (04131) 67900 Established: 1976 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 04544 Hans Löwel-Stfftung, E.TA-Hoffmann-Str 3, 96047 Bamberg Τ: (0951) 980440 Established: 1996; Chair Ulf Schmitt, Donor(s): Hans und Edith Lôwel Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 150.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; Blinds; Scie 04545 Löwen-Club Stiftung, Saariandstr 240, 55411 Bingen Τ: (06721) 407447; Fax: 407449; Internet: http:// www.loewenclub-stiftung.de Established: 1995; Chair: Ingeborg Barker, Donor(s): NSM AG, Löwen-Club Focus: Eng; Law; Des; Schol 04546 Freihenlich Löw'sche Stiftung für Langenhain und Ziegenberg, Usinger str 116, 61239 OberMôrien Τ: (06002) 5123, 7724; Fax: 7724 Established: 1873; Donor(s): Α. von Biegeleben, Freiin Emma Low von und zu Steinfurth, A. von Stockhausen Assets: DM 32.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants in Langenhain-Ziegenberg only Focus: Child 04547 Raymond Loewy Foundation, Geschäftsstelle Deutschland, Eppendorfer Weg 111-113, 20259 Hamburg T: (040) 403330; Fax: 4915993; E-Mail: productservice @gmx.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): British American Tobacco Cigarettenfabrik GmbH (Hamburg) Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Des 04548 Unterstützungskasse der Firma Logemann· Possehl Sanitär Heizung Stahl Handelsgesellschaft mbH Lübeck, Pophankenweg 36, 26129 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 97030; Fax: 9703326 Limitations: Grants to employees of LogemannPossehl Handelsgesellschaft mbH (Lübeck) only Focus: SocW 04549 Adolf Loges-Stiftung, c/o Prof. Dr. Hans-Richard Reuter, Universitätsstr 13-17, 48143 Munster Τ: (0251) 8322550; Fax: 8325212 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Prof. A. Loges, Prof. Dr. H.E. Tödt, Dr. I. Tödt Expenditures: DM 119.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 04550 Andreas-Emst Lohff-Stlftung, Gustav-Adolf-Str 7a, 23568 Lübeck T: (0451) 3895901; Fax: 3895927 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Andreas-Emst Lohff Assets: DM 560.000,·, Expenditures: DM 76.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Wid; Sen 04551 Lohmann & Co. Stiftung, Schwachhauser Heerstr 57, 28211 Bremen T: (0421) 34810 Established: 1936 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Lohmann & Co. GmbH (Bremen) only Focus: SocW 04552
78 Caspar Anton Lohmann'sche WalsenhausStiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Postfach 1233, 33120 Delbrück T: (05250) 53212 Established: 1866 Focus: Educ 04555 Dr. Edelgard und Elsa Brúnnhild LohmeyerStfftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Otto-Suhr-Allee 6-16, 10585 Berlin T: (030) 34072075; Fax: 34072650 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Elsa Brúnnhild Lohmeyer Expenditures: 15.336.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in München and Berlin only Focus: Orp; Music 04556 Lokalwohltâtlgkeltsanstalt, c/o Stadt Ansbach, Stadtkämmerei, Stadthaus, 91522 Ansbach Τ: (0981) 51209; Fax: 51318 Assets: DM 371.600,-, Expenditures: DM 10.200,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Ansbach only Focus: SocW 04557 Arthur Loose-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt und Notar Hans Bauer, Elberfelder Str 45, 56095 Hagen T: (02331) 10870; Fax: 15222 Established: 1974; Donops): Arthur Loose Assets: DM 700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 22.000,Limitations: Scholarships to graduates of Gymnasium Hohenlimburg only Focus: Schol 04558 Kurt Loosen-Stiftung, Rüttenscheider Str 120, 45131 Essen T: (0201) 820960 Donor(s): Kurt Loosen Limitations: Grants in Essen only Focus: Sen; Youth; Health 04559 Wilhelm Lorch-Stiftung, Mainzer Landstr 251, 60326 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 75951114; Fax: 75951120 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH Assets: DM 2,250.256,76 Focus: Voc; Text 04560 Dr. Ing. Leonhard Lorenz-Stiftung, c/o Dresdnber Bank AG. Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310588 Established: 1979; Donor{s): Dr. Ing. Leonhard Lorenz Limitations: Grants to Technische Universität München only Focus: NatS; Eng; Uni 04561 Loschge-Studlenettftung, c/o Technische Universität München, Arcisstr 21, 80333 München T: (089) 28922249; Fax: 28922297 Established: 1955; Donops); Prof. Dr. Ing. August Loschge Expenditures: DM 63.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität München only Focus: Schol; Mach; Eng 04562 Wilhelm Loth-Stiftung, c/o Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg, Schloßpl 10, 76131 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 1501183; Fax: 1501001; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.lbank.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Wilhelm Loth Expenditures: DM 25.000,Límitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04563 Generalstabsarzt Dr. Kail und Anna von Lotzbeck'sche Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orfeanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 192; Donor(s): Dr. Karl und Anna von Lotzbeck Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: SocW 04564 Lou I seni under Stipendienstiftung, Louisenlund, 24357 Güby Τ: (04354) 9990; Fax: 999171 Established: 1948 Assets: DM 1,600,000,· Focus: Schol 04565
Landrat Lucas-Stfftung, Postfach 200450, 51462 Bergisch-Gladbach T: (02202) 132405; Fax: 132121 Established: 1925 Expenditures: DM 182.000,Limitations: Low cost living space to needy citizens of Bergisch-Gladbach only Focus: Hous 04568 Dr. Leopold Lucas-Stiftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., WilheJmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: Fred.Amdt@ uni-tuebingen.de; Internet: http7/ www.uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1973; Donor(s): Franz D. Lucas Assets: DM 2.300.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Hum; Hist; Phil; IntU . . . . 04569 Luclus-Hebel-Stiftung, Wilhelm-Kütz-Str 33, 99084 Erfurt T: (0361) 67290; Fax: 6729122 Established: 1857; Donors): Sebastian Lucius Expenditures: DM 3.696.000,Focus: Sen; SocW 04570 Ludgeru8-Stfftung, Bahnhotstr 6, 49377 Vechta Τ: (04441) 872122 Established: 1914 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; SocW 04571 Prof.-Ludolphy-Stlftung, tío Ev. Kreuzgymnasium Dresden, Eisenacher Str 21, 01277 Dresden T: (0351) 3153520; Fax: 3153520; E-Mail: st.noth® gmx.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Ingetraut Ludolphy Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to Ev. Kreuzgymnasium in Dresden only Focus: Schol; Youth; Educ; Voc; Libr . . 04572 Ludovlclana-Stlftung und Osann-BeulwltzStlftung, c/o Justus-Uebig-Universität Gießen, Ludwigstr 23, 35390 Gießen Limitations: Grants to young scientists at JustusUebig-Universität Gießen only Focus: Uni 04573 Franz und Käthe Ludowici-Stfftung, tío Stadtverwaltung, Kämmerei, Rathauspl 20, 67059 Ludwigshafen Τ: (0621) 5042268, 5042265; Fax: 5043782 Established: 1927; Donops): Familie Ludowici Assets: DM 3.675.565,-, Receipts: DM 660.720,-, Expenditures: DM 126.715,· Limitations: Grants to citizens of Ludwigshafen only Focus: SocW; Educ; Cult 04574 Peter und Irene Ludwig-Stiftung, Süsterfeldstr 190, 52072 Aachen Τ: (0241) 894980; Fax: 8949810 Established: 1997 Focus: Arts 04575 Ludwig- und Thereslen-Walsenhausetiftung, c/o Stadt Schwabach, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach 2120, 91124 Schwabach Τ: (09122) 860373; Fax: 860357 Established: 1775; Donops): Thomas Schneider Expenditures: DM 13.000,· Limitations: Grants in Schwabach only Focus: Ο φ 04576 Lueb-Mooshövel'sche Studienstiftung, Kirchpl 6, 46459 Rees T: (02851) 1540 Established: 1661; Donor(s): Amoldus und Johannes Lueb Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Scholarships to members of the Lueb· Mooshövel family only Focus: Schol; Rei 04577 Lübbert-Stlftung für Altenhilfe, Hüxtertorallee 1, 23564 Lübeck T: (0451) 7070045; Fax: 7070045 Established: 1973; Chair: Pastor Frank Lotktiius, Donops): Ehepaar Lübbert Assets: DM 900.000,-, Receipts: DM 30.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Umitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Sen; SocW 04578
Lohmann-HeUenthal-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Elb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (0241) 467215; Fax: 467255 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Dr, Eduard Lohmann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; SocW 04553
Gregor Louisoder-Umweltsttftung, 51, 80637 München Τ: (089) 1578162; Fax: 1578162 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Martha und Bernd Louisoder Assets: DM 15.000.000,Focus: Ecol 04566
Dr. Erich Lübbert-Stlftung zur Förderung technischer Wissenschaften, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baikhofenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpj /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1955; Donops): Dr. Dr. Erich Lübbert Expenditures: DM 43.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität Dresden only Focus: Build; Eng; Schol 04579
Karf-und-Helene-Lohmann-Stlftung, Overstolzenstr 19, 50677 Köln Τ: (0221) 316261 Established: 1996; Chair: Dr. Sigrid Lohmann, Donor(s): Dr. Sigrid Lohmann, HikJrun Lohmann Expenditures: DM 5.000,Focus: Sen 04554
Hans und Mathilde Loy-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwatt Dr. Bernd Münnich, Marssir 14b, 60335 München T: (089) 553116; Fax: 553914 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Malhilde Loy Limitations: Scholarships to students at colleges in the state of Bayern only Focus: Elect; Schol 04567
Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe Wilhelmine-LübkeSttftung e.V., An der Pauluskirche 3, 50677 Köln T: (0221) 9318470; Fax: 9318476; E-Mail: administration θ kda.de; Internet: http://www.kda.de Established: 1962; Secy: Klaus Großjohann Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Sen 04580
04581 - 04636
79 Helene Lücke Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Willhôden 26, 22587 Hamburg Τ: (040) 869526; Fax: 869526 Established: 1956; Dor>or(s): Hans Lücke Limitations: Grants to two old people's homes in Hamburg only Focus: Sen; SocW 04581 Otto Lücke sen.-Stlftung, Co Grüber & Partner, Kasinostr 19-21, 42103 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 371050 Established: 1966 Focus: Educ 04582 Lüffe-Sttftung, Teutenrod 41, 48249 Dülmen Τ: (02594) 83449 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Joseph Lüffe Expenditures: DM 250.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; Sen 04583 Dr. Heinz und Anita Lütke-Stiftung, c/o Verein Jugend Dritte Welt e.V., Sträßchensweg 3, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 539650; Fax: 5396565; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Heinz Lütke Assets: DM 1.200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Umitations: Scholarships in Africa, Asia and Latin America only Focus: Educ; Schol; Air; As; Am . . . . 04584 Adelbert Lüttgen s-Stiftung, Am Dombusch 8a, 25886 Minstedt Established: 1991 04585 Luisen-Stephanien-Stiftung, Karl-Blind-Str 4-6, 68199 Mannheim T: (0621) 8283787 Established: 1855; Chair: Monsignore Franz Völker, Secy; Willibald Kiesel, Donor(s): Großherzogin Stephanie von Baden Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Ship; Sen 04586 Luisenstift, Kônigin-Luise-Str 95, 14195 Berlin Τ: (030) 8419390; Fax: 84193999 Established: 1807 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 04587 Luitpold-Stiftung, c/o Regierung von Schwaben, Fronhof 10, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 3272246; Fax: 3272289 Established: 1891 Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: CommT 04588 Lundener Altenwohnhelm-Stlftung, Claus· Harms-Sir 10, 25774 Lunden T: (04882) 281 Established: 1649 Expenditures: DM 46.000,Limitations: Grants in Lunden only Focus: Sen 04589 Hans Lungwltz-Sttftung, Delmer Bogen 53, 21614 Buxtehude Τ: (04161) 85370; Internet: http://www.Lungwitz· foundation^ Established: 1967; Chair: Dr. Ing. Werner Zabka, Donor(s): Hans Lungwitz Focus: Hum; Ung; Med; Neur; Phil; Psychia; Psychol; Schol; Ther 04590 Karl-Lurk-Stiftung, do Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.unituebingen.de Established: 1992 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Uni 04591 Martin-Luther-StlfUing, Martin-Luther-Anlage 8, 83450 Hanau Τ: (06181) 29020; Fax: 2902166; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.MLS· Hanau.de Established: 1957 Expenditures: DM 20.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04592 Adolf-Luther-Stiftung, Viktoriastr 112, 47799 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 27913; Fax: 802966 Established: 1990; Chair Dr. Magdalena Broska, Donor(s): Adolf Luther Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04593 Lutherische Stiftung für theologische, missionarische und diakonische Aktivitäten, Bozener Sir 6, 85221 Dachau T: (08131) 80259; Fax: 80295 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Albrecht Kôberlin, Adelheid und Norah Kôberlin Expenditures: DM 80.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Rei; Lit; Pubi; Miss 04594 Lutherische Waisenhausstiftung, Schulstr 18, 31655 Stadthagen Τ: (05721) 5031 Established: 1738; Donor(s): Albrecht Wolfgang Graf zu Schaumburg-lippe und Sternberg Expenditures: DM 9.000,· Focus: Orp 04595
Lutherstift Seniorenzentrum Elberfeld, Schustersir 15, 42105 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 3880; Fax: 388133 Established: 1846; Donor(s): Ev.-Luth. Gemeinde Elberfeld Expenditures: DM 13.500,Limitations: Grants in Wuppertal only Focus: Sen 04596 Irmengard-Lutz-Brelns-Stlftung, Keltenweg 25, 87764 Legau T: (08330) 1287; Fax: 1464 Established: 1997; Chair Kart Lutz, Donops): Karl und Irmengard Lutz Expenditures: DM 16.000,ümitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Sen 04597 Herbert Lutz-Gedächtnls-Sttftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Julius Herman Lutz, Marguerite Lutz Expenditures: DM 116.000,· Limitations: Grants to Ludwig*Maximilians-Universitát in München only Focus: Archeo; Uni 04598 Lyzeumstiftung Bamberg, c/o Universität Bamberg, Kapuzinerstr 16, 96047 Bamberg Τ: (0951) 8631080; Fax: 8631082; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1586; Secy: Oberamtsrat Edgar Leistner, Donor(s): Fürstbischof Ernst von Mengersdorf Assets: DM 9.500.000,·, Receipts: DM 89.000,-, Expenditures: DM 89.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Bamberg only Focus: Schol; Uni 04599 Hermann Maas-Stiftung Heldelberg. Postfach 121527, 68066 Mannheim T: (0621) 23552; Fax: 23515 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Ferdinand NoetherStBtung Assets: DM 128.395,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Scholarships in Israel to German theological students only Focus: Rei; Schol 04600 Gerhard Maasz-Stlftung zur Förderung der ernsten Musik, Willinghusener Landstr 70, 22B85 T: (040) 6700169 Established: 1984; Chair Prof. Dr. Alexander Sumski, Secy: Maria Kneip Assets: DM 150.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Music 04601 McCloy-Stipendlenstlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverbarid.de Established: 1992 Assets: DM 2.142.000,·, Expenditures: DM 240.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 04602 McDonald's-Kinderhilfe - gemeinnützige GmbH, Max-Lebsche-Pl 15, 81377 München Τ: (089) 7400660; Fax: 74006674; E-Mail: info® mcdonalds-kinderhilfe.org Secy: Manfred Welzel Focus: Child 04603 Dr. Dr. Gerda von Mach-Qedächtnlsstlftung, Platanenallee 33, 14050 Berlin T: (030) 30812510; Fax: 30812510 Established: 1993; Secy: Karin Böttcher, Donorfs): Dr. Dr. Gerda von Mach Limitations: Grants to Arabic Christians only Focus: Schol; Egyp; Archeo 04604 Rudolf und Maria Machnig'sche Stiftung, Spitalgasse 8, 87700 Memmingen Τ: (08331) 80378, 850195 Established: 1980; Donops): Rudolf und Maria Machnig Focus: SocW; Sen 04605 Familie Mad)era-Stiftung, Bemadottestr 126, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 8807031; E-Mail: stiftungsvert>[email protected] Established: 1962; Donor(s): Elisabeth Madjera Assets: DM 332.500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Deafs 04606
Germany: Manthey-Stíftung
Peter-Mählmann-Stiftung, c/o Hamburger Sparkasse, Ecke Adolphspl/Große Burstah, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 35793348; Fax: 35793562 Established: 1997; Chair Peter Màhlmann, Dcnor(s): Hamburger Sparkasse Expenditures: DM 178.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Youth; Cult; Sports 04609
Mainzer Ausbildungsstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Dezernat III, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1891; Donor(s): Simon Blad Expenditures: DM 1.000,· Limitations: Grants to citizens of Mainz only Focus: Voc; Arts; Scie 04623
Mindleln'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadt Ansbach, Stadtkàmmerei, Stadthaus, 91522 Ansbach Τ: (0981) 51209; Fax: 51318; E-Mail: [email protected] Assets: DM 35.600,·, Expenditures: DM 800,· Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Mandlein family only Focus: SocW 04610
Mainzer Fürsorgestiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Dezernat III, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: sozialdezemat@ stadt-mainz.de Established: 1942 Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Grants to cititens of Mainz only Focus: Sen 04624
Männer- und Frauenstift Sankt Anna, Am Markt 22, 99817 Eisenach Τ: (03691) 670400; Fax: 670940 Established: 1885 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04611
Mainzer Jugend- und Walsenstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Dezernat III, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 123030; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: sozialdezemat @ stadt-mainz.de Established: 1972 Expenditures: DM 45.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy youth and orphans in Mainz only Focus: Youth; Orp 04625
Märkische Kutturstiftung Burg Altena, Bismarckstr 15. 58762 Altena Τ: (02352) 9667041; Fax: 9667166 Established: 1996; Chair: Michael Rolland, Donor(s): Märkischer Kreis Expenditures: DM 31.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon; Cult 04612 Gustav Magenwlrth-Stiftung, Stuttgarter Str 52, 72574 Bad Urach Established: 1974 Assets: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,04613 Nikolaus und Martha Magin-Stiftung, Frauenstr 26, 89073 Ulm Τ: (0731) 920110; Fax: 9201111 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Nikolaus und Martha Magín Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 04614 Magnani-Stiftung Seckach, Buchen: defunct 04615 Anna Magull-Stiftung, do Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Ammerländer Heerstr 114118, 26129 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 7982434; Fax: 79B2452 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Anna Magull Assets: DM 984.728,-, Expenditures: DM 74.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Cad von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg only Focus: Schol; Econ 04616 Mahle-stlftung, Leibnizstr 35, 70193 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6364331; Fax: 630793 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Ernst und Hermann Mahle Expenditures: DM 4.000.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and in Eastern Europe (education only). No scholarships Focus; Health; Youth; Educ; East; Nurs . 04617 Förderstifung des Gustav Mahler Jungendorchester, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester (Wien) Expenditures: DM 160.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 04618 Oskar MahnStiftungsfonds, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: petra.s i mon @ stifte rve rband .de; Internet: http.// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1978; Donor(s): Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler e.V. Expenditures: DM 32.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res 04619 Hermann Mal-Sttftung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderhellkunde, c/o Prof. Dr. Krawinkel, Wilhelmstr 20, 35392 Gießen Τ: (0641) 9939048; Fax: 9939049 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde Assets: DM 132.463,·, Expenditures: DM 10.400,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Ped; Dev 04620
Luise Madsack-Stiftung, Hildesheimer Str 9, 30169 Hannover T: (0511) 2845200; Fax: 2845299 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Luise Madsack Expenditures: DM 33.000,Focus: Jour; Cane 04607
Albert-Maler-Stlftung, Rosenstr 19, 72813 Sankt Johann-Upfingen Τ: (0711) 1656259; Fax: 1656368 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Albert Maier Assets: DM 750.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants for suicide prevention only Focus: SocW 04621
Helma und Kurt Maecker-Stlftung, Deutenbacher Str 1, 90547 Stein T: (0911) 9671116; Fax: 676685 Established: 1995; Chair Bettina Stoll, Donor(s): Kurt Maecker Assets: DM 4.730.000,·, Expenditures: DM 226.000,ümitations: Grants to German welfare organizations only Focus: Worn 04608
Helene Maler*Stlftung Kreischa/Sachsen, Landgut Theisewitz, Brösgenerstr 2, 01731 Kreischa Τ: (035206) 2500; Fax: 21794; E-Mail: kreischa® helene-maier-stiftung.oFg; Internet: http://www.helenemaier-stiftung.org Established: 1993; Donor(s): Rudotl Presi Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health 04622
Mainzer Volksspende für Kriegsbeschädigte, c/o Stadtverwaltung Main2, Dezernat III, Postfach 3820, 55028 Mainz T: (06131) 122020; Fax: 123021; E-Mail: sozialdezemat© stadt-mainz.de Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Warv 04626 Hilde Malr-Stlftung, Zepelinstr 39, 73760 Ostfildern T: (0711) 453844 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Isolde Jickeli, Dr. Volkmar Mair Expenditures: DM 12.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy people in OstfildernKemnat only Focus: SocW 04627 Lore Malsch-Stiftung, Schillerstr 6, 86161 Augsburg Established: 1972; Donor(s): Greti Malsch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Greti Malsch-Stiftung, Kaulbachstr 25, 80539 München Τ: (069) 284404; Fax: 2802270 Established: 1971; Doncr(s): Greti Malsch Assets: DM 4.855.405,·, Expenditures: DM 232.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04629 Gertraud und Heinz Manke-Stlftung, Bahnhofstr 4, 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg Established: 1993 04630 Johann-Bernhard Mann-Stiftung, Altenburgstr 11, 53125 Bonn T: (0226) 257900; Fax: 258605 Chair Alexander Freiherr von Hodenberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; PolS; Voc; Schol; SocW . . 04631 Mannesmann Mobilfun k-Stlftung für Forschung in der Mobllkommunikation, Am Seestem 1, 40547 Düsseldorf Fax: (0211) 5332154; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Donor(s): Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH Limitations: Grants in Germany, Austria and Switzerland only Focus: Comm 04632 Mannheimer Bürgerstiftung, Altes Rathaus, F 1, 5a, 68159 Mannheim T: (0621) 1568175; Fax: 1568176; E-Mail: monika.hacklaender® mannheim .de Established: 1998; Secy: Monika Hackländer, Donor(s): Gerhard Widder, Wolfgang Pföhler, Max Jaeger Limitations: Grants in Mannheim only Focus: Educ; Cult; IntU; Sen; Health; SocW 04633 Manos Abiertas Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Frau Erler, pme Familienservice GmbH Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; SocW 04634 Mansfeld-Löbbecke-Stlftung von 1833, Auf der Moorhütte 9, 38104 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 361505; Fax: 361507 Established: 1833; Chair Manfred Wemsdörfer, Secy: Jürgen Rabold Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 04635 Hellmut Manthey-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Otto-Suhr-Allee 6-16, 10585 Berlin T: (030) 34072075; Fax: 34072650 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Katharina Manthey Expenditures: DM 14.217.000,· Limitations: Grants to Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger only Focus: SocW 04636
Germany: Manzke
04637 - 04692
Friedensstiftung Günter Manzke, Ratsforst 11, 21335 Lüneburg T: (04131) 731446; Fax: 731447 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Firma Kies und Beton Manzke KG Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to individuals and organizations in Lüneburg only Focus: IntU; Cult 04637
Margaretha- und Josephlnen-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten T: (0831) 2525395; Fax; 2525483 Established: 1847; Donops): Margaretha Rau, Josephine Albrecht Expenditures: DM 2.892.000,Limitations: Grants in Kempten only Focus: SocW; Sen; Child 04650
Maralba-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Friedrich Cari Rein, Leopoldstr 20, 00802 München Τ: (089) 3819090; Fax: 38190915 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Alfred und Mana Batscheider Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Health 04638
Maria-Stiftung, Dompl 27, 48143 Münster Τ: (0251) 495350 Established: 1892; Donor(s): Maria Hotte Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limítations: Grants in the diocese of Münster only Focus: Sen; Youth; SocW 04651
Marburger Bund-Stiftung, Riehler Str 6, 50668 Köln Τ: (0221) 97316815; Fax: 9731678; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.Marburger-6jnd.de Established: 1989; Chair: Dr. Frank U, Montgomery, Donor(s): Marburger Bund Assets: DM 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Health 04639 Louis Marburg'sche Familienstiftung, do Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Sozialamt, Berliner Str 33-35, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235171; Fax: 21230740 Established: 1965 Assets: DM 48.350,· Limitations: Grants to needy Germans only Focus: SocW; Voc 04640 Franz Marc-Stlftung, Kalmbachstr 11, 82431 Kochel am See T: (08851) 921212; Fax: 5588 Established: 1985; Chair: Dr. Wolfgang Eberl, Secy: Werner Englert, Donor(s): Otto Stangl, Martiese Stein, Erwin Wimmers, Gemeinde Kochel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aris 04641 Alfred und Karl Marchioninl-Stlftung, Steinickeweg 7, 80798 München Τ: (089) 5231110 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Alfred und Karl Marchronini Assets: DM 3.147.500,·, Expenditures: DM 390.000,Limitations: Flats for needy students only Focus: Hous
Alfred Marchioninl-Stlftung zur Förderung der medizinischen Wissenschaft, Danziger Str 5, 21465 Reinbek T: (040) 7225533 Established: 1989 Assets: DM 1.500.000,Focus: Med 04643 Gerhard Mareks-Stiftung, Am Wall 208, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 327200; Fax: 3378675; E-Mail: info® marcks.de; Internet: http://www.marcks.de Established: 1969; Donor(s): Gerhard Mareks Expenditures: DM 1.200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04644 Marcolta & Robert Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: marcolla+robert® kinderfonds.org Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Franco Marcolla Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 04645 Eva-Maria Marcus-Stiftung, Urbanstr 115, 10967 Berlin Τ: (030) 69409124 Established: 1971 Assets: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Grants to senior artists in Berlin only Focus: Sen 04646
Marlen-Helm, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Dedeleben, Am Bache 1, 36836 Dedeleben T: (039422) 541; Fax: 531 Established: 1897; Donops): August Siehe, Dorothee Siehe Limitations: Grants in Dedeleben only Focus: Sen 04652 Marien-Hospital Düsseldorf, Rochusstr 2, 40479 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 44000; Fax: 44002588 Established: 1814 Expenditures: DM 92.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health 04653 Marien-Hospital Euskirchen, Gottfried-Disse-Str 40, 53879 Euskirchen T: (02251) 901160; Fax: 901090 Established: 1863; Donops): Dechant Jakob Vogt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Sen 04654 Marienhospital, Spellerstr 16, 59302 Oelde T: (02522) 990; Fax: 991245 Established: 1854; Chair Pfarrer Helmut Hortmann, Secy: Dr. Stephan Pantenburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 04655 Marienschulstlftung, c/o Kindergarten, Park 1, 96450 Coburg T: (09561) 18821 Established: 1842 Expenditures: DM 628.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Educ 04656 Marienstift, Hopfengasse 8, 99084 Erfurt Τ: (0361) 6422677 Established: 1871; Donops): Bischöflicher Stuhl Paderborn, Cart Lucias Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Nurs; Sen; Educ 04657 Marienstift Arnstadt, Wachsenburgallee 12, 99310 Arnstadt T: (03628) 7200; Fax: 720440; E-Mail: infoÖmsam.de Established: 1905; Donops): Konsistorialrat D. Petri, Marie Fürstin Sondershausen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 04656 Marlenstift Droste zu Hülshoff, Altenberger Str 18, 48329 Havixbeck T: (02507) 5200; Fax: 520406 Established: 1888; Donops): Klemens Freiherr von Droste zu Hülshoff Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04659 Marlensttft zu Roßla, Hallesche Str 52, 06536 Roßla T: (034651) 39090; Fax: 390911; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1880; Chair: Superintendent Gottfried Appel, Secy: Dr. Albrecht Haber, Donor(s): Graf Botho zu Stolberg-Roßla Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 04660
Hans und Czame Marcuse-Stiftung, do LK Hannover, Ref. 18, Hildesheimer Str 20, 30169 Hannover Limitations: Grants in Israel only Focus: Child; Jew; Uni 04647
Maristenschulstlftung-Fürstenzell, Schulstr 18, 94081 Fürstenzell T: (08502) 91200; Fax: 912050 Established: 1977; Donops): Missionsgesellschaft Mariens Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 04661
Mare Baltikum-Stiftung, Leonardusstr 42, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 375671; Fax: 371876 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Erich und Lisbeth Böckler Expenditures: DM 120.000,Focus: Arts; Cult; Bait 04646
Markelstiftung, Postfach 300220, 70442 Stuttgart T: (0711) 814316; Fax: 8569634; Internet: http:// www.Mailœlstiftung.de Established: 1920; Donops): Dr. Kail Emil Marke! Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Voc 04662
Marga und Herbert Β. Stiftung, c/o Kreissparkasse Augsburg, Martin-Luther-PI 5, 86150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3251448; Fax: 3251254 Established: 1998; Secy: Lothar Kübler Limitations: Grants in the governmental district of Schwaben only Focus: Fam; Ped 04649
Markgräfin Slbylia-Augusta-Stiftung, do Stadtverwaltung, Hauptamt, 76437 Rastatt Τ: (07222) 9720; Fax: 972108; E-Mail: post® rastatt.de Established: 1977; Chair: Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Rastatt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 04663
Levin-Markworth-Stiftung, Waldenburgstr 7, 38124 Braunschweig T: (0531) 603100 Established: 1912; Chain H. Ojciec, Donops): Johann Theodor Levin Markworth, Marie Auguste Elisa Markworth Limitations: Grants to members of the Markworth family only Focus: Fam 04664 Dr. V. Sarma Maria Stiftung, Westenstr 2, 76297 Stutertsee T: (07244) 92379; Fax: 92379 Established: 1997; Donops): Irma Maria Limitations: Grants in India only Focus: Dev 04665 von Marie-Stiftung, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeirxle Wesel, Korbmacherstr 14, 46483 Wesel Τ: (0281) 15622; Fax: 15624 Established: 1978; Donops): Julie von Marie Expenditures: DM 49.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Child 04666 Johannes und Frieda Marohn-Stiftung, c/o Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ErìangenNümberg, Schloßpi 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 0526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131; E-Mail: tingel0zuv.uni-er1angen.de Established: 1984; Donops): Johannes und Frieda Marohn Limitations: Grants to scientific researchers at Universität Erlangen-Nümberg only Focus: Cane; Med; Uni 04667 Dr. Marschner-Stlftung zur Förderung des naturwissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, In den Gärten 8, 34508 Frankenberg/Eder T: (05632) 1687; Fax: 5638 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Dr.-Ing. Helmut Kreft Limitations: Grants to pupils of Alte Landesschule in Korbach/Hessen only Focus: Educ; NatS; Phys 04668 J.F. Martens-Stiftung für Invalide Arbeiter, Schaalseehang 11, 23883 Dargow Established: 1878 Limitations: Grants to needy woriters only Focus: SocW 04669 Martha Stiftung, Eilbeker Weg 86, 22089 Hamburg Τ: (040) 2098760; Fax: 20987699 Established: 1849; Donor(s): Wilhelmine Mutzenbecher Assets: DM 27.400.000,Focus: Sen; Hand
Marthahaus Halle, Adam-Kuckoff-Str 5-8, 06108 Halle/Saale T: (0345) 51080; Fax: 5108515 Established: 1886 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04671 Unterstützungskasse der Belegschaft der Martin & Pagenstecher GmbH, Wilhelmstr 77, 42489 Wülfrath T: (02058) 695420; Fax: 895542 Donops): Martin & Pagenstecher GmbH & Co., Magnétisai Feuerfest KG Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Martin & Pagenstecher GmbH (Wülfrath) only Focus: SocW 04672 Eugen-Martln-Stiftung, do Rechtsanwalt Horst Zipse, Merzhauser Str 74, 79100 Freiburg im Τ: (0761) 4010821 Established: 1997; Dorwr(s): Eugen Martin Limitations: Grants in Freiburg im Breisgau and in the region of Südbaden only Focus: Voc; Schol 04673 S. und E. Martin Stiftung, c/o Bethmann Vermögensbetreuung, Kardinal-Faulhaber-Str 15, 80311 München T: (089) 37826097; Fax: 37826421 Established: 1999; Donops): Sigrid und Prof. Dr. Ewald Martin Limitations: Grants in the regions of Obeitiayem and Niederbayem only Focus: Arts; Mon; Hist 04674 Hermann und Ingrid Martini-Stiftung, Auf der Egge 58, 33619 Bielefeld T: (0521) 101044; Fax: 101022 Established: 1992; Donops): Hermann-Heinrich Martini, Ingrid Martini Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Youth 04675 Dr. Martini-Stiftung, c/o UKE, Martinistr 52, 20251 Hamburg Established: 1880 Focus: Med 04676 Hans Joachim Martini-Stiftung, Postfach 510153, 30631 Hannover Τ: (0511) 6432627; Fax: 6433676; E-Mail: g.delisle θ bgr.de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Deutsche Industrie Expenditures: DM 34.000,Focus: Geol 04677 Martinofsche Stipendien-Stiftung, c/o Christianeum, Otto-Emst-Str 34, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 38072182; Fax: 820189 Established: 1942 Focus: Schol 04678
Martinshaus Kleintobel Evangelische Jugendhilfe, Marünstr 41, 88276 Berg T: (0751) 88840; Fax: 8884222 Secy: Eva-Maria Anlauf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth Marx-Engels-Stiftung, Gathe 55, 42107 Wuppertal T: (0202) 456504; Fax: 4468071; E-Mail: MarxEngets-Stittung© t-online.de; Internet: http:// www.marx-engels-stiftung.de Established: 1970; Chair Dr. Richard Kumpf Expenditures: DM 178.000,Limrtations: Applications not t Focus: SocS 04680 Hartwig-Marx-Stfftung, Duisburger Str 4, 10707 Berlin T: (030) 88682265; Fax: 88682287; E-Mail: HartwigMarx-Stiftung @t-online.de Established: 1997; Donops): Verein zur Förderung der gruppenunterstützenden außerstationären Suchtkrankenbehandlung e.V. Expenditures: DM 3.315.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Drug 04681 Frans Masereel-Stfftung, An der Trift 38, 66123 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 33007; Fax: 33007 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Peter Riede Focus: Arts 04682 Freiherr von Massenbach'sche Waldstiftung, Massenbachhausener Str 64, 74193 Schwaigern T: (07138) 5267; Fax: 1518; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1933; Chair: Bechtold Freiherr von Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon Dr. med. Heinz Masuch-Stlftung, Cramer-Klett-Str 3, 83229 Aschau i. Chiemgau Established: 1997; Donor(s): Lieselotte Masuch Focus: Cane; Ped; Youth; SocW; Rei . . 04684 materra Stiftung Frau und Gesundheit e.V., c/o Rechtsanwältin Senta Möller, Wallstr 1, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau T: (0761) 296266; Fax: 2962678 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants nationally and in developing countries only Focus: Worn; Health; Dev 04685 Mathews-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stlfterverband.de Established: 1985; Donor(s): Dr. Kurt und Hanna Mathews Expenditures: DM 20.000,Focus: Law; Econ; Schol 04686 Mathildenhospital Büdingen, Am Schlag 9, 63654 Büdingen Τ: (06042) 860; Fax: 86230 Established: 1868 Expenditures: DM 26.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 04687 Erich Mathing-Stiftung, Peter-Lenné-Str 1-3, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 8311877 Established: 1968 Limitations: Grants to needy freemasons in Berlin only Focus: SocW 04688 Cäcilie Mattersdorf-Stiftung, An den Pappeln 2, 30974 Wennigsen Τ: (05103) 8930; Fax: 8930 Established: 1916; Chair Heinrich Diltrich, Secy: Berthold Gottwald, Donor(s): Cäcilie Mattersdorf Assets: DM 164.455,-, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to former German citizens of Hirschberg/Schlesien (now Poland) only Focus: SocW 04689 Mattfeld-Quadbeck-Stlftung, do Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1989 Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 04690 Philipp Matthäus-Hahn-Stlftung, Hirschbergstr 29, 72336 Balingen T: (07433) 921109; Fax: 921666 Established: 1989; Chair Landrat Willi Fischer, Donops): Zollernalbkreis, Stadt Albstadt, Sparkasse Zollemalb Asseis: DM 1.000.000,Focus: Schol 04691 Matthlas-Sttft, c/o Bach & Co., Abendrothsweg 34, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 473737 Established: 1882; Donops): Emanuel Matthias Gâdecke Assets: DM 50.000,Limitations: Low cost living space to needy people in Hamburg only Focus: Hous; AIDS 04692
04693 - 04748
81 Rudolf Matthis-Sttftung, Saarstr 26, 26954 Nordenham Τ: (04731) 5252 Established: 1986; Donops): Elke Matthis Expenditures: DM 7.000,Focus: Arts 04693 Mauch'sche Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Hans Kurz, Schertlestr 2, 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen Τ: (07721) 804273 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Rudolf Mauch Limitations: Grants in Villingen-Schwenningen only Focus: Sen 04694 J.H.W. Maurien-Stlttung, Nartenstr 12, 21079 Hamburg T: (040) 771291 Established: 1915 Limitations: Grants to employees of New YorkHamburger Gummi-Waren Co. (Hamburg) only Focus: SocW 04695 Hans und Helga Maus-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. jur. Hans Thümmel, Urbanstr 7, 70192 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 1667112; Fax: 2664466; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Donor(s): Helga Maus Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg and to the Tierärztliche Hochschule in Hannover only Focus: AnimP; Vet 04696 Institut Berlin-Walter May, MOIIerstr 74, 13349 Berlin T: (030) 4597930; Fax: 45979366; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1981; Char: Hartmut Brocke, Donor(s): Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Berlin e.V. Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 19.675.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 04697 Richard und Gertrud May-Stlftung, GräfinSchlippenbach-Weg 16, 83708 Kreuth Τ: (08029) 80; Fax: 8376 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Richard und Gertrud May Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Med 04698 Karl May-Stfftung, Karl-May-Str 5, 01445 Radebeul Τ: (0351) 8373010; Fax: 8373055; Internet: http -J! www.karl-may-stiftung.de Established: 1913; Chair Peter Grübner, Secy: René Wagner, Donops): Klara May Focus: Ethn 04699 Georg Mayer-Franken-Lebert-StipendlenSttftung, do Stadt Forchheim, Stadtkámmerei, Schulstr 2, 91301 Forchheim Τ: (09191) 714260; Fax: 714380; E-Mail: Liegenschaft® baynet-Forchheim.de Established: 1958 Assets: DM 316.000,-, Receipts: DM 17.000,·, Expenditures: DM 17.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 04700 Herbert- und Emilie-Mayer-Gerock-Stiftung, Tübinger Str 6, 70178 Stuttgart Established: 1961 Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Mon; Sen; Youth; Hand . . . . 04701 Max Mayer-Stiftung, Wilhelm-Zapf-Str 2-6, 73430 T: (07361) 507249; Fax: 5078249 Established: 1967; Chair Dr. Eduard Honold, Donors): Max Mayer Assets: DM 216.000,-, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Grants in Aalen only Focus: Music 047132 Ingrid Mayer-Stlftung, c/o Tritschler GmbH & Cie.KG, Martctpl 7, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 22249320; Fax: 222493270 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Ingrid Mayer Assets: 3.196.101,Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Sen 04703 Hermann Mayer-Stlftung am Armin-KnabGymnaalum In Kltdngen, Kanzler-Stûrtzel-Str 15, 97318 Kitzingen Τ: (09321) 13170; Fax: 131733; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kitzingen.de/amiin-knab-gymnasium Established: I960; Donor(s): Hermann W. Mayer Expenditures: DM 1,000,· Limitations: Grants to predetermined pupils in Kitzingen only Focus: Educ 04704 Mayo Clinic Stiftung In Deutschland, do Faerge & Benson LLP, Wiesenau 1, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 97122270; Fax: 97122770 Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants to Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research in Rochester/Minnesota (USA) only Focus: Med 04705
Regierungsrat May'sche SchulunterstQtzungeetlftung, c/o Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt, Luisenpl 2, 64283 Darmstadt T: (06151) 125504; Fax: 125285 Established: 1807; Donops): Regierungsrat Georg Ludwig May Focus: Educ 04706 Bertha Mechow-VDA Stiftung, c/o Treuhand und Revisionsgesellschaft mbH, Forstenrieder Allee 7072, 81476 München Established: 1997; Donops): VDA Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland e.V. Limitations: Grants to German cultural institutions abroad Focus: Arts; Cult 04707 Mechtold-Stlftung, Gutenbergstr 5, 65830 Kriftel Τ: (06192) 49090; Fax: 490937 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Frieda Mechtokl Assets: DM 450.000,· Focus: AnimP 04708 Paul und Margaretha Meckelburg-Stiftung, Wilhelmsburger Str 73, 20539 Hamburg T: (040) 786422 Established: 1926; Donops): Paul und Margaretha Meckelburg Assets: DM 7,000,Focus: SocW 04709 Medlensttftung Kultur im Mediapark Köln, Im MediaPark 7, 50670 Köln T: (0221) 5743333; Fax: 5743339 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Köln only Focus: Cult 04710 Dr. Hans und Hildegard Medler-Stiftung, Postfach 1263, 36081 Hûnfekj Τ: (06652) 1860; Fax: 18675 Established: 1994; Secy: Alfred Etzel, Donor(s): Dr. Hans und Hildegard Medier Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Music 04711 Heribert Meffert-Stiftung, Universitátsstr 14-16, 48143 Munster Established: 1999 04712 Mehl-Mûlhens-Stfftung, Eiler Str 10, 51107 Köln Τ: (0221) 9861133; Fax: 9861183 Established: 1985; Donor(s): María Mehl-Mülhens Expenditures: DM 1.655.000,· Focus: Ecol 04713 Hans-Meid-Stlfhing, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Eibund Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Max Meid Focus: Arts; Graph; Schol 04714 Stiftung Meter-Bruck, Neß 7-9, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 36834552; Fax: 36834570 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Walter Meier-Bruck Limitations: Grants to employees of Commerzbank AG (Hamburg) only Focus: SocW 04715 Lothar Meter*Sttftung, c/o Museum fur Bergedorf, Schloß Bergedorf, 21029 Hamburg Τ: (040) 428912508; Fax: 428912974 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Lothar Meier Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 75.000,Focus: Voc 04716
Meine)-Burkhard-Stiftung, do Notar Wolfgang Olshausen, Schloßstr 6, 66641 Rain am Lech T: (09002) 2044; Fax: 4730 Established: 1998; Donops): Anna Meinel Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Donauwörth only Focus: Med; SocW 04722 Vikarie Meiners, c/o Stadt Coesfeld, Markt 8, 48653 Coesfeld T: (02541) 9391151; Fax: 9394000; Internet: http:// wwwcoesfeld.de Established: 1722; Donops): Johannes Meiners Assets: DM 1.608.420,-, Expenditures: DM 22.000,Focus: Schol; Rei 04723 Erna Meinusch-Stiftung, c/o Schröder, Münchmeyer, Hengst & Co., Kaiserstr 73, 63065 Offenbach T: (069) 2179810; Fax: 2179899 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Erna Meinusch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 04724 Heinz und Gudrun Melse-Stlftung für herzkranke Kinder, Heinz-Meise-Str 100, 36199 Rotenburg an der Fulda T: (06623) 866200; Fax: 887010 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Heinz und Gudrun Meise Assets: DM 653.535,·, Expenditures: DM 182.000,Focus: Card; Ped 04725 Hannes Meisinger-Multiple Sklerose-Stiftung, Sudetenstr 1, 86543 Aichach T: (08251) 911614; Fax: 911609 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Hannes Meisinger Assets: DM 260.000,· Focus: MultS 04726 Dr. Kurt und Irmgard Meister-Stiftung, c/o SV Stìftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-JI www.stifterverband.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Irmgard Meister Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Genet 04727 Otto Meister-Stiftung, Postfach 1240, 74602 Öhringen T: (07941) 66216; Fax: 66302 Established: 1974; Donops): Otto Meister Assets: DM 1.054.000,-, Expenditures: DM 82.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Öhringen only Focus: Youth 04728 Stiftung Otto und Ursula Melxner, Baumstr 2-4, 75172 Pforzheim Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in Pforzheim and the district of Enzkreis only Focus: Hand; Sen 04729 Philipp Melanchthon-Schülerpreis Stiftung, Zum kleinen Feld 29, 75015 Bretten-Ruit T: (07252) 957644; Fax: 78612 Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants and prizes only Focus: Educ 04730
Germany: Merkle-Stiftung
Meller-Gesmolder-Siechenfonds, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Schürenkamp 16, 49324 Melle Established: 1775 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04735 von Mellln'sche-Stlftung, Renlei. Soester Str 81, 59457 Werl T: (02922) 7631; Fax: 81073 Established: 1868 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Hand 04736 Frida Melsbach und Hans-Werner LieblichStiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Paul Gert von Beckerath Limitations: Predetermined grants in Zittau (Sachsen) only Focus: Mon 04737 Ewald Meitzer-Stiftung, c/o Kraft Waentig, Moritzsir 12, 55130 Mainz T: (06131) 81158; Fax: 831490 Established: 1921; Chair: Kraft Waentig, Donor(s): Dr. Ewald Meitzer, Kraft Waentig Assets: DM 180.000,-, Receipts: DM 7.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Grants in Grosshennersdorf/Sachsen only Focus: Hand 04738 Annekatrein Mendel-Stlftung, Amselweg 23, 65760 Eschborn Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Poland only Focus: Ther; East 04739 Moses Mendelssohn-Akademie Haiberstadt, Internationale Begegnungsstätte, Rosenwinkel 18, 38620 Halberstadt T: (03941) 606710; Fax: 606713; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Donor(s): Manfred Wolff, Brent Nussbaum Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Jew 04740 Friedrich und Elise Menge-Stiftung, c/o Sparkasse Herford, Auf der Freiheit 20, 32052 Herford T: (05221) 161465; Fax: 161489 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Friedrich und Elise Menge Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations: Grants in Herford only Focus: Fin 04741 Karl und Walburga Mengele-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1562, 89305 Günzburg T: (08221) 9030; Fax: 903117; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1961 Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Günzburg only Focus: SocW 04742 Jakob-Wilhelm-Mengler-Stlftung, Postfach 111031, 64225 Darmstadt T: (06151) 3840; Fax: 384101 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Jakob Wilhelm Mengler Focus: Res; Scie 04743
René- und Camille-Meier-Stiftung, do Fachbereich Bürge (service und Soziales, Amand-Goegg-Str 4, 77654 Oflenburg T: (0781) 823463; Fax: 827584 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Käthe und Camille Meier Expenditures: DM 71,000,· Limitations: Grants in Offenburg only Focus: SocW; Home 047J7
Melanchthon-Stiftung, Wallotstr 29, 01309 Dresden T: (0351) 3161427; Fax: 3161427 Established: 1961; Chair: Christian Klinghardt, Donor(s): Pförtner Bund e.V., Verein ehemaliger Fürstenschulen e.V. Assets: DM 1.780.000,·, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limrtations: Predetermined grants in Grimma and Schulpforte only Focus: Educ 04731
H.H. Meier-Stiftung für Stipendienzwecke. Langenstr 30, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 175740; Fax: 1757473; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1910; Donops): Prof. Dr. Dietrich Schäfer Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Bremen only Focus: Schol 04718
Melanchthon-Stiftung, Mineivastr 6, 46419 Isselbürg Τ: (02874) 724, 779 Established: 1901; Donor(s): Kommemenrat Gustav Nehring-Bögel Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 245.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04732
Fritz Meter'sche Wohltätigkeitsanstalt, do Stadtverwaltung Schwedt/Oder, Ordnungsamt, Platz der Befreiung 6, 16284 Schwedt/Oder Established: 1860 Focus: SocW 04719
Philipp Melanchthon-Stlftung, PhilologischTheologisches Kolleg, c/o Universität Tübingen, Institut für antikes Judentum und hellenistische Religionsgeschichte, Uebermeisterstr 12, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2977010 Established: 1992; Secy: Dr. Anna Maria Schwemer, Donorjs): Prof. Dr. Martin Hengel Assets: DM 680.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 04733
Günter und Wolfgang Menz-Stiftung Im 1. Fußball-Club Neukölln 1895 e.V., Glockenblumenweg 106a, 12357 Berlin T: (030) 6612242 Established: 1995; Donops): Günter und Wolfgang Menz Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sports 04747
Melante-Stlftung Magdeburg zur Förderung der Pflege und Erforschungen von Leben und Werk Georg Philipp Telemanns (1681 1767), Liebigstr 10, 39104 Magdeburg T: (0391) 5430290; Fax: 5616421; E-Mail: telemann@ magdeburg.de Established: 1993; Chain Frank Ranneberg, Donor(s): Arbeitskreis Georg Philipp Telemann e.V. Assets: DM 60.000,· Focus: Music 04734
Hans L. Merkle-Stiftung, c/o SV Stìftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Robert Bosch GmbH Expenditures: DM 768.000,Focus: Scie; Res; NatS; Eng; Med: Hum; SocS 04748
Marie und Robert Meinders-Stlftung, c/o Synodahreiband, Großsir 42-46, 26767 Leer T: (0491) 927790; Fax: 9277918 Established: 1962; Donops): Robert Meinders Assets: DM 105.000,Limitations: Grants in the former district of Regierungsbezirk Aurich only Focus: Deafs 04720 Bruno Meindl-Stlftung, do Hochschule des Saarlands für Musik und Theater, Bismarckstr 1, 66111 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 967310; Fax: 9673130 Established: 1985; Donops): Bruno Meindl Assets: DM 65.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 04721
Gottfried Menken-Stiftung, Martinikirchhof 3, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 324835; Fax: 324881 Established: (1589) 1979; Chair Dr. E. Hagemarn, Donor(s): Engel von Alkuh, G. Bamefür Assets: DM 370.000,-, Receipts: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Wid; Youth; Hand 04744 Johann Menrad-Stlftung, do Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Orìeanspl 11, 81667 München Τ: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1924; Donops): Johann Menrad Assets: DM 80.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.500,· Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Sen 04745 Yehudi Menuhfn Stiftung Deutschland, Báckerstr 2, 40213 Dusseldorf Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Music; Arts; Ther
Germany: Merkt-Stiftung
Dr. Otto Merkt-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, Θ7435 Kempten Τ: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 25254Ô3 Established: 1935; Donor(s): Dr. Otto Merkt Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Allgäu only Focus: Hist; Agrie 04749 Ferdinand und Emma Merkt'sche Veteranenstiftung, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten T: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 25252483 Established: 1915 Expenditures: DM 29.000,Limitations: Grants on a local basis. Grants to war veterans in Kempten only Focus: Waiv 04750 Merkur-Stiftung, Sassen, 36110 Schlitz Τ: (06642) 802111; Fax: 802162 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Doris Eisenmeier Focus: Anthrop 04751 Wilhelm Merton-Stlftung, c/o Vereinigung von Freunden und Förderern der Johann-Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main e.V., Senckenberganlage 31, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 79823935; Fax: 79828064; Internet: http-Jl www.uni-frankfurt.de Established: 1982; Donor(s): Metallgesellschaft AG Assets: DM 410.000,·, Expenditures: DM 239.000,Focus: Schol; Econ 04752 Stiftung Toni Merz, c/o Toni-Merz-Museum, Schulstr 25, 77880 Sasbach Established: 1974; Donor(s): Mathilde Merz Assets: DM 838.900,-, Expenditures: DM 35.400,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aris 04753 Otto Merz-Stiftung, Goethestr β, 75031 Eppingen T: (07262) 7216 Established: 1984; Chair: Bürgermeister der Stadt Eppingen, Secy: Karl Dettling, Doror(s): Otto Merz Assets: DM 55.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Grants in Mühlbach only Focus: Cult; Hist 04754 Gerhard Merzyn-Stiftung, Rissener Landstr 193, 22559 Hamburg T: (040) 819070; Fax: 8190759 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Use Merzyn Assets: DM 130.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; SocS 04755 Adolf Messer-Stiftung, Hardtberg 1, 61462 Königstein im Taunus Τ: (06174) 936996; Fax: 936999 Established: 1978 Limitations: Grants in Germany oniy Focus: SocW; Educ; Scie
04749 -04805
Vereinigter Stipendienfonds und Dr. Messerschmidt-Stipendium der Stadt Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1925 Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limrtations: Scholarships to students and puplis from Augsburg only Focus: Schol 04757 Messerschmitt-Stiftung, Pienzenauerstr 17, 81679 München Τ: (089) 981830 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Prof. Willy Messerschmitt Focus: Mon 04758 Dr. Karola Messner-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Peter Lex, Max-Joseph-Str 7b, 80333 München Established: 1996; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Karola Messner Focus: IntM 04759 Adolf und Malvine Metelmann geb. GerberStiftung, c/o Max Vieth GmbH, Hermannstr 40, 20C95 Hamburg Τ: (040) 3020090; Fax: 30200919 Established: 1918; Donor(s): Adolf und Malvine Metelmann Limitations: Grants to needy singles and families in Germany only Focus: SocW; Fam 04760 Methodistische Missionshilfe, c/o Theologisches Seminar, Friedrich-Ebert-Str 31, 72762 Reutlingen T: (07121) 92590; Fax: 925914; Internet; http:// www.theologisches-seminar.de Established: 1927; Chair: Pastor Holger Eschmann, Donor(s): Evangelisch-Methodistische Kirche Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Miss 04761 Gerhard und Renate Metz Stiftung, Lauterstr 18, 72622 Nürtingen T: (07022) 60020; Fax: 600221; E-Mail: ist θ istuv.com; Internet: http://www.ist-uv.com Established: 1997; Donor(s): Gerhard und Renate Metz Limitations: Grants to members of the Metz family only Focus: SocW; Fam 04762 Metzmacher-Stiftung für Natur- und Vogelschutz, Ubbedisser Str 58, 33699 Bielefeld Established: 1995 Focus: Ecol; AnimP 04763
Walter Meusel-Stiftung, Schmidt-Rottluff-Str 90, 09114 Chemnitz T: (0371) 426895 Established: 1992; Chair Stefan Jeßen, Dr. Joachim Hemmerling, Secy: Stefan Jeßen, Donops): Hilde Wendler Assets: DM 19.200,·, Receipts: DM 109.000,-, Expenditures: DM 109.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hort; Bot; Cult 04764 Stiftung Marion Meyenburg, Heilwigstr 33 , 20249 Hamburg Established: 1987 Assets: DM 100.000,Focus; Hom 04765 Wilhelm und Maria Meyenburg-Stiftung, c/o Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg T: (06221) 422750; Fax: 422749; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1976; Donor(s): Wilhelm und Maria Meyenburg Assets: DM 3.000.000,Focus: Cane 04766 Meyenburg'sche und Bamberg'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Markt 3, 38170 Schöppenstedt T: (05332) 938134; Fax: 938101 Established: 1670; Donops): Johann Martin Friedrich Bamberg, Theodor Meyenburg Assets: DM 258.700,·, Expenditures: DM 6.800,Limitations: Grants in Schöppenstedt only Focus: SocW 04767
Gerhard-Lucas Meyer-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1760, 31207 Peine Τ: (05171) 49297; Fax: 49298 Established: 1980; Chair Dr. Willy Bo, Secy: Harald Stolte, Donops): Anna-Margret Janovicz Assets: DM 9.944.700,-, Expenditures: DM 305.100,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04775 Josef-Meyer-Stlftung Freystadt, c/o Stadt Feystadt, Postfach 61, 92340 Freystadt Established: 1999; Donor(s): Josef Meyer Limitations: Grants in Freystadt only Focus: Sen
Dr. Meyer-Struckmann-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: ulrike.johanning@ stifterverband.de; Internet: http j /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1961; Donor(s): Dr. Fritz MeyerStruckmann Assets: DM 27.707.222,-, Expenditures: DM 2.736.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Cult; Hum 04780 Hans Meyer-Wellmann-Sttftung, Hauptstr 34, 49757 Werlte Τ: (05951) 2855; Fax: 2833 Established: 1990; Donors): Hans Meyer-Weilmann Limitations: Grants in Lorup only Focus: Hist 04781
Dr. Helmut und Constanze Meyer-Kunststfftung, Luitpoldpi 13, 95444 Bayreuth T: (0921) 251200 Established: 1991; Donops): Dr. Helmut Meyer, Constanze Meyer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04768
Christoph Meyers milde Stiftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg T: (0391) 5346229 Established: 1899 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: RelE 04782
Emst Meyer-Maack-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 28, 58095 Hagen T: (02331) 32078/79; Fax: 32090 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Emst Meyer-Maack Assets: DM 8.000.000,Focus: Mon 04769
Stiftung Meyer'sche Häuser, Kurt-Kresse-Str 91, 04207 Leipzig T: (0341) 426020; Fax: 4225686; E-Mail: infoömeyersche-haeuser.de; Internet: http:// www.meyersche-haeuser.de Established: 1900; Chair Friedrich Rackwitz, Donor(s): Herrmann-Julius Meyer Assets: DM 200.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 04783
Dr. Helmut und Margarete Meyer-Schwarting Stiftung, c/o Sankt Joseph-Stift, Schwachhauser Heerstr 54, 28209 Bremen Established: 1974 Focus: Blinds; Opht; Schol 04770 W.-A.-H.-Meyer-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: info @ denkmalschutz.de; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dipl .-Ing. Heinrich Meyer Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 04771 Paul Meyer-Stiftung, Stephensonstr 1, 60326 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 97336068 Established: 1906; Donops): Regierungsrat Paul Meyer Focus: Voc 04772 Geschwister Hinrich und Helene Meyer-Stiftung, Bemadottestr. 67, 22605 Hamburg Τ: (040) 6471184 Established: 1905; Donops): Helene Marie Friedericke Meyer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 04773 Elise Meyer Stiftung, Lasbeker Str 15, 22143 Hamburg T: (040) 6773436 Established: 1991 Limitations: Music prizes to students at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Hamburg only Focus: Music; Arts; Schol 04774 Bertha Meyer-Stiftung, c/o Stiftungsverwaltung, Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 4282563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Eduard Möller Expenditures: DM 2.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 04775 Paul und Margareta Meyer Stiftung, Mönckebergstr 10, Barkhof B, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 3202255; Fax: 32022500; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1981; Chair: Klaus Pfau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 04776 Heinz Friedrich Meyer-Stiftung, c/o Kloster Lüne, Sophia-von-Bodendiecke-PI 3, 21337 Lüneburg T: (05851) 1045 Established: 1998; Chair: Heinz F. Meyer Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Text 04777
Dr.-Baibara-Mez-Starck-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 263453931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1998 04784 Erich und Elli-Ingeborg Mezger-Stlftung, Wernervon-Siemens-Str 6, 97424 Schweinfurt T: (09721) 655257 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Erich Mezger Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Mezger Co. (Schweinfurt) only Focus: SocW 04785 Paul Michaeli-Stiftung, Wuppertaler Str 141-143, 42653 Solingen Τ: (0212) 59807; Fax: 593253 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Paul Michaeli 04786 Michaelistift, Hofer Str 30, 07926 Gefell Τ: (036649) 8830; Fax: 88340; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1849; Secy: Stephan Wendrock, Donor(s): Pfarrer Friedrich Bauerfeind Focus: SocW; Hand 04787 Michaelshof, Fährstr 25, 18147 Rostock T: (0381) 6450; Fax: 645555; E-Mail: info@ michaelshof.de; Internet: http://www.michaelshof.de Established: 1851; Donops): Großherzog Friedrich Franz II von Mecklenburg-Schwerin Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 04788 Otto-Michel-Stiftung, c/o Albrecht-Bengel-Haus e.V., Ludwig-Krapl-Str 5, 72072 Tübingen T: (07071) 70059; Fax: 70040 Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Tübingen only Focus: Rei; Schol 04789 Stiftung Gottfried Michelmann, Lerchesbergring 98, 60598 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 681868; Fax: 684774 Established: 1S87; Chair: Gottfried Michelmann, Donor(s); Gottfried Michelmann Expenditures: DM 54.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: IntU 04790 Mlddeler Kulturstiftung, Lienzinger Moos 5, 83257 Gstadt Τ: (08056) 1270 Established: 1993; Donops): Kulturförderungsgemeinschaft Die Brücke e.V. Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 04791
Katharina Middendorf-Stiftung, Deipe Stegge 223, 48653 Coesfeld T: (02541) 970581; Fax: 970582 Established: 1996; Chair Hermann Steinberg, Secy: Hermann Steinberg, Donor(s): Katharina Middendorf Assets: DM 3.000.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Coesfeld only Focus: Sen 04792 Apotheker Georg und Ehefrau Elisabeth Mie geb. Heitmann-Stiftung, Ritterstr 16, 12207 Bertin T: (030) 7723600 Established: 1957 Limitations: Grants to female Protestant orphans only Focus: Oip 04753 Miele-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http·.// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1974; Donops): Miele & Cie. KG Assets: DM 921.000,-, Expenditures: DM 126.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; SocW 04794 Clarence und Emma Mieiech-Stlftung, GeorgWilhelm-Str 3, 10711 Berlin T: (030) 8936950; Fax: 89369588 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Emma Mielech Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Hand; Cane; Sen; SocW . . . . 04795 Mlescher-lschlda-Prlze, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1993 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Biol 04796 Milde Stiftungen zu Spangenberg, Obergasse t, 34286 Spangenberg T: (05663) 346; Fax: 6950 Limitations: Grants in the region of Spangenberg only Focus: SocW 04797 Mildtätige Stiftung des Deutschen Bundeswehr-Verbandes, Südstr 123, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 3823163/64; Fax: 3823220 Established: 1977; Donor(s): Deutscher BundeswehrVerband e.V. Assets: DM 300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 190.000,Limitations: Grants to German soldiers, former soldiers and their relatives only Focus: SocW 04796 Mildtätige Stiftung Eisenbahn-Waisenhort, (formerly: Eisenbahn-Waisenhort), Karistr 4-6, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26522027; Fax: 26533418; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1928; Secy: Dr. Helmut Sattler, Donor(s): Präsident des Bundeseisenbahnvermögens Assets: DM 12.900.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 04799 Mildtätige Stiftung Sankt Laurentius zu Loburg, Markt 2, 39279 Loburg T: (039245) 2345; Fax: 68169; Internet: http Jl www.loburg.de/stiflung Established: 1991; Donor(s): Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Loburg Assets: DM 180.200,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 04800 Oskar von Miller-Stiftung, c/o Deutsches Museum, Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München T: (089) 21791; Fax: 2179324; Internet: http:// www.DEUTSCHES-MUSEUM.DE Established: 1925 Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Schol 04801 Horst-Minlhold-Stiftung, Fruhlingsstr 15, 94526 Metten Τ: (0991) 90741; Fax: 90749 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dipl.-Ing. Horst Minihold Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol; Mon; Voc; Eng 04802 Hanne und Werner Mirow-Stiftung, ElsaBrandström-Str 7, 33602 Bielefeld Established: 1992
Missionsakademie an der Universität Hamburg, Rupertistr 67, 22609 Hamburg T: (040) 8231610; Fax: 8226361; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1957; Chair Prof. Dr. Theodor Ahrens, Donor(s): Deutscher Evangelischer Missionstag Assets: DM 6.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.683.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.683.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Miss 04804 Mit gleichen Chancen leben, Bruchstr 6, 52538 Gangelt T: (02454) 59710, 59706; Fax: 59750 Established: 1999; Donops): Förderverein Maria Hilf Gangelt e.V. Limitations: Grants in Gangelt onfy Focus: Hand 04805
83 Engelbrecht Mitfflot-Stiftung, Postfach 100961, 69449 Weinheim T: (06201) 92316; Fax: 82268; Internet: httpJl www.weinheim.de Established: 1983; Chair Uwe Kleefoot. Secy: Ulrike Palm Receipts: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Focus: IntU 04806 Mitscherllch'sche Famlllensttftung, HartmannIbach-Str 105, 60389 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1909; Donor(s): Alexander Mitscherltch Assets: DM 650.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20,000,Limitations: Grants to members of the M it scherlich family only Focus: Fam 04807 Stiftungsfonds Mitsubishi Electric Europe, Gothaer Str θ, 40680 Ratingen Τ: (02102) 4860; Fax: 486200 Established: 1989; Chair: R. Heidermann, Donor(s): Mitsubishi Electric Europe GmbH Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Res; Elect; Schol 04808 M i t t e l ränkisches Blindenheim, Bielefelder Str 45, 90425 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 3957890; Fax: 39578913 Established: 1911 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Blinds 04809 Mittelfranken-Stfftung für Natur-Kultur» Struktur, Bischof-Meiser-Str 2, 91522 Ansbach Τ: (0961) 53218; Fax: 53585 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Bezirk Mittelfranken Assets: DM 25.343.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.509.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Mittelfranken only Focus: Ecol; Cult 04810 Stiftung Mittelsten Scheid, Bandeistr 5, 80638 München T: (089) 1573002 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Familie Mittelsten Scheid Assets: DM 46.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cult 04811 Paula Modersohn-Becker-Stiftung, Rembertrstr 1a, 28203 Bremen Τ: (0421) 327478 Established: 1979 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts 04812 Otto-Modersohn-Stlftung, In der Bredenau 95, 28870 Fischerhude Τ: (04293) 328; Fax: 1435; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04813 Marie Moeihoff*Barclay-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1163, 38666 Vienenburg Τ: (05324) 8880; Fax: 8891 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Marie Moelhoff-Barclay Assets: DM 485.000,·, Expenditures: DM 14.000,Limitations: Grants to female citizens of Vienenburg only Focus: Worn; Schol; Health 04814 Luise-Marie Mölk-Stiftung, Kleiner Zuschlag 2-4, 49143 Bissendorf Established: 1994 Focus: Sen; Nurs 04815 Dr. Gustav Möllenberg-Stiftung, Postfach 101264, 44712 Bochum Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Westfalia Dinnendahl Groppel AG (Bochum) only Focus: SocW 04816 Dr. med. Curt Moeiler-Gedächtnfssttftung zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit auf medizinischtechnischem Gebiet, Quarzweg 10, 22395 Hamburg T: (040) 6024792; Fax: 6064771 Established: 1985; Chair Prof. Dr. Eduard Quellhorst, Secy: Helmut Köhling, Donor(s): Alfred Hübscher GmbH Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: MedE 04817 Ferdinand Möller-Stiftung, Stemstr 42, 40479 Düsseldorf Established: 1995; Donor(s): Angelika Fessler-Môller, Wolfgang Wittrock Assets: DM 6.000.000,· •Focus: Arts 04818 Klaus Möijer-Stfftung, Falckweg 22, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 8807907; Fax: 8805003 Established: 1982; Chair Georg von Drateln, Secy: Georg von Drateln, Donor(s): Dr. Erich Moller Assets: DM 3.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; Ecol 04819
04806 - 04862 Alex Möller-Stiftung, do Karlsruher Lebensversicherungs AG, Friedrich-Scholl-PI, 76112 Kailsmhe T: (0721) 3532222; Fax: 3532167 Established: 1976; Chair: Dr. Bernhard Schareck, Secy: Günther Früh, Donor(s): Prof. h.c. Dr. Alex Möller Assets: DM 372,600,·, Receipts: DM 80.000,-, Expenditures: DM 22.000,Limitations: Grants to former employees of Karlsruher Lebensversicherungs AG (Karlsruhe) only Focus: SocW 04820 Prof. Edmund Moeller-Stiftung, c/o Kulturamt der Stadt Neustadt, Georg-Langbein-Str 1, 96465 Neustadt bei Coburg T: (09568) 810 Established: 1983; Donops): Baidur Moeller Assets: DM 107.120,Focus: Arts 04821 Gerd Möller-Stiftung, Kaakstr 3, 26384 Wilhelmshaven T: (04421) 33011 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Gerd Möller Expenditures: DM 500.000,Focus: Educ
Marga und Kurt Möllgaard-Stfftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1967; Donor(s): Marga und Kurt Möllgaard Assets: DM 29.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2,314.000,Focus: Educ; Youth 04825 Max Mörck Stiftung, do Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1960; Donor(s): Max Mörck Limitations: Grants to needy workers in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 04826 Heinrich-Mörtl-Stlftung zur Förderung der Ausund Weiterbildung der Polizeibediensteten des Landes Hessen, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Heinrich Morti Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Pol 04827 MöBmann'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein dsusta.de Established: 1799; Donor(s): Franz Xaver Mößmann Assets: DM 1.070.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.800,Limitations: Grants in Augsburg-Bergheim only Focus: Voc 04828 Mösener-Stiftung, Biberhöhe 1, 83098 Brannenburg Established: 1993
Leonhard Moll-Stiftung, do Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversitát München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Moll KG Expenditures: DM 23.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at the universities in Wroclaw (Poland), Budapest (Hungary), Sankt Petersburg (Russia) and Praha (Czech Republic) only Focus: Schol; East 04835 Josef F.W. Moll-Stiftung, Maybachstr 6, 70469 Stuttgart Established: 1977 Focus: Cane 04836
Möller-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Klövensteenweg 68, 22559 Hamburg T: (040) 810305; Fax: 810305 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dr. Hermann Möller Limitations: Predetermined prizes only Focus: Min 04823 Möllerstlft, Auf dem Kupferhammer, 33649 Bielefeld Focus: SocW
Karl-Theodor Moiinarl-Sttftung e.V., Bildungswerk des Deutschen Bundeswehr-Verbandes, Südstr 121, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 3823103; Fax: 3823250; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1986; Chair: Bernhard Gertz, Secy: Andreas Prúfert Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Educ; IntU 04834
Moessner-Stiftung, c/o Strftungs- und Nachlaßmanagement, Frankfurter Spettasse, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414404; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www. [email protected] Established: 1998; Donops): Robert D. Moessner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Opht 04830 Dr. Leo Mohren-Stiftung, Max-Joseph-Str 7b, 60333 München T: (089) 5517080; Fax: 55170810; E-Mail: DrMohren Partner® t-online.de Established: 1988; Chair Dr. Peter Lex Assets: DM 120.000,·, Expenditures: DM 6.000,· Focus: Law 04831 Molckenbuhr'sche Stiftung für alte weibliche Dienstboten, do Dr. Κ. Völtzer, Wöhrendamm 152, 22927 Großhansdorf Established: 1887; Donops): Carsten J. Motckenbuhr, Catharine A. Molckenbuhr Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Worn 04832 Eva Moldenhauer-Stlftung, do Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Eva Moktenhauer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Youth; Med 04833
Franz Moll Stiftung für die kommenden Generationen, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.maecenata-maragement.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Franz Moli Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Ecol 04837 Wilhelm-Mommertz-Stiftung zur Förderung der Archäologie, c/o Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, Am Bergbaumuseum 28, 44791 Bochum T: (0234) 5877112; Fax: 5877111; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http j ! www .be rgbaumuseum.dmt.de Established: 1985; Donor(s): Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Mommertz Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: Archeo 04838 Momo-Klnderstlftung, Mühlbachstr 2, 78315 Radolfzell T: (07732) 7462; Fax: 7462 Chair: Ursula Zeeb, Secy: Annette Nattes, Donor(s): BUN D-Landesverband Baden-Württemberg Expenditures: DM 174.000,· Focus: Child; Educ; Ecol 04839 Jakob Moneta-Stlftung, An den drei Brunnen 31, 60431 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1997 Focus: Voc; IntU; Lit; Pubi 04840 Elisabeth Montag-Stiftung, c/o Hochschule für bildende Künste, Güntzstr 34, 01307 Dresden T: (0351) 4402147; Fax: 4590025 Established: 1992 Focus: Arts 04841 Montfort-Werk-MQnchen-Stlftung, MangfaJistr 27, 81547 München T: (08541) 8235 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Dr. Alexander Pinoli Asseis: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 04842 Kart Monz-Stlftung, do Rechtsanwalt Adolf Hällmayr, Konrad-Adenauer-Str 10, 85221 Dachau Established: 1996; Donor(s): Karl Julius August Monz Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of BMW Bayerische Motorenwerke AG München only Focus: SocW 04843 Eugen Moog-Stiftung, Engelbertstr 21, 42859 Remscheid Τ: (02191) 33522 Established: 1976; Chain Werner Schaaf Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 40.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants in the cities of Remscheid, Solingen and Wuppertal only Focus: Health; Educ; Cult 04844 Anita Moor-Stiftung, Dachauer Str 61, 62256 Fürstenfeldbruck Τ: (08141) 41548; Fax: 41456 Established: 1994; Chair: Rita Ring, Secy: Nikolaus Turner, Donor(s): Anita Moor Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04845 Mooseder-Stlftung, Feldmochinger Str 35, 80992 München Τ: (089) 14079640; Fax: 14079642 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Georg Mooseder Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Hist 04846 Morat-lnstltut für Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft, Lörracher Str 31, 79115 Freiburg Τ: (0761) 4765916; Fax: 42117; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1983; Chair Botho von Portatius, Donor(s): Franz Morat, Charlotte A. Morat, Franz Armin Morat Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 04847
Germany: Mühler-Stiftung
Manja und Ernst Mordhorst-Stiftung für Jung und Alt, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: 069/ 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Emst und Manja Mordhorst Focus: Med; Sports; SocW; Rei
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Morewoodstlftung in Hamburg-Wandsbek, Schloßstr 60, 22041 Hamburg Τ: (040) 428812864; Fax: 428812023 Established: 1872; Donor(s): Helene und Lydia Morewood Focus: Hous 04849 Friedrich und Maria Sophie Moritz'sche Stiftung, Albertus-Magnus-PI, 50923 Köln Τ: (0221) 4701 Established: 1963 Assets: DM 900.000,· Limitations: Grants to Universität Köln only Focus: Med 04850 Philip Morris-Stiftung, Fallstr 40, 81369 München Τ: (089) 72470; Fax: 72471227 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Philip Morris GmbH Assets: DM 2.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scìe; Res; Cult; Ecol 04851 Stefan Morsch-Stlftung, Schneewiesenstr 20, 55760 Birkenfeld Τ: (06782) 99330; Fax: 993322; E-Mail: info@ stefan-morsch-stiftung.de; Internet: http://www.stefanmorsch-stiftung.de Established: 1986; Chair: Emil Morsch, Secy: Hiltrud Morsch Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 5.000.000, Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Focus: Health 04852 Hugo Moser-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH. Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hugo Moser, Hildegard Moser Assets: DM 192.693,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Focus: Lit 04853 Käthe Moser-Stiftung, c/o Katholisch-Evangelische Sozialstation Füssen, Augustenstr 18a, 87629 Füssen Established: 1992; Donor(s): Käthe Moser Assets: DM 300.000,Focus: SocW 04854 Mosquito Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteausir 1, 81479 München T: (089) 44200200; Fax: 44200300; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kinderfonds.org/mosquito.htm Established: 1998; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Susanne M. Müller-Risch Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; SocW 04855 Rudolf Mosse-Stlftung, Friedrich-Ebert-Pl 2, 69117 Heidelberg T: (06221) 547590 Established: 1918; Secy: Prof. Dr. K. Misera, Donor(s): Dr. Rudolf Mosse Assets: DM 80.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Law 04856 Kurstift-Mozart-Stlftung, Salzstr 1, 83404 Ainring T: (08654) 5770; Fax: 577930 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Freundeskreis Kurstift Mozart e.V. Expenditures: DM 30.000,· Limitations: Grants in Ainring-Mitterfelden only Focus: Sen 04857 Mozart-Stiftung von 1638 zu Frankfurt am Main, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Hasso von Haldenwang, Elisabethenstr 3-9, 60594 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 616295; Fax: 616298 Established: 1838; Chair Prof. Hubert Buchberger, Secy: Rechtsanwalt Dr. Hasso von Haldenwang Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Music; Schol 04856 Franz und Gertrud Mück-Stiftung, c/o Landratsamt Neu-Ulm, Postfach 1725, 89207 Neu-Ulm Established: 1991 04859 Louise Mücke-Stiftung, Regierungsstr 52-53, 99084 Erfurt T: (0361) 6436520; Fax: 6462807 Established: 1900; Donor(s): Anna Mücke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Child 04860 Hans Mûhlenhoff-Stlftung zur Förderung leistungsfreudiger Jugend, c/o Universität Osnabrück, Schloß, Neuer Graben, 49069 Osnabrück T: (0541) 9690; Fax: 9694888 Established: 1996; Chair: Hans Mühlenhoff, Secy: Universität Osnabrück, Donor(s): Hans Mühlenhoff Assets: DM 2.000.000,Focus: Youth; Voc 04861 Hedwig Mühler-Stiftung, c/o etema Mode GmbH, Medienstr 12, 94036 Passau Established: 1994; Donor(s): Erich Mühler Assets: DM 300.000,· Limitations: Grants to former employees of etema Mode GmbH only Focus: SocW 04862
Heinrich und Lotte Mühlfenzl-Stíftung, Schifferlstr 1, 80687 München Τ: (089) 5809090; Fax: 58090919 Established: 1995; Donops): Heinrich und Lotte Mühifenzi Focus: Educ 04863 Muhlschlegel-Stiftung, Gaisburgstr 7, 70182 T: (0711) 2375020; Fax: 2375013; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1978; Chair: Dr. Werner Hansis Focus: Child; Sen; Youth; Med; Ger . . 04864 Johann Müller-Altenheim-Stlftung, Hiltenfìngerstr 13, 86853 Langerringen Τ: (08232) 959690; Fax: 9596955 Established: 1521; Donops): Johann Müller Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
04663 - 04918
Wilhelm Müller-Altvatter-Stiftung, Azenbergstr 41a, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2263823; Fax: 2265864 Established: 1991; Donor{s): Rosmarie Schwarz Focus: Child; Sen; Farn 04866 Hellmuth Mülier-Clemm-Stlftung, c/o ZELLCHEMING Verein der Zellstoff- und PapierChemiker und -Ingenieure, Berliner Allee 56, 64295 Darmstadt T: (06151) 33264; Fax: 311076 Established: 1994; Secy: Dr.-ing. W. Busse, Donor(s): ZELLCHEMING Verein Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Schol; Chem; Eng 04667 Müller-Fahnenberg-Stiftung der Universität Freiburg, c/o Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Stiftungsverwaltung, Fahnenbergpl, 79085 Freiburg T: (0761) 2034309; Fax: 2034329; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.verwaltung.uni-freibjrg.de Established: 1958 Limitations: Grants to members of the Universität Freibung im Breisgau only Focus: Med 04868 Emil und Paul Müller-Gedächtnlsstlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Fritz Müller Limitations: Predetermined grants to the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität ir Mainz only Focus: NatS; Chem; Uni 04869 Dr. Müller-Jürgens-Stiftung In Memmingen, c/o Bürgerstift, Spitalgasse 8, 87700 Memmingen T: (08331) 80378, 850195 Established: 1973; Donops): Dr. Wilhelm MüllerJürgens Limitations: Grants in Memmingen only Focus: Fam; Orp; Sen 04870 Paula Müller-Kinderhiife-Sttftung, Röderbergweg 81, 60314 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 43059022; Fax: 43059022 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Paula Müller Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Child 04871 Müller-Klein-Rogge-Stlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Werner Klein-Rogge Limitations: Grants to cemeteries only Focus: SocW 04872 Dr. Eddy Miiller-Marc-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwaft Ulrich Kreußler, Obertorstr 39, 70839 Gerlingen Established: 1985; Donor(s): Dr. Eddy Múller-Marc Limitations: Grants to a students hostel in Gerlingen only Focus: Hous 04873 Carl-Müller-Mettnau-Stiftung, Rathaus, Marktpl 1, 78315 Radolfzell Established: 1984; Doror(s): Wilhelm Müllerzell Limitations: Art prizes to handicapped German artists only Focus: Arts; Hand 04874 Wolfgang Müller-Osten Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwälte Feddersen & Partner, Kurfürstendamm 32, 10719 Berlin T: (030) 8809110; Fax: 880911499; E-Mail: Andreas. Pochhammer® feddersen.com Established: 1998; Chair: Dr. Andreas Pochhammer, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Osten Expenditures: DM 500.000,Focus: Surg 04875 Müller-Reitz-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Bariand.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Ilse Palm Expenditures: DM 8,000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult . . . 05136 Cyril und Jutta A. Palmer Stiftung, c/o Schitag, Ernst & Young Wirlschaftsprúfungsgesellschaft, Valentinskamp 24, 20354 Hamburg Τ: (040) 361320 Established: 1992 Focus: Music; Schol 05137 Stiftung Oberbalzheim Imre Freiherr von Palm'sche Stiftung, Gartenstr 37, 88481 Balzheim T: (07347) 7529 Established: 1972; Donops): Dr. Imre Freiherr von Palm Assets: DM 15.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 530.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05138 Otto Pankok-Stlftung, Otto-Pankok-Weg 4, 46569 Hünxe T: (02656) 754 Established: 1977; Donops): Hulda Pankok, Eva Pankok Assets: DM 117.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05139 Hans Pape-Stiftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1981; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hans Pape Assets: DM 202.045,-, Expenditures: DM 17.000,· Limitations: Grants to University of Veszprém (Hungary) only Focus: Scie; Eng; Res; Uni; East . . . 05140
Freiherr von Ow'schs Altenhelmstiftung Haimlng, c/o Büroseivice Straubinger, Birkenweg 4, 84533 Haimlng Τ: (08678) 7177; Fax: 7177 Established: 1665; Chair: Wolfgang Koch, Donor(s): Freiherr Sigismund Felix von Ow Limitations: Grants in Haiming onfy Focus: Sen 05126
M. Aida Papenbrok-Stiftung, do Commerzbank AG, Abt. Ert>- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13624422; Fax: 13624502 Established: 1997; Donops): Margarete Aida Papenbrok Expenditures: DM 629.000,Limitations: Grants to Klinikum Nürnberg only Focus: Card 05141
Gräfliche von Oyen· und Perusa'sche Waisenfondsstiftung, c/o Gräflich Pappenheim'sche Verwaltung, Marktpl 5, 91788 Pappenheim T: (09143) 83890; Fax: 6445 Established: 1751 Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Weißenburg/Gunzenhausen only Focus: Orp 05127
Papiertechnische Stiftung, Heßstr 134, 80797 München Τ: (089) 121460; Fax: 1236592; E-Mail: info«PTS· Papertech.de; Internet; http^/www.PTS-Papertech.de Established: 1951; Chain Dr. P.W. Rizzi Receipts: DM 25.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000.000,Focus: Pap 05142
Büchemachlaß Prof. Dr. Pabst, c/o Freie Universität Berlin, Abt II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1993; Donorfs): Prof. Dr. Pabst Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit; Scie 05128
Stiftung Friedrich Pappennann, c/o Städtische Sammlungen Freital, Attburgk 61, 01705 Freital T: (0351) 6491562; Fax: 6491562 Established: 1993; Donops): Friedrich Pappermann Assets: DM 20.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Freital only Focus: Arts 05143
05144 - 05201
89 Parcham'sche Stiftung zu Lübeck, Bei den Obstgärten 12, 23556 Lübeck Established: 1602; Donops): Henning Parcham Assets: DM 4.347.000,-, Expenditures: DM 698.000,Focus: Schot; Fam 05144 Paritätische Hospltaletlftung In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303 Established: 1350 Assets: DM 27.623.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.449.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05145 Paritätische Sankt Jakobs-Stiftung In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein θ susta.de Established: 1348 Assets: DM 15.636.000,·, Expenditures: DM 8.392.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05146 Paritätische Sankt Martinsstiftung In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1400 Assets: DM 3.079.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Nurs; SocW 05147 Paritätische Sankt Servatius-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoEstablished: 1300 Assets: DM 7.342.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.981.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen Paritätischer Armenfonds In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein @ susta.de Established: 1807 Assets: DM 2.540.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: SocW 05149 Schenkung Parmer, c/o Rheinische-FriedrichWilhelms-Universität Bonn, Transferstelle, ReginaPacis-Weg 3, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 731 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Charles Havison Parmer Assets: DM 22.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phil 05150 Pascher-Stiftung, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str 48, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (06172) 96270; Fax: 962727 Established: 1997 Focus: Educ 05151 Passauer Universitätsstiftung, c/o Universität Passau, Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str 22, 94032 Passau Τ: (0851) 5091010; Fax: 5091002; E-Mail: eder05 @fsuni. rz.uni-passau.de Established: 1994; Donops): Neuburger Gesprächskreis Wissenschaft und Praxis an der Universität Passau Assets: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: Grants to members of Universität Passau only Focus: Uni; Schol 05152 Dr. Carl-Arthur Pastor-Stiftung, Postfach 186, 52002 Aachen Τ: (0241) 4611730; Fax: 4613830 Focus: Eng; NatS 05153 Pater-Heinrich-Stlftung, WaJdstr 10, 53773 Hennef T: (0221) 9312030; Fax: 93120350 Established: 1984; Donops): Rudolf und Anneliese Meutgens Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Youth; IntU 05154 Pater-Tltus*Stiftung, c/o Bischôfl. Münstereches Offizialat, Postfach 1462, 49363 Vechta T: (04441) 991020; Fax: 991026 Established: 1995; Donops): Sankt Marienhospital Vechta, Kath. Kirchengemeinde Sankt Georg Vechta Assets: DM 400,000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 05155 Patienten-Helmversorgung Gemeinnützige Stiftung, 61343 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe T: (06172) 1270; Fax: 127160; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.phvdiafyse.de Established: 1973; Donor(s): Dr. E. Fresenius KG Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05156
Patienten Stiftung Christophsbad Göppingen, Postfach 840, 73008 Göppingen Established: 1958 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Göppingen only Focus: Nurs 05157 Patri zlatssttftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Memmingen, Postfach 1853, 87688 Memmingen Τ: (08331) 850201 Established: 1834 Limitations: Grants to needy noble citizens of Memmingen only 05158 Cari Patschke-Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Schulamt, Stelle für Stiftungen, Röselerstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 16843950, 1682124; Fax: 16845062 Established: 1914; Donops): Carl Patschke Assets: DM 1,173.818,·, Expenditures: DM 45.000,Limitations: Grants in Hannover only Focus: Worn 05159 Paulinenpflege Stuttgart, Thingsir 50, 70565 Stuttgart T: (0711) 745910; Fax: 7459130 Established: 1820; Donor(s): Königin Pauline von Württemberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 05160 Paulinenpflege Weil Im Schönbuch, Paulinenstr 28, 71093 Weil im Schönbuch T: (07157) 129022; Fax: 129025; E-Mail: weil-imschoenbuch θ kdrs.de Established: 1905 Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05161 M.J. Paulsen-Testament, Mittelweg 20, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4501160; Fax: 45011619 Established: 1808; Donor(s): Martin Johann Paulsen Limitations: Grants to members of the Paulsen family only 05162 Maria Paulus-Stiftung, Oberer Kirchhaldenweg 82, 70195 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 697000; Fax: 697002; E-Mail: gststdtonline.de Established: 1964; Donor(s): Maria Paulus Expenditures: DM 1.500,Limitabons: Grants to members of the Paulus family only Focus: Fam 05163 Edrth-Pausch-Stlftung, c/o Hypo Vereinsbank, Private Banking, Maximilianstr 8, 95444 Bayreuth Τ: (0921) 7581121; Fax: 7581200 Established: 1999; Chair Karl-Heinz Zubrod, Donor(s): Edith Pausch Limitations: Grants to German charitable organizations only Focus: Child; Orp 05164 Pax-Bank-Stlftung, Von-Werth-Str 25-27, 50670 Köln Τ: (0221) 16015112 Established: 1997 Focus: Rei; SocW 05165 PE-Stlftung, Leopoldstr 1, 78112 Sankt Georgen Τ: (07724) 6073; Fax: 5369; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Donor(s): Rechtsanwälte Dûttmann, RingwaJd & Schulze Expenditures: DM 230.000,Limitations: Grants in the area of Sankt Georgen only Focus: Unemp 05/66 Rettungsstiftung Jürgen Pegler e.V., Schellengasse 8, 74072 Heilbronn Established: 1976 Expenditures: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Germany only Focus: SocW 05167 Günther-Pelll-Stiftung, c/o Leopold-HoeschMuseum, Hoeschpl 1, 52349 Duren Τ: (02421) 252561; Fax: 252560 Established: 1992 Focus: Arts
PeJniger-Stiftung, c/o J. Alzer, An der Landwehr 2, 45801 Gelsenkirchen Τ: (0201) 1000214, 1000203; Fax: 1000282 Established: 1980; Donops): Emst Peiniger GmbH Assets: DM 150.000,· Focus: Build; Eng 05169 Rektor Dr. Pell'sche Studtensemina rsttftung, c/o Bischöfliches Ordinariat Passau, Residenzpl 8, 94032 Passau T: (0851) 3930; Fax: 393830 Established: 1911 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 05170 Emst-Pelz-Stiftung, Daimlerweg 2, 82538 Geretsried T: (08171) 930910; Fax: 930940; E-Mail: pelz.safe θ t-online.de Established: 1996; Chair Peter Pelz, Donops): Peter Pelz Expenditures: DM 18.000,· Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Voc; Educ; Ecol . 05171
Penskxiszusatz-Sttftung der Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, Postfach 3161, 74021 Heilbronn Established: 1935 Expenditures: DM 696.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG (Heilbronn) only Focus: SocW 05172 Stiftung Sächsische Behindertenselbsthilfe Otto Perl, c/o Sächsisches Landesamt für Familie und Soziales, Altchemnitzer Str 40, 09120 Chemnitz T: (0371) 606428; Fax: 606432 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Freistaat Sachsen Expenditures: DM 1.588.000,Umitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Hand 05173 Perschten-Stlftung, Siedlerstr 16, 85614 Kirchseeon Τ: (08091) 9848 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Familie ReupokJ Assets: DM 62.200,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Cult 05174 Familie Peschken-Stiftung, Rathaus, Hans· Böckler-Str 26, 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn T: (02845) 3910; Fax: 391100; E-Mail: info® neukirchen-vluyn.de; Internet: http://www.neukirchenvluyn.de Established: 1923; Donor(s): Familie Peschken Assets: DM 180.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05175 Pesl-Stiftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Rathauspl 7, 82008 Unterhaching Τ: (089) 66551125; Fax: 66551166 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Rudolf Pesi, Maja Pesi Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Educ; SocW 05176 Pestalozzi-Stiftung, (formerly: Arthur und Emil Königswarther'sche Unterrichts· und Studienstiftung), Römerberg 23, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21233785; Fax: 21230725 Established: 1939 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Educ 05177 Pestalozzi-Stiftung Hamburg, Gründgenssir 26, 22309 Hamburg T: (040) 6390140; Fax: 63901411; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1847; Secy: Thomas Lamm, Brigitte Richter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Hand 05178 Pestalozzi-Stiftung Wahlwles, c/o Pestalozzi Kinder· und Jugenddorf e.V., 78333 Stockach T: (07771) 800319; Fax: 800320 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Diemar Müller, Pestalozzi Kinder und Jugenddorf Wahlwies e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 05179 Peter-Schulsttftung, Evang. Pfarrhaus, 99189 Ringleben Limitations: Grants in Ringleben only Focus: Educ 05180 Peters-Beer-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Bartchovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -J /www.strfterveitoand.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Ilse Peters Expenditures: DM 56.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 05181 Peters Lebenshilfe Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenherten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Dr. Margarete Bünger Focus: Hand 05182 Prof. Martha Peters-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Gerhard Schiebler, Frankfurter Str 35, 61118 Bad Vilbel T: (06101) 8262; Fax: 12229 Established: 1982 Assets: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 05183 Wilhelm Peters-Stiftung, Pückholm 9, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 5509488 Established: 1983 Focus: Sen; Child 05184 Heinrich Peters-Stiftung, Landschaftsstr 6, 30159 Hannover Limitations: Grants to needy people in the state of Niedersachsen, with emphasis on the former district of Landkreis Springe only Focus: SocW 05185 Nanny Peters-Stiftung, Stettiner Str 30, 25746 Heide Established: 1900 05186 Hildegard Petig-Stlftung, Schloenbachstr 31, 38259 Salzgitter Established: 1989; Donor(s): Hildegard Petig Expenditures: DM 45.000,· Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth; SocW 05Í87
Germany: Pfeiffer-Stiftung
Petri-Stlttung, Behrlngstr 48, 32756 Detmold Τ: (05231) 74060; Fax: 920770 Established: 1920; Donor(s): Dr. Justus Petri Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 05188 Anna-Pelrich-Stfftung, Rosenweg 9, 87484 Nesselwang Established: 1998; Donor(s): Anna Petrich Focus: Child 05189 Heinrich Pette-lnstitut für Experimentelle Virologie und Immunologie an der Universität Hamburg, Martinistr 52, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 48051100; Fax: 48051103; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.hpi.hamburg.de Established: 1948; Donops): Prof. Dr. Heinrich Pette Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Vir; Immun 05190 Pettenkofer-Sttftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Gesundheitsreferat, Implerstr 9, 81371 München T: (089) 23328701; Fax: 23320570 Established: 1889; Donor(s): Dr. Max von Pettenkofer Assets: DM 56.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health 05191 Pettenkoferhaus-Stlftung, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, Θ0539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1947 Limitations: Grants to Pettenkofer-lnstitut in München only Focus: Health 05192 Stiftungsfonds Ludwig und Lina Petuel, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozial référât, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322710, 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Ludwig und Lina Petuel Assets: DM 36.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.700,000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: SocW 05193 Dr. Petzold-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Kirchstr 5, 01855 Sebnitz T: (035971) 84100 Established: 1916 Limitations: Grants in Sebnitz only Focus: SocW; Warv; Nurs; Blinds; Hand; Wom; Child 05194 Pfälzer Katholische Klrchenschaffnet Heidelberg, (formerly: Pfälzische Katholische Kirchenschaffnei Heidelberg), Eisenlohrstr 8, 69115 Heidelberg T: (06221) 90010; Fax: 900133 Established: 1873 Limitations: Grants in the region of Baden only Focus: Hous 05195 Fini Pfannes-Stiftung zur Förderung des hauswirtschaftlichen Fachbereichs, c/o Dresdner Bank. Dresdner Private Banking Inland, Neckarstr 7-9, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26312293, 2632462, 26312230; Fax: 26212145 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Josefine Pfannes Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of Hessen only Focus: HomeE 05196 Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung, c/o Deutsches Aussatzigen Hilfswerk, Mariannhillstr 1c, 97074 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 79480; Fax: 7948160 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Deutsches Aussätz igen* H i Iis werk e.V. Focus: Lepn Tub 05197 Kanzler von Pfau'sche Stiftung für Altersschwache und Sieche, Kustrenaer Str 9, 06406 Bemburg T: (03471) 30830; Fax: 308344 Established: 1867; Chair T. Birkner, Secy: Α. Schindler, Donops): Jeanette von Pfau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05198 Irma Pfeiffer-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Ertj- und Stiftungsangelegenherten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26353931; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1998; Donops): Irma Pfeiffer Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Dev; SocW; Afr 05199 Elly Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Wielandweg 23, 73614 Schorndorf Τ: (07181) 972588 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Elly Pfeiffer Assets: DM 450.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; AnimP 05200 Eduard-Pfelffer-Stiftung, Stitzenburgstr 16, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 241428; Fax: 241428 Established: 1917; Donor(s): Eduard Pfeiffer Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Youth; Sen; SocW 0520J
Germany: Pfeiffer-Stiftung
05202 - 05260
Dr. Hans Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Dr.-Bolza-Ring 5, 97299 Zell am Main T: (0931) 4650375; Fax: 312815; E-Mail: pfeiffer® psychologie, uni-wuerzburg.de Established: 2000; Chair: Maria Pfeiffer, Donor(s): Maria Pfeiffer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Food 05202
Pfründestfftung der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Pfarrstelle Ansbach-Helllg-Kreuz, Welserstr 3, 91522 Ansbach T: (0981) 96262; Fax: 96262 Established: 1992; Donor(s); Ev.-Luth. Kirche in Bayern Limitations: Applications not accepted F x u s : SocW 05218
Pfeiffersche Stiftungen zu Magdeburg-Cracau, Pfeitferstr 10, 39114 Magdeburg T: (0391) 8505150; Fax: 857814; E-Mail: ¡[email protected]; Internet: http:// www. pf e iff e rsche-stiff u ngen .de Established: 1ΘΘ9; Chair: Konsistorialrat A. Haerter, Secy: Pastor 0 . Rössig, Donor(s): Pfarrer GustavAdolf Pfeifler Assets: DM 264.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 75.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 72.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05203
Pfründnerhaue Kindertiaus, c/o Stadt Münster, Stiftungsverwaltung, Ludgeripl 4-6, 48151 Münster T: (0251) 4925902; Fax: 4927704 Established: 1326; Donor(s): Udo von der Tinnen Assets: DM 21.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 227.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05219
Heinrich Pferdmenges-Stlftung, Konstantinstr 303, 41238 Mönchengladbach Established: 1996; Chair Dr. Stephan Zaum, Donor(s): Helga Jürges, Irmgard Kreutzer Limitations: Grants on the northwest German coast only Focus: Ecol 05204 Ute und Emil Pfetsch-Stiftung. Karístr 2, 89143 Blaubeuren 05205 Friedrich-Wilhelm Pfister-Stlftung, Franzstr 13, 66131 Saarbrücken Limitations: Grants in the state of Saarland only Focus: SocW 05206 Pflege- und Altersheim Sankt Marlen-Stiftung, Postfach 1360, 2 6 X 3 Varel Established: 1977 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05207 Pflegeheim Bethesda, c/o Landesausschuss für Innere Mission, Berliner Str 148, 14467 Potsdam Limitations: Predetermined grants in Potsdam only Focus: Ser 05208 Dr. Robert Pfleger-Stiftung, Postfach 1312, 96004 Bamberg Τ: (0951) 68876; Fax: 68858 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Robert Pfleger Focus: Med 05209 Helene Pfleiderer-Stlftung, c/o Wolleit-Elmendorf Deutsche Industrie Treuhand GmbH, Wilhelmspl 8, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 29036411; Fax: 29036400 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Helene Pfleiderer Focus: SocW; Sen; Youth 05210 Hermann und Gertrud Pflüger-Stiftung, Schreiberstr 10, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau Established: 1970; Donor(s): Dr. Hermann Pflüger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 05211 Pförtner Bund-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Pförtner Bund e.V. Limitations: Grants in Schulpforte only Focus: Mon 05212 Lucia Pfohe-Stiftung, c/o Lucia Strickwarenfabrik AG, Pulverweg 6, 21337 Lüneburg T: (04131) 957301; Fax: 957325 Established: 1985; Donops): Hans und Lucia Pfohe Focus: Schol 05213 Dr. Walburga Pfriem-Stiftung, c/o Bischöfliches Ordinariat, Kleine Pfaffengasse 16 , 67346 Speyer T: (06232) 1020; Fax: 102300 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Walburga Pfriem Expenditures: DM 44.000,Limitations: Grants in Ludwigshafen/Rhein only Focus: Hand 05214 Jacques Pfrimmer-Gedächtnlsstlftung, c/o Bayern Revision GmbH, Rosenaustr 5, 90429 Nürnberg T: (0911) 287090; Fax: 2870970 Established: 1970 Focus: Food 05215 Pfründ- und Spitalfonds-Stiftung - Sankt Josefshaus, c/o Stadt Bad Säckingen, Stiftlingsreferat, 79713 Bad Säckingen T: (07761) 51217; Fax: 51321 Established: 1767 Assets: DM 200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05216 Pfründespitalstiftung Ochsenfurt, c/o Stadt Ochsenfurt, Stiftungsreferat, Hauptstr 42, 97199 Ochsenfurt T: (09331) 3022; Fax: 9752 Established: 1954 Assets: DM 6.400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.864.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05217
Emst-Pletsch-Stlftung, c/o Ernst Pietsch Verwaltungs-GmbH, Westlicher Stadtgraben 24b, 94469 Deggendorf Τ: (0991) 340538; Fax: 340741 Established: 1982; Chair L. Radtke, Secy: F. Frodi Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 100,000,Umitations: Grants in the region of Ostbayem only Focus: Arts; Cult 0523/
Friedrich Plate-Stiftung zu Bamstorf, Heeder Fladder 88, 49356 Diepholz Focus: Youth; Sen 05245
Pindersche Famlllenstfftung, Postfach 257, 47623 Kevelaer Τ: (02832) 6031/33 Established: 1830 Limitations: Grants to members of the Pinder family only Focus: Fam 05232
Kathinka Platzhoff-Stfftung, Dammstr 3, 63450 Hanau T: (06181) 22638, 35417; Fax: 251824 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Kathinka Platzhoff Expenditures: DM 1.472.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Sen; Youth 05247
Ludwig Pfungst-Museums-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Amt für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Brückenstr 3-7, 60594 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21233367; Fax: 21237859 Established: 1905; Donor(s): Ludwig Jost Pfungst Assets: DM 30.780,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Arts 05220
Maria Pindlng-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http 'J! www.stjfterverband.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Schwester Isa Vermehren Expenditures: DM 29.000,Focus; Med 05233
Dr. Arthur Pfungst-Stfftung, Waldschmidtstr 39, 60316 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 430309; Fax: 430300 Established: 1918; Donor(s): Rosette und Marie Pfungst Focus: Educ 05221
Heinrich Pingert-Stfftung, Straße der Freundschaft 30, 01904 Neukirch/Lausitz Τ: (035951) 3810; Fax: 31449 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Heinrich Pingert Assets: DM 1.500.000,· Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult 05234
Rudolph und Berthie Philipp-Stiftung, c/o Kulturbehörde, Hohe Bleichen 22, 20354 Hamburg Τ: (040) 42824285/86; Fax: 42824287; E-Mail: klauspeter.denckerôkb. hamburg.de Established: 1962; Chair: Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Dencker Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Arts; Music; Hous 05222 Stiftung der Eheleute Wilhelm und Marie Phlllppl geb. Wlertz, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Sozialamt, Berliner Str 33-35, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235171 Assets: DM 188.420,· Limitations: Grants to German male seniors only Focus: Sen 05223 Altenheim Euerdorf Phllippi'sche Stiftung, do Katholisches Pfarramt, 97717 Euerdorf Established: 1896 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Phlllpp'sche Stiftung, Schwanenkirchner Str 28a, 94491 Hengersberg T: (09901) 18182; Fax: 18175; E-Mail: juergen.bayemwald.com Established: 1999; Donor(s): Jürgen Philipp Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; SocW 05225 Sparkassenstiftung Pablo Picasso, c/o WestfälischUppischer Spar1r(s): Maximilian Bickhoff Assets: DM 1.000.000,Focus: SocW 05372 Pro Museum Stiftung zur Förderung der zeitgenössischen bildenden Kunst, Wiesenhüttenstr 1, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2740250; Fax: 24262122 Donor(s): Michael Barz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05373 Pro-Region-Flughafenstiftung zur Förderung der beruflichen Bildung, Gebäude 161, 60547 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 69066414; Fax: 69059328; E-Mail: w.haas ©frankfurt-airport.de Established: 1999; Donops): Flughafen Frankfurt/Main AG Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Voc 05314 Margot Probandt-Franke-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317 , 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Margot ProbandtFranke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05315 Johann E. Probst'sche Stiftung, Marktstr 15, 83661 Lenggries Established: 1958 Assets: DM 213.900,· Focus: SocW 053J6 Propfe-Stiftung, Schwarzwaldstr 46, 66163 Mannheim Τ: (0621) 8283755; Fax: 814962; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chair Dr. Herbert Propfe, Donor(s): Dr. Heinrich A. Propfe Expenditures: DM 66.000,Focus: Ecol; Mon; Waste 05317
Germany: Prosper-Hospital
05318 - 05373
Prosper-Hospital, Mühlenstr 27, 45659 Recklinghausen Τ: (02361) 542270; Fax: 542530 Established: 1846; Chair: Rechtsanwalt Dr. Heinz Schumacher, Secy: Heinz Doerr, Karl Josef Krekeler, Donor(s): Herzog Prosper-Ludwig von Arenberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05318 Protestantische Alumneumstiftung Regensburg, Dr.-Gessler-Str 15a, 93049 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 9205503; Fax: 9205505 Established: 1534 Expenditures: DM 7.390.000,· Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Hous
Protestantische Hospitalstiftung Obermoschel, Kirchenstr 13, 67Θ23 Obermoschel Τ: (06362) 1292; Fax: 4639 Established: 1339; Donor(s): Agnes Gräfin von Veldenz Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Obermoschel only Focus: SocW 05320 Protestantische Spital-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten Τ: (0631) 2525395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1400 Expenditures: DM 4.144.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05321 Protestantische Vazlerende Meßstiftung, c/o Ev.-Luth. Pfarramt Christuskirche, Pfarrpl 6, 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg Τ: (09661) 891150; Fax: 891151 Established: 1652 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Sulzbach· Rosenberg only Focus: SocW 05322 Protestantische Waisenhaus-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 67435 Kempten T: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 25254B3 Established: 1940 Expenditures: DM 103.000,· Limitations: Grants to Protestant orphans and youth in Kempten only Focus: Orp; Youth 05323 Protestantische Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten T: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1940 Expenditures: DM 3.000,· Limitations: Grants to Protestant citizens of Kempten only Focus: SocW; Child; Nurs 05324 Protestantische Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen in Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: info [email protected] Established: 1807 Assets: DM 845.000,-, Expenditures: DM 77.500,· Limitations: Grants to needy Protestant citizens of Augsburg only Focus: SocW; Nurs; Worn; Child; Orp . . 05325 Protestantischer Studienfonds In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg Τ: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1808 Assets: DM 556.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Edic 05326 Protestantischer Volksschulfonds der Stadt Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren· und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1700 Assets: DM 1.009.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limrtations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Educ 05327
ProWood Stiftung, c/o VDMA, Lyoner Str 18, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66031340; Fax: 66031621 Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Mach; Wood 05330 NachlaQ Eugenie Przemysler-Przemyslav, c/o Ludwig-Maximilians-Unrversrtät München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (069) 21800; Fax: 2182985 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Eugenie PrzemyslerPrzemyslav Limitations: Scholarships to members of LudwigMaximilians-Universität München only Focus: Schol; Phys 05331 Mathias Pschorr-Hackerbriu Stiftung, Burgstr 4, 80313 München Τ: (089) 2335151; Fax: 2332161 Established: 1901; Donops): Mathias Pschorr Limitations: Grants and scholarships in München only Focus: Arts; Cult; Schol 05332 Mathias Pschorr'sche Bavarla-Stlftung Monachia, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1898; Donops): Mathias Pschorr Expenditures: DM 3.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of München only Focus: SocW 05333 PTS München, Heßstr 134, 80797 München Τ: (089) 121460; Fax: 1214636 Established: 1951; Chain Dr. Paul W. Rizzi Expenditures: DM 23.652.000,· Focus: Pap 05334 Grat von Pückler und Limpurg'sche Wohltàtlgkeltsstiftung, Graf-Pùckler-Str 19, 74405 Gaildorf Τ: (07971) 953311; Fax: 3673 Established: 1950 Assets: DM 22.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.350.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05335 Ottilie Pûst-Maass-Stfftung, Meyerstr 207, 28201 Bremen T: (0421) 556055, 553001 Established: 1986; Donops): Ottilie Püst-Maass Expenditures: DM 39.000,Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Sen 05336 Maria und Gottfried PQtz-Stiftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Zentrales Geschäftsfeld Private Kunden, Eft»· und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13620; Fax: 13624502 Established: 1998 05337 Emst Pump-Stiftung, Hainholzer Schulstr 41, 25337 Elmshorn T: (04121) 79150; Fax: 791518 Established: 1990; Chain Rektor Karl-Heinz Werner, Donor(s): Helene Pump Assets: DM 100.000,· Focus: Educ; Child 05338 Puzicha-Stlftung, Staulinie 16-17, 26122 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441)14116; Fax: 9250801 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Otto Puzicha Expenditures: DM 894.000,Focus: Sen
Johanna-Quandt-Stiftung, Seedammweg 55, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe T: (06172) 404342; Fax: 404420 Established: 1995; Donops): Johanna Quandt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hum; SocS; Educ; PolS; Econ; Cons 05340 Herten Quandt-Stlftung, Die Stiftung der BMW AG, Hanauerstr 46, 80788 München Τ: (089) 38211630; Fax: 38211636; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-Ji www.herbertquandtstiftung.com Established: 1970; Chain Dr. Horst Teltschik, Secy: Dr. Kai Schellhom, Donor(s): BMW AG Assets: DM 20.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: POIS 0534Í
Protestantisches Kollegium von Sankt Anna, Am Katzenstadel 18, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 5010760; Fax: 5010762 Established: 1581; Donor(s): Johann Baptist Hainzel, Martin Zobel, Nikolaus Börner, Christoph Christel Assets: DM 9.481.020,·, Expenditures: DM 1.994.000,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 05328
Herbert Quandt-Stiftung der ALTANA AG, Löwengasse 15, 61346 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe Τ: (06172) 66550; Fax: 665523; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1960; Chain Klaus Schweickart, Secy: Wolfgang R. Assmann, Donops): Altana AG Assets: DM 20.000.000,·. Receipts: ca. DM 2.300.000,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 2.300.000,Limrtations: No grants to individuals Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 05342
Provi nzialwaisenhausstlftung, c/o Regierung von Oberfranken, Ludwigstr 20, 95444 Bayreuth T: (0921) 6041336; E-Mail: poststeile ©reg· ofr.bayem.de; Internet: http:// www.regierung.obe rfranken.bayem.de Established; 1730; Donor(s): Markgraf Georg Friedrich Carl ZJ Brandenburg-Culmbach Expenditures: DM 313.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Bayreuth only Focus: Orp 05329
Helten Quandt-Stiftung der VARTA AG, Am Leineufer 51, 30419 Hannover T: (0511) 7903661; Fax: 7903502; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1970; Chain Waither Wever, Donorfs): VARTA AG Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 50.000,·, Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Scie; Eng; Voc 05343
Quid Verum-Stlftung, Schwalbenstr 1, 86391 Stadtbergen T: (0821) 435859; Fax: 436582; E-Mail: Ende [email protected] Established: 1997; Donops): Dr. Heinz Enders Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Hum; SocS 05344 Ferdinand Qulrll-Stlftung, Marschweg 87, 26131 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 5040334; Fax: 5040395 Established: 1982 Assets: DM 140.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Focus: Wat; Fish 05345 Quistorp-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaitungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: httpJl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Alexandra Gräfin Lambsdorff Assets: DM 228.750,·, Expenditures: DM 16.600,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 05346 Dr. Paul Rablch-Stiftung, Stürtzstr 30, 52349 Düren Secy: G. Szük Focus: SocW; Sen; Hand 05347 Gustav-Radbruch-Sttftung, c/o Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, J.W. Goethe-Universität, Senckenberganlage 31, 60054 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 79822922; Fax: 79622204 Established: 1977; Chair Prof. Dr. UHrid Neumann Assets: DM 480.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Pris 0534Ö Stiftung Gustav Radbruch UnterstQtzungsfonds, c/o Senatsverwaltung lür Justiz, Abt.III, Salzburger Str 21-25, 10825 Berlin T: (030) 90130; Fax: 90132009 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Senatsverwaltung für Justiz Assets: DM 1.500.000,· Limitalions: Grants in Germany only Focus: Pris 05349 Radbruchsche Stiftung von 1970, eine Stiftung der Firma Raspe & Paschen Aktiengesellschaft, Stenzelring 33, 21107 Hamburg T; (040) 7530101; Fax: 7532657 Established: 1971; Donops): Heinz Georg Radbruch Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Orp; Hand; Child; Schol; Pris; Drug 05350 Heinz Rädecker-Stiftung, Alter Warf 15a, 26316 Varel T; (04451) 7155 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Gertrud und Edgar Rädecker Assets: DM 104.000,· Focus: Youth; Child 05351 Herbert Rätsch-Stfftung, Am Tanneneck 5, 40667 Meerbusch T: (0211) 133104; Fax: 133273 Established: 1993; Chair Birgit Ratsch, Secy: Dr. Claus P. Ratsch Assets: DM 400.000,·, Receipts: DM 35.000,·, Expenditures: DM 35.000Focus: Arts; Schol 05352 Margaret Raetz-Wlemer*Stlftung, Clever Str 16, 50668 Köln Established: 1983 05353 Horst-Rahe-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Seereederei GmbH, Am Seehafen 1, 18147 Rostock Established: 1999 Limitations: Scholarships to students at the Hochschule für Musik und Theateiwissenschaften in Rostock only Focus: Music; Theat; Schol 05354 Ralffelsen/Schulze-Delltzsch-Stlftung Bayerischer Genossenschaften, Türkenstr 22· 24, 80333 München T: (089) 28683170; Fax: 28683175; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.gv-bayem.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Genossenschaftsverband Bayern e.V. Assets: DM 190.000,· Limitations: Grants to cooperatives in the state of Bayern only Focus: Coop 05355 Friedrich-Wilhelm Ralffelsen-Stiftung, 26. 26122 Oldenburg/Oldenburg Established: 1966; Donor(s): Genossenschaftsveitand Weser-Ems e.V. Assets: DM 183.000,Limitations: Grants to cooperatives in the region of Weser-Ems only Focus: Coop 05356 Asta-Rakow-Stlftung, Martinikirchhof 3, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 324635 Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bremen only Focus: Rei; Miss; Mon 05357 Adolf und Uddy Rambold-Stlftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Adolf und Uddy Rambold Focus: Sen; Nurs 05350
Claus-RamnvStlftung, c/o Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Stiftungsverwaltung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1973; Donops): Ilse Maria Meline Ramm Expenditures: DM 1.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: EdUC 05359 Ramsperger'sche Stiftung, Biberacher Str 100, 89079 Ulm T: (0731) 43169 Established: 1890; Donops): Richard Ramsperger Assets: DM 370.000,-, Expenditures-. DM 28.000,· Focus: Educ 05360 Randau'sche Stiftung, Heimchenstr 1-7, 30625 Hannover Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05361 Hans Ranner-Stiftung, Osterhofen Established: 1981 Focus: SocW . .
6, 94486 . 05362
Adalbert Raps-Stiftung, Adalbert-Raps-Str 1, 95326 Kulmbach Τ: (09221) 807103; Fax: 807269 Established: 1978; Chain Horst Kühne, Donops): Adalbert Raps Focus: SocW; Sen; Hand; Youth; Food . 05363 Helmut-Raschlnskl-Stiftung der Dortmunder Volksbank eG. Breitenstr 10, 44137 Dortmund T: (0231) 54020; Fax: 5402400; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.Dortmunder-Volksbank.de Established: 1998; Donops): Dortmunder Volksbank eG Limitations: Grants in Doitmund only Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie; Res; Schol . . . 05354 Freiher Ferdinand von Rast'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg T: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1661; Donops): Ferdinand Martin Freiherr von Rast, Kammertierr zu Faal Assets: DM 40.561,· Focus: Voc; Schol 05365 Robert und Renate Rath-Stiftung, c/o Maecenata management, Barer Str 44, 80799 München T: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; Internet: http:// www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Renate Rath Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05366 Rats· und von-Soden-Kloster, c/o Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Röselerstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 16843950, 1683950; Fax: 16Θ45062 Established: 1587; Donops): Mauritius von Soden Expenditures: DM 231.000,· Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Hannover only Focus: Sen 05367 Walter Rau-Wohlfahrtsstlftung, Industriestr 36-40, 41460 Neuss Established: 1934; Donor(s): Walter Rau, Neusser Oelwerke AG Limitations: Grants to employees of Waiter Rau Neusser Oel und Fett AG (Neuss) only Focus: SocW 05368 Friedrich und Dora Rauch-Stiftung, Gneisenaustr 51, 30175 Hannover T: (0511) 810688 Established: 1976; Donops): Bankdirektor i.R. Friedrich Rauch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 05369 Rautenberg-Sttftung für behinderte Kinder, c/o Landratsamt Deggendorf, 94469 Deggendorf T: (0991) 3100288; Fax: 8900 Established: 1968; Donops): Fritz Rautenberg Limitations: Grants in the districts ol Landkreis Deggendorf, Landkreis Freyung-Grafenau and Landkreis Passau only Focus: Hand; Child 05370 Hinrich Rave*Sttftung, Mühlenberger Weg 24, 22587 Hamburg Τ: (040) 860839 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Hans D.W. Rave Focus: Sen 05371 Alexander Rave-Stfftung, c/o Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V., Chartottenpl 17, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2225119; Fax: 2264346; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ifa,de Established: 1998; Donops): Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; IntU . 05372 Helga Ravenstein-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Fritze, Eschersheimer Landstr 25-27, 60018 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 959570; Fax: 95957166 Established: 1996 Focus: SocW; Arts; Cult 05373
05374 - 05429
93 Dr. Willy RebeleJn-Sttftung, Bauvereinstr 1012, 90489 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 9512850; Fax: 95128510 Established: 1986; Donops): Else Robelein Expenditures: DM 300.000,Focus: Hand; Schol 05374 Gräfin Marianna von Rechberg'sche Armenstiftung, do Gräflich ñechberg'sche Zentralverwaltung, Postfach 1264, 73068 Donzdorf Τ: (07162) 20000; Fax: 200050 Established: 1826; Donor(s): Gräfin Marianna von Rechberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05375 Rechtsfähige Stiftung für die Gefolgschaft der Maschinenfabrik Herkules Hans TTtoma GmbH, Eisenhüttenstr 21, 57074 Siegen Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Maschinenfabrik Herkules Hans Thoma GmbH (Siegen) only Focus: SocW 05376 Graf Recke-Stiftung, Johannes-Karsch-Weg 11, 40489 Düsseldorf Established: 1822; Donor(s): Adalbert Gral von der Recke-Volmerstein Focus: SocW 05377 Hermann Reddersen-Sttftung, c/o Haizklub e.V., Bahnhofstr 5a, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld T: (05323) 81758; Fax: 81221 Established: 1980; Chair Dr. Α. von Kortzfleisch, Secy: Dr. A. von Kortzfleisch, Donor(s): Rolf G. Sick Assets: DM 1.400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Grants in the Hai7-Region only Focus: Ecol; Mon 05378 Reddersen-Sttftung, c/o Stadt Northeim, Schamhorstpl 1, 37154 Northeim T: (05551) 966210; Fax: 966203 Established: 1986; Secy: Eckhard Relliehausen, Donor(s): Marie Reddersen Assets: DM 500,000,-, Receipts: DM 70.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 05379 von Reden'sche Familienstiftung, Buchenstieg 5b, 22359 Hamburg T: (040) 6035002; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1864; Donor(s): Familie von Reden Assets: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the von Reden family only Focus: Fam 05380 Julius und Betty Rée-Stlft, Schedestr 23, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 475470 Established: 1909; Donor(s): Betty Rèe Expenditures: DM 880.000,Focus: Sen 05387 Karl Reeber-Stiftung, Postfach 1811, 58468 Lüdenscheid Focus: Med 05382 Stiftung Hanna Reemtsma-Haus, Parkstr 51, 22605 Hamburg Τ: (040) 82201960; Fax: 82201666 Established; 1964; Secy: J. Münnich, Donor(s): Hanna Reemtsma Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05383 Alwin Reemtsma-Stfftung, Universitátsstr 150, 44801 Bochum Τ: (0234) 7002235; Fax: 7094260 Established: 1965; Chair Prof. Dr. Ernst Zander, Dor»r(s): Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants to Ruhr-Universität in Bochum only Focus: Bus; Uni 05384 Hermann Reemtsma-Stiftung, Parkstr 51, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 82201960; Fax: 82201666 Established: 1988; Secy: J. Münnich, Donor(s): Hermann-Hinrich Reemtsma Limitations: No grants to individuals Focus: Cult; Scie; Arts; Sen; Hand . , . 05385 Reflex-Za nders-St iftu r>g, Veldenerstr 121-131, 52349 Düren Established: 1909 05386 Regensburger Kulturstiftung der REWAG, Kaiser-Friedrich-Allee 1, 93051 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 93248; Fax: 949432 Established: 1997; Chair Dr, Klaus Schulz, Donor(s): REWAG Regensburger Energie- und Wasserversorgung Limitations: Grants in Regensburg only Focus: Cult; Aits; Hist; Educ 05387 Regensburger Universitätsstiftung, Im Gewerbepark C 25, 93059 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 4008121; Fax: 4008197; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Chair Dr. Johann Vielberti, Secy: Rolf Schäfer, Dr. Horst Kuchinka, Donops): Hans Vielberth Assets: DM 800.000,·, Receipts: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Regensburg only Focus: Uni 05388
Regensburger Wohltàtlgkeftstlftung, do Stadt Regensburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Kumpfmûhlerstr 52a, 93051 Regensburg T: (0941) 5071544; Fax: 5074549 Established: 1951 Assets: DM 1.140.000,-, Expenditures: DM 61.000,Limitations: Grants in Regensburg only Focus: SocW 05389
Hans Reichardt-Stlftung, Gemsheimer Str 10, 64521 Groß-Gerau T: (06152) 92250; Fax: 922525; Internet: http:// www.baugenossenschaft-ried.de Established: 1972; Donops): Hans Reichardt Expenditures: DM 2.658.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 05402
Max Reger-lnstitut, Elsa Reger-Stiftung, Pfinztalstr 7, 76227 Kallsruhe Τ: (0721) 854501; Fax: 854502; E-Mail: mri@ ksi.uni-kailsruhe.de; Internet: http^/www. karlsruhe.de/ Kultur/Veranstalter/mri.htm Established: 1947; Donor(s): Elsa Reger Assets: DM 900.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 05390
Familie Otto RelchefrStlftung, Hasetorwall 18, 49076 Osnabrück T: (0541) 67066 Established: 1992; Chair Notar Rechtsanwalt Rolf Gürland, Secy: R. Schacht, Donops): Prof. Dr. Ruth Reichelt Assets: DM 1.400.000,·, Receipts: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: Nurs 05403
Regionales Zentrum für Wissenschaft, Technik und Kultur, Großenbacher Tor 7, 36088 Hünfeld T: (06652) 96000; Fax: 960030 Established: 1991 Expenditures: DM 1.225.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Eng; Arts 05391
Falk von Reichenbach-Stiftung, c/o Dr. jur. Hans Fleisch, Göttinger Chaussee 115, 30459 Hannover Focus: Psychol; Ther 05404 Heidi Relchenberger Stiftung, Saalachstr 10, 83451 Piding Established: 1998; Donor(s): Matthias Reichenberger Focus: AnimP; SocW 05405
Reglonalstlftung der niedersächsischen Sparkassen, Schiffgraben 6-8, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 3603596; Fax: 3603861 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Niedersächsischer Sparkassen- und Giroveiband Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: SocW; Scie; Cult; Ecol; Educ . . 05392
Albeit und Charlotte Reichert-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Albert und Charlotte Reichert Limitations: Grants in Neuendettelsau only Focus: Hand; Nurs; Sen; Educ 05406
Reglonalstlftung Jade-Wirtschaftsraum, do Raiffeisen-Volksbank Jever e.G., Schloßpl 3, 26441 Jever Τ: (04461) 915540; Fax: 915519 Established: 1998; Secy: Hermann Neunaber, Donor(s): Raiffeisen Volksbank Jever eG, Raiffeisenbank Waddewarden eG, Raiffeisenbank Wangerland eG. Raiffeisen-Volksbank Varel-Zetel eG, Raiffeisenbank Sande-Gôdens eG Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Grants in Wilhelmshaven and the district of Landkreis Friesland onfy Focus: Arts; Cult; Ecol; Youth; Sen; Health; SocW 05393
Dr. Volker Relmann-Dubbers-Stlftung, Stiftung für erneuerbare Energien, Q 5, 22, 68161 Mannheim T: (0621) 1590177; Fax: 1590180 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Dr, Volker ReimannDubbers Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Ecol; En 05407
Herbert und Veronika Reh-Stiftung, Drosselweg 19, 54340 Leiwen Established: 1997 Focus: Sen 05394 Dr. Gallus Rehm-Stlftung, Fritz-Reuter-Str 26, 81245 München T: (089) 8888210; Fax: 8342034 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gallus Rehm Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technical University Budapest (Hungary) only Focus: Schol; Scie; Res 05395 Herbert-Rehn-Stlftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Strftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Herbert und Anna Rehn Limitations: Scholarships to students at the Fachhochschule Hamburg only Focus: Mach; Schol 05396 Hans Rehn-Stiftung, Nauheimer Str 51, 70372 Stuttgart T: (0711) 560023; Fax: 79306 Established: 1972; Chair Dr. Heinz Muschel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05397 Heimatkreis Bergreichenstein/Maria RehwaldStiftung, Stadtpl 2, 94209 Regen Τ: (09921) 6040; Fax: 60432 Established: 1987; Chair Waiter Fritz Assets: DM 49.950,·, Receipts: DM 9.300,·, Expenditures: DM 9.300,Umitations: Grants in the former district of Landkreis Bergreichenstein only Focus: Hist; Cult; Mon 05398 Edmund Rehwlnkel-Stiftung der landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank, Hochstr 2, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2107440; Fax: 2107447; E-Mail: Office @ rentenbank.de; Internet: http:// www.rentenbank.de Established: 1974; Chair Uwe ZimpeJmann Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 95.000,Focus: Agrie 05399 Karl Reich-Stiftung, Bischofsbergweg 32, 97638 Mellrichstadt T: (09776) 64100; Fax: 64120 Established: 1994; Donops): Heinrich Reich Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 19,000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Mellrichstadt and Fladungen only Focus: SocW 05400 Reichalmosen-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Rosenheim, Uegenschaftsamt, Postfach 1209, 83013 Rosenheim T: (08031) 361250, 361257; Fax: 362006 Established: 1958 Limitations: Application not accepted Focus: SocW 05401
Wemer-Reimers-Stiftung, Am Wingertsberg 4, 61348 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe T: (06172) 24058; Fax: 21408; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1963; Chair: Prof. Dr. Werner Knopp, Donor(s): Werner Reimers Assets: DM 30.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: No scholarships Focus: Scie 05408 Relnau-Stlftung, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Kandem, Feuerbacherstr 14, 79400 Kandem T: (07626) 8434 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Alice Margaretha Reinau Assets: DM 89.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Kandem only Focus: Sen; SocW 05409 Eheleute Georg Relndl-Stiftung, do Stadt Neuss, Amt 50.1, 41456 Neuss Τ: (02131) 905000; Fax: 902495 Established: 1970; Donops): Christine Reindl Limitations: Grants in the region of Neuss only Focus: Hand 05410 Walter Relners-Sttftung des Deutschen Textilmaschinenbaues, Lyoner Str 1β, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66031271; Fax: 66031329; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.txm.vdma.org Established: 1966; Chair Dr. Bernhard Schönung, Secy: Thomas Waldmann, Donor(s): Fachgemeinschaft Textilmaschinen im VDMA Assets: DM 1.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mach 05411 Ilse Reinhart-Löber-Stiftung, Bismarckstr 21, 97877 Wertheim Established: 1967; Donor(s): Dr. Hans Löber Assets: DM 380.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Umitations: Grants in Wertheim only Focus: Glass 05412 Alfred Reinhold-Stfflung, Zehnthofstr 2, 31785 Hameln Established: 1992 Focus: Music; Musi 05413 Dr. Relnig-Mössner-Stlftung, Hauptstr 6, 71134 Aidlingen T: (07034) 12520; Fax: 12550; E-Mail: m.haege® aidlingen.kdrs.de Established: 1998; Chain Malin Häge, Donor(s): Dr. Lore Reinig-Mössner Limitations: Grants to citizens of Aidlingen only Focus: Sen 05414 Eugen Relntjes-Stiftung, Rathauspl 1, 31785 Hameln Τ: (05151) 202631; Fax: 202710 Established: 1961; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Amecke, Donor(s): Eugen Reintjes Assets: DM 19.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants in Hameln only Focus: Health; SocW 05415
Germany: Reuschel-Stiftung
Eugen und Elisabeth Reintjes-Stlftung zu Emmerich, do Stadtdirektor, Postfach 100864, 46428 Emmerich Τ: (02822) 75256; Fax: 75346 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Eugen Reintjes, Elisabeth Reintjes Receipts: DM 155.000,-, Expenditures: DM 155.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Sen; Sports 05416 Christoph Reinwald-Stiftung, Hundsbergstr 46, 74076 Heilbronn Τ: (07131) 165696; Fax: 165696 Established: 1990; Donops): Ruth Reinwald Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Child; Arts 05417 Dr. Relslnger-Stlftungsfonds, do LudwigMaximilians-Universität, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister· Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1855; Donor(s): Hofrat Dr. Franz Reisinger Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants to LudwigMaximilians-Universität in München only Focus: MedE; Uni 05418 Louise Reiss-Stiftung, do Magistrat der Stadt Kassel, Rathaus, Obere Königstr 8, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7872002, 7877079; Fax: 7872217 Established: 1909; Donor(s): Dr. Wilhelm Reiss Expenditures: DM 1.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Kassel only Focus: Wid; Orp 05419 Stiftung Dr. Relssmüller, c/o Donau Kurier, Stauffenbergstr 2a, 85051 Ingolstadt T: (0841) 9666221; Fax: 9666551 Established: 1972; Dorior(s): Dr. Wilhelm und Elin Reisemüller Assets: DM 304.150,-, Expenditures: DM 310.000,Focus: Sen 05420 Dr. Reissner-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, BarWiovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Carola Reissner Assets: DM 730.000,-, Expenditures: DM 48.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Ruhrgebiet only Focus: Scie; Res 05421 Hermann Relssner-Stiftung, c/o Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, Pfaffenwaldring 27, 70550 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6852400; Fax: 6853617 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Dipl.-Ing. Hermann Reissner Assets: DM 815.000,-, Expenditures: DM 74.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aviat 05422 Karla Reitemeier-Stiftung, Grabertstr 7, 12169 Berlin Established: 1987 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hand 05423 Bemd Rendel-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Klaus Rother Assets: DM 281.861,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Geol 05424 Rudolf Renftle-Stlftung, Rehrosbacher Weg 20, 86316 Friedberg/Bayem Established: 1991; Donor(s): Rudolf Renftle Focus: Rei; Arts; Music 05425 Dr. Heinrich und Christine Renkl-Stlftung, Luitpoldstr 29, 97828 Marktheidenfeld T: (09391) 5001302; Fax: 5001310 Established: 1973; Secy: Werner Pflaum, Donor(s): Dr. Heinrich Renkl, Christine Renkl Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc; Schol 05426 Pfarrer ReBIhuber'sche Stiftung Rltzing, Hauptstr 1, 84375 Kirchdorf am Inn Τ: (08571) 2332 Established: 1916; Donor(s): Pfarrer Franz Reßlhuber Expenditures: DM 10.000,Umitations: Grants in Ritzing only Focus: Sen; Mon
Rettungsstiftung Saar, Flurweg 40, 66539 Neunkirchen Τ: (06821) 932596; Fax: 932597; E-Mail: rettungsstiftung .saar.gmx.de Established: 1982; Chair. Minister Friedel Läppte, Secy: Hans Grundmann, Donorfs): Rettungszweckverband Saarland Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Saarland only Focus: SocW 05428 Reuschel-Stiftung, do Bruckmann Verlag, Nymphenburger Str 86 , 80636 München Τ: (089) 1257349 Established: 1989
Germany: Reuter
05430 - 05485
Wissenschaftsstiftung Emst Reuter, Wallotstr 19, 14193 Berlin T: (030) 89001119; Fax: 89001100 Established: 1980; Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolf Lepenies, Donor(s): Land Berlin Assets: DM 730.000,· Limitations: Grants to Wissenschattskolleg in Bertin only Focus: Scie 05430 Bürgermeister Reuter-Stiftung, Iranische Str 6, 13347 Berlin T: (030) 4924044; Fax: 4923983 Established: 1953; Donor(s): Ernst Reuter Assets: DM 1.786.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 05431 Melga und Edzard Reuter-Stiftung, c/o SV St iftu η gs verwaltu η g s GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1995; Donor{s): Helga und Edzard Reuter Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Cult; JntU 05432 Reuter'sche Schenkung, c/o Rheinische Fried rich-Wilhe I ms-U η ive rsitàt Bonn, Transferstelle, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53111 Bonn Τ: (0228) 731 Established: 1975; Donor{s): Katharina Reuther Assets: DM 565.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Neur; Cane 05433 Georg Rexerodt-Stiftung, c/o Genossenschaflsverband Hessen/Rheinland/Thüringen e.V., Mitteldicker Weg, 63263 Neu-Isenburg T: (069) 69760; Fax: 6978111 Established: 1952 Assets: DM 37.584,· Focus: SocW 05434 Georg Ludwig Rexroth-Stiftung, Postfach 340, 97813 Lohr Τ: (09352) 182205; Fax: 183279; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.rexrothstiflung.de Established; 1973; Donor(s): Georg Ludwig und Annemarie Rexroth Assets: DM 35.370.025,-, Expenditures: DM 2.200.000,Focus: Med; Health 05435 Rhein-Ruhr-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http;// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1977; Donor(s): Bischof Dr. Franz Hengsbach, Präses Karl Immer Assets: DM 400.100,-, Expenditures: DM 40.400,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: En; Ecoi 05436 Professor Rhein-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Königswinter, Postfach 1105, 53637 Königswinter T: (02244) 889253; Fax: 889378; E-Mail: volker.grahn @ koenigswinter.de Established: 1987 Assets: DM 2.117.000,· Limitations: Grants in Königswinter only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ 05437 Eduard-Rhein-Stiftung, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Str 6, 56727 Mayen Τ: (02651) 77270; Fax: 1003; Internet: http:// www.Eduard-Rhein-Stifturg.de Established: 1976; Chair: Dr. Roll Gartz, Secy: Dr. Rolf Gartz, Donor(s): Prof. Eduard Rhein Assets: DM 17.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 650.000,Focus: Media; Jour 05438 Rheinische Evangelische Arbeiterkolonie Lühlerheim, Marienthaler Str 10, 46514 Schermbeck T: (02856) 290; Fax: 29177 Established: 1886; Donor(s): Rheinischer Verein wider die Vagabundennoth Expenditures: DM 4.366.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Home; SocW; Sen 05439 Rheinstahl-Stiftung, Am Thyssenhaus 1, 45128 Essen T: (0201) 1063277; Fax: 1063797 Established: 1960; Secy: Marlin Hilbig, Carmen Weidenhaupt, Donor(s): Rheinische Stahlwerke Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,FOCJS: Schol; Eng; Econ 05440 Werner Richard-Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung, Wetterstr 60, 58313 Herdecke T: (02330) 63220, 63295; Fax: 63300 Established: 1987; Chair: Dr. Jochen Plaßmann, Donor(s): Werner Richard Limitations: Grants in the region of Westfalen only FOCJS: Music; Mon; Educ; Scie; Sports; SocW 05441 Erich Richartz-Bertrams-Stiftung, Hütte 4c, 51381 Leverkusen Τ: (02171) 53539 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Erich Richartz Limitations: Grants in Burscheid only Focus: SocW 05442
Bruno Richter Stiftung, c/o Rob. M. Sloman jr., Baumwall 3, 20459 Hamburg Τ: (040) 360050; Fax: 36005299 Established: 1933; Donor(s): Bruno Richter Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Rob. M. Sloman jr. (Hamburg) only Focus: SocW 05443 Ingenieur Karl Richter-Stiftung. Altjoch 19, Θ2431 Kochel Established: 1995; Donops): Karl Richter Focus: Voc 05444 Hildegard und Hans Theo Rlchter*Stlftung, c/o Eckart, Köster & Kollegen, Widenmayerstr 48, 80538 München Τ: (089) 2906260; Fax: 291216; E-Mail: koester® eckartlaw.de Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Alts 05445 Dr. Leo Rlcker-Stiftung Freiburg Im Breiegau, Deutsctìordensstr 2, 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau Τ: (0761) 2108110; Fax: 2108111; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http ^/www.stift u ngsverwaltu ng-f reib υ rg.de Expenditures: DM 125.000,Limitations: Scholarships to citizens of Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Schol 05446 RIckers-Kock-Stlftung, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Der Präsident, III A 23, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin Τ: (030) 31424163 Established: 1941 Assets: DM 7.000,-, Expenditures: DM 300,Limitations: Grants to sludents at the Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Traf; Eng; Mater; Mach; Elect . . 05447 Paula und Watter Rickert-Stlftung, Olewischtwiet 24c, 22177 Hamburg T: (040) 6904485 Established: 1982 Assets: DM 50.000,Focus: Youth 05448 Günther RId-Stlftung für den bayerischen Einzelhandel, Theatinerstr 47, 80333 München T: (089) 2111203, 2111207 Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: CommT 05449 Hermann Rlebesel-Stlftung, c/o Verband des Einzelhandels, Schaartor 1, 20459 Hamburg Established: 1968 Focus: Voc 05450 Rleckenbergstlftung, Postfach 2160, 31531 Neustadt am Rübenberge T: (05072) 1280; Fax: 453; E-Mail: 0507212800001 @t-online.de Established: 1904; Chair: Bodo Messerschmidt, Secy: Bodo Messerschmidt, Donor(s): Heinrich Rieckenberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; SocW 05451 Wohlfahrtsstiftung der Firma Gebrüder Riedel G m b H & Co. KG, Postfach, 97420 Schweinfurt Established: 1954 Expenditures: DM 28.000,· Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Riedel GmbH & Co. KG and their relatives only Focus: SocW 05452 Gertiard und Johanna Riedel-Stiftung, c/o Diakonisches Werk Schweinfurt e.V., Gymnasiimstr 16, 97421 Schweinfurt Τ: (09721) 2087141; Fax: 2087120 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Gerhard Riedel Expenditures: DM 43.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Orp; SocW
Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl - Dr. Christian FrankGedächtnlsstiftung, Postfach 1250, 87572 Kaufbeuren Τ: (08341) 2350 Established: 1944; Chár: Prof. Dr. W. Jaroschka, Secy: Meinrad Weikamnn, Donor(s): Meinrad Weikmann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Cult; Hist 05458 Prof. Udo Riemann-Stiftung, Am Kamp 13, 24768 Rendsburg Τ: (04331) 847940; Fax: 647950 Established: 1977; Chair: Dr. Hardwin Traulsen Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Focus: AgrE 05459 Heinrich Rlemerschmld-Stlftung, Ferdinand-vonMiller-Str 45, 82343 Niederpöcking Τ: (08151) 16222; Fax: 21701 Established: 1987; Chair: Renate MüllerRiemerschmid, Donor(s): Heinrich Riemerschmid Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; CommT 05460 Rienâcker-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 691205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1930 Assets: DM 170.310,Focus: Cane; Nurs; Diab; Tub
Ries-Stiftung Freudenstadt, Postfach 720, 72237 Freudenstadt Τ: (07441) 539178; Fax: 539178 Established: 1982; Donops): Irma Ries Assets: DM 285.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Ries family only Focus: Fam 05462 Erwin Riesch-Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Wilhelmstr 5, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2977709; Fax: 295151 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Senator Dr. Erwin Riesch Assets: DM 750.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Focus: Scie; Chem; Med 05463 Gerhard und Regina Rlescher-Stlftung, Mühlenstr 33a, 24643 Struvenhütten T: (04194) 999010 Established: 1987 Focus: Cane 05464 Richard und Christel RIese-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1998; Donops): Christel Riese Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05465 Gabriel Riesser-Stlftung zu Hamburg, Rothenbaumchaussee 20, 20148 Hamburg Established: 1989 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Jew
Gustav-Rfexinger-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Brackenheim, Marttpl 1, 74336 Brackenheim Established: 1997 05467 Rlnck-Stiftung von 1995, Appeldorn 14, 27356 Rotenburg/Wümme T: (04261) 92910; Fax: 929131 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dr. Heinrich Wilhelm Rinck Assets: DM 75.000,Limilations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05468 Rlnderle-Anlch-Stiftung, Lenbachstr 16. 89264 Weißenhom Established: 1992; Donor(s): Anna Anich Focus: Sen 05469
Edith und Wemer Rieder-Stfflung, Mozartstr 18, 80336 München Τ: (089) 530007; Fax: 533145 Established: 1999; Chair: Dr. mult. Wemer Rieder, Donor(s): Edith Rieder, Dr. mult. Wemer Rieder Focus: Arts; Youth; Hand; SocW . . . . 05454
Jakob Rlnecker'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Martctpl 1, 97762 Hammelburg T: (09732) 902138; Fax: 902179 Established: 1841; Donor(s): Georg Jakob Rinecker Assets: DM 163.830,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Child 05470
Walburga Rledl'Stlftung, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister· Scholl-PI 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1950; Donor(s): Walburga Riedl Limitations: Grants and prizes to students at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München only Focus: Schol 05455
Johanna, Friedrich Wilhelm und Willi RingelbandStiftung, c/o Magistrat der Stadt Bensheim, Kirchbergstr 18, 64625 Bensheim T: (06251) 14203, 14200; Fax: 141127 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Wilhelm Ringelband Limitations: Prizes and grants in Germany, Austria and Switzerland only Focus: Theat; Psychia 05471
Otto RIeger-Stlftung, Friedensinsel, 73432 Aalen Τ: (07361) 504211 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Otto Rieger Focus: Youth; Cult 05456
Friedrich Rinne-Stiftung, c/o Albert-LudwigsUniversität, Fahnenbergpl, 79085 Freiburg im
Rleger'sche Stiftung Trostberg, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Hauptstr 24, 83308 Trostberg T: (08621) 80140; Fax: 8014540; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1902; Donor(s): Emst Rieger Assets: DM 86.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grams to needy citizens of Trostberg only F x u s : SocW 05457
Τ: (0761) 2034309; Fax: 2034329; Internet: http:// www.verwaftung.uni-freiburg.de Established: 1959; Chair Rektor der Alberl-LudwigsUniversität, Secy; Kanzler der Albert-LudwigsUniversität, Donops): Geheimrat Prof. Dr. Friedrich und Elsa Rinne Assets: DM 540.000,-, Receipts: DM 45.000,·, Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants to members of Albert-Ludwigs· Universität in Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Schol; Geol 05472
Gertrud-RIßmann-Stlftu ng, Passavanstr 22, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) Established: Focus: Med . 05473 Rltter-Bohrfng-Stlftung, Stobraer Str 65-67, 99510 Apolda T: (03644) 8210; Fax: 821210 Established: 1935 05474 Emst Ritter-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36685969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1999; Donops): Dr. Emst Ritter Limitations: Grants in the states of MecklenburgVorpommern, Brandenburg, Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen and Thüringen only Focus: Mon 05475 Wolfgang Ritter-Stiftung, Braut-Eichen 16a, 28757 Bremen T: (0421) 667876; Fax: 667885 Established: 1970; Chain Carlos Landmaik, Donops): Wolfgang Ritter Assets: DM 14.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 900.000,·, Expenditures: DM 900.000,Focus: Scie 05476 Prof. Ritter-Stiftung, c/o Dreessen, Bakker, Bessau & Kollegen, Bollwerkstr 45, 26725 Emden T: (04921) 93300; Fax: 933041 Established: 1972 Assets: DM 125.000,Limitations: Grants in Emden only Focus: Arts; Cult 05477 Dr. Erich Ritter-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: klaus.kuli@stiftervert>and.de; Internet: http7/ www.stifterverband.de Established: 1971; Donor(s): Dr. Erich Helmut Gottfried Ritter Assets: DM 3.880.106,-, Expenditures: DM 253.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phys 05478 Otto Ritter-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Irmgard und Otto Ritter Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 05479 Oscar und Vera RItter-Stlftung, Bundesstr 4, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 4140130; Fax: 41401330 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Oscar und Vera Ritter Assets: DM 4.500.000,Focus: Music 05480 Frank und Georg Ritter'sche Kindergarten Stiftung Asthelm, Kartäuserstr 18, 97332 Volkach Established: 1913 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05461 Ignaz RIve-Stlftung, Postfach 210265, 46269 Dorsten Τ: (02362) 663651, 663640; Fax: 665723 Established: 1842; Donor(s): Ignaz Rive Assets: DM 3.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants to members of Cremer and Rive families only Focus: Fam 05482 Victor Rizkallah-Stiftung, c/o Freundeskreis der Universität Hannover e.V., Wilhelm-Busch-Str 4, 30167 Hannover Τ: (0511) 76219111/12; Fax: 76219113 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Prof. Dr.-lng. Victor Rizkallah Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Grants and prizes to members of Universität Hannover only Focus: Build; Econ 05483 Rochlmeyer-Stlftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes GirtenbergUniversität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Donops): Prof. Dr. Hans Rochlmeyer Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz only Focus: Pharm 05464 von Rochow-Reckahner-Famlllensttftung, Prinzregentenufer 9, 90489 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 533977; Fax: 553652; E-Mail: v.Rochow® t-online.de Established: 1908; Chair: Jörg von Rochow, Donor(s): Willy von Rochow Assets: ca. DM 25.000,-, Receipts: ca. DM 1.500,·, Expenditures: ca. DM 1.500,Limitations: Grants to members of von Rochow· Reckahrter family only Focus: Fam 05485
05486 - 05546
95 Rockermaler-Stiftung Moosburg, c/o Landratsami Freising, Landshuter Str 31, 85256 Freising T: (08161) 600433; Fax: 600610 Established: 19Θ5; Donor(s): Josef Rockermaier Limitations: Grants to pupils of Karl-Ritter-vonFrisch-Gymnasium in Moosburg only Focus: Educ 05486 Frau-Kind-Gesundheit Stiftung Dr. Rockstroh, Maximiiianspi 12, 80333 München Τ: (089) 2420810; Fax: 24208119 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe e.V. Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Cane; Obst; Schol; Ped; Health . 05437 Gerd-Rodenwaldt-Gedichtnls-Sttftung, c/o Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Gerhardt Rodenwaldt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phot; Archeo 05438 Gottfried Roder-Stiftung, Müxtertorallee 2, 23564 Lübeck T: (0451) 790300; Fax: 792728 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Gottfried Karl Roder Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Med; Schol 05439 Ernst Röchling-Stiftung, c/o Universität des Saarlandes, Im Stadtwald, 66123 Saarbrücken Established: 1963 Limitations: Grants to Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken only Focus: Scie; Hum; Econ; Uni 05490 Unterstützungsfonds der Gebrüder Röders AG, Postfach 1453, 29604 Soltau T: (05141) 6040 Established: 1936; Donor(s): Gebrüder Röders AG Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 95.000,Limitations: Grants to former employees of Gebrüder Röders AG (Soltau) only Focus: SocW 05491 J.M.C. Röding Witwe, geb. Htfckes-Stfftung, Mönckebergstr 10, Barkhof B, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 3202255; Fax: 32022500; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1857 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05492 Rödl-Mitarbelter-Stiftung für Kinderhilfe, Äußere Sulzbacher Str 100, 90491 Nürnberg T: (0911) 91930; Fax: 9193900 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Mitarbeiter der Kanzlei Ròdi & Partner Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 36.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Child; Youth 05493 Karl Peter Röhl Stiftung, c/o Kunstsammlungen zu Weimar, Burgpl 4, 99423 Weimar Established: 1997 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05494 Dr. Otto Röhm-Gedachtnlsstiftung, c/o Röhm GmbH, KirschenaJlee, 64293 Darmstadt T: (06151) 184566 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Otto Rohm Assets: DM 2.400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Educ 05495 Martea Ròhr-Stiftung, c/o Stiftungsverwaltung, Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1957 Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 05496 Dorothea Römer-Stiftung, Mauerkircherstr 79, 81925 München T: (089) 9280030 Established: 1977; Donor(s): Dorothea Römer Expenditures: DM 36.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Fam; Nurs; Hand 05497 Römermuseum Homburg-Schwarzenacker, Rathaus, Am Forum, 66424 Homburg T: (06841) 1010; Fax: 101555 Established: 1966; Donops): Saarpfalz-Kreis, Stadt Homburg, Karlsberg Brauerei KG Weber Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archeo 05498 Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Emst-Ludwig-Pl 2, 55116 Mainz T: (06131) 91240; Fax: 9124199 Established: 1852; Secy: Generaldirektor Dr. Konrad Weidemann, Donor(s): Land Rheinland-Pfatz, Stadt Mainz Expenditures: DM 10.963.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 05499 Hans-Rönn-Stiftung-Menschen für Tiere, Mannheimer Weg 20, 40229 Düsseldorf Established: 1999 Focus: AnimP
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen-Fonds, c/o Universität Würzburg, Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg Established: 1923 Limitations: Grants to Universität Würzburg only Focus: Phys 0550T Abraham und David Roentgen-Sttftung, c/o Kreishandwerkerschatt, Langendorfer Str 91, 56564 Neuwied Τ: (02631) 20934; Fax: 20933 Established: 1987 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05502 Gerhard Rösch-Sttftung, Schaffhausenstr 101, 72072 Tübingen Established: 1977 Limitations: Grants in Tübingen only Focus: Schol 05503 Anton- und Klara-Röser-Stlftung, Nittelwaldstr 51, 70195 Stuttgart Established: 1984; Donor(s): Anton und Klara Röser Focus: Elect 05504 Bernhard Rösler-Stlftung, Postfach 67, 41366 Schwalmtal Established: 1976; Donor(s): Bernhard und Joyce Rosier Focus: SocW; Mon; Ecol; Educ . . . . 05505 Erika und Karl Rössing-Stiftung, c/o Staatliche Graphische Sammlung. Meiserstr 10, 80333 München T: (089) 28927650; Fax: 28927653 Established: 1980; Chair Dr. Tilman Falk, Donor(s): Prof, Karl Rössing Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aris 05506 Erwin-Röver-Stlftung, Adelheìdstr 4/5, 30171 Hannover Focus: Health; Rheum; Ortho 05507 Dr. Hermann Rover-Stiftung, Marienhöhe 139, 25451 Quickbom T: (04106) 67076; Fax: 67076 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Dr. Hermann Rover Expenditures: DM 90.000,Limitations: No grants to individuals Focus: Sports 05508 Emst Günther Roffhack-Stlfhing, Hohenzollemstr 11, 47799 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 9590 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Emst Günter Roffhack Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; AIDS 05509 Elisabeth Rogge-Doeberltz-Stlftung, Wundtstr 66, 14057 Berlin T: (030) 3222101; Fax: 3222101 Established: 1917; Donor(s): Elisabeth RoggeDöberitz Limitations: Predetermined grants in Jüterbog and Telz only Focus: SocW; Worn 05510 Siegfried Roggenbuck-Stlftung, Kurfürstendamm 52, 10707 Berlin T: (030) 8814072; Fax: 8818460; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1980; Donor(s): Siegfried Roggenbuck Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,Focus: Educ; Voc 05511 Horst-Rohde-Sttftung, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Horst Rohde Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: AnimP 05512 Rohe'sche Aftenheim-Stfftung, Miltenberger Str 2, 63839 Kleinwallstadt Τ: (06022) 6650; Fax: 665222 Established: 1892/1988; Donops): Josef-Anton Rohe Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05513 Dr. Otto und Katharina Roith-Stiftung, c/o SOSKinderdorf e.V., Renatastr 77, 80639 München Τ: (089) 12606227 Established: 1976; Donops): Katharina Rorth Assets: DM 1.467.000,-, Expenditures: DM 86.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 05514 Rolle-Stlftung, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Elisabeth Rolle Expenditures: DM 23,000,Focus: Ecol 05515 Anna Rornbach-Sttftung, Hauptstr 49, 68259 Mannheim T: (0621) 791883 Established: 1993; Chain Pfarrer Wolfram Klauser, Dr. Tiiomas Zimmenriann, Donor(s): Anna Rombach Assets: DM 300.000,·, Receipts: ca. DM 25.000,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 05516
Dr. Johannes Romberg-Stlftung für Baudenkmalerhaltung, Schloß Martinsburg, 56112 Lahnstein Τ: (02621) 4332 Established: 1989; Donops): Dr. Johannes Romberg Assets: DM 2.000.000,Focus: Mon 05517 Oscar Romero-Stfftung, c/o Katholische Kirchengemeinde St. Peter, Georgstr 2, 26121 Oldenburg/Oldenburg Established: 1991 Focus: Educ 05518 Katholische Studienstiftung Roncalll-Kolleg für Studierende der Fachhochschulen, Schrammerstr 3, 80333 München T: (089) 2137382 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Erzdiözese München und Freising Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Rei 05519 Artur-Rose-Stiftung, c/o Schiffahrtsmuseum Langeoog, Postfach 1263, 26454 Langeoog Established: 1995 Focus: Ship
Cäcilie Roselieb-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Wolfhagen, Burgstr 33, 34466 Wolfhagen T: (05692) 60211; Fax: 60229; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1988; Donor(s): Hildegard Clara Cäcilie Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
. 05521
Stiftung Ludwig Roseli us-Museum, c/o Seehandel GmbH, Wachtstr 30-31, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 321954; Fax: 325108 Established: 1972; Chair: Dr. L. Roselius, Secy: Rolf Kreib, Donor(s): HAG AG Bremen Expenditures: DM 34.700,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05522 Rosen-Schllllng'sche Armenstiftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1717; Donor(s): Catharina Schilling Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05523 Kurt und Hildegard Rosenbaum Fonds, Billtal 7, 21521 Wohltorf Established: 1996 Limitations: Scholarships to students in Israel only Focus: Schol; Jew 05524 Helene Rosenberg-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Konrad Huber, Schreiberstr 10, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau Established: 1981; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hans Limitations: Scholarships to students at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Music; Schol 05525 Klaus-Rosenberg-Stiftung, Mönckebergstr 27, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 3080080; Fax: 336902 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Ilse Luise Minna Rosenberg Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Scholarships to German and Thai students at Universität Hamburg only Focus: Schol; Ling; As; Cult 05526 Bernd Rosenheim-Stiftung, c/o SMH Bank, Kaiserstr 73, 63065 Offenbach T: (069) 2179822; Fax: 2179899 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Bernd Günther Rosenheim Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05527 Rosenheimer Kathreln-Kultursttftung, Anton· Kathrein-Str 1-3, 83022 Rosenheim Established: 1991 Assets: DM 125.000,· Limitations: Grants in Rosenheim and the district of Landkreis Rosenheim only Focus: Cult 05528 Rosenkranz-Stiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Kirchgasse 3, 86675 Buchdorf Limitations: Grants in Buchdorf only Focus: Ret 05529 Eduard und Clara Rosenthal Stiftung, c/o Collegium Europaeum Jenense, Schillergäßchen 2, 07745 Jena Established: 1996 Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult; Rei; SocW . 05530 Hans Rosenthal-Stlftung schnelle Hilfe in akuter Not e.V., Postfach 450404, 12174 Berlin T: (030) 7724355; Fax: 7724451; E-Mail: Rosenthal· [email protected] Established: 1987; Chair Gert Rosenthal, Secy: Beate Göhr, Donor(s): Hans Rosenthal Expenditures: DM 700.000,Focus: SocW 05531 Käthe Rosenzweig/Muesmann-Stfftung, Wersedamm 61, 59227 Ahlen T: (02382) 81674 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Käthe Rosenzweig Expenditures: DM 54.300,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05532
Germany: Rothfos-Stiftung
Roslny Stiftung, Panoramastr 116, 69126 Heidelberg T: (0621) 3833378, 3832798; Fax: 3833808; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996 Focus: Pulm; Card; IntM 05533 Roßbacher Weberstuben, Uniitzsteig 8, 95111 Rehau Established: 1991 05534 Anna Roßberger'sche Stiftung zur Förderung des Volksschullehrernachwuchses, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1959; Donor(s): Anna Roßberger Assets: DM 92.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Scholarships to citizens ot Augsburg only Focus: Schol 05535 Paläobotanische Stiftung Rossmann Bayreuth, c/o Universität Bayreuth, Universitätsstr 30, 95440 T: (0921) 552975 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Guenther Rossmann Assets: DM 120.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Bot 05536 Rostocker Heimstiftung, Pauistr 12, 18055 Rostock T: (0381) 454740; Fax: 4547433 Established: 1992; Secy: Frau Reimann, Donor(s): Hansestadt Rostock Expenditures: DM 33.510.000,Limitations: Grants in Rostock only Focus: Sen 05537 Rostropovich Cello Foundation, c/o Kronberg Academy, Königsteiner-Str 5/Hembus Haus, 61476 Kronberg T: (06173) 950085; Fax: 950086; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kronbergacademy.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Mstislav Rostropovich Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Scholarships to cellists up to 29 years only Focus: Music; Schol; Musi 05538 Der Rotarier, c/o Rechtsanwalt Carl-Heinz Heuer, Stiftstr 9-17, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 29994263; Fax: 282615 Established: 1999 Focus: IntU 05539 Rote-Kreuz-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Sozialamt, Kennedypl 3, 45121 Essen T: (0201) 8850105; Fax: 8888510 Established: 1948 Assets: DM 357.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Essen only Focus: Warν 05540 Luitpold und Ludwig Rothenanger-Stiftung, Rathauspl 1, 85521 Ottobrunn T: (089) 60808112; Fax: 60808113 Established: 1998; Chair: Albert Oehrlein, Donor(s): Luitpold Karl Ludwig Bernhard Rothenanger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Sen; Youth; SocW . . . . 05541 Domherr von Rothenburg-Stiftung BerlinSteglitz, Rothenburgs^ 14, 12165 Berlin Τ: (030) 79042390; Fax: 79042013 Established: 1833; Chair: Uwe Benke, Donor(s): Rittmeister und Domdechant Freiherr Emst Friedrich von Rothenburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 05542 Schulstrftung Christian Rother, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Postfach, 10877 Berlin T: (030) 31533644; Fax: 31532977 Established: 1942; Chair Susanne Siemann, Donor(s): Christian Rother Assets: DM 700.000,· Limitations: Grants to institutions in Berlin only Focus: Educ; Worn 05543 Rother-Stlftung, T: (030) 8419070; Established: 1840; Expenditures: DM Focus: Wid; Worn
Hortensienstr 17a, 12203 Berlin Fax: 8325837 Donor(s): Christian Rother 690.000,05544
Arthur und Gertrud Rothermann-Stlftung, Grindelallee 180, 20144 Hamburg Τ: (040) 4502300; Fax: 45028030 Established: 1986; Chair: Kurt Langhein, Donor(s): Arthur und Gertrud Rothermann Limitations: Grants to the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger only Focus: SocW 05545 Mika Rothfos-Stiftung, Heidloge 46, 22359 Hamburg Τ: (040) 6446606 Established: 1959 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05546
Germany: Rothmayer-Stiftung Herbert A. Rothmayer-Stlftung, Salzburger Str 27, 83071 Stephanskirchen Τ: (08031) 72230 Established: 1990; Donor(s); Herbert A. Rothmayer Assets: DM 700.000,Limitations: Grants in Stephanskirchen only Focus: Educ; Schol; Musi; Lit; SocW; Sen; Rei; Mon 05547 Μ .Α. von Rothschild'sche Gedächtnis-Stiftung, c/o ñechtsanwalt Ury Popper, Herrenstr 14, 76133 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 26926; Fax: 28920 Established: 1903; Chair: Rechtsanwalt Ury Popper Focus: SocW 05548 Freiherr Carl von Rothschild'sche Stiftung Carolinum, Theodor-Stem-Kai 7, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 63015630; Fax: 63016741; E-Mail: Schonhoff @em.uii-f rankfurt.de Established: 1890; Donor(s): Freifräulein Hannah Louise von Rothschild Assets: DM 8.100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 488.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Dent; Health 05549
Lydia und Heinz Rûhl-Stiftung, In der Sandheide 5, 46562 Voerde Τ: (02855) 6164; Fax: 920212 Established: 1994; Chair; Walter Jansen, Gisela Marzin, Donor(s): Heinz Rühl Assets: DM 180.000,-, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Focus: Hist; Arts; Cult; Law 05561 Rütgers-Sttftung, c/o Rütgers AG, Rellinghauser Str 3, 45128 Essen Τ: (0201) 1772123; Fax: 1772062 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Rütgers AG Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Rütgers AG (Essen) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 05562 Anoegret-Ruge*Stiftung, Postfach 303, 26437 Jever Established: 1998 05563 Dr. Gabriele Ruge Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Η, Nordbruch, Postfach 303, 26437 Jever Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Wilhelmshaven, Friesland and Ostfriesland only Focus: Cane; Ped 05564
Freiherrlich Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild'sche Stiftung fur mildtätige Zwecke, Fontanestr 1, 60431 Frankfurt am Main Assets: DM 184.457,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW; Worn 05550
Hans Ruland-Stiftung fur Rehabilitationsforschung, Bergstr 38, 76334 Waldbronn T: (07243) 6030; Fax: 603617 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Hans und Gisela Ruland Focus: Reh; Hand 05565
Georgine Sara von Rothschild'sche Stiftung zur Förderung von Krankenbetreuung für Israeliten In Frankfurt am Main, Amdtstr 1, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 748171 Established: 1870 Assets: DM 108.600,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Nurs; Jew 05551
Dr. Ruland'sche Stiftung, c/o Bischöfliches Ordinariat, Londoner Str 35, 97084 Würzburg T: (0931) 6666190; Fax: 6666191 Established: 1893; Donops): Dr. Anton Ruland Limitations: Grants in Würzburg only Focus: SocW 05566
Rottendorf-Stiftung, Postfach 1452 , 59306 Ennigerloh Τ: (02524) 2680 Established: 1974; Chair: Norbert Kmpke, Donor(s): Rosalie Therese Rottendort Focus: Pharm 05552 Bankdirektor Amandus de la Roy-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Torsten Locher, Ne 7-9, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 36834552; Fax: 36834570 Established: 1945; Donor(s): Amandus de la Roy Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Commerzbank AG (Hamburg) and their families only Focus: SocW 05553 Dr. med. Wolrad Rube'sche Familienstiftung, Hauerstr 13 , 34497 Korbach T: (05631) 3154 Donor(s): Dr. Wolrad Rube Assets: DM 96.200,·, Expenditures: DM 56.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam; Mon 05554 Dr. Ruder'sche Stipendienstiftung Oberbibrach, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Hauptstr 13, 95519 Vorbach T: (09205) 1221 Established: 1872; Donor(s): Dr. Josef Ruder Assets: DM 2.568,Limitations: Scholarships to members of the Ruder family only Focus: Schol 05555 Hans Rudolf-Stiftung, Carl-Fohr-Str 17, 83714 Miesbach T: (08025) 29990; Fax: 299911 Established: 1969; Chair: Dirli Thielemann, Donor(s): Dr. Rudolf Gretsch, Hildegard Gretsch Assets: DM 15.000.000,· Focus: Schol 05556 Rudolfstift, Rudolfstr 21, 38114 Braunschweig T: (0531) 577990; Fax: 576415; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1886; Chair: Dr. Wilhelm MeyerDegening, Donor(s): Minna Henneberg Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Sen 05557 Carl und Olga Rudolph-Stiftung, Oldesloerstr 129, 22457 Hamburg Τ: (040) 5508086 Established: 1968 Limitations: Scholarships in Hamburg only Focus: Schol 05556 Rüden hof-Stiftung, do Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn Τ: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: ¡[email protected]; Internet: http -J! www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Moritzburg/Sachsen only Focus: Mon 05559 Ruefach-Stlftung, Ebertiard-Finckh-Str 55, 89075 Ulm Τ: (0731) 92720; Fax: 9272160 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Ruefach GmbH Assets: DM 300.000,Focus: CommT 05560
Hugo Rupf-Stlftung, Co J.M. Voith GmbH, Postfach 1940, 89509 Heidenheim T: (07321) 374202; Fax: 377819; E-Mail: fortbildung® voith Established: 1977; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. h.c. Hugo Rupf Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Heidenheim, Biberach and the region of Ostwürttemberg only Focus: Schol; Econ; Voc; Cult; Sports . . 05567 Prof. Dr. Hans und Else Rupp-Stlftung, Felix· Mottl-Str 1, 76185 Karlsruhe Established: 1994 05568 Stiftung Ruppert, Paradeisstr 67, 62362 Weilheim Established: 1987 Focus: SocW 05569 Ilse und Dr. Horst Rusch-Stlftung, Basaltweg 22, 22395 Hamburg Τ: (040) 6023412 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Dr. Horst Rusch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Theat; Music 05570 Emst und Martha Russ Stiftung, Alsterufer 10, 20354 Hamburg Established: 1937 Limitations: Grants to employees of Emst Russ, Schiffahrt- und Assekuranz-Gesellschaft E. Russ & Co. and Hamburg-Rhein Linie GmbH only Focus: Sen; SocW 05571 Eheleute Carl Ruß-Stiftung, do Stadtverwaltung, Amt 40, Postfach 100165, 42648 Solingen Τ: (0212) 2907215 Established: 1905; Donor(s): Johannes Carl Maria Ruß Assets: DM 919.943,-, Expenditures: DM 57.100,· Limitations: Grants in Solingen only Focus: Educ; Voc 05572 Erich und Maria Russell-Stiftung, do Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Erich und Maria Assets: DM 671.934,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni; Rei
Russell'sche Famlllensttftung, Baumschulallee 21, 53115 Bonn T: (0228) 636243; Fax: 697087 Established: 1906; Donops): Emil Russell Limitations: Grants to members of the Russell family only Focus: Fam 05574 Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirchenstiftung für Wissenschaft, Denkmalpflege und Mildtätigkeit, Bergstr 32, 53604 Bad Honnef T: (02224) 93300; Fax: 933020 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Diözese des orthodoxen Bischofs von Bertin und Deutschland, Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirche im Ausland Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Mon; SocW 05575 Maria Rust-Stfftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Sozialamt, Kennedypi 3, 45121 Essen Τ: (0201) 8850105; Fax: 8888510 Established: 1948; Donor(s): Maria Rust Assets: DM 2.700.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Essen only Focus: Οφ; Wid; SocW; Fam; Sen . . . 05576
Philipp E. Ruth-Stiftung, Boschetsrieder Str 120, 81379 München Τ: (089) 263708 Established: 1992; Donor{s): Dr. Philipp Ruth Assets: DM 3.000.000,Focus: Youth; Child 05577 Anna Ruths-Stiftung, Osannstr 43, 64285 Darmstadt Τ: (06151) 717167; Fax: 426716; E-Mail: seikel θ gsic.de Chair Dr. Gregor SeikeJ, Donor(s): Anna Ruths Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Donsbach (Dillenburg· Westerwald) only. Two scholarships in India Focus: Educ; SchoJ; As 05578 Charlotte-Riitz-Sttftung für Distonie, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Neu-Westend, Eichenallee 47-53, 14050 Berlin T: (030) 3044151; Fax: 3044151 Established: 1998 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Berlin only Focus: Rei; SocW 05579 Franz und Eva Rutzen-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barfchovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.strfterverband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Franz Rutzen Assets: DM 2.811.799,·, Expenditures: DM 132.000,Focus: Archeo; Hist; Cult; Arts 05580 RWE Jugendstiftung zur Förderung beruflicher Qualifikation, gesellschaftlicher Integration und sozialer Einsatzbereltschaft, Opempl 1, 45128 Essen T: (0201) 1215179; Fax: 1215289; E-Mail: rwejugendstiftung®rwe.de; Internet: http://www.rwejugendstiftung.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): RWE AG, RWE Energie AG Focus: Youth; Voc; Hand; Drug . . . . 0558Í S-Bürgeratlftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Langenfeld/Rheinland, Solinger Str 51-55, 40764 Langenfeld/Rheinland T: (02173) 909202; Fax: 909400 Established: 1993; Chair: Lothar Marienhagen, Donor(s): Stadt-Sparkasse Langenfeld/Rheinland Assets: DM 1.750.000,-, Expenditures: DM 125.000,· Limitations: Grants in Langenfe Id/R h e inland only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 05582 S.O.F. Save our future Umweltstlftung, Adenauerallee 21, 20097 Hamburg T: (040) 240600; Fax: 240640; Internet: http:// www.save-our-fulure.de/ Secy: Bettina Hohn, Donops): Jürgen Oppermann Expenditures: DM B91.000,· Limitations: Grants in Geimany and the People's Republic of China only Focus: Ecol 05S83 Elisabeth J. Saal-Stiftung, Clemensstr 30, 60803 München Established: 1982 Focus: Educ 05584 Saarländisches Ökoiogle-Zentrum, Stiftung Hofgut Imsbach, tío Hofgut Imsbach, 66636 Tholey T: (06853) 91180; Fax: 911830; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.hofgutimsbach.de Established: 1987; Chair Armin Lang, Secy: Ulrich Plein, Donor(s): Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Saar Assets: DM 13.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.100.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Saarland only Focus: Ecol 05585 Stiftung der Eheleute Heinz und Frieda Saba, c/o BfG Bank AG, Postfach 1360, 24012 Kiel T: (0431) 98180; Fax: 9818111 Established: 1988; Chair: Claus Sievers, Donops): Heinz Saba , Frieda Saba Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05586 Stiftung Private Wirtschaftsschulen Säbel, Schwanthalerstr 51-55, 80336 München T: (089) 5398050; Fax: 53980592; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpV/www.sabel.com Established: 1976; Donor(s): Rudolf und Ferdinande Säbel Assets: DM 550.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.000.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants and scholarships in München and Nürnberg only Focus: Voc; Schol 05587 Elly-Sachlnle-Stlftung für tumor- und leukämiekranke Kinder der Kinderklinik Erfurt, Moltkestr 18, 20253 Hamburg Established: 1991 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Erfurt only Focus: Cane; Ped 05588 Konsul Willy Sachs-Stiftung, do Atexander-vonHumboldt-Gymnasium, Geschwister-Scholl-Str 4, 97424 Schweinfurt Τ: (09721) 78350; Fax: 783520 Established: 1933; Chair: Oberstudiendirektor Dr. Emst Häublein, Secy: Studiendirektor Dr. Kurt Leibold, Donops): Konsul Willy Sachs Assets: DM 5.000,-, Receipts: DM 250,·, Expenditures: DM 250,Limitations: Grants in Schweinfuil only Focus: Educ 05559
Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha'sche Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, c/o Herzogliche Hauptverwaltung Coburg, Γ Str 10, 96450 Coburg T: (09561) 81450; Fax: Í Established: 1928 Limitations: Applications not s Focus: Arts; Scie 05590 Stiftung der Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gottia'schen Familie, c/o Herzogliche Hauptverwaltung Coburg, Elsässer Str 10, 96450 Coburg T: (09561) 81450; Fax: 26268 Established: 1928; Donorfs): Carl Eduard Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha Limitations: Grants to members of the SachsenCoburg family only Focus: Fam 05591 Sachtieben-Stlftung für Angestellte, c/o Sachtieben GmbH, Dr.-Rudolf-Sachtleben-Str 4, 47198 Duisburg T: (02066) 22236, 22245 Established: 1925 Limitations: Grants to former employees of Sachtleben GmbH (Chemnitz) only Focus: SocW 05592 Sachtleben-Stfftung für Mitarbeiter der Sachtleben, c/o Sachtleben GmbH, Dr.-RudolfSachtleben-Str 4, 47198 Duisburg T: (02066) 22236, 22245 Established: 1925 Expenditures: DM 1.531.000,· Limitations: Grants to former employees of Sachtieben GmbH (Chemnitz) only Focus: SocW 05593 Werner und Erna Sack-Stiftung für Tierschutz, Kelsterbacher Str 2a, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 675115 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Werner Sack Expenditures: DM 59.000,Focus: AnimP 05594 Werner Sack-Stiftung für Tumorforschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Bartchovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifteiverband.de Established: 1988; Donops): Werner Sack Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 05595 Hofrat Simon Heinrich Sack'sche Famllienstfftung, Sandweg 26, 35037 Marburg T: (06421) 32531 Established: 1791; Donor(s): Simon Heinrich Sack Assets: DM 330.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy members of the Sack family only Focus: Fam 05596 Sächsische Jugendstiftung, c/o Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Jugend und Familie, Albrechtstr 10, 01097 Dresden T: (0351) 5645526; Fax: 5645784; E-Mail: Iriedmann. Beyer @ Sms.Sachsen .de Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Youth 05597 Sächsische Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt, c/o Sächsisches Staatsministerium, Neustädter Markt 19, 01097 Dresden T: (0351) 81416754; Fax: 81416775; E-Mail: poststeile®lanu.smu.sachsen.de; Internet: http.// www.saxonet.de/lanu Established: 1998; Donor(s): Freistaat Sachsen Expenditures: DM 2.000,000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Ecol; Landsc 05598 Saher'sche Stiftung für Bedürftige, c/o Stadt Kulmbach, Stiftungsreferat, Obertiacken 1, 95326 Kulmbach T: (09221) 940271; Fax: 928421 Established; 1741; Donor(s): Anna Catharina Saher Assets: DM 189.400,·, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants in Kulmbach only Focus: SocW; Schol; Wid 05599 Olga Marie Saint-André-Stiftung, Saint-André-Str 9, 75203 Königsbach Established: 1991 05600 Hedwig Salnt-Denis-Stiftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes Gutenberg· Universität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: [email protected] Donops): Hedwig Saint-Denis Focus: Cane 05601 Louise Salb-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Jungfemstieg 22, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 35012375; Fax: 35012383 Established: 1963; Donor(s): Louise Salb Focus: Sen 05602 Salzburger-Anstalt Gumbinnen, c/o Jürgen Lechen, Memder Str 35, 336005 Bielefeld T: (0521) 9246180; Fax: 9246191 Established: 1740; Donops): König Friedrich Wilhelm I. von Preu en Assets: DM 210.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 05603
05604 - 05662
97 Samartteranstalten FQrstenwalde/Spree, August-Bebel-Str 1-4, 15517 Fürstenwakle/Spree Τ: (03361) 567101; Fax: 57678; Internet: Mtp-J! www.samariteranstaften.de Established: 1911; Donor(s): Pastor Albert Burgdorf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Sen 05604
Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung, Qoethestr 74, 80336 München T: (089) 5441870; Fax: 54418720 Established: 1974; Donops): Wilhelm Sander Assets: DM 530.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000.000,Focus: Med; Cane 05617
Samariterstiftung, Schloßweg 1, 72622 Nürtingen Τ: (07022) 505200; Fax: 505255 Established: 1975; Chair Pfaner Helmut Beck, Secy: Christian Káchele, Dr. Eberhard Göll Assets: DM 225.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 150.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hand 05605
Sander'sche Stiftung In Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1Θ80; Donops): Frieda und Emilie Forster Assets: DM 22.048.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.516.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05618
Sammelstiftung an der Hauptkirche Sankt Katharinen, Katharinenkirchhof 1, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 336275; Fax: 339105 Established: 1953 Assets: DU 65.600,·, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Rei 05606 Sammelstiftung der Hochschule für bildende KQnste. c/o Jürgen Kühl, Rahweg 83, 22453 Hamburg T: (040) 5512479; Fax: 5512479 Established: 1952; Secy: Jürgen Kühl Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg only Focus: Schol; Arts 05607 Sammelstlftung der Stadt Dresden, do Stadtverwaltung, Abt. Haushalt, Postlach 120020, 01001 Dresden T: (0351) 4662062; Fax: 46820Θ1 Established: 1946 Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limrtations: Grants in Dresden only Focus: SocW
Sammelstiftung der Stadt Waldheim, c/o Stadt Waldheim, Niedermarkt 1, 04736 Waldheim T: (034327) 57221; Fax: 57200 Established: 1952; Donops): Bürger der Stadt Waldheim Expenditures: DM 7.000,· Limitations: Grants in Waldheim only Focus: Sen; Youth; Sports; Hist; SocW . 05609 Sammelstfftung der Stadt Zittau, c/o Amt für Finanzwesen, Stadtverwaltung Zittau, Markt 1, 02763 Zittau T: (03583) 752122; Fax: 752184 Established: 1949 Limitations: Grants in Zittau only Focus: SocW 05610 Sammelstiftung des Bezirkes Leipzig, efe P.w.C. Westdeutschland AG, Postfach 104361, 45043 Essen T: (0201) 810000; Fax: 8100020 Established: 1949; Secy: Rolf Góbel Assets: DM 13.355.660,·, Expenditures: DM 2.363.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Regierungsbezirk Leipzig only Focus: SocW 05611 Sammelstlftung des Landkreises Bautzen, Bahnhofstr 9, 02625 Bautzen T: (03591) 323601; Fax: 323232 Established: 1951; Chair Landrat des Landkreises Bautzen, Secy: Amtsleiter der Kreisfinanzverwaltung Assets: DM 325.000,-, Receipts: DM 3.000 -, Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Bautzen only Focus: SocW 05612 Sammelstlftung I der Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin T: (030) 39076142; Fax: 39076175 Limitations: Scholarships to students at German universities and colleges only Focus: Schol; Arts 05613 Sammelstiftungen des Bezirkes Dresden, Stübelallee 6, 01309 Dresden Τ: (0351) 2501275 Established: 1957 Limitations: Grants in the district of Regierungsbezirk Dresden only Focus: Cult SocW 05614 Hedwig und Roberl Samuel-Stiftung, Königsallee 14, 40212 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 1386666; Fax: 1386677; E-Mail: SamuelÔsamuel.de; Internet: http://www.samuel.de Established: 1932; Donops): Robert Samuel Assets: DM 46.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05615 Seniorenstiftung WiJhelm E. Sander, Zum Flachsland 12, 325Θ4 Löhne T: (05731) 64042 Established: 1991; Secy: Heinz Tacke, Donops): Wilhelm E. Sander Assets: DM 1.830.000,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Focus: Sen 056Í6
Helmut Sandler-Klndergartenstiftung, Bayreuther Str 11, 95482 Gefrees T: (09254) 80119; Fax: 7370 Established: 1993; Donops): Helmut Sandler Assets: DM 500.000,·, Expenditures: 60.000,· Limitations: Grants in Gefrees only Focus: Child 05619 Konsul Kart und Dr. Gabriele Sandmann-Stiftung, Egestorffstr 42a, 12307 Berlin Τ: (030) 7456221 Established: 1988; Donops): Karl und Dr. Gabriele Sandmann Assets: DM 3.400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 270.000,Limitations: Scholarships to talented students originating of Berlin only Focus: Schol 05620 Sankt Agnes-Hospital Bocholt, Bailoer Weg 125, 46397 Bocholt Τ: (02871) 200; Fax: 202252 Established: 1Θ44 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05621 Sankt Anna-Stift, Annenstr. 49624 Löningen Τ: (05432) 9690 Established: 1865 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05622
Sankt Antoniusstift Emstek, Antoniusstr 28, 49685 Emstek T: (04473) 830; Fax: 83215 Established: 1947 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05632 Sankt Antonspfründestiftung in Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein® susta.de Established: 1410; Donorfs): Lorenz Egen Assets: DM 556.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05633 Sankt Augustlnus-Studlenstlftung Kevelaer, Schillerstr 103, 41464 Neuss T: (02131) 49332 Established: 1962; Chair Domkapitular Pastor Richard Schulte-Staade, Secy: Alexander Spanke, Donops): Prof. Augustin Patureaux Assets: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants to Christian students for books only Focus: Lit 05634 Sankt Bartholomäl-Stift In Zerbst, Schloßfreiheit 3, 39261 Zerbst T: (03923) 785964 Established: 1300; Donor(s): Burchard von Baity Assets: DM 150.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Rei 05635 Sankt Bernhard-Hospital, Claußenstr 2, 26919 Brake Τ: (04401) 1050; Fax: 105208; E-Mail: sbh.brake@ t-online.de Established: 1880; Chair: Pfarrer Kart Heinz Vorwerk, Secy: Hans G. Schimschol, Donor(s): B. Pille Expenditures: DM 24.900.000,Umrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05636
Sankt Anna-Stift Alten· und Pflegeheim, Eiskellerstr 7, 40213 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 13970; Fax: 324479 Established: 1871 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05623
Sankt Blaslus-Spital und Bruderhaus-Stiftung Vllshofen, c/o Stadt Vilshofen, Stadtpl 29, 94474 Vilshofen T: (08541) 2080; Fax: 20843 Established: 1343; Donor(s): Schweiker Tuschl von Sphdenau Assets: DM 2.500.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05637
Sankt Anna-Stiftung, Reichlinstr 11, 87439 Kempten T: (0831) 27268; Fax: 22784 Established: 1888; Donor(s): August Kotter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05624
Sankt Christopherus-Krankenhaus, Goetheweg 34, 59368 Werne T: (02389)7870; Fax: 7B71100 Established: 1858; Secy: Joachim Beinert Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Child; Sen 05638
Sankt Anna-Stiftung, Münchhofstr 4, 88131 Lindau Established: 1907; Donor(s): Pfarrer Aubele Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05625 Sankt Annen-Stiftung, Rothenbaumchaussee 7, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4104031/32 Established: 1971 Focus: Hand 05626 Sankt Annen- und Sankt Bartholomil-Lehen, Postfach 1140, 31841 Bad Münder T: (05042) 943110; Fax: 943155 Established: 1353; Donops): Gebrüder Adynk, Dietrich Langehans, Heinrich Luders Expenditures: DM 30.000,Umrtations: Predetermined grants and scholarships only Focus: Fam; SocW 05627 Sankt Antonle-Spltalsttftung Osterhofen, do Stadt Osterhofen, 94486 Osterhofen Τ: (09932) 4030; Fax: 403175; E-Mail: Stadtgwnd© Osterhofen.de Established: 1531; Chair. Bürgermeister Horst Eckl, Secy: J. Schmid Assets: DM 424.000,-, Receipts: DM 75.000,-, Expenditures: DM 75.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05628
Sankt Elisabeth-Haus, Brinkstr 8, 49393 Lohne Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05639 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital, Elisabethstr 10, 59269 Beckum Τ: (02521) 8410, 841216; Fax: 841466 Established: 1848; Donops): Pfarrer Freiherr von Ketteier Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05640 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital Ibbenbüren, Große Str 41, 49477 Ibbenbüren Established: 1861 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05641 Sankt Ellsabeth-Hospltal-Stlftung Ellingen, c/o Stadt Ellingen, Wei enburger Str 1, 91792 Ellingen T: (09141) 865815; Fax: 865858 Established: 1180; Donops): Walter von Ellingen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05642 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital zu Herten, im Schloßpark 12, 45699 Herten Established: 1904 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs
Sankt Antonius-Hospital Kleve, Albereallee 5, 47533 Kleve Τ: (02821) 4900; Fax: 4901087 Established: 1844; Donops): Vikar J.A. Ysermans, Pfarrer Baur, Bernhard Fritzen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 05629
Sankt Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Pfarrer-WilhelmSchmitz-Str 1, 46282 Dorsten Τ: (02362) 292619; Fax: 292779 Established: 1855 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05644
Sankt Antonius-Stiftung der Erzdiözese München und Freising, Maxburgstr 2, 80333 München T: (089) 21371492; Fax: 21371333 Established: 1997; Donops): Erzdiözese München und Freising Limitations: Grants in the archdiocese of MûnchenFreising only Focus: Sen; Youth 05630
Sankt Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Elisabethstr 61, 37339 Woibis T: (036074) 740; Fax: 74200 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Katharina Hamelmann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05645
Sankt Antoniuahaus, KJingenhagen 6, 49377 Vechta Established: 1895 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Rei 05631
Sankt Ellsabeth-Spltal-Stlftung Hersbruck, do Stadt Hersbruck, 91217 Hersbruck Τ: (09151) 7350; Fax: 735735 Established: 1406; Donor(s): Johann Polster Assets: DM 2.245.850,-, Expenditures: DM 1.118.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 05646
Germany: Sankt
Sankt Elisabeth-Stift, Postfach 140, 49401 Damme Established: 1861 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05647 Sankt Elisabeth-Stift, Elisabethstr 10, 49688 Lastrup Τ: (04472) 9500; Fax: 950100; E-Mail: post® elisabeth-stift.de; Internet: http://www.elisabeth-stift.de Established: 1912; Chain Heinz Zumdohme, Secy: Bernhard Freye Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hand 05648 Sankt Ellsabeth-Stlft zu BarQel, Langestr 38, 26672 Barßel Τ: (04499) 830 Established: 1976 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05649 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung, Postfach 1743 , 31047 Alfeid Τ: (05181) 703100, 703121; Fax: 703217 Established: 1442; Chair: Dr. Christof Toetzke Assets: DM 280.000,-, Receipts: DM 20.000,·, Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 05650 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung, Schönhauser Allee 141, 10437 Berlin T: (030) 44325100; Fax: 44325105; Internet: http:// www.st-elisabeth-stiftung.org Established: 1856; Chair: Generalsuperintendent Martin-Michael Passauer, Secy: Dietmar Streit, Donor(s): Pfarrer Eduard Kuntze Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 05651 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung Rodalben, Kleine Pfaffengasse 16, 67346 Speyer T: (06232) 1020; Fax: 102300 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Genossenschaft der Armen Franziskanerinnen, Sankt Elisabeth-Verein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05652 Sankt Elisabethen-Stiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Kirchstr 19, 91443 Scheinfeld T: (09162) 286; Fax: 1573 Established: 1894; Chair Pfarrer Hans Reeg Assets: DM 43.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05653 Sankt Elisabethenanstalt Großheubach, 63920 Großheubach Established: 1885 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05654 Sankt Florian-Stift Neuzelle, do Rudolf Hupe, Adolph-Kolping-Str 15, 03046 Cottbus Established: 1877; Chair Rudolf Hupe, Donor(s): Florian Bimbach Assets: DM 3.981.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 05655 Sankt Franziskus-Hospital, Franziskus Str 6, 49393 Lohne Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05656 Sankt Franziskus-Stift, Diepholzer Str 14, 49439 Steinfeld T: (05492) 96690; Fax: 966999 Established: 1907 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Nurs 05657 Sankt Franziskus-Stiftung, Am Landgraben 4, 75417 Mûhlacker Τ: (07041) 85177, 3165 Established: 1985 Assets: DM 150.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05658 Sankt Georg-Hospital, Hallesche Str 44, 04509 Delitzsch Τ: (034202) 83311; Fax: 83314 Established: 1392 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05659 Sankt Georg-Stiftung, Heerstr 5, 39398 Hadmersleben Τ: (039408) 216; Fax: 5197 Established: 1470; Donor(s): Curd von der Asseburg Expenditures: DM 1.120.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Sankt Georgen-Hospltal, Berliner Str 5, 17268 Templin Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05661 Sankt Georgs-Stiftung, Postfach 1361, 49362 Vechta Τ; (04441) 870770; Fax: 870787 Established: 1947 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 05662
Germany: Sankt
05663 - 05724
Sankt Gerburgís, Hagenstr 35, 46301 Nottuln Τ: (02502) 2200; Fax: 2206185 Established: 1859 Assets: DM 4.990.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 05663 Sankt Gertraudt-Stlftung, Dalandweg 19, 12167 Berlin Τ: (030) 7697000; Fax: 76970030 Established: 1405; Secy: Wolfgang Schrödter Assets: DM 700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05664 Sankt Gertrud-Stift, Bürgerweide 43b, 20535 Hamburg T: (040) 2543998 Established: 1454 Assets: DM 364.000,-, Expenditures: D M 240.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 05665 Sankt Hedwig-Stift, Landwehrstr 1, 49377 Vechta Τ: (04441) 9610; Fax: 852364 Established: 1948; Donor(s): Dr. Pohlschneider Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Ger 05666 Sankt Hubertus-Stift Düsseldorf, Niederlôrîcker Str 9, 40667 Meerbusch T: (02132) 77724 Assets: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05667 Sankt Ignatius-Stiftung V e l e n , Tiergartenstr 29, 46342 Velen Established: 1912 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Velen only Focus: Sen; Youth 05668 Sankt J o h a n n e s - S t i f t ( J o h a n n e u m ) , Bleichenpfad 9, 26303 Varel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs
Sankt Johannes-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwartung, 89415 Lauingen Τ: (09072) 9980; Fax: 998190; E-Mail: Stadt® lauingen.de Established: 1618; Chair: 1. Bürgermeister der Stadt Lauingen Assets: DM 536.417,99, Receipts: DM 2.930,-, Expenditures: DM 2.930,Limitations: Grants in Lauingen only Focus: Mon; Child 05670 Sankt Johannis-Hospital Bernburg, Schlossgartenstr 16, 06406 Bemburg T: (03471) 659503; Fax: 659301 Established: 1535/1997; Chair: Eberhard Heimlich, Donor(s): Fürst Wolfgang Assets: DM 24.500,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Grants in Bemburg and the district of Landkreis Bernburg only Focus: Sen 05671 Sankt J o h a n n is-Jungfrauenkloster in Lübeck, Fleischhauerstr 20, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 1222040; Fax: 1222009 Established: 1173; Donor(s): Heinrich I. Assets: DM 2.329.400,-, Expenditures: DM 479.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Sen 05672 Sankt Johannis-Spital-Stift Passau, c/o Stadt Passau, Unternehmen Stiftungen, Postfach 2447, 94014 Passau T: (0851) 396383 Established: 1207; Donops): Domkapitel und Bürgerschaft Passau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05673 Sankt Johannishospital, Mühlstr 14, 06493 Ballenstedt T: (037) 45593291 Established: 1712; Doror(s): Fürst Victor Amadeus von Anhalt-Bemburg Assets: DM 650,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05674 S a n k t Johannisstift, Reumontstr 28, 33102 Paderborn T: (05251) 4010; Fax: 401301 Established: 1863; Chair: Pfarrer Heinz Peter Moosburger, Secy: Jörg Teuteberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health 05675 S a n k t Johannisstift Heim für geistig Behinderte, Unterhof 154, 37308 Ershausen Established: 1884 Assets: DM 9.000,· Limitations: Applications r o t accepted Focus: Hand 05676 Sankt Josef-Krankenhaus Viernheim, Seegartenstr 4, 68519 Viernheim Τ: (06204) 7030; Fax: 703110 Established: 1979; Chair: Heinz Kiee, Donops): Kirchengemeinden Sankt Apostel und Sankt Marien Viernheim Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05677
98 S a n k t Josef-Sttft in Celle, Kanonenstr 8-9, 29221 Celle Established: 1979 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05678 S a n k t Josef-Sttft S e n d e n h o r s t , Westtor 7, 48324 Sendenhorst T: (02526) 3001000; Fax: 3001010; E-Mail: Verwaltung @ st-josef-stift.de; Internet: http://www.stjosef-strft.de Established: 1689; Donor(s): Josef Spithöver Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 05679 S a n k t Josef-Stiftung Wipperfürth, Kirchpl 1, 51688 Wipperfürth T: (02267) 9305 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Kath. Kirchengemeinde Sankt Nikolaus Assets: DM 14.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05680 S a n k t Josefs-Stift, Muhlenstr 1-7, 47669 Wachtendonk T: (02836) 338 Established: 1899; Donor(s): Sibilla den Dyck Assets: DM 1.134.460,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Child 05681 S a n k t Josefshaus, Dorfbauerschaft 30, 48493 Wettringen T: (02557) 790; Fax: 79273 Established: 1965 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Child 05682 S a n k t Josefspflege, Unterer Bach 2, 74673 Mulfìngen Τ: (07938) 90310; Fax: 903150 Established: 1854; Chair: Pfarrer Holl Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05683 S a n k t J o s e p h - S e m l n a r f o n d s in A u g s b u r g , c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, Augsburg, 86150 Τ: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: Into· Established: 1661; Donor(s): Dr. Erhardt Schreiber Assets: DM 53.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.300,Umrtat'ons: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 05684 S a n k t Joseph-Spital-Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1626; Donor(s): Kurfürst Maximilian I. und Gemahlin Elisabeth Assets: DM 500.000,·, Receipts: DM 30.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in München only Focus: Sen 05685 S a n k t Joseph-Stift Ulistadt, c/o Freiher von und zu Franckenstein'sche Rentenverwaltung, Herrenstr 24, 91484 Sugenheim T: (09164) 222 Established: 1900 Limitations: Grants in Ulistadt only Focus: SocW; Rei 05686 S a n k t Josephs-Anstalt, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Schloßpl 2, 89359 Kotz T: (08221) 6403 Established: 1891; Donor(s): Jakob Benz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child
S a n k t Josephs-Stift, Krankenhausstr 13, 49661 Cloppenburg T: (04471) 160; Fax: 162020 Limitations: Grants in Cloppenburg only Focus: Nurs; Health; SocW; Rei . . . . 05688 S a n k t Josephs-Stift Holte, Hoite-Lastrup, 49774 Lähden Established: 1980 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05689 S a n k t J o s e p h s - u n d Gertrudls-Stlftung, Lüdinghauser Sir 101, 48249 Dülmen Τ: (02594) 94480 Established: 1857 Limitations: Grants in Dülmen only Focus: Youth
S a n k t Jürgen-Hoapital, c/o Stiftungsverwaltung, Markt 5, 23843 Bad Oldesloe T: (04531) 504250 Established: 1350 Assets: DM 6.700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05691 S a n k t Jürgen-Stiftung B u r g auf F e h m a r n , A m Markt 1, 23769 Burg auf Fehmarn T: (04371) 50633; Fax: 50647 Established: 1845; Donops): Stadt Burg auf Fehmarn, Gemeinden Bannesdorf, Landkirchen, Westfehmarn Expenditures: DM 28.000,Limitations: Applications noi accepted Focus: Hous 05692
S a n k t Katharinen-Hospital, Hospitalsir 2, 38895 Derenburg T: (039453) 418; Fax: 51478 Established: 1896; Donor(s): Bettina von Gandersheim Expenditures: D M 1.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05693 S a n k t Katharinen-Spital-Stiftung, Am Brückenfu 1, 93059 Regensburg T: (0941) 830060; Fax: 84368; Internet: httpJl www.spital.de Established: 1226; Donor(s): Bischof Konrad von Regensburg Assets: DM 14.200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05694 S a n k t Katharinen und S a n k t Elisabeth, c/o Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Sankt Stephani, Stephanikirchhof 9, 06449 Aschersleben T: (03473) 3956; Fax: 4956 Established: 1211; Chair: Christoph Mücksch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05695 Sankt Katharinen- u n d WelBfrauenstfft, Eschenheimer Anlage 31a, 60318 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 1568020; Fax: 15680224; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1227; Secy: Erika Pfreundschuh, Donor(s): Wicker Frosch, Katharina zum Rebstock Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Worn 05696 Sankt Katharinenspitalstiftung Deggendorf, c/o Stadt Deggendorf, Stiftungsreferat, Franz-Josef· Strauß-Str 3, 94469 Deggendorf T: (0991) 29600; Fax: 7958 Established: 1349 Assets: DM 6.579.572,07, Expenditures: DM 513.000,Limitations: Grants in Deggendorf only Focus: SocW; Sen 05697 Sankt Katharfnenstift in Coesfeld, ñitterstr 11, 48653 Coesfeld Τ: (02541) 893001; Fax: 893515 Established: 1863 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05698 S a n k t Konradihaus Schelklfngen, Konradistr 1, 89601 Schelklingen T: (07394) 2470; Fax: 24760; Internet: http:// www.st.konradihaus.de Established: 1880 Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc 05699 Sankt Leo-Stlft, Achterort 18, 49632 Essen Established: 1894 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05700 Sankt Lucia-Hospital, Schutweg 1, 33428 Harsewinkel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs
S a n k t Ludgerus-Stlfhing, Hospitalstr, 48727 Billerbeck T: (02543) 525 Established: 1866 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05702 Sankt Maria Rast D a m m e , 49401 Damme T: (05491) 96700; Fax: 967012 Established: 1947; Donor(s): Bischöflicher Offizial Dr. J. Pohlschneider Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05703 S a n k t Marlen-Hospltal, WOllnerstr 101, 48683 Ahaus Established: 1859 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05704 Sankt Marlen-Hospltal, Neustr 1, 59348 Lüdinghausen Established: 1855 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs
Sankt Marien-Hospltal Köln, KunibertskJoster 1113, 50668 Köln Τ: (0221) 1629220; Fax: 1629224 Established: 1863; Donor(s): Peter Michels Assets: DM 2.911.860,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05709 S a n k t Marien-Stift, Maríenstr, 26169 Friesoythe Established: 1867 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05710 Sankt Marlen-Stift Barßel, c/o Bischöfliches Mûnstersches Offiziaiat, Postfach 1462, 49363 Vechta T: (04499) 8720 Established: 1989 Assets: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous; Sen 05711 Sankt Marienhospital V e c h t a , Marienstr 6, 49377 Vechta Τ: (04441) 991020; Fax: 991026 Established: 1851 Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05712 S a n k t Martinistift, Buxtrup 11, 48301 Nottuln Established: 1901 Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05713 Sankt Michael-Sttft, Bollinger Str 10, 26683 Sateriand Established: 1950 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05714 Sankt NIcolai-Spltalfonds, Freiburgerstr 4, 79183 Waldkirch T: (07681) 47060; Fax: 4706215 Established: 1283 Assets: DM 12.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05715 Sankt Nicolaistift N e u s t a d t a m R ü b e n b e r g e , Silbemkamp 6, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge Τ: (05032) 8980; Fax: 89814 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Εν,-Luth, Kirchengemeinde Neustadt am Rübenberge Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05716 Sankt Nlkolai-Stfft zu Hannover, An der Strangriede 41, 30167 Hannover T: (0511) 701810; Fax: 709494 Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Sankt NIkolalspital-Stlttung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1150; Donops): Herzog Ludwig I. Assets: DM 695.300,-, Receipts: DM 44.500,-, Expenditures: DM 47.500,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: SocW 05718 Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital. Grabenstr 86-88, 47546 Kalkar T: (02824) 170; Fax: 17267; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1846; Secy: 0 . Ricken, Donor(s): Schwester M. Angela (Johanna Hoffmann) Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen; Nurs 05719 Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital - Cusanusstlft, Cusanusstr 2, 54470 Bernkastel-Kues T: (06531) 2260; Fax: 94087 Established: 1458; Donor(s): Kardinal Nikolaus von Kues Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05720 Sankt Nikolaus-Stift z u Kloster Füssenich, Kloster Füssenich, 53909 Zülpich Umitations: Applications not accepted . . 05721
Sankt Marien-Hospltal, Altstadtstr 23, 44534 Lünen Τ: (02306) 770; Fax: 772229; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.smh-online.de Established: 1865; Donops): Pfarrer Urban von Wieck, Franz Schmale Expenditures: DM 105.000.000,· Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05706 S a n k t Marien-Hospltal, Kaiserstr 50, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr Established: 1894 Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05707 Sankt Marien-Hospltal Buer, Mühlenstr 5-9, 45894 Gelsenkirchen-Buer Established: 1869 Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05708
Sankt Peter G o t t e s h a u s - und LeprosenSttftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Stadtpl 1, 93326 T: (09443) 91030; Fax: 910350 Established: 1374 Assets: DM 218.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.768.000,Umitations: Applications not i Focus: Educ; SocW
. . . 05722
S a n k t P e t r l - S t l f t , Rodewiekstr 26, 37671 Höxter Τ: (05271) 2303; Fax: 38150 Established: 1848; Secy: Birgit Möhrke-Schreiner Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05723 S a n k t Petrt-Witwenhaus, c/o Sankt Petrv Domgemeinde, Hanseslr 10, 28217 Bremen Established: 1535 Assets: DM 772.000,Umitations: Grants to widows in Bremen only Focus: Wid 05724
05725 - 05783
99 Sankt Pius-Stift, Altenheim, Frtesoyther Str 7, 49661 Cloppenburg T: (04471) 1830112; Fax: 183101; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.pi us-stift,de Established: 1947; Donops): Pfarrer Alois von Hammel Assets: DU 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 05725 Sankt Remberti-Stift, Sankt Remberti-Stift 1, 28203 Bremen T: (0421) 326601 Established: 1306/1971; Donor(s): Freie Hansestadt Bremen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05726 Sankt Rochus-Klinik, c/o Bischöfliches Ordinariat, Kleine Pfaffengasse 16, 67346 Speyer T; (06232) 1020; Fax: 102300 Established: 1975; Chair: Dr. M. Freiherr von Thannhausen, Donor(s); Bischöflicher Stuhl zu Speyer Assets: DM 7.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 23.918.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05727 Sankt Spiritus-Stiftung, Gartenstr 11. 49459 Rees T: (02851) 1247; Fax: 1512 Established: 1470; Donor(s): Landrentmeister W. Amd Bucking Assets: DM 45.000,·, Expenditures: DM 44.000,· Limitatons: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 05728 Sankt Sylvesterstift zu Quakenbrück, Grüne Str 24, 49610 Quakenbrück T: (05431) 3364, 2027 Established: 1872 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05729 Sankt Thereslenstift, Bahnstr 7, 47652 Weeze T: (02837) 91370; Fax: 913737 Established: 1870; Donor(s): Max Graf von Loe Assets: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05730 Sankt Ulrich-Stiftung, Sankt Ulrichsweg 2, 36088 Hûnfeld Established: 1963 Limitations: Applications not accepted , . 05731 Sankt Valentinushaus, Postfach 1140, 65397 Kiedrich Τ: (06123) 6030; Fax: 603119; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1Θ66; Chair: P. Römer, Donor(s): Pfarrer Johannes Zaun Assets: DM 9.701.500,-, Receipts: DM 29.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Neur 05732 Sankt Vincenz-Hospltal, Auf dem Schafsberg, 65549 Limburg Τ: (06431) 2920; Fax: 2924118 Established: 1852 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05733 Sankt Vlncenz-Hospltal Coesfeld, Südring 41, 48653 Coesfeld Τ: (02541) 893001; Fax: 893515 Established: 1Θ49; Secy: C. Breulmann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05734 Sankt VIncenz-Stlftung, Windische Gasse 112, 37308 Heiligenstadt Τ: (03606) 612319 Established: 1845; Chair F.J. Wiederhold, Donor(s): Dr. Konrad Zehrt Assets: DM 16.000.000,Limitatkxis: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05735 Sankt Vlncenz- und Elisabeth-Hospital Mainz, An der Goldgrube 11, 55131 Mainz Τ: (06131) 5751101, 5751103; Fax: 5751118 Established: 1850; Chair: Bischof Prof. Dr. Kart Lehmann, Secy: Dieter L. Plum, Donops): Sankt Vincenz und Elisabeth-Vereine Expenditures: DM 100,000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 05736 Sankt Vincenzhaus, Sankt-Michael-Str 18, 49661 Cloppenburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 05737 Sankt Vlncenzstfft Aulhausen (Sonderpidagogisches Zentrum) und Rettungsanstalt zum Helligen Joseph (Jugendhilfeeinrichtung Marienhausen) In Rüdeshelm a m Rhein, Vincenzstr 60, 65365 Rüdesheim T: (06722) 9010; Fax: 901402; E-Mail: St. Vincenzstift θ t-onl ine. de Established: 1Θ93/1889; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. Franz Kaspar, Donops): Stadtpfarrer Münzenberg, Prälat Matthäus Müller Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Youth; Child; Adult . . . . 05730
Sankt Vlnzentluspftege, Schillerstr 13, 73072 Donzdorf T: (07162) 928720; Fax: 25427 Established: 1851; Donor(s): Gräfin von Rechberg Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 05739 Sankt Vinzenz-Hospital Rhede, Vinzenzstr 6, 46414 Rhede Τ: (02872) 8020; Fax; 802309 Established: 1853 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 05740 Sankt Vitus-Stift zu Visbek, Ahlhomer Str 32, 49429 Visbek T: (04445) 899100; Fax: 899101; E-Mail: VitusStift.Visbek dt-online.de Established: 1974; Secy: Gerd Hemmersbach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Health 05741 Sankt Wllllbrordus-Spltal, Willibrordstr 9 , 46446 Emmerich T: (02822) 730 Established: 1845 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Health 05742 Heinrich Sanwald-Sttftung, Galgenberg 6, 73230 Kirchheim unter Teck T: (07021) 862769 Established: 1984; Chair Walter Gölz, Secy: Renate Hummel, Donops): Heinrich Sanwatd Assets: DM 2.600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Umitations: Grants in Kirchheim unter Teck only Focus: Sen 05743 Stiftung Sarlingheim, Von-Hutten-Str 29, 22761 Hamburg T: (040) 891377 Established: 1913; Donor(s): Catharina Sailing geb. Stuckmeyer Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 05744 Walter Sarstedt-Stiftung, Postfach, 51588 Nümbrecht
Dr.-Friedrich-Sasse-Stlftung, c/o Institut für Infektionsmedizin der Freien Universität Berlin, Hindenburgdamm 27, 12203 Berlin T: (030) 84453602; Fax: 84453830 Established: 1976; Chair: Prot. Dr. Helmut Hahn, Donor(s): Dr. Friedrich Sasse Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Med; Immun; Cane 05746 Dr. Hans Sauer Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Ursula Sauer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05747 Geschwister Sauer Museums-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Vogelsbergstr 184, 63679 Schotten T: (06044) 6610, 6612; Fax: 6669 Established: 1971; Dortor(s): Studienrat a.D. Friedrich Sauer Assets: DM 213.767,-, Expenditures: DM 17.300,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05748 Melitta Sauer-Stíftung, Ritterstr 16, 12207 Berlin Τ: (030) 7723600 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Dr. Alfred Sauer Assets: DM 1.200,000,Focus: Sen 05749 Hans-Sauer-Stlftung, Fichtenstr 5, 82041 Τ: (089) 6136720; Fax: 61367216; E-Mail: sauer® hanssauerstftung.m.uunet.de Established: 1989; Secy: Eva Sauer, Donor(s): Dring. E.h. Hans Sauer Assets: DM 20.000.000,Focus: Scie; Res 05750 Karl Sauerbom-Stlftung, Hohenzoltemstr 11, 47799 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 9590; Fax: 959199 Established: 1879; Donor(s): Karl Sauerbom Assets: DM 577.130,-, Expenditures: DM 52.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU; Dev; Youth; Sen 05751 Sauennllcti-Stiftung, c/o Gemeindeamt, Markt 8, 07330 Probstzella Τ: (036735) 4610; Fax: 46155 Established: 1924; Donops): Kantor Sauermilch Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 05752 Saxonla-Frelberg-Stiftung. Chemnitzer Str 6, 09599 Freiberg T: (03731) 160242; Fax: 22730 Established: 1993; Donops): Saxonia AG, Stadt Freiberg, Ev.-Lutfi. Kirche Limitations: Grants in the region of Freiberg only Focus: Min; Hist 05753
Gedächtnisstiftung Leonard, Babette und Karoline Schabesberger, Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Pl 1, 91522 Ansbach Τ: (0981) 58211; Fax: 51318; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Donor(s): Karoline Schabesberger Limitations: Grants in Ansbach only Focus: Sen 05754 Hjalmar Schacht-Stiftung, c/o Johanneum, MariaLouisen-Str 114 , 22301 Hamburg Established: 1929 Focus: Schol 05755 Kart und Marie Schack-Sttftung, c/o Stiftungsund Nachlassmanagement, Frankfurter Sparkasse, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414404; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// [email protected] Established: 2000; Donor(s): Dr. Lieselotte Schack, Dr.-lng. Robert Schack Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS; Eng; Uni 05756 Heinz C. Schade-Stiftung, Karlsruhe: defunct 05757 Schadeberg-Stlftung zur Förderung evangelischer Schulen, Hasenweg 12, 34266 Τ: (0561) 527286; Fax: 525338 Established: 1993; Secy: Dr. Friedrich Thiele Assets: DM 10.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants to Protestant schools in Germany and Europe only Focus: Educ; Voc 05758 Schader-Stlftung, Karlstr 85, 64285 Darmstadt T: (06151) 17590; Fax: 175925; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.schader-stiftung.de Established: 1988; Chair Prof. Dr. Hubert Heinelt, Secy: Christoph Kulenkampff, Donor(s): Alois M. Schader Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocS 05759 von Schad'sche Stiftung, Lindenstr 19, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 746634; Fax: 747240 Established: 1737; Donor(s): Anna Sibylla Schad von Mittelbiberach Focus: Educ; SocW 05760 Schad'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadt Tuttlingen, Hauptamt, Rathausstr 1, 78532 Tuttlingen Τ: (07461) 99356; Fax: 99444 Established: 1948; Donor(s): Stadt Tuttlingen Limitations: Grants in Tuttlingen only Focus: Sen; Youth
Hermann und Elisabeth Schaedtler-Stlftung, c/o Nordelbisches Diakonisches Werk, Kònigsstr 54, 22767 Hamburg Τ: (040) 30620229 Established: 1924 Assets: DM 50.255,Focus: SocW; Scie; Arts 05762 Dr. Georg Schâfer-Jugendstiftung, Aitstadtstr 10c, 97422 Schweinfurt Τ: (09721) 32312; Fax: 38587 Established: 1961; Secy: Dr. Heinz Saffart, Donor(s): Dr. Ing. E.h. Georg Schäfer Expenditures: DM 174.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Schweinfurt only Focus: Youth 05763 Hannelore und Otto G. Schäfer-Kultur- und Sozlal-Stiftung, Judithstr 16, 97422 Schweinfurt T: (09721) 3985; Fax: 3984 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Otto G. Schäfer Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Cult; SocW; Dev 05764 Heinrich Schifer-Stiftung, Spessartstr 48-50, 53119 Bonn Established: 1964 05765 Dr. Georg Schäfer-Stiftung, c/o Alexander-vonHumboldt-Gymnasium, Geschwister-Scholl-Str 4, 97424 Schweinfurt Τ: (09721) 78350; Fax: 783520 Established: 1933; Chair: Oberstudiendirektor Dr. Ernst Häublein, Secy: Studiendirektor Dr. Kurt Leibold, Donorjs): Georg Schäfer Assets: DM 5.000,·, Receipts: DM 350,·, Expenditures: DM 350,Limitations: Predeteimined grants in Schweinfurt only Focus: Educ 05766 Sammlung Dr. Georg Schäfer-Stiftung, Kiliansberg 12, 97422 Schweinfurt Τ: (09726) 702; Fax: 8256 Established: 1997; Chair Fritz Schäfer, Donor(s): Elisabeth Ritzmann, Georg Schäfer, Fritz Schäfer Expenditures: DM 32.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05767 Dr. Axel Schifer-Stiftung, Gluckstr 12, 71065 Sindelfingen Τ: (07031) 813891; Fax: 877691 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Axel Schäfer Assets: DM 240.000,·, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Scholarships to pupils in SindelfingenDarmsheim, Kuhardt, Laußnitz and PhilippsburgRheinsheim only Focus: Schol 05760
Germany: Schauer
Dr. Otto Schäfer-Stiftung e.V., Judithstr 16, 97422 Schweinfurt Τ: (09721) 3985; Fax: 3984; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.bibliothek-otto-schaefer.de Established: 1989; Secy: Otto G. Schäfer, Donor(s): Dr. h.c. Otto Schäfer Limitations; Predetermined grants only Focus: Libr; Graph; Arts; Book 05769 Schäfersnolte-Gedächtnls-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Hildegard Schäfersnolte Limitations: Grants in Duisburg only Focus: Sen; Cane 05770 Andreas Stephan Schäffer-Testament, Vogelsang 52b, 22926 Ahrensberg T: (04102) 31834; Fax: 31834 Established: 1822; Chair: Eva Martens Expenditures: DM 1.000,Focus: Blinds; Nurs; Hand; SocW . . . 05771 Vereinigte Johann Lorenz und Ferdinand Freiherr von Schaezler'sche Stiftung, c/o Diakonisches Werk, Spenglergäßchen 7a, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 32040; Fax: 3204176 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Johann Lorenz und Ferdinand Freiherr von Schaetzler Assets: DM 13.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Augsburg only Focus: Child 05772 Friedhelm Schaffrath-Stiftung. Theodor-Heuss-Str 99, 41065 Mönchengladbach T: (02161) 242170; Fax: 242173 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Friedhelm Schaffrath Limitations: Grants to members of the Schaffrath family only Focus: Fam 05773 Schaller-Thomasser-Stiftung für DiabetikerSchulung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Ottobmnner Str 6, 81737 München Τ: (089) 6800950; Fax: 6803699; E-Mail: info® schaller-team.de; Internet: http://www.schaller-team.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Karl Thomasser Focus: Diab 05774 Sidonie Schärfe-Stiftung, Scharfestr 4-6, 14169 Berlin, (030) 8015635 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05775 Gerta Scharffenorth-Stlftung, Bergsir 51, 69120 Heidelberg T: (06221) 490303; Fax: 490303 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Geschwister Scharffenorth Assets: DM 240.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Peace 05776 Willy Scharnow-Stlftung für Touristik, Mannheimer Str 15, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 27390716; Fax: 27390766 Established: 1953; Chair: Günter Kahn, Secy: Ewald Vollrath, Donor(s): Willy Scharnow Assets: DM 9.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 850.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.250.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Tour 05777 Otto F. Scharr-Stlftung, Liebknechtstr 50, 70565 Τ: (0711) 7868460; Fax: 7868289 Established: 1998; Chair: Gisela Scharr, Donops): Gisela Scharr Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Mon; Cult; Hist; SocW 05778 Schartow'sche Familiensttftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 05779 Karl Schaude Stiftung, Mundelsheimer Str 2, 71723 Großbottwar T: (07148) 96210; Fax: 962131 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Karl Schaude Focus: Sen; Reh; Psychia 05780 Schauenburg-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stìfterverband.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Hans-Georg Schauenburg Assets: DM 496.430,-, Expenditures: DM 31.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Educ 05781 Schauenburg-Stiftung Hasenberg, Auf Hasenberg, Ruhrstr 100, 42579 Heiligenhaus T: (02054) 84001 Established; 1995; Donops): Hans Georg Schauenburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Landsc 05782 Schauer Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 44200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Markus Schauer Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05783
Germany: Schaufler-Stiftung Heinrich und Erra Schaufler-Stiftung, c/o Stiftungs- und Nachlassmanagement, Frankfurter Sparkasse, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414404; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// [email protected] Established: 1997; Donor(s): Heinrich und Erna Schaufler Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Card; Cane; MultS 05784 H. Wilhelm Schaumann-Stlftung, Kollaustr 105, 22453 Hamburg T: (04101) 218340; Fax: 218318; Internet: http·// www.schaumann-stiftung.de Established: 1967; Donor(s): H. Wilhelm Schaumann Assets: DM 3.200.000Focus: Agrie; Vet; AnimH 05785 Josef Schechner'sche Familienstiftung, c/o Katholisches Stadtpfarramt Sankt Anna, Sankt Anna-Str 19, 80538 München Established: 1904 Limitations: Grants to needy Catholic children in München-Lehel only Focus: Child 05786 Walter Scheel-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stiftervertand.de Established: 1974; Donor(s): Bundespräsident a.D. Dr. Walter Scheel Expenditures: DM 1.000,· Focus: SocW; Educ; Scie; Arts . . . . 05787 Dr. Mildred Scheei-Stiftung für Krebsforschung, Postfach 1467, 53004 Bonn Τ: (0228) 729900; Fax: 7299011 Established: 1976; Chair: Dr. Helmut Geiger, Secy: Achim Beck, Donor(s): Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V. Assets: DM 255.550.000,·, Receipts: DM 25.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000.000,Focus: Cane 05788 Max und Martha Scheerer-Stiftung, Postfach 1149, 73011 Göppingen Τ: (07161) 650300/01; Fax: 650203 Established: 1960; Chair: Bürgermeister Jürgen Lämmle, Donor(s): Max Scheerer, Martha Scheerer Assets: DM 260.000,·, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students who are bom in the district of Kreis Göppingen only Focus: Schol; NatS; Eng 05789 Familienstiftung Executorium Scheffer zu Münster, Haus Rumphorst, 48291 Telgte Τ: (02504) 4449; Fax: 729831 Established: 1767; Donor(s): Dr. Henning Scheffer, Friedrich Scheffer Limitations: Grants to members of the Scheffer family only Focus: Fam 05790 Stiftung Scheibler-Museum Rotes Haus Monschau, Laufenstr 10, 52156 Monschau Τ: (02472) 5071; E-Mail: Rotes-Haus@t-online,de Established: 1963; Secy: Horst Melcher, Dor>or(s): Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Hans Carl Scheibler Expenditures: DM 210.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05791 Scheidemann'sche Familienstiftung, Heerstr 6, 37133 Friedland-Ballenhausen Τ: (05509) 2084 Established: 1960; Chair: Dr. Hans-Gustav von Campe, Secy: Dr. Hans-Gustav von Campe, Donor(s): Fritz Scheidemann Receipts: DM 4.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Libr; Fam; Ecol; Phil; Dance; Book; Mon 05792 Dom-Apotheke Eichstätt Friedrich Scheldfer'sctie Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung. Postfach 1344, 85067 Eichstätt T: (08421) 600125; Fax: 600160 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Friedrich Scheidler Assets: DM 445.000,-, Expenditures: DM 159.000,Focus: Pharm 05793 Gertrud Scheie-Stiftung. Walderseestr 91, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 88913670 Established: 1781; Donor(s): Gertrud Scheie Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Wid 05794 Schelle-Stiftung, c/o Landratsamt Biberach, Kreiskultur- und Archivamt, Postfach 1662, 88396 Biberach T: (07357) 52204; Fax: 52405; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Grants in Biberach only Focus: Cult; Archiv 05795 Dr. Eduard und Franziska Schenk-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabensir 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoEstablished: 1968; Donops): Dr. Eduard und Franziska Schenk Assets: DM 1.371.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.474.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05796
05784 - 05839 Marie Auguste Schenk-Stlftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orlearisp! 11, 81667 München Established: 1997; Donops): Marie Auguste Schenk Expenditures: DM 42,000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Youth 05797 Schenkel-Schoelier-Stlft, Vcn-Aue-Str 7, 52355 Düren T: (02421) 596141; Fax: 598144; Internet: http:// www.schenkel-schoeller.de Established: 1852; Donops): Lucia Katharina Schenkel Assets: DM 24.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 6.800.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05798 Schenning-Stfftung Gosiar, Mönchestr 1, 38640 Goslar Limitations: Grants in the region of Goslar only Focus; Arts; Cult 05799 Scheres-Zterttz-Stlftung, c/o Schloß Ehrenburg, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 60880; Fax: 808640 Established: 1701; Chair Bürgermeister Richard Dlouhy, Secy: Regterungs-Amtsrat Manfred Fischer, Donops): Konrad Sehe res gen. Zieritz Limitations: Grants to needy Protestant citizens of Coburg only Focus: SocW 05800 Stiftungsfonds Schering AG, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkho venal fee 1, 45239 Esseri Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http.'.' www.stiftervertiand.de Established: 1971; Donops): Schering AG Assets: DM 1.081.060,-, Expenditures: DM 40.400,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Schol 05801 Hildegard Scherraus-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Otto-Suhr-Allee 6-16, 10565 Berlin T: (030) 34072075; Fax: 34072650 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Hildegard Kunert geb. Scherraus Expenditures: DM 1.028.000,Focus: SocW; Blinds 05802 Dr. Adolf Scheufelen-Sttftung, Adolf-ScheufelenStr 26, 73252 Lenningen Established: 1943; Donor(s): Dr. Adolf Scheufelen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 05803 Dr. Georg-Scheulng-Sttftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes GutenbergUn'rversltât, Saarsir 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453 Established: 1963; Chair Prof. Dr. Renate von Bardeleben, Donor(s): Dr. Georg Scheuing, M. Scheuing Assets: DM 488.500,·, Receipts: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 54.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy students at Johannes Gutenberg-Universitât in Mainz only Focus: Schol; Chem; Pharm 05804 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Eheleute Theodor P. Scheurenberg, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Königsallee 37, 40212 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 3212871, 3212860, 3212912 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Theodor P. Scheurenberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05805 Bildhauer Rudolf-Scheurer-Stiftung, Hüsinger Str 59, 79541 Lörrach T: (07621) 52101; Fax: 52101 Established: 1999; Chair: Rudolf und Rosmarie Scheurer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05806 Georg-Schlcht-Stiftung, c/o Sozietät Bachem, Fervere. Janssen & Mehrhoff, Hohenzollemring 5763, 50672 Köln Established: 1998 05807 Madeleine Schickedanz-KJnderkrebs-Stiftung, Nürnberger Str 91-95, 90762 Fürth T: (0911) 1422200, 1422201; Fax: 1424543; Internet: http://www.live-quelle.de/stiftung.html Established: 1990; Donor(s): Madeleine Schickedanz Focus: Cane; Ped 05808 Gustav Schlckedanz-Stlftung, GroßwekJenmühistr 2, 90419 Nürnberg T: (0911) 399108 Established: 1964; Chair Landesbischof der Evang.Luth. Landeskirche Bayern, Secy: Pfarrer LR. Walter Klinger, Donops): Dr. Gustav Schickedanz Assets: DM 3.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Limitations: Scholarships and grants to students and pupils living at least 5 years in the state of Bayern Focus: Educ; Schol 05809 Erich Schlcldlng Stiftung, Eggisried, Haus Nr. 29 1/2, 67724 Ottobeuren Established: 1999; Donors): Erich und Ingeborg Schickling Focus: Arts; Rei 05810
100 Richard Schieber-Stiftung, Abteistr 41, 20149 Hamburg Τ: (040) 444977; Fax: 41498520; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Donor(s): Richard Schieber Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 120.000,· Focus: Educ 058// Friedrich Schledel-Stifhjng, Hans-Böckler-Str 32, 80995 München Τ: (089) 1502935 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Senator E.h. Friedrich Schiedel Assets: DM 12.600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Child 05812 Max Schlenagel-Stlftung, c/o Fnedrich-AlexanderUniversitât EflangeivNümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen Τ: (09131) 8526642, 8522Θ94; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Ina Schieriagel Assets: DM 16.500,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Fried richAlexander-Universität Erfangen-Nümberg only Focus: Schol; Law 058/3 Adolf Schienert Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Adolf Schienert Focus: Child; Youth 05814 Schierhornstiftung, Marktpl 1, 36516 Giffhom T: (05371) 88180 Established: 1907 Focus: Educ 05815 Gotthard-Schierse-Stiftung, Bundesallee 1-12, 10719 Beriin Τ: (030) 8825458; Fax: 8824307 Established: 1972; Chair: Horst Göbel, Secy: Peter Sandloff, Donops): Gotthard Schierse Focus: Music 05816 Georg Schiffer-Stiftung, Georg-Schiffer-Str 70, 92242 Hirschau Τ: (09622) 180 Established: 1937; Donops): Wolfang Dro bach Assets: DM 135.000,·, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 05817 Josefine Charlotte Schiffer-Stiftung, c/o Universität Osnabrück, Neuer Graben, Schloß, 49069 Osnabrück Established: 1993 Assets: DM 1.400.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Osnabrück only Focus: Vet 05818 Ludger-Schifller-Stlftung, c/o Freie Universität Berlin. Abt. II, Kaisersweither Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ludger Schiffler Limitations: Predetermined prizes only Focus: Rom 058/9 Schlffmann-Familfenstiftung, In den Eilen 16, 53909 Zülpich Τ: (02252) 7027 Limitations: Grants to members of the Schiffmann family only Focus: Fam 05820 Alois Schiffmann-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Rudolf Norr, Brienner Str 28, 80333 München Τ: (089) 280111; Fax: 280110 Established: 1974 Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Sen; Youth 05821 Clara Schildt-Stiftung, c/o Kirchenkreisamt Cuxhaven, Marienstr 50, 27472 Cuxhaven Τ: (04721) 38074; Fax: 32789 Established: 1927; Donor(s): Clara Schildt Limitations: Grants in St. Gertrud parish in Cuxhaven-Döse only Focus: Sen; SocW
Schlltdn-Sttftung, AH-Kaulsdorf 1-11, Gutshof, 12621 Berlin T: (030) 565780; Fax: 56578159; E-Mail: Schilkinô mevacom.de Established: 1994; Secy: Dipl.-Kfm. Peter Mier, Oonor(s): Dipl.-lng. Sergei Schilkin und Frau Ema Schilkin Expenditures: DM 30.000,· Limitations: Grants in Beriin only Focus: Ecol; Landsc; Mon 05823 Günter Schilling Famlllenstfftung, Obemeulander Landstr 88, 28355 Bremen Established: 1992 Limitations: Grants to members of the Schilling family only Focus: Fam 05824 Günter und Sonnhild Schllllng-Famlllenstfftung, Obemeulander Landstr 88, 28355 Bremen Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants to members of the Schilling family only Focus: Fam 05825
Hermann und Lilly Schilling-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baricho varal lee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: httpJl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1970; Donor(s): Aloysia Schilling Assets; DM 56.566.318,-, Expenditures: DM 3.085.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; Cane; MultS 05826 Nicolaus Heinrich Schilling Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Nicolaus Heinrich Schilling Limitations: Grants in Bremen only, with emphasis on the Focke-Museum Focus: Arts; Cult 05827 Ema Baronin Schilling von Canstatt-Stlftung, Dürener'Str 199-203, 50931 Köln Established: 1976; Donops): Ema Baronin Schilling von Canstatt Focus: Med; AnimP 05828 Stiftung Ema Schlipp, c/o Evangelische Waldkirchengemeinde, Pfarramt, Am Kräherwald 173, 70193 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 290886 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Ema Schilpp Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05829 Hans Schimank-Ged&chtnis-Stiftung, c/o Institut für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Bundesstr 55, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 41232094 Established: 1982; Donops): Dr. Margarethe Schimank Limitations: Scholarships and grants to students at Universität Hamburg only Focus: Schol; NatS 05830 Ferdinand und Charlotte SchlmmelpfennlgSUftung, Kreutzwaldstr 46, 14089 Beriin T: (030) 3655793 Established: 1987 Focus: Educ; Schol 0583/ A.F.W. Schlmper-Stlftung für Ökologlache Forschungen, c/o Universität Hohenheim, Institut 320, Postfach 700562, 70593 Stuttgart T: (0711) 4592189, 4587554; Fax: 4593044; E-Mail: a.f.w.schimper-stiftung θ t-online.de Established: 1967; Chair: Prof. Dr. U. Arndt, Prof. Dr. S.-W. Breckle, Donops): Prof. Dr. H. Walter, Dr. E. Walter Assets: DM 1.500.000,·, Receipts: DM 70.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants to Gemían and Austrian citizens onty Focus: Ecol 05832 Schlndlersches Walsenhaus, Kari-Liebknecht-Str 8, 10178 Berlin T: (030) 2424467; Fax: 2424230 Donops): Severin und Maria Rosine Schindler Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Orp 05833 Schlnnerer'sche Stiftung, c/o Pfarramt Obemzenn, Kirchgasse 7, 91619 Obemzenn T: (09844) 267 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Georg Schinnerer Limitations: Grants in Obemzenn onty Focus: SocW 05834 Dr. Günther Schirm-Stiftung, Königstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Τ: (0451) 70119 Established: 1993; Donops): Dr. Günther Schirm Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts £35835 Schlrmer-Vermâchtnia-Stlftung, c/o FriedrichAlexander Universität Erlangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen Τ: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1930; Donor(s): Dr. Gustav Schirmer Assets: DM 94.800,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp; Sen; Wid Û5838 Cari Schirren-Stiftung, Am Berge 35, 21335 Lüneburg T: (04131) 36788; Fax: 33453 Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Heinrich Wittram, Secy: Baronin Babette von Sass, Donops): Cari· Schirren-Gesellschaft Lüneburg e.V. Assets: DM 16.000,Limrtations: Predetermined grants in Lüneburg only Focus: Cult; Arts 05837 Holger Schlmnacher-Stittung, c/o Nielsen & Rick, Edrth-Stein-Pl 2, 21035 Hamburg Τ: (040) 7359590; Fax: 7355926 Established: 1988; Chair Holger Schirrmacher, Secy: Sonja Thun Focus: Health; Child; Media; Med; Ecol; Reh; Build; Hand; Diab; Drug; Food; Peace . . . . 05838 Stiftung der Frau Gräfin zu Schlabrendorf zu Wohitàtlgkettszwecken zu Qoeben, c/o Evang. Pfarramt Ahrensdorf, Hauptstr 29, 14974 Ahrensdorf Focus: SocW 05839
05840 - 05897
101 Paul-Schlack-Stfftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449 Established: 1998 Focus: Pias 05840 Schlafhorst-Stfftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverttand.de Established: 1973; Donops): W. Schlafhorst & Co. Assets: DM 1.022.260,·, Expenditures: DM 86.600,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Text 05841 Dieter Schlag-Stiftung, Brehmhof S, 30173 Hannover Τ: (0511) 610127 Established: 1976 Focus: Hemat 05642 Adolf Schlatter-Stiftung, Schamhauser Sir 44, 70599 Stuttgart T: (0711) 167220; Fax: 1672277 Established: 1965 Assets: DM 350.000,Focus: Rei 05843 Hans-Peter Schlatterer-Stiftung, do Sparkasse Nördlicher Breisgau, Postfach 1170, 79011 Freiburg Τ: (0761) 2151423; Fax: 2151409 Established: 1987 Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Focus: Youth; Sports . . . .
. 05844
Karl Schlecht Familienstiftung, c/o Putzmeister Holding GmbH, Gutenbergstr 4, 72631 Aichtal Established: 1998 Focus: Farn 05845 Kail Schlecht Stiftung (KSG), do Putzmeister Holding GmbH, Gutenbergstr 4, 72631 Aichtal T: (07127) 599302; Fax: 599404; E-Mail: schlechtké pmw.de; Internet: http://www.kai1schlecht.de Established: 1998; Donops): Dipl.-Ing. Karl Schlecht Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; NatS; Eng; Educ . . . 05846 G. Schlegel-Stiftung Pro Tierwelt, Loiting 21, 64432 Hohenpolding T: (06084) 8003; Fax: 6613 Established: 1993 Assets: DM 100,000,· Focus: AnimP 05847 Marielies-SchWcher-Stlftung, Erbsengasse 9, 63739 Aschaffenburg Τ: (06021) 27806; Fax: 21470 Established: 1999; Chair. Ute König-Schmidt, Donops): Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. Aschaffenburg Stadt und Land Expenditures; DM 33.000,Limitations: Grants in Aschaffenburg only Focus: Youth; SocW 05843 Schleicher-Stiftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erbund Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Hedwig Schleicher Focus: NatS; Hum; Econ; Eng 05849 Eva Schlelf^Stlttung, do Friedrich-AiexanderUniversitât Erlangen-Nûmberg, Schtoßpl 4, 91054 Erlanger Τ: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1985; Donops): Eva Schleip Assets: DM 1.380.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Erlangen onfy Focus: Schol 05850 Schlemm'sche Famlllenstlftung Ahlten, Hannoversche Str 30, 31275 Lehrte Τ: (0551) 41441, (05132) 7782 Established: 1779; Chair Dr. Walter Schlemm, Secy: Reinolt Schlemm, Donor(s): Justus Ludwig Schlemm Limitations: Grants to members of the Schlemm family only Focus: Fam Û585J Karl und Helene Schlenk-Stlftung, do Landratsamt Ortenaukreis, Postfach 1960, 77609 Offenburg Τ: (0781) 6050; Fax: 805211 Established: 1985 Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Ortenaukreis only Focus: Hand 05852 Schleslsches Konvlkt für Studierende der evangelischen Theologie in Halle, c/o Evangelisches Konvikt, Franckepl 1, 06110 Halle/Salle T: (0345) 29175710; Fax: 29175744 Established: 1869; Donops): Karl Philipp Graf Harrach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Scie 05853 Hans und Wolfgang Schleussner-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Dr. Helfwig, Bockenheimer Landstr 51, 60325 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 170950; Fax: 725773 Established: 1998 Focus: Cult; Med; Biol; Ecol 05854
Wolfgang Schleussner-Stiftung für eiutforschung, Waldfriedstr 4, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (06103) 801349 Established: 1978; Donops): Dr. Hans Schleussner, Biotest AG Assets: DM 110.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.400,Focus: Hemat 05855
Helene Schlüter-Glese-Stiftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, BarWwvenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: httpjl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1994; Donops): Helene Schlúter-Giese Assets: DM 409.495,·, Expenditures: DM 11.000,· Focus: Ped 05960
Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, Bachemer Str 312, 50935 Köln T: (0221) 384085; Fax: 344697; Internet: http:// www.schleyer-stiftung.de Established: 1977 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PolS; Hum 05856
Karl-Schmahl-Stlftung, Bahnhofstr 2A, 55001 Mainz T: (06131) 236082; Fax: 236082 Established: 1925; Donor(s): Kommerzienrat Kail
Friedrich-Schllck-Stlftung, Otto-Weis-Str 11, 76189 Kails ruhe Τ: (0721) 9865741; Fax: 9865743 Established: 1997; Donops): Trägerverbände der Bundesfachlehranstalt für Glaser und Fensterbauer Karlsruhe e.V. Limitations: Predetermined grants in Karlsruhe only Focus: Voc 05857 Vermächtnis Schlickenlieder, do Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 1210, 89402 Dillingen T: (09071) 54121, 54123; Fax: 586931 Established: 1981; Chair OB Hans-Jürgen Weigl, Secy: Stadtkämmerer Gerhard Rieder, Donor{s): Hans Schlicken rieder Assets: DM 42.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 05858 Leopold und Johanne Schlömerkämper-Stlftung, do Rechtsanwalt H.D. Stubbe, Sögestr 76, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 170414 Established: 1971 Limitations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: Sen 05859 SchloeßmanivStiftung, Friedensallee 254, 22746 Hamburg Τ: (040) 88341003; Fax: 88341015 Established: 1984; Donops): Dr. Emst Rodolf Schloeßmann, Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG Expenditures: DM 41.000,· Umitations: Predetermined grants onfy Focus: Child; Οφ 05860 Dr. Rudolf SchloeSmann-Stiftung, c/o Allianz Lebensversicherung AG, Postfach 106002, 70049 Stuttgart Established: 1980; Donor(s): Maria H. Buchmann, Dr. Emst Rudolf Schloeßmann, Allianz Lebensversicherung AG Assets: DM. 2.300.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW; Child; Οφ 05861 E. und Ch. Schlôtke-Stfftung, Haus der Diakonie, Paulsenstr 55-56, 12163 Berlin T: (030) 82097155 Established: 1994 Focus: Sen; Schol; Ger; Worn 05862 SchloB Theatrum Herberge HohenerxtebenStiftung, Friedensallee 27, 39443 Hohenendeben Τ: (03925) 98923; Fax: 989249 Established: 1997; Donops): Heinz Dieter Funke, Ines Funke-Teske, Ingrid von Krosigk, Nikotine Franziska Kruse, Friederike von Krosigk, Angelika Dittmer, Christine Labhart-de Bona, Kunst· und Gesundheitshaus GbR Berlin Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hohenerxleben only Focus: Mon; Youth; Cult; Aits; Educ; Theat; Music 05863 Dr, Esther SchloBberg-Stiftung, do Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit e.V., Dachauer Str 23, 80335 München T: (089) 594720 Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in Germany and Jerusalem (Israel) only Focus: SocW; Arts; Jew 05864 Degussa-Hermann Schlosser-Stiftung, Weißfrauenstr 9, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2182870; Fax: 2182017 Established: 1954; Secy: Dr. Mechthild Wolf, Donor(s): Degussa AG Assets: DM 4.000.000,· Focus: Schol 05865 Deutsche Stiftung Edelsteinforschung Kart Schlossmacher-Stiftung, Prof.-Schlossmacher-Str 1, 55743 Idar-Oberstein T: (06781) 43013; Fax: 41616 Established: 1969; Chain Prot. Dr. Hermann Bank, Secy: Dr. Claudio C. Milisenda Assets: DM 65.000,·, Expenditures: DM 120.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Gemm 05Ô66 Eberhard-Schlotter-Stiftung, Schloßpl 7, 29221 Celle T: (05141) 12372; Fax: 12535 Established: 1992; Chair Gert W. Gone«, Donor(s): Prof. Eberhard Schlotter Assets: DM 4.600.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05867
Focus: SocW
Stiftung Braunschweigischer Heimatdank· Schmalbach-Stiftung, c/o Bezirksregierung Braunschweig, Bohlweg 38, 38100 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 4840; Fax: 4843216 Established: 1917; Donor(s): Gebrüder Willi und Gustav Schmalbach Expenditures: DM 6.500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Warv 05070 Schmalenbach-Stlftung, Bunzlauer Str ι, 50858 Köln Τ: (02234) 480098 Established: 1978; Donor(s): SchmalenbachGesellschaft e.V. Assets: DM 350.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Bus 05871 Alois Schmaus-Stiftung, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Bosiljka Schmaus Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: East 05872 Schmeil-Stiftung, Im Breitspiel 9, 69126 Heidelberg T: (06221) 31130; Fax: 311311 Established: 1984 Focus: Biol; Med
Max Schmellng-Stiftung, Eekbusch 44a, 22395 Hamburg T: (040) 52869114; Fax: 52869111 Established: 1991; Chair Claus R. Agte, Donor(s): Max Schmeling Assets: DM 6.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Focus: SocW; Mon; Educ; Ecol; AnimP . 05874 Helene Schmelz-Stiftung, Zelßstr 63, 30519 Hannover T: (0511) 9847930; Fax: 9847999 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc; Food; Horn 05875 von Schmettow-Schwerln'sche FräuleinStiftung, Watther-Klemm-Str 3, 99085 Erfurt Established: 1934; Donops): Christiane Wilhelmine Gräfin von Schwerin geb. Freiin von Schmettow Assets: DM 72.000,Limitations: Grants to needy daughters of the von Schmettow-Schwerin family only Focus: Worn 05876 Dr. med. vet. Erwin-Schmid-Stlftung zur Förderung des Tierschutzes, Fesenwaldweg 2, 78056 Villingen-Schwenningen Established: 1998; Chair Hans Unk Focus: AnimP 05877 Rudolf Schmid und Hermann Schmid Stiftung, do Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart Fax: (0711) 2167845 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Rudolf Schmid, Hermann Schmid Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05878 Schmid-Ziegler-Stlftung, Reiherweg 1, 86938 Schondorf T: (08192) 999086; Fax: 999097 Established: 1994; Chair Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler, Donops): Eva Karolina Schmid-Ziegler, Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler Assets: DM 115,000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05879 Pfarrer Peter Schmld'sche Armenstiftung, do Katholisches Pfarramt, Hofmarkt 9, 92555 Trausnitz Established: 1862 Assets: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants in Trausnitz only Focus: SocW 05880 Vermächtnis Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schmktt, Hegestr 35, 20249 Hamburg T: (040) 4289720; Fax: 42897231 Established: 1960; Donops): Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schmidt Assets: DM 34.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants on a regional basis. Scholarships to pupils of Gymnasium Eppendorf in Hamburg only Focus: Schol 05881 Kulturstiftung Martin Schmidt, Lessingstr 18, 31785 Hameln Focus: Cult 05882
Germany: Schmidt-Stiftung
Rudolf Schmldt-Burkhardt-Gedächtnls-Stiftung, Zollhausstr 30, 90469 Nürnberg Established: 1992 Focus: Food 05883 Adolph und Margarete SchmidtGedächtnisstiftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1966 Assets: DM 123.400,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Schol 05884 Horst SchmldNlugendsttftung des Seglerverbandes Schleswig-Holstein, Winterbeker Weg 49, 24114 Kiel Τ: (0431) 6486170; Fax: 6486187; Internet: http:// www.SEGLERVERBAND-SH.DE Established: 1989 Assets: DM 289.484,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000,Umitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Sports; Youth 05885 Karl Schmidt-Rottluff-Förderungsstiftung, Carstennstr 64, 12205 Berlin T: (030) 8177444 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Prof. Karl SchmidtRottluff Assets: DM 3.362.000,· Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05886 Karl und Emy Schmidt-Rottluff-Stiftung, Palais am Festungsgraben 1, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 2039570 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Karl und Emy Schmidt-Rottluff Assets: DM 23.223.000,·, Expenditures: DM 349.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05887 August Schmidt-Stiftung, Alte Hattinger Str 19, 44789 Bochum Focus: Orp 05888 Amo Schmidt-Stiftung, Unter den Eichen 13, 29351 Eldingen-Bargfeld T: (05148) 92040; Fax: 92041 Established: 1961; Donor(s): Alice Schmidt, Jan Philipp Reemtsma Focus: Lit 05889 Hilfswerk des Fleischerhandwerks Willy SchmidtStiftung, Kennedyallee 53, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069} 633020 Established: 1984 Assets: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy German butchers and their families only Focus: SocW 05890 Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm und Margarete SchmidtStiftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Wilhelm und Margarete Schmidt Focus: Med; SocW 05891 Helmut und Loki Schmidt Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwälte Schulz, Noack & Bärwinkel, Baumwall 7, 20459 Hamburg Established: 1992 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hum; SocS; IntU 05892 Gert und Barbara Schmidt-Stiftung, Hochrad 44b, 22605 Hamburg Established: 1971 Focus: Youth; Voc; Child 05893 Alida Schmidt-Stiftung, Finkenau 31, 22081 Hamburg Τ: (040) 2271010; Fax: 22710119 Established: 1893; Secy: Peter Fischer, Donor(s): Alida Schmidt Assets: DM 17.827.822,-, Expenditures: DM 17.945.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hand 05894 Robert E. Schmidt-Stiftung, Bergstr 158, 69121 Heidelberg T: (06221) 436837; Fax: 436830 Established: 1923; Secy: Dr. Arndt Overlack, Donops): Robert E. Schmidt Assets: DM 400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 16.000,· Focus: Scie 05895 Josef-Schmidt-Stiftung, Helmbrechts 34, 95679 Waldershof Established: 1999 Focus: Bus 05896 Liselotte-Schmldt-Stiftung, do Stadt Waldheim, Dezernat für Finanzen, Niedermarkt 1, 04736 Waldheim T: (034327) 57221; Fax: 57200 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Liselotte Schmidt Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Focus: Sen 05897
Germany: Schmidt
05898 - 05955
Prof. Götz S c h m i d t Stiftung, Waldstr 27, 35435 Wetten berg T: (0641) 98210310; Fax: 9821050; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Donor(s): Prot. Dr. Götz Schmidt Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Youth; Schol; Pris; Dev; As 05898 Dr. Joachim und Manna S c h m i d t - S t i f t u n g f ü r Umwelt u n d Verkehr, Schachtstr 25. 31241 Ilsede T: (05172) 972260; Fax: 972153; Internet: http:// www.nmw.de Established: 1992; Secy: Heidrun Oppermann, Donor(s): Dr. Joachim und Johanna Schmidt Expenditures; DM 230.000,Focus: Ecol; Traf 05899 S c h m i d t ' s c h e F a m l l l e n s t i f t u n g , Hermannspl 9, 99084 Erfurt T: (0361) 65720; Fax: 6572444 Established: 1906; Donor(s): Rechnungsrat HeinrichJoseph Schmidt Assets: DM 2.027,95 Limitations: Grants to members of the Schmidt family only Focus: Fam 05900 S c h m i d t ' s c h e S t i f t u n g , c/o Evang. Kirchengemeinde, Thomas-Müntzer-Str 7, 06537 Kelbra Established: 1854; Donor(s): Friedrich August C. Schmidt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05901 Stiftung S c h m i e d e r f ü r W i s s e n s c h a f t u n d F o r s c h u n g , Postfach 240, 78473 Allensbach T: (07533) 8080; Fax: 8081339; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1989; Chair: Dr. Dagmar Schmieder, Donor(s): Kliniken Schmieder Assets: DM 250.000,05902
Focus: Scie; Res
Prof. Friedrich S c h m i e d e r - S t i f t u n g , Postfach, 78262 Gailingen T: (07533) 8080; Fax: 8081339; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1986; Chair; Dr. Dagmar Schmieder Assets: DM 300.000,Focus: Fam 05903 Heinrich S c h m i l i n s k y - S t l f t u n g , Frahmstr 22, 22587 Hamburg T: (040) 865108; Fax: 865966 Established: 1894; Chair: Dr. Astrid von Beckerath, Donor(s): Heinrich und Amalie C. Schmilinsky Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05904 Gertraud und Anna S c h m i t s - S t l f t u n g , Dohne 75, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr 05905 Franz S c h m i t t - B e i h i l f e - S t i f t u n g , c/o Clberiandwerk Unteriranken AG, Postfach 6680, 97016 Würzburg Established: 1940 Limitations: Grants to employees of Überlandwerk Unterfranken AG (Würzburg) only Focus: SocW 05906 Oskar S c h m i t t - S t i f t u n g , Kleinfeldstr 31, 68165 Mannheim T: (0621) 423910 Established: 1985 Focus: Sen 05907 Kurt S c h m i t t - S t i f t u n g , Sctiulleitiof 36a, 94474 Vilshofen T: (08541) 3726 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Brigitte SchmittPrähauser Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 23.000,· Focus: Youth 05908 Rechtsanwalt Richard Schmitt-Stiftung, Theaterst 19, 97070 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1958; Donor(s): Rechtsarwalt Richard Schmitt Expenditures: DM 181.000,Focus: Orp 05909 Dr. Hermann S c h m i t t - V o c k e n h a u s e n - S t i f t u n g , Oranienstr 20, 65812 Bad Soden T: (06196) 23129 Established: 1982; Chair: Ruth SchmittVockenhausen, Donor(s): Ruth SchmittVockenhausen Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.500,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cult; IntU; Refug 05910 W.P. S c h m i t z - S t i f t u n g , Gemeinnützige Stiftung für Entwicklungshilfe, Volmerswerther Str 80-86, 40221 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 3983770; Fax: 3983782; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Chair: Dr. Walter Böhme, Secy: Michael Dirkx, Donor(s): Werner Peter Schmitz Limitations: Grants in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad and Pskov (Russia) only Focus: Dev; IntU; As; Am; East
. . . .
Dr. Hermann und Otto Schmitz-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Schulverwaltungsamt, Hollestr 3, 45121 Essen T: (0201) 8840316; Fax: 8868410 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Geheimrat Dr. Hermann Schmitz, Otto Schmitz Expenditures: DM 36.000,Limitations: Scholarships to former pupils of Humboldtschule in Essen only Focus: Schol 05912 Heinrich W. S c h m i t z - S t i f t u n g , c/o Rechtsanwalt Harald Mosler, Ismaninger Str 65a, 81675 München Established: 1999; Donops): Dipl. Ing. Uwe Schmitz Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev; Health; Educ 05913 Schmölders-Stiftung für Verhaltensforschung Im W i r t s c h a f t s l e b e n , c/o Ma ecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 2844522; Fax: 283774; Internet: http:// www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1984; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. Günther SchmökJers Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Focus: SocS 05914 Heinz S c h m ö l e - S t l f t u n g , Hans-Willi-Mertens-Str 4, 41749 Viersen Established: 1992 05915 Hermann und Else S c h n a b e l Stiftung, Neuer Jungfernstieg 5, 20354 Hamburg Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg and Prague (Czech Republic) only Focus: Schol; IntU 05916 Alexander S c h n a d e r b e c k - S t l f t u n g , Pferseerstr 44, T: (0821) 2431134; Fax: 2431136 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Alexander Schnaderbeck Expenditures: DM 9.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in München only Focus: Horn 05917 Daniel S c h n a k e n b e r g - S t i f t u n g , Sandstr 10-12, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 365040 Established: 1932; Donor(s): Daniel Sclinakenberg Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bremen only Focus: Mon 05918 S c h n e i d e r K i n d e r f o n d s S t i f t u n g , Watteaustr 1, 81479 München Τ: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300 Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donops): Franz Schneider Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 05919 Cari S c h n e i d e r - S t i f t u n g , Marktpl 23, 73430 Aalen Τ: (07961) 54425 Established: 1965; Donor(s): Carl Schneider Limitations: Notar Alois Zwick Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 05920 Erich S c h n e i d e r - S t i f t u n g , c/o SV Stift υ η gsve rwaitu η gs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: httpjl www.strfterverband.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Erna und Erich Schneider Expenditures: DM 23.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ 05921 Elisabeth S c h n e i d e r - S t i f t u n g , Wilhelmstr 17a, 79098 Freiburg T: (0761) 382448; Fax: 289987 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Elisabeth Schneider Focus: Arts; Music 05922 Familie S c h n e i d e r - S t i f t u n g , Schöne Aussicht 23, 35075 Gladenbach T: (06462) 93840; Fax: 938440 Established: 1988; Chair: Rudolf H. Schneider, Donor(s): Rudolf H. Schneider Assets: DM 25.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports 05923
Oberamtmann Hans S c h n e i d e r v o n Z a l e s k i ' s c h e Stiftung, Pfauenstr 6, 94315 Straubing T: (09421) 9803; Fax: 980500 Established: 1977; Chair Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Straubing, Secy: Reinhold Periak, Donor(s): Hans und Maria Schneider Assets: DM 170.000,·, Receipts: DM 7.200,-, Expenditures: DM 7.200,Focus: Pris; Child; Schol 05927 Paul Schnitker-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: 840130255; Internet: http:// www.strfterverbarKJ.6e Established: 1992; Donor(s): Westdeutsche Genossenschafts-Zentraibank e.G., Signal Krankenversicherung, Signal Unfallversicherung Assets: DM 314.940,·, Expenditures: DM 8.200,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: CommT 05928 Schnftzlein-Weindl-Stlftung, c/o Gemeinde Vaterstetten, Wendelsteinstr 7, 85591 Vaterstetten T: (08106) 3830; Fax: 5107 Established: 1970 Limitations: Grants in Vaterstetten only Focus: Youth 05929 Adolf und Gertrud S c h n ü r l e - S t l f t u n g , Feuerbacher Heide 8, 70192 Stuttgart T: (0711) 290947 Established: 1965; Donops): Gertrud Schnürie Limitations: Predetermined grants in the state of Baden-Württemberg only Focus: NatS 05930 S c h o c k - S t i f t u n g für G e m e i n d e - E n t w i c k l u n g , Aichenbachstr 136, 73614 Schorndorf Τ: (07181) 603374; Fax: 929982; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.acf.de Established: 1994; Chair: Kail Schock, Donor(s): Karl Schock Assets: DM 2.500.000,· Focus: SocW; Adult; RelE 05931 Eberhard-Schöck-Stlftung, Postfach 110163, 76487 Baden-Baden T: (07223) 967377; Fax: 967373; E-Mail: Stiftung® schoeck.de Established: 1992; Chair: Eberhard Schock, Secy: Peter Möller, Donor(s): Eberhard Schock Assets: DM 29.148.727,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 800.000,Limitations: Grants in East Europe only Focus: IntU; Econ; East; Voc; CommT . . 05932 Dr. Cart-Heinz-Schöfer-SÜftung, Postfach 1245, 26002 Oldenburg Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Bad Zwischenahn only Focus: Sen; Rei; SocW 05933 Emst S c h o e m p e r l e n - S t l f t u n g , Schoemperlenstr 14, 76185 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 95652126; Fax: 9565282 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Mercedes Benz S & G Automobil AG Assets: DM 144.000,·, Expenditures: DM 21.000,Focus: Airt 05934 Prof. Dr. Hans-R. Schoen-Stiftung, c/o Schröder, Münchmeyer, Hengst AG, Kaiserstr 73, 63065 Offenbach Τ: (069) 2179810; Fax: 2179899 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hans-R. Schoen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health 05935 Familien-Kulturstiftung Graf von S c h ö n b o r n Wlesentheìd, Schloßpl 1, 97353 Wiesentheid Established: 1999; Donor(s): Dr. Karl Graf von Schönbom-Wiesentheid Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Mon 05936 Walter Schondube-Stiftung, Glückaufstr 11, 48455 Bad Bentheim Τ: (05922) 6074; Fax: 6074 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Bad Bentheim only Focus: Sen
Otto S c h ö n f l s c h - S t t f t u n g , Rudolf-Diesel-Str 11, 86825 Bad Wörishofen Τ: (08247) 96700; Fax: 967040 Established: 1982; Donops): Otto Schönfisch Assets: DM 477.800,-, Expenditures: DM 38.000,Focus: Card 05941 Ludwig und Irmgard S c h ö n h e r r - S t i f t u n g , Kreuzstr 11, 80331 München T: (089) 2604176 Established: 1990; Donops): Irmgard Schönherr Assets: DM 200.000,· Focus: Child; Youth 05942 Joseph und Maria S c h o p f - A l t e n h l l f e - S t i f t u n g , c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1982; Donops): Joseph Schöpf Assets: DM 8.260.000,-, Receipts: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 400.000,Limitations: Grants in München onty Focus: Sen 05943 Geschwister-Schöpf-Stlftung, c/o Caritasverband für den Landkreis Dillingen an der Donau, RegensWagner-Str 2, 89407 Dillingen an der Donau Established: 1998; Donops): Caritasverband für den Landkreis Dillingen an der Donau e.V. Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Dillingen an der Donau only Focus: SocW; Fam; Unemp 05944 Melitta S c h ö p f - S t l f t u n g , Riefstahlstr 10, 76133 Karlsruhe Established: 1989 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 05945 S c h ö p s - F r i e d r i c h - S t l f t u n g , Scharnhorsts^ 9, 33330 Gütersloh T: (05241) 26470 Established: 1968; Chair: Hans Foerster, Donops): Günther Schöps, Dr. Franz Friedrich Assets: DM 5.730.000,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; SocW 05946 Fred-Joachim S c h o e p s - S t i f t u n g , Meeráckerpl 2-4, 68163 Mannheim Established: 1961 Limitations: Grants in the region of Nordbaden only Focus: SocW 05947 Leo S c h ö r g h u b e r - S t t f t u n g , c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Leo Schôrghuber Expenditures: DM 12.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Wood 05948 Josef S c h ö r g h u b e r - S t t f t u n g , c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orieanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1995; Donops): Josef Schôrghuber Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 160.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Child 05949 Herbert Schöll-Stiftung, Theodor-Storm-Str 29A, 61350 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Elsensee, Mölln and Hamburg only Focus: Youth; Hand; Orp 05950 Geschwister Schöll-Stiftung, Große Bleichen 23, 20354 Hamburg Τ: (040) 346430 Established: 1951 Focus: SocW 05951 Scholvln-Stlftung, c/o Landeskirchenamt der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Landeskirche Hannovers, Postfach 3726, 30037 Hannover T: (0511) 1241268, 1241213; Fax: 1241266 Established: 1803; Chair OKR Karsten Sander, Donor(s): Gerhard Philipp Scholvin Assets: DM 218.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.500,· Limitations: Grants to ev.-luth. institutions in the region of Hannover only Focus: Orp 05952
Rosa S c h n e i d e r - S t i f t u n g , c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1946; Donor(s): Rosa Schneider Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Predetermined scholarships to students at L ud wi g-Maxi m rlians-U π i vers itât München only Focus: Schol; Med 05924
Erika und Elmar Schoeneberg-Sttftung, c/o Stiftungsverwaltung GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http Jl www.stjfterverbarHj.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Erika Schoeneberg Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 05938
Paul Schneider-Stiftung, c/o P. Schneider GmbH, Schmiedsgasse 8, 96472 Rödental Established: 1990 Focus: Youth; Sen; Hand 05925
Margarethe Schönefeld-Stiftung, Moorweidenstr 36, 20146 Hamburg Established: 1967 Focus: SocW 05939
Schopenhauer-Stiftung Arthur Angelika H ü b s c h e r In m e m o r l a m C h r i s t i a n Hübscher, Beethovenstr. 48, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 745219; Fax: 745219 Established: 1988; Chair Rechtsanwalt Hans-Jürgen Sick, Donor(s): Angelika Hübscher Assets: DM 208.000,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000,Focus: Phil 05954
Rolf und Ursula S c h n e i d e r - S t i f t u n g z u r Förderung der Geschichtswissenschaften, c/o Herzog August Bibliothek, Schloßpl 4, 38300 Wolfenbüttel T: (05331) 808208; Fax: 808266; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.hab.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Rotf und Ursula Schneider
S c h ô n e n ' s c h e L e h e n s - S t i f t u n g z u Pattensen, Auf der Burg 1-2, 30982 Pattensen T: (05101) 100140; Fax: 100181 Established: 1480; Donorfs): Heinrich und Ludolph Schönen Assets: DM 90.810,·, Expenditures: DM 7.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy students, who live in Pattensen Focus: Schol 05940
Anna-Maria von Schräder-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Mannheim, Kämmereiamt, Postfach 103051, 68030 Mannheim Τ: (0621) 2931 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Anna-Maria von Schräder Limitations: Grants to citizens and institutions in Mannheim only Focus; Sen; AnimP 05955
Focus: Hist
S.M. Kinderhilfe S c h o m m e r s - S t t f t u n g , Dickerstr 69a, 46539 Dinslaken Established: 1992 Focus: Child 05953
05956 - 06009
103 Vereinigte Stiftung der Familien Schräder, von Kalm und von Vechelde, Astemstr 45, 42109 Wuppertal T: (0202) 7560564 Established: 1585; Donops): Dr. Ludolf von Schräder, Heinrich Jürgen Kalm, Heinrich von Vechelde Assets: DM 67.930,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitatìons: Scholarships to needy members of the Schräder, von Kalm and von Vechelde families only Focus: Schoi; Fam 05956 Fritz Schreck'sche Stiftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1878 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 05957 J. Wilhelm Schreiber-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1989; Donops): J. Wilhelm Schreiber Focus: SocW 05958 Kommerzienrat Schreiber-Stiftung für die evangelische Kirche Sankt Marlen zu Jeßnitz in Anhalt, Schulstr 7, 06800 Jeßnitz T: (03494) 77218; Fax: 790945; E-Mail: scheundel® gmx.de Established: 1901; Donops): Friederike und Gotthold Schreiber Assets: DM 4.422.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Jeßnitz only Focus: SocW 05959 Schrelber'sche Stiftung In Grafenrhelnfeld, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Bühlstr 36, 97506 Grafenrheinfeld T: (09723) 1277 Established: 1794; Donops): Margarethe Schreiber Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schoi; SocW; Youth 05960 Hermann Schridde-Stiftung, Am Wördel 26, 29308 Winsen/Aller T: (05143) 5251; Fax: 5251 Established: 1993; Secy: Dietmar Hoffmann, Donops): G. Schridde Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Focus: Sports 05961 Kurt und Erika Schrobach-Stlftung, Mergenthaler Str 12, 24223 Raisdorf Τ: (04307) 826282; Fax: 826262; E-Mail: schrobach-stiftung @ t-online.de Established: 1991; Chair Kurt Schrobach, Secy: Kurt Schrobach, Donor(s): Kurt und Erika Schrobach Assets: DM 2.500.000,Focus: Ecol 05962 Friedrich Ludwig Schröder-Kindersttftung e.V., Alsterterrasse 5, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 4103828; Fax: 4103828 Established: 1876; Donops): Vereinigte 5 Hamburgische Logen Asalom, Sankt Georg, Emanuel, Ferdinande Caroline, Ferdinand zum Felsen Assets: DM 130.000,Focus: Child 05963 Anneliese-Schröder-Prels, c/o Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-18, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Anneliese Schröder Focus: Vet 05964 Martin C. Schröder-Stiftung, Bismarckstr 17, 32545 Bad Oeynhausen T: (05731) 29021; Fax: 29805 Established: 1981; Chair. Rechtsanwalt und Notar Günther Schmitz, Donor(s): Hedwig Schröder Assets: DM 8.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 415.000,Focus: Hand 05965 Emst Schröder-Stiftung, Godesberger Allee 142148, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 8100243; Fax: 8100248 Established: 1962; Donops): Dr. h.c. Emst Schröder Assets: DM 300.000,Focus: Voc 05966 Rudoff-Alexander Schröder-Stiftung, Herdentorsteinweg 7, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 3612717, 3614289; Fax: 3616025 Established: 1961; Chair Dr. Rolf Michaelis, Secy: Reinhard Strömer, Donorfs): Freie Hansestadt Bremen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit 05567 Cari und Grete Schröder Stiftung, c/o DMSG, Landesverband Bremen e.V., Fedeihören 44, 28203 Bremen T: (0421) 326619 Established: 2000 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: MultS 05968
Hanna Schröder-Stiftung, c/o Magistrat der Stadt Bremerhaven, Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 210360, 27524 Bremerhaven T: (0471) 5902340; Fax: 5902339 Established; 1970 Assets: DM 75.000,Limitatìons: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 05969
Schüchtermann-Schlller'sche Famillenstrftung zu Dortmund, Ostwall 60, 44135 Dortmund T: (0231) 527461; Fax: 574056 Established: 1895; Donops): Heinrich und Antonette Schüchtermann Limitations: Grants to members of the Schüchtermann-Schiller family only Focus: Fam 05982
Schröder-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass· und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Dr. Günter Max Walter Schröder Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni; Youth; Sen 05970
Hans-Peter Schüler Stiftung, Lippmannstr 59, 22769 Hamburg Established: 1989 Focus; Educ; Youth; Health 05983
Schröder-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 53, 04851 Torgau Established: 1748 Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Torgau only Focus: SocW 05971 Joh. Heinrich Schroder's mildtätige Stiftung, Kiwittsmoor 26, 22417 Hamburg Τ: (040) 5370505; Fax: 5373340; E-Mail: schroederstift et-online. de Established: 1853; Chair Eckhard Ziegert, Secy: Gabriele Hansen, Donor(s): Johann Heinrich Schröder Assets: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hous; Sen 05972 Maria von Schrottenberg-Stiftung, Zechenweg 4, 93051 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 91172; Fax: 95899 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Freiin Maria Margareta Hildegard von Schrottenburg Assets: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to needy people in the regions of Oberpfalz and Unterfranken only Focus: SocW 05973 Professor Dr. Friedrich Schubel-Stlftung, c/o Ret. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes GutenbergUniversitât, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz Τ: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen @ verwaltung.u ni-mainz.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Friedrich Schubel, Annamaria Schubel Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz only Focus: Schoi; Angl 05974 Friedrich-Schubel-Stiftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http:// www.uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1986 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schoi; Lit 05975 Theodor Schubert-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1976; Donops): Theodor Schubert Limitatiorts: Grants in Marburg only Focus: Sen 05976 Johannes Schubert-Stiftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Abt. Eri)- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1995; Donops): Heilwig Augustìny Assets: DM 205.000,-, Receipts: DM 9.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.500,Focus: Ecol; Meteo 05977 Bruno H. Schubert-Stiftung, Wendelsweg 64, 60599 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6063203; Fax: 625459 Established; 1984; Donor(s): Bruno H. und Inge Schubert Assets: DM 1.200.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to members of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Ecol; AnimP; Schoi 05978 Bruno Schubert-Unteretûtzungskasse-Stiftung, Hainer Weg 37-53, 60599 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6063276 Established: 1937; Donor(s): Bruno H. Schubert Assets: DM 436.800,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Henninger-Bräu AG (Frankfurt am Main) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 05979 Sigmund Schuckert-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, StiftungsVerwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursula±[email protected]; Internet: http7/ www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1968; Donor(s): Sophie Lemke· Schuckert Assets: DM 21.957.400,·, Receipts: DM 2.369.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.070.000,Limrtations: Grants to Citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Educ; SocW 05980 Sofie Schuckert-Stlftung, c/o Siemens AG, Vogelweiherstr 1-15, 90441 Nürnberg Established: 1896 Focus: Educ; SocW 05981
Schüler- und Stipendiensttftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Stuttgart only Focus: Educ; Schoi 05984 Schülerdank, c/o Stadt Goslar, Postfach 2569, 36615 Goslar Τ: (05321) 704363; Fax: 704461 Established: 1928; Donor(s): Verein ehemaliger Angehöriger des Realgymnasiums mit Gymnasium e.V. Assets: DM 51.750,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schoi 05985 Rudolf Schülke-Stlftung, Robert-Koch-Str 2, 22851 Norderstedt T: (040) 521000, 52100524; Fax: 52100577 Established: 1972; Chair: Prof. Dr. K.O. Gundermann, Donor(s): Schülke & Mayr GmbH Assets: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Biol 05986 Gustav und Catharina Schürfeld-Stlftung, c/o G. Schürfeld & Co. GmbH & Co., Mönckebergstr 31, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 333040; Fax: 337594 Established: 1977 Assets: DM 1.700.000,·, Expenditures: DM 350.000,Focus: Arts; Mon; Scie; Voc; Pap; MedE . 05987 Eberhard Schürmann-Stiftung, c/o Verein von Freunden der Technischen Universität Clausthal, Osteröder Str 8, 36678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld T: (05323) 722378; Fax: 722378; E-Mail: w f ® t u dausthal.de; Internet: http://www.tu-clausthal.de/wf/ Established: 1991; Donor(s): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Schûrmann Assets: DM 414.785,-, Expenditures: DM 24.600,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Metal; Schoi 05988 Franz Schütte-Stiftung, c/o Schütte, Richter & Partner, Contrescarpe 47-48, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 321751; Fax: 324258 Established: 1916; Donor(s): Franz Emst Schütte Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limrtations: Grants in Bremen only Focus: SocW; Voc 05989 Schützenvogt-Becker-Stiftung, c/o Stadtsparkasse Goslar, Rammelsbergerstr 2, 38640 Goslar Established: 1986 Assets: DM 89.800,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports 05990 Schützstiftung, c/o Stadt Ansbach, Stadtkämmerei, Stadthaus, 91522 Ansbach T: (0981) 51318; Fax: 51303 Assets: DM 79.950,-, Expenditures: DM 3.700,· Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Ansbach only Focus: SocW 05991 Schul- und Armenstiftung Ehingen, Rathaus, Maridpl 1, 89584 Ehingen Τ: (07391) 503102 Established: 1808 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; SocW 05992 Abraham Philipp Schuldt-Stiftung, Hütten 8, 20355 Hamburg Established: 1891 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 05093 Tisa von der Schulenburg-Stiftung, Im Werth 6, 46282 Dorsten Τ: (02362) 664150; Fax: 665743 Established: 1993; Secy: Franz-Josef Stevens, Donops): Tisa von der Schulenburg Assets: DM 228.220,-, Expenditures: DM 57.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 05994 Hartmut und Lore Schüler-Stiftung, Am Acker 34, 42113 Wuppertal T: (0202) 763920; Fax: 762954; E-Mail: Wemer.Bang @t-online.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Hartmut und Lore Schuler Assets: DM 1.400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 37.000,Focus: Educ; Voc 05995 Schulgeld-Stiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Pfarrgasse 7, 92339 Beilngries Limitations: Grants in Beilngries only Focus: Educ 059%
Germany: Schultze-Stiftung
Schullandhelm Strümpfei brun η, c/o Landratsamt, Hindenburgstr 40, 71638 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 144385, 1442842; Fax: 144337 Established: 1970; Secy: Herr Fischer, Donor(s): Landkreis Ludwigsburg, Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg Expenditures: DM 519.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 05997 Schullandheimstiftung RöwekampHelllgengeisttor, Gertrudenstr 25, 26121 Oldenbu rg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 83239 Established: 1949 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ
Schulmeyr- und Lehner'sche Unterrichtsstiftung, c/o Markt Wolnzach, Warktpl 1, 25283 Wolnzach Τ: (08442) 6511; Fax: 6534 Established: 1908; Donor(s): Josef und Kreszenzia Schulmeyr Assets: DM 32.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Schulmeyr family only Focus: Educ 05999 Schulsport-Stiftung, c/o Landratsamt, Postfach 1662, 88396 Biberach T: (07351) 520; Fax: 52350 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Hilde Frey Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports 06000 Schulstiftung Baden-Württemberg, c/o Oberschulamt, Postfach 100151, 76231 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 9264304; Fax: 9264271 Established: 1976 Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Educ
Schulstiftung der Erzdiözese Freiburg, Mûnzgasse 1, 79096 Freiburg Τ: (0761) 2188216; Fax: 2188555; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1988; Secy: Dietfried Scherer, Donor(s): Erzdiözese Freiburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ
Schulstiftung der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Landeskirche Mecklenburgs, Postfach m o 6 3 , 19010 Schwerin T: (0385) 5185164; Fax: 5185191 Established: 1996; Chair: Hans-Martin Hoeck, Secy: Kirchenrat Sebastian Sohn, Donor(s): Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Mecklenburgs Assets: DM 170.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06003 Schulstiftung der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Württemberg, Gänsheidestr 4, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2149332; Fax: 2149322; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Donor(s): Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg Expenditures: DM 20.443.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: RelE 06004 Franz Schulte-Hordelhoff-Stiftung Wattenscheid, Aufm Kamp 14, 44867 Bochum T: (02327) 55422 Established: 1932; Chair: Propst Paul Neumann, Secy: Herbert Brandhoff, Donor(s): Franz SchulteHordelhoff Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in Wattenscheid only Focus: Child; Youth 06005 Emst Schulten-Stiftung, Westfalendamm 186, 44141 Dortmund T: (0231) 516063 Focus: SocW 06006 Karl Schultheis Stiftung, c/o Steuerberatungsbüro Philippi & Heideier, Granastr 38, 54329 Konz Established: 1999 Focus: Cult; Sports; SocW 06007 Pfarrer Alois Schulthels'sche Armenstiftung mit Zusatzstiftung der Schwestern Käthe und Julie Schultheis, c/o Stadt Bischofsheim, Kirchpl 4, 97653 Bischofsheim an der Rhön T: (09772) 91010; Fax: 910129 Established: 1933; Donor(s): Pfarrer Alois Schultheis, Käthe und Julie Schultheis Assets: DM 27.350,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06008 Hermann Schultze-Stiftung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1954; Chair. Christian Röwer, Secy: Stiftungsverwaltung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Donops): Brinckmann & Mersell Assets: DM 3.066,-, Receipts: DM 200,-, Expenditures: DM 200,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schoi 06009
Germany: Schultze-Stiftung
06010 - 06065
Ella Schultze-Stiftung, c/o Katholische Kirchengemeinde Sankt Paul, Kalserstr 60, 63065 Ottenbach Τ: (069) 8136721 Established: 1966 Focus: Sen 06010 Stiftung Krebsentstehung und Immunologie Dr. Gerhard und Ingeborg Schulz, Huuskoppel 61, 22397 Hamburg T: (040) 6080177; Fax: 6080177 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Gerhard Schulz, Ingeborg Schulz Assets: DM 150.000,Focus: Cane; Immun 06011 Dr. Otto Schulz-Kampfhenkel-Stlftung, JOthomstr 33, 22043 Hamburg Established: 1971 Focus: Educ; Cin 06012 Björn Schulz Stiftung, Stromstr 47, 10551 Berlin T: (030) 39899850 Established: 1998 Focus: Ped; Cane 06013 Walter Schulz-Stiftung, Nußbaumstr 10, 80336 München T: (089) 595991; Fax: 5501278 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Erna Schulz Assets: DM 25.000.000,· Focus: Med; Cane 06014 Albert Schulz-Stiftung, Alter Markt 15, 1Θ055 Rostock T; (0381) 454860; Fax: 4548615 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Peter Schulz, Kerstin Schulz, Lisel Meyer, Karlheinz Meyer, Olaf SchulzGardyan Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: SocS; Hist; PolS 06015 Prof. Werner Schulze-Stiftung, c/o Stiftungsverwaltung GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: httpj! www. stifterverband.de Established: 1985; Donor(s): Prof. Werner Schulze Assets: DM 302.800,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Agrie; Bot 06016 Reinhold und Elisabeth Schulze-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftu η g s ve rwal tun gs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Brigitte und Dietrich Braumann Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Potsdam only Focus: Arts; Mon; Cult 06017 Oswald Schulze-Stiftung, c/o Oswald Schulze KG, Postfach 565, 45955 Gladbeck Τ: (02043) 277403; Fax: 277133 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Anneliese und Julius Schulze Assets: DM 26.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 17.000,Focus: Wat 06016 Otto-Friedrich Schulze-Stiftung, Königstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06019
Erich Schumm-Stlftung, Fomsbacher Str 32-36, 71540 Muntiardt T: (07192) 92260; Fax: 922670; E-Mail: info« Schumm-Stift.de; Internet: http://www.schumm.stift.de Established: 1963; Chair Margarete Kleemann, Secy: Harald Gentsch, Donops): Erich Schümm Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06026 Jacob Gould Schurmann Stiftung, do BadenWürttembergische Bank AG, 66161 Mannheim T: (0621) 1708217; Fax: 1708450 Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hum; SocS; IntU 06027 Emmy Schuster-Holzammer-Stlftung, Gießenbachstr 18a, 83022 Rosenheim T: (08031) 34688 Established: 1987 Focus: Hand
Stiftung Schustergut Hünfeld, Konrad-Adenauer-Pl 1, 36068 Hünfeld T: (06652) 180129; Fax: 160188 Established: 1978; Chain Bürgermeister der Stadt Hünfeld, Donor(s): Magistrat der Stadt Hünfeld Assets: DM 400.000,-, Receipts: DM 18.000,·, Expenditures: DM 18.000,Umitations: Grants in Hünfeld only Focus: Educ; CommT 06030 Daniel Schutte-Sttftung, Tarpenbekstr 31, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 4604239; Fax: 4804239 Established: 1891; Donor(s): Konsul Daniel Schutte, Bertha Marianne Schutte Assets; DM 517.244,·, Expenditures: DM 1.821.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 06031
Dorothea Schwaab-Stlftung zur Unterstützung autistlscher Menschen, Weißkreuzstr 1, 67434 Neustadt an der Weinstraße Established: 1998 Focus: Health; Hand 06033 Prof.-Schwabe-Stlftung, c/o Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Physikalische Chemie und Elektrochemie, Mommsenstr 13, 01062 Dresden T: (0351) 4634907; Fax: 4637164; E-Mail: wplieth© cech04.chm,tu-dresden.de; Internet: http://www.tuEstablished: 1972; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Kurt Schwabe Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Technische Universität Dresden only Focus: Phys; Chem 06034
Dr. Schulze-Stiftung, Gehauweg 15 , 88709 Meersburg T: (07532) 6477; Fax: 7931 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Dr. Paul Schulze, Ilse Schulze Assets: DM 250.000,-, Expenditures: DM 21.000,Limitations: Grants in Meersburg only Focus: Sen; Youth; Nurs 06020
Dr. W. Schwabe-Sttftung, Willmar-Schwabe-Str 4, 76227 Karlsruhe Established: 1991; Donor(s): Dr, Wolfgang Schwabe Assets: DM 2.600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Arts; Cult 06035
J.Η. Schumacher-Jubiläums-Stiftung der Hamburger Fleischerinnung, Marktstr 57, 20357 Hamburg Τ: (040) 4322042/43; Fax: 437414 Established: 1919; Donor(s): Schlachterinnung Hamburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06021
Dr. Wlllmar Schwabesche Heimstätten-Stiftung, Am Exerzierpl 6, 68167 Mannheim T: (0621) 30060; Fax: 3006166 Established: 1904; Secy: Rechtsanwalt Wolfgang Wingendorf, Donor(s): Dr. Willmar Schwabe Assets: DM 13.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 878.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hand; Nurs 06036
Elisabeth Schumacher-Stiftung, Adenauerallee 96, 46399 Bocholt T: (02871) 2743128 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Elisabeth Schumacher Focus: Sen 06022 Friedrich Wilhelm Schumacher-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Angelos Tsangaris, Wilhelmstr 7, 42697 Solingen T: (0212) 700627; Fax: 700660; E-Mail: tsangaris @ straesser.com Established: 1997; Donor(s): Friedrich Wilhelm Schumacher Expenditures: DM 110.000,· Limitations: Grants in Solingen only Focus: Hand; SocW 06023 Schumag-Stlftung, Nerscheider Weg 170, 52076 Aachen Established: 1938 06024 Anna Schumann-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 1, 49593 Bersenbrück Established: 1988; Donor(s): Emst-G. Schumann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06025
Herbert Berthold Schwarz-Stiftung Im Ruderclub am Wannsee, c/o Ruderclub am Wannsee e.V. Berlin, Scabellstr 8, 14109 Berlin T: (030) 8034048 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Berlin only Focus: Sports 06041
Senator Kurl und Inge SchusterStiftung, do Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenherten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1963; Donors): Inge Schuster Limitations: Grams to the Julius MaximilianUniversität in Würzburg only Focus: Hemat; Cane; Uni 06029
Schutz der Umwelt, c/o Stadt Papenburg, Postfach 1440, 26854 Papenburg Established: 19Θ9 Focus: Ecol
Eduard von Schwartzkoppen*Stfftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaitungs GmbH, Barkhofenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifteiverband.de Established: 1978; Donor(s): Dr. Eduard von Schwartzkoppen Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Law 06040
Irmgard Schwanert-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1992 Focus: Sen 06037 Helga und Dr. Erich SchwanhauBer-Stlftung, Vestnertorgraben 43, 90408 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 356038; Fax: 3658502 Established: 1998; Donops): Dr. Erich Schwanhäußer Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants to childen in Nürnberg, München, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Poland, India and the Ukraine only Focus: Child; Youth; East; As 06038 Helen und Will Schwardmann-Sttftung, Winzingeroderweg 9, 30559 Hannover T: (0511) 514800; Fax: 520405 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Helen und Will Schwardmann Assets: DM 1.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Focus: Sen 06039
Stiftung der Gräfin Johanne Elisabeth von Schwarzburg vom Glelchen'schen Hause, c/o Thüringer Landesverwaltungsamt, Referatsgruppe Inneres, Weimarpl 4, 99423 Weimar T: (03643) 37737301; Fax: 37737346 Established: 1719 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Wid 06042 Stiftung der Familie Eduard Schwarze, Breite Str 11, 42781 Haan T: (02104) 6300; Fax: 62762 Established: 1980 Limitations: Scholarships to female students at Universität Münster only Focus: Schol 06043 Heinz Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa, Sophienstr 28-29, 10178 Berlin Τ: (030) 28095146; Fax: 28095150; E-Mail: ¡nfo0heinz-schwarzkopf-stiftung.de; Internet: http:// www.heinz-Schwarzkopf-Stiftung.de Established: 1971; Donor(s): Pauline Schwarzkopf Assets: DM 2.646.346,-, Expenditures: DM 170.000,Limitations: Scholarships to German students up to 26 years only Focus: Educ; Schol; IntU 06044 Henriette Schweers-Knoop-Stlftung, Hollerallee 31, 28209 Bremen Τ: (0421) 342011; Fax: 3498216 Established: 1905; Donor(s): Henriette SchweersKnoop Assets: DM 88.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06045 Schweisfurth-Stiftung, Südliches Schloßrondell 1, 80638 München Τ: (089) 171826; Fax: 171816; E-Mail: schweisfurth®zukunft.de; Internet: http7/ www.schweisfurth.de Established: 1985; Chair Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald, Secy: Dr. Manuel Schneider, Donor(s): Karl Ludwig Schweisfurth Assets: DM 31.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.200.000,Focus: Ecol; AnimP; Agrie; Food . . . . 06046 Alben Schweltzer-Gedenk- und Begegnungsstätte, Kegelpl 4, 99423 Weimar T: (03643) 202739; Fax: 202739; E-Mail: asgbweimar® t-online.de; Internet: http -J! www.peopie.freenet.de/as-stiftung Established: 1993; Chair: Alfred Ullmann, Donor(s): Albert-Schweitzer-Komitee e.V. Assets: DM 350.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06047 Albert-Schwettzer-Stlftung für pflegebedürftige und ältere Menschen in Berlin, Bahnhofstr 1015, 13129 Berlin T: (030) 47477484; Fax: 47477482 Established: 1997; Donops): Land Berlin Expenditures: DM 32.367.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06048 Stiftung Deutsches Albert Schweitzer-Zentrum, Neue Schiesingergasse 22-24, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 284951; Fax: 2978525; E-Mail: albeitschweitzer-zenfrum©t*online.de; Internet: http:// www.albert-schweitzer-zentrum.de Established: 1995; Chair: Elfriede DomzeBamberger, Donops): Deutscher Hilfsverein für das Albert Schweitzer-Spital Lambarene Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; SocW 06049
Schwester Georgette-Stiftung, Albert-SchweitzerStr 43, 77694 Kehl Established: 1980 Assets: DM 750.000,Focus: Nurs 06052 Gustav Sclplo-Stlftung. c/o Scipio GmbH & Co., Brertenweg 29, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 30921 Established: 1936 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Scipio GmbH & Co. and their relatives only Focus: SocW 06053 Scivlas-Stlftung, Disibodenberger Hof, 55571 Odemheim Τ: (0675) 5285; Fax: 1653 Established: 1989; Chair Ehrengard Freifrau von Räcknitz, Donops): Ehrengard Freifrau von Räcknitz Receipts: DM 60.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Focus: Mon; Rei 06054 Searte-Stittung für Medizinische Prävention und Epidemiologie, c/o Internationales Institut Schloß Reisenburg, Bürge rmeiste r-Johann-M ül ler-Str 1, 89312 Günzburg T: (08221) 9070 Established: 1985 Focus: Med; Epid 06055 Sedlmayr'sche Unterstützungs-Stiftung für Arbeitnehmer der Firma Gabriel Sedi may r Spaten-Franzlskaner-Bräu KGaA, Marsstr 46-48, 80335 München T: (089) 5122323; Fax: 5122536 Established: 1903; Donor(s): Kommerzienrat Johann Sedlmayr Assets: DM 90.000,· LJmrtations: Grants to employees of Gabriel Sedlmayr Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu KGaA (München) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 06056 Marie Seebach-Stlftung, Tiefurter Allee 8, 99425 Weimar Τ: (03643) 24260; Fax: 242644 Established: 1895; Chair Gebhard Kauer, Donor(s): Marie Seebach Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1,200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06057 Guido Seeber-Sttftung, Amselgrund 13, 13467 Berlin T: (030) 4048330 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Martha Seeber Focus: Cin 06058 Frei herrlich von Seefrled'sche Stiftung zu Buttenhelm für unbemittelte Fräulein und Witwen, 96155 Buttenheim Established: 1893 Limitations: Grants to needy ladies of the von Seefried family only Focus: Worn 06059 Erika Seegsr-Stlftung, Bismarckstr 20, 72764 Reutlingen Τ: (07121) 47705; Fax: 483720 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Erika Seeger Assets: DM 1.900.000,· Focus: SocW 06060 Fritz Seeger-Sttftung, Gymnasiumstr 1, 76297 T: (07244) 9021; Fax: 91887; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Donor(s): Fritz Seeger, Margarete Seeger, Edgar Dürr Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Arts; Cult 06061 Mia Seeger-Stiftung zur Förderung des Design, c/o Design Center Stuttgart, Willi-Bleicher· Str 19, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1232638, 1232684; Fax: 1232577; Internet: http^/www. mia-seege r. de Established: 1986; Chair Prof. Dr. Willi Weiblen, Secy: Dr. Wolfgang Berger, Donors): Prof, Mia Focus: Des
. 06062
Uwe-Seeler-Stlftung, c/o Brinkmann & Partner, Brahmsallee 9, 20144 Hamburg T: (040) 5213143; Fax: 5213245 Established: 1996; Donops): Uwe Seeler Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Hand 06063
Kunststiftung Sabine Schwenk, Schloß, 72401 Haigerloch T: (07474) 69390; Fax: 69371 Established: 1995; Donops): Sabine Schwenk Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 38.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 06050
Gemeinschaftliche Seelhaus-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Schloßstr 36, 86732 Oeffingen Τ: (09082) 7090; Fax: 70988 Established: 1609 Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 06064
Schwennlnger-Voik&bank-Stiftung, Bârenstr 22, 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen Τ: (07720) 395100; Fax: 395105 Established: 1997; Donops): Schweninger Volksbank Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; Sports; Hist 060S1
Seelhaus-Stlftung Marktoberdorf, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Jahnstr 1, 87616 Marktoberdorf Τ: (08342) 400829; Fax: 400875 Established: 1954; Donops): Stadt Marttoberdorf Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 77.500,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Marktoberdorf only Focus: Child 06065
06066 - 06122
Sedhorst-Sttfhing, Uferpl 5, 30890 Barsinghausen Τ: (05105) 2115; Fax: 64628 Established: 1993; Chair Hans-Peter Seelhorst, Donor(s): Hans-Peter Seelhorst Assets: DM 170.400,-, Receipts: DM 12.000,·, Expenditures: DM 8.700,· Focus: Hand 06066
Dr. Senckenbergische Stiftung, Nibelungenallee 37-41, 60318 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 1500440; Fax: 1500407 Established: 1763; Chair Dr. Kosta Schopow, Donops): Dr. Johann Christian Senckenberg Expenditures: DM 1.847.000,Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Med 06081
Anna Seghe re-Stiftung, Quermatenweg 174, 14163 Bertin Τ: (030) 8133272 Established: 1995; Chain Prof. Dr. Dietger Pforte, Donor(s): Ruth Radvanyi, Pierre Radvanyi Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit; Rom 06067
Elisabeth-von-Senden Stiftung, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München T: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: mm θ maecerttta-management.de; Internet: http:// www.maecenata-management,de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Hasso Freiherr von Senden Limitations: Grants to German hospitals only Focus: Psychia; Psychol; Then Cane . . 06082
Chariotte-Selbold-Stlftung der Dresdner Bank AG in Freiburg, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Postlach 360 , 79003 Freiburg im Breisgau Τ: (0761) 2181233 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Charlotte Seibold Expenditures: DM 19.000,Limitations: Grants to former employees of Dresdner Bank AG (Freiburg) only Focus: SocW 06068 Carl SeidehStlftung, Bayreuther Str 4, 10787 Berlin T: (030) 2141574; Fax: 2177756; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1987; Chain Sybill Hardt, Donor(s): Carl Seidel Assets: DM 1.152.079,-, Expenditures: DM 65.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Sen £36069 Elsbeth Seldel-Sttttung, Wemerstr 9, 14193 Berlin T: (030) 8957150 Established: 1967 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 06070 Hanns Seidel-Stiftung e.V., Lazarettstr 33, 80636 München Τ: (089) 12580; Fax: 1258403; Internet: http:// www.hss.de Established: 1967; Chain Alfred Bayer, Secy: Manfred Baumgärtel Expenditures: DM 100.000.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: PolS; Schol; Jour 06071 Dr. Kurt Seifert-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Naila, Postfach 1227, 95113 Naila Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Naila only Focus: Ecol; Mon; Cult; Educ; Sen; SocW 06072 Karl und Else Selfrled-Stlftung, Bahnhofstr 54, 61273 Wehrheim T: (06081) 5123 06073 Franz-Xaver und Emma Seiler-Stiftung Freiburg Im Breisgau, Deutschordensstr 2, 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau T: (0761) 2108110; Fax: 2108111; Internet: http:// www.stiftungsverwaltung-freiburg.de Established: 1975; Donor(s): Franz-Xaver und Emma Seiler Expenditures: DM 2.650,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 06074 Gustav Seitz-Stlftung, Mòrickestr 6, 22587 Hamburg T: (040) 863416, 876895 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Luise Seitz Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 06075 SEKURO Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwälte Dr. Rodi & Partner, Pegasus-Business-Center, Stadlerstr 14, 09126 Chemnitz T: (0371) 5396100 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Oelsnitz only Focus: Educ; Ecol 06076 Ottilie Selbach-Redslob-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Oper Berlin, Richard-Wagner-Str 10, 10585 Berlin T: (030) 34384216; Fax: 34384457 Established: 1986; Chain Dr. Alard von Rohr, Donops): Ottilie Selbach-Redslob Focus: Schol; Music 06077 Selbstbestimmt leben-Stlftung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hilfe für Behinderte, Kirchfeldstr 149, 40215 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 310060; Fax: 3100648 Established: 1991 Assets: DM 135.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 06078 Seldt'sche Stipendien-Stiftung, cío Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1697 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Rei 06079 Maria Seltmann-Sttftung, Dr.-Pfleger-Str 15, 92637 Weiden T: (0961) 811301; Fax: 811019 Established: 1993; Chair Maria Seitmann, Secy: Joachim Strehl, Donops): Maria Seitmann Assets: DM 10.518.000,·, Receipts: DM 690.000,·, Expenditures: DM 550.000,· Focus: Arts; Cult 06080
von Senden'sche Familienstiftung, ElsaBrandstrôm-Str 4, 55124 Mainz Established: 1861 Limitations: Grants to members of the von Senden family only 06083 Internationale Senefelder-Stiftung, Postfach 101264, 63012 Offenbach T: (069) 83052974; Fax: 83051011 Established: 1971 Limitations: International grants and scholarships Focus: Print; Arts; Schol 06084 Seniorenhelm zum Heiligen Geist, Niederstadlstr 2, 56154 Boppard Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Senlorenhllfe Zeitz, Schützenpl 22, 06712 Zeitz T: (03441) 631119; Fax: 631631; Internet: http:// www.seniorenhilfe-zeitz.de Established: 1991; Secy: Lothar Rothe, Donor(s): Stadt Zeitz Expenditures: DM 22.203.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06086 Seniorenstiftung Hallstadt, Marktpl 2, 96103 Hallstadt T: (0951) 7500; Fax: 75039; E-Mail: manfred Jang θ hallstadt.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Katholische Kirchenstiftung Hallstadt, Stadt Hallstadt Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06087 Seniorenstiftung Prenzlauer Berg, Gürtetstr 33, 10409 Berlin T: (030) 428447110; Fax: 428447111 Established: 1996; Secy: Wilfried Brexel, Donor(s): Land Berlin Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06088 Seppeler-Stlftung für Flug- und Fahrwesen, Unter den Ulmen 10, 33330 Gütersloh Established: 1936; Chain Jürgen E. Seppeier Assets: DM 9.700.000,Focus: Aviat; Traf 06089 Seppelersche Stiftung, Soester Str 13, 48155 Münster T: (0251) 690100; Fax: 690105 Established: 1867; Donops): Richard Wilhelm und Elisabeth Seppeier Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06090 Rolf und Lucia Serick-Sttftung, 9, 69117 Heidelberg T: (06221) 542200; Fax: 542201; E-Mail: institute ipr.uni-heidelberg.de; Internet: http://www.ipr.uniheidelberg.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Rolf Serick Expenditures: DM 11.000,· Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; irttU 06091 SES-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1989; Chair: Dr. Rudolf Schuster, Donops): Senior Experten-Service Assets: DM 200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Bus 06092 Sethestift, Bürgermeister-Schwiening-Str 9a, 26603 Aurich Established: 1858 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 06093 Rosa Settemeyer-Stiftung Behinderten-Heimat Norderstedt, Johann-Hinrich-Wichem-Str 2, 22844 Norderstedt T: (040) 53530290; Fax: 53530291 Established: 1990; Chain Rosa Settemeyer, Secy: Rosa Settemeyer, Rudolf Gratz, Donor(s): Rosa Settemeyer Assets: DM 7.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.800.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.800.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Norderstedt only Focus: Hand 06094
Lothar-Seuffert'Stlftung, c/o Stiftung Juliusspital Würzburg, Juliuspromenade 19, 97070 Wûrzburg Τ: (0931) 3930; Fax: 3931004 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Burkhard Seuffert Expenditures: DM 96.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at the Universität Würzburg, with emphasis on members of the Seuffert family Focus: Schol; Rei 06095 Adam Martin Seuffert-Walsen-Stiftung, Sulzbacher Str 42, 90469 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 5301210; Fax: 5301298 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Adam Martin Seuffert Assets: DM 220.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in Nürnberg only Focus: Ofp 06096 Stiftung Karl Seuser des Εν. Kirchenkrelses Wied, c/o Kreiskirchliches Rentamt, Hermannstr 30, 56564 Neuwied T: (02631) 98700 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Karl Ferdinand Seuser Assets: DM 3.000.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06097 Gerd und Ulrike Seuwen Stiftung, Rottenkolberstr 21, 87439 Kempten/Allgäu T: (0831) 85509; Fax: 5859604 Established: 2000; Chain Dr. Gerhard Seuwen, Donor(s): Dr. Gerhard und Dr. Ulrike Seuwen Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: AnimP; Mon; Health; SocW . . . 06098 Dr. Seyboth-Sti pend le η Stiftung, c/o Stadt Regensburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Kumpfmühler Str 52a, 93051 Regensburg T: (0941) 5071544; Fax: 5074549 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Dr. Käthe Seyboth Assets: DM 396.000,-, Expenditures: DM 38.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy students, who are bom in Regensburg Focus: Schol 06099 J.H. Seyfert senior Stiftung, c/o Stiftungsveiwaitung, Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1913; Donor(s): Johann Hinrich Seyfert Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06100 Carl Seyffert'eche Pensionskasse, cJo Fa. C. Seyffert GmbH, Postfach 1366, 95119 Naila Established: 1916 Assets: DM 343.000,-, Expenditures: DM 27.000,Limitations: Grants to employees of C. Seyffert GmbH (Naila) only Focus: SocW 06101 sgz-Bank-Stlftung, Karl-Friedrich-Str 23, 76133 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 9963372; Fax: 9963345 Established: 1993; Donor(s): SGZ-Bank AG Limitations: Grants to Universität Karlsruhe only Focus: Hum; SocS; Uni 06102 Shepard-Stone-Sttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1987 Assets: DM 2.366.000,·, Expenditures: DM 121.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 06103 Adalbert und Jeanette Sickinger-Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1932; Donor(s): Adalbert und Jeanette Sickinger Assets: DM 72.000,·, Receipts: DM 4.600,-, Expenditures: DM 4.600,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Fam; Wid 06104 Reinhard Sieb-Stiftung, Schießgrabenstr 10, 21335 Lüneburg Established: 1989 Assets: DM 1.047.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50,000,· Limitations: Applications noi accepted Focus: SocW 06105 SiebenbQrglsch-Sech8lsche Stiftung, Sophienstr 3, 80333 München Τ: (089) 555131; Fax: 555135 Established: 1979; Chair Dipl .-Ing. Hans-Christian Habermann, Emst Bruckner, Donor(s): Emst Habermann Limitations: Grants in Siebenbürgen (Romania) only Focus: Cult; Mon; East 06106 Siebenpfetffer-Stiftung, c/o Saarpfalz-Kreis, Am Forum 1, 66424 Homburg Τ: (06841) 104233; Fax: 104200 Established: 1988; Chair: Landrat Clemens Lindemann, Secy: Dr. Bernhard Becker, Donops): Landkreise Saarpfalz und Bad Dürkheim, Städte Homburg, Zweibrücken und Rastatt, Landesverbände des Deutschen Joumalistenveitandes Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz und Baden-Württemberg Expenditures: DM 144.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Res; Hist 06107
Germany: Siemens-Stiftung
Siechen- und Schwesternhausstlftung MOnnerstadt, c/o Stadt Münnerstadt, Stadtkämmerei, Stenayer PI 2, 97702 Münnerstadt T: (09733) 810536; Fax: 810535 Established: 1469 Assets: DM 53.040,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Münnerstadt only Focus: SocW; Sen 06108 Slechenhauspflege, Theaterstr 19, 97070 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1200; Secy: Rüdiger Braun Assets: DM 12.106.460,-, Expenditures: DM 5.374.000,Limitations: Grants to senior citizens of Würzburg only Focus: Sen 06109 Siechenhausstiftung, c/o Stadt Hilpoitstein, 91161 Hilpoltstein T: (09174) 97811; Fax: 97819; E-Mail: Amt1@ Hilpottstein.de; Internet: http://www.hilpoltstein.de Established: 1584 Assets: DM 180.000,-, Receipts: DM 6.500,·, Expenditures: DM 6.500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hots 06110 Siechen hausstiftung Harburg, c/o Stadt Harburg, Schloßstr 1, 86655 Harburg Τ: (09080) 96990; Fax: 969930 Established: 1981; Chain 1. Bürgermeister der Stadt Harburg (Schwaben), Donor(s): Stadl Harburg (Schwaben) Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 7.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Sen 06111 Horst-Sledle-Stlftung, Kussenhofstr 24, 78120 Furtwangen Established: 1998 06112 Gabriele Siegel Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für neurologisch Erkrankte und Untallopfer, c/o KarlEugen Siegel, Kantstr 15, 89522 Heidenheim Established: 1998 Focus: Neun AccM 06113 Wolfgang Siegel-Stiftung, Theresienstr 25, 95028 Hof T: (09281) 2719; Fax; 3785; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.hof.baynet.de/woifgang.siegel Established: 1986; Chair: Wolfgang Siegel, Donor(s): Wolfgang Siegel Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Focus: Scie; Educ; Adult; Voc; Hist . . . 06114 Hildegard und Gerhard Siegmann Stiftung, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Established: 1999 06115 Heinz Slelmann-Sttftung, Gut Herbigshagen, 37115 Duderstadt T: (05527) 9140; Fax: 914100 Established: 1994; Donops): Prof. Heinz Sielmann, Inge Sielmann Focus: Ecol 06116 Familienstiftung der Familie Siemens, MagisterHerr-Str 16, 31787 Hameln T: (05151) 41262; Fax: 41262 Established: 1873; Chair: Dr. Hans Henning Siemens, Donor(s): Lepold August Wilhelm Siemens Limitations: Grants to members of the Siemens family only Focus: Fam 06117 Hilfsfond der Slemens-Glas AG, c/o Oberland Glas AG Wirges, Postfach 1120, 56418 Wirges Established: 1959; Donops): Siemens Glas AG Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Siemens Glas AG (Wirges) only Focus: SocW 06118 Stiftung Werner von Siemens-Ring, Graf-Recke-Str 84, 40239 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 6214498; Fax: 6214172 Established: 1916; Chain Prof. Dr. E.O. Göbel, Secy: Dr. J. Debelius Assets: DM 43.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS; Eng 06119 Carl Friedrich von Slemens«Stiftung, Südliches Schloßrondell 23, 80638 München Τ: (089) 1780330; Fax: 172371 Established: 1958; Chain Prof. Dr. Heinz Gumin, Secy: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Meier, Donor(s): SiemensHalske AG, Siemens-Schuckert Werke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie 06120 Hertha von Siemens-Stiftung, Wittelsbacher PI 2, 80333 München Established: 1909 Limitations: Grants to employees of Siemens AG (München) only Focus: SocW 06121 Ernst von Siemens-Stiftung München, Wrttelsbacherpl 2, 80333 München Τ: (089) 6362787; Fax: 6364770 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Dr, Emst von Siemens Focus: Alts 06122
Germany: Siemens-Technik-Akademie Siemens-Technik-Akademie, Koppstr 6,81379 München T: (089) 72226844; Fax: 72262535; E-Mail: elmar.zieglerista.siemens.de; Internet: httpü www.siemens.de/schule/indexjnch.htm Established: 1996; Chair Günther Hohlweg, Secy: Dr. Elmar Ziegler, Karl-Heinz Reuther, Donor(s): Siemens AG Focus: Voc; Eng 06123 Siemens Unternehmensberatung Kinderfonds Stiftung, Watteaustr 1, 81479 München T: (089) 744200200; Fax: 744200300; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 2000; Secy: Philipp Hof, Donor(s): Siemens Untemehmensberatung Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; SocW 06124 Edmund Siemers-Stiftung, Schlankreye 67, 20144 Hamburg T: (040) 4206398; Fax: 4209182; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Secy: Dr. Andreas Graf Wass von Czege, Donor(s): Siemers-Stiftung Limitations: Grants in Germany and Romania only Focus: Eur; Ecol; Youth; Arts; Cult; East; Orp 06125 Eugen Stempelkam p-Stlftung, c/o Treuhand· und Revisions AG, Hohenzollemstr 11, 47799 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 9590; Fax: 959450 Established: 1964 Assets: DM 750.087,Focus: Sen; SocW 06126 Rudolf Siener Stiftung, Hasenbergweg 3, 56130 Bad Ems T: (02603) 3813; Fax: 2928; Internet: http:// www.rudolf-siener-stiftung.de Established: 1993: Chair: Isolde Siener Focus: Ther 06127 Amalie Sieveking-Stiftung, Bergstr 11, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 30200633 Established: 1832 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06128 Dr. Sigg-Famllienstlftung, 76870 Kandel Τ: (07275) 8828; Fax: 1229 Established: 1986; Chair: Dr. Eugen Sigg, Donor(s): Dr. Eugen Sigg Assets: DM 500.000,·, Receipts: DM 15.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 06129 Dr. Sigg-Förderstiftung, Berwartsteinstr 2, 76870 Kandel Τ: (07275) 8828; Fax: 1229 Established: 1995; Chair; Dr. Eugen Sigg, Donor(s): Dr. Eugen Sigg Assets: DM 500.000,·, Receipts: DM 15.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 06130 Dr. Eugen Sigg-Stiftung, Berwartsteinstr 2, 76870 Kandel Τ: (07275) 8828; Fax: 1229 Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Eugen Sigg, Donor(s): Dr. Eugen Sigg Assets: DM 400.000,-, Receipts: DM 12.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of the Sigg family only Focus: Fam 06131 Geheimrat J. Sigle-Salamander-Stiftung, Stammheimer Str 10, 70806 Komwestheim T: (07154) 152771; Fax: 152338 Established: 1935; Donor(s): Geheimrat Jakob Sigle, Salamander AG Assets: DM 549.000,·, Expenditures: DM 57.000,Limitations: Grants to employees of Salamander AG (Komwestheim) only Focus: SocW 06132 Harald und Marieluise Sigwart-Stiftung, c/o Gemeinde Rückersdorf, Rathaus, Hauptstr 20, 90607 Rückersdorf Established: 1996; Donor(s): Harald und Marieluise Sigwart Limitations: Grants in Rückersdorf only Focus: Sen; Youth; SocW 06133 Gerhard Silberkuhl-Stiftung, Schuhenberg 47, 45470 Mülheim Τ: (0208) 371550; Fax: 371550 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Gerhard Silberkuhl Expenditures: DM 80.000,Focus: SocW 06134 Dr. Sillemstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Hiroshimapl 1-4, 37070 Göttingen Τ: (0551) 4002858; Fax: 4002702 Established: 1873; Donor(s): Dr. Johann Sillem Assets: DM 250.000,·, Expenditures: DM 140.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06J35 Heinrich-Simbriger-Stiftung, c/o Sudetendeutsches Musikinstitut, Ludwig-Thoma-Str 14, 93051 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Ema Simbriger Focus: Music
06123 - 06178 Simeonsstift im evangelischen Johanneswerk e.V., Schildescher Str 101, 33611 Bielefeld T: (0521) 8012100, 8012130; Fax: 8012150 Established: 1885 Assets: DM 262140,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06137 Dr. Hanns Simon-Stiftung, Römermauer 3, 54634 Bitburg Τ: (06561) 142259; Fax: 1482259 Established: 1966; Chair: Dr. Michael Dietzsch, Secy: Norbert Golumbeck, Donor(s): Dr. Hanns Simon Assets: DM 4.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Bitburg· Prüm only Focus: Cult; Music 06133 Albert und Loni Simon-Stiftung, Rheinallee 59, 55294 Bodenheim Τ: (06135) 2496; Fax: 931485 Established: 1989; Chair: Willi Abts, Secy: Evelyn Nowak, Donor($): Albert Simon, Loni Simon Assets: DM 7.000.000,Limftations: Grants in Mainz only Focus: Sen 06139 Erika Simon-Stiftung, Zum Förstersteig 4, 31737 Rinteln Τ: (05751) 96170 Established: 1995; Chair: Gerhard Simon, Donor(s): Gerhard Simon Assets: DM 200.000,·, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 06140 Theodor Simonelt-Stiftung, Postfach 60, 63793 Kahl Established: 1988; Donor(s): Anni SimoneK Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 65.000,· Limitations: Grants in the districts of Landkreis Aschaffenburg and Landkreis Miltenberg only FOCUS: Voc 06141 Sinfonima-Stlftung, Augustaanlage 66, 68165 Mannheim T: (0621) 4574790; Fax: 4574395 Established: 1991; Donops): Mannheimer Versicherung AG Assets: DM 350.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Musi 06142 Kail Singer-Stiftung, Staufenweg 1, 87645 Schwangau Established: 1991 06143 Stiftung Slverdes, c/o Stadt Münster, Stiftungsverwaltung, Ludgeripl 4-6, 48151 Münster T: (0251) 4925902; Fax: 4927704 Established: 1768; Donor(s): Dr. Christian Siverdes Assets: DM 60.800.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.670.000,Limitations: Grants in Münster only Focus: SocW; Hand 06144 SK Stiftung Jugend und Wirtschaft, JugendComputerschule, Im Mediapark 7, 50670 Köln T: (0221) 2262660; Fax: 2265778; E-Mail: juco© komed.de; Internet: http://www.juco. komed.de Established: 1972; Chair: Bernd Eberding, Secy: Hans-Georg Bögner, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Köln Assets: DM 8.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Adult; Youth; Media 06145 SK Stiftung Kultur, Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Köln, Im Mediapark 7, 50670 Köln T: (0221) 2262433; Fax: 2263410 Established: 1976; Chain Gustav Adolf Schröder, Secy: Hans-Georg Bögner, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Köln Assets: DM 75.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 06146 Smidt-Stiftung zu Bremen, Postfach 101707, 28017 Bremen T: (0421) 3042259; Fax: 3042285 Established: 1882 Focus: SocW 06147 Smith Kline Beecham-Stiftung, Leopoldstr 174, 80804 München T: (089) 36044690 Established: 1978; Chair: Dr. R. Häufte, Donor(s): Smlth-Kline Dauelsberg GmbH Assets: DM 2.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 400.000,Focus: Schol; Med 06148 Snethlage'sche Familienstiftung, Blücherallee 16, 22926 Ahrensburg T: (04102) 52109 Established: 1923; Secy: Dr. K.H. Snethlage, Donops): Carl H. Snethlage Assets: DM 30.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.500,· Limitations: Grants to needy children of the Snethlage family only Focus: Fam 06149 Roman, Marga und Mareille Sobek-Stlftung, Meisenweg 15, 71272 Renningen Τ: (07159) 3883; Fax: 3933 Established: 1994; Chair Gemot Kaes, Donor(s): Roman Sobek Assets: DM 20.000.000,· Focus: Health; MultS 06150
106 Hermann Söllner-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Ludwigsstadt, Lauensteiner Str 1, 96337 Ludwigsstadt T: (09263) 9490; Fax: 94940 Established: 1991; Chair: Gert Bayerfein, Donor(s): Hermann Söllner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Cult 06151 Christian und Emmy SörenservSttftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Dr. Christian und Emmy Sórensen Limitations: Grants to the FU Berlin only Focus: Opht; Uni 06152 Software AG-Stlftung, Am Eichwäldchen 6, 64297 Darmstadt T: (06151) 916650; Fax: 9166529; E-Mail: Stiftung® sagst.de Established: 1992; Chair: Horst Ph. Bauer, Donor(s): Peter M. Schnell Assets: DM 147.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 19.565.000,Focus: Sen; Hand; Ecoi 06153
Ingeborg Sommer-Stiftung In Lübeck, Königstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06165 Sonderhausen von Glâsemthal'sche Stiftung, Kurmainzer Str 1, 85929 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 302204; Fax: 302204 Assets: DM 2.305.000,· Limitations: Grants to ladies in Frankfurt am Main, who are older than 60 years Focus: Sen 06166 Gertrud-Sonnenburg-Stiftung, Meisenstr 4, 14195 Berlin Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants to Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG only Focus: Zool 06167 Sonnenfeld-Stfftung, Bismarckallee 12, 14193 Berlin T: (030) 896730; Fax: 89680640 Established: 1974; Chair: Prof. Dr. Hansjürgen Freiherr von Villiez, Secy: Wolfgang Kle, Donor(s): Dr. Hans Sonnenfeld Assets: DM 19.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 800.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.128.000,Focus: Med 06168
Soiar-Stiftung Ulm/Neu-Ulm, c/o Stadt Ulm, Amt für Stadtökologie und Umweltplanung, Donaustr 5, 89073 Ulm T: (0731) 1616666; Fax: 1616666 Established: 1995; Secy: Peter Jäger, Donops): Stadt Ulm, Stadt Neu-Ulm, Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm Focus: En 06154
Sonnengarten-Stlftung, Schloßstr 46, 73497 Tannhausen Τ: (07964) 476; Fax: 2867 Established: 1970 Assets: DM 7.473.200,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06169
Hans Soldan-Stlftung, Bocholder Str 259, 45356 Essen T: (0201) 8612200 Established: 1986 Expenditures: DM 2.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not Focus: Schol; Law 06155
Sonnenschein, Blumenstr 8, 49377 Vechta Τ: (04441) 6560; Fax: 2503 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Hans Jürgen Labrenz Assets: DM 1,500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 06170
Ingrid zu Solms-Stiftung, Krögerstr 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 280423; Fax: 296164 Established: 1994; Donops): Dr. Ingrid Gräfin zu Solms-Wildenfels Assets: DM 50.000,Focus: Schol; Med; Ther 06156 Soltenborn-Stiftung, c/o Georg-August-Universitát zu Göttingen, Juristische Fakultät, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 6, 37073 Göttingen T: (0551)7397360; Fax: 7397361 Established: 1874; Donops): G.W. Soltenbom Limitations: Scholarships to needy students at Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen only Focus: Schol; Phil; Rei; Law 06157 Senator Erich Soltow-Stiftung, c/o Wiehern Betreuungsgesellschaft mbH, Rübenkamp 122a, 22307 Hamburg T: (040) 6390120; Fax: 6315600 Established: 1627; Donops): Senator Erich Soltow Expenditures: DM 3.020.000,Focus: Sen 06158 Emest Solvay-Stiftung zur Förderung chemisch-technologischer Forschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baikhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1980; Donor(s): Deutsche Solvay-Werke GmbH Assets: DM 94.778,-, Expenditures: DM 142.000,· Focus: Chem; Eng 06159 Willi Somborn-Stiftung, Losseweg 4, 34253 Lohfelden T: (0561) 951050; Fax: 9510531 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Willi Somborn Assets: DM 2.536.670,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Low cost living space for needy citizens of Hann. Münden only Focus: Hous 06160 Karl Sommer-Obdachlosen· und AltersheimStiftung, do Stadtverwaltung, Marienpl 5, 86316 Friedberg/Bayem Τ: (0821) 6002220; Fax: 6002205 Established: 1971; Donops): Karl Sommer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Home; Sen 06161 Christel und Hans Sommer-Stiftung, Biikenstr 9, 74336 Brackenheim Established: 1993; Donops): Christel und Hans Sommer Limitations: Grants in Brackenheim only Focus: SocW 06162 Mathilde und August Sommer-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg T: (09561) 091205; Fax: 691209 Established: 1921; Donops): Mathilde und August Sommer Assets: DM 6.700,Focus: Blinds; Wan/ 06163 Oswald Sommer-Stiftung, Merziger Str 73-83, 66763 Dillingen Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants to members of the Sommer family only Focus: Fam 06164
Sonntagschule-Stiftung Coburg, do Handwerkskammer Coburg, Hinterer Flossanger 6, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 5170; Fax: 51760 Established: 1821 Assets: DM 150.000,·, Receipts: DM 16.000,·, Expenditures: DM 27.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 06171 Sophien-Stiftung Niederzier, Am Weiherhof 23, 52382 Niederzier Τ: (02428) 95700; Fax: 957198 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Viktor und Sophie Schroeder Assets: DM 50.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06172 Sophlenwohngruppen Heiligenkirchen, Warweg 2-4, 32760 Detmold Τ: (05231) 47483 Established: 1863; Donor(s): Fürstin Sophie zur Lippe Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Child 06173 Sozial- und Kulturstiftung Dettighofen, Berwangerstr 10, 79802 Dettighofen Established: 1980; Donor(s): Walter und Charlotte Brodkorb Assets: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Grants in Dettighofen only Focus: SocW; Cult 06174 Sozial- und Sportstiftung der Kasseler Sparkasse, (formerly: Sozial- und Sportstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Kassel), Wolfsschlucht 9, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7124232; Fax: 7124734; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Georg Lewandowski, Secy: Eckard Wömer, Donor(s): Kasseler Sparkasse Assets: DM 5,000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 270.000,· Limitations: Grants in Kassel oniy Focus: SocW; Sports 06175 Soziale Stiftung der Klempner- und Installateur-Innung, Barmbeker Markt 19, 22081 Hamburg Established: 1933 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 06176 Sozialfonds der Technischen Universität Berlin, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Abteilung ill A 23, Straße des 17.Juni 135, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31424163 Established: 1969 Assets: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.600,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Technische Universität (Berlin) and their relatives only Focus; SocW 06ΐπ Sozialstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, c/o Kreissparkasse Köln, Neumarkt 18-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272278, 2272675; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Köln Expenditures: DM 1.535.000,· Limitations: Grants in the districts of Erftkreis, Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis and Oberbergischer Kreis only Focus: Youth; Sen; Health; SocW . . . 06178
06179 - 06225
Sozialstiftung der Sparkasse Leer-Weener, Mühlenstr 93, 26766 Leer T: (0491) 9898299; Fax; 9898449 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Sparkasse LeerWeener Assets: DM 1.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 90.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Leer only Focus: Youth; Sen; Health 06179
Sparkassen-Stiftung der Sparkasse Schwelm, Hauptstr 63, 58332 Schwelm T: (02336) 917110, 917111; Fax: 917117; Internet: http://www.sparkasse-schwelm.de Established: 1996; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Schwelm Expenditures: DM 24.000,Limitations: Grants in Schwelm only Focus; Child 06192
Sozialstiftung Forst, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Postfach 1290, 76691 Foret Τ: (07251) 7800, 780205; Fax: 780237 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Gemeinde Forst Assets: DM 316.000,·. Expenditures: DM 17.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Forst only Focus: SocW 06180
Sparkassen-Stiftung für Jugend und Sport, c/o Kreissparkasse Freiberg, Poststr 1a, 09599 Freiberg T: (03731) 251021; Fax: 251000; E-Mail: sparkasse ôsparkasse-freibe rg.de Established: 2000; Secy: Bemd-E. Schramm, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Freiberg Expenditures: DM 75.000,ümitations: Grants to charitable organizations in the district of Landkreis Freiberg only Focus: Youth; Sports 06193
Sozialstiftung Köpenick, Wertseestr 37-39a, 12587 Berlin Τ: (030) 6442234; Fax: 6458960 Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants in Köpenick only Focus: SocW; Sen 06181 Sozialstiftung Murr, c/o Bürgermeisteramt Murr, Hindenburgstr 60, 71711 Murr T: (07144) 26990; Fax; 269930 Established: 1997; Donops): Gemeinde Murr Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Grants in Murr only Focus: SocW 06182 Sozialstiftung Waghäusel, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Gymnasiumstr 1, 68753 Wagháusel Τ: (07254) 2070; Fax: 207223 Established: 1989 Assets: DM 220.470,· Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Wagháusel only Focus: SocW 06183 Soziafwerk Sauerland e.V., Wattmecke 3-7, T: (02962) 8080; Fax: 983275; E-Mail: info® sozialwerk-sauerland.de Established: 1976; Chain Dr. Rolf Cornelius Müller, Secy: Peter Hattebur, Donor(s): Erika Müller-Geyer Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06184 Roman und Helmine Spagl-Stiftung, Darmstädter Landstr 125, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 96236171; Fax: 96236175 Established: 1988; Chair: Dr. Günter Paul, Donor(s): Roman und Helmine Spagl Expenditures: DM 53.000,Focus: Cult; Hist 06185 Sparkasse-Bauland-Stiftung, c/o Sparkasse Bauland, Friedrichstr 1, 74706 Osterburken Τ: (06291) 9136; Fax: 9182 Established: 1996; Donops): Sparkasse Bauland Limitations: Grants in the region of Osterburken only Focus: Cult; Youth; SocW 06186 Sparkassen-Kulturstlftung Hessen •Thüringen, do Sparkassen· und Giroverband HessenThüringen. Postfach 101036 , 60010 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2175511; Fax: 2175499 Established: 1989; Secy: Dr. Thomas Wurzel, Donops): Sparkassen- und Giroverband HessenThüringen Assets: DM 30.126.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.702.000,Limitations: Grants in the states of Hessen and Thüringen only Focus: Cult 06187 Sparkassen-Kutturstiftung Wasserburg am Inn der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Wasserburg am Inn, c/o Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse, Postfach 1409, 83504 Wasserburg am Inn Established: 1998; Donops): Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Wasserburg am Inn Limitations: Grants in the district of Wasserburg am Inn only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06188 Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Weißenburg in Bayern, c/o Spaikasse Weißenburg, Postfach 640, 91780 Weißenburg in Bayern T: (09141) 878126; Fax: 878246 Established: 1992 Expenditures: DM 216.000.Limitations: Grants in Weißenburg in Bayern only Focus: Cult; Arts 06189 Sparkassen-Planetarium der Stadt Augsburg, Stiftung der Sparkasse Augsburg, Halderstr 3-5, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3255300; Fax: 3255365 Established: 1986; Donops); Stadtsparkasse Augsburg Assets: DM 3.300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 330.000,Limrtatrons: Applications not accepted Focus: Astron 06190 Sparkassen-Stiftung, Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Werra-Meißner, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str 4042, 37269 Eschwege T: (05651) 306202; Fax: 306210 Established: 1993; Donops): Sparkasse WerraMeißner Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 65.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Werra-MeißnerKreis only Focus: Cult; SocW 06191
Sparkassen-Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur, c/o Kreissparkasse Freiberg, Poststr 1a, 09599 Freiberg T: (03731) 251021; Fax: 251000; E-Mail: spaikasse ©sparkasse-freibe rg.de Established: 2000; Secy: Bemd-E. Schramm, Donops): Kreissparkasse Freiberg Expenditures: DM 120.000,Umitations: Grants to charitable organizations In the district of Landkreis Freiberg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06194 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Soziales und Umweft, do Kreissparkasse Freiberg, Poststr 1a, 09599 Freiberg T: (03731) 251021; Fax: 251000; E-Mail: sparkasse @ sparkasse-freibe rg.de Established: 2000; Secy: Bemd-E. Schramm, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Freiberg Expenditures: DM 75.000,Umitations: Grants to charitable organizations in the district of Landkreis Freiberg only Focus: SocW; Ecol; Youth 06195 Sparkassen-Stiftung fur Sportvereine, TheodorAlthoff-Str 47, 45133 Essen Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Essen Limitations: Grants to sports clubs in Essen only Focus: Sports 06196 Sparkassen-Stiftung Jugend, soziale Aufgaben und Naturschutz, Am Wollhaus 14, 74072 Heilbronn T: (07131) 6381636; Fax: 6381880; Internet: http:// www.ksk.hn.de Established: 1986; Donops): Kreissparkasse Heilbronn Assets: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 268.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Heilbronn only Focus: Youth; SocW; Ecol 06197 Sparkassen-Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Denkmalpflege, Am Wollhaus 14, 74072 Heilbronn T: (07131) 6381636; Fax: 6381880; Internet: http:// www.ksk.hn.de Established: 1986; Donops): Kreissparkasse Heilbronn Assets: DM 5,000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 268.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Heilbronn only Focus: Aris; Cult; Mon 06198 Sparkassen-Stiftung TU Bergakademie Freiberg, c/o Kreissparkasse Freiberg, Poststr 1a, 09599 Freiberg T: (03731) 251021; Fax: 251000; E-Mail: Established: 2000; Secy: Bemd-E. Schramm, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Freiberg Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to TU Bergakademie Freiberg only Focus: Min; Schol 06199 Sparkassen-Stiftung Umweltschutz, Am Hauptbahnhof 2. 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1277904; Fax: 1277914 Established: 1985; Secy: Michael Horn, Donops): Württembergischer Sparkassen- und Giroverband Assets: DM 800.000,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 50.000,· Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Ecol 06200 Sparkassen-Stiftung zur Förderung des Denkmalschutzes, Postfach 2520, 59535 Lippstadt T: (02941) 757113, 757120; Fax: 757193 Established: 1985; Secy: J. Riepe, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Lippstadt Assets: DM 100.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06201 Sparkassen-Stiftung zur Förderung rheinischen Kulturguts, Kirchfeldstr 60, 40217 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 3892243; Fax: 3892254 Established: 1987; Secy: Wolfgang Hoymann, Donops): Rheinischer Sparkassen- und Giroverband Assets: DM 15.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Rheinland only Focus: Cult 06202
Sparkassen-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft Ahlen, Moitkestr 38, 59229 Ahlen T: (02382) 8540; Fax: 854308 Established: 1986 Expenditures: DM 177.000,Limitations: Grants in Ahlen only Focus: Arts; Scie 06203 Sparkassenstiftung, c/o Stadtkámmerei, Postfach 101260, 27512 Bremerhaven Τ: (0471) 479471; Fax: 479476 Established: 1963; Donor(s): Städtische Spaikasse Bremerhaven Assets: DM 150.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Bremerhaven only Focus: Educ; Arts 06204 Sparkassenstlftung, Rathauspl 5-7, 49525 Lengerich Τ: (05481) 802113; Fax: 802118 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Lengerich Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Arts; Mon 06205 Sparkassenstlftung Bad Langensalza, Postfach 65, 99962 Mühlhausen Τ: (03601) 495130; Fax: 495333 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse UnstrutHainich Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 55.000,-, Expenditures: DM 55.000,Limitations: Grants in the former district of Kreis Bad Langensalza only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Scie; Res; Ecol; Youth; Sen; Health; SocW 06206 Sparkassenstiftung Berchtesgadener Land, Postfach 2154, 83423 Bad Reichenhall Τ: (08651) 707101; Fax: 707107 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Sparkasse Berchtesgadener Land Assets: DM 2.068.100,Limitations: Grants in the district of Berchtesgadener Land only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06207 Sparkassenstlftung der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Speyer, c/o Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Speyer, Wormser Str 39, 67343 Speyer T: (06232) 103215; Fax: 103332 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Speyer Limitations: Grants in the region of Speyer only Focus: Youth; Sports; Cult 06208 Sparkassenstlftung der Kreissparkasse Altenkirchen, Schloßpl, 57610 Altenkirchen Τ: (02681) 870; Fax: 87119 Established: 1988 Expenditures: DM 30.000,Umitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Altenkirchen only Focus: Cult
Sparkassenstlftung der Kreissparkasse Bernkastel-Wittlich, Schlossstr 2-4, 54516 Wittlich Τ: (06571) 959102; Fax: 959234 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Bemkastel-Wittlich Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Grants In the district of Kreis Bemkastel-Wittlich only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06210 Sparkassenstlftung der Kreissparkasse Bltburg-Prüm, Trierer Str 46, 54634 Bitburg T: (06561) 16214; Fax: 16312 Established: 1983; Chair: Herr Friedrichs, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Bitburg-Prüm Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 143.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Bitburg-Prùm only Focus: Youth; Sen 06211 Sparkassenstlftung der Kreissparkasse Grevenbroich Im Kreis Neuss, Oberstr 114-124, 41460 Neuss T: (02131) 971090; Fax: 971019 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Sparkasse Neuss Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in Grevenbroich, Dormagen, Meerbusch, Jüchen and Rommerskirchen only Focus; SocW 06212 Sparkassenstlftung der Kreissparkasse RheinHunsrOck, Postfach 360, 55463 Simmem T: (06761) 851104 Established: 1983 Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Rhein-HunsrückKreis only Focus: Youth; Educ; Voc 06213 Sparkassenstlftung der Stadtsparkasse Kaarst-Büttgen, Robert-Grootens-Pl 2-4, 41564 Kaarst Τ: (02131) 985104; Fax: 985409 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Stadtspaikasse KaarstBüttgen Limitations: Grants in Kaarst only Focus: Arts; Cult; Sports; Sen; Hand; Youth 06214
Germany: Sparkassenstiftung Sparkassenstlftung des Landkreises Kassel Kultur, WoHsschlucht 9, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7124232; Fax: 7124232; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Chair Landrat Dr. Udo Schlrtzberger, Secy: Eckard Wömer, Donor(s): Kasseler Sparkasse Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Kassel only Focus: Cult 06215 Sparkassenstlftung Freising, do Sparkasse Freising, Postfach 1842, 85318 Freising T: (08161) 560; Fax: 56125 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Freising Limitations: Grants in Freising only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Hist 06216 Sparkassenstlftung fur den Landkreis Kitzingen, c/o Spaikasse Mainfranken Würzburg, Hofstr 9, 97070 Würzburg Established: 1999; Donops): Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Kitzingen Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Kitzingen only Focus: Cult; Sports; Ecol; Landsc; SocW; Sports 06217 Sparkassenstlftung für den Landkreis MainSpessart, c/o Sparkasse Mainfranker, Marktpl 2, 97816 Lohr am Main T: (09352) 5020; Fax: 502110; Internet: http;// www.sparkasse-mainfranken.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Sparkasse MainFranken Würzburg Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis MainSpessart only Focus: Hist; Cult; Sports; Educ; SocW; AnimP; Mon; Ecol 06218 Sparkassenstiftung für den Rheln-Sieg-Krels, Stiftung fur Sport, Kunst, Kultur, Natur und Umwelt, An der Stadtmauer 1-5, 53721 Siegburg T: (02241) 100930; Fax: 100936 Established: 1995; Secy: Walter Viebahn, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Siegburg Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Rhein-SiegKreis only Focus: Sports; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Landsc . 06219 Sparkassenstlftung für die Grafschaft Bentheim, Bahnhofstr 11, 48529 Nordhorn Τ: (05921) 98261; Fax: 98452 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Grafschaft Bentheim zu Nordhorn Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Grafschaft Bentheim only Focus: Sports; Cult; Educ; Ecol . . . . 06220 Sparkassenstlftung für die Stadt Würzburg, Hofstr 9, 97070 Würzburg T: (0931) 30960; Fax: 3096306 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Städtische Sparkasse Würzburg Assets: DM 7.100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 580.000,Limitations: Grants in Würzburg orly Focus: Youth; Educ; Health 06221 Sparkassenstfftung für internationale Kooperation e.V., Buschstr 32, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 97030; Fax: 9703613; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.Sparkassenstifturg.de Established: 1992; Chair Dr. Holger Bemdt, Secy: Dr. Peter Langkamp Assets: DM 10.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Dev 06222 Sparkassenstfftung für Jugend, Sport und Umwelt, Nieheimer Str 2, 33034 Brakel T; (05272) 366102; Fax: 366260 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Zweckverbandssparkasse Höxter, Brakel Expenditures: DM 23.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Brakel only Focus: Youth; Sports; Ecol 06223 Sparkassenstlftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Bismarckpl 10, 41061 Mönchengladbach T: (02161) 2793650; Fax: 2793637 Established: 1978; Donorjs): Stadtsparkasse Mönchengladbach Assets: DM 2.625.000,-, Expenditures: DM 171.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Scie
Sparkassenstlftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Straubing-Bogen, Postfach 0451, 94034 Straubing T: (09421) 863250; Fax: 863246 Established: 1997; Secy: Josef Loibl, Donor(s): Sparkasse Straubing-Bogen Limitations: Grants to citizens of Straubing and in the district of Straubing-Bogen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Res; Educ; SocW; Youth; Sen; Mon 06225
Germany: Sparkassenstiftung Sparkassenstiftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Vereinigten Sparkassen Weißenburg in Bayern, Friedrich-Ebert-Str 11, 91781 Weißenburg in Bayern Established: 1992 Limitations: Grants in Weißenburg in Bayern only Focus: Cult; Arts; Educ 06226 Sparkassenstiftung im Landkreis Tirschenreuth, Maximtlianpl 12, 95643 Tirschenreuth T: (09631) 85109; Fax: 85108 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Sparkasse im Landkreis Tirschenreuth Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Tirschenreuth only Focus: Arts; Cult; Ecol; AnimP; Mon; Hist; Sports; Hort 06227 Sparkassenstiftung Innovationspreis, c/o Sparkasse Villingen-Schwenningen, Geiberstr 45, 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen T: (07721) 291190; Fax: 291190 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse Villingen· Schwenningen Focus: Indu; CommT 06226 Sparkassenstiftung Jugend hat Zukunft im Kreis Herford, Postfach 2153, 32045 Herford T: (05221) 161465; Fax: 161489 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Sparkasse Herford Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 75.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Herford only Focus: Youth 06229 Sparkassenstiftung Kleve, c/o Sparkasse Kleve, Hagsche Str 33, 47533 Kleve T: (02821) 88209; Fax: 88225 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse Kleve Limitations: Grants in Kleve only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Youth; SocW; Sports 06230 Sparkassenstiftung Kunst und Kultur im Kreis Herford, Postfach 2153, 32045 Herford T: (05221) 161465; Fax: 161489; E-Mail: Dhoffmeister® sparkasse-Herford.de Established; 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Herford Expenditures: DM 75.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Herford only Focus: Arts; Cult 06231 Sparkassenstiftung Landkreis Kassel - Kultur -, Wolfsschlucht 9, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 7124232; Fax: 7124734; E-Mail: info© kasseler-sparkasse.de; Internet: http://www.kasselersparkasse.de Established: 1993; Secy: Eckard Wömer, Donops): Kreissparkasse Kassel Expenditures: DM 270.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Kassel only Focos: Cult; Scie 06232 Sparkassenstiftung Landkreis Kassel Soziales und Sport, Wolfsschlucht 9, 34117 T: (0561) 7124232; Fax: 7124734; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kasseler-sparkasse.de Established: 1997; Chair: Landrat Dr. Udo Schlitzberger, Secy: Eckard Wömer, Donor(s): Kasseler Sparkasse Assets: DM 5.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Lrmitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Kassel only Focus: SocW; Sports 06233 Sparkassenstiftung Memmingen-Mlndelhelm, St. Josefs-Kirchpl 6-8, 87700 Memmingen T: (08331) 609320; Fax: 609329 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Sparkasse Memmingen-Mindelheim Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 06234 Sparkassenstiftung Mülheim an der Ruhr, c/o Sparkasse Mülheim, Berliner PI 1, 45466 Mülheim an der Ruhr Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Mülheim an der Ruhr only Focus: SocW; Youth; Educ; Ecol; Sports . 06235 Sparkassenstiftung Museum für bildende Kunst im Landkreis Neu-Ulm, c/o Sparkasse Neu-Ulm-Illertissen, Insel 13, B9231 Neu-Ulm T: (0731) 709140; Fax: 709111 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Spartisse Neu-UlmIllertissen Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 06236 Sparkassenstiftung Natur und Umweit Im Kreis Herford, Postfach 2153, 32045 Herford T: (05221) 161465; Fax: 161489 Established: 1986 Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Herford only Focus: NatS; Ecol 06237
06226 - 06275 Sparkassenstlftung Naturschutz der Stadtsparkasse Uppetadt, Postfach 2520, 59535 Lippstadt Τ: (02941) 757113, 757120; Fax: 757193 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Lippstadt Assets: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Applications not. Focus: Ecol 06236 Sparkassenstlftung Neuss, Oberstr 110-124, 41460 Neuss Τ: (02131) 971090; Fax: 971019 Established: 1992; Donops): Sparkasse Neuss Assets: DM 3.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Umitatons: Grants in Neuss only Focus: SocW 06239 Sparkassenstiftung Pöttmes, tío Stadtsparkasse Aichach, Donauwörther Str 9-13, 86551 Aichach T: (08521) 94142; Fax: 94132 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Aichach Limitations: Grants in the region of Aichach only Focus: Arts; Cult; Youth; Sports . . . . 06240 Sparkassenstiftung Roth-Schwabach, tío Sparkasse Roth-Schwabach, Postfach 1461, 91152 Roth T: (09171) 821821; Fax: 821829 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Spaikasse Roth· Schwabach Limitations: Grants in Schwabach and the district of Landkreis Roth only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 0624/ Sparkassenstlftung Schifferstadt, Bahnhofstr 37, 67105 Schifferstadt Τ: (06235) 932200; Fax: 932101 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Schifferstadt Limitations: Grants in Schifferstadt only Focus: SocW; Rei; Arts; Cult; Mon; Hist; Sports; Ecol 06242 Sparkassenstiftung Schleswig-Holstein, Postfach 4120, 24100 Kiel Τ: (0431) 5335503; Fax: 5335590; Internet: http:// www.SGVSH.de Established: 1995; Donops); Sparkassen- und Giroverband für Schleswig-Holstein Assets: DM 20.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06243 Sparkassenstiftung Tauberfranken, c/o Sparkasse Tauberfranken, Hauptstr 68, 97941 Taube rbischofsheim Τ: (09341) 84120; Fax: 84260; E-Mail: ¡nfo0sparkasse-tauberfranken.de; Internet: http:// www.sparkasse-tauberfranken.de Established: 1997; Secy: Uwe Klauer, Donops): Sparkasse Tauberfranken Expenditures: DM 19.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Tauberfranken only Focus: Youth; Lit; Arts; Educ 06244 Sparkassensttftung Uecker-Randow, Stettiner Str 13, 17309 Pasewalk T: (03973) 434104; Fax: 210640; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.spkuecker-randow.de Established: 1998; Chain Hans-Georg Führer, Donor(s): Spaikasse Uecker-Randow Expenditures: DM 49.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis UeckerRandow only Focus: Scie; Res; Ecol; Mon; Hist; Arts; Sports; Cult; Youth; IntU 06245 Sparkassenstiftung Umwelt und Natur im Zollernalbkreis, Friedrichstr 3, 72336 Balingen T; (07433) 13240; Fax: 13300 Established; 1996; Donops): Sparkasse Zollemalb Limitations: Grants in the district of Zollernalbkreis only Focus: Ecol; Landsc 06246 Sparkassensttftung WakJeck-Frankenberg, Nordwall 6-8, 34497 Korbach Τ: (05631) 952111; Fax: 952204 Established: 1985; Donops): Sparkasse WaldeckFrankenberg Limitations; Grants In the district of Kreis WaldeckFrankenberg only Focus: Cult; Ecol; Landsc 06247 Sparkassenstlftung Zukunft Landkreis ElbeElster, c/o Sparlasse Eibe-Elster, Postfach 1220, 03231 Finsterwalde Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis ElbeElster only Focus: Cuit; Youth; Health 06248 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung der Jugend, Stuttgarter Str 31, 72250 Freudenstadt T: (07441) 5331222; Fax: 5331610; Internet: http:// www.ksk-fds.de Established: 1986; Donops): Kreissparkasse Freudenstadt Assets: DM 350.000,·, Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Freudenstadt only Focus: Youth 06249
Sparkassenstlftung zur Förderung der Kultur in Kamen, c/o Städtische Sparkasse Kamen, WillyBiandt-Pl 9, 59174 Kamen T: (02307) 145110; Fax: 145481 Established: 1993; Donorts): Städtische Sparkasse Kamen Limitations: Grants in Kamen only Focus: Cult 06250 Sparkassenstlftung zur Förderung der Kunst der Stadtsparkasse Lippstadt, Postfach 2520, 59535 Lippstadt Τ: (02941) 757113, 757120; Fax: 757193 Established: 1987; Secy: J. Riepe, Donops): Stadtsparkasse Lippstadt Assets: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 06251 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung des Jugendamateursports Im Kreis Herford, Postfach 2153. 32045 Herford T: (05221) 161465; Fax: 161489 Established: 1984 Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 75.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Herford only Focus: Sports 06252 Sparkassenstlftung zur Förderung von Jugend und Umwelt, tío Sparkasse LörrachRheinfelden, Postfach 1220, 79537 Lörrach T: (07621) 411211; Fax: 411217 Established: 1996; Donops): Sparkasse LörrachRheinfelden Limitations: Grants in Lörrach and Rheinfelden only Focus: Youth; Ecol 06253 Sparkassensttftung zur Förderung von Kultur und Heimatpflege im Kreis Paderborn, c/o Sparkasse Paderborn, Hathumarstr 15-19, 33098 Paderborn T: (05251) 292361; Fax: 292382 Established: 1988; Donops): Spaikasse Paderborn Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Paderborn only Focus: Cult; Hist 06254 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kultur, Wissenschaft und Heimatpflege in der Stadt Paderborn, Hathumarstr 15-19, 33096 Paderborn T: (05251) 292361; Fax: 292382 Established: 1988; Donops): Spaikasse Paderborn Assets: DM 1.064.000,·, Expenditures: DM 403.000,Limitations: Grants in Paderborn only Focus: Cult; Scie 06255 Sparkassenstlftung zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Jugend· und Altenhilfe Vreden, Wessendorferstr 8-12 , 48691 Vreden T: (02564) 308230; Fax: 308290 Established: 1986; Donops): Sparkasse Vreden Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 70.000,· Limitations: Grants in Vreden only Focus: Arts; Cult; Youth; Sen 06256 Sparkassenstlftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Postfach 8025, 59457 Werl T: (02922) 802112; Fax: 802500 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Spaikasse Werl Expenditures: DM 140,000,· Limitations: Grants in Werl only Focus: Arts; Scie 06257 Sparkassenstlftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft der Stadtsparkasse Werne, Markt 17-19, 59368 Werne T: (02389) 789111, 789150; Fax: 789117; Internet: http^/www.ssk-weme.de Established: 1984; Chair G.-L. Drosen, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Werne Assets: DM 261.920,· Limitations: Grants in Werne only Focus: Arts; Scie 06258 Maximilian Speck von Sternburg Stiftung, c/o Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Grimmaische Str 1-7, 04109 Leipzig T: (0341) 216990; Fax: 9609925; E-Mail: Speck. v.Stemburg.Stiftungdt-online.de Established: 1996; Chair Wolf-Dietrich Freiherr Speck von Stemburg, Donops): WoH-Dietrich Freiherr Speck von Stemburg, Ilse Freifrau Speck von Stemburg Assets: DM 101.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 154.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Alts 06259 Emst August Spee-Stlftung, Bachstr 2, 35080 Bad Endbach T: (02776) 372 Established: 1991; Donops): Emst August Spee Asseis: DM 333.000,Focus: SocW; Youth; Sen; Cult . . . . 06260 Prof. Albeit Speer-Stiftung, Hedderichstr 108-110, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6050110; Fax: 60501160 Established: 1994; Donops): Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Albeit Speer Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Focus: Archit 06261
Speidel-Stfftung, Feuerbacher Weg 51, 70192 Stuttgart T: (0711) 22299710; Fax: 22299777 Established: 1989; Chair: Norbert Η. Quack, Donor(s): Agathe Speidel, Irmgard Mühischlegel· Speidel Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Youth; Sen . . 06262 Spener'sche Stiftung, c/o Lutz Mielke, Koblenzer Str 7, 10715 Berlin T: (030) 8537226 Established: 1847; Chair Ingrid Lücke, Lutz Mielke, Donops): Sophie Spener Assets: DM 955.000.·, Receipts: DM 70.000,-, Expenditures: DM 68.000,Focus: SocW; Schol 06263 Spezialfonds dei Behörde für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales, Adojph-Schönfelder-Str 5 , 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428633997; Fax: 428634343 Established: 1898; Secy: Wolfgang Müller, Donops): FH Hamburg Assets: DM 1.770.000,·, Expenditures: DM 215.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SOCW 06264 Dr. Karl-Heinz-Spiegel Stiftung, Bulkersteig 32, 45277 Essen T: (0201) 8586782, 473210 Established: 1996 Focus: Arts; Cult; Ecoi; Sports 06265 Gustav Splerllng-Stiftung, Eißendorfer Grenzweg 28, 21077 Hamburg T: (040) 7602122; Fax: 7404485 Established: 1977; Donops): Gustav Spierling Expenditures: DM 60.000,Umrtations: Grants in Hamburg only . . . 06266 Otto Luitpold Spies-Sozialstlftung, Jahnstr 6, 87509 Immenstadt Τ: (08323) 404t; Fax: 8136 Established: 1995; Donops): Otto Luitpold Spies Expenditures: DM 167.000,Umitations: Grants in the region of Oberallgäu only Focus: SocW 06267 Geschwister Erna und Hedwig Spies-Stiftung, Rathausstr 75, 57537 Wissen Τ: (02742) 9390; Fax: 939200 Established: 1983; Donops): Erna und Hedwig Spies Assets: DM 260.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants in Wissen only Focus: SocW 06268 Philomena SpieB'sche Wohltätlgkeltsetlftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Klosterburg 3, 92280 Kasti Established: 1924; Donops): Philomena Spie Assets: DM 9.900,· Limitations: Grants in Kastl only Focus: SocW 06269 Heinrich Spindelmann-Sttftung, tío Stadt Essen, Sozialamt, Kennedypl 3, 45121 Essen Τ: (0201) 8850104; Fax: 8888510 Established: 1927; Donor(s): Johann Heinrich Spindelmann Assets: DM 11.300.000,· Limitations: Grants in Altenessen and Karnap only Focus: Orp; Child; SocW 06270 Spital-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Donauwörth, Rathausgasse 1, 86609 Donauwörth Τ: (0906) 789210; Fax: 789999 Established: 1393 Expenditures: DM 4.144.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Spital-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Tirschenreuth, Stadtkâmmerei, Maximilianpl 35, 95643 Tirschenreuth Τ: (09631) 60910, 60923; Fax: 60949 Established: 1254 Assets: DM 2.080.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; SocW 06272 Spltal'Stiftung Neunburg vorm Wald, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 92431 Neunburg vorm Wald T: (09672) 92080; Fax: 920877; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.neunburg.de Established: 1398; Secy: 1. Bürgermeister der Stadt Neunburg vorm Wald, Donor(s): Kurfürst Ruprechl III. von der Pfalz Assets: DM 12.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 3.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.400.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06273 S pita I-Stiftung Pfrelmd, c/o Stadt Pfreimd, Marienpl 2, 92536 Pfreimd T: (09606) 8890; Fax: 88950 Established: 1574; Donops): Ottmar Reger Expenditures: DM 2.756.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06274 Spital· und Gutleuthausfonds Oberkirch, c/o Stadtkâmmerei, Eisenbahnstr 1, 77704 Oberkirch T: (07802) 82220; Fax: 84412; Internet: http:// www.oberkiich.de Established: 1906; Chair BM Willi Stachele, Secy: Christoph Huber Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 06275
06276- 06329
Spital- und Pründefonds Kandern, Papierweg 11, 79400 Kandern T: (07626) 91550; Fax: 915542; E-Mail: luise· klaiber-haus θ kandem.de Established: 1Θ27; Chain Bürgermeister der Stadt Kandern, Secy: Herr Scherer, Donops): Zünfte des Sausenkarder Viertels Assets: DM 11.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 3.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.800.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06276 Spital- und Spendfonds, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 88662 Überlingen T: (07551) 991200; Fax: 991433 Established: 1224 Expenditures: DM 59.584.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06277 Spital- und Vereinigte Wohltätigkeit«· Stiftung, c/o Stadt Gundelfingen an der Donau, Sitzenbergerstr 4, 69423 Gundelfingen an der Donau T: (09073) 9980; Fax: 998100 Established: 1416 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06278 Spítaifonds Bonndorf, Martinstr 57, 79646 Bonndorf T: (07703) 93950; Fax: 939544 Established: 1769; Secy: August Gatti, Donor(s): Fürstabt Martin II. Gerbert Assets: DM 6.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06279 Spitalfonds Burkhelm, c/o Ortsverwaltung Burkheim, 79235 Vogtsburg Τ: (07662) 272 Established: 1574; Donor(s): Lazarus von Schwendi Limitations: Grants in Voglsburg only Focus: SocW 06280 Spltalfonds der Stadt Buchen, Wimpinap! 3, 74722 Buchen Τ: (06261) 310; Fax: 31151 Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants in Buchen only Focus: SocW; Sen 06281 Spitalfonds Ettenhelm, c/o Stadt Ettenheím, Bürgermeisteramt, Postfach 260, 77951 Ettenheím Τ: (07822) 43220; Fax: 43250 Chair Bürgermeister der Stadt Ettenheím Expenditures: DM 52.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 06282 Spitalfonds Markdorf, Spitalstr 11, 86677 Mardorf Τ: (07544) 5000; Fax: 500125 Established: 1940 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen
Spitalfonds MeBklrch, c/o Alten- und Pflegeheim, Ziegelbühlstr 2, 86605 Meßkircti Τ: (07575) 4533, 20623; Fax: 5354 Established: 1550; Donor(s): Grafen von Zimmern Expenditures: DM 1.456.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06284 Spitalfonds Pfullendorf, Alte Postgasse 1, 66630 Pfullendoil T: (07552) 252461; Fax: 252451 Established: 1258; Donops): Stadt Pfullendorf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen £36265 Spttaffonds Radolfzell, Hausherrenstr 12, 78315 Radolfzell T: (07732) 861; Fax: 68425; Internet: http:// www.krankenhaus-radolfzell.de Established: 1366 Expenditures: DM 32.402.000,Umitations: Grants in Radolfzell only Focus: Nurs 06286 Spitalfonds Schönau/Schwarzwald, c/o Krankenhausverwaltung, Friedrichstr 48, 79677 Schönau/Schwarzwald Τ: (07673) 820510; Fax: 820516 Established: 1360 Expenditures: DM 3.001.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 06287 Spltalfonde Staufer, c/o Gemeinderai, Rathaus, Hauptstr 53, 79219 Staufen Τ: (07633) 8050 Established: 1534; Donor(s): Freiherr Hans Ludwig vori Staufen Assets: DM 1.919.000,·, Expenditures: DM 372.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06288 Spitalfonds Vllllngen, Obere Str 4, 78050 Villingen-Schwenningen Τ: (07721) 33132; Fax: 32033 Established: 1300; Secy: Ute Lichtblau, Donops): Landgraf Heinrich von Fürstenberg, Gräfin Agnes von Fürstenberg Assets: DM 53.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.400.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06289
Spitalstiftung Auerbach in der Oberpfalz, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Oberer Marktpl 1, 91275 Auerbach in der Oberpfalz T: (09643) 1713, 2011; Fax: 2035; Internet httpjl www.auerbach.de Established: 1380 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06290
Sportjugendstiftung der bayerischen Sparkassen, Karolinenpl 5, 80333 München T: (089) 21731502; Fax: 21732118; E-Mail: ingo.krueger@ svb-muc.de Established: 1999; Secy: Dr. Ingo Krüger, Donops): Die bayerischen Sparkassen Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Sports 06303
Spitalstiftung Berching, c/o Stadt Berching, Pettenkoferpí 12, 92334 Berching T: (08462) 2050; Fax: 20590 Established: 1335 Assets: DM 486.000,·, Expenditures: DM 55.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06291
Sportstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, c/o Kreissparkasse Köln, Neumarkt 16-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272935, 2272675; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Köln Expenditures: DM 449.000,Limitations: Grants in the districts of Erftkreis, Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis and Obeibergischer Kreis only Focus: Sports 06304
Spitalstlftung Freystadt, Marktpl 6,92342 Freystadt Τ: (09179) 5339 Established: 1300; Secy: Frau G. Eichenseher, Donor(s): Herren von Stein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06292 Spitalstlftung Irlbach, Graf-von-Bray-Str 14, 94342 Irlbach Τ: (09424) 94030; Fax: 940315 Established: 1469/1993; Secy: Dr. Adalbert Freiherr von Poschinger-Bray, Donops): Jörg und Dorothee Klosner Expenditures: DM 310.000,Limitations: Applications not Focus: Child; Hous 06293 Spitalstlftung Kelheim, do Stadt Kelheirn, Postfach 1529, 93306 Kelheim T: (09441) 701248; Fax: 701229; E-Mail: kelheim ©t-online.de Established: 1232; Secy: 1. Bürgermeister Reiche, Donorfs): Heizog Otto der Erlauchte von Bayern Expenditures: DM 142.082.000,Limitations: Grants in Kelheim only Focus: Hous 06294
Spftalstfftung Konstanz, c/o Stadt Konstanz, Stiftungsverwaltung, Postfach 5346, Konstanz T: (07531) 8013000; Fax: 8013009 Established: 1225; Secy: Herr Voß, Donor(s): Heinrich von Bitzenhofen, Ulrich Blarer Expenditures: DM 160.135.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Nurs 06295 Spitalstlftung Kronach, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1761, 96307 Kronach T: (09261) 2538; Fax: 97289 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 06296 Spitalstiftung Pattendorf, 84056 Rottenburg Established: 1493 Assets: DM 23.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06297 Spitalstlftung Sankt Josef Ottobeuren, Markt Ottobeuren, 87724 Ottobeuren T: (08332) 7950; Fax: 795270 Established: 1900 Assets: DM 20.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 8.200.000,Limitatrons: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06298 Spitalstlftung Vilseck, c/o Stadt Vilseck, Marktpl 13, 92249 Vilseck T: (09662) 9920, 9930; Fax: 9919 Established: 1475; Donor(s): Albert Frank, Baibara Frank Assets: DM 362.100,·, Receipts: DM 33.000,-, Expenditures: DM 33.000,Limitatlons: Grants in Vilseck only Focus: Hous 06299 Spitalstlftung Zusmarshausen, Untere Schloßstr 21, 86441 Zusmarshausen Τ: (08291) 1796 Established: 1534; Donorfs): Bischof Christoph von Augsburg Limitations: Grants in Zusmarshausen only Focus: Sen 06300 Sport In der Schule In Baden-Württemberg, o/o Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Baden-Württemberg, Postfach 103442, 70029 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2792623; Fax: 2792795; E-Mail: KarLWeinmann θ km.kv.bwi.de Established: 1996; Secy: Karl Weinmann, Donops): Kultusministerium Baden-Württemberg, Badischer· und Württemberger Sparkassen- und Giroverband, AOK Baden-Württemberg, EDEKA BadenWürttemberg, Kellogg (Deutschland) GmbH Expenditures: DM 170.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Sports 06301 Sportförderungsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Weiden, Postfach 2553, 92615 Weiden T: (0961) 63101; Fax: 83106 Established: 1995; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Weiden Assets: DM 2.420.000,Limitations: Grants in Weiden only Focus: Sports 06302
Sportstiftung der Sparkasse SchleswigFlensburg, c/o Sparkasse Schleswig-Flensburg, Stadtweg 18, 24837 Schleswig T: (04621) 691101 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse SchleswigRensburg Limitations: Grants in the region of SchleswigFlensburg only Focus: Sports 06305 Sportstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, c/o Sparkasse Steinfurt, Bahnhofstr 2, 48565 Steinfurt T: (02551) 650; Fax: 65105; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Donor(s): Sparkasse Steinfurt Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Steinfurt only Focus: Sports 06306 Sportstiftung Main-Kinzig, Barbarossastr 20, 63571 Gelnhausen T: (06051) 854458 Established: 1987; Secy: Jürgen May, Donops): Landrat des Main-Kinzig-Kreises, Hessischer Joumalistenverband Ortsgruppe Hanau Assets: DM 180.000,·, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Mainz-KinzigKreis only Focus: Sports 06307 Sportstiftung Wattenscheid, Hochstr 19, 44666 Bochum T: (02327) 98450; Fax: 964550 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Dr. Ing. h.c. Klaus Steilmann Assets: DM 320.000,Limitations: Grants in Wattenscheid only Focus: Sports 06308 Stiftung Sammlung Bernhard Sprengel, Poelzigweg 5b, 30559 Hannover T: (0511) 513520; Fax: 5293306 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Dr. Bernhard Sprengel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 06309 Sozialstiftung der Grafen von Spreti, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München T: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; Internet: http Jl www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Wolfram Graf von Spreti Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; SocW 06310 Axel Springer-Stiftung Schierensee, c/o Gut Schierensee, 24241 Schierensee Established: 1963; Donor(s): Axel Springer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06311 Enno und Christa Springmann-Stiftung, c/o SV Sliftungsverwathjngs GmbH, ßarkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http -Jl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Enno und Christa Springmann Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 06312 Dr. Alfred Springorum-Sttftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Alexanderstr 18, 42103 Wuppertal Τ: (020) 25632126; Fax: 25636433; E-Mail: armin.schroederÔgb2.wuppe rtal.de Established: 1959; Donor(s): Dr. Alfred Springorum Expenditures: DM 42.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to needy Protestant students in Wuppertal only Focus: Schol 06313 Siegward Sprotte-Stiftung, Postfach 2267, 53012 Bonn Τ: (0222) 934559; Fax: 934569; Internet: http:// www.sprotte-stiftung.de Established: 1992; Chair Cosmea Sprotte, Donor(s): Siegward Sprotte Limitations: Applications ml accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Phil; Ut 06314
Germany: Staff-Stiftung
SRH-Holdlng, Bonhoefferstr 1, 69123 Heidelberg T: (06221) 8223100; Fax: 8223109; E-Mail: info® srti.de; Internet: http ://www.srh.de Established: 1966; Chain Klaus Hekking, Donor(s): Stoeckerwerk e.V. Heidelberg Expenditures: DM 752.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Educ; SocW; Nurs; Reh; Hand; Med; Eng; SocS 06315 Hans und Ilse Staab-Stiftung, Hofgartenstr 66, 55545 Bad Kreuznach Τ: (0671) 2030; Fax: 47041 Established: 1989; Chair Eduard H. Gampper, Donor(s): Hans Staab Assets: DM 4.000.000,Focus: SocW 06316 Staatlich verwaltete Stiftung Studlenseminar Landshut Freyung 630, 84028 Landshut Τ: (0871) 22873; Fax: 22835 Established: 1631; Donor(s): Domkanonikus Wilhelm Sixtus Kepser Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Educ 06317 Wilhelm Stabernack-Stlftung, Richard-StabemackStr, 36341 Lauterbach T: (06641) 810; Fax: 81487 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Wilhelm Stabemack Assets: DM 120.000,· Focus: SocW 06318 Gisela Stadeimann-Stlftung, Geissberg 21, 63303 Dreieich Established: 1999 Limitations: Predetermined grants to the JohannWolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Med; Uni 06319 Helene Stadelmayr-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Rosenheim, Liegenschaftsamt, Postfach 1209, 83013 Rosenheim Τ: (08031) 361250, 361257; Fax: 362006 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Helene Stadelmayr Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06320 Stadler Naturschutz-Stiftung, Justus-Liebig-Str 10, 61273 Wehrtieim Focus: Ecol 06321 Franz Xaver Stadler'sche Armen- und Krankenstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 86470 Thannhausen Τ: (08261) 9010; Fax: 90120 Established: 1664; Chair: 1. Bürgermeister Johannes Schropp, Donops): Franz Xaver Stadler Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 06322 Stadt-Kumamoto-Stiftung, c/o Kämmereiamt, Rathaus, Marktpl 10, 69117 Heidelberg T: (06221) 581319; Fax: 564920 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Stadt Kumamoto Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med; IntU 06323 Stadt-Stiftung Gütersloh, Carl-Bertelsmann-Str 256, 33311 Gütersloh T: (05241) 97130; Fax: 819668; Internet: http:// www.stadtstiftung.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Reinhard Mohn Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in Gütersloh only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Health; Youth; SocW 06324 Stadt-Stiftung Quakenbrück - Bürger für Ihre Stadt, Im Rathaus, 49610 Quakenbrück T: (05431) 182100 Established: 1999; Chair Klaus-Peter Schulz Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Fam; Educ; Arts; Cult; SocW 06325 Städtische milde Stiftungen, c/o Stadt Gôttingen, Hiroshimapl 1-4, 37070 Göttingen Τ: (0551) 4002858; Fax: 4002702 Established: 1831 Expenditures: DM 1.100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06326 Städtisches Zentralhospital Görlitz, c/o Stadtverwaltung Görlitz, Untermarkt 6-8, 02826 Görlitz T: (03581) 671302; Fax: 671270 Established: 1866; Donops): Vereinigung der vier städtischen Hospitäler Limitations: Predetermined grants in Görlitz only Focus: Nurs 06327 Sebald S t ä d t i s c h e Wohltätigkeitsstiftung in Roth, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 91154 Roth T: (09171) 848142; Fax: 848168 Established: 1737; Donor(s): Sebald Städtler Assets: DM 495,370,Focus: SocW; Sen 06328 Staff-Stiftung, Waterfohr 40, 32657 Lemgo T: (05261) 4119; Fax: 17104 Established: 1987; Chair: Walter Bergmeier, Klaus Korn, Donops): Alfred Staff, Werner Staff-Starke Assets: DM 300.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Lippe only Focus: Ecol 06329
Germany: Stahlgruber-Stiftung
Stahlgruber-Stiftung, Mumauer Str 61, 81379 München Τ: (089) 71002103; Fax: 71002106 Established: 1970; Chair: Herr von Hoemer, Secy: Herr Kiechl, Donor(s): Otto Gruber, Willi Gruber Assets: DM 23.400.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aut; Adult 06330
Sta life rsttftung Göppingen, Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Göppingen, Postlach 809, 73006 Göppingen T: (07161) 14201; Fax: 14649 Established: 1993; Secy: Walter Ziegler, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Göppingen Assets: DM 300.000,Focus: Cult; Hist 06345
Martha und Clemens Stahlschmldt-Stlflung, Cácilienstr 6, 57234 Wilnsdorf Τ: (0271) 3937570; Fax: 3937572 Established: 1981; Chair: Dieter Bergmann, Donor(s): Clemens Stahlschmidt Assets: DM 270.000,-, Receipts: DM 14.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.200,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06331
Steag-Voerde-Sttftung, c/o Steag AG, 45117 Essen Τ: (0201) 8016605; Fax: 8012299 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Steag AG Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 06346
Stahistiftung Saarland, Bismarckstr 57-59, 66333 Völklingen Established: 1967; Donor(s); Saarstahl Völklingen GmbH Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06332 Paul Stalling-Stiftung, Maienstr 12-14, 26121 Oldenburg/Oldenburg Established: 1945; Donor(s): Paul Georg Heinrich Stalling Assets: DM 1.282.960,-, Expenditures: DM 63.000,Limitations: Grants in Oldenburg/Oldenburg only Focus: SocW 06333 Emmi Stallmann-Stiftung, c/o Museum Hameln, Osterstr 9, 31785 Hameln Τ: (05151) 202217; Fax: 202815 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Emmi Stallmann Focus: Scie; Cult 06334 Hedwig Stalter-Stiftung, c/o Universität des Saarlandes, Institut für Humangenetik, 66421 Homburg T: (06894) 8133 Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants to Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken only Focus: Schol; Genet 06335 Friedrich Stammberger-Stlftung, Stahnsdorfer Damm 77, 14532 Kleinmachnow T: (033203) 36600; Fax: 36702 Established: 1995; Chair: Dr. W. Stackebrandl, Donor(s): Gabriele Stammberger Assets: DM 120.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,· Focus: Schol; Geol 06336 Josef Stanglmeier-Stiftung, Münchner Str 16, 93326 Abensberg T: (09443) 915816; Fax: 915826 Established: 1978; Donor(s); Josef Stanglmeier Assets: DM 6.500.000,Focus: Edic; Youth; Schol 06337 Pfarrer Norbert Stang'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, c/o Stadt Ebermannstadt, Franz-Dörrzapf-Str 10, 91320 Ebermannstadt T: (09194) 5060; Fax: 50650; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.ebermannstadt.de Established: 1962; Donor(s): Norbert Stang Assets: DM 380.000,-, Expenditures: DM 22.500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06338 Dr. Alois Stankievicz-Stlftung, Lönspark 65, 29227 Celle T: (05141) 86282; Fax: 83929; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1981; Chair: Dr. Hannelore Starkievicz, Donor(s): Dr. Alois Stankievicz Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: SocW; Hand; Sen; Med . . . . 06339 Stankowski-Stiftung, Menzelstr 92, 70192 Stuttgart T: (0711) 8104235; Fax: 89664523 Focus: Arts; Cuit
Dr. Stapf'sche Kinderheim-Stiftung, Leopoldstr 34 , 90439 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 657410; Fax: 6574170 Established: 1906; Donor(s): Dr. Michael Stapf Assets: DM 10.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted FOCJS: Educ; Child; Youth 06341 Stiftung Starke Gemeinnützige Kunststiftung, Koenigsallee 30-32, 14193 Berlin T: (030) 8257685; Fax: 8258734; E-Mail: js@ stiftungstarke.de Established: 1988; Secy: Jörg Starke, Donor{s): Karl-Peter Starke Assets: DM 15.000.000,Limitations: Grants to artists up to 35 years only FOCJS: Arts 06342 Stauder-Stiftung, Schloß Stetten, 74653 Künzelsau Established: 1985 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Cult; Ecol
Andreas Staudt-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1978; Donor(s): Andreas Staudt Assets: DM 614.700,-, Receipts: DM 12.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to Citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Educ; Cult; Schol 06344
Hermann und Richard Stecher-Stiftung, Im Herengarten 22, 56179 Vallendar Τ: (0261) 8851350 Established: 1993; Donor(s); Renate BjômsenStecher Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Music 06347 Vermächtnis Steck, c/o Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 1210, 89402 Dillingen Τ: (09071) 54121, 54123; Fax: 586931 Established: 1966; Chair Oberbürgermeister Hans· Jürgen Weigl, Secy: Stadtkämmerer Gerhard Rieder, Donops): Leonhard Steck Assets: DM 13.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06346 von Sted man'sehe Familienstiftung Haus Velbrück, 53919 Weilerswist T: (02254) 2561 Established: 1958 Expenditures; DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie; Res; Ubr . . . . 06349 Wilhelm und Else Steenbeck-Stlftung, Neue Rabenstr 3, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 4146000, 6525850; Fax: 41460010 Established: 1973; Chair: Else Steenbeck, Secy: Karl-Heinz Drummel, Hildegard McCall, Donor(s): Wilhelm Steenbeck, Else Steenbeck Assets: DM 14.400.000,-, Receipts: DM 561.000,-, Expenditures: DM 581.000,Focus: Sen; Child 06350 Lorenz Steffel'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Spitalgasse 8, 87700 Memmingen Τ: (08331) 80378, 850195 Established: 1553; Donor(s): Pfarrer Lorenz Steffel Limitations: Grants in Memmingen only Focus: SocW 06351 Alexandra-Steffens-Stiftung, Hohenzollemdamm 79, 14199 Berlin T: (030) 8263730 Established: 1990; Donops): Familie Steffens Assets: DM 198.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Hand 06352 Stegerwald-Stiftung, c/o Johannes Schmitz, Gürzenichstr 19, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 9255941; Fax: 9255943 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Christliche Nothilfe e.V., Adam Stegerwald Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06353 Stiftung Maria Stehmann-Haue In Braunschweig, 36173 Sickte-Neuerkerode T: (05305) 2010; Fax: 201477; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.neuerkerode.de Established: 1975; Chair: Dr. W.A. Achilles, Secy: Pastor B. Isermyer, Donor(s): Verein ev, Mädchenwohnheim e.V. Assets: DM 700.000,·, Expenditures: DM 850.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 06354 Rettungsdienst Stiftung Björn Stelger e.V., Petrislr 12, 71364 Winnenden T: (07195) 3055/56; Fax: 68883; Internet: http:// www.Steiger-Stiftung.de Established: 1969 Expenditures: DM 26.562.000,· Focus: SocW 06355 Evangelische Stiftung Ludwig Stell-Hof, Lúbbecker Sir, 32339 Espelkamp Τ: (05772) 5640; Fax: 564109; E-Mail: nagel® ludwig-steil-hof.de; Internet: http^/www.ludwig· steil-hof-de Established: 1980; Chair: Regierungspräsident a.D. Walter Stich, Secy: Pfarrer Hans-Georg Nagel, Donops): Verein Ludwig-Steil-Hof e.V., Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen Receipts: DM 28.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 28,000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Youth 06356 Dr. Kurt Steim-Stìftung, c/o Albert-LudwigsUniversität, Fahnenbergpl, 79065 Freiburg im Τ: (0761) 2034309; Fax: 2034329; E-Mail: kusche θ verwaltung.uni-freiburg.de; Internet: httpj¡ www.verwaltung.uni-freiburg.de Established: 1983; Donor(s): Dr. Kurt Steim Assets: DM 140.000,· Focus: Aut 06357
110 Stiftung Edith Stein, Kirchhofstr 4, 49661 Cloppenburg Established: 1980 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Educ
Erwin Stein-Stiftung, Schloßstr 29 , 60466 Frankfurt Τ: (069) 24708204; Fax: 24708444 Established: 1991; Donops): Prof. Dr. Erwin Stein Assets: DM 3.100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc 06359 Ludwig und Gustel Stein-Stiftung, do Frankfurter Sparkasse, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax: 26414450 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Gustel Stein Focus: Sen 06360 Herbert vom Steln-Stfftung, Katharinenstr 76, 42653 Solingen Τ: (0212) 592354; Fax: 593705 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Herbert vom Stein Focus: Fam 0636Í Käthe Stein-Stiftung, c/o Dr. Max H. Flach, Ulmenweg 35, 53913 Swisttal Τ: (02226) 915477; Fax; 915477 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Käthe Stein Expenditures: DM 163.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Educ 06362 Erwin von Stelnbach-Stlftung, Mendelssohnsir 70, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9758390; Fax: 97583919 Established: 1960; Donops): Wissenschaftliches Institut der Elsa -Lothringer an der Universität Frankfurt am Main, Bund der Elsässer und Lothringer Assets: DM 1.400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 459.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cuit 06363 Steinbeis-Sttftung für Wirtschaftsförderung, Willi-Bleicher-Str 19, 70174 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 18395; Fax: 2261076; Internet: http i l www.stw.de Established: 1971 Expenditures: DM 127.540,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ 06364 Ulrich Stelnberger'sche Krankenpflegestiftung Vohburg an der Donau, c/o Stadt Vohburg an der Donau, Ulrich-Steinberger-Pl 12, 65088 Vohburg an der Donau T: (08457) 92920; Fax: 929220 Established: 1886; Donor(s): Ulrich Steinberger Assets: DM 4.000.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Vohburg an der Donau only Focus: Nurs 06365 Wilfried Stelnbrenner-Stlftung zur Förderung der ernsten Musik, Babelsberger Str 43, 10715 Berlin T: (030) 8539001; Fax: 8539004 Established: 1977; Chair: Aribert Reimann, Secy: Eckhard Schulz, Donops): Friedrich Laibach Assets: DM 180.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.500,Focus: Music 06366 Steingötter-Greiff-Stlftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marktstr 13, 69168 Wiesloch T: (06222) 84246, 84258; Fax: 84377 Established: 1929; Donops): Anna Steingötter Expenditures: DM 34.000,Focus: SocW 06367 Karoline Stelnhart-Fonds, c/o TU München, Arcisstr 21, 80333 München T: (089) 21051; Fax: 21052000 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Karoline Steinhart Assets: DM 324.800,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Scholarships to needy students at Technische Universität München only Focus: Schol 06368 Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. Adolf Stelnhofer-Sttftung, c/o Universität Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Chemie, Postfach 3049, 67653 Kaiserslautem T: (0631) 2052045; Fax: 2053419; E-Mail: trommer® chemie.uni-kl.de Established; 1990; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Drs, h.c. Adolf Steinhofer Assets: DM 550.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Chem 06369 Studienstiftung Cari Steins, c/o Stadt Neuss, Amt 20, Postfach 101452, 41456 Neuss T; (02101) 904003; Fax: 904010 Established: 1928; Donor(s): Carl Steins Focus: Schol 06370 Baron von Steln'sche Stiftung Birken In Bayreuth, c/o Regierung von Oberfranken, Ludwigstr 20, 95444 Bayreuth T: (0921) 604336; Fax: 604258 Established: 1740; Donops): Christiana Charlotte Baronin von Stein Expenditures: DM 1.665.000,· Limitations: Grants lo widows and unmarried women of the von Stein and von Erffa families only 06371
Ilse Stelgens-Stiftung, Im Grund 40-42, 69253 Heiligkreuzsteinach Established: 1993 Assets: DM 10.000,· Focus. Urol 06372 Stemmler-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaitungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Gertrud Stemmler Expenditures: DM 124.700,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res 06373 Helene und Erwin Stephan-Stiftung, tío Technische Universität Berlin, Abteilung III A 23, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Beriin T: (030) 31424163 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Helene und Erwin Stephan Assets: DM 2.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants to members of Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Eng 06374 Slephansstlft, Kirchröder Str 44, 30625 Hannover T: (0511) 5353203; Fax: 5353686 Established: 1869 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Voc; Child; Youth; Adult; Sen 06375 Stephanus-Stlftung, Albertnenstr 20-23, 13086 Berlin T: (030) 962490; Fax: 96249108 Established: 1878; Secy: Werner Braune Expenditures: DM 99.762.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06376 Stephanus-Stlftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Rôselerstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 16843950, 1682124; Fax: 16845062 Established: 1892; Donors): Senator Hermann Stephanus Assets: DM 21.470,-, Expenditures; DM 1.400,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam; SocW 06377 Charlotte Steppuhn-Stlftung, Lauterstr 17-18, 12159 Beriin T: (030) 8524027 Established: 1992 Expenditures: DM 170.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Ped 06376 Theodor Stern-Stiftung zur Förderung des Universitätsklinikums Frankfurt am Main, Theodor-Stern Kai 7, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 63016010; Fax: 63015922 Established: 1994; Chair: Prof.Dr. Gebhard von Jagow, Donops): Frankfurter Sparkasse Expenditures: DM 192.000,LimHations: Grants to Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Med 06379 Dr.-lng. E.h. Hubert H.A. Sternberg-Stiftung, Lyoner Str 16, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66031451; Fax: 66031675; E-Mail: dup@ vdma.org Established: 1989; Chair Hartmut Mehdom, Secy: Klaus Lickteig, Donor(s): Dr.-lng. E.h. Hubert H.A. Sternberg Assets: DM 2.300.000,Focus: Schol; Print; Adult 06380 Wolfgang Stetten-Stiftung, cto Schloß Stetten, 74653 Künzelsau Τ: (07940) 3742; Fax: 55389 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr. Wolfgang Freiherr von Stetten Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06381 Anna Barbara von Stetten'sche Stiftungen, Am Kalzenstadel 18, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 5010760; Fax: 5010762 Established: 1805; Donor(s): Anna Barbara von Stetten Expenditures: DM 12.274.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06382 Emst Stewner-Stlftung, Hafenstr 6, 31562 Nienburg T: (05021) 66278; Fax: 961148 Established: 1985; Donops): Emst Stewner Assets: DM 1.160.000,·, Expenditures: DM 83.000,Focus: Voc 06383 Dr. Sthamer-Marquartf-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Cuxhaven, Kuituneferat, Grüner Weg 42, 27472 Cuxhaven T: (04721) 700607; Fax: 700495 Established: 1917 Assets: DM 99.800,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to young citizens of Cuxhaven only Focus: Cull; Arts 06384 Michael Stlch-Stlftung, Postfach 305290, 20316 Hamburg T: (040) 35711320; Fax: 35711321 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Michael Stich Assets: DM 1.444.160,·, Receipts: DM 350.000,-, Expenditures: DM 350.000,Focus: AIDS; Ped 06385
06386 - 06440
111 Stiftung Mutter María Stieren, do Christian Netzer, Furtanger 1, 82205 Gilching T: (08105) 5266 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Schwester Maria Stieren Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06386 Slift Ilfeld, c/o Klosterkammer Hannover, Eichstr 4, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 34826200; Fax: 34826299 Established: 1546 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06387 Slift Sankt Spiritus, Kupferhütte 1, 06526 Sangerhausen T: (03464) 570031 Established: 1274 Expenditures; DM 262.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Stift zum Helligen Geist, Heiligengeiststr 20, 30173 Hannover Τ: (0511) 28860; Fax: 2886211 Established: 1256; Secy: Herr Zielinski Expenditures: DM 5.114.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06389 Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband .de Focus: Scie 06390 Stiftung 100 Jahre Yamaha, Verein zur Popularisierung der Musik, Siemensstr 22-34, 25462 Rellingen T: (04101) 303261 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Yamaha Europa GmbH Focus: Music 06391 Stiftung 150 Jahre Verbandssparkasse Meldorf, Postfach 1210, 25700 Meldorf T: (04832) 89310; Fax: 89309 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Verbandssparkasse Meldorf Assets: DM 764.200,-, Expenditures: DM 48.000,Limitations: Grants in Meldorf only Focus: Youth; Cult; Educ; SocW; Schol; Ecol Stiftung 20. Juli 1944, Berlin Τ: (030) 3652321; Fax: 3652321 Established: 1949; Chair Dieter Thomas Focus: SocW; Hist Stiftung 200 Jahre Sparkasse Kiel, Lorentzendamm 28-30, 24103 Kiel T: {0431} 5921701/02; Fax: 5921799 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Sparkasse Kiel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports; Ecol
Sttftung Abendroth-Haus, Maimoorweg 8, 22179 Hamburg T: (040) 6408720; Fax: 64087222 Established: 1821; Secy: Ute Dorczok, Donor(s): Dr. Amandus Augustus Abendroth Expenditures: DM 4.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06395 Stiftung Abtei Heisterbach, c/o Pfarramt, Rennenbergstr 1, 53639 Königswinter Τ: (02223) 92400; Fax: 22776 Established: 1985 Expenditures: DM 68.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon
Sttftung Abteilung Bergbau an der Technischen Universität Berlin, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Detr Präsident, Iti A 23, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31424163 Established: 1969 Assets: DM 6.500,-, Expenditures: DM 140,Focus: Min 06397 Stiftung Äußere Neustadt Dresden, c/o Stadtverwaltung Dresden, Stadtplanungsamt, Postfach 120020, 01001 Dresden T: (0351) 4883590 Established: 1992; Secy: Erich Fasold Assets: DM 1.300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants in Dresden only Focus: Town 06398 Stiftung Akademie für Eltern querschnittsgelähmter Kinder, Claudiusstr 30, 64521 Groß-Gerau T: (06142) 859100; Fax: 859193 Established: 1988 Assets: DM 145.000,Limitatiorts: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand 06399 Sttftung Akademie für Gesprochenes Wort, Marienstr 36a, 70178 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 221012; Fax: 2261808; E-Mail: gesprocheneswo [email protected] Established: 1993; Secy: Christel Dauster, Donor(s): Prof. Uta Kutter Assets: DM 418.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ling 06400
Stiftung Akademie K r u s e n h o f , Klausenhofstr 100. 46499 Hamminkeln T: (02852) 890; Fax: 89300 Established: 1982; Secy: Dr. Alois Becker, Donops): Deutsche Landjugendakademie Klausenhof e.V. Assets: DM 16.630.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.909.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 06401 Sttftung Allgemeine Hypothekenbank, Bockenheimer Landstr 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7179124; Fax: 7179129 Established: 1986; Donops): Allgemeine Hypothekenbank AG Focus: Scie; SocW 06402 Stiftung Allgemeiner Almosenkasten, c/o Liegenschaftsamt, Braubachstr 15, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21233230; Fax: 21237899 Established: 1531; Chair: Bürgermeister Joachim Vandreike, Secy: Amtsrat Ulrich Kliem Assets: DM 50.897.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.650.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW 06403 Stiftung Alt-Ludwlgsburg, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 249, 71602 Ludwigsburg Τ: (07141) 9102875; Fax: 9102847 Established: 1966; Chair. Oberbürgermeister Dr. Christof Eichen, Donor(s): Stadt Ludwigsburg, Stadt Stuttgart, Landkreis Ludwigsburg Assets: DM 265.000,-, Receipts: DM 30.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,· Limitations: Grants in Ludwigsburg only Focus: Cult 06404 Stiftung Alten-, Behinderten- und Jugendförderung der Sparkasse Essen, ill. Hagen 43, 45127 Essen T: (0201) 1032662; Fax: 1032695 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Sparkasse Essen Assets: DM 3.600.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Essen only Focus: Sen; Hard; Youth 06405 Stiftung Alten-, Behinderten- und Jugendförderung der Stadtsparkasse Essen, Theodor-Althoff-Str 47, 45133 Essen T; (0201) 1032673, 1032662; Fax: 1032910 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Esser Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Essen only Focus: Ser; Hand; Youth 06406 Stiftung Alten Eichen von 1596, Homer Heerstr 19, 28359 Bremen T: (0421) 204620; Fax: 2046299 Established: 1596; Donor(s): Molignanus Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Orp 06407
Stiftung Altenhelme Backnang und Wildberg, Staigacker 3, 71522 Backnang T: (07191) 1460; Fax: 146209; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1864; Donor(s): Königin Olga von Württemberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06414 Stiftung Altenheimstätte Hofgeismar, Kirchpl 5A, 34369 Hofgeismar T: (05671) 99640; Fax: 996425 Established: 1535; Donor(s): Landgraf Philipp der Großmütige Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06415 Stiftung Altenhilfe der Sparkasse Osnabrück, Wittekindstr 17-19, 49074 Osnabrück T: (0541) 3243535; Fax: 3244005 Established: 1975; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Osnabrück Expenditures: DM 107.000,Limitations: Grants in Osnabrück only Focus: Sen 06416 Stiftung Altenhilfe der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Münsterstr 15a, 33775 Versmold T: (05423) 2080; Fax: 208199 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Versmold Expenditures: DM 378.000,Limitations: Grants in Versmold only Focus: Sen
Stiftung Altenhilfe Im Landkreis Miltenberg, c/o Landratsamt Miltenberg, Postfach 1560, 63885 Miltenberg T: (09371) 501198; Fax: 50179198 Established: 1992; Secy: Manfred Vili, Donor(s): Landkreis Miltenberg und Landkreisgemeinden Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 240.000,Umitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Miltenberg only Focus: Sen 06418 Stiftung Altenhilfe in der Stadt Moers, c/o Kreis Wesel, Postfach 101160, 46467 Wesel T: (0281) 2070 Established: 1983; Chain Kreisdirektor Dr. Ansgar Müller, Donor(s): Frieda Jahr Assets: DM 1.260.000,·, Receipts: DM 95.000,·, Expenditures: DM 95.000,Limitations: Grants in Moers only Focus: Sen 06419 Stiftung Altenhilfe Potsdam, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Sozialamt, Friedrich-Ebert-Str 79-81, 14469 Potsdam T: (0331) 2892095; Fax: 2892052 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Stadt Potsdam Limitations: Grants in Potsdam only Focus: Sen 06420 Stiftung Altenhilfe Reutlingen, Postfach 2543, 72715 Reutlingen Limitations: Grants in Reutlingen only Focus: Sen 06421
Stiftung Alten- und KinderhiHe, Kirchgasse 8, 94034 Passau T: (0851) 41719; Fax: 41719 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Wittmann Assets: DM 209.850,Focus: Sen; Child 06408
Stiftung Aitenwohnungen der Kaufmannschaft in Flensburg, Kirchentott 19 , 24943 Flensburg T: (046t) 65582 Established: 1924; Donor(s): Kaufmannschaft in Flensburg, Handelsverein e.V. Assets: DM 320.000,·, Expenditures: DM 102.000,Limitations: Grants in Flensburg only Focus: Sen; Hous 06422
Stiftung Alten- und Pflegehelm, HeinrichSchleich-Haus, Fachfeldstr 42 , 60386 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 408080; Fax: 40808120; E-Mail: heinrichschleich-haus θ t-online.de Established: 1981; Chair Klaus Dittmar, Secy: Hermann Honig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06409
Stiftung Altenzentrum der Protestantischen Kirchengemeinde Homburg/Saar, c/o Evangelische Diakonissenanstalt, Hilgardstr 26, 67346 Speyer T: (06232) 221225; Fax: 221579 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Protestantische Kirchengemeinde Homburg/Saar Expenditures: DM 1.112.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06423
Stiftung Alten- und Pflegehelm M a r l i Verkündigung Lampertheim, Hagenstr 1, 68623 Lampertheim T: (06206) 5080 Established: 1973 Limitatiors: Grants in Lampertheim only Focus: Sen 06410 Stiftung Alten- und Pflegeheim Wespach, Wespach 1, 88682 Salem T: (07553) 7013; Fax: 60233 Established: 1870 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06411 Stiftung Altenberg, Ferdinand-Schâffer-Str 4, 51519 Odenthal Τ: (02202) 79828; Fax: 79828 Established: 1976; Donops): Bayer AG Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Altenberg only Focus: Mon 06412 Stiftung Aitenheim Sankt Johannis/Sankt Nikolai, Mittelweg 106, 20149 Hamburg T: (040) 414490; Fax: 41449599; E-Mail: StJohannisStNikolaiddiakonie-hamburg.de; Internet http^/www.diakonie- hamburg.de/SUohannisStNikolai Established: (1973) 1998; Donops): Hauptkirche Sankt Nikolai am Klosterstem und Sankt Johannis in Harvestehude Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06413
Stiftung Alters-, Witwen- und Waisenversorgungseinrichtung beim Technischen Überwachungsverein Hessen e.V., Mergenthalerallee 27, 65760 Eschborn T: (06196) 498100; Fax: 498262 Established: 1936 Assets: DM 150.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen; Wid; Orp 06424 Stiftung Altersheim der Gemeinde Reichenau, tío Bürgermeisteramt, Münsteipl 2, 78479 Reichenau Established: 1842 Assets: DM 644.197,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06425 Stiftung Altersheim des Rensburger ArbeiterBauvereins, Südergraben 16, 24937 Flensburg T: (0461) 17594 Established: 1910; Donor(s): Flensburger ArbeiterBauvereins Assets: DM 420.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06426 Stiftung Altersheim des Flensburger Handwerks und Lieselotte Schiller-Stiftung, Hamis 24, 24937 Flensburg Established: 1959 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06427
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung Altersheim Helmbrechts, Am Attersheim 4, 95233 Helmbrechts T: (09252) 3870; Fax: 387152 Established: 1952 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Stiftung Altersheim Sankt Nicolai, Hasseer Str 51, 24113 Kiel Established: 1976 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06429 Stiftung Altershelm Westphalenhof, Giersstr 1, 33098 Paderborn T: (05251) 20060; Fax: 22370 Established: 1991; Secy: Herr Müller Assets: DM 11.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.348.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06430 Stiftung Altersheim Wichernhaus in Bad Harzburg, Wichemstr 22, 38667 Bad Harzburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06431 Stiftung Altersheim Wolfhagen, Karlstr 18, 34466 Wolfhagen T: (05692) 2252, 8071 Established: 1965 Expenditures: DM 6.200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06432 Stiftung a m Friedrich-Ludwig-JahnGymnasium Greifswald, Thälmannpi 1, 17489 Greifswald T: (03834) 7920; Fax: 792222 Established: 1995; Chair: Dr. Peter Zschâckel, Donor(s): Karl Heinz Sonder Assets: DM 150.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Greifswald only Focus: Educ 06433 Stiftung Amtmann-Schroeter-Haus, Hauptstr 63, 28865 Lilienthal Τ: (04298) 6399; Fax: 6301 Established: 1992; Chair: Wilhelm Otten, Donor(s): Ottonie Mühlenbrock, Otto Zimmermann Assets: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 140.000,Limitatiors: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06434 Stiftung Anscharhôhe, Tarpenbekstr 107, 20251 Hamburg Τ: (040) 4669306; Fax: 4669400 Established: 1865; Donor(s): Ev.-Luth. Kirche Sankt Anschar zu Hamburg Assets: DM 21.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Youth 06435 Stiftung Applikations- und Technikzentrum für Energieverfahrens-, Umwelt- und Strömungstechnik, Kropfersrichter Str 6-8, 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg T: (09661) 908400; Fax: 908401 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Conrad Electronic GmbH, Förderverein Applikations- und Technikzentrum e.V. Expenditures: DM 10.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Elect; Mach 06436 Sttftung Arbeit und Umweit der IG BergbauChemie-Energie, Königsworther PI 6, 30167 Hannover T: (0511) 7631433; Fax: 7631782; E-Mail: umwellstiftung @ igbce.de Established: 1990; Secy: Waldemar Bahr, Donor(s): IG Bergbau-Chemie-Energie Assets: DM 6.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 36.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: SocS; Ecol 06437 Stiftung Arbeiterheim, Landhajsstr 152, 70188 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 26843170; Fax: 2684318 Established: 1889; Donor(s): Dr. E. Pfeiffer, Verein für das Wohl der arbeitenden Klasse Assets: DM 600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 480.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06438 Stiftung Archäologie In Köln, c/o FGS Treuhandgesellschaft für Stiftungsvermögen mbH, Johanna-Kinkel-Str 2-4, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 95940; Fax: 9594100 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Köln only Focus: Archeo; Schol 06439 Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste der Länder Berlin und Brandenburg, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin T: (030) 39076160; Fax: 39076198; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.adk.de Established: 1993; Chair; Dr. Wolfgang Trautwein, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Senat von Berlin Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archiv; Arts 06440
Germany: Stiftung
06441 - 06492
Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der D D R im Bundesarchiv, Finckensteinalfee 63, 12205 Berlin T: (030) 843500; Fax: 84350246; Internet: httpj¡ www.bundesarchiv.de Established: 1993 Limitations: Predetermined grants only FOCJS: Archiv; Hist 06441 Stiftung Archiv, Forum und M u s e u m zu Geschichte d e s Naturschutzes in Deutschland, c/o Stiftung Naturschutzgeschichte, Drachenfelsstr 118, 53639 Königswinter T: (02223) 700570; Fax: 700580 Donor(s): Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, NordrheinWestfalen-Stiftung, Land Brandenburg Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ecol; Hist; Archiv 06442 Stiftung Ascher Kulturbesitz, Wichemstr 10, 95100 Selb T: (09287) 2031 Established: 1991; Chair. Helmut Klaubert, Donor(s): Heimatverttand des Kreises Asch e.V. (Sitz Rehau) Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 06443 Stiftung Atlantikbrücke, Am Kupfergraben 7, 10117 Berlin Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants In Germany, Canada and the U S A only Focus: IntU 06444 Stiftung Atti, Einrichtung für behinderte Menschen, Atti 11, 83512 Wasserburg T: (0807) 1020; Fax: 102118; Internet: httpji www.wasserburg-inn.de/Attl Established: 1873; Donor(s): Königreich Bayern Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 06445 Stiftung Aufbau Unstrut Finne, (formerly: Aufbau Unstrut Finne), Schönburger Str 41, 06618 Naumburg T: (03445) 731135, 731100; Fax: 731199, 731105; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Chair: Landrat Groß, Donor(s): Lafarge Zement Assets: DM 1.038.200,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Limitations: Grants in the former district of Landkreis Nebra only. Applications not accepted Focus: Econ 06446 Stiftung Aumühle, Bismarckallee 21, 21521 Aumühle Τ: (04104) 978021; Fax: 978013; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1983; Secy: Michael Schimanel, Doror(s): Gemeinde Aumühle Assets: DM 1.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 113.000,·, Expenditures: DM 113.000,Llmitatlons: Grants in Aumühle only Focus: SocW; Youth; Sen 06447 Stiftung Ausbildungshilfe Ruanda, Dienheimer Berg 54, 55545 Bad Kreuznach T: (0671) 30252; Fax: 47394 Established: 1996; Chair: Elisabeth Emlnger, Donor(s): Elisabeth Eminger Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Grants In Rwanda only Focus: Educ; Voc; Dev; Afr 06448 Stiftung Ausgleich zwischen Tätern und Opfern von Straftaten, Max-Brauer-Allee 155, 22765 Hamburg T: (040) 344174, 345704; Fax: 340831 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Hamburger Fürsorgeverein Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Pris 06449 Stiftung A u t o - M u s e u m Volkswagen, Dleselstr 35, 38446 Wolfsburg T: (05361) 52071; Fax: 52010; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Chair: Dr. Bernd Wiersch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aut 06450 Stiftung AV Studio, Kermisdahlstr 36, 47533 Kleve Established: 1983 FOCJS: Educ 06451 Stiftung Bach-Archiv Leipzig, Thomaskirchhof 15-16, 04109 Leipzig Established: 1997 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Archiv 06452 Stiftung Bärenweller, c/o Fürstlich Waldburg· Zeil'sche Hauptverwaltung, Postfach 1249, 88299 Leutkirch Established: 1620 Limitations: Grants in Leutkirch only Focus: Sen 06453 Stiftung Bahn-Sozialwerk, Karlstr 4-6, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26511583; Fax: 26511319 Established: 1997; Secy: Heinrich-Robert Renk, Donor(s): Präsident des Bundeseisenbahnvermögens Expenditures: DM 90.300.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06454
Stiftung Bauen u n d Wohnen, c/o L B S Landesbausparkasse Baden-Württemberg, Jägerstr 36, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0721) 8222129; Fax: 8222100; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.lbsbaden.de Established: 1994; Donops): L B S Landesbausparkasse Baden-Württemberg Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous
Stiftung B a u h a u s Dessau, Gropiusallee 38, 06846 Dessau T: (0340) 65080; Fax: 615222; E-Mail: direkter® stiftung-bauhaus.de; Internet: http://www.bauhausdessau.de Established: 1994; Chair Kultusminister Dr. Gerd Harms, Secy: Prof. Dr. Omar Akbar, Donops): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Land Sachsen-Anhalt, Stadt Dessau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Archrt
Stiftung Bautzen-Heldelberg, c/o Stadt Bautzen, Fleischmarkt 1, 02625 Bautzen T: (03591) 534140; Fax: 534302 Established: 1998; Donops): Stadt Heidelberg, Stadt Bautzen Limitations: Grants In Heldelberg and Bautzen onty Focus: Cult; Youth 06457 Stiftung Bauwesen, Vaihinger Str 151, 70567 Stuttgart T: (0711) 7883317 Established: 1994; Chain Prof.Dr.-ing. K.H. Bökeler, Donops): Rechen- und Entwicklungsinstitut für E D V im Bauwesen e.V. Assets: D M 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 45.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Build 06458 Stiftung Bayerische Elite-Akademie, Prinzregentenstr 7, 80538 München T: (089) 21889080; Fax: 21889089; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.eliteakademie.bayem.de Established: 1998; Chair: Dr. Wolfgang Zeltler Expenditures: DM 580.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in the state of Bayern only Focus: NatS; Eng; Econ; Educ; Schol . . 06459 Stiftung Bayerische Landesschule für Gehörlose, Fürstenrieder Str 155, 81377 München T: (089) 7413220; Fax: 74132210 Established: 1979 Assets: DM 700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Deafs 06460 Stiftung Bayerische Landesschule für Körperbehinderte, Kurzstr 2, 81547 München Τ: (089) 642580; Fax: 64258161 Established: 1833 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Hand
Stiftung Bayerischer Musikfonds, c/o Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus, Satvatorstr 2, 80333 München T: (089) 21862575; Fax: 21862805 Established: 1990; Chair R. Wengenmeier, Secy: H.-J. Baier, Donops): Freistaat Bayern Limitations: Grants and scholarships in the state of Bayern only Focus: Music; Musi; Schol
Stiftung Begabtenfôrderungswerk berufliche Bildung, Adenauerallee 148, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 1044100; Fax: 1044107; E-Mail: info® begabtenfoerderung.de Established: 1996; Secy: Wolf Dieter Bauer Expenditures: DM 26,000.000,Focus: Voc; Schol 06463 Stiftung Begegnungsstätte für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur, c/o Max-Samuel-Haus, Schilleipl 10, 18055 Rostock T: (0381) 4923209; Fax: 4907637; E-Mail: MaxSamuel-Hausöt-online.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Dr, Herbert Samuel, Hansestadt Rostock Limitations: Predetermined grants in Rostock only Focus: Jew 06464 Stiftung Behinderten- u n d Altenhilfe Weingarten, Burgeiserweg 16, 88250 Weingarten Limitations: Grants in Weingarten only Focus: Hand; Sen 06465 Stiftung Behindertenhilfe im Landkreis Miltenberg, Dammsfeldstr 14, 63820 Elsenfeld T: (06022) 4097; Fax: 4040 Established: 1994; Chair Dr. Reinfried Galmbacher, Donops): Verein Lebenshilfe für Behinderte im Landkreis Miltenberg e.V. Assets: D M 125.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Miltenberg only Focus: Hand 06466
Stiftung Betiindertensport, Fried rich-Atfred-Str 10, 47055 Duisburg Τ: (0203) 7174164; Fax: 7174163 Established: 1992; Secy: Herbert Kaul, Donor(s): Deutscher Behinderten-Sportverband e.V., Behinderten-Sportverband Niedersachsen e.V., Behinderten· und Vôfseh rte η-Sportvertand Bayern e.V., Behinderten-Sportverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V., Herbert Grünewald-Stiftung Assets: DM 250.000, Expenditures: DM 170.000 Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Hand; Sports; Reh 06467 Stiftung Behindertenwerk Sankt Johannes, Schloßstr 8, 86688 Marxheim T: (09007) 481484; Fax; 1674 Established: 1864; Secy: J. Bauer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 06468 Stiftung Bergmannshilfswerk Luisenthal, Trierer Str 1, 66111 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 4053339 Established: 1962 Limitations: Predetermined grants In Luisenthal/Saariand only Focus: SocW 06469 Stiftung Berlinische Galerle, Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst, Photographie und Architektur, Methfesselstr 28-48, 10965 Berlin T: (030) 78902602; Fax: 78902701; E-Mail: BerlinischeGalerie θ t-online.de Established: 1995; Chair Prof. Jörn Merkert, Donops): Berlinische Galerie Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 06470 Stiftung Berufliche Bildung, Wendenstr 493, 20537 Hamburg T: (040) 211120; Fax: 21112220; E-Mail: beate,[email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.ham burg.de/sbb Established: 1982; Secy: Frank Glücklich Receipts: DM 35.600.000,·, Expenditures: D M 34.600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Unemp; Voc 06471 Stiftung Berufliche Bildung, c/o Verein zur Förderung der Berufsbildung e.V., Kurfurstenstr 6, 71636 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 122220; Fax: 122237; E-Mail: R a b e d IHK-VFB.de Established: 1999; Secy: Renate Rabe, Donor(s): Verein zur Förderung der Berufsbildung e.V. Focus: Voc 06472 Stiftung Berufsblldungswerk Sankt Zeno, Schwedenweg 25, 85560 Ebersberg Established: 1978 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 06473 Stiftung Berufsförderungswerk des Landkreises Saarlouis, tío Landratsamt, Amt für Schulen, Kultur und Sport, Postfach 1840, 66718 Saarlouis T: (06831) 4444321; Fax: 444460 Established: 1957; Donops): Kreissparkasse Saarlouis Assets: DM 238.650,Limitations: Grants in the district oí Landkreis Saariouis only Focus: Voc 06474 Stiftung BEST-Bûrgerschaftllches Engagement zu sozialen Themen, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Stiftungsverwattung, Orteanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23325611; Fax: 23322610; E-Mail: daudia.dempf θ muenchen.de Established: 1998; Donops): Maria Niedermeier Expenditures: DM 12.000,Umitations: Grants in München only Focus: SocW; Educ; IntU; Youth; Sen . . 06475 Stiftung Bethesda, Maulbeerallee 4, 31812 Bad Pyrmont T: (05281) 991045; Fax: 991015 Established: 1848; Donops): Superintendent Adam Wolff Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen 06476 Stiftung Bethesda-Sankt Martin, St. Maitinstr 4, 56154 Boppard T: (06742) 87470; Fax: 8747110 Established: 1855 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hand 06477 Stiftung Bibel leben Wippingen, c/o Haus Westhoff, Schulstr 16, 26892 Wippingen T: (04966) 914020; Fax: 914022 Established: 1993; Secy: Barbara Bohnen, Donor(s): Monsignore Dr. F.G. Cremer Assets: DM 80.000,·, Expenditures: DM 14.300,Focus: Rei 06478 Stiftung Bibel und Kultur, c/o Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Baiinger Str 31, 70567 Stuttgart T: (0711) 7181247; Fax: 7181250 Established: 1987; Secy: Dr. Siegfried Meurer, Donoits): Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart Assets: DM 1.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 108.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; Cult 06479
Stiftung Bibliothek d e s Ruhrgebiete, c/o RuhrUniversität Institut für soziale Bewegungen, Clemensstr 17-19, 44789 Bochum T: (0234) 3226920; E-Mail: Peter. Friedemann θ njhruni-bochum.de; Internet: http^/www.ruhr-unibochum.de Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: übr 06480 Stiftung Bildung und Beschäftigung, Auf der Steig 6, 78057 Villingen-Schwenningen T: (07721) 903129 Established: 1986 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Econ 06481 Stiftung Bildung und Wissenschaft, tío S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http ¿ I www.stjfterverband.de Established: 1986; Donops): Gisela und Ewald Lahno Assets: DM 2.441.810,-, Expenditures: DM 282.000,Focus: Educ; Scie 06462 Stiftung B i l d u n g s O e n t r u m der Wirtschaft Εβββη, tío Bildungscentrum der Wirtschaft gGmbH, Rolandstr 5-9, 45128 Essen T: (0201) 8100420 Established: 1999 Focus: Voc; Econ 06483 Stiftung Blnnenalster, c/o Dorothea Schostack, Mitetweg 20, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4501160 Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Cult 06484 Stiftung BioMed Freiburg, Rotteckring 14, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau Τ: (0761) 3881826; Fax: 2020474; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Donops): Stadt Freiburg, Universität Freiburg, Industrie- und Handelskammer, Wirtschaftsverbund Industrieller Unternehmen Baden e.V. Limitations: Grants in the region of Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Biol; Med; Pharm 06485 Stiftung Blindenanstalt Frankfurt am Main (Polytechnische Gesellschaft), Adlerftychtstr 814, 60318 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9551240; Fax: 5976296; Internet: home.tonline.de/home/sba-Frankfurt Established: 1837; Secy: Paul Sorgenfrei, Donor(s): Polytechnische Gesellschaft e.V. Expenditures: DM 3.120.000,· Limitations: Applications not s Focus: Blinds 06486 Stiftung Blindenheim, Karlstr 85-87, 79104 Freiburg T: (0761) 207060; Fax: 2070653 Established: 1846; Secy: Herr Maluck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 06457 Stiftung Bllndensolldarftät Sachsen-Anhalt. Bugenhagenstr 30, 06110 Halle/Saale Established: 1951; Chain Eugen Kienberg Assets: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Blinds 06488 Stiftung Bördesparkasse Oschersleben, Lindenstr 17, 39387 Oschersleben T: (03949) 911111; Fax: 911170 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Bördesparkasse Oschersleben Assets: DM 500.150,·, Expenditures: DM 45.000,· Limitations: Grants In the district of Bördekreis only Focus: SocW; Cult; Youth; Arts; Music; Lit; Theat; Hist; Mon; Ecol 06489 Stiftung Bonhoeffer-Lehrstuhl, tío S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: httpjl www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Dr. Klaus v. Dohnanyi, Prof. Dr. Helmut Reihlen, Prof. Klaus von Bismarck, Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bethge, Bischof Dr. Martin Kruse Expenditures: DM 132.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Rei 06490 Stiftung Bordenau, Oderstr 11, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge Established: 1990 Assets: DM 60.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Focus: SocW 06491 Stiftung Brandenburg, An der Bleiche 5, 31618 Liebenau Established: 1974 Limitations: Grants in the region of Berlin-Mark Brandenburg only Focus: Cult 06492
113 Stiftung B r a n d e n b u r g e r Tor der Bankgeseilschaft Berlin, Max Liebermann Haus, Pariser PI 7, 10177 Berlin T: (030) 22633016; Fax: 22633014; E-Mail: janet.acaradoô bankgesellschaft.de; Internet: http:// www.stttung.brandenburgertor.de Established: 1997; Secy: Prof. Monika Gruners, Dofior(s): Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG Expenditures: DM 1.003.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Cult; Scie; Res 06493 Stiftung B r a n d e n b u r g i s c h e Gedenkstätten, Heinrich-Grüber-Pl, 16515 Oranienburg Τ: (03301) 810912; Fax: 810926 Established: 1993; Chair Dr. Günter Morsch, Secy: Markus Ohlhauser, Donor(s): Land Brandenburg Receipts: DM 10.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 06494 Stiftung B r a u n s c h w e l g e r Bürgerpreis, In den Springäckem 5, 38126 Braunschweig Assets: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Prizes in Braunschweig only Focus: Schol; NatS; Hum; SocS . . . . 06495 Stiftung Bremer Bildhauerpreis, c/o Senator für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kunst und Sport, Referat 62, Buntentorsteinweg 112, 262Û1 Bremen T: (0421) 3615756; Fax: 3615745 Established: 1979; Donops): Freie Hansestadt Bremen Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 06496 Stiftung Bremer D o m e.V.. Merkurstr 47, 26197 Bremen T: (0421) 52390; Fax: 5239199 Established: 1976 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bremen only Focus: Cult 06497 Stiftung Bruderschaft z u Unserer Lieben Frau, Frauenhaussträßchen 6-8, 47574 Goch T: (02823) 6036; Fax: 7097 Established: 1600 Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 06496 Stiftung Buch·, M e d i e n · und Literaturhaus M ü n c h e n , Salvatorpl 1, 80333 München T: (089) 2919340, 29193413; Fax: 29193419; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.literaturhaus-muenchen.de Established: 1993; Donops): Landeshauptstadt München, Bertelsmann AG, F. Bruckmann München Vertag + Druck GmbH & Co., Deutsche Taschenbuch Vertag GmbH & Co. KG, Droemersche Verlagsanstalt, Heinrich Hugendubel GmbH & Co. KG, Buchhandlung Fritz Lehmkuhl Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Book; Media; Lit 06499 Stiftung Buchkunst, Adickesallee 1, 60322 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 15251800; Fax: 15251805; E-Mail: BUCHKUNST ddbf.0db.de Established: 1965; Secy: Wolfgang Rasch Assets: DM 45.000,·, Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Book 06500 Stiftung Bürger für Bürger, c/o Deutsches Forum für freiwilliges Engagement und Ehrenamt, Singerstr 109, 10179 Berlin T: (030) 2431490; Fax: 24314949; E-Mail: info® buerger-fuer-buerger.de; Internet: http://www.bu ergerfuer-buerger.de Established: 1997; Chair: Mike Corsa, Donops): Egidius Braun, Marianne Buggenhagen, Peter Hahne, Claudia Notte, Dr. Annemhe Renger, Klaus Riegeit, Elisabeth Freifrau Spieß von Büdesheim, Dr. Ursula Sottong, Ulrich Wickert Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06501 Stiftung B ü r g e r h a u s a m W l l d h o f , WilhelmStabe-Str 7, 24582 Wattenbek T: (04322) 2653 Established: 1984; Donops): Gemeinde Bordesholm Expenditures: DM 177.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06502 Stiftung B ü r g e r h a u s Wilhelmeburg, Mengest! 20, 21107 Hamburg T: (040) 7520170; Fax: 75201710 Established: 1982; Chair Heike Severin, Secy: Axel Trappe, Donops): Förderkreis Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg e.V. Assets: DM 11.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.550.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.580.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 06503 Stiftung Bürgerhospital Bitburg, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Rathauspl 3-4, 54634 Bitburg T: (06561) 60010; Fax: 6001290 Established: 1300 Expenditures: DM 1.074.000,Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Biburg only Focus: Sen; Hous 06504
06493 - 06545 Stiftung Bürgerhospital z u m Heiligen J o h a n n e s d e m Täufer, Kölnstr 54, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 701209; Fax: 701227 Established: 1846 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06505 Stiftung Bürgerspital z u m Heiligen G e i s t In W ü r z b u r g , Theateistr 19, 97070 Würzburg T: (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1316; Donops): Johannes von Steren Assets: DM 85.689.400,·, Expenditures: DM 33.125.000,Limitations: Grants to needy Catholic citizens of Würzburg only Focus: Sen 06506 Stiftung Bulgarische H o c h s c h u l f ö r d e r u n g , Attighof-Kreisstr 365, 35647 Waldsolms Τ: (06085) 981242; Fax: 3272 Established: 1993; Donops): Günther John Bachor Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: Uni; East 06507 Stiftung B u n d e s k a n z i e r - A d e n a u e r - H a u s , Konrad-Adenauer-Str 8c, 53604 Bad Honnef T: (02224) 9210; Fax: 921111; Internet: http:// www.adenauerhaus.de Established: 1967; Chair. Dr. Franz Möller, Secy: Dr, Michael Krekel, Donor(s): Familie Adenauer, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Receipts: DM 2,300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.300.000,Ljmitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 06508 Stiftung B u n d e s v e r e i n i g u n g Logistik (BVL), c/o Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V., Schlachte 31, 28195 Bremen Τ: (0421) 173840 Established: 1998 Focus: Traf 06509 Stiftung Burg Adelebsen, Postfach 1127, 37137 Adelebsen T: (05506) 7073; Fax: 7000 Established: 1947; Chair Peter Graf Wolff Metternich, Donor(s): Georg Freiherr von Adelebsen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06510 Stiftung Burg Knlphausen, Geschwister-SchollStr 7, 26386 Wilhelmshaven Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06511 Stiftung Burg Malenfels, Burg Maienfels, 71543 Wüstenrot T: (07945) 2230 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Dieter Emstmeier Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06512 Stiftung C a s a Orfeo Posltano, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 60799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7/ www.maecenata-management.de Established: 1999 Focus: Music; Schol; Musi 06513 Stiftung Casse der Stücke v o n Achten, Bemadottestr 140, 22605 Hamburg Established: 1622 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW
Stiftung Center of A d v a n c e d E u r o p e a n Studies a n d Research, (formerly: Stiftung CAESAR), Friedenspl 16, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 96560; Fax: 9656111 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS; Eng; Compu; Math; MedE . 06515 Stiftung Centraibibliothek fur Blinde, HerbeitWeichmann-Str 44-46, 22085 Hamburg T: (040) 2272860; Fax: 22728620; Internet: http:// www.blindenbuecherei .de Established: 1986 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds; Ubr 06516 Stiftung Centrale für private Fürsorge, Oberlindau 20, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 97201710; Fax: 97201711 Established: 1994; Donops): Institut für SoziaJarbert Assets: DM 5.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06517 Stiftung C e n t r e Culturel Francais d e Kiel, Hardenbergstr 11, 24105 Kiel T: (0431) 804965; Fax: 804925 Established: 1988; Secy: Michel Mercier, Donops): Republik Frankreich Expenditures: DM 333.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Cult; Rom; Lit; Aits 06518 Stiftung Christlich-Soziale Politik e.V.. Johannes-AJbere-Allee 5, 53639 Königswinter T: (02223) 730; Fax: 73111; E-Mail: StiftungCSPOtonline.de; Internet: http://www.a2k.de/cspinfo.htn1 Established: 1978; Secy: Dr. Eberhard Pies Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: PoiS 06519
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung Christliche Privatschulen, Hegelstr 20, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 324460; Fax: 9516008; E-Mail: stiftung.scp®t-online.de Established: 1999; Chair Dr. Doris Sennekamp, Donops): Verein zur Förderung christlicher Privatschulen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; RelE 06520
Stiftung D e m o s k o p i e Allensbach, HermannHesse-Weg 16, 78464 Konstanz Τ: (07531) 50155, (07533) 805193; Fax: (07533) 3048, (07531) 50492 Established: 1996; Secy: Prof. Dr. Bemd Rüthers, Dr. Emst-Thomas Kraft, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann-Maier-Leibnrtz Expenditures: DM 500.000,Focus: SocS 06533
Stiftung Christliches Altenhelm Lützeln, Holzhäuser Weg 7, 57299 Burbach T: (02736) 2040; Fax: 204345 Established: 1964 Expenditures: DM 4.370.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06521
Stiftung D e n k m a l für die e r m o r d e t e n J u d e n Europas, c/o Maecenata, Barer Str 44, 80799 München T: (089) 284452; Fax: 283774 Established: 1995; Secy: Maecenata Management GmbH, Donor(s): Förderkreis zur Errichtung des Denkmals für die ermordeten Juden Europas e.V. Assets: DM 70.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; Jew 06534
Stiftung Christliches Erholungshelm Westerwald, 56479 Rehe Established: 1952 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW
Stiftung Christopherus, Brendelweg 122, 27755 Delmenhorst Established: 1972 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06523
Stiftung D e n k m a l p f l e g e H a m b u r g , Stiftung zur Erhaltung von Kulturdenkmälern der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Dragonerstall 13, 20355 Hamburg T: (040) 344293; Fax: 354286 Established: 1978; Secy: Irina von Jagow, Donor(s): Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Mon 06535
Stiftung Corporate Artentlty, c/o Harald WalterArndt, Breslauerstr 4, 71111 Waldenbuch T: (07157) 520062; Fax: 520061; E-Mail: hwa@ artentity.de; Internet: http://www.artentity.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Harald Walter-Arndt, Kai Hansen, Elmar Schrepfer, Dieter Scherbaum, Gabriele Arndt Focus: Arts 06524
Stiftung Denkmalschutz Berlin, Frankfurter Tor 1, 10243 Berlin T: (030) 42016780; Fax: 42016782; E-Mail: berlin® stiftung-denkmalschutz.de Established: 1999; Chair Lothar de Maiziere, Donor(s); Mana und Reinhard Müller Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Mon 06536
Stiftung D a h e i m im Helm, Ludwig-Erhard-Pl 1, 53179 Bonn T: (0228) 8312623; Fax: 8312604; Internet: http:// www.daheim-im-heim.de Established: 1993 Assets: DM 500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 616.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06525
Stiftung der Bauindustrie H a m b u r g , Loogestr 6, 20249 Hamburg T: (040) 4686560 Established: 1967 Focus: Voc; Schol; Build 06537
Stiftung Das Rauhe Haus, Beim Rauhen Hause 21, 22111 Hamburg Τ: (040) 655910; Fax: 65511112 Established: 1833; Donor(s): Johann Hinrich Wichem Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; SocW 06526 Stiftung Das zuckerkranke Kind, c/o Universitäts-Kinderklinik Ulm, Prittwit2str 43, 89075 Ulm Τ: (0731) 5027715; Fax: 5026714 Chair: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Heinze, Donor(s): Deutsche Diabetes-Stiftung Focus: Diab 06527 Stiftung Delphin, Annaberger Str 176, 53175 Bonn Τ: (0228) 384700; Fax: 3862755 Established: 1965; Secy: Stephan Kolter, Donor(s): Bundesverband Contergangeschädigter e.V. Assets: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 417.000,Umitations: Grants to charitable organizations and institutions in Germany only Focus: Hand 06528 Stiftung Demokratie i m Alltag, Eiserfelder Str 196, 57072 Siegen T: (0271) 3182294; Fax: 317248 Established: 1974; Chain Wolfgang Belitz, Donor(s): Klaus Hoppmann Expenditures: DM 160.000,Focus: Adult; Child; Youth 06529 Stiftung Demokratie Saarland, Bismarckstr 99, 66121 Saarbrücken T: (06811) 906260; Fax: 9062625; E-Mail: sdsô stittung-demokratie-saarland.de; Internet: http:// www.strftung-demokratie-saai1and.de Established: 1995; Chain Innenminister Friedel Läppte, Secy: Bernd Rauls, Hans Werner Meyer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocS 06530 Stiftung Demokratie u n d Marktwirtschaft, Bielitzer Str 17, 61377 München T: (089) 220809; Fax: 2265878 Established: 1993; Chain Manfred Bnjnner, Donops): Manfred Brunner Assets: DM 100.000,·, Receipts: DM 10.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocS; IntU 06531 Stiftung D e m o k r a t i s c h e Jugend, Gnjnberger Str 54, 10245 Berlin T: (030) 2945289; Fax: 2945281; E-Mail: buero@jugendstiftung>nbl.de; Internet: httpj! www.jugendstiftung-nbl.cle Established: 1990; Secy: Andreas Pautzke, Donops): Cordula Schubert Expenditures: DM 2.100.000,Limitations: Grants in the states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen only Focus: Youth 06532
Stiftung der Bezirkssparkasse Dillenburg, Untertor 9, 35683 Dillenburg T: (02771) 9350; Fax: 935609 Established: 1995; Donops): Bezirkssparkasse Dillenburg Assets: DM 750.000,-, Expenditures: DM 47.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Dillenburg only Focus: Youth; Sen; Health; SocW . . . 06538 Stiftung der Bezirkssparkasse Furtwangen, Friedrichstr 13, 78120 Furtwanger T: (07723) 65327; Fax: 65368 Established: 1996; Donops): Bezirkssparkasse Furtwangen Limitations: Grants in the district of Fiirtwangen only Focus: Youth; Sports; Arts; Cult; Hist . . 06539 Stiftung der B r a u n s c h w e l g l s c h e n Maschi nenbauanstalt, Am Alten Bahnhof 5, 38122 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 804300; Fax: 804280 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt AG Assets: DM 270.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität Braunschweig and Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Voc; Schol; Mach 06540 Stiftung der B r ü d e r g e m e i n d e n in Deutschland, Halbenmorgen 20, 51427 Bergisch Gladbach T: (02204) 61467; Fax: 23461; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Donops): Christliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Rei; SocW; Miss; Sen 06541 Stiftung Der Convent, Bergstr 11, 20095 Hamburg Established: 1255 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn
Stiftung der D e u t s c h e n Burgenvereinigung, Marksburg, 56338 Braubach T: (089) 47077200; Fax: 47077199 Established: 1993 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06543 Stiftung der D e u t s c h e n Gesellschaft für Luftu n d Raumfahrt-Lllienthal-Oberth e.V., c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: S.Westermann θ stifterverband.de; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt DGLR e.V. Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aviat 06544 Stiftung der d e u t s c h e n Gesellschaft für R h e u m a t o l o g i e , Krankenhausstr 12, 91054 Erlangen Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Rheum
Germany: Stiftung
06546 - 06589
Stiftung der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft, Erzgießereistr 20b, 80335 München T: (089) 526004 Established: 1997; Chair: Sigmund Böhm, Donor(s): Deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft im Deutschen Beamtenbund, Landesverband Bayern e.V. Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Pol 06546 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommunal Wissenschaften, c/o Verein für Komm una! wissenschatten e.V., Straße des 17. Juni 112. 10623 Berlin T: (030) 390010; Fax: 39001100; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.difu.de Established: 1954; Chair: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Mäding, Secy: Dr. Rolf-Peter Lohr, Donor(s): Deutsche Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise Assets: DM 400.000,-, Receipts: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Mon; Hum; Hist; Youth; CommS; Cult; Landsc; PolS; Law; Sen; SocS; Town; Traf; Adm; Wat, Econ; Hous 06547 Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Qualifizierung und Kooperation e.V., Breite Str 29, 10719 Berlin T: (030) 20331568; Fax: 20331555; Internet: http:// www.sdw.org Established: 1994; Donor(s): Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to German students only Focus: Schol; Econ 06548 Stiftung der Dielektra GmbH, Kaiserstr 127, 51145 Köln Established: 1938 06549 Stiftung der ehemaligen Schüler des Gymnasiums illustre, c/o Rechtsanwalt Jens Wünscher, Kronprinzstr 19, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2275050; Fax: 293013 Established: 1966 Assets: DM 568.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Límitations: Predetermined grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Educ 06550 Stiftung der Elisabeth-Schwestern zu Essen, Postfach 101064, 45010 Essen T: (0201) 8970; Fax: 8972209; Internet: http:// www.elisabeth-stiftung.de Established: 1841; Donor(s): Barmherzige Schwestern von der heiligen Elisabeth Expenditures: DM 180.000.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 06551 Stiftung der Eltern und Förderer der Bismarckschule Hannover, An der Bismarckschule 5, 30173 Hanrover T: (0511) 1683457 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Verein der Eltern und Förderer der Bismarckschule Hannover e.V. Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 19.500,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06552 Stiftung der Freimaurerloge zur Weltkugel, c/o Logenhaus, Sankt-Annen-Str 2, 23552 Lübeck Established: 1993; Chair: Manfred Zieroth, Donor(s): Freimaurerloge zur Weltkugel Assets: DM 650.000,-, Receipts: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: SocW 06553 Stiftung der Freunde der Hamburger Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Kurze Mühren 1, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 32015629; Fax: 32015299 Established: 1963; Chair: Prof.Dr. Klaus Stolberg Assets: DM 1.275.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants to Hamburger Hochschule für Musik und Theater only Focus: Music; Theat 06554 Stiftung der Gemeindesparkasse Gauting Sparkassenstiftung, Wittelsbacherstr 10, 82319 Starnberg T: (08151) 905910; Fax: 905950 Established: 1988; Secy: Hans Maenner, Donops): Gemeindesparkasse Gauting Assets: DM 390.000,Limitations: Grants in Gauting only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Hist 06555 Stiftung der Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen, Postfach 3744, 37027 Göttingen T: (0551) 394201; Fax: 399612 Established: 1985; Chair: Dr. Marina Frost Assets: DM 8.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants to G eorg-Aug u st- U η i versitát in Göttingen only Focus: Scie; Res; Schol 06556 Stiftung der Gesellschaft der Freunde der Technischen Hochschule Breslau zur Sammlung und Erhaltung der Kulturwerte Schlesiens, Kortumweg 25, 44141 Dortmund Τ: (0231) 411216 Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cult; Hist; Arts 06557
Stiftung der Hamburger Presse, Mattentwiete 2, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 37519641; Fax: 37519644 Established; 1953; Donor(s): Deutscher Joumalistenverband, Landesverband Hamburg Assets; DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants to needy members of Joumalisten-Veifcand Hamburg e.V. and their relatives only Focus: Jour 06558 Stiftung Der herzkranke Diabetiker, Stiftung zur Bekämpfung von Herz/Kreislauf- und Gefäßerkrankungen, c/o Diabetes Forschungsinstitut an der Uni Düsseldorf, Aufm Hennekamp 65, 40225 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 3382665; Fax: 3382665 Established: 1999; Chair Prof. Dr. Diethelm Tschópe, Donops): Deutsche Diabetes-Stiftung Focus: Diab; Card 06559 Stiftung der Junkers Flugzeug· und Motorenwerke, 61663 München T: (089) 60723408; Fax; 60721165 Established; 1936; Chair: Rudolf Kinne, Secy: Nikolaus Schmohl, Donor(s): Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke Assets: DM 6.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06560 Stiftung der Kreis-Sparkasse Northeim, Postfach 1409, 37144 Northeim T: (05551) 709671; Fax: 709555 Established: 1995; Donops): Kreis-Sparkasse Northeim Assets: DM 3.000,000,-, Expenditures: DM 269.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Northeim only Focus: Arts; Music; Lit 06561 Stiftung der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Münden, c/o Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Münden, Bahnhofstr 21-23, 34346 Hann. Münden T: (05541) 708290; Fax: 708111 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Münden Limitations: Grants in the city and district of Hann. Münden only Focus: Youth; Sports; Cult; Hist; SocW; Ecol 06562 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Bamberg, Lange Str 25-29, 96047 Bamberg T: (0951) 835200; Fax: 835130 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Bamberg Assets: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 216.000,· Limitations: Grants in Bamberg and in the district of Landkreis Bamberg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06563 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Bayreuth-Pegnitz, Opemstr 12, 95444 Bayreuth T: (0921) 502109; Fax: 502124 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Kreissparicasse Bayreuth-Pegnitz Assets: DM 2.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants in Bayreuth and in the district of Landkreis Bayreuth only Focus: Arts; Cutt; Mon; Ecol 06564 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Bernburg, Friedenstr 13 , 06406 Bemburg Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Bemburg only 06565 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld (Birkenfelder Landesbank) zum Schutz der Umwelt und zur Förderung des Heimatgedankens, Auf der Idar 2, 55743 IdarOberstein T: (06781) 6010; Fax: 601250 Established: 1989; Donops): Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Birkenfeld only Focus: Ecol; Cult 06566 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld (Birkenfelder Landesbank) zur Förderung der Jugend, c/o Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld, Auf der Idar 2, 55743 Idar-Oberstein T: (06781) 6010; Fax: 601250 Established: 1995; Donops): Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Birkenfeld only Focus: Youth; Educ 06567 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Borken zur Förderung der Jugend, Kunst und Kultur sowie für die Seniorenbetreuung, den Sport und die Umwelt, c/o Kreissparkasse Borken, Bahnhofstr 1, 48683 Ahaus T: (02861) 85410; Fax: 85417 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Borken Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Borken only Focus: Youth; Arts; Cult; Sen; Sports; Ecol 06568
114 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Bremervörde, Postfach 1360, 27393 Zeven T: (04761) 998106; Fax: 998105 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Bremervörde Assets; DM 1.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 90.000,ümitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Bremervörde only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Ecol 06569 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse EsslingenNürtingen, Bahnhofstr 8, 7372Θ Esslingen T: (0711) 3984202; Fax: 3984689; E-Mail: jkoenig® es.ksk.de Established: 1994; Chain Hans Scholdei, Secy: Jochen König, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse EsslingenNürtingen Expenditures: DM 270.000,Limitatìons: Grants in the district of Landkreis Esslingen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ; Scie; Ecol; SocW 06570 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Euskirchen zur Förderung von Kultur und Sport im Kreis Euskirchen, c/o Kreissparkasse Euskirchen, Alleestr 1, 53879 Euskirchen T: (02251) 17316; Fax: 17399 Established: 1994; Donops): Kreissparkasse Euskirchen Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Euskirchen only Focus: Cult; Sports 06571 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Fulda, do Kreissparkasse Fulda, Buttermarkt 2, 36037 Fulda T: (0661) 296124 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Fulda Expenditures: DM 70.000,· Limitations: Grants in the dislrict of Kreis Fulda only Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie; Ecol; Cult . . . 06572 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Groß-Gerau zur Förderung der Kultur, Darmstädter Str 22, 64504 Groß-Gerau T: (06152) 713316; Fax: 713363 Established: 1985; Donorfs): Kreisspaikasse GroßGerau Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 110.000,Limitations: Grants in the district ot Kreis GroßGerau only Focus: Cult; Mon 06573 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Heinsberg, Dr.Eberle-Pl 1, 41812 Erkelenz T: (02431) 804208; Fax: 804391 Established: 1990; Secy: Josef Eckers Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 177.000,Limitations: Grants to charitable organizations only Focus: IntU 06574 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Hildesheim, Almsstr 27, 31134 Hildesheim T: (05121) 1041421; Fax: 1041857 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Hildesheim Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Hildesheim only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Ecol 06575 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung der Kultur, der Denkmal- und Heimatpflege, insbesondere des Umwelt-, Landschafte- und Naturschutzes, sowie der Heimatkunde Im Gebiet des Erftkreises, des Rhelnisch-Berglschen Kreises und des Oberbergischen Kreises, Neumarkt 18-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272400; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1983; Donor(s); Kreissparkasse Köln Assets: DM 15.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the districts of Erftkreis, Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis and Oberbergischer Kreis only Focus: Cult; Mon; Arts; Ecol 06576 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung des Hänneschen-Theaters, des Kölnischen Stadtmuseums, des Rautenstrauch-Joe8t-Museums, des RömischGermanischen Museums, des SchnütgenMuseums und des Kölner Zoos, Neumarkt 1824, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272400; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1963; Donops): Kreissparkasse Köln Assets: DM 10.000.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Köln only Focus: Theat; Arts; Cult; Zool 06577 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung des Sports im Gebiet des Erftkreises, des Rhelnisch-Berglschen Kreises und des Oberbergischen Kreises, Neumarkt 18-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272935; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Köln Assets: DM 7,500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in the districts of Erftkreis, Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis and Oberbergischer Kreis only Focus: Sports 06578
Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung kultureller, denkmal- und heimatpflege ri scher sowie heimatkundlicher Zwecke im Oberbergischen Kreis, Neumarkt 18-24, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2272400; Fax: 2273750 Established: 1984; Donops): Kreisspaikasse Köln Assets: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Oberbergischer Kreis only Focus: Cutt; Mon 06579 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Limburg zur Förderung begabter helmischer Musiker, Schiede 41, 65549 Limburg T: (06431) 202159; Fax: 202218; Internet: httpji www.ksk-limburg.de Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in the district of Kreis Limburg only Focus: Music; Schol 06580 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse LöbauZlttau für Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, cío Kreissparkasse Löbau-Zittau, Postfach 1166, 02751 Zittau T: (03583) 603110; Fax: 603101; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/Mp://www.ksk-k>ebauzittau.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse LöbauZittau Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis LöbauZittau only Focus: Cult; Sports; Arts; Ecol; Health; Youth 06581 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Pinneberg für Umwelt, Kultur und Soziales, c/o Kreissparkasse Pinneberg, Friedrich-Ebert-Str 38-40, 25421 Pinneberg T: (04104) 215349; Fax: 215856 Established: 1994; Donops): Kreissparkasse Pinneberg Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Pinneberg only Focus: Ecol; Cult; SocW 06582 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Quedlinburg, c/o Kreissparkasse Quedlinburg, Turmstr 8, 06484 Quedlinburg Established: 1998; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Quedlinburg Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Quedlinburg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06583 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Recklinghausen zur Förderung des Natur- und Umweltschutzes, c/o Kreissparkasse Recklinghausen, Herzogswall 5, 45657 Recklinghausen Τ: (02361) 205215; Fax: 205446 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Recklinghausen Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Recklinghausen only Focus: Ecol 06584 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Reutlingen zur Förderung der Jugend, c/o Kreissparkasse Reutlingen, Tübinger Str 74, 72762 Reutlingen T: (07121) 9537692; Fax: 9537699 Donor(s): Kreisspaikasse Reutlingen Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Reutlingen only Focus: Youth 06585 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Reutlingen zur Förderung innovativer Leistungen Im Handwerk, Tübinger Str 74, 72710 Reutlingen Established: 1987 Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Reutlingen only Focus; CommT 06586 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Rotenburg/Wümme, Postfach 1360, 27393 Zeven T: (04761) 998106; Fax: 998105 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Rotenburg (Wümme) Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 75.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Rotenburg/Wümme only Focus: Arts; Cuit; Ecol; Youth; Sen . . . 06587 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Rottwell für Kunst-, Kultur· und Denkmalpflege, Postfach 1452, 78614 Rottweil T: (0741) 242269; Fax: 242254; Internet: http:// www.sparkasse-rottweil.de Established: 1995; Donops): Kreissparkasse Rottweil Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 77.000,Limitations: Grants to institutions and organizations in the district of Landkreis Rottweil only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06588 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Rottweil zur Förderung Innovativer Leistungen sowie zur Begabten- und Jugendförderung, Postfach 1452, 78614 Rottweil T: (0741) 242269; Fax: 242254; Internet: httpJl www.$parkasse-rottweil.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Rottweil Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 42.000,Limitations: Grants to institutions and organizations in the district of Landkreis Rottweil only Focus: Educ 06589
06590 - 06635
Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Segeberg, c/o Kreissparkasse Segeberg, Oldesloer Str 24, 23795 Bad Segeberg T: (04551) 953156; Fax: 953769 Established: 1995; Donops): Kreissparkasse Segeberg Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Segeberg only Focus: Arts; Culi; Eco); Hist; Scie; Res; Youth; Sports; Fire; SocW; Hand 06590
Stiftung der Lebenshilfe Maln-Tauber-Krels, Hárlerichstr 13, 97980 Bad Mergentheim Τ: (07931) 595117; Fax: 74207 Established: 1998; Chair Edmund Brenner, Donops): Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger und anderer Behinderung Limitations: Grants in the district of Main-TauberKreis only Focus: Hand 06601
Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Torgau-Oschatz, Blomberger Str 1, 04758 Oschatz T: (03435) 9740; Fax: 9746910 Established: 1998; Donops): Kreissparkasse TorgauOschatz Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis TorgauOschatz only Focus: Cult; Mon; Music; Lit; Theat; Arts . 0659? Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Tuttlingen zur Förderung Innovativer Leistungen Im H a n d w e r k u n d i m K l e i n g e w e r b e , Bahnhofstr 89, 78502 Tuttlingen
S t i f t u n g d e r M ö l l n e r S p a r k a s s e , c/o Möllner Sparkasse, Bauhof 5-7, 23879 Mölln T: (04542) 826106; Fax: 825160 Established: 1998; Dortor(s): Möllner Sparkasse Limitations: Grants in Mölln only Focus: Youth; Educ; Hand; Sports; Cult; AnimP; Ecol; Landsc 06602
T: (07461) 700215, 700219; Fax: 700504 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Tuttlingen Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Tuttlingen only Focus: CommT 06592 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Verden, 16, 27283 Verden T: (04231) 16340; Fax: 16345 Established: 1995; Chair: Klaus Brandes, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Verden Assets: DM 3.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 170.000,-, Expenditures: DM 170.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Verden only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Youth; Sen; Res; Scie; Sports; SocW 06593 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wiedenbrück, c/o Kreissparkasse Wiedenbrück, Wasserstr 10-12, 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück T: (05242) 599160; Fax: 599149 Established: 1996; Donops): Kreissparkasse Wiedenbrück Expenditures: DM 42.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Wiedenbrück only Focus: Youth; Sports; Arts; Cult; Educ; Hist; V « ; Ecol; Landsc 06594 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wittmund, Postfach 1255, 26399 Wittmund T: (04462) 967214; Fax: 987304; Internet: httpj/ www.sparkasse-wittmund.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Wittmund Assets: DM 750.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Wittmund only Focus: Aits; Cult; Mon; Youth; Sen
. . .
Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wolfratshausen, Badstr 20-22, 83646 Bad Tölz T: (08041) 500354; Fax: 500204 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Wolfratshausen Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Sports; Ecol 06596 Stiftung der Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz, c/o SV Strftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stiflerverband .de Established: 1963; Donor(s): Landesbank RheinlandPfalz, Girozentrale Expenditures: DM 546.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz only Focus: Schol; SocW; Cult 06597 S t i f t u n g d e r L a n d m a s c h i n e n - I n d u s t r i e , Lyoner Str 18, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66031305; Fax: 66031464 Established: 1952; Donops): Verband der deutschen Landmaschinenindustrie Focus: AgrE 06598 Stiftung der LBS - Badische Landesbausparkasse Bauen und Wohnen, c/o LBS Landesbausparkasse Baden-Württemberg, Postfach 1460, 76135 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 8222121; Fax: 8222100; E-Mail: renate Jandenberger® lbs- baden.de Established: 1995; Donops): LBS Badische Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Hous S t i f t u n g d e r L e b e n s h i l f e fur M e n s c h e n mit geistiger Behinderung Baden-Württemberg, tío Landesverband Baden-Württemberg der Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung e.V., Jägerstr 12, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2558910; Fax: 2558955; E-Mail: lebenshilfe.bawued t-online.de Established: 1997; Secy: Rudi Sack, Dorwr(s): Landesverband Baden-Württemberg der Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung e.V. Expenditures: DM 10.000,Lìmitatìons: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Hand 06600
Stiftung der Niedersächsischen Bauindustrie, Eichstr 19, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 348340; Fax: 3483414 Established: 1994; Secy: Prof. Michael Sommer, Donops): Verein zur Berufsförderung der Bauindustrie in Niedersachsen, BBT GmbH Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Voc; Build 06603 Stiftung der Norddeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale und der Öffentlichen V e r s i c h e r u n g e n f ü r B r a u n s c h w e l g , Postfach 4504, 38035 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 273590; Fax: 2735950 Established: 1994; Chair: Ministerpräsident Gerhard Glogowski, Secy: Axel Richter, Gerd-Ulrich Hartmann, Donor(s): Nord/LB Expenditures: DM 3.300.000,Focus: Music; Arts; Cult; Lit; Theat; Sports; Scie; Res 06604 S t i f t u n g D e r P r i v a t e H a u s h a f t , Grábense 5, 40213 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 132282; Fax: 8984222 Established: 1986; Secy: Friedrich Schmidt, Donor(s): Citibank AG Assets: DM 3.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Focus: HomeE 06605 Stiftung der Raiffeisen-Volksbank Amorbach eG, tío Raiffeisen-Volksbank Miltenberg eG, Berliner PI 1, 63897 Miltenberg Τ: (09371) 504212; Fax: 504218 Established: 1996; Chair Georg Straub, Donor(s): Raiffeisenbank Amorbach eG Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Cult; Sports 06606 Stiftung der Ralffelsen-Volksbank B ü r g s t a d t e G , do Raiffeisenbank Bürgstadt eG, Berliner PI 1, 63897 Miltenberg T: (09371) 504211; Fax: 504218; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Donor(s): Raiffeisenbank Bürgstadt eG Limitations: Grants in Bürgstadt only Focus: Educ; Cult; Sports 06607 Stiftung der Ralffeisen-Volksbank U n t e r m e m b a c h e G , c/o Raiffeisen-Volksbank Ebern eG, Klein Nürnberg 1, 96106 Ebern T: (09531) 6210; Fax: 5118; E-Mail: r v t x b e m ô t online.de; Internet: http://www.rvb-ebem.de Established: 1996; Chair Helmut Schwappach, Donor(s): Raiffeisen-Volksbank Untermerzbach eG Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in Untermerzbach only Focus: Educ; Cult; Sports 06608 Stiftung der Raiffeisenbank KleinwallstadtS u l z b a c h e G , Postfach 20, 63835 Kleinwallstadt Established: 1997; Donops): Raiffeisenbank Kleinwallstadt-Sulzbach eG Limitations: Grants in Kleinwallstadt-Sulzbach only Focus: Educ; Cult; Sports 06609 Stiftung der Raiffeisenbank Unteres Elsavatal e G , Postfach 45, 63861 Eschau Established: 1996; Donor(s): Raiffeisenbank Unteres Elsavatal eG Limitations: Grants in the region of Unteres Elsavatal only Focus: Educ; Cult; Sporte 06610
S t i f t u n g d e r S p a r · u n d K r e d i t b a n k in d e r e v a n g e l i s c h e n K i r c h e in B a y e r n e G In N ü r n b e r g , Lorenzerpl 10, 90402 Nürnberg T: (0911) 23570; Fax: 2357269 Established: 1996; Chair: Michael Becker, Donor(s): Spar· und Kreditbank in der evangelischen Kirche in Bayern eG Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern, in Mecklenburg and in the archdioceses ol Hamburg and Schwerin only, the Focus: Rei; SocW 06613 Stiftung der Spar- u n d Leihkasse der f r ü h e r e n Ä m t e r B o r d e s h o l m , Kiel u n d C r o n s h a g e n für Kultur, U m w e l t und Soziales, tío Bordesholmer Sparkasse, Bahnhofstr 43-47, 24582 Bordesholm T: (03422) 6940; Fax: 694105 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Bordesholmer Limitations: Grants in Bordesholm, Kiel and Cronshagen only Focus: Cult; Ecol; Scie; Res; Youth; SocW; Hand 06614 Stiftung der Sparkasse Attendorn-LennestadtK i r c h h u n d e m für J u g e n d u n d Kultur, Kölner Str 10, 57439 Attendorn Established: 1999; Donor(s): Sparkasse AttendomLennestadt-Kirchhunden Limitations: Grants in Attendorn, Lennestadt and Kirchhunden only Focus: Arts; Cult; Youth 06615 Stiftung der Sparkasse B a d Neustadt a n der S a a l e , tío Sparkasse Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Meininger Str 31-37, 97616 Bad Neustadt an der Saale T: (09771) 6020; Fax: 602444 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Bad Neustadt an der Saale Limitations: Grants in Bad Neustadt an der Saale only Focus: Cult; Sports; Youth; Hist; Ecol; Landsc; Educ 06616 S t i f t u n g d e r S p a r k a s s e B a d Salzuflen, Rudolph-Brandes-Allee 2, 32105 Bad Salzuflen Τ: (05222) 932700; Fax: 932504; E-Mail: Thomas_Emmerich @spk-BadSatzuflen.de; Internet: http://www.spk-BadSalzuflen.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Salzuflen Limitations: Grants in Bad Salzuflen only Focus: Youth; Child; Ecol; Scie; Res; Eng 06617 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bamberg, tío Spaiasse Bamberg, Schönleinspl 1, 96047 Established: 1989; Donor(s): $ Expenditures: DM 268.000,Limitations; Grants in Bamberg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon
Stiftung der Sparkasse B o c h u m zur Förderung von Kultur und Wissenschaft, Postfach 102469, 44724 Bochum T: (0234) 6111102; Fax; 6111190 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Sparkasse Bochum Assets: DM 15.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.200.000,Limitations: Grants in Bochum only Focus: Cult; Scie 06619 Stiftung der Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis fur K u l t u r u n d Sport, c/o Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis, Postfach 1414, 06694 Zeitz T: (03441) 727318; Fax: 727252 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis Limitations: Grants in the district of Burgenlandkreis only Focus: Cult; Sports 06620 Stiftung der Sparkasse Castrop-Rauxel für Kultur, W i s s e n s c h a f t u n d U m w e l t , Am Markt 13, 44575 Castrop-Rauxel T: (02305) 291500; Fax: 291130 Established: 1994; Donops): Sparkasse CastropRauxel Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 54.000,Limitations: Grants in Castrop-Rauxel only Focus: Cult; Scie; Ecol 06621
Stiftung der Sachsischen Akademie der W i s s e n s c h a f t e n z u Leipzig, Postfach 440, 04004 Leipzig T: (0341) 7115315; Fax: 7115344 Established: 1993; Donops): Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften Assets: DM 325.000,·, Expenditures: DM 17.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie 06611
Stiftung der Sparkasse der Homburgischen G e m e i n d e n , c/o Sparkasse der Homburgischen Gemeinden, Hauptstr 12-18, 51674 Wiehl T: (02262) 982124; Fax: 982160; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.sparkasse-wiehl.de Established: 1998; Secy: Karl-Adof Klein, Donor(s): Sparkasse der Homburgischen Gemeinden Limitations: Grants in Nümbrecht arid Wiehl only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Rei; IntU; Ecol; landsc; Mon; Hist; Sen; Youth; Health; SocW; Sports; SocW 06622
Stiftung der Selbsthllfe-Sledlergenossenschaft B o n l a n d e n , Rotfeldstr 19, 70794 Filderstadt T: (0711) 776637 Established: 1990; Donops): SelbsthilfeSiedlergenossenschaft Bonlanden Assets: DM 480.900,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Esslingen only Focus: Youth; Sen; Health 06612
S t i f t u n g d e r S p a r k a s s e D e t m o l d , tío Sparkasse Detmold, Paulinenstr 34, 32756 Detmold T: (05231) 931601; Fax: 930931; E-Mail: joachimJiunokJ ôsparkasse-detrnold.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Sparkasse Detmold Expenditures: DM 132.000,· Limitations: Grants in Detmold only Focus: Econ; Eng; Unemp; Arts; Cull; Youth; Sen; Scie; Res; Media; Educ; Voc; Mon; Child 06623
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung der Sparkasse Donaueschingen, Mühlenstr 1, 78166 Donaueschingen T: (0771) 802221; Fax: 802279; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Donaueschingen Expenditures: DM 85.000,Limrtations: Grants in Donaueschingen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Youth; Educ . . 06624 Stiftung der Sparkasse Donauwörth, tío Sparkasse Donauwörth, Reichsstr 31/33, 86609 Donauwörth T: (0906) 781100; Fax: 781164 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Donauwörth Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Grants in Donauwörth only Focus: Voc; Sports; Educ 06625 S t i f t u n g d e r S p a r k a s s e F i n n e n t r o p , Bamenohler Str 252, 57413 Finnentrop T: (02721) 970150; Fax: 970121 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Finnentrop Limitations: Grants in Finnentrop only Focus: Youth; Sen; Health; Sports; Arts; Educ; Hist; Ecol; Landsc; AnimP 06626 Stiftung der Sparkasse Grûnberg, ( Str 8, 35305 Grünberg Τ: (06401) 9290; Fax: 929249; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1989; Donor(s): Sparkasse Grimberg Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 55.000,Limitations: Grants in Grünberg only Focus: Cult; SocW 06627 S t i f t u n g d e r S p a r k a s s e H a m m für K u n s t - u n d K u l t u r p f l e g e , tío Spaikasse Hamm, Weststr 5-7, 59065 Hamm T: (02381) 103402; Fax: 103356 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Sparkasse Hamm Limitations: Grants in Hamm only Focus: Music; Arts; Cult 06628 S t i f t u n g d e r S p a r k a s s e H a n a u , Am Markt 1, 63450 Hanau T: (06181) 298246; Fax: 298237 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Sparkasse Hanau Assets: DM 2.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 209.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hanau and in the district of Altkreis Hanau only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06629 Stiftung der Sparkasse Harburg-Buxtehude, Rathausstr 50, 21423 Winsen/Luhe T: (040) 76691226; Fax: 76691216 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Harburg Expenditures: DM 170.000,Ljmrtations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Harburg Focus: Cult; Educ; Sports; Ecol; Landsc; Mon; Hist 06630 Stiftung der Sparkasse Harburg-Buxtehude zur Förderung der J u g e n d der Stadt B u x t e h u d e , Bahnhofstr 16-16, 21614 Buxtehude Established: 1993; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Buxtehude Limitations: Grants in Buxtehude only Focus: Youth 06631 Stiftung der Sparkasse Im Landkreis Neustadt an der Alsch-Bad Windsheim, c/o Sparkasse im Landkreis Neustadt an der AischBad Windsheim, Sparkassenpl 1, 91413 Neustadt an der Aisch T: (09161) 91880; Fax: 911119 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Spaikasse im Landkreis Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim only Focus: Sports; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Health; Youth; Hist 06632 Stiftung der Sparkasse Kierspe-Meinerzhagen, tío Sparkasse Kierspe-Meinerzhagen, Thingslinderstr 1, 58566 Kierspe T: (02359) 9170105; Fax: 9170109 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Sparkasse KierspeMánerzhagen Limitations: Grants in Kierspe only Focus: Youth; Sen; SocW; Sports; Arts; Cult; Mon; Scie; Res; Ecol 06633 Stiftung der Sparkasse Krefeld zur Förderung d e r N a t u r u n d K u l t u r I m Kreis V i e r s e n , Ostwall 155, 47798 Krefeld T: (02151) 682113; Fax: 682100 Established: 1967; Donops): Sparkasse Krefeld Assets: DM 6.000.000,Limrtations: Grants in the district of Kreis Viersen only Focus: Ecol; Cult 06634 Stiftung der Sparkasse Krefeld zur Förderung kultureller Z w e c k e In d e r S t a d t Krefeld, Ostwall 155, 47798 Krefeld T: (02151) 682116; Fax: 682100 Established: 1986; Chair Ulrich Topoll, Günter Hellbeck, Secy: Michael Rotthoff, Donor(s): Spaikasse Krefeld Assets: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Krefeld only Focus: Cult 06635
Germany: Stiftung
06636 - 06684
Stiftung der Sparkasse Kreis Plön zur Förderung der heimischen Kultur und Natur, der Jugendpflege und des Sports, Markt 2830, 24306 Plön T: (04522) 501440; Fax: 501201; E-Mail: Sparkasse. [email protected]; Internet: http M www.spk-kreis-ploen.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse Kreis Plön Expenditures: DM 56.000,Limitatiors: Grants in the district of Kreis Plön only Focus: Cult; Ecol; Youth; Sports . . . . 06636 Stiftung der Sparkasse Langen-Seligenstadt, Frankfurter Str 137, 63500 Seligenstadt T: (06182) 9251201; Fax: 9251444 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Sparkasse LangenSeligenstadt Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 77.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Ottenbach only Focus: Cult; Youth; Sen 06637 Stiftung der Sparkasse Laubach-Hungen, c/o Sparkasse Laubach-Hungen. August-Krieger-Str 19, 35321 Laubach T: (06405) 829129; Fax: 829110 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Sparkasse LaubachHungen Limitations: Grants in Laubach-Hungen only Focus: Cult; SocW; Arts; Hist; Ecol; Youth; Sports; Health; Mon 06638 Stiftung der Sparkasse Lübeck für Kultur, Umwelt und Sport, Breite Str 18-28, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 147215; Fax: 147488; E-Mail: infoôspkluebeck.de; Internet: http://www.sparkasse-luebeck.de Established: 1996; Chair: Wolfgang Pötschke, Donor(s): Sparkasse zu Lübeck Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Cult; Ecol; Sports 06639 Stiftung der Sparkasse Märkisch-Oderland, Große Str 2-3, 15344 Strausberg Established: 1999: Donor(s): Sparkasse MärkischOderland Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Märkisch-Oderland only Focus: Ans; Cult; Sports; Child; Youth . . 06640 Stiftung der Sparkasse Mann helm zur Förderung zukunfts- und technologieorientierter Unternehmen, D 1, 1-3, 68159 Mannheim T: (0621) 2980 Established: 1984; Donor(s): Sparkasse Mannheim Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Mannheim only Focus: Fut; Eng 06641 Stiftung der Sparkasse Markgräflerland zur Förderung der Jugend, c/o Sparkasse Markgräflerland, Hauptstr 279, 79576 Weil am Rhein T: (07631) 87610; Fax: 87609 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Markgräflerland Limitations: Grants in the district of Markgräflerland only Focus: Youth; Sports 06642 Stiftung der Sparkasse Markgräflerland zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur, Werderstr 42-44, 79379 Müllhelm T: (07631) 87504610 Established: 1988: Donor(s): Sparkasse Markgräflerland Assets: DM 1.136.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Markgräflerland only Focus: Arts; Cult 06643 Stiftung der Sparkasse Menden, Papenhausenstr 15, 58706 Menden T: (02373) 1621131; Fax: 1623130 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Sparkasse Menden Limitations: Grants in Menden only Focus: Youth; Seri; SocW; Sports; Arts; Cult; Mon; Scie; Res; Ecol 06644 Stiftung der Sparkasse Nördlingen, c/o Sparkasse Nördlingen, Bei den Komschrannen 1, 86720 Nördlingen T: (09081) 802111; Fax: 802186; E-Mail: Heinz. Groeninger® Sparkasse-Noerdlingen.de; Internet: h ttp://wvw.Sparkasse-Noerdlingen.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Sparkasse Nördlingen Limitations: Grants in Nördlingen only Focus: Youth; Sen; Health; Educ; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Landsc; Child; Drug 06645 Stiftung der Sparkasse Odenwaldkreis, MartinLuther-Str 53-55, 64711 Erbach Τ: (06062) 50265; Fax: 62259 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Sparkasse Odenwald kreis Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitatiors: Grants In the district of Odenwaldkreis only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ; Ecol; SocW . . 06646 Stiftung der Sparkasse Ostholstein, c/o Sparkasse Ostholstein, Am Rosengarten 3, 23701 Eutin T: (04521) 85210; Fax: 85208 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Sparkasse Ostholstein Limitations: Grants In the region of Ostholstein only Focus: Sports; SocW; Ecol; Landsc . . . 06647
116 Stiftung der Sparkasse Ratingen zur Förderung der Altenhilfe, Düsseldorfer Str 28, 40878 Ratingen T: (02102) 2039300; Fax: 2039222; Internet: http:// >e-ratingen.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Sparkasse Ratingen Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Ratingen only Focus: Sen 0664Θ Stiftung der Sparkasse Rheinberg zur Förderung gemeinnütziger mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke Im Stadtgebiet Rheinberg, Bahnhofstr 5, 47495 Rheinberg Established: 1998; Donor(s): Sparkasse Rheinberg Limitations: Grants in Rheinberg only Focus: SocW; Rei 06649 Stiftung der Sparkasse Salem-Heillgenberg, c/o Sparkasse Salem-Heiligenberg, Postfach 1262, 88679 Salem Established: 1997; Donops): Sparkasse SalemHeiligenberg Limitations: Grants In Salem-Heillgenberg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Educ 06650 Stiftung der Sparkasse Siegen für Kunst und Kultur, c/o Sparkasse Siegen, Postfach 100948, 57009 Siegen T: (0271) 3598501; Fax: 3598525 Established: 1992; Donops): Sparkasse Siegen Limitations: Grants in Siegen only Focus: Arts; Cult 06651 Stiftung der Sparkasse Soest zur Förderung von Jugend und Sport, Postfach 2064, 59491 Soest Established: 1998; Donops): Sparkasse Soest Limitations: Grants in Soest only Focus: Youth; Sports 06652 Stiftung der Sparkasse Uelzen, Postfach 1664, 29506 Uelzen T: (0581) 84121; Fax: 84129 Established: 1995; Donops): Sparkasse Uelzen Assets: DM 3.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in Uelzen only Focus: Cult; Arts 06653 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vogtland, Bahnhofstr 61, 08523 Plauen T: (03741) 1232105; Fax: 1231299 Established: 1993; Chain Arthur Scholz, Donor(s): Sparkasse Vogtland Assets: DM 1.550.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Vogtlandkreis and the city of Plauen only Focus: SocW; Cult; Music; Lit; Arts; Theat; Sports 06654 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vorpommern für Wissenschaft, Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, An der Sparkasse 1, 17489 Greifswald T: (03834) 557104; Fax: 557124 Established: 1993; Donops): Sparkasse Vorpommern Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 136.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Vorpommern only Focus: Scie; Cult; Sports; SocW . . . . 06655 Stiftung der Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Poststr 15, 57319 Bad Berleburg T: (02751) 922215; Fax: 922202; E-Mail: adroese@ sparkasse-Wittgenstein Established: 1999; Donor(s): Sparkasse zu Limitations; Grants in the region of Bad Berleburg only Focus: Youth; Sen; SocW; Sports; Arts; Cult; Scie; Res; Mon 06656 Stiftung der Sparkasse zur Förderung der Kunst In Lüneburg, An der Münze 4-6, 21335 Lüneburg T: (04131) 288800; Fax: 288809; Internet: httpj¡ www.die-sparkasse.de Established: 1984; Donops): Sparkasse Lüneburg Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Lüneburg only Focus: Arts 06657 Stiftung der Sparkassen Im Landkreis Osnabrück, Wittekindstr 17-19, 49074 Osnabrück T: (0541) 3243535; Fax: 3244005 Established: 1996; Donops): Kreissparkasse Melle, Kreissparkasse Bersenbrück, Kreissparkasse Osnabrück Expenditures: DM 8.700.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Osnabrück only Focus: Youth; Hand; Sen; SocW . . . . 06658 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung gemeinnütziger, mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, c/o Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen, Neukirchener Str 4, 42799 Leichlingen T: (02175) 995102; Fax: 995100 Established: 1994; Donops): Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen Limitations: Grants in Leichlingen only Focus: SocW; Rei; Educ; Hist; Sports; Youth; Sen
Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke Im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, c/o Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen, Neukirchener Str 4, 42799 Leichlingen T: (02175) 995101; Fax: 995100 Established: 1994; Donops): Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen Limitations: Grants in Leichlingen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Theat; Music; Libr; Archiv
06660 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Stade, Pferdemarkt 11a, 21682 Stade T: (04141) 490363; Fax: 490142 Established: 1996; Donops): Stadt-Sparkasse Stade Limitations: Grants in Stade only Focus: Youth; Ecol; Landsc; Mon; Sports . 06661 Stiftung der Stadt· und Saalkreissparkasse Halle/Saale, Rathausstr 5, 06108 Halle/Saale T: (0345) 23200; Fax: 2320189 Established: 1998; Donops): Stadt- und Saalkreissparkasse Haile/Saale Limitations: Grants in Halle/Saale and in the district of Saalkreis only Focus: Youth; Sen; SocW; Arts; Cult . . 06662 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bad Honnef zur Förderung kultureller gemeinnütziger mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke Im Stadtgebiet Bad Honnef, c/o Stadtsparkasse Bad Honnef, Hauptstr 34, 53604 Bad Honnef T: (02224) 181115; Fax: 181150 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Bad Honnef Limitations: Grants in Bad Honnef only Focus: Cult; SocW; Ral 06663 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bad Sachsa, c/o Stadtsparkasse Bad Sachsa, Poststr 6-7, 37441 Bad Sachsa T: (05523) 94300; Fax: 943030 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Bad Sachsa Limitations: Grants in Bad Sachsa only Focus: Cult; SocW; Ecol; Sports . . . . 06664 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Billerbeck (Westf.) zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Jugend- und Altenhilfe, Bahnhofstr 3, 48727 BiMerbeck T: (02543) 760; Fax: 7657 Expenditures: DM 305.000,· Limitations: Grants in Billerbeck only Focus: Arts; Cult; Youlfi; Sen 06665 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bocholt zur Förderung von Wissenschaft, Kultur und Umweltschutz, Markt 8, 46399 Bocholt T: (02871) 970; Fax: 97204 Established: 1992; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Bocholt Assets: DM 2.500.000,· Limitations: Grants in Bocholt only Focus: Scie; Cult; Ecol 06666 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bottrop zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke Im Gebiet der Stadt Bottrop, Pferdemarkt 8, 46236 Bottrop T: (02041) 104248; Fax: 104214 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Bottrop Assets: DM 1.400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants in Bottrop only Focus: Cuit 06667 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Cuxhaven zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur und Denkmalpflege, Rohdestr 6, 27472 Cuxhaven Established: 1997; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Cuxhaven Limitations: Grants in Cuxhaven only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 06668 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Dortmund zum Wohle älterer Menschen, Freistuhl 2, 44137 Dortmund T: (0231) 1831112; Fax: 163295 Established: 1991 Assets: DM 4.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Dortmund only Focus: Sen 06669 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Felsberg, Postfach 1140, 34583 Felsberg Established: 1998; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Felsberg Limitations: Grants in Felsberg only . . . 06670 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Frankenthal zur Förderung der Pflege von Kunst, Kultur und Sport In der Stadt Frankenthal, c/o Stadtsparkasse Frankenthal, Postfach 2141, 67221 Frankemhal T: (06233) 877240; Fax: 877204 Established: 1993; Secy: Stadt Frankenthal, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Frankenthal Limitations: Grants in Frankenthal only Focus: Arts; Cult; Sports 06671 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Hemer zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur einschlleSllch der Denkmal· und Heimatpflege, c/o Stadtsparkasse Hemer, Hauptstr 206, 58675 Hemer T: (02372) 508110; Fax: 508291 Established: 1992; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Hemer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Hist 06672
Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Korschenbroich, Hindenburgstr 23, 41352 Korschenbroich Τ: (02161) 616115; Fax: 616109 Established: 1995; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Korschenbroich Assets: DM 650.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; übr 06673 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse LJppstadt zur Förderung des Sports, Spielplatzsir 10, 59553 Lippstadt Established: 1998; Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Lippstadt Limitations: Grants in Uppstadt only Focus: Sports 06674 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Osterode am Harz, c/o Stadtsparkasse Osterode am Harz, Eisensteinstr 8-10, 37520 Osterode am Haiz T: (05522) 969475; Fax: 969479 Established: 1996; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Osterode am Harz Limitations: Grants in Osterode am Harz only Focus: Scie; Res; Mon; Ecol; Cult; Mon; Ecol; Youth; Sen 06675 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Remscheid für Jugend, Soziales und Umwelt, c/o Stadtsparkasse Remscheid, Alleestr 76-88, 42853 Remscheid T: (02191) 166200; Fax: 166229 Established: 1997; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Remscheid Limitations: Grants in Remscheid only Focus: Youth; SocW; Ecol 06676 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen zur Förderung der Kultur sowie der Denkmal- und Heimatpflege im Stadtgebiet Wermelskirchen, c/o Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen, Telegrafenstr 5-9, 42929 Wermelskirchen T: (02196) 940200; Fax: 940209 Established: 1990; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen Limitations: Grants in Wermelskirchen only Focus: Cult; Mon; Hist 06677 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen zur Förderung des Sports im Stadtgebiet Wermelskirchen, c/o Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen, Telegrafenstr 5-9, 42929 Wermelskirchen T: (02196) 940200; Fax: 940209 Established: 1994; Donops): Γ Wermelskirchen Limitations: Grants in Wermelskirchen only Focus: Sports 06678 Stiftung der Städtischen Sparkasse Schweinfurt, Ro markt 5-9, 97421 Schweinfuil T: (09721) 7230; Fax: 723499; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chair Josef Plahl, Donor(s): Städtische Sparkasse Schweinfurt Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 70.000,· Limitations: Grants in Schweinfurt only Focus: Cuit; Mon; Scie; Res 06679 Stiftung der Theosophlschen Gesellschaft Pasadena, Bohmreute 9 , 71735 Eberdingen T: (07042) 78829; Fax: 78939; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.theosophie.de Established: 1993; Chair Armin Zebrowski, Donops): Theosophische Gesellschaft Pasadena Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 06680 Stiftung der Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstr 2, 86159 Augsburg T: (0821) 5981; Fax: 5985505; Internet: http:// www.uni-augsburg.de/stiftung Established: 1984; Secy: Gerhard Rothenberger, Donops): Max Gutmann, Erwin Mair u.a. Assets: DM 638.000,-, Expenditures: DM 92.000,Umitations: Scholarships and prizes to members of Universität Augsburg only Focus: Schol 06681 Stiftung der Universität Hildesheim, Postfach 101363, 31113 Hildesheim T: (05121) 883106; Fax: 883109; E-Mail: ΙοηζΙβΓθιζ.υηί^ί^ΙίθΙπι.όθ; Internet: httpj¡ www.uni-hildesheim.de Established: 1995 Assets: DM 250.000,· Ljmitations: Grants to members of Universität Hildesheim only Focus: Uni 06682 Stiftung der Verbandssparkasse GochKevelaer-Weeze, Brückenstr 35-37, 47547 Goch T: (02823) 3210 Established: 1998; Donops): Verbandssparkasse Goch-Kevelaer-Weeze Limitations: Grants in Goch, Kevelaer and Weeze only Focus: SocW 06663 Stiftung der Vereinigten Volksbanken, Paul· Reusch-Str 8, 71263 Weil der Stadt T: (07033) 302242 Established: 1989; Chair Jocher Richter, Donor(s): Volksbank Weil der Stadt Asseis: DM 274.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Ljmitâtnns: Grants in the districts of Landkreis Böblingen and Landkreis Calw only Focus: Cuit; IntU 06684
06685 - 06733
Stiftung d e r V o l k s b a n k E d e w e c h t e.G., c/o Volksbank Edewecht e.G., Postfach 1162, 26181 Edewecht Established: 1997; Donor(s): Volksbank Edewecht e.G. Limitations: Grants in the area of Edewecht only Focus: Arts; Hist; Sen; Sports; Cult . . . 06685 Stiftung der V o l k s b a n k L ü n e b u r g e r Heide, Wilhelmstr 1-3, 29614 Soltau T: (05191) 965341; Fax: 965649; E-Mail: in1o@vbluene burger-heide.de Established: 1999; Donorts): Volksbank Lüneburger Heide e.G. Limitations: Grants in the area ol Lüneburger Heide only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Sports; Rei; IntU; Eco); Mon; Hist 06686 Stiftung der V o l k s b a n k M ö c k m ü h l - N e u e n s t a d t , Seckachtorgasse 11, 74219 Möckmühl Established: 1993; Donops): Volksbank MöckmühlNeuenstadt Limitations: Grants in Möckmühl-Neuenstadt only Focus: SocW; IntU; Ecol; Youth; Sen
. . 06687
Stiftung der V o l k s b a n k N e u - I s e n b u r g , Taunusstr 57, 63263 Neu-Isenburg T: (06102) 714820; Fax: 714866 Established: 19Θ5; Chair Klaus D. Kern, Donops): Volksbank Neu-Isenburg Expenditures: DM 246.000,Limitations: Grants in sports clubs in Neu-Isenburg only Focus: Sports 06688 Stiftung der V o l k s b a n k Ü b e r k i n g e n , RobertKoch-Str 8, 73329 Kuchen Established: 1990; Donops): Volksbank Geislingen Limitations: Grants in Bad Überkingen only Focus: Sen
Stiftung der W ü r t t e m b e r g i s c h e n H y p o t h e k e n b a n k für K u n s t u n d W i s s e n s c h a f t , Postfach 105452, 70047 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2096207; Fax: 2096457 Established: 1968; Secy: Peter Schubert, Donor(s): Württembergische Hypothekenbank A G Assets: OM 3.500.000,-, Expenditures: D M 230.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in the state of Baden-Württemberg only Focus: Arts; Scie; Schol 06690 Stiftung d e s d e u t s c h e n Hotel- u n d Gaststättengewerbes, Kronprinzenstr 46, 53173 Bonn T: (0228) 820080; Fax: 8200846 Established: 1938 Assets: D M 172.700,-, Expenditures: D M 17.000,Limitations: Grants to needy members of Deutscher Hotel- und Gaststättenvertoand and their relatives only Focus: SocW; Wid; Orp 0669Í Stiftung d e s D e u t s c h e n S c h w a c h s t r o m k a b e l · V e r b a n d e s u n d der V e r e i n i g u n g D e u t s c h e r Starkstromkabel-Fabrikanten, c/o Diederich W. Wiebecke, Schanzenstr 30, 51063 Köln T: (0221) 9622819; Fax: 9622831 Established: 1934; Donops): Vereinigung Deutscher Starkstromkabel-Fabrikanten, Deutscher Schwachstromkabel-Veiband Expenditures: D M 29.500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S o c W 06692 Stiftung d e s E l t e m v e r e i n s der R e a l s c h u l e n in Uelzen e.V., Lahweg 28, 29525 Uelzen T: (0581) 5815; Fax: 5820 Established: 1988; Chain Hans-Wemer Nielandt, Secy: Dietrich Schaefer, Donor(s): Eftemverein der Realschulen in Uelzen e.V. Assets: D M 225.400,-, Receipts: D M 16.500,-, Expenditures: D M 12.000,· Limitations: Grants in Uelzen onfy Focus: Educ 06653 Stiftung d e s Galerie-Vereins z u r F ö r d e r u n g der staatlichen b a y e r i s c h e n M u s e e n , Leopoldstr 20, 80802 München T: (089) 3819090; Fax: 38190915 Established: 1992; Donops): Galerie-Verein München Assets: D M 6.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 06694 Stiftung d e s G r ü n d e r s u n d der Förderer der Alten K l o s t e r s c h u l e für b e s o n d e r s b e g a b t e Schüler der studienbezogenen Bildungsgänge der M o d e l l s c h u l e O b e r s b e r g , Friedloser Str 12, 36251 Bad Hersfeld T: (06621) 87262; Fax: 87244 Established: 1963 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06695 Stiftung d e s J e v e r t ä n d i s c h e n M a h n m a l s , c/o Evangelisch-lutherisches Rentamt des Kirchenkreises Jever, Mühlenstr 67, 26441 Jever Established: 1949 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 06696 Stiftung d e s Kieler P r e s s e - K l u b s , clo Kieler Presse-Klub, Reinhardt Hassenstein, Andreas GaykStr 7-11, 24103 Kiel Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in Kiel only Focus: Jour 06697
Stiftung d e s L a n d e s N i e d e r s a c h s e n für berufliche Rehabilitation Behinderter, Winzenbergstr 43, 31812 Bad Pyrmont T: (05281) 601101; Fax: 601106; Internet: http:// www.bfw-badpyTmont.de Established: 1980; Secy: Bernd Kossendey, Donops): Land Niedersachsen Expenditures: D M 50.389.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 06698 Stiftung d e s L a n d e s Nordrheln-Westfalen für Wohlfahrtspflege, Fürstenwall 25, 40190 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 8553476; Fax: 8553159 Established: 1974; Chair: Horst Vöge, Secy: Ministerialrat Helmut König, Donops): Land Nordrhein-Westfalen Receipts: D M 50.000.000,·, Expenditures: D M 50.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of NordrheinWestfalen only Focus: Sen; Hand 06699 Stiftung d e s U o n s - H l l f s w e r k s G ü n z e n h a u s e n , Industriestr 25, 91710 Günzenhausen Established: 1993; Donor(s): Lions-Hilfswerk e.V. Assets: D M 158.000,Limitations: Grants in Günzenhausen only Focus: SocW; Ecol 06700 Stiftung d e s S a a r v e r b a n d e s der E v a n g e l i s c h e n Frauenhilfe, Hirtenwies 44, 66117 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 57132; Fax: 5847165 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Saarveiband der Evangelischen Frauenhilfe Limitations: Grants in the state of Saarland only Focus: Worn 06701 Stiftung d e s V e r e i n s H a m b u r g i s c h e r S t a a t s b e a m t e n , Neue ABC-Str 8, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 3574710; Fax: 35747118 Established: 1956 Assets: D M 1.300.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of Verein Hamburgischer Staatsbeamten in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 06702 Stiftung D e u t s c h - A m e r i k a n i s c h e W i s s e n s c h a f t s b e z i e h u n g e n , c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998; Donops): Prof. Dr. Helga Haftendom Expenditures: D M 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; CommT 06703 Stiftung D e u t s c h - N o r d i s c h e B u r s e , Hindenburgufer 81, 24105 Kiel T: (0431) 85036 Established: 1969 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU
Stiftung D e u t s c h e A u ß e n h a n d e l s - u n d V e r k e h r s - A k a d e m i e D A V , Postfach 106304, 28063 Bremen Τ: (0421) 360840 Established: 1993 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: C o m m i ; Traf; Voc 06705 Stiftung D e u t s c h e Behindertenhilfe, FranzLohe-Str 17, 53129 Bonn T: (0228) 2092260; Fax: 2092281 Established: 1992; Secy: Dieter Gutschick, Donor(s): Arbeiterwohlfahrt, Diakonisches Werk, Deutscher Carítasverband, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband, Zentralwohtfahrtsstelle der Juden, ZDF Assets: D M 150.300.000,-, Expenditures: D M 30.431.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Hand 06706 Stiftung D e u t s c h e B l l n d e n f ü h r h u n d s c h u l e , Schmausstr 40, 12555 Berlin Τ: (030) 6553826; Fax: 65261591 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Blinds 06707 Stiftung D e u t s c h e F o r s c h u n g s a n s t a l t für Psychiatrie, Kraepelinstr 2-10, 80804 München Τ: (089) 30622330; Fax: 30622372 Established: 1917; Secy: Hartmut Lingner, Donops): König Ludwig III. von Bayern Assets: D M 500.000,·, E^enditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants to Max-Planck-Institut only Focus: Psychia 06708 Stiftung D e u t s c h e J u g e n d m a r k e e.V., Kennedyallee 105-107, 53175 Bonn Τ: (0228) 9302054; Fax: 9302221 Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Youth
Stiftung D e u t s c h e Klnderkrebshllfe der D e u t s c h e n Krebshilfe, Thomas-Mann-Str 40, 53111 Bonn Τ: (0228) 729900; Fax: 7299011 Established: 1996; Donops): Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V. Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cane; Ped 06710
Stiftung D e u t s c h e KJnemathek, Heerstr 18-20, 14052 Berlin T: (030) 3009030; Fax: 30090313; E-Mail: info© kinemathek.de; Internet: http^/www.kinemathek.de Established: 1962; Chain Prof. Lutz von Pulendorf, Secy: Hans Helmut Prinzler, Donops): Land Bertin Assets: DM 8.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 7.400.000,·, Expenditures: D M 7.400.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Berlin only Focus: Cin 06711 Stiftung D e u t s c h e Klassenlotterie Berlin, Brandenburgische Str 36, 10707 Berlin T: (030) 89051244; Fax: 89051517 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin Assets: DM 230.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: SocW; Ecol; Cult; Sports . . . . 06712 Stiftung D e u t s c h e L a n d e r z i e h u n g s h e i m e , c/o Hermann Uetz-Schule, Mainzer Landstr 47, 60325 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (06657) 7931; Fax: 7917; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-Jl www.Lietz-Schulen.de Established: 1919; Chair: Jan Rüggeberg, Donor(s): Hermann Uetz Expenditures: D M 13.825.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Germany only Focus: Educ 06713 Stiftung D e u t s c h e Schlaganfall-HIHe, Cari· Bertelsmann-Str 256, 33311 Gütersloh Τ: (05241) 97700; Fax: 702071; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7/ www.Schlaganfall-Hilfe.de Established: 1993; Chair: Prof. Dr. Michael Hennerici, Secy: Wolfgang Koechstadt, Donor(s): Liz Mohn Expenditures: D M 10.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Med; Health
Stiftung D e u t s c h e Sporthllfe. Bumitzstr 42, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6780321/22; Fax: 6780376; Internet: http:// www.sporthilfe.de Established: 1967; Chair: Hans-Ludwig Grúschow, Secy: Dr. Peter-Claus Bürens Assets: DM 700.000,-, Receipts: D M 23.000.000,-, Expenditures: D M 30.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Sports 06715 Stiftung D e u t s c h e Welthungerhllfe, Adenauerallee 134, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 2268165; Fax: 2424961; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: h ttp://v*ww. Stiftung dwhh.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Deutsche Welthungerhilfe Expenditures: D M 57.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Food
Stiftung D e u t s c h e r Architekten, Inselstr 27, 40479 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 496724; Fax: 4911475; Internet: http:// www.aknw.de/stiftung/tite1.htm Established: 1985; Donor(s): Architektenkammer Nordrtiein-Westfalen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archtt 06717 Stiftung D e u t s c h e r Hellpraktiker, Gemsbacher Str 34, 76530 Baden-Baden Established: 1982; Donops): Fachveiband Deutscher Heilpraktiker e.V. Assets: D M 280.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Health 06718 Stiftung D e u t s c h e r K ü s t e n s c h u t z , Arnold-HeiseStr 23, 20249 Hamburg T: (040) 483416; Fax: 463426; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Secy: Andreas Schwarz, Donor(s): Friedrich Böck, Verein deutscher Küstenschutz e.V., Weserland, Sylt Expenditures: D M 55.000,Limitations: Grants on the German coasts only Focus: Ecol 06719 Stiftung D e u t s c h e r Pollenlnformatlonsdlenst, Burgstr 12, 33175 Bad Lippspringe Τ: (05252) 931203; Fax: 954501; E-Mail: pid@ uminfo.de; Internet: httpV/www.ADIZ.de Established: 1983; Chair Prof. K.-Ch. Bergmann Expenditures: D M 265.100,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Bot; Allerg 06720 Stiftung D e u t s c h e r Rollstuhlsport, Plantagenweg 12, 53340 Meckenheim T: (02225) 3357; Fax: 700486 Established: 1992; Chain Herbert Kräh Assets: DM 380.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Germany only Focus: Hand; Sports 06721
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung D e u t s c h e r Volleyball, Otto-FleckSchneise 12, 60528 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6980010; Fax: 69800199; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http ://www .voll ey bal Iverband.de Established: 1961; Chair: Herbert Brentrup, Secy: Holger Brusch, Donops): Deutscher VolleyballVeiband Assets: DM 125.000,-, Receipts: DM 25.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Sports 06722 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s A d e l s a r c h i v , Nonnenstrombergstr 34, 53757 Sankt Augustin T: (02241) 341186; Fax: 341203; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Secy: Dr. Albrecht von dem Borne Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hist 06723 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s Diamant Institut, Poststr 1, 75172 Pforzheim T: (07231) 32211; Fax: 140878 Established: 1977; Secy: Jeanette Fiedler-Schwab Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Gemm 06724 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s F a s t n a c h t m u s e u m , Alemannenstr 76, 97318 Kitzingen T: (09321) 23355, 4686; Fax: 23355 Established: 1980; Chair: Hans-Joachim Schumacher Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; Ethn
Stiftung D e u t s c h e s G a r t e n b a u m u s e u m Erfurt, Gothaer Str 50, 99094 Erfurt T: (0361) 223990; Fax: 2239913 Established: 1995; Chair: Wolfgang Altmann, Secy: Dr. Harald Bischoff, Donor(s): Land Thüringen, Stadt Erfurt, Z V G Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hort; Landsc 06726 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s H o l o c a u s t - M u s e u m , Trierer Str 6, 30173 Hannover T: (0511) 8093497 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; Rae; IntU 06727 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s H y g i e n e - M u s e u m , Lingnerpl 1, 01069 Dresden T: (0351) 4846305; Fax: 4846588; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dhmd.de Established: 1999; Doncr(s): Freistaat Sachsen, Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Deutsche Krankenversicherung A G Expenditures: DM 11.402.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health 06726 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s Institut für Aligemeinmedizin, Knooper Weg 45, 24103 Kiel T: (07222) 94590; Fax: 4673 Established: 1973; Chair: Dr. Hans-Dieter Klimm Assets: D M 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.500,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Med 06729 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s J a g d - u n d F i s c h e r e i m u s e u m M ü n c h e n , Neuhauser Str 2, 80331 München T: (089) 220522; Fax: 2904037 Established: 1960 Expenditures: D M 850.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hunt; Fish 06730 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s K r e b s f o r s c h u n g s z e n t r u m , Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg T: (06221) 420; Fax: 422995; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.dkfz-heidelberg.de Established: 1964; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Harald zur Hausen, Dr. Josef Puchta, Donor(s): Land Baden-Württemberg Expenditures: DM 210.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 06731 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s Kulturerbe in R u m ä n i e n , Kurze Str 20, 73630 Remshalden T: (07151) 73163; Fax: 73163 Established: 1992; Chair: Dr. Klaus Terfloth, Secy: Reinhard Brakhage, Donor(s): Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland Assets: D M 50.000,·, Receipts: DM 164.483,91, Expenditures: D M 164.483,91 Limitations: Grants in Siebenbürgen and Banat (Romania) only Focus: Cult; Mon; East 06732 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s M e e r e s m u s e u m , (formerly: Stiftung Deutsches Museum für Meereskunde und Fischerei), Katharinenberg 14-20, 18439 Stralsund T: (03831) 26500; Fax: 265060; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.meeresmuseum.de Established: 1994; Secy: Dr. Harald Benke, Donor(s): Hansestadt Stralsund, Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Meeresmuseums e.V. Assets: D M 9.893.000,·, Receipts: DM 3.200.000,-, Expenditures: D M 6.216.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ocean; Fish; Res 06733
Germany: Stiftung
06734 - 06782
Stiftung D e u t s c h e s R u n d f u n k a r c h i v Frankfurt a.M.-Berlin, Bertramstr 6, 60320 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 156870; Fax: 15687100; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dra.de Established: 1952; Chair: Dr. Günther von Lojewskj, Secy: Dr. Joachim-Felix Leonhard, Donor(s): Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkarstalten Deutschlands Expenditures: DM 15.794.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Media 06734 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s Schiffahrtsmuseum, HansScharoun-Pt 1, 27568 Bremerhaven T: (0471) 482070; Fax: 4820755; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.dsm.de Established: 1971; Chair: Prof. Dr. D. Ellmers, Secy: Prof. Dr. D. Ellmers, Donor(s): Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Stadt Bremerfiaven, Kuratorium zur Förderung des DSM Receipts: DM 8.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; Ship 06735 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s S e g e l f l u g m u s e u m mit Modellflug, Wasserkuppe, 36129 Gersfeld T: (06654) 7737; Fax: 7736; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.segelflugmuseum.de Established: 1986; Chair: Theo Rack, Secy: Theo Rack, Donor(s): Freunde und Förderer der Stiftung Deutscher Segelflug e.V. Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 190.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Aviat 06736 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s Sport- u n d O l y m p i a M u s e u m , c/o Rechtsanwälte Hecker, Werner & Himmelreich, Postfach 270243, 50509 Köln Established: 1998 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sports 06737 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s Sportabzeichen Im L a n d k r e i s Peine, Emst-Reuter-Str 21. 31224 Peine Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Peine only Focus: Sports 06738 Stiftung D e u t s c h e s Übersee-Instftut, Neuer Jungfemstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 42834593; Fax: 42834547; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.rrz.unihamburg.de/duei/ Established: 1964; Chair: Dr. Werner Draguhn, Donor(s): Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Afr; As; Doc; Dev; Res; Peace; CommT; Indu; Agrie; HumR 06739 Stiftung Diakoniewerk K r o p p , Johannesallee, 24848 Kropp T: (04624) 8010; Fax: 801100 Established: 1926 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Psychia 06740 Stiftung D i a k o n i s s e n h a u s Bethanien, Stadtrandstr 552, 13589 Berlin T: (030) 3731001; Fax: 3731000 Established: 1847; Chair: Dr. Günther Dorka. Secy: Pastor Eckhard Kutzer, Donor(s): König Friedrich Wilhelm IV Assets: DM 15.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 2.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.800.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06741 Stiftung D i a k o n i s s e n h a u s Friedenshort, Friedenshortstr 46, 57258 Freudenberg T: (02734) 4940; Fax: 494115; Internet: http:// www.friedenshort.de Established: 1890; Chair: Leonhard Gronbach, Donor(s): Eva von Tiele-Winckler Expenditures: DM 13.286.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06742 Stiftung Die Fähre, Altendorfer Str 104, 45143 Essen Established: 1984 06743 Stiftung Die gute Hand, Jahnstr 31, 51515 Kürten-Biesfeld T: (02207) 7080; Fax: 70865; Internet: http:// www.gutehand.berg.net Established: 1961; Donor(s): Prälat Jakob Holl Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06744 Stiftung Die Mitarbeit, Bomheimer Str 37, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 604240; Fax: 6042422; E-Mail: stiftu [email protected], info @ mitarbeit.de; internet: httpJ/www.milarbeit.de Established: 1962; Secy: Dr. Adrian Reinert, Donor(s): Dr. Walter Hensel, Dr. Stefan Kaminsky, Udo Klausa, Otto Kranzbühler, Werner Rietz Expenditures: DM 1.706.000,Limitations: No grants to individuals F o c j s : PolS 06745
118 Stiftung D o m z u Lübeck, Kohlmarkt 7-15, 23552 Lübeck Established: 1960 Assets: DM 400.000,Limítations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06746
Stiftung Endometriose-Forschung, Lange Str 38, 26655 Westerstede Τ: (04488) 50323; Fax: 50399 Established: 19Θ8; Donops): Firma Sanofi-Winthrop Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Focus: Med 06759
Stiftung O R K Westfalen-Lippe, VonStauffenberg-Str 16, 48151 Münster T: (0251) 972200; Fax: 9722019 Established: 1996 Expenditures; DM 1.600.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Westfalen-Lippe only Focus: Med 06747
Stiftung Energieforschung B a d e n W ü r t t e m b e r g - Förderung der regenerativen Energien, der rationellen E n e r g i e n u t z u n g und der Energiewirtschaft, Durlacher Allee 93, 76131 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 6313994; Fax: 6312482 Established: 1989; Donops): Energie BadenWürttemberg AG, Neckarwerke Stuttgart AG Expenditures: DM 5.063.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg onty Focus: En 06760
Stiftung Druck- und Papiertechnik, Lyoner Str 18, 60526 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 66031451; Fax: 66031675; E-Mail: DuP@ VDMA.ORG Established: 1985; Chair: Uwe Langfeld, Secy: Klaus Lickteig, Donor(s): Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V, Focus: Print; Pap; Adult 06749 Stiftung Düsseldorfer Instrumentenlehre, c/o Dr. Dietrich Hoffmann, Kaiserwerlher Str 119, 40474 Düsseldorf T: (0211)518820 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Dresdner Bank AG, Hoffmann, Liebs, Fritsch & Partner Assets: DM 50.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Musi 06749 Stiftung D W K Drahtwerk K ö l n G m b H fOr Betriebsangehörige, Schanzenstr 40, 51063 Köln T: (0221) 9672313 Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants to employees of DWK Drahtwerk Köln GmbH (Köln) only Focus: SocW 06750 Stiftung Ehehaltenhaus, Theaterstr 19, 97070 Würzburg Τ: (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1200; Secy: Rüdiger Braun Assets: DM 15.288.760,-, Expenditures: DM 5.533.000,Limrtations: Grants to needy citizens of Würzburg only Focus: Sen 06751 Stiftung Ehemalige S y n a g o g e I c h e n h a u s e n , c/o Landratsamt, Sachgebiet 14, An der Kapuzinennauer 1, 89312 Günzburg T: (08221) 95753; Fax: 95770; Internet: http:// www.bnv-gz.baynet.de Established; 1989; Chair: Hubert Hafner, Donops): Aktionskreis Synagoge Ichenhausen Expenditures: DM 94.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06752 Stiftung e h e m a l i g e r M e i n i n g e r Schüler, c/o Martin Walter, Semmelweißstr 17, 02977 Hoyerswerda T: (03571) 972033; Fax: 972033 Established: 1994 Assets: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Cult 06753 Stiftung e h e m a l i g e r Petriner, Castroper Str 50, 45665 Recklinghausen Established: 1995 Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 06754 Stiftung Eilbeker G e m e i n d e h a u s , Friedenstr 4, 22089 Hamburg T: (040) 20988028; Fax: 205807; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1888 Assets: DM 7.500.000,-. Expenditures: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06755 Stiftung e i n e s U n g e n a n n t e n für e i n e Klnderbewahranstalt In K ä ß l a m , KindergartenStiftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Marktpl 25, 94149 Käßlam T: (08536) 619, 260; Fax: 1232 Established; 1904; Donor(s): Freiherr von Menning Expenditures: DM 435.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 06756 Stiftung einiger adeliger Familien A u g s b u r g e r Konfession, Schloss Hammel, 86356 Neusäss Established: 1751 Assets: DM 88.800,·, Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of the von Hößlin, von Schnurbein and von Stetten families only Focus: Fam 06757 Stiftung Einstein Forum, A m Neuen Markt 7, 14467 Potsdam Τ; (0331) 271780; Fax; 2717827; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.einsteinforum.de Established: 1993; Chair: Prof. Dr. Ebertiard Lâmmert, Secy: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Weigel, Donor(s): Land Brandenburg Receipts: DM 1.638.450,-, Expenditures: D M 2.059.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie 06758
Stiftung Entwicklung u n d Frieden, Gotenstr 152, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 959250; Fax: 9592599; E-Mail: sef@ bicc.uni-bonn.de; Internet: http^/www.bicc.unibonn.de/sef Established: 1993; Char. Staatssekretär Volker Kähne, Secy: Dr, Burkhard Könitzer, Donor(s): Länder Nordrhein-Westfalen, Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 06761 Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg, Werastr 24, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 210290; Fax: 2102950; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.sez.de Established: 1991; Secy: Dr. Karl-Hans Schmid, Donor(s): Landtag Baden-Württemberg Limitations: Grants to organizations in the state of Baden-Württemberg only Focus: Dev 06762 Stiftung Europäische B e g e g n u n g , Reuterstr 20, 53113 Bonn Τ: (0228) 225872; Fax: 9140993; E-Mail; [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fundacja.de Established: 1991; Chair: Ulrich Graf von Krockow, Donops): Grafen von Krockow Asseis: DM 1.00.000,-, Receipts. D M 220.000,-, Expenditures: DM 220.000,Limitations: Grants in North Poland only Focus: IntU; East 06763 Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe, Konstanzer Str 22, 78315 Radolfzell T: (00732) 92720; Fax: 927222; E-Mail: info@ euronatur.org; Internet: http://www.euronatur.org Established: 1987; Chair Claus-Peter Hutter, Secy: Gabriel Schwaderer, Donor(s): Deutsche Umwelthille e.V., Bund für Umwelt· und Naturschutz Deutschland, Naturschutzbund Deutschland Assets: DM 185.000,·, Receipts: DM 5.337.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.358.000,Focus: Ecol; AnimP 06764 Stiftung Europaverständigung e.V., Scheideholzweg 65a, 21149 Hamburg T: (040) 70121769; Fax: 70121779 Established: 1990; Chair: Gerhard Hein, Donor(s): Gerhard Hein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Eur; IntU; Educ; Voc; Scie; Res . 06765 Stiftung Europrofession, Pestelstr 2, 66119 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 9545450; Fax: 9545464; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: h t t p j l www,europrofession.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Europrofession: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Berufsbildung in Handel und Dienstleistung e.V. Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Voc; Eur 06766 Stiftung Evangelische A l t e n h e l m a t , Komwestheimer Str 36, 70439 Stuttgart T: (0711) 809080; Fax: 8090899; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.seah.de Established: 1874; Donor(s): Philipp Paulus Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Stiftung Evangelische F a c h h o c h s c h u l e für Soziale Arbeit, Postfach 200143, 01191 Dresden T: (0351) 469020; Fax: 4715993 Established: 1991; Chair Landesbischof Volker Kie, Secy: Prof. Ulfrid Kleinert Expenditures: DM 4.170.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06768 Stiftung Evangelische J u g e n d h i l f e Sankt Johannis, Dr.-John-Rittmeister-Str 6, 06406 Bemburg T: (03471) 37400; Fax: 374090 Established: 1863; Chair Klaus Roth, Donor(s): Frederike von Anhalt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Child 06769 Stiftung Evangelische K r a n k e n p f l e g e B a d DQrrtieim, Waldstr 13a, 78073 Bad Dürrtieim T: (07726) 8782 Established: 1985; Donops): Kirchliche Sozialstation Bad Dürrheim e.V. Limitations: Grants in Bad Dürrheim only Focus: Nurs 06770
Stiftung Evangelischer Kindergarten Kltzlngen, c/o Evang.-Iuth. Pfarramt, Postfach 544, 97318 Kitzingen T: (09321) 8025; Fax: 8027 Established: 1978 Expenditures: DM 625.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 06771 Stiftung Evangelisches A l t e n h e l m Ludwigsburg, Mühlstr 22 , 71640 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 93060; Fax: 905264 Established: 1836 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06772 Stiftung Evangelisches Kinder- u n d J u g e n d h e l m Oberbieber. Heimstr 33-50, 56566 Neuwied T: (02631) 4010; Fax: 40150 Established: 1856 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 06773 Stiftung Evangelisches K r a n k e n - und V e r s o r g u n g s h a u s z u M ü l h e i m a n der Ruhr, Wertgasse 30, 45466 Mülheim an der Ruhr T: (0208) 3092000; Fax: 3092008; Internet: http·;/ www.EVKMH.de Established: 1850 Expenditures: DM 170.875.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 06774 Stiftung Evangelisches V e r e i n s h a u s , Kasinostr 1, 42103 Wuppertal Τ: (0202) 49330 Established: 1854; Chair: Erich Luth Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06775 Stiftung Evangelisches V e r e i n s h a u s W e s t e n d , Grûneburgweg 102, 60323 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 959410 Established: 1892; Secy: Dr. Reinhart Wagner, Donor(s): Pfarrer Cari Leydhecker, Laura Leydhecker Assets: DM 900.000,·, Expenditures: DM 690.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06776 Stiftung Evangelisches W a l s e n h a u s und Klauckehaus A u g s b u r g , c/o Diakonisches Werk, Spenglergäßchen 7a, 86152 Augsburg T: (0821) 32040; Fax: 3204176 Established: 1572; Donor(s): Rat der Stadt Augsburg Assets: DM 22.870.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ο φ ; Child 06777 Stiftung Evolution und Recht, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stjfterverband.de Established: 1987; Donor(s): Dr. Hans Martin Schmidt Assets: DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Biol 06778 Stiftung F a c h h o c h s c h u l e H a m b u r g , Winterhuder Weg 29, 22085 Hamburg T: (040) 428633656; Fax: 42B633905; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fhhamburg.de/stiftung Established: 1990; Chair Dr. Hans-Gerhard Husung Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Fachhochschule Hamburg only Focus: Uni; Schol 06779 Stiftung Fähre Siebeneichen, c/o Kreisausschu des Kreises Herzogtum Lauenburg, Postfach 1140, 23901 Ratzeburg T: (04541) 888203; Fax: 888306 Established: 1986 Assets; DM 1.250.000,-, Expenditures: DM 95.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ship 06780 Stiftung falrmächtnls für innovation, sozialen und ö k o l o g i s c h e n Wandel, Staufenstr 27, 48145 Münster T: (0251) 33199; E-Mail: info@ Stiftung· fairmaechtnis.de; Internet: http^/www.stiftung· faiimaechtn is.de Established: 1999; Donops): Josef Wiechers, Michael Schlickwei, Rainer Bôllmann Limitations: Grants nationally and intemationalty Focus: Cult; IntU; Ecol; Dev; SocS; SocW 06781 S t i f t u n g Famille In Not, Adolf-Westphal-Str 4, 24143 Kiel T: (0431) 9885625, 9885550; Fax: 9885416, 9885458 Established: 1979; Donorfs): Land SchleswigHolstein Assets: D M 500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Fam 06782
06783 - 06831
119 Stiftung Famille In Not des Landes BadenWürttemberg, c/o Sozialministerium BadenWürttemberg, Postfach 103443, 70029 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1261293; Fax: 1261276 Established: 1980; Chair Liselotte Bühler, Secy: Dieter Ellwanger, Donor(s): Land BadenWürttemberg Assets: DM 16.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in ttie state oí BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Farn 06783 Stiftung famillenentlastende Dienste Mainz, Rheinallee 59, 55294 Bodenheim T: (06135) 931484; Fax: 931485 Established: 1990; Donops): Lebenshilfe für geistig Behinderte e.V., Verein zur Förderung Körperbehinderter, Epilepsie Eltemhitfe e.V., Arbeitsgemeinschaft für querschnrttsgelähmte Kinder und Jugendliche Rhein-Main-Nahe Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants in Mainz only Focus: Hand 06784 Stiftung Favortten-Dank, Am Großen Brack 4, 21423 Winsen (Luhe) T: (04171) 61752 Established: 1979 Focus: Sports 06785 Stiftung Fechtsport In Tauberbischofsheim, Pestalozziallee 12, 97941 Tauberbischofsheim T: (09341) 80940 Established: 1982 Limitations: Grants to Fecht-Club Tauberbischofsheim e.V. only Focus: Sports 06786 Stiftung Flüchtlingshiife, Friedrictistr 34-36, 45128 Essen T: (0201) 8042221; Fax: 8042978 Established: 1979 Assets: DM 50.000,· Focus: Refug 06787 Stiftung Fördererkreis des Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters Hamburg, Palmaille 45, 22767 Hamburg T: (040) 380160; Fax: 38016663 Established: 1987; Donops): Liselotte V. RantzavEssberger Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg only Focus: Music 06788 Stiftung Förderung der Arbeit des Deutschen Sozialwerkes In Braunschwelg, Echtemstr 17, 38100 Braunschweig T: (0531) 40989; Fax: 40969 Established: 1994 Expenditures: DM 48.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Braunschweig only Focus: SocW 06789 Stiftung Förderung von Forschung und Lehre im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit Partnertiochschulen, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universrtät, Saarstr 21. 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen θ verwaltung.uni-mainz.de
Established: 1997; Donops): Akademisches Auslandsamt (AAA) der Johannes GutenbergUniversität Mainz Expenditures: DM 12.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Uni; Res 06790 Stiftung Forschungsgemeinschaft Deutscher Augenoptiker, Alexanderstr 25a, 40210 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 8632350; Fax: 86323535 Established: 1994; Chair Tltomas Nosch, Secy: Joachim Goerdt, Donor(s): Zentralverband der Augenoptiker Assets: DM 500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Optics 06791 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für die Biologie landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere, Wilhelm-StahlAllee 2, 18196 Dummerstorf T: (038208) 685; Fax: 68602; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fbndummerstorf.de Established: 1993; Donops): Land MecklenburgVorpommern Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: AnimH 06792 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover, Gerberstr 26, 30169 Hannover T: (0511) 164090; Fax: 1640935; Internet: http:// www.fiph.de Established: 1988; Donops): Bischof von Hildesheim Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Phil 06793
Stiftung Forum Kultur, (formerly: Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Hannover), Aegidientorpl 1, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 3600542; Fax: 3600769; E-Mail: info® stíttung-forum-kultur.de; Internet: http^/www.stiftungforum-kultur.de Established: 1997; Chair: Dr. Michael Arndt, Bernhard Schäfer, Secy: Heinz Gathmann, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Hannover, Landkreis Hannover Assets: DM 30.500.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Hannover only Focus: Cult; Mon; Arts; Ttieat; Music; Lit . 06794 Stiftung Frankfurter Schullandheim Wegscheide, Seehofstr 41, 60594 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 612845; Fax: 21230722 Established: 1920; Secy: Carmen Feitig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06795 Stiftung Frauen-Uteratur-Forschung e.V., Prangenstr 88, 28203 Bremen T: (0421) 2184668, 78613; Fax; 2184283, 78612; E-Mail: schulz® uni-bremen.de; Internet: http-Jl www.dasind.u ni'bremen.de Established: 1986; Chair: Marion Schulz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit 06796 Stiftung Frauenalb, c/o Rathaus, 76359 Marxzell T: (07248) 91470; Fax: 914725 Established: 1959; Donor(s): Landkreis Kartsruhe, Stadt Karlsruhe, Stadt Ettlingen Expenditures: DM 383.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06797 Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden, Neumarkt, 01067 Dresden T: (0351) 4914800; Fax: 4914805 Established: 1994; Donops): Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Sachsens, Freistaat Sachsen, Stadt Dresden Assets: DM 9.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 22.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Archrt 06798 Stiftung Freiheit der Presse, Graf-Vollrath-Weg 6, 60489 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9784540; Fax: 97845454 Established: 1968 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Jour 06799 Stiftung Freunde der Universität Bremen und der International University Bremen, c/o Rechtsanwälte Göhrmann, Wrede & Haas, Postfach 105260, 28052 Bremen T: (0421) 339530 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants to the Universität Bremen and to the International University Bremen onty Focus: Uni 06800 Stiftung Friedrichsheim, Postfach 710352, 60493 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 67050; Fax: 6705260; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.friedrichsheim.de Established: 1974 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ortho; Hand 06801 Stiftung für Alten- und Pflegehilfe Kitzingen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Kaiserstr 13-15, 97318 Kitzingen T: (09321) 20291; Fax: 20208 Established: 1344; Donops): Gebrüder Rüdiger und Wolfram Teufel, Zustifter von Mastwygk Assets: DM 1.444.400,-, Receipts: DM 159.000,·, Expenditures: DM 159.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06802 Stiftung für analytische Psychiatrie, Briennerstr 10, 80333 München T: (089) 2866250 Established: 1982; Donops): Anita Gräfin Zichy de Thyssen Assets: DM 2.200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 400.000,Focus: Psychia 06803 Stiftung für Arbeft, c/o Gemeinschaftsstiftung AWO Essen, Pferdemarkt 5, 45127 Essen T: (0201) 1897401; Fax: 1897147 Established: 1998; Donor(s}: Arbeiterwohlfahrt Essen, Diakonisches Werk Essen Focus: Lab 06804 Stiftung für Armenische Studien, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http -Jl www.stjftervertiand.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Dabag, Herr Papazian, H e r Ter-Harutunian, Herr von Assets: DM 135.370,-, Expenditures: DM 240.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: As 06805 Stiftung für Ausblldungsschiffe, Parkallee 12, 28209 Bremen Established: 1955 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 06806 Stiftung für Bedienstete und ehemalige Bedienstete der Stadt Wuppertal, Wuppertal: defunct 06607
Stiftung für Berliner Gemeinschaftsaufgaben, c/o Detlef Kaden, Elbestr 64, 16341 Zepernick T: (030) 94416345; Fax: 94416345; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: SocW 06808 Stiftung für berufliche Bildung OTA-Tanyildiz, Josef-Orlopp-Str 45-49, 10365 Berlin T: (030) 557560; Fax: 55756128; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Donor(s): Erman Tanyildiz Expenditures: DM 4.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 06809 Stiftung für BewuBtseinsforschung, Goslarer Str 97, 70499 Stuttgart Established: 1982 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Psychol 06810 Stiftung für bildende Künste und Denkmalpflege der Sparkasse Hattingen, Roonstr 1, 45525 Hattingen T: (02324) 203110; Fax: 203109 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Sparkasse Hattingen Limitations: Grants in Hattingen only Focus: Arts; Mon 06811 Stiftung für Bildung und Behindertenförderung, Heidehofstr 33, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 480643; Fax: 4806445; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.Stiftung-SBB.de Established: 1971; Secy: Wilfried Börgerling, Dr. Alexander Urban, Donor(s): Robert Bosch, Dr. Eva Madelung Expenditures: ca. DM 4.000.000,Focus: Educ; Hand 06812 Stiftung für Bildung und Unterricht Nürnberg, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: Ursula [email protected] 2312357; Internet: http^/www.stadt. nuemberg.de Established: 1966 Assets: DM 1.225.933,-, Receipts; DM 79.000,-, Expenditures: DM 62.000,Limitations: Grants to Citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Educ 06813 Stiftung für das behinderte Kind zur Förderung von Vorsorge und Früherkennung, Augustenburgerpl 1, 13353 Berlin T: (030) 45078156; Fax: 45078955; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1966; Donor(s): Deutsches Grünes Kreuz Marburg Focus: Hand 06814 Stiftung für das Christianeum In Hamburg, c/o Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Amt für Verwaltung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1953; Chain Martina Wedel-Dreier Assets: DM 30.000,-, Receipts: DM 2.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to pupils at Christianeum in Hamburg only Focus: Schol 06815 Stiftung für das Dorf Bergen, Hochfellnstr 14, 83346 Bergen T: (08662) 488522 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Auguste Wiescholek Assets: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in Bergen only Focus: Sen; Cult 06816 Stiftung für das Industrie Museum Lohne, c/o Stadt Lohne, Postfach 1369, 49380 Lohne Established: 1997 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Alts; Cult 06817 Stiftung für das Johanneum In Hamburg, c/o Behörde für Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Stiftungsverwaltung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1953 Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Scholarships to pupils of the Johanneum in Hamburg only Focus: Schol 06818 Stiftung für das Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, c/o Stadtsparkasse Dortmund, Freistuhl 2, 44137 Dortmund Established: 1999; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Dortmund Limitations: Predetermined grants onty Focus: Arts; Cult 06819 Stiftung für das Reiss-Museum, c/o Badenwürttembergische Bank AG, 0 4, 4, 68161 Mannheim T: (0621) 1708217; Fax: 1708450 Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants to the Reiss-Museum in Mannheim only Focus: Arts 06820
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung für das sorbische Volk, Postpl 2, 02625 Bautzen T: (03591) 550307; Fax: 42811; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http://www.home.tonline.de/home/sorben-stittung-ski/index.htm Established: 1991; Secy: Marko Suchy Limitations: Grants to the Sorbic nation only Focus: Cult; IntU 06821 Stiftung für den Deutsch-Englischen wissenschaftlichen Austausch für experimentelle medizinische Forschung, Postfach 111869, 20418 Hamburg T: (040)368050; Fax: 362896 Established: 1960; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Feldberg Expenditures: DM 63.000,Limitations: Prizes to German and British scientists only Focus: Med 06822 Stiftung für Deutschland-Studien am Bolonga Center, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband .de Established: 1997 Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni 06823 Stiftung für die Angestellten und Arbeiter der EMI Electrola GmbH, Maarweg 149, 50825 Köln T: (0221) 49020 Secy: Eberhard von Moltke Limitations: Grants to employees of EMI Electrola GmbH (Köln) only Focus: S x W 06824 Stiftung für die Angestellten und Arbeiter der Metallgesellschaft AG Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Landstr 73-77, 60325 Frankfurt am Main Limitations: Grants to employees of Metallgesellschaft AG (Frankfurt am Main) only Focus: SocW 06825 Stiftung für die Belegschaft der GAG Köln, Heumarkt 68-72, 50667 Köln Τ: (0221) 20010; Fax: 2001100 Established: 1935 Limitations: Grants to employees of GAG (Köln) only Focus: SocW 06826 Stiftung für die Bürger der Stadt Waldheim, c/o Dezernat für Finanzen, Stadt Waldheim, Niedermarkt 1, 04736 Waldheim T: (034327) 57221; Fax: 57200 Established: 1993; Donor{s): Bürger der Stadt Waldheim Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limrtations: Grants to citizens of Waldheim only Focus: Sen; Youth; Sports; Hist; SocW , 06827 Stiftung für die deutsche Jugend, c/o Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt, Luisenpl 2, 64283 Darmstadt T: (06151) 125504; Fax: 125285; E-Mail: Established: 1937 Expenditures: DM 25.000,· Limitations: Grants in the governmental district of Darmstadt only Focus: Youth 06828 Stiftung für die Gefolgschaftsmitglieder der Firma Gebrüder Rink Holzwollefabrik in Aßlar, Postfach 1230, 35614 Aßlar Established: 1942 Limitations: Grants to employees of Gebrüder Rink Holzwollefabrik (Aßlar) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 06829 Stiftung für die Ingenieurausbildung der Fachbereiche Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik der Fachhochschule Bielefeld, c/o Sparkasse Bielefeld, Postfach 102673, 33526 Bielefeld T: (0521) 2941000; Fax: 2944001 Established: 1997; Chair Hans Meermann, Donor(s): Gesellschaft der Förderer und Freunde der Fachbereiche Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik der Fachhochschule Bielefeld e.V. Expenditures: DM 22.000,Limitations: Grants to members and institutions of the Fachhochschule Bielefeld only Focus: Mach; Elect 06830 Stiftung für die Koblenzer Jugend, do Sparkasse Koblenz, Postfach 201364, 56013 Koblenz Τ: (0261) 393201; Fax: 393641; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.sparkassekoblenz.de Established: 1983 Assets: DM 305.000,-, Expenditures: DM 16.000,Limitations: Grants in Koblenz only Focus: Youth 06831
Germany: Stiftung
06832 - 06882
Stiftung für die Mitarbeiter des Werltes Köln-Mülheim der Philips Kommunikation* Industrie AG, c/o NOKIA KABEL GMBH, Piccoloministr 2, 51063 Köln T: (0221) 6770; Fax: 6773964 Established: 1923; Donor(s): Feiten & Guilleaume, Carlswerkstiftung für Angestellte und Arbeiter Assets: DM 306.990.Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Philips Kommunikations Industrie AG (Köln-Mülheim) only Focus: SocW 0693? Stiftung für die Natur - Ravensberg, Jellinghausstr 47, 32139 Spenge Τ: (05225) 859837; Fax: 859837; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1985; Secy: Barbara Rönsch, Donor(s): Hans Holzapfel Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of OstwestfatenLippe only Focus: Ecol 06Θ33 Stiftung für die Nordrhein-Westflllsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, c/o Kail-Amold· Haus, Haus der Wissenschaften, Palmenstr 16, 40217 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 342051; Fax: 341475; E-Mail: akdw® mail.akdw.NRW.de Established: 1997 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 06834 Stiftung für die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen, Postfach 5115, 61422 Oberursel T: (06171) 982367; Fax: 982309; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.srzg.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Jörg Tremmel Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06835 Stiftung für die Schwedische Victoriagemeinde, Landhausstr 26-28, 10717 Berlin T: (030) 8649590; Fax: 86495999 Established: 1942 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Berlin only Focus: Rei 06836 Stiftung für dynamische Materialprüfung, c/o Universität Ulm, Helmholtzstr 20, 89081 Ulm Focus: Mater 06837 Stiftung für ehemalige politische Häftlinge. Wurzerstr 106, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 3689370; Fax: 3689399 Established: 1970; Chair: Heinz Lehmann, Secy: Dr. Klaus Ludwig, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland Limitations: Grants in the former DDR only Focus: Reh; P i s 06838 Stiftung für Ernährungswissenschaft Nachwuchsförderung, Über dem Kreuzstein 8, 37127 Dransfeld Established: 1988; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Abel Assets: DM 130.000,-, Expenditures: DM 33.000,Focus: Food; Schol 06839 Stiftung für Europäische Sprach- und Bildungszentren gGmbH, c/o Eurocentres Köln, Sedanstr 31-33, 50668 Köln T: (0221) 9730920; Fax: 7200919; E-Mail: kln¡[email protected] Secy: Michael C. Gerber Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Ling; Educ; Eur 06840 Stiftung für Evangelische Kirchenmusik Altenberg, Uferweg 1, 51519 Odenthal T: (02174) 4282; Fax: 49125 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Dr. P. Starke Assets: DM 30.000,· Limitations: Grants in Altenberg only Focus: ChurchM 06841 Stiftung für Geheime Testamentenarme, Postfach 3628, 24035 Kiel Established: 1580 Focus: SocW 06842 Stiftung für Hilfe für Kranke, c/o Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Röselerstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 16843950; Fax: 16845062 Established: 1981 Assets: DM 59.220,-, Expenditures: DM 4.100,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Hannover only Focus: Nurs 06843 Stiftung für höhere Schulen, tío Stadt Wuppertal, Ressort 403.1, Wegnerstr, 42275 Wuppertal T: (0202) 5636596; Fax: 5638032 Established: 1942 Assets: DM 34.500,-, Expenditures: DM 2.100,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 06844 Stiftung für internationale Solidarität und Partnerschaft, Paulstr 20, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 69Θ661/62; Fax: 698663; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Secy: Fritz Pfeiffer, Donops): Fritz Pfeiffer u.a. Assets: DM 400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Applications outside Germany only Focus: IntU 06845
120 Stiftung für Internationalen Studentenaustausch, c/o FH Deggendorf, Postfach 1320, 94453 Deggendorf T: (0991) 3615211; Fax: 361581211; E-Mail: Klaus.Loibl0fh-deggendorf.de Established: 1998; Donops): Anton Fink Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Deggendorf only Focus: Schol 06846
Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umwelt und Sport der Sparkasse Erfurt, Anger 25-26, 99084 Erfurt T: (0361) 5451013; Fax: 5451017 Established: 1992; Chair Otmar Müller, Donor(s): Erfurt s: DM 2.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 123.000,·, Expenditures: DM 123.000,ümitations: Grants in Erfurt only Focus: Cult; Scie; Ecol; Sports 06858
Stiftung Kir Internationales Kulturmanagement, c/o Maecenata Management GmbH, Barer Str 44, 80799 München Τ: (089) 284452; Fax: 263774; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www. maece η ata-manage ment, de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Dr. Eckard Heintz Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 06847
Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft und Soziales der Kreissparkasse Gotha, tío Kreissparkasse Gotha, Lutherstr 2-4, 99867 Gotha T: (03621) 221370; Fax: 221103; E-Mail: StiftungÔKSK-Gotha.de; Internet: http://www.kskgotha.de Established: 1998; Chair: Manfred Vitt, Donops): Kreissparkasse Gotha Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Gotha only Focus: Cult; Scie; SocW 06859
Stiftung für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur in Europa - München, c/o Emst Mannheimer, Dreschstr 1, 80805 München T: (089) 21994121; Fax: 21994198; E-Mail: emannheimer® wellington.de Established; 1995; Secy: Emst Mannheimer, Donor(s): G. Nikoiaj Kiessling Assets: DM 200.000,-, Receipts: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,· Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München only Focus: Jew 06848 Stiftung für Jugendliche, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkámmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1968 Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Youth
Stiftung für Kanada-Studien, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stlfterverband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien Assets: DM 348.260,·, Expenditures: DM 48.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Am 06850 Stiftung für Kinder, c/o Rechtsanwalt Ekkehard Amsperger, Schwaighofen 14, 79100 Freiburg T: (0761) 71015; Fax: 77306; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjl www.stiftung-fuer-kinder.de Established: 1986 Focus: Child 06851 Stiftung für kirchliche Versorgung der Außenstadt Frankfurt am Main, Nibelungenallee 54, 60318 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1905 Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Rei 06852 Stiftung für konkrete Kunst, Eberfiardstr 14, 72764 Reutlingen T: (07121) 370328, 25740 Established: 1967; Secy: Dr. Gabriele Kubier, Donops): Manfred Wandel, Albrecht Wandel Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 06853 Stiftung für Kranke der Psychiatrischen Abteilungen des LBK Hamburg, der Psychiatrischen Kliniken des Universitätskrankenhauses Eppendorf, Langenhomer Chaussee 560, 22419 Hamburg T: (040) 52712003; Fax: 52712870 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Gesundheitsbehörde Assets: DM 66.000,·, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Psychia 06854 Stiftung für Krebs- und Scharlachkrankheit, Sommergasse 38, 69469 Weinheim Established: 1941 Focus: Cane; Med 06855 Stiftung für Kultur und Umwelt der Kreissparkasse Saarlouis, c/o Y Saarlouis, Kleiner Markt, 66740 Saartouis T: (06831) 4422257; Fax: 4422274 Established: 1996; Donops): Kreissparkasse Saarlouis Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Saarlouis only Focus: Cult; Ecol 06856 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umwelt, Sport und Soziales der Sparkasse Weimar, Graben 4, 99423 Weimar T: (03643) 236650; Fax: 236100 Established: 1995; Donops): Spartasse Weimar Assets: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Weimar onty Focus: Cult; Scie; Ecol; Sports; SocW . . 06857
Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kutturberatung, c/o Prof. Ludwig von Pufendorf, Albrechtstr 12, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 2408770; Fax: 24087729 Established: 1990; Secy: Bernd Lorjans, Donor(s): Minister für Kultur der DDR Assets: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 06860 Stiftung für Kulturpflege der Sparkasse Lünen, tío Zweckverband Sparkasse der Städte Lünen und Selm, Graf-Adoff-Str 39, 44530 Lünen T: (02306) 105250; Fax: 105201; E-Mail: info® sparkasse-luenen.de Established: 1987; Donops): Sparkasse Lünen Assets: DM 500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 06861 Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur der Sparkasse Neuwied, tío Sparkasse Neuwied, Hermannstr 20, 56510 Neuwied T: (02631) 806603; Fax: 806618; E-Mail: serviced sk-neuwied.de; Internet: http^/www.sk-neuwied.de Established: 1998; Donops): Sparkasse Neuwied Limitations: Grants in Neuwied only Focus: Arts; Cult 06862 Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V., tío Walter Smerling, Viktoriastr 26, 53173 Bonn T: (0228) 934550 Established: 1986 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 06S63 Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur In der Stadt Westerstede, Rathaus, Am Markt 2, 26655 Westerstede T: (04488) 550; Fax: 5555 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Westerstede only Focus: Arts; Cult 06864 Stiftung für Kunst und Kunsttherapie Nürtingen, Neckarstr 13, 72622 Nürtingen T: (07022) 56343; Fax: 53286 Established: 1984; Chair Prof. Jürgen Ttiies, Donor(s): Verein Freie Kunstschule e.V. Limitations: Grants in Nürtingen only Focus: Arts; Ther 068S5 Stiftung für Lasertechnologien in der Medizin und MeBtechnlk an der Universität Ulm, Helmholtzstr 12, 89081 Ulm T: (0731) 14290; Fax: 142942; Internet: http:// www.unhulm.de/instrtute/1aser Established: 1985; Donops): Aesculap Werke AG, Firma Carl Zeiss (Oberkochen) Assets: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Ulm only Focus: MedE 06866 Stiftung für medizinische Wissenschaft, Francstr 8, 60320 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1999 Focus: Med 06867 Stiftung für Molekular- und Reproduktionsbiologie, tío SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1985; Donops): Dr. Freimut Letdenberger Assets: DM 1.656.030,·, Expenditures: DM 117.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Biol 06868 Stiftung für mutterlose Kinder, Dorfwiesen 1, 27404 Heeslingen T: (04281) 4032 Established: 1991; Donops): Hildegard Mertens Limitations: Grants to children without mothers only Focus: Child 06869 Stiftung für Ökologie und Demokratie e.V., Siemensring 54, 76761 Rülzheim T: (07272) 3648; Fax: 76612 Established: 1992; Chair Hans-Joachim Ritter, Donops): Hans-Joachim Ritter Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol; SocS 06870
Stiftung für Pinneberglsche Geschichte, Oeltingsallee 19, 25421 Pinneberg Limitations: Grants in Pinneberg only Focus: Hist
Stiftung für Public Relatlons-Forschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenaltee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www .stifte rverband.de Established: 1975; Donops): Prof. Dr. Karl Hundhausen Assets: DM 143.260,·, Expenditures: DM 7.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Adv 06872 Stiftung für Rotkreuz-Auslandhllfe, FriedrichEbe rt-Al lee 71, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 5410 Established: 1980; Donops): Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (Bonn) Assets: DM 8.758.580,·, Expenditures: DM 430.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06873 Stiftung für Technologie- und Innovatlonsförderung Thüringen, Mainzerhofstr 10, 99084 Erfurt T: (0361) 789230; Fax: 7892345; E-Mail: infoôstiftthueringen.de; Internet http://www.stift-thueringen.de Established: 1993; Secy: Ronald Jost, Donops): Freistaat Thüringen Assets: DM 40.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Thüringen only Focus: Eng 06874 Stiftung für Umwelt Bietigheim-Bissingen, Camberteystr 27, 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen T: (07142) 55543; Fax: 55543 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Bürgerinitiative Bietigheim-Bissingen Limitations: Grants in Bietigheim-Bissingen only Focus: Ecol 06875 Stiftung für Umweit- und Naturschutz im Landkreis Vechta, tío Landkreis Vechta, Bamstorfer Str 18, 49424 Goldenstedt T: (04444) 1484; Fax: 1827 Established: 1991; Chair: Clemens-August Krapp, Secy: Anne Dasenbrock, Donor(s): Städte und Gemeinden des Kreises Vechta, Landkreis Vechta Assets: DM 1.700.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Vechta only Focus: Ecol 06876 Stiftung für unser Dorf, c/o Gemeinde Ruhpolding, Rathauspl 1, 83324 Ruhpolding T: (08663) 540121; Fax: 540177 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Elfriede Seyd Assets: DM 609.000,-, Expenditures: DM 61.413,69 Limitations: Grants in Ruhpolding only Focus: SocW; Fire; Youth; Arts; Sen . . 06877 Stiftung für unsere Jugend, tío Kreissparkasse Mayen, Sankt Veit-Str 22-24, 56727 Mayen T: (02651) 87202; Fax: 87333 Established: 1983; Donops): Kreissparkasse Mayen, Sparkasse Koblenz Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz only Focus: Youth 06878 Stiftung für Verkündung und Seelsorge, Geisinkstr 1, 48529 Nordhorn T: (05921) 880200; Fax: 880211; E-Mail: syrtodalverbandgraf.bentheim θ nwn.de Established: 1988; Chair Bernhard Roth, Donops): Synodalveiband Grafschaft Bentheim der Ev.-ref. Kirche Assets: DM 200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 06879 Stiftung für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und berufliche Qualifizierung, Mozartstr 4-10, 53115 Bonn T: (0228) 982380; Fax: 9823819 Established: 1991 Expenditures: DM 18.000.000,Focus: Econ; Voc 06880 Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Südosteuropaforschung (SQdost-lnstttut), Güllstr 7, 80336 München T: (089) 7461330; Fax: 74613333; E-Mail: suedostinstitute Ir7.uni-muenchen.de; Internet: http-J! www.bta.unhbonn.de/cooftfiv/suedost/info.ht Established: 1930; Chair Prof. Dr. Edgar Hösch, Secy: Dr. Franz-Lothar Altmann, Donops): Regierung der Weimarer Republik, Freistaat Bayern Receipts: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: East 06881 Stiftung für Wohnungsbau für Bergarbeiter, Trierer Str 1, 66104 Saarbrücken Limitations: Grants to German miners only Focus: Hous
121 Stiftung FQrst-Püekler-Museum Park und Schlofi Branitz. Kastanienallee 11, 03042 Cottbus T: (0355) 751521; Fax: 713179 Established: 1995; Donorts): Stadt Cottbus Expenditures: DM 4.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Hort 06883 Stiftung Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau, Orangerie, 02953 Bad Muskau T: (024771) 52015; Fax: 52014 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Freistaat Sachsen Expenditures: DM 7.794.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hort 06864 Stiftung Fundraising, Emil-von-Behring-Str 3, 60439 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 58098124; Fax: 58098271; E-Mail: i nfo ® fund rais i ngakadem ie. d e; Internet: http:// www.tundraising-akademie.de Established: 2000; Donor(s): Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik gGmbH, Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Sozial marketing (BSM)· Deutscher Fundraising Verband e.V., Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; SocW; Rei . . . 06885 Stiftung Gasthaus zum Ritter Sankt Jürgen, Osterende 18, 25801 Husum T: (04841) 2918 Established: 1465 Assets: DM 2.833.590,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06886 Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau Dora, Buchenwald, 99427 Weimar T: (03643) 4300; Fax: 430100; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.buchenwald.de Established: 1994; Chair Dr. Volkhard Knigge, Secy: Watter Mönch, Donops): Freistaat Thüringen Receipts: DM 10.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 06887 Stiftung Gehörlosenzentrum Stuttgart, Hohenheimer Str 5, 70184 Stuttgart T: (0711) 240803; Fax: 2360616; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1977; Secy: Günter Wagner Assets: DM 1.300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Deafs 06888 Stiftung GeißstraBe 7, Geißstr 7, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2360201; Fax: 2360204; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-J! www.geissstrasse.de.viV Established: 1994; Chair Thomas Barth Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Youth 06889 Stiftung Geistesfreiheit, Beim Schlump 23, 20144 Hamburg T: (040) 4103731 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Theodor Hambroer Focus: Phil 06890 Stiftung Gemeinsam ait werden, Postfach 200420, 41204 Mönchengladbach Focus: Sen 06891 Stiftung Gemeinsam handeln, Paritätischer Stifterverbund NRW, Loher Str 7, 42283 Wuppertal T: (0202) 2822340; Fax: 2822344; E-Mail: theissen® parttaet-niw.org Established: 1999; Donops): Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband NRW e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen; Health; Youth . . . 06892 Stiftung Gemeinsames Rücknahmesystem Batterien, Heidenkampsweg 44, 20097 Hamburg T: (040) 23778930; Fax: 237787; E-Mail: luehrsen θ grs-batterien.de; Internet: http://www.grsbatterien.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Duraceli, Panasonic, Philips, Ralston, Saft, Sanyo, Sony, Varta, Zentralverband Elektrotechnik· und Elektronikindustrie Expenditures: DM 16.000.000,Limitatk>ns: Applications not accepted Focus: Waste 06893 Stiftung Gemeinwohl der Kreissparkasse Düsseldorf, do Kreissparkasse Düsseldorf, Jubiläumspl 7, 40822 Mettmann T: (0211) 873447; Fax: 873273 Established: 1997; Donops): Kreissparkasse Düsseldorf Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Düsseldorf only Focus: Arts; Cult; SocW 06894 Stiftung Gesundheit, Hindenburgufer 87, 24105 Kiel Τ: (0431) 8810150; Fax: 88101556; E-Mail: sgÔ ArztMail.de; Internet: http^/www.Arzt-Auskunft.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Land SchleswigHolstein Focus: Health 06895 Stiftung Gewaltfreies Leben, Tannenweg 6, 78128 Königsfeld Τ: (07725) 3464, 91191; Fax: 3464; E-Mail: 077253464-0001 @t-online.de Established: 1989; Donops): Dr. Roderich Gräfl Focus: SocW 06896
Stiftung Glaubens· und Lebenshilfe, Buddestr 4, 45143 Essen T: (0201) 642916 Established: 1973 Assets: DM 1.325.000,Lrmitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06897 Stiftung Gold- und Silberschmiedekunst, Franziskanergasse 6, 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd Τ: (07171) 69088; Fax: 5300 Established: 1988; Chair Dr. Gerhard Rembold, Secy: Dr. Angelika Ehmer Expenditures: DM 89.000,Limitations: Grants to German goldsmiths and silversmiths onty Focus: Arts 06898 Stiftung Goldener Spatz, Postfach 1725, 07507 Gera Τ: (0365) 8004874; Fax: 8001344; E-Mail: gold-spa θ gera-web.de; Internet: http Λ www.goldenerspatz.gera.de Established: 1993; Chair Ingrid Kotte, Secy: Margret Albers, Donops): Stadt Gera, MDR, RTL, ZDF, TLM Assets: DM 800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cin; Child 06899 Stiftung Goldener Zuckerhut, Mainzer Landstr 251, 60326 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 75951114; Fax: 75951120 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH Assets: DM 1.803.050,Focus: Voc 06900 Stiftung Goldnes Münchner Herz, c/o Landshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Verein Goldnes Münchner Herz Expenditures: DM 56.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of München only Focus: Sen 06901 Stiftung Gralsbotschaft, Lenzhalde 15, 70192 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 294355; Fax: 291639 Established: 1951 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit 06902 Stiftung Grimmelshausenarchiv, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Hauptstr 57, 77871 Renchen T: (07843) 70720; Fax: 70723; E-Mail: bmrenchen9rrz-freiburg.de; Internet: httpJ/www.stadtrenchen.de Established: 1979; Donor(s): Verein Grimmelshausenfreunde e.V. Assets: DM 241.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit; Cult 06903 Stiftung Grone-Schule, Gotenstr 12, 20097 Hamburg T: (040) 23703315/16; Fax: 23703333; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-y/www.groneschule.de Established: 1964; Chair Dr. Peter Rabeis, Donops): Heinrich Grone Assets: DM 3.000.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 06904 Stiftung Großes Walsenhaus zu Postsdam, Breite Str 7a, 14467 Potsdam T: (0331) 281466; Fax: 2814671; E-Mail: stiftungwaisenhausθsnafu.de; Internet: http:// www.stiftungswaisenhaus.de Established: 1724; Donor(s): König Friedrich Wilhelm I. Expenditures: DM 9.460.000,Limitations: Grants in the states of Brandenburg and Sachsen-Anhalt (Burgenlandkreis) only Focus: Educ; Child; Youth 06905 Stiftung Groflherzogllcher Unterstützungsfonds Bruchsal, Robert-Koch-Str 8, 76646 Bruchsal T: (07251) 7085113; Fax: 7085138 Established: 1979; Secy: Gunter Raab Expenditures: DM 183.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Baden only Focus: SocW 06906 Stiftung Gutes mit Schönem verbinden, Postfach 104642, 70041 Stuttgart Established: 1993; Donops): Verband der Wirtschaft Baden-WQittemberg Assets: DM 2,500,000,-, Expenditures: DM 400.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Dev; IntU; Res; Scie . . . 06907 Stiftung Habetreu-U nterstûtzungskasse, Ferdinandstr 59, 20095 Hamburg Established: 1959 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Habetreu Co. (Hamburg) only Focus: SocW 06908
Stiftung Hamburger Admiralität, c/o HHLA, Bei St. Annen 1, 20457 Hamburg Τ: (040) 30883205; Fax: 30883388; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1987; Chair Peter Dietrich, Secy: Monika Möller, Donops): Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06909 Stiftung Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung, Mittelweg 36, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4140970; Fax: 41409711; E-Mail: HlSÔhisonline.de; Internet: http://www.his-online.de Established: 1984; Chair: Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Reemtsma, Secy: Andrea Boenardi, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Reemtsma Focus: SocS 06910 Stiftung Hamburger Lebenshilfeheime, (formerly: Hamburger Lebenshilfeheim Merkendorf), Schweriner Str 8, 22143 Hamburg Τ: (040) 67580778; Fax: 6773975 Established: 1936; Chair Dr. Hans Bethge, Secy: Peter Johannsen, Donops): Wilhelm Boltz Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Hand 06911 Stiftung Hamburger Öffentliche Bücherhallen, Große Bleichen 23-27, 20354 Hamburg Τ: (040) 35606123; Fax: 3414Θ4; Internet: http:// www.buecherhallen.de Established: 1919; Chair: Hella SchwemerMartießen, Donor(s): Patriotische Gesellschaft von 1765 Expenditures: DM 53.063.000,ümitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Libr 06912 Stiftung Hamburger Wanderer, Natur· und Heimatfreunde, Neukoppel 10a, 22415 Hamburg Established: 1963 Assets: DM 48.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: NatS; Landsc; Ecol 06913 Stiftung Hamburgisches Krankenhaus Edmundsthal-Siemerswalde, Johannes-Ritter-Str 100, 21502 Geesthacht Τ: (04152) 1710; Fax: 171417; Internet: http:// www.Edmundsthal.de Established: 1898; Donor(s): Edmund J.A. Siemers Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 06914 Stiftung Hammer Gemeindehaus, Homer Weg 15, 20535 Hamburg Established: 1893 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06915 Stiftung Haus Bauhütte, Alsterkrugchaussee 212, 22297 Hamburg T: (040) 5118159; Fax: 51312222; E-Mail: stwhôstudentenwohnheim-hh.de; Internet: http:// www.studentenwohnheim-hh.de Established: 1959 Expenditures: DM 791.000,· Limitations: Grants to a students hostel in Hamburg only Focus: Hous 06916 Stiftung Haus Bethlehem, Renntormauer 1-3, 32052 Herford Τ: (05221) 5930; Fax: 593259 Established: 1852 Assets: DM 2.800.000,Limltations: Predetermined grants in Herford only Focus: Nurs 06917 Stiftung Haus der action 365, Kennedyallee 111a, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 632063; Fax: 6314110 Established: 1996 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; IntU 06918 Stiftung Haus der Behinderten Bonn, GustavHeinemann-Haus, Waldenburger Ring 44, 53119 Bonn T: (0228) 66830; Fax: 6683111; E-Mail: Ko-GoÖtonline.de Established: 1984 Assets: DM 17.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.867.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 06919 Stiftung Haus der Demokratie, GreifswaJder Str 4, 10405 Berlin Τ: (030) 20165520; Fax: 2041263 Established: 1993 Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Youth; Educ; Voc 06920 Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Adenauerallee 250, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 91650; Fax: 9165302; E-Mail: poste hdg.de Established: 1990; Chair Dr. Knut Nevermann, Secy: Prof. Dr. Hermann Schäfer, Donops): Bundesrepublik Deutschland Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 06921
- 06936
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung Haus der Heimat - Haus der Begegnung Nürtingen, Röntgenweg 5, 72622 Nürtingen T: (07022) 32183 Established: 1988 Assets: DM 400.000,· Focus: Cult 06922 Stiftung Haus der Jugend, do Hansestadt Lübeck, Braunstr 21-23, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 1225110; Fax: 1225151 Established: 1547 Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Youth 06923 Stiftung Haus Oberschlesien, Bahnhofstr 71, 40883 Ratingen T: (02102) 9650; Fax: 60178 Established: 1970; Chair Staatssekretär a.D. Franz Koppenstedt Expenditures: DM 2.574.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hist 06924 Stiftung Haus Pius XII, Sophie-Charlotte-Str 31, 14169 Berlin T: (030) 8181850; Fax: 81818512 Established: 1949; Donor(s): D. Luigi Fraccari Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06925 Stiftung Haus Seefahrt, Seefahrfshof 1, 26759 Bremen T: (0421) 628898; Fax: 627677 Established: 1545; Chair: C. Vinnen, Donor(s): Verordnete der Gemeinen Schifferschaft Limitations: Grants to needy Gemían seamen and their widows only Focus: SocW; Ship 06926 Stiftung Haus Zuflucht, Lüneburger Str 130, 29614 Soltau T: (05191) 3044; Fax: 15110 Established: 1975 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06927 Stiftung Heidelberger Friedenskreuz, c/o Kath. Pfarramt Sankt Peter, Lochheimerstr 39, 69124 Heidelberg T: (06221) 785185; Fax: 780223 Established: 1989; Chair: Roland Blatz, Donor(s}: Alfons Eller Assets: DM 33.970,Lîmrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 06928 Stiftung Heidelberger Zement, c/o SV Strftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1974; Donor(s): Heidelberger Zement AG Assets: DM 508.340,-, Expenditures: DM 38.000,· Focus: Schol; Res; Eng; Educ 06929 Stiftung Heilanstalt für Kranke, Am Eichberg 41, 36341 Lauterbach T: (06641) 821; Fax: 82256 Established: 1877; Doncr(s): Evangelischer Frauenverein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 06930 Stiftung Heilerziehungs- und Pflegeheime Scheuern, Am Burgberg 16, 56377 Nassau T: (02604) 9790; Fax: 979109 Established: 1850; Secy: Pfarrer E. Bahlmann Assets: DM 77.600.000,-, Receipts: DM 46.600.000,·, Expenditures: DM 46.600.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand 06931 Stiftung Heilig Kreuz, Trappenbergstr 45, 45134 Essen Τ: (02054) 130 Established: 1980 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06932 Stiftung Helmathaus Bad Tölz, c/o Stadt Bad Tölz, Am Schloßpl 1, 83646 Bad Tölz Τ: (08041) 504310; Fax: 72266; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.bad-toelz.de Established: 1936; Donor(s): Stadt Bad Tölz Assets: DM 66.500,·, Expenditures: DM 212.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 06933 Stiftung Helmathaus Traunstein, c/o Stadt Traunstein, Stadtpl 2-3, 83278 Traunstein Τ: (0861) 164786 Established: 1951 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Hist 06934 Stiftung Heimatstuben der Stadt und des Kreises Dux (Sudetenland), Fekibergstr 3, 63517 Rodenbach Established: 1980 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cult 06935 Stiftung Helfen in der Havelstadt, Rodensteinstr 11, 13593, Berlin T: (030) 3624779; Fax: 3610840 Established: 1988; Donops): Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Berlin e.V. Limitations: Grants in Beriin-Spandau only Focus: Hand; Nurs; SocW 06936
Germany: Stiftung
06937 - 06990
Stiftung Helfen und Hellen, Eisenbahnstr 49, 88212 Raversburg T: (0751) 14525 Established: 1988; Chair: Elmar Sipple. Donops): Elmar Sipple Assets: DM 261.540,-, Expenditures: DM 21.900,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: SocW; Dev; Hous; Sen 06937 Stiftung Henricus-Hospltal zu Südlohn, Breul 6, 46354 Südlohn Τ: (02862) 9830; Fax: 98350; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1902 Expenditures: DM 7.900.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06938 Stiftung Herberge zur Heimat, Essen: defunct 06939 Stiftung Herberge zur Heimat, c/o Christliches Feierabendheim, Strumpfgasse 3, 07407 Rudolstadt T: (03672) 422607 Established: 1889; Donor(s): Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Rudolstadt Assets: DM 2.100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06940 Stiftung Herz für Berlin, Berlin: defunct
Stiftung Herzogtum Lauenburg, c/o Stadthauptmannshof, Hauptstr 150, 23879 Mölln T: (04542) 87000, 87071; Fax: 87061 Established: 1977; Chair: Dr. Dr. Jürgen Pratje, Donor(s): Dr. Dr. Uwe Berschel, Dr. Karl Joseph Ballhaus Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 250.000,-, Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Herzogtum Lauenburg only Focus: Ecol; Cult 06942 Stiftung Hessischer Jägerhof, Jagdschloß Kranichstein, Kranichsteiner Str 261, 64289 Darmstadt T: (0651) 717032; Fax: 732332; Internet: http:// www.jagdschloss-kranichstein.de Established: 1952; Secy: Monika Kessler Assets: DM 24.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hunt 06943 Stiftung Hessischer Naturschutz. Hölderlinstr 13, 65187 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 8172998, 8172301; Fax: 8172185; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.natur-in-hessen.de Established: 1978; Chair: Staatssekretär Ulrich Thurmann, Secy: Albert Langsdorf, Donor(s): Land Assets: DM 7.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 060.000,Umitations: Grants in the state of Hessen only Focus: Ecol 06944 Stiftung Hessisches Walsenhaus zu Kassel, Steinweg 5, 34117 Kassel T: (0561) 14455; Fax: 778126 Established: 1690; Secy: Herr Reuting, Donor(s): Landgral Carl von Hessen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 06945 Stiftung heureka, Am Wiesengrunde 9A, 30974 Wennigsen T: (05109) 63456; Fax: 565799; E-Mail: info© stittung-heureka.de; Internet: http://www.stiftungheureka.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dipl.-Ing. J. Boeseteldt, Dr.-Ing. M. Garben, Dipl.-Ing. R. Hotop, Prof. D r ing. H. Keller, Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Meißner, Prof. Dr.Ing. M. Sahling, Dipl.-Ing. H.-M. Heck Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally to traffic scientists up to 40 years Focus: Traf; Compu 06946 Stiftung Hilfe a m Mitmenschen, Goßlers Park 14, 22587 Hamburg Τ: (040) 865201; Fax: 865201 Established: 1978; Donor(s); Günter Poppe Assets: DM 800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 78.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06947 Stiftung Hilfe fur die Familie, Stiftung des Landes Berlin, Exerzierstr 23, 13357 Berlin T: (030) 4625101 Established: 1984 Assets: DM 22.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Farn 06945 Stiftung Hilfe für Familien, Mutter und Kind, c/o Sächsisches Landesamt für Familie und Soziales, Altchemnitzer Str 40, 09120 Chemnitz T: (0371) 606421, 606422; Fax: 606432 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Freistaat Sachsen Expenditures: DM 12.714.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state oí Sachsen only Focus: Fam; Worn; Child 06949 Stiftung Hilfe für Petra und andere, Rathaus, Oeseder Str 85, 49124 Georgsmarienhütte T: (05401) 850122; Fax: 850444 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Aktion Hilfe für Petra Expenditures: DM 128.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06950
122 Stiftung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, c/o Kanzlei Pôllath & Partner, Friedrichstr 200, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 22332204; Fax: 22332020; E-Mail: g esine.bock @ up-micro-loans.org Established: 2000; Donops): Reinhard Pôllath Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev; SocW 06951 Stiftung Hilfen für Frauen und Familie, Friedrich-Engels-Str 47, 19061 Schwerin T: (0385) 5889542; Fax: 5889055 Established: 1992; Chain Dr. Gabriele Kriese Expenditures: DM 4.838.000,Focus: Worn; Fam 06952 Stiftung Hilfsdienste gratia deo, Londonerstr 35, 97064 Wüizburg T: (0931) 6666190; Fax: 6666191 Established: 1996; Chain Dr. Emst Kastner, Donops): Dr. Emst Kastner Expenditures: DM 39.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Rei; SocW; Miss 06953 Stiftung Hilfswerk Berlin, Neue Krame 32, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 294065; Fax: 289197 Established: 1955; Secy: Dr. Günter Terwey Assets: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: SocW; Sen; Youth 06954 Stiftung Hilfswerk der Landesfachgemei nschaft Textil Im Einzelhandelsverband Schleswig-Holstein, Mühlenstr 16, 25335 Elmshorn T: (04121) 81160 Established: 1953; Secy: Herr Kneuttinger, Donor(s): Textil-Fachverband e.V. im EHV Schleswig-Holstein e.V. Assets: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants to needy or senior members of EHV Schleswig-Holstein e.V. only Focus: SocW 06955
Stiftung Hospital Sankt Viti, Goethepl 6, 06426 Nienburg Τ: (034721) 22348; Fax: 21040 Established: 1615; Donops): Fürst Ludwig von Anhalt-Cöthen Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06965 Stiftung Hospital und Kloster zum Helligen Geist, Katharinen-Kloster, Klostergang 9, 24937 Rensburg T: (0461) 23953; Fax: 181845 Established: 1545; Donops): König Christian III. von Dänemark Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein Limitations: Grants in Flensburg only Focus: Sen; Mon 06966 Stiftung Hospital zu Neukirchen, Postfach 100, 34623 Neukirchen/Knüllgebirge T: (06694) 80826; Fax: 80857 Established: 1647; Chair Klemens Olbrich Expenditures: DM 1.700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06967 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, Postfach 1262 , 73472 Ellwangen T: (07961) 871811; Fax: 871871 Established: 1947; Chair Landrat Klaus Pavel, Secy: Bernhard Voiz Assets: DM 1.050.600,·, Expenditures: DM 7,967.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nure 06968 Stiftung Hospital zum Helligen Geist, c/o Stadt Essen, Sozialamt, Kennedypl 3, 45121 Essen T: (0201) 8850113; Fax: 8888510 Established: 1550 Assets: DM 1.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06969
Stiftung Hilfswerk Deutscher Zahnärzte für Lepra- und Notgebiete, Senderstr 18, 37077 Göttingen T: (0551) 22692; Fax: 22655 Established: 1987 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dent 06956
Stiftung Hospital zum Helligen Geist, Von Broichhausen-Allee 1, 47906 Kempen T: (02152) 142355; Fax: 142444 Established: 1421; Secy: Herr Jansen, Donoits): Johann von Broichhausen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06970
Stiftung Historischer Hängegarten, Schloß Neufra, Schloßberg 12, 8Θ499 Riedlingen T: (07371) 5700 Established: 1994; Secy: Waltraud Johannsen, Donor(s): Waltraud Johannsen Expenditures: DM 19.300,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Hort 06957
Stiftung Hospital zum heiligen Geist Frankfurt a m Main, Steinbacher Hohl 2-26, 60486 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 76011; Fax: 7681886 Established: 1209; Secy: Segfried Twelker Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen; Worn 06971
Stiftung Hochschule für Gestaltung, Am Hochsträß 8, 89081 Ulm T: (0731) 381001; Fax: 381003 Established: 1950 Assets: DM 10.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 400.000,Focus: Uni; Des 06958 Stiftung Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Offenbacher Landstr 224, 60599 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6061213; Fax: 6061330; E-Mail: Ρ .Roche® st-geo rgen.uni-frankfurt.de; internet: http:// www.st-georgen .uni-frankfurt.de Established: 1985; Chair: Dr. Martin Frühauf, Secy: Peter Roche, Donor(s): Norddeutsche Provinz SJ, Diözese Limburg Assets: DM 3.900.000,-, Receipts: DM 165.000,-, Expenditures: DM 174.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ret 06959 Stiftung Hofer Symphoniker, Klosterstr 9-11, 95028 Hol an der Saale Τ: (09281) 72000; Fax: 720072; E-Mail: info® hofer-symphoniker.de; Internet: http://www.hofersymphoniker.de Established: 1999; Donoits): Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hofer Symphoniker e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 06960 Stiftung Hohenwestedt-Halle, Hohenwestedt: defunct 06967 Stiftung Hospitäler z u m Heiligen Geist und Sankt Georg, Reinickendorfer Str 59b, 13347 Berlin T: (030) 4997880; Fax: 8419070 Established: 1272; Secy: Herr Gottschalk Assets: DM 12.069.170,·, Expenditures: DM 6.018.000,· Limitations: Low cost living space for needy Protestant citizens of Berlin only Focus: Hous 06962 Stiftung Hospital Sanctus Splrttus, Postfach 75, 17109 Demmin T: (03998) 2560; Fax: 223134 Established: 1269; Chain Bürgermeister Ernst Wellmer, Donops): Bürger und Rat der Hansestadt Demmin Limitations: Grants in Demmin only Focus: Sen; SocW; Youth 06963 Stiftung Hospital Sankt Cyrlaci et Antonll zu Halle, Glauchaer Str 68, 06110 Halle/Saale Established: 1897 Assets: DM 481.000,Limftations: Grants in Halle/Saale only Focus: Sen 06964
Stiftung Hospital zum Heiilgen Geist Helmburg, Unterstr 1, 38Θ89 Heimburg T: (03944) 63752; Fax: 63752 Established: 1557; Secy: Pfarcer A. Werther, Donor(s): Graf Emst zu Regenstein und Blankenburg Expenditures: DM 153.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; SocW
Stiftung Hospital zum Heiilgen Geist Lübben, Paul-Gerhardt-Str 2, 15907 Lübben T: (03546) 3122; Fax: 8790 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 06973 Stiftung Hospital zum Helligen Geist mit Oberalten-Stlft, Marlen-Magdalenen-Kloster und Altendank, Hinsbleek 11, 22391 Hamburg T: (040) 606010; Fax: 60601140; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1227; Secy: Wolfgang Müschter, Donops): Graf Adolf IV. von Schauenburg Assets: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06974 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist zu Berlin-Spandau, Rittersir 7-6, 13597 Berlin T: (030) 5393011; Fax: 3339010 Established: 1244 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 06975 Stiftung Hospitalfonds der Stadt Montabaur, Dillstr 1, 56410 Montabaur Established: 1941 Expenditures: DM 98.870.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 06976 Stiftung Hospitalfonds Mosbach, (formerly: Hospitalfonds Mosbach), c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Hauptstr 29, 74821 Mosbach T: (06261) 82273; Fax: 82249 Established: 1421; Chair Oberbürgermeister Gerhard Lauth Assets: DM 16.672.917,-, Receipts: DM 2.276.533,-, Expenditures: DM 2.276.533,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 06977 Stiftung H u m a n e r e Hilfe für durch Blutprodukte HlV-Jnflzlerte Personen, c/o Deutsche Ausgleichsbank, Postlach 200554, 53135 Bonn T: (0228) 8312633; Fax: 8312718 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Germany only Focus: AIDS £36978
Stiftung Immunität und Umwelt, c/o SV Stiftungsverwattungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterveit>and .de Established: 1973; Dortor(s): Hefa-Frenon Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, Laboratoires Saibach S.A. Assets: DM 108.700,·, Expenditures: DM 34.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Immun 06979 Stiftung Industrie- und Alltagskultur, Knaackstr 97, 10435 Berlin Τ: (030) 4439382/83; Fax: 4439383 Established: 1990; Donops): Heitert Schirmer Expenditures: DM 74.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: CommT; Cult 06980 Stiftung Industrledenkmalpfiege und Geschichtskultur, Emscher Allee 11, 44369 Dortmund T: (0231) 9311220; Fax: 93112210; E-Mail: lndustriedenkmalpflege@ t-online.de Established: 1995; Secy: Gabriele HeidnerBeierlorzer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Cult 06981 Stiftung Industrieforschung, Marktstr 8, 50966 Köln T: (0221) 9370270; Fax: 343807; E-Mail: info θ Stiftung-Industrieforschung.de; Internet: http:// www.Stiftung-lndustrieforschung.de Established: 1974; Chair Dr. Nikolaus Fajolt, Secy: Jürgen Kindt, Dr. Wolfgang Lerch, Donor(s): 1KB Deutsche Industriebank AG Assets: DM 48.300.000,-, Receipts: DM 12.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000.000,Limitations: Grants to scientific institutions in Germany only Focus: Indu 06982 Stiftung Industriekultur Völklingen, Saarbrücken: defunct
Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg, Roonstr 5, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 3670416; Fax: 3680038; Internet: http¿I www.vbbb.de/Mehrweg Established: 1992; Secy: Clemens Stroetmann Assets: DM 200.000,-, Receipts: DM 400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 230.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Schol; Ecol 06984 Stiftung Institut für Geschichte der ArabischIslamischen Wissenschenschaften an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität In Frankfurt am Main, Beethovenstr 32, 60325 Frankfurt T: (069) 7560090; Fax: 75600912 Established: 1981 Focus: Isl; Orient 06985 Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Badgasteiner Str 3, 28359 Bremen T: (0421) 21800; Fax: 2185333; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.iwt-bremen.de Established: 1986; Chair Dr. F. Hengerer, Secy: Prof. Dr. Ing. Peter Mayr, Donops): AWT, Land Bremen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mater 06966 Stiftung Integration, Eschersheimer Landstr 393, 60320 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9562533; Fax: 95625347 Established: 1987; Chair Richard Penndorf, Donor(s): Evangelische Französisch-reformierte Gemeinde Frankfurt Assets: DM 640.000,-, Receipts: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Hessen only. No grants to individuals Focus: Hand; Child; Youth 06967 Stiftung Internationale Jugendblbllothek, Schloß Blutenburg, 81247 München Τ: (089) 8912110; Fax: 89121138; E-Mail: bib@ ijb.de; Internet: http://www.ijb.de Established: 1995; Chair Christa Spangenberg, Donor(s): Christa Spangenberg Expenditures: DM 3.030.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Libr 06986 Stiftung Internationale Untemehmenslührung Bayreuth, c/o Universität Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth T: (0921) 552940 Established: 1994; Chair Prof.Dr. Peter Rütger Wossidlo Assets: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Bayreuth only Focus: Bus 06989 Stiftung Internationaler Karlsprels zu Aachen, c/o Notar Thilo von Trotha, Wilhelmstr 38, 52070 Aachen Established: 1998 Limitations: Prizes nationally and internationally
06991 - 07040
123 Stiftung Internationales B e g e g n u n g s z e n t r u m Sankt Marienthal, 02899 Ostritz T: (035823) 770; Fax: 77250; E-Mail: IBZ· St.Marienthatet-onlirie.de; Internet: http://www.ostritzst-marienthal.de Established: 1992; Chair Zbtissin Regina Wollmann, Secy: Hildegard Zeletzki, Dorwr(s): Klosterstift Sankt Marienthal Assets: D M 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 06991
Stiftung J u g e n d forscht e.V., Baumwall 5, 20459 Hamburg Τ: (040) 3747090; Fax: 37470999; E-Mail: info® jugend-forscht.de; Internet: http'J/www.jugendforscht.de Established: 1976; Secy: Dr. Uta Krautkrämer· Wagner, Donops): Stern (Vertagshaus Gruner & Jahr) Expenditures: DM 4.000.000,LimKations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Eng; NatS 07005
Stiftung Internationales Kolleg a n der Universität Tübingen, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: h t t p j l www.iini-tuebingen.de Established: 2000 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni; Schol 06992
Stiftung J u g e n d In Klei, c/o Kämmereiamt, Rathaus, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 9011713; Fax: 90161700 Established: 1974; Secy: Marita Brünger Assets: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Kiel only Focus: Youth 07006
Stiftung Invalidenhaus Berlin, Sächsische Str 28-30, 10707 Berlin T: (030) 90281322; Fax: 90282098 Established: 1748; Donops): König Friedrich II. von Preußen Assets: DM 2.060.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.030.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Warv 06993 Stiftung Irene, Jungfemstieg 7, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 345196; Fax: 346322 Established: 1982; Chair: Dipl.-Ing. Wemer Blohm Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 06994 Stiftung Isernhagen, Koppelweg 3, 30916 Isernhagen T: (0511) 9906740; Fax: 9906720 Established: 1999 Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants in Isernhagen only Focus: Youth; Cult; Sports; SocW; Ecol . 06995 Stiftung Jägersburg, Postfach 1155, 66402 Homburg Τ: (06841) 78186; Fax: 72257 Established: 1983; Donops): Stadtgemeinde Homburg-Saar, Ermer KG, Heimat- und Verkehrsverein Jägersburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 06996 Stiftung Jochimsthai A l t e n w o h n u n g e n , Wentorferstr 50, 21029 Hamburg T: (040) 7212529, 7219168; Fax: 7240256 Established: 1688; Secy: Kristoffer Kellinghusen, Donops): Anna Maria Amoldi Assets: DM 442.470,-, Receipts: DM 120.000,-, Expenditures: DM 110.000,Limitations: Applications not Focus: Sen; Hous 06997 Stiftung J o h a n n e u m , Feldstr 1, 27793 Wildeshausen T: (04431) 9820; Fax: 982905; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1879 Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Child
Stiftung Josephs-Hospital W a r e n d o r f / W e s t f a l e n , Postfach, 48206 Warendorf T: (02581) 201000 Established: 1843; Donor(s): Franz Joseph Zumloh Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 06999 Stiftung J ü d i s c h e r G e m e i n d e n Westfalens, c/o Commerzbank AG, Erb· und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1998; Donops): Jüdische Gemeinden Westfalens Limitations: Predetermined grants in Westfalen only Focus: Jew 07000 Stiftung J ü d i s c h e s M u s e u m , Postfach 622, 46256 Dorsten Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants to Jüdisches Museum in Dorsten only Focus: Jew 07001 Stiftung J ü d i s c h e s M u s e u m Berlin, Lindenstr 9-14, 10969 Berlin Limitations: Grants to Jüdisches Museum Berlin only Focus: Jew 07002 Stiftung J u g e n d der S p a r k a s s e Rhein-Nahe, Kommarkt 5, 55543 Bad Kreuznach T: (0671) 94516; Fax: 94554 Established: 1996; Donops): Sparkasse Rhein-Nahe Expenditures: DM 51.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Rhein-Nahe only Focus: Youth 07003 Stiftung J u g e n d Dritte Welt, Maximilianpl 7, 88364 Wolfegg T: (07527) 95105; Fax: 95104; E-Mail: Stiftungjugend-dritte-weltdt-online.de; Internet: http Jl www .stiftu η g-j ugend-d ritte-welt.de Secy: Bürgermeister a.D. Manfred Konrtes Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Youth; Dev 07004
Stiftung J u g e n d , Natur u n d Heimat der S p a r k a s s e Hohenlohekreis, c/o Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis, Postfach 1164, 74641 Künzelsau T: (07940) 120108; Fax: 120178 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis Limitations: Grants in the district of Hohenlohekreis only Focus: Ecol; Hist; Youth; Sports . . . . 07007 Stiftung J u g e n d a r b e i t in der Stadt M a g d e b u r g der S t a d t s p a r k a s s e M a g d e b u r g , c/o Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg, Untemehmenskommunikation, Postfach 4020, 39015 Magdeburg T: (0391) 2506532; Fax: 2508834 Established: 1997; Secy: Elena Reiß, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg Expenditures: DM 101.000,Limitations: Grants in Magdeburg only Focus: Youth 07008 Stiftung J u g e n d a r b e i t Schleswig-Holstein, c/o Sparkassen- und Giroverband für SchleswigHolstein, Postfach 4120, 24100 Kiel T: (0431) 5335546; Fax: 85820 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Schleswig-Holsteinische Sparkassen und Landesjugendring Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Youth 07009 Stiftung J u g e n d b u r g Ludwigstein u n d Archiv der d e u t s c h e n J u g e n d b e w e g u n g , c/o Burg Ludwigstein, 37214 Witzenhausen T: (05542) 1862; Fax: 501723 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Vereinigung Jugendburg Ludwigstein e.V. Limitations: Predetermined grants onfy Focus: Mon; Youth; Archiv 07010 Stiftung J u g e n d f ö r d e r u n g , Arbeit u n d Soziales der Krelsaparkasse Ludwigsburg, (formerly: Stiftung Jugendförderung der Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg), Postfach 620, 71606 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 3003; Fax: 3000 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Ludwigsburg Assets: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Ludwigsburg onfy Focus: Youth; SocW; Lab 07011 Stiftung J u g e n d f ö r d e r u n g d e r Kreissparkasse Calw, c/o Kreissparkasse Calw, Marktstr 7-11, 75365 Calw T: (07051) 9321101; Fax: 9321102 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Calw Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Calw only Focus: Youth 07012 Stiftung J u g e n d f ö r d e r u n g d e r S p a r k a s s e Elmshorn, Königstr 21, 25335 Elmshorn T: (04121) 292301; Fax: 292104 Established: 1984; Donorts): Sparkasse Elmshorn Assets: D M 600.000,·, Expenditures: DM 43.000,· Limitations: Grants in Elmshorn only Focus: Youth 07013
Stiftung Juliusspital W ü r z b u r g , Juliuspromenade 19, 97070 Würzburg T: (0931) 3930; Fax: 3931004 Established: 1576; Donor(s): Fürstbischof Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn Assets: DM 240.222.800,-, Expenditures: DM 105.691.400,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen O70J7 Stiftung J u n g für Alt - Alt für Jung der V o l k s b a n k GieBen e G , Goethestr 7, 35390 Gießen T: (0641) 70050; Fax: 7005334 Established: 1994; Donops): Volksbank Gießen eG Limitations: Grants in Gießen only Focus: Youth; Sen 07018 Stiftung Justlzofflzlanten-Witwenkasse, Hattenheimer Str 16b, 13465 Berlin T: (030) 40632841; Fax: 40632842; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1791; Secy: Heinrich Hellstab, Donor(s): GroOkanzler Johann Heinrich Graf von Cramer Assets: DM 577.450,·. Expenditures: DM 21.000,Limrtations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Wid 07019 Stiftung Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche, Lietzenburger Str 39, 10789 Berlin T: (030) 2185023; Fax: 2176090 Established: 1896; Secy: Superintendent Horst Gunter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; ChurchM 07020 Stiftung Kartei der Not, Curt-Frenzel-Str 2, 86167 Augsburg T: (0821) 7772120; Fax: 7772122 Established: 1995; Secy: Wilfred Hôhnke, Donor(s): Ellinor Holland Assets: DM 3.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.800.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Schwaben and in the districts of Landkreis Landsberg/Lech and Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen only Focus: SocW 07021 Stiftung Katholische Bildungsstätten f ü r Sozialberufe in Bayern, Schrammerstr 3, 80333 München T: (089) 21371202; Fax: 21371575 Established: 1971; Chair; Kardinal Friedrich Wetter, Secy: J. Draxinger, Donor(s): Bayerische (Erzdiözesen Assets: DM 7.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 16.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 16.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; SocW 07022 Stiftung Katholische Freie S c h u l e der D i ö z e s e Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Postfach 9, 72101 Rottenburg T: (07472) 169400; Fax: 169709; Internet: http:// www.kirchen .de/drs/sfschule Established: 1972; Chair Dietrich Weber, Donor(s): Bischof Cari Joseph Leiprecht Limrtations: Grants in the Catholic diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart only Focus: Educ 07023 Stiftung Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Luitpoldstr 10, 85072 Eichstätt T: (08421) 931200; Fax: 931792; Internet: http 'Jl www.ku-eichstaett.de Established: 1972; Chain Helmut Bactihuber, Secy: Klaus-Dietrich Beyer, Donor(s): Die bayerischen (Erz-) Diözesen Expenditures: DM 79.348.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni 07024 Stiftung Katholischer Kindergarten Herrenstraße Kempten, Herrenstr 15, 87439 Kempten Established: 1863 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 07025
Stiftung J u g e n d f ö r d e r u n g M u s i k der Raiffeisenbank Ingoi 8tadt-Pfaffanti ofen/1Im, Hauptpl 12, 85276 Pfaffenhofen/Ilm T: (08441) 751300; Fax: 751417 Established: 1986; Donops); Raiffeisenbank Pfaffenhofen/Ilm Limitations: Grants in Ingolstadt and in the district of Landkreis Pfaffenhofen/Ilm only Focus: Youth; Music 07014
Stiftung K a t h o l i s c h e s Familien- und Altenpflsgewerk, Mauerkircherstr 79, 81925 München T: (089) 9280030 Established: 1983; Donops): Katholisches Familienund Altenpflegewerk e,V. München Expenditures: DM 20.148.000,Umitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Fam; Sen 07026
Stiftung Jugendhltfe, do Sparkasse Bonn, Friedenspl 1-3, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 6061062; Fax: 6061080 Established: 1986; Secy: Judith Lohmer, Donor(s): Sparkasse Bonn Assets: D M 5.000.000,·, Expenditures: D M 280.000,Limitations: Grants in Bonn only Focus: Youth 07015
Stiftung K a t h o l i s c h e s Gesellenhaus V e c h t a , Postfach 1228, 49377 Vechta T: (04441) 93230; Fax: 932323 Established: 1900; Donops): Vikar Hetmann Klostermann Assets: DM 600.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07027
Stiftung J u g e n d w e r k Reutlingen, Oskar-KalbfellPl 12, 72764 Reutlingen Τ: (07121) 2770; Fax: 277222 Established: 1963; Donor(s}: Stadt Reutlingen, Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft Reutlingen mbH Assets: D M 673.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 07016
Stiftung K a u f m a n n s h o f Hanse, Kaygasse 1, 50676 Köln T: (0221) 241233; Fax: 247713; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.skh-koeln.d6 Established: 1965; Dor>or(s): Förderkreis Stiftung Kaufmannshof Hanse Assets: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Grants to cultural organizers in Köln only Focus: Hous 07028
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung Kieler Sporthllfe, Fleethöm 1-7, 24103 Kiel Τ: (0431) 9032870; Fax: 9032872 Established: 1995 Assets: D M 186.500,·, Expenditures: DM 55.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Kiel only Focus: Sports 07029 Stiftung Kinder In Afrika, Holsteiner Str 12c, 21465 Reinbek Τ: (040) 7221105; Fax: 7221105 Established: 1984; Chair Horst W. Zillmer, Secy: Horst W. Zillmer, Donor(s): Horst W. Zillmer Assets: DM 50.000,-, Receipts: DM 8.102.358,-, Expenditures: DM 8.554.053,Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Child; Afr 07030 Stiftung Kinder- u n d J u g e n d d o r f Marlenpflege, Dalkinger Str 2-4, 73479 Ellwangen Τ: (07961) 8840; Fax: 884222 Established: 1830; Donor(s): Verein für Menschenfreunde Assets: DM 40.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 12.000.000,Focus: Child; Youth 07031 Stiftung Klnderbewahr- und S u p p e n a n s t a l t Zwiesel, c/o Pfarramt, Pralat-Neun-Str 17, 94227 Zwiesel Τ: (09922) 84410; Fax: 844141 Established: 1893; Donor(s): F.X. Konrad, Josef Scheil, Franziska und Maria Haber! Assets: DM 800.200,-, Expenditures: DM 669.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 07032 Stiftung Kindergesundheit, c/o Oppenhoff & Radier, Prinzregentenpl 10, 81615 München T: (089) 89892748; Fax: 51603336; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.ki ndergesundheit.de Established: 1997; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Berthold Koletzko Expenditures: DM 871.000,Focus: Ped 07033 Stiftung KInderschutz-Zentrum Stuttgart, Pfarrstr 11, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 238900; Fax: 2389018 Established: 1990; Chain Friedhelm Buckeft, Donor(s): Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Caritasverband für Stuttgart e.V., Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband des Landesverbandes Baden-Württemberg e.V., Evangelische Gesellschaft Stuttgart e.V. Expenditures: DM 511.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 07034 Stiftung Kindertageseinrichtungen der Arbelterwohlfahrt, Sonnenstr 10, 86391 Stadtbergen Established: 1992 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Augsburg only Focus: Child 07035 Stiftung Kindheit o h n e Drogen, Schulstr 48, 74243 Langenbeutingen T: (07946) 3655; Fax: 3656 Established: 1993; Chair: Jörg Sommer, Donor(s): Gerit Kopietz Receipts: DM 250.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Child; Drug; Law 07036 Stiftung Kirche I m Dorf, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -Jl www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Dr. Irmtraud und Prof. Dr. Gotthilf Hempel Limitations: Grants to churches in Mecklenburg only Focus: Mon 07037 Stiftung Kielderversorgung B r a u n s c h w e i g , An der Paulikirche 4 , 38102 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 332426; Fax: 332426 Established: 1920; Chair Hans Hubbes, Secy: Hans Hubbes, Donops): Braunschweiger Textilkaufleute Assets: DM 1.038.300,·, Receipts: DM 583.748,·, Expenditures: DM 569.833,Limitations: Grants in the district of Braunschweig only Focus: Voc 07038 Stiftung Kleln-Klnderschule B e r n b u r g , Kustrenaer Str 25, 06406 Bemburg T: (03471) 30830; Fax: 308344; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1856/1996; Donor(s): Pastor Schild, von Kemnitz, Dr. Würster, F. Naumann, Hempel Limitations: Grants in Bemburg only Focus: Child 07039 Stiftung Kloster Frenswegen, Klosterstr 9, 48527 Nordhorn Τ: (05921) 82330; Fax: Β23319 Established: 1974; Chair Christian Fürst zu Bentheim und Steinfurt, Secy: Heinz Stockhorst, Donor(s): Christian Fürst zu Bentheim und Steinfurt, Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim, Synodalverband VI der Evangelisch-Reformierten Kirche Assets: DM 2.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 07040
Germany: Stiftung
07041 - 07089
Stiftung Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg, tío Klosterkammer Hannover, Eichstr 4, 30161 Hannover T: (0511) 34B26200; Fax: 34826299 Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Educ; Uni 07041 Stiftung Kloster Volkenroda, Amtshof 3, 99998 Kömer· Volkenroda T: (036025) 5590; Fax: 55910; E-Mail; info© kloster-volkenroda.de; Internet: httpy/www.klostervolkenroda.de Established: 1998; Chair: Günter Oertel, Donops): Jesus-Bruderschaft e.V. Gnadenthal Limitations: Applications riot accepted Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Rei; IntU; Ecol; Landsc; Mon 07042 Stiftung Klosterschule Roßleben, Klosterschule 8, 06571 Roßleben T: (034672) 98200; Fax: 98206; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.klosterschule.de Established: 1554; Secy: Christian von Witzleben, Donor(s): Dr. Heinrich von Witzleben Limitations: Grants and scholarships to pupils of Klosterschule Roßleben only Focus: Educ; Schol 07043 Stiftung Knabenhof bei Sankt Leonhard In Braunschweig, tío Burghard Eichholz, GeorgWestermann-Allee 76, 38104 Braunschweig T: (0531) 70780; Fax: 707889 Established: 1863 Assets: DM 580.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Grants in Braunschweig only Focus: Child 07044 Stiftung Knochen hauer-Amtshaus Hildeshelm, Johanna-Kirch ner-Str 12, 31139 Hildesheim Τ: (05121) 42981; Fax: 42982; E-Mail: rumpgerd® aol.com Established: 1995; Chair: Gerd Rump Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 07045 Stiftung Knochenmark- und Stammzellspende Deutschland (SKD), Robert-Koch-Allee 7, 82131 Gauting E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Health; Med 07046 Stiftung Königlich Bayerischer Hubertusorden, tío Verwaltung des Herzogs von Bayern, Schloß Nymphenburg 11, 80638 München T: (089) 17916119 Established: 1991 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cult 07047 Stiftung Königsberg, Fördergesellschaft für kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255 84013101 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Dr. Dietrich Wilhelm von Menges, Dipl.-Ing. Heibert Beister, Friedrich von der Groeben Assets: DM 51.000,·, Expenditures: DM 49.000,Limitations: Grants in Königsberg/Kaliningrad (Russia) only Focus: Cult; East 07048 Stiftung Körperbehinderten-ZentrumOberschwaben, Sauterleutestr 15, 88250 Weingarten T: (0751) 40070; Fax: 400767 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Verein Hilfe für das körperbehinderte Kind Assets: DM 10.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 44.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 07049 Stiftung Körperbehindertenschule, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167Θ45 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Verein zur Förderung und Betreuung spastisch gelähmter und anderer körperbehinderter Kinder e.V. Stuttgart Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Hand; Educ 07050 Stiftung Kolpinghaus, Am Pfarrhof 8, 49413 Dinklage T: (04443)961283; Fax: 961268 Established: 1949/1998; Secy: Herr Rave, Donor(s): Pfr. Gottfried Plump Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 0705f Stiftung Krankenhaus Bethel zu Bückeburg, Hermirienstr 12-13, 31675 Bückeburg T: (05722) 2020 Established: 1Θ60 Assets: DM 15.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 07052 Stiftung Krankenhaus für Naturheilweisen einschließlich Homöopathie, Sanatoriumspl 2, 81545 München T: (089) 625050; Fax: 6250430 Established: 1883; Donor(s): Julie Fürstin von Oettingen-Wallerstein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 07053
Stiftung Krelssparfcasse Borten, Bahnhofstr 1, 48683 Ahaus T: (02861)85410; Fax: 85417 Established: 1993 Expenditures: DM 85.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Borken only Focus: Youth; Sen; Sports; Arts; Cult; Educ; Landsc; Ecol; AnimP 07054
Stiftung Kulturgut Gemeinde Eppelborn. Rathausstr 27, 66571 Eppelborn T: (06881) 969231; Fax: 969222; E-Mail: gemeinde Keppelbom.de Established: 1993; Chain Karl Eckert, Donor(s): Gemeinde Eppelborn Assets: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 59.300,Limitations: Grants in Eppelborn only Focus: Cult 07066
Stiftung Kreissparkasse - Für uns Pânz, An der Stadtmauer 1-5, 53721 Siegburg T: (02241) 100930; Fax: 100936 Established: 1979; Secy: Walter Viebahn, Donor(s): Kreissparkasse in Siegburg Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Siegburg only Focus: Child; Youth 07055
Stiftung Kulturgut hansischer Städte, Mengstr 25, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 705550 Established: 1976; Chair Hans-Jobst Siedler, Donops): Kaufmannschaft zu Lübeck, Banken des Ailushofes zu Danzig Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07067
Stiftung Kriegsopferdank, c/o Hansestadt Lübeck, Fieischhauerstr 20, 23539 Lübeck T: (0451) 1222040; Fax: 1222009 Established: 1935; Chair Bürgermeister der Hansestadt Lübeck Expenditures: DM 390.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Warv
Stiftung Kritische Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, Voigts-Rhetz-Str 1a, 49076 Osnabrück Established: 1995; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Jutta Heid, Prof. Dr. Norbert Schneider Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts; Cult 07057 Stiftung KGhruusche Gründung Lüneburg, Barckhausenstr 6, 21335 Lüneburg Τ: (04131) 789880; Fax: 7898811 Established: 1874; Donops): Sophie Kühnau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 07058 Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Postfach 1140, 48620 Schöppingen T: (02555) 93610; Fax: 938120; E-Mail: kuenstierdorf® tzs.de; Internet: http:// www.kuenstlerdorf.tzs.de Established: 1998; Chair Dr. Josef Spiegel Limitations; Grants in Schöppingen only Focus: Arts 07059 Stiftung Kultur der Stadtsparkasse Schwerte, tío Stadtsparkasse Schwerte, Postpl 3, 58239 Sehweite T: (02304) 103102; Fax: 103109 Established: 1994; Donops): Schwerte Limitations: Grants In Schwerte only Focus: Cult 07060 Stiftung Kultur + Jugend der Stadtsparkasse Baden-Baden, Sophienstr 1, 76530 Baden-Baden T: (07221) 274204; Fax: 274206 Established: 1993; Donops): Stadtsparkasse BadenBaden Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 24,000,Limitations: Grants in Baden-Baden only Focus: Cult; Youth 07061 Stiftung Kulturdenkmale des Sparkassen· und Giroverbandes für Schleswig-Holstein, Faluner Weg 6, 24109 Kiel T: (0431) 5335510; Fax: 5335590 Established: 1984; Chair Dr. Jürgen Miethke, Donor(s): Sparkassen- und Giroverband für Schleswig-Holstein Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 07062 Stiftung Kulturförderung, Franz-Joseph-Str 14, 80801 München T: (089) 335405; Fax: 347721; E-Mail: counsel®tonline.de Established: 1985; Chair Rechtsanwatt Dr. Klaus P. Arnold, Donops): IFK AG München Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limrtations: Grants and prizes in Germany only Focus: Cult 07063 Stiftung Kulturfonds, Chausseestr 128-129, 10115 Berlin T: (030) 3088740; Fax: 2807042 Established: 1990; Chair Staatssekretär Klaus Faber, Secy: Prof. Dr. D. Pforte Assets: DM 92.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 6.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations: Grants in Berlin and in the states of Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Thüringen and Brandenburg only Focus: Alts; Cult 07064 Stiftung Kulturgut Baden-Württemberg, c/o Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Postfach 103453, 70029 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2793163; Fax: 2793221; E-Mail: sol ¿mwk-bw.de Established: 1986; Secy: ProfUr. Sotte, Donops): Land Baden-Württemberg Assets: DM 10.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2,500.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Baden· Württemberg only Focus: Cult 07055
Stiftung Kulturland pflege, Warmbûchenstr 3, 30159 Hannover Τ: (0511) 3670448; Fax: 324627 Established: 1997; Secy: Peter Zanini, Donor(s): Zentralverband der Jagdgenossenschaften und Eigeniagden in Niedersachsen e.V. Limitations: Grants In the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Landsc; Ecol 07068 Stiftung Kulturpflege und Kulturförderung der Sparkasse Neuss, Oberstr 110-114, 41460 Neuss T: (02131) 971090; Fax: 971019 Established: 1988; Donops): Sparkasse Neuss Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 242.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Neuss (except Kaarst and Korschenbroich) only Focus: Cult 07069 Stiftung Kulturwerk Schlesien, Postfach 110425, 97031 Würzburg T: (0931) 53696; Fax: 53649 Established: 1975; Chair: Prof. Dr. Eberhard G. Schulz, Secy: Dr. Werner Bein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07070 Stiftung Kulturwerk Wartheland, Königsworther Str 2, 30167 Hannover T: (0511) 7015434 Established: 1974 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07071 Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Bildung, c/o Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, Postfach 620, 71606 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 1483003; Fax: 1483000 Established: 1988; Donops): Kreissparkasse Ludwigs bürg Assets: DM 4.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Ludwigsburg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ 07072 Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Bildung der Kreissparkasse Böblingen, Sindelfinger Allee 1, 71034 Böblingen T: (07031) 771309; Fax: 771227; Internet: httpJ! www.kskbb.de Established: 1987; Donops): Kreissparkasse Böblingen Assets: DM 1.170.000,-, Expenditures: DM 179.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Böblingen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ 07073 Stiftung Kunst und Kultur der Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg/Oldenburg, Berliner PI 7, 26122 Oldenburg/Oldenburg T: (0441) 230628; Fax: 230204 Established: 1986; Chair Wilfried Barnstedt, Secy: Hans-Jürgen Herres, Donor(s): Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg/Oldenburg Assets: DM 7.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 450.000,-, Expenditures: DM 450.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Oldenburg/Oldenburg only Focus: Arts; Cult 07074 Stiftung Kunst und Kultur der Sparde*Bank Baden Württemberg, Am Hauptbahnhof 3, 70173 Stuttgart Established: 1998; Donops): Sparda-Bank Baden Württemberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 07075 Stiftung Kunst und Kultur des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, tío Haus der Stiftungen in Nordrhein-Westlalen, Roßstr 133, 40476 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 4370720; Fax: 4380578 Established: 1969; Donops): Land NordrheinWestfalen Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 12.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 12.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of NordrheinWestfalen only Focus: Arts; Cult 07076 Stiftung KunstguBmuseum Lauchhammer, Gtünhauser Str 19, 01979 Lauchhammer Τ: (03574) 892667; Fax: 892667; Internet http:// www.dhm.de/museerVbrandenburg Established: 1994; Chain L. Wilken Straatmann, Donops): MAN TAKRAF GmbH Assets: DM 1.083.920,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Llmitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Alts 07077
Stiftung Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, c/o Kutturamt, Stadtverwaltung, Dez. 09, 40200 Düsseldorf Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Düsseldorf only Focus: Arts; Cult 07078 Stiftung Kunstsammlung der Deutschen Seereederei, tío Deutsche Seereederei GmbH, Am Seehafen 1, 18147 Rostock T: (0381) 45Θ4950; Fax: 4564954 Established: 1995; Donops): Deutsche Seerederei GmbH Assets: DM 250.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07079 Stiftung Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Grabbepl 5, 40213 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 83810; Fax: 8381201/02; E-Mail: info® kunstsammlung.de; Internet: httpji www.kunslsammlung.de Established: 1961; Chair Prof. Dr. Armin Zweite, Secy: Otmar Böhmer, Donops): Land NortirheinWestfalen Receipts: DM 8.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07080 Stiftung Kuratoren-Konsell zur Förderung der Tätigkeit russischer Komponisten und Musiker, Burgmauer 68, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 133048; Fax: 132358 Established: 1904; Donor(s): Mitrophan Belaieff Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 216.000,· Limitations: Grants internationally to Russian composers and musicians only Focus: Music 07081 Stiftung Kuratorium junger deutscher Rim, Postfach 120428, 65082 Wiesbaden Τ: (0611) 602312; Fax: 692409; E-Mail; [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kuratorium-junger-film.de Established: 1965; Chain Prol. Dr. Oeller, Secy: Andreas Schardt Receipts: DM 1.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.800.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cin 07082 Stiftung Land Sachsen, Im Schmiedberg 17, 74592 Kirchberg an der Jagst T: (07954) 428; Fax: 428 Established: 1975 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07083 Stiftung Landdrostel Pinneberg, Dingstätte 23, 25421 Pinneberg T: (04101) 21030; Fax: 210318 Established: 1969; Chair Landrat Berend Harms, Secy: Eile Bessert, Donops): Kreis Plnneberg Assets: DM 800.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07084 Stiftung Landerziehungshelm Neubeuern, Schloßstr 20, 83115 Neubeuern T: (08035) 90620; Fax: 906230; E-Mail: ΙηΙοθ schloss-neubeuem.de; Internet; http^/www.schlossneubeuem.de Established: 1948 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07085 Stiftung Landerziehungshelm Schondorf am Ammersee, Landheimstr 1, 86938 Schondoif Τ: (08192) 8090; Fax: 7993; E-Mail: landheim @ landheim-schondorf.de Established: 1929; Donor(s): Ernst und Julie Reisinger Assets: DM 1.282.700,-, Expenditures: DM 10.497.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07086 Stiftung Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend In Baden-Württemberg, Schloßbezirk 7, 88416 Ochsenhausen T: (07352) 911022; Fax: 911016; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.Undesakademie-ochsenhausen.de Established: 1986; Donops): Land BadenWürttemberg, Landkreis Biberach, Stadt Ochsenhausen Assets: DM 2.300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.600,000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 07087 Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg: Ausbildung, Fort- und Weiterbildung, FritzElsas-Str 31, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1244068; Fax: 1241747 Established: 1984; Secy: Martin Kuon, Donor(s): Landesgirokasse Stuttgart Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Educ 07088 Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg: Kunst und Kultur, Fritz-Elsas-Str 31, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1244068; Fax: 1241747 Established: 1984; Secy: Martin Kuon, Donops): Landesgirokasse Stuttgart Limitations: Grants in the state ol BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Arts; Cult 07089
07090 - 07142
125 Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg: Natur und Umwelt Fritz-Elsas-Str 31, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1244068; Fax: 1241747; Internet: http-Jl www.lbbw.de Established: 1984; Secy: Martin Kuon, Donor(s): Landesgirokasse Stuttgart Limitations: Grants In the state ol BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Ecol 07090 Stiftung Landesbllndenanstaît, do Bayerische Landesschule tur Blinde, In den Kirschen 1, 80982 München T: (089) 179050; Fax: 17905252 Established: 1826; Donops): König Ludwig I. von Bayern Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Blinds 07091 Stiftung Landes kirchliche Baupflege, Postfach 1907, 31665 Bückeburg T: (05722) 9600; Fax: 96010 Established: 1991; Donorfc): Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Schaumburg· Lippe Assets: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Grants to parishes of Landeskirche Schaumburg-Lippe only Focus: Mon; Arts 07092 Stiftung Landeemuseum für Technik und Arbeit in Mannhelm, Museumsstr 1, 68165 Mannheim T: (0621) 42989; Fax: 4298754; E-Mail: Direktion© ltam.mannheim.de; internet: httpj! www.mannheimd/lta.index.html Established: 1985; Chair Prof. Dr. Lothar Suhling, Donops): Land Baden-Württemberg, Stadt Mannheim Expenditures: DM 14.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Eng; Lab 07093 Stiftung Landschulhelm am Solling, Einbecker Str 1, 37603 Holzminden T: (05531) 12870; Fax: 128788; E-Mail: inloÖlshholzminden.de; Internet: http://www.lsh-holzminden.de Established: 1924; Chair: Martin Woitmann, Secy: Dankmar Cohausz, Donor(s): Dr. Hermann Schmilinsky Expenditures: DM 11.032.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07094 Stiftung Leben und Umwelt, Schuhstr 4, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 3018570; Fax: 30185714; E-Mail: steinhoff® slu.de; internet: http://www.xposition.de Established: 1983; Donor(s): Landesverband Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Niedersachsen Assets: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Ecol; SocS 07095 Stiftung Lebensenergie, Treffauerstr 30, 81373 München Established: 1986 Focus: SocS 07096 Stiftung LEBENSHILFE Berlin, Wallstr 15-15a, 10179 Berlin T: (030) 829998181; Fax: 829998190; E-Mail: Stiftung @ Lebenshitfe-bei1in.de; Internet: http:// www.Lebenshilfe-bei1in.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Lebenshitfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung e.V., Landesverband Berlin Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Hand 07097 Stiftung Lebenshilfe für geistig behinderte Menschen Stuttgart, Lôwentorstr 18-20, 70191 Stuttgart T: (0711) 8969080; Fax: 89690840 Established: 1998; Secy: Hermann Hänsle Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Hand 07098 Stiftung Lebenshilfe für Mitbürger mit Behinderung, VDK Str 10, 94209 Regen T: (09921) 6796; Fax: 6796 Established: 1999; Donops): Lebenshilfe für Behinderte Kreisvereinigung Regen e.V. Focus: Hand
Stiftung Lebenshitfe Heidelberg, Freiburger Str 70, 69126 Heidelberg T: (06221) 302565; Fax: 301745 Established: 1994; Chair Manfred Henze Expenditures: DM 71.000,· Limitations: Grants in Heidelberg only Focus; SocW 07100 Stiftung Lebenshitfe im Kreis Viersen, Bendenstr 15, 47906 Kempen T: (02152) 6021; Fax: 80393 Established: 1989; Donops): Verein Lebenshilfe für geistig Behinderte im Kreis Viersen e.V. Assets: DM 900.000,-, Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07101 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Kempten, Schwalbenweg 61, 87439 Kempten T: (0831) 5911011; Fax: 98280; E-Mail: Lebenshilfe.Kempten 0t-online.de Established: 1995; Donops): Lebenshilfe für behinderte Menschen e.V. Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07102
Stiftung Lebenshilfe Krefeld, Frankenring 65, 47798 Krefeld T: (02151) 480105; Fax: 480649; E-Mail: Stiftung® lebenshilfe-krefeld.de; Internet: http^/wwwJebenshilfekreteld.de/lh.stift.htm Established: 1999; Chair Robert Seifert, Donops): Lebenshilfe für geistig Behinderte Krefeld e.V. Limitations: Grants in Krefeld only Focus: Hand 07103 Stiftung Lebenshilfe München, St.-Quirin-Str 13a, 81549 München T: (089) 69347101; Fax: 69347104 Established: 1998; Chain Wolfgang Franz, Donops): Verein Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung e.V. Stadt und Landkreis München Limitations: Grants in the region of München only Focus: Hand 07104 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Nordrhein-Westfalen, Abtstr 21, 50354 Hürth Τ: (02233) 9324541; Fax; 9324510; Internet: http:// www. Iebenshilfe-nrw.de Established: 1993; Chair Landtagspräsident Ulrich Schmidt, Secy: Hans Jürgen Wagner, Donor(s): Generalkonsul Paul R. Kraemer, Käthe Kraemer Expenditures; DM 30,000,Limitations: Grants in the state of NordrheinWestfalen only Focus: Hand 07105 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Nürnberger Land, Postfach 101454, 91194 Lauf an der Pegnitz T: (09123) 57500; Fax: 975097 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Lebenshilfe für Behinderte, Kreisvereinigung Nünberger Land e.V. Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Nürnberg only Focus: Hand 07106 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Ostallgäu-Kaufbeuren, Am Sonneneck 55 , 87600 Kaufbeuren T: (08341) 90030; Fax: 900399 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Lebenshilfe OstallgäuKaufbeuren Marktoberdorf e.V. Assets: DM 129.710,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07107 Stiftung Lebenswelten. Hedemannstr 14, 10969 Berlin T: (030) 2537510 Established: 1988; Donops): Senat von Berlin Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 07108 Stiftung Lehre an der Medizinischen Fakultät Münster, c/o Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Schlosspi 2, 48149 Münster Established: 1992 Assets: DM 144.250,-, Expenditures: DM 25.400,Limitations: Grants to Westfälische WilhelmsUniversität Münster only Focus: Med 07109 Stiftung Leineschaf, Kleine Heide 32, 31515 Wunstorf-Luthe Τ: (05031) 71884 Established: 1992; Secy: Dr. Heinz Schmidt, Donops): Alfred Jahns Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: AnimH 07110 Stiftung Leprosarium an der Rothach, Altenburg 5, 86171 Weiler im Allgäu Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Altenburg and Hellhôfe only Focus: SocW 07111 Stiftung Lesen, Fischtorpl 23, 55116 Mainz T: (06131) 288900; Fax: 230333; E-Mail: mail @ StftungLesen.de; Internet: http-Jl www.StiftungLesen.de Established: 1987; Chair Prof. Hilmar Hoffmann, Secy: Prof. Dr. Klaus Ring Assets: DM 9.500.000,·, Receipts: DM 4.400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ling 07112 Stiftung Lettland, Am Kopfbuckel 1, 69181 Leimen Τ: (06226) 8094 Established: 1991; Donors): Laimons Lielups Assets: DM 140.100,-, Expenditures: DM 17.000,Umitatiors: Grants in Latvia only Focus: Child; East 07113 Stiftung Libertas per veritatem, Schwabentorring 12, 79098 Freiburg T: (0761) 62260; Fax: 7891 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Silvia Berk-Naher Assets: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 179.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 07114 Stiftung Undauer NobelprelstrSgertreffen am Bodensee, Schloß, Insel Mainau, 78465 Insel Mainau Τ: (07531) 3030; Fax: 303130 Established: 2000 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS; Eng; Med; IntU 07115
Stiftung Lokalstudienfonds, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theres ienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg Τ; (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursulalang estk.stadt.nuemberg.de; Internet: http 'Jl www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1809 Assets: DM 1.110.168,-, Receipts: DM 230.000,-, Expenditures: DM 238.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Educ; Schol 07116 Stiftung Louisenlund, Louisenlund, 24357 Güby Τ: (04354) 9990; Fax: 999171; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.kxJisenlund.dQ Established: 1948; Donor(s): Friedrich Herzog zu Schleswig-Holstein Assets: DM 13.400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 13.400.000,· Focus: Educ; Schol 07117 Stiftung Ludwig van Beethoven der Sparkasse Bonn, Friedenspl 1, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 6061062; Fax: 6061080; E-Mail: judith.lohmer® sparkasse-bonn.de Established: 1998; Secy: Judith Lohmer, Donor(s): Sparkasse Bonn Limitations: Grants in Bonn only Focus: Music 07118 Stiftung Lübecker Altstadt, c/o Amt für Denkmalpflege, Parade 1. 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 1224800; Fax: 1224890 Established: 1979 Assets: DM 600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000,Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Mon 07119 Stiftung Lübecker DIakonle, Bäckerstr 3-5, 23564 Lübeck Established: 1977 Limitations: Grants Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Psyehia; Sen; Hand 07120 Stiftung Lübecker Handwerk, Gustav-AdoK-Str 7a, 23568 Lübeck T: (0451) 3895901; Fax: 3895927 Established: 1957; Secy: Manfred Kley Assets: DM 1.580.320,-, Expenditures: DM 296.000,Limitations: Applications r>ot accepted Focus: CommT 07121 Stiftung Lübecker Wohnstifte, c/o Hansestadt Lübeck, Fleischhauerstr 20, 23539 Lübeck T: (0451) 1222040; Fax: 1222009 Established: 1941; Chair: Bürgermeister der Hansestadt Lübeck Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Sen 07122 Stiftung Luisenhaus, c/o Landesausschuss für Innere Mission, Postfach 601008, 14410 Potsdam T: (0331) 2718787 Established: 1894 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen; Hand 07123 Stiftung Luthergedenkstitten in SachsenAnhalt, Coilegienstr 54, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg T: (03491) 420313; Fax: 420327; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http:// www.MartinLuther.de Established: 1997; Secy: Stefan Rhein Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Hist; Rei 07124 Stiftung Magdalenenhospltal, do Stadt Münster, Stiftungsverwaltung, Ludgeripl 4-6, 48151 Münster Τ: (0251) 4925902; Fax: 4927704 Established: 1100; Donops): Rat der Stadt Assets: DM 99.300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.690.000,Limitations: Grants in Münster only Focus: Sen; Health 07125 Stiftung Mainzer Blindenwerk, Untere Zahlbacher Str 68, 55131 Mainz Τ: (06131) 934660 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Stadt Mainz, Blindenhund Rheinhessen, Förderverein für Blinde Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 07126 Stiftung Maria Immaculata, Gallwitzallee 123143, 12249 Berlin T: (030) 76783200; Fax: 76783777 Established: 1950; Chair. Winfried Mohr Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Health; Educ; Sen 07127 Stiftung Martenberg Schwarzenbach/Saale, c/o Diakonisches Werk Hof e.V., Evangelische Stadtmission, Klostertor 2, 95028 Hof T: (09281) 8370 Established: 1853 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 07128 Stiftung Marienhospital, Hauptkanal rechts 75, 26871 Papenburg Τ: (04961) 930; Fax: 931111 Established: 1905; Donops): Pfarrer Dr, Marcus Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs; Sen 07129
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung Marlenstift in München, Klugstr 144, 80637 München Τ: (089) 1591490; Fax: 15914933 Established: 1878; Chair: Dr. Christoph Holzel Assets: DM 40.000.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07130 Stiftung Martha-Else-Haus, An der Hauptwache 11, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 20107; Fax: 291426; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1960; Dor>or(s): Martha und Else Heilscher Assets: DM 11.934.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.508.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07131 Stiftung Martinshof Rothenburg Diakoniewerk, Mühlgasse 10, 02929 RothenburgOberiausitz Τ: (035891) 380; Fax: 38110; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.martinshof-diakoniewerk.de Donor(s): Brüder- und Schwesternschaft Martinshof e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Sen; Child; Youth . . . . 07132 Stiftung Martinskirche Hoya, Postfach 1351, 27318 Hoya Τ: (04251) 8150; Fax: 81550 Established: 1984; Chair Wolfgang Rustemeyer, Donor(s): Stadt Hoya, Kirchgemeinde Assets: DM 250.000,·, Expenditures: DM 126.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 07133 Stiftung Maximillaneum, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterSchöll PI 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21803449; Fax: 21802985; Internet: http:// www.lrz-muenchen.de/(max/stiftung Established: 1852; Donor(s): König Maximilian II. Expenditures: DM 790.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Wid 07134 Stiftung Mayday, Lerchesbergring 24, 60598 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 681065; Fax: 682678 Established: 1994; Secy: Günther Schwerer, Donor(s): Carsten Arzinger, Hans Raythmann, Ralf Schäfer, Piloten der Internationalen Luftfahrtausstellung Berlin 1994 Assets: DM 110.000,-, Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally to needy pilots ant their relatives only Focus: SocW; Educ 07135 Stiftung Mecklenburg, Domhof 41, 23909 Ratzeburg Τ: (04541) 83668; Fax: 858379 Established: 1973 Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limrtations: Grants in the states of MecklenburgVorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein only Focus: Cult 07136 Stiftung Meisterhäuser Dessau, c/o Stadt Dessau, Postfach 1425, 06813 Dessau T: (0340) 2041041; Fax: 2042941; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http'J/www.stadtdessau.de Established: 2000; Secy: Dr. Rupert Kubon, Dortor(s): Stadt Dessau Limitations: Grants in Dessau only Focus: Mon; Cult; Arts 07137 Stiftung Menschen gegen Minen e.V., Diessemer Bruch 150, 47805 Krefeld T: (02151) 555755; Fax: 511448; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.mgm.org Established: 1996 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW
Stiftung Menschen in Not, Rheinallee 59, 55294 Bodenheim/Rhein Τ: (06135) 931484; Fax: 931485 Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Mainz only Focus: Sen; Nurs; Hand; SocW . . . . 07139 Stiftung Menschenwürde und Arbeitswelt, Albrechtstr 51, 12103 Berlin Established: 1990; Chair Peter Vollmer Assets: DM 3.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 200.000,· Focus: Lab 07140 Stiftung Michael, Múnzkamp 5, 22339 Hamburg T: (040) 5388540; Fax: 5381559; E-Mail: stiftungmichael @ t-online.de Established: 1962; Chair Prof. Dr. Dieter Janz, Secy: Dr. Helmut Reith, Donops): Dr. Harzendorf Assets: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Focus: Epil 07141 Stiftung Mitarbeit, Bomheimer Str 37, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 604240; Fax: 6042422; E-Mail: info® mitarbeit.de; Internet: http://www.mitarbeit.de Established: 1963; Chair Dr. Diemut Schnetz, Secy: Dr. Adrian Reinert Focus: Adult 07142
Germany: Stiftung
07143 - 07190
Stiftung Mittelalterliches Kriminalmuseum, Sammlung Zeugnisse historischen Rechtswesens, Burggasse 3, 91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber T: (09861) 5359; Fax: 8258 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Gerda und Christoph Hinckeldey Assets: DM 12.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Crim 07143 Stiftung Mitteldeutscher Kulturrat, Graurbeindorfer Str 79, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 655138; Fax: 697710 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Mitteldeutscher Kuiturrat e.V. Assets: DM 6.659.260,-, Expenditures: DM 450.000,Limitations: Grants in Middle Germany only Focus: Cult
Stiftung Moritzbastei Leipzig, Universrtàlsstr 9, 04109 Leipzig T: (0341) 9731000; Fax: 9731099 Established: 1993; Chair; Prof. Dr. Volker Bigi, Donor(s): Universität Leipzig Assets: DM 50.000,Limitatlons; Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Cult 07145 Stiftung Munketoftstfft, Mûhlenstr 19, 24937 Flensburg Τ: (0461) 5030913 Established: 1990 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 07146 Stiftung Museum Fritzlar, c/o Regionalmuseum, 34560 Fritzlar Established: 1980 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07147 Stiftung museum kunst palast, Ehrenhof 3, 40479 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 8996260; Fax: 8993077; E-Mail: BertAntonius.Kaufmann ©museum-kunst-palast.de; Internet: http://www.museuin-kunst-palast.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Stacft Düsseldorf, E.ON AG Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Graph 07148 Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland, Sammlung van der Grinten - Joseph Beuys Archiv des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Am Schloss 4, 47551 Bedburg-Hau Τ: (02824) 951060; Fax: 951099; E-Mail: info© moyland.de; Internet: http://www.moyland.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Land NordrtieinWestfalen, Hans van der Grinten, Franz Joseph van der Grinten, Adrian Baron von Steengracht Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07149 Stiftung Nardinihaus, Klosterstr 1-3, 66953 Pirmasens T: (06331) 7220; Fax: 722155 Established: 1859; Chair: Dekan Rudolf Banzer, Secy: Matthias Schwinzer, Donor(s): Dr. Paul Josef Nardini Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Orp 07150 Stiftung Natur- und Kulturlandschaft Fichtelgebirge, Tränkbühl 38, 95466 Weidenberg T; (09278) 1301; Fax: 773094 Established: 1999; Chair: Horst Ruhl, Donor(s): Fichtelgebirgsverein e.V. Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in the area of Fichtelgebirge only Focus: Ecol; Landsc 07151 Stiftung Natur und Umwelt Rheinland-Pfalz, Kaiser- Fried rich-Str 1, 55116 Mainz T: (06131) 162389, 164451; Fax: 164643 Established: 1979; Chair: Staatsministerin Klaudia Martini, Secy: Hans-Georg Low, Donor(s): Land Rheinland-Pfalz Assets: DM 8.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.275.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz only Focus: Ecol 07152 Stiftung Natureum Niederelbe, c/o Naturkundemuseum und ökologische Station, Neuenhof 8, 21730 Balje T: (04753) 842110; Fax: 8193; Internet: http:// natureum-niederelbe.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Landkreis Stade, Verein zur Förderung des Natureum Niederelbe e.V. Expenditures: DM 1.100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS; Landsc; Ecol 07153 Stiftung Naturschutz, Postfach 1440, 27344 Rotenburg/Wümme Established: 1986; Secy: Jürgen Cassier Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Rotenburg/Wümme only Focus: Ecol 07154
126 Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin, Potsdamer Str 68, 10785 Berlin T: (030) 2626001; Fax: 2615277; E-Mail: snb θ mail.blinx.de; Internet: http ://www.Stiftungnaturschutz.de Established; 1981; Chair Dr. Johann Wolfgang Landsberg-Becher, Secy: Holger Wonneberg, Donops): Land Berlin Assets: DM 8.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Ecol 07Í55 Stiftung Naturschutz Hamburg und Stiftung zum Schutze gefährdeter Pflanzen, Steintorweg 8, 20099 Hamburg T: (040) 243443; Fax: 243175 Established: 1979; Chair: Dr. Eberhard Schürmann, Secy: Dr. Johannes M. Martens Assets: DM 4.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Ecol 07156 Stiftung Naturschutz im Landkreis Diepholz, Grafenstr 3, 49356 Diepholz T: (05441) 928928; Fax: 928928 Established: 1985; Chair: Josef Meyer, Secy: Dan Kanzelmeier, Donor(s): Landkreis Diepholz, Stadt Diepholz, Stadt Syke, Gemeinde Weyke, Gemeinde Stuhr, Dr. Jürgen-Ulderup-Stiftung Assets: DM 2.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 279.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Diepholz only Focus: Ecol 07157 Stiftung Naturschutz Schleswig-Holstein, Fabrikstr 7, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 979605; Fax: 9796572; E-Mail: inloÖsnsh.de; Internet: http://www.stiftung-naturschutz-sh.de Established: 1977; Chair Henriette Berg, Ingrid Frenzen, Secy: Dr. Walter Hemmerling, Rita Jansen, Donor(s): Land Schleswig-Holstein Assets: DM 17.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 15.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 15.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Ecol 07158 Stiftung Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Freistatt, Von-Lepel-Str 27, 27239 Freistatt T: (05448) 8518; Fax: 8364 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Anstalt Bethel Assets: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 115.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol; Landsc 07159 Stiftung Naturschutzfonds beim Ministerium Ländlicher Raum Baden-Württemberg, Postfach 103444, 70029 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1262237; Fax: 1262905; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.mlr.baden-wuerttemberg.de Established: 1978; Chair Ministerin für den Ländlichen Raum, Secy: Dr. Ebertiart Heiderich, Donor(s): Land Baden-Württemberg Assets: DM 500.000,-, Receipts: DM 8.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Ecol 07160 Stiftung Naturschutzfonds Brandenburg, Lennestr 74, 14471 Potsdam T: (0331) 971670; Fax: 971677; Internet: http:// www.naturschutzfonds.de Established: 1993; Secy: Dr. Schmidt-Ruhe, Donor(s): Land Brandenburg Assets; DM 2.100.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Brandenburg only Focus: Ecol 07161 Stiftung Naturschutzgebiet Bruchhausen Erkrath, c/o Entwicklungsgesellschaft Hochdahl mbH, Postfach 2044, 40699 Erkrath T: (02104) 940936; Fax: 940990 Established: 1989 Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ecol 07162 Stiftung Naturschutzzentrum Bad Wurzach, Rosengarten 1, 88410 Bad Wurzach Τ: (07564) 93120; Fax: 931222 Established: 1994; Secy: Horst Weisser, Donor(s): Land Baden-Württemberg, Landratsamt Ravensburg, Stadt Bad Wurzach Expenditures: DM 444.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 07153 Stiftung Naturschutzzentrum Erlskireh, Bahnhofstr 24, 88097 Eriskirch T: (07541) 81888; Fax: 81899 Established: 1992; Donops): Land BadenWürttemberg, Landkreis Bodenseekreis, Gemeinde Eriskirch Expenditures: DM 240.000,Ümitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 07164 Stiftung Naturschutzzentrum Schopflocher Alb, Vogelloch 1, 73252 Lenningen T: (07026) 950120; Fax: 9501210 Established: 1994; Donops): Land BadenWürttemberg, Landkreis Esslingen Expenditures: DM 350.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 07165
Stiftung Neandertal-Museum, Talstr 300, 40822 Mettmann Established: 1992 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07166 Stiftung Neuburger Barockkonzerte, Mühlenweg 33, 86633 Neuburg an der Donau Τ: (08431) 677652; Fax: 677651 Established: 1982; Chair Michael Bicker, Donor(s): Dr. Fritz von Phillipp Assets: DM 330.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Music 07167 Stiftung Neue Energie, c/o GLSGemeinschaftsbank eG, Postfach 100829, 44708 Bochum Τ: (0234) 57970 Established: 1997 Focus: En 07168 Stiftung Neue Kultur, c/o Kulturbrauerei, Knaackstr 97, 10435 Berlin Τ: (030) 4419269; Fax: 4419272; Internet: http:// www.kulturbrauerei.de Established: 1990; Secy: Gabriele Muschter, Joachim Sommermeier Assets: DM 500.000,·, Receipts: DM 30.000,·, Expenditures: DM 30.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07169 Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin - Centrum Judaicum, Oranienburger Str 28-30, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 88028300; Fax: 2821176; E-Mail: cjudaicum® snafu.de; Internet: http il www.cjudaicum.de Established: 1968 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sem 07170 Stiftung Neues Tempodrom, Askanischer PI 4, 10963 Berlin T: (030) 61284235; Fax: 61284236 Established: 1996; Chair: Norbert Waehl, Donops): Irene Moessinger, Norbert Waehl Expenditures: DM 43.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07171 Stiftung Neurochirurgische Forschung, c/o Neurochirurgische Klinik der MHH, KonstantyGutschow-Str 8, 30625 Hannover T: (0511) 5322033; Fax: 5325864 Established: 1994; Donops): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie Assets: DM 380.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.200,Limitations: Grants to members of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie only Focus: Surg 07172 Stiftung Niederbayerisches Bauemhof museum, Bahnhofstr 3, 84323 Massing T: (08724) 386 Established: 1970; Donor(s): Markt Massing Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07173 Stiftung Niedersachsen, Ferdinandstr 4, 30175 Hannover Τ: (0511) 990540; Fax: 314499; E-Mail: Stiftung, [email protected] Established: 1986; Chair: Dr. Emst Albrecht, Secy: Dr. Dominik von König, Donor(s): Land Niedersachsen, Verein Stiftung Niedersachsen e.V. Assets: DM 86.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000.000,Umitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Scie; Res; Arts; Cult 07174 Stiftung Niedersächsischer Volksbanken und Ralffeisenbanken, Hannoversche Str 149, 30627 Hannover T: (0511) 9574340; Fax: 9574351 Established: 1990; Chair: Dr. Rainer Hartig, Donor(s): Volksbanken und Ralffeisenbanken in Niedersachsen Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Cult; Arts 07175 Stiftung Nord-SQd-BrQcken, Greifswaider Str 33a, 10405 Berlin T: (030) 42851385; Fax: 42851386; E-Mail: nordsuedbruecken0snafu.de; Internet: http:// www.nord-sued-bruecken.de Established: 1994; Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Graewe, Secy: Eberhard Bauer Eberhard Bauer, Dorwrjs): Solidaritätsdienst International e.V. Expenditures: DM 2.837.000,Limitations: Grants to charitable organizations in East Germany and East Berlin only Focus: Dev 07176 Stiftung Nordfriesische Halligen, do Amt Pellworm, Uthlandestr 1, 25849, Pellworm T: (04844) 16912; Fax: 18911 Established: 1990; Secy: Dieter Harrsen Assets: DM 100.000,-, Receipts: DM 15.000,·, Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Nordfriesland only Focus: Cult; Ecol 07177
Stiftung Nordfrlesland, c/o Kulturamt des Kreises Nordfriesland, Schloß vor Husum, 25813 Husum T: (04841) 89730; Fax: 8973111 Established: 1973; Secy: Dr. Konrad Grunsky Expenditures: DM 5.700.000,Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Nordfriesland only Focus: Archiv; Adult; Cult; Music . . . . 07/78 Stiftung Nordostdeutsches Kulturwerk, Herder Str 1, 21335 Lüneburg T: (04131) 405667; Fax: 759423 Established: 1975 Assets: DM 6.538.000,·, Expenditures: DM 600.000,Limitations: Grants to 6 predetermined German foundations only Focus: Cult 07179 Stiftung Nortorfer Sparer Dank, c/o Sparkasse Mittelholstein AG, Postfach 210, 24756 Rendsburg Τ: (04331) 595270; Fax: 595109 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Sparkasse Mittelhoistein AG Assets: DM 20.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 07180 Stiftung Nothllfe für die Familie, Hilfe für schwangere Frauen in der Not Thüringen, Lindeitacher Weg 30, 99099 Erfurt T: (0361) 442010; Fax: 4420115 Established: 1992; Secy: Gisela Deußing, Donor(s): Freistaat Thüringen Expenditures: DM 8.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Thüringen only Focus: Fam; Worn 07181 Stiftung Oase - christliche Jugendstiftung, Knappsbrink 34, 49080 Osnabrück T: (0541) 8603747 Established: 1987; Donops): Franz-Josef Hülsmann Assets: DM 57.000,-, Expenditures: DM 43.000,Focus: Youth 07182 Stiftung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die Wissenschaft e.V., Ahrstr 58, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 373866; Fax: 302270 Established: 1984 Expenditures: DM 110.000,Focus: Scie 07183 Stiftung Ökologie und Landbau, Weinstr Süd 51, 67098 Bad Dürkheim T: (06322) 8666, 66002, 980030; Fax: 989701, 8794; E-Mail: info@soelde, [email protected]; Internet: http://www.soel.de Established: 1961; Chair Dagi Kieffer, Secy: Immo Lünzer, Donops): Karl Werner Kieffer Assets: DM 15.700.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.600.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.400.000,Limltations: No scholarships Focus: Ecol; Agrie 07184 Stiftung Offene Behindertenhilfe, Gymnasiumstr 16, 97421 Schweinfurt T: (09721) 2087125; Fax: 2087120 Established: 1980; Secy: Martin Groove Expenditures: DM 185.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 07185 Stiftung Olgaheim, Dammstücken 10, 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg T: (04193) 6627 Established: 1882 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 07186 Stiftung Orthopädische Universitätsklinik, (formerly: Stiftung Orthopädische Universität), Schlierbacher Landstr 200a, 69118 Heidelberg T: (06221) 965; Fax: 966121; Internet: http:// www.orthopaedie.uni-hd.de Established: 1918; Chair: Prof. Dr. H.J. Gemer, Secy: Dr. H. Elbert Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ortho 07187 Stiftung Ostdeutsche Galerie, Dr.-Johann-MaierStr 5, 93049 Regensburg T: (0941) 297140; Fax: 2971433; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.mog-regensburg.de Established: 1966 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07188 Stiftung Ostdeutscher Kulturrat, Kaiserstr 113, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 213766; Fax: 215518 Established: 1975; Secy: Dr. Albrecht Jebens Assets: DM 5.330.800,-, Expenditures: DM 1.396.000,Limitations: Grants in East Germany only Focus: Cult 07189 Stiftung Ostpreußen, Parkallee 86, 20144 Hamburg Τ: (040) 41400849; Fax: 41400850 Established: 1974; Chair Friedrich-Karl Milthaler Assets: DM 67.500,·, Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07190
07191 - 07241
127 Stiftung Ostpreußen Hilfsgemeinschaft, c/o Hannelotte Berg, Lantziusstr 24, 24114 Kiel T: (0431) 671377; Fax: 673653 Established: 1986; Donops): Harry Stallzus Assets: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to former German citizens of Ostpreußen (Poland/Russia) only Focus: SocW; Cult 07191
Stiftung politische und christliche Jugendblldung e.V.. Kottenforststr 20, 53340 Meckenheim T: (02225) 914640; Fax: 9146490 Established: 1982; Chain Norbert Meyer Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07204
Stiftung Pro Animale, Mombertpl 23, 69126 Heidelberg T: (06221) 381344 Established: 1993; Secy: Wolfgang Gewecke, Donops): Wolfgang Gewecke Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: AnimP 07217
Stiftung Panorama Allotting, Emil-Dittler-Str 12a, 81479 München Τ: (089) 7913436; Fax: 7912978 Established: 1996; Chair Herbert Hofmer, Secy: Dr. Gebhard Streicher, Donor(s): Dr. Gebhard Streicher, Heribert Streicher, Johannes Streicher Receipts: ca. DM 100.000,·, Expenditures: ca. DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 07192
Stiftung Pommern, Kiel: defunct
Stiftung Pro Bochum, c/o IHK Bochum, Ostring 30-32, 44787 Bochum T: (0234) 9113160; Fax: 9114110 Established: 1995; Donor(s): ARAL, GEA, Heitkamp, Krupp Hoesch, Krupp Thyssen Nirosta, Spaccasse Bochum, VEBA Immobilien, VEW Energie, Westfalenbank Bochum Limitations: Grants in Bochum only Focus: Cult; Scie; Sports; Arts; Music; Theat 07218
Stiftung Parkhelm der Detaillistenkammer, Baumkamp 96, 22299 Hamburg T: (040) 517408; Fax: 51311189 Established: 1937; Chair Hans-Heinrich Klemm, Secy: Petra Duwe Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 07193 Stiftung Parkwohnstift Bad Kissingen, Heinrich-von-Kteist-Str 2, 97688 Bad Kissingen Established: 1985 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ger; Schol 07194 Stiftung Patronatsbaufonds Fulda, Paulustor 5, 36037 Fulda Τ: (0661) 87300 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Bischof von Fulda Assets: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.290.000,Limitations: Grants to churches in the state of Hessen only Focus: Rei 07195 Stiftung Pfadfinden, Im Niederleid 15, 65462 Τ: (06134) 557858; Fax: 557859; E-Mail: info® stiftungpfadfinden.de Established: 1998; Secy: Jürgen Thelen Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Youth 07196 Stiftung Pfennigparade, Barfachstr 24-38, 80804 München Τ: (089) 30616477; Fax: 30616484; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.pfennigparade.de Established: 1952 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped; Hand 07197 Stiftung Pflegehaus Bückeburg, d o Landeskirchenamt, Herderstr 27, 31675 Bückeburg T: (05722) 9600; Fax: 96010 Established: 1741; Donops): Albrecht Wolfgang Graf zu Schaumburg-Lippe Assets: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 140.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 07198 Stiftung Pflegehelm hamburgischer Wohnstifte - Hesse-Dlederichsen-Helm, Limmersieth 75, 22305 Hamburg T: (040) 6916631/32 Established: 1962 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Stiftung Phönlkks, Psychosoziale Hilfe und Nachbetreuung krebskranker Kinder, junger Erwachsener und deren sozialen Umfeld, Mittelweg 121, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 445471; Fax: 448887 Established: 1988; Secy: Christi RehmenklauBremer, Dcnor(s): Christi Rehmenklau-Bremer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 07200 Stiftung Pielenhofen der Regensburger Domspatzen, Klosterstr 10, 93188 Pielenhofen T: (09409) 1021; Fax: 861498 Established: 1951; Donor(s): Regensburger Domspatzen Assets: DM 500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.520.000,Limitat'ons: Applications not accepted Focus: ChurchM 07201 Stiftung Pinakothek der Moderne, Ainmillerstr 11, 80801 München T: (089) 335150; Fax: 335168 Established: 1994; Donops): Rolf Becker Assets: DM 150.000,-, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07202 Stiftung Piuspflege Oggelsbeuren, Am Kirchberg 9, 88448 Attenweiler-Oggelsbeuren T; (07357) 2375; Fax: 2366 Established: 1850; Chair: Pfarrer M. Stark, Donor(s): König von Württemberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Drug 07203
. . . 07205
Stiftung Pommersches Landesmuseum, Theodor-Pyl-Str 1, 17489 Greifswald T: (03834) 894357; Fax: 894358; E-Mail: plmgreifswald θ t-online.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Bund, Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hansestadt Greifswald, Emst-Moritz-Amdt-Universität zu Greifswald, Stiftung Pommem, Pommerscher Zentralverband e.V. Expenditures: DM 1.200.000,ümitations: Grants to Pommersches Landesmuseum only Focus: Arts; Cult 07206 Stiftung Präventive Jugendhilfe, Hägnach 3, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 883102; Fax: 883111 Focus: Youth 07207 Stiftung Präventive Pädiatrie, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd· und Drittmittel, Johannes GutenbergUniversrtät, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen @ verwaltu ng.uni-mainz.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. med. Fred Zepp Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants to Johannes Gutenberg· Universität in Mainz only Focus: Ped 07208 Stiftung Preis der Qerstetter Wirtschaft, Gartenstr 26, 89547 Gerstetten T: (07323) 8220; Fax: 8230 Established: 1991; Chair: Dr. Ulrich Zwissler, Donor(s): Gemeinde Gerstetten, Gerstetter Industrieund Handwerksbetriebe Assets: DM 57.520,-, Expenditures: DM 3.200,Limitations: Grants in Gerstetten only Focus: Voc 07209 Stiftung Presse-Grosso, Schwarzwaldstr 39, 76137 Karlsruhe Τ: (0721) 932870; Fax: 9328711; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Chair Klaus-Dieter Wülfrath, Donor(s): Hans Mende Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Media; Voc 07210 Stiftung Presse-Haus NRZ. Sachsenstr 30, 45128 Essen T: (0201) 810180; Fax: 239466 Established: 1987; Dor>or(s): Dietrich Oppenberg, Wilhelm Hoferkamp Assets: DM 1.500.000,Focus: Cult; Scie; Res; Educ; Arts . . . 07211 Stiftung Preußen-Museum Nordrheirv Westlalen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, An der Zitadelle 14-20, 46483 Wesel Τ: (0281) 339960; Fax: 33996330; Internet: http:// www.preussenmuseum.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Land NordrheinWestfalen, Kreis-Minden-Lübbecke, Kreis Wesel, Stadt Minden, Stadt Wesel Assets: DM 18.050.000,-, Expenditures: DM 933.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07212 Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Allee nach Sanssouci 5, 14471 Potsdam T: (0331) 96940; Fax: 9694102; Internet: http:// www.spsg.de Established: 1995; Secy: Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Giersberg, Donor(s): Land Brandenburg, Land Berlin Expenditures: DM 75.000.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Hort; Mon 07213 Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung, Spandauer Damm 19, 14059 Berlin T: (030) 3255545, 3255652; Fax: 3257003 Established: 1983 Assets: DM 19.000.000,Limitations: Grants and prizes in Berlin only Focus: Cult; Scie; Lit; Hist 07214 Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Von-derHeydt-Str 16-18, 10785 Berlin Τ: (030) 254630; Fax: 25463268; Internet: http:// www.smb.spk-beriin.de Established: 1957 Expenditures: DM 471.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07215 Stiftung Prix Jeunesse, c/o Bayrischer Rundfunk, Rundfunkpl 1, 80300 München T: (089) 59002058; Fax: 59003053; E-Mail: iuzeprixjeunesse.spacenet.de; Internet: http-Jl wvnw.prixjeunesse.de Established: 1964; Secy: U. von Zallinger Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Media 07216
Stiftung Pro Juventute, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 36, 50667 Köln Τ: (0221) 2728610 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Peter Paul Marré Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Youth 07219 Stiftung Protestantisches Alumneum Ansbach, Hospitalstr 34, 91522 Ansbach Established: 1552 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ
Stiftung Psychosomatik der Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen, Kônigstr 84, 70173 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 2079211; Fax: 2079290 Established: 1990; Chair: Prof. Dr. Rudolf, Secy: Dr. Kessler, Donor(s): Dipl.-Ing. Albrecht Pielenz Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 120.000,-, Expenditures: DM 110.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Med 07221 Stiftung Public Health, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31423235; Fax: 31423691; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Chair: Prof. Dr. Christof Helberger Assets; DM 2.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limitations: Grants to Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Health 07222 Stiftung radWerk, Thaddâusstr 33, 33415 Verl Τ: (05241) 92190; Fax: 921999 Established: 1995; Chair: Prof. Dr. Gert Schukies, Secy: Dr. Hans-Dieter Weger Expenditures: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; SocW 07223 Stiftung Rat für Formgebung, (German Design Council), Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 747919; Fax: 7410911; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1953; Chair. Randolf Rodenstock, Secy: Andrej Kupetz Expenditures: DM 1.800.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Des 07224 Stiftung Ratzeburger Wohltäter, tío Magistrat der Stadt Ratzeburg, Kämmerei, Unter den Linden 1, 23909 Ratzeburg T: (04541) 80000; Fax: 84253; Internet: http -Jl www.ratzeburg.de Established: 1937 Assets: DM 51.133,-, Expenditures: DM 2.300,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07225 Stiftung Rechtsschutzsaal, Rathaus, Schmidtbomstr 12a, 66299 Friedrichsthal T: (06897) 856819; Fax: 856850 Established: 1990 Assets: DM 396.410,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Law; Trade; SocS 07226 Stiftung Reformhaus Fachakademie für gesundes Leben, Gotische Str 15, 61440 Oberursel T: (06172) 3009811; Fax: 3009819 Established: 1956; Donor(s): Bundesverband Deutscher Reformhäuser neuform, Vereinigung Deutscher Refomhäuser, Förderungsgesellschaft der Reformwarenwirtschaft Assets: DM 21.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Health 07227 Stiftung Regeneburger Domspatzen, 22, 93055 Regensburg T: (0941) 79620; Fax: 791167 Established: 1957; Chain Roland Büchner, Secy: Helmut Petz, Donops): Domkapitel Regensburg, Verein Freunde des Regensburger Domchors e.V. Assets: DM 9.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 9.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 07228 Stiftung Rehabilitation Heidelberg, Heidelberg: defunct 07229
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung Rehabilitationszentrum Thüringer Wald, Themarer Str 1, 98553 Schleusingen T: (036841) 260; Fax: 26260; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Chair: Klaus Spies, Donor(s): Freistaat Thüringen Expenditures: DM 11.000.000,ümitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Reh 07230 Stiftung Rentnerwohnhelm der Sparkasse Ostholstein, Rathaus, 23769 Burg auf Fehmarn T: (04371) 50633; Fax: 50647 Established: 1972; Secy: Günther Schröder, Donor(s): Sparkasse Ostholstein, Stadt Burg auf Fehmarn Assets: DM 2.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07231 Stiftung Rentnerwohnhelm Hohenwestedt, Lindenstr 32, 24594 Hohenwestedt T: (04871) 4040; Fax: 40450 Established: 1959; Secy: Willi Biß, Donor(s): Spallasse Hohenwestedt Expenditures: DM 232.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07232 Stiftung Rentnerwohnheim Verbandssparkasse Meldorf, c/o Verbandssparkasse Meldorf, Postfach 1210, 25700 Meldorf T: (04832) 89240; Fax: 89249 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Verbandssparkasse Meldorf Assets: DM 121.500,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in Meldorf only Focus: Sen 07233 Stiftung Resozialisierungsfonds beim Niedersächsischen Justizministerium, Schloßpl 2, 29221 Celle T: (05141) 206439; Fax: 206328 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Land Niedersachsen Assets: DM 700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 196.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only Focus: Pris 07234 Stiftung Resozialisierungsfonds für Straffällige, Luisenstr 13, 65185 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 322611 Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in the state of Hessen only Focus: Pris; Reh 07235 Stiftung Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv zu Köln, Unter Sachsenhausen 10-26, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 1640800; Fax: 1640829; E-Mail: rwwa@koeln,ihk.de; Internet: http://www.ihk-koeln.de Established: 2000; Donor(s): Industrie und Handelskammer zu Köln Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archiv 07236 Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation, KaiserFriedrich-Str 1, 55116 Mainz T: (06131) 162117; Fax: 165269; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.issi.uni-kl.de Established: 1991; Chair: Ministerpräsident Kurt Beck, Secy: Dr. Ulrich Müller, Donor(s): Land Rheinland-Pfalz Assets: DM 200.000.000,·, Receipts: DM 13.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.000.000,Umitations: Grants in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz only Focus: Scie; Eng; Res 07237 Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Kultur, Neumayerstr 7, 67292 Kirchheimbolanden T: (06352) 407118; Fax: 407160; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1991; Secy: Detlof Graf v. Borries, Donor(s): Landesregierung Rheinland-Pfalz Assets: DM 165.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.500.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz only Focus: Cult 07238 Stiftung Rittergut Hämelschenburg, Schloßstr 2, 31860 Emmerthal T: (05155) 97080; Fax: 970831 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Hämelschenburg only Focus: Mon 07239 Stiftung Roemer- und Pelizaeusmuseum zu Hildeshelm, Andreaspassage 1, 31134 Hildesheim Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07240 Stiftung Römermuseum HomburgSchwarzacker, Rathaus, Am Forum, 66424 Homburg T: (06841) 1010; Fax: 101555 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Saarpfalz-Kreis, Stadt Homburg, Karisberg Brauerei KG Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archeo 0724)
Germany: Stiftung
07242 - 07295
Stiftung Rüttenscheid, c/o Bürger- und Verkehrsverein Püttenscheid, Rüttenscheider Str 157, 45131 Essen T: (0201) 777111; Fax: 777111 Established; 1970, Chain Herr Bauckhage, Donops): Karl Hohlmann Assets: DM 450.000,-, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 07242 Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesitz, Bismarckstr 11-19, 66111 Saarbrücken T: (0681) 99640; Fax: 9964248; Internet: http:// www.Kutirbesit2.de Established: 1980; Chair: Dr. Inge Weber, Secy: Jürgen Lang Expenditures: DM 16.646.000,Limitatíons: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07243 Stiftung Saarländisches Schulmuseum, Goethestr 13, 66564 Ottweiler Τ: (06824) 4649; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1991; Secy: Jörg Pfeiffer Assets: DM 70.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Cult 07244 Stiftung Sachsische Gedenkstätten zur Erinnerung an die Opfer politischer Gewaltherrschaft, Altenzeller Str 19, 01069 Dresden T: (0351) 4695540; Fax: 4695541; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.stsg.de Donor(s): Dr. Norbert Haase Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: Hist 07245 Stiftung Samariterherberge Horburg, Hauptstr 37, 06254 Horburg Established: 1853 Limitations: Grants in Horburg only Focus: SocW; Hand 07246 Stiftung Sankt Anna, Kemptener Str 11, 88299 Leutkirch T: (07561) 8240; Fax: 824140 Established: 1867; Chair: Michael Lindauer, Donor(s): Konstantin und Walburga Gerster Expenditures: DM 5.400.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 07247 Stiftung Sankt Barbara Hilfe fur MinenopferSchutz vor Landminen, Dollendorfer Str 4, 53639 Königswinter T: (02244) 912743; Fax: 912745; E-Mail: info@ stiftung-sankt-barbara.de; Internet: http://www.stiftungsankt-barbara.de Established: 1995; Chair: Dr. J. Hoiik, Secy: Norbert Rossa, Donor(s): Dr. K. Köhler Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Warv 07248 Stiftung Sankt Elisabeth, Herrengraben 31, 20459 Hamburg Τ: (040) 36805129; Fax: 362896/97 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dr. Susanne und Dirk Brandis Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 272.000,Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Hand 07249 Stiftung Sankt Franziskus, Annenstr 9, 49624 Löningen Τ: (05432) 9690; Fax: 969990; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.altenzentmm.loeningen.de Established: 1991; Secy: E. Ficker Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07250 Stiftung Sankt Georgenhof zu Blankenburg, c/o Diakonisches Werk der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Landeskirche in Braunschweig, Herzogstr 2, 38889 Blankenburg T: (03944) 365158; Fax: 350646 Established: 1316 Assets: DM 382.770,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 07251 Stiftung Sankt Gertrud-Gemeindepflege, Hamburg: defunct 07252 Stiftung Sankt Jacobus, c/o Hauptkirche Sankt Jacobus, Jakobikirchhof 22, 20095 Hamburg Established: 1982 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus; SocW 07253 Stiftung Sankt Jakob, Sudetenstr 24, 35039 Marburg T: (06421) 95190; Fax: 9519888 Established: 1570 07254 Stiftung Sankt Josef-Gymnasium, 54675 Biesdorf Established: 1989 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07255 Stiftung Sankt Josefshaus, Dreikönigenstr 1-3, 50678 Köln T: (0221) 310084; Fax: 314746 Established: 1881; Secy: Peter Reinl, Donops): Familie Schülgen, Familie Greven Assets: DM 4.051.640,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07256
Stiftung Sankt Josefshelm, Stiftung für heimatlose Kinder, Bremer Str 9, 49377 Vechta Established: 1921 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Sen; Child 07257 Stiftung Sankt Ludgerl-Altenhelm, Brùckstr 8789, 45239 Essen Τ: (0201) 8497136 Established: 1842 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07258 Stiftung Sankt Martlnus Rottenburg am Neckar, Sprollstr 27. 72108 Rottenburg am Neckar Τ: (07472) 98410; Fax: 984126 Established: 1868/1995; Secy: Josef Albrecht, Donops): Dekan Josef Hofmeister Assets: DM 2.800.000,-, Expenditures: DM 723.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07259 Stiftung Sankt Petri Waisenhaus von 1692 zu Bremen, Sudwalder Str 3, 28307 Bremen T: (0421) 427950; Fax: 4279516 Established: 1692/1901; Donor(s): Diakonie der Sankt Petri Domgemeinde Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ο φ 07260 Stiftung Sankt Stefansbruderschaft Zettingen, do Gemeindeverwaltung, 54492 Zeltingen T: (06532) 2387; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1620; Donops): Anna Maria Gobelyn Assets: DM 209.000,·, Expenditures: DM 75.000,Limrtatksns: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07261 Stiftung Sankt Thomaehof, Thomaestr 11, 38118 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 581130; Fax: 5811320 Established: 1250 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07262 Stiftung Sankt VIncenz-Haus, Konrad-AdenauerUfer 55, 50668 Köln Τ: (0221) 16390; Fax: 1639200 Established: 1867 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07263 Stiftung Schlesien, Sauertânder Weg 33, 48145 Münster Τ: (0251) 34695 Established: 1974; Chair: Dr. Friedrich-Cad Schultze-Rhonhof, Donor(s): Verein Notopfer Schlesien e.V., Landsmannschaft Schlesien e.V., Verein Haus Schlesien e.V. Limitations: Grants to Silesian culture only Focus: Cult 07264 Stiftung Schleslsches Museum zu Görlitz, Otto-Müller-Str 7, 02826 Görlitz Τ: (03581) 406215; Fax: 406237; E-Mail: schlesisches.museum.goeriitz @t-online.de Established: 1996; Secy: Dr. Markus Bauer, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Freistaat Sachsen, Stadt Görlitz, Landsmannschaft Schlesien Expenditures: OM 445.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cuit 07265 Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Jerusalemsberg 7, 23568 Lübeck T: (0451) 389570; Fax: 3895757; E-Mail: shmf® shmf.de; Internet·, http://www.shmf.de Established: 1995; Chain Rolf Beck, Donops): Land Schleswig-Holstein Assets: DM 3.000.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 07266 Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein Ische Cinémathèque, Schildstr 12-14, 23552 Lübeck T: (0451) 77339; Fax: 7063101 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Horst Kruse, Joachim Steffen Assets: DM 566.820,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Cin 07267 Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloß Gottorf, c/o SchleswigHolsteinische Landesmuseen, Schloß Gottorf, 24837 Schleswig T: (04621) 8130; Fax: 813555 Established: 1999 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; Archeo; Arts 07268 Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinlsche Landschaft, Martensdamm 2, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 974380; Fax: 9743813 Established: 1995; Secy: Klaus von Hippel, Donops): Schleswig-Holsteinische Landschaft Hypothekenbank AG Expenditures: DM 7.900.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Agrie 07269
128 Stiftung Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Schloß Leitzkau, 39279 Leitzkau T: (039241) 9340; Fax: 93434; E-Mail: Stiftung-LeitzkauÖt-online.de; Internet: http-Jl www.ku Iturserver. de/home/ssbg Established: 1996; Chair Boje Schmuhl, Dooor(s): Land Sachsen-Anhalt Expenditures: DM 9.850.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cuit; Mon 07270 Stiftung Schloß Eutin, c/o Herzoglich Oldenburgische Verwaltung, Schloß Eutin, 23701 Eulin T: (04521) 70950; Fax: 709530 limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07271 Stiftung Schloe Fachsenfeld, Marktpl 30, 73430 Aalen T: (07361) 521320; Fax: 523321 Established: 1982; Chair Oberbürgermeister Ulrich Pfeifle, Secy: Michael Hanus, Donor(s): Reinhard Freiherr von Koenig-Fachsenfeld Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Ecol 07272 Stiftung Schloß Glûcksburg, c/o Schio, 24960 Glücksburg Τ: (04631) 2243, 2213; Fax: 2450 Established: 1922 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07273 Stiftung Schloß Mosigkau, Knobelsdorffallee 2-3, 06847 Dessau T: (0340) 521139; Fax: 521181 Established: 1780; Secy: Dr. Wolfgang Saveisberg, Dofior(s): Prinzessin Anna Wllhelmine von AnhaltDessau Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07274 Stiftung Schloß-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst, Postfach 80, 74590 Kirchberg an der Jagst T: (07954) 98020; Fax: 980215 Established: 1988; Chair Dr. Michael Knoll Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07275 Stiftung Schloßmuseum Mumau, Untermarkt 13, 82418 Mumau Τ: (08841) 476100; Fax: 476289 Established: 1994; Chair: Harald Kühn, Donor(s): Markt Mumau Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07276 Stiftung Schloßtheater Neuwied. Postfach 2343, 56513 Neuwied T: (02631) 996385; Fax: 996697 Established: 1975; Secy: Dr. Peter Barth Assets: DM 250.000,-, Expenditures: DM 130.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Theat 07277 Stiftung Schneidwaren- und Besteckforschung, Postfach 170160, 42623 Solingen T: (0212) 880140; Fax: 880139 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Rasierklingen-IndustrieVerband Assets: DM 103.000,· Focus: HomeE 07278 Stiftung Schönhengster Archiv mit Heimatstube, c/o Schönhengster Heimatbund e.V., Schloßstr 14, 73033 Göppingen T: (07161) 69922; Fax: 14640 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Schönhengster Heimatbund e.V., Stadt Göppingen Assets: DM 50.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Cult; Archiv 07279 Stiftung Schönhoizer Heide, Heinrich-Mann-Str 31, 13156 Berlin T: (030) 49988631; Fax: 49988635 Established: 1996; Secy: Marion Ronge-Goldmann, Donorts): Diakonisches Werk der Ev, Kirche in Deutschland e.V., Land Berlin Expenditures: DM 8.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07280
Stiftung Schule für Rundfunktechnik, Wallensteinstr 121, 90431 Nürnberg T: (0911) 96190; Fax: 9619177; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.srt.de Established: 1964; Chair: Karlheinz Weber, Secy: Karlheinz Weber, Donops): ARD, ZDF Assets: DM 455.000,-, Receipts: DM 14.968.000,·, Expenditures: DM 14.968.000,· Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Elect; Media 07283 Stiftung Schulpforta, Schulstr 24, 06628 Schulptorte T: (034463) 61761; Fax: 28116 Established: (1543) 1992; Secy: Eckart Kissling, Donor(s): Kurfürst Moritz von Sachsen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07284 Stiftung Schwäbisch Hall bauen-wohnenleben, Crailheimer Str 52, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall T: (0791) 466060; Fax: 462786; Internet: http:// www.schwaebisch-hall.de Established: 1995; Secy: Roland Vogelmann, Donor(s): Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Hous 07285 Stiftung Seetahrtsdank, Palmaille 29, 22767 Hamburg Τ: (040) 384461; Fax: 3895536 Established: 1949; Donops): Verein der Kapitäne und nautischen Schiffsofflziere zu Hamburg e.V. Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy German seamen and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07286 Stiftung Seniorenhilfe, Wertmershalde 22, 71090 Stuttgart T: (0711) 28503 Established: 1995; Chair Dr. Frieder Schäuble Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Sen 07287 Stiftung Seniorenhort, do Gemeindeverwaltung, Kardinal-Faulhaber-Str 12, 63801 Kleinostheim Τ: (06027) 474121; Fax: 474200; E-Mail: gemei ndeökleinostheim.de Established: 1989 Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07288 Stiftung Seniorenstift Kaufering, TheodorHeuss-Str 11, 86916 Kaufering Τ: (08191) 976011; Fax: 976050 Established: 1995; Chair Dr. Klaus Bûhler, Donoits): Gemeinde Kaufering Assets: DM 16.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07289 Stiftung Seniorenzentrum Durach, Am Leitenacker 9, 87471 Durach Τ: (0831) 564260 Established: 1993; Secy: Herbert Seger Assets: DM 961.000,·, Expenditures: DM 172.000,Limitations: Grants in Durach only Focus: Sen 07290 Stiftung Seraphisches Liebeswerk, Neuôtbnger Str 64, 84503 Altftting T: (08671) 980200; Fax: 980225 Established: 1976; Secy: Thomas Zauwer Assets: DM 24.250.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.800.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 07291 Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport, c/o Freunde des Skisports e.V., Hubertusse 1, 82152 Planegg T: (089) 857900; Fax: 85790294 Established: 1975; Donops): Deutscher Skiverband, Freunde des Skisports Assets: DM 4.676.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.900.000,Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Sports 07292 Stiftung Skulpturenpark a m Albertussee, Mainzer Str 180-184, 66121 Saabrücken T: (0681) 81042500; Fax: 81042502 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Horten AG Assets: DM 165.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07293
Stiftung Schülerinnenhelm Sankt Josef In Metten, Abteistr 3, 94526 Metten T: (0991) 998141 Established: 1896; Donops): Kloster und Pfarrgemeinde Metten, Abt Benedikt Braunmüller Assets: DM 90.000,Umitatkms: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07281
Stiftung Software-Zentrum BöbHngen/Sindefflngen, Steinbeisstr t i . 71034 Böblingen T: (07031) 620121; Fax: 620160 Established: 1996; Chair Watter Vaas, Secy: Ulrike Koch, Donops): IHK Region Stuttgart, Kreisstadt Böblingen, Kreisstadt Sindelfingen Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Econ 07294
Stiftung Schuldnertillfe Hannover, Röseterstr 2, 30159 Hannover T: (0511) 16842654; Fax: 16843678 Established: 1990; Donops): Landeshauptstadt Hannover Assets: DM 414.050,·, Expenditures: DM 42.000,Limitatkms: Grants in Hannover only Focus: Fin 07282
Stiftung Sophienheus Weimar, Trierer Str 2, 99423 Weimar T: (03643) 24100; Fax: 2410123 Established: 1875; Chair. Landesbischof Roland Hoffmann, Secy: Rektor Axel Krumme, Donops): Großheizogln Sophie von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; Sen; Youth; Hand; SocW . 07295
07296 - 07345
Stiftung Soziale Gemeinschaft Riedstadt, Hospitalstr 22, 64560 Riedstadt T: (06158) 2579; Fax: 3735 Established: 1990; Donops): Gemeinde Riedstadt Assets: DM 200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 419.000,Limitafions: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Nurs 07296
Stiftung Sparkasse Uchte, Postfach 1144, 31600 Uchte Established: 1974; Donor(s): ZweckveitandsSparkasse Uchte Asseis: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Youth; Sen; Scie; Arts . . . 07309
Stiftung Soziale Hilfe für Spitzensportler In Baden-Württemberg, c/o Landessportverband Baden-Württemberg, Im Zinsholz, 73760 Ostfildern T: (0711) 3430715; Fax: 3460713; E-Mail: into®lsv.sport-in-bw.de; Internet: httpi/www.sport-inbw.de/lsv Established: 1981; Chair Jörg Schwenk, Secy: Dietmar Günther, Donor(s): Land BadenWürttemberg, Landessportverband BadenWürttemberg Assets: DM 3.100.000,-, Receipts: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 140.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Sports; SocW 07297
Stiftung SpKalfonds Gengenbach, c/o Krankenhaus Sankt Martin, Leutkirchstr 32, 77723 Gengenbach T: (07803) 89200; Fax: 89209 Established: 1753 Assets: DM 15.000,000,·, Expenditures: DM 14.100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 07310
Stiftung Soziale Marktwirtschaft Deutschland, c/o SV Stiftungsverwattungs GmbH, Barkhovenaltee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: karsten.kruegerôstifterverband.de; Internet: httpj /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; Compu; Bus 07298 Stiftung Sozialer Wandel In der unternehmerischen Wirtschaft, Landgraf-Karl-Str 2, 34131 Kassel T: (0561) 36044; Fax: 33850; Internet: http-JI www.stiftervert>and.de Established: 1979; Secy: Michael Lezius, Donops): Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung der Partnerschaft in der Wirtschaft e.V. Assets: DM 220.220,·, expenditures: DM 20.600,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocS; Econ 07299 Stiftung Sozialfonds, Marktpl 1, 70734 Fell bach Τ: (0711) 5851269; Fax: 5851483 Established: 19Θ7; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Friedrich-Wilhelm Kiel, Secy: Bürgermeisterin Barbara Busch Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitations: Grants in Fellbach only Focus: SocW 07300 Stiftung Sozialwerk der Realschule VIechtach, Jahnstr 38, 94234 VIechtach Established: 1982 Limitations: Grants in Viechtach only Focus: Educ 07301 Stiftung Sozialwerk Hannover-Misburg, Am Floth 2, 30629 Hannover T: (0511) 581048 Established: 1992; Chair Herr Engelhardt Assets: DM 2.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 140.000,· Limitations: Grants to Verein Sozialzentrum Misburg e.V. only Focus: SocW 07302 Stiftung Sozialwerk Sack-Blsk>he-Braunsbach, Sportplatzstr 19, 90765 Fürth Established: 1971; Donops): Gemeinde Sack Limitations: Grants in Sack, Bislohe and Braunsbach only Focus: SocW 07303
Stiftung Sport der Sparkasse Neuss und des Kreises Neuss, c/o Kreisverwaltung Neuss, 41513 Grevenbroich T: (02181) 6011412; Fax: 6012460 Established: 1986; Chair Karl Bongers, Secy: Dr. Jürgen Hildebrandt, Donor(s): Sparkasse Neuss, Kreis Neuss Assets: DM 4.050.000,-, Receipts: DM 340.000,-, Expenditures: DM 340.000,· Limitations: Grants to amateur sports clubs in the district of Kreis Neuss only Focus: Sports 07311 Stiftung Sport in Sachsen-Anhalt, c/o Landessportbund Sachsen-Anhalt e.V., Postfach 110129 , 06015 Halle/Saale Τ: (0345) 52790; Fax: 5279100; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Chair: Gerd Henke, Donor(s): Land Sachsen-Anhalt Expenditures: DM 1.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports 07312 Stiftung Sport In Schule und Verein in Bayern, c/o Bayerische Fördergemeinschaft für Sport in Schule und Verein e.V., Widenmayerstr 46a, 80538 München Established: 1999; Chair Staatsministerin Monika Hohlmeier, Donor(s): Bayerische Fördergemeinschaft für Sport in Schule und Verein e.V. Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Sports 07313 Stiftung Sport Region Halle, Robert-Koch-Str 33, 06110 Halle/Saale T: (0345) 1365040 Established: 1994; Secy: Rolf Schnell Assets: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 140.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Halle/Saale only Focus: Sports 07314 Stiftung Staatstheater, Marstallstr 1, 80539 München Established: 1937 Limitations: Grants to members and former members of Staatstheater München only Focus: SocW 07315 Stiftung Stadt Wtttlich, Schloßstr 11, 54516 Wittlich Τ: (06571) 17100; Fax: 17122; E-Mail: StadtWrttlichdt-online.de; Internet: httpj! www.wittHch.de Established: 1990; Chair: Helmut Hagedom, Secy: Simone Eisenbarth, Donops): Stadt Wittlich Assets: DM 24.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.100.000,Limitations: Grants in Wittlich onty Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie; Res; Sports . . . 07316
Stiftung Spar- und Leih-Kasse in Rendsburg, Postfach 210, 24756 Rendsburg T: (04331) 595100; Fax: 595109 Established: 1823; Donor(s): Johann Georg Röhling Expenditures: DM 182.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Youth 07304
Stiftung Stadtkapelle Rottenburg, Cottbuser Weg 12, 72108 Rottenburg T: (07472) 16032210 Established: 1992; Donops): Dr. Walter Jäger Assets: DM 150.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music; Musi 07317
Stiftung Sparkasse Bodenwerder, Große Str 59, 37619 Bodenwerder T: (05151) 206301; Fax: 206185 Established: 1987; Donops): Sparlasse Bodenwerder Expenditures: DM 65,000,Limitations: Grants in Bodenwerder only Focus: Cult; Aits; Mon; Hist; Youth; Sen; Ecol; Landsc 073Û5
Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Landesmuseum für Kultur und Geschichte Beilins, Poststr 13-14, 10178 Bertin T: (030) 24002150; Fax: 24002187; E-Mail: gendir0stadtmuseum.de; Internet: http7/ www.stadtmuseum.de Established: 1995; Chair Prof. Reiner Güntzer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07318
Stiftung Sparkasse Β Odendorf, c/o Sparkasse Büdelsdorf, Hollerstr 32, 24782 Büdeisdort T: (04331) 353104; Fax: 353199 Established: 1995; Donops): Sparkasse Büdeisdorf Limitations: Grants in Büdelsdorf only Focus: Educ; Arts; Cult; Youth; Sports . . 07306
Stiftung Stadtökofogfe, Hessestr 4, 90443 Nürnberg T: (0911) 288232; Fax: 2873759; E-Mail: stadtoekoiogie.nbg Ôt-online.de Established: 1995; Chair Stadtrat Michael Webersinn, Secy: Dr. Dieter von Lölhöffel, Donops): Stadt Nürnberg, AEG Hausgeräte GmbH, Brochier Gebäudetechnik, Evang. Siedlungswerk in Bayern, OBI Baumarkt GmbH & Co. KG, Wohnungsbaugesellschaft der Stadt Nürnberg mbH Assets: DM 450.000,·, Receipts: DM 190.000,-, Expenditures: DM 190.000,· Limitations: Grants in Nürnberg only Focus: Ecol 07319
Stiftung Sparkasse Eckemförde, c/o Sparkasse Eckemförde, Kieler Str 1, 24340 Eckemförde T: (04351) 903150; Fax: 903190 Established: 1997; Donops): Sparkasse Eckemförde Limitations: Grants in Eckemförde only Focus: Youth; Sports 07307 Stiftung Sparkasse Kellinghusen, Lindenstr 1-3, 25548 Kellinghusen Τ: (04Θ22) 380; Fax: 38199 Established: 1986; Chair Vorstand der Sparkasse Kellinghusen, Donops): Sparkasse Kellinghusen Assets: DM 230.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Kellinghusen only Focus: Youth; Educ; Sports; Cult . . . . 07308
Stiftung Stadtsparkesse Bad Pyrmont, Brunnenstr 2, 31812 Bad Pyrmont T: (05281) 14131; Fax: 14200 Established: 1995; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Bad Pyrmont Limitations: Grants in Bad Pyrmont only Focus: Youth; Educ 07320
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung Stadtsparkasse Hessisch Oldendorf, Marktpl 2, 31840 Hessisch Oldendorf T: (05152) 9010; Fax: 901210 Established: 1985; Donops): Stadtsparkasse Hessisch Oldendorf Assets: DM 575.000,·, Expenditures: DM 30.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hessisch Oldendorf only Focus: Cult; Youth; Sports; Educ; Voc . . 07321
Stiftung Sudetenland, Bismarckstr 14, 72622 Nürtingen T: (07022) 35449; Fax: 38306 Established: 1995 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07333
Stiftung Städelsches Kunstinstltut, Dürerstr 2, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 6050980; Fax: 610163; E-Mail: staedel«tonline.de Established: 1815; Chair: Prof. Dr. Herbert Beck, Donor(s): Johann Friedrich Städel Assets: DM 9.475.740,·, Expenditures: DM 22.309.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aits 07322
Stiftung Synanon, Bemburger Str 10, 10963 Berlin T: (030) 550000; Fax: 55000220; Internet: http:// www.synanon.de Established: 1982; Chair: Peter Elsing, Donor(s): Synanon International e.V. Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Reh 07335
Stiftung Stidelschule für junge Künstler, Dürerstr 10, 60596 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 60500820; Fax: 60500872 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Verein Freunde der Städelschule e.V. Assets: DM 55.000,Focus: Arts; Schol 07323 Stiftung Stahlanwendungsforschung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaftungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.strfterverband.de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Bundesminister für Wirtschaft Assets: DM 115.395.970,·, Expenditures: DM 8.167.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Metal 07324 Stiftung Standort: hier der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, c/o Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Postfach 1453, 33762 Versmold T: (05423) 208102; Fax: 208199 Established: 1998; Donops): Stadtspaikasse Versmold Limitations: Grants in Versmold only Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Mon; Hist; Youth; SocW; Sports 07325 Stiftung StaBfurter Waisenhaus, Wasserturmstr 12, 39418 Staßfurt Τ: (03925) 92540; Fax: 925428; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.stiftung-waisenhaus.de Established: 1907; Chair Pfarrer Thomas Weigel, Secy: Andreas Biermann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07326 Stiftung Stelne-Erden-Bergbau und Umwelt, Niedersedlitzer Str 84, 01257 Dresden Τ: (0351) 285020; Fax: 28502241 Established: 1995; Chair Or. Heinrich Tschirpe, Donops): Sächsische Baustoffunion Dresden GmbH Assets: DM 255.475,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Min; Ecol 07327 Stiftung Stlpendlen-Fonds des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie, Kartstr 21, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 25561378; Fax: 25561620; Internet: http:// www.vci.de/fonds/ Established: 1965; Chair: Prof. Dr. H. Offermanns, Donops): Verband der Chemischen Industrie Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.500.000,Limrtations: Scholarships in Germany only Focus: Schol; Chem 07328 Stiftung Straffälligenhilfe Schleswig-Holstein, Von-der-Goltz-Ailee 93, 24113 Kiel T: (0431) 64661; Fax: 643311; E-Mail: schLholst. verb© gmx.de Established: 1982; Chair Justizminister Gerd Walter, Secy: Thomas Borowski, Donops): Land Schleswig-Holstein Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Pris 07329 Stiftung Studentische Darfehnskasse Hessen, Bockenheimer Landstr 133, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 7893049 Established: 1986 Assets: DM 1.976.270,· Limitations: Scholarships in the state of Hessen only Focus: Schol 07330 Stiftung Studienfonds DQsseldoif-Japan, tío Japanische Industrie- und Handelskammer, Immermannstr 45, 40210 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 630760; Fax: 360182 Established: 1988 Assets: DM 400.000,-, Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; IntU 07331 Stiftung Studien seminar Amberg, Malteserpl 2, 92224 Amberg Established: 1636 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 07332
Stiftung Sylt-Quelle, Wagnerstr 2, 22081 Hamburg
Stiftung Tannenhof Evangelische Nervenklinik Remscheid, Remscheider Str 76, 42899 Remscheid T: (02191) 121110; Fax: 121111 Established: 1896; Secy: Dr. Wilfried Axtner, Donor(s): Rheinischer Provinzialausschuß für Innere Mission in Langenberg Assets: DM 35.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 87.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Psychia 07336 Stiftung Taubstummenanstalt, Rothschildallee 16a, 60389 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 454036; Fax: 4692084 Established: 1861; Secy: Horst Buchenauer Expenditures: DM 480.000,Focus: Deafs 07337 Stiftung Taubstummenhelm Schleswig, Lutherstr 14, 24837 Schleswig T: (04621) 8070 Established: 1900 Expenditures: DM 50.000,Focus: Deafs
Stiftung Technologie und Wirtschaft Mittelbaden/Offen bürg, c/o Stadt Ottenburg, Fachbereich 1, Abt. Wirtschaftsförderung und Liegenschaften, Postfach 2450, 77614 Offenburg T: (0781) 822487; Fax: 827573; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1986; Donor(s): Stadt Offenburg, Ortenaukreis, Sparkasse Offenburg/Ortenau, Volksbank Offenburg, Fachhochschule Offenburg, Industrie- und Handelskammer Südlicher Obenhein, Handwerkskammer Freiburg, Region Elsaß, Gewerkschaft IG-Metall, Steinbeis-Stiftung Expenditures: DM 250.000,Umitations: Grants in the region of Mittelbaden only Focus: Eng; Econ 07339 Stiftung Technologiezentrum Freiburg, Rathauspl 2-4, 79098 Freiburg Τ: (0761) 3881826; Fax: 2020474; E-Mail: siegeth @fwt-online.de Established: 1985; Chair Oberbürgermeister Dr. Rolf Böhme, Secy: Dr. Bernd Dallmann, Donor(s): Stadt Freiburg, Handwerkskammer, Industrie- und Handelskammer, Wirtschaftsverband industrieller Unternehmen, Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau Baden e.V. Limitations: Grants in Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Eng 07340 Stiftung Theologie und Natur, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax; (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1984; Donops): Dr. Hans Martin Schmidt Assets: DM 91.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; NatS 07341 Stiftung Thomanerchor, Hillerslr 8, 04109 Leipzig T: (0341) 984420; Fax: 984423 Established: 1995; Chair: Stefan Aítner Assets: DM 2.400.000,Umitations: Applications riot accepted Focus: Music 07342 Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten, Postfach 100142, 07391 Rudolstadt T: (03672) 4470; Fax: 447119; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Chair Dr. Paulus, Donor(s): Land Thüringen Expenditures; DM 28.500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Hort 07343 Stiftung Thüringer Sporthllfe, Johann-S Bach-Str 2, 99096 Erfurt T: (0361) 6554650; Fax: 6554696; E-Mail: info®thueringersporthilfe.de; Internet: http:// www.thueringersporthilfe.de Established: 1997; Donops): Förderverein Thüringer Sporthilfe Limitations: Grants in the state of Thüringen only Focus: Sports 07344 Stiftung Tlerhelm für den Hohenlohekreis, Postfach 1152, 74653 Künzelsau Τ: (07940) 59933 Established: 1992; Chair Diane Leutwein, Donor(s): Tierschutzverein Hohenlohekreis e.V. Assets; DM 112.780,Limitations: Grants in the district of Hohenlohekreis only Focus: AnimP 07345
Germany: Stiftung
Stiftung Tierpark Hagenbeck, Postfach 540930, 22509 Hamburg T: (040) 54000196; Fax: 54000132; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.hagenbeck.öe Established: 1998; Chair: Joachim F. WeinligHagenbeck, Donor(s): Caroline Hagenbeck, Dr. C. Claus Hagenbeck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Zool; AnimP; Vet 07346 Stiftung Tierschutz Hannover, Evershorsterstr 80, 30855 Langenhagen T: (0511) 9733980; Fax: 97339817 Established: 1994, Donor(s): Tierschutzverein fur Hannover und Umgebung e.V. Assets: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Niedersachsen only
Focus: AnimP
07346 - 07395
Stiftung Topographie des Terrors, Internationales Documentations- und Begegnungszentrum, Budapester Sir 40, 10787 Berlin T: (030) 2545090; Fax: 2613002; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.topographie.de Established: 1995; Chair: Senator für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Secy: Dr. Gabriele Camphausen Expenditures: DM 3.100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 07348 Stiftung Traditionsarchiv Unterseeboote, Altenbrucher Bahnhofstr 57, 27478 Cuxhaven T: (04722) 322; Fax: 2575 Established: 1986; Chair: Horst Bredow, Secy: Horst Bredow, Donor(s): Horst Bredow Expenditures: DM 57.300,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ship; Archiv 07349 Stiftung Überseehilfswerk zur Unterstützung von Kindern und Kinderheimen, Missionaren und Missionsstationen in aller Welt, Langenbachstr 1, 53113 Bonn Established: 1980 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Child; Miss 07350 Stiftung Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, Aachstr 4, 88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen Τ: (07556) 71732; Fax: 71715 Established: 1990; Chain Monika Eisele, Donor(s): Käthe Drobisch, Eheleute Schmitsdorf Assets; DM 796.120,·, Expenditures: DM 30.000,Limitations: Grants in Uhldingen-Mühlhofen only Focus: Youth; Sen; Adult 07351 Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz der Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, Schitlerpl 6, 71638 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 1483003; Fax: 1483000 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis Ludwigsburg only Focus: Ecol 07352 Stiftung Umwelt· und Naturschutz Mecklenburg·Vorpommern, Paulshöher Weg 1, 19048 Schwerin T: (0385) 5886695; Fax: 5886696 Established: 1994; Secy: Jan Lipphe, Donor(s): Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Assets: DM 700.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Mecklenburg· Vorpommern only Focus: Ecol 07353 Stiftung Umwelt und Naturschutz SachsenAnhalt, Erzbergerstr 1, 39104 Magdeburg T: (0391) 5415055, 5415057; Fax; 5415057; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http;//www.sunlsa.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Land Sachsen-Anhalt Limitations: Grants In the state of Sachsen-Anhalt only Focus: Ecol 07354 Stiftung Umwelt und Schadenvorsorge der SV Gebäudeversicherung Stuttgart, Industriestr 5, 70565 Stuttgart T: (0711) 9063252; Fax: 9063286; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http.// www.stiftung-Schadenvorsorge.de Established: 1998; Secy: Sigrid Bemer, Donor(s): SV Gebäudeversicherung, Stuttgart Expenditures: DM 180.000,Limftations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Ecol 07355 Stiftung Umwelt und Wohnen, c/o Universität Konstanz, Universitätsstr 10, 78464 Konstanz T: (07531) 883605; Fax: 883727 883750; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1984; Chain Heinz Panter, Secy: Helmut Hengstler Limitations: Grants to Universität Konstanz only Focus: Ecol; Hous; Uni 07356
Stiftung Umweltschutz Pro Stuttgart e.V., Gaisburgstr 4, 70182 Stuttgart T: (0711) 295010; Fax: 293024 Established: 1994; Secy: Rainer Hofmeister, Peter Launer, Donor(s): Pro Stuttgart Verkehrsverein e.V. Assets: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Ecol 07357 Stiftung Unámonos, Heim für behinderte Kinder in Arequipa/Perú, Hindenburgstr 35, 71263 Weil der Stadt T: (07033) 80147; Fax: 6429 Established: 1994 Assets: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants in Arequipa (Peru) only Focus: Hand; Child; Am 07358 Stiftung Universität Heidelberg, Seminarstr 2, 69117 Heidelberg Τ: (06221) 542114; Fax: 542220 Established: 1984; Chair: Hartmut Mehdom, Secy: Karl Mathes, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Gisbert Freiherr zu Piitlitz Assets: DM 3.900.000,-, Receipts: DM 250.000,·, Expenditures: DM 175.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Uni 07359 Stiftung Universität und Gesellschaft, c/o Universität Konstanz, Universitätsstr 10, 78464 Konstanz T: (07531) 883605; Fax: 883727; E-Mail; Helmut.HengstlerQ uni-konstanz.de Chair: Prof. Dr. Bernd Rüthers, Secy: Helmut Hengstler Limitations; Grants in Germany only Focus: Scie; Res; Uni; PoIS 07360 Stiftung Urologische Forschung, c/o Klinik für Urologie der Chanté, UVK, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Schumannstr 20-21, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 28021284; Fax: 28028864; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.charite.de/ch/uro/stifhjng.html Established: 1999; Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefan Α. Loening, Donor(s): Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Urologischen Klinik der Charité e.V. Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Urol 07361 Stiftung Valepage, Valepagehof, 33129 Delbrück Τ: (05250) 7513 Established: 1862; Donops): Wilhelm Josef Limitations: Grants to citizens of Delbrück only Focus: SocW; Sen 07362 Stiftung Veitraucherinstitut, Camotstr 5, 10587 Berlin Τ: (030) 3900860; Fax: 39008633; Internet: httpjl www.verbraucherinstltut.de Established: 1978; Donops): Stiftung Warentest, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucherverbände e.V. Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cons 07363 Stiftung Vereinigte Sparkassen Stadt und Landkreis Ansbach, c/o Vereinigte Sparkassen Stadt und Landkreis Ansbach, Promenade 20, 91522 Ansbach T: (0981) 189151; Fax: 189233 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Vereinigte Sparkassen Stadt und Landkreis Ansbach Limitations: Grants in Ansbach and the district of Landkreis Ansbach only Focus; Arts; Cult; Mon; Hist 07364 Stiftung Vereinigte Testamente, c/o Hansestadt Lübeck, Fleischhauerstr 20, 23539 Lübeck T: (0451) 1222040; Fax: 1222009 Established: 1941; Chair Bürgermeister der Hansestadt Lübeck Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Lübeck only Focus: SocW; Sen 07365 Stiftung Verkehrssicherheit, Rosenstr 9a, 65451 Kelsterbach Τ: (069) 6667092; Fax: 6667074 Established: 1990; Chair: Horst Christopher Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Traf 07366 Stiftung Versöhnungskirche im PommernZentrum, Hasselbruchweg 16 , 23566 Lübeck T: (0451) 394541; Fax: 394541 Established: 1995; Chair Landesminister a.D. Heiko Hoffmann, Secy: Emst Wackemagel, Donor(s): Pommerscher Zentralverband, Kirchen-Kreis Lübeck, Ehepaar Nohse Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 158.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 07367 Stiftung Versorgungsanstalt für ehemalige Schülerinnen der Landesbilndenanstalt München, do Stiftungsverwaltung, Winthirstr 20, 80639 München T: (089) 1678200; Fax: 16782042 Established: 1892; Chair Helmut Biber, Secy: Barbara Rasshofer, Donops): Königshaus Bayern Assets: DM 168.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Blinds 07368
Stiftung Villa Stuck, Prinzregentenstr 60, 81675 München T: (089) 45555125; Fax: 45555124 Established: 1992 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07369 Stiftung Volksbildung Reutlingen, Marktpl 22, 72764 Reutlingen T: (07121) 3032816; Fax: 3032208 Established: 1982 Assets: DM 7.200.000,· Limitations: Grants in Reutlingen only Focus: Educ 07370 Stiftung Volkslied, Heinrich-Schütz-Allee 33, 34131 Kassel Τ: (0561) 3105259 Established: 1973 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Music 07371 Stiftung von 1803, Leonardusstr 42, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 375671; Fax; 371876 Established: 1803; Chair: Kurt Kreuser, Donor(s): Ephraim Veitel Assets: DM 138.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Focus: Youth; Sen 07372 Stiftung von 1916 für rechtswirtschaftliche und rechtsvergleichende Studien, c/o Universität Heidelberg. Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Augustinergasse 9, 69117 Heidelberg T: (06221) 542200; Fax: 542201 Established: 1916; Donops): Cari Leopold Netter Expenditures; DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Heidelberg only Focus: Law 07373 Stiftung von Werkstatt zu Werkstatt, Berufliche Bildung in Osteuropa, Strâ chensweg 3, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 539650; Fax: 5396565; E-Mail: vwzw@ jugend-dritte-welt-de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dr. Emst Nagel, Johann Philipps, Norbert Philipps Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 40.000,· Limitations: Grants in East Europe only Focus: Voc; East 07374 Stiftung Votis Software Museum, Großenbacher Str 4, 36088 Hünfeld Established: 1995 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Electron 07375 Stiftung Walsenhaus, c/o Universität Göttingen, Fachbereich Theologie, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2, 37073 Göttingen Limitations: Scholarships to orphans at GeorgAugust-Unrversität in Göttingen only Focus: Schol; Rei 07376 Stiftung Wald für Sachsen, Neudorigasse 1, 04277 Leipzig T: (0341) 309080; Fax: 3090888; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjl www.wald-fuer-sachsen.de Established: 1996; Chair: Dr. Eberhard Lippmann, Donor(s): Prima Klima e.V., Sächsischer Waldbesitzerverband, Landesbank Sachsen, Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald Assets: DM 10.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of Sachsen only Focus: For; Ecol 07377 Stiftung Wald In Not, Gemeinschaftswerk zur Rettung des Waldes, Godesberger Allee 142-148, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 8198191; Fax: 8198192 Established: 1984; Chair: Dr. Hedda von Wedel, Secy: Dr. Christoph Abs Assets: DM 359.500,·, Receipts: DM 738.500,-, Expenditures: DM 695.400,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: For 07375 Stiftung Wald und Wild in MecklenburgVorpommern, c/o Rechtsanwälte Asche, Stern & Glockemann, Rothenbaumchaussee 20, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4134410; Fax: 41344129; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Secy: Dr. Florian Asche, Donor(s): Claus Robert Agte Limitations: Grants in the state of MecklenburgVorpommern only Focus: Ecol; For; Hunt 07379 Stiftung Waldeckische Landesbibilothek, Am Südring 2, 34497 Korbach Τ: (05631) 954333; Fax: 954371; E-Mail: ik· [email protected] Established: 1995; Chair: Landrat des Landkreises Waldeck-Frankenberg, Secy: Dr. Hartmut Wecker Assets: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Libr 07380 Stiftung Walderhaltung in Afrika, Rote Brücke 6-15, 22113 Hamburg T: (040) 7148770; Fax; 71487766 Established: 1975 Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: For; Ecol; Afr 07381
Stiftung Waldhelm Cluvenhagen - Haus der Barmherzigkeit, Helene-Grulke-Str 5, 27299 Langwedel T: (04235) 890; Fax: 89111 Established: 1968; Chair: Bodo Huxoll, Secy: Söncke Sönnichsen Klaus-J. Pötschokat, Donor(s): Helene Grulke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 07382 Stiftung Waldhof Elgershausen Pneumologische Klinik, 35753 Greifenstein T: (06449) 771; Fax: 77288 Established; 1994; Chain Michael Reese, Donops): H. Hinze Assets: DM 80.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 07383 Stiftung Waldmühle, Ludotfusstr 2-4, 60487 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 295381 Established: 1980 Assets: DM 5.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; SocW 07384 Stiftung WallstraBe, c/o SPD-Unterbezirk Wolfenbüttel, Wültenweberstr 10, 38304 Wolfenbüttel Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Wolfenbüttel only Focus: PoIS 07385 Stiftung Warentest, Lützowpl 11-13, 10785 Berlin T: (030) 26310; Fax: 2611074; E-Mail: email® stiftung-warentest.de; Internet; http://www.strftungwarentest.de Established; 1964; Chair: Dr. Werner Brinkmann, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland Expenditures: DM 100.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cons 07386 Stiftung Wasser für die Welt, Ligastr 6, 93049 Regensburg T: (0941) 37205; Fax: 3782526 Established: 1986 Assets: DM 3.000.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Wat; Dev 07387 Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, Burgpl 4, 99423 Weimar Τ: (03643) 5450; Fax: 545101; E-Mail: praesident@ www.weimar-klassik.de Established: 1994; Chair Dr. Jürgen Seifert, Secy: Manfred-Udo Schmidt, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Freistaat Thüringen, Stadt Weimar Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ut 07388 Stiftung Weiterbildung, Tiieodor-Heuss-Str 2, 70174 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2097656; Fax: 2097679 Established: 1991 Assets: DM 1.685.000,·, Expenditures: DM 75.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc 07389 Stiftung Weltethos für interkulturelle und interreligiöse Forschung, Bildung, Begegnung, Waldhäuser Str 23, 72076 Tübingen T: (07071) 62646; Fax: 610140; E-Mail: Office©stiftung-weltethos.uni-tuebingen.de; Internet: http://www.uni-tuebirgen.de/stiftung-weftethos Established: 1995; Chair Prof. Dr. Hans Küng, Secy: Stephan Schiensog, Donor(s): Kari Konrad Graf von der Groeben Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Scie; Educ; IntU 07390 Stiftung Weltwelte Kirche Gottes in Deutschland, Postfach 1129, 53001 Bonn T: (0228) 668910; Fax: 9876827; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.wcg.org/de, www.dsk.de/rds/26014.htm Established: 1968; Donor(s): Ambassador College, Pasadena, USA Expenditures: DM 697.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei; SocW; Hand 07391 Stiftung Weltwelte Wissenschaft, Rothenbaumchaussee 34, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 4140060; Fax: 41400622; E-Mail: gaestehaus@uni-hambu rg.de; Internet: http:// www.hamburg.de/gaestehaus Established: 1965; Donops): Universität Hamburg Limitations: Grants to Universität Hamburg only Focus: Scie; Uni 07392 Stiftung Werkschule Berlin, Stettiner Str 63, 13357 Berlin Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Educ; IntU; Youth; Sen 07393 Stiftung Werksdank der Gutehoffnungshütte, Oberhausen: defunct 07394 Stiftung Weserbergland-Kllnlk, Postfach 100629, 37669 Höxter T: (05271) 982215; Fax: 982219 Established: 1985; Chair Achim Middelschulte, Secy: Ralf Lowens Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Nurs 07395
131 Stiftung West-Ostliche B e g e g n u n g e n , Friedrichstr 176-179, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 2044840; Fax: 2044840; Internet: http:// www,Stiftung-woeb.de Established: 1994; Chair Dr. Franz von Hammerstein, Secy: Günter Marsch, Donor(s): Restvermögen der ehemaligen Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft der DDR Assets: DM 25.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Germany, the Baltic states and the states of the former USSR only Focus: IntU; Bait; East; As 07396 Stiftung W e s t f ä l i s c h e L a n d s c h a f t in Münster, Schoriemer Str 16, 48143 Münster Τ: (0251) 55613; Fax: 4905115 Established: 1987; Secy: Dr. Wilhelm Wehland Assets: DM 25,000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 356.000,Umitations: Grants in the region of Westfalen only Focus: Agrie; For 07397 Stiftung Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv D o r t m u n d , Märirische Str 120, 44141 Dortmund Τ: (0231) 5417296; Fax: 5417117; E-Mail: wwado@ dortmund.ihk.de Established: 1969; Chair: Dr. Karl-Peter Ellerbrock Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Econ; Archiv 0739Θ Stiftung Westfalen-Initiative für E i g e n v e r a n t w o r t u n g und G e m e i n w o h l , Piusallee 6, 48147 Münster T: (0251) 5916406; Fax: 5913249 Established: 1999; Chair: Prof. Dr. Mans Wielens, Donops): Martin Leicht Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Hist 07399 Stiftung W i l h e l m s - H o s p i t a l Plötzkau, Neue Schulstr 1, 06425 Plötzkau Established: 1662 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07400 Stiftung Wir fur Kinder In Not. Hilfsfonds für Kinder und Schüler, Oberer Laubenheimer Weg 58, 55131 Mainz T: (06131) 982440; Fax: 982444; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.uni-mainz.de/Schulen/Theresianum Established: 1992; Chair Alois Nilles, Donor(s): Alois Nitles Assets: DM 253.800,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany, Sudan, Mozambique, Rwanda, Ecuador, India, the Ukraine and Nigeria only Focus: Child; Ο φ ; Afr; Am; As; East . . 07401 Stiftung Wir helfen d e m W a l d , c/o Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald, Landesverband Bayern e.V., Ludwigstr 2, 80539 München T: (089) 284394; Fax: 281964; E-Mail: sdwbayem @t-online.de Established: 1998; Secy: Lothar Gössinger, Donor(s): Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wakj, Landesverband Bayern e.V. Expenditures: DM 8.000,· Limitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: Ecoi 07402 Stiftung Wir h e l f e n u n s selbst, Clara-BartramWeg 4, 25421 Pinneberg T: (04101) 810827; Fax: 810828; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1959 Limitations: Grants to citizens of Pinneberg only Focus: Hous; Hand 07403 Stiftung W i r t s c h a f t hilft H u n g e r n d e n , PaulKörber-Str 13, 79848 Bonndorf im Schwarzwald T: (07703) 660; Fax: 660 Established: 1983; Chair: Dipl,-Ing. Claus Werner Ruff Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev; Food 07404 Stiftung Wlrtschaftsarchlv B a d e n W ü r t t e m b e r g , 70593 Stuttgart T: (0711) 4593142; Fax: 4593710; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1980; Chair Gerhard Göll, Donops): Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Industrie- und Handelskammern in Baden-Württemberg, Land Baden-Württemberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archiv; Econ 07405 Stiftung W i e s e n s c h a f t u n d Gesellschaft a n der Universität Konstanz, c/o Universität Konstanz, Universitätsstr 10, 78464 Konstanz T: (07531) 883605; Fax: 883727; E-Mail: Helmut. Hengs [email protected] Chair Dr. Bernhard Everke, Secy: Helmut Hengstler Limitations: Grants to Universität Konstanz only Focus: Scìe; SocS; Uni 07406 Stiftung W i s s e n s c h a f t u n d Politik, Forschungsinstitut für internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Zeller Weg, 82067 Ebenhausen T: (08178) 700; Fax: 70312; E-Mail: [email protected]. 1rz-muenchen.de Established: 1962; Chain Prof. Dr. h,c. Hans L, Merkle, Secy: Prof. Dr. Michael Stürmer, Donor(s): Private Stifter, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Expenditures: DM 15.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; PolS 07407
07396 - 07443 Stiftung W i s s e n s c h a f t l i c h e H o c h s c h u l e für U n t e m e h m e n s f ü h r u n g , Burgpi 2, 56179 Vallendar T: (0261) 65090; Fax: 6509109 Assets: DM 60.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 13.000.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Uni; Bus 07408 Stiftung W i s s e n s c h a f t l i c h e s Forum, c/o Medizinische Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes, 66421 Homburg T: (06841) 166001, 166000; Fax: 166324; E-Mail: mfdekan @ med-rz.uni-sb.de Established: 1987; Donops): Prof. Dr, Paul Fritsche, Universität des Saarlandes, Stadt Homburg/Saar Assets: DM 30.000,·, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Focus: Med; Eng 07409 Stiftung W o h n h e l m e für Reichs-, Staats-, und G e m e i n d e b e a m t e , Herzogin-Elisabeth-Str 11, 38104 Braunschweig T: (0531) 7996686 Established: 1933; Secy: Wilfried Burmester, Donops): Verband der deutschen Reichspost- und Telegraphenbeamtinnen, Bezirksverein Braunschweig e.V. Assets: DM 41.200,-, Receipts: DM 148.100,-, Expenditures: DM 155.000,Limitations: Low cost living space for German civil servants onfy Focus: Hous 07410 Stiftung Wohnhilfe, c/o Wohnbau GmbH, Philosophenring 2, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 320179; Fax: 327179 Established: 1976; Donor(s): Dr, W. Gase, Dr. R. Vogel, Dr. H. Schaffarczyk, T. Blass Assets: DM 6.375.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.240.000,Limitations: Low cost living space for needy Germans only Focus: Hous; Sen; Hand 07411 Stiftung W o h n l i c h e Stadt B r e m e n , c/o Senator für Inneres, Contrescarpe 22-24, 28203 Bremen Τ: (0421) 3619060; Fax: 3619009 Established: 1980; Chair: Senator Dr. Bemt Schulte, Secy: Horst Heise, Hans Pleister, Donor(s): Land Bremen Receipts: DM 16.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 16.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Bremen and Bremerhaven only Focus: Town; Mon; Cult; Arts; Landsc . . 07412 Stiftung W o h n s t ä t t e n für Behinderte, Nikolausstr 10, 97082 Würzburg Established: 1993; Donor(s): Verein zur Förderung Körperbehinderter und spastisch Gelähmter Würzburg Assets: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: Low cost living space for handicapped in Würzburg only Focus: Hous; Hand 07413 Stiftung W o r p s w e d e , Heinrich-Vogeler-Weg 68, 27726 Worpswede Τ: (04792) 7691; Fax: 4063 Established: 1957 Assets: DM 878.590,·, Expenditures: DM 37.900,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Landsc; Ecol; Mon 07414 Stiftung Z B O Neustadt, Neustadt/Dosse: defunct 07415 Stiftung Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin, Blücherpl 1, 10961 Berlin T: (030) 902260; Fax: 90226474; E-Mail: info@ zlb.de; Internet: http://www.zlb.de Established: 1995; Chair: Dr. Claudia Lux, Donor(s): Land Berlin Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: ü b r 07416 Stiftung Z e n t r u m für Körperbehinderte, Krefelder Str 379, 41066 Mönchengladbach T: (02161) 662628; Fax: 665634 Eslabiished: 1999; Donor(s): Zentrum für Körperbehinderte e.V. Krefeld Focus: Hand
Stiftung z u g u n s t e n d e s R o m a Volkes, Glockengießer Str 21, 23552 Lübeck Established: 1997; Donops): Günther und Ute Grass Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW; Cult 07418 Stiftung Z u k u n f t , c/o Sparkasse Unna, Bahnhofstr 37, 59423 Unna T: (02303) 1040; Fax: 104110 Established: 1999; Donops): Sparkasse Unna Limitations: Grants In the region of Unna only Focus: Fut 07419 Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit, ñoonstr 5, 53175 Bonn Τ: (0228) 3680036; Fax: 3680038; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http Λ www.stiftungzukunft.de/ Established: 1997; Donor(s): Klaus Mllke Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Ecol; Dev; IntU 07420
Stiftung Zukunftswerkstatt Gladbeck, Rathaus, 45956 Gladbeck Τ: (02043) 992259; Fax: 991804 Established: 1992; Chair Eckhard Schwerhoff, Dr. Wolfgang Andriske, Donor(s): Stadtsparkasse Gladbeck Assets: DM 1.550.000,-, Receipts: DM 70.000,-, Expenditures: D M 70.000,Limitations: Grants in Gladbeck only Focus: Voc 07421 Stiftung zum Erhalt u n d zur Nutzung der D o m e , Kirchen und Klöster d e s Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Schloß Leitzkau, 39279 Leitzkau T: (039241) 9340; Fax: 93434; Internet: http:// www.kulturserver.de/home/dom Established: 1996; Chair: Boje Schmuhl, Donor(s): Land Sachsen-Anhalt Expenditures: D M 6.016.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 07422 Stiftung z u m v o r m a l i g e n Hospital S a n k t Spiritus In M ü n d e n , c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1528, 34335 Hann. Münden T: (05541) 75359; Fax: 75401 Established: 1327; Donops): Herzog Otto zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg Assets: DM 32.440,·, Expenditures: DM 21.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07423 Stiftung z u m W o h l d e s Pflegekindes, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, BarkhovenaFlee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1992; Donor(s): Inge und Ulrich Stiebel Assets: DM 251.170,-, Expenditures: DM 17.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 07424 Stiftung zur B e k ä m p f u n g neurovlraler Erkrankungen, Hermannstr 46, 20095 Hamburg Established: 1958 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Neur 07425 Stiftung zur B e w a h r u n g kirchlicher B a u d e n k m ä l e r In Deutschland, Herrenhäuser Str 12, 30419 Hannover Internet: http://www.stíftung-lor(s): Stadtsparkasse München Expenditures: DM 59.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Arts; Archil; Mon 07565 Agnes Straub-Stlftung, Elchenallee 47, 14050 Berlin Τ: (030) 3043926; Fax: 3043926 Established: 1973 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts 07566 Johann Strauss-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1867; Donor(s): Stadt Coburg Focus; Music 07567 Werner Strauss-Stiftung, Humboldtstr 65, 41061 Mönchengladbach Established: 1979 07568
134 Marianne Strauß-Stiftung, Oettingenstr 22, 80536 München T: (089) 294967, 297394; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1964; Donops): Monika Hohlmeier, Max Strauß, Franz Georg Strauß Assets: DM 12.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 1.300.000,Umitations: Grants in the state of Bayern only Focus: SocW 07569 Hans-Wilhelm Strebost-Sttftung für Jugendförderung, Unter der Alpke 1, 37619 Boden werder Limitations: Grants in the region of BodenwerderHehlen only Focus: Youth 07570 Georg Strecker-Stiftung, Wllhelm-Raabe-Str 6, 37120 Bovenden Τ: (0551) 8838; Fax: 8838 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Georg Strecker Focus: Rei; Schol 07571 Hermann Strenger-Stlftung, c/o Bayer AG, 51368 Leverkusen Τ: (0214) 3081037; Fax: 3061551 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Bayer AG Assets: DM 3.285.000,·, Expenditures: DM 230.000,· Focus: Voc; Schol 07572 Gustav-Stresemanη-Stiftung, Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn Τ: (0228) 81070; Fax: 8107198 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Gustav-StresemannInstitut e.V. Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; SocS; Intü . . 07573 Stresow-Stift, Farmsener Landstr 60-60a, 22359 Hamburg Established: 1855 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07574 Theo und Impa Strick-Stiftung, Padertiomer Str 12, 44143 Dortmund T: (0231) 596644, 593338 Established: 1989; Secy: Heinz Kreutzer, Donops): Impa Strick Focus: Arts; Hand; Οτρ 07575 Horst-Stricker-Stlftung, c/o Horst-StrickerTreuhand, Trippsteinstr 11, 12249 Berlin , 07576 Hans und Hilde Strlegl-Stlftung, Edeldorfer Weg 24, 92637 Weiden in der Oberpfalz Established: 1999; Donops): Mathilde Striegl Limitations: Grants in Weiden in der Oberpfalz only Focus: Sen; Fam 07577 Kart Ströher-Stlftung, Rheinallee 48, 64560 Riedstadt Established: 1983; Donops): G. Pohl-Schröder, U. Ströher Assets: DM 600.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07578 Strohmeyer-Stíftung, c/o Georg-August-Universilät zu Göttingen, Juristische Fakultät, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 6, 37073 Göttingen Established: 1954 Focus: Law 07579 Stromer'sche Kulturgutstiftung, Burg Grünsberg, 90518 Altctorf T: (09187) 41121; Fax: 41121 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Wolfgang von Stromer, Prof. Dr. Natalie Fryde Assets: DM 320.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Focus: Cult 07580 Freiherrlich Eduard und Sophie von Stromer'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung für den Bezirkslehrerverein Altdorf, tío Lehreiverein Altdorf, Praetoriusstr 4, 90518 Altdorf Established: 1906 Limitations: Grants to needy widows and orphans of former teachers in the district of Altdorf only Focus: SocW 07581 Dr. Rainald Stromeyer-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45329 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stffterverband,de Established: 1992; Donor(s): A. Stromeyer Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations; Grants and scholarships to membere of the Universität Jena only Focus: Cane; Schol 07582 Dr. Stroth-Stiftung, Fûrstenbergerstr 2, 60322 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 593693 Established: 1995; Donops): Dr. Rolf-Rüdiger Stroth Assets: DM 500.000,Ljmitations: Grants to Friedrich Schiller-Universität in Jena only Focus: Uni; Law 07583 Studentenwohnheim der Westfalen, WilhelmWeber-Str 36, 37073 Göttingen Established: 1969 Assets: DM 230-000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 07584
Studienseminar Jullanum, Kapuzlnerstr 6, 97070 Würzburg Τ; (0931) 13075; Fax: 4652977 Established: 1607; Chair: Martin Adler Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 07585 Studienseminar Nauburg a n der Donau, Wotfang-Wilhelm-Pl 90, 86633 Neuburg an der Donau Τ: (08431) 5000; Fax: 500195; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1638; Donops): Wolfgang-Wilhelm Herzog von Neuburg Limitations: Grants to students hostels only Focus: Hous 07586 Studlansemlnar Sankt Emmeram, ClermontFerrand-Allee 30, 93049 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 21029; Fax: 21020; E-Mail: StudienseminarSLEmmeram @ t-online.de Established: 1700 Limitations: Grants to a students hostel only Focus: Hous 07587 Studienseminarstiftung Burghausen, c/o Kurfürst-Maximilian-Gymnasium, Kanzelmüllerstr 90, 84489 Burghausen Τ: (08677) 2093 Established: 1890; Donor(s): Studienseminar Burghausen Assets: DM 16.000,Umitatìons: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 07588 Studienstiftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Postfach 684, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 891205; Fax: 7461209 Established: 1954 Limitations: Scholarships to students in Coburg only Focus: Voc; Schol 07589 Studienstiftung Aschaffenburg, c/o Staatliches Stiftungsamt Aschaffenburg, Stiftsgasse 7, 63739 Aschaffenburg T: (06021) 35770; Fax: 357799; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1839; Donor(s): König Ludwig I. von Bayern Expenditures: DM 33.000,Limitations: Grants to pupils in Aschaffenburg only Focus: Educ 07590 Studienstiftung der Süddeutschen Zeltung, Sendlinger Str 8, 80331 München T: (089) 2183749; Fax: 2183701 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Süddeutscher Verlag Assets: DM 2.000.000,Focus: Schol 0759J Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin, Preußischer Landtag. 10111 Bertin Established: 1994; Donor(s): Land Berlin Expenditures: DM 483.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of the USA, Great Britain, France and states of the former USSR only Focus: Schol; SocS 07592 Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V., Mirbachstr 7, 53173 Bonn T: (0228) 820960; Fax: 82099667; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.studienstiftung.de Established: 1948; Chair: Prof. Dr. Helmut AKaer, Secy: Dr. Gerhard Teufel Receipts: DM 52.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 51.252.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 07593 Studienstiftung Deutscher Psychologen, Heilsbachstr 22, 53123 Bonn Τ: (0228) 987310; Fax: 9873170 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V. Focus: Schol; Psychol 07594 Studienstiftung für Tibetischen Buddhismus, Tesdorpfstr 13, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 444568; Fax: 4103341 Established: 1988; Donops): Gabriele Kustermann Assets: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants to research in Tibetan religion and culture only Focus: Rei; Cult 07595 Studienstiftung ius vlvum, Mühlenbuschweg 79, 41542 Dormagen Τ: (0431) 8807358; Fax: 8807379; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1991; Chair Prof. Dr. Haimo Schack, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Haimo Schack Assets: DM 220.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Law; Copy 07596 Regina Stukenborg-Stiftung, Lunestedter Str 40, 27612 Loxstedt Established: 1993 Focus: IntU 07597 Gertraud-Stumbeck-Stlftung, Sonnenstr 19, B0331 München Τ: (089) 5155560; Fax: 51555620 Established: 19Θ4; Chair Dr. Helmut Schmidt, Donoits): Gertraud Stumbeck Limitations: Grants in Rosenheim only Focus: Sen; Nurs; Hand 07598
07599 - 07654
135 Stummhilfe der Deutschen Gerätebau GmbH, Ferdinand-Henze-Str 9, 33154 Salzkotten Established: 1939 Assets: DM 68.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Deutsche Gerätebau GmbH (Salzkotten) only Focus: SocW 07599 Stummstiftung der Bayerischen Pflugfabrik GmbH Landsberg a m Lech, Postfach 1561, 86885 Landsberg am Lech Established: 1939 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Bayerische Pflugfabrik GmbH (Landsberg am Lech) only Focus: SocW 07600 Katharina Stumpf-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Katharina Stumpf Focus: SocW 07601 Rudolf-Stundl-Stlftung a m Caspar-DavldFrfedrich-fnstitut für Kunstwissenschaften der Universität Greifswald, c/o Dr. Inge Krey, Bahnhofstr 46-47, 17489 Greifswald Established: 1985; Donops): Rudolf Stund) Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07602 Albeit J.B. Sturm Stiftung, Niedere Str 92, 7Θ050 Villingen-Schwenningen T: (07721) 200091; Fax: 200033 Established: 1984; Donops): Albert J. B. Sturm Expenditures: DM 5.000,Focus: Surg 07603 Otto und Emma Sturm-Stiftung in Augsburg, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren· und Stlftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: infoallgemein @ susta.de Established: 1988; Donor(s): Otto und Emma Sturm Assets: DM 776.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in Augsburg only Focus: Sen; SocW 07604 Pfarrer Sturm'sche Stiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Eller 28, 97791 Obersinn T: (09356) 5230 Established: 1865; Donor(s): Pfarrer Aloys Christoph Sturm Expenditures: DM 148.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07605 Stuttgarter Hofbräu Studienstiftung, c/o Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 70593 Stuttgart T: (0711) 4592920/21; Fax: 4593232 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Stuttgarter Hofbräu AG Assets: DM 250.000,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Hohenheim only Focus: Schol 07606 Stuttgarter Hofbräu Umweltstiftung, Bôblinger Str 104. 70199 Stuttgart T: (0711) 6488455; Fax: 6488204; Internet: http:// www.stuttgarter-hofbraeu.de Established: 1991; Chair: Walter Mann, Donor(s): Stuttgarter Hofbräu AG Asseis: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: Ecol; AnimP 07607 Michael Succow Stiftung zum Schutz der Natur, Borstellstr 14, 12167 Berlin T: (030) 79410146; Fax: 79410146; E-Mail: info® succow-stiftung.de; Internet: http-7/www.succowstiftung.de Established: 1999; Secy: Kathrin Succow-Hoffmann, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Michael Succow Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Ecol 07608 Hermann Sudermann-Stiftung, Hauptstr 452, 53639 Königswinter Τ: (0228) 449060; Fax: 444126; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1929; Secy: Dr. Gisela Henze, Donops): Hermann Sudermann Expenditures: DM 200.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit 07609 Sûdmàhrer-Stlftung, Gerokstr 1, 70188 Stuttgart T: (0711) 164420; Fax: 2361027; E-Mail: Kanzlei© franzlongin; Internet: http://www.franzlongin Established: 1995 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07610 Süssmuth-Mltarbelter-Stfftung, Am Bahnhof 3, 34376 Immenhausen Τ: (05673) 7990; Fax: 7990 Established: 1977; Secy: Ulrich 0 . Kriwet Assets: DM 434.400,·, Expenditures; DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Immenhausen only Focus: Arts; Hist 07611 Roland Süstermann'sche Stiftung, Hohnsen 55, 31134 Hildesheim Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07612
SULO-Stiftung, Búnder Str 85, 32051 Herford Internet: http://www.pb.wuz.de Established: 1994 Focus: Carte 07613 Sulzmann-Stlftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen θ verwaltung.uni-mainz.de Established; 1984; Donor(s): Dr. Erika Sulzmann und Irma Sulzmann Expenditures: DM 64.000,· Limitations: Grants to students at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universitát in Mainz only Focus: Ethn; Archeo; Ling; Afr 07614 Sutor-Stiftung, Hohensasel 16, 22395 Hamburg T: (040) 6021148; Fax: 32010740 Established: 1983; Secy: Joachim Schöning, Donor(s): Werner Sutor Assets: DM 280.000,Focus: Archit; Schol 07615 Bertha von Suttner Stiftung der DFG-VK, Braunschweiger Str 22, 44145 Dortmund T: (0231) 818032; Fax: 818031 Established: 1993; Chair: Erwin Eisenhardt 07616 Tabea-Haus, c/o Evangelisches Pfarramt, Hauptstr 29, 14974 Ahrensdorf Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 07617 Kar) und Wally Tänzer-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Vor dem Tore 1, 37181 Hardegsen Established: 1984 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Landsc 07618 Tafelkultur-Stiftung, Auf der Kömerwiese 21, 60322 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 550939; Fax: 5971755 Established: 1995; Chair: Knut Günther Assets: DM 320.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 07619 Tag der hundert Alten, c/o Stadt Ettenheim, Bürgermeisteramt, Postfach 280, 77951 Ettenheim T: (07822) 43220; Fax: 43250 Established: 1936 Assets: DM 15.640,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07620 Dr. med. Erich und Ella Tancré-Stiftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes GutenbergUniversität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen @verwaltung.uni-mainz.de Established: 1965; Donor(s): Dr. Ella Tañeré Limitations: Scholarships to graduates at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz only Focus: Schol; Med 07621 TAU-STIFTUNG Franziskanische Initiative für ein christliches Europa, Jungfemweg 1, 47799 Krefeld T: (02151) 6071360; Fax: 60713639; E-Mail: TauStiftung® gmx.de Established: 1999; Chair: Schwester Alfonsa Fischer, Donor(s): Franziskus-Schwestern Muttertiaus Krefeld e.V. Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Rei; SocW; Sen; Child; Nurs; Home; Eur 07622 Anni Taube-Stiftung, Alstertor 23, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 30217216; Fax: 30217354 Established: 1986; Donops): Anni Taube Limitations: Grants to needy musicians and singers in Hamburg only Focus: SocW 07623 Taubstummenanstalt in Hamburg, Bemadottestr 126, 22605 Heide Τ: (040) 8807031 Established: 1826 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Deafs 07624 Wilhelmine Tausend-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Dresdner Private Banking Inland, Neckarstr 7· 9, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26312150; Fax: 26312145 Established: 1994; Donops): Wilhelmine Tausend Assets: DM 1.900.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07625 Taxistiftung Deutschland. Zeißetstr 11, 60318 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 9596150; Fax: 9591520 Established: 1991; Chair: Hans Meißner, Secy: Tilomas Grätz Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 45.000,· Limitations; Grants to needy German taxi drivers only Focus: SocW 07626 Technologiestiftung Brandenburg, c/o Haus der Wirtschaft, Schlaatzweg 1, 14473 Potsdam Τ: (0331) 2778277; Fax: 2778100 Established: 1998; Chair Dr. Andreas TimmerTnann, Donops): Der Minister für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Technologie des Landes Brandenburg Limitations: Grants in the state of Brandenburg only Focus: Eng 07627
Germany: Thiedemann-Blindenstiftung
Technologiestiftung Innovattonszentmm Berlin, Fasanenstr 85, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 46302-504; Fax: 46302444; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-Jl www.technologiestiftung-berlin.iJe Established: 1987 Assets: DM 1.500.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Eng 07628
Weihbischof Dr. Emst Tewes-Stlftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Weihbischof Dr. Emst Tewes Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Rei 07643
Technologiestiftung Schleswig-Holstein, Lorentzendamm 21, 24103 Kiel Τ: (0431) 519370; Fax: 5193737; E-Mail: info© tsh.de Established: 1991 Assets: DM 74.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 7.600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.700.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of SchleswigHolstein only Focus: Eng 07629
textllgruppe-hof Stiftung zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke in der Stadt Hof, Postfach 1529, 95014 Hof T: (09281) 490; Fax: 49251 Established: 1986 Assets: DM 600.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hof only Focus: Cult 07644
Fritz Tecklenborg-Stlftung, Leuchtenburger Str 61, 28790 Schanewede Established: 1967 Focus: Educ; IntU; Youth; SocW . . . . 07630 Caria Teigeler-Peters-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Waiter Teigeier Limitations; Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Hand 07631 Teikyo Foundation (Germany), Schmöckwitzer Damm, 12527 Berlin T: (030) 6759338; Fax: 6759238 Established; 1993; Secy: Dr. Peter Sander, Donor(s): Teikyo Education Foundation Japan Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Res; Cult; IntU; Educ; Scie . . . 07632 Carl Tempel-Stiftung, Hauptstr 1, 38325 Roklum Limitations: Grants in Roklum only Focus: Cult; Sports; SocW 07633 Tempelhof Beschützende Werkstätte und Wohnhelm, 74594 Kreßberg Established: 1983 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 07634 J. Wilhelm Tenten-Stiftung, Kesselgasse 5, 53111 Bonn Τ: (0228) 636375; Fax: 636375; Internet: http:// www.tenten-stiftung.de Established: 1985; Donor(s): Jakob Wilhelm und Edith Tenten Expenditures: DM 815.000,Limitations; Grants in Bonn only Focus: SocW 07635 Fritz ter Meer-Stiftung, c/o Bayer AG, 51368 Leverkusen Τ: (0214) 3081037; Fax: 3061551 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Bayer AG Assets: DM 1.782.452,-, Expenditures: DM 110.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; NatS 07636 Fritz Terfloth-Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, 48012 Münster, Postfach 2567 T: (0251) 924090; Fax: 9240920 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Erica Terfloth Expenditures: DM 250.000,· Focus: Arts; Music; Med; Food . . . . 07637 Heinrich Tessenow-Stiftung, Erdkampsweg 41, 22335 Hamburg T: (040) 590210 Established: 1966; Donops): Tessenow-Gesellschaft Expenditures: DM 12.000,· Focus: Schol; Town; Mon 07638 Hans-Joachim Tessner-Sttftung, Breite Str 89, 38640 Gosslar T: (05321) 34750 Established: 1990 Assets: DM 344.000,Focus: Arts; Cult 07639 Jobst Friedrich von Tetzel'sche Stiftung in Nürnberg, Burg Grünsberg, 90518 Altdorf T: (09187) 41121; Fax: 41121 Established: 1612; Donor(s): Jobst Friedrich Tetzel Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the von Volckamer and von Stromer families only Focus: Mon 07640 Alfred Teufel-Stlftung, HOgelstr 11, 72202 Nagold Τ: (07452) 681222; Fax: 681210 Established: 1959; Donor(s): Senator Alfred Teufel Assets: DM 2.517.566,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Tübingen, Stuttgart and Nagold only Focus: Res; Uni; Sen 07641 Reinhold und Maria Teufel-Stiftung Tuttlingen, Postfach 4753, 78512 Tuttlingen Τ: (07461) 99238; Fax: 99388 Established: 1974; Chair: Oberbürgermeister HeinzJürgen Koloczek, Secy: Bernd Beyerbach, Dortor(s): Dr. Reinhold und Maria Teufel Assets: DM 5.100.000,·, Receipts: DM 120.000,·, Expenditures: DM 110,000,Limitations: Scholarships to members up to 32 years of Universität Tübingen only Focus: Schol; Law; Biol 07642
Emma Thaler-Stlftung, c/o Kinderklinik der Universität München, Lindwurmstr 4, 80337 München T: (089) 51605149; Fax: 51604495 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Emma Thaler Assets: DM 760.000,-, Expenditures: DM 27.300,Limitations: Grants to Universität München only Focus: Ped; Uni 07645 Elisabeth und Fritz Thayssen-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75 , 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885980; Fax; 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschjtz.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Elisabeth und Fritz Thayssen Limitations: Predetermined grants in Erfurt only Focus: Mon 07646 Adolf Theis-Stiftung, c/o Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Tübingen e.V., Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen T: (07071) 2975995; Fax: 295995; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.uni-tuebingen.de Established: 1995 Limitations: Prizes and scholarships to students and young scientists at the Universität Tübingen and in East Europe, Latin America and developing countries only. Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; IntU; Schol; East; Am . 07647 Familie Walter Theisen-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1985; Donor(s): Walter und Liselott Theisen Assets: DM 2.189.000,-, Expenditures: DM 109.000,Focus: Sen; Fam 07648 Theologenfonds der Diözese RottenburgStuttgart, Eugen-Bolz-Pl 1, 72108 Rottenburg am Neckar Limitations: Scholarships to students in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart only Focus: Schol; Rei 07649 Therese von Bayern-Stiftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1997 Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Prizes to female scientists at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat München only Focus: Scie; Res; Worn 07650 Thereslanum-Stlftung, Oberer Laubenheimer Weg 58, 55131 Mainz T: (06131) 982440; Fax: 982444; E-Mail: Stiftung ©theres.mz. rp.schule.de; Internet: http:// www.uni-mainz.de/schulen/Tiieresianum Established: 1980; Chair: Alois Nilles, Donor(s): Alois Nilles Assets: DM 1.650.000,-, Expenditures: DM 120.000,Limitations: Grants to Theresianum in Mainz only Focus: Educ 07651 Theresienspital-Stiftung, Steinstr 2, 97688 Bad Kissingen Τ: (0971) 8060; Fax: 806200 Established: 1B33 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Health; Nurs 07652 Thibus-Sttftung, c/o Stadt Wuppertal, Der Oberbürgermeister, Wegnerstr, 42275 Wuppertal T: (0202) 5636596; Fax: 5638032 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Hermann und Elsa Thibus Assets: DM 32.200,·, Receipts: DM 4.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in Wuppertal only Focus: SocW 07653 Richard Thiedemann-Blindenstiftung, Sierichstr 41, 22301 Hamburg Established: 1976; Donor(s): Anne-Liese Gieien Assets: DM 6.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 155.000,Focus: Scie; Res; Cult 07654
Germany: Thieding-Stiftung
07655 - 07712
Friedrich Thieding-Stiftung des Hartmannbundes, Godesberger Allee 54, 53175 Bonn T: (0228) 81040; Fax: 8104155 Established: 1972 Assets: DM 800.000,Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Med; Health 07655 Heinz und Erna Thieke-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1999; Donops}: Erna Thieke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: AnímP 07656 Anneliese und Hans Thiel-Fonds für Friedensarbeit, Comeriiusstr 77, 60389 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 453933 Established: 1989; Chair: Dr. Hans Thiel. Donor(s): Anneliese Thiel, Hans Thiel Assets: DM 8.000,-, Receipts: DM 500,·, Expenditures: DM 500,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Peace 07657 Georg Thieme-Gedâchtnisstlftung, Gerokstr 13b, 70184 Stuttgart Established: 1966; Donor(s): Johanna Thieme, Ema Fürst Focus: Med; NatS 07658 Thieme-Stiftung zur Förderung von Künstlern, c/o Ulrike Schettler, Altenbeuer PI 11, 01277 Dresden T: (0351) 2517590 Established: 1996; Donor{s): Liane Toska Schwenke geb. Thieme Assets: DM 500.000,Limitations: Grants in the state oí Sachsen only Focus: Arts; Cult 07659 Karl Thiemig-Stiftung, Sankt-Anna-PI 3, 80358 München Established: 1985 Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Scie; Mon 07660 Richard und Frieda Thienhaus-Stlftung, ludwigBeck-Str 43, 68163 Mannheim T: (0621) 817144, 21722; Fax: 825647, 20808 Established: 1965 Assets: DM 540.000,Focus: SocW 07661 Familienstiftung von Valentin Thierer, Montaiweg 22, 89547 Gussenstadt Established: 1914 Limitations: Grants to members of the Thierer family only Focus: Fam 07662 Claus-Jürgen Thies-Stlftung, Emser PI 5b, 10719 Berlin T: (030) 86341404; Fax: 86397530 Established: 1997; Chair: Claus-Jürgen Thies, Donor(s): Claus-Jürgen Thies Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Grants in Berlin only Focus: Voc 07663 Car! und Elisabeth Thlesen-Stiftung Bad Berneck im Fichtelgebirge, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Bahnhofstr 77, 95460 Bad Bemeck T: (09273) 890; Fax: 8936 Established: 1919; Donor(s): Carl und Elisabeth Thiesen Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants to needy Protestants in Bad Bemeck only Focus: SocW 07664 Tholuck'sche Konvikt-Stiftung, c/o Evangelisches Konsistorium der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Am Dom 2, 39104 Magdeburg Established: 1894 Limitations: Scholarships to Protestant students only Focus: Schol; Rei 07665 Forstamtmann Max Thoma-Stittung, c/o Fachhochschule Weihenstephan, Freising, 85350 Τ: (08161) 713692; Fax: 714526 Established: 1980; Chair: Prof. H. Zwölfer, Donor(s): Forstamtmann Max Thoma Assets: DM 31.653,-, Expenditures: DM 1.700,· Limitations: Grants to members of Fachhochschule Weihenstephan only Focus: Schol; For 07666 Thomä'sche Familienstiftung, Emilienstr 25, 04107 Leipzig Established: 1851 Limitations: Grants to members of the Thomä family only Focus: Fam 07667 Oscar Thomann'sche Stiftung, do Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1983; Donops): Oscar Thomann Assets: DM 75.000,-, Receipts: DM 5.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Sen; Youth 07668
Thomas-Stfftung, Mûlgauweg 3, 47906 Kempen Τ: (02152) 510477; Fax: 30049 Established: 1980; Donorts): Heinrich und Chrisline Kiefer Focus: Lit 07669 Thonhausen'sche-Sttftung, Neustr 5, 46399 Bocholt Τ: (02871) 30339, 14215 Established: 1900; Chair Kail-Heinz Schwaiberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07670 Irene Thordsen-Stlftung fOr die TheodorStorm-Gesellschaft, Roosens Weg 8, 22605 Hamburg Established: 1995 Focus: Ut 07671 Thorhauer-Famlllenstfftung, NkJderstr 98-102, 60329 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2561301 Limitations: Grants to members of the Thorhauer family only Focus: Fam 07672 Stiftung ThQnte, c/o Museum Heimathaus Münsterland, Herenstr 2, 46291 Telgte Τ: (02504) 93120; Fax: 7919; E-Mail: museum θ telgte.de; Internet: http://www,telgte.de Established; 1995; Secy: Dr. Thomas Ostendorf, Donor(s): Aloys ThQnte Assets: DM 50.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.500,Limitations: Grants in Telgte only Focus: Cult; SocW; Hum 07673 Thüringer Industriebetelligungs-Fonds, c/o Thüringer Aufbaubank, Europapl 5, 99091 Erfurt T: (0361) 7447210; Fax: 7447213 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Freistaat Thüringen Limitations: Grants in the state of Thüringen only Focus: Econ 07674 Fürstlich Thum und Taxlsscher Unterstützungsfonds, Postfach 110246, 93015 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 50480; Fax: 5048555 Established: 1954 Assets: DM 590.000,-, Expenditures: DM 142.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of the Princes von Thum und Taxis only Focus: SocW 07675 Thumeysen-Spende, c/o Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Bonn, An der Schloßkirche 2, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 737692; Fax: 737696 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Vema/n Hull Assets: DM 13,200,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Indo 07676 Trudelotte Thyssen-Stiftung, Mörfelder Landstr 117, 60598 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 6300010; Fax: 635522; E-Mail: westspi© aol.com Established: 1986; Secy: Dr. Manfred Westpfahl, Donops): Trudelotte Thyssen Assets: DM 395.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants in Germany only Focus: MultS 07677 Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Am Römerturm 3, 50667 Köln Τ: (0221) 2575051; Fax: 2575092; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fritz-thyssensliftung.de Established: 1959; Chain Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Liesen, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolf Lepenies, Secy: Jürgen Chr. Regge, Donops): Amélie Thyssen, Anita Gräfin Zichy-Thyssen Assets: DM 280.000.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to German Universities only Focus: Schol; Scie 07678 Jula Thyssen-Stiftung, Friedrichsir 40, 45468 Mühlheim Τ: (0208) 992180; Fax: 9921828 Established: 1963; Donor(s): Jula Thyssen Focus: Fam 07679 August Thyssen-Stiftung Schloß Landsberg, August-Thyssen-Str 1, 45219 Essen Assets: DM 819.000,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 07680 Tldeke Winkelmann Testament, Poststr 2, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 345656 Established: 1479; Secy: Dr. Hetbert Aschenfeldt Focus: SocW 07681 Oscar Tiefenthal-Gedachtnls-Sttftung, Angerstr 4, 22087 Hamburg T: (040) 24683423 Established: 1971 Focus: Voc 07682 Tierschutz-Stiftung, Buchenstr 14, 86343 Königsbrunn Established: 1977; Secy: Dr. Gerhardt Limitations: Grants in Kôntgsbrunn only Focus: AnimP
Tlerschutzverein-Stiftung Wilhelmshaven der Bürger Wilhelmshaven und Umgebung, Am Neuender Busch 18, 26386 Wilhelmshaven T: (04421) 82402; Fax: 8602 Established: 1988; Chair: Rolf Hensel Assets: DM 210.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: AnimP 07684 Ttorseuchenforschungssttftung, Angeiburger Allee 51, 14055 Berlin Established: 1920; Secy: Dr. Gisbert Wenzel Focus: Vet 07685 Tllebeln-Sttftung Stettin-Zöllchow, c/o Pommersche Landsmannschaft, Wilhelminenstr 47-49, 24103 Kiel T: (0431) 553804 Established: 1689; Secy: Horst Wartenberg, Donops): Sophie Caroline A. Tilebein Assets; DM 64.660,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Linidations: Grants to needy German old ladies, who lived formerly in Stettin (Pommerania) Focus: Sen 07686 Karl und Ulli Till-Stiftung, c/o Bayerische Vereinsbank AG, Tillypl 15. 84503 Attötting Established: 1998; Donor(s): Ulli Ti II, Karl Till Limitations: Grants in Allotting only Focus: Music; Schol 07687 Anna und Ferdinand Tlllmann-Sttftung, Stockumer Str 42, 59846 Sundem Established: 1998 07688 Tlmoshenko-Föppl-Stiftung der Technischen Universität München, do Technische Universität München, Arcisstr 21, 80333 München T; (089) 28922249; Fax: 28922297 Established: 1964; Donops): Prof. Dr. Stephan P. Timoshenko Assets: DM 42.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.800,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität München only Focus: Eng; Schol 07689
Alfred Toepfer-Stittung F.V.S., Georgspl 10, 20099 Hamburg T: (040) 334020; Fax: 335660; E-Mail: maiidtoepfer-fvs.de; Internet: http^/www.toepferfvs.de Established: 1931; Chair Birte Toepfer, Donor(s): Dr. h.c. Alfred Toepfer Assets: DM 180.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 9.005.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany and Europe only Focus: Eur Schol; Cult; Agrie; Fon Mon; Town; Archrt; Landsc; Germ; Slav; Ecol . . . . 07699 Stiftung Tolkemtta, c/o PrulBenzentrum Vogelsang, Wei1(Str 4, 64807 Dieburg Τ: (06071) 22300 Established: 1987; Chair: Olaf Knafla, Donor(s): Ruth und Gerd Kaufmann Assets: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants to research of Prussian culture only Focus: Cult; Mon 07700 Hermann Tonding Gedächtnis Stiftung, Huyssenailee 44, 45128 Essen T: (0201) 245150; Fax: 24515-50 Established: 1983
Torfmoor Schopfloch-Stiftung, Eduard-Mörike-Str 96, 73266 ßissingen Τ: (07023) 2414; Fax: 2414 Established: 1983; Chair Heinz Dangel, Secy: Heinz Dangel, Donor(s): Heinz Dangel, Dr. Schönamsgruber, G. Schneider Limitations: Applications not i Focus: Ecol 07702 Torkuhl'sche Famlllenstfftung, Rheinallee 2 b, 53639 Königswinter Τ: (02223) 4180 Established: 1986; Dortor(s): Edith und HansJoachim Torkuhl Limitations: Grants to members of the Torkuhl family only Focus: Fam 07703
Lisbeth und Hans-Georg Tinneberg Stiftung, Stubbenhuk 3, 20459 Hamburg T: (040) 3749450; Fax: 37494511 Established: 1994 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: AnimP; Youth; Sports 07690
Tourtual'sche FamlllenstJftung, Prozessionsweg 70, 48145 Münster Donor(s): Auguste Scheffer-Boichhorst geb. Tourtual Limitations: Grants to members of the Tourtual family only Focus: Fam 07704
Stiftung Rudolph von der Tinnen, Klosterstr 13, 48143 Münster T: (0251) 484960; Fax: 4849649; E-Mail: tinnen@ muenster.de Established: 1688; Donops): Rudolph von der Tinnen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07691
Towae-Stiftung, Schmeilweg 5, 69118 Heidelberg T: (06221) 91220; Fax: 167257 Established: 1990; Chair: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Grohs, Secy: Dr. Hans Diefenbacher, Donops): Friedrich Towae Assets: DM 2.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Peace; IntU 07705
Cari Todt-SÖftung, Hoibeinstr 7, 12205 Berlin T; (030) 8333583 Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants to Gymnasium Steglitz in Berlin only. Applications not accepted Focus; Educ; Libr 07692
Toyota Deutschland Stiftung, Toyota-Allee 2, 50420 Köln Τ: (02234) 1020; Fax: 10270; E-Mail: Dietrich.Hartmann @Toyota.de; Internet: httpj! www.toyota.de Established: 1994; Donops); Toyota Deutschland GmbH Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Germany only Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Schol 07706
Adolf Todt-Sttftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmitlei, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 3749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: stiftu [email protected] Established: 1973; Donops): Helene Todt Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at the Universität Mainz only Focus: Schol; Chem 07693 Architekt Gerhard Tôlle-Sttftung, RCittenscheider Str 120, 45131 Essen Established: 1997 Focus: Educ 07694 Julius Tônebôn-Sttftung, Fischbecker Str 31, 31785 Hameln Τ: (05151) 7970; Fax: 797197; Internet: http-Jl www.toeneboen-stiftung.de Established: 1942; Chair: D. Joschka, Secy: H. Schneider. Donor(s): Julius Törtebön Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07695 Tönisvorster Sparkassenstiftung, Postfach 2750, 47727 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 682051; Fax: 682100; Internet: http:// www.sparkasse-krefeld.de Established: 1992; Chair Lothar Bimbrich, Donor(s): Sparkasse Krefeld Assets: DM 8.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 450.000,Limitations: Grants in Tönisvorst only Focus: Cult; Sen; Health; Youth . . . . 07696 Tönjes-Vagt-Stiftung, Baumwollbörse, 28195 Bremen Τ: (0421) 339530; Fax: 326465 Established: 1983; Secy: Dr. Eberhard Haas, Donops): Georg-Tönjes Vagt Assets: DM 2.500.000,-, Receipts: DM 470.000,-, Expenditures: DM 470.000,Focus: Vir 07697 Cari Toepfer-Stifhing, Peterstr 28, 20355 Hamburg T: (040) 344564; Fax: 351669 Established: 1936; Chair Hans-Jürgen Heinrich, Secy: Wera Schmidt, Oonor(s): Alfred Toepfer Assets: DM 22.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Mon; Ecol 07698
Max-Traeger-Stlftung, Reifenberger Str 21, 60489 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 789730; Fax: 78973202; E-Mail: stürme® gew.de; Internet: http://www.gew.de Established: 1960; Chair Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, Secy: Ulrich Hinz, Donor(s): Max Traeger Assets: DM 110.000,-, Expenditures: DM 466.000,Focus: Educ; Uni 07707 Ingeborg Trahms-Radloff-Stiftung, Weinbergstr 15, 76530 Baden-Baden Τ: (07221) 33604; Fax: 33644 Established: 1993; Donops): Ingeborg TrahmsRadloff Assets: DM 300.000,Focus: Hous; Schol 07708 Peter-Trapp-Sttftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1999; Donops): Rita Trapp Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Epil 07709 Trapp-Stiftung, Annastr 7, 60322 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 1505040; Fax: 15050440 Secy: Dr. Ettrich O77J0 Professor Traub-Stlftung, Friedrich-Ebert-Str 29, 70191 Stuttgart T: (0711) 1212770; Fax: 1212777, 2579302; E-Mail: heitert,traub§po.uni-stuttgart.de; Internet: httpji www.kunst.uni-stuttgart.de Established: 1996 Focus: Arts 07711 Trebuth-Sttftung zur Nachwuchsförderung In der Philosophie, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http;// www.stifterverband.cle Established: 1989; Donops): Dr. Gerhard und Ilse Trebuth Assets: DM 124.160,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000.· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Phil 07712
Hans und Gerda Tremml-Sttftung, c/o Innere Mission, Landsfiuter Allee 40, 80637 München Τ: (089) 12699111; Fax: 12699168 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Hans und Gerda Tremml Limitations: Grants to an old people's home in Grünwald only Focus: Sen 07713 Dr. Marlene Trentwedel-Stiftung, Rathausmarkt 1, 27432 Bremervörde Τ: (04761) 987140; Fax: 987176 Established: 1985; Chair Rainer Brandt, Donops): Friedrich Trentwedel Assets: DM 150.000,-, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants to painters, sculptors and architects in the region of Hamburg-BremenCuxhaven only Focus: Arts; Archit 07714 General Hermann von Tresckow'sche FamilienStiftung, Comehlsweg 17, 22359 Hamburg Established: 1806 Limitations: Grants to members of the von Treskow family Focus: Fam 07715 Dr. Josef und Else Treutinger-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Regensburg, Postfach 110643, 93019 " Established: 1999; Donor(s): Else Treutinger Limitations: Grants to community museums in Regensburg only Focus: Aits; Cult 07716 Kunststiftung Hann Trier, Gwnackerweg 10, 53894 Mechernich Τ: (02484) 1525 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Hann Trier Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Aits 07717 Trierer Sportstiftung 1904, Rathaus, Am Augustinerhof, 54290 Trier Τ: (0651) 7182030 Established: 1984; Secy: Georg Bemarding, Donor(s): Horst Lachmund Assets: DM 167.480,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Limitations: Grants in Trier only Focus: Sports 07718 Trieschmann-Stiftung, Weserpfad 23, 34346 Hann. Münden Established: 1962; Chair: Raimund Trieschmann Focus: Sen; Nurs 07719 Trlumph-Adler-Stiftung Kinder in Not, Ludwig· Qanghofer-Str 6, 82031 Grünwald Τ: (089) 6419020; Fax: 64190290 Established: 1996; Secy: Dr. Thomas Bûhler, Donor(s): TA Triumph-Adler AG Expenditures: DM 70.000,Focus: Child 07720 Stiftung Adam von Trott-Imshausen, Redtenbacherstr 11, 45133 Essen T: (0201) 8417358; Fax: 8417359 Established: 1986; Chair: Dr. B. Freiherr von Falkenhausen, Donops): Angelika Freifrau von Falkenhausen Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: SocW; Rei; Mon; Ecol 07721 Heinz Trox-Stfftung, Heinrich-Trox-PI, 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn T: (02845) 2020 Established: 1991; Chair Heinz Trox, Donor(s): Heinz Trox Assets: DM 4.011.000,Focus: SocW; Scie 07722 Georg Trutschier-von Falkenstein-Stiftung, Kurze Sir 17, 50858 Köln Established: 1966 07723 Klaus Tschira Stiftung, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, 69118 Heidelberg T: (06221) 533101; Fax: 533199; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:·" www.villa-bosch.d6/kts/ Established: 1995; Donor(s): Dr. h.c. Klaus Tschira Expenditures: DM 10.800.000,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Health; Youth; Sports; Cult; Arts; Mon; Educ; Dev 07724 TSV-Stiftung-SportfÖrderung, Auenweg 21, 71701 Schwieberdingen Established: 1990; Secy: Wolfgang Widmann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sports 07725 Dr. Lorenz Tucher'sche Stiftung, Elbinger Str 20, 90491 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 515569; Fax: 515532; E-Mail: Tucher.Stiftung θ t-online.de Established: 1503; Dooor(s): Dr. Lorenz Tucher Limitations: Grants to members of the Tücher family and to cultural activities in the region of Franken only Focus: Fam; Cuft 07726 Kurt Tucholsky-Stiftung, Speersort 8, 20095 Hamburg Τ: (040) 331819; Fax: 30392000 Established: 1969; Chair Prof. Dr. Fntz J. Raddatz, Donops): Mary Tucholsky Limitations: Scholarships nationally and internationally Focus: Schol; Lit; IntU; Educ 07727
07713 - 07767
TQbinger Stipendienstiftung, Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tübingen Established: 1960 Limitations: Scholarships, grants and prizes to studente at Universität Tübingen only Focus: Schol 07728 Tübinger Universitätsstiftung, Wilhelmstr 7, 72074 Tubingen Established; 1928 Assets: DM 2.164.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Tübingen only Focus: Uni 07729 Paul TQrck-Stlftung, do Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1958; Donor(s): Margarete Türck Assets: DM 6.500,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Warv 07730 Türkisch-Deutsche Gesundheitsstiftung e.V., Friednchstr 13, 35392 Gießen T: (0641) 77511; Fax: 75653 Established: 1988; Chair: Dr. Yasar Bilgin, Secy: Α. Gediz Limitations: Grants to Turks in Germany only Focus: Health; Card; Cult; IntU . . . . 0773Í TÜV Saarland Stiftung, c/o BTD Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Am TÚV 1, 66260 Sulzbach T: (06897) 506100; Fax: 506218; E-Mail: J. althoff Ôtuv-saar.de; Internet: http jl www.tuev.saar.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): TÛV Saarland e.V., BTD Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Focus: Eng 07732 Tumorzentrum München-Stiftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (069) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1997 Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants to Tumorzentrum München only Focus: Cane 07733 Elisabeth Tunner-Hartmann-Stlftung, Fuhrberger Str, 30625 Hannover Established: 1990; Donor(s): Elisabeth TunnerHartmann Assets: DM 6.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Hand 07734 Familienstiftung von Twlckel, 46326 Havixbeck, Postfach 1253 T: (02507) 54299; Fax: 2209; E-Mail: TwickelHav0t-online.de Established: 1850; Donor(s): Franziska Freifrau von Τ w>ckel Limitations: Grants to members of the von Twickel family only Focus: Fam 07735 Erich von Tzeven-Testament, Warburgstr 50, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 414030; Fax: 41403130 Established: 1424; Donor(s): Erich von Tzeven Focus: Worn 07736 Otto Ubbelohde-Stiftung, Otto-Ubbelohde-Weg 30, 35094 Goßfelden Τ: (0641) 63326 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Else UbbelohdeDoering Assets: DM 4.475.000,·, Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07737 Fritz und Eugenie (jbeihâr-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stacft.nuemberg.de Established: 1970; Donor(s): Dr. Fritz und Eugenie Übelhär Assets: DM 192.626,·, Receipts: DM 115.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants to Citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Schol 07738 ÜWU-Arbeitnehmer-Walsensttftung, c/o Überlandwerit Unterfranken AG, Postfach 6680, 97064 Wüizburg Established: 1964 Assets: DM 850.000,Limitations: Grants to orphans of former employees of Clbertandwerk Unterfranken AG (WQrzburg) only Focus: Orp 07739 Kail Uhimann'sche Friedensstiftung 1919, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Schloßpi 1, 83646 Bad Tölz Τ: (08041) 504300; Fax: 72266; Internet: http:// www.bad-toelz.cle Established: 1924; Donor(s): Cari Uhlmann Expenditures: DM 45.000,Limitations: Grants in Bad Tölz only Focus: Child 07740 UlC-SWtung Vereinigung Intereuropäischer Kooperation, c/o Rechtsanwalt Joachim Lederte, Hermann-Dietrich-Str 4, 77694 Kehl T: (07851) 77227; Fax: 1061 Established: 1995; Donops): Richard Vautier Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Eur 07741
Dr.-Jürgen-Ulderup-Stiftung, Postfach 1446, 49443 Lemförde Τ: (05474) 603010; Fax: 603019 Established: 19Θ3; Secy: Gerhard Behrendt, Donops): Dr. Jürgen Ulderup, Irmgard Ulderup Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Adult; Uni; Schol; Ecol 07742 Irmgaid-Ulderup-Stlftung, Wiesental 21, 32351 Stemwede-Haldem Τ: (05474) 60245; Fax: 60245 Established: 1998 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: NatS; Eng; Educ 07743 Dr. Klaus-Ullmann-Stiftung, Dollendorfer Str 412, 53639 Königswinter Τ: (02102) 965200; Fax: 60178 Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Albrecht Tyrell, Donor(s): Dr. Klaus Ullmann Assets: DM 130.00,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Grants to Silesian cultural institutions in Germany only Focus: Cult 07744 Max, Erika und Erna Ullrich-Stiftung, c/o Commerzbank AG, Stiftungsverwalter, ZPK Erbund Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60261 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 13624427; Fax: 13624502; E-Mail: sigrunfiege @ commerzbank.com Established: 2000; Donor(s): Max Ullrich Limitations: Grants in Görlitz and Bad Muskau only Focus: Youth; Child 07745 Ulmer Burger Stiftung, c/o Stadt Ulm, Rathaus, 89070 Ulm T: (0731) 1611000, 1611110; Fax; 1611643; E-Mail: Stadt [email protected] Established: 1997; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Ivo Gönner, Donor(s): Ulmer Bürgerinnen, Stadt Ulm Limitations: Grants in Ulm only Focus: SocW; Educ; IntU; Ecol; Youth; Sen; Health 07746 Freiherr von Ulner'sche Stiftung, c/o Landratsamt Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Kurfürsten-Anlage 40, 69115 Heidelberg T: (06221) 522347, 522340; Fax: 522705 Established: 1367; Donor(s): Hildegund von Weinheim Expenditures: DM 152.000,Umitations: Grants to needy people in the district of Rhein-Neckar-Kreis only Focus: SocW 07747 Hilde-Ulrichs-Stiftung für Parkinsonforschung - International -, Entenfang 7, 61197 Florstadt Τ: (06035) 970306; Fax: 970307; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.paikinsonweb.com Established: 1997; Donor(s): Parkinson-Selbsthilfe Schneckenhaus e.V. Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Neur 07748 Dr.-Rolf-Umbach-Stlftung, Bemhard-von-Cotta-Str 4, 09599 Freiberg Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: NatS; Eng; Educ 07749 Franziska Umfahrer-Stiftung. c/o Stadt Schrobenhausen, Finanzverwaltung, Postfach 1360, 66523 Schrobenhausen Τ: (08252) 90220; Fax: 90225 Established: 1967; Chain 1. Bürgermeister Josef Plöckl, Donor(s): Franziska Umfahrer Limitations: Grants in Schrobenhausen only Focus: Sen; Cult; Educ 07750 Umverteilen! Stiftung für eine solidarische Welt, Mehringdamm 50, 10961 Berlin T: (030) 7659644; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: IntU; Youth; Educ; Ecol; Dev . . 0775J Umweltpartnerschaft mit Ungarn, GeheimratGerster-Sir 3, 35619 Braunfels Τ: (06442) 6800 Established: 1995; Secy: Joachim Schmidt Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: Ecol; East 07752 Umweitprele der Kreissparkasse Calw, Marktstr 7-11, 75365 Calw Τ: (07051) 9321201; Fax: 9321102 Established: 1995; Chair Hans-Wemer Kôblitz, Donor(s): Kreisspaikasse Calw Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Prizes in Germany only Focus: Ecol 07753 Umweltstiftung der Bl-Westernach, Eichhölzle 3, 74635 Kupferzell Established: 1995; Donor(s): Verein gegen die 2. Sonderabfallverbrennungsanlage in BadenWürttemberg/Hohenlohe e.V. Limitations: Grants in the region of Hohenlohe only Focus: Eco! 07754 Die Umweltstiftung der Hamburgischen Electrldtâts-Werke, c/o Hamburgische Electricitäts-Weike AG, Juristischer Dienst, Mittelweg 147, 20148 Hamburg Focus: Ecol 07755
Germany: Unser-Stiftung
Umweltstiftung der ostwestfälischen Wirtschaft, Postfach 100363, 33503 Bielefeld T: (0521) 554200; Fax: 554170 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Umweltinitiativen der Wirtschaft in Ostwestfalen, IHK Ostwestfalen zu Bielefeld Assets: DM 565.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 07756 Umweltstiftung Greenpeace, Große Elbstr 39, 22767 Hamburg T: (040) 30618234; Fax: 3809506; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1999; Chair. Melanie Stöhr, Donor(s): Greenpeace e.V. Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Ecol; AnimP 07757 Umweltstiftung Weser-Ems, Kiebitzweg 6, 26205 Hatten-Sandkrug T: (04481) 8969; Fax: 7494; Internet: http:// www.umweltstrftungweser-ems.de Established: 1989; Secy: Herr E. Tewes, Donor(s): Eheleute Brunken Assets: DM 100.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Weser-Ems only Focus: Ecol 07758 Umweltstiftung WWF Deutschland, Rebstöcker Str 55 , 60326 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 791440; Fax: 617221; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http^/www.wwf.dr Established: 1963; Chair Carl-Albrecht von Treuenfels, Secy: Dr. Georg Schwede Assets: DM 16.500.000,·, Receipts: DM 34.700.000,·, Expenditures: DM 32.600.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Ecol; AnimP; Waste 07759 U N E S C O Institut für Pädagogik, Feldbrunnenstr 58, 20148 Hamburg Τ: (040) 4480410; Fax: 4107723 4107723; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.unesco.org/ education.uie Established: 1951; Donor(s): UNESCO Paris Assets: DM 1.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.478.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07760 Paul Ungerer-Stiftung, c/o Degussa-Hüls AG, Wei frauenstr 9, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2182305 Established: 1982; Donor(s): Dr. Paul Werner Ungerer Expenditures: DM 12.900,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 07761 Emil Alfons und Ulla Ungrlcht Stiftung, Karstr 90, 41066 Mönchengladbach Τ: (02161) 3590 Established: 2000; Donor(s): Emil Alfons und Ulla Ungricht Limitations: Grants to employees of A.+E. Ungricht GmbH & Co. KG (Mönchengladbach) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07762 UNICEF-Stiftung, Höninger Weg 104, 50969 Köln Τ: (0221) 93650220; Fax: 93650287 Donor(s): Deutsches Komitee für UNICEF e.V. Expenditures: DM 1.834.000,· Limitations: Grants to Deutsches Komitee für UNICEF e.V. only Focus: Child 07763 Stiftungsfonds Unilever, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenaliee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 6401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1972; Donops): Deutsche Unilever GmbH Assets: DM 6.970.230,·, Expenditures: DM 462.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res 07764 Universitätsstiftung Pro Arte, Im Gewerbepark C 25, 93059 Regensburg T: (0941) 4008121; Fax: 4008197; E-Mail: k.moro® dv.gp.viel.de Established: 1994; Chair Thomas Klingelhöfer, Secy: Rolf Schäfer, Dr. Horst Kuchinka, Donor(s): Dr, Helmut Altner Assets: DM 250.000,-, Receipts: DM 14.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Regensburg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Uni 07765 P.G. Unna-Stiftung, Springstr 64, 37077 Göttingen Τ: (0551) 383300; Fax: 3833033; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1969; Chair Dr. M. Ippen, Donor(s): Dr. Margot Ippen, Dr. Hellmut Ippen Assets: DM 900.000,-, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Focus: Derm; Allerg 07766 Unser-Stiftung, c/o Deutscher Caritasverband e.V., Karlstr 40, 79104 Freiburg Τ: (0761) 200302; Fax: 200608 Established: 1994; Secy: Dr. Robert Batkiewicz, Donops): Dr. Kurt Unser Assets: DM 3.200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 270.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07767
Germany: Unterfränkische
Unterfränkische Gedenkjahrstiftung für Wissenschaft, c/o Regierung von Unteriranken, Peterpl 9, 97070 Würzburg T: (0931) 380257; Fax: 3802926 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Freistaat Bayern, Unterfränkische Städte und Landkreise Assets: DM 505.300,·, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie 07768 Unterfränkische Kutturstiflung. c/o Bezirk Unterfranken, Silcherstr 5, 97074 Würzburg T: (0931) 7959609; Fax: 7959699; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Donor(s): Bezirk Unterfranken Expenditures: DM 4.010.000,· Limitations: Grants in the governmental district of Unterfranken only Focus: Cult 07769 Unterhospitalstiftung Memmingen, 8, 87700 Memmingen Τ: (08331) 80378, 850195; Fax: 80368 Established: 1200 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Sen; Child . . . .
07768 - 07821 Unterst ützungssttftung der Lagerhaus A m b e r g G m b H , Schlachthausstr 53, 92224 Arnberg T: (09621) 83025; Fax: 73231 Established: 1936; Donops): Lagerhausgenossenschaft Amberg Assets: DM 385,200,·, Expenditures: DM 34.000,· Limitations: Grants to members and former members of Lagerhausgenossenschaft Amberg only Focus: SocW; Coop 07780
Stiftung van Meeteren, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1980; Donor(s): Udo van Meeteren Assets: DM 70.155.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.290.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Cult; SocW 07795
Unterstützungsstiftung Kinder In Hamburg, (formerly: Unterstüfcungsstiftung des Amtes für Jugend), Hamburger Str 37, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632474; Fax: 428633813 Established: 1877; Chair Dr. Vera Birtsch, Secy: Hans-Jürgen Bardua, Donor(s): Waisenhaus Collegium Hamburg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 07781
Wulf Vater-Stiftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Diittmfttel, Johannes Gutenberg-Università*, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen @verwaltung.uni-mai nz.de Established: 1996; Donops): Dr. med. Wulf Vater Expenditures: DM 28.000,Limitations: Yearly Wulf-Vater-Dihydropyridine-Prize only Focus: Med 07796
Upmann-Stfft, Bielefeld: defunct
. omo
Unterländer Evangelischer Kirchenfonds, c/o Evangelische Pflege Schönau in Heidelberg, Zähringerstr 18, 69115 Heidelberg T: (06221) 910911; Fax: 910960 Established: 1576; Chair: Ulrike Kost, Donor(s): Kurfürst Friedrich III. von der Pfalz Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; Rei 07771 Unterländer Studienfonds bei der Universität Heidelberg, c/o Universität Heidelberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Seminarstr 2, 69117 Heidelberg T; (06221) 542160; Fax: 542618 Established: 1873; Secy: Jocher Ridinger Expenditures: DM 3.152.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 07772 Unterstützung für die früheren Betriebsangehörigen der Germania Zementund Kaliwerke Misburg G m b H und Co., c/o Arbeitsgericht, Ellemstr 42, 30175 Hannover T: (0511) 522373; Fax: 521939 Established: 1937; Secy: Dr. Friedemann Limitations: Grants to former employees of Germania Zement- und Kaliwerke Misburg GmbH & Co. (Misburg) only Focus: SocW 07773 Unterstützungseinrichtung der Karosseriewerke W e i n s b e r g G m b H , Lindichstr 11, 74189 Weinsberg Established: 1939; Donor(s): Karosseriewerke Weinsberg GmbH Assets: DM 333.440,·, Expenditures: DM 45.000,· Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Karosseriewerke Weinsberg GmbH (Weinsberg) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07774
. . . .
van der Upwlch-Schlefische-Stlftung, Florastr 9, 46459 Rees T: (02851) 1247, 1564; Fax: 1512 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Carl Hermann Gisbert van der Upwich Assets: DM 480.000,-, Expenditures: DM 57.000,· Focus: SocW 07783 Ursula-Stift, Marktstr 2, 89547 Gerstetten Established: 1911 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Child
Kilian von Uthmann-Famlllen-Stiftung v o n 1584, Rehmkoppel 29, 22391 Hamburg T: (040) 5365687; Fax: 53670650; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1584; Donops): Kilian von Uthmann Limitations: Grants to needy members of the von Uthmann family only Focus: Fam 07785
Otto Vahlbruch-Stiftung, Wüsthofweg 3, 22339 Hamburg Τ: (040) 5383590 Established: 1896; Donor(s): Otto Vahlbruch Assets: DM 245.000,·, Expenditures: DM 12.000,· Limitations: Grants in Göttingen only Focus: Schol 07787
Elisabeth Veith-Stiftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, 76698 Ubstadt-Weiher T: (07251) 61745; Fax: 61760 Established: 1837; Donor(s): Balthasar Goldmaier Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants in Ubstadt-Weiher only Focus: Youth; SocW 07801
Wilhelm Valllant-Stfftung, c/o Frauenklinik der Universität München, Maistr 11, 80337 München T: (089) 532145; Fax: 5389282 Established: 1981; Chair Alexander Frtir. v. Hornstein, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilhelm Vaillant Assets: DM 5.400.000,· Limitations: No grants to individuals Focus: Health; Cane 07788
Eugenie von den Velden-Stlftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Peter Wieloch, Fürstenrieder Str 74, 80686 München T: (089) 7002983, 562509; Fax: 5834997 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Anna Maria Rösch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Opht 07802
Unterstützungskasse der Firma T e x o n G m b H , Postfach 1205, 74216 Möckmühl Τ: (06298) 20935; Fax: 209122; E-Mail: hlenz@ texon.com Established: 1937; Donor(s): Papierfabrik Möckmühl Assets: DM 26.300,-, Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Texon GmbH (Möckmühl) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07776
Agnes van Brakel-Stiftung, Essen auf Rädern, Schirick 19, 41751 Viersen Established: 1979 Expenditures: DM 479.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07790
Unterstützungskasse für Betriebsangehörige der Ideal Lebensversicherung a.G., Kochstr 66, 10969 Berlin T: (030) 2587410; Fax: 2587403 Established: 1939 Assets: DM 7.482.000,·, Receipts: DM 1.022.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.606.000,· Limitations: Grants to former employees of Ideal Lebensversicherung a.G. (Berlin) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07779
Dr. Rudolf Veh-Stiftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Postfach 7, 83251 Rimsting T: (08051) 5021; Fax: 61694 Established: 1968 Limitations: Grants in Rimsting only Focus: SocW 07799 Emmy Veit-Stiftung, tío SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Baikhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifteiveiband.de Established: 1996; Donops): Emmy und Waiter Veit Expenditures: DM 10.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Horn; Med 07800
Acción humana-Alexander M. Valentln-Dallmer, Herbert-Weichmann-Str 86, 22085 Hamburg T: (0180) 5009800; Fax: (040) 454218; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1993; Donor(s): Alexander M. Valentin· Dallmer Expenditures: DM 36.000,Limitations: Grants in Honduras only Focus: Child; Am 07789
Unterstützungskasse der Württembergischen Feuerversicherung AG, Stuttgart: defunct 07778
Albert Veh-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Oberviechtach, Nabburger Str 2, 92526 Oberviechtach T: (09671) 3070; Fax: 30719 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Albeit Veh Assets: DM 76.800,Limitations: Grants in Oberviechtach only Focus: SocW 07798
Vath-Könlg'sche Kindergartenstiftung Bad Neustadt an der Saale, c/o Stadt Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Stiftungsreferat, Rathausgasse 2, 97616 Bad Neustadt an der Saale T: (09771) 91060, 910632; Fax: 910628 Established: 1884 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child _ 07786
Unterstützungseinrichtung des T Ü V Südwest, Gotlieb-Daimler-Str 7, 70794 Filderstadt T: (0711) 7005448, 7005598; Fax: 7005545 Established: 1942; Donor(s): TÜV Stuttgart e.V. Assets: DM 351.200,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of TÜV Südwest (Filderstadt) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07775
Unterstützungskasse der Firma Westfälisches Margarinewerk W i l h e l m Lindemann G m b H & Co. KG, Herforder Str 173-179, 32257 Bünde T: (05223) 82030; Fax: 820311 Established: 1940; Donor(s): Westfälisches Margarinewerk Wilhelm Lindemann GmbH & Co. KG Limitations: Grants to employees of Westfälisches Margarinewerk Wilhelm Lindemann GmbH & Co. (Bünde) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07777
Vaterstädtische Stiftung, Kielortallee 25, 20144 Hamburg T: (040) 456974 Established: 1851 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 07797
V a n G e m m e r e n ' s c h e Familienstiftung, c/o Collegium Augustinianum Gaesdonck, Gaesdoncker Str 220, 47574 Goch Τ: (02823) 9610; Fax: 961100 Limitations: Grants to members of the Van Gemmeren family only Focus: Schol; SocW
Haus Sankt Gereon-Stiftung Van Gils, c/o CaritasJugendhilfe GmbH, Van-Gils-Str 10, 50126 Bergheim Τ: (02271) 41041 Established: 1879 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth 07792 Bernhard van H a g e n ' s c h e Studienstiftung In Kalkar, Antoniusstr 5, 47533 Kleve Τ: (02821) 40260 Established: 1617; Donor(s): Bernhard van Hagen Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Scholarships to Roman-Catholic theological students only Focus: Schol; Rei 07793 Evangelische Kurtti-van-Loo-Stlftung für atte M e n s c h e n In Hennef, Beethovenstr 44, 53773 Hennef T: (02242) 3202; Fax: 84595 Established: 1998; Donops): Eheleute Kurth Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07794
Reinhard von den Velden'sche Stiftung, Altertenbach 87 , 60437 Frankfurt am Main T: (06101) 545013; Fax: 545030 Established: 1850; Chair: Werner Utter, Secy: KartChristoph Diez, Donor(s): Reinhard von den Velden Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 2.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 07803 Elisabeth Veldkamp-Stiftung, tío Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Elisabeth Veldkamp Focus: AnimP 07804 Veramed-Stiftung e.V., Am Tannenberg, 59872 Meschede Focus: Med 07805 Vereinigte Almosen-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Straubing, Stiftungsamt, 94315 Straubing T: (09421) 9803; Fax: 980500 Chair Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Straubing, Secy: Reinhold Perlak Assets: DM 17.000,·, Receipts: DM 2.500,·, Expenditures: DM 2.500,Umitations: Grants in Straubing only Focus: Sen 07806 Vereinigte A r m e n · und Kranken-Stiftung, tío Stadt Bayreuth, Stiftungsamt, Postfach 101052, 95410 Bayreuth T: (0921) 251218; Fax: 25305 Established: 1949 Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limrtations: Grants in Bayreuth only Focus: SocW; Nurs 07807 Vereinigte Coburger Sparkassen-Stiftung, Postfach 3254, 96421 Coburg Τ: (09561) 700; Fax: 701055; E-Mail: sparkasse@ sparkasse-cotMjrg.de; Internet: http://www.sparkassecoburg.de Established: 1996; Donops): Vereinigte Coburger Sparkassen Expenditures: DM 75.000,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Coburg only Focus: IntU; Ecoi; Sen; Youth; Sports . . 07808
Vereinigte Erlanger WohltStigkelts-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Erlangen, Stadtkämmerei, Rathauspl 1, 91052 Erlangen Τ: (09131) 862238 Established: 1943 Assets: DM 44.160,Umitations: Grants in Erlangen only Focus: SocW 07809 Vereinigte Hospitalstiftung Gardelegen, tío Stadtverwaltung, Rathauspl 1, 39638 Gardelegen Τ: (0390) 77160; Fax: 7716220 Established: 1500/1995 Limitations: Grants in Gardelegen only Focus: Nurs
Vereinigte Hospltlen, Krahnenufer 19, 54290 Trier T: (0651) 9451200; Fax: 9451217 Established: 1805; Donor(s): Napoleon Expenditures: DM 32.100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07811 Vereinigte Jüdische Erinnerungsstiftung, tío Stadtverwaltung, Dezernat III, Κ 1, 7-13, 68030 Mannheim Established: 1953 Limitations: Grants in Mannheim only Focus: Jew 07812 Vereinigte Kirchen- und Klosterkammer· Stiftung, Alfred-Hess-Str 34, 99094 Erfurt T: (0361) 2252301; Fax: 2252270 Established: 1947; Secy: Präses Ottmar Fôllmer Expenditures: DM 1.500.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon; SocW 07813 Vereinigte Kriegswohlfahrtsstlftung der Landeshauptstadt München. c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abteilung Rechtsangelegenheiten und Stiftungen, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1941 Assets: DM 70.000,·, Receipts: DM 4.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,· Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Warv 07814 Vereinigte Kurlándlsche Stiftungen, Starenweg 1, 82194 Gröbenzell Established: 1979; Secy: Peter Baron von der Howen, Donops): Ada Baronin von Manteuffel, Ulrich Baron von der Osten-Sacken, Adelheid Baronin von der Ropp, Cécilie Baronin von Oelsen, Olga von Timroth Limitations: Grants to needy members of noble families from former Kuriand (now Latvia) only; also grants for social projects in Latvia Focus: Bait; SocW; Schol; Mon . . . . 07815 Vereinigte mildtätige Stiftungen, c/o Stiftungsmanagement, Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1968 Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: SocW
Vereinigte Naumburger Waisenversorgungsanstalt, Markt 1, 06618 Naumburg T: (03445) 273324 Established: 1743 Limitations: Grants in Naumburg only Focus: Ο φ 07817 Vereinigte Nebenstiftung zur Margarethen· und Josephinenstiftung, c/o Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten T: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1942; Donops): Margaretha Rauch und Josephine Albrecht Expenditures: DM 4.000,· Limitations: Grants in Kempten only Focus: Educ; Child 07818 Vereinigte Pfründner-Stiftungen Forchheim, c/o Stadt Forchheim, Stadtkämmerei, Schulstr 2, 91301 Forchheim T: {09191) 714260; Fax: 714380; E-Mail: Liegenschaft-®-baynet-Forchheim.de Established: 1303; Donops): Pfarrer Leupoid Assets: DM 13.818.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.384.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07819 Vereinigte Pfründnerhäuser Münster, c/o Stadt Münster, Stiftungsverwaltung, Ludgeripl 4-6, 48151 Münster T: (0251) 4925902; Fax: 4027704 Established: 900; Donor(s): Rat der Stadt Assets: DM 40.400.000,Limitations: Grants in Münster only Focus: Hous 07820 Vereinigte Sammelsttftung der Stadt Burgstadt, Brühl 1, 09217 Burgstädt T: (03724) 630; Fax: 63100 Established: 1952 Assets: DM 150.000,·, Expenditures: DM 8.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; SocW 07821
07822 - 07868
Vereinigte Spital· und Lelnfelder-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 1380, 86523 Schrobenhausen Τ: (08252) 90220; Fax: 90225 Established: 1932; Chair: 1. Bürgermeister Josef Plöckl, Donorts): Georg und Berta Leinfelder, Hans und Agnes Götz Expenditures: DM 4.075.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW Vereinigte Spttalstfftung
Vereinigte Stlpendlenstiftung der T e c h n i s c h e n H o c h s c h u l e M ü n c h e n , Postfach 202420, 80290 München T: (089) 28922249 Established: 1952
V e r e i n i g t e Stiftungen der Untversltátskinderkflnlk Heidelberg, c/o Universität Heidelberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Seminarstr 2, 69117 Heidelberg T: (06221) 542160; Fax: 54261Β Established: 1943 Assets: DM 600.000,·, Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped; Uni
c/o Stadtverwaltung, Marienpl 5, 86316 Friedberg/Bayem T: (0821) 6002220; Fax: 6002205 Established: 1978 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Vereinigte Stiftung für d a s Institut für A n g e w a n d t e Chemie, c/o Friedrich-Alexander· Universität Eriangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1939 Assets: DM 36.900,Limitatioris: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cham; Uni
Vereinigte Stiftung fur die Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen, c/o FriedrichAlexander-Universität Eriangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1957 Assets: DM 15.600,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Libr; Uni
V e r e i n i g t e Stiftungen d e s H a m b u r g e r Gewerbevereins v o n 1867, Neue Gröningerstr 10, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 339303; Fax: 339304; E-Mail: bds.dgv.hamburg θ cityweb.de Established: 1867; Chair Noibert Frühauf, Donor(s): Hamburger Gewerbeverein von 1867 Assets: DM 20.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg onty Focus: SocW; Schol
Asseis: DM 173.300,-, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Unteriranken only 07836
Vereinigte Stiftungen für w i s s e n s c h a f t l i c h e Z w e c k e aller Art, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985
Vereinigte Stiftung für Studienbeihilfe, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach, 97420 Schweinfurt T: (09721) 51507 Established: 1941 Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Schweinfurt only Focus: Schol 07826 Vereinigte Stiftung für W i s s e n s c h a f t l i c h e Z w e c k e aller Art, c/o Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Eriangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1958 Assets: DM 518.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Scie; Uni Vereinigte Stiftung für Wohltätigkeit Pfarrkirchen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Stadtpl 2, 84347 Pfarrkirchen
Vereinigte Stiftungen b e l der Stadt Stade, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach, 21677 Stade T: (04141) 401531; Fax: 401557 Established: 1879; Donops): Heinrich Wilhelm Nagel, Louise Nagel, Henriette Nagel, Peter Harms Assets: DM 3.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted 07829
Vereinigte Stiftungen der Hansestadt Wismar, c/o Amt für Finanzverwaltung, Stiftungsverwaltung, Mecklenburger Str 10, 23966 Wismar Established: 1951 Limitations: Grants in Wismar only . . . 07830 Vereinigte Stiftungen der S t a d t Bruchsal, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Kaiserstr 66, 76646 Bruchsal T: (07251) 79256; Fax: 79222 Established: 1976 Assets: DM 9.995.070,·, Expenditures: DM 245.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Bruchsal and Heidelsheim only Focus: SocW
Vereinigte Stiftungen der S t a d t Ettlingen, c/o Stadt Ettlingen, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach 762, 76275 Ettlingen T: (07243) 101233, 101246; Fax: 101438; E-Mail: [email protected] Established; 1848 Assets: DM 11.912.280,-, Expenditures: DM 297.000,ümftatíons: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Vereinigte Stiftungen zur Unterstützung von Kindern und J u g e n d l i c h e n der Landeshauptstadt München,
Expenditures: DM 18.000,Umitations: Grants in München only Focus: Child; Youth 07828
Focus: Sen
Assets: DM 823.200,-, Receipts; DM 64.300,-, Expenditures: DM 55.700,-
Vereinigte Stipendien-Stiftung b e i m G y m n a s i u m Münnerstadt, c/o Direktorat des Schônbom-Gymnasiums, 97702 Münnerstadt Τ: (09733) 81290 Established: 1951 Assets: DM 2.100,Limitations: Scholarships to pupils of SchônbomGymnasium in Münnerstadt only Focus: Schoi
Vereinigte Stipendien- und Preisstiftung, c/o Universität Würzburg, Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg
Assets: DM 726.000,·, Receipts: DM 37.000,-, Expenditures: DM 37.000,Limitations: Granls in Pforzheim only Focus: Educ; Voc; Fam; Youth
. . . .
Vereinigte Stlpendlenstiftung Memmingen, Spitalgasse 8, 87700 Memmingen T: (08331) 80378, 850195 Established: 1980 Limitations: Scholarships and grants to needy Protestant students and pupils in Memmingen only Focus: Schol; Voc 07848 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung Überlingen, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Postfach 101863, 88648 Überlingen
Vereinigte Stipendien- u n d sonstige F o n d s der T e c h n i s c h e n Universität München, c/o Technische Universität München, Arcisstr 21, 80333 München T: (089) 28922249; Fax: 28922297 Established: 1954 Assets: DM 252.400,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitatkms: Scholarships and grants to members of Technische Universität München only Focus: Schol; Eng 07842 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung a n der staatlichen H o c h s c h u l e f ü r Musik M ü n c h e n , Arcisstr 12, 80333 München Established: 1953 Limitations: Scholarships to students at Staatliche Hochschule für Musik München only Focus: Schol; Music
Vereinigte Stipendienstfftung der S t a d t Landsberg, c/o Stadt Landsberg, Stadtkâmmerei, 86899 Landsberg am Lech T: (08191) 128216; Fax: 128174; E-Mail: kaemmerei eiandsberg.de Established: 1963 Assets: DM 50.000,·, Expenditures: DM 3.000Limitatons: Scholarships to students originating of Landsberg am Lech only Focus: Schol
Vereinigte Wohltätigkeits-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach, 97420 Schweinfurt T: (09721) 51507 Established: 1941 Limitations: Grants in Schweinfurt only Focus: SocW
Vereinigte Wohltätigkeltsstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 87719 Mindelheim T: (08261) 99150; Fax: 991559 Established: 1926 Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Grants in Mindelheim only Focus: SocW
Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 91639 Wofframs-Eschenbach Τ: (09875) 97550; Fax: 975597; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.woiframs-eschenbach.de Established: 1964 Assets: DM 420.000,-, Expenditures: DM 47.000,· Limitations: Grants in Wolframs-Eschenbach only F x u s : SocW 07859 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung d e s M a r k t e s Oberstdorf, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Marktpl 2, 87561 Oberstdorf T: (08322) 6040; Fax: 5079 Established: 1953 Assets: DM 36.200,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Umitations: Grants in Oberstdorf only Focus: SocW 07560 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeltsstiftung Hochaltlngen-Oettingen in Bayern, c/o Fürst zu Oettingen-Spielberg'sche Verwaltung, Postfach 1251, 86730 Oeningen Τ: (09082) 96940; Fax: 969451 Established: 1523; Donor(s): Freiherr Walter zu Hümheim, Fürst zu Oettingen-Spielberg Limitations: Grants in Hochaltingen-Oettingen only Focus: SocW 07861
Limitations: Scholarships to needy Catholic students Focus: Schol
Vereinigte Stipendienstiftungen d e r Landeshauptstadt München, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Strftsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1953 Assets: DM 197.600,-, Receipts: DM 13.000,-, Expenditures: DM 13.000,· Limitations: Scholarships and grants to students and pupils in München only 07850
Vereinigte Studienstiftung der Technischen Universität Berlin einschließlich Dr. Ingenieur H e r m a n n Blohm-Stiftung, c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Abteilung III A 23, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin T: (030) 31424163 Established: 1929 Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität Berlin only Focus: Schol; Eng 07851 Vereinigte Studienstiftungenverwaltung d e r Universität Freiburg, c/o Albert-LudwigsUniversität, Stiftungsverwaltung, Fahnenbergpl, 79085 Freiburg im Breisgau T: (0761) 2034309; Fax: 2034329; E-Mail: kusche ©verwaltung.uni-freiburg.de; Internet: http:// www.verwaltung.uni-freiburg.de Established: 1982 Limitations: Scholarships to members of the AlbertLudwigs-Universität in Freiburg im Brásgau only Focus: Schol; Uni
Established: 1957 Limitations: Scholarships and prizes to members of Universität Würzburg only Focus: Schol; Uni 07841
Vereinigte Stiftungen der S t a d t Pforzheim, c/o Stadt Pforzheim, Stadtkâmmerei, Marldpi 1, 75175 Pforzheim T: (07231) 392066; Fax: 391638; E-Mail: rothent@ stadt-pfofzheim.de Established: 1984; Chair Oberbürgermeister Dr. Becker, Secy: Reinhard Trennert-Helwig
Limitations: Scholarships to students at FriedrichAlexander-Universität Eriangen-Nümberg oniy Focus: Schol 07847
Focus: Schol; Educ
Assets: DM 290.000,-, Receipts: DM 17.500,·,
Stadt Pfarrkirchen Expenditures: DM 194.000,Ljmitations: Grants in Pfarrkirchen only
Vereinigte Stlpendlenstiftung für S t u d e n t e n aller Fakultäten und Konfessionen a n der Friedrlch-Alexander-Universltät ErlangenNürnberg, c/o Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Eriangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1958 Assets: DM 177.600,-
from Überlingen only Vereinigte Stiftungen für W o h l f a h r t s z w e c k e der S t a d t Hof, c/o Stadt Hof, Stiftungsverwaftung, Klosterstr 3, 95028 Hof T: (09281) 815331/32; Fax; 815370 Established: 1966
c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwallung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1953
T: (08561) 30620; Fax: 30634; E-Mail: ¡[email protected]; Internet: http:// www.pfan1drchen.de Established: 1943; Chair 1. Bürgermeister der
Focus: Sen
Established: 1960 Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants to Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München only Focus: Scie; Uni 07837
Limitations: Grants in Hof only Focus: SocW 07827
Vereinigte Stlpendlenstiftung der Universität M ü n c h e n für Studierende aller Fakultäten u n d Konfessionen, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1960 Expenditures: DM 80.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at LudwigMaximilians-Universität München only Focus: Schol
Vereinigte Stiftungen für Körperbehindertenfürsorge in Unterfranken, Silcher Str 5, 97074 Wûrîburg Τ: (0931) 7959609; Fax: 7959699; E-Mail: bezirksverwaltung @ bezi ik-unterfranken.de Established: 1950
Focus: Hand
Assets: DM 252.400,-, Expenditures: DM 18.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Hochschule München onty Focus: Schol; Eng 07845
Germany: Verhorster-Stiftung
Vereinigte Studienstiftungenverwaltung der Universität Heldelberg, c/o Stiftungsverwaltung, Seminarstr 2, 69117 Heidelberg T: (06221) 542160; Fax: 542618 Established: 1906 Assets: DM 2.900.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.185.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students at Universität Heidelberg only Focus: Schol 07853 Vereinigte Walsenhausstiftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Leopoldring 4, 76437 Rastatt Established: 1877; Donor(s): Familie Mayer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ο φ 07854 Vereinigte Wohtfahrtsstlftung Coburg, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkâmmerei, Markt 10, 96450 Coburg T: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1955 Assets: DM 624.040,· Limitations: Grants in Coburg only Focus: SocW 07855 Vereinigte Wohlfahrtsstiftung d e r Landeshauptstadt München, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftu ngsve rwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1954 Assets: DM 690.000,-, Receipts: DM 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: SocW 07856
Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Neumarkt/Oberpfalz, c/o Stadt Neumarkt, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach 1540, 92305 Neumarkt/Oberpfalz T: (09181) 255145 Established: 1964 Assets: DM 3.300.000,-, Receipts: DM 1.140.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1.140.000,Limitations: Grants in Neumarkt/Oberpfalz only Focus: SocW 07862 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen Nördlingen, c/o Stadt Nördlingen, Kämmerei, Marktpl 15, 86720 Nördlingen T: (09081) 84130; Fax: 84175; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.noerdlingen.de Established: 1829 Expenditures: DM 58.924.000,· Limitations: Grants in Nördlingen only Focus: SocW
Vereinigtes Sankt Georg- und S a n k t J a k o b Stift, Kohlenmarkt 8, 99310 Arnstadt T: (03628) 602420; Fax: 602420 Established: 1379; Chain Reinhard Specht Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Vereinigung v o n F r e u n d e n und Förderern der J o h a n n W o l f g a n g Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a m Main e.V., Senckenberganlage 31, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 79823935; Fax: 79828530; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.unifrankfurt.de Established: 1914 Assets: DM 6.700.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.700.000,Limitations: Grants to Johann Wolfgang Goethe· Universität Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Uni
V e r e i n s b a n k Duisburg Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8405255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1997; Donops): Vereinsbank Duisburg e.G. Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: CommT
V e r e i n s h a u s evangelischer M ä n n e r u n d Jünglinge z u Rathenow, Heimstättenweg 2, 14712 Rathenow T: (03385) 511476 Established: 1895; Dorior(s): C. Heideblut Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth
Verhorster-Stiftung an S a n k t Mauritz z u Munster, c/o Pfarramt Sankt Mauritz, SanktMauritz-Freiheit 25, 48145 Münster T: (0251) 36465; Fax: 379248 Established: 1742; Donor(s): Dechant Gerhard Verhörst Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW
Germany: Versehrten-
07869 - 07926
Versehrten- und Hinterbliebenen-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Sozialamt, Berliner Str 33-35, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21235171; Fax: 21230740 Established: 1928 Asseis: DM 26.870,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Warv 07869 Versorgungshaus und Wiesenhûttenstlft, Richard-Wagner-Str 11, 60318 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 150510; Fax: 15051199 Limitations: Grants to citizens of Frankfurt am Main only Focus: SocW 07870 Versorgungskasse der Deutschen Presse, Postfach 105062, 70044 Stuttgart T: (0711) 20560; Fax: 2050121; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1948; Chain Prof. Dr. Dietrich Oppenberg, Secy: Dr. Gerhard Falk, Donops): Zeitungsverlage der deutschen Presse Assets: DM 585.000.000,-, Receipts: DM 47.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 28.000.000,Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of German newspapers and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07871 Versorgungskasse der Genossenschaftskasse e.G. Bad Wildungen, Postfach 1262, 34537 Bad Wildungen Established: 1940 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bad Wildungen only Focus: SocW 07872 Versorgungskasse für die Schwesternschaft des Diakonissen-Mutterhauses Pfeiffersche Stiftungen in Magdeburg-Cracau, Pfeifferstr 10, 39114 Magdeburg T: (0391) 8505140; Fax: 857814 Established: 1944; Chair Pastor Otto Rössig, Secy: Ingo Boese, Donor(s): Pfeiffersche Stiftungen Assets; DM 176.220,-, Receipts: DM 15.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.200,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 07873 Versorgungsstiftung der Deutschen Komponisten, c/o GEMA, Bayreuther Str 37, 10787 Berlin T: (030} 21245561; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1929; Secy: Frau Siems Assets: DM 373.500,-, Expenditures: DM 57.000,ümitations: Grants to German composers and their widows only Focus: SocW 07874 Versorgungsstiftung der deutschen Textdichter, c/o GEMA, Bayreuther Str 37, 10787 Berlin Τ: (030) 21245561; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1929; Secy: Frau Siems Assets: DM 330.000,-, Expenditures: DM 42.000,Limitations: Grants to German poets only Focus: SocW 07875 VERUM Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt, Pettenkoferstr 33, 80336 München T: (089) 5309880; Fax: 53098829; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Thurau, Secy: Prof. Dr. Franz X. Adlkofer, Donor(s): VdC Assets: DM 7.550.000,-, Expenditures: DM 4.000.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to German scientists up to 35 years oniy Focus: Psychol; Schol; Health 07876 Veteranenheim Deutscher Soldaten Hansestadt Hamburg, Poppenbütteler Weg 186190 , 22399 Hamburg Established: 1959 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Warv 07877 Heinrich-Vetter-Stiftung, 0 7, 24, 68161 Mannheim T: (0621) 25105; Fax: 155315 Chair: Dieter Kolb 07878 Vetter-Stiftung, Keimelstr 12, 92637 Weiden Established: 1989 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; HumR; Miss 07879 Vetter-Wohltätigkeltsstiftung, c/o Gemeinde Speinshart, Tremmersdori 23, 92676 Speinshart T: (09645) 8433 Established: 1993; Secy: Norbert Vetter, Donor(s): Margarete und Ludwig Vetter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07880 Vetus Latina, Abteistr 2, 88631 Beuron T: (07466) 170; Fax: 17183; E-Mail: Verwaltung® erzabtei-beuron.de; Internet: http://www.erzabteibeuron.de Established: 1951; Secy: P. Tutilo Burger, Donops): Dr. Benedikt Baur, Prof. Dr. Heinrich Vogels, Dr. Theophil Herder-Domeich Expenditures: DM 555.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 07881
Edmund Vey-Stiftung, do Frankfurter Sparkasse, Neue Mainzer Str 47-53, 60255 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26414478; Fax; 26414450 Established: 1996; Donops): Irene Vey Limitations: Scholarships and grants to needy German students and pupils only Focus: Schol; Educ 07882 VGB'Forschungsstiftung, Klinkestr 27-31, 45136 Essen T: (0201) 81280 Established: 1970; Donor(s): VGB Technische Vereinigung der Großkraftwerkbetreiber e.V. Assets: DM 2.500.000,· Umitations: No scholarships Focus: Indu 07883 Eugen VIehof-Stfftung, c/o Deutsche Schillerstiftung von 1859, Stadtschloß, Burgpl 4, 99423 Weimar Established: 1995; Donops): allkauf SB-Warenhaus GmbH & Co KG Limitations: Applicators not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Lit 07884 Unrversitátsstiftung Hans Vlelberth, Im Gewerbepark C 25, 93059 Regensburg Τ: (0941) 40080; Fax: 4008197; E-Mail: k.moro® dv.gp.viel.de Established: 1992; Chair: Thomas Klingelhöfer, Donor(s): Dr. Johann Vielberth Assets: DM 2.018.000,·, Receipts: DM 161.500,-, Expenditures: DM 200.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Regensburg only Focus: Uni 07885 Viersener WohlfahrtsstlftungKlnderkrankenhaus Sankt Nikolaus, c/o Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Hoserkirchweg 63, 41747 Viersen Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ped 07886 Dr. Hans V1e0mann-Stlftung, Schloßstr 3, 95030 Hof Τ: (09281) 707229; Fax: 707236 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Vießmann Expenditures: DM 100.000,Umitations: Grants in the region of Hof onty Focus: Cult; Educ; Scie; SocW; Mon . . 07887 Andreas-Viethsche-Stiftung, Möwenweg 2, 23999 Kirchdorf/Poel Limitations: Grants in Poel only Focus: Med 07888 Johann Kail und Hedwig Vietor-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt und Notar Ekkehard Eickhoff, Stavendamm 22, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 321527 Established: 1921 Focus: SocW; Fam 07889 Viktorla-Lulse-Stfftung, Am Waterioopl 11, 30169 Hannover T: (0511) 1067560 Established: 1912 Assets: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 125.000,Limitations: Grants in the governmental district of Hannover only Focus: SocW 07890 VIktoria-Stfftung, Peter-Lenne-Str 1-3, 14195 Berlin Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Wid; Worn 07891 Vlktorlasttft, Rehabilitations- und Vorsorgeklinik für Kinder- und Jugendliche. Cecilienhöhe 1-3, 55543 Bad Kreuznach T: (0671) 83550; Fax: 35084 Established: 1878 Assets: DM 10.200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 07892 Villa Musica, Auf der Bastei 3, 55131 Mainz Τ: (06131) 995485; Fax: 169203; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http i l www.villamusica.de Established: 1986; Secy: Kurt Karst Assets: DM 39.300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.200.000,Limitations: Scholarships and grants in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz only Focus: Music; Schol 07893
George VIthoulkas Stiftung für klassische Homöopathie, Heimstr 32b, 82131 Stockdorf E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.gvs.net Established: 1992 Focus; Horn 07897 Emst-Hellmut Vtte-Stlftung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-J! www.stitterverband.de Established: 1993; Donops): Dr. Hans-Joachim Vits, Dr. Gisela Vits, Eleonore Kinader Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 99.000,Limitations: Grants in Brandenburg, MecklenburgVorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen only Focus: Scie; Res 07898 Siegfried VÔgeie-Sttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Balkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: michaela.fruth@ stifterverband.de; Internet httpj! www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1990; Donops): Prof. Siegfried Vögele Assets: DM 109.050,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Econ 07899 Vöhl in'sehe Stiftung, c/o Bürgerstift, Spitalgasse 8, 87700 Memmingen T; (08331) 80378, 850195 Established: 1490; Donops): Elisabeth Lauingerin Limitations: Grants in Memmingen only Focus: Nurs 07900 Karl Völker Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erbund Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1990; Donops): Kart Völker Limitations: Grants to Fachhochschule für Technik In Mannheim only Focus: Eng; Uni 07901 Mathilde Völker Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26355449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Karl Völker Focus: Eco!; SocW 07902 Monsignore Franz Völker-Stiftung, Dürkheimer Str 94, 68309 Mannheim T: (0621) 7201233 Established: 1995; Donops): Monsignore Franz Völker Assets: DM 10.000,· Focus: Sen; Hand 07903 Völkerkundliches Museum Witzenhausen, Steinstr 19, 37213 Witzenhausen T: (05542) 60721; E-Mail: jweber® wiz.uni-kassel.de Established: 1976; Chair Prof. Dr. Eckart Baum Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ethn 07904 Geschwister Völkers-Stlftung, Berliner Str 27, 31812 Bad Pyrmont Τ: (05281) 2200; Fax: 2203 Established: 1959; Chair; Hartmut Kuhn, Donops): Geschwister Volkers Assets: DM 141.000,·, Receipts: DM 10.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07905
Hieronymus Vogeler-Gotteswohnungen, Am Knill 29a, 22147 Hamburg Established: 1642 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hous 07911 Emst Vogel mann-Stlftung Fachhochschule Hellbronn, Wollhausstr 97/1, 74074 Heilbronn Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants to Fachhochschute Heilbronn only Focus: Uni 07912 Emst Vogelmann-Sttftung Städtische Museen Hellbronn, Wollhausstr 97/1, 74074 Heilbronn Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants to community museums in Heilbronn only Focus: Arts 07913 Heinrich und Alma Vogelsang-Stiftung, Abs-Str 5, 44787 Bochum Established: 1997 07914 Franz Vogt-Famillenstlftung, Am Pfahlgraben 410, 35415 Pohlheim T: (06404) 929215; Fax: 929616 Established: 1973 Limitations: Grants to members of the Vogt family only Focus: Fam 07915 Franz Vogt-Gemeinnützige Stiftung, do Bürozentrum Franz Vogt & Co. KG, Am Pfahlgraben 4-10, 35415 Pohlheim Τ: (06404) 929215; Fax: 929616 Established: 1978 Focus: Scie; Res; Lab
Volksbank Hägen-Stiftung, Postfach 3780, 56037 Hagen Τ: (02331) 290160; Fax: 209191 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Volksbank Hagen Limitations: Grants in Hägen only Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie; Res 07917 Volksbank Höxter-Beverungen-Stiftung, Möllingerstr 1, 37671 Höxter Τ: (05271) 96000; Fax: 960096 Established: 1997; Donops): Volksbank HöxterBeverungen eG Limitations: Grants in the region of HöxterBeverungen only Focus: Cult; Sports; Mon; Hist; Arts; Theat; Music; Schol 07918 Volksbank Lehrte Stiftung, Ahltener Str 10, 31275 Lehrte Donops): Volksbank Lehrte Limitations: Grants in Lehrte only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ; Hist; Ecol; SocW 07919 Volksbank Munzel Stiftung, Dammstr 2, 30890 Donops): Volksbank Munzel Limitations: Grants in Munzel only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ; Sports; SocW; Youth; Ecol 07920 Volksbank Paderborn Stiftung, Postfach 2707, 33057 Padeibom T: (05251) 2940; Fax: 294265 Established: 1994; Donops): Volksbank Paderborn Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,· Limitations: Grants in Paderborn only Focus: Arts; Cult; Ecol; SocW; Sports . . 07921
Felicitas-Vôssing-Stlftung, Ingridstr 52, 33335 Gütersloh Τ: (05241) 79142; Fax: 703214 Established: 1994; Chair Kurt Vössing, Donor(s): Kurt Vössing Expenditures: DM 64.000,Focus: Arts; Music; Cult; Schol . . . . 07906
Volksbank-Stlftung, Rheinstr 132, 76532 BadenBaden Τ: (07221) 503650; Fax: 5034444 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Volksbank BadenBaden Rastatt Assets: DM 400.000,·, Expenditures: DM 25.000,Limitations: Grants in Baden-Baden only Focus: SocW; Arts; Cult; Sports; Ecol . . 07922
Leonhard Vogel-Jugendstiftung, c/o Pfarramt, Kirchpl 2, 91289 Schnabelwaid Τ: (09270) 91289; Fax: 91280 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Leonhard Vogel Assets: DM 20.000,-, Expenditures: DM 1,300,· Limitations: Grants in Schnabelwaid only Focus: Youth 07907
Volksbank-Stlftung Balingen, Friedrichstr 72, 72236 Balingen Τ: (07433) 959110 Established; 1990; Donor(s): Volksbank Balingen Assets: DM 250.000,-, Expenditures: DM 22.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07923
Vili'sche Altenstiftung, c/o Stadtkàmmerei, Schuhmarktstr 1-9, 97616 Bad Neustadt Τ: (09771) 910643; Fax: 910688 Established: 1861; Donor(s): Margaretha Vili Assets: DM 7.736.000,·, Expenditures: DM 362.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07894
Rudolf Vogel-Stiftung, do Verein von Freunden der TU Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Osteröder Str 8, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld T: (05323) 722378; Fax: 722378 Established: 1980; Donops): Margarete Vogel, Oberberg rat Rudolf Vogel Expenditures: DM 10.500,ümitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Geol; Min 07908
Dr. Alfred Vinzl-Sttfhing, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen Τ: (09131) 8526642, 22527; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1974; Donor(s): Dr. Alfred Vinzl Assets: DM 1.928.000,·, Expenditures: DM 120.000,Limitations: Grants to Universität Erlangen-Nümberg only Focus: Econ; SocS; Uni 07895
Friedrich und Isabel VogeJ-Stiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http," www.stifterverband.de Established: 1984 Assets: DM 1.343.000,-, Expenditures: DM 114.000,Focus: Jour 07909
Virgil-Stiftung S c h e m e d , c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Am Kirchbuck 8, 91795 Dollnstein Limitations: Grants in Dollnstein only Focus: Ut 07896
Mariarme-Vogel'Stlftung der Volksbank Hamm eG, Bismarckstr 7-15, 59065 Hamm Established: 1997 Focus: Aits; Cult; Scie; Res 07910
Volksbank-Stlftung Bremerhaven-Wesermünde, c/o Volksbank eG Bremerhaven-Weseimünde, Postfach 310320, 27539 Bremeitiaven Τ: (0471) 97270 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Volksbank Bremerhaven-Wesermünde Limitations: Grants in the region of BremerhavenWesermünde only Focus: Cult; Aits; Hist; Sports 07924 Volksbank-Stlftung Haus a m Gorlsbrunnen, c/o Volksbank Bad Urach, 72574 Bad Urach Τ: (07125) 1503210 Established: 1976; Chair K. G. Lötz, Donor(s): Volksbank Bad Urach Limitations: Grants in Bad Urach only Focus: Mon; Cult 07925 Volksbank Tübingen-Stiftung, do Volksbank Tübingen, Postfach 2629, 72016 Tübingen Donor(s): Volksbank Tübingen Limitations: Grants in Tübingen only Focus: SocW 07926
Volksbank Wertheim-Stiftung, Postfach 1655. 97866 Wertheim T: (09342) 3000; Fax: 300100 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Volksbank Wertheim Assets: DM 145.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Wertheim only Focus: Arts; Cult; Sports; Ecol; SocW . . 07927 Volk'sehe Stiftung Erfurt, Herrmannspl 9, 99064 Erfurt T: (0361) 65720; Fax: 6572444 Established: 1856; Donops): Geheimer Regierungsrat Volk, Kommerzienrat Lucius, Pfarrer Wrtzei Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07928 Volksmissions-Stiftung, c/o Katholisches Pfarramt, Am Kirchberg 7, 86709 Wotferstadt Focus: Miss 07929 Volkspark Bargteheide, Rathaus, 22941 Bargteheide Τ: (04532) 404748; Fax: 404777 Established: 1965 Assets: DM 40.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sports
Germany: Waisenhausstiftung
Volkswagen-Stiftung, Kastanienallee 35, 30519 Hannover Τ: (0511) 83810; Fax; 8381344; E-Mail: mail @volkswagen-stiftung.de; Internet: http J! www. volkswagen-stiftung .de Established: 1961; Chair Ministerin Helga Schuchardt, Secy: Dr. Wilhelm Krull, Donor(s): Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Land Niedersachsen Assets: DM 3.500.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 180.700.000,· Limitations: Grants to scientific institutions nationally and internationally Focus: Scie; Eng 07931 Cari Voll-Stlftung, c/o Prof. Rainer Lochau, Schillersir 6, 10625 Berlin Established: 1984; Donor(s): Carl Voll Assets: DM 400.000,Limitations: Grants to German engineers only Focus: Eng 07932 Rolf und Hildegard Vollrath Stiftung, c/o Dr. Stilz & Partner, Merdinger Weg 1, 79111 Freiburg im Breisgau T: (0761) 4524521; Fax: 4524590 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Rott und Hildegard Vollrath Expenditures: DM 175.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; SocW 07933 Heinrich und Erna Vondra-Stfftung, Gymnasiumstr 15, 85049 Ingolstadt T: (0841) 17815; Fax: 910569 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Heinrich und Erna Vondra Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Math; NatS 07934 Christien-Vorrath-Stlftung, Südring 36, 22303 Hamburg T: (040) 2707900; Fax: 27079048; E-Mail: eckert© leben-mft-behinde rung.de Established: 1988; Secy: Martin Eckert, Donops): Christien Vorrath Expenditures: DM 44.000,· Limltations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Hand 07935 Gerhart Voss Stiftung, Neuer Wall 42, 20354 Hamburg Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Sen 07936 Else Voss-Stiftung, Tarpenbekstr 31, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 4804239; Fax: 4804239 Established: 1968; Donor(s): Karl Andreas Voss, Else Voss Assets: DM 3.158.266,·, Expenditures: DM 476.000,Focus: Sen 07937 Rat Vo6>Stiftung, c/o Mecklenburgische Versicherungsgesellschaft a.G., Berckhusenstr 146, 30625 Hannover T: (0511) 53510; Fax: 5251444 Established: 1939; Donor(s): Rat Hans Vo Assets: DM 212.600,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,· Limitations: Grants to employees of Mecklenburgische Versicherungsgesellschaft a.G. and their relatives only Focus: SocW 07938 Otto und Erna Voss-Stiftung, HQxtertorallee 2, 23564 Lübeck Τ: (0451) 79030; Fax: 792728 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Erna Voss Assets: DM 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Orp; Voc 07939 Karl Vossloh-Sttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http¿I www .stifterve rband.de Established: 1995 Assets: DM 572.000,-, Expenditures: DM 19.000,Limitations: Grants to preselected institutions in München only Focus: Build; SocW 07940
VR-Stfftung der Volksbanken und Ralffeisenbanken In Norddeutschland, Hannoversche Str 149, 30627 Hannover Τ: (0511) 9574293; Fax: 9574351; E-Mail: jutta.bergmann θ geno-verband.de Donor(s): Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken in Norddeutschland Limitations: Grants in North Germany only Focus: Arts; Cult; Educ; Ecol; Nurs; Hand 07941 Irma Waalkes-Stiftung, Ringstr 44, 26721 Emden Τ: (04921) 87421; Fax; 67212 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Onno Waalkes Assets: DM 2.736.000,-, Expenditures: DM 145.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol
Emil Wächter-Stiftung, c/o Badenwürttembergische Bank AG, Friedrichspl 1-3, 76133 Karts ruhe Τ: (0711) 1801213; Fax: 1801640 Established: 1994 Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 07943 Hermann Wacker-Fonds, Stiftung zur Erforschung der Netzhautablösung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: httpjl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1967; Donor(s): Senator E.h. Hermann Wacker Assets: DM 1.369.278,-, Expenditures: DM 83.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Opht 07944 Martin Wackemagei-Stlftung, c/o Westdeutsche Landesbank, Friedrichstr 1, 48145 Münster T: (0251) 4122201; Fax: 4122031 Established: 1984 Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 144.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult; Arts 07945 von Wacker'sche Stiftung, Kirchgasse 3, 06467 Hoym Established: 1806; Donor(s): Johann Κ. Β. von Wacker Assets: DM 15.320,Focus: Wid 07946 Hildegard und Hermann Wader Stiftung, Alte Landstr 53, 47477 Radevormwald Established: 1997 07947 Wadzeck-Stlftung, Drakestr 79, 12205 Berlin T: (030) 843820; Fax: 8438200; Internet: http:// www.wadzeck-strftung.de Established: 1819; Donops): Franz Daniel Friedrich Wadzeck Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 07948 Wächterhelm, Schlierbacher Str 43, 73230 Kirchheim unter Teck T: (07021) 97360; Fax: 973650 Established; 1894; Chair Peter Treuherz, Secy: Friedrich Schlipphak, Donor(s): Freifrau von Wächter Assets: DM 13.427.270,-, Expenditures: DM 6.430.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 07949 Johann Jobst Wagenersche Stiftung, TheodorKrüger-Str 3, 30167 Hannover T: (0511) 15624; Fax: 15624 Established: 1652; Donor(s): Johann-Jobst Wagener Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW; Hous 07950 Wilhelm Wagenfeld-Sttftung, Am Wall 209, 28195 Bremen T: (0421) 3399933; Fax: 3399934; E-Mail: WWSÔ mail.netwave.de Established: 1993; Secy: Beate Manske, Donor(s): Erika Wagerrfeki, Freie Hansestadt Bremen Expenditures: DM 396.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Des 07951 Wohlfahrtsstiftung Wagner & Co. Elmshorn, Am Düwelsknick 12, 25335 Elmshorn T: (04121) 21890 Established: 1927; Chair. Erich Nehlsen, Donops): Holsteinische PKanzenbutterfabriken Wagner & Co. Assets: DM 563.840,-, Expenditures: DM 94.400,Umitations: Grants to former employees of Wagner & Co. (Elmshorn) only Focus: SocW 07952 Elisabeth Wagner Stiftung, Weserstr 101, 45136 Essen T: (0201) 8100057 Established: 1992; Donor(s): 3626; 614 . 07953 Josef Wagner-Stfftung, Postfach 2953, 88023 Friedrichshafen Τ: (07544) 505201; Fax: 505198 Established: 1972; Chair Dr. Gerhard Lempenau, Secy: Alfons Fessier, Donor(s): Senator Josef Wagner Assets: DM 13.500.000,·, Receipts: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: SocW 07954
Herbert und Wilhelmine Wagner-Stfftung, Wallbergstr 6, 83703 Gmund Τ: (08022) 3048; Fax: (089) 683071 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Herbert und Wilhelmine Wagner Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Sen 07955 Dr. Marie-Friedericke Wagner-Stlftung, do Ref. 125 - Fremd- und Drittmittel, Johannes GutenbergUniversität, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz T: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen @ verwaltung.uni-mainz.de Established: 1998; Donor(s); Dr, Maríe-Fríederícke Wagner Limitations: Grants to scientists at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz only Focus: Scie; Res; NatS; Eng; Ecol . . . 07956
Walsen- und Kinderhort-Stiftung Füssen, Johann Nepomuk Baur'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Lechhalde 3, 87629 Füssen T: (08362) 903140; Fax: 903200 Established: 1889 Limitations: Grants in Füssen only Focus: Orp; Child 07968 Waisenhaus samt Carolinen-Stiftung, Freiberger Str 2, 09496 Manenberg T: (03537) 22662; Fax: 62765 Established: 1772; Chair Superintendent des Kirchenbezirks Marienberg, Donor(s): Johann Ehrengried Wagner Assets: DM 100.000,·, Receipts: DM 75.000,-, Expenditures: DM 60.000,Limitati'ons: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Orp 07969
Annalisa Wagner-Stiftung, c/o Regionalbibliothek Neubrandenburg, Postfach 101242, 17019 Neubrandenburg T: (0395) 5551333; Fax: 5551312 Established: 1991; Donor(s): Stadt Neubrandenburg Assets: DM 102.000,·, Receipts: DM 7.000,·, Expenditures: DM 9.000,Limltations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit 07957
Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Bleichstr 12, 60313 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 2980030; Fax: 29800329 Established: 1679 Assets: DM 108.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 21.262.000,Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Orp 07970
Richard Wagner-Stiftung Bayreuth, Lurtpoldpl 13, 95444 Bayreuth T: (0921) 251200; Fax: 231305 Established: 1973; Secy: OBM Dr. Dieter Mronz Expenditures: DM 907.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 07958
Waisenhaus-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 87719 Mindelheim T: (08261) 99150 Established: 1753 Assets: DM 436.000,-, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 07971
Alois Wagner-Stlftung Mittelberg, Alois-Wagner· Str 45, 87466 Mittelberg T: (08366) 9800; Fax: 980158 Established: 1922 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped 07959 Regens-Wagner-Stiftungen, Kardinal-vonWaldburg-Str 1, 89407 Dillingen an der Donau T: (09071) 5020; Fax: 502115; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpj! www.regens-wagner.de Established: 1847; Donor(s): Johann Evangelist Wagner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Hand; Child; Youth . . . 07960 Richard Wagner-Stlpendienstlftung, do Stadt Bayreuth, Amt für Senioren- und Stiftungswesen, Postfach 101052, 95410 Bayreuth T: (0921) 251621; Fax: 251350 Established: 1882; Chain OBM Dr. Dieter Mronz, Secy: Regierungsdirektor Paul Götz, Donor(s): Richard Wagner Assets: DM 81.400,-, Receipts: DM 200.000,·, Expenditures: DM 188.000,Limitations: Scholarships to young musicians, singers and actors only Focus: Schol; Music; Theat 07961 Wagner'sche Stiftung, c/o Stadt Kronach, Stadtverwaltung, Abt. 5, Marktpl 5, 96317 Kronach Τ: (09261) 97204; Fax: 97289 Established: 1798 Assets: DM 172.000,Limitations: Scholarships to citizens of Kronach only Focus: Schol 07962
Waisenhaus-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Rosenheim, Liegenschaftsamt, Postfach 1209 , 83013 Rosenheim Τ: (08031) 361250, 361257; Fax: 362006 Established: 1934 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 07972 Waisenhaus-Stiftung Rees, Vor dem Falltor 4, 46459 Rees T: (02822) 69433 Established: 1581 Limitations: Grants in Rees only F x u s : Orp 07973 Waisenhaus- und Hoffmannsche Stiftung Clausthal, Hindenburgpl 8, 38678 ClausthalZellerfeld T: (05323) 931203; Fax: 931121 Established: 1954; Chair: Bürgermeister der Bergstadt Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Donor(s): Martin Hoffmann, Oberbergmeister Stelzner Limitations: Grants in Clausthal-Zellerfeld only Focus: Youth 07974 Walsenhausstiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1809 Assets: DM 15.600.000,-, Receipts: DM 8.680.000,-, Expenditures: DM 970.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Orp 07975
Waisenhausstiftung Dlllingen an der Donau, c/o Stadtkâmmerei, Postfach 1210, 89402 Dillingen an der Donau T: (09071) 54121, 54123; Fax: 586931 Established: 1654; Chair Oberbürgermeister HansJürgen Weigl, Secy: Stadtkämmerer Gerhard Rieder Assets: DM 264.000,·, Expenditures: DM 96.000,Limitations: Grants in Dillingen an der Donau only Focus: Ο φ 07976
Wahl-Llndersche Altenstiftung, Krankenhausstr 42, 89312 Günzburg Τ: (08221) 207920; Fax: 2079222 Established: 1972; Secy: Johanna Winkler, Donor(s): Paula Wahl, Kart Wahl, Therese Linder, Ida Under Assets: DM 11.654.360,-, Expenditures: DM 4.380.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07964
Walsenhausstiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschordensstr 2, 79104 Freiburg T: (0761) 2108110; Fax: 2108111; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.stiftungsverwaltung-freiburg.de Established: 1500 Expenditures: DM 9.770.000,Limitations: Grants in Freiburg im Breisgau only Focus: Orp 07977
von Wagner'scher Stiftungsfonds, c/o Universität Würzburg, Sanderring 2, 97070 Würzburg Established: 1858 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts
Wahlener-Helmat-Stiftung, Merziger Str 3, 66679 Losheim am See T: (06872) 609110; Fax: 609180; E-Mail: GemeindedLosheim.de; Internet: http-Jl www.losheim.de Established: 1991; Chair Bürgermeister Lothar Christ, Secy: Josef Theil, Donors): Josef Buwen Assets: DM 250.000,·, Receipts: DM 18.000,·, Expenditures: DM 10,000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Wahlen only Focus: Sen; Nurs 07965 Waldmann-Stlftung, c/o Stiftungsmanagement, Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkâmmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1967; Donops): Gustav Waidmann Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Educ 07966 Walsen- und Jugendstiftung Landshut, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Postfach, 84026 Landshut T: (0871) 881249 Established; 1842 Assets: DM 536.300,-, Expenditures: DM 101.000,· Limitations: Grants in Landshut only Focus: Orp; Youth 07967
Waisenhausstiftung Stadt Ingolstadt, c/o Stadtveiwaltung, Rathauspl 2 , 85049 Ingolstadt T: (0841) 3051401; Fax: 3051409 Established: 1617; Donor(s): Petrus Steuartius Leodius Expenditures: DM 4.544.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 07978 Walsenhausstiftung Stadtamhof, c/o Stadt Regensburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Kumpfmühler Str 52a, 93051 Regensburg T: (0941) 5071544; Fax: 5074549 Established: 1737 Assets: DM 1.930.000,-, Receipts: DM 131 000,Limitations: Grants in Regensburg only Focus: Ο φ 07979 Walsenhausstiftung Wolfenbüttel, c/o Stadtverwaltung Wolfenbüttel, Postfach 1864, 38299 Wolfenbüttel T: (05331) 860; Fax: 86444; E-Mail: Stadt® wolfenbüttel.de Receipts: ca. DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants in Wolfenbüttel only Focus: Ο φ ; Child 07980
07981 - 08036
Germany: Waisenhausstiftung Waisenhausstiftung zu Sangerhausen, Kupferhütte 1, 06526 Sangerhausen T: (03464) 570021; Fax: 570031 Established: 1741; Secy: Sabine Kowalski, Donor(s): Caspar-Jacob Mogk Assets: DM 3.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 50.000,· Limitations: Applications rot accepted Focus: Orp 07981 WALA-Stiftung, Bosslerweg 2, 73087 Bad BollEckwälden T: (07164) 930154; Fax: 930295 Established: 1986; Donor(s): Dr. Heinz-Hartmut Vogel, Karl Kossmanr Assets: DM 28.600.000,FOCJS: Econ 07982 Walchensee-Stiftung, Laingaibenweg 7, 83671 Benediktbeuern Fax: (08857) 1469 Established: 1959 Assets: DM 142.200,Focus: Landsc 07983 Waicher-Stiftung, Gerhart-Hauptmann-Weg 41, 89075 Ulm T: (0731) 53167; Fax: 53075 Established: 1992; Chair: Dr. Lothar Henniger, Donor(s): Hilde Meyer Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: Child; Voc 07984 Walcker-Stiftung für orgelwissenschaftliche Forschung, Postfach 1228, 66267 Kleinblittersdorf T: (06805) 940611; Fax: 940616 Established: 1965; Chair: Dr. Erwin Strichertz, Secy: Dr. Werner Walcker-Mayer Assets: DM 184.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Musi 07985 Hubertus Wald-Stiftung, Bellevue 30, 22301 Hamburg T: (040) 2792041; Fax: 2700136 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Hubertus Wald Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 240.000,Focus: Med; Nurs 07986 Fürstlich von Waldburg zu Zell-Stiftung, Bärenweiler 1, 88353 Κι legg Τ: (07563) 2357; Fax: 7025 Established: 1619 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs
Waldeckische Landesstiftung, Südring 2, 34497 Korbach Τ: (05631) 954356; Fax: 954373 Established: 1968; Chair: Landrat Eichenlaub Expenditures: DM 450.000,· Limitations: Grants in the former district of Landkreis Waldeck only Focus: Sen 07988 Waldecksches Diakonissenhaus, Sophienheim, Arolsen, 34454 Τ: (05691) 97960; Fax: 50183 Established: 1887; Donor(s): Fürstin Helene zu Waldeck und Pyrmont Expenditures: DM 10.915.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 07989 Anne Waldmann-Stiftung für den Tierschutz, Bahnhofstr 4, 71332 Waiblingen Established: 1985 Limitations: Rechtsanwalt Dr. Helmut Schuhmann Focus: AnimP 07990 Prof. Dr. Waidsachs-Schenkung, c/o Stadt Wuppertal, Der Oberbürgermeister, Wegnerstr, 42275 Wuppertal T: (0202) 5636596; Fax: 5638032 Established: 1964; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Reinhard Waldsachs Assets: DM 7.000,-, Receipts: DM 500,-, Expenditures: DM 500,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 07991 Stiftung Emst Waldschmidt, c/o Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Museum für Indische Kunst, Takustr 40, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 8301361; Fax: 8316384 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Emst Waldschmidt Assets: DM 879.660,-, Expenditures: DM 26.200,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: As 07992 Stiftung Waldthausen, Hohlweg 2, 45147 Essen T: (0201) 87470; Fax: 8747333 Established: 1929; Chair: Dr. Michael von Waldthausen, Donor(s): Emst von Waldthausen, Julius Freiherr von Waldthausen, Heinrich von Waldthausen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 07993 Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz - Marianne von WaldthausenGedächtnis-Stiftung, Ottopl 2, 50679 Köln T: (0221) BQ92B04; Fax: 8092141 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Marianne von Waldthausen, Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz Assets: DM 500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 35.000,Limitations; Grants in the region of Rheinland only Focus: Mon; Ecol 07994
Eugen und Agnes von Waldthausen-Piatzhoff* Museums-Stiftung, do Stadt Essen, Porschepl, 45127 Essen T: (0201) 8820203; Fax: 8820003 Established: 1946; Donor(s): Eugen und Agnes von Waldthausen Assets: DM 9.300.000,·, Expenditures: DM 229.000,ümitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 07995 Julius von Waldthausen-Sttftung, c/o Stadt Essen, Gesundheitsamt, Bemestr 7, 45127 Essen T: (0201) 6853106; Fax: Θ853003 Established: 1909; Donops): Julius von Waldthausen Assets: DM 1.100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 80.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Nurs 07996 Ferdinand Wailbrecht-SUftung, Detmold: defunct 07997 von Wallenberg'sche Famlllenstiftung, Lasseweg 4, 82541 Münsing Established: 1953 Limitations: Grants to members of the von Wallenberg family only
Sofie Wallner-Stlftung, c/o Friedrich-AlexanderUniversitát Erlangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen Τ: (09131) 8526642, 8522894; Fax: 8522131; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1980; Donops): Sofie Wallner Assets: DM 571.000,·, Receipts: DM 27.000,Limitalions: Grants to Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nümberg only Focus: Cane; Uni 07999 Johanna Sofie Wallner'sche Blinden-und Stipendienstiftung, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg Τ: (0911) 2312357; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.stadt.nuemberg.de Established: 1966; Donops): Johanna Sofie Wallner Assets: DM 314.900,·, Receipts: DM 27.000,-, Expenditures: DM 24.000,Limitations: Grants to Citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Blinds; Schol 08000 Charlotte Walner-von Deuten Stiftung, Am Neumarkt 30, 22041 Hamburg Τ; (040) 6565661; Fax: 6565661; E-Mail: info® Felix-Walner.de; Internet: http://www.felix-walner.de Established: 1990; Chair: Gerd Hagedom, Donor(s): Charlotte Walner-von Deuten Assets: DM 1.100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts; Graph 08001 Ignaz Walter-Stfftung, Siebenbrunner Str 14, 86179 Augsburg T: (0821) 880441; Fax: 812396 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. h.c. Ignaz Walter Focus: SocW 08002 Fritz Walter-Stlftung, c/o 1. FC Kaiserslautem, Stadionstr 11, 67663 Kaiserslautem Τ: (0631) 3188217, 3188218; Fax: 3188290 Established: 1999; Secy: Gerhard Herzog Focus: Sports 08003 Elfriede und Hans Jürgen Watter-Stiftung für Tierschutz, Brandenburger Weg 27, 60437 Frankfurt am Main T: (06101) 43476; Fax: 43476 Established: 1999; Chair: Hans Jürgen Walter, Donor(s): Elfriede und Hans Jürgen Walter Limitations: Predetermined grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: AnimP 08004 Nathan und Rosa Walter'sches Kinderhelm Reckendorf, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Rathaus, Bahnhofstr 20, 96182 Reckendorf T: (09544) 20307 Established: 1905; Donor(s): Rosa und Nathan Walter Assets: DM 750.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 08005
von Wangenheim von der Decken'sche Famlllenstiftung, Archivstr 3-5, 21682 Stade Τ: (04141) 922724 Established: 1859; Donor(s): Johanna Gräfin von Wangenheim Assets: DM 20.000,Umitations: Grants to members of the von Wangenheim von der Decken family only Focus: Fam 08009
Rolf Weber-Stiftung, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1979; Donops): Dr.-Ing. Karl Weber Expenditures: DM 17.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at LudwigMaximilians-Universität München only Focus: Schol; Law 08024
von Wangenhelm-Wintersteln'sche Famlllensttftung von 1641 zu Gotha, DechantHeimbach-Str 29, 53177 Bonn Established: 1841 Limitations'. Grants to members of the von Wangenheim-Winterstein family only Focus: Fam 08010
Evetyn-Weber-Stlftung, c/o Landschulheim Schloß Rieth, Dorfstr 19, 17375 Rieth Τ: (039775) 20218; Fax: 20217; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: home.t-online.de/home/landschulheim-schloss-rieth/ Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Youth; Educ 08025
August Wankel-Sttftung, Dr. Weinzierl-Str 20, 36043 Fulda Τ: (0661) 35872 Established: 1929; Donor(s): Marie Louise Wankel Expenditures: DM 3.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08011 Emil Warburg-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Bayreuth, Amt für Senioren- und Stiftungswesen, Postfach 101052, 95410 Bayreuth T: (0921) 251621; Fax: 251350 Established: 1978; Chain Dr. Dieter Mronz, Donor(s): Enkel Warburgs, Stadt Bayreuth, Bayreuther Betriebe Assets: DM 1.088.000,·, Receipts: DM 95.000,-, Expenditures: DM 97.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bayreuth only Focus: Phys 08012 Aby Warburg-Stiftung, Heilwigstr 116, 22049 Hamburg T: (040) 42866148 Established: 1993 Expenditures: DM 340.000,· Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: Hum 08013 Maria Ward-Schulstlftung, Mühlberg 12, 94474 Vilshofen Established: 1992 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 08014 Johann-Heinrich Warncke-Stiftung, Pinneberg: defunct 08015 Wilhelm Warner-Stiftung, Im Kohlhof 3, 22397 Hamburg Τ: (040) 6083911 Established: 1961; Donor(s): Wilhelm Warner Assets: DM 1.160.000,-, Expenditures: DM 85.000,Focus: Cane 08016 Heinrich Wamer-Stlftung, Düstemstr 1, 20355 Hamburg T: (040) 37852180; Fax: 37852188 Established: 1978; Donops): Heinrich Warner Assets: DM 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Focus: Cane 08017 Peter Warschow-Sammeistlftung, c/o Stittungsverwaltung der Hansestadt Grerfswald, Baderstr 24, 17469 Greifswald Τ: (03834) 522808; Fax: 522809 Established: 1972 Expenditures: DM 744.000,· Limitations: Grants and scholarships to citizens of Greifswald only Focus: SocW; Hand; Youth; Sen; Health; Educ; Schot 08018 Wartburg-Stiftung Elsenach, 99817 Eisenach Τ: (03691) 2500; Fax: 203342; Internet: http:// www.wartbu rg-eisenach.de Established: 1922 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 08019 Erwin-Warth-Stiftung, Wüittembergstr 2a, 70327 Stuttgart Τ: (0711) 337875 Established: 1996 Focus: Ecol; AnimP 08020
Oscar Walther-Kinderunterstützungsfonds, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Strftungsverwaltung, Orfeanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1888; Donops): Oscar Walther Expenditures: DM 113.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Child 08006
George Washington-Gedenkstlftung, Salvatorpl 2, 80333 München Τ: (089) 21862241, 21862365; Fax: 21862813 Established: 1931; Chair Ministerialdirigent Dr. Arnberg, Secy: Walter Mayer, Donor(s): Dr. Franz Koempel. Bertha Koempel Assets: DM 1.129.616,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 80.000,Limitations: Grants to yearly art exhibitions in München only Focus: Arts 08021
Rudolf Walther-Stlftung, Rabenaustr 2, 63584 Gründau T: (06051) 48180; Fax: 822414 Established: 1988; Secy: Lutz Heer, Donor(s): Rudolf Walther Assets: DM 10.500.000,Focus: Child 08007
Weber-Pröscher-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Vogelsbergstr 184, 63679 Schotten Τ: (06044) 6610, 6612; Fax: 6669 Established: 1936; Donor(s): Anna Pröscher Assets: DM 222.170,·, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Grants in Schotten only Focus: Mon; Cult 08022
von Wangelln'sches Witwenstift, Julianenburger Str 23, 26603 Aurich T: (04941) 2672 Established: 1756; Donor(s): Adelheid Augusta von Wan gelin Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Wid 08008
Georg und Ruth Weber-Stiftung, Postfach 1354, 73473 Eltwangen T: (07961) 84302; Fax: 84310 Established: 1994; Chair: Oberbürgermeister Dr. Hans-Helmut Dieterich, Secy: Stadtarchivar Prof. Dr. Immo Eberl, Donops): Georg Weber, Ruth Weber Limitations: Grants in Ellwangen only Focus: SocW 08023
Maria- und Reinhold Weber Stiftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkámmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart Fax: (0711) 2167845 Established: 1998; Donops): Reinhold Weber Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Youth; Health; SocW 08026 Weber-Tietyens-Gedächtnls-Stiftung, MariaLouisen-Str 114, 22301 Hamburg T: (040) 4288270; Fax: 42882710 Established: 1969 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ 08027 Weber'sche Stiftung, An der Rosenleite 4, 83471 Schönau T: (08652) 2033 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Kurt Weber, Erika Weber Assets: DM 100.000,Focus: Cult; Sports 08028 Wechterswlnkler-Pfarreien· und Schulenstiftung, c/o Stiftung Juliusspital Würzburg, Juliuspromenade 19, 97070 Würzburg T: (0931) 3930; Fax: 3931022 Established: 1809; Donor(s): Großherzog Ferdinand von Würzburg Assets: DM 1.865.700,-, Expenditures: DM 1.654.900,· Limitations: Grants in the region of Unterfranken only Focus: SocW; Mon 08029 Weckerherllnianum-Stlftung, c/o Stiftungsmanagement Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkámmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1908; Donor(s): Gustav Weckherlin Limitations: Grants in Stuttgart only Focus: Educ; Hous 08030 Weddlgen-Stfftung, do Stadtverwaltung, Der Oberbürgermeister, Rathaus, Wegnerstr, 42275 Wuppertal T: (0202) 5636596; Fax: 5638032 Established: 1875; Donor(s): H. Weddigen Assets: DM 87.200,-, Receipts: DM 5.400,·, Expenditures: DM 5.400,· Limitations: Grants in Wuppertal onty Focus: Hous 08031 Stiftung der Familie Wedekind zur Horst, KartHuschens-Str 21, 42799 Leichlingen T: (02175) 2633 Established: 1885 Limitations: Grants to members of the Wedekind zur Horst family only Focus: Fam 08032 Stiftung Sammlung Wedells, c/o Senatskanzlei, Rathaus, 20095 Hamburg Τ: (040) 428312027; Fax: 36812554; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1921; Secy: Christi Howaldt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 08033 Peter Weflng Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwälte Ahlers & Vogel, Postfach 103527, 28035 Bremen Τ: (0421) 33340 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants and scholarships in the region of Bremen only Focus: Cult; Health; Educ; Voc; Schol; Hand 08034 Alfred Wegener-Stlftung, Amo-Holz-Str 14, 12165 Berlin T: (030) 79013740; Fax: 79013741; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.awstiftung.de Established: 1980; Donor(s): Deutsche Geowissenschaftliche Gesellschaften und Vereine Assets: DM 855.000,·, Expenditures: DM 78.000,· Limitations: Grants to needy employees of Commerzbank AG (Hamburg) and their relatives only Focus: SocW 08035 Margarete Wehling-Stiftung, Alfred-Bozi-Str 2, 33602 Bielefeld Τ: (0521) 69988; Fax: 69989 Established: 1985; Donops): Margarete Wehling Assets: DM 37.219.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.172.000,Focus: Hand 08036
08037 - 08089
143 Albeit, Maria und Luise Wehr-Stiftung, do Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten T: (0831) 2526395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Albert Wehr Expenditures: DM 51.000,ümitations: Grants to needy Citizens of Kempten only Focus: SocW 08037 Herbert und Elsbeth Welchman n-Stlftung, EllyHeuss-Knapp-Ring 15, 21035 Hamburg T: (040) 73596888; Fax: 73596889; Internet: http jl www.weichmann-stiftung.de Established: 1989; Secy: Dr. Lothar Dittmer, Donops): Dr. Elsbeth Weichmann Assets: DM 1.200.000,Focus: Hist 08038 Stiftung Dr. med. Walter und Louise W e i d e m a n n , Kónigstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08039 Welderier Lehrer-Stiftung, Nikolaistr 9, 92637 Weiden Established: 1990 Assets: DM 200.000,-, Receipts: DM 12.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.500,· Umitations: Grants to needy German teachers and their relatives only Focus: SocW 08040 Georg-Friedrich Welder'sches Legat, Schulstr 7, 06800 Jeßnitz Τ: (03494) 77218; Fax: 790945; E-Mail: scheur>del@ gmx.de Established: 1709; Donor(s): Georg-Friedrich Weider Assets: DM 8.514,· Limitations: Grants in Jeßnitz only Focus: SocW 08041 Weidmüller-Stiftung, Klingenbergstr 16, 32758 Detmold Τ: (05231) 141703; Fax: 142050 Established: 1988; Chair: Peter Glâsel, Secy: Prof. Dr. Volker Herzig, Donor(s): Peter Glâsel Expenditures: DM 400.000,Limitations: Grants to students in the region of Ostwestfalen-Lippe only Focus: Schol; Eng; Econ 08042 Dr. Weidner-GoI lettl-StIftung Heidelberg, Schlittweg 33, 69198 Schriesheim Τ: (06203) 61916; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Secy: Dr. Albrecht Abele, Donops): Prof. Dr. Lieselotte Weidner-Golletti Expenditures: DM 4.000,Focus: Sen; Youth; SocW 08043 Hermine Weldner-NachlaB-Stlftung, do Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Jugendamt, Zeil 57, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21238236 Established: 1985 Assets: DM 394.377,Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Ped 08044 K.L. W e l g a n d ' a c h e Stiftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21 BOO; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1946; Donor(s): Konsul a.D. Kart Leonhard Weigand, Maria Sophie Weigand Expenditures: DM 195.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; Tub 08045 Weihenstephaner Jublläumssttftung 1905 u n d Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung, c/o Technische Universität München, Verwaltungsstelle Weihenstephan, 85350 Freising Established: 1952 Limitations: Scholarships to students at the Technische Universität München only Focus: Schol; Brew 08046 Paul-Weiiand-Stiftung - Entwicklungshilfe f ü r die Wirtschaft, c/o Lausitzer Technologiezentrum GmbH, Industriegelände Str E, Nr. 8, 02977 Hoyerswerda T: (03571) 978616; Fax; 978615; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.paul-weilandstrftung.de Established: 1999; Donops): Dipl.-Ing. Paul Weiland Limitations: Grants in the region of Lausitz only Focus: Eng; Schol; Min 08047 Dr. Paul und Cilli Welll-Sttftung, c/o Vereinigung vor Freunden und Förderern der Johann-Wolfgang· Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main e.V., Senckenberganlage 31, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 79823935; Fax: 79828064; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.unifrankfurt.de Established: 1978; Donor(s): Dr. Paul und Cilli Weill Assets: DM 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 50.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships to members of Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Schol; Med; Uni 08048 Georg Welnblum-Stfftung, Stadthaust)rücke 1-3, 20355 Hamburg Τ: (040) 376300 Established: 1986 Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nav 08049
Geschwister Weinert-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Coburg, Stadtkämmerei, Martel 10, 96450 Coburg Τ: (09561) 891205; Fax: 891209 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Johanna und Gertrud Weine rt Assets: DM 6.591,· Limitations: Grants to ñückeitschule in Coburg only Focus: Educ 08050 Friedrich W e i n h a g e n Stiftung, Alter Markt 1, 31134 Hildesheim Τ: (05121) 694513; Fax: 694386 Established: 1979; Chair Oberstadtdirektor Dr. Konrad Deufel, Stadtkàmmerer Dr. Hans-Gunter Kranz, Secy: Günter FröchBing, Donops): Stadt Hildes heim Assets: DM 5.731.472,10, Receipts: DM 440.000,·, Expenditures: DM 415.000,Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon 08051 Weinmann-Stiftung, Postfach 1104, 72286 Lossburg T: (07443) 240219 Established: 1993; Secy: Friedrich Weinmann, Donor(s): Bruno, Johanna und Friedrich Weinmann Expenditures: DM 100.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 08052 Welnschûtz-Stlftung, Hilgardstr 14, 67346 Speyer T: (06232) 76069; Fax: 677567 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Emil und Margret Weinschütz Assets: DM 131.000,-, Expenditures: DM 12.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08053 Weirlch-Daubenfeld-Stlftung, Saarstr 3, 54424 Thalfang Established: 1995 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08054 Herbert Welsenburger-Stlftung, Postfach 2455, 76414 Rastatt T: (07222) 959220; Fax: 959222 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Herbert Weisenburger Assets: DM 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 55.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 08055 Albert Weisgerber-Stiftung, Am Markt 7, 66386 Sankt Ingbert T: (06894) 13358; Fax: 13530 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Stadt Sankt Ingbert, Saarpfalz-Kreis Assets: DM 149.000,·, Expenditures: DM 347.000,· Focus: Arts; Cult 08056 Frauke Welskam- u n d Christel RuransklStiftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: httpJl www.stffterverband.de Established: 1988; Donor(s): Dr. Jürgen Weiskam, Henryk Ruranski Assets: DM 918.051,-, Expenditures: DM 102.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 08057 Georg und Maria Welskopf-Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1903; Donor(s): Georg und Maria Weiskopf Assets: DM 253.800,-, Receipts: DM 78.500,-, Expenditures: DM 67.000,· Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: SocW 08058 Heinrich und Mathilde Wel6-Stiftung, Postfach 250112, 68084 Mannheim T: (0621) 413112 Established: 1989; Dortor(s): Heinrich und Mathilde Wei Limitations: Grants in Mannheim only Focus: SocW 08059 Marie W e i ß e n b o m ' s c h e Stiftung, clo Evang. Kirchenkreis Mühlhausen, Bei der Marienkirche 9, 99974 Mühlhausen T: (03601) 812901; Fax: 816944 Focus: SocW 08060 WelBenburger Kinderstiftung Volksbank WeiBenburg, Bismarkanlage 3-5, 91781 Weißenburg Established: 1997; Donor(s): Volksbank Weißenburg Limitations: Grants in Weißenburg only Focus: Child 08061 WeiBstorchstmung Minden-LObbecke, Kreishaus, Portastr 13, 32423 Minden T: (0571) 8072301; Fax: 8072700 Established; 1997; Secy: Lothar Meckling Expenditures: DM 13.000,· Limitations: Grants in the district of Kreis MindenLübbecke only Focus: AnimP; Omit 08062 Liitz-Wettmann-Stfftung, c/o Stuttgarter Bürgerstiftungen, Stadtkämmerei der Landeshauptstadt, Schmale Str 9-13, 70173 Stuttgart T: (0711) 2167718; Fax: 2167845 Established: 1952; Donops): Maria Lutz-Weitmann Limitations: Grants to citizens of Stuttgart-Munster only Focus: Sen 08063
Germany: Wessels-Stiftung
Marianne von Weizsäcker Fonds, Stiftung Integrationshilfe für ehemalige Drogenabhängige e.V., (formerly: Stiftung Integrationshilfe für ehemalige Drogenabhängige), Grünstr 99, 59063 Hamm T: (02381) 21006; Fax: 21008 Established: 1989; Chain Rolf Hüllinghorst, Secy: Rita Homung, Donops): Marianne von Weizsäcker Assets: DM 2.000.000,·, Expenditures: DM 300.000,Limrtations: Grants in Germany onty Focus: Drug; Reh 08064
Hermann und Elise geb. Heckmann Wentzel· Stiftung, c/o Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jägerstr 22-23, 10117 Berlin T: (030) 20370345; Fax: 20370500; Internet: http:// www.bbaw.de/oe/einrichtu ngen/stiftung. html Established: 1894; Chair: Prof. Christine Windbichler, Secy: Angelika Schuller, Donor(s): Elise Wentzel geb. Heckmann Assets: DM 1.100.000,·, Receipts: DM 60.000,·, Expenditures: DM 79.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie 08078
Welker-Stiftung, Welkerstr 15-17, 47053 Duisburg T: (0203) 9925283; Fax: 9925313 Established: 1967; Secy: Franz-Josef Scheidler, Donor(s): Dr. Johann und Dora Welker Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08065
Anna Wenz-Bethanien-Stiftung, c/o Steuerberater E. Blankenburg, Völklinger Weg 89, 60529 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 357209; Fax: 357209 Established: 1997 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Health; Nurs 05079
Mechthild und Günter Welker-Stiftung, Oklenburger Str 10, 49377 Vechta T: (04441) 870770; Fax: 870710 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Dr. Günter WelkerAltegoer Expenditures: DM 100.000,Focus: Wom; Fam 08066 Wilhelm Weller-Stlftung, Pigageallee 25, 40597 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 717271; Fax: 717213 Established: 1989; Donor(s): Anne und Renate Weller Expenditures: DM 30.000,Focus: SocW 08067 Wellhöfer-Felgel-Helndel-Stlftung In Erlangen, c/o Stadt Erlangen, Stadtkämmerei, Rathauspl 1, 91052 Erlangen T: (09131) 862238 Established: 1891 Assets: DM 1.701.460,Limitations: Grants in Erlangen only Focus: Sen 08068 Wellmann-Doerr-Stlftung, c/o Jugendamt, Fischstr 2-6, 23552 Lübeck Τ: (0451) 1225134 Established: 1943; Chair: Albeit Korte, Donor(s): Emma Wellmann Assets: DM 56.740,Limrtations: Grants in Lübeck only Focus: Child 08069 Margarete-Welsch-Stlftung, Am Hasenlauf 64, 35216 Biedenkopf Τ: (06461) 2805 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Margarete Welsch Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Ped; Child; Sen; RelE , . 08070 Nachlaß Augusta Welser, c/o Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Referat III Β 4, GeschwisterScholl-Pl 1, 80539 München Τ: (089) 21804; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Augusta Josepha Welser Expenditures: DM 59.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 08071 Weltkugel-Stiftung, Kurfürstenstr 52, 14467 Berlin T: (030) 2703861; Fax: 2704166 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Große NationalMutterloge Zu den drei Weltkugeln Expenditures: DM 200.000,· Focus: Fam; Sen 08072 Albert und Margarete Wendt-Gedachtnls-Stlftung, Nachtigallenweg 8, 21077 Hamburg Established: 1956 Focus: Sen 08073 Hans Wendt-Stlftung, Am Lehester Deich 17-21, 28357 Bremen Τ: (0421) 253073; Fax: 256661 Established: 1919; Donor(s): Hermann Otto Wendt Assets: DM 17.576.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 08074 Domprobst W e n g e r u n d Bischof Friedrich II. Graf von Zollernsche Distriktspitalstiftung, Grüntenstr 4, 87527 Sonthofen T: (08321) 66590; Fax: 665960; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1496; Chain Bürgermeister Hubert Buhl, Secy: Ulrich Graf, Donops): Domprobst Wenger, Bischof Friedrich II. Receipts: DM 4.800.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.800.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08075
Vermächtnis Caroline Wenzel-Stiftung, c/o Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Transferstelle, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53111 Bonn Τ: (0228) 731 Established: 1966 Assets: DM 228.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane 08080 Prof. Werdelmann-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Prof. Bruno Werdelmann Assets: DM 300.050,-, Expenditures: DM 26.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Chem 08081 Gedächtnisstiftung Dr. Peter H. W e r h a h n junior, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.stifterverband.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Dr. Peter H. Wehrtiahn, Anna Marie Wehrhahn Assets: DM 187.389,-, Expenditures: DM 13.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 08082 Gertrud Werner Stiftung, Stedinger Str 16, 28203 Bremen T: (0421) 71295; Fax: 71295 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Gertrud Werner Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 08083 Gustav Werner Stiftung z u m Bruderhaus Reutlingen, Ringelbachstr 211, 72762 Reutlingen T: (07121) 2780; Fax: 278300 Established: 1840; Chair: Pfarrer Lothar Bauer, Donor(s): Gustav Werner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand; Educ; Psychia; Sen . . . 08084 Dr. Werner'sche Spitalstiftung Acholshausen, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, 97253 Gaukönigshofen Τ: (09337) 400 Established: 1766; Donor(s): Chorherr Franz Bartholomäus Werner Expenditures: DM 4.700,· Limitations: Grants to needy Catholic women only Focus: Wom 08085 Dr. phil. Walter Wernick a u s Danzig Stiftung, do Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1962; Donor(s): Hedwig Wemick Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; Wom 08086 Wesertal Umweltstiftung, Bahnhofstr 16-20, 31785 Hameln T: (05151) 811380; Fax: 811078; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http^/www.wesertal.de Established: 1998; Secy: Birgit Timmermann, Donor(s): Elektrizitätswerk Wesertal GmbH, Landkreise Hameln-Pyrmont, Schaumburg, Holzminden, Kreis Lippe Expenditures: DM 183.000,Limilations: Grants in the districts of Kreis Lippe, Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont, Landkreis Holzminden and Landkreis Schaumburg only Focus: Ecol 08087
Käthe und Wilhelm Wengler-Stlftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaftungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http Jl www.sttft6rverband.de Established: 1996; Donor(s): Wilhelm Wengler Expenditures: DM 58.000,· Focus: Scie; Res; Educ 08076
Familie Wespln-Stiftung, Κ 1, 7-13, 68159 Mannheim Τ: (0621) 2939609; Fax: 2933470 Established: 1887; Donor(s): Dorothea Wespin Assets: DM 5.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 630.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth; Fam 08068
Irma Wenke-Stlftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Irma Wenke Expenditures: DM 40.000,Limitations: Grants in München only . . . 08077
Theodor Wessels-Stlftung, Albertus-Magnus-PI, 50923 Köln Τ: (0221) 412023; Fax: 446537 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Verein ehemaliger Schüler des Energiewirtschaftlichen Instituts an der Universität Köln e.V. Focus: En 08089
Germany: Wessenbergsche
08090 - 08144
von Wessenbergsche Vermächtnis-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Konstanz, Stiftuηgsverwattung, Postlach 5346, 78432 Konstanz Τ: (07531) 8013000; Fax: 8013009 Established: 1663; Donor(s): Freiherr Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg Assets: DM 7.510.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.321.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted . . 08090 Dagmar-Westberg-Stlftung, c/o Credit Suisse, Messe Turm, 60308 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 974630; Fax: 97463333 Established: 2000 Limitations: Grants in Frankfurt am Main only Focus: Arts; SocW 08091 Westerauer-Stiftung, c/o Hansestadt Lübeck, Fleischhauerstr 20, 23539 Lübeck T: (0451) 1222040/41; Fax: 1222009 Established: 1463; Chair Bürgermeister der Hansestadt Lübeck, Donor(s): Gerd van Lenthen, Andreas Geverdes Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ser 08092 Stiftung Westermann-Westdorp, Alfredstr 344, 45133 Essen T: (0201) 422158; Fax: 422158 Established: 1968; Chair: Dr. Klaus Neuhoff, Donor(s): Sophie Karoline Westdorp Assets: DM 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 40.000,Focus: Child; Hand; Cane 08093 Wester'sche Kranken- und Waisenhausstiftung, Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Str 13, 57518 Betzdorf Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs; Orp 08094 Westfälische Diakonenanstalt Nazareth Im Verbund der von Bodelschwínghschen Anstalten Bethel, Nazarethweg 5-7, 33649 Bielefeld T: (0521) 1444113; Fax: 1444582 Established: 1877 Expenditures: DM 49.571.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08095 Westfälische Diakonissenanstalt Sarepta im Verbund der von Bodelschwínghschen Anstalten Bethel, Postfach 130349, 33546 Bielefeld T: (0521) 1442228; Fax: 1442213; E-Mail: Established: 1669; Chair: Rosemarie Hopp, Donor(s): Gottfried Bansi Assets: DM 21.577.000,·. Expenditures: DM 39.988.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW Dr. Wilhelm Westhaus-Stiftung, Kölner Tor 22, 40625 Düsseldorf T: (0211) 289300 Established: 1953; Chair: Willy Esser, Donops): Dr. Wilhelm Westhaus Assets: DM 1.200.000,-, Receipts: DM 100.000,-, Expenditures: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Grants to Universität Köln only. Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Law; Uni 08097 Maria Westhoff-Stiftung, Wilhelmstr 53, 46145 Oberhausen T: (0208) 669663 Established: 1973; Donor(s): Maria Westhoff Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 08098 Die WestHyp-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kultur und Wissenschaft, Florianstr 1, 44139 Dortmund T: (0231) 1082413; Fax: 1082416; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.westhyp.de Established: 1987; Secy: Jörg Stumpf, Donor(s): Westfälische Hypothekenbank AG Assets: DM 2.300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 250.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Cult; Scie; Music; Arts; Archit . . 08099 WestLB-Stiftung Zukunft NRW, Herzogstr 15, 40217 Düsseldorf Τ: (0211) 8267568; Fax: 8269043 Established: 1995; Secy: Dr. Heike Koch Limitations: Grants in the state of Nordrtiein· Westfalen only Focus: Ecol; Mon; Educ; IntU; SocW . . 08100 Hans und Elfriede Westphal-Stiftung, Im kleinen Feld 18, 30982 Pattensen Τ: (05101) 915055 Established: 1982; Donops): Hans Westphal Expenditures: DM 10.000,Focus: SocW; Hand 08101 Daniela und Jürgen Westphal-Stiftung zur Förderung privater Universitäten, c/o Silke Dingwort, Adolphsbrücke 11, 20457 Hamburg T: (040) 373747; Fax: 363665; E-Mail: mailboxÔrastb.com Established: 1987; Secy: Rechtsanwältin Silke Dingwort, Donor(s): Daniela und Jürgen Westphal Expenditures: DM 38.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Uri; Schol 08102
WestphahUmwett-Stiftung, Am Schölerberg β, 49082 Osnabrück Established: 1990 Assets: DM 102.000,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Grants in Osnabrück and the region of Ostfriesland only Focus: Ecol 08103 Wetken'sche Schulstiftung, Hamburg T: (040) 3020060, 30200635 Established: 1723 Focus: Educ
r 11, 20095
Ingeborg Wetzels-Stiftung, Lauersfortstr 8, 47804 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 710141 Established: 1968 Assets: DM 202.000,Focus: Schol; Med 08105 Stiftung Dr. Johann-Gottfried Wetzstein, c/o Staatsbibliothek zu Bertin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Orientabteilung, Potsdamer Str 33, 10785 Berlin Established: 1991 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orient 08106 Ulrich Weyel-Stlftung, Schiffenberger Weg 17, 35394 Gießen T: (0641) 975660; Fax: 9756611 Established: 1977; Chair: Ulrich Weyel, Secy: Ulrich Weyel, Lotte Wiese, Donor(s): Ulrich Weyel Assets: DM 3.500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 150.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08107
Wilhelm-Stift, Spandauer Damm 62, 14050 Berlin T: (030) 3214659 Established: 1866 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08131
Johannes und Louise Wlegand-Sttftung, Donandtstr 38, 28209 Bremen T: (0421) 343303 Limitations: Grants to pupils in Bremen only Focus: Educ
Präsident Achelis-Elisabeth Wiegend Stiftung, Gustav-Deetjen-Allee 2*6, 28215 Bremen T: (0421) 35000 Established: 1903 Limitations: Grants to employees and former employees of Hapag-Uoyd AG (Bremen) only Focus: SocW 08117 Max Michael WIeland-Stlftung, Soziale Einrichtung für behinderte Kinder, tío Rechtsanwalt Christian Zimmermann, Schillerstr 7, 82467 GarmischPartenkirchen T: (08821) 949377; Fax: 941576 Established: 1999; Donops): Max Michael Wieland Limitations: Grants in Garmisch-Partenkirchen only Focus: Youth; SocW 08118 Uli WIeland-Stlftung, c/o Stadt Vöhringen, Stadtkâmmerei, Hettstedter PI 1, 89269 Vöhringen T: (07306) 962250 Established: 1957; Donops): Familie Wieland Assets: DM 11.680,·, Expenditures: DM 1.300,Limitations: Prizes to pupils in Vöhringen only Focus: Educ 08119 Stiftung Haus Wfenemann, Lutherring 27, 67547 Worms T: (06241) 25121; Fax: 25193 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Dr. Eitel Wienemann Expenditures: DM 3.000,Focus: Law; Econ 08120
Wilhelm-Stiftung für Rehabllitationsforschung, do SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet http:// www.$tifterverband .de Established: 1986; Donor(s): Anny Wilhelm Assets: DM 1.810.870,·, Expenditures: DM 77.000,Focus: Reh 08132 Wilhelm und Auguste Viktoria-Stiftung für Säuglingsfürsorge, Braubachstr 18-22, 60311 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 21233620, 21233969 Established: 1906 Focus: Ped 08133 Wilhelmstift, Stiftsstr 5, 06567 Bad Frankenhausen T: (034671) 6650; Fax: 66525; E-Mail: Wilhelmstift6t-online.de; Internet: http://www.badfrankenhausen.de Established: 1894/1992; Secy: Norbert Otte, Donops): Wilhelm Schall Assets: DM 6.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Youth; Worn 08134 Ν. Wilke-Sttft, Krankenhaus und lutherische Diakonissen-Anstalt, Dr.-Ayrer-Str 1-4, 03172 Guben T: (03561) 403161; Fax: 403225; E-Mail: NaemiWilke-Stift®selk.de; Internet: http^/www.naemi-wilkestift.de Established: 1878; Chair Pastor Stefan Su, Secy: Hans-Dieter Dill, Donops): Friedrich Wilke Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs; SocW 08135
August und Thekla Weygang-Stiftung, do Rathaus, Marktpi 15, 74613 Öhringen T: (07941) 68140; Fax: 68240 Established: 1951; Dor>or(s): August Weygang, Thekla Weygang Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 08108
Eberhard Wlenhott-Stiftung, Rothenbaumchaussee 58, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 44114190; Fax: 4107213; E-Mail: m.wienrich® koesterhandel.de Established: 1997; Donops): Ebertiard Wienholt Expenditures: DM 21.000,· Limitations: Grants to Deutscher Hochseesportverband Hansa e.V. only Focus: Sports 08121
Jobst und Anna Wichem-Sttftung, Bemadottestr 126, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 8807031; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1953; Donor(s): Jobst und Anna Wiehern Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Blinds 08109
Hermann Wighardt-Stlftung, c/o Mehler AG, Edelzeller Str 44, 36043 Fulda T: (0661) 103701 Established: 1936; Donops): Hermann Wighardt Assets: DM 67.000,Limitations: Grants to former employees of Wighardt Co. (Fulda) only Focus: SocW 08122
Stiftung Wickenmayer'sche katholische Kinderpflege, Theaterstr 19, 97070 Würzburg T. (0931) 35030; Fax: 3503400 Established: 1871; Donops): Johann Valentin Wickenmayer, Magdalena Wickenmayer Expenditures: DM 3.344.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 08110
Josef und Hilde Wllberz-StHtung, Steinmetzstr 3436, 41061 Mönchengladbach Τ: (02161) 68595 Established: 1979; Donor(s): Josef und Fanny Wilberz Limitations: Grants in Mönchengladbach only Focus: SocW; Sports; Schol; AnimP . . . 08123
Gustav-Wlll-Stlftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Hauptstr 52, 79730 Murg T: (07763) 93020; Fax: 93019 Established: 1930; Donops): Gustav Will Expenditures: DM 1.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ο φ 08138
Leonia-Wlld-Stlftung, Rudolf-Wild-Str 2, 69214 Eppelheim/Heidelberg Τ: (06221) 7990 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Leonie Wild Focus: Voc; Sports; Cult; Mon; SocW; Hand; Hist 08124
Wolfgang Wllleck-Stiftung, Tannenweg 4, 35614 A lar Τ: (06443) 5955; Fax: 5560 Established: 1990; Chair Hermann Christoph Willeck, Donops): Hermann Christoph Willeck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; SocW 08139
Wlecking-Sttftung, Am Urberg 10. 49186 Bad Iburg Τ: (05403) 851 Established: 1986; Chair: Margot Wtecking, Donops): Margot Wiecking Expenditures: DM 550.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08111 Prinz Maximilian zu Wied Stiftung, c/o Kreisverwaltung Neuwied, Postfach 2161, 56562 Neuwied T: (02631) 803216; Fax: 803309 Established: 1986; Secy: Dietmar Kurz, Donops): Fürst zu Wied, Landkreis Neuwied, Stadt Neuwied, Förderkreis Altsteinzeit e.V. Expenditures: DM 370.000,Umitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Archeo; Hist 08112 Heinz und Renate Wledemann-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36885960; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Renate und Heinz Wiedemann Limitations: Grants to village churches in Vietlübbe, Kirch Baggendorf and Glewitz (MecklenburgVorpommern) only Focus: Mon 08113 Dr. phil. Fritz Wledemann-Stlftung, do SV Stiftu η gs Verwaltung^ GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: s. westermann Ôstifterverband.de; Internet: http7/ www.stifterverband.de Established: 1989; Donor(s): Heinz Wiedemann Expenditures: OM 11.000,Focus: Hum; Hist; SocS 08114 Josef und Fanny Wiedemen n-Stipendlen· Stiftung, Max-Philipp-Str 32, 86842 Türkheim Τ: (08245) 5311; Fax: 5322 Established: 1963; Donorjs): Josef und Fanny Wiedemann Assets: DM 554.000,-, Expenditures: DM 113.000,· Limitations: Scholarships to students originating of Tûrkheim only Focus: Schol 08115
Or. Rainer Wlld-Stlftung, In der Aue 4, 69118 Heidelberg Τ: (06221) 89980; Fax: 699840; E-Mail: Dr.RainerWilct-Stiftungdt-online.de; Internet: http:// www.gesunde-emaehning.org Established: 1991; Chair: Prof, Dr. Rainer Wild, Secy: Frank Bronold, Dr. Uwe Spiekermann, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Rainer Wild Expenditures: DM 1.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Food 08125 Carl Wllde-stfftung. Am Markt 1, 19406 Sternberg T: (03847) 44450 Established: 1999; Chain Mona Wilde Limitations: Grants in Sternberg only Focus: Arts; Cult; Mon; Sen; Youth; SocW 08126 Wildland Gesellschaft, Gesellschaft zum Schutze der wildlebenden Tiere in natürlicher Landschaft, Hohenlindner Str 12, 85622 Feldkirchen T: (089) 99023417 Established: 1967; Secy: Eric Imm, Donor(s): Landesjagdverband Bayern e.V. Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: AnimP 08127 Johann Wilfer-Sttftung, Am Kurpark 5, 87534 Oberstaufen T: (08386) 961300; Fax: 961302 Established: 1996 Expenditures: DM 1.044.000,· 08128 Heidenheimer Kultur· und Sozialfonds Stiftung Karl-Heinz Wilhelm, Danziger Str 15, 89516 Heidenheim T: (07321) 347110; Fax: 347110 Established: 1991; Donops): Karl-Heinz Wilhelm Expenditures: DM 16.000,Limitations: Grants in Heidenheim only Focus: Cult; SocW; Arts; Sports . . . . 08129 Wilhelm-Aug usta-Stift, Luther-Haus-Str 2, 98553 Schleusingen T: (036841) 280; Fax: 42455 Established: 1891; Donops): Siechen hau skomitee Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08130
Paul Wiiken-Sttftung, Holstenwall 12, 20355 Hamburg T: (040) 35905206 Established: 1963; Donops): Paul Wilken Assets: DM 135.000,-, Expenditures: DM 9.200,Focus: Voc 08136 Horst und Greti Will Stiftung, Domkloster 2, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2050630; Fax: 2050663 Established: 1996 Focus: SocW; Arts; Cult; Sen 05137
Wlllems'sche Armenstiftung Neumagen, Römerstr 137, 54347 Neumagen T: (06507) 92550 Established: 1960; Donor(s): Johann Anton Willems Assets: DM 133.660,-, Expenditures: DM 28.000,Limitations: Grants in Neumagen only Focus: SocW 08140 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung des Rentners Ferdinand von Willibald in München, c/o Stadt Augsburg, Senioren- und Stiftungsamt, Schießgrabenstr 4, 86150 Augsburg T: (0821) 3244301; Fax: 3244303; E-Mail: info® allgemein.susta.de Established: 1924; Dorior(s): Ferdinand von Willibald Assets: DM 96.000,·, Expenditures: DM 4.000,Focus: SocW 08141 Hermann Willkomm Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1982; Donops): Wilhelmine Willkomm Limitations: Grants to Johann Wolfgang GoetheUniversität in Frankfurt am Main and to Technische Universität in Dresden only Focus: NatS; Uni 08142 Wolfgang Wllmanns-Stfftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholl-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (069) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1999; Donops): Christina Bergmann, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Wrlmanns Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cane; Uni 08143 Wllmeredorfer Seniorenstiftung, Lentzeallee 2, 14195 Berlin T: (030) 89793030 Established: 1996; Secy: Wolfgang Prenzel, Donof(s): Land Berlin, Bezirk Wilmersdorf Assets: DM 15.000.000,LimitaGons: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08144
08145 - 08199
Robert Wilson Stiftung zur Förderung v o n Kunst, Kultur und Ausbildung, Brabandstr 5, 22297 Hamburg T: (040) 27807175; Fax: 275455 Established: 1997; Donor(s): Lummi-Ursula Krenz, Christian Eisenbeiss Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Arts; Cult; Theat 06145 Dr. Ferdinand und Franziska Wlmmer-StJftung, c/o Landratsamt Starnberg, Strandbadstr 2, 82319 Starnberg T: (08151) 148280; Fax: 148535 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Or. Ferdinand Wimmer Assets: DM 470.000,-, Expenditures: D M 37.500,Limitations: Grants in the district of Landkreis Starnberg only Focus: Youth
Agnes Wlnckler-Stiftung, Saatfelder Str 22, 99310 Arnstadt Τ: (03628) 43396 Established: 1907 Limitations: Grants in Arnstadt only Focus: Hort 08147 Stiftungen der Firma Hermann Windel G m b H für Angestellte und Arbeiter, Postfach 120106, 33651 Bielefeld Established: 1943 Assets: D M 407.860,Limitations: Grants to employees of Hermann Windel GmbH (Bielefeld) only Focus: SocW 08148 Friedrich-Wingert-Sttftung, do Baubenjfsgenossenschaft, Hildesheimerstr 309, 30519 Hannover Focus: Compu; Ling; Med 08149 Wolde mar Winkler-Stiftung der S p a r k a s s e Gütersloh, Konrad-Adenauer-Pl 1, 33330 Gütersloh Τ: (05241) 101260; Fax: 101269 Established: 1994; Secy: Eckhard Heftlage, Hartwig Fischer, Donops): Prof. Woldemar Winkler, Margret Winkler, Sparkasse Gütersloh Assets: DM 4.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult; Scie 08150 i und Dr. Karl-Otto Wlnkler-Sttttung für Arteltsmedizin, c/o S V Stiftungsverwattungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: httpJl www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Lieselotte Winkler, Dr. Kart-Otto Winkler Expenditures: D M 198.000,Focus: Urol 08151 Hiltrud Wlnnacker-SUftung, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, Rathausstr 1, 83727 Schliersee T: (08026) 600922; Fax: 600960 Established: 1955; Donops): Dr. Erich Winnacker Assets: DM 1.244.347,·, Expenditures: D M 486.000,· Limitations: Grants in Schliersee only Focus: Child; Educ 08152 Fritz-Winter-Stittung, c/o Sozietät Feddersen, Laule, Ewerwahn, Scherzberg, Finkelnburg & Clemm, Stftstr 9-17, 60313 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 29994263; Fax: 29994247 Established: 1981; Donops): Fritz Winter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult . . . 08153 Rainer Winter-Stiftung, Würzburger Str 181, 90766 Furth Established: 1980 Assets: DM 300.000,Focus: Child
Andreas Winterbauer-Stfftung Nürnberg, c/o Stadt Nürnberg, Stiftungsverwaltung, Theresienstr 1, 90317 Nürnberg T: (0911) 2312903; Fax: 2312357; E-Mail: Ursula±angdstk.stadt.nuemberg.de; Internet: http:// www.Stadt, nuembe rg.de Established: 1974; Donor(s): Johann Wilhelm Andreas Winterbauer Assets: DM 1.130.000,-, Receipts: D M 70.000,-, Expenditures: D M 30.000,Limitations: Grants to Citizens of Nürnberg only Focus: Schol 06155 Wintererstiftung, do Präsident der Monumenta Gennaniae Histórica, Postfach 340223, 80099 München Τ: (089) 286382360; Fax: 281419 Established: 1981 Expenditures: D M 50.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 06156 Stiftung Winterling M a i M e u t h e n , c/o S V Strftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovertaliee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet http Jl www.stjfterverband.de Established: 1984; Donor(s): Fritz, Marie und Ingeborg Winterling, Firma Heinrich Winterling Expenditures: D M 41.400,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res 08157
Wilhelm Clothar Freiherr von WintzingerodeStiftung, Burg Rottenstein. 91278 Pottenstein T: (09243) 274 Established: 1927; Donops): Wilhelm Clothar Freiherr von Wintzingerode Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 08158 Emst Wippenbeck Stiftung, c/o Kanzlei Ranft! & Matthâi, Lutzstr 2, 80687 München Established: 1999; Donor(s): Emst Wippenbeck Focus: Zool 08159 Otto A. Wipprecht Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Otto A. Wipprecht Limitations: Scholarships internationally, with emphasis on the U S A Focus: Schol; NatS; Am 08160 Wolfgang Wirichs-Stiftung, Stockweg 79, 47804 Krefeld Τ: (02151) 515214; Fax: 515221 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Wolfgang Wirichs Expenditures: D M 6.000,Focus: Schol; CommT 08161 Franz Wirth-Gedàchtnis-Stlftung zur Förderung d e s musikalischen N a c h w u c h s e s , Spitalerstr 28, 20095 Hamburg T: (040) 6052236, 338226 Established: 1970 Focus: Music 08162 Wirtschaftsverelnlgung Bergbau-Studlenhllfe d e s Deutschen Bergbaus, Haus der Wirtschaft, Am Schillertheater 4, 10625 Berlin T: (030) 3151820; Fax: 31518235; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1949; Secy: A d B Kegel Expenditures: D M 5.300,Limitations: Scholarships in Germany only Focus: Schol; Min 06163 Elisabeth Wlrtz-Schoemer-Stìftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Josef Wirtz Focus: Youth; Chikj; Οιρ 08164 Dechant W l s e r ' s c h e Erziehungsanstalt für arme Kinder, Hauptstr 11-15, 93128 Regenstauf T: (09402) 93020; Fax: 930233; Internet: http Jl www.thornas-wiser-haus.de/ Established: 1880; Chain Pfarrer Richard Bayer, Donor(s): Dr. Thomas Wiser Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child; Youth 08165 Johann-Alexander WlsnÌewsky*Stiftung, Postfach 1562, 49705 Meppen Τ: (05931) 44308; Fax: 44115 Established; 1995; Donops): Johann-Alexander Wisniewsky Assets: D M 3.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Meppen only Focus: Scie; Res; Cult 08166 Wissen-Stiftung, Kurfürstendamm 213, 10719 Berlin T: (030) 8817794/95; Fax: 8826476 Established: 1986; Chair: Rechtsanwalt Karl Heinz Oehler Assets: D M 600.000,·, Expenditures: D M 36.000,F x u s : Elect 08167 Wissenschaftlich-Medizinische Stiftung a m Allgemeinen Krankenhaus Bermbeck in Hamburg, Rübenkamp 148, 22291 Hamburg T: (040) 63852201; Fax: 63853909 Established: 1981; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Heinrich Johannes Beming Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 08168 W i s s e n s c h a f t s f o n d s der D G Bank, c/o S V Stiftungsverwattungs GmbH, Berkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http -Jl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1984; Donops): Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank Expenditures: D M 541.000,Limitations: Research grants in Germany only Focus: Coop 08169 WIT-Sttftung für soziale Einrichtungen, Schützenweg 7, 82335 Berg Established: 1993 Focus: SocW
Kommerzienrat Wltt-Famlliengrab-Stiftung, c/o Susat & Partner, Ungerer Str 75, 80805 München T: (089) 368490; Fax: 36849299 Established: 1956; Donops): Monika Witt, Dr. Josef Witt, Monika Magalow Assets: D M 36.000,-, Expenditures: D M 2.000,Limrtations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam; Mon 06171 Viola-Stiftung Walter Witte, Mendelssohnstr 59, 60325 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 74386766; Fax: 74386766 Established: 1994; Donops): Walter Witte Assets: D M 100.000,·, Expenditures: D M 7.000,Limitations: Grants to young German musicians and charitable music organizations in Germany only Focus: Music; Musi 08172
Wltteklndshof, Diakonische Einrichtung fur Geistigbehinderte, 32543 Bad Oeynhausen Τ: (05734) 610; Fax: 611190; Internet: http Jl www.Wittekindshof.de Established: 1887; Chair Horst Ritter Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hand
Wittelsbacher Jubiläumsstiftung, c/o LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Referat III Β 4, Geschwister-Scholi-Pl 1, 80539 München T: (089) 21800; Fax: 21802985 Established: 1980; Donor(s): Herzog Albrecht von Bayern Limitations: Scholarships to female students only Focus: Schol 08174 Wittelsbacher Landesstiftung, do ι Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, 80327 München T: (089) 21862369; Fax: 21863651 Established: 1923; Donops): Rupprecht Kronprinz von Bayern, Haus Wittelsbach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 08175 Ben Wttter-Stiftung, c/o Rechtsanwalt Joachim Karsten, Schlüte rstr 6, 20146 Hamburg T: (040) 4502410; Fax: 45024141 Established: 1994; Donor(s): Ben Witter Focus: Lit; Schol 08176 Vereinigte Dr. Hans Wittern-Stlftung der Johann-Helnrlch-Voß-Schule z u Eutin, Bismarkstr 14, 23701 Eutin T: (04521) 79460; Fax: 794646 Established: 1943/1980 Assets: D M 10.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ
Bischof-Michael-Wfttmann-Stlftung, Sebastian· Kneipp-Str 33, 92224 Amberg Established: 2000 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Amberg only Focus: SocW 08178 Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Wlttmann'sche Stipendienstiftung der TUM, c/o Technische Universität München, Arcisstr 21, 80333 München T: (089) 22249; Fax: 28922297 Established: 1899; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Wittmann Assets: DM 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: D M 17.000,Limitations: Scholarships to students at Technische Universität München only Focus: Schol; Eng 08179 Herbert Witzenmann-Stiftung, Großer Lückenweg 16, 75175 Pforzheim Established: 1989 Focus: Anthrop 08180 Erik von Witzleben-Stiftung zur Pflege attpreußischer Kultur, Am Steintor 5, 48167 Münster T: (02506) 2550; Fax: 6782 Established: 1972; Chair: Siegfried Sieg, Donorts): Landsmannschaft Westpreußen Assets: D M 60.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cult 08181 Antonie Wlosok-Stlftung, c/o Ref. 125 - Fremdund Drittmittel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitât, Saarstr 21, 55099 Mainz Τ: (06131) 393749; Fax: 395453; E-Mail: Stiftungen @ verwaltung.uni-mainz.de Established: 1998; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Antonie Wlosok Limitations: Grants to students and young scientists at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz only Focus: Ung; Lit; Hist; Arts; Cult; Archeo . 08J82
Germany: Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Stiftung W ö r l e n - M u s e u m Moderner Kunst, Steiningergasse 2, 94032 Passau T: (0851) 929390, 3838790; Fax: 9293949, 38387979 Established: 1986; Chain Hanns Egon Worten, Secy: Gerwald Sonnberger, Donor(s): Hanns Egon Worten Assets: D M 500.000,-, Receipts: D M 600.000,-, Expenditures: D M 700.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 08187 Wohlfahrtsstiftung Nienburg/Saale, Markt 1, 06429 Nienburg/Saale T: (034721) 22325; Fax: 22328 Established: 1929; Donor(s): Adolfo von Meyer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen; SocW 08188 Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg, Falkertstr 29, 70176 Stuttgart T: (0711) 61926100; Fax: 6192675 Established: 1972; Chair: Ministerialdirektor Dr. Manfred König, Donor(s): Ingrid Hastedt Assets: DM 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: D M 70.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S o c W 08189 Wohlfarth-Stlftung für Berufsbildung, do S V Stiftungsverwattungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen T: (0210) 84010; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1991; Donor(s): Gert Wohlfarth GmbH Assets: D M 150.000,-, Expenditures: DM 109.000,FOCUS: Voc 08190 Wohltätigkeitsfonds zur Unterstützung p s y c h i s c h Kranker und Hilfebedürftiger, Schloß Wemeck, 97440 Wemeck T: (09722) 211214; Fax: 211220; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1855 Assets: D M 294.160,-, Expenditures: DM 125.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Unterfranken only Focus: Psychia 08191 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung der Stadt Freising, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Obere Hauptstr 2, 85354 Freising T: (08161) 54124; Fax: 7686; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.freising.de Established: 1950 Assets: D M 99.000,-, Expenditures: D M 7.000,Limrtations: Grants in Freising only Focus: SocW 06192 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung (ehemalige Hospitalstiftung), 96142 Hollfeld Established: 1464 Assets: D M 100.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Hollfeld only Focus: S o c W 08193 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung (ehemalige Hospitalstiftung), do Stadtverwaltung, Marktpl 1, 96215 Lichtenfels Τ: (09571) 7950 Established: 1963 Assets: D M 500.000,-, Expenditures: DM 23.000,Limitations: Grants in Lichtenfels only Focus: S o c W 08194 Wohltätlgkeltsstlftung Marienheim, Rübezahlweg 1, 87437 Kempten Τ: (0831) 561150; Fax: 5611533 Established: 1892 Assets: D M 10.000.000,-, Expenditures: D M 8.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Kempten only Focus: S e n
. 08195
General-Wöhler-Stiftung, Heinrich-Wôhler-Str 3, 30938 Burgwedel Τ: (05139) 7253 Established: 1987; Chair Dr. Henry Braunwarth, Donorfc): General a.D. Otto Wöhler Assets: D M 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: D M 100.000,· Focus: SocW 08183
Wohltätlgkeltsstlftung Neustadt an der Donau, do Stadtverwaltung, 93333 Neustadt an der Donau T: (09445) 97170; Fax: 971720 Established: 1974 Assets: D M 72.200,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW; Sen 08196
Rudolf Wöhrt-Stlftung, Hörsteiner Str 22, 63791 Karlstein T: (06188) 5263 Established: 1982; Chair Johann Stein, Donor(s): Rudolf Wöhrl Assets: DM 90.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.400,Focus: Youth 08184
Wohltätlgkeltsstlftung Waischenfeld Hospitalstiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 91344 Waischenfeld Established: 1514 Limitations: Grants in Waischenfeld only Focus: S o c W 08197
Dr. Woehmttz-Stlttung Hochstr 8, 56412 Daubach T: (02602) 17798 Established: 1982; Donops): Elisabeth Woehmitz Expenditures: D M 150.000,Limitations: Grants in Lohr am Main only Focus: SocW; Child; Music; Sports; Arts; Rei; Youth 08185 Heimut-Wöite-Stlftung für Psychoonkologie, Ursulastr 10, 53123 Bonn T: (0228) 62239 Established: 1964 Focus: Cane; Psychol 08186
Wohltätlgkeltsstlftung Wassertrüdlngen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 91717 Wassertrûdingen Established: 1598 Assets: D M 40,000,-, Expenditures: D M 2.000,Limitations: Grants in Wassertriidingen only Focus: S x W 08198 Wohltätigkeltsstiftung W e i s m a i n (ehemalige Spitalsttftung), do Stadtverwaltung, Am Markt 19, 96260 Weismain Τ: (09575) 92200; Fax: 1248 Established: 1410 Expenditures: DM 8.300,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S o c W 08199
Germany: Woitschach-Stiftung Paul Woitschach-Stiftung, Kadettenweg 80b, 12205 Berlin T: (030) 84310580/81; Fax: 843105B2 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Paul Wortschach Focus: Music 08200 Dr. Ludwig Wolde-Stiftung, c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Dr. Ludwig Wolde Focus: Schol; Rei 08201 Reinhart Wolf photographische Stiftung, Königinstr 73, 80539 München T: (089) 342545; Fax: 336987 Established: 1990; Donor{s): Reinhart Wolf Assets: DM 300.000,-, Expenditures: DM 70.000,Focus: Phot 08202 Bäckerei Wolf Stiftung, Martir-Luther-Pl 5, 86150 Established: 1999; Donor(s): Bäckerei-Konditorei Wolf GmbH Focus: Ped; Cane 08203 Grete Wolf-Stiftung, c/o Wolf-Geräte, 57517 Betzdorf T: (06851) 80010; Fax: 800166 Established: 1972 Focus: SocW 08204 Gregor Wolf-Stiftung, Gregor-Woif-Str, 57518 Betzdorf T: (02741) 281211; Fax: 281300 Established: 1967; Donor(s): Dieter Wolf Focus: Youth; Sports; Cult; Arts . . . . 08205 Richard und Annemarie Wolf-Stiftung, Postfach 1164, 75434 Knittlingen T: (07043) 31758; Fax: 930105 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Richard Wolf, Annemarie Wolf Focus: MedE 08206 Dr. Wolfbauer-Stiftung, Reichsstr 31-33, 86609 Donauwörth T: (0906) 781100 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Dr. Josef Wolfbauer Assets: DM 100.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 08207 Wolfen büttel-Stiftung, (formerly: Alfred- und Ludwig-Sophien-Stiftung zu Wolfenbüttel - genannt Schweiger'sehe Stiftung), c/o Stadtverwaltung Wolfenbüttel. Postfach 1864, 38299 Wolfenbüttel T: (05331) 860; Fax: 86444; E-Mail: Stadt® wolfenbüttel.de Established: 1884; Chair: Bürgermeister Axel Gummert, Secy: Axel Sievers, Donor(s): Sophie Schweiger, Charlotte Mildenbein, Marianne Elich, Carl Friedrich Julius Horn, August Heinrich Ferdinand Horn Assets: ca. DM 953.000,-, Receipts: ca. DM 60.000,-, Expenditures: ca. DM 60.000,Focus: Sen; SocW; Child; Youth; Worn . 08208
Emst und Hedda Wollhelm-Stfftung, tío Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Josef-Schneider· Str 2, 97080 WOrzburg T: (0931) 2015300; Fax; 2013453 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Ernst Wollheim F x u s : Hemat 08216 Jakob Wolperth-Stiftung, c/o Bürgermeisteramt, Sachsenstr 27, 69469 Weinheim Τ: (06201) 592823; Fax: 592825 Established: 1978; Donor(s): Jakob Wolperth Assets: DM 100.200,-, Expenditures: DM 8.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sports; Music 08217 Woitag-Stiftung, tío Stadtverwaltung, Postfach 3309, 38023 Braunschweig Τ: (0531) 4702143; Fax: 4702964 Established: 1901; Donops): Juliane Wottag Assets: DM 377.000,·, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08218 Maria Woltere-Stlftung, c/o Behörde fur Schule, Jugend und Berufsbildung, Stiftungsverwaltung, Hamburger Str 131, 22083 Hamburg T: (040) 428632563; Fax: 428632823 Established: 1953; Donor(s): Maria Wolters Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Lit; Educ 08219 Woltersche Famlllenstlftung von 1619 zu Stendal, Quedlinburger Str 13, 06502 Neinstedt Established: 1619; Donor(s): Steffen Wolter Assets: DM 10.000,· Umitations: Grants to members of the Wolter family only Focus: Fam 08220 Eva Wolzendorf Fonds, c/o Freie Universität Berlin, Abt. II, Kaiserswerther Str 16-18, 14195 Bertin T: (030) 83853202; Fax: 83853227 Established: 1993; Donor(s): Eva Wolzendorf Limitations: Scholarships to students at the FU Berlin only Focus: Schol; Math; NatS; Eng . . . . 08221 Wilhelm Woort-Stiftung für Altemsforschung, tío SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband.de Established: 1971; Donor(s): Wilhelm Woort Assets: DM 637.570,-, Expenditures: DM 28.000,Focus: Ger 08222 Heitert-Worch-Stiftung, Ermekeilstr 48, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 224772; Fax: 224741; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1997; Chair: Dr. Roland Alexander Expenditures: DM 110.000,· Focus: MedE 08223
Wolfen bütteler Feierabendstiftung, Leibnizstr 6, 38300 WolfenbOttel T: (05331) 26288 Established: 1896; Donor(s): Anna Vomverk Assets: DM 825.000,-, Expenditures: DM 112.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08209
World Childhood Foundation, Stiftung für hilfsbedürftige Kinder, tío Rechtsanwalt Dr. Josef Zeller, Wittelsbacherpl 1, 80333 München Established: 1999; Donor(s): Königin Silvia von Schweden Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Child 08224
Wolfen bütteler Heimatstiftung, Neuer Weg 44, 38302 Wolfenbüttel T: (05331) 7091 Established: 1891 Limitations: Grants in WolfenbOttel only Focus: Child; Youth 08210
World Scout Foundation Deutschland, tío Rechtsanwalt und Notar Jörg H. Boehme, Argonnenstr 5, 28211 Bremen T: (0421) 3489948 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Youth 08225
Emmy Wolff-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1988; Donor(s): Emmy Wolff Focus: AnimP 08211 Otto-Wolff-Stiftung, Postfach 511011, 50946 Köln Τ: (0221) 371020; Fax: 93477050 Established: 1998 Expenditures: DM 2.000.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Voc; Sports; Educ; IntU; Mon; AnimP 08212 Use und Franz Wolfram-Stiftung, Colonnaden 72, 20354 Hamburg T: (040) 351156 Established: 1981 Assets: DM 500.000,Focus: Schol; Orp 08213
08200 - 08256
Theo Wormland-Stlftung, Brienner Str 9, 80333 München Τ: (089) 290970; Fax: 2285117 Established: 1972; Secy: Ernst Peter Sachse, Donor(s): Theo Wormland Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus; Sen; Arts; Cult 08226 Das Wort 2000, Logos MM, Mittelweg 169, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 71678585; Fax: 71678586; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.DASWORT.de Established: 2000; Donor(s): Hans-Rüdiger Schlesinger Focus: Rei 08227
Eugen Wolfrich-Kersting-Stiftung, Sonnenweg 6, 51688 Wipperfürth Τ: (02267) 882710; Fax: 882744 Established: 1966; Donor(s): Antonie Kersting Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08214
van Wouwersches Vermächtnis, Marktstr, 25813 Husum Τ: (04841) 67430; Fax: 67457 Established: 1612; Secy: Niels Thomsen, Donor(s): Johan van Wouwer Assets: DM 80,000,Limitations: Grants to members of the van Wouwer family only Focus: Fam; Orp; SocW 08228
Wolfsteiner Altenhelm-Stiftung Allersberg, Kellersir 2, 90584 Allersberg Τ: (09176) 280; Fax: 201 Established: 1339; Chair: Landrat Herbert Eckstein, Secy: Gerhard Pieknik, Donor{s): Leopold von Wolfstein, Albrecht von Wolfstein Assets: DM 6.273.542,·, Receipts: DM 3.128.665,-, Expenditures: DM 3.086.786,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08215
Heinrich Wrede'sche Famillenstfftung, Lübsche Str 146, 23966 Wismar Τ: (03841) 704395; Fax: 704396 Established; 1928; Chair: Andreas Wrede, Secy: Karin Freifrau von Ledebur, Donor(s): Heinrich Wrede Expenditures: DM 58.000,Limitations: Grants to members of the Wrede family only Focus: Fam 08229
Wredow'sche Zeichenschule zu Brandenburg an der Havel, Wredowpl 1, 14776 Brandenburg T: (03381) 522104; Fax: 522104 Established: 1886; Chair Prof. Lothar Romain, Secy: Christine Kart-Romain, Donor(s): Prof. August Julius Wredow Assets: DM 274.990,-, Receipts: DM 270.000,·, Expenditures: DM 270.000,Umitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ; Arts 08230 WS-Stiftung, Sommerrain 12, 71563 Affalterbach Established: 1992; Donor(s): Waltraud und Jürgen Stenger Focus: Ped 08231 Margarete WQbbens geb. von HelldorffStiftung, Hunsrückslr 5, 45133 Essen T: (0201) 420615; Fax: 420615 Established: 1994; Donops): Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang WQbbens Expenditures: DM 66.200,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 08232 Wülfing-Stiftung, do Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Remscheid-Lennep, Bermesgasse 11, 42697 Remscheid T: (02191) 60082 Established: 1929; Donops): Peter de Weerth, Elisabeth Gertraud de Weerth, Johann Friedrich Wülfing Limitations: Grants in Remscheid-Lennep only Focus: SocW; Rei 08233 Ludwig WQilner-Stiftung, Witteindstr 75, 12103 Bertin T: (030) 90142567; Fax: 90142023 Established: 1903; Donops): Ludwig Wüllner Assets: DM 40.000,-, Expenditures: DM 7.000,· Focus: Arts 08234 Ludwig WQnsche-Stlftung, Magdalenenstr 64a, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 41498000; Fax: 41498002; Internet: http:// www.wuensche-stiftung.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Wünsche AG Assets: DM 4.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 500.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU 08235 Marion Würth-Famlllenstlftung, Schloß Hermersberg, 74676 Niedemhall T: (07940) 151431; Fax: 15154624 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Reinhold und Carmen Wurth Assets: DM 22.961.800,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 08236 Bettina Würth-Famlllenstlftung, Schloß Hermersberg, 74676 Niedemhall Established: 1987; Donops): Reinhold und Carmen Wurth Expenditures: DM 11.932.000,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 08237 Carmen Würth-Famlllenstiftung, Schloß Hermersberg, 74676 Niedemhall T: (07940) 151431; Fax: 154624 Established: 1987; Donorfs): Reinhold und Carmen Würth Expenditures: DM 12.408.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of the Würth family only Focus: Fam 08238 Markus Würth-Famlllenstlftung, Schloß Hermersberg, 74676 Niedemhall Τ: (07940) 151431; Fax: 154624 Established: 1987; Donor(s): Reinhold und Carmen Würth Expenditures: DM 11.955.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam 08239 Julius-Würth-Stiftung, do Deutsche Bank AG, Nachlass- und Stiftungsmanagement, Postfach 160317, 60066 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 971610; Fax: 97161332 Established: 1998; Donor(s): Irene Würth Focus: SocW 08240 Württembergische Ärtzllche Unterstützungskasse, Jahnstr 32, 70597 Stuttgart T: (0711) 7698129; Fax: 7698139 Established: 1850; Secy: Dr. Helmut Paris, Donor(s): Dr. Eberhard Frisoni Assets: DM 700.000,·, Expenditures: DM 102.000,Límitations: Grants to needy physicians and their relatives in the region of Württemberg only Focus: SocW 08241 Emilie Wüstenfeid-Stlftung, Dammstücken 10, 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg Τ: (04193) 6627 Established: 1875 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol 08242 WQstenrot Stiftung, Hohenzollemstr 45, 71630 Ludwigsburg T: (07141) 164787; Fax: 163900; Internet: http:// www.wuestenrot-stiftung.de Established: 1990; Secy: Georg Adlbert Expenditures: DM 6.000.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Res; Educ; Arts; Cult; Mon; Hist 08243
Freda Wuesthoff-Stiftung, c/o SOS-Kinderdorf e.V., Renatastr 77, 80639 München Τ: (089) 12606227 Established: 1960; Donor(s): Freda Wuesthoff Assets: DM 835.500,-, Expenditures: DM 57.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 08244 Wutffen'sche Stiftung, Elisabethkirche 5, 53113 Bonn Τ: (0228) 2424270; Fax: (02174) 41708 Established: 1902; Donor(s): Freiherr Ludoff von Wenge-Wutffen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 08245 Albert Wulhase-Testament, Walderseestr 91, 22605 Hamburg T: (040) 88913670 Established: 1458; Chair Edmund Sillem, Donor(s): Albert Wulhase Assets: DM 48.000,-, Expenditures: DM 2.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Worn 08246 Heinrich Theodor W u p p e r m a n n ' s c h e Famlllenstlftung, Scheibenstr 37, 40479 Dusseldorf Τ: (0211) 490515 Established: 1910; Chair Hans Joachim Wuppermann, Donor(s): Heinrich Theodor Wuppermann Assets: DM 330.000,-, Expenditures: DM 26.000,· Limitations: Grants to members of the Wuppermann family only Focus: Fam 08247 Familie Gerhard Wuth-Sttftung, c/o SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www, stifterverband.de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Karola und Gerhard Wuth Assets: DM 200.000,-, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Fam; Health 08248 XII A p o s t e l - S t i f t u n g Rees, Vor dem Falltor 4, 46459 Rees T: (02822) 69433 Established: 1480; Secy: Otto Kópping, Donor(s): Gìoshen van den Dydick Expenditures: DM 20.000,Limitations: Grants to citizens of Rees only Focus: Hous 08249 Yak-Kamel-Stlftung, Im Mondsröttchen 32, 51429 Bergisch Gladbach Τ: (02204) 53867; Fax: 584675; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chair Prof.Dr. Horst Geilhausen, Donor(s): Dr. Dr. Jürgen Lensch Limitations: Predetermined grants and scholarships in Asia only Focus: AnimP; Zool; Schol; As 08250 Y o u t h f o r U n d e r s t a n d i n g Stiftung, tío SV Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterveiband.de Established: 1990; Donor(s): Deutsches Youth for Understanding e.V. Expenditures: DM 456.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU; Youth 08251 Isabelle Zachert-Stlftung, Joachimstr 20, 53113 Bonn T: (0228) 9139443; Fax: 9139433 Established: 1995; Donor(s): Christel Zachert Assets: DM 660.000,-, Receipts: DM 160.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000,Focus: Cane; Ped 08252 Andreas und Elfriede Zâch-Stiftung, c/o Landeshauptstadt München, Sozialreferat, Abt. Stiftungsverwaltung, Orleanspl 11, 81667 München T: (089) 23322047; Fax: 23322610 Established: 1996; Donor(s): Andreas Zách Expenditures: DM 21.000,Limitations: Grants in München only Focus: Youth; Sen; Child 08253 Zähringer-Stiftung, do Markgräflich Badische Hauptverwaltung, 88682 Salem Established: 1954 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts; Cult 08254 Stiftung Zanders, Papiergeschichtliche Sammlung, Hauptstr 267, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach Τ: (02202) 152060/61; Fax: 31974 Established: 1977; Chair: Heinz Halfwassen, Secy: Magdalene Christ, Donorfc): Dr. Johann Wilhelm Zanders Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Pap 08255 Dorothea und Dr. Dr. Richard Z a n t n e r - B u s c h · Stiftung, c/o Friedrich Alexander-Universität Edangen-Nümberg, Schloßpl 4, 91054 Erlangen T: (09131) 8526642; Fax: 8522131 Established: 1964; Donops): Dorothea und Dr. Dr. Richard Zantner-Busch Assets: DM 600,000,-, Expenditures: DM 11.000,Focus: Rei 05256
08257 - 08308
147 Illa und Werner Zamekow-Stiftung, c/o S V Strftungsverwattungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (0201) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifterverband-de Established: 1994; Donor(s): Ilia Zamekow, Werner Zamekow Expenditures: D M 40.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Cult; Health; Youth . . . . 08257 Antonie-Zauner-Sttftung, Arthur-Kutscher-PI 2, 60602 München Established: 1996; Donor(s): Antonie Zauner Focus: Educ; Sen; Youth; Health; SocW . 08250 ZEAG-Kindergartenstlftung Kirchhelm a m Neckar, Rathaus, 74366 Kirchheim am Neckar Established: 1969 Assets: D M 51.000,-, Expenditures: DM 3.000,· Limitations: Grants in Kirchheim am Neckar only Focus: Child 08259 ZEAG-Kulturstiftung Neckarwesthelm, Marldpi 1, 743Θ2 Neckarwestheim Τ: (07133) 1840; Fax: 18430 Established: 19Θ6; Donor(s): Z E A G Zementwerk, Lauffen-ElektrizitâtswerV. Heilbronn A G Assets: D M 166.000,·, Expenditures: DM 5.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 08260 Peter Theodor Zeise-Stiftung, Van-der-Smissen-Str 1, 22767 Hamburg T: (040) 3860350; Fax: 38603566 Established: 1796; Donor(s): Peter Theodor Zeise Expenditures: DM 56.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S o c W 08261 Carl Zeiss-Schott-Fórderstiftung, c/o S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, Barkhovenallee 1, 45239 Essen Τ: (0201) 8401255; E-Mail: pe1ra.simon @ s1ifterverband.de; Internet: http-Jl www.stifterverband.de Established: 1993; Donor(s): Dr. Ing. E.h. Hermann Franz Assets: D M 120.000,-, Expenditures: D M 127.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Germany only Focus: Optics; Schol; Prec; Schol . . . 08262 Carl Zelss-Stiftung, do Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst BadenWürttemberg, Königstr 46, 70173 Stuttgart Established: 1889; Donops): Emst Abbe Assets: D M 500.000.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Germany only Focus: Arts; Uni; Prec; Schol 08263 Zeft-Stlftung, 20148 Hamburg T: (040) 413366; Fax: 41336700; E-Mail: zeit· Stiftung® zert-strftung.de Established: 1971; Secy: Dr. Michael Goring, Donor(s): Dr. Gerd Bucerius Focus: Scie; Arts; Educ; Jour 08264 Stiftung Dr. med. Georg und Elisabeth Zeller geb. Winter, c/o Gesellschaft zur Beförderung gemeinnütziger Tätigkeit, Königstr 5, 23552 Lübeck Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 08265 Zempelln-Stiftung, do S V Stiftungsverwaltungs GmbH, BarkhovenaJlee 1, 45239 Essen Fax: (02021) 8401255; Internet: http:// www.stifteiverband.de Established: 1993; Donops): Liselotte und Dr. Hans Günther Zempelin Assets: D M 300.000,·, Expenditures: D M 40.000,Focus: Scie; Educ 08266 Gotwin Zenker-Stlftung für philatelietische Literatur, Rosenstr 24, 82362 Weilheim Τ: (0881) 41209; Fax: 63319 Established: 1994 Assets: D M 500.000,· Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Lit 08267 Stiftung Zentgraf, do Stadtverwaltung, Hofstatt 7, 88662 sberlingen Τ: (07551) 991210; Fax: 991433 Established: 1969; Donor(s): Anna Zentgraf Assets: D M 4.100.000,-, Expenditures: D M 247.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Chikj 08268 Zentralinstitut für die Kassenärztliche V e r s o r g u n g in der B R D , Höninger Weg 115, 50969 Köln T: (0221) 4005124; Fax: 408055 Established: 1973; Secy: Dr. Gerhard Brenner, Donor(s): Kassenärztliche Vereinigungen der Bundesländer, Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung Assets: D M 4.500.000,-, Expenditures: D M 6.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Germany only Focus: Dent
Zentralinstitut für kirchliche Stiftungen, do Dresdner Private Banking, Wilhelmstr 7, 65185 Wiesbaden T: (0611) 358385, (06131) 253265; Fax: (0611) 358440, (06131) 253387; E-Mail: [email protected], Stiftungen ÖBistum-Mainz.de; Internet: http://www.kath.de Established: 1999; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Josef Schäfers, Stiftungsbeauftragter Bistum Mainz, Dresdner Bank AG, Frankfurt Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Rei 08270 Zentralinstitut für seelische Gesundheit, Postfach 122120, 68072 Mannheim T: (0621) 17030; Fax: 1703755; E-Mail: fischer® as200.zi-mannheim.de; Internet: http://www.zimannheim.de Established: 1975; Chair Prof. Dr. Dr. Fritz Α. Henn, Secy: Verwaltungsdirektor Winfried Busche, Donor(s): Land Baden-Württemberg Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Psychia 08271 Zentralstelle für Personen· und Familiengeschichte, Institut für Genealogie, Birkenweg 13, 61381 Friedrichsdorf T: (06172) 78263 Established: 1904 Assets: DM 200.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Hist 08272 Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, Lorenzstr 19, 76135 Karlsruhe T: (0721) 81000; Fax: 81001139; E-Mail: info® zkm.de; Internet: http://www.zkm.de Established: 1989; Chair: Prof. Peter Weibel, Donor(s): Land Baden-Württemberg, Stadt Karlsruhe Assets: D M 500.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts; Media 08273 Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und WasserstoffF o r s c h u n g Baden-Württemberg, He brühlstr 21c, 70565 Stuttgart T: (0711) 78700; Fax: 7870100; Internet: http:// www.e-technik.uni-stuttgarl.de Established: 1988; Secy: Dr. Thomas Schott Assets: DM 720.000,-, Receipts: DM 20.000.000,-, Expenditures: DM 20.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the state of BadenWürttemberg only Focus: En; Res 08274 Zeppelln-Gedächtnis-Stfftung, c/o Institut für Flugzeugbau, Universität Stuttgart, Kepplerstr 7, 70174 Stuttgart Established: 1918 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Aviat 08275 Anton und Helene Zerren ner-Stiftung, Clayallee 324, 14169 Berlin T: (030) 8111071 Established: 1934 Limitations: Scholarships to needy students originating of Lübeck, who study at universités in Berlin Focus: Schol 08276 Prof. Dr. Zerweck-Cassella-Stlftung, Hanauer Landstr 526, 60386 Frankfurt am Main Established: 1966; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Werner Zerweck Assets; DM 1.300.000,-, Expenditures: D M 110.000,Focus: Voc 08277 Schenkung Zetsche, do ñheίnische-FriedrichWilhelms-Universitât Bonn, Transferstelle, ReginaPacis-Weg 3, 53111 Bonn T: (0228) 731 Established: 1983; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Ing. Hans Karl August Assets: D M 300.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Schol; Eng 08278 Familie Dr. Jürgen Zlegier-Stlftung, do Universität Kaiserslautem, Postfach 3049, 67653 Kaiserslautem T: (0631) 2052648, 2052212; Fax: 2053200; E-Mail: Ludwig @verw, uni-kl.de Established: 1988; Chair: Prof. Dr. Hermann Fahse, Secy: Klaus Α. Ludwig, Donor(s): Dr. Jürgen Ziegler Assets: D M 150.000,·, Receipts: D M 15.000,·, Expenditures: DM 15.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Uni 08279 Leopold Ziegler-Stiftung, Winteitergstr 13, 79254 Obenried T: (07661) 4328 Established.' 1960; Donorfs): Dr. Dr. h.c. Leopold Ziegler Assets: D M 1.100.000,·, Receipts: DM 50.000,·, Expenditures: D M 50.000,Focus: Phil; Lit 08280 Dr. AHred und Anne Zlegler-Stlftung, c/o Notar Herto, Rotebühlpl 8, 70173 Stuttgart Established: 1997 08281
Universal-Stiftung Helmut Ziegner, Jägerstr 39a, 12209 Berlin T: (030) 7730030; Fax: 77300330; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1957; Secy: Hartmut Flohr, Donor(s): Helmut Ziegner Assets: DM 8.600.000,-, Expenditures: DM 31.100,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Pris 08282 Stiftung Dr. Zieseniß-Krambo, do Stadtsparkasse Köln, Hahnenstr 57, 50667 Köln T: (0221) 2262360; Fax: 2263425; E-Mail: theo.jussenhofen @ sk-koeln.de Established: 1996; Chair: Tìieo Jussenhofen, Secy: Dr. Karl Zieseniß Expenditures: D M 28.000,Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Köln only Focus: Music; Schol 08283 Horst und Gunhild Zlllmer-Stlftung, c/o Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Koblenzer Str 75, 53177 Bonn T: (0228) 36Θ85980; Fax: 36885969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http il www.denkmalschutz.de Established: 1995; Donor(s): Gunhild und Horst Zillmer Limitations: Grants in Mecklenburg only Focus: Mon 08284 ZImmer-Mohr-Stiftung, Ebertallee 49, 22607 Hamburg Established: 1953; Donor(s): Eleonore Zimmer Assets: DM 130.300,·, Expenditures: DM 107.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen 08285 Erwin Zimmer-Stiftung, Weinstr 16, 71394 Kernen Τ: (07151) 94340; Fax: 943422 Established: 1979; Donops): Erwin Zimmer Assets: D M 300.000,Focus: Seri 08286 Geschwister-Zimmer-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung Worms, Kämmerei, 67545 Worms Established: 1886 Limitations: Grants in Worms-Herrnsheim only Focus: Sen 08287 Georg und Hanne ZimmermannStiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1985; Donor(s): Hanne Zimmermann Focus: Opht; Blinds 08288 Dr. Georg und Lu Zimmermann Stiftung, Tannenbergstr 17, B6470 Thannhausen Established: 1998; Donor(s): Maria Aloisia Zimmermann Focus: Med; Educ; Arts; Cult; Ecol; Sports; SocW; Landsc 08289 Henry Zingen-Stlftung, Friedhofstr 7, 54293 Trier Established: 1995 08290 Zinnendorf-Stiftung, Stiftung der Großen Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland, Tarpenbekstr 107, 20251 Hamburg T: (040) 4806010; Fax: 4669400 Established: 1988; Donops): Wohltätigkeitsverein der Großen Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland Assets; D M 500.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.100.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 08291 Dr. h.c. Hugo Zinsser-Stiftung, do I Bank AG, Ert> und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main Τ: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1992; Donor(s): Junta Zinsser Focus: Hand; SocW 08292 Ulrich Benedikt von Zoller'sche Schul-, Armenund Stipendienstiftung, Zangmeistersir 8, 87700 Memmingen Established: 1806 Limitations: Grants and scholarships in Memmingen only Focus: Educ; SocW; Schol 08293 Zollner'sche Lelhfonds-Stiftung, do Stadt Erding, Stiftungsreferat, Postfach 1151, 85421 Erding Τ: (08122) 4080; Fax: 408250; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1823; Donops): Anton Zollner Expenditures: DM 556.000,Limitations: Grants to needy citizens of Erding only Focus: SocW 08294 Geschwister Zorn-Stiftung, c/o Stadtverwaltung, Grüner Weg 42, 27472 Cuxhaven T: (04721) 700320; Fax: 12491 Established: 1971; Donor(s): Martha Zorn Assets: D M 40.000,·, Expenditures: DM 2.000,· Limitations: Grants in Cuxhaven only Focus: Youth 08295 Dr. Rudolf Zorn-Stiftung Kempten, do Stadt Kempten, Stiftungsamt, Rathauspl 29, 87435 Kempten T: (0831) 2525395; Fax: 2525483 Established: 1972; Donor(s): Dr. Rudolf Zorn Expenditures: D M 2.000,Limitations: Grants in Kempten and the region of Allgäu only Focus: Arts; Educ 08296
Germany: Zwiener-Stiftung
Erich-und-Agnes-Zühr-Stiftung, c/o Dresdner Bank AG, Erb- und Stiftungsangelegenheiten, 60301 Frankfurt am Main T: (069) 26352449; Fax: 26310558 Established: 1990; Donor(s): Erich und Agnes Zühr Limitations: Grants in Hamburg only Focus: SocW; Youth 08297 Züllig-Hillsche Stiftung für arme Pfarrwaisen, Bunsenstr 16, 69115 Heidelberg T: (06221) 25944, 910927 Established: 1862; Chair Lothar Stellmacher, Donor(s): Anna Katharina Züllig Assets: D M 826.730,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Orp 08298 Zukunft für Berlin, Mutzaner Ring 70-72, 12689 Berlin T: (030) 54376812; Fax: 54376812 Established: 1997; Chair: Marlitt Köhnke, Donor(s): Initiativkreis Hellersdorf, Verein zur Förderung der kommunalen Leistungsstruktur e.V. Expenditures: DM 45.000,ümitations: Grants in Berlin-Hellersdorf, BerlinHohenschönhausen and Berlin-Marzahn only Focus: Youth 08299
Dietmar Zumpf-Stiftung, Kirchenstr 6, 85659 Förstern T: (08124) 8647 Established: 1994; Chair: Franz Josef Zumpf, Donor(s): Franz Josef Zumpf, Johanna Zumpf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 08300 Zumsande-Plönles-Stiftung, c/o Stadt Münster, Stiftungsverwaltung, Ludgeripl 4-6, 48151 Münster T: (0251) 4925902; Fax: 4927704 Established: 1631; Donor(s): Dietrich Zumsande, Hericus Plönies Assets: D M 13.100,Limitations: Grants in Münster only Focus: Educ 08301 Zurückgegeben-Stiftung zur Förderung Jüdischer Frauen In Kunst und Wissenschaft, c/o Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Oranienstr 25, 10999 Berlin T: (030) 6153031 Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants to Jewish women only Focus: Jew; Worn; Arts; Scie
Z u s a m m e n g e l e g t e Stiftung Frontenhausen, c/o Gemeindeverwaltung, 84160 Frontenhausen Τ: (08732) 92010; Fax: 920150; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1932 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S e n
Z u s a m m e n g e l e g t e Stiftungen der Stadt Leutershausen, c/o Stadtverwaltung, 91576 Leutershausen T: (09823) 9510; Fax: 95150 Established: 1943 Assets: D M 55.000,-, Expenditures: DM 10.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S o c W 08304 Z u s a m m e n g e l e g t e Stiftungen zur Förderung der Gesellschaft freiwilliger Armenfreunde In Kiel, c/o Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Sozialamt, Stephan-H ei η ze I-Str 2, 24116 Kiel T: (0431) 9013245; Fax: 9013200 Established: 1954 Assets: D M 51.100,-, Expenditures: D M 3.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S o c W
Z u s a m m e n g e l e g t e Stiftungen zur Förderung der Wohlfahrtspflege, c/o Landeshauptstadt Kiel, Sozialamt, Stephan-Heinzel-Str 2, 24116 Kiel T: (0431) 9013245; Fax: 9013200 Established: 1954 Assets: D M 81.000,·, Expenditures: DM 6.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: S o c W
Adele und August Zwarg-Stlftung, do A E G Personalabteilung, Hohenzollemdamm 150, 14199 Berlin Limitations: Grants to needy employees and former employees of A E G Telefunken (Berlin) only Focus: SocW; Nurs 08307 Ulrich Zwiener-Stiftung für internationale V e r s t ä n d i g u n g und Menschenrechte, c/o Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Am Nonnenrain 2, 07740 Jena T: (03641) 938951, 931186; Fax: 936952, 931186; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Dr. U. Zwiener Expenditures: D M 3.000,· Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: IntU; HumR
Greece: Averoff-Tossizza
08309 - 08377
Greece E. Averoff-Tossizza Foundation, Marathondromon 59 , 44200 Metsovon Τ: (0656) 41210; Fax: 6715543; E-Mail: [email protected] Secy: Tatiana Averoff· lonnou Focus: Arts
Idryma Bodossakl, Amalias Αν 20, 10557 Athina Τ: (01) 3248005; Fax: 3237976 Established: 1973; Chair Stamatis Mantzavinos, Secy: Dimitris Vlastos, Donor(s): i Assets: EURO 52.960.236,·, Expenditures: EURO 2.132.809,· Limitations: Grants and scholarships to citizens of Greece only Focus: Educ; Health; Ecol; Schol . . . . 08310 Lilian Boudouri Foundation, Nikis 16, 10557 Athina 08311 The J.F. Costopoulos Foundation, Stadiou 40, 10564 Athina T: (01) 3262442; Fax: 3262731; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.jfcf-athens.org Established: 1979; Chair: Yannis S. Costopoulos, Secy: Katerina Koskina, Donor(s): Spyros Costopoulos, Eurydice Costopoulos Assets: EURO 55.314.701,·, Expenditures: EURO 1.831.067,· Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Arts; Libr; Rei; SocW; Educ; Theat; Dance; Music; Cin; Res 08312 The ETBA Cultural Foundation, Amerikis 13, 10672 Athina T: (01) 3614824/25; Fax: 3614830 Focus: Cult 08313 Ethnikon Idryma Erevnon, (National Hellenic Research Foundation), Vassileos Constantinou 48, 11635 Athina T: (01) 722981115; Fax: 7246618 Established: 1958; Secy: Prof. B. Maglaris Limitations: Grants in Greece only Focus: Hum; NatS; Uni 06314 Eugenides Foundation, Syngrou Αν 387, Paleon Phaleron, 17564 Athina T: (01) 9411181; Fax: 9417372; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.eugenfound.edu.gr Established: 1966 Focus: Scie; Eng 08315 Foundation for Hellenic Culture, Stratigou Kalian 50, 15452 Paleo Psychiko T: (01) 68765407; Fax: 6856983; Internet: http j ¡ www.hro.org/FHC Established: 1992; Chair: Michael Sakellariou, Secy: Emmanuel Megalokonomos Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Cult; Class; Arts; Music; Dance . 08316 Foundation for Mediterranean Studies, Lycabettus 2, 10671 Athina T: (01) 3636026 , 3645345; Fax: 3629352; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1983; Chair: Vasilis Konstantineas, Secy: Nikos Stylianides, Donor(s): Karolos Papoytias Limitations: Grants in the Mediterranean area only Focus: SocS; PolS; East; Isl 08317 Foundation Museum of Cretan Ethnology, 70220 Vori Τ: (0892) 91111; Fax: 91394 Focus: Ethn 08318 Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas, POB 1385, 71110 Heraklion T: (081) 231199, 231599; Fax: 210003 Focus: Res; Eng 08319
Lambralds Research Foundation, Paparigopoulou 3, 10561 Athina T: (01) 3230997/33; Fax: 13230668; E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.lrf.gr/english/ trendsrtrenshome.html Established: 1991; Chair Christos D. Lambrakis, Secy: Adamarrtios Pepelasis, Donor(s): Christ os D. Lambrakis Assets; EURO 1.327.075,-, Expenditures: EURO 886.003,· Limitations: Grants in South-Eastem Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean onty Focus: Educ; Cult; Econ; Ecol; PolS; East 08325 Levendls Foundation, Constantino Av 1, 10674 Athina
Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights, Lycavittou 1, 10672 Athina T: (01) 3637455, 3613527; Fax: 3622454; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1977; Chair Prof. Alice YotopoulosMarangopoulos, Secy: L A Sicilianos, Donops): G. Marangopoulos Focus: HumR 08327 Melina Merkouri Foundation, PoJygnotou 9-11, 10555 Athina T: (01) 3315601/05; Fax: 3315600; E-Mail: [email protected] Chair Jules Dassin, Secy: Manouella Pavlidou 08328 National Hellenic Research Foundation, Vassileos Konstant nou 48, 11635 Athina T: (01) 7273673/74; Fax: 7234145; E-Mail: [email protected] Focus: Res
National Youth Foundation, Syngrou 126, 17671 Athina T: (01) 9216166 Established: 1947 Limitations: Grants in Greece only Focus: Youth 08330 Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, Amalias Av 56, 10558 Athina T: (01) 3310900; Fax: 3236044 Established: 1975; Chair Stelio A. Papadimitriou, Secy: Marco Vlachos, Donops): Aristoteles Onassis Focus: Schol 08331 Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation, Vas Alexandrou 1, 21100 Nafpiion T: (0752) 28947; Fax: 27960; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1974; Chair: loanna Papantoniou, Secy: Kanellos Kanellopoulos, Donor(s): loanna Papantoniou Assets: GRD 26.668.500,·, Receipts: GRD 143.598.500,·, Expenditures: GRD 116.930.000,Limitations: Grants in the region of Peloponnes only Focus: Cult 08332 State Scholarships Foundation, Lyssicratous 14, 10558 Athina T: (01) 3254385/89; Fax: 3221836 Established: 1951; Chair: D. Spinalis, Secy: A. Kalogeropoulou, K. Koukoulomati, Donorfs): George Papandreou Limitations: Scholarships in Greece only Focus: Schol 08333 Telloglelon Foundation, do Aristoteleian University, Metropoleos 85, 54622 Thessaloniki Τ: (031) 991665 Focus: Arts 08334 Yiokalelon Foundation, c/o Archaeological Museum, 34001 Karystos Focus: Archeo 08335
Hungarian Credit Bank Foundation, Belgrád rkp 24, 1056 Budapest T: (01) 1181686; Fax: 1181313 Assets: HUF 365.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: Health; Arts; SocW; PolS; Schol . 08341 Hungarian Foundation Centre, Pesti Vigado B/404, Vigado tér 2, 1051 Budapest T: (01) 2668246; Fax: 2668379; E-Mail: mak@ vigado.hu 08342 International Symmetry Foundation, POB 994, 1245 Budapest T: (01) 1318326; Fax: 1313161 Established: 1991; Chair: Gyôrgy Darvas, Denes Nagy Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Scie; Arts; Eng 08343 National Foundation for Children and Youth, Amerikai lit 96, 1145 Budapest T: (01) 2518645; Fax: 2518674 Established: 1990 Expenditures: HUF 272.700.000,Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: Child; Youth 08344 Nonprofit Information and Training Centre, Margit krt 58, 1027 Budapest T: (01) 2122375; Fax: 2122374; E-Mail: nonprofit© ce.hu Established: 1994 Receipts: US $ 100.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 120.000,Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: PolS; Law; HumR; SocS . . . . 08345 Pluss-Hungarian Foundation for People with HIV and AIDS, c/o Saint László Hospital, Gyáli str 5-7, 1097 Budapest T: (01) 4558100; Fax: 4558254; E-Mail: immunol® mail.datanet.hu Established: 1991; Chain Janós Szlávik Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: AIDS 08346 Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, Mikios tér 1, 1116 Budapest T: (01) 2503401; Fax: 2503403 Established: 1990 Assets: ECU 4.500.000,-, Receipts: ECU 3.400.000,-, Expenditures: ECU 1.600.000,Limitations: Grants in Central and East Europe only Focus: Mon; Ecol; Educ; Schol; Eur; East 08347 Semmelweis Alapltvény Magyarországi Oriopédla Fejlesztéséért, c/o Ortopédiai Klinika, Karolina út 27, 1113 Budapest Τ; (01) 41666059; Fax: 41668747 Established: 1988; Chain T. Vizkelety Assets: HUF 30.000.000,-, Receipts: HUF 15.000.000,·, Expenditures: HUF 10.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: Ortho
Soros Foundation-Hungary, P 0 8 34, 1525 T: (01) 3150303; Fax: 3150201; E-Mail: office^ sovos.hu Established: 1984; Chain Mikios Vasarkelyi, Secy: E. Bakonyi, Donor(s): George Soros Expenditures: US $ 17.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: SocS 08349 Transilvanla Alapttvány, Akiás út 5, 1025 Budapest Limitations: Grants in the region of Transilvania only Focus: Refug 08350
Foundation Skironio Museum Polychronopoulos, Skironio Centrum, Kifissia, Georgiou Lyra 73, 14564 Néa Τ: (01) 6206437 Secy: M. Elleneca Polychronopoulos Focus: Arts 08320
Konrad Adenauer Alapltv ny (Hungary), Batthyány u 49, 1051 Budapest T: (01) 4875010; Fax: 4875011; E-Mail: adenauer® mail, matav.hu Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: PolS
Fulbrlght Foundation of Greece, Vassilisis Sophias Av 6, Athina T: (01) 7241811; Fax: 7226510; E-Mail: fbright@ compulink.gr Established: 1945 Limitations; Grants and scholarships internationally Focus: Educ; Schol 08321
East European Cultural Foundation, Csalogany utca 6-10, 1015 Budapest T: (01) 2011056; Fax: 2011056 Limitations: Grants in East Europe only Focus: Cult; East 08337
West-Nordic Foundation, Pósthólf 8096, 128 Reykjavik T: 5302100; Fax: 5302109; Internet: httpji www.vestnorden.is Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in West Nordic countries only Focus: Econ 08351
Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, 84500 Andros T: (0282) 22444; Fax: 22490 Established: 1979; Chair: Elise Β. Goulandris, Secy: Kypiakos Koutsomallis, Donor(s): Basil Goulandris, Elise Goulandris Focus: Arts 08322 Nicholas P. Goulandris Foundation, Neophytoy Douka 4, 10674 Athina T: (01) 7228321/23; Fax: 7239382; E-Mail: info® cycladic-m.gr; Internet: http://www.cycladic-m,gr Chair; Dolly Goulandris Focus: Arts 08323 International Hippocratlc Foundation of Kos, Platani, 85300 Kos Τ: (0242) 221301 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Hum 08324
Eastern European Independent Environmental Foundation, c/o Soros Foundation Hungary, Mikios tér I, 1035 Budapest T: (01) 1686229, 1803420; Fax: 2026563 Limitations: Grants in East Europe only Focus: Ecol; East 08338 EURAT10N Budapest, European Cooperation Foundation, Vörösmarty tér 2, 1051 Budapest Τ: (01) 1182293; Fax: 1182293 Established: 1990 Assets: HUF 6.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: PolS; Eng; Scie; Educ 08339 Foundation for Hungarian Technological Advancement, Belgrád rkp 24, 1056 Budapest Τ: (01) 1181686; Fax: 1181313 Established: 1988 Assets: HUF 50.000.000,·, Expenditures: HUF 15.300.000,Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: Eng 08340
Ireland AiDS Fund Housing Project, c/o Baggot Street Community Hospital, 18 Upper Baggot St, Dublin 4 T: (01) 6605141; Fax: 6605157 Established: 1993; Chair: Paddy McGrath, Secy: Don Comiskey, Donor(s): Paddy McGrath Receipts: IEP 215.000,·, Expenditures: IEP 215.000,Limitations: Grants in Ireland only Focus: AIDS 08352 APE Trust, Greenville, Jervis St, Ardee T: (041) 53162; Fax: 53992
Aekeaton Civic Trust, Askeaton T: (061) 398293 Focus: SocW
Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust, 151-153 James St, Dublin 8 T: (01) 6778416 Focus: Cane 08355 Deimot Bouchler-Hayes Commemoration Trust, Cooiakay Lodge, Enniskerry, Bray . . . 08358
The Brabazon Trust, 2 Gilford Rd, Dublin 4 T: (01) 2691677 08357 CARI Foundation, 110 Lower Drumcondra Rd, Dublin 9 T: (01) 8308529; Fax: 8306309; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.cari.ie Established: 1989; Chair Richard Treacy, Secy: Mary Flaherty Receipts: IEP 250.000,-, Expenditures: IEP 240.000,Focus: Ther 08358 Carlingford Lough Heritage Trust, Carlingford, Dundaik Focus: Hist; Mon 08359 Cheshire Foundation in Ireland, 46 Pembroke Rd, Dublin 4 T: (01) 66670323 Limitations: Grants in Ireland only Focus: SocW 08360 Children at Risk in Ireland Foundation, 110 Lower Drumcondra Rd, Dublin 9 T: (01) 8308529 Focus: Child 08361 Cobh Heritage Trust, Cobh Heritage Centre, Cobh Focus: Hist; Mon 08362 Coomhola Salmon Trust, Bantry T: (0275) 1990; Fax: 1990 Focus: AnimP
Cork Civic Trust, 50 Pope's Quay, Cork Focus: SocW
County Wexford Heritage Trust, County Hail, Wexford Focus: Hist; Mon 08365 Marie Curie Memorial Foundation of Ireland, 148 Pearse St, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6716713 Limitations: Grants in Ireland only Focus: SocW 08366 European Computer Driving Licence Foundation, 2 Blackglen Court, Sandyford, Dublin 18 T: (01) 2941997; Fax: 2941996; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.cs.tcd.ie/ECDL/ Focus: Compu 08367 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Loughlinstown House, Shankill, Co. Dublin T: (01) 2043100; Fax: 2826456; E-Mail: postmaster® eurofound.ie; Internet http:// www.eurofund.eu Established: 1975; Secy: Eric Verborgh, Donor(s): Council of Ministers of the European Union Receipts: ECU 14.000.000,-, Expenditures: ECU 14.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the European Union only Focus: SocS; Lab 08368 European Social Fund, 65a Adelaide Rd, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6614444 ext 3355; Fax: 6764852 Focus: SocW 08369 Foundation for Fiscal Studies, do Department of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin 2 Focus: Bus 08370 Gort Heritage Trust, Loughrea Rd, Gort Focus: Hist; Mon
Helping Hand Fund, 53 W Pamell Sq W, Dublin 1 T: (01) 8733799; Fax; 8913799 Focus: AIDS 08372 ILCU International Development Foundation, Castleside Dr, Rathfamham, Dublin 14 T: (01) 4908911; Fax: 4908915 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 08373 Ireland Funds, 5 Foster PI, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6627878; Fax: 6627879; E-Mail: ifdublin® iol.ie; Internet: http://wwv.ir1funds.org Established: 1976; Chair Dr. A.J.F. O'Reilly, Secy: Kieran McLoughlin, Donor(s): Dr, A.J.F. O'Reilly Expenditures: IEP 13.300.000,Limitations: Grants in Northern and Suthem Ireland only Focus: SocW; Peace; Cuit; Educ . . . . 08374 Irish Children's Book Foundation, c/o Irish Writers' Centre, 19 Pamell Sq, Dublin 1 T: (01) 8721302; Fax: 8726282 Focus: Book 08375 Irish Foundation for Cooperative Development, 84 Memon Sq, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6764783; Fax: 6681784; E-Mail: [email protected] Secy: Malachy Prunty, Donops): Members of the board of Irish Co-operative Organization Society Ltd. Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Coop; Dev; Agrie 08376 Irish Heart Foundation, 4 Clyde Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Focus: Card 08377
08378 - 08456
I r i s h H o s p i c e F o u n d a t i o n , 9 Fitzwilliam PI, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6765699; Fax: 6765657; E-Mail: infoÔhospico-foundation.ie; Internet: http:// www.hospice-foundation.ie Established: 1986; Chain Marie Donnelly, Secy: Claire Goddard, Donorls): Dr. Mary Redmond Receipts: IEP 1.300.000,-, Expenditures: IEP 76.500,Limitations: Grants In Ireland only Focus: SocW 083/9 I r i s h M . E . T r u s t 18 Upper Fitzwilliam St, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6761413 08379 I r i s h Y o u t h F o u n d a t i o n , Giancullen House, Kytemore Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 T: (01) 6261090; Fax: 6261072; E-Mail: ¡ryl®tinet.¡e Established: 1985; Chair Bill Cullen, Secy: Liam O'Dwyer Assets: IEP 361.320,-, Receipts: IEP 424.820,Limitations: Grants in Ireland and the United Kingdom only Focus: Child; Youth; Drug; Ale 08380 I v e a g h T r u s t , The Bull Alley, Dublin 8 T: (01) 4542312
L e o p a r d s t o w n P a r k H o s p i t a l T r u s t , 33 Fitzwilliam PI, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6611005 Focus: Nurs U s s A r d F o u n d a t i o n , Skibbereen
08382 .
. . 08383
The M a k e a W i s h F o u n d a t i o n , Unit 4, Riverside House, Main St, Leixlip T: (01) 6244112 Focus: SocW
M a s o n i c G i r l s B e n e f i t F u n d , 17-19 Molesworth St, Dublin 2 Focus: Child 08385 M a t e r F o u n d a t i o n , 398 Ν Circular Rd, Dublin 7 T: (01) 8303482 08386 People In Need Trust, 34 William St South, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6792944 Focus: SocW 08387 Refugee Trust, 4 Dublin Rd, Stillorgan T: (01) 2834256 Focus: Relug
Tiie Rescue Trust, 119 Capel SI, Dublin 1 T: (01) 8722371 Focus: SocW 08389 RHA Gallery Trust, 15 Ety PI, Dublin T: (01) 6612558; Fax: 6610782 Focus: Arts
Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson St, Dublin 2 T: (01) 6762570; Fax: 6762346; E-Mail: admin§ ria.ie; internet: http://www.ria.ie Established: 1785; Chain Prof. T. David Spearman, Secy: Patrick Buckley, Donor(s): Lord Charlemont Expenditures: IEP 1.32.000,· Limitations: Grants in Ireland only Focus: NatS; Hum; SocS 08391 Saint Canlce's Cathedral Restoration Fund, Saint Can ice's Cathedral, Kilkenny T: (056) 21516 Focus: Mon 08392 Saint Judes Trust for Homeless Children, 79 Ecdes St, Dublin 7 T: (01) 8300311 Focus: Child; Home 08393 South Mayo Research Foundation, Town Hall, Ballinrobe Focus: Res 08394 Anne Sullivan Foundation for Deatblind, 40 Lower Drumcondra Rd, Dublin 9 T: (01) 8300562; Fax: 8300562 Established: 1989; Chair Grace Blake, Secy: Ray McLoughlin, Donor(s): Ray McLoughHn Receipts: IEP 750.000,-, Expenditures: IEP 750.000,Focus: Deals; Blinds 08395 U C D Foundation for Italian Studies, do Department of Italian, University College, Dublin 4 T: (01) 7068302; Fax: 2694409 Focus: Rom 08396 Wexford Heritage Truet, Fenycarrig, Wexford Focus: Hist Mon 08397
Italy Fondazione Senatore Mario Abbiate per II Reperto dl Reumatologia dell'Ospedale dl Vercelli, Corso Senatore Mario Abbiate 21, 13100 Vercelli T: (0161) 5935111 Established: 1963; Chair Federico Avogadro Di Vigliano, Secy: Gianfranco Bertolino Focus: Rheuiri 06398 Accademia Musicale Chlglana, Via di Crtt 69, 53100 Siena T: (0577) 46152; Fax: 268124 Established: 1932; Chair Prof. Giovanni Grottanelli de Santi, Secy: Aldo Bennici, Donops): Conte Guido Chigi Saracìni Focus: Music; Schol 06399
Fondazione Konrad A d e n a u e r ( I t a l y ) , Villa La Collina, Via Roma 11, 22011 Cadenabbia T: (034) 444111; Fax: 441058; E-Mail: kas.roma© agora.stni.it Secy: Dr. Rolf Kuypers Limitations: Grants in Italy only Focus: PoIS 08400 Fondazione A d k i n e C h i t i D o n n e In M u s i c a , c/o Teatro Comunale, Piazza Trento e Trieste, 03014 Fiuggi T: (0775) 504480; Fax: 504480; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www. rtmol.stt.it/donneinmusica Established: 1994; Chair Patricia Adkins Chiti, Donor(s): Patricia Adkins Chiti, City Council of Fiuggi Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Adult; Archiv; ChurchM; Cult; Hist; Music; Worn; SocS 08401 Fondazione Giovanni A g n e l l i , Via Giacosa 38, 10125 Torino T: (011) 6500500; Fax: 6502777; E-Mail: staff® fga.it Established: 1966; Chair Giovanni Agnelli, Secy: Dr. Marcello Pacini Focus: SocS; PoIS; Econ; Cult 08402 Fondazione P. Alesai, Via Chanoux 21, 10142 Torino T: (011) 4033997 08403 Fondazione Ing. Roberto A l m a g l i , c/o ACERUnione Costruttori Edili Romani, Via di Villa Patrizi 11, 00161 Roma Τ: (06) 4403886; Fax: 4403885 Established: 1949; Chair Lino Tornei Focus: Cult; Voc; Build 08404
Fondazione Intemazionale Premio E. B a l z a n , Piazzetta Giordano 4, 20122 Milano T: (02) 76002212; Fax: 76009457; E-Mail: balzanqbalzan.it; Internet: http://www.balzan.it Established: 1957; Chair. Bruno Bottai, Donor(s): Angela Lina Balzan Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie; Hum; SocW 08418 Fondazione B a n c h e r l d e Z e r e g a , Via XX Settembre 14, 16121 Genova T: (010) 564274
Fondazione Villa B a n f i , Castello di Poggio alle Mura, 53024 Montanino T: (0577) 840111; Fax: 840205 Established: 1986; Chair Ezio Rivella, Secy: Remo Grassi Focus: Archeo; Wine 08420 Fondazione Prof. Salvatore B a n n ò p e r R i c e r c h e s u l C a n c r o , do Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi, Via Francesco Sforza 35, 20122 Milano T: (02) 5457328: Fax: 55194882 Established: 1983; Chair Prof. Walter Montorsi Focus: Cane 08421 Fondazione S. Clelia B a r b i e r i , Via S. Rocco 42, 40042 Lizzano in Belvedere T: (0534) 53923 08422 Fondazione Fulvio B a r t o l l n l , Via Matteo Ricci 10, 00154 Roma T: (06) 5781027 Established: 1990; Chain Fabio Bartolini Focus: Ortho; Cane; Neur 08423
Italy: Bossolasco
Fondazione Figli Maria Antonietta Bernardi onlus, Via Einaudi 162, 31015 Conegliano Τ: (0438) 455200; Fax: 455228 Established: 1984; Chair: Lino Innocenti, Secy: Lino Innocenti, Donor(s): Maria Antonietta Bernardi Assets: ITL,Focus: SocW; Child; SocS 08436 Fondazione Amleto Bertoni, c/o Città di Saluzzo, Piazza Montebello 1, 12037 Saluzzo T: (0175) 42427 08437 Fondazione Emesta B e s s o , Largo di Torre Argentina 11, 00186 Roma T: (06) 6542894 Established: 1922; Chair: Baronessa Gloria Sonaglia Lumbroso Focus: Cult; Lit; Cin 08438 Fondazione Marco B e s s o , Largo di Torre Argentina 11, 00186 Roma T: (06) 6865611; Fax: 68804078 Established: 1918; Chair Baronessa Gloria Sonaglia Lumbroso Focus: Libr; Eng 08439 Fondazione Igino B e t t i , Via Paraguay 7, 00198 Roma T: (06) 8549043 08440 Fondazione B i a g i o A c c o l t i G i i , Via Capone 2, 70014 Conversano T: (080) 4952811 Established: 1982; Chair: Carla Mastronardi Focus: Arts; Cult; Libr 08441 Fondazione Benedetta B i a n c h i P o r r o . Piazza Battisti 1, 47013 Dovadola T: (0543) 934493 08442
Fondazione Altachlara, Loc. S. Maria di Ugnano 42, 06061 Assisi T: (075) 802261 08405
Fondazione Intemazionale Lelio B a s s o p e r II D i r i t t o e la L i b e r a z i o n e d e i P o p o l i , Via della Dogana Vecchia 5, 00186 Roma T; (06) 68801468; Fax: 6877774 Established: 1976; Chair: Prof, Elmar Aitvater, Secy: Linda Bimbi Focus: SocS; HumR; Law 08424
Fondazione Argentina Altobelll, Via Savoia 80, 00198 Roma T: (06) 8554382 08406
Fondazione Prof. Ettore B a t l n l , Via XX Settembre 23, 56010 Vicopisano T: (050) 799030 08425
Fondazione G.B. B l e t t i , Via Caserta 4, 00161 Roma T: (06) 4404459 08444
Fondazione Teresa e Luigi de B e a u m o n t B o n e l l i p e r l e R i c e r c h e s u l C a n c r o , c/o Ospedale Cotugno, Via Ouaglleriello 54, 80100 Napoli T: (081) 5908310; Fax: 5463222; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.space.tin.it/sciefiza/ gtarro
Fondazione Felicita ed Enrico B l g n a s c h l e Figli, Via Olmetto 3, 20123 Milano T: (02) 8057718; Fax: 8692565 Established: 1981; Chair Prof. Enzo Mingione, Secy: Nicoletta Carmi Focus: SocW; PoIS 08445
Fondazione Edoardo Arnaldi, Via Mazzini 62, 29100 Piacenza T: (0523) 795276 Chair Prof. Nicola Cabibbo, Secy: Dr. Maurizio Gariboidi Focus: Phys 08407 Fondazione Giorgio Amendola, Via G. Barbaroux 31, 10122 Torino T: (011) 530270 Chair Prospero Cerabona, Secy: Loris Dadam Focus: Econ; PoIS; SocS; Cult 08408 Fondazione Silvano Andolfl, Via Fogliano 18, 00199 Roma T: (06) 8547995 08409 Fondazione Andrea Biondo, Via Vincenzo Gargallo 4, 90143 Palermo T: (091) 588685; Fax: 58B755 Chair Prof. Gianni Puglisi, Secy: Dr. Guido Minissale Focus: Theat; Cult
Fondazione Franco Antonicelll, Via S. Giovanni 13, 57123 Livorno T: (0586) 897175; Fax: 897175 Established: 1981; Chair Roberto Piccini, Secy: Dr. Patrizia Lupi Focus: Ubr; Archiv; Music; Uni 08411 Fondazione Aquilone, Via Aceibi 12, 20161 Milano T: (02) 66200666 08412 Archivi Storici Boblensl, Fondazione Culturale, Piazza Duomo 5, 29022 Bobbio T: (0523) 936980 Focus: Cult 08413 Fondazione Elvira Badaracco, Studi e Documentazione delle Donne, Corso di Porta Nuova 32, 20121 Milano T: (02) 29005987; Fax: 29005987; E-Mail: fond.badaraccoemdink.it; Internet: http-Jl www.idg.ti.cnr.it/wwwdonnaA)adarac.htm Established: 1979; Chair Prof. Marina Zancan, Donorts): Elvira Badaracco, Pierrette Coppa Focus: Doc; Educ; Hist; Ut; PoIS; SocS; Worn 08414 Fondazione Enzo Badloli, c/o Banca di Credito Cooperativo, Viale Oceano Indiano 13, 00144 Roma T: (06) 520861; Fax: 52086206 Established: 1996; Chair Dr. Claudio Schwarzenberg Focus: Fin 08415 Fondazione Bagattl Valsecchl, Via Gesù 5, 20121 Milano T: (02) 76006132; Internet http:// www.museobagattivalsecchi.org Established: 1994; Chair Rosanna Pavoni Focus: Arts 08416 Fondazione Emesto B a l d u c c l , c/o Archivio Emesto Balducd, Via Badia dei Roccetini 11, 50016 Fiesole T: (055) 599240; Fax: 597080 Secy: Dr. Andrea Cecconi Focus: Rei 06417
Established: 1976; Chair: Prof. Giulio Tarro, Secy: Alessandro Mete, Donor(s): Teresa de Beaumont Bonelli Receipts: ITL 204.571.324,-, Expenditures: I H 144.890.652,Focus: Cane
Fondazione Ugo B e c a t t l n i , Via Mazzini 7a, 47017 Rocca San Casaano T: (0543) 951425 08427 Fondazione Sir Walter B e c k e r p r o S i l v i c u l t u r a , c/o Direzione Generale delle Risorse Forestali, Montane e Idriche, Ministerio delle Politiche Agricole, Via Carducci 5, 00167 Roma T: (06) 48904210; Fax: 48904210 Established: 1925; Chair Dr. Alfonso Alessandrini, Secy: Francesco Scarpellini Focus: For 08428 Fondazione B e l l i n i , Via Biblioteca 13, 95124 Catania T: (095) 311509 08429 Fondazione Marisa B e l l i s a r i o , Via delle Colonnette 26, 00184 Roma T: (06) 36001287; Fax: 36002805; Internet: http:// www.tiaitfondazione-bellrsario Established: 1988; Secy: Dr. Leila Golfo Focus: Bus 08430 Fondazione Don Tonino B e l l o , Piazza Don Tonino Belio 42, 73031 Alessano T: (0833) 781334 08431 Fondazione Aurelio B e l t r a m i , Via Soderini 24, 20146 Milano T: (02) 4238924 Established: 1968; Chair: Dr. Pietro Cardona, Secy: Fausto Grappali Focus: Electron; Elect; Compu; Comm . . 08432 Fondazione Enrico, Umberto e Livia B e n a s s l , c/o Ripartizione Fondazioni, Istituzioni, Agende Speciale e Consorzi, Via S. Ottavio 19B, 10124 Torino T: (011) 8395660; Fax: 6129049 Established: 1970; Chair. Prof. Rinaldo Bertolino, Secy: Antonio Cavuoto Focus: Cane 08433 Fondazione B e n e t t o n S t u d i R i c e r c h e , Piazza F. Crispí 8, 31100 Treviso T: (0422) 579450, 579719; Fax: 579483; E-Mail: fondazfbdtin.it Established: 1981; Chair Luciano Benetton, Secy: Domenico Luciani Expenditures: ITL,· Limitations: Activities mainly in Italy and Europe. No grants Focus: Hist; Hum; Landsc; Mon; Sports . 08434 Fondazione B e r t o n i p e r la L o t t a c o n t r o l a T a l a s s e m l a , c/o Intercontact, Corso XI Settembre 129, 61100 Pesaro Τ: (0721) 32494; Fax: 64727 Established: 1985; Chair Antonio Bertoni Focus: Med 08435
Fondazione Premio Mario B i a n c o n i , Via Barbería 11, 40123 Bologna T: (051) 333491 Established: 1968; Chair Prof. Giovanna Bonani, Secy: Luciana Spagnoli Focus: Lit 08443
Fondazione Libero B i z z a r r i p e r la R i c e r c a s u l l a C o m u n i c a z i o n e e sulle Arti Cinematografiche, Via Curzi 24, 63039 San Benedetto del Tronto T: (0735) 582992; Fax: 577252; E-Mail: bizzarri® jth.it; Internet: http://www.jth.it/bizzarri Established: 1993; Chair: Maria Pia Siila, Secy: Fabrizio Pesiri Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Cin 08446 Fondazione Roberto B o c c a f o g l l , Via A. Sforza 81, 20141 Milano Τ: (02) 89504981 08447 Fondazione Scolastica Dr. N. Carlo Bocchi, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 76, 45011 Adria T: (0426) 901188 08448 Fondazion Europea Luciano Bolls, c/o Movimento Federalista Europeo, Via di Porta Pertusi 6, 27100 Pavia T: (0382) 20092 Chair: Guido Bersellini, Secy: Prof. Giovanni Vigo Focus: Eur 08449 Fondazione Bonaccorsl, Istituto di Psicoterapia, Via Vittorio Veneto 14, 20124 Milano T: (02) 29400655; Fax: 29400655 Established: 1989; Secy: Prof. Maria Teresa Bonaccorsi Focus: Psychol; Ther 08450 Fondazione Uberto Bonino e Maria Sofia Pulejo, Via Uberto Bonino 15, 96124 Messina T: (090) 226294; Fax: 695764; E-Mail: fbpme θ citiesonline.it; Internet: http^/www.fondazionebonino-pulejo.it Established: 1972; Chair: Nino Calarco, Secy: Piero Orteca, Donor(s); Uberto Bonino, Maria Sofia Pulejo Receipts: ITL,·, Expenditures: ITL 2.500.000.000,Limitations: Scholarships in the regions of Calabria and Sicilia only. No restrictions lor cultural events Focus: Schol; Cult; SocW; Educ; Res; Neur 08451 Fondazione Bonomo, Viale Franco Bonomo, Castel del Mon, 70031 Andria T: (0883) 569959 08452 Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Viale Europa 160, 00144 Roma T: (06) 5942496 08453 Fondazione Anna Borlettl per Invalidi e Anziani, Via Piave 9, 22060 Arosio T: (031) 761361 Focus: Hand; SocW
Fondazione San Giovanni Bosco, Via Lucarelli 60i, 70124 Bari T: (080) 5021536 08455 Fondazione Angela Bossolasco, c/o Università degli Studi, Via Verdi 8, 10124 Torino T: (011) 8395456; Fax: 8127449 Established: 1975; Chair Prof. Rinaldo Bertolino Focus: Med; Cane 0B456
Italy: Branciforti
08457 - 08533
Fondazione Caterina Branciforti, Via della Pietà 4, 93013 Mazzarino Τ: (0934) 381020 08457 Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Via Torino 122, 00184 Roma T: (06) 4746552; Fax: 4746345; E-Mail: mc3902@ mclink.it Established: 1972 1972; Chair: Prol. Enzo Bariocci Focus: SocS; Econ 08458 Fondazione Ivan Bruschi, Corso Italia 14, 52100 Arezzo T: (0575) 22625 08459 Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri, Via Albizzini 1, 06012 Città di Castello T: (075) 8554649; Fax: 8559848; E-Mail: Bum@ tin.it; Internet: http://www.c.dic.net.net Established: 1978; Chair: Mario Brighigna, Secy: Nemo Sarteanesi, Donor(s): Alberto Burri Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 08460 Fondazione Maurizio Buzzi, Corso Valentino 95, 15033 Casale Monferrato T: (0142) 781318 08461 Fondazione Camillo Caetani Di Sermoneta, Palazzo Caetani, Via Botteghe Oscure 32, 00154 Roma T: (06) 6543231 Established: 1956; Chair: Giacomo Antonelli, Secy: Dr. Luigi Fiorani Focus: Hist; Schol 08462 Fondazione Roffredo Caetani Di Sermoneta, Via Appia, 04013 Tor Tre Ponti T: (0773) 632231; Fax: 632231 Established: 1972; Chair: Riccardo Ce rocchi, Secy: Dr. Lauro Marchetti Focus: Cult; Educ; Arts; SocS; Mon . , . 08463 Fondazione Federico Calabresi, Borgo S. Spirito 3. 00193 Roma T: (06) 6876870 08464 Fondazione Don Giovanni Calabria per le Malattie Tropicali, c/o Ospedale Sacro Cuore, Via Dor Sempreboni 5, 37024 Negrar T: (045) 6013111; Fax: 7500480 Chair: Mario Bonora, Secy: Dr. Alessandro Galvani Focus: Med; Trop 08465 Fondazione Carlo e Dirce Callerio, Istituto di Ricerche Biologiche, Via Alexander Fleming 22-31, 34127 Trieste T: (040) 569933; Fax: 569934; E-Mail: callerio® jniv.trieste.it Established: 1970; Chair: Prof. Edmondo Honsell, Secy: Prof. Gianni Sava, Donor(s): Cario Callerio, Dirce Callerio Focus: Biol 08466 Fondazione Dr. Marcello Candia, Via Colletta 21, 20135 Milano T: (02) 5463789 08467 Fondazione Dott. Matteo Giuseppe Cangelosl, Via S. Anna 54, 90013 Castelbuono T: (0921) 671725; Fax: 675919; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1995; Chair: Dr. Marina Giuseppina Splendore, Secy: Dr. Giuseppe Rotondo, Donor(s): Eleonora Splendore Limitations: Grants in the region of Sicilia and internationally Focus: Child; Educ; Hand; Psychol; Reh; Schol 08468 Fondazione Centro di Studi Aldo Capitini, Via Villaggio S. Livia 103, 06121 Perugia T: (075) 30471 Established: 1969; Chair: Prof. Luisa Schippa Focus: Cult 08469 Fondazione Ercole Cercano, Via Statale 7, 23826 Mandello del Lario T: (0341) 731204; Fax: 731204; E-Mail: fondeare® tin.it 08470 Fondazione Cariplo, c/o Cassa di Risparmio delle Province Lombarde, Via Monte di Pietà 8, 20121 Milano T: (02) 88662379; Fax: 72004538 Established: 1989; Chair: Giuseppe Guzzetti Focus: NatS; Eng 08471 Fondazione Adolfo Carmine, Via S. Donato 18, 50041 Calenzano T: (055) 8826356 08472 Fondazione Carnegie per gli Atti di Eroismo, c/o Ministero dell'Interno, Palazzo del Viminale, 00184 Roma T: (06) 4818148; Fax: 4818148 Established: 1911; Chair: Dr. Giulio Rusconi Clerici, Secy: Dr. Gabor Toth, Maria Monai, Donor(s): Andrew Carnegie Assets: ITL 220.000.000,-, Expenditures: ITL 15.000.000,Limitations: Grants to heroic dees only Focus: SocW 08473 Fondazione Benefica Alberto & Kathleen Casali, Via Beccaria 3, 34133 Trieste T: (040) 660010 Focus: SocW 08474 Fondazione Agraria Sperimentale Castelvetrl, c/o Facoltà di Agraria, Università degli Studi, Via Filippo Re 2, 40126 Bologna T: (051) 351471; Fax: 351470 Focus: Agrie 08475
150 Fondazione di Ricerca Istituto Carlo Cattaneo, Via Santo Stefano 11, 40125 Bologna T: (051) 239766; Fax: 262959; E-Mail: catt9bo.nettuna.rt Established: 1965; Chain Prof. Raimundo Catanzaro, Secy: Prof. Piergiorgio Corbetta Focus: SocS; Educ; PoIS; Crim; Fam . . 08476 Fondazione Carlo Donat Cattìn, Via Stampatori 4, 10122 Torino T: (011) 542357 08477 Fondazione Lucana Anti-Usura Möns. Vincenzo Cavali, Piazza S. Agnese 13, 75100 Matera Τ: (0835) 314616 08478 Fondazione Camillo Cavour, Piazza Visconti Venosta 2, 10026 Santena T: (011) 9492578 Established: 1955; Chair: Ippolito Calvi Di Bergolo, Secy: Dr. Riccardo Rota Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 08479 Fondazione Cecchini Pace, Via Molino delle Armi 19, 20123 Milano T: (02) 58310299; Fax: 58311389 Chair: Prof. Rosalba Terranova Cecchini, Secy: Prof. Mara Tognietti Bordogna Focus; SocS 08480 Centro di Documentazione sulle Fondazioni, c/o Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Via Giacosa 38, 10125 Torino T: (01) 16500500; Fax: 16502777; E-Mail: info® fortdazioni.it 08481 Fondazione Cesar, c/o Centro Studi Assicurativi e Ricerche, Piazza dell'Esquilino 5, 00185 Roma T: (06) 4828273; Fax: 4828253 Chair: Dr. Enea Mazzoli, Secy: Dr. Giancarlo Brunello Focus: Ins 08452 Fondazione Serafino Cevasco, c/o Erìdania, Corso Andrea Podestà 2, 16128 Genova T: (010) 54811; Fax: 5536351 Established: 1949; Chair: Prof. Giorgio Mantovani Focus: Food; Eng 08483 Fondazione Emile Chanoux, c/o Institut d'Etudes Fédéralistes et Régionalistes, Via A. Cretier 4, 11100 Aosta T: (0165) 40777; Fax: 40777 Established: 1995; Chair: Renato Favai, Secy: Etienne Andrìone Focus: PoIS; SocS 08484 Fondazione Culturale Lauro Chlazzese, Via Bara all'Olivella 2, 90133 Palermo T: (091) 322157; Fax: 6112196 Chain Francesco Pillitteri, Secy: Filippo Bonanno Focus: Cult 08485 Fondazione Cicogna Rampana. Via Garibaldi 24, 25036 Palazzok) sull'Oglio T: (030) 731333; Fax: 731333 Established: 1989 Focus: Hist 08486 Fondazione Giambattista Cima, Via G.B. Cima 24, 31015 Conegliano T: (0438) 21660; Fax: 33936 Established: 1975; Chair: Mario Vazzoler Focus: Cult; Educ; Hist; Arts 08487
Fondazione Vittorino Colombo, Piazza S. Ambrogio 25, 20123 Milano T: (02) 809831; Fax: 809835; E-Mail: fondazione.colombo ©tin.it Established: 1996; Chán Prof. Angelo Caluia, Secy: Dr. Francesco Morabito Limitations: Grants in Milano, the region of Lombardia, Europe and China only Focus: Adult; Arts; As; Coop; Cult; East; Econ; Educ; Eth; Eur; Fam; Fin; Hist; HumR; Phil; PoIS; Pop; Rei; RelE; SocS; Stat 08495 Fondazione Alberto Colonnetta Largo Re Umberto 102bis, 10128 Torino T: (011) 500333; Fax: 500333 Established: 1965; Chain Elena CoJonnetti De Marchi, Secy: Raffaella Bellucci Sessa Focus: übr; Ut 08496 Fondazione Cornei, Via Maggiolini 1, 20122 Milano T: (02) 76006417 08497 Fondazione Raffaele Comincili, Via Padre Francesco Santabona 9, 25010 San Felice del Benaco T: (0365) 520005 08498 Fondazione Primo Conti, c/o Centro Documentazione e Ricerche sulle Avanguardie Storiche, Via Duprè 18, 50014 Resole T: (055) 597095; Fax: 599200 Established: 1980; Chair: Ubaldo Baldi Focus: Arts; Lit 08499 Fondazione Gabriella C o r d i ! , Via Pasteur 35, 34139 Trieste T: (040) 910740 Focus: Aris 08500 Fondazione Maria Bianca Corno, Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci 7, 20133 Milano T: (02) 70633190 08501 Fondazione Pasquale Corsicato, Via Francesco Caracciolo 18, 80122 Napoli T: (081) 7612077; Fax: 7612580 Established: 1987; Chain Prof. Cario Ciliberto, Secy: Dr. Antonio Galdo Focus: Educ; Cult; SocW 08502 Fondazione Guido Cortese, Via Medina 5, 80133 Napoli T: (081) 5513890 08503
Fondazione Guido D'Arezzo, Corso Italia 102, 52100 Arezzo T: (0575) 356203; Fax: 324735; E-Mail: fondguid® nots.it Established: 1983; Chair Prof. Francesco Luisi, Donops): Region of Toscana, Province and City of Arezzo, Association Amici della Musica d'Arezzo Limitations: Grants in Arezzo and the region of Toscana only Focus: Music 08516 Fondazione Giorgio e Isa De Chirico, Piazza di Spagna 31, 00187 Roma T: (06) 6796546; Fax: 6796546 Established: 1986; Chair: Prof. Paolo Picozza 08517 Fondazione De Claricl Dompacher, Via Boiani 4, 33040 Moimacco T: (0432) 733234 Established: 1971; Chair: Franco Bocchierì, Secy: Curzio Dorti Focus: Archeo; Arts 08518 Fondazione per la Pace e la Cooperazione Intemazionale Alcide De Gasperi, Via Scrofa 64, 00186 Roma T: (06) 68801734 Focus: Peace; IntU 08519 Fondazione Luigi ed Elvira De Vecchie, Largo De Vecchis 1, 63010 Montefiore dell'Aso T: (0734) 938237, 938101 Established: 1953; Chain Dr. Giancarlo Corridoni, Secy: Dr. Tarli Marco, Donor(s): Giulio De Vecchis Focus: Agrie 08520 Fondazione Centro Studi Augusto Del Noce, Via S. Andrea 53, 12038 Savigliano T: (0172) 713933 08521 Fondazione Piero Della Francesca, Via Aggiunti 71, 52037 Sansepolcro T: (0575) 740411 08522 Fondazione Aldo Della Rocca, Via degli Orti Gianicolensi 5, 00152 Roma T: (06) 5898609 Established: 1954; Chair Prof. Corrado Beguinot, Secy: Giulio Pispoli Focus: Town 08523
Fondazione P. & L. Corti, Via Torriani 6, 20124 Milano T: (02) 67076722 08504
Fondazione Cario DI Giuliani, Piazza IV Novembre 3, 33090 Arba T: (0427) 93034
Fondazione Gaetano Costa, Via Petrarca 44, 90144 Palermo T: (091) 346949; Fax: 7300678 Established: 1986; Chair. Dr. Giacomo Spadaro, Secy: Prof. Gianfranco Amenta Receipts: ITL 135.000.000,-, Expenditures; ITL 135.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Italy only Focus: Crim 08505
Fondazione Benedetta D'Intlno a Difesa del Bambino e dalla Famiglia, Via Signora 4, 20122 Milano T: (02) 76024421; Fax: 76024421; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chair: Cristina Mondadori, Donor(s): Famiglia Mondadori, D'Intino e Formenton Limitations: Grants in Italy only Focus: Child; Fam; Hand; Psychol; Reh . 08525
Fondazione Giovanni e Irene Cova, Corso Vercelli 22, 20145 Milano T: (02) 48005104; Fax: 4980438 Chair Roberto Cova 08506
Fondazione Cardinale Angelo Maria Dolci, Villa Ser Piero, 01020 Civitella d'Agliano T: (0761) 914535 08526
Fondazione Maria Rosa Cremonesi, Via Volta 1, 25010 San Zeno Naviglio T: (030) 347441 08507
Fondazione Donizetti, Piazza Cavour 2, 24121 T: (035) 244483 Focus: Music
. 08527
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, 30124 Venezia T: (041) 5289900; Fax: 5238540; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.cini.it Established: 1951; Chair: Prof. Giovanni Bazoli, Donor(s): Comte Vittorio Cini Focus: Cult; Music; Orient 08488
Fondazione Piccolo Museo Mario e Fosca Crespi, c/o Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Via Manzoni 12, 20121 Milano T: (02) 794889; Fax: 8690788 Established: 1963; Chain Elvira Leonardi Bouyeure, Secy: Dr. Alessandra Mottola Molfino Focus: Arts 03508
Fondazione Europea Dragàn, Via Larga 9, 20122 Milano T: (02) 58371400; Fax: 58304790 Established: 1968; Chair: Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Costantino Dragàn, Secy: Traían Waldman Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Cult; Educ; Eun Hist; PoIS . . . 08528
Fondazione Luigi Clerici, Corso Garibaldi 62, 27100 Pavia T: (0382) 20600 08489
Fondazione Biblioteca Benedetto Croce, Via Benedetto Croce 12, 80134 Napoli T: (081) 5516188 Chair Alda Croce, Secy: Lidia Herting Croce Focus: Ubr 08509
Fondazione A. Durini, Via S.M. Valle 2, 20123 Milano T: (02) 8053029 08529
Fondazione Domenico Colasanto, Via Tasso 254, 80127 Napoli T: (081) 664985 Established: 1980; Chain Prof. Salvatore Vinci, Secy: Dr. Eugenio Zambrano Focus: Trade; SocS; Econ 08490 Fondazione Nazionale Cario Collodi, Via Pasquinelli 9, 51017 Pescia T: (0572) 429613
Fondazione Colocci Angelo, Piazza Federico II 3, 60035 Jesi T: (0731) 213234; Fax: 56999; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fondazionecolocci.indi.it Established: 1995; Chair: Marcello Pentericci, Secy: Dr. Paolo Borioni, Donor(s): Comune di Jesi, Banca Marche-Banca Popolare Ancona, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi Assets: ITL 400.000.000,-, Receipts: ITL,-, Expenditures: ITL,Limrtations: Grants in the region of Marche only Focus: Cult; Educ 08492 Fondazione Regionale Cristoforo Colombo, Palazzo Serra Gerace, Via Sottoripa 5, 16123 Genova T: (010) 2511719; Fax: 2511556 Established: 1986; Chain Dr. Giancarlo Mori Focus: Cult; Tour 08493 Fondazione Regionale C. Colombo, Via Sottoripa 5, 16124 Genova T: (010) 2511719 08494
Fondazione Centro Ricerche Economiche Angelo Curel, Via Ruggero VII 78, 90141 Palermo T: (091) 332922 Focus: Econ 08570 Fondazione Centro Ricerche Economiche Angelo Curella, Via Ruggero Settimo 78, 90141 Palermo T: (091) 332922; Fax: 584923 Chair Prof. Pietro Busetta, Secy: Dr. Salvatore Sacco Focus: Econ 08511 Museo della Fondazione Ugo Da Como, Via da Como 2, 25017 Lonato T: (030) 9130060 Established: 1941 Focus: Arts 08512 Fondazione Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrlna, Vicolo Pierluigi Da Palestrina 3, 00036 Palestrina T: (06) 9538083 Established: 1973; Chain Dr. Luigi Puliti Focus: Music 08513 Fondazione M.A. Dal Borro, Via Spalato 26, 57126 Livorno T: (0586) 806259 08514 Fondazione Giovanni Dalmasso, do Cattedra di Viticoltura, Università degli Studi, Via P. Giuria 15, 10126 Torino T: (011) 683571; Fax: 687016 Established: 1978; Chain Giuliana Gay Focus: Food; Wine 08515
Ente per gli Studi Monetari Bancari e Finanziari Luigi Einaudi, c/o Banca d'Italia, Via Nazionale 91, 00184 Roma T: (06) 47921; Fax: 47924872 Established: 1965; Chair Prof. Luigi Spaventa, Secy: Dr. Flora Pierelli, Donor(s): Banca d'Italia, Associazione Bancaria Italiana Focus: Rn 08530 Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Via Principe Amedeo 34, 10123 Torino T: (011) 835656; Fax: 8179093; Internet: http-Jl www.fondaz¡oneeinaudi.it Established: 1964; Chain Enrico Filippi Focus: SocS; Hist; PoIS 08531 Epokè, Fondazione per un Governo Mondiale, Piazza della Libertà 10, 00192 Roma T: (06) 3207777; Fax: 32500707; E-Mail: fondazionepoche @ interbusiness.it Established: 1998; Chair: Yuri Kladov Focus: PoIS; Hist 08532 F.A.R.O. onlus Fondazione Assistenza Ricerca Oncologica, Via Cavour 40bis, 10123 Torino T: (011) 888272; Fax: 888633; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http -Jl www.fondazionefaro.it Established: 1984; Chain Prof. Emilio Bergoglio Cordaro, Donor(s): Prof. F.A. Calcìat, Dr. 0 . Borlotto, Dr. M. Clerico, Dr. M. Donadío Limitations: Grants in Torino and area only Focus: Cane 08533
08534 - 08609
151 Fondazione Claudio Faina, Piazza del Duomo 29, 0501 θ Orvieto T: (0763) 341216; Fax; 341250; E-Mail: fainaorv© tin.it; Internet: http://www.systemnet.lt/museoJaina Established: 1957; Chair. Dr. Isidoro Galluccio, Secy: Dr. Giuseppe M. della Fina, Donor(s): Claudio Faina Jr. Focus: Archeo 08534 Fondazione Falcon Vial e Fabrlcl Moraasuttl, Via Falcon Vial 12, 3307Θ San Vito al Tagliamelo T: (0434) 82648; Fax: 82648 Established: 1979; Chair Dr. Giovanni Del FrS Receipts: I T I 604.000.000,-, Expenditures: ITL 604.000.000,Focus: Educ 08535 Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone, Via G. Scinti 164, 90144 Palermo T: (091) 6258256 Chair: Prof. Maria Falcone Focus: Law 08536 Fondazione Faraggiana, Via Alcarotti 15, 28100 Novara T: (0321) 612756; Fax: 612756 Established: 1964; Chair: Vittorio Minóla Focus: NatS 08537 Fondazione Nazionale Vito Fazio-Allmayer, Via Sammartino 134, 90141 Palermo T: (091) 6258423; Fax: 6258423 Established: 1975; Chair. Epifania Giambalvo Focus: Phil; Cult 08538 Fondazione Federico Fellini, Via Anghera 29, 47900 Rimini T: (0541) 50085 08539 Fondazione Intemazionale Ferramenti di Tarsia per l'Amicizia tra I Popoli, Via Rebecchi 29/B, 87100 Cosenza T: (0984) 32377; Fax: 32377; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.fondazioneferramonti.it Established: 1986; Chair: Cario Spartaco Capogreco Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Cult; Hist; IntU 08540 Fondazione Paolo Ferraris, Via Andomo 2a, 10153 Torino T: (011) 8127343 08541 Fondazione Giuseppe Ferrerò, Via S.F. d'Assisi 176, 81024 Maddaloni T: (0823) 403351 08542 Fondazione Catterina Feyles, Via delle Rosine 5, 10123 Torino T: (011) 8122564; Fax: 888211; E-Mail: feyles θ ipsnet.it Established: 1997; Chair: Sergio Baravalle, Secy: Dr. Mariella Peirone, Donor(s): Arcodiocesi di Torino, Suore Ausiliatrici delle Anime del Purgatorio, Suore della Carità San Vincenzo de' Paoli, Suore Vincenziane Maria Imm. Assets: ITL 1.579.506.650,-, Receipts: ITL 1.279.800.000,-, Expenditures: ITL 1.286.600.000,Focus: Adult 08543
Fondazione ADVENTUM 2 onlus, Fondo per la Solidarietà e l'Antiusura, Vìa Savonarola 39, 00195 Roma T: (06) 39725888; Fax: 39725795; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http-Jl www.adventum.org Established: 1994; Chair: Ignazio Barbuscia Assets: ITL,-, Expenditures: ITL,Limitations: Grants in Italy only Focus: SocW 08554
Fondazione Banco di Sicilia, Viale della Libertà 52, 90143 Palermo T: (091) 6259519; Fax: 606697B Chair: Prof. Cario Dominici, Secy: Dr. Francesco Mancuso Focus: Arts; Archeo 08573
Fondazione Africana per la Medicina e la Ricerca, (African Medical and Research Foundation), Via Luigi Settembrini 30, 00195 Roma Τ: (06) 3202222; Fax: 3202227; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.amref.it Established: 1988; Chair Ilaria Borlotti, Secy: Tilomas Simmons Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Afr Med; Res 08555
Fondazione Bogllasco, Via Aurelia 2, 16031 Bogliasco T: (010) 3470049 08575
Fondazione Agraria Novarese, Corso Vercelli 120, 28100 Novara T: (0321) 456910 Focus: Agrie 08556 Fondazione AIDA, Centro di Produzione Teatrale, Vicolo Satiro 6, 37121 Verona T: (045) 8001471; Fax: 8009850; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.f-aida.it Established: 1996; Chair Piero Turco, Secy: Roberto Terribile, Donor(s): Roberto Terribile Assets: EURO 750.000,-, Receipts: EURO 750.000,Limitations: Grants in Italy only Focus: Youth; Child; Cult; Arts; Tfieat . . 08557 Fondazione Aiutiamoli a Vivere, Via S. Leonardo 3, 87027 Paola T: (0982) 611539
Fondazione Alarlo per Elea-Velia, Via Oberdan, 64046 Ascea T: (0974) 971197 08559 Fondazione Alleanza del Rinnovamento dello Spirito Santo, Via Olmi 62, 00172 Roma T: (06) 2310410 Focus: Rei 08560 Fondazione Almericl, Piazza Almerici 10, 47023 Cesena T: (0547) 21147 08561 Fondazione Ambrosiana Attività Pastorali, Via S. Antonio 5, 20122 Milano T: (02) 583911 Focus: Rei 08562 Fondazione Ambrosiana Paolo VI, Via Cagnola 17-19, 21045 Gazzada Schianno T: (0332) 462104; Fax: 463463; E-Mail: vcagnola® dido.net; Internet: http7/wwv,diocesi.milano.ot/ villacagnola Chair Pasquale Macchi Focus: Hist 08563
Fondazione Finney, Lungotevere Vittoria 9, 00195 Roma T: (06) 37351813 08544
Fondazione Amici America Latina, Via C. Battisti 47, 25058 Sulzano T: (030) 985414 Established: 1985; Chair Angelo Bianchi Focus: Dev; Voc; Cult; IntU 08564
Fondazione Fioroni, Via Matteotti 39, 37045 Legnago T: (0442) 20052 Established: 1958 Focus: Arts 08545
Fondazione Amici di Uberai, Piazza San Bernardo 106 , 00167 Roma T: (02) 487721; Fax: 48772200 Established: 1996; Chair Ferdinando Adomato Focus: PoIS 08585
Fondazione Luigi Firpo, c/o Centro di Studi sul Pensiero Politico, Via Principe Amedeo 34, 10123 Torino T: (011) 8129020; Fax: 8129020 Chain Dr. Isabella Massab Ricci, Secy: Dr. Cristina Stango Focus: PoIS 08546
Fondazione Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata, do Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi, Viale Morgagni 67a, 50134 Firenze T: (055) 423711 Established: 1850; Chair Prof. Roberto Conti, Secy: Prof. Francesco Gherardelli Focus: Math 08566
Fondazione Flaminia, Piazza Kennedy 12, 48100 Ravenna T: (0544) 34345; Fax: 35650; E-Mail: flaminia@ ambra.unibo.it Established: 1989; Chair Dr. Lanfranco Gualtieri, Secy: Dr. Andrea Bassi Focus: Cult; Educ; Res; Schol; Uni . . . 08547 Fondazione Florenzano, Castello, Via Granateli! 5, 84030 Morigerati T: (0974) 982024 Focus: Ethn 08548 Fondazione Floriani, Piazza Castello 4, 20121 Milano T: (02) 86463024; Fax: 72022493 Established: 1977; Chair Virgilio Floriani Focus: Med 08549 Fondazione Marco Fodella, Viale Testi 68, 20126 Milano T: (02) 6433273 08550 Fondazione CAB-lstituto di Cultura Giovanni Folo, Via Trieste 8, 25121 Brescia T: (030) 2807831 Focus: Cult 08551 Fondazione A.S.S.I., Via Borgonuovo 23, 20121 Milano T: (02) 861141 08552 Fondazione Abbatta Sánete Marie Mortmondo, Piazza Municipio 1, 20081 Morimondo T: (02) 94961919 Focus: Rei 08553
Fondazione Antl Usura S. Maria del Soccorso, Via S. Stefano 3, 16121 Genova T: (010) 5959484 Focus: Fin 08567 Fondazione Archeologica Canosina, Via F. Giusti 5, 70053 Canosa di Puglia T: (0883) 664043 Limitations: Grants in Canosa di Puglia (Italy) Focus: Archeo 08568 Fondazione Archivio Diaristlco Nazionale, Piazza Plinio Pellegrini 1, 52036 Pieve Santo Stefano T: (0575) 797730; Fax: 799810 Established: 1991; Chair Albano Bragagni, Secy: Loretta Veri Focus: Archiv; Libr 08563 Fondazione Assicurazioni Generali, Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2, 34132 Trieste T: (040) 6711; Fax: 671600 Established: 1982; Chair Antoine Bemheim, Secy: Guido Pastori Focus: Ins 08570 Fondazione Auxlllum, Via Fontana 26, 91100 Trapani T: (0923) 22740 08571 Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, Viale Umberto I 86, 07100 Sassari T: (079) 275067 08572
Fondazione Betania sulle Politiche Sociali, Via Molise 21, 88100 Catanzaro T: (0961) 763111; Fax: 763204 Chair: Biagio Amato Focus: PoIS 08574
Fondazione C.E.S.A.R., Via A. Da Bari 28, 70122 Bari T: (080) 5283014 08576 Fondazione C.E.U.R., Centro Europeo Università e Ricerca, Via de Buttierì 11, 40124 Bologna T: (051) 344793; Fax: 345664; E-Mail: info© fondazione.ceur.it; Internet: http://www.ceur.it Established: 1991; Chair: Prof. Luigi Caimi, Secy: Dr. Maurizio Calvelli Focus: Educ; Uni 08577 Fondazione Campo Filadelfia, Via Roma 101, 10123 Torino T: (011) 545402 08578 Fondazione Carcere e Lavoro, Viale Baldelli 41, 00146 Roma T: (06) 54225384 08579 Fondazione Caritas, Via Martinet 3, 11100 Aosta T: (0165) 33330 Focus: SocW 08580 Fondazione Caritas Ambrosiana, (formerly: Fondazione Assistenza Milanese al Lavoratori ed Emigrati Charitas Ambrosiana), Via San Bernardino 4, 20122 Milano T: (02) 760371; Fax: 76021676; E-Mail: caritas.ambrosiana@ caritas.it; Internet: http -Jl www.caritas.it Established: 1963; Chair: Franco Agnesi, Secy: Virginio Colmegna, Donor(s): Giuseppe Bicchierai Receipts: ITL,-, Expenditures: ITL,Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Educ 08581 Fondazione Caritas Diocesana BolzanoBressanone, Via Cappuccini 24, 39100 Bolzano T: (0471) 301017 Limitations; Grants in the diocese of BolzanoBressanone (Italy) Focus: SocW 08582 Fondazione Casa Famiglia Madonna del Miracoli, Via Dante Alighieri 11, 21040 Camago T: (0331) 993335 Focus: Fam 08583 Fondazione Casa Regina della Famiglia, Strada Morello 1002, 41100 Modena T: (059) 849001 Focus: Fam 08584 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia, Via Amendola 201, 70126 Bari T: (080) 5461677 Limitations: Grants in the province of Puglia (Italy) 08585 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, Galleria Tirrena 10, 38100 Trento T: (0461) 231720 Limitations: Grants in Trento and Rovereto (Italy) 08586 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Salernitana, Corso G. Garibaldi 194 , 84122 Salerno T: (089) 237477 Limitations: Grants in Salerno (Italy) . . . 08587 Fondazione Censis, Piazza di Novella 2, 00199 Roma T: (06) 860911; Fax: 86211367; E-Mail: censis@ censis.it; Internet: http^/www,censis.lt Established: 1973; Chair Giorgio Cigliane, Secy: Giuseppe Roma Focus: SocS 08588 Fondazione Centro Artisti Solidarietà Umana Minor, Piazza Navigatori 23, 00147 Roma T: (06) 5132522 Focus: Arts 08589 Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea, Via Eupili 8, 20145 Milano T: (02) 316338 Chair Dr. Luisella Mortara Ottolenghi, Secy: Dr. Michele Sarfatti Focus: Jew 08590 Fondazione Centro Italiano Studi e Ricerche, Via Bainsizza 2, 20136 Milano T: (02) 58301903 Focus: Scie; Res 08591 Fondazione Centro Orientamento Educativo, Via Lazzaroni 8, 20124 Milano T: (02) 66714363 Focus: Educ 08592 Fondazione Centro Praxis, Vìa Napoli 16, 81028 Santa Maria a Vico T: (0823) 750296; Fax: 808308 Established: 1981; Chair Severo Ruoti, Secy: Dr. Flavia Puoti Focus: Neur; Epil 08593
Italy: Fondazione
Fondazione Centro Studi Assicurativi e Ricerche, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II 37, 86100 Campobasso T: (0874) 418439 Focus: Ins 08594 Fondazione Centro Studi di Patologia Molecolare Applicata alla Clinica, Via Pace 9, 20122 Milano T: (02) 5510709; Fax: 54100125 Established: 1969; Chair Prof. Giuseppe Simoni, Secy: Dr. Olga Mosca Focus: Path 08595 Fondazione Centro Studi sull'Arte Licia e Carlo Ludovico) Ragghiami, Piazza San Micheletto 3, 55100 Lucca T: (0583) 467205; Fax: 490325; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1984; Chair: Giovanni Cattani, Secy: Prof. Vittorio Fagone, Donor(s): Licia Ragghianti, Cario Ludovico Ragghianti Receipts: ITL 400.000.000,-, Expenditures: ITL,· Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Arts 08596 Fondazione Centro Studi Tardo Medioevo, Via Roma 15, 56028 San Miniato T: (0571) 400151 Focus: Hist 08597 Fondazione Cervia Ambiente, Piazza Andrea Costa 13, 48015 Cervia T: (0544) 71921; Fax: 972897 Established: 1973; Chair: Prof. Fabio Roversi Monaco, Secy: Dr. Elio Gasperoni Focus: Educ 08598 Fondazione CESPE, c/o Centro Studi di Politica Economica, Via D'Aracoelì 13, 00186 Roma T: (06) 6798096; Fax: 6791655 Established: 1966; Chair: Alfredo Reichlin, Secy: Dr. Riccardo Azzolini Focus: PoIS 08599 Fondazione Cetacea onlus, Via Milano 63, 47838 Riccione T: (0541) 691557; Fax: 606590; E-Mail: cetacea® iper.net; Internet: http://www.fondazionecetacea.org Established: 1988; Chair Leandro Stanzani, Secy: Marco Affronte Limitations: Activities in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea areas only Focus: AnimP 08600 Fondazione CIR, do Centro Informazioni, Ricerche e Studi, Piazza De Gasperi 32, 35131 Padova T: (049) 657177; Fax: 8753304 Established: 1977; Chair: Prof. Piero Randi, Secy: Dr. Ruggero Menato Focus: Econ; SocS 08601 Fondazione Città del Libro, Loc. Ss. Annunziata 21, 54027 Pontremoli T: (0187) 830676 Focus: Book 08602 Fondazione Città di Forte dei Marmi, Piazza Marconi 1, 55042 Forte dei Marmi T: (0584) 82966, 86277; Fax: 63843; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.museosatira.it Established: 1990; Chair: Massimiliano Bertoli, Donor(s): Comune di Foie dei Marmi Receipts: ITL 500.000.000,-, Expenditures: ITL 500.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Forte dei Marmi only Focus: Cult 08603 Fondazione Civiltà Bresciana, Vicolo San Giuseppe 5, 25122 Brescia T: (030) 3757267; Fax: 3774365 Established: 1984; Chair Antonio Fappani, Secy: Dr. Giovanni Marchi Focus: Hist; Cult 08604 Fondazione Clerici, Viale Lombardia 210, 20047 Brugherio T: (039) 884722 Focus: Rei 08605 Fondazione Corte Arbitrale Nazionale e Internazionale, Giudecca 605, 30133 Venezia T: (041) 2770345 Focus: Law 08606 Fondazione Culturale Mandralisca, Via Mandralisca 13, 90015 Cefalù T: (0921) 421547; Fax: 421547 Established: 1866; Chair Mario Peri Focus: Cult
Fondazione d'Arco, Piazza d'Arco 4, 46100 Mantova T: (0376) 322242; Fax: 369544 Established: 1978 Focus: Arts 08608 Fondazione della Comunità Bergamasca onlus, Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII 106, 24100 Bergamo T: (035) 212440; Fax: (031) 4228328 Established: 2000; Chair Giuseppe Vimercati Receipts: EURO 5.112.923,Limitations: Grants in Bergamo only Focus: SocW 08609
Italy: Fondazione
08610 - 08686
Fondazione della Comunità del Novarese onlus, Baluardo Lamarmora 15, 28100 Novara T: (0321) 611781; Fax: 681404; E-Mail: info®fondazione.novara.it; internet: http7/ www.fondazione.rovara.it Established: 2000; Chair: Romeo Robiglio, Secy: Ruggero Concone Assets: EURO 308.280,Limitations: Grants in Novara only Focus: SocW 06610 Fondazione della Comunità della Provincia di Mantova onlus, Via Portazzolo 9, 46100 Mantova T: (0376) 2371; Fax: 237216; E-Mail: info® fondazione, mantova.it; Internet: http-J! www.fondazione.mantova.it Established: 2000; Chair: Carlalberto Comeliani, Secy: Marcello Melani Expenditures: EURO 5.112.923,Limitations: Grants in Mantova only Focus: SocW 08611 Fondazione della Provincia di Lecco onlus. Piazza Lega Lombarda 3, 23900 Lecco T: (0341) 353123; Fax: 353125; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fondazione.provincia.lecco.it Established: 1999; Chair: Mario Romano Negri, Secy: Emilio Amigoni Assets: EURO 2.379.439,-, Receipts: EURO 9.633.264,Limitations: Grants in the province of Lecco only Focus: SocW 08612 Fondazione dell'Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 50, 10123 Torino T: (011) 5553875; Fax: 553878 Established: 19Θ5; Chair: Prof. Gianni Zandano, Secy: Ruggero Fossati Focus: Cult; Scie; Arts 08613 Fondazione di Culto e Religione Faclte, Via Mad. dei Cieli 2, 88100 Catanzaro T: (0961) 727813 Focus: Rei 08614 Fondazione di Culto e Religione Patronato S. Vincenzo, Via Panizzi 63, 18036 San Remo T: (0184) 666264 Focus: Rei 08615 Fondazione di Culto e Religione Piccolo Rifugio, Scala Lauri 2, 34134 Trieste T: (040) 416873 Focus: Rei 08616 Fondazione di Culto Realizzare La Speranza. Largo Donna Regina 23, 80138 Napoli T: (081) 444231, 290733; Fax: 5574310; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.FORES.NET Established: 1993; Donor(s): Conferenza Episcopale Limitations: Regional grants only Focus: Child; Fam
Fondazione di Cultura per la Cardiologia, Corso Nazioni Unite 64, 28058 Suna T: (0323) 501374 Focus: Card 08618 Fondazione di Religione Auxllium, Via Gagliardo 2, 16126 Genova T: (010) 2464457 Focus: Rei
Fondazione di Religione Gesù Divino Lavoratore, Rua Frati Minori 7, 41100 Modena T: (059) 236379 Focus: Rei 08620 Fondazione di Santo Stefano d'Ungheria, Via Casaletto 481, 00151 Roma T: (06) 65742834 08621 Fondazione E.N.P.A.M., Via Torino 38, 00184 Roma T: (06) 47B24052 08622 Fondazione Emofilia, c/o Policlinico, Piazza G. Cesare, 70124 Bari T: (080) 5427053 Focus: Hemat 08623 Fondazione ENASARCO, Via Usodimare 31, 00154 Roma T: (06) 5744016 08624 Fondazione Enti Locali, Via V. Monti 55, 20123 Milano T: (02) 48008741 08625 Fondazione Euronordest, Via Palazzo 9, 30174 Venezia T: (041) 974872 Focus: Eur 08626 Fondazione Europea per la Divulgazione del Valori, Via S. Francesco 45-47, 20013 Magenta T: (02) 97299120 08627 Fondazione Europea per la Formazione, (European Training Foundation), Villa Gualino, Viale Settimio Severo 65, 10133 Torino T: (011) 6302222; Fax: 6302200; E-Mail: info® etf.eu.int; Internet: http://www.etf.eu.int Established: 1990; Chain Peter Limitations: Grants in Central and Eastern Europe only Focus: Voc 08628
Fondazione Ex-Campo Fossoli, Via San Rocco 5, 41012 Carpi T: (059) 666272; Fax: 688463; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Chair Mayor of Carpi, Secy: Bronetto Salvarani, Donors): Municipality of Carpi, Amici del Museo ai Deportato Association Focus: Warv; Peace; Hist 08629 Fondazione Exodus, Via Stazione 67, 21020 Casale Lrtta Τ: (0332) 945470 08630 Fondazione Festival del Due Mondi, Via Viminale 43, 00184 Roma T: (06) 4745160 Focus: Cult 08631 Fondazione-Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano, Viale Coni Zugna 5, 20144 Milano T: (02) 4676151; Fax: 48193631; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fondoambiente.it Established: 1975; Chair Giulia Maria Crespi Mozzoni Focus: SocW 08632 Fondazione Frate Sole, Via Alboino 7, 27100 Pavia T: (0362) 21900 08633 Fondazione Gesù Divino Samaritano, Loc. Riofreddo 104, 47028 Vergherete) T: (0543) 910116 Focus: Rei; SocW 08634 Fondazione Gesù e Marta, Via Croce 7, 83022 Baiano T: (061) 6243431 Focus: Rei 08635 Fondazione Giovanni XXIJI, Vìa Noci km 27, Resilienza per Anziani, 70011 Alberobello T: (060) 4322792; Fax: 4322792 Established: 1979; Chair Cosmo Francesco Ruppi, Secy: Prof. Giuseppe Giacovazzo, Donor(s): Cosmo Francesco Ruppi, Cosma Lasorte, Vito Sante Longo, Nicola Agrusb' Receipts: I H 464.543.810,-, Expenditures: ITL 396.748.780,· Focus: Rei 08636 Fondazione Hoechst, Via Marco Ulpio Traiano 8, 20131 Milano T: (02) 39210347; Fax: 93520214 Established: 1971; Chair: Prof. Andrea Peracino, Secy: Dr. Pierluigi Vigo Focus: Uni; Med 08637 Fondazione Hypercampo, Via Servi 20, 50122 Firenze T: (055) 213602 08638 Fondazione IDIS, c/o Istituto per la Diffusione e la Valorizzazione della Cultura Scientifica, Via Coroglio 156, 60124 Napoli T: (081) 7352111; Fax: 2301044 Established: 1989; Chair: Prof. Vittorio Silvestrini, Secy: Dr. Vincenzo Lipardi Focus: Educ; Cult; Scie 08639 Fondazione II Buon Samaritano, Via Morelli e Silvati 13, 70045 Torre a Mare T: (080) 5432979 Focus: SocW 08640 Fondazione II Campiello, Palazzo FaJier, San Marco 2906, 30124 Venezia T: (041) 5285116 Established: 1985; Chair: Luigi Arsellini, Secy: Dr. Stefania Rattin Focus: Ut 08641 Fondazione II Correggio, Via del Correggio 4, 42015 Correggio T: (0522) 642277 08642 Fondazione il Faro, Via V. Agnelli 21, 00151 Roma T: (06) 6537536; Fax: 65740534; E-Mail: ilfaro@ ais.it; Internet: http^/www.iffaro.rt Established: 1997; Chair Susanna Agnelli, Secy: Elena Zizioii, Donor(s): Susanna Agnelli, Ilaria Caria Borietti dell'Acqua, Franzo Grande Stevens Limitations: Grants in Roma and the region of Lazio only Focus: Voc; Youth 08643 Fondazione II Flore, Via S, Vito 7, 50124 Firenze T: (055) 225239 08644 Fondazione II Vlttoriale degli Italiani, Via Vittoriale 12, 25063 Gardone Riviera T: (0365) 20130; Fax: 22352 Established: 1937; Chair Francesco Perfetti Focus: Archiv; Libr; Aris; Music; Theat . . 08645 Fondazione Imperatrice Nuda contro la Sperimentazione Animali, c/o Comitato Scientifico Antivivisezionista, Via P.A. Micheli 62, 00197 Roma T: (06) 3220720; Fax: 3225370 Established: 1990; Chair Prof. Piero Croce, Secy: Fabrizia De Ferraris Salzano Focus; AnimH 08646 Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattlche e Zootecniche, Via A. Bianchi 1, 25125 Brescia T: (030) 223244; Fax: 2420569 Established: 1955; Chair Dr. Pieijacomo Ghitti, Secy: Dr. Angelo Pecorelli Focus: Zool; AnimH; Vet 08647
Fondazione Insieme, Via del Pretorio 29, 55051 Barga Τ: (0583) 710475; Fax: 710475; E-Mail: presidenza@fondazioneinsierT)e.it; Internet: http7/ www.fondazioneinstefne.it Established: 1997; Chair Dr. Gianfranco Barrago, Secy: Dr. Gianfranco Barrago, Donor(s): Dr. Gianfranco Barrago, Chiara Barrago, Maurizio Quilici, Marino Maglietta, Alessandro Salvi Assets: EURO 260.000,-, Receipts: EURO 10.000,·, Expenditures: EURO 5.000,Limitations: Grants in Italy only Focus: Cult; Eth; HumR; Res; Child . . . 08648 Fondazione Internazionale Trieste per II Progresso e la Libertà delle S e i e n » , (Trieste International Foundation for Scientific Progress and Freedom), c/o Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste Τ: (040) 224160; Fax: 2240224; E-Mail: budinichÔ ictp.trieste.it Established: 1960; Chair Prof. Paolo Budinich, Secy: Dr. Luigi Stasi, Donor(s): Prof. Abdus Salam Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: CommS; Cult 08649 Fondazione Istituto dl Alta Cultura Orestladl, Baglio Di Stefano, 91024 Gibellina Τ: (0924) 67844 Chair: Ludovico Corrado Focus: Theat; Arts 08650
Fondazione Laboratorio per le Politiche Sociali, Viale Liegi 14, 00196 Roma T: (06) 6543566; Fax: 85302612 Established: 1985; Chair Dr. Claudio Calvaruso Focus: PoIS 08663 Fondazione Laboe, Viale Liegi 14, 00196 Roma T: (06) 65301415 08664 Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente, Piazza Diaz 7, 20123 Milano T: (02) 809169; Fax: 72002396; E-Mail: flanet@ flanet.org; Internet: http://www.flanet.org Established: 1986; Chair Giovanni Bottari, Secy: Antonio Ballarin-DenC Focus: Ecol; Res 08665 Fondazione Luclanum Opere Caritative Educative, Via Möns. De Lorenzo 46, 89123 Reggio di Calabria T: (0965) 330297 Focus: Educ; SocW 08666 Fondazione Marta Regina, Via Oberdan 26, 64025 Pineto T: (085) 9461127 08667 Fondazione Mario & Maria, Via Villa Fonseca 1, 00184 Roma T: (06) 77207446 08668 Fondazione Marzotto, Piazza Maizotto 20, 30025 Fossetta Portogruaro T: (0421) 700031 08669
Fondazione Istituto Interscambio Scientìfico, Viale Settimio Severo 65, 10133 Torino T: (011) 6603090; Fax: 6600049 Chair Tullio Regge, Secy: Prof. Mario Rasetti Focus: Math; Phys; Chem; Biol . . . . 08651
Fondazione Mediateca Regionale Toscana, Via De Pucci 4, 50122 Firenze T: (055) 652831; Fax: 679476 Chair Attilio Mauceri, Secy: Dr. Sergio Talenti Focus: Mon; Cult 08670
Fondazione ISUP, c/o Istituto di Sociopsicologia Umanistica e Psicoterapia, Piazza Immacolata 12, 80129 Napoli T: (061) 5564391 Established: 1960; Chair Dr. Corrado Piancastelli Focus: Psychol; Ther 08652
Fondazione Mediterranea, Viale Platani 34, 97100 Ragusa T: (0932) 644277 Established: 1965; Chair Francesco Venerando Focus: Res; Biol; Ocean; Geol; Archeo . 08671
Fondazione Italiana per il Cuora, Via Appiani 7, 20121 Milano T: (02) 29005297; Fax: 29007016 Established: 1990; Chair: Prof. Rodolfo Paoletti, Secy: Dr. Emanuela Folco Focus: Card 08653
Fondazione Metropolitano per l'Arte e la Cultura, Via S. Eufemia 25 , 20122 Milano T: (02) 86464303 Focus: Arts; Cult 08672 Fondazione Mole Vanvitelllana, Banchina G. Da Ohio 28, 60121 Ancona T: (071) 2072348 08673
Fondazione Italiana per II Volontariato, (Italian Foundation for Volunteering), Via Nazionale 39, 00164 Roma T: (06) 47481233/35; Fax: 4819636; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.fivol.it Established: 1991; Chair: Prof. E. Emmanuele, Donor(s): Rome Saving's Bank Limitations: No grants Focus: SocW; Cult 08654
Fondazione Monitor Eccleslastlcus, Via Enrico Besta 30, 00167 Roma T: (06) 6625387; Fax: 6625387 Secy: Emilio Colagiovanni 08674
Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica della SIFD, c/o Società Italiana del Flauto Dolce, Via Col di Lana 7, 00195 Roma T: (06) 3210606; Fax: 3210606 Established: 1970; Chair Renato Meucci, Secy: Francesca Maraschini Focus: Music 0S655
Fondazione Museo dei Calcio, Viale Palazzeschi 20, 50135 Firenze T: (055) 600526 Focus: NatS
Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Via Corridoni 7, 20122 Milano T: (02) 794707; Fax: 794673; E-Mail: fi [email protected] Established: 1977; Chair Jacopo Vittorelli Limitations: Grants in Italy Focus: Carte
Fondazione Italiana per lo Studio della Schizofrenia, Via Tacito 90, 00193 Roma T: (06) 3210494; Fax: 3210494 Established: 1983; Chain Prof. Giancarlo Reda Focus: Psychia 08657 Fondazione Italiana Thalassemia, Via Livorno 30b, 07100 Sassari T: (079) 273579 Limitations: Grants in Italy Focus: Med 08658 Fondazione La Celeste Crociata, Via 30, 91019 Valderice T: (0923) 891268 Donor(s): Suore Maria La Commare Focus: Rei Fondazione La Città di Ieri per l'Uomo di Domani, Via Maggio 6, 50125 Firenze T: (055) 2670443; Fax: 2670443; E-Mail: cittarte© tin.it Established: 1991; Chair Tullia Carettoni, Secy: Dr. Emanuele Lepri, Donor{s): Municipality of Firenze, University of Firenze, Italian National Commission for UNESCO Limitations: Grants in Italy and internationally Focus: Archeo; Archil; Doc; Landsc; Mon; Tour Town 08660 Fondazione La Vincenziana, Via Botticelli 14, 20035 Lissone T: (039) 483070; Fax; 463071 Chair Dr. Ada Chiabotto, Secy: Emiliano Drago Focus: Rei 08661 Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, Via Mergellina 35D, 80122 Napoli T: (061) 660074; Fax: 668873 Chair: Michele Capasso Focus: Cult; PoIS; Econ 08662
Fondazione Movimento Europeo Giovanile, Via Brolo 25, 00133 Roma T: (06) 7201055 Focus: Youth 08675
Fondazione Museo Montelupo, Via XX Settembre 32, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino T: (0571) 51060; Fax: 51506; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.montelupoceramicafirenze.it Chair: Vittoriano Bitossi, Secy: Paolo Pinelli Limitations: Grants for the Museo Archeologico e della Ceramica di Montelupo only Focus: Arts 08677 Fondazione Napoli Novantanove, Via Martcd 69, 60121 Napoli T: (061) 667599; Fax: 667399; Internet: http:// www.web.tin.it/napolinovantanove Established: 1985; Chair Mirella Stampa Baracco Focus; Cult; Arts 08678 Fondazione Nazionale Dopo di Noi, Via Sottoripa la, 16124 Genova T: (010) 2474652 08679 Fondazione Nova Res Publica Cultura per Uno Stato, Via Beretta 6, 20121 Milano T: (02) 66462193 Focus: Cult 08680 Fondazione Oasi di Nazareth, Viale degli Anemoni. Zona Oasi, 70033 Corato T: (060) 8980753 08681 Fondazione Omeopatica Italiana, Via Tino Di Camaino 4, 60129 Napoli T: (081) 5787079 Chair Dr. Nicola Del Giudice, Secy: Dr. Claudio Di Maro Focus: Hom 08682 Fondazione Opera Aluto Fraterno, Via Speronari 3, 20123 Milano T: (02) 878107 Focus: SocW
Fondazione Opera del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, Viale Cialdini 46, 61100 Pesaro T: (0721) 31856 Focus: Rei 08664 Fondazione Opera Don Pippo, Viale Misurata 7, 47900 Rimini T: (0541) 391332 06685 Fondazione Opera Impiegate, Via Buffoli 2, 20123 Milano T: (02)
trasalba Established: 1977; Chair Agustín Sixto Seco, Secy: Domingo García Sabell Focus: Mon; Cult
Fundación Manuel Otero y Joaquina Sobrino, José A. Primo de Rivera 38-40, 36780 La Guardia 11976 Fundación Escuelas Otxandategul, 48990 Be rango Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 11977 Fundación Oviedo, Plaza de la Candelaria 1, 11005 Cádiz Τ: 956211745 11976
Fundación Ramón Parramón, Valencia 320, 08009 Barcelona Τ: 932577020 Established: 1974; Chair Josep Sala Pou Focus: Music 11986 Fundación José Pascual y Prats, Ayuntamiento, 17070 Gerona 11987 Fundación José Pastor Fuertes, Pintor López 7, 46003 Valencia Established: 1990; Chair Vicente Lladró Dolz, Secy: Santiago Grisolia Focus: Scie 11988 Fundación Pastrana, Plaza Duque de Pastrana 5, 28036 Madrid Τ: 913022640 Established: 1977; Chair Miguel Angel Jiménez de Abbad, Secy: Julio Beamonle Mayayo Focus: Educ 11989 Fundación Mercedes Patino y Juez Sarmiento, Princesa 3, 28008 Madrid T: 912486400 Focus: SocW 11990 Patronato Museo do Pobo Galego, (formerty: Fundación Patronato Museo do Pobo Galego), Santo Domingo de Bonaval 3, 15703 A Coruña T: 981583620; Fax: 981554840; E-Mail: museodopobodinterbook.net; Internet: http:// www.museodopobo.es Established: 1976; Chair Antonio Fraguas Fraguas, Secy: Carios García Martínez Receipts: ESP 42.000.000, Expenditures: ESP 42.000.000 Focus: Ethn; Hum 11991 Fundación Pau Casals, Αν Palfuriana 59-61, 43880 Coma-Ruga Established: 1972; Chair Raimon Noguera Focus: Mon; Music 11992 Paz y Cooperación, (Peace and Cooperation), Melendez VakJes 68, 28015 Madrid T: 915496156; Fax: 915435282; E-Mail: pazycoop« eurosur.org Established: 1982; Chair Joaquin Antuña, Secy: Carmen Muñoz, Donor(s): Joaquin Antuña Assets: US $ 2.000.000, Receipts: US $ 2.000.000, Expenditures: US $ 2.000.000 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Humfì; Peace; Dev 11993 Fundación Universitaria Agustí Pedro I Pons, Gran Vía de las Cortes Catalanas 585, 08007 Barcelona Τ: 933021377 Established: 1971 Focus: Schol; Hum; NatS 11994 Fundación do Patronato do Pedrón de Ouro, Horreo 89, 15701 Santiago de Compostela, Apdo 1046, 15780 Santiago de Compostela Τ: 981590934 Established: 1967; Chair Gustavo Santiago Valencia Assets: ESP 120.000, Receipts: ESP 600.000, Expenditures: ESP 1.250.000 Focus: Cult; Lit 11995 Fundación Legados PeHort, Ayuntamiento, Plaza de San Jaime, 08002 Barcelona . . . . JÍ996
Fundació Pelfort i Xlnxo, Sant Sever 5, 08002 Barcelona Focus: Educ 11997 Fundación Premios Fundados por D. José Pelfort y Mando, San Severo 5, 08002 Barcelona 11998 Fundación Peña Garlea Borreguero, José María Salaverría, 20010 Donostia-San Sebastián 11999 Fundación de los Excmos. Sres. Marqueses de Penati or y Cortes de Graena, Αν Eduardo Dato 22, 41018 Sevilla Τ: 95630883; Fax: 95656554 Established: 1950; Chair: Carios Amigos Vallejo, Secy: Alvaro Domínguez Pacheo Assets: ESP 4.250.500 Focus: SocW 12000 Fundación Penzol, Praza da Princesa 1, 36202 Vigo Τ: 966226459; Fax: 986229081 Established: 1963; Chair María Blanca Jiménez Alonso, Secy: Francisco Fernández del Riego, Donor(s): Fermín Penzol Focus: Archiv; Cult; Doc; Ethn; Hist; Hum; Libr; Ling; Lit; PolS; Rei; SocS 12001 Fundación Vicenta Pérez Aloe, Ayuntamiento, 10200 Trujillo Established: 1985 12002 Fundación Pérez Gotor y Virgen Sancho Abarca, Plaza de Aragón, 50660 Tauste T: 976654250 Established: 1681 12003 Fundación Pérez Lugín, c/o Asociación de la Prensa, Linares Riva 14, 15005 A Coruña Chair: Enrique M. Santos Bugallo Assets: ESP 25.000 12004 Fundación Emilio Pérez Pinero, Merry del Val, Edificio El Molinico, 30420 Murcia T: 968720728 Established: 1992; Chair: Consuelo Belda Aroca, Secy: Consuelo Belda Aroca Assets: ESP 9.600.000 Focus: Cult; Arts; Archit 12005 Fundación Bernardo Pérez Sales, Oscar Esplá 37, 03007 Alicante T: 965905770; Fax: 965905820 Established: 1981; Chain Isidro Martín Roldán, Secy: María Teresa Blásquez Focus: Cult; Educ 12006
Spain: Rábago
Fundació Biblioteca Josep Pía, Josep Pía 5, 17200 Palaírugell T: 972305577; Fax: 972305577; E-Mail: IjplaQ ddgi.es; Internet: http://wYw.biblioteca.udg.es/fl/ pla/ppp.htmi Established: 1973; Chair Frederic Suñer i Casadevall, Secy: Anna Aguiló i Miquel Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Libr 12019 Fundación Jaime Planas, Pere II de Monteada 1416, 08034 Barcelona Focus: Scie 12020 Fundación Manuel Pombo, Traspielas-Fomelos de Montes, 36875 Montes 12021 Fundación Pedro Pons, Casanova 143, 08036 Barcelona 12022 Fundación Bartolomé Pons Cabrera, Alameda 16, 46010 Valencia T: 963867268 Focus: Educ 12023 Fundación Poriler, Av del Ejército 16, 15006 A Coruña Τ: 981138577; Fax: 981138578; E-Mail: portier® mundivia.es Established: 1987; Chair: Ricardo García Míguez Focus: Peace; HumR 12024 Fundación José I. Portal Montenegro, Ayuntamiento, Plaza de la Constitución, 15300 Betanzos 12025 Fundación Federica Poveda Pérez, Αν Blasco Ibáñez 15, 46010 Valencia T: 963864150 Chair: Antonio Uombart Bosch Focus: Schol; Cane 12026 Fundación Povelco, Bajada a Maestro Chene 2, 36206 Vigo 12027 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos Hermanos Prieto, Curros Enriquez 49, 32500 Carballino Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 12028 Fundación Gregorio Prieto, Αν General Perón 13, 28020 Madrid Τ: 915973810, 914555686 Established: 1968; Chair: Gregorio Prieto Muñoz, Secy: Gregorio Prieto Muñoz Assets: ESP 7.046.000 Focus: Cult; Arts; Mon; Archiv 12029
Fundación Perfecto Cabré, Escultor Verderai 30, 43002 Tarragona Established: 1979 Focus: Educ; Child 12007
Fundación Puente Barcas, Abastos 66, 28300 Aranjuez T: 918912850 Established: 1991; Chair Javier Narciso Martínez, Secy: Pedro M. Sánchez Moreno Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Cult; SocS 12030
Fundación Rafael Perls, Jauma Faura 4, 08230 Matadepera 12008
Fundación Pulg I Cuñer, Puig i Cuñer, 06694 San Julián de Vilatoita 12031
Fundació d'Estudis Autonómics Caries PI I Sunyer, Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes 498, 08015 Barcelona Focus: Res 12009 Fundació August PI I Sunyer, Feixa Llarga s/n, 08907 L'Hospitalet de Uobregat Τ: 932607649; Fax: 932607648; E-Mail: fps® csub.scs.es Secy: R. Pallarés Focus: Med 12010 Fundación Picasso Reventós, Caspe 39, 08010 Barcelona Established: 1973; Secy: Jacint Reventós Conti Focus: Nurs; Med 12011 Fundación Pineda, Jones 1, 08902 L'Hospitalet de Uobregat T: 933355388; Fax: 933355453; E-Mail: fnpineda© teleline.es Established: 1992; Chair Luis Gilabeit Robles, Secy: Esther Jiménez López, Donops): C.C. Pineda Focus: Educ; Cult 12012 Fundación Institución Pineiro, c/o Santo Hospital de la Caridad, Poligono de Carenza, Pardo Bazán, 15015 O Ferrol Focus: SocW 12013 Fundación Legado de D. Manuel Pineiro Pose, Teresa Herara 16, 15004 A Coruña Τ: 981225939 12014 Fundació Piqué Advocats Associate, Av Diagonal 612, 08021 Barcelona Focus: Law
Fundación Jaime Piquet Piera, Parroquia, Mossén Volta 5, 08034 Barcelona 12016 Fundación Padre Plulachs, Carrera Castelar 2, 08181 Sentmenat T: 937153408; Fax: 937153114 . . . . 12017 Fundación Obra Pía de los Hermanos Pizarra, Urbanización Villa Serena, 06700 Villanueva de La Serena T: 924845229 Established: 1578; Chair Hernando Orellano-Pizarro González Assets: ESP 5,493.250 12018
Fundación Institución Pulg Porret, Verdaguer 19, 08500 Vie Τ: 938852623 Established: 1928; Chair: Anna María Carbovell i Mas, Secy: Bufet Pi Costa, Donor(s): Antonio Puig Darvis Focus: SocW; Cult 12032 Fundación Pere Pulg Quintana, Sant Caries 69, 08700 Igualada 12033 Fundación Pulg Raposo, c/o institut Químic de Sarriá, 06017 Barcelona Focus: Aduit; Chem 12034 Fundació Collegi Pulgllat, Ronda Camprodón 2, 08500 Vich 12035 Fundación Pulgvert, Apdo 24005, 08008 Barcelona T: 934169732; Fax: 934169730 Established: 1961; Chair: Antonio Puigvert Ceres, Secy: Esperanza Martí Salis Focus: Uroi 12036 Fundación María Teresa Pulido, Núñez de Balboa 41, 28001 Madrid Established: 1992; Secy: Carios Laborde Pulido Assets: ESP 30.000.000 12037 Fundación Gregorio Pumarejo y Hafaela Azcue, Ayuntamiento, 39740 Santoña T: 942660354 Established: 1975 Focus: Sen 12038 Fundación Alexander Pushkin, Manuel G. Longoria 7, 28010 Madrid T: 914463300; Fax: 914296391 Established: 1991; Chair: Rafael Hidalgo Sarria, Secy: Ramón Botella Manchón Assets: ESP 2.000.000 Focus: IntU 12039 Fundación Qulnl, Pg de Gracia 104, 06008 Barcelona 12040 Fundación Salvador Gil Quinza, c/o Institut Químic de Sarriá, 06017 Barcelona Focus: Chem; Schol 12041 Fundación Conchita Ribago de Jiménez Díaz, Av de los Reyes Católicos 2, 28040 Madrid T: 912439455 Established: 1969; Secy: Mariano Jiménez Casado Focus: Schol; Med 12042
Spain: Rabinad
12043 - 12121
Fundación Rabinad, Gran Vía 531, 06011 Barcelona T: 933231406 Established: 1984; Secy: Ramón Rabinad Romén 12043 Fundación Amigos del Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Covarrubias 19, 28010 Madrid Established: 1991; Secy: Juan I. Valdés de Muoia Assets: ESP 2.150.000 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs 12044 Fundación Premio Ramón y Cajal, Madrid: defunct
Fundación Ramos de Castro para et Estudio y Promoción del Hombre, Santa Clara 18, 49002 Zamora Τ: 980511664; Fax: 980511664 Secy: Alfonso Ramos de Castro y Matos Focus: Eth 12046 Fundación Oscar Rava, Villano Θ I 253, 08036 Barcelona 12047 Fundación Benéfica María Raventós Espona, Plantada 1-5, 08017 Barcelona Τ: 934173964 Established: 1952; Chair: Montserrat Raventós, Secy: Montserrat Raventós Focus: SocW 12048 Real Fundación de Música de Cámara, Fortuny 39, 28010 Madrid Τ: 913081575 Established: 1986; Secy: Elizabet Seversky Brockman Assets: ESP 6,008,750 Focus: Music
Real Fundación de Toledo, (formerly: Fundación de Toledo), Plaza de Victorio Macho 2, 45002 Toledo T: 925284225; Fax: 925284238; E-Mail: mad® realfundaciontoledo.infomail.es; Internet: http:// www.reallundaciontoledo.tsai.es Established: 1988; Chain Gregorio Marañon y Bertrán de Lis, Secy: Paloma Acuña Fernández Assets: ESP 10.000.000 Limitations: Grants in Toledo only Focus: Mon; Cult 12050 Real Fundación Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País, Plaza de Salvador Farga 5, 15704 Santiago de Compostela Τ: 981581247 Secy: Antonio Lugilde González . . . . 12051 Real Fundación Victoria Eugenia, Sinesio Delgado 4. 28029 Madrid T: 913146508/7809; Fax: 913145965 Established: 1989; Secy: José Alonso Gómez Assets: ESP 15.125.000 Focus: Hemat; AIDS 12052 Fundación Maria Josefa Recio. Pintor Ribera 12, 28016 Madrid Established: 1981; Chair: María Nuin Tirapu Focus: Schol; Hand 12053 Fundación Reddls, Raval de Santa Anna 40, 43201 Reus 12054 Fundación Renau, Sant Josep 10, 46410 Sueca Established: 1978; Secy: Isidor Balaguer i Sanchfs Assets: ESP 82.000.000 12055 Fundación Josep Renau, Sangre 2, 46002 Valencia T: 963515941 Chair: Ricardo Roso García Focus: Cult
198 Fundación Femando Rielo, Jorge Juan 102, 28009 Madrid T: 915754091; Fax: 915780772; E-Mail: frMoO adenle.es; Internet: httpyAvww.rieto.com Established: 1981; Chair Fernando Rielo Pardal, Secy: Jesús Fernández Hernández, Donops): Femando Rielo Pardal Assets: ESP 6.000.000 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Cult; Pubi; Uni 12063 Fundación José Riera Fernández, Casa Consistorial, Sección de Fundaciones, 33201 Gijón Established: 1984; Secy: Angel Rendueles Vega Assets: ESP 10.965.200 12064 Fundación Rinaldi, Rafael Batlle 7, 08017 Barcelona Focus: Educ
Fundación Fernando de los RÍOS, Marques de Cubas 23, 28014 Madrid Τ: 914019080 Established: 1991; Chair: Santiago Nieves Andreu, Secy: Santiago Nieves Andreu Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Cult 12066 Fundación Rlvadenelra, Felipe IV 4, 28014 Madrid T: 912394605 Established: 1940 Focus: Ling 12067 Fundación Manu Robles Aranglz Instltutoa, Barrainkua 13, 48009 Bilbao E-Mail: fundmOOl θ sarenet.es Established: 1991; Chair Germán Cortabarría, Secy: Manin Aurrekoetxea Focus: Trade 12066 Fundació Roca Gales, Aragó 281, 08009 Barcelona Τ: 932154870; Fax: 934873283; E-Mail: f.rocaEstablished: 1976; Chair Nuria Esteve i Rufié Focus: SocS; Ecol 12069 Fundación Rode, Calle Rioja 4, 31008 Pamplona T: 9482731008 12070 Fundación para el Estudios de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares Rodlclo Oíaz, Santa Isabel 51, 28012 Madrid Established: 1990; Secy: Santos Casado Pérez Assets: ESP 2.000.000 Focus: Card 12071 Fundació Privada Mercè Rodoreda, Carmen 47, 08001 Barcelona Chair Manuel Casteliet, Secy: Jordi Vinaixa Focus: Cult 12072 Fundación Rodrigues Acosta, Gran Vía 14, 18010 Granada T: 958221574 Chair: Miguel Caristron, Secy: Miguel RodríguezAcosta Caristron Assets: 1941 Focus: Cult 12073 Fundación Rodríguez de Paterna, Rambla de la Mancha, 02640 Almansa T: 967340250 Secy: Antonio Romero Plaza Focus: Educ; Child 12074 Fundación Vicente Rodríguez Fabres, Cordel de Merinas 54-76, 37080 Salamanca T: 923214003 Established: 1913 Focus: Orp; Child; Educ 12075 Fundación Félix Rodríguez González, c/o Colegio de la Inmaculada, 36894 Puenteáreas . . 12076
Fundación Requena, Femando Villalón 3, Edificio Prado, 41001 Sevilla Established: 1988; Secy: José Ortega Assets: ESP 700.000 12057 Fundación Retamar, Pajares 22, 28023 Madrid T: 917154800; Fax: 917154146 Secy: Gonzalo Nadal Moya Focus: SocW; Fam; Educ 12056 Fundación Escuela Micaela Retes, 01478 Menoyo Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12059
Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, Espalter 6, 28014 Madrid Established: 1970; Chair Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual Focus: Med 12077 Fundación Luis Rodríguez Pérez, Monte Seixo, Cotto Lengo del Padre Alegre, 15701 Santiago de Compostela 12078 Fundación Patronato Rodríguez Solfe, Real 5, 41800 Sanlúcar la Mayor T: 95710240 12079 Fundación Rolg Cervero, Glorieta Canarias 4, Barrio Fortuny, 43205 Reus 12060
Fundación Patronato Ribas, Ausías March 4, 08010 Barcelona Τ: 933174337 Established: 1917; Chair: Ricardo Piqué Baillé Focus: Educ 12060
Fundación Vicente Rolg Martínez, San Pío X 9, 46010 Valencia T: 963690338 Chair Felipe M, Garin Ortiz de Taranco Focus: Arts 12081
Fundación Andrés de Ribera, Cervantes 3, 11403 Jerez de la Frontera Τ: 956332900 Chair: Alcalde de Jerez de la Frontera Assets: ESP 344.000.000 Focus: Cult; Tour 12061
Fundación María Rolland, Gran Vía 45, 28013 Madrid Secy: María Rolland Assets: ESP 1.115.000 Focus: Theat 12082
Fundación Rich, Paseo de la Castellana 141, 28046 Madrid Τ: 915710400; Fax: 915799968 Established: 1987; Chair: Camilo José Cela Trulock, Secy: José Ferreres Castiel Assets: ESP 50.000.000 Focus: Educ; Cult; Health; SocW . . . . 12062
Fundación Romanillos, Goya 53, 28001 Madrid Τ: 915755412 Established: 1964; Secy: Antonio Gonzáiez-Elipe Focus: Schol; SocW 12083 Fundación Josefa Romero, c/o Universidad de Valencia, Nave 2, 46003 Valencia T: 963864100 Chair: Ramón Lapiedra Civera 12084
Fundación Romero Blaneo Monroy, Puerta de la Villa 6, 15200 Noya Τ: 981820100, 9818240400 Established: 1979 Focus: Sen; Child 12085 Fundación Domingo Romero Grande, Plaza Villa de París, 28004 Madrid 12086 Fundación Rosacruz, Αν San José 220, 50007 Zaragoza Established: 1992; Chair Francisco Casanueva Freijo, Secy: Francisco Casanueva Freijo Assets: ESP 7.000.000 Focus: Phil; Pubi 12087 Fundación Rosendo Crespo, Riego de / 15001 A Coruna Τ: 981221924
ι 46,
Fundación Rossend Carrasco y Formlguera, Doctor Canilla 12, 08017 Barcelona , . . 12089 Fundación Rotellar, Av Meridiana 358, 08027 Barcelona T: 933116011 Secy: Emilio Rotellar Lampre 12090 Fundación Rotger Villalonga, Cala Murta· Formentor, 07640 Pollensa Chair: Ignacio Rotger Villalonga Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Cult; Arts
Fundació President Arnat Roumens, Francese Oller 3, 08225 Terrassa Τ: 937883662; Fax: 937890028; E-Mail: fundado ©fupar.es Established: 1971; Secy: Ramon Costa Palet, Donor(s): Caixa de Terrassa Assets: ESP 272.000.000, Receipts: ESP 550.000.000, Expenditures: ESP 550.000.000 Focus: CommT; Hand; Landsc; SocW . . 12092 Fundación Roussell España, Αν de Castilla 2, Parque San Femando, 28831 Madrid T: 916775947 Established: 1991; Chair Catherine Euvrard, Secy: Dominique Alphonse Assets: ESP 6.000.000 12093 Fundación María Francisca de Roviralta, Tuset 20*24, 08006 Barcelona T: 932177700, 932270804; Fax: 932178221; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.roviralta.org Established: 1959; Chair Gerardo Salvador Coderch, Secy: Gerardo Salvador Coderch, Donops): Manuel Roviralta, José M. Roviralta Expenditures: EURO 2.600.000 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Cult; SocW; Med; Nurs; Educ; Aris 72094 Fundación Guillermo Rovirosa y Tomás Malagón, Ribadavia 19, 28029 Madrid T: 915323201 Established: 1982; Chair José Jiménez García, Secy: Rafael Serrano Castro Assets: ESP 500.000 Focus: Lab 12095 Fundación Ramón Rubial Españoles en el Mundo, {formerly: Fundación Españoles en el Mundo), Ferraz 55, 28008 Madrid T: 915490156; Fax: 915449957; E-Mail: fesmundo® pobox.com; Internet: http://www.personal.redestb.es/ fesmundo Established: 1989; Secy: Eduardo Gómez Basterra Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Limitations: Grants internationally . . . . 12096 Fundación Pedro Ruiz de la Arena, c/o Rectorado de la Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid Established: 1990; Secy: Gustavo Villapalos Salas Assets: ESP 55.005.400 12097 Fundación Alcalde Zoilo Ruiz Mateos, Charco 5, 11520 Rota Τ: 956811211; Fax: 956813450 Established: 1978; Chair José María Ruiz-Mateos Jimenez de Tejada, Secy: Felipe Bénitez RuizMateos Focus: SocW; Educ; Cu» 12098 Fundación Rumasa, Finca Atalaya, Cervantes 3, 11403 Jerez de la Frontera Established: 1971; Secy: Rafael Padilla Ruiz Focus: Cult; SocW; Educ 12099 Fundación Sabino Arana, Ibáñez de Bilbao 16, 48001 Bilbao T: 944230528; Fax: 944234280; E-Mail: fsabinoaranake djet.es; Internet http Λ www.sabinoarana.org Established: 1988; Chair Anton Aurre Focus: Cult 12100 Fundación Sageco, Santa Juliana 7, 28039 Madrid T: 914506324, 914595380 Established: 1983 Focus: Sen 12101 Fundación Salarlch Calderer, Arrabal 38, 08695 Established: 1965
Fundación Xavier de Salas, Convento de la Coria, 10200 Triplo T: 927321898; Fax: 927321898; E-Mail: fedsalas® idelnet.com Established: 1981; Chair Carmen Ortueta Martínez, Secy: Jaime de Salas, Donor(s): Francisco Xavier de Salas Assets: ESP 100.000 Focus: Hist; Arts 12103 Fundación Premio Salgado, c/o Real Academia de Medicina, Arrieta 12, 28013 Madrid Focus: Med 12104 Fundación Juan Sánchez, c/o Colegio El Pilar, Av Marianistas, 11407 Jerez de la Frontera Established: 1838 Focus: Educ 12105 Fundación Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, Paseo Dos de Mayo 8, 05001 Avila T: 920357134 Established: 1984; Secy: Jesús Tacciano Sema Assets: ESP 3.000.000 Focus: Hist; Schol 12106 Fundación Vicente Sánchez Araña-Castillo Fortaleza de Anslte, Tomás Arroyo Cardoso, Santa Lucía, 35280 Las Palmas Chair: Vicente Sánchez Araña Focus: Ethn; Hist 12107 Fundación Felipe Sánchez Cabezudo, Ayuntamiento, 45910 Escalona Established: 1990; Secy: Germán Díaz Blanco Assets: ESP 200.600.000 12108 Fundación Gregorio Sánchez Herráez, Jorge Juan 19, 28001 Madrid T: 914310829; Fax: 915768407 Established: 1981; Chair Soledad Sanchéz de la Fuente, Secy: Soledad Sanchéz de la Fuente Assets: ESP 10.000.000 Focus: Bus; SocW
Fundación Agustín Sánchez Manzanero, Plaza de los Basilios 6, 37001 Salamanca T: 923265446 Established: 1977; Chair: José María Varga Zúñiga Ledesma, Secy: José María Varga Zúñiga Ledesma Assets: ESP 34.200.600 Focus: Child; Sen 12110 Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipárez, Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena 15, Edificio Anaya, 28027 Madrid T: 917424164; Fax: 913208595 Established: 1981; Chair: Femando Lázaro Carretee, Secy: Antonio Basanta Reyes Assets: ESP 50.000.000 Focus: Lit; Pubi; Cult 12111 Fundación Premio Sánchez Toca, c/o Real Academia de Medicina, Arrieta 12, 28013 Madrid Focus: Med 12112 Fundación Eduardo Sanchiz Bueno, Plaza Felipe Sotos, 02100 Tarazona de la Mancha Established: 1985; Secy: Issac López Picazo Assets: ESP 4.000.000 12113 Fundación José Santa María de Hita, c/o Dirección Provincial de Trabajo, Princesa 3, 28080 Madrid T: 912486400 Focus: SocW 12114 Fundación Santamarca, c/o Asilo Santamarca, Marcenado 50, 28002 Madrid T: 914161753, 914158640 Established: 1904 Focus: Educ; Orp 12115 Fundación Santillana, Méndez Núñez 17, 28014 Madrid T: 917014800; Fax: 917014827; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1979; Chair Jesús de Polanco Gutiérrez, Secy: Ricardo Diez Hochlertner, Ricardo Pérez González, Francisco Pérez González Limitations: Grants in Spain and Central and South America only Focus: Educ; Adult; Schol 12116 Fundación Santoña, Velázquez 20, 28001 Madrid Established: 1991; Secy: Manuel Pérez Castells Assets: ESP 134.700.000 12117 Fundación Patronato Esteban Santos, Institución Particular Caritativo-Benéfica, Plaza de Colón 2, 37001 Salamanca T: 923212767 Focus: SocW 12118 Fundación Profesor Doctor Den Santos Ovejero del Agua, Av Facultad Veterinaria 25, 24004 León Established: 1987 Assets: ESP 4.500.000 12119 Fundación Residencia Santos Tomás, Francisco de Bustos 36, 13320 Villanueva de los Infantes T: 926360064 Focus: SocW 12120 Fundació Sardà Farriol, Paseo Bonanova 69, 08017 Barcelona T: 934182000; Fax: 932122958; E-Mail: glloverasfsf 9 retemail.es Established: 1973; Chair Ferran Arine Barberà, Secy: Gonçal Lloverás Rubio, Donor(s): Joan Sardà Farriol Assets: ESP 375.000.000, Receipts: ESP 150.000.000, Expenditures: ESP 150.000.000 Focus: Diab 12121
12122 - 12205
Fundación Liceo Sarriá, Carrasco y Form ¡güera 8, 06017 Barcelona Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12122 Fundación Jacinta Sastrada Morello, Escultor Uimona 46-48, 08031 Barcelona Secy: Mercedes Sererols Moreno Focus: Hand 12123 Save the Children (España), (formerly: Fundación Cooperación y Educación), Plaza Puerto Rubio 28, 28053 Madrid T: 915130500; Fax: 915523272; E-Mail: stch®savethechildren.es; Internet: httpj! www.savethechildren.es Established: 1990; Secy: Carlos Sanz Cornejo Receipts: ESP 246.095.430, Expenditures: ESP 246.042.460 Limitations: Grants in Spain only Focus: Child 12124 Fundación Sax Esemble, Av Alcalde José Aranda 39, Alcorcón Established: 1993; Chair Francisco I. Escoda Pérez Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Music 12125 Fundación Eugenio Saz, c/o Institut Químico de Sarriá, 06017 Barcelona Τ: 932036900; Fax: 932056266 Focus: Med 12126 Fundación Manuel Sebastián, Passeig de Gracia 11, 08007 Barcelona 12127 Fundación Ernesto Seco y Blttinl, Bailón 8, 28071 Madrid T: 915414804 Established: 1946; Chain Obispo de Madrid, Secy: David Lomas Pastor Focus: SocW; Schol: NatS; Med; Law . . 12128 Fundación Sefes Baix Llobregat, Josep Tarradellas 149, 08029 Barcelona Focus: Cult
Fundación Penya Segat de Campello, Segat de Campello, 03560 Alicante Established: 1991; Chair Francisco Javier Aragonés Soler, Secy: Pilar Las Heras Alins Assets: ESP 29.100.000 Focus: Ethn; Tour 12130 Fundación Felipe Segovia Martínez, Parque de la Colina, Bloque 13, 26043 Madrid . . . . 12131 Fundación Institución Salvador Seguí, Sagunto 15, 26010 Madrid T: 914460819 Established: 1985; Chair María Angeles Rodríguez Garcia, Secy: Cailos Ramos Jaquotot Assets: ESP 100.000 Focus: PolS; Trade; SocS; Econ . . . . 12132 Fundación Segura Román, Cortina del Muelle 3, 29015 Málaga Established: 1984; Chair: Sebastián Martín Molina Assets: ESP 50.000.000 12133 Fundación Escuela SeIJo, 27379 Cotàte-Adabin Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12134 Fundación Selgas Falgade, Jorge Juan 6, 26001 Madrid T: 914356290; Fax: 915779635 Established: 1991; Chair. Jaime Roset Esteve Assets: ESP 50.000.000 Focus: Cult; Schol 12135 Fundación Ramón J. Sender, Argensola 60, 22300 Barbastro Established: 1987; Chair Marcellino Iglesias Rincón, Secy: Cartos Gómez Bur Assets: ESP 68.121.400 Focus: Educ; Uni 12136 Fundación Joaquín Sero, Αν del Parallel 122bis, 08015 Barcelona Focus: Educ 12137 Fundación Joaquín Serra, Saragossa 101, 06006 Barcelona 12138 Fundación Serra Carboneil, L'Esgtesia 139, 06370 Catella 12139 Fundación Serra Espada, Santa Ana 24, 12499 Chovar Established: 1993; Chair Javier Segarra Sanchís Assets: ESP 1.111.110 Focus: Ecol 12140 Fundación José Serra Farri, Ayuntamiento, 43450 La Riba Focus: Milit 12141 Fundación Museo Pablo Serrano, Paseo Maria Agustín, 50004 Zaragoza Assets: ESP 50.000 Focus: Arts; Pubi; Schol 12142 Fundación Premio Hermanos José y Femando Serrano Suñer, Modesto Lafuente 42, 28003 Madrid Established: 1986; Secy: José Pérez Sánchez Assets: ESP 6.000.000 12143 Fundación María Dolores Serres Sena, La Sacedilla 3, 28220 Majadahonda T: 916393311 Established: 1991; Chair: María Dolores Serres Sena, Secy: Mariano Navarro Rubio Assets: ESP 2.000.000 Focus: Archeo 12144
Fundación Sert para la Rehabilitación de Niños Mlnusválldos, Ausfas March 8, 08006 Established: 1974 Focus: Hand; Reh
Fundación Sergi Servel Gironi de Pedagogia Social, M. Baldirì Reixach 50, 17003 Gerona Τ: 972205505 Secy: Josep Ribera Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Educ; SocS 12146 Fundación Pública Miguel Servet, Carretera Madrid, 23001 Jaén Τ: 953255700, 953222678 12147 Fundación Shakespeare, Avaro de Bazán 16-16, 46010 Valencia T: 963601958 Established: 1985; Chain Manuel Angel Conejo Tomás, Secy: Manuel Angel Conejo Tomás Focus: Cult; Theat 12148 Fundación Sierra-Pambtey, Sierra-Pambley 2, 24003 León Τ: 987239746 Established: 1667; Chain Juan Uña D. Pedregal, Secy: Antonio Gamineda Lobón Assets: ESP 630.000 Focus: Educ; Adult; Agrie; AnimH . . . 12149 Fundación Institución Cultural Simancas, Angustias 50, 47003 Valladolid Τ: 983251100 Established: 1974 Focus: Cult; Aris; Phot; Lit 12150 Fundación Laboral Laboratorios Sobrino, Carretera Camprodón, Masía La Riba, 17813 Valí de BianyaOlot T: 972290001 Established: 1961; Chair Luis Marni Tauler Focus: Adult 12151 Fundación Stella Solé, Vía Laietana 57, 06003 Barcelona Focus: SocW 12152 Fundación Fondo de Auxilio al Médico Pobre Angel Soler Daniel, c/o Colegio de Médicos, Paseo de la Bonanova 47, 08017 Barcelona Established: 1960 Focus: Sen 12153 Fundación Soler I Pulgdueta, Ayuntamiento, 25413 La Floresta 12154 Fundación Alberto Solsona, Cadarso 6 , 28006 Madrid T: 915477721 Established: 1991; Chain Femando Almela Guillén, Secy: Femando Almela Guillén Assets: ESP 5.000.000 12155 Fundación Sonsoles Balívé Lantero, Fundación Sonsoles Ballvé 2-4, 09007 Burgos T: 947283103, 947241609; Fax: 947263136; E-Mail: fsballve@ adenle.es Established: 1974; Chair. Eulalia Lantero Fernández, Secy: Manuel Ortega Porras, Donor(s): José Luis Ballvé Assets: ESP 500.000.000, Receipts; ESP 80.000.000, Expenditures: ESP 80.000.000 Focus: Hand; Schol; Sen; SocW; Educ , 12156 Fundación Laboral Sonsoles Ballvé Lantero, Fundación Sonsoles Ballvé 2-4, 09007 Burgos T: 947283103, 947241609; Fax: 947263136; E-Mail: fsballve Ôadenle.es Established: 1974; Chain Eulalia Lantero Fernández, Secy: Manuel Ortega Porras, Donor(s): José Luis Ballvé Assets: ESP 500.000.000, Receipts: ESP 60.000.000, Expenditures: ESP 60.000.000 Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Hand; Schol; Sen; SocW; Educ . 12157 Fundación Hogar Dolores Sopeña, Camino de Valderribas 82-64, 28038 Madrid T; 914306233 Established: 1953; Chair José Garda González Focus: SocW; Sen; Nurs 12158 Fundación Obra Social Cultural Sopeña, Francisco de Rojas 6, 26010 Madrid T: 914479709 Chair Josefina Bardaj Teres Focus: Cult; SocW 12159 Fundación Duques de Sorla, Santo Tomé 6, 42002 Soria Chair Rafael Benjumea Borbón Assets: ESP 100.000 Focus: Cult; Ung; Lit 12160 Fundación Máximo Sorlano Jiménez, Ronda General Mitre 147, 06022 Barcelona . . 12161 Fundación Museo Sorella, General Martínez Campos 37, 28010 Madrid Τ: 913081564; Fax: 913085925; E-Mail; Sorollaô museo.mec.es Established: 1931; Chair Director General de Bellas Artes y Bienes Culturales, Secy: Florencio de Santa-Ana, Donops): Clotilde García del Castillo Focus: Arts; Mon 12162 Fundación Sotes, tío Dirección Provincial de Trabajo, Princesa 3, 26008 Madrid T: 912466400 Focus: Educ 12163
Spain: Troncoso
Fundación Mariana Soto, Bailén 6, 26071 San Lorenzo del Escorial Secy: David Lomas Pastor Focus: Educ; Reí 12164
Fundación Escuelas Tolra, Emiliano Carles 22, 06346 Cambrils Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12184
Fundación Sotomayor, Espalter 10, 26014 Madrid T: 914201279 12165
Fundación Pascual Tomás, Av Antiguo Reino de Valencia 8, 46005 Valentía Established: 1969; Chain Rafael Recuenco Montero, Secy: Rafael Recuenco Montero Assets: ESP 1.170.000 Focus: Trade 12185
Fundación Spelro, José Abascal 36, 28003 Madrid T: 914473231 Established: 1973; Secy: Juan Vallet de Goytisolo 12166 Fundación Rudolf Stelner, Carretera de La Coruña km 21,500, 2Θ230 Las Rozas T: 916375267 Established: 1984; Chain Isabel Karen Armbuster, Secy: Antonio Malagón Golderos Assets: ESP 10.350.000 Focus: Anthrop 12167 Fundación Marques de Suanzes, c/o Escueta Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales, Av Arco de la Victoria s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, 26040 Madrid T: 913367193; Fax: 915442149 Established: 1979; Chair: José Femando Núñez Basañez, Secy: Luis Perez Rojas Receipts: ESP 50.000.000 Focus: Ship; Schol 12168 Fundación Premios Matilde Sureda, Ayuntamiento, 17070 Gerona 12169 Fundación Tajamar, Pío Felipe 12, 26036 Madrid T: 914782648; Fax: 914782036; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.tajamar.es Established: 1976; Chain José Luis Moriñigo Avila, Secy: José Andrés Esquivel López Receipts: ESP 140.000.000, Expenditures: ESP 140.000.000 Focus: Educ; Aduft 12170 Fundación Víctor Tapia y Dolores Salnz, Alameda Mazanedo 41, 46009 Bilbao T: 944240426
Fundació Antoni Tàples, Aragó 255, 06007 Barcelona T: 934870315; Fax: 934670009; E-Mail: museu© ftapies.com Established: 1984; Chair Antoni Tapies, Secy: Miquel Tàpies, Donor(s): Antoni Tàpies Focus: Arts 12172 Fundación Tartessos, Teodosio 60, 41002 Sevilla Τ: 954386111 Chair: Ignacio Vázquez Palardé Assets: ESP 110,000 12173 Fundación Alonso Tejada Anderlca, Av del Campo 11, 26023 Pozuelo de Alarcón T: 914161900 Established: 1966; Secy: Adoración Andehca Diez Focus: Adult; Educ 12174 Fundación Francisco Elias de Tejada y Erasmo Percopo, José Abascal 38, 28003 Madrid T: 915941913 Established: 1966; Chain José M. Gambra Gutiérrez Assets: ESP 1.375,000 Î2/75 Fundación Luca de Tena, tío Patronato Casa de Nazareth, Padilla 6, 28006 Madrid T: 915773203 Established: 1930; Secy: Ignacio Vega Seoane Assets: ESP 30.538.000 12176 Fundación Felipe Terol, Plaza de la Villa 5, 46692 Montesa Chair: Juan Belda Gómez Focus: Health; SocW; Schol 12177 Fundación Fundena Paul Tessler, Zurbano 57, 28010 Madrid T: 913065636 Established: 1988; Secy: Miguel A. Mediero Assets: ESP 3.000.000 12176 Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bomemlsza, Paseo del Prado 8, 28014 Madrid T: 914203944; Fax: 914202760; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.museothyssen.org Established: 1968; Chair. Carmen Alborch Bataller, Secy: Julián León Prieto Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Arts 12179 Fundación Enrique Tierno Galván, tío Universidad Popular de Pinoso, 46071 Valencia Established: 1969; Chain Perfecto Rico Mira, Secy: María Belén Jara Matea Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Uni; Law; Pubi 12180 Fundación Luis Tllve, Garda Prieto 7, 15701 Santiago de Compostela Chain Jesús Mosquiera Sueiro Assets: ESP 1.500.000 Focus: Trade 12181 Fundación Maria Tintore, Gomis 50, 06023 Barcelona Focus: SocW
Fundació Arxiu Tobeila Terrassa, Plaza de Saragossa 2, 06221 Terra sa Τ: 937861162 Established: 1978; Chain Manuel Tobella Marcet, Secy: Manuel Tobella Marcet Assets: ESP 9.750.000 Focus: Archiv; Phot 12183
Fundación Asunción Tomás Foz, La Paz 7, 44580 Valderrobres T: 976850005 Established: 1945; Secy: Superiora de las Hijas de la Cridad Focus: SocW; Educ; Sen 12186 Fundación Colegio Elisa Tomás Yustl, Elisa Tomás Yusti 9, 03540 Playa de San Juan T: 965161602; Fax: 965263021 Established: 1975; Chair: María Cándida Ropero Carrasco, Secy: María Cándida Ropero Carrasco Assets: ESP 11.087.000 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts; Educ 12187 Fundación Joaquín Torens Ibern, c/o E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales, Av Diagonal 647, 06026 Barcelona Established: 1977; Secy: Lluis Marquet Focus: Scie; Ling; Eng 12188 Fundación Fray Toribio de Montolinia, General Moscardo 18, 28020 Madrid Τ: 914107878 Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Rei; Hist; Schol; Pubi 12189 Fundació Eulàlia Torras de Bea Institut de Psiquiatría i Psicologia del Nen i de l'Adolescent, do Hospital de la Creu Roja, Dos de Maig 301, 06025 Barcelona T: 935072729; Fax: 934564757; E-Mail: [email protected] Chair: Dr. Eulàlia Torras Armanqué, Secy: Dr. Maria Teresa Miró Coll, Donor(s): Dr. Eulàlia Torras Armanqué Focus: Psychia; Psychol; SocW . . . . 12190 Fundación Paulino Torras Domenech, Gran Vía de las Cortes Catalunas 637, 06010 Barcelona T: 933171668; Fax: 934126569 Secy: Jaume Torras Martí 12191 Fundación Mercedes Torrass, Esglesia 17, 06393 Caldas d'Estrac 12192 Fundación Mateo Torrens Salort, Damián Ramis, 07400 Alcudia Established: 1975 Focus: Cult; Child 12193 Fundación M. Torrent Fugarolas Mataró, Magnes 9, 17401 Aibucies Focus: SocW; Educ
Fundación Joaquín Torres, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 50170 Mequinerza Established: 1991; Secy: Sebastián Caballé Arbones Assets: ESP 100.000.000 12195 Fundación Miguel Torres, Misser Rufet 7, 06720 Vilaíranca del Penedés 12196 Fundación Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Av de los Castros, 39005 Santander T: 942201705; Fax: 942275862; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1963; Chair: Jaime Vinuesa Tejedor, Secy: Juan Miguel González Ortiz Assets: ESP 1.250.000 Focus: Res; Eng 12197 Fundación de Torres y López Pintado, Arco de Palacio 3, 45002 Toledo Τ: 925224100 Established: 1999; Chair: Francisco Alvarez Martinez, Secy: Juan Sánchez Rodríguez Assets: ESP 32.410.850 Focus: RelE; Schol 12198 Fundación María Tortosa Alonso, San Bartomomé 2, 46691 Vallada Chair: José Martínez Cerdâ Focus: Educ
Fundación Concepción Tourne y Camacho, tío Obispado de Tuy-Vigo, Dr. Corbal 106, 36760 A Garda 12200 Fundación Josep Tous, Bailén 38, 08010 Barcelona
Fundació d'Art Contemporani Tous de Pedro, Fussina 9, 06003 Barcelona T: 933227202; Fax: 933227513 Secy: Rafael Tous de Pedro Focus: Arts 12202 Fundación Eduardo Trens Berenguer, Ronda Roca Blanca 24, 08303 Mataró . . . . 12203 Fundación Troconlz-Santacoloma, Santa María 1, 48920 Portugalete T: 944956195; Fax: 944729302; E-Mail: troconi@ izar.net Established: 1986; Chair: Miquel Angel Cabieces García, Secy: Primi Huerga Santos Focus: Cult; Educ; Eur Lit; Music; Theat; Unemp; Uni 12204 Fundación Troncoso González, Ayuntamiento, 367Θ0 La Guardia 12205
Spain: Tudela
12206 - 12287
Fundación Herminio Tudela, Major de Gracia 171, 0Θ012 Barcelona Established: 1979; Chair: Herminio Tuleda Mírete Focus: Educ 12206 Fundación Juanelo Turrlano, Prim 5, 2B004 Madrid T: 915313005; Fax: 915313003; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// w^.w3.mecanica.upm.es/j uanelo.html Established: 1987; Chair: Begoña Gare la-Diego y Ortiz, Secy: Javier Qoicolea Zaia Limitations: Grants in Spain only Focus: NatS; Archit; Hist 12207 Fundación Patronato Germans Turuguet, Parroquia de Santa María, 09140 Caldes de Montbui 12208 Fundación Patronato de J. Umbert, Ayuntamiento, 08182 Sant Feliu de Codines 12209 Fundación Pedro M. llnanúe, Iparraguirre 9, 46700 Ondárroa Chair: Domingo Ituarle Inondo Focus: Cult; Music 12210 Fundación Urlach 1838, Decano Bahi 58, 08026 Barcelona Τ: 933471800; Fax: 934560639 Established: 1836; Chair: Juan Uriach Marsal, Secy: Juan Uriach Marsal Focus: Schot; Pharm; Chem; Health . , . 12211 Fundación Escuelas Uribarren, 48260 Lekeitio Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12212 Fundación Urki, Simón Bolivar 7, 46010 Bilbao Focus: Cult; Sports 12213 Fundación Patronato Marqués de Urquljo, Lanuza 5, 01400 Llodio Focus: Schol 12214 Fundación Seminario de Derecho Romano Urslcino Alvarez, c/o Universidad de Comillas, Facultad de Derecho, 28049 Madrid Established: 1991; Secy: Jaime Roset Esleve Assets: ESP 7.000.000 Focus: Law 12215 Fundación Uztarri, Iberluce 13, 46960 Galadakao Established: 1986 Focus: Cult 12216 Fundación Vaccea, Espoz y Mina 36, 37002 Salamanca Chair: Antonio Mazariegos Huerta Assets: ESP 600.000 Focus: Scie; Lit; Arts; Adult 12217 Fundación Valxell, Paseo de Manuel Girona 75, 08034 Barcelona T: 932044496 Established: 1982; Chair: José Casas Cunill Assets: ESP 5.000.000 12218 Fundación Hogar Valcarce y Alfayate, Concepción 7, 24500 Villafranca del Bierzo Established: 1979 Focus: Sen
Fundación Pública de Servicios Provinciales Hospitalarios Marqués de Valdecilla, Casa Salud Valdeciila, Pabellón 15, 39010 Santander T: 942331077 Secy: Félix Hinojal García Focus: Nurs 12220 Fundación Valgrande, Núñez de Balboa 77, 28006 Madrid T: 914355730 Established: 1981; Chair: Antonio Rodríguez Robles, Secy: José R. Chelala López Focus: Res; Adult 12221 Fundación Femando Valhondo Calaff, General Mola 12, 10003 Cáceres T: 927248935; Fax: 927226599 Established: 1956; Chair Alicia Izaguerre Albitzur, Secy: Gabriel Casati Calzada Assets: ESP 15.850.000 Focus: Schol 12222 Fundación Valldejull, Paseo Maragall 378, 06031 Barcelona T: 932294339 12223 Fundación Museo Evaristo Valle, La Redonda, Camino de Cabueñes s/n, Somió, 33203 Gijón T: 985338092 Established: 1981; Secy: Guillermo Basagoitti García Tuñon Assets: ESP 81.911.920 Focus: Arts 12224 Fundación Benéfica del Valle, Santa Isabel 47, 28012 Madrid T: 915391226 Established: 1987; Secy: Luis Gallardo Fernández Focus: SocW; Res 12225 Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar, c/o E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Montes, Ciudad Universitaria, 26040 Madrid T: 913367078 Established: 1979; Chair: Rodolfo Carretero Carrero, Secy: Serafín López-Cuervo y Estévez Assets: ESP 5.096.870 Focus: Bot; Res 12226 Fundación Vallejo, Αν de Majadahonda 4, 28023 Pozuelo de Alarcón T: 917157679 Established: 1909 Focus: Nurs 12227
200 Fundació Vallparadís, Sant Antoni 32, 06221 Terrassa Τ: 937365030; Fax: 937365009; E-Mail: egm.fundacio θ mx3. redestb.es Established: 1991; Secy: Francese Puig Ustrell, Donor(s): Mùtua de Terrassa Assets: EURO 3.400,-, Receipts: EURO 9.000,·, Expenditures: EURO 9.000,Focus: SocW 12228
Fundación Patronato Vidal para la Cultura de la Juventud Obrera, Colonia de Vidal Puig Relg i Casselladral, 08692 Puig-Reig T: 938290456; Fax: 938290458; E-Mail: mcofvidal© caixamanresa.com; Internet: http://www.puig-reig.com Established: 1946; Chair Ignasi Vidal, Secy: Eduard Vidal, Donor(s): Viçens Vidal i Casacubeita Focus: Educ; En; Hist; Hous; SocS; Text; Tour 12250
Fundación José Valor Amorós, Valencia 20, 03450 Bañares Τ: 965566565; Fax: 966567535 Chair: Ricardo Díaz de Rábago, Secy: Ricardo Díaz de Rábago Focus: Cult; Schol; Libr 12229
Fundación Escuelas Feliciana Viottola, José Cadalso 50, 28044 Madrid T: 917063021 Secy'· Obispo de Madrid Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12251
Fundación Cornelius Vanderbltt Whitney, Palacio, Plazuela de las Descalzas, 10200 Trujillo Chain Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, Secy: Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: IntU; Libr Archiv 12230
Fundación Vila Cases, Ausias Marc 20, 08010 Barcelona T: 934817980; Fax: 934817962 Established: 1996; Chair. Antonio Vila Casas 12252
Fundación Vaquero, San Emilio 4, 28017 Madrid Τ; 917253038; Fax: 917253038; E-Mail: administració[email protected]; Inlemet http://www.industrias-vaqijero.com Established: 1994; Chair: Alberto Vaquero Hernández, Secy: Veronica Vaquero Assets: ESP 2.000.000 Focus: Food; Res 12231 Fundación Obra Pía Manuel Vázquez Araú|o, Plaza Mayor 1, 32800 Celanova . . . . 12232 Fundación Vedruna, Santa Joaquina 1-2, 0Θ770 Sant Sadumí d'Anoia Focus: Educ 12233 Fundación Juana de Vega, Real 56, 15003 A Coruña Τ: 961220212 Established: 1673; Chair: Carmela Arias y Diaz de Rábago Assets: ESP 45.000 12234 Fundación Vega, Paseo Pintor Rosales 30, 28008 Madrid T: 912477304 Established: 1975 Focus: Cult; Scie; SocW; Sen 12235 Fundación Vega Inclin, c/o Museo Romántico, San Mateo 13, 28004 Madrid Established: 1910 Focus: Arts; Mon 12236 Fundación Vega Slntes, Triana 87, 35002 Las Palmas de Canaria Established: 1983; Secy: Manuel Marrera Mendoza Focus: Schol; Educ 12237 Fundación Patronato Pascual Volga, Ayuntamiento, 27740 Mondoñedo Secy: José María Miranda Focus: Adult; Music 12238
Fundación Hermanos Vila Riera, Plaza de Santa Maria 9, 17817 Camprodón 12253 Fundación Jerónimo Viladrlch, Ayuntamiento, 25737 Cubells 12254 Fundación Clemente Villa, c/o Dirección Provincial de Trabajo, Princesa 3, 28008 Madrid . , 12255 Fundación Villa y Corte, Paseo de la Esperanza 11, 26005 Madrid T: 915425811 Established: 1962; Chain Angel Manuel García Pérez, Secy: Angel Manuel García Pérez Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Cult; Mon 12256 Fundación Elisa y Luis Vlllamil, Alameda 12, 33770 Vegadeo Established: 1966; Chair José María Villamil Assets: ESP 773.258.330 Focus: Adult 12257 Fundación Vicent Vlllaplana, c/o Universidad de Valencia, Nave 2, 46003 Valencia T: 963864100 Chair Ramón Lapiedra Clvera Focus: Schol 12258 Fundación Josefina Vlllasante, Bailén 8, 26071 Madrid T: 915414804 Established: 1950; Secy: David Lomas Pastor Focus: Educ; Orp 12259 Fundació d'Oncologia Infantil Enriqueta Villavecehla, Av Sant Anioni M. Claret 167, 06025 Barcelona Τ: 934353024; Fax: 934367549 Established: 1969; Chair Antonio Negre Villavecchia, Secy: Consols Vancells Casanovas Assets: ESP 2.500.000 Focus: Cane; Ped 12260 Fundación Padre Vlnjoy, Av Cristo de las Cadenas, 33006 Oviedo Τ: 98231908
Fundación Vlrey, Nuestra Señora de Fálima 98, 28047 Madrid Established: 1987; Chair Victoriano Rey Agudo Assets: ESP 100.000 Focus: Sports 12262
Fundación Escuelas Ventados, 48100 Mungía Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12240
Fundación Premio Visa Tubau, c/o Real Academia de Medicina, Carme 47, 08001 Barcelona Focus: Med 12263
Fundación Joan Ventosa Roig, Manuel Tomás 26, 08800 Vilanova i La Geltrú Τ: 938939059; Fax: 938938763 Established: 1966; Secy: Ramón Uenas Marti Assets: ESP 300.000 12241
Fundación Casa de Enseñanza de Niñas Luis Vives, Ayuntamiento, 46680 Algemesl Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12264
Fundación Jaime Vera, Finca Las Pizarras, 28260 Galapagar Established: 1984; Secy: Carmen Hermosin Bono Assets: ESP 1.000.000 12243 Fundación Jaime Vera Monclús, Arietas 17, 22520 Fraga Τ: 974470099 Established: 1945 12244 Fundación Pere Verges, Rambla Catalunya 17, 08007 Barcelona 12245 Fundación Viano rte, José Ortega y Gasset 17, 28006 Madrid Τ: 915751205 Established: 1978; Chain Fernando Reinoso Suárez, Secy: Rafael de Murcia Garcia Focus: Health; SocW 12246 Fundación Vlaro, Girona 22, 08010 Barcelona Focus: Cult 12247 Fundación Vicente y Garcia Corsellaa, Patio de las Escuelas, Universidad, 37080 Salamanca Established: 1985 Assets: ESP 75.273.850 12248 Fundación Víctor, Αν Galicia 19, 33005 Oviedo Τ: 965258082; Fax: 965259400 Secy: Víctor Blanco Fernández 12249
Fundación Xaloc, Gran Vía 637, 08010 L'Hospitalet de Uobregat T: 933350493 Established: 1977; Chair Juan de Ros y de Ramis, Secy: Josep Bemis Vrlagut Focus: Cult; Adult >2272 Fundación YagOel Mardomlngo, Atocha 41, Parroquia de San Sebastián, 28012 Madrid Established: 1940 Focus: Opht 12273 Fundación Yandurl, Palacio Arzobispal, Plaza de la Virgen de los Reyes, 41001 Sevilla T: 954228015 Chain Carlos Amigo Vallejo Focus: Worn; Adult; Schol 12274 Fundación Escuela Yermo, 48860 Zalla Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ
Fundación España Lyudmila Ylvkova, Santa Maria Magdalena 15, 28016 Madrid T: 914575761 Established: 1969; Chair Wladimir Yivkov Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Cult; Child; IntU; Arts; Scie . . . 12276 Fundación Ynglada Gulllot, Casa Uotja, Paseo de Isabel II 1, 08003 Barcelona T: 933192432; Fax: 933190216; E-Mail: racbasj® suport.org Established: 1958; Chair Jordi Bonet i Armengol Focus: Aits 12277 Fundación Escuela Zabala, 46192 Gordexola Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 12278 Fundación María Zambrano, Ayuntamiento, 29700 Vélez Málaga Τ: 952500100 Established: 1967; Chair María Zambrano Assets: ESP 100.000 Focus: Cull; Educ; Pubi 12279 Fundación Maria Zayas Sotomayor, Principe de Vergara 40, 26001 Madrid T: 915779859 Established: 1993; Chair Rafael Pérez Escolar Assets: ESP 3.000.000 Focus: Law; Worn 12280 Fundación Xavier Zublrl, Barquillo 10, 28004 Madrid Τ; 915327627; Fax; 915327625 Established: 1960; Chair José Uadó Fernández UiTutia Assets: ESP 30.000.000 Focus: Arts; Lit 12281
Sweden 12261
Fundación Venlam, Αν Industria 25, 28110 Alcobendas Established: 1993; Chair; Alphos Paulus Maria Assets: ESP 10.000.000 Focus: SocW; Sen; Child 12239
Fundación Josefa Ventura, Plaza Calixto III 6, 46600 Xátiva Focus: Educ; SocW 12242
Fundación Whitney, Convento de la Rábida, 21810 Palos de la Frontera Established: 1924 Focus: Bot; Hort 12271
Agregación Nacional de Fundaciones para la Promoción de la Acción Social Luis Vives, Atocha 66, 28012 Madrid Τ: 914681415; Fax: 914684691; Internet: http:// www.lanzadera.cofn/luisvives Established: 1987; Chair Oscar Alzaga Villaamil, Secy: Antonio Sánchez López, Donor(s): 11 private foundations Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: SocW 12265 Fundación Salvador Vives Casajuana, Pasaje Permaner 17, 08009 Barcelona Τ: 933170789 Established: 1968; Chair Antonio Bergos Massó Focus: Cult 12266 Fundación Vives de Estudios Sociales, Αν Pío XII 94, 28036 Madrid Established: 1977 Focus: SocS; Econ; PoIS; Rei 12267 Fundación Voramar, Ramón Turró 130, 08005 Barcelona Focus: Cult 12268 Fundación Mary Ward, Castellón de la Plana 9, 28006 Madrid Established: 1992; Chair Rafael López de Andújar Assets: ESP 1.000.000 Focus: Econ; SocW 12269 Fundación Wellington, Hotel Wellington, Veláquez 8, 28001 Madrid T: 912754400 Established: 1984; Chair Julia González Altuna Focus: Adult; Educ 12270
AIDS 2001 Foundation, Drottninggatan 55, 111 21 Stockholm T: (06) 7004655; Fax: 4060118 Limitations: Grants in Sweden only Focus: AIDS 12282 Banco Fonder Humanfonden, Box 3566, 103 69 Stockholm T: (06) 7235300; Fax: 6114430 . . . . 12283 Berglanska Stiftelsen, Box 50017, 104 05 Stockholm T: (08) 156896; Fax: 6129005 Established: 1791 Focus: Biol 12284 Folke Bemadottes Minnesfond, (Folke Bemadotte's Memorial Foundation), Box 24009, 104 50 Stockholm T: (08) 6622505 Established: 1948; Donor(s): Swedish Relief Committee for Europe Limitations: Grants nationally to individuals and institutions only. In exceptional cases scholarships are available to non-Swedish nationals living in Sweden Focus: IntU; Schol 12255 Stiftelsen Blanceflor Boncompagnl-Ludovlsl fôdd Blldt, (Blanceflor Boncompagni-Ludovisi née Bildt Foundation), c/o Lagerlöf & Leman Advokatbyrá, Box 5402, 114 84 Stockholm Τ: (08) 6656600 Established: 1955 Assets: SEK 2.000.000,Limitations: Grants for educational visits in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada and Japan to Swedish and Italian citizens only Focus: Educ 12286 Cancerfonden, (Swedish Cancer Foundation), Gamia Brogatan 13, 101 55 Stockholm T: (08) 6771000; Fax: 207104; E-Mail: marianne.af.malmborgÔcancerfonden.se; Internet hflp^Awww.cancerto nden.se Established: 1951; Secy: Marianne Malmborg Limitations: Grants to individuals of any nationality to cany out cancer research. Awards for Swedish researchers are tenable in countries outside Sweden; foreign recipients must carry out their research in Sweden Focus: Cane 12287
12288 - 12349
201 Anna-Greta och Holger Crafoords Fond, c/o Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien, Box 50005, 104 05 Stockholm Τ: (0Θ) 6739500; Fax: 155670; E-Mail; [email protected]; Internet: httpJ/www.kva.se Established: 1980; Donor(s): Arma-Greta Crafoord, Holger Crafoord Limitations: Grants to individuals and institutions in Sweden only Focus: Math; Astron; Geol; Biol; Eccl; Med; Rheum 1226B Ekhagastifteisen, (Ekhaga Foundation), Kungsgatan 18, 111 35 Stockholm T: (06) 223001 Established: 1944; Donor(s): Gösta Videgàrd Limitations: Grants to Scandinavian institutions and individuals only Focus: Agrie; Food; Med 12289 Fondation Industrielle de l'Association Franco-Suédoise pour la Recherche, (Industrial Foundation of the AFSR), Box 5203, 102 45 Stockholm T: (08) 6781000; Fax: 6117014; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJ/www.hem.passagen.se/ afsr Established: 1977 Limitations: Grants in France and Sweden only Focus: Indu; Eng 12290 Fondazione per lo Studio delle Malattie Neuroegenerative delle Persone Adulte e dell'Anziano, c/o Monti Fiduciaria-Finanziaria SA, Via Lavizzari 2a, 6900 Lugano Focus: Neur 12291 Halmstad Group Foundation, c/o Hamstadgruppens Museum, 305 91 Halmstad T: (035) 31619; Fax: 32262 Limitations: Grants in Halmstad only Focus: Aits 12292 Stiftelsen Dag Hammars kjölds Minnesfond, (Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation), Ôvre Slottsgatan 2, 753 10 Uppsala Τ: (018) 127272; Fax: 122072; E-Mail: secretariat® df.uu.se Established: 1962; Secy: Olle Nordberg Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Educ; Health; CommS; Econ; Dev 12293 Handlkapporganlsatiorternas Internationella Blstandsstlftelse, Box 4060, 102 61 Stockholm T: (08) 4623306; Fax: 7145922 Established: 1961; Secy; Barbro Carisson Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Hand 12294 HJàrt-Lungfonden, (Heart and Lung Foundation), Riddargalan 16, 114 51 Stockholm T: (06) 56624200; Fax: 56624229; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.hjart· lungfonden.se Established: 1904; Chair B. Bk>m, Secy: B. Ulliehöök Assets: SEK 566.000.000,-, Receipts: SEK 106.000.000,·, Expenditures: SEK 68.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Sweden only Focus: Card; Pulm 12295 Hoppets Stjärna Stiftelsen, Kärrsjö, 890 54 Trehömingsjö Τ: (0662) 46100 Established: 1966 Focus: Youth 12296 Humanfonden, Box 3568, Vaxel, 103 69 Stockholm T: (08) 7235300; Fax: 6114430 Focus: SocS
International Foundation for Science, Grev Turegatan 19, 114 36 Stockholm T: (08) 54581600; Fax: 54581601; E-Mail: infodifs.se; Internet: http://www.ifs.se Established: 1972; Chair Bruno Messeiii, Secy: Björn Lundgren, Donor(s): Sven Brohult Assets: US $ 4.700.000,·, Receipts: US $ 4.700.000,·, Expenditures: US $ 4.700.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Agrie; Biol,· Bot; Ecol; Fish; Food; Fruit; Geol; Hort; NatS; Res; Scie; Vet; Wat; Zool 12298 Konstnârsnâmnden, (Arts Grants Committee), Box 1610, 111 66 Stockholm T: (08) 4023570; Fax: 4023590; E-Mail: infoekonstnarsnamnden.se; Internet http:// www.konstnarsnamnden.se Established: 1976; Chair Lars Lônnroth, Secy: Nils Johansson Expenditures: SEK 90.000.000,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Arts 12299 Konung Gustaf V s 90-Arefond, (King Gustaf V 90th Birthday Foundation), Kungl. Slottet, 111 30 Stockholm T: (08) 106433; Fax: 108433; Internet: http-JI www.gvSO.a.se Established: 1949 Limitations: Grants to Swedish youth organizations only Focus: Youth 12300
Kulturfonder for Sverige och Finland, (Swedish and Finnish Cultural Foundation), Box 12707, 112 94 Stockholm T: (06) 6541990 Assets: SEK 2.200.000,Limitations: Grants in Sweden and Finland only Focus: Cult; Ecol; Indu 12301 Ltfe-Unk Friendship-Schools, (formerty: Life-Link Foundation), Uppsala Science Park, Glunten, 751 83 Uppsala T: (018) 504344; Fax: 508503; Internet: http:// www.lile-link.org Established: 1967; Chair Hans Levander Focus: Educ 12302 Ronald McDonald Bamfond, Norrmalmstorgatan 1, 111 46 Stockholm T: (08) 6112520; Fax: 6112576 . . . . 12303 Makama Mittag-Lefflers Matematiska Stiftelse, (Mittag-Leffler Foundation of the Swedish Academy of Science), Auravägen 17, 162 62 Djursholm Τ (08) 7551609; Fax: 6220569; E-Mail: ieffler® ml.kva.se Established: 1916; Dorwr(s): G. Mittag-Leffler, Signe Lindfors Mittag-Leffler Limitations: Grants and scholarships to individuals in Sweden and Scandinavia only Focus: Math 12304 Nobelstiftelsen, (Nobel Foundation), Box 5232, 102 45 Stockholm T: (08) 6630920; Fax: 6603847; Internet: http -JI www.nobel.se Established: 1900; Chair Prof. B. Samuelsson, Secy: M. Sohlman, Donor(s): Alfred Nobel Assets: SEK 2.320.000.000,Limitations: Prizes internationally Focus: Phys; Chem; Med; Lit; Peace . . 12305 Nordlska Afrlkalnstftutets Resestipendlefond, (Nordic Africa Institute Travel Fund), Box 1703, 751 47 Uppsala T: (018) 562200; Fax: 562290; E-Mail: nai@ nai.uu.se; Internet: httpy/www.nai.uu.se Established: 1962; Chair: Lennart Wohlgemuth Expenditures: SEK 1.000.000,ümitations: Travel funds to Africa for Scandinavian researchers only Focus: Afr; Schol 12306 Nordlska Semarbetskommlttén, c/o Utrikespolitiska Instituted Lilla Nygatan 23, 111 28 Stockholm T: (08) 234060 Established: 1966 Focus: PolS 12307 Olor Palmes Minnesfond for Intemationell Förstaelse och Gemensam Säkerhet, Box 3221, 103 64 Stockholm T: (08) 4401270 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Peace; IntU 12308 Right Llevllhood Awards Foundation, Box 15072, 104 65 Stockholm T: (08) 7020340; Fax: 7020338 Established: 1980 Focus: Scie; Ecol; HumR; SocW . . . . 12309 Scandinavian Foundation of Medicine and Science In Sports, c/o Karolinska institute, Dept. of Clinical Physiology, Huddinge Hospital, 141 86 Huddinge T: (06) 7461183; Fax: 7748082 Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in Scandinavia only Focus: Med; Sports 12310 Stifteiser for Acta Odontologlca Scandinavica, c/o Faculty of Odontology, Göteborg University, Medicinaregatan 12, 413 90 Göteborg Established: 1939 Focus: Dent 12311 Stiftelsen fôr Mlljòstrategiek Forsknlng, (Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research), Gamia Β regatan 36-36, 111 20 Stockholm Τ: (08) 7911020; Fax: 7911029; E-Mail: mistral hotefl.nettime.se; internet: httpv'/www.mistraenv.se Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Sweden only Focus: Ecol 12312 Stiftelsen Globträdet, (Globelree Foundation), Bergsgatan 2, 112 23 Stockholm, Box 22206, 104 22 Stockholm T: (08) 6523527; Fax: 6522177 Established: 1962; Chair Kajsa 6. Dahlström, Donor(s): Kajsa B. Dahlströtn, Ben van Bronckhorst Limitations: Grants and scholarships nationally and intemationaiy Focus: Educ; Ecol; Dev; Schol; Arts; Hum 12313 Stiftelsen Grânnamuseerna, do Andreemuseet och Grevskapsmuseema, Brahegatan 36, 563 22 Gränna Τ: (0390) 41015; Fax: 10275; E-Mail: andreeÔ grm.se; Internet: http://www.grm.se Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Aits 12314 Stlfleisen Heilands Lansmuseer, c/o Museet i Halmstad, Toilsgatan, 302 31 Halmstad T: (035) 160400; Fax: 166676 Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 12315
Stlftelsen Musikkulturen« Främ|ande, Riddargatan 35-37, 114 57 Stockholm T: (08) 6617171; Fax: 6617171; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.home1.swipnet.se/-w-13371 Established: 1920; Chair Robert Nydahl, Secy: Goran Grahn, Donor(s): Rudolf Nydahl Focus: Music; Musi 12316 Stiftelsen Noaks Ark-Röda Korset, Drottninggatan 61, 111 21 Stockholm T: (08) 7004600; Fax: 7004610 Focus: AIDS
Stiftelsen Rlksbankens Jublleumsfond, (Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation), Box 5675, 114 66 Stockholm T: (08) 50626400; Fax: 111076; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ri.se Established: 1962; Chair Stig Strömholm, Secy: Dan Bràndstrôm Assets: SEK 6.899.000,Limitations: Grants in Sweden only Focus: Scie; SocS; Hum 12318 Stiftelsen Skansen, Djurgarden, 115 93 Stockholm T: (06) 4428000; Fax: 4428280; E-Mail: marita, [email protected] Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts Stifteisen Svensk Närlngsforsknlng, c/o IDEON, 223 70 Lund Established: 1961 Limitations: Grants in Sweden only Focus: Food
Switzerland: Allemann-Institut Switzerland Aargauische Kulturstiftung Pro Argovia, Schloss, 5600 Lenzburg 2 Τ: (062) 6664618; Fax: 8884801 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Aargau only Focus: Cult 12329 Fondation Adelphl, 84 Rue du Rhône, 1211 Genève 3 Focus: SocW; Cult 12330 Eduard Aeberhardt-Stlftung, Postfach 1401. 8O21 Zürich Τ: (0648) 680001; Fax: 880002; E-Mail: gesuche© aeberhardtxh, [email protected]; Internet: http://www.aebertiardt.ch Established: 1981; Chair: Fred Aebeihardt, Secy: Christian Bachmann, Donor(s): Eduard Aebeitiardt Focus: Health 12331 Aebll-Naf Stiftung zur Förderung der Lehrerbildung In der Schweiz, Bucherstr 1, 3400 Burgdorf Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Educ 12332 Marcel Aeschbacher-Stlftung, Bonstettenstr 3, 3012 Bern Τ: (031) 3727711 Limitations: Grants to children in Berlin and East Europe only Focus: Child; East 12333 Theodor Aeschllmann-Stfftung Heimatbund, c/o Schweiz. Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft, Schaffhauserstr 7, 6042 Zürich 6 Focus: Youth 12334
Stockholms Intematlonella Fredsforskningsinstltut, Stockholm international Peace Research Institute, Signalistgatan 9, 169 70 Solna T: (08) 6559700; Fax: 6559733; E-Mail: sipri@ sipri.se; Internet: http://www.sirpi.se Established: 1966; Chair: Dr. Adam Daniel Rotteld, Donor(s): Swedish Parliament Assets: SEK 21.000.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Peace; PolS 12321 Svensk-Franska Stiftelsen, Alströmergatan 45D, 112 47 Stockholm Established: 1935 Limitations: Grants in Sweden and France only Focus: IntU 12322 Svensk-Japanska Stlftelsen, (Sweden-Japan Foundation), Grev Turegatan 14, 114 46 Stockholm T: (08) 6116873; Fax: 6117344; E-Mail: info© swejap.a.se Established: 1971 Limitations: Grants in Sweden and Japan only Focus: Schol; IntU 12323 Sverige-Amerlka Stiftelsen, (Sweden-America Foundation), Box 5260, 102 46 Stockholm T: (06) 6114611; Fax: 6114644; E-Mail: info© sweamfo.se; Internet: http://www.sw0amf0.se Established: 1919 Limitations: Awards and scholarships to Swedish citizens for advanced study or research in the USA or Canada only Focus: IntU; Schol 12324 Swedish Research Centre in Cyprus, William Gibsons vag 11, 433 76 Jonsered T: (031) 7956600; Fax: 7956710 Established: 1974; Chair: Paul Aström, Secy: Paul Âstrôm, Gunnar Michelson, Donor(s): Paul Aström, Gunnar Michelson Limitations: Grants in Cyprus only Focus: Archeo; Aits 12325 Den Transnatlonella Stlftelsen fôr Freds- och . Framtidsforskning, (Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research), Vegagatan 25, 224 57 Lund T: (046) 145909; Fax: 144512; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http JI www.transnational.org Established: 1966; Chair Jan Oberg, Donor(s): Christina Spannar Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Peace; Fut 12326 Knut och Alice Wallenberge Stiftelse, (Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation), Box 16066, 103 22 Stockholm T: (06) 54501761; Fax: 54501785; E-Mail: jsn.@ kaw.se Established: 1917; Chair Prof. Jan S. Niteson, Donops): Knut Agathon Wallenberg, Alice 0 . Wallenberg Limitations: Grants in Sweden only Focus: Scie; Educ 12327 Stiftelsen Wenner-Gren, (Wenner-Gren Foundation), Sveavàgen 166, 113 46 Stockholm T: (06) 7369600 Established: 1955; Donor(s): Dr. Axel Wenner-Gren Limitations: Awards to Swedes for training abroad and to foreign scientists in Sweden only Focus: Scie 12328
Louise Aeschlimann und Margareta Corti Stiftung, Postfach, 3000 Bern 7 T: (031) 3122960; Fax: 3117263 Established: 1942; Chair: Jobst Wagner, Secy: Thomas Pfister, Donor(s): Bemische Kunstgesellschaft Receipts: CHF 50.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 50.000,Focus: Arts 12335 Aeskulap-Stlftung, Gersauerstr 8, 6440 Brunnen Focus: Med 12336 Aetas, Fondation pour la Recherche sur le Vieillissement, 2 Chemin du Petit-Bel-Air, 1225 Chêne-Bourg T: (022) 3054159; Fax: 3054162 Established: 1993; Chair: Prof. André Cruchaud, Donor(s): Prof. J.-P. Michel, M.B. Gruson, Prof. A. Cruchaud Receipts: CHF 300,000,-, Expenditures: CHF 300.000,Focus: Ger 12337 Aids Info Docu Schweiz, Postfach 5064, 3001 Bern Τ: (031) 3121266; Fax: 3116414; E-Mail: info® a id. eh Established: 1988; Chair: Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Rohr, Secy: Christa Brunswicker Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: AIDS 12338 Aids & Kind, Schweizerische Stiftung für Direkthilfe an betroffene Kinder, Seefeldstr 219, 6008 Zürich T: (01) 4225757; Fax: 4226292 Established: 1988; Chair Linus G. Jauslin Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: AIDS; Ped 12339 AIPPI Stiftung zur Förderung des Schutzes von geistigem Eigentum, Postfach 6940, 6023 Zürich Focus: Law 12340 Türkisch-islamische soziale und kulturelle Stiftung Akyazlll, c/o Ahmet Sahbaz, Schwendistutz 4, 3172 Niederwangen Focus: SocW; Cult 12341 Albanian International Scholarship Foundation, 10 Αν Léon-Gaud, 1206 Genève Limitations: Scholarships to Albanian students only Focus: Schol; East 12342 Sybil Albers-Barrler-Sttftung, c/o RGS Administrations AG, Stockerstr 10, 8002 Zurich Focus: Arts 12343 Alexander-Stiftung, Neuarlesheimerstr 3, 4143 Dörnach Τ: (061) 7031430; Fax: 7031431; E-Mail: GeorgHasler© Bluewin.ch Established: 1992; Chair C. Bertoni, Secy: G. Hasler Focus: Arts 12344 Fondation Alizé, 37 GrancTRue, 1110 Morges T: (021) 8046690; Fax: 8046869 . . . . 12345 Stiftung C.E. Aiken, c/o Dr. F. Kellerhals, Postfach 274, 3000 Bern 7 Focus: Urol 12346 Maria und Ernst Alker-Pawelke-Stlftung, Bim Zytglogge 1, 3000 Bern 7 Focus: Germ 12347 Allegra Stiftung, c/o Dr. Oliver Wackemagel, Leonhardsgraben 51, 4051 Basel Focus: SocW; Educ; Scie 12348 Stiftung Fritz Allemann-Institut für Spirituelle Psychologie, Witikonerstr 15, 6032 Zürich T: (01) 3879070; Fax: 3879074 Focus: Psychol 12349
Switzerland: Ambassadoren-Stiftung
12350 - 12442
Ambassadoren-Stiftung Solothurn, Baselstr 7, 4500 Solothum Τ: (032) 6269203; Fax: 6232085 . . . . 12350
Julius Bär-Stiftung, Bahnhofstr 36, 8010 Zürich Τ: (01) 2285111; Fax: 2212026 Focus: Arts 12373
Fondazione Gianetto e Graziella Ambrosoli, c/o Enrico Pagani, Via alla Campagna 2a, 6904 Lugano 12351
Richard und Emmy Bahr-Stiftung, do Schaffhauser Kantonalbank, 8201 Schaffhausen Focus: Schol; Hist; Gemi 12374
Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation, Kreuzstr 7Θ, 8032 Zürich Τ: (01) 2531513; Fax: 2531514; E-Mail: ambrosoli ©access.ch Established: 1990; Chair: Daniela Marcacci Ambrosoli, Secy: Michael Jürgens, Donor(s): Dabiela Marcacci Ambrosoli Focus: Dance; Music 12352
Fondation Alice Ballly, c/o Prof. Dr. P. Magnenat, 51 Av d'Ouchy, 1000 Lausanne Focus: Arts 12375
Stiftung Josef Amstutz-Langenstein, c/o Talmuseum, Dorfstr 6, 6390 Engelberg T: (041) 6370414
Fondation de la Famille Lars Amundsen, c/o Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant Rouge, CP 372, 1211 Genève Focus: SocW 12354 Stiftung Amurt (Schweiz), Bahnstr 18, Θ603 Schwerzenbach Fax: (01) 9460344; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.amurt.org Established: 1993 Focus: Refug; Worn; Child 12355 ANAF-Fondation, C P 5, 1211 Genève 25 Focus: IntU
Emst Anderfuhren-Stiftung, Zentralgasse 62, 2501 Biel Τ: (032) 3212411; Fax: 3228553 Focus: Schol; Arts 12357 AO Documentation and Publishing Foundation, Clavadelerstr, 7270 Davos Platz Τ: (081) 4142501; Fax: 4142282; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.ao· asif.ch/cid Chair: Prof. David L. Helfet, Secy: Dr. Rudolf Moser Focus: Med 12358 Charles Apothéloz-Stiftung zur Sicherung von Kulturschaffenden, Leonhardstr 3Θ, 4051 Basel T: (061) 3738010; Fax: 2738011 Focus: SocW 12359 Archiv Schnüffelstaat Schweiz, c/o Komitee Schluss mit dem Schnüffelstaat, Postfach 6948, 3001 Bern Limitations: Predetermined grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocS; Archiv 12360 Archives de l'Ancien Evêché de Bile, 10 Rue des Amondades 10, 2900 Porrentruy Focus: Archiv 12361 Fondazione Umanitaria Arcobaleno, Via Greina 2, 6901 Lugano Focus: SocW 12362 Fondation Armenofas, c/o Entraide Protestante Suisse, C P 536, 1001 Lausanne Τ: (021) 6172323; Fax: 6172626; E-Mail: eper® hekseper.ch Established: 1985; Secy: Rudolf Renter Receipts: CHF 80.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 80.000,Focus: IntU 12363 Artilierle-Fonds, c/o Bundesamt für Unterstützungstruppen, Ausbildungschef der Artillerie, 3003 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Milit 12364 Atlas-Stiftung, c/o Interhold AG, Postfach 432, 8024 Zurich Focus: Sen 12365 Stiftung Dr. Augustin, Gartenstr 42, 4123 Allschwil T: (061) 4818333 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand 12365 Ausbildungsstiftung für Tibeter in Europa, c/o Hermann F. Kaelin AG, Postfach 459, 4144 Arlesheim Established: 1991; Chair: Erika Sprenger-Steinmüller Limitations: Scholarships to Tibetans in Europe only Focus: Schol 12367 Ausblldungszentrum des S c h w e l m i s c h e n Baumelsterverbandes, Postfach, 6210 Sursee Τ: (041) 9262424; Fax: 9262200 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc; Build 12368 Stiftung Ausserfeld, c/o St. Frischknecht, Oberdorfstr 120, 9100 Herisau Limitations: Grants in Switzerland and internationally Focus: SocW; Cult; Hous 12369 Avina Stiftung, Hurdnerstr 10, 6640 Hurden Focus: SocW 12370 Fondation Axiane, 43 Rue Achille Merguin, 2900 Porrentruy Τ: (032) 4664241; Fax: 4663657; E-Mail: axianeô bluewin.ch Focus: Arts 12371 Bä-Ko Stiftung, Postfach 1174, 8032 Zürich Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc 12372
Fundation Bakonyi pro Lingua Universal, Villastr 8, 6010 Krìens Focus: Ling 12376 Fondation Minu Balkanskl, La Place, 1837 Château-dOex Focus: IntU
Stiftung Balm für Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung, Sâgestr 8, 8645 Jona T: (055) 2206585; Fax: 2206586 Focus: Hand 12378 Bâiolse-Jubllâumsetfftung, c/o Basier Versicherungsgesellschaft, Aeschengraben 21, 4002 Basel Focus: SocW; Ecol 12379 Hans Urs von Balthasar-Stiftung, Postfach 254, 4501 Solothum T: (032) 6216401; E-Mail: urtoan.finke bluewin.ch Established: 1993; Chair Prof. Dr. Dr, Alois M. Haas, Secy: Dr. Urban Fink Focus: Ut 12380 Internationale Stiftung Preis E. Balzan-Fonds, (International E. Balzan Price Foundation-Fund), Claridenstr 35, 8002 Zurich Τ: (01) 2014822; Fax: 2014829; E-Mail: info® balzan.com; Internet: http://www.balzan.com Established: 1956; Chair: Dr, Paul D. Klingenberg, Donor(s): Angela L. Balzan Limitations: Applications not accepted . . 12381 Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-Rhyner-Stlftung, c/o Schweiz. Treuhandgesellschaft, Postfach 4152, 4002 Basel Focus: Med; SocW 12382 B A R R A G A N Stiftung, c/o Vitra AG, Klünenfeldstr 22, 4132 Muttenz Focus: Voc 12383 Basier Aids-Stiftung, Sankt Alban-Vorstadt 69, 4052 Basel Limitations: Grants in Basel only Focus: AIDS 12384 Basler Künstler-Stipendien, c/o Amt für Ausbildungsbeiträge, Postfach 890, 4001 Basel T: (061) 2672911 Limitations: Scholarships to needy artists in Basel only Focus: Schol; Arts 12385 Fondazione Intemazionale Lelio B a s s o per li Diritto e la Liberazione del popoli, CP 3406, 6901 Lugano Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: HumR 12386 Fondation Battenberg Bienne, do Schweizerisches Allsbildungszentrum für Behinderte, Südstr 55, 2504 Biel Τ: (032) 3442522; Fax: 3419829 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand
Bergeamaritersttftung für abgelegene Alpentäler der Schweiz, Spitaigasse 4, 3011 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12396 Fondation Berma, 1 Rue Pédro-Meylan, 1208 Genève Focus: Jew 12397 Stiftung Bemavllle, Langenwilweg, 3150 Schwarzenburg T: (031) 7311777; Fax: 7311904 Focus: SocW
Alfred und Gertrud Bemays-Richard-Stiftung, c/o Dr. Felix Liatowitsch, Postfach 425, 4010 Basel Limitations: Grants in Switzerland and Israel only Focus: Hand 12399 Hans Bernhard-Stiftung, Postfach 9038, 9038 8050 Τ: Zürich Focus: SocW 12400 Bemische Denkmalpflege-Stiftung, c/o Kantonale Denkmalpflege Bern, Münstergasse 32, 3011 Bern T: (031) 6334030; Fax: 6334029 Established: 1972; Chair Regierungsrat Mario Annoni, Secy: Denkmalpfleger des Kantons Bern Limitations: Grants in the canton of Bern only Focus: Mon 12401 Bemische Stiftung für angewandte Kunst und Gestaltung, Mühleweg 23, 4900 Langenthal T: (062) 9234755; Fax: 9234766 Focus: Arts; Des 12402 Bemische Stiftung für Fotografie, Film und Video, Kunstmuseum Bern, Postfach, 3000 Bern 7 T: (031) 3122960; Fax: 3117263 Established: 1981; Chair Monique Furrer, Secy: Thomas Pfister, Donor(s): Bernische Kunstgesellschaft Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phot; Cin 12403 Berufsblldungesttftung SVIMSA, c/o Schweizerischer Verband der Innenausstatter und Sattler, Gurzelngasse 27, 4500 Solothum Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc 12404 Stiftung Cornelia B e s ó l a , Uetlibergstr 132, 8045 Zürich Τ: (01) 4575666; Fax: 4575667 Secy: Barbara Schürmann Focus: Voc 12405 Stiftung Suzanne und Hans B ü s c h zur Förderung der Angewandten Psychologie, c/o Psychologisches Institut der Universität, Abt. Angewandte Psychologie, Schönberggasse 2, 8001 Zürich T: (01) 6343741; Fax: 6344953; E-Mail: schallbe @angpsy.unizh.ch Established: 1972; Chair Suzanne Biäsch-Schaub, Secy: Prof. Dr. U. Schaliberger, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Hans Biäsch, Suzanne Biäsch-Schaub Expenditures: CHF 10.000,· Focus: Psychol 12406 Stiftung Eduard BIck, Taverne, 6575 San Nazzaro Focus: Arts 12407
Schweizerische Bechterew-Stiftung, c/o Schweizerische Vereinigung Mobus Bechterew, Röntgenstr 22, 8005 Zurich 12388 Fondation Béfart Ballett Lausanne, 22 Chemin du Presbytère, 1004 Lausanne Τ: (021) 6416464; Fax: 6416466 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Dance 12389 Stiftung Alexander Graham Bell, Rickenbachstr 193, 6432 Rickenbach bei Schwyz Τ: (041) 8113404; Fax: 8113405 Focus: Hand; Deafs 12390 Stiftung Galerie Benedikt, Buechbergstr 43, 9425 Thal Τ: (071) 8880393 Focus: Arts 12391 Marcel Benolst-Stiftung für die Förderung wissenschaftlicher Forschung, do Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Hallwylstr 4, 3003 Bern T: (031) 3229680; Fax: 3227854; E-Mail: jeanfranco is.conscience θ bbw.admin.ch Established: 1920; Chair Bundesrâtin Ruth Dreifuss, Secy: Dr. Jean-François Conscience, Donops): Bundesrat der Schweiz. Eidgenossenschaft Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Scie 12392 Stiftung Angestellten-Fürsorgestiftung der Bentell Druck AG, Dammweg 9, 3013 Bern T: (031) 3303111; Fax: 3303482 Limitations: Grants to employees of BenteJi Druck AG (Bern) only Focus: SocW 12393 Familienstiftung Benvenuta, Effingerstr 10, 3011 Bern Τ: (031) 3811828 Focus: Fam 72394 Irma und Jacques Ber-Lehmsdorf-Stiftung, Wiesliacher 35, 8053 Zürich Focus: Med; Cane 12395
Prof. Anton Bieter-Stiftung, c/o Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Zug, Baarerstr 110a, 6302 Zug T: (041) 7697711; Fax: 7697712 Focus: Cult 12408 Bildungsfonds des S KV, Postfach 687, 8027 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Educ 12409 Bildungszentrum der Schweizerischen MetallUnion. Seestr 105, 8002 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc 12410 Bildungszentrum für spirituelle Entwicklung, Tribschenstr 19, 6005 Luzem Τ: (041) 3601314 Established: 1984; Chair Dr. Wiltrud Fritzsche Focus: Phil; Psychol; Adult 12411 Blllothèque pour Tous, Fondation Suisse, c/o Bibliocentre de la Suisse Romande, 34 CésarRoux, 1000 Lausanne 4 T: (021) 3202326/28 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ubr 12412 Max Bill und Georges Vantongerloo Stiftung, Rebhusstr 50, 8126 Zumikon T: (01) 9180828; Fax: 9180829 Chair Dr. Angela Thomas-Schmidt . . . 12413 Arnold Billwiller-Sttftung, Bahnhofstr 8, 9000 Sankt Gallen Τ: (071) 2226164; Fax: 2234741 Established: 1939; Chair Christoph Mähr, Donorts): Arnold Biltwiller Focus: Cult; Schol; SocW 12414 Sophie und Kail Binding Stiftung, Postfach, 4020 Basel T: (061) 3171239; Fax: 3131200; E-Mail: contacte binding-stiftung.ch; Internet: httpj'/www.bindingstiftungxh Established: 1963; Chair Dr. Bernhard Christ, Secy: Dr. Benno Schubiger, Donops): Sophie Binding, Karl Binding Focus: Ecol; Cult; Tììeat; Arts; Music; Hand 12415
Bloplan-Systeman Foundation, c/o Dr. Gabriel Bittar, 9a Chemin du Pont-Noir, 1226 Genève Focus: Biol 12416 Blrcher-Benner-Stlftung für ganzheitliche Gesundheit und Therapie, Rennweg 12, 8001 Zürich Focus: Health; Ther 12417 Stiftung Blrcher Klinik Susenberg, Schrebenveg 9, 8044 Zürich T: (01) 2683838; Fax: 2683839 Focus: Med; Cane 12418 Marc Blaser-Stiftung, c/o Dr. H. Blaser-Bräker, Kastanienweg 60, 3095 Spiegel Focus: Educ; Dev 12419 Charles E. Blatter-Stiftung, c/o Dieter E. Zeller, Dufourstr 147, 8008 Zürich Focus: Schol 12420 Hubert Bloch-Stlftung, c/o Dr. Andreas Staehelin, ßarfüssergasse 6, 4001 Basel T: (061) 2724518; Fax: 2727395 Focus: Schol; Music 12421 Stiftung Walter BIQchert, Via Maistra 2, 7500 Sankt Moritz T: (081) 8332232; Fax: 8337327 . . . . 12422 Germaine und Pierre Blum-Stiftung, c/o Jüdischer Nationalfonds Schweiz, Usteristr 19, 8021 Zürich Focus: Child; Jew 12423 Evelyn Blum-Stiftung, c/o Dr. Peter Altorfer, Dufourstr 56, 8008 Zurich Focus: Hand; Nurs; SocW 12424 Bochen-Stiftung, c/o Dr. A. Länzlinger, Postfach 526, 8024 Zürich Focus: Educ; Med; Scie; Cuit 12425 Martin Bodmer-Stlftung für einen Gottfried Keller-Preis, Postfach 1425, 8032 Zürich E-Mail: gottfried-keUer-preisdyakn.com Established: 1921; Chair Thomas Bodmer, Donor(s): Martin Bodmer Assets: CHF 350.000,-, Receipts; CHF 15.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 30.000,Focus: Lit 12426 Stiftung Künstleratelier Arnold Böcklln und Gedenkstätte für Arnold Böcklln und Otto Münch, Postfach 346, 8053 Zürich T: (01) 3085763; Fax: 3085768 Chair Rolf Blatter Focus: Arts 12427 Flora, Bona und Rosa Bollag-Stiftung, c/o Dr. J. Bollag, Unter Altstadt 10, 6300 Zug Focus: Wid 12428 Martin und Agnes Bolle-Sttftung. c/o Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft, Bahnhofstr 45, 8001 Zürich Focus: Blinds; Hand; Child 12429 Paul E. Bommer-Stiftung, Zürich: defunct
Fred Bommes-Stlftung für die Rechte des Tieres, c/o M. Grossglauser, Fùllerichstr 34, 3073 Gümligen Focus: AnimP 12431 Ludwig Borchardt-Stiftung, c/o Peyer, Postfach 395, 8201 Schaffhausen Τ: (053) 251501; Fax: 256240 Established: 1931 12432 Dr. B.K, Bose-Sttftung, Steinhause rstr 51, 6300 Zug Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Horn 12433 I. Bovert-Stiftung, c/o Dr. Rainer Schumacher, Oberstadtstr 7, 5400 Baden Focus: SocW 12434 Internationale Brächet Stiftung, c/o Cari Stadelhofer, Postfach 4451, 8022 Zürich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Biol
Stiftung Dr. J.E. Brandenberger, do Dr. Zoller, Alpenstr 14, 6300 Zug Focus: SocW 12436 Fondation Willy Brauchll, 19a Av des Cerisiers, 1009 Pully Focus: Music 12437 Dr. Erwin Braun-Stiftung, Postfach, 4020 Basel Established: 1986 Focus: Med 12438 Brigitte-Stiftung, do H. Baxas, Im Kirschgarten 28, 4102 Binningen Focus: Hand; Educ 12439 Bristol-Stiftung, c/o ATAG Ernst & Young AG, Postfach 5272, 8022 Zürich Focus: AnimP; Ecol 12440 Stiftung Langmatt Sidney und Jenny Brown, Róme rstr 30, 5400 Baden T: (056) 2225842; Fax: 2226227; E-Mail: info® lang matt .ch Established: 1988; Chair: Josef Bürge, Secy: Dr. Eva-Maria Preis werk-Lösel, Donorts): Dr. John Α. Brown Focus: Arts 12441 Watter Bruckerhoff-Stlftung, do Waiter Bliss, Stockenstr 113, 8802 Kilchberg Focus: Cane 12442
203 Fondation Brunette pour la Protection de la Nature, c/o Fabriques de Tabac Réunies S.A., 3 Quai Jeanrenaud, 2003 Neuchâtel Focus: Ecol 12443 Dr. Andreas C. Bmnner-Fonds, c/o Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Zug, Baarerstr 110a, 6302 Zug Τ: (041) 7697711; Fax: 7697712 Focus: SocW 12444 Dr. Silvain Brunschwlg-Stlftung, c/o Dr. Rico Steinbrüchel, Grossmünsterpl δ, 8001 Zürich Focus: Youth 12445 Anna und Paul Β ucher-Goseweller-Stlftung, c/o Dr. BnJhin & Partner, Wiedingstr 38, 8055 Zürich Focus: SocW 12446 Margarita Bucher-Sttftung, c/o Emst Huber, Oberer Hüsliweg 349, 6166 Niedemeningen Focus: SocW 12447 Stiftung Personalvorsorgestiftung der Büchler Gratino AG, Dammweg 9, 3013 Bern T: (031) 3303111; Fax: 3303482 Limitations: Grants to employees of Büchler Gratino AG (Bern) only Focus: SocW 12448 Stiftung Sammlung E.G. BûhHe, Zollikerstr 172, 8008 Zürich Τ: (01) 4220086; Fax: 4220347; Internet: http -J! www.txiehr1e.ch Established: 1960; Chair Hortense Anda-Bührle, Secy: Erika Lindt, Donor(s); Emil Georg Bührie Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 12449 Franz und Verena-BÛttner Stiftung, c/o Allgemeine Treuhand AG, Bleicherweg 21, 8002 Zürich Focus: Med; Hand 12450 Burckhardt-Liger-Stlftung, c/o Scherrer & Partner, Postfach, 8001 Zürich Focus: Youth; Worn 12451 Stiftung Burgauer für den Artenerfialt des Afrikanischen Elefanten, c/o Burgauner, Huser, Aman Ä Partner, Postfach 51, 8027 Zürich Focus: AnimP 12452 Stiftung Ruth und Emst Burichalter, Beethovenstr 49, 8002 Zürich Focus: Music 12453 Emil Burkl-Stiftung, c/o Graphische Sammlung der ΕΤΗ, Rämistr 101, 8092 Zürich Focus: Graph 12454 BZ-Stiftung Preis für Lokal|ournallsmua, Dammweg 9, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3303111; Fax: 3303474 Established: 1986; Chair: Charles von Qraflenried, Secy: Alberl P. Stáheli, Donops): Berner TagblattMedien AG Expenditures: CHF 30.000,Focus: Jour 12455 Fondation Maria Callas, c/o Dominique Dreyer, 7 Blvd de Pérolles, 1700 Fribourg Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Music 12456 Can Y o u Hear Me, Postfach 563, 8037 Zürich Focus: Dev 12457 Fondazione Dr. Marcello Candía, Via G.B. Pioda 5, 6900 Lugano Limitations: Grants in the Amazonas region of Brazil, with emphasis on Macapà and Marituba only Focus: Nurs; Lepr Am 12458 Carnegie-Stiftung für Lebensretter (Schweiz), Ságemattstr 82/41, 3098 Köniz Τ: (031) 3224159; Fax: 3235152 Established: 1912; Secy: H.R. Hübscher, Donops): Andrew Carnegie Assets: CHF 3.600.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12459 Carl Gustav Carus-Sttftung für psychosomatische Forschung, c/o Dr. Eugen Curti, Seeslr 5, 8002 Zürich Focus: Psychol 12460 Fondazione Lorenzo e Elsa Cattori-Stuerm, c/o D. Giulieri, UBS SA, Via Pretorio 14, 6900 Lugano Focus: SocW 12461 Centre d'Analyse Politique et Economique Européenne, CP 223, 1218 Grand-Saconnex Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: PolS; Econ; Eur 12462 Centre de Politique de Sécurité - Genève, CP 1295, 1211 Genève 1 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: PolS 12463 Centre de Recherche sur les Institutions Internationales, c/o Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales, CP 36, 1211 Genève 21 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Law 12464 Centre International de Formation é l'Enseignement des Droits de i'Homme et de la Paix, 5 Rue du Simplón, 1207 Genève Limitations; Predetermined grants onfy Focus: HumR; Peace 12465
12443 - 12531 Centre International d'Etudes Monétaires et Bancaires, CP 36, 1211 Genève 21 T: (022) 7349548; Fax: 7333853; E-Mail: nguyenG hei.unige.ch Established: 1973; Chair Prot. Dr. Hans Genberg Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Fin 12466 Centre Romand de Promotion du Management, CP 369, 1001 Lausanne Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Bus
Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, 14 Terreaux, 2000 Neuchâtel T: (032) 7257257; Fax: 7177969; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http·.// www.unine.cWcscf/ Established: 1990; Chair Dr. Alfred Wittwer, Secy: Dr. Yves Gonseth, Donor(s): Ville de Neuchâtel, Université de Neuchâtel, Pro Natura Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Biol; Ecol; Ent; Zool 12468 Stiftung Chalice, Zwinglistr 34a, 8004 Zürich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocS 12469 Charls-Stiftung, Am Bach 11, 8252 ParadiesSchlatt Focus: Educ; Adult 12470 Chateau de Constantlne, Fondation de la Société Suisse d'Utilité Publique, Château de Constantino, 1587 Constantino Focus: SocW 12471 Fondation Oscar Chavannes, PI d'Armes de Bière, 1145 Bière Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Milit 12472 Children's Foundation, c/o Risk-Consult AG, Industriestr 5, 6300 Zug Focus: Child 12473 Fondation Dimitris N. Chorafas, c/o Dr. Mark Kurmann, Schweizerhofquai 2, 6004 Luzem 12474 Schweizerische Winston Churchill-Stiftung, Pestalozzistr 2, 8201 Schaffhausen Focus: Hist 12475 Cimbria Foundation, c/o BK-Services AG, Seefeldstr 19, 8024 Zürich Focus: SocW 12476 Stiftung Lis und Roman Clemens, do M. Herold, Zürichbergstr 40, 8044 Zürich Τ: (01) 2518395; Fax: 2518309 Established: 1992; Chair. Marianne Herold, Donor(s): Roman Clemens Focus: Theat 12477 Stiftung Prof. Dr. Max Cloëtta, Postfach, 8042 Zürich Τ: (01) 3504435; Fax: 3504432; E-Mail: doetta® stiftungxh Established: 1973; Chain Prof. Dr. Max M. Burger, Secy: Brigitt Schai-Kopp, Donor(s) : Dr. Antoine Cloêtta Focus: Med 12478 Stiftung Mario und Hélène Comensoli, Pfalzgasse 2-4, 8001 Zürich T: (01) 2210230; Fax: 2210230 . . . . 12479 Comu-Stlftung der Gesellschaft ehemaliger Studierender der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschulen, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, 8092 Zürich Focus: Uni 12480 Arnold CoiD-Stamm Stiftung, Casinostr 2, 8400 Winterthur Limitations: Grants to Universität Zürich only Focus: Schol; Phil; Uni 12481 Stiftung Hôtel de la Gare Gilberte de Courgenay, c/o Dr. B. Klâusli, Grosswiesenstr 153. 8051 Zurich 12482 Fondation Littéraire Régis de Courten, 20 Chemin des Rochettes, 1752 Villars-sur-G/âne Focus: Lit 12483 CSI-Schweiz Stiftung, Zelgistr 65, 8122 Binz Focus: Dev 12484 CSS Versicherungs Stiftung, c/o Dr. B.F. Bitzi, Zeughausgasse 9, 6301 Zug Focus: Ins 12485 Dätwyler-Stlttung, c/o Dätwyler AG, Gotthardstr 31, 6460 Altdorf Τ: (041) 7411206; Fax: 7411205 Focus: NatS; Hum; SocS; Health; Ecol . 12486 Max und Clara Daetwyter-Stfftung, Küsnachterstr 25, 8126 Zumikon T: (01) 9181121; Fax: 9181121 Established: 1994; Chair Max Daetwyler, Donops): Max Daetwyler Assets: CHF 100.000,-, Receipts: CHF 100.000,Focus: Ut 12487 Dalinco-Med-Stlftung, c/o Dalinco AG, Stockerstr 10, 8002 Zürich Τ: (01) 2021335; Fax: 2012333 Established: 1992; Chain Erich Schirmer, Secy: Kazimierz Paczynski, Donors): Dalinco AG Focus: Health 12488 Fondazione Dalle Molle per la QualHò della Vita, Corso Elvezia 36, 6900 Lugano T: (091) 9119838; Fax: 9119839 Focus: SocS 12489
Darchey Noam-Stiftung, Aubrigstr 12, 8002 Zürich Focus: SocW; Cult; Arts 12490
Switzerland: Eidgenössische
Walter und Louise M. Davidson-Stiftung, c/o Louise Marie Davidson-Weber, Freudenbergstr 11, 8044 Zürich Focus: SocW 12491
Duft-Thorner Studienfonds, c/o Erziehungsdepartement Schwyz, Bahnhofstr 15, 6430 Schwyz T: (041) 8191901; Fax: 8191917; E-Mail: hans.steinegger® sz.ch Established: 1984; Chair: Kurt Zibung, Secy: Hans Steinegger, Donops): Anne Marie Duft-Thomer Focus: Arts; Music; Dance; Cin . . . . 12513
Fondation Isabelle Decazes-de Noue, 4 Rue de Saussure, 1211 Genève 11 Focus: Cane 12492
Dulcimer Fondation pour la Musique, c/o Lenz & Staehelin, 25 Grand'Rue, 1204 Genève Focus: Music 12514
Erich Degen-Stiftung an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule, c/o ΕΤΗ Zentrum, Rämistr 101, 8092 Zürich Limitations: Scholarships and grants to students at ΕΤΗ Zürich only Focus: Schol; Eng 12493
Stiftung Case Henry Dunant, Gsteigstr 13, 3132 Riggisberg T: (031) 8092288; Fax: 8093180 Secy: Urs Haldimann Limitations: Local grants only Focus: SocW 12515
Fondation Adem Demaçi, c/o Avni Mazreku, 11 Rue des Alpettes, 1630 Bulle 12494
Sir Oliver Duncan-Stlftung, c/o Dr. E. Tenchio, Obere Plessurstr 36, 7000 Chur Focus: Child 12516
William Demant-Stiftung, c/o Oticon SA, Niklaus Konradstr 18, 4501 Solothum Focus: SocW 12495 Denk an mich, c/o Schweizer Radio DRS, Postfach, 4024 Basel T: (061) 3653255; Fax: 3653250 Established: 1968 Focus: Hand
Denkmal- und Hilfsfonds des GebirgeInfanterie-Regiments 17, c/o Peter Muntwyler, Monbijoustr 30, 3001 Bern Focus: Mon; Milit 12497 Dental hygieneschule Bern, Länggasstr 7, 3012 Bern Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Dent 12498 Stiftung Dessaules, General Dufour-Str 2, 2502 Biel T: (032) 3231765; Fax: 3231736 . . . . 12499 Fondation Deste pour l'Art Comtemporaln, tío Elisabeth Ziegler, 22 Rue Henri Mussard, 1208 Genève Focus: Arts 12500 Antonie Deusser-Stiftung, Schloss Bad Zurzach, 5330 Zurzach Focus: Arts 12501 Deutsche Hochgebirgskilnlk Davos, 7265 Davos-Wolfgang Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Allerg; Reh; Ast 12502 Diana und Orville Stiftung, Gotthardstr 3, 6304 Zug Focus: SocW 12503 Marianne und Curt DIenemann-Stlftung, c/o Imkontext, Dreilindenstr 75, 6006 Luzem Fax: (041) 4208637; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1986; Chair Stadtpräsident Urs W. Studer, Secy: Dr. Karl Bühlmann Focus: Schol; Music; Lit 12504 Fondazione Scuola e Teatro Dlmitrl, c/o Studio Legale Snider, Via Trevani 1, 6600 Locamo T: (091) 7522364; Fax: 7512587 Established: 1980; Chair: Dr. Adrian Klemm Focus: Theat 12505 DOCUMENTA NATURA, Stiftung Bildinformation zur Lage der Natur, Postfach 586, 3000 Bern 9 T: (031) 3029828; Fax: 3055051; E-Mail: inlo@ documenta-nalura.ch; Internet: http y/www.docu men tanatura.ch Established: 1987; Chain Norbert Hochreirtener, Secy: Roger Huber, Donor(s): Elsbeth Kehrer, Christian Muhr Assets: CHF 20.000,-, Receipts: CHF 250.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 250.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Doc; Phot 12506 John W. Doorly-Stfftung, Ummattalstr 98, 8049 Zürich Focus: Rei 12507 Dosenbach-Waser-Stlftung Zug, Seeweg 8. 6330 Cham Τ: (041) 7832747 Established: 1988; Chain Dr. Erich Kalt Assets: CHF 16.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand; Child 12508 Double Incentive Pro|ects international, (formeily: Double Income Projects Foundation Switzerland), c/o PM & W AG, Forchstr 40, 8008 Zürich Τ: (01) 3833352; Fax: 3833577 Established: 1995 Focus: Med; SocW 12509 Fondation Frieda Dressier Genève, 17 Rue Ferdinand-Hodler, 1207 Genève Focus: Ped 12510 OkJrich Dublna-Stiftung, Postfach 21, 8026 Zürich Focus: SocW 12511 Friedrich Durrenmatt-Stiftung, c/o Nobel & Hug, Postfach 1372, 8032 Zürich Focus: Arts; Lit 12512
Fondation Prix Adèle Duttweiler, c/o Soc. Coop. Migros Tessin, 6592 San Antonino T: (091) 8508201; Fax: 8508401 Established: 1973; Chain U.K. Hochstrasser Focus: SocW 12517 Dynamis, Stiftung zur Förderung der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung, c/o Dr. R.C. Salgo, Töbelistr 88, 8635 Dümten Focus: NatS 12518 Fondation Friedrich Eberl (Switzerland), 6bis Chemin du Point-du-Jour, 1202 Genève Τ: (022) 7333450; Fax: 7333545 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: PolS 12519 Fondation Christophe Eckenstein, 24 Rue Rothschild, 1202 Genève T: (022) 9065940 Focus: IntU
Ecole d'ingénieurs de Changlns, 1260 Nyon T: (022) 3634050; Fax: 3613588; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1948; Chair: Eric Beuret, Secy: JeanPhilippe Mayor Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc; Wine; For; Eng 12521 Ecumenical Church Loan Fund, CP 2100, 1211 Genève 2 Τ: (022) 7916312; Fax: 7910361; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1946; Chair: Cees Oskam, Secy: Muhungi F. Kanyoro Receipts: US $ 2.476.270,-, Expenditures: US $ 2.748.100,Focus: Rei 12522 Education - A Swiss Foundation supporting Human Advancement in Latin America, c/o Sankt Galler Hochschulverein, Dufourstr 50, 9000 Sankt Gallen Limitations: Grants in Latin America only Focus: Educ; Dev; Am 12523 Educational Foundation of the International Society of Internal Medicine, c/o Schweiz. Bankverein, Aeschenvorstadt 1, 4002 Basel Focus: Educ; IntM 12524 Hans Eggenberger-Stiftung, 8001 Zürich Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Electron; Med; Horn . , . Franz und Rosemarie Eggenschwiler-Wiggiisttftung, Matte 138a, 4952 Eriswil . . . 12526 Stiftung Egger-Looser, c/o Dr. M. Howald, Holbrigstr 10/0108, 8049 Zürich Focus: Youth
Dr. Margot Egnér-Sttftung, Parkresidenz, Dorfstr 16/41, 8706 Meilen Established: 1983 Limitations: No scholarships or grants. Applications not accepted Focus; Psychol 12528 Eidgenössische Stiftung Kinderhllfswerk Tendol Gyaizur In Tibet, (formerly: Stiftung Kinderhilfswerk Tendol Gyaizur in Tibet), Postfach 131, 8640 Kempraten T: (055) 2101410; Fax: 2110342; Internet: http:// www.homepage.swissonline.ch/gyalzur-tibet Established: 1993; Chain Tendol Gyaizur Limitations: Grants in Tibet only Focus: Child; Orp; As; Dev 12529 Eidgenössische Stiftung zur Förderung Schweizerischer Volkswirtschaft durch wissenschaftliche Forschung, c/o Dr. H.W. Arndt, Tumerstr 14, 8006 Zürich T: (01) 3632429; Fax: 3632465 Established: 1918; Chair Rolf W. Arndt, Secy: Rolf W. Arndt, Donor(s): GEP Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Econ 12530 Eidgenössische Winkelrtedstiftung, Postfach 3944, 6002 Luzem T: (041) 3601977 Established: 1848; Chair P. von Deschwanden. Secy: R. Nussbaumer Assets: CHF 7.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Milit 12531
Switzerland: Eisen-Picard
Paul und Renée Elsen-Picard Stiftung, c/o Dr. T. Burckhardt, Sankt Alban-Graben θ. 4010 Basel Focus: Arts; Lit; Music »2532 Kamillo Elsner-Stlftung, c/o René Becker, Grossmatt 3, 6052 Hergiswil Focus: Med
Lukas Emch-Stlftung, c/o Konservatorium für Musik und Theater, Kramgasse 36, 3011 Bern T: (031) 3116221 Focus: Schoi; Music 12534 Stiftung Martin-Peter Enderiln, c/o Milly Enderlin, Villa Sarona, Rigastr 22-24, 7000 Chur Focus: Cult 12535 Georg Η. Endress-Stlftung, Kägenstr 7, 4153 Reinach Focus: Schoi; Adult; Electron; Elect . . . 12535 Entwicklungsfonds seltene Metalle, c/o Christoph R. Ramstein, Löwenstr 1, 8001 Zürich Focus: Metal 12537 Madeleine und Alberl Erlanger-Wyler-Stlftung, Wettingerwies 2, 6001 Zürich 12538 Hans Erni-Stlltung, Eggen, 6006 Luzem Focus: Arts
Simon Estes International Foundation for Children, Postfach 4068, 8022 Zürich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Child 12540 Esther Foundation, c/o Internationale Treuhand AG, Postfach 317, 4020 Basel 12541 Eulenpark Stiftung, Hasenrainstr 65, 4102 Binningen T: (061) 3839722; Internet: http://wvw.DasNetz.ch Established: 1995; Chair: Dr. Pierre Joset, Secy: Lucius Werthmüller Focus: Ther 12542 Euronco Stiftung, c/o Dr. Peter Duft, Bleicherweg 45, 8002 Züiich 12543 Europäische Pfadfinderstiftung, tío Arthur Eugster, Spiltrücklistr 3, 9011 Sankt Gallen Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Youth 12544 Europäische Stiftung für Interdisziplinäre Studien, Forchstr 106, 8032 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Res; Eur 12545 Europäischer Landsfonds, Postfach, 4004 Basel Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Agrie 12546 Europäisches Tierhilfswerk-Stiftung, Postfach 775, 8953 Dietikon Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: AnimP 12547 European Foundation for the Advancement Of Medicine, Steinengraben 28, 4051 Basel Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Med; Health; Eur 12546 European Health Management Forum, Bonmont, 1275 Chéserex Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Health; Eur
12532 - 12622
European Magnetic Resonance Forum Foundation, Postfach 1235, 6648 Minuslo T: (079) 2108133; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.emrf.org Established: 1982; Chair: Prof. Dr. Peter A. Rinck Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Med; Educ 12550 Evanaid Stiftung, c/o Dr. Ulrich Gadient, Werkstr 2, 7000 Chur Focus: SocW 12551 Experiment für eine humane Erde, Stiftung für Kultur und Forschung, c/o OBT Treuhand AG, Bahnhofstr 3, 8570 Weinfelden Focus: Cult; Res T2552 FASI-Stlftung, Marktgasse 55, 3000 Bern 7 Focus: Ins 12553 Heinrich Federer-Stlftung, c/o Erziehungsdep. des Kantons Obwalden, Postfach 171, 6060 Samen Focus: Arts; Scie; Cult 12554 Fidea Foundation, Lowenstr 25, 6001 Zurich Focus: Dev; Wat; Agrie 12555 Stiftung der Familie von Fischer (von Reichenbach), c/o von Fischer, von Grafenried, Stettier & Cie AG, Bundesgasse 26, 3011 Bern Focus: Fam 12556 Fondazione Erika Flssmer, Via del Sole 43d, 6600 Mu rallo Τ: (091) 7434555; Fax: 7433860 Focus: SocW 12557 Fondation Aide aux Enfants du Tiers Monde, CP 5143, 1211 Genève 11 Τ: (022) 8101616; Fax: 3102524; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Child 12558 Fondation AIH pour l'Avenir, c/o Horwath Revision, Postfach, 8039 Zürich Focus: Voc 12559
Fondation Alliance Arménienne, 4 Cour des Bastions, 1205 Genève Limitations: Grants to Armenians only Focus: SocW 12560 Fondation Antenna Internationale, 2d Rue de Neuchâtel, 1201 Genève Τ: (022) 7311034; Fax: 7319786; E-Mail: antenna, geneve θ wortdcom, ch Established: 1984; Chair Dr. D. von der Weis, Secy: Dr. J. FaJquet, Donor(s): Dr. D. von der Weis Receipts: US $ 250.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 250.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: HumR 12561 Fondation Armenla, tío H. Tellalian, 1 Rue Maiignac, 1206 Genève Limitations: Grants to Armenia only Focus: SocW; As 12562 Fondation Auxiliaire de l'Institut de Droit International, Bâumleingasse 22, 4001 Basel Focus: Law 12563 Fondation Bona Terra, 5 Rue des Granges, 1204 Genève Focus: Voc; Agrie 12564 Fondation Caisse de Secours de l'Association Suisse des Musiciens, c/o Association Suisse des Musiciens, CP 177, 1000 Lausanne 13 T: (021) 6143290; Fax: 6143299; E-Mail: asm· [email protected] Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW; Music 12565 Fondation Centre de Coopération Technique et de Recherche pour l'Éducation des Travailleurs dans les Pays en Vole de Développement, Zürich: defunct . . . . 12566 Fondation Centre FAME pour la Gestion de Patrimoine et l'Ingénierie Financière, CP 5543, 1211 Genève 11 T: (022) 3120961; Fax: 3121026; E-Mail: admin® fame.ch; Internet: http://www.fame.ch Focus: Fin 12567 Fondation Centres Bibliques - Support International, 4 Chemin du Grammont, 1025 Saint-Sulpice T: (021) 6913136; Fax: 6913136; E-Mail: pepfister© swissonline.ch Established: 1992; Secy: Pierre-Etienne Pfister, Anne-Claude Pfister Limitations: Grants in Switzerland and internationally Focus: Rei 12568 Fondation CIOMAL, 3 PI Edouard-Claparède, 1205 Genève 12569 Fondation Coeur Artificiel, c/o Oberson, CP 280, 1211 Genève 12 Focus: Card 12570 Fondation Concorde Internationale, do Marc Antoine Pürro, 10 Rue Saint-Pierre, 1701 Fribourg Limitations: Grants internationally . . . . 12571 Fondation Culturelle Kurde, (Kurdish Cultural Foundation), c/o Roland Rochat, 11 PI SaintFrançois, 1000 Lausanne Limitations: Grants to Kurds only Focus: Cult 12572 Fondation de Formation Continue pour le Cinéma et 1'Audlovlsuel, 2 Rue Maupas, 1004 Lausanne T: (021) 3126817; Fax: 3235945; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1990, Chair Corinne Siegrist· Oboussier, Secy: Pierre Agthe Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Cin; Voc 12573 Fondation de la Cinémathèque Suisse, CP 2512, 1002 Lausanne T: (021) 3310101; Fax: 3204888 Established: 1948; Chair Hervé Dumont Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Cin 12574 Fondation de la Santé et des Droits de l'Homme, 27 Rue de Lausanne, 1211 Geneve 2 Focus: Health; HumR 12575 Fondation de la Vocation, CP 5254, 1211 Genève 11 Focus: Youth 12576 Fondation de l'Ecole Internationale de Genève, 62 Rte de Chêne, 1208 Genève Focus: Educ
Fondation de l'Ecoie Suisse d'Archéologie e n Grèce, tío Institut d'Archéologie et d'Histoire Ancienne, Faculté des Lettres, Université de Lausanne, BFSH II, 1015 Lausanne T: (021) 6923041; Fax: 6923035; E-Mail: pierre-ducrey @ iaha.unil.ch Established: 1983; Chair: François Jeanneret, Secy: Pierre Ducrey Receipts: CHF 100.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 100.000,· Focus: Archeo 12578 Fondation de l'Institut Ecopian pour l'Analyse, la Planlficaton et la Gestion de l'Environnement, 71 Av Louis Casa?, 1216 Genève Focus; Bus 12579
Fondation d'Entraide Bouddhique Internationale, tío Pascal Gay, Chemin de la Guéta, 1073 La Claie-aux-Moines Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Rei 12580 Fondation des Immeubles pour les Organisations Internationales, CP 13, 1211 Genève 20 Established: 1964; Chair L. Moutinot, Secy: P. Gilliot, Donops): confederation.suissedcanton-degeneve.ch Focus: Build 12581 Fondation DSR, CP 2203, 1110 Morges 2 T: (021) 8045555; Fax: 8045500; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet http:Aww.dsr.ch Established: 1916; Chair Philippe Zeller, Secy: Jacques Gutgnard Assets: CHF 8.594.000,·, Receipts: CHF 117.412.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 115.960.000,Focus: SocW 12582 Fondation du Comité Olympique Suisse, Basel: defunct 12583 Fondation du Journal Le Fourrier Suisse, tío M.D. Volpar, 19 Chaugand, 1066 Epalinges Focus: Pubi; Media 12584 Fondation du Léman, CP 296, 1211 Genève 12 Limitations: Regional grants only . . . . 12585
Fondation Entraide Fraternelle, c/o Darier, Hentsch & Cie, 2-4 Rue de Saussure, 1204 Genève Focus: SocW 12600 Fondation Européenne Solidarité avec les Avocats Polonais, Palais de Justice, PI du Bourg de Four, 1204 Genève Limitations: Grants to Polish lawyers only Focus: Law; East 12601 Fondation FITPASC, 17 Rue Necker, 1201 Genève Donors): Fédération Internationale des Travailleurs des Plantations et de l'Agriculture Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Agrie 12602 Fondation Foods de Secours des Soldats Jurasseins, 1 Le Genevier, 2950 Courgeney Limitations: Grants in the canton of Jura only Focus: Milit 12603 Fondation Forum Suisse pour l'Etude des Migrations, CP 447, 2001 Neuchátel Τ: (032) 7183920; Fax: 7183921; E-Mail: secretariat.fsm ©fsm.unine.ch Established: 1995; Secy: Dr. Sandro Cattacin Focus: SocS 12604 Fondation Humanisme et Développement, c/o O. Bregy, CP 622, 1211 Genève 4 Focus; SocW 12605
Fondation du Musée International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, 17 Av de la Paix, 1202 Genève T: (022) 7345248; Fax: 7345723 Established: 1988; Chair Jean Pierre Hocké, Secy: Christine Müller, Donor(s): Laurent Marti Focus: SocW 12586
Fondation Initiative Russe pour la Culture, c/o S.G. Falalen, CP 169, 1211 Genève 12 Limitations: Grants in Russia only Focus: Cult; East 12606
Fondation du Musée National Suisse de l'Audiovisuel, 76 Av de Chillón, 1820 Montreux Focus: Cin; Media 12587
Fondation Institut International de Recherche en Paraplégie, c/o Banque Pictet & Cie, CP 5130, 1211 Genève 11 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Neun Res 12608
Fondation du Musée Suisse de l'Appareil Photographique de Vevey, 6 Ruelle de AnciensFossés. 1800 Vevey T: (021) 9252140; Fax: 9216458 Established: 1991; Chair: Eric Rochat, Secy: Pascale Bonnard Yersin, Jean-Marc Bonnard Yersin Focus: Phot 12588 Fondatton du Prix International de Composition Musicale Reine Marie-José, CP 19, 1252 Meinier T: (022) 7087287; Internet: http://www.mns.unige.clV prixrmj/ Established: 1960 Focus: Music 12589 Fondation du Sanatorium Universitaire Suisse, Berglistr 1, 8703 Erfenbach Focus: Tub
Fondatton du Scoutisme Mondial, CP 241, 1211 Genève 4 Τ: (022) 7051090; Fax: 7051099; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.scout.org/ Established: 1969 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Youth 12591
Fondation Institut CFH, CP 371, 1001 Lausanne Focus: Voc; Bus; CommT 12607
Fondation Institut Suisse des Vitamines, 155 Chemin des Boveresses, 1066 Epalinges Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Food 12609 Fondation Internationale Pénale et Pénitentiaire, tío Prof. P.-H. Bolle, Université, 26 Av du ter-Mars, 2000 Neuchâtel T: (032) 7181275 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Crim; Law; Pris 12610 Fondation Internationale pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme, c/o F. Bianchi, 14 Rue Margencel, 1860 Aigle T: (024) 4661144/45; Fax: 4664606 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: HumR 12611 Fondation Internationale pour la Santé Mentale et lea Neurosciences, tío Fiduciaire Verifid S.A., CP 3762, 1211 Genève 3 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Neur 12612
Fondation Educare, c/o Dr. Zoifer, Aipenstr 14, 6300 Zug Focus: Educ; SocW 12592
Fondation Internationale pour la Sauvegarde de la Faune, tío J.-A. Andrey, 1 Rue Hans-Fries, 1701 Fribourg Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: AnimP 12613
Fondation Emergency Ufe Support for Eivllian War Victims, c/o Lapp & Gegante, 9 Rue de Candolle, 1205 Genève Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Warv 12593
Fondation Internationale pour le Déveioppment des Echanges Culturels et Economiques, 15 Rue des Voisins, 1205 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Cult; Econ; IntU 12614
Fondation en Faveur de la Maison Suisse de Retraite à Issy-les-Moulineaux, tío Banque Landolt & Cie, 1002 Lausanne Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 12594
Fondation Internationale pour les Personnes Handicapées IDF, 9 Av Joli-Mont, 1209 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Hand 12615
Fondation en Faveur de la Société Helvétique de Bienfaisance de Paris, c/o Fudiciaire GEFID, 17 Rue du Château, 2034 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW
Fondation en Faveur de l'Art Choréographique, 6 Av Bergières, 1004 T: (021) 6432405; Fax: 6432409; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.prixdelausanne.ch Established: 1972; Chair Franz Blankart, Secy: Patricia Leroy, Donops): Philippe Braunschweig Focus: Dance 12596 Fondation en Faveur de l'Hôspttal Suisse de Paris, c/o M. J. Bridel, 1 Ch de Mézery, 7008 Jouxtens Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Cult 12597 Fondation en Faveur des Enfants d'Usthl A.L.M., tío S.D. Bullían! SA, 6 Rue Saint-Pierre, 1700 Fribourg Focus: Child 12598 Fondation en Faveur d'Etudiants Croates, 1 Rue Saint-Horwré, 2000 Neuchâtel Limitations: Scholarships to Croatian students only Focus: Schoi 12599
Fondation IRU des Transports Routiers, 14 Rue du Conseil Général, 1204 Genève Focus: Traf 12616 Fondation Kiwanis Stiftung, District SuisseLiechtenstein, c/o Fidimag Trust Company Ltd., Wettsteinallee 141, 4056 Basel Established: 1994 Focus: Cult; SocS 12617 Fondation KW, KW-Stiftung für internationale Zusammenarbeit, tío J. Knopfe!, 7 PI de la Fusterie, 1211 Genève 3 Τ: (022) 3106975; Fax: 3103064 Focus: Scie; Res 12618 Fondation La Tène, c/o Musée Cantonal d'Archéologie, 7 Av du Peyrou, 2000 Neuchâtel T: (032) 8896910; Fax: 8896286 Focus: Archeo Í26ÍS Fondation L'Amour de Vivre, 3 Chemin de Grésy, 1012 Lausanne Focus: Child 12620 Fondation Lancaster, tío F, Chaudet, 2 PI Benjamin-Constant, 1002 Lausanne Focus: Med; Nurs 12621 Fondation l'Estrée, Espace Culturel, 1088 Ropraz T: (021) 9031173; Fax: 9031173 Established: 1994; Chair Alain Gilléron, Secy: Christophe Balissat, Donor(s): Alain Gilléron Focus: Cult 12622
12623 -12703
Fondation L'Homme Vivant, 8 Chemin Renetta, 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne Focus: SocS 12623 Fondation Littéraire et Culturelle Polonaise, c/o Etude de Week, Gendre & Kaolin, CP 391, 1701 Fribourg Focus: Lit; Cult; East 12624 Fondation L'Observatoire de la Finance, 4 Pi Notre Dame, 1700 Fribourg Focus: Fin 12625 Fondation Lumen, c/o Dorio Mutti, 22 Αν de l'Amandolier, 1208 Genève Focus: Ecol 12626 Fondation Lumière, Vie, Amour, 3 Chemin de Grésy, 1012 Lausanne Focus: Child 12627 Fondation Mail-Mali, c/o ESRN, CP 1636, 2002 Neuchâtel Focus: Dev 12828 Fondation Mentor, 106 Rte de Ferney, 1202 Genève T: (022) 9160940; Fax: 9180950; E-Mail: sec retanat ® mentorlou ndati ο η .0 rg; Internet: http:// www.mentortoundation.org Established: 1994; Chair Henri Prince de Luxembourg, Secy: Michael Whitlam, Donor(s): J. Christer Elfverson Focus: Youth; Drug 12629 Fondation Mondiale de l'Institut de la Vie, c/o Crédit Suisse, 1211 Genève 2 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocS 12630 Fondation Mondiale INSEAD, 6 Rue Eynard, 1205 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocS 12631 Fondation Mondiale Recherche et Prévention SIDA, 4 PI Notre Dame, 1702 Fribourg Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: AIDS 12632 Fondation Mondiale SIDA, c/o Lenz & Staehelin, 25 Grand-Rue, 1211 Genève 11 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: AIDS 12633 Fondation Monténégrov pour un Premier Etat Ecologique, c/o Burgy & Fontanel, 30 Blvd Helvétique, 1207 Genève Limitations: Grants in Montenegro only Focus: Ecol; Dev; East 12634 Fondation ODEON, c/o Fiduciaire Valinter S.A., CP 249, 1211 Genève 4 Focus: SocW 12635 Fondation ORT, c/o B. de Week, CP 391, 1701 Fribourg Focus: Voc 12636 Fondation pour Genève, 22 Rue EtienneDumont, 1204 Genève Limitations: Grants in Genève only Focus: Cult; Arts; Scie; SocW 12637 Fondation pour la Conservation de la Biodiverlté dans les Carpathes Orientales, c/o E. Demierre, 8 Cour des Bastions, 1205 Genève Limitations: Grants in Romania only Focus: Ecol; East 12638 Fondation pour la Diffusion de la Musique, CP 198, 2006 Neuchâtel 6 T: (032) 7305318; Fax: 7305318 Chair Denise Perret Focus: Music 12639 Fondation pour la Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, CP 372, 1211 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocW 12640 Fondation pour la Promotion et le , Développement du Hockey sur Gazon, c/o O.F.I.S.A., CP 3453, 1002 Lausanne Focus: Sports
Fondation pour la Sauvegarde des Monuments Arméniens, c/o Vahé Gabrache, 17 Chemin du Champ-de-Blé, 1292 Pregny-Chambésy Limitations: Grants in Armenia only Focus: Mon; As 12642 Fondation pour la Science et la Culture, c/o Schellenberg & Haissly, 4 PI Neuve, 1211 Genève 11 Focus: Scie; Cult 12643 Fondation pour l'Academle Internationale de l'EnvIronement, 4 Ch de Conches, 1231 Conches Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ecol 12644 Fondation pour l'Art et la Culture, 2 Rue Saint-Pierre, 1003 Lausanne Focus: Arts; Cult 12645 Fondation pour le Kosovo, CP 6376, 1211 Genève 6 Limitations: Grants in Kosovo only Focus: SocW; East 12646
Fondation pour le Lexicon Iconographlcum Mythologie« Classlcae, Postfach 614, 4001 Basel Τ: (061) 2617573; Fax: 2617570 Established: 1972; Chair Prof. Vassiiis Lambrinoudakis, Secy: Prof. Jean Ch. Baity, Donops): Prof. Lilly Kahil Focus: Lit 12647 Fondation pour l'Economie et le Développement Durable des Réglons d'Europe, 12 Rue de l'Arquebuse, 1204 Genève T: (022) 8071715; Fax: 8071718; Internet: http:// www.fedre.onji' Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Econ; Eur 12648 Fondation pour les Arts de l'Economie Suisse, c/o ASM, CP 177, 1000 Lausanne 13 T: (021) 6143290; Fax: 6143299; E-Mail: asmstvèspan.ch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Music 12649 Fondation pour les Bourses d'Etudes ItaloSuisses, CP 3373, 1002 Lausanne Focus: Schol; Cuit 12650 Fondation pour les Cours Préparatoires aux Etudes Universitaires en Suisse, 1 Rte du Jura, 1700 Fribourg T: (026) 3227623; Fax: 3226703 Secy: Dr. B, Behr Limitations: Scholarships in Switzerland only Focus: Schol 12651 Fondation pour l'Etude des Relations Internationales en Suisse, c/o Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, CP 36, 1211 Genève 21 T: (022) 7311730; Fax: 7384306; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://heiwww.unige.ch Established: 1927; Chair Prof. Peter Tschopp, Secy: Luc Heimendinger, Donops): Prof. William Rappard Receipts: CHF 12.000.000,-, Expenditures: CH F 12.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hist; PolS; Law; Econ 12652 Fondation pour l'Histoire des Suisses à l'Etranger, Château de Penthes, 18 Chemin de l'Impératrice, 1292 Pregny-Chambésy T: (022) 7349021; Fax: 7344740 Focus: Hist 12653 Fondation pour l'Initiative Culturelle Russe, cfo S.G. Fafalen, CP 169, 1211 Genève 12 Limitations: Grants in Russia only Focus: Cult; East 12654 Fondation pour un Centre d'Etudes Pratiques de la Négociation Internationale, CP 1340, 1211 Genève T: (022) 7308660; Fax; 7308690; E-Mail: casinfoëcasin.ch; Internet: http://www.casin.ch Established: 1979; Chair Jacques Moreillon, Secy: Jean F. Freymond Receipts: US $ 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 1.500.000.Limitations: No grants Focus: CommT; IntU 12655 Fondation Princesse Margarita de Roumanie, CP 545, 1290 Versoix Limitations: Grants in Romania only Focus: Dev; Health; Educ; Cult; East . . 12656 Fondation Pro Artisanat, c/o Willy Müller, Lôwenstr 17, 8023 Zurich Focus: Voc; CommT 12657 Fondation Pro Aventlco, CP 237, 1580 Avenches T: (026) 6751730; Fax: 6755224 . . . . 12658 Fondation Pro Puerls, 11 Rue de Comavin, 1201 Genève Focus: Youth 12659 Fondation Pro Vallon, tío Département des Affaires Culturelles, 1 Rue de l'Hôpital, 1700 Fribourg T: (026) 3051281; Fax: 3051214; E-Mail: berge rgô etatfr.ch; Internet: http://www.pro-vallon.ch Established: 1995; Chair Augustin Macheret, Secy: Carmen Buchillier, Donops): Confédération Suisse, Etat de Fribourg, Commune de Vallon, Commission UNESCO Focus: Archeo 12660 Fondation Pro Vlctimls, CP 3551, 1211 Genève Focus: SocW 12661 Fondation Project HOPE, Chemin de la Mine, 1261 Longirod T: (022) 3681020; Fax: 3681021; E-Mail: 101726.17470compuserve.com Established: 1992; Char Friedrich Sauerlânder, Secy: Karin Hagemann Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: AIDS; Afr As; Drug; EpkJ; Educ; Worn; Hemat; Card; East; Ped; Pharm; Psychia; Rad; Dent 12662 Fondation RAFAD, 1 Rue de Varembé, 1202 T: (022) 7335073; Fax: 7347083 Focus: Rn
Fondation Resurrexlt, c/o J. Mertt, CP 5556, 1211 Genève 11 Focus: SocW 12664
Fondation Romandle, Svizzera Italiana e Retoromanla pour le Rapprochement des Minorités Latines, CP 141, 1213 Petit-Lancy 1 Focus: Schol 12665 Fondation S A S des Schweizerischen Akademischen Skiclubs, c/o Dr. H. Nater, Birkenweg 3, 8702 Zollikon Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Sports 12666 Fondation Science et Conscience de l'Homme, tío H.-P. Sambuc, 11 Αν Antoinette, 1234 Vessy Focus: SocS 12667 Fondation Select, CP 136, 1000 Lausanne 3 T: (021) 6141604; Fax: 6171409; E-Mail: info® photo.ch Established: 1988; Donor(s): F.J. Burrus SA Focus: Phot 12668 Fondation Sentinelles au Secours de l'Innocence Meurtrie, 10 Chemin du Languedoc, 1007 Lausanne Focus: SocW 12669 Fondation Sommet Mondial des Femmes, (Women's World Summit Foundation), CP 2001, 1211 Genève 1 T: (022) 7386619; Fax: 7388248; Internet: httpjl www.woman.ch Established: 1991; Chair: Elly Pradervand Receipts: US $ 200.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 200.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Worn; Child 12670 Fondation Sophia pour la Recherche et la Formation en Sophrologie et pour le Développement de la Prévention des Toxicomanies, tío Dr. Raymond Abrezol, 50 Av de la Gare, 1003 Lausanne T: (021) 31279; Fax: 31279 Focus: Ther 12671 Fondation Sport, Science et Santé, tío CCC, 11 Chemin du Pré-de-la Tour, 1009 Pully Focus: Sports; Scie; Hearth 12672 Fondation SUISA pour la Musique, 22 Rue de l'Hôpital, 2001 Neuchâtel T: (032) 7252536; Fax: 7240472; Internet: http:// www.fondation-suisa.ch Established: 1989; Chair. Jean Balissat, Secy: Claude Delley Focus: Music 12673 Fondation Suisse de Bond Offices, CP 2154, 1002 Lausanne Focus: Peace 12674 Fondation Suisse du Service Social International, 10 Rue Alfred-Vincent, 1201 Genève T: (022) 7316700; Fax: 7316765; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Secy: Rolf Widmer Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocW 12675 Fondation Suisse pour la Dendrologie, tío Hugues Vaucher, 2a Ch du Pavillon, 2502 Bienne T: (032) 3235148; Fax: 3235148; Internet: http:// www.dendrologie.ch Limitations: Grants in Sitzerland only Focus: Bot 12676 Fondation Suisse pour la Promotion de la Santé, CP 670, 1001 Lausanne T: (021) 3451515; Fax: 3451545; E-Mail: office® healthprom.ch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Heafth 12677 Fondation Suisse pour la Recherche en Microtechnique, CP 20, 2007 Neuchâtel T: (032) 7200900; Fax: 7200990; E-Mail: fsRMÔ fSRM.ch Established: 1978; Chair: Antonio Taormina, Secy: Marcel Ecabert, Donor(s): Swiss Federai goverment and Swiss cantons Assets: CHF 180.000,Umrtations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Eng 12678 Fondation Suisse pour la Santé Mondiale, tío Dr. C. Petitpierre, 19 Rte de Rennex, 1294 Genthod Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Health 12679 Fondation Suisse pour les Téléthèses, CP, 2006 Neuchâtel 6 T: (032) 7329777; Fax: 7305863; E-Mail: info© fsl.ch Established: 1982; Chair Dr. Guido A. Zàch, Secy: Jean-Claude Gabus, Donor(s): Swiss Paraplegic Foundation; Swiss Spastic Society Assets: CHF 50.000,·, Receipts: CHF 3.500.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 3.500.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand 12660 Fondation TELETHON Action Suisse, CP 179, 1170 Aubonrte T: (021) 8088877; Fax: 80808111; E-Mail: info© teiethon.ch; Internet: http://www.telettion.cfi Established: 1995; Chair Yves Bozzio, Secy: lilo Piguet, Donor(s): Association Suisse contre la Myopathie, Fondation Suisse de Recherche sur les Maladies Musculaires Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Genet; Med; Res 12681
Switzerland: Fondazione
Fondation Terre des Hommes, CP 912,1000 Lausanne 9 Τ: (021) 6536666; Fax: 6536677 Established: 1960; Chair: Heini Hertacti, Secy: F. Droz, M. Hoffmann, C. Schmocker, Donorjs): Edmond Kaiser Receipts: CHF 30.000.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 30.000.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocW 12682 Fondation Tour du Valat pour l'Etude et la Conservation de la Nature, c/o Scobag AG, Henric-Petri-Str 35, 4010 Basel Focus: Ecol 12683 Fondation Union Internationale des Avocats, Bern: defunct 12684 Fondation Vaudolse pour le Cinéma, CP 2727, 1002 Lausanne T: (021) 3211500; Fax: 3211509 Established: 1987 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Vaud only Focus: Cin 12685 Fondation ZERI, 10 Rue Saint-Victor, 1206 Genève Focus; Eng 12686 Fondazione A.L.A. per l'Aiuto Umanitario, c/o Claudio Dolina. Via al Bosco 5, 6942 Crocifisso Focus: SocW 12667 Fondazione Bambini Cardiopatici nel Mondo, Via Tesserete 48, 6903 Lugano Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Ped; Card 12688 Fondazione Centro Agra, Casa Roccolo, 6927 Agra T: (091) 9942552; Fax: 9948671; E-Mail: frm@ luganet.ch Established: 1988; Chair Werner Caluori Focus: Agrie 12689 Fondazione Centro di Incontri Umani, Via Signor in Croce 9, 6612 Ascona Focus: SocS; Rei; Educ 12690 Fondazione Cornei per l'Umanesimo Medico Integrale, tío istituto Comelliana, Via Boggia 10, 6900 Paradiso T: (091) 9946261 Focus: Med 12691 Fondazione del Centenario della Banca della Svizzera Italiana, Via Magatti 2, 6901 Lugano T: (091) 8093288; Fax: 8094050 Limitations: Grants in the Italian speaking region of Switzerland only 12692 Fondazione della Svizzera Italiana per la Ricerca Scientifica e gli Studi Universitari, Via Campo Marzio 1, 6906 Lugano T: (091) 9710918; Fax: 9701264 Established: 1979; Chair: Enzio Bertola, Donor(s): Gruppo di Lavoro Ticino-Università Limitations: Grants in the Italian speaking region of Switzerland only Focus: Schol; Scie 12693 Fondazione Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera, Via Foce 1, 6906 Lugano T: (091) 9726521; Fax: 9726169; Internet: http il www.snsa.ch Established: 1987; Chair: Antonio Riva, Secy; Pio Pellizzari, Donops): Città di Lugano, Cantone Ticino, Schweiz. Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Schweiz. Gesellschaft für die Rechte der Urheber musikalischer Werke, Schweiz. Interpretengesellschaft, IFPI Schweiz Receipts: CHF 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Music 12694 Fondazione istituto Ricerche Solari, Via Patocchi, 6605 Locamo Focus: Astron 12695 Fondazione Klnderpenny, c/o Studio Legale item & Jelmini, Via Peri 9a, 6900 Lugano Focus: Child 12696 Fondazione La Nostra Famiglia, tío Verena Lardi, CP 3039, 6901 Lugano Focus: SocW 12697 Fondazione Monteclnema verità, CP 3249. 6901 Lugano Focus: Cin 12698 Fondazione Opera Don Bosco per Paesi in Via di Sviluppo, V.L. Lavizzari 18, 6900 Lugano Focus: SocW 12699 Fondazione per I Bambini del Polo Nord, Piazzetta S. Carlo 2 , 6900 Lugano Focus: Ped 12700 Fondazione per i Bambini del Sakha, Via Vanoni 2, 6900 Lugano Focus: Child 1270f Fondazione per la Ricerca sulla Trasfusione e sul Trapianti, c/o Mario Bonadori, Corso Elvezia 4, 6900 Lugano Focus: Hemat 12702 Fondazione per l'Istituto di Ricerca di Blomedlclna, c/o Prof. G. Noseda, Viale Officina 3, 6500 Bellinzona Focus: Med 12703
Switzerland: Fondazione
Fondazione Pro Marignano, Postfach, 5200 Windisch Focus: Mon 12704 Fondazione Pro San Gottardo, c/o Museo Nazionale del San Gottardo Vecchia, Sosta, 6781 San Gottardo T: (091) 8691525 Limitations: Local Grants Focus: Ecol 12705 Fondazione R.R per l'Aiuto Umanitario, c/o G. Cattaneo, Via S. Balestra 17, 6900 Lugano Focus: SocW 12706 Fondazione San Salvatore, c/o BSI-Banca della Svizzera Italiana, Via Magatti 2, 6901 Lugano Focus: Sciìol 12707 Fondazione Santa Lucia, CP 264, 6908 Massagno Focus: Dev
12704 - 12797
Fondazione Scuola Europea di Oncologia, Via Nassa 40, 6900 Lugano Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Educ; Care 12709 Fondazione Società Svizzera di Beneficenza in Milano, Via del Sole 16a, 6600 Muralto Limitations: Grants in Milano only Focus: SocW 12710 Fondazione Sogno di Vita, c/o Johanna Thuillard Neff, Casa degli Otto Venti, 6652 Tegna Focus: SocW 12711 Fondazione Suore Scolastiche di Nostra Signora, c/o Fabio Soldati, Via Pretorio 7, 6900 Lugano T: (091) 9235471; Fax: 9233873 Focus: Educ 12712 Fondazione Svizzera Madagascar, c/o Dr. G. Solari, Via E. Bossi 9, 6900 Lugano Limitations: Grants in Madagascar only Focus: Dev; Afr 12713 Fondazione University of Philosophy, c/o Mariella Arnold), Via Mondadiscio 1, 6962 Agno Focus: Phil 12714 Fonds Cantonal de Décoration et d'Art Visuel, c/o Département des Travaux Publics et de l'Energie, 3 Sentier des Saules, 1205 Genève T: (022) 3274747; Fax: 3275088 Established: 1949 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Genève only Focus: Arts 12715 Fonds Chocosuisse, Postfach, 3000 Bern 7 Focus: SocW 12716 Fonds d'Art Contemporain de la Ville de Genève, 10 Rue des Vieux Grenadiers, 1205 Genève T: (022) 3202412; Fax: 3202413; E-Mail: Valerie. [email protected]_ge.ch Established: 1950; Secy: Valérie Muller Limitations: Grants in Genève only Focus: Arts; Archit; Town 12717 Fonds de Roulement SWE, Mabsburgerstr 20, 6003 Luzem T: (041) 2108850; Fax: 2108750; E-Mail: info®swewohnen.ch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hous 12718 Fonds de Secours de la Société Hélvétique de Bienfaisance de Paris, c/o Fiduciaire Geñd, 17 Rue du Château, 2034 Peseux Focus: SocW 12719 Fonds de Solidarité pour la Libération Sociale dans le Tiers-Monde, Postfach, 8031 Zürich Τ: (01) 2726037; Fax: 2721118; E-Mail: mail© solifonds.ch; Internet: http://www.solifonds.ch Established: 1983 Assets: CHF 60.000,-, Receipts: CHF 500.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 500,000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: HumR; Trade; Dev 12720 Fonds der Lions-Clubs des Multi-Districts 102, Via del Tiglio 11, 6512 Giubiasco Focus: SocW 12721 Fonds du Centeaire de la FUACE, Investir dans l'Avenir, 5 Rue des Morillons, 1216 GrandSaconnex Focus: Schol 12722 Fonds du Jubilé de la Société Suisse de Radiologie, c/o Dr. M.A. Hopf, 1 Rte de Florissant, 1206 Genève T: (022) 3472547 Established: 1945; Chair: Dr. M.A. Hopf Focus: Rad 12723 Fonds für Entwicklung und Partnerschaft In Afrika, Postfach 151, 4005 Basel T: (061) 6917516; Fax: 6917516 Established: 1961 Receipts: CHF 150.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 150.000,Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Dev; Afr 12724 Fonds für Internationale Selbsthilfe, Sielva, 7536 Santa Maria Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocW 12725
Fonds für Landwirtschaftliches Bildungewesen des Schweizerischen Landwirtschaftlichen Vereins, Eschikon 28, 8315 Lindau Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc; Agrie 12726 Fonds für Weiterbildung®- und soziate Zwecke, c/o Schweiz. Bankpersonalvertwnd, Monbijoustr 61, 3001 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW; Voc 12727 Fonds Landschaft Schweiz, Thunstr 36, 3005 Bern Τ: (031) 3517181; Fax: 3517184; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet http://www.fls-fsp.ch Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ecol; Landsc 12728 Fonds Scientifique Cardlovasculalre, c/o Β. de Weck, CP 391, 1701 Fribourg Focus: Card 12729 Fonds Suisse pour des Bourses Musicales, do AMS, CP 177, 1000 Lausanne 13 T: (021) 6143290; Fax: 6143299; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations; Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Music 12730 Fonds zur Förderung des Jugendschachs In der Schweiz, Postfach 10, 8070 Zürich T: (01) 3332119; Fax: 3332923; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1974; Chair: Dr. William Wirft, Secy: Dr. William Wirth, Donor(s): Alois Nagler, Ulrich Moser, Kurt Riethmann Assets: CHF 250.000,-, Receipts: CHF 50.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 50.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Youth; Sports 12731 Kurl Fonthelm-Stfftung, c/o Dr. Hans Straub, Postfach 457, 6300 Zug Focus: Youth 12732 Elisabeth Forterg-Stiftung, Höhestr 60, 6702 Zollikon T: (01) 391Θ436 Focus: Arts; Child; Orp 12733 Forschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Tiefenpsychologie nach Carl Gustav Jung und Marie-Louise von Franz, Münsterhof 16, 8001 Zürich Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Psychol 12734 The Forum Engelberg Prize Award Foundation, do Stiftung Technopark Zürich, Technoparkstr 1, 8005 Zürich Focus: Eng 12735 Forum Mondial pour la Recherche en Santé, c/o Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, 20 Αν Appia, 1211 Genève 27 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Health 12736 The Foundation for Environmental Conservation, 7 Chemin Tavemey, 1218 GrandSaconnex T: (022) 7982383/64; Fax: 7982344 Established; 1975; Chair Prof, Nicholas Polumin, Donor(s): IUCN, WWF International, Prof. Dr. Nicholas Polumin Receipts: CHF 100.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 100.000,Focus: Ecol 12737
Stiftung Willy Fries, Eichhofstr 6, 9630 Wattwil T: (071) 9884938 12746 Fürsorgestiftung des CMV/FCOM, c/o Christlicher Chemie-, Textil-, PapierPersonatverband, Rotwandstr 50, 8004 Zürich Focus: Trade 12747 Fürsorgestiftung des Schweizerischen Lfthographenbundes, Postfach, 3000 Bern 25 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12746 Fürsorgesttftung für Christliche Wissenschaftler, Meriuirstr 2-4, 8032 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12749 Fundación para los Indios, Grossacker 46, 6152 Opfikon Limitations: Grants to Indios in Latin America only Focus: Dev; Am 12750 Fundaziun Cultúrela d'Engiadlna, c/o J. Punter, Via Dimlej 12-14, 7500 Sankt Moritz Limitations: Grants in the region of Engadin only Focus: Cult 12751
Robert Gnehm-Stlftung an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, 8092 Zürich Focus: Schol; Chem; Uni 12771 Emst Göhner-Stiftung Zug, Dufourstr 31, 8032 Zürich T: (01) 2516691 Focus: Schol; Ecol; AnimP 12772 Goethe-Stiftung für Kunst und Wissensehaft, Bleicherweg 16, 8002 Zürich T: (01) 2051424; Fax: 2051429 Established: 1944; Chair: Dr. Dieter Bührle, Secy: Christian Bührle, Donops): Emil G. Bührle Assets: CHF 2.000.000,Focus: Arts; Scie 12773 Goldene Tage Sapporo 1972, c/o Gregor Furrer & Partner Holding, Ruessenstr 6, 6341 Baar Focus: Sports 12774 Heinz Goldmann International Foundation for Executive Communications, 141 Rte de Chêne, 1224 Chéne-Bougeries Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Bus Í2775
Fundes-Stlftung zur Förderung von Klelnuntemehmem In Lateinamerika, Postfach 1474, 8640 Hürden Τ: (055) 4151111; Fax: 4151150 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in Latin America only Focus: Dev; CommT; Am 12752
Stiftung Dialogik Mary und Hermann Levin Goldschmldt-Bollag, c/o Archiv für Zeitgeschichte, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, 8092 Zürich 12776
Futura Stiftung zur Forderung der Personalfürsorge, BahnhofpJ 9, 5200 Brugg T: (056) 4606070 Focus: SocW 12753
Geschwister Gondln-Stlftung, c/o Dr. S. Feigel, Schweizergasse 6, 8001 Zürich Focus: SocW; Cult 12m
Gala Media Stiftung, Spalenvorstadt 13, 4051 Basel T: (061) 2622025; Fax: 2622025 Focus: Media 12754 Stiftung Galerie Gallarte, Seelmessgasse 14-16, 8753 Mollis Τ: (055) 6121032; Fax: 6121032 Focus: Arts 12755 Stiftung Hermine Garai geb. Wollner, c/o Dr. J. Pappaport, Tobelhofstr 22, 8044 Zürich Focus: SocW 12756 Frau Betty und Dr. Rudolf Gasser-Sttftung, c/o Gasser-Gruppe, Kasernenstr 1, 7000 Chur Focus: SocW 12757 Gebert-RQf Stiftung, Steinenring 10, 4051 Basel 72758 Gemeinnützige Stiftung für medizinische Hilfe, c/o Lutz Treuhand, Langenegg 703, 9063 Stein Focus: Med 12759 Gen Suisse, Stiftung für eine verantwortungsvolle Gentechnik, Postfach, 3000 Bern 15 T: (031) 3511502; Fax: 3529483; E-Mail: info® gensuisse.ch; Internet: http://www.gensuisse.ch Established: 1991; Chair Prof. Dr. Richard Braun, Secy: Anita Holler, Donops): Interpharma Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Genet 12760 Geneva Foundation to protect Health in War, 6 Rte de Ferney, 1202 Genève Τ: (022) 7337400; Fax: 7337412; E-Mail: gf© iprolink.ch; Internet: http://www.genevafotjndation.org Focus: Warv 12761
Davy- und Hedwig Goidsteln-Nef ShenkarCotlege Stiftung, c/o Gebr. Oswald AG, Bahnhof str 26, 6300 Zug Focus: Schol; Uni 12777
Good Goods-Stlftung, c/o Trachsel-Hänni AG, Oberdorfstr 40, 3053 Münchenbuchsee . . 12779 Gorbachev Foundation Switzerland, 4 Rue de Malagnou, 1208 Genève Focus: PolS; SocS; Econ 12780 GostelhStlftung, Archiv zur Geschichte der Schweizerischen Frauenbewegung, Altikofenstr 186, 3048 WorWaufen T: (031) 9210222, 9217941; Fax: 9217941 Established: 1982; Chair: Dr, Marthe Gosteli, Donor(s): Dr. h.c. Marthe Gosteli Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Worn; Hist; Archiv 12781 Fondation Goundl Santé, c/o D. Ducret, 6 Rue Saint-Léger, 1205 Genève Focus: Dev 12782 Stiftung zur Unterstützung des Hilfswerkes von Schwester Consolata Graber, Grosweidstr 19, 6010 Kriens Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Miss 12783 Camille Graeser-Stiftung, Steinhaldenstr 49, 6002 Zürich Τ: (01) 2015500; Fax: 2015524 Focus: Arts 12784 Hans-Ulrich Gressly und Peter und Renate Gressly-Burren Stiftung, c/o Peter Gressly, Ritterquai 2, 4500 Solothum Focus: Child; AnimP; Psychol 12785 Stiftung Bernhard Greuter ffir Berufsinformation, Hauptstr 15, 8546 Islikon T: (052) 3751235 Focus: Lab 12786
Fondation Maria Genevensis, c/o D. Ducret, 6 Rue Saint-Léger, 1205 Genève Focus: SocW 12762
Grleshaber-Stlftung für Augenforschung, c/o Hans R. Grieshaber, Winkelriedstr 52, 8203 Schaffhausen Focus: Opht 12787
Gerling Foundation, Titlisstr 43, 8032 Zürich Focus: Ecol 12763
Stiftung Grünau, Erlenstr 73, 8805 Richterswil Focus: Youth 12788
Françoise Christiane-Stiftung, Untere Buolistr 23, 6456 Dorf Focus: Ther 12740
Fondation Piere Gianadda, 59 Rue du Forum, 1920 Martigny Τ: (027) 7223978; Fax: 7223163; E-Mail: info® gianadda.ch; Internet: http://www.gianadda.ch Established: 1978; Chair. Léonard Gianadda, Secy: Léonard Gianadda Focus: Arts 12764
Emst und Olga Gubler-HablQtzel-Stlftung, Zürich, Publication noi permitted 12790
Fondazione Franklin College, Via Ponte Tresa 29, 6924 Sorengo Focus: Uni 12741
Stiftung Sigfrted Gledion c/o Dr. Chr. Müller, Stampfenbachstr 57, 8006 Zürich Focus: Voc; SocW 12765
Eduard, Ernst und Max Gubler-Stlftung, do Dr. Jürg Furger, Grossmünsterpl 8, 8001 Zürich Focus: Cult; Arts 12791
M.-L. von Franz-lnstltute for Studies In Synchroniclty, Spyristr 7, 8044 Zürich Τ: (01) 3616151; Fax: 3616152 Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Nora Mindell, Secy: Dr. David Eldred Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Psychol; Titer 12742
Stiftung Paula Giger und Eduard MazdaznanLehrheim, Mainaustr 53, 8008 Zürich T: (01) 3834775 Focus: Educ 12766
Stiftung Lotte und Willi GQnthart-Maag, c/o Yvo von Ara, Forchstr 2, 8032 Zürich Focus: Bot; Hort 12792
Foundation of the European Institute of Industrial Engineers, c/o Enerconom AG, Postfach 606, 3000 Bern 9 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Eng 12738 FOWC-Foundation, Le Château, 2028 Vaumarcus Τ: (032) 8353434; Fax: 8353262 Established: 1988; Chair: Heimut J. Ament, Donor(s): Helmut J. Ament Focus: IntU 12739
Marie-Louise von Franz-Stfftung für Grundlagenforschung In analytischer Psychologie, Múnsteitwf 16, 6001 Zurich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Psychol
Grossfamilie Frei-Stlftung für das Kind, Siewerdtstr 95, 8050 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Fam; Op; Hand; Child
Andrea Glanz-Eberle Stiftung, c/o Fidecura AG Treuhand und Revisionsgesellschaft, Eibenstr 11, 8045 Zürich 12767 Gleyre-Stlftung, c/o Bundesamt für Kultur, Hallwytstr 15, 3003 Bern T: (031) 3229267; 3229270; Fax: 3227834
Stiftung Vulkan-Institut Immanuel Friedlinder, c/o Institut für Mineralogie und Petrographie der ΕΤΗ Zürich, Sonneggstr 5, 6092 Zürich Focus: Geol 12745
Global Labour Institute, 12 Av Wendt, 1203 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Lab 12769 Global Technology and Development Center Stiftung, c/o Neupert, Choquard & Partner, Dufourstr 60, 6702 Zollikon Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Eng 12770
Graf Fabrice von Grundlach und Payne SmithStiftung, Zedemweg 1, 7000 Chur Limitations: Grants in Switzerland, Germany and Hungary only Focus: AnimP; East 12789
Emil und Beatrice Gürtter-Schnyder von Wartensee-Stlftung, Spitalgasse 29, 3011 Bern Focus: SocW 12793 Heinrich GuggenbOhl-Stlftung zugunsten der Schweizer Berghilfe, Steinradstr 6, 8704 Herrliberg Focus: SocW 12794 Willy und Mimi Guggenheim-Stiftung, Tödistr 20, 8600 Dübendorf Focus: SocW 12795 Jules und Maria Guggenheim-Stiftung, c/o R. Guggenheim, Im Langhans 6, 8132 Egg Focus: Fam; SocW; Cult 12796 Fondation Guillaume, c/o Coiffina AG, Bàulerwisenstr 3, 8152 Glattbrugg Focus: Voc
12798 - 12892
207 Fondation Général Henri Guisan, 8 Chemin des Pierrettes, 1025 Saint-Sulpice Focus: Milit 12798 Stiftung Erika und Andres Gut, Bahnhofstr 40, 9445 Rebstein Focus: Dev 12799 Albert Häberilng-Stfflung, c/o Basler Kantonalbank, 4002 Basel Focus: SocW; Nurs
Max Häusermann-Sttftung, Am Wasser 125, 8049 Zürich 12801 Fondation Haffklne, c/o Lucien Gani, 16 Chemin de la Bruyère, 1009 Pully Focus: Sem 12802 Roswitha Haftmann-Stiftung, c/o Kunsthaus Zürich, Heimpl 1, 8024 Zürich Focus: Arts 12803 Robert Hahnloser-Stiftung, Luzemstr 94, 6010 Kríerts Focus: SocW 12804 HAI Stiftung, c/o Heinrich Thorbecke, Wotfgangweg 17, 9014 Sankt Gallen
. . 12805
Hans Haller-Stlftung, Röthlerstr 759, 5616 Meisterschwanden T: (056) 6673061; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Grants in Brazil only Focus: Dev; Am
Albrecht von Haller-Stiftung der Burgergemeinde Bern, c/o Burgerbibliothek, Münstergasse 63, 3011 Bern Limitations: Grants in Bern only Focus; SocW 12807 Gertrud von Haller-Stlftung für Drittwelthilfe, c/o Solothumer Bank SoBa, Froburgstr 4, 4601 Ölten T: (032) 6260654; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chair Hans Reist, Donor(s): Gertrud von Haller Expenditures: CHF 30.000,· Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev; Med 12808
Herzstiftung, Schwarztorstr 18, 3007 Bern Τ: (031) 3888060; Fax: 3868088; E-Mail: info© herzstiftungxh Focus: Card 12823 Hermann Hesse-Stiftung, c/o Prof. H. Marli, Schauplatzgasse 9, 3001 Bern Focus: Lit 12824 Georg von Hevesy-Stlftung für Nuklearmedizin, do Dr. T. Scheurer, Dufourstr 31, 8006 Zürich Focus: Rad 12825 Otto Erich Heynau-Sttftung, c/o Dr. J. Lanz· Nicolier, Buchenstr 11, 4104 Oberwil Focus: Refug; SocW 12826 Foundation Aito Hlkaii, c/o Alphonse-Marie Veuthey, CP 1036, 1870 Monthey 2 . . 12827 Hilfsfonds des Schwelzerischen Lithographenbundes, Optingenstr 5, 3000 Bern 25 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12828 Hilfskasse des Schweizerischen Apothekervereins, Postfach, 3097 Bern Limitations: Predetermined grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12829 Hllfskasse-Sttftung des Schweizerischen Bâcker-Kondltorenmelster-Verbandes, do SBKV, Seilerstr 9, 3001 Bom T: (031) 3817877; Fax: 3821506 Chair Ruedi Steiner, Secy: Renaldo Nanzer Limitations: Predetermined grants in Switzeriand only Focus: SocW 12830 Hilfswerk für Entwicklungsländer-Projekte, Postfach, 6953 Dietikon 1 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 12831 Fondation Hlndemith, c/o Marius Décombaz, 45 Rue du Simplón, 1800 Vevey Τ: (021) 9220365; Fax: 9220366 Focus: Music 1283¿
Fondation Hardt pour l'Etude de l'Antiquité Classique, 2 Chemin Vert, 1253 Vandoeuvres Focus: Cult 12809
Hans Hlnterrelter-Stiftung, do Dr. F. Meyer, Forchstr 452, 8702 Zollikon Focus: Arts 12833
Haus des Schweizerbauern, c/o Schweizerischer Bauernverband, Laurstr 10, 5200 Brugg T: (056) 4625111; Fax: 4415348; E-Mail: http® www.agri.ch Established: 1897; Chair Marcel Sandoz, Secy: Melchior Ehrler, Donor(s): Emst Laur Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Agrie 12810
Fondation Hirondelle pour une Information en Cas d'Urgence, 3 Rue Traversière, 1018 Lausanne T: (021) 6472805; Fax: 6474469; E-Mail: info© hirondelle.org; internet: http^/www. hirondelle.org Established: 1995; Chair Jean-Marie Etter, Secy: Jean-Pierre Husi Assets: CHF 50.000,-, Receipts: CHF 1.500.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 1.500.000,Limitations; Applications not accepted Focus: Jour 12834
Haus des Sportes, Postfach 202, 3000 Bern 32 T: (031) 3597111; Fax: 3523360; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1956; Chair. Jean-François Leuba, Secy: Marco Blatter, Donops): Sport-TotoGesellschaft Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Sports 12811 Roger Haus-Stiftung, Weberstr 5, 8610 Uster Focus: SocW 12812 Julius Hausammann-Studlenfonds, c/o Stipendiendienst, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, 6092 Zürich Focus; Schot; Rei 12813 Max Havelaar-Stiftung (Schweiz), Malzgasse 25, 4052 Basel T: (061) 2717500; Fax: 2717562; E-Mail: postmaster @ maxhavelaar.ch Established: 1992; Donor(s): Bread for All, Caritas, Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund, Swiss Interchurch Aid, Helvetas, Swissaid Focus: Dev 12814 Health Management Forum, Sous-Les-Roches, 1264 Saint Cergue Focus: Hearth 12815 HeberielrvSttftung für die Förderung gemeinütziger Zwecke, do Heberiein & Co. AG, Rietwies, 9630 Wattwil Focus: SocW 12816 Hannie Hetti-Walder-Stffiung, c/o Walder Waldeck AG, Bahnhofpl, 6318 Walchwil Focus: SocW; Blinds
HeHer und Schlüter-Stiftung, c/o Hans Iseii, Bahnhofpl 3, 3011 Bern Focus: Nurs 12818
Dr. Arthur und Esteila HIrzel-Callegari Stiftung, Barzstr 2, 5330 Zurzach 12835 Hirzel-Stiftung, c/o Überseebank AG, Postfach, 8024 Zurich Focus: Fin 12836 Willy G. Hlrzel-Stlftung, c/o Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Museumstr 2, 8023 Zürich Focus: Arts 12837 Albert Friedrich His-Sttftung, do Basler Kunstverein, Klostergasse 5, 4051 Basel T: (061) 2724633; Fax: 2724826 Focus: Arts
Walter Hoc h strasser-Stiftung, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, 8092 Zürich Focus: Schol; Agrie 12839 Marc Kodier Stiftung, Blochstr 2, 3653 Oberhofen 12840 Ulrico Hoepl[-Stiftung, c/o Credit Suisse Group, Resort GHF, Postfach 1, 8070 Zürich . . 12841 Hoesll-Wich Stiftung, do Heidy Hoesli, im Lârch, Zeigli 53, 5245 Habsburg Focus: Lit 12842 Ludwig Hohl-Stiftung, do Dr. Jürgen Korth, Postfach, 6032 Zürich T: (01) 2545600; Fax: 2545601; E-Mail: korth® kne.ch Established: 1985 Focus: Lit; Pubi 12843
Helvetia Sacra-Sttftung, c/o Prof. Schwarz, Belsitostr 20, 8044 Zürich Focus: Pubi 12819
Holderbank-Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung, c/o Hokieibank Management und Beratung AG, 5113 Hoiderbank Focus: Schol; Scie 12844
Fondation Christiane et Jean Henneberger· Mercier, c/o Association Suisse des Musiciens, CP 177, 1000 Lausanne 13 Τ: (021) 6166371; Fax: 6176382 Focus: Music 12820
Helmut Horten Stiftung, Villatta. 6995 Madonna del Piano T: (091) 6113386; Fax: 6113300 Established: 1971; Chair: Dr. Georges Streichenberg Focus: Med 12845
Heptagon-Stiftung, c/o Dr. R. Famer Public Relations Agentur, Oberdorfstr 28, 8001 Zürich Focus: IntU 12821
Huber-Kudlich-Sttftung, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, 8092 Zürich Focus: Res; Educ; Schol 12846
Helen Heroys Literary Foundation, 34 Rue de Candolle, 1205 Genève Focus: SocW 12822
Hans Huber-Stlftung-Basel, c/o Hanspeter Müller, Hohewindestr 20, 4059 Basel Focus: Schol; Music 12847
Hans Huber-Sttftung Schönenwerd, Glaserweg 12 a, 5012 Schönenwerd T: (062) 8491630; Fax: 8490741 Established: 1954; Chair Hans Bühlmann, Secy: Hans Bühlmann Focus: Music 12848 Emil Huber-Stockar-Stiftung, Löwenstr ι, 8001 Zürich Focus: SocW 12349 Stiftung Walther Hug, Berghalöenpl 7, 9010 Sankt Gallen T: (071) 2444550; Fax: 2444551 . . . . 12850 Professor Walther Hug Stiftung zur Förderung der rechtswissenschaftlichen Forschung, Postfach 73, 9010 Sankt Gallen T: (071) 2444550; Fax: 2444551; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1978; Secy: Prof. Dr. Regula KágiDiener, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Walther Hug Focus: Law 12851 Dr. Arnold U. und Susanne Huggenberger· Bischoff Stiftung zur Krebsforschung, Postfach 1921, 8032 Zürich Focus: Cane; Schol 12852 Dr. Arnold U. Huggenberger-Stiftung, c/o KPMG Fides, Postfach 766, 6026 Zürich Focus: Child; Sen 12853 Humanatura-Stiftung, Berg 6242, Wauwii Focus: SocW; Ecol; Arts; Educ; Cult . . 12854 Dr. Max Husmann-Stiftung, c/o C.D. Rhonheimer, Postfach 4479, 8022 Zürich Focus: Youth; Schol 12855 Hildegard Hutzenlaub-Stiftung, c/o Schweiz. Treuhandgesellschaft, Stampfenbactistr 73, 6035 Zürich Focus: SocW 12856 I.C. Education Foundation, Zug: defunct
IAC Stiftung, Ausstellungsstr 102, 8005 Zürich Focus: Adult 12858 IBPS Switzerland, Heideggstr, 6284 Gelfingen Focus: Cult; Rei; Educ 12859 IKEA-Stlftung (Schweiz), c/o Dr. H.J. Budliger, 8537 Nussbaumen T: (052) 7451245; Fax: 7452845 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Town; Archit; Des; Schol . . . . 12860 Independent Claims Resolution Foundation, do Niederer, Kraft & Frey, Bahnhofstr 13, 8001 Zurich 12861 Innerschweizerische Kulturstlftung (IKS), c/o Erziehungs- und Kulturdepartement Kulturabteilung, Bahnhofstr 18, 6003 Luzem Limitations: Grants in Inner Switzerland only Focus: Cult 12862 Innova Stiftung. Bollstr 61, 3076 Worb
. 12863
Institut für vergleichende Studien über Zeremonien, (Institute for Comparative Ceremonial Studies), c/o Sara Hermann, Postfach 77, 8010 Zürich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Cult 12864 Institut International de Recherches pour la Paix, 69 Rue de Lausanne, 1202 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Peace 12865 Institut Libertas, do A. Weber, Münzgraben 2, 3011 Bern Focus: Schol; PolS 12866 Institut Romand d'Etudes Fiduciaires, 4 Chemin des Bosquets, 1315 La Sarraz Focus: Law 12867 Institut Suisse de Biolnformatique, (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics), c/o Centre Médical Universitaire, 1 Rue Michel-Servet, 1211 Genève 4 Limitations: Grants in Switzeriand only Focus: Compu 12868 Institut Suisse de Police, CP 673,2001 Neuchâtel T: (032) 7247955; Fax: 7256556 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Pol
Institut Suisse de Recherche Expérimentale sur le Cancer, 155 Chemin des Boveresses, 1066 Epalinges Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Cane 12870 Institut zur Förderung der Naturheilkunde und Erfahrungsmedizin, c/o GFM AG, Kapuzinerstr 11, 4500 Solothum Focus: Horn 12871 Inter-Asslst Stiftung für Internationale Unterstützung, Höheweg 17, 3006 Bern Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dev
Interkantonale Försterschule Lyse, Hardemstr 20, 3250 Lyss T: (032) 3874911; Fax: 3874930 Established: 1969 Focus: Voc; For 12873
Switzerland: Internationale
Interkantonale Stiftung für Gemelndekrankenpflege Samen, Samen, 6062 Wilen Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs 12874 Interkonfessionelle Aktion Solidarität Dritte Welt, CP, 1800 Vevey 1 Τ: (021) 9222965; Fax: 9222866 Established: 1971; Chair Rosmarie Zapfl-Helbling, Secy: Werner Hafen Assets: CHF 50.000,-, Receipts: CHF 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 12875 International Airline Training Fund (Switzerland), C/o lATA Centre, CP 416, 1215 Genève 15 Limitations: Predetermined grants onty Focus: Voc; Aviat 12876 International Council of Museums Fund, do Sylvia Omura, Limmattalstr 197, 8049 Zurich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Arts 12877 International Council of Nurses Foundation, 3 PI Jean-Marteau, 1201 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Nurs 12878 International Council on Human Rights Policy, CP 147, 1290 Versoix Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: HumR; PolS
International Disability Foundation, 9 Av de Joli-Mont, 1209 Genève Τ: (022) 7885988, 7995292; Fax: 7885954 Established: 1992; Chair Javier Pérez de Ciiélar, Secy: Hans Hoegh Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Hand 12880 International Emergency Care Foundation, do Schweiz. Treuhandgesellschaft, Stampfenbachstr 73, 8035 Zürich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Med 12881 International Finance and Commodities Institute, 11 Rte de Drize, 1227 Carouge Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Fin
International Foundation for Environment and Development, do Révision Fiscalité Fiduciaire SA, 6 Αν Jules-Crosnier, 1200 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Ecol; Dev 12883 International Health Foundation, CP 345, 1 2 1 1 Genève 12 Τ: (022) 7890011; Fax; 7890076; E-Mail: hlbb® gkb.com Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Health 12884 International Hightech-Forum Basel, Messepl 21, 4021 Basel Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Eng 12885 International Kinesiology College Stiftung, Niederdorfstr 63, 8001 Zürich Τ: (01) 2604666; Fax: 2604663; E-Mail: [email protected] Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ther; Uni 12886 International Legal Foundation, c/o Benno P. Hafner, Genferstr 21, 6002 Zürich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Law 12887 international Oateoporosis Foundation, c/o Mary Anderson, Choliberg 17, 4114 Holstetten Τ: (061) 7311482; Fax: 7313627; E-Mail: info© osteofound.org; Internet: http://www.osteofound.org Established: 1998; Chair Prof. Pierre D. Delmas, Secy: Mary Anderson Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Med 12888 international Space Science Institute, Haiierstr 6, 3012 Bern T: (031) 6314696; Fax: 6314897; E-Mail: name® issi.unibe.ch; Internet: http://www.issLunibe.ch Established: 1995; Chair H. Schneiter, Secy: Prof. J. Geiss, Donorfs): Contraves Space AG Assets: CHF 100.000,·, Receipts: CHF 2.600.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 2.600.000,· Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Aviat 12889 International Task Force for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Foundation, do Cofiagex, 4 Cour des Bastions, 1205 Genève Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Card 12890 Internationale Stiftung der Arbeitsstellen fùr Elgentumsblldung, Grünaustr 19, 3084 Wabem Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Econ 12891 Internationale Stiftung der Familie IDF, c/o Riccardo Seitz, Postfach 1209, 8801 Thalwil Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Fam 12892
Switzerland: Internationale
12893 - 12982
internationale Stiftung für Erziehung und Kultur, (International Foundation for Education and Culture), Maria-Hilfstr 10, 6430 Schwyz Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Educ; Cult 12893 Internationale Stiftung für Hochalpine Forschungsstationen Jungfraujoch und Gornergrat. Sidlerstr 5, 3012 Bern T: (031) 6314051; Fax: 6314405 Established: 1931; Chair: Prof. Hermann Debrunner, Donor(s); Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences Receipts: CHF 700.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 700.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Geo! 12894 Internationale Stiftung für Mlkrochlrurgle, c/o Prof. Dr. U. Fisch, Forchstr 26, 8703 Erfenbach ZH Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Surg 12895 Internationale Stiftung HUMANUNI, c/o Dr. ñ. Aeschlimann, Grünaus» 19, 3084 Wabern Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Rei 12896 Internationale Stiftung zur Förderung der Ernährungsforschung und Ernährungsaüfklärung, Langmattstr 1, 6343 Rotkreuz T: (041) 7995555; Fax: 7902744 Established: 1981 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Food 12897 Internationales Forschungsinstitut für Paraplegiologle, Schlüsselgasse 16, 8001 Zürich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Neur 12898 Interpreten-Hilfsfonds des Schwelzerischen Verbandes des Personals Öffentlicher Dienste, Postfach, 8030 Zürich Limitations: Predetermined grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12899 Irene-Stlftung, do Urs Hardegger, Oskar-Bider-Str 10, 8057 Zürich 12900 Fondation trini. 13 Rue des Oeillets, 2502 Bienne Secy: C. Merazzi Focus: Cult 12901 Iris-Stiftung für Strassenkinder, Klusweg 36, 8032 Zürich T: (01) 3801000; Fax: 3801002 Established: 1995; Chair: Marco C. Fontana, Donor(s); Marco C. Fontana Assets: US $ 500.000,-, Receipts: US $ 300.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 300.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Child 12902
JANUS Stiftung, Postlach 667, 3000 Bern 8 T. (031) 3120676; Fax: 3120677; E-Mail: janus.de® t-oniine.de; Internet: httpy/www.janusfoundatton.org Established: 1995; Chain Alex Laasner, Donops): Birgit Wallraf Focus: Ecol; Dev 12912 JCF-Stfftung zur Förderung des Schülerauetausches unter den Sprachregionen der Schweiz, c/o Jura-CementFabriken Aarau-Wildegg, Talsir 13, 5103 Wildegg Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Educ 12913 Fondation Louis Jeantet de Médecine, CP 277, 1211 Genève 17 Τ: (022) 7043636; Fax: 7043637; E-Mail: info® jeantet.ch; Internet: http://www.leantet.cli Established: 1982; Chair: Prof. Bernard Fulpius, Donor(s): Louis Jeantet Focus: Med 12914
IWAZ Schweizerisches Wohn- und Arbeltszentrum für Mobllltätsbehlnderte, Neugrundstr 4, 8620 Wetzikon Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand 12908 Jacobs Stiftung, (formerly: Johann JacobsStiftung), Postfach, 8034 Zürich T: (01) 3886123; Fax: 3886137; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http Λ www.jacobsfoundation.org Established: 1988; Chair: Klaus J. Jacobs, Secy: Theo E. Brenner, Donops): Klaus J. Jacobs Assets: CHF 117.000.000,-, Receipts: CHF 6.000.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 4.000.000,Focus: Youth 12909 Stiftung Atfred Jäger für Diskonte, c/o Dr. Adrian Rüesch, Unterer Graben 1, 9000 Sankt Gallen Focus: SocW 12910 Stiftung Aniela Jaffé, c/o Martin Amsler, Dufourstr 116, 8008 Zürich Focus: Psychol; Pubi 12911
Jüdischer Nationalfonds Schweiz, Postfach 2975, 8021 Zürich T: (01) 2115885; Fax: 2115049 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Jew 12935 Stiftung für Jung'sche Psychologie, UnterRüeggental, 8344 Báretswil Focus: Psychol 12936
Jublläumsstiftung Jutzier, c/o Dr. Ch. Fröhlich, Kramgasse 33, 3011 Bern Focus: Ecol 12938
Jana & Milan Jeilnek-Sttftung, c/o Trans Coal und Mineral Trading AG, Jöchlerweg 2, 6340 Baar Focus: Arts; Schol 12917
Gebrüder Kägl Stiftung, Postfach 11, 9620 Lichtensteig 12939
Fondation Jeriko. c/o ATAG Emst & Young SA. CP 36, 1000 Lausanne 9 12918 Jerusalem Foundation Zürich, do Dr. M.R. Richter, Postfach 4458, 8022 Zürich Focus: SocW; Cult; Scie; Arts 12919 Jeunesse Montagnards du Monde, c/o Dr. Fritz Anthamatten, Bahnholstr 14, 3900 Brig Τ: (02η 9222780; Fax: 92227Θ9; E-Mail: fritzanthamatten θ advo-fa.ch Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Ecol; Tour Dev; CommT; Sports . 12920 Jeunesses Musicales de Suisse, Maison de la Radio, 66 Blvd Catl-Vogt, 1211 Genève 8 T: (022) 3287064; Fax: 3285193 Limitations: Grants in Switzeiland only Focus: Music 12921 Joël-Sttftung Schweiz, c/o Verena Mühlemann, Bahnweg 1, 4665 Oftringen 12922 Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Eigerpl 4, 3007 Bern T: (031) 3722595; Fax: 3726130 . . . . 12923 Stiftung Jonas zur Förderung der psychosozialen Prävention und Therapie, Postfach, 4143 Domach 2 T: (061) 7015645; Fax: 7020301 Established: 1981; Secy: Reto Kuoni, Donor(s): Alice Ammon, Toni Buck Focus: Youth; Child; Crim; Arts; Psychia; Psychol; Reh; SocW; SocS; Pris; Ther 12924
Zürcher James-Joyce-Stiftung, Augustinergasse 9, 8001 Zürich Τ: (01) 2118301; Fax: 2125128; E-Mail: joyce® es.unizh.ch Established: 1985; Chair: Urs Rinderknecht, Secy: Dr. Fritz Senn Focus: LH 12926
Giovanni Ivlglia-Stlftung, c/o Italienische Handelskammer für die Schweiz, Postfach 662, 8027 Zürich Focus: Child 12907
Stiftung Martin Luther Klng-Haus, c/o Evangelische Stadtmission, Vogesenstr 28, 4056 Basel Τ: (061) 3221057; Fax: 3221012 Focus: SocW 12959
Linus und Gustav Jeker-Sttftung, Breitenbactistr 73, 4227 Bösserach Focus: Blinds; Agrie; AnimP 12916
Islamische König Faysal Stiftung, Friedensgasse 18, 4056 Basel Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Is)
IVBH Stiftung für die Internationale Förderung des konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus, c/o IVBH, ETH-Hönggerberg, 8093 Zürich T: (01) 6332647; Fax: 6331241; E-Mail: secretariat ©iabse.ethz.ch; Internet: http:/ www.iabse.ethz.ch Established: 1993; Chair: Prof. J.-C. Badoux Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Build 12906
Jublläumsstiftung Schweizertscher Bankverein 1972, Postfach, 4002 Basel Τ: (061) 2882490; Fax: 2889923 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Cult; Sde; SocW 12934
Ausbildungsfonds Jung'sche Psychologie, Watahestr 17. 8006 Zürich Focus: Schol; Psychol 12937
Emst Jost-Stiftung, do Zellweger Luwa Management AG, Wilstr 11, 8610 Uster Focus: Pubi; Bus
Kinderhilfe Thalland CCT, c/o Opopharma AG, Kirchgasse 42, 8001 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Thailand only Focus: Child; As 12958
Hans Jegen-Stfftung, Postfach 333, 8057 Zürich Focus: Hard 12915
Fondation Georges Iskandar Hazboun, CP 1009, 1211 Genève 1 Focus: Med; Libr 12903
Isostar Sport Nutrition Foundation, c/o Novartis Nutrition AG, Monbijoustr 118, 3007 Bern Focus: Food 12905
Jublläumsstiftung Magazine zum Globus, Eichstr 27, 8045 Zurich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Schol; Voc 12933
Jublläums-Stifhing der Schweizerischen Bankgesellschaft. Postfach, 8021 Zürich T: (01) 2344110 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Cutt; Scie 12927 Jublläumsstiftung der Credit Suisse Group, (formerly: Jubiläumsstiftung der Schweizerischen Volksbank), c/o Ressort GHF, Postlach 1, 8070 Zürich T: (01) 3333578; Fax: 3339796; E-Mail: csg.foundations ©csg.ch; Internet: http^/www.creditsuisse.comfoundations Established: 1981; Chair Rainer E. Gut, Secy: Dr. Joseph Jung, Donor(s): Schweizerische Kreditanstalt/Credit Suisse Group Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand; Scie; Mon; Cult; Arts . . . 12928 Jubiliumsstfftung der Schweizer Reisekasse, Ferien für wirtschaftlich und sozial Benachteiligte, Neuergasse 15, 3001 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12929 Jubllfiumssttftung der Schweizerischen Lebensvers lebe rungs- und Rentenanstalt für Volksgesundheit und medizinische Forschung, Postfach, 8022 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Health; Med 12930 Jublläumsstfftung der Schweizerischen Mobiliar Versicherungegesellschaft, Bundesgasse 35, 3001 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Scie; Res; Arts
JubiUumssttftung der Zürich VerslcherungsGnjppe, Postfach, 8022 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 12932
Stiftung zur Unterstützung der Sport- und KunstausbikJung Luzem Heidi Kaeslln, Lindenfeldstr 4, 6006 Luzem T: (041) 4109324; Fax: 4109324 Limitations: Grants in Luzem only Focus: Sports; Arts; Educ 12940 Karma KagysQ Stiftung, c/o T. Gfeller, Kreuzacherweg 4, 4148 Pfeffingen Focus: Rei Karì Kahane Stiftung, Chesa Carla, 7505 Celerina Focus: SocW
Bank Hugo Kahn & Co. AG Jublläumsstiftung für Epilepsieforschung, Stockerstr 38, 8002 Zürich Focus: Epil 12943 Kaluga Kontakt, Stiftung für Entwicklungshilfe, c/o Theresa Würgler, Schänzlistr 4, 4500 Solothum Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 12944 Anna Kamperhoff-Stlftung für Kinder, Sankt Gallerstr 4, 8501 Frauenfeld Focus: Child 12945 Hermann Kamperhoff-Sttftung für Here, Sankt Gallerstr 4, 8501 Frauenfekl Focus: AnimP 12946 Karl William und Lore L. Kapp-Stiftung, Bergalingerstr 11, 4058 Basel Focus: SocS
Kappeler Institut für die Wissenschaft des Seins, Theaterstr 14, 8001 Zürich Focus: Rei 12948 Elsbeth Kasser-Stiftung. c/o Eitz & Wyler, Frutigenstr 2 , 3600 Thun Focus: Arts 12949 Fondation Idryma Georges Katingo Lemos, c/o OFISA, 7 Chemin des Charmettes, 1003 Lausanne Focus: Rei; SocW; Cult 12950 Stiftung Nico Kaufmann, c/o Präsidialdepartement der Stadt Zürich, Postfach, 8022 Zürich Focus: Schol; Music 12951 Fondazione Eranos e Alwine von Keller, Casa Eranos, Via Moscia 127, 6612 Ascona T: (091) 7911570; Fax: 7922570 Established: 1933; Chair Christa Robinson, Rudolf Rrtsema, Secy: Christa Robinson, Rudolf Ritsema, Donor(s): Olga Froòbe-Kapyteyn Focus; Cult; IntU 12952 Keller-Wedeking-Stiftung für gegenständliche Kunst, c/o Dr. F. KàJm, Etzel 7, 8847 Egg Focus: Arts 12953 W. und I. Kerscher-Stiftung, Genferstr 24, 8002 Zürich Focus: SocW; Scie 12954 Kiefer-Hablltzel-Sttfhing, c/o Zölch & Partner, Maulbeerstr 10, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3861112; Fax: 3861110; E-Mail: office® zoelch.ch; Internet: http://www.zoelch.ch Established: 1946; Chain Freddy W. Schwab, Secy; Franz A. Zölch, Donops): Charles Kiefer-Hablitzei, Mathilde Kiefer-Hablitzei Focus: Music; Arts 12955 Kinder in Brasilien, c/o Buchhaltungsbüro MCR, Marktgasse 8, 4001 Basel Limitations: Grants in Brazil only Focus: Child; Am 12956 Kinderdorf Pestalozzi (Stiftung), Freyastr 14, 8004 Zürich T: (01) 2983434; Fax: 2983435; E-Mail: zs®skip.ch Established: 1946; Chair: Leni Robert, Secy: Thomas Màder, Donops): R. Corti; E. Rotten; M. Meierhofer Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Child 12957
Tierschutz-Stiftung Klrchhofer, Hofwiesenstr 18, 8057 Zurich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland and internationally Focus: AnimP 12960 Ernst Klarer-StHtung, c/o Crédit Suisse, Postfach 333, 8570 Weinfelden Focus: Music 12961 Hans und Hulda Kllnger-Stlftung, c/o Schweiz. Bankgesellschaft, Bahnholstr 45, 8001 Zürich Focus: Hand; Sen; Child 12962 T. und H. Klüber-Stiftung für Frieden und Lebenshitfe, Allmendstr 9, 6072 Sachsein Focus: Peace; SocW; Ecol 12963 Klure-Stlftung, Seidengasse 18, 8001 Zürich Focus: Phot; Cin 12964 Werner Kobelt-Hasler Berghilfe Stiftung, Flurhofstr 118, 9000 Sankt Gallen Focus: SocW 12965 Stiftung Colonia Povar Prof. Dr. Conrad Koch, Bürenfluhweg 2, 4146 Hochwald T: (061) 7539746; Fax: 7517148 . . . . 12966 Dr. Emst Koch-Stiftung, c/o W. Schmitt, Kònizbergstr 74, 3097 Liebefeid Focus: Schol; Music
Stiftung Kodu, Föhnenberg, 6442 Gersau T: (041) 8282459; Fax: 8282456 Focus: Agrie
Stiftung für Eisenplastik Sammlung Dr. Hans Koenlg, Zollikerstr 86, 8702 Zollikon T: (01) 3913710; Fax: 3922397 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts 12969 Kollegium für Hausarztmedizin, Schweizerische Stiftung zur Förderung der medizinischen Grundversorgung, Effirtgerstr 40, 3008 Bern T: (031) 3899280; Fax: 3899282; E-Mail: khm®sams.ch Chair Dr. Werner Bauer, Secy: Prof. W. Ringli Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Med 12970 Fondation Janusz Korczak, c/o Association Suisse des Amis du Dr. Janusz Korczak, 8 Rue Chandieu, 1202 Genève T: (022) 7333138; Fax: 7333303 Established: 1992 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Lit 12971 Fondation Koscielski, c/o François Rosset, 10 Chemin de Follieu, 1020 Renens Focus: Lit 12972 Moriz und Elsa von Kuffner-Stiftung, do Schellenberg & Haissly, Löwensir 19, 8001 Zürich Τ: (01) 2155256; Fax: 2155200 . . . . 12973 Kulturama Stiftung, c/o Museum des Menschen, Birmensdorferstr 318, 8055 Zürich T: (01) 4632620; Fax: 4632730 Established: 1978 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Biol; Hist; Cult 12974 Kulturfonds Sulssimage, Postfach, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3121106; Fax: 3112104 Limitations: Grants in Switzeiland only Focus: Cult 12975 Kulturstlftung des Kantons Tliurgau, Industriestr 23, 8500 Frauenfeld Τ: (052) 7288910; Fax: 7288908; E-Mail: kulturstiftung.tg θ Nuewin.ch Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Ttiurgau only Focus: Cult 12976 Kulturstiftung Wlnterthur, Postfach 343, 8401 Winterthur T: (052) 2121212; Fax: 2129444 Limitations: Grants in Winterthur only Focus: Cutt 12977 Kunst-Stiftung der Schweizerischen Wirtschaft, do Schweiz. Bankverein, Aeschenvorstadt 1, 4002 Basel Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Arts
Stiftung Gertrud Kurz, Postfach 8344, 3001 Bem Chair Joy Matter Focus: Refug 12979 La Loba-Sttftung, c/o Etteriin, Klipstein & Partner AG, Postfach, 8032 Zürich Focus: Dev 12980 Fondation Joseph et Nicole Lachet, 3 Rue des Marronniers, 2800 Delémont Τ: (032) 4210302 Focus: Arts 12981 Fondation Théodore Lagon Ico, Bâtiment du Rectorat et de l'Administration Centrale, Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne Focus: Schol 12982
12983 - 13086
Emst und Anna Landsberg-Erinnerungsstiftung, tío Dr. Bernhard Christ, Báumteingasse 22, 4001 Limitations: Applications not Focus: Schol; Law
Fonds de Prévoyance Lanka-Baur, tío Jean llg, CP 3331, 1211 Genève 3 Focus: SocW 12984 Fondation Latsls Internationale, 3-5 Chemin des Tuileries, 1293 Beltevue Focus: Eng 12985 Fondation Tiers-Monde Laurie, c/o Etude Dardel & Meylan, 3 Rue de la Treille, 2000 Neuchàlel Focus: Educ 12986
Fundaziun Retoromana Pader Rurin Meissen, (formerly: Fundaziun Retoromana Piaci a Spescha), c/o F. Friberg, 7163 Danis T: (081) 9412419; Fax: 9412419; E-Mail: fundaziun.retoromanaθfrr.ch; Internet: http:// www.frr.ch Established: 1982; Chair F. Friberg Limitations: Grants in the Retoroman region of Switzerland only Focus: Ling; Cult 13014 Stiftung Dr. Valentin Malamoud, c/o Dr. Toni Russi, Bahnhofstr 40, 7002 Chur Focus: SocW 13015 Fondazione Agnese ed Agostino Malettì, Via Beroldingen 8, 6850 Mendrisìo Focus: Archit; Cuit 13016
Leadership pour l'Environnement et le Développement, 3 Rue de Varembé, 1211 Genève Focus: Ecol; Dev 12987
Fondation Manas, c/o Société Fiduciaire Suisse, 43 Αν C.-F.-Ramuz, 1009 Pully 13017
Stiftung Thomas-Legler-Haus, c/o Museum, Hauptstr, 8777 Diesbach Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Sen
Peter Mandel Stiftung für Esogetische Medizin, c/o Mandel Institut für Esogetische Medizin GmbH, Wesemlinstr 2, 6006 Luzem Focus: Med 13018
Wolf Lehmann-Stiftung, c/o Stauflacher & Partner, Dufourstr 22 , 8008 Zürich Focus: Warv; Refug; SocW
Fondation Michel Lehner, Le Continental B/1, 3963 Crans Focus: Arts 12990 Stiftung Leysln der Schweizer Relsekaase, Neuengasse 15, 3001 Bern Focus: SocW 12991 Liberali Gemeinnützige Stiftung zur Förderung des liberalen, freiheitlichen Gedankenguts, c/o Dr. Georg Stucky, Aberenterrasse 2, 6340 Baar Focus: SocS
Stiftung Dr. Emil Otto Liebemiann, tío Dr. N. Wiget, Postfach 1921, 8032 Zürich Focus: Blinds 12993 Hermann und Elisabeth Uechti-Stiftung, c/o Erhard Lehmann, Gotthelfstr 22, 3280 Muden Focus: Sen 12994 Stiftung Lilienberg, c/o FERAG AG, Postfach, 8340 Hinwil Focus: Cult; SocW 12995 Ummat-Stiftung, Rosenbühlstr 32, 8044 Zürich 12996 Llon Foundation, c/o Kuy Beratung AG, Weinbergstr 95, 8006 Zürich
Frieda Locher-Hofmann-Stiftung, c/o Τ & 0 Treuhand & Organisations AG, Burghofstr 21, 8105 Regensdorf Focus: SocW 12996 Ralf Loddenkemper-Sttftung, c/o Mathys Schmid· Stückelberger, Dufourstr 5, 4052 Basel . 12999 Stiftung Mary Long für Volksmusik und Schweizer Folklore, Postfach 1101, 8640 Rapperswil Focus: Music; Cult
LosInger-Stiftung zur Unterstützung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Bauwesens, c/o Losinger AG, Postfach 208, 3000 Bern 21 Focus: Build 13001 Luchslngef-Haggenmacher-Sttftung, c/o Schweizerische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft, Schaffhauserstr 7, 8042 Zürich 6 Focus: Hand 13002 Albert Lück-Stiftung. tío ΕΤΗ-Rat, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, Θ092 Zurich Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Voc; Build 13003 Luftbild Schweiz, Sammlung Photoswissair, Hirschengraben 8, 6105 Regensdorf Focus: Phot 13004 Fondation Lusiade, CP 391, 1701 Fribourg Focus: Ling; Cult
LWB-Sttftung, 150 Rte de Ferney, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex 13006 Stiftung zur Wahrnehmung und Förderung der Phil Lynott Botschaft Thin Llzzy, Lange Gasse 24, 4052 Basel T: (061) 3130000 13007 M-U-T-Sttftung, Postfach, 8044 Zürich Focus: Agrie
Mach-Gaensslen Stiftung (Schweiz), Seehofmatt 6, 6314 Unterägeri Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only . . 13009 Maecenas Stiftung für Antike Kunst, c/o Advokaturbüro Mario J. Roberti, Santo AlbanAnlage 33, 4052 Basel Focus: Arts 13010 Fondazione Opera Umanitaria Dr. Maggi, c/o G. Balliana, Via Cresperà 69, 6932 Breganzona Focus: SocW 13011 Stiftung Berty Maikler, Sprtafgasse 9, 3011 Bern Focus: Blinds 13012 Maison Latine, Forum Foederativum, Theaterpl 7, 3011 Bem Focus: Cult 13013
Fondation Ernest Manganai, c/o Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne, 4 Av de l'Elysée, 1006 Lausanne T: (021) 6177523; Fax: 6163991; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1966; Chair Jean Jacques Schwaab, Secy: Pierre Keller, Donops): Ernest Manganel Focus: Arts; Schol 13019 Stiftung Mano, c/o Dr. A. Coradi, Lòwenstr 42, 8001 Zürich Focus: SocW; Educ; Arts 13020 Stiftung Kinder in Brasilien 0 . Mansuttl, Postfach, 4001 Basel T: (061) 2611740; Fax: 2611740 Limitations: Grants in Brazil only Focus: Child; Am 13021 MARFAN Foundation (Switzerland), Postfach, 4901 Langenthal Τ: (062) 9231508; Fax: 9231661; E-Mail: marfan© bluewin.ch Established: 1987; Chair Gerhard Zumstein Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Med 13022 Markant Stiftung, Churerstr 160a, 8808 Pfäffikon Focus: SocW 13023 Stiftung Edith Maryon zur Förderung sozialer Wohn- und Arbeitsstätten, Bodenweg 1, 4144 Ariesheim T: (061) 7019888; Fax: 7019895 Focus: Hous; Lab 13024 Fondation Jan Masaryk, 11 Av de la Paix, 1202 Genève Τ: (022) 7330772 Established: 1955; Chair Prof. Christian Dominicé, Secy: L.H. Horace Perera, Donor(s): World Federation of United Nations Associations Focus: PolS 1302S Mastepe-Stiftung, c/o Prof. Dr. Peter Forstmoser, Sûdstr 93, 8008 Zürich 13026 Heinz Mattie-Sttftung, c/o Β. Feisst, Alte Landstr 59, 8702 Zollikon 13027 Mava Stiftung für Naturschutz, c/o Scobag AG. Henric-Petri-Str 35, 4010 Basel Focus: Ecol 13028 Peter Mayor-Gedächtnls-Stiftung, c/o Inselspital, 3010 Bern Focus: Opht 13029 Media Action International, Villa de Grand Monfleury, 1290 Versoix Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Media 13030 Medical Center la Cleba Stiftung, c/o Ulrich Siegfried, Landstr 367, 9495 Triesen Focus: Med 13031 Medlenausblldungszentnim, Postfach 77, 6047 Kastanienbaum Τ: (041) 3403636; E-Mail: mazmailöswissonline.ch Established: 1983; Chair Andreas Ifen, Secy: Sylvia Egli von Matt Assets: CHF 30.000,· Focus: Jour 13032 Fondazione Medjugorje per l'Infanzia, Via Concabella 4, 6833 Vacallo Τ: (091) 6839902; Fax: 6831609 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Child 13033 Ueli Meier-Stiftung, c/o Mina Meier-Birtikofer, Oberwachtstr 7, 8700 Küs nacht Τ: (01) 9104577 Focus: Cult; Hand 13034 Gertrude von Melssner-Stlftung, c/o Bank Sarasin & Cie. Postfach, 4002 Basel Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand; Child J3035 Stiftung für schweikranke Kinder Beatrice und Hansjorg Meister, Obstgarten 2 , 6402 Meriischachen Fax: (041) 8505794 Focus: Ped
Stiftung Melchior für psychisch behinderte Menschen, Therwilerstr 7, 4054 Basel T: (061) 2069760; Fax: 2069769 Focus: Hand 13037 Fondazione Juliet Melms, c/o Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino, 6601 Locamo Focus: Educ; Child 13038 MEMORIAL Stiftung des Schweizerischen Israelitischen Gemelndebundes, Postfach 5644, 8027 Zürich T: (01) 2015583; Fax: 2021672 Established: 1982; Chair Doris Krauthammer Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Jew 13039 Fondation Piere Mercier pour la Science, c/o C. Henneberger, 28 Av Mon-Repos, 1005 Lausanne Focus: Scie 13040 Mercuri International Foundation, Sankt AlbanVorstadt 14, 4052 Basel Limitations: Grants internationally . . . . 13041
Switzerland: Odier
Dr. Juliane Müller-Stiftung, c/o Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und Landtechnik, 8356 Tänikon T: (052) 3683131; Fax: 3651190 Chair Prof. Dr. W. Meier Focus: Agrie; AgrE
Stiftung Dr. Hans Müller und Gertrud Müller, Bleicherain 7, 5600 Lenzburg T: (062) 8880191; Fax: 8880101 . . . . 13064 Mummenschanz Stiftung Sankt Gallen, Trogenersir 80, 9450 Altstätten Focus: Cult
Marie-Louise von Muralt-Stiftung für Kleintiere, c/o Dr. Vital Hauser, Talacker 35, 8001 Zürich Focus: AnimP 13066 Noreen und Kenneth Murray-Stlftung für Ausbildung und Forschung In bildender und darstellender Kunst und In den Naturwissenschaften, Zürich, Publication not permitted 13067
Christoph Merlan Stiftung, Sankt Alban-Vorstadt 5, 4052 Basel T: (061) 2263333; Fax: 2263344 . . . . 13042
Fondation Emma Muschamp, tío Société Académique Vaudoise, 1 Montbenon, 1003 Lausanne Focus: Med
Evaristo Mertens-Sttftung, 23 Rue du Doubs, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds Focus: Landsc 13043
Kasper Muther-Stiftung, c/o Peter Hubacher, Harderstr 25, 3800 Interiaken Focus: Schol; Music 13069
Metron Stiftung für gemeinnützigen Wohnungsbau, c/o Metron Architektuifcüro AG, Postfach 253, 5201 Brugg T: (056) 4609111; Fax: 4609100; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1996; Chair: Daniel Kolb, Secy: Daniel Kolb, Donor(s): Metron Architekturbüro AG Focus: Hous 13044
Fondation Mary et Philippe Mylona, c/o Fiduciaire Saugy SA, 33 Chemin des Aubépines, 1004 Lausanne Focus: SocW 13070
Stiftung Eugen Meyer, Burggmatt 1, 6130 Willisau T: (041) 9701146; Fax: 9702115 . . . . 13045
Nationales Mllchwlrtschaftilches Museum, 3117 Kiesen Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Agrie 73072
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer-Stiftung, tío Credit Suisse Group, Postfach 1, 6070 Zürich T: (01) 3332565 Focus; Arts; Scie; Lit 13046 Fondation Piere et Louise Meylan, c/o Conservatoire de Lausanne, CP 2427, 1002 Lausanne Focus: Music; Lit 13047 Fondation Lord Michelham of Helllngly, 12 Rue de Carouge 12, 1205 Genève Focus: Sen; Hand; Eng; Econ 13048 Peter Mleg-Stlftung, Schlossgasse 50, 5600 Lenzburg Focus: Music; Arts; Lit 13049 Fondation Mlévüle-Hory, c/o STG-Coopers & Lybrand SA, 1 Rue du Seyon, 2001 Neuchátel Τ: (032) 7299620; Fax: 7299605 Established: 1983; Chair Jean-Pierre Miéville Focus: Music 13050 Clara Mlllenet-Schlld-Stiftung, c/o Fnrtig & Partner, Bundesgasse 26, 3011 Bem Focus: MultS 13051 Stiftung Miller's Studio, Seefeldstr 225, 8008 Zurich Τ: (01) 3879979 13052 MIrame-Stiftung, Nassackerstr Ha, 8307 Bisikon T: (052) 3432774; Fax: 3432774; E-Mail: mirarne® bluewin.ch Donor(s): Martin Wenger 13053 Mlsch-Blller-Stiftung, c/o Dr. D. Teichmann, Kurarstenstr 8, 8002 Zürich Established: 1994; Chair. Dr. T. Teichmann Focus: Psychol 13054 Momentous-Stlftung, c/o Urs M. Walter, Baarerstr 6, 6301 Zug Focus: SocW
Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe et Centre de Recherches Européennes, Ferme de Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne T: (021) 6922090; Fax: 6922095 Established: 1978; Chair Prof. Dr. Henri Rieben, Secy: Dr. Martin Nathusius, Donops): Jean Monnet Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Eur 13056 Mon ta narìn Usier-Stiftung, do Luca Montanarini, Bankweg 7, 5610 Wohten 13057 Fondation Carlo Leone Montandon, c/o Pont & Pont Veuthey, 4 Rue Rilke, 3960 Siene . 13058 Schweizerische Giuseppe Motta-Stiftung, do Département de l'Instruction Publique, 1950 Sion Focus: Fam 13059 Focus on Hope Nana Mouskourl Foundation, tío BfB Gestion, 26 Rue de la Corraterie, 1204 Genève 13060 W.A. Mozart-Stiftung, tío Schweiz. Kreditanstalt, Postfach, 6301 Zug Focus: Music 13061 Stiftung Maurice E. Müller für Fortbildung und Forschung In orthopädischer Chirurgie, Muitenstr 41, 3010 Bem T: (031) 6322198; Fax: 3823067 Focus: Surg; Ortho 13062
Theodor Naegeli-Stiftung, c/o Dr. Conrad Haab, Lautengartenstr 7, 4052 Basel Focus: Med; Ger 13071
Naturfreunde-Solidaritätsfonds, Pavillonweg 3, 3001 Bern Focus: Ecol 13073 Fondation Nestlé pour l'Etude des Problèmes de l'Alimentation dans le Monde, CP 561, 1001 Lausanne T: (021) 3203351; Fax: 3203392; E-Mail: nestle .foundation @vtxnet.ch Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Food 13074 Neue Stiftung Musik und Kind, Aeschenpl 2, 4052 Basel Τ: (061) 2729666 Focus: Music; Child 13075 Stiftung Heinrich Neuhaus-Institut, Toblerstr 107, 8044 Zürich T: (01) 2614950; Fax: 2614957 Focus: Music 13076 Fondation Neumann, 1276 Gingins Τ: (022) 3693653; Fax: 3693172; E-Mail: info® fondation-neumann.ch; Internet: http^/www.fondationneumann.ch Established: 1994; Secy: Helen Bieri Focus: Alts 13077 Fondation Nicatl-de Luze, tío AMS, CP 177, 1000 Lausanne 13 T: (021) 6166371; Fax: 6176382 Focus: Music 13078 Paul Niggli-Stiftung, tío Institut für Mineralogie und Petrographie, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, 8092 Zürich E-Mail: Martin. Freyôunibas.ch Chair: Prof. Martin Frey Focus: Geol 13079 Karia und Henriette Noerdlinger-Stiftung, c/o Dr. F. Käiin, Etzel 7, 8847 Egg Focus: Sen; Mon 13080 Arthur Nordmann-Stiftung, Postfach, Θ027 Zürich Focus: SocW 13081 Nothetfer-Stittung, Gartenstr 6, 8953 Dietikon Focus: Hous 13082 Nouvelle Planète/Neuer Planet, Chemin de la Forêt, 1042 Assens Τ: (021) 8812380; Fax: 8821054; E-Mail: nouvpla® ibm.net; Internet: http://www.nouvel1e-planete.ch Established: 1986; Secy: Ph. Randin, W. Randin, Donor(s): W. Randin Focus: Dev; Ecol 13083 Novartis Stiftung für medizinisch-biologische Forschung, tío Novartis Pharma AG, Postfach, 4002 Basel E-Mail: barbara.villagrasaägroup.novartis.com Focus: Med; Biol 13084 Max-Ochener-Sttftung, Badenerstr 281, 8040 Zürich Τ: (01) 4510441; Fax: 4510692 Established: 1991; Chair Max Ochsner. Secy: Dr. Willy Canziani, Donor(s): Max Ochsner Assets: CHF 300.000,·, Receipts: CHF 80.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 80.000,Focus: Adult; Hand 13085 Fondation Odier de Psycho-Physique, 77 Rte de la Capite, 1223 Cologny Focus: Psychol 13086
Switzerland: Oechslin
Stiftung Bibliothek Prof. Dr. Werner Oechslin, Luegetenstr 11, 6840 Einsiedeln Τ: (055) 4121007 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Libr 13087
Stiftung Campo Enrico Pestalozzi, c/o Frìtz Gloor, Postfach 440, 6362 Stansstad Focus: Youth; Hand 13109
Max A. Räber Lepra-Stiftung, Roggenweg 6, 4922 Thunstetten Focus: Lepr 13136
Pestalozzi-Stiftung, Postfach 169, 8057 Zürich Focus: Educ 13110
Oekreal'Strftung, Schützengasse 4, 8001 Zürich Τ: (01) 2116060 13088
Pestalozzi-Stiftung für die Förderung der Ausbildung Jugendlicher aus schweizerischen Berggegenden, Bahnhofstr 65, 8001 Zürich T: (01) 2181630; Fax: 2181616 Established: 1961; Secy: Barbara Schürmann Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Educ; Voc 13111
RAMA Stiftung, c/o Dr, F. Meyer, Forchstr 452, 8029 Zürich Focus: SocW; Cult; Dev 13137
Walter und Ambrosina Oertli-Sttftung, Seestr 279, 8038 Zürich Τ: (01) 4815385 Donor(s): Walter Oertli, Ambrosiana Oertli Focus: Cult 13089 Fondation Charlotte Olivier, 1 Av de la Gare, 1700 Fribourg T: (026) 3007361; Fax; 3009680 Established: 1997; Chair: Margret Rihs-Middel, Secy: Marie-Claude Hofner, Donors): Hans Emblad, Marie-Claude Hofner, Ruth Lüthi, Catherine Mariella, Margret Rihs-Middel Assets: CHF 10.000,-, Receipts: CHF 120.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 120.000,Focus: Health 13090 Fondation François Olivier, do Conservatoire de Lausanne, CP 2427, 1002 Lausanne T: (021) 3122608 Focus: Schol; Music 13091
Fondation pour le Prix Max Petltplerre, Château Cantonal, 1014 Lausanne Focus: PoIS 13112 Mobel-Pflster Kultur- und Sozialstiftung, c/o Staatsbuchhaltung Kanton Aargau, TelliHochhaus, 5004 Aarau Focus: Health; Cult
Stiftung Pfizer Forschungs-Preis, Flúelastr 7, 8046 Zürich T: (01) 4957115 Focus: Card; Rheum; Immun 13114 Pitons Foundation, do Dr. Marc Helfenstein, Stadthausquai 1, 8001 Zürich Focus: Dev 13115
Ora-Stiftung zur Verkündigung und Bewahrung des christlichen Glaubens, Tobel Komberg, 9450 Altstätten T: (071) 7551310; Fax: 7551310; E-Mail: [email protected] Chair: G. Küng, Secy: 0. Sieber, Donor(s): R. Knoll Focus: Rei 13092
Plus Stiftung für papsturkunden- und fOr mittelalterliche Geschichtsforschung, Hinterbergstr 71, 8044 Zürich Focus: Hist 13116
Orphelina-Stiftung, c/o Schweiz. Bankgesellschaft, Bahnhofstr 45, 8001 Zürich Focus: Child 13093
Fondation Baltzar W A. von Platen, c/o Lenz & Staehelin, 25 Grand'Rue, 1211 Genève 11 Focus: Cane 13118
Orpheum Stiftung zur Förderung Junger Solisten, Dufourstr 155, 8008 Zürich T: (01) 3811222; Fax: 3837166; E-Mail: orpheum® eyekon.ch Established: 1990; Chair: Dr. Hans Heinrich Coninx, Secy: Sylvester Vieli, Donor(s): Dr. Hans Heinrich Coninx Assets: CHF 400.000,· Focus: Music 13094
Karl Popper-Stiftung, c/o Dr. S. Wettenschwiler, Bundespl 16, 6304 Zug Focus: Educ; Pubi 13119
Fondazione A. M. Ostrowski per un Premio Internazionale di Alta Matematica, c/o Prof. C Bandle, Mathematisches Institut, Rheinsprung 21, 4051 Basel Focus: Math 13095 Ostschweizer Stiftung für Musik und Theater, Museumstr 1, 9000 Sankt Gallen Limitations: Grants in East Switzerland only Focus: Music; Theat 13096 Fondation Ousselml, 30 Quai Gustave-Ador, 1207 Genève Focus: Schol 13097 PADI A.W.A.R.E., Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibility and Ed ucati ο η-Stiftung, c/o PADI EU Services AG, Obecwilerstr 3, 8442 Hettlingen T: (052) 3041414; Fax: 3041499 Established: 1995; Secy: Thomas Sobotta Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Ecol; Educ 13098 Fondation Internationale Padme, Chemin de la Céramone, 1808 Les Monts-de-Corsier Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Phil; Educ 13099 Stiftung Paracelsus Heute, llgenweidstr 3, 8840 Einsiedeln T: (055) 4188195; Fax: 4188196 Focus: Med 13100 Paranature Foundation, CP 205, 1211 Geneve 12
Focus: Dev
Fondation Jacques Parlsot, c/o Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, 1211 Genève 27 Focus: Med; Health 13102 Fondation Simón I. Patiño, 8 Rue Giovanni Gambini, 1211 Genève 25 Τ: (022) 3470211; Fax: 7891829 . . . . 13103 Patria Jeunesse, c/o Helvetia Patria Versicherungen, Sankt Alban-Anlage 26, 4002 Basel T: (061) 2801360; Fax: 2802973; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.helvetiapatria.com Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Youth; Child 13104 Patronagefonds für junge Schweizer Künstler, c/o Basler Kunstverein, Klostergasse 5, 4051 Basel T: (061) 2724833; Fax: 2724826 Limitations: Scholarships to young Swiss artists only Focus: Schol; Arts 13105 Peace and Crises Management Foundation, Rigistr 10, 6300 Zug Focus: Peace; SocW; East 13106 Petl-Waldstiftung, In der Gupf 5, 5610 Wohlen Τ: (056) 6227666; Fax: 6228566; E-Mail: peli© spectraweb.ch Focus: For 13107 Harald Perten-Stiftung, c/o Bank Hofmann AG, Postfach, 8022 Zürich Focus: Agrie 13108
Stiftung Planta, Mulins 2, 7503 Samedan T: (081) 8525268
Fondation de Bienfaisance Nicolas et Hélène Porphyrogenis, c/o Dr. Bugnion, 5 Grand-Chêne, 1003 Lausanne Focus: SocW; Cult 13120 Stiftung Dr. Stephan à Porta, Kreuzstr 31, 8008 Zurich Τ: (01) 2520047; Fax: 2616018
. . . .
Fondation Porvenir, 1 Grand-Pl, 1701 Fribourg Focus: Dev; Voc 13122 Pro Cura Canls, Stiftung für herrenlose Hunde, c/o Ebeling & Partner, Seefeldstr 214, 8008 Zürich Focus: AnimP 13123 Pro Juventute, Seehofstr 15, 8032 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Youth
Pro Mente Sana, Postfach, 8042 Zürich Τ: (01) 3618272; Fax: 3618216; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.promentesana.ch Established: 1978; Chair Dr.iur. Jost Gross, Secy: Jürg Gassmann, Donor(s): Schweizerische Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Assets: CHF 1.300.000,·, Receipts: CHF 1.000.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 1.000.000,· Focus: Psychia 13125 Pro Natura, c/o Alpines Museum, Helvetiapl 4, 3005 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ecol; Landsc 13126 Pro Sclentia et Arte, c/o Mark Ineichen, Bollwerk 15, 3011 Bern Focus: Scie; Arts 13127 Pro Senectute - Für das Alter, Lavaterstr 60, 8027 Zùrich Τ: (01) 2838989; Fax: 2838980; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.pro-senectute.ch Established: 1917; Secy: Martin Mezger Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Sen 13128
Fondation C.F. Ramuz, CP 181, 1009 Pully T: (021) 7213642 Established: 1951; Chair Doris Jakubec, Secy: Maurice Rebetez Focus: Lit 13138 Stiftung Rau für die Dritte Welt, c/o Bruppacher, Hug & Partner, Zollikerstr 58, 8702 Zollikon T: (01) 3963131; Fax: 3963132; E-Mail: info® bhp.ch Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev Í3139 Dr. Rau'eche Kunststiftung, Postfach 194, 8423 Embrach-Embraport Focus: Arts 13140 Dr. Rau'sche Medlzlnalsttftung, Postfach 194, 8423 Embrach-Embraport Focus: Pharm 13141 Rechtshilfestiftung zum Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt, Postfach, 8010 Zurich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Law; Ecol 13142 Fondation Anne-Marie Rees, c/o Conservatoire de Lausanne, CP 2427, 1002 Lausanne T: (021) 3122608 Focus: Music 13143 Reformatio Hungarlca, Stiftung zur Förderung des reformierten Gymnasiums in Budapest, Buchholzstr 87, 8053 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Budapest (Hungary) only Focus: Educ; Rei; East 13144 REG Stiftung der Schweizerischen Register der Ingenieure, der Architekten und der Techniker, Weinbergstr 27, 8006 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Eng; Archit 13145 Stiftung Reiken-Patronat für akademische Nachdipiom-und Doktorandenstudien, Höflistr 42, 8135 Langnau Focus: Schol 13146 Stiftung Museum Oskar Reinhart, Stadthausstr 6, 8400 Winterthur T: (052) 2675172; Fax: 2676228 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 13147 Elisabeth Rentschler-Stfftung, Postfach 7678, 8023 Zürich Chair: Charlotte Rentschier, Secy: Dr. Ueii VogelEtienne, Donor(s): Elisabeth Rentschier Focus: AnimP 13148 RESO-Stlftung Rechenzentrum für Krankenversicherung, Römerstr 20, 4500 Solothum Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Compu; Ins
Fondation Irène Reymond, La Cergne, 1808 Les Monts-de-Corsier T: (021) 9211820; Fax: 9217831 Focus: Arts 13151 13152
Progress-Foundation, Postfach 562, 8027 Zürich Focus: Res 13131
Fondation Roche de Recherche en Afrique, (Roche African Research Foundation), c/o Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Grenzacherstr 124, 4002 Basel Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Afr 13157
Christian Roth-Stiftung für Concours du Meilleur Commis Rôtisseur, Postfach, 8910 Affoltem Focus: Voc 13165 Rotkreuz-Stiftung für Krankenpflege Undenhof Bern, Bremgartenstr 117, 3012 Bern Limitations: Grants in Bern only Focus: Nurs 13166 Rotkreuzstlftung, Postfach 161, 6207 Nottwil Limitations: Local grants only Focus: Voc; Nurs 13167 Rotkreuzstlftung Zentrallaboratorium Blutspendedienst, Wankdorfstr 10, 3000 Bern 22 Τ: (031) 3300222; Fax: 3300480 Established: 1949; Chain Prof. P. Sprumont, Secy: Dr. R. Wäger, Donor(s): Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Assets: CHF 90.000.000,-, Receipts: CHF 172.000.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 170.000.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hemat 13168 Fondation Denis de Rougemont pour l'Europe, do Claude Haegi, 12 Rue de l'Arquebuse, 1204 Geneve Τ: (022) 6071717; Fax: 8071718 Established: 1987; Chair Claude Haegi, Secy: Michel Baettig, Donor(s): Claude Haegi Assets: CHF 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Cult: Eur 13169 Rroma Foundation, c/o Cristina Krück, Forchstr 353, 8008 Zürich Focus: SocW; Cult 13170 RUD-EM-Stlftung. οίο Η Höpflinger, Postlach 234, 8027 Zurich Focus: SocW; Educ; Dev 13171
Ilse und Kurt Rüdiger-Stiftung, c/o Schweizerische Rettungsflugwacht REGA, Mainaustr 21, 8008 Zürich Focus: SocW 13173 Gertrud Rüegg-Stlftung, do Pestalozzi, Gmuer & Patry, Löwenstr 1, 8001 Zurich Focus: SocW 13174 Fondazione Hans Ruesch per Una Medicina Senza Vivisezione, c/o Marco Primavesl, CP 3250, 6901 Lugano Focus: Med (3175
Aline Andrea Rutz-Stfttung, do Thomas Rutz, Tobeieggstr 14, 8049 Zürich 13177
Fondazione Fratelli Agostino ed Enrico Rocca, do San Faustin SA, Via Maggio 2, 6900 Lugano Focus: Scie; Cult; SocW 13156
Rabten-Stlfhing, c/o Dr. Ph. Mayer, Talstr 20, 8001 Zürich Τ: (01) 2114333; Fax: 2114344 Focus: Refug; Nurs; Sen 13135
Stiftung Roth, Elfenweg 21, 3400 Burgdorf Τ: (034) 42207
Rlngier-Stiftung für Nothilfe, c/o Ringier AG, Dufourstr 29, 8008 Zürich Focus: SocW 13154
Procom Stiftung Kommunikationshilfen für Hörgeschädigte, Hömelstr 17, 8636 Wald Focus: Deafs 13130
Quellenhof-Stlftung, Hegifeldstr 6, B404 Winterthur T: (052) 2451313; Fax: 2451319; E-Mail: Sekretariat® gvc.ch Focus: SocW
Stiftung Internationale Max Rostal Competition, Bahnhofpl 3, 3011 Bern Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Schol; Music 13163
Fondation Marina Rulz-PIcasso, c/o Borei & Barbey, 2 Rue de Jargonnant, 1207 Genève Focus: Educ; Adult 13176
International College of Hospitality Administration César Ritz, Englischgruss-Str 43, 3900 Brig-Glis Focus: Voc 13155
PUSCH - Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz, Postfach 211, 8024 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ecol 13133
Stiftung Dr. Richard Rosenberg, Alter Postpl 2, 6370 Stans T: (041) 6190069 13162
Stiftung Hans Ringler, c/o Ringier AG, Brühlstr 5, 4800 Zofingen 13153
Pro Silva Helvetica, Buchenweg 23, 3074 Muri Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: For 13129
Projet Suisse d'Assistance Médicale, 54 Chemin Cuarroz, 1807 Blonay Focus: Med 13132
Stiftung Rosenau, Badstr 5, 5408 Ennelbaden T: (056) 2225888 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 13161
Stiftung Rubel, do Geobolanisches Institut ΕΤΉ Zürich, Zürichbergstr 38, 8044 Zürich Fax: (01) 6321215 Focus: Bot 13172
Fondation Casimir Reymond, c/o Philippe VaFotton, CP 4066, 1002 Lausanne Focus: Arts 13150
Rich-Stffiung, Postfach 526, 8024 Zürich Focus: SocW; Cult; Scie
Fondation Carmine A. Romanzi pour la Coopération Universitaire en Europe, 10 Conseil Général, 1211 Genève 4 T: (022) 3292644; 3292251; Fax: 3292821; E-Mail: cre0uni2a.unige.ch Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Uni 13160
Roche Research Foundation, Grenzacherstr 124, Bau 71/504, 4070 Basel Τ: (061) 6885227; Fax: 6881460; E-Mail: research .foundation® roche.com; Internet: http:// www. research-fou rxlation.org Established: 1971; Chair. Prof. Werner Stauffacher, Secy: Prof. Klaus Müller, Donops): F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Focus: Eng 13158 Rodin Remediation Stiftung, Hofstr 1, 6064 Kerns Focus: Educ; Hand 13159
Paul Sacher-Stìttung c/o Scobag AG, HenricPetri-Str 35, 4010 Basel Focus: Music 13178 Salzburger-Stlftung, Alpenstr 7, 6004 Luzem Focus: Ut 13179 Stiftung Samana, Sihlstr 61, 8001 Zürich Τ: (01) 2117034 Focus: Med
Heinrich und Julie Sandmeier-Strelfl-Stlftung, do A. Baumann, Baararstr 10, 6301 Zug Focus: SocW; Sports; Arts 13181 Fondation Maurice Sandoz et Marguerite de Reding, do Association Suisse des Musiciens, CP 177, 1000 Lausanna 13 Τ: (021) 6143290; Fax: 6143299; E-Mail: [email protected] Focus: Music 13182 Sandoz-Forschungsstlfhing Chemikalien und Bauchemikalien, do Edith Slraub-Plattner, AlHierstr 6, 6300 Zug Focus: Chem 13183 Sandoz-Forschungsstiftung Pflanzenschutz und Saatgut c/o Edith Straub-Plattner, Afttwrstr 6, 6300 Zug Focus: Agrie 13184
13185 - 13262
Sandoz-Forschungssttftung Technologie, c/o Edith Straub-Plattner, Artherstr 6, 6300 Zug Focus: Eng 1318S
Stiftung Otto Schwaar, Bemstr West 64, 5034 Suhr Focus: Voc 13210
Sandoz-Sttftung zur Förderung der medlzJnlsch-bJologsichen Wissenschaften, c/o Sandoz-Pharma AG, Postfach, 4002 Basel Focus: Med; Biol 131S6
Stiftung Albert Schweitzer-Zentrum GOnsbach, Postfach, 3607 Thun Τ: (033) 2226382; Fax: 2226382; E-Mail: info® schweitzer.org; Internet; http://www.schweitzer.org Established: 1991; Chair Pfarrer Richard Brüllmann Focus: Med; SocW 13211
Fondation Saner Studen, Stiftung für Schweizer Kunst, 2557 Studen T: (032) 3731317 Focus: Arts 13187 Sankt Gallen Stiftung für Internationale Studien, Postfach 1045, 9001 Sankt Gallen Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: SocS 13188 Sankt Gotman-Stlftung, Sankt Alban-Tal 19, 4052 Basel T: (061) 3121745 Chair: J.F. Blanc 13189 Sarajevo Charitable Foundation, c/o Froriep, Renggli & Associés, 4 Rue Charles-Bonnet, 1206 Genève Limitations: Grants in Sarajevo (Bosnia-Hercegovina) only Focus: Med; Health; East 13190 Sama Jubillums-Stittung, Postfach, 6060 Samen Focus: Cult 13191 Fondazione Sathya Sal Seva, do Antonio Zendralli, 6535 Roveredo Focus: Phil
Save The Mountains, Stjfiung der AlpenRock House-Gruppe, Postfach 6139, 8023 Zurich T: (01) 2120527; Fax: 3134402 Established: 1996; Chain Thomas Fedrizzi, Secy: Lorenz Meyer, Donor(s): BMG Aríola (Schweiz) AG, ARH Management AG Receipts: CHF 200.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ecol 13193 Ingborg und Walter Schellenberg-Sttftung, Via G. Segantini 12 , 7500 Sankt Moritz Focus: Sen; Blinds; SocW 13194 Jmanuel und Evamaria Schenk-Sttftung zur Förderung v o n Musikstudenten Im Hinblick auf die Erlangung des Solistendiploms, Bottenwilerstr 25, 4800 Zofingen Focus: Schol; Music 13195 Schilling-Stiftung, c/o Treuhandbüro Max Fluii, Bahnhofpl 1, 5401 Baden Focus: Ecol; Peace 13196 Emst Schindler-Stiftung, c/o Architekturbüro Burkhard, Niederhofenrain 21, 8008 Zürich Focus: Schol; Archit 13197 Visions of Dane« Martin Schläpfer-Stfftung, Brunngasse 70, 3011 Bern T: (031) 3124987; Fax: 31234987 Established: 1995; Chain Martin Schläpler Focus: Dartee 13198 Wohlfahilsstiftung Frau Gisela G. Schmid sel., c/o Sozialamt des Kantons Zürich, 8090 Zürich Focus: Hand; SocW 13199 August Schmid-Stfftung, c/o Dr. A. Korach, Limmatquai 1, 8024 Zürich Focus: SocW 13200 Stiftung Kunstsammlung Thomas Schmldhelny, do Thomas Schmidheiny, Züreherstr 156, 8645 Jona Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 13201 Emst Schmldhelny Stiftung, Talstr 83, 8001 Zürich T: (01) 2114352; Fax: 2211287; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.esst.ch Established: 1972; Chair: Dr h.c. Thomas Schmidheiny, Secy: Hansjörg Brunner, Donops): Dr. h.c. Emst Schmidheiny Focus: Econ; Ecluc 13202 Max Schmldheiny-Stlftung an der Universität Sankt Gallen, Dufourstr 118, 9001 Sankt Gallen Focus: Econ; PolS; Uni 13203 Fondazione Günther J. Schmidt, c/o G.J. Schmidt, Via Dunant 4, 6900 Massagno Focus: Ecol 13204 Stiftung für Hyperbarmedizin Dr. med. Jörg Schmutz, Kieinhüningerstr 177, 4057 Basel T: (061) 6313006 Focus: Med
Ella und J. Paul Schnorf-Stlftung, c/o Crédit Suisse Fides Trust AG, Postfach 656, 8027 Zurich Focus: Ecol 13206 Conrad W. Schnyder-Stiftung, c/o Erika Schnyder, Im Eigeli 8, 8700 Küssnacht Focus: Mon
Stiftung Schönbühl, Alters- und Pflegeheim, UngaitDhlstr 4, 8200 Schaffhausen T: (052) 6254268; Fax: 6254259 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 13208 Bruno Schuler-Sttftung, c/o Fides Trust AG, Postfach, 8027 Zürich Τ: (01) 2492254; Fax: 2025945 Focus: Schol; Music; Musi 13209
Schweizer Forschungsstiftung Kind und Krebs, Hadlaubstr 115. 8006 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzetland only Focus: Cane; Ped 13212 Schweizer Freunde des Israelischen Soldaten, c/o Peter Oppenheim, Chaienstr 8b, 8123 Eibmattingen Focus: Milrt 13213 Schweizer Parapleglker-Stlftung, Sankt AlbanVorstadt 110, 4052 Basel T: (061) 2251010; Fax: 22510111; E-Mail: sps@ paranetch; Internet: http://www.paranet.ch Established: 1975; Chair Dr. Guido A. Zàch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Med 13214 Schweizer Rettungsflugwacht, Postfach 1414, 8058 Zürich-Flughafen Τ: (01) 6543311 Established: 1952; Chair: Peter J. Bar, Secy: HansPeter Kurz Receipts: CHF 90.000.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 90.000.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 13215 Schweizer Seelsorge-Sttftung, c/o Dr Albert Dormann, Hänibüel 10b, 6300 Zug Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Rei 13216 Schweizer Spende für Tuberkulose und Lungenkranke, Bern: defunct 13217 Schweizer Stiftung Pro Aero, c/o Honold Treuhand AG, Postfach, 6029 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Aviat 13218 Schweizer Tibethilfe, (Swiss Aid to Tibetans), c/o Schweiz. Rotes Kreuz, Postfach, 3001 Bern Τ: (031) 3877111; Fax: 3877122; E-Mail: Sigrid. Joss θ Redcross.ch Established: 1961; Chair. Anton Wenger, Secy: Sigrid Joss-Amd Limitations: Grants to Tibetans only Focus: Refug; As 13219 Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinische Stiftung für archäologische Forschungen im Ausland, c/o Museum Rietberg, Gablerstr 15, 8002 Zürich T: (01) 2017669; Fax: 2010548; E-Mail: slsabuero® access.ch Established: 1986; Chair Dr. Hans Heinrich Coninx, Secy: Dr. Eberhard Fischer, Donor(s): Prinz HansAdam Il of Liechtenstein Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Archeo 13220 Schwelzerische Äthiopische Stiftung für Entwlddungszusammenarbett, c/o Atelier für Kommunikation, Bankgasse 4, 9000 Sankt Gallen Limitations: Grants in Ethiopia only Focus: Dev; Afr 13221 Schwefzerische Akademie der medizinischen Wissenschaften, Peterspl 13, 4051 Basel Limitations: Predetermined grants in Switzerland only Focus: Med 13222 Schweizerische Akademie für Entwicklung, Postfach 1044, 4502 Solothum T: (032) 6238543; Fax: 6234935; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1991; Chair Fridolin Kissling, Prof. Dr. Peter Atteslander, Secy: Fridolin Kissling, Prof. Dr. Peter Atteslander, Peter Graber, Donops): Fridolin Kissling, Prof. Dr. Peter Atteslander, Dr. Farhad Afshar Receipts: CHF 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 1.000.000,· Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Dev 13223 Schwelzerische Akademie für Steueriehre, (Swiss Tax Academy), Postfach 9092, 8050 Zürich Limitations: Predetermined grants in Switzerland only Focus: Law 13224 Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kultureller Stiftungen, c/o Jubiläums-Strftung der Schweizerischen Bankgesellschaft, Bahnhofstr 45, 8021 Zürich T: (01) 2341111; Fax: 2344110 . . . . 13225 Schwelzerische Ausblldungsstätte für Naturund Umweltschutz, Postfach 3126, 2500 Biel 3 T: (032) 3221433; Fax; 3221320; E-Mail: sanuô dial.eunetch; Internet: http://www.sanu.ch Established: 1989; Chair G. Petitpierre, Secy: P. Lehmann, Donops); Swiss Academy of Sciences Assets: CHF 20.000,-, Receipts: CHF 2.200.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 2.200.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Ecol; Voc 13226
Schweizerische Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung, Postfach 8236, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3902222; Fax: 3902230; E-Mail: info@bfu,ch; Internet: http://www.bfu.ch Established: 1938; Chair: Dr. Ulrich FricKer, Secy: Peter Hehlen Receipts: CHF 20.000.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 20.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Traum 13227 Schweizerische Diabetes-Stiftung, Sennweidstr 46, 6312 Steinhausen T: (041) 7487680; Fax: 7487611; E-Mail: sds© hin.ch Established: 1972; Chair: Dr. W.J. Schlegel Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Diab 13228 Schweizerische Doron-Prels Stiftung, Postfach 4457, 6304 Zug Focus: SocW; Educ; Scie; Cuft . . . . 13229 Schwelzerische Energie-Stiftung, Sihlquai 67, 8005 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: En 13230 Schweizerische Friedensstiftung, c/o Institut für Konfliktlösung, Postfach, 3000 Bern 8 Focus: Peace 13231 Schwelzerische Gerina-Stiftung zur Erhaltung der alpinen Fliessgewässer, Postfach 2272, 8033 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ecol 13232 Schwelzerische Gesundheitsstiftung RADIX, Stampfenbachstr 161, 8006 Zürich Fax: (01) 3621035 Established: 1972; Chair: Prof. Dr. F. Gutzwiller, Secy: S. Spring, Donops): Prof. Dr. M. Schaer Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Health 13233 Schwelzerische Gewässerstiftung, Postfach 115, 8027 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ecol 13234 Schwelzerische Herzstiftung, Schwarztorstr 18, 3000 Bern 14 Τ: (031) 3888080; Fax: 3888088; E-Mail: info©herzstiftung.ch Established: 1967; Chair: Prof. Dr. Willy Rutishauser, Secy: Therese Junker, Donor(s): Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Rivier Assets: CHF 2.000.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 2.800,000,Limrtations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Card 13235 Schwelzerische Hlmalaya-Stlftung, Müntschemiergasse 1, 3232 Ins Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sports; As
Schweizerische Hospitalier Stiftung, c/o E. Flückiger, Mäderstr 19. 5400 Baden Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13237 Schwelzerische Kutturstlftung für Audiovision, c/o Triluna Film AG, Neugasse 6, 8005 Zurich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Cin; Media 13238 Schweizerische Nationalspende für unsere Soldaten und ihre Familien, Effingerstr 19, 3008 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Milit 13239 Schwelzerische Neurodermitis Stiftung. c/o Paul Falk, Fliederstr 13, 4800 Zofingen Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Neur
Schwelzerische Pfadistiftung, Postlach. 4002 Basel Established: 1982; Chair François Jeanneret, Secy: Hans Rudolf Bachmann Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Youth 13241 Schweizerische Schiller-Stiftung, Mattenweg 4, 3270 Amberg Τ: (032) 3937264 Established: 1905; Chair. Dr. Peter Uhlmann Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Lit 13242 Schwelzerische Stiftung Band-Jugendhllfe, Postfach 516, 4001 Basel Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Youth 13243 Schwelzerische Stiftung Feriendorf Twannberg, 2516 Twannberg Τ: (032) 3150111; Fax: 3152774; E-Mail: twannbergebieistar.ch; Internet: http:// www.twannberg.ch/stiftung Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand
Schweizerische Stiftung für Alkoholforschung, Postfach 870, 1001 Lausanne Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Drug 13245
Switzerland: Schweizerische
Schweizerische Stiftung für alkoholfreie Gastlichkeit, Postfach, 6034 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Health 13246 Schwelzerische Stiftung für alpine Forschungen, Binzsir 23, 8045 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Geol
Schwelzerische Stiftung für audiovisuelle Bildungsangebote, Bâulistr 42, 8049 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Educ 13248 Schwelzerische Stiftung für blindentechnlsche Hilfsmittel, c/o P.R. Schweizer, Neueggstr 4, 9205 Waldkirch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Blinds 13249 Schweizerische Stiftung für das cerebral gelähmte Kind, Postfach 8262, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3081515; Fax: 3083685; E-Mail: cerebral® cerebral.ch; Internet: http://www.cerebral.ch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand; Child 13250 Schwelzerische Stiftung fur das Stockalperschloss, c/o Dr. G. Imboden, Stockalperschloss, 3900 Brig Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon
Schweizerische Stiftung für die Erforschung der Muskelkrankhelten, c/o J.-M. Girod, Postfach 6363, 3011 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Schol; Med 13252 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Familie, Beethovenstr 43, 8002 Zurich Τ: (01) 2812084; Fax: 2812085 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Fam 13253 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Förderung und Unterstützung von Berufsmusikern, Postfach, 3000 Bern 7 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Music 13254 Schwelzerische Stiftung für die Geschichte der Post und Telekommunikation, Helvetiastr 16, 3005 Bern T: (031) 3575555; Fax: 3575599 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hist; Comm 13255 Schwelzerische Stiftung für die Hilfe an Straffällige und Ihre Familien, Postfach 8313, 3001 Bern Established: 1981; Chair: Prof. Andrea Baechtold, Donor(s): Schweiz. Vereinigung der Bewährungshilfe, Pro Patria, Caritas Assets: CHF 900.000,· Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Pris 13256 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Photographie, c/o Kunsthaus Zürich, Heimpl 1, 8024 Zürich T: (01) 2516765; Fax: 2512464; E-Mail: ssp@ kunsthaus.ch; Internet: http://www.kunsthaus.ch Established: 1971; Secy: Peter Pfrunder, Martin Gasser, Donor(s): Rosellina Burri-Bischof, Walter Binder Assets: CHF 10.000,·, Receipts: CHF 500.000.-, Expenditures: CHF 500.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Phot 13257 Schweizerische Stiftung für Edelsteinforschung, Postfach 359, 3000 Bern 7 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Gemm 13258 Schwelzerische Stiftung für elektronische Hilfsmittel, CP, 2006 Neuchátel 6 Τ: (032) 7329797; Fax: 7305863; E-Mail: info© fst.ch; Internet: http://www.fst.ch Established: 1982; Chair Dr. Guido A. Zách, Secy: Jean-Claude Gabus, Donor(s): Schweizer Paraplegiker-Stiftung, Schweizer Stiftung fur das cerebral gelähmte Kind Assets: CHF 50.000,-, Receipts: CHF 3.500.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 3.500.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Electron 13259 Schweizerische Stiftung für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Postfach, 3000 Bern 6 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 13260 Schweizerische Stiftung für Forschung und Ausbildung „Qualität" c/o SQS, Postfach, 3052 Zollikofen T: (031) 9103535; Fax: 9103545 Established: 1990; Chair Dr. J. Saxer Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Indu; Adm; CommT 13261 Schwelzerische Stiftung für hlrnverietzte Menschen, Beckenhofstr 70, 8006 Zürich Τ: (01) 3603060; Fax: 3603066; E-Mail: mail@ fragile-suisse.ch; Internet: http://www.fragile-suisse.ch Established: 1994; Chair: Dr. Pierre Christe, Secy: Daniela Erb Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand; Eth; Health; Neur, Traum; HumR 13262
Switzerland: Schweizerische Schweizerische Stiftung für internationale Berufswettbewerbe, im Zentrum 11, 8604 Volketswil T: (01) 9084080; Fax: 9084088; E-Mail: [email protected]; internet: http://www.daso.ch Established: 1980; Chair: H.U. Stöckling, Secy: Daniel Sommer Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Voc 13263 Schweizerische Stiftung für Kinder und Jugendliche, c/o Dr. Jost Schumacher, Alpenstr 1, 6004 Luzem Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Child; Youth 13264 Schweizerische Stiftung für Klinische Krebsforschung, Lenggstr 12, 8008 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Cane 13265 Schweizerische Stiftung für KunststoffReintegration, c/o EMPA, Postfach, 9014 Sankt Gallen T: (071) 2747474; Fax: 2747155; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpJ/www.kunststoffssk.ch Established: 1994; Chair: Hans Rudolf, Secy: Paul W. Gilgen Assets: CHF 120.000.Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Pias 13266
Schweizerische Stiftung zur Förderung der Geflügelzucht und - haltung, Burgerweg 22, 3052 Zollikofen T: (031) 9153535; Fax: 9153530; E-Mail: sgs® pop.agri.ch; Internet: http://www.combi.agri.ch/sgs Established: 1962; Chain E. Muff, Secy: R. Hadom Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: AnimH; Agrie 13283 Schwelzerische Stiftung zur Förderung des biologischen Landbaus, Postfach, 5070 Frick T: (062) 8657272; Fax: 8657273; E-Mail: admin® tibi.eh; Internet: http://www.fibl.ch Established: 1973; Chair: Dr. Otto Stich, Secy: Dr. Urs Niggli Assets: CHF 292.000,-, Receipts: CHF 121.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 120.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Agrie; Bus; Ent; Res; Horn; Fruit; Ecol; Vet 13284 Schwelzerische Studienstiftung, Merkurstr 45, 8032 Zürich T: (01) 2606880; Fax: 2606884; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.studienstiftung.ch Established: 1991; Chair: Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Hans P. Kunzi, Secy: Men Wieland Limitations: Scholarships in Switzerland only Focus: Schol 13285
Schweizerische Stiftung für Landschaftsarchitektur, Oberseestr 10, 8640 Rapperswil Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Landsc 13267
Schweizerische Studienstiftung für begabte Junge Menschen, Merkurstr 45, 8032 Zürich T: (01) 2606880; Fax: 2606884; E-Mail: info® Studien Stiftung. c h Limitations: Scholarships to Swiss students only Focus: Schol 13286
Schweizerische Stiftung für Migration, CP 866, 1701 Fribourg Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocS 13268
Schweizerische Technische Fachschule Wlnterthur, Schktsstalstr 139, 8408 Winterthur Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc; Eng 13287
Schweizerische Stiftung für Parapsychologie, c/o Dr. Theo Blocher, Industriestr 5, 2555 Brugg Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Parap 13269
Schweizerische Vogelwarte Sempach, 6204 Sempach Τ: (041) 4629700; Fax: 4629710; E-Mail: info® Vogelwarte.eh; Internet: http://
Schweizerische Stiftung fur Rehabilitation, Spitalgasse 40, 4004 Basel Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Reh 13270
Established: 1924; Chair: Dr. Jürg ñohner, Secy: Dr. Hans Peter Pfister, Donor(s): Alfred Schifferli sen. Receipts: CHF 8.000.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 8.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ecol; Omit 13288
Schweizerische Stiftung für Sozialethik, Kirchgasse 9, 8001 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocS 13271 Schweizerische Stiftung für Stockwerkeigentum, Gerbengasse 3, 3600 Thun Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hous 13272 Schwelzerische Stiftung für Taubblinde, Fuhrstr 15, 8135 Langnau am Albis T: (01) 7147100; Fax: 7131435 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Deafs; Blinds 13273 Schweizerische Stiftung für Vogelschutzgebiete, Dickenstr 25, 9642 EbnatKappel T: (071) 9932315; Fax; 9932315; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1973; Chair: Reto Zingg Assets: ca. CHF 1.000.000,- (Real Estate Property), Receipts: ca. CHF 100.000,·, Expenditures: ca. CHF 100.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: AnimP; Omit 13274 Schweizerische Stiftung für Wohnungsbau Im ländlichen Raum, Postfach 63, 4505 Solothum Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hons 13275 Schweizerische Stiftung Guter Wille, c/o Katja Sprüngli, Bahnhofstr 21, 8022 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ped 13276 Schwelzerische Stiftung Pro Venezia, c/o Banca del Gottardo, Viale S. Franscini 8, 6900 Lugano Limitations: Grants in Venezia (Italy) only Focus: Mon 13277 Schweizerische Stiftung Telmed, c/o Ärztekasse, Jakob-Fügli-Str 18, 8048 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Health 13278 Schweizerische Stiftung World Health Forum, Langenacherweg 9, 3860 Meiringen Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Health 13279 Schweizerische Stiftung Zâme Libe, Postfach, 3000 Ben 22 Τ: (031) 3301010; Fax: 3301019 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Child; Fam 13260 Schweizerische Stiftung zur Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten, c/o Dermatologisches Ambulatorium des Stadtspitals, Herman Greulichstr 70, 8004 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Denn 13281 Schweizerische Stiftung zur Erhaltung dar Hohlen Gasse, Bahnhofstr 23, 6403 Küssnacht Limitations: Grants in Küssnacht only Focus: Mon 13282
13263 - 13343
www. Vogelwarte, eh
Schweizerische Volksblbllothek, Rosenweg 2, 4500 Solothum Τ: (032) 6233231; Fax: 6233380; E-Mail: willep®spectraweb.ch Established: 1920; Chair: Prof. E. Wilhelm, Secy: Dr. Peter Wille Assets: CHF 4.000.000,-, Receipts: CHF 2.900.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 2.900.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Libr 13289 Schweizerischer Fonds für Hilfe bel nicht versicherbaren Elementarschäden, Postfach 361, 3000 Bern 14 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13290 Schweizerischer Fonds zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung der Blindheit, Spiegelhofstr 35, 8032 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Blinds 13291 Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Postfach 8232, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3082222; Fax: 3013009; E-Mail: pri®snf.ch; Internet: http://www.snf.ch Established: 1952; Chair: Prof. Heidi Diggelmann, Secy: Dr. H.P. Herlig Receipts: CHF 355.000.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 355.000.000,Umitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Res 13292 Schweizerisches Archiv für Brot· und Qebickkunde, c/o Schweiz. Bäcker· Konditorenmeister-Veitand, Seilerstr 9, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3817877; Fax: 3821506; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http I i www.swissbaker.ch Established: 1960; Chain Theo Gantner, Secy: Markus Tscherrig, Donor(s): SBKV Assets: CHF 189.000,-, Receipts: CHF 34.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 34.000,Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Food; Archiv 13293 Schweizerisches Forschungsinstitut für Hochgeblrgskllma und Medizin in Davos, Obere Str 22, 7270 Davos Platz T: (081) 4100848; Fax: 4100840 Established: 1922; Chain Prof. Dr. Walter Siegenthaler, Secy: Paul Stiefel Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Meteo; Med 13294 Schweizerisches Freilichtmuseum für ländliche Kultur Ballenberg. 3855 Brienz T: (033) 9521030; Fax: 9521035; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet http://www.ballenberg.ch Established: 1968; Chair: Rudolf Reichling, Secy: Walter Trauffer, Dr. S. Huwyler, Doris Kohler Limitations: Predetermined local grants only Focus: Cult 13295
Schweizerisches Institut für Glas am Bau, Badenerstr 21, 8004 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Glass 13296 Schweizerisches Institut In Rom, c/o Bundesamt für Kultur, Hallwylstr 15, 3003 Bern T: (031) 3229283; Fax: 3227834 Limitations: Grants to Swiss citizens up to 40 years only Focus: Aits; Des; Archit; Music; Lit; Hum; Rei; Mon 13297 Schweizerisches Jugendschrtftenwerk, Postfach, 8042 Zurich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Lit; Educ
Schweizerisches Pestalozzi helm Neuhof, 5242 Birr Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Youth; Educ 13299 Schweizerisches Toxikologisches Informationszentrum, Postfach, 8028 Zurich Τ: (01) 2516666; Fax: 2528833; E-Mail: ¡[email protected] Established: 1966; Chair Dr. F. Merki, Secy: Prof. P.J. Meier-Abt, J.P. Lorent, Donops): Dr. Dr. A. Nisoli Receipts; CHF 2.000,000,-, Expenditures; CHF 2.000.000,Umltations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Tox 13300
Foundation William E. Simon School of Business Administration in Switzerland, do Institut für Finanzmanagement, Universität Bern, Engehaldenstr 4, 3012 Bern Focus: Schol; Bus 13319 Solldarttätfonds SGG, Hirschmattstr 54, 6003 Luzem Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13320 Solidaritätsfonds des Schwelzerischen Kaufmännischen Verbandes, Postfach 687, 8027 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13321 Solidaritätsfonds Sulsslmege, Neuengasse 23, 3001 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13322 Solidarité Haute-Egypte, do D. Ducret 8 Rue Saint-Léger, 1205 Genève Limitations: Grants in Upper Egypt only Focus; Dev; Afr 13323 Solon-Stiftung, Angelmatte 8, 6043 Adligenswil Focus: Dev 13324 Russischer Sozialfonds von Alexander Solshenizyn, c/o Dr. Erwin Lustenberger, Chamerstr 79, 6303 Zug Limitations: Grants in Russia only Focus: SocW; East
Fondazione Sclaredo, c/o D. Olgiati, CP 76, 6600 Muralto Focus: Alts 13301
Dr. Ida Somazzl-Stlftung, 1122 Romanel-surMorges Focus: Worn 13326
Fondation Peter Scott Wildlife Endowment Fund, c/o WWF, Αν du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland Focus: Ecol 13302
Somdetyas Stiftung für Wat Thal, c/o Buddhistisches Zentrum, Im Grund 7, 5014 Gretzenbach Focus: Rei 13327
Secours Dentaire International, do Etienne Malherbe, 6 Av du Delay, 1110 Morges T: (021) 8025208; Fax: B025208; E-Mail: malheibe.etienne ®freesurf ,ch Established: 1981 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Dent 13303 Carl Seellg-Stlftung, Stammheimerstr 8, 8259 Kaltenbach Τ: (01) 2025903; Fax: 2025907 Established: 1966; Chair: Norbert Loacker, Secy: Barbara Loacker, Donops): Carl Seelig Focus: LH; Aits; Scie 13304 Seelsorgestiftung Litauen, c/o Paul Carlen, Bahnhofstr 14, 3900 Brig Limitations: Grants in Lithuania only Focus: Rei; East 13305 Fondazione Richard e Uli Seewald, c/o Dr. Vital Hauser, Talacker 35, 8001 Zürich Τ: (01) 2211688; Fax: 2212315 Donor(s): Richard Seewald, Uli Seewald Focus: Arts 13306 Stiftung Giovanni Segantini, Via Somplaz 30, 7500 Sankt Moritz Focus: Arts 13307 Dr. Alexander Seiler-Stiftung zur Förderung des Krankenpflegeberufes, c/o Abt. Berufsbildung des Schweiz. Roten Kreuzes, Werkstr 18, 3084 Wabern Focus: Nurs 13308 Werner Alfred Selo-Stlftung zur Therapieforschung von Kopfschmerzen und Depressionen, Riedstr 17, 6330 Cham Focus: Ther 13309 Franz Ludwig von Senger-Stiftung, c/o Senger Annoncen AG, Postfach, 8032 Zürich Focus: Music 13310 Sfb Blldungszentrum, Bemstr 394, 8953 Dietikon T: (01) 7444511; Fax: 7444531; E-Mail: info® sfb,eh; Internet: http://www.sfb.ch Established: 1971; Secy: J. Steiner Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Adult; Eng; Bus; Compu . . . . 13311 Stiftung Sherab Ling, Laubeggstr 37, 3006 Bern Focus: Dev 13312 SHK Stiftung für Herz- und Kreislaufkrankheiton, c/o Dr. Beat Zeiger, Alter Postpl 6, 6370 Stans Focus: Card 13313 SIDOS, Service Suisse d'Information et d'Archivage de Données pour les Sciences Sociales, 13 Ruelle Vaucher, 2000 Neuchâtel Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocS; Archiv 13314 Stiftung Sozialwerke Pfarrer Emst Sieber, Ur-Dörfli, Im Hackacker, 8902 Urdorf T: (01) 7346114; Fax: 7345104 Focus: SocW 13315 Stiftung Slloah, Worbstr 316, 3073 Gümligen T: (031) 9581818; Fax: 9581700 . . . . 13316 Sllva-Casa Stiftung, c/o Coopers & Lybrand AG, Spitalgasse 2, 3011 Bern Focus: Arts 13317 Louise Sllverberg und Marianne Hauer Stiftung, Postfach, 8023 Zürich Focus: Child
Stiftung Somosa, Neuwiesenstr 11, 8400 Winterthur T: (052) 2121437; Fax: 2138656 . . . .
Stiftung Sonnweld, Bachtelstr 68, 8620 Wetzikon Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Nurs 13329 Sophien-Stiftung, c/o Meier & Cie. AG, Vordergasse 58, 8201 Schaffhausen Focus: Educ; Res; Ther
Soziale Stiftung SWE, Kirchpl 12, 5402 Baden Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13331 Sozialfonds des Schwelzerischen Technischen Verbandes, Postfach, 8023 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13332 Sozialfonds des Verbandes der Schweizer Druckindustrie, c/o Verein Schweizerischer Lithographiebesitzer, Postfach, 3000 Bern 32 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW J3333 Sozialküche Budapest, c/o Peter Javor, Marienstr 17, 3005 Bem Established: 1991; Chair Peter Javor Limitations: Grants in Budapest (Hungary) only Focus: Food; East 13334 Special Olympics Schweiz, ciò Schweizerischer Veiband für Behindertensport, Chriesbaumstr 6, 8604 Volketswil Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand 13335 Spinning Wheel-Stlftung, Bahnhofstr 58, 8001 Zürich Focus: Text 13336 Stiftung der Spirig AG, Postfach, 4622 Egericingen Focus: Derm 13337 Soziale Stiftung Robert A. Spieles, Báckerstr 56, 8004 Zürich Focus: Drug 13338 SPW-Stlftung Naturland, do Schweizerischer Patenjäger und Wildschutzveitand, Fliederweg 2, 6438 Ibach Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hunt; AnimP 13339 SRB Schwelzerische Stiftung für Risikoberatung, Postfach, 8040 Zürich T: (01) 4929415; Fax: 4912386; E-Mail: johann.faeh®srt>-g roup.com Established: I960; Secy: Johanna Fäh Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Bus
Stiftung Werner Steiger, c/o Dr. Georg Resele, Bündtenstr 1 le, 5417 Untersiggenthal Established: 1993; Chair Dr. Georg Resele, Secy: Dr. Georg Resele, Donor(s): Werner Steiger Focus: NatS; Eng 13341 Steiger-Stiftung, Seestr 646, 8706 Meilen Τ: (01) 9231828 Established: 1986; Chair Marcel Steiger Assets: CHF 100.000,-, Receipts: CHF 5.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 5.000,Focus: MuKS; Blinds 13342 Emst Steinegger-Stlftung für Pflanzenheilkunde, c/o Dr. Egon Bruhin, Oberseeweg 42, 8853 Lachen Focus: Bot
13344 - 13427
Stiftung zur Förderung der Rudolf Steiner Pädagogik In der Schweiz, Vordersteig 34, 8200 Schaffhausen T: (032) 6239285; Fax: 6239286 Established: 19Θ9; Chair Gustav Muggrin, Secy: Christoph Hug Assets: CHF 8.600.000,Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Educ 13344
Stiftung Arbeits losen ra ppen, Claragraben 139, 4057 Basel T: (061) 6913020 Focus: Unemp 13364
Stiftung Rahel Stelngruber, Obra Beneficiente Matto Grosso, Kolinpl 2, 6300 Zug Focus: Dev 13345
Stiftung Arbeitszentrum für Behinderte, Hauptstr 12. 5314 Kleindöttingen T: (056) 2691122; Fax: 2691125 Focus: Hand 13366
Stiftung Stelnhôlzll, Ausbildungsstätte und Haushaltungsschule, Hildegardstr 18, 3097 Liebefeld T: (031) 9782111 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: HomeE 13346 Step-Stlftung für gerechte Bedingungen In Teppich- Herstellung und Handel, Postfach 8348, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3827788; Fax: 3827585; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http7/www.stepfoundation.ch Established: 1995; Secy: Werner Dick, Donor(s): Brot für alle, Caritas, Erklärung von Bern, Fastenopfer, Igot, Swissaid Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Texi; Dev 13347 Sterbekasse der Schweizerischen Zahntechniker-Vereinigung, c/o Schweiz. Zahntechniker-Vereinigung, Josefsstr 59, 8031 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13348 Stiftung Aabigsunne, T: (01) 8032424; Fax: 8136050 Focus: Sen
30, 6302 Kloten 13349
Stiftung Aarhus, Schulungs- und Wohnheime für kôrperbehinderte Kinder und Erwachsene, Nussbaumallee 6, 3073 Gûmligen Τ: (031) 9517711; Fax: 9526375 Focus: Hand 13350 Stiftung Abendrot, Gerttergasse 14, 4001 Basel T: (061) 2699020; Fax: 2699029 . . . . 13351 Stiftung Academia Alpina Medlcinae Integrane, CP 468, 6932 Breganzona Τ: (091) 9665854; Fax: 9667183; E-Mail: aami eliconi.eh Established: 1985; Chair Rechtsanwait Peter Niggli Assets: CHF 100.000,Focus: Health 13352 Stiftung Acherhof, Stiftung Betagten- und PflegeZentrum, Grundstr 32, 6430 Schwyz T: (041) 8183232 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sen 13353 Stiftung Afro-Sulsse-Alde, Badenerstr 362, 8040 Zurich Limitations: Grants in Africa only Focus: Dev; Educ; Med; Afr 13354 Stiftung Akademie für ethische Forschung, Statìonsstr 7, 8542 Wisendangen Donor (s): W.R. Corti Limitations: Grants in the canton of Zurich only Focus: Eth 13355 Stiftung Akademie für medizinische Fortbildung, Münsterberg 8, 4051 Basel T: (061) 2725577 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Med; Educ
Stiftung Aktion Lichtblick, c/o Fritz Leu, Lerberstr 30, 3013 Bern Focus: Opht
Stiftung Alpine Kinderklinik Pro Juventute Davos, Postfach 118, 7270 Davos 2 T: (081) 4157070; Fax: 4136609; E-Mail: administration9kirKlerMirHk-davos.org; Internet http Λ www.kinderldinik-davos.org Established: 1922; Secy: Ph. Wessner Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ped 13358 Stiftung Altersheime der Stadt Thun, Bâlliz 46, 3600 Thun Τ: (033) 2221765; Fax: 2235789 Limitations: Grants in Thun only Focus: Sen 13359 Stiftung Alterewohnungen der Stadt Zürich, Grüngasse 19. 8004 Zürich T: (01) 2477333 Limitations: Grants in Zürich only Focus: Sen 13360 Stiftung Amt für Stiftungen und berufliche Vorsorge, Rathausstr 24. 4410 Liestal T: (061) 9255732; Fax: 9256917 Limitations: Grants in Liestal only Focus: SocW 13361 Stiftung Apostolos Paulus (Barnabas), Hirschmattstr 6, 6003 Luzem Focus: Educ; Chüd; Youth
Stiftung Arbeitsgestaltung, Berchtoldstr 3, 8610 Uster T: (01) 9057700; Fax: 9057705 Focus: Lab 13363
Stiftung Arbeitsplatz Schweiz, Wassermatte 1, 6210 Sursee T: (041) 9217080 Focus: Lab 13365
Stiftung Arbeltszentrum für Behinderte, Sägetstr 19, 4802 Strengelbach Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hand 13367 Stiftung Arc Arana, Neumattstr 17, 6048 Hoiw Τ: (041) 3420547; Fax: 3420548 . . . . 13368 Stiftung Archiv für Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur, Oberseestr 10, 8640 Rappers wil T: (055) 2224517; Fax: 2224400 Established: 1982; Chair Peter Paul Stöckli Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Archiv; Landsc 13369 Stiftung Argo Bündnerische Werkstätten und Wohnhelm für Behinderte, Emserstr 30, 7000 Chur T: (081) 2571565 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Graubunden only Focus: Hand 13370 Stiftung Ars Futura, BJeicherweg 45, 8002 Zürich Τ: (01) 2018811; Fax: 2018811 Focus: Schoi; Arts 13371 Stiftung ASTAG-Carreisen-Garantiefonds, Weissenbühlweg 3, 3007 Bern Focus: Ins 13372 Stiftung Atelier Cité Parts, Zàhringerstr 19, 6003 Luzem Focus: Arts 13373 Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG, Limmatquai 94, 8001 Zürich T: (01) 2677373; Fax: 2677390 Focus: SocW 13374 Stiftung Ausblldungs- und Verwaltungszentrum des Schweizerischen Plattenverbandes, Postfach 134, 6252 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc
Stiftung Auslandschweizerorganisation, Postlach, 3000 Bern 16 Limitations: Grants to Swiss citizens abroad only Focus: SocW 13376 Stiftung AWB Hochdorf, An der Ron 10, 6280 Hochdorf Τ: (041) 9142111; Fax: 9142121 Limitations: Grants in Hochdorf only Focus: SocW 13377 Stiftung AWB Willisau, Bleuen 4, 6130 Willisau Τ: (041) 9727171; Fax: 9727181 Limitations: Grants in Willisau only Focus: SocW 13378 Stiftung Bad Heustrlch, Wohnschule Aurora, Oberlandstr 88, 3700 Spiez T: (033) 6548766; Fax: 6540473 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 13379 Stiftung Bäuerlicher Solidaritätsfonds, Dorfstr 6, 3550 Langnau Limitations: Grants In Switzerland only Focus: Agrie 13380 Stiftung Basel Lighthouse, Hebelstr 90, 4056 T: (061) 2642525; Fax: 2642599 Limitations; Grants in Basel only
. . . .
Stiftung Basler Münsterbauhütte, Sankt AlbanTal 43, 4052 Basel Τ: (061) 2728793 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Mon 13382 Stiftung Basler Orchester, Sinfonieorchester Basel, Barfüsserpl 8, 4051 Basel T: (061) 2050095; Fax: 2050099 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Music 13383
Switzerland: Stiftung
Stiftung Behinderter betriebe Uri, Rüttistr 57, 6467 Schattdorf Τ: (041) 8741515; Fax: 8741599 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Uri only Focus: Hand 13387
Stiftung Bildungsfonds im Schweiz. Bäcker· und Konditorengewerbe, Postfach, 6023 Rothenburg Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc 13406
Stiftung Behindertenfahrdienst Rheinfelden, Kraftwerkstr 28, 4313 Möhlin Τ: (0878) 877768 Limitations: Grants in Rheinfelden only Focus: Hand 13388
Stiftung BINZ 39, Sihlquai 133, 8005 Zürich Focus: Arts 13407
Stiftung Behindertentransporte Zürich, Gasometerstr 9, 8005 Zürich Τ: (01) 2724242; Fax: 12721550 Limitations: Grants in Zürich only Focus: Hand
Stiftung Behindertenwerke Oberemmental, Ferienhaus Grünen, Kreuzstr 20, 3550 Langnau im Emmental T: (034) 4314745 Limitations: Grants in the region of Oberemmental only Focus: Hand 13390 Stiftung Bel Campo, Holderstüdeliweg 8, 4132 Mutteriz Focus: Agrie 13391 Stiftung Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung in der Landwirtschaft, Picardiestr 3, 5040 Schottland T: (062) 7395040; Fax: 7395030 Focus: Traum 13392 Stiftung Bergwaldprojekt, Mountain Forest Project, Rigastr 14, 7000 Chur T: (081) 2524145; Fax: 2524147; E-Mail: bergwaldprojekt®email.ch; Internet: http:// www.bergwaldprojekt.ch Established: 1990; Chair Heinz Stalder, Secy: Doris Elmer, Donor(s): Greenpeace, WWF Assets: CHF 200.000,-, Receipts: CHF 800.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 800.000,Focus: Ecol; For 13393 Stiftung Berner Studentenhelm, Studentisches Zentrum Bühlplatz, Gertrud-Woker-Str 3, 3012 Bern T: (031) 3027705 Limitations: Grants to a student hostel in Bern only Focus: Hous 13394 Stiftung Bernischer Kulturpreis für Architektur, Technik und Umwelt, Postfach 976, 3000 Bern 7 T: (031) 3116153; Fax: 3125084 Focus: Archit; Eng; Ecol 13395 Stiftung Beschäftigungen und Wohnhelm für Cerebral Gelähmte, Amikastr 9, 4125 Riehen Chair: Dr. R. Büttiker Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand 13396 Stiftung Best Hope, Schindlerstr 22, 8006 Zürich Focus: Youth; Drug 13397 Stiftung Betagtenhilfe, Rddigerstr 17, 8045 Zürich Τ: (01) 2842040; Fax: 2842041 Limitations: Grants in Zürich only Focus: Sen 13398 Stiftung Bethesda für allei nerzlehende Mütter, Neubadstr 134, 4054 Basel Τ: (061) 3039748 Limitations: Grants to single mothers only Focus: Worn 13399 Stiftung Betreuung von Alters- und Krankenhelmen in GUS-Staaten, Geibelstr 40, 8037 Zürich T: (01) 2717057 Limitations: Grants in states of the former USSR only Focus: Sen; Nurs; East; As 13400 Stiftung Blbilo-Suisse, Obstbergweg 8, 3006 Bern T: (031) 3525142 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Libr 13401 Stiftung Bibllotheca Afghanica, Afghanistan Institut, Benzbuiweg 5, 4410 Liestal T: (061) 9219838; Fax: 9219838; E-Mail: said datacomm.ch; Internet: http://www.datacomm.ch/sai Established: 1975; Chair: Prof. Dr. A. Statai, Secy: P. Bucherer-Dietschi, Donor(s): P. Bucherer-Dtetschi, V. Buchererer-Dietschi Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: As; Res; Peace; Cult; Doc . . . 13402
Stiftung Biografile Labor 3R Basel, Missionsstr 60, 4055 Basel T: (061) 3210533; Fax: 3210540 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Graph 13408 Stiftung Biovitis, c/o Pierre Basler, Sandhof, 8833 Samstagem Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Wine 13409 Stiftung Blindenführhunde-Schule Ostschweiz, Waldsteig 10, 9008 Sankt Gallen T: (071) 2453904; Fax: 2444884 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Blinds 13410 Stiftung BÔ Yin R i , Aeschenvorstadt 4, 4010 Basel Focus: Arts 13411 Stiftung Bruder Klaus, Postfach 436, 3770 Zweisimmen Internet: http://www.stiftungbnjderklaus.ch Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Rei 13412 Stiftung Bündner Volksbibliothek, Arcas 1, 7000 Chur Τ: (081) 2526140 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Libr 13413 Stiftung Business House, Beratung, Information, Koordination für Aibeitslosenprojekte im Kanton Sankt Gallen, Vonwilstr 23, 9000 Sankt Gallen T: (071) 2776222; Fax: 2776294 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Sankt Gallen only Focus: Unemp 134/4 Stiftung Capauliana, Masanserstr 80, 7000 Chur T: (081) 3534256 Focus: Arts 13415 Stiftung Caritas-Werk Sankt Meinrad, Kloster, 8840 Einsiedeln Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs; AIDS 13416 Stiftung Centro del bel Libro, Postfach, 3000 Bern 17 Focus: Book 13417 Stiftung Centros Sociales Cristo Obrero, Obere Weinhalde 16, 6010 Kriens Focus: Dev 13418 Stiftung Chance, Mainaustr 30, 8008 Zürich T: (01) 3887183; Fax: 3887180 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13419 Stiftung Chlnderhuus, Bändlistr 68, 8064 Zürich Τ: (01) 4322566 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Child 13420 Stiftung Chiropraktoren Institut, Sulgenauweg 38, 3007 Bem T: (031) 3710301; Fax: 3722654; E-Mail: segase® swissonline.ch Established: 1984; Chair: Dr. Heini Kohler, Secy: Dr. Jean Robert, Donops): Schweizerische Chiropraktoren-Gesellschaft Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc; Educ 13421 Stiftung Chrischona Heime, c/o Pilgermission Sankt Chrischona, Chrischonarain 200, 4126 Bettingen Focus: SocW 13422 Stiftung Christliche Lebenshilfe, c/o "Rwrapiezentrum Mettteneggen, Postfach 112, 3665 Wattenwil T: (033) 3592020; E-Mail: [email protected] Focus: SocW 13423 Stiftung Christliches Ferneehen, Postfach 114, 4612 Wangen T: (062) 2059050; Fax: 2059059; E-Mail: fenster.zum@sonntag,ch; Internet: http:// www.sonntag.ch Established: 1992; Chair: Siegfried Nuesch, Secy: Peter Spörri Focus: Media 13424
Stiftung Basler Wirrgarten, Hammerstr 156, 4057 Basel T: (061) 6859190; Fax: 6859191 Limitations: Grants in Basel only . . . . 13384
Stiftung Bibliothek Beatenberg, Bâmermutz, 3802 Waldegg Τ: (033) 8411260 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ubr 13403
Stiftung Begleitung in Leid und Trauer, Zielstr 5, 8400 Winterthur T: (052) 2690212 Focus: SocW 13385
Stiftung Bildung und Entwicklung. Monbijoustr 31, 3011 Bern T: (031) 3892020; Fax: 3892029 Focus: Educ 13404
Stiftung Contact Bem, Monbijoustr 70, 3007 Bem T: (031) 3782222; Fax: 3782225 Limitations: Grants in Bem only Focus: SOCW 13426
Stiftung Behinderten-Wohnheim Nidwaiden, Weidlistr 4, 6370 Stans T: (041) 6180858; Fax: 6180859 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Nidwaiden oniy Focus: Hand 13386
Stiftung Blldungs Zentrum Basel, Leimenstr 43a, 4051 Basel T: (061) 2719566 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Basel only Focus: Educ 13405
Stiftung Datenbank Schweizerischer Kulturgüter, Hirschengraben 11, 3011 Bem T: (031) 3113376 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 13427
Stiftung Clvltas Hungarlca, Postfach 356, 3000 Bem 7 Limitations: Grants in Hungary only Focus: IntU; East 13425
Switzerland: Stiftung
13428 - 13505
Stiftung der 5. Europameisterschaften für Sehbehinderte 1989 In Zürich, c/o HCB Concreta AG, Siewerdtstr 10, 8050 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Sports; Hand 13428 Stiftung der Evangelischen Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich, Häringstr 20, 8001 Zürich T: (01) 2624055 Limitations: Grants in the canton of Zürich only Focus: Rei 13429 Stiftung der Freunde antiker Kunst, c/o Dr. J.· R. Gisler, Universität Fribourg, 16 Rue Pierre Aeby, 1700 Fribourg Focus: Class; Arts 13430 Stiftung der Heilsarmee In der Schweiz, Postfach 6575, 3001 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW; Rei 13431 Stiftung der Internationalen Union der Orthopädie-Techniker, Sankt Johanns-Vorstadt 31, 4004 Basel Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Ortho 13432 Stiftung der Offiziere der Transporttruppen und des Militäreisenbahndienstes, c/o Winterthur Versicherungen, Laupenstr 19, 3001 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Milit 13433 Stiftung der Schweizer Werbewirtschaft für die Lauterkeit der Werbung, Postfach, 6022 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Adv 13434 Stiftung der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 1939, Schönensir 25, 8803 Rüschlikon T: (01) 7241720; Fax: 7241720 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Dance; Theat; Music; Arts; Pubi . 13435 Stiftung der Schweizerischen Schuljugend zur Erhaltung des Schlachtfeldes von Morgarten, do Erziehungsdepartement, Bahnhofstr 15, 6430 Schwyz Limitations: Grants in Morgarten only Focus: Mon 13436 Stiftung des SBAO, c/o Schweizerischer Berufsvertand für Augenoptik und Optometrie, Sonnmattrain 7, 6043 Adiigenswil T: (021) 7299010; Fax: 7299019 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Optics 13437 Stiftung des Schweizer Verbandes der Orthopädie-Techniker, Albisstr 33, 8134 Adliswil Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ortho 13438 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Bankvereins zur Förderung des Wohnungsbaues, Postfach 3279, 4002 Basel Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hous 13439 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Metall- und Uhrenarbeitnehmer- Verbandes, Postfach 272, 3000 Bern 15 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Trade 13440 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Optikerverbandes für die Förderung der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, Postfach, 4601 Ölten Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc; Opht 13441 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Zeitungsverieger-Verbandes zur Sicherung des schweizerischen Pressewesens, c/o Schweizerischer Verband der Zertungs- und Zeitschriftenverleger, Baumackerstr 42, 8050 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Media 13442 Stiftung des Verbandes Zahntechnischer Laboratorien der Schweiz für die Förderung der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, Postfach 3133, 2500 Biel 3 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc; Dent 13443 Stiftung Dialog, Balgriststr 9, 8008 Zürich T: (01) 3815724 Established: 1990; Chair: Prof. Dr. Hermann Levin Goldschmidt, Donor(s): Mary Levin Goldschmidt, Hermann Levin Goldschmidt Assets: CHF 2.000.000,· Focus: PolS 13444 Stiftung Die Knospe, Sattelgasse 3, 4001 Basel Focus: Health 13445 Stiftung Die neue Zeit für gesunde Freizeitgestaltung, Gelände Die neue Zeit, 2075 Thiene T: (032) 3134555; Fax: 3134557 Established: 1972 Focus: SocW; Sports 13446
Stiftung Drogenhilfe AeU-Hus/Malson Blanchie, Aebi-Hu&Maison Blanche, 2533 Leubringen T: (032) 3223046; Fax: 3223625; E-Mail: aebie θ infosei.ch Established: 1974 Limitations: Grants in Leubringen only Focus: Drug
Stiftung ECAP, Rütistr 2, 5400 Baden Τ: (056) 2043070; E-Mail: ecapagôswissonline.ch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW; Voc 13446 Stiftung Education, c/o Sekretariat des Sankt Galler Hochschulvereins, Dufourstr 50, 9000 Sankt Gallen Focus: Educ 13449 Stiftung Einheit allen Lebens, Mettenwylstr 5, 6006 Luzem T: (041) 4200588; Fax: 4200588 Focus: SocW 13450 Stiftung Engagement Dritte Welt, Untere Waid, 9402 Mörschwil Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 13451 Stiftung Entropia Constructions (Europe), Winzertialde 36, 8049 Zürich 10 Focus: Build; Archrt 13452
Stiftung Forschung 3R, Postfach 1372, 3110 Münsingen T: (031) 7220830; Fax: 7220834; E-Mail: research ,3r θ b lue wi η. eh ; Internet: http Λ www.forschung3r.ch Established: 1987; Chair Dr. Η. Wrek, Secy: Prof. Dr. Peter Maier Expenditures: CHF 700,000,Focus: Biol; Res; NatS; Schol; AnimP; Vet 13467 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Postfach, 5070 Frick T: (062) 8657272; Fax: 8657273; E-Mail: admin© fibl.ch; Internet: http://www.fibl.eh Established: 1992; Chair Dr. Otlo Stich, Secy: Dr. Urs Niggli Assets: CHF 104.000,-, Receipts: CHF 9.600.000,·, Expenditures: CHF 9.600.000,Focus: Agrie; Bus; Ent; Res; Horn; Fruit; Ecol; Vet 13468 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für Manage me ntAndragoglk, c/o Oekreal Foundation, Postfach 2878, 8023 Zürich T: (01) 2116068; Fax: (01) 2210984; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// Established: 1988; Chain Dr. Albert Stàhli, Secy: Dr. Albert Stätili Focus: Bus 13469
Stiftung Entsorgung Schweiz, Postfach 168, 8024 Zürich Τ: (01) 2545030; Fax: 2545031; E-Mail: senszhd access.ch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Waste 13453
Stiftung Fortissimo, Stiftung zur Unterstützung von Musikern und ihren Angehörigen In Not, Buchlenweg 6, 3043 Uettligen T: (031) 8293869; Fax: 8293880 Limitations: Grants to needy Swiss musicians and their relatives only Focus: Music 13470
Stiftung Europäischer Heilberufe, Oberer Graben 16, 9000 Sankt Gallen T: (071) 2222393; Fax: 2222349 Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Horn 13454
Stiftung Fotomuseum Winterthur, Grûzenstr 44, 8400 Winterthur Τ: (052) 2336086; Fax: 2336097 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Phot 13471
Stiftung Europäisches Zentrum für die Bildung im Versicherungswesen, Kirchlistr 2, 9010 Sankt Gallen Limitations: Grants in Europe only Focus: Voc; Ins 13455
Stiftung Franchising, Pilatusstr 55, 6003 Luzem T: (041) 2401000; Fax: 2406000; E-Mail: fba® centralnet.ch Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: CommT 13472
Stiftung Europainstitut der Universität Basel, Geliertsir 27, 4052 Basel T: (061) 3179767; Fax: 3179766 Limitations: Grants to Universität Basel only Focus: Uni 13456
Stiftung Franz von Assisi für Tiere In Not, c/o Walter Müller, Lôwenstr 17, 8023 Zurich Focus: AnimP 13473
Stiftung Evangelische Krankenpflegeschule Chur, Loestr 117, 7000 Chur T: (081) 3540909 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs 13457 Stiftung Exportförderungsfonds der schweizerischen Felngewebe-lndustrle, c/o Verband Schweiz. Gam- und GewebeExporteure, Waldmannstr 6, 9014 Sankt Gallen Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Text 13458 Stiftung Faksimile Verlag Luzern, (Facsimile Editions Foundation Lucerne), Maihofstr 25, 6000 Luzem 9 T: (041) 4290820; Fax: 4290840 Established: 1994; Chair: Alfred A. Schmid, Donor(s): Faksimile Verlag Luzem Assets: CHF 100.000,Limrtations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Libr 13459 Stiftung Famlllenferien GBl, c/o A. Uberti, Postfach, 8021 Zürich Focus: Fam 13460 Stiftung Familienhilfe der katholischen Pfarreien der Stadt Luzern, Postfach 4404, 6002 Luzem T: (041) 2403606 Chair: Hansnjedi Kreienbühi Limitations: Grants in Luzem only Focus: Fam 13461 Stiftung Ferlengestaltung für Kinder Schweiz, Postfach 465, 6048 Horw T: (041) 3406006; Fax: 3406006 Limitations: Grants in Switzeriand only Focus: Child 13462 Stiftung Femstudien Schweiz, (formerly: Zentrum für universitäre Fernstudien Schweiz), Spitalgasse 5, 3900 Brig Τ: (027) 9223180; Fax: 9223185; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Chain Paul Schmidbauer, Secy: Dr. Kurt Grünwald Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Uni 13463 Stiftung Festungsbrigade 13, Kommando Festungsbrigade 13, Θ887 Mete Limitations; Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Milit 13464 Stiftung Focus on Christianity, Badenerstr 338, 8004 Zürich Focus: Rei 13465 Stiftung Fonds für versuchstierfreie Forschung, Postfach 1766, 8032 Zürich T: (01) 4227070; Fax: 4228010, 3800833 Focus: AnimP
Stiftung Frauen & Kinder Biel, Seevorstadt 46, 2502 Biel Τ: (032) 3226911; Fax: 3226932 Limitations: Grants in Biel only Focus: Worn; Child 13474
Stiftung für Arznelmlttelslcherheit-CHDM, do Verbindung der Schweizer Ärzte, Elfenstr 18, 3000 Bern 16 Focus; Pharm 13485 Stiftung für Aus- und Weiterbildung im Gesundheitswesen, c/o AKAD Zentralverwaftung, Hochstr 38, 8044 Zürich Focus: Health 13486 Stiftung für Behinderte arwo, Kirchsir 18, 5430 Wettingen T: (056) 4372828; Fax: 4372829; E-Mail: admin« arwo.ch Focus: Hand 13487 Stiftung für Berufsinformation, Beratung und Ausbildung Im Bereich der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitären Hilfe, do cinfo, Postfach 7007, 2500 Biel 7 T: (032) 3658002; Fax: 3658059; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.cinfo.ch Established: 1990; Chair: Dr. Fritz Heiniger, Secy: Mechthild Nussbaumer Focus: Dev 13488 Stiftung für besondere Leistungen Im Umweltschutz, c/o Jost Schumacher, Alpenstr 1, 6004 Luzem Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Eco! 13489 Stiftung für Betagtenhllfe, Meinrad-üenert-Str 10, 8003 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Zürich only Focus: Sen 13490 Stiftung für Bevölkerung, Migration und Umwelt, (Foundation for Population, Migration and Environment), do Froriep & Renggli, Bellerivestr 201, 8034 Zürich T: (01) 3866000; Fax: 3836050; E-Mail: uwatter® access.ch; Internet: http://www.bmu-foundation.ch Established: 1993; Chair Walter J. Weber, Secy: Kurt Imhof Focus: Pop 13491 Stiftung für blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder und Jugendliche, Kirchlindachstr 49, 3052 Zollikofen T: (031) 9102516 Focus: Blinds; Child; Youth 13492 Stiftung für chronisch Kranke, Langackerstr 7, 6330 Cham T: (041) 7804141 Focus: Med 13493 Stiftung für das Hans Schachenmann-Heim des Eidgenö8lschen Kunstturner-Verbandes, Jegenstorf: defunct 13494
Stiftung Freiwillige Fürsorge, tío Erna Staub, Bundesstr 15, 6300 Zug Τ: (041) 7264704; Fax: 7264740 Focus: SocW 13475
Stiftung für das lungenkranke Kind, Lerchenberg 37, 8046 Zürich T: (01) 3716440 Focus: Pulm; Ped
Stiftung Freundeskreis für Senegal, do Lilly Vogel, Neubrückstr 127, 3012 Bern Limitations: Grants in Senegal only Focus: Dev; Afr 13476
Stiftung für das Museum der Schweizerischen Riegertruppen, Postfach, 8600 Dübendorf Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Milit 13496
Stiftung Freundeskreis Indien-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Feldstr 4, 8816 Hirzet Limitations: Grants in India only Focus: Dev; As
Stiftung Friedhelm Sonderschule, Mühlebachstr 1, 8570 Weinfeiden T: (071) 6265959 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 13478 Stiftung für Abendländische Besinnung, Postfach 501, 8034 Zürich T: (01) 3832453; Fax: 3836825 Established: 1968; Chár: Prof. Dr. Eduard Stàuble, Secy: Franziska Gutjahr, Donor(s): Dr. Hans und Trudy Jenny-Leu Focus: Cutí 13479 Stiftung für Angepasste Technologie und Sozialökonomie, Schwengistr 12, 4438 Langenbmck T: (062) 3873111; Fax: 3901640; E-Mail; admin θ oekozentrum.ch Focus: Eng; Econ 13460 Stiftung für angewandte Forschung Im Betonbau, (formerly: Stiftung für wissenschaftliche systematische Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Beton- und Eisenbetonbaues), c/o TFB Technische Forschung und Beratung für Zement und Beton, Lindenstr 10, 5103 Wildegg Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Build; Mater 13481 Stiftung für Angewandte Linguistik, Sonneggstr 82, 8006 Zürich T: (01) 3617555; Fax: 3624666; E-Mail: said buema.ch Established: 1969; Donops): Dr. Paul Bànziger Focus: Ling 13482 Stiftung für Arbeit, Rorschacher Str 139, 9000 Sankt Gallen T: (071) 2430810; Fax: 2430819 Focus: Lab 13483 Stiftung für Architektur (Selsendorf, 4002 Basel Focus: Archit
Stiftung für das Pferd, Spitalgasse 9, 3011 Bern T: (031) 3114045 Focus: AnimP; AnimH 13497 Stiftung für das Schweizerische Landesmuseum, c/o Experta Treuhand AG, Waisenhauspt 28 , 3000 Bern 7 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Arts 13498 Stiftung für das Tier Im Recht, Postfach 6164, 3001 Bern Focus: AnimP 13499 Stiftung für den Internationalen Austausch wissenschaftlicher und kultureller Informationen durch Fernmeldemittel, ΕΤΗ Zentrum, Ràmistr 101, 8092 Zürich Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Scie; Cult 13500 Stiftung für die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung, c/o SMUV, Postfach 272 , 3000 Bern 15 Limitations: Grants in Switzeriand only Focus: Voc 13501 Stiftung für die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung der Zahntechniker, Schwarztorstr 26, 3007 Bern T: (031) 3822322; Fax: 3822670 Limitations: Grants in Switzeriand only Focus: Voc; Dent 13502 Stiftung für die Berufliche Weiterbildung und Schulhllfe Fopras, Nauenstr 71, 4052 Basel T: (061) 2059040 Limitations: Grants in Switzeriand only Focus: Voc; Educ 13503 Stiftung für die Erforschung des Uetllbergs, Grubenstr 56, 8045 Zürich T: (01) 4555666; Fax: 4555660 Limitations: Grants in Switzeriand only Focus: Geo! 13504 Stiftung für die Finanzierung der Aus- und Weiterbildung In der Graphischen Industrie, Schlosshaldenstr 20, 3000 Bern 32 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc; Print 13505
13506 - 13590
215 Stiftung fOr die Förderung des beruflichen Bildungswesens Im Autogewerbe, Postfach 5232, 3001 Bern Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Voc; Aut 13506 Stiftung für die Frau, Dufourstr 20, Θ006 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Worn 13507 Stiftung für die graphische Kunst In der Schweiz, c/o Dr. M. Reutter, Jupiterstr 24, 8032 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Arts 13508 Stiftung für die Interessenwahrung des Bäcker-Kondltorengewerbes, do SBKV, Seilerstr 9, 3001 Bern T: (031) 3817877; Fax: 3821506 Chair: Ruedi Steiner, Secy: Renaklo Nanzer Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: CommT 13509 Stiftung für die Schweizerische Photographie, c/o Kunsthaus Zurich, Heimpl 1, 8001 Zürich T: d Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Hörbehinderte, 3661 Uetendorf Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Deafs 13843 Stiftung Umwelt-Einsatz Schweiz (SUS), Ortbühlweg 44. 3612 Steffisburg Τ: (033) 4381024; E-Mail: sus©mus.ch Established: 1976; Chair Hans Rudolf Dütschler, Secy: Marianne Hassenstein Receipts: CHF 700,000,·, Expenditures: CHF 700.000,· Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Ecol 13844 Stiftung Unsere Meinen Brüder und Schwestern, Speerstr 18, 9030 Abtwii Limitations: Grants in developing countries, with emphasis on Latin America Focus: Chitd; Orp; Am 13845 Stiftung Unterst ûtzungskasse und Altersfürsorge der Schwelzerischen Kindergärtnerinnen, Verenastr 15, 8038 Zurich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW; Sen 13846 Stiftung Vascular International, c/o Dr. Beat Zeiger, Alter Postpl 6, 6370 Stans Limitations: Grants Internationally Focus: Surg 13847 Stiftung Vereinigte Unterstützungskassen des Angestelltenverbandes des Schweizer Buchhandels, c/o ASB-Sekretariat, Franziskanerpl 8, 6003 Luzem T: (041) 2105520; Fax: 2100278 Established: 1944; Chair Gabi Weber, Secy: Beatrice KQbli Assets: CHF 300.000,·, Receipts: CHF 13.000,-, Expenditures: CHF 7.000,· Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Tracie 13848 Stiftung VITA Parcours, c/o institut fur Sozialund Präventivmedizin der Universität Zürich, Sumatrastr 30, 8006 Zürich Focus: Sports; Health; Fam; SocS . . . 13849
Stiftung Vivamos Mejor, Spitalackerstr 61, 3013 Bern T: (031) 3313929; Fax: 3320309; E-Mail: vivamo$mejorÔaccess.ch; Internet: http-Jl www.access .cWprivate-Ltsers/vivamos mejor Established: 1981; Chair Prof. Dr. Peter Tschopp, Secy: Jürg Meichle, Donops): Dr. Rupert Spillmann Assets: US % 600.000,-, Receipts: US $ 1.000.000,·, Expenditures: US $ 1.000.000,Limitations: Grants in Latin America onty Focus: Dev; Am 13850 Stiftung Vordemberge-Glldewart, Postfach 31, 8853 Lachen Focus: Schol; Arts 138S1 Stiftung Wakina Mama Na Watoto, Schwimmbadweg 13, 4144 Ariesheim Focus: Dev
Stiftung Wald-Klima-Umwelt, Arabiens* 5, 4059 Basel Τ: (061) 3611161; Fax: 3610661 Focus: For Meteo; Ecol 13853 Stiftung Waldhelm, Hofmatt 762, 9428 Lachen Τ: (071) 8883118 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand 13854 Stiftung WBF, Buchenweg 9, 4332 Stein T: (062) 8661212; Fax: 8661213 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand
Stiftung Weg der Schweiz für den Betrieb und Unterhalt des gleichbenannten Wanderwegs um den Urnersee aus Anlass der 700-Jahr-Feier der Eidgenossenschaft Im Jahre 1991, Postfach 4156, 6304 Zug T: (041) 7282152; Fax: 7205768 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Ecol 13856 Stiftung Welhnachtsaktion des Schweizerischen Beobachters, Postfach, 8021 Zürich Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: SocW 13857 Stiftung Weiterbildungskurse Dûbendorf, Bettlistr 24 , 8600 Dûbendorf T: (01) 8018484; Fax: 8018485 Limitations: Grants in Dûbendorf only Focus; Educ 13858 Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz, c/o VSW, Weinbergstr 11, 8001 Zürich T: (01) 2613033; Fax: 2613044 Established: 1982 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Adv; Stat 13859 Stiftung Wintergartenfachforum, Grammetstr 14, 4410 Liestal Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Bot 13860 Stiftung Wohnbauförderung für das Personal Post/Swisscom, Viktoriastr 21, 3030 Bern Established: 1992 Limitations: Grants to employees of Post/Swisscom only Focus: Hous 13861 Stiftung Wohnen für Atembehinderte, Gryphenhûbeliweg 40, 3000 Bern 6 Limitations: Grants in Bern only Focus: Hous; Hand
Stiftung Wohnen Im Alter, Ochsengasse 29, 4058 Basel Τ: (061) 6813314 Focus: Hous; Sen 13863 Stiftung Wohnen Jung-fAlt, In der Gand-Str 5, 8126 Zumlkon T: (01) 9181258; Fax: 9181665 Focus: Hous 13864 Stiftung Wohnen und Öffentlichkeit, Im Schatzacker 5, 8600 Dûbendorf Focus: Hous
Stiftung Wohnraum für jüngere Behinderte, Im Bärenmoos 6, 8942 Oberrieden Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Hous; Hand 13866 Stiftung Wohnungsbau, Pilgerweg 29, 8803 Rùschlikon Τ: (01) 7247223 Focus: Hous 13867 Stiftung Wohnungsfürsorge für kinderreiche Familien Zürich, Fraumûnsterstr 27, 8001 Zürich T: (01) 2163111 Limitations: Low cost living space in Zürich only Focus: Hous; Fam 13868 Stiftung Zentralverband Schweiz. Goldschmiede und Uhrenfachgeschäfte, c/o M. A. Christen, Postfach 359, 3000 Bern 7 Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: CommT 13869 Stiftung Zentrum für Erwachsenenbildung der Universität Basel, Freie Str 39, 4001 Basel T: (061) 2698666; Fax: 2698676 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Adult; Uni 13870
Stiftung Ziegeleimuseum Cham, Riedstr 9, 6330 Cham T: (041) 7413624; Fax: 7400155 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Cult 13871 Stiftung Zoo ZOrich zum Schutze unserer Fledermäuse In der Schweiz, c/o Zoo Zürich, Zürichbergstr 221, 8044 Zürich T: (01) 2542680; Fax: 2542681 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: AnimP 13872 Stiftung Zürcher Blutspendedienst SRK, Wagerensir 2, 8610 Uster Τ: (01) 9420650; Fax: 9420670 Limitations: Applications not accepted Focus: Med 13873 Stiftung Zürcher Schülerferien, c/o Brigitte Willi, Im Wingert 22, 8049 Zürich Τ: (01) 3411580 Limitations: Grants to pupils in Zürich only Focus: Educ 13874
Switzerland: Stiftung
Stiftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung In medizinischer Radiologie, c/o Inferitole) AG, Postfach 432, 8024 Zurich Τ: (01) 3849339; Fax: 3849339; E-Mail: congress® access.ch; Internet: http://www.ldkd.ch Established: 1981; Chair Dr. A.E. Kammerer, Secy: Β. Láubli Limitations: Grants in Switzerland only Focus: Rad 13890 Stiftung zur Förderung der Berufsausbildung Im Strassenbau und in der Strassenverkehrstechnik, Seefeidstr 9, 8008 Zürich T: 4532 The Bethany Trust, 58 Upper Moorgreen Rd, Cowes P031 7LF T: (01983) 260322 Established: 1971 Focus: Rei 14533 Bethany Trust, 18 Belvedere Coun, Upper Richmond Rd, Putney, London SW15 6HY T: (020) 87861524 Established: 1970; Secy: P. Russell Focus: Rei; Educ
Tire Bethany Trust, Bethany House, 1 Mlllhouses Glen, Sheffield S11 9JF T: (0114) 2366553 Established: 1990 Focus: SocW 14535 Bethbarah Trust, 95 Genesta Rd, London SE18 3EX T: (020) 83164972 Established: 1993 Focus: Hous 14536 Bethel Baptist Church (Pomeroy Street) Trust Fund, 33 Fidlas Av, Cardiff CF4 5NY T: (029) 20758366 Establ&hed: 1975 Focus: Rei 14537 Bethel Chapel Fund, Troedybryn House, Farmers, Uanwrda S A I 9 8JG Τ: (01558) 650259 Established: 1992; Secy: B. Gomer-Davies Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Rei; SocW
The Berkeley Reafforestation Trust, 3 Hariey Gardens, London SW10 9SW T: (020) 73701965 Established: 1987; Chair: R.J.B. Portman Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Fon Agrie; SocW 14520
Bethel Christian Fellowship World Ministries Foundation, POB 1023, London SE22 0QA T: (020) 82993234 Established: 1985 Focus: Rei 14539
The Berkeley Square Charitable Trust, f Puddle Dock, Blackfriars, London EC4V 3PD Established: f982 Focus: Mon 14521
Bethesda Heritage Trust, 12a Moorland Rd, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 1DW T: (01782) 814417 Establ&hed: 1994; Chair J. Naylor Focus: Mon; Archi; Rei 14540
Berkhamsted Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, 22 Hall Park Gate, Berkhamsted HP4 2NJ T: (01442) 864731 Established: 1981 Limitations: Grants in Berkhamsled only Focus: SocW 14522
Bethesda Trust, 21a The Mall, Bromley BR1 1TR T: (020) 83139893 Established: 1996 Focus: Worn 14541
Berkshire College of Art and Design Trust Fund, do Reading College of Arts and Technology, Crescent Rd, Reading RG1 5RQ T: (0118) 9675000 Established: 1978 Limitalions: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts; Des; Educ; Schol 14523 Berkshire Community Trust, Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading RG7 4SA T: (0118) 9303021 Established 1986; Secy: Robin A. Draper Limitations: Grants in the county of Berkshire only Focus: SocW; Health 14524 The Mary Bernays Scholarship Fund, οίο Emst i Young, Broad Walk House, Southemhay West, Exeter EX1 1LF T: (01392) 433541 Estabfehed: 1995 Focus: Schol 14525 Oliver Berthoud Memorial Trust, c/o Whitgrft Foundation, North End, Croydon CR9 1SS T: (020) 86808499 Established: 1974 Focus: Educ; Musk: 14526 Berwick Swan and Wildlife Trust, 4 Ryecroft Park, Wooler Established: 1997 Focus: AnimP 14527 Bessborough Education Trust, 22 Cannon Ui, Pinner HA5 1HL T: (020) 88680934 Establshed: 1996; Secy: Brian E. Smith Focus: Educ 14528 The Beta Call Trust, 41 Clarendon Dr, Pulney, London SW15 1AW Τ: (020) 87880525 Established: 1990 Focus: Diab 14529 Beth Chodosh Synagogue Trust, 28 Heattiland Rd. London N16 5NH T: (020) 88802728 Establehed: 1976 Focus: Jew 14530
Bethlehem and Callarla Baptist Chapels Minister Fund, 53 Maes Cynfor, Cemaes, Ynys Mon LL67 0HS T: (01407) 710450 Established: 1968 Limitalions: Grants in Cemaes and Lianfechell only Focus: Rei 14542 Bethlehem Welsh Baptist Church Trust Properly in Connection with Religious Worship, 75 Heol-Y-Parc, Laefreithin, Llanelli SA14 7DL T: (01269) 841077 Established: 1966; Secy: Owen Davies Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Rei 14543 Bethnal Green Old People's Trust Fund, f1 Paradise Row, Bethnal Green, London E2 9LE T: (020) 77399239 Established: 1970; Chair A. Jacob Limitations: Grants in Bethnal Green only Focus: Sen 14544 The Bettws Fund, c/o Llandaff Diocesan Board of Finance. Heol Sair, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2EE T: (029) 20578899 Established: 1965; Secy: M. Beasant Limitations: Grants in the parish ol Bettins only Focus: RelE 14545 Paul Bevan Cancer Foundation, Mehaelmas, Larch Av, Sunninghill SL5 0AP T: (01344) 2472121672 Established: 1993; Secy: E. Peake Focus: Cane 14546 Bexley and Sidcup Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, 13 Cumberland Av, Welling DAf6 2PT T: (020) 83014541 Established: 1991; Secy: Peter Andrew Walker Limitations: Grants in Bexley and Sidcup only Focus: SocW 14547 Bexley Grammar School Voluntary Fund, c/o Bexley Grammar School, Danson Ln, Welling DA16 2BL T: (020) 83048536 Established: 1998 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14548
14549 - 14616
Bexley Music Cantra Charitable Trust Bexley Music Centre, 27 Stallai Rd, Sidcup DA15 7EB T: (020) 83021456 Established: 1995; Secy: John Statham Mackenzie Focus: Music (4549 TT» Bexley Rotary Club Benevolent Trust 13 Ridgewood, New Bam, Longlield DA3 7LS Established: 1970 Limitations: Giants in Bexley only Focus: SocW (4550 Bexley Youtti Trust, 5β Wellington Av, Blacklen, Sidcup DA15 9HE T: (020) 83015601 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Bexley only Focus: Youth 1455) Beynon's Educational Foundation, 318 Croydon Rd, Wellington SM6 7LQ T: (020) 86477221 Established: 1906 Focus: Educ
BGS Technology Trust, do Bristol Municipal Charities, Orchard St, Bristol BS1 5EQ T: (0117) 9300303 Established: 1993 Focus: Educ: Eng 14553 Bhagvatlnandjl Education and Health Trust, 25 Park View, Hatch End, Pinner HA5 4LL T: (01727) 872021 Established: 1998; Chair Ajay Somchand Gudka Focus: Educ; Health 14554 The Bhardwaj Trust, 40 Whitehall Ln, Buckhurst Hill IG9 5JG T: (020) 82709669 Established: 1982; Secy: Rashmi Bhardwaj, Donorfs): Siri Niwas Bhardwaj Focus: Educ 14555 Bharuch Muslim Medical and Welfare Trust United Kingdom, 50 Seymour Rd, Asttey Bridge, Bolton BL1 8PT T: (01204) 591709 Established: 1991; Secy: Yacoob Umarjl Mank Limitations: Grants to Muslims in the United Kingdom only Focus: Med; SocW; Isl (4556 The Bhutan Society Trust Fund, Friary View, Drummond Rd, Guildford GU1 4NS T: (01483) 38189 Established: 1994; Secy: M. Rutland Limitations: Grants in Bhutan only Focus: SocW; Hand; Med; Educ; flel; As (4557 Biela Synagogue Trust, 14 Gilda Crescent, London N16 T: (020) 88005603 Established: 1998 Focus: Jew 14558 Or. Blbby Memorial Fund, do Faculty Office. 71 Castle Dr, South Cave, Brough HU15 2ES T: (01430) 421230 Established: 1982 Focus: Educ; Med (4559 Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship Trust, do Interserve, 325 Kennington Rd, London SE11 4QH T: (020) 77358227 Established: 1888; Secy: Richard Clark Focus: Rei; Med; Miss 14560 BlbMands, (formerly: Turkish Missions Aid Society), POB 50, High Wycombe HP15 7QU T: (01494) 521351; Fax: 462171; E-Mail: biblela520eaol.com Established: 1854; Secy: A.P. Jong Assets: £ 8.000.000,·, Recette: ί 2.000.000.-, ExpendHures: e 2.400.000,Limitations: Grants in the Middle East only Focus: Educ; Med; Hand; Nuts . . . . 14561 The Blcldey Transport (or the Disabled and Aged Trust 7 Marlborough Park Av, Sidcup DA15 9DL T: (020) 83005144 Established: 1975; Secy: K.J. Tregenna Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hand; Sen 14562 Big Pit (Blaenafon) Trust Ltd., Blaenalon, Torfaen NP4 9XP T: (01495) 790311 Established: 1982 Limitations: Predetermined grants only. Applications not accepted Focus: Hist; Min; Artheo (45S3 Biggin Hill and Westerham Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, 62 Sutherland Av, Biggin Hill, Westerham TO16 3HG Τ: (01959) 574262 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in Biggin HÜI and Westerham only Focus: SocW 14564 Biggleswade and District Museum Trust, 45 Windermere Dr, Biggleswade SG18 8LT T: (01767) 312695 Established: 1989 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts 14565
Biggleswade and Sandy Lions Club Welfare Fund, 13 Fairfax Close, Cliflon, Slielford SG17 5RH Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants In Biggleswade and Sandy only Focus: SocW 14566 Biggleswade District Belfry Repair Fund, 50a High St, Biggleswade SG18 OU Established: 1980 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 14567
Birdlife International, (formerly: International Council for Bird Preservation), Wellbrook Court, Girton Rd, Cambridge CB3 ONA T: (01223) 277318; Fax: 277200; E-Mail: birdlife0birdli1e.org.uk; Internet: http^/www.WinghWbsj.or.jp/birdlife Established: 1922; Chair Queen Noor ol Jordan, Secy: Dr. Michael Rands Receipts: US $ 6.000.000,-, Expenditures: US $ 6.000.000,· Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Omit; AnlmP 14583
The Blgga-Wymondesold Trust, 11 Genoa Av, Putney, London SW15 6DY T: (01483) 466000 Established: 1996 Focus: SocW (4568
Colonel Bird's Scholarahlp Fund, do Haringey Borough Council, 10 Station Rd, London W22 47R T: (020) 89759700 Established: 1699 Focus: Schol (4584
Steve Biko Education Trust, do Students Unk>n, University of Wolverhampton, Wulf runa SI, Woh/emarnpton WV1 1LY T: (01902) 322021 Established: 1988 Focus: Educ 14569 Bllga General Hospital Charitable Trust, 95 Hampton Ln, Solihull B91 2QD T: (0121) 7059201 Established: 1999; Secy: Kulbir Singh Sanghera Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs 14570 Billingsgate Lodge Benevolent Fund, 21 Cassino Rd, Chelmsford CM1 2EW T: (01245) 602355 EstabSshed: 1987 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW (457Í Bllston Community College Foundation, do Bilston Community College, Springvale House, MilHds Rd, Bllston, Wolverhampton WV14 OQT T: (01902) 821472 Established: 1992; Secy: Phil Rose Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14572 Bllston Training Foundation, 108 UctiMJ Rd, Wednesfield, Wotahampton WV11 3ER T: (01902) 731895 Established: 1986; Secy: D.W. Benbow Limitations: Grants in Bilston only Focus: Voc 14573 Blnfleld Saint Mark's Religious Education Fund, 62 Red Rose, Binlield, Bracknell RG42 5LD T: (01344) 426885 Established: 1973 Focus: Rei; Educ (4574 The Blnh Hoe Massacre Trust Fund, 47 Ashbumham Mansions, Ashbumham Rd, London SW10 OPB T: (020) 73523734 Establœhed: 1966; Chair J. Winde Focus: SocW; Med; Educ 14575 Thomas Blnns Lodge Benevolent Fund, 122 Valant Way, Thomaby, Stockton-on-Tees TS17 9PD T: (01642) 762442 Established: 1981; Secy: D. Russell Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW (4576 Bintaub Charitable Trust, 11 Grosvenor Gardens, London NW11 OHL Τ: (020) 84553358 Established: 1991 Focus: Jew
Biography and Social Development Trust, Coombe Hill Rd, East Grinstead RH18 5DD T: (01342) 822907; Fax: 822907; E-Mail: Biogsoclrueaol.com Established: 1997; Secy: Margli Matthews, Donors): Margli Matthews, Anita Charton Focus: SocS; Psychol (4578 The Biomedical Research Education Trust, do Research Defence Society, 58 Great Marfeorough St, London W1V 1DD T: (020) 72872818 Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Bid; Med; Educ 1*579 The Birch Thompson Memorial Fund, 80 York Av, Wolverhampton WV3 9BU T: (01902) 333281 Established: 1981 Focus: Educ (4580 Blrchfleld Educational Trust do BirchfleM School, Albrighton, Wolverhampton WV7 3AF T: (01902) 372534; Fax: 373518; E-Mail: StafieBirchliektBO.freeserve.oo.uk; Internet: http:/ /www .blrchfieldschool.co.uk Established: 1962; Chair R.P. Merriman Focus: Educ (4581 The Doreen Bird Trust, Birkbeck Centre, Birkbeck Rd, Sidcup DA14 4DE T: (020) 83006024 Established: 1980 Focus: Educ; Schol (4582
The Biritbeck and William Ellis Schools Trust, 23 Ranelagh Grove, London SW1W 8PA T: (020) 73790000 Established: 1865; Secy: M.G.D. Cote Focus: Educ 14565 Birmingham Education Trust, 74-76 Washwood Heath Rd, Birmingham B8 T: (0121) 3288999 Established: 1997; Chair Asif Jawaid Limitations: Grants in Birmingham only Focus: Educ 14566 Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Development Trust, Hurst St, Birmingham B5 4TB T: (0121) 6893082; Fax: 6893086; E-Mail: development0birmlngham-hippodrome.co.uk Established: 1981; Chair John Hawksley, Secy: Rosemary Radford Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Theat 14567 The Birmingham Mosque Trust, 180 Belgrave Rd, Highgate, Birmingham B12 OXS T: (0121) 4405355 Established: 1969 Limitations: Grants in Birmingham only Focus: Isl 14566 Birmingham Respiratory Research Fund, do Dept of Respiratory Medicine, Lung Investigation Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TH T: (0121) 6272088 Established: 1999 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Pulm 14569 Birmingham Royal Ballet Trust, Thorp St, Birmingham B5 4AU T: (0121) 6222555 Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Dance; Music; TTieat 14590 The Blrt Trust Fund, Saint Kathehnes Vicarage, 1 Sandhurst Rd, Milord Haven SA73 3JU T: (01646) 693314 Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants in the urban district of Mllford Haven only Focus: Fam 14591 The Birth Defects Foundation, Martindale, Hawks Green, Cannock WS11 2XN Chain Sheila Braun Assets: E 3.451.062,-, Receipts: £ 2.826.109,-, Expenditures: E 1.883.097,Focus: Ped; Child 14592 Blrtley Nursing Development Trust, do Birtley Medical Group, Durham Rd, Birtley Rd, Birtley, Durham DH3 20T T: (0191) 4103421 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Birtley only Focus: Nurs 14593 The Barbara Bishop Fund, do Southampton Institute of Higher Education, East Park Terrace, Southampton S014 OYN Established: 1970 Focus: Schol 14594 The Bishop of Bristol's Urban Fund, Church House, 23 Great George St, Bristol BS1 5QZ Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: SocW (4595 Bishop of Bristol's Wills Trust Number 1, Church House, 23 Great George St, Bristol BS1 5QZ T: (0117) 9214411 Established: 1909 Focus: SocW 14596 The Bishop of Wakefield Clergy Relief In Need Fund, 43 Davis Av, TownviNe, Castlelord WF10 3RG T: (01977) 553607 Established: 1991 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 14597 Bishop of Winchester's Uganda Church Fund, Wolvesey. Winchester S023 9ND T: (01962) 854050 Established: 1977 Umitatkms: Grants in Uganda only Focus: Miss; Afr (4598
United Kingdom: Bland
Bishop Stopford's School Trust, c/o Bishop Stopford's School, Brick Ln, Enlield EN1 3PU T: (020) 88041906 Established: 1993 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14599 Blshophlll Trust, Friends Meeting House, Friargate, York Y01 1RL Established: 1973 Receipts: £ 700,-, Expenditures: £ 700,Focus: Rei; SocW
Bishop's Stortford Prize Fund, do GLC Legal and Parliamentary Dept, 20 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TJ Established: 1961 Focus: Educ 14601 Bishopsgate Church Foundation, The Vestry, Saint Botolph without Bishopsgate, Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3TL T: (020) 75883388 Established: 1892 Focus: Mon 14602 Bishopsgate Foundation, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH T: (020) 72476844; Fax: 73751794; E-Mail: aluller® bishopsgateinst.freeserve.co.uk Established: 1861; Chair E. Maxwell, Secy: M. Famworth Receipts: £ 1.040.000,-, Expenditures: E 1.050.000,Focus: Educ 14603 Tiie Bishopthorpe Trust, 9 Castlegate, York Y01 9RW T: (01904) 625327 Established: 1975; Secy: S. Helherton Focus: Sen; Hous 14604 The Black Country Groundwork Trust, Groundwork Environment Centre, Dolton Way, Tipton DY4 9AL T: (0121) 5305500 Established: 1989; Secy: J.M. Bruce Focus: Ecol; SocW 14605 The Cyril Black Merton Fund, Merton Civic Centre, London Rd, Morden SM4 5DX T: (020) 85453517 Established: 1967 Focus: Educ; SocW; Health 14606 Blackfrlars Overseas Aid Trust, 3 Trinity St, Saint Ebbes, Oxlord 0X1 1TN T: (01865) 244176 Established: 1984 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 14607 The Blackheath Concert Halls Endowment Fund, 14 Annesley Rd, Blackheath, London SE3 OXJ T: (020) 88568614 Established: 1993 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ; Music 14606 Blackley Independent Methodist Church Trust Funds, c/o Independent Methodist Association, Fleet SI, Wigan WN5 ODS Τ: (01962) 223526 Established: 1966 Focus: Rei 14609 Blackmlll Recreation Ground Trust, Briaraood, 1 Dan-Y-Coed, Blackmlll, Bridgend CF35 6ES Established: 1975 Limitations: Predetermined grants in the neighbourhood of Blackmill only. Applications not accepted Focus: SocW 14610 The Blackroad Educational Trust 12 Nightingale Rd, Blackroad, Bolton BL6 5DX T: (01204) 697476 Established: 1964 Limitations: Grants in Blackroad only Focus: Educ
Bleckwater Village Trust, Omega, West End, Blackwater, Truro TR4 8EX T: (01872) 560248 Established: 1997; Secy: C. Trerise Limitations: Grants in Blackwater only Focus: SocW (46(2 Blelna Reading Institute and Library Charity Fund, Bryncelyn Estate, Blaina NP3 3LZ T: (01495) 292338 Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants In Blaina and neighbourhood only Focus: LH; Libr 14613 The Blake Prize Fund, do Richard Hale School, Hale Rd, Hertford SG13 8EN T: (01992) 583441 Established: 1982 Focus: Educ 14614 Philip Blarney Trust, 3 West St, Liskeard PL14 6BW T: (01579) 345407; Fax: 347447 Established: 1929 Focus: Educ 14615 Bland Waterfowl Garden Trust, Bridge End, Dolgellau LL40 1AY T: (01341) 422464 Established: 1991 Focus: AnimP 14616
United Kingdom: Bland's
14617 - 14687
Bland's School Foundation, Foxhill, Hollybush Ln, Burghfield Common RG7 3JL T: (01189) 832446 Established: 1926 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14617
Bolton and District Buildings Preservation Trust, 18 Regent Rd, Lostock. Bolton BL6 4DJ T: (01204) 840693 Established: 1982; Secy: E.R.P. Hope Limitations: Grants in Bolton and district only Focus: Mon 14636
Bleddfa Trust, Beachcroft, South St, Rhayader LD6 5BM Established: 1978 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon: Rei; SocW; Educ; Health , . 14618
Bolton and District Civic Trust, 7 Sunadale Close, The Hawthorns, Deane, Bolton BL3 5RS T: (01204) 658699 Established: 1965; Secy: A. Warr Limitations: Grants in Boiton and district only Focus: Archit; Town 14637
The Blenheim Harding Trust, 40 Fairfield Dr, Codsall WV8 2AE Τ: (01902) 711321 Established: 1994 Focus: Educ 14619 Georglna Blewitt Trust, Saint Mary Abbots Church, London W8 4HW T: (020) 79372419 Established: 1884 Focus: Wid
A.B. Bloomtleld Charitable Trust Number 2, c/o Mortey & Scott Accountants, Lynton House, 712 Tavistock Sq, London WC1H 9LT T: (020) 73875868 Established: 1992 Focus: SocW 14621 The Bloxwleh Rotary Club Charitable Trust, 78 Delve Rd, Walsall WS1 3JS T: (01922) 28423 Established: 1965; Secy: F. Rowley Limitations: Grants in Bloxwich only Focus: SocW 14622 The Blue Coat Foundation, The Rectory, Saint Davids Ln, Denbigh LL16 3EP T: (01745) 812970 Established: 1964 Limitations: Grants In Denbigh only Focus: RelE; Educ; Sports 14623 Blue Coat School Foundation, Saint Leonards House, Saint Leonards Close, Bridgnorth WV16 4EJ T: (01746) 764171 Established: 1963 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14624 Blue School Foundation, 36 Saint James' St, Newport P030 1LF T: (01983) 524741 Established: 1907 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14625 Blunham Old Meeting Baptist Church Trust Funds, Mount Pleasant, 19 The Hill, Blunham Established: 1968 Limitations: Grants in Blunham only Focus: Rei 14626 The Evelyn Boake Charitable Trust, 1 Ivy Field, Barton, Cambridge CB3 7BJ T: (01223) 263133 Established: 1961 Focus: Sen 14627 The Boddington Trust Fund, c/o The Avenue School, Basingstoke Rd, Reading RG2 0EN T: (0118) 9015554; Fax: 9015558; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1986 Focus: Educ 14628 Alan and Cyril Body Educational Trust, 16 The Meadway, Sevenoaks TN13 3EX T: (01732) 457978 Established: 1989; Secy: M.J. Baker Focus: Schol 14629 The Body Harmonics Foundation, 1 Balfem Grove, Chiswick Ln, London W4 2JX T: (020) 87473148 Established: 1969; Chair: Kate Boeching Focus: Psychia; Reh 14630 The Body Shop Foundation 600 Watersmead, Littlehampton BN17 6LS T: (01903) 731500; Fax: 726250 Established: 1989; Secy: D. Osborne Receipts: £ 1.118.150,-, Expenditures: £ 701.980,Limilations: Giants nationally and internationally. Unsolicited applications not accepted Focus: Law; HumR; AnimP; Ecol . . . . 14631 The de Bohun Lodge Benevolent Fund, The Mill House, Little Missenden, Amersham HP7 ORG T: (01494) 862865 Established: 1968 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 14632 Boise Foundation, c/o Royal Academy ol Music, Marylebone Rd, London NW1 Established: 1952; Secy: Jean Shannon Expenditures: £ 5.000,Focus: Schol; Music 14633
The Bolton District Nursing Association Fund, Scott House, 27 Silverwell St, Bolton BL1 1PP T: (01204) 524858 Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants in Bolton district only Focus: Nurs 14636 The Bolton Medical Fund, 639 Chortey New Rd, Lostock, Bolton BL6 4AA T: (01204) 849469 Established: 1990; Secy: Dr. I. Jones Limitations: Grants in Bolton only Focus: Med; Schol 14639 Bolton Muslim Welfare Trust, Swan Ln, opp Swan U n e Medical Centra, High St, Bolton BL3 6TQ T: (01204) 361103 Established: 1991; Secy: Y.M. Patel Limitations: Grants to Muslims In Bolton only Focus: Educ; SocW; Isl 14640 The Bolton Operatic Society Trust, Scott House. 27 Silverwell St, Bolton BL1 1PP T: (01204) 524858 Established: 1972; Secy: Margaret Watkins Limitations: Grants in Bolton only Focus: Musk;; Educ 14641 Bolton Parish Church Repair Fund, The Vicarage, Churchgate, Bolton BL1 1PS T: (01204) 533847 Established: 1890 Limitations: Predetermined grants onty Focus: Mon 14642 Bolton Parish Educational Foundation, 528 Church Rd, Bolton BL1 5RE T: (01204) 846953 Established: 1975 Limitations: Grants in Bolton only Focus: Educ 14643 Sarah Bonnell Foundation, Broadway House, 322 High Si, Stratford, London E15 1AJ T: (020) 85578628 Established: 1964 Focus: Educ 14644 Bonsall Schools Foundation, Brook Cottage, The Dale, Bonsall, Matlock DE4 2AY T: (01629) 826214 Established: 1955; Secy: D.W. Brimble Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14645 Alice Bonwlck Trust, c/o The Royal College of Organists, 7 Saint Andrew St, London EC4A 3LQ T: (020) 79363606 Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Educ; ChurchM 14646 Boones Educational Foundation, 39 Brownhlll Rd, Catford, London SE6 2HB T: (020) 86978528 Established: 1930 Focus: Educ 14647 Bom Free Foundation, 3 Grove House, Foundry Ln, Horsham RH13 5PL T: (01403) 240170; Fax: 327838; E-Mail: wildlile® bomfree.org.uk; Internet: http://www.bomfrBe.org.uk Established: 1984; Chair: William Travers, Donor(s): Bill Travers, Virginia McKenna Receipts: £ 1.088.990,-, Expenditures: £ 787.760,Limitalions: Grants nationally and Internationally Focus: AnlmP 14648 The Borough High Street Amenity Foundation, 35 Saint Thomas St, London Established: 1985; Secy: J. Barrett Focus: Mon; Ecol
The Borough of Bethnal Green Distress Fund, Town Hall, Mulberry PI, 5 Clove Crescent, London E14 2BG T: (020) 73645000 Established: 1940 Limitations: Grants in Bethnal Green only Focus: SocW 14650
Reverend Arthur Bold's Foundation, 20 Jones Way, Hedgerley, Slough SL2 3YG T: (01753) 33333248 Established: 1910; Secy: Donald Ljpscombe Focus: Educ 14634
The Borough of Fulham War Memorial Fund, Town Hall, Extension King St, Hammersmith London W6 9JU T: (020) 87483020 Established: 1922 Limitations: Predetermined grants onty Focus: Mon 146S1
Lady Bolles Foundation, c/o Beaumont Solicitors, 67 Westgate, Wakefield WF 1BP T: (01924) 291234 Established: 1950 Focus: Child 14635
Borough of Wembley War Memorial Fund, Town Hall, Wembley HA9 9HT Established: 1951 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 14652
Mario Borrelll Naples Fund, 4 Meadow Garth, Sowerby. Thirsk Y07 1HY T: (01845) 522382 Established: 1984 Focus: SocW; Educ; Med 14653 The Bonemans Family Trust, 86 South Rd, Taunton TA1 3EA T: (01823) 337636 Established: 1984 Focus: Rei; SocW 14654 The Evelyn Boscawen Trust, do Estate Office, Tregothnan, Truro TR2 4AN T: (0187) 252325 Established: 1985; Secy: M.W. Nicholls Focus: SocW; Sen 14655 Bosher Fund, 45 Atoen Rd, Middlesbrough TS1 1PT T: (01642) 247717 Established: 1935 Focus: SocW 14656 The Marjorie Bott Memorial Fund, 12 The Green, Jordans HP9 2SU Τ: (01494) 874556 Established: 1964; Chair: Tessa Lomas Focus: SocW 14657 Alderman G.B. Boughton Memorial Fund, Birmingham, Publication not permitted . . 14658
Bradford City Mission Christian Trust, 6 Hoyfe Court Av, Baildon BD17 6EU T: (01274) 599802 Established: 1968 Limitions: Grants in Bradford onty Focus: Educ; Rei; SocW; Sen 14672 Bradford Flower Fund Homes, do Barker & Jordan Architects, 2 Walmer Villas, Bradford BD8 7ΕΓ T: (01274) 493523 Established: 1958; Chain Ronald Jennings Limitations: Grants In Bradford only Focus: Sen 14673 Bradford Presbyterian Church of England Trust Funds, 3 Oaklands, Nab Wood, Shipley BD18 4AY T: (01422) 333333 Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants in Bradford only Focus: SocW 14674 Bradford Unitarian Church (Russell Street) Trust Funds, 10 Glen Rd, Eldwick, Bingley BD16 3ET T: (01274) 562007 Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants in Bradford only Focus: SocW 14675
The Bourne End and District Fund for the Elderly, Waters Edge, Riversdaie, Bourne End SL8 5EB T: (01628) 521606 Established: 1961; Secy: D.M. Hawthorne Limitations: Grants in Bourne End and district only Focus: Sen 14659
Bradgate Uons Club Charity Trust Fund, 5 Magnolia Close, Leicester Forest East, Leicester LE3 3NL T: (0116) 2393343 Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Bradgate only Focus: SocW 14676
The Bovefton Trust, The Rectoty, 129 Paynes Rd, Southampton SOI 3BW T: (023) 80221804 Established: 1893 Focus: SocW; Youth 14660
Bradley Old Peoples Trust, Ambleside, 20 King St, Bradley, Bilston WV14 8PQ T: (01902) 491822 Established: 1961 Limitations: Grants in Bradley only Focus: Sen 14677
Bow Community Trust, Professional Dev. Centre, English St, London E3 4TA T: (020) 73646381 Established: 1989; Secy: M.J. Mason Limitations: Grants in Bow only Focus: SocW; Educ; Sen; Mon; Archit; Child; Youth 14661 Bow Development Trust, 16 Lefevre Walk, London E3 2RF T: (020) 89837277 Established: 1997; Secy: Christopher Toms Limitations: Grants in Bow only Focus: Educ; Rei; Health; SocW . . . . 14662 Bow Education and Community Trust, c/o Bow School, Paton Close, Fairfield Rd, Bow, London E3 2QD T: (020) 89800118 Established: 1995; Chain P. Sickings Limitations: Grants in Bow only Focus: Educ 14663 Bow Street Magistrates Court Police Reward Fund, 28 Bow St, London WC2E 7AS T: (020) 73794713 Established: 1964 Limitations: Predetermined grants onty Focus: Pol 14664 Bowdler's Educational Foundation, do Shropshire County Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6ND T: (01743) 252756 Established: 1963 Focus: Educ 14665 Ken Bowen Fund, do Worple Road School, Worple Rd, Isleworth TW7 5EF T: (020) 85604305 Established: 1986 Focus: Educ 14666 Bowen's Educational Foundation, Bronant, Gwbert Rd, Cardigan SA43 1AF T: (01239) 612268 Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants in the parish of Whitchurch only Focus: Educ; Sports 14667 James U. Bower Trust, 3 The Lydgate, Eyam, Hope Valley S32 5QU Established: 1932 Focus: SocW 14668
John Bradshaw Gass Charitable Trust, do J.G. Smith, Delo'itte & Touche, POB 500, Manchester M60 2AT T: (0161) 4558283 Established: 1943 Focus: SocW 14678 Bradwell Village Schools Benevolent Fund, 4 Church Green Rd, Bletchiey, Millón Keynes MIO 6BJ Τ: (01908) 318088 Established: 1982 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14679 Bradworthy Parish Church Building Trust, 16 Ford Crescent, Bradworthy, Holsworthy EX22 7QR Τ: (01409) 241004 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 14680 The Brafferton Saint Peters School Fund, c/o Brafferton Church of England Primary School, Helperby, York Y06 2PA T: (01423) 360250 Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14681 Umanallni Mary Brahma Charitable Trust, 34 Heath Dr, Potters Bar EN6 1EH E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1998; Secy: Valerie J. Barrow Limitations: Predetermined grants in Calcutta (India) only Focus: Med 14682 Braid Trust Fund, do William Howell & Co., Eureka House, Prospect PI, Bromley BR2 9HN T: (020) 84602774 Established: 1993; Chair W.G. Howell Focus: AIDS 14683 The Brakenhala School Enterprise Fund, c/o Brakenhale School, Rectory Ln, Bracknell RG12 7BA T: (01344) 420341 Established: 1994 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14684
Bracknell Forest Uons Club Charity Trust Fund, Merravay, Broad Lh, Bracknell RG12 9BX T: (01344) 454388 Established: 1993 Limitations'. Grants in Bracknell Forest only Focus: SocW 14669
Bramah Tea and Coffee Museum Charitable Trust Clove Bldg, Maguire St, London SE1 2NO T: (020) 73780222 Established: 1998 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Agrie 14685
The Bradford Area Development Trust, do Bostocks Chartered Accountants, Accounting House, Tower Bldgs, Wade House Rd, Shelf HX3 7PB T: (01274) 673642 Established: 1974 Limitations: Grants in Bradford area only Focus: Mon 14670
Brampton Manor School Fund, c/o Brampton Manor School, Roman Rd, East Ham, London E6 3SQ T: (020) 75400500; Fax: 75400510 Established: 1984 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14686
Bradford Building Preservation Trust, 4 Park Rd, Bingley BD16 4JA T: (01274) 568347 Established: 1994; Secy: J.H. Walker Limitations: Grants in Bradford only Focus: Mon 14671
Brampton Methodist Church Benevolent Fund, Brampton Methodist Church, Wesley Manse, The Sands, Brampton CA8 1ET T: (016977) 2425 Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants in Brampton only Focus: SocW 14687
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231 The Brampton Preservation Trust c/o R. Allen, Millcroft, Tree Gardens, Brampton CA8 1EW Established: 1981 Llmitalions: Grants in Brampton only Focus: Mon; Town; Archil 14688 Brampton Sick Poor Fund, 5 Lome Terrace, Brampton CAB 1NS T: (0169) 772119 Established: 1952; Secy: L.R. Hopkins Limitations: Grants in Brampton only Focus: Nurs 14689 Brampton Tanzania Trust, 12 Craw Park, Brampton CA8 1UZ T: (01697) 73842 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Tanzania only Focus: Afr; Dev 14690 Braunstone Hall Junior School Fund, c/o Queensmead Junior School, Hamelin Rd, Leicester LE3 1JP T: (0116) 2858518 Established: 1994 Limitalions: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14691 The Braxton Hicks Trust cío Guy's 2 New Guy's House, London Bridge, London SE1 9RT T: (020) 79554387 Established: 1988; Chair: Margaret Thorn Focus: Obst 14692 Lord Braye's Foundation, Saint Presbytary, New Rd, Princes Risborough HP27 0JN T: (01844) 345578 Established: 1922 Focus: Rei 14693 The John Brazil Trust, 119 High St, Amereham HP7 OEA T: (01494) 728021 Established: 1965 Focus: Sen; SocW 14694 The Breadsall Church Heritage Trust, 1 Beech Croft, Breadsall, Derby DE21 5LQ T: (01332) 832300 Established: 1996 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 14695 Breakspear Infant School Fund, c/o Infant School, Bushey Rd, Ickenham, Uxbridge UB10 8JA T: (01895) 630411 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14696 Breakspear Junior School Fund, c/o Breakspear Junior School, Bushey Rd, Ickenham UB10 8JA T: (01895) 637890 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ
Breakthrough Trust, POB 928, London SW17 0JW T: (020) 87675013; E-Mail: breakthroughChurch® compuserve.com Established: 1993 Focus: Rei 14698 Brecon Rotary Club Travelling Scholarship Fund, 34 Beacons Park, Brecon LD3 9BR T: (01874) 610140 Established: 1985; Secy: B.A. Newman Limitations: Scholarships in Brecon only Focus: Schol 14699 The Breedon Educational and Vocational Foundation, Meadow House, 22 Reading Rd, Pangboume, Reading RG8 7LY T: (01734) 842266 Established: 1955 Focus: Educ; Voc 14700 The Brenchley Trust c/o Maidstone Borough Council, London House, 5-11 London Rd, Maidstone ME16 8HR T: (01622) 602000
Established: 1873 Focus: Nats
Brandon Nursing Trust, Park Rd, Winchester S023 7BE T: (01962) 869287 Established: 1972 Focus: Nurs 14702 Brentford and Chiswick Sick Poor Persons Fund, 12 Thuiza Court, London Rd, Isleworth TW7 5DG T: (020) 88473335 Established: 1962 Limitations: Grants in Brentford and Chtewtek only Focus: SocW; Nurs 14703 Brentford Baths Trust, 55 Lateward Rd, Brentford TW8 0PL T: (020) 88401695 Established.· 1996; Secy: Thomas Phillips Limitations: Grants in Brentford only Focus: Health
Brentford Community Boat Trust, 211 Boston Manor Rd, Brentford TW8 9LF T: (020) 85602804 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Brentford only Focus: Nav; Ship 14705 Brides Dowry Fund, c/o Merseyside Jewish Welfare Council, Shifrin House, 433 Smithdown Rd, Liverpool LI 5 3JL T: (0151) 7332292 Established: 1987 Limitations: Grants to Jewish brides in Merseyside only Focus: Jew 14706 Susannah Bridge for Curate Fund, Saint Anne's Vicarage, Turton, Bolton BL7 0EH T: (01204) 852222 Established: 1921 Focus: Rei 14707 Bridge House Estates Trust Fund, c/o Corporation of London, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ T: (020) 73323710; Fax: 73323720; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:/ /www.bridgehousegrants.org.uk Established: 1097; Chair: Peter Philip Rigby Assets: £ 500.000.000,-, Receipts: £ 28.000.000,-, Expenditures: £ 10.100.000,Limitations: Grants in Greater London only Focus: Sen; Hand; Ecol; Child; Youth . . 14708 The Bridge House Trust, 33 Lawn Close, Datchet, Slough SL3 9JZ T: (01753) 545343 Established: 1961 Focus: SocW 14709 Bridge Lane Beth Hamedrash Gemach Fund, 23 Sneatti Av, London NW11 9AJ T: (020) 84582887 Established: 1990; Chair: S.M. Winegarten Focus: Jew 14710 Bridge Meadow Haverfordwest Trust, c/o Haverfordwest Town Council, 2 Picton PI, Haverfordwest SA61 2LU T: (01437) 763771 Limitations: Grants in Haverfordwest and neighbourhood only Focus: SocW
The Dr. Bridge Memorial Fund, Kingsbury, 42 Oxford Dr, Thornton Hough L63 1JP T: (0151) 3363412 Established: 1954 Focus: Educ 14712 Bridge Trust, The Old Whitehouse, Baybridge, Owslebury, Winchester S021 1JN T: (01962) 777284 Established: 1993 Focus: Hand 14713 The Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust, 3 Celtic View, Litchard, Bridgend CF31 1YG T: (01656) 663479 Established: 1984; Secy: Glyndwr Jones Limitations: Grants in Wales only Focus: SocW 14714 The Bridgend Postgraduate Medical Centre Fund, do Prince of Wales Hospital, Coity Rd, Bridgend CF31 1RQ T: (01456) 752298 Established: 1969; Secy: Dr. R.H. Trefor Jones Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ; Med; Dent 14715 Bridgend Sports Clinic Foundation, 16 Bowham Av, Bridgend CF31 3PD T: (01656) 654538 Established: 1978 Limitations: Grants In South Wales only Focus: AccM
The David Bridger First Charitable Trust, 160 Worlds End Ln, Orpington BR6 6AS T: (020) 79393678 Established: 1997 Focus: SocW 14717 Brigade Centre Trust, 222 Saint Peters Rd, Headley Park, Bristol BS13 7QU Established: 1993; Secy: C. Young Focus: Educ 14718 The Brigg District Lions Club Charity Trust Fund. 6 Winston Way, Brigg DN20 8UA Τ: (01652) 655355 Established: 1983 Limitations: Grants in the Brigg district only Focus: SocW 14719 Alfred Ernest Briggs Sick Poor Fund, 3 Upper Park House Farm, Hunsworth Ln, East Biertey, Bradford BD4 6RL T: (01274) 680944 Established: 1956 Focus: Nurs 14720 The Brinkley Foundation, Mountain Ash, Brinkley, Newmarket CB8 OSE Τ: 507340 Established: 1914; Secy: D.L. Kavanagh Focus: SocW; Educ
Brisllngton School Enrichment Trust, c/o Brislington School, Hungerford Rd, Bristol BS4 5EY T: (0117) 9773661 Established: 1981 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14722 Bristol Area Community Trust, Bristol: defunct 14723 Bristol Area Stroke Foundation, Gatehouse Centre, Hareciive Rd, Bristol BS13 9JN T: (0117) 9647657 Established: 1983 Limitations: Grants in Bristol Area only Focus: Reh 14724 Bristol Avon Groundwork Trust, 85 Cornwall St, Birmingham B3 3BY T: (0121) 2368565 Established: 1989; Secy: S. Wilkinson Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: Ecol (4725 Bristol Barnabas Trust, 60 Queens Sq, Bristol BS1 4JZ Established: 1993 Focus: SocW 14726 Bristol Brunei Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, 55 Highridge Rd, Bishopsworth, Bristol BS13 8HJ T: (0117) 9642476 Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: SocW 14727 The Bristol Buildings Preservation Trust, Council House, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR T: (0117) 9222390 Established: 1981 Limitations: Grants in Bnstoi only Focus: Mon 14728 Bristol Christian Youth Trust, Yarbury, The Park, Yatton, Bristol BS49 4AB T: (01934) 838665 Established: 1959 Limitations: Grants in Bnstoi only Focus: Youth 14729 Bristol Churches Tenements Association Charitable Trust, All Saints Church, 1 All Saints Court, Bristol BS1 2JN Established: 1965 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: Hous 14730 Bristol City Centre Chaplaincy Trust, 10 Saint Johns Av, Clevedon, Bnstoi BS21 7TQ T: (0117) 9432429 Established: 1994 Limitations: Grants in Bnstoi only Focus: Rei 14731 Bristol Community Church Trust, The Kings Centre, 15-17 High St, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 4AA T: (0117) 9476547 Established: 1995 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: Rei; SocW 14732 Bristol East Avon Rotary Charitable Trust Fund, 8 The Hill, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4AE T: (01454) 613848 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: SocW 14733 Bristol Express Theatre Trust, 24 Wells House Rd, Acton, London NW10 6EE T: (020) 89639171 Established: 1982; Secy: Andy Jordan Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Theat 14734 Bristol Guild of the Handicapped Trust, c/o Bristol Municipal Charities, Orchard St, Bristol BS1 5EQ T: (0117) 9290084 Established: 1986; Secy: R.S. Hawkins Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: Hand 14735 Bristol Initiative Charitable Trust, Leigh Court, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RA Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: SocW 14736 Bristol islamic Schools Trust, 31 Banner Rd, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5NA T: (0117) 9533215 Established: 1997 Limitations: Predetermined grants in Bristol only Focus: Educ; Isl 14737 Hie Bristol Neurological Trust, 5 Druid Rd, Bristol BS9 1LJ T: (0117) 9683881 Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: Neur 14738 Bristol Oporto Foundation, 1 Princes Bldgs, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4LB T: (0117) 9735066; Internet: http:// www.bristoloporto.79.co.uk Established: 1993; Chair: Marmaduke Alderson Assets: £ 20.000,-, Receipts: £ 1.000,-, Expenditures: £ 1.000,Focus: Educ; Arts 14739
United Kingdom: British
The Bristol Soup Run Trust, 255 Forest Rd, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3QT Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: SocW 14740 Bristol Taleem-UMslam Trust, 168 Muller Rd, Horfield, Bristol BS7 9QX T: (0117) 9854551 Established: 1987; Secy: Dr. G. Nounu Limitations: Grants in Bnstoi only Focus: Isl 14741 Bristol Taxis Fund for Children's Charities, 2 Petherlon Gardens, Hengrove, Bristol BS14 9BS T: (01275) 836056 Established: 1977; Secy: V. ClaiKe Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: Child 14742 Bristol Trust for the Deaf, 13 Wellington Walk, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS10 5ET T: (0117) 9260051 Established: 1910 Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: Deafs 14743 Britain-Afghanistan Trust for Education and Development, c/o Tas Lodge, 47 Norwich Rd, Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich NR14 8AB T: (01508) 494849 Established: 1995; Secy: Dr. Aiistair Lipp Limitations: Grants in Afghanistan only Focus: Educ; Dev; SocW; As 14744 The Britain-Nepal Medical Trust, Export House, 130 Vale Rd, Tonbridge TN9 ISP T: (01732) 360284; Fax: 363876; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1967; Chair: Dr. Nigel Padfieid, Secy: G. Peck, Donor(s): Dr. John Cunningham Assets: £ 373.040,-, Receipts: £ 481.200 -, Expenditures: £ 478.580,Limitations: Grants in Nepal only Focus: Med; Dev 14745 British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH T: (020) 79695200; Fax: 79695300; E-Mail: secretary© britac.ac.uk Established: 1902; Chair: Sir Tony Wrigley, Secy: P.W.H. Brown Assets: £ 6.209.340,-, Receipts: £ 31.974.260,-, Expenditures: £ 31.588.910,Limitations: Grants nationally and internationally Focus: Scie; Hum; SocS 14746 The British Chess Educational Trust, 11 Beechmount Court, Beechmount Grove, Hengrove, Bristol BS14 9UQ T: (01225) 337100 Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Educ; Sports 14747 British Cotton Growing Subscription Local Fund, Town Hall, Bolton BL1 1RU T: (01204) 522311 Established: 1993; Secy: R.J. Aidred Focus: SocW 14748 British Diabetic Association, 10 Queen Anne St, London W1M 0BD T: (020) 73231531; Fax: 76373644; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.diabetes.org.uk Established: 1935; Chair Michael Hall, Secy: Paul Streets, Donor(s): R.D. Lawrence Assets: £ 9.000.000,-, Receipts: £ 7.000.000,-, Expenditures: £ 3.000.000,Limitations: Grants in the United Kingdom only Focus: Diab 14749 British Heart Foundation, 14 Ftahardinge St, London W1H 4DH T: (020) 79350185; Fax: 74865820 Established: 1961; Chair: Leslie Busk, Donor(s): Lord Evans Receipts: £ 58.100.000,·, Expenditures: £ 58.100.000,Limitattons: Grants in the United Kingdom only Focus: Card (4750 British Horological Institute Education Trust, Upton Hall, Upton, Newark NG23 5TE T: (01636) 813795 Established: 1997; Secy: Edmund Slicer Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: CommT 14751 British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, 10 Cariton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH T: (020) 79695204; Fax: 79695401; E-Mail: biaa® britcc.cc.uk; Internet: http://www.britac3.britac.ac.uk/ institutes/ankara/ Established: 1948; Chair: Dr. Roger Matthews, Secy: Gina Coulthard Receipts: ca. £ 400.000,-, Expenditures: ca. £ 400.000,Limitatlons: Predetermined grants only Focus: Archeo 14752 The British Institute of Embalmers Memorial Trust, Saint James House, Horseley Field, Wolverhampton WV1 3DN T: (01902) 352251 Established: 1961 Focus: V x 14753
United Kingdom: British
British Institute of International end Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Sq, London WC1B 5DR T: (020) 76365802; Fax: 73232016; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.tcol.co.uk/ comorg/bioical.htm Established: 1956; Chair Lord Goff of Chievely Focus: Law 14754 British Lung Foundation, New Garden House, 78 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8LD T: (0207) 8315831; Fax: 8315832; E-Mail: by-use® gprag-as1hma.org; Internet: http://www.lunguk.org/ Established: 1984; Chair: prof. Malcolm Green Limitations: Grants In the United Kingdom only Focus: Pulm 14755 The British Maintenance Educational Fund, c/o British Council of Maintenance Association, 11 Haymarket, London SW17 4BP T: (020) 792116 Established: 1982 Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Voc; Eng 14756 British Nutrition Foundation, High Holbom House, 52-54 High Holbom, London WC1V 6RQ T: (020) 74046504; Fax: 74046747; E-Mail: br¡[email protected]; Internet: http-Jl www.nutrition.org.uk Established: 1967; Chair Dame Barbara Clayton Limitations: Grants in trie United Kingdom only Focus: Food 14757 The British Olympic Education Trust, 1 Wandsworth Plain, London SW18 1EH T: (020) 88712677 Established: 1983 Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Sports; Educ
14754 - 14824
British Palawan Trust, tío Orthopaedic Dept. The Ipswich Hospital, Heath Rd, Ipswich IP4 5PD T: (01473) 712233 Established: 1990; Chair: Louis Deliss Limitations: Grants in the United Kingdom only Focus: Ortho 14759 British School of Paris Trust, Coddenham House, Coddenham, Ipswich T: (01449) 760332; Fax: 761729 Established: 1994 Limitations; Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14760 The British Trust - World Council of Christian Education, 14 Selby Av, Saint Albans ALS 5EN T: (01727) 834579 Established: 1967; Secy: David M. Dalzlel Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: RelE; Miss; SocW; Rei; Educ . . 14761 Briton Ferry Health Centre Fund, Health Centre, Hunter St, Briton Ferry, Neath SA11 1BJ T: (01639) 813272 Established: 1990 Limitations: Predetermined grants only. Applications not accepted Focus: Health 14762 Briton Ferry Special School Charitable Trust, c/o Briton Ferry Special School, Ynysmaerdy Rd, Briton Ferry, Neath SA11 2TL T: (01639) 813100 Established: 1976 Limitations: Predetermined grants only. Applications not accepted Focus: Hand 14763 The Brittain Martell Trust, 9 Noire Dame Mews, Albert PI, Northampton NN1 2BG Established: 1945 Focus: SocW 14764 Brixton Advice Centre Development Trust, Brixton Advice Centre, 167 Railton Rd, London Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in Brixton oniy Focus: Educ; SocW 14765 The Brixton and District Sick Poor Fund, 39 Horsford Rd, Brixton Hill, London SW2 5BP T: (020) 76520517 Established: 1953 Limitations: Grants in Brixton and district only Focus: SocW; Nurs 14766 The Broadfield Trust, c/o Kidson & Impey, Elgar House, Holmer Rd, Hereford Established: 1959 Focus: SocW 14767 Broadfields Junior School Fund, c/o Broadfields Junior School, Broadfields Av, Edware HA8 8TN T: (020) 89589864; Fax: 89053909 Established: 1998 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14768
Broadway Grammar School Prize Fund, c/o Kingstone School, Broadway, Bamsiey S70 6RB T: (01226) 215757 Established: 1962 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14771 The Lord Brock Memorial Trust, c/o Guy's Hospital, Saint Thomas' St, London SE1 9RT T: (020) 79555000; Fax: 73788383 Established: 1975; Donor(s): Lord Brock Focus: Mon; Theat 14772 Brockelbank Lodge Amenity Fund Trust, Civic Centra, Dagenham RM10 7BY T: 0181 5924500 Established: 1982 Focus: Sen 14773 The Brockhurst Centenary Charitable Trust, c/o Brockhurst School, Marlston House, Hermitage, Newbury RG16 9UL T: (01635) 200190 Established: 1987; Secy: David Fteming Focus: Schol 14774 The BrocMahurst Neurosurgical Fund, o/o Dutton Moore, 6 Silver St, Hull HU1 1JA T: (01482) 326617; Fax: 329863; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1982; Chair D.C.D. Moore, Donor(s): Gordon Brocklehurst Focus: Neur; Surg 14775 Brocldewood Infant School Fund, c/o Brocklewood Infant and Nursery School, Rrcroft Av, Bilborough, Nottingham NG8 3AL Τ: (0115) 9291853 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14776 The Brogborough Village Hall Trust 9 Ridgway Rd, Brogborough. Bedford MK43 OYA Established: 1988 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 14777 Bromfleld's Educational Foundation, Saint Andrew's Vicarage, 5 Saint Andrew St, London EC4A 3AB T: (020) 75837394 Established: 1957 Focus: Educ 14778 Bromham Baptist Free Church Manse Trust, 28a Oakley Rd, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8HZ T: (01234) 823414 Established: 1986 Limitations: Grants in Bromham only Focus: Hous 14779 Bromham Church of England School Educational Fund, The vicarage, 47 Stagsden Rd, Bromham, Bedford MK43 2PY Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14780 Bromley Autistic Trust, Woodland View, 15 Oleander Close, Famborough BR6 7TQ T: (01689) 857886 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Bromley oniy Focus: Hand 14781 Bromley Churchill Theatre Trust, Churchill Theatre, High St, Bromley BR1 1HA T: (020) 84647131 Established: 1995; Secy: Liz Gentry Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Theat 14782 Bromley Endowed School Trust, Lavender House, 11 Alexandra Crescent, Bromley BR1 4ET T: (020) 72839033 Established: 1975 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14783 Bromley Orchestral Concerts Fund, 50 Hayes Rd, Bromley BR2 9AA Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants in Bromley only Focus: Muse 14784 Bromley Science Education Trust, c/o Bromley Education Development Centre, Church Ln, Princes Plain, Bromley BR2 8LD T: (020) 84628911 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Bromley oniy Focus: Educ 14785 Bromley Youth Trust, 37a Sutherland Av, Biggin Hill TN16 3HE T: (01959) 574009 Established: 1985; Chair L.D. Dobbs Limitations: Grants in Bromley only Focus: Youth 14786
Broadmead Chapel Trust, 60 Meadowside Dr, Whitchurch, Bristol BS14 ONS Established: 1967 Focus: Rei 14769
Brook Church Trust, 174 Dawlish Dr, llford IG3 9EO T: (020) 85944488 Established: 1999 Focus: Rei; SocW 14787
Broadway Baptist Church (Chesham) Charities Trust, Broadway Baptist Church, 76 The Broadway, Chesham HP5 2BS T: (01494) 772244 Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants in Chesham only Focus: Rei; SocW 14770
The Brook Hospital Post Graduate Medical Centre Fund, c/o Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Stadium Rd, Woolwich, London SE18 4QH T: (020) 82285221 Established: 1967 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Med; Nurs 14788
Brook House Congregational Chapel Fund, 3 Grawy Villas, Pwlltygranyp, Denbeigh LL16 3LG Established: 1978 Limitations: Grants to upkeep and repair of Swan Lane Congregational Chapel and the maintenance of the services Itiere Focus: Mon; Rei 14789 The Beverley Brook Masonic Benevolent Trust, Amboise, Pett Rd, Pett, Hastings TN35 4HG T: (01424) 812699 Established: 1979 Focus: SocW 14790 Brook Road Youth Educational Support Trust, c/o Bristol Race Equality Council, Colston House, Colston St, Bristol BS1 Established: 1985; Secy: E.A.F. Adebiyi Limitations: Grants in Bristol only Focus: Educ 14791 The Eve Brook Scholarship Fund, 261 Mary St, Balsall Heath, Birmingham B12 9RW T: (0121) 4406046 Established: 1998; Chain D. Edgar Focus: Schol 14792 The William Brooker Travelling Scholarship Fund, c/o Wimbledon School of Art, Merton Hall Rd, London SW19 3QA T: (020) 84085000 Established: 1992 Focus: Schol 14793 Brookes Marathon Fund for Visually Impaired, Hill Farm House, Newport Rd, Great Woolstone MK15 OAA T: (01908) 692345 Established: 1997 Focus: Blinds 14794 Broomfleld County Primary School Fund, c/o Broomfiekf County Primary School, Broomfield Av, Northallerton DL7 BRG T: (01609) 774050 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14795
Margaretta Browne Educational Fund, Saint Mary's Rectory, 16 Tomlins Grove, Bow, London E3 4NX T: (020) 89816710 Established: 1826 Focus: Educ 14808 Sir Frank Brown's Exhibition Fund for Girls, c/o Frank Brown & Walford Accountants, 314 Linthoipe Rd, Middlesbrough TS1 3QX T: (01642) 225421 Established: 1914 Focus: Arts; Educ 14809 Bryn Beryl Hospital Special Unit Appeal Fund, c/o Robyns, Owen & Son, 36 High St, Pwllheli LL53 5RY T: (01758) 613177 Established: 1993 Limitations: Predetermined giants only. Applications not accepted Focus: Nurs 14810 Bryn Chapel (Congregational) Trust, 9 Richard St, Llanelli SA15 1TY T: (01554) 758910 Established: 1966; Secy: Emyr W. Hugh Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Rei 14811 Brynllywarch School Fund, c/o Brynllywarch School, Kerry, Newton SY16 4PB T: (01686) 670276 Established: 1986 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14812 Brynteg Chapel Trust Fund, 95 Frampton Rd, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 4XZ T: (01792) 418938 Established: 1987 Focus: Mon 14813 Buchanan Industrial School Fund, Avon House, Bristol BS99 7DE T: (01179) 874363 Established: 1924 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Voc 14814
Broomlleld Historic Buildings Trust, Waltham Cottage, Forty Hill, Enfield EN2 9EU T: (020) 83662406 Established: 1991; Secy: Colin Pointer Limitations: Grants in Broomfield only Focus: Mon 14796
The Buckingham Trust, c/o Russell Buckingham MK18 T: (01280) 812126 Established: 1990 Limitations: Grants only Focus: SocW
Broomlelgh Charitable Trust, Broomleigh House, 1 Copers Cope Rd, Beckenham BR3 INB T: (020) 86630758 Established: 1999; Secy: Willem Buttinger Focus: SocW; Home 14797
Buckingham Heritage Trust, The Old Gaol, Market Hill, Buckingham MK18 1EW Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in Buckingham only Focus: Mon; Hist 14816
The Brotherton Charity Trust, POB 25, Wakefield, West Yorkshire Established: 1924 Focus: Sen
The Buckingham V.C. Memorial Fund, c/o Leicestershire County Council, County Hall, Gtentield, Leicester (0116) 2657656 Established: 1951 Focus: Youth; Educ 14817
Charles Brotherton Trust, POB 374, Hanogate, HG1 4YW Established: 1940; Secy: C. Brolherton-Ratclifle Focus: Educ; Med; Surg 14799 The Archibald G. Brown 20th Anniversary Trust, 40 Wellington Bkjgs, Wellington Way, Bow, London E3 4NA T: (020) 89812915 Established: 1964 Focus: Wrd 14800 Lily Jane Brown Deceased Trust, The Vtaarage. Scotby, Carlisle CA4 8BX T: (01228) 513205 Established: 1975 Focus: SocW 14801 Lillian Brown Memorial Fund, 98 Staines Rd, Wraysbury, Staines TW19 5AG T: (020) 76014469 Established: 1980; Secy: G.H.O. Gordon Focus: ChurchM 14802 The Joe Brown Memorial Trust, 18 Alpha Rd, Cambridge CB4 3DG T: (01223) 365612 Established: 1993; Secy: Nick Brown Focus: Educ; Arts 14803 Allen Brown Memorial Trust, 7 Croftgate, Fulbrooke Rd, Cambridge CB3 9EG T: (01223) 353923 Established: 1991 Focus: Hist 14804 Tiie Mildred Brown Sport for the Disabled Trust, Byland Lodge, Hawthorn Terrace, Durham DH1 4TD T: (0191) 3866111 Established: 1990 Focus: Sports; Hand (4805 William Brown Trust Fund, Preston: delunct (4806 Margarete Browne Ecclesiastical Fund, Saint Mary's Rectory, 16 Tomlins Grove, Bow, London E3 4NX T: (020) 89816710 EstabMed: 1903 Focus: Rei; SocW 14807
and Gawcott Charitable & Co. Solicitors, Trolly Hall, 1PT in Buckingham and Gawcott
Buckland Old School Trust, Westwards, Buddand. Aylesbury HP22 5HZ T: (01296) 630955 Established: 1994; Secy: Joan West Focus: Rei; SocW
The J.E. Buckley Jones Trust, c/o Gwynedd County Council, County Offices, Caernarfon LL55 1SH T: (01286) 679061 Established: 1976 Limitations: Grants In the county of Caernarfon only Focus: Educ 14819 J.E. Buckley-Jones Trust, c/o Flintshire County Council, County Hall, Mold CH7 6ND T: (01352) 704076 Established: 1977 Limitations: Grants in the former county of Flintshire only Focus: Educ 14820 Buddhist Education Foundation (UK) Ltd., 18 Huson Close, Hampstead, London NW3 3JW T: (020) 75866923 Established: 1998; Chair Tham Ttiiam Wong Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: RelE 14621 The Building Societies Institute Education Fund, c/o Chartered Institute of Bankers, Emmanuel House, 4-9 Burgate House, Canterbury CT1 2XJ T: (01227) 762600 Established: 1999 Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Voc; Build 14622 The Building Surplus Scholarship Fund of Ystalyfera County School, c/o Nealh and Port Talbot County Borough Council, Port Tabot Civic Centre, Swansea SA13 1PJ T: (01639) 763333 Establahed: 1964 Limitations: Scholarships to pupils at Ystalyfera County School only Focus: Schol 14823 Edith E. Bulst Prize Fund, o/o Tauntons College, Hill In. Southampton S09 2 0 U T; (023) 80511811 Established: 1955 Foais: Educ 14824
14825 - 14896
233 Bulgarian Gedeon Trust, 97 Vate Rd, Saint Leonards-on-Sea TN37 6PX T: (01424) 421813 Established: 1998 Limitions: Grants in Bulgaria on by Focus: Rei: SocW; East 14825
Bumholme Community College Fund, c/o Bumholme Community College, Bad Bargain Ln, York Y031 0GW T: (01904) 415906 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14843
Bulgarian Support Fund, 24 Danieils, Welwyn Garten City AL7 10X T: (01707) 323685 Established: 1998 Limitations: Grants in Bulgaria only Focus: SocW; Rei; Ped; East 14826
William Robert Bumlp Memorial Fund, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardili CF1 5UW Τ: (029) 20872324 Established: 1968 Focus: Blinds 14844
Bullers Benevolent Fund, 65 Sloane St, London SW1X 9SH T: (020) 72595323 Established: 1959 Focus: SocW 14827
Burslem Buildings Preservation Trust, 26 Queen St, Burslem, StokMn-Trent ST6 3EG T: (01782) 838488 Established: 1995; Secy: P. Weston Limitations: Grants in Burslem only Focus: Mon 14345
The Bulmershe School Amenities Fund, tío Parent Teacher Association, Bulmershe School, Chequers Way, Woodley, Reading RG5 3EY T: (01189) 353353 Established: 1968 Limitions: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ; SocW 148?«
Burslem Charitable Trust, 26 Queen SI, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 3EG T: (01782) 838488 Established: 1996; Secy: P. Weston Limitations: Grants in Burslem only Focus: SocW
Bulmershe School Fund, tío Bulmershe School, Chequers Way, Woodley, Reading RG5 3EL T: (0118) 9353353 Established: 1985 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14829 Buntle Wills Foundation, 49 The Avenue, London NW6 7NR T: (020) 84595442 Established: 1987 Focus: Educ; Psychol 14830 The Burchett Trust, c/o Charlas Lucas & Marshall, 28 High St, Hungerford RG17 0NF T: (01488) 682506 Established: 1998 Focus: Hand 14831 Burdekln Trust, Town Hall, Chapei-en-te-Frith, High Peak SK23 0HP Established: 1977; Secy: Suzan Elizabeth Bamlord Focus: SocW 14832 Burden Trust, Little Clandon, West Clandon GU4 7ST Established: 1913; Chair: Dr. M.G. Barker, Secy: M.C. Tosh Receipts: £ 240.000,-, Expenditures: £ 205.000,Limitations: Grants internationally Focus: Med; Nurs; Educ; Sen; Child; Rei 14833 Burdett-Coutts Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ranworth, 81 Wavertree Rd, South Benfleet SS7 5AW T: (01268) 756907 Established: 1988 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 14834 The Stantey Burgess Memorial Fund, c/o Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln LN1 3DY T: (01522) 527347 Established: 1964 Focus: Educ 14835 Burgh House Trust, Burgh House, New End Sq, London NW3 1LT T: (020) 74310144; Fax: 74358817 Established: 1971; Secy: Helen Wlgon Focus: Arts; Hist 14836 The Burkitt Scholarship Fund, c/o Durham School, Durham DH1 4SZ T: (0191) 3864783 Established: 1986 Focus: Schoi 14837 Burlington Danes Church ot England School Charitable Trust c/o Burlington Danes School, Burlington Bldg, Wood Ln, London W12 OHR Τ: (020) 87432182 Established: 1999 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ; SocW 14838 The Burnett and Anderson Trust, Saint Andrews U.R.C., The Avenue, Soulhampton S017 1QX T: (023) 80678787 Establshed: 1964 Focus: Rei; SocW 14839
The Arnold Burton Charitable Trust, c/o Trustee Management Ltd., Yorkshire House, East Parade, Leeds LSI 5SX T: (0113) 2978787 Established: 1998 Focus: SocW 14847 Burwell and District Day Centre Trust, Ash Grove, Parsonage Close, Burwell, Cambridge CB5 0EN T: (01638) 743363 Established: 1991 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 14848 Burwell Education Foundation, 22 Abbey Close, Burwell, Cambridge CB5 0HN T: (01638) 612466 Established: 1924 Limitations: Grants in Burwell only Focus: Educ 14849 Burwell Museum Trust, 9 Meadowlands, Burwell, Cambridge CB5 OHG Τ: (01638) 741512 Established: 1984; Secy: J.V. Harrison Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hist 14850 The Burwell Nursing and Stephenson Bequest Fund, 30 Isaacson Rd, Burwell, Cambridge CB5 OAF T: (01638) 741053 Established: 1964; Secy: Ann E. Simpson Limitations: Grants in Burwell only Focus: Nurs
The Burwell Old British School Fund, do Cambridgeshire County Council, Castle Court, Shire Hall, Castle Hill, Cambridge CB3 0ΑΡ T: (01223) 717243 Established: 1970 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14852 Burweli War Memorial Fund, 30 Isaacson Rd, Burwell, Cambridge CB5 OAF T: (01638) 741053 Established: 1964; Secy: Ann E. Simpson Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 14853 Bury Lawn School Trust, Membury, Axmrnster EX13 7JR T: (01404) 881702 Established: 1984 Focus: Educ 14854 The Bushy Park Water Gardens Trust, 15 Gresham Rd, Hampton TW12 3RB T: (020) 87830462 Established: 1997; Secy: E A Payne Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon; Hort 14855 Business Education Trust, Foxiey House, Malmesbury SN16 OJJ Τ: (01666) 824421 Established: 1984; Secy: Margaret Anderson Focus: Voc 14856 The Bute Street Arte and Media Trust, 65-67 Bute St, Luton LU1 2EY Established: 1995 Focus: Arts; Media 14857
The Bumey Fund, tío Chethams School of Music, Long Miligate, Manchester M3 15B T: (0161) 8387212 Established: 1968 Focus: Libr 14840
Frederick Butler Clouglt Trust, Highñeld, Llewelyn's Estate, Denbigh T: (01745) 812724 Established: 1964 Limitations: Grants in the parish of Denbigh only Focus: SocW; Health 14858
The Bumham Memorial Recreation Ground Trust, Hrtcham Tithe Bam, Hitcham Ln, Bumham SL1 7DP T: (01628) 604622 Established: 1996 Focus: SocW 14841
The Josephine Butler Educational Trust, 4 The Hedges, Penenden Heaih, Maidstone ME14 2JW T: (01622) 679630 Established: 1970 Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Educ; SocS; Rah 14859
Burnham Rotaract Trust Fund, 105 Marescroft Rd, Slough SL2 2LN T: (01753) 520269 Established: 1993 Focus: SocW 14842
The Rosina Butler Memorial Fund, 8 York House, Highbury Crescent, London N5 1RP T: (020) 73597443 Established: 1995 Focus: Hand; SocW 14860
The Butler Memorial Trust, 310 Stockton Ln, York Y031 1JW Τ: (01904) 430588 Established: 1964 Focus: SocW 14861 Butler Trust, c/o Southwark Diocesan Finance Office, 59 Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7JE T: (020) 79285767 Established: 1896 Focus: Mon; Orp 14862 Samuel Butler's Educational Foundation, 31 Jewry St, Aldgate, London EC3N 2EY T: (020) 74805884 Established: 1963 Focus: Educ 14863 The William Butterfleld Trust Fund, 10 Trent Rd, Bedtord MK41 7EF T: (01234) 359893 Established: 1959 Focus: Rei 14864 John Butterwlck Trust Day Care Centre and Hospice, c/o Butterwick Hospice, Middlelield Rd, Stockton-on-Tees TS19 8XN T: (01642) 607742 Established: 1984 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs 14865 Buxton Community School Cavendish Guild Trust, 21 Corbar Rd, Buxton SK17 6RQ T: (01298) 25104 Established: 1976 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14866 Buxton Educational Foundation, Richfield, West Bank, Winster, Matlock DE4 2DQ T: (01629) 650426 Established: 1730; Secy: James Roland Corfiekj Focus: Educ 14867 The Eah Buxton Memorial Fund, c/o Tweedie & Prldeaux Solicitors 5 Lincolns Inn Fields, London WC2A 3BT T: (020) 72429231 Established: 1938 Focus: Child 14868 C.L.N. Trust Fund, 6 Windsor PI, Stirling FK8 2HY Established: 1964 Focus: SocW 14869 C.T.U.C. Charitable Trust, Congress House, Great Russell St, London WC1B 3LS T: (020) 76310728; Fax: 74360301; E-Mail: director®commonwealthtuc.org; Internet: http.·'/ www.commonwealthtuc.org Established: 1981; Chair Annie Watson Focus: Trade 14870 The Cab Royal Courts ol Justice Charitable Trust, 29 Saint Albans Rd, London NW5 1RG T: (020) 72671076 Established: 1990 Focus: U w ; SocW 14871 Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust, Elrnfleid, College Walk, Selly Oak. Birmingham B29 6LE T: (0121) 4721838 Established: 1945; Chair: C.E. Gillett, Secy: M. Walton Assets: £ 18.216.870,-, Receipts: £ 1.057.550,-, Expenditures: £ 494.860,Limitatkms: Grants to registered charities in the West Midlands only. No grants to students nor to Individuáis Focus: SocW; Miss 14872 The Betty Cadbury Trust, 32 Belle Vue Rd, Ashbourne DE6 1AT T: (01335) 347734 Established: 1984; Secy: David S. Sorrell Focus: Educ 14873 Cadogan Lodge Benevolent Fund. 19 Cheddlngton Close, Tilehurst, Reading RG30 4HA T: (01734) 426979 Established: 1982 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 14874 The Caadmon-Ceolfrtd Trust, c/o College ol Saint Hild and Saint Beda, Durham DH1 1SZ Established: 1986; Chair Prof. DJ. Davies Focus: Educ; SocW 14875 Caernarvon Friendless Girls Fund, 16 Ebberston Rd West, Rhos-on-Sea, Cohrvyn Bay LL28 4AP T: (01492) 541573 Established: 1955 Limitions: Grants In Caernarvon only Focus: Worn 14876 Caernarvonshire Further Education Trust Fund, c/o County Secretary and Solicitor, Council Offices, Caernarfon LL55 1SH T: (01286) 672255 Established: 1967 Limitations: Grants to pupils in the former ackninistrative county ol Caernarvonshire only Focus: Educ 14877 The Sheena Caglenard Memorial Prize Fund, d o University of Wolverhampton, Wulfrura St, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB T: (01902) 322626 Established: 1983 Focus: Educ 14878
United Kingdom: Cambridge
Calcutta Jewish Heritage Trust, 15 Sandy Lodge Way. Northwood HA6 2AP T: (01923) 840713 Established: 1999; Secy: Lesley Glassberg Limitations: Grants in Calcutta (India) only Focus: Jew; Mon 14879 Calcutta Rescue Fund, POB 16163, London SW4 7ZT Established: 1984 Limitations: Grants in Calcutta (India) only Focus: SocW; Nurs; Educ 14860 The Calder Educational Trust, 179 Kings Cross Rd, London WC1X 9BZ T: (020) 78331300 Established: 1980 Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Educ; Lit 14881 Caidicott Trust, Crown Ln, Famham Royal SL2 3SL T: (01753) 644534; Fax: 647336; E-Mail: office® caldicott.com; Internet: http://www.caldicott.com Established: 1968; Chair S. Ooggart, Secy: A.S. McKalvle Receipts: £ 3.000.000,-, Expenditures: £ 2.900.000,Focus: Educ 14862 The Caldway Charity Fund, 110 Scafell Walk, Woodlands Estate, Liverpool L27 5RW T: (0151) 4870885 Established: 1980; Secy: D. Glbblns Focus: SocW; Son 14883 The Callington Museum Trust, 1 Woodside Terrace, Delaware Rd, Gunnlslake PL18 9EU T: (01822) 832898 Established: 1994; Secy: J. Johns Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Arts 14884 Calstock Development Trust, 6 Fore St, Calstock PL18 9RN T: (01822) 834303 Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants in Calstock only Focus: Educ
The Calstock Parish Trust, The Manse, Baptist SI. Calstock PL18 Established: 1933 Limitations: Grants In Calstock only 14886 Focus: SocW Calvary Christian Fellowship Trust, 79 Woodstone Αν, Stonalelgh KT17 2JT Τ: (020) 74877104 Established: 1983 Focus: Rei
The Calvert Smith Trust Fund, Yorit House, Richmond Rd, Twickenham TW1 1AA Established: 1960 Focus: SocW 14888 Cam-Yr-Alyn Chapel Fund, The Vicarage, Station Rd, Rossett, Wrexham LL12 OHE Τ: (01244) 570498 Established: 1985 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Rei 14889 The Camberwell Residential Academic and Fellowship Trust, c/o Camberwell College of Arts, Peckham Rd, London SE5 8UF T: (020) 75146300 Established: 1981 Limitations: Grants in Camberweil only Focus: Educ; Arts; Voc 14890 Cambodia Trust, 20 Commarket, Thame ΟΧ9 2BL T: (0184) 4216655 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Cambodia only Focus: SocW; Educ; Dev 14891 Cambridge and County High School lor Boys War Memorial Fund, 27 Bourne Rd, Cambridge CB4 1UF T: (01223) 425948 Established: 1946 Limitations: Grants in Cambridge and county only Focus: Educ 14892 The Cambridge Arts Trust, 6 Saint Edwards Passage. Cambridge CB2 3PL T: (01223) 578933 Established: 1938 Limitations: Grants in Cambridge only Focus: Arts 14893 Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, POB 252, Cambridge CB2 1TZ T: (01223) 323322; Fax: 313138 Limitatioris: Scholarships to students originating of Commonwealth countries and Myanmar and Sudan who wish to study at the University of Cambridge Focus: Schol 14894 Cambridge Community Mlkvah Charitable Trust, 39 Rowsley Av, Hendon, London NW4 1AP T: (020) 76342929 Established: 1996; Chair David Louis Gilinsky Limitations: Grants in Cambridge only Focus: Educ; Rei; Jew 14895 Cambridge Community Nursing Trust, 11 Rutherlord Rd, Cambridge CB2 2HH T: (01223) 840259 Established: 1951; Secy: Margaret E. Hosklns Limitations: Grants in Cambridge only Focus: Nurs 14896
United Kingdom: Cambridge Cambridge Expeditions Fund, 30 Suez Rd, Cambridge CB1 3QB Established: 1986; Secy: Katharine Gotto Receipts: £ 5.000,-, Expenditures: £ 5.000,Focus: Uni; Ethn !4897 Cambridge Female Welfare Fund, Bishop Woodfort House, Barton Rd, Ely CB7 4DX T: (01353) 663579 Established: 1962 Limitations: Grants in Cambridge only Focus: Worn 14898 Cambridge Film Foundation, 3 Newham Walk, Cambridge CB3 9HQ T: (01223) 350819 Established: 1996; Secy: Pamela Raspe Focus: Cin 14899 The Cambridge Nazareth Trust, Byways, β Nursery Dr, Wellingborough NN8 4HE T: (01933) 279252 Established: 1961; Secy: Peter B. Smith Focus: Educ 14900 Cambridge Overseas Trust, POB 252, Cambridge CB2 1TZ T: (01223) 323322; Fax: 313138 Limitations: Scholarships to graduates who are citizens or permanent residents of countries outside the Commonwealth to study at the University of Cambridge Focus: Schol 14901 The Cambridge Pastorate Fund, c/o R.B. Thorpe, Churchill College, Cambridge CB3 ODS Τ: (01223) 334783 Established: 1897 Limitations: Grants in Cambridge only Focus: Rei 14902 The Cambridge Project for the Book Trust, c/o Magdalene College, Cambridge CB3 0AG T: (01223) 332100 Established: 1990; Secy: Dr. James Raven Focus: Book 14903 Cambridge Psychotherapy Assistance Trust, 26 Northlield, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0QG T: (01223) 276360 Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in Cambridge only Focus: Ther; Psychol 14904 Cambridge Sports Hall Trust, Keisey Kenidge Sports Hall, Queen Anne Terrace, Cambridge CB1 INA Τ: (01223) 462226 Established: 1970 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Sports 14905 The Cambridge Trust for Science and Technology, Howelands, Girton, Cambrtdge CB3 0LH T: (01223) 67531 Established: 1986; Secy: W.J. Bellamy Focus: Scie; Eng; Uni 14906 Cambridge Tutors Educational Trust, c/o Cambridge Tutors College, Water Tower Hill, Croydon CR0 5SX T: (020) 86885284; Fax: 86869220; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http:// www.members.aol.com/ctcollege Established: 1973; Chair: David A. Lowe, Secy: David A Lowe, Donor(s): Roger Osborne Focus: Educ; Schol 14907 Cambridgeshire Life Education Centres Trust, Middler House, 5 Pippin Close, Oftord Darcy, Huntingdon PE18 9SH T: (01480) 812916 Established: 1995; Chair: Roger Wardle, Secy: Francis Forrester, Donor(s): David Stirling Assets: £ 70.000,-, Receipts: £ 50.000,-, Expenditures: £ 30.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14908 The Cambridgeshire Regiment Chapel Trust Fund, 43 Saint Johns Av, Newmarket CB8 8 0 E T: (01638) 667198 Established: 1983 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Milit; Mon 14909 Camden Education Disability Trust, c/o Acland Burghley School, Burghley Rd, London NW5 1UJ T: (020) 74858515 Established: 1993; Secy: Philip O'Hear Limitations: Grants in Camden only Focus: Educ; Hard 14910 Camden Greater London Health and Welfare Trust, 20 Ellerton, Mill Ln, West Hampstead, London NW6 1LX T: (020) 77942936 Established: 1985; Chair: K. Basnayaka Limitations: Grants in Camden only Focus: Health; SocW 14911 The Camden Groundwork Trust, 114 Regents Park Rd, London NW1 8UQ T: (020) 77227217; Fax: 77227213; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1994; Secy: Cathehne Andrews Assets: £ 213.772,-, Receipts: £ 381.000,-, Expenditures: £ 375.000,Focus: Ecol 14912
14897 - 14964
Camden Town Development Trust, 289 Camden High St, Camden, London NW1 7BX T: (020) 72671232 Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants in Camden only Focus: Educ 14913 Camelot Foundation, 1 Deny St London we 5HY T: (020) 79375594; Fax: 79370574 Established: 1996 Expenditures: £ 3.000.000,Limitations: No grants to individuals Focus: Health; SocW; Hand 14914 The Camelot Trust, 212 Evershott St, London NW1 1DB T: (020) 88817773 Established: 1969 Focus: SocW 14915 The Julia Margaret Cameron Trust, Dlmbola Lodge, Terrace Ln, Freshwater Bay P040 9QE T: (01983) 756814 Established: 1993 Focus: Educ; Arts 14916 Maty Campbell Trust for Saint Mary's Warwick, Archbishops House, Saint Chads, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6EX T: (0121) 2365535 Established: 1938 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW
Canning Hall Trust, 3 Carnation Close, North Springfield, Chelmsford CM1 6XR T: (01245) 451163 Establehed: 1988 Focus: Rei; SocW; Educ 14930
Cardiff High School Trust Funds, 22 Fldlas Rd, Uanishen, Cardiff CF4 5NB Established: 1968; Secy: M.E. Rees Limitations: Grants in Cardiff only Focus: Educ 14948
"Rie Canning Town Ministers Memorial Trust, 33 Sheppard St, Canning Town, London E16 4JX T: (020) 74746358 Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in Canning Town only Focus: Rei 14931
Cardiff Lions Club Trust Fund, 31 Ridgeway, Ljsvane, Cardiff CF4 5RS T: (02920) 762655 Established: 1980 Limitations: Grants in Cardiff only Focus: SocW 14949
Canning Town Muslim Trust 107 Word Ln, llford IG1 2RJ T: (020) 85530396 Established. 1983 Limitations: Grants to Muslims In Canning Town only Focus: Isl 14932 The Cannon Lane First and Middle Schools Private Fund, 7 Danish Dr, Pinner HA5 5 U T: (020) 88665179 Established: 1989 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14933 Canonbury School Foundation, 30 Balfour Rd, London N5 2HE T: (020) 72260037 Established: 1994; Secy: Annie Dinner Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14934
Campden Trust, c/o Wiiicox, Lane & Ciutterbuck Solicitors, 55 Charlotte St, Birmingham T: (0121) 2369441 Established: 1975 Focus: Mon 14918
The Canonbury Tower Charitable Trust 61 Petty France, Westminster, London SW1H 9EZ T: (020) 72221324 Established: 1985 Focus: SocW 14935
Lawrence Campe's Almshouse Trust, 231 Woodhouse Rd, Friem Bamet, London N12 9BD T: (020) 83610033 Established: 1976; Secy: E. Pratt Focus: Sen 14919
Cantonlan High School General Fund, c/o Cantonian High School, Fairwater Rd, Fairwater, Cardin CF5 3JR Τ: (029) 20561810 Established: 1984 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14936
Campus Trust, c/o Eton College, Eton, Windsor SL4 6DJ T: (01753) 671000 Established: 1996; Secy: A.D. Melville Focus: Educ 14920
Canvey Island Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, 195 Long Rd, Canvey Island S S 8 OJE T: (01268) 684268 Limitations: Grants in Canvey Island only Focus: SocW 14937
Cana Congregational Chapel Trust Fund, Uysonnen Rd, Carmarthen SA33 5EE T: (01269) 211388 Established: 1984 Focus: Mon 14921
Capa Educational and Support Trust, 105 Lefevre Walk, Bow, London E3 T: (020) 89818192 Established: 1994; Secy: Rory Moore Focus: Educ; SocW; Law 14938
Cancer Care and Haematology Fund, 6 Wendover Way, Aylesbury HP21 7NG T: (01296) 481777 Established: 1990 Focus: Cane; Hemat
Cancer Prevention Research Trust, Cotxien House, 231 Roehampton Ln, London SW15 4LB T: (020) 87857786; Fax: 87856466; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: httpjl wwww.cancerpreventionresearch.org.uk Established: 1973; Chair: Victor M. Fellas Receipts: E 100.000,-, Expenditures: £ 75.000,Focus: Cane 14923 The Cancer Research Campaign, Cambridge House, 6-10 Cambridge Terrace, London NW1 4JL T: (020) 72241333; Fax: 74874310; E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: http://www.crc.org.uk Established: 1923; Chair: Prof. Gordon McVIe Assets: £ 41.100.000,-, Expenditures: £ 49.600.000,Limitations: Grants in the United Kingdom only Focus: Cane 14924 Cancer Welfare Society of Pakistan Charitable Trust, Britannia House, Leagrave ñd, Luton LU3 1RJ Τ: (01582) 728498 Established: 1997 Limitations: Grants in Pakistan only Focus: Cane; As 14925 Candid Arts Trust, 3 Torrens St, Islington, London EC1V 1NQ T: (020) 78374237 Established: 1995 Focus: Arts 14926 The Candlelight Trust, c/o Reynolds, Porter & Chamberialn, Chichester House, 278-282 High Holbom, London WC1V 7HA T: (020) 72422877 Established: 1998 Focus: Educ; SocW 14927 Tlie Canford Summer School of Music Educational Trust, 5 Bushey Close, Old Bam Ln, Kenley CR8 5AU T: (020) 86604766 Established: 1988 Limitations: Grants nationally Focus: Educ; Schol; Music 14928 Cann Hall Primary School Memorial Fund, c/o Cann Hall Primary School, Cann Hall Rd, London E11 3NN T: (020) 85343563 Established: 1993 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14929
The Capel Iwan Mansa Trust Fund, Fterm Ty Mawr, Cilrhedyn, Uanfymach SA35 OAA T: (0123977) 628 Established: 1966; Secy: Thomas Morris Phillips Limitations: Grants to congregational chapels at Capel Iwan, LJwyndrain and Tanglwst In the county of Dyfed only Focus: Mon; Rei 14939 The Capel Manor Trust, c/o Capel Manor College, Bullsmoor Ln. Enfield EN1 4RQ T: (020) 83664442 Established: 1990 Focus: Hort; Hist; Ecol
Cardiganshire Intermediate and Technical Education Fund, c/o Cardiganshire County Council, Town Hall, Aberystwyth SY23 2EB T: (01970) 633101 Established: 1983 Limitations: Scholarships to county schools for boys and girls at Aberaeron, Aberystwyth, Cardigan, Uandyssul and Trefaron only Focus: Educ; Schol 14950 Care and Share International Research Foundation, 79 Heybridge Αν, Streatham, London SW16 3DS T: (020) 87651033 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants Internationally Focus: Nurs; SocW; Dev 14951 Care for Saint Anne's Trust, 16 Friars Mead, Isle of Dogs, London E14 3JZ T: (020) 76414747 Established: 1984 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 14952 Care-Link United Kingdom Trust, 111 Myddleton Rd, London N22 4NE T: (020) 86899439 Established: 1996; Secy: Faizullah Khan Focus: Cult; Isl; SocW
Carew Lodge Benevolent Fund, Attohem House, 109 Carbeile Rd, Torpolnt PL11 2NN T: (01752) 812787 Established: 1988 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 14954 Carew Pole Garden Trust, Antony House, Torpoint PL11 2QA T: (01752) 814914 Established: 1975 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Hort 14955 The Caribbean Development Foundation, 35 Horton Rd, Hackney, London E8 1DP T: (020) 72548480 Established: 1985; Secy: Bilal Ameen Limitations: Giants in the Caribbean only Focus: Dev; Am 14956 Carlsbrooke Priory Trust, Carisbrooke Priory, 39 Whitcombe Rd, Newport P030 1YS T: (01983) 523354 Established: 1993 Focus: Rei 14957
Catherine Cappe Memorial Trust, Community House, 10 Priory St, ΥοΛ Y 0 1 6EZ Τ: (01904) 621133 Established: 1963 Focus: Worn 14941
Carlisle and District Civic Trust, The Orchard, Houghton House, Houghton, Carliste CA6 4DX Τ: (01228) 74615 Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants in Carlisle and district only Focus: Archil; Town; Mon 14958
The Cardiff Building Preservation Trust, 5 Ty Gwyn Rd, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF4 6NF T: (029) 20624315 Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in Cardffl only Focus: Mon 14942
The Carlisle Buildings Preservation Trust, 22 Portland Sq, Carlisle CA1 1PE T: (01228) 522215 Established: 1989; Secy: P. Horton Limitations: Grants In Cariale only Focus: Mon 14959
Cardiff Caledonian Society Trust Fund, 12 Windsor Rd, Radyr, Carditi CF15 8BP Τ: (02920) 842706 Established: 1927 Limitations: Grants In Cardrtf only Focus: SocW 14943 Cardiff City Farm Trust, Cardili City Farm, Sloper Rd, Grangetown, Cardiff CF1 8AB T: (029) 20384360 Established: 1979 Limitations: Grants in Cardiff only Focus: SocW 14944 The Cardiff College of Art Scholarship Fund, c/o Cardiff Institute of Higher Education, Facuty of Art and Design, Howard Gardens, Cardiff CF2 1SP T: (029) 20551111 Established: 1976 Focus: Arts; Schol 14945 Cardiff College of Food Technology and Commerce Prize, Shand House, 2 Fltzalan PI, Carditi CF2 1BD Τ: (029) 20462775 Established: 1976 Focus: Uni 14946 Cardiff Further Education Trust c/o Carditi County Council, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF1 5UW T: (029) 20872324 Established: 1966 Limitations: Grants in Cardfl only Focus: Educ 14947
Carlisle Christian Fellowship Trust, 58 Eden St, Carlisle CA3 9LH T: (01228) 596988 Established: 1996; Secy: P. Collier Limitations: Grants in Carlisle only Focus: Rei; Educ; SocW; Sen 14960 Carlisle Lions Club Charitable Fund, 3 Old Row, Bankfoot, Greenhead CA6 7JJ T: (016977) 47641 Established: 1993 Limitations: Grants in Carlisle only Focus: SocW 14961 Carlisle Masonic Trust, 7-9 Bank St, Carlisle CA3 8HQ T: (01228) 26181 Established: 1991 Limitations: Grants in Carlisle only Focus: SocW 14962 Carlisle Sick Poor Fund. 15 Fisher St, Ceriisle Established: 1963 Limitations: Grants in Caritele only Focus: Nurs 14963 Carlton-Bolllng College Trust Fund, c/o Cartton-Bolling College, Underdfffe Ln, Bradford BD3 ODU T: (01274) 633111 Established: 1985 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14964
14965 - 15030
Carmarthen and District Hospice Appeal Fund, Frown, The Parade, Carmarthen SA31 1LY T: (01267) 236222 Established: 1993 Limitions: Giants in Carmarthen and District only Focus: Nurs Î496S
Carshalton Water Tower Trust, Carshalton Water Tower, Carshalton House, Carshalton SM5 3BH Established: 1987 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Mon 14979
Carmarthenshire and Uarwlll Historical Buildings Preservation Trust, Glenvue, 27 Swiss Valley, Feltnloel, Llanelli SA14 8BS T: (01267) 224608 Established: 1993; Secy: F. Hughes Limitions: Grants in the boroughs or districts of Carmarthen, Oinelwr and Llanelli in the county of Dyfed only Focus: Mon 14966
Carter Compassionate Trust, do E. Kay Powell Solicitor, 8-10 New Fetter Ln, London EC4A 1RS T: (020) 72035334 Established: 1999 Focus: Med; Cane; SocW 14980
Carmarthenshire Intermediate and Technical Education Fund, cío Carmarthen County Council, County Hall, Carmarthen SA31 UP T: (01267) 234567 Established: 1971 Limitations: Grants in the county of Carmarthen only Focus: Educ; Voc; Eng 14967 Carmelite Church Choir Trust, 44 Ladbroke Grove, London W11 2PA T: (020) 77274663 Established: 1996; Chair L. Kelly, Donor(s): L. Kelly Assets: £ 100.000,-, Receipts: £ 5.000,Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: ChurchM 1496S Carmelite Education Trust, Sainl Josephs Priory, Austenwood, Gerrards Cross SL9 8RY T: (01753) 8866581 Established: 1962 Limitations: Grants to Catholic boys and youth who are not less than 14 or more than 25 years ot age and shall have expressed the desire to become members of the Order of Decalcad Carmelites and are wholly or partially unable to pay the expenses of their education and maintenance Focus: He F 14969 The Carnaby and Chariton Trust, 21 Craythome Gardens, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE6 5UJ T: (0191) 2659966 Established: 1940 Focus: Sen 14970 Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Cameron House, Abbey Park PI, Dunlermline KY12 7PZ T: (01383) 622148; Fax: 622149; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1901; Chair Sir L. Robertson, Secy: Prof, J.T. Coppock Assets: £ 47.034.040,-, Receipts: £ 1.743,780,-, Expenditures: £ 1.383.670,Limitations: Grants to Scottish universities only Focus: Uni 14971 Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, Comely Park House, Dunfermline KY12 7EJ T: (01383) 721445; Fax: 620682 Established: 1913; Chair John Nayior, Donor(s): Andrew Carnegie Assets: £ 35.272,022,-, Receipts: £ 1.712.474,·, Expenditures: £ 1.646.756,Limilations: Grants in the United Kingdom and the Republic ot Ireland only. No grants to individuals, nor for research, travel, conferences, formal education, buildings, general appeals or endowment funds Focus: Aris; Youth; Sen 14972 Can County Infant School Fund, c/o CanCounty Infant School, Ostman Rd, York Y026 5QA Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14973 Can County Junior School Fund, c/o CanCounty Junior School, Ostman Rd, Acomb, York Y02 5QA T: (01904) 798996 Established: 1995 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14974 Carrlngton First School Fund, 2 Chapel Rd, Flackweil Heath, High Wycombe HP10 9AA T: (01628) 523356 Established: 1997 Limitations: Predetermined grants onty Focus: Educ 14975 Robert Carroll Memorial Fund, 2 Chapel Rd, New Broughton, Wrexham LL11 6TH T: (01978) 753210 Established: 1989 Limitations: Grants to pupils at Belmont Special School only Focus: Educ 14976 Carshalton Aid in Sickness Fund, 1 Saint Marys Court, Bute Rd, Wallington SM6 8BU T: (020) 86477154 Established: 1961 Limitions: Grants in Carshalton only Focus: Nurs 14977 Carshalton Coronation Commemoration Fund, c/o Civic Offices, Saint Nicholas Way, Sutton T: (020) 87705505 Established: 1950 Focus: Hous; Sen 14978
The Carthage Trust, 4 The Dovecote, Mansel Lacy, Hereford HR4 7HQ T: (01981) 590248; Fax: 590248 Established: 1973; Chair Audrey Hosmer, Secy: Derek N.I. Rust, Donor(s): Audrey Hosmer, Derek Rust Focus: Med; Ther 14981 The Caryll Wenbom Trust Fund, c/o Exeter Cathedral Office, 1 The Cloisters, Exeter EX1 1HS T: (01392) 255573 Established: 1952 Focus: Educ; Rei 14962 Sir Ernest Cassel Educational Trust, 8 Malvern Tenace, London N1 IHR Τ: (020) 76077879 Established: 1919; Chair: Countess Mountbatten of Burma, Secy: Rktfiard Le Fanu, Donor(s): Sir Ernest Cassel Limitations: Grants to Commonwealth students and to adult education institutions in the United Kingdom only Focus: Adult; Educ 14983 The Sir Ernest Cassel Educational Trust Grants to Commonwealth Students, 8 Malvern Tenace, Islington, London N1 1HR T: (020) 76077679 Established: 1965; Secy: R. Le Fanu Limitations: Studentships and scholarships to Commonwealth students in the United Kingdom only Focus: Educ; Schol 14984 The Cassel Hospital Appeal Fund Trust, c/o Cassel Hospital, 1 Ham Common, Richmond TW10 7JF T: (020) 62372971 Established: 1991; Secy: R.I. Briars Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs 14985 The Cassel Hospital Development Trust, c/o Cassel Hospital, 1 Ham Common, Richmond TW10 7JF T: (020) 82372971 Established: 1991 Limitions: Predetermined grants only Focus: Nurs 14986 Castalia Homoeopathic and Healing Centre Trust, 54a Atherfotd Rd, Clapham, London SW9 9LW T: (020) 72749475 Established: 1993; Chair Lorraine Grayston Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Horn; Health 14987
United Kingdom: Chalfont
The Cathedral Nurelng Society Charitable Trust, 226 New Ridley Rd, Stocksfiekl NE43 70B T: (01661) 842356 Established: 1964 Focus: Nurs 14996
Centerprise Trust, 136-138 Kingsland High St, Hackney, London E8 2NS T: (020) 72549632 Established: 1970; Secy: Emmanuel Amevor Focus: SocW 15013
The Catholic Chester High School Fund, c/o Catholic Chester High School, Old Wrexham Rd, Handbiidge, Chester CH4 7HS T: (01244) 683473 Established: 1983; Secy: V.A. Ratchlord Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 14997
Central Asian Trust, 89 Kingsland Rd, London E2 8AJ T: (020) 77396702 Established: 1993; Chair M. Chatur Limitations: Grants in Asia only Focus: Educ; Med; As 15014
The Catholic Fund for Chaplaincies In Higher Education, Quarters, Carsick Hill Way, Sheffield S10 3IY T: (0114) 2309101 Established: 1973 Limitations: Grants to Catholic chaplains engaged or employed in higher education only Focus: Rei; Educ; SocW 14998 Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, Romero Close, Stockwell Rd, London SW9 9ΤΎ T: (020) 77337900; Fax: 72749630; E-Mail: cafod® cafod.org.uk; internet: http://www.cafod.org.uk Established: 1962; Chair Julian Filochowski Limitations: Grants in Africa, Central and South America, the Caribbean, the Pacific, the Middle East and in Central and Eastern Europe only Focus: Dev; Atr; Am; Eur; East: Food; AIDS 14999 Catholic Women's League Bentlnck House Trust, c/o A.G. Gibson Solicitor, Barclays Bank Chambers, West Rd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE5 2XX T: (0191) 2741241 Established: 1951 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Wid; Sen 15000 The Marianne Cattley Edwards Convalescent Fund, Saint Michaels Vicarage, 93 Bolingbroke Grove, London SW11 6HA T: (020) 72281990 Established: 1928 Focus: Nurs; SocW 15001 Caudwell's Mill Trust, Caudwell's Mill, Bakewell Rd, Rowsley, Matlock DE4 2EB T: (01629) 734374; Fax: 734374; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1960; Chair: J.G. Walker Focus: Mon 15002 Lucas Cav Employees' Benevolent Fund for Handicapped, c/o Prestolite Electric Ltd., Larden Rd, Acton, London W3 7RP T: (020) 87433111 Established: 1982; Chair: John Sharp Focus: Hand; Child 15003
Central Bible Hammond Trust, c/o Scripture Truth Publications, Coopies Way, Coopies Lane Industrial Estate, Morpeth NE61 6JN T: (01670) 511615 Established: 1962; Secy: D.J. Coleman Focus: Rei; Pubi 15015 The Central Foundation Schools of London, do Boy's School, Cowper St, City Rd, London EC2A 4AP T: (020) 72535901 Established: 1960 Limitations: Grants in London only Focus: Educ 15016 The Central Middlesex Maternity and Paedlatric Trust, c/o Central Middlesex Hospital, Acton Ln, Park Royal, London NW10 7NS T: (020) 89655733 Established: 1996 Limitations: Grants in Central Middlesex only Focus: Obst; Pad 15017 Centre West Training Trust, Town Hall, Extension King St, Hammersmith. London SW6 9JU T: (020) 85765668 Established: 1992 Focus: Voc 15018 The Cerrtgydrudlon Educational Foundation, Llechwedd, Cerrigydrudion LL21 9SU T: (01490) 420314 Established: 1985 Limitations: Grants in the community of Cerrigydrudion only Focus: Educ 15019 The Certified Accountants Educational Trust, 29 Lincolns Inn Fields, London WC2A 3EE T: (020) 72426855 Established: 1973 Focus: Voc; Law; Bus 15020 Cestrefeld Lodge Benevolent Fund, 4 Deeriands Rd, Ashgate, Chesteriield S40 4DF T: (01246) 234042 Established: 1962 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 15021
The Caversham Court Gazebo Trust, 23 Oakley Rd, Caveisham, Reading RG4 7RL Established: 1974 Focus: Mon 15004
The Cestrian Lodge Charity Fund, The Grange, Christteton, Chester CH3 7AS T: (01244) 332323 Established: 1978 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: SocW 15022
The Castle Baynard Educational Foundation, 1 Glendale Αν, Edgeware HA8 8HF Τ: (020) 89585662 Established: 1966 Focus: Educ 14988
The Joan and Jaqueline Cawley Cancer Trust, 24 Dickens Av, Hillingdon UB8 3DL T: (01895) 47573 Established: 1996 Focus: Cane 15005
CFU Trust, 6 Shanklin Rd, Upper Shirley, Southampton S015 7RE T: (023) 80773101 Established: 1991 Focus: Rei
Casttecroft Trust, Castlecroft Stadium, Casltecrott Rd, Wolverhampton WV3 8NA T: (01902) 380302; Fax: 380311; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1992; Secy: Ron Tennick Focus: Sports; SocW 14989
Stephen Cawood Educational Foundation, 51 Darlington Rd, East Hardwick, Pontefract WF8 3DS T: (01977) 704086 Established: 1905; Secy: R. Donaldson Focus: Educ Í5006
Castieford and District Aid in Sickness Fund, 15 Hazel Gardens, Townville, Castlefield WF10 3RD T: (01977) 550998 Established: 1960; Secy: M. Spencer Limitations: Grants in Castlefoid and District only Focus: Nurs 14990 The Castlegate House Charitable Trust, West Les, Sutton Rd, Wigginton, York Y03 8RA T: (01904) 768599 Established: 1995; Chair David G. Fox Focus: Mon 14991 Catchfrench Trust, Catchfrench Manor, Saint Germans PL12 5BY T: (01503) 240781 Established: 1993; Secy: J.R. Wilts Focus: Ret 14992 Cater and Others Educational Foundation, 113 High SI, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7BP T: (01234) 855167 Established: 1928 Focus: Educ 14993 Catertiam and Romania Aid Trust, Northville, Homestead Rd, Catertiam CR3 5RL T: (020) 86887085 Established: 1992 Limitations: Grants in Caterham and Romania only Focus: SocW; Educ; Rei; East 14994 Catertiam Overseas Aid Trust, 79 Tupwood Ln, Caterham CR3 6DD T: (01883) 346820 Established: 1961 Limitations: Grants in developing countries only Focus: Dev 14995
Lord William Cecil Memorial Fund, 18 Cathedral Yard, Exeter EX1 1HE T: (01392) 436244 Established: 1939 Focus: SocW 15007 The Dorothy Cecil's Apprenticing Foundation, 16 Parkside Av, Wimbledon, London SW19 5ES T: (020) 89461904 Established: 1650; Secy: Charles Derek Witts Focus: Child 15008
Chacewater Millennium Green Trust, Ronda, The Terrace, Chacewater, Truro TR4 8LT T: (01872) 560485 Established: 1998 Focus: Hort 15024 Chaddesden Christians Trust, 133 Chaddesden Ln, Chaddesden, Derby DE21 6LL Established: 1989 Focus: Rei; SocW 15025 The Chadwick Educational Foundation, c/o R.P. Smith & Co., 1 Choriey New Rd, Bolton BL1 4QR T: (01204) 534421 Established: 1963; Secy: Diane Patricia Abbott Focus: Educ 15026
Cedar Trust, c/o Stewardship Services, POB 99, Loughton IG10 3QJ T: (020) 85025600 Established: 1991 Focus: Rei; Nuis; SocW 15009
The Chaffotd School Fund, c/o Chalford School, Lambs Ln South, Rainham RM13 9XD T: (01708) 552811 Established: 1978 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 15027
J.W. Cell Saver Fund. 3 Brychan PI, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8NW T: (01685) 723788 Established: 1999; Chair David J. Davies Limitations: Grants in Wales only Focus: MedE 15010
The Chairman of Ceredigion's Appeal Fund, 20 Banktield Rd, Mkktlesborough SY23 2EB T: (01970) 617911 Established: 1982 Limitations: Grants in Wales only Focus: SocW 15028
The Ceilucon Trust, c/o Chembiotech Laboratories, University of Birmingham, Research Park, Vincent Dr, Egbaston B15 2SQ T: (0121) 4147029; E-Mail: [email protected] Established: 1990; Donor(s): Prof. J.F. Kennedy Focus: Chem; Biol 15011
Chalfont Saint Giles Educational Foundation, c/o Matthew Arnold & Baldwin, 20 Station Rd, Watford WD1 1HT T: (01923) 202020 Established: 1956 Focus: Educ 15029
The Centenary Fund, The Old Rectory, West Rounton, Northallerton DL6 2LL T: (01642) 711871 Established: 1968 Focus: SocW 15012
Chalfont Saint Giles Middle School Trust, 4 Unden Dr, Chalfont Saint Peter SL9 9UP T: (01753) 890881 Established: 1997 Limitations Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 15030
United Kingdom: Chalfont
15031 - 15100
Chalfont Saint Giles Nursery First School Charitable Trust, c/o Chalfont Saint Giles Nursery First School, School Ln, Chalfont Saint Siles HP8 4JJ Τ: (01494) 872160 Established: 1997 Limitations'. Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ; SocW 1503! L.A. Chalk Prize Fund, do Oxford Road Primary School, Oxford Rd, Reading RG1 7PJ Established: 1964 Focus: Educ 15032 The Henry and Ada Chalker Trust, c/o Beaumont Solicitors, 67 Westgate, Wakefield WF1 1BP T: (01924) 291234 Established: 1947 Focus: SocW 15033 The Challenge Trust for Community Care Services, 60-61 Bartholomew Court, High St, Waltham Cross ENS 7JU T: (01992) 653377 Established: 1995: Secy: George Slderas Focus: Adult 15034 Dr. Challoner's Grammar School Fund, c/o Dr. Challoner's Grammar School, Chesham Rd, Amersham HP6 5HA T: (01494) 721685 Established: 1997: Chair: G.C. Hill Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 15035 Dr. Challoner's School Educational Trust, c/o Dr. Challoner's Grammar School, Chesham Rd, Amersham HP6 5HA T: (01494) 721685 Established: 1987 Limitations: Predetermined grants only Focus: Educ 15036 The Challoner's Travel Fund, do Dr. Challoner's High School, Cokes Ln, Little Chalfont, Amersham HP7 9 0 B T: (01494) 763296 Established: 1982 Focus: Educ 15037 Chalvey Millennium Green Trust, 14 Chestnut Av, Langiey, Slough SL3 7DE T: (01753) 595838 Established: 1998: Secy: Margaret Inniss Focus: SocW 15036 Chamberlain Educational Foundation (Hull Branch), Baslow House, Hull Rd, Skiilaugh HU11 5AA T: (01964) 562300 Established: 1830: Secy: J.C. Caley Focus: Educ 15039 The Chambers' Charitable Trust, 3 Verulam Bldgs, Grays Inn, London WC1R 5NT T: (020) 7831Θ441 Established: 361 Focus: SocW StHtun g, Langerringen 04865 Wilhelm Müller-Altvatter-Stlftung, Stuttgart 04866 Hellmuth Müller-Clemm-Stlftung, Darmstadt 04867 Müller-Fahnenberg-Stlftung der Universität Freiburg, Freiburg Im Breisgau 04868 Stiftung Maurice E. Müller für Fortbildung und Forschung in orthopädischer Chirurgie, Bern 13062 Emil und Paul Müller-Gedächtnisstiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04869 Dr. Müller-Jürgens-Stiftung in Memmingen, Memmingen 04870 Paula Mülier-Klnderhilfe-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04871 Müller-Kleln-Rogge-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04872 Dr. Eddy Müller-Marc-Stiftung, Gerlingen 04873 Carl-Müller-Mettrau-Sttftung, Radolfzell 04874 Wolfgang Müller-Osten Stiftung, Berlin 04875 Müller-Reltz-Stlttung, Essen 04876 Müller-Spengler-Stiftung, Augsburg 04877 Hans und Irmgard Müller-Stiftung, Bad Soden 04878 Landrichter Dr. Müller-Stiftung, Darmstadt 04879 Werner und Gertrud Müller-Stiftung, Essen 04880 Manfred und Ursula Müller-Stiftung, Essen 04881 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich Müller-Stiftung, Essen 04882 Theo Müller-Stiftung, Fischach 04883 Robert Müller-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04884 Johann Carl Müller-Stiftung, Hamburg 04885 C.H.F. Müller-Stiftung, Hamburg 04886 Robert Müller-Stiftung, Hamburg 04887 Karl und Louise Müller-Stiftung, Hannover 04888 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Peter Müller-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 04889 Wilhelm Müller-Stiftung, Mannheim 04890 Maria Müller-Stiftung, Mannheim 04891 Karia Müller-Stiftung, Moringen 04892 Wilhelm Müller-Stiftung, Osnabrück 04893 Anneliese Müller-Stiftung, Ostrach 04894 Werner Müller-Stiftung, Stecklenberg 04895 Klaus-Dieter Müller-Stiftung, Strande 04896 Dr. Juliane Müller-Stiftung, Tänikon 13063 Adolf und Auguste Müller-Stiftung Arolsen, Twistetai 04897 Carl Müller-Studienstiftung, Osnabrück 04898 Stiftung Dr. Hans Müller und Gertrud Müller, Lenzburg 13064 Otto A. Müller Unterstützungskasse, Hamburg, Hamburg 04899 Mueller-Weitzel-Weisner-Stittung, Bertin 04900 Carl Muellerrath Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04901 Commerzienrat Heinrich Müller'sche Familienstiftung, Meerhisch 04902 Münchener Bürgerhelm-Stiftung, München 04903 Münchener Elternstiftung, München 04904 Münchner Sparkassen-Altenhilfe, München 04905 Münkel'schen Stiftung für Predigertöchter, Hannover 04906 Stuttgarter Wilhelm Münker-Stiftung, Detmold 04907 Wilhelm Münker-Stiftung, Siegen 04908 Gräflich zu Münster-Melnhöveische Familienstiftung, Baden-Baden 04909 Stiftung Tierheim Maria Münter, Ottersweier 04910 Gabriele Münter- und Johannes Eichner-Stlftung, München 04911 Dr. Herbert Münzer-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 04912 Karlheinz Münzer-Stiftung, Kartsruhe 04913 Christian-Müther-Stiftung, Ostseebad Binz 04914 Muggington School Development Trust, Weston Underwood 17843 Stiftung Mukapaslka, Pluwig 04915 Mulberry School (Tower Hamlets) Trust, London 17844 Familierstiftung Oskar Mulert, Bad Soden 04916 Oskar und Ilse Mulert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04917 Mulert'sche Familienstiftung von 1845, Bad Soden 04918 The Mulgrave Charity Trust, Sutton 17845 Fondation Colonel Emmanuel Muller, Bruxelles 00468 Fundación Maurice E, Muller-España, Barcelona 11936
Dr. Hendrik Mullens Vaderlandeeh Fonds, Den Haag 09221 The Multi-Ethnic Community Centre Trust, Croydon 17846 The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, London 17847 Multiple Sklerose Forschung, Berlin 04919 Mummenschanz Stiftung Sankt Gallen, Altstetten 13065 The Ebbe Munck Memorial Foundation, Kebenhavn 00655 Fritz Munder-Stlftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 04920 Fondazione E. Muner de Giudici, Pradamano 08858 Fundación Juan Muñlz Zaplco, Oviedo 11937 The Kaj Münk Memorial Foundation, Kebenhavn 00656 Fundación Miguel Muñoa, Tolosa 11938 Fundación Miguel Muñoz, Madrid 1)939 Fundación Canónigo Muñoz, Utiel 11940 Fundación Hermanos Muñoz Cabrera, Pozoblanco 11941 Fundación Ramón Muntaner, Valencia 11942 Villa San Michele-Fondazione Axel Munthe, Anacapri 08859 Margarete Munzel-Stiftung, Berlin 04921 Marie-Louise von Muralt-Sttftung für Kleintlere, Zürich 13066 Fondazione Guido Muralti, Milano 08860 Fundación Escuela Agrícola Pedro Murías de Villaframll, Ribadeo 17943 G. und H. Murmann-Sttftung, Troisdorf 04922 Friedrich-Wilhelm Mumau-Stíftung, Wiesbaden 04923 Gilbert Murray Trust, London 17848 Fondazione Romolo Muni Urbino, Urbino 08861 Fundación Escuelas Munieta, Mercadillo 11944 Fundación Murrleta, Santurtzi 11945 Fondation Emma Muschamp, Lausanne 13066 Emil Muschlck-Stfftung, Berlin 04924 Muscular Dystrophy Group of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, London 17849 Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg 04925 Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, Hamburg 04926 Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Hamburg 04927 Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg 04928 The Museum of Berkshire Aviation Trust, Reading 17850 The Museum of Garden History, London 17851 The Museum of Richmond Trust, Richmond 17852 Museumsstlftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 04929 Museumsstlftung Post und Telekommunikation, Bonn 04930 The William W. Mushin Trust Fund, Cardiff 17853 Music and Arts Trust for Educational Scholarships Ltd., London 17854 The Musical Fund of the Composer's and Musician's Union of Moldova, Chisinau 09023 Musical Fund of the Russian Federation, Moskva 09995 Musikforschung in Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 04931 Musikstiftung Marktredwitz, München 04932 The Muslim Cultural Heritage Centra Trust, London 17855 Muslim University Education Trust, Buckhurst Hill 17856 The Richard Muspratt Scholarships Fund, Mold 17857 The Mustard Seed Trust, Callington 17858 Muswell Hill Lodge Benevolent Trust Fund, Royston 17859 Muswell Hill Village Trust, London 17860 Mutemwa Leprosy Settlement Trust, Chippenham 17861 Kasper Muther-Sttftung, Interlaken 13069 Andreas Mutschler-Stiftung für Postbedienstete, Emmendingen 04933 Muzlekschool Stichting, Amsterdam 09222 Myers Marlow Benevolent Trust, Marlow 17862 Myers Trust, Kingston-upon-Thames 17863 The Mylne Trust, London 17864 Fondation Mary et Philippe Mylona, Lausanne 13070 N.C.D.O., Amsterdam 09223 Johann Naab-StHtung Hauer stein, Speyer 04934 Nabum School Fund, York 17865 Nada ce Rozvoje Obèaneké Spolettasti, Pf aha 00601 Nadada Zete na Alternativa, Piestány 10014 Theodor Naegall-Stlftung, Basel 13071
360 Mathilde Neegle-Fonds, Ansbach 04935 Wolfgang Nagel-Stiftung, Solingen 04936 Nagold Zellersttft, Nagoki 04937 Hanben Bachubhai Nagracha Charitable Trust, London 17866 Fundación Escuela Nagüela, Bilbao 11946 Namen Project Nederland, Amsterdam 09224 Het Namen Vlaandaren, Antwerpen 00469 The Names Project - Deutscher AIDSQullt, München 04938 The Names Project (UK), Edinburgh 17867 The Nan and Jack Memorial Fund, Newport Pagnetl 17868 Guru Nanak Trust Fund, Chigwell 17869 Stiftung Henri und Eske Nannen, Emden 04939 Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker 09647 Helmut-Nanz-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Umweltpflege, Stuttgart 04940 NAP DACE Stichting, Leidschendam 09225 The Naphill and Hawrfdge Missions Trust High Wycombe 17870 Fondazione Franco Michele Napolitano, Napoli 08862 Naqashbandla Trust (United Kingdom), Birmingham 17871 Wilhelm Narr-Stiftung, Dettingen 04941 Narwhal Inuit Art Education Foundation, London 17872 Nassauische Hospitalbadatiftung Bad Ems, Bad Ems 04942 Nassauischer Zentraistudlenfonds, Darmstadt 04943 Natalya's Fund, Chepstow 17873 Fundación Paco Natera, Córdoba 11947 Josefine und Professor Jan NatermannStiftung, Essen 04944 Dr. Prem Nath Berry Educational Trust, London 17874 Nathanstiftung, Fürth 04945 Nationaal Fonds voor de Geestelljke Volksgezondheld, Utrecht 09226 Nationaal MuzlekJnstnjmonten Fonds Stichting, Amsterdam 09227 Nationaal Reumafonds, Den Haag 09228 Nationaal Revalidate Fonds, Bunnik 09229 National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers Benevolent Fund, Hull 17875 National Art Collections Fund, London 17876 National Association of Master Bakers, Confectioners and Caterers' Education Fund, Ware 17877 National Asthma Campaign, London 17878 National Blood Authority Trust Fund, Watford 17879 National Coal Mining Museum for England Trust, Wakefield 17880 National Council for Voluntary Organizations, London 17881 National Educational Research and Development Trust, Huddersfield 17882 National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, London 17883 National-Fond der Republik Österreich, Wien 00102 National Foundation for Children and Youth, Budapest 08344 National Foundation for Educational Reeearch in England and Wales, Slough 17884 National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athina 08329 The National Institute of Medical Herbalists Ltd. Education Fund, Leicester 17885 National Lottery Charities Board, London 17886 National School for Boys Fund, London 17887 National School Foundation, Wolverhampton 17888 National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, London 17889 National Youth Foundation, Athina 06330 Nationale Collecte Verstandell|k Handicapten, Utrecht 09230 Nationale Stichting De Nieuwe Keile, Amsterdam 09231 Nationale Stichting Stifgbeugei, HHversum 09232 Nationales Milchwirtschaftllches Museum, Kiesen 13072 Nationalparksttftung Unteres Odertal, Zützen 04946 Nationalstiftung für die Hinterbliebenen der Im Kriege Gefallenen, Berlin 04947 Native American Educational Trust, Brighton 17890 Stichting Studiefonds Louisabeth Natter, Leidschendam 09233
Natur- und Umweftsttftung Kreis Plön, Plön 04948 Naturan Stiftung, Berlin 04949 Naturfreunde-Solidaritätsfonds, Bern 13073 Naturtandstiftung Bremen e.V., Bremen 04950 Naturtandstiftung Hessen e.V., Friedrichsdorf 04951 Naturlandstiftung Saar e.V., Eppebom 04952 Naturschutzstiftung des Landkreises Cuxhaven, Cuxhaven 04953 Naturschutzstiftung dea Landkreises Harburg, Winservluhe 04954 Naturschutzstiftung des Landkreises Oldenburg, Wildeshausen 04955 Naturschutzstiftung des Landkreises Osnabrück, Osnabrück 04956 Naturschutzstiftung Grafschaft Bentheim, Nordhorn 04957 Naturschutzstiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover 04958 Naturschutzstiftung Waldhägenich der Stadt Bühl, Bühl 04959 Naturschutzzentnim Obere Donau, Beuron 04960 NATURstiftung David, Erfurt 04961 Wilhelm Naulin-Stiftung, Berlin 04962 Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, Königswinter 04963 Heinz Naumann-Stiftung, München 04964 Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung Moskva, Moskva 09996 Fundación Arcadio Navarro Blanco, Madrid 11948 Fundación Navarro Rublo, Madrid 11949 The Nazareth Congregational Chapel Fund, Abordare 17891 Richard Neale Foundation, London 17892 Neale's Educational Foundation, London 17893 Neath General Hospital Post Graduate Medical Fund, Neath 17894 The Neath Nuraing Association and Rowland Charity Fund, Neath 17895 Neath Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Swansea 17896 Airey Neave Trust, London 17897 Fundación Premio Ingeniero Nebot, VillarreaJ 11950 Fundación Antonio de Nebri|a, Hoyo de Manzanares 11951 Volker Nechleba-Stiftung, Regensburg 04965 Nederiands Astma Fonds, Leusden 09234 Nederiands Utereir Produkte- en Vertallngenfonds, Amsterdam 09235 Nederiands Onderwijs in het Bülten land Stichting, Voortxirg 09236 Nederiands Protestants Convent, S reek 09237 Nederlandse Draf- en Rensport Stichting, Den Haag 09238 Nederlandse HartsUchtlng, Den Haag 09239 Nederlandse Kankerbestrl|dlng, Amsterdam 09240 Nederlandse Kastelenstichting, Wijk bij Duurstede 09241 Nederlandse Stichting voor het Gehandicapte Kind, Amsterdam 09242 Nederlandse Stichting voor Morele Herbewapenlng, Den Haag 09243 Nederlandse Tulnenstichtlng, Amsterdam 09244 Needham's Foundation, Ely 17898 Harold Needier Memorial Fund, Driffield 17899 Peter Neef-Stiftung, Achem 04966 Dr. med. Edda Neele-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04967 Neele-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04968 Stichting Neeitje Bule, Rotterdam 09245 Stiftung Geschwister Wilhelm Nees, Unkenheim 04969 Fundación Juan Negrín, Las Palmas 11952 The James Nelli Trust Fund, Worksop 17900 Egon von Neindorff-Stiftung, Kartsruhe 04970 Nelnstedter Anstalten, Neinstedt 04971 Haji Nek Aiam Memorial Tiust, Skipton 17901 Fondation Nekbakht, Suresnes 01204 Nelson House Recovery Trust, Stroud 17902 Prof. Georg Nemetschek-Stfftung, München 04972 Stichting Carel Nengerman Fonds, Utrecht 09246 Fondazione Pietro Nonni, Roma 08863 The Nepalese Children's Medical Trust, Berwick-upon-Tweed 17903 Neptun-Stiftung, Bremen 04973 Ner Ylsroat Educational Trust, London 17904 Fondation Nereès Tchamkerten, Bruxelles 00470 Neste Oy Säittö, Espoo 00703 Fondation Nestlé pour l'Etude des Problèmes de l'Alimentation dans le Monde, Lausanne 13074
Nestwerk-Sttftung gegen Obdachlosigkeit und Wohnungsnot, Stuttgart 04974 NET-Cultural Foundation, Everterg 00471 NetherfMd Chapel Trust, Milton Keynes 17905 The Netherhall School Projects Trust Fund, Cambridge 17906 Netherton Village Hall Trust, Wakeliekl 17907 Nettetaler Sparkassen Stiftung, Krefeld 04975 Dr. Neucks-Sttftung, Fallingbostel 04976 Neue Evangelische Stiftung Kleve, Kleve 04977 Neue Stiftung Musik und Kind, Basel 73075 Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen, Bremen 04978 Wilhelm und Lotte Neufeld-Stiftung, Offenbach 04979 Stiftung Heinrich Neuhaus-Institut, Zürich 13076 von Neuhaus'sches Witwenhaus mit Zustiftung (Baukasse), Oeffingen 04960 Prof. Dr. Volker und Hildegard Neuhoff· Fricke-Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst, Nienburg 04981 Neuland Stiftung Seniorenbetreuung Eichenzell, Eichenzell 04962 Fondation Neumann, Gingins 13077 Neumann-Blckel-Stiftung, Hagen 04983 Günter Neumann-Stiftung, Berlin 04984 Dr. Karlheinz Neumann-Stiftung, Essen 04985 Ulrich Neumann-Stlftung, Essen 04986 Franz Neumann-Stiftung für Behinderte, Berlin 04987 Neumannsche Stiftung, Gelenau 04988 Amanda und Erich-Neumayer-Stiftung, Oldenburg 04989 Stiftung Historische Tasteninstrumente der Sammlung Neumeyer-JunghannsTrecey, Staufen 04990 Neumüller-CeWe Color-Stiftung Oldenburg, Oldenburg 04991 Heinz Neumüller-Stiftung, Oldenburg 04992 Prof. Neumüller-Stlpendlum-Stiftung, Regensburg 04993 Neumüller-Stipendium-Stlftung, Weilheim 04994 August Neven-DuMont-Famillenstlftung, Köln 04995 Harald Neven-DuMont-Stlftung e.V., Köln 04996 Nevis Development Trust, Leicester 17908 New Addington Community Church Trust, New Addington 17909 New Beacon Educational Trust, London 17910 New Bethel Trust, Ammanford 17911 The New College of Speech and Drama Trust Fund, London 17912 New Economics Foundation, London 17913 New Fellowship Trust, Cambridge 17914 New Forest Romanian Medical Appeal Fund, Lymington 17915 New Generation Church Trust, Sldcup 17916 New Grevel Pit Unitarian Chapel Fund, Watford 17917 New Growth Ministries Trust, London 17918 The New Hempstead Garden Suburb Trust, London 17919 New Hope Rural Community Trust, Southampton 17920 New Horizons Bridging Trust, York 17921 New Ingreboume Trust, Harold Wood 17922 New Israel Fund of Great Britain, London 17923 New Life Church Bedfordshire Trust, Dunstable 17924 New Life Group Charitable Trust, Southampton Τ7925 New Ufe Trust, Newport 17926 New London Synagogue Trust, London 17927 The New Madog Community Hospital Trust, Porthmadog 17928 New Mathematics Prize Fund, Romford 17929 New North London Synagogue Trust, London 17930 The New Opportunities for Women Education Trust, Braunton 17931 New Opportunities Fund, London 17932 New Orange Tree Theatre Trust, Richmond 17933 New Quay Relief In Sickness Fund, New Quay 17934 The New Tredegar and District Chairmoblle Fund, Elliots Town 17935 New Tupton Christian Trust, Chesterfield J 7936 New Ways Trust, Banstead 17937 New Westminster Ecclesiastical Educational Fund, London 17938
Alphabetical Index: Old
361 New Wine Church Greenwich Trust, London 17939 The Newark Lodge Benevolent Fund, Loughborough 17940 Newbury and District Cancer Care Trust, Newbury 17941 Newbury and District Provincial Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund, Newbury 17942 The Newbury and Thatcham Welfare Trust, Thatcham 17943 Newbury Round Table Trust Fund. Newbury 17944 Newcastle District Council Students Fund, Gateshead 17945 Newcastle-Emlyn and District Motor Ambulance Fund, Newcastle Emlyn 17946 Newcastle Literacy Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne 17947 Newcastle People's Theatre Arts Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17948 Newcastle Playhouse Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne 17949 The Newcastle Preparatory School Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17950 Newcastle Theatre Royal Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17951 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Children's Mission and Institute, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17952 The Newcastle-upon-Tyne Church High School Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17953 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Education Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17954 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Gingerbread Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17955 New co men Collett Foundation, London 17956 Newdigate Trust Fund, West Hallam 17957 Newfleld Charitable Trust, Coventry 1795$ The Newham Bengali Community Trust, London 17959 Newham Children's Fund, London 17960 Newham Community Leisure Trust, London 17961 The Newham Family Fund, London 17962 Newham Musk Trust, London 17963 Newham School Children's Hospital Fund, London 17964 Newham Womens Recreational Trust, London 17965 Newham Youth Trust, London 17966 Newland House School Trust, Twickenham 17967 Newlands Educational Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne 17968 Newlands (Seaford) Educational Trust, Seaford 17969 The Newman Trust Fund, Trowbridge 17970 Newmartln Community Youth Trust, London 17971 Newnham Educational Trust, Cambridge 17972 Newport County Borough Welsh Church Fund, Cwmbran 17973 Newport Environment Schools Trust, London 17974 The Newport Girts' Home Interest Fund, Pontypool 17975 Newport isle of Wight Round Table Charitable Trust, Shalfleet 17976 Newport Maritime Trust, Newport 17977 Newport Pagnell Congregational Church Trust, Milton Keynes 17978 Newport Pagnell Educational Trust, Newport Pagnell 17979 Newport (Shropshire) and District Lions Club Trust Fund, Newport 17980 Newport Sick Poor Fund, Ryde 17981 Newport Wastesavers Charitable Trust, Newport 17982 The Newspaper Fund, Denbigh 17983 John Newton Christian Trust, Northampton 17984 Newton Farm First and Middle School Fund, Marrow 17985 Newton Scholarship Fund, London 17986 Alderman Newton's Educational Foundation, Leicester 17987 Bishop Newton's Trust, Bristol 17988 Newtown Carnival Trust, Newtown 17989 Newtown Medical Practice Charity Fund, Newtown 17990 Newtown School Trust, Exeter 17991 Stichting Neyenburghfonds, Den Haag 09247 The NFC Foundation, Bedford 17992 NFTS Foundation, BeaconsfieW 17993 The Ν FU Education Millennium Trust, London 17994 NGO Information and Support Center, Vilnius 08984 The NHIC Educational Trust London 17995 Nicaragua Health Fund, London 17996 Fondation Nlcati-de Luze, Lausanne 13078 K.P. Nicholas Trust Legacy, Cambridge 17997
The Nlcholls Hospital Trust, Bramham 17998 The Valerie Nichols Memorial P r i a Trust, Norwich 17999 The Nicholson Memorial Fund, Leicester 18000 Stephen Nicholson's Foundation (Almshouses), Leeds 18001 NIcolaus-Fonds, München 04997 Anny und Franz Nlebuhr-Stlftung, Kronach 04998 NlederfQIIbacher Stiftung, Coburg 04999 Niederländische Armenkasse, Hamburg 05000 Dr. h.c. Siegfried Nledermeyer-Stfftung, Westheim 05001 Nlederreuther-Sttftung, München 05002 Nledersächslsche Lottosüftung, Hannover 05003 Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung, Hannover 05004 Niedersächsische Umweltstiftung, Hannover 05005 Nledersächsische Wattenmeer-Stiftung, Hannover 05006 Oskar Nlemczyk-Stiftung, Herne 05007 Dr. Gerhard Nienaber und Dr. Ruth NIenaber-Götze-Stlftung, Hannover 05008 Gemeinnützige Hermann NiermannStiftung, Düsseldorf 05009 Nlerstlchtlng Nederland, Bussum 09248 Isolde Johanna Nles-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 05010 Hellmut Niethammer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05011 Fundación Escuelas Nieto, Vigo 11953 Fundación Premio Nieto Serrano, Madrid 11954 Fondazione Ippolito Nievo, Roma 08864 Paul Nlggll-Stlftung, Zurich 13079 The Florence Nightingale Museum Trust, London 18002 John Nike Trust, Bracknell 18003 Nikolaistlftung Dorfen, Dorfen 05012 Nikolauspflege Stuttgart, Stuttgart 05013 NIMH Educational Foundation, Chichester 18004 Fundación Andreu NIn, Madrid 11955 Nlnd's Wandsworth Church Trust, London 18005 Lieselotte- Ν tppelt-SI iftung, Leipzig 05014 Dr. Gerhardt Nissen-Stiftung, Würzburg 05015 Claus NItsche Stiftung, Hamburg 05016 Kart-Nlx-Stiftung, Bremen 05017 NKOR Educational Fund, Manchester 18006 NMI Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut an der Università! Tübingen, Reutlingen 05018 NMP Antl-Racist Trust, London 18007 The No Frontiers Trust, Tunbridge Wells 18008 Jugendstiftung Hans-Georg Noeck, Eisingen 05079 Stiftung Nobel für Kriegsverletzte Kinder Bremen, Öhningen 05020 Nobelstifteisen, Stockholm 12305 Margaret Noble Fund, Gerrards Cross 18009 The Lady Noble Memorial Fund, Washington 18010 Noble Street Independent Metttodist Church Trust, Botton 18011 Fondazione Culturale Vera Nocentini, Torino 08865 Noddfa Chapel Trust, Lampeter 18012 Noddfa Christian Resources Trust, Port Talbot 18013 August und Anna Nôlpp'sche Wohttâtigketasttftung Stamsried, Stamsried 05021 Christian-Adolph Nöttfng und Henriette geb. Du ne ker-Famlllen Stiftung, Lübeck 05022 Karla und Henriette Noerdllnger-Sttftung, Egg 13080 Fondation Noesis, Sauveterre-de-Béam 01205 Fundación Xavier Noguis, Barcelona 11956 Barbara und Lutz Nohee-Stlftung, Lübeck 05023 Noles-Sehrlttweis-Stlftung, Maiburg 05024 Stiftung Seebüll Ada und Emil Nolde, Neukirchen bei Niebüll 05025 Karin-Nolte-Stlftung, Germersheim 05026 Notting-Hauff-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften und der Universität Bremen, Bremen 05027 Nonprofit Information and Training Centre, Budapest 08345 Norbury First and Middle School Private Fund, Harrow 18014 Norddeutsche Stiftung für Umwelt und Entwicklung (NUE), Dornum 05028 The Norden Farm Centre Trust, Maidenhead 18015 Nordic Foundation for Industrial Development, Oslo 09648 Nordlsk Kulturfond, Kebenhavn 00657 Nordlskfl AffikalnsUtutets Resestipendlefond, Uppsala 12306
Nordlska Samarbetskommlttén, Stockholm f2307 Nordlta-Nordlsk Institut for Teoretlsk Fyslk, Kebenhavn 00650 Arthur Nord mann-Stiftung, Zürich 13081 Nordmarkstiftung des Deutschen Buchdrucker-Vereins, Hamburg 05029 Nordrhein-Weetfflllsche-Sttftung zur Förderung der Leprehllfe, Düsseldorf 05030 Nordrhein-Westfalen-Stiftung Naturschutz, Heimat- und Kulturpflege, Düsseldorf 05031 Nordwestdeutsche Stiftung für Tierund Naturschutz, Bremen 05032 Nordwest deutsches Trainingszentrum für Olympischen Schießsport, Worpswede 05033 Norfolk Gardens Bradford Charitable Trust, Bradford 18016 The Norfolk (le Strange) Fund, Thetford 18017 Norfolk Lodge Benevolent Fund, Great Dunmow 18018 The Norfolk Opera Trust, Diss 18019 Educational Foundation of Alderman John Norman, Norwich 18020 Norman Memorial Fund, London 18021 The Normanton Grammar School Foundation, Normanton 18022 Norsk UtenrlkspolMsk Instltutt, Oslo 09649 The North and East Yorkshire Mark Benevolent Fund, York 18023 The North Brixton Trust, London 18024 The William North Coates Memorial Trust, Sleaford 18025 North East Derbyshire Music Centre Trust, Chesterfield 18026 North Esst Discovery Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne 18027 North East London Gospel Mission Trust, London 18028 North East Region of YMCA's Discretionary Trust, Darlington 18029 North Essex Catholic Schools Millennium Trust, Colchester 18030 North Hendon Adath Ylstoel Educational Trust, London 18031 North Kensington Amenity Trust, London 18032 The North Kensington Canalside Trust, London 18033 North London Islamic Association Trust, London 18034 North London Islamic Turkish Trust, London 18035 North London Mosque Trust, London 18036 North London Theatre Trust, London 18037 The North Manchester Gastroenterology Research Fund, Manchester 18038 William Alan North Memorial Trust, Leicester 18039 The North Middlesex Children's Fund, London 18040 North Middlesex Hospital Diabetes Research Trust, London 18041 North Ormesby Children* Trust, Middlesbrough 18042 The North Staffordshire Art Society Prize Fund, Stafford 18043 The North Staffordshire Hospitals Childrens Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 18044 The North Street Newport (Gwent) Mission Trust Fund, Newport 18045 North Wales Medical Trust Ltd., Llandudno 18046 The North Wales Police and Community Trust, Conwy 18047 North Ward Aged People's Treat Fund, Ilkeston 18048 Northallerton Temperance Hall Fund, London 18049 Northampton Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust, Northampton 18050 The Northbrian Educational Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 18051 Northcott Devon Foundation, Exmouth 78052 The Northcott Foundation, London 13053 Northern Counties Trust, Middlesbrough 18054 Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust, Belfast 18065 Northern Orthopaedic Research Into the Hip Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 18056 The Northern Sinfonia Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne 18057 The NorthfMd Educational Trust Ltd., Watford 18058 Northgate Church Trust, Chester 18059 Northolt Uons Club Charity Trust Fund, Northolt 18060 Northolt Lodge Benevolent Trust Fund, High Wycombe 18061 Northwlck Park Hospital Cardiac flosoarch Fund, Harrow 18062 Northwlck Park Hospital Trust, Harrow 18063 Northwood College Educational Foundation, Northwood 18064 Northwood Lodge Benevolent Fund, Northwood 16055
Northwood Preparatory School Trust, Rickmansworth 18066 The Northwood Synagogue Building Fund, Northwood 18067 Norton Educational Foundation, Sheffield 18068 Norton Educational Foundation, Stockton-on-Tees 18069 Norwegian Church Preservation Trust, Cardi 18071 Norwegische Seemannsmission in Hamburg, Hamburg 05034 The Norwich and Norfolk Diabetes Trust, Norwich 18072 Norwich Cathedral Choir Endowment Fund, Norwich 18073 Norwich Cavell Fund, Norwich 18074 Norwich Children's Charitable Trust, Norwich 18075 The Norwich Historic Churches Trust, Norwich 18076 Norwich Music and Arts Trust, Norwich 18077 Norwich Puppet Theatre Trust, Norwich 18078 Wilhelm Nosakowltz-Stiftung, München 05035 The Nostell Trust, London 18079 Freiherrlich von Nostltz'sche Familien· und Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Lindau 05036 Nöthener-Stiftung, Dietikon 13082 Nottebohm-Stlftung, Hamburg 05037 Netting Hill Day Nursery Fund, London 18080 Nouvelle Planète/Neuer Planet, Assens 13083 Fondazione Mario Novara, Genova 08866 Novartis Foundation, London 18081 Novartle Stiftung für medizinischbiologische Forschung, Basel 13084 Novartis-Stlftung für therapeutische Forschung in Nürnberg, Nürnberg 05038 Fundación Novia Salcedo, Bilbao 11957 Novo Nordisk Fonden, Gentofte 00659 Heinrich Nowak'sche Reisestipendienstiftung für Studierende der Meisterschule für Architektur an der Akademie der bildenden Künste In Wien, Wien 00103 Nower Hill High School Private Fund, Harrow 18082 The NST Development Trust, Chelmsford 18083 Josei-Nuber-Stlfhing, Meitingen 05039 Hanne Nüeslein-Stiftung, Köln 05040 Nuffield Foundation, London 18084 Nuffield-Russla Trust, Norwich 18085 The Nunbumholme Trust, Hull 18086 Fundaçâo José Nunes Martins, Carregal do Sal 09879 Affred und Lore Nungesser-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 05041 The Nurses Scholarship Fund, Great BardfieW 18087 Nursing Comforts and Aid in Sickness Fund, Mitcham 18088 Fondation Manfred Nussbaum, Bruxelles 00472 Osswald Nussbaum-Stiftung, Tubingen 05042 Gretel Nusser-Sttftung, Winnenden 05043 NVO Centre, Riga 08974 NWO-Sozlalstlftung, Wilhelmshaven 05044 Nyland-Stlftung, Köln 05045 O.K. Wheelchair Charity Fund, Margate 18089 Oakdene Education Trust, Honiton 18090 Oaken Grove Primary School Fund, York 18091 The Oakfleld Trust, London 18092 Oakhlll Education Trust, Sutton 18093 The Oakhyrst Grange Educational Trust, Catertiam 18094 Oaldands Preparatory School Educational Trust, Manchester 18095 The Oakley Coal Fund. Luton 18096 Oakley Educational Foundation, Bedford 18097 The Oaktree Education Trust, Liverpool 18098 Oakwell Open Space Charitable Trust, Bamsley 18099 Oakwood School Trust, fìepton 18100 Oasis Church (Chadwell Heath) Charitable Trust, Romford 18101 The Oasis Property Trust, London 18102 Obels-JOnemann-Stiftung, Hannover 05045 Oberbauer'schs Waisenstiftung Mlngolshelm, Bad Schön bom 05047 Oberberger-Stfftung, München 05048 Erich Oberdörfer-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 05049 Obere Klnderschulstlftung, Kirchheim unter Teck 05050 Obere Spital-Stiftung Dlngolffng, Dingotting 0505/ Oberfränkische Blindenstudienstiftung, Bayreuth 05052 Wilhelm Oberle-Stfftung, Staufen 05053
Friedrich Oberlln-Stiftung, München 05054 Obemfelder Pflegehaus, Lübbecke 05055 Oberrheinische Stiftung für Geschichte und Kultur, Karlsruhe 05055 Friedrich Oberthür-Stiftung, Lingen 05057 Fundación Premio Obieta, Madrid 11958 Fundación Oblóle, Barcelona 11959 Fundación Sixto Obrador, Madrid 11960 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung des Rentners Johann Obrecht, Augsburg 05058 Fundación Benéfico Docente Jesús Obrero, Vitoria-Gasteiz 11961 Ocean Music Trust, London 18103 Fondation Jacques et Yvonne OchsLefebvre, Bruxelles 00473 Max-Ochsner-Stfftung, Zurich 13085 Octagon Theatre Trust, Bolton 18104 The Octagon Trust Fund, Twickenham 18105 Johanna-Odebrecht-Stlftung, Greifswald 05059 Fondation Odier de Psycho-Physique, Cologny 13086 Odney Pool Bathing Fund, Cookham Rise 18106 Franz Oechsle-Stlftung, Plochingen 05060 Stiftung Bibliothek Prof. Dr. Werner Oechslin, Einsiedeln 13087 Dr. med. Georg Oeckler-Stlftung, Wasserburg/Bodensee 05061 Walter Oehler-Stiftung für das braunschweigische Handwerk, Braunschweig 05062 Oekreal-Stlftung, Zürich 13088 Allred und Josie Oelbermann-Stiftung, Bad Honnei 05063 Emil und Laura Oelbermann-Sttftung, Köln 05064 Oelhafe-Zeysesche-Stiftung, Halle/Saale 05065 Dr. Anton Oelzelt-Newin'sche Stiftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00104 Erich und Elsa Oertel Altenhllfe-Stiftung, Bamberg 05066 Oertel-Stiftung, Eichenau 05067 Walter und Ambrosina Oertli-Stlftung, Zurich 13089 Oest-Stiftung, Alpersbach 05068 Oestertin-Eggers-Stiftung, Hamburg . 05069 Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Entwicklungshilfe, Wien 00105 Österreichische Stiftung für Weltbevölkerung und Internationale _ Zusammenarbeit, Wien 00106 Österreichische Studentenförderungsstiftung, Wien 00107 Österreichischer Fond zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, _ Wien 00108 Österreichischer Fond zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen, Wien 00109 Gräflich Öttingen-Baldem'sche Stipendienpflege, Wallerstein 05070 The Marchioness of Bute and Lady Saint David's Fund, Uantwit Major 18107 Offenbecher Sport-Stiftung, Offenbach am Main 0507f Offenbacher Stiftung für Berufsbildung, Offenbach am Main 05072 Elisabeth von Offensandt-BerckholtzStiftung, Karlsruhe 05073 Offermann-Hergarten-Stlftung, Niederkassel 05074 Offermann-Stiftung, Wesel 05075 Mori Ogai-Gedenkfonds, Berlin 05076 The Ogilvie Duttile Memorial Prize Fund, Swinton 18108 Ogmore-by-Sea Community Hall Fund, Bany 18109 Ogmore Valley Community Heritage Trust, Ogmore Valley 18110 Ogmore Valley Trust, Ogmore Valley 18111 Ogwr Groundwork Trust, Bridgend 18112 Stichting Ohel Chaya Lebanot, Amsterdam 09249 Freiherrlich Robert von Ohlendorff'sche Famillensttftung, Hamburg 05077 Ohletz-Stiftung Rheinhausen, Duisburg 05078 Karl Heinz Ohliger-Stlftung, Solingen 05079 Fondazione Olkla, Roma 08867 Oil Companies' European Organization for Environment and Health Protection, Bruxelles 00474 Fundación 0|alvo Monforte, Talayuela 11962 The Marianne Okamoto Richardson Trust, Parkgate 18113 Okapi Fonds, Utrecht 09250 Okeover Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ripley 18114 Okido Natural Health Education Trust, London 18115 Old Alleynlan Lodge (Dulwich College) Trust, Sanderstead 18116 Ok! Alleynlans Endowment Fund, Bickley 18117
Alphabetical Index: Old Old Boys Benefit Fund, Taunton 18118 The Old Boy's Lodge Benevolent Fund, Hounslow 18119 Old Buckenham Hall (Brettenham) Educational Trust, Ipswich 18120 The Old Bull Development Trust, Bamet 18121 The Old Cantonlans Association Jubilee Trust Fund, Cardiff 18122 The Old Carltonian Bursary Fund, Keighley 18123 Old Centralians Trust, Rutland 18124 Old Church School Foundation, London 18125 The Old Citizens Sports Trust, London 18126 Old Coulsdon Centre Trust, Catertiam 18127 The Old Eleans Charitable Trust, Ely 18128 The Old Elliottonians Memorial Prize Fund, Chessington 18129 The Old Enfield Charitable Trust, Enfield 18130 Old Gowertonians Memorial Fund, Abingdon 18131 The Old Leodiensian Association Charitable Trust, Leeds 18132 Old Lutonians' Lodge Benevolent Fund, Dunstable 18133 The Old Meeting House Birmingham (Ministers) Fund, Sutton Coldfield 18134 The Old Mill School Trust, Cheadle 18135 The Old Oak Lodge Benevolent Fund, Datchet 18136 Old Park Ward Old Age Pensioners Fund, Ilkeston 18137 Old People's All Day Club Trust Fund, Chandlers Ford 18138 The Old Quarry Fund, Reading 18139 The Old Rectory Riding School Trust, Milton Keynes J8Í40 Old Royal Naval College Chapel Fund, London 18141 The Old Rydeians Trust, London 18)42 Old Salopian Lodge Scholarship Fund, Standon 18143 The Old Scholars Fund, Wokingham 18144 The Old School Fund, Iver Heath 18145 Old Tiffinian Memorial Fund, Surbiton 18146 The Old Toliingtonians' War Memorial Fund, London 18147 Old Vicarage School Trust, Richmond 18148 The Old Waconians' Educational Fund, Cheadle 18149 The Old Wellingtonian Society Charitable Trust, Crowthome 18150 The Old Wyggestonlan War Memorial Trust Fund, Leicester 18151 Old Wykehamist Rose Croix Chapter Benevolent Fund, Bristol 18152 The Robert Oldfield Apprenticing Foundation, Chester 18153 Robert Oldfield Educational Foundation, Chester 18154 Fondation André Oleffe, Bruxelles 00475 Fondation Olfert Dapper, Paris 01206 Olgale-Stiftung für das kranke Kind e.V., Stuttgart 05080 Olgaheim, Stuttgart 05081 Olgakrippe Stuttgart, Wolfschlugen 05082 The Olinda Trust, Colwyn Bay 18155 Fundado Olivé-Junyent, Barcelona 11963 Fundaçâo Idálio de Ollveira, Lisboa 09880 Fundaçâo Ollveira Júnior, Säo Joäo da Madeira 09881 Fundaçâo Social· Demócrata Ollveira Martins, Lisboa 09882 Mary Oliver Memorial Fund, London 18156 Oliver's Educational Foundation, Reading 18157 Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Roma 08858 Fondation Charlotte Olivier, Fribourg 13090 Fondation François Olivier, Lausanne 13091 Fondazione Ente Olivieri, Pesaro 08369 Fundación Teresa Oller Nicolau, Cardedeu 11964 The Olney Educational Foundation, Olney 18158 Oloolarroi Village Trust, London 18159 Fundación Olórlz, Valencia 11965 Willi Ottmanns-Stiftung, Delmenhorst 05083 Olumba Universal Charity Fund, London 18160 Olympus Europa-Stiftung Wissenschaft fürs Leben, Hamburg 05084 Omadina Mosque Trust, London 18161 OMNIA-Stiftung, Essen 05085 The On Yer Bike Trust of Kensington and Chelsea, London 18162 Alexander S. Onassls Public Benefit Foundation, Athina 08331 Ondal-Wella-Kulturstiftung, Hünfeld 05086
362 OnderwIJs voor Varando Kleuters Land Stichting, Rotterdam 09251 Fundación Escuelas Ondiz Aqueche, Leioa 11966 One Foundation Organisation, Luto η 18163 One Parish Unk Charitable Trust Sutton Coldfield 18164 One World Trust, Colchester 18165 Oneg Shabbat Youth Club Trust, London 18166 Stichting Lucas Ooms Fonds, Leiden 09252 Stichting Vnenden van Charlotte Oord, Tilburg 09253 Oost-Europa Fonde, Amsterdam 09254 Hellmut Opas-Stlftung, Ochsenfurt 05087 OPEC Fund for International Development, Wien 00110 Open Estonia Foundation, Tallinn 00687 Open Society Foundation-Albania, Tirana 00002 Open Society Foundation-Bratislava, Bratislava 10015 Open Society Foundation-Bucharest, Β ucuresti 09946 Open Society Foundation-Sofia (Bulgaria), Sofia 00584 Open Society Fund-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 00576 Open Society Fund-Lithuania, Vilnius 08985 Open Society Fund Prague, Praha 00602 Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation-Novosibirsk Branch, Novosibirsk 09997 Open Society Institute-Croatia, Zagreb 00590 Open Society Institute-Macedonia, Skopje 08993 Open Society institute-Slovenia, Ljubljana 10017 The Open University Students' Educational Trust, Milton Keynes 18167 Operation Romania Trust, Uttlehampton 18168 Stiftung Martin Opitz-Blbliothek, Heme 05088 Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Essen 05089 Salomon Oppenheim-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Essen 05090 The Oppenheimer Charitable Trust, London 18169 Arthur and Rosa Oppenheimer Fund, London 18170 Walter-Oppenhoff-Sttftung, Essen 05091 Fritz und Dorothea Oppermann geb. Kerle-Stiftung, Wolfenbüttel 05092 Opportunity 2000 Trust, London 18171 Opportunity International (Deutschland), Schorndorf 05093 Opportunity International UK, Oxford 18172 Fundaçâo Optec Cultural e Educativa, Viana do Caslelo 09883 The Optec Youth Exchange Trust, Mold 18173 OPON Stichting, Den Haag 09255 Ora-Stlftung zur Verkündigung und Bewahrung das christlichen Glaubens, Altstätten 13092 Fundación Faustino Orbegozo, Bilbao 11967 Fondazione Orestiadl, Gibellina 08870 Carl Orff-Stìftung, München 05094 Lord Orford's Educational Foundation, Ely 18174 Organisation Panafricaine de Lutte contre le SIOA, Pans 01207 Orgel-Stiftung, Buchdorf 05095 The Orient Foundation, Bath 18175 Orientstiftung zur Förderung der Ostasiatischen Kunst, Köln 05096 Fundación Benéfico Docente José Luis Oriol Catalina de Urquijo, Madrid 11968 Fundación Gloria d'Oriola Cortada, Barcelona 11969 Graf Waldemar von Oriola'sche Gruftkapellen-Gedächtnisstiftung, Schöneck 05097 Fundación Ramón Orlandi» i Despulg, Barcelona 11970 Fundación Infante de Orleans, Madrid 11971 Orleans Infant School Appeal Fund, Twickenham 18176 Ortey Farm School Trust, Harrow
The Sir Herbert Ormond Trust, London 18178 Richard Ormonde Shuttleworth Remembrance Trust, Bedford 18179 Fundaçâo Dona Jacinta de Ornelas Pereira, Cámara de Lobos 09884 Fundació Joan Oró, LJeida 11972 Oro Verde-Stiftung zur Rettung der Tropenwälder, Frankfurt am Main 05098 Orphans Aid Educational Foundation, Plymouth 18180 Orphans In India Trust, Penarth 18181
Orphellna-Stiftung, Zürich 13093 Les Orphelins Apprentis d'Auteull, Paris 01208 Orpheum Stiftung zur Förderung Junger Solisten, Zürich 13094 Orpington Lions Club Charity Trust Fund. Bromley 18182 Orpington Village Hall Trust, Orpington 18183 Fundación Orraa Maullón y María RIber Maupdey, Castellón 11973 Helmuth und Luise Orsehler-Stlftung, Aschaffenburg 05099 Fundación José Ortega y Gasset, Madrid 11974 Geschwister-Orth-Stiftung, Tegernsee 05100 Orthopaedic Fund for Old Church Hospital, Romford 18184 Gebrüder Ortmanns-Stfftung, Tönisvorst 05f0f Orwell Park School Educational Trust Ltd., Ipswich 18185 Osbom Foundation, Dudley 18186 Dr. Walter und Angelika OschmannStiftung, Nürnberg 05102 Oekar-HelenfrHfllm, Berlin 05103 OSKAR-Stlftung, Leipzig 05104 Osnabrücker Krebshilfe, Osnabrück 05105 OSPA-Stiftung, Rostock 05106 Albert Osswald-Sttftung, Gießen 05107 Oetalb-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Ostalb, Aalen 05108 Ostbayerische Kulturstiftung der Zahnradfabrik Passau GmbH, Passau 05109 Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung, Berlin 05110 Stiftung Edelhof RickJingen-V.J. von der Osten, Hannover 05111 Hofrat von Osten'sche Waisenhausstiftung, Hof 05112 Osteopathic Educational Foundation, Tunbridge Wells 18187 Fondation Ostermann, Colmar 01209 Valentin Ostertag-Stlftung, Bad Dürkheim 05113 Eugen Ostertag-Stlftung, Laichingen 05114 Ostpreußlache Kulturstiftung, Ellingen 05115 Fondazione Α. M, Ostrowski per un Premio Intemazionale di Alta Matematica, Basel 13095 Ostschweizer Stiftung für Musik und Theater, Sankt Gallen 13096 Cornelius O'Sulllvan Fund, Slough 18188 Richard O'Sullivan Prize Fund, Birchington-on-Sea 18189 Anne Oawald-Stlftung, Rosenheim 05116 Christian Oswald-Stiftung zum Schutze und zur Erhaltung der Wlldtiere, Ebersberg 05117 Oswalt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05118 Osweetiy Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Oswestry 18190 Peter-Osypka-Stiftung, Grenzach 05t Ï9 Fundación Cultural Privada Patronato Otero Pedrayo, Trasaiba-Amoero 11975 Fundación Manuel Otero y Joaquina Sobrino, La Guardia 11976 Fondation Philippe Othenln Girard, Nouan-le-Fuzelier 01210 The Otjikondo School Trust, Ripon 18191 Otte'sche Armenstiftung, BarkeIsby 05120 Otto-Sttftung, Dietenheim 05121 Werner Otto Stiftung, Hamburg 05122 Direktor Willi Otto-Stiftung, Kronach 05123 Michael Otto Stiftung für Unweitschutz, Hamburg 05124 Philipp Ott'sche Stipendien Stiftung, Bayreuth 05125 Fundación Escuelas Otxandategui, Berango 11977 Ouiu University Scholarship Foundation, Ouiu 00704 Our Lady of the Holy Souls Pastoral Care Trust, London 18192 Our Lady's Roman Catholic Combined School Fund, Chesham Bois 18193 Our lady's Roman Catholic Primary School Fund, York 18194 The Ousey Scholarship Trust, Dawlish 18195 Fondation Ousselml, Genève 13097 The Outhows Trust, Hope Valley 18196 Outwood Grange School Fund, Wakefield 18197 L'Ouverture Trust, London 18198 Over Trust (Hayes), Uxbridge 18199 Overljsaelse Kasteien Stichting, Zwolle 09256 Overseas Anandians Trust, North Harrow 18200 Overseas Development Institute, London 18201 Overseas Meeting Rooms Trust, Hounslow 18202 Overton Poor Fund, York 18203
Stichting Dr. J.C. Overvoorde in het Belang der Monumentanzorg, Zeist 09257 Fundación Oviedo, Cádiz 11978 The R.H. Owen Memorial Fund, Caernarfon 18204 The Richard Owen Scholarships and Exhibitions Foundation, Llandudno 18205 The Rebecca Owen Spinal Trust, Stokeon-Trent 18206 The Owen Trust, Holyhead 18207 Dame Alice Owen's Foundation, London 18208 Freiherr von Ow'sche Attenhelmstiftung Helming, Haiming 05126 Oxbridge Lane Primary School Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 18209 Oxendon Presbyterian Church Fund, London 18210 Oxfam, Oxford 18211 The Oxford and Cambridge Rowing Foundation, Henley-on-Thames 18212 Oxford Boys Club Trust, London 18213 The Oxford House Development Trust, London 18214 Oxford-Khorog Trust, Oxford 18215 The Oxford-Leon Trust, Aylesbury 18216 Oxfordshire Relief Fund for Romanian Children-Orphans, Banbury 18217 Gräfliche von Oyen- und Penisa'sche Waisenfondsstlflung, Pappenheim 05127 Fundación Federico Ozamán, Zaragoza 11979 Fondation Ozanam, Prisse 01211 Robert Ozler and Others Foundation, London 18218 Büchemachlaß Prof. Dr. Pabst, Berlin 05128 Packhaus-Sttftung, Rendsburg 05129 Paddington Charitable Estates Educational Fund, London 18219 Thomas Padgett Trust, Bradford 18220 PADI A.W.A.R.E., Heitlingen 13098 The Pad ley Lodge Benevolent Fund, Hope Valley 18221 Fondation Internationale Padme, Les Monts-de-Corsier 13099 Fondazione Vincenzo Padula, Acri 08871 Padworth College Trust, Reading 18222 Pädagogische Stiftung Casslaneum, Donauwörth 05130 Pämumaa libefond, Pâmu 00688 Armenstìftung der Gebrüder PaeBens, Uedem 05131 Frank und Heidi Paetzold Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 05132 The Page Charitable Trust, Tunbridge Wells 18223 Page's Educational Foundation, Leighton Buzzard 18224 Pahar Trust Nepal, Wargrave 18225 Kurt und Elfriede Pahnke-Stiftung, Flensburg 05133 Fundación Paldela, A Coruña 11980 The Palgham El-Islam Trust Britain, Birmingham 18226 Painshlll Park Trust, Cobham 18227 Painter Stainers Fine Art Trust Fund, London 18228 Fundación Benjamin Palenda, Madrid 11981 Palestine Exploration Fund, London 18229 Stichting Jan Palfijn, Gent 00476 Martha Palltzech Stiftung, Köln 05134 Fundación Iberoamericana de Diabetes Luis Felipe Pallardo Peinado, Madrid 11982 Unterstützungseinrichtung der Firma Papierfabrik Palm GmbH & Co., Aalen 05135 Ilse Palm-Stiftung, Essen 05136 The Philip Palmer Memorial Trust, Maidenhead 18230 Cyril und Jutta A. Palmer Stiftung, Hamburg 05137 Olof Palmes Minnesfond för Internationell Förstaelse och Gemensam Sâkerhet, Stockholm 12308 Stiftung Oberbalzhaim Imre Freiherr von Palm'sche Stiftung, Balzheim 05138 Fundación Palomeras Attas, Madrid 11983 Fondazione San Riccardo Pampuri, Civitanova Marche 08872 Pan-African Book Foundation, London 18231 The Pan Celtic Prize Fund, Caernarfon 18232 Konstantin C. Panadl'sche Stiftung für Augenkranke und Blinde, Wien 00111 Panahpur Charitable Trust, Sutton 18233 The Panasonic Trust for the Further Education and Training of Engineers, London 18234 Panda ri man Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 18235 Pandora Stichting, Amsterdam 09258 Pangboume Assistance Fund, Portsmouth 18236 Pangboume Welfare Fund, Pangboume 18237
Pia Fondazione di Culto e di Religione Cardinale G. Panico, Milano 08873 The Pankhuret Trust, Manchester 18238 Otto Pankok-Stlftung, Hünxe 05139 The Panos Computer Trust, London 18239 Fondazione Vincenzo Pansadoro, Roma 08874 The Panteleimon Halippe-Sfatul Parli Foundation, Chisinau 09024 Ann Elizabeth Panton Ross Trust, Newport 18240 The James Pantyfedwen Foundation, Aberystwyth 18241 Stichting Pape-Fonds, Den Haag 09259 Hans Pape-Stiftung, Essen 05140 M. Aida Papenbrok-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05141 Papiertechnische Stiftung, München 05142 Stiftung Friedrich Pappermann, Freital 05143 Papplewick Educational Trust, Ascot 18242 Stiftung Paracelsus Heute, Einsiedeln 13100 Paranature Foundation, Genève 13101 George and Thelma Paraskevaldes Foundation, Nicosia 00593 Parcham'sche Stiftung zu Lübeck, Lübeck 05144 Fundación Patronato-Museo Emilia Pardo Ba2án, A Coruña 11984 Fundación Escuelas Paredes, Ortuella 11985 Fondation Astrid Paredes, Paris 01212 The Parent Teacher Scholarship Fund, Oldham 18243 Parish of Central Exeter (Saint KerTian) Trust, Ida 18244 Fondazione Parisi Valle, Maccagno 08875 Fondation Jacques Parlsot, Genève 13102 Paritätische Hospitalstiftung In Augsburg, Augsburg 05145 Paritätische Sankt Jakobs-Stiftung In Augsburg, Augsburg 05146 Paritätische Sankt Martinsstiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 05147 Paritätische Sankt Servatius-Stiftung, Augsburg 05148 Paritätischer Armenfonds In Augsburg, Augsburg 05149 Park Lane Charitable Trust, Manchester 18245 Park Lane College Truat, Leeds 18246 Pari« Pharmacy Trust, Plymouth 18247 Park Royal Respiratory Research Fund, Harrow 18248 Ede Parker Trust, Bolton 18250 Parker Trust Fund, Amersham 18251 Parkgate Convalescent Fund, Chester 18252 Parkside Foundation Fund, Cambridge 18253 Parkvtew Music Trust, London 18254 The Parkwood Convalescent Home Samaritan Fund, London 18255 Parliament Hill School Trust, London 18256 Schenkung Parmer, Bonn 05150 Parochial Educational Foundation, Oswestry 18257 Fondation Paul Parquet, Neuilly-sur-Seine 01213 Fundación Ramón Parramón, Barcelona 11986 Parrett's Educational Foundation, Milton Keynes 18258 The Educational Foundation of Mary Parry, Caernarfon 18259 David Parry Memorial Trust, Leighton Buzzard 18260 Ellen Parsons' Trust, Liverpool 18261 Parthenon Trust, Guernsey 18262 Pascher-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05151 Fundación José Pascual y Prats, Gerona 11987 Fondo Pier Paolo Pasolini, Roma 08876 N.G. Paspati's Trust for the Coray Library, Bristol 18263 Passauer Universitätsstiftung, Passau 05152 Prix Juliette Passeux, Beauvechain 00477 Passmore Edwarde Museum Trust, London 18264 Fondation de la Maison de Louis Pasteur, Artois 01214 Fondation Institut Pasteur, Paris 01215 Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille 01216 Fundación José Pastor Fuertes, Valencia 11988 Dr. Cari-Arthur Pastor-Stiftung, Aachen 05153 Fundación Pastrana, Madrid 11989 Patanjali Centre for Classical Yoga Trust London, Battle 18265 Patchwork, Bruxelles 00478 Le Patchwork des Noma France, Paris 01217 Pater-Helniich-Stiftung, Hennef 05154 Pater-Tttus-SÜftung, Vechta 05155 D.M. Peterson Will Trust Charitable Fund, London 18266
363 ΊΊίθ Pathway to Recovery Trust, London 18267 Pathways Trust, London 18266 Patienten-Heimversorgung Gemeinnützige Stiftung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05156 Patientenstiftung Christophsbad Göppingen, Göppingen 05157 Fondation Simón I. Patino, Genève 13103 Fundación Mercedes Patino y Juez Sarniento, Madrid 11990 Patria Jeunesse, Basel 13104 PatrtziattttHtung, Memmingen 05158 Fundaçâo Patrocinio, Evora 09885 Patronagefonds für junge Schweizer Künstler, Basel 13105 Patronato Museo do Pobo Galego, A Comña 11991 Cail Patschke-Stlftung, Hannover 05159 The Pattaya Orphanage Trust, London 18269 Share of Thomas Pattlnson's Foundation, Carlisle 18270 Fundación Pau Casals, Coma-Ruga 11992 R.H. Paul Housing Trust, Ipswich 18271 William Paul Housing Trust, Staines 18272 Fondation Pauliani, Nice 01218 Paullnenpflege Stuttgart, Stuttgart 05160 Paullnenpflege Weil Im Schönbuch, Weil im Schönbuch 05161 Pauion Säätiö, Helsinki 00705 Pauls Row Assembly Trust, High Wycombe 18273 M.J. Paulsen-Testament, Hamburg 05162 Maria Paulus-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05163 Stefanie Pauius-Stlftung, Wien 00112 Fondation Paumler Verne, Paris 01219 Edith-Pausch-Stlftung, Bayreuth 05164 Pauw-Stlchtlng, Avenhom 09260 Pauwhof Fonds, Amsterdam 09261 Pax-Bank-Stlftung, Köln 05165 H. and L. Paxton Children's Fund, London 78274 The Paya Indian Trust, Famborough 18275 A-V. Payne Prize Fund, Leicester 18276 Paz y Cooperación, Madrid 11993 PE-Stlftung, Sankt Georgen 05166 Peace and Crises Management Foundation, Zug 13106 The Peace and Prosperity Trust, London 18277 Peace Lodge Benevolent Fund, Middlesbrough 18278 Peace Memorial Fund, London 18279 Peace Tribunal Foundation, Amsterdam 09262 Harry Hardy Peach Memorial Fund, Leicester 18280 Peak Park Trust, Hope Valley 18281 Fondazione Peano, Cuneo 08877 Pearce Rood Charitable Trust, Weybridge 18282 The Beatrice Pea riman Scholarship Fund, Hull 18283 The Peam Convalescent Home Trust, Plymouth 18284 Annie Pearson Bird Christmas Fund, Bradford 18285 Edward Peart Memorial Trust Fund, Tadworth 18286 Peat's Educational Foundation, Wilden 18287 Peckham Islamic Centre Trust, London 18288 Peckham Mosque Trust, London 18289 Karl Pedersen and Wife's Industrial Foundation, Kebenhavn 00660 Pedler Scholarship Fund, Truro 18290 Fundación Universitaria Agustí Pedro i Pons, Barcelona 11994 Fundación do Patronato do Pedrón de Ouro, Santiago de Compostela 11995 Peek Foundation, Canterbury 18291 The Robert Peel Foundation, Carmarthen 18292 Julius Peeters Foundation, Birttey 18293 Pefi-Waldsttftung, Wohlen 13107 The Pegasus Trust Fund, Matlock 18294 Rettungsstiftung Jürgen Pegler e.V., Heilbronn 05167 Günther-PeilhStlftung, Düren 05168 Peiniger-Stiftung, Gelsenkirchen 05/69 Stichting Jenny en Luc Pei re, KnokkeHeist 00479 Fundación Legados Pelfort, Barcelona 11996 Fundado Pelfort I Xlnxo, Barcelona 11997 Fundación Premios Fundados por D. José Pelfort y Mando, Barcelona 11998 Olive and Jimmy Pelham Fund, London 18295 Rektor Dr. Pell'sche Studlenseminarstiftung, Passau 05170 Peloponneslan Folklore Foundation, Nafplion 08332 Emst-Pelz-Stfflung, Geretsried 05171 Pembroke Castle Trust, Pembroke 18296
Alphabetical Index: Plummern'sche The Pembroke School Enrichment Fund, Pembroke 18297 The Pembrokeshire Animal Welfare Trust, Haverfordwest 18298 Pembrokeshire Intermediate and Technical Education Fund, Haverfordwest 18299 Fundación Peña Garlea Borreguero, Donostia-San Sebastián 11999 Fundación de los Excmos. Sres, Marqueses de Peñaflor y Cortes de Graena, Sevilla 12000 The Penarth Santa Claus and Distress Fund, Penarth 18300 Fondation Pendleton, Paris 01220 Pendoylan and Welsh Saint Donats Recreation Fund, North Cowbridge 18301 Penge and Anerley (1948) Trust, Bromley 18302 Fundaçâo Casa-Museu Mauricio Penha, Alijó 09886 Fundaçâo Condensa da Penha Longa, Ollveira de Azeméis 09887 Penistone Girls' Free School Trust, Sheffield 18303 Penistone Grammar School Foundation, Bamsley 18304 Penllergaer Lodge Benevolent Fund, Swansea 18305 The Penn Foundation, Twyford 18306 Fondazione Sandro Penna, Torino 08878 Pennal Old Cemetery Trust, Machynlleth 18307 The Louie Pennington Blckford Flower Girls Fund, London 18308 The Pennington Mellor Charity Trust, London 18309 Penoyre Christian Trust, Brecon 18310 Penrith Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Penrith 18311 Penryn Town Local Trust, Penryn 18312 Pensionszusatz-Stlftung der Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, Heilbronn 05172 Pensychnant Foundation, Sychnant Pass 18313 Pentrebach Sunday School Foundation, Merthyr Tydfil 18314 Penuel Baptist Chapel CarmarthenTrust Funds and Property Held in Connection Therewith, Carmarthen 18315 The Penweddig and Penglais Schools Prizes Fund, Aberystwyth 18316 Penybont Baptist Chapel Trust Funds Held In Connection Therewith, Llandysul 18317 Penybontfawr Trust Fund, Oswestry 18318 Fundación Penzol, Vigo 12001 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Research and Education Foundation, London 18319 People In Need Trust, Dublin 08387 Pepper Hill First School Fund, Milton Keynes 18320 The Pepys Twining Trust, London 18321 Per Caelum Lodge Benevolent Fund, Virginia Water 18322 Pere Foundation, Devils Bridge 18323 The Geoffrey Percy Trust, Wolverhampton 18324 Fundaçâo Joäo Pereira, Ponta do Sol 09888 Fundaçâo Padre Manuel Pereira Pinho e Irmào, Ovar 09889 Fondation Pereira, Levallois-Pereire 01221 Fundaçâo José Peres Ferreira, Lisboa 09890 Fundación Vicenta Pérez Aloe, Trujillo 12002 Fundación Pérez Got or y Virgen Sancho Abarca, Tauste 12003 Fundación Pérez Lugín, A Coruna 12004 Fundación Emilio Pérez Pinero, Murcia 12005 Fundación Bernardo Pérez Sales, Alicante
Fundación Perfecto Cabré, Tarragona 12007 Fondazione Pergo les l-S pontini, Jesi 08879 Fondazione di Demodossalogia di Santa Temrta Perini-Bembo, Venezia-Mestre
Fundación Rafael Perla, Matadepera 12008 Betsy Perk-Opiefdlngsfonds der Algomoon Hederíandse Vrouwenverenlging Tesselschade Arbekj Adelt, Warmond 09263 Elizabeth Perks Bequest Trust, Lichfield 18325 Stiftung Sächsische Behindertenselbsthilfe Otto Perl, Chemnitz 05173 The Permanent Benevolent Fund of the Royal Atheisten Lodge No. 19, Newport Pagnell 18326 Fundaçâo Péro da Covllhl, Covilhá 09891 Perra nza b u k * Museum Trust, Perranporth 18327
Sir John Perrot Trust, Haverfordwest 18328 Sidney Perry Foundation, Hindon 18329 The Perry Foundation, London 18330 Perechten-Stiftung, Kirchseeon 05174 The Perse School for Girls Appeal Fund Trust, Cambridge 18331 The Perse Trust, Cambridge 18332 Persean Benevolent Trust, Cambridge 18333 Pershore Christian Fellowship Trust, Barkingside 18334 Pershore Rotary Club Trust Fund, Tewkesbury 18335 Rob Persman Fonds, Amsterdam 09264 Harald PerterhStlftung, Zürich 13108 Familie Peschken-Stiftung, NeukirchenVluyn 05175 Pescod Endowment for the Benevolent Fund of the Church, Newcastle-uponTyne 18336 Pesl-Stlftung, Unterhaching 05176 Fundaçâo Fernando Pessoa, Porto 09892 Fundaçâo Otilia Pessoa Murta Lourenço e Marido Dr. José Lourenço Junior, Lisboa 09893 Pest Houses Fund, London 18337 Stiftung Campo Enrico Pestalozzi, Stansstad 13109 Pestalozzi Children's Village Trust, Battle 18338 Pestalozzi-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05ΐπ Pestalozzi-Stiftung, Zürich 13110 Pestalozzi-Stiftung für die Förderung der Ausbildung Jugendlicher aus schweizerischen Berggegenden, Zürich 13111 Pestalozzi-Stiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 05178 Pestalozzi-Stiftung Wahlwles, Stockach 05179 Stichting Peta Nederland, Den Haag 09265 The Jack Petchey Foundation, llford 18339 Peter Pan Trust (Hammersmith and Fulham), London 18340 Peter-Schul8ttftung, Ringleben 05180 Peters-Beer-Stlftung, Essen 05181 Peters Lebenshilfe Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05182 The Peters-Roberts Fund, Llanrwst 18341 Prof. Martha Peters-Stiftung, Bad Vilbel 05183 Wilhelm Peters-Stiftung, Hamburg 05184 Heinrich Peters-Stiftung, Hannover 05/35 Nanny Peters-Stiftung, Heide 05186 The Egmont H. Petersen Foundation, Frederiksberg 00661 The P. Carl Petersen Foundation, Kebenhavn 00662 Waldemar-Petersen-Stiftung, Hirschegg 00113 Stichting Petersfonds, Amhem 09266 Stichting Peterson Fonds, Den Haag 09267 Hildegard Petlg-Stlftung, Salzgitter 05/37 Fondation Dorothée Petit, Irigny 0/222 Fondation pour le Prix Max Petitpierre, Lausanne 13112 Petrl-Stiftung, Detmold 05188 Anna-Petrlcb-Sttftung, Nesselwang 05189 The Petrodava Cultural Foundation, Chisinau 09025 Petroleum and Mineral Law Education Trust, London 18342 Petschnig-Stiftung, Klagenfurt 00/14 Heinrich Pette-Institut für Experimentelle Virologie und Immunologie an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 05190 Pettenkofer-Stiftung, München 05191 Pettenkofertiaus-Stiftung, München 05192 Petttt Charitable Trust, Rie kmansworth 18343 Petts Wood War Memorial Trust, Orpington 18344 Stiftungsfonds Ludwig und Lina Petuel, München 05193 The William Petyt Foundation, London 18345 Dr. PetzoW-Stiftung, Sebnitz 05194 Fondazione Prof. Dr. Alessio Pezcoller, Trento 08882 Rifonda2¡one Comunista di Alfonso Pezzetta, Casandrino 08883 Pfàltzer-Bimie Fonds, Amsterdam 09268 Pfälzer Katholische Kirchensehaffnei Heidelberg, Heidelberg 05195 Pfälzische Katholische Kirchenschaffnei Heidelberg, Heidelberg 05195 Fini Pfannes-Stiftung zur Förderung des Frankfurt am Main 05196 Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung, Würzburg 05197 Kanzler von Pfau'sche Stiftung für Altersschwache und Sieche, Bemburg 05198 The PFCS Trust, London 18346 Irma Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05199 Elly Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Schorndorf 05200
Eduard-Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 0520/ Dr. Hans Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Zell am Main 05202 Pfeiffersche Stiftungen zu MagdeburgCracau, Magdeburg 05203 Heinrich Pferdmenges-Stlftung, Mönchengladbach 05204 Ute und Emil Pfetsch-Stiftung, Blaubeuren 05205 Möbel-Pflster Kultur- und Sozlalstlftung, Aarau 13113 Friedrich-Wilhelm Pfister-Stlftung, Saarbrücken 05206 Stiftung Pfizer Forschungs-Preis, Zürich 13114 Pflege- und Altersheim Sankt MarlenStiftung, Varel 05207 Pflegehelm Bethesda, Potsdam 05208 Dr. Robert Pfleger-Stiftung, Bamberg 05209 Helene Pfielderer-Stlftung, Stuttgart 05210 Hermann und Gertrud Pflüger-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05211 Pförtner Bund-Stiftung, Bonn 05212 Lucia Pfohe-Stlftung, Lüneburg 05213 Dr. Walburga Pfriem-Stiftung, Speyer 052/4 Jacques Pfrimmer-Gedächtnisstlftung, Nürnberg 05215 Pfründ- und Spitalfonds-Stlflung Sankt Josefshaus, Bad Säckingen 05216 Pfründespltalstlftung Ochsenfurt, Ochsenfurt 05217 Pfründestiftung der EvangelischLutherischen Pfarrstelle AnsbachHeillg-Kreuz, Ansbach 05218 Pfrûndnerhaus Kinderhaus, Münster 05219 Ludwig Pfungst-Museums-Sttftung, Frankfurt am Main 05220 Dr. Arthur Pfungst-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05221 Pharos Foundation for Refugee Health Care, Utrecht 09269 Dr. W.M. Phelps-Stlchtlng voor Spastici, Bussum 09270 Phenix Foundation, Bruxelles 00481 Fondation Nancy Philipart, Bruxelles 00482 Rudolph und Berthle Philipp-Stiftung, Hamburg 05222 Stiftung der Eheleute Wilhelm und Marie Philippl geb. Wlertz, Frankfurt am Main 05223 The Philippine Ferry Disaster Fund, London 18347 Altenheim Euerdorf Philippi'sche Stiftung, Euerdorf 05224 Phillpp'sche Stiftung, Hengersberg 05225 The Penelope Phlltlmore Memorial Educational Trust, Bath 18348 The Phlllippine Street Children Trust, London 18349 The Glen Phillips Afro-Indian Fund, PetersfiekJ 18350 Thomas Phillips Foundation, Llandovery 18351 The Dr. P.M. Phillips Memorial Trust, Uandeilo 18352 The Henry Moss Phillips Myer Fund, llford 18353 Bishop Phlllpott's Prayer Book Prize Fund, Truro 18354 Philological Foundation, London 18355 Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust, London 18356 The Phypers Trust, Cheshunt 18357 Fundado d'Estudis Autonomies Caries Pi I Sunyer, Barcelona 12009 Fundacló August PI I Sunyer, L'Hospitalet de Uobregat 12010 Fondazione Piaggio, Pontedera 08884 Sparkassenstiftung Pablo Picasso, Münster 05226 Fundación Picasso Reventós, Barcelona 12011 Fondazione Concerti Nicolò PIcclnnI, Bari 08885 Piccolo Rifugio, San Dona di Piave
Rudolf Pichlmayr-Stiflung, Wedemark 05227 Johann Martin Ludewig PlckenpackStiftung, Hamburg 05228 Fondation Pictet, Messery 01223 The Plcton Castle Trust, Haverfordwest 18358 Sir Thomas Plcton Fund, Haverfordwest 18359 Robert Plcton Memorial Prize Fund, Cardiff 18360 Pictorial Charts Educational Trust, London 18361 Fondation Robert Pled boeuf, Liège 00483 Kulturstrftung Hartwig Piepenbrock, Berlin 05229 Josef Pieper-Stiftung, Münster 05230 Dr. Evan Pierce Garden Trust, Denbigh 18362 The Piercy Trust Fund, Wrexham 18363 The Lady Plerrepolnt Educational Foundation, Milton Keynes 18364
Ludo Pieters Gastschrljverfonds, Amsterdam 09271 Emst-Pietsch-Stlftung, Deggendorf 05231 The Plggott Trust, Wargrave 18365 Stichting de Pi|ler, Sneek 09272 Pilgrim Christian School Trust, Dunstable 18366 Pilgrim Trust, London 18367 Pllsley School Trust Fund, Bakewell 18368 The Brian Pimm Foundation, Erith 18369 Fondazione Piero Plnardl, Roma 08887 Plndersche Familienstiftung, Kevelaer 05232 Maria Pinding-Stiftung, Essen 05233 Fundación Pineda, L'Hospitalet de Uobregat 12012 Fundación Institución Pineiro, O Ferrol 12013 Fundación Legado de D. Manuel Pineiro Pose, A Comña 12014 Heinrich Pingert-Stiftung, Neukirch/Lausitz 05234 Pinguin-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 05235 Plnhas Rutenberg Educational Trust, London 18370 Fundaçâo Dionisio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro, 3750 09894 Fondazione Adolfo Pini, Milano 08888 Fondazione Paolo Pini, Milano 08889 The Pinner Rotary Club Trust Fund, Pinner 18371 Pinner War Memorial Fund, Harrow 18372 Fondazione Pietro Piovani per gli Studi Vichlani, Napoli 08890 Fundado Piqué Advocats Associate, Barcelona 12015 Fundación Jaime Piquet Piera, Barcelona 12016 Iles de Paix-Dominique Pire Foundation, Huy 00484 Fondation Hubert Plrlot, Bruxelles 00485 Fondation Pltols, Ablon-sur-Seine 01224 Pitons Foundation, Zurich 13115 George Pitt and Others Educational Foundation, Reading 18373 Willy und Monika Pitzer Stiftung, Bad Nauheim 05236 Fundadón Padre Piulachs, Sentmenat 12017 Plus-Hospital, Ochtrup 05237 Pius-Hospital, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05230 Pius Stiftung für Papsturkunden· und für mittelalterliche Geschichtsforschung, Zürich 13116 PIV-Stiftung, Bad Homburg 05239 Fundadón Obra Pía de los Hermanos Pizarro, Villanueva de La Serena 12018 Fundado Biblioteca Josep Pía, Palalnjgell 12019 Art Stiftung Plaas, Undau/Bodensee 05240 Fondation Placet-Fortune, Bruxelles 00486 Plaetner-Stiftung, Flensburg 05241 Fundación Jaime Planas, Barcelona 12020 Planclus Stichting, Amsterdam 09273 Max Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr 05242 Plangger-Popp-Kindergarten-Stiftung, Haimhausen 05243 Stiftung Planta, Samedan 13117 The Plantation Garden Preservation Trust, Norwich 18374 Pias Power Chapel Finance Committee Fund, Wrexham 18375 Pias Power Chapel Trust Fund, Wrexham 18376 Karola PlaBmann-Bahl-Stlftung, Tubingen 05244 Plastic Surgery Foundation for Wales, Llanelli 18377 Friedrich Plate-Stiftung zu Bamstorf, Diepholz 05245 Fondation Battzar W.A. von Platen, Genève 13118 Fondation Michel Platini, Paris 01225 Platinum Overseas Trust, London 18378 Plato-Stíftung Vaduz, Vaduz 08977 Hasso-Plattner-Stlftung für Softwaresystemtechnik, SchriesheimAltenbach 05245 Kathlnka Platzhoff-Stlftung, Hanau 05247 Playing Fields Fund, Wolverhampton 18379 Pleidelsheimer Sozlalstlftung, Pleidelsheim 05248 Plester-Sttftung, Tübingen 05249 Fondation Charles Pllsnier, Bruxelles 00487 Plough Lodge Benevolent Fund, Witham 18380 Sir John Plumb Charitable Trust, Cambridge 18381 The Joel Plummer Memorial Fund, London 18382 Georg von Plummern'sche Famlllenstlftung, Feldafing 05250
Alphabetical Index: Plumpton Plumpton and Harding Fund for the Poor, Chester 18383 Plumstead Free School Foundation, Welling 18384 Plunkett Foundation, Oxford 18385 Pluss-Hungarian Foundation for People with HIV and AIDS, Budapest 08346 Plym Valley Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Plymouth 18386 The Plymouth and Cornwall Cancer Fund, Plymouth 18387 Plymouth and District Assemblies Youth Camp Trust, Honrton 18388 The Plymouth and District Leukaemia Fund, Plymouth 18389 Plymouth and Exeter Methodist District Benevolent Fund, Exeter 18390 The Plymouth Architectural Trust, Urmington 18391 Plymouth Area Groundwork Trust, Plymouth 18392 The Plymouth Chamber Music Trust, Plymouth 18393 Plymouth Charity Trust, Plymouth 18394 The Plymouth College General Charitable Trust, Plymouth 18395 Plymouth College of Further Education Trust, Plymouth 18396 Plymouth Drama Arts Trust, Plymouth 18397 Plymouth High School for Girls Development Fund, Plymouth 18398 Plymouth Marine Fund, Plymouth 18399 Plymouth Polytechnic Students Union Welfare Trust Fund, Plymouth 18400 Plymouth Surgical Services Trust, Plymouth 18401 Plympton Corporation Trust, Plymouth 18402 The Pochobradsky Trust, Sidcup 18403 The Pocklington Apprenticeship Trust, London 18404 Emst Poensgen-Stlftung, Düsseldorf 05251 Georg und Emma Poensgen-Stlftung, Hamburg 05252 Pötzschner-Stlftung, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 05253 Paul Poggendorf-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05254 Carl Pohl-Stiftung, Weidenberg 05255 Fondation Ellen Poidatz, Saint-FargeauPonthierry 01226 Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation, London 18405 The Poldice Valley Trust, Redruth 18406 Polehampton Junior School Field Study Trust, Twyford 18407 Polish Foundations Forum, Warszawa 09669 Poiizeistiftung des Landes BadenWürttemberg, Stuttgart 05256 Polizeistiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover 05257 Kunststiftung Poll, Berlin 05258 Josef Pollak-Stlftung, Delmenhorst 05259 The Sylvia Pollard Memorial Trust Fund, Shipley 18408 Matilda Pollitt Churchyard and Grave Fund, Bolton 18409 Polperro Village Trust, Looe 18410 Polruan and Lanteglos Community Development Trust, Polruan 18411 Polruan Town Trust, Fowey 18412 Polycare Foundation, Birmingham 18413 Fundaçâo Marqués de Pombai, Linda-aVelha 09895 Fundación Manuel Pombo, Montes 12021 Fondation Pommé, Oloron-Sainte-Marie 01227 The Pomphlett Primary School Trust, Plymouth 18414 Fondation Claude Pompidou, Paris 01228 Fundación Pedro Pons, Barcelona 12022 Fundación Bartolomé Pons Cabrera, Valencia 12023 Gertrud Pons-Stiftung, Bad NeuenahrAhrweiler 05260 De Pont Foundation, Tilburg 09274 The Pontardawe College of Further Education Commonwealth Training Week Fund, Swansea 18415 The Pontardawe Health Centre Patients Comforts Fund, Swansea 18416 Pontefract and District Civic Trust, Pontefract 18417 Pontifical Beda College Rome Trust, London 18418 Jürgen Ponto-Stlftung zur Förderung (unger Künstler, Frankfurt am Main 05261 Pontymister Steelworkers Trust Fund, Cwmbran 18419 Pontypool West Centre Recreation Ground Fund, Crumlin 18420 Sir Thomas and Lady Poole Holiday Fund for Poor, Middlesbrough 18421 Poor Children's Fund, Newcastle-uponTyne 18422 Poor Communicants Fund, Machynlleth 18423
Poor Mans Legal Fund, London 18424 Poor Relief Fund, London 18425 Poor's Land Foundation, Reading 18426 The Poor's Lands Educational Foundation, High Wycombe 18427 The Charles Pope Memorial Trust, Leighton Buzzard 18428 Charlotte Popert-Stlftung, Hamburg 05262 Poplar Arts Trust, London 18429 Poplar Pentecostal Church Trust, Word 18430 Pastor Hugo Poppe-Stlftung, Hamburg 05263 Johann Heinrich Poppe Stiftung, Hamburg 05264 Fondazione Karl Popper, Milano 08891 Josef Popper-Nihrpfllcht-Sltflung, Frankfurt am Main 05265 Karl Popper-Stiftung, Zug 13119 Popplewell School Foundation at Blackrod, BoRon 18431 Gärtner Johann Popp'sche Stiftung, Bayreuth 05266 Popp'sche Stiftung, Hollfeld 05267 Fundación Portier, A Coruna 12024 The Pornography and Violence Research Trust, Colchester 18432 Fondation de Bienfaisance Nicolas et Hélène Porphyrogenls, Lausanne 13120 Porsche-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05268 The Port and Fttzherbert Educational Foundation, Ashbourne 18433 Port Talbot Nursing Trust, Port Talbot 18434 Port Talbot Synagogue Fund, Swansea 18435 Stiftung Dr. Stephan à Porta, Zürich 13121 Fundación José I. Portal Montenegro, Betanzos 12025 The Portcullis Trust, Ashford 18436 Porter Foundation, Winchester 18437 Porthcawl Civic Trust Society, Porthcawl 18438 Josefine und Eduard von PorthelmStiftung für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Heidelberg 05269 The Portico Library Trust, Stockport 18439 Portland Street Congregational Church Trust Funds and Property held In Connection therewith, Aberystwyth 18440 Portuguese Foundation Centre, Lisboa Fondation Porvenir, Fribourg 13122 Emilie Ponar'sche Stiftung, Oberschleißheim 05270 Michael und Heriberte von Poschlnger'sche Sitftung, München 05271 Reinhold Pose-Stiftung, Erkrath 05272 Possehl-Stiftung, Lübeck 05273 Emil Possehls Familienstlftung, Lübeck 05274 Margarethe von Post-Stiftung, Bremen 05275 Post-Stipendien, Bremen 05276 von Post'sche Familienstiftung, Bremen 05277 Lisa Poth-Stlftung, Hannover 05278 Potsdamer Bürgerstift. Potsdam 05279 Alfred und Cläre Pott-Stlftung, Essen 05280 Potteries Pathfinder Trust, Stoke-onTrent 18441 Pottery Primary School Fund, Belper 18442 Fondation René Pous, Auterive 01229 Fundación Federica Poveda Pérez, Valencia 12026 Fundación Poveteo, Vigo 12027 The Power for Life Fund, Plymouth 18443 The Power Holiday Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 18444 Power Please Trust, Wolverhampton 18445 Ann Powtrell Foundation. Ilkeston 18446 PPP Healthcare Medical Trust, London 18447 Praeventiefonde, Den Haag 09275 Karoline Prager-Stiftung für Jüdische Waisenkinder, Wien 00115 The Prague Heritage Fund, London 18448 Alfred-Prahm-Stiftung, Hamburg 05281 Carl Andreas Prale-Stiflung, Hamburg 05282 Alfred-Prassek-Stiftung, Werlheim 05283 Thomas Pratt's Educational Foundation, Guildford 18449 Heinrich Elimar Ρ ree ht Stiftung, Bremen 05284 Prediger-, Witwen- und Waisenkasse der Pfarrkonvente Im Klrehenkrels Alt-Hamburg, Hamburg 05285 Prediger-Witwen- und Waisenkasse des Pfarrkonvente Im Kirchenkreis Cuxhaven, Cuxhaven 05286 Walter Preh-Sttftung, Bad Neustadt an der Saale 05287 Preller-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05288
The Presentation Convent Malloek Development Trust, Matlock 18450 Kurt und Käthe Presset-Stiftung, Essen 05289 Pressestiftung RWV, gemeinnützige GmbH, Essen 05290 Preesestlftung Tagesspiegel, gemeinnützige GmbH, Berlin 05291 The Robert Presswood Trust for the City of Cardiff, Cardiff 18451 Preston and District Relief In Sickness Fund, Preston 18452 The Preston Jewish Charitable Trust, Harrow 18453 Jack Preston Memorial Trust, High Wycombe 18454 Prestwood Relief in Sickness Fund, Great Missenden 18455 Stichting Armand Preud'Homme, Antwerpen 00488 Wilhelm Preuninger-Stiftung, Nagold 05292 Anna-Preuss-Stìftung, Bielefeld 05293 Preussag-Sttftung, Hannover 05294 Familienstiftung Eitel Friedrich Prinz von Preußen, Bremen 1X295 Prinzessin Kira von Preußen-Stiftung, Bremen 05296 Wiebke PreuBer-Stlftung, Linden 05297 Dr. Max E. Piibllle-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05298 John Price Fund, Uanelli 18456 The M.W. and M.H. Prlchard Prize Fund, Caernarfon 18457 Prickwlllow Engine Trust, Ely 18458 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos Hermanos Prieto, Cartellino 12028 Fundación Gregorio Prieto, Madrid 12029 Gustav Prletsch-Stfftung, Hamburg 05299 Klara und E.O. Prlmbsch Stiftung, Kall 05300 Lilian Prime Trust, Derby 18459 Fondazione Giuseppe Primoli, Roma 08892 The Primrose Foundation, Plymouth 18460 Prince Paul Foundation for Romania, London 18461 The Prince Philip Trust Fund, Windsor 18462 Princes Risborough Old British School Fund, Princes Risborough 18463 Princes Risborough Rotary Club Charity Fund, Princes Risborough 18464 Princes Risborough War Memorial Trust, Princes Risborough 18465 The Prince's Trust, London 18466 Princess Alice New Albany Foundation, Chislehurst 18467 The Princess Marina Memorial Fund, London 18468 Princess Mary's Bursary Fund in Connection with Pwiihefl County School, Caernarfon 18469 Princess of Wales Hospital Scanner Fund, Bridgend 18470 The Princess Royal Hospital Cancer Trust Fund, Hull 18471 The Princess Royal Hospital NHS Trust Charity, Telford 18472 The Princess Royal's Memorial Fund, Winchester 18473 Fondazione Katinca Prlni, Genova 08893 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdam 09276 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09277 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Dren the, Assen 09278 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Flevoland, Lelystad 09279 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Fryslin, Leeuwarden 09280 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Gelderland, Amhem 09281 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Groningen, Groningen 09282 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg, Maastricht 09283 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds NoordBrabant, 's-Hertogenbosch 09284 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds NoordHoJland, Haarlem 09285 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Overl|sselt Raalte 09286 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09287 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds 's· Gravenhage, Den Haag 09288 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Utrecht, Utrecht 09289 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zeelend, Middelburg 09290 Prlns Bernhard Cultuurfonds ZuidHoiland, Den Haag 09291 Ρ rinses Christina Concours Stichting, Den Haag 09292 The Printing Equipment Educational Trust, Leatherhead 18474 Prinz Eugen Studienstiftung der Stadt Wien, Wien 00116 Friedrich Prinz-Fonds in Augsburg, Augsburg 05301 Prlnz-Georg-Stlftung, Kassel 05302
Prinzesein-Wllhetm-Stiftung, Salem 05303 Prinzregent Luitpold-Stiftung zur Förderung der Kunst, des Kunstgewerbes und des Handwerks in München, München 05304 The Priory Charitable Trust, Slough 18475 Priory Educational Trust, Shrewsbury 18476 The Prisoners' Education Trust, London 18477 The Pritt Fund for Relief of Liverpool Solicitors, Liverpool 18478 Friedrich und Lilly Prttzkow-Stiftung, Lübeck 05305 Dr. Pritzsche-Stlftung, Essen 05305 Private Stiftung Haus & Grund Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 05307 Prize Funds Administered In Connection with The Bryan Pearson Fund, Pontypool 18479 Prize Funds In Connection with Saint Martin's Comprehensive School Caerphilly, Ystrad Mynach 18480 Pro Aite - Ulmer Kunststiftung, Ulm 05305 Pro Creatione-Stiftung, München 05309 Pro Cura Canls, Zürich 13123 Pro Futura I, Koblenz 05310 Pro Futura II, Koblenz 05311 Pro Homlnlbus-Stfftung, Hemer 05312 Pro Juventute, Zurich 13124 Pro Mente Sana, Zürich 13125 The Pro Minimis Lodge Benevolent Fund, Colchester 18481 Pro Museum Stiftung zur Förderung der zeitgenössischen bildenden Kunst, Frankfurt am Main 05313 Pro Natura, Bern 13126 Pro Oriente-Stiftung, Wien 00117 Pro-Region-Flughafenstiftung zur Förderung der beruflichen Bildung, Frankfurt am Main 05314 Pro Sclentla et Arte, Bern 13127 Pro Senectute - Für das Alter, Zürich 13128 Pro Silva Helvetica, Muri 13129 Margot Probandt-Franke-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05315 Probation Educational and Research Trust, Wakefield 18482 Johann E. Probst'eche Stiftung, Lenggries 05316 Probus Exhibition Fund, Truro 18483 Frances and Jane Proby Foundation. EHon near Peteifcorough 18484 Procom Stiftung Kommunikatlonshilfen für Hörgeschädigte, Wald 13130 Professional Footballers Association Educational Fund, Manchester 18485 Fondazione Giovanni Amato Progetto Arcipelago, Catania 08894 Progress Educational Trust, London 18486 Progress-Foundation, Zurich 13131 Proíect Trust, Argyll 18487 Projet Suisse d'Assistance Médicale, Blonay 13132 Josef Prokop Junior-Stiftung für Lungenkranke, Wien 00118 Fondazione Maria Adriana Proto, Torino 08895 Propfe-Stlftung, Mannheim 05317 Prospect Education Trust, Bristol 18488 The Prospects Trust, Cambridge 18489 Prosper-Hospital, Recklinghausen 05318 Protestant Dissenting School Foundation, Exeter 18490 Protestantische Alumneumstlftung Regensburg, Regensburg 05319 Protestantische Hospltalstlftung Obermoschel, Obermoschel 05320 Protestantische SpHal-Stlftung, Kempten 05321 Protestantische Vazlerende Meßstlftung, Sulzbach-Rosenberg 05322 Protestantische Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Kempten 05323 Protestantische Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Kempten 05324 Protestantische Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen in Augsburg, Augsburg 05325 Protestantischer Studienfonds in Augsburg, Augsburg 05326 Protestantischer Volksschulfonds der Stadt Augsburg, Augsburg 05327 Protestantisches Kollegium von Sankt Anna, Augsburg 05328 Fondation Anne et Albert Prouvost, Marcq-en-Baroeui 01230 The Providence House Trust, London 18491 Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons (Wiltshire) Charity Fund, Chippenham 18492 Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire Educational and Benevolent Fund, Newport 18493 Provincial Insurance Company Trust for Bolton, Bolton 18494 Provlnztalwalsenhaussttftung, Bayreuth 05329 The Provost of Southwards Fund, London 18495
ProWood Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05330 Prudhoe Street Mission Trust, Gateshead 18496 Nachlaß Eugenie Przemysler-Przemyslav, München 05331 Mathlas Pschorr-Hackeibfiu Stiftung, München 05332 Mathias Pschorr'sche Bavaria-Stlftung Mo nach la, München 05333 Psychiatry Research Trust, London 18497 PTS München, München 05334 Public Assistance and Prize Fund, London 18498 Public Footpaths Fund, Milton Keynes 18499 Fondazione Giacomo Puccini, Lucca 08896 Graf von POckler und Umpurg'sche WohltStlgkeitsstmung, Gaildorf 05335 Fundación Puente Barcas, Aranjuez 12030 Ottilie POst-Maass-Stfftung, Bremen 05335 Maria und Gottfried Pütz-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05337 Edward Pugh Trust, Lichfield 18500 Jane Pugh Trust, London 18501 Fundación Pufg I Cuñer, San Julián de Viiatorta J203t Fundación Institución Pulg Porret, Vie 12032 Fundación Pere Pulg Quintana, Igualada 12033 Fundación Pulg Raposo, Barcelona 12034 Fundado Collegi Pulgllat, Vieh 12035 Fundación Pulgvert, Barcelona 12036 The M.A. Pula Trust, Ashford 18502 PuHord's Foundation, Leighton Buzzard 15503 Fundación María Teresa Pulido, Madrid 12037 Fundaçâo Professor Francisco Pulido Valente, Algés 09897 Fundación Gregorio Pumarejo y Rafaela Azcue, Santoña 12038 Emst Pump-Stiftung, Elmshorn 05338 Pumphouse Educational Trust, London 18504 Punjab Eye Restoring Free Hospital (Charity) Trust, Deiby 18505 The Purey-Cust Trust, York 15506 Purseil Lyndale Fund, London 18507 Bishop Pursglove's School Foundation, Tideswell 18508 PUSCH - Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz, Zürich 13133 The International Social Foundation Ever Living Pushkin, Chisinau 09026 Fundación Alexander Pushkin, Madrid 12039 Putney Park School Educational Trust Croydon 18509 Stichting de Putter, Bussum 09293 Puzlcha-Stlftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05339 Pwllyglaw Memorial Hall Fund, Port Talbot 18510 The Pyerslngh Trust Fund, Harrogate 18511 Pynda Maritime Educational Trust, Hemel Hempstead 18513 Erzbischol Ladislaus von Pyrker und Erzherzog Albrecht-Gastelner Badestiftung, Bad Hofgaslein 00119 A.M. Qattan Foundation, London 18514 The Quaker Peace Studies Trust, Bradford 18515 Johanna-Quandt-Sttflung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05340 Herbert Quandt-Sttftung, München 05341 Herbert Quandt-Sttftung der ALTANA AG, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05342 Herbert Quandt-Stlftung der VARTA AG, Hannover 05343 The Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service Trust Fund, Portsmouth 18516 Queen Anne School Fund, York 18517 Queen Anne Street Educational Trust Ltd., London 18518 Queen Anne's School General Charitable Trust, Greenford 18519 Queen Elizabeth Hospital Children's Fund, London 18520 Queen Elizabeths Grammar School Covenant Fund, Ashbourne 18521 Queen Margaret's School (York) Charitable Fund, Leeds 18522 Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik s Foundation, Kebenhavn 00553 The Queen Victoria institute Fund, Reading 18523 Queen Victoria Jubilee Widows' Fund, Trowbridge 18524 Queen Victoria Lodge Benevolent Fund, Plymouth 18525 Queen Victoria's Rifle Association AM Fund, London 18526 Queen Victoria's Rifles War Memorial Fund, Hadleigh 18527 The Queen's College Birmingham Research Fellowship, Birmingham 18528
365 Queen's Gate School Trost, Portslade 18529 Queens Gate Trust, London 18530 The Queen's Own Buffs The Royal Kent Regiment Benevolent Fund, Canterbury 18531 The Queen's Own Buffs The Royal Kent Regiment Memorial Fund, Canterbury 18532 Queen's Park School Fund, Lincoln 18533 Queens Road Manse Trust, London 18534 The Queen's Royal Lancers Regimental Museum Trust, Grantham J5535 Queens School Association Trust, Chester 18536 The Queen's Silver Jubilee Trust (Wolverhampton), Wolverhampton 18537 Queensbrtdge Trust, London 18538 Quellenhof-Stiftung, Winterthur 13134 Theo Quené Fonds, Amsterdam 09294 Quex Road Lourdes Jumbulance Fund, London 18539 Quid Verum-Stfftung, Stadtbergen 05344 John Qulller Couch's Foundation, Looe 18540 Fundación Quiñi, Barcelona 12040 Fundación Salvador Gil Qulnza, Barcelona 12041 Ferdinand Qulrll-Stlftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05345 Qulstorp-Stlftung, Essen 05346 R.B.K. Schools Christian Worker Trust, Surbiton 18541 R.K.L Trust, Bagshot 18542 The R.O.S.E. Trust, London 18543 Julius Raab-Stiftung zur Förderung von Forschung und Bildung, Wien 00120 Fundación Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz, Madrid 12042 Dr. Paul Rablch-Stiftung, Düren 05347 Fundación Rebinad, Barcelona 12043 Rabten-Stlftung, Zürich 13135 Radboudstlchting Wettenschappeli|K Onderwijsfonds, Vught 09295 Gustav-Radbruch-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05348 Stiftung Gustav Radbruch UnterstOtzungsfonds, Berlin 05349 Radbruchsche Stiftung von 1970, eins Stiftung der Firma Raspe & Paschen Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg 05350 The Ethel Rae Fund, Caernarfon 18544 Max A. Räber Lepra-Stfftung, Thunstetten 13136 Heinz Ridecker-Sttftung, Varel 05351 Stichting de Raet Lodewijk, Bruxelles 00489 Heibert Rätsch-Stlftung, Meerbusch 05352 Margaret Raetz-Wiemer-Sttftung, Köln 05353 Ragged School Museum Trust, London 18545 The Ragged Schools and Soup Kitchen Fund, Bristol 18546 Fondazione Luca Raggio, Cagliari 08897 Raglan Primary School Voluntary Fund, Bromley 18547 Horst-Rahe-Stiftung, Rostock 05354 Raiffeisen/Schulze-Delitzsch-Stiftung Bayerischer Genossenschaften, München 05355 Friedrich-Wilhelm Ralffei se η· Stiftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05356 Ralkes Memorial Fund, Chester 18548 Raikes Scholarship Fund, Chester 18549 The Railway Inn Preservation Trust, Bargoed 18550 Ralne's School Foundation, London JS55Í George Rainey Fund, London 18552 Rainforest Medical Foundation, Heemstede 09296 Ra|eram and Laxmlbal Shinde Charitable Trust, Wendover 18553 Rake Gate Infant School Fund, Wolverhampton 18554 Rahe Gate Junior Sehool Fund, Wolverhampton 18555 Asta-Rakow-Stiftung, Bremen 05357 Sir Walter Raleigh Chapter Benevolent Fund, London 18556 Raleigh Close Çharitabte Trust, London 18557 Raleigh International Trust, London 18558 RAMA Stiftung, Zürich 13137 Fondazione di Oncologia e Scienze Ambientali Bernardino Ramazzlnl, Bologna 06898 Fondation Rambaud, Lyon 01231 Adolf und LJddy RamboW-Stfflung, Frankfurt am Main 05358 Claus-Ramm-Stiftung, Hamburg 05359 Fundación Amigos dei Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid 12044 Fundación Ramos de Castro para el Estudio y Promoción del Hombre, Zamora 12046 Ramsperger'sche Stiftung, Ulm 05360 Fondation C.F. Ramuz, Pully 13138 Fondazione Dr. Arch. Augusto Rancllio, Milano 08899
Alphabetical Index: Rid-Stiftung Randau'sehe Stiftung, Hannover 0536? Rand's Educational Foundation, Letchworth 18559 Fundaçâo Rangel de Sampak), Coimbra 09696 Stichting Range! Parra, Leiden 09297 Fondazione Ugucctone Ranieri dl Sorbello, Perugia 08900 The Joseph Rank Benevolent Fund, Hull 18560 Rank Foundation, Hebten Bridge 18561 Hans Ranner-Sttftung, Osterhofen 05362 The Ranyard Mission Fund, London 18562 Rao Foundation, Harrow 18563 Fundaçâo Joaquim Honório Repaso, Beja Fundaçâo José Eduardo Raposo de Magaihâes, Alcobaça 09900 Adalbert Raps-Stiftung, Kulmbach 05363 Helmut-Raschlnskl-Stlftung der Dortmunder Volksbank eG, Dortmund 05364 Fondation Raspall, Cachan 01232 Freiherr Ferdinand von Rast'sche Stiftung, Coburg 05365 Ratcllff and Barking Monthly Meeting Trust, Romford 18564 The Ratcllff Educational Foundation, Colchester 18565 Robert und Renate Rath-Stiftung, München 05366 The Rating and Valuation Association Educational Foundation, London 18566 Rats- und ν on-Soden-Kloster, Hannover 05367 Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como 08901 Stiftung Rau für die Dritte Walt, Zoilikon 13139 Walter Rau-Wohlfahrtsstiftung, Neuss 05368 Friedrich und Dora Rauch-Stiftung, Hannover 05369 Raughtonhead Village Hall Fund, Carlisle 18567 Dr. Rau'sche Kunststiftung, Embrach· Embraport 13140 Dr. Rau'sche Medizinalstiftung, Embrach-Embraport 13141 Rautenberg-Stiftung für behinderte Kinder, Deggendorf 05370 Fundación Oscar Rava, Barcelona 12047 Fondazione Benedetto Ravaslo, Torre Boldone 08902 Hinrich Rave-Stiftung, Hamburg 05371 Alexander Rave-Stlftung, Stuttgart 05372 Stichting Roger Raveel, Zulte 00490 The Ronald Raven Chair in Clinical Oncology Trust, Bracknell 18568 The Raven Christian Trust, Cambridge 18569 Raven House Trust Ltd., Newport 18570 Ravens Wood School Fund, Bromley 18571 Ravenscourt Old People's Home Amenities Fund, Homchurch 18572 The Ravsnseroft School Charitable Trust, London 18573 Helga Ravenstein-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05373 The Ravenswood Housing Trust, London 18574 Fundación Benéfica María Raventós Espona, Barcelona 12048 W.R. Rawllngs Trust, London 18575 Ray House Foundation Fund, London 18576 The Frederick Ray Trust, Bedford 18577 Raye's Foundation, Newmarket 18578 The Rayne Foundation, London 18579 The Charles Rayner Educational Trust, Southampton 18580 The Rayners Special Educational Trust, Gerrards Cross 18581 Fondation Etenne et Maria Raze, Limoges 01233 The Reed Dispensary Fund, Bristol 18582 Reeding Blue Coat School General Charitable Trust, Sonning-on-Thames 18583 The Reading Chronlde Trust Fund, Reading 18584 Reading College Students Association Trust, Reading fS555 Reading Crime Prevention Panel Trust, Reading Ifl5ß6 Reeding Dispensary Trust, Reading 18587 The Reading Foundation, Reading 18588 Reading Foundation for Art Reading 18589 The Reeding Waterways Trust, Reading 18590 Real Fundación de Música ds Cámara, Madrid 12049 Real Fundación de Toledo, Toledo 12050 Real Fundación Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais, Santiago de Compostela 12051 Real Fundación Victoria Eugenia, Madrid 12052 The Reardon Educational Foundation, Berkhamsted 18591
Rebecca's Trust, Detby 18592 Dr. Willy Rsbelein-Stiftung, Nürnberg 05374 Rebuild Saint Leonard's Fund, London 18593 Gräfin Marianna von Rechberg'sche Annenstiftung, Donzdoif 05375 Rechtsfähige Stiftung für die Gefolgschaft der Maschinenfabrik Herkules Hans Thoma GmbH, Siegen 05376 Rechtshilfestiftung zum Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt, Zürich 13142 Fundación María Josefa Recio, Madrid 12053 Graf Recke-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 05377 The Philip Reckitt Educational Trust Fund, Hull 18594 Juliette Reckitt Haven of Rest Trust, Hull 18595 The A.L. Reckitt Social Trust, Withemsea 18596 Frederic Isaac Reckitt Trust, Hull 18597 Recreation Room Fund, Blaenau Ffestiniog 18598 The Rectory Cottages (Bletchley) Museum Trust, Milton Keynes 18599 Red Hot AIDS Charitable Trust, London 18600 The Red Lodge School Fund, Southampton 18601 The Redboume Trust, Watford 18602 Redbrldge Sports Centre Trust, Barkingside 18603 Redclffle School Trust, London 18604 Hermann Reddersen-Stlftung, ClausthalZellerfeld 05378 Reddersen-Stlftung, Northeim 05379 The Reddiford School Charitable Trust, Pinner 18605 Fundación Reddle, Reus 12054 von Reden'sche Familienstiftung, Hamburg 05380 The Redway School Fund, Milton Keynes 18606 Julius und Betty Róe-Stlft, Hamburg 05381 Kail Reeber-Stlftung, Lüdenscheid 05382 The Reed Educetional Trust Ltd., Moreton-in-Marsh 18607 Henrietta Reed Fund, London 18608 Henrietta Reed Fund for the Old Suffering Poor, London 18609 The Reedham Trust, Puriey 18610 De Dirk Jan en Kitty Reekversteegh Stichting, Den Haag 09298 Stiftung Hanna Reemtsme-Haus, Hamburg 05383 Alwin Reemtsma-Stlftung, Bochum 05364 Hermann Reemtsma-Stlftung, Hamburg 05385 Fondation Anne-Marie Rees, Lausanne 13143 The Frances Rees and H. Eluned Jones Fund, Cardiff 18611 Vemon Rees Davies Memorial Sports Trust, Swansea 18612 The W.L. Rees Memorial Fund, Aberystwyth J66/3 Reeve's Foundation, London 18614 Reflex-Zanders-Stiftung, Düren 05366 Reforma Fund, Kotelniceskaja nab 17 09996 Reformatio Hungarica, Zürich 13144 Refugee Trust, Stillorgan 08388 REG Stiftung der Schwelzerischen Register der Ingenieure, der Architekten und der Techniker, Zürich 13145 Stichting Johannes Henricus Regenbogenleen te Bozum, Wommens 09299 Dr. Theodor Regenburger-Sttftung, Wien 00121 The Regeneration Trust, London 18615 Regen sburger Kulturstiftung der REWAG, Regensburg 05367 Regensburger Universttitsstiftung, Regensburg 05366 Regènsburger Wohltättgkettstfftung, Regensburg 05369 The Regent Fund, London 18616 Regent Square Presbyterian Church Trust Funds, London 18617 The Regent Street Polytechnic Trust, London 18618 Max RegeMnstitut, Karlsruhe 05390 Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest 06347 Regionales Zentrum für Wissenschaft, Technik und Kultur, Hünfeld 05391 Regionalsttftung der niedersichslschen Sparkassen, Hannover 05392 Regionalstiftung Jade-Wirtschaftsraum, Jever 05393 The Regpree Charitable Trust, London 18619 Herbert und Veronika Reh-Stiftung, Leiwen 05394 Dr. Gallus Rehm-Stiftung, München 05395 Herbert-Reh n-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 05396 Hans Rehn-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05397 Rehoboth Trust, Newport 18620
Heimatkreis Bergreichenstein/Maria Rehwald-Stiftung, Regen 05398 Edmund Rehwlnkel-Stlftung der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank, Frankfurt am Main 05399 Karl Reich-Stiftung, Mellrichstadt 05400 Relchalmosen-Stlftung, Rosenheim 05401 Hans Relchardt-Stlftung, Groß-Gerau 05402 Familie Otto Reichett-Sttttu η g, Osnabrück 05403 Falk von Reichen baeh-Stlftung, Hannover 05404 Heidi Relchenberger Stiftung, Piding 05405 Albert und Charlotte Reichert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05406 Charlie Reíd Fund, London 18621 Stiftung Relken-Patronat für akademische Nachdlplom-und Doktorandenstudien, Langnau 13146 Relman-de Bas Fonds, Amsterdam 09300 Dr. Volker Reimann-Dubbers-Stiftung, Mannheim 05407 Leopoldine Reimer-Stiftung, Wien 00122 Wemer-Reimers-Stiftung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05408 Fondation Théodore Reinach, Beaulieusur-Mer 01234 Relnau-Stiftung, Kandem 05409 Stichting Harke Reinders en Doutjen Heeres, Leeuwarden 09301 Eheleute Georg Reindl-Stlftung, Neuss 05410 Walter Reiners-Stlftung des Deutschen Textilmaachlnenbaues, Frankfurt am Main 05411 Stiftung Museum Oskar Reinhart, Winterthur 13147 Ilse Relnhart-Löber-Stlftung, Wertheim 05412 Alfred Relnhold-Stlftung, Hameln 05413 Dr. Relnlg-Mössner-Stiftung, Aidlingen 05414 Eugen Reintjes-Stiftung, Hameln 05415 Eugen und Elisabeth Reintjes-Stiftung zu Emmerich, Emmerich 05416 Christoph Reinwald-Stiftung, Heilbronn 05417 Fundaçâo Dr. José Alberto dos Reis, Coimbra 09901 Dr. Relsinger-Stiftungsfonds, München 05418 Louise Reiss-Stiftung, Kassel 05419 Stiftung Dr. Reissmüller, Ingolstadt 05420 Dr. Reissner-Stiftung, Essen 05421 Hermann Reissner-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05422 Karla Reltemeler-Stlftung, Berlin 05423 Relief of Orphans Fund Saint Petersburg, Manchester 18622 Fundaçâo José Relvas, Alpiarça 09902 Vereniging Rembrandt Nationaal Fonds Kunstbehoud, Utrecht 09302 Fondation Louis Remy, Marche-enFamenne 00491 Fundación Renau, Sueca 12055 Fundación Josep Renau, Valencia 12056 Fondation Renaud, Lyon 01235 Fondation Renaud Febvre, Ozouer-leVoulgis 01236 Bernd Rendel-Stiftung, Essen 05424 Rudolf Renftle-Sttftung, Friedberg/Bayern 05425 Dr. Heinrich und Christine Renkl-Stlftung, Marktheidenfeld 05426 Fondation Julie Renson, Bruxelles 00492 Elisabeth Rentschler-Stlftung, Zürich 13148 The Reporter Kidsline Charitable Trust, Southampton 18623 Fundación Requena, Sevilla 12057 Rescue Organisation of Iraqi in Need Trust, London 18624 The Rescue Trust, Dublin 06369 Fundaçâo Jülio Resende, Gondomar 09903 Résidentiel Care Homes Trust, Torquay 18625 Resltty Educational and Charitable Trust, London 18626 RESO-Stlftung Rechenzentrum für Krankenversicherung, Solothum 13149 Fondo Ottorino RespighI, Venezia 08903 Pfarrer ReBIhuber'sche Stiftung RKzing, Kirchdorf am Inn 05427 Fundaçâo Aurora da Ressureiçâo Coelho Borges, Seia 09904 Restmor Benevolent Fund, Epsom Downs 18627 Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust, Noithwood 18628 Fundación Retamar, Madrid 12058 Fundación Escuela Micaela Retes, Menoyo 12059 Rettungssttftung Saar, Neunkirchen 05428 Reusehel-Stlftung, München 05429 Wissenschaftsstiftung Emst Reuter, Berlin 05430 Bürgermeister Reuter-Stiftung, Bedin 05431 Helga und Edzard Reuter-Stiftung, Essen 05432
Reuters Centenary Fund, London 18629 Reuters Foundation, London 18630 Reuter'sche Schenkung, Bonn 05433 Georg Rexerodt-Stlftung, Neu-Isenburg 05434 Georg Ludwig Rexroth-Sttftung, Lohr 05435 Fondation Jean Rey, Bruxelles 00493 Fondation Casimir Reymond, Lausanne 13150 Fondation Irène Reymond, Les Monts-deCorsier 13151 Fondation Jean-Claude Reynal, Bordeaux 01237 The Nathaniel Reyner Trust Fund, Liverpool 18631 The Mark Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund, Stafford 18632 RHA Gallery Trust, Dublin 08390 Rhein-Ruhr-Stiftung, Essen 05436 Professor Rhein-Stiftung, Königswinter 05437 Eduard-Rheln-Stiftung. Mayen 05438 Stiftung Adele Rheinberger, Vaduz 08978 Rheinische Evangelische Arbeiterkolonie Lühlerhelm, Schermbeck 05439 Rheinstahl-Stiftung, Essen 05440 Stichting Jonkheer Rhijnvls Felth-Fonds. Groningen 09X3 Rhodes Number 2 Fund, London 18633 James Rhodes Trust, Brghouse 18634 The Mike Rhodes Trust, London 18635 Rhodes Trust, Oxford 18636 Rhodes Trust Fund, London 18637 Rhodesway Upper School Trust Fund, Bradford 18638 David Rhydderch Award Fund in Connection with Blean-Y-Cwm County Primary School, Brynmawr 18639 Rhyl and District Charities Fund, London 18640 The Rhyl and District Kidney Patients' Support Fund, Dyserth 18641 Rhyl Christ Church Schools Educational Foundation, Rhyl 18642 The Rhymney Trust, Rhymney 18643 Sir John Rhys Memorial Fund, London 18644 Riakanau Charitable Trust, Walsall 18645 Fundación Patronato Ribas, Barcelona 12060 Fundaçâo Dr. Francisco Ribas de Sousa, Viseu 09905 Fundaçâo Professor Américo Ribelrlnho da Silva, Crato 09906 Fundaçâo da Familia Rlbelro, Vila Verde 09907 Fundaçâo Dr. José Rlbelro Espirito Santo Silva, Cascais 09908 Fundación Andrés de Ribera, Jerez de la Frontera 12061 Fondation Océanographique Ricard, Six· Fours-Ies-Plages 01238 Riccall County Primary School Fund, York 18646 Fondazione Ricci, Barga 08904 Fundación Rich, Madrid 12062 Thomas Rich Exhibition Foundation, London 18647 Rich Foundation, Paris 01239 Rlch-Stlftung, Zurich 13152 Daisie Rich Trust, Newport 18648 Fondation Richard, Lyon 01240 Werner Richard-Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung, Herdecke 0544t Richard House Trust, London 18649 Richardson's School Foundation, Ilkeston 18650 Erich Richartz-Bertrams-Stlftung, Leverkusen 05442 The Richmond Akt In Sickness Fund, Richmond 18651 The Richmond College Foundation, London 18652 Richmond Homes for Ufe Trust, East Twickenham 18653 Richmond Messianic Fellowship Trust, Richmond 18654 Richmond Park Charitable Trust, London Z6655 Richmond Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Worcester Park 18656 Richmond Synagogue Charitable Fund, Richmond 18657 Mary Richmond Trust, Beveriey 18658 Richmond-uport-Thames Music Trust, Twickenham 18659 The Rlchmond-upon-Thame8 Youth Counselling Trust, Twickenham 18660 Bruno Richter Stiftung, Hamburg 05443 Ingenieur Karl Richter-Stiftung, Kochel 05444 Hildegard und Hans Theo RichterStiftung, München 05445 Dr. Leo Rlcker-Stiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg im Breisgau 05446 Rickers-Kock-Stiftung, Berlin 05447 Paula und Walter Rickert-Stlftung, Hamburg 05448 The RICS Education Trust. Conventry 18661 Günther Rld-Stiftung für den bayerischen Einzelhandel, München 05449
Alphabetical Index: Riddle The Morris Riddle Thomas Trust, Bumham 18662 The Ride Foundation, Cardiff 18663 Rideout Educational Foundation, Bolton 16664
The Rldgway Educational Foundation, Bolton 18665 Riding Lights Trust, York 18666 The Ridsdale Educational Foundation, London 18667 Hermann Riebesel-Stiftung, Hamburg 05450
Rieckenbergstlftung, Neustadt am Rübenberge 05451 Wohlfahrtsstiftung der Firma Gebrüder Riedel GmbH & Co. KG, Schweinfurt 05452
Gerhard und Johanna Riedel-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05453 Edith und Werner Rleder-Stiftung, München 05454 Walburga Riedl-Stiftung, München 05455
Otto Rieger-Stiftung, Aalen 05456 Rieger'sche Stiftung Trostberg, Trostberg 05457 Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl - Dr. Christian Frank-Gedächtnisstiftung, Kaufbeuren 0545Θ
Fundación Fernando Rielo, Madrid 12063
Prof. Udo RIemann-Stlftung, Rendsburg 05459
Heinrich Riemerschmid-Stiftung, Niederpöcking 05460 Rienäcker-Stiftung, Coburg 05461 Fundación José Riera Fernández, Gijón 12064
Ries-Stiftung Freudenstadt, Freudenstadt 05462
Erwin Riesch-Stlftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Tübingen 05463 Gerhard und Regina Rieschar-Stlftung, Struvenhütten 05464 Richard und Christel Riese-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05465 Gabriel Riesser-Strftung zu Hamburg, Hamburg 05466 Gustav-Riexinger-Stiftung, Brackenheim 05467
Right Hand Trust, Uanfair Caereinion 18668 Right Lleviihood Awards Foundation, Stockholm 12309 Stichting Beheersraad van het Dorus Rijkers-Fonds, Rotterdam 09304 Fondation Prof. Pierre Rijlant, Bruxelles 00494
Riley Recreation Ground Trust, Marlow 18669
Fundación Rinaldi, Barcelona 12065 Rinck-Stiftung von 1995, Rotenburg/Wümme 05468 Rlnderle-Anich-Stiftung, Weißenhom 05469
Jakob Rinecker'sche Stiftung, Hammelburg 05470 Johanna, Friedrich Wilhelm und Willi Ringelband-Stlftung, Bensheim 05471 Stiftung Hans Ringier, Zofingen 13153 Ringier-Stiftung für Nothilfe, Zürich 13154
Friedrich Rinne-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05472 Fundación Femando de los Ríos, Madrid 12066 Fondazione Luigi Ripamonti, Como 06905
Risala Riverboat Fund, London 18670 Florence Riseley Memorial Fund, Enfield 18671
Risley Educational Foundation, Nottingham 18672 Gertrud-Rißmann-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 05473 Ritter-Bohring-Stlftung, Apolda 05474 Ernst Ritter-Stiftung, Bonn 05475 Wolfgang Ritter-Stiftung, Bremen 05476 Prof. Ritter-Stiftung, Emden 05477 Dr. Erich Ritter-Stiftung, Essen 05478 Otto Ritter-Stiftung, Essen 05479 Oscar und Vera Ritter-Stiftung, Hamburg 05480
Frank und Georg Ritter'sche Kindergartenstiftung Astheim, Volkach 05481
International College of Hospitality Administration César Ritz, Brig-Glis 13155
Fundación Rivadeneira, Madrid 12067 Ignaz Rlve-Stlftung, Dorsten 05462 The River House Trust, London 18673 River Lea Tidal Mili Trust, New Bamet 18674
River Lodge Benevolent Fund, Aylesbury 18675 Rivers School Fund, Milton Keynes 18676
Riversdale Charitable Trust, Bridgend 18677
Riversdale School Trust Fund, London 18678
The Riverside Arts Foundation, London 18679
Rivet Group Trust, Coventry 18680 Rivlngton Heritage Trust, Chorley 18681
366 Victor Rlzkallah-Stiftung, Hannover 054Θ3 The Road Science Research and Education Trust, Brighton 18682 The John Roan School Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 18683 Roan Schools Foundation, London 18684 Fondation Robert, Saint-Jean-d'Angéfy 01241 The Roberts and Jeffery Foundation, Callington 18665 The Trevor Roberts Educational Trust, London 18686 Peter Roberts Fund, Holyhead 18687 The Richard Roberts Fund, Tywyn 18688 Stephen Roberts Memorial Trust, Egham 18689 The Samuel Roberts Trust, Sheffield 18690 The Captain Charles Robertson O.B.E. Educational Foundation, Ystrad Mynach 16691 Madeline Robertson Trust, Cambridge 18692 Robertswood Combined and Nursery School Fund, Gerrards Cross 18693 The Robin Hood Foundation (United Kingdom), London 18694 Robin Hood Gardens Education and Training Trust, London 18695 Elizabeth Robins Foster Memorial Fund, Lostwithiel 18696 The Robinson College Pegasus Trust, Weybridge 18697 Robinson Educational Foundation, Wrexham 18698 Edward Robinson's Educational Foundation, Harrow Weald 18699 Fundación Manu Robles Aranglz Institutos, Bilbao 12068 William Robson's Trust, London 18700 Fundació Roca Galès, Barcelona 12069 Fondazione Fratelli Agostino ed Enrico Rocca, Lugano 13156 Fondation Roche de Recherche en Afrique, Basel 13157 Roche Research Foundation, Basel 13158 Professor Rochlmeyer-Stlftung, Mainz 05484 von Rochow-Reckahner-Familienstiftung, Nürnberg 05485 Roch's Educational Foundation, Milford Haven 18701 Roch's Educational Foundation for Uangwm, Haverfordwest 18702 Rock Trust, Dolgellau 18703 Rockermaler-Stiftung Moosburg, Freising 05486 Rockley House Trust, Bamsley 18704 Frau-Kind-Gesundheit Stiftung Dr. Rockstroh, München 05487 Rockwool Foundation, Hedehusene 00664 Fundación Rode, Pamplona 12070 Gerd-Rodenwaltft-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Berlin 05488 Gottfried Roder-Stiftung, Lübeck 05489 Fundación para el Estudios de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares Rodicio Díaz, Madrid 12071 Rodin Remediation Stiftung, Kerns 13159 Fundació Privada Mercè Rodoreda, Barcelona 12072 Fundaçâo Padre José Filipe Rodrigues, Lisboa 09909 Fundación Rodrigues Acosta, Granada 12073 Fundación Rodríguez de Paterna, Almansa 12074 Fundación Vicente Rodríguez Fabres, Salamanca 12075 Fundación Félix Rodríguez González, Puenteáreas 12076 Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, Madrid 12077 Fundación Luis Rodríguez Pérez, Santiago de Compostela 12078 Fundación Patronato Rodríguez Solfe, Sanlúcar la Mayor 12079 Emst Röchling-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 05490 Roecliffe Church of England School Fund, Boroughbridge 18705 Fundaçâo Roedor, Aveiro 09910 Unterstützungsfonds der Gebrüder Röders AG, Soltau 05491 J.M.C. Röding Witwe, geb. HllckesSttftung, Hamburg 05492 Rödl-Mitarbeiter-Stiftung für Kinderhilfe, Nürnberg 05493 Roehampton Church School Trust, London 18706 The Roehampton Parish Church Restoration Fund, London 18707 Karl Peter Röhl Stiftung, Weimar 05494 Dr. Otto Röhm-Gedächtnlsstlftung, Darmstadt 05495 Martea Röhr-Stiftung, Hamburg 05496 Dorothea Römer-Stiftung, München 05497 Römermuseum HomburgSchwarzenacker, Homburg 175498
Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Mainz 05499 Hans-Rönn-Stlftung-Menschen für Tiere, Dusseldorf 05500 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen-Fonde, Würzburg 05501 Abraham und David Roentgen-Stiftung, Neuwied 05502 Röpcke-Wynla Fonds, Amsterdam 09505 Gerhard Röscb-Stlftung, Tübingen 05503 Anton- und Kiara-Röser-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05504 Bernhard Rösler-Stiftung, Schwalmtal 05505 Erika und Karl Rössing-Stiftung, München 05506 Erwin-Röver-Stlftung, Hannover 05507 Dr. Hermann Röver-Stiftung, Quickbom 05508 Esther Roffey Prize Fund, Cardiff 18708 Emst Günther Roffhack-Stlftung, Krefeld 05509 Fundaçâo Rogé ríos, lourinháo 09911 The Rogers Foundation, London 18709 Rogers Memorial Fund, Dolgellau 18710 The Gertrude Rogers Trust Fund, Leicester 18711 Elisabeth Rogge-Doeberitz-SIIftung, Berlin 055)0 Stichting de Roggekarnp, Wierden 09306 Siegfried Roggenbuck-Stiftung, Berlin 05511 Fondation Roguet, Clichy 01242 Hcrst-Rohde-Stiftung, München 05512 Rohe'sche Altenhelm-Stlftung, Kleinwallstadt 05513 Fundación Rolg Cervero, Reus 12080 Fundación Vicente Rolg Martinez, Valencia 12081 De Dames Roljaards-Stlchtlng, Woerden 09307 Dr. Otto und Katharina Roith-Stiftung, München 05514 Rokeby Educational Trust, Kingstonupon-Thames 18712 Fundación María Roiland, Madrid 12082 Rolle-Stiftung, München 05515 Fondation Rollin, Anduze 01243 Fundaçâo Irene Rolo, Tavira 09912 Gerald Arthur Rolph Foundation for Historic Preservation and Education, Knaresborough 18713 The Romania Dental Link Foundation, Oxford 18714 The Romanian Aid Fund, Stockport 18715 Romanian Crestln Trust, Rayleigh 18716 Romanian Cultural Foundation, Bucuresti 09947 The Romanian Youth Support Trust, Stockport 18717 Fundación Romanillos, Madrid 12083 Fondazione Romano Romanlnl, Brescia 08906 Fondation Cannine A. Romanzi pour la Coopération Universitaire en Europe, Genève 13160 Anna Rombacb-Stiftung, Mannheim 05516 Dr. Johannes Romberg-Stlftung für Baudenkmalerhaltung, Lahnstein 05517 Elena Rombro StepanowStlpendlenststtftung, Wien 00123 Fundación Josefa Romero, Valencia 12084 Fundación Romero Blanco Monroy, Noya 12085 Fundación Domingo Romero Grande, Madrid 12086 Oscar Romero-Stiftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05518 Romford and Gidea Park Trust, Romford 18718 Romford Christian Spiritualist Society Trust, Brentwood 18719 The Romford Greyhound Owners Association Trust, Homchurch 18720 The Romford Dons Club Charity Trust Fund, Upminster 18721 The Romford United Reformed Church Youth Trust, Romford 18722 Hans Romney Memorial Trust, London 18723 Katholische Studienstiftung RoncalliKolleg für Studierende der Fachhochschulen, München 05519 Rondom Stemwerk Stichting, Rotterdam 09308 Rooke Atlay Charitable Trust, Northallerton 18725 Rooms Kathollcke Oude-Armenkantoor, Amsterdam 09309 Rooms-Katholleke Stichting tot Hulpverlenlng aan Jeugd in Nood, Zevenbergen 09310 Emest W. Roper Memorial Prize Fund, Matlock 18726 Fundaçâo Horácio Roque, Funchal 09913 Fundación Rosacruz, Zaragoza 12087 Artur-Rose-Stlftung, Langeoog 05520
The Rose Theatre Trust, London 18727 The Roseland School Charitable Trust, Tregony 18728 Cäcilie Roselieb·Stiftung, Wolfhagen 05521 Stiftung Ludwig Roselius-Museum, Bremen 05522 Rosen-Schllllng'sche Armenetiflung, Magdeburg 05523 Stiftung Rosenau, Ennetbaden 13161 Kurt und Hildegard Rosenbaum Fonds, Wohltorf 05524 Stiftung Dr. Richard Rosenberg, Stans 13162 Heiene Rosenberg-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05525 Klaus-Rosenberg-Stlftung, Hamburg 05526 Fundación Rosendo Crespo, A Coruña 12088 Bernd Rosenheim-Stiftung, Offenbach 05527 Rosen hei mer Kathreln-Kulturstlftung, Rosenheim 05528 Rosenkrsnz-Stlftung, Buchdorf 05529 Eduard und Clara Rosenthal Stiftung, Jena 05530 Hans Rosenthal-Stlftung schnelle Hilfe In akuter Not e.V., Berlin 05531 Käthe Rosenzwelg/Muesmann-Stlftung, Ahlen 05532 Rosepark Trust, Cottingham 18729 Rosiny Stiftung, Heidelberg 05533 Steve Ross Foundation for the Arts, Newport 18730 Ross Trust, London 18731 Roflbacher Weberstuben, Rehau 05534 Anna RoSberger'sche Stiftung zur Förderung des Volksschullehrern echwuchses, Augsburg 05535 Fondazione Rosselli, Torino 08907 Fundación Rossend Carrasco y Formiguera, Barcelona 12089 Fondazione Gioacchino Rossini, Pesaro 08908 Paläobotanische Stiftung Rossmann Bayreuth, Bayreuth 05536 Stiftung Internationale Max Rostal Competition, Bern 13163 Rostocker Helmstiftung, Rostock 05537 Reinhold und Anna Rostock'sche Jungbauemstlftung, Salzburg 00124 Rostropovich Cello Foundation, Kronberg 05538 Rotaract Club of Barnet Trust Fund, Bamet 18733 Rotaract Club of Bitteme and Woolston Charity Trust, Southampton 18734 Rotaract Club of Bracknell Charity Trust Fund, South Ascot 18735 Rotaract Club of Bracknell Three Counties Cycle Ride Trust Fund, Sandhurst 18736 Rotaract Club of Caversham (Charity) Trust Fund, Reading 18737 Rotaract Club of Hertford Trust Fund, Ware 18739 Rotaract Club of High Wycombe Trust Fund, High Wycombe 18740 Rotaract Club of Langley and Wer Trust Fund, Slough 18741 Rotaract Club of Loddon Vale Trust Fund, Reading 18742 The Rotaract Club of Luton Trust Fund, Luton 18743 Rotaract Club of Maidenhead Charitable Trust Fund, Maidenhead 18744 Rotaract Club of Newbury Trust Fund, Newbury 18745 The Rotaract Club of Richmond (Surrey) Trust Fund, Twickenham 18746 The Rotaract Club of Wellington Trust Fund, Wellington 18747 The Rotaract Club of Windsor and Eton Trust Fund, Slough 18748 Rotaract Club of Wokingham Charity Trust Fund, Reading 18749 Der Rotarier, Frankfurt am Main 05539 Rotary Club of Abbeydale Trust Fund, Sheffield 18750 Rotary Club of Aberystwyth Charity Trust Fund, Aberystwyth 18751 Rotary Club of Acton Charitable Trust, London 18752 Rotary Club of Alperton Trust Fund, Wembley 18753 Rotary Club of Ammanford Charity Trust Fund, Uandybie 18754 Rotary Club of Ashburton and Buckfastleigh Trust Fund, Newton Abbot 18755 Rotary Club of Aylesbury Trust Fund, Berkhamsted 18756 Rotary Club of Balham Trust Fund, Cheam 18757 Rotary Club of Bangor Charitable Trust Fund, Anglesey 18758 Rotary Club of Barking Abbey Trust Fund, Barking 18759 Rotary Club of Barking Benevolent Fund, Barking 18760 Rotary Club of BarldngsWe Trust Fund, llford 18761 Rotary Club of Batteraea Trust Fund, London 18762
Rotary Club of Beckenham Trust Fund, Bromley 18763 Rotary Club of Bedford Castle Trust Fund, Bedford 18764 Rotary Club of Bedford Seventy Fifth Anniversary Trust Fund, Bedford 18765 Rotary Club of Belper Charitable Trust Fund, Belper 18766 The Rotary Club of Bethnal Green Trust Fund, London 18767 Rotary Club of Bitteme and Wooiston Trust Fund, Eastleigh 18768 Rotary Club of Blackburn West Trust Fund, Clitheroe 18769 Rotary Club of Blackpool Palatine Trust Fund, Preston 18770 Rotary Club of Bletchley Trust Fund, Milton Keynes 18771 The Rotary Club of Bolton Daybreak Trust Fund, Bolton 18T72 Rotary Club of Bourne End and Cookham Charitable Trust, Maidenhead 18773 Rotary Club of Bracknell Trust Fund, Crowthome 18774 The Rotary Club of Bradford Blaize Trust Fund, Birkenshaw 18775 The Rotary Club of Brecon Benevolent Fund, Brecon 18776 Rotary Club of Brent Trust Fund, Northwood 18777 Rotary Club of Bridgend Trust Fund, Bridgend J8778 Rotary Club of Brlerfleld and Reed ley Trust Fund, Nelson 18779 The Rotary Club of Bristol South Trust Fund, Bristol 18780 Rotary Club of Bristol Trust Fund, Bristol 18781 Rotary Club of Briton Ferry Trust Fund, Neath 18782 The Rotary Club of Bromley Service Fund, Ighton 18783 Rotary Club of Buckingham Trust Fund, Buckingham 18784 Rotary Club of Builth Wells and District Trust, Builth Wells 18785 The Rotary Club of Builth Wells and District Trust Fund, Builth Wells 18786 The Rotary Club of Bulwell and Basford Trust Fund, Nottingham 18787 Rotary Club of Bumham Beeches Trust Fund, Bumham 18788 The Rotary Ctub of Bumham Benevolent Trust Fund, Maidenhead 18789 Rotary Club of Burnley Pendleslde Trust Fund, Burnley 18790 The Rotary Club of Caernarvon Benevolent Fund, Caernarvon 18791 Rotary Club of Callington Charitable Trust, Callington 18792 The Rotary Club of Cardiff Charity Fund, Cardiff 18793 Rotary Club of Cardiff East Benevolent Fund, Cardiff 18794 Rotary Club of Carlisle South Trust Fund, Carlisle 18795 The Rotary Club of Carshalton Trust Fund, South Godstone 18796 Rotary Club of Castieford Trust Fund, Leeds 18797 Rotary Club of Caversham Trust Fund, Reading 18798 Rotary Club of Cheam Charity Fund, New Maiden 18799 The Rotary Club of Chelmsford Trust Fund, Chelmsford 18800 Rotary Club of Chesham Trust Fund, Chesham 18801 Rotary Club of ChesterHe-Street Trust Fund, Chester-le-Street 18802 Rotary Club of Chichester Priory Charitable Fund, Chichester 18803 Rotary Club of Chlngford Trust Fund, London 18804 The Rotary Club of Chlslehurst Benevolent Fund, Chislehurst Ì8805 Rotary Club of Chlswlck and Brentford Trust Fund, Sunbury-on-Thames 18806 Rotary Club of Church Wllne Trust Fund, Deity 18807 Rotary Club of Clapham Trust Fund, London 18808 Rotary Club of Clifton (Bristol) Charity Trust Fund, Bristol 18809 Rotary Club of Cookham Bridge Trust Fund, Bourne End 18810 Rotary Club of Coulsdon Manor Trust Fund. Old Coulsdon 18811 The Rotary Club of Crayford Trust Fund. Bexleyheath 18812 Rotary Club of Crlckhowell Trust Fund, Brecon 18813 Rotary Club of Crofton Trust Fund, Orpington 18814 Rotary Club of Croydon Benevolent Fund, Croydon 18815 Rotary Club of Croydon East Charity Fund, Croydon 18816 Rotary Club of Croydon Jubilee Trust Fund, South Croydon 18817 Rotary Club of Dagenham Trust Fund, Mayland 18818
Alphabetical Index: Royal
367 The Rotary Club of Dorchester Charitable Trust, Dorchester 18819 Rotary Club of Dunstable Downs Trust Fund, Dunstable 18820 Rotary Club of Dunstable Trust Fund, Dunstable 18821 Rotary Club of Ealing Benevolent Trust Fund, Uxbridge 18822 Rotary Club of East Elloe Trust Fund, Spalding 18823 Rotary Club of Edgware Service Fund, Saint Albans 18824 Rotary Club of Edmonton Trust Fund, London 18825 Rotary Club of Eltham Service Fund, London 18826 Rotary Club of Eithorne-Hilllngdon Trust Fund, Uxbridge 18827 The Rotary Club of Ely Benevolent Fund, Ely 18828 Rotary Club of Enfield Charity Fund Trust, Enfield 18829 Rotary Club of Enfield East Trust Fund, London 18830 Rotary Club of Erdlngton Saint Barnabas Trust Fund, Sutton Coldfield 18831 Rotary Club of Erfth Trust Fund, Erith 18832 Rotary Club of Falmouth Benevolent Fund, Truro 18833 Rotary Club of Flnchley Benevolent Fund, Hatfield 18834 The Rotary Club of Fishponds and Downend Charity Fund, Bristol 18835 Rotary Club of Flint and Holywell Trust Fund, Holywell 18836 Rotary Club of Forest Hill and Sydenham Trust Fund, London 18837 Rotary Club of Friern Bamet and Whestone Trust, New Bamet 18838 Rotary Club of Fulham Benevolent Fund, London 18839 The Rotary Club of Gower and Llwchwr Trust Fund, Swansea 18840 The Rotary Club of Grantham Golden Jubilee Trust Fund, Grantham 18841 The Rotary Club of Greenford Benevolent Fund, North Hillingdon 18842 The Rotary Club of Hackney Service Fund, Cambertey 18843 Rotary Club of Hampstead Trust Fund, London 18844 Rotary Club of Hanwell Benevolent Trust Fund, Hillingdon 18845 Rotary Club of Harrow Charitable Fund, East Wembley 18846 Rotary Club of Hartón Trust Fund, East Boldon 18847 The Rotary Club of Haverfordwest Charitable Fund, Haverfordwest 18843 The Rotary Club of Havering North Trust Fund, Margaretting 18849 The Rotary Club of Heanor Benevolent Trust Fund, Nottingham 18850 Rotary Club of Heathrow Airport Trust Fund, Bracknell 18851 The Rotary Club of Hemsworth Trust Fund, Pontefract 18852 The Rotary Club of Hertford Benevolent Fund, Hertford 18853 The Rotary Club of Heston Trust Fund, Hounslow 18854 Rotary Club of Hindley Trust Fund, Wigan 18655 Rotary Club of Holyhead Trust Fund, Anglesey 18856 Rotary Club of Homsey Benevolent Fund, London 7A857 Rotary Club of Homsey Trust Fund, London 18858 Rotary Club of Hounslow Silver Jubilee Trust, Hounslow 18859 Rotary Club of Hounslow Trust Fund, Hounslow 18860 Rotary Club of Hull Trust Fund, Cottingham 18861 Rotary Club of IHord Charitable Service Fund, Brentwood 18862 The Rotary Club of Ilkeston Trust Fund, Heanor 18863 Rotary Club of Ipswich Charity Fund, Ipswich 18864 The Rotary Club of Ironbrldge Charitable Trust, Telford 18865 The Rotary Club of Islington and Highgate Benpvolent Trust Fund, London 18866 The Rotary Club of Kempston Benevolent Fund, Bedford 18867 Rotary Club of Kensington Trust Fund, London 18868 The Rotary Club of Klngston-uponTTiames Service, Guildford 18869 The Rotary Club of KJngslon-uportThames Trust Fund, Kingston-uponThames 18870 Rotary Club of Langley and Ivor Trust Fund, Datchet 18871 Rotary Club of Leeds Charitable Trust Fund, Leeds 18872 Rotary Club of Leek Trust Fund, Leek 18873 Rotary Club of Leicester Trust Fund, Market Harborough 18874 Rotary Club of Lewes Charitable and Benevolent Fund. Uckfield 18875
The Rotary Club of Leyton Charity Trust, London 18876 Rotary Club of Leytonstone Trust Fund, Loughton 18877 The Rotary Club of Lincoln Benevolent Fund, Lincoln 18878 The Rotary Club of Liverpool Exchange Charitable Trust Fund, Liverpool 18679 Rotary Club of Llantwit Major Trust Fund, Llantwit Major 18880 Rotary Club of Long Eaton Charity Trust Fund, Castle Donington 18881 Rotary Club of Longton Charitable Trust, Newcastle 18882 Rotary Club of Lower Wharfedale Trust Fund, Wethertty 18883 The Rotary Club of Luton Chiltem Trust Fund, Luton 18884 Rotary Club of Lymm Trust Fund, Lymm 18885 Rotary Club of Maidenhead Thames Trust Fund, Maidenhead 18886 Rotary Club of Maidenhead Trust Fund, Maidenhead 18887 Rotary Club of Manchester South Trust Fund, Manchester 18888 Rotary Club of Mailcet Harborough Trust Fund, Market Harborough 18889 Rotary Club of Marlow Benevolent Trust Fund, Marlow 18890 Rotary Club of Melton Mowbray Trust Fund, Melton Mowbray 18891 The Rotary Club of Mexborough and District Trust Fund, Rothertiam 18892 The Rotary Club of Mill Hill Trust, London 18893 Rotary Club of Mirfield Trust Fund, Mirfield 18894 Rotary Club of Nailsea Trust Fund, Bristol 18895 Rotary Club of New Maiden Trust Fund, Kingston-upon-Thames 18896 The Rotary Club of Newbury Benevolent Fund, Newbury 18897 Rotary Club of Newcastle Etrurla Trust Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 18898 The Rotary Club of Newcastle-uponTyne Trust Fund, Rowlands Gill 18899 Rotary Club of Newport Benevolent Fund, Newport 18900 The Rotary Club of Newport (Isle of Wight) Trust Fund, Newport 18901 Rotary Club of Newport Pagnell Trust Fund, Newport Pagnell 18902 The Rotary Club of Normanton Charitable Trust, Wakefield 18903 The Rotary Club of Northallerton Benevolent Fund, Northallerton 18904 Rotary Club of Northwlck Parle Trust Fund, Harrow 18905 Rotary Club of Orpington Trust Fund, Orpington 18906 Rotary Club of Ossett Trust Fund, Ossett 18907 The Rotary Club of Pembroke Trust Fund, Pembroke 18908 Rotary Club of Penryn Trust Fund, Falmouth 18909 Rotary Club of Perranzabuloe Trust Fund, Truro 18910 The Rotary Club of Plymouth Trust Fund, Plymouth 18911 Rotary Club of Pontefract Trust Fund, Pontefract 18912 Rotary Club of Port Talbot Trust Fund, Porthcawl 18913 Rotary Club of Preston North Benevolent Fund, Preston 18914 The Rotary Club of Purley Trust Fund, Purtey 18915 Rotary Club of Putney Charity Fund, London 18916 Rotary Club of Pwllheli Trust Fund, Pwllheli 18917 Rotary Club of Rainhlll Trust Fund, Saint Helens 18918 Rotary Club of Ramsbottom Trust Fund, Manchester 18919 The Rotary Club of Reeding Abbey Trust Fund, Mortimer 18920 Rotary Club of Reading Benevolent Fund, Reading 18921 Rotary Club of Redbridge Charitable Fund, Abridge 18922 Rotary Club of Rhondda Trust Fund, Rhondda 18923 The Rotary Club of Richmond (Surrey) Trust Fund, Twickenham 18924 Rotary Club of Romford Trust Fund, Brentwood 18925 The Rotary Club of Roundhay (Leeds) Trust Fund, Leeds 18926 Rotary Club of Saint Asaph Trust Fund, Saint Asaph 18927 Tbe Rotary Club of Saint Leonards-onSea Samaritan Fund, Hastings 18928 Rotary Club of Saint Marylebone Trust Fund, London 18929 Rotary Club of Sattash Trust Fund, Saltash 18930 Rotary Club of Sandown Chalet Trust Fund, Sandown 18931 Rotary Club of Sandown (I.W.) Charity Trust, Sandown 18932 Rotary Club of Sandy Charitable Trust Fund, Sandy 18933
Rotary Club of Saundersfoot Trust Fund, Saundersfoot 18934 Rotary Club of Seabum Benevolent Fund, East Boldon 18935 Rotary Club of Seaham Trust Fund, Peteriee 18936 The Rotary Club of Seat on Trust Fund, Colyford 18937 The Rotary Club of Severnside-Avon Charitable Trust, Bristol 18938 Rotary Club of Sheffield Vulcan Trust Fund, Sheffield J0939 Rotary Club of Shoredltch Trust Fund, London 18940 The Rotary Club of Sidcup Educational Trust, Chislehurst 18941 Rotary Club of Slough Trust Fund, Uxbridge 18942 Rotary Club of Snaresbrook Trust Fund, Brentwood 18943 Rotary Club of Southampton Magna Charitable Fund, Eastleigh 18944 Rotary Club of Southampton Trust Fund, Southampton 18945 Rotary Club of Southampton West Trust Fund, Southampton 18946 Rotary Club of Southgate Benevolent Fund, Enfield 18947 Rotary Club of Stafford Trust Fund, Stafford 18948 Rotary Club of Stamford Trust Fund, Stamford 18949 Rotary Club of Stansted Stori Valley Trust Fund, Stansted 18950 Rotary Club of Stepney Trust Fund, London 18951 Rotary Club of Stoke-on-Trent Charitable Trust, Poole 18952 The Rotary Club of Streatham Benevolent Fund, London 18953 Rotary Club of Sutton Nonsuch Trust Fund, Sutton 18954 The Rotary Club of Swansea Trust Fund, Swansea 18955 The Rotary Club of Taunton Vaie Trust Fund, Taunton 18956 The Rotary Club of Tenby Trust Fund, Tenby 18957 Rotary Club of Tettenhall Trust Fund, Wolverhampton 18958 Rotary Club of Thame Wltchert Trust Fund, Aylesbury 18959 Rotary Club of the Weaid of Kent Trust Fund, Cranbrook 18960 Rotary Club of Thomaby and Yarm Charity Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 18961 Rotary Club of Todmorden Trust Fund, Todmorden 18962 Rotary Club of Tooting Trust Fund, London 18963 Rotary Club of Trent Bridge Charitable Trust, Nottingham 18964 Rotary Club of Trowbridge Benevolent Fund, Trowbridge 18965 The Rotary Club of Truro Boscawen Trust Fund, Truro 18966 Rotary Club of Twickenham Trust Fund, Richmond 16967 Rotary Club of Uxbridge Trust Fund, Uxbridge 18968 The Rotary Club of Wakefield Chantry Trust Fund, Wakefield 18969 Rotary Club of Wakefield Trust Fund, Wakefield 18970 Rotary Club of Wellington Benevolent Trust, Carshalton 18971 The Rotary Club of Walton-on-Thames Trust Fund, Weybridge 18972 The Rotary Club of Welshpool Trust Fund, Welshpool 18973 Rotary Club of West Ashflekl Trust Fund, Chesterfield 18974 The Rotary Club of West Wlckham Service Fund, Orpington 18975 Rotary Club of Westminster West Benevolent Fund, Harrow 18976 Rotary Club of Wimbledon Charitable Trust, London 18977 Rotary Club of Windsor and Eton Benevolent Fund, Old Windsor 18978 Rotary Club of Windsor Saint George Trust Fund, Windsor 18979 Rotary Club of Wisbech Trust Fund, Wisbech 18980 Rotary Club of Wokingham Trust Fund, Crowthome 18981 The Rotary Club of Wood Green Charity Trust, London 18982 The Rotary Club of Wood Green Sliver Jubilee Trust, London 18983 The Rotary Club of Woolwich Trust Fund, Bexleyheath 18984 The Rotary Club of Worcester Benevolent Trust Fund, Great Witley 18985 The Rotary Club of Worcester Endowment Trust Fund, Great Wrtley 18986 The Rotary Club of Wrexham Charity Trust Fund, Wrexham 18987 Rotary Club of Wrington Vale Trust Fund, Winscombe 18988 Rotary Club of Ytowsley and West Drayton Benevolent Fund, Ickenham 18989 Rotary Club of York Charity Fund, York 18990
Rotary District 112 University of Kent Bursary Fund, Canterbury 18991 The Rotary Holidays for Children Trust, Birmingham 18992 Rotary International District 1220 Charity Fund, Arnold 18993 Rote-Krsuz-Stiftung, Essen 05540 Fundación Rotellar, Barcelona 12090 Fundación Rotger Villalonga, Pollensa 12091 Stiftung Roth, Burgdorf 13164 Christian Roth-Stiftung für Concours du Meilleur Commis Rôtisseur, Affoitem 13165 Luitpold und Ludwig RothenangerStlftung, Ottobrunn 05541 Domherr von Rothenburg-Stiftung BerlinSteglitz. Berlin 05542 Schulstiftung Christian Rother, Bertin 05543 Rother-Stiftung, Berlin 05544 Arthur und Gertrud Rothermann-Stiftung, Hamburg 05545 Mika Rothfos-Stlftung, Hamburg 05546 Herbert A. Rothmayer-Stiftung, Stephanskirchen 05547 Fondation Alphonse de Rothschild, Gouvieux 01244 Fondation A. de Rothschild, Paris 01245 Fondation de Rothschild, Paris 01246 Fondation Edmond de Rothschild, Paris 01247 The Rothschild and Adler Fund, llford 18994 Jacob Rothschild GAM Charitable Trust, London 18995 M.A. von Rothschild'sche GedächtnisStiftung, Karlsruhe 05548 Freiherr Cari von Rothschild'sche Stiftung Carolinum, Frankfurt am Main 05549 Freiherrlich Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild'sche Stiftung für mildtätige Zwecke, Frankfurt am Main 05550 Georgine Sara von Rothschild'sche Stiftung zur Forderung von Krankenbetreuung für Israellten in Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 05551 The Annie Rothwell Charitable Trust, Bolton 18996 Rotkreuz-Stlftung für Krankenpflege Lindenhof Bern, Bern 13166 Rotkreuzstiftung, Nottwil 13167 Rotkreuzstlftung Zentrallaboratorium Blutspendedienst, Bern 13168 Rottendorf-Stlftung, Ennigerloh 05552 Rotterdamse Verenlging Blinden belangen, Rotterdam 09311 Fondation Denis de Rougemont pour l'Europe, Genève 13169 Fundació President Amat Roumens, Terrassa 12092 Roundshaw Festival Trust, Wallington 18997 The Rountree Prize Fund, Oldham 18998 Fundación Roussell España, Madrid 12093 Fondation Gustave Roussy, Villejuif 01248 Fondation Roux, Veitheuil 01249 Fundación Maria Francisca de Roviralta, Barcelona 12094 Fundación Guillermo Rovirosa y Tomás Malagón, Madrid 12095 Rowan Charitable Trust, Reading 18999 The Rowan Education Trust, London 19000 Rowes Educational Foundation, Plymouth 19001 John James Rowe's Foundation for Girls, Liverpool 19002 Rowland Exhibition Foundation, Deity 19003 The Rowland-Parker Benevolent Fund, Carlisle 19004 Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, York 19005 Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York 19006 Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust, York 19006 Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd., York 19007 Bankdirektor Amandus de la RoyStiftung, Hamburg 05553 The Roy Trust, Morden 19008 The Royal Academy of Engineering Benefactors Trust, London 19009 The Royal Air Force and Dependants' Disabled Holiday Tnist, Witney 19010 Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, London 19011 The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Development Trust, London 19012 Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Second Development Trust, London 19013 Royal Albert Edward Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bristol 19014 Royal Albert Hall Lodge No. 2966 Benevolent Fund, Orsett 19015 The Royal Albert Hall Trust, London 19016
The Royal Albert Institute Fund, Windsor 19017 Royal Alfred Benevolent Fund, Alfreton 19018 The Royal Alfred Lodge Benevolent Fund, Alfreton 19019 Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London 19020 Royal Army Dental Corps Benevolent Fund, Aldershot 19021 The Royal Army Dental Corps Museum Trust, Aldershot 19022 The Royal Army Veterinary Corps Benevolent Fund, Famborough 19023 The Royal Artillery General Charitable Trust, London 19024 The Royal Artillery Historical Trust, London 19025 Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund, Sutton 19026 Royal British Legion, London 19027 The Royal British Nurses' Settlement Fund, London 19028 Royal Brompton and Harefleld Hospital Charitable Fund, Harefield 19029 The Royal Caledonian Bali Trust, Whitchurch 19030 The Royal Clarence Lodge Benevolent Fund. Brighton 19031 Royal Clarence Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bruton 19032 The Royal Collection Trust, London 19033 The Royal College of Midwives Trust, London 19034 Royal College of Science Association Trust, London 19035 The Royal Colonial Institute Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chelmsford 19036 The Royal Commemoration Lodge No. 1565 Gibb Memorial Benevolent Fund, Tonbridge 19037 Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, London 19038 The Royal Connaught Lodge Benevolent Fund, Eastbourne 19039 Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Charitable Fund, Truro 19040 The Royal Corps of Signals Benevolent Fund, Blandford 19041 The Royal Crown Derby Museum Charitable Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 19042 Royal Crown Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 19043 Royal Dental Hospital Old Students and Staff Association Trust, Canterbury 19044 The Royal Devon Yeomanry Trust, Exeter 19045 Royal Docks Trust (London), London 19046 The Royal Dragoon Guards Regimental Museum Trust, York 19047 The Royal Dramatic College Pension Fund, London 19048 Royal Edward Lodge Benevolent Trust Fund, Northwich 19049 The Royal Edward Lodge No. 1489 Benevolent Fund, Letchworth 19050 The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Benevolent Fund, Reading 79051 The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Memorial Scholarship Fund, Artorfield 19052 The Royal Engineers Association common Investment Fund, Chatham 19053 Royal Engineers Vocational Education and Training Trust, Chatham 19054 The Royal Exchange Theatre Appeal Fund, Manchester 19055 The Royal Fine Art Commission Trust, London 19056 The Royal Fusiliers Regimental Museum Trust, London 19057 The Royal Gardeners' Orphan Fund, Welwyn Garden City 19058 The Royal Grammar School Educational Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19059 The Royal Gurkha Rifles Trust, Woking 19060 Royal Gwent and Saint Woolos Hospitals Cardiology Fund, Newport 19061 Royal Hanover Lodge Benevolent Fund, Hillingdon 19062 The Royal Hospital of Saint Bartholomew Charitable Foundation, London 79063 The Royal Inniskilllng Fusiliers Charitable Trust, Enniskillen 19064 Royal Irish Academy, Dublin 08391 Royal Jubilee Lodge Benevolent Fund, Dover Í9065 The Royal Kensington Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 19066 The Royal Leicestershire Regiment Charitable Fund, Leicester 19067 The Royal Leicestershire Regiment General Fund, Leicester 19068 The Royal Leicestershire Regiment Militia Trust, Leicester 19069 The Royal Leicestershire Regiment Museum Trust, Leicester 19070 The Royal Liberty School Central Fund, Romford 19071
Alphabetical Index: Royal The Royal Literary Fund, London 19072 Royal Liverpool Children's Charitable Fund, Liverpool 19073 The Royal Lodge Benevolent Fund, Filey 19074 The Royal London Hospital League of Nurses Benevolent Fund, London 19075 Royal Mall Milton Keynes Benevolent Fund, Milton Keynes 19076 Royal Marines 1939 War Fund, Portsmouth 19077 Royal Marines Benevolent Fund, Portsmouth 19078 The Royal Marines Museum Trust, Portsmouth 19079 Royal Marines Reserve 50th Anniversary Relief Fund, Portsmouth 19080 The Royal Marsden Hospital Cancer Fund, London 19081 Royal Medical Benevolent Fund, London 19082 The Royal Merchant Navy School Educational Foundation, Wokingham 19083 The Royal Merchant Navy School Foundation, Wokingham 19084 Royal National Institute for the Blind, London 19085 Royal National Theatre Endowment Fund, London 19086 The Royal National Theatre Foundation, London 19087 The Royal Naval Anti-Aircraft Lodge No. 3790 Fund, Epsom 19088 Royal Naval Commando Memorial Trust Fund, Wareham 19089 The Royal Naval Scholarship Fund, Portsmouth 19090 The Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (Auxiliary Patrol) Club Welfare Fund, London 19091 The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Children's Fund, Portsmouth 19092 The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Rugby Union Trust, Portsmouth 19093 The Royal Navy (Expendable) Common Investment Fund, Portsmouth 19094 The Royal Navy (Permanent Endowment) Common Investment Fund, Portsmouth 19095 Royal Navy Roman Catholic Trust, Famham 19096 The Royal Norfolk Regiment Association Cenotaph Wreath Fund, Norwich 19097 The Royal Northern College of Music Awards Fund, Manchester 19098 Royal Northumberland Fusiliers Common Investment Fund, Alnwick 19099 Royal Observer Corps Benevolent Fund, London 19100 The Royal Observer Corps Museum Trust, Eastleigh 19101 The Royal Opera House Benevolent Fund, London 19102 Royal Opera House Development Land Trust, London 19103 The Royal Opera House Endowment Trust, London 19104 Royal Opera House Trust, London 19105 Royal Overseas Golden Jubilee Trust, London 19106 Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation, London 19107 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Trust, London 19108 The Royal Regiment of Wales Benevolent Fund, Cardiff 19109 Royal Savoy Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 19110 Royal School for the Deaf Derby Trust, Derby 19111 The Royal Seamen's Pension Fund, Epsom 19112 Royal Shakespeare Theatre Trust, London 19113 The Royal Signals Museum Trust, Blandford 19114 The Royal Society, London 19115 The Royal Society of Saint George Charitable Trust, London 19116 The Royal Somerset Lodge No. 973 Charity Association Benevolent Fund, Frome 19117 The Royal Surrey County and Saint Lukes Hospitals Charitable Fund, Guildford 19118 Royal Sussex Lodge No. 53 Benevolent Fund, Bath 19119 The Royal Sussex Regiment Museum Trust, Chichester 19120 Royal Tank Regiment Memorial Trust, Bovington 19121 The Royal Thames Youth Sailing Trust, London 19122 The Royal Theatrical Fund, London 19123 Royal Union Chapter No. 362 Benevolent Fund, Twickenham 19124 The Royal Veterinary College Animal Care Trust, Hatfield 19125
368 Royal Victoria Dock Centre Trust, London 19126 Royal Victoria Hall Benevolent Fund 1956, Sunbury-on-Thames 19127 The Royal Victoria Trust for the Blind, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19128 Royal Warrant Holders Association Charity Fund, London 19129 Royal Warwickshire Regimental Association General Purposes Trust, Warwick 19130 Royal Welch Fusiliers Officers Benevolent Fund, Wrexham 19131 Royal Welch Fusiliers Regimental Museum Trust, Wrexham 19132 The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Benevolent Fund, Bradlord-on-Avon 19133 The Lizzie Royle and Frank Royle Fund, Llanfairtalahaim 19134 Clive Rozler Memorial Fund, Wallington 19135 Rroma Foundation, Zurich 13170 The Ruabon and District Sick Poor Fund, Wrexham 19136 Ruarus Bloemkolk Fonds, Amsterdam 09312 Fondazione Rubbettino, Cosenza 08909 Dr. med. Wolrad Rube'sche Familienstfftung, Korbach 05554 Fundación Ramón Rubial Españoles en el Mundo, Madrid 12096 RUD-EM-Stiftung, Zürich 13171 Dr, R u d e t e h e Stipendienstiftung Oberbibrach, Vorbach 05555 Hans Rudolf-Stiftung. Miesbach 05556 Rudolfsttft, Braunschweig 05557 Carl und Olga Rudolph-Stiftung, Hamburg 05558 Stiftung Rubel, Zürich 13172 RQdenhof-Sttftung, Bonn 05559 Ilse und Kurt Rüdiger-Stiftung, Zürich 13173 Gertrud RQegg-Stiftung, Zürich 13174 Ruefach-Stlftung, Ulm 05550 Lydia und Heinz Rühl-Stlftung, Voerde 05561 Fondation Henri Ruel, Fonlenay-sous-Bois 01250 Fondazione Hans Ruesch per Una Medicina Senza Vivisezione, Lugano 13175 Rûtgers-Stlftung, Essen 05562 Fondazione Ruffini, Ivrea 08910 Rufford Infant School Fund, Nottingham 19137 Rufforth School Fund, Yortc 19138 Annegret-Ruge-Stlftung, Jever 05563 Dr, Gabriele Ruge Stiftung, Jever 05564 Rugeley Rotary Club Charitable Trust, Rugeley 19139 Ruhamah Baptist Chapel Fund, Bridgend 19140 Fondazione Rui, Roma 08911 J.C. Rulgrokstlchting, Haarlem 09313 Ruislip Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Ruisiip 19141 Ruislip Round Table Charitable Trust, Ruislip 19142 Ruislip Woods Trust, Northwood 19143 Fundación Pedro Ruiz de la Arena, Madrid 12097 Fundación Alcalde Zoilo Ruiz Mateos, Rota 12098 Fondation Marina Ruiz-Picasso, Genève 13176 Hans Ruland-Stfftung für Rehabilltationsforechung, Waldbronn 05565 Dr. Ruland'sche Stiftung, Würzburg 05555 Fundación Rumasa, Jerez de la Frontera 12099 Ruperra Conservation Trust, Caerphilly 19144 Rupertigau-Sttftung, Salzburg 00125 Hugo Rupf-Stlftung, Heidenheim 05567 Prof. Dr. Hans und Else Rupp-Stiftung, Kartsruhe 05568 Stiftung Huppert, Weilheim 05569 Ilse und Dr. Horst Rusch-Stiftung, Hamburg 05570 Russ Foundation United Kingdom, Stanley 19145 Emst und Martha Russ Stiftung, Hamburg 05571 Eheleute Carl RuB-Stlftung, Solingen 05572 Russell Foster Tyne and Wear Sports Foundation, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19147 Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Nottingham 19148 Erich und Maria Russeil-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05573 Russell'sche Familienstiftung, Bonn 05574 The Russian Aviation Research Trust, Bishops Stortford 19149 Russian Charity and Health Foundation, Moskva 09999 Russian Children's Foundation, Moskva 10000 The Russian-European Trust, London 19150 Russian Foundation tor Basic Research. Moskva 10001
Russian Foundation for Social and Health Assistance, Moskva 10002 Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, Moskva 10003 Russian Names Fund, Moskva 10004 Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund, London 19151 Russian Peace Foundation, Moskva 10005 Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirchenstiftung für Wissenschaft, Denkmalpflege und MiMtfttlgkelt, Bad Honnef 05575 Fondazione Russolo-Pratella, Varese 08912 Maria Rust-Sttttung, Essen 05576 Philipp E. Ruth-Stiftung, München 05577 Anna Ruths-Stiftung, Darmstadt 05578 Philip J. Rutland Charity Trust, High Wycombe 19152 Rutland Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ilkeston 19153 Rutland Road Evangelical Church Workers Trust, Bedford 19154 The Rutlish Foundation, London 19155 Aline Andrea Rutz-Stiftung, Zürich 13177 Charlotte-Rutz-Sttftung für Diakon le, Berlin 05579 Franz und Eva Rutzen-Stiftung, Essen 05580 Rwanda Development Trust, Bromley 19156 Rwanda Group Trust, Preston 19157 RWE Jugendstiftung zur Förderung beruflicher Qualifikation, gesellschaftlicher Integration und sozialer Einsatzbereitschaft, Essen 05581 Fondation André Ryckmans, Waterloo 00495 Ryde Sick Poor Fund, Ryde 19158 Ryde Town Hall Organ Trust, Shanklin 19159 The Sue Ryder Foundation, Sudbury 19160 Ryeish Green School Resourced Centre Fund, Reading 19161 Marion Isabel Rylatt Will Trust, Sheffield 19162 Richard Rysley Educational Foundation, Ely 19163 S-BQrgerstiflung der StadtSparkasse Langenfeld/Rheinland, Langenfeld/Rheinland 05582 The S.F.IA Educational Trust Ltd., Maidenhead 19164 S.O.F. Save our future Umweltstiftung, Hamburg 05583 S.T.A.R. Recreation and Community Centre Trust, Cardiff 19165 Fundaçâo Comendador Joaquim de Sá Couto, Feira Norte 09914 Elisabeth J. Saal-Stiftung, München 05584 Dr. Seal van Zwanenberg-Stichtlng, Oss 09314 Saara Tervlsekeskuse Slhtkapltal, Kuressaare 00689 Saarländisches Ökologie-Zentrum, Tholey 05585 Stiftung der Eheleute Heinz und Frieda Saba, Kiel 05586 Fondazione Silvio Sabatelll, Genova 059Î3 Stiftung Private Wirtschaftsschulen Säbel, München 05567 Fundación Sabino Arana, Bilbao 12100 Fondazione Federico Sacco, Fossano 08914 Paul Sacher-Stiftung, Basel 13178 Elly-Sachlnls-Stiftung für tumorund leukämiekranke Kinder der Kinderklinik Erfurt. Hamburg 05588 Konsul Willy Sachs-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 0555$ Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha'sche Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Coburg 05590 Stiftung der Heizog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha'schen Familie, Coburg 05591 Sachtie ben-Stlftung für Angestellte, Duisburg 05592 Sachtleben-Stiftung für Mitarbeiter der Sachtleben, Duisburg 05593 Werner und Erna Sack-Stiftung für Tierschutz, Frankfurt am Main 05594 Werner Sack-Stiftung für Tumorforschung, Essen 05595 Hofrat Simon Heinrich Sack'sche Familienstiftung, Maiburg 05596 The Sacred Heart Church Trust, London 19166 SAD-Schorerstiehtlng, Amsterdam 09315 Sedaat Weifare Foundation, Bradford 19167 Claire Sadler Trust Fund, Hillingdon 19168 S&cheische Jugendstiftung, Dresden 05597 Sächsische Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt, Dresden 05598 The Saf Holding Trust, Swansea Safer Islington Trust, London 19170 Saferwortd Foundation, London 19171 Fundación Sageco, Madrid 12101
Saharawan Aid Trust, Yeovil 19172 Saher'sche Stiftung für Bedürftige, Kulmbach 05599 Karim Rida Said Foundation, London 19173 Saighton School Trust, Chester 19174 The Younus and Maryam Salgol Charitable Trust, Birmingham 19175 Fundaçâo Raquel e Martin Sain, Lisboa 09915 The Leonard Salner Legal Education Foundation, London 19176 Alex Sainsbury Charitable Trust, London 16152 Jean Sainsbury Royal Opera House Fund, London 19177 Saint Aeired'8 R.C. Primary School Fund, York 19178 Saint Agnes Discretionary Trust, Bromley 19179 Saint Agnes Kennlngton Children's Fund, London 19180 Saint Alban's Mission Maintenance Fund, Windsor 19181 Saint Alfege Fund, London 19182 Saint Alfege Lodge Benevolent Fund, Gravesend 19153 Saint Alkmund and Saint Werburgh Welfare Trust, Derby 19184 Saint Alkmund's Church Trust, Derby 19185 Saint Alkmund's Wardens Fund, Derby 19186 Saint Allen Parish Fund, Truro 19187 Olga Marie Salnt-André-StHtung, Königsbach 05500 Saint Andrew Holborn Church Foundation, London 19188 Saint Andrew Holbom City Foundation, London 19189 Saint Andrew's Centre Trust, London 19190 The Saint Andrews Christian Workers Trust, Exeter 19191 Saint Andrews Church Hall Trust, London 19192 The Saint Andrews Church Trust, Cambridge 19193 Saint Andrew's Greek Orthodox Cathedral Trust, London 19194 Saint Andrews (Homchurch) Churchyard Maintenance Trust, Homchurch 19195 Saint Andrew's Lodge (Clewer) Endowment Trust, Windsor 19196 Saint Andrews (Pangbourne) School Trust, Pangbourne 19197 Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church of England Trust, Sutton 19198 Saint Andrew's School (Croydon) Development Trust, Croydon 19199 The Saint Andrew's School (Croydon) Maintenance Fund, Croydon 19200 Saint Andrews United Reformed Church Trust, Perivate 19201 The Saint Anne's Cathedral Fund, Leeds 19202 Saint Annes Church of England School Governors Trust, East Moor 19203 Saint Anselm's School Trust, Bakewell 19204 Saint Aubyn's (Woodford Green) School Trust, Woodford Green 19205 Saint Audrey Lodge Benevolent Fund, Cambridge 19206 Saint Augustine's Community Care Trust, Twickenham 19207 Saint Augustine's Haggerston Parish Hall Trust, Croydon 19208 Saint Barnabas Greek Orthodox Community Fund, London 19209 Saint Bartholomew the Great Music Trust, London 19210 Saint Bartholomew's School (Sydenham) Trust Fund, London 19211 The Saint Bartholomew's School Trust, Newbury 19212 Saint Benedict School Trust, Deiby 19213 The Saint Boniface Lodge Benevolent Fund, Benbridge 19214 Saint Bride Foundation, London 19215 Saint Bride Restoration Fund, London 19216 Saint Brides Aid in Sickness Fund, Carmarthen 19217 Saint Bride's Church Organ Fund Trust, London 19218 Saint Bride's Minor Fund, Cardiff 19219 Saint Canlce'8 Cathedral Restoration Fund, Kilkenny 08392 Saint Chad's Parish Trust, Derby 19220 Saint Charbel Charity Fund, London 19221 Saint Charles Hospital Samaritan Fund, London 19222 Stint Christopher's College Education Trust, London 19223 Saint Clare and Saint Francis Trust, Ascot 19224 The Saint Clears Town Trust, Saint Clears 19225 Saint Cleer Church Sunday School Trust. Liskeard 19226
Saint Clement Danes Educational Foundation, London 19227 Saint Clement Danes Fund, Innsworth 19228 Saint Clements and Saint James School Trust, London 19229 Saint Clement's Trust Fund, London 19230 Saint Columba'8 Church and Congregation Trust Funds, London 19231 Saint Columba'8 with New Lendal United Reformed Church Fund, York 19232 Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius International Foundation, Sofia 00585 Saint Davids Care in the Community Trust, Saint Davids 19233 Saint David's College Trust, Llandudno 19234 Saint David's Hall and New Theatre Trust, Cardiff 19235 Saint David's (Puriey) Educational Trust, Puriey 19236 Saint David's School Trust Fund, Merthyr Tydfil 19237 Hedwig Saint-Denls-Stiftung, Mainz 05601 The Saint Denys Lodge Benevolent Fund, Leicester 19238 Saint Dogwells Parish Council Old People's Welfare Fund, Haverfordwest 19239 Saint Dominic's Independent Junior School Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 19240 Saint Dominic's Priory Fund, Portsmouth 19241 Saint Dunstan's Abbey School General Charitable Trust. Kenton 19242 The Saint Dunstan's College Benevolent Fund, London 19243 Saint Dunstan's College General Charitable Trust, London 19244 Saint Dunstan's Educational Foundation, London 19245 The Saint Edmund Church Building Trust, Newport 19246 Saint Edmund King and Martyr Trust, London 19247 The Saint Edmund Lodge Benevolent Fund, AtOeborough 19248 Saint EtheMreda's (Ely Place) Trust, London 19249 Saint Faith and Saint Martin School Fund, Lincoln 19250 Saint Faith's Infant School Fund, Lincoln 19251 Saint Francis' Development Fund South Ascot, Ascot 19252 Saint Francis Hospice Development Trust, Romford 19253 Saint Francis of Assisi Church Maintenance Fund, London 19254 Saint Gabriel's Project for Mental Health Trust, London 19255 Saint George Community College Bursary Fund, Bristol 19256 The Saint George Educational Trust, London 19257 Saint George Village Hall Trust, Abergele 19256 The Saint George's Chapel (London Airport) Fund, Hariington 19259 Saint George's College Development Fund, Windsor Castle 19260 Saint George's Hanover Square Charitable Trust, London 19261 The Saint George's Hulme Church Educational Trust, Manchester 19262 Saint George's Institute Fund, London 19263 Saint George's Music Trust, Bristol 19264 Saint George's Redevelopment Fund, London 19265 Saint George's School Development Fund 1996, Windsor 19266 The Saint George's School General Purpose Charitable Trust, Windsor 19267 Saint George's Toddlngton Bell Fund, Milton Keynes 19268 Saint Germain Foundation, Roma 08915 Saint Giles' Benefaction Fund, Matlock 19269 The Saint Giles Camberwell Youth Trust, London 19270 Saint Gltes-in-the-Fields and Bloomsbury Educational Trust, London 19271 Saint Giles Trust, London 19272 Saint Helen and Saint Giles Lodge Benevolent Fund, Rainham 19273 Saint Helen's Centenary Foundation Trust, Northwood 19274 The Saint Heller NHS Trust, Carshaiton 19275 Saint Hilda's Trust, York 19276 Saint James' Bemnondsey Organ Restoration Fund, London 19277 The Saint James Blddenham Trust, Bedford 19278 Saint James Church School Foundation, London 19279 Saint James Church Spanish Place Trust Number 1, London 19280
Alphabetical Index: Sankt
369 Saint James Church Spanish Place Trust Number 2, London 19281 The Saint James Lodge Benevolent Fund, Botton 19282 Saint «James School Hatcham Development Trust, London 19283 Saint James Swimming Pool Trust, Taunton 19284 Saint James the Apostle Mission Hall Fund, London 19285 Saint James Trust, Trowbridge 19286 Saint James's Hall Triennial Lecture Fund, Trowbridge 19287 Fondation Saint-John Perse, Aix-enProvence 01251 The Saint John the Baptist Charitable Fund, Kenley 19288 Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Trust, London 19289 Saint John the Divine (Kennlngton) Fabric Fund, Croydon' 19290 The Saint John the Divine (Kennlngton) Pastoral Trust, Bristol 19291 Saint John's and Bent's Hospital Fund, Leicester 19292 Saint John's (Catford) Organ Trust, Bromley 19293 The Saint John's Church Choir Trust Fund, Porthmadoc 19294 Saint John's Handicapped Chlldrens Trust, Sunningdale 19295 Saint John's Hospital Educational Foundation, Exeter 19296 Saint John's Reading Convalescent Fund, Reading 19297 The Saint John's Restoration and Development Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 19298 Saint John's Smith Square Charitable Trust, London 19299 Saint John's Stratford Fabric Trust, Woodford Green 19300 Saint Joseph's (Christian Brothers) Independent School Trust, Stoke-onTrent 19301 Saint Joseph's Convent School Reading Trust, Reading 19302 Saint Joseph's School Fund (Horwich), Botton 19303 Saint Judes Trust for Homeless Children, Dublin 08393 Lady Saint Just Fund, London 19304 Saint Just In Roseland Charitable Trust, Truro 19305 Saint Justin Trust, Chislehurst 19306 The Saint Kentigems Church Trust, Bradford 19307 Saint Laud's Church Sherlngton Fabric Fund, Newport Pagnell 19308 Saint Lawrence Charitable Fund, Sldcup 19309 Saint Lawrences Church Chlcheley Fabric Fund, Newport Pagnell 19310 Saint Lazarus Community of East London Trust, London 19311 Saint Leonard's House (Swansea and West Wales) Trust, Swansea 19312 Saint Loye'e Foundation, Exeter 19313 The Saint Lucia Benevolent Fund (United Kingdom), London 19314 Saint Luke's Church Newcastle-uponTyne Working Funds, Newcastle-uponTyne 19315 Saint Luke's College Foundation, Colyton 19316 Saint Luke's Community Trust, Richmond 19317 Saint Luke's P.F.F. Chapel Fund, Bath J931S Saint Luke's Parochial Trust, London 19319 Saint Luke's (South Kensington) Trust, Tavistock 19320 Saint Luke's Trust, Bolton 19321 Saint Luke's Trust (Berkshire), Reading 19322 Saint Luke's Wellington Education Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 19323 Saint Luke's Worsbrough Common Skk and Poor Fund, Bamsley 19324 Saint Mark's Award Fund, Twickenham 19325 Saint Mark's College Trust, Edgware 19326 Saint Mark's Fidelis Educational Trust, London 19327 Saint Mark's Institute Trust, Southampton 19328 Saint Mark's Old Marytebone Road Rebuilding Fund, London 19329 Saint Mark's Overseas Aid Trust, Reditu 19330 Saint Martin-by-Looe School Trust, Looe 19331 The Saint Martin's Church Uchborough Fabric Trust, Towcester 19332 Saint Martin's Millennium Appeal Trust, Windermere 19333 Saint Martin's (Northwood) Preparatory School Trust, Northwood 19334 Saint Mary Abbots National School Foundation, London J9335 Saint Mary al Hill Restoration Trust, London 19336 Saint Mary Battersea Church Building Trust, London 19337 Saint Mary (Islington) Parish Church Branch Foundation, London 19338
Saint Mary-le-Strand Jubilee Trust Fund, London 19339 Saint Mary Magdalene and Holy Jesus Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19340 Saint Mary Moseloy Organ Centenary Fund, Birmingham 19341 Saint Mary Newlngton Educational Foundation, London 19342 Saint Mary's Burweil Preservation Trust, Cambridge 19343 Saint Mary's Cable Street Charitable Trust, London 19344 Saint Mary's Chapel Educational Foundation, Reading 19345 The Saint Mary's Charitable Trust, Uxbridge 19346 Saint Mary's Church Augmentation of Living Fund, Chester 19347 Saint Mary's Church House Trust, London 19348 Saint Mary's Church Maintenance Trust Fund, Chester 19349 Saint Mary's Church of England School Appeal Fund, London 19350 Saint Mary's Church Tower Fund, Cowes 19351 Saint Mary's Church Wombweil Trust Fund, Bamsley 19352 Saint Mary's College Scholarship Fund, Southampton 19353 Saint Mary's College Trust, Bangor 19354 Saint Mary's Hall Trust, S tratto rd-onAvon 19355 Saint Mary's Hospital Nurses Endowment Trust, London 19356 Saint Mary's Mission Hall Fund, London 19357 Saint Mary's Old People's Trust, Bromley 19358 Saint Mary's Pastoral Trust, London 19359 Saint Maiy'e School Mortimer Charity Fund, Reading 19360 Saint Mary's Shenley Churchyard Trust, Milton Keynes 19361 Saint Mary's Trust, London 19363 Saint Mary's Trust, Milton Keynes 19364 Saint Matthias Conservation Trust, London 19365 Saint Matthias Trust, East Grinstead 19366 Saint Michael and All Angels Sunday School Fund, London 19367 Saint Michael Mission Trust, London 19368 Saint Michael's Church Endowment Fund, London 19369 The Saint Michael's Comhill Appeal Fund, Whitchurch 19370 Saint Michael's (Ffestiniog) Restoration Appeal Fund, Ffestiniog 19371 Saint Michael's Housing Trust, Liverpool 19372 Saint Michael's School (Easthampstead) ChlkJcare Trust, Bracknell 19373 Saint Michael's Trust, London 19374 Saint Mlchael'a (York) Trust, York 19375 Saint Monica's School Library Fund, London 19376 Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Community Trust, London 19377 The Saint Nicholas House Educational Foundation, Leicester 19378 Saint Nicholas (Nairobi) Fund, Worthing 19379 Saint Nicholas School (Chislehurst) Governors Fund, Chislehurst 19380 Saint Nicholas School Fund, Maidenhead 19381 Saint Olave's and Saint Saviour's Grammar School Fund, Epsom 19382 Saint Olave's Girls' Exhibition Foundation, London 19363 Saint Olave's Parochial Trust, Exeter 19384 Saint Olave's School Trust, London 19385 Saint Olave'a Trust, Exeter 19386 Saint Ovin Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ely 19387 Saint Paneras Church Lands Tnist, Baldock 19388 The Saint Paneras Foundation, London 19389 Saint Paneras Welfare Trust, London 19390 Saint Patrick's Foundation (Southampton), Southampton 19391 Saint Paul's Christian Workers Trust, London 19392 Saint Paul's Evangelistic Trust, York 19393 Saint Paul's Girls School Development Trust, London 19394 The Saint Paul's School General Charitable Trust, London 19395 Saint Paul's Schools Foundation, London 19396 Saint Peter Mancroft Mission Hall Trust, Norwich 19397 The Saint Peter-upon-ComhHI Trust, London 1S39S Saint Peter's Charitable Trust, London 19399
Saint Peter's Church (Astwood) Fabric Fund, Milton Keynes 19400 Saint Peter's Church Jubilee Trust, Maidenhead 19401 Saint Peter's Church of England Building Fund, Walfeend 19402 Saint Peter's Church of England High School (Exeter) Trust, Exeter 19403 Saint Peter's Eaton Square Primary School Trust, London 19404 Saint Peter's Edmonton Organ Fund, London 19405 Saint Peter's Educational Trust, Mailow 19406 Saint Peter's Fordham Preservation Trust, Ely 19407 Saint Peter's Hammersmith Schools Foundation, London 19408 Saint Peter's Training and Education Trust, London 19409 Saint Peter's Walworth Sick and Poor Fund, London 19410 Saint Philip's Chapel Fund, Preston 19411 Saint Philip's School Trust, Lingfield 19412 Saint Philomenas Carshalton Charitable Trust, Carshaiton 19413 Saint Ronan's School Educational Trust, Nottingham 19414 Saint Saviour's Church Nurse Residence Trust, Luton 19415 Saint Saviour's Hall Fund, London 19416 Saint Scholasticas Trust, H ea vit ree 19417 Saint Sebastian's Playing Field Trust, Wokingham 19418 Saint Silas (Continuing Church) Trust, Knighton 19419 Saint Simon's Parochial Halls Charitable Trust, London 19420 Saint Stephen's Arts Centre Trust, London 19421 Saint Stephen's (Kirkstall) School Fund, Leeds 19422 The Saint Stephen's Restoration and Preservation Trust, London 19423 Saint Stephen's School Trust, Twickenham 19424 The Saint Stephen's Schools Foundation, York 19425 Saint Teresa's Catholic School (Princes Risborough) Trust, Princes Risborough 19426 Saint Thomas Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chesterfield 19427 Saint Thomas More Educational Foundation, Hull 19428 The Saint Thomas More Educational Trust, London 19429 Saint Thomas Sick and Poor Fund, Bamsley 19430 Saint Thomas the Martyr Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19431 Saint Thomas Trust, Chislehurst 19432 Saint Vincent Children's Aid and Welfare Fund, Hook 19433 Saint Vincent Lodge Charitable Trust, Cheltenham 19434 Saint Werburge Chapter Benevolent Fund, Deity >9435 Saint William's College Trust, York 19436 Saint Winefride's School Shrewsbury Trust, Shrewsbury 19437 Saint Wook» Educational Foundation, Newport 19438 Saldna Trust (United Kingdom), London 19439 Fondazione Maria Anna Sala, Milano 06916 Fondation Francis et Mica Sa labert, París 01252 Fundación Salarlch Calderer, Bagá 12102 Fundación Xavier de Salas, Trujillo 12103 Fundaçâo Salazar, Lisboa 09916 Louise Salb-Sttftung, Hamburg 05602 Salem Baptist Chapel and Trost Property administered in Connection therewith, Wrexham 19440 Salem Chapel Fund, Llanwrda 19441 Salem (Hotton Road) Building Fund, Barry 19442 Stichting Grethe Salemlnk Fonds, Den Haag 09316 Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust General Charitable Fund, Salford 19443 Fundación Premio Salgado, Madrid 12104 Fundaçâo Francisco Salgado Zen ha, Coimbra 09917 Fondazione Sallmbeni per le Arti Figurative, San Severino Marche 08917 Fondation de la Salle, Paris 01253 Salteri Education Fund, Horsham 19444 John Hugh Salmon Prize Fund, Swansea 19445 The Salt Cellar Trust, London 19446 The Roy Salter Memorial Fund, Bilston 19447 Salter's Almshouse Trust, Trowbridge 19448
Fondazione Prof. Gaetano Salvloli, Bologna 08918 Salway Evangelical Church Trust, Woodford Green 19449 Salzburg Obealty Academy Foundation, Salzburg 00126 Salzburg-Stiftung der American-Austrian Foundation, Salzburg 00127 Salzburger-Anstalt Gumbinnen, Bielefeld 05603 Salzburger Literaturarchiv Stiftung, Salzburg 00128 Salzburger Multiple Sklerose Fond, Salzburg 00129 Salzburger-Stiftung, Luzem 13179 Stiftung Samana, Zürich 13180 The Samaritan Fund, London 19450 Samariteranstalten Fürstenwalde/Spree, Fûrstenwalde/Spree 05604 Samariterstiftung, Nürtingen 05605 The Samburu Educational Fund, London 19451 Fondation Bahale Samii-Housseln, Bruxelles 00496 Henry Samman's Hull Chamber of Commerce Endowment, Hull 19452 Sammelstlftung an der Hauptkirche Sankt Katharinen, Hamburg 05606 Sammelstiftung der Hochschule für bildende Künste, Hamburg 05607 Sammelstlftung der Stadt Dresden, Dresden 05608 Sammelstlftung der Stadt Waldheim, Waldheim 05609 Sammelstlftung der Stadt Zittau, Zittau 05610 Sammelstlftung des Bezirkes Leipzig, Essen 05611 Sammelstlftung des Landkreises Bautzen, Bautzen 05612 Sammelstiftung I der Akademie der Künste, Berlin 05613 Sammelstiftungen des Bezirkes Dresden, Dresden 05614 K.A.H. Sams Charitable Fund, Olney 19453 Peter Samson Memorial Trust, London 19454 The Samsung Royal British Legion, British Korean Veterans Association Scholarship Fund, London 19455 The Harold Samuel Educational Trust, Reading 19456 Hedwig und Robert Samuel-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 05615 Fundación Juan Sánchez, Jerez de la Frontera 12105 Fundación Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, Avila 12106 Fundación Vicente Sánchez ArañaCastillo Fortaleza de Anslte, Las Palmas 12107 Fundación Felipe Sánchez Cabezudo, Escalona 12108 Fundación Gregorio Sánchez Herráez, Madrid 12109 Fundación Agustín Sánchez Manzanero, Salamanca 12110 Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, Madrid 12111 Fundación Premio Sánchez Toca, Madrid 12112 Fundación Eduardo Sanchiz Bueno, Tarazona de la Mancha 12113 Seniorenstiftung Wilhelm E. Sander, Löhne 056/6 Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung, München 05617 Louisa Sanders Trust Fund, Pembroke 19457 Sander'sche Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 05618 The Sanderson Leonard Chlldrens Fund, Cramlington 19458 The Raymond Sanderson Memorial Fund, Bromley 19459 Helmut Sa ndler-Klndergarten Stiftung, Gefrees 05619 Konsul Karl und Dr. Gabriele SandmannStiftung, Berlin 05620 Heinrich und Julie Sandmeter-StrelffSttftung, Zug 13181 Fondation Maurice Sandoz et Marguerite de Reding, Lausanne 13182 Sandoz-Forsch ungsstiftung Chemikalien und Bauchemlkallen, Zug 13183 Sandoz-Forschungsstlftung Pflanzenschutz und Sattgut, Zug 13184 Sandoz-Forschungsstlftung Technologie, Zug 13185 Sandoz-Stlftung zur Förderung der medtzlnlsch-biologsichen Wissenschaften, Basel 13186 Fondazione Sandretto Rebaudengo per l'Arte, Guarene 069Í9 The Sandvllle Seif Help Foundation, Ton Kenfig 19460 Fondation Saner Studen, Studen 13187 Sankey's Educational Foundation, Wolverhampton 19461 Sankt Agnes-Hospital Bocholt, Bocholt 05621 Sankt Anna-Stift, Löningen 05622 Sankt Anna-Stift Alten- und Pflegehelm, Düsseldorf 05623 Sankt Anna-Stiftung, Kempten 05624 Sankt Anna-Stiftung, Lindau 05625
Sankt Annen-Stiftung, Hamburg 05626 Sankt Annen- und Sankt Bartholom!!· Lehen, Bad Münder 05627 Sankt Antonle-Spltalsttftung Osterhofen, Osterhofen 05628 Sankt Antonius-Hospital Kleve, Kleve 05629 Sankt Antonius-Stiftung der Erzdiözese München und Freising, München 05630 Sankt Antoniushaus, Vechta 05631 Sankt Antoniusstift Emstek, Emstek 05632 Sankt Antonspfründestiftung (n Augsburg, Augsburg 05633 Sankt Augustinus-Studienstiftung Kevelaer, Neuss 05634 Sankt Bartholomäl-Stlft in Zerbst, Zerbst 05635 Sankt Bernhard-Hospital, Brake 05636 Sankt Blasius-Spital und BruderhausStiftung Vilshofen, Vilshofen 05637 Sankt Christophorus-Krankenhaus, Werne 05636 Sankt David's Trust, Kötschach-Maulhen 00130 Sankt Elisabeth-Haus, Lohne 05639 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital, Beckum 05640 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital Ibbenbüren, Ibbenbüren 05641 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital-Stiftung Ellingen, Ellingen 05642 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital zu Herten, Herten 05643 Sankt Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Dorsten 05644 Sankt Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Worbis 05645 Sankt Ellsabeth-Spltal-Stiftung Hersbruck, Hersbruck 05646 Sankt Elisabeth-Stift, Damme 05647 Sankt Elisabeth-Stift, Lastrup 05648 Sankt Elisabeth-Stift zu BarBel, Barßel 05649 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung, Alfeld 05650 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung, Berlin 05651 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung Rodalben, Speyer 05652 Sankt Elisabethen-Stiftung, Scheinfeld 05653 Sankt Elisabethenanstalt GroBheubach, Großheubach 05654 Sankt Florian-Stift Neuzelle, Cottbus 05655 Sankt Franziskus-Hospital, Lohne 05656 Sankt Franziskus-Stift, Steinfeld 05657 Sankt Franziskus-Stiftung, Mühlacker 05656 Sankt Gallen Stiftung für Internationale Studien, Sankt Gallen 13188 Sankt Georg-Hospital, Delitzsch 05659 Sankt Georg-Stiftung, Hadmersleben 05660 Sankt Georgen-Hospltal, Templin 05661 Sankt Georgs-Stiftung, Vechta 05662 Sankt Gerburgls, Nottuln 05663 Sankt Gertraudt-Stiftung, Berlin 05664 Sankt Gertrud-Stift, Hamburg 05665 Sankt Gotman-Stlftung, Basel 13189 Sankt Hedwig-Stift, Vechta 05666 Sankt Hildegard Stiftung, Kautzen 00131 Sankt Hubertus-Stift Düsseldorf, Meerbusch 05667 Sankt Ignatius-Stiftung Velen, Veler 05666 Sankt Johannes-Stift (Johanneum), Varel 05669 Sankt Johannes-Stiftung, Lauingen 05670 Sankt Johannis-Hospital Bemburg, Bemburg 05671 Sankt Johannls-Jungfrauenkloster In Lübeck, Lübeck 05672 Sankt Johannis-Spltal-Stlft Passau. Passau 05673 Sankt Johannishospital, Badenstedt 05674 Sankt Johannisstift, Paderborn 05675 Sankt Johannisstm Heim für geistig Behinderte, Ershausen 05676 Sankt Josef-Krankenhaue Viernheim, Viernheim 05677 Sankt Josef-Stift in Celle, Celle 05678 Sankt Josef-Stift Sendenhorst, Sendenhorst 05679 Sankt Josef-Stiftung Wipperfürth, Wipperfürth 05680 Sankt Josefs-Sttft, Wachtendonk 0566 f Sankt Josefshaus, Wettringen 05682 Sankt Josefspflege, Mulfingen 05663 Sankt Joseph-Semlnarfonds In Augsburg, Augsburg 05684 Sankt Joseph-Spltal-Sttftung, München 05685 Sankt Joseph-Stift Ullstadt, Sugenheim 05686 Sankt Josephs-Anstalt, Kotz 05687 Sankt Josephs-Stlft, Cloppenburg 05688 Sankt Josephs-Stift Holte, Lähden 05689 Sankt Josephs- und Gertrudis-Stiftung, Dülmen 05690 Sankt Jürgen-Hospttal, Bad Oldesloe 05691
Alphabetical Index: Sankt Sankt Jürgen-Stiftung Burg auf Fehmarn, Burg auf Fehmarn 05692 Sankt Katharinen-Hospital, Derenburg 05693 Sankt Katharinen-Spltal-Stlftung, Regensburg 05694 Sankt Katharinen und Sankt Elisabeth, Aschersleben 05695 Sankt Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift, Frankfurt am Main 05696 Sankt Kath a ri nen s pi ta Ist fftun g Deggendorf, Deggendorf 05697 Sankt Katharinenstift in Coesfeld, Coesfeld 05698 Sankt Konradihaus Schelklingen, Schelklirgen 05699 Sankt Leo-Stift, Esser 05700 Sankt Lucia-Hospital, Harsewinkel 05701 Sankt Ludgerus-Stiftung, Billerbeck 05702 Sankt Maria Rast Damme. Damme 05703 Sankt Marlen-Hospital, Ahaus 05704 Sankt Marien-Hospital, Lüdinghausen 05705 Sankt Marien-Hospital, Lünen 05706 Sankt Marien-Hospital, Mülheim an der Ruhr 05707 Sankt Marlen-Hospital Buer, Gelsenkirchen-Buer 05706 Sankt Marien-Hospital Köln, Köln 05709 Sankt Marien-Stift, Friesoythe 05710 Sankt Marien-Stift Barßel, Vechta 05711 Sankt Marlenhospital Vechta, Vechta 05712 Sankt Martinistift, Nottuln 05713 Sankt Michael-Stift, Saterland 05714 Sankt Nicolai-Spitalfonds, Waldkirch 05715 Sankt Nicolaistift Neustadt am Rübenberge, Neustadt am Rübenberge 05716 Sankt Nikolai-Stift zu Hannover, Hannover 05717 Sankt Nikolaispital-Stiftung, München 05718 Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital, Kalkar 05719 Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital - Cusanusstift, Bernkastel-Kues 05720 Sankt Nikolaus-Stift zu Kloster Füssenich, Zülpich 05721 Sankt Peter Gotteshaus- und Leprosen· Stiftung, Abensberg 05722 Sankt Peterburg Health-Care Trust, Sankt Peterburg 10006 Sankt Petri-Stift, Höxter 05723 Sankt Petri-Witwenhaus, Bremen 05724 Sankt Pius-Stift, Cloppenburg 05725 Sankt Remberti-Stift, Bremen 05726 Sankt Rochus-Klinik, Speyer 05727 Sankt Spiritus-Stiftung, Rees 05728 Sankt Sylvesterstift zu Quakenbrück, Quakenboick 05729 Sankt Theresienstift, Weeze 05730 Sankt Ulrich-Stiftung, Hünleid 05731 Sankt Valentinushaus, Kiedrich 05732 Sankt Vincenz-Hosprtal, Limburg 05733 Sankt Vincenz-Hospital Coesfeld, Coesfeld 05734 Sankt Vincenz-Stlftung, Heiligenstadt 05735 Sankt Vincenz- und Elisabeth-Hospital Mainz, Mainz 05736 Sankt Vincenzhaus, Cloppenburg 05737 Sankt Vincenzstift Aulhausen (Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum) und Rettungsanstalt zum Heiligen Joseph (Jugendhilfeeinrichtung Marienhausen) in Rüdesheim am Rhein, Rüdesheim 05738 Sankt Vinzentiuspflege, Donzdort 05739 Sankt Vinzenz-Hospital Rhede, Rhede 05740 Sankt Vitus-Stift zu Visbek, Visbek 05741 Sankt Willibrord us-Spltal, Emmerich 05742 Fundaçâo Sanofi, Lisboa 09918 Fundación José Santa María de Hita, Madrid 12114 Santa Rosa Fund, Tavistock 19462 The Santal Mission Trust, Woodford Green 19463 Fundación Santamarca, Madrid 12115 Fondazione Lu Santangelo, Napoli 08920 Fondazione Santarpino, Scafati 08921 Fundación Santillana, Madrid 12116 Fondazione Gaetano ed Elvira Santini, Ferrara 05922 Fundación Santone, Madrid 12117 Stichting MKS-Solidariteitsfonds Santos, Delft 09317 Fundaçâo A.C. Santos, Péro Pinheiro 09919 Fundación Patronato Esteban Santos, Salamanca 12118 Fundaçâo Joaquim dos Santos, Viseu 09920 Fundaçâo Dona Laura Santos de Moimenta da Serra, Gouveia 09921 Fundación Profesor Doctor Don Santos Ovejero del Agua, León 12119 Fundación Residencia Santos Tomás, Villanueva de los Infantes 12120
370 Fondazione Gustavo Sanvenero-Rosselll per la Chirurgia Plastica, Milano 08923 Heinrich Sanwald-Stiftung, Kirchheim unter Teck 05743 Fondazione Giuseppe Saragat, Modena 08924 Sarajevo Charitable Foundation, Genève 13190 The Sarawak Foundation, London 19464 Fundació Sardi Farrfol, Barcelona 12121 Sardis English Baptist Church Trust, Resolven 19465 Sargent Cancer Care for Children, London 19466 Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children, London 19466 Stiftung Sarllngheim, Hamburg 05744 Sama Jubilâums-Stlftung, Samen 13191 Saron Congregational Chapel Fund, Tywyn 19467 Saron Congregational Fund, Swansea 19468 Fundación Liceo Sarriá, Barcelona 12122 Walter Sarstedt-Stiftung, Nümbrecht 05745 Paul Sartori Foundation Ltd., Haverfordwest 19469 F.H. Sasse Foundation, London 19470 Dr.-Friedrich-Sasse-Stlftung, Berlin 05746 Fondazione Sassi, Matera 08925 Fundación Jacinta Sastrada Morello, Barcelona 12123 Fondazione Sathya Sai Seva, Rovereto 13192 Fondation Erik Satie, Paris 01254 Satinar Nursery Trust, London 19471 The Archie Satter Scholarship Fund, Edgware 19472 Fondation Emile Saucez et René Van Poucke, Bruxelles 00497 Fundaçâo Padre Saúde, Carvalhos 09922 Dr. Hans Sauer Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 05747 Geschwister Sauer Museums-Stiftung, Schotten 05748 Melitta Sauer-Stiftung, Berlin 05749 Hans-Sauer-Stlftung, Deisenhofen 05750 Kail Sauerbom-SUftung, Krefeld 05751 Sauermilch-Stiftung, Probstzella 05752 Saunders, Wynn and Coventry Educational Foundation, Newbury 19473 Savage Paradise Foundation, Amsterdam Zuid-Oost 09318 Fondation Savart, Saint-Michel 01255 Save & Prosper Educational Trust, London 19474 Save & Prosper Foundation, London 19475 Save the Children (España), Madrid 12124 Save The Mountains, Zurich 13193 The Savoy Educational Trust, London 19476 Hei7oglich Savoyen'sches Damenstift, Wien 00132 SAWA, Wageningen 09319 The Sawston Village College Projects Fund, Cambridge 19477 Fundación Sax Esemble, Alcorcón 12125 Saxonia-Freiberg-Stiftung, Freiberg 05753 The Sayers Croft Environmental Educational Trust, Ewhuret 19478 Fundación Eugenio Saz, Barcelona 12126 Scandinavian Foundation of Medicine and Science in Sports, Huddinge Î23Î0 Scandinavian Rheumatology Research Foundation, Oslo 09650 Patricia Ruth Scanes Memorial Trust, Plymouth 19479 The Douglas Scarff Trust, Beaconsfield 19480 Scarglll's Educational Foundation, Heanor 19481 Fondazione Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti, Napoli 08926 Fondazione Giovanni e Carmela Scarpini. Roma 08927 The Olive Scarr Music Prize Fund, Middlesbrough 19482 The Scandale Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chesterfield 19483 Fondation Scelles, Paris 01256 Fondazione Isabella Scelsi, Roma 0θ92θ Gedächtnisstiftung Leonard, Babette und Karoline Schabesberger, Ansbach 05754 Hjalmar Schacht-Stiftung, Hamburg 05755 Karl und Marie Schack-Sttftung, Frankfurt am Main 05756 Barbara Schadeberg-Stiftung zur Förderung evangelischer Schulen, Niestetal 05758 Stichting H.M.A. Schadee-Fonds, Rotterdam 09320 Schader-Stlftung, Darmstadt 05759
Fondation Schadet-Verooustre, Bourbourg 01257 von Schad'sche Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05760 Schad'sche Stiftung, Tuttlingen 05761 Hermann und Elisabeth SchaedtterStiftung, Hamburg 05762 Dr. Georg Schäfer-Jugend Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05763 Hannelore und Otto G. Schäfer-Kulturund Sozial-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05764 Heinrich Schäfer-Stiftung, Bonn 05765 Dr. Georg Schäfer-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05766 Sammlung Dr. Georg Schäfer-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05767 Dr. Axel Schäfer-Stiftung, Sindelfingen 05768 Dr. Otto Schäfer-Stiftung e.V., Schweinfurt 05769 Sc hâfersnolte-Gedàchtnls-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05770 Andreas Stephan Schäffer-Testament, Ahrensberg 0577f Vereinigte Johann Lorenz und Ferdinand Freiherr von Schaezler'sche Stiftung, Augsburg 05772 Friedhelm Schaffrath-Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 05773 Sc ha Iter-Thomasser-Stiftung für Diabetiker-Schulung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, München 05774 Sidonie Schärfe-Stiftung, Berlin 05775 Gerla Scharffenorth-Stfttung, Heidelberg 05776 Willy Schamow-Stiftung für Touristik, Frankfurt am Main 05777 Otto F. Scharr-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05778 Schartow'sche Familienstiftung, Magdeburg 05779 Karl Schaude Stiftung, Großbottwar 05780 Schauenburg-Stiftung, Essen 05781 Schauenburg-Stiftung Hasenberg, Heiligenhaus 05782 Schauer Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 05783 Heinrich und Erna Schaufler-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05784 H. Wilhelm Schaumann-Stlftung, Hamburg 05785 Josef Schechner'sche Famillenstlftung, München 05766 Walter Scheel-Stlftung, Essen 05787 Dr. Mildred Scheet-Stiftung für Krebsforschung, Bonn 05788 Max und Martha Scheerer-Stlftung, Göppingen 05789 Familienstiftung Executorium Scheffer zu MQnater, Telgte 05790 Stiftung Schelbler-Mueeum Rotes Haus Monschau, Monschau 05791 Scheldemenn'sche Famillenstlftung, Friedland-Bailenhausen 05792 Dom-Apotheke Eichstätt Friedrich Scheldler'sche Stiftung, Eichstätt 05793 Gertrud Scheie-Stiftung, Hamburg 05794 Schelle-Stiftung, Biberach 05795 Ingborg und Walter SchellenbergStiftung, Sankt Moritz 13194 Dr. Eduard und Franziska SchenkStiftung, Augsburg 05796 Marie Auguste Schenk-Stiftung, München 05797 Jmanuel und Evamaria Schenk-Stiftung zur Förderung von Musikstudenten im Hinblick auf die Erlangung des Solistendiploms, Zofingen 13195 Schenkel-Schoeller-Stlft, Düren 05798 Schennlng-Stiftung Goslar, Goslar 05799 Scheres-Zierttz-Stlftung, Coburg 05800 Stiftungsfonds Schering AG, Essen 05801 Hildegard Scherraus-Stiftung, Berlin 05802 ScheuchenstuehStiftung, Innsbruck 00733 Dr. Adolf Scheufalen-Stlftung, Lenningen 05803 Dr. Georg-Scheuing-Stlftung, Mainz 05804 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Eheleute Theodor P. Scheurenberg, Düsseldorf 05605 Bildhauer Rudolf-Scheurer-Sttftung, Lörrach 05806 Georg-Schlcht-Stiftung, Köln 05807 Madeleine Schlckedanz-KinderkrebsStiftung, Fürth 05808 Gustav Schickedanz-Stlftung, Nürnberg 05609 Erich Schickling Stiftung, Ottobeuren 05610 Richard Schieber-Stiftung, Hamburg 05811 Friedrich Schiedel-Stiftung, München 05812 Max Schienagel-Stlftung, Erlangen 05613 Adolf Schieneft Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05814 Schterhornsttftung, Giffhom 056*5 Gotthard-Schlerse-StHtung, Bertin 05816 Fondazione Mario Schifano, Roma 08929 Georg Schifler-Stiftung, Hirschau 05817
Josefine Charlotte Schiffer-Stiftung, Osnabrück 056/6 Ludger-Schlffter-Stiftung, Berlin 05519 Schiffmann-Famllienstlftung, Zülpich 05620 Alois Schiffmann-Stlftung, München 05821 Clara Schiktt-Stlftung, Cuxhaven 05822 Schilkln-Stiftung, Berlin 05823 Günter Schilling Famillenstiftung. Bremen 05824 Günter und Sonnhild SchillingFamilienstiftung, Bremen 05625 Schilling-Stiftung, Baden 13196 Hermann und Lilly Schilling-Stiftung, Essen 05826 Nicolaus Heinrich Schilling Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05627 Erna Baronin Schilling von CanstattSttftung, Köln 05828 Stiftung Erna Schlipp, Stuttgart 05829 Hans Schlmank-Gedächtnis-Stlftung, Hamburg 05830 Ferdinand und Charlotte Schlmmelpfennig-Stiftung, Berlin 0583 J A.F.W. Schlmper-Stiftung für ökologische Forschungen. Stuttgart 05832 E. Schindler-Stiftung, Wien 00134 Emst Schindler-Stiftung, Zürich 13197 Schlndlersches Walsenhaus, Berlin 05833 Schinnerer'sche Stiftung, Obemzenn 05834 Schlpholfonds, Luchthaven Schiphol 09321 Dr. Günther Schirm-Stiftung, Lübeck 05635 Schlrmer-VermtchtniB-Stiftung, Erlangen 05636 Carl Schirren-Stiftung, Lüneburg 05637 Holger Schirrmac her-Sttftung, Hamburg 05636 Stiftung der Frau Gräfin zu Schlabrendorf zu Wohltätigkeitszwecken zu Goeben, Ahrensdorf 05839 Paul-Schlack-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05640 Visions of Dance Martin SchläpferSttftung, Bern 13198 Nuchem and Reiset Schlaff Memorial Fund, London 19484 Schlafhorst-Stlflung, Essen 05841 Dieter Schlag-Stiftung, Hannover 05842 Adolf Schlatter-Stlftung, Stuttgart 05843 Hans-Peter Schlatterer-Stlftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05844 Kail Schlecht Famillenstiftung, Aichtal 05845 Karl Schlecht Stiftung (KSG), Aichtal 05846 G. Schlegel-Stiftung Pro Tierweit, Hohenpolding 05847 Marielies-Schleicher-Stlftung, Aschaffenburg 05848 Schleicher-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05849 Dr. Karl Schlelnzer Stiftung, Wien 00135 Eva Schleip-Stiftung, Erlangen 05850 Schiemm'sche Famillenstiftung Ahlten, Lehrte 05851 Karl und Helene Schlenk-Sttftung, Offenburg 05852 Schleslsches Konvlkt für Studierende der evangelischen Theologie In Halle, Halle/Salle 05853 Hans und Wolfgang SchleussnerStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05854 Wolfgang Schleussner-Stlftung für Blutforschung, Frankfurt am Main 05855 Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, Köln 05856 Friedrich-Schlick-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 05857 Vermächtnis Schlickenrieder, Dillingen 05656 Leopold und Johanne SchlömerkimperStiftung, Bremen 05859 Schloeßmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 05660 Dr. Rudolf SchloeBmann-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05861 E. und Ch. Schlötke-Stiftung, Berlin 05862 Schloß Theatrum Herberge Hohenerxleben-Stiftung, Hohenerxleben 05663 Dr. Esther SchloUberg-Stlftung, München 05664 Degussa-Hermann Schlosser-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05865 Deutsche Stiftung Edelsteinlorschung Karl Schlossmacher-Stiftung, Idar-Oberstein 05666 Eberhard-Schlotter-Stiftung, Celle 05667 Helene Schlüter-Glese-Stlftung, Essen 05666 Fondation du Musée Schlumberger, Crevecoeur-en-Auge 01258 Karl-SchmahkStiftung, Mainz 05869 Stiftung Braunschweigischer HeimatdankSchmalbach-Stiftung, Braunschweig 05870 Sehmalenbach-Stiftung, Köln 05871 Alois Schmaus-Stiftung, München 05872
Schmell-Stiftung, Heidelberg 05873 Max Schmeling-Sttftung, Hamburg 05874 Helene Schmelz-Stiftung, Hannover 05875 von Schmettow-Schwerin'sche FrluleinStiftung, Erfurt 05676 Erich Schmld-Preis bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00136 Wohlfahitsstiftung Frau Gisela G. Schmid sel., Zürich 13199 August SchmU-Stiftung, Zürich 13200 Dr. med. vet. Erwin-SchmW-Stlftung zur Förderung des Tierschutzes, VillingenSchwenningen 05877 Rudolf Schmid und Hermann Schmid Stiftung, Stuttgart 05676 SchmkJ-ziegler-Stiftung, Schondorf 05879 Stiftung Kunstsammlung Thomas SchmkJheiny, Jona 13201 Emst Schmidhelny Stiftung, Zürich 13202 Max Schmidhelny-Stiftung an der Universität Sankt Gallen, Sankt Gallen 13203 Pfarrer Peter Schmid'sche Armenstiftung, Trausn'itz 05660 Fondation Homéopathique Pierre Schmidt, Annecy 01259 Vermächtnis Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schmidt, Hamburg 05667 Kulturstiftung Martin Schmidt, Hameln 05662 Fondazione Günther J. Schmidt, Massagno 13204 Rudolf Schmidt-Burkhardt-GedächtnisStiftung, Nürnberg 05883 Adolph und Margarete SchmidtGedächtnisstiftung, Essen 05664 Horst Schmidt-Jugendstiftung des Seglerverbandes Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel 05665 Karl SchmkH-Rottluff-Förderungsstlftung, Berlin 05666 Kart und Emy Schmidt-Rottluff-Stlftung, Berlin 05887 August Schmidt-Stiftung, Bochum 05888 Amo Schmidt-Stiftung, Eldingen-Bargfeld 05669 Hilfswerk des Fleischerhandwerks Willy Schmidt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05890 Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm und Margarete Schmidt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05891 Helmut und Loki Schmidt Stiftung, Hamburg 05892 Gert und Barbara Schmidt-Stiftung, Hamburg 05893 Alida Schmidt-Stiftung, Hamburg 05894 Robert E. Schmidt-Stiftung, Heidelberg 05695 Josef-Schmidt-Stiftung, Waldershof 05696 Liselotte-Schmidt-Stiftung, Waldheim 05897 Prof. Götz Schmidt Stiftung, Wettenberg 05898 Dr. Joachim und Hanna Schmidt-Stiftung für Umwelt und Verkehr, Ilsede 05699 Schmidt'sche Famillenstlftung, Erfurt 05900 Schmidt'sche Stiftung, Kelbra 05901 Stiftung Schmieder für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Allensbach 05902 Prof. Friedrich Schmieder-Stiftung, Gailingen 05903 Heinrich Schmilinsky-Stiftung, Hamburg 05904 Gertraud und Anna Schmits-Stiftung, Mülheim an der Ruhr 05905 Franz Schmltt-Belhlffe-Stlftung, Würzburg 05906 Oskar Schmitt-Stiftung, Mannheim 05907 Kurl Schmitt-Stiftung, Vilshofen 05908 Rechtsanwalt Richard Schmitt-Stiftung, Würzburg 05909 Dr. Hermann Schmitt-VockenhausenStiftung, Bad Soden 05910 W.P. Schmitz-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 05911 Dr. Hermann und Otto Schmitz-Stiftung, Essen 05912 Heinrich W. Schmitz-Stiftung, München 05913 SchmökJers-Stiftung für Verhaltensforschung im Wirtschaftsleben, München 05914 Heinz Schmöle-Stiftung, Viersen 059)5 Stiftung für Hyperbarmedizin Dr. med. Jörg Schmutz, Basel 13205 Hermann und Else Schnabel Stiftung, Hamburg 05916 Alexander Schnaderbeck-Sllftung, Stadtbergen 05917 Daniel Schnakenberg-Stiftung, Bremen 05918 Schneider Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 05919 Carl Schneider-Stiftung, Aalen 05920 Erich Schneider-Stiftung, Essen 0592t Elisabeth Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg 05922 Familie Schneider-Stiftung, Gladenbach 05923
371 Rosa Schneider-Stiftung, München 05924 Paul Schneider-Stiftung, Rödental 05925 Rolf und Ursula Schneider· Stiftung zur Förderung der Geschichtswissenschaften, Wollenbüttel 05926 Oberamtmann Hans Schneider von Zaleskl'sche Stiftung, Straubing 05927 Paul Schnltker-Stlftung, Essen 05928 Schnftziein-Weindl-Stiftung, Vaterstetten 05929 Ella und J. Paul Schnorf-Stlftung, Zürich 13206 Adolf und Gertrud Schnflrie-Stlftung, Stuttgart 05930 Conrad W. Schnyder-Stiftung, Küssnacht 13207 Schock-Stiftung für GemeindeEntwicklung, Schorndorf 05931 Ebertiard-Schöck-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 05932 Dr. Carl-Heinz-Schöfer-Stiftung, Oldenburg 05933 Emst Schoemperien-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 05934 Prof. Dr. Hans-B. Schoen-Sttftung, Offenbach 05935 Familien-Kulturstiftung Graf von Schönbom-Wiesenthekl, Wiesentheid Stiftung Schönbühl, Schaffhausen 13208 Walter Schöndube-Stlftung, Bad Bentheim 05937 Erika und Elmar Schoeneberg-Stiftung, Essen 05938 Margarethe Schönefeld-Stiftung, Hamburg 05939 Schönen'sche Lehens-Stiftung zu Pattensen, Pattensen 05940 Otto Schönflsch-Stlftung, Bad Wörtshofen 05941 Ludwig und Irmgard Schönherr-Stiftung, München 05942 Josef Schönwald Ritter von Bingenheim-Waisenstiftung für öffentlich Bedienstete aus Niederösterreich und Wien, Wien 00137 Joseph und Maria Schöpf-Altenhiife· Stiftung, München 05943 Geschwister-Schöpf-Stlftung, Dillingen an der Donau 05944 Melitta Schöpf-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 05945 Schöps-Friedrlch-Stlftung, Gütersloh 05946 Fred-Joachim Schoeps-Stiftung, Mannheim 05947 Leo Schörghuber-Stiftung, München 05948 Josef Schörghuber-Stiftung, München 05949 Herbert Schöll-Stiftung. Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05950 Geschwister Schöll-Stiftung, Hamburg 05951 Stichting Het Schotten-Cordes Fonds, Rotterdam 09322 Stichting J.B. Scholtenfonds, Groningen 09323 Scholvln-Stiftung, Hannover 05952 S.M. Kinderhilfe Schommers-Stlftung, Dinslaken 05953 The Schonfekl Square Foundation, London 19485 School Care Family Fund, London 19486 School Endowment Trust, Buxton 19487 The School Foundation, Cambridge 19488 The School Fund, Newbury 19489 School Lands Educational Foundation, Carlisle 19490 School Provision Fund Number 1, Oxford 19491 School Provision Fund Number 2, Oxford 19492 Schools Holiday Trust Fund, Birmingham 19493 Schopenhauer-Stiftung Arthur Angelika Hübscher in memoriam Christian Hübscher, Frankfurt am Main 05954 Anna-Maria von Schräder-Stiftung, Mannheim 05955 Vereinigte Stiftung der Familien Schräder, von Kalm und von Vechelde, Wuppertal 05956 Fritz Schreck'sche Stiftung, Magdeburg 05957 J. Wilhelm Schreiber-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05958 Kommerzienrat Schreiber-Stiftung für die evangelische Kirche Sankt Marien zu JeBnitz In Anhalt, Jeßnitz 05959 Schreiber'sche Stiftung In Grafenitielnfeld, Grafenrheinfekj 05960 Hermann Schridde-SWtung, Winsen/Aller 05961 Kurt und Erika Sehrobach-Stiftung, Raisdorf 05962 The Schröders' and Haberdashers' Educational Foundation, London 19494 Friedrich Ludwig Schröder-Klndersttftung e.V., Hamburg 05963 Anneliese-Schröder-Prels, Berlin 05964
Alphabetical Index: Seelhaus-Stiftung Martin C. Schröder-Stiftung, Bad Oeynhausen 05965 Emst Schröder-Stiftung, Bonn 05955 Rudolf-Alexander Schröder-Stiftung, Bremen 05967 Carl und Grete Schröder Stiftung, Bremen 05965 Hanna Schröder-Stiftung, Bremerhaven 05969 Schröder-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05970 Schröder-Stiftung, Torgau 05971 Joh. Heinrich Schröder's mildtätige Stiftung, Hamburg 05972 Maria von Schrottenberg-Stlftung, Regensburg 05973 Professor Dr. Friedrich Schubel-Stiftung, Mainz 05974 Friedrich-Schubel-Stlftung, Tübingen 05975 Theodor Schubert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05976 Johannes Schubert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05977 Bruno H. Schubert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05978 Bruno Schubert-UnterstützungskasseStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05979 Sigmund Schuckert-Stiftung, Nürnberg 05980 Sofie Schuckert-Stiftung, Nürnberg 05981 SchOchtemtann-Schfller'sche Familienstiftung zu Dortmund, Dortmund 05982 Hans-Peter Schüler Stiftung, Hamburg 05983 Schüler- und Stipendienstiftung, Stuttgart 05984 Schülerdank, Goslar 05985 Rudolf Schülke-Stiftung, Norderstedt 05986 Gustav und Catharina Schürfeld-Stiftung, Hamburg 05987 Eberhard Schürmann-Stiftung, ClausthalZellerfeld 05988 Franz Schütte-Stlftung, Bremen 05989 Schützenvogt-Becker-Stiftung, Goslar 05990 Schützstiftung, Ansbach 0599ί Schul· und Armenstiftung Ehingen, Ehingen 05992 Abraham Philipp Schuldt-Stlftung, Hamburg 05993 Usa von der Schulenburg-Stiftung, Dorsten 05994 Hartmut und Lore Schuler-Stlftung, Wuppertal 05995 Bruno Schuler-Stlftung, Zürich 13209 Schulgeld-Stiftung, Beilngries 05996 Schullandhelm Strümpfeibrunn, Ludwigsburg 05997 Schuliandhelmstiftung RöwekampHeiiigengelsttor, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05998 Schulmeyr- und Lehner'sche Unterrichtsstiftung, Wolnzach 05999 Schulsport-Stiftung, Biberach 06000 Schulstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe 06001 Schulstlftung der Erzdiözese Freiburg, Freiburg 06002 Schulstiftung der EvangelischLutherischen Landeskirche Mecklenburgs, Schwerin 06003 Schulstiftung der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Württemberg, Stuttgart 06004 Franz Schulte-Hordeihoff-Stlftung Wattenscheid, Bochum 06005 Emst schulten-istiftung, Dortmund 06006 Karl Schultheis Stiftung, Konz 06007 Pfarrer Alois Schultheis'sche Armenstiftung mit Zusatzstiftung der Schwestern Käthe und Julie Schultheis, Bischofsheim an der Rhön 06008 Hermann Schultze-Sttftung, Hamburg 06009 Ella SchuHze-Stlftung, Offenbach 06010 Stiftung Krebsentstehung und Immunologie Dr. Gerhard und Ingeborg Schulz, Hamburg 06011 Dr. Otto Schulz-Kampfhenkel-Sttfturig, Hamburg 06012 Björn Schulz Stiftung. Berlin 06013 Walter Schulz-Stiftung, München 06014 Alberl Schulz-Stiftung, Rostock 06015 Prof. Werner Schulze-Stiftung, Essen 06016 Reinhokj und Elisabeth Schulze-Stiftung, Essen 06017 Oswald Schulze-Stiftung, Gladbeck 06018 Otto-Friedrich Schulze-Stiftung, Lübeck 06019 Dr. Schulze-Stiftung, Meersburg 06020 J.H. Schumecher-Jublläums-Stlftung der Hamburger Fleischerinnung, Hamburg 06021 Elisabeth Schumacher-Stiftung, Bocholt 06022 Friedrich Wilhelm Schumacher-Stiftung, Solingen 06023 SchumafrStHhing, Aachen 06024 Fondation Robert Schuman, Paris 01260
Anna Schumann-Stiftung, Bersenbrück 06025 Erich Schümm-Stiftung, Murrtiardt 06026 Jacob Gould Schurmann Stiftung, Mannheim 06027 Emmy Schuster-Holzammer-Stiftung, Rosenheim 06028 Senator Kurt und Inge Schuster-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06029 Stiftung Schustergut Hünfeld, Hünfeld 06030 The Marie Schutt Trust, Cambridge 19495 Daniel Schutte-Stiftung, Hamburg 06031 Schutz der Umwelt, Papenburg 06032 Schuurman Schimmehvan Outeren Stichting, Haarlem 09324 Dorothea Schwaab-Stiftung zur Unterstützung autistischer Menschen, Neustadt an der Weinstraße 06033 Stiftung Otto Schwaar, Suhr 13210 Prof.-Schwabe-Stiftung, Dresden 06034 Dr. W. Schwabe-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 06035 Dr. Willmar Schwabesche HeimstättenStiftung, Mannheim 06035 Irmgard Schwanert-Stiftung, Coburg 06037 Helga und Dr. Erich SchwanhäußerStiftung, Nürnberg 06038 Helen und Will Schwardmann-Stlftung, Hannover 06039 Eduard von Schwartzkoppen-Stiftung, Essen 06040 Herbert Berthold Schwarz-Stiftung Im Ruderclub am Wannsee, Berlin 06041 Stiftung der Gräfin Johanne Elisabeth von Schwarzburg vom Glelchen'schen Hause, Weimar 06042 Stiftung der Familie Eduard Schwarze, Haan 06043 Heinz Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa, Berlin 06044 Henriette Schweers-Knoop-Stlftung, Bremen 06045 Alfred- und Ludwig-Sophien-Stiftung zu Wolfenbüttel - genannt Schweiger'sche Stiftung, Wolfenbüttel 08208 Schweisfurth-Stiftung, München 06046 Stipendienstiftung Albert Schweitzer, Wien 00138 Stichting Nededands Albert Schweitzer Fonds, Maarssen 09325 Albert Schweitzer-Gedenk- und Begegnungsstätte, Weimar 06047 Albert-Schweltzer-Stiftung für pflegebedürftige und ältere Menschen in Berlin, Berlin 06048 Stiftung Deutsches Albert SchweitzerZentrum, Frankfurt am Main 06049 Stiftung Albert Schweitzer-Zentrum Günsbach, Thun 13211 Dr. Schweitzer's Hospital Fund, Croydon near Royston 19496 Schweizer Forschungsstiftung Kind und Krebs. Zürich 13212 Schweizer Freunde des Israelischen Soldaten, Erbmattingen 13213 Schweizer Parapleglker-Stlftung, Basel 13214 Schweizer Rettungsflugwacht, ZürichFlughafen 13215 Schweizer Seelsorge-Stiftung, Zug 13216 Schweizer Stiftung Pro Aero, Zürich 13218 Schweizer Tibethilfe, Bern 13219 Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinische Stiftung für archäologische Forschungen im Ausland, Zürich 73220 Schweizerische Äthiopische Stiftung für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Sankt Gallen 13221 Schweizerische Akademie der medizinischen Wissenschaften, Basel 13222 Schweizerische Akademie für Entwicklung, Solothum 13223 Schweizerische Akademie für Steuerfehre, Zurich 13224 Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kultureller Stiftungen, Zürich 13225 Schweizerische Ausblldungsstätte für Natur- und Umweltschutz, Biel 13226 Schweizerische Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung, Bern 13227 Schweizerische Diabetes-Stiftung, Steinhausen 13228 Schweizerische Doron-Preis Stiftung, Zug 13229 Schweizerische Energie-Stiftung, Zürich 13230 Schweizerische Friedensstiftung, Bern 13231 Schwelzerische Gerina-Stiftung zur Erhaltung der alpinen Fllessgewässer, Zürich 13232 Schweizerische Gesundheitsstiftung RADIX, Zürich 13233 Schweizerische Gewässerstiftung, Zürich 13234 Schweizerische Herzstiftung, Bern 13235 Schweizerische Hlmalaya-Stiftung, Ins 13236
Schweizerische Hospitallter Stiftung, Baden 13237 Schweizerische Kulturstiftung für Audiovision, Zürich 13238 Schweizerische Nationalspende für unsere Soldaten und Ihre Familien, Bern 13239 Schweizerische Neurodermitis Stiftung, Zofingen 13240 Schweizerische Pfadistfftung, Basel 13241 Schweizerische Schiller-Stiftung, Amberg 13242 Schweizerische Stiftung BandJugendhilfe, Basel 13243 Schweizerische Stiftung Feriendorf Twannberg, Twannberg 13244 Schweizerische Stiftung für Alkoholforschung, Lausanne 13245 Schweizerische Stiftung für alkoholfreie Gastlichkeit, Zürich 13246 Schweizerische Stiftung für alpine Forschungen, Zürich 13247 Schwelzerische Stiftung für audiovisuelle Bildungsangebote, Zürich 13248 Schweizerische Stiftung für blindentechnische Hirtsmittel, Waidkirch 13249 Schweizerische Stiftung für das cerebral gelähmte Kind, Bern 13250 Schweizerische Stiftung für das Stockalperschloss, Brig 13251 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Erforschung der Muskelkrankhelten, Bern 13252 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Familie, Zürich J3253 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Förderung und Unterstützung von Berufsmusikern, Bern 13254 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Geschichte der Post und Telekommunikation, Bern 13255 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Hilfe an Straffällige und ihre Familien, Bern 13256 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Photographie, Zürich 13257 Schweizerische Stiftung für Edelsteinforschung, Bern 13258 Schweizerische Stiftung für elektronische Hilfsmittel, Neuchâtel 13259 Schweizerische Stiftung für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Bern 13260 Schweizerische Stiftung für Forschung und Ausbildung „Qualität", Zollikofen 13261 Schweizerische Stiftung für himverletzte Menschen, Zürich 13262 Schweizerische Stiftung für Internationale Berufswettbewerbe, Volketswil 13263 Schweizerische Stiftung für Kinder und Jugendliche, Luzem 132Θ4 Schweizerische Stiftung für Klinische Krebsforschung, Zürich 13265 Schweizerische Stiftung für KunststoffReintegration, Sankt Gallen 13266 Schwelzerische Stiftung für Landschaftsarchitektur, Rapperswil 13267 Schweizerische Stiftung fur Landschaftsschutz und Landschaftspflege, Bern 13678 Schwelzerische Stiftung für Migration, Fribourg 13268 Schweizerische Stiftung für Parapsychologie, Brügg 13269 Schwelzerische Stiftung für Rehabilitation, Basel 13270 Schwelzerische Stiftung für Sozialethik, Zürich 13271 Schweizerische Stiftung für Stockwerkeigentum, Thun 13272 Schweizerische Stiftung für Taubblinde, Langnau am Albis 13273 Schweizerische Stiftung für Vogelschutzgebiete, Ebnat-Kappel 13274 Schweizerische Stiftung für Wohnungsbau im ländlichen Raum, Solothum 13275 Schweizerische Stiftung Guter Wille, Zurich 13276 Schweizerische Stiftung Pro Venezia. Lugano 13277 Schweizerische Stiftung Telmed, Zürich 13278 Schwelzerische Stiftung World Health Forum, Meiringen 13279 Schweizerische Stiftung Zürne l i b e , Bern 13280 Schweizerische Stiftung zur Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankhelten, Zürich 13281 Schwelzerische Stiftung zur Erhaltung der Hohlen Gasse, Küssnacht 13282 Schweizerische Stiftung zur Förderung der Geflügelzucht und - haltung, Zollikofen 13283 Schweizerische Stiftung zur Förderung des biologischen Landbaus, Frick 13284 Schweizerische Studienstiftung, Zürich 13285
Schweizerische Studienstiftung für begabte junge Menschen, Zürich 13286 Schweizerische Technische Fachschule Winterthur, Winterthur 13287 Schweizerische Vogelwarte Sempach, Sempach 13288 Schwelzerische Volksblbliothek, Solothum 13289 Schweizerischer Fonds für Hilfe bei nicht versicherbaren Elementarschäden, Bern 13290 Schweizerischer Fonds zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung der Blindheit, Zürich 13291 Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Bern 13292 Schweizerisches Archiv für Brot- und Gebäckkunde, Bern 13293 Schweizerisches Forschungsinstitut für Hochgebirgsklima und Medizin in Davos, Davos Platz 13294 Schweizerisches Freilichtmuseum für ländliche Kultur Ballenberg, Brienz 13295 Schweizerisches Institut für Glas am Bau, Zürich 13296 Schweizerisches Institut in Rom, Bern 13297 Schweizerisches Jugendschriftenwerk, Zürich 13298 Schweizerisches Pestalozziheim Neuhof, Birr 13299 Schweizerisches Toxikologisches Informationszentrum, Zürich 13300 Kunststiftung Sabine Schwenk, Haigerloch 06050 Sch wenninger· Volksbank-Stiftung, Villingen-Schwenningen 06051 Schwester Georgette-Stiftung, Kehl 06052 Fondazione Sciaredo, Muralto 13301 Fondazione Leonardo Sciascia. Racalmuto 08930 The Scion Lodge Benevolent Fund, Aldeburgh 19497 Gustav Scipio-Stiftung. Bremen 05053 Scivias-Stlftung, Odemheim 06054 Sclerder Carmelite Monastery Public Church Trust, Looe 19498 SCOPE, London 19499 Scopus Jewish Educational Trust, London 19500 C.K. Scott Memorial Fund, London 19501 Fondation Peter Scott Wildlife Endowment Fund, Gland 13302 Scottish AIDS Research Foundation, Edinburgh 19502 Scott's Educational Foundation, London 19503 Scouloudi Foundation, London 19504 The Philip Scratchley Scholarship Fund, Shrewsbury 19505 Scunthorpe Community Healthcare N.H.S. Trust, Scunthorpe 19506 Sea Watch Foundation, Oxford 19507 George Seamer Memorial Trust, Derby 19508 John Searle Memorial Trust, London 19509 Searle-Stiftung für Medizinische Prävention und Epidemiologie, Günzburg 06055 Fundación Manuel Sebastián, Barcelona 12127 Fundación Emesto Seco y Bittin I, Madrid 12128 Second Church of Christ (Scientist) London Endowment, London 19510 Second Church of Christ Scientist Manchester Trust, Manchester 19511 The Second Generation Trust, London 19512 Second University House Trust, Romford 19513 Secours Catholique-Caritas France, Paris 01261 Secours Dentaire International, Morges 13303 Secular Clergy New Common Fund, Fareham 19514 Seddon's Trust, Bolton 19515 Sedlmayr'sche Unterstützungs-Stiftung für Arbeitnehmer der Firma Gabriel Sedlmayr Spaten-Franzlskaner-Bräu KGaA, München 06056 Marie Seebach-Stlftung, Weimar 06057 Guido Seeber-Stiftung. Berlin 06058 The Pat Seed Appeal Fund, Preston 19516 Seedamm-Kulturzentrum, Pfäffikon 13973 Freiherrlich von Seefried'sche Stiftung zu Buttenhelm für unbemittelte Fräulein und Witwen, Buttenheim 06059 Dr. Josef Seegen-Stlftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00139 Erika Seeger-Stiftung, Reutlingen 06060 Fritz Seeger-Stlftung, Stutensee 06061 Mia Seeger-Stlftung zur Förderung des Design, Stuttgart 06062 Uwe-Seeler-Stiftung, Hamburg 06063 Gemeinschaftliche Seelhaus-Stiftung, Oeffingen 06064
Alphabetical Index: Seelhaus·¡-Stiftung Seelhaus-Stlftung Marktoberdorf, Marktoberdorf 06065 Seelhorst-Stlftung, Barsinghausen 06065 Carl Seelig-Stlftung, Kaltenbach 13304 Seelsorgestiftung Litauen, Brig 13305 Seer Green Church Trust, Beaconsflëd 19517 Fondazione Richard e Uli Seewald, Zürich 13306 Fundación Seles Baix Llobregat, Barcelona 12129 The Lord anü Lady Sefton Educational Trust Fund for the Parish of Over Wyresdale, Lancaster 19518 Stiftung Giovanni Segantini, Sankt Moritz 13307 Fundación Penya Segat de Campello, Alicante 12130 Anna Seghers-Stlftung, Berlin 06067 Fundación Felipe Segovia Martínez, Madrid 12131 Fundación Institución Salvador Seguí, Madrid 12132 Fundación Segura Román, Málaga 12133 Charlotte-Selbold-Stlftung der Dresdner Bank AG In Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 06068 Carl Seidel-Stiftung, Berlin 06069 Elsbeth Seidel-Stiftung, Berlin 06070 Manns Seidel-Stiftung e.V., München 06071 Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Moskva, Moskva 10007 Dr. Kurt Seifert-Stiftung, Naila 06072 Karl und Else Seifried-Stlftung, Wehrheim 06073 Fundación Escuela Seijo, Corbite-Adabín 12134 Franz-Xaver und Emma Seiler-Stiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg im Breisgau 06074 Dr. Alexander Seiler-Stiftung zur Förderung des Krankenpflegeberufes, Wabern 13308 Selon Congregational Chapel Trust Fund, Ammanford 19519 Selon Fund for Bethel Congregational Chapel, Talybont 19520 Gustav Seitz-Stiftung, Hamburg 06075 Karl Seitz-Stiftung, Wien 00140 Fundaçâo Dona Mariana Seixas, Viseu 09923 SEKURO Stiftung, Chemnitz 06076 Ottilie Selbach-Redslob-Stlftung, Berlin 06077 Selbstbestimmt leben-Stiftung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hilfe für Behinderte, Düsseldorf 06078 Elizabeth Selby Memorial Trust, London 19521 Seldt'sche Stipendien-Stiftung, Magdeburg 06079 Fundación Seigas Falgade, Madrid 12135 The Eva Seline Fund, Cardiff 19522 Fondazione Sella, Biella 08931 John Seller Educational Foundation, Christleton 19523 The Selly Oak Colleges Endowment Trust, Birmingham 19524 Werner Alfred Selo-Stiftung zur Therapieforschung von Kopfschmerzen und Depressionen, Cham 13309 Selsdon Centre Trust, Croydon 19525 Maria Seitmann-Stiftung, Weiden 06080 Fondation Edith Seltzer, Briançon 01262 Fondation de Selves, Sariat-Ia-Caneda 01263 The Selwyn Demmy Charitable Trust, Manchester 19526 Fondazione Rico Semeraro, Lecce 08932 Semmelwels Alapitvány Magyarországi Ortopédia Fejlesztéséért, Budapest 08348 Dr. Senckenbergische Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06081 Elisabeth-von-Senden Stiftung, München 06082 von Senden'sche Familienstiftung, Mainz 06083 Fundación Ramón J. Sender, Barbastro 12136 Internationale Senefelder-Stiftung, Offenbach 06084 Franz Ludwig von Senger-Stlftung, Zürich 13310 Seniorenheim zum Helligen Geist, Boppard 06085 Seniorenhilfe Zeitz, Zeitz 06086 Seniorenstiftung Haltstadt, Mallstadt 06087 Seniorenstiftung Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin 06088 Ayrton Senna Foundation, London 19527 Seppeler-Stlftung für Flug- und Fahrwesen, Gütersloh 06069 Seppelersche Stiftung, Münster 06090 Fondazione Serafini, Rimini 08933 Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Save Trust, London 19528 Serbian Orthodox Parish of Saint Andrew Trust, Bedford 19529 Serbian Orthodox Parish of Saint Apostles Trust, Leicester 19530
Serendipity Charitable Trust, Whitstabie 19531 The Sergent Memorial Trust, Newport 19532 Rolf und Lucia Serlck-Stlftung, Meidelberg 06091 Fundación Joaquin Sero, Barcelona 12137 Fundación Joaquín Serra, Barcelona 12138 Fundación Serra Carbonell, Catella 12139 Fundación Serra Espada, Chovar 12140 Fundación José Serra Farró, La Riba 12141 Fundaçâo Carlos Serrano, Portalegre 09924 Fundación Museo Pablo Serrano, Zaragoza 12142 Fundación Premio Hermanos José y Femando Serrano Suñer, Madrid 12143 Fundación María Dolores Serres Sena, Majadahonda 12144 Fundación Sert para la Rehabilitación de Niños Minusválktos, Barcelona 12145 Fondazione Se rughetti, Bergamo 08934 Servante of Christ Ministries Trust, London 19533 Fundación Sergi Serve! Gironi de Pedagogía Social, Gerona 12146 Fundación Pública Miguel Servet, Jaén 12147 SES-Stiftung, Essen 06092 The Sessions Book Trust, York 19534 Sethestift, Aurich 06093 Rosa Settemeyer-Stiftung BehindertenHeimat Norderstedt, Norderstedt 06094 Lothar-Seuflert-SÜftung, Würzburg 06095 Adam Martin Seuffert-Walsen-Stfflung, Nürnberg 06096 Stiftung Kari Seuser des Ev. Kirchenkreises Wied, Neuwied 06097 Gerd und Ulrike Seuwan Stiftung, Kempten/Allgäu 06098 Shree Ananadabawa Seva Charitable Trust, North Harrow 19535 Seven Kings Muslim Educational Trust, Ifford 19536 Fondazione Francesco Severi, Arezzo 08935 Fondazione Regionale Pietro Seveso, Milano 08936 Margaret Sewell Memorial Fund, Carlisle 19537 Dr. Seyboth-Stlpendienstfftung, Regensburg 06099 Fondation René Seydoux, Paris 01264 Fondation René Seydoux pour le Monde Méditerranéen, Paris 01265 J.H. Seyfert senior Stiftung, Hamburg 06100 Carl Seyffert'sche Penslonskasse, Naila 06101 Fondazione Pasquale Stamani, Bologna 08937 Sfb Bildungszentrum, Dietikon 13311 SGGB President's Education Bursary Trust, Staines 19538 sgz-Bank-Stlftung, Karlsruhe 06102 Shah Art Foundation, Stanmore 19539 Shah Bhagwanji Kachra Foundation, Northwood 19540 Shahporan Mas)ld and Islamic Centre Trust, London 19541 Fundación Shakespeare, Valencia 12148 Shakespeare Temperance Trust, Durham 19542 Shalom Charity Trust, Callington 19543 Michael Shapiro Foundation, London 19544 Aaron Shapiro Memorial Fund, London 19545 Share, Saint Albans 19546 Sharlston Saint Luke's Spinsters' Fund, Wakefield 19547 Shambrook Amateur Theatre Trust, Bedford 19548 The Ruth Sharpe Memorial Prize Fund, Cardiff 19549 The Shaw Charitable Trust, Northwood 19550 Shaw Fund, Middlesbrough 19551 The Shaw House School Appeal Trust, Newbury 19552 The Shaw Lands Trust, Bamsley 19553 Shaw Nurse Endowment Fund, Wakefield 19554 Shaw Poor Clergy Endowment Augmentation Fund, Wakefield 19555 Amanda Shaw Prize Fund, London 19556 Sheba Trust Newham, London 19557 Sheffield City Trust, Sheffield 19558 Sheffield Festival Trust, Sheffield 19559 The Sheffield Forge masters Benevolent Fund, Sheffield 19560 Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust, Sheffield 19561 Sheffield Grammar School Exhibition Foundation, Sheffield 19562 Sheffield Lyceum Theatre Trust, Sheffield 19563 The Sheffield Partnerships Research Trust, Sheffield 19564
372 Sheffield Scout Post Trust, Sheffield 19565 Sheffield Theatres Trust, Sheffield 19566 Sheffield Town Trust, Sheffield 19567 Sheffield Trust for Elderly People, Sheffield 19568 Sheffield Wildlife Trust, Sheffield 19569 Sheklnah Christian Fellowship (Greenwich) Trust, London 19570 Shelbume First School Fund, High Wycombe 19571 The Sheldon Hutchinson Trust York 19572 Sheldon Memorial Trust. York 19573 The Freda Shelley Trust, Chalfont Saint Giles 19574 The Shelley Trust, London 19575 S hen ley Christian Fellowship Trust, Milton Keynes 19576 Shentey Leisure Centre Trust, London 19577 Shenu Trust Leicester, Leicester 19578 Shepard-Stone-Stiftung, Essen 06103 The Shepherd Street Trust, Preston 19579 The Shepherd's School Trust, London 19580 Stiftung Sherab Ung, Bern 13312 Sheridan Trust, Manchester J9581 The Sheriffs' and Recorders' Fund, London 19582 Archie Sherman Charitable Trust London 19583 Shersbys Fund, Bexleyheath »9584 Sherrington Third World Trust, Birmingham 19585 Shevlock Memorial Hall Fund, Torpoint 19586 The Shiloh Pentecostal Fellowship Trust, Cardiff 19587 Shlmbwe Development Trust (Tanzania), Tunbridge Wells 19588 Shlnfleld Adult School Trust, Reading 19589 Shipbrokers Emergency Fund, London 19590 Shipton Street County Infant School Fund, York 19591 SHK Stiftung IQr Herz- und Kreislaufkrankheiten, Stans 13313 Shooting Star Trust, Hounslow 19592 The Jane Shore Charitable Trust, London 19593 Shoshanas Rochel Charitable Trust, London 19594 Shottesbrooke Charitable Trust, London 19595 The Showering Fund, Bristol 19596 The Shrewsbury Abbey Nonacentonery Trust, Shrewsbury 19597 Shrewsbury Dispensary Fund, Shrewsbury 19598 Shrewsbury House School Trust, Surbiton 19599 The Shrewsbury Jeux Sans Frontières Trust, Shrewsbury 19600 Shrewsbury School Foundation, Shrewsbury 19601 Shrewsbury Theatre Trust, Shrewsbury 19602 Shrewsbury Unitarian Church Trust Fund, Shrewsbury Í9603 The Shropshire Theatre Organ Trust, Broseley 19604 The Shuttleworth Hall Estate Fund, Shipley 19605 The Emily Ada Slbthorpe Trust, Luton 19606 Fondation Slcard-lperti, Vallauris 01266 Sick and Needy Fund (Eastleigh). Eastleigh 19607 Sick and Needy Fund (Luton), Luton 19608 Adalbert und Jeanette Sickinger-Stiftung, München 06104 SIdcup Rotary Club Benevolent Trust, Sidcup 19609 Emily Sidney Goodall Will Trust, London 19610 SIDOS, Neuchátel 13314 Reinhard Sieb-Stiftung, Lüneburg 06105 SiebenbOrgisch-Sächslsche Stiftung, München 06106 Siebenpfetffer-Sttftung, Homburg 06107 Stiftung Sozialwerke Pfarrer Emst Sieber, Urdorf 13315 Siechen· und Schwestemhausstlftung Münnerstadt, Münnerstadt 06108 Siechen hauspflege, Würzburg 06109 SiechenhaussWtung, Hilpoltstein 06110 Slechenhau8sttftung Haitwrg, Haiburg 06111 Horst-Sledle-Stlftung, Furtwangen 06112 Gabriele Siegel Stiftung, Heidenheim 06113 Wolfgang Siegel-Stiftung, Hof 06114 Fondation Siegfried, Langeais 01267 Hildegard und Gerhard Siegmann Stiftung, München 06115 Heinz Sielmann-Stiftung, Duderstadt 06116 Familienstiftung der Familie Siemens, Hameln 06117 Hilfsfond der Siemens-Glas AG, Wirges 06118 Stiftung Werner von Slemens-RIng, Düsseldorf 06119
Carl Friedrich von Siemens-Stiftung, München 06120 Hertha von Siemens-Stiftung, München 06121 Emst von Siemens-Stiftung München, München 06122 Slemens-Technik-Akademle, München 06*23 Siemens Unternehmens!* ratung Kinderfonds Simung, München 06124 Edmund Siemen-Stiftung, Hamburg 06125 Eugen Siempelkamp-Stiftung, Krefeld 06126 Rudolf Slener Stiftung, Bad Ems 06127 Aurelius Sleperda Leen, Bolsward 09326 Fundación Sierra-Pambley, León 12149 Amalie Sleveking-Stfftung, Hamburg 06128 Dr. Sigg-Famlllenstlftung, Kandel 06129 Dr. Slgg-Förderstiftung, Kandel 06130 Dr. Eugen Sigg-Stfftung, Kandel 06131 Sight Savers International, Haywards Heath 19611 Geheimrat J. Sigle-Sala ma nder-Stfftung, Komwestheim 06132 Harald und Marieluise Slgwart-Stiftung, Rückersdorf 06133 Slhtasutus Eesti Haridusfoorum, Tallinn 00690 Sihtasutus Eesti Kohallke Omavaütsuete TugHond, Tallinn 00691 Gerhard Sllberkuhl-Stiftung, Mülheim 06134 The Silcoales School Foundation, Wakefield 19612 Dr. Slllemstiftung, Göttingen 06135 Stiftung Slloah, Gümligen 13316 The Slioam Congregational Chapel Fund, Llanegwad T96Í3 Fondazione Ignazio Silone, Sulmona 08938 Silva-Casa Stiftung, Bern 13317 Fundaçâo Amélia da Silva de Mello, Lisboa 09925 Fondation Christian Silvain, EupenKettenis 00498 The Silver Blrch Trust, London 19614 Louise Silverberg und Marianne Hauer Stiftung, Zürich 13318 Fondazione Italiana Sitvestrelli per l'Alcoollsmo, Roma 08939 Fondazione Filippo Silvestri, Portici 08940 Fondazione Rosetta Silvestri Baffi, Triggiano 08941 Fundación Institución Cultural Simancas, Valtadolid 12150 SIMAVI, Haarlem 09327 Heinrich-Simbrlger-Stiftung, Regensburg 06136 Simeonsstift Im evangelischen Johanneswerk e.V., Bielefeld 06137 Major Raymond Slmmonds Prize Fund In Connection with Dyserth County Primary School, Mold 19615 Foundation William E. Simon School of Business Administration In Switzerland, Bern 13319 Dr. Hanns Simon-Stiftung, Bitburg 06138 Albert und Loni Simon-Stiftung, Bodenheim 06139 Erika Simon-Stiftung, Rinteln 06140 Stichting Baron Simonart, Tildonk 00499 The John Simonds Trust, Bradfield 19616 Theodor Simonelt-Stiftung, Kahl 06141 Stichting Pierre Simons, Leuven 00500 Matthew Simon's Educational Foundation, Leicester 19617 The Simpson Memorial Foundation, Manchester 19618 The Ann Sims Charity Trust Fund, London 19619 The Michael Sims Memorial Medical Fund, Marlow 19620 The David Thomas Sims Poor Fund, Neath 19621 T.P. Sims Scholarship Fund, Swansea 19622 Slndlesham School Development Fund, Wokingham 19623 Sinfonima-Stiftung, Mannheim 06142 Stichting Singer Memorial Foundation, Laren 09328 Fondation Slnger-Pollgnac, Paris 01268 Karl Singer-Stiftung, Schwangau 06143 Ranjit Singh Travelling Scholarship Fund, London 19624 The Baba Jaswant Singh Trust, Southall 19625 Sint Geertruidsleen, Abbega 09329 Fondazione Istituto Storico Sardo Giuseppe Slotto, Cagliari 08942 The Sister Saint John Fund, Liverpool 19626 SIstnim Charity Foundation, London 19627 Stiftung Shrerdes, Münster 06144 Stat Counties Technology Charitable Trust, Bicester 19628 Sixth Church oí Christ Scientist London Trust, London 19629 SJollema-Gaastra Fonds, Leeuwarden 09330 SK Stiftung Jugend und Wirtschaft, Köln 06145
SK Stiftung Kultur. Köln 06146 Sketty Club Benevolent Trust Swansea 19630 The Skimped Hill Health Centre Research Fund, Bracknell 19631 Skin Education Research Trust, Hoddesden 79632 The Harry Skinner Memorial Fund, Leicester 19633 The Skinners' Company's School for Girts Appeal Fund, London 19634 The Tony Slack Memorial Fund, Leeds 19635 Henry Slater Prayer Book Prize Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19636 Frank Slawson Trust, Matlock Bath 19637 The Felix Slevin Charitable Trust, London 19638 The Slough and District Community Fund, Slough 19639 Slough Glyndwr Trust, Slough 19640 Slough Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Slough 19641 Slough Neqshbandi Trust, Slough 19642 Slough Social Fund, Slough 19643 Slovak Donors Forum, Bratislava 10016 Smklt-Stfftung zu Bremen, Bremen 06147 The Smith and Nephew Foundation, London 19644 Rebecca Smith Charitable Trust, Worcester 19645 Henry Smith Charity-Kensington Estate, London 19646 Sir Smith Child Supplementary Convalescent Fund, Stoke-on-Trent Í9647 Fondazione Smith Kline, Milano 08943 Smith Kline Beecham-Stifhing, München 06148 John Smith Memorial Fund, Harrow 19648 Hugh Smith Memorial Fund, London 19649 The Colin Smith Music Trust Fund, Bedford 19650 The Ragnhild Smith-Petersen Memorial Fund, Cardiff 19651 William and Ciara Smith Relief In Sickness Fund, Sheffield 19652 The Richard Smith Trust, llford 19653 Dr. R.J. Smith Trust Fund, Cardiff 19654 The Smlthfleld Trust, London 19655 Brooke Smith's Educational Foundation, Bristol 19656 Sir James Smith's Foundation, Camelford 19657 Johann und Maria Smuk Stiftung, Wien 00141 John Smyth Educational Foundation, Wakefield 19658 Snethlage'sche Familienstiftung, Ahrensburg 06149 Soar Baptist Chapel Fund, Uandeilo 19659 Fundaçâo Mário Soares, Lisboa 09926 Roman, Marga und Mareille Sobek· Stiftung, Renningen 06150 The Sobelt Variety Islington Trust, London 19660 Fundación Laboral Laboratorios Sobrino, Vali de Bianya-Olot 12151 Social Advice Club Trust, Stourbridge 19661 Social Lodge Benevolent Fund, Norwich 19662 Social Workers Educational Trust, Birmingham 19663 Society of Christian Israelites (Forest Gate) Trust, Brentwood 19664 The Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons Charitable Educational Trust, Canterbury 19665 The Society of Royal Cumberland Youths Bell Restoration Fund, Royston 19666 Society of Saint Francis Central Fund, London 19667 Hermann Söllner-Stiftung, Ludwigsstadt 06151 Stichting Prof. Albert Soenen, Sint-Truiden 0050} Stichting Maria Soens, Grimbergen 00502 Christian und Emmy Sörensen-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 06)52 Fondation Elisabeth-Marie-José Soesdorp, Mechelen 00503 Software AG-Stiftung, Darmstadt 06153 Soham North Chapel Charitable Trust, Ely 19668 Soho Community Centre Trust, London 19669 Soho Family Centre Trust, London 19670 Fondation Solacroup-Hebert Paris 01269 Solar-Sttftung Ulm/Neu-Ulm, Ulm 06154 The Solar Trust for Education and Research Ltd., Hook 19671 Hans SoldarhStiftung, Essen 06155 Fundación Stella Solé, Barcelona 12152 Solefield School Educational Trust Ltd., Steyning 19672
Alphabetical Index: Sport
373 Fundación Fondo de Auxilio al Médico Pobre Angel Soler Daniel, Barcelona 12153 Fundación Soler i Puigdueta, La Floresta 12154 Solidar, Bruxelles 00504 Sol Idarttátíonde SGG, Luzem 13320 Solidaritätsfonds des Schweizerischen Kaufmännischen Verbandes, Zurich 13321 Solidaritätsfonds Su issi mage, Bern 13322 Solidarité Haute-Egypte, Genève 13323 Solldartteltsfonds, Borge rhout 00505 Soi ida rite itefonds Binnenvaart, Antwerpen 00506 Solidarfteitsfonds Nederiandse Missione ri seen, Oegstgeest 09331 The Herbert William SollM Memorial Trust, Lincoln 19673 Ingrid zu Solms-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06156 Solon-Stiftung, Adiigenswil 13324 Russischer Sozialfonds von Alexander Solshenlzyn. Zug 13325 Fundación Alberto Solsona, Madrid 12155 Soltenbom-Stlftung, Göttingen 06157 Senator Erich Soltow-Stiftung, Hamburg 06158 Ernest Solvay-Stlftung zur Förderung chemisch-technologischer Forschung, Essen 06159 Somali Professionale Trust, London 19674 The Somaliland Women's Trust, Oxford 19675 Dr. Ida Somazzl-Stiftung, Romanel-surMorges 13326 Willi Somborn-Stiftung, Lohfelden 06160 Somdetyas Stiftung für Wat Thai, Gretzenbach 13327 Somerset Postgraduate Centre Trust, Taunton 19676 Kail Sommer-Obdachlosen- und Altersheim-Stiftung. Friedberg/Bayem 06161 Christel und Hans Sommer-Stiftung, Brackenheim 06162 Mathilde und August Sommer-Stiftung, Coburg 06163 Oswald Sommer-Stiftung, Dillingen 06164 Ingeborg Sommer-Stiftung in Lübeck, Lübeck 06765 Stiftung Somosa, Winteithur 13328 Sonderhausen von Glasernthal'sche Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06166 Song Saigon Chlldrens Trust, Banstead 19677 Gertrud-Sonnenburg-Stiftung, Berlin 06167 Sonnenfeld-Stiftung, Berlin 06168 Sonnengarten-Stiftung, Tannhausen 06169 Sonnenschein, Vechta 06170 Sonnlng and District Wettere Trust, Reading 19678 Sonnlng Educational Foundation, Reading 19679 Sonnlng-Fonden, Kebenhavn 00665 The Sonnlng Vicarage Maintenance Trust Fund, Sonning 19680 Sonnlng Volunteer Fire Brigade Trust, Reading 19681 Dr. Alois Sonnleitner-Stiftung bei der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00142 Sonntagschule-Stiflung Coburg, Coburg 06171 Stiftung Sonnweld, Wetzikon 13329 Fundación Sonsoies Ballvé Laniero, Burgos 12156 Fundación Laboral Sonsoies Ballvé Unterò, Burgos 12157 Fundación Hogar Dolores Sopeña, Madrid 12158 Fundación Obra Social Cultural Sopeña, Madrid 12159 Sophia Stichttng voor het Zleke Kind, Rotterdam 09332 Sophien-Stiftung, Schaffhausen 13330 Sophien-Stiftung Niederzier, Niederzier 06172 Sophlenwohngnippen Helligenldrchen, Detmold 06173 Fundación Duques de Soria, Soria J2Ï60 Fundación Máximo Soriano Jiménez, Barcelona 12161 Fundación Museo Sorolla, Madrid 12162 Soros Foundation-Belarus, Minsk 00196 Soros Foundation-Hungary. Budapest 08349 Soros Foundation-Latvia, Riga 08975 Soros Foundation-Moidova, Chisinau 09027 Soros Foundation - Paris, Paris 01270 Fundación Sotes, Madrid 12163 Fondazione Críele Sotgiu dl Ghilarza, Oristano 08944 Fundación Mariana Soto, San Lorenzo del Escorial 12164 Fundación Sotomayor, Madrid 12165 Fundaçâo Sousa da Fonseca, Parade 09927 Fundaçâo Manuel Gerardo de Sousa e Castro, Beja 09928
Fundaçâo Sousas, Lisboa 09929 Fondation Soussial, Aragnouet 01271 South African Church Development Trust, ShakJon 19682 The South Bank Foundation, London 19683 South Birmingham Friends Institute Trust, Birmingham 19684 South Bristol Outreach Trust, Bristol 19685 The South Chíneme Lions Club Trust Fund, Reading 19686 South Cleveland Holiday Fund, Middlesbrough 19687 South Cleveland Hospital Kidney Patients Holiday Fund, Billingham 19688 South East London Community Foundation, London 19689 The South Eastern Food Science and Technology Educational Trust, Watford 19690 South Glamorgan Geriatric Research and Development Foundation, Cardiff 19691 South Glamorgan Health Charitable Fund, Cardiff 19692 South Haekney Educational Foundation, Chipping Ognar 19693 South Highgate Maternity and Child Welfare Fund, London 19694 South Hill Park Trust, Bracknell 19695 South Islington Mothers' and Babies' Welfare Fund. London 19696 South Lakeland District Council Fund In Commemoration of the Wedding of His Royal Highness Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer, Kendal 19697 South Leeds Provincial Grand Lodge Raob Benevolent Fund, Leeds 19698 South London Relief In Sickness Fund, London 19699 South Mayo Research Foundation, Ballinrobe 08394 The South Park Chapel (llford) Trust and Funds, llford 19700 South Staffordshire Medical Centre Charitable Trust, Bridgnorth 19701 The South Staffordshire Medical Foundation, Wolverhampton 19702 South Stoneham Trust, Southampton 19703 South Street United Reformed Church Ministers' Fund, Romford 19704 South Wales Area Miners' Benevolent Fund, Maesycoed Pontypridd 19705 The South Wales Constabulary Benevolent Fund, Bridgend 19706 South Wales Islamic Educational Trust, Cardiff 19707 South West Thames Kidney Fund, Croydon 19708 Southall County Secondary School Memorial Trust, Southall 19709 Southampton and District Sick Poor Fund, Southampton 19710 Southampton and Solent Building Preservation Trust, Southampton 19711 The Southampton Hope Trust, Southampton 19712 The Southampton Intensive Care Trust, Southampton 19713 Southampton Millennium Trust, Southampton 19714 The Southampton Mosque Trust, Southampton 19715 The Southampton Nuffield Theatre Trust, Southampton 19716 Southampton Provincial Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund, Southampton 19717 Southampton Rheumatology Trust, Southampton 19718 Southampton Solent Lions Club Trust Fund, Southampton 19719 Southampton University Dermatology Research Fund, Southampton 19720 The Southampton University Development Trust, Southampton 19721 Southcouri Baptist Church Trust, Aylesbury 19722 Southern Africa Educational Trust, London 19723 Southern African Research and Information Foundation, Waterloo 00507 Southern African Scholarship Trust Fund, London 19724 Southern African Students Educational Fund, Liverpool 19725 Southern Derbyshire Acute Hospitals N.H.S. Trust, Derby 19726 Southgate Christian Fellowship Trust, London 19727 The Southgate Sports and Leisure Trust, Bedford 19728 Southlands Educational Trust, York 19729 South meed Hospital Research Foundation, Bristol 19730 Southover Manor General Educational Trust Ltd., Lewes 19731 South port Uons Club Charity Tnist Fund, South port 19732 Southwark Cathedral Development Trust, London 19733
The Southwaric Cathedral Education Trust, London 19734 Southwark Children's Foundation, London 19735 Southwark, Newlngton and Walworth Relief in Sickness Fund, London 19736 Southwark Playgrounds Trust, London 19737 Southwark Sports and Adventure Trust, London 19738 Southway Community College Memorial Trust, Plymouth 19739 The South worth Prize Fund of Saint Joseph's Roman Catholic Primary School, Kingston-upon-Thames 19740 Sovereign World Trust, Tonbridge 19741 Sozial· und Kulturstiftung Dettighofen, Dettighofen 06174 Sozial· und Sportstiftung der Kasseier Sparkasse, Kassel 06175 Sozial- und Sportstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Kassel, Kassel 06175 Sodale Stiftung der Klempner- und Installateur-innung, Hamburg 06176 Soziale Stiftung SWE, Baden 13331 Sozialfonds der Technischen Universität Berlin, Berlin 06ΐπ Sozialfonds des Schweizerischen Technischen Verbandes, Zürich 13332 Sozialfonds des Verbandes der Schweizer Druckindustrie, Bern 13333 Sozialküche Budapest, Bern 13334 Sozlalstlftung der Kreissparkasss Köln, Köln 06178 Sozlalstlftung der Sparkasse LeerWeener, Leer 06179 Sozialstiftung Forst, Forst 06180 Sozialstiftung Köpenick, Berlin 06181 Sozialstiftung Murr, M u r 06182 Sozialstiftung Waghäusel, Waghäusel 06183 Sozialwerk Sauerland e.V., Olsberg 06184 SP-Hear Trust, London 19742 Fondation Paul-Henri Spaak, Bruxelles 00508 The Space Trust, Bristol 19743 Fondazione Don Giovanni Spada, Cotignola 08945 Roman und Helmine Spagl-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 06185 Spalden Educational Foundation, Ashbourne 19744 Spalding Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Spalding 19745 P.J. Spalding Memorial Fund, York 79746 Sparkasse-Bauland-Stiftung, Osterburken 06186 Sparkassan-Kulturetiftung HessenThüringen, Frankfurt am Main 06187 Sparkassen-Kuiturstlftung Wasserburg am Inn der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Wasserburg am Inn, Wasserburg am Inn 06188 Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung WelBenburg in Bayern, Weißenburg in Bayern 06189 Sparkassen-Planetarium der Stadt Augsburg, Augsburg 06190 Sparkassen-Stiftung, Eschwege 06191 Sparkassen-Stiftung der Sparkasse Schwelm, Schwelm 06192 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Jugend und Sport, Freiberg 06193 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur, Freiberg 06194 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Soziales und Umwelt, Freiberg 06195 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Sportvereine, Essen 06196 Sparkassen-Stiftung Jugend, soziale Aufgaben und Naturschutz, Heilbronn 06197 Sparkassen-Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Denkmalpflege, Heilbronn 06198 Sparkassen-Stiftung TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg 06199 Sparkassen-Stiftung Umweltschutz, Stuttgart 06200 Sparkassen-Stiftung zur Förderung des Denkmalschutzes, Lippstadt 06201 Sparkassen-Stiftung zur Förderung rheinischen Kulturguts, Düsseldorf 06202 Sparkassen-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft Ahlen, Ahlen 06203 Sparkassen Stiftung, Bremerhaven 06204 Sparkassenstiftung, Lengerich 06205 Sparkassenstiftung Bad Langensalza, Mühlhausen 06206 Sparkassenstiftung Berchtesgadener Land, Bad Retchenhall 06207 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Speyer, Speyer 06206 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Attenkirchen, Altenkirchen 06209 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Bemkaetel-Wlttilch, Wittlich 06210 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Bitburg-Prüm, Bitburg 06211 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Grevenbroich Im Kreis Neuss, Neuss 06212
Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Rhein-Hunsrück, Simmem 06213 Sparkassenstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Kaarst-Büttgen, Kaarst 06214 Sparkassenstiftung des Landkreises Kassel - Kultur, Kassel 06215 Sparkassenstiftung Frelslng, Freising 06216 Sparkassenstiftung für den Landkreis Kitzingen, Würzburg 06217 Sparkassenstiftung für den Landkreis Main-Spessait, Lohr am Main 06218 Sparkassenstiftung für den Rhein-SiegKreis, Siegburg 06219 Sparkassenstiftung für die Grafschaft Bentheim, Nordhorn 06220 Sparkassenstiftung für die Stadt Würzburg, Würzburg 06221 Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation e.V., Bonn 06222 Sparkassenstiftung für Jugend, Sport und Umwelt, Brakel 06223 Sparkassenstiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Mönchengladbach 06224 Sparkassenstiftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse StraubingBogen. Straubing 06225 Sparkassenstiftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Vereinigten Sparkassen WelBenburg in Bayern, Weißenburg in Bayern 06226 Sparkassenstiftung Im Landkreis Tirschenreuth, Tirschenreuth 06227 Sparkassenstiftung Innovationspreis, Villingen-Schwenningen 06228 Sparkassenstiftung Jugend hat Zukunft Im Kreis Herford, Herford 06229 Sparkassenstiftung Kleve, Kleve 06230 Sparkassenstiftung Kunst und Kultur Im Kreis Herford, Herfoni 06231 Sparkassenstiftung Landkreis Kassel Kultur -, Kassel 06232 Sparkassenstiftung Landkreis Kassel Soziales und Sport, Kassel 06233 Sparkassenstiftung MemmlngenMlndelheim, Memmingen 06234 Sparkassenstiftung Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr 06235 Sparkassenstiftung Museum für bildende Kunst Im Landkreis HeuUlm. Neu-Ulm 06236 Sparkassenstiftung Natur und Umwelt im Kreis Herford, Herford 06237 Sparkassenstiftung Naturschutz der Stadtsparkasse Lippstadt, Lippstadt 06238 Sparkassenstiftung Neuss, Neuss 06239 Sparkassenstiftung Pöttmes, Aichach 06240 Sparkassenstiftung Roth-Schwabach, Roth 06241 Sparkassenstiftung Schifferstadt, Schifferstadt 06242 Sparkassenstiftung Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel 06243 Sparkassenstiftung Tauberfranken. Tauberbischofsheim 06244 Sparkassenstiftung Uecker-Randow, Pasewalk 06245 Sparkassenstiftung Umwelt und Natur im Zollernalbkreis, Balingen 06246 Sparkassenstiftung WaldeckFrankenberg, Korbach 06247 Sparkassenstiftung Zukunft Landkreis Elbe-Elster, Finsterwalde 06246 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung der Jugend, Freudenstadt 06249 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung der Kultur in Kamen, Kamen 06250 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung der Kunst der Stadtsparkasse Lippstadt, Lippstadt 06251 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung des Jugendamateursports im Kreis Herford, Herford 06252 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Jugend und Umwelt, Lörrach 06253 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kultur und Heimatpflege Im Kreis Paderborn, Paderborn 06254 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kultur, Wissenschaft und Heimatpflege In der Stadt Paderborn, Paderborn (»255 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Jugend- und Altenhilfe Vreden, Vreden 06256 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Werl 06257 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft der Stadtsparkasse Werne, Werne 06258 Spateman Educational Foundation, Matlock 19747 John Speak Foundation Foreign Languages Scholarships, Bradford 19748 Special Care Baby Fund, Sevenoaks 19749 Special Olympics Schweiz, Volketswil 13335 The Special Prizes and Awards Fund, Bamet 19750 Maximilian Speck von Stemburg Stiftung, Leipzig 06259
The Speck Walker Annuity Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 19751 Emst August Spee-Stiftung, Bad Endbach 06260 Prof. Albert Speer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06261 Speldel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 06262 Fundación Speiro, Madrid 12166 Stichting Spelberg-Stokmansfonds, Utrecht 09333 The Spence Fund, Middlesbrough 19752 The Spencer Lodge Benevolent Fund. Matlock 19753 The Sir Stanley Spencer Memorial Trust, Cookham 19754 The Spencer Trust, Chatham 19755 Spener'sche Stiftung, Berlin 06263 Spensley Trust, Bedford 19756 Speurwerk Betreffend Het Boek Stichting, Amsterdam 09334 Spezialfonds der Behörde für Arbelt, Gesundheit und Soziales, Hamburg 06264 Dr. Karl-Heinz-Spiegel Stiftung, Essen 06265 Gustav Spieriing-Stiftung, Hamburg 06266 Otto Luitpold Spies-Sozialstlftung. Immenstadt 06267 Geschwister Erna und Hedwig SplesStiftung, Wissen 06268 Philomena Spieß'sche Wohftätlgkeitsstlftung, Kastl 06269 Heinrich Splndelmann-Stiftung, Essen 06270 Spinning Wheel-Stiftung, Zürich 13336 Fondazione Spinola, Genova 08946 Stichting Antoon Spinoy, Mechelen 00509 Spirals Charitable Trust. Slough 19757 Stiftjng der Spirig AG, Egerkingen 13337 Spirit of Europe Foundation, Harmanschlag 00143 Fondazione Ugo Spirito, Roma 08947 Spital-Stiftung, Donauwörth 06271 Spital-Stiftung, Tirschenreuth 06272 Spital-Stiftung Neunburg vorm Wald, Neunburg vorm Wald 06273 Spital-Stiftung Pfrelmd, Pfreimd 06274 Spital· und Gutieuthausfonds Oberkirch, Oberkirch 06275 Spital- und Pründefonds Kandern, Kandem 06276 Spital- und Spendfonds. Überlingen 062Π Spital- und Vereinigte WohltâtigkeltsStiftung Gundelfingen an der Donau 06278 Spitalfields Crypt Trust, Hatfield Heath 19758 Spitalfields Historie Buildings Trust. London 19759 Spitalfields Market Community Trust, London 19760 Spitalfonds Bonndorf, Bonndorf 06279 Spitalfonds Burkheim, Vogtsburg 06280 Spitalfonds der Stadt Buchen, Buchen 06281 Spitalfonds Ettenheim, Ettenheim 06282 Spitalfonds Markdorf, Markdorf 06283 Spltatfonds MeBkirch, Meßkirch 06284 Spltatfonds Pfuliendorf, Pfullendorf 06285 Spltatfonds Radolfzell, Radolfzell 06286 Spitalfonds Schönau/Schwarzwald, Schönau/Schwarzwald 06287 Spitalfonds Staufen, Staufen 06288 Spitalfonds Villingen, VillingenSchwenningen 06289 Spitalstiftung Auerbach in der Oberpfalz, Auerbach in der Oberpfalz 06290 Spitalstiftung Berchlng, Berching 06291 Spitalstiftung Freystadt, Freystadt 06292 Spitalstlftung Irlbach, Iiibach 06293 Spitalstiftung Kelhelm, Kelheim 06294 Spitalstlftung Konstanz, Konstanz 06295 Spitalstlftung Kronach, Kronach 06296 Spitalstiftung Pattendorf, Rottenburg 06297 Spitalstiftung Sankt Josef Ottobeuren, Ottobeuren 06298 Spitalstlftung Vilseck, Vilseck 06299 Spitalstlftung Zusmarshausen. Zusmarshausen 06300 Soziale Stiftung Robert A. Spieles, Zürich 13338 The Spode Museum Trust, Stoke-onTrent 19761 Sheila Spoerer Trust Fund, Exeter 19762 Spoetnik Stichting, Viaardingen 09335 John Henry Spokes for the Bellringers Fund, Bedford 19763 Spondon Jubilee Lamp Trust, Derby 19764 Spoor Memorial Fund, London 19765 The Spoore, Meny and Rixman Foundation, Maidenhead 19766 Sport England lottery Fund, London 19767 Sport in der Schule in BadenWürttemberg, Stuttgart 06301
Alphabetical Index: Sportförderungsstiftung Sportförderungsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Weiden, Weiden 06302 Sportjugendstiftung der bayerischen Sparkassen, München 06303 Sports Trust Africa. London 19768 Sportstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 06304 Sportstiftung der Sparkasse SchleswigFlensburg, Schleswig 06305 Sportstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, Steinfurt 06306 Sportstiftung Main-Kinzig, Gelnhausen 06307 Sportstiftung Wattenscheid, Bochum 06308 Stiftung Sammlung Bernhard Sprengel, Hannover 06309 Sozialstiftung der Grafen von Spreti, München 06310 The Springboard Bromley Trust, Bromley 19769 Springboard Hackney Trust, London 19770 Springboard Islington Trust, London 19771 Springboard Southwark Trust, London 19772 Springcroft Primary School Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 19773 Axel Springer-Stiftung Schierensee, Schierensee 06311 Max Freiherr von Springer'sche Waisenhausstiftung, Wien 00144 The Springline Educational Trust Ltd., Totnes 19774 Enno und Christa Springmann-Stiftung, Essen 06312 Dr. Alfred Springorum-Stlftung, Wuppertal 06313 Springwell Junior School Unofficial School Fund, Heston 19775 Siegward Sprotte-Stiftung, Bonn 06314 Sprowston War Memorial Trust, Norwich J 9775 Spruce Fund, Nottingham 19777 SPW-Stiftung Naturland, Ibach 13339 The Square and Compass Lodge Benevolent Fund, Wrexham 19778 Square Foundation, London 19779 Fondation Jean Squilbeck, Bruxelles 00510 Squire's Educational Foundation, London 19780 The Frank Squires' Trust Fund, Swansea 19781 SRB Schweizerische Stiftung für Risikoberatung, Zürich 13340 SRH-Holding, Heidelberg 06315 Sri Lanka Estate and Plantation Workers Educational Fund, London 19782 The Sri Lanka Orphaned Children's Trust, Sutton 19783 Sri Lankan Childrens Fund, Bristol 19784 SSBA Community Trust, London 19785 Hans und Ilse Staab-Stiftung, Bad Kreuznach 06316 Staatlich verwaltete Stiftung Studienseminar Landshut, Landshut 06317 Wilhelm Stabernack-Stiftung, Lauterbach 06318 The Stable Trust, Wolverhampton 19786 Gisela Stadelmann-Stiftung, Dreieich 06319 Helene Stadelmayr-Stiftung, Rosenheim 06320 Stadler Naturschutz-Stiftung, Wehrheim 06321 Franz Xaver Stadler'sche Armen- und Krankenstiftung, Thannhausen 06322 Stadt-Kumamoto-Stiftung, Heideiberg 06323 Stadt-Stiftung Gütersloh, Gütersloh 06324 Stadt-Stiftung Quakenbrück - Bürger für ihre Stadt, Quakenbriick 06325 Städtische Hospital-Stiftung Lohr am Main, Lohr am Main 03622 Städtische milde Stiftungen, Göttingen 06326 Städtische Wohlfahrtsstiftung Emmendingen, Emmendingen 04519 Städtisches Zentralhospital Görlitz, Görlitz 06327 Sebald Städtler'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung in Roth, Roth 06328 Staff-Stiftung, Lemgo 06329 Stafford Freemens Allotments Trust, Stafford 19787 Staffordshire Historic Buildings Trust, Stafford 19788 Stag Lane Middle School Fund, Edgware 19789 Stagsden Church of England Educational Fund, Bedford 19790 Stahlgruber-Stiftung, München 06330 Martha und Clemens StahlschmidtStiftung, Wilnsdorf 06331 Stahlstiftung Saarland, Völklingen 06332 Stainton Sunday School Foundation, Middlesbrough 19791 The Francis Staley Religious Trust, Matlock 19792
Paul Stalllng-Stiftung, Oldenburg/OWenburg 06333 Emmi Stallmann-Sttftung, Hameln 06334 Hedwig Stalter-Stiftung, Homburg 06335 STAM Stlchting, Amsterdam 09336 Fondation Al Stamboliisky, Paris 01272 Stamford Wharf Trust, London 19793 Friedrich Stammberger-Stlftung, Kleinmachnow 06336 Martin Stanbrook Memorial Fund, Northwood 19794 Josef Stanglmeler-Stiftung, Abensberg 06337 Pfarrer Norbert Stang'sche WohltätlgkeHsstiftung, Ebermannstadt 06338 The Stanislaw Charitable Trust, London 19795 Dr. Alois Stanldevlcz-Stlftung, Celle 06339 Stankowskl-Stlftung, Stuttgart 06340 Stanley Common Village Trust, Ilkeston 19796 Bishop Stanley Residuary Trust, London 19797 The Stanley Saint Peter Relief In Sickness Fund, Stanley 19798 The Stanmore Chapter Benevolent Fund, Kings Langley 19799 Stanton Educational Trust, Manchester 19800 Dr. Stapfsche Kinderheim-Stiftung, Nürnberg 06341 The G.W. Staples Fund for Young Men and Boys, London 19801 Staples Trust, London 19802 The Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust, Tonbridge 19803 The Starehe Endowment Fund (United Kingdom), London 19804 Stiftung Starte Gemeinnützige Kunststiftung, Berlin 06342 State Scholarships Foundation, Athina 08333 Stauder-Stlftung, Künzelsau 06343 Andreas Staudt-Stiftung, Nürnberg 06344 Stauferstlftung Göppingen, Göppingen 06345 Fondazione Walter Stauffer, Cremona 08948 Moijra Stavia-Morena Stlchting, Den Haag 09337 William Henry Stayne Scholarship Fund, Leicester 19805 Steag-Voerde-Stlftung, Essen 06346 Hermann und Richard Stecher-Stiftung, Vallendar 06347 Vermächtnis Steck, Dillingen 06348 von Stedman'sche Familienstiftung, Weilerswist 06349 Wilhelm und Else Steenbeck-Sttftung, Hamburg 06350 Stichting Fonds A. Steengracht de Souburg, Bitthoven 09338 Fondation Baron Louis Steens, Bruxelles 00511 Lorenz Steffel'sche WohltätlgkeHsstiftung, Memmingen 06351 Alexandra-Steffens-Stiftung, Berlin 06352 Steger-Stlftung, Wien 00145 Stegerwald-Stfftung, Köln 06353 Stiftung Maria Stehmann-Haus In Braunschweig, Sickte-Neuerkerode 06354 Stiftung Werner Stelger, Untersiggenthal 13341 Rettungsdienst Stiftung Björn Stelger e.V., Winnenden 06355 Steiger-Stiftung, Meilen 13342 Evangelische Stiftung Ludwig Steil-Hof, Espelkamp 06356 Dr. Kurt Stelm-Sttftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 06357 Stiftung Edith Stein, Cloppenburg 06355 Erwin Stein-Stiftung, Frankfurt 06359 Ludwig und Gustel Stein-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06360 Herbert vom Stein-Stiftung, Solingen 06361 Käthe Stein-Stiftung, Swisttal 06362 Erwin von Steinbach-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06363 Stelnbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung, Stuttgart 06364 Ulrich Steinberger'sche Krankenpflegestiftung Vohburg an der Donau, Vohburg an der Donau 06365 Wilfried Steinbrenner-Stiftung zur Förderung der ernsten Musik, Berlin 06366 Emst Steinegger-Stiftung für Pflanzenhellkunde, Lachen 13343 Fundación Rudolf Steiner, Las Rozas 12167 Rudolf Steiner Book Trust (Bristol), Bristol 19806 Rudolf Stelner Book Trust (London), London 19807 Stiftung zur Förderung der Rudo» Stelner Pädagogik In der Schweiz, Schaphausen 13344 Stelngötter-Greiff-Stfftung, Wiesloch 06367 Stiftung Rahel Stelngruber, Zug 13345 Karoline Steinhart-Fonds, München 06366
Stiftung Steinhögl, Liebefeld 13346 Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. Adolf StelnhoferStiftung, Kaiserslautem 06369 Studienstiftung Cad Steins, Neuss 06370 Baron von Steln'sche Stiftung Birken In Bayreuth, Bayreuth 06371 Ilse Stetgens-Stlftung, Heiligkreuzsteinach 06372 Stemmler-Stiftung, Essen 06373 Stiftelsen Stenersens Sämling, Bergen 09651 H.W. Stenlng Trust Fund, London 19808 Fondazione Iniziativa Culturale Incontri Ν. Stensen, Firenze 08949 Niels Stensen Stlchting, Amsterdam 09339 Step-Sttftung für gerechte Bedingungen In Teppich- Herstellung und Handel, Bern 13347 Helene und Erwin Stephan-Stiftung, Berlin 06374 Stephansstift, Hannover 06375 Stephanus-Stiftung, Berlin 06376 Stephanus-Stiftung, Hannover 06377 George Stephenson Memorial Fund, Chesterfield 19809 The Robert Stephenson Trust Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19810 The Stepleton Charitable Trust, Dartmouth 19811 Stepney History Trust, London 19812 Stepney Regardant Historical Trust, London 19813 The Stepplngley Educational Foundation, Steppingley 19814 Charlotte Steppuhn-Stiftung, Berlin 06378 Sterbekasse der Schweizerischen Zahntechniker-Vereinigung, Zürich 13348 The Sterling Surveys Educational Trust, Hindhead 19815 Theodor Stem-Sttftung zur Förderung des Unlversltâtsklinlkums Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06379 Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hubert H.A. StembergStlftung, Frankfurt am Main 06360 Wolfgang Stetten-Stiftung, Künzelsau 06381 Anna Barbara von Stetten'sche Stiftungen, Augsburg 06382 Stichting Steunfonds, Dordrecht 09340 Sir Halley Stewart Trust, Willingham 19816 Emst Stewner-Stlftung, Nienburg 06383 Dr. Sthamer-Marquard-Stiftung, Cuxhaven 06384 Michael Stich-Stiftung, Hamburg 06385 Stichting A.F.V.O.M.S., Heemstede 09341 Stlchting A.LS. Ondenoekfonds, Bilthoven 09342 Stlehllng A.M.VJ. Gebouw Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09343 Stichting Aanpakken, Haarlem 09344 Stichting Actio Calcutta, Geldrop 09345 Stichting Africa, Rotterdam 09346 Stichting Agromisa, Wageningen 09347 Stlchting AIDS Fonds, Amsterdam 09348 Stichting AIDS Gezondheidszorg, Antwerpen 00512 Stlchting Alert, Leiden 09349 Stichting Algemeen Cultureel Fonds der SHV, Utrecht 09350 Stlchting Algemeen Studiefonds, Detft 09351 Stichting Algemeen Welzi|nsfonds voor geestelljk en lichamelijk Mlsdeelden, Haren 09352 Stichting Algemene Loterij Nederland, Den Haag 09353 Stichting Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Amsterdam 09354 Stlchting Amsterdamse Sinterklaas Centrale, Amsterdam 09355 Stlchting Antonia Wilhelmina Fonds, Utrecht 09356 Stichting Antonlanum, Utrecht 09357 Stlchting ANWB/Zlmmerman Fonds, Den Haag 09358 Stichting Archäologische Monumentenwacht Nederland, Amersfoort 09359 Stlchting Artlbus Sacrum, Anrhem 09360 Stlchting Aspect, Aartselaar 00513 Stlchting Ateliers '63, Amsterdam 09361 Stichting Augustus, Amsterdam 09362 Stichting Auteurs en Muzlkanten, Eppegem 00514 Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht, Rotterdam 09364 Stlchting Bllnden-Pennlng, Amsterdam 09365 Stichting Blinden belangen, Grave 09366 Stichting Blindenhulp, 's-Gravenzande 09367 Stichting Blindenzorg Slrrt Lucia, Apeldoom 09368 Stlchting Burgerwooohuls en Kindertiuls Deventer, Deventer 09369 Stlchting Burgerweeshuls Tie!, Ommeren 09370 Stichting CEFI NA, Amsterdam 09371
Stlchting Centraal Misais Commlssariaat, Den Haag 09372 Stlchting Chrtstelljk Erfgoed Zorglnstelllngen, Breda 09373 Stichting Collect leve propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek, Amsterdam 09374 Stichting Culturóle Manifestares N.A.NA, Amsterdam 09375 Stichting Cultuurfonds Bouwfonds Nederlandse Gemeenten, Hoevelaken 09376 Stichting Cultuurfonds van do Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten, Den Haag 09377 Stichting Cultuurpatrlmonium Blsdom Gent, Gent 00515 Stichting Dark ft Light, Zeist 09378 Stichting De Cruquius, Cruquius 09379 Stlchting De Faunabeschenning, Amstelveen 09360 Stichting de Gracht, Utrecht 09381 Stichting de Rose Jo(n)ker, Amsterdam 09362 Stichting de Zeven Marken, Schoonoord 09383 Stlchting Dlaloog, Amsterdam 09364 Stlchting Dlerenrampenfonds, Nuenen 09365 Stlchting Donorvoorllchting, Hilversum 09366 Stichting Dynamlek, Ridderkerk 09387 Stichting Elisabeth Fonds, De Bitt 09388 Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, Bilthoven 09389 Stlchting Euro Liver, Antwerpen 00516 Stlchting Europese Christelljke Mijnwerkers, Bruxelles 00517 Stichting Februar! 1941, Den Haag 09390 Stichting FINAS, Waalre 09391 Stichting Flanders Technology International, Bruxelles 00518 Stlchting Fonds Beetrijdlng Seksueel Geweld te Assen, Assen 09392 Stlchting Fonds Bljzondere Joumallstieke Projecten, Amsterdam 09393 Stichting Fonds Hulp aan Slachtoffers, Den Haag 09394 Stichting Fonds Hulpbetoon aan de Arbeidende Klasse in de Buurtschap Meerten, Lienden 09395 Stichting Fonds ter Aanmoediging en Ondersteunlng van den Gewapenden Dienst In de Nederlanden (Fonds 1815), Amsterdam 09396 Stichting Fonds voor Beeidende Künsten, Vormgevlng en Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 09397 Stichting Fonds voor de Gelden Effectenhandel, Amsterdam 09398 Stlchting Fonds voor de Letteren, Amsterdam 09399 Stlchting Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst, Amsterdam 09400 Stichting Fonds voor Dove Kinderen, Diemen 09401 Stichting Fonds voor het Dove en Slechthorende Kind, Naarden 09402 Stichting Fonds voor Verpleegkundlgen, Amsterdam 09403 Stichting Fonds Vredespro|ecten, Utrecht 09404 Stlchting Fonds Welzijnswerk, Vught 09405 Stlchting Fondsenwerving Militaire Oorlogs- en Dlenstslachtoffers en Aanverwante Doelelnden, Tilburg 09406 Stlchting Fondeen we rvlngsacties Volksgazondheld, Den Haag 09407 Stichting Frankfurter Buchmesse, Bruxelles 00519 Stichting Fûns Universitaire Festigung Fryslan, Leeuwarden 09408 Stlchting Gaudeamus, Amsterdam 09409 Stichting Gay ft Lesbian Games Amsterdam 1998, Amsterdam 09410 Stlchting Gehandicapten Overleg Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09411 Stlchting H. Theresia van het Kindje Jezus, Den Haag 09412 Stichting Haemophilia, Amsterdam 09413 Stlchting Het Elisabeth Weeshuis, Geldermalsen 09414 Stlchting Het Fonds tot Aanmoediging van de Studie der Godgelleerdheid, Leiden 09415 Stlchting het Fonds voor Weduwen en Wezen van Kunstemaars, Amsterdam 09416 Stichting Het Geesje Pouts ma Leen, Gevestigd te Leeuwarden, Amhem 09417 Stichting het Hervormd Weeshuis, Zwolle 09418 Stlchting Het Parnassus Fonds, Utrecht 09419 Stichting Het R.C. Maagdenhuis, Amsterdam 09420 Stichting Het Schoolvak Nedertands, Beigem 00520 Stlchting Het Vrtje Unlverstteitsfonds, Amsterdam 09421
Stichting Historia Medicinas, Delft 09422 Stichting Historie der Techniek, Eindhoven 09423 Stichting Historisch Museum Tweestromenland, Druten 09424 Stichting Huls Bergh, 's-Heerenberg 09425 Stichting Ikea Foundation, Amsterdam 09426 Stlchting InformaticfrOnderzoek In Nederland, Amsterdam 09427 Stlchting Integrate en Erkenning Prostitute, Oostende 00521 Stichting Interkerkelijk Orifintatle Centrum, Eindhoven 09428 Stichting international Tehuis voor Hoogstudenten Libertas-Humanltas, Antwerpen 00522 Stlchting International Tree Fund, Rankum 09429 Stichting Internationale Solidaritett Utrecht, Utrecht 09430 Stlchting Japanse Ereschulden, Den Haag 09431 Stichting Je Maintiendrai - Friesland, Sint Annaparochie 09432 Stichting Jeugd en Jongarenwerk Strijen, Stnjen 09433 Stichting JONG, Amsterdam 09434 Stichting Katholieke Noden, Hilversum 09089 Stichting Kerfc In Nood/Ooatprtestsrhulp, 'sHertogenbosch 09435 Stlchting Kerkelijk Kunstbezrt In Nederland, Utrecht 09436 Stlchting Kinderpostzegels Nederland, Leiden 09437 Stichting KMO Fonds voor kleine en mlddelgrote Ondememingen, Amsterdam 09438 Stichting Koningin Sophiafonds, Rijswijk 09439 Stichting KonlngsheWe, Amhem 09440 Stichting Konlnklljk Nederlands Geleidehonden Fonds, Amstelveen 09441 Stichting Kritisch Faunabeheer, Amstelveen 09380 Stichting Kunst en Pro)ecten, Zedelgem 00523 Stichting Kunstboek, Brugge 00524 Stichting Leefmilieu, Antwerpen 00525 Stichting Leids Unlverstteitsfonds, Leiden 09442 Stichting Liliane Fonds, Vlijmen 09443 Stlchting Llmburgse Kastelen, Roermond 09444 Stichting Lira Fonds, Amstelveen 09445 Stichting Logopedie Fonds, Guipen 09446 Stlchting Logos, Gent 00526 Stichting Loterijfonds Ravenstein, Ravenstein 09447 Stlchting M.C.D.H. Fonds, Amsterdam 09448 Stichting Mainline, Amsterdam 09449 Stichting Maria-Fonds, Den Haag 09450 Stlchting Materlea Ifonds voor Beel de ne Kunst en Vormgevlng, Amsterdam 0945Í Stlchting Mens en Kultuur, Gent 00527 Stichting MGM (Medeleven Gedupeerden ten Gevolge van Mlsdrljven), Den Haag 09452 Stichting Middelen, Amsterdam 09453 Stlchting Militaire Sport Verenlging Fonds, Den Haag 09454 Stichting Ministerium Medici Missionare, Zwolle 09455 Stichting Monument & Landschap, Bruxelles 00528 Stichting Monumentenfonds Den Haag en Omgevlng, Den Haag 09456 Stlchting Mundo Crastio Mellori, Aerdenhout 09457 Stlchting Museum voor Heemkunde Almelo, Almelo 09458 Stlchting Nationaal Actlvltetten Fonds, Utrecht 09459 Stichting Nationaal Epilepsie Fonds, Houten 09460 Stlchting Nationaal Fonds Klnderhulp, Deventer 09461 Stlchting Nationaal Fonds Sport Gehandicapten, Den Haag 09462 Stichting Nationaal Fonds voor Bljzonderer Noden, Loosdrecht 09463 Stichting Nationaal Fonds voor Natuuren Milleueducatie, Amsterdam 09464 Stichting Nationaal Hulpfonds Wlj Komen/WK-Travel, Naarden 09465 Stlchting Nationaal Verkeersvellingheklsfonds, Veghel 09466 Stichting Nederlands Fonds voor de Film, Amsterdam 09467 Stichting Nederlands Fonds voor de Lokale Omroep, Nijmegen 09468 Stlchting Nederlands Jazz Archlef, Amsterdam 09469 Stichting Nijmeegs Unlversfteltsfonds, Nijmegen 09470 Stichting NOVIB, Den Haag 09471 Stichting Oecumenlsche Hulp, Utrecht 09472
Alphabetical Index: Stiftung
375 Stichting Ons Erfdeel, Rekkem 00529 Stlchtlng Onze Klein» WeeskJnderen, Lovenjoei 00530 Stichting Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Muylen te Uedekerke, Uedekerke 00531 Stichting Oosters Instltuut, Leiden 09473 Stichting Orde de Heilige Johannes de Deo Belg», Merchtem 00532 Stichting Organisetie ven Effecten ha ndelaren te Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09474 Stichting Overal, Nijmegen 09475 Stichting Pan, Amsterdam 09476 Stichting Platform Samenwerking Nederland-Oekralne, Hoogkarspel 09477 Stichting Praemlum Erasmianum, Amsterdam 09478 Stichting Prins Bernhard Fonds, Amsterdam 09479 Stichting Prins Hendrlklonds van de KoninklIJke Nationale Bond voor Reddlngwezen en Eerste Hulp bij Ongelukken het Oranje Kruls, Den Haag 09480 Stichting Prinses Beatrix Fonds, Den Haag 09461 Stichting Pro Spastici, Heersum 09462 Stichting Projectstlmulerlngsfonds Wan'Atti, Amhem 09483 Stichting Promotie Internationale NeerJandlstiek, Woubrugge 09484 Stichting Provinciale Vrouwen Raad Zuld-Holland, Delft 09485 Stichting Raise the Children, Maarssen 09466 Stichting Reinwater, Amsterdam 09487 Stichting Restauratie Hulpfonds Klokkestoelen, Leeuwarden 09468 Stichting Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, Den Haag 09469 Stichting Rljksmuseum Het Zulderzeemu8eum, Enkhuizen 09490 Stichting Ri]ksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden 09491 Stichting saa-bestri|ding, Utrecht 09492 Stichting Samenwerking Sociale Fondeen, Den Haag 09493 Stichting Samenwerking voor Bijzondere Noden Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09494 Stichting Sint Nicolai Broederschap, Amhem 09495 Stichting SOA-Bestrijdlng, Utrecht 09496 Stlchtlng Stad, Bruxelles 00533 Stichting Stadsfonds van Almelo, Almeto 09497 Stichting Stedenband AmsterdamManagua, Amsterdam 09498 Stichting Stem van Afrika, Bussum 09499 Stichting Steunfonds de Drie Linden, Utrecht 09500 Stichting Steunfonds Het Viot, Rotterdam 09501 Stichting Steunfonds Jeugd, Rotterdam 09502 Stlchtlng Steunfonds Jeugdbeschermlng te Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09503 Stlchtlng Steunfonds Madurodam, Den Haag 09504 Stichting Steunfonds Roze Front, Enschede 09505 Stichting Steunfonds Versta ndeiijk Gehandlcapten RI|nmond, Rotterdam 09506 Stichting Steunfonds voor Zorg aan Gehandlcapten, Aalten 09507 Stichting Stimulerlngsfonds voor Archltectuur, Rotterdam 09506 Stichting Studie· en Reisfonds vna het Konlnklijk Instltuut van Ingenieurs, Den Haag 09509 Stichting T-Fonda, Amsterdam 09510 Stichting tegen Vrouwenhandel, Utrecht 09511 Stichting Teknophilos, Amsterdam 09512 Stlchtlng Terra, Apeldoom 09513 Stlchtlng Theater Het Amsterdam se Boa, Amsterdam 09514 Stichting Tool-Technische Ontwikkeling Ontwikkelingslanden, Wageningen 09319 Stichting UnlversHeftslonds Delft, Detft 09515 Stlchtlng Unlversiteitsfonds Eindhoven, Eindhoven 09516 Stichting Unlversiteitsfoflds Twente, Enschede 09517 Stichting Utrechtse Kasteien, Utrecht 09518 Stichting van der Upwichfonds voor Natuurlljke Leef en Geneeswllze, Amhem 09519 Stlchtlng Vlaams Erfgoed, Bruxelles 00534 Stlchtlng Vlaamse Schooisport, Bruxelles 00535 Stlchtlng Vluchtellng, Den Haag 09520 Stlchtlng voor Ooglijders, Rotterdam 0952! Stichting voor Vlaamse Croatie, Antwerpen 00536
Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF, Utrecht 09522 Stichting voor Wetenschappell|k Onderzoek van de Tropen, Den Haag 09523 Stichting Voortgezette Studie Podlumkunsten, Den Haag 09524 Stichting Voorzlenlngefonds voor Doven, Slechthorenden en Spraakgebrekklgen, Rotterdam 09525 Stichting Voorzieningsfonds voor Kunstenaars, Amsterdam 09526 Stichting Vreugd voor Gebrekklge Jeugd, Den Haag 09527 Stlchtlng Vrouwengezondheldszorg, Leiden 09528 Stlchtlng VSB Fonds, Utrecht 09529 Stichting VSB Fonds Den Haag en Omstreken, Den Haag 09530 Stichting VSB Fonds SchiedamVlaardingen, Utrecht 09531 Stichting VSB Fonds Woerden en Omstreken, Utrecht 09532 Stichting Wassenaarsa Hulpverenlng, Wassenaar 09533 Stichting Welzijn Doven in Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09534 Stichting Welzijn Doven Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09535 Stichting Wereld Dörpen voor Kinderen, Bruxelles 00537 Stichting Westhoek Woondiensten, Mijdrecht 09536 Stichting Wetenschap en Technlek Nederland, Utrecht 09537 Stichting Wilde Ganzen/Ikon, Hitver^um 09536 Stichting Witte Bed)es het Parool, Amsterdam 09539 Stlchtlng XMINY Beweging, Amsterdam 09540 Stichting Zero-Kap, Naarden 09541 Stichting Zonnewende, Westwoud 09542 Stichting Zonnlge Jeugd, Overveen 09543 Stlchtlng Ζ wart Zaad, Utrecht 09544 The Stickland Trust, Woodlord Green 19817 Stiftung Mutter Maria Stieren, Gilching 06386 Stift Ilfeld, Hannover 06387 Stift Sankt Spiritus, Sangertiausen 06388 Stift zum Heiligen Geist, Hannover 06369 Stiftelsen för Acta Odontologies Scandlnavlca, Göteborg 12311 Stifteisen för Miljöstrategisk Forsknlng, Stockholm 12312 Stifle Isen Globtridet, Stockholm 12313 Stiftelsen Grännamuseerna, Gránna 12314 Stiftelsen Hailands Lansmuseer, Halmstad 12315 Stiftelsen Musikkulturens Främ|ande, Stockholm 12316 Stiftelsen Noaks Ark-Röda Korset, Stockholm 12317 Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm 12318 Stiftelsen Ska risen, Stockholm 12319 Stiftelsen Svensk Näringsforsknlng, Lund 12320 Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., Essen 06390 Stiftung 100 Jahre Yamaha, Rellingen 06391 Stiftung 150 Jahre Verbandssparkasse Meidorf, Meklorf 06392 Stiftung 20. Juli 1944, Berlin 06393 Stiftung 200 Jahre Sparkasse Kiel, Kiel 06394' Stiftung Aabigsunne, Kloten 13349 Stiftung Aarhus, Gúmligen 13350 Stiftung Abendrot, Basel 13351 Stiftung Abendroth-Haus, Hamburg 06395 Stiftung Abtei Helsterbach, Königswinter 06396 Stiftung Abteilung Bergbau an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Berlin 06397 Stiftung Academia Aipina Mediclnae Integrali», Β reganz ona 13352 Stiftung Aehertwf, Schwyz 13353 Stiftung Außere Neustadt Dresden, Dresden 06398 Stiftung Afro-Sulsse-Akte, Zürich 13354 Stiftung Akademie för Eltern quersehnlttsgelähinter Kinder, GroßGerau 06399 Stiftung Akademie für ethische Forschung, Wisendangen 13355 Stiftung Akademie für Gesprochenes Wort Stuttgart 06400 Stiftung Akademie für medizinische Fortbildung, Basel 13356 Stiftung Akademie Klausenhof, Hamminkeln 06401 Stiftung Aktion Lichtblick, Bern 13357 Stiftung Allgemeine Hypothekenbank, Frankfurt am Main 06402 Stiftung Allgemeiner Almosenkasten, Frankfurt am Main 06403 Stiftung Alpine Kinderklinik Pro Juventute Davos, Davos 13356
Stiftung Alt-Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 06404 Stiftung Alten-, Behinderten- und Jugendförderung der Sparkasse Essen, Essen 06405 Stiftung Alten·, Behinderten- und Jugendförderung der Stadtsparkasse Essen, Essen 06406 Stiftung Alten Elchen von 1596, Bremen 06407 Stiftung Alten- und Kinderhilfe, Passau 06406 Stiftung Alten· und Pflegehelm. Frankfurt am Main 06409 Stiftung Alten· und Pflegeheim Maria Verkündigung Lampertheim, Lampertheim 06410 Stiftung Alten· und Pflegeheim Wespach, Salem 06411 Stiftung Altenberg, Odenthal 06412 Stiftung Altenheim Sankt Johannis/Sankt Nikolai, Hamburg 06413 Stiftung Altenheime Backnang und Wildberg, Backnang 06414 Stiftung Altenheimstätte Hofgeismar, Hofgeismar 06415 Stiftung Altenhilfe der Sparkasse Osnabrück, Osnabrück 06416 Stiftung Altenhilfe der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Versmold 06417 Stiftung Altenhilfe im Landkreis Miltenberg, Miltenberg 06418 Stiftung Altenhilfe In der Stadt Moers, Wesel 06419 Stiftung Altenhille Potsdam, Potsdam 06420 Stiftung Altenhilfe Reutlingen, Reutlingen 06421 Stiftung Altenwohnungen der Kaufmannschaft in Flensburg, Flensburg 06422 Stiftung Altenzentrum der Protestantischen Kirchengemeinde Homburg/Saar, Speyer 06423 Stiftung Alters-, Witwen- und Waisenversorgungseinrichtung beim Technischen Überwachungsverein Hessen e.V., Eschborn 06424 Stiftung Altersheim der Gemeinde Reichenau, Reichenau 06425 Stiftung Altersheim des Flensburger Aiteiter-Bauvereins, Flensburg 06426 Stiftung Attersheim des Flensburger Handwerks und Lieselotte SchillerStiftung. Flensburg 06427 Stiftung Altershelm Heimbrechts, Helmbrechts 06428 Stiftung Altersheim Sankt Nicolai, Kiel 06429 Stiftung Altersheim Westphaienhof, Paderborn 06430 Stiftung Attersheim Wichemhaus in Bad Harzburg, Bad Harzburg 06431 Stiftung Altersheim Wolfhagen, Woifhagen 06432 Stiftung Attersheime der Stadt Thun, Thun 13359 Stiftung Alterswohnungen der Stadt Zürich, Zürich 13360 Stiftung am Frledrlch-Ludwig-JahnGymnasium Greifswald, Greifswald 06433 Stiftung Ami für Stiftungen und berufliche Vorsorge, Liestal 13361 Stiftung Amtmann-Schroeter-Haus, Ulienthai 06434 Stiftung Anschartiôhe, Hamburg 06435 Stiftung A postolos Paulus (Barnabas), Luzem 13362 Stiftung Applikationeund Technikzentrum für Energieverfahrens-, Umwelt· und Strömungstechnik, Sulzbach-Rosenberg 06436 Stiftung Arbeit und Umwelt der IG Bergbau-Chemie-Energie, Hannover 06437 Stiftung Arbeiterhelm, Stuttgart 06438 Stiftung Arbeitsgestaltung, Uster 13363 Stiftung Arbettslosenrappen, Basel 13364 Stiftung Arbeltsplatz Schweiz, Sursee 13365 Stiftung Arbeitszentrum für Behinderte, Kleindöttingen 13366 Stiftung Arbettszentrum für Behinderte, Strengelbach 13367 Stiftung Are Arana, Horw 13368 Stiftung ARCH, Salzburg 00146 Stiftung Archäologie in Köln, Bonn 06439 Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Künste der Lander Berlin und Brandenburg, Berlin 06440 Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR Im Bundesarchfv, Berlin 06441 Stiftung Archiv, Forum und Museum zu Geschichte des Naturschutzes in Deutschland, Königswinter 06442 Stiftung Archiv für Schweizer 13369 Stiftung Argo Bündnerische Werkstätten und Wohnhelm für Behinderte, Chur 13370 Stiftung Ars Futura, Zürich 13371
Stiftung Ascher Kulturbesilz, Selb 06443 Stiftung ASTAG-CarreisenGarantiefonds, Bern 13372 Stiftung Atelier Cité Paris, Luzem 13373 Stiftung Atlantikbrücke, Beilin 06444 Stiftung Atti, Wasserburg 06445 Stiftung Aufbau Unstrut Finne, Naumburg 06446 Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG, Zürich 13374 Stiftung Aumühle, Aumühle 06447 Stiftung Ausbiidungs- und Verwaltungszentrum des Schwelzerischen Plattenverbandes, Dagmersellen 13375 Stiftung Ausbildungshilfe Ruanda, Bad Kreuznach 06446 Stiftung Ausgleich zwischen Tätern und Opfern von Straftaten, Hamburg 06449 Stiftung Auslandschwelzerorganisation, Bern 13376 Stiftung Auto-Museum Volkswagen, Wolfsburg 06450 Stiftung AV Studio, Kleve 06451 Stiftung AWB Hochdorf, Hochdorf 13377 Stiftung AWB Wllllsau, Willisau 13378 Stiftung Bach-Archiv Leipzig, Leipzig 06452 Stiftung Bad Heustrich, Spiez 13379 Stiftung Badehospiz Bad Gastein, Bad Gastein 00147 Stiftung Bärenweiler, Leutkirch 06453 Stiftung Bäuerlicher Solidaritätsfonds, Langnau 13380 Stiftung Bahn-Sozialwerk, Frankfurt am Main 06454 Stiftung Basel Lighthouse, Basel 13381 Stiftung Basier Münsterbauhütte, Basel 13382 Stiftung Basler Orchester, Basel 13363 Stiftung Basler Wirrgarten, Basel 13364 Stiftung Bauen und Wohnen, Stuttgart 06455 Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Dessau 06456 Stiftung Bautzen-Heidelberg, Bautzen 06457 Stiftung Bauwesen, Stuttgart 06458 Stiftung Bayerische Elite-Akademie, München 06459 Stiftung Bayerische Landesschule für Gehörlose, München 06460 Stiftung Bayerische Landesschule für Körperbehinderte, München 0646) Stiftung Bayerischer Musikfonds, München 06462 Stiftung Begabtenförderungswerk berufliche Bildung, Bonn 06463 Stiftung Begegnungsstatte für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur, Rostock 06464 Stiftung Begleitung In Leid und Trauer, Winterthur 13365 Stiftung Behinderten- und Altenhllfe Weingarten, Weingarten 06465 Stiftung Behinderten- und Pflegeheim Wimpassing, Wimpasing an der Leitha 00148 Stiftung Behinderten-Wohnheim Nldwaiden, Stans 13386 Stiftung Behindertenbetriebe Uri, Schattdorf 13387 Stiftung Behindertenfahrdienst Rhefnfelden, Möhlin 13388 Stiftung BehindertenhIHe im Landkreis Miltenberg, Elsenfeld 06466 Stiftung Behindertensport, Duisburg 06467 Stiftung Behindertentransporte Zürich, Zürich 13389 Stiftung Behindertenwerk Sankt Johannes, Marxheim 06468 Stiftung Behindertenwerke Oberemmental, Langnau im Emmental 13390 Stiftung Bel Campo, Muttenz 13391 Stiftung Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung in der Landwirtschaft, Schottland 13392 Stiftung Bergmannshilfswerk Luisenthal, Saarbrücken 06469 Stiftung Bergwaldpro|ekt, Chur 13393 Stiftung Berlinische Galerie, Berlin 06470 Stiftung Berner Studentenheim, Bern 13394 Stiftung Bernischer Kulturpreis für Architektur, Technik und Umwelt, Bern 13395 Stiftung Berufliche Bildung, Hamburg 06471 Stiftung Berufliche Bildung, Ludwigsburg 06472 Stiftung Berufsblldungewerk Sankt Zeno, Ebersberg 06473 Stiftung Berufsförderungswerk des Landkreises Saarlouis, Saarlouis 06474 Stiftung Beschäftig unga- und Wohnheim für Cerebral Gelähmte, Riehen J3396
Stiftung BEST-Bürgerschaftllches Engagement zu sozialen Themen, München 06475 Stiftung Best Hope, Zürich 13397 Stiftung Betagtenhllfe, Zürich 13398 Stiftung Bethesda, Bad Pyrmont 06476 Stiftung Bethesda für allelnerziehende Mütter, Basel 13399 Stiftung Bethesda-Sankt Martin, Boppard 06477 Stiftung Betreuung von Alters- und Krankenhelmen in GUS-Staaten, Zürich 13400 Stiftung Bibel leben Wippingen, Wippingen 06478 Stiftung Bibel und Kultur, Stuttgart 06479 Stiftung Blblio-Suisse, Bern 13401 Stiftung Blbliotheca Afghanica, Liestal 13402 Stiftung Bibliothek Beatenberg, Waldegg 13403 Stiftung Bibliothek des Ruhrgebiets, Bochum 06460 Stiftung Bildung und Beschäftigung, Villingen-Schwenningen 06461 Stiftung Bildung und Entwicklung, Bern 13404 Stiftung Bildung und Wissenschaft, Essen 06482 Stiftung Bildungs-Centrum der Wirtschaft Essen, Essen 06483 Stiftung Biidungs Zentrum Basel, Basel 73405 Stiftung Bildungsfonds im Schweiz. Bäcker- und Konditorengewerbe, Rothenburg 13406 Stiftung Binnenalster, Hamburg 06484 Stiftung BINZ 39, Zürich 13407 Stiftung Biografik Labor 3R Basel Basel 13408 Stiftung BioMed Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 06485 Stiftung Biovitis, Samstagem 13409 Stiftung Blindenanstalt Frankfurt am Main (Polytechnische Gesellschaft), Frankfurt am Main 06466 Stiftung Blindenführhunde-Schule Ostschweiz, Sankt Gallen 13410 Stiftung Blindenheim, Freiburg 06487 Stiftung Blindensolidarität SachsenAnhalt. Halle/Saale 06488 Stiftung Bö Yin Rä, Basel 13411 Stiftung Bördesparkasse Oschersleben, Oschersleben 06489 Stiftung Bonhoeffer-Lehrstuhl, Essen 06490 Stiftung Bordenau, Neustadt am Rübenberge 06491 Stiftung Brandenburg, Liebenau 06492 Stiftung Brandenburger Tor der Bankgeseilschaft Berlin, Berlin 06493 Stiftung Brandenburgische Gedenkstätten, Oranienburg 06494 Stiftung Braunschweiger Burgerpreis, Braunschweig 06495 Stiftung Bremer Bildhauerpreis, Bremen 06496 Stiftung Bremer Dom e.V., Bremen 06497 Stiftung Bruder Klaus, Zweisimmen 13412 Stiftung Bruderschaft zu Unserer Lieben Frau, Goch 06498 Stiftung Buch·, Medien- und Literaturhaus München, München 06499 Stiftung Buchkunst, Frankfurt am Main 06500 Stiftung Bündner Volksbibliothek, Chur 13413 Stiftung Bürger für Bürger, Berlin 0650J Stiftung Bürgerhaus am Wildhof, Wattenbek 06502 Stiftung Bürgerhaus Wiihelmsburg, Hamburg 06503 Stiftung Bürgerhospital Bitburg, Bitburg 06504 Stiftung Bürgerhospital zum Heiilgen Johannes dem Täufer, Bonn 06505 Stiftung Bürgerspital zum Heiligen Geist in Würzburg, Würzburg 06506 Stiftung Bulgarische Hochschulförderung, Waldsolms 06507 Stiftung Bundeskanzler-Adenauer-Haus, Bad Honnef 06506 Stiftung Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL), Bremen 06509 Stiftung Burg Adelebsen, Adelebsen 06510 Stiftung Burg Kniphausen, Wilhelmshaven 06511 Stiftung Burg Maienfels, Wüstenrot 06512 Stiftung Business House, Sankt Gallen 13414 Stiftung CAESAR, Bonn 06515 Stiftung Capauliana, Chur 13415 Stiftung Caritas-Werk Sankt Meinrad, Einsiedeln 73476 Stiftung Casa Orfeo Positano, München 06573 Stiftung Casse der Stücke von Achten, Hamburg 06514 Stiftung Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, Bonn 06515
Alphabetical Index: Stiftung Stiftung Centraibibliothek für Blinde, Hamburg 06516 Stiftung Centrale für private Fürsorge, Frankfurt am Main 06517 Stiftung Centre Culturel Francais de Kiel, Kiel 06518 Stiftung Centro del bel Libro, Bern 13417 Stiftung Centros Sociales Cristo Obrero, Kriens 13418 Stiftung Chance, Zürich 13419 Stiftung Chinderhuus, Zürich 13420 Stiftung Chiropraktoren Institut, Bern 13421 Stiftung Chrischona Heime, Bettingen 13422 Stiftung Christlich-Soziale Politik e.V., Königswinter 06519 Stiftung Christliche Lebenshilfe, Wattenwil 13423 Stiftung Christliche Privatschulen, Bonn 06520 Stiftung Christliches Altenheim Lützeln, Burbach 06521 Stiftung Christliches Erholungsheim Westerwald, Rehe 06522 Stiftung Christliches Fernsehen, Wargen 13424 Stiftung Christopherus, Delmenhorst 06523 Stiftung Civitas Hungarlca, Bern 13425 Stiftung Contact Bern, Bern 13426 Stiftung Corporate Artentity, Waldenbuch 06524 Stiftung Daheim im Heim, Bonn 06525 Stiftung Das Rauhe Haus, Hamburg 06526 Stiftung Das zuckerkranke Kind, Ulm 06527 Stiftung Datenbank Schweizerischer Kulturgüter, Bern 13427 Stiftung Delphin, Bonn 06528 Stiftung Demokratie im Alltag, Siegen 06529 Stiftung Demokratie Saarland, Saarbrücken 06530 Stiftung Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft, München 06531 Stiftung Demokratische Jugend, Berlin 06532 Stiftung Demoskopie Allensbach, Konstanz 06533 Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas, München 06534 Stiftung Denkmalpflege Hamburg, Hamburg 06535 Stiftung Denkmalschutz Berlin, Berlin 06536 Stiftung der 5. Europameisterschaften für Sehbehinderte 1969 in Zürich, Zürich 13428 Stiftung der Bauindustrie Hamburg, Hamburg 06537 Stiftung der Bezirkssparkasse Dillenburg, Dillenburg 06538 Stiftung der Bezirkssparkasse Furtwangen, Furtwangen 06539 Stiftung der Braunschweigischen Maschinenbauanstalt, Braunschweig 06540 Stiftung der Brüdergemeinden in Deutschland, Bergisch Gladbach 06541 Stiftung Der Convent, Hamburg 06542 Stiftung der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung, Braubach 06543 Stiftung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft· und Raumfahrt-Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Essen 06544 Stiftung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie, Erlangen 06545 Stiftung der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft, München 06546 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommunalwissenschaften, Berlin 06547 Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Qualifizierung und Kooperation e.V., Berlin 06548 Stiftung der Dielektra GmbH, Köln 06549 Stiftung der ehemaligen Schüler des Gymnasiums Illustre, Stuttgart 06550 Stiftung der Elisabeth-Schwestern zu Essen, Essen 06551 Stiftung der Eltern und Förderer der Bismarckschule Hannover, Hannover 06552 Stiftung der Ersten österreichischen Sparkasse bei der Akademie der Wissenschaften In Wien, Wien 00149 Stiftung der Evangelischen Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich, Zürich 13429 Stiftung der Freimaurerloge zur Weltkugel, Lübeck 06553 Stiftung der Freunde antiker Kunst, Fribourg 13430 Stiftung der Freunde der Hamburger Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hamburg 06554 Stiftung der Gemeindesparkasse Gauting - Sparkassenstiftung, Starnberg 06555 Stiftung der Georg-Augusl-Universität zu Göttingen, Güttingen 06556
376 Stiftung der Gesellschaft der Freunde der Technischen Hochschule Breslau zur Sammlung und Erhaltung der Kulturwerte Schlesiens, Dortmund 06557 Stiftung der Hamburger Presse, Hamburg 06558 Stiftung der Heilsarmee in der Schweiz, Bern 13431 Stiftung Der herzkranke Diabetiker, Düsseldorf 06559 Stiftung der Internationalen Union der Orthopädie-Techniker, Basel 13432 Stiftung der Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke, München 06560 Stiftung der Kreis-Sparkasse Northeim, Northeim 06561 Stiftung der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Münden, Hann. Münden 06562 Stiftung der Kreissparitasse Bamberg, Bamberg 06563 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse BayreuthPegnitz, Bayreuth 06564 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Bernburg, Bemburg 06565 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld {Birkenfelder Landesbank) zum Schulz der Umwelt und zur Förderung des Heimatgedankens, Idar-Oberstein 06566 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Birkenfeld (Birkenfelder Landesbank) zur Förderung der Jugend, Idar-Oberstein 06567 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Borken zur Förderung der Jugend, Kunst und Kultur sowie für die Seniorenbetreuung, den Sport und die Umwelt, Ahaus 06568 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Bremervörde, Zeven 06569 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse EsslingenNürtingen, Esslingen 06570 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Euskirchen zur Förderung von Kultur und Sport im Kreis Euskirchen, Euskirchen 06571 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Fulda, Fulda 06572 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Groß-Gerau zur Förderung der Kultur, Groß-Gerau 06573 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Heinsberg, Erkelenz 06574 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Hlldeshelm, Hildesheim 06575 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung der Kultur, der Denkmalund Helmatpflege, insbesondere des Umwelt·, Landschaftsund Naturschutzes, sowie der Heimatkunde im Gebiet des Erftkreises, des Rheinisch-Bergischen Kreises und des Oberbergischen Kreises, Köln 06576 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung des Hänneschen-Theaters, des Kölnischen Stadtmuseums, des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums, des Römisch-Germanischen Museums, des Schnütgen-Museums und des Kölner Zoos, Köln 06577 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung des Sports Im Gebiet des Erftkreises, des Rheinisch-Bergischen Kreises und des Oberbergischen Kreises, Köln 06578 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung kultureller, denkmalund heimatpflegerischer sowie heimatkundlicher Zwecke Im Oberbergischen Kreis, Köln 06579 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Limburg zur Förderung begabter heimischer Musiker, Limburg 06580 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse LöbauZtttau für Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, Zittau 06581 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Pinneberg für Umwelt, Kultur und Soziales, Pinneberg 06582 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Quedlinburg, Quedlinburg 06563 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Recklinghausen zur Förderung des Natur- und Umweltschutzes, Recklinghausen 065Θ4 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Reutlingen zur Förderung der Jugend, Reutlingen 06585 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Reutlingen zur Förderung Innovativer Leistungen im Handwerk, Reutlingen 06566 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Rotenburg/Wümme, Zeven 06587 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Rottweil für Kunst-, Kultur- und Denkmalpflege, Rottweil 06588 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Rottweil zur Förderung Innovativer Leistungen sowie zur Begabten- und Jugendförderung, Rottweif 06589 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Segeberg, Bad Segeberg 06590 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse TorgauOschatz, Oschatz 06591
Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Tuttlingen zur Förderung innovativer Leistungen im Handwerk und Im Kleingewerbe, Tuttlingen 06592 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Verden, Verden 06593 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wiedenbrück, Rheda-Wiedenbrück 06594 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wittmund, Wrttmund 06595 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wolfratshausen, Bad Tölz 06596 Stiftung der Landesbank RheinlandPfalz, Essen 06597 Stiftung der Landmaschinen-Industrie, Frankfurt am Main 06596 Stiftung der LBS - Badische Landesbausparkasse Bauen und Wohnen, Kartsruhe 06599 Stiftung der Lebenshitfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung BadenWürttemberg, Stuttgart 06600 Stiftung der Lebenshllfe Main-TauberKreis, Bad Mergentheim 06601 Stiftung der Möllner Sparkasse, Mölln 06602 Stiftung der Niedersächsischen Bauindustrie, Hannover 06603 Stiftung der Norddeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale und der Öffentlichen Versicherungen für Braunschwelg, Braunschweig 06604 Stiftung der Offiziere der Transporttruppen und des Militäreisenbahndienstes, Bern 13433 Stiftung Der Privale Haushalt, Düsseldorf 06605 Stiftung der Ralffelsen-Volksbank Amorbach eG, Miltenberg 06606 Stiftung der Raiffeisen-Volksbank Bürgstadt eG, Miltenberg 06607 Stiftung der Ralffelsen-Volksbank Untermerzbach eG, Ebern 06606 Stiftung der Ralffeisenbank Kleinwallstadt-Sulzbach eG, Kleinwallstadt 06609 Stiftung der Ralffeisenbank Unteres Eisavatal eG, Eschau 06610 Stiftung der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Leipzig 06611 Stiftung der Schweizer Werbewirtschaft für die Lauterkeit der Werbung, Zürich 13434 Stiftung der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 1939, Rüschlikon 13435 Stiftung der Schweizerischen Schuljugend zur Erhaltung des Schlachtfeldes von Morgarten, Schwyz 13436 Stiftung der SelbsthilfeSledlergenossenschaft Bonlanden, Filderstadt 06612 Stiftung der Spar- und Kreditbank in der evangelischen Kirche in Bayern eG in Nürnberg, Nürnberg 06613 Stiftung der Spar- und Leihkasse der früheren Ämter Bordesholm, Kiel und Cronshagen für Kultur, Umwelt und Soziales, Bordesholm 06614 Stiftung der Sparkasse AttendornLennestadt-Klrchhundem für Jugend und Kultur, Attendorn 06615 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Bad Neustadt an der Saale 06616 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bad Salzuflen, Bad Salzuflen 06617 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bamberg, Bamberg 06618 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bochum zur Förderung von Kultur und Wissenschaft, Bochum 06619 Stiftung der Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis für Kultur und Sport, Zeitz 06620 Stiftung der Sparkasse Castrop-Rauxel für Kultur, Wissenschaft und Umwelt, Castrop-Rauxel 06621 Stiftung der Sparkasse der Homburgischen Gemeinden, Wiehl 06622 Stiftung der Sparkasse Detmold, Detmold 06623 Stiftung der Sparkasse Donaueschingen, Donaueschingen 06624 Stiftung der Sparkasse Donauwörth, Donauwörth 06625 Stiftung der Sparkasse Finnentrop, Finnentrop 06626 Stiftung der Sparkasse Grünberg, Grünberg 06627 Stiftung der Sparkasse Hamm für Kunst- und Kulturpflege. Hamm 06628 Stiftung der Sparkasse Hanau, Hanau 06629 Stiftung der Sparkasse HarburgBuxtehude, WinsertfLuhe 06630 Stiftung der Sparkasse HarburgBuxtehude zur Förderung der Jugend der Stadt Buxtehude, Buxtehude 0663/
Stiftung der Sparkasse Im Landkreis Neustadt an der Alsch-Bad Windshelm, Neustadt an der Aisch 06632 Stiftung der Sparkasse KlerspeMelnerchagen, Kierspe 06633 Stiftung der Sparkasse Krefeld zur Förderung der Natur und Kultur Im Kreis Viersen, Krefeld 06634 Stiftung der Sparkasse Krefeld zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke In der Stadt Krefeld, Krefeld 06635 Stiftung der Sparkasse Kreis Plön zur Förderung der heimischen Kultur und Natur, der Jugendpflege und des Sports, Plön 06636 Stiftung der Sparkasse LangenSeligenstadt, Seligenstadt 06637 Stiftung der Sparkasse LaubachHungen, Laubach 06638 Stiftung der Sparkasse Lübeck für Kultur, Umwelt und Sport, Lübeck 06639 Stiftung der Sparkasse MärkischOderland, Strausberg 06640 Stiftung der Sparkasse Mannheim zur Förderung zukunfts- und technologieorientierter Unternehmen, Mannheim 06641 Stiftung der Sparkasse Markgräflerland zur Förderung der Jugend, Weil am Rhein 06642 Stiftung der Sparkasse Markgräflerland zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur, Müllheim 06643 Stiftung der Sparkasse Menden, Menden 06644 Stiftung der Sparkasse Nördllngen, Nördlingen 06645 Stiftung der Sparkasse Odenwaldkreis, Erbach 06646 Stiftung der Sparkasse Ostholstein, Eutin 06647 Stiftung der Sparkasse Retingen zur Förderung der Altenhilfe, Ratingen 06648 Stiftung der Sparkasse Rheinberg zur Förderung gemeinnütziger mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Rheinberg, Rheinberg 06649 Stiftung der Sparkasse SalemHeiligenberg, Salem 06650 Stiftung der Sparkasse Siegen für Kunst und Kultur, Siegen 06651 Stiftung der Sparkasse Soest zur Förderung von Jugend und Sport, Soest 06652 Stiftung der Sparkasse Uelzen, Uelzen 06653 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vogtland, Plauen 06654 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vorpommern für Wissenschaft, Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, Greifswald 06655 Stiftung der Sparkasse Wittgenstein, 8ad Berleburg 06656 Stiftung der Sparkasse zur Förderung der Kunst In Lüneburg, Lüneburg 06657 Stiftung der Sparkassen im Landkreis Osnabrück, Osnabrück 06658 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung gemeinnütziger, mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke Im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen 06659 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen 06660 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Stade, Stade 06661 Stiftung der Stadt- und Saalkreissparkasse Halle/Saale, Halle/Saale 06662 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bad Honnef zur Förderung kultureller gemeinnütziger mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef 06663 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bad Sachsa, Bad Sachsa 06664 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Billerbeck (Westf.) zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Jugend- und Altenhilfe, Billerbeck 06665 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bocholt zur Förderung von Wissenschaft, Kultur und Umweltschutz, Bocholt 06666 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bottrop zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke Im Gebiet der Stadt Bottrop, Bottrop 06667 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Cuxhaven zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur und Denkmalpflege, Cuxhaven 06668 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Dortmund zum Wohle älterer Menschen, Dortmund 06669 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Felsberg, Felsberg 06670 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Frankenthal zur Förderung der Pflege von Kunst, Kultur und Sport In der Stadt Frankenthal, Frankenthal 06671
Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Hemer zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur elnschlleBlich der Denkmal- und Helmatpflege, Hemer 06672 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Korschenbroich, Korschenbroich 06673 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Uppstadt zur Förderung des Sports, Uppstadt 06674 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Osterode am Harz, Osterode am Harz 06675 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Remseheid für Jugend, Sodales und Umwelt, Remscheid 06676 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen zur Förderung der Kultur sowie der Denkmalund Helmatpflege im Stadtgebiet Wermelskirchen, Wermelskirchen 06677 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen zur Förderung des Sports Im Stadtgebiet Wermelskirchen, Wermelskirchen 06678 Stiftung der Städtischen Sparkasse Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt 06679 Stiftung der Theosophlschen Gesellschaft Pasadena, Eberdingen 06660 Stiftung der Universität Augsburg, Augsburg 06681 Stiftung der Universität Hildeshelm, Hildesheim 06682 Stiftung der Verbandssparkasse GochKevelaer-Weeze, Goch 06663 Stiftung der Vereinigten Volksbanken, Weil der Stadt 06684 Stiftung der Volksbank Edewecht e.G., Edewecht 06685 Stiftung der Volksbank Lüneburger Heide, Soltau 06686 Stiftung der Volksbank MöckmülriNeuenstadl, Möckmöhl 06687 Stiftung der Volksbank Neu-Isenburg, Neu-Isenburg 06688 Stiftung der Volksbank Öberklngen, Kuchen 06689 Stiftung der Württembergischen Hypothekenbank für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Stuttgart 06690 Stiftung des deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbes, Bonn 06697 Stiftung des Deutschen Schwachstromkabel-Verbandes und der Vereinigung Deutscher Starkstromkabel-Fabrikanten, Köln 06692 Stiftung des Eltemvereins der Realschulen in Uelzen e.V., Uelzen 06693 Stiftung des Galerie-Vereins zur Förderung der staatlichen bayerischen Museen, München 06694 Stiftung des Gründers und der Förderer der Alten Klosterschuie für besonders begabte Schüler der studienbezogenen Bildungsgänge der Modellschule Obersberg, Bad Hersfeld 06695 Stiftung des Jeverländischen Mahnmals, Jever 06696 Stiftung des Kieler Presse-Klubs, Kiel 06697 Stiftung des Landes Niedersachsen für berufliche Rehabilitation Behinderter, Bad Pyrmont 06698 Stiftung des Landes NordrheinWestfalen für Wohlfahrtspflege, Düsseldorf 06699 Stiftung des Uons-HIHswerks Günzenhausen, Günzenhausen 06700 Stiftung des Saarverbandes der Evangelischen Frauenhilfe, Saarbrücken 06701 Stiftung des SBAO, Adligenswil 13437 Stiftung des Schweizer Verbandes der Orthopädie-Techniker, Adliswil 13438 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Bankvereins zur Förderung des Wohnungsbaues, Basel 13439 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Metallund Uhrenarbeitnehmer- Verbandes, Bern 13440 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Optikerverbandes für die Förderung der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, Ölten 13441 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Zeltungsverleger-Verbandes zur Sicherung des schweizerischen Pressewesens, Zürich 13442 Stiftung des Verbandes Zahntechnlecher Laboratorien der Schweiz für die Förderung der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, Biel 13443 Stiftung des Vereins Hamburgischer Staatsbeamten, Hamburg 06702 Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen, Essen 06703 Stiftung Deutsch-Nordische Burse, Kiel 06704 Stiftung Deutsche Außenhandels- und Verkehrs-Akademie DAV, Bremen 06705
Alphabetical Index: Stiftung
377 Stiftung Deutsche Behindertenhilfe, Bonn 06706 Stiftung Deutsche BllndenfOhrhundschule, Berlin 06707 Stiftung Deutsehe Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie, München 06706 Stiftung Deutsche Jugendmarke e.V., Bonn 06709 Stiftung Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe der Deutschen Krebshllfe, Bonn 06710 Stiftung Deutsche (Cinemathek, Berlin 06711 Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterle Berlin, Berlin 06712 Stiftung Deutsche Landeralehungshelme, Frankfurt am Main 06713 Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hllfe, Gütersloh 06714 Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe, Frankfurt am Main 06715 Stiftung Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, Bonn 06716 Stiftung Deutscher Architekten, Düsseldorf 06717 Stiftung Deutscher Heilpraktiker, BadenBaden 06718 Stiftung Deutscher Küstenschutz, Hamburg 06719 Stiftung Deutscher Pollenlnformatlonsdienst, Bad Lippspringe 06720 Stiftung Deutscher Rollstuhlaport, Meckenheim 06721 Stiftung Deutscher Volleyball, Frankfurt am Main 06722 Stiftung Deutsches Adelsarchlv, Sankt Augustin 06723 Stiftung Deutsches Diamant Institut, Pforzheim 06724 Stiftung Deutsches Fastnachtmuseum, Kitzingen 06725 Stiftung Deutsches Gartenbaumuseum Erfurt, Erfurt 06726 Stiftung Deutsches Holocaust-Museum, Hannover 06727 Stiftung Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden 06728 Stiftung Deutsches Institut für Allgemeinmedizin, Kiel 06729 Stiftung Deutsches Jagd- und Fischereimuseum München, München 06730 Stiftung Deutsches Krebsforschungezentrum, Heidelberg 06731 Stiftung Deutsches Kulturerbe In Rumänien, Remshalden 06732 Stiftung Deutsches Meeresmuseum, Stralsund 06733 Stiftung Deutsches Museum für Meereskunde und Fischerei, Stralsund 06733 Stiftung Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv Frankfurt a.M.-Berlin, Frankfurt am Main 06734 Stiftung Deutsches SchHfahrtsmuseum, Bremerhaven 06735 Stiftung Deutsches Segelflugmuseum mit Modellflug, Gersfeid 06736 Stiftung Deutsches Sport· und OlympiaMuseum, Köln 06737 Stiftung Deutsches Sportabzeichen Im Landkreis Peine, Peine 06738 Stiftung Deutsches Übersee-Institut, Hamburg 06739 Stiftung Diakon iewerk Kropp, Kropp 06740 Stiftung Diakonissenhaus Bethanien, Berlin 06741 Stiftung Diakonissenhaus Friedenshort, Freudenberg 06742 Stiftung Dialog, Zurich 13444 Stiftung Die Fähre, Essen 06743 Stiftung Die gute Hand, KürtervBtesfetó 06744 Stiftung Die Knospe, Basel 13445 Stiftung Die Mitarbeit, Bonn 06745 Stiftung Die neue Zeit für gesunde Freizeitgestaltung, Thielle 13446 Stiftung Dom zu Lübeck, Lübeck 06746 Stiftung DRK Westfalen-Lippe, Münster 06747 Stiftung Drogenhilfe Aebl-HusNaison Blanche, Leubringen 13447 Stiftung Druck- und Papiertechnik, Frankfurt am Main 06748 Stiftung Düsseldorfer instrumententohre, Düsseldorf 06749 Stiftung DWK Drahtwerk Köln GmbH für Betriebsangehörige, Köln 06750 Stiftung ECAP, Baden 13448 Stiftung Education, Sankt Gallen 13449 Stiftung Ehehattenhaus, Würzburg 06751 Stiftung Ehemalige Synagoge leben ha usen, Günzburg 06752 Stiftung ehemaliger Meininger Schüler, Hoyerswerda 06753 Stiftung ehemaliger Petriner, Recklinghausen 06754 Stiftung Eilbeker Gemeindehaus, Hamburg 06755 Stiftung eines Ungenannten für eine Kinderbewahrenstalt in KäSlam, Käßlam 06756
Stiftung Einheit allen Lebens, Luzem 13450 Stiftung einiger adeliger Familien Augsburger Konfession, Neusäss 06757 Stiftung Einstein Forum, Potsdam 06750 Stiftung Endometri oee-Forschung, Westerstede 06759 Stiftung Energieforschung BadenWürttemberg - Förderung der regenerativen Energien, der rationellen Energienutzung und der Energiewirtschaft, Kartsruhe 06760 Stiftung Engagement Dritte Weit, Mörsch wil 13451 Stiftung Entropia Constructions (Europe), Zürich 13452 Stiftung Entsorgung Schweiz, Zürich 13453 Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden, Bonn 06761 Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 06762 Stiftung Europäiache Begegnung, Bonn 06763 Stiftung Europäischer Heilberufe, Sankt Galten 13454 Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe, Graz 00150 Stiftung Europäisches Naturerbe, Radolfzell 06764 Stiftung Europäisches Zentrum für die Bildung im Versicherungswesen, Sankt Gallen 13455 Stiftung Europainstftut der Universität Basel, Basel 13456 Stiftung Europaverständigung e.V., Hamburg 06765 Stiftung Europrofession, Saarbrücken 06766 Stiftung Evangelische Altenheimat, Stuttgart 06767 Stiftung Evangelische Fachhochschule für Soziale Arbeit, Dresden 06768 Stiftung Evangelische Jugendhilfe Sankt Johannis, Bemburg 06769 Stiftung Evangelische Krankenpflege Bad Dürrheim, Bad Düntieim 06770 Stiftung Evangelische Krankenpflegeschule Chur, Chur 13457 Stiftung Evangelischer Kindergarten Kitzingen, Kitzingen 06771 Stiftung Evangelisches Altenhelm Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 06772 Stiftung Evangelisches Kinder- und Jugendheim Oberbieber, Neuwied 06Π3 Stiftung Evangelisches Kranken- und Versorgungshaus zu Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr 06774 Stiftung Evangelisches Vereinshaus, Wuppertal 06775 Stiftung Evangelisches Vereinshaus Westend, Frankfurt am Main 06776 Stiftung Evangelisches Waisenhaus und Klauckahaus Augsburg, Augsburg 06777 Stiftung Evolution und Recht, Essen Oß778 Stiftung Exportförderungsfonds der schweizerischen Feingewebe-Industrie, Sankt Gallen 13458 Stiftung Fechhochschule Hamburg, Hamburg 06779 Stiftung Fähre Siebeneichen, Ratzeburg 06780 Stiftung falrmächtnis für innovation, sozialen und ökologischen Wandel, Münster 06781 Stiftung Faksimile Verlag Luzem, Luzem 13459 Stiftung Familie In Not Kiel 06782 Stiftung Familie In Not des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 06783 Stiftung famlllenentiastende Dienste Mainz, Bodenheim 06784 Stiftung Familienferien GBl, Zürich 13460 Stiftung FamilienhlKe der katholischen Pfarreien der Stadt Luzem, Luzem 13461 Stiftung Favoriten-Dank, Winsen (Luhe) 06785 Stiftung Fechtsport In Taubeitischofshelm, Tauberbischofsheim 06786 Stiftung Ferien gestattung für Kinder Schweiz, Horw 13462 Stiftung Femstudien Schweiz, Brig 13463 Stiftung Festungsbrigade 13, Mels 13464 Stiftung Flüchtlingshilfe, Essen 06787 Stiftung Focus on Christianity, Zürich 13465 Stiftung Fördererkrels des Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters Hamburg, Hamburg 06788 Stiftung Förderung der Arbeit des Deutschen Sozialwerkes In Braunschwelg, Braunschweig 06789 Stiftung Förderung von Forschung und Lehre Im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerhochschulen, Mainz 06790
Stiftung Fonds für versuchstierfreie Forschung, Zürich 13466 Stiftung Forschung 3R, Münsingen 13467 Stiftung Forschungsgemeinschaft Deutscher Augenoptiker, Düsseldorf 06791 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Frick 13468 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für die Biologie landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere, Dummerstorf 06792 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für Management-Andragoglk, Zürich 13469 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut fur Philosophie Hannover, Hannover 06793 Stiftung Fortissimo, Uettligen 13470 Stiftung Forum Kultur, Hannover 06794 Stiftung Fotomuseum Wfnterthur, Winterthur 13471 Stiftung Franchising, Luzem 13472 Stiftung Frankfurter Schullandhelm Wegscheide, Frankfurt am Main 06795 Stiftung Franz von Assisi für Tiere in Not, Zürich 13473 Stiftung Frauen & Kinder Biel, Biel 13474 Stiftung Frauen-Llteratur-Forschung e.V., Bremen 06796 Stiftung Frauenalb, Marxzell 06797 Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden, Dresden 06798 Stiftung Freiheit der Presse, Frankfurt am Main 06799 Stiftung Freiwillige Fürsorge, Zug 13475 Stiftung Freunde der Universität Bremen und der International University Bremen, Bremen 06800 Stiftung Freundeskreis für Senegal, Bern 13476 Stiftung Freundeskreis Indien-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Hirzel 13477 Stiftung Friedheim Sonderschule, Weinfelden 13478 Stiftung Friedrichsheim, Frankfurt am Main 06801 Stiftung für Abendländische Besinnung, Zürich 13479 Stiftung für Alten- und Pflegehilfe Kitzingen, Kitzingen 06802 Stiftung für analytische Psychiatrie, München 06803 Stiftung für Angepasste Technologie und Sozialökonomie, Langenbruck 13480 Stiftung für angewandte Forschung im Betonbau, Wildegg 13481 Stiftung für Angewandte Linguistik, Zürich 13482 Stiftung für Arbelt, Essen 06804 Stiftung für Arbeit, Sankt Gallen 13483 Stiftung für Architektur Geisendorf, Basel 13484 Stiftung für Armenische Studien, Essen 06305 Stiftung für ArznelmlttelsieherheKCHDM, Bern 13485 Stiftung für Aus- und Weiterbildung im Gesundheitswesen, Zürich 13486 Stiftung für Ausbildungsschiffe, Bremen 06806 Stiftung für Behinderte arwo, Wettinger 13487 Stiftung für Berliner Gemeinschaftsaufgaben, Zepernick 06808 Stiftung für berufliche Bildung OTATanyildiz, Berlin 06809 Stiftung für Berufsinformation, Beratung und Ausbildung im Bereich der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitären Hilfe, Biel 13488 Stiftung für besondere Leistungen im Umweltschutz, Luzem 13489 Stiftung für Betagtenhllfe, Zürich 13490 Stiftung für Bevölkerung, Migration und Umwelt, Zürich 13491 Stiftung für BewuStseinsforschung, Stuttgart 06810 Stiftung für bildende Künste und Denkmalpflege der Sparkasse Hattingen, Hattingen 06811 Stiftung für Bildung und Behindertenförderung, Stuttgart 06812 Stiftung für Bildung und Unterricht Nürnberg, Nürnberg 06813 Stiftung für blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder und Jugendliche, ZoRikofen 13492 Stiftung für chronisch Kranke, Cham 13493 Stiftung für das behinderte Kind zur Förderung von Vorsorge und FrOherkennung, Berlin 06814 Stiftung für das Christianeum In Hamburg, Hamburg 06815 Stiftung für das Dorf Bergen, Bergen 06816 Stiftung für das Industrie Museum Lohne, Lohne 069/7 Stiftung für das Johanneum in Hamburg, Hamburg 06618 Stiftung für das lungenkranke Kind, Zürich 13495
Stiftung für das Museum der Schwelzerlechen Riegertruppen, Dübendorf 13496 Stiftung für das Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund Stiftung für das Pferd, Bern 13497 Stiftung für das Reiss-Museum, Mannheim 06820 Stiftung für das Schwelzerische Landesmuseum, Bern 13498 Stiftung für das sorbische Volk, Bautzen 06821 Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, Bern 13499 Stiftung für den Deutsch-Englischen wissenschaftlichen Austausch für experimentelle medizinische Forschung, Hamburg 06822 Stiftung für den internationalen Austausch wissenschaftlicher und kultureller Informationen durch FernmeMemittel, Zürich 13500 Stiftung für Deutschland-Studien am BoJonga Center, Essen 06823 Stiftung für die Angestellten und Arbeiter der EMI Electro la GmbH, Köln 06824 Stiftung für die Angestellten und Arbeiter der Metallgesellschaft AG Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06825 Stiftung für die Belegschaft der GAG Köln, Köln 06826 Stiftung für die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung, Bern 13501 Stiftung für die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung der Zahntechniker, Bern 13502 Stiftung für die Berufliche Weiterbildung und Schulhilfe Fopras, Basel 13503 Stiftung für die Bürger der Stadt Waldheim, Waldheim 06827 Stiftung für die deutsche Jugend, Darmstadt 06828 Stiftung für die Erforschung des Uetlibergs, Zürich 13504 Stiftung für die Finanzierung der Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Graphischen Industrie, Bern Í3505 Stiftung für die Förderung des beruflichen Bildungswesens im Autogewerbe, Bern 13506 Stiftung für die Frau, Zürich 13507 Stiftung für die Gefolgschaftsmitglleder der Firma Gebrüder Rink Holzwollefabrik In AGIar, Aßlar 06829 Stiftung für die graphische Kunst in der Schweiz, Zürich 13508 Stiftung für die Ingenleurausblldung der Fachbereiche Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik der Fachhochschule Bleiefeld, Bielefeld 06830 Stiftung für die Interessenwahrung des Bäcker-Konditorengewerbes, Bern 13509 Stiftung für die Koblenzer Jugend, Koblenz 06831 Stiftung für die Mitarbeiter des Werkes Köln-Mülheim der Philips Kommunikations Industrie AG, Köln 06832 Stiftung für die Natur - Ravensberg, Spenge 06833 Stiftung für die Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Düsseldorf 06834 Stiftung für die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen, Oberursel 06835 Stiftung für die Schwedische Victoriagemeinde, Berlin 06836 Stiftung für die Schweizerische Photographie, Zürich 13510 Stiftung für die Selbst- und Sozialhilfe In der Landwirtschaft, Insbesondere im Berggebiet, Brugg 13511 Stiftung für die Sicherstellung von Immobilien für die gemeinnützigen Bauträger, Kriens 13512 Stiftung für die Strahlentherapie am PSI, Villigen Í35Í3 Stiftung für die Unterstützung der Schweizerischen Drogistenfachschule, Biel 13514 Stiftung für die Weiterbildung schweizerischer Richterinnen und Richter, Sankt Gallen 13515 Stiftung für dynamische Materialprüfung, Ulm 06837 Stiftung für ehemalige politische Häftlinge, Bonn 06838 Stiftung für eidgenössische Zusammenarbeit, Solothum 135/6 Stiftung für ein Gästehaus am Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen 13517 Stiftung für ein Schweizerisches Orientmuseum, Basel 13518 Stiftung für eine evangelische Radiomission, Dachsen 13519 Stiftung für Empfehlungen zur Rechnungslegung, Zürich 13520 Stiftung für engagierte visuelle Kommunikation Blei, Biel 13521 Stiftung für Erforschung der Frauenarbeit, Zürich 13522 Stiftung für Ernährung und Diabetes, Bern 13523
Stiftung für Ernährungswissenschaft Nachwuchsförderung, Dransfeld 06839 Stiftung für Europäische Sprach- und Bildungscentren (Eurocentres), Zürich 13524 Stiftung für Europäische Sprach- und Bildungszentren gGmbH, Köln 06840 Stiftung für Evangelische Kirchenmusik Altenberg, Odenthal 06841 Stiftung für Förderung der Ausbildung von Automobiltechnikem, Zug 13525 Stiftung für Förderung des Berufenachwuchses im schweizerischen Autolacklerergewerbe, Reiden 13526 Stiftung für Forschung und Beratung am Betriebswissenschaftlichen Institut der ETHZ, Zürich 13527 Stiftung für Freiheit und Menschenrechte, Bern 13528 Stiftung für Ganzheitliche Betreuung, Rüti 13529 Stiftung für ganzheitliche Medizin, Langenthal Í3530 Stiftung für Geheime Testamentenarme, Kiel 06842 Stiftung für Geisteswissenschaften, Bern 13531 Stiftung für Herz- und Krelslaufforschung, Zürich 13532 Stiftung für Hilfe für Kranke, Hannover 06843 Stiftung für Hilfeleistungen an Arbeitnehmer, Basel 13533 Stiftung für höhen medizinische Forschung, Sankt Moritz Í3534 Stiftung für höhere Schulen, Wuppertal 06844 Stiftung für hörgeschädigte Kinder Meggen und Uster, Landquart 13535 Stiftung für humanere Betäubung von Tieren, Bern J3536 Stiftung für Humanwissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung, Zürich 13537 Stiftung für indianische Gemeinschaften in Paraguay, Hoelstein 13538 Stiftung für Internationale Solidarität und Partnerschaft, Bonn 06845 Stiftung für Internationale Strafreform, Sankt Gallen 13539 Stiftung für internationalen Studentenaustausch, Deggendorf 06846 Stiftung für Internationales Kuiturmanagement, München 06847 Stiftung für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur in Europa - München, München 06848 Stiftung für Jugendliche, Stuttgart 06849 Stiftung für }unge Auslandschweizer, Bern 13540 Stiftung für junge Behinderte, Bemeck 13541 Stiftung für Kanada-Studien, Essen 06850 Stiftung für Kinder, Freiburg 06851 Stiftung für Kinder und alte Menschen in Rumänien, Bazenheid 13542 Stiftung für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie In Graubünden, Chur 13543 Stiftung für kirchliche Versorgung der Auflenstadt Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06852 Stiftung für klinische Forschung zur Förderung der oralen Gesundheit, Bern 13544 Stiftung für Komplementärmedizin, Zürich J3545 Stiftung für konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen 06853 Stiftung für konstruktive und konkrete Kunst, Zürich 13546 Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz, Bern 13547 Stiftung für Kranke der Psychiatrischen Abteilungen des LBK Hamburg, der Psychiatrischen Kliniken des Universitätskrankenhauses Eppendorf, Hamburg 06854 Stiftung für Krankenpflege zu Hause des SBK, Basel 13548 Stiftung für Krebs- und Scharlachkrankhelt, Weinheim 06655 Stiftung für Krisenintervention, Triesen 13549 Stiftung für Kultur und Umwelt der Kreiesparkasse Saarlouis, Saarlouis 06856 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umwelt, Sport und Soziales der Sparkasse Weimar, Weimar 06857 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umweit und Sport der Sparkasse Erfurt. Erfurt 06856 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft und Soziales der Kreiesparkasse Gotha, Gotha 06859 Stiftung für kulturelle, soziale und humanitäre Experimente, Basel 13550 Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung, Berlin 06860 Stiftung für Kulturpflege der Sparkasse Lünen, Lünen 06861 Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Winterthur 13551
Alphabetical Index: Stiftung Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur der Sparkasse Neuwied, Neuwied 06862 Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V., Bonn 06663 Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur In der Stadt Westerstede, Westerstede 06864 Stiftung für Kunst und Kunsttherapie Nürtingen, Nürtingen 06Θ65 Stiftung für Lasertechnologien In der Medizin und Meßtechnik an der Universität Ulm, Ulm 06866 Stiftung für Marketing in der Unternehmensführung, Zürich 13552 Stiftung für medizinisch-biologische Stipendien, Liebefeld 13553 Stiftung für medizinische Wissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main 06867 Stiftung für Meereswissenschaft und -torschung, Zürich 13554 Stiftung für Molekular- und Reproduktionsbiologie, Essen 06868 Stiftung für moralische Aufrüstung, Kriens 13555 Stiftung für mutterlose Kinder, Heeslingen 06869 Stiftung für natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, Nànikon >3556 Stiftung für neue Kunst, Schaffhausen 13557 Stiftung für Nuklearmedizin, Zürich 13558 Stiftung für Ökologie und Demokratie e.V., Rülzheim 06870 Stiftung für Opfer strafbarer Handlungen, Sankt Gallen 13559 Stiftung für Orts- und Flurnamen· Forschung Baselland, Pratteln 13560 Stiftung für Ostschweizer Kunstschaffen, Sankt Gallen 13561 Stiftung für Pflegebedürftige und Gesundheitsforschung, Zumikon 13562 Stiftung für Pinnebergische Geschichte, Pinneberg 06871 Stiftung für Psycho-Onkologie, Zurich 13563 Stiftung für psychosoziale Integration von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Ennetbaden 13564 Stiftung für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse, Zürich 13565 Stiftung für Public Relations-Forschung, Essen 06872 Stiftung für Religionspsychologie und Religionspsychopathologie, Langenthal 13566 Stiftung für Rotkreuz-Auslandhilfe, Bonn 06873 Stiftung für SchweizerischAmerikanischen Kulturaustausch, Bern 13567 Stiftung für Schwelzerische Kunstgeschichte, Bern 13568 Stiftung für schweizerische naive Kunst und art brut, Sankt Gallen 13569 Stiftung für Schweizerische Rechtspflege, Solothum 13570 Stiftung für Schwerbehinderte, Buchrain 13571 Stiftung für Seelsorge, christliche Lebensberatung und Ausbildung, Aarau 13572 Stiftung für Soziale Integration und Prävention im Bezirk Horgen und Umgebung, Horgen 13573 Stiftung für sozialtherapeutische Arbeit Villa Erica, Nebikon 13574 Stiftung für staatsbürgerliche Erziehung und Schulung, Luzem 13575 Stiftung für Stipendien an Frauen, Zürich 13576 Stiftung für Stipendien auf dem Gebiete der Chemie, Basel 13577 Stiftung für Studienbeiträge an Förderer und Bewahrer finnischer Kultur, Zürich 13578 Stiftung für Sucht- und Jugendprobleme, Basel 13579 Stiftung für Suchtforschung, Zürich 13580 Stiftung für Suchttherapie, Zug 13561 Stiftung für Technologie- und Innovationsförderung Thüringen, Erfurt 06874 Stiftung für umfassenden Mltweitschutz, Mennsdorf 13582 Stiftung für Umwelt BietigheimBissingen, Bietigheim-Bissingen 06875 Stiftung für Umwelt· und Naturschutz im Landkreis Vechta, Goldenstedt 06876 Stiftung für umweltgerechte Entsorgung von Motorfahrzeugen, Bern 13583 Stiftung für unser Dorf, Ruhpolding 06677 Stiftung für unsere Jugend, Mayen 06878 Stiftung für Verkündung und Seelsorge, Nordhorn 06879 Stiftung für Verwirklichung von Wahrheit, Einfachheit und Liebe, Brienz 13584 Stiftung für Volkskundeforschung in der Schweiz, Winterthur 13585
378 Stiftung für Wetterbildung und Sozialfürsorge zugunsten des Verbandes und der Mitglieder des Metzgereipersonal-Verbandes der Schweiz, Zürich 13536 Stiftung für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und berufliehe Qualifizierung, Bonn 06880 Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Südosteuropaforschung (Südost· Institut), München 06881 Stiftung für wissenschaftliche systematische Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Beton- und Eisenbetonbaues, Wildegg 13481 Stiftung für wissenschaftliche, systematische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete des Stahlbaus, Zürich 13587 Stiftung für Wohnungsbau der SUVA, Luzem 13588 Stiftung für Wohnungsbau für Bergarbeiter, Saarbrücken 06882 Stiftung für zahnmedizinische Vorbeugung, Zürich 13589 Stiftung für zytologlsche Diagnostik, Sankt Gallen 13590 Stiftung FOrst-Pückler-Museum Park und Schloß Branitz, Cottbus 06883 Stiftung Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau, Bad Muskau 06884 Stiftung Fundraising, Frankfurt am Main 06885 Stiftung Futur, Rapperswil 13591 Stiftung Gänsbrunn, Salzburg 00151 Stiftung Gästehaus der Universität Basel, Basel 13592 Stiftung Gartenbau Wädenswil, Wàdenswil 13593 Stiftung Gassen küche, Sankt Gallen 13594 Stiftung Gasthaus zum Ritter Sankt Jürgen, Husum 06896 Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau Dora, Weimar 06887 Stiftung gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus, Zürich 13595 Stiftung gegen Vereinsamung im Atter, Frutigen 13596 Stiftung Gehörlosenzentrum Stuttgart, Stuttgart 06888 Stiftung Geißstraße 7, Stuttgart 06889 Stiftung Geistesfreiheit, Hamburg 06890 Stiftung Geistliche Musik, Feldmeilen 13597 Stiftung Gemeinsam alt werden, Mönchengladbach 06891 Stiftung Gemeinsam handeln, Wuppertal 06892 Stiftung Gemeinsames Rücknahmesystem Batterien, Hamburg 06893 Stiftung Gemeinwohl der Kreissparkasse Düsseldorf, Mettmann 06894 Stiftung Genesungshelm Kalksburg, Wien 00152 Stiftung Gesetzlicher Garantiefonds der Schweizer Reisebranche, Zürich 13598 Stiftung Gesundheit, Kiel 06895 Stiftung Gewattfreles Leben, Königsfeld 06896 Stiftung Gewerkschaftsschule Schweiz, Bern 13599 Stiftung Glattal und Unterland, Kloten 13600 Stiftung Glaubens- und Lebenshltfe, Essen 06897 Stiftung Global Harmony, Solothum 13601 Stiftung Gold- und Silberschmiedekunst, Schwäbisch Gmünd 06898 Stiftung Goldener Spatz, Gera 06899 Stiftung Goldener Zuckerhut. Frankfurt am Main 06900 Stiftung Goldnes Münchner Herz, München 06901 Stiftung Gott hilft, Zizers 13602 Stiftung Goutte d'Eau Switzerland, Bern 13603 Stiftung Gralsbotschaft, Stuttgart 06902 Stiftung Graphica Helvetica, Bern 13604 Stiftung Greenpeace Schweiz, Zürich 13605 Stiftung Griechisch-orthodoxe Kirche, Sankt Gallen 13606 Stiftung Grimmelshausenarchiv, Renchen 06903 Stiftung Grone-Schule, Hamburg 06904 Stiftung Großes Walsenhaus zu Postsdam, Potsdam 06905 Stiftung Großherzoglicher UnterstOtzungsfonds Bruchsal, Bruchsal 06906 Stiftung Gründerzentrum Aargau, Suhr 13607 Stiftung Grüner Bundesplatz, Zürich 13608 Stiftung Grünes Kreuz Schweiz, Zürich 13609 Stiftung Gutes mit Schönem verbinden, Stuttgart 06907 Stiftung Gymnasium Immensee, Immensee 13610 Stiftung Habetreu-UnterstQtzungskasse, Hamburg 06908
Stiftung Halbwagen, Kleinlobming 00153 Stiftung Hamburger Admiralität, Hamburg 06909 Stiftung Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung, Hamburg 06910 Stiftung Hamburger Lebenshltfe hei me, Hamburg 06911 Stiftung Hamburger Öffentliche Bücheihallen, Hamburg 06912 Stiftung Hamburger Wanderer, Naturund Heimatfreunde, Hamburg 06913 Stiftung Hamburgisches Krantonhaus Edmundsthal-S lerne rswalde, Geesthacht 06914 Stiftung Hammer Gemeindehaus, Hamburg 069(5 Stiftung Haus Bauhütte, Hamburg 06916 Stiftung Haus Bethlehem, Herford 06917 Stiftung Haus der action 365, Frankfurt am Main 06918 Stiftung Haus der Begegnung, Zürich 13611 Stiftung Haus der Behinderten Bonn, Bonn 06919 Stiftung Haus der Demokratie, Bertin 06920 Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn 06921 Stiftung Haus der Heimat - Haus der Begegnung Nürtingen, Nürtingen 06922 Stiftung Haus der Jugend, Lübeck 06923 Stiftung Haus der Schweizerischen Krebsliga, Bern 13612 Stiftung Haus der Universität, Bern 13613 Stiftung Haus Oberschlesien, Ratingen 06924 Stiftung Haus Plus Xll, Bertin 06925 Stiftung Haus Raphael, Zürich 13614 Stiftung Haus Seefahrt, Bremen 06926 Stiftung Haus Zuflucht, Soltau 06927 Stiftung Heart Lab International, Stans 13615 Stiftung Heidelberger Friedenskreuz, Heidelberg 06928 Stiftung Heidelberger Zement, Essen 06929 Stiftung Heilanstalt für Kranke, Lautetbach 06930 Stiftung Heilerziehungs- und Pflegehelme Scheuern, Nassau 06931 Stiftung Heilig Kreuz, Essen 06932 Stiftung Hellsarmee, Rheineck 13616 Stiftung Heimathaus Bad Tölz, Bad Tölz 06933 Stiftung Heimathaus Traunstein, Traunstein 06934 Stiftung Heimatmuseum Aesch, Aesch 13617 Stiftung Heimatmuseum Pfäfflkon, Pfäffikon 13618 Stiftung Heimetstuben der Stadt und das Kreises Dux (Sudetenland), Rodenbach 06935 Stiftung Heimatwerkschuie Ballenberg, Brienz 13619 Stiftung Helfen in der Havelstadt, Berlin 06936 Stiftung Helfen und Hellen, Ravensburg Stiftung Helfende Hand für südindische Mädchen, Au 13620 Stiftung Henrlcus-Hospital zu Südlohn, Südlohn 06938 Stiftung Herberge zur Heimat, Rudolstadt 06940 Stiftung Herzberg, Asp 13621 Stiftung Herzogtum Lauenburg, Mölln 06942 Stiftung Hessischer Jägerhof, Darmstadt 06943 Stiftung Hessischer Naturschutz, Wiesbaden 06944 Stiftung Hessisches Walsenhaus zu Kassel, Kassel 06945 Stiftung heureka, Wennigsen 06946 Stiftung Hilfe am Mitmenschen, Hamburg 06947 Stiftung Hilfe für Dich, Signau 13622 Stiftung Hilfe für die Familie, Berlin 06948 Stiftung Hilfe für Familien, Mutter und Kind, Chemnitz 06949 Stiftung Hilfe für Petra und andere, Georgsmarienhütle 06950 Stiftung Hilfe zum Leben, Bem 13623 Stiftung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Berlin 06951 Stiftung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe für Behinderte in Russland, Winterthur 13624 Stiftung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe In Tobé (Benin), Wädenswil 13625 Stiftung Hilfen für Frauen und Familie, Schwerin 06952 Stiftung Hilfsdienste gratia deo, Würzburg 06953 Stiftung Hllfskasse der Gewerkschaft Verkauf, Handel, Transport, Lebensrnittel, Zürich 13626 Stiftung Hilfskasse des CLEVS und des VKLS, Samen 13627
Stiftung Hilfekasse für schweizerische Forstingenieure und deren Familienangehörige, Ittigen 13628 Stiftung Hilfswerk Berlin, Frankfurt am Main 06954 Stiftung Hilfswerk der Landesfachgemelnschaft Textil im Einzelhandeisverband SchleswigHolstein, Elmshorn 06955 Stiftung Hilfswerk der orthodoxen Christen In der Schweiz, Zürich 13629 Stiftung Hilfswerk Deutscher Zahnärzte für Lepra- und Notgebiete, Göttingen 06956 Stiftung HIOB-Intematlonal, Wortlauten 13630 Stiftung Historischer Hängegarten, Riedlingen 06957 Stiftung Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Bem 13631 Stiftung Hochalpine Forschungsststionen Jungfraujoch und Gomergrat, Bern 13632 Stiftung Hochschule für Gestaltung, Ulm 06956 Stiftung Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt am Main 06959 Stiftung Hofer Symphoniker, Hof an der Saale 06960 Stiftung Hoffnung für notierende Mitmenschen In Afrika, Alienwinden 13633 Stiftung Hospitäler zum Heiilgen Geist und Sankt Georg, Bertin 06962 Stiftung Hospital Sanctus Spiritus, Demmin 06963 Stiftung Hospital Sankt Cyrlaci et Antoni! zu Halle, Halle/Saale 06964 Stiftung Hospital Sankt Viti, Nienburg 06965 Stiftung Hospital und Kloster zum Heiligen Geist, Rensburg 06966 Stiftung Hospital zu Neukirchen, Neukirchen/Knüllgebirge 06967 Stiftung Hospital zum Helligen Geist, Ellwangen 06968 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiilgen Geist, Essen 06969 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, Kempen 06970 Stiftung Hospital zum heiligen Geist Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06971 Stiftung Hospital zum Helligen Geist Heimburg, Heimburg 06972 Stiftung Hospital zum Helligen Geist Lübben, Lübben 06973 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist mit Oberalten-Stift, MarienMagdaienen-Kloster und Altendank, Hamburg 06974 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist zu Berlin-Spandau, Berlin 06975 Stiftung Hospitalfonds der Stadt Montabaur, Montabaur 06976 Stiftung Hospitalfonds Mosbach, Mosbach 06977 Stiftung Humanitäre Hilfe für durch Blutprodukte HlV-infizierte Personen, Bonn 06978 Stiftung IFWE, Bem 13634 Stiftung Im Grüene, flüschiikon 13635 Stiftung Immunität und Umwelt, Essen 06979 Stiftung Impulsorium, Bem 13636 Stiftung Incomindios, Zürich 13637 Stiftung Industrie- und Alltagskultur, Berlin 06980 Stiftung Industriedenkmalpflege und GeschichtskuKur, Dortmund 06981 Stiftung Industrieforschung, Köln 06982 Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg, Bonn 06984 Stiftung Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wlssensc hen sc haften an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt 06985 Stiftung Institut für Sozlaltheraple, Niederlenz 13638 Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Bremen 06986 Stiftung Integration, Frankfurt am Main 06987 Stiftung Integrationshilfe für ehemalige Drogenabhängige, Hamm 08064 Stiftung Interdisziplinäres SpitexBildungszentrum, Bonstetten 13639 Stiftung Intermedia, Bem 13640 Stiftung International Breast Cancer Study Group, Bem 13641 Stiftung Internationale Jugendblbllothek, München 06968 Stiftung Internationale Unternehmensführung Bayreuth, Bayreuth 06999 Stiftung Internationaler Karlspreis zu Aachen, Aachen 06990 Stiftung Internationales Baumarchiv, Winterthur 13642 Stiftung Internationales Begegnungszentrum Sankt Marienthal, Ostritz 06991 Stiftung Internationales Kolleg an der Universität Tübingen, Tübingen 06992 Stiftung Invalldenhaus Berlin, Berlin 06993
Stiftung Irene, Hamburg 06994 Stiftung Isernhagen, Isernhagen 06995 Stiftung islamische Gemeinschaft Zürich, Zürich 13643 Stiftung Ital Redlng-Haus, Schwyz 13644 Stiftung Ja zum Leben, Uerikon 13645 Stiftung Jägersburg, Homburg 06996 Stiftung Jahrzeiten-Haus, Sankt Gallen 13646 Stiftung Jochimsthai Altenwohnungen, Hamburg 06997 Stiftung Johanneum, WikJeshausen 06998 Stiftung Josephs-Hospital Warendort/Westfalen, Warendorf 06999 Stiftung Jüdische Zeitgeschichte an der ΕΤΗ Zürich zur Sicherung und Erschliessung historischer Quellen in der Schweiz, Zürich 13647 Stiftung Jüdischer Gemeinden Westfalens, Frankfurt am Main 07000 Stiftung Jüdisches Museum, Dorsten 07001 Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Berlin 07002 Stiftung Jugend der Sparkasse RheinNahe, Bad Kreuznach 07003 Stiftung Jugend Dritte Welt, Wolfegg 07004 Stiftung Jugend forscht e.V., Hamburg 07005 Stiftung Jugend für Akzeptanz und Toleranz, Zürich 13648 Stiftung Jugend In Klei, Kiel 07006 Stiftung Jugend, Natur und Heimat der Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis, Künzelsau 07007 Stiftung Jugendarbeit In der Stadt Magdeburg der Stadtsparkasae Magdeburg, Magdeburg 07008 Stiftung Jugendarbeit SchleswigHolstein, Kiel 07009 Stiftung Jugendaustausch SchweizGUS, Luzem 13649 Stiftung Jugendburg Ludwigstein und Archiv der deutschen Jugendbewegung, Witzenhausen 07010 Stiftung Jugendferienhelm Rotschuo, Gersau 13650 Stiftung Jugendförderung, Arbelt und Soziales der Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 07011 Stiftung Jugendförderung der Kreissparkasse Calw, Calw 07012 Stiftung Jugendförderung der Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg. Ludwigsburg 07011 Stiftung Jugendförderung der Sparkasse Elmshorn, Elmshorn 07013 Stiftung Jugendförderung Musik der Ralffeisenbank IngolstadtPfaffenhofen/Ilm, Pfaffenhofen/Ilm 07014 Stiftung Jugendhilfe, Bonn 07015 Stiftung Jugendwerk Reutlingen, Reutlingen 07016 Stiftung Julia, Zürich 13651 Stiftung Juliusspital Würzburg, Würzburg 07017 Stiftung Jung für Alt - Alt für Jung der Volksbank Gießen eG, Gießen 07018 Stiftung junge Künstler, Biberach 02766 Stiftung Jupldent, Satteins 00154 Stiftung Justizofflzlanten-Wltwenkasse, Berlin 07019 Stiftung Juventus-Schulen, Zürich 13652 Stiftung Kaiser Franz Josef-Spital, Zell am Ziller 00155 Stiftung Kaiser-Wilhelm· Gedächtnisklrche, Bertin 07020 Stiftung Kartei der Not, Augsburg 07021 Stiftung Katholische Bildungsstätten für Sozialberufe in Bayern, München 07022 Stiftung Katholische Freie Schule der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Rottenburg 07023 Stiftung Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Eichstätt 07024 Stiftung Katholischer Kindergarten Herrenstraße Kempten, Kempten 07025 Stiftung Katholisches Familien· und Altenpflegewerk. München 07026 Stiftung Katholisches Gesellenhaus Vechta, Vechta 07027 Stiftung Kaufmannshof Hanse, Köln 07028 Stiftung Kieler Sporthllfe, Kiel 07029 Stiftung Kinder in Afrika, Reinbek 07030 Stiftung Kinder und Gewalt, Münsingen 13653 Stiftung Kinder· und Jugenddorf Marienpflege, Ellwangen 07031 Stiftung Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Luzem 13654 Stiftung Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrische Dienste Sankt Gallen, Sankt Gallen 13655 Stiftung Klnderbewahr- und Suppenanstalt Zwiesel, Zwiesel 07032
379 Stiftung Klnderdlrekthllfe Kolumbien, Basel 13656 Stiftung Klnderdlrekthllfe Negros (Philippinen), Rüderswil 13657 Stiftung Kinderdorf Pestalozzi, Zürich 13658 Stiftung Klndergesundhett, München 07033 Stiftung Klnderhaus Thalwil, Thalwil 13659 Stiftung Kinderhilfe Sternschnuppe, Zürich 13660 Stiftung Kinderhilfsweric Tendol Gyalzur in Tibet, Kempraten 12529 Stiftung Kinderparadies Altstadt, Luzem 13661 Stiftung Klnderschutz-Zentrum Stuttgart, Stuttgart 07034 Stiftung Kinderspital Kantha Bopha, Zürich 13662 Stiftung Klndertageselnrlchtungen der Ait>eiterwohlfahrt, Stadtbergen 07035 Stiftung Klndertraum, Wien 00156 Stiftung Kinderwerk Lissabon, Goldach 13663 Stiftung Kindheit ohne Drogen, Langenbeutingen 07036 Stiftung King Albert Memorial Foundation, Zürich 13664 Stiftung Kirche Im Dorf, Bonn 07037 Stiftung Kirche und Judentum, Zürich 13665 Stiftung Kleiderversorgung Braunschwelg, Braunschweig 07038 Stiftung Kleln-Klnderschule Bemburg, Bemburg 07039 Stiftung Klelntferheim Refuglum, Zürich 13666 Stiftung Kloster Dörnach, Domach 13667 Stiftung Kloster Frenswegen, Nordhorn 07040 Stiftung Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg, Hannover 07041 Stiftung Kloster Viktorsberg, Viktorsberg 00157 Stiftung Kloster Volkenroda, KömerVolkenroda 07042 Stiftung Klosterschule RoBleben, Roßleben 07043 Stiftung Knabenhof bei Sankt Leonhard In Braunschweig, Braunschweig 07044 Stiftung Knelpp-Kuren, Zurich 13668 Stiftung Knochenhauer-Amtshaus Hildeshelm. Hildesheim 07045 Stiftung Knochenmark· und Stammzellspende Deutschland (SKD), Gauting 07046 Stiftung Königlich Bayerischer Hubertusorden, München 07047 Stiftung Königsberg, Essen 07048 Stiftung Körperbehinderten-ZentrumOberschwaben, Weingarten 07049 Stiftung Körperbehindertenschule, Stuttgart 07050 Stiftung Kolplnghaus, Dinklage 07051 Stiftung Konzerthaus Luzem, Luzem 13669 Stiftung Komhaus Burgdorf, Burgòorf 13670 Stiftung Krankenhaus Bethel zu Bückeburg, Bückeburg 07052 Stiftung Krankenhaus fur Naturhellwelsen einschließlich Homöopathie, München 07053 Stiftung Krankenhaus Sanltas, Kilchberg 13671 Stiftung Kreatives Alter, Zürich 13672 Stiftung Κreiss pertosse Borken, Ahaus 07054 Stiftung Kreissparkasse - Für uns Pänz, Siegburg 07055 Stiftung Kriegsopferdank, Lübeck 07056 Stiftung Kritische Kunst· und Kulturwissenschaften, Osnabrück 07057 Stiftung KQhnausche Gründung Lüneburg, Lüneburg 07058 Stiftung KQnstlerdorf Schöppingen, Schöppingen 07059 Stiftung Kultur der Stadtsparkasse Schwerte, Schwerte 07060 Stiftung Kultur + Jugend der Stadtsparkasse Baden-Baden, BadenBaden 07061 Stiftung Kulturdenkmaie des Sparkassen- und Glroveibandes für Schleswig-Holstein. Kiel 07062 Stiftung Kulturtördenjng, Lenk im Simmertal 13673 Stiftung Kulturförderung, München 07063 Stiftung Kulturfonds, Berlin 07064 Stiftung Kulturgut Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 07065 Stiftung Kulturgut Gemeinde Eppelborn, Eppelborn 07066 Stiftung Kulturgut hansischer Städte, Lübeck 07067 Stiftung Kulturlandpflege, Hannover 07068 Stiftung Kulturpflege und Kulturförderung der Sparkasse Neuss, Neuss 07069 Stiftung Kulturwerk Schlesien, Würzburg 07070
Alphabetical Index: Stiftung Stiftung Kulturwerk Wartheland, Hannover 07071 Stiftung Kulturzeitung Stehplatz, Bern 13674 Stiftung KUNST HEUTE Bern, Bern 13675 Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Bildung, Ludwigsburg 07072 Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Bildung der Kreissparkasse Böblingen, Böblingen 07073 Stiftung Kunst und Kultur der Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg/Oldenburg, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 07074 Stiftung Kunst und Kultur der SpardaBank Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart 07075 Stiftung Kunst und Kultur des Landes Nordrheln-Westfalen, Düsseldorf 07076 Stiftung KunstguBmuseum Lauchhammer, Lauchhammer 07077 Stiftung Kunsthalle Zürich, Zürich 13676 Stiftung Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf 07078 Stiftung Kunstsammlung der Deutschen Seereederei, Rostock 07079 Stiftung Kunstsammlung NordrhelnWestfalen, Düsseldorf 07080 Stiftung Kuratoren-Konsell zur Förderung der Tätigkeit russischer Komponisten und Musiker, Köln 07081 Stiftung Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, Wiesbaden 07082 Stiftung Land Sachsen, Kirchberg an der Jagst 07083 Stiftung Landdrostei Pinneberg, Pinneberg 07084 Stiftung Lenderziehungsheim Neubeuern, Neubeuern 07065 Stiftung Landerziehungsheim Schondorf am Ammersee, Schondorf 07086 Stiftung Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in BadenWürttemberg, Ochsenhausen 07087 Stiftung Landesbank BadenWürttemberg: Ausbildung, Fort- und Weiterbildung, Stuttgart 07088 Stiftung Landesbank BadenWürttemberg: Kunst und Kultur, Stuttgart 07089 Stiftung Landesbank BadenWürttemberg: Natur und Umwelt, Stuttgart 07090 Stiftung Landesblindenanstalt, München 07091 Stiftung Landeskirchliche Baupflege, Bückeburg 07092 Stiftung Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbelt In Mannhelm, Mannheim 070S3 Stiftung Landschaft Aargau, Turgi 13677 Stiftung Landschaftsschutz Schweiz, Bern 13678 Stiftung Landschulhelm am Solling, Holzminden 07094 Stiftung Landwirtschaft und Behinderte, Wemetshausen 13679 Stiftung Langeneggerttaus für Behinderte Oesingen, Ossingen 13680 Stiftung Latino Partners, Winterthur 13681 Stiftung Leben für Alle, Zürich 13682 Stiftung Leben gewinnen, Schattdorf 13683 Stiftung Leben und Umwelt, Hannover 07095 Stiftung Lebensenergie, München 07096 Stiftung Lebenshitfe, Reinach 13684 Stiftung LEBENSHILFE Berlin, Berlin 07097 Stiftung Lebenshilfe für geistig behinderte Menschen Stuttgart Stuttgart 07098 Stiftung Lebenshilfe für Mitbürger mit Behinderung, Regen 07099 Stiftung Lebenshitfe Heidelberg, Heidelberg 07100 Stiftung Lebenshitfe Im Kreis Viersen, Kempen 07101 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Kempten, Kempten 07102 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Krefeld, Krefeld 07103 Stiftung Lebenshitfe München, München 07104 Stiftung Lebenshilfe NordrhelnWestfalen, Hürth 07Í05 Stiftung Lebenshitfe Nürnberger Land, Lauf an der Pegnitz 07106 Stiftung Lebenshilfe OstailgfiuKaufbeuren, Kaufbeuren 07107 Stiftung Lebensräume dea Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Jagdschutzverbandes, Embrach 13685 Stiftung Lebensraum Gebirge, Grafenort 13686 Stiftung Lebenswelten, Berlin 07108 Stiftung Lehre an der Medizinischen Fakultät Münster, Münster 07109 Stiftung Leineeehaf, Wunstorf-Luthe 07JÍ0
Stiftung Leprosarium an der Rothach, Weiler im Allgäu 07111 Stiftung Lesen, Mainz 07112 Stiftung Lettland, Leimen 07113 Stiftung Liberales Bildungsforum, Salzburg 00158 Stiftung Libertas per veritatem, Freiburg 07114 Stiftung Liechtensteinischer Entwicklungsdienst, Vaduz 08979 Stiftung Ughtschool Schulungszentren, Schwarzenbach 13687 Stiftung Undauer Nobeiprelstragertreffen am Bodensee, Insel Mainau 07115 Stiftung LMng Tao, Basel 13666 Stiftung Lokalstudfertfonds, Nürnberg 07116 Stiftung Loulsenlund, Güby 07117 Stiftung Lucerna, Luzem 13689 Stiftung Ludwig van Beethoven der Sparkasse Bonn, Bonn 07118 Stiftung Lübecker Altstadt, Lübeck 07119 Stiftung Lübecker Dlakonie, Lübeck 07120 Stiftung Lübecker Handwerk, Lübeck 07121 Stiftung Lübecker Wohnstifte, Lübeck 07122 Stiftung Luisenhaus, Potsdam 07123 Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten In Sachsen-Anhalt, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 07124 Stiftung Luzemer Institut für Abgaberecht, Luzem 13690 Stiftung Luzerner Theater, Luzem 13691 Stiftung Lyra zur Förderung hochbegabter, junger Musiker und Musikerinnen, Zürich 13692 Stiftung Magdalenenhospltal, Münster 07125 Stiftung Maihof Zug, Zug 13693 Stiftung Mainzer Blindenwerk, Mainz 07126 Stiftung Maria Ebene, Feldkirch 00159 Stiftung Maria Immaculata, Berlin 07127 Stiftung Marienberg Schwarzenbach/Saale, Hof 07128 Stiftung Marienhospital, Papenburg 07129 Stiftung Marienstift In München, München 07130 Stiftung Martha-Else-Haus, Frankfurt am Main 07131 Stiftung Martinshof Rothenburg Dlakoniewerk, Rothenburg/Oberlausitz 07132 Stiftung Martinskirche Hoya, Hoya 07133 Stiftung Maxim illaneum, München 07134 Stiftung Mayday, Frankfurt am Main 07135 Stiftung Mecklenburg, Ratzeburg 07136 Stiftung Medical Center La Celba/Honduras, Gossau 13695 Stiftung Meisterhäuser Dessau, Dessau 07137 Stiftung Mensch-Gesellschaft-Umwelt, Basel 13696 Stiftung Menschen für Menschen, Sankt Gallen 13697 Stiftung Menschen gegen Minen e.V., Krefeld 07138 Stiftung Menschen In Not, Bodenheim/Rhein 07139 Stiftung Menschenwürde und Arbeltswelt, Berlin 07140 Stiftung Merkur-Rafael, Zürich 13698 Stiftung Michael, Hamburg 07141 Stiftung Mllitärkommi8sion der Christlichen Vereine Junger Männer der deutschsprachigen Schweiz, Zürich 13699 Stiftung Mftaifteit, Bonn 07142 Stiftung Mittelalterliches Kriminalmuseum, Rothenburg ob der Tauber 07143 Stiftung Mitteldeutscher Kutturrat, Bonn 07144 Stiftung Moritzbastei Leipzig, Leipzig 07145 Stiftung Mosaik, üestal 13700 Stiftung M SC Ametur, Chátel Saint-Denis 13701 Stiftung Mühlehalde, Zürich 13702 Stiftung Mühlerama, Zürich 13703 Stiftung Munketoftsttft, Flensburg 07146 Stiftung Museum Fritzlar, Fritzlar 07147 Stiftung muaeum kunst palast, Düsseldorf 07148 Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau 07149 Stiftung Muaica E sparto la Schweiz, Zürich 13704 Stiftung Musik für alle, Winterthur 13705 Stiftung Mutter und Kind - Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens, Bonn 01989 Stiftung Nachwuchsförderungsfonds des Züricher Vereins Pro Chlropraktik Zürich, Zürich 13706 Stiftung Nardlnihaus, Pirmasens 07f50 Stiftung Natur- und Kulturlandschaft Fichtelgebirge, Weidenberg 07151
Stiftung Natur- und Tierpark Goldau, Goldau 13707 Stiftung Natur und Umwelt RheinlandPfalz, Mainz 07152 Stiftung Natur & Wirtschaft, Basel 13708 Stiftung Natureum Niederelbe, Balje 07153 Stiftung Naturfreunde Zentrum Zwlngll, Wildhaus 13709 Stiftung Naturlandschaft Slhlwald, Zürich 13710 Stiftung Naturschutz, Rotenburg/Wümme 07154 Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin, Berlin 07155 Stiftung Naturschutz Hamburg und Stiftung zum Schutze gefährdeter Pflanzen, Hamburg 07156 Stiftung Naturschutz im Landkreis Diepholz, Diepholz 07157 Stiftung Naturschutz SchleswigHolstein, Kiel 07158 Stiftung Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Freistatt, Freistatt 07159 Stiftung Naturschutzfonds beim Ministerium Ländlicher Raum BadenWürttemberg, Stuttgart 07160 Stiftung Naturschutzfonds Brandenburg, Potsdam 07161 Stiftung Naturschutzgebiet Bruchhausen Erkrath, Erkrath 07162 Stiftung Naturschutzzentrum Bad Wurzach, Bad Wurzach 07163 Stiftung Naturschutzzentrum Erlskirch, Eriskirch 07164 Stiftung Naturschutzzentrum Schopflocher Alb, Lenningen 07165 Stiftung Nautekh Primary School In Poyan (Nepal), Kilchberg 13711 Stiftung Neandertal-Museum, Mettmann 07166 Stiftung Neuburger Barockkonzerte, Neuburg an der Donau 07167 Stiftung Neue Energie, Bochum 07168 Stiftung Neue Kultur, Berlin 07169 Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin Centrum Judaicum, Berlin 07170 Stiftung Neues Tempodrom, Berlin 07171 Stiftung Neurochirurgische Forschung, Hannover 07172 Stiftung Niederbayerisches Bauernhofmuseum, Massing 07173 Stiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover 07174 Stiftung Niedersachslscher Volksbanken und Ralffelsenbanken, Hannover 07175 Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken, Berlin 07176 Stiftung Nordfriesische Halligen, Peilworm 07177 Stiftung Nordfriesland, Husum 07178 Stiftung Nordostdeutsches Kulturwerk, Lüneburg 07179 Stiftung Nortorfer Sparer Dank, Rendsburg 07180 Stiftung Nothburgahelm, Innsbruck 00160 Stiftung Nothilfe für die Familie, Hilfe für schwangere Frauen In der Not Thüringen, Erfurt 07181 Stiftung Nutzungseigentum am Boden, Ittigen 13712 Stiftung Oase - christliche Jugendatlftung, Osnabrück 07182 Stiftung Ober Halden, Hinteregg 13713 Stiftung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die Wissenschaft e.V., Bonn 07183 Stiftung Oekologle Helvetia-Hungaria, Luzem 13714 Stiftung Ökologie und Landbau, Bad Dürkheim 07184 Stiftung Oekopolls, Zürich 13715 Stiftung Ökozentrum Bern, Bern 13716 Stiftung Offerte Behindertenhilfe,
Stiftung Panorama Allotting, München 07192 Stiftung Para Los Indios, Opfikon 13725 Stiftung Parkhelm der Detaillistenkammer, Hamburg 07193 Stiftung Parkwohnstlft Bad Kissingen, Bad Kissingen 07194 Stiftung Patronatsbaufonds Fulda, Fulda 07195 Stiftung Pausenmilch, Bern 13726 Stiftung Pensionskasse der technischen Verbände SIA/STV/BSA/FSAI, Bern 13727 Stiftung Pequeño Sol, Zürich 13728 Stiftung Perla Park, Zürich 13729 Stiftung Perspektiven zur Kultur, Salzburg 00162 Stiftung Pfadfinden, Gustavsburg 07196 Stiftung Pfadfinderhelm Rüschlikon, Rüschlikon 13730 Stiftung Pfadfinderheim Winterthur, Winterthur 13731 Stiftung Pfadlheime Schweiz, Bern 13732 Stiftung Pfennigparade, München 07197 Stiftung Pflegehaus Bückeburg, Bückeburg 07196 Stiftung Pflegeheim hamburgischer Wohnstifte - Hesse-DiederichsenHeim, Hamburg 07199 Stiftung Phönikks, Hamburg 07200 Stiftung Phönix Zug, Zug 13733 Stiftung Pielenhofen der Regensburger
Schweinfurt 07Í65 Stiftung Offene Hand, Effretikon 13717 Stiftung Olgahelm, Henstedt-Ulzburg 07186 Stiftung Ombudsmann der Prtvatverstcherung, Zürich 13718 Stiftung Ombudsstelle der sozialen Krankenversicherung, Luzem 13719 Stiftung Orte für Gestaltung, Aarau 13720 Stiftung Orthopädische Universität, Heidelberg 07187 Stiftung Orthopädische Universitätsklinik, Heidelberg 07187 Stiftung Ortsmuseum Urdorf, Urdorf 13721 Stiftung Ortssammlung Gelterklnden, Gelterkinden 13722 Stiftung Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg 07188 Stiftung Ostdeutscher Kulturrat, Bonn 07189 Stiftung Osteuropa-Mission, Wetzikon 13723 Stiftung OstpreuBen, Hamburg 07190 Stiftung OstpreuBen Hllfsgemelnschaft, Kiel 07191 Stiftung pädagogische Akademie Burgenland, Eisenstadt 00161 Stiftung PanEco, Berg am Irchel 13724
Stiftung Pro offene Türen der Schweiz, Zürich 13750 Stiftung pro REHAB Basel, Basel 13751 Stiftung Pro Semlen, Zürich 13752 Stiftung Pro Senectute, Sankt Gallen 13753 Stiftung Pro Speele Rara, Sankt Gallen 13754 Stiftung Pro Sport Sehwelz, Basel 13755 Stiftung Pro Tennis-Jugend, Scheuren Í3756 Stiftung Profil, Zürich 13757 Stiftung Protestantisches Alumneum Ansbach, Ansbach 07220 Stiftung Psychiatrie-Museum, Bern f3758 Stiftung Psychologische Lehr- und Beratungsstelle, Zürich 13759 Stiftung Psychosomatik der Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen, Stuttgart 07221 Stiftung Public Health, Berlin 07222 Stiftung radWerk, Veri 07223 Stiftung Rast Luzem, Luzem 13760 Stiftung Rat für Formgebung, Frankfurt am Main 07224 Stiftung Rathaus des äusseren Standes, Bern 13761
Domspatzen, Pielenhofen 07201 Stiftung Pinakothek der Moderne, München 07202 Stiftung Piuspflege Oggelsbeuren, Attenweiler-Oggelsbeuren 07203 Stiftung Polfteon, Muntelier 13734 Stiftung politische und christliche Jugendbildung e.V., Meckenheim 07204 Stiftung Pommersches Landesmuseum, Greifswald 07206 Stiftung Ponte Projektfonds, Zürich 13735 Stiftung Pony-Cap, Interiaken 13736 Stiftung Präventive Jugendhilfe, Tübingen 07207 Stiftung Präventive Pädiatrie, Mainz 07208 Stiftung Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz, Zürich 13737 Stiftung Preis der Gerstetter Wirtschaft, Gerstetten 07209 Stiftung Presse-Grosso, Karlsruhe 07210 Stiftung Presse-Haus NRZ, Essen 07211 Stiftung PreuBen-Museum NordrhelnWestfalen, Wesel 07212 Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam 07213 Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung, Berlin 07214 Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin 07215 Stiftung Previment SMUV, Bern 13738 Stiftung Prix Jeunesse, München 07216 Stiftung Pro Aegrotis, Bern 13739 Stiftung Pro Anima, Zürich 13740 Stiftung Pro Animale, Heidelberg 07217 Stiftung Pro Arte. Bern 13741 Stiftung Pro Bochum, Bochum 07218 Stiftung Pro Calima, Uebeschi 13742 Stiftung Pro Cultura, Bern 13743 Stiftung Pro Deco, Solothum 13744 Stiftung Pro Diamantina, Remetschwii 13745 Stiftung Stiftung Stiftung Stiftung Stiftung 13749
Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro
Helvetia, Zürich 13746 Jlrital, Hünibach 13747 Juventute, Köln 07219 Marajó, Baar 13748 Natura Helvetica, Zürich
Alphabetical Index: Stiftung Stiftung Ratzeburger Wohltäter, Ratzeburg 07225 Stiftung Raum für Randgruppen, Ölten 13762 Stiftung Recht auf Wohnen, Feldmeilen 13763 Stiftung Rechtshilfe für Behinderte, Zürich 13764 Stiftung Rechtshilfe GBl, Zürich 13765 Stiftung Rechtsschutzsaal, Friedrichsthal 07226 Stiftung Reformhaus Fachakademie für gesundes Leben, Oberursel 07227 Stiftung Regensburger Domspatzen, Regensburg 07228 Stiftung Regionales Blutspendezentrum SRK Aarau, Aarau 13766 Stiftung Regionalfemsehen Zentralschweiz, Zug 13767 Stiftung Rehabilitationszentrum Thüringer Wald, Schleusingen 07230 Stiftung Rentnerwohnhelm der Sparkasse Ostholstein, Burg au! Fehmarn 07231 Stiftung Rentnerwohnheim Hohenwestedt, Hohenwestedt 07232 Stiftung Rentnerwohnheim Verbandssparkasse Meldorf, Meldorf 07233 Stiftung Resozialisierungefonds beim Niedersächsischen Justizministerium, Celle 07234 Stiftung Resozla lisierungsfonds für Straffällige, Wiesbaden 07235 Stiftung Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv zu Köln, Köln 07236 Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation, Mainz 07237 Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Kultur, Kirchheimbolanden 07238 Stiftung Rittergut Hämelschenburg, Emmerthal 07239 Stiftung Rodtegg für Körperbehinderte, Luzem 13768 Stiftung Roemer- und Pelizaeusmuseum zu Hildesheim, Hildesheim 07240 Stiftung Römermuseum Homburg· Schwarzacker, Homburg 07241 Stiftung Roth-Haus Schule, Teufer 13769 Stiftung Rüttenscheid, Essen 07242 Stiftung Saarländischer Kulturbesitz, Saarbrücken 07243 Stiftung Saarländisches Schulmuseum, Ottweiler 07244 Stiftung Sächsische Gedenkstätten zur Erinnerung an die Opfer politischer Gewaltherrschaft, Dresden 07245 Stiftung Samariterherberge Horburg, Horburg 07246 Stiftung Sankt Anna, Leutkirch 07247 Stiftung Sankt Barbara Hilfe für Minenopfer-Schutz vor Landminen, Königswinter 07248 Stiftung Sankt Elisabeth, Hamburg 07249 Stiftung Sankt Franziskus, Löningen 07250 Stiftung Sankt Galler Moschee, Sankt Gallen 13770 Stiftung Sankt Galler Museen, Sankt Gallen 13771 Stiftung Sankt Georgenhof zu Blankenburg, Blankenburg 07251 Stiftung Sankt Jacobus, Hamburg 07253 Stiftung Sankt Jakob, Marburg 07254 Stiftung Sankt Josef-Gymnasium, Biesdorf 07255 Stiftung Sankt Josefshaus, Köln 07256 Stiftung Sankt Josefsheim, Vechta 07257 Stiftung Sankt Ludgeri-Altenheim, Essen 07258 Stiftung Sankt Martin, Baar 13772 Stiftung Sankt Martinus Rottenburg am Neckar, Rottenburg am Neckar 07259 Stiftung Sankt Petri Waisenhaus von 1692 zu Bremen, Bremen 07260 Stiftung Sankt Stefansbruderschaft Zeltingen, Zeltingen 07261 Stiftung Sankt Thomaehof, Braunschweig 07262 Stiftung Sankt Vincenz-Haus, Köln 07263 Stiftung Santa Catarina für junge Menschen, Zürich 13773 Stiftung Schlesien, Münster 07264 Stiftung Schleslsches Museum zu Görlitz, Görlitz 07265 Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Lübeck 07266 Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Cinémathèque, Lübeck 07267 Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloß Gottorf, Schleswig 07268 Stiftung Schleswig-Holstelnische Landschaft, Kiel 07269 Stiftung Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Leitzkau 07270 Stiftung Schloß Eutin, Eutin 07271 Stiftung Schloß Fachsenfeid, Aalen 07272 Stiftung Schloß Glücksburg, Glücksburg 07273
380 Stiftung Schloß Mosigkau, Dessau 07274 Stiftung Schloß-Schule Kirchberg an der Jagst, Kirchberg an der Jagst 07275 Stiftung Schloss Turbenthal, Turbenthal 13m Stiftung Schloßmuseum Mumau, Mumau 07276 Stiftung Schloßtheater Neuwied, Neuwied 07277 Stiftung Schneidwaren- und Besteckforschung, Solingen 07278 Stiftung Schönhengster Archiv mit Heimatstube, Göppingen 07279 Stiftung Schönhoizer Heide, Berlin 07280 Stiftung Schülerinnenheim Sankt Josef In Metten, Metten 07281 Stiftung SchuWnerhllfe Hannover, Hannover 07282 Stiftung Schule für Rundfunktechnik, Nürnberg 07283 Stiftung Schulmuseum Mühlebach, Amriswil 13775 Stiftung Schulpfoita, Schulpforte 07284 Stiftung Schulzentrum der Schwelzerischen Fachkommission für Berufsbildung im Gastgewerbe, Weggis 13776 Stiftung Schwäbisch Hall bauenwohnen-leben, Schwäbisch Hall 07285 Stiftung Schweizer Beamten zugunsten der Aussätzigen, Bern 13777 Stiftung Schweizer Jugend forscht, Basel Í3776 Stiftung Schweizer Jugend forscht, Winterthur 13779 Stiftung Schweizer Jugend-SlnfonieOrchester, Zürich 73780 Stiftung Schweizer Jugendkarte, Bern 13781 Stiftung Schweizer Kindermuseum, Baden 13782 Stiftung Schweirar Museumspass, Zürich 13783 Stiftung Schweizer Register für Knochenmarkspender, Bern 13784 Stiftung Schweizer Schachhlffe, Rapperswil 13785 Stiftung Schweizer Skisport, Solothum 13786 Stiftung Schweizer Sporthilfe, Bern 13787 Stiftung Schweizer Sporthilfe, Küssnacht am Rigi 13788 Stiftung Schweizer Trabrennsport des Schweizerischen Trabrenn-Verbandes, Aarau 13789 Stiftung Schweizer Wappen und Fahnen, Luzem 13790 Stiftung Schweizerische ArzneimittelNebenwirkungs-Zentrale, Bern 13791 Stiftung Schweizerische Ballettberufsschule, Zürich 13792 Stiftung Schweizerische HoteHachschule Luzem, Luzem 13793 Stiftung Schweizerische Musikedition, Luzem 13794 Stiftung Schweizerische Patientenund Versicherten-Organisation, Zürich 13795 Stiftung Schweizerische Schule für Blindenführhunde, Allschwil 13796 Stiftung Schweizerische Technische Fachschule Winterthur, Winterthur 13797 Stiftung Schweizerische Theatarsammlung, Bern 13798 Stiftung Schweizerische Wohnkultur, Zug 13799 Stiftung Schweizerischer Bankenombudsman, Basel 13800 Stiftung Schweizerischer Islamischer Friedhöfe, Baar 13801 Stiftung Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Zemez 13802 Stiftung Schweizerischer Privatschuten, Bern 13803 Stiftung Schweizerisches Alpines Museum, Bern 13804 Stiftung Schweizerisches Filmzentrum, Zürich 13805 Stiftung Schweizerisches GastronomieMuseum, Thun 13806 Stiftung Schweizerisches Institut für Alternativen zu Tierversuchen, Zürich 13807 Stiftung Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, Zürich 13808 Stiftung Schweizerisches Jugendblasorchester, Luzem 13809 Stiftung Schweizerisches Public Relations Institut, Biel 13810 Stiftung Schweizerisches Sportgymnasium Davos, Davos Platz 13811 Stiftung Schweizerisches Wohnund Arbeltszentrum für Mobilitätsbehinderte, Wetzikon 13812 Stiftung Schweizerisches Zentrum für Computermusik, Oetwil am See 13813 Stiftung Schweizerisches Zentrum für die Erhaltung und Dokumentlerung der Stroh Verarbeitung, Rechthalten 13814
Stiftung Schwesternschule und Krankenhaus vom Roten Kreuz Zürich-Fluntem, Zürich 13815 Stiftung Seefahrtsdank, Hamburg 07266 Stiftung Seniorenhilfe. Stuttgart 07287 Stiftung Seniorenhort, Kleinostheim 07288 Stiftung Seniore netttt Kaufering, Kaufering 07289 Stiftung Seniorenzentrum Durach, Durach £17290 Stiftung Seraphisches Uebesweric, Altötting 07291 Stiftung Sicherheit Im Skisport, Planegg 07292 Stiftung SIGA/ASS, Zürich 13737 Stiftung Signalhall«, Steinen 13816 Stiftung Skulpturenpark am Albertussee, Saabrücken 07293 Stiftung Software-Zentrum Böbllngen/Slndefflngen, Böblingen 07294 Stiftung Solar Transfer, Zürich 13817 Stiftung Solothumer Städte für humanitäre Hilfe, Ölten 13818 Stiftung Sonnenhalde, Münchwilen 13819 Stiftung Sonneschiin, Luzem 13820 Stiftung Sophienhaus Weimar, Weimar 07295 Stiftung SOS für Tiere, Pratteln 13821 Stiftung Sozial- und Ausblidungsfonde des Dachverbandes Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, Zürich 13822 Stiftung Soziale Gemeinschaft Riedstadt, Riedstadt 07296 Stiftung Soziale Hilfe für Spitzensportler in Baden-Württemberg, Ostfildern 07297 Stiftung Soziale Marktwirtschaft Deutschland, Essen 07298 Stiftung Soziale Versicherungsverwaltung, Baden 13823 Stiftung Sozialer Wandel in der unternehmerischen Wirtschaft, Kassel 07299 Stiftung Soziales Friedenswerk, Innsbruck 00163 Stiftung Sozialfonds, Fellbach 07300 Stiftung Sozialwerk der Realschule Vlechtach, Viechtach 07301 Stiftung Soziaiwerk Hannover-Misburg, Hannover 07302 Stiftung Sozialwerk Sack-BisloheBraunsbach, Fürth 07303 Stiftung Sozialwerke Paz, Wetzikon 13824 Stiftung Spar- und Lelh-Kasse in Rendsburg, Rendsburg 07304 Stiftung Sparkasse Bodenwerder, Bodenwerder 07305 Stiftung Sparkasse Büdelsdorf, Büdelsdorf 07306 Stiftung Sparkasse Eckemförde, Eckemförde 07307 Stiftung Sparkasse Keilinghusen, Kellinghusen 07308 Stiftung Sparkasse Uchte, Uchte 07309 Stiftung Spitalfonds Gengenbach, Gengenbach 07310 Stiftung Sport der Sparkasse Neuss und des Kreises Neuss, Grevenbroich 07311 Stiftung Sport in Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle/Saale 07312 Stiftung Sport in Schule und Verein in Bayern, München 07313 Stiftung Sport-, Kultur- und Tourlsmusförderung GstaadSaanenland, Gstaad 13825 Stiftung Sport Region Halle, Halle/Saale 07314 Stiftung Staatstheater, München 07315 Stiftung Stadt Wittlich, Wittlich 07316 Stiftung Stadtkapelle Rottenburg. Rottenburg 07317 Stiftung Stadtluzemieches Jugendheim Schachen, Luzem 13826 Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Berlin 07318 Stiftung Stadtökologie, Nürnberg 07319 Stiftung Stadtsparkasse Bad Pyrmont, Bad Pyrmont 07320 Stiftung Stadtsparkasse Hessisch Oldendorf, Hessisch Oldendorf 0732t Stiftung Stàdelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main 07322 Stiftung Stidelschule für Junge Künstler, Frankfurt am Main 07323 Stiftung Stahlanwendungsforschung, Essen 07324 Stiftung Standort: hier der Stadteparkasse Versmold, Versmold 07325 Stiftung Staßfurter Waisenhaus, Staßfurt 07326 Stiftung Stelne-Erden-Bergbau und Umwelt, Dresden 07327 Stiftung Stipendien-Fonds des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie, Frankfurt am Main 07328 Stiftung Straffälligenhilfe SchleswigHolstein, Kiel 07329 Stiftung Studentische Dariehrtskasse Heesen, Frankfurt am Main 07330
Stiftung Studienbibliothek zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, Zürich 13827 Stiftung Studienfonds DOsseldorf-Japan, Düsseldorf 07331 Stiftung Studienseminar Amberg, Amberg 07332 Stiftung Suchthilfe, Sankt Gallen 13828 Stiftung Sudetenland, Nürtingen 07333 Stiftung Sunnechlnd, Kloten 13829 Stiftung Sunnehus, Wildhaus 13830 Stiftung Sut Leuen, Sursee 13831 Stiftung Swiss Paralymplc Committee, Spiez 13832 Stiftung Swiss Tennis 2010, Bern 13833 Stiftung SWITCH, Zürich 13834 Stiftung Sylt-Quelle, Hamburg 07334 Stiftung Synanon, Berlin 07335 Stiftung Talmuseum Ursern, Andermatt 13835 Stiftung Tannenhof Evangelische Nervenldinlk Remscheid, Remscheid 07336 Stiftung Taubstummenanstalt, Frankfurt am Main 07337 Stiftung Taubstummenhelm Schleswig, Schleswig 07338 Stiftung Te Amo, Kloten 13836 Stiftung Technische Obstverwertung, Wädenswil 13837 Stiftung Technologie und Wirtschaft Mittelbaden/Offenburg, Offenburg 07339 Stiftung Technologiezentrum Freiburg, Freiburg 07340 Stiftung Technora ma der Schweiz, Winterthur 13838 Stiftung Terra Vecchia, Bern 13839 Stiftung Theologie und Natur, Essen 07341 Stiftung Theresianische Akademie, Wien 00164 Stiftung Thomanerchor, Leipzig 07342 Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten, Rudolstadt 07343 Stiftung Thüringer Sporthilfe, Erfurt 07344 Stiftung Tierhelm für den Hohenlohekreis, Künzelsau 07345 Stiftung Tierhelm Ölten, Wangen bei Ölten 13840 Stiftung Tierpark Hagenbeck, Hamburg 07346 Stiftung Tierschutz Hannover, Langenhagen 07347 Stiftung Topographie des Terrors, Berlin 07348 Stiftung Traditionsarchiv Unterseeboote, Cuxhaven 07349 Stiftung Treffpunkt der Gehörlosen, Zürich 13841 Stiftung trigon-film, Wettingen 13842 Stiftung Überseehl Itswerk zur Unterstützung von Kindern und Kinderhelmen, Missionaren und Missionsstationen in aller Welt, Bonn 07350 Stiftung Uetendorfberg, Uetendorf 13843 Stiftung Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, Uhldingen-Mühlhofen 07351 Stiftung Umwelt-Einsatz Schweiz (SUS), Steffisburg 13844 Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz der Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 07352 Stiftung Umwelt· und Naturschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin 07353 Stiftung Umwelt und Naturschutz Sechsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg 07354 Stiftung Umwelt und Schadenvorsorge der SV Gebäudeversicherung Stuttgart, Stuttgart 07355 Stiftung Umwelt und Wohnen, Konstanz 07356 Stiftung Umweltschutz Pro Stuttgart e.V., Stuttgart 07357 Stiftung Unámonos, Weil der Stadt 07358 Stiftung Universität Heideiberg, Heidelberg 07359 Stiftung Universität und Gesellschaft, Konstanz 07360 Stiftung Unsere kleinen Brüder und Schwestern, Abtwil 13845 Stiftung Unterstützungskasse und ANersfOrsorge der Schweizerischen Kindergärtnerinnen, Zürich 13846 Stiftung Urologische Forschung, Berlin 0736Î Stiftung Valepage, Delbrück 07362 Stiftung Vascular International, Starts 13847 Stiftung Verbraucherinatftut, Bertin 07363 Stiftung Vereinigte Sparkassen Stadt und Landkreis Ansbach, Ansbach 07364 Stiftung Vereinigte Testamente, Lübeck 07365 Stiftung Vereinigte Unterstützungskassen des Angestei Kenve rbandee des Schweizer Buchhandeis, Luzem 13848 Stiftung Verkehrssicherheit, Kelsterbach 07366
Stiftung Versöhnungskirche im Pommern-Zentrum, Lübeck 07367. Stiftung Versorgungsanstalt für ehemalige Schülerinnen der Landesbilndenanstalt München, München 07366 Stiftung Villa Stuck, München 07369 Stiftung VfTA Parcours, Zürich 13849 Stiftung Vivamos Me|or, Bern 13850 Stiftung Volksbildung Reutlingen, Reutlingen 07370 Stiftung Volkslied, Kassel 07371 Stiftung von 1803, Bonn 07372 Stiftung von 1916 für rechtswirtschaftliche und rechtsverglelchende Studien, Heidelberg 07373 Stiftung von Werkstatt zu Werkstatt, Bonn 07374 Stiftung Vordem be rge-Glldewart, Lachen 13851 Stiftung Votis Software Museum, Hünfeld 07375 Stiftung Waisenhaus, Göttingen 07376 Stiftung Waisenhausfonds, Wien 00165 Stiftung Waklna Mama Na Waloto, Arlesheim 13852 Stiftung Wald für Sachsen, Leipzig 07377 Stiftung Wakl In Not, Bonn 07378 Stiftung Wald-Kllma-Umwelt, Basel 13653 Stiftung Wald und Wild In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hamburg 07379 Stiftung Waldecklsche Landesbibliothek. Korbach 07380 Stiftung Walderhaltung In Afrika, Hamburg 07381 Stiftung Waldhelm, Lachen 13854 Stiftung Waldheim Cluvenhagen - Haus der Barmherzigkeit, Langwedel 07382 Stiftung Waldhof Elgershausen Pneumologische Klinik, Greifenstein 07383 Stiftung Waldmühle, Frankfurt am Main 07384 Stiftung Wallstraße, Wolfenbüttel 07365 Stiftung Warentest, Berlin 07386 Stiftung Wasser für die Welt, Regensburg 07387 Stiftung WBF, Stein 13855 Stiftung W e g der Schweiz für den Betrieb und Unterhalt des gleichbenannten Wanderwegs um den Umersee aus Anlass der 700-JahrFeier der Eidgenossenschaft im Jahre 1991, Zug 13856 Stiftung Weihnachtsaktion des Schweizerischen Beobachters, Zürich 13857 Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, Weimar 07388 Stiftung Weiterbildung, Stuttgart 07389 Stiftung Weiterbildungskurse Dübendorf. Dübendorf 13858 Stiftung Weltethos für Interkulturelle und Interreligiöse Forschung, Bildung, Begegnung, Tübingen 07390 Stiftung Weltweite Kirche Gottes in Deutschland, Bonn 07391 Stiftung Weltweite Wissenschaft, Hamburg 07392 Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz, Zürich 13859 Stiftung Werkschule Berlin, Berlin 07393 Stiftung Weserbergland-Kllnik, Höxter 07395 Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnungen, Berlin 07396 Stiftung Westfälische Landschaft in Münster, Münster 07397 Stiftung Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv Dortmund, Dortmund 07396 Stiftung Westfalen-Initiative für Eigenverantwortung und Gemeinwohl, Münster 07399 Stiftung Wllheims-Hospital Plötzkau, Plötzkau 07400 Stiftung Wintergartenfachforum, Liestal 13860 Stiftung Wir für Kinder In Not, Mainz 07401 Stiftung Wir helfen dem Wald. München 07402 Stiftung Wir helfen uns selbst. Pinneberg 07403 Stiftung Wirtschaft hilft Hungernden, Bonndorf im Schwarzwald 07404 Stiftung Wirtschaftsarchiv BadenWüittemberg, Stuttgart 07405 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft a n der Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 07406 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen 07407 Stiftung Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Untemehmensführung, Vallendar 07408 Stiftung Wissenschaftliches Forum, Homburg 07409 Stiftung Wohnbauförderung für das Personal Post/Swisscom, Bern 13861 Stiftung Wohnen für Atembehinderte, Bern 13862 Stiftung Wohnen im Atter, Basel 13863
381 Stiftung Wohnen Jung+Alt, Zumikon 13664 Stiftung Wohnen und ÔfféntilehkeH, Dübendorf 13865 Stiftung Wohnheime für Reichs-, Staats-, und Gemeindebeamte, Braunschweig 07410 Stiftung Wohnhilfe, Bonn 07411 Stiftung Wohnliche Stadt Bremen, Bremen 07412 Stiftung Wohnraum für jüngere Behinderte, Oberneden 13866 Stiftung Wohnstätten für Behinderte, Würzburg 07413 Stiftung Wohnungsbau, Rüschlikon 13867 Stiftung Wohnungsfürsorge für kinderreiche Familien Zürich, Zürich 13868 Stiftung Worpswede, Worpswede 07414 Stiftung Zentral- und Landesbibllothek Berlin, Berlin 07416 Stiftung Zentralverband Schweiz. Goldschmiede und Uhrenfachgeschäfte, Bern 13869 Stiftung Zentrum für Erwachsenenbildung der Universität Basel, Basel 13870 Stiftung Zentrum für Körperbehinderte, Mönchengladbach 07417 Stiftung Ziegeleimuseum Cham, Cham 13871 Stiftung Zoo Zürich zum Schutze unserer Fledermäuse in der Schweiz, Zürich 13872 Stiftung Zürcher Blutspendedienst SRK, Uster 13873 Stiftung Zürcher Schülerferien, Zürich 13874 Stiftung Zürcher Sprachheilschule, Unterägeri 13875 Stiftung Zürfchsee-Schiffahrtsmuseum, Zürich 13876 Stiftung zugerische Alterssledlungen, Zug 13877 Stiftung zugunsten des Roma Volkes, Lübeck 07418 Stiftung Zukunft, Unna 07419 Stiftung Zukunft Thurgau, Weinfelden 13878 Stiftung Zukunftsfihigkelt, Bonn 07420 Stiftung Zukunflsrat SZU, Burgdorf 13879 Stiftung Zukunftawerkstatt Gladbeck, Gladbeck 07421 Stiftung zum Erhalt und zur Nutzung der Dome, Kirchen und Klöster des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Leitzkau 07422 Stiftung zum Schutz der Versicherten (ASSI), Blauen 13880 Stiftung zum Schutze und zur Erhaltung wildwachsender Orchideen, Zürich 13881 Stiftung zum vormaligen Hospital Sankt Spiritus in Münden, Hann. Münden 07423 Stiftung zum Wohl des Pflegekindes, Essen 07424 Stiftung zur Bekämpfung neuroviraler Erkrankungen, Hamburg 07425 Stiftung zur Bewahrung kirchlicher Baudenkmäler in Deutschland, Hannover 07426 Stiftung zur Erforschung der Lungenfibrose, Greifenstein 07427 Stiftung zur Erforschung des Europäischen Ostens, München 07428 Stiftung zur Erhaltung des Deutschen Bürsten- und Pinselmuseums In Bechhofen, Bechhofen 07429 Stiftung zur Erhaltung und Förderung der Nidwaldner Wirtschaft, Stans 13682 Stiftung zur Erhaltung von Kulturdenkmälern der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Hamburg 07430 Stiftung zur Erhaltung von Kulturdenkmalen In Elmshorn, Elmshorn 07431 Stiftung zur Erhaltung von Kulturdenkmalen In Helmstedt, Helmstedt 07432 Stiftung zur Erhaltung von preisgünstigen Wohn- und Gewerberäumen der Stadt Zürich, Zürich 13883 Stiftung zur Errichtung eines Kunstmuseums, Vaduz 08980 Stiftung zur Errichtung und Unterhaltung von Land hei men für die allgefnelnblldenden weiterführenden Schulen in Essen, Essen 07433 Stiftung zur fachlichen Ausbildung von Einwohnern und Einwohnerinnen der Stadt Essen, Essen 07434 Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Jugendlicher Im kulturellen und sportlichen Bereich, Überlingen 07435 Stiftung zur Förderung Behinderter Im Raum Rhelnfelden, Rheinfekien 13884 Stiftung zur Förderung besonderer Behandlungsmethoden am Universltitskllnikum GroBhadem, München 07436
Alphabetical Index::: Stoltenberg-Lerche-Stiftung Stiftung zur Förderung besonderer gemeinschaftlicher Aufgaben der sozialen Krankenversicherung, Solothum 13885 Stiftung zur Förderung der 6. Fakultät der Universität Erlangen-NQmberg, Nürnberg 07437 Stiftung zur Förderung der AIDS· Forschung In der Schweiz, Bern 13886 Stiftung zur Förderung der Appenzell Ausserrhoden Wirtschaft, Herisau 13887 Stiftung zur Förderung der Archéologie Im rheinischen Braunkohlenrevier, Köln 07438 Stiftung zur Förderung der Archäologie und der Ethnologie, Zug 13888 Stiftung zur Förderung der Arthroskop le, Tuttlingen 07439 Stiftung zur Förderung der Augenheilkunde, Hamburg 07440 Stiftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung für die Gemeinschaftsverpflegung, Zofingen 13889 Stiftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung in medizinischer Radiologie, Zürich 13890 Stiftung zur Förderung der Berufsausbildung Im Strassenbau und In der Strassenverkehrstechnlk, Zürich 13891 Stiftung zur Förderung der Berufsbildung in der deutschen Seeschtffahrt, Hamburg 07441 Stiftung zur Förderung der ComputerZahnmedizin, Zürich 13892 Stiftung zur Förderung der darbietenden Künste, Zürich 13893 Stiftung zur Förderung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V., Bonn 07442 Stiftung zur Förderung der Edelsteinforschung, Mainz 07443 Stiftung zur Förderung der Erforschung von Ersatz und Ergänzungsmethoden zur Einschränkung von Tierversuchen, Mainz 07444 Stiftung zur Förderung der Ernährungsforschung In der Schweiz, Zürich 13894 Stiftung zur Förderung der Erwachsenenbildung, Aibon 13895 Stiftung zur Förderung der European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel 07445 Stiftung zur Förderung der Evangelischen Akademie zu Berlin, Hannover 07446 Stiftung zur Förderung der Fachhochschule Regensburg, Regensburg 07447 Stiftung zur Förderung der Forschung und der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit der Universität des Saartandes - Wissenschaftliches Kolloquienzentrum Spelzenklamm, Saarbrücken 07448 Stiftung zur Förderung der Gemelndediakonle im Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbund, Bern 13896 Stiftung zur Förderung der Geologie der Schweiz und Chinas, Zürich 13897 Stiftung zur Förderung der Gesellschaft für Histochemie, Bonn 07449 Stiftung zur Förderung der hamburgischen Kunstsammlungen, Hamburg 07450 Stiftung zur Förderung der Hamburgischen Staatsoper, Hamburg 07451 Stiftung zur Förderung der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und des Historischen Kollegs, München 07452 Stiftung zur Förderung der Internationalen wissenschaftlichen Beziehungen der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 07453 Stiftung zur Förderung der Jugend der Sparkasse Nördlicher Breisgau, Emmendingen 07454 Stiftung zur Förderung der Jugend In Baden-Württemberg, Sersheim 07455 Stiftung zur Förderung der Jugend Sparkasse Rastatt-Gernsbach, Rastatt 07456 Stiftung zur Förderung der Jugendarbeit und der Kulturpflege Im Bereich der Stadt Zweibrücken, Zweibrücken 07457 Stiftung zur Förderung der Knochenmarktransplantation, Greifensee 13898 Stiftung zur Förderung der Kultur und der Erwachsenenbildung In Oathoisteln, Eutin 07458 Stiftung zur Förderung der Kunst in der Pfalz, Neustadt an der Weinstraße 07459 Stiftung zur Förderung der Lebensqualität Schwerstbehinderter, Dagmersellen 13899
Stiftung zur Förderung der LeopoldF ranzen s-UniversItät Innsbruck, Frankfurt am Main 07460 Stiftung zur Förderung der Literatur in der Pfalz, Deidesheim 07461 Stiftung zur Förderung der medizinischen Forschung bei Viruserkrankungen, Köln 07462 Stiftung zur Förderung der nachhaltigen Forstwirtschaft in den Tropen, Zürich Î3Ô00 Stiftung zur Förderung der naturwissenschaftlichen und technotogisch-konaervatoriachen Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Denkmalpflege, Zürich 13901 Stiftung zur Förderung der Pflege von Kunst, Kultur und Sport im Donnersbergkreis, Kirchheimbolanden 07463 Stiftung zur Förderung der Philosophie, Korschenbroich 07464 Stiftung zur Förderung der Psychoanalyse, München 07465 Stiftung zur Förderung der Schülerinnen und Schüler der Schillerschule, Frankfurt am Main 07466 Stiftung zur Förderung der SemperOper in Dresden, Dresden 07467 Stiftung zur Förderung der systemorientierten Managementlehre, Sankt Gallen 13902 Stiftung zur Förderung der Technischen Universität HamburgHarburg, Hamburg 07468 Stiftung zur Förderung der Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar der Pallottiner, Vallendar 07469 Stiftung zur Förderung der Weiterbildung im Augenoptikerberuf, Konolfingen 13903 Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaft und des wissenschaftlich-technischen Nachwuchses, Essen 07470 Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften an der CaroloWilhelmina, Braunschweig 07471 Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Schule ZunkerBusch-Luckner, Essen 07472 Stiftung zur Förderung des Ausblldungswesens Im Gemüsebau, Wädenswil 13904 Stiftung zur Förderung des Bauwesens an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule, Zürich 13905 Stiftung zur Förderung des Bucheinbandes, Bern 13906 Stiftung zur Förderung des Deutschen Feuerwehrmueeums, Reu enkäge 07473 Stiftung zur Förderung des Instituts für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Kiel, Essen 07474 Stiftung zur Förderung des Instituts für Rundfunkrecht an der Universität zu Köln, Köln 07475 Stiftung zur Förderung des Instituts für Seerecht und Seehandelsrecht der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 07476 Stiftung zur Förderung des Kinderschutzes, Hannover 07477 Stiftung zur Förderung des Kokereiwesens in Technik und Wissenschaft, Essen 07478 Stiftung zur Förderung des Münchner Sports, München 07479 Stiftung zur Förderung des österreichischen Eishockeyjugendsportes, Wien 00166 Stiftung zur Förderung des OhnsorgTlieaters, Hamburg 07480 Stiftung zur Förderung des Pferdesportes, Basel 13907 Stiftung zur Förderung des Sports, Lübeck 07481 Stiftung zur Förderung des Thalia Tlieater Hamburg, Hamburg 07482 Stiftung zur Förderung des therapeutischen Rettens in der Schweiz, Zürich 13908 Stiftung zur Förderung dee Veritehrshauses der Schweiz, Luzem 13909 Stiftung zur Förderung einer behindertengerechten baulichen Umwelt. Zürich 13910 Stiftung zur Förderung einer tiergerechten Nutztierhaltung, Steg 13911 Stiftung zur Förderung evangelischer Krankenhäuser, Duisburg 07483 Stiftung zur Förderung geistig Behinderter, Köniz 13912 Stiftung zur Förderung hörsprach geschädigt er Kinder und Jugendlicher, Würzburg 07484 Stiftung zur Förderung Junger Skitaten te, Muri 13913 Stiftung zur Förderung körperbehinderter Hochbegabter, Vaduz 08981 Stiftung zur Förderung medizinischer Forschung, Egg 13914
Stiftung zur Förderung psychoanalytischer Forschung und Ausbildung, Berlin 07486 Stiftung zur Förderung schulpflichtiger Kinder In Deggendorf, Deggendorf 07487 Stiftung zur Förderung sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung über die Weltgesellschaft, Zürich 13915 Stiftung zur Förderung Studierender der Technischen Fachhochschule Wildau mit Sitz in Wildau, Wildau 07488 Stiftung zur Förderung und Ausbildung von Führungskräften aus Mittel· und Osteuropa, Sankt Gallen 13916 Stiftung zur Förderung und Unterstützung des Nachwuchses im Bäcker- und Konditorenhandwerk. Edingen-Neckartiausen 07489 Stiftung zur Förderung von Bildung und Erholung der Arbeitnehmer der Miederindustrie, Düsseldorf 07490 Stiftung zur Förderung von Forschung, Bestrebungen und Einrichtungen im Sinne des Geisteswissenschaftlers Rudorf Stelner, Ulm 07491 Stiftung zur Förderung von Gärtnerhöfen, Murrhardt 07492 Stiftung zur Förderung von Kinderund Jugendhilfe, Soziales, Sport und Kultur der Kreissperkasse Meißen, Meißen 07493 Stiftung zur Förderung von Neuunternehmen im Kanton Luzem, Horw 13917 Stiftung zur Förderung von Schülern und Schülerinnen an weiterführenden Schulen in der Stadt Hof, Hof 07494 Stiftung zur Förderung von Sozialeinrichtungen In BietigheimBissingen, Bietigheim-Bissingen 07495 Stiftung zur Förderung von sozialen Massnahmen In der Kranken- und Unfallversicherung, Luzem 13918 Stiftung zur Heimat-, Kultur·, Landschafts· und Denkmalpflege, Kobem-Gondorf 07496 Stiftung zur Hilfe für Auszubildende, Hannover 07497 Stiftung zur Hilfe für Waisen, Hannover 07498 Stiftung zur Hilfe in Notfällen, Hannover 07499 Stiftung zur Hilfe vor Ort, Knens 13919 Stiftung zur Pflege der örtlichen Kunst, Essen 07500 Stiftung zur Pflege von Mensch, Mitwelt und Erde, Münsingen 13920 Stiftung zur Prävention der Arteriosklerose, Nürnberg 07501 Stiftung zur Schaffung und Förderung von Grün- und Erholunsffächen und Wanderwegen, Lübeck 07502 Stiftung zur Schuldenregullerung bei Straffälligen, Hamburg 07503 Stiftung zur Unterstützung bedürftiger Seeleute und deren Hinterbliebenen e.V., Glücksburg 07504 Stiftung zur Unterstützung der missionarischen Entwicklungshilfe In Kenia, Dübendori 13921 Stiftung zur Unterstützung der Schwelzerischen AlzheimerVereinigung, Oberwil 13922 Stiftung zur Unterstützung und Betreuung alter, kranker und gebrechlicher Burger der Stadt Kiel, Kiel 07505 Stiftung zur Unterstützung unverschuldet in Wohnungsnot geratener Menschen in Saarbrücken und Umgebung, Saarbrücken 07506 Stiftung zur Unterstützung von verschuldeten Personen, München 07507 Stiftung zur Unterstützung von Wöchnerinnen, Essen 07508 Stiftung zur Verschönerung der Stadt Essen, Essen 07509 Stiftung zur Völkerverständigung zwischen Deutschland und Israel, Berlin O7510 Stiftung zur Wirtschaftsförderung, Qualifizierung und Arbeitsbeschaffung Saalfeld-Rudolstadt. Rudolstadt 075* τ Erforschung der Zeitgeschichte, München 07512 Stiftung Zusammen-Leben, Köln 07514 Stiftung Zweisprachige Tagesschule Zürichsee, Küsnacht 13923 Stiftungen der Stadt Dessau, Dessau 075/5 Stiftungefonds Commerzbank, Essen 07516 Stiftungsfonds der Industrie- und Handelskammer Regensburg, Essen 07517 Stiftungsfonds der Universitätskörperschaft Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 07518 Stlftungsfonds Deutsche Bank, Essen 07519 Stiftungsfonds Dresdner Bank AG, Essen 07520
Stiftungsfonds IBM Deutschland, Essen 07521 Stiftungsfonds Natlonal-Bank AG, Essen 07522 Stiftungsfonds zur Förderung der Geschichte des anthroposophischen Kulturimpulses, Essen 07523 Stiftungsfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaft in der Hochschulregion Koblenz, Koblenz 07524 Stiftungsverwaltung Allendorf/Werra, Bad Sooden-Allendorf 07525 Stiftungszentrum Kinderfonds, München 07526 Unterstützungseinrichtung der Firma Andreas Stihl, Waiblingen 07527 Andreas Stihl-Stiftung, Waiblingen 07528 Georg Stilke Stiftung, Hamburg 07529 Hanna Stlli-Stiftung, Recklinghausen 07530 Heinz Stillger-Stlftung, Wiesbaden 07531 The Stillingfleet Sunday School Fund, York 19818 Stimuler! ngsfonds Nederlandse Culturale Omroepproducties, Amsterdam 09545 Stipendienfonds der Studiengenossenschaft Luitpoldlana des ehemaligen Lultpoldgymnasiums an der Müllerstraße, München 07532 Stipendienfonds Ruhrgas, Essen 07533 Stipendienkasse für den Schweizer Buchhandel, Muri 13924 Stipendienstiftung am Gymnasium Christian-Emestinum, Bayreuth 07534 Stipendienstiftung der Stadt Kempten, Kempten 07535 Stipendienstiftung der Stadt und des Landkreises Lindau (Bodensee) zum Besuch von gewerblichen Berufsschulen und anderen Fachschulen der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, Lindau 07536 Stipendienstiftung der Technischen Universität München, München 07537 Stipendienstiftung für begabte Studierende des Landkreises Lindau, Lindau 07538 Stipendienstiftung für das Berufsfach· und Fachschulwesen, Hamburg 07539 Stipendienstiftung für die staatlichen Gymnasien in Hamburg, Hamburg 07540 Stipendienstiftung für Schüler staatlicher höherer Schulen In Regensburg, Regensburg 07541 Stipendienstiftung Physik und Mathematik, Essen 07542 Werner Stober-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 07543 Christian und Anni Stock-Stiftung, Seeheim-Jigenheim 07544 Hans und Marlies Stock-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Kunst und Kultur, Essen 07545 Franz und Maria Stockbauer'sche Stiftung, Passau 07546 Stockholms Internationella Fredsforskningsinstitut, Sol na 12321 Stockmeyer-Stiftung für Lebensmittelforschung, Sassenberg 07547 Stock's Educational Foundation, London 19819 Stockton District Uons Club Charitable Trust, Middlesbrough 19820 The Stockton Hundred Trust, Stocktonon-Tees 19821 Stockwell Park Estate Community Trust, London 19822 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Rosenheim Dr. Michael Stöcker, Rosenheim 07548 Helga Stödter-Stlftung zur Föderung von Frauen für Führungspositionen, Wentorf 07549 Stoer-Weimann'sche Stipendienstiftung - Schober'sche Linie, Schweinfurt 07550 Josef Störzer-Stlftung, Horb 07551 Otto-Stöterau-Sttftung, Hamburg 07552 Lorenz und Therese Stötter'sche Stiftung, Augsburg 07553 Familie Stoffel-Stiftung, Straubing 07554 Stoke Goldington Social Fund, Newport Pagneil 19823 The Stoke-on-Trent Children's Holiday Trust Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 19824 Stoke-on-Trent Uons Ciub Charity Trust Fund, Newcastle 19825 Stoke-on-Trent Munitions Memorial Scholarship Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 19826 Stoke Park Trust, Slough 19827 The Stoke Saint Peter's School Trust Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 19828 The Stokes Croft Educational Foundation, Bristol 19829 Gräflich Stolberg'sche Familienstiftung, Münster 07555 Stoll-VITA-Stlftung, Waldshut-Tiengen 07556 Stoltenberg-Lerche-Stiftung für berufliche Weiterbildung, Gummersbach 07557
Alphabetical Index: Stolterhoft The Stolterhoft Scholarship Fund, Liverpool Τ9830 Robert Stolz-Stiftung e.V., München 07558 Stone h o use Creek Community Development Trust, Plymouth 19831 Stoneyard Lane Trust, London 19832 Stony Stratford Aid in Sickness Fund, Milton Keynes 19833 Stony Stratford Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Milton Keynes 19834 The Stork Foundation, Berlin 07559 Rechtsanwalt Fritz Story-GedächtnisStiftung, Berlin 07560 Dr. Helmut Storz-Stlttung, Essen 07561 The Stott Charitable Trust, Hollywell 19835 Lancfeskirchliche Slrftung für evangelische Theologen, begründet von Hermann L. Strack, Berlin 07562 Carl-Arthur Streit-Stiftung, Lübeck 07563 The Carol Straker Dance Foundation, London 19836 The Strand Educational Support Trust, Nonington 19837 The Strand Trust, London 19838 Hermann und Marianne Straniak-Sttftung, Zürich 13925 Strassenkinder in Rio, München 07564 StraBenkunst - Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse München, München 07565 Agnes Straub-Stiftung, Berlin 07566 Agnes Straub-Stiftung, Gries 00167 Fondation Levi Strauss, Bruxelles 00538 Johann Strauss-Stiftung, Coburg 07567 Werner Strauss-Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 07568 Marianne Strauß-Stiftung, München 07569 The Streams in the Desert Trust, Southampton 19839 Hans-Wilhelm Strebost-Stlftung für Jugendförderung, Bodenwerder 07570 Georg Strecker-Stiftung, Bovenden 07571 Hermann Strenger-Stiftung, Leverkusen 07572 Gustav-Stresemann-Stifturig, Bonn 07573 Stresow-Stift, Hamburg 07574 The Stretham Engine Trust, Cambridge 79840 Theo und Impa Strick-Stiftung, Dortmund 07575 Horst-Stricker-Stlftung, Berlin 07576 Lady Strickland Trust for Malta, Manchester 19841 Strict Baptist Church Hayes Lane Bromley (Kent) Pension Fund, Bromley 19842 Hans und Hilde Striegl-Stiftung, Weiden in der Oberpfalz 07577 Strode and Jeffreys Educational Foundation, Wrexham 19943 Karl Ströher-Stiftung, Riedstadt 07578 Strohmeyer-Stiftung, Göttingen 07579 The Stroke Prevention Fund, London 19844 A.B. Strom and R. Strom Charitable Trust, London 19845 Stromer'sche Kulturgutstiftung, Altdorf 07580 Freiherrlich Eduard und Sophie von Stromer'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung für den Bezirkslehrerverein Altdorf, Altdorf 07581 Dr. Rainald Stromeyer-Stiftung, Essen 07582 Stremmestiftelsen, Kristiansand 09652 Dr. Stroth-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07583 Stichting Elisabeth Strouven, Maastricht 09546 STS Feriensprachschule High School Foundation, Salzburg 00168 The Stuart Gershman Prize Fund, Liverpool 19846 Stuart House Trust, Liskeard 19847 Student Aid Fund, London 19848 Student Disability Assistance Fund, Edinburgh 19849 Studentenwohnheim der Westfalen, Göttingen 07584 Students Education Fund, Gravesend 19850 Studiefonds voor Nederlandse Viollsten, Amsterdam 09547 Studienseminar Julianum, Würzburg 07585 Studienseminar Neuburg an der Donau, Neiiburg an der Donau 07586 Studienseminar Sankt Emmeram, Regensburg 07587 Studienseminarstiftung Burghausen, Burghausen 07588 Studienstiftung, Coburg 07589 Studienstiftung Aschaflenburg, Aschaffenburg 07590 Studienstiftung der Süddeutschen Zeitung, München 07591 Studienstrftung des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin, Berlin 07592 Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V., Bonn 07593 Studienstiftung Deutscher Psychologen, Bonn 07594
Studienstiftung für Tibetischen Buddhismus, Hamburg 07595 Studienstiftung lus vlvum, Dormagen 07596 Studienstiftung Kein anderes Evangelium, Martiurg 01763 Studienzentrum Gerzensee Stiftung der Schweizerischen Nationalbank, Gerzensee 13926 Regina Stukenborg-Stiftung, Loxstedt 07597 Gertraud-Stumbeck-Stiftung, München 07598 Stummhilfe der Deutschen Gerätebau GmbH, Salzkotten 07599 Stummstiftung der Bayerischen Pflugfabrik GmbH Landsberg am Lech, Landsberg am Lech 07600 Katharina Stumpf-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Man 07601 Rudolf-Stundl-Stlftung am CasparDa vW-Frled rlch-lnstitut für Kunstwissenschaften der Universität Greifswald, Greifswaid 07602 Sturge and Convalescent Trust, London 19851 Alderman Arthur Sturge ss Prize Fund, Matlock 19852 Albert J.B. Sturm Stiftung, VillingenSchwenningen 07603 Otto und Emma Sturm-Stiftung In Augsburg, Augsburg 07604 Pfarrer Sturm'sche Stiftung, Obersinn 07605 Stuttgarter Hofbriu Studienstiftung, Stuttgart 07606 Stuttgarter Hofbräu Umweltstiftung, Stuttgart 07607 Annie Frances Styrtng Memorial Foundation, Sheffield 19853 Fundación Marques de Suanzes, Madrid 12168 Subsldiefonds Plaatselljke Aktivseiten, Amsterdam 09548 Michael Succow Stiftung zum Schutz der Natur, Berlin 07608 Succulent Plant Trust, London 19854 Sud Santé Fondation, Vence 01273 Sudan Famine Relief Trust, Northampton 19855 Hermann Sudermann-StHtung, Königswinter 07609 Südmährer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 07610 SÜssmuth-Mitarbeiter-Stiftung, Immenhausen 07611 Roland Süstermann'sche Stiftung, Hildesheim 076/2 The Suffolk Group Radio Charitable Trust, Ipswich 19856 Dr. Bertold Suhner-Stlftung für Natur-, Tier- und Landschaftsschutz, Sankt Gallen 13927 The Nicolae Sulac Foundation, Chisinau 09028 Anne Sullivan Foundation for Deafbllnd, Dublin 08395 The Sullivan Trust for Deaf Children, London 19857 The Francis Sully Educational and Charity Fund, London 19858 SULO-Stlftung, Herford 07613 Sulzmann-Stlftung, Mainz 07614 The Summarieaze Lake Nature Reserve Trust, Maidenhead 19859 The Summers Poor Fund, Bamsley 19860 The Summit Mission Moldova Republican Humanity Fund, Vadul lui Voda 09029 Sundon Park Junior School Development Fund, Luton 19861 The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation, London 19862 Sunnucks' Charitable Trust, Colchester 19863 The Sunrise Education Trust, London 19864 Sunrise Trust, ilford 19865 Sunseed Trust, Cambridge 19866 Suomen Kulttuurlrahasto, Helsinki 00706 Suppletlefonds van de Stichting Samenwerking Sociale Fondsen, Den Haag 09549 Surbfton Rotary Club Benevolent Fund, New Maiden 19867 Fundación Premios Matilde Sureda, Gerona 12169 Marc Surer Stiftung, Windlach 13928 The Surkhai Musilm Society Trust, Blackburn 19868 Surplus Fund of the Royal Navy Club, London 19869 Surrey Churches Preservation Trust, Haslemere 19870 Surrey Docks Farm Trust, London 19871 Surtees Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19872 Survival International Charitable Trust, London 19073 Anni und Heinrich Sussmann-Stlftung für Bedürftige Bildende Künstler, Wien 00169 The Sustentation Fund, Manchester 19874 Fondation Daniel Suter, Genève 13929
382 Fondation Hermann Suter, Lausanne 13930 Sutor-Stiftung, Hamburg 07615 Bertha von Suttner Stiftung der DFG· VK, Dortmund 07616 Sutton Christian Centre Trust, Cheam 19875 Sutton Educational Foundation, Stockton-on-Tees 19876 Sutton Foundation, Bromley 19877 Sutton Pastoral Foundation, Sutton 19878 Sutton Schools Christian Workers Trust, Sutton 19879 Svensk-Franska Stiftelsen, Stockholm 12322 Svenek-Japaneka Stiftelsen, Stockholm 12323 Svenska Kulturfonden, Helsinki 00707 Sverige-Amerika Stlftalsen, Stockholm 12324 Swailowfleld Calico Trust, Andover 19880 Swansea Christmas Blind Fund, Swansea 19881 The Swansea Further Education Trust Fund, Swansea 19882 Swansea Hebrew Congregation Trust Funds, Swansea 19883 Swansea Legal Charitable Foundation, Swansea 19884 Swansea Lions Club Trust Fund, Swansea 19885 The Swansea Ragged School Educational Trust, Swansea 19886 Swansea Rugby Foundation, Swansea 19887 George Swanson and Jeannette Thomson Athletic Prize Fund, London 19888 Swanwtck Hall School Fund. Swanwick 19889 Swaziland Charitable Trust, Chippenham 19890 Swedish Research Centre in Cyprus, Jonsered 12325 SWF Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung, Zürich 13931 SWI, Den Haag 09550 Swimming Pool Fund, Milton Keynes 19891 Ann Swlndley Coronation Clock Maintenance Fund, Wolverhampton 19892 SwisS'Asia Foundation, Lausanne 13932 Swiss Banking School-Stlftung, Zurich 13933 Swiss Migraine Trust Foundation, Basel 13934 Swlsscontact, Zurich 13935 Swfsstransplant, Genève 13936 Fondation Charles Swyncop en André Marie, Bruxelles 00539 Synagogue Fund, Cardiff 19893 Fond razvitija oteèestvennogo knigoizdanija I.D. Sytlna, Moskva 10008 Fundaçào Arpad Szénes-VIeira da Silva, Lisboa 09930 SzondMnstltut, Zürich 13937 T.A.Y. Fund, London 19894 Tabes-Haus, Ahrensdorf 07617 Tabernacle Baptist Chapel Fund, Uanerchymedd 19895 Tabernacle Christian Centre Trust, London 19896 The Tabernacle Trust, London 19897 The Taddlngton Educational Foundation, Monyash 19898 Tadworth and Watton Overseas Aid Trust, Tadworth 19899 Taecker-Stiftung für Krebsforschung, Zürich 13938 Karl und Wally Tänzer-Stiftung, Hardegsen 07618 Tafelkultur-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07619 Taff Bargoed Development Trust, Treharris 19900 Tag der hundert Alten, Ettenheim 07620 Fundación Tajamar, Madrid 12170 The Talbot Trusts, Sheffield 19901 The Talgai Hall Trust, Bangor 19902 Talllnna Kunstihoone Fond, Tallinn 00692 Tallow Chandlers Company Benevolent Fund, London 19903 The Talmud Centre Trust, London 19904 Tamar Education Trust, Plymouth 19905 The Tamil Nadu Rural Assistance Trust Fund, London 19906 The Tamil Refugee Relief Fund of Great Britain, London 19907 Fondazione Luigi Tanarl, Bologna 08950 Dr. med. Erich und Ella Tancré-Stiftung, Mainz 07621 Tancred's Educational Foundation, London 19908 Fondation Tanguy Moreau de Meten, Bruxelles 00540 Ellen Georgiana Tanner Fund, Bristol 19909 Tansley Charity Trust, Coventiy 19910 Fondazione Tanturri, Scanno 08951
Tanyrallt Solva Remembrance Fund, Haverfordwest 19911 Tanzania Development Trust, Wantage 19912 Tanzania East Usambara Primary Schools Trust, Pembroke Dock 19913 Fundación Víctor Tapia y Dolores Salnz, Bilbao 12171 Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona 12172 Tarai Madresea Trust, London 19915 Tarajnl Trust, Hounslow 19916 Fundación Tartessos, Sevilla 12173 Tarvln Educational Foundation, Chester 19917 Tasker Milward Fund, Haverfordwest 19918 The Ted Taaker Photographie Collection Trust, Bamsley 19919 TAU-ST1FRJNG Franziskanische Initiative für ein christliches Europa, Krefeld 07622 TaubWInden-Hllfe - gemeinnützige Stiftung, Zurich 13939 Anni Taube-Stfftung, Hamburg 07623 Taubstummenanstalt In Hamburg, Heide 07624 Taunton Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Taunton 19920 Taunton School General Charitable Trust, Taunton 19921 The Taunton Theatre Trust, Taunton 19922 Wilhelmine Tausend-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07625 Dipl.lng. Franz Tausky-Stiftung, Zürich 13940 L.C. Taussig Charitable Trust, Bradford 19923 The Taveme Trust, Lincoln 19924 The Tawney House Educational Trust, Matlock 19925 Taxiatiftung Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main 07626 Fondation Taylor, Paris 01274 Stephen Taylor Brooke Memorial Fund, London 19926 The J.G. Taylor Charitable Trust, Norwich 19927 The Geoff Taylor Educational Trust, Milton Keynes 19928 The Alfred Taylor Foundation, Sutton 19929 P.S. Taylor Memorial Fund, Reading 19930 The Neil Taylor Memorial Trust, Halifax 19931 Frank Taylor Memorial Trust for Surgical Research, London 19932 A.P. Taylor Trust, Hillingdon 19933 Taylor's Educational Foundation, Newcastie-upon-Tyne 19934 Taylors Trust in Connection wfth the Moravian Church, London 19935 Hugh Taylor's Village Pump Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19936 Tayyibah Educational Trust, London J9937 Teachers' Benevolent Fund in Association with the National Union of Teachers and the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education, London 19938 The Teaching Awards Trust, London 19939 Teaching Statistics Trust, Nottingham 19940 Ben Teale Charity Fund, Ossett 19941 TEAR Fund Netherlands, Driebergen 09551 Tearfund, Teddington 19942 Technical Lodge Benevolent Fund, West Ella 19943 Technical (or General) Education Trust, London 19944 Technologiestichting STW, Utrecht 09552 Technologiestlftung Brandenburg, Potsdam 07627 Technologiestlftung Innovationszentrum Berlin, Berlin 07628 Technologiestiftung Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel 07629 Fritz Tecklenborg-Stiftung, Schartewede 07630 Teddington Baptist Church Trust, Teddington 19945 Teddington Lions Club Trust Fund, Sunbury-on-Thames 19946 The Harry Tee Young People Foundation, Reading 19947 The Tees Sailors' Home Fund, London 19948 Tees Valley Charitable Trust, London 19949 The Teesside Emergency Relief Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 19950 Teesside Hospice Care Foundation, Middlesbrough 19951 Sarah Tegfan Davies Comforts Fund, Carmarthen 19952 Caria Telgeler-Pelers-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 07631 Teikyo Foundation (Germany), Bedin 07632 Fundación Alonso Tejada Anderica, Pozuelo de Alarcón 12174
Fundación Francisco Ellas de Tejada y Erasmo Percopo, Madrid 12175 Teknllkan Edistämlssäättt, Helsinki 00708 The Tel-Aviv University Trust, London (9953 Tel Hal Fund, London 19954 The Telecommunications Trust, Milton Keynes 19955 Telegraph and Star Old Folk's Fund, Sheffield 19956 Television Trust for the Environment, London 19957 Teiloglelon Foundation, Thessaloniki 08334 The Tema Knell Charitable Truel, Manchester 19958 Carl Tempel-Stiftung, Roklum 07633 Tempelhof Beschützende Werkstitte und Wohnheim, Kreßbeng 07634 Temperance Gell's Foundation, Carsington 19959 Temperance Hall Fund, Wirksworth 19960 The Temperance Hall Trust, Botton 19961 The Tempiars Lodge Benevolent Fund, Basingstoke 19962 Temple Bank School Fund, Bradford 19963 Temple English Baptist Church Trust Fund, Pontypridd 19964 The Temple Lodge Benevolent Fund, Broxboume 19965 The Temple Trust (Sri Lanka), London 19966 The Emily Temple West Trust, London 19967 The Templet on Education and Charity Trust, London 19968 Fundación Luca de Tena, Madrid 12176 Archbishop Tenlson's Foundation, Purley 19969 J. Wilhelm Tenten-Stiftung, Bonn 07635 Tenth Church of Christ (Scientist) London Fund, London 19970 The Tenth Foot Royal Lincolnshire Regimental Trust Fund, Lincoln 19971 Fritz ter Meer-Stiftung, Leverkusen 07636 Stichting Dr. Terburghfonds, Rumpt 09553 Fritz Terfloth-Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Münster 07637 Fundación Felipe Terol, Montesa 12177 Fondazione Giuseppe Terragni, Como 06952 Terre des Hommes Nederiand, Den Haag 09554 The Teskey-King Prize Fund, Hull 19972 Heinrich Tessenow-Stiftung, Hamburg 07638 Fundación Fundena Paul Teeeier, Madrid 12178 Hans-Joachim Tessner-Stiftung, Gosslar 07639 Fondazione Tetraktis, Teramo 08953 Tettenhall Regis Educational Fund, Wolverhampton 19973 Jobst Friedrich von Tetzel'sche Stiftung In Nürnberg, Alidori 07640 Alfred Teufel-Stiftung, Nagold 07641 Reinhold und Maria Teufel-Stiftung Tuttlingen, Tuttlingen 07642 The Teulu James Pantyfedwen Eisteddfodau Trust, Ystrad Meurig 19974 The Teulu James Pantyfedwen Strata Florida Churchyard Trust, Ystrad Meurig 19975 Weihbischof Dr. Emst Tewes-Stiftung, München 07643 Tewkesbury Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bromley 19976 Fondation Texler Gallas, Orgères-enBeaucé 01275 textilgruppe-hof Stiftung zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke in der Stadt Hof, Hof 07644 Emma Thaler-Stiftung, München 07645 Thames and Kennet Narrowboat Trust, Reading 19977 Thames Community Foundation, Teddington 19978 Thames Festival Trust, London 19979 Thames Salmon Trust, Reading 19980 Thames Spirit Charitable Trust, London 19981 Thameslde Preservation Trust, Aylesbury 19982 Thanet Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Birchington 19963 Thanet Street Trust, London 19984 Thatcham Lodge Benevolent Fund, Thatcham 19985 Thatcham Rotary Club Trust Fund, Reading 19986 Elisabeth und Fritz Thayssen-Stiftung, Bonn 07646 The Ian Theakston Memorial Trust York 19987 Thea le Green School Trust, Reading 19988 Theatre Development In Havering Fund, Romford 19989
383 The Theatre Nursing Education and Research Fellowship Fund, Leeds 19990 Theatre Royal Haymarket Masterclass Trust, Bournemouth 19991 Theatrical Fund of the Russian Federation, Moskva 10009 Adolf Thels-Stlftung, Tubingen 07647 Familie Walter Theisen-Stiftung, Essen 0764$ Fondazione Themis, Milano 06954 Theologenfonds der Dionee Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Rottenburg am Neckar 07649 Theophrastus-Stlftung für medizinische Notfallhilfe und Ausbildung, Hombrechtikon 13941 Therese von Bayern-Stiftung, München 07650 Theresfanisches Damensttft in Innsbruck, Innsbruck 00170 Thsreslanum-Stlftung, Mainz 07651 Theresienspital-Stlftung, Bad Kissingen 07652 Thibus-Stfftung, Wuppertal 07653 Richard Thledemann-Bllndenstlftung, Hamburg 07654 Friedrich Thiedlng-Stiftung des Hartmannbundes, Bonn 07655 Heinz und Erna Thleke-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 07656 Anneliese und Hans Thiel-Fonds für Friedensarbeit, Frankfurt am Main 07657 Georg Thleme-Gedichtnisstlftung, Stuttgart 07658 Thieme-Stlftung zur Förderung von Künstlern, Dresden 07659 Kai Thiemig-Stiftung, München 07660 Richard und Frieda Thlenhaus-Stiftung, Mannheim 07661 Familienstiftung von Valentin Thierer, Gussenstadt 07662 Fundaçâo Bernd Thies, Lisboa 09931 Bernd Thles-Stlftung, Basel 13942 Claus-Jürgen Thles-Stlftung, Berlin 07663 Carl und Elisabeth Thiesen-Stlftung Bad Bemeck im Fichtelgebirge, Bad Bemeck 07664 Third Horizon Foundation, Nieuwersluis 09555 Third (United Kingdom) Division Benevolent Fund, Salisbury 19992 Third (United Kingdom) Division Compassionate Fund, Salisbury 19993 Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies, Thornton Heath 19994 Tholuck'sche Konvikt-Stiftung, Magdeburg 07665 Forstamtmann Max Thoma-Stiftung, Freising 07666 Thomä'sche Famillenstlftung, Leipzig 07667 Oscar Thomann'sche Stiftung, München 07668 The Rod Thomas Agricultural Fund, Truro 19995 The Ken Thomas Body Scanner Appeal Fund, Andover 19996 The Lily Thomas Charity Fund, Swansea 19997 George Thomas Educational Foundation, Bristol 19998 George Thomas Hospice Care, Cardiff 19999 The Roger E.L Thomas Memorial Charitable Trust, Swansea 20000 The R.S. Thomas Memorial Trust Fund, Salop 20001 Thomas-Stiftung, Kempen 07669 The Ene Thomas Trust, Haverfordwest 20002 The Councillor and Mrs. Chris Thomas Trust Swansea 20003 The James Thompson Brown Prizes Fund, Crayford 20004 Thompson Education Trust, London 20005 The Thompson Educational Trust, London 20006 Stichdng Anna Catharina Thomsenfonds, Oegstgeest 09556 Thomson Foundation, Cardiff 20007 Thonhausen'sc he-Stiftung, Bocholt 07670 Irene ThordserhStiftung für die Theodor-Storrn-Gesellschaft, Hamburg 07671 Thorhauer-Famlllen Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07672 Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust, London 20008 Thomaby Old Folks Summer Outing Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 20009 Thomes Millennium Green Trust, Wakefield 20070 Thornhlli Lower School Fund, Houghton Regis 20011 The John Thomhlll Memorial Trust, Great Longstone 20012 Richard Thornton Foundation, London 20013 Thornton Grammar School Trust Fund, Bradford 20014 The Thomton-te-Moore Educational Foundation, Chester 20015
Alphabetical Index: Türkisch-Deutsche Thorpe House School Trust, Gerrards Cross 20016 Three I Charitable Trust, London 20017 Three Spires Trust, Truro 20018 Thomas B. Thriges Fond, Hellerup 00666 Stiftung ThQnte, Telgte 07673 Thüringer Industrtebetelligungs-Fonds, Erfurt 07674 Thulsfront Nederlandse Priesters Frankrl|k, Voorhout 09557 Thurgauische Kulturstiftung Ottoberg, Zumlkon 13943 Thurlow Educational Trust, London 20019 The Thurlow Park Lodge Benevolent Fund, Catertiam 20020 Fürstlich Thum und Taxlsscher Unterstützungsfonds, Regensburg 07675 Thumeysen-Spende, Bonn 07676 Thumscoe War Memorial Trust Fund, Thumscoe 20021 The Katharine and Bryan Thwaltes Chorister Trust, Winchester 20022 Stiftung Dr. Robert Thyll-Durr, Zürich 13944 Fondazione Thyssen-Bomemisza, Castagnola 13945 Fundación Colección ThyssenBomemisza, Madrid 12179 Trudelotte Thyssen-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07677 Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Köln 07678 Jula Thyssen-Stiftung, Mühlheim 07679 August Thyssen-Stiftung Schloß Landsberg, Essen 07680 Frances Mary Tickle Trust Fund, Liverpool 20023 Tldeke Winkelmann Testament, Hamburg 07681 The Tides well Medical Foundation, Buxton 20024 Tklmarsh Millennium Green Trust, Reading 20025 Oscar Tiefenthal-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 07682 Fundación Enrique Tierno Galván, Valencia 12180 Tierschutz-Stiftung, Königsbrunn 07683 Tierschutzvereln-Stiftung Wilhelmshaven der Bürger Wilhelmshaven und Umgebung, Wilhelmshaven 07684 Tierseuchenforschungsstiftung, Berlin 07685 Tiffin School Foundation, Kingston-uponThames 20026 Tllepia International Foundation, Utrecht 09558 Tllber-Stiftung, Zürich 13946 Tilebeln-Sllftung Ststtin-Züllchow, Kiel 07686 The Tim Tiley Bursary Fund, Lymington 20027 Karl und Ulli Till-Stiftung, Altatting 07687 Anna und Ferdinand Tillmann-Stiftung, Sündern 07688 Fundación Luis Ulve, Santiago de Compostela 12181 Tlmoshenko-Föppl-Stlftung der Technischen Universität München. München 07689 Margaret Tlndall Educational Foundation, Bristol 20028 R.P. Tlndall's Charitable Trust, Salisbury 20029 Hannah Tingcombe's Educational Foundation, Plymouth 20030 üsbeth und Hans-Georg Tinneberg Stiftung, Hamburg 07690 Stiftung Rudolph von der Tinnen, Münster 07691 Fundación María Tintore, Barcelona 12182 Tlpping'e Educational Foundation, High Wycombe 20031 Tir Gronow Ap Ithel Trust, Nottingham 20032 Tiroler Matrikel-Stiftung, Innsbruck 00171 Tiroler Zukunft Stiftung, Innsbruck 00172 Tlssington Almshouses Fund, Chesterfield 20033 Stiftung Titus, Greng 13947 Titus Ministries Worldwide Trust, Osse» 20034 Fondation fixier Rouget, Saint-Salvadour 01276 The TMO Charitable Trust, London 20035 Furtdació Arxiu Tobella Terrassa, Terrasa 12183 Barry Todd Trust Fund, Poith 20036 Cail Todt-StHtung, Berlin 07692 Adolf Todt-StHtung, Mainz 07693 Architekt Gerhard Tölle-Stlftung, Essen 07694 Julius Tönebön-Stlftung, Hameln 07695 Tönlsvorster Sparkessenstiftung, Krefeld 07696 Tön}e8-Vagt-Stiftung, Bremen 07697 Carl Toepfer-Stlftung, Hamburg 07698 Alfred Toepfer-Stlftung F.V.S., Hamburg 07699 The Tofta Educational Trust, London 20037
Tolerance Educational Trust, London 20038 Stiftung Tolkemlta, Dieburg 07700 Fundación Escuelas Tolra, Cambrils 12184 Fundación Pascual Tomás, Valencia 12185 Fundación Asunción Tomás Foz, Valderrobres 12186 Fundación Colegio Elisa Tomás Yusti, Playa de San Juan 12187 The James Tomklnson Memorial Cottages Trust, Manchester 20039 The Arthur Tomlln's Fund Aberdovey 1925. Aberdovey 20040 Hermann Tonding Gedächtnis Stiftung, Essen 07701 Tong School Trust Fund, Bradford 20041 Toompea Kunstisfhtasutus, Tallinn 00693 The Tooting Methodist Church Trust, London 20042 Tooting Recreational and Cultural Trust, Surbiton 20043 Het Fonds Top-de Keijzer, Elburg 09559 Hagop D. Topallan Stiftung, Zürich 13948 Topsham Market House Trust, Exeter 20044 Topsy Trust, Pontydun 20045 Torah and Education Centre Arad Trust, London 20046 The Torah Educational Trust, London 20047 Fundación Joaquín Torens Ibern, Barcelona 12188 Torfaen Museum Trust, Torfaen 20048 Torfmoor Schopfloch-Stiftung, Bissingen 07702 Fundación Fray Toribio de Montolinia. Madrid 12189 Torkuhl'sche Familienstiftung, Königswinter 07703 Torpoint and Rame Peninsula Lions Club Charity Trust, Torpoint 20049 Torpoint School Business and Community Education Trust. Torpoint 20050 Fundació Eulàlia Torras de Bea Institut de Psiquiatría i Psicologia del Nen i de l'Adolescent, Barcelona 12190 Fundación Paulino Torres Domenech, Barcelona 12191 Fundación Mercedes Torreas, Caldas d'Estrac 12192 Fundación Mateo Torrens Salort, Alcudia 12193 Fundación M. Torrent Fugarolas Mataró, Arbucies 12194 Fundación Joaquín Torres, Mequinenza 12195 Fundación Miguel Torres, Vilafranca del Penedés 12196 Fundación Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Santander 12197 Fundación de Torres y López Pintado, Toledo 12198 Fundación María Tortosa Alonso, Vallada 12199 Fondazione Arturo Toscanini, Parma 08955 The Tottenham and Edmonton General Dispensary Fund, London 20051 The Tottenham Grammar School Foundation, London 20052 Totteridge Road Baptist Church Ministers Trust Fund, Enfield 20053 Tottemhoe School Trust, Tottemhoe 20054 Evangelische Stiftung de la Tour, Treffen 00173 Fondation Médicale Emile ToumaySolvay, Bouillon 00541 Fundación Concepción Tourne y Camacho, A Garda 12200 Tourtual'sche Familienstiftung, Münster 07704 Fundación Josep Tous, Barcelona 12201 Fundació d'Art Contemporani Tous de Pedro, Barcelona 12202 TOV Stichting, Amsterdam 09560 Fondazione Tovinl, Brescia 08956 Towae-Stifturtg, Heidelberg 07705 Tower Hamlets and Canary Wharf Further Education Trust, London 20055 Tower Hamlets College Student Hardship Trust, London 20056 Tower Hamlets Environment Trust, London 20057 Tower Hamlets Old People's Welfare Trust, Pinner 20058 Tower Hamlets Roman Catholic Scholarship Fund, Stan more 20059 The Tower Hamlets Trust, London 20060 The Tower Hill Improvement Trust, London 20061 The Tower House School Charitable Foundation, London 20062 The Tower Trust, Edmonton 20063 Town and Poor Estate Educational Foundation, Bedford 20064 Town School Foundation with Clarkson'8 Endowment, Bamsley 20065
Toyota Deutschland Stiftung, Köln 07706 The Tracy Trust, Windsor 20066 Trades Union Congress Educational Trust, London 20067 The Tradescant Trust, London 17851 Max-Traeger-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 07707 Ingeborg Trahms-Radloff-Stlftung, BadenBaden 07708 Fondation Laurence Trän, Beersel 00542 Tranquillus Lodge Benevolent Fund, Homcburch 20068 Transgender Education Trust, Torquay 20069 Transllvanla Alapltvány, Budapest 08350 Den Transnationelia Stiftelsen fôr Freds- och Framtidsforsknlng, Lund 12326 Peter-Trapp-Stfftung, Frankfurt am Main 07709 Trapp-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main
Trapp-Stlftung, Zug 13949 Professor Traub-Stlftung, Stuttgart 07711 R.A.G. Travers Memorial Fund, Truro 20070 The Travers Trust, Truro 20071 The Constance Treasure Memorial Charitable Trust, Cardiff 20072 Trebuth-Stlftung zur Nachwuchsförderung in der Philosophie, Essen 07712 Fondazione Ernesto Treccani, Milano 08957 The Tredegar Fund for Empire Knowledge, Cwmbran 20073 The Vera Tree Music Fund, Beverley 20074 Tree Trust for Haringey, London 20075 Treetops Hospice Trust, Deity 20076 Tregye Concerts Charitable Trust, Truro 20077 Hans und Gerda Tremml-Stiftung, München 07713 Fundación Eduardo Trens Berenguer, Mataró 12203 The Trent College Charitable Trust, Nottingham 20078 The Trent Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 20079 Dr. Marlene Trentwedel-Stiftung, Bremervörde 07714 General Hermann von Tresckow'sche Familien-Stiftung, Hamburg 07715 Dr. Josef und Else Treutinger-Stiftung, Regensburg 07716 Treville Street Unitarian Chapel and Trust, Plymouth 20080 Trevilson Educational Foundation, Saint Newlyn East 20081 The Trewent Scholarship Fund, Pembroke 20082 The Triangle Bookshop Trust, London 20083 Fondation Tricoche Maillard, Aix-en-Othe 01277 Kunststiftung Hann Trier, Mechernich 07717 Trierer Sportstiftung Τ 984, Trier 07718 Trleschmann-Stlftung, Hann. Münden 07719 Trimerco-Stlftung, Volketswil 13950 Trinco malee Lodge Benevolent Fund, Sanderstead 20084 Trinity Baptist Church Fund, Derby 20085 Trinity Centre Trust, Milton Keynes 20086 The Trinity College Carmarthen Foundation, Carmarthen 20087 Trinity College School Foundation in the United Kingdom, London 20088 Trinity Congregational Church Sick Poor Fund, Popler 20089 The Trinity Trust, Bristol 20090 The Trinity Urc Bromley Trust, Beckenham 20091 Stichting Triodos Fonds, Zeist 09561 Triodos Foundation, Bristol 20092 Fondation Elsa Triolet-Aragon, Paris 01278 Dr. Trlplett's Church of England Primary School Fund, Hayes 20093 The Reverend Dr. Trlplett's (Hayes) Foundation, Bumham 20094 The Reverend Dr. Trippletts Foundation, London 20095 Triumph-Adler-Stiftung Kinder in Not, Grünwald 07720 The Trivona Mark Lodge Benevolent Fund, Nottingham 20096 Fundación Troconlz-Santacoloma, Poitugalete 12204 Troisième Fondation, Plougastel-Daoulas 01279 Trombosestichtlng Nederiand, Den Haag 09562 Fundación Troncoso González, La Guardia 12205 Norman Trotman Memorial Fund, Bromley 20097 Stiftung Adam von Trott-Imshausen, Essen 07721 Trowbridge College Trust, Trowbridge 20098
The Trowbridge Islamic Trust, Trowbridge 20099 Trowbridge Town Trust, Trowbridge 20100 Heinz Trox-SWftung, Neukirchen-Vluyn 07722 Stiftung Hans Trudel-Haus, Baden 13951 Truro Dispensary Fund, Truro 20101 The Truro Maternity Fund, Truro 20102 The Trust for Christian Education In Sierra Leone, London 20103 Trust for Islamic Culture and Education in South East London, London 20104 Trust for Long Term Development in East Africa, London 20i05 Trust for the Evangelisation of Aspley, Nottingham 20106 The Trust for the Furtherance of Psychosynthesis in Education, London 20107 Trust for the Poor of Doveridge, Doveridge 20108 Trust for the Usher Gallery, Lincoln 20109 Trust Fund Held in Connection with Lammas Street Welsh Congregational Chapel, Carmarthen 20110 The Trust of Islam (Yorkshire), Sheffield 20111 Trust of Saint Seraphim, Manchester 20112 Trust Property and Funds held in Connection with Hermon Baptist Chapel, Nantyglo 20113 Trust Property held in Connection with Ainon Welsh Baptist Chapel, Uangwstain 20114 Trust Property held in Connection with Caersalem Baptist Chapel, Caernarfon 20115 Trust Property held in Connection with Capei Coffa Congregation Chapel, Deganwy 20116 Trust Property held in Connection with Hlghfield Congregational Church Porthcawl, Portcawl 20117 Trust Property Held in Connection with Park Congregational Chapel Llanelli. Llanelli 20118 Trust Property held in Connection with Roman Catholic Church at Stow Hill, Pillgwenlly Newport 20119 Trust Property held in Connection with Saint John's United Reform Church Buckley, Porthcawl 20120 Trust Property held in Connection with Smyrna Congregational Church, Llangefni, Ynys Mon 20121 Trust Property held in Connection with the Bethel Spiritualist Church Blaina, Blaina 20122 Trust Property held in Connection with the independent Chapel, Bodorgan 20123 Trust Property Held in Connection with the Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Llanelli 20124 Trust Property In Connection with Llanrwst War Memorial Institute, Uanwrst 20125 Trust Property in Connection with Saint John's Congregational Church Buckley, Cardiff 20126 Trust Property in Connection with Salem Baptist Chapel, Ferryside 20127 The Trust Stichting, Den Haag 09563 Trustees of the Eltham and Mottingham Hospital Surplus, London 20128 Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, London 20129 Georg Trutschier-von Falkenstein· Stiftung, Köln 07723 Klaus Tschira Stiftung, Heidelberg 07724 Beatrice und Otto Tschuml-Stiftung, Bern 13952 TSV-Stlftung-Sportförderung, Schwieberdingen 07725 Dr. Johannes und Hertha Tuba-Stiftung, Innsbruck 00174 The Mary Tubbs Bursary Fund, Plymouth 20130 Tuborgfondet, Kebenhavn 00667 Dr. Lorenz Tucher'sche Stiftung. Nürnberg 07726 Kurt Tucholsky-Stiftung, Hamburg 07727 Fundación Herminio Tudela, Barcelona 12206 The Jasper Tudor Lodge Benevolent Fund, Newport 20131 The Chartes Tudor Russell Fund, Bedford 20132 The Tudor Trust, London 20133 The Hugh, Mary, David and Elizabeth Tudor Trust, Tywyn 20134 Tübinger Stipendienstiftung, Tubingen 07728 Tübinger Universltätsstiftung, Tübingen 07729 Paul Türck-Stiftung, Coburg 07730 Türk Egltim Vakfl, Istanbul 14024 Türkisch-Deutsche Gesundheftsstiftung e.V., Gießen 07731
Alphabetical Index: Türkisch'i-lslamische Türkisch-Islamische Stiftung für die Schweiz, Zürich 13953 Türkiye Çevre Vakfi, Ankara 14025 Türkiye Kalkinma Vakfi, Ankara 14026 TÜV Saarland Stiftung, Sulzbach 07732 Jakob Tuggener-Stiftung, Uster 13954 The Tulsl Trust, Glastorbury 20135 Tumorzentrum München-Stiftung, München 07733 Sir Ronald Ernest Tunbridge Prize Fund, Leeds 20136 U.A.A. Tunkiss Trust Fund, Ely 20137 Elisabeth Tunner-Hartmann-Stiftung, Hannover 07734 Fondazione Filippo Turati, Firenze 08958 The Elizabeth Margaret Turbervill Educational Foundation, Cardiff 20138 Stiftung Turlalba, Zürich 13955 Turkish Missions Aid Society, High Wycombe 14561 The Turner Exhibition Fund, London 20139 The Ella Turner Fund, Bracknell 20140 The Turner Hudson Retired Clergy Fund, Beverley 20141 The Beatrice Turner Memorial Trust, London 20142 Honora Turner O'Callaghan Scholarship Fund, London 20143 The Henry Turner Prize Fund, London 20144 Fundación Juanelo Turriano, Madrid 12207 Turtle Key Arts Centre Trust, London 20145 Turlon District Relief Fund, Bolton 20146 Turton Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bolton 20147 Fundación Patronato Germans Turuguet, Caldes de Montbui 12208 Turville and Fawley Relief in Sickness Fund, Henley-on-Thames 20148 Turville Religious Education Fund, Henley-on-Thames 20149 Turville School Trust, Crowmarsh 20150 The Tuscan Lodge Benevolent Fund, Leigh-on-Sea 20151 Tushinskaya Children's Hospital Charitable Trust, London 20152 Twenty-Ninth May 1961 Charity, London 20153 Twenty-Seven Foundation, London 19504 Familienstiftung von Twickel, Havixbeck 0Ή35 Twig Folly Educational Trust, London 20154 Two Four Nine Community Project Trust, London 20155 The Fiona Twogood Trust, Bishops Waltham 20156 Twyford School Trust, Winchester 20157 Tylers Green Educational Foundation, High Wycombe 20158 Tylers Green Middle School Fund, High Wycombe 20159 William Tyndale Charitable Trust, London 20160 J.J. Tyson Charitable Trust, Preston 20161 Fondation Alexandre et Gaston Tytgat, Lasne 00543 Erich von Tzeven-Testament, Hamburg 07736 U.S.-Baltic Foundation Eesti Sihtasutus, Tallinn 00694 Otto Ubbelohde-Stiftung, Goßfelden 07737 UCD Foundation for Italian Studies, Dublin 08396 UCS Kompass Stiftung lEI, Zürich 13956 Fritz und Eugenie Übelhir-Stiftung, Nürnberg 07738 ÜWU-Arbeitnehmer-Walsenstiftung, Würzburg 07739 Karl Uhlmann'sche Friedensstiftung 1919, Bad Tölz 07740 UIC-Stiftung Vereinigung Intereuropäischer Kooperation, Kehl 07741 The Ukraine Christian Ministries Trust, Wantage 20162 Ukrainian Children's Fund Charity, Oldham 20163 Dr.-Jürgen-Ulderup-Stlftung, Lemförde 07742 Irmgard-Ulderup-Stiftung, StemwedeHaldem 07743 Dr. Kla υ δ-UI I m an n-St iftu η g, Königswinter 07744 Max, Erika und Erna Ullrich-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07745 Ulmer Bürger Stiftung, Ulm 07746 Freiherr von Ulner'sche Stiftung, Heidelberg 07747 Fundaçâo Maria Ulrich, Lisboa 09932 Hilde-Ulrichs-Stiftung für Parkinsonforschung - international -, Florstadt 07748 Dr.-Rolf-Umbach-Stiftung, Freiberg 07749 Fundación Patronato de J. Umbert, Sant Feliu de Coflines 12209 Franziska Umfahrer-Stiftung, Schrobenhatsen 07750
Umverteilen! Stiftung für eine solidarische WeH, Berlin 07751 Umweltpartnerschaft mit Ungarn, Braunfels 07752 Umwettprels der Kreissparkasse Calw, Calw 07753 Umweftettttung der Bl-Westernach, Kupferzell 07754 Die Umweltatlftung der Hamburgischen Electricitfite-Werke, Hamburg 07755 Umwertstiftung der oatweatfillschen Wirtschaft, Bielefeld 07756 UmweKetlftung Greenpeace, Hamburg 07757 Umweltstlftung Weser-Ems, HattenSandknig 07758 Urnwettstmung WWF Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main 07759 Fundación Pedro M. Unanúe, Ondárroa 12210 Uncle Billy's Children's Fund, Chesterfield 20164 Underfall Restoration Trust, Bristol 20165 UNESCO Institut für Pädagogik, Hamburg 07760 Paul Ungerer-Stfftung, Frankfurt am Main 07761 Emil Alfons und Ulla Ungrleht Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 07762 The Ungureni Orphanage Trust, Tadley 20166 UNICEF-Stlftung, Köln 07763 Stiftungsfonds Unilever, Essen 07764 Unlnter Stiftung, Zurich 13957 Union Chapel Fund, London 20167 Union Chapel Memorial Trust, Manchester 20168 Union of Bulgarian Foundations and Associations, Sofia 00586 The United Engineers Royal Arch Chapter Benevolent Fund, Woodley 20169 The United Evangelical Project Educational Trust, Birmingham 20170 The United Kingdom Botswana Appeals Fund, Helmdon 20171 United Kingdom Education In Human Values Trust, London 20172 United Kingdom Foundation for Dance, London 20173 United Kingdom Foundation for the South Pacific, Dalkeith 20174 The United Kingdom Khelaghar Orphanage Trust, London 20175 The United Kingdom Turkish Islamic Trust, London 20176 United Liverpool Trust, Liverpool 20177 United Nations Association Trust, London 20178 United Nations Industrial Development Fund, Wien 00065 United Reformed Church (Wales) Trust, Cardiff 20179 United Studholme Royal Arch Chapter Benevolent Fund, London 20180 United Westminster Schools Foundation, London 20181 Unity Church (Islington) Trust Funds, London 20182 Unity North London Trust, London 20183 Untversltâtsstlftung Pro Arte, Regensburg 07765 Universitaire Stiehting voor Armoedebestrijdlng, Antwerpen 00544 University Foundation for Development Co-operation, Antwerpen 00545 The University of Liverpool Development Trust, Liverpool 20184 University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Development Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 20185 The University of Reading Chaplaincy Centre Trust, Reading 20156 The University of Reading Wantage Fund, London 20187 The University of Westminster Prize and Scholarship Fund, London 20188 Unknown Donor's Educational Foundation, Milton Keynes 20189 The Unknown Lady Fund, London 20190 P.G. Unna-Stiftung, Göttingen 07766 Unser-Stlftung, Freiburg 07767 Unterfrinkische Gedenkjahrstlftung für Wissenschaft, Würzburg 07768 Unterfrinkische Kulturstiftung, Würzburg 07769 Unterhospitalstiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 07770 Unterlinder Evangelischer Kirchenfonds, Heidelberg 07771 Unterländer Studienfonds bei der Universität Heldelberg, Heidelberg 07772 Unterstützung für die früheren Betriebsangehörigen der Germania Zement- und Kallwerke Misburg GmbH und Co., Hannover 07773 Unterstützungeeinrichtung der Karosserlewerke Weinsberg GmbH, Weinsberg 07774 Unterstützungseinrichtung des TÛV Südwest, Filderstadt 07775 Unterstûtzunçsfonôs der 5. Division, Merenschwand 13958
384 Unterstützungsfonds für schweizerische bildende Künstler, Zürich 13959 Unterstatzungskasse der Firma Texon GmbH, Möckmühl 07776 UnterstOtzungskasse der Firma Westfälisches Margarinewerk Wilhelm Undemann GmbH & Co. KG, Bünde 07777 Urite rstützungskaese für Betriebsangehörige der ideal Lebensversicherung e.G., Berlin 07779 Unterstützungsstiftung der Lagerhaus Amberg GmbH, Amberg 07780 Unterstützungsstiftung des Amtes für Jugend, Hamburg 07781 Unterstützungsstiftung Kinder in Hamburg, Hamburg 07781 The Uphill and Waters Educational Foundation, Barking 20191 Uplands Junior School Fund, Wolverhampton 20192 Upmlnster Old British School Foundation, Upminster 20193 Upton and North Elmsall Relief In Sickness Fund, Pontefract 20194 Upton Chapel Alms Fund, Epsom 20195 Upton High School Fund, Chester 20196 van der Upwlch-Schleßsche-Stlftung, Rees 07753 Uranla-Stlftung, Zürich 13960 Fondation Ernest Urban, Bruxelles 00546 Urban Learning Foundation, London 20197 Urheber· und Verleger-Fürsorge der SU ISA, Zurich 13961 Fundación Uriech 1836, Barcelona 12211 Fundación Escuelas Uribarren, Lekeitio 12212 The Chartes Urie Peat Prize Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 20198 Fundación Urid, Bilbao 12213 Fundación Patronato Marqués de Urquljo, Uodio 12214 Fundación Seminario de Derecho Romano Urslclno Alvarez, Madrid 12215 Ursula-Sttft, Gerstetten 07784 The Ursullne Education Trust, Morden 20199 Ursullne (llford) Bursary Trust, llford 20200 Philip Usher Memorial Fund, London 20201 Usman Welfare Fund, Birmingham 20202 Stiftung Usthl, Jona 13962 Kilian von Uthmann-Famllien-Stiftung von 1584, Hamburg 07785 Utrechts Unlverslteltsfonds, Utrecht 09564 Uxbridge and Hllllngdon Lions Club Charitable Trust, Hayes 20203 Uxbridge United Welfare Trusts. Uxbridge 20204 Uyttenboogaart-Ellasen Stiehting tot Bevordering der Entomologische Wetenschap, Amsterdam 09565 Fundación Uztarrl, Galadakao 12216 Va Coeverden Adrian leti chting, Blokzijl 09566 Va Eck-Vollgraff Fonds, Amsterdam 09567 Fundación Vaccea, Salamanca 12217 Fondazione Sergio Vacchi, Monteront d'Arbia 08959 Stiehting Ria Vaes, Wemmel 00547 Väth-Könlg'sche Kindergartenstiftung Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Bad Neustadt an der Saale 07786 Otto Vahlbruch-Stiftung, Hamburg 07737 The Vaillma Trust, Richmond 20205 Wilhelm Vaillant-Stiftung, München 07755 Fundación Valxell, Barcelona 12218 Dr. Ladislaus Vajde-Stlftung, Wien 00175 Fundación Hogar Valcarce y Alfayate, Villafranca del Bierzo 12219 Fundación Pública de Servicios Provinciales Hospitalarios Marqués de Valdecllla, Santander 12220 Fondazione Culturale Valdese, Torre Pellice 08960 Vale Development Trust, London 20206 Fundaçâo Vale Fior, Lisboa 09933 Vale Mill Trust, Ryton 20207 Vale of Glamorgan Buildings Preservation Trust, Cardiff 20208 Vale of Llangollen Canal Boat Trust, Llangollen 20209 Vale Park Chapel Trust, Rhyl, Denbigh 20210 Vale Royal Uons Club Charity Trust Fund, Northwich 20211 Acción humana-Alexander M. VaientlnDallmer, Hamburg 07789 Fundación Valgrande, Madrid 12221 Fundación Fernando Valhondo Calaff, Cáceres 12222 Fundación Valldejuli, Barcelona 12223 Fundación Museo Evaristo Valle, Gijón 12224 Fundaçâo Valle, Lisboa 09934
Fundación Benéfica del Valle, Madrid 12225 Fundación Conde del Valle de Salazar, Madrid 12226 Fundación Vallejo, Pozuelo de Alarcón 12227 Valli Charitable Trust, Leicester 20212 Fundacló Vallparadis, Terrassa 12228 Fundación José Valor Amorós, Bañeras 12229 Stiehting Ds. C. van Aken Fonds, Purmerend 09565 Stiehting A.A. van Beek-Fonds, Rotterdam 09569 Eduard van Beinum Stiehting, Hilversum 09570 Fondation Max van Berchem, Genève 13963 Stiehting Fonds Jacoba van Beyeren, Oostvoome 09571 Agnes van Brakel-Stiftung, Viersen 07790 Fonds Jacob van Brouckhoven voor Theologen, Leiden 09572 Stiehting Antoon Van Clé, Tongerio 00545 Stiehting Emiel Van de Gucht, Bruxelles 00549 Van den Berch van Heemstede Stiehting, 's-Gravenhage 09573 Van den Blink-De Hart-Emanuel Stiehting, Amsterdam 09574 Gebroeders van den Boschsllchtlng, Cuyk 09575 H.A. Van den Eeckhaut-Fonds, Lede 00550 Fundatie van den Santheuvel Sobbe Stiehting, Amsterdam 09576 Fondation Comtesse Frédéric Van den Steen de Jehay, Bastogne 00551 Stiehting W.G. van der Boor's Ondersteunlngsfonds, Den Haag 09577 Fondation Van der Burch, EcaussinesLalaing 00552 De van der Kaay-Stlchtlng, Sint Michielsgestel 09578 Stiehting Sportfonds Leo van der Kar, Amstelveen 09579 Van der Lee Fonds, Amsterdam 09550 Van der Mandele-Stichtlng, Rotterdam 09581 Stiehting Fonds Elisabeth van der Mieden, Eist 09582 Fondation Maurice Van der Rest, Bruxelles 00553 Stiehting Dominee Dominicus van der Schaaf voor de Studie der Theologie, Leidschendam 09583 Stiehting W.M. van der Scheer Stiehting tot Financiering van Projecten In de Geestelljke Gezondhetdsiorg. Bosch en Duin 09584 Stiehting van der Weeleschlpper Fonds, Bergen 09555 Stiehting Albert Van Dljck, Schilde 00554 Ina van Doormaal Fonds, Amsterdam 09555 Stiehting Verenigde Sticht) η gen van DoorrervBlankenheljm-van Lede, Rotterdam 09587 Stiehting Familiefonds van Dusseldorp, Zaandam 09555 Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohulzen Stiehting, Den Haag 09589 Fondation Sophie Van Gelderen, Bruxelles 00555 Stiehting Prof. Dr. H.H. van Gelderen Fonds, Leiden 09590 Van Gemmeren'sche Famlllenstlftung, Goch 07791 Haus Sankt Gereon-Stiftung Van Gils, Bergheim 07792 Fondation Van Goethem-Brlchant, Bruxelles 00556 Fondation Vincent Van Gogh-Arles, Arles 01280 Fondation Van Gysel pour la Recherche Médicale, Bruxelles 00557 Bernhard van Hagen'sehe Studienstiftung In Kaikar, Kleve 0π93 Stiehting van Heek's Fonds, Enschede 09591 Grace van Heerewaarden Fonds, Leeuwarden 09592 Van Heumen-Oe Sitter Stiehting, Tiel 09593 Stiehting Bernard van Leer, Den Haag 09594 Bernard van Leer Foundation UK Trust, Edinburgh 20213 Geuit van Lonkhuyzen Stiehting, Heteren 09595 Evangelische Kurth-van-Loo-Stiftung für alte Menschen In Hennef, Hennef 07794 Stiftung van Meeteren, Essen 07795 Stiehting Wilhelmus van Nassauen, Maarsen 09596 Fondation Julien Van Nerum, Hoegaarden 00558 Van Neste Foundation, Bristol 20214 Stiehting Dr. Georges Van Noyen, Mecheten 00559 J.C. van Overbeekstlchtlng, 'sHertogenbosch 09597
Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude te Delft, Delft 09598 Fondation Van Rogger, Bandol 01281 Marke van Streukei/Marke van Berkum Fonds, Raalte 09599 Peter van Tllburg Fonds, Son en Breugel 09500 Stiehting Fonds Doctor Catharine van Tussenbroek, Utrecht 09601 Stiehting Frans van Walsemfonds, Eindhoven 09602 Stiehting Het van Weerden Poelmanfonds, Zoelermeer 09505 Maatschappij van Welstand, Eindhoven 09504 Hugo van Win Glasfonda, Amsterdam 09505 Stiehting Van Wlnt, Brugge 00560 Fondation Van Zeeland, Soignies 00557 Fundación Cornelius Vanderbllt Whitney, Trujilk) 12230 The Vandyke Opportunities Fund, Lelghton Buzzard 20215 Fondation Julien et Laure VanhoveVonneche, Namur 00562 The Dawn Vann Leukaemlc Care Fund, Leicester 20216 Fundación Vaquero, Madrid 12231 The Varanasi Educational Trust, London 20217 Fondation Varellies, Fontcouverte 01282 Fondation Alexandre Varen ne, ClermontFerrand 01283 Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence 01284 Fundaçâo María Emilia Vasconcelos V. Cabrai, Oliveta do Hospital 09935 Wulf Vatar-Sttftung, Mainz 07795 Vaterstadtische Stiftung, Hamburg 07797 The Educational Foundation oi John Vaughan, Carmarthen 20218 Vaughan Educational Foundation, Scarcliffe 20219 Vauxhall Adult Education Trust, Bootie 20220 Fundaçâo Luis Vaz de Camóes, Lisboa 09936 Fondation Marius Vazellles, Meymac 01285 Fundación Obra Pia Manuel Vázquez Araú|o, Celanova 12232 VCS-Stiftung, Bem 13964 Betty Evelyn Veal Will Trust, Southampton 20221 Fundación Vedruna, Sant Sadumi d'Anoia 12233 Fundación Juana de Vega, A Coruña 12234 Fundación Vega, Madrid 12235 Fundación Vega Inclán, Madrid 12236 Fundación Vega Slntes, Las Palmas de Canaria 12237 Albert Veh-Stlftung, Obeiviechtach 07795 Dr. Rudolf Veh-Stlftung, Rimsting 07799 Fundación Patronato Pascual Velga, Mondoñedo 12238 Velligheidsbeglazlng Stiehting, Gouda 09505 Fondation Charles Veillon, Bussigny-prèsLausanne 13965 Emmy Veit-Stiftung, Essen 07800 Elisabeth Velth-Stlftung, Ubstadl-Weiher 0750f Eugenie von den Velden-Stfftung, München 07802 Reinhard von den Velden'sche Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07803 Elisabeth Veldkamp-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 07804 Fondation Léon et Pierre-Bernard Velge, Genval 00563 Vellore Rural Communities Trust, London 20222 The Velux Foundation of 1981, Sarg 00559 The Venerable English College Trust, London 20223 Fundación Venlam, Alcobendas 12239 Venice In Peril Fund, London 20224 Fundación Escuelas Ventades, Mungía 12240 Fundación Joan Ventosa Roig, Vilanova i La Geltrú 12241 Fondation Ventose, Genève 13966 Fondazione Mariele Ventre, Bologna 08961 Fundación Josefa Ventura, Xátiva 12242 Fundación Jaime Vera, Galapagar 12243 Fundación Jaime Vera Monelús, Fraga 12244 Veramed-Stiftung e.V., Meschede 07805 Stiehting Veranneman, Kruishoutem 00564 Fondazione Verdi Festival, Parma 05952 Fondation Verdier, Montrouge 01286 Roger Vere Christian Youthworic Trust, High Wycombe 20225 Vereenlglng Koningln Emmafonds, Voortxirg 09607 Vereenlglng tot Oprichtlng en Instandhoudlng van het Protestarrtsch Weduwen- en Wezenfonds, Amsterdam 09508
Alphabetical Index: Walcot
385 Vereentglng tot Wekiadigheld van d m Allerheiligsten Verlosser, Amsterdam 09609 Vereinigte Almosen-Stiftung, Straubing 07806 Vereinigte Altösterreichische Militärstiftungen, Wien 00176 Vereinigte Armen· und KrankenStiftung, Bayreuth 07807 Vereinigte Coburger SparkassenStiftung, Coburg 07808 Vereinigte Erlanger Woh (tätig keltsStiftung, Erlangen 07809 Vereinigte Hospitalatiftung Gardelegen, Gardelegen 07810 Vereinigte HospWen, Trier 07811 Vereinigte Jüdische Erinnerungsstiftung, Mannheim 07812 Vereinigte Kirchen- und Klosterkammer· Stiftung, Erfurt 07813 Vereinigte Kriegswohlfahrtssttftung der Landeshauptstadt München, München 07814 Vereinigte Kurlindische Stiftungen, Gröbenzell 07815 Vereinigte mildtätige Stiftungen, Stuttgart 07816 Vereinigte Naumburger Walsenversorgungsanstalt, Naumburg 07817 Vereinigte Nebenstiftung zur Margarethen- und Joeephinenstlftung, Kempten 07818 Vereinigte Pfründner-Stlftungen Forchheim, Forchheim 07819 Vereinigte Pfründnerhiuser Münster, Münster 07820 Vereinigte Sammelstiftung der Stadt Burgstädt, Burgstädt 07821 Vereinigte Spital- und Leinfelden Stiftung, Schrobenhausen 07822 Vereinigte Spitalstlftung Friedberg/Bayem, Friedberg/Bayem 07823 Vereinigte Stiftung für das Institut für Angewandte Chemie, Eilangen 07824 Vereinigte Stiftung für die Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen, Erlangen 07825 Vereinigte Stiftung fflr Studlenbeihitfe, Schweinfurt 07826 Vereinigte Stiftung für Wissenschaftliche Zwecke aller Art, Erlangen 07827 Vereinigte Stiftung für Wohltätigkeit Pfarrkirchen, Pfarrkirchen 07828 Vereinigte Stiftungen bei der Stadt Stade, Stade 07829 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Hansestadt Wismar, Wismar 07830 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Stadt Bruchsal, Bruchsal 07831 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Stadt Ettlingen, Ettlingen 07832 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Stadt Pforzheim, Plorzheim 07833 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Universitätskinderklinik Heidelberg, Heidelberg 07834 Vereinigte Stiftungen des Hamburger Gewerbevereins von 1867, Hamburg 07835 Vereinigte Stiftungen für Körperbehlndertenfürsorge in Unterfranken, Würzburg 07836 Vereinigte Stiftungen fQr wissenschaftliche Zwecke aller Art, München 07837 Vereinigte Stiftungen für Wohlfahrtszwecke der Stadt Hof. Hof 07838 Vereinigte Stiftungen zur Unterstützung von Kindern und Jugendlichen der Landeshauptstadt München, München 07839 Vereinigte Stipendien-Stiftung beim Gymnasium MOnnerstadt, Münnerstadt 07840 Vereinigte Stipendien- und Prelsstiftung, Würzburg 07841 Vereinigte Stipendien- und sonstige Fonds der Technischen Universität München, München 07842 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung an der staatlichen Hochschule für Musik München, München 07843 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung der Stadt Landeberg, Landsberg am Lech 07844 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung der Technischen Hochschule München, München 07845 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung der Universität München für Studierende aller Fakultäten und Konfessionen, München 07846 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung für Studenten aller Fakultäten und Konfessionen an der Fried richAlexander-Unlversltát ErlangenNürnberg, Erlangen 07847 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 07848 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung Überlingen, Überlingen 07849 Vereinigte Stipendien Stiftungen der Landeshauptstadt München, München 07850
Vereinigte Studienstiftung der Technischen Universität Berlin einschllefillch Dr. Ingenieur Hermann Biohm-Stlfhing, Berlin 07851 Vereinigte Studienstiftungenverwaltung der Universität Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 07852 Vereinigte Studienstiftungenverwaltung der Universität Heidelberg, Hekielberg 07853 Vereinigte Waisenhausstiftung, Rastatt 07854 Vereinigte Wohlfahrtsstiftung Coburg, Coburg 07855 Vereinigte Wohlfahrtsstiftung der Landeshauptstadt München, München 07856 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeits-Stlftung, Schweinfurt 07857 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Mindeiheim 07858 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstlftung, Wolframs-Eschenbach 07659 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung des Marktes Oberstdorf, Oberstdorf 07860 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Hochaltingen-Oetörtgen in Bayern, Oeningen 07861 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Neumarkt/Oberpfalz, Neumarkt/Oberpfalz 07862 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen Nördlingen, Nördlingen 07863 Vereinigtes Sankt Georg- und Sankt Jakob-Stift, Arnstadt 07864 Vereinigung von Freunden und Förderern der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main e.V., Frankfurt am Main 07865 Vereinsbank Duisburg Stiftung, Essen 07866 Vereinshaus evangelischer Männer und Jünglinge zu Rathenow, Rathenow 07867 Verenlglng Het Nederlandse Rode Kruls, Den Haag 09610 Verenlglng Koninldi|ke Nederlandse Heidemaatschappij, Amhem 09611 Verenlglng van Fondsen In Nederland, Den Haag 09612 De Verenlglng Zorg en Bijstand, Den Haag 09613 Fondazione Verga, Catania 06963 Fondazione Franco Verga, Milano 08964 Fundación Pere Verges, Barcelona 12245 Dr. Edward Vergette Memorial Fund, Yoik 20226 Verhorster-Stlftung an Sankt Mauritz zu Münster, Münster 07868 Stichting Vertiulst-Van Eeckhoven, Antwerpen 00565 Johan Vermeij StJchting, Sappemeer 09614 Vermeulen/Brauckman Stichting, Kampen 09615 Fondation Jules Verne, Clairefontaine-en· Yvelines 01287 Fundaçâo Luis Antón» Vemey, Lisboa 09937 The Dorothy Vemon Lodge Benevolent Fund, BakeweH 20227 Fondation Pierre Verots, Saint-André de Corey 01288 Versehrten- und Hinterbliebenen* Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07869 Versorgungshaus und WlesenhOttenstift, Frankfurt am Main 07870 Versorgungskasse der Deutschen Presse, Stuttgart 07871 Versorgungskasse der Genossenschaftskasse e.G. Bad Wildungen, Bad Wildungen 07872 Versorgungskasse für die Schwesternschaft des DtakonlsseflMuttertiauses Pfeiffersche Stiftungen in Magdeburg-Cracau, Magdeburg 07873 Vereorgungsstiftung der Deutschen Komponisten, Beiiin 07874 Versorgungsstiftung der deutschen Textdichter, Berlin 07875 VERUM Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt, München 07876 Eduard August Otto Vervooren Stichting, Vught 09616 The Veryan (Church of England) Educational Foundation, Truro 20226 Ttie Veryan (Parish School) Educational Foundation, Truro 20229 Vet Drug Educational Trust, Hull 20230 Veteranenhelm Deutscher Soldaten Hansestadt Hamburg, Hamburg 07877 Heinrich-Vetter-Stiftung, Mannheim 07878 Vetter-Stiftung, Weiden 07879 Vetter-Wohltttigkeftestiftung, Speinshart 07860 Vetus Latina, Bou ron 07881 Edmund Vey-Stfftung, Frankfurt am Main 07882 VflJ Stiftung der Vereinigung für freies Unternehmertum, Zürich 13967 VGB-Forschungsstiftung, Essen 07883 Fondation Boris Vlan et Ursula Vian Kubler, Paris 01289 Marian Vlan Prize Fund, London 20231
Fundación Vlanorte. Madrid 12246 Fundación Vlaro, Barcelona 12247 Fondation de Lourmarin Laurent Vibert, Lourmarin 01290 The Vicar's General Fund, London 20232 Fundación Vicente y Garcia Corsellae, Salamanca 12248 Freiherr von Vichter und Wissend'sche Stiftung, Wien 00177 The Vlckers Duntee Memorial Benevolent Fund, London 20233 Fundación Victor, Oviedo 12249 Albert Victor Lodge Benevolent Fund, York 20234 Victoria Almshouse Fund, Plymouth 20235 Victoria Gospel Trust, Bath 20236 Victoria Hall Fund, Cambridge 20237 Victoria Park Heritage Trust, London 20238 Fundación Patronato Vidai para la Culture de la Juventud Obrera, PuigReig 12250 Fondation Vidrodgenia, Conches-Genève 13968 Eugen Viehof-Stiftung, Weimar 07884 Fundaçâo Adolfo Vieira de Brfto, Lisboa 09938 Fundaçâo Dr. António Vieira Tovar de Magalhäee e Albuquerque, Seia 09939 Universitätsstiftung Hans Vielberth, Regensburg 07885 Fondation Dina Vlerry, París 01291 Viersener WohlfahrtsstiftungKinderkrankenhaus Sankt Nikolaus, Viersen 07886 Fundación Escuelas Feliciana VIertola, Madrid 12251 Dr. Hans VieBmann-Stiftung, Hof 07887 Andreas-Vlethsche-Stiftung, Kirchdorf/Poel 07888 The Vietnam Educational Trust, London 20239 Johann Karl und Hedwig Vietor-Stlftung, Bremen 07889 Fondation Vieujant, Bruxelles 00566 W.A. de Vlgier Stiftung, Solothum 13969 Vlltorul Foundation, Chisinau 09030 Shri Vijaya Vlkneshwara Trust, Wembley 20240 Viktoria-Lulse-Stiftung, Hannover 07890 Viktoria-Stiftung, Berlin 07891 Viktoriastift, Bad Kreuznach 07892 Fundación Vila Casas, Barcelona 12252 Fundación Hermanos Vila Riera, Camprodón J2253 Fundación Jerónimo Vlladrich, Cubells 12254 Vlljandi Kultuurikolledzl Arengufond, Viljandi 00695 Fundación Clemente Villa, Madrid 12255 Villa Musica, Mainz 07893 Fundación Villa y Corte, Madrid 12256 Village Hail Fund, Rhyl 20241 Fundación Elisa y Luis Villamil, Vegadeo 12257 Fundación Vicent Villaplana, Valencia 12258 Fundación Josefina Villasante, Madrid 12259 Fundació d'Oncologia Infantil Enriqueta Villavecchla, Barcelona 12260 Stichting Het Fonds Villeneuve, Woerden 09617 Vill'sche Altenstiftung, Bad Neustadt 07894 John Foster Vince Memorial Fund, Birmingham 20242 The Vincent Girl's Fund, Matlock 20243 Vlnesong Trust, East Grinstead 20244 Vlnetum-Forschungsfonds, Biel 13970 The Vingaard Foundation, Odense 00670 Fundación Padre Vinjoy, Oviedo 12261 Vintry Ward Educational Foundation, London 20245 Dr. Alfred VInzl-Stlftung, Erlangen 07895 Fundación Vìrey, Madrid 12262 Virgil-Stiftung Schemfeid, OoHnstein 07896 Virsa Educational Trust, Dorchester 20246 Fundación Premio Visa Tubau, Barcelona 12263 The Visitors Centre Benevolent Fund· Wlnson Green, Birmingham 20247 Fondation des Orphelins V(tagliano, Marseille 01292 Vitaplus Stiftung, Zürich 13971 George VKhoulkas Stiftung für klassische Homöopathie, Stockdorf 07897 Emst-Hellmut Vlte-Stiftung, Essen 07898 Fundación Casa de Enseñanza de Niñas Luis Vives, Algemesl 12264 Agregación Nacional de Fundaciones para la Promoción de la Acción Social Luis Vives, Madrid 12265 Fundación Salvador Vives Casajuana, Barcelona 12266 Fundación Vives de Estudios Sociales, Madrid 12267 The Captain John Vivian Nancarrow Fund, Middlesbrough 20248
Víznltz Institutions Trust, London 20249 The VK Foundry Educational Trust, Birmingham 20250 VLB Stiftung für den sozialen Wohnungsbau, Kriens 13972 Stiftung Charles und Agnes Vögele, Pfäffikon 13973 Siegfried Vögele-Stlftung, Essen 07899 Vöhlln'sche Stiftung, Memmingen 07900 Stichting Völcker Fonds Zoelen, Zoelen 09618 Karl Völker Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07901 Mathilde Völker Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07902 Monsignore Franz Völker-Stiftung, Mannheim 07903 Völkerkundliches Museum Witzenhausen, W i x h a u s e n 07904 Geschwister Volkere-Stiftung, Bad Pyrmont 07905 Felicttas-Vôesin g-Sttftu π g, Gütersloh 07906 Fundaçâo Maria Inácia Vogado Perdigäo Silva, Reguengos de Monsaraz 09940 Leonhard Vogel-Jugendstiftung, Schnabelwafcl 07907 Rudolf Vogel-Stiftung, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 07908 Friedrich und Isabel Vogel-Stiftung, Essen 07909 Isabell und Dr. Friedrich Vogel-Stiftung, Zurich 13974 Marianne-Vogel-Stiftung der Volksbank Hamm eG, Hamm 07910 Hieronymus Vogeler-Gotteswohnungen, Hamburg 07911 Emst Vogelmann-Stiftung Fachhochschule Heilbronn, Heilbronn 07912 Emst Vogelmann-Stiftung Städtische Museen Hellbronn, Heilbronn 07913 Heinrich und Alma Vogelsang-Stlftung, Bochum 07914 Franz Vogt-Famillenstlftung, Pohlheim 07915 Franz Vogt-Gemeinnützige Stiftung, Pohlheim 07916 Volcafé Stiftung, Wintertnur 13975 Fondation Volcher-Lepas, Namur 00567 Volksbank Hägen-Stiftung, Hagen 07917 Volksbank Höxter-Beverungen-Stiftung, Höxter 07918 Volksbank Lehrte Stiftung, Lehrte 07919 Volksbank Munzel Stiftung, Barsinghausen 07920 Volksbank Paderborn Stiftung, Paderborn 07921 Voiksbank-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 07922 Volksbank-Stiftung Baiingen, Balingen 07923 Volksbank-Stiftung BremerhavenWesermünde, Bremerhaven 07924 Volksbank-Stiftung Haus am Gorisbrunnen, Bad Urach 07925 Volksbank Tübingen-Stiftung, Tübingen 07926 Volksbank Werthelm-Stlftung, Weitheim 07927 Volk'sche Stiftung Erfurt, Erfurt 07926 Volksmlsslons-Stiftung, Woilerstadt 07929 Volkspark Bargteheide, Bargteheide 07930 Volkswagen-Stiftung, Hannover 07931 Carl Voll-Stlftung, Berlin 07932 Rott und Hildegard Voilrath Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 07933 Fondation Musée Volti, Villelranche-surMer 01293 Voluntary Service Overseas, London 20251 Heinrich und Erna Vondre-Stiftung, Ingolstadt 07934 Prix Willy et Marcy de Vooght, Bruxelles 00566 Fundación V ora mar, Barcelona 12268 Christien-Vorrath-Stiftung, Hamburg 07935 Gertiart Voss Stiftung, Hamburg 07936 Else Voss-Stiftung, Hamburg 07937 Rat Voß-Stlftung, Hannover 07938 Otto und Erna Voss-Stiftung, Lübeck 07939 Karl Vossloh-Stiftung, Essen 07940 Fondation Louis V ou land, Avignon 01294 Jean Voyaux de F ra no us Trust (Chelsea), London 20252 VR-Stlftung der Volksbanken und Raiffelsenbanken in Norddeutschland, Hannover 07941 Stichting Vredenburch, Amsterdam 09619 Vromen Gravelljn Stichting, Doetinchem 09620 Stichting Vronestein, Leidschendam 09621 Vrouw en Muzlek Stichting, Amsterdam 09622 Vrouwennetwork Nederland Stichting, Zoetermeer 09623 The Vrowen Trust Fund in Connection with Whltland Grammar School, Whittand 20253
Vulcan Lodge Benevolent Fund, Suttonin-Ashtield 20254 vybor dobré vùle-Nedace Olgy Havlové, Praha 00603 Fond Vladimira Vysockogo, Moskva 10010 Vzdélévací Nadace Jana Husa, Brno 00604 The W Charitable Foundation, London 20255 W.W.F. Fondazione Mondiale per la Natura, Modera 08965 The W11 Children's Opera Trust, London 20256 Irma Waaikes-Stiftung, Emden 07942 Emil Wachter-Stlftung, Karlsruhe 07943 Hermann Wacker-Fonds, Essen 07944 Martin Wackemagel-Stlftung, Münster 07945 von Wacker'sche Stiftung, Hoym 07946 Thomas Wade Scholarship Fund, Oldham 20257 Hildegard und Hermann Wader Stiftung, RadevormwaW 07947 Wadham Lodge Sports Ground Trust, London 20258 Wadzeck-Stiftung, Berlin 07948 Wächterheim, Kirchheim unter Teck 07949 Johann Jobst Wagenersche Stiftung, Hannover 07950 Wilhelm Wagenfeld-Stiftung, Bremen 07951 Sir Wager Watson Fund, London 20259 Wohlfahrtsstiftutig Wagner & Co. Elmshorn, Elmshorn 07952 Elisabeth Wagner Stiftung, Essen 07953 Josef Wagner-Stiftung, Friedrichshafen 07954 Herbert und Wilhelmine Wagner-Stiftung, Gmund 07955 Dr. Marie-Friedericke Wagner-Stiftung, Mainz 07956 Annalise Wagner-Stiftung, Neubrandenburg 07957 Richard Wagner-Stiftung Bayreuth, Bayreuth 07958 Alois Wagner-Stiftung Mitteiberg, Mittelberg 07959 Regens-Wagner-Stlftungen, Dillingen an der Donau 07960 Richard Wagner-Stipendienstiftung, Bayreuth 07961 Assessor Wagner'sche Stiftung, Kronach 07962 von Wagner'scher Stiftungsfonds, Würzburg 07963 Wahl-Lindersche Altenstiftung, Günzburg 07964 Bundesrat F.T. Wahlen-Fonds, Brugg 13976 Wahlener-Helmat-Stlftung, Losheim am See 07965 Waidmann-Stiftung, Stuttgart 07966 The Waingels Copse School Charitable Trust, Woodley 20260 Waisen- und Jugendstiftung Landshut, Landshut 07967 Walsen- und Kinderhort-Stiftung Füssen, Füssen 07968 Waisenhaus samt Carolinen-Stiftung, Marienberg 07969 Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07970 Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Mindeiheim 07971 Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Rosenheim 07972 Waisenhaus-Stiftung Rees, Rees 07973 Waisenhaus- und Hoffmannsche Stiftung Clausthai, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 07974 Waisenhausstiftung, München 07975 Walsenhausstlftung Dillingen an der Donau, Dillingen an der Donau 07976 Waisenhausstiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg 07977 Waisenhausstiftung Stadt Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt 07978 Waisenhausstiftung Stadtamhof, Regensburg 07979 Walsenhausstlftung WolfenbQttel, Wolfenbüttel 07980 Waisenhausstiftung zu Sangerhausen, Sangerhausen 07981 The Wakefield and District Hospice Fund, Wakefield 20261 Wakefield Grammar School Foundation, Wakefield 20262 Wakefield Groundwork Trust, Wakefield 20263 Wakefield Masonic Lodge Benevolent Fund, Wakefield 20264 Wakefield (Tower Hill Trinity Square) Trust, London 20265 The Wakefield Youth Music Trust. Wakefield 20266 The Wakeford Maritime Lectures Trust, Chandlers Ford 20267 The Wakeman Trust, Shrewsbury 20268 WALA-Stlftung, Bad Boll-Eckwálden 07982 Walchensee-Stiftung, Benediktbeuern 07983 Walcher-Stiftung, Ulm 07984 Walcker-Stiftung fur orge (wissenschaftliche Forschung, Kleinblittersdorf 07985 Walcot Educational Foundation, London 20269
Alphabetical Index: Wald-Stiftung Fried Wald-Stlftung, Basel 13977 Hubertus Wald-Stlftung, Mamburg 07966 Fürstlich von Waldburg zu Zeil-Stiftung, Ki legg 07987 Waldeckische Landesstiftung, Korbach 07986 Waldecksches Diakonissenhaus, Arolsen 07989 Anne Waldmann-Stiftung für den Tierschutz, Waiblingen 07990 Prof. Dr. Waldsachs-Schenkung, Wuppertal 07991 Stiftung Emst Waldschmidt, Berlin 07992 Stiftung Wadlhausen, Essen 07993 Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz - Marianne von Waldthausen-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Köln 07994 Eugen und Agnes von WaldthausenPlatzhoff-Museums-Stlftung, Essen 07995 Julius von Waldthausen-Stlftung, Essen 07996 The Walker Endowment Fund, Bolton 20270 John Walker Fabric Fund, York 20271 The Mary Eleanor Walker Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 20272 Claude Walker Heneage's Trust, Manchester 20273 The Walker Scholarship Fund, Shrewsbury 20274 The Peter Walker Trust, London 20275 Charles Wallace Burma Trust, London 20276 Charles Wallace India Trust, Richmond 20277 Fondation Wallach, Mulhouse 01295 Phyllis Wallbank Educational Trust, London 20278 Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, Stockholm 12327 von Wallenberg'sche Familienstiftung, Münsing 07998 Fondation Wallerstein, Ares 012% Wellington and Carshalton Round Table Charitable Trust, Wallington 20279 Mark Wallington Memorial Fund, Isleworth 20280 The Wallington Parish Hall Trust, Wallington 20281 Sofie Wallner-Stiftung, Erlangen 07999 Johanna Sofie Wallner'sche Blinden-und Stipendienstiftung, Nürnberg 08000 Walmsley Unitarian Chapel Trust, Borton 20282 Charlotte Walner-von Deuten Stiftung, Hamburg 08001 Robert Walser-Stiftung, Biel 13978 James Walsh Memorial Fund, Wolverhampton 20283 Ignaz Walter-Stiftung, Augsburg 08002 Fritz Walter-Stiftung, Kaiserslautem 08003 Elfriede und Hans Jürgen Walter-Stiftung für Tierschutz, Frankfurt am Main 08004 The D.L. Walters Prize Fund, Cardiff 20284 Nathan und Rosa Walter'sches Kinderheim Reckendorf, Reckendorf 08005 The Waltham Forest Childrens Holiday Fund, London 20285 Waltham Forest Handicapped Trust, Hemingford Abbots 20286 Waltham Forest Muslim Burial Trust, London 20287 Waltham Forest Noor Ul Islam Trust, London 20288 The Waltham Saint Lawrence Churches Trust, Waltham Saint Lawrence 20289 Waltham Saint Lawrence School Playing Field Trust, Waltham Saint Lawrence 20290 Walthamstow Fund, London 20291 Oscar WaitherKinderunterstützungsfonds, München 08006 Rudolf Walther-Stiftung, Gründau 08007 The Walton Cottage Education Trust, Hayes 20292 Walworth Garden Farm Trust, London 20293 Walwyn's Castle Relief in Sickness Fund, Broadhaven 20294 Walwyn's Castle Village Hall Fund, Haverfordwest 20295 Stiftung Walz Kinderhilfswerk, Bern 13979 Wamu Charitable Trust, Maidenhead 20296 Wandsworth Borough Council Trust Funds, London 20297 The Wandsworth Children's Fund, London 20298 Wandsworth Trust, London 20299 Wandsworth Youth River Trust, Lordon 20300 von Wangelin'sches Witwenstift, Aurich 08008 von Wangen helm von der Decken'sehe Familienstiftung, Stade 08009 von Wangen hei m-Wintersteln'sche Familienstiftung von 1841 zu Gotha, Bonn 08010 August Wankel-Stlftung, Fulda 08011
Wans beck Home Fund, Lordon 20301 Wanstead and Woodford Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, London 20302 Wanstead and Woodford Rotary Club Trust Fund, Fyfiekl 20303 The Wanstead High School Scholars' Aid Fund, London 20304 The Wantage Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 20305 The War Memorial 1916 Foundation, Leicester 20306 War Memorial Fund, Hull 20307 War on Want. London 20306 War Relief Fund, Corwen 20309 Emil Warburg-StWtung, Bayreuth 08012 Aby Warburg-Stlftung, Hamburg 08013 Fundación Mary Ward, Madrid 12269 Ward 34 (Newcastle General Hospital) Charitable Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 20310 Jesse Ward Endowment Fund, Tonbridge 20311 Maria Ward-Schulstlftung, Vilshofen 08014 The John Ward Trust, Wolverhampton 20312 John Ward's Educational Foundation, Gloucester 20313 Ward's Educational Foundation, Newport 20314 Ward's Foundation for Religious Instruction, Newport 20315 The Wargrave Heritage Trust, Wargrave 20316 Wargrave Parish Trust, Wargrave 20317 Warner and James Educational Foundation, Uandeilo 20318 The W.G. Warner Memorial Fund, Durham 20319 Wilhelm Wamer-Stiftung, Hamburg 08016 Heinrich Wamer-Stiftung, Hamburg 08017 The Warren Church Trust, Pembroke 20320 The Warren Non Educational Foundation Plymstock, Plymouth 20321 Warren Park Amenities Fund, Worcester Park 20322 Warren's Educational Foundation, Plymouth 20323 Peter Warschow-Sammelstiftung, Greifswald 08018 Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach, Eisenach 08019 Erwin-Warth-Stiftung, Stuttgart 08020 Warwick Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Warwick 20324 George Washington-Gedenkstiftung, München 08021 Wassenbergh-Clarijs-Fontelnstlchting, Grijpskerk 09624 Robert Watchorn Trust, Brackenfield 20325 The Water Conservation Trust, London 20326 Water Education Trust, London 20327 Water Hall Combined School Fund, Milton Keynes 20328 Waterfield Trust Fund, Dunstable 20329 Waterford School Trust, Redhill 20330 The Waterloo Loan Fund, Leeds 20331 The Waterloo Trust, London 20332 Waterlow Park Gift Fund, London 20333 Watermans Development Trust, Brentford 20334 Waterside Trust, Edinburgh 20335 The Sidney Watson Memorial Fund, London 20336 The Arthur Watson Travelling Scholarship Trust, Hull 20337 Ann Watson's Trust, Hull 20338 The Watts Heart Foundation, Wytam 20339 The Thomas Watts Palmer Trust, London 20340 The Wave Heritage Trust, London 20341 Elizabeth Ann Way Convalescent Fund, Uxbridge 20342 The Way of Ufe Educational Trust, Ipswich 20343 The Wayback Foundation, Plymouth 20344 Weald Middle School Fund, Harrow 20345 The Weald Trust, Pinner 20346 Weall's Educational Foundation, Windsor 20347 Emily Weaver Trust Fund, Bridgend 20348 Weavers Community Trust, London 20349 Weavers' Company Textile Education Fund, London 20350 William Webb Ellis's Educational Foundation, London 20351 Francis Webb Trust (Bristol Savages), London 20352 Fondation Franz Weber, Montreux 13980 Stiftung Spielzeug-Museum Franz Carl Weber, Zürich 13981 Weber-Pròseher-Stlftung, Schotten 08022
386 Georg und Ruth Weber-Stiftung, Ellwangen 08023 Rolf Weber-Stiftung, München 08024 Evelyn-Weber-Stiftung, Rieth 08025 Maria· und Reinhold Weber Stiftung, Stuttgart 08026 Webe r-TtetJens-Gedächtn is-Stiftu ng, Hamburg 08027 Webefsche Stiftung, Schönau 08028 Webster Educational Foundation, Bakewell 20353 Wechterswlnkler-Pfarreien- und Schulenstiftung, Würzburg 08029 Wecfnrtierllnlanum-Sttftung, Stuttgart 08030 The Margaret Weddell Memorial Fund, Manchester 20354 Weddigan-Stiftung, Wuppertal 08031 Stiftung der Familie Wedekind zur Horst, Leichlingen 08032 Stiftung Sammlung Wedells, Hamburg 08033 Wedgwood School Trust Fund, Bradford 20355 The George Weeks Trust Fund, Bromley ¿0356 Peter Weflng Stiftung, Bremen 08034 Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, Berlin 08035 Margarete Wehling-Stiftung, Bielefeld 06036 Albert, Maria und Luise Wehr-Stiftung, Kempten 08037 Werner WehriKFonds, Lenzburg 13982 Herbert und Elsbeth Welchmann-StHtung, Hamburg 08038 Stiftung Dr, med. Walter und Louise Weidemann, Lübeck 08039 Weldener Lehrer-Stiftung, Weiden 08040 Georg-Friedrich Welder" sc hes Legat, Jeßnitz 08041 WeldmOller-Stiftung, Detmold 08042 Dr. Weidner-Golletti-Stlftung Heidelberg, Schriesheim 08043 Hermine Weldner-Nachlaft-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main 08044 K.L. Welgand'sche Stiftung, München 08045 Welhenstephaner JublliumsstHtung 1905 und Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung, Freising 08046 Wel|enberch-Gorter-Slniastichting, Leeuwarden 09625 Michel Well-Stiftung, Luzem 13983 Paul-Welland-Stlftung Entwicklungshilfe Wr die Wirtschaft, Hoyerswerda 08047 Fondation Alexandre et Julie Weill, Paris 01297 Dr. Paul und Cilli Weill-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08048 Fondation P.L. Weiller, Ares 01298 Fondation Paul Louis Weiller, Geneve 13984 Stiftung Rolf und Margit Weinberg, Baden 13985 Sigmund Weinberger-Stiftung für Augenkranke und Blinde, Wten 00178 Georg Welnblum-Sttftung, Hamburg 08049 Geschwister Welnert-Stfftung, Coburg 06050 Friedrich Weinhagen Stiftung, Hildesheim 0605 í Weinmann-Stiftung, Lossburg 08052 Welnschùtz-Stlftung, Speyer 08053 Benjamin Welr Trust, London 20357 Weirich-Daubenfeld-Stlftung, Thalfang 08054 Herbert Welsenburger-Stlftung, Rastatt 08055 Kail Welser-Stiftung, Salzburg 00179 Albert Welsgerber-Stlftung, Sankt Ingbert 06056 Frauke Welskam- und Christel Ruranskl-Sttftung, Essen 08057 Georg und Maria Weiskopf-Stiftung, München 08058 Heinrich und Mathilde WeIß-StHtung, Mannheim 08059 Marie Weißenbom'sche Stiftung, Mühlhausen 08060 WeiBenburger Kinderstiftung Volksbank WeiBenburg, Weißenburg 06067 Margaretha Welseer-Stiftung, Wien 00180 WeiBstorchstiftung Minden-Lübbecke, Minden 08062 Lutz-Weltmann-Stiftung, Stuttgart 08063 Marianne von Weizsäcker Fonds, Hamm 08064 The Joy Welch Educational Charitable Trust, York 20358 Weld Chapel Trust Fund, London 20359 Welker-Stlftung, Duisburg 08065 Mechthild und Günter Welker-Stlftung, Vechta 06066 WellBeing, London 20360 Wellcome Trust, London 20361 Wilhelm Weller-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 08067 Wellhöfer-Felgel-Helndel-Stiftung In Erlangen, Erlangen 08068 Fundación Wellington, Madrid 12270 Wellington College Walworth Fund, London 20362
Wellington Crowthome Charitable Trust, London 20363 The Irene Wellington Educational Trust, Frame 20364 Wellmann-Ooerr-Stiftung, Lübeck 08069 Wells and Campden and Stock Educational Foundation, London 20365 The George Wells Educational Foundation, Milton Keynes 20366 Elizabeth Wells' Fund for the Joseph Watson Ayre, London 20367 G.H. Wells Ickwell Village Hall Trust. Biggleswade 20368 Margarete-Wetech-Sttftung, Biedenkopf 06070 Nachlaß Augusta Weiser, München 08071 The Welsh Bakers Trust Fund, Cardiff 20369 The Welsh Broadcasting Trust, Cardiff 20370 Welsh Practice Nurses Association Trust Fund, Vale of Glamorgan 20371 The Welsteed Charitable Fund, Croydon 20372 Welstead Club and Social Work Fund, Croydon 20373 Heinrich Welti-Stlftung, Zürich 13986 Weltl-Stiftung für das Drama, Arnberg 13987 Weltkugel-Stiftung, Berlin 06072 Wefton School Trust, Carlisle 20374 The Wembley Educational Foundation, Wembley 20375 The Wembley History Society Trust, London 20376 The Wembley Samaritan Fund, Wembley 20377 Albert und Margarete Wendt-GedichtnlsStiftung, Hamburg 08073 Hans Wendt-Stlftung, Bremen 06074 Domprobst Wenger und Bischof Friedrich II. Graf von Zollemsche Distriktspitalstiftung, Sonthofen 08075 Käthe und Wilhelm Wengler-Stiftung, Essen 08076 Irma Wenke-Stiftung, München 08077 Stiftelsen Wenner-Gren, Stockholm 12328 Gertrude Wanninger Prizes Fund, Matlock 20378 Hermann und Elise geb. Heckmann Wentzel-Stlftung, Berlin 08078 Anna Wenz-Bethanlen-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06079 Vermächtnis Caroline Wenzel-Stiftung, Bonn 08080 Prof. Werdelmann-Stlftung, Essen 08081 Professor J. Werder-Stiftung, Bern 13988 Dr. Jakob Otto und Martha Louise WerdmQller-Sttftung, Zürich 13989 Wereld Natuur Fonds, Zeist 09626 Gedächtnisstiftung Dr. Peter H. Werhahn junior, Essen 08082 The Werner Charitable Trust, London 20379 Gertrud Werner Stiftung, Bremen 08083 Gustav Werner Stiftung zum Bruderhaus Reutlingen, Reutlingen 08084 Dr. Wemer'sche Spitaistiftung Acholshausen, Gaukönigshofen 08085 Wernher Foundation, London 20380 Lady Zia Wernher School Fund, Luton 20381 Dr. phil. Walter Wernick aus Danzig Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08086 Robert WemIHiarles-Stiftung, Bern 13990 Wesertal Umweltstiftung, Hameln 08087 Familie Wespln-Stiftung, Mannheim 08088 Theodor Wessels-Stiftung, Köln 08089 von Wessenbergsche VermächtnisStiftung, Konstanz 08090 Wessex Medical Trust, Southampton 20382 The Wessex Neurological Centre Trust, Southampton 20383 West Berkshire Marriage Guidance Trust, Pangboume 20384 The West Bromwich Rotary Club Charitable Trust, Ledbury 20365 West Dene School Educational Trust, Purley 20386 West District Amenities Fund, Bolton 20367 The West Drayton and Ylewsley Aid in Sickness Trust, West Drayton 20388 West Ealing Trust, London 20389 West Hall School Mini Bus Fund, Wakefield 20390 West Ham Air Training Corps 336 Squadron Welfare Fund, London 20391 West Ham Evangelical Trust, London 20392 West Ham Magistrates' Court Poor Fund, London 20393 West Hill Housing Trust, Luton 20394 West Lodge Middle School Journey Fund, Pinner 20395 West Lodge Middle School Private Fund, Pinner 20396
The West London Hospital Medical Trust, Seaford 20397 West Looe Town Trust, West Looe 20398 West-Nordic Foundation, Reykjavik 08351 West Side Church Accommodation Trust, London 20399 West Sllverton Village Community Foundation, Dartford 20400 West Yorkshire (Leeds City) Police Benevolent Fund, Wakefield 20401 Westacre Infants School Fund, Wolverhampton 20402 Dagmar-Westberg-Stfftu r>g, Frankfurt am Main 08091 The Westbury Bursaries Fund, Croydon 20403 Westerauer-Stiftung, Lübeck 08092 Stiftung Westermann-Westdorp, Essen 08093 Western Food Science and Technology Educational Trust Fund, Carmarthen 20404 Western Sa moan Appeal Fund, London 20405 Wester"sehe Kranken- und Waisenhausstiftung, Betzdorf 08094 Westfälische Diakonenanstalt Nazareth Im Verbund der von Bodeischwlnghschen Anstalten Bethel, Bielefeld 08095 Westfälische Diakonissenanstalt Sarepta Im Verbund der von Bodeischwlnghschen Anstalten Bethel, Bielefeld 08096 WestfleW Infants School Fund (Yode), York 20406 Westfleid Trust, London 20407 Dr. Wilhelm Westhaus-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 08097 Maria Westhoff-Stlftung, Oberhausen 08098 Die WestHyp-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kultur und Wissenschaft, Dortmund 08099 The Mavis Westlake Cancer and Hospital Equipment Fund, Chesterfield 20408 WestLB-Stiftung Zukunft NRW, Düsseldorf 08100 Westminster Abbey Choir School Music Fund, London 20409 The Westminster Abbey Trust, London 20410 Westminster and Chelsea District Nursing Trust, London 20411 Westminster Cathedral 1995 Centenary Trust, London 20412 Westminster Catholic Choristers Trust, London 20413 The Westminster Chamber of Commerce Trust for Education and Research, London 20414 The Westminster Charitable Trust for Soviet Jewry, London 20415 The Westminster City School General Charitable Trust, London 20416 The Westminster Ecclesiastical Education Fund, London 20417 Westminster Foundation for Democracy, London 20418 The Westminster Medical School Oncology Trust, London 20419 Westminster Presbyterian Trust, Stockton-on-Tees 20420 Westminster Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust, London 20421 The Westminster School 1981 Appeal Fund, London 20422 Westminster School Scholarship and Bursary Fund, London 20423 The Westminster Spiritual Aid Fund, London 20424 The Westminster Technical Fund, London 20425 Westminster Tree and Preservation Trust, London 20426 The Westmount Theatre Trust, London 20427 Garfield Weston Foundation, London 20428 Harry Weston Memorial Fund, Coventry 20429 Hans und Elfriede Westphal-Stlftung, Pattensen 08f0í Daniela und Jürgen Westphal-Stlftung zur Förderung privater Universitäten, Hamburg 08102 WestphaMJmwelt-Stiftung, Osnabrück 08103 Weststiftung für Pathologie und Laboratoriumsmedizin, Frauenfeld 13991 Wetherall's Trust, London 20430 Wetken'sche Schulstiftung, Hamburg 08104 The Wettern Tree Garden Trust, Croydon 20431 Ingeborg Wetzels-Stlftung, Krefeld 08105 Stiftung Dr. Johann-Gottfried Wetzstein, Berlin 08106 Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Weve Stichtlng, Heerlen 09627 Wexford Heritage Trust, Wexford 08397 The Wexham and Heatherwood Heart Trust, High Wycombe 20432
387 Ulrich Weyel-Stiftung, Gießen 08107 August und Thekla W e y g a n g - S t i f t u n g Öhringen 08108 Wharrle Cabmen's Shelter Fund, London 10433 The Wheen Charitable Trust, Beckenham 20434 Whetenhall Trust, London 20435 The Robert Whipple Trust, London 20436 Whlpsnade Tree Cathedral Fund, Dunstable 2Û437 The Whlrlow Grange Trust (Sheffield), Sheffield 20438 Fondazione G. Whitaker, Marsala 08966 Samuel Whltbread Community College Fund, Shefford 20439 The Oliver Whitby Educational Foundation, Selsey 20440 The Whitchurch Hospital Minibus Fund Committee, Cardiff 20441 The Julie White Fund, Leighton Buzzard 20442 The White Gates Trust, Mold 20443 The White House Preparatory School Foundation, Wokingham 20444 Whlte-UgM-Foundatlon, Bisikon 0759 Fundación Biblioteca de Alcudia, Alcudia 10792 Fundación Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo 10793 Fundación Biblioteca Figueras, Barcelona 10794 Fundación Biblioteca Puig de Pi, PiBellver de Cerdanya 10795 Fundación Esteyco, Madrid 11098 Fundación Mirabell, Cuacos-Yuste 11370 Fundación para el Apoyo de la Cultura, Madrid 11433 Fundación para el Desarrollo de tas Bibliotecas. Madrid 11438 Fundación Roger Garaudy, Córdoba 11713 Fundación Isla Couto, Vigo 11792 Fundación Francisco Uopis Latorre, Liria 11849 Fundación Antonio Maura, Madrid 11902 Fundación Mauri, La Garriga 11903 Fundación Angel Morán, Méntrida 11932 Fundación Olóriz, Valencia 11965 Fundación Paideia, A Coruna 11980 Fundación Penzol, Vigo 12001 Fundació Biblioteca Josep Pía, Palafrugell 12019 Fundación José Valor Amorós, Bañeres 12229 Fundación Cornelius Vanderbitt Whitney, Trujillo 12230
Switzerland Biliothèque pour Tous, Fondation Suisse, Lausanne 12412 Fondation Georges Iskandar Hazboun, Genève 12903 Stiftung Bibliothek Prof. Dr. Werner Oechslin, Einsiedeln 13087 Schweizerische Volksbibliothek, Solothum 13289 Stiftung Biblio-Suisse, Bern 13401 Stiftung Bibliothek Beatenberg, Waldegg 13403 Stiftung Bündner VolksbibJiothek, Chur 13413 Stiftung Faksimile Verlag Luzem, Luzem 13459 Stiftung Studienbibliothek zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, Zürich 13827
United Kingdom Katharine Adand Fund, London 14070 All Saints Educational Trust, London 14157
447 John Armstrong Memorial Fund, London 14262 Aylesbury Toy Library Trust, London 14337 Lawrence Joseph Ball Memorial Fund, Exeter 14365 Blaina Reading Institute and Library Charity Fund, Blaina 14613 The Bumey Fund, Manchester 14840 Chance Memorial Library Fund, Carlisle 15042 The Cobtree Charity Trust, Maidstone 15273 Conflict Education and Library Trust, London 15334 Percy Copeland Morris Fund, London, 15352 The Margaret Curtis Prize and Library Fund, Windsor 15456 East European Information Share Trust, Nottingham 15704 Emmanuel Mall Trust, Milton Keynes 15799 Eric and Salome Estorick Foundation, London 15830 The Exeter University Foundation, Exeter 15870 Faraday Memorial Fund, London 15894 Foundation for Al-Quds University Medical School, London 15990 Adrian Gunn Memorial Fund, Lincoln 16289 Robert Heaton Memorial Fund, Warwick 16484 The Holcenberg Foundation Trust Fund, Exeter 16582 The Hulme Hall Trust Foundation, Stockport 16695 Indersen Jasodadevi Charitable Trust, Bridgend 16936 Jefferson Memorial Trust, Manchester 16941 The Jews Court Trust, Lincoln 16963 Thomas John Jones Trust Fund, Cwmbran 17007 The Marton Library Fund, Manchester 17600 Over Trust (Hayes), Uxbridge 18199 N.G. Paspati's Trust for the Coray Library, Bristol 18263 Share of Thomas Pattinson's Foundation, Carlisle 18270 The Portico Library Trust, Stockport 18439 Mary Richmond Trust, Beverley 18658 Saint Monica's School Library Fund, London 19376 The Roy Salter Memorial Fund, Bilston 19447 John Seller Educational Foundation, Christteton 19523 The Sheldon Hutchinson Trust, York 19572 Rudolf Steiner Book Trust (Bristol), Bristol 19806 Rudolf Steiner Book Trust (London), London 19807 Or. Edward Vergette Memorial Fund, York 20226 The Mortimer Woolf Library Fund, London 20599 The Maik Wreford Memorial Fund, Ipswich 20637
Subject Index: Literature Stiftung für Europäische Sprach- und Bildungszentren gGmbH, Köln 06840 Stiftung Lesen, Mainz 07112 Sulzmann-Stiftung. Mainz 07614 Friedrich-Wingert-Stiftung, Hannover 08149 Antonie Wk>sok-Stiftung, Mainz 08182
Moldova The Panteleimon Halippa-Sfatul Parli Foundation, Chisinau 09024
Netherlands D/M Fonds, Amsterdam 09094 Stichting Hodler '68, Rotterdam 09159 International Translations Centre, Delft 09171 Lezen Stichting, Amsterdam 09202 Theo Quené Fonds, Amsterdam 09294
Portugal Fundaçâo Austronésia Borja da Costa, Lisboa 09702
Spain Fundación Joan Amengual i Percicás, Campanet 10050 Fundación Consuelo Berges, Madrid 10123 Fundación Tonino Coscarelli Olarra, Bilbao 10233 Fundación Ekintza, Donostia-San Sebastián 10279 Fundación Espinosa y Cortina, Madrid 10295 Fundación Esperanto Fernández Soler, Valencia 1031 θ Fundació Jaume I, Barcelona 10542 Fundación Actilibre, Madrid 10670 Fundación Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid Ï06Ô5 Fundación Anboto, Sestao 10700 Fundación Elorrio, Etorrio 11031 Fundación Grupo El Correo Español, Bilbao 11153 Fundación Instituto de Idiomas Modernos, Gasteiz 11274 Fundación Internacional Lengua Española, Madrid 11306 Fundación La Mata de Jone, Valencia 11324 Fundación Laboratorio de Idiomas Tarragona, Tarragona 11345 Fundación Oxford Centre, Valencia 11427 Fundación Pro Real Academia Espartóla, Madrid 11534 Fundación Real Academia Gallega, A Coruna 11558 Fundación Izaro, Bilbao 11796 Fundación Antonio de Nebrija, Hoyo de Manzanares 11951 Fundación José Ortega y Gasset, Madrid 11974 Fundación Pen20l, Vigo 12001 Fundación Rivadeneira, Madrid 12067 Fundación Duques de Soria, Soria 12160 Fundación Joaquín Torens Ibem, Barcelona 12188
Linguistics Austria EF-Stiftung, Graz 00039 STS Feriensprachschule High School Foundation, Salzburg 00/68
Belgium Fondation Neuf, Bruxelles 00330 Fondation Charles Plisnier, Bruxelles 00487 Stichting Het Schootvak Nedertands, Beigem 00520
France Fondation Française d'Études Nordiques, Rouen 00951
Germany Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung, Essen 01308 Altsprachenstiftung am Friedrich-LudwigJahn-Gymnasium Greifswald, Greifswald 01417 Bagemlhl-Stiftung, Prenzlau 01524 Claussen-Simon-Stiftung, Essen 02065 Ferring-Stiftung, Alkersum 02624 Henning Kaufmann-Stiftung zur Förderung der deutschen Namenforschung auf sprachgeschichtlicher Grundtage, Essen 03905 Henning Kaufmann-Stiftung zur Pflege der Reinheit der deutschen Sprache, Essen 03906 Hans Lungwitz-Stiftung, Buxtehude 04590 Klaus-Rosenberg-Stiftung, Hamburg 05526 Stiftung Akademie für Gesprochenes Wort, Stuttgart 06400
Fundation Bakonyi pro Lingua Universal, Kriens 12376 Fondation Lusiade, Fribourg 13005 Fundaziun Retoromana Pader Rurin Maissen, Danis 13014 Stiftung für Angewandte Linguistik, Zürich 13482 Stiftung für Europäische Sprach- und Bildungscentren (Eurocentres), Zürich 13524 Stiftung für Orts· und FlurnamenForschung Baselland, Pratteln 13560
United Kingdom The Batebe of Toro Foundation, London 14438 A,R, Cope land Memorial Trust Fund, Norwich 15351 Dr. M. Aytwin Cotton Foundation, Saint Peter Port 15382 The Sali Davies Memorial Trust, Lampeter J5510 Friends of Gymnasia Realit Fund, London 16045 Barbara Hirst Memorial Prize Fund, London 16562 A.S. Hornby Educational Trust, Reading 16630 International House Educational Trust Ltd., London 16861 The Roger Lancetyn Green Memorial Tiust, Wirral 17172 Mathesius Foundation (United Kingdom), Eastbourne 17608 The Sylvia Morris Charitable Trust, Kendal 17815 The Pan Celtic Prize Fund, Caernarfon 18232 Philological Foundation, London 18355 Heniy Samman's Hull Chamber of Commerce Endowment, Hull 19452 Hugh Smith Memorial Fund, London 19649
John Speak Foundation Foreign Languages Scholarships, Bradford 19748 The D.L. Walters Prize Fund, Cardiff 20284
Literature Austria P.F. Caille Stiftung, Wien 00024 Emst und Rosa von DombrowskiStttung, Graz 00035 Theodor Kömer-Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wien 00079 Salzburger Literaturarchiv Stiftung, Salzburg 00128
Belgium Fondation Internationale Michel de Ghelderode, Bruxelles 00397 Fondation Charles Plisnier, Bruxelles 00487 Stichting Auteurs en Muzikanten, Eppegem 00514
Finland Svenska Kulturfonden, Helsinki
France Fondation Française d'Études Nordiques, Rouen 00951 Fondation pour le Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae, Paris 01032 Fondation Goethe, Strasbourg 01108 Académie Goncourt, Paris 01109 Fondation Saint-John Perse, Aix-enProvence 01251 Fondation Singer-Poiignac, Paris 01268 Fondation Jules Verne, Clairefontaine-enYvelines 01287
Germany Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung, Essen 01308 ADAMAS-Stiftung Götz HCibner für interkulturelle Studien am griechisch· deutschen und polnisch-deutschen Beispiel, Hattingen 01319 Autorenstiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01500 Bertelsmann Wissenschaftsstiftung, Gütersloh 01671 Antonie-Besler-Stiftung, Ludwigshafen 01679 BHF-Bank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01697 Horst Bienek-Stiftung, München 01703 Waldemar Bonsels-Stiftung, München 01800 Margret Boveri-Stiftung für Demokratieforschung, Würzburg 01816 Bremer Literaturstiftung, Bremen 01854 Dr. Broche-Stiftung Naumburg, Naumburg 01876 Stiftung Brückner-Kühner, Kassel 01895 Constantin Brunner-Stiftung, Göttingen 01904 Bürgerstiftung Berlin, Berlin 01953 Hermann-Claudius-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02061 Deutsche BöYinRä-Stiftung, Gießen 02174 Deutsche Schillerstiftung von 1859, Weimar 02205 Alfred Döblin-Preis, Berlin 02293 E.L-Familienstiftung zur Förderung von Literatur und Kunst, Hamburg 02370 Stefan George-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02916 Otto und Hildegard Grau-Kulturstiftung, Ansbach 03023 Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stiftung für Kunst und Kulturpflege, Frankfurg am Main 03122 Hamburger Literaturstiftung, Hamburg 03173 Gerhart Hauptmann-Stiftung, KtosterHiddensee 03246 Friedrich Hebbel-Stiftung, Kiel 03265 Günter Henie-Strftung, München 03366 Herzauge, Konstanz 03412 Hermann Hesse-Literaturpreisstiftung, Karlsruhe 03420 Calwer Hermann-Hesse-Stiftung, Calw 03421 Sondervermögen Friedrich-HöWerlin-Fonds Cläre Jannsen, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 03499 P. Watter Jacob-Stiftung, Hamburg 03721 Sondervermögen Friedrich-Hótóerlín-Fonds Cläre Jannsen, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 03735 Dr. Hans Kapfinger-Stiftung, Passau 03867 Ellis-Kaut-Stiftung, München 03909 Kester-Haeusler-Stiftung, Fürstenfeldbruck 03946 Goethe-Museum Anton und Katharina Kippenberg-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03988 Günter Klotz und Helena KlotzMakowiecki Stiftung, TuntenhausenHohenthann 04048
Kopietz-Sommerstiftung zur Leseförderung, Leun 04159 Kultur-Stiftung der Deutschen Bank, Frankfurt am Main 04280 Kultur- und Naturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Düren, Düren 04281 Kultur- und Umweltstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04286 Kulturstiftung Abtsgmünd, Abtsgmünd 04288 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse TeltowFläming, Luckenwalde 04300 Kutturstittung der Sparkasse Münster, Münster 04306 Kutturstiftung der Sparkasse OeldeEnnigerloh, Oelde 04308 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, Steinfurt 04311 Kulturstiftung der VR Leasing, Eschborn 04316 Kutturstiftung Hohenlohe, Künzelsau 04330 Kulturstiftung Oberberg der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04336 Kulturstiftung Spaiasse Moers, Moers 04344 Kutturstiftung Speyer, Speyer 04349 Kunst- und Kuttur-Stiftung der Sparkasse in Bremen, Bremen 04360 Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 04362 Kunststiftung der Stadtspaikasse Magdeburg, Magdeburg 04363 Heinrich-Maria Ledig-Rowohlt-Strftung, Hamburg 04443 Hermann Lenz-Stiftung, München 04468 Literatur-Archiv Oberschwaben, Biberach 04532 Literaturforschung in Ostwürttemberg, Heubach 04533 Literaturpreis der Stadt Bad Wurzach, Bad Wurzach 04534 Prof. Dr. Edmund Löffler-Stiftung, Kartstein am Main 04539 Lutherische Stiftung für theologische, missionarische und diakonische Aktivitäten, Dachau 04594 Jakob Moneta-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04840 Hugo Moser-Stiftung, Essen 04853 Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung, Hannover 05004 Nyland-Stittung, Köln 05045 Mori Ogai-Gedenkfonds, Berlin 05076 Büchemachlaß Prof. Dr. Pabst, Berlin 05128 Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung zur Förderung junger Künstler, Frankfurt am Main 05261 Preller-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05288 Herbert A. Rothmayer-Stiftung, Stephanskirchen 05547 Sankt Augustinus-Studienstiftung Kevelaer, Neuss 05634 Amo Schmidt-Stiftung, Eldingen-Bargfeld 05889 Rudolf-Alexander Schröder-Stiftung, Bremen 05967 Friedrich-Schubel-Stiftung, Tübingen 05975 Anna Seghers-Stiftung, Berlin 06067 Spaikassenstiftung Tauberfranken, Tauberbischofsheim 06244 Siegward Sprotte-Stiftung, Bonn 06314 Stiftung Bördesparkasse Oschersleben, Oschersleben 06489 Stiftung Buch-, Medien- und Literaturhaus München, München 06499 Stiftung Centre Culturel Francais de Kiel, Kiel 065/6 Stiftung der Kreis-Sparkasse Northeim, Northeim 06561 Stiftung der Kreissparitasse TorgauOschatz, Oschatz 06591 Stiftung der Norddeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale und der Öffentlichen Versicherungen für Braunschweig, Braunschweig 06604 Stiftung der Spaikasse Vogtland, Plauen 06654 Stiftung Forum Kultur, Hannover 06794 Stiftung Frauen-Literatur-Forschung e.V., Bremen 06796 Stiftung Gralsbotschaft, Stuttgart 06902 Stiftung Grimmeishausenarchiv, Renchen 06903 Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung, Berlin 07214 Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, Weimar 07388 Stiftung zur Förderung der Literatur in der Pfalz, Deidesheim 07461 Hermann Sudermann-Stiftung, Königswinter 07609 Thomas-Stiftung, Kempen 07669 Irene Thordsen-Stiftung für die TheodorStomvGeseUschaft, Hamburg 07671 Kurt Tucholsky-Stiftung, Hamburg 07727 Eugen Viehof-Stiftung, Weimar 07884 Virgil-Stiftung Schemfeld, Dollnstein 07896 Annalisa Wagner-Stiftung, Neubrandenburg 07957 Ben Witter-Stiftung, Hamburg 08176 Antonie Wtosok-Stiftung, Mainz 08182 Maria Wolters-Stiftung, Hamburg 08219
Gotwin Zenker-Stiftung für philatelistische Literatur, Weilheim 08267 Leopold Ziegler-Stifturg, Oberried 08280
Italy Fondazione Elvira Badaracco, Milano 08414 Fondazione Emesta Besso, Roma 08438 Fondazione Premio Mario Bianconi, Bologna 08443 Fondazione Alberto Coionnetti, Torino 08496 Fondazione Primo Conti, Fiesole 08499 Fondazione II Campiello, Venezia 08641 Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, Firenze 08762 Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, Napoli 08793 Fondazione Cario Levi, Roma 08808 Fondazione Ippolito Nievo, Roma 08864 Fondazione Mario Novara, Genova 08866 Fondo Pier Paolo Pasolini, Roma 08876 Fondazione Piero Pinardi, Roma 08887 Fondazione Giuseppe Primoli, Roma 08892 Fondazione Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello, Perugia 08900 Fondazione Leonardo Sciascia, Racalmuto 08930 Fondazione Rosetta Silvestri Baffi, Triggiano 08941 Fondazione Istituto Storico Sardo Giuseppe Siotto, Cagliari 08942
Moldova The Creative Youth Foundation, Chisinau 09001 The International Social Foundation Ever Living Pushkin, Chisinau 09026 The Writer's Literary Fund of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau 09031
Netherlands Stichting Willem Kloos Fonds, Den Haag 09187 Nederiands Literair Produktie- en Vertalingenfonds, Amsterdam 09235 Ludo Pieters Gastschrijverfonds, Amsterdam 09271 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdam 09276 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09277 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Drenthe, Assen 09278 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Flevolard, Lelystad 09279 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Fryslär, Leeuwarden 09280 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Gelderland, Amhem 09281 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Groningen, Groningen 09282 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg, Maastricht 09283 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds NoordBrabant, 's-Hertogenbosch 09284 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds NoordHolland, Haartem 09285 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Overijssel, Raalte 09286 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09287 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds 'sGravenhage, Den Haag 09288 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Utrecht, Utrecht 09289 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zeeland, Middelburg 09290 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zuid-Holland, Den Haag 09291 Stichting Fonds voor de Letteren, Amsterdam 09399 Stichting Het Parnassus Fonds, Utrecht 09419 Stichting Lira Fonds, Amsteiveen 09445 Stichting Prins Bernhard Fonds, Amsterdam 09479
Portugal Fundaçâo Eugénio de Andrade, Porto 09686 Fundaçâo Aquilino Rlbeiro - Casa Museu-Biblioteca, Moimenta da Beira 09690 Fundaçâo Casa da Cultura da Lingua Portuguesa, Porto 09757 Fundaçâo Lusíada, Lisboa 09796
Russia Fond njsskoj poézii, Sankt Peteiturg 09973
Spain Fundación Consuelo Berges, Madrid 10123 Fundación José Antonio Cremades, Jijona 10241 Fundación Patronato Casa-Museo Curros Enriquez, Celanova 10247 Fundación Dávalos-Fletcher, Castellón de la Plana 10251
Subject Index: Literature
Fundación Espinosa y Cortina, Madrid 10295 Fundación Premio Fastenrath, Madrid 10312 Funúació J.V. Foix, Barcelona 10341 Fundació Centre de Lectura de Reus, Reus 10425 Fundación Actilibre, Madrid 10670 Fundación ANESVAD, Bilbao 10702 Fundación Círculo de Lectores, Barcelona 10899 Fundación ESABE, Madrid 11050 Fundación Ideas e Investigaciones Históricas, Madrid 11248 Fundación MAPFRE Vida, Madrid 11360 Fundación Nacional de Arte Lírico, Madrid 11383 Fundación Otras Vanguardias, Madrid 11426 Fundación Pirineos, Madrid 11515 Fundación Pro Cultura Literaria, Madrid 11531 Fundación Pro Real Academia Española, Madrid 11534 Fundación Real Academia Gallega, A Coruña 11553 Fundación Tabacalera, Madrid 11650 Fundación Valparaíso, Mojácar Playa 11689 Fundación Tomás García García para el Desarrollo Económico de Alora, Málaga 11721 Fundación Jorge Guillén, Valladolid 11767 Fundación Loewe, Madrid 11857 Fundación Juan March, Madrid 11876 Fundación Mauri, La Garriga 11903 Fundación Dolores Medio, Oviedo 11908 Fundación Monteleón, León 11926 Fundación Juan Morera Vilella, Donostia· San Sebastián 11934 Fundación Patronato-Museo Emilia Pardo Bazán, A Coruña 11984 Fundación do Patronato do Pedrón de Ouro, Santiago de Compostela 11995 Fundación Penzol, Vigo 12001 Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, Madrid 12111 Fundación Institución Cultural Simancas, Valladolid 12150 Fundación Duques de Soria, Soria 12160 Fundación Trocen iz-Santacoloma, Portugalete 12204 Fundación Vaccea, Salamanca 12217 Fundación Xavier Zubiri, Madrid 12281
The Anglesey (Royal National Eisteddfod 1957) Fund, Ynys Mon 14218 The Argentine Club Educational Trust, London 14254 Artsite Trust, London 14275 The Batebe of Toro Foundation, London 14438 Blairta Reading Institute and Library Charity Fund, Blaina 14613 The Calder Educational Trust, London 14881 The Sali Davies Memorial Trust, Lampeter 15510 Feed the Minds, Quildford 15912 The Fishnet Trust, Prestatyn 15954 Tony Godwin Memorial Trust, London 16176 Hindu Cultural Trust, Hounsiow 16559 International Exchange Educational Foundation, London 16859 International PEN Foundation, London 16865 The Iverdean Trust, Exeter 16909 The King of Hearts Trust, Norwich 17064 Lyric Theatre Trust (Carmarthen) Ltd., Carmarthen 17503 The John McBrien Memorial Fund, Holywell 17510 Mathesius Foundation (United Kingdom), Eastbourne 17608 MiKon Cottage Trust, Chalfont Saint Giles 17738 Morpeth District Arts Trust, Morpeth 17811 Gilbert Murray Trust, London 17848 Newcastle Literacy Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne 17947 Philological Foundation, London 18355 The Prince Philip Trust Fund, Windsor 18462 The Royal Albert Institute Fund, Windsor 19017 The Royal Literary Fund, London 19072 Hugh Smith Memorial Fund, London 19649 The Thompson Educational Trust, London 20006 The D.L. Walters Prize Fund, Cardiff 20284 Writers and Scholars Educational Trust, London 20650
Machine engineering
Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm
Switzerland Hans Urs von Balthasar-Stiftung, Solothum 12380 Martin Bodmer-Stiftung fur einen Gottfried Keller-Preis, Zürich 12426 Fondation Littéraire Régis de Courten, Villars-sur-Gláne 12483 Max und Clara Daetwyler-Stiftung, Zumikon 12487 Marianne und Curt Dienemann-Stiftung, Luzem 12504 Friedrich Dürrenmatt-Stiftung, Zurich 12512 Paul und Renée Eisen-Picard Stiftung, Basel 12532 Fondation Littéraire et Culturelle Polonaise, Fribourg 12624 Fondation pour le Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae, Basel 12647 Heimann Hesse-Stiftung, Bern 12824 Hoesli-Wäch Stiftung, Habsburg 12842 Ludwig Hohl-Stiftung, Zürich 12843 Zürcher James-Joyce-Stiftung, Zürich 12926 Fondation Janusz Korczak, Genève 12971 Fondation Koscielski, Renens 12972 Conrad Ferdinand Meyer-Stiftung, Zürich 13046 Fondation Pierre et Louise Meylan, Lausanne 13047 Peter Mieg-Stiftung, Lenzburg 13049 Fondation C.F. Ramuz, Pully 13138 Salzburger-Stiftung, Luzem 13179 Schweizerische Schiller-Stiftung, Amberg 13242 Schweizerisches Institut in Rom, Bern 13297 Schweizerisches Jugendschrrftenwertc, Zürich 13298 Carl Seelig-Sliftung, Kaltenbach 13304 Fondation Max van Berchem, Genève Í3963 Fondation Charles Veillon, Bussigny-prèsLausanne 13965 Robert Walser-Stiftung, Biel 13978 Welti-Stiftung für das Drama, Amberg 13987 Stiftung Hans Beat Wieland, Gattikon 13997
United Kingdom Aid to the Church in Need (United Kingdom), Sutton 14110
Rickers-Kock-Stiftung, Berlin 05447 Stiftung fur dynamische Materialprüfung, Ulm 06837 Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Bremen 06986
Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Spain Fundació per al Foment i Control de la Qualltat, Barcelona 10584
Switzerland Stiftung für angewandte Forschung im Betonbau, Wildegg 13481
Mathematics Germany Walter und Eva Andrejewski-Strftung, Essen 01430 Dr. Hermann AnschCitz-Kaempfe-Stiftung, München 01434 Wilhelm Blaschke-Gedáchtnis-Stiftung, Harburg 0/735 Otto und Edith Haupt-Stiftung, Erlangen 03244 Emst A.C. Länge-Stiftung, Bremen 04407 Müller-Rertz-Stiftung, Essen 04876 Stiftung Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, Bonn 06515 Stipendienstiftung Physik und Mathematik, Essen 07542 Heinrich und Erna Vondra-Stiftung, Ingolstadt 07934 Eva Wolzendorf Fonds, Berlin 08221
Italy Fondazione Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata, Firenze 06566 Fondazione Istituto Interscambio Scientìfico, Torino 0565? Fondazione Francesco Severi, Arezzo 08935
Vatican City
Fondazione Latinitas, Città del Vaticano 20741
Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Germany Edmund-Bradatsch-Stiftung, Weiden 01817 Bernhard Endres'sche Stiftung, Ansbach 02450 Or. Artur-Fischer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02656 Henry Ford ll-Studlenpreis, Essen 02700 Dr. Rainold Hagen Stiftung, Bonn 03132 Hans Lenze-Stiftung Aerzen, Hameln 04470 Carl von Linde-Stiftung an der Technischen Universität München, Höllriegelskreuth 04510 Loschge-Studienstiftung, München 04562 Wilhelm Müller-Stiftung, Osnabrück 04893 Eugen Ostertag-Stiftung, Laichingen 05114 ProWood Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05330 Herbert-Rehn-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05396 Walter Reiners-Stiftung des Deutschen Textilmaschinenbaues, Frankfurt am Main 05411 Rickers-Kock-Stiftung, Berlin 05447 Stiftung Applikations- und Technikzentrum für Energieverfahrens-, Umweit- und Strömungstechnik, Sulzbach-Rosenberg 06436 Stiftung der Braunschweigischen Maschinenbauanstalt, Braunschweig 06540 Stiftung für die Ingenieurausbildung der Fachbereiche Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik der Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Bielefeld 06830
Norway Jan son Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
United Kingdom Leia Educational Trust, London
Materials science Germany C. Bach-Stiftung der Materialprüfungsanstalt der Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart 01510 Dyckerhoff-Stiftung, Essen 02367 Gips-Schüle-Stiftung, Stuttgart 0295$
Sweden Anna-Greta och Holger Crafoords Fond, Stockholm 12288 Makama Mittag-Lefflers Matematiska Stiftelse, Djursholm 12304
Medical engineering
Stiftung Hans Bausch Mediapreis des Südwestrundfunks Stuttgart, Stuttgart 01581 Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh 01670 Hans Bredow-Institut für Medienfoischung an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 01843 Hans Dürrmeier-Stipendium, München 02357 Eckenroth-Stiftung für Medienkultur, Eckenroth 02385 Karl Gerold-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02929 Kirch-Stiftung, München 03991 Pressestiftung RWV, gemeinnützige GmbH, Essen 05290 Pressestiftung Tagesspiegel, gemeinnützige GmbH, Berlin 0529/ Eduard-Rhein-Stiftung, Mayen 05438 Holger Schinmacher-Stiftung, Hamburg 05838 SK Stiftung Jugend und Wirtschaft, Köln 06145 Stiftung Buch-, Medien- und Uteraturhaus München, München 06499 Stiftung der Sparkasse Detmold, Detmold 06623 Stiftung Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv Frankfurt a.M.-Beriin, Frankfurt am Main 06734 Stiftung Presse-Grosso, Karlsruhe 07210 Stiftung Prix Jeunesse, München 07216 Stiftung Schule für Rundfunktechnik, Nürnberg 07283 Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Kartsruhe, Karlsruhe 0S273
MEDIACULT, Wien 00100
Belgium King Baudouin Foundation, Bruxelles 00442
Bosnia and Herzegovina Open Society Fund-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 00576
Netherlands Third Horizon Foundation, Nieuwersluis 09555
Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Poland Central and Eastern European Media Centre Foundation, Warszawa 09657
Fundación Centro de Prensa de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 10869 Fundación Radio Popular, Madrid
Switzerland Fondation du Journal Le Fourrier Suisse, Epalinges 12584 Fondation du Musée National Suisse de l'Audiovisuel, Montreux 12587 Gaia Media Stiftung, Basel 12754 Media Action International, Versoix 13030 Schweizerische Kulturstiftung für Audiovision, Zürich 13238 Stiftung Christliches Femsehen, Wangen J3424 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Zeitungsverleger-Verbandes zur Sicherung des schweizerischen Pressewesens, Zürich 13442 Stiftung für eine evangelische Radiomission, Dachsen 13519 Stiftung Intermedia, Bern 13640 Stiftung Regionalfemsehen Zentralschweiz, Zug 13767 Zeilungsfonds DER FOURIER, Zürich 14011 Zürcher Radio-Stiftung, Zürich 14014
United Kingdom
Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation, Sofia 00580
Aid to the Church in Need (United Kingdom), Sutton 14110 Angel Christian Television Trust, Gateshead 14215 BBC Marshall Plan of the Mind Trust, London 14458 The Bute Street Arts and Media Trust, Luton 14857 Covenant Players United Kingdom Trust, Rusbden 15309 The Educational Broadcasting Services Trust, London 15747 The Newspaper Fund, Denbigh 17983 NFTS Foundation, BeaconsfieW 17993 Reuters Foundation, London 18630 Television Trust for the Environment, London 19957 Thomson Foundation, Cardiff 20007
Croatia Open Society Institute-Croatia, Zagreb 00590
Denmark The Beriingske Foundation, Kebenhavn 00613 The Jutland Post Foundation, Viby 00648
Estonia Eesti Meediakolledzi Fond, Tallinn 00678
International Conversion Foundation, Moskva 09986
Fundación Carlos García Monzón, Cádiz 11724 Fundación García Muñoz, Valencia ÍÍ725 Fundación Mendiela Canals, Zaragoza 11911
Fondazione Α. M. Ostrowski per un Premio Intemazionale di Alta Matematica, Basel 13095
Dr. Hans und Dr. Elisabeth Birkner Stiftung, Nürnberg 01720 Deutsche Stiftung Lebendspende, Hamburg 02217 Roland Emst-Stiftung für Gesundheitswesen, Dresden 02475 Agnes Gräte-Stiftung, Hamburg 03016 Stiftung Familie Klee, Frankfurt am Main 04075 Dr. med. Curt Moeller-Gedâchtnisstiftung zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit auf medizinisch-technischem Gebiet, Hamburg 04817 Dr. Reisinger-Stiftungslonds, München 05418 Gustav und Catharina Schürfeld-Stiftung, Hamburg 05997 Stiftung Canter of Advanced European Studies and Research, Bonn 065Í5 Stiftung für Lasertechnologien in der Medizin und Meßtechnik an der Universität Ulm, Ulm 06866 Richard und Annemarie Wolf-Stiftung, KnitUingen 08206 Herbert-Worch-Stiftung, Bonn 08223
Fondazione di Demodossalogia di Santa Tornita Perini-Bembo, Venezia-Mestre 08880
Open Society Foundation-Bucharest, Bucuresti 09946
The Dill Faulkes Educational Trust Ltd., London 15591 W. Lewis Jones Mathematics Trust, Neath 17279 The Mathematical Education Trust, Crewe 17606 New Mathematics Prize Fund, Romford 17929 John Hugh Salmon Prize Fund, Swansea 19445
United Kingdom
Belgium World Animal Handicap Foundation, Bruxelles 00571
United Kingdom The Barmouth Surgery Equipment Fund, Barmouth 14399 J.W. Cell Saver Fund. Merthyr Tydfil 15010 Chichester Ambulance Cardiac Equipment Fund, Chichester 15114 Childrens Appeal Fund for Equipment, Newport 15127 Roaid Dahl Foundation, Great Missenden 154π The Everest Memorial Trust, Chipping Norton 15850 The Pat Flee! Memorial Fund, Cambridge 15963 Goring and Wood cote Medical Equipment Fund, Goring-on-Thames 16193 Grange Road Surgery Patients' Fund, Bristol 16206 The Ray Hudd Memorial Fund, Maidstone 16669 Catherine Mary Hughes Trust for Pias Hafan, Caernarfon 16678 Catherine Mary Hughes Trust for PlasY-Don, Caernarfon 16679 The Matliwala Family Charitable Trust, Preston 17610 Princess of Wales Hospital Scanner Fund, Bridgend 18470 Romanian Crestin Trust, Rayleigh 18716 Sherrington Third World Trust, Birmingham 19585 The Ken Thomas Body Scanner Appeal Fund, Andover 19996 The Mavis Westlake Cancer and Hospital Equipment Fund, Chesterfield 20408 Wirksworth Mediquip Trust, Matlock 20545
Medicine Austria American-Austrian Foundation, Salzburg 00010 Austria-African Medicai and Research Foundation, Salzburg 00013 Heinrich Graf Hardegg'sche Stipendienstiftung für Doktoren, Wien 00059 Hochschulstipenden-Stiftung für Hörer der Medizin an der Wiener Universität, Wien 00062 Dr. Robert Kunitzer-Stípendienstiftung fur Hörer der Medizin an der Universität in Wien, Wien 00084 Dr. Sigmund Lustgarten-Stipendienstlftung für Hörer der Medizin an der Universität Wien, Wien 00092 Erzbischof Ladislaus von Pyricer und Erzherzog Albrecht-Gasteiner Badestiftung, Bad Hofgastein 00119 Stipendienstiftung Atoert Schweitzer, Wien 00138
449 Belgium Fondation Docteur Albert Dubois, Bruxelles 00250 Fondation Médicale de l'Université Catholique de Louvain en Afrique Centrale, Bruxelles 00317 Fondation Médicale d'Ottignies-LouvaiivIaNeuve pour le Tiers-Monde, Bruxelles 00318 Fondation Médicale Reine Elisabeth, Bruxelles 00319 Fondation Mont-Godinne, Yvoir 00323 Fondation pour l'Art, la Culture et la Médecine, Bruxelles 00343 Fondation Médicale Mathilde E. HorlaitDapsens, Bruxelles 00419 Médecins Sans Frontières, Bruxelles 00459 Fondation Médicale Emile ToumaySoh/ay, Bouillon 00541 Fondation Van Gysel pour la Recherche Médicale, Bruxelles 00557 Prix Willy et Marcy de Vooght, Bruxelles 00568
Croatia Open Society Institute-Croatia, Zagreb 00590
Cyprus George and Thelma Paraskevaides Foundation, Nicosia 00593
Denmark Alfred Benzon Foundation, Hellerup 00672 Europa-India Foundation, Odense 00631 A.P. Meiler og Hustnj Chastine McKinney Meilers Fond til almene Formaal, Ko ben ha/n 00652 Novo Nordisk Fonden, Gentofte 00659
Finland Yfjö Jahnsson Foundation, Helsinki 00701 Sigrid Juséiius Stiftelse, Helsinki 00702 Paulon Sââtiô, Helsinki 00705 Svenske Kufturfonden, Helsinki 00707
France Fondation Jean Dausset, Paris 00809 Fondation Cokiplast pour la Qualité de la Vie, Fontenay-sous-Bois 00675 Fondation de l'Academie Nationale de Medecine-Farsam, Paris 00895 Fondation de l'Avenir pour la Recherche Médicale Appliquée, Paris 00898 Fondation Médicale Franco-Américaine du Mont Valérien, Suresnes 00997 Fondation Nationale d'Ostéopathie, SaintEtienne 01008 Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Française, Paris 01028 Fondation Hugot du Collège de France, Paris 01130 International Osteoporosis Foundation, Lyon 01138 Fondation Léon Mba, Paris 01189 Fondation Marcel Mérieux, Lyon 01191 Fondation Institut Pasteur, Paris 01215
Germany Dr. Heinz und Helene Adam-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01317 Alte Leipziger-Hallesche-Nationale-Stiftung, Essen 01389 Amalien-Stiftung, Rheinfelden 01421 AMREF-Wissenschaftsstiftung, München 01428 Artan-Stiftung, München 01467 Prof. Dr. Watter Artelt und Prof. Dr. Edith Hetschkel-Artelt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01468 E.W. Baader-Stiftung, Essen 01509 Rut und Klaus-Bahlsen-Süftung, Hannover 01527 Karl Baumgartner-Stiftung, Leonberg 01576 Behrens-Weise-Stiftung, München 01623 Fritz und Hildegard Berg-Stiftung, Essen 01646 Josef und Maria Bergmann-Stiftung Vechta-Langförden, Vechta 01659 Berliner Sparkassenstiftung Medizin, Berlin 01662 Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh 01670 Berteismann Wissenschaftsstiftung, Gütersloh 01671 Beutel-Launer-Stiftung, Reutlingen 01691 BioThera-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 01716 Dr. Hans und Dr. Elisabeth Birkner Stiftung, Nürnberg 01720 Paul BIQmel-Gnjndlagenforschungs-lnstitut, Hannover 01747 Kurt-Eberhard Bode-Stiftung für medizinische und naturwissenschaftliche Forschung, Essen 01761 Boehrlnger Ingelheim Fonds, Stuttgart 0177S B, Braun-Stiftung, Melsungen 01834 BrerKten-Schmittmann-Stiftung des NAV-Virchowbundes-Verband der niedergelassenen Ärzte Deutschlands e.V., Köln 01869
Subject Index: Medicine Ruth und Christian Bruhn-Stiftung, Essen 01899 Brunenbusch-Stein-Stiftung zur Förderung der medizinischen Forschung, Essen 01902 Dr. Buding-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01918 Dr. Democh-Maurmeier-Stipendienstiftung, München 02153 Deutsche Crohn/Colitis Stiftung, Leverkusen 02177 Deutsche Stiftung Lebendspende, Hamburg 02217 Deutsche Stiftung Querschnittlähmung, Aichwald 02221 Deutsche Stiftung Sklerodermie, Frankfurt am Main 02224 Deutsches Institut für rationale Medizin, Köln 02237 Wilhelm Doerenkamp-Stiftung, Köln 02295 Dräger-Stiftung, Lübeck 02331 Dr. Carl Duisberg-Stiftung zur Fortbildung von deutschen Studierenden der Medizin, Leverkusen 02363 Herbert und Hedwig Eckelmann-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02384 Sigrid Emmerling-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02446 Roland Emst-Stiftung für Gesundheitswesen, Dresden 02475 Roland Emst-Stiftung für medizinische Forschung, Essen 02476 Louise Eylmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 02586 Fehn'sche Stiftung zur Bekämpfung von Aids und anderen Seuchen, Ichenhausen 02610 Dr. Feldbausch-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 02616 Femng-Stiftung, Alkersum 02624 Adolf Fick-Stiftung bei der Universität Würzburg, Würzburg 02631 Forschungszentrum Borstel, Borstel 02709 Sigmund-Freud-Institut, Frankfurt am Main 02760 Dr. Walter Freundlich und Luise Freundlich-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02763 Werner G. Gehhng-Stiftung, Springe 02861 Anna Geissler-Stiftung, München 02867 Dr. Elisabeth Gilbert-Lichtwer-Stiftung, Deggendorf 02953 Rudolf und Helene Glaser-Stiftung, Essen 02961 Hans Gottschalk-Stiftung für medizinische Grundlagenforschung, Essen 03008 Georg und Traud Gravenhorst-Stiftung, München 03028 Grimminger-Stiftung für Zoonosenforschung, Stuttgart 03039 Emst und Berta Grimmke-Stiftung, Dusseldorf 03040 Grünenthal-Stiftung für Palliativmedizin, Aachen 03060 Dr. Nelly Hahne-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03148 Gustav und Ilse Hamester-Stiftung, Hamburg 03186 Dr. Hauschka-Stiftung, Eckwäkten 03253 Fritz und Margot Heim-Stiftung, Lahr 03323 Minna-James Heineman-Stiftung, Essen 03331 Peter und Beate Heller-Stiftung, Essen 03354 Dr. Norbert Henning-Stiftung, Erlangen 03371 Christiane Herzog Stiftung, Stuttgart 03415 Dr. Walter Heß-Stiftung, Erlangen 03419 Ewald und Karin Hochbaum-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03486 Hoffmam-La Roche-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 03514 Dr. Holzheu-Stiftung, Nesselwang 03541 Charles Hosie-Stiftung, Hamburg 03559 IAS Institut für Arbeits-und Sozialhygiene Stiftung, Kartsruhe 03665 Hans Imhoff-Stlftung, Köln 03675 Bora Immmerschitt-Stiftung, Essen 03676 Jung-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Hamburg 03829 Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung für das ärztliche Foitbiklungswesen, Berlin 03849 Màrta ynd Erik Karberg-Stiftung, Hamöurg 03870 Dr. Wilhelm-Kempe-Stiftung des DRKBJutspendedienstes Ν S O S in Springe, Springe 03933 Stiftung P.E. Kempkes, Marburg 03937 Verwertungsgesellschaft der AndreasTobias Kind-Stiftung, Bochum 03965 Stiftung Familie Klee, Frankfurt am Main 04015 Paul und Ursula Klein-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04018 Dr. Robert Kleinschmidt-Vermächtnis, Hamburg 04026 Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung, Bad Homburg 04232 Henrik und Edith Kuszner-Stiftung, München 04381 Alois-Lauer-Stiftung, Dillingen/Saar 04424
Gemeinnützige Margaretha und Emst A. Levers-Stiftung, Hamburg 04487 Alfred Uli-Stiftung, Magdeburg 04504 Hinrich Löhmann Stiftung, Lauenbrück 04540 Hans Lungwitz-Stiftung, Buxtehude 04590 Marburger Bund-Stiftung, Köln 04639 Alfred Marchionini-Strftung zur Förderung der medizinischen Wissenschaft, Reinbek 04643 Johannes und Frieda Marohn-Stiftung, Erlangen 04667 Dr. Marlini-Stiftung, Hamburg 04676 Richard und Gertrud May-Stiftung, Kreuth 04698 Mayo Clinic Stiftung in Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main 04705 Meinel-Buikhard-Stiftung, Rain am Lech 04722 Dr. Kurt und Irmgard Meister-Stiftung, Essen 04727 Hans L. Merkle-Stlftung, Essen 04748 Eva Moldenhauer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04833 Manja und Emst Mordhorst-Stiftung für Jung und Alt, Frankfurt am Main 04848 Friedrich und Maria Sophie Moritz'sche Stiftung, Köln 04850 Mühlschlegel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04864 Müller-Fahnenberg-Stiftung der Universität Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 04868 Manfred und Ursula Müller-Stiftung, Essen 04881 Dr. med. Edda Neele-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04967 NMl Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut an der Universität Tübingen, Reutlingen 05018 Karin-Nolte-Stiftung, Germersheim 05026 Oswalt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05118 Werner Otto Stiftung, Hamburg 05122 Pater-Titus-Stiftung, Vechta 05155 Dr. Robert Pfleger-Stiftung, Bamberg 05209 Maria Pinding-Stiftung, Essen 05233 Pinguin-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 05235 Willy und Monika Pitzer Stiftung, Bad Nauheim 05236 Plester-Stiftung, Tübingen 05249 Dr. Pritzsche-Stiftung, Essen 05306 Karl Reeber-Stiftung, Lüdenscheid 05382 Georg Ludwig Rexroth-Stiftung, Lohr 05435 Erwin Riesch-Strftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Tübingen 05463 Gertrud-RißmanrvStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05473 Gottfried Roder-Stiftung, Lübeck 05489 Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung, München 05617 Dr.-Friedrich-Sasse-Stiftung, Berlin 05746 Hermann und Lilly Schilling-Stiftung, Essen 05826 Erna Baronin Schilling von Canstatt· Stiftung, Köln 05828 Holger Schirrmacher-Stiftung, Hamburg 05639 Hans und Wolfgang Schleussner-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05854 Schmeil-Stiftung, Heidelberg 05673 Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm und Margarete Schmidt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 0569/ Rosa Schneider-Stiftung, München 05924 Walter Schulz-Stiftung, München 06014 Stiftung Deutsches Albert SchweitzerZentrum, Frankfurt am Main 06049 Searie-Stiftung für Medizinische Prävention und Epidemiologie, Gunzburg 06055 Elsbeth Seidel-Stiftung, Berlin 06070 Dr. Senckenbergische Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06081 Smith Kline Beecham-Stiftung, München 06148 Ingrid zu Solms-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06156 Sonnenfefd-Stiftung, Berlin 06168 SRH-HoWing, Heidefeerg 06315 Gisela Stadelmann-Stiftung, Dreieich 06319 Stadt-Kumamoto-Stiftung, Heideberg 06323 Dr. Alois Stankievicz-Stiftung, Celle 06339 Theodor Stern-Stiftung zur Förderung des UnrversitätsWinikums Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06379 Stiftung BioMed Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 06465 Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hille, Gütersloh 06714 Stiftung Deutsches Institut für Allgemeinmedizin, Kiel 06729 Stiftung DRK Westfalen-Lippe, Münster 06747 Stiftung Endometriose-Forschung, Westerstede 06759 Stiftung für den Deutsch-Englischen wissenschaftlichen Austausch für experimentelle medizinische Forschung, Hamburg 06822 Stiftung für Krebs- und Scharlachkrankheit, Weinheim 06855
Stiftung für medizinische Wissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main 06867 Stiftung Knochenmark- und Stammzellspende Deutschland (SKD), Gauting 07046 Stiftung Lehre an der Medizinischen Fakultät Münster, Münster 07109 Stiftung Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertreffen am Bodensee, Insel Mainau 07115 Stiftung Psychosomatik der Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen, Stuttgart 07221 Stiftung Waldhof Elgershausen Pneumologische Klinik, Greifenstein 07383 Stiftung Wissenschaftliches Forum, Homburg 07409 Stiftung zur Erforschung der Lungenfibrose, G reifen stein 07427 Stiftung zur Förderung besonderer Behandlungsmethoden am Universitätsklinikum Großhadem, München 07436 Stiftung zur Förderung der Arthroskopie, Tuttlingen 07439 Stiftung zur Förderung der Gesellschaft für Histochemie, Bonn 07449 Stiftung zur Förderung der medizinischen Forschung bei Viruseikrankungen, Köln 07462 Stiftung zur Prävention der Arteriosklerose, Nürnberg 07501 Stol l-V I TA-Stiftu η g, Waldshut-Tiengen 07556 Dr. med. Erich und Ella Tancré-Stiftung, Mainz 07621 Fritz Terfloth-Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Münster 07637 Friedrich Thieding-Stiftung des Hartmannbundes, Bonn 07655 Georg Thieme-Gedächtnisstiftung, Stuttgart 07658 Wulf Vater-Stiftung, Mainz 07796 Emmy Veit-Stiftung, Essen 07800 Veramed-Stiftung e.V., Meschede 07805 Andreas-Viethsche-Stiftung, Kirchdorf/Poel 07888 Hubertus Wald-Stiftung, Hamburg 07986 Dr. Paul und Olli Weill-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08048 Ingeborg Wetzets-Stiftung, Krefeld 08105 Friedrich-Wingert-Stiftung, Hannover 08149 Wissenschaftlich-Medizinische Stiftung am Allgemeinen Krankenhaus Barmbeck in Hamburg, Hamburg 08168 Dr. Wolfbauer-Stiftung, Donauwörth 08207 Dr. Georg und Lu Zimmermann Stiftung, Thannhausen 08289 Dietmar Zumpf-Stiftung, Förstern 08300
Italy Fondazione Bertoni per la Lotta contro la Talassemia, Pesaro 08435 Fondazione Angela Bossolasco, Torino 08456 Fondazione Don Giovanni Calabria per le Malattie Tropicali, Negrar 08465 Fondazione Floriani, Milano 08549 Fondazione Africana per la Medicina e la Ricerca, Roma 08555 Fondazione Hoechst, Milano 08637 Fondazione Italiana Thalassemia, Sassari 09656 Fondazione per il Diabete, Endocrinologia e Metabolismo, Roma 06695 Fondazione per l'Osteoporosi Piemonte, Torino 08707 Fondazione Rhône-Poulenc Rorer per le Scienze Mediche, Origgio 08723 Fondazione Prof. Domenico Ganassini, Milano 08766 Fondazione Italiana Leonardo Giambrone per la Guarigione, Sassari 08773 Fondazione Marino Golinelli, Bologna 08778 Fondazione Giuseppe Guiot Bourg, Pragelato 08786 Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini, Milano 08814 Fondazione Pasquale Sfameni, Bologna 08937
Moldova The Centrum Foundation, Chisinau 06996 The Charity and Health Fund, Chisinau 09999 The Medical Foundation of Moldova, Chisinau 09021 Soros Foundatkm-Moldova, Chisinau 09027
Netherlands Jan Dekkerstichting & Dr. Ludgardine Bouwmanstichting, Amsterdam 09095 Stichting Bertine Koperberg Fonds, Utrecht 09192 Stichting Levi Lassen, Den Haag 09201 Nierstichting Nedertand, Bussum 09248 Rainforest Medicai Foundation, Heemstede 09296 Stichting Nedertands Albert Schweitzer Fonds, Maarssen 09325
Stichting A.L.S. Onderzoekfonds, Bilthoven 09342 Stichting Augustus, Amsterdam 09362 Stichting Donorvoorlichting, Hilversum 09366 Stichting Historia Medicinae, Delft 09422 Stichting Logopedie Fonds, Guipen 09446 Stichting Prins Hendrikfonds van de Koninklijke Nationale Bond voor Reddingwezen en Eerste Hulp bij Ongelukken het Oranje Kruis, Den Haag 09490 Stichting Projectstimuleringsfonds Wan'Atti, Amhem 09483 Trombosestichting Nederland, Den Haag 09562 Stichting Winters van den Speulhof, Baario 09632
Norway Skipsreder Anders Jahres Fond til Vitenskapens Fremme, Oslo 09645
Poland World Foundation of Medical Polonia, Czçstochowa 09671
Portugal Fundaçâo Mário da Cunha Brito, Penacova 09726 Fundaçâo Assistència Médica Internacional, Lisboa 09754 Fundaçâo Joaquim Lourenço, Proença-aNova 09664 Fundaçâo Matemo-Infantil Mariana Martins, Elvas 09868 Fundaçâo Engenheiro Mesquita de Araújo, Porto 09872 Fundaçâo José Nunes Martins, Carregal do Sal 09879 Fundaçâo Idálio de Oliveira, Lisboa 09880 Fundaçâo Professor Francisco Pulido Valente, Algés 09897 Fundaçâo Joaquim dos Santos, Viseu 09920 Fundaçâo Dona Laura Santos de Moimenta da Serra, Gouveia 09921 Fundaçâo Amélia da Silva de Mello, Lisboa 09925
Romania Open Society Foundation-Bucharest, Bucuresti 09946
Slovenia Open Society Institute-Slovenia, Ljubljana 10017
Spain Fundación Benavides, Madrid 10117 Fundación Fernández Cruz, Madrid J 0244 Fundación Doctor Antonio Esleve, Barcelona 10303 Fundació Balear-Trasplant, Palma de Mallorca 10375 Fundació Catalana d'Hiperlensió Arterial, Barcelona 10412 Fundació Catalana per a l'Estudi de les Malalties de Fetge, Barcelona 10415 Fundació Catalana per a l'Estudi de les Malalties Vasculare, Barcelona 10416 Fundació Clinic per a la Recerca Biomèdica, Barcelona 10439 Fundació Clínica Sant Cristofor, Campdevanol 10442 Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona 10514 Fundació Institut Català de Traumatologia i Medicina de l'Esport, Barcelona 10525 Fundació Institut de Recerca de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona 10528 Fundació pel Control i Qualität Laboratoris Clinics, Barcelona 10572 Fundació per a l'Estudi Malalties Endocrino Metaboliques, Barcelona 10580 Fundación AHOEMO, Madrid 10681 Fundación Catalana de Gastroenterologia, Barcelona 10839 Fundación Ciencia y Cultura, Madrid 10893 Fundación Ciencia y Medicina, Madrid 10894 Fundación Consejo Herbense, Herbes 10929 Fundación CREFAT - Cruz Roja Españnola, Madrid 10934 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 11036 Fundación Endocrinología y Nutrición, Madrid 11043 Fundación Española de Arteriosclerosis, Barcelona 11092 Fundación Frontela de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Afines, Puerto de Santa María 11133 Fundación Investigaciones Biomédicas, Madrid 11311 Fundación MAPFRE Medicina, Majadahonda 11359
Subject Index: Medicine Fundación Mediterránea, Barcelona 11367 Fundación Museu d'Historia de la Medicina de Catalunya, Barcelona 11380 Fundación para el Estudio de Hepatitis Virales, Madrid 11446 Fundación para el Estudio de la Infección, Madrid 11447 Fundación para el Estudio de la Motilidad Digestiva, Barcelona 11443 Fundación para la Humanización de la Medicina, Madrid 11470 Fundación para la Promoción Médica, Barcelona 11485 Fundación Sociedad Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación, Madrid Τ 7639 Fundación Valenciana de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Valencia 11687 Fundación Jesús Gangoiti Barrera, Bilbao 11712 Fundación García Muñoz, Valencia 11725 Fundación Gure Osasuna de Estudios Sanitarios, Donostia-San Sebastián 11769 Fundación Instituto Guttmann, Barcelona 11772 Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid 11803 Fundación Lair, Madrid 11819 Fundación Doctor Gregorio Marañón, Madrid 11875 Fundación Premio Martínez Molina y Calvo Martín, Madrid 11884 Fundación de Investigación Medica Cándida Medrano de Merlo, Madrid 11909 Fundación Premio Nieto Serano, Madrid 11954 Fundación Premio Obieta, Madrid 11956 Fundado August Pi i Sunyer, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat 12010 Fundación Picasso Reventós, Barcelona 12011 Fundación Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz, Madrid 12042 Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, Madrid 12077 Fundación María Francisca de Roviralta, Barcelona 12094 Fundación Premio Salgado, Madrid 12104 Fundación Premio Sánchez Toca, Madrid 12112 Fundación Eugenio Saz, Barcelona 12126 Fundación Ernesto Seco y Brttini, Madrid 12128 Fundación Premio Visa Tubau, Barcelona 12263
Sweden Anna-Greta och Holger Crafoords Fond, Stockholm 12288 Ekhagastiftelsen, Stockholm 12289 Nobelstittelsen, Stockholm 12305 Scandinavian Foundation of Medicine and Science in Sports, Huddinge 12310
Switzerland Aeskulap-Stiftung, Brunnen 12336 AO Documentation and Publishing Foundation, Davos Platz 12358 Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-RhynerStiftung, Basel 12382 Irma und Jacques Ber-Lehmsdorf-Stiftung, Zürich 12395 Stiftung Bircher Klinik Susenberg, Zürich 12418 Bochan-Stiftung, Zürich 12425 Dr. Erwin Braun-Stiftung, Basel 12438 Franz und Verena-Büttner Stiftung, Zürich 12450 Stiftung Prof. Dr. Max Cloëtta, Zürich 12478 Double Incentive Projects International, Zürich 12509 Hans Eggenberger-Stlftung, Zürich 12525 Kamillo Eisner-Stiftung, Hergiswil 12533 European Foundation for the Advancement of Medicine, Basel 12548 European Magnetic Resonance Forum Foundation, Minusio 12550 Fondation Lancaster, Lausanne 12621 Fondation TELETHON Action Suisse, Aubonne 12681 Fondazione Cornel per l'Umanesimo Medico Integrale, Paradiso 12691 Fondazione per l'Istituto di Ricerca di Biomedicina, Bellinzona 12703 Gemeinnützige Stiftung für medizinische Hilfe, Stein 12759 Gertrud von Haller-Stiftung für Drittwelthilfe, Ölten 12808 Helmut Horten Stiftung, Madonna del Piano 12845 International Emergency Care Foundation, Zürich 12881 International Osteoporosis Foundation, Hofstetten 12888 Fondation Georges Iskandar Hazboun, Genève 12903 Fondation Louis Jeantet de Médecine, Genève 12914
450 Jubiläumsstiftung der Schweizerischen Lebensversicherungs- und Rentenanstalt für Volksgesundheit und medizinische Forschung, Zürich 12930 Kollegium tör Hausarztmedizin, Bern 12970 Peter Mandel Stiftung für Esogetische Medizin, Luzem 13018 MARFAN Foundation (Switzerland), Langenthal 13022 Medical Center la Cieba Stiftung, Triesen 13031 Fondation Emma Muschamp, Lausanne 13068 Theodor Naegeli-Strftung, Basel 13071 Novartis Stiftung für medizinischbiologische Forschung, Basel 13084 Stiftung Paracelsus Heute, Einsiedeln 13100 Fondation Jacques Parisot, Genève 13102 Projet Suisse d'Assistance Médicale, Blonay 13132 Fondazione Hans Ruesch per Una Medicina Senza Vivisezione, Lugano 13175 Stiftung Samana, Zürich 13180 Sandoz-Sliftung zur Förderung der medizinisch-biologsichen Wissenschaften, Basel 13186 Sarajevo Charitable Foundation, Genève 13190 Stiftung für Hyperbanrtedizin Dr. med. Jörg Schmutz, Basel 13205 Stiftung Albert Schweitzer-Zentrum Günsbach, Thun 13211 Schweizer Paraplegiker-Stiftung, Basel 13214 Schweizerische Akademie der medizinischen Wissenschaften, Basel 13222 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Erforschung der Muskelkrankheiten, Bern 13252 Schweizerisches Forschungsinstitut für Hochgebirgsklima und Medizin in Davos, Davos Platz 13294 Stiftung Afro-Suisse-Aide, Zürich 13354 Stiftung Akademie für medizinische Fortbildung, Basel 13356 Stiftung für chronisch Kranke, Cham 13493 Stiftung für ganzheitliche Medizin, Langenthal 13530 Stiftung für höhenmedizinische Forschung, Sankt Moritz 13534 Stiftung für Komplementärmedizin, Zürich 13545 Stiftung für medizinisch-biologische Stipendien, Liebefeld 13553 Stiftung Medical Center La Ceiba/Honduras, Gossau 13695 Stiftung Regionales Blutspendezentrum SRK Aarau, Aarau 13766 Stiftung Schweizer Register für Knochenmarkspender, Bern 13784 Stiftung Zürcher Blutspendedienst SRK, Uster 13873 Stiftung zur Förderung der Knochenmarktransplantation, Greifensee 13898 Stiftung zur Förderung medizinischer Forschung, Egg 13914 Stiftung zur Unterstützung der Schweizerischen AlzheimerVereinigung, Oberwil 13922 Theophrastus-Stiftung für medizinische Notfallhilfe und Ausbildung, Hombrechtikon 13941 Fondation Ventose, Genève 13966 Vinetum-Forschungsfonds, Biel 13970 Weststiftung für Pathologie und Laboratoriumsmedizin, Frauenleid 13991 Desirée und Niels Yde-Stiftung, Zürich 14009
United Kingdom The Abbott-Brown Fund, Nottingham 14049 William Adlington Cadbury Charitable Trust, Birmingham 14087 Al-Haj M.A. Karim Trust, BamsJey 14120 Albanian Medical Trust, Taunton 14124 Alchemy Foundation, Oxted 14131 Amala Trust, London 14188 The Amref Trust Fund, London 14206 The Anglo-Thai Foundation, London 14226 Arthritis Research Campaign, Chesterfield 14269 The Asmarley Charitable Trust Luton 14299 Association of Medical Research Charities, London 14311 Avon Local Medical Committee Benevolent Fund, Bristol 14331 The Baia Mare Romania Appeal Fund, London 14346 Paul Balint Charitable Trust, London 14362 Andrew Balint Charitable Trust, London 14364 Bard han Research and Education Trust of Rothertiam, Bamsley 14386 Batchworth Trust, Reigate 14437 The Beaver Trust, Sevenoaks 14470
Beit Memorial Fellowships for Medical Research, Headington 14488 Benesco Charity Ltd., London 14505 Bharuch Muslim Medical and Welfare Trust United Kingdom, Bolton 14556 "Rte Bhutan Society Trust Fund, Guildford 14557 Dr. Bibby Memorial Fund, Brough 14559 Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship Trust, London 14560 Biblelands, High Wycombe 14561 The Binh Hoa Massacre Trust Fund, London 14575 The Biomedical Research Education Trust, London 14579 The Bolton Medical Fund, Bolton 14639 Mario Borrelli Naples Fund, Thirsk 14653 Umanatini Mary Brahma Charitable Trust, Potters Bar 14682 The Bridgend Postgraduate Medical Centre Fund, Bridgend 14715 The Britain-Nepal Medical Trust, Tonbridge 14745 The Brook Hospital Post Graduate Medical Centre Fund, London 14788 Chailes Brotherton Trust, Harrogate 14799 Burden Trust, West Clandon 14833 Carter Compassionate Trust, London 14980 The Carthage Trust, Hereford 14981 Central Asian Trust, London 15014 Chiltem Medical Educational Trust, High Wycombe 15136 The Cleaford Christian Trust, Famham 15254 The College of Osteopaths Educational Trust, Bordehamwood 15291 Colt Foundation, Havant 15303 Comic Relief, London 15305 The Common Variable Immunodeficiency Patients Educational Trust, Haywards Heath 15307 Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Bromley 15472 Cystics of Hull Independent Equipment Fund, Hessle 15473 The Devon and Exeter Benevolent Medical Society Fund, London 15570 The Devon and Exeter Pain Relief Fund, Exeter 15572 Devon Arthritis and Allied Research Trust, Exeter 15573 Nan Dimond Fund, Northwich 15593 Djartogly Foundation, London 15609 The Doughty Trust Fund, Carlisle 15627 The A.Y. Down Syndrome Trust, London 15635 East Berkshire Post Graduate Medical Educational Trust, Slough 15699 The Edgware Postgraduate Medical Centre Trust, Edgware 15739 The John Ellerman Foundation, London 15770 Eurocare Charitable Trust, Kingston 15836 The Everest Memorial Trust, Chipping Norton 15850 The Eveson Charitable Trust, Gloucester 15853 Excerpta Medica Foundation, Sutton 15855 The Father Tony Fleming Memorial Trust, Bovey Tracey 15965 The Louis Forman Charitable Trust, London 15979 Foulkes Foundation, London 15987 Foundation for Al-Quds University Medical School, London 15990 Franka's Fund for Croatia, London 16013 The Gampopa Foundation, Maidenhead 16094 Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital Appeal Trust, London 16106 Gatsby Charitable Foundation, London 16116 The Ghana Medical Relief Trust Fund, Harrow 16135 The Grand Lodge 250th Anniversary Fund, Caterham 16204 Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Benevolent Fund, Huddersfield 16267 Sir Arthur Hall Memorial Lecture Fund, Sheffield 16329 The Eileen Hartfield Trust, Croydon 16414 Charles Hastings Medicai Centre Fund, Worcester 16429 The Headley Trust, London 16467 The Hedge End Medical Centre Charitable Trust, Southampton 16491 Edmund Hillary Himalayan Trust, Chelmsford 16550 Hope Valley Medical Aids Fund, Hope Valley 16623 Jian Hua Foundation, Basingstoke 16668 Hyderabad Medical and Educational Trust Sanderstead 16723 Elsie Inglis Memorial (London) Fund, Cambridge 16747 Dr. Innes Memorial Fund, Willerby 16839
International Lifeboat Federation, Poole 16863 International Orthoptic Association Trust Fund, London 16864 The Isles of Scilly Medical Centre Trust, Bryher 16893 Jalome-Cee Foundation, London 16923 Indersen Jasodadevi Charitable Trust, Bridgend 16936 Karuna Trust, London 17035 Kashmir Medical Relief Trust, Altrincham 17037 Kejriwal Foundation, London 17042 Kitchener Memorial School of Medicine Trust Fund, London 17125 Kreitman Foundation, London 17141 Heinz und Anna Kroch Foundation, Manchester 17143 Maurice Laing Foundation, London 17158 The Leicester Post Graduate Medical Centre Trust, Leicester 17243 Joseph Levy Charitable Foundation, London 17274 Life to Romania Fund, Colchester 17301 Linbury Trust, London 17307 Lloyds TSB Foundation for the Channel Islands, London 17403 Mackintosh Foundation, London 17519 The Maidstone Post-Graduate Medical Centre Trust, Maidstone 17532 The Mansion Trust (India), London 17567 Mariais Trust Fund for the Relief of Rett Syndrome and Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalys, Uandeilo 17584 Marshes Relief Foundation, Southall 17594 The Matliwala Family Charitable Trust, Preston 17610 The Medical Aid for Poland Fund, London 17660 The Medical Education Trust, London 17662 Medical Emergency Relief International Charitable Trust, London 17663 Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, London 17664 Mercers' Charitable Foundation, London 17678 Mercury Phoenix Trust, Cookham 17683 The Merephdi Foundation, Elstree 17684 MFS Research and Educational Charitable Trust, Manchester 17705 Minsu Trust, Saint Annes 17757 Mission Medic-Air Trust Fund, Oxted 17760 J.F, Moorhead Trust, London 17796 Muscular Dystrophy Group of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, London 17849 The William W. Mushin Trust Fund, Cardiff 17853 The National Institute of Medical Herbalists Ltd. Education Fund, Leicester 17885 Neath General Hospital Post Graduate Medical Fund, Neath 17894 Haji Nek Alam Memorial Trust, Skipton 17901 New Forest Romanian Medical Appeal Fund, Lymington 17915 The New Madog Community Hospital Trust, Porthmadog 17928 Newtown Medical Practice Charity Fund, Newtown 17990 The North Manchester Gastroenterology Research Fund, Manchester 18038 North Wales Medical Trust Ltd., Llandudno 18046 Novartis Foundation, London 18081 Nuffield Foundation, London 18084 The Oppenheimer Charitable Trust, London 18169 Osteopathic Educational Foundation, Tunbridge Wells 18187 Park Royal Respiratory Research Fund, Harrow 18248 Parthenon Trust, Guernsey 18262 Pathways Trust, London 18268 The Paya Indian Trust, Famborough 18275 The Philippine Ferry Disaster Fund, London 18347 PPP Healthcare Medical Trust, London 18447 The Pyersingh Tnjst Fund, Harrogate 18511 The Queen's College Birmingham Research Fellowship, Birmingham 18528 Rajaram and Laxmibai Shinde Charitable Trust, Wendover 18553 The Rayne Foundation, London 18579 The Ride Foundation, Cardiff 18663 Riversdale Charitable Trust, Bridgend 186Π Romanian Crestin Trust, Rayleigh 18716 Rowan Charitable Trust, Reading 18999 Russ Foundation United Kingdom, Stanley 19145 The Sandville Self Help Foundation, Ton Kenfig 19460 Ayiton Senna Foundation, London 19527
Sherrington Third World Trust, Birmingham 19585 The Showering Fund, Bristol 19596 The Michael Sims Memorial Medical Fund, Marlow 19620 The Smilh and Nephew Foundation, London 19644 Henry Smith Charity-Kensington Estate, London 19646 The Richard Smith Trust, llford 19653 Somerset Postgraduate Centre Trust, Taunton 19676 South Staffordshire Medical Centre Charitable Trust, Bridgnorth 19701 The South Staffordshire Medical Foundation, Wolverhampton 19702 The Southampton Intensive Care Trust, Southampton 19713 Southmead Hospital Research Foundation, Bristol 19730 Sir Halley Stewart Trust, Willingham 19816 The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation, London 19862 The Tema Knell Charitable Trust, Manchester 19958 Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust, London 20008 The Tideswell Medical Foundation, Buxton 20024 Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, London 20129 The Tulsi Trust, Glastonbury 20135 Twenty-Ninth May 1961 Charity, London 20153 Usman Welfare Fund, Birmingham 20202 Vellore Rural Communities Trust, London 20222 Ward 34 (Newcastle General Hospital) Charitable Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 20310 Emily Weaver Trust Fund, Bridgend 20348 Wellcome Trust, London 20361 Wessex Medical Trust, Southampton 20382 Garfield Weston Foundation, London 20428 Whittington Hospital Academic Trust, London 20459 Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation, London 20534 Winnicott Foundation, London 20540 Wolfson Family Charitable Trust, London 20553 The Wolfson Foundation, London 20554 Yapp Education and Research Trust, London 20672 York Clinical Teaching Trust Fund, York 20690 York Peptic Ulcer Research Trust, York 20702 Zurich Financial Services (UKISA) Community Trust Ltd., Swindon 20739
Metallurgy Germany Eugen Bühler-Stiftung, Burtenbach 01923 Max und Emi Bühler-Stiftung, Stuttgart 01924 Prof. Dr. Berg-Ing. H. Goergen und Frau Elisabeth-Stiftung. Essen 02980 Eberhard Schürmann-Stiftung, ClausthalZellerfeld 05988 Stiftung Stahlanwendungsforschung, Essen 07324
Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Spain Fundación Río Tìnto, Madrid
Switzerland Entwicklungsfonds seltene Metalle, Zürich 12537
United Kingdom The VK Foundry Educational Trust Birmingham 20250 The Harold Wright Prize Fund, Redcar 20648
Meteorology Germany Dr. Pritzsche-Stiftung, Essen 05306 Johannes Schubert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05977
Spain Fundación Entorno y Salud, Madrid 11048
Switzerland Schweizerisches Forschungsinstitut für Hochgebirgsklima und Medizin in Davos, Davos Platz 13294 Stiftung Wald-Klima-Umwelt, Basel 13853
Subject Index: Monuments protection
451 United Kingdom Raleigh International Trust, London 18558
Microbiology Italy Fondazione Sigma Tau, Roma
United Kingdom The Hull Microbiology Education and Research Fund, Hull
Military Austria Vereinigte Altösterreichische Militärstiftungen, Wien 00176
France Fondalion Méditerranéenne d'Etudes Stratégiques, Toulon 00998 Fondation pour les Etudes de Défense Nationale, Paris 01038 Fondation Résistance, Paris 01044
Germany Bayerischer Invaliden·, Witwen· und Waisentonds, München 01596 Fimhaber-Trendel-Stiftung, Bamberg 02647
Netherlands Stichting Kare! Doorman Fonds, Den Haag 09099 Stichting Fonds ter Aanmoediging en Ondersteuning van den Gewapenden Dienst in de Nederianden (Fonds 1815), Amsterdam 09396 Stichting Het van Weerden Poelmanfonds, Zoetermeer 09603
Spain Fundación División Azul, Madrid 11015 Fundación José Serra Fané, La Riba 12141
Switzerland Aitllerie-Fonds, Bern 12364 Fondation Oscar Chavannes, Bière 12472 Denkmal- und Hilfsfonds des GebirgsInfanterie-Regiments 17, Bern 12497 Eidgenössische Winkelriedstiftung, Luzem 12531 Fondation Fonds de Secours des Soldats Jurasseins, Courgeney 12603 Fondation Général Henri Guisan, SaintSulpice 12798 Schweizer Freunde des Israelischen Soldaten, Erbmattingen 13213 Schweizerische Nationalspende für unsere Soldaten und ihre Familien, Bern 13239 Stiftung der Offiziere der Transporttruppen und des Militâreisenbahndienstes, Bern 13433 Stiftung Festungsbrigade 13, Mols 13464 Stiftung für das Museum der Schweizerischen Riegertruppen, Dübendorf 13496 Stiftung Militärkommission der Christlichen Vereine Junger Männer der deutschsprachigen Schweiz, Zürich 13699 Stiftung Sut Leuen, Sursee 13831 Unterstützungsfonds der 5. Division, Merenschwand 13958
United Kingdom 1940 Dunkirk Veterans Association Benevolent Fund, Woking 14032 AkJerson Disabled Ex-Seivice Men's Homes Trust, Birmingham 14134 Arctic Campaign Memorial Trust (World War II), Potters Bar 14251 The Cambridgeshire Regiment Chapel Trust Fund, Newmarket 14909 Chelmsford Drill Hall Trust Fund, Chelmsford 15075 The Dunkirk War Memorial Trust, London 15665 Exeter Cadet Corps Trust, Langport 15857 First The Queen's Dragoon Guards Regimental Trust, London 15947 The Harben Armoury Fund, London 16379 The Her Majesty's Naval Base Devonport Civilian Staff Charitable Fund, Plymouth 16513 International Institute for Strategic Studies, London 16862 The King's Own Royal Border Benevolent Fund, Carlisle 17098 The Kings Royal Hussars Museum in Winchester Trust, Winchester 17099 The King's Royal Hussars Officers' Trust, Winchester 17100
Lloyds Volunteer Forces Fund, Famborough 17404 The Luton War Memorial Fund, Luton 17496 The Maple Fund, Torpoint 17571 Maple Leaf Trust, Trowbridge 17572 Norman Memorial Fund, London 18021 The Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service Trust Fund, Portsmouth 18516 Queen Victoria's Rifle Association Aid Fund, London 18526 Queen Victoria's Rifles War Memorial Fund, Hadleigh 18527 The Queen's Own Buffs The Royal Kent Regiment Benevolent Fund, Canterbuiy 18531 The Queen's Own Buffs The Royal Kent Regiment Memorial Fund, Canterbuiy 18532 The Queen's Royal Lancers Regimental Museum Trust, Grantham 18535 The Royal Air Force and Dependants' Disabled Holiday Trust, Witney 19010 Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, London 19011 The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Development Trust, London 19012 Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Second Development Trust, London 19013 Royal Army Dental Corps Benevolent Fund, AWershot 19021 The Royal Army Dental Corps Museum Trust, Aldershot 19022 The Royal Army Veterinary Corps Benevolent Fund, Famborough 19023 The Royal Artillery General Charitable Trust, London 19024 The Royal Artilleiy Historical Trust, London 19025 Royal British Legion, London 19027 The Royal Corps of Signals Benevolent Fund, Blandford 19041 The Royal Devon Yeomanry Trust, Exeter 19045 The Royal Dragoon Guards Regimental Museum Trust, York 19047 The Royal Fusiliers Regimental Museum Trust, London 19057 The Royal Gurkha Rifles Trust, Woking 19060 The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers Charitable Trust, Enniskillen 19064 The Royal Leicestershire Regiment Charitable Fund, Leicester 19067 The Royal Leicestershire Regiment General Fund, Leicester 19068 The Royal Leicestershire Regiment Militia Trust, Leicester Í9069 The Royal Leicestershire Regiment Museum Trust, Leicester 19070 Royal Marines 1939 War Fund, Portsmouth 19077 Royal Marines Benevolent Fund, Portsmouth 19078 Royal Marines Reserve 50th Anniversary Relief Fund, Portsmouth 19080 The Royal Merchant Navy School Educational Foundation, Wokingham 19083 The Royal Norfolk Regiment Association Cenotaph Wreath Fund, Norwich 19097 Royal Northumbeiland Fusiliers Common Investment Fund, Alnwick 19099 The Royal Observer Corps Museum Trust, Eastieigh 19101 Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation, London 19107 The Royal Regiment of Wales Benevolent Fund, Cardiff 19109 The Royal Signals Museum Trust, Blandford 19114 The Royal Sussex Regiment Museum Trust, Chichester 19120 Royal Tank Regiment Memorial Trust, Bovington 19121 Royal Warwickshire Regimental Association General Purposes Trust, Warwick 19130 Royal Welch Fusiliers Officers Benevolent Fund, Wrexham 19131 Royal Welch Fusiliers Regimental Museum Trust, Wrexham 19132 The Samsung Royal British Legion, British Korean Veterans Association Scholarship Fund, London 19455 Sprowston War Memorial Trust, Norwich 19776 Surplus Fund of the Royal Navy Club, London 19869 Ellen Georgiana Tanner Fund, Bristol 19909 The Tenth Foot Royal Lincolnshire Regimental Trust Fund, Lincoln 19971 Third (United Kingdom) Division Benevolent Fund, Salisbury 19992 Third (United Kingdom) Division Compassionate Fund, Salisbury 19993 Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, London 20129 West Ham Air Training Corps 338 Squadron Welfare Fund, London 20391 Wimbledon Air Training Corps Headquarters Trust, Sutton 20508
Women's Royal Army Corps Association Benevolent Fund, Winchester 20572 Women's Royal Naval Service Benevolent Trust, Portsmouth 20573
Mining France Fondation de l'Industrie à l'Ecole des Mines de Nancy, Nancy 00905 Fondation Industrie-Ecoles-Mines, Nancy 00973 Géotechnique Fondation Contrôle, Toulouse 01103
Germany Abteilung Bergbau an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Berlin 01312 Prof. Dr. Berg-Ing. H. Goergen und Frau Elisabeth-Stiftung, Essen 02980 Heinz P. Kemper-Stiftung, Clausthal· Zellerfeld 03934 Möller-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Hamburg 04823 Oskar Niemczyk-Stiftung, Heme 05007 Saxonia-Freiberg-Stiftung, Freiberg 05753 Sparkassen-Stiftung TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg 0 6 / 9 9 Stiftung Abteilung Bergbau an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Berlin 06397 Stiftung Steine-Erden-Bergbau und Umwelt, Dresden 07327 Rudolf Vogel-Stiftung, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 07908 Paul-Weiland-Stiftung - Entwicklungshilfe für die Wirtschaft, Hoyerswerda 08047 Wirtschaftsvereinigung BergbauStudienhilfe des Deutschen Bergbaus, Berlin 08163
Luxembourg Paul Finet Foundation, Luxembourg 08987
Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Spain Fundación Docente de Mineros Asturianos, Oviedo 11016 Fundación Río Tinto, Madrid 11584 Fundación Santa Bárbara, León 11616 Fundación Gómez Pardo, Madrid 11747
United Kingdom Beaufort Hill Miners' Welfare Club Trust Fund, Ebbw Vale 14468 Big Pit (Blaenafon) Trust Ltd., Torfaen 14563 The Chesterfield Miners' Welfare Fund, Chesterfield 15108 Kellingley Colliery Workmen's Charitable Trust, Knottingley 17043 Lofthouse Colliery Disaster Trust, Wakefield 17425 Lofthouse Colliery Disaster Trust Number 2, Wakefield 17426 The Mineral Industries Educational Trust, London 17751 Miners Institute Fund, Pontefract 17752 National Coal Mining Museum for England Trust, Wakefield 17880
Missions France Fondation Française à l'Etranger, París 00949
Germany Jakob-Christian Adam-Stiftung, Meckenheim 01318 Archiv- und Museumsstiftung Wuppertal, Wuppertal 01445 Deutsche Evangelische Missionshilfe, Hamburg 02180 Abraham Düminger-Stiftung, Hermhut 02356 Friedrich Dütting-Stiftung, Nordhorn 02360 Evangelisch-Lutherische Missionsstiftung, München 02508 Evangelisch-lutherisches Missionswerk in Niedersachsen, Hermannsburg 02513 Ferdinandeische Stiftung, Münster 02621 Carl und Helene Hagemeister-Stiftung, Berlin 03129 Das Heilpädagogium an der Schlei, Eckemförde 0 3 3 / 9 Adolf und Fanny Heinzmann-Stiftung, Aachen 03339 Prof. Dr. Edmund Löffler-Stiftung, Kartstein am Main 04539 Lutherische Stiftung für theologische, missionarische und diakonische Aktivitäten, Dachau 04594 Methodistische Missionshilfe, Reutlingen 04761
Missionsakademie an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 04804 Asta-Rakow-Stiftung, Bremen 05357 Stiftung der Brüdergemeinden in Deutechland, Bergisch Gladbach 06541 Stiftung Hilfsdienste gratia deo, Würzburg 06953 . Stiftung Überseehilfswerk zur Unterstützung von Kindern und Kinderheimen, Missionaren und Missionsstationen in aller Welt, Bonn 07350 Vetter-Stiftung, Weiden 07879 Volks mi ssions-Stiftu η g, Wolferstadt 07929
Netherlands SoJidanteitsfonds Nederfandse Missionarissen, Oegstgeest 09331 Stichting Centraal Missie Commissariaat, Den Haag 09372 Stichting Ministerium Medici Missionare, Zwolle 09455
Switzerland Stiftung zur Unterstützung des Hilfswerkes von Schwester Consolata Graber, Kriens 12783 Stiftung für eine evangelische Radiomission, Dachsen 13519 Stiftung Osteuropa-Mission, Wetzikon 13723 Stiftung zur Unterstützung der missionarischen Entwicklungshilfe in Kenia, Dübendorf 13921
United Kingdom Archbishops' Appeal Fund for the Church in China, London 14248 The Barry Town Missionary Trustfund, Newport 14431 Baziya Mission Trust, Bridgwater 14457 The Belarusian Mission Trust, London 14490 Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship Trust, London 14560 Bishop of Winchester's Uganda Church Fund, Winchester 14598 The British Trust - World Council of Christian Education, Saint Albans 14761 Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust, Birmingham 14872 Christian Missions Charitable Trust, Uxbridge Í 5 Í 6 9 Community of Saint John Baptist General Purposes Trust, Winsor 15323 Gold Hill Church Trust, Slough 16178 Havering Mission 2000 Trust, Brentwood 16442 International Teams (United Kingdom) Trust, Brecon 16870 Jerusalem Trust, London 16949 J.W. Laing Trust, Bath 17159 Beatrice Laing Trust, London 17160 The Luchana Mission Trust, London 17478 The Mansion Trust (India), London 17567 Melanesien Mission Trust (England), Henley-on-Thames 17665 Missionary Ventures Europe Trust, Lytham Saint Annes 17761 The Missions to Seamen, London m62 The Naphill and Hawridge Missions Trust, High Wycombe 17870 The North Street Newport (Gwent) Mission Trust Fund, Newport 18045 Osbom Foundation, Dudley 18186 Panahpur Charitable Trust, Sutton 18233 Julius Peeters Foundation, Birtfey 18293 Saint Alban's Mission Maintenance Fund, Windsor 19181 The Saint Andrews Church Trust, Cambridge J9193 Saint Mary's Church Wombwell Trust Fund, Bamsley 19352 Saint Michael Mission Trust, London 19368 The Santal Mission Trust, Woodford Green 19463 South African Church Development Trust, Shaldon 19602 Southcourt Baptist Church Trust, Aylesbury 19722 Taylors Trust in Connection with the Moravian Church, London 19935
Monuments protection Belgium Fondation Demeures et Châteaux, Bruxelles 00294 King Baudouin Foundation, Bruxelles 00442 Stichting Monument & Landschap, Bruxelles 00528
Cyprus George and Thelma Paraskevaides Foundation, Nicosia 00593
France Fondation Européenne Pro Venetia Viva, Srasbourg 00948 Fondation Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature et du Patrimoine, Neuilly Plaisance 00975 Fondation Paribas Musées et Monuments de France, Paris 01019
Germany Abtei Rommersdorf-Stiftung, Neuwied 01311 Gisela und Emst Alers-Stiftung, Bonn 01362 Gustav-Allers-Stiftung, Mulsum 01369 ALLES GUTE Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Stade, Stade 01372 Altstadt-Stiftung Görlitz, Görlitz 01418 Averbeck-Stiftung, Bad Iburg 01504 Bagno-Konzertsaal-Stiftung, Bonn 01526 Walter und Pauline Baier-Stiftung, Rotthalmünster 01528 Gertrud und Hellmut Barthel-Stiftung, Varel 01549 Paul Basiner-Stiftung, München 01557 Baudenkmal-Stiftung Raum Hannover, Bonn 01560 Bauemschaftsstiftung Hollen, Saterland 01565 Bayerische Landesstiftung, München 01589 Erika von Beckerath-Stiftung, Bonn 01611 Berenüerg Bank Stiftung von 1990, Hamburg 01643 Eva und Klaus Bemett-Stiftung, Bonn 01667 Margarethe Biertein-Stittung, Bonn 01705 Martin-Carl-Adolf Böckler-Stifturg, Bad Homburg 01767 Annemarie und Helmut Börner-Stiftung, Köln 01779 Dr. Bernhard Braun-Stiftung des Heimatund Verschönerungsvereins Melsungen e.V., Melsungen 01835 Braunschweigischer Vereinigter Klosterund Studienfonds, Braunschweig 01839 Bremer Landesbank Stiftung, Bremen 01853 Amo Buchegger-Stiftung, Augsburg 01913 Bürgerstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köthen/Anhait, Kothen 01956 Bürgerstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Viersen, Viersen 01958 Bürgerstiftung Festung Rüsselsheim, Rüsselsheim 01960 Bürgerstiftung für den Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck, Fürstenfeldbruck 01961 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Kassel 01963 Bürgerstiftung Historisches Weinheim, Weinheim 01967 Busch-Stiftung Quedlinburg Sankt Nikolai, Bonn 02002 Combinierte Stiftung Donauwörth, Donauwörth 02084 Commerzbank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02086 Willa Cordes-Stiftung, Hamburg 02092 Comelsen Kulturstiftung, Essen 02094 Cranach-Stiftung, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 02099 Gisela und Bodo Daetz-Stiftung Kupfermühle, Harrislee 02111 Alex Danhuber-Stiftung, München 02125 Danner-Stiftung, München 02128 Balthasar-Debler-Stiftung Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd 02136 Denkmal- und Geschichtsverein Bonn· Rechtsrhein./Haus Mehlem e.V., Bonn 02155 Denkmalstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 02156 Georg Deuringer-Stiftung Dillingen an der Donau, Dillingen an der Donau 02163 Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz, Bonn 02207 Deutsches Kuratorium für Altertumsforschung und Denkmalpflege, Heidelberg 02238 Eduard Dieten berge r-Stiftu η g, Schwäbisch Gmünd 02272 Dombau-Stiftung Wesel, Wesel 02304 Domkapitel der Vereinigten Hochstifte zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstifts Zeitz, Naumburg 02306 Domstrukturfonds Verden, Hannover 02307 Gerhard ten Doomkaat Koolman-Stiftung, Emden 02316 Peter Domier Stiftung, Lindau 02321 Günter Dowig-Stiftung, Bonn 02328 Dräger-Stiftung, Lübeck 02331 Dussmann-Stiftung, Berlin 02365 Erteh-Dziuba-Stiftung, Mühlhausen-Ehinger 02368 Ebemburg-Stiftung, Bad Kreuznach 02378 Familienstiftung Einwächter, PfinztalBerghausen 02421 Hans Freiherr von Ellrichshausen'sche Stiftung, Stuttgart 02442 Emsländische Sparkassenstiftung, Meppen 02448 Erhardfsche Stiftung, Berlin 02467
Subject Index: Monuments protection Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Coesfeld 02477 Europäische Stiftung für den Aachener Dom, Aachen 02499 Europäischer Kulturpark Bliesbruck· Reinheim, Gersheim 02501 Evangelische Kulturstiftung Görlitz, Görlitz 02528 Emil und Hanna Flatz-Strftung, Bonn 02668 Förderstiftung Benediktinerabtei Schäftlarn, Ebenhausen 02686 Förderstiftung Kloster Ettal, Ettal 02689 Forum Kultur, Hannover 02715 Emst Freiberger-Stiftung, Berlin 02748 Dr. Inge Freytag-Stiftung, WaldshutTiengen 02770 Gaehtje'sches Familienvermächtnis, Eckemförde 02831 Elisabeth Gätgens-Stiftung - Heidbarghof Osdorf, Hamburg 02835 Max-Gallinger-Stiftung, Metten 02841 Elisabeth Gehret-Holzhey-Stiftung, Augsburg 02858 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Hameln-Pyrmont, Hameln 02882 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Bad Kissingen, Bad Kissingen 02884 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Hof, Hof 02888 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der TaunusSparkasse, Bad Homburg vor der Hohe 02889 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Schloß Weißenstein in Pommerslelden, Wiesentheid 02896 Klara von Gemmingen-Guttenberg'sche Stiftung, Haßmersheim 02910 Dr. Georg-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur, Bad Rothenfelde 02917 Gertruden-Stiftung, Uelzen 02932 Gräflich Giech'sche Spitalstiftung, Kulmbach 02945 Agnes Gräfe-Stiftung, Hamburg 03016 Emst Martin Groth-Stiftung Esingen, Tomesch 03053 Hilde Gruner-Stiftung, Bonn 03070 August G udewi Ii-Stiftung, Thedinghausen 03075 Freiherr von Gültlingen'sche Waldstiftung, Altensteig 03077 Friderun und Hans Hadlich-Stiftung, Bonn 03109 Vermächtnis Frieda und Michael Häckel, Dillingen 03112 Eheleute Dr. med. Wilhelm und Elisabeth Hagemeyer-Stiftung, Bonn 03Í3Í Hamburg Rotary-Stiftung, Hamburg 03167 Handwerksstiftung Denkmalpflege, Bonn 03192 Erich Haub-Zais-Stiftung für Denkmalpflege, Wiesbaden 03233 Friedrich Hechelmann und Schloß Isny Kunst- und Kulturstiflung, Isny im Allgäu 03268 H.W. und J. Hector-Stiftung, Weinheim 03271 Heilig-Geist-Spitalstiftung, Neuötting 03297 Heiligen-Geist-Hospital Lübeck, Lübeck 03306 Dr. Hildegard Heitfeld und Professor Dr. Karl-Heinrich H e itfeld-Stiftung, Bonn 03344 Helms-Museum, Hamburg 03358 Dietrich Herfurth-Stiftung, Bonn 03390 Hessische Hausstiftung, Kronberg 03430 Carl von Heß'sche Familien- und Kirchhofskapellenstiftung, Hammelburg 03437 von Hinckeldey-Sliftung, Berlin 03467 Historische Gärten in Niedersachsen, Gehrden-Lenthe 03483 Hönnicksche Stiftung, Odishausen 03503 Hohenburg-Stiftung, Homberg/Efze 03526 Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung, Bremen 03534 Hospitalstiftung Günzenhausen, Günzenhausen 03625 Dr. Wolf Hunold-Stiftung, Bonn 03656 Ibach-Denk-Mal-Stiftung, Bischberg 03666 Idstedt-Stiftung, Schleswig 03668 Hermarn Ilgen-Stiftung, Dresden 03673 Jagdschlößchen am Ukleisee, Eutin 03727 Jesus Christus Nazoraios Gott - Stiftung für Inneren Frieden, Gengenbach 03744 Bertha Jordaan-van-Heek Stiftung Haus Welbergen, Münster 03754 Jubiläumsstiftung der Creditverein Wilhermsdorf AG, Wilhermsdorf 03771 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse Neuss, Neuss 03777 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse Warstein-Rüthen, Warstein 03778 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Emmerich 03780 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Ludwigshafen am Rhein 03781 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Remscheid, Remscheid 03782
Jubiläumsstiftung der Verbands-Sparkasse Wesel, Wesel 03784 Emst Jünger-Stiftung, Biberach 03797 Jugend- und Kulturstrftung der Kreissparkasse Ludwigslust, Hagenow 03803 Kapellenstiftung Allotting, Allotting 03866 Erich Karteky-Stiftung, Bonn 03874 Keilberg-Stiftung, Bonn 03915 Keller-Haus-Stiftung zur Förderung des Gottlieb-Schumacher-Instituts in Haifa, Stuttgart 03921 Friedrich und Luise Keller und Rechtsrat Kester-Stiftung zur Verschönerung der Stadt Augsburg, Augsburg 03926 Frank und Ilse Klanberg-Stiftung, Bonn 04010 Dr. Hermann und Ellen Klaproth-Stiftung, Schriesheim 04011 Peter Klöckner-Stiftung, Duisburg 04040 Kloster Stift zum Heiligengrabe, Heiligengrabe 04045 Klosterstiftung zu Drübeck, Magdeburg 04046 Leonhard-Markus Kluftinger-Strftung, Kempten 04050 Klusmann-Bülter-Slittung, Varel 04054 Marion-Köser-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04123 Robert Krämer-Stiftung, Bremen 04174 Krefekter Baudenkmal-Stiftung, Bonn 04204 Kreissparkassenstiftung, Ratzeburg 04213 Freiherr von Kress'sehe Vorschickung Kraftshof, Poppenhausen 04217 Kroppenstedter Reithufen, Kroppenstedt 04237 Kultur- und Naturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Düren, Düren 04281 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung der RaiffeisenVolksbank Bad Wörishofen-Ottobeuren, Bad Wörishofen 04283 Kultur- und Umweltstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04286 Kulturstiftung Abtsgmünd, Abtsgmünd 04288 Kulturstiftung Altes Land, Jork 04289 Kulturstiftung Bemburg, Bemburg 04290 Kulturstrftung der Kreissparkasse BitburgPrüm, Bitburg 04294 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse TeltowFläming, Luckenwalde 04300 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Wesermünde-Hadeln, Ottemdorf 04301 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Aachen, Aachen 04304 Kuiturstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe 04305 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Nordfriesland, Husum 04307 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Ratingen, Ratingen 04309 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, Steinfurt 04311 Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse München, München 04313 Kuiturstiftung DessauWöriitz, Dessau 04321 Kulturstiftung Hohenmölsen, Hohenmölsen 04331 Kuiturstiftung Leipzig, Leipzig 04334 Kulturstiftung Oberberg der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04336 Kulturstiftung Offenburg, Offenburg 04337 Kulturstiftung Schloß Britz, Beilin 04343 Kuiturstiftung Sparkasse Trier, Trier 04347 Kulturstiftung Sparkasse Unna, Unna 04348 Kuiturstiftung Stadtsparkasse Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Neustadt an der Weinstraße 04351 Wilhelm Kumpf-Stiftung, Geislingen 04354 Kurt Gerd Kunkel-Stiftung, Aschaffenburg 04357 Kunst- und Kultur-Stiftung der Sparkasse in Bremen, Bremen 04360 Joan Ph. und Elske W.H. Laman TripStiftung, Bonn 04391 Dr. Fritz Landenberger-Stiftung, Esslingen am Neckar 04393 Landesverband Lippe HermannsdenkmalStiftung, Lemgo 04397 Johann Wolfgang Langguth-Stiftung, Traben-Trarbach 04415 Leube-Stiftung Schloß Klingenstein, München 04483 Hinrich Löhmann Stiftung, Lauenbrück 04540 Märkische Kulturstiftung Burg Altena, Altena 04612 von Marie-Stiftung, Wesel 04666 S. und E. Martin Stiftung, München 04674 Freiherr von Massenbach'sche Waldstiftung, Schwaigern 04663 Herbert- und Emilie-Mayer-Gerock-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04701 Dr. Hans und Hildegard Medler-Stiftung, Hünfeld 04711 Frida Melsbach und Hans-Wemer Uebrich-Stiftung, Bonn 04737 Messerschmitt-Stiftung, München 04756 Emst Meyer-Maack-Stiftung, Hagen 04769 W.-A.-H.-Meyer-Stiftung, Bonn 04771
Horst-Minihokl-Stiftung, Metten 04802 Mooseder-Stiftung, München 04846 G. und H. Murmann-Stiftung, Troisdorf 04922 Neumannsche Stiftung, Getenau CM388 Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung, Hannover 05004 Graf Waldemar von Oriola'sche Gruftkapellen-Gedächtnisstiflung, Schöneck 05097 Stiftung Edelhof Ricklingen-V.J. von der Osten, Hannover 05111 Packhaus-Stiftung, Rendsburg 05129 Pförtner Bund-Stiftung, Bonn 05212 Karola Plaßmann-Bahl-Stiftung, Tübingen 05244 Possehl-Stiftung, Lübeck 05273 Alfred-Prassek-Strftung, Wertheim 05263 Friedrich Prinz-Fonds in Augsburg, Augsburg 05301 Propfe-Stiftung, Mannheim 05317 Asta-Ftakow-Stiftung, Bremen 05357 Hermann Redde rsen-Strftung, ClausthalZellerield 05378 Heimatkreis Bergneichenstein/Maria Rehwald-Stiftung, Regen 05396 Pfarrer Reßlhuber'sche Stiftung Ritzing, Kirchdorf am Inn 05427 Werner Richard-Dr, Carl Dörken Stiftung, Herdecke 05441 Emst Ritter-Stiftung, Bonn 05475 Bernhard Röster-Stiftung, Schwalmtal 05505 Dr. Johannes Romberg-Stiftung für Baudenkmaleihaltung, Lahnstein 05517 Luitpold und Ludwig RothenangerStiftung, Ottobrunn 05541 Herbert A. Rothmayer-Stiftung, Stephanskirchen 05547 Dr. med. Wolrad Rube'sche Familienstiftung, Kotbach 05554 Rüdenhof-Stiftung, Bonn 05559 Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirchenstiftung für Wissenschaft, Denkmalpflege und Mildtätigkeit, Bad Honnef 05575 S-Bürgerstiftung der StadtSparkasse Langenfeld/Rheinland, Langenfeld/Rheinland 05582 Sankt Johannes-Stiftung, Lauingen 05670 Otto F. Scharr-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05778 Scheidemann'sche Familienstiftung, Friedland-Ballenhausen 05792 Schilkin-Stiftung, Berlin 05823 Schloß Theatrum Herberge Hohenereleben-Stiftung, Hohenerxleben 05863 Max Schmeling-Stiftung, Hamburg 05674 Daniel Schnakenberg-Stiftung, Bremen 05918 Familien-Kulturstiftung Graf von Schönbom-Wiesentheid, Wiesentheid 05936 Gustav und Catharina SchürfeM-Stiftung, Hamburg 05987 Reinhold und Elisabeth Schulze-Stiftung, Essen 06017 Albert Schweitzer-Gedenk- und Begegnungsstätte, Weimar 06047 Scivias-Stiftung, Odemheim 06054 Dr. Kurt Seifert-Stiftung, Naila 06072 Gerd und Ulrike Seuwen Stiftung, Kempten/Allgäu 06098 Siebenbürgisch-Sächsische Stiftung, München 06106 Hermann Söllner-Stiftung, Ludwigsstadt 06151 Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Wasserburg am Inn der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Wasserburg am Inn, Wasserburg am Inn 06188 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur, Freiberg 06194 Sparkassen-Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Denkmalpflege, Heilbronn 06198 Sparkassen-Stiftung zur Förderung des Denkmalschutzes, Lippstadt 06201 Sparkassenstiftung, Lengerich 06205 Sparkassenstiftung Bad Langensalza, Mühlhausen 06206 Sparkassenstiftung Berchtesgadener Land, Bad Reichenhall 06207 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Bemkastel-Wittlich, Wittlich 062)0 Sparkassenstiftung Freising, Freising 06216 Sparkassenstiftung für den Landkreis Main-Spessart, Lohr am Main 06218 Sparkassenstiftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Spallasse StraubingBogen, Straubing 06225 Sparkassenstiftung im Landkreis Tirschenreuth, Tirschenreuth 06227 Sparkassenstiftung Roth-Schwabach, Roth 06241 Sparkassenstiftung Schifferstadt, SchifferstaÄ 06242 Sparkassenstiftung Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel 06243 Sparkassenstiftung Uecker-Randow, PasewaJk 06245 Axel Springer-Stiftung Schierensee, Schierensee 06311 Vermächtnis Steck, Dillingen 06348 Wolfgang Stetten-Stiftung, Künzdsau 06381 Stiftung Abt« Heisterbach, Königswinter 06396
Stiftung Attenberg, Odenthal 06412 Stiftung Amtmann-Schroeter-Haus, ülienthal 06434 Stiftung Bördesparkasse Oschersleben, Oschersteben 06469 Stiftung Burg Adelebsen, Adelebsen 06510 Stiftung Burg Maienfels, Wüstenrot 06512 Stiftung Denkmalpflege Hamburg, Hamburg 06535 Stiftung Denkmalschutz Berlin, Berlin 06536 Stiftung der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung, Braubach 06543 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommunalwissenschaften, Berlin 06547 Stiftung der Gemeindesparkasse Gauting - Sparkassenstiftung, Starnberg 06555 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Bamberg, Bamberg 06563 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse BayreuthPegnitz, Bayreuth 06564 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Bremervörde, Zeven 06569 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Groß-Gerau zur Förderung der Kultur, Groß-Gerau 06573 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Hildesheim, Hildesheim 06575 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung der Kultur, der Denkmalund Heimatpflege, insbesondere des Umwett-, Landschafts- und Naturschutzes, sowie der Heimatkunde im Gebiet des Erftkreises, des Rheinisch-Bergischen Kreises und des Oberbergischen Kreises, Köln 06576 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung kultureller, denkmalund heimatpflegerischer sowie heimatkundlicher Zwecke im Oberbergischen Kreis, Köln 06579 Stiftung der Kreissparitasse Quedlinburg, Quedlinburg 06563 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Rottweil für Kunst-, Kultur- und Denkmalpflege, Rottweil 06588 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse TorgauOschatz, Oschatz 0659t Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Verden, Verden 06593 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wittmund, Wittmund 06595 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bamberg, Bamberg 06618 Stiftung der Sparkasse der Homburgischen Gemeinden, Wiehl
Stiftung der Sparkasse Detmold, Detmold 06623 Stiftung der Sparkasse Donaueschingen, Donaueschingen 06624 Stiftung der Sparkasse Hanau, Hanau 06629 Stiftung der Sparkasse HarburgBuxtehude, WinserVLuhe 06630 Stiftung der Sparkasse KierspeMeinerzhagen, Kierspe 06633 Stiftung der Sparkasse Laubach-Hungen, Laubach 06636 Stiftung der Sparkasse Menden, Menden 06644 Stiftung der Sparkasse SalemHeiligenberg, Salem 06650 Stiftung der Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Bad Berteburg 06656 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen
Stiftung der Stadt-Spaikasse Stade, Stade 06661 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Cuxhaven zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur und Denkmalpflege, Cuxhaven 06668 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Hemer zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur einschließlich der Denkmal- und Heimatpflege, Hemer 06672 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Osterode am Harz, Osterode am Harz 06675 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen zur Förderung der Kultur sowie der Denkmalund Heimatpflege im Stadtgebiet Wermelskirchen, Wermelskirchen 06677 Stiftung der Städtischen Sparkasse Schweinfurt, Schweinfuit 06679 Stiftung der Volksbank Lüneburger Heide, Soltau 06666 Stiftung Deutsches Kultureibe in Rumänien, Remshalden 06732 Stiftung Dom zu Lübeck, Lübeck 06746 Stiftung Ehemalige Synagoge Ichenhausen, Gunzburg 06752 Stiftung Forum Kultur, Hannover 06794 Stiftung Frauenalb, Marxzell 06797 Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden, Dresden 06796 Stiftung für bildende Künste und Denkmalpflege der Sparkasse Hattingen, Hattingen 06811 Stiftung Hamburger Admiralität, Hamburg 06909
Stiftung Historischer Hängegailen, Riedlingen 06957 Stiftung Hospital und Kloster zum Heiligen Geist, Flensburg 06966 Stiftung Industriedenkmalpflege und Geschichtskultur, Dortmund 06981 Stiftung Jägersburg, Homburg 06996 Stiftung Jugendburg Ludwigstein und Archiv der deutschen Jugendbewegung, Witzenhausen 07010 Stiftung Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche, Berlin 07020 Stiftung Kirche im Dorf, Bonn 07037 Stiftung Kloster Volkenroda, KörnerVolkenroda 07042 Stiftung Knochenhauer-Amtshaus Hildesheim, Hildesheim 07045 Stiftung Kulturdenkmale des Sparkassen· und Giroverbandes für SchleswigHolstein, Kiel 07062 Stiftung Landeskirchliche Baupflege, Bückeburg 07092 Stiftung Lübecker Altstadt, Lübeck 07119 Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen· Anhalt, Lutheretadt Wittenberg 07124 Stiftung Martinskirche Hoya, Hoya 07133 Stiftung Meisterhäuser Dessau, Dessau 07137 Stiftung Moritzbastei Leipzig, Leipzig 07145 Stiftung Panorama Altötting, München 07192 Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Bertin-Brandenburg, Potsdam 07213 Stiftung Rittergut Hämelschenburg, Emmeithal 07239 Stiftung Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Leitzkau 07270 Stiftung Sparkasse Bodenwerder, Bodenwerder 07305 Stiftung Standort: hier der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Versmold 07325 Stiftung Vereinigte Spaikassen Stadt und Landkreis Ansbach, Ansbach 07364 Stiftung Versöhnungskirche im PommernZentrum, Lübeck 07367 Stiftung Wohnliche Stadt Bremen, Bremen 07412 Stiftung Worpswede, Worpswede 07414 Stiftung zum Erhalt und zur Nutzung der Dome, Kirchen und Klöster des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Leitzkau 07422 Stiftung zur Bewahrung kirchlicher Baudenkmäler in Deutschland, Hannover 07426 Stiftung zur Erhaltung von Kulturdenkmälern der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Hamburg 07430 Stiftung zur Erhaltung von Kulturdenkmalen in Elmshorn, Elmshorn 07431 Stiftung zur Erhaltung von Kulturdenkmalen in Helmstedt, Helmstedt 07432 Stiftung zur Heimat-, Kultur-, Landschafts- und Denkmalpflege, Kobem-Gondort 07496 Stiftung zur Verschönerung der Stadt Essen, Essen 07509 Straßenkunst - Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse München, München 07565 Heinrich Tessenow-Stiftung, Hamburg 07636 Jobst Friedrich von Tetzel'sche Stiftung in Nürnberg, Altdorf 07640 Elisabeth und Fritz Thayssen-Stiftung, Bonn 07646 Karl Thiemig-Stiftung, München 07660 August Thyssen-Stiftung Schloß Landsberg, Essen 07680 Carl Toepfer-Stiftung, Hamburg 07698 Alfred Toepfer-Stiftung F.V.S., Hamburg 07699 Stiftung Tolkemita, Dieburg 07700 Stiftung Adam von Trott-Imshausen, Essen 0772f Klaus Tschira Stiftung, Heidelberg 07724 Unterländer Evangelischer Kirchenfonds, Heidelberg 07771 Vereinigte Kirchen- und KlosteitammerStiftung, Erfurt 07813 Vereinigte Kuiländische Stiftungen, Gröbenzell 07815 Dr. Hans Vießmann-Stiftung, Hof 07887 Volksbank Höxter-Beverungen-Stiftung, Höxter 07918 Volksbank-Stiftung Haus am Gortsbrunnen, Bad Urach 07925 Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz - Marianne von Waldthausen-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Köln 07994 Wartburg-Stiftung Eisenach, Eisenach 08019 Weber-Pröscher-Stiftung, Schotten 06022 Wechter5winlder-Pfarreien- und Schulenstiftung, Würzburg 08029 Friedrich Weinhagen Stiftung, Hildesheim 08051 Gertrud Werner Stiftung, Bremen 08083
Subject Index: Monuments protection
WestLB-Stiftung Zukunft NRW, Düsseldorf 08100 Heinz und Renate Wledemann-Stiftung, Bonn 08113 Leonie-Wikf-Stiftung, Eppelheim/Heidelberg 08124 Carl Wilde-Stiftung, Sterrfcerg 08126 Wilhelm Clothar Freiherr von Wintzingerode-Stiftung, Pottenstein 08158 Kommerzienrat Witt-Familiengrab-Stiftung, München 06171 Otto-Wolff-Stiftung, Köln 08212 Margarete Wübbens geb. von HelldorffStiftung, Essen 08232 Wüstenrot Stiftung, Ludwigsburg 08243 Horst und Gunhild Zillmer-Stiftung, Bonn 08284
Hungary Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest 08347
Ireland Cariingford Lough Heritage Trust, Dundalk 08359 Cobh Heritage Trust, Cobh 08362 County Wexford Heritage Trust, Wexford 08365 Gort Heritage Trust, Gort 08371 Saint Canice's Cathedral Restoration Fund, Kilkenny 08392 Wexford Heritage Trust, Wexford 08397
Italy Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso 08434 Fondazione Roffredo Caetaní Di Sermoneta, Tor Tre Ponti 08463 Fondazione Camillo Cavour, Santería 08479 Fondazione La Città di Ieri per l'Uomo di Domani, Firenze 08660 Fondazione Mediateca Regionale Toscana, Firenze 08670 Fondazione Giulio Marchi, Firenze 08824 Fondazione Giuseppe Mazzotti per la Civiltà Veneta, Treviso 08835 Fondazione Rìcci, Barga 08904 Fondazione Federico Sacco, Possano 08914
Netherlands De Bijll Nachenius Fonds, Amsterdam 09060 Curtevenne Stichting, 's-Graveland 09093 Eggink-Daas Fonds, Amsterdam 09104 Europa Nostra, Den Haag 09106 Stichting K.F. Hein Fonds, Utrecht 09155 Kastelensfichting Holland en Zeeland, Den Haag 09182 Meindersma-Sybenga Stichting, Dronrijp 09213 Nederlandse Kastetenstichting, Wijk bij Duurstede 09241 Overijsselse Kastelen Stichfing, Zwolle 09256 Stichting Dr. J.C. Overvoorde in hot Belang der Monumentenzorg, Zeist 09257 Pfältzer-Bimie Fonds, Amsterdam 09268 Príns Bernhard Cultuurfonds 's· Gravenhage, Den Haag 09288 Stichting Archäologische Monument er wacht Nedertand, Amersfoort 09359 Stichting Cultuurfonds Bouwfonds Nederiandse Gemeenten, Hoevelaken 09376 Stichting Umburgse Kastelen, Roermond 09444 Stichting Monumentenfonds Den Haag en Orngeving, Den Haag 09456 Stichting Príns Bernhard Fonds, Amsterdam 09479 Stichting Restauratie Hulpfonds fOokkestoelen, Leeuwarden 09488 Stichting Utrechtse Kastelen, Utrecht 09518 Marke van Streukel/Marke van Berkum Fonds, Raalte 09599 Maatschappij van Welstand, Eindhoven 09604
Portugal Fundaçâo Ctdade de Lisboa, Lisboa 09765 Fundaçâo Convento da Orada, Monsaraz 09767 Fundaçâo da Casa de Matets, Vila Real 09771 Fundaçâo para o Desenvolvimento da Zona Histórica do Porto, Porto 09814 Fundaçâo Marqués de Pombal, Unda-aVelha 09895 Fundaçâo José Relvas, Alpiarça 09902 Fundaçâo Comendador Joaquim de S á Couto, Feira Norte 09914
Spain Fundación Casa de Afba, Madrid
Fundación Casa Alvarez de Toledo y Meneos, Madrid 10043 Fundació Biblioteca Museu Balaguer, Vilanova i la Geltní 10094 Fundación Buenafuente del Sistai, Madrid 10152 Fundación Benéfica Casaíderray, Madrid 10177 Fundación Olivar de Castilleio, Madrid 10182 Fundación Patronato Rosalía de Castro, Santiago de Compostala 10185 Fundación Asilo Residencia Nuestra Señora de la Caridad, Villarrobledo 10742 Fundación Asociación Cultural Castilnovo Hispa no-Mexicana, Madrid 10759 Fundación Castillo de Trasmoz, Zaragoza 10837 Fundación Defensa del Patrimonio Nacional, Barcelona 10999 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 11036 Fundación Huerta en la Molina, Potes 11243 Fundación Mirabell, Cuacos-Yuste 11370 Fundación para el Apoyo de la Cultura, Madrid 11433 Fundación para la Culminación de las Obras de la Basílica de la Almudena, Madrid 11459 Fundación para la Recuperación del Patrimonio Villa de Garafia, Garafia 11486 Fundación Pro-Restauración del Templo de San Agustín de Córdoba, Córdoba 11535 Fundación S'Olivar d'Esteliencs, Estellencs 11646 Fundación Valle del Silencio, Ponferrada 11688 Fundación Juan José García, Madrid 11716 Fundación Casa Museo Gaudi, Barcelona 11734 Fundación Duque de Lerma, Toledo 11838 Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, Sevilla 11907 Fundación Infante de Orleans, Madrid 11971 Fundación Cultural Privada Patronato Otero Pedrayo, Trasalba-Amoero 11975 Fundación Pau Casals, Coma-Ruga 11992 Fundación Gregorio Prieto, Madrid 12029 Real Fundación de Toledo, Toledo 12050 Fundación Museo Sorolla, Madrid 12162 Fundación Vega Indán, Madrid 12236 Fundación Villa y Corte, Madrid 12256
Switzerland Bemische Denkmalpflege-Stiftung, Bern 12401 Denkmal- und Hilfsfonds des GebirgsInfanterie-Regiments 17, Bern 12497 Fondation pour la Sauvegarde des Monuments Arméniens, PregnyChambésy 12642 Fondazione Pro Marignano, Windisch 12704 Jubiläumsstiftung der Credit Suisse Group, Zürich 12928 Karta und Henriette Noerdünger-Stiftung, Egg 13080 Conrad W. Schnyder-Stlftung, Küssnacht 13207 Schweizerische Stiftung für das StockaJperschtoss, Brig 13251 Schweizerische Stiftung Pro Venezia, Lugano 13277 Schweizerische Stiftung zur Erhaltung der Hohlen Gasse, Küssnacht 13282 Schweizerisches Institut in Rom, Bern 13297 Stiftung Basler Münsterbauhütte, Basel 13382 Stiftung der Schweizerischen Schuljugend zur Erhaltung des Schlachtfeldes von Morgarten, Schwyz 13436 Stiftung Ital Reding-Haus, Schwyz 13644 Stiftung Rathaus des äusseren Standes, Bern 13761 Stiftung zur Förderung der naturwissenschaftlichen und technologisch-konservatorischen Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Denkmalpflege, Zürich 13901
United Kingdom Aberglasney Restoration Trust, üangathen 14060 Addington Saint Mary Development Trust Croydon 14083 Alchemy Foundation, Oxted 14131 Aldgate Church Foundation, London 14135 The Alfreton and District Heritage Trust, AHreton 14147 The All Saints Church of Emberton Charitable Trust, Olney 14156 All Saints Milton Keynes Restoration Fund, Milton Keynes 14158
Ambleston (Bethlehem Chapel) Trust, Haverfordwest 14190 The Amlwch Industrial Heritage Trust, Moelfre 14199 Anonymous Donors for the Brighouse War Memorial Fund, Halifax 14231 Ardmore Trust Fund, Hull 14252 Avon Industrial Buildings Trust, Bristol 14330 The Peter Baker Foundation, Newbury 14355 Baldwin's Bridge Trust, Maidenhead 14360 The Bangor and District Buildings and Amenity Preservation Trust, Caernarfon 14375 Bangor Cathedral Appeal Fund, Bangor 14376 The Bardsey Island Trust Ltd., Pwllheli 14387 Robert Barker or the Bridge House Trust, Datchet 14392 The Batebe of Toro Foundation, London 14438 Bath Lane Church Trust Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 14443 The Beaufoy Tomb Trust, London 14469 Bedford District Bell Restoration Fund, Bedford 14480 Benneriey Viaduct Preservation Trust, Matlock 14511 The Berkeley Square Charitable Trust, London 14521 Bethesda Heritage Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 14540 Biggleswade District Belfry Repair Fund, Biggleswade 14567 Bishopsgate Church Foundation, London 14602 Bleddfa Trust, Rhayader 14618 Bolton and District Buildings Preservation Trust, Bolton 14636 Bolton Parish Church Repair Fund, Bolton 14642 The Borough High Street Amenity Foundation, London 14649 The Borough of Fulham War Memorial Fund, London 14651 Borough of Wembley War Memorial Fund, Wembley 14652 Bow Community Trust, London 14661 The Bradford Area Development Trust, Shelf 14670 Bradford Building Preservation Trust, Bingley 14671 Bradworthy Parish Church Building Trust, Holsworthy 14680 The Brampton Preservation Trust, Brampton 14688 The Breadsall Church Heritage Trust, Derby 14695 The Bristol Buildings Preservation Trust, Bristol 14728 The Lord Brock Memorial Trust, London 14772 Brook House Congregational Chapel Fund, Denbeigh 14789 Broomfield Historic Buildings Trust, Enfield 14796 Brynteg Chapel Trust Fund, Swansea 14813 Buckingham Heritage Trust, Buckingham 14816 Burslem Buildings Preservation Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 14845 Burwell War Memorial Fund, Cambridge 14853 The Bushy Pari( Water Gardens Trust, Hampton 14855 Butler Trust, London 14862 Calcutta Jewish Heritage Trust, Northwood 14879 The Cambridgeshire Regiment Chapel Trust Fund, Newmarket 14909 Campden Trust, Birmingham 14918 Cana Congregational Chapel Trust Fund, Carmarthen 14921 The Capel Iwan Manse Trust Fund, Llanfymach 14939 The Cardiff Building Preservation Trust, Cardiff 14942 Care for Saint Anne's Trust, London 14952 Cariisle and District Civic Trust, Carlisle 14958 The Carlisle Buildings Preservation Trust, Carlisle 14959 Carmarthenshire and UaneHi Historical Buildings Preservation Trust, Llanelli 14966 Carehalton Water Tower Trust, Carshalton 14979 The Castlegate House Charitable Trust, York 14991 Caudwell's Mill Trust, Matlock 15002 The Caversham Court Gazebo Trust, Reading 15004 Chapel Trust, London 15046 Chatsworth House Trust, London 15071 Chester Civic Trust, Chester 15094 The Chester Heritage Trust, Chester 15097 The Chester Historic Buildings Preservation Trust, Chester 15098 Chesterfield Church of the Crooked Spire Fund, Chesterfield 15105
Chilton Village Church Fund, Aylesbuiy 15139 Chiswick Pier Trust, London 15147 Christ Church Spitalfields Restoration Trust, London 15154 Church Endowment Building Fund, Bromley (5/65 Church of England Trust, London 15188 Church of Saint John Stillington Repair Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 15190 Church of Saint John the Evangelist (Casablanca) Trust, Tunbridge Wells 15192 Church Repair Fund, London 15194 Church Trust, Tring 15195 Constance Cicely Parkin Deceased Will Trust, Bristol 15203 The City of Durham Trust, Durham 15211 The City of London Endowment Trust for Saint Paul's, London 15213 City of Worcester Building Preservation Trust, Worcester 15227 The City of York Trust, York 15228 Clarke Hall Farm Trust. Wakefield 15246 Clerkenwell Community Trust, London 15256 Cleveland Buildings Preservation Trust, Stockton-on-Tees 15259 Clifton Parish Church Restoration and Repair Fund, Shefford 15265 Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust, Bristol 15266 The Louis Cohen Maintenance and Improvement Fund, Northwich 15280 College Farm Trust, London 15290 Coney Hill Baptist Church Building Fund, West Wickham 15333 The Captain Cook Birthplace Trust, Middlesbrough 15342 Covent Garden Area Trust, London 15390 Coventry Canal Basin Trust, Coventry 15391 Cowes Town Waterfront Trust, Cowes 15396 Croatian National Heritage Fund, London 15419 The Crossness Engines Trust, Welling 15429 Danish Lutheran Church of Saint Nicolai Trust, Hull 15466 Deptford General Baptist Chapel Fund, London 15547 Dolgellau War Memorial Trust, Dolgellau 15617 Dulverton Trust, London 15658 The Dunstable Priory Preservation Trust, Dunstable 15670 East Wickham and Welling War Memorial Trust, Welling 15715 Ebenezer Strict Baptist Chapel Fund, Lutterworth 15725 Elim Baptist Chapel Fund. Neath 15767 Elizabeth Cottage Endowment Fund, Bourne End 15768 The Exeter Canal and Quay Trust, Exeter 15858 Exeter Historic Buildings Trust, Exeter 15866 The Falcon Trust, Liverpool 15883 Flookburgh Church Building Trust, Carkin-Cartmel 15972 The Friends of All Saints Church Sutton Trust, Sandy 16033 The Friends of Christ Church Spitalfields and Trust, London 16037 The Friends of Eggesford All Saints Trust, Chulmleigh 16039 Friends of Newcastle Saint Matthews' Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 16051 Friends of the London Oratory Trust, London 16058 Fulham Palace Trust, London 16067 Fund for the Maintenance of Providence Chapel Trust Property, Cardiff 16076 The Garlick Fund, Trowbridge 16105 Gloucester Cathedral 900 Year Fund, Gloucester 16164 Gravel Baptist Manse Fund, Uandrindod Wells 16210 A.E. Gray Will Trust, London 16213 Greenfield Valley Trust Ltd., Mold 16243 H.R.S. Foundation, London 16304 Hackney Empire Preservation Tiust, London 16306 The Hackney Historic Buildings Trust, London 16310 Haddenham Great Mill Preservation Trust, Ely 16315 The Hajra Sanaullah Trust, Thornton Heath 16325 The Hampton Village Green Trust, Hampton 16361 The Handle House Trust, Trowbridge 16364 The Haringey Buildings Preservation Trust, London 16387 Emanuel Vincent Harris Trust, London 16399 The Harrow Heritage Trust, Pinner 16407 The Hatfield Church Building Trust, Doncaster 16433
The Hawtayne Trust. Twickenham 16453 The Ethel Florence Haywood Memorial Trust, London 16461 Heartlands Community Trust, Birmingham 16476 The Heathfield Trust, London 16483 Hedley Vicars Trust Fund, London 16492 Heritage Lottery Fund, London 16516 Hermon Congregational Chapel Fund, Bodorgan 16517 Highgate Cemetery Trust, London 16542 Hobson's Conduit Tiust, Cambridge 16573 The Holy Trinity Winster Trust, Grange· over-Sands 16609 The Hoxton Trust, London 16667 Ibstone Parish Church Restoration Fund, High Wycombe 16731 Indemnity and Repair Fund, Halstead 16744 The International Trust for Croatian Monuments, London 16872 Ipswich Building Preservation Trust, Ipswich 16877 The Ipswich Historic Churches Trust, Ipswich 16879 Islington Building Preservation Trust, London 16895 Stewart and Hilda Jenkins Thanksgiving Fund, Truro 16945 The Jerusalem Foundation, London 16948 The Jews Court Trust, Lincoln 16963 Dr. Johnson's House Trust, Beaminster 16977 Jordans Environment Trust, Jordans 17011 The Kidwelly Heritage Centre and Tinplate Museum Trust, Kidwelly 17070 Kirk Ireton Church Building Trust, Kirk Ireton 17121 The Knowl Hill Steam Rally Trust, Waltham Saint Lawrence 17132 Laughame Civic Trust, Carmarthen 17194 The Late John Valentine Learoyd Trust, Southampton 17206 The Lee Old Church Trust, Great Missenden 17210 Leeds Castle Foundation, Maidstone 17212 Leeds Parish Church Appeal Fund, Leeds 17220 The Limehouse Church Clock and Bells Repair Fund, London 17306 Linbury Trust, London 17307 The Lincoln's Inn Heritage Fund, London 17312 Liverpool Royal Court Theatre Foundation, Liverpool 17348 Llandaff War Memorial Fund, Cardiff 17359 Uandeilo Civic Trust Society, Llandeilo 17360 Uandrindod Wells Spa Town Trust, Uandrindod Wells 17364 Llandudno Heritage Trust, Deganwy 17365 Llandudno Seaside Buildings Preservation Trust, Llandudno 17366 Llangollen Railway Trust Ltd., Llangollen 17377 The Uanrwst Almshouse and Museum Trust, Uanrwst 17383 Richard Lloyd Bequest Fund, London 17392 Llwyn Rhydowen Manse Fund, Uandysul 17405 The Lounge Maintenance Fund, Chesterfield 17470 Lovaine Trust, London 17471 Luton Church Burial Ground Fund, Luton 17487 Luton Civic Trust, Luton 17489 Luton District BeHry Repair Fund, Houghton Regis 17491 Thomas Lye's Sunday School and Chapel Fund, Luton 17498 The Manchester Albert Memorial Trust Fund, Manchester 17550 Maple Leaf Trust, Trowbridge 17572 Marshal Beresford's Fund, London 17590 Maryjim Trust, Worksop 17603 The Matliwala Family Charitable Trust, Preston 17610 The Mayfair Trust, London 17617 Mercers' Charitable Foundation, London 17678 Merseyside Buildings Preservation Trust. Liverpool 17687 Merthyr Tydfil Heritage Trust, Merthyr Tydfil 17689 Merton Historic Buildings Tiust, Morden 17691 Middleton Railway Trust. Leeds 17717 Milton Cottage Trust, Chatfont Saint Giles 17736 Mobbs Memorial Trust, Slough 17773 The Montserrat Foundation, Welwyn 17790 The Sir Thomas Moulson Trust, Chester 17830
Subject Index: Monuments protection National Endowment tor Science, Technology and the Arts, London 17883 National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, London 17889 New Gravel Pit Unitarian Chapel Fund, Watford 17917 Newport Maritime Trust, Newport 17977 Noddla Chapel Trust, Lampeter 18012 Norwegian Church Preservation Trust, Cardiff 18071 The Norwich Historic Churches Trust, Norwich 18076 The Nostell Trust, London 18079 The Octagon Trust Fund, Twickenham 18105 Ogmore Valley Community Heritage Trust, Ogmore Valley 18110 Painshill Park Trust, Cobham 1B227 The Philip Palmer Memorial Trust, Maidenhead 18230 Parker Trust Fund, Amersham 18251 Harry Hardy Peach Memorial Fund, Leicester 18280 The Pennington Mellor Charity Trust, London 18309 Elizabeth Perks Bequest Trust, Lichfield 18325 The Picton Castle Trust. Haverfordwest 18358 Sir John Plumb Charitable Trust, Cambridge 163Θ1 Matilda Pollitt Churchyard and Grave Fund, Bolton 18409 Polperro Village Trust, Looe 18410 Polruan and Lanteglos Community Development Trust, Polruan 18411 Polruan Town Trust, Fowey 18412 Porthcawl Civic Trust Society, Porthcawl 18438 The Prague Heritage Fund, London 18448 Prickwillow Engine Trust, Ely 18458 The Railway Inn Preservation Trust, Bargoed 18550 Rebuild Saint Leonard's Fund, London 18593 The Regeneration Trust, London 18615 Rivington Heritage Trust, Chorley 18681 The Roehampton Parish Church Restoration Fund, London 18707 Gerald Arthur Rolph Foundation for Historic Preservation and Education, Knaresborough 18713 The Rose Theatre Trust, London 18727 Jacob Rothschild GAM Charitable Trust, London 18995 Rowan Charitable Trust, Reading 18999 The Royal Albeit Hall Trust, London 19016 Royal Docks Trust (London), London 19046 Ruhamah Baptist Chapel Fund, Bridgend 19140 Ruperra Conservation Trust, Caerphilly 19144 Saint Andrew Holbom Church Foundation, London 19188 Saint Andrews (Homchurch) Churchyard Maintenance Trust, Homchurch 19195 The Saint Anne's Cathedral Fund, Leeds 19202 Saint Augustine's Haggerston Parish Hall Trust, Croydon 19208 Saint Bride Restoration Fund, London 19216 The Saint Clears Town Trust, Saint Clears 19225 Saint Clement Danes Fund, Innsworth 19228 The Saint Edmund Church Building Trust, Newport 19246 Saint Etheidreda's (Ely Place) Trust, London 19249 Saint Francis of Assisi Church Maintenance Fund, London 19254 Saint George's Redevelopment Fund, London 19265 Saint George's Toddington Bell Fund, Milton Keynes 19268 The Saint James Blddenham Trust, Bedford 19278 Saint James Church Spanish Place Trust Number 1, London 19280 Saint James Church Spanish Place Trust Number 2, London 19281 Saint John the Divine (Kennington) Fabric Fund, Croydon 19290 The Saint John's Restoration and Development Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 19298 Saint John's Stratford Fabric Trust, Woodford Green 19300 Saint Justin Trust, Chislehurst 19306 The Saint Kentigerns Church Trust, Bradford 19307 Saint Laud's Church Sherington Fabric Fund, Newport Pagnell 19308 Saint Lawrences Church Chicheley Fabric Fund, Newport Pagnell 19310 Saint Luke's P.F.F. Chapel Fund, Bath 19318 Saint Mark's Old Marylebone Road Rebuilding Fund, London 19329 The Saint Martin's Church Lichborough Fabric Trust, Towcester 19332
Saint Martin's Millennium Appeal Trust, Windermere 19333 Saint Mary at Hill Restoration Trust, London 19336 Saint Mary Battersea Church Building Trust, London 19337 Saint Mary's Burwell Preservation Trust Cambridge 19343 The Saint Mary's Charitable Trust, Uxbridge 19346 Saint Mary's Church Maintenance Trust Fund, Chester 19349 Saint Mary's Church Tower Fund, Cowes 19351 Saint Mary's Shenley Churchyard Trust, Milton Keynes 19361 Saint Matthias Conservation Trust, London 19365 Saint Matthias Trust, East Grinstead 19366 The Saint Michael's Comhill Appeal Fund, Whitchurch 19370 Saint Michael's (Ffestiniog) Restoration Appeal Fund, Ffestiniog 19371 Saint Paneras Church Lands Trust, Bakjock 19388 Saint Patrick's Foundation (Southampton), Southampton 19391 Saint Peter's Church (Astwood) Fabric Fund, Milton Keynes 19400 Saint Peter's Church of England Building Fund, Wallsend 19402 Saint Peter's Fordham Preservation Trust, Ely 19407 Saint Philip's Chapel Fund, Preston 19411 Saint Simon's Parochial Halls Charitable Trust, London 19420 The Saint Stephen's Restoration and Preservation Trust, London 19423 Saint Thomas Trust, Chislehurst 19432 Salem (Holton Road) Building Fund, Bany 19442 K.A.H. Sams Charitable Fund, Olney 19453 Scienter Carmelite Monastery Public Church Trust, Looe 19498 Seion Fund for Bethel Congregational Chapel, Talybont 19520 The Shrewsbury Abbey Nonacentenery Trust, Shrewsbury 19597 The Shuttleworth Hall Estate Fund, Shipley 19605 Emily Sidney Goodall Will Trust, London 19610 The Society of Royal Cumberland Youths Bell Restoration Fund, Royston 19666 Soham Noith Chapel Charitable Trust, Ely 19668 The Sonning Vicarage Maintenance Trust Fund, Sonning 19680 South Stone ham Trust, Southampton 19703 Southampton and Solent Building Preservation Trust, Southampton 19711 Southwark Cathedral Development Trust, London 19733 Spitalfields Historic Buildings Trust, London 19759 Spondon Jubilee Lamp Trust, Deity 19764 Staffordshire Historic Buildings Trust, Stafford 19788 Stamford Wharf Trust, London 19793 George Stephenson Memorial Fund, Chesterfield 19809 The Robert Stephenson Trust Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19810 The Stockton Hundred Trust, Stocktonon-Tees 19821 Stuart House Trust, Liskeard 19847 Surrey Churches Preservation Trust, Haslemere 19870 Ann Swindley Coronation Clock Maintenance Fund, Wolverhampton 19892 Tanyrallt Solva Remembrance Fund, Haverfordwest 19911 The Teulu James Pantyfedwen Strata Florida Churchyard Trust, Ystrad Meurig 19975 Thumscoe War Memorial Trust Fund, Thumscoe 20021 Torfaen Museum Trust, Torfaen 20048 The Constance Treasure Memorial Charitable Trust, Cardiff 20072 Trust Property held in Connection with Roman Catholic Church at Stow Hill, Pillgwenlly Newport 20119 Underfall Restoration Trust, Bristol 20165 Vale Mill Trust, Ryton 20207 Vale of Glamorgan Buildings Preservation Trust, Cardiff 20208 Venice in Peril Fund, London 20224 Victoria Park Heritage Trust, London 20238 John Walker Fabric Fund, York 20271 The Waitham Saint Lawrence Churches Trust, Waitham Saint Lawrence 20289 The Wargrave Heritage Trust, Wargrave 20316 Robert Watchom Trust, Brackenfield 20325 Wateriow Park Gift Fund, London 20333
454 Benjamin Weir Trust, London 20357 Weld Chapel Trust Fund, London 20359 Elizabeth Wells' Fund for the Joseph Watson Ayre, London 20367 The Westminster Abbey Trust, London 20410 Garfield Weston Foundation, London 20428 The White Gates Trust, Mold 20443 Wimbledon Windmill Museum Trust, London 20518 Winchester Preservation Trust, Winchester 20524 Woughton-on-the-Green Church Trust, Milton Keynes 20634 The York Bell Fund, York 20684 York Civic Trust, York 20689 York Conservation Trust, York 20693 The Yockshire Historic Churches Trust, Skipton 20712 Alice Mary Young Fund, London 20715
Multiple sclerosis Austria Salzburger Multiple Sklerose Fond, Salzburg 00129
Germany Willi Althof-Stiftung, München 01414 Georg und Edeltraud Apfl-MultpteSklerose-Stiftung, Patersdorf 01440 Stiftung der Eheieute Heinrich und Maria Beckers zur Unterstützung von Multiple Sklerose kranken Essener Bürgern, Essen 01612 Deutsche Multiple Sklerose-Stiftung, Hannover 02197 Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz 02198 Georg Gotttob-Stiftung MS-Hille, Essen 03005 Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03406 Multiple Sklerose Stiftung Dr. Peter Kratz, Berlin 04194 Lebensnerv-Stiftung zur Föderung der psychosomatischen MS-Forschung, Berlin 04441 Hannes Meisinger-Multiple SkleroseStiftung, Aichach 04726 Multiple Sklerose Forschung, Berlin 04919 Heinrich und Erna Schaufler-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05784 Hermann und Lilly Schilling-Stiftung, Essen 05826 Cail und Grete Schröder Stiftung, Bremen 05968 Roman, Marga und Mareille SobekStiftung, Renningen 06150 Trudelotte Thyssen-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07677
Netherlands Stfchting Prinses Beatrix Fonds, Den Haag 09481
Spain Fundació per a la Investigaci de l'Esclerosis Múltiple, Barcelona 10576 Fundación Instituto Guttmann, Barcelona 11772
Switzerland Clara Millenet-Schild-Stiftung, Bern 13051 Steiger-Stiftung, Meilen 13342 Desirée und Niels Yde-Stiftung, Zürich 14009
United Kingdom The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, London 17847 Lilian Prime Trust, Derby 18459
Music Austria Alban Berg-Stiftung, Wien 00019 International Maria Callas Foundation, Wien 00025 Emst und Rosa von DorrbrowskiStiftung, Graz Û0Û35 Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg 00069 Herbert von Karajan-Stiftung, Hof bei Salzburg 00075 Theodor Kömer-Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wien 00079
Belgium Alamire Foundation, Leuven 00200 Fondation Jacques Brei, Bruxelles 00220 Emmanuel Duilet-Fonds, Antwerpen 00253
Euphonia-Fondation pour la Musique, Bruxelles 00256 Fondation de la FUM, Bruxelles 00289 International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, Bruxelles 00460 Stichting Auteurs en Muzikanten, Eppegem 00514
Finland Paulon Sàâtiô, Helsinki
France Fondation Création Musicale, Paris 00077 Fondation France Télécom, Paris 00955 Fondation de Lourmarin Laurent Vibert, Lourmarin 01290
Germany Claudio-Abbado-Musikstiftung, Bertin 01304 Herbeit-Baumann-Stiftung, Schweirrfurt 01574 Erich vom Baur-Stiftung, Wuppertal 01578 Bertelsmann Wissenschaftsstiftung, Gütersloh 01671 Antonie-Besler-Stiftung, Ludwigshafen 01679 BHF-Bank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01697 Gertrud-Bienko-Stiftung, Koblenz 01704 Hanns Bisegger-Stiftung, Bielefeld 01728 Helene, Hedwig und Walther BockStiftung, Weißenburg in Bayern 01755 Kari-Böhm-Stiftung zur Ausbildung und Förderung musikalisch hochbegabter Kinder und Jugendlicher, München 01773 Johannes Brahms-Stiftung, Hamburg 01820 Dr. Broche-Strftung Naumburg, Naumburg 01876 Bruchsaler Musikschul-Stiftung, Bruchsal 01885 Kurt Th. Burde-Stfftung, Potsdam 01996 Walther und Käthe Busche-Stiftung, Hamburg 02005 Frau Geheimrat Adalbert ColsmannStiftung zur Pflege wertvollster Musik, Velbert 02033 Deinhard-Stiftung, Wiesbaden 02145 Deutsche Rockmusik Stiftung, Hannover 02204 Deutsche Stiftung Musikieben, Hamburg 02219 Domhof-Stiftung. Weinheim 02305 Rudolf Eberle-Stiftung, Stuttgart 023Π Anni-Eisler-Lehmann-Stiftung, Mainz 02426 Albert Engbers-Stiftung, Gronau 02452 Marion Eimer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02473 Förderstrftung Windsbacher Knabenchor, Windsbach 02691 Förderung der Jugendmusikschule Crailsheim, Crailsheim 02692 Bruno Frey-Stiftung, Biberach 02765 Bruno Frey-Stiftung der Jugendmusikschute Biberach, Ochsenhausen 02768 Bruno Frey-Stiftung der Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in BadenWürttemberg, Ochsenhausen 02769 Götz Friedrich-Stiftung, Berlin 02777 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Sankt Anna-Stiftung, Augsburg 02812 Gartow-Stiftung, Hamburg 02846 Geißler-Stiftung, Aschaffenburg 02866 Geistliches Stipendium Hedemünden, Hann. Münden 02869 GEMA-Stiftung, München 02871 Harald Genzmer-Stiftung, München 02913 Hermann Gerken Stiftung, Bremen 02923 GeSoBau-Stiftung, Berlin 02935 Richard und Anne-Liese GielenLeyendecker-Stiftung, Essen 02947 Otto und Hildegard Grau-Kulturstiftung, Ansbach 03023 Franz Grothe-Stiftung, Irschenberg 03054 Max Grünebaum-Strftung, Cottbus 03059 Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stiftung für Kunst und Kulturpflege, Frankfurg am Main 03122 Hamburger Jugendmusikstiftung, Hamburg 03171 Rudolf-Haver-Stiftung, Essen 03261 Heckewerth-Stiftung, Bielefeld 03270 Günter Henle-Stiftung, München 03366 Herbstliche Musiktage Bad Urach, Bad Urach 03386 Dr. Ferdinand Hesse Stipendien-Stiftung, Hamburg 03426 Anton Hettich-Stiftung, Herlord 03439 Stiftung Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium Frankfurt, Frankluit am Main 03489 Wolfgang Hofmann-Stiftung, Mannheim 03521 Hohner-Stiftung Trossingen, Trossingen 03530 Ewald Horbach-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03555 Internationale Bachakademie Stuttgart, Stuttgart 03702 Internationale Ludwig van Beethoven Stiftung, Bonn 03704
Internationale Mendelssohn-Stiftung, Leipzig 03705 Internationale Orgelwoche Nürnberg Musica Sacra, Nürnberg 03706 Gotto von Irmer-Stiftung, Bremen 03710 Jakobinengroschen, Hameln 03731 Udo Jürgens Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03799 Hans und Eugenia JOtting-Stiftung, Stendal 03800 Jugend-Stiftung der Sparkasse Ulm, Ulm 03801 Jugend- und Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Ludwigslust, Hagenow 03803 Walter Kaminsky-Stiftung, Köln 03860 Christoph und Stephan Kaske-Stiftung, München 03884 Keller-Budenberg-Stiftung, Berlin 03920 von Keller-Stiftung, Lübeck 03923 Paul Kemmer-Stiftung, Bad Mergentheim 03931 Paul und Käthe Kick-Schmidt-Stiftung, Bertin 03954 Ingrid Kipper-Stiftung, Kierspe 03989 Dr. Hans Kirsch-Stiftung, Günzenhausen 04007 Gertrud Kleßny-Kunde-Stiftung, Rastede 04031 Karl Klingler-Stiftung, Bremen 04037 Peter Klöckner-Stiftung, Duisburg 04040 Armin Knab-Stiftung am Armin-KnabGymnasium Kitzingen, Kitzingen 04056 Heinz-Peter Koch-Stiftung, Bremen 04080 Kocher-Klein-Stiftung, Waldenburg 04087 Köhler-Osbahr-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Düsseldorf 04093 Koenig & Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung des kulturellen Lebens in Würzburg, Würzburg 04102 Kremerata Baltica Stiftung, Quickbom 04216 Kultur-Stiftung der Deutschen Bank, Frankfurt am Main 04280 Kultur- und Naturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Düren, Düren 04281 Kultur- und Umweltstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04286 Kulturstiftung Abtsgmünd, Abtsgmünd 04288 Kulturstiftung der Kasseler Sparkasse, Kassel 04293 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse LüchowDannenberg, Dannenberg 04296 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse TeltowFläming, Luckenwalde 04300 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Münster, Münster 04306 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, Steinlurt 04311 Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Nürnberg, Nürnberg 04314 Kulturstiftung der VR Leasing, Eschborn 04316 Kulturstiftung Hameln, Hameln 04325 Kulturstiftung Hohenlohe, Künzelsau 04330 Kulturstiftung Klingendes Schwaben, Krumbach 04332 Kulturstiftung Oberberg der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04336 Kulturstiftung Schloß Agathenburg, Agathenburg 04342 Kulturstiftung Sparkasse Moers, Moers 04344 Kulturstiftung Speyer, Speyer 04349 Kulturstiftung Stadt Buxtehude, Buxtehude 04350 Kunst- und Kultur-Stiftung der Sparkasse in Bremen, Bremen 04360 Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 04362 Kunststiftung der Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg, Magdeburg 04363 Landeskreditbank-Musikstiftung, Stuttgart 04395 Landgraf Moritz-Stiftung, Kassel 04398 Förderungsstiftung Langelüdcky, Berlin 04410 Julius Langenbach-Stiftung, Bonn 04411 Richard Lauschmann-Stiftung, Mannheim 04428 Lotte Lettau-Stiftung, Hannover 04481 Internationale Klavierstiftung Theo Lieven zu Hamburg, Hamburg 04499 Prof. Dr. Edmund Löffler-Stiftung, Karlstein am Main 04539 Dr. Edelgard und Elsa Brünnhild Lohmeyer-Stiftung, Berlin 04556 Kari-Lurk-Strftung, Tübingen 04591 Gerhard Maasz-Stiftung zur Fördeiung der ernsten Musik, Barsbüttel 0460/ Förderstlfung des Gustav Mahler Jungendorchester, München 04618 Max Mayer-Stiftung, Aalen 04702 Dr. Hans und Hildegard Medler-Stiftung, Hünfeld 04711 Bruno Meindl-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 04721 Melanie-Stiftung Magdeburg zur Förderung der Pflege und Erforschungen von Leben und Weik Georg Philipp Teiemanns (1681 1767), Magdeburg 04734 Yehudi Menuhin Stiftung Deutschland, Düsseldorf 04746
455 Elise Meyer Stiftung, Hamburg 04774 Mozart-Stiftung von 1836 zu Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 04658 Musikforschung in Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 04931 Musikstiftung Marktredwitz, München 04932 Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung, Hannover 05004 Cari Orff-Stìftung, München 05094 Martha Palitzsch Stiftung, Köln 05134 Cyril und Jutta A. Palmer Stiftung, Hamburg 05137 Hermann und Gertrud Pflüger-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05211 Rudolph und Berthie Philipp-Stiftung, Hamburg 05222 Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung zur Förderung junger Künstler, Frankfurt am Main 05261 Horst-Rahe-Stiftung, Rostock 05354 Alfred Relnhold-Stiftung, Hameln 05413 Rudolf Renftle-Stiftung, Friedberg/Bayem 05425 Werner Rlchard-Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung, Herdecke 05441 Oscar und Vera Ritter-Stiftung, Hamburg 05430 Helene Rosenberg-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05525 Rostropovich Cello Foundation, Kronberg 05538 Ilse und Dr. Horst Rusch-Stiftung, Hamburg 05570 Gotthard-Schierse-Stiftung, Berlin 05816 Schloß Theatrum Herberge Hohenerxleben-Stiftung, Hohenerxleben 05863 Elisabeth Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg 05922 Ottilie Selbach-Redslob-Stiftung, Berlin 06077 Heinrich-Simbriger-Stiftung, Regensburg 06136 Dr. Hanns Simon-Stiftung, Bitburg 06138 Sinfonima-Stiftung, Mannheim 06142 Hermann und Richard Stecher-Stiftung, Vallendar 06347 Wilfried Steinbrenner-Stiftung zur Förderung der ernsten Musik, Berlin 06366 Stiftung 100 Jahre Yamaha, Rellingen 06391 Stiftung Bach-Archiv Leipzig, Leipzig 06452 Stiftung Bayerischer Musikfonds, München 06462 Stiftung Bördesparkasse Oschersleben, Oschersleben 06489 Stiftung Casa Orfeo Positano, München 06513 Stiftung der Freunde der Hamburger Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hamburg 06554 Stiftung der Kreis-Sparkasse Northeim, Northeim 0656/ Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Limburg zur Förderung begabter heimischer Musiker, Limburg 06560 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse TorgauOschatz, Oschatz 0659? Stiftung der Norddeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale und der Öffentlichen Versicherungen fur Braunschweig, Braunschweig 06604 Stiftung der Sparkasse Hamm für Kunstund Kulturpflege, Hamm 06628 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vogttand, Plauen 06654 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen 06660 Stiftung Fördererkreis des Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters Hamburg, Hamburg 06788 Stiftung Forum Kultur, Hannover 06794 Stiftung Hofer Symphoniker, Hof an der Saale 06960 Stiftung Jugendförderung Musik der Raiffeisenbank IngolstadtPfaffenholeollm, Pfaffenhofen/Ilm 07014 Stiftung Kuratoren-Konseil zur Förderung der Tätigkeit russischer Komponisten und Musiker, Köln 07081 Stiftung Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in BadenWürttemberg, Ochsenhausen 07087 Stiftung Ludwig van Beethoven der Sparkasse Bonn, Bonn 07118 Stiftung Neuburger Barockkonzerte, Neuburg an der Donau 07167 Stiftung Nordfriesland, Husum 07178 Stiftung Pro Bochum, Bochum 07218 Stiftung Regensburger Domspatzen, Regensburg 07228 Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Lübeck 07266 Stiftung Stadtkapelle Rottenburg, Rottenburg 07317 Stiftung Thomanerchor, Leipzig 07342 Stiftung Volkslied, Kassel 07371 Stiftung zur Förderung der Hamburgischen Staatsoper, Hamburg 07451 Stiftung zur Förderung der Semper-Oper in Dresden, Dresden 07487
Subject Index:
Otto-Stöterau-Stiftung, Hamburg 07552 Robert Stolz-Stiftung e.V., München 07558 Johann Strauss-Stiftung, Coburg 07567 Fritz Terfloth-Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Münster 07637 Karl und Ulli Till-Stiftung, Aftötting 07687 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung an der staatlichen Hochschule für Musik München, München 07843 Villa Musica, Mainz 07893 Felicrtas-Vössing-Stiftung, Gütersloh 07906 Volksbank Höxter-Beverungen-Stiftung, Höxter 07918 Richard Wagner-Stiftung Bayreuth, Bayreuth 07958 Richard Wagner-Stipendienstiftung, Bayreuth 07961 Die WestHyp-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kultur und Wissenschaft, Dortmund 08099 Franz Wirth-Gedáchtnis-Stiftung zur Förderung des musikalischen Nachwuchses, Hamburg 08162 Viola-Stiftung Walter Witte, Frankfurt am Main 08172 Dr. Woehmitz-Stiftung, Daubach 08185 Paul Woitschach-Stiftung, Berlin 08200 Jakob Wolperth-Stiftung, Weinheim 08217 Stiftung Dr. Zieseniß-Krambo, Köln 08283
Greece The J.F. Costopoulos Foundation, Athlna 08312 Foundation for Hellenic Culture, Paleo Psychiko 08316
Italy Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Siena 06399 Fondazione Adkins Chrti Donne In Musica, Fiuggi 08401 Fondazione Franco Antonicelll, Livorno 08411 Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia 08488 Fondazione Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina, Palestrina 08513 Fondazione Guido D'Arezzo, Arezzo 08516 Fondazione Donizetti, Bergamo 08527 Fondazione II Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera 08645 Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica della SIFD, Roma 06655 Fondazione per l'Arena e Teatro Filarmonico, Verona 08701 Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, Firenze 08762 Milano per La Scala, Milano 08842 Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi, Cremona 08855 Fondazione Franco Michele Napolitano, Napoli 08862 Fondazione Concerti Nicolò Piccinnl, Bari 08885 Fondazione Giacomo Puccini, Lucca 08896 Fondo Ottorino Respighi, Venezia 08903 Fondazione Gioacchino Rossini, Pesaro . 08908 Fondazione Russolo-Pratelia, Varese 08912 Fondazione Nuova Orchestra Scarlatti, Napoli 08926 Fondazione Isabella Scelsi, Roma 08928 Fondazione Istituto Storico Sardo Giuseppe Siotto, Cagliari 08942 Fondazione Oriele Sotgiu di Ghilarza, Oristano 08944 Fondazione Arturo Toscan ini, Parma 06955 Fondazione Verdi Festival, Panna 08962
Moldova The Musical Fund of the Composer's and Musician's Union of Moldova, Chisinau 09023 The Nicolae Sulac Foundation, Chisinau 09028
Netherlands Petronila Andriessen Fonds, Amsterdam 09043 Stichting Studiefonds Oskar Back, Amsterdam 09052 Gusta Bruyn-Koch Fonds, Amsterdam 09074 European Foundation for Chinese Music Research, Leiden 09109 Feteris-Oosteibaan Fonds, Raalte 09114 Fonds Henri Fock, Amsterdam 09120 Fonds voor de Podlumkunsten, Den Haag 09125 Maaike Helena de Gaaij Reisfonds, Amsterdam 09139 Paul Hermann Fonds, Amsterdam 09157 Maria de Leijer Fonds, 's-Hertogenbosch 09200 Mehler Fonds, Amsterdam 09212
Mozart-Wagner Fonds, Amsterdam 09220 Muziekschool Stichting, Amsterdam 09222 Nationale Stichting De Nieuwe Kerle, Amsterdam 09231 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdam 09276 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09277 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Drenthe, Assen 09278 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Flevoland, Lelystad 09279 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Fryslân, Leeuwarden 09280 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Geideriand, Amhem 09281 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Groningen, Groningen 09282 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg, Maastricht 09283 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds NoordBrabant, 's-Hertogenbosch 09284 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds NoordHolland, Haarlem 09285 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Overijssel, Raalte 09286 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09287 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds 'sGravenhage, Den Haag 09268 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Utrecht, Utrecht 09289 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zeeland, Middelburg 09290 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zuid-Holland, Den Haag 09291 Prinses Christina Concours Stichting, Den Haag 09292 Rondom Stemwerk Stichting, Rotterdam 09308 Ruarus Bloemkolk Fonds, Amsterdam 09312 Stichting A.F.V.O.M.S., Heemstede 09341 Stichting Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst, Amsterdam 09400 Stichting Gaudeamus, Amsterdam 09409 Stichting Het Geesje Poutsma Leen, Gevestigd te Leeuwarden, Amhem 09417 Stichting Lira Fonds, Amstelveen 09445 Stichting Nederlands Jazz Archief, Amsterdam 09469 Stichting Prins Bernhard Fonds, Amsterdam 09479 Stichting Voortgezette Studie Podiumkunsten, Den Haag 09524 Studiefonds voor Nederiandse Vlolisten, Amsterdam 09547 Eduard van Beinum Stichting, Hilversum 09570 Grace van Heerewaarden Fonds, Leeuwarden 09592 Vrouw en Muziek Stichting, Amsterdam 09622 Adèle Wickert Fond, Amsterdam 09628
Portugal Fundaçâo Dr. Elias de Aguiar, Vila do Conde 09674 Fundaçâo Castro Alves, Riba de Ave 09717 Fundaçâo Conservatòrio Regional de Gaia, Vila Nova de Gaia 09766 Fundaçâo Musical dos Amigos das Crianças, Lisboa 09802 Fundaçâo Sâo Cartes, Lisboa 09832
Russia Musical Fund of the Russian Federation, Moskva 09995
Spain Fundación Paulino Caballero, Pamplona 10154 Fundació Orfeó Català-PaJau Música Catalana, Barcelona 10187 Fundación Tonino Coscarelli Otarra, Bilbao 10233 Fundación José Antonio Cremades, Jijona 10241 Fundación Dávatos-Fletcher, Castellón de la Plana 10251 Fundación Segundo Gil Dávila, Arto Í0252 Fundación Archivo Manuel de Falla, Madrid 10309 Fundación Ferrer Salat, Barcelona 10329 Fundación Franconi, Altzo y Ategia 10351 Fundació Area Creació Acústica, Palma de Mallorca 10364 Fundació Aula de Música, Barcelona Í037f Fundació d'Estudis Musicals de Vic, Vic 10467 Fundació Música Contempo ran ia, Barcelona 10560 Fundació Orquestra de Cambra de l'Empordá, Figueres 10565 Fundació Pro Escola de Música de Guineu, Barcelona 10604 Fundación Academia Internacional de Música de Cámara, Barcelona 70669
Fundación del Conservatorio Profesional de Música Pública, Tarragona 11002 Fundación Grupo El Correo Español, Bilbao 11153 Fundación L'Arc, Barcelona 11346 Fundación Nacional de Arte Lirico, Madrid 11383 Fundación para la Formación y Creación Escénica de la Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid 11468 Fundación Reina Sofía, Madrid 11564 Fundación Universitaria Aula de Música, BeWaterra-Cerdanyola dei Vallès 11676 Fundación Güsll, Barcelona 11764 Fundación Jacinto e Inocencio Guerrero, Madrid 11766 Fundación Hazen Hosseschrueders, Las Rozas 11774 Fundación José Lodelro Piñelroa, Mondoñedo 11856 Fundación Loewe, Madrid 11857 Fundación Santiago Lope, Valencia 11859 Fundación Antonio Malrena, Sevilla 11872 Fundación Juan March, Madrid 11876 Fundación Maspons y Camarassa, Granollers 11894 Fundación Mercedes Massi López, Valencia 11896 Fundación Ramón Parramón, Barcelona 11986 Fundación Pau Casals, Coma-Ruga 11992 Real Fundación de Música de Cámara, Madrid 12049 Fundación Sax Esemble, Alcorcón 12125 Fundación Troconiz-Santacoioma, Portugalete 12204 Fundación Pedro M. Unanúe, Ondárroa 12210 Fundación Patronato Pascual Veiga, Mondoñedo 12238
Fondation Anne-Marie Rees, Lausanne 13143 Stiftung internationale Max Rostat Competition, Bern 13163 Paul Sacher-Stiftung, Basel 13178 Fondation Maurice Sandoz et Marguerite de Reding, Lausanne 13182 Jmanuel und Evamaria Schenk-Stiftung zur Förderung von Musikstudenten im Hinblick auf die Erlangung des Solistendiploms, Zolingen 13195 Bruno Schuler-Stiftung, Zürich 13209 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Förderung und Unterstützung von Berufsmusikem, Bem 13254 Schweizerisches Institut in Rom, Bem 13297 Franz Ludwig von Senger-Stiftung, Zürich 13310 Stiftung Basler Orchester, Basel 13383 Stiftung der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 1939, Rüschlikon 13435 Stiftung Fortissimo, Uettligen 13470 Stiftung Konzerthaus Luzem, Luzem 13669 Stiftung Lyra zur Förderung hochbegabter, junger Musiker und Musikerinnen, Zürich 13692 Stiftung Musica Española Schweiz, Zürich 13704 Stiftung Musik für alle, Winterthur 13705 Stiftung Schweizer Jugend-SinfonieOrchester, Zurich 13780 Stiftung Schweizerisches Jugendblasorchester, Luzem 13609 Stiftung Schweizerisches Zentrum für Computermusik, Oetwil am See 13813 Fondation Hermann Suter, Lausanne 13930 Friedl Wald-Stiftung, Basel 13977 Wemer Wehrli-Fonds, Lenzburg 13982
The AES Tring Park School Trust, Tring 14090 The Anglesey (Royal National Eisteddfod 1957) Fund, Ynys Mon 14218 Anglo-Russian Opera and Ballet Trust, London 14225 Asian Education and Fine Arts Trust, Harrow 14296 The Batebe of Toro Foundation, London 14438 Battersea Community Arts Centre Trust, London 14447 Oliver Berthoud Memorial Trust, Croydon 14526 Bexley Music Centre Charitable Trust, Sidcup 14549 Birmingham Royal Ballet Trust, Birmingham 14590 The Blackheath Concert Halls Endowment Fund, London 14608 Boise Foundation, London 14633 The Bolton Operatic Society Trust, Bolton 14641 Bromley Orchestral Concerts Fund, Bromley 14784 The Canford Summer School of Music Educational Trust, Kenley 14928 Donald Chesworth Educational Trust, London 15112 Clerkenwell Music Foundation Trust, London 15257 The Concert Series Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne T5330 The Joseph Crane Memorial Trust, Torpoint 15404 Delius Trust, London 15530 Derby Concert Orchestra Trust Fund, Derby 15553 Duchy Opera Trust, Falmouth 15652 The Ems Foundation, Leicester 15804 Ralph Fawthrop Music Trust, Bedford 15906 Richard Fice Memorial Trust Fund, Cardiff 15927 Fleet Music Fund, London 15964 Friends of the Israel Opera Trust, London 16057 Friends of the London Oratory Trust, London 16058 John Fussell Memorial Trust Fund, Swansea 16080 Gloucester Academy of Music and Performing Arts Trust, Gloucester 16163 Greenwich Music Trust, London 16253 The Ronald Greenwood Music Trust Fund, London 16257 The Guildhall School of Music and Drama Foundation, London 16288 Hackney Music Development Trust, London 16311 Hackney Youth Orchestras Trust, London 16312 The Handel House Collections Trust, London 16362 Harrow Young Musicians Trust, Pinner 16410 The Hull Philharmonic Trust, Hull 16692 Humphrey Richardson Taylor Charitable Trust, London 16706 The H.J. Hyde Memorial Trust Fund, Loughton 16722 Thomas Igloi Trust, Croydon 16734
United Kingdom Stiftelsen Musikkulturens Främjande, Stockholm 12316
Switzerland Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation, Zürich 12352 Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung, Basel 12415 Hubert Bloch-Stiftung, Basel 12421 Fondation Willy Brauchli, Pully 12437 Stiftung Ruth und Emst Burkhalter, Zürich 12453 Fondation Maria Callas, Fribourg 12456 Marianne und Curt Dienemann-Stiftung, Luzem 12504 Duft-Thomer Studienfonds, Schwyz 12513 Dulcimer Fondation pour la Musique, Genève 12514 Paul und Renée Eisen-Picard Stiftung, Basel 12532 Lukas Emch-Stiftung, Bern 12534 Fondation Caisse de Secours de l'Association Suisse des Musiciens, Lausanne 12565 Fondation du Prix International de Composition Musicale Reine MarieJosé, Meiníer 12589 Fondation pour la Diffusion de la Musique, Neuchâtel 12639 Fondation pour les Arts de l'Economie Suisse, Lausanne 12649 Fondation SUISA pour la Musique. Neuchâtel 12673 Fondazione Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera, Lugano 12694 Fonds Suisse pour des Bourses Musicales, Lausanne 12730 Fondation Christiane et Jean Henneberger-Mercier, Lausanne 12820 Fondation Hindemith, Vevey 12832 Hans Huber-Stiftung-Basel, Basel 12847 Hans Huber-Stiftung Schönenwerd, Schönenwerd 12848 Jeunesses Musicales de Suisse, Genève 12921 Stiftung Nico Kaufmann, Zürich 12951 Kiefer-Hablitzel-Strftung, Bern 12955 Emst Klarer-Stiftung, Weinfelden 12961 Di. Emst Koch-Stiftung, üebefekJ 12967 Stiftung Maiy Long für Volksmusik und Schweizer Folklore, Rapperswil 13000 Fondation Pierre et Louise Meylan, Lausanne 13047 Peter Mieg-Stiftung, Lenzburg 13049 Fondation Miéville-Hory, Neuchâtel 13050 W.A. Mozart-Stiftung, Zug 13061 Kasper Muther-Stiftung, Interlaken 13069 Neue Stiftung Musik und Kind, Basel 13075 Stiftung Heinrich Neuhaus-Institut, Zürich Í3076 Fondation Nicati-de Luze, Lausanne 13078 Fondation François Olivier, Lausanne 13091 Orpheum Stiftung zur Förderung junger Solisten, Zürich 13094 Ostschweizer Stiftung fur Musik und Theater, Sankt Gallen 13096
Subject Index: Music International Youth Foundation, London 16874 The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Foundation, London 16902 The Iverdean Trust, Exeter 16909 Frances Jarratt Memorial Fund, Bristol 16934 The King of Hearts Trust, Norwich 17084 The Kingston Music and Aits Trust, Surbiton 17113 The Kochan Trust, Fakenham 17136 The Mario Lanza Educational Foundation, Bristol 17185 The Sidney Lawton Charitable Trust, Esher 17199 London Music Hall Trust, London 17447 London String Quartet Foundation, London 17451 Lyric Theatre Trust (Carmarthen) Ltd., Carmarthen 17503 The John McBrien Memorial Fund, Holywell 17510 The Manchester Camerata Trust, Stockport 17551 The Margam Abbey Music Foundation, Port Talbot 17576 The Mayor of Stockton's Prize for Music Trust Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 17642 Mendelssohn Scholarship Foundation, London 17672 Merlon Music Foundation, Morden 17694 Mia Music Trust, West Horsley 17706 Morpeth District Arts Trust, Morpeth 17811 The Sylvia Morris Charitable Trust, Kendal 17815 Music and Arts Trust for Educational Scholarships Ltd., London 17854 Newham Music Trust, London 17963 The Norfolk Opera Trust, Diss 18019 North East Derbyshire Music Centre Trust, Chesterfield 18026 The Northern Sinfonia Trust, Newcastteupon-Tyne Í0057 Norwich Music and Arts Trust, Norwich 18077 Ocean Music Trust, London 18103 The Marianne Okamoto Richardson Trust, Parkgate 18113 Old Royal Naval College Chapel Fund, London 18141 Parkview Music Trust, London 18254 The Plymouth Chamber Music Trust, Plymouth 18393 The Charles Pope Memorial Trust, Leighton Buzzard 18428 The Princess Marina Memorial Fund, London 18468 Richmond-upon-Thames Music Trust, Twickenham 18659 The Riverside Arts Foundation, London 18679 The Captain Charles Robertson O.B.E. Educational Foundation Ystrad Mynach 18691 The Royal Northern College of Music Awards Fund, Manchester 19098 The Royal Opera House Endowment Trust, London 19104 Royal Opera House Trust, London 19105 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Trust, London 19108 Ryde Town Hall Organ Trust, Shanklin 19159 Jean Sainsbury Royal Opera House Fund, London 19177 Saint Bartholomew the Great Music Trust, London 19210 Saint David's Hall and New Theatre Trust, Cardiff 19235 Saint George's Music Trust, Bristol 19264 The Olive Scarr Music Prize Fund, Middlesbrough 19482 The Colin Smith Music Trust Fund, Bedford 19650 South Hill Park Trust, Bracknell 19695 The Spoore, Merry and Rixman Foundation, Maidenhead 19766 Thames Festival Trust, London 19979 The Ian Theakston Memorial Trust, York 19987 The Thompson Educational Trust, London 20006 Three Spires Trust, Truro 20018 The Vera Tree Music Fund, Beverley 20074 Τ reg ye Concerts Charitable Trust, Truro 20077 The W11 Children's Opera Trust, London 20256 The Wakefield Youth Music Trust, Wakefield 20266 The Sidney Watson Memorial Fund, London 20336 The W.M. Williams Music Scholarship Fund, Barry 20487 Worcester Lodge Bicentenary Choral Foundation, Worcester 20609 World Youth Music Foundation, Fakenham 20624 Ymddiriedolaeth Cerdd Ynys Mon, Llanerchymedd 20682 York Festival Trust, York 20697
Musical instruments Germany Deutsche Musikinstrumentenstiftung, Göttingen 02199 Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben, Hamburg 02219 Rudolf Eberie-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02377 Geißter-Stfftung, Aschaffenburg 02866 GEWOBA-Strftung zur Förderung der Bildung im öffentlichen Schulwesen, Bremen 02942 Georg Hesse-Stiftung, Lenzkirch-Kappel 03424 Anton Hettich-Stiftung, Herlord 03433 Hohner-Stiftung Trossingen, Trossingen 03530 Jugend-Stiftung der Sparkasse Ulm, Ulm 0330) Kremerata Baltica Stiftung, Quickbom 04216 Stiftung Historische Tasteninstrumente der Sammlung Neumeyer-JunghannsTracey, Staufen 04990 Orgel-Stiftung, Buchdorf 05095 Alfred Reinhold-Stiftung, Hameln 05413 Rostropovich Cello Foundation, Kronberg 05538 Herbert A. Rothmayer-Stiftung, Stephanskirchen 05547 Sinfonima-Stiftung, Mannheim 06142 Stiftung Bayerischer Musikfonds, München 06462 Stiftung Casa Orfeo Positano, München 06513 Stiftung Düsseldorfer Instrumentenlehre, Dusseldorf 06749 Stiftung Stadtkapelle Rottenburg, Rottenburg 07317 Wateker-Stiftung für orgelwissenschaftliche Forschung, Kleinblittersdorf 07985 Viola-Stiftung Walter Witte, Frankfurt am Main 08172
Netherlands Stichting Karel Bouman, Eindhoven 09069 Nationaal Muziekinstrumenten Fonds Stichting, Amsterdam 09227 Ruarus Bloemkolk Fonds, Amsterdam 09312
Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Sweden Stiftelsen Musikkulturens Frámjande, Stockholm 12316
Switzerland Brnno Schuler-Stiftung, Zürich
United Kingdom The Leonardo Aggio Trust, London 14105 The Batebe of Toro Foundation, London 14438 Christ Church (Eltham) Parish Trust, London 15149 Ralph Fawthrop Music Trust, Bedford 15906 The Homiman Public Museum and Public Parle Trust, London 16635 The HJ. Hyde Memorial Trust Fund, Loughton 16722 Uanychan Church Organ Fund, Ruthin 17388 The Margam Abbey Music Foundation, Port Talbot 17576 The Marianne Okamoto Richardson Trust, Parkgate 18113 The Charles Pope Memorial Trust, Leighton Buzzard 18428 Saint Bride's Church Organ Fund Trust, London 19218 Saint James' Bermondsey Organ Restoration Fund, London 19277 Saint John's (Catfonj) Organ Trust, Bromley 19293 Saint Mary Moseley Organ Centenary Fund, Birmingham 19341 Saint Peter's Edmonton Organ Fund, London 19405 The Shropshire Theatre Organ Trust, Broseley 19604 Southway Community College Memorial Trust, Plymouth 19739 The Ian Theakston Memorial Trust, York 19987 Father Willis Organ Trust, London 20497 Wolverhampton Civic HaJI Organ Trust, Wolverhampton 20553
Natural sciences Belgium Fondation Pro Natura et Scientia, Bruxelles 00352 Fonds Spéléologue de Belgique, Marcinelle 00382
Finland Neste Oy Sââtiô, Espoo
France Fondation de l'Europe des Sciences et des Cultures, Paris 00903
Germany Dr. Heinz und Helene Adam-Sllftung, Frankfurt am Main 01317 Dr. Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe-Stiftung, München 01434 Luise Amtz-Stiftung, Essen 01465 Aventís Foundation, Frankfurt am Main 01503 Otto Bayer-Stiftung zur Auszeichnung und Förderung von Forschem auf dem Gebiet der Naturwissenschaften, Leversen 01584 Margot-und-Friedrich-Becke- Stiftung, Heidelberg 01607 Karl Heinz Beckurts-Stiftung, Essen 01615 Beutel-Launer-Stiftung, Reutlingen 01691 Kurt-Eberhard Bode-Stiftung für medizinische und naturwissenschaftliche Forschung, Essen 01761 Wemher von Braun-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01331 Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker-Stiftung, Lahnstein 01900 Arthur Burkhardt-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung, Essen 01998 Claussen-Simon-Stiftung, Essen 02065 Delbrück'sche Familienstiftung, Ratingen 02147 Wilhelm und Günther Esser-Stiftung, Bochum 02489 Marianne und Dr. Fritz Walter FischerStiflung, Essen 02653 Karl Fix-Stiftung, Landau in der Pfalz 02663 Albert Ludwig Fraas-Stiftung, Hannover 02717 Thomas Gessmann-Stiftung, Essen 02936 Inge und Werner GrQter-Stiftung, Essen 03063 Eugen Hahn-Stiftung, Esslingen 03141 Kurt Hansen-Stiftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung naturwissenschaftlicher Lehrkräfte, Leverkusen 03206 Detlef Hegemann-Stiftung, Bremen 03283 Henkell-Stiftung, Mainz 03365 Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, Hanau 03379 Walter Hesselbach-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03428 von Kettner-Stiftung, Kartsruhe 0395 J Emst-Hermann Kölln-Stiftung, Elmshorn 04098 KSB-Stiftung, Frankenthal 04250 Henrik und Edith Kuszner-Stiftung, München 04381 Otto Lacmann-Stiftung, Berlin 04388 Emst A.C. Länge-Stiftung, Bremen 04407 Schenkung Lautrach, München 04432 Dr. Ing. Leonhard Lorenz-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 0456t Dr. Marschner-Stiftung zur Förderung des naturwissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, FrankenbergŒder 04668 Hans L. Merkle-Stiftung, Essen 04748 Emil und Paul Müller-Gedächtnisstiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04869 Mülle r-Reftz-Stiftung, Essen 04876 Josefine und Professor Jan NalermannStiftung, Essen 04944 NMI Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut an der Universität Tübingen, Reutlingen 05018 Dr. Cari-Arthur Pastor-Stiftung, Aachen 05153 Pinguin-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 05235 Karl und Marie Schack-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05756 Max und Martha Scheerer-Stiftung, Göppingen 05789 Hans Schimank-Gedàchtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 05830 Karf Schlecht Stiftung (KSG), Aichtal 05846 Schleicher-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05849 Adolf und Gertrud Schnürle-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05930 Stiftung Werner von Siemens-Ring, Düsseldorf 06119 Sparkassenstiftung Natur und Umwelt im Kreis Herford, Herford 06237 Stiftung Bayerische Elite-Akademie, München 06459 Stiftung Braunschweiger Bürgerpreis, Braunschweig 06495 Stiftung Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, Bonn 06515 Stiftung Hamburger Wanderer, Naturund Heimatfreunde, Hamburg 06913 Stiftung Jugend forscht e.V., Hamburg 07005 Stiftung Undauer Nobelpreisträgertreffen am Bodensee, Insel Mainau 07115 Stiftung Natureum Niederere, Balje 07153
Stiftung Theologie und Natur, Essen 07341 Stiftung zur Förderung des Instituts für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Kiel, Essen 07474 Fritz ter Meer-Stiftung, Leverkusen 07636 Georg Thieme-Gedächtnisstiftung, Stuttgart 07658 Irmgard-Ulderup-Stiftung, StemwedeHaldem 07743 Dr.-Rotf-Umbach-Stiftung, Freiberg 07749 Heinrich und Ema Vondra-Stiftung, Ingolstadt 07934 Dr. Marie-Fnedericke Wagner-Stiftung, Mainz 07056 Hermann Willkomm Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08142 Otto A. Wipprecht Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08160 Eva Wotzendorf Fonds, Berlin 08221
Greece Ethnikon Idryma Erevnon, Attoria 08314
Naval engineering Germany Verth Berghoff-Stiftung, Hamburg 01655 Detief Hegemann-Stiftung, Bremen 03283 Georg Weinblum-Stiftung, Hamburg 03049
Norway Skipsreder Anders Jahres Fond til Vitenskapens Fremme, Oslo 09645
United Kingdom Brentford Community Boat Trust, Brentford 14705 The Wakeford Maritime Lectures Trust, Chandlers Ford 20267
Royal Irish Academy, Dublin 08391
Bom-Bunge Research Foundation, Wilrijk 00217
Italy Fondazione Fondazione Fondazione 08676 Fondazione Difesa di 03694 Fondazione 08737
Caripto, Milano 08471 Faraggiana, Novara 08537 Museo del Calcio, Firenze per il Benessere e la Trieste e del Carso, Trieste Scienza e Tecnica, Firenze
Netherlands Pieter Langerhuizen LambertuszoonFonds, Haarlem 09197 Plancius Stichting, Amsterdam 09273
Spain Fundación Segundo Gil Dávila, Atbó 10252 Fundación Ciencia, Democracia y Sociedad, Madrid 10892 Fundación Ciencia y Medicina, Madrid 10894 Fundación Ciencias y Letras, Madrid 70395 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 11036 Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona 11320 Fundación Universitaria Agustl Pedro i Pons, Barcelona 11994 Fundación Ernesto Seco y Biffini, Madrid 12128 Fundación Juanelo Tumano, Madrid 12207
Sweden International Foundation for Science, Stockholm 12298
Switzerland Dätwyter-Stiftung. Altdorf 12486 Dynamis, Dümten 12518 Stiftung Werner Steiger, Untersiggenthal 13341 Stiftung Forschung 3R, Münsingen 13467 Stiftung Schweizerisches Alpines Museum, Bern 13804
United Kingdom Alchemy Foundation, Oxted 14131 The Alfreton and District Heritage Trust, Affreton 14147 William Anderton Prize Fund, Middlesbrough 14211 The Brenchley Trust, Maidstone 14701 The City of London Environment and Amenity Trust, London 15214 The Dill Faulkes Educational Trust Ltd., London 15591 The Exeter University Foundation, Exeter 15870 The Headteachers Trust Fund, Preston 16468 Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, Sheffield 16932 Kennedy Memorial Trust, London 17054 Llandudno Heritage Trust, Deganwy 17365 Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe and Africa, London 17769 National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, London 17883 Pontefract and District Choc Trust, Pontefract 18417 Public Assistance and Prize Fund, London 18498 A.M. Qattan Foundation, London 18514 Raleigh International Trust, London 18558 The WoHson Foundation, London 20554 Wyndham Trust (Taunton), Taunton 20661
Germany Sanitàtsrat Dr. med. Arthur ArnsteinStiftung, Berlin 01464 Attempto-Stiftung, Tübingen 01481 Astrid Badina-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 01518 Friedrich Baur-Stiftung Burgkunstadt, Altenkunstadt 01579 CERES-Stiftung, Tübingen 02040 Clemens-August-Stiftung, Neuenkirchen/Oldenburg 02067 Ludwig Edinger-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02395 Internationale Stiftung Neurobionik, Hannover 03707 Hans Lungwitz-Stiftung, Buxtehude 04590 Reuter1 sehe Schenkung, Bonn 05433 Sankt Valentinushaus, Kiedrich 05732 Gabriele Siegel Stiftung, Heidenheim 06113 Stiftung zur Bekämpfung neuroviraler Erkrankungen, Hamburg 07425 Hilde-Ulrichs-Stiftung für Paikinsonforschung - international -, Floretadt 07748
Italy Fondazione Fulvio Bartolini, Roma 08423 Fondazione Uberto Bonino e Maria Sofia Pulejo, Messina 08451 Fondazione Centro Praxis, Santa Maria a Vico 08593 Fondazione Sigma Tau, Roma 08740 Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia 08834
Spain Fundación de la Sociedad Espartóla de Neurologia, Barcelona 10990 Fundación Euroespes, A Coruña 11102 Fundación Instituto Guttmann, Barcelona u m Fundación Sixto Obrador, Madrid
Sweden Fondazione per lo Studio delle Malattie Neuroegenerative delle Persone Adutte e dell'Anziano, Lugano 12291
Switzerland Fondation Institut International de Recherche en Paraplégie, Genève 12608 Fondation Internationale pour la Santé Mentale et les Neurosciences, Genève 12612 Internationales Forschungsinstitut für Paraplegtologie, Zürich 12898 Schweizerische Neurodermitis Stiftung, Zofingen 13240 Schweizerische Stiftung für h im verletzte Menschen, Zürich 13262 Swiss Migraine Trust Foundation, Basel 13934 Trapp-Stiftung, Zug 13949
United Kingdom The Bristol Neurologica] Trust, Bristol 14738 The Brocklehurst Neurosurgical Fund, Hull Í4775 Roald Dahl Foundation, Great Missenden 15477 The Sidney Driscoll Neuro-Science Foundation, Preston 15647 The Leicestershire Neurological Trust, Leicester 17248 The Mental Health Foundation, London 17675 The Wessex Neurological Centre Trust, Southampton 20383
Subject Index: Nursing
457 Numismatics Spain Fundación Fundación 10830 Fundación Estudios
Actilibre, Madrid 10670 Casa de la Moneda, Madrid para el Fomento de los Numismáticos, Madrid 11455
Nursing Austria Stiftung Kaiser Franz Josef-Spital, Zell am Ziller 00155 Stiftung Maria Ebene, Feklkirch 00159 Evangelische Stiftung de la Tour, Treffen 00173
Denmark The Carisen-Lange Foundation, 00619
France Fondation 00745 Fondation Fondation 00786 Fondation 00787 Fondation Fondation 00870 Fondation 00964 Fondation Fondation Fondation Fondation 01179 Fondation 01183 Fondation 01221
Bertholon Mourier, Givors ßurat, Moret-sur-Loing 00768 Chantepie-Mancier, L'lsie-Adam Léonie Chaptal, Sarcelles Etienne, Liboume 00842 ßon Sauveur d'Alby, Albi Hôpital Saint-Joeph, Marseille Hospitalière, Plouescat 00967 Lenval, Nice 01166 Luro, Ispoure 01175 Napoléon Magne, Trélissac Mangini Gensoul, Les Halles Pereire, LevaiIois-Pereire
Germany Adelenstift-Heidberg, Bremen 01323 Martin Adelmann-Stiftung zur Unterstützung hilfsbedürftiger Rekonvaleszenten, München 01327 Alice Hospital vom Roten Kreuz, Darmstadt 01367 Allgemeines Krankenbaus Viersen, Viersen 01381 Atters heim-Bürgerspitaistjftung Hammelburg, Hammelburg 01410 Althanauer Hospital zu Hanau, Hanau 01413 Anstatt Bethel, Bielefeld 01436 Armenhospital Borgentreich, Borgentreich 01453 Katholische Bach'sche Seelhausstiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 01512 Krankenhaus Balserische-Stiftung, Gießen 01532 Bayerische Stiftung Hospiz, München 01594 Bayreuther Hospizstiftung, Bayreuth Berchtesgadener Landesstiftung, Bad Reichenhall 01642 Berenb rok-Winterstei n-Söftu η g, Frankfurt am Main 01644 Krankenhaus Nienburg-Stiftung Bollmanns Krankenhaus, Nienburg 01791 Braun'sche und Susann'sche Stiftung Möhringen, Tuttlingen 01837 August Breitenbach^tfftung, Siegen 01847 Ingeborg Brüninghaus-Stiftung, Bielefeld 01898 Alfred Brune-Stiftung, Soltau 01901 Bürgerhospital und Sankt-ElisabethKrankenhaus, Hünfeld 0)935 Bürgerspitalstiftung der Stadt Schwandorf, Schwandort 01947 Gustav und Hans BOtrowe-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 01983 Georg Deuringer'sche Stiftung, Kempten/Allgäu 02164 Diakoniegemeinschaft Paulinenstift, Wiesbaden 02249 DiakoniestHtung Lazarus Berlin, Berlin 02252 Heinz Dörte-Stiftung für kranke und hilfebedürftige Menschen, Bonn 02297 Dom Augusto-Stifhjng Eichstätt, Eichstätt 02303 Bernhard Dreger-Stiftung, Wallerfangen 02335 DRK-Krankenanstalten Wesermünde, Bremerhaven 02349 DRK-Krankenhaus Clementinenhaus, Hannover 02350 Elisabeth-Diakonissen- und Krankenhaus, Berlin 02433 Elisabeth-Stiftung des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Biikenfekj 02434 Dr. Fritz Erter-Stiftung, Nürnberg 02471 Eberhard und Fanny Ermann'sche Stiftung, Nürnberg 02472 Evangelische Krankienhausstiftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 02527
Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf, Hamburg 02535 Evangelische Stiftung Rheda, RhedaWiedenbrück 02542 Evangelische WotiltätigkeHssüftung in Regensburg, Regensburg 02549 Evangelisches Kranken- und Annenhaus Unna, Unna 02564 Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bad Gandersheim, Bad Gandersheim 02565 Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bethesda, Hamburg 02566 Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf 02567 Evangelisches Krankenhaus Holzminden, Holzminden 02568 Evangelisches Krankenhaus Melle, Melle 02569 Evangelisches Krankenhaus zu Oberhausen, Oberhausen 02570 Evangelisches Stift Ait- und NeuBethlehem, Göttingen 02572 Evangelisches Stift Freiburg, Freiburg 02573 Evangelisches Stift Sankt Martin, Koblenz 02575 Dr. Josef Fieger-Stiftung, Erftstadt 02633 Fliegenschuh'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Hindelang 02678 Forster-Dorfner'sche Spital- und Krankenhausstiftung, Hirschau 02712 Franz-Hospital Dülmen (Westfalen), Dülmen 02734 Freibettenfonds für arme Kranke in den Kliniken der Universität, Erlangen 02750 Friedrich-Luisen-Stiftung, Heiligenberg 02776 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Dr. Simon Scheibenhardt-Stiftung, Augsburg 02809 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Holzund Blattemhaus Stiftung, Augsburg 02811 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Schneidhaus-Stiftung, Augsburg 02814 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Spitaistiftung Waltenhausen, Augsburg 02815 Adolf von Galhau'sche Sophienstiftung, Wallerfangen 02840 Dr. Heinz Gehrhardt-Stiftung, Bad Gandersheim 02859 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Magni in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02874 Franz Gensler'scher Stiftungsfonds, Hadamar 02912 Paul Gerhardt-Stift zu Berlin, Berlin 02920 Paul Gerhardt-Stiftung, Wittenberg 02921 Gräflich Giech'sche Spitaistiftung, Kulmbach 02945 Gustav und Ilse Hamesler-Stiftung, Hamburg 03186 Haus zur Heiligen Hedwig, Berlin 03252 Stiftung Hausstein für Kranke, Behinderte und deren Angehörige, München 03258 Ludwig Heinz'sche Stiftung, Tettau 03340 Henriettenstiftung, Hannover 03372 Hepp'sche Stiftung, Aidhausen 03378 HermanoJosef-Stiftung Erkelenz, Erkelenz 03392 Cari von Heß'sche Krankenhaus- und Sozialstiftung, Hammeiburg 03438 Hockenberger-Strauß-Stiftung, Sinsheim 03492 Prof. Cuno Hoffmeister-Stiftung, Sonneberg 03518 Oberamtsrichter Hotmann'sehe Stiftung, Randersacker 03524 Hospital-Stiftung Lohr am Main, Lohr am Main 0359t Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Boppard, Boppard 03605 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Rottenburg, Rottenburg 03611 Hospitalfonds Hofheim, Kassel 03614 Hospitalstiftung, Uffenheim 03620 Hospitalstiftung Bad Orb, Bad Orb 03621 Hospitaistiftung der Stadt Lohr am Main, Lohr am Main 03622 Hospitaistiftung der Stadt Pirna, Pirna 03623 Hospitaistiftung Langenzenn, Langenzenn 03628 Israelitisches Krankenhaus in Hamburg, Hamburg 03717 Guido und Olga Jochner'scto Stiftung Privatklinik Josephinum, München 03745 JiArtàumsstrftung der Creditverein Wühermsdorf AG, Wiihermsdorf 0377Í Jüdisches Krankenhaus Berlin, Berlin 03792 Julius Pfründnerspitalstiftung Ebern, Ebern 03821 Katholische Wohttátigkeitsanstalt zur heiligen Elisabeth, Reinbek 03894 Katholische Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen in Augsburg, Augsburg 03S95 Katholisches Krankenhaus Sankt Johannes Nepomuk, Erfurt 03899 Kemether'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Dietfurt 03930
Kirchliche Stiftung Sankt Bemward, Hildesheim 04001 Klinik der offenen Tür, Stuttgart 04038 Elisabeth Kloke-Stiftung, Hamburg 04041 Gräflich Königsegg-Rothenfels'sche Spitaistiftung, Immenstadt 04113 Alex Kortboyer-Stiftung, Emmerich 04168 Krankenhaus Bethanien für die Grafschaft Moers, Moers 04186 Krankenhaus-Spitalfond Waldshut-Tiengen, Waldshut-Tiengen 04187 Krankenhausstiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 04189 Krankenhausstiftung der Niederbronner Schwestern, Esthal 04190 Krankenhausstiftung der Sparkasse Wetzlar. Wetzlar 04191 Krankenhausstiftung Porz am Rhein, Köln 04192 Kar) und Gertrud Kratwohl-Stiftung, Berlin 04193 kreuznacher diakonie, Bad Kreuznach 04221 Markgräflich Kuimbach-Bayreuth'sche Stiftung, Weferlingen 04278 Pfarrer Kuntz'sche König Ludwig III und Königin Maria-Therese-Stiftung, Kapsweyer 04367 Kuihessisches Diakonissenhaus Kassel, Kassel 04376 Henrik und Edith Kuszner-Stiftung, München 04381 Lazarettstiftung, Beilngries 04437 Leulkircher Bank-Stiftung, Leutkirch 04485 Liebersches Hospital, Bad Camberg 04492 Alfred Uli-Stiftung, Magdeburg 04504 Paula Lindauer-Strftung, Peißenberg 04507 Alfred und Martha Link-Stiftung, Wertheim 04518 Dons-Stiftung Prien am Chiemsee, Prien am Chiemsee 04523 Mahle-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04617 Marienhospital, Oelde 04655 Marienstifl, Erfurt 04657 Mathildenhospital Büdingen, Büdingen 04687 Luise-Marie Mölk-Stiftung, Bissendorf 04815 Anneliese Müller-Stiftung, Ostrach 04894 Dr. Herbert Münzer-Strftung, Frankfurt am Main 04912 Nassauische Hospitalbadstiftung Bad Ems, Bad Ems 04942 Isolde Johanna Nies-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 050/0 Johanna-Odebrecht-Stiftung, Greilswald 05059 Oskar-Helene-Heim, Berlin 05103 Stiftung Edelhof Ricklingen-V.J. von der Osten, Hannover 05111 Frank und Heidi Paetzold Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 05132 Paritätische Sankt Martinsstiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 05147 Patienten-Heimversorgung Gemeinnützige Stiftung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05156 Patientenstiftung Christophsbad Göppingen, Göppingen 05157 Dr. Petzold-Stiftung, Sebnitz 05194 Pfründ- und Spitalfonds-Stiftung - Sankt Josefshaus, Bad Säckingen 05216 Pfründespitalstiftung Ochsenfurt, Ochsenfurt 05217 Pius-Hospital, Ochtrup 05237 Pius-Hospital, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05230 Pleidelsheimer Sozialstiftung, Pleidelsheim 05246 Kurt und Käthe Pressel-Stiftung, Essen 05289 Prinzessin-Wilhelm-Stiftung, Salem 05303 Prosper-Hospital, Recklinghausen 05318 Protestantische Spital-Stiftung, Kempten 05321 Protestantische Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Kempten 05324 Protestantische Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen in Augsburg, Augsburg 05325 Adolf und üddy Rambotd-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05356 Familie Otto Reichelt-Stiftung, Osnabrück 05403 Albert und Charlotte Reichert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05406 Rienäcker-Stiftung, Coburg 05461 Dorothea Römer-Stiftung, München 05497 Georgine Sara von Rothscfaild'sche Stiftung zur Förderung von Krankenbetreuung für Israeliten in Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 05551 Sankt Agnes-Hospital Bocholt, Bocholt 0562) Sankt Anna-Stift, Löningen 05622 Sankt Anna-Stiftung, Kempten 05624 Sankt Anna-Stiftung, Lindau 05625 Sankt Antonius-Hospital Kleve, Kleve 05629 Sankt Antoniusstift Emstek, Emstek 05632 Sankt Bernhard-Hospital, Brake 05636 Sankt Christophorus-Krankenhaus, Werne 05638
Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital, Beckum 05640 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital Ibbenbüren, Ibbenbüren 05641 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital zu Herten, Herten 05643 Sankt Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Dorsten 05644 Sankt Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Worbis 05645 Sankt Elisabeth-Spital-Stiftung Hersbruck, Hersbruck 05646 Sankt Elisabeth-Stift, Damme 05647 Sankt Elisabeth-Stift zu Barßel, Barßel 05649 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung, Berlin 05651 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung Rodalben, Speyer 05652 Sankt Elisabethenanstalt Großheubach, Großheubach 05654 Sankt Franziskus-Hospital, Lohne 05656 Sankt Franziskus-Stift, Steinfeld 05657 Sankt Georgen-Hospital, Templin 05661 Sankt Gerburgis, Nottuln 05663 Sankt Johannes-Stift (Johanneum), Varel 05669 Sankt Josef-Krankenhaus Viernheim, Viernheim 05677 Sankt Josef-Stift in Celle, Celle 05678 Sankt Josef-Stift Sendenhorst, Sendenhorst 05679 Sankt Josephs-Stift, Cloppenburg 05666 Sankt Lucia-Hospital, Harsewinkel 05701 Sankt Marien-Hospital, Ahaus 05704 Sankt Marien-Hospital, Lüdinghausen 05705 Sankt Marien-Hospital, Lünen 05706 Sankt Marien-Hospital, Mülheim an der Ruhr 05707 Sankt Marien-Hospital Buer, Gelsenkirchen-Buer 05708 Sankt Marien-Hospital Köln, Köln 05709 Sankt Marien-Stift, Friesoythe 05710 Sankt Marienhospital Vechta, Vechta 05712 Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital, Kalkar 05719 Sankt Rochus-Klinik, Speyer 05727 Sankt Vincenz-Hospital, Limburg 05733 Sankt Vincenz-Hospital Coesfeld, Coesfeld 05734 Sankt Vincenz-Stiftung, Heiligenstadt 05735 Sankt Vincenz- und Elisabeth-Hospital Mainz, Mainz 05736 Sankt Vinzenz-Hospital Rhede, Rhede 05740 Andreas Stephan Schäffer-Testament, Ahrensberg 05771 Dr. Schulze-Stiftung, Meersburg 06020 Dr. Willmar Schwabesche HeimstättenStiftung, Mannheim 06036 Schwester Georgette-Stiftung, Kehl 06052 Spitalfonds Markdort, Markdorf 06283 Spitalfonds Radolfzell, Radolfzell 06286 Spitalfonds Schönau/Schwarzwald, Schönau/Schwarzwald 06287 Spitaistiftung Konstanz, Konstanz 06295 Spitaistiftung Kronach, Kronach 06296 SRH-Hokjing, Heidelberg 06315 Franz Xaver Stadler'sche Armen- und Krankenstiftung, Thannhausen 06322 Städtisches Zentralhospital Görlitz, Görlitz 06327 Stauder-Stiftung, Kûnzelsau 06343 Ulrich Steinberger'sche Krankenpflegestiftung Vohburg an der Donau, Vohburg an der Donau 06365 Stiftung Bethesda, Bad Pyrmont 06476 Stiftung der Elisabeth-Schwestern zu Essen, Essen 06551 Stiftung Evangelische Krankenpflege Bad Dürrheim, Bad Dürrheim 06770 Stiftung Evangelisches Kranken- und Versorgungshaus zu Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr 06774 Stiftung für Hilfe fur Kranke, Hannover 06843 Stiftung Hamburgisches Krankenhaus Edmundsthal-Siemerswalde, Geesthacht 06914 Stiftung Haus Bethlehem, Herford 06917 Stiftung Heilanstalt für Kranke, Lauterbach 06930 Stiftung Helfen in der Havelstadt, Berlin 06936 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, Ellwangen 06966 Stiftung Hospital zum heiligen Geist Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06971 Stiftung Hospitalfonds der Stadt Montabaur, Montabaur 06976 Stiftung Johanneum, Wildeshausen 06998 Stiftung Josephs-Hospital Warendorf/Westfalen, Warendort 06999 Stiftung Juliusspital Würzburg, Würzburg 07017 Stiftung Krankenhaus Bethel zu Bückeburg, Bückeburg 07052 Stiftung Krankenhaus für Naturheilweisen einschließlich Homöopathie, München 07053 Stiftung Marienhospital, Papenburg 07129 Stiftung Menschen in Not, Bodenheimflhein 07139
Stiftung Sophienhaus Weimar, Weimar 07295 Stiftung Soziale Gemeinschaft Riedstadt, Riedstadt 07296 Stiftung Spitalfonds Gengenbach, Gengenbach 07310 Stiftung Weseibergland-Klinik, Höxter 07395 Stiftung zur Förderung evangelischer Krankenhäuser, Duisburg 07483 Gräflich Stolberg'sche Familienstiftung, Münster 07555 Gertraud-Stumbeck-Stiftung, München 07598 TAU-STIFTUNG Franziskanische Initiative für ein christliches Europa, Krefeld 07622 Theresienspital-Stiftung, Bad Kissingen 07652 Trieschmann-Stiftung, Hann. Münden 07719 Vereinigte Armen- und Kranken-Stiftung, Bayreuth 07807 Vereinigte Hospitaistiftung Gardelegen, Gardelegen 07810 Vöhlin'sche Stiftung, Memmingen 07900 VR-Stiftung der Volksbanken und Raifleisenbanken in Norddeutschland, Hannover 07941 Wahlener-Heimat-Stiftung, Losheim am See 07965 Hubertus Wald-Stiftung, Hamburg 07986 Fürstlich von Waldburg zu Zeil-Stiftung, Ki legg 07987 Julius von Waldthausen-Stiftung, Essen 07996 Anna Wenz-Bethanien-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08079 Wester"sche Kranken· und Waisenhausstiftung, Betzdorf 08094 N. Wilke-Stift, Guben 08135 Adele und August Zwarg-Stiftung, Berlin 08307
Ireland Leopardstown Park Hospital Trust, Dublin 08382 ftaly Fondazione Smith Kline, Milano
Moldova The Hospice Fund, Chisinau
Netherlands Carel Maria Baron Brantsen en Jacqueline Sophie Gravin van Limburg Stirum Stichting, Angelo 09071 Aart Huisman Stichting, Bilthoven 09163 Stichting Augustus, Amsterdam 09362 Stichting Prinses Beatrix Fonds, Den Haag 09481 Stichting Witte Bedjes het Parool, Amsterdam 09539 Het Fonds Top-de Keijzer, Elburg 09559 Fundabe van den Santheuvei Sobbe Stichting, Amsterdam 09576
Fundaçâo Aurelio Amaro Diniz, Oliveira do Hospital 09684 Fundaçâo Gaspar e Manuel Cardoso, Arm amar 09710 Fundaçâo Hospicio Princesa Dona Maria Amelia, Funchal 09789 Fundaçâo Hospital Dona Ana Laboreiro d'Eça, Condeixa a Nova 09790 Fundaçâo Maria Clementina Godinho de Campos, Galveias 09842
Spain Fundación de Enfermería Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia 10073 Fundación Hospital de la Caridad Pedro Badia, Torredembarra 10093 Fundació Hospital Berenguer de Castelltort, Cervera 10122 Fundación Hospital de D. Pedro Boada y Boada, Tossa 10134 Fundación Benéfica Casalderrey, Madrid 10177 Fundación Castellanos Mendeville, Madrid 10181 Fundación Hospital Pere Marti Colomes, Solsona 10221 Fundación Jaume Espona, Barcelona 10298 Fundación Hospital Ferrer Salles, San Sadumi de Noia 10330 Fundació Anne, Barcelona 10363 Fundació Asil Suris, San Feliu de Guixols 10366 Fundació Casa Hospital de Misericordia Santa Anna, Vie 10395 Fundació Gestora de l'Hospital General de Wan resa, Manresa 10501 Fundació Hospital Asil de Pobres i Malalts de Torroella de Montgrl, Torroella de Montgrl 10509 Fundació Hospital Asil de Sant Jaume de Bianes, Blanes 10510 Fundació Hospital Comarcal d'Igualada, Igualada 10512
Subject Index: Nursing Fundado Hospital de la Sant Creu, Vich 10513 Fundado Hospital de I'Esperit Sant, Santa Coloma de Gramanet 10515 Fundació Hospital de Nens de Barcelona, Barcelona 10516 Fundació Hospital del Sagrat Cor, Barcelona 10517 Fundació per al Progrés de l'Infermeria Catalana, Barcelona 10585 Fundació Privada Asil Hospital de la Garriga, La Garriga 10597 Fundació flefugi de Veils I Hospital de la Vali d'Aneu, Estern d'Aneu 10615 Fundació Sant Hospital, Igualada 10626 Fundació Sant Hospital de La Seu d'Urge«, La Seu d'Urgell 10627 Fundación Agregación de Fundaciones de la Provincia de Asturias, Oviedo 1067Θ Fundación Asce, Madrid 10716 Fundación Asilo de Convalecientes de San Nicolás, Madrid 10725 Fundación Asilo de San José, Madrid 10730 Fundación Asilo Hospital San Bonifacio, Piera 10736 Fundación Asilo Hospitalillo del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Villagarcia de Arosa 10737 Fundación Asilo Residencia Nuestra Señora de la Caridad, Villarrobledo 10742 Fundación Asilo San José, Torrejoncillo 10748 Fundación Asilo San Rafael, La Selva del Camp 10749 Fundación Benéfico Hospitalaria Soberana Orden de Matta, Madrid 10789 Fundación Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Universitario de Getalfe, Getafe 10939 Fundación Cultural Hospital Reina Sofia Caja-Sur, Madrid 10960 Fundación Enfermeriá InternacionalValencia, Valencia 11044 Fundación Enfermería y Sociedad, Madrid 11045 Fundación Hospital Asilo, Villalba 11172 Fundación Hospital Asilo de Nuestra Señora del Pilar San Jorge, Alfaro 11173 Fundación Hospital Asilo Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Espinosa de los Monteros 11174 Fundación Hospital Asilo San Salvador, El Vendrell 11175 Fundación Hospital Casa Asilo, A Garda 11176 Fundación Hospital Comarcal de Sant Joan de Deu de Martorell, Martorell 11177 Fundación Hospital Comarcal de Villafranca del Penedés, Villafranca del Penedés 11178 Fundación Hospital de Alcanar, Alcanar 11179 Fundación Hospital de Balsareny, Santa María de Balsenery 11180 Fundación Hospital de Cadaqués, Cadaqués 11181 Fundación Hospital de Campdevanol, Campdevanol 11182 Fundación Hospital de Centelles, Centelles 11183 Fundación Hospital de Convalecientes de la Santísima Virgen y San Celedonio, Madrid 11184 Fundación Hospital de Figueres, Figueres 11185 Fundación Hospital de Gijón, Gijón 11186 Fundación Hospital de Hostalrich, Hostalrich 11187 Fundación Hospital de Jesús, Ateca 11188 Fundación Hospital de la Cruz Roja, Barcelona 11189 Fundación Hospital de la Santa Caridad, Sevilla 11190 Fundación Hospital de la Santa Cruz, Sant Feliu de Codines 11191 Fundación Hospital de la Santa Misericordia, Lucena del Puerto 11192 Fundación Hospital de Liers, Liers 11194 Fundación Hospital de Malgrat de Mar, Malgrat de Mar 11195 Fundación Hospital de Navarcles, Navarcles 11196 Fundación Hospital de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad, lllescas 11197 Fundación Hospital de Nuestra Señora de Montserrat, Olesa de Montserrat 11198 Fundación Hospital de Pobres, Prats de Lluçanès 11199 Fundación Hospital de Pobres de Jesucristo, Tárrega 11200 Fundación Hospital de Pobres de Puigcerdá, Puigcerdá 11201 Fundación Hospital de Pobres Enfermos, Artucies 11202 Fundación Hospital de Pobres y Enfermos de Nuestra Señora de Ea Merced, Torroella de Montgris 11203
458 Fundación Hospital de San Antonio de Padua, Betanzos 11204 Fundación Hospital de San Francisco de Asís, Sancellas 11205 Fundación Hospital de San Francisco de Paula, Madrid 11206 Fundación Hospital de San Jaime, Cardona 11207 Fundadón Hospital de San José, San Hipólito de Voitregá 11208 Fundadón Hospital de San Pablo y San Lázaro, Mondoñedo 11209 Fundación Hospital de San Pedro, Vilasar del Dalt 11210 Fundadón Hospital de San Pedro Claver, Barcelona 11211 Fundación Hospital de Sant Andreu, Manresa 11212 Fundación Hospital de Sant Cades, Begur 11213 Fundación Hospital de Sant Jaume de Manlleu, Manlleu 11215 Fundadón Hospital de Sant Jaume y Santa Magdalena, Mataró 11216 Fundación Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista, Sitges 11217 Fundación Hospital de Sant Llatzer, Tarrasa 11218 Fundadón Hospital de Sant Rafael, Barcelona 11219 Fundación Hospital de Santa Lucía, Castellò de Ampurias 11220 Fundación Hospital de Tremp, Tremp 11221 Fundación Hospital del Niño Jesús, Madrid 11222 Fundación Hospital e Inclusa de Tuy, Tuy 11223 Fundación Hospital General de Manresa, Manresa 11224 Fundación Hospital General de Sant Pau y Santa Tecla, Tarragona 11225 Fundadón Hospital Munídpal de Constati, Constati 11226 Fundación Hospital Municipal de Falset, Falset 11227 Fundación Hospital Municipal de Riudecols, Riudecols 11228 Fundación Hospital Nuestra Señora de Grada, Viana 11229 Fundación Hospital Nuestra Señora de los Angeles, Ribadavia 11230 Fundadón Hospital Particular de Canet de Mar, Canet de Mar 11231 Fundación Hospital Particular de San Julián, Chinchilla 11232 Fundación Hospital Particular de San Miguel, Tossa 11233 Fundadón Hospital Residencia de la Villa de Moia, Moia 11234 Fundación Hospital San Carlos, Celanova 11235 Fundación Hospital San Juan de Labradores, Calatayud 11236 Fundación Hospital Sancti Espíritus, Zaragoza 11237 Fundadón Hospital Sant Bernabé, Berga 11238 Fundación Hospital Sant Jaume. Blanes 11239 Fundación Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Martorell, Martorell 11240 Fundación Laboral El Fénix Mutuo, Madrid 11337 Fundadón Laboral Sanatorio de Fuenfría, Cercedilla 11343 Fundación Nuestra Señora del Reposo, Valverde del Camino 11401 Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Enfermería, Madrid 11436 Fundadón para la Formación de Auxiliares de Enfermería, Madrid 11467 Fundación para la Investigación de Enfermedades Digestivas, Barcelona 11473 Fundación Patronato Casa de Misericordia y Hospital de San Antonio Abad, Donostia-San Sebastián 11491 Fundación Patronato del Hospital Oncológico de Cataluña, L'Hospitalet de Uobregat 11500 Fundadón Residencia Hospital San Antonio Abad, L'Arboç 11575 Fundación Residenda Sant AntoniHospital Pobres Je., Tárrega 11576 Fundadón Sant Hospital de Tremp-Fiella, Tremp 11614 Fundadón Santo Hospital de la Santísima Trinidad, Salamanca 11627 Fundación Heinz Koch, Madrid 11809 Fundación Félix Uobet Nicolau, Barcelona 11846 Fundadón José Llopis Diez, Alicante 11848 Fundación Casa de Reposo Manola la Asunción, Alcoy 11878 Fundación Hospital Comarcal Pere Mártir Colomes, Solsona 11888 Fundadón José Matfa Calvo, DonostiaSan Sebastián 11901 Fundación Picasso Reventós, Barcelona 12011 Fundación Amigos del Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid 12044 Fundadón María Francisca de Roviralta, Barcelona 12094
Fundación Hogar Dolores Sopeña, Madrid 12158 Fundadón Pública de Servidos Provinciales Hospitalarios Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander 12220 Fundación Vallejo, Pozuelo de Alarcón 12227
Switzerland Evelyn Blum-Stiftung, Zürich 12424 Fondazione Dr. Marcello Candía, Lugano 12458 Fondation Lancaster, Lausanne 12621 Albert Häberling-Stiftung, Basel 12800 Helfer und Schlüter-Stiftung, Bern 12818 Interkantonale Stiftung für ßemeindekrankenpfiege Samen, Wilen 12874 International Council of Nurses Foundation, Genève 12878 Rabten-Stiftung, Zürich 13135 Rotkreuz-Stiftung für Krankenpflege Lindenhof Bern, Bern 13166 Rotkreuzstiftung, Nottwil 13167 Dr. Alexander Seiler-Stiftung zur Förderung des Krankenpflegeberufes, Wabem 13308 Stiftung Sonnweid, Wetzikon 13329 Stiftung Betreuung von Alters- und Krankenheimen in GUS-Staaten, Zurich 13400 Stiftung Caritas-Werk Sankt Meinrad, Einsiedeln 13416 Stiftung Evangelische Krankenpflegeschule Chur, Chur 13457 Stiftung für Ganzheitliche Betreuung, Rüti 13529 Stiftung für Krankenpflege zu Hause des SBK, Basel 13548 Stiftung für Pflegebedürftige und Gesundheitsforschung, Zumikon 13562 Stiftung Krankenhaus Sarritas, Kilchberg 13671 Stiftung Medical Center La Ceiba/Honduras, Gossau 13695 Stiftung Pro Aegrotis, Bern 13739 Stiftung Schwesternschule und Krankenhaus vom Roten Kreuz ZürichFluntem, Zürich 13815 Stiftung Sunnehus, Wildhaus 13830 Tilber-Stiftung, Zürich 13946
United Kingdom The Abacus Trust, Swindon 14044 The Abbott-Brown Fund, Nottingham 14049 Aberdovey Nursing Weifare Trust, Aberdovey 14054 The Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust, Hatfield 14080 Ainsdale Evangelical Church Trust, Freshfieki 14112 Albert Institution and Marlborough Street Estate Fund, London 14127 The Aldertioume Unit Foundation, Uxbridge 14133 Henry Allen Nursery School Fund, Amersham 14169 Amala Trust, London 14188 Amtweh Sick Poor Fund, Amlwch 14200 Anglo-American Hospitals for Poland Fund, Rhyl 14221 The Audrey Appleton Trust, Chelmsford 14241 ArborfieJd and Barkham Parish Churches Trust, Wokingham 14245 The Arundell Street Fund, London 14277 Ashton War Charity Fund, Runcorn 14293 Aston Clinton Nursing Assodation Trust property, Aylesbury 14316 The Baia Mare Romania Appeal Fund, London 14346 The Frances Ball Memorial Trust, Tadley 14366 The Isaac Baptiste Memorial Trust, Reading 14379 Connie Barker's Sick and Comfort Fund, Milton Keynes 14395 Bamet General Hospital Intensive Care Trust Fund, Bamet 14408 The Bamet Postgraduate Medical Centre Charitable Trust, Bamet 14409 Bamsley Sick Poor Fund, Bamsley 14421 Bamwood House Trust, Gloucester 14423 Battersea Kidney Trust, London 14449 The Charlie Bear Trust, Morpeth 14465 Biblelands, High Wycombe 14561 Bilga General Hospital Charitable Trust, Solihull 14570 Birtfey Nursing Development Trust, Durham 14593 The Bolton District Nursing Association Fund, Bolton 14638 Brampton Side Poor Fund, Brampton 14689 Brendon Nursing Trust. Winchester 14702 Brentford and Chiswick Sick Poor Persons Fund, Isleworth 14703 Alfred Ernest Briggs Sick Poor Fund, Bradford 14720 The Brixton and District Sick Poor Fund, London 14766
The Brook Hospital Post Graduate Medical Centre Fund, London 14788 Bryn Beryl Hospital Special Unit Appeal Fund, Pwllheli 14810 Burden Trust, West Clandon 14633 The Burwell Nursing and Stephenson Bequest Fund, Cambridge 14851 John Butterwick Trust Day Care Centre and Hospice, Stockton-on-Tees 14865 Calcutta Rescue Fund, London 14880 Cambridge Community Nursing Trust, Cambridge 14896 Care and Share International Research Foundation, London 14951 Carlisle Sick Poor Fund, Carlisle 14963 Carmarthen and District Hospice Appeal Fund, Carmarthen 14965 Carshalton Aid in Sickness Fund, Wallington 14977 The Cassel Hospital Appeal Fund Trust, Richmond 14985 The Cassel Hospital Development Trust, Richmond 14986 Castieford and District Aid in Sickness Fund, Castlefield 14990 The Cathedral Nursing Society Charitable Trust, Stocksfiekl (4996 The Marianne Cattley Edwards Convalescent Fund, London 15001 Cedar Trust, Loughton 15009 Charing Cross Holiday Dialysis Trust, London 15054 Chesham Sick Poor Fund, Chesham 15087 Chester City Hospital Samaritan Fund, Chester 15093 The Countess of Chester Hospital N.H.S. Trust, Great Sutton 15099 Chester Royal Infirmary Samaritan Fund, Chester 15101 Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Royal Hospital NHS Trust General Fund, Chesterfield 15104 The Chingford Hospital Nurses Trust Association, London 15140 The Chislehurst War Memorial Trust Fund, Sidcup 15146 Christ Life Ministries Trust, Truro 15157 Christ the King Club Benevolent Fund, Liverpool 15158 Church Burgesses Trust, Sheffield 15184 The City of London Police Convalescent Home Fund, London 15216 Clays Lane Community Centre Trust, London 15252 Colston's Hospital Foundation, Bristol 15302 The Convalescent Homes Charity of the Leeds Hospital, Leeds 15339 Cooper and Worsborough Relief in Sickness Fund, Bamsley 15346 Coulsdon and District Day Nursery Fund, Reigate 15383 The Crossroads Antigua Foundation, London 15431 The Curzon Wyllie Memorial Fund, London 15457 Cwmcam Memorial Cottage Hospital Fund, Hengoed 15467 The Wayne Davies Memorial Fund, Hounslow 15506 The Day Nurseries Minibus Fund, London 15522 Deiniolen Trust Fund, Deiniolen 15529 The Delta Hospital Trust Fund, Strood 15532 Denham Nursing Fund, Denham 15537 The Devon Practice Nurse Trust, Exeter 15576 Dodwell Trust, London 15616 Downham Hospital Building Fund, Bromley 15637 The Dresden Assistance Fund, London Î5645 The Dyserth, Meliden and Cwm Relief in Sickness Fund, Prestatyn 15676 The Eades Benevolent Fund, York 15680 The Ealing Aid in Sickness Trust, London 15664 East Cumberland Hospitals Poor Patents Fund, Carlisle 15701 East End Community Trust, London 15702 East Ender Heart Beat Fund, London 15703 East London Nursing Sodety Trust, London 15710 The East Looe Town Trust, East Looe 15711 Edmonton Aid in Sickness and Nursing Fund, Enfield 15741 Eid red Macer Deceased Will Trust, March 15764 Ellesborough Aid in Sickness Fund, Ayiesbury 15771 The Ely Dispensary Fund, Ely 157Ö9 The Ely District Nursing trust, Ely 15790 Embleton Trust Fund, Beverley 15793 Laetitia Emmanuel Memorial Trust Fund, London 15801 The Everest Memorial Trust, Chipping Norton 15850 The Eveson Charitable Trust, Gloucester 75853
Exeter Dispensary and Aid-in-Sickness Fund, Exeter 15663 Exeter Nursing Assodation Trust, Exeter 15867 Fenton Aid in Sickness Fund, Stoke-onTrent 15918 Fietdhead Hospital School Fund, Wakefield 15929 Finchampstead and Barkham Relief in Sickness Fund, Wokingham 15933 Marc Fisher Trust, London 15951 The Father Tony Fleming Memorial Trust, Bovey Tracey 15965 Foundation Housing, Leeds 15999 The Fountain Nursing Trust, Bamsley 16001 Ann Fox Aid in Sickness Fund, Tideswell 16006 Franka's Fund for Croatia, London 16013 The Freshgate Trust Foundation, Sheffield 16031 The Friends of Saint James's University Hospital Trust, Leeds »6053 Garden Lane Medical Centre Patients Fund, Chester 16096 Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital Appeal Trust, London 16106 Gaynor Evans Memorial Trust for the Terminally III, Rhondda Cynon Taff 16120 Glasbury Fund, Clyro 16150 Gloucester Relief in Sickness Fund, Gloucester 16166 Gold Hill Church Trust, Slough 16178 Eliza Grafton Trust, London 16199 The Graham-Dixon Charitable Trust, London 16201 Grange Road Surgery Patients' Fund, Bristol 16206 Granville Nurses Fund, Gateshead 16209 Great Missenden and District Sick Poor Fund, Great Missenden 16224 Great Orme Trust, Llandudno 16227 Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Benevolent Fund, Huddersfiekl 16267 Hammersmith Relief in Sickness Fund, London 16346 Hampton Aid in Sickness Fund, Hampton 16356 Hanham Hall Hospital Recreational Fund, Bristol 16367 The Harefield Hospital Fund, Harefield 16384 The Eileen Hartfield Trust, Croydon 16414 The Harvesters Trust, Chortey 16422 The Lord Hastings Hospital Trust, Slough 16428 Lady Hawke Trust, London 16447 The David Healey Charitable Trust, London 16470 The Hedge End Medical Centre Charitable Trust, Southampton 16491 Hightown First and Nursery School Fund, Liversedge 16543 The C.B. and A.B. Holinsworth Fund of Help, Birmingham 16587 Hospital Aid Fund, Ruislip 16644 Hospital Patients After Care Fund, Stockport 16645 The Ray Hudd Memorial Fund, Maidstone 16669 Catherine Mary Hughes Trust for Pias Hafan, Caernarfon 16678 Catherine Mary Hughes Trust for PlasY-Don, Caernarfon 16679 The Hull and District Lourdes Sick Pilgrims Fund, Hull 16682 The Hull IVF Trust Fund, Hull 16687 Hull Jubilee Aid in Sickness Fund, Hull 16688 Hunslet and Middleton Mineworkers Aid in Sickness Fund, Pontefract 16709 Elizabeth Hurt Sick Poor Fund, Mattock 16718 Sister Alice Ann Ingham Memorial Fund, Preston 16746 The Intensive Care and Heart Unit Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 16849 International Aid Trust, Preston 16851 The Isledon Community Nursery Trust, London 16892 The Isies of Scilly Medical Centre Trust, Bryher 16893 Iver and Richings Park Sick Poor Fund, Slough 16906 Iver Heath Sick Poor Fund, Iver Heath 16907 The Iverdean Trust, Exeter 16909 Indersen Jasodadevi Charitable Trust, Bridgend 16936 The Jellicoe Nursery School Trust Fund, London 16943 The Johnson Foundation, Birkenhead 16969 William and John Jones Trust. Wrexham 17004 The Julie Memorial Fund, Bolton 171321 Kalsi Foundation, Brentwood 17030 The Kensington District Nursing Trust, London 17055 The Kensington Mosque Trust, London 17056 Julie Kent Trust, Durham 17058
459 King Edward VII Memorial Fund, Maidstone 17080 King's Church (llford) Trust, llford 17089 King's Church (West Kingsdown) Charitable Trust, Seven Oaks 17092 T i » Maria Lang Trust, London 17176 League of Friends Northern General Hospital NHS Trust, Sheffield 17202 League of Friends of the Central Middlesex Hospital Trust, London 17204 The League of Friends of the Northallerton Health Trust, Northallerton 17205 The Leeds Hospital Fund Charitable Trust, Leeds 17218 Lilian Lees Memorial Fund. London 17226 Leicester Aid in Sickness Fund, Leicester 17233 Leighton Buzzard and District Aid in Sickness Fund, Leighton Buzzard 17251 The Anthea Lemonheigh Trust, Llanelli 17261 Lesley, Lesley and Mutter Trust, Abingdon 17264 Lady Livingstone Fund for Nurses, Mitcham 17354 The Uanelli-Dinefwr Hospice Appeal Fund, Llanelli 17370 Llangollen and District Patients Trust, Llangollen 17376 Llanidloes and District Community Nurses Comforts Fund Committee, Llanidloes 17380 Monica Uoyd Memorial Trust, Wolverhampton 17395 Lodge of Harmony and Concord Benevolent Fund, Bristol 17416 The London Dispensary Fund, London 17433 The Long Eaton Saint John Ambulance Building Fund, Nottingham 17453 Margaret McMillan Nursery School Charitable Trust, Plymouth 17524 Maitland Hospital Trust, London 17535 The Manorbier, Lamphey and Hodgeston Sick Poor Fund, Pembroke 17564 The Mansion Trust (India), London 17567 The Margaret Club and Day Nursery Fund, London 17577 Marion Road Centre Trust, Norwich 17579 Marshes Relief Foundation, Southall 17594 Marston Montgomery Inclosure Trust, Ashbourne 17595 The Martin-Wheeler Trust, Winchester 17599 The Merseyside Kidney Welfare Foundation, Liverpool 17688 Mid Glamorgan Ambulance General Purposes Fund, Saint Asaph 17708 The Millington Road Nursery School Trust, Cambridge 17734 The Mold and District Nursing Association Trust Fund, Mold 17776 Mount Vernon Hospital Comforts Fund, Northwood 17834 Edwina Mountbatten Trust, Ramsey 17837 The Neath Nursing Association and Rowland Charity Fund, Neath 17895 Nelson House Recoveiy Trust, Stroud 17902 The New Madog Community Hospital Trust, Porthmadog 17928 The Newbury and Thatcham Welfare Trust, Thatcham 17943 Newcastle-Emlyn and District Motor Ambulance Fund, Newcastle Emlyn 17948 Newport Sick Poor Fund, Ryde 17981 The Nicholls Hospital Trust, Bramham 17998 The Florence Nightingale Museum Trust, London 18002 NincTs Wandsworth Church Trust, London 18005 The Lady Noble Memorial Fund, Washington 18010 Norfolk Gardens Bradford Charitable Trust, Bradford 18016 Northwick Park Hospital Trust, Harrow 18063 Notting Hill Day Nursery Fund, London 18080 The Nurses Scholarship Fund, Great BardfiekJ 18087 Nursing Comforts and Aid in Sickness Fund, Mitcham 18088 The Marchioness of Bute and Lady Saint David's Fund, Llantwit Major 18107 Arthur and Rosa Oppenheimer Fund, London 18170 Cornelius O'Sullivan Fund, Slough 18188 Parkgate Convalescent Fund, Chester 18252 The Partcwood Convalescent Home Samaritan Fund, London 18255 Parthenon Trust, Guernsey 18262 Pathways Trust. London 18268
Subject Index: Orphans The Peam Convalescent Home Trust, Plymouth 18284 Julius Peeters Foundation, Biitley 18293 Pest Houses Fund, London 18337 The Phypers Trust, Cheshunt 18357 The Pontardawe Health Centre Patients Comforts Fund, Swansea 18416 Port Talbot Nursing Trust, Port Talbot 18434 Preston and District Relief in Sickness Fund, Preston 18452 Prestwood Relief in Sickness Fund, Great Missenden 18455 Princes Risborough War Memorial Trust, Princes Risborough 18465 The Princess Royal Hospital NHS Trust Charity, Telford 18472 Jane Pugh Trust, London 18501 The Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service Trust Fund, Portsmouth 18516 The Queen Victoria Institute Fund, Reading 18523 Quex Road Lourdes Jumbulance Fund, London 18539 The Ranyard Mission Fund. London 18562 The Read Dispensary Fund, Bristol 18582 The Richmond Aid in Sickness Fund, Richmond 18651 Risala Riverboat Fund, London 18670 Robertswood Combined and Nursery School Fund. Gerrards Cross 18693 Esther Roffey Prize Fund. Cardiff 18708 Royal Brompton and Harefieki Hospital Charitable Fund. Harefield 19029 Royal Docks Trust (London), London 19046 The Royal Hospital of Saint Bartholomew Charitable Foundation, London 19063 The Ruabon and District Sick Poor Fund, Wrexham 19136 Ryde Sick Poor Fund, Ryde 19158 The Sue Ryder Foundation, Sudbury 19160 Saint Brides Aid in Sickness Fund, Carmarthen 19217 Saint Charles Hospital Samaritan Fund, London 19222 Saint Francis Hospice Development Trust, Romford 19253 Saint Giles Trust, London 19272 The Saint Helier NHS Trust, Carshalton 19275 Saint John's and Bent's Hospital Fund, Leicester 19292 Saint John's Hospital Educational Foundation, Exeter 19296 Saint Luke's Worsbrough Common Sick and Poor Fund, Bamsley 19324 Saint Mary Magdalene and Holy Jesus Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19340 Saint Mary's Hospital Nurses Endowment Trust, London 19356 Saint Peter's Walworth Sick and Poor Fund, London 19410 Saint Saviour's Church Nurse Residence Trust, Luton 19415 Saint Thomas Sick and Poor Fund, Bamsley 19430 The Samaritan Fund, London 19450 The Sandville Self Help Foundation, Ton Kenfig 19460 Satmar Nursery Trust, London 19471 Shaw Nurse Endowment Fund, Wakefield 19554 Shervington Third World Trust, Birmingham 19585 The Jane Shore Charitable Trust, London 19593 Shrewsbury Dispensary Fund, Shrewsbury 19598 Sick and Needy Fund (Luton), Luton 19608 William and Clara Smith Relief in Sickness Fund, Sheffield 19652 South Cleveland Hospital Kidney Patients Holiday Fund, Billingham 19688 South Glamorgan Health Charitable Fund, Cardiff 19692 South London Relief in Sickness Fund, London 19699 Southern Derbyshire Acute Hospitals N.H.S. Trust, Derby 19726 The Spencer Trust, Chatham 19755 The Stanley Saint Peter Relief in Sickness Fund, Stanley 19798 Stony Stratford Aid in Sickness Fund, Milton Keynes 19833 The Stroke Prevention Fund, London 19844 Sturge and Convalescent Trust, London 19851 The Bernard Suntey Charitable Foundation, London 19862 The Talbot Trusts, Sheffield 19901 The Tamil Nadu Rural Assistance Trust Fund, London 19906 Teesslde Hospice Care Foundation, Middlesbrough 19951 The Theatre Nursing Education and Research Fellowship Fund, Leeds 19990 George Thomas Hospice Care, Cardiff 19999
The Tim THey Bursary Fund, Lymington 20027 The Tower Hill Improvement Trust, London 20061 Treetops Hospice Trust, Derby 20076 Trinity Congregational Church Sick Poor Fund, Popler 20089 Trustees of the Eltham and Mottingham Hospital Surplus, London 20128 Turton District Relief Fund, Bolton 20146 Turville and Fawley Relief in Sickness Fund, Henley-on-Thames 20148 Upton and North Elmsall Relief in Sickness Fund, Pontefract 20194 Uxbridge and Hillingdon Lions Club Charitable Trust, Hayes 20203 Vinesong Trust, East Grinstead 20244 The Visitors Centre Benevolent FundWinson Green, Birmingham 20247 The Wakefield and District Hospice Fund, Wakefield 20261 The Peter Walker Trust, London 20275 War Memorial Fund, Hull 20307 The Waterloo Trust, London 20332 Emily Weaver Trust Fund, Bridgend 20348 Benjamin Weir Trust, London 20357 Welsh Practice Nurses Association Trust Fund, Vale of Glamorgan 20371 The West Drayton and Yiewsley Aid in Sickness Trust, West Drayton 20388 The West London Hospital Medical Trust, Seaford 20397 West Looe Town Trust, West Looe 20398 Westminster and Chelsea District Nursing Trust, London 20411 The Whitchurch Hospital Minibus Fund Committee, Cardiff 20441 The Whrtechapel Fertility Trust, London 20449 S.A. Whitehead Nurses Trust, Bradford 20452 Wiston, Clarbeston and Walton East Sick Persons Fund, Pembroke 20547 The Woodbridge and Gillis Prize Fund, London 20582 Woofwich and Plumstead Relief in Sickness Fund, London 20605 Woolwich Memorial Hospital Samaritan Fund, London 20606 Worcestershire Hospitals Charitable Trust, Worcester 20611 Wrexham Terminal Care Fund, Wrexham 20642 Yerburgh Fund, Chester 20679 York Dispensary Sick Poor Fund, York 20695 Zambia Anglican Council Charitable Trust, Seaford 20725
Obstetrics Germany An emarie und Günther Haackert-Stiftung zur Förderung der Pränatalen Medizin, München 03096 Dr. Robert Kleinschmidt-Vermàchtnis, Hamburg 04026 Frau-Kind-Gesundheit Stiftung Dr. Rockstroh, München 05487
Netherlands Stichting Vrouwengezondheidszorg, Leiden 09528
Portugal Fundaçâo Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso, Lisboa 00005
United Kingdom The Annada Sarala Maternity Trust, Margate 14228 The Braxton Hicks Trust, London 14692 The Central Middlesex Maternity and Paediatric Trust, London 15017 Cleveland Multiple Birth Trust, Redcar 15263 The Marchioness of Bute and Lady Saint David's Fund, Llantwit Major 18107 The Royal College of Mkhvrves Trust, London 19034 South Highgate Maternity and Child Welfare Fund, London 19694 The Truro Maternity Fund, Truro 20102 WellBeing, London 20360
Oceanography France Fondation Océanographique Ricard, SixFours-Ies-Plages 01238
Germany Deutsches Meeresmuseum, Stralsund 02239 Dieckell-Stiftung, Hamburg 02262 Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel 02710
Stiftung Deutsches Meeresmuseum, Stralsund 06733
Italy Fondazione Mediterranea, Ragusa 08671
Norway Environment Northern Seas Foundation, Stavanger 09640
Spain Fundación Centro de Estudios Marinos, Lepe 10863 Fundación Lamet, Madrid 11822
Switzerland Stiftung für Meereswissenschaft und forschung, Zürich 13554
United Kingdom The Cwmpas Trust - Ymddiriedolaeth Cwmpas, Bangor 15469 Newport Maritime Trust, Newport 17977 The Royal Marinas Museum Trust, Portsmouth 19079
Optics Germany Emst Abbe-Fonds, Essen 07305 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain-Stiftung, Traunreut 03289 Stiftung Forschungsgemeinschaft Deutscher Augenoptiker, Düsseldorf 06791 Carl Zeiss-Schott-Förderstiftung, Essen 06262
Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Ophthalmology Austria Hofrat Prof. Dr. Emst FuchsStipendienstiftung für junge Ophthalmologen der Wiener Schule, Wien 00049 Konstantin C. Panadi'sche Stiftung für Augenkranke und Blinde, Wien 00111 Sigmund Weinberger-Stiftung für Augenkranke und Blinde, Wien 00178
Belgium Stichting Jules François, Gent
United Kingdom J.S. Arkle Memorial Lecture Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 14256 Marion Harvard Jones Ophthalmie Trust, Swansea 16421 Punjab Eye Restoring Free Hospital (Charity) Trust, Derby 18505 Royal National Institute for the Blind. London 19085
Stiftung des SBAO, Adligenswil 13437 Stiftung zur Förderung der Weiterbildung im Augenoptikerberuf, Konolfingen 13903
Orientalism Austria Pro Oriente-Stiftung, Wien 00177
Belgium 00388
France Fondation Ophtalmologique, Paris 01016 Fondation Hartmann, Paris 01125 Fondation A, de Rothschild, Paris 01245
Germany Augenklinik Herzog Carl Theodor, München 01487 Emst und Elfriede Griebel's Förderungsund Unterstützungsstiftung, Hamburg 03037 Emst und Berta Grimmke-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03040 Heinrich Hartmann-Makula-Stìftung, Tübingen 03217 Ewald und Karin Hochbaum-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03486 Tlstou und Charlotte KerstanStiftung Vision 2000 Sehen-KunstSinnesfunktionen, Murg 03942 Leonhard Klein-Stiftung, Essen 040/7 Paul und Charlotte Kniese-Stiftung, Berlin 04064 Gertrud Kusen-Stiftung, Bendestorf 04380 Dr. Helmut und Margarete MeyerSchwarting Stiftung, Bremen 04770 Moessner-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04830 Dr. med. Edda Neele-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04967 Christian und Emmy Sörensen-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06152 Stiftung zur Förderung der Augenheilkunde, Hamburg 07440 Eugenie von den Velden-Stiftung, München 07802 Hermann Wacker-Fonds, Essen 07944 Georg und Hanne Zimmermann-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08288
Italy Fondazione Banca degli Occhi Melvin Jones, Genova 08794
Netherlands Dr. Getman Stichting, Rotterdam 09143 Stichting voor Ooglijders, Rotterdam 09521 Prof. Dr. H.J.M. Weve Stichting, Heerien 09627
Spain Fundación Luis Manuel, La MoralejaAlcobendas 11351 Fundación Vision, Barcelona 11698 Fundación Yagüel Mardomingo, Madrid 12273
Fondation Belge pour la Terre Sainte, Bruxelles 00282
France Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris
Germany Gertrud-und-Alexander-Bôhlig-Stiftung, Essen 01771 Deutsche Orient-Stiftung, Hamburg 02202 Helmuth von Glasenapp-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02960 Stiftung Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschenschaften an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt 06985 Stiftung Dr. Johann-Gottfried Wetzstein, Berlin 08106
Italy Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia
Netherlands Stichting Oosters Instrtuut, Leiden
Switzerland Stiftung für ein Schweizerisches Orientmuseum, Basel 13518
United Kingdom
The Bahari Foundation, London 14345 The Orient Foundation, Bath 18175
Ornithology Germany Paul Feindt-Stiftung, Hildesheim 026T3 Weißstorchstiftung Minden-Lübbecke, Minden 08062
Switzerland Schweizerische Stiftung für Vogelschutzgebiete, Ebnat-Kappel 13274 Schweizerische Vogelwarte Sempach, Sempach 13288
United Kingdom Birdlife International, Cambridge 14583 Glebe Copse Trust, Southampton 76J54 The World Parrot Trust, Hayle 20619
Grieshaber-Stiftung für Augenforschung, Schaffhausen 12787 Peter Mayor-Gedàchtnis-Stiftung, Bern 13029 Stiftung Aktion Lichtblick, Bern 13357 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Optikerverbandes für die Förderung der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, Ölten 13441
Karoline Präger-Stiftung für jüdische Waisenkinder, Wien 00775 Josef Schönwald Ritter von BingenheimWaisenstiftung für öffentlich Bedienstete aus Niederösterreich und Wien, Wien 00137 Max Freiherr von Springer'sche Waisenhausstiftung, Wien 00144 Stiftung Waisenhausfonds, Wien 00765
Subject Index: Orphans Belgium Stichting Onze Kleine Wees kind eren, Lovenjoel 00530 France Fondation Hospice des Orphelins, Pylasur-Mer 00966 Fondation Orphelin, Blanquefort 01017 Les Orphelins Apprentis d'Auteuil, Paris 01208 Fondation des Orphelins Vitagliano, Marseille 01292 Germany Albert und Emilienstifting, Beerfelden 01354 Allgemeine Wohltätigkeits-Stiftung, Kempten 01375 Anienberger-Trendel-Stiftung, Augsburg 01439 Hugo Auvera-Stiftung, Nürnberg 01501 Ca rl-ßa res eJ-Stift u ng, Stuttgart 01540 Johann Matthäus Bauer'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Marktredwitz 01566 Bayerischer Invaliden-, Witwen- und Waisenfonds, München 01596 Hauptmann Max Beckstein-Stiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 01614 Behrens'sche Stiftung, Rätzlingen 01624 Berufshilfe-Stiftung der IG Bauen-AgrarUmwelt, Frankfurt am Main 01678 Betreuungswerk Post Postbank Telekom, Stuttgart 01686 Herbert und Ilse Βiesewig-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01707 Blum'sche Waisenhausstiftung, Hillesheim 0175Û Boese-Kniese-Stiftung, Magdeburg 01761 Brasilische Stiftung, München 01824 Braun-Stiftung, Mainz 01833 Tierarzt Breinbauer-RitzerWaisenhausstiftung, Passau 01846 Kind ohne Eltem-Walter-BreitensteinStiftung, Kiel 01848 Bürgerliche Waisenhaus-Stiftung zu Passau, Passau 01937 Bürgerstiftung Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Ludwigshafen 01970 Diôzesankinderheim Sankt Nikolaus, Speyer 02285 Gräflich von Dömberg'sche WaisenfondsStiftung Regensburg, Regensburg 02298 Peter Domier Stiftung, Lindau 02321 Eduard-Stiftung, Welschbillig 02396 Eduard-Stiftung katholisches KnabenWaisenhaus für die Diözese Trier, Trier 02397 Horst und Eva Engelhardt-Stiftung, Mannheim 02458 Evangelisches Waisenhaus Oeffingen in Bayern, Oettingen 02579 Evers-Stittung, Horst 02580 Findel- und Waisenhausstiftungen, Nürnberg 02644 Fimhaber-Trendel-Stiftung, Bamberg 02647 Förderstiftung RumänienhilfeStraßenkinder, Bergatreute 02690 Forstwaisenstiftung 1903, Herrenberg 02714 Frauengabe, Berlin 02742 Eheleute Freber-Stiftung, Mainz 02745 Maria Friedrich-Grundler-Stiftung, München 02775 Elfriede Fromm-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02797 Friedrich und Wilhelm Funke-Stiftung, Essen 02822 Erhard Funke-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02523 Galewski-Stiftung, Hamburg 02839 Tatjana Gerdes-Stiftung für Waisenkinder, Bad Homburg 02919 Dr. Carl Hagens-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03134 Dr. Josef und Janina HaubenstockStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03234 Wilhelm und Helene Heil-Stiftung, Hamburg 03351 Heinrich Herbst-Stiftung. Hamburg 03385 Hermes-Stiftung, Magdeburg 03394 Vereinigte Herz-Näher'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Sonthofen 03411 Christian C. und Asta Holter-Stiftung, München 03533 Gottlieb Holzwarth-Stiftung, Backnang 03542 Friedrich und Louise HomanrvStiftung, Hamburg 03544 Joseph Honnerbachsche BürgerWaisenhaus-Stiftung, Wesel 03547 Hospital- und Armenfonds Lahr, Lahr 03595 Emst Günther Janka, Dr. Peter Kuhna und Frau Erika Stiftung, Schmalkalden 03734 Johannes-Waisenhaus zu Helmstedt, Helmstedt 03747 Udo Jürgens Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03799 Katholische Armenverwaltung in Krefeld, Krefeld 03888 Katholische Waisen- und Armenkinderhausstiftung Augsburg, Augsburg 03892
Katholische Waisenhaus- und Kinderheim Sankt Klara-Stiftung in Freising, Freising 03633 Geschwister Kauftmann-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03900 Kinderhof Guarabira Stiftung, Allotting 03975 Nikolaus Koch-Stiftung, Trier 04085 König-Burgunder-Stiftung, Herford 04103 Emst Friedrich Körber'sche Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 04121 Bürgermeister Kommesser-Stiftung, Berlin 04167 Krug'sche Stiftung, Nidda 04242 Johannes-Kuhn-Stiftung, Hamburg 04275 Emilie Kwiet-Stiftung, Gummersbach 04394 Leer'sche Stiftung für arme Waisenkinder und Vereinigte Beihilfenstiftung, Bayreuth 04444 Lenoir'sche Stiftung, Kassel 04466 Fritz und Erika Liepold-Stiftung, Bayreuth 04497 Gottfried Ferdinand Lobedau-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04535 Freiherrlich von Loeffeiholz-Held'scte Unterrichts- und Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Nürnberg 04538 Dr. Edelgard und Elsa Brijnnhikj Lohmeyer-Stiftung, Berlin 04556 Ludwig- und TheresienWaisenhausstiftung, Schwabach 04576 Lutherische Waisenhausstiftung, Stadthagen 04595 Mainzer Jugend- und Waisenstiftung, Mainz 04625 von Mellin'sche-Stiftung, Werl 04736 Apotheker Georg und Ehefrau Elisabeth Mie geb. Heitmann-Stiftung, Berlin 04793 Mildtätige Stiftung Eisenbahn-Waisenhort, Frankfurt am Main 04799 Eva Moldenhauer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04833 Dr. Müller-Jürgens-Stiftung in Memmingen, Memmingen 04870 Lieselotte-Nippelt-Stiftung, Leipzig 050)4 Oberbauer'sche Waisenstiftung Mingolsheim, Bad Schönbom 05047 Hofrat von Osten'sche Waisenhausstiftung, Hof 05Í 12 Gräfliche von Oyen- und Perusa'sche Waisenfondsstiftung, Pappenheim 05127 Edith-Pausch-Stiftung, Bayreuth 05164 Gertrud Pons-Stiftung, Bad NeuenahrAhrweiler 05260 Prediger-, Witwen· und Waisenkasse der Pfarrkonvente im Kirchenkreis AttHamburg, Hamburg 05285 Prediger-Witwen- und Waisenkasse des Pfarrkonvents im Kirchenkreis Cuxhaven, Cuxhaven 05286 Prinz-Georg-Stiftung, Kassef 05302 Protestantische Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Kempten 05323 Protestantische Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen in Augsburg, Augsburg 05325 Provinzialwaisenhausstiftung, Bayreuth 05329 Radbruchsche Stiftung von 1970, eine Stiftung der Firma Raspe & Paschen Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg 05350 Louise Reiss-Stiftung, Kassel 05419 Gerhard und Johanna Riedel-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05453 Dr. Otto und Katharina Roith-Stiftung, München 05514 Maria Rust-Stiftung, Essen 05576 Gertrud Scheie-Stiftung, Hamburg 05794 Schindlersches Waisenhaus, Berlin 05833 Schirmer-Vermächtnis-Stiftung, Erlangen 05836 Schloeßmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 05860 Dr. Rudolf Schloeßmann-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05861 August Schmidt-Stiftung, Bochum 05888 Rechtsanwalt Richard Schmitt-Stiftung, Würzburg 05909 Herbert Schöll-Stiftung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05950 Schotviη-Stiftung, Hannover 05952 Franz-Xaver und Emma Seiler-Stiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg im Breisgau 06074 Adam Martin Seuffert-Waisen-Stiftung, Nürnberg 05096 Edmund Siemers-Stiftung, Hamburg 06125 Heinrich Spindelmann-Stittung, Essen 06270 Stiftung Alten Eichen von 1596, Bremen 06407 Stiftung Atters-, Witwen- und Wásenversorgungseinrichtung beim Technischen Überwachungsverein Hessen e.V., Eschborn 06424 Stiftung des deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättenge wertes, Bonn 06691 Stiftung Evangelisches Waisenhaus und Klauckehaus Augsburg, Augsburg 06777 Stiftung Hessisches Waisenhaus zu Kassel, Kassel 06945 Stiftung Nardinihaus, Pirmasens 07150 Stiftung Sankt Petri Waisenhaus von 1692 zu Bremen, Bremen 07260
Stiftung Wir für Kinder in Not, Mainz 07401 Stiftung zur HiHe für Waisen, Hannover 07496 Hanna Still-Stiftung, Recklinghausen 07530 Theo und Impa Strick-Stiftung, Dortmund . 07575 ÜWU-Arbeitnehmer-Waisenstiftung, Würzburg 07739 Vereinigte Naumburger Waisenversorgungsanstalt, Naumburg 07817 Vereinigte Waisenhausstiftung, Rastatt 07854 Otto und Erna Voss-Stiftung, Lübeck 07939 Waisen- und Jugendstiftung Landshut, Landshut 07967 Waisen- und Kinderhort-Stiftung Füssen, Füssen 07968 Waisenhaus samt Carolinen-Stiftung, Marienberg 07969 Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07970 Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Mindelheim 07971 Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Rosenheim 07972 Waisenhaus-Stiftung Rees, Rees 07973 Waisenhausstiftung, München 07975 Waisenhausstiftung Dillingen an der Donau, Dillingen an der Donau 07976 Waisenhausstiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg 07977 Waisenhausstiftung Stadt Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt 07978 Waisenhausstiftung Stadtamhof, Regensburg 07979 Waisenhausstiftung Wolfenbüttel, WoBenbüttel 07980 Waisenhausstiftung zu Sangerhausen, Sangerhausen 07981 Wester'sche Kranken- und Waisenhausstiftung, Betzdorf 08094 Gustav-Will-Stiftung, Murg 08138 Elisabeth Wirtz-Schoemer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08164 Ilse und Franz Wolfram-Stiftung, Hamburg 08213 van Wouwersches Vermächtnis, Husum
Züllig-Hillsche Stiftung für arme Pfarrwaisen, Heidelberg 08298 Moldova The Fund for Disabled Children and Orphans Protection of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau 09011 Netherlands Stichting Burgerweeshuis en Kinderhuis Deventer, Deventer 09369 Stichting Het Elisabeth Weeshuis, Geldermalsen 09414 Stichting het Fonds voor Weduwen en Wezen van Kunstemaars, Amsterdam 09416 Stichting het Hervormd Weeshuis, Zwolle 09418 Vereeniging tot Opnchting en Instandhouding van het Protestantsch Weduwen- en Wezenfonds, Amsterdam 09608 Spain Fundación Pias del Cardenai Belluga, Murcia 10116 Fundació AkJees Infantile SOS, Barcelona 70359 Fundació Mare Nostra, Mataró 10552 Fundación Asistencia! de Malta, Madrid 10756 Fundación Colegio de Doncellas Huérfanas Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, Santiago de Compostela 10910 Fundación Colegio de Huérfanos de Ferroviarios, Madrid 10911 Fundación Escuela Pública y Asilo para Niños Pobres, Castromonte 11073 Fundación Huérfanos de la Dirección General de la Policía, Madrid 11242 Fundación Institución San Isidro, Madrid 11263 Fundación Orfanato de Jesús y Candelaria, Madrid 11419 Fundación Orfanato de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Granada 11420 Fundación Orfanato de San Ramón y San Antonio, Madrid 11421 Fundación Duque de Lerma, Toledo 11838 Fundación Vicente Rodríguez Fabres, Salamanca 12075 Fundación Santamarca, Madrid 12115 Fundación Josefina Villasante, Madrid 12259 Switzerland Eidgenössische Stiftung Kindelhilfswerk Tendel Gyalzur in Tibet, Kempraten 12529 Elisabeth Forberg-Stiftung, Zollikon 12733 Grossfamilie Frei-Stiftung für das Kind, Zürich 12744
Stiftung HUfskasse des CLEVS und des VKLS, Samen 13627 Stiftung Kinderdorf Pestalozzi, Zürich 13658 Stiftung Osteuropa-Mission, Wetzikon 13723 Stiftung Unsere kleinen Brüder und Schwestern, Abtwil 13845 United Kingdom The Abacus Trust, Swindon 14044 The Akhter Educational Foundation, Bishops Stortford 14117 Al-Haj MA. Karim Trust, Bamsley 14120 Alpha India Foundation, Broadstone 14180 Amala Trust London 14188 Baicoi Orphanage Trust, Haywards Heath 14347 Butler Trust, London 14862 Children in Need Trust, Chesham 15124 City of London Police Widows' and Orphans' Fund, London 15217 Comic Relief, London 15305 St. Erkenwald Benevolent Fund, Barking 15827 Fellowship Welfare Trust, Bootle 15916 Foundation for Romanian Orphans (United Kingdom), Bristol 15994 Gresford Colliery Disaster Relief Fund, Chester 16269 Jian Hua Foundation, Basingstoke 16668 The Key of Life Foundation Oiphanage Project, Shillington 17064 The Kindu Trust, Plymouth 17075 de La Salle Memorial Fund, London 17151 Lads of the Village Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 17154 The Metropolitan and City Police Educational Fund, London 17699 Orphans Aid Educational Foundation, Plymouth 18180 Orphans in India Trust, Penarth 18181 Oxfordshire Relief Fund for Romanian Children-Orphans, Banbury 18217 Parthenon Trust, Guernsey 18262 The Pattaya Orphanage Trust, London 18269 The Philippine Ferry Disaster Fund, London 18347 The Philippine Street Children Trust, London 18349 The Pocklington Apprenticeship Trust, London 18404 Pursell Lyndale Fund, London 18507 Relief of Orphans Fund Saint Petersburg, Manchester 18622 The Royal Gardeners' Orphan Fund, Wetwyn Garden City 19058 Roya] Medical Benevolent Fund, London 19082 Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund, London 19151 Shree Ananadabawa Seva Charitable Trust, North Hanow 19535 The Sri Lanka Orphaned Children's Trust, Sutton 19783 The Ungureni Orphanage Trust, Tadley 20166 The United Kingdom Khelaghar Orphanage Trust, London 20175 Usman Welfare Fund, Birmingham 20202 The Widows and Orphans Fund, Wolverhampton 20464 Wokingham Patriotic Fund, Crowthome 20552
Fundación Maurice E. Muller-España, Barcelona 11936 Switzerland Stiftung Maurice E. Müller für Fortbildung und Forschung in orthopädischer Chirurgie, Bern 1X62 Stiftung der Internationalen Union der Orthopädie-Techniker, Basel 13432 Stiftung des Schweizer Verbandes der Orthopädie-Techniker, Adllswil 13438 United K i n g d o m British Palawan Trust, Ipswich 14759 The Devon Orthopaedic Trust, Exeter 15575 The East Kent Orthopaedic Research Fund, Margate 15708 Northern Orthopaedic Research into the Hip Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 18056 Orthopaedic Fund for Old Church Hospital, Romford 18184 The Sanderson Leonard Childrens Fund, Cramlington 19458 The J.G. Taylor Charitable Trust, Norwich 19927
Otorhinolaryngology Germany Geers-Stiftung, Dortmund 02856 Prof. Dr. Ludwig Haymann-Stiftung, Bonn 03263 Spain Fundación Premio Bartúal Moret, Valencia 10105 Fundación para la Salud Bucal, Madrid 11488 United Kingdom Foundation for Al-Quds University Medical School, London 15990 The London Hospital Otolaryngology Trust, Chipping Ongar 17441
Paper technology Germany Dr. Carl Clemm und Dr. Carl HaasStiftung, Mannheim 02077 Fritz Landmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 04399 Papiertechnische Stiftung, München 05142 PTS München, München 05334 Gustav und Catharina Schürfeld-Stiftung, Hamburg 05987 Stiftung Druck- und Papiertechnik, Frankfurt am Main 06748 Stiftung Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach 08255
Parapsychology Switzerland Schweizerische Stiftung für Parapsychologie, Brugg 13269
Pfarrer Michael Graf-Stiftung Schwarzach, Schwarzach 03018 Hofrat Friedrich Hessing'sche orthopädische Heilanstalt in AugsburgGöggingen, Augsburg 03429 Dr. Hermann Hoffmeister-Stiftung, Tübingen 03519 Dr. Gustav Krauß sen.'sehe Krankenhausstiftung für mechanische Orthopädie (Kraußianum), München 04198 Erwin-Röver-Stiftung, Hannover 05507 Stiftung Friedrichsheim, Frankfurt am Main 06801 Stiftung Orthopädische Universitätsklinik, Heidelberg 07187
Fondazione Centro Studi di Patologia Molecolare Applicata alla Clinica, Milano 08595 Fondazione per gli Studi sulla Riproduzione Umana, Palermo 08691 Fondazione Piemontese per gli Studi e le Ricerche sulle Ustioni, Torino 08710 Spain Fundació per a la Bioquímica Clínica i la Patologia Molecular, Barcelona 10574 Fundación Española de Patologia Respiratoria, Barcelona 11095
Semmelweis Alapitvány Magyarországi Ortopédia Fejiesztésóért, Budapest 08348
Stiftung für Religionspsychologie und Religionspsychopathotogie, Langenthal 13566 Weststiftung für Pathologie und Laboratoriumsmedizin, Frauenfeld 13991
Italy Fondazione Fulvio Bartoiini, Roma 08423
United K i n g d o m Spain Fundación Mendiela Canais, Zaragoza 11911
The Showering Fund, Bristol 19596 Wo rid Pathology Foundation, Totnes
Subject Index: Philosophy
461 Peace research Austria International Foundation for Cooperation and Peace for Bosnia and Hercegovina, Wien 00066 Stiftung Soziales Friedenswerk, Innsbruck 00163
Belgium Earth Action international, Bruxelles 00254 Fondation Europa Pads Magna, Sint Niklaas 00304 Food and Disarmament International, Bruxelles 00384
Denmark Fredsfonden, Kebenhavn 00637 Hermod Lannung's Foundation, Kebenhavn 00651
Finland Baltic Sea Centre Foundation, Kellokoski 00697
France Fondation du Prix Mondial de la Paix, Paris 00933 Fondation pour la Paix, Roquebrune-Cap Martin 01025
Germany Alexander-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01363 Beiträge zur Friedensarbeit Die Schwelle, Bremen 01629 Berghof-Stiftung für Konfliktforschung, Berlin 01654 Bremische Stiftung für Rüstungskonversion und Friedensforschung, Bremen 01856 Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Frankfurt am Main 03435 Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicheiheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 03690 Geschwister Kom und GerstenmannStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04765 Albert OsswaJd-Stiftung, Gießen 05107 Gerta Scharffenorth-Stiftung, Heidelberg 05776 Holger Schirrmacher-Stiftung, Hamburg 05838 Stiftung Deutsches Übersee-Institut, Hamburg 06739 Anneliese und Hans Thiel-Fonds für Friedensarbert, Frankfurt am Main 07657 Towae-Stiftung, Heidelberg 07705
Paz y Cooperación, Madrid 11993 Fundación Portier, A Coruna 12024
Sweden Nobelstifteisen, Stockholm 12305 Olof Palmes Minnesfond for International! Fôrstaelse och Gemensam Säkerhet, Stockholm 12308 Stockholms Intemationetla Fredsforskningsinstitut, Sol na 12321 Den Transnationella Stiftelsen för Fredsoch Framtidsforskning, Lund 12326
Switzerland Centre International de Formation á l'Enseignement des Droits de l'Homme et de la Paix, Genève 12465 Fondation Suisse de Bond Offices, Lausanne 12674 Institut International de Recherches pour la Paix, Genève 12665 T. und H. Klüber-Strftung für Frieden und Lebenshilfe, Sachsein 12963 Peace and Crises Management Foundation, Zug 13106 Schilling-Stiftung, Baden 13196 Schweizerische Friedensstiftung, Bern 13231 Stiftung Bibiiotheca Afghanica, Liestal 13402
Turkey Arkadaç, Silifke 14020
United Kingdom The Christian Peace Education Fund, London 15171 CISV International Peace Fund. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 15206 Conflict Education and Library Trust, London 15334 Dulverton Trust, London 15658 PokJen-Puckham Charitable Foundation, London 18405 The Quaker Peace Studies Trust, Bradford 18515 Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, York 19005 Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Nottingham 19148 Saferworid Foundation, London 19171
Pediatrics Austria C.M. Frank Kinderspitals-Stiftung, Wien 00045
Belarus Belarusian Charitable Fund for the Children of Chernobyl, Minsk 00193
Ireland Funds, Dublin 06374
Fondation Nationale de Recherche en Cardiologie Pédiatrique, Bruxelles 00326
Fondazione per la Pace e la Cooperazione Intemazionale Alcide De Gasperi, Roma 08519 Fondazione Ex-Campo Fossoli, Carpi 08629 Fondazione Venezia per la Ricerca sulla Pace, Venezia 08753
Netherlands Peace Tribunal Foundation, Amsterdam 09262 Stichting Foods Vredesprojecten, Utrecht 09404
Norway Mahatma M.K. Gandhi Foundation for Non-Violent Peace, Oslo 09641 International Peace Research Institute, Oslo 09644
Russia Russian Peace Foundation, Moskva 10005
Spain Fundación para la Formación, Estudios y Convivencia Profesor Manuel Broseta, Valencia 10150 Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero, Madrid 10292 Fundació per la Pau, Barcelona 10588 Fundación Confluencia, Zaragoza 10927 Fundación de Estudios sobre la Paz y las Relaciones Internacionales, Madrid 10982 Fundación Iniciativas para la Paz, Madrid 11259 Fundación Paz y Socialismo, Zaragoza 11511 Fundación Paz y Solidaridad, Madrid 11512 Fundación Yoga para la Paz, Madrid 11704 Fundación Francisca Mateos, Madrid 11900
France Centre International de l'Enfance, París 00783 Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris-Hôpitaux de France, Paris 00965 Fondation Lenval, Nice 07)66
Germany Dr. August und Erika Appenrodt-Stiftung, Hannover 01441 AWD-Stiftung KinderhiHe, Hannover 01505 Rudolf Ballin-Stiftung e.V., Hamburg 0Í530 Christina Bergmann-Stiftung zur Unterstützung der Kindeikrebsforschung, München 01660 betapharm Nachsorgestiftung, Augsburg 01683 Friedrich Bluhme und Else JebsenStiftung, Hannover 01748 Maria Borgmann-Stiftung, Kamp-Lintfort 01804 Bettina-Bräu-Stiftung, Fürstentokibruck 01819 C.D.-Stiftung, Essen 02011 Carts-Stiftung, Königstein im Taunus 02028 Clementine Kinderhospital Dr. Christ1 sehe Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02054 Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung der Deutschen Leukämieforschungshilfe, Bonn 02191 Thea Diederichsen-Stiftung, Bremen 02264 W.A. Drenckmann-Strftung, Essen 02339 Tour Gingko Christiane EichenhoferStiftung, Lorch 02417 Frankfurter Stiftung für krebs kranke Kinder, Frankfurt am Main 02730 Franz-Günther und Barbara von Gaertner-Stiftung, Hamburg 02833 Heinrich Galm-Stiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 02842
German Health Foundation, München 02926 Hannoversche Kinderheilanstalt, Hannover 03Ή8 Theodor Hellbrügge-Stiftung zur Förderung der Soziaipädiatrie in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre, München 0335? Hoesch-Stiftung, Wuppertal 03507 Sanitätsrat Dr. Emil Alexander Huebner und Gemahlin-Stiftung, Essen 03642 Kelter-Budenberg-Stiftung, Berlin 03920 Kinder von Tschernobyl-Stiftung des Landes Niedereachsen, Hannover 03969 Kinderheim Wieseneck, Göppingen 03972 Kinderhilfestiftung Oberhessen, Marburg 03974 Kinderkrebsnachsorge-Strftung für das chronisch kranke Kind, VS-Tannheim 03976 Kinderkurheim Werraland, Bad SoodenAllendorf 03977 Kinderkurheim Wiesensteig-Bläsiberg, Göppingen 03978 Kinderkurklinik Sassendorf, Bad Sassendorf 03979 Kroschkestiftung für Kinder, Ahrensburg 04238 Gießener Eltemstiftung für krebskranke Kinder Walter Lahme, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 04390 Prof. Emst Lehnhardt-Stiftung, Hannover 04450 Hermann Mai-Stiftung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde, Gießen 04620 Marga und Herbert B. Stiftung, Augsburg 04649 Dr. med. Heinz Masuch-Stiftung, Aschau i. Chiemgau 04684 Heinz und Gudrun Meise-Stiftung für herzkranke Kinder, Rotenburg an der Fulda 04725 Münchener Eltemstiftung, München 04904 Christian-Müther-Stiftung, Ostseebad Binz 04914 Dr. Gerhard Nienaber und Dr. Ruth Nienaber-Götze-Stiftung, Hannover 05008 Olgále-Stiftung für das kranke Kind e.V., Stuttgart 05080 Frau-Kind-Gesundheit Stiftung Dr. Rockstroh, München 05487 Dr. Gabriele Ruge Stiftung, Jever 05564 Elly-Sachinis-Stiftung für tumor- und leukämiekranke Kinder der Kinderklinik Erfurt, Hamburg 05566 Madeleine Schickedanz-KinderkrebsStjftung, Fürth 05606 Helene Schlüter-Giese-Stiftung, Essen 05666 Björn Schulz Stiftung, Berlin 06013 Charlotte Steppuhn-Stiftung, Berlin 06378 Michael Stich-Stiftung, Hamburg 06365 Stiftung Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe der Deutschen Krebshilfe, Bonn 06710 Stiftung Kindergesundheit, München 07033 Stiftung Pfennigparade, München 07197 Stiftung Präventive Pädiatrie, Mainz 07208 Emma Thaler-Stiftung, München 07645 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Universitätskinderklinik Heidelberg, Heidelberg 07834 Viersener WohlfahrtsstiftungKindeikrankenhaus Sankt Nikolaus, Viersen 07866 Alois Wagner-Stiftung Mittelberg, Mittelberg 07959 Hermine Weidrter-Nachlaß-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06044 Margarete-Welsch-Stiftung, Biedenkopf 08070 Wilhelm und Auguste Viktoria-Stiftung für Säuglingsfürsorge, Frankfurt am Main 08133 Bäckerei Wolf Stiftung, Augsburg 08203 WS-Stiftung, Affatterbach 08231 Isabelle Zachert-Stlftung, Bonn 06252
Moldova The Echo of Chernobyl Foundation, Chisisnau 09004
Netherlands Stichting Gaandeweg, Amhem 09140 Ter Meulen Fonds, Amsterdam 09215 Sophia Stichting voor het Zieke Kind, Rotterdam 0933? Stichting Prof. Dr. H.H. van Gelderen Fonds, Leiden 09590
Portugal Fundaçâo Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso, Lisboa 09805
Spain Fundació Nostra Senyora del Carme i el Seu Institut de Puericultura Integral, Barcelona 10561
Fundación Endocrinología y Nutrición, Madrid 11043 Fundació d'Oncologia Infantil Enriqueta VWIavecchia, Barcelona 12260
Switzerland Aids & Kind, Zürich 12339 Fondation Frieda Dressler Genève, Genève 12510 Fondation Project HOPE, Longirod 12662 Fondazione Bambini Cardiopatici nel Mondo, Lugano 12688 Fondazione per i Bambini del Polo Nord, Lugano 12700 Stiftung für schwerkranke Kinder Beatrice und Hansjörg Meister, Meilischachen 13036 Schweizer Forschungsstiftung Kind und Krebs, Zürich 13212 Schweizerische Stiftung Guter Wille, Zürich 13276 Stiftung Alpine Kinderklinik Pro Juventute Davos, Davos 13358 Stiftung für das lungenkranke Kind, Zürich 13495 Stiftung Kinderspital Kantha Bopha, Zürich 13662
Turkey Gurson Çoçuk Sagligi Vakfi, Istanbul 14021
United Kingdom Abandoned and Destitute Children's Appeal Fund, London 14045 The Marc Anthony Memorial Fund, Plymouth 14232 The Dr. Arthur Fund, Derby 14270 Baby Unit Fund, Hull 14341 The Beckly Trust, Plymouth Í4475 William Bell Fund, Hull 14494 The Birth Defects Foundation, Cannock 14592 Bulgarian Support Fund, Welwyn Garden City 14826 The Central Middlesex Maternity and Paediatric Trust, London /5öf7 Childrens Appeal Fund for Equipment, Newport 15127 Childrens Centre Trust-Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny 15128 Children's Health Centre (Warsaw) Fund, London 15129 The Childrens' Heart Unit Fund, Durham 15130 The Clarendon Wing Paediatric Surgical Fund, Leeds /524T Roald Dahl Foundation, Great Missenden 15477 Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, London »5585 The Evelina Family Trust, London 15846 Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths, London 15997 Friends of the Baby Unit Fund, Long Eaton 16056 The Adele Galloway Fund, Worsley 16089 John and Margaret Galvin Trust Fund, Bamsley 16090 Hampstead Dyslexia Clinic Charitable Trust, London 16352 Haven House Foundation, llford 16435 Jane Hodge Foundation, Cardiff 16577 The Homsey Trust for Children with Cerebral Palsy, London J6639 Jay Jay Trust, Cardiff 16937 The Jessop Baby Fund, Sheffield 16953 The Julia Fund, Nottingham 17020 The Leicester Paediatric Assessment Trust, London 17242 The Margaret Club and Day Nursery Fund, London 17577 The Marina Memorial Foundation, London 17578 Bill Marshall Memorial Fund, London 17591 The Jessie May Trust, Marlow 17614 The Nepalese Children's Medical Trust, Berwick-upon-Tweed 17903 Newfcam School Children's Hospital Fund, London 17964 Tite North Staffordshire Hospitals Childrens Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 18044 One Parish Link Charitable Trust, Sutton Cokffiekj 18164 Power Please Trust, Wolverhampton 18445 Queen Elizabeth Hospital Children's Fund, London 18520 The Reporter Kidsllne Charitable Trust, Southampton 18623 Royal Liverpool Children's Charitable Fund, Liverpool 19073 The Sanderson Leonard Childrens Fund, Cramlington 19458 Sargent Cancer Care for Children, London 19466 The Shepherd Street Trust, Preston 19579 Shooting Star Trust, Hounslow 19592 Sir Smith Child $i#plementary Convalescent Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 19647
South Highgate Maternity and Child Welfare Fund, London 19694 Sir Halley Stewart Trust, Willingham 19816 Tushinskaya Children's Hospital Charitable Trust, London 20152
Pharmacy Denmark Alfred Benzon Foundation, Heilerup 00612
Germany Bayerische Apothekerstiftung, München 0/566 Collegium Pharmazeuticum, Frankfurt am Main 02081 Deutsche Apotheken-Museum-Stiftung, Eschbom/Taunus 02171 Deutsche Apotheker-Stiftung, Eschbom/Taunus 02172 DPhG-Strftung zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, Essen 02330 Dr. Hellmuth Häussermann-Stiftung, Hannover 03124 Dr. Hilmer-Stiftung zur Förderung der Forschung auf pharmazeutischem Gebiet, Essen 03463 Stiftung Kohl'sche Einhorn-Apotheke Weißenburg in Bayern, Weißenburg 04132 Dr. August und Dr. Anni Lesmüller Stiftung, München 04477 Professor Rochlmeyer-Stiftung, Mainz 05484 Rottendorf-Stiftung, Ennigerloh 05552 Dom-Apotheke Eichstätt Friedrich Scheidler'sche Stiftung, Eichstätt 05793 Dr. Georg-Scheuing-Stiftung, Mainz 05804 Stiftung BioMed Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 06485
Italy Fondazione Marino Golinelli, Bologna 08778
Netherlands FIP Foundation for Education and Research, Den Haag 09116 Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg-Stichting, Oss 09314
Spain Fundación Farmacéutica Avenzoar, Sevilla 10087 Fundación Juan Esplugues, Valencia 10297 Fundación Doctor Antonio Esteve, Barcelona 10303 Fundación de Farmacia Clínica, Barcelona 10985 Fundación Uriach 1838, Barcelona 12211
Switzerland Fondation Project HOPE, Longirod 12662 Dr. Rau'sche MedizinaJstiftung, EmbrachEmbrapoit 13141 Stiftung für Arzneimittelsichertieit-CHDM, Bern 13485 Stiftung Schweizerische ArzneimittelNebenwirkungs-Zentrale, Bern 13791
United Kingdom Benevolent Funds of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, London 14508 The Pat Fleet Memorial Fund, Cambridge 15963 The Islington Dispensary Fund, London 16896 Park Pharmacy Trust, Plymouth 18247 Reading Dispensary Trust, Reading 18587 Truro Dispensaiy Fund, Truro 20101
Philosophy Austria Spirit of Europe Foundation, Harmanschlag 00143
France Fondation Teilhard de Chardin, Paris 00756
Germany Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung, Essen 01308 Jan Brauers-Stiftung für Fortschritt durch Harmonie, Baden-Baden 01830 Constantin Brunner-Stiftung, Göttingen 01904 Claussen-Simon-Stiftung, Essen 02065 Filosofia Italiana-Stiftung Oldenburg, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 02639
Subject Index: Philosophy Fries-Stiftung, Hannover 02786 Dr. Ferdinand Hesse Stipendien-Stiftung, Hamburg 03426 Dr.-Heinz-Jung-Stlftung, Offenbach 03628 Schenkung Lautrach, München 04432 Dr. Leopold Lucas-Stiftung, Tübingen 04569 Hans Lungwitz-Stiftung, Buxtehude 04590 Schenkung Parmer, Bonn 05150 Josef Pieper-Stiftung, Münster 05230 Scheidemann'sche Familienstiftung, Friedland-Ballenhausen 05792 Schopenhauer-Stiftung Arthur Angelika Hübscher in memoriam Christian Hübscher, Frankfurt am Main 05954 Soltenbom-Stiftung, Göttingen 06157 Siegward Sprotte-Stiftung, Bonn 06314 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover, Hannover 06793 Stiftung Geistesfreiheit, Hamburg 06890 Stiftung zur Förderung der Philosophie, Korschenbroich 07464 Trebuth-Stiftung zur Nachwuchsförderung in der Philosophie, Essen 07712 Leopold Ziegler-Stiftung, Oberried 08280
Italy Fondazione Vittorino Colombo, Milano 08495 Fondazione Nazionale Vito FazioAllmayer, Palermo 08538 Fondazione Giovanni Gentile per gli Studi Filosofici, Roma 08770 Fondazione Istituto Gramsci Veneto, Venezia 08780 Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, Napoli 08793 Fondazione Lanza, Padova 08801 Fondazione Piero Martinetti per gli Studi di Storia Filosofica e Religiosa, Torino 08828 Fondazione Pietro Piovani per gli Studi Vichiani, Napoli 08890 Fondazione Ugo Spirito, Roma 08947
Netherlands Reiman-de Bas Fonds, Amsterdam 09300 Stichting Het Parnassus Fonds, Utrecht 09419
Portugal Fundaçâo Dom José da Cruz Moreira Pinto, Viseu 09725
Russia Fond duhovnogo i nravstvennogo obrazovaniia, Moskva 09961
Spain Fundación Modesto Anido, Santiago de Compostela 10057 Fundació Institut d'Estudis Humanistics Miquel Coli i Alentom, Barcelona 10218 Fundación Frax, Altea 10352 Fundación Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid 10685 Fundación Cristo Redentor e Instituto id Misioneros y Misioneras Identes, Madrid 10936 Fundación Antonio de Nebrija, Hoyo de Manzanares 11951 Fundación Rosacruz, Zaragoza 12087
Switzerland Bildungszentrum für spirituelle Entwicklung, Luzem 124/7 Arnold Corti-Stamm Stiftung, Winterthur 12481 Fondazione University of Philosophy, Agno 12714 Fondation Internationale Padme, Les Monts-de-Corsier 13099 Fondazione Sathya Sai Seva, Roveredo 13192 Stiftung für moralische Aufrüstung, Kriens 13555 Stiftung Living Tao, Basel 13688 Stiftung Lucerna, Luzem 13689
United Kingdom The Analysis Trust, Cambridge 14208 Emissaries of Divine Light, Chipping Campden 15796 The Fintry Trust, Godalming 15940 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, Alresford 17142 Dr, Schweitzer's Hospital Fund, Croydon near Royston 19496 Trust Property held in Connection with the Bethel Spiritualist Church Blaina, Blaina 20122 The Way of Life Educational Trust, Ipswich 20343
Photography Austria Theodor Kömer-Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wien 00079
462 Beiglum
KAPWA Fondation, Bruxelles 00441
Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Fondation Kon rad Adenauer (Belgium), Bruxelles 00198 Eurostep, Bruxelles 00265 Institut Royal des Relations Internationales, Bruxelles 00428 Institute for European Environmental Policy, Bruxelles 00429 International Foundation, Bruxelles 00431 Masereel Fonds, Bruxelles 00457 Fondation Paul-Henri Spaak, Bruxelles 00508
France Fondation de la Photo Chaufferie, Lyon 00389
Germany Gerd-Rodenwakit-Gedàchtnis-Stiftung, Berlin 05488 Reinhart Wolf photographische Stiftung, München 08202
Spain Fundación de Biofisica Aplicada, Lleida 10971
Sweden Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm
United Kingdom
The Holbeck Mechanics Institute Trust Fund, Leeds 16579
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Bulgaria), Sofia 00577 Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation, Sofia 00580 Open Society Foundation-Sofia (Bulgaria), Sofia 00584 XXI Century Foundation-Centre lor Strategie Business and Political Studies, Sofia 00588
Fondazione Maria Adriana Prolo, Torino 08895 Fondazione Sella, Biella 08931
Prins Bernhard Cuttuurfonds Gelderland, Amhem 09281 Prins Bernhard Cuttuurfonds Groningen, Groningen 09282 Prins Bernhard Cuttuurfonds NoordBrabant, 's-Hertogenbosch 09284 World Press Photo Foundation, Amsterdam 09636
Dr. Reinold Hagen Stiftung, Bonn 03132 Paul-Schlack-Stíftung, Frankfurt am Main 05840
Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Spain Fundación Actilibre, Madrid 10670 Fundación Institución Cultural Simancas, Valladolid 12150 Fundació Arxiu Tobella Terrassa, Terrasa 12183
Switzerland Bemische Stiftung für Fotografie, Film und Video, Bern 12403 DOCUMENTA NATURA, Bern 12506 Fondation du Musée Suisse de l'Appareil Photographique de Vevey, Vevey 12588 Fondation Select, Lausanne 12668 Klure-Stiftung, Zürich 12964 Luftbild Schweiz, Regensdorf 13004 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Photographie, Zürich 13257 Stiftung Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur 13471 Stiftung für die Schweizerische Photographie, Zürich 13510 Jakob Tuggener-Stiftung, Uster 13954
United Kingdom The Ted Tasker Photographie Collection Trust, Barnsley 19919
Physics Denmark Nordita-Nordisk Institut for Teoretisk Fysik, Kabenhavn 00658
Germany Walter und Eva Andrejewski-Stiftung, Essen 01430 Bodo von Borries-Stiftung, Essen 01807 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg 02231 Dr. Isolde Dietrich-Stiftung, Essen 02273 Dr. Friedrich Förster-Stiftung, Tübingen 02694 Gode Wissenschafts-Stiftung, Waldaschaff 02974 Helmholtz-Fonds e.V., München 03357 Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, Hanau 03379 Rudolf Kaiser-Stiftung, Essen 03845 Otto Klung-Stiftung, Berlin 04053 Dr. Marschner-Stiftung zur Förderung des naturwissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, Frankenberg/Eder 04668 Oswalt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05118 Nachlaß Eugenie Przemysler-Przemyslav, München 05331 Dr. Erich Ritter-Stiftung, Essen 05478 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen-Fonds, Würzburg 05501 Prof.-Schwabe-Stiftung, Dresden 06034 Stipendienstiftung Physik und Mathematik, Essen 07542 Emil Warburg-Stiftung, Bayreuth 08012
Italy Fondazione Edoardo Arnaldi, Piacenza 08407 Fondazione Istituto Interscambio Scientifico, Torino 08651
Netherlands Dr. H.P. Heineken Stichting, Amsterdam 09156
Spain Fundación Española de los Plásticos para la Protección del Medio Ambiente, Madrid 11094
Switzerland Schweizerische Stiftung für KunststoffReintegration, Sankt Gallen 13266
Czech Republic Nadace Konrad Adenauera (Czech Republic), Praha 00594 Czechoslovak Charta 77 Foundation, Praha 00597 Open Society Fund Prague, Praha 00602
Denmark Fredsfonden, Kebenhavn 00637 Rockwool Foundation, Hedehusene 00664
United Kingdom
Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust, North wood 18628
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Estonia), Tallinn 00673 Eesti Mittetulundusühingute ja Sihtasutuste Lilt, Tallinn 00679 Estonian Foundation Centre, Tallinn 00684 Kistler-Ritso Eesti Sihtasutus, Tallinn 00685 Sihtasutus Eesti Kohalike Omavalitsuste Tugrfond, Tallinn 00691 U.S.-Baltic Foundation Eesti Sihtasutus, Tallinn 00694
Police Germany Bayerische Polizei-Stiftung, München 01590 Bremische Polizei-Stiftung, Bremen 01857 Hessische Polizeistittung, Wiesbaden 03434 von Hinckeldey-Stiftung, Berlin 03467 Heinrich-Mörtl-Stiftung zur Förderung der Aus- und Weiterbildung der Polizeibediensteten des Landes Hessen, Frankfurt am Main 04827 Polizeistiftung des Landes BadenWürttemberg, Stuttgart 05256 Polizeistiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover 05257 Stiftung der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft. München 06546
Moldova Soros Foundation-Moldova, Chisinau 09027
Spain Fundación Ayuda Pro Minusvalidos Hijos de Funcionarios de la Policía, Madrid 10772
Switzerland Institut Suisse de Police, Neuchâtel 12869
United Kingdom Bow Street Magistrates Court Police Reward Fund, London 14664 Greenwich Community Safety Trust, London 16251 Gwent Shrievalty Police Trust, Cwmbran 16301 Humberside Police Welfare and Benevolent Fund, Hull 16703 The Metropolitan and City Police Educational Fund, London 17699 Metropolitan Police Civil Staff Welfare Fund, London 17700 The North Wales Police and Community Trust, Conwy 18047 Safer Islington Trust, London 19170 The South Wales Constabulary Benevolent Fund, Bridgend 19706 The Vickers Dunfee Memorial Benevolent Fund, London 20233 West Yorkshire (Leeds City) Police Benevolent Fund, Wakefield 20401
Political science Austria European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Wien 00042 österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Entwicklungshilfe, Wien 00105 Wiener Institut für Entwicklungsfragen und Zusammenarbeit, Wien 00181
Grundtvig-Stiftung e.V., Potsdam 03068 Karl Hamann-Stiftung für liberale Politik im Land Brandenburg, Potsdam 03165 Stiftung Bundespräsident-Theodor-HeussHaus, Stuttgart 03441 Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung zur Förderung der politischen Bildung und Kultur in Deutschland und Europa e.V., Stuttgart 03443 Schenkung Hubatsch, Bonn 03639 Institut für Friedensforschung und Stchertiettspolitik an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 03690 Institut für soziale Demokratie, Berlin 03698 Institut für Staats- und SozialWissenschaftliche Forschung, Talheim 03700 Meta Kaasch-Stiflung, Berlin 03837 Heinz Herbert Karry-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03882 Wilhelm Külz-Stiftung, Dresden 04264 Heinz und Sibylle Läufer-Stiftung, München 04425 Johann-Bernhard Mann-Stiftung, Bonn 04631 Gerhard Merzyn-Stiftung, Hamburg 04755 Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, Königswinter 04963 Preller-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05288 Johanna-Guandt-Stiftung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05340 Herbert Quandt-Sliftung, München 05341 Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, ΚδΙπ 05856 Albert Schulz-Stittung, Rostock 06015 Hanns Seidel-Stiftung e.V., München 06071 Stiftung Christlich-Soziale Politik e.V., Königswinter 06519 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommunalwissenschaften, Beiiin 06547 Stiftung Die Mitarbeit, Bonn 06745 Stiftung Universität und Gesellschaft, Konstanz 07360 Stiftung Wallstraße, Wolfenbüttel 07385 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen 07407
Fondation Konrad Adenauer (France), Paris 00713 Fondation de Service Politique, Paris 00908 Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris 01007 Fondation pour la Démocratie en Europe, Paris 01023 Fondation pour l'Intégration Républicaine, Paris 01039 Fonds Européen pour la Liberté d'Expression, Paris 01077 Fondation Hugot du Collège de France, Paris 01130 Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, Paris 01132
Foundation for Mediterranean Studies, Athina 08317 Lambrakis Research Foundation, Athina 08325
Germany Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., Berlin 01330 Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Berlin 01420 Kail Arnold-Stiftung e.V., Bonn 01461 Fritz Bauer-Institut, Frankfurt am Main 01561 Berghof-Stiftung für Konfliktforschung, Berlin 01654 Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh 01670 BHF-Bank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01697 Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung, Aumühle 01729 Böhringer Ilsfeld-Stiftung, Essen 01774 Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin 01778 Margret Boveri-Stiftung für Demokratieforschung, Würzburg 01616 Paul und Margarete Claussen-Stiftung Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Hamburg
Stiftung Dr. Ludolf CokJitz - Kloster Marienthal, Witzenhausen 02077 Deutsche Mittelstandsstiftung e.V., Hannover 02196 Deutsche Stiftung für politische Bildung und Völkerverständigung e.V., Bonn 02212 Deutsche Stiftung für Umweltpolitik, Bonn 02213 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., Bonn 02382 Hermann Ehlers-Stiftung e.V., Kiel 02406 Ludwig-Εrhard-Stiftung, Bonn 02466 Europäische Studienstiftung zur Förderung hochbegabter Schüler und Studenten, München 02500 Ferien- und Studienstiftung der Bismarckschule Elmshorn, Elmshorn 02623 Hans Filbinger Stiftung, Leonberg 02637 Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen, Bremen 02707 Frankfurter Institut - Stiftung Marktwirtschaft und Politik, Bad Homburg 02727
Hungary Konrad Adenauer Alapitv ny (Hungary), Budapest 08336 EURATION Budapest, Budapest 08339 Hungarian Credit Bank Foundation, Budapest 08341 Nonprofit Information and Training Centre, Budapest 08345
Italy Fondazione Konrad Adenauer (Italy), Cadenabbia 08400 Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Torino 08402 Fondazione Giorgio Amendola, Torino 08408 Fondazione Elvira Badaracco, Milano 08414 Fondazione Felicita ed Enrico Bignaschi e Rgli, Milano 08445 Fondazione di Ricerca Istituto Cario Cattaneo, Bologna 08476 Fondazione Emile Chanoux, Aosta 08484 Fondazione Vittorino Colombo, Milano 08495 Fondazione Europea Dragàn, Milano 08528 Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Torino 08531 Epokè, Roma 08532 Fondazione Luigi Firpo, Torino 08546 Fondazione Amici di Liberal, Roma 08565 Fondazione Befania sulle Politiche Sociali, Catanzaro 08574 Fondazione CESPE, Roma 08599 Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, Napoli 08662 Fondazione Laboratorio per le Politiche Socia/i, Roma 08663 Fondazione Pietro Nonni, Roma 08863 Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Roma
Rifondazione Comunista di Alfonso Pezzella, Casandrino 08883 Fondazione Rosselli, Torino 08907
Luxembourg Foundation for Cooperation between Christian Democrats in Europe, Luxembourg 08991
Malta Foundation for International Studies, Valletta 08994
Subject Index: Psychology
463 Moldova The Eurasia Foundation, Chisinau 09006 The Foundation for a Political Culture of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau 09008 The Foundation for Supporting Democracy and Parliamentarism, Chisinau 09010 Viitorul Foundation, Chisinau 09030
Netherlands Boekmanstichting, Amsterdam 09063 Carnegie-Stichting, Den Haag 09083 Stichting A. de Graaf, Amsterdam 09145 Stichting Zwart Zaad, Utrecht
Norway Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Oslo 09649
Poland Fundacja Konrada Adenauera (Poland), Warszawa 09655 Foundation in Support of Local Democracy, Warszawa 09664
Portugal Fundaçào Antero de Quental, Lisboa 09687 Fundaçào Friedrich Ebert, Lisboa 09732 Fundaçào José Fontana, Lisboa 09743 Fundaçào Academia Internacional Uberdade e Desenvolvimento, Sintra 09751 Fundaçào Democracia e Socialismo, Lisboa 09779 Fundaçào Social-Democrata da Madeira, Funchal 09834 Fundaçào Alexandre Herculano - Renovaçâo, Democracia e Desenvolvimento, Lisboa 09853 Fundaçào Social-Democrata Oliveira Martins, Lisboa 09882 Fundaçào Mário Soares, Lisboa 09926
Russia Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Moskva), Moskva 09948 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftur>g Moskva, Moskva 09957 Fond razvitija parlamentarizma ν Rossii, Moskva 09971 Glasnost Foundation, Moskva 09982 Gorbachev Fund, Moskva 09983 International Charitable Foundation for Political and Legal Research, Moskva 09984 International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Moskva 09988 Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung Moskva, Moskva 09996 Reforma Fund, Kotelniceskaja nab 17 09998 Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Moskva, Moskva 10007
Spain Fundación Konrad Adenauer (Spain), Madrid 10019 Fundación Alzate, Bilbao 10047 Fundación Manuel Azaña, Madrid 10091 Fundación José Barreiro, Oviedo 10102 Fundación Julián Besterio, Madrid 10128 Fundación para la Formación, Estudios y Convivencia Profesor Manuel Broseta, Valencia 10150 Fundació Rafael Campalans, Barcelona 10162 Fundación Castelao, Santiago de Compostela 10179 Fundació Institut cTEstudis Humanistics Miquel Coli i Alentom, Barcelona 10218 Fundación José Díaz, Madrid 10256 Fundación Friedrich Ebert, Madrid 10270 Fundación Federico Engels, Madrid 10288 Fundación Nacional Francisco Franco, Madrid 10350 Fundació Centra de Documentaci Política, Barcelona 10423 Fundación Aurora, Madrid 10770 Fundación Centro de Investigación y Promoción Iberoamericana y Europa, Madrid 10867 Fundación Ciencia, Democracia y Sociedad, Madrid 10892 Fundación Cultura y Libertad, Viliaviciosa de Odón 10944 Fundación de Estudios Municipales y Territoriales, Madrid 10980 Fundación de Investigaciones Marxistes, Madrid 10989 Fundación de los Agentes Comerciales de España, Madrid 10992 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 11036 Fundación Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior, Madrid 11270
Fundación Instituto de Formación Política, Madrid 11272 Fundación Investigaciones Sociales y Económicas para la Reforma del Estado, Madrid 11313 Fundación para la Libertad y Democracia, Madrid 11481 Fundación para la Libertad y el Progreso, Madrid 11482 Fundación Popular Iberoamericana, Madrid 11521 Fundación Universidad de Estudios Generales, El Puig 11666 Fundación Pablo Iglesias, Madrid 11784 Fundación Indalecio Prieto, Madrid 11786 Fundación Blas Infante, Sevilla 11787 Fundación Mariano José de Larra, Madrid 11827 Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo, Madrid 11865 Fundación Juan Negrín, Las Palmas 11952 Fundación Andreu Nin, Madrid 11955 Fundación Penzol, Vigo 12001 Fundación Institución Salvador Seguí, Madrid 12132 Fundación Vives de Estudios Sociales, Madrid 12267
Sweden Nordiska Samarbetskommittén, Stockholm 12307 Stockholms Internationella Fredsforskningsinstitut, Solna 12321
Italy Fondazione Vittorino Colombo, Milano 08495 Fondanone Senza Frontiere, Castel Goffredo 08739 Fondazione di Demodossalogia di Santa Temita Perini-Bembo, Venezia-Mestre 08880
Portugal Fundaçào da Juventud©, Porto
Switzerland Stiftung für Bevölkerung, Migration und Umwelt, Zürich 13491
United Kingdom Jephcott Charitable Trust, Axminster 16947 Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust, London 17128
Precision mechanics Germany Ernst Abbe-Fonds, Essen 01305 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain-Stiftung, Traunreut 03289 Hirschmann-Stiftung, Esslingen 03478 Cari Zeiss-Schott-Förderstiftung, Essen
Cari Zeiss-Stiftung, Stuttgart
Switzerland Centre d'Analyse Politique et Economique Européenne, GrandSaconnex 12462 Centre de Politique de Sécurité Genève, Genève 12463 Fondation Friedrich Ebert (Switzerland), Genève 12519 Fondation pour l'Etude des Relations Internationales en Suisse, Genève 12652 Gorbachev Foundation Switzerland, Genève 12780 Institut Libertas, Bern 12866 International Council on Human Rights Policy, Versoix 12879 Fondation Jan Masaryk, Genève 13025 Fondation pour le Prix Max Petitpierre, Lausanne 13112 Max Schmidheiny-Stiftung an der Universität Sankt Gallen, Sankt Gallen 13203 Stiftung Dialog, Zürich 13444 Stiftung für eidgenössische Zusammenarbeit, Solothurn 13516 Stiftung für Krisenintervention, Triesen 13549 Stiftung Politeon, Muntelier 13734 Windsor Foundation, Genève 14000
Turkey Konrad Adenauer Vakfi (Turkey), Cankaya 14018 Iktisadi Kalkinma Vakfi, Istanbul 14023
Printing Germany Benno Bolza-Stiftung, Würzburg 01792 Fritz Klett-Gedächtnisstiftung, Ostfildern 04032 Pressestiftung Tagesspiegel, gemeinnützige GmbH, Berlin 05291 Internationale Senefelder-Stiftung, Offenbach 06084 Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hubert H.A. StembergStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06380 Stiftung Druck- und Papiertechnik, Frankfurt am Main 06748
Italy Fondazione Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbetto, Perugia OSSOO
Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Spain Fundació Industries Grafiques, Barcelona 10518
Switzerland Stiftung für die Finanzierung der Ausund Weiterbildung in der Graphischen Industrie, Bern 13505
United Kingdom
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Ukraine), Kiev 14027
Artsite Trust, London 14275 The John Jackson Trust, York 16919 The Tim Mara Trust, Birchingdon 17574 The Printing Equipment Educational Trust, Leatheitiead 18474 Jesse Ward Endowment Fund, Tonbridge 20311
United Kingdom Konrad Adenauer Foundation (United Kingdom), London 14086 Conflict Education and Library Trust, London 15334 David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies, London 15508 Federal Trust for Education and Research, London 15910 Fourth World Educational and Research Association Trust, London Í6003 The Hampden (Educational) Trust Fund, Northwood 16348 Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, Sheffield 16932 Kennedy Memorial Trust, London 17054 New Beacon Educational Trust, London 17910 Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York 19006 Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd., York 19007 Westminster Foundation for Democracy, London 20418
Population studies Austria Österreichische Stiftung für Wettbevölkerung und Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Wien 00106
Denmark Rockwool Foundation, Hedehusene 00664
Prisoners Belgium Fondation pour l'Assistance Morale aux Détenus, Bruxelles 00344
Germany Astrid Badina-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 01518 Resozialisierngsfonds Dr. Traugott Bender, Stuttgart 01631 blue planet von böger-strftung, Hamburg 01770 Die Brücke-Stiftung, Hannover 01893 Deutsche Stiftung für Verbrechensverhütung und Straffälligenhilfe, Köln 02215 Johannes-Stiftung, Chemnitz 03746 David Jonas-Stiftung zur Förderung des modernen Strafvollzuges, Hamburg 03753 Gustav-Radbmch-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05348 Stiftung Gustav Radbruch Unterstützungsfonds, Berlin 05349 Radbruchsche Stiftung von 1970, eine Stiftung der Firma Raspe & Paschen Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg 05350 Prof. Götz Schmidt Stiftung, Wettenberg 05898 Oberamtmann Hans Schneider von Zaleski'sche Stiftung, Straubing 05927
Stiftung Ausgleich zwischen Tätern und Opfern von Straftaten, Hamburg 06449 Stiftung für ehemalige politische Häftlinge, Bonn 06838 Stiftung Resozialisiemngsfonds beim Niedersächsischen Justizministerium, Celle 07234 Stiftung Resozialisierungsfonds für Straffällige, Wiesbaden 07235 Stiftung Straffälligenhilfe SchleswigHolstein, Kiel 07329 Stiftung zur Schuldenregulierung bei Straffälligen, Hamburg 07503 Universal-Stiftung Helmut Ziegner, Berlin 08282
Netherlands Stichting Meertens Bianchi Fonds, Amsterdam 09211 Stichting SOA-Bestrijding, Utrecht 09496
Switzerland Fondation Internationale Pénale et Pénitentiaire, Neuchâtel 12610 Stiftung Jonas zur Förderung der psychosozialen Prävention und Therapie, Domach 12924 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Hilfe an Straffällige und ihre Familien, Bern 13256 Stiftung Osteuropa-Mission, Wetzikon 13723
United Kingdom The Dartmoor Prison Chaplaincy Fund, Exeter 15492 Devon Care Trust, Payhembury 15574 Hilden Charitable Fund, London 16547 Andrew Lee Jones Fund, London 16990 The King's House Trust, Colnbrook 17097 The Kifigston-uporvThames Magistrates' Poor Box Fund, Kingston-upon-Thames 17116 The Prisoners' Education Trust, London 18477 The Sheriffs' and Recorders' Fund, London 19582
Psychiatry Belgium International Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Bruxelles 00430 Fondation Julie Renson, Bruxelles 00492
France Fondation Bon Sauveur, Saint-Lô 00869 Fondation Vallée, Gentilly 01072 Fondation Fraineau, Cognac 01091
Germany Attempto-Stiftung, Tübingen 01481 Diakonische Stiftung Bethanien (Lotzen) - Quakenbrück, Quakenbnjck 02257 Theodor Fliedner-Werk vormals Diakonenanstalt Duisburg, Mühlheim an der Ruhr 02676 Adolf von Galhau'sche Sophienstiftung, Wallerfangen 02840 Gruber-Stiftung, Starnberg 03058 Cornelius H elf erich-Stiftu ng, Kassel 03350 Frank Herrmann-Stiftung, Mannheim 03401 Kurhessen-Stiftung, Hofgeismar 04375 Hans Lungwitz-Stiftung, Buxtehude 04590 Dr. med. Edda Neele-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04967 Dr. Gerhardt Nissen-Stiftung, Würzburg 05015 Johanna, Friedrich Wilhelm und Willi Ringelband-Stiftung, Bensheim 05471 Karl Schaude Stiftung, Großbottwar 05780 Elisabeth-von-Senden Stiftung, München 06082 Stiftung Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie, München 06708 Stiftung Diakoniewerk Kropp, Kropp 06740 Stiftung für analytische Psychiatrie, München 06803 Stiftung für Kranke der Psychiatrischen Abteilungen des LBK Hamburg, der Psychiatrischen Kliniken des Universitätskrankenhauses Eppendorf, Hamburg 06954 Stiftung Lübecker Diakonie, Lübeck 07120 Stiftung Tannenhof Evangelische Nervenklinik Remscheid, Remscheid 07336 Gustav Werner Stiftung zum Bruderhaus Reutlingen, Reutlingen 08084 Wohltätigkeitsfonds zur Unterstützung psychisch Kranker und Hilfebedürftiger, Wemeck 08191 Zentralinstitut für seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim 08271
Italy Fondazione Italiana per lo Studio della Schizofrenia, Roma 08657 Fondazione Stella Maris, Calambrone 08743 Fondazione Tito e Fanny Legrenzi per la Sofferenza Psichica, Milano 08804
Netherlands Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry, Hilversum 09142 Okapi Fonds, Utrecht 09250 Stichting Antonia Wilhefmina Fonds, Urecht 09356 Stichting Koningsheide, Amhem 09440
Spain Fundación José Antonio Escudero Valverde, Madrid 10293 Fundació Pro Persones Disminució Psíquica Catalonia, Cerdanyola del Valles 10606 Fundación Alzheimer España, Madrid 10692 Fundació Eulalia Torras de Bea Institut de Psiquiatría i Psicologia del Nen i de l'Adolescent, Barcelona 12190
Switzerland Fondation Project HOPE, Longirod 12662 Stiftung Jonas zur Förderung der psychosozialen Prävention und Therapie, Domach 12924 Pro Mente Sana, Zürich 13125 Stiftung für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie in Graubünden, Chur 13543 Stiftung Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrische Dienste Sankt Gallen, Sankt Gallen 13655 Stiftung Phönix Zug, Zug 13733 Stiftung Psychiatrie-Museum, Bern 13758
United Kingdom Albany Taxi Charity Fund, London 14125 The Alternative Mental Health Research Foundation, London 14185 The Body Harmonics Foundation, London 14630 Chiltern Pastoral Foundation, Amerstiam 15137 The David Crompton Memorial Fund, Romford 15424 Hamlet Trust, London 16341 Marlow Pastoral Foundation, High Wycombe 17586 The Newham Family Fund, London 17962 The Olinda Trust, Colwyn Bay 18155 Psychiatry Research Trust, London 18497 Sutton Pastoral Foundation, Sutton 19878
Psychology Belgium Fondation Julie Renson, Bruxelles 00492
Germany Gerha rd-Al be r-Stiftu η g, Stuttgart 01352 Astrid Badina-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 01518 Christina Barz-Stiftung, Essen 0J555 Baur'sche Stiftung, Hamburg 01580 Christoph Dornier-Strftung für Klinische Psychologie, Münster 02322 Sigmund-Freud-Institut, Frankfurt am Main 02760 Sigmund Freud-Stiftung zur Förderung der Psychoanalyse e.V., Frankfurt am Main 02761 Georg Gottlob-Stiftung MS-Hilfe, Essen 03005 Theodor Hellbrügge-Stiftung zur Förderung der Sozialpädiatrie in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre, München 03352 Christian C. und Asta Holler-Stiftung, München 03533 Jesus Christus Nazoraios Gott - Stiftung für Inneren Frieden, Gengenbach 03744 GA-Lienert-Stiftung zur Nachwuchsförderung in Biopsychologischer Methodik, Gießen 04496 Hans Lungwitz-Stiftung, Buxtehude 04590 Dr. Gerhardt Nissen-Stiftung, Würzburg 050Î5 Falk von Reichenbach-Stiftung, Hannover 05404 Elisabeth-von-Senden Stiftung, München 06082 Stiftung für Bewußtseinsforschung, Stuttgart 06810 Stiftung zur Förderung der Psychoanalyse, München 07465
Subject Index: Psychology
Stiftung zur Förderung psychoanalytischer Forschung und Ausbildung, Berlin 07486 Studienstiftung Deutscher Psychologen, Bonn 07594 VERUM Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt, München 07876 H e I mut-W5lte-St ittun g für Psychoonkologie, Bonn 08186
Krishnamufti Foundation Trust Alresford 17142 Milton Keynes Counselling Foundation, Milton Keynes 17743 Saint Giles Trust London 19272 The Trust for the Furtherance of Psychosynthesis in Education, London 20107
Fondazione Bonaccorsi, Milano 08450 Fondazione Dott. Matteo Giuseppe Cangelosi, Castelbuono 08468 Fondazione Benedetta D'Intino a Difesa del Bambino e della Famiglia, Milano 08525 Fondazione ISUP, Napoli 08652 Fondazione Sigma Tau, Roma 08740
Fondation Francqui, Bruxelles
Bosnia and Herzegovina Open Society Fund-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 00576
United Kingdom Attajlr Trust, London 14184 Central Bible Hammond Trust, Morpeth 15015 The Fishnet Trust, Prestatyn 15954 Paul Hamlyn Foundation, London 16342 The Roland Harris Educational Trust, Oxford 16395 The Merephdi Foundation, Elstree 17684 The J.G. Taylor Charitable Trust, Norwich 19927 Writers and Scholars Educational Trust London 20650
Spain Fundación Benéfica San Francisco Javier y Santa Cándida, Granada 10784 Fundación CIATRA, Zaragoza 10889 Fundación XIII Congreso Internacional de Radiologia, Madrid 11702
Switzerland Fondation Project HOPE, Longirod
12662 Fonds du Jubilé de la Société Suisse de Radiologie, Genève 12723 Georg von Hevesy-Stiftung für Nuklearmedizin, Zürich 12825 Stiftung für Nuklearmedizin, Zürich 13558 Stiftung 2ur Förderung der Ausbildung in medizinischer Radiologie, Zürich 13890
United Kingdom
Netherlands Dr. J.L. Dobberke Stichting voor Vergelijkende Psychologie, Amsterdam 09098
Portugal Fundaçâo da Juventude, Porto
Stiftung Schweizerische Musikedition, Luzem 13794 Zeitungsfonds DER FOURIER, Zürich 14011
Spain Fundación Cencillo de Pineda, Madrid 10192 Fundació per l'Educació i la Salut Mental, Barcelona 10591 Fundación Altair, Alicante 10690 Fundación Fondo de Estudios del Comportamiento Humano, Sevilla 11124 Fundación para la Asistencia del Deficiente Psíquico, Leganés 11456 Fundación Vasca para la Investigación en Salud Mental, Bilbao 11690 Fundació Eulalia Torras de Bea Institut de Psiquiatría i Psicologia del Nen i de l'Adolescent, Barcelona 12190
Switzerland Stiftung Fritz Allemann-Institut für Spirituelle Psychologie, Zürich 12349 Stiftung Suzanne und Hans Biäsch zur Förderung der Angewandten Psychologie, Zürich 12406 Bildungszentrum für spirituelle Entwicklung, Luzem 12411 C a i Gustav Carus-Stiftung für psychosomatische Forschung, Zürich 12460 Dr. Margrit Egnér-Stiftung, Meilen 12528 Forschungs· und Ausbildungszentrum für Tiefenpsychologie nach Cari Gustav Jung und Marie-Louise von Franz, Zürich 12734 M.-L. von Franz-Institute for Studies in Synchronicity, Zürich 12742 Marie-Louise von Franz-Stiftung für Grundlagenforschung in analytischer Psychologie, Zürich 12743 Hans-Ulrich Gressly und Peter und Renate Gressly-Burren Stiftung, Solothum 12785 Stiftung Aniela Jaffé, Zürich 12911 Stiftung Jonas zur Förderung der psychosozialen Prävention und Therapie, Domach 12924 Stiftung für Jung'sche Psychologie, Bäretswil 12936 Ausbildungsfonds Jung'sche Psychologie, Zürich 12937 Misch-Biller-Stiftung, Zürich 13054 Fondation Odier de Psycho-Physique, Cologny 13086 Stiftung für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse, Zürich 13565 Stiftung für Religionspsychologie und Religionspsychopathologie, Langenthal 13566 Stiftung Haus Raphael, Zürich 13614 Stiftung Lebensraum Gebirge, Grafenort 13686 Stiftung Lucerna, Luzem 13689 Stiftung Psychologische Lehr- und Beratungsstelle, Zürich 13759 Szondi-Institut, Zürich 13937
United Kingdom The Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Educational Trust, London 14307 The Clifford Beers Foundation, Stafford 14486 Biography and Social Development Trust, East Grinstead 14578 Buntie Wills Foundation, London 14830 Cambridge Psychotherapy Assistance Trust, Cambridge 14904 Croydon Pastoral Foundation, Croydon 15442 Emissaries of Divine Light, Chipping Campden 15796 Greenwich Networks Trust, London 16254 The Group Relations Educational Trust, London 16281 The Roland Harris Educational Trust, Oxford 16395 The Ipa Trust, London 16875
Germany Stiftung Hans Bausch Mediapreis des Südwestrundfunks Stuttgart, Stuttgart 01581 Margret Boveri-Stiftung für Demokratieforschung, WOrzburg 01816 Ephraim Carlebach-Stiftung, Leipzig 02027 DVA-Stiftung gemeinnützige Veriagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart 02366 Lutherische Stiftung für theologische, missionarische und diakonische Aktivitäten, Dachau 04594 Jakob Moneta-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04840
Pulmonary diseases Austria Josef Prokop junior-Stiftung fur Lungenkranke, Wien 00118
Beiglum Fondation contre les Affections Respiratoires et pour l'Education à la Santé, Bruxelles 00286
Fondazione Giacomo Matteotti, Roma 08832 Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori, Milano 08848
Bremer Heilstätte Bad Rehburg, Bremen 01851 Curt Dehner-Strftung, Bochum 02143 Deutsche Lungenstiftung e.V., Hannover 02195 Städtische Hardterwald-KlinikLouise-Gueury-Stiftung-GmbH, Mönchengladbach 03081 Rosiny Stiftung, Heidelberg 05533
European Merit Foundation, Luxembourg 08986
Fundación Catalana de Pneumologie, Barcelona 10840
Stichting Het Remmert Adriaan Laan Fonds, Amsterdam 09196 Stichting Lucas Ooms Fonds, Leiden 09252 Pharos Foundation for Refugee Health Care, Utrecht 09269 Stichting Het Schotten-Cordes Fonds, Rotterdam 09322
Hjärt-Lungfonden, Stockholm
Portugal Fundaçâo Engenheiro José Cordeiro, Ponta Delgada 09720
Switzerland Stiftung für das lungenkranke Kind, Zürich 13495
United Kingdom Birmingham Respiratory Research Fund, Birmingham 14589 British Lung Foundation, London 14755 Marc Fisher Trust, London 15951 The Primrose Foundation, Plymouth 18460
Spain Fundación Premio del XVII Marqués de Cerralbo I, Madrid 10197 Fundación Emili Darder, Palma de Mallorca 10250 Fundació Revista de Catalunya, Barcelona 10621 Fundación Colegio Libre de Eméritos, Madrid 10916 Fundación Cultural COAM, Madrid 10949 Fundación del Hombre, Madrid 11003 Fundación Esteyco, Madrid 11098 Fundación Hellín, Hollín 11158 Fundación Humanismo y Democracia, Madrid 11244 Fundación Independiente, Madrid 11253 Fundación MAPFRE Vida, Madrid 11360 Fundación Otras Vanguardias, Madrid 11426 Fundación Recoletos, Madrid 11560 Fundación Valle del Silencio, Ponferrada 11688 Fundación Hazen Hosseschrueders, Las Rozas 11774 Fundación Femando Rielo, Madrid 12063 Fundación Rosacruz, Zaragoza 12087 Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, Madrid 12111 Fundación Museo Pablo Serrano, Zaragoza 12142 Fundación Enrique Tierno Gatván, Valencia 12180 Fundación Fray Toribio de Montolinia, Madrid 12189 Fundación María Zambrano, Vélez Málaga 12279
The Charing Cross Hospital Radiotherapy Dept Trust, London 15055 Morriston Radiology Research and Education Fund, Swansea 17821
Refugees Belgium
King Baudouin Foundation, Bruxelles 00442
France CIMADE-Service Oecuménique d'Entraide, Paris 00791 Secours Catholique-Caritas France, Paris 01261
Germany Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung für Flüchtlinge und Vertriebene, Bonn 01331 Otto Benecke-Stiftung e.V., Bonn 01635 Deutsche Stiftung für UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe e.V., Bonn 02214 Birger Forell-Stiftung e.V., Wehrheim 02701 Kulturstiftung der deutschen Vertriebenen, Bonn 04291 Prinzessin Kira von Preußen-Stiftung, Bremen 05296 Dr. Hermann Schmitt-VockenhausenStiftung, Bad Soden 05910 Stiftung Flüchtlingshilfe, Essen 06787
Hungary Transilvania Alaprtvány, Budapest
Ireland Refugee Trust, Stillorgan
Italy Fondazione Franco Verga, Milano 08964
Fondation Auschwitz, Bruxelles 00280 Fondation Internationale de Dachau, Bruxelles 00311
Stichting Ohel Chaya Lebanot, Amsterdam 09249 Pharos Foundation for Refugee Health Care, Utrecht 09269 Stichting Alert, Leiden 09349 Stichting Oecumenische Hulp, Utrecht 09472 Stichting SOA-Bestrijding, Utrecht 09496 Stichting Vluchteling, Den Haag 09520 Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF, Utrecht 09522 ZOA Refugee Care, Apeldoom 09639
France France-Liberté Fondation Danielle Mitterand, Paris 01195
Germany AMCHA-Stiftung Deutschland, Berlin 01424 Jürg Breuninger Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01867 Evangelische Hilfsstelle für ehemals Rassenverfolgte, Berlin 02521 Stiftung Deutsches Holocaust-Museum, Hannover 06727
Netherlands Stichting Alert, Leiden
Switzerland Stiftung gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus, Zürich 13595
United Kingdom The Anti-Racist Alliance Educational Trust, London 14233 The Group Relations Educational Trust, London 16281 NMP Anti-Racist Trust, London 18007
Portugal Fundaçâo Assistèrtcia Médica Internacional, Lisboa 09754
Spain Fundación Asistencial de Malta, Madrid 10756 Fundación Solidaridad Internacional, Madrid 11645
Radiology France Fondation Curie, Arcueil
Germany Behnken-Berger-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01620 Hans Largendorff-Stiftung, Freiburg 04412
Stiftung Badehospiz Bad Gastein, Bad Gastein 00147 Stiftung Genesungsheim Kalksburg, Wien 00152
France Fondation Coloplast pour la Qualité de la Vie, Fontenay-sous-Bois 00875 Fondation Résurection, Lourdes 01045 Secours Catholique-Caritas France, Paris 01261
Germany Josef und Maria Bergmann-Stiftung Vechta-Langförden, Vechta 01659 Deutsche Stiftung Querschnittlähmung, Aichwald 02221 Elisabeth-Stiftung des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Birkenfeld 02434 Roland Emst-Stiftung für Gesundheitswesen, Dresden 02475 Evangelisches Johannesstift Berlin, Berlin 02559 Hamburger Stiftung Rehabilitation und Integration, Hamburg 03177 Theodor Hellbrügge-Stiftung zur Förderung der Sozialpädiatrie in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre, München 03352 Waldtraut und Sieglinde HildebrandtStiftung, Essen 03454 Institut für rehabilitationsmedizinische Forschung, Bad Wurzach 03696 kreuznacher diakonie, Bad Kreuznach 04221 Rudolf Pichlmayr-Stiftung, Wedemark 05227 Willy und Monika Prtzer Stiftung, Bad Nauheim 05236 Hans Ruland-Stiftung für Rehabilitationsforschung, Waldbronn 05565 Kari Schaude Stiftung, Großbottwar 05780 Holger Schirrmacher-Stiftung, Hamburg 05838 SRH-Holding, Heidelberg 063Í5 Stiftung Behindertensport, Duisburg 06467 Stiftung für ehemalige politische Häftlinge, Bonn 06838 Stiftung Rehabilitationszentrum Thüringer Wald, Schleusingen 07230 Stiftung Resozialisierungsfonds für Straffällige, Wiesbaden 07235 Stiftung Synanon, Berlin 07335 Marianne von Weizsäcker Fonds, Hamm 08064 Wilhelm-Stiftung für Rehabilitationsforschung, Essen 08132
Stiftung Amurt (Schweiz), Schwei7enbach 12355 Otto Erich Heynau-Stiftung, Oberwil 12826 Stiftung Gertrud Kurz, Bern 12979 Wolf Lehmann-Stiftung, Zürich 12989 Rabten-Söftung, Zürich 13135 Schweizer Tibethilfe, Bern 13219
United Kingdom
The Fund for Disabled Children and Orphans Protection of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau 09011
Switzerland Fondation du Journal Le Fourrier Suisse, Epalinges 12584 Helvetia Sacra-Stiftung, Zurich 12819 Ludwig Hohl-Strftung, Zurich 12843 Stiftung Aniela Jaffé, Zurich 12911 Emst Jost-Stiftung, Uster 12925 Kari Popper-Stiftung, Zug 13119 Stiftung der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 1939, Rûschlikon 13435 Stiftung Kulturzeitung Stehplatz, Bern 13674
Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, London 15585 The Fund for Refugees in Slovenia, Great Missenden 16074 The George Trust Bosnia, Milton Keynes 16129 International Refugee Trust, London 16867 The Iraq Trust, London 16883 Jubilee Trust Fund, Cheadle 17018 Kajo Keji Relief Fund, Norwich 17028 Krajina Refugees Appeal Fund, Leicester 17140 Allen Lane Foundation, Bracknell 17174 Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, London 17664 The Mulgrave Charity Trust, Sutton 17845 Airey Neave Trust London 17897 The Peace and Prosperity Trust, London 18277 Pestalozzi Children's Village Trust, Battle 18338 The Tamil Refugee Relief Fund of Great Britain, London 19907 Waterside Trust, Edinburgh 20335 World University Service (UK), London 20623 Zimbabwe Trust, Epsom 20732
Africa Educational Trust, London 14095 Aid to the Church in Need (United Kingdom), Sutton 14110 Assyrian Refugees Relief Foundation, Brentford 14313 Asylum Seekers in Islington Relief Trust, London 14317 Christian Aid, London 15163 Concern Universal, Hereford 15329 The Curzon WylHe Memorial Fund, London 15457
Fondazione Dott. Matteo Giuseppe Cangelosi, Castelbuono 08468 Fondazione Benedetta D'Intino a Difesa del Bambino e della Famiglia, Milano 08525
Netherlands Co-operating Dutch Foundation for Central and Eastern Europe, Hilversum 09089 Pandora Stichting, Amsterdam 09258 SAWA, Wageningen 09319 Stichting Antonia Wilhelmina Fonds, Utrecht 09356
465 Portugal Fundaçâo da Juventude, Porto 09772 Fundaçâo Raquel e Martin Sain, Lisboa 09915
Spain Fundación Entabán, Zaragoza 10291 Fundació l'Espiga, Vilafranca del Penedòs 10545 Fundació Vía-Guasp per la Rehabilitee» del Malalt Mental, Barcelona 10663 Fundación Centro de Rehabilitación y Promoción Social, Cádiz 10871 Fundación Solidaridad internacional, Madrid 11645 Fundación Instituto Guttmann, Barcelona 11772 Fundación José Mat la Calvo, DonostiaSan Sebastián 11901 Fundación Sert para la'Rehabilitación de Niños Minusválldos, Barcelona 12145
Switzerland Deutsche Hochgebirgsklinik Davos, Davos-Wolfgang 12502 Stiftung Jonas zur Förderung der psychosozialen Prävention und Therapie, Domach 12924 Schweizerische Stiftung für Rehabilitation, Basel 13270 Stiftung pro R E H A B Basel, Basel 13751 Stiftung Zürcher Sprachheilschule, Unterägeri 13875 Stiftung Turialba, Zürich 13955
United Kingdom The Body Harmonics Foundation, London 14630 Bristol Area Stroke Foundation, Bristol 14724 The Josephine Butler Educational Trust, Maidstone 14359 The Cranogwen Rescue and Preventative Fund, Caerdydd 15405 Disability and Rehabilitation Education Foundation, Worthing 15598 E A Earn Will Trust Number 1, Plymouth 15695 Southside Partnership Fanon Care, London 15893 Father Love Trust, London 15904 Freeman Cardiac Rehabilitation Fund, Whitley Bay 16022 Hits Homes Trust, Leicester 16565 The Homblower Trust, Christchurch 16629 Jammu and Kashmir Educational and Relief Trust London 16930 King Edward VII and Sister Purvis Convalescent Fund, Middlesbrough 17078 Kingsgate Workshops Tiust, London 17104 The Edward Malam Convalescent Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 17539 Motivation Charitable Trust, Bristol 17828 Mount Carmel, London 17831 The Panos Computer Trust, London 18239 Penoyre Christian Trust, Brecon 18310 Saint John's Reading Convalescent Fund, Reading 19297 Saint Loye's Foundation, Exeter 19313 The Silver Birch Trust, London 19614 S S B A Community Trust, London 19785 Waterside Trust, Edinburgh 20335 Elizabeth Ann Way Convalescent Fund, Uxbridge 20342 Heniy and James Willis Trust, Worcester 20498
Religion Austria The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Wien 00044 Dr. Kurt-Hellmich-Stiftung zur Förderung der ökumenischen Theologie, Schärding 00060
Belgium Fondation Culturelle Saint-MichelArchange pour une Europe Catholique, Bruxelles 00288 Fondation Bahaie Samii-Houssein, Bruxelles 00496 Stichting Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Muylen te Liedekerke, Liedekerke 00531 Stichting Orde de Heilige Johannes de Deo Belg«, Merchtem 00532
France Fondation Teilhard de Chardin, Paris 00780 Fondation Bouddhique, Bagneux 00871 Fondation des Monastères de France, Paris 00914 Fondation Luthérienne pour la Recherche Oecuménique, Strasbourg 00991 Fondation Notre Dame de Joie, Bourgla-Reine 01014 Fondation Saint-Martin, A b i 01054
Subject Index: Religion
Fondation Hugot du Collège de France, Paris 01130
Germany Abel'sche Familienstiftung, Möckern 01310 Pfarrer Dr. Friedrich Achlertner-Strftung, München 01314 Jakob-Christian Adam-Stiftung, Meckenheim 01318 Adelberdt-Diakonissen Muttertiaus in Stendal, Stendal 01321 AKB-Stiftung, Einbeck 01348 Allgemeiner Hannoverscher Klosterfonds, Hannover 01377 Anhaltische Diakonissen Anstalt, Dessau 01431 Archiv- und Museumsstiftung Wuppertal, Wuppertal 01445 Armenkommission der ehemaligen Standesherrschaft Schaumburg, Cramberg 01455 Freiherr von Aufsees'sche Seminarstiftung, Bamberg 01484 Heinrich und Arthur Aumhammer'sche Jubiläumsstiftung In Treuchtlingen, Treuchtlingen 01497 Cordula Beck'sche-Stiftung, Arnstein 01613 Bethanien-Diakonissen-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01684 Beutel-Launer-Stiftung, Reutlingen 01691 Bistumshaus Sankt Ludwig, Speyer 01730 Sophia von Bocholfsche Studentenstiftung, Rees 01752 Studienrat Laurenz Bocks-Stiftung, Oelde 01759 Bodelschwingh-Studienstiftung, Marburg 01763 Stiftung Bonhoefier-Lehrstuhl, Essen 01796 Artur Brauner-Stiftung, Berlin 01836 Bugenhagen-Stiftung, Hannover 01985 Dr. Uni Chroust-Stiftung, Münsterschwarzach 02055 Stiftung Dr. Ludolf CokJftz - Kloster Marienthal, Witzenhausen 02077 Commende Münich, Rietberg 02085 Cusanuswerk - Bischöfliche Studienföcderung, Bonn 02103 von Datoerg'scher katholischer Kirchenfonds, Wetzlar 02118 Pfarrer Dangel'sche Stiftung, Hamburg 02124 Dank-Stiftung, Regensburg 02126 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart 02173 Deutsches orthodoxes Dreifattigkeitskloster, Bodenwerder 02240 Diakonenanstalt des Rauhen Hauses, Hamburg 02247 Diakoniestiftung Lazarus Berlin, Berlin 02252 Diakoniewerk Halle, Halle/Saale 02253 Diakoniewerk Ruhr, Witten 02254 Disibodenberger Scivias-Stiftung, Odemheim/Glan 02287 August Doemer-Stiftung, Grafschaft 02299 Domkapitel der Vereinigten Hochstifte zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kolfegiatstifts Zeitz, Naumburg 02306 Abraham Düminger-Stiftung, Hermhut 02356 Stiftung Elim, Hamburg 02431 Horst und Käthe Eliseit-Stiftung, Essen 02438 Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Coesfeld 02477 Erzbischöfliche Klerikalseminarstiftung Freising, München 02479 Evangeli sch- lutherische Diakonissenanstalt Bethanien in Magdeburg-Cracau, Magdeburg 02505 Evangelisch-Lutherischer Pfründestiftungsverband in Bayern, München 02510 Evangelisch-lutherisches Missionswerk in Niedersachsen, Hermannsburg 02513 Evangelische Diakonissenanstalt Stuttgart, Stuttgart 02515 Evangelische Qemeindediakoniestiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 02520 Evangel sehe Schulstiftung Brechten, Dortmund 02530 Evangelische Seminarstiftung, Stuttgart 02534 Evangelische Stiftung Bethanien, Görlitz 02536 Evangelische Stiftung Wichemhaus, Görlitz 02545 Evangelische Volks- und Schriftenmission Lemgo-Ueme, Lemgo 02548 Evangelische Wohltätigkeitsstiftung in Regensburg, Regensburg 02549 Evangelische Zentral piantasse, Heidelberg 02550 Evangelischer Klrchenschaffneifonds Meisenheim, Bad Kreuznach 02552 Evangelisches Johannesstift Berlin, Berlin Û2559 Evangelisches Komrfkt-Studienhaus der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen in den Franck eschen Stiftungen, Halle/Saale 02563
Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bad Gandersheim, Bad Gandersheim 02565 Evangelisches Stift Sankt Arnual, Saarbrücken 02574 Gerhard Faber'sche Studienstiftung, Waxweiler 02589 Oskar und Elisabeth Famy-Stiftung, Kißtegg 02599 Stiftung Dr. Karl Feldbausch, Mainz 02615 Dr. Josef Fieger-Stiftung, Erftstadt 02633 Förderstiftung Benediktinerabtei Schäftlarn, Ebenhausen 02686 Förderstiftung Kloster Ettal, Ettal 02689 Freireligiöse und Unitari sehe Stiftung Offenbach am Main, Offenbach am Main 02755 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Sankt Anna-Stiftung, Augsburg 02812 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Sankt Moritz Prädikatur-Stiftung, Augsburg 02813 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Johannis in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02873 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Martini in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02875 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Michaelis in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02876 Gemeinschaftsstiftung zur Förderung des Gemeindezentrums und der Kirche auf der Bilieitirinkhöhe, Essen 02909 St. Willibald Geucke's Stipendienfonds, Solingen 02940 Uiban, Brigitte und Johannes GöllStiftung, Bad Dürrheim 02991 Archiv Professor Dr. Gollwitzer, Berlin 02993 Lama und LI Gotami Govinda-Stiftung, München 03000 Gregoriana-Stiftung, Essen 03029 Großer Gotteskasten (Quedlinburg), Quedlinburg 03048 Guardini-Stiftung e.V., Berlin 03074 Cari und Helene Hagemeister-Stiftung, Berlin 03129 Dr. Nelly Hahne-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03148 Dr. Hermann und Liselotte HahnemannStiftung, Bad Abbach 03149 Adam Haker-Fonds, Essen 03154 Lambert von Haldem'sche Studienstiftung, Rees 03158 Halepaghen-Stiftung von 1464 in Buxtehude, Buxtehude 03159 Gustav und Ilse Hamester-Stiftung, Hamburg 03186 Augusta Hardt-Heim gGmbH, Remscheid 03214 Hartzing-Clausthal-Stiftung, Moers 03226 Haug-Taxis-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03239 Haus Petersberg-Stiftung, Erdweg 03250 Hedwig-Stiftung, Magdeburg 03275 Heerde-Stiftung, Munster 03277 Heillg-Gelst-Bürgerstiflung Buchloe. Buchte 03293 Heiligen-Geist-Stiftung, Uelzen 03307 Emst-Georg Heinemann-Stiftung, Bremen 03332 Adolf und Fanny Heinzmann-Stiftung, Aachen 03339 Hennig'sche Stiftung zu Großpösna, Großpösna 03370 Henriettenstiftung, Hannover 03372 Herzoglich Georgianische Priestertiausstiftung, München 03417 Dr. Ferdinand Hesse Stipendien-Stiftung, Hamburg 03426 Hessische Lutherstiftung, Darmstadt 03433 Adda Heywinkel-Stittung, Lotte 03450 Schenkung Hubatsch, Bonn 03639 Jesus Christus Nazoraios Gott - Stiftung für Inneren Frieden, Gengenbach 03744 Kaiserin Auguste-Victoria-Stiftung auf dem Ôiberg bei Jerusalem, Hannover 03648 Kalandfundation Seeburg-Duderstadt, Duderstadt 03852 Kapellenstiftung Altötting, Aitötting 03866 Kartshöhe Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 03876 Karma-Kagyu-Stiftung, Wehen 03879 Karmapa-Stiftung in Passau, Passau 03881 Kasseler Bibelgesellschaft, Homberg (Efze) 03885 Katholische Akademie in Bayern, München 03887 Katholische Studienhausstiftung Sankt Albertus Magnus München, München 03691 Kaufmann-Marx-Foundation for Transatlantic Christian Jewish Dialogue and Action, Köln 03901 Bischof-Ketteier-Studienstiftung, Mainz 03948 KIVU-Stiftung, Wuppertal 04009 Kloster Stift zum Heiligengrabe, Heiligengrabe 04045 Paul Knabe-Stiftung, Ebsdorfergrund 04057 Dr. Willi Knoll-Stiftung, Kmmbach 04071 Paula und Jakob Korell-Stiftung, Schwaikheim 04164
Friedrich und Anna Küster-Stiftung, Bremen 04268 Hermann Kunst-Stiftung zur Förderung der neutestamentllchen Textforschung in Münster, Münster 04359 Josef Karl Kunz'sche Stiftung, Cham 04370 Senator Hans Kupczyk-Stiftung, Gaildorf 04372 Gebrüder Leffers-Stiftung, Osnabrück 04446 Hanns-Lilje-Stiftung, Hannover 04503 Elisabeth und Kail Lindner-Stiftung, Kaufbeuren 04514 Alfred und Martha Link-Stiftung, Wertheim O45Í0 Adolf Loges-Stiftung, Münster 04550 Dr. Leopold Lucas-Stiftung, Tübingen 04569 Ludgerus-Stiftung, Vechta 04571 Lueb-MooshöveTsche Studienstiftung, Rees 04577 Lutherische Stiftung für theologische, missionarische und diakonische Aktivitäten, Dachau 04594 Hermann Maas-Stiftung Heidelberg, Mannhelm 04600 Dr. med. Heinz Masuch-Stiftung, Aschau I. Chiemgau 04684 Vikarie Meiners, Coesfeld 04723 Philipp Melanchthon-Stlftung, Tübingen 04733 Otto-Michel-Stiftung, Tübingen 04789 Manja und Emst Mordhorst-Stiftung für Jung und Alt, Frankfurt am Main 04848 Karl und Louise Müller-Stiftung, Hannover 04888 Nagold Zellerstift, Nagold 04937 Volker Nechleba-Stiftung, Regensburg 04965 PaX'Bank-Stiftung, Köln 05165 Josef Pieper-Stiftung, Münster 05230 Alfred und Cläre Pott-Stiftung, Essen 05280 Asta-Rakow-Stiftung, Bremen 05357 Rudolf Renftle-Stiftung, Friedbergfôayem 05425 Katholische Studienstiftung Roncalli-Kolleg für Studierende der Fachhochschulen, München 05519 Rosenkranz-Stiftung, Buchdorf 05529 Eduard und Clara Rosenthal Stiftung, Jena 05530 Herbert A. Rothmayer-Stiftung, Stephanskirchen 05547 Erich und Maria Russell-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05573 Charlotte- Rutz-Stiftung für Diakonie, Berlin 05579 Sammelstiftung an der Hauptkirche Sankt Katharinen, Hamburg 05606 Sankt Antoniushaus, Vechta 05631 Sankt Bartholomäi-Stift in Zerbst, Zerbst 05635 Sankt Joseph-Stift Ullstadt, Sugenheim 05686 Sankt Josephs-Stift, Cloppenburg 05688 Erich Schickling Stiftung, Ottobeuren 05810 Adolf Schlatter-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05843 Schlesisches Konvikt für Studierende der evangelischen Theologie in Halle, Halle/Salle 05853 Dr. Cari-Heinz-Schöfer-Stiftung, Oldenburg 05933 Scivias-Stiftung, Odemheim 06054 Seldfsche Stipendien-Stiftung, Magdeburg 06079 Lothar-Seuffert-Stiftung, Würzburg 06095 Sottenbom-Stifturtg, Göttingen 06157 Sparkassen Stiftung Schifferstadt, Schifferstadt 06242 Stiftung Bibel leben Wippingen, Wippingen 06478 Stiftung Bibel und Kultur, Stuttgart 06479 Stiftung Bonhoeffer-Lehrstuhl, Essen 06490 Stiftung der Brüdergemeinden in Deutschland. Bergisch Gladbach 06541 Stiftung der Spar- und Kreditbank in der evangelischen Kirche in Bayern e G in Nürnberg, Nürnberg 06613 Stiftung der Sparkasse der Homburgischen Gemeinden, Wiehl 06622 Stiftung der Sparkasse Rheinberg zur Förderung gemeinnütziger mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Rheinberg, Rheinberg 06649 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung gemeinnütziger, mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen 06659 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bad Honnef zur Förderung kultureller gemeinnütziger mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef 06663 Stiftung der Theosophischen Gesellschaft Pasadena, Eberdingen 06680 Stiftung der Volksbank Lüneburger Heide, Softau 06686 Stiftung für die Schwedische Vicloriagemeinde, Berlin 06836
Stiftung für kirchliche Versorgung der Außenstadt Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06852 Stiftung für Verkündung und Seelsorge, Nordhorn 06879 Stiftung Fundraising, Frankfurt am Main 06885 Stiftung Heidelberger Friedenskreuz, Heidelberg 06928 Stiftung Hilfsdienste gratia deo, Würzburg 06953 Stiftung Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt am Main 06959 Stiftung Kloster Frenswegen, Nordhorn 07040 Stiftung Kloster Volkenroda, KörnerVolkenroda 07042 Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in SachsenAnhalt, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 07124 Stiftung Patronatsbaufonds Fulda, Fulda 07195 Stiftung Theologie und Natur, Essen 07341 Stiftung Waisenhaus, Göttingen 07376 Stiftung Weltweite Kirche Gottes in Deutschland, Bonn 07391 Stiftung zur Förderung der Evangelischen Akademie zu Berlin, Hannover 07446 Stiftung zur Förderung der Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar der Pallottiner, Vallendar 07469 Landeskirchliche Stiftung für evangelische Theologen, begründet von Hermann L. Strack, Berlin 07562 Georg Strecker-Stiftung, Bovenden 07571 Studienstiftung für Tibetischen Buddhismus, Hamburg 07595 TAU-STIFTUNG Franziskanische Initiative für ein christliches Europa, Krefeld 07622 Weihbischof Dr. Emst Tewes-Stiftung, München 07643 Theologenfonds der Diözese RottenburgStuttgart, Rottenburg am Neckar 07649 Tholuck'sche Konvikt-Stiftung, Magdeburg 07665 Stiftung Adam von Trott-Imshausen, Essen 07721 Unterländer Evangelischer Kirchenfonds, Heidelberg 07771 Bernhard van Hagen'sche Studienstiftung in Kalkar, Kleve 07793 Vetus Latina, Beuren 07881 Dr. Woehmitz-Stiftung, Daubach 08185 Dr. Ludwig Wolde-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08201 Das Wort 2000, Hamburg 08227 Wülfing-Stiftung, Remscheid 08233 Dorothea und Dr. Dr. Richard ZantnerBusch-Stiftung, Erlangen 08256 Zentralinstitut für kirchliche Stiftungen, Wiesbaden 08270
Greece The J.F. Costopoulos Foundation, Athina 08312
Italy Fondazione Emesto Balducci, Fiesole 08417 Fondazione Vittorino Colombo, Milano 08495 Fondazione Abbatia Sánete Marie Morimondo, Morimondo 06553 Fondazione Alleanza del Rinnovamento dello Spirito Santo, Roma 08560 Fondazione Ambrosiana Attività Pastorali, Milano 08562 Fondazione Clerici, Bnigherio 08605 Fondazione di Culto e Religione Facite, Catanzaro 08614 Fondazione di Culto e Religione Patronato S. Vincenzo, San Remo 08615 Fondazione di Culto e Religione Piccolo Rifugio, Trieste 08616 Fondazione di Religione Auxilium, Genova 08619 Fondazione di Religione Gesù Divino Lavoratore, Modena 08620 Fondazione Gesù Divino Samaritano, Vergherete 08634 Fondazione Gesù e Maria, Baiano 08635 Fondazione Giovanni XXIII, Alberobello 08636 Fondazione La Celeste Crociata, Valdo rice 06659 Fondazione La Vincenziana, Lissone 06661 Fondazione Opera del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, Pesaro 08684 Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII, Bologna 08703 Fondazione per Una Civiltà Cristiana, Roma 08708 Fondazione Romano nel Cenacolo di Santo Spirito, Firenze 08728 Fondazione Sacro Cuore, Milano 08730 Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, Firenze 08762 Fondazione Lanza, Padova 08801 Fondazione Lavagna, Alghero 08802 Fondazione Monsignor Michele Maccarone, Milano 08816
Subject Index: Religion Fondazione Ecclesiastica Istituto Teresa Marchesi, Roma 06823 Fondazione Piero Martinetti per gli Studi di Storia Filosofica e Religiosa, Torino 08828 Pia Fondazione di Culto e di Religione Cardinale G. Panico, Milano 08873
Netherlands Stichting Nicolette Bruiningfonds, Utrecht 09073 Dr. L.A. Buma Stichting, Sneek 09076 's-Qravenhaagse Bijbelvereniging, Den Haag 09146 Haélla Stichting, Den Haag 09150 Studiefonds Antony Hallet, Leiden 09151 Leertiuis en Liturgie Stichting, Amsterdam 09199 Bisschop Meulenberg Stichting, Sittard 09216 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Fryslàn, Leeuwarden 09280 Sjollema-Gaastra Fonds, Leeuwarden 09330 Stichting Spelberg-Stokmansfonds, Utrecht 09333 Stichting Fonds A. Steengracht de Souburg, Bilthoven 09338 Stichting Aanpakken, Haarlem 09344 Stichting Antonianum, Utrecht 09357 Stichting Christelijk Erfgoed Zorginstellingen, Breda 09373 Stichting Het Fonds tot Aanmoediging van de Studie der Godgelleerdheid, Leiden 09415 Stichting Interkerkelijk Oriéntatie Centrum, Eindhoven 09428 Stichting Kerk in Nood/Oostpriesterhulp, 's-Hertogenbosch 09435 Va Coeverden Adrianistichting, Blokzijl 09566 Stichting Ds. C. van Aken Fonds, Purmerend 09568 Fonds Jacob van Brouckhoven voor Theologen, Leiden 09572 Stichting Fonds Elisabeth van der Mieden, Eist 09582 Stichting Dominee Dominicas van der Schaaf voor de Studie der Theologie, Leidschendam 09583 Stichting Steven Woltersfonds, Leiden 09633
Portugal Fundaçào Dom José da Cruz Moreira Pinto, Viseu 09725 Fundaçào Evangelizaçâo e Culturas, Lisboa 09787 Fundaçào Portuguesa de Bushido, Lisboa 09824
Russia Fond duhovnogo i nravstvennogo obrazovanija, Moskva 09961
Spain Fundación Lili Alvarez, Madrid 10038 Fundación Casa Alvarez de Toledo y Meneos, Madrid 10043 Fundación Modesto Anido, Santiago de Compostela 10057 Fundación Bofja, Madrid 10139 Fundación Premio del XVII Marqués de Cerraltw l, Madrid 10197 Fundación Premio del XVII Marqués de Cerralbo II, Madrid 10198 Fundación Filgueira Valverde, Pontevedra 10335 Fundación Franconi, Alizo y Alegia 10351 Fundació Gruta be Lourdes i Pare d'Esbarjo, Arenys de Mar 10506 Fundació Inmaculada Concepció de Sant Esteve de la Palautordera, San Esteve de Palautordera 10519 Fundació Pía Almoina de la Catedral de Barcelona, Barcelona 10593 Fundación Actilibre, Madrid 10670 Fundación Agape, Madrid 10676 Fundación Consejo Herbense, Herbes 10929 Fundación Cristo Redentor e Instituto Id Misioneros y Misioneras Identes, Madrid 10936 Fundación del Ave María de Silges, Srtges 11000 Fundación Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Güeñes 11397 Fundación Pablo VI, Madrid 11428 Fundación para la Culminación de las Obras de la Basílica de la Almudena, Madrid 11459 Fundación para la Culminación de las Obras de la Iglesia Concatedral de Santa María, Castellón 11460 Fundación San Pío X, Madrid 11608 Fundación Universidad de Estudios Generales, El Puig 11666 Fundación Universitaria San Pablo, Madrid 11682 Fundación XX Siglos, Madrid 11703 Fundación Blas Infante, Sevilla 11787 Fundación Isla Couto, Vigo 11792 Fundación Itzurun, Donostia-San Sebastián 11794 Fundación Jaris, Madrid 11801
466 Fundación Kolbe, Madrid 11810 Fundación Casa de Reposo Mariola la Asunción, Alcoy 11878 Fundación Tomás Moro, Madrid 11935 Fundación Benéfico Docente Jesús Obrero, Vrtoria-Gasteiz 11961 Fundación Penzoi, Vigo 12001 Fundación Mañana Soto, San Lorenzo del Escorial 12164 Fundación Fray Toribío de Montolinia, Madrid 12189 Fundación Vives de Estudios Sociales, Madrid 12267
Switzerland John W. Dooriy-Stiftung, Zürich 12507 Ecumenical Church Loan Fund, Genève 12522 Fondation Centres Bibliques - Support International, Saint-Sulpice 12568 Fondation d'Entraide Bouddhique Internationale, La Claie-aux-Moines 12580 Fondazione Centro di Incontri Umani, Ascona 12690 Julius Hausammann-Studienfonds, Zürich 12813 IBPS Switzerland, Gelfingen 12859 Internationale Stiftung HUMANUM, Wabem 12896 Karma Kagysû Stiftung, Pfeffingen 12941 Kappeler Institut für die Wissenschaft des Seins, Zürich 12948 Fondation Idryma Georges Katingo Lemos, Lausanne 12950 Ora-Stiftung zur Verlcûndigung und Bewahrung des christlichen Glaubens, Altstätten 13092 Reformatio Hungarica, Zürich 13144 Schweizer Seelsorge-Stiftung, Zug 13216 Schweizerisches Institut in Rom, Bern 13297 Seelsorgestiftung Litauen, Brig 13305 Somdetyas Stiftung für Wat Thai, Gretzenbach 13327 Stiftung Bruder Klaus, Zweisimmen 13412 Stiftung der Evangelischen Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich, Zürich 13429 Stiftung der Heilsarmee in der Schweiz, Bern 13431 Stiftung Focus on Christianity, Zürich 13465 Stiftung für Religionspsychologie und Religionspsychopathologie, Langenthal 13566 Stiftung für See!sorge, christliche Lebensberatung und Ausbildung, Aarau 13572 Stiftung Griechisch-Orthodoxe Kirche, Sankt Gallen 13606 Stiftung Heilsarmee, Rheineck 13616 Stiftung Islamische Gemeinschaft Zürich, Zürich 13643 Stiftung Kirche und Judentum, Zürich 13665 Stiftung Kloster Domach, Domach 13667 Stiftung MSC Ametur, Châtel Saint-Denis 13701 Stiftung Titus, Greng 13947 Fondation Max van Berchem, Genève 13963
United Kingdom 1 to 1 Scriptures Trust, Mansfield 14029 1335 Trust, Haywards Heath 14031 Aberfan Baptist Memorial Fund, Swansea 14055 Adriatic Christian Trust, Northwood 14088 Aid to the Church in Need (United Kingdom), Sutton 14110 Ainsdaie Evangelical Church Trust, Freshfield 14112 All Hallows Development Trust, London 14150 All Saints Church (Dresden) Fund, London 14153 All Saints Educational Trust, London 14157 All Saints with Saint Michael Parish Fund, Shrewsbury 14163 Allerton United Reformed Church Funds, Liverpool 14175 Ambleston (Bethlehem Chapel) Trust, Haverfordwest 14190 The Amelia Methodist Trust, Barry 14191 Amen Assemblies Incorporating Caring Hearts Foundation, London 14192 Amersham CHd Town Christian (Baptists) Fellowship Trust, Amersham 14196 Amida Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 14197 The Anglican Group Educational Trust, London 14220 The Anglo-Thai Foundation, London 14226 The Arabic Evangelical Centre Trust, Wolverhampton 14243 Arborfield and Bark ham Parish Churches Trust, Wokingham 14245 Archbishops' Appeal Fund 1or the Church in China, London 14248
Armonia (United Kingdom) Trust, London 14261 Ashley Meeting Room Trust, Leeds 14286 The Ashroy Trust, London 14290 Assemblies of the First Bom Trust, London 14302 Assembly of God (Bonsall) Trust, Chesterfield 14303 Assistant Curates' Fund, London 1 4 X 4 Assistant Priesfs Residence Fund, Surtiton 14305 John Barber's Trust, Matlock 14381 Barclay Hall Christian Fellowship Trust, London 14384 The Elsie S. Barney Memorial Fund, Hull 14413 Bamsley Christian Fellowship Trust, Bamsley 14417 The Barreré Trust, Beckenham 14424 Barrington Prayer Book Fund (Newcastle Branch), Newcastle-upon-Tyne 14426 The Batebe of Toro Foundation, London 14438 Battersea Chapel Educational Foundation, London 14446 Bea Trust Fund, Reading 14459 Beddingham Old Church of England School Foundation, Lewes 14477 Bell Farm Church Trust, West Drayton 14493 Bethania Baptist Chapel Trust Funds and Property held in Connection therewith, Wrexham 14531 Bethany (London) Trust, London 14532 The Bethany Trust, Cowes 14533 Bethany Trust, London 14534 Bethel Baptist Church (Pomeroy Street) Trust Fund, Cardiff 14537 Bethel Chapel Fund, Llanwrda 14538 Bethel Christian Fellowship World Ministries Foundation, London 14539 Bethesda Heritage Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 14540 Bethlehem and Callaría Baptist Chapels Minister Fund, Ynys Mon 14542 Bethlehem Welsh Baptist Church Trust property in Connection with Religious Worship, Uanelli 14543 The Bhutan Society Trust Fund, Guildford 14557 Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship Trust, London 14560 BinfiekJ Saint Mark's Religious Education Fund, Bracknell 14574 Bishophill Trust, York 14600 Blackley Independent Methodist Church Trust Funds, Wigan 14609 Bleddfa Trust, Rhayader 14618 Blunham Old Meeting Baptist Church Trust Funds, Blunham 14626 The Borremans Family Trust, Taunton 14654 Bow Development Trust, London 14662 Bradford City Mission Christian Trust, Baildon 14672 Lord Braye's Foundation, Princes Risborough 14693 Breakthrough Trust, London 14698 Susannah Bridge for Curate Fund, Bolton 14707 Bristol City Centre Chaplaincy Trust, Bristol 14731 Bristol Community Church Trust, Bristol 14732 The British Trust - World Council of Christian Education, Saint Albans 14761 Broadmead Chapel Trust, Bristol 14769 Broadway Baptist Church (Chesham) Charities Trust, Chesham 14770 Brook Church Trust, Itford 14787 Brook House Congregational Chapel Fund, Denbeigh 14789 Margaretta Browne Ecclesiastical Fund, London 14807 Bryn Chapel (Congregational) Trust, Llanelli 14611 Buckland Old School Trust, Aylesbury 14318 Bulgarian Gedeon Trust, Saint Leonardson-Sea 14925 Bulgarian Support Fund, Welwyn Garden City 14626 Burden Trust, West Clandon 14833 The Burnett and Anderson Trust, Southampton 14839 The William Butterfield Trust Fund, Bedford 14864 Calvary Christian Fellowship Trust, Stoneleigh 14687 Cam-Yr-Alyn Chapel Fund, Wrexham 14889 Cambridge Community Mikvah Charitable Trust, London 14695 The Cambridge Pastorate Fund, Cambridge 14902 Canning Hall Trust, Chelmsford 14930 The Canning Town Ministers Memorial Trust, London 14931 The Capel Iwan Manse Trust Fund, Uanfyrnach 14939 Carisbrooke Priory Trust, Newport 14957 Carlisle Christian Fellowship Trust, Carlisle 14960 The Caryl! Wenbom Trust Fund, Exeter 14962
Catchfrench Trust, Saint Germans 14992 Catertiam and Romania Aid Trust, Caterham 14994 The Catholic Fund for Chaplaincies in Higher Education, Sheffield 14996 Cedar Trust, Loughton 15009 Central Bfcie Hammond Trust, Morpeth 15015 CFU Trust, Southampton 15023 Chaddesden Christians Trust, Derty 15025 F.D. Chambers Trust Nottingham 15041 Chapel Trust, London 15046 Charterhouse in Southward Endownment Fund, London 15066 Chatteris Strict and Particular Baptist Ministers Fund, Tonbridge 15072 The Chelmsford Manna Trust, Chelmsford 15076 The Chelsea Old Church Trust, London 15079 Chichester Theological Trust, Chichester 15118 Children Alone Trust, Epsom 15123 Chiltem Pastoral Foundation, Amersham 15137 The Cholmeley Evangelical Church (Second Century) Trust, London N6 15148 Christ Church (Eltfiam) Parish Trust, London 15149 Christ Church Manse Fund, Wallasey 15152 Christ Church (Mayfair) Trust, London 15153 The Christ Church Trust, London 15155 Christ (Free) Church Goldenhill Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 15156 Christ Life Ministries Trust, Truro 15157 Christadelphian Advancement Trust, South Croydon 15159 The Christian Centre Trust (East Cowes), East Cowes 15164 Christian Fellowship Saint James' Lockleaze Trust, Bristol 15165 Christian Indian Relief Trust, Halifax 15167 Christian Outreach Trust, Conwy 15170 Christian Science Society (Hounslow) Trust Fund, Esher 15172 Christianity in Trust, West Drayton 15174 Church Burgesses Trust, Sheffield 15184 Church Endowment Building Fund, Bromley 15185 The Church of Christ the King (Cockfosters Parish) Trust, London 15186 Church of God (7th Day) Trust, Deity 15189 Church of Saint John the Baptist Funds, Great Missenden 15191 Church of Saint John the Evangelist (Casablanca) Trust, Tunbridge Wells 15192 Church Trust, Tring 15195 The Churchill College Chapel Society Trust, Cambridge 15196 Cippenharn Shared Church Trust, Slough 15204 City Church Leeds Trust, Leeds 15207 The City Community Church (Exeter) Charitable Trust, Exeter 15208 City Gates Church Trust, Gloucester 15209 The Clapton Meeting Room Trust, London 15238 Clarence Road Evangelical Church Trust, East Cowes 15239 Clarendon Park Congregational Church Trust, Leicester 15240 Clertenwell Welfare Trust, London 15256 The Diana Margaret Cockerton Memorial Trust, York 15276 Collier Row Fellowship Trust, Romford 15294 Community Church in Romford Trust, Romford 15319 Community Church Luton Trust, Luton 15320 Community of Saint John Baptist General Purposes Trust, Winsor Í 532*3 Community of San Egidio United Kingdom Charitable Trust, Brockenhurst 15324 Cornerstone Ministries Trust, Bristol 75365 The Cornerstone Trust, Milton Keynes 15366 Cory Memorial Trust Fund, Cardiff 15375 Covenant Players United Kingdom Trust, Rushden 15389 Williamina Craighead McElwee Fund, Cowes 15402 Cray Valley Community Church Trust, Orpington 15407 Cronfa Mans Siloh, Swansea 15425 The Crossway Community Church Trust, Feltham 15432 Bishop Crosthwaits Memorial Fund, York 15433 The Croydon Ministry Trust Croydon 15441
Dagenham Community Church Trust, Dagenham 15476 The Damascus House Trust, London 15433 Danish Lutheran Church of Saint Nicolai Trust Hull 15486 The Dartmoor Prison Chaplaincy Fund, Exeter 15492 The Enid Davies Memorial Trust, Chippenham 15509 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Cathedral School Prize Fund, Exeter 75524 Deep Trust, London 15528 Dewi Sant Church Trust, Cardiff 15581 Dharma Foundation, Newport 15583 Divine Innocence Trust, Surbiton 15604 Divine Word Prayer Ministries Trust, London 15605 A.G. Doble Charitable Trust, Abingdon 15610 Dorford Baptist Church Funds, Dorchester 15623 Drayton Bridge Trust, London 15644 The Duffield Girts' and Infants' Religious Education Fund, Belper 15653 Dulverton Trust, London J5653 Dun Aigh Trust, Croydon 15662 Dunstable Community Church Trust Dunstable 15668 East 13 Christian Trust, London 15696 The East Birmingham Renewal Group Trust, Birmingham 15700 The Ebenezer Bradwell Methodist Endowment Fund, Hope Valley 15720 Ebenezer Chapel Fund (Uanllyfni), Caernarfon 15721 Ebenezer Congregational Chapel Trust, Swansea 15722 Ebenezer Old Baptist Chapel Trust, Dunstable 15724 Ebenezer Trust, Christchurch 15726 Ebenezer Welsh Congregational Chapel Trust Property held in Connection Therewith, Carmarthen 15727 Frank Eccleshare Trust, Lincoln 15732 Edmonton and Enfield Youth for Christ Trust, Enfield 15742 Elim Baptist Chapel Fund, Neath 15767 Ely Christian Fellowship Trust. Newmarket 15786 Emerson Part Evangelical Church Trust, Homchurch 15795 Emmanuel Church Carshatton Fund, Winal 15797 Emmanuel Church Putney Fund, Wallasey 15798 Emmanuel Hall Trust, Milton Keynes 15799 The Emmer Green Educational Foundation, Reading 15803 The Enable Trust, Slough 15805 The Enfield Town and Forty Hill Churches Joint Trust, Enfield 15675 English Church (Bagneres de Bigorre) Fund, London 15817 Enjorro e Senteu Church Fund, Maidstone 15820 Episcopal Church in Egypt Trust, Famham 15824 The Eton Mission Trust Fund, London 15833 Exeter Christian Centre Trust, Exeter 15861 Fair Havens Trust, Cardiff 15876 The Fairfax Trust, Oxford 15879 Family Tree Trust, London 15890 The Family Trust, Maidstone 15891 Fellowship of the King Christian Trust, Bristol 15915 Ffaktybrennin Congregational Chapel Manse Fund, Llanybydder 15923 The Figg Trust, Richmond 15931 The Fintry Trust, Godalming 15940 First Church of Christ Scientist Derby Trust, Deity 15945 The Fishnet Trust, Prestatyn 75954 The Followers of Saint Francis at San Damiano Trust, London 15975 Holly Norah Foster Will Trust, Abingdon 15984 Fountain of Life Ministry Trust (London), London 16002 Free Believer's in Christ Fellowship Trust, London 16015 Freedom Coach Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 16019 Friends of Newcastle Saint Matthews' Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 16051 Friends of the London Oratory Trust, London 16058 Gainsborough Charitable Trust Number 1, Long Stratton 76065 The Gariick Fund, Trowbridge 16105 Gates of Praise Ministries Trust, London 16112 Gateway Trust (Stafford), Stafford 16114 Gellideg Foundation, Merthyr Tydfil 16123 The Generation Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 16127 The David George Memorial Fund, Letterston 16128 The Gerecht Trust, Chigwell 16130 German Lutheran Church at Dalston Trust and Funds, Chelmsford 16132 The Alexander Giffen Fund, Newcastleunder-Lyme 16139 Glasbury Fund, Clyro 16150
467 Glory of the Cross Ministry Trust, London 16162 The Sidney Gold Community Trust Fund, Word 16177 Gold Hill Church Trust, Slough 16178 Golders Green Unitarian Manse Trust, Stroud 16179 Good Shepherd Trust, Haywards Heath 16138 Grace Evangelical Church Trust, Carlisle 16197 Gravel Baptist Manse Fund, Llandrindod Wells 16210 Great Meeting Chapel Trust, Leicester 16219 Great Meeting (Endowment Fund) Charity, Leicester 16220 Great Meeting (Expendable Fund) Charity, Leicester 16221 The Greatheart Trust, Manchester 16233 Green Girls' Foundation, Reading 16236 Greenford Gospel Church Trust, Harrow 16244 Greig Hall Evangelical Church Trust, Dagenham 16265 The Griffiths-Brownlow Fforde Foundation, Swansea 16276 The Grove Hill Evangelical Church Trust, London 16262 Norman Gumey Memorial Trust, Matlock 16291 Haigh-Stratford Award Trust, Bamsley 16321 Perry and Jane Hales Memorial Fund, Loughton 16326 Halliwell Road Free Church Bolton Working Funds, Bolton 16336 Hampden Chapel Trust Fund, London 16347 Harrold Congregational Church Trust Funds, Carlton 16403 The Harvesters Trust, Chorley 16422 Havering Christian Fellowship Trust, Homchurch 16441 Havering Mission 2000 Trust, Brentwood 16442 Clara Hawkins Prize Fund, Bamsley 16450 The Thomas Hayward Memorial Fund, Manchester 16459 Heath Christian Bookshop Trust, Cardiff 16477 Heath Christian Trust, Cardiff 16476 The Heath field Trust, London 16483 Hebron Congregational Chapel Trust Fund, BuiKh Wells 16487 Hebron Trust, Norwich 16488 Hemsworth Christian Fellowship Trust, Pontefract 16505 Hermon Congregational Chapel Fund, Bodorgan 16517 Roy Hession Book Trust, Bromley 16524 High Street Baptist Church Trust Funds, Ely 16534 High Wycombe Christian Spiritualist Trust, High Wycombe 16536 Hillel Foundation (West Riding), Leeds 16552 Hindu Cultural Trust, Hounslow 16559 Hockliffe Church Trust, Nottingham 16575 Jane Hodge Foundation, Cardiff 16577 Martha and Benjamin Holt Trust Fund, Bolton 16602 The Holy Trinity Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 16608 Holy Trinity with All Saints Church House Fund, London 16610 Homeward Trust, London 16618 The Horeb Congregational Chapel Fund, Carmarthen 16627 The Hull and District Lourdes Sick Pilgrims Fund, Hull 16682 Hull Church Institute Trust, Hull 16684 Hull Old Grammar School (1Θ89) Trust, Driffield 16691 The Hull Vineyard Trust, Hull 16694 Hurst Gospel Hall Trust, Reading 16717 ICS Trust, Warwick 16733 The Inasmuch Trust, London 16743 International Service Fellowship Trust, London 16868 International Teams (United Kingdom) Trust, Brecon 16870 The Isle of Dogs Parish Trust, London 16891 The Catherine James Trust Fund, Ystrad Meurig 16928 Jerusalem Trust, London 16949 Jervois Trusts Church Institute Fund, London 16950 Jesmond Presbyterian Church Trust Funds, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 16951 The Jesmond Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 16952 Daphne and Bethan Jones Memorial Fund, Penaith 76995 Kairos Trust, Cambridge 17026 Kajiado District Development Trust, Tunbridge Wells 17027 Keltek Trust, Corsham 17044 Kempston Christian Fellowship Trust, Bedford 17047 Keys to the Harvest Trust, London 17066 The Kilimatinde Trust, Hartlepool 17073
Subject Index: Religion Kingdom Charitable Trust, Romford 17085 Kingdom Faith Ministries Trust, Horsham 17086 Kingdom Life Trust, Middlesbrough 17087 King's Church (llford) Trust, llford 17089 The King's Church (Kingston-uponThames) Property Trust, Kingston-uponThames 17090 The King's Church (Kingston-uponThames) Trust, Kingston-upon-Thames 17091 King's Church (West Kingsdown) Charitable Trust, Seven Oaks 17092 Hilary Kingsford Trust, Exeter 17102 Kingsley Trust, Bagshot 17105 Kingstanding Tabernacle Trust, Birmingham 17108 Kinkizi Development Fund, Creditori 17119 The Alice Jane Kitchen Trust, London 17124 The Kochan Trust, Fakenham 17136 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, Alresford 17142 The L.A.S. Building Fund, Leeds 17149 Maurice Laing Foundation, London 17158 Lakshmi-Narayana Trust, London 17162 Latymer Christian Fellowship Trust, London 17190 Lausanne Committee Trust, Edinburgh 17195 Lady Adelaide Emmeline Caroline Law Convalescent Fund, London 17198 The Lee Old Church Trust, Great Missenden 17210 Leeds Castle Foundation, Maidstone 17212 Leeds Diocesan Trust, Leeds 17214 Mary Legg Memorial Trust, Cowes 17229 Legrams Meeting Room Trust, Leeds 17231 A.B. Leitch Charity Trust, London 17259 Lester Trust Fund, Weybridge 17266 Lewisham Trust, London 17288 Li Tim Oi Foundation, Bristol 17293 The Lichfield Diocesan Trust, Lichfield 17295 Liddon Trust, London 17297 Life International Gospel Trust, London 17299 Lile to Romania Fund, Colchester 17301 Lifespring Trust, Reading 17302 The Lincoln Diocesan Trust, Lincoln 17309 Lincoln Quarry Trust, Lincoln 17311 Linden Church Trust, Swansea 17315 Little Flower Trust, London 17335 Little Lever Trust, Bolton 17336 The Uversage Trust, Derby 17349 Living Word Gospel Ministries (United Kingdom) Trust, Hainault 17352 Living Word Ministries (Southwark) Trust, London 17353 The Viscount Uandaff Fund, London 17355 Uandough Hospital Chapel Fund, Penarth 17362 Llanelli Chapels Trust Fund, Llanelli 17368 Llanelli Christian Fellowship Trust, Llanelli 17369 Lloyds Settlement Trust, Matlock 17400 Lloyds Trust Unitarian Chapel, Matlock 17401 Llwyn Rhydowen Manse Fund, Uandysul 17405 The London Clergy Holiday Fund, London 17431 The London Jewish Academy Trust, London 17443 The London Lectures Trust, Morelon-inMarsh 17444 London Srvan Kovil Trust, London 17450 Luton Churches Education Trust, Luton 17488 The Lydia Fellowship Trust (Wales), Swansea 17497 The Robert Maasbach Trust, Folkestone 17506 Magdalen College Trust, Oxford 17529 Main Road Baptist Church (Romford) Trust, Romford 17534 Malawi Link Trust, Hertford 17542 The Sirdar Mangat Trust, London 17556 Maple Leaf Trust, Trowbridge 17572 The Maranatha Christian Bookshop Trust, Ickenham 17575 Marlow Pastoral Foundation, High Wycombe 17586 Marshal Beresford's Fund, London 17590 The Matllwala Family Charitable Trust, Preston 17610 Maxco Trust, Rickmansworth 17613 Emma Mary May Trust, Swansea 17615 1i>e Melbourne Road Memorial Trust Fund, Leicester 17667
Mercers' Charitable Foundation, London 17678 Merton Evangelical Church Trust, London 17690 The Methodist Bookshop Fund, Doncaster 17697 Margaret Phyllis Mewhort Trust, Durham 17703 Mexborough Church Fund, Mexborough 17704 Middlesbrough Diocesan Trust, Middlesbrough 17710 Miles Trust for the Putney and Roehampton Community, London 17722 Milton Keynes Bridgebuilder Trust, Newport Pagnell 17741 Missionary Ventures Europe Trust, Lytham Saint Annas 17761 Mitcham Revival Church Trust, Mitcham 17763 Mitr Thai Trust, London 17768 Bishop Monk's Horfield Trust, Bristol 17779 The D.L, Moody Trust, Tunbridge Wells 17792 Mortimer West End Church Endowment Fund, Oxford 17822 The Morton Trust, London 17825 The Sir Thomas Moulson Trust, Chester 17830 Mount Stuart Congregational Chapel Fund, Cardiff 17833 Mowbray Relief Trust, Cambridge 17840 The Mustard Seed Trust, Callington 17858 Myers Trust, Kingston-upon-Thames 17863 Hariben Bachubhai Nagrecha Charitable Trust, London 17866 The Nazareth Congregational Chapel Fund, Aberdare 17891 Netherfield Chapel Trust, Milton Keynes 17905 New Addington Community Church Trust, New Addington 17909 New Bethel Trust, Ammanford 17911 New Fellowship Trust, Cambridge 17914 New Growth Ministries Trust, London 17918 New Horizons Bridging Trust, York 17921 New Life Church Bedfordshire Trust, Dunstable 17924 New Life Group Charitable Trust, Southampton 17925 New Life Trust, Newport 17926 New Tupton Christian Trust, Chesterfield 17936 New Wine Church Greenwich Trust, London 17939 Newport Pagnell Congregational Church Trust, Milton Keynes 17978 John Newton Christian Trust, Northampton 17984 Newtown Carnival Trust, Newtown 17989 K.P. Nicholas Trust Legacy, Cambridge 17997 Nind's Wandsworth Church Trust, London 18005 The No Frontiers Trust, Tunbridge Wells 18008 Noble Street Independent Methodist Church Trust, Bolton 18011 Noddfa Chapel Trust, Lampeter 18012 Noddfa Christian Resources Trust, Port Talbot 18013 North East London Gospel Mission Trust London 18028 The North Street Newport (Gwent) Mission Trust Fund, Newport 18045 Northampton Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust, Northampton 18050 Northgate Church Trust, Chester 18059 Oasis Church (Chadwell Heath) Charitable Trust, Romford 18101 The Oasis Property Trust, London 18102 The Old E leans Charitable Trust, Ely 18128 The Old Meeting House Birmingham (Ministers) Fund, Sutton Cokffield 18134 Old Royal Naval College Chapel Fund, London 18141 CXoolarroi Village Trust, London 18159 CHumba Universal Charity Fund, London 18160 Operation Romania Trust, Littlehampton 18168 Osbom Foundation, Dudley 18186 Cornelius O'Sullivan Fund, Slough 18188 Our Lady of the Holy Souls Pastoral Care Trust, London 18192 Overseas Meeting Rooms Trust, Hounslow 18202 Oxendon Presbyterian Church Fund, London 18210 Robert Ozler and Others Foundation, London 18218 Paddington Charitable Estates Educational Fund, London 18219 The Philip Palmer Memorial Trust, Maidenhead 18230 Ann Elizabeth Panton Ross Trust, Newport 18240
The James Pantyfedwen Foundation, Aberystwyth 18241 Parish of Central Exeter (Saint Kerrian) Trust, Ide 18244 Ede Parker Trust, Bolton 18250 Pauls Row Assembly Trust, High Wycombe 18273 Penoyre Christian Trust, Brecon 18310 Penuel Baptist Chapel CarmarthenTrust Funds and Property Held in Connection Therewith, Carmarthen 18315 Penybont Baptist Chapel Trust Funds Held in Connection Therewith, Uandysul 18317 The PFCS Trust, London 18346 Bishop Phillpotfs Prayer Book Prize Fund, Truro 16354 Pias Power Chapel Finance Committee Fund, Wrexham 18375 Pias Power Chapel Trust Fund, Wrexham 18376 The Joel Plummer Memorial Fund, London 18382 Poplar Pentecostal Church Trust, llford 18430 The Power for Life Fund, Plymouth 18443 The Providence House Trust, London 18491 The Provost of Southwards Fund, London 18495 Prudhoe Street Mission Trust, Gateshead 18496 The Pyersingh Trust Fund, Harrogate 18511 The Queen's College Birmingham Research Fellowship, Birmingham 18526 R.B.K. Schools Christian Worker Trust, Surbiton 18541 R.K.L. Trust, Bagshot 18542 Rank Foundation, Hebden Bridge 18561 The Raven Christian Trust, Cambridge 18569 Rehoboth Trust, Newport 18620 The Nathaniel Reyner Trust Fund, Liverpool 18631 Riakanau Charitable Trust, Walsall 18645 Right Hand Trust, Uanfair Caereinion 18668 The Romanian Aid Fund, Stockport 18715 Romanian Crestin Trust, Rayleigh 18716 Romford Christian Spiritualist Society Trust, Brentwood 18719 The Romford United Reformed Church Youth Trust, Romford 18722 The Annie Rothwell Charitable Trust, Bolton 18996 Royal Navy Roman Catholic Trust, Famham 19096 Ruhamah Baptist Chapel Fund, Bridgend 19140 Rutland Road Evangelical Church Workers Trust, Bedford 19154 Saint Agnes Discretionary Trust, Bromley 19179 Saint Alkmund's Church Trust, Derby 19185 Saint Alkmund's Wardens Fund, Derby 19186 The Saint Andrews Christian Workers Trust, Exeter 19191 Saint Andrews Church Hall Trust, London 19192 Tììe Saint Andrews Church Trust, Cambridge 19193 Saint Andrew's Greek Orthodox Cathedral Trust, London 19194 Saint Andrews United Reformed Church Trust, Perivate 19201 Saint Augustine's Community Care Trust, Twickenham 19207 Saint Barnabas Greek Orthodox Community Fund, London 19209 Saint Chaibel Charity Fund, London 19221 Saint Clare and Saint Francis Trust, Ascot 19224 Saint Clement Danes Fund, Innsworth 19228 Saint Columba's with New Lendal United Relormed Church Fund, York 19232 Saint Dominic's Priory Fund, Portsmouth 19241 Saint Dunstan's Abbey School General Charitable Trust, Kenton 19242 Saint Edmund King and Martyr Trust, London 19247 Saint Francis' Development Fund South Ascot, Ascot 19252 Saint Gabriel's Project for Mental Health Trust, London 19255 The Saint George Educational Trust, London 19257 The Saint George's Chapel (London Airport) Fund, Harlington 19259 Saint George's Redevelopment Fund, London 19265 The Saint James Biddenham Trust, Bedford 19278 Saint James the Apostle Mission Hall Fund, London 19285 Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Trust, London 19289
Saint John's Stratford Fabric Trust, Woodford Green 19300 Saint Just in Roseland Charitable Trust, Truro 19305 Saint Lazarus Community of East London Trust, London 19311 Saint Luke's P.F.F. Chapel Fund, Bath 19318 Saint Luke's (South Kensington) Trust, Tavistock 19320 Saint Luke's Trust, Bolton 19321 Saint Mark's Institute Trust, Southampton 19328 Saint Mary (Islington) Parish Church Branch Foundation, London 19338 Saint Mary-le-Strand Jubilee Trust Fund, London 19339 Saint Mary's Church House Trust, London 19348 Saint Mary's Church Wombwell Trust Fund, Bamsley 19352 Saint Mary's Hall Trust, Stratford-onAvon 19355 Saint Mary's Pastoral Trust, London J9359 Saint Mary's Trust, Milton Keynes 19364 Saint Michael's (York) Trust, York 19375 Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Community Trust, London 19377 Saint Olave's Parochial Trust, Exeter 19384 Saint Paul's Christian Workers Trust, London 19392 Saint Paul's Evangelistic Trust, York 19393 Saint Peter Mancroft Mission Hall Trust, Norwich 19397 The Saint Peter-upon-Comhill Trust, London 19398 Saint Peter's Charitable Trust, London 19399 Saint Peter's Church Jubilee Trust, Maidenhead 19401 Saint Philomenas Carshalton Charitable Trust, Carshalton 19413 Saint Scholasticas Trust, Heavitree 19417 Saint Silas (Continuing Church) Trust, Knighton 19419 The Saint Thomas More Educational Trust, London 19429 Salem Baptist Chapel and Trust Property administered in Connection therewith, Wrexham 19440 Salem Chapel Fund, Llanwrda 19441 Salem (Holton Road) Building Fund, Barry 19442 Salway Evangelical Church Trust, Woodford Green 19449 Sardis English Baptist Church Trust, Resolven 19465 Saron Congregational Chapel Fund, Tywyn 19467 Saron Congregational Fund, Swansea 19468 Dr. Schweitzer's Hospital Fund, Croydon near Royston 19496 Sderder Carmelite Monastery Public Church Trust, Looe 19498 Second Church of Christ (Scientist) London Endowment, London 19510 Second Church of Christ Scientist Manchester Trust, Manchester 19511 Seer Green Church Trust, Beaconsfield 19517 Seion Congregational Chapel Trust Fund, Ammanford 19519 Seion Fund for Bethel Congregational Chapel, Talybont 19520 The Selly Oak Colleges Endowment Trust, Birmingham 19524 Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Sava Trust, London 19528 Serbian Orthodox Parish of Saint Andrew Trust, Bedford 19529 Serbian Orthodox Parish of Saint Apostles Trust, Leicester 19530 Serendipity Charitable Trust, Whitstable 19531 Servants of Christ Ministries Trust, London 19533 Shah Bhagwanji Kachra Foundation, Northwood 19540 Share, Saint Albans 19546 Sheba Trust Newham, London J9557 Shekinah Christian Fellowship (Greenwich) Trust, London J9570 Shenley Christian Fellowship Trust, Milton Keynes 19576 The Shiloh Pentecostal Fellowship Trust, Cardiff 19587 The Shrewsbury Abbey Nonacentenery Trust, Shrewsbury 19597 Shrewsbury Unitarian Church Trust Fund, Shrewsbury 19603 The Siloam Congregational Chapel Fund, Uanegwad 19613 Sixth Church of Christ Scientist London Trust, London 19629 Henry Slater Prayer Book Prize Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Í9636 Frank Slawson Trust, Matlock Bath 19637 The Slough and District Community Fund, Slough 19639
Subject Index: Religion Soar Baptist Chapel Fund, Llandeito 19659 Society of Christian Israelites (Forest Gate) Trust, Brentwood 19664 South African Church Development Trust, Shaldon 19682 South Bristol Outreach Trust, Bristol 19685 Southcourt Baptist Church Tmst, Aylesbury 19722 Southwark Cathedral Development Trust, Condon 19733 Sovereign World Trust, Tonbridge 19741 Square Foundation, London 19779 The Stable Trust, Wolverhampton 19786 The Francis Staley Religious Trust, Matlock 19792 The Stanislaw Charitable Trust, London 19795 Bishop Stanley Residuary Trust, London 19797 Stanton Educational Trust, Manchester 19800 Sir Halley Stewart Trust, Willingham 19816 The Stickland Trust, Woodford Green 19817 A.B. Strom and R. Strom Charitable Trust, London 19845 Sutton Christian Centre Trust, Cheam 19875 Sutton Pastoral Foundation, Sutton 19878 Tabernacle Baptist Chapel Fund, Uanerchymedd 19895 Tabernacle Christian Centre Trust, London 19896 Tearfund, Teddington 19942 Temperance Gell's Foundation, Carsington 19959 Temple English Baptist Church Trust Fund, Pontypridd 19964 The Temple Tmst (Sri Lanka), London 19966 Tenth Church of Christ (Scientist) London Fund, London 19970 Tir Gronow Ap Ithel Trust, Nottingham 20032 Titus Ministries Worldwide Trust, Ossett 20034 The Tooting Methodist Church Trust, London 20042 Totteridge Road Baptist Church Ministers Trust Fund, Enfield 20053 The Constance Treasure Memorial Charitable Trust, Cardiff 20072 Treville Street Unitarian Chapel and Trust, Plymouth 20080 Trinity Baptist Church Fund, Derby 20085 Trinity Centre Trust, Milton Keynes 20086 The Trinity Trust, Bristol 20090 The Trinity Urc Bromley Trust, Beckenham 20091 The Trust for Christian Education in Sierra Leone, London 20103 Trust for the Evangelisation of Aspley, Nottingham 20106 Tmst Fund Held in Connection with Lammas Street Welsh Congregational Chapel, Carmarthen 20110 Tmst of Saint Seraphim, Manchester 20112 Tmst Property held in Connection with Ainon Welsh Baptist Chapel, Llangwstain 20114 Tmst Property held in Connection with Caersalem Baptist Chapel, Caernarfon 20115 Trust Property held in Connection with Capei Coffa Congregation Chapel, Deganwy 20116 Tmst Property held in Connection with Highfield Congregational Church Porthcawl, Portcawl 20117 Trust Property Held in Connection with Parle Congregational Chapel Llanelli, Llanelli 20118 Trust Property held in Connection with Roman Catholic Church at Stow Hill, Pillgwenlly Newport 20119 Trust Property held in Connection with Saint John's United Reform Church Buckley, Porthcawl 20120 Trust Property held in Connection with Smyrna Congregational Church, Llangefni, Ynys Mon 20121 Tmst Property held in Connection with the Bethel Spiritualist Church Blaina, Blaina 20122 Tmst Property held in Connection with the Independent Chapel, Bodorgan 20123 Tmst Property Held in Connection with the Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Llanelli 20124 Tmst Property in Connection with Saint John's Congregational Church Buckley, Cardiff 20126 Tmst Property in Connection with Salem Baptist Chapel, Ferryside 20127 The Hugh, Mary, David and Elizabeth Tudor Tmst, Tywyn 20134 Turville Religious Education Fund, Henley-on-Thames 20149 The Ukraine Christian Ministries Tmst, Wantage 20162
468 Union Chapel Fund, London 20167 The United Evangelical Project Educational Trust, Birmingham 20170 United Refoimed Church (Wales) Tmst, C a r d i 20179 Unity North London Trust, London 20183 The University of Reading Chaplaincy Centre Trust, Reading 20186 Vale Park Chapel Trust, Rhyl, Denbigh 202/0 Van Neste Foundation, Bristol 20214 The Educational Foundation of John Vaughan, Carmarthen 20218 Victoria Gospel Tmst, Bath 20236 Shri Vijaya Vikneshwara Tmst, Wembley 20240 Vinesong Tmst, East Grinstead 20244 Viznitz Institutions Tmst, London 20249 Jean Voyaux de Franous Trust (Chelsea), London 20252 Claude Walker Heneage's Trust, Manchester 20273 The Waltham Saint Lawrence Churches Trust, Waltham Saint Lawrence 20289 Walthamstow Fund, London 20291 Ward's Foundation for Religious Instruction, Newport 20315 Wargrave Parish Trust, Wargrave 20317 The Warren Church Tmst, Pembroke 20320 Waterside Trust, Edinburgh 20335 Ann Watson's Trust, Hull 20338 The Way of Life Educational Trust, Ipswich 20343 The Weald Trust, Pinner 20346 Benjamin Weir Trust, London 20357 The Welstead Charitable Fund, Croydon 20372 West Ham Evangelical Trust, London 20392 West Side Church Accommodation Trust, London 20399 Westminster Presbyterian Trust Stocktonon-Tees 20420 Westminster Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust, London 20421 The Westminster Spiritual Aid Fund, London 20424 Garfield Weston Foundation, London 20428 Whetenhall Tmst, London 20435 Whipsnade Tree Cathedral Fund, Dunstable 20437 The Whirlow Grange Trust (Sheffield), Sheffield 2043d The Whitlock Trust, Hounslow 20457 Tile Whytecliffe Trust, Croydon 20462 The Frederick Wigan Tmst, Richmond 20466 Christopher Williams Memorial Fund, Tamworth 20485 Williams Southwark Fund, London 20490 Winchmore Hill Christian Trust, London 20528 The Windhorse Trust, Cambridge 20529 Wingfield Trust, Romford 20536 Thomas Wingrove Deptford Fund, Croydon 20537 Wings of Prayer Fellowship Tmst, Epsom 20538 Woifson Family Charitable Tmst, London 20553 Wolverhampton Unitarian Tmst, Droitwich 20564 Wood Green Mennonite Church Trust, London 20577 Samuel James Woodall Will Tmst, Huntingdon 20580 Woodgrange Baptist Church Charitable Trust, London 20588 Sir Edward Wood's Endowment Fund, Leicester 20595 The Word of Christ Ministries Tmst, London 20612 The World Zarathushtrian Trust Fund, Bishops Stortford 20625 Worldwide Harvest Ministries Trust, Maidenhead 20626 Wycombe General Trust, Fulmer 20651 Wynn's Foundation, Wolverhampton 20667 The Yeshivas Edgware Trust, London 20680 York Christian Revival Trust, York 20687 The Alfred Young Trust, London 20716 Zion Baptist Church Saint Davids Tmst Funds Property held in Connection with, Saint Davids 20734 Zion Tabernacle Church Trust, Chester 20735
Religious education Germany Bischöfliche Klerikalseminarstiftung Sankt Jakob, Regensburg 01721 Bischöfliche Klerikalseminarstiftung Sankt Stephan, Passau 01722 Bischöfliche Klerikalseminarstiftung Sankt Wolfgang, Regensburg 01723 Bischöfliche Knabenseminarstiftung der Diözese Regensburg, Regensburg 01724
Bistumshaus Sankt Ludwig, Speyer 01730 Christian von Bomhard Stiftung, Uffenheim 01793 Evangelisches Stift Sankt Arnual, Saarbrücken 02574 Theodor Fliedner-Werk vormals Diakonenanstalt Duisburg, Mühlheim an der Ruhr 02676 Großer Gotteskasten (Quedlinburg), Quedlinburg 03048 Lippisches Gemeinschaftswerk, Lemgo 04530 Christoph Meyers milde Stiftung, Magdeburg 04782 Schock-Stiftung für Gemeinde-Entwicklung, Schorndorf 05931 Schulstiftung der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Württemberg, Stuttgart 06004 Stiftung Christliche Privatschulen, Bonn 06520 Margarete-Welsch-Stiflung, Biedenkopf 08070
Italy Fondazione Vittorino Colombo, Milano 08495
Spain Fundación Modesto Anido, Santiago de Conpostela 10057 Fundación Conde de Cabra, Almagro 10155 Fundación Segundo Gil Dávila, Arbó 10252 Fundación Centro Académico Romano, Madrid 10847 Fundación Epsilón, Córdoba 11049 Fundación Evangélica Reina Valera, Santiponce 11109 Fundación Hispánica, Madrid 11163 Fundación Gallardo y Mata, Samos 11709 Fundación de Torres y López Pintado, Toledo 12198
United Kingdom Akeley Church of England Educational Fund, Buckingham 14116 Before Tmst London 14487 The Bettws Fund, Cardiff 14545 The Blue Coat Foundation, Denbigh 14623 The British Trust - World Council of Christian Education, Saint Albans 14761 Buddhist Education Foundation (UK) Ltd., London 14821 Carmelite Education Trust, Gerrards Cross 14969 Chester Schools Christian Worker Trust, Chester 15102 Christians in Education Tmst, London 15175 Denbigh Love Lane School Educational Foundation, Dinbych 15534 Findhorn Foundation, Forres 15935 Claudia Griffiths Foundation, Neath 16279 The Hindu Education Trust, Birmingham 16560 The Robert Lewis Memorial Fund, Rhyl 17281 Elizabeth Lloyd's Educational Foundation, Carmarthen 17397 Owen Lloyd's Educational Foundation, Moelfre 17398 The Edward Morgan Fund, Barmouth 17802 The Edward Morgan Fund, Clwyd 17803 Edward Morgan Fund, Lwyngwrit 17804 Morgan Lloyd's Educational Foundation, Llanbrynmair 17805 New Fellowship Trust, Cambridge 17914 New Westminster Ecclesiastical Educational Fund, London 17938 The Owen Trust, Holyhead 18207 R.B.K. Schools Christian Worker Trust, Suibiton 18541 Rhyl Christ Church Schools Educational Foundation, Rhyl 18642 Saint Bride's Minor Fund, Cardiff 19219 Saint Christopher's College Education Trust, London 19223 Saint Luke's College Foundation, Colyton 19316 Saint Mary's College Trust, Bangor 19354 Saint Woolos Educational Foundation, Newport 19438 Strode and Jeffreys Educational Foundation, Wrexham 19843 Tabernacle Baptist Chapel Fund, Uanerchymedd 19895 Trust Property held in Connection with the Bethel Spiritualist Church Blaina, Blaina 20122 The Elizabeth Margaret Tuibervill Educational Foundation, Cardiff 20138 John Wynne's Foundation - The School Trust, Rhyl 20665 Wynne's Sunday School Fund, Bala 20666
Research, general Austria Afro-Asiatisches Institut in Wien, Wien 00003 Austria-African Medical and Research Foundation, Salzburg 00013 österreichischer Fond zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen, Wien 00109 Julius Raab-Stiftung zur Förderung von Forschung und Bildung, Wien 00120 Stiftung Theresianische Akademie, Wien 00164
Belgium Fondation Nationale pour le Financement de la Recherche Scientifique, Bruxelles 00327 Fondation pour Promouvoir la Recherche à l'Université de Liège, Liège 00349 Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Bruxelles 00377
Czech Republic Czechoslovak Charta 77 Foundation, Praha 00597
Finland Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation, Helsinki 00701
France Fondation de France, Paris 00884 Fonds Francophone de la Recherche, Paris 01078
Germany Emst Abbe-Stiftung, Jena 01306 AKB-Stiftung, Einbeck 01348 Friedrich von Albeiti-Stiftung der Hohenloher Muschelkalkwerke, Schwäbisch Hail 01356 AUFWIND, Augsburg 01486 Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung, Essen 01563 Günter und Bärbel Baumann-Stiftung, Essen 01572 Bayerische Forschungsstiftung, München 01587 Bayerische Sparkassenstiftung, München 01591 BayWa-Stiftung, München 01600 Albert Bemer-Stiftung, Künzelsau 01666 Beutel-Lau ner-Stiftung, Reutlingen 01691 Erich F. Bläse-Stiftung, Wiesbaden 01732 blue planet von b&ger-stiftung, Hamburg
Ilse und Oskar Bonde-Stiftung, Essen 01794 von Brauck-Stiftung, Hannover 01827 Bremer Landesbank Stiftung, Bremen 01853 Alois Bromkamp-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsmanagement, Essen 01883 Bürgerstiftung für Goslar und Umgebung, Goslar 01962 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Kassel 01963 Bürgerstiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 01964 Bürgerstiftung Leipzig, Leipzig 01968 Georg und Margot Ciever-Stiftung, Essen 02072 Daimler Chrysler-Fonds, Essen 02114 Deutsch-Israelische Stiftung für Wissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung, Oberschleißheim 02167 Deutsche Nationalstiftung, Hamburg 02200 Dieckell-Stiftung, Hamburg 02262 Eduard Dietenberger-Stiftung, Schwäbisch Gmünd 02272 Dimitrov-Preis-Stiftung, Berlin 02231 Hugo Dingler-Stiftung, Aschaffenburg 02283 Gerhard ten Doornkaat Koolman-Stiftung, Emden 02316 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., Bonn 02382 EDEKA Stiftung, Hamburg 02391 Ehlerding Stiftung, Hamburg 02404 Emder-Sparkassenstlftung, Emden 02444 Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Coesfeld 02477 FDBR Forschungsstiftung, Düsseldorf 02607 Dr. Feldbausch-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 02616 Ferien- und Studienstiftung der Bismarckschule Elmshorn, Elmshorn 02623 Hans Flbinger Stiftung, Leonberg 02637 Friedrich Flick-Förderungsstiftung, Dösseidort 02673 Förderfonds Stiftungswesen, Berlin 02685 Frankfurter institut - Stiftung Marktwirtschaft und Politik, Bad Homburg 02727 Friedrich-Wilhelm-Stiftung, Aachen 02779 Dr. Alex und Eva Friend Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02784 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Hof, Hof 02888
Alois Goldhofer-Stiftung, Memmingen 02989 Hamburgische Stiftung für Entwicklung, Kultur und Forschung Dr. Helmut und Hannelore Greve, Hamburg 03032 Dr. Carola und Dr. Edmund HaffmannsStiftung, Essen 03126 Otto Hahn-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03142 Adam Haker-Fonds, Essen 03154 Hamburg Rotary-Stiftung, Hamburg 03167 Hansische Universität-Stiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 03207 Hapag-Lloyd Stiftung, Hamburg 03209 Stiftung Michael Hauck, Essen 03235 Rudolf-Haver-Strftung, Essen 03261 Stiftung Dr. Heines, Bremen 03334 Heresbach-Stiftung, Kalkar 03389 Hertener Bürgerstiftung, Herten 03404 Stiftung Bundespräsident-Theodor-HeussHaus, Stuttgart 03441 Friedrich Hiebel-Stiftung, Filderstadt 03452 Horstmann-Stiftung, Schemfeld 03567 Schenkung Hubatsch, Bonn 03639 IKEA-Stiftung, Hofheim-Wallau 03671 Karin Islinger-Stiftung, Mannheim 03714 Jubiläums-Stiftung zum 400jährigen Bestehen der Universität Würzburg, Würzburg 03765 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse der Stadt Straelen, Straelen 03774 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse Warstein-Rüthen, Warstein 03778 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtspaitosse Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Ludwigshafen am Rhein 03781 Jung-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Hamburg 03829 Kester-Haeusler-Stiftung, Fürstenfeldbruck 03946 Verwallungsgesellschaft der AndreasTobias Kind-Stiftung, Bochum 03965 Peter Klöckner-Stiftung, Duisburg 04040 Konrad Knöpfel-Stiftung Fritz Winter, Stuttgart 04069 Köiber-Stiftung, Hamburg 04120 Konrad Krieger-Stiftung, Wesel 04224 Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und HalbachStiftung, Essen 04247 Herbert Kunze Stiftung, München 04369 Hans Kupcyk-Stiftung, Ulm 04371 Heinrich-Liebig-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04494 Manfred und Marianne Losing Stiftung, Essen 04543 Oskar Mahr-Stiftungsfonds, Essen 04619 Jakob-Wilhelm-Mengler-Stiftung, Darmstadt 04743 Hans L. Merkie-Stiftung, Essen 04748 Dr. Meyer-Struckmann-Stiftung, Essen 04780 Stiftungsfonds Mitsubishi Electric Europe, Ratingen 04808 Philip Morris-Stiftung, München 04851 Friedrich Oberthür-Stiftung, Lingen 05057 Dr. Walter und Angelika OschmannStiftung, Nürnberg 05102 Ilse Palm-Stiftung, Essen 05136 Hans Pape-Stiftung, Essen 05140 Peters-Beer-Stiftung, Essen 05181 Alfred-Prassek-Stiftung, Weitheim 05283 Herbert Quandt-Stiftung der ALTANA AG, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05342 Helmut-Raschinski-Stiftung der Dortmunder Volksbank eG, Dortmund 05364 Alexander Rave-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05372 Dr. Gallus Rehm-Stiftung, München 05395 Dr. Reissner-Stiftung, Essen 05421 Helga und Edzard Reuter-Stiftung, Essen 05432 Otto Ritter-Stiftung, Essen 05479 Eduard und Clara Rosenthal Stiftung, Jena 05530 Hans-Sauer-Stiftung, Deisenhofen 05750 Otto F. Scharr-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05778 Stiftungsfonds Schering AG, Essen 05801 Karl Schlecht Stiftung (KSG), Aichtal 05846 Stiftung Schmieder für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Allensbach 05902 Erika und Elmar Schoeneberg-Stiftung, Essen 05938 Schwenninger-Volksbank-Stiftung, VillingenSchwenningen 06051 Rolf und Lucia Serick-Stiftung, Heidelberg 06091 Siebenpfeiffer-Stiftung, Homburg 06107 Sparkassenstlftung Bad Langensalza, Mühlhausen 06206 Sparkassenstlftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Spartasse StraubingBogen, Straubing 06225 Sparkassenstlftung Uecker-Randow, Pase walk 06245 Speidel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 06262 von Stedman'sche Familienstiftung, Weilerswist 06349 Stemmler-Stiftung, Essen 06373 Stiftung Brandenburger Tor der Bankgesellschaft Berfin, Berlin 06493 Stiftung der Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen, Göttingen 06556
469 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Segeberg, Bad Segeberg 06590 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Verden, Verden 06593 Stiftung der Norddeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale und der Öffentlichen Versicherungen für Braunschweig, Braunschweig 06604 Stiftung der Spar- und Leihkasse der früheren Ämter Bordesholm, Kiel und Cronshagen für Kultur, Umwelt und Soziales, Bordesholm 06614 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bad Salzuflen, Bad Salzuflen 06617 Stiftung der Sparkasse Detmold, Detmold 06623 Stiftung der Sparkasse KierspeMeinerzhagen, Kierspe 06633 Stiftung der Sparkasse Menden, Menden 06644 Stiftung der Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Bad Berleburg 06656 Stiftung der Stadtspaikasse Osterode am Marz, Osterode am Harz 06675 Stiftung der Städtischen Sparkasse Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt 06679 Stiftung Deutsches Meeresmuseum, Stralsund 06733 . Stiftung Deutsches Übersee-Institut, Hamburg 06739 Stiftung ehemaliger Petriner, Recklinghausen 06754 Stiftung Europaverständigung e.V., Hamburg 06765 Stiftung Förderung von Forschung und Lehre im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerhochschulen, Mainz 06790 Stiftung für die Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Düsseldorf 06834 Stiftung Fundraising, Frankfurt am Main 06885 Stiftung Gutes mit Schönem verbinden, Stuttgart 06907 Stiftung Heidelberger Zement, Essen 06929 Stiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover 07174 Stiftung Presse-Haus NRZ, Essen 07211 Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation, Mainz 07237 Stiftung Stadt Wittlich, Wittlich 073/6 Stiftung Standort: hier der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Versmold 07325 Stiftung Universität und Gesellschaft, Konstanz 07360 Stiftung Westfalen-Initiative für Eigenverantwortung und Gemeinwohl, Münster 07399 Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank, Essen 07519 Stiftungsfonds IBM Deutschland, Essen 07521 Stiftungsfonds National-Bank AG, Essen 07522 Hans und Marlies Stock-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Kunst und Kultur, Essen 07545 Stoll-V ΓΤΑ- Stiftungr Waldshut-Tiengen 07556 Gustav-Stresemann-Stiftung, Bonn 07573 Teikyo Foundation (Germany), Berlin 07632 Alfred Teufel-Stiftung, Nagold 07641 Adolf Theis-Stiftung, Tübingen 07647 Therese von Bayern-Stiftung, München 07650 Richard Thiedemann-Blindenstiftung, Hamburg 07654 Toyota Deutschland Stiftung, Köln 07706 Paul Ungerer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 0776T Stiftungsfonds Unilever, Essen 07764 Eugenie von den VekJen-Stiftung, München 0780? Emst-Hellmut Vits-Stiftung, Essen 07898 Marianne-Vogel-Stiftung der Volksbank Hamm eG, Hamm 07910 Franz Vogt-Gemeinnützige Stiftung, Pohlheim 07976 Volksbank Hägen-Stiftung, Hagen 07917 Dr. Marie-Friedericke Wagner-Stiftung, Mainz 07956 Käthe und Wilhelm Wengler-Stiftung, Essen 06076 Fritz-Winter-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08153 Stiftung Winterling Maridleuthen, Essen 08157 Johann-Alexander Wisniewsky-Stiftung, Meppen 06166 Wüstenrot Stiftung, Ludwigsburg 08243 Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung BadenWürttemberg, Stuttgart 08274
Greece The J.F. Costopoulos Foundation, Athina 08312 Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas, HeraHion 08319 National HeHenic Research Foundation, Athina 08329
Subject Index: Scholarships Ireland
South Mayo Research Foundation, Ballinrobe 08394
Europäische Stiftung für interdisziplinäre Studien, Zürich 12545 Experiment für eine humane Erde, Weinfekten 12552 Fondation Institut International de Recherche en Paraplégie, Genève 12608 Fondation KW, Genève 12618 Fondation TELETHON Action Suisse, Aubonne 12681 Huber-Kudlich-Stiftung, Zurich 12846 Jubiläumsstiftung der Schweizerischen Mobiliar Versicherungsgesellschaft, Bern 12931 Progress-Foundation, Zürich 13131 Schweizerische Stiftung zur Förderung des biologischen Landbaus, Frick 13284 Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Bern 13292 Sophien-Stiftung, Schaffhausen 13330 Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica, Liestal 13402 Stiftung Forschung 3R, Münsingen 13467 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Frick 13468 Stiftung Schweizer Jugend forscht, Wlnterthur 13779 SWF Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung, Zürich 13931
Italy Fondazione Uberto Bonino e Maria Sofia Pulejo, Messina 08451 Fondazione Flaminia, Ravenna 08547 Fondazione Africana per la Medicina e la Ricerca, Roma 08555 Fondazione Centro Italiano Studi e Ricerche, Milano 08591 Fondazione Insieme, Barga 08648 Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente, Milano 08665 Fondazione Mediterranea, Ragusa 08671 Fondazione Ricerche e Studi Intemazionali, Firenze 08724
Portugal Fundaçâo da Juventude, Porto 09772 Fundaçâo de Estudo de Diagnóstico e Intervengo Social, Porto 09776 Fundaçâo Europeia de Solidariedade Social, Lisboa 09786 Fundaçâo Terras de Santa Maria da Feira, Santa Maria da Feira 09837 Fundaçâo Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa 09851 Fundaçâo Femando Pessoa, Porto
Russia Fond sodejstvija razvitiju nauônyh issledovanlj, Ufa 09974 Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moskva 10001
Spain Fundación José Celma Prieto, Madrid 10191 Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca, Barcelona 10414 Fundació Catalana per a l'Estudi de les Malalties de Fetge, Barcelona 10415 Fundació Centre de Recursos per a la Industria, Premiò de Mar 10426 Fundació Investigaci y Formació, Barcelona 10541 Fundació t'Espiga, Vilalranca del Penedès 10545 Fundació Pare Tauli, Sabadell 10566 Fundación AHOEMO, Madrid 10681 Fundación Anthropos, Barcelona 10703 Fundación Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles, Madrid 10761 Fundación Biociencia, Tarragona 10796 Fundación CEFI, Barcelona 10845 Fundación Centro Nacional del Vidrio, La Granja 10880 Fundación Ciencia y Cultura, Madrid 10893 Fundación Cultural Caja de Ahorros dei Mediterráneo, Alicante 10946 Fundación Escuela de Letras, Madrid 11060 Fundación Fiadelso, Sagunto 11116 Fundación Fomento en Asturias de la Investigación Científica Aplicada, Oviedo 11120 Fundación Fomento Investigación Científica Aplicada y Tecnológica, Oviedo 11121 Fundación Huerta en la Molina, Potes 11243 Fundación IEISA, Madrid 11249 Fundación Iniciativas 3, Tres CantosColemenar Viejo 11257 Fundación Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León, Burgos 11298 Fundación Investigación y Estudios Superiores Internacionales, Madrid 11309 Fundación Investigaciones y Ediciones, Madrid 11314 Fundación Porta Coeli, El Zarzoso 11522 Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Madrid, Madrid 11672 Fundación Universitaria de Las Palmas, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 11678 Fundación Doctor Gregorio Marañón, Madrid 11875 Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli, Sevilla 11907 Fundación Mixta Benefico Docente Antonio Menchaca de la Bodega, Bilbao 11910 Fundació cfEstudis Autonòmics Caries Pi i Sunyer, Barcelona 12009 Fundación Leonardo Torres Quevedo, Santander 12197 Fundación Valgrande, Madrid 12221 Fundación Benéfica del Valle, Madrid 12225 Fundación Conde del Valte de Salazar, Madrid 12226 Fundación Vaquero, Madrid 12231
Sweden International Foundation for Science, Stockholm 12298
United Kingdom The Education and Research Fellowship Fund, Cheadle 15743 Foundation for Women's Health, Research and Development, London 15998 Garfield Weston Trust for the New University of Ulster, Coleraine 16103 Jotunheimen Research Trust, Newport 17014 Kreitman Foundation, London 17141 Levertiulme Trust, London 17271 Uoyds TSB Foundation for the Channel Islands, London 17403 The Westminster Chamber of Commerce Trust for Education and Research, London 20414 Yapp Education and Research Trust, London 20672
Rheumatology Belgium Fonds Belge du Rhumatisme, Bruxelles
Germany Deutsche Stiftung Rheuma-Liga Hessen, Frankfurt am Main 02222 Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin, Berlin 02241 Hans Hench-Stiftung für Rheumatologie, Bad Säckingen 03361 Dr. Liesel Keinath-Stiftung zur Erforschung rheumatischer Erkrankungen, Essen 03916 Erwin-Röver-Stiftung, Hannover 05507 Stiftung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie, Erlangen 06545
Italy Fondazione Senatore Mario Abbiate per II Reparto di Reumatologia dell'Ospedale di Vercelli, Vercelli
Romance studies Germany Institut Français de Hambourg, Hamburg 03682 Institut Français de Stuttgart, Stuttgart 03683 Ludger-Schiffler-Stittung, Berlin 05819 Anna Seghers-Stiftung, Berlin 06067 Stiftung Centre Culturel Français de Kiel, Kiel 065/8
Ireland UCD Foundation for Italian Studies, Dublin 08396
Portugal Fundaçâo Cultural dos EmigrantesPeregrinaçâo, Lisboa 09768
Spain Fundació pel Fomet de la Uengua Catalana, Barcelona 10573
United Kingdom Henry Samman's Hull Chamber of Commerce Endowment, Hull 19452
Scholarships Austria Allgemeine Hochschulstipendienststiftung für Wiener Hochschulen, Wien 00006 Allgemeine Stipendienstiftung Niederösterreich, Wien 00007 Allgemeine Wiener Mittelschulstipendien· Stiftung, Wien 00008 Prof. Anton Bauer Stipendien Stiftung, Wien 00016 Hofrat Prof. Dr. Emst FuchsStipendienstiftung für junge Ophthalmologen der Wiener Schule, Wien 00049 Heinrich Graf Hardegg'sche Stipendienstiftung für Doktoren, Wien 00058 Hochschulstipendien-Stiftung für Hörer der Medizin an der Wiener Universität, Wien 00062 Hochschulstipendienstiftung für Hörer der Rechte an der Wiener Universität, Wien 00063 Dr. Robert Kunitzer-Stipendienstlftung für Hörer der Medizin an der Universität in Wien, Wien 00084 Dr. Sigmund Lustgarten-Stipendienstiftung für Hörer der Medizin an der Universität Wien, Wien 00092 Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof-Stiftung, Wien 00099 Heinrich Nowak'sche Reisestipendienstiftung für Studierende der Meisterschule für Architektur an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in _ Wien, Wien 00103 Österreichische Studentenförderungsstiftung, Wien 00107 Prinz Eugen Studienstiftung der Stadt Wien, Wien 00116 Elena Rombro StepanowStipendienststiftung, Wien 00123 Stipendienstiftung Albert Schweitzer, Wien 00138 Wmdhag-Stipendienstiftung für Niederösterreich, Wien 00186
Fondation Francqui, Bruxelles
Nationaal Reumafonds, Den Haag
Norway Scandtavian Rheumatology Research Foundation, Oslo 09650
Sweden Anna-Greta och Holger Craloords Fond, Stockholm 12288
Switzerland Stiftung Pfizer Forschungs-Preis, Zürich 13114
United Kingdom Arthritis Research Campaign, Chesterfield 14269 Comwal Arthritis Trust, Truro 15367 Haywood Rheumatism Research and Development Foundation, Stoke-on-Trent 16462 Southampton Rheumatology Trust, Southampton 19718 The J.G. Taylor Charitable Trust, Norwich 19927 Dr. Edward Vergette Memorial Fund, York 20226
Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius International Foundation, Sofia 00585
Croatia Open Society Institute-Croatia, Zagreb 00590
Czech Republic Vzdèlàvacf Nadace Jana H usa, Brno 00604
Finland Oulu University Scholarship Foundation, Ouiu 00704
France Fondation Georges Besse, Vélizy 00747 Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet de la Vocation, Paris 00752 Ecoles Sans Frontières, La Seyne-surMer 00835 Fondation IH & RA pour l'Avenir, Paris 00971
Germany Claudio-Abbado-Musikstiftung, Berlin 01304
Pfarrer Dr. Friedrich Achleitner-Stiftung, München 01314 Adelmannsfelder-Frühmeß-StipendienStiftung, Ellwangen 01326 Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., Berlin 01330 Lutz-Ε. Adolf Stiftung für Hochbegabte. Halle/Westfalen 01334 Akademie Schloß Solitude, Stuttgart 01346 Akademische Auslandstelle an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 01347 Allgemeine Treuhand in HamburgStiftung, Wohltorf 01374 Allgemeiner Schul- und Studienfonds Aschaffenburg, Aschaffenburg 01379 Allgemeiner Stiftungsfonds, Bonn 01380 Otmar Alt-Stiftung, Hamm 01388 Wilhelm Amoul-Stiftung, MörfeldenWalldorf 01463 Luise Arntz-Stiftung, Essen 01465 Aitan-Stiftung, München 01467 Gertrud Assmann Stiftung, Offenbach 01476 Freiherr von Aufsees'sche Seminarstiftung, Bamberg 01464 Ausbildungsstiftung der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 01498 Autorenstiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01500 Bagemihl-Stiftung, Prenzlau 01524 Dr. Balster'sche Stipendienstiftung, Neustadt an der Donau 01533 Barkenhoff-Stiftung, Osterholz-Scharmbeck 01543 Stiftung Lulu und Robert Bartholomay, Hamburg 01550 Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung, Essen 01563 Josef Baumann GmbH Studienstiftung, Fürstenstein 01570 Bay-Stiftung für Ausbildungsförderung, Waiblingen 01583 Bayerische Apothekerstiftung, München 01586 BDA-Stiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 01603 Gerlinde-Beck-Stiftung. Grafenau 01606 Cordula Beck'sche-Stiftung, Arnstein 01613 Kari Heinz Beckurts-Stiftung, Essen 01615 Bürgermeister Dr. Adolf und Dorothea Behrens Stiftung, Ludwigshafen 01622 Dr. Carl Behrmann-Gedächtnisstiftung, Elsfleth 01625 Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, rechtsfähige Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01628 Otto Benecke-Stiftung e.V., Bonn 01635 Otto Bennemann-Stittung Braunschweig, Braunschweig 01637 Thomas Berberich-Stifturg, Bonn 01641 Gustav Berger-Stiftung, Hellbronn 01650 Bergersche Studienstiftung, Witten 01651 Gerda Bergmann-Stiftung, Wuppertal 01658 Berufsförderungswerk des Baugewerbes im Lande Bremen, Bremen 01675 Dr. Alexander und Rita Besser-Stiftung, Essen 01681 Paul Beuteführ und Hanna JudickStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01690 Hans Beutz-Stiftung für Verdienste um Erziehung und Bildung im Ems-JadeGebiet, Emden 01693 Gertrud-Bienko-Stiftung, Koblenz 01704 Louise Blackbome-Stiftung, München 01731 Jürgen und Monika Blankenburg-Stiftung, Essen 01734 Dr. Bleckmann-Stiftung zur Förderung Studierender des Bauingenieurwesens an der Fachhochschule Lübeck. Lübeck 01736 Walter Blohm-Stiftung, Hamburg 01746 Friedrich Bluhme und Else JebsenStiftung, Hannover 01748 Sophia von Bocholfsche Studentenstiftung, Rees 01752 Bodelschwingh-Studienstiftung, Marburg 01763 Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 01768 Ge rtrud- und-Alexande r-ßöhl ig-Stiftung, Essen 01771 Karl-Böhm-Stiftung zur Ausbildung und Förderung musikalisch hochbegabter Kinder und Jugendlicher, München 01773 Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, Stuttgart 01775 Dr. Carl Böse-Stiftung, Lübeck 01782 Böttcher-Stiftung, Hamburg 01784 Albeit und Reinhold Böhl-Stiftung, NeuUlm 01787 Simon Bolivar-Stiftung, Hamburg 01790 Wemher von Braun-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01831 Braunschweigischer Vereinigter Klosterund Studienfonds, Braunschweig 01839 Breithauptsche Familien-StipendienStiftung, Ahrensburg 01849 Dr. Friedrich und Auguste von Brettreich'sche Stipendienstiftung, Regensburg 01864
Subject Index: Scholarships John Brinley-Stiftjng der Deutschen Gesellschaft (Or Humanistische Psychologie e.V., Eschweiler 01873 British Chamber of Commerce in Germany Stiftung, Köln 01874 Alois Bramkamp-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsmanagement. Essen Öt903 Bruchsaler Musikschul-Stiftung, Bruchsal 01885 Constantin Brunner-Stiftung, Göttingen 01904 Dr. Hans Bruns-Stiftung, Mainz 01906 Bürgerst'rftung Ludwigshalen am Rhein, Ludwigshafen 01970 Christian Bürkert-Stiftung, I ri gelfingen 01979 Geschwister Büschbell-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 01981 Gustav und Hans Bütrowe-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 01983 Bugenhagen-Stiftung, Hannover 01985 Walther und Käthe Busche-Stiftung, Hamburg 02005 Karl und Veronica Carstens-Stiftung, Essen 02032 Daniel Chodowiecki-Stiftung, Berlin 02046 Dr. Lini Chroust-Stiftung, Münsterschwarzach 02055 CITIBANK Stiftung, Düsseldorf 02056 Max Clamer'sche Stipendienstiftung, Wunsiedel 02059 Hermann-Claudius-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02061 Matthias-CJaudi us-Stiftung, Hamburg 02062 Claussen-Simon-Stiftung, Essen 02065 Commende Münich, Rietberg 02085 Max Cramer-Stittung, Chemnitz 02098 Cranach-Stlftung, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 02099 Peter Curtius-Stiftung für das Universitätsseminar der Wirtschaft Köln, Essen 02102 Cusanuswerk - Bischöfliche Studienförderung, Bonn 02103 DAAD-Stiftung, Bonn 02107 Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz-Stiftung, Ladenburg 02116 Daisenberger'sche Stipendienstiftung, Oberammergau 02117 Pfarrer Dangel'sche Stiftung, Hamburg 02124 Käthe Dannenmann-Stiftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung von sozial benachteiligten Kindern und Jugendlichen e.V., Vallendar 02127 Danner-Stiftung, München 02128 Georg Dax-Stiftung, Rosenheim 02135 Friedrich Deckel-Gedächtrisstiftung, München 02138 Friedrich Deich-Stiftung für die Förderung des Wissenschaftsjoumalismus, Essen 02144 DELTA-Stiftung, Mannheim 02150 Dr. Democh-Maurmeier-Stipendienstiftung, München 02153 Dr. DettiIng-Stiftung in Cadolzburg, Cadolzburg 02161 Deutsche Hautkrebs-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02185 Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung der Deutschen Leukämieforschungshilfe, Bonn 02191 Deutsche Stiftung United World Colleges, Wiesbaden 02225 Dieckell-Stiftung, Hamburg 02262 Hermann Dietrich-Stipendienstiftung, Freiburg Im Breisgau 02275 Gert-Volker-Dill-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02279 Dimitrov-Preis-Stiftung, Berlin 02281 Hugo Dingler-Stiftung, Aschaffenburg 02283 Gräflich von Dömberg'sche WaisenfondsStiftung Regensburg, Regensburg 02298 Henry Doerr-Stifturig, Hellbronn 02300 Gotthold Donndorf-Stiftung, Hamburg 02311 Stiftung Conrad Hinrich Donner-Legat, Hamburg 02313 Dreyer 4 Hillmann-Stiftung, Wiesbaden 02348 Hans Dürrmeier-Stipendium, München 02357 Dr. Carl Duisberg-Stiftung für das Auslandsstudium deutscher Studenten, Leverkusen 02361 Dr. Carl Duisberg-Stiftung zur Förderung von Studierenden der Hochschulen und Fach-Hochschulen, Leverkusen 02362 Dr. Carl Dulsberg-Stiftung zur Fortbildung von deutschen Studierenden der Medizin, Leverkusen 02363 Rudolf Eberfe-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02377 Fredrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., Bonn 02382 Herbert und Hedwig Eckelmann-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02384 Wemer-Ehrich-Stiftung, Nienburg 02410 Eichelmann-Lips'sche Stipendien- und Wohttätigkeitsstiftung, Ansbach 02415 Vater und Sohn Eiselen-Stiftung, Ulm 02424 Eisentraut'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Schwabacfi 02425 A η ni-E isle r- Lehma η η-Stiftu ng, Mainz 02426
470 Ekkehard-Stiftung der akademischen Ferienvereinigung Algovia Kempten (Allgäu), Kempten 02430 Horst und Käthe EJiseit-SÜftung, Essen 02438 Walter Ell-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 02441 Bernhard Endres'sche Stiftung, Ansbach 02450 Peter und Traudì Engelhom-Stiftung zur Förderung der Biotechnologie und Gentechnik, Stuttgart 02459 Wilhelm Enßle-Stiftung, Remshalden 02462 Marion Ermer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02473 Emst-Stiftung, Coburg 02474 Esche Schümann Commichau Stiftung, Hamburg 02484 Wilhelm und Günther Esser-Stiftung, Bochum 02489 Hasso und Katharina von EtzdorfStiftung, Mettmann 02491 Europäische Studienstiftung zur Förderung hochbegabter Schüler und Studenten, München 02500 Evangelische Seminarstiftung, Stuttgart 02534 Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Villigst, Schwerte 02577 Max-Eyth-Stiftung, Darmstadt 02587 Gerhard Faber'sche Studienstiftung, Waxweiler 02589 Familienstiftung Johannislehn, Uelzen 02596 Fenzel'sche Stipendienstiftung, Nürnberg 02620 Ferien- und Studienstiftung der Bismarckschule Elmshorn, Elmshorn 02623 Dr. Günther Findel-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Wolfenbüttel 02643 Friedrich Fimhaber'sche Stiftung In Augsburg, Augsburg 02648 Karl Fischer-Stiftung, Berlin 02651 Marianne und Dr. Fritz Walter FischerStiftung, Essen 02653 Dr. Artur-Fischer-Stfftung, Stuttgart 02656 Brunhilde Fleischmann-Stipendien-Stiftung, Wüizburg 02670 Flughafen Frankfurt/Main Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02681 Förderfonds der Sparkasse Tegernsee, Tegernsee 02684 Henry Ford Il-Studienpreis, Essen 02700 Albeit Ludwig Fraas-Strftung, Hannover 02717 Franz-Marie-Christinen-Stiftung, Regensburg 02735 Franziskus-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 02739 J. und E. Frauendorfer-Förderstiftung, Hamburg 02741 Dr. Frerichs-Stiftung in Norden, Norden 02756 Dr. Walter Freundlich und Luise Freundlich-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02763 DEVROTEEPAK Stiftung Günter Fries, Hamburg 02785 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Dr. Johannes Mylius-Stiftung, Augsburg 02808 Peter Fuld-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02819 Dr. Geiger1 sehe Stipendienstiftung, Rosenheim 02864 Rudolf Geißendörfer-Stiftung, Essen 02865 Geißler-Stiftung, Aschaffenburg 02866 Geistliches Stipendium Hedemünden, Hann. Münden 02869 Kari Gerold-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02929 Thomas Gessmann-Stiftung, Essen 02936 St. Willibald Geucke's Stipendienfonds, Solingen 02940 GEW Stiftung Köln, Köln 02941 Adolf-Geyer-Stiftung, Ludwigshafen 02944 Erika Giehrl-Stiftung, Erlangen 02946 Anna von Gierke Stiftung, Hamburg 02948 Dr. Elisabeth Gilbert-Lichtwer-Stiftung, Deggendorf 02953 Paul und Yvonne Gillet-Stiftung, Edesheim 02955 Johannes Göderitz-Stiftung, Braunschweig 02975 Prof. Dr. Berg-Ing. H. Goergen und Frau Elisabeth-Stiftung, Essen 02980 Oberbürgermeister Dieter Görlitz Stiftung, Deggendorf 02982 Antonia und Hermann Götz-Stiftung, Marictoberdorf 02985 K.O. Götz und Rissa-Stiftung, Niederbreitbach-Wolfenacker 02986 Urban, Brigitte und Johannes GöllStiftung, Bad Dürrheim 02991 Stiftung Frank Goftermann, Reutlingen 02994 Georg Gottlob-Stiftung MS-Hilfe, Essen 03005 Alfred Gottschalk-Stiftung, Tübingen 03007 Freiher von Gremp'sche Stiftung, Tübingen 03031 Großer Gotteskasten (Quedlinburg), Quedlinburg 03048 Max Grünebaum-Stiftung, Cottbus 03053
Kart Gùckinger-Stiftung, Mainz 03076 Gerhard Günnewig-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03078 Gymnasialstipendienstiftung, Regensburg 03092 GZB-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03095 Anemarie und Günther Haackerl-Stiftung zur Förderung der Pränatalen Medizin, München 03096 Wilhelm Haas-Stiftung, Neu-Isenburg 03101 Dr. Andreas Habbena Fonds, Berlin 03103 Hackfekj'scher Marienschulfonds, Ganderkesee 03107 Heinrich Hagemeier-Fonds für Wissenschaftsförderung, Essen 03128 Philipp-Mattháus-Hahn-Stiftung, Balingen 03139 HALA-Stiftung, Bremen 03156 Lambert von Haldem'sche Studienstiftung, Rees 03158 Hamburg Rotary-Stiftung, Hamburg 03167 Hamburger Stiftung für politisch Verfolgte, Hamburg 03175 Kurt Hansen-Stiftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung naturwissenschaftlicher Lehrkräfte, Leverkusen 03206 HAP-Grieshaber-Stiftung, Reutlingen 03208 Hapag-Uoyd Stiftung, Hamburg 03209 Heinrich Hartmann-Makula-Stiftung, Tübingen 03217 Hartmannbund-Stiftung Ärzte helfen Ärzten, Bonn 03220 Rudolf Härtung-Stiftung, Salzhemmendorf 03224 Hartzing-Clausthal-Stiftung, Moers 03226 Philipp Haupt-Dr. Gisela Spennemanrv Haupt-Stiftung, Mainz 03243 Dr. Hauschka-Stiftung, Eckwarden 03253 Dr. Henrich-Stiftung, Dresden 03273 Dr. Heel'sche Studiertstiftung, Freising 03276 Hegemann-Stiftung, Berlin 03282 Jutta Heidemann-Stiftung, Erfurt 03287 Heilsbronner Stipendienfonds Ansbach, Ansbach 03321 Heilsbronner Stipendienfonds Bayreuth, Bayreuth 03322 Emst-Georg Heinemann-Stiftung, Bremen 03332 Franz Heinrich-Studien-Stiftung, Selb 03337 Held + Francke Fonds, München 03347 Helmholtz-Fonds e.V., München 03357 Konrad Henkel-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03363 Eheleute Adolf Hensemann sen. und Gertrud geb. Nolden-Stiftung, Neuss 03374 Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, Hanau 03379 Rudolf Hermanns-Stiftung, Geisenheim 03393 Heinrich Hertz-Erinnerungs-Stiftung, Hamburg 03408 Heinrich Hertz-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03409 Christiane Herzog Stiftung, Stuttgart 03415 Herzoglich Georgianische Priesterhausstiftung, München 03417 Dr. Walter Heß-Stiftung, Erlangen 03419 Dr. Ferdinand Hesse Stipendien-Stiftung, Hamburg 03426 Hessische Lutherstiftung, Darmstadt 03433 Hessische Stipendiatenanstalt, Marburg 03436 Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung zur Förderung der politischen Bildung und Kultur in Deutschland und Europa e.V., Stuttgart 03443 Ewald Hibbeln-Stiftung, Mainz 03451 Stiftung Johannes und Ella Hinsch zur Förderung des technischen Nachwuchses und der wissenschaftlichen Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Hydraulik, Hamburg 03469 Hirschmann-Stiftung, Esslingen 03470 Hochbegabten-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 03467 Hochschulgesellschaft forum sociale Mainz e.V., Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 03490 Hoechst-Stiftung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, Mainz 03494 Elly Hötteihoff-Böcking-Stiftung, Bonn 03500 Heinrich und Emma von Hoesslin'sche Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 03509 Alfred Hoffmann-Stiftung, Wuppertal 03517 Wolfgang Hofmann-Stiftung, Mannheim 0352) Walter Hofmiller-Stiftung, München 03525 Hottfort-Stiftung, Hannover 03538 Franziska Holzer-Stiftung, Landshut 03540 Dr.-Ing. E.ti. Fritz Honsel-Stiftung, Meschede 03546 Ewald Horbach-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03555
Otto-und-Emma-Hom-Stiftung, Meißen 03557 Hortich-Stiftung, Magdeburg 03568 Gemot Huber-Stiftung, Seevetal 03640 Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Bonn 03654 IKEA-Stiftung, Hofheim-Wallau 03671 IWKA-Stiftung, Kartsruhe 03720 Joseph Jausei-Stiftung, Berlin 03740 Guido und Olga Jochner'sche Stiftung Privattdinik Josephinum, München 03745 Jubiläums-Stipendienstiftung der Staatsbauschule Coburg, Coburg 03766 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Emmerich 03780 Jubiläumsstipendienstiftung zur Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Mflnchen 03799 Rudolf Kaiser-Stiftung, Essen 03845 Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung fur das ärztliche Fortbildungswesen, Berlin 03649 Dr. Anton Kalojanoff-Stiftung, München 03858 Kanzelmülier-Se m inar- Fonds-Stiftung, Burghausen 03865 Marta und Erik Karberg-Stiftung, Hamburg 03870 Karma-Kagyu-Stiftung, Wehen 03879 Wilhelm Karman n-Stiftung, Osnabrück 03660 H. und H. Kaschade-Stiftung, Stendal 03883 Katholische Studienhausstiftung Sankt Albertus Magnus München, München 03891 Katholischer Studienfonds Augsburg, Augsburg 03696 Heinrich Kaufmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 03902 Stiftung Hüttenwerke Kayser, Lünen 0139)7 Friedrich Kelch-Stiftung, Schorndorf 03919 Keller-Budenberg-Stiftung, Berlin 03920 Jörg Keller-Stiftung, Essen 03922 Kellerhals-Stiftung zur Förderung der Aus- und Weiterbildung im Einzelhandel, Frankfurt am Main 03927 Dr. Wilhelm-Kempe-Stiftung des ORKBlutspendedienstes NSOB in Springe, Springe 03933 Heinz P. Kemper-Stiftung, ClausthalZellerfeld 03934 William G. Kerckhoff-Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Fortbildung, Bad Nauheim 03939 Bischof-Ketteler-Studienstiftung, Mainz 03948 Gerhard und Lore Kienbaum-Stiftung, Essen 03962 Kind-Philipp-Stiftung für Leukämieforschung, Essen 03964 Verwaltungsgesellschaft der AndreasTobias Kind-Stiftung, Bochum 03965 Otto Kinne-Foundation, Oldendorf 03986 Horst Kliemann-Stiftung für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Frankfurt am Main 04034 Fritz-Kling-Stiftung, Bremerhaven 04035 Peter Klöckner-Stiftung, Duisburg 04040 Kroll AG-Stiftung, Ludwigshafen 04070 Hans Knudsen-Stiftung, Berlin 04074 Klaus Koch-Stiftung, Berlin 04079 Emst-Hermann Kölln-Stiftung, Elmshorn 04098 Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds, Köln 04099 Koenig & Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung des kulturellen Lebens in Würzburg, Würzburg 04102 König Eduard VII. Britisch-Deutsche Stiftung, Essen 04104 Renate König-Stiftung, Krefeld 04108 Prof. Dr. Koepchen-Studienstiftung, Essen 04117 Marion-Köser-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04)23 Oberregierungsrat Dr. Hermann Köstlbacher-Stipendienfonds, München 04126 Betty Kohout-Fonds, München 04134 Dr. Kolb'sche Familienstipendien-Stiftung, Straubing 04139 Adolph Kolping-Stiftung, Kerpen 04146 Johann Konen-Stipendien-Stiftung, München 04151 Konsolidierte Stipendienstiftung, Zusmarshausen 04154 Konvikt-Stiftung an der Universität Erlangen, Erlangen 04156 Ludwig und Martha Komegger-Stiftung, Prien am Chiemsee 04166 Walter und Irmgard Kramer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04183 Kremerata Baltica Stiftung, Quickbom 04216 Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach· Stiftung, Essen 04247 KSB-Stiftung, Frankenthal 04250 Küchmeister· und Lietzo'sches Familienstipendium in Zerüst, Berlin 04255 Markgräflich Kulmbach-Bayreuth'sche Stiftung, Weferlingen 04278 Kulturstiftung der ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Friedrichshafen 043)7
Kulturstiftung Offenburg, Offenburg 04337 Dr. Ing. Eduard Kurz-Stiftung, Nürnberg 04378 Gertrud Kusen-Stiftung, Bendestorf 04380 Otto Lacmann-Stiftung, Berlin 04388 Landeskreditbank-Musikstiftung, Stuttgart 04395 Landpflegestiftung, Ansbach 04400 Heinz und Sibylle Laufer-Stiftung, München 04425 Theodor Laymann-Stiftung, Bonn 04435 Leibniz-Kolleg, Tübingen 04454 Hermann Lenz-Stiftung, München 04468 Theodor Lessing-Stiftung, Hannover 04479 G.A.-Lienert-Stiftung zur Nachwuchsförderung in Biopsychologischer Methodik, Gießen 04496 von der Lielh'sche Stiftung, Verden 04498 Dr.-Ing. Otto und Karta Likar-Stiftung, München 04501 Lindauer Stipendienstiftung für begabte landwirtschaftliche Schüler aus Stadtund Landkreis Lindau, Lindau 04508 Lindauer Stipendienstiftung für begabte Studierende der Stadt Lindau, Lindau 04509 Freiherrtich von Loeffelholz-Held'sche Unterrichts- und Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Nürnberg 04538 Dr. Jakob Löhr'sche Stipendiumstiftung, Ebern 04542 Manfred und Marianne Losing Stiftung, Essen 04543 Löwen-Club Stiftung, Bingen 04546 Arthur Loose-Stiftung, Hagen 04558 Loschge-Studienstiftung, München 04562 Louisenlunder Stipendienstiftung, Güby 04565 Hans und Mathilde Loy-Stiftung, München 04567 Prof.-Ludolphy-Stiftung, Dresden 04572 Lueb-Mooshövel'sche Studienstiftung, Rees 04577 Dr. Erich Lübbert-Stiftung zur Förderung technischer Wissenschaften, Essen 04579 Dr. Heinz und Anita Lütke-Stiftung, Bonn 04564 Hans Lungwitz-Stiftung, Buxtehude 04590 Lyzeumstiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 04599 Hermann Maas-Stiftung Heidelberg, Mannheim 04600 McCIoy-Stipendienstrftung, Essen 04602 Dr. Dr. Gerda von MachGedächtnisstiftung, Beriin 04604 Anna Maguli-Stiftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 04616 Johann-Bernhard Mann-Stiftung, Bonn 04631 E u gen-MartirvStiftu η g, Freiburg im Breisgau 04673 Martnot'sche Stipendien-Stiftung, Hamburg 04678 Mathews-Stiftung, Essen 04666 Philipp Matthäus-Hahn-Stiftung, Balingen 04691 Georg Mayer-Franken-Lebert-StipendienStiftung, Forchheim 04700 Hans-Meid-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04714 H.H. Meier-Stiftung für Stipendienzwecke, Bremen 04718 Vikarie Meiners, Coesfeld 04723 Wilhelm Merton-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04752 Vereinigter Stipendienfonds und Dr. Messerschmidt-Stipendium der Stadt Augsburg, Augsburg 04757 Dr. Helmut und Margarete MeyerSchwerting Stiftung, Bremen 04770 Elise Meyer Stiftung, Hamburg 04774 Otto-Michel-Stiftung, Tübingen 04789 Oskar von Miller-Stiftung, München 04801 Stiftungsfonds Mitsubishi Electric Europe, Ratingen 04808 Marie Moelhofl-Barclay-Stiftung, Vienenburg 04814 Leonhard Moll-Stiftung, München 04835 Mozart-Stiftung von 1938 zu Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 04858 Hellmuth Müller-Ciemm-Stiftung, Darmstadt 04867 Manfred und Ursula Müller-Stiftung, Essen 04881 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich Müller-Stiftung, Essen 04882 C.H.F. Müller-Stiftung, Hamburg 04666 Carl Müller-Studienstiftung, Osnabrück 04898 Mueller-Weftzel'Weisner-Stiftung, Berlin 04900 Musikstiftung Marktredwitz, München 04932 Nassauischer Zentratstudienfonds, Darmstadt 04943 Josefine und Professor Jan NatermannStiftung, Essen 04944 Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, Königswinter 04963
471 Heinz Naumann-Stiftung, München 04964 Prof. Georg Nemetschek-Stiftung, München 04972 Ulrich Neumann-Stiftung, Essen 04986 Heinz Neumüller-Stiftung, Oldenburg 04992 Prof. NeumOl 1er-Slipendium-Stiftung, Regensburg 04993 Neumüller-Stipendium-Stiftung, Weilheim 04994 Nicolaus-Fonds, München 04997 Wilhelm Nosakowitz-Stiftung, München 05036 Osswald Nussbaum-Stiftung, Tübingen 05042 Oflermann-Hergarten-Stiftung, Niederkassel 05074 OMNIA-Stiftung, Essen 05085 Cart Orff-Stiftung, München 05094 Philipp Otfsche Stipendienstiftung, Bayreuth 05125 Martha Paiitzsch Stiftung, Köln 05134 Cyril und Jutta A. Palmer Stiftung, Hamburg 05137 Parcham'sche Stiftung zu Lübeck, Lübeck 05144 Passauer Universitätsstiftung, Passau 05152 Rektor Dr. Pell'sche Studienseminarstiftung, Passau 05170 Pestalozzi-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05177 Lucia Pfohe-Stiftung, Lüneburg 05213 Karola PlaßmanrvBahI-Stiftung, Tübingen 05244 Gertrud Pons-Stiftung, Bad NeuenahrAhrweiler 05260 Post-Stipendien, Bremen 05276 Alfred und Cläre Pott-Stiftung, Essen 05280 Pressestiftung RWV, gemeinnützige GmbH, Essen 05290 Preussag-Stiftung, Hannover 05294 Or. Max E. Pribilla-Strftung, Frankfurt am Main 05298 Nachlaß Eugenie Przemysier-Przemyslav, München 05331 Mathias Pschorr-Hackerbräu Stiftung, München 05332 Herbert Quandt-Stiftung der VARTA AG, Hannover 05343 Quistorp-Stiftung, Essen 05346 Radbruchsche Stiftung von 1970, eine Stiftung der Firma Raspe A Paschen Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg 05350 Herbert Rätsch-Stiftung, Meerbusch 05352 Horst-Rahe-Stiftung, Rostock 05354 Helmut-Raschinski-Stiflung der Dortmunder Volksbank eG, Dortmund 05364 Freiherr Ferdinand von Rasfsche Stiftung, Coburg 05365 Dr. Willy Rebelein-Stiftung, Nürnberg 05374 Dr. Gallus Rehm-Stiftung, München 05395 Herbert-Rehn-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05396 Dr. Heinrich und Christine Renki-Stiftung, Maiktheidenfeld 05426 Rheinstahl-Stiftung, Essen 05440 Dr. Leo Richer-Stiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg im Breisgau 05446 Walburga Riedl-Stiftung, München 05455 Friedrich Rinne-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05472 Frau-Kind-Gesundheit Stiftung Dr. Rockstroh, München 05437 Gottfried Roder-Stiftung, Lübeck 05439 Gerhard Rösch-Stiftung, Tübingen 05503 Katholische Studienstiftung Roncalli-Kolleg für Studierende der Fachhochschulen, München 05519 Kurt und Hildegard Rosenbaum Fonds, Wohltorf 05524 Helene Rosenberg-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05525 Klaus-Rosenberg-Stiftung, Hamburg 05526 Anna Roßberger'sche Stiftung zur Förderung des Volksschullehremachwuchses, Augsburg 05535 Rostropovich Cello Foundation, Kronberg 05538 Herbert A. Rothmayer-Stiftung, Stephanskirchen 05547 Freiherr Cari von Rothschild'sche Stiftung Carolinum, Frankfurt am Main 06549 Dr. Ruder'sche Stipendienstiftung Oberbibrach, Vorbach 05555 Hans Rudolf-Stiftung, Miesbach 05556 Carl und Olga Rudolph-Stiftung, Hamburg 05556 Hugo Rupf-Stiftung, Heidenheim 05567 Anna Ruths-Stiftung, Darmstadt 05578 Stiftung Private Wirtschaftsseiten Säbel, München 05587 Saher'sche Stiftung für Bedürftige, Kulmbach 05599 Sammelstiftung an der Hauptkirche Sankt Katharinen, Hamburg 05606 Sammelstiftung der Hochschule für bildende Künste, Hamburg 05607 Sammelstiftung I der Akademie der Künste, Berlin 05613
Subject index: Scholarships Konsul Karl und Dr. Gabriele Sandmann-Stiftung, Berlin 05620 Sankt Joseph-Seminarfonds in Augsburg, Augsburg 05684 Hjalmar Schacht-Stiftung, Hamburg 05755 Dr. Axel Schäfer-Stiftung, Sindelfingen 05766 Max und Martha Schee rer-Stiftung, Göppingen 05789 Stiftungsfonds Schering AG, Essen 05801 Dr. Adolf Scheufeten-Stiftung, Lenningen 05803 Dr. Georg-Scheuing-Stiftung, Mainz 05804 Gustav Schickedanz-Stiftung, Nürnberg 05809 Max Schienagel-Stìftung, Erlangen 05813 Hans Schimank-Gedáchtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 05830 Ferdinand und Charlotte Schimmelpfennig-Stiftung, Berlin 05Ä31 Eva Schleip-Stiftung, Erlangen 05850 E. und Ch. Schlötke-Stiftung, Berlin 05862 Degussa-Hermann Schlosser-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05365 Vermächtnis Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schmidt, Hamburg 05881 Adolph und Margarete SchmidtGedächtnisstiftung, Essen 05884 Prof. Götz Schmidt Stiftung, Wettenberg 05898 Dr. Hermann und Otto Schmitz-Stiftung, Essen 05912 Hermann und Else Schnabel Stiftung, Hamburg 05916 Rosa Schneider-Stiftung, München 05924 Oberamtmann Hans Schneider von Zaleski'sche Stiftung, Straubing 05927 Schönen'sche Lehens-Stiftung zu Pattensen, Pattensen 05940 Vereinigte Stiftung der Familien Schräder, von Kalm und von Vechelde, Wuppertal 05956 Schreiber'sche Stiftung in Grafenrheinfeld, Grafenrheinfeld 05960 Professor Dr. Friedrich Schubel-Stiftung, Mainz 05974 Friedrich-Schubel-Stiftung,Tübingen 05975 Bruno H. Schubert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05978 Schüler- und Stipendienstiftung, Stuttgart 05984 Schülerdank, Goslar 05965 Eberhard Schürmann-Stiftung, ClausthalZellerfeld 05988 Hermann Schultze-Stiftung, Hamburg 06009 Stiftung der Familie Eduard Schwarze, Haan 06043 Heinz Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa, Berlin 06044 Hanns Seidel-Stiftung e.V., München 06071 Ottilie Selbach-Redslob-Stiftung, Berlin 06077 Seldfsche Stipendien-Stiftung, Magdeburg 06079 Internationale Senefelder-Stiftung, Offenbach 06084 Lothar-Seuffert-Stiftung, Würzburg 06095 Dr. Seyboth-Stipendienstiftung, Regensburg 06099 Smith Kline Beecham-Stiftung, München 06148 Hans Soldan-Stiftung, Essen 06155 Ingrid zu Solms-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main .06156 Soltenbom-Stiftung, Göttingen 06157 Sparkassen-Stiftung TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg 06199 Spenefsche Stiftung, Berlin 06263 Dr. Alfred Sphngorum-Stiftung, Wuppertal 06313 Staatlich verwaltete Stiftung Studienseminar Landshut, Landshut 06317 Hedwig Stalter-Stiftung, Homburg 06335 Friedrich Stammberger-Stiftung, Kleinmachnow 06336 Josef Stanglmeier-Stiftung, Abensberg 06337 Andreas Staudt-Stiftung, Nürnberg 06344 Karoline Steinhart-Fonds, München 06368 Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. Adolf SteinhoferStiftung, Kaiserslautern 06369 Studienstiftung Carl Steins, Neuss 06370 Dr.-Ing. E,h, Hubert H.A. SternbergStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06380 Stiftung 150 Jahre Verbandssparkasse Meldorf, Meldorf 06392 Stiftung Archäologie in Köln, Bonn 06439 Stiftung Bayerische Elite-Akademie, München 06459 Stiftung Bayerischer Musikfonds, München 06462 Stiftung Begabtenförderungswerk berufliche Bildung, Bonn 06463 Stiftung Bonhoeffer-Lehrstuhl, Essen 06490
Stiftung Braunschweiger Bürgerpreis, Braunschweig 06495 Stiftung Casa Orfeo Positano, München 06513 Stiftung der Bauindustrie Hamburg, Hamburg 06537 Stiftung der Braunschweigischen Maschinenbauanstalt, Braunschweig 06540 Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft für Qualifizierung und Kooperation e.V., Berlin 06548 Stiftung der Georg-August-Universitât zu Göttingen, Göttingen 06556 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Limburg zur Förderung begabter heimischer Musiker, Limburg 06560 Stiftung der Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz, Essen 06597 Stiftung der Universität Augsburg, Augsburg 06681 Stiftung der Württembergischen Hypothekenbank für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Stuttgart 06690 Stiftung Fachhochschule Hamburg, Hamburg 06779 Stiftung für das Christianeum in Hamburg, Hamburg 06θ í5 Stiftung für das Johanneum in Hamburg, Hamburg 06818 Stiftung für Ernährungswissenschaft Nachwuchsförderung, Dransfeld 06839 Stiftung für internationalen Studentenaustausch, Deggendorf 06846 Stiftung Heidelberger Zement, Essen 06929 Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg, Bonn 06984 Stiftung Internationales Kolleg an der Universität Tübingen, Tübingen 06992 Stiftung Jugend forscht e.V., Hamburg 07005 Stiftung Klosterschule Roßleben, Roßleben 07043 Stiftung Lokalstudienfonds, Nürnberg 07116 Stiftung Louisenlund, Güby 07117 Stiftung Paikwohnstift Bad Kissingen, Bad Kissingen 07194 Stiftung Stàdelschule für junge Künstler, Frankfurt am Main 07323 Stiftung Stipendien-Fonds des Verbandes der Chemischen Industrie, Frankfurt am Main 07328 Stiftung Studentische Dariehnskasse Hessen, Frankfurt am Main 07330 Stiftung Studienfonds Düsseldorf-Japan, Düsseldorf 07331 Stiftung Studienseminar Amberg, Amberg 07332 Stiftung Waisenhaus, Göttingen 07376 Stiftung zur Förderung der Berufsbildung in der deutschen Seeschiffahrt, Hamburg 07441 Stiftung zur Förderung der Kunst in der Pfalz, Neustadt an der Weinstraße 07459 Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaft und des wissenschaftlich-technischen Nachwuchses, Essen 07470 Stiftung zur Förderung Studierender der Technischen Fachhochschule Wildau mit Sitz in Wiklau, Wildau 07488 Stiftung zur Förderung von Schülern und Schülerinnen an weiterführenden Schulen in der Stadt Hof, Hof 07494 Stiftungsfonds IBM Deutschland, Essen
07521 Stipendienfonds der Studiengenossenschaft Luitpoldiana des ehemaligen Luitpoldgymnasiums an der Müllerstraße, München 07532 Stipendienfonds Ruhrgas, Essen 07533 Stipendienstiftung am Gymnasium Christian-Emestinum, Bayreuth 07534 Stipendienstiftung der Stadt Kempten, Kempten 07535 Stipendienstiftung der Stadt und des Landkreises Lindau (Bodensee) zum Besuch von gewerblichen Berufsschulen und anderen Fachschulen der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, Lindau 07536 Stipendienstiftung der Technischen Universität München, München 07537 Stipendienstiftung für begabte Studierende des Landkreises Lindau, Lindau 07536 Stipendienstiftung für das Berufsfachund Fachschulwesen, Hamburg 07539 Stipendienstiftung für die staatlichen Gymnasien in Hamburg, Hamburg 07540 Stipendienstiftung für Schüler staatlicher höherer Schulen in Regensburg, Regensburg 07541 Stipendienstiftung Physik und Mathematik, Essen 07542 Christian und Anni Stock-Stiftung, Seeheim-Jugenheim 07544 Franz und Maria Stockbauer'sche Stiftung, Passau 07546 Stoer-Weimann'sche Stipendienstiftung Schöbe rasche Linie, Schweinfurt 07550 Otto-Stöterau-Stiftung, Hamburg 07552 Georg Strecker-Stiftung, Bovenden 07571 Hermann Strenger-Stiftung, Leverkusen 07572
Dr. Rainald Stromeyer-Stiftung, Essen 07582 Studienseminar Julianum, Würzburg 07585 Studienseminarstiftung Burghausen, Burghausen 07588 Studienstiftung, Coburg 07589 Studienstiftung der Süddeutschen Zeitung, München 07591 Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin, Berlin 07592 Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V., Bonn 07593 Studienstiftung Deutscher Psychologen, Bonn 07594 Studienstiftung ius vivum, Dormagen 07596 Stuttgarter Hofbräu Studienstiftung, Stuttgart 07606 Sutor-Stiftung, Hamburg 076J5 Dr. med. Erich und Ella Tancré-Stiftung, Mainz 07621 Fritz ter Meer-Stiftung, Leverkusen 07636 Heinrich Tessenow-Stiftung, Hamburg 07638 Reinhold und Maria Teufel-Stiftung Tuttlingen, Tuttlingen 07642 Adolf Theis-Stiftung, Tübingen 07647 Theologenfonds der Diözese RottenburgStuttgart, Rottenburg am Neckar 07649 Tholuck'sche Konvikt-Stiftung, Magdeburg 07665 Forstamtmann Max Thoma-Stiftung, Freising 07666 Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Köln 07678 Karl und Ulli Till-Stiftung, Altötting 07687 Timoshenko-Föppl-Strftung der Technischen Universität München, München 07689 Adolf Todt-Stiftung, Mainz 07693 Alfred Toe pfe r- Stiftu ng F.V.S., Hamburg 07699 Toyota Deutschland Stiftung, Köln 07706 Ingeborg Trahms-Radloff-Stiftung, BadenBaden 07708 Trebuth-Stiftung zur Nachwuchsförderung in der Philosophie, Essen 07712 Kurt Tucholsky-Stiftung, Hamburg 07727 Tübinger Stipendienstiftung, Tübingen 07728 Fritz und Eugenie Übelhär-Stiftung, Nürnberg 07738 Dr.-Jürgen-Ukierup-Stiftung, Lemförde 07742 Unterländer Studienfonds bei der Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg 07772 Otto Vahlbruch-Stiftung, Hamburg 07787 Van Gemmeren'sche Familtenstiftung, Gxh 07791 Bernhard van Hagen'sche Studienstiftung in Kalkar, Kleve 07793 Vereinigte Kurländische Stiftungen, Gröbenzell 07815 Vereinigte Stiftung für Studienbeihilfe, Schweinfurt 07826 Vereinigte Stiftungen des Hamburger Geweibevereins von 1867, Hamburg 07835 Vereinigte Stipendien-Stiftung beim Gymnasium Münnerstadt, Münnerstadt 07840 Vereinigte Stipendien- und Preisstiftung, Würzburg 07841 Vereinigte Stipendien- und sonstige Fonds der Technischen Universität München, München 07842 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung an der staatlichen Hochschule für Musik München, München 07843 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung der Stadt Landsberg, Landsberg am Lech 07844 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung der Technischen Hochschule München, München 07845 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung der Universität München fur Studierende aller Fakultäten und Konfessionen, München 07846 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung für Studenten aller Fakultäten und Konfessionen an der FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nümberg, Erlangen 07847 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 07848 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung Überlingen, Überlingen 07849 Vereinigte Süpendienstittungen der Landeshauptstadt München, München 07650 Vereinigte Studienstiftung der Technischen Universität Berlin einschließlich Dr, Ingenieur Hermann Blohm-Stiftur>g, Berlin 07851 Vereinigte Studienstiftungenverwaltung der Universität Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 07852 Vereinigte Studienstiftungenverwaltung der Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg 07853 VERUM Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt, München 07876
Edmund Vey-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07882 Villa Musica, Mainz 07893 Siegfried Vögele-Stiftung, Essen 07899 Felicitas-Vössing-Stiftung, Gütersloh 07906 Volksbank Höxter-Bevemngen-Stiftung, Höxter 07918 Richard Wagner-Stipendienstiftung, Bayreuth 07961 Assessor Wagner*sche Stiftung, Kronach 07962 Johanna Sofie Wallnefsche Blinöen-und Stipendienstiftung, Nürnberg 08000 Peter Warschow-Sammelstiftung, Greifswald 08018 Rolf Weber-Stiftung, München 08024 Peter Wefing Stiftung, Bremen 08034 Weidmüller-Stiftung, Detmold 08042 Weihenstephaner Jubiläumsstiftung 1905 und Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung, Freising 08046 PauI-Weiland-Stiftung - Entwicklungshilfe für die Wirtschaft, Hoyerswerda 08047 Dr. Paul und Cilli Weill-Stiftung. Frankfurt am Main 08048 Dr. Wilhelm Westhaus-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 08097 Daniela und Jürgen Westphal-Stiftung zur Förderung privater Universitäten, Hamburg 08102 Ingeborg Wetzels-Stiftung, Krefeld 08105 Josef und Fanny Wiedemann-StipendienStrftung, Türkheim 08115 Josef und Hilde Wilberz-Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 08123 Andreas Winterbauer-Stiftung Nürnberg, Nürnberg 08155 Otto A. Wipprecht Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08160 Wolfgang Wirichs-Stiftung, Krefeld 08161 W i rtschafts vere i η ig un g BergbauStudienhilfe des Deutschen Bergbaus, Berlin 08163 Wittelsbacher Jubiläumsstiftung, München 08174 Ben Witter-Stiftung, Hamburg 08176 Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Wrttmann'sche Stipendienstiftung der TUM, München 08179 Dr. Ludwig Wolde-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08201 Ilse und Franz Wolfram-Stiftung, Hamburg 08213 Eva Wolzendorf Fonds, Berlin 08221 Emilie Wüstenteld-Stiftung, HenstedtUlzburg 08242 Yak-Kamel-Stiftung, Bergisch Gladbach 08250 Carl Zeiss-Schott-Förderstiftung, Essen 08262 Carl Zeiss-Stiftung, Stuttgart 08263 Anton und Helene Zerrenn e r-Stiftu ng, Berlin 08276 Schenkung Zetsche, Bonn 08278 Stiftung Dr. Zieseniß-Krambo, Köln 08283 Ulrich Benedikt von Zoller'sche Schul-, Armen- und Stipendienstiftung, Memmingen 08293
Greece Idryma Bodossaki, Athina 08310 Fulbright Foundation of Greece, Athina 08321 Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, Athina 08331 State Scholarships Foundation, Athina 08333
Hungary Hungarian Credit Bank Foundation, Budapest 08341 Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest 08347
Italy Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Siena 08399 Fondazione Uberto Bonino e Maria Sofia Pulejo, Messina 08451 Fondazione Camillo Caetani Di Sermoneta, Roma 08462 Fondazione Dott. Matteo Giuseppe Cangelosi, Castelbuono 08468 Fondazione Flaminia, Ravenna 08547 Fondazione Viamarconidieci, Napoli 08754 Fondazione di Studi di Storia dell'Arte Roberto Longhi, Firenze 08812 Fondazione Universitaria Milziade Tirandi, Brescia 08845 Fondazione Giuseppe Primoli, Roma 08892 Fondazione Rui, Roma 08911 Fondazione Francesco Severi, Arezzo 08935
Latvia Soros Foundation-Latvia, Riga
Lithuania Lithuanian Children's Fund, Vilnius 08983
Subject Index: Scholarships
Luxembourg Paul Finet Foundation, Luxembourg 08987
Netherlands Petronella Andriessen Fonds, Amsterdam 09043 Stichting Studiefonds Oskar Back, Amsterdam 09052 Stichting Studiefonds Bemott, Dordrecht 09059 Stichting Fonds Harald Quintus Bosz, Voorburg 09068 Dr. L.A. Buma Stichting, Sneek 09076 De Bussy Stichting, Deventer 09078 Canon Foundation in Europe, Leiden 09081 Chagall Fonds, Amsterdam 09086 Fonds Henri Fock, Amsterdam 09120 Studiefonds Frenkel-Serphos, Rotterdam 09137 Paul Hermann Fonds, Amsterdam 09157 Stichting Fonds Marinus de Jonge, Leiden 09176 Stichting Juynboll, Den Haag 09180 Simke Kloostermanleen, Birdaard 09188 Stichting Burgemeester Kolfschoten Fonds, Den Haag 09190 Gerard Simeon Korijnfonds, Amsterdam 09194 Lutfia Rabbani Stichting, Den Haag 09205 Dr. Hendrik Muller's Vaderiandsch Fonds, Den Haag 09221 Stichting Studiefonds Louisabeth Natter, Leidschendam 09233 Stichting Johannes Henricus Regenbogenleen te Bozum, Wommels 09299 Sjollema-Gaastra Fonds, Leeuwarden 09330 Stichting Fonds A. Steengracht de Souburg, Bilthoven 09338 Niels Stensen Stichting, Amsterdam 09339 Stichting A.F.V.O.M.S., Heemstede 09341 Stichting Algemeen Studiefonds, Delft 09351 Stichting Antonianum, Utrecht 09357 Stichting Fûns Universitaire Festigung Fryslan, Leeuwarden 09408 Stichting Het Fonds tot Aanmoediging van de Studie der Godgelleerdheid, Leiden 09415 Stichting Het Geesje Poutsma Leen, Gevestigd te Leeuwarden, Amhem 09417 Stichting Koningin Sophiafonds, Rijswijk 09439 Stichting Studie- en Reisfonds vna het Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs, Den Haag 09509 Stichting voor VI uc htel i η g-Studente η UAF, Utrecht 09522 Stichting Voortgezette Studie Podiumkunsten, Den Haag 09524 Studiefonds voor Nedeilandse Violisten, Amsterdam 09547 Stichting Ds. C. van Aken Fonds, Purmerend 09565 Stichting A.A. van Beek-Fonds, Rotterdam 09569 Fonds Jacob van Brouckhoven voor Theologen, Leiden 09572 Stichting Fonds Elisabeth van der Mieden, Eist 09582 Stichting Fonds Doctor Catharine van Tussenbroek, Utrecht 09601 Stichting Steven Woltersfonds, Leiden 09633 WSCF Europe Stichting, Amsterdam 09637 Stichting Studiefonds Mauritz Zilversmlt, Rotterdam 09638
Portugal Fundaçâo Jorge Antunes, Vizela 09689 Fundaçâo Maria Antonia Barreiro, Lisboa 09696 Fundaçâo Beimiro de Azevedo, Senhora da Hora 09698 Fundaçâo Maria do Carmo e Marido Manuel Rodrigues Pepolim, Ovar 09713 Fundaçâo Engenheiro José Cordeiro, Ponta Delgada 09720 Fundaçâo Antonio I. da Cruz, Grândola 09723 Fundaçâo Cupertino de Miranda, Vila Nova de Famalicáo 09728 Fundaçâo Dias de Carvalho, Portel 09730 Fundaçâo Francisco Fino, Portalegre 09741 Fundaçâo da Juventude, Porto 09772 Fundaçâo de Estudo de Diagnòstico e Intervengo Social, Porto 09776 Fundaçâo dos Armazenistas de Mercearia, Lisboa 09782 Fundaçâo Rotária Portuguesa, Coimbra 09828 Fundaçâo María Clementina Godinho de Campos, Galveias 09842 Fundaçâo Engenheiro Mesquita de Araújo, Porto 09872
472 Fundaçâo Moga, Lisboa 09875 Fundaçâo José Peres Ferreira, Lisboa 09890 Fundaçâo Dionisio Pinheiro e Alice Cardoso Pinheiro, 3750 09894 Fundaçâo Rangel de Sampaio, Coimbra 09898 Fundaçâo Dr. Francisco Ribas de Sousa, Viseu 09905 Fundaçâo Professor Amórico Ribeirinho da Silva, Crato 09906 Fundaçâo Horácio Roque, Funchal 09913 Fundaçâo Francisco Saigado Zenha, Coimbra 09917 Fundaçâo Luis António Vemey, Lisboa 09937
Slovenia Open Society Institute-Slovenia, Ljubljana 10017
Spain Fundación Elias Ahúja y Andria, Madrid 10027 Fundación Isaac Albéniz, Madrid 10031 Fundación Aliatar, Baeza T0O35 Fundación Raimón Amigó Cuyas, Barcelona 10052 Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid 10063 Fundación de Enfermería Amau de Vilanova, Valencia 10073 Fundación Hermanos Balaguer Gonel, Castellón de la Plana 10095 Fundación José Miguel Barandiarán, Donostia-San Sebastián 10098 Fundación Pedro Barrio de la Maza Conde de Fenosa, A Coruna 10104 Fundación Becas Acha-Uríoste, Madrid 10111 Fundación Premio Francisco Beceña González, Oviedo 10112 Fundación Bermúdez Diez, Villalengua 10125 Fundación Luis Bemaola, Bilbao 10126 Fundación Vicente Bort Ferris, Valencia 10141 Fundación Gerald Brenan, Alhaurín el Grande 10148 Fundación Paulino Caballero, Pamplona 10154 Fundación Rafael Calvo Serer, Madrid Í0Í59 Fundación Profesor Cantera Burgos, Miranda de Ebro 10170 Fundación Castetao, Sant'ago de Compostela 10179 Fundación Cottet-Mor, Barcelona 10239 Fundación José Antonio Cremades, Jijona 10241 Fundación Segundo Gil Dávila, Arto 10252 Fundación Alfonso Martin Escudero, Madrid 10292 Fundación Becas Adolfo Espinosa, Pradoluengo 10294 Fundación Tomás Ferro Navarro, La Palma-Cartagena 10333 Fundació de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Catalunya, Barcelona 10458 Fundació de la Petita y Mitjana Empresa de les liles Balears, Palma de Mallorca 10459 Fundació Obiols de l'Agrupacio del Berguedà, Barcelona 10564 Fundació per el Comerç de les Balears, Palma de Mallorca Î0556 Fundació Serra de Beques per a Nois i Noies, Berga 10639 Fundación Adei, Madrid 10672 Fundación Agregación de Fundaciones de la Provincia de Asturias, Oviedo 10678 Fundación Albolote, Albolote 10684 Fundación ARair, Alicante 10690 Fundación Altos Estudios Taurinos, Sevilla 10691 Fundación Amigos del Colegio Estudios, Aravaca f0695 Fundación ANESVAD, Bifeao 10702 Fundación Asemcom, Madrid 10717 Fundación Ateba, Valladolid 10768 Fundación Balear, Palma de Mallorca 10773 Fundación Banco Herrero, Oviedo 10779 Fundación Benéfico Docente Patronato del I.C.A.I., Madrid 10788 Fundación Centro de Estudios de Aprendizaje y Reeducación, Madrid 10861 Fundación Colegio Imperial, Madrid 10915 Fundación Colegio Libre de Eméritos, Madrid 10916 Fundación Colegio Nuevo Equipo, Madrid 10918 Fundación Cotejo Santa María del Camino, Madrid 10921 Fundación Consejo Herbense, Herbes 10929 Fundación Cuevas de Vinromá, Cuevas de Vinromá 10937 Fundación Cultural COAM, Madrid 10949
Fundación Cultural Hispano-Británica, Madrid 10959 Fundación de Estudio Superior HispanoNorteamericano, Madrid 10976 Fundación del Hombre, Madrid 11003 Fundación EFE, Madrid 11021 Fundación Empresa Pública, Madrid 11032 Fundación Entorno, Empresa y Medio Ambiente, Madrid 11047 Fundación Entorno y Salud, Madrid 11048 Fundación Escuela de Letras, Madrid 11060 Fundación Esteyco, Madrid 11098 Fundación Estudios Bursátiles y Financieros, Valencia 11099 Fundación Fondo Social Universitario, Madrid 11128 Fundación Funduvico, Madrid 11137 Fundación Grupo El Correo Español, Bibao 11153 Fundación Haycraft, Madrid 11156 Fundación Instituto de Idiomas Modernos, Qasteiz 11274 Fundación Instituto Sindical de Estudios, Madrid 11296 Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona 11320 Fundación Laboral de la Construcción del Principado de Asturias, El CaleyuRfoera de Arriba 11332 Fundación Madritense del Notariado, Madrid 11353 Fundación Mediterránea, Barcelona 11367 Fundación Nacional de Arte Lírico, Madrid 11383 Fundación Obra de Jesús, Granada 11408 Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación en Biología Molecular, Cantobianco 11454 Fundación para la Investigación Agraria de la Provincia de Almería, Almería 11472 Fundación para la Investigación de la Urología, Madrid 11474 Fundación Promoción y Desarrollo Cultural y Social de Andalucía, Sevilla 11544 Fundación Sagrada Familia, Antequera 11590 Fundación Santa María del Reposo, Campillos 11622 Fundación Sevillana de Electicidad, Sevilla 11629 Fundación Suprimido Colegio de San Pablo Monforta, Valencia 11649 Fundación Viridiana, Madrid 11697 Fundación GaJIifa, Vie 11710 Fundación Jesús Gangoiti Bañera, Bilbao 11712 Fundación para el Desarrollo Económico, Social y Cultural de Alora Tomás García García, Málaga 11720 Fundación Tomás García García para el Desarrollo Económico de Alora, Málaga 11721 Fundación Carlos García Monzón, Cádiz 11724 Fundación María Josefa García Paredes, Frechilla 11726 Fundación Gómez Pardo, Madrid 11747 Fundación Pedro José González Elipe y Saldaña, Daimiel 11749 Fundación Matilde Grau, Madridejos 11758 Fundación Gutiérrez Manrique, Burgos 11771 Fundación Hazen Hosseschrueders, Las Rozas 11774 Fundación Patronato Hernández, Alcoy 11776 Fundación Ibars, Martella 11783 Fundación Indalecio Prieto, Madrid 11766 Fundación Blas Infante, Sevilla 11787 Fundación Carmen Izquierdo Besante Monzó, Valencia 11798 Fundación Heinz Koch, Madrid 11809 Fundación Kolbe, Madrid 11810 Fundación José Manuel Lara, Sevilla 11825 Fundación Lombardia y Lacaci, Madrid 11858 Fundación Santiago Lope, Valencia 11859 Fundación Machado, Sevilla 11868 Fundación Mainel, Valencia 11871 Fundación Bartolomé March Serverà, Palma de Mallorca 11877 Fundación Margarida Marsá, Palamós 11879 Fundación Mercedes Massi López, Valencia 11896 Fundación Ana Mata Manzanedo, Burgos 11898 Fundación Dolores Medio, Oviedo 11908 Fundación Teresa Miramont Cartonali, Cadaqués 11916 Fundación Monteteón, León 11926 Fundación Juan Morera Vitella, DonostiaSan Sebastián f!934 Fundación Tomás Moro, Madrid 11935 Fundación Maurice E. Muller-España, Barcelona 11936 Fundación Canónigo Muñoz, Utiel 11940
Fundación Novia Salcedo, Bilbao 11957 Fundación Sixto Obrador, Madrid 11960 Fundación Benéfico Docente José Luis Oriol Catalina de Urquijo, Madrid 11968 Fundación Orrea Maullón y María Riber Maupdey, Castellón 11973 Fundación Paideia, A Coruña 11980 Fundación Benjamin Patencia, Madrid 11981 Fundación Universitaria Agustl Pedro i Pons, Barcelona 11994 Fundación Federica Poveda Pérez, Valencia 12026 Fundación Salvador Gil Quinza, Barcelona 12041 Fundación Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz, Madrid 12042 Fundación María Josefa Recio, Madrid 12053 Fundación Romanillos, Madrid 12083 Fundación Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, Avila 12106 Fundación Santillana, Madrid 12116 Fundación Ernesto Seco y Biffini, Madrid 12128 Fundación Selgas Falgade, Madrid 12135 Fundación Museo Pablo Serrano, Zaragoza 12142 Fundación Sonsoles Ballvé Lantero, Burgos 12156 Fundación Laboral Sonsoles Ballvé Lantero, Burgos 12157 Fundación Marques de Suanzes, Madrid 12168 Fundación Felipe Terol, Montesa 12177 Fundación Fray Toribio de MontoJinla, Madrid 12189 Fundación de Torîes y López Pintado, Toledo 12198 Fundación Uríach 1638, Barcelona 12211 Fundación Patronato Marqués de Urquijo, Uodio 12214 Fundación Femando Valhondo CaLaff, Cáceres 12222 Fundación José Valor Amorós, Bañe res 12229 Fundación Vega Sintes, Las Palmas de Canaria 12237 Fundación Vicent Villaplana, Valencia 12258 Fundación Yanduri, Sevilla 12274
Sweden Folke Bemadottes Minnesfond, Stockholm 12285 Nordiska Afrikainstitirtets Resestipendiefond, Uppsala 12306 Stifteisen Globtrtdet, Stockholm 12313 Svensk-Japanska Stiftelsen, Stockholm 12323 Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsen, Stockholm 12324
Switzerland Abanian International Scholarship Foundation, Genève 12342 Emst Andertuhren-Stiftung, Biel 12357 Ausbildungsstiftung für Tibeter in Europa, Ariesheim 12367 Richard und Emmy Bahr-Stiftung, Schaffhausen 12374 Basler Künstler-Stipendien, Basel 12385 Arnold Billwiller-Stittung, Sankt Gallen 12414 Charles E. Blatter-Stiftung, Zürich 12420 Hubert Bloch-Stiftung, Basel 12421 Arnold Corti-Stamm Stiftung, Winterthur 12481 Erich Degen-Stiftung an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule, Zürich 12493 Marianne und Curt Dienemann-Stiftung, Luzem 12504 Lukas Emch-Stiftung, Bern 12534 Georg H. Endress-Stiftung, Reinach 12536 Fondation en Faveur d'Etudiants Croates, Neuchátel 12599 Fondation pour les Bourses d'Etudes Halo-Suisses, Lausanne 12650 Fondation pour les Cours Préparatoires aux Etudes Universitäres en Suisse, Fribourg 12651 Fondation Romandie, Svizzera Italiana e Retoromania pour le Rapprochement des Minorités Latines, Petit-Lancy 12665 Fondazione della Svizzera italiana per la Ricerca Scientifica e gli Studi Universitari, Lugano 12693 Fondazione San Salvatore, Lugano 12707 Fonds du Centeaire de la FUACE, Grarid-Saconnex 12722 Robert Gnehm-Stlftung an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule, Zürich 12m Emst Göhner-Stiftung Zug, Zürich 12772 Davy- und Hedwig Goldstein-Nef Shenkar-College Stiftung. Zug 12777 Julius Hausammann-Studienfonds, Zürich 12813 Walter Höchstrasser-Stiftung, Zürich 12839
Holderbank-Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung, Holderbank 12844 Huber-Kudbch-Stiftung, Zürich 12846 Hans Huber-Stiftung-Basel, Basel 12847 Dr. Arnold U. und Susanne Huggenberger-Btschoff Stiftung zur Krebsforschung, Zürich 12852 Dr. Max Husmann-Stiftung, Zürich 12855 IKEA-Stiftung (Schweiz), Nussbaumen 12860 Institut Libertas, Bern 12866 Jana & Milan Jelinek-Stiftung, Baar 12917 Jubilâumsstiftung Magazine zum Globus, Zürich 12933 Ausbildungsfonds Jung'sche Psychologie, Zürich 12937 Stiftung Nico Kaulmann, Zürich 12951 Dr. Emst Koch-Stiftung, Liebefeld 12967 Fondation Théodore Lagonico, Lausanne 12962 Emst und Anna LandsbergErinnemngsstiftung, Basel 12983 Fondation Ernest Manga nel, Lausanne 13019 Kasper Muther-Stiftung, Interlaken 13069 Fondation François Olivier, Lausanne 13091 Fondation Ousseimi, Genève 13097 Patronagefonds für junge Schweizer Künstler, Basel 13105 Stiftung Reiken-Patronat für akademische NacluSplom-und Doktorandenstudien, Langnau 13146 Stiftung Internationale Max Rostal Competition, Bern 13163 Jmanuel und Evamaria Sehen k-Stiftung zur Förderung von Musiksludenten im Hinblick auf die Erlangung des Solistendiploms, Zofingen 13195 Emst Schindler-Stiftung, Zürich 13197 Bruno Schuler-Stiftung, Zürich 13209 Schweizerische Stiftung für die Erforschung der Muskelkrankheiten, Bern 13252 Schweizerische Studienstiftung, Zürich 13285 Schweizerische Studienstiftung für begabte junge Menschen, Zürich 13286 Foundation William E. Simon School of Business Administration in Switzerland, Bern 13319 Stiftung Ars Futura, Zürich 13371 Stiftung Forschung 3R, Münsingen 13467 Stiftung für medizinisch-biologische Stipendien, Liebefekl 13553 Stiftung für Stipendien an Frauen, Zürich 13576 Stiftung für Stipendien auf dem Gebiete der Chemie, Basel 13577 Stiftung für Studienbeiträge an Förderer und Bewahrer finnischer Kultur, Zürich 13578 Stiftung Schweizer Jugend-SinfonieOrchester, Zürich 13780 Stiftung Sozial- und Ausbildungsfonds des Dachverbandes Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, Zürich 13822 Stiftung Vordemberge-Gildewart, Lachen 13851 Stipendienkasse für den Schweizer Buchhandel, Muri 13924 Dipl.lng. Franz Tausky-Stiftung, Zürich 13940 Stiftung Dr. Robert Thyll-Dürr, Zürich 13944 Beatrice und Otto Tschumi-Stiftung, Bern 13952 Uninter Stiftung, Zürich 13957 Friedl Wald-Stiftung, Basel Í3977 Zimmermann-Stiftung, Zürich 14013
United Kingdom Brian James Able Bursary Fund, Bedford 14063 Acton County School Memorial Scholarship Fund, London 14077 The Afghania Educational Trust, London 14093 Africa Educational Trust, London 14095 The Akhter Educational Foundation, Bishops Stortford 14117 William Akroyd's Foundation, York 14118 Al-Haj MA. Karim Trust, Bamsley 14120 The Abridge Scholarship Foundation, Southampton 14140 Aldworth's Foundation at Betiwas, Hengoed 14142 The Lady Allen of Hurtwood Memorial Trust, Reading 14170 Arab-British Chamber Charitable Foundation, Much Had ham 14242 The G.C. Archer Memorial Scholarship Fund, Carlisle 14249 Amokfs Educational Foundation, Northampton 14265 The Asian Students Christian Trust, Camberiey 14297 The Association of University Teachers Educational Trust Fund, London 14312 The C.B. Asttey Scholarship Fund, Birkenhead 14315
Subject Index: Science, general
The Bahari Foundation, London 14345 The Frances Bardsley Scholarship Award Trust Fund, Romford 14388 The Charlie Bayne Travel Trust, Petersham 14455 The Peter Beckwith Harrow Trust, London 14476 Harold Bell Scholarship Trust, London 14497 The Rosalind Benn Students' Fund, London 14510 Berkshire College of Art and Design Trust Fund, Reading 14523 The Mary Bemays Scholarship Fund, Exeter 14525 The Doreen Bird Trust, Sidcup 14582 Colonel Bird's Scholarship Fund, London 14584 The Barbara Bishop Fund, Southampton 14594 Alan and Cyril Body Educational Trust, Sevenoaks 14629 Boise Foundation, London 14633 The Bolton Medical Fund, Bolton 14639 Brecon Rotary Club Travelling Scholarship Fund, Brecon 14699 The Brockhurst Centenary Charitable Trust, Newbury 14774 The Eve Brook Scholarship Fund, Birmingham 14792 The William Brooker Travelling Scholarship Fund, London 14793 The Building Surplus Scholarship Fund of Ystalyfera County School, Swansea 14823 The Burkitt Scholarship Fund, Duiham 14837 Cambridge Commonwealth Tmst, Cambridge 14894 Cambridge Overseas Trust, Cambridge 14901 Cambridge Tutors Educational Trust, Croydon 14907 The Canford Summer School of Music Educational Tmst, Kenley 14928 The Cardiff College of Art Scholarship Fund, Cardiff 14945 Cardiganshire Intermediate and Technical Education Fund, Aberystwyth SY23 2EB 14950 The Sir Ernest Cassel Educational Trust Grants to Commonwealth Students, London 14984 The Chartered Institute of Bankers Education Fund, Cantertxjry 15067 The Cherwell Educational Trust, Woking 15084 Donald Ches worth Educational Trust, London 15112 Chew's Foundation at Dunstable, Dunstable 15113 Mary Christie Memorial Scholarships Fund, High Wycombe 15176 Chundikuli Trust Fund, Saint Albans 15182 Church Burgesses Educational Foundation, Sheffield 15183 The City of London School for Girls Centenary Fund, London 15220 Mary Coffin Scholarship Fund, Dorchester 15279 Coleg Harlech Bursaries and Scholarships Fund (Wales), Harlech 15285 The College of Osteopaths Educational Trust, Bordehamwood 15291 The Conway Merchant Navy Trust, Orpington 15340 H.M.S. Conway Trust, Addington Village 15341 The Cooper Scholarship Fund, Bamsley 15347 Francis Courtney Educational Foundation, Southall 15388 The Peter Coxhead Foundation, London 15399 The Cresswell Tmst Fund, London 15410 The Cripptegate Educational Foundation, London 15414 The John Crisp Memorial Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 15416 Alfred Davies Art Scholarship Fund, Caernarfon 15504 John Newton Davies Trust Fund in Connection with Denbigh County School, Moki 15511 The Davies's Educational Trust, London 15512 William Denson HasweH Scholarship Fund, Chester 15542 Deptford General Baptist Chapel Fund, London 15547 Devonport Scholarship Fund, Plymouth 15580 The Dickinson Scholarship Fund, Manchester 15587 Dow Coming Education Trust, Barry '5630 Dulwich College Awards Fund, London 15659 Ealing County School for Girts Scholarship Fund, London 15688 The C.E. Eckersley Educational Trust, Oxford 15733 Alderman Edgar's Scholarship Fund, Twickenham 15734
Electrical Contracting Industry Further Education Fund, Sidcup 15766 Eimes Testimonial Fund, Liverpool 15778 The Endowment Fund of the Schools of Queen Elizabeth, Bamet 15809 Epsom College Education Trust, Epsom 15825 The Bridget Espinosa Memoria] Trust, London 15828 David Evans Memorial Prizes Fund, Cwmbran 15845 Fagan-Purves Scholarship Fund, London 15875 Fast Track Trust, Bristol 15902 Feed the Minds, Guildford 15912 Martha Flint and Emma Osmond Educational Foundation, Loughborough 15967 The Florists Education and Training Trust, Nottingham 15974 Foundation for Al-Quds University Medical School, London 15990 Freeman Scholarship, Swansea 16024 Frogmoor Foundation, Aylesbury 16061 The Fund for Earth Education, Enfield 16071 Fund for Education and Research Liaison, Guildford 16072 The Gabbrtas, Truman and Thring Educational Trust, London 16081 The John Garfield Dawes Foundation, Aberystwyth 16102 The Glasgow High School London Club Education Trust, Orpington 16151 Ken Goddard Memorial Fund, London 16172 The Paul Golmick Educational Trust, Guildford 16185 The Helen Gregory Memorial Trust Fund, Cardiff 16261 Cronfa Ymddiriedaeth Ysgoloriaeth Griffith Owen, Blaenau Ffestiniog 16274 The Guild of Psychotherapists Studentships Trust, Saint Albans 16267 The Don Gwillim Charitable Trust, Leicester 16303 George Hallam Fund, Harrow 16334 The Father Hannon Memorial Scholarship Trust, Carlisle 16369 Harrison's Educational Foundation, Huddersfìeld 16402 Dr. A.E. Hart Trust, Hull 16412 William Haughton's Educational Foundation, York 16434 Norman Hawes Memorial Trust, Milton Keynes 16446 The Hawks Charitable Trust, Cambridge 16452 The Healing Education Trust, Banbury 16471 The Hilbome Foundation, Angmering 16546 The Hobday Memorial Scholarship Fund, London 16570 Hobson and Crane Exhibition Foundation, Cambridge 16572 The Holbeck Mechanics Institute Trust Fund, Leeds 16579 A.S. Hornby Educational Trust, Reading 16630 Homsey County School Memorial Scholarship Fund, London 16637 Richard Houchin Round Table Trust, Aylesbury 16648 The Houghton Trust, Newbury Í665I David Howell Memorial Trust, Bristol 16663 Foundation of Howell's School Denbigh, London 16664 The Robert David Hughes Scholarship Foundation, Denbigh Castle 16677 The Hunter & Partners Educational Trust, London 16714 The Hutchinson and G ou may Scholarship Fund, London 16720 The H.J. Hyde Memorial Trust Fund, Loughton 16722 John Imes Foundation, Norwich 16830 Institute of Actuaries Memorial Education and Research Fund, London 16842 The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Educational Fund, London 16843 The Iverdean Trust, Exeter 16909 The Elroy Jackson Memorial Tmst London 16916 Japan Foundation Endowment Committee, Sheffield 16932 The Jaques Memorial Prize Fund, London 16933 The Jewish Educational Development Trust, London 16960 Hubert Johnson Scholarship Fund, Hull 16973 The Jones Lang Wootton Education Tmst, London 16992 Geoffrey Jones (Penreithin) Scholarship Fund, Aberdare 16996 Dr. Edward Jones' Scholarship Fund, Caernarfon 17001 W.H. Jones Scholarship Fund, Wolverhampton 17002 The Griffith Charles Jones Trust Fund, Abingdon 17035 The Julie Memorial Fund, Bolton 17021 Ian Karten Charitable Trust, Ripley 17034
Kennedy Memorial Trust London 17054 Frank Knox Fellowships, London 17134 Joseph Lancaster Trust Fund, London 17171 Langa langa Scholarship Fund, Andover 17177 Lango Orphan Scholarship Trust, Swansea 17161 The Mario Lanza Educational Foundation, Bristol 17185 Alf and Hilda Leivers Charity Trust, Worcester Park 17260 Lever Scholarship Assisted Places Fund, Bolton 17269 Leverhulme Trust, London 17271 The Educational Foundation of Alfred Henry Lewis, Newport 17277 The Captain and Mrs. Lewis Scholarship Fund, Pwllheli 17284 The Kenneth Lindsay Scholarship Trust (Israel-Oxford), London 17317 The Lishman Memorial Scholarship Fund, Shipley 17333 The Liverpool Friends Scholarship Foundation, Liverpool 17344 Llewellyn Colwyn Lewis Scholarships, Swansea 17391 Uoyds TSB Foundation for the Channel Islands, London 17403 The John Lowdon Fund, Cardiff 17475 Eleanor Lyndon Trust 1925, Edgware 17501 The Mclnemy Scholarships Foundation, Isleworth 17517 Mackintosh Foundation, London 17519 Sir William Mallinson Scholarship Trust, London 17544 The Mandela Scholarship Fund, Brighton 17554 The Elsie Mantón Grant Scholarship Fund, Northwich 17569 Joyce Marriott Scholarship Foundation, Barry 17587 Marshal Beresford's Fund, London 17590 Daniel Melia Scholarships Fund, Manchester 17669 Baron Felix de Menasce Foundation, London 17671 Mendelssohn Scholarship Foundation, London 17672 The Mercer's Company Educational Trust Fund, London 17680 Merchant Taylors Educational Trust, London 17682 The Metropolitan and City Police Educational Fund, London 17699 Mill Hill School Scholarships and Bursaries Trust, London 17728 Mill Hill School University Entrance Scholarships Trust, London 17729 Minchenden Secondary School Scholarship Fund, Enfield 17749 The Mineral Industries Educational Trust, London 17751 Bishop Monk's Horfield Tmst, Bristol 17779 Sir George Monoux's Exhibition Foundation, London 17783 Henry Moore Foundation, Much Hadham 17793 The Morgan Scholarship Fund, Caernarfon 17807 Sir John Henry Moms-Jones Trust Fund, Colwyn Bay 17817 The Mulgrave Charity Trust, Sutton 17845 Music and Arts Trust for Educational Scholarships Ltd., London 17854 The Richard Muspratt Scholarships Fund, Mold 17857 National Association of Master Bakers, Confectioners and Caterers' Education Fund, Ware 17877 Newcastle District Council Students Fund. Gateshead 17945 Newton Scholarship Fund, London 17986 Educational Foundation of Alderman John Norman, Norwich 18020 The Noithfleld Educational Trust Ltd., Watford 18058 The Nurses Scholarship Fund, Great Bardfieid 18087 Old Alleynians Endowment Fund, Bickley 18117 Old Boys Benefit Fund, Taunton 18118 Old Centralians Trust, Rutland 18124 The Old Leodiensian Association Charitable Trust, Leeds 18132 Old Salopian Lodge Scholarship Fund, Standon 18143 Orwell Park School Educational Trust Ltd., Ipswich 18185 The Ousey Scholarship Trust, Dawlish 18195 Overseas Artandians Trust, North Harrow 18200 The R.H. Owen Memorial Fund, Caernarfon 18204 The Richard Owen Scholarships and Exhibitions Foundation, Llandudno 18205 The Parent Teacher Scholarship Fund, Oldham 18243 The Educational Foundation of Mary Parry, Caernarfon (8259
Ρ earce Rood Charitable Trust, Weybridge 18282 The Beatrice Peariman Scholarship Fund, Hull 18283 Pedler Scholarship Fund, Truro 18290 Pestalozzi Children's Village Trust, Battle 18338 The Philippine Ferry Disaster Fund, London 18347 Philological Foundation, London J8355 Sir Thomas Picton Fund, Haverfordwest 18359 Robert Picton Memorial Prize Fund, Cardiff 18360 Plymouth Polytechnic Students Union Welfare Trust Fund, Plymouth 18400 Probation Educational and Research Tmst, Wakefield 18482 Raikes Memorial Fund, Chester 18548 Raikes Scholarship Fund, Chester 18549 The Charles Rayner Educational Trust, Southampton 18580 Reading College Students Association Trust, Reading 18585 The Mark Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund, Stafford 18632 Rhodes Trust, Oxford 18636 The Ridsdale Educational Foundation, London 18667 The Captain Charles Robertson O.B.E. Educational Foundation, Ystrad Mynach 18691 Rogers Memorial Fund, Dolgellau 18710 Rotary District 112 University of Kent Bursary Fund, Canterbury 18991 The Royal Academy of Engineering Benefactors Trust, London 19009 Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London 19020 The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Memorial Scholarship Fund, Arborfield 19052 The Royal Naval Scholarship Fund, Portsmouth 19090 The Royal Society, London 19115 Karim Rida Said Foundation, London 19173 The Leonard Sainer Legal Education Foundation, London 19176 Saint Mary's College Scholarship Fund, Southampton 19353 Saint Michael's Church Endowment Fund, London 19369 Saint Olave's and Saint Saviour's Grammar School Fund, Epsom 19382 Saint Scholasticas Trust, Heavitree 19417 The Saint Thomas More Educational Trust, London 19429 Peter Samson Memorial Trust, London 19454 The Archie Satter Scholarship Fund, Edgware 19472 Save & Prosper Educational Trust, London 19474 School Endowment Trust, Buxton 19487 The Philip Scratchley Scholarship Fund, Shrewsbury 19505 The Shaw Lands Trust, Bamsley 19553 Sheffield City Trust, Sheffield 19558 T.P. Sims Scholarship Fund, Swansea 19622 Ranjit Singh Travelling Scholarship Fund, London 19624 Hugh Smith Memorial Fund, London 19649 South Staffordshire Medical Centre Charitable Trust, Bridgnorth 19701 Southcourt Baptist Church Trust, Ayiesbuiy 19722 Southern African Scholarship Trust Fund, London 19724 Southern African Students Educational Fund, Liverpool 19725 John Speak Foundation Foreign Languages Scholarships, Bradford 19748 The Special Prizes and Awards Fund, Bamet 19750 The Spoore, Merry and Rixman Foundation, Maidenhead 19766 The Frank Squires' Tmst Fund, Swansea 19781 William Henry Stayne Scholarship Fund, Leicester 19805 The Sterling Surveys Educational Trust, Hindhead 19815 Stoke-on-Trent Munitions Memorial Scholarship Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 19826 The Stolterhoft Scholarship Fund, Liverpool 19830 Student Aid Fund, London 19848 Students Education Fund, Gravesend 19850 The Francis Sully Educational and Charity Fund, London 19858 Swansea Legal Charitable Foundation, Swansea 19884 Tancred's Educational Foundation, London 19908 Tasker Milward Fund, Haverfordwest 19918 George Thomas Educational Foundation, Bristol 19998 The Thompson Educational Trust, London 20006
Tower Hamlets College Student Hardship Trust, London 20056 Tower Hamlets Roman Catholic Scholarship Fund, Stanmore 20059 The Trewent Scholarship Fund, Pembroke 20082 The Triangle Bookshop Tmst, London 20083 Honora Turner O'Callaghan Scholarship Fund, London 20143 The University of Westminster Prize and Scholarship Fund, London 20188 Ursuline (llford) Bursary Trust, llford
Philip Usher Memorial Fund, London 20201 The Vailima Trust, Richmond 20205 The Vandyke Opportunities Fund, Leighton Buzzard 20215 The Vietnam Educational Trust, London 20239 The Captain John Vivian Nancarrow Fund, Middlesbrough 20248 Thomas Wade Scholarship Fund, Oldham 20257 The Walker Scholarship Fund, Shrewsbury 20274 The Arthur Watson Travelling Scholarship Trust, Hull 20337 The Joy Welch Educational Charitable Trust, York 20358 Wells and Campden and Stock Educational Foundation, London 20365 The Welsh Bakers Trust Fund, Cardiff 20369 Westminster School Scholarship and Bursary Fund, London 20423 The Whitgift Foundation, Croydon 20455 The William Williams Bequest, Swansea 20479 The W.M. Williams Music Scholarship Fund, Barry 20487 The Owen Williams Scholarship Fund, Uanrwst 20488 The E.M. Willis Memorial Foundation in Connection with Royal College of Art, London 20496 The Elizabeth Wilson Henderson Scholarships Fund, Leicester 20503 Wimbledon College Scholarship Fund, London 20572 Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation, London 20534 Worcester Lodge Bicentenary Choral Foundation, Worcester 20609 Worrall and Fuller Exhibition Fund, London 20629 The County Alderman Worsley J.P. Scholarship Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 20632 Ysgol Gyfun Ddwyieithog Dyffryn Teifi Prize Fund, Aberystwyth 20722 The David Zodelava Charitable Trust, London 20737
Science, general Austria Gustav Figdor-Preis-Stiftung bei der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00043 Jubiläumsfonds Dombimer Sparkasse, Donbim 00071 Felix Kuschenitz-Stiftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00085 Dr. Anton Oelzelt-Newin'sche Stiftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00104 Österreichischer Fond zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Wien 00108 österreichischer Fond zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen, Wien 00109 Dr. Josef Seegen-Stiftung bei der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00139 Dr. Alois Sonnleitner-Stiftung bei der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 00142 Stiftung der Ersten österreichischen Spar-Casse bei der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Wien 00149 Stiftung Theresianische Akademie, Wien 00164
Belgium Fondation Abert Joachim pour Favoriser la Recherche Scientifqiue et OdontoStomatologique, Bruxelles 00273 Fondation pour Favoriser les Recherches Scientifiques en Afrique, Bruxelles 00333 Fondation pour la Recherche Scientifique et tes Echanges Educatifs, Bruxelles 00340 Fondation Pro Natura et Scientia, Bruxelles 00352 Fondation Francqui, Bruxelles 00389 Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Camille Huymans, Antwerpen 00426 Fondation Désiré Jaumain, Namur 00438
Subject Index: Science, general Bulgaria Evrika Foundation, Solia 00579 Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius international Foundation, Sofia 00565
Czech Republic Civic Forum Foundation, Praha
Denmark The Laurits Andersen Foundation, Kebenhavn 00609 The Augustinus Foundation, Kebenhavn 00610 Carlsbergfondet, Kebenhavn 00616 Carlsbergs Mindelgat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen, Kebenhavn 00618 Rockwooi Foundation, Hedehusene 00664 Thomas B. Thriges Fond, Hellerup 00666 Tuborgfondet, Kobenhavn 00667
France Fondation Biermans-Lapòtre, Paris 00749 Fondation Teilhard de Chardin, Paris 00788 Fondation de France, Paris 00884 Fondation Européenne de la Science, Strasbourg 00943 Fondation Internationale pour l'Information Scientifique, Paris 00979 Fondation pour la Science, Paris 01030 Fondation Scientifique Lyon Sud Est, Lyon 01061 Fondation SCOA pour la Recherche Scientifique en Afrique-Noire, Paris 01062 Foundation for International Scientific Coordination, Paris 01089 Fondation Hugot du Collège de France, Paris 01130 Fondation René Seydoux pour le Monde Méditerranéen, Paris 01265 Fondation Singer-Polignac, Paris 01268
Germany Ernst Abbe-Stiftung, Jena 01306 Akademie für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 01345 AKB-Stifturg, Einbeck 01348 Akzo-Nobel Stiftung zur Förderung der deutsch-niederländischen Zusammenarbeit, Essen 01351 Gerhard-AIber-Stiftung, Stuttgart 01352 Friedrich von Alberti-Stiftung der Hohenloher Muschelkalkwerke, Schwäbisch Hall 0/356 Albig-Stittung, Frankfurt am Main 01357 Allgemeine Treuhand in HamburgStiftung, Wohltorf 01374 Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung, Essen 01563 Günter und Bärbel Baumann-Stiftung, Essen 01572 Bayerische Sparkassenstiftung, München 01591 Bayritex-Stiftung, Kronberg im Taunus Of 599 BayWa-Stiftung, München 01600 Erwin Bensing-Stiftung, Bad SodenSalmünster 01640 Berenberg Bank Stiftung von 1990, Hamburg 01643 Lennart-Bemadotte-Stiftung, Mainau 01665 Alberl Bemer-Stiftung, Künzelsau 01666 Bertelsmann Wissenschaftsstiftung, Gütersloh 01671 Beutel-Launer-Stiftung, Reutlingen 01691 Erich F. Bläse-Stiftung, Wiesbaden 01732 Friedrich Bluhme und Else JebsenStiftung, Hannover 01748 blue planet von böger-stiftung, Hamburg Of 770 Ilse und Oskar Bonde-Stiftung, Essen 01794 Bremer Landesbank Stiftung, Bremen Of 853 Alois Bromkamp-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsmanagement, Essen 01883 Bürger-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Stade, Stade 01930 Bürgerstiftung für Goslar und Umgebung, Goslar 01962 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Kassel 01963 Bürgerstiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 01964 Bürgerstiftung Leipzig, Leipzig 01968 Georg und Margot Clever-Stiftung, Essen 02072 Coburger Landesstiftung, Coburg 02075 Commerzbank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02086 Otto Constien-Stiftung, Winsen 02089 DAAD-Stiftung, Bonn 02107 Daimler Chrysler-Fonds, Essen 02114 Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz-Stiftung, Ladenburg 02116 Ludwig Delp-Stiftung, München 02149 Deutsch-Israelische Stiftung für Wissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung, Oberschleißfieim 02167
Deutsche Förderstiftung der Academia Scientiarium et Artium Europaea, München 02182 Deutsche Nationalstiftung, Hamburg
Dieckell-Stiftung, Hamburg 02262 Eduard Dietenberger-Stiftung, Schwäbisch Gmünd 02272 Dimitrov-Preis-Stiftung, Berlin 02281 Hugo Dingler-Stiftung, Aschaffenburg 02283 August Doemer-Stiftung, Grafschaft 02299 Gerhard ten Doomkaat Koolman-Stiftung, Emden 02316 Esther und Silvius Domier Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Schüler, Essen 02323 EDEKA Stiftung, Hamburg 02391 Ehlerding Stiftung, Hamburg 02404 Emder-Sparkassenstiftung, Emden 02444 Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Coesfeld 02477 Friedrich-Wilhelm Euler-Stiftung, Bensheim 02492 Evangelisches Konvikt-Studienhaus der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen in den Franckescben Stiftungen, Halle/Saale 02563 Otto Fahr-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02592 Oskar und Elisabeth Famy-Stiftung, Kißlegg 02599 Fazit-Stiftung gemeinnützige Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt am Main 02605 Dr. Feldbausch-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 02616 Hans Filbinger Stiftung, Leonberg 02637 Dr. Günther Findel-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, WoHenbüttel 02643 Friedrich Fimhaber'sche Stiftung In Augsburg, Augsburg 02648 Otto und Martha Fischbeck-Stiftung, Berlin 02649 Prof. Dr. med. Wilfried und Gisela Rtting-Stiftung, Essen 02661 Friedrich Flick-Förderungsstiftung, Düsseldorf 02673 Förderfonds Stiftungswesen, Berlin 02685 Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle, Halle/Saale 02719 Friedrich-Wilhelm-Stiftung, Aachen 02779 Dr. Alex und Eva Friend Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02784 Rupert Gabler-Stiftung, Obergünzburg 02826 Gelsenkirchen-Stiftung, Gelsenkirchen 02870 Gemeinnützige Fördergesellschaft Saarbrücker Zeitung mbH, Saarbrücken 02881 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Hof, Hof 02888 Carlo und Karin Giersch-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Sport der TH Darmstadt, Darmstadt 02951 Alois Goldhofer-Stiftung, Memmingen 02989 Gothaer Kulturstiftung, Gotha 03001 Dr. Helmut und Hannelore Greve Stiftung für Wissenschaften und Kultur, Hamburg 03034 Emst Max von Grunelius-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03069 Guardini-Stiftung e.V., Berlin 03074 Förderstiftung der Brauerei Fritz Gutmann, Utting 03085 Kart und Magdalene Haberstock-Stiftung, Augsburg 03104 Dr. Carola und Dr. Edmund Haffmanns· Stiftung, Essen 03126 Heinrich Hagemeier-Fonds für Wissenschaftsförderung, Essen 03128 Otto Hahn-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03142 Adam Haker-Fonds, Essen 03154 Hamburg Rotary-Stiftung, Hamburg 03167 Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur, Hamburg 03180 Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung, Hamburg 03184 Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Bremen 03200 Hansische Universität-Stiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 03207 Hapag-Lloyd Stiftung, Hamburg 03209 Stiftung Michael Hauck, Essen 03235 Hauslage-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03255 Hertha und Eitel-Fritz Häver-Stiftung, Essen 03260 Rudotf-Haver-Stiftung, Essen 03261 Minna-James Heineman-Stiftung, Essen 03331 Stiftung Dr. Heines, Bremen 03334 Heresbach-Stiftung, Kalkar 03389 Hertener Bürgerstiftung, Herten 03404 Gemeinnützige Heitie-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03406 Heinrich Hertz-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03409 Stiftung Bundespräsident-Theodor-HeussHaus, Stuttgart 03441 Friedrich Hiebel-Stiftung, Filderstadt 03452
474 Max Himmelheber-Stiftung, Baierebronn 03465 Hochschulgesellschaft forum sociale Mainz e.V., Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 03490 Horstmann-Stiftung, Schemfeld 03567 Schenkung Hubatsch, Bonn 03639 Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Bonn 03654 IKEA-Stiftung, Hofheim-Wallau 03671 Karin Islinger-Stiftung, Mannheim 03714 Jubiläums-Stiftung zum 400jährigen Bestehen der Universität Würzburg, Würzburg 03765 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse der Stadt Straelen, Straelen 03774 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse Warstein-Rüthen, Warstein 03778 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Ludwigshafen am Rhein 03781 Cari-Christian Jögel-Stittung, Frankfurt am Main 03794 Jung-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Hamburg 03829 Dr. Hans Kapfinger-Stiftung, Passau 03867 Bürgermeister Kellinghusen-Stiftung, Hamburg 03928 William G. Kerckhofl-Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Fortbildung, Bad Nauheim 0393$ Kester-Haeusler-Stiftung, Fürstenfeldbruck 03946 Verwaltungsgesellschaft der AndreasTobias Kind-Stiftung, Bochum 03965 Otto Kinne-Foundation, Oldendorf 03966 Gertrud Kleßny-Kunde-Stiftung, Rastede 04031 Peter Klöckner-Stiftung, Duisburg 04040 Günter Klotz und Helena KlotzMakowiecki Stiftung, TuntenhausenHohenthann 04048 Konrad Knöpfel-Stiftung Fritz Winter, Stuttgart 04069 Rudolf und Erika Koch-Stiftung, Hamburg 04082 Köhler-Osbahr-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Düsseldorf 04093 Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds, Köln 04099 Emil Kömmeriing-Stiftung, Mannheim 04101 Körber-Stiftung, Hamburg 04120 Ado If-u η d-Margot- Κ re bs- Stiftu r>g zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Freiburg im Breisgau 04203 Kreissparkassen-Stiftung im Landkreis Birkenfeld, Idar-Oberstein 04212 Konrad Krieger-Stiftung, Wesel 04224 Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und HalbachStiftung, Essen 04247 Heibert Kunze Stiftung, München 04369 Har» Kupcyk-Stiftung, Ulm 04371 Dr. Fritz Landenberger-Stiftung, Esslingen am Neckar 04393 Manfred und Marianne Losing Stiftung, Essen 04543 Hans Löwel-Stiftung, Bamberg 04545 Oskar Mahr-Stiftungsfonds, Essen 04619 Mainzer Ausbildungsstiftung, Mainz 04623 Jakob-Wilhelm-Mengler-Stiftung, Darmstadt 04743 Hans L. MeiWe-Stiftung, Essen 04748 Adolf Messer-Stiftung, Königstein im Taunus 04756 Dr. Meyer-Struckmann-Stiftung, Essen 04780 Philip Morris-Stiftung, München 0465f Prof. Dr. Volker und Hildegard Neuhoff· Fricke-Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst, Nienburg 04967 Ulrich Neumann-Strftung, Essen 04986 Niederfüllbacher Stiftung, Coburg 04999 Noiting-Haufl-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften und der Universität Bremen, Bremen 05027 Friedrich Oberthür-Stiftung, Lingen 05057 Olympus Europa-Stiftung Wissenschaft fürs Leben, Hamburg 05084 Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Essen 05089 Salomon Oppenhelm-Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Essen 05090 Dr, Waiter und Angelika OschmannStiftung, Nürnberg 05Î02 Anne Oswald-Stiftung, Rosenheim 05116 Büchemachlaß Prof. Dr. Pabst, Berlin 05128 Ilse Palm-Stiftung, Essen 05136 Hans Pape-Stiftung, Essen 05140 Peters-Beer-Stiftung, Essen 05181 Josef Pieper-Stiftung, Münster 05230 Possehl-Stiftung, Lübeck 05273 Alfred und Cläre Pott-Stiftung, Essen 05280 Alfred-Prassek-Stiftung, Wertheim 05283 Herbert Quandt-Stiftung der ALTANA AG, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05342 Herbert Quandt-Stiftung der VARTA AG, Hannover 05343
Helmut-Raschinski-Stiftung der Dortmunder Volksbank eG, Dortmund 05364 Alexander Rave-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05372 Hermann Reemlsma-Stiftung, Hamburg 05365 Regionales Zentrum für Wissenschaft, Technik und Kultur, Hünfeld 05391 Regionalstiftung der niedersächstschen Sparkassen, Hannover 05392 Dr. Gallus Rehm-Stiftung, München 05395 Wemer-Reimers-Stiftung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05408 Dr. Reissner-Stiftung, Essen 05421 Wissenschaftsstiftung Emst Reuter, Berlin 05430 Helga und Edzard Reuter-Stiftung, Essen 05432 Werner Richard-Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung, Herdecke 05441 Erwin Riesch-Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Tübingen 05463 Wolfgang Ritter-Stiftung, Bremen 05476 Otto Ritter-Stiftung, Essen 05479 Emst Röchling-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 05490 Dr. Otto Röhm-Gedächtnisstiftung, Darmstadt 05495 Eduard und Clara Rosenthal Stiftung, Jena 05530 Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirchenstiftung für Wissenschaft, Denkmalpflege und Mildtätigkeit, Bad Honnef 05575 Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha'sche Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Coburg 05590 Hans-Sauer-Stiftung, Deisenhofen 05750 Hermann und Elisabeth SchaedtlerStiftung, Hamburg 05762 Otto F. Scharr-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05778 Schauenburg-Stiftung, Essen 05781 Walter Scheel-Stiftung, Essen 05787 Stiftungsfonds Schering AG, Essen 05801 Karl Schlecht Stiftung (KSG), Aichtal 05846 Schlesisches Konvikt für Studierende der evangelischen Theologie in Halle, Halle/Salle 05853 Robert E. Schmidt-Stiftung, Heidelberg 05695 Stiftung Schmieder für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Allensbach 05902 Erika und Elmar Schoeneberg-Stiftung, Essen 05938 Gustav und Catharina Schürfeld-Stiftung, Hamburg 05987 Eduard von Schwartzkoppen-Stittung, Essen 06040 Schwenninger-Volksbank-Stiftung, VillingenSchwenningen 06051 Rolf und Lucia Serick-Stiftung, Heidelberg 06091 Wolfgang Siegel-Stiftung, Hof 06114 Carl Friedrich von Siemens-Stiftung, München 06120 Sparkassen-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft Ahlen, Ahlen 06203 Sparkassenstiftung Bad Langensalza, Mülhausen 06206 Sparkassenstiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Mönchengladbach 06224 Sparkassenstiftung Landkreis Kassel Kultur -, Kassel 06232 Sparkassenstiftung Uecker-Randow, Pasewalk 06245 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kultur, Wissenschaft und Heimatpflege in der Stadt Paderborn, Paderborn 06255 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Wert 06257 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft der Stadtsparkasse Werne, Werne 06258 Speidel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 06262 Emmi Stahmann-Stiftung, Hameln 06334 von Stedman'sche Familienstiftung, Weilerswist 06349 Stemmler-Stiftung, Essen 06373 Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., Essen 06390 Stiftung Allgemeine Hypothekenbank, Frankfurt am Main 06402 Stiftung Bildung und Wissenschaft, Essen 06482 Stiftung Brandenburger Tor der Bankgesellschaft Berlin, Berlin 06493 Stiftung der Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen, Göttingen 06556 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse EsslingenNürtingen, Esslingen 06570 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Fulda, Fulda 06572 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Segeberg, Bad Segeberg 06590 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Verden, Verden 06593 Stiftung der Norddeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale und der öffentlichen Versicherungen für Braunschweig, Braunschweig 06604 Stiftung der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Leipzig 06611
Stiftung der Spar- und Leihkasse der früheren Ämter Bordesholm, Kiel und Cronshagen für Kultur, Umwelt und Soziales, Bordesholm 06614 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bad Salzuflen, Bad Salzuflen 06617 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bochum zur Förderung von Kultur und Wissenschaft, Bochum 06619 Stiftung der Sparkasse Castrop-Rauxel für Kultur, Wissenschaft und Umwelt, Castrop-Rauxel 06621 Stiftung der Sparkasse Detmold, Detmold 06623 Stiftung der Sparkasse KierspeMeinerzhagen, Kierspe 06633 Stiftung der Sparkasse Menden, Menden 06644 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vorpommern für Wissenschaft, Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, Greifswald 06655 Stiftung der Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Bad Berleburg 06656 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bocholt zur Förderung von Wissenschaft, Kultur und Umweltschutz, Bocholt 06666 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Osterode am Harz, Osterode am Haiz 06675 Stiftung der Städtischen Sparkasse Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt 06679 Stiftung der Württembergischen Hypothekenbank für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Stuttgart 06690 Stiftung ehemaliger Petriner, Recklinghausen 06754 Stiftung Einstein Forum, Potsdam 06758 Stiftung Europaverständigung e.V., Hamburg 06765 Stiftung für die Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Düsseldorf 06834 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umwelt, Sport und Soziales der Sparkasse Weimar, Weimar 06857 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umwelt und Sport der Spaikasse Erfurt, Erfurt 06656 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft und Soziales der Kreissparkasse Gotha, Gotha 06659 Stiftung Fundraising, Frankfurt am Main 06885 Stiftung Gutes mit Schönem verbinden, Stuttgart 06907 Stiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover 07174 Stiftung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die Wissenschaft e.V., Bonn 07183 Stiftung Presse-Haus NRZ, Essen 07211 Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung, Berlin 07214 Stiftung Pro Bochum, Bochum 072/6 Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation, Mainz 07237 Stiftung Spaikasse Uchte, Uchte 07309 Stiftung Stadt Wittlich. Wittlich 07316 Stiftung Standort: hier der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Versmold 07325 Stiftung Universität und Gesellschaft, Konstanz 07360 Stiftung Weltethos für interkulturelle und interreligiöse Forschung, Bildung, Begegnung, Tübingen 07390 Stiftung Weltweite Wissenschaft, Hamburg 07392 Stiftung Westfalen-Initiative für Eigenverantwortung und Gemeinwohl, Münster 07399 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft an der Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 07406 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen 07407 Stiftung zur Förderung der Forschung und der internationalen Zusammenarbeit der Universität des Saariandes Wissenschaftliches Kolioquienzentrum Spelzenklamm, Saarbrücken 07448 Stiftung zur Förderung der Theologischen Hochschule Vallendar der Pallottiner, Vallendar 07469 Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaft und des wissenschaftlich-technischen Nachwuchses, Essen 07470 Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften an der CaroloWilhelmina, Braunschweig 07471 Stiftungsfonds Commerzbank, Essen 07516 Stiftungsfonds der Industrie· und Handelskammer Regensburg, Essen 07517 Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank, Essen 075/9 Stiftungsfonds Dresdner Bank AG, Essen 07520 Stiftungsfonds IBM Deutschland, Essen 0752/ Stiftungsfonds National-Bank AG, Essen 07522 Stiftungsfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaft in der Hochschulregion Koblenz, Koblenz 07524 Hans und Maities Stock-Stifturig für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Kunst und Kultur, Essen 07545
Subject Index: Senior citizens
475 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Rosenheim Dr. Michael Stöcker, Rosenheim 07548 Dr. Helmut Starz-Stiftung, Essen 07561 Gustav-Stresemann-Stiftung, Bonn 07573 Teikyo Foundation (Germany), Berlin 07632 Weihbischof Dr. Emst Tewes-Stiftung, München 07643 Adolf TTieis-Stiftung, Tübingen 07647 Therese von Bayern-Stiftung, München 07650 Richard Thiedemann-Blindenstiftung, Hamburg 07654 Karl Thiemtg-Stiftung, München 07660 Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Köln 07678 Toyota Deutschland Stiftung, Köln 07706 Heinz Trox-Stiftung, Neukirchen-Vluyn 07722 Paul Ungerer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main
Stiftungsfonds Unilever, Essen 07764 Unterfränkische Gedenkjahrstiftung für Wissenschaft, Würzburg 07768 Stiftung van Meeteren, Essen 07795 Eugenie von den Velden-Stiftung, München 07802 Vereinigte Stiftung für Wissenschaftliche Zwecke aller Art, Erlangen 07827 Vereinigte Stiftungen für wissenschaftliche Zwecke alter Art, München 07837 Dr. Hans Vießmann-Stiftung, Hof 07887 Emst-Hellmut Vits-Stiftung, Essen 07898 Marianne-Vogel-Stiftung der Volksbank Hamm eG, Hamm 07910 Franz Vogt-Gemeinnützige Stiftung, Pohlheim 07916 Volksbank Hägen-Stiftung, Hagen 07917 Volkswagen-Stiftung, Hannover 07931 Dr. Marie-Friedericke Wagner-Stiftung, Mainz 07956 Käthe und Wilhelm Wengler-Stiftung, Essen 08076 Hermann und Elise geb. Heckmann Wentzel-Stiftung, Berlin 08078 Die WestHyp-Stiftung zur Förderung von Kultur und Wissenschaft, Dortmund 08099 Woldemar Winkler-Stiftung der Sparkasse Gütersloh, Gütersloh 08150 Fritz-Winter-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08153 Stiftung Winterling Marktleuthen, Essen 08157 Johann-Alexander Wisniewsky-Stiftung, Meppen 08166 Wüstenrot Stiftung, Ludwigsburg 08243 lila und Werner Zamekow-Stiftung, Essen 08257 Zeit-Stiftung, Hamburg 08264 Zempelin-Stiftung, Essen 08266 Zurückgegeben-Stiftung zur Förderung Jüdischer Frauen in Kunst und Wissenschaft, Berlin 08302
Greece Eugenides Foundation, Athina
Hungary EU RATION Budapest, Budapest 08339 International Symmetry Foundation, Budapest 08343
ttaly Fondazione Intemazionale Premio E. Balzan, Milano 08418 Fondazione Centro Italiano Studi e Ricerche, Milano 08591 Fondazione dell'Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, Torino 08613 Fondazione IDIS, Napoli 08639 Fondazione per i Problemi Montani dell'Arco Alpino, Milano 08693 Fondazione Ricerche e Studi Intemazionali, Firenze 08724 Fondazione Viamarconidieci, Napoli 08754 Fondazione Piaggio, Pontedera
Moldova Fondul Stiintific National, Chisinau 09007 Fundaba G.A. Gamov, Chisinau 09016 International Science Foundation Moldova, Chisinau 09018
Netherlands Canon Foundation in Europe, Leiden 09081 Carolus Magnus Fonds, Amsterdam 09084 Stichting Job Dura Fonds, Rotterdam 09102 De Frans Mortelmans Stichting, Den Haag 09219 Stichting Carel Nengerman Fonds, Utrecht 09246 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdam 09276 Prins Bernhard Cultuurlonds Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09277 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Drenthe, Assen 09278
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Flevoland, Lelystad 09279 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Fryslán, Leeuwarden 09280 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Gelderland, Amhem 09281 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Groningen, Groningen 09282 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg, Maastricht 09283 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds NoordBrabant, 's-Hertogenbosch 09284 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds NoordHolland, Haarlem 09285 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Overijssel, Raalte 09286 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfor>ds Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09287 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds 'sGravenhage, Den Haag 09288 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Utrecht, Utrecht 09289 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zeeland, Middelburg 09290 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zuid-Holland, Den Haag 09291 Radboudstichting Wettenschappelijk Onderwijsfonds, Vught 09295 J.C. Ruigrokstichting, Haarlem 09313 Sint Geertruidsleen, Abbega 09329 Stichting Wetenschap en Techniek Nederland, Utrecht 09537
Norway Chr. Michelsens Institutt for Videnskap og Aandsfrihet, Bergen 09646
Poland Stefan Batory Foundation, Warszawa 09656
Portugal Fundaçâo Dr. Elias de Aguiar, Vila do Conde 09674 Fundaçâo José Berardo, Funchal 09699 Fundaçâo Engenheiro José Cordeiro, Ponta Delgada 09720 Fundaçâo Femâo de Magalhâes para o Desenvolvimento, Viana do Castelo 09735 Fundaçâo da Juventude, Porto 09772 Fundaçâo Luslada, Lisboa 09796 Fundaçâo Luso-Africana para a Cultura, Lisboa 09797 Fundaçâo Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, Lisboa 09798 Fundaçâo para o Desenvolvimento dos Meios Nacionais de Cálculo Científico, Lisboa 09815 Fundaçâo Universidade Portucalense Infante Dom Henrique, Porlo 09839 Fundaçâo Gomes Teixeira, Porto 09844 Fundaçâo Joâo Jacinto Magalhâes, Aveiro 09866 Fundaçâo Celeste e Herberto Miranda, Lisboa 09874 Fundaçâo Monjardino, Lisboa 09876 Fundaçâo Marqués de Pombal, Linda-a· Velha 09895 Fundaçâo Horácio Roque, Funchal 09913 Fundaçâo Arnélia da Silva de Mello, Lisboa 09925 Fundaçâo Mário Soares, Lisboa 09926
Russia Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund, Moskva 10003
Spain Fundación Alvargonzález, Gijón 10046 Fundación Rubio y Tuduri Andrómaco, Maó 10056 Fundación Ramón A reces, Madrid 10063 Fundación José Antonio Artigas y Sanz, Madrid 10079 Fundación José Miguel Barandiarán, Donostia-San Sebastián 10098 Fundación Pedro Barrie de la Maza Conde de Penosa, A Coruna 10104 Fundación Conde de Cartagena, Madrid 10175 Fundación Cristóbal Colón, Sevilla 10222 Fundación Dávaios-Fletcher, Castellón de la Plana 10251 Fundación Durin Vall-llosera, Premia de Dart 10267 Fundación Sancho El Sabio, Vitoria 10280 Fundación Alfonso Marlin Escudero, Madrid 10292 Fundación Lucia Gil de Fagoaga, Requena 10306 Fundación Fernán Angulo, Barcelona 10334 Fundació Catalana per a PEstudi de les Malalties Vasculare, Barcelona 10416 Fundació Congrès de Cultura Catalana, Barcelona 10447 Fundación Ada, Madrid 10671 Fundación Argentaría, Madrid 10712 Fundación Balear, Palma de Mallorca 10773
Fundación Banco Central Hispano, Madrid 10777 Fundación Banesto Cultural, Madrid 10780 Fundación Benéfico Docente Patronato del I.C.A.I., Madrid 10788 Fundación Burgos para la Investigación de la Salud, Burgos 10802 Fundación Caja de Ahorros de Vitoria y Alava, Vitoria 10811 Fundación Caja Segorbe, Segorbe 10818 Fundación Can Blau, San Agustín 10822 Fundación Coca-Cola España, Madrid 10904 Fundación Colegio Libre de Eméritos, Madrid 10916 Fundación Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales, Madrid 10926 Fundación Cultural Colegio Universitario de Zamora, Zamora 10950 Fundación Cultural de Cercedilla, Cercedilla 10952 Fundación del Oja, Casalarreiria 11004 Fundación Europeo-Argentina, Madrid 11108 Fundación General Mediterránea, Madrid 11147 Fundación Haycraft, Madrid 11156 Fundación IMIM, Barcelona 11251 Fundación Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología, Sevilla 11266 Fundación Instituto Español de Estudios Mediterráneos, Barcelona 11283 Fundación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo de Estudios, Madrid 11478 Fundación Principado de Asturias, Oviedo 11528 Fundación Tabacalera, Madrid 11650 Fundación Universidad de Estudios Generales, El Puig 11666 Fundación Valenciana de Estudios Avanzados, Valencia 11685 Fundación para el Desarrollo Económico, Social y Cultural de Alora Tomás García García, Málaga 11720 Fundación Garí Patrose Zatorre, Zaragoza 11730 Fundación Gaztelueta, Las Arenas-Getxo 11737 Fundación Antoni de Gímbemat, Cambrils 11740 Fundación Paurides González Vidal Elda, Alicante 11752 Fundación Kovacs, Palma de Mallorca 11812 Fundación Juan March, Madrid 11876 Fundació Joan Oró, Ueida 11972 Fundación José Pastor Fuertes, Valencia 11988 Fundación Jaime Planas, Barcelona 12020 Fundación Joaquín Torens Ibem, Barcelona 12188 Fundación Vaccea, Salamanca 12217 Fundación Vega, Madrid 12235 Fundación España Lyudmila Yivkova, Madrid 12276
Sweden International Foundation for Science, Stockholm 12298 Right Uevlihood Awards Foundation, Stockholm 12309 Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm 12318 Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, Stockholm 12327 Stiftelsen Wenner-Gren, Stockholm 12328
Switzerland Allegra Stiftung, Basel 12348 Marcel Benoist-Stiftung für die Förderung wissenschaftlicher Forschung, Bern 12392 Bochan-Stiftung, Zurich 12425 Heinrich Federer-Stiftung, Samen 12554 Fondation KW, Genève 12618 Fondation pour Genève, Genève 12637 Fondation pour la Science et la Culture, Genève 12643 Fondation Sport, Science et Santé, Pully 12672 Fondazione della Svizzera Italiana per la Ricerca Scientifica e gli Studi Universitari, Lugano 12693 Goethe-Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft, Zürich 12773 Holderbank-Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung, Holderbank 12844 Jerusalem Foundation Zürich, Zürich 12919 J ubrtâu ms-Stiftung der Schweizerischen Bankgesellschaft, Zürich 12927 Jubiläumsstrftung der Credit Suisse Group, Zürich 12928 Jubiläumsstiftung der Schweizerischen Mobiliar Versicherungsgesellschaft, Bern 12931 Jubiläumsstiftung Schweizerischer Bankverein 1972, Basel 12934 W. und I. Kerscher-Stiftung, Zürich 12954
Fondation Pierre Mercier pour la Science, Lausanne 13040 Conrad Ferdinand Meyer-Stiftung, Zurich 13046 Pro Scientia et Arte, Bern 13127 Rich-Stiftung, Zürich 13152 Fondazione Fratelli Agostino ed Enrico Rocca, Lugano 13156 Schweizerische Doron-Preis Stiftung, Zug 13229 Carl Seelig-Stiftung, Kaltenbach 13304 Stiftung für den internationalen Austausch wissenschaftlicher und kultureller Informationen durch Femmeldemittel, Zürich 13500 Stiftung Schweizer Jugend forscht, Winterthur 13779 Stiftung Techno ram a der Schweiz, Winterthur 13838 Stiftung Dr. Robert Tïiyll-Dûrr, Zürich 13944 Fondation Vertose, Genève 13966
United Kingdom British Academy, London 14746 The Cambridge Trust for Science and Technology, Cambridge 14906 The Delphi Trust, Nottingham 15531 The Ems Foundation, Leicester 15804 Gatsby Charitable Foundation, London 16116 North East Discovery Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne 18027 Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, London 19038 The Royal Society, London 19115 Saint Francis Hospice Development Trust, Romford 19253 The Robert Stephenson Trust Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19810 The Thompson Educational Trust, London 20006 Twenty-Ninth May 1961 Charity, London 20153 Wolverlon Science and Art Institute Fund, Milton Keynes 20566 Yapp Education and Research Trust, London 20672
Semitic studies Germany Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin Centrum Judaicum, Berlin 07170
Netherlands Van den Blink-De Hart-Emanuel Stichting, Amsterdam 09574
Romania Goldfaden International Cultural Foundation, Bucuresti 09945
Switzerland Fondation Haffkine, Pully
Senior citizens Austria Altenheim-Stiftung Brunnkirchen, Brunnkirchen 00009 Stiftung Genesungsheim Kalksburg, Wien 00152 Stiftung Kaiser Franz Josef-Spital, Zell am Ziller 00155 Stiftung Nothburgaheim, Innsbruck 00160 Evangelische Stiftung de la Tour, Treffen 00173
Belgium Fondation Nationale de la Vieillesse, Bruxelles 00325 King Baudouin Foundation, Bruxelles 00442
France Fondation Beaufils, Forges-Ies-Eaux 00735 Fondation Louise de Bettignies, Nice 00748 Fondation Burlot, Thizy 00769 Fondation Camescasse, Douai 00772 Fondation Camus, Epehy 00773 Fondation Chabrand Thibault, Cormeillesen-Parisis 00785 Fondation Dranem, Paris 00827 Fondation Dubois, Branne 00329 Fondation de France, Paris 00894 Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris-Hôpitaux de France, Paris 00965 Fondation Paradis, Espaly-Saint-Marcel 01018 Fondation Grimaud, La Pacaudière 01114 Fondation Lamauve, Rouen 01152 Fondation Lépine, Versailles 01168 Fondation Lepoutre, Nogent-sur-Mame 01169 Fondation Luro, Ispoure 01175 Fondation Léopold Mourier, Cormeillesen-Parisis 01203
Fondation Ozanam, Prisse 01211 Fondation Pommé, Oloron-Sainte-Marie 01227 Fondation de Rothschild, Paris 01246 Secours Catholique-Caritas France, Paris 01261 Fondation Texier Gallas, Orgères-enBeaucé 01275 Fondation Verdier, Montrouge 01286
Germany Jakob-Christian Adam-Stiftung, Meckenheim 01318 Adelberdt-Diakonissen Mutterhaus in Stendal, Stendal 01321 Karla und Alfred W. Adickes-Stiftung, Hamburg 01333 Adolphi-Stiftung Senioreneinrichtungen, Essen 01335 Gerhard-AIber-Stiftung, Stuttgart 01352 Aldinger-Stiftung Wasseiüurg (Bodensee), Tettnang 01360 Almosenkasten-Stiftung, Bayreuth 01385 Alten-Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Solingen, Solingen 01390 Alten- und Pflegeheim Sankt Annen, Eisenach 01391 Alten- und Pflegeheim Sankt Elisabeth, Hechingen 01392 Altenbegegnungsstätte der Sparkasse Vogtland, Reichenbach 01394 Altendank, Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Göppingen, Göppingen 01395 Anna Luise Altendorf-Stiftung, Minden 01396 Altenheim der 1846-er Gedächtnisstiftung Fürth, Fürth 01397 Altenheim Rudolfstift, Braunschweig 01398 Altenheim-Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Duisburg, Duisburg 01399 Altenheimstiftung des Niedersächsischen Fußball-Totos und Zahlenlottos, Hannover 01400 Altenheimstiftung Flottbek-Nienstedten, Hamburg 01401 Altenhilfe Munderkingen, Munderkingen 01402 Geschwister Attenloh-Stiftung, Kierspe 01403 Altenpflegeheim Sankt Elisabeth, Geisa 01404 Altenpflegeheim-Stiftung Wallerstein, Wallerstein 01405 Altenstiftung Altenheime Waiblingen, Schwaikheim 01406 Altenstiftung der Sparkasse Leverkusen, Leverkusen 01407 Altenwohnanlage Sankt Johannis zu Hamburg-Bergedorf, Hamburg 01408 Altenwohnstift Klettgau, Klettgau 01409 Altersheim-Bürgerspitalstiftung Hammelburg, Hammelburg 01410 Attersheimstiftung der Stadt Bautzen, Bautzen 01411 Alterswohnung-Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Hannover, Hannover 01412 Willi Althof-Stiftung, München 01414 Altkönig-Stiftung, Kronberg im Taunus 01415 Amalien-Stiftung, Rheinfelden 01421 Rosa und Maximilian Amendt Stiftung, Augsburg 01425 Anhaltische Diakonissen Anstalt, Dessau 01431 Anselm'sche Stiftung für langjährige Betriebsangehörigkeit, Weißenburg in Bayern 01435 Antonistift- Stiftu η g Bamberg, Bamberg 01438 Stiftung Herzog Engelbert Chartes und Herzogin Mathildis von Arenberg, Meerbusch 01448 Armen-, Alten- und Behindertensliftugn der Stadt Güsten, Güsten 01451 Astor-Stiftung, Walldorf 01478 Augsburger Sparkassen-Altenhilfe, Augsburg 01490 Auguste-Viktoria-Stiftung, Hamburg 01492 Augustenhilfe Ebingen, Albstedt 01493 Augustenstift, Schwerin 01494 Heinrich und Arthur Aumhammer'sche Jubiläumsstiftung in Treuchtlingen, Treuchtiingen 01497 AWO Rheinlandstiftung, Köln 01506 Großherzogin-Luise-von-Baden-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 01513 Bade'sche Stiftung von Anno 14Θ9 und 1844, Bergisch-Gladbach 01517 August Baer-Stiftung, Hamburg 01522 Georg Baithel-Stiftung, München 01548 Stiftung Lulu und Robert Bartholomay, Hamburg 01550 Bauer-Walser-Stiftung, Pforzheim 01564 Karl Baumgartner-Stiftung, Leonberg 01576 Erna Baur-Stiftung, Hamburg 01577 Bayerische Landesstiftung, München 01589 BBS Bietigheimer Bürgerstiftung, Bietigheim-Bissingen 01601 Georg Behrmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 01626 Bergedorf-B i I le-Stiftu η g zur sozialen Integration von Menschen, Hamburg 01647 Betfie-Stiftung, Essen 01685
Subject Index: Senior citizens Betreuungswerk Post Postbank Telekom, Stuttgart 01686 Stiftung Carl Rudolf von Beulwitz, Nonnweiler 01689 BHF-Bank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01697 Dr. Theodor August Bieber-Stiftung, Hamburg 01700 Boecker-Stiftung, Witten 01766 Annemarie und Helmut Börner-Stiftung, Köln 01779 Boorberg-Stiftung, München 01801 Marie von Boschan-Aschrott AltersheimStiftung, Kassel 01811 Hans Brâckler Stiftung, Frankfurg am Main 01818 Louis und Ella Julie Brand-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01821 Gustav Brandt'sche Stiftung, Hannover 01823 Braun-Stiftung, Mainz 01833 Braun'sche und Susann'sche Stiftung Möhringen, Tuttlingen 01837 Geschwister Anna und Diederich BremerStiftung, Varel 01856 Robert Breuning-Stiftung, Lörrach 01866 Alfred Britsch-Stiftung, Ittlingen 01875 Bruderhaus-Stiftung Eggenfelden, Eggenfelden 01887 Bruderhausstiftung Berchtesgaden, Berchtesgaden 01888 Bruderhausstiftung Mühldorf am Inn, Mühidol am Inn 01889 Johann Bruecker-Stiftung, Schönaich 01894 Ingeborg Brüninghaus-Stiftung, Bielefeld 01898 Sparkassenstiftung Alex Brunnberg, Brakel 01903 Johanna und Fritz Buch GedächtnisStiftung, Hamburg 01911 Harald Buch-Stiftung, Fröndenberg 01912 Büdel-Ebert-Heim-Stiftung, Neckargemünd 01921 Vicco von Bülow-Stiftung, Brandenburg 01925 Bürgerheim-Stiftung, Rosenheim 01932 Bürgerhospital-Stiftung Deidesheim, Deidesheim 01933 Bürgerhospital-Stiftung Kulmbach, Kulmbach 01934 Bürgerhospital und Sankt-ElisabethKrankenhaus, Hünfeld 01935 Bürgerliche Heiliggeist-Stiftung Passau, Passau 01936 Bürgerspital-Stiftung, Iphofen 01938 Bürgerspital-Stiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 01939 Bürgerspital-Stiftung Straubing, Straubing 01940 Bürgerspital-Stiftung Volkach, Volkach 01941 Bürgerspitalstiftung, Amberg 01942 Bürgerspitalstiftung, Dachau 01943 Bürgerspitalstiftung, Hochstedt 01944 Bürgerspitalstiftung, Kötzting 01945 Bürgerspitalstiftung Cham, Cham 01946 Bürgerspitalstiftung Hahnbach, Hahnbach 01948 Bürgerspitalstiftung Haßfurt, Haßfurt 01949 Bürgerspitalstiftung Pottenstein, Pottenstein 01951 Bürgerspitalstiftung Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Sulzbach-Rosenberg 01952 Bürgerstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Viersen, Viersen 01958 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Kassel 01963 Bürgerstiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 01964 Bürgerstiftung Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 01969 Bürgerstifturtg Wehr, Wehr 01974 Johannes Buhmann-Stiftung, Albersdorf 01987 Busch-Stiftung Senioren hilfe, Solingen 02003 Eugen-Otto und Margarete-Butz-Stiftung, Hilden 02009 Dr. Walter und Margarete CajewitzStiftung, Hannover 02013 Caritasstiftung Sankt Joseph Oldenburg, Vechta 02026 Wilhelm Carstens-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 02031 Helga Cavallo-Stiftung, München 02037 Christliche Heimstiftung Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven 02051 Clara-Elisen-Stift, Köln 02057 Clara-Stift Seppenrade, Lüdinghausep 02058 Gustav Clausen-Stiftung, Hamburg 02063 Altenheimstiftung Clus Schöningen, Schöningen 02074 Peter Cordt-Kock-Stiftung, Bonn 02053 Wilhelm Dahn-Stiftung, Hamburg 02108 Alfred und Toni Dahlweid-Stiftung, Potsdam 02112 Dall'Armi-Heimstiftung, München 02119 Damenstift am Luitpoldpark, München 02120 Damenstift Lippstadt, Lippstadt 02121 Felix und Charlotte Danziger-Stiftung für Altershilfe, Beilin 02130 Delmenhorster Heimstiftung, Delmenhorst 02148
Alfred und Barbara DemmlerWohltätigkeitsstiftung, Kempten (Allgäu) 02151 Edmund Deswatines-Sliftung, Krefeld 02159 Georg Deuringefsche Stiftung, Kempten/Allgäu 02164 Deutsche Hospiz Stiftung, Dortmund 02187 Deutsches Rotes Kreuz-Stiftung Altenheim Freier Grund, Neunkirchen 02242 Diakoniegemeinschaft Paulinenstìfl, Wiesbaden 02249 Oiakoniestiftung Alt-Hamburg, Hamburg 02250 Diakoniestiftung Lazarus Berlin, Berlin 02252 Diakoniewerk Halle, Halle/Saale 02253 Diakoniewerk Ruhr, Witten 02254 Diakoniezentrum Laubacher Stift, Laubach 02255 Diakonische Altenstrftung Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt 02256 Diakonissen-Mutterhaus Cecilienstift Halberstadt, Halberstadt 02258 Dr. Ferdinand, Maria und Erna DtckWohttätigkeitsstiftung, München 02261 Diesterweg-Stiftung, Hamburg 02270 Stiftung Direk-Koster-Testament, Hamburg 02286 Richard Drautz-Stiftung, Heilbronn 02334 Bernhard Oreger-Stiftung, Wallerfangen 02335 Dreikönigskapellenstiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 02336 Dresdner Stiftung für Soziales und Umwelt der Stadtsparkasse Dresden, Dresden 02343 Dresen-Stiftung, Wuppertal 02344 DR K-Stiftung Diez und Umgebung, Diez 02352 Usbeth Ebers-Stiftung, Hamburg 02379 Julius Echter-Stift Röttingen, Röttingen 02383 Senatspräsident Ecker-Stiftung, Neuwied 02387 EDEKA Stiftung, Hamburg 02391 Johanna Margaretha Eding-Testament, Hamburg 02394 Egestorff-Stiftung Abenheim, Bremen 02400 Mathilde Ehler-Tamm-Stiftung, Cuxhaven 02403 Ehrensteiner Armenstiftung, Asbach 02408 Ehrich-Franck-Stiftung, Hamburg 02409 Ehriichsche Schul· und Armenstiftung, Dresden 02413 Dr. Hans-Georg und Camilla EickeStiftung, Berg 02419 Stiftung Elim, Hamburg 02431 Elisabeth-Diakonissen- und Krankenhaus, Berlin 02433 Elisabeth-Stiftung des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Birkenfeld 02434 Elisabethospital-Stiftung Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld, Bad Königshofen 02436 Elisenstift, Dörentrup 02440 Hermann Engel-Stiftung, Hamburg 02455 Dr. Engelhard'sche Pfründnerspitalstiftung Geldersheim, Geldersheim 02457 Wilhelm Enßle-Stiftung, Remshalden 02462 Hortense B. Eppler-Nachlaß-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02464 Eberhard und Fanny Ermann'sche Stiftung, Nürnberg 02472 Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Coesfeld 02477 Eschels-Stiftung für alternde Arbeiter, Hamburg 02485 Espenhahn-Stiftung, Sandersleben 02488 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Diakoniewerk St. Aegidien in Hannover-Anderten, Hannover 0251/ Evangelisch-Lutherisches Magdalenenstift, Altenburg 02512 Evangelische Diakoniestiftung Herford, Herford 02514 Evangelische Diakonissenanstalt Stuttgart, Stuttgart 02515 Evangelische Gemeindediakoniestiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 02520 Evangelische Hospitalstiftung Lindau (Bodensee), Lindau 02522 Evangelische Sankt Antonistiftung Quakenbrück, Quakenbrück 02529 Evangelische Schulstrftung Brechten, Dortmund 02530 Evangelische Stiftung Bethanien, Görlitz 02536 Evangelische Stiftung Christopherushof, Aftengesees 02537 Evangelische Stiftung Rheda, RhedaWiedenbrück 02542 Evangelische Stiftung Ummeln, Bielefeld 02543 Evangelische Stiftung Wichemhaus, Görlitz 02545 Evangelische Wohltätigkeitsstiftung in Regensburg, Regensburg 02549 Evangelisches Altenpflegeheim Bethanien, Oschersteben 02553 Evangelisches Altenzentrum Neuenkirchen, Melle 02554 Evangelisches Diakonissenhaus Detmold, Detmold 02558
Evangelisches Johannesstift Berlin, Beri'm 02559 Evangelisches Kranken- und Armenhaus Unna, Unna 02564 Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf 02567 Evangelisches Krankenhaus Holzminden, Holzminden 02568 Evangelisches Marienstift in Schorndorf, Schorndorf 02571 Evangelisches Stift Freiburg, Freiburg 02573 Evangelisches Stift Sankt Martin, Koblenz 02575 Evangelisches Stift zu Wüsten, Bad Salzuflen 02576 Eybsche Heilig-Geist-Spital-Stiftung Eichstätt, Eichstätt 02583 Elisabeth Eydel-Stiftung, Würzburg 02585 Bert Fanselau-Stiftung, München 02598 Ferdinandheim, Düsseldorf 02622 Dr. Heinrich Feuchter-Stiftung, Wuppertal
Wilhelm Feyler-Stiftung, Coburg 02628 Andreas Robert und Alwine Fick-Stiftung, Hamburg 02630 Dr. Josef Fieger-Stiftung, Erftstadt 02633 Gerhard Fieseier-Stiftung, Kassel 02634 Josef Fiteermayr'sches Sankt Jodokstift Landshut. Landshut 02640 Fischer's Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Erding, Erding 02659 Karl Fix-Stiftung, Landau in der Pfalz 02663 Flender'sche Spitalstiftung, Seßlach 02671 Theodor Fliedner-Haus, Mannheim 02675 Theodor Fliedner-Werk vormals Diakonenanstalt Duisburg, Mühlheim an der Ruhr 02676 Fliegenschuh'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Hindelang 02678 Rutopfer-Stiftung von 1962, Hamburg 02682 Förderfonds der Spaikasse GünzburgStiftung, Günzburg 02683 Dr. Georg Frank-Afte η h iffe-Stittu ng, Stadtbergen 02720 Vereinigte von Frank'sche Bürgerspitalstiftung Waldmünchen, Waldmünchen 02731 Albrecht Franz-Stiftung, Lauf an der Pegnitz 02737 Friedrich-Luisen-Stiftung, Heiligenberg 02776 Friedrichsheim-Pfründneranstalt, Stadtlauringen 02781 Hans und Martha Frisch-Aitenstiftung für die Stadt Bayreuth, Bayreuth 02787 Stiftung sei. Johann Füchting-Testament, Lübeck 02802 Fürstlich Fürstenbergischer Landesspitalfonds, Hertingen 02806 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Fuggerei Stiftung, Augsburg 02810 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Holzund Blattemhaus Stiftung, Augsburg 02811 Ulrich Gabler-Stiftung, Lübeck 02825 Hans und Luise Gäble'sche Stiftung, Memmingen 02827 ôaehtje'sches Familienvermächtnis, Eckemförde 02831 Johann August Gärtner-Stiftung, Hamburg 02832 Carl-Hermann Gaiser-Stiftung, Göppingen 02837 Adolf von Galhau'sche Sophienstiftung, Wallertangen 02840 Max-Gallinger-Stiftung, Metten 02841 Gast- und Krankenhaus, Hamburg 02848 Fritz und Brigitta Gastager-Stiftung, Inzell 02849 Gasthausstiftung Emmerich, Emmerich 02850 Otto Emst Cari Gauger-Stiftung, Hamburg 02653 Renate Gehring-Stiftung, Gütersloh 02860 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Johannis in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02673 Gemeindestittung Altenwohn· und Pflegeheim Ilvesheim, Ilvesheim 02S79 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Stolzenau, Stolzenau 02887 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Hof, Hcrf 02666 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Kreissparkasse Bersenbrück, Bersenbrück 02694 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Kreissparkasse Syke, Syke 02895 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Sparkasse Osnabrück, Osnabrück 02897 Gemeinschaftshilfe im DLW-Konzem, Bietigheim-Bissingen 02900 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt am Niederrhein, Moers 02901 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden 02902 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohifahrt Essen, Essen 02903 Gemeinschaftsstittung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg 02904
Gemeinschaftsstiftung Freie Scholle, Bielefeld 02907 Franz-Anton Gering-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02922 GeSoBau-Stiftung, Berlin 02935 Friedrich-Karl Gettkandt-Stiftung, Berlin 02938 Dr. Geitrud-Glauner-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02962 Glockengießer-Spital Stiftung Sankt Leonhard, Lauf 02966 Glückauf Stiftung, Essen 02970 Franz Göhler Stiftung, Hösbach 02976 Or. Eugen Göpel-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 02976 Gottesacker Stiftung, Buchdoil 03003 Johannes und Elsbeth Gottwald-Stiftung, Berlin 03009 Margarethe Gradl-Stiltung, Wemding 03013 Gradmann-Fonds, Stuttgart 03014 Erich und Liselotte Gradmann-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03015 Graue-Panther-Stiftung, Fürstenfeldbruck 03025 Heinrich und Mathilde Greil-Stiftung, Hamburg 03030 Emst und Berta Grimmke-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03040 Heinrich Gröschel-Stiftung, Nürnberg 03042 Grotjahn-Stiftung zu Schladen/Harz, Schladen 03055 Gertraud und Josef Gmber-Stiftung, Rottach-Egem 03057 Hans Grunewald-Stiftung, Schwelm 03062 August Gudewill-Stiftung, Thedinghausen 03075 Abert Hackmann Gotteswohnungen, Hamburg 03108 Vermächtnis Frieda und Michael Häckel, Dillingen 03112 Luisa Haeuser-Frauen-Stiftung, Frankfurg am Main 03120 Bertha und Ilse Hafferberg-Stiftung, München 03125 Irma-Hahn-Stiftung, Hamburg 03143 Hamburger Taubstummen-Attenheim, Hamburg 03181 Hamelner Sparkassenstiftung, Hameln 03185 Gustav und Ilse Hamester-Stiftung, Hamburg 03186 Anna und Heinrich Hanfft Stiftung, Hamburg 03193 Emmi Hansen geb. Buhl-Stiftung, Coburg 03203 Hasenheyer-Stiftung in Potsdam, Potsdam 03228 Hasenkamp-Stiftung Altersheim, Düsseldorf 03229 Marlice und Hans Hasselmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 03231 Erika Haucke-Stiftung, Schneverdingen 03237 Haus Bethesda im Evangelischen Johanneswerk e.V., Bielefeld 03247 Haus zur Heiligen Hedwig, Berlin 03252 Geschwister de Haye'sche Stiftung, Koblenz 03262 Collette-Hecht-Stiftung, Hamburg 03269 Hederich-Grasse-Stiftung, Ellwangen 03272 Heerlein und Zindler-Stiftung, Hamburg 03280 Georg Hegenauer-Stiftung, Regensburg 03284 Martha und Christian Hehl-Stiftung, Lübeck 03285 Heilig-Geist-Bürgerspitalstiftung Landau an der Isar, Landau an der Isar 032S2 Heilig-Geist-Spital-Stiftung, Nürnberg 03294 Heilig-Geist-Spital-Stiftung Burghausen, Burghausen 03295 Heilig-Geist-Spital-Stiftung Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt 03296 Heilig-Geist-Spitalstiftung, Neuötöng 03297 Heilig-Geist-Spitalstiftung Aichach, Aichach 03298 Heilig-Geist-Spitalstiftung Eggenfelden, Eggenfelden 03299 Heilig-Geist-Spitalstiftung Füssen, Füssen 03300 Heilig-Geist-Stiftung, Dülmem 03301 Heilig-Geist-Stiftung Nesselwang, Nesselwang 03302 Heilig-Geist-Stiftung Vitsbiburg, Vilsbiburg 03304 Heilig Geistspitalsffltung Landshut, Landshift 03305 Heiligen-Geist-Hospital Lübeck, Lübeck 03306 Heiligen-Geist-Stiftung, Uelzen 03307 Heiliggeist-Spital-Stiftung München, München 03309 Heiliggeist-Spital-Stiftung Schongau, Schongau 03310 Heiliggeist-Spitalstiftung, Günzburg 03311 Heiliggeistspital Mühldorf am Inn, Mühldorl am Inn 03312 Heiliggelstspital-Stiftung Freising, Freising 03313 Háliggeistspitalstiftung Erding, Erding 03316
Heiliggeistspitalstiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg 03317 Heimkehrerstiftung, Bonn 03328 Heimstiftung Karlsruhe, Kartsruhe 03330 Heine'sches Wohnstift, Hamburg 03335 Christian-Ludwig und Franziska HeisterStiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03342 Cornelius Helferich-Stiftung, Kassel 03350 Armenstiftung Hellendom für Wissel und Griethausen, Kleve 03353 Emst-Jakob Henne-Stiftung, München 03367 Ciaire Hennes-Stiftung, Heiligenhaus 03369 Henriettenstiftung, Hannover 03372 Heppel-Stift, Limburg 03377 Heimann-Josef-Stiftung Erkelenz, Erkelenz 03392 Otto und Anna Herold-Altersheimstiftung, Kartstadt 03396 Kart Heniger-Stiftung, Grevenbroich 03399 Hermhuter Diakonie-Stiftung der Evangelischen Brüder-Unität, Hermhut 03402 Herrschaftlicher Bezirksspitalfonds, BadenBaden 03403 Oina Herter-Stiftung, Siegen 03405 Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03406 Magda Hertz-Dyrks-Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 03407 Vereinigte Herz-Nähefsche Wohltatigkeitsstiftung, Sonthofen 03411 Hartwig Hesse-Stiftung, Hamburg 03422 Barbara und Claus Heyde-Stiftung, Dresden 03445 Adda Heywinkel-Stiftung, Lotte 03450 Bürgermeister Hennann HildebrandStiftung, Bremen 03453 Hiffe in Not, Hamburg 03458 Wilhelmine Himmeröder-Stiftung, WindeckRosbach 03466 Fritz Hintermayr-Stiftung, Nürnberg 03470 Fritz Hintermayr'sche Altersheim-Stiftung, Augsburg 03471 C.A. Hipp'sche Stiftung, Bad Säckingen 03473 Vermächtnis Hirschberger, Dillingen 03476 Wilhelm Hiite-Stiftung, Hannover 03481 Max Hochrein-Stiftung Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Speyer 03488 Elly Höttefhott-Böcking-Stiftung, Bonn 03500 Höschete-Böttger-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03506 Hofana-Stiftung, Pappenheim 03511 Hoffbauer-Stiftung, Potsdam 03512 Anna Hoffmann-Stiftung, Berlin 03515 Georg Hofmann-Altenstiftung, Maßbach 03520 Oberamtsrichter Hofmann'sche Stiftung, Randersacker 03524 Friedrich Holst-Stiftung, Hamburg 03535 Hugo Homann-Stiftung, Dissen 03543 Hom'sche Spitalstiftung, Dettelbach 03559 Mieze Hörster-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03565 Hospital Bad Hersfeld, Bad Hersfeld 03570 Hospital in Grebenstein, Grebenstein 0357/ Hospital Koibach, Korbach 03572 Hospital Sankt Cyriaci zu Löbejün, Löbejün 03573 Hospital Sankt Elisabeth, Eschwege 03574 Hospital Sankt Elisabeth Frankenberg/Eder, Frankenberg/Eder 03575 Hospital Sankt Georg, Bleckede 03576 Hospital Sankt Georg, Dannenberg 03577 Hospital Sankt Marien, Wriezen 03580 Hospital Sankt Nikolaihof, Lüneburg 0356/ Hospital Sankt Wendel, Sankt Wendel 03582 Hospital Schlitzerland, Schlitz 03563 Hospital-Stiftung, Mindelheim 03585 Hospital-Stiftung, Prichsenstadt 03586 Hospital-Stiftung, Schwabach 03587 Hospital-Stiftung Aschaffenburg, Aschaffenburg 03588 Hospital-Stiftung Dillingen an der Donau, Dillingen an der Donau 03589 Hospital-Stiftung Kupferberg, Kupferberg 03590 Hospital-Stiftung Lohr am Main, Lohr am Main 03597 Hospital-Stiftung Wunsiede), Wunsiedel 03592 Hospital-Stiftung Ziemetshausen, Ziemetshausen 03593 Hospital Trenge, Trendelburg 03594 Hospital- und Armenfonds Lahr, Lahr 03595 Hospital zu den Heiligen Fabian und Sebastian, Rosendahl 03597 Hospital zu Gudensberg, Gudensberg 03596 Hospital zu Immenhausen, Immenhausen 03599 Hospital zum Graal, Lüneburg 03600
Hospital zum Großen Heiligen Geist, Lüneburg 03601 Hospital Zum heiligen Geist, Heilbad Heiligenstadt 03602 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, Langenargen 03603 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, Rendsburg 03604 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Homberg. Homberg/Efze 03607 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist in Bibeiach, Biberach 03608 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist in Schwäbisch Hall, Schwäbisch Hall 03609 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Kißlegg, Meckenbeuren 03610 Hosprtal zum Heiligen Geist Rottenburg, Rottenburg 03611 Hospital zum Heiligen Kreuz, Zörbig 03613 Hospitalfonds Hofheim, Kassel 03614 Hospitalfonds Sankt Benedikt! Lüneburg, Hannover 03615 Hospitalstiftung, Bad Windsheim 03617 Hospitalstiftung, Bayreuth 03618 Hospitalstiftung, Schweinfurt 03619 Hospitalstiflung der Stadt Lohr am Main, Lohr am Main 03622 Hospitalstiftung der Stadt Pima, Pirna 03623 Hospitalstiftung Dinkeischerben, Dinkelscherben 03624 Hospitalstiftung Günzenhausen, Günzenhausen 03625 Hospitalstiftung Hochstedt an der Donau, HÔchstàdt 03626 Hospitalstiftung Hot, Hof 03627 Hospitalstiftung Langenzenn, Langenzenn 03628 Hospitalstiftung Leipheim, Leipheim 03629 Hospitalstiftung Stadtprozeiten, Aschaffenburg 03631 Hospitalstiftung zum Heiligen Geist, Weißenburg 03634 Hospitalstiftung zum Heiligen Geist in Wangen, Wangen 03635 Hosprtalstiftung zum Heiligen Geist Kißlegg, Kißleg 03636 Hosprtalstiftung zum Heiligen Geist Schwäbisch Gmund, Schwäbisch Gmünd 03637 Elisabeth Hülsmann-Stiftung, Hamm 03647 Freiherrtich Moritz von Hutten'sche Pfründnerspitalstiftung Arnstein, Aschaffenburg 03660 Dr. Gotthard und Helga Hyllus-Stiftung, Bad Bellingen 03662 Franz Islinger-Stiftung, Mannheim 03715 Julius Itze&tiftung, München 03719 Oberalten Johann Carl Jacobi-Stift, Hamburg 03722 Paul Wilhelm Carl Jahn Stiftung, Hamburg 03725 Jahn'sche Stiftung in Glindow, Berlin 03729 Pastor Jakobs-Stiftung, Mülheim ari der Ruhr 03732 Oskar Jandel-Stiftung, Essen 03733 Gisela Janotte-Stiftung, Berlin 03736 Jesus Christus Nazoraios Gott - Stiftung für Inneren Frieden, Gengenbach 03744 Johannesstift im Evangelischen Johanneswerk e.V., Bielefeld 03748 Evangelische Alteneinrichtung MarieJonas-Stift, Eberswalde 03752 Josef-Emilienstiftung, Münster 03756 Josefi-Spitatetiftung mit Dartapp'scher Zustiftung, Bad Tölz 03757 Jubiläumsstiftung der Creditvsrein Wilhermsdod AG, Wilhermsdorf 03771 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse in Meschede/Eslohe, Meschede 03776 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Emmerich 03780 Jubiläumsstiftung der Vereinigten Spaitessen im Landkreis Weilheim in Oberbayem, Weilheim in Obeitwyem 03785 Jubiläumsstiftung der Volksbank Kochst am Main, Frankfurt am Main 03786 Jubiläumsstiftung für Altenheime, Hamburg 03757 Jugend- und Senioren-Stiftung der Kreissparkassa Tübingen, Tübingen 03605 Julius-DistnMs-Pfründnerspitalstiltung Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Henstren 03620 Julius Pfründnerspitalstiftung Ebern, Ebern 03821 Julius-Spital-Stiftung MeHrichstadt, Mellrichstadt 03822 JuKusspital-Stiftung Rothenfels, Rothenfels 03823 Juliusspitalstiftung Bad Könighofen im GrabfeW, Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld 03824 Juliusspitalstiftung Münnerstadt, Münnerstadt 03625 Emst und Claere Jung Stiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 03830 Emst und Claere Jung Stiftung Stade, Hamburg 03831 Herbert Kajüter-Stiftung, Münster 0365/
Subject Index: Senior citizens
Konrad Kaletsch-Stiftung, Kreuzlal 03855 Walter Kaminsky-Strftung, Köln 03860 Bürgermeister Joachim vom Kampe und Nicolaus van den Wouwe Gotteswohnungen, Hamburg 03861 Hans-Georg Karg-Stiftung, Grabenstätt, Frankfurt am Main 03871 Karl Friedrich-, Leopold- und Sophienstiftung, Karlsruhe 03875 Katharinen-Stiftung Moers, Moers 03666 Katholische Bruderhausstiftung, Regensburg 03669 Katholische Wohltätigkeitsanstalt zur heiligen Elisabeth, Reinbek 03894 Katholisches Bürgerhosprtal, Mannheim 03696 August Kayser-Stiftung, Pforzheim 03913 Auto Keizer-Stiftung, Ahaus 039)6 Fritz und Elisabeth Kempf-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03935 Max und Käthe Kempf Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03936 von Kerckerinck-Borg'sche Krankenhausstiftung zur Heiligen Familie, Drensteinfurt 03938 Arthur Kiehl-Strftung, Lüdinghausen 03959 Kieler Stadtkloster, Kiel 03960 Kinder- und Altenheim-Stiftung Kallmünz, Kallmünz 03967 Senator Kirch-Stiftung, Hamburg 03990 Kirchliche Stiftung Haus Lindenhof, Schwäbisch Gmünd 03999 Johanna Kirchner-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04004 Kloster Sankt Loyen, Lemgo 04044 Hans und Sofie Kneitinger-Stiftung, Regensburg 04062 Otto und Thora Knies-Stiftung, Hamburg 04063 Dr. Willi Knoll-Stiftung, Knjmbach 04071 König-Burgunder-Stiftung, Herford 04103 Gräflich Königsegg-Rothenfels'sche Spitalstiftung, Immenstadt 04113 Hildegard Gräfin von KoenigsmarckStiftung, Berlin 04115 Willy Kömer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 0412? Traudì und Richard Kohlberger-Stiftung, Augsburg 04130 Eugen und Marga Kohler-Stiftung, Göppingen 04131 Konflikt-und Lebensberatung, Stuttgart 04152 Stiftung Johann Koop Testament Gotteswohnungen, Hamburg 04158 A. und E. Korus-Stiftung, Wuppertal 04169 Hans Kottek-Stiftung, Nürnberg 04173 Josef und Luise Kraft-Stiftung, München 04178 Kraillinger Bürger- und Rotkreuz-Stiftung für Alten- und Jugendhilfe, Krailling 04182 Walter und Irmgard Kramer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04183 Hedwig-Krampf-Stiftung, Heidelberg 04185 Krankenhausfonds Löffingen, Löffingen 04188 Rudolf Kraus-Stiftung, Bamberg 04195 Kreishilfskasse Bad Brückenau, Bad Kissingen 04207 Kreisspitalstiftung Kempten, Sonthofen 04214 Familie Josef Kreten-Stiftung, Bonn 04218 Cail Kreuser jr. Stiftung, Mechernich 04219 Kroning-Röcker-Stiftung, Bremen 04234 Kruyk-Stiftung, Essen 04249 Dr. piiii. Friedrich Wilhelm Kube-Strftung, Berlin 04251 Kapitän KugelmanrvStiftung, Bad Münster am Stein-Ebemburg 04269 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung der RaiffeisenVoiksbank Bad Wörishofen-Ottobeuren, Bad Wörishofen 04283 Kultur- und Soziaistiftung des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Rosenheim, Rosenheim 04285 Kulturstiftung Stadtsparkasse Wedel, Wedel 04352 Senator Hans Kupczyk-Stiftung, Gaildorf 04372 Kurhessen-Stiftung, Hofgeismar 04375 Paul Kuth-Stiftung, Wuppertal 04382 Lambertistift, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 04392 Heinrich und Amalie Lang-Stiftung, Nürnberg 04404 Friedrich und Dorothea Langbein-Stiftung, Hamburg 04405 Lazarettstiftung, Beängries 04437 Josef Leicht Stiftung, Waldstetten 04455 Paul-Lempp-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04463 Leopolddankstift Dessau 04473 Lepel-Gnitz-Stiftung Alten- und Behindertenhilfe, München 04474 Lotte Lettau-Süftung, Hannover 04481 Leutkircher Bank-Stiftung, Leutkirch 04485 Stiftung Liebenau, Meckenbeuren 04491 Liebersches Hospital, Bad Camberg 04492 Oswald Lieder-Stiftung, Schwarmstedt 04495 Limbach-Stiftung, Wachtberg 04505 Paula Lindauer-Stiftung, Peißenberg 04507
Alfred und Martha Link-Stiftung, Wertheim 04518 Lions-Altenwohnstift Rastatt, Rastatt 04522 Lions-Stiftung Prien am Chiemsee, Prien am Chiemsee 04523 Lippisches Damenstift Sankt Marien in Lemgo, Lemgo 04529 Rudolf Lodders-Stiftung, Hamburg 04537 Franz Löhr-Sottmar-Stiftung, Wolfenbüttel 04541 Andreas-Emst Lohff-Stiftung, Lübeck 04551 Karl-und-Helene-Lohmann-Stiftung, Köln 04554 Kurt Loosen-Stiftung, Essen 04559 Lucius-Hebel-Stiftung, Erfurt 04570 Lübbert-Stiftung für Altenhilfe, Lübeck 04578 Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe Wilheimine-Lübke-Stiftung e.V., Köln 04580 Helene Lücke Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 04581 Lüffe-Stiftung, Dülmen 04583 Lu isen-Step h anie η-Stiftung, Mannheim 04586 Lundener Altenwohnheim-Stiftung, Lunden 04569 Martin-Luther-Stiftung, Hanau 04592 Lutherstift Seniorenzentrum Elberfeld, Wuppertal 04596 Irmengard-Lutz-Breins-Stiftung, Legau 04597 Rudolf und Maria Machnig'sche Stiftung, Memmingen 04605 Männer- und Frauenstift Sankt Anna, Eisenach 04611 Mainzer Fürsorgestiftung, Mainz 04624 Lore Malsch-Stiftung. Augsburg 04628 Mannheimer Bürgerstiftung, Mannheim 04633 Eva-Maria Marcus-Stiftung, Berlin 04646 Margaretha- und Josephinen-Stftung, Kempten 04650 Maria-Stiftung, Münster 04651 Marien-Heim, Dedeleben 04652 Marien-Hospital Euskirchen, Euskirchen 04654 Marienstift, Erfurt 04657 Marienstift Droste zu Hülshoff, Havixbeck 04659 Marienstift zu Roßla, Roßla 04660 Maitha Stiftung, Hamburg 04670 Marthahaus Halle, Halle/Saale 04671 Mauch'sche Stiftung, VillingenSchwenningen 04694 Heibert- und Emilie-Mayer-Gerock-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04701 Ingrid Mayer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04703 Stiftung Otto und Ursula Meixner, Pforzheim 04729 Melanchthon-Stiftung, Isselburg 04732 Meller-Gesmolder-Siechenfonds, Melle 04735 Johann Menrad-Stiftung, München 04745 Gerhard-Lucas Meyer-Stiftung, Peine 04778 Josef-Meyer-Stiftung Freystadt, Freystadt 04779 Katharina Middendorf-Stiftung, Coesfeld 04792 Clarence und Emma Mielech-Stiftung, Berlin 04795 Mildtätige Stiftung Sankt Laurentius zu Loburg, Loburg 04800 Luise-Marie Mölk-Stiftung, Bissendorf 04815 Kurstift-Mozart-Stiftung, Ainring 04857 Louise Mücke-Stiftung, Erfurt 04860 Mühlschlegel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04864 Johann Müller-Altenheim-Stiftung, Langerringen 04865 Wilhelm Mül 1er-Altvatter· Stiftung, Stuttgart 04866 Dr. Müller-Jürgens-Stiftung in Memmingen, Memmingen 04870 Johann Cari Möller-Stiftung, Hamburg 04885 Wilhelm Müller-Stiftung, Mannheim 04890 Maria Müller-Stiftung, Mannheim 04891 Carl Muellenath Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04901 Münchener Bürgerheim-Stiftung, München 04903 Münchner Spaikassen-Altenhilfe, München 04905 Dr. Herbert Münzer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04912 Karlheinz Münzer-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 04913 Margarete Munzel-Stiftung, Beilin 04921 Johann Neab-Stiftung Hauenstein, Speyer 04934 Neete-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04966 Stiftung Geschwister Wilhelm Nees, Linkenheim 04969 Nettetaler Sparkassenstiftung, Krefeld 04975 Neuland Stiftung Seniorenbetreuung Eichenzell, Eichenzell 04982 Anny und Franz Niebuhr-Sttftung, Kronach 04996 Isolde Johanna Nies-Stlftung, Frankfurt am Main O50Í0 Nikolaistiftung Dorfen, Dorfen 05012 Josei-Nuber-Stiftung, Meitingen 05039
Obels-Jünemann-Stiftung, Hannover 05046 Obere Spital-Stiftung Dingolfing, Dingolfing 05051 Obemfelder Pflegehaus, Lübbecke 05055 Johanna-Odebrecht-Stiftung, Greifswald 05059 Erich und Elsa Oertel Altenhilfe-Stiftung, Bamberg 05066 Oestertin-Eggers-Stiftung, Hamburg 05069 Elisabeth von Offensandt-BerckhoftzStittung, Karlsruhe 05073 Olgaheim, Stuttgart 05081 Hellmut Opas-Stiftung, Ochsenfurt 05087 Stiftung Edelhof Ricklingen-VJ. von der Osten, Hannover 057if Direktor Willi Otto-Stiftung, Kronach 05123 Freiherr von Ow'sche Altenheimstiftung Haiming, Haiming 05126 Frank und Heidi Paetzold Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 05732 Paritätische Hospitalstiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 05145 Paritätische Sankt Jakobs-Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 05146 Paritätische Sankt Servatius-Stiftung, Augsburg 05148 Familie Peschken-Stiftung, NeukirchenVluyn 05175 Wilhelm Peters-Stiftung, Hamburg 05184 Hildegard Petig-Stiftung, Salzgitter 05187 Kanzler von Pfau'sche Stiftung für Altersschwache und Sieche, Bemburg 05198 Eduard-Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 0520Í Pflege- und Altersheim Sankt MarienStiftung, Varel 05207 Pflegeheim Bethesda, Potsdam 05208 Helene Pfleiderer-Strftung, Stuttgart 05210 Stiftung der Eheleute Wilhelm und Marie Philippi geb. Wiertz, Frankfurt am Main 05223 Altenheim Euerdorl Philippi'sche Stiftung, Euerdoif 05224 Willy und Monika Pitzer Stiftung, Bad Nauheim 05236 Pius-Hospital, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05238 Friedrich Plate-Stiftung zu Bamstorf, Diepholz 05245 Kathinka Platzhoff-Stiftung, Hanau 05247 Georg und Emma Poensgen-Stiftung, Hamburg 05252 Reinhold Pose-Stiftung, Erkrath 05272 Potsdamer Bürgerstift, Potsdam 05279 Alfred-Prahm-Stiftung, Hamburg 0526/ Cail Andreas Prale-Stiftung, Hamburg 05262 Ottilie Püst-Maass-Stiftung, Bremen 05336 Puzicha-Stiftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05339 Dr. Paul Rabich-Stiftung, Düren 05347 Adolf und Liddy Rambold-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05356 Randau'sche Stiftung, Hannover 05361 Adalbert Raps-Stiftung, Kulmbach 05363 Robert und Renate Rath-Stiftung, München 05366 Rats- und von-Soden-Kloster, Hannover 05367 Hinrich Rave-Stiftung, Hamburg 05371 Julius und Betty Rée-Stift, Hamburg 05381 Stiftung Hanna Reemtsma-Haus, Hamburg 05363 Hermann Reemtsma-Stiftung, Hamburg 05385 Regionalstiftung Jade-Wirtschaftsraum, Jever 05393 Herbert und Veronika Reh-Stiftung, Leiwen 05394 Hans Rehn-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05397 Albert und Charlotte Reicheit-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05406 Reinau-Stiftung, «andern 05409 Dr. Reinig-Mössner-Stiftung, Aldiingen 05414 Eugen und Elisabeth Reintjes-Stiftung zu Emmerich, Emmerich 05416 Stiftung Dr. Reissmüller, Ingolstadt 05420 Pfarrer Reßlhuber'sche Stiftung Ritzing, Kirchdorf am Inn 05427 Rheinische Evangelische Arberterkolonie Lühlerheim, Schermbeck 05439 Gerhard und Johanna Riedel-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05453 Rinderie-Anich-Stiftung, Weißenhom 05469 J.M.C. Röding Witwe, geb. HilckesStiftung, Hamburg 05492 Dorothea Römer-Stiftung, München 05497 Rohe'sche Altenheim-Stiftung, Kleinwallstadt 055)3 Cäcilie Roselieb-Stiftung, Woffhagen 05521 Rostocker Heimstiftung, Rostock 05537 Luitpold und Ludwig RothenangerStiftung, Ottobrunn 05541 Mika Rothfos-Stiftung, Hamburg 05546 Heitert A. Rothmayer-Stiftung, Stephanskirchen 05547 Rudolfstift, Braunschweig 05557
Emst und Martha Russ Stiftung, Hamburg 05571 Maria Rust-Söftung, Essen 05576 Louise Salb-Stiftung, Hamburg 05602 Samariteranstalten Fürstenwalde/Spree, Fürstenwalde/Spree 05604 Samariterstiftung, Nürtingen 05605 Sammelstiftung der Stadt Waldheim, Waldheim 05609 Seniorenstiftung Wilhelm E. Sander, Löhne 05616 Sander'sche Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 05618 Sankt Anna-Stift Alten- und Pflegeheim, Düsseldorf 05623 Sankt Antonie-Spitalstiftung Osterhofen, Osterhofen 05628 Sankt Antonius-Hospital Kleve, Kleve 05629 Sankt Antonius-Stiftung der Erzdiözese München und Freising, München 05630 Sankt Antonspfründestiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 05633 Sankt Blasius-Spital und BruderhausStiftung Vilshofen, Vilshofen 05637 Sankt Christophorus-Krankenhaus, Werne 05636 Sankt Elisabeth-Haus, Lohne 05639 Sankt Elisabeth-Hospital-Stiftung Ellingen, Ellingen 05642 Sankt Elisabeth-Spital-Stiftung Hersbruck, Hersbruck 05646 Sankt Elisabeth-Stift, Lastrup 05648 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung, Alfeld 05650 Sankt Elisabeth-Stiftung, Berlin 05651 Sankt Franziskus-Stift, Steinfeld 05657 Sankt Franziskus-Stiftung, Mühlacker 05656 Sankt Georg-Stiftung, Hadmersleben 05660 Sankt Gerburgis, Nottuln 05663 Sankt Gerlraudt-Stiftung, Berlin 05664 Sankt Gertrud-Stift, Hamburg 05665 Sankt Hedwig-Stift, Vechta 05666 Sankt Hubertus-Stift Düsseldorf, Meerbusch 05667 Sankt Ignatius-Stiftung Velen, Velen 05668 Sankt Johannis-Hospital Bemburg, Bemburg 05671 Sankt Johamis-Jungfrauenkloster in Lübeck, Lübeck 05672 Sankt Johannis-Spital-Stift Passali, Passau 05673 Sankt Johannishospital, Ballenstedt 05674 Sankt Josef-Stift Sendenhorst, Sendenhorst 05679 Sankt Joseph-Spital-Stiftung, München 05685 Sankt Jürgen-Hospital, Bad Oldesloe 05691 Sankt Katharinen-Hospital, Derenburg 05693 Sankt Katharinen-Spital-Stiftung, Regensburg 05694 Sankt Katharinenspitalstiftung Deggendorf, Deggendorf 05697 Sankt Katharinenstift in Coesfeld, Coesfeld 05698 Sankt Leo-Stift, Essen 05700 Sankt Ludgerus-Stiftung, Billerbeck 05702 Sankt Maria Rast Damme, Damme 05703 Sankt Marien-Stift Barßel, Vechta 05711 Sankt Michael-Stift, Saterland 05714 Sankt Nicolai-Spitalfonds, Waldkirch 05715 Sankt Nicolaistift Neustadt am Rübenberge, Neustadt am Rübenberge 05716 Sankt Nikolai-Stift zu Hannover, Hannover 05717 Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital, Kalkar 05719 Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital - Cusanusstift, Bernkastel-Kues 05720 Sankt Pius-Stift, Cloppenburg 05725 Sankt Rembeiti-Stift, Bremen 05726 Sankt Sylvesterstift zu Quakenbrück, Quakenbrück 05729 Sankt Vinzenz-Hospital Rhede, Rhede 05740 Heinrich Sanwald-Stiftung, Kirchheim unter Teck 05743 Melitta Sauer-Stiftung, Berlin 05749 Karl Sauerbom-Stiftung, Krefeld 05751 Gedächtnisstiftung Leonard, Babette und Karoline Schabesberger, Ansbach 05754 Schad'sche Stiftung, Tuttlingen 05761 Schäfersnoite-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05770 Sidonie Schärfe-Stiftung, Berlin 05775 Karl Schaude Stiftung, Großbottwar 05780 Dr. Eduard und Franziska SchenkStiftung, Augsburg 05796 Schenkel-Schoeller-Stift, Düren 05798 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Eheleute Theodor P. Scheurenberg, Düsseldorf 05805 Alois Schiffmann-Stiftung, München 05821 Clara Schildt-Stiftung, Cuxhaven 05822 Stiftung Erna Schilpp, Stuttgart 05829
Subject Index: Senior citizens Schirmer-Vermächtnis-Stiftung, Erlangen 05836 Leopold und Johanne SchlömerkämperStiftung, Bremen 05859 E. und Ch. Schlötke-Stiftung, Berlin 05862 Rudolf Schmid und Hermann Schmid Stiftung, Stuttgart 05878 Schmid-Ziegler-Stiftung, Schondorf 05879 Uselotte-Schmidt-Stiftung, Waldheim 05897 Heinrich Schmilinsky-Stiftung, Hamburg 05904 Oskar Schmitt-Stiftung, Mannheim 05907 Paul Schneider-Stiftung, Rödental 05925 Dr. Carl-Heinz-Schöfer-Stiftung, Oldenburg 05933 Walter Schönüube-Stiftung, Bad Bentheim 05937 Joseph und Maria Schöpf-AftenhilfeStiftung, München 05943 Melitta Schöpf-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 05945 Anna-Maria von Schräder-Stiftung, Mannheim 05955 Schröder-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05970 Joh. Heinrich Schroder's mildtätige Stiftung, Hamburg 05972 Theodor Schubert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05976 Ella Schultze-Stiftung, Offenbach 06010 Dr. Schulze-Stiftung, Meersburg 06020 Elisabeth Schumacher-Stiftung, Bocholt
Erich Schümm-Stiftung, Murrhardt 06026 Dr. Willmar Schwabesche HeimstättenStiftung, Mannheim 06036 Irmgard Schwanert-Stiftung, Coburg 06037 Helen und Will Schwardmann-Stiftung, Hannover 06039 Albert-Schweitzer-Stiftung für pflegebedürftige und ältere Menschen in Berlin, Berlin 06048 Marie Seebach-Stiftung. Weimar 06057 Cad Seidel-Stiftung, Berlin 06069 Dr. Kurl Seifert-Stiftung, Natia 06072 Senioren heim zum Heiligen Geist, Boppard 06085 Seniorenhilfe Zeitz, Zeitz 06086 Seniorenstiftung Hallstadt, Hallstadt 06087 Seniorenstiftung Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
Siechen- und Schwestemhausstiftung Münnerstadt, Münnerstadt 06108 Siechenhauspflege, Würzburg 06109 S iec he η h au sstfftung Harburg, Harburg 06111 Eugen Siempelkamp-Stiftung, Krefeld 06126 Amalie Sieveking-Stiftung, Hamburg 06128 Harald und Marieluise Sigwart-Stittung, Rückersdorf 06133 Dr. Sillemstiftung, Göttingen 06135 Simeonsstift im evangelischen Johanneswerk e.V., Bielefeld 06137 Albert und Ioni Simon-Stiftung, Bodenheim 06139 Software AG-Stiftung, Darmstadt 06153 Senator Erich Soltow-Stiftung, Hamburg 06158 Karl Sommer-Obdachlosen- und Altersheim-Stiftung, Friedberg/Bayem 06161 Sonderhausen von Gläsemttial'sche Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06166 Sonnengarten-Stiftung, Tanrhausen 06169 Sophien-Stiftung Niederzier, Niederzier 06172 Sozialstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 06178 Sozialstiftung der Sparkasse LeerWeener, Leer 06179 Sozialstiftung Köpenick, Berlin 06181 Sparkassenstiftung Bad Langensalza, Mühlhausen 06206 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Bitburg-Prüm, Bitburg 06211 Sparkassenstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Kaarst-Büttgen, Kaarst 06214 Sparkassenstiftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse StraubingBogen, Straubing 06225 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Jugend- und Altenhilfe Vreden, Vreden 06256 Emst August Spee-Stiftung, Bad Endbach 06260 Speidel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 06262 Spital-Stiftung, Donauwörth 06271 Spital-Stiftung Neunburg vorm Wald, Neunburg vorm Wald 06273 Spital-Stiftung Pfreimd, Pfreimd 06274 Spital- und Gutleuthausfonds Oberkirch, Oberkirch 06275 Spital- und Pründefonds Kandem, Kandem 06276 Spitalfonds Bonndorf, Bonndorf 06279 Spitalfonds der Stadt Buchen, Buchen 06281 Spitalfonds Ettenheim, Ettenheim 06282 Spitalfonds Markdorf, Maikdorf 06283 Spitalfonds Meßkirch, Meßkirch 06284 Spitalfonds Pfullendorf, Pfullendorf 06285
Spitalfonds Villingen, VillingenSchwenningen 06289 Spitalstiftung Auerbach in der Oberpfalz, Auerbach in der Oberpfalz 06290 Spitalstiftung Berching, Berching 06291 Spitalstiftung Freystadt, Freystadt 06292 Spitalstiftung Sankt Josef Ottobeuren, Ottobeuren 06298 Spitalstiftung Zusmarshausen, Zusmarshausen 06300 Helene Stadelmayr-Stiftung, Rosenheim 06320 Franz Xaver Stadler'sche Armen- und Krankenstiftung, Thannhausen 06322 Sebald Städtische Wohltätigkeitsstiftung in Roth, Roth 06325 Dr. Alois Stankievfcz-Stfftung, Celle 06339 Wilhelm und Else Steenbeck-Stiftung, Hamburg 06350 Ludwig und Gustel Stein-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06360 Stephansstift, Hannover 06375 Stift Sankt Spiritus, Sangerhausen 06388 Stift zum Heiligen Geist, Hannover 06389 Stiftung Alten-, Behinderten- und Jugendförderung der Sparkasse Essen, Essen 06405 Stiftung Alten-, Behinderten- und Jugendförderung der Stadtsparkasse Essen, Essen 06406 Stiftung Alten- und Kindertiilfe, Passau 06408 Stiftung Alten- und Pflegeheim, Frankfurt am Main 06409 Stiftung Alten- und Pflegeheim Maria Verkündigung Lampertheim, Lampertheim 06410 Stiftung Alten- und Pflegeheim Wespach, Salem 06411 Stiftung Altenheim Sankt Johannis/Sankt Nikolai, Hamburg 06413 Stiftung Altenheime Backnang und Wildberg, Backnang 06414 Stiftung Altenheimstätte Hofgeismar, Hofgeismar 06415 Stiftung Altenhilfe der Sparkasse Osnabrück, Osnabrück 06416 Stiftung Aftenhilfe der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Versmold 06417 Stiftung Altenhilfe im Landkreis Miltenberg, Miltenberg 06418 Stiftung Altenhilfe in der Stadt Moers, Wesel 06419 Stiftung Altenhilfe Potsdam, Potsdam 06420 Stiftung Altenhilfe Reutlingen, Reutlingen 06421 Stiftung Altenwohnungen der Kaufmannschaft in Flensburg, Flensburg 06422 Stiftung Altenzentnjm der Protestantischen Kirchengemeinde Homburg/Saar, Speyer 06423 Stiftung Alters-, Witwen- und Waisenversorgungseinrichtung beim Technischen Überwachungsverein Hessen e.V., Eschborn 06424 Stiftung Altersheim der Gemeinde Reichenau, Reichenau 06425 Stiftung Altersheim des Flensburger Arberter-Bauvereins, Flensburg 06426 Stiftung Altersheim des Flensburger Handwerks und Lieselotte SchillerStiftung, Flensburg 06427 Stiftung Altersheim Helmbrechts, Helmbrechts 06428 Stiftung Altersheim Sankt Nicolai, Kiel 06429 Stiftung Attersheim Westphalenhof, Paderborn 06430 Stiftung Altersheim Wichemhaus in Bad Hamburg, Bad Harzburg 06431 Stiftung Altersheim Wolfhagen, Wolfhagen 06432 Stiftung Anschartiohe, Hamburg 06435 Stiftung Aumühle, Aumühle 06447 Stiftung Bärenweiler, Leutkirch 06453 Stiftung Behinderten- und Attenhilfe Weingarten, Weingarten 06465 Stiftung BEST-Bürgerschaftliches Engagement zu sozialen Themen, München 06475 Stiftung Bethesda, Bad Pyrmont 06476 Stiftung Bethesda-Sankt Martin, Boppard 06477 Stiftung Bruderschaft zu Unserer Lieben Frau, Goch 06498 Stiftung Bürgerhospital Bitburg, Bitburg 06504 Stiftung Bürgerhospital zum Heiligen Johannes dem Täufer, Bonn 06505 Stiftung Bürgerspital zum Heiligen Geist in Würzburg, Würzburg 06506 Stiftung Christliches Altenheim Lützeln, Burbach 06521 Stiftung Christopherus, Delmenhorst 06523 Stiftung Daheim im Heim, Bonn 06525 Stiftung der Bezirkssparkasse Dillenburg, Dillenburg 06538 Stiftung der Brüdergemeinden in Deutschland, Bergisch Gladbach 06547
478 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommunalwissenschaften, Berlin 06547 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Borken zur Förderung der Jugend, Kunst und Kultur sowie fur die Seniorenbetreuung, den Sport und die Umwelt, Ahaus 06568 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse RotenburgWümme, Zeven 06587 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Verden, Verden 06593 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wittmund, Wittmund 06595 Stiftung der Selbsthilfe· Siedlergenossenschaft Bonlanden, Filderstadt 06612 Stiftung der Sparkasse der Homburgischen Gemeinden, Wiehl
Stiftung der Sparkasse Detmold, Detmold 06623 Stiftung der Sparkasse Finnentrop, Finnentrop 06626 Stiftung der Sparkasse KierspeMeinerzhagen, Kierspe 06633 Stiftung der Sparkasse LängenSeligenstädt, Seligenstadt 06637 Stiftung der Sparkasse Menden, Menden 06644 Stiftung der Sparkasse Nördlingen, Nördlingen 06645 Stiftung der Sparkasse Ratingen zur Förderung der Altenhilfe, Ratingen 06648 Stiftung der Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Bad Berleburg 06656 Stiftung der Sparkassen im Landkreis Osnabrück, Osnabrück 06658 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung gemeinnütziger, mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen 06659 Stiftung der Stadt- und Saalkreissparkasse Halle/Saale, Halle/Saale 06662 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Billerbeck (Westf.) zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Jugend- und Altenhilfe, Billerbeck 06665 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Dortmund zum Wohle älterer Menschen, Dortmund 06669 Stiftung der Städtsparkasse Osterode am Harz, Osterode am Harz 06675 Stiftung der Volksbank Edewecht e.G., Edewecht 06605 Stiftung der Volksbank MöckmühlNeuenstadt, Möckmühl _ 06687 Stiftung der Volksbank Überkingen, Kuchen 06669 Stiftung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen für Wohlfahrtspflege, Dusseldorf 06699 Stiftung Ehehaltenhaus, Würzburg 06751 Stiftung Evangelische Altenheimat, Stuttgart 06767 Stiftung Evangelisches Altenheim Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 06772 Stiftung Evangelisches Vereinshaus, Wuppertal 06775 Stiftung für Alten- und Pflegehilfe Kitzingen, Kitzingen 06802 Stiftung für das Dorf Bergen, Bergen 06816 Stiftung für die Bürger der Stadt Waldheim, Waldheim 06827 Stiftung für unser Dorf, Ruhpolding 06877 Stiftung Gasthaus zum Ritter Sankt Jürgen. Husum 06886 Stiftung Gemeinsam alt werden, Mönchengladbach 06891 Stiftung Gemeinsam handeln, Wuppertal 06892 Stiftung Goldnes Münchner Herz, München 06901 Stiftung Haus Zuflucht, Soltau 06927 Stiftung Helfen und Heilen, Ravensburg 06937 Stiftung Henricus-Hospital zu Südlohn, Südlohn 06938 Stiftung Hilfswerk Berlin, Frankfurt am Main 06954 Stiftung Hospital Sanctus Spiritus, Demmin 06963 Stiftung Hospital Sankt Cyriaci et Antonii zu Halle, Halle/Saale 06964 Stiftung Hospital Sankt Viti, Nienburg 06965 Stiftung Hospital und Kloster zum Heiligen Geist, Flensburg 06966 Stiftung Hospital zu Neukirchen, NeukirchetVKnüllgebirge 06967 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, Essen 06969 Stiftung Hospital zum heiligen Geist Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06971 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist mit Oberalten-Stift, Marien-MagdalenenKloster und Altendank, Hamburg 06974 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist zu Beilin-Spandau, Berlin 06975 Stiftung Hosp'itaHonds Mosbach, Mosbach 06977
Stiftung Jochimsthal Altenwohnungen, Hamburg 06997 Stiftung Juliusspital Würzburg, Würzburg 07017 Stiftung Jung für Alt - Alt für Jung der Volksbank Gießen eG, Gießen 07018 Stiftung Katholisches Familien- und Altenpflegewerk, München 07026 Stiftung Kreissparkasse Borken, Ahaus 07054 Stiftung Lübecker Diakonie, Lübeck 07120 Stiftung Lübecker Wohnstifte, Lübeck 07122 Stiftung Luisenhaus, Potsdam 07/23 Stiftung Magdalenenhospital, Münster 07125 Stiftung Maria Immaculata, Berlin 07127 Stiftung Marienhospital, Papenburg 07129 Stiftung Marienstift in München, München 07130 Stiftung Martha-Else-Haus, Frankfurt am Main 07131 Stiftung Martinshot Rothenburg Diakoniewerk, Rothenburg/Oberlausitz 07132 Stiftung Menschen in Not, Boöenheiffl/Rhein 07139 Stiftung Munketoftstm, Flensburg 07146 Stiftung Partheim der Detailltstenkammer, Hamburg 07193 Stiftung Pflegehaus Bückeburg, Bückeburg 07198 Stiftung Pflegeheim hamburgischer Wohnstifte - Hesse-Diederichsen-Heim, Hamburg 07199 Stiftung Rentnerwohnheim der Sparkasse Ostholstein, Burg auf Fehmarn 07231 Stiftung Rentnerwohnheim Hohenwestedt, Hohenwestedt 07232 Stiftung Rentnerwohnheim Verbandssparkasse Meldorf, Meldorf 07233 Stiftung Sankt Franziskus, Löningen 07250 Stiftung Sankt Georgenhof zu Blankenburg, Blankenburg 07251 Stiftung Sankt Josefsheim, Vechta 07257 Stiftung Sankt Ludgeri-Altenheim, Essen 07258 Stiftung Sankt Thomaehof, Braunschweig 07262 Stiftung Schönholzer Heide, Berlin 07280 Stiftung Seniorenhilfe, Stuttgart 07287 Stiftung Seniorenhort, Kleinostheim 07288 Stiftung Seniorenstift Kaufering, Kaufering 07289 Stiftung Seniorenzentrum Durach, Durach 07290 Stiftung Sophienhaus Weimar, Weimar 07295 Stiftung Soziale Gemeinschaft Riedstadt, Riedstadt 07296 Stiftung Sparkasse Bodenwerder, Bodenwerder 07305 Stiftung Sparkasse Uchte, Uchte 07309 Stiftung Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, UhldingenMühlhofen 07351 Stiftung Valepage, Delbrück 07362 Stiftung Vereinigte Testamente, Lübeck 07365 Stiftung von 1803, Bonn 07372 Stiftung Werkschule Berlin, Berlin 07393 Stiftung Wilhelms-Hospital Plötzkau, Plötzkau 07400 Stiftung Wohnhilfe, Bonn 07411 Stiftung zur Unterstützung und Betreuung alter, kranker und gebrechlicher Bürger der Stadt Kiel, Kiel 07505 Stiftungen der Stadt Dessau, Dessau 07515 Georg Stilke Stiftung, Hamburg 07529 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung des Obelbürgermeisters der Stadt Rosenheim Dr. Michael Stöcker, Rosenheim 07548 Stresow-Stift, Hamburg 07574 Hans und Hilde Striegl-Stiftung, Weiden in der Oberpfalz 07577 Gertraud-Stumbeck-Strftung, München 07598 Otto und Emma Sturm-Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 07604 Roland Süstermann'sche Stiftung, Hildesheim 07612 Tag der hundert Alten, Ettenheim 07620 TAU-STIFTUNG Franziskanische Initiative für ein christliches Europa, Krefeld 07622 Wilhelmine Tausend-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07625 Alfred Teufel-Stiftung, Nagold 07641 Familie Walter TheiservStftung, Essen 07648 Oscar Ttiomann'sche Stiftung, München 07668 Tilebein-Stiftung Stettin-Züllchow, Kiel 07686 Julius Tönebön-Stiftung, Hameln 07695 Tönisvorster Sparkassenstiftung, Krefeld 07696 Hans und Gerda Tremml*St3ftung< München 07713
Trieschmann-Stiftung, Hann. Münden 07719 Elisabeth Tunner-Hartmann-Stiftung, Hannover 07734 Ulmer Bürger Stiftung, Ulm 07746 Franziska Umfahrer-Stiftung, Schrobenhausen 07750 Unteitiospitalstiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 07770 Evangelische Kurth-van-Loo-Stiftung für alte Menschen in Hennef, Hennef 07794 Vereinigte Almosen-Stiftung, Straubing 07806 Vereinigte Coburger Sparkassen-Stiftung, Coburg 07808 Vereinigte Hospitien, Trier 07811 Vereinigte Pfründner-Stiftungen Forchheim, Forchheim 07819 Vereinigte Spital- und Leinfelder-Stiftung, Schrobenhausen 07822 Vereinigte Spitalstiftung Friedberg/Bayem, Friedberg/Bayem 07823 Vereinigte Stiftung für Wohltätigkeit Pfankirchen, Pfarrkirchen 07828 Vereinigte Stiftungen bei der Stadt Stade, Stade 07829 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Stadt Ettlingen, Ettlingen 07832 Vereinigtes Sankt Georg- und Sankt Jakob-Stift, Arnstadt 07864 Vill'sche Altenstiftung, Bad Neustadt 07894 Monsignore Franz Völker-Stiftung, Mannheim 07903 Gerfiart Voss Stiftung, Hamburg 07936 Else Voss-Stiftung, Hamburg 07937 Johann Jobst Wagenersche Stiftung, Hannover 07950 Herbert und Wilhelmine Wagner-Stiftung, Gmund 07955 Wahl-Lindersche Altenstiftung, Günzburg 07964 Wahlener-Heimat-Strftung, Losheim am See 07965 Waldeckische Landesstiftung, Korbach 07988 Waldecksches Diakonissenhaus, Arolsen 07989 Stiftung Waldthausen, Essen 07993 Peter Warschow-Sammelstiftung, Greifswald 08018 Dr. Weidner-Gdletti-Stiftung Heidelberg, Schriesheim 08043 Lutz-Weitmann-Stiftung, Stuttgart 08063 Welker-Stiftung, Duisburg 08065 Well höfer- Feigei-He i nd el-Stiftu η g in Erlangen, Eriangen 08068 Margarete-Welsch-Stiftung, Biedenkopf 08070 Weltkugel-Stiftung, Berlin 08072 Albert und Margarete Wendt-GedächtnisStiftung, Hamburg 08073 Domprobst Wenger und Bischof Friedrich II. Graf von Zollemsche Distriktspitalstiftung, Sonthofen 08075 Gustav Werner Stiftung zum Bruderhaus Reutlingen, Reutlingen 08084 Dr. phil. Walter Wemick aus Danzig Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08086 Westerauer-Stiftung, Lübeck 08092 Wiecking-Stiftung, Bad Iburg 08111 Cari Wilde-Stiftung, Sternberg 08126 Wilhelm-Stift, Berlin 08131 Horst und Greti Will Stiftung, Köln 08137 Wilmersdorfer Seniorenstiftung, Berlin 08144 Wohlfahrtsstiftung Nienburg/Saale, Nienburg/Saale 08188 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Marienheim, Kempten 08195 Wohttätigkeitsstiftung Neustadt an der Donau, Neustadt an der Donau 08196 Wolfenbüttel-Stiftung, Wolfenbüttel 08208 Wotfenbütteler Feierabendstiftung, Wolfenbüttel 08209 Eugen Wolfrich-Kersting-Stiftung, Wipperfürth 08214 Wotfsteiner Altenheim-Stiftung Allersberg, Allersberg 08215 Theo Wormland-Stftung, München
Andreas und Elfriede Zäch-Stiftung, München 08253 Antonie-Zauner-Stiftung, München 08258 Zimmer-Mohr-Stiftung, Hamburg 08285 Erwin Zimmer-Stiftung, Kernen 08286 Geschwister-Zimmer-Stiftung, Worms 08287 Zusammengelegte Stiftung Frontenhausen, Frontenhausen 08303
Italy Fondazione Von Kurz, Niederdorf
Moldova The Centrum Foundation, Chisinau 08998 The Fund of the Stage Veterans of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau 09012
Netherlands Dienstveriening aan Penstoenfondsen Stichting, Den Haag 09097 Fonds Zomerpostzegels, Bunnik 09126
479 Sticking Harte Reinders en Doutjen Heeres, Leeuwarden 09301 Rooms Katholicke Oude-Armenkantoor, Amsterdam 09309 Vereeniging Koningin Emmafonds, Voorburg 09607 Stichting Vredenburch, Amsterdam 09619
Portugal Fundaçâo Dr. Agostinho Albano de Almeida, Vila Nova de Ourém 09675 Fundaçâo Luis Bernardo de Almeida, Vale de Cambra 09680 Fundaçâo Aurélio Amaro Diniz, Oliveira do Hospital 09664 Fundaçâo Antera Gonçalves, Lisboa 09688 Fundaçâo Dr. Luis de Araújo, Vila Nova de Gaia 09691 Fundaçâo Bernardo Barbosa de Quadros, Sever do Vouga 09695 Fundaçâo Sarah Beirâo e António da Costa Carvalho, Tábua 09697 Fundaçâo Manuel Brandäo, Oliveira de Azeméis 09704 Fundaçâo Gaspar e Manuel Cardoso, Armamar 09710 Fundaçâo Maria Isabel do Carmo Medeiros, Povoaçâo 09714 Fundaçâo Dr. Camelro de Mesquita, Santa Marta de Penaguiäo 09716 Fundaçâo Manuel Francisco Clérigo, Sâo Martinho do Porto 09719 Fundaçâo António Maria da Costa, Macado de Cavaleiros 09721 Fundaçâo Dr. Francisco Cruz, Praia do Ribatejo 09724 Fundaçâo Márío da Cunha Brito, Penacova 09726 Fundaçâo Domingos Simào Pulido, Vidigueira 09731 Fundaçâo Eliseo Ferreira Alonso, Sátáo 09737 Fundaçâo Ferreira Freire, Coimbra 09738 Fundaçâo António Manuel Figueiredo Sardinha, Lisboa 09740 Fundaçâo Joaquim António Franco e Seus Pais, Castro Verde 09744 Fundaçâo Frei Gil, Oliveira do Bairro 09746 Fundaçâo Casa da Sagrada Familia e Refugio de Sâo Vicente Paulo, Funchal 09758 Fundaçâo Hospicio Princesa Dona María Amélia, Funchal 09789 Fundaçâo Lar de Cegos de Nossa Senhora da Saúde, Lisboa 09791 Fundaçâo Lar Evangèlico Portugués, Maia 09794 Fundaçâo Lar Santa Margarída do ArTabal, Leina 09795 Fundaçâo María e Oliveira, Alcobaça 09801 Fundaçâo Nossa Senhora da Esperança, Castelo de Vide 09803 Fundaçâo Nossa Senhora da Guia, Ansiäo 09804 Fundaçâo para o Oesenvolvimento Sócio-Económico de Coimbra, Coimbra 09816 Fundaçâo S. Miguel de Fail, Viseu 09829 Fundaçâo Santa Maria Madalena, Penafiel 09831 Fundaçâo Gamboa Pina Ferrâo, Fundâo 09840 Fundaçâo Casa de Repouso Dona Maria Madalena Godinho de Abreu, Avis 09841 Fundaçâo Maria Clementina Godinho de Campos, Galveias 09842 Fundaçâo António Gonçalves, Eivas 09845 Fundaçâo Comendador José Gonçalves Pereira, Pernes 09847 Fundaçâo Lopes, Rio Maior 09861 Fundaçâo Lopes-Fonseca, Nelas 09862 Fundaçâo Joaquim Lourenço, Proença-aNova 09864 Fundaçâo Emesto Lourenço Estrada Filhos, Abrantes 09865 Fundaçâo Dona Fernanda Marques, Ansiâo 09867 Fundaçâo Francisco António Meireles, Torre de Moncorvo 09870 Fundaçâo Dr. José Pedro Mendes Mirado, Maçâo 09871 Fundaçâo Viscondes de Messangil, Pias 09873 Fundaçâo Marqués de Pombal, Linda-aVelha 09895 Fundaçâo Joaquim dos Santos, Viseu 09920 Fundaçâo Dona Laura Santos de Moi menta da Sera, Gouveia 09921 Fundaçâo Padre Saúde, Caivalhos 09922 Fundaçâo So usa da Fonseca, Parade 09927 Fundaçâo Maria Inácia Vogado Perdigâo Silva, Reguengos de Monsaraz 09940
Russia International Charity and Health Fund, Moskva 09985
Subject Index: Senior citizens Spain Fundación Alba, Barcelona 10029 Fundación Alfar, Madrid 10033 Fundación Carmen Arias, Campo de Criptana 10065 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos y Ancianas Aijona Valera, Priego 10069 Fundación Gregoria Artacho, Cenicero 10076 Fundación Castellanos Mendeville, Madrid 10181 Fundación Fe del Castillo Nieto, Quismondo 10183 Fundación Cocorro, Ansò 10216 Fundación Tomás Costa, Los Navalmorales 10234 Fundación Condesa de la Encina, Brozas 10285 Fundación Entabán, Zaragoza 10291 Fundación Feliu para Ancianos, La Bisbal del Ampurdán 10314 Fundació Asil de Veils de Sarrià, Barcelona 10365 Fundació Asil Suris, San Feliu de Guixols 10366 Fundació de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Catalunya, Barcelona 10458 Fundació de la Petita y Mitjana Empresa de les liles Balears, Palma de Mallorca 10459 Fundació Mare Nostra, Mataró 10552 Fundació Sant Hospital de La Seu d'Urgell, La Seu d'Urgell 10627 Fundación Asee, Madrid 10716 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos de Nuestra Señora de la Encina, Ponferrada 10719 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos Desamparados, Alpera 10720 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos Desamparados de Fonsagrada, Fonsagrada 10721 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos Desvalidos y Abandonados, Samón 10722 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos Pobres, Corcubión 10723 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos San José, Valtierra 10724 Fundación Asilo de Rojas, Madrid 10729 Fundación Asilo Escuela de la Purísima Concepción, Alhendín 10732 Fundación Asilo San Jerónimo, Estella 10747 Fundación Asilo Santa Justa, Logroño 10751 Fundación Asilo Tejada de la Santa Caridad, Ayamonte 10753 Fundación Asociación de Misericordia, Avila 10763 Fundación Congregación de las Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados, El Ferrol 10928 Fundación El Salvador, Lagartera 11028 Fundación Hogar Evangélico de Ancianos, Madrid 11169 Fundación Hogar Fray Leopoldo, Granada 11170 Fundación Hospital Asilo de Nuestra Señora del Pilar San Jorge, Alfaro 11173 Fundación Hospital de la Santa Resurrección de Utrera, Utrera 11193 Fundación Hospital de Pobres de Jesucristo, Tárrega 11200 Fundación Hospital de Sant Cafoni, San Coloni 11214 Fundación Hospital de Sant Llatzer, Tarrasa 11218 Fundación Hospital de Tremp, Tremp 11221 Fundación iEISA, Madrid 11249 Fundación Instituto Homeopático y Hospital de San José, Madrid 11287 Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona 11320 Fundación Laboral Unión Eléctrica Fenosa S.A., Madrid 11344 Fundación Nuestra Senóra de Fátima, Sobradillo 11389 Fundación Obra San Luis de los Franceses, Madrid 11411 Fundación Obra Social de Ancianos Nuestra Señora del Espino, Membrilla 11413 Fundación para Ancianos, Toreltó 11430 Fundación Patronato Casa de Misericordia y Hospital de San Antonio Abad, Donostia-San Sebastián 11491 Fundación Residencia de Ancianos de los Santos Mártires de Córdoba, Córdoba 11567 Fundación Residencia de Ancianos de Santa Ana y San Juan, Villarreal de los Infantes 1156$ Fundación Residencia de Ancianos Desamparados, La Seo de Urgei 11569 Fundación Residencia de Ancianos Maranatha, Cardeleu 11570 Fundación Residencia de Ancianos San José, Astudillo 11571 Fundación Residencia El Cerro, Macotera 11573 Fundación San Femando Rey de España y San Francisco de Asís, Granada 11598 Fundación San Juan Bautista, Castrojeriz 11603
Fundación San Ramón, Barcelona 11609 Fundación San Roque, Villalón de Campos 11610 Fundación Santa Marta, Torreiavega 11623 Fundación Gumiel Obra Social, Madrid 11768 Fundación Pablo Herráez y Esposa, Novillas 11777 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos Maria Leonor, San Lorenzo de El Escorial 11835 Fundación José Antonio de Lerchundi y Siroticfi, Bilbao 11837 Fundación Félix Llobet Nicolau, Barcelona 11846 Fundación Francisco Llopis Latone, Liria 11849 Fundación Mainel, Valencia 11871 Fundación Ana Mata Manzanedo, Burgos 11898 Fundación José Matía Calvo, DonostiaSan Sebastián 11901 Fundación Mixta Benefico Docente Antonio Menchaca de la Bodega, Bilbao 11910 Fundación Miranda, Baracaldo 11917 Fundación Angel Morán, Méntrida 11932 Fundación Miguel Muñoa, Tolosa 11938 Fundación Hermanos Muñoz Cabrera, Pozoblanco 11941 Fundación Asilo de Ancianos Hermanos Prieto, Cartellino 12028 Fundación Gregorio Pumarejo y Rafaela Azcue, Santoña 12038 Fundación Romero Blanco Monroy, Noya 12085 Fundación Sageco, Madrid 12101 Fundación Agustín Sánchez Manzanera, Salamanca 12110 Fundación Fondo de Auxilio al Médico Pobre Angel Soler Daniel, Barcelona 12153 Fundación Sonsoles Ballvé Laniero, Burgos 12156 Fundación Laboral Sonsoles Ballvé Lantero, Burgos 12157 Fundación Hogar Dolores Sopeña, Madrid 12158 Fundación Asunción Tomás Foz, Valderrobres 12186 Fundación Hogar Valcarce y Alfayate, Villafranca del Bierzo 12219 Fundación Vega, Madrid 12235 Fundación Veniam, Alcobendas 12239
Switzerland Atlas-Stiftung, Zürich 12365 Fondation en Faveur de la Maison Suisse de Retraite à Issy-lesMoulineaux, Lausanne 12594 Dr. Arnold U. Huggenberger-Stiftung, Zürich 12853 Hans und Hulda Klinger-Stiftung, Zürich 12962 Stiftung Thomas-Legler-Haus, Diesbach 12988 Hermann und Elisabeth Liechti-Stiftung, Muden 12994 Fondation Lord Michelham of Hellingiy, Genève 13048 Karla und Henriette Noerdlinger-Stiftung, Egg 13080 Pro Senectute - Für das Alter, Zürich 13128 Rabten-Stiftung, Zürich 13135 Stiftung Rosenau, Ennetbaden 13161 Ingborg und Walter Schellenberg-Stiftung, Sankt Moritz 13194 Stiftung Schönbühl, Schaffhausen 13208 Stiftung Aabigsunne, Kloten 13349 Stiftung Achertiof, Schwyz 13353 Stiftung Altersheime der Stadt Thun, Thun Í3359 Stiftung Alterswohnungen der Stadt Zürich, Zürich 13360 Stiftung Betagtenhilfe, Zürich 13398 Stiftung Betreuung von Alters- und Krankenheimen in GUS-Staaten, Zürich 13400 Stiftung für Betagtenhilfe, Zürich 13490 Stiftung für Kinder und alte Menschen in Rumänien, Bazenheid 13542 Stiftung gegen Vereinsamung im Alter, Frutigen 13596 Stiftung Kreatives Alter, Zürich 13672 Stiftung Peila Park, Zürich 73729 Stiftung Pro Senectute, Sankt Gallen 13753 Stiftung Unterstützungskasse und Altersfürsorge der Schweizerischen Kindergärtnerinnen, Zürich 13846 Stiftung Wohnen im Alter, Basel 13863 Stiftung zugertsche Afterssiedlungen, Zug 13877 Hermann und Marianne Straniak-Stiftung, Zürich 13925 Stiftung Hans Trudel-Haus, Baden 13951 Hedwig Widmer-Stiftung, Zürich 13995 Stiftung Joseph-Willmann-Haus, Luzem 13998
United Kingdom Abbeyfiekl North London Charitable Trust, London 14047
The Margaret Abel Trust, London 14052 The Richard Addison Charitable Trust, Saint Mary's 14084 Age Concern Chiswick Trust, Chiswick 14104 Ainsdale Evangelical Church Trust, Freshfiekl 14112 Al-Haj M.A. Karim Trust, Bamsley 14120 Albert Institution and Marlborough Street Estate Fund, London 14127 The Allnutt and Baker Almshouse and Educational Trust, Goring Heath 14177 The Annedd Residents' Comfoits Fund, Caimarthen 14229 Arborfìeid and Barfeham Parish Churches Trust, Wokingham 14245 Armonia (United Kingdom) Trust, London 14261 The Artists for Spain Fund, London 14271 The Arundell Street Fund, London 14277 Ascot District Day Centre Trust, Sunninghill 14278 Asian Charitable Trust, London 14295 The Stanley Atkinson Fund, Hull 14318 The Avenue's Trust Fund, Dagenham 14325 The Bakers' Company Pension and Relief Trust, London 14356 The Frances Ball Memorial Trust, Tadley 14366 Barnes Workhouse Fund, London 14403 Bethnal Green Old People's Trust Fund, London 14544 The Bickley Transport for the Disabled and Aged Trust, Sidcup 14562 The Bishopthorpe Trust, York 14604 The Evelyn Boake Charitable Trust, Cambridge 14627 The Evelyn Boscawen Trust, Truro 14655 The Bourne End and District Fund for the Elderly, Bourne End 14659 Bow Community Trust, London 14661 Bradford City Mission Christian Trust, Baildon 14672 Bradford Flower Fund Homes, Bradford 14673 Bradley Old Peoples Trust, Bilston 14677 The John Brazil Trust, Amersham 14694 Bridge House Estates Trust Fund, London 14708 Brockelbank Lodge Amenity Fund Trust, Dagenham 14773 The Brotherton Charity Trust, Wakefield 14798 Burden Trust, West Clandon 14833 The Caldway Charity Fund, Liverpool 14883 Lawrence Campe's Almshouse Trust, London 14919 Carlisle Christian Fellowship Trust, Carlisle 14960 The Camaby and Charfton Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 14970 Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, Dunfermline 14972 Carshalton Coronation Commemoration Fund, Sutton 14978 Catholic Women's League Bentinck House Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 15000 Chandos Lodge Trust, London 15044 Chikjwick Trust, Saint Albans 15133 The Christian Spiritualist Society Benevolent Fund, Cardiff 15173 City Gates Church Trust, Gloucester 15209 The City of York Trust, York 15228 Mary May Clarke Trust, Richmond 15248 Clerkenwell Community Trust, London 15256 The Lord Clwyd Memorial Foundation, Abergele 15270 The Maiv Cochrane Memorial Fund, London 15274 Collier Row Old Age Pensioners' Club Building Fund, Romford 15295 The S.H. Collier Trust Fund, Hayes 15296 Commonwealth Relations Trust, London 15313 Community Church Luton Trust, Luton 15320 Marjorie Coote Old Peoples Charity Fund, Worksop 15350 The John Crabtree Trust Fund, London 15401 John Cranstoun Trust, London 15406 Crich Glebe Field Trust Ltd., Matlock 15413 Dacre's Pension Fund, llford 15475 The Darby and Joan Fund, London 15487 The Darby Pension Fund, Maidenhead 15488 Darfield and Low Valley Old Folks Treat Fund, Bamsley 15489 The Grace Davies Fund, Caernarfon 15505
Charfes Day Almshouses Foundation, Edgware 15520 Deiniolen Trust Fund, Deiniolen 15529 Derby Christian Education Trust, Derby 15551 Devon Care Trust, Payhembury 15574 Dimbleby Memorial Home Trust, Leeds 15592 Divine Innocence Trust, Surbiton 15604 Dixon Walsh Towers of Taunton Trust, Taunton 15608 Dorothea Trust, Bedford 15625 Elizabeth Dowell's Trust, Birmingham 15633 Trevor Dragwidge Trust Fund, London 15642 Drummond Fergusson Trust, Richmond 15649 The Ella Dunn Housing Trust, Middlesbrough 15666 Dunstable Community Church Trust, Dunstable 15668 William Dyson Trust, York 15677 The Marianne Eagle's Fund, Ampthill 15662 The East Looe Town Trust, East Looe 15711 Eastwards Trust, London 15717 Eastway Park Comforts Fund, London 15718 John Eaton's Pension Fund, Sheffield 15719 Frank Eccleshare Trust, Lincoln 15732 Edgcombe Fund, London 15735 The L.T. and O.R. Edwardes Hillsdown Charitable Trust, Eye J5750 Enjorro e Senteu Church Fund, Maidstone 15820 The David and Jane Evans Endowment Fund, Trawsfywydd 15842 The Eveson Charitable Trust, Gloucester 15853 Exeter Christian Centre Trust, Exeter 15861 The Fassnidge Memorial Trust, Slough 15901 Henry Fawcett Fund, London 15905 Ferry Fryston Old Age Pensioners Trust, Castleford 15922 Samuel Frank Fields Will Trust, Abingdon 15930 Les Finch Memorial Fund, Wakefield 15932 Finsbury Park Community Trust, London 15938 Fisher-Yates Memorial Fund, London 15952 Fitzwilliam and Kinsley Old Folks Treat Fund, Kinsley 15960 Josiah Forstels Trust, Waltham Abbey 15981 Nicholas Freeman Memorial Trust, London 16023 The Fremantle Trust, Aylesbury 16029 The Funds of the Walthamstow Old Girls Association, Tonbridge 16078 The Jean Gallagher Trust, Grimsby 16088 The Grace Gardner Trust, Northallerton 16100 Sir Robert Geflery's Almshouse Trust, London 16122 Alexander C. Gibbs Trust Fund, Cwmbran 16138 Glebe Housing Association Trust Fund, West Wickham 16155 The Godfrey Fund for Retired Clergy, Leicester 16174 Gold Hill Church Trust, Slough 16178 The Grant, Bagshaw, Rogers and Tidswell Fund, Liverpool 16208 Great Orme Trust, Llandudno 16227 Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Benevolent Fund, Huddersfiekj 16267 The Griffiths Foundation, Minehead 16278 The Joseph Griggs Almshouse Fund, Matlock 16280 Half-Way House Project Trust, Normanton 16327 The Hampton Home Care Health Trust, Hampton 16358 Harrison and Potter Trust, Leeds 16400 The Margaret Harrison Trust, Matlock 16401 The Han/esters Trust, Choriey 16422 Lancelot Hasluck Trust, New Bamet 16427 The Hayes Mini-Ambulance Fund for the Elderly and Handicapped, Bromley 16456 A.H. Heddon Trust Fund, London 16490 Help Age International, London 16498 Help Romania (Carlisle) Trust, Carlisle 16499 Hemswoith Old Folks' Treat Fund, Kinsley 16506 The William Heron Welfare Trust, London 16518 The Herrod-Hempsall Trust, Luton 16519 The Herron Trust, London 16520 The Higgins Gifts for Aged Poor Persons Fund, Conwy 16531 Hillingdon Partnership Trust, Hillingdon 16555
Subject Index: Senior citizens Hoenigsberg Memorial Trust, Iver 16578 Holland Chanty Fund, Holyhead 16588 The John Holmes Dole Funds, Bradford Í6596 Howells Trust, Haverfordwest 16665 Hull Fishermen's Tmst Fund, Hull 16686 The Hunter Memorial Homes Trust, Morpeth 16713 Joseph Hutten Trust, Bradford 16721 The Inasmuch Trust, London 16743 International Aid Trust, Preston 16851 The Iverdean Trust, Exeter 16909 The Lady Grace James Memorial Fund, Aberystwyth 16927 Junior Freemens Fund, Lincoln 17022 King's Church (llford) Trust, Itford 17089 King's Church {West Kingsdown) Charitable Trust, Seven Oaks 17092 Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust, London 17128 Knighton Almshouses Trust, Knighton 17130 Knights Charity Fund, London 17131 Lakshmi-Narayana Trust, London 17162 Lewin Housing Trust, London 17276 The Samuel Lewis Old Age Pension Fund for Cookham, Cookham Rise 17282 The Samuel Lewis Old Age Pension Fund for Maidenhead, Cookham Dean 17283 Lewis Trust Fund, Bamsley 17285 Libro Charitable Trust, London 17294 Littleport Day Centre Appeal Fund, Ely 17340 The Liversage Trust, Derby 17349 Living Word Gospel Ministries (United Kingdom) Trust, Hainau» 17352 Llanidloes and District Community Nurses Comforts Fund Committee, Llanidloes 17380 The llanrwst Almshouse and Museum Trust, Llanrwst 17363 Lock Lane Old People's Trust, Castleford 17409 Lock Lane Recreation Ground Old People's Shelter Trust, Castleford 17410 Ursula Lodges Trust, Chislehurst 17424 Henry Lonsdale Charitable Trust, Carlisle 17459 Lord Mayor's Christmas Fund, Plymouth 17462 Luton Saint Mary Old People's Dinner Fund, Luton 17493 Mallinson Park Tmst, London 17543 The Maltese Charitable Trust, Henley-onThames 17548 Manor Gardens Welfare Trust, London 17563 The Margery Maplethorpe Trust, Hertford 17573 Marion Road Centre Trust, Norwich 17579 Marslon Montgomery Inclosure Tmst, Ashbourne 17595 May and Walter Martin Trust, London 17598 The Martin-Wheeler Trust, Winchester 17599 Mayor of Newbury's Benevolent Fund, Newbury 17636 The Mayor's Benevolent Fund, Bromley 17648 Mayor's Christmas Fund, Caernarfon 17650 The Mayor's Christmas Fund, London 17651 The Melbourne Hall Home Trust, Leicester 17666 Margaret Phyllis Mewhort Tmst, Durham 17703 The W.J. Mills Saint Day Benevolent Fund, Truro 17735 The Monmouthshire Further Education Trust Fund, Cwmbran 17782 Elizabeth Morris Fund for the Aged of Yr Hafod Home, Carmarthen 17816 G.T. Mountford Dinner Fund, Stoke-onTrent 17838 The Nan and Jack Memorial Fund, Newport Pagnell 17868 New Life Church Bedfordshire Tmst, Dunstable 17924 New Quay Relief in Sickness Fund, New Quay 17934 The Newham Bengali Community Tmst, London 17959 Stephen Nicholson's Foundation (Almshouses), Leeds 18001 Nuffield Foundation, London 18084 The Old Citizens Sports Tmst, London 18126 Old Coulsdon Centre Trust, Caterham 18127 Old Park Ward Old Age Pensioners Fund, Ilkeston 18137 Old People's All Day Club Tmst Fund, Chandlers Ford 18138 Oloolarroi Village Trust, London 18159 Pangboume Assistance Fund, Portsmouth 18236 Parthenon Tmst, Guernsey 78262 Penge and Aneriey (1948) Trust, Bromley 18302
Queens Road Manse Trust, London 18534 The Ethel Rae Fund, Caernarfon 18544 The Joseph Rank Benevolent Fund, Hull 18560 Ravenscourt Old People's Home Amenities Fund, Homchurch 18572 Ray House Foundation Fund, London 18576 The Frederick Ray Trust, Bedford 18577 The Rayne Foundation, London 18579 Juliette Reckitt Haven of Rest Tmst, Hull 18595 Frederic Isaac Reckitt Trust, Hull 18597 Henrietta Reed Fund, London 18608 Henrietta Reed Fund for the OFd Suffering Poor, London 18609 The Regpree Charitable Tmst, London 18619 Rehoboth Trust, Newport 18620 Charlie Reid Fund, London 18621 Residential Care Homes Trust, Torquay 18625 Restmor Benevolent Fund, Epsom Downs 18627 Rosepark Trust, Cottingham 18729 The Rotary Club of Builth Wells and District Trust Fund, Builth Wells 18786 The Royal Seamen's Pension Fund, Epsom 19112 Saint Augustine's Community Care Tmst, Twickenham 19207 Saint Dogwells Parish Council Old People's Welfare Fund, Haverfordwest 19239 Saint Luke's Community Trust, Richmond 19317 Saint Mary Magdalene and Holy Jesus Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19340 Saint Mary's Old People's Tmst, Bromley 19356 Salter's Almshouse Trust, Trowbridge 19448 K.A.H. Sams Charitable Fund, Olney 19453 The Schonfeld Square Foundation, London 19485 Selsdon Centre Tmst, Croydon 19525 The Sergent Memorial Tmst, Newport 19532 Shree Ananadabawa Seva Charitable Tmst, North Harrow 19535 Shartston Saint Luke's Spinsters' Fund, Wakefield 19547 The Shaw Charitable Tmst, Northwood 19550 The Sheffield Forgemasters Benevolent Fund, Sheffield 19560 Sheffield Tmst for Elderty People, Sheffield 19568 The Freda Shelley Tmst, Chatfont Saint Giles 19574 The Jane Shore Charitable Tmst, London Í9593 Shoshanas Roche I Charitable Tmst, London 19594 Shottesbrooke Charitable Trust, London 19595 The Emily Ada Sibthorpe Tmst, Luton 19606 The Baba Jaswant Singh Tmst, Southall 19625 Sketty Club Benevolent Tmst, Swansea 19630 The Herbert William Sollitt Memorial Trust, Lincoln 19673 Spondon Jubilee Lamp Tmst, Derby 19764 Spoor Memorial Fund, London 19765 Sprowston War Memorial Tmst, Norwich 19776 The Stickland Tmst, Woodford Green 19817 Stoke Gokjington Social Fund, Newport Pagnell 19823 Strict Baptist Church Hayes Lane Bromley (Kent) Pension Fund, Bromley 19842 The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation, London 19862 Sarah Tegfan Davies Comforts Fund, Carmarthen 19952 Telegraph and Star Old Folk's Fund, Sheffield 19956 Thomaby Old Folks Summer Outing Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 20009 The John Thomhill Memorial Trust, Great Longstone 20012 Tissington Almshouses Fund, Chesterfield 20033 Tower Hamlets Old People's Welfare Tmst, Pinner 20058 The Tower Hill Improvement Tmst, London 20061 The Tracy Tmst, Windsor 20066 The Charles Tudor Russell Fund, Bedford 20132 The Tudor Trust, London 20133 The Turner Hudson Retired Clergy Fund, Beverley 20141 Union Chapel Memorial Tmst, Manchester 20168 Upton Chapel Alms Fund, Epsom 20195 Uxbridge United Welfare Trusts, Uxbridge 20204
480 Vale of Llangollen Canal Boat Tmst, Llangollen 20209 Valli Charitable Trust, Leicester 20212 Van Neste Foundation, Bristol 20214 Victoria Almshouse Fund, Plymouth 20235 Vinesong Tmst, East Grinstead 202,44 The John Ward Trust, Wolverhampton 20312 Waterside Trust, Edinburgh 20335 Ann Watson's Trust, Hull 20338 The Wayback Foundation, Plymouth 20344 West Ealing Tmst, London 20389 West Looe Town Tmst, West Looe 20398 Harry Weston Memorial Fund, Coventry 20429 The Wheen Charitable Tmst, Beckenham 20434 The John Samuel White Tmst, East Cowes 20445 Whitwood Mere Old Age Pensioners Tmst, Castleford 20461 Samuel and Elizabeth Wild Almshouse Trust, Hope Valley 20471 T.C. Williams Tmst, Ruthin 20492 The Elsie May Williams Trust for the Benefit of Plas-Y-Coed Old Peoples Home in Bangor, Caernarfon 20494 The Wolverton and District Senior Citizens Trust, Milton Keyens 20565 Woodley, Sandford and Charvil Charitable Tmst Reading 20592 Worldwide Harvest Ministries Trust, Maidenhead 20625 The William Wright Charitable Trust, York 20644 The Wylie Tmst, Milton Keynes 20660 The York Charitable Trust, York 20685
The Royal Navy (Permanent Endowment) Common Investment Fund, Portsmouth 19095 Royal Victoria Dock Centre Tmst, London 19126 The Wakeford Maritime Lectures Trust, Chandlers Ford 20267
Denmark J.L. Fondet, Kebenhavn 00646 A.P. Meiler og Hustru Chastine McKinney Meilers Fond til almene Formaal, Kebenhavn 00552
Germany Dr. Carl BehrmanrvGedächtnisstrftung, Elsfleth 01625 Deutsche Seemannsschule Hamburg, Hamburg 02206 Deutsche Stiftung Sail Training, Bremerhaven 02223 Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik, Bremen 03697 Carl Kircheiss-Stiftung, Hamburg 03992 Lulsen-Stephanien-Stiflung, Mannheim 04586 Robert Müller-Stiftung, Hamburg 04887 Aitur-Rose-Stiftung, Langeoog 05520 Stiftung Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum, Bremerhaven 06735 Stiftung Fähre Siebeneichen, Ratzeburg 06780 Stiftung Haus Seefahrt, Bremen 06926 Stiftung Traditionsarchiv Unterseeboote, Cuxhaven 07349 Stiftung zur Förderung der Berufsbildung in der deutschen Seeschiffahrt, Hamburg 07441
Netherlands Stichting van der Weeleschipper Fonds, Bergen 09585
Norway Jartson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hönefoss 09642
Spain Fundación Fundación Lekeitio Fundación 12168
Actilibre, Madrid 10670 Escuela Especial de Náutica, 11068 Marques de Suanzes, Madrid
Switzerland Stiftung Zürichsee-Schiffahrtsmuseum, Zürich 13876
United Kingdom The John Barrett Charitable Tmst, Chichester 14425 Brentford Community Boat Tmst, Brentford 14705 The Exeter Canal and Quay Trust, Exeter 15858 The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Educational Fund, London J6843 Plymouth Marine Fund, Plymouth 18399 Pynda Maritime Educational Trust, Hemel Hempstead 18513 The Reading Waterways Tmst, Reading 18590 The Royal Merchant Navy School Foundation, Wokingham 19084 The Royal Naval Scholarship Fund, Portsmouth 19090 The Royal Navy (Expendable) Common Investment Fund, Portsmouth 19094
Slavonic studies Germany Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen, Bremen 02707 Alfred Toepfer-Stlftung F.V.S., Hamburg 07699
Social sciences Albania Open Society Foundation-Albania, Tirana 00002
Austria AIT & FIA Foundation Mobility and Society, Wien 00004 International Institute lor Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg 00068 Robert-Jungk Stiftung, Salzburg 00072 The World of NGOs, Wien 00188
Beiglum Fondation pour la Qualité de la Vie et les Relations Humaines, Liège 00338 Masereel Fonds, Bruxelles 00457 Worid Solidarity, Bruxelles 00572
Svenska Kulturfonden, Helsinki
France Fondation de France, Paris 00884 Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris 00887 Fondation de la Santé et de l'Homme, Paris 00892 Fondation Europe et Société, Paris 00942 Fondation Européenne pour l'Homme, la Nature et la Vie, Metz 00947 Fondation pour la Recherche Sociale, Paris 01029 Fondation pour le Progrès de l'Homme, Coubron 01034 Fondation pour une Vie Meilleure, Cenon 01041 International Foundation for Social Innovation, Paris 01136 Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris 01181 Fondation René Seydoux pour le Monde Méditerranéen, Paris 01265
Germany Aventis Foundation, Frankfurt am Main 01503 Bayerische Forschungsstiftung, München 01587 Margot-und-Friedrich-Becke-Stiftung, Heidelberg 01607 Karl Heinz Beckurts-StHtung, Essen 01615 Stiftung für empirische Sozialforschung Professor Dr. Ránhold ßergler, Nürnberg 01656 Bertelsmann Wissenschaftsstiftung, Gütersloh 01671 Beutel-Launer-Stiftung, Reutlingen 01691 Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 01768 Margret Boveri-Stiftung für Demokratieforschung, Würzburg 01816 Ruth und Christian Bruhn-Strftung, Essen 01899 Buber-Rosenzweig-Stiftung, Bad Nauheim 01909 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Kassel 0*953 Arthur Burkhardt-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung, Essen 01998 Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung, Hannover 02225 Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen, Berlin 02244 Esther und Silvius Domier Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Schüler, Essen 02323 Erich Dorp-Fonds, Essen 02324 Dozentur für Deutsche Kulturgeschichte, Berlin 02329 Dràger-Stiftung, Lübeck 02331 Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung, Bonn 02466 Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen, Bremen 02707 Sigmund-Freud-Institut, Frankfurt am Main 02760 Dr. Alex und Eva Friend Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02784 Hans Frisch-Stlftung, Nürnberg 02788 Pfarrer Gehrmann-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02862 Hermann Gutmann-Stlftung, Nürnberg 03085
Hamburger Stiftung Rehabilitation und Integration, Hamburg 03177 Walter Hesselbach-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03428 Hochschulgesellschaft fomm sociale Mainz e.V., Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 03490 informedia-Sliftung, Köln 03679 Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Un ¡ versitât Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 03699 Institut für Staats- und Sozial· Wissenschaftliche Forschung, Talheim 03700 Heinrich Jacoby und Elsa GindlerStiftung, Berlin 03724 KAIROS Stiftung, Deisenhofen 03843 Kappeier-Institut für die Wissenschaft des Seins-Deutschland, Essen 03858 Marx-Engels-Stiftung, Wuppertal 04680 Hans L Merkle-Stiftung, Essen 04748 Gerhard Merzyn-Stiftung, Hamburg 04755 Noies-Schrittweis-SUftung, Marburg 05024 Alfred-Prassek-Stiftung, Wertheim 05283 Johanna-Quandt-Stiftung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05340 Quid Verum-Stiftung, Stadtbergen 05344 Schader-Strftung, Darmstadt 05759 Helmut und Loki Schmidt Stiftung, Hamburg 05892 SchmökJers-Strftung für Verhaltensforschung im Wirtschaftsleben. München 05914 Albert Schulz-Stiftung, Rostock 06015 Jacob Gould Schurmann Stiftung, Mannheim 06027 sgz-Bank-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 06102 SRH-Hoküng, Heidelberg 06315 Stiftung Arbeit und Umwelt der IG Bergbau-Chemie-Energie, Hannover 06437 Stiftung Braunschweiger Búrgerpreis, Braunschweig 06495 Stiftung Demokratie Saartand, Saarbrücken 06530 Stiftung Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft, München 06531 Stiftung Demoskopie Allensbach, Konstanz 05533 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommurtalwissenschaften, Berlin 06547 Stiftung fairmächtnis für innovation, sozialen und ökologischen Wandel, Münster 06781 Stiftung für Ökologie und Demokratie e.V., Rülzheim 06870 Stiftung Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung, Hamburg 069Í0 Stiftung Leben und Umwelt, Hannover 07095 Stiftung Lebensenergie, München 07096 Stiftung Rechtsschutzsaal, Friedrichsthal 07226 Stiftung Sozialer Wandel in der unternehmerischen Wirtschaft, Kassel 07299 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft an der Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 07406 Stiftung Zusammen-Leben, Köln 07514 Gustav-Stresemann-Stiftung, Bonn 07573 Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin, Berlin 07592 Dr. Alfred Vinzl-Stiftung, Erlangen 07895 Dr. phil. Fritz Wiedemann-Stiftung, Essen 08114
Greece Foundation for Mediterranean Studies, Athina 08317
Hungary Nonprofit Information and Training Centre, Budapest 08345 Soros Foundation-Hungary, Budapest 08349
Ireland European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Shankill 08358 Royal Irish Academy, Dublin 08391
Italy Fondazione Adkins Chitì Donne in Musica, Fiuggi 08401 Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Torino 08402 Fondazione Giorgio Amendola, Torino 08408 Fondazione Elvira Badaracco, Milano 08414 Fondazione Intemazionale Lelio Basso per il Diritto e la Liberazione dei Popoli, Roma 08424 Fondazione Figli Maria Antonietta Bernardi onlus, Conegliano 08436 Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Roma 08458 Fondazione Roffredo Caetani Di Sermoneta, Tor Tre Ponti 08463
Subject Index: Social work
Fondazione di Ricerca Istituto Carlo Cattaneo, Bologna 08476 Fondazione Cecchini Pace, Milano 06460 Fondazione Emite Chanoux, Aosta 06464 Fondazione Domenico Colasanto, Napoli 06490 Fondazione Vittorino Colombo, Milano 06495 Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Torino 06531 Fondazione Censis, Roma 06566 Fondazione CIR, Padova 06601 Fondazione per i Problemi Montani dell'Arco Alpino, Milano 08693 Fondazione per la Ricerca sulla Migrazione e sulla Integrazione, Roma 06699 Fondazione San Servolo, Venezia 06734 Fondazione Sigma Tau, Roma 08740 Fondazione Giacomo Matteotti, Roma 06632 Fondazione Modigliani, Roma 08646 Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Roma 08868 Fondazione Sandro Penna, Torino 08678 Fondazione Rosselli, Torino 08907 Fondazione Ugo Spirito, Roma 08947 Fondazione Filippo Turati, Firenze 06956 Fondazione Centra Studi e Formazione Sociale Emanuela Zancan, Padova 06967
Latvia Soros Foundation-Latvia, Riga
Lithuania Open Society Fund-Lithuania, Vilnius 08965
Macedonia Open Society Institute-Macedonia, Skopje 08993
Malta Foundation for International Studies, Valletta 08994
Netherlands Eduardo Frei Stichtag van Het CDA voor Internationale Solidariteit, Den Haag 09136 International tnstituut voor Sociale Geschiedenes, Amsterdam 09168 Stichting Internationale Solidariteit Utrecht, Utrecht 09430 Vereniging KoninkJijke Nedertandse Heidemaatschappij, Amhem 09611
Norway Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker
Portugal Fundaçâo Antera de Quental, Lisboa 09687 Fundaçâo José Fontana, Lisboa 09743 Fundaçâo Frei Pedro, Guarda 09747 Fundaçâo Cidade de Lisboa, Lisboa 09765 Fundaçâo da Juventude, Porto 09772 Fundaçâo de Estudo de Diagnóstico e Intervengo Social, Porto 09776 Fundaçâo Democracia e Socialismo, Lisboa 09779 Fundaçâo Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, Lisboa 09798 Fundaçâo Solidários para o Desenvolvimento Cooperativo e Comunitàrio, Oiíveira do Balrro 09835 Fundaçâo Alexandre Herculano - Renovaçâo, Democracia e Desenvolvimento, Lisboa 09853 Fundaçâo Péro da Covilhá, Covilhá 09891
Russia Fond temporalnyh problem, analiza i prognoza, Moskva 09975 Foundation for the Survival and Development of Humanity, Moskva 09981
Slovakia Open Society Foundation-Bratislava, Bratislava 10015
Spain Fundación Alvargonzélez, Gíjón 10046 Fundación Alzate, Bifcao 10047 Fundación Arana Aizpurúa, Aravaca
Fundació Jaume Botili. Barcelona 10135 Fundación José Canalejas, Madrid lOítt Fundación Cánovas del Castillo, Madrid 10167 Fundación Castelao, Santiago de Compostela 10179 Fundación por el Socialismo Enrique Chulio, Cultera 10205
Fundació Institut d'Estudis Humaniste Miquel Coli i Alentom, Barcelona 10218 Fundación Eguía Careaga, Donostia-San Sebastián 10276 Fundación Federico Engels, Madrid 10288 Fundación Francisco Ferrer Guardia, Barcelona 10327 Fundació d'Estudis Sociales Insercfó Profesional, Sant Joan d'Espf 10468 Fundació d'Estudis Socials i Económics de Catalunya, Barcelona 10469 Fundació per a la Formació de l'Economia Social, Valencia 10575 Fundació per a Nnvestlgactó i Desenvolupament Economic i Social, Barcelona 10581 Fundació Societat i Cultura, Barcelona 10644 Fundació Universitaria Cultura i Societat, Barcelona 10655 Fundació Utopia d'Estudios Socials Baix Uobregat, Comellá de Uobregat 10660 Fundación Academia Europea de Y us te, Cuacos de Yuste 10668 Fundación Albolote, Albotote 10684 Fundación Análisis de la Innovación Tecnológica y Estudios Sociolaborales, Madrid 10699 Fundación Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, Bilbao 10776 Fundación Catalana de Gas, Barcelona 10638 Fundación CEIM, Madrid 10646 Fundación Centro de Convivencia Parque Aluche, Madrid 10851 Fundación Centro de Investigaciones Educativas y Sociológicas, Burgos 10866 Fundación Centro Madrileño de Estudios Sociales, Madrid 10878 Fundación Ciencia, Democracia y Sociedad, Madrid 10892 Fundación Confederación Empresarial de la Provincia de Alicante, Alicante 10925 Fundación Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales, Madrid 10926 Fundación Cultural Asturias, Oviedo 10945 Fundación Cultural y de Estudios Sociales, Castellón 10968 Fundación de Estudios Socioculturales, Madrid 10963 Fundación de Estudios Sociológicos, Madrid 10984 Fundación de Investigación y Comunicación, Valladolid 10987 Fundación de Investigaciones Marxistes, Madrid 10989 Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros Confederadas para la Investigación Económica y Social, Madrid 10991 Fundación del Hombre, Madrid 11003 Fundación Democracia Conservadora, Madrid 11005 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 11036 Fundación Empresa y Sociedad, Madrid í 1039 Fundación Entorno y Salud, Madrid 11046 Fundación Escuela Universitaria de Graduados Sociales de Ueida, Lleida 11074 Fundación Escuela Universitaria de Graduados Sociales de Valladolid, Valladolid 11075 Fundación Familia, Sociedad y Educación, Madrid 11112 Fundación Fomento de Estudios Sociales y de Sociología Aplicada, Madrid 11118 Fundación Fondo para la Investigación Económica y Social, Madrid 11126 Fundación Foro para la Innovación Social, Madrid 11131 Fundación Grupo El Correo Español, Bilbao 11153 Fundación Humanismo y Democracia, Madrid 11244 Fundación Independiente, Madrid 11253 Fundación Instituto de Ciencias del Hombre, Madrid 11269 Fundación Instituto de Formación y Estudios Sociales, Madrid 11273 Fundación Instituto para la Investigación, Documentación y Formación de Estudios Sociales, Lang reo 11293 Fundación Instituto Sindical de Estudios, Madrid 11296 Fundación Investigación SociológicaEmpresarial, Madrid 11308 Fundación Investigación y Promoción Social, Palma de Mallorca 11310 Fundación Investigaciones Sociales y Económicas para la Relorma del Estado, Madrid 11313 Fundación Orientación y Centro de Estudios Promoción Sociocultural, Madrid 11423 Fundación Pablo VI, Madrid 11428 Fundación para el Análisis y Estudios Sociales, Madrid 11432
Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Función Social de las Comunicaciones, Madrid 11437 Fundación para el Estudio de los Problemas Sociales, Madrid 11449 Fundación para la Libertad y Democracia, Madrid 11481 Fundación para la Libertad y el Progreso, Madrid 11462 Fundación para la Promoción de Estudios Superiores de Torrelodones, Torrelodones 11463 Fundación Paz y Socialismo, Zaragoza 11511 Fundación Primero de Mayo, Madrid 11527 Fundación Promotora de la Escuela Universitaria de Graduados Sociales, Ponfenada 11546 Fundación Prosegur, Madrid 11547 Fundación Santa Maria, Madrid 11618 Fundación Sistema, Madrid 11637 Fundación Sociedad y Empresa, Madrid 11642 Fundación Universidad de Estudios Generales, El Puig 11666 Fundación Valenciana de Atención a la Marginación, L'Eliana 11664 Fundación Fundes, Madrid 11705 Fundación Itzunin, Donostia-San Sebastián 11794 Fundación José Antonio de Lerchundi y Siroöch, Bilbao 11837 Fundación Cultural Enrique Luño Peña, Sevilla 11866 Fundación Juan de Mairena, Toledo 11873 Fundación Premio Marvá, Madrid 11890 Fundación Juan Muñiz Zapico, Oviedo 11937 Fundación Paco Natera, Córdoba 11947 Fundación Navarro Rubio, Madrid 11949 Fundación Antonio de Nebrija, Hoyo de Manzanares 11951 Fundación Andreu Nin, Madrid 11955 Fundación José Ortega y Gasset, Madrid 11974 Fundación Paideia, A Coruna 11980 Fundación Penzol, Vigo 12001 Fundación Puente Barcas, Aranjuez 12030 Fundació Roca Galès, Barcelona 12069 Fundación Institución Salvador Seguí, Madrid 12132 Fundación Sergi Servei Gironi de Pedagogía Social, Gerona 12146 Fundación Patronato Vidal para la Cultura de la Juventud Obrera, Puigñeig 12250 Fundación Vives de Estudios Sociales, Madrid 12267
Stiftung zur Förderung sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung über die Weltgesellschaft, Zürich 13915
Ukraine International Renaissance Foundation, Kiev 14028
United Kingdom The Argentine Club Educational Trust, London 14254 Biography and Social Development Trust, East Grinstead 14578 British Academy, London 14746 The Josephine Butler Educational Trust, Maidstone 14859 Colt Foundation, Havant 15303 Esmée Fairbaim Charitable Trust, London 15877 Fourth World Educational and Research Association Trust, London 16003 Gaia Foundation, London 16084 Global Change Foundation, Teddington 16159 The Group Relations Educational Trust, London 16281 The Hampden (Educational) Trust Fund, Noithwood 16348 Kennedy Memorial Trust, London 17054 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, Alresford 17142 The Tom Mann Centre Trust, Coventry 17559 National Lottery Charities Board, London 17886 The Nunbumholme Trust, Hull 18086 One Worid Trust, Colchester 18165 The Pornography and Violence Research Trust, Colchester 18432 The Mike Rhodes Trust, London 18635 Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, York 19005 Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London 19020 Third Worid Foundation for Social and Economic Studies, Thornton Heath 19994 Philip Usher Memorial Fund, London 20201 World in Need, Oxford 20617
Yugoslavia Fund for an Open Society, Beograd 20743
Social work Albania
Sweden Humanfonden, Stockholm 12297 Strftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm 12318
Switzerland Archiv Schnüffelstaat Schweiz, Bern 12360 Stiftung Chalice, Zürich 12469 Dätwyler-Stiftung, Altdorf 12466 Fondazione Dalle Molle per la Qualità della Vita, Lugano 12469 Fondation Forum Suisse pour l'Etude des Migrations, Neuchâtel 12604 Fondation Krwanis Stiftung, Basel 12617 Fondation L'Homme Vivant, Villars-surGlâne 12623 Fondation Mondiale de l'Institut de la Vie, Genève 12630 Fondation Mondiale INSEAD, Genève 12631 Fondation Science et Conscience de l'Homme, Vessy 12667 Fondazione Centro di Incontri Umani, Ascona 12690 Gorbachev Foundation Switzerland, Genève 12760 Stiftung Jonas zur Förderung der psychosozialen Prävention und Therapie, Domach 12924 Kail William und Lore L. Kapp-Stiftung, Basel 12947 Liber'alf Gemeinnützige Stiftung zur Förderung des liberalen, freiheitlichen Gedankenguts, Baar 12992 Sankt Gallen Stiftung für Internationale Studien, Sankt Gallen 13188 Schweizerische Stiftung für Migration, Fribourg 13266 Schweizerische Stiftung für Sozialethik, Zurich 13271 SIDOS, Neuchâtel 13314 Stiftung für Humanwissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung, Zürich 13537 Stiftung für kulturelle, soziale und humanitäre Experimente, Basel 13550 Stiftung für Verwirklichung von Wahrheit, Einfachheit und liebe, Brenz 13584 Stiftung Gewerkschaftsschule Schweiz, Bern 13599 Stiftung Mensch-Gesellschaft-Umwett, Basel 13696 Stiftung Nutzungseigentum am Boden, I Aigen 13712 Stiftung VITA Parcours, Zürich 13849
Albanian Civil Society Foundation, Tirana 00001
Austria Allgemeine Armenstiftung für Niederösterreich, Wien 00005 Angestelltenunterstützungsfonds des Landesverbandes der Sparkassen Niederösterreichs und des Burgenlandes, Wien 00011 Dr. Rudolf und Ella Braun-Stiftung, Wien 00023 European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Wien 00042 Julius Glück-Stiftung für Eisenbahnbedienstete, Wien 00053 Marienheim-Stittung, Innsbruck 00096 Sankt David's Trust, Kötschach-Mauthen 00130 Stiftung Soziales Friedenswerk, Innsbruck 00163 Anni und Heinrich SussmanrvStiftung für Bedürftige Bildende Künstler, Wien 00169 Vereinigte Altösterreichische Militärstiftungen, Wien 00176 The World of NGOs, Wien 00186
Belarus International Humanitarian Foundation, Minsk 00195
Belgium Care International, Bruxelles 00226 Fonds de Soutien Marguerite-Marie Delacroix, Bruxelles 00245 Earth Action International, Bruxelles 00254 Eurostep, Bruxelles 00265 Fondation Bel go-Tuque d'Entraide et de Solidarité tfËmirdag et de sa Région, Bruxelles 00283 Fondation du Lions Club de Binche, Binche 00296 Fondation du Monde Nouveau, Bruxelles 00299 Fondation Economique et Sociale du Brabant Wallon, Nivelles 00301 Fondation pour l'Assistance Morale Laïque, Bruxelles 00345 Fondation Réligieuse Islamique Turque en Belgique, Bruxelles 00356 Fonds de Garantie Wallon, Bruxelles 00372
Fonds de Sécurité d'Existence des Ouvriers de la Construction, Bruxelles 00373 Fonds Social de l'Industrie Chimique, Bruxelles 00380 Fonds Social pour les Intérimaires, Bruxelles 00381 King Baudouin Foundation, Bruxelles 00442 Médecins Sans Frontières, Bruxelles 00459 Solidar, Bruxelles 00504 Solidariteitsfonds Binnenvaart, Antwerpen 00506 Stichting Integratie en Erkenning Prostitutie, Oostende 00521 Universitaire Stichting voor Armoedebestrijding, Antwerpen 00544
Bosnia and Herzegovina Open Society Fund-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 00576
Bulgaria Health and Environment Foundation, Sofia 00582
Czech Republic Civic Forum Foundation, Praha 00596 Czechoslovak Charta 77 Foundation, Praha 00597 Nadace Rozvoje Obcanské Spolecnosti, Praha 00601 Open Society Fund Prague, Praha 00602
Denmark The Augustinus Foundation, Kebenhavn 00610 The Carisen-Lange Foundation, Kege 00619 Egmont Fonden, Kebenhavn 00630 Novo Nordisk Fonden, Gentofte 00659 Rockwool Foundation, Hedehusene 00664 Tuborgfondet, Kebenhavn 00667
Estonia Avatud Kihnu Fond, Klhnu 00674 Betti Alveri Fond, Jogeva 00675 Eesti Heategevusfond, Tallinn 00676 Eesti Mittetulundusühingute ja Sihtasutuste Liit, Tallinn 00679 Eesti Ratastoolifond, Tallinn 00681 Eesti Tulevikulapse Fond, Pámu 00682 Pâmumaa libefond, Pámu 00688 Saare Tervisekeskuse Sihtkapital, Kuressaare 00689 Sihtasutus Eesti Kohalike Omavalitsuste Tugrfond, Tallinn 00691 U.S.-Baltic Foundation Eesti Sihtasutus, Tallinn 00694
France Fondation d'Aguesseau, Paris 00716 Centre d'Etudes de Documentation, d'Information et d'Action Sociales, Paris 00781 Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca, Paris 00815 Fondation Dranem, Paris 00827 Fondation Agir contre l'Exclusion, Paris 00857 Fondation du Bénévolat, Paris 00923 Fondation Nationale pour la Protection Sanitaire et Sociale du Clergé de France, Paris 01011 France-Liberté Fondation Danielle Mitterand, Paris 01195
Germany Aalener Volksbank Stiftung, Aalen 01303 Adelberdt-Diakonissen Mutterhaus in Stendal, Stendal 01321 Adelberdt-Diakonissen-Stiftung, Bielefeld 01322 Adelenstift-Heidberg, Bremen 01323 Adt-Schwarz-Stittung, Bad Orb 01336 Agnes-Stiftung, Gaggenau 01338 Ahlefeld'sche Stiftung, Seestermühle 01341 Aktive Kinderwerkstatt Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 01350 Albert und Emilienstiftung, Beerfelden 0Í354 Albig-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01357 Albrecht, Müller-Pearse & Co.-Stiftung, Bremen 01358 Aldinger-Stiftung Wasserburg (Bodensee), Tettnang 01360 Alerds-Stiftung, Braunschweig 01361 Aller'sche Armenstiftung für das Land Wursten, Mulsum 01370 Johann G. Allers'sche Tagelöhnerstiftung, Dorum 01371 ALLES GUTE Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Stade, Stade 01372 Allgemeine Fürsorgestiftung Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 01373 Allgemeine Wohltätigkeits-Stiftung, Kempten 01375 Allgemeiner Hannoverscher Klosterfonds, Hannover 01377
Subject Index: Social work Allgemeiner Katholischer Kirchenfonds lür Hohenzollem, Sigmaringen 01378 Almosen-Stiftung Burglengenfeld, Burglengenfeld 01384 Almosen kasten-Stiftung, Bayreuth 01385 Almosenstiftung Heideck, Heideck 01386 Alois Ammerschläger-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01427 Anhaltische Diakonissen Anstalt, Dessau 01431 Pastor Annecke'sche milde Armenstiftung, Magdeburg 01433 Anselm'sche Stiftung für langjährige Betriebsangehörigkeit, Weißenburg in Bayern 01435 Anzenberger-Trendel-Stiftung, Augsburg 01439 Prince Charles d' Arenberg-Stiftung, München 01450 Armenfonds Haueneberstein, BadenBaden 01452 Armenkommission der ehemaligen Standesherrschaft Schaumburg, Cramberg 01455 Armenstiftung, Günzburg 01456 von Amim'sche Stiftung e.V., Berlin 01460 Dr. Emil Artus-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 01471 Dr. Aschrott-Wohlfahrtshaus-Stftung, Kassel 01472 Astor-Stiftung, Walldorf 01478 Prof. Hermann Auer-Stiftung, München 01483 AUFWIND, Augsburg 01486 Hugo Auvera-Stiftung, Nürnberg 01501 Averbeck-Stiftung, Bad Iburg 01504 AWO Rheinlandstiftung, Köln 01506 Badenia-Stiftung, Mannheim 01514 Bade'sche Stiftung von Anno 1489 und 1844, Β erg i sch-GI ad bach 01517 Stiftung Erwin Baer, Oststeinbek 01520 Walter und Pauline Baier-Stiftung, Rotthalmünster 01528 Barsinghäuser Bürgerstiftung, Barsinghausen 01546 Bauer-Walser-Stiftung, Pforzheim 01564 Johann Matthäus Bauer'sche Wohttätigkeitsstiftung, Marktredwitz 01566 Erna Baur-Strftung, Hamburg 01577 Julius Bauser-Stiftung, Empfingen 01582 Bayerische Landesstiftung, München 01589 BDA-Stiftung Berlin, Berlin 01602 BDA-Stiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 01603 Der Beck Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 01605 Franz Beckenbauer-Stiftung, München 01608 Hermann Becker-Mitarbeiterstiftung, Saarbrücken 01609 Cordula Beck 'sehe- Stiftung, Arnstein 01613 Hauptmann Max Beckstein-Stiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 01614 Belegschaftshilfe der Heilbronner Treuhandgesellschaft mbH, Heilbronn 01630 Fritz Bender-Sozialwerk, München 01632 Bender-Stiftung, Füssen 01633 Otto Benecke-Stiftung e.V., Bonn 01635 Freiherrlich von Benkendorffsche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Ansbach 01636 Erwin Bensing-Stiftung, Bad SodenSalmünster 01640 Bergedorf-Bille-Stiftung zur sozialen Integration von Menschen, Hamburg 01647 Albert Bemer-Stiftung, Künzelsau 01666 Bertrams-Stiftung, Siegen 01672 Bethe-Stiftung, Essen 01685 Betriebsfamilie, Köln 01687 Dr. Beyer'sche Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01694 BHF-Bank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01697 Dr. Theodor August Bieber-Stiftung, Hamburg 01700 Elise und Georg Mathias BiermannStiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 01706 Bindemann'sches Legat, Magdeburg 01711 Block'sche Stiftung, Sateiiand 01745 Friedrich Bluhme und Else JebsenStiftung, Hannover 01748 Sophia von Bocholt'sche Studentenstiftung, Rees 01752 Stiftung Bruno Bock, Marschacht 01753 Friedrichstiftung derer Bock von Wülfingen, Celle 0/756 Vereinigte Tile, Nigel und Johann Bockholt-St iftu η g en, Hamburg 01757 Evangelische Stiftung der BodelschwinghGemeinde, Hamburg 01762 Dr. Hans und Henriette Boge-Stiftung, Lüneburg 01769 blue planet von böger-stiftung, Hamburg 01770 Babette Böhm-Stiftung, Stuttgart 01772 Böttchersches Legat, Hann. Münden 01785 Boorberg-Stiftung, München 01801 Dr. Friedrich Borgmann-Stiftung beim Rotary-Club Kleve, Kleve 01805 Louis und Ella Julie Brand-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01821
482 Lebensrettungs-Stiftung Jürgen Braubach, Ahrensburg 01825 Max Braun-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01832 Braun'sche und Susann'sche Stiftung Möhringen, Tuttlingen 01837 Braunschweigischer Vereinigter Klosterund Studienfonds, Braunschweig 01839 Braunschweigs Stiftung zum Andenken an den 6. Februar 1794, Wolfenbüttel 01840 Emst Brehme-Stiftung, Bertin 01845 August Breitenbach-Stiftung, Siegen 01847 Brennpunkt Sozialarbeit, Waldenbuch 01862 Brethaupt'sche Stiftung, Verden 01863 Robert Breuning-Stiftung, Lörrach 01866 Max Brinckman sen. und Amold Mergeil sen.-Stiftung, Hamburg 01870 Unterstützungskasse der Firma Martin Brinkmann GmbH, Bremen 01871 Alfred Britsch-Stiftung, Iniingen 01875 Wilhelm Bröker-Stiftung, Bielefeld 01881 Paula und Dr. Carl Brügmann-Stiftung, Dortmund 01896 Heinrich Leonard Brügmann und Geheimrat Dr. Carl Brügmann-Stiftung, Oortmund 01897 Ruth und Christian Bruhn-Stiftung, Essen 01899 Alfred Brune-Stiftung, Soltau 01901 Brunst-Weber-Stiftung, Stralsund 01908 Harald Buch-Stiftung, Fröndenberg 01912 Julius-Theodor Buck-Strftung, Hamburg 0/917 Hans Bühler & Co. Inh. Kurt-GieslerStiftung, Wernau 01922 Vicco von Bülow-Stiftung, Brandenburg 01925 Bürger-Rettungs-Institut, Berlin 01929 Bürger-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Stade, Stade 01930 Bürgerhospital-Stiftung Deidesheim, Deidesheim 01933 Bürgerspital-Stiftung, Iphofen 01938 Bürgerspitalstiftung Nabburg, Nabburg 01950 Bürgerstiftung Darmstadt, Darmstadt 01955 Bürgerstiftung der Sparkasse Iserlohn, Iserlohn 01957 Bürgerstiftung Dresden, Dresden 01959 Bürgerstiftung für den Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck, Fürstenfeldbruck 01961 Bürgerstiftung für Goslar und Umgebung, Goslar 01962 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Kassel 01963 Bürgerstiftung Hannover, Hannover 01965 Bürgerstiftung Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 01969 Bürgerstiftung Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Ludwigshafen 01970 Bürgerstiftung Neckarwestheim, Neckarwestheim 01971 Bürgerstiftung Schwegenheim, Schwegenheim 01972 Bürgerstiftung Stormam, Bad Oldesloe 01973 Bürgerstiftung Wismar, Wismar 01975 Bürgerstiftung zukunftsfähiges München, München 01976 Buff-Jahn-Stiftung, Bremen 01984 Bugenhage η-Stiftung, Hannover 01985 C. Aug. Bunnemann Stiftung, Bremen 01991 Angela-Bunte-Stiftung, Papenburg 01992 Bürau-Stiftung, Essen 01993 Burckhardt-Stiftung der Grünen Farbe, Laatzen 01994 Stiftung Hille in Not-Werner und Hildegard Buikhardt, Bad Vilbel 01997 Dorothea Busch Stiftung, Heilbronn 02001 Butter'sche Stiftung, München 02006 Calvör-Wiechmann'sche Stiftung, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 02015 CARE-Erinnerungs-Stiftung / CAREMemorial-Foundation, Bonn 02020 Caritas Gemeinschafts-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02021 Carrtas-Sozialwerk Sankt Elisabeth, Vechta 02023 Caritas-Stiftung im Bistum Essen, Essen 02024 Caritas-Stiftung im Erzbistum Köln, Köln 02025 Edith Carstensen-Stiftung, Lübeck 02034 Bernhard und Anna Caspar-Stiftung, Hannover 02035 Celler Heimstiftung, Celle 02038 Dr. med. Franz-Rudolf Centner-Stiftung, Trier 02039 Ctiristiani-Stiftung (Geistliches Ministerium), Magdeburg 02048 Peter und Maria Clausen-Stiftung, Harrislee 02064 Georg und Margot Clever-Stiftung, Essen 02072 Colsman-Stiftung, Velbert 02082 Commerzbank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02086 Conrad-Stiftung, Berlin 02087
Cronstetl· und Hynspergische Evangelische Stiftung Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 02101 Wilhelm Dahn-Stiftung, Hamburg 02108 Pfarrer Dangel'sehe Stiftung, Hamburg 02124 Alex Danhuber-Stiftung, München 02125 Det Danske Hospitalfond in Hamborg, Hamburg 02129 Aitur Daviter-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02134 Dechamps-Stiftung, Aachen 02137 Wohltätige Stiftung von Johann Hinrich Decker, Hamburg 02140 Allred und Barbara DemmlerWohttätigkeftsstiftung, Kempten (Allgäu) 02151 Christian-Denz-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02157 Edmund Deswatines-Stiftung, Krefeld 02159 Christian und Hans-Christian DethleffsenGedächtnisstiftung, Flensburg 02160 Georg Deuringer-Stiftung Dillingen an der Donau, Dillingen an der Donau 02163 Georg Deuringer'sche Stiftung, Kempten/Allgäu 02164 Deutsche CARE-Stiftung, Bonn 02176 Deutsche Humanitäre Stiftung zur Förderung der humanitären Hilfe in Krisen-, Kriegs- und Katastrophengebieten, Wiesbach 02188 Deutsche Nationalstiftung, Hamburg
Deutsches Hitfswerk/ARD-Femsehlotterie, Hamburg 02233 Graf von Deym'sche Nikolaus-Stiftung, Lohhof 02246 Diakonie-Soziahverk Lausitz, Görlitz 02248 Diakoniegemeinschaft PauJinenstrft, Wiesbaden 02249 Diakoniestiftung AH-Hamburg, Hamburg 02250 Diakoniestiftung Lazarus Berlin, Bertin 02252 Diakonieweik Ruhr, Witten 02254 Diakoniezentrum Laubacher Stift, Laubach 02255 Diakonissen-Mutterhaus Cecilienstift Halberstadt Halberstadt 02258 Diakonissen-Muttertiaus Genthin, Genthin 02259 Diakonissenanstalt Salem-Köslin-Minden, Minden 02260 G. Diederichsen-Stiftung, Hamburg 02265 Karl Diehl-Stiftung, Nürnberg 02267 Aloys Diekstall-Stiftung, Lohne 02268 Paul Dierichs-Stlftung, Kassel 02269 Eduard Dietenberger-Stiftung, Schwäbisch Gmünd 02272 Otto Georg Dinges-Sliftung, Frankfurt am Main 02282 DLRG-Stiftung Bayern, Neumaitt 02288 DLRG-Stiftung Bremen, Bremen 02289 Döbele-Stiftung, Öhringen 02292 Heinz Dörks-Stiftung für kranke und hilfsbedürftige Menschen, Bonn 02297 Gräflich von Dömberg'sche WaisenfondsStiftung Regensburg, Regensburg 02298 Wemer-Dohany-Stiftung, Offenbach am Main 02301 Domkapitel der Vereinigten Hochstifte zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegiatstrfts Zeitz, Naumburg 02306 Etatsrätin Donner-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 02312 Conrad Hinrich Donner-Stiftung, Hamburg 023/4 Unterstützungsstiftung der Firmengruppe Dorfner in Hirschau, Landkreis ArnbergSulzbach, Hirschau 02318 Ludwig Martin Dorische Stiftung, Maiturg 02319 Peter Domier Stiftung, Lindau 02321 Dreikönigskapellenstiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 02336 Dreikönigsstiftung, Neubrandenburg 02337 Dreißig Arme unterm Turm, Hessisch Oldendorf 02338 Dresdner Stiftung für Soziales und Umwelt der Stadtsparkasse Dresden, Dresden 02343 Drewe-Stiftung, Münster 02345 Gebrüder Drewes-Stiftung, Göttingen 02346 DR K-Stiftung Diez und Umgebung, Diez 02352 Ottilie Drumm-Stiftung, München 02354 Ferdinand Dürkoop und Louise geb. Bauck-Strftung, Hamburg 02355 Abraham Düminger-Stiftung, Hermhut 02356 Hans und Helga Eckensberger-Stiftung, Braunschweig 02386 EDEKA Stiftung, Hamburg 02391 Eduard-Stiftung, Wetechbillig 02396 Eduard-Stiftung katholisches KnabenWalsenhaus für die Diözese Trier, Trier 02397 Helene Ehlers-Stiftung, Hamburg 02405 Ehrensteiner Armenstiftung, Asbach 02408 Ehrilchsche Schul- und Armenstiftung, Dresden 02473
Eichelmann-üps'sche Stipendien- und Wohttätigkeitsstiftung, Ansbach 02415 Trude Eiperle-Rieger-Stiftung, Aalen 02422 Stiftung Elim, Hamburg 02431 Emder-Sparkassenstiftung, Emden 02444 Richard Emondts-Stiftung, Heidelberg 02447 Emsländische Sparkassenstiftung, Meppen 02448 Horst und Eva Engelhardt-Stiftung, Mannheim 02456 Wilhelm Enßle-Stiftung, Remshalden 02462 Fridericke und Wolfgang ErlenbachStiftung, München 02469 Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Coesfeld 02477 ESO Team Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 02487 EUS-Stiftung für Energie, Umwelt und Soziales, Koblenz 02503 Evangelisch-Lutherische Diakonissenanstalt Alten Eichen in Hamburg, Hamburg 02504 Evangelisch-lutherische Diakonissenanstaft Bethanien in Magdeburg-Cracau, Magdeburg 02505 Evangelisch-Lutherische Diakonissenanstalt Marienstift, Braunschweig 02506 Evangelisch-Lutherische DiakonissenhausStiftung, Eisenach 02507 Evangelisch-Lutherischer Pfründestiftungsverband in Bayern, München 02570 Evangelisch-Lutherisches Magdalenensüft, Attenburg 02572 Evangelische Diakoniestiftung Herford, Herford 02514 Evangelische Gemeindediakoniestiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 02520 Evangelische Jerusalem-Stiftung, Hannover 02523 Evangelische Stiftung Christopherushof, Altengesees 02537 Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein, Wetter 02544 Evangelische Stiftungen Osnabiück, Osnabrück 02546 Evangelische Vereinshaus-Stiftung, Braunschweig 02547 Evangelische Wohttätigkeitsstiftung in Regensburg, Regensburg 02549 Evangelischer Almosenkasten, Frankfurt 02551 Evangelischer Kirchenschaffneifonds Meisenheim, Bad Kreuznach 02552 Evangelisches Diakoniewerk Königin Elisabeth, Berlin 02555 Evangelisches Diakonissenhaus BerlinTeltow, Teltow 02556 Evangelisches Diakonissenhaus Bethlehem Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe 02557 Evangelisches Diakonissenhaus Detmold, Detmold 02558 Evangelisches Stift Alt- und NeuBethlehem, Göttingen 02572 Evangelisches Stift Sankt Martin, Koblenz 02575 H.F. Ewald'sche Stiftung, Bad Kreuznach 02581 Dr. - Fahre nschon-Stiftung, Zorneding 02593 Maria Falkenberg-Weimann und Dr. Emst Heinitz-Stiftung, Berlin 02594 Oskar und Elisabeth Famy-Stiftung, Kißlegg 02599 Betriebliche Unterstützungseinrichtung F.S. Fehrer, Kitzingen 02611 Gemeinnützige Felder-Stiftung, Krefeld 02617 August Fels-Stiftung Mainz - Hilfe für Menschen in Not, Mainz 026/9 Elisabeth und Georg Fick-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02629 Otto und Eugen Ficker-Stiftung, Kirchheim unter Teck 02632 Dr. Josef Fieger-Stiftung, Erftstadt 02633 Gerhard Fieseler-Stittung, Kassel 02634 Wilhelm von Finck-Stiftung, Grasbrunn 02647 Karl und Theodora Finck'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Memmingen 02642 Die Finnische Seemannsmission in Hamburg, Hamburg 02646 Fimhaber-Trendel-Stiftung, Bamberg 02647 Fischer-Stiftung Gottesgabe, Flensburg 02657 Kaspar Fleschner-Stiftung, Eltville 02672 Theodor Fliedner-Werk vormals Diakonenanstalt Duisburg, Mühlheim an der Ruhr 02676 Stiftung Fliege, München 02677 Flörsheimer Bürgerstiftung, Flörsheim 02679 Rutopfer-Stiftung von 1962, Hamburg 02682 Förderfonds der Sparkasse GünzburgStiftung, Günzburg 02683 Forstbedienstetenhilfe, Darmstadt 02711 Franckesche Stiftungen 2U Halle, Halle/Saale 02719 Elfriede Frank-Stiftung, LeinfeldenEchterdingen 02721
Vereinigte von Frank'sche Bürgerspitalstiftung Waldmünchen, Waldmünchen 02731 Zacharias Frank'sche Wohttätigkeitsstiftung, Waldmünchen 02732 Frantz'sche Stiftung, Geesthacht 02733 Frauenhaus zum Heiligen Geist, Bad Gandersheim 02743 Freiburger Diakonissenhaus, Freiburg 02751 Freireligiöse und Unitarische Stiftung Offenbach am Main, Offenbach am Main 02755 Dr. Richard Fricke-Stiftung, Bergheim
Otto Friedeberg-Stiftung des Vereins der Getreidehändler der Hamburger Börse, 20457 02772 Heinz und Gisela Friederichs-Stiftung, Oberursel 02773 Fried richsheim-Pfründneranstalt, Stadtlauringen 02781 Armenstiftung Heinrich Frieling, Billerbeck 02783 Cläre Fritzsche-Stiftung, Bremen 02793 Sebald Fûllsack'sche Stiftung, Kirchehrenbach 02803 FünfgeW-lingin-Stiftung, Buggingen 02804 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Dr. Simon Scheibenhardt-Stiftung, Augsburg 02809 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Fuggerei Stiftung, Augsburg 02810 Fürstlich und Gräflich Fugger'sche Veit· Hört-Stiftung, Augsburg 02816 Else Funke Stiftung, Attenkirchen 02820 Ulrich Gabler-Stiftung, Lübeck 02825 Gaehtje'sches Familienvermächtnis, Eckemförde 02831 Gamer-Stiftung, München 02845 Fritz und Brigitta Gastager-Stiftung, Inzell 02849 Gasthausstiftung Emmerich, Emmerich 02850 Walter Gastreich-Stiftung, Essen 02852 Gebauer-Stiftung, Berlin 02854 GEFRIM-Stiftung, Dietzenbach 02857 Geistliches Lehnregister, Hannover 02868 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Jakobi in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02872 Gemeindepffege-Stiftung zu Sankt Johannis in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02873 Gemeindepflege-Strftung zu Sankt Magni in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02874 Gemeindepflege-Strftung zu Sankt Martini in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02875 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Michaelis in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02876 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Pauli-Matthäus in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02877 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Ulrici in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02878 Gemeindestiftung Schömberg, Loßburg 02880 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Hof, Hof 02888 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Helfen von Börners und Intecon-Mitarbeiters, Osnabrück 02893 Gemeinnützige Stiftung städtischer Einwohner Großröhrsdorf, Großröhrsdorf 02898 Gemeinschaftshilfe im DLW-Konzem, Bietigheim-Bissingen 02900 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden 02902 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Essen, Essen 02903 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg 02904 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Oelde, Oelde 02905 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Diakonie im Evangelischen Stadtkirchenverband Köln, Köln 02906 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Freie Scholle, Bielefeld 02907 Generalarmenfonds, Münster 02911 Gerihoff-Brandfsche Stiftung, Osterburg 02924 Gerstenberg-Erinnerungs-Stiftung der Victoria Versicherungs-Gesellschaften, Düsseldorf 02930 Geselbrachfsche Armenstiftung, Freren 02934 G est ra GmbH-Stiftung, Bremen 02937 Eduard Geyer-Stiftung, Eisenberg 02943 Dr. Elisabeth Gilbeit-Uchtwer-Stiftung, Deggendorf 02953 Otto Girstenbrey'sche Stiftung, Augsburg 02957 Gottlob Glafe/sche Familienstiftung, Nürnberg 02959 Johann Göritz-Testament, Hamburg 02981 Edmund Goklschagg-Stiftung, München 02990 Gordon-Stiftung, Borgholzhausen 02998 Thomas Gottschalk-Stiftung, München 03006 Grabunterhaltungsstiftung, Bautzen 03072 Ilse Graulich-Stiftung, Reutlingen 03026
483 Kurt Graulich-Stiftung Helfen in Noi, Flörsheim 03027 Gerhard-Greyer-Stiftung, Uelzen 03036 Heinrich Grone-Stiftung, Hamburg 03044 Melchior und Josefa Grosjearîsche geb. Beiertein und deren Tochter Marie Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, München 03045 Großer Gotteskasten (Gardelegen), Gardelegen 03047 Evangelisch-Lutherische Senior-GrotefendStiftung, Hannover 0305) Hans Grunewald-Stiftung, Schwelm 03062 Emst Max von Grunelius-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03069 Louise und Stephan von Guaita-Stiftung, Bad Vilbel 03073 August Gudewill-Stiftung, Thedinghausen 03075 Walter und Ella Günttier-LebenshilfeStiftung, Bamberg 03079 Günther-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03080 Gräflich von Guiot du Ponteil'sche Stiftung, Augsburg 03082 Förderstiftung der Brauerei Fritz Gutmann, Trtting 03085 Guttempier-Stiftung, Hamburg 03088 Wilhelm Haarmann'sche Fabrikstittung, Holzminden 03099 Wilhelm Haas-Stiftung, Neu-Isenburg 03101 Theodor Haebler-Vermächtnisstiftung, Großschönau 03111 Wilhelm Härdrich-Stiftung, Jena 03116 Haeriin'sche und Ludwig und Marie Therese-Sozialstiftung Gauting, Gauting 03118 Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03121 Karl Häusler-Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 03123 Dr. Carola und Dr. Edmund HaffmannsStittung, Essen 03126 Dr. Carl Hagens-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03134 Irma-Hahn-Stiftung, Hamburg 03143 Adam Haker-Fondis, Essen 03154 Halepaghen-Stiftung von 1484 in Buxtehude, Buxtehude 03159 Dr. Hallier Stiftung, Hamburg 03163 Hamburger Arbeiter-Kolonie, Appen 03168 Hamburger Sammelstiftung, Hamburg 03174 Hamburger Stiftung fur politisch Verfolgte, Hamburg 03175 Hamburger Stiftung Hilfe für NSVerfolgte, Hamburg 03176 Ella Hammerschmidt-Stiftung, Tettau 03187 Carl-Friedrich Hansen-Stiftung, Hamburg 03204 Harry Härder-Stiftung, Berlin 03213 Heinrich-Ludwig Hartmann· Gedächtnisstiftung, Hannover 03216 Hartmannbund-Stiftung Ärzte helfen Ärzten, Bonn 03220 Hartmann'sche Armenstiftung, Paderboen 03221 Dr. Hartmann'sche Armenstiftung, Warturg 03222 C.G. Hartwig-Stiftung, Bremen 0322S Matthias Hätz-Stiftung, Ruhslorf 03232 Stiftung Michael Hauck, Essen 03235 Hans Heinrich Hauck-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03236 Erika Haucke-Stiftung, Schneverdingen 03237 Haus Petersberg-Stiftung, Erchveg 03250 Hauslage-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03255 Eva Haußner-Stiftung, Erlangen 03257 Hauswakffsche Familienstiftung vom Jahre 1889, Hamburg 03259 Hertha und Eitel-Fritz Häver-Stiftung, Essen 03260 Hedwig-Stiftung, Magdeburg 03275 Freiherrlich Heereman von Zuydtwyck Stiftung, Münster 03279 Eugen Hegeler-Stiftung, Gelsenkirchen 03281 Josef-David Heidelberger-Stiftung, Mainz 03286 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain-Stiftung, Traunreut 03259 Georg-Heinrich Heige-Stiftung, Illeben 03290 Heilig-Geisl-Bürgerstiftung Buchloe, Buchte 03293 Heilig-Geist-Spital-Stiftung, Nürnberg 03294 Heilig-Geist-Stiftung Vereinigte Hospizien in Bernkastel-Kues, Bernkastel-Kues 03303 Heiligen-Geist-Stiftung, Uelzen 03307 Heiliggeistspital MQhkjorf am Inn, Mühldorf am inn 03312 Heiliggeistspital-Stiftung Vohburg an der Donau, Vohburg 03314 Heiliggeistspital-Stiftung Wasserburg am Inn, Wasserburg am Inn 03315 Heiliggeistspitalstiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg 03317 Christian Heimeran'sche Familienstiftung, München 03327 Heimkehrerstiftung, Bonn 03328 Heimstatt-Stiftung, Augsburg 03329
Subject Index: Social work Minna-James Heineman-Stiftung, Essen 03331 Emst-Georg Heinemann-Stiftung, Bremen 03332 Christoph Friedrich Heinzelmann-Stiftung, Kaufbeuren 03338 Helfen in der Häverstädt, Berlin 03349 Richard Hellmann-Stiftung, Vetschau 03356 Hennig'sche Stiftung zu Großpösna, Großpösna 03370 Herbipolis-Bürgerstiftung, Würzburg 03364 Heinrich Herbst-Stiftung, Hamburg 03385 Deutsche Bank-Stiftung Alfred Herrhausen Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Frankfurt am Main 03398 Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03406 Magda Hertz-Dyrks-Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 03407 Herzog-DQrr-Stiftung, Ludwigsburg 03413 Karl Herzog-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03414 Hartwig Hesse-Stiftung, Hamburg 03422 Caspar Hessel-Gefolgschaftshilfe, Münster 03427 Cari von Heß'sche Krankenhaus- und Sozialstiftung, Hammelburg 03438 Senator Willy Heyrath-Stiftung, Hannover 03449 Bürgermeister Hermann HildebrandStiftung, Bremen 03453 Hilfe für Opfer der NS-Willkürherrschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg, Berlin 03456 Hilfskasse Deutscher Ring in Hamburg, Hamburg 03460 C.A. Hipp'sche Stiftung, Bad Säckingen 03473 Wilhelm Hirschmann-Stiftung, Treuchtingen 03479 Wilhelm Hirte-Stiftung, Hannover 03481 Max Hochrein-Stiftung Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Speyer 03488 Hockenberger-Strauß-Stiftung, Sinsheim 03492 Der Hodenberg, Bremen 03493 Höchster Wohlfahrtsstiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03495 Wilhelm Höffner-Stiftung, Berlin 03496 Rudolph Höhne'sche Stiftung, Berlin 03498 Elly Hölterhoff-Böcking-Stiftung, Bonn 03500 Dr. Paul Höltzcke-Stiftung, Kiel 03501 Hoerte-Pahud-Stiftung, Böblingen 03505 Hoesch-Stiftung, Wuppertal 03507 Hofana-Stiftung, Pappenheim 035/J Hoffbauer-Stiftung, Potsdam 03512 Sebastian und Rosina Hoiß'sche Stiftung, Lifting 03531 Ilse Holzapfel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03539 Friedrich und Louise Homann-Stiftung, Hamburg 03544 Hombergk-Schenklengsfeld-Seipp'sche Stiftung, Marburg 03545 Hopt-Nguyen-Stiftung, Essen 03554 Fritz Homschuch-Werto-Stiftung, Kulmbach 0356t Karl-Gottlieb Homschuch'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Forchheim 03562 Erich und Ilse Horst-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03564 Hospital-Stiftung, Lauingen/Donau 03584 Hospital-Stiftung Lohr am Main, Lohr am Main 03591 Hospital- und Armenfonds Lahr, Lahr 03595 Hospital- und Leprosenhaus-Stiftung Haag in Oberbayern, Haag 03596 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Fritzlar, Fritzlar 03606 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist in Schwäbisch Hall, Schwäbisch Hall 03609 Hospitalfonds Hofheim, Kassel 03614 Hospitalpflege Riedlingen, Riedlingen 03676 Hospitalstiftung, Uffenheim 03620 Hospitalstiftung der Stadt Lohr am Main, Lohr am Main 03622 Hospitaistiftung der Stadt Pirna, Pirna 03623 Hospitafstrftung Hôchstâdt an der Donau, Höchstädt 03626 Hospitalstiftung Leipheim, Leipheim 03629 Hospitalstiftung Neustadt an der Atsch, Neustadt an der Atsch 03630 Hospitaistiftung Ulm, Ulm 03632 Hospitalstiftung Wemding, Wemding 03633 Hospitaistiftung zum Heiligen Geist Ktöjegg, Kißieg 03636 Hospitaistiftung zum Heiligen Geist Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd 03637 Hospitalverwaltung Gundelsheim, Heilbronn 03638 Elisabeth Hülsmann-Stiftung, Hamm 03647 Justin Hüppe-Stiftung, OktenburgftXdenburg 03648 von Hugoische Kirchen- und Schulstiftung, Göttingen 03650 Hutschenreuther-Pabst-Stiftung in Selb, Selb 03659 Hildegard Hutzenlaub-Stiftung, Hannover 03661
Impulse-Stiftung Heidelberg, Heidelberg 03677 Interkalarfonds Katholischer Kirchenstellen Rottenburg am Neckar, Rottenburg am Neckar 03701 Emst Irte-Stiftung, Siegen 03709 Jais'sche Stiftung, Mittenwald 03730 Gisela Janotte-Stiftung, Berlin 03736 Johannishofstiftung von 1161, Hildesheim 03750 Jubiläumsfonds der Sparkasse Neu-Ulmlllertissen, Neu-Ulm 03767 Jubiläumsfonds des städtischen Orchesters in Augsburg, Augsburg 03768 Jubiläumsstiftung der Creditverein Wilhermsdorf AG, Wilhermsdort 03771 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse der Stadt Straelen, Straelen 03774 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse Dieburg, Groß-Umstadt 03π5 Jubifáumsstrftung der Sparkasse in Meschede/Eslohe, Meschede 03776 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadt- und KreisSparkasse Darmstadt, Darmstadt 03779 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Emmerich 03780 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Schrobenhausen, Schrobenhausen 03783 Marie-Juch acz-Stiftung der Aibeiterwohlfahit, Bonn 03790 Jüdelstiftung, Braunschweig 03791 Heinrich, Elisabeth und Lisel JüngstStiftung, Herbom 03798 Jugend-Stiftung der Sparkasse Ulm, Ulm 03801 Stiftung der Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke GmbH, München 03834 Kabel- und Metallwerke Gutehoffnungshütte AG Pensions- und Wohlfahrtsstiftung, Osnabrück 03838 Otto·Kássbohrer-Stiftung, Ulm 03840 Joseph Benedikt Kaiser'sche paritätische Armenkrankenstiftung, Marktoberdorl 03850 Kalandfundation Seeburg-Duderstadt, Duderstadt 03652 Dieter Kaltenbach-Stiftung, Lörrach 03859 Dr. Hans Kapfinger-Stiftung, Passau 03867 Ludwig Karg'sche Stiftung, Heimenkirch 03873 Karlshöhe Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 03876 Katholische Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen in Augsburg, Augsburg 03695 Matthias-Kaufmann-Stiftung, Hessisch Lichtenau 03903 Kaufmann-Stiftung, Holzminden 03904 Friedrich Kelch-Stiftung, Schorndorf 03919 Heinrich Kempchen-Stiftung, Oberhausen 03932 Kart und Auguste Keßler-Stiftung der Atting Keßler Sondermaschinen GmbH, Aalen 03944 Paul und Käthe Kick-Schmidt-Stiftung, Berlin 03954 Dr. med. Kind'sche Stiftung, Fulda 03984 Dr. Friedrich Kirchhoff-Stiftung, Heidelberg 03997 Kirchliche Zusatzversorgungskasse Baden, Kartsruhe 04003 Dr. Hans Kirsch-Stiftung, Günzenhausen 04007 A.W. Kisker-Stiftung, Bielefeld 04006 J.G. Klaucke'sche Stiftung, Augsburg 04013 Georg Matthias und Karoline Klein'sche Brennmaterialienstiftung, Nürnberg 04025 Jakob Kleintz-Stiftung, Mainz 04027 Peter Klöckner-Stiftung, Duisburg 04040 Elisabeth Kloke-Stiftung, Hamburg 04041 Klosterstiftung zu Drübeck, Magdeburg 04046 Josef Klüber-Stiftung Unterstützungskasse, Alzenau 04049 Otto Klugt-Stiftung, Hamburg 04051 Frau Otto Knaudt-Stiftung, Essen 04058 Karl Knauer-Stiftung, Biberach 04059 Dr. Willi Kndl-Stiftung, Kolmbach 04071 Heinrich Knost und Christian und Marie Ditles-Stiftung, Rellingen 04073 Rudolf Knupp-Stiftung, Bonn 04075 Constantin Köhler'sche Stiftung, Schwäbisch Gmünd 04094 König Ludwig Ill.-Stiftung, Lichtenfels 04106 Gerd Köster-Stiftung, Brake 04124 Koinonia-Stiftung, Brühl 04J35 Eduard und Emma Kolb-Plecher· Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, München 04136 Ignaz Kolb'sche Meßweinstiftung, Würzburg 04140 Adolph Kolping-Stifturtg, Kerpen 04146 J.D. Kolwey-Stiftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 04147 Kommunale Bürgerstiftung der Stadt Frankenthal (Pfalz), Frankenthal (Pfalz) 04148 Matthias Josef Komp-Stiftung, Euskirchen 04149
Konflikt-und Lebensberatung, Stuttgart 04152 Luise Kopp-Stiftung, Rehbom 04160 Emst und Hertha Koppermann-Stiftung, Bremen 04162 Paula und Jakob Korell-Stiftung, Schwaikheim 04164 Ludwig und Martha Komegger-Stiftung, Prien am Chiemsee 04166 Robert Krämer-Stiftung, Bremen 04174 Hauptpastor Dr. Albrecht Krause-Stiftung, Hamburg 04197 Johann Kraus'sche Stiftung, Altenkunstadt 04199 Dr. Armin und Maria Krautheim-Stiftung, Bad Grönenbach 04200 Franz Josef Krayer-Stiftung, Langenargen 0420 J Kreishilfskasse Bad Brückenau, Bad Kissingen 04207 Kreissparkassenstiftung, Ratzeburg 04213 Kreistag Wurzen-Stiftung, Grimma 04215 Kriegsgräberstiftung - Wenn alle Brüder schweigen, Albstadt 04225 Kroeger-von Ludwiger-Stiftung, Lübeck 04230 Kroppenstedter Reithufen, Kroppenstedt 04237 Hans Krüger-Stiftung, Berlin 04239 Alfred Krupp und Friedrich-Alfred-KruppStiftung, Essen 04246 Stiftung des Rentners Heinrich Wilhelm Kruse, Kiel 04248 Rosa-Maria Kügle-Stiftung, Königsbrunn 04256 Jürgen Kusel-Stiftung, Oyten 04267 E.W. Kuhlmann-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04273 Markgräflich Kulmbach-Bayreuth'sche Stiftung, Weferlingen 04278 Kultur-, Sport- und Sozialstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln in der Stadt Burscheid, Köln 04279 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung, Haan 04282 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung der Sparkasse Gifhom-Wolfsburg, Gifhorn 04284 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Rosenheim, Rosenheim 04285 Kulturbund-Stiftung Kamem Elb-HavelWinkel, Kamem 04287 Kulturstiftung Bemburg, Bemburg 04290 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder für den Altkreis Fritzlar, Melsungen 04298 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder für den Altkreis Ziegenhain, Melsungen 04299 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Aachen, Aachen 04304 Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, Steinfurt 04311 Kulturstiftung Leipzig, Leipzig 04334 Kulturstiftung Stadtsparkasse Wedel, Wedel 04352 Stiftung Rheingrafenstein Max und Hertha Kurta, Bad Münster 04355 Pfarrer Kuntz'sche König Ludwig III und Königin Maria-Therese-Stiftung, Kapsweyer 04367 Josef Karl Kunz'sche Stiftung, Cham 04370 Kurhessisches Diakonissenhaus Kassel, Kassel 04376 Emilie Kwiet-Stiftung, Gummersbach 04384 Kyffhäuser- und Finanzsportstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz, Trier 04385 Landpflegestiftung, Ansbach 04400 Markus Lang-Stftung, Benningen 04403 Julius Langenbach-Stiftung, Bonn 04411 Heinrich und Julia Lanz-Stiftung, Mannheim 04420 Emil und Maria Lanz-Stiftung, Markdori 04421 Ursula LautneCsche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Massing 04431 Johann Daniel Lawaetz·Stiftung, Hamburg 04433 Gebrüder Leffers-Stiftung, Osnabrück 04446 Adolf und Helene Leonhard-Stiftung, Aichwald 04471 Cari und Paul Leonhardt-Stiftung, Braunschweig 04472 Leprosen-Stiftung Stiefenhofen, Stierenhofen 04476 Lessing-Stiftung, Harpstedt 04480 Leutkircher Bank-Stiftung, Leutkirch 04485 Gemeinnützige Margaretha und Emst A. Levers-Stiftung, Hamburg 04487 Michael und Susanne Liebelt-Stíftung, Hamburg 04490 Stiftung Liebenau, Meckenbeuren 04491 Liebesbund-Stiftung Isen, Isen 04493 Heinrich-Liebig-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04494 Elisabeth und Karl Lindner-Stiftung, Kaufbeuren 04514 Städtische Wohlfahrts- und Geschwister Link-Stiftung Emmendingen, Emmendingen 04519 Geschwister-Linke-Stiftung, Essen 04520 Dr. Fritz Linneit-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, München 04521 Prof, Dr. Edmund Löffler-Stiftung, Karistein am Main 04539
Unterstützungskasse der Firma Logemann-Possehl Sanitär Heizung Stahl Handelsgesellschaft mbH Lübeck, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 04549 Lohmann & Co. Stiftung, Bremen 04552 Lo h man n-Hei I e ntha I-Stiftun g, Frankfurt am Main 04553 Lokalwohltätigkeitsanstalt, Ansbach 04557 Generalstabsarzt Dr. Karl und Anna von Lotzbeck'sche Stiftung, München 04564 Lucius-Hebel-Stiftung, Erfurt 04570 Ludgerus-Stiftung, Vechta 04571 Franz und Käthe Ludowici-Stiftung, Ludwigshafen 04574 Lübbert-Stiftung für Altenhilfe, Lübeck 04578 Helene Lücke Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 04581 Rudolf und Maria Machnig'sche Stiftung, Memmingen 04605 Mändlein'sche Stiftung, Ansbach 04610 Nikolaus und Martha Magin-Stiftung, Ulm 04614 Albert-Maier-Stiftung, Sankt JohannUpfingen 04621 Hilde Mair-Stiftung, Ostfildern 04627 Johann-Bernhard Mann-Stiftung, Bonn 04631 Mannheimer Bürgerstiftung, Mannheim 04633 Manos Abiertas Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 04634 Hellmut Manthey-Stiftung, Berlin 04636 Maralba-Stiftung, München 04638 Louis Marburg'sche Familienstiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04640 Margaretha- und Josephinen-Stiftung, Kempten 04650 Maria-Stiftung, Münster 04651 Marienstift zu Roßla, Roßla 04660 J.F. Martens-Stiftung für invalide Arbeiter, Dargow 04669 Unterstützungskasse der Belegschaft der Martin & Pagenstecher GmbH, Wülfrath 04672 Dr. med. Heinz Masuch-Stiftung, Aschau i. Chiemgau 04684 Erich Mathing-Stiftung, Berlin 04688 Cäcilie Mattersdorf-Stiftung, Wennigsen 04689 J.H.W. Maurien-Stiftung, Hamburg 04695 Sozialpädagogisches Institut Berlin-Walter May, Berlin 04697 Paul und Margaretha Meckelburg-Stiftung, Hamburg 04709 Stiftung Meier-Bruck, Hamburg 04715 René- und Camille-Meier-Stiftung, Offenburg 04717 Fritz Meier'sche Wohltätigkeitsanstalt, Schwedt/Oder 04719 Meinel-Burkhard-Stiftung, Rain am Lech 04722 Karl und Walburga Mengele-Stiftung, Günzburg 04742 Adolf Messer-Stiftung, Königstein im Taunus 04756 Adolf und Malvine Metelmann geb. Gerber-Stiftung, Hamburg 04760 Gerhard und Renate Metz Stiftung, Nürtingen 04762 Meyenburg'sche und Bamberg'sche Stiftung, Schöppenstedt 04767 Erich und Elli-Ingeborg Mezger-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 04785 Michaelistift, Gefell 04787 Miele-Stiftung, Essen 04794 Clarence und Emma Mielech-Stiftung, Berlin 04795 Milde Stiftungen zu Spangenberg, Spangenberg 04797 Mildtätige Stiftung des Deutschen Bundeswehr-Verbandes, Bonn 04798 Dr. Gustav Möllenberg-Stiftung, Bochum 04816 Alex Möller-Stiftung, Kartsruhe 04820 Möllerstift, Bielefeld 04824 Max Mörck Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04826 Montfort-Werk-München-Stiftung, München 04842 Karl Monz-Stiftung, Dachau 04843 Manja und Emst Mordhorst-Stiftung für Jung und Alt, Frankfurt am Main 04848 Käthe Moser-Stiftung, Füssen 04854 Mosquito Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 04655 Hedwig Mühler-Stiftung, Passau 04862 Müller-Klein-Rogge-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04672 Hans und Irmgard Müller-Stiftung, Bad Soden 04676 Adolf und Auguste Müller-Stiftung Arolsen, Twistetal 04897 Otto A. Müller Unterstützungskasse, Hamburg, Hamburg 04899 Dr. Herbert Münzer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04912 Fritz Munder-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 04920 Emil Muschick-Stiftung, Berlin 04924 Andreas Mutschter-Stiftung für Postbedienstete, Emmendingen 04933 Neele-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04968 Neinstedter Anstalten, Neinstedt 04971 Neptun-Stiftung, Bremen 04973
Subject Index: Social work Nestwerk-Stiftung gegen Obdachlosigkeit und Wohnungsnot, Stuttgart 04974 Neue Evangelische Stiftung Kleve, Kleve 04977 Niederländische Armen-Casse, Hamburg 05000 Nikolaistiftung Dorfen, Dorfen 05012 Lieselotte-Nippelt-Stiftung, Leipzig 050f4 Claus Nitsche Stiftung, Hamburg 05016 August und Anna Nölpp'sche Wohltätigkeitsstrftung Stamsried, Stamsried 05021 Nordmarkstiftung des Deutschen Buchdrucker-Vereins, Hamburg 05029 Norwegische Seemannsmission in Hamburg, Hamburg 05034 Gretel Nusser-Stiftung, Winnenden 05043 Wilhelm Oberle-Stiftung, Staufen 05053 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung des Rentners Johann Obrecht, Augsburg 05058 Franz Oechsle-Stiftung, Plochingen 05060 Dr. med. Georg Oeckler-Stiftung, Wasserburg/Bodensee 05061 Alfred und Josie Oelbermann-Stiftung, Bad Honnef 05063 Oelhafe-Zeysesche-Stiftung, Halle/Saale 05065 . Gräflich Öttingen-Baldem'sche Stipendienpflege, Wallerstein 05070 Offermann-Stiftung, Wesel 05075 Olgakrippe Stuttgart, Wolfschlugen 05082 Hellmut Opas-Stiftung, Ochsenfurt 05087 Helmuth und Luise Orschler-Stiftung, Aschaffenburg 05099 Geschwister-Orth-Stiftung, Tegernsee 05100 Gebrüder Ortmanns-Stiftung, Tönisvorst 05101 Dr. Walter und Angelika OschmannStiftung, Nürnberg 05102 OSKAR-Stiftung, Leipzig 05104 Ostalb-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Ostalb, Aalen 05108 Valentin Ostertag-Stiftung, Bad Dürkheim 05113 Peter-Osypka-Stiftung, Grenzach 05119 Otte'sche Armenstiftung, Barkelsby 05120 Direktor Willi Otto-Stiftung, Kronach 05123 Armenstiftung der Gebrüder Paeßens, Uedem 05131 Unterstützungseinrichtung der Firma Papierfabrik Palm GmbH & Co., Aalen 05135 Stiftung Oberbalzheim Imre Freiherr von Palm'sche Stiftung, Balzheim 05138 Paritätische Sankt Martinsstiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 05147 Paritätischer Armenfonds in Augsburg, Augsburg 05149 Pater-Heinrich-Stiftung, Hennef 05154 Pax-Bank-Stiftung, Köln 05165 Rettungsstittung Jürgen Pegler e.V., Heilbrenn 05167 Pensionszusatz-Stiftung der Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, Heilbronn 05172 Pesl-Stlftung, Unterhaching 05176 Heinrich Peters-Stiftung, Hannover 05185 Hildegard Petig-Stiftung, Salzgitter 05187 Stiftungsfonds Ludwig und Lina Petuel, München 05193 Dr. Petzold-Stiftung, Sebnitz 05194 Irma Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05199 Eduard-Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05201 Dr. Hans Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Zell am Main 05202 Pfeiffersche Stiftungen zu MagdeburgCracau, Magdeburg 05203 Friedrich-Wilhelm Pfister-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 05206 Helene Pfieiderer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05210 Pfründestiftung der EvangelischLutherischen Pfarrstelle Ansbach-HeiligKreuz, Ansbach 05218 Philipp'sche Stiftung, Hergersberg 05225 Johann Martin Ludewig PickenpackStiftung, Hamburg 05228 Willy und Monika Piuer Stiftung, Bad Nauheim 05236 Paul Poggendorf-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05254 Pastor Hugo Poppe-Stiftung, Hamburg 05263 Johann Heinrich Poppe Stiftung, Hamburg 05264 Josef Popper-NähφΑ icht-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05265 Popp'sche Stiftung, Hollfeld 05267 Porsche-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05268 Possehl-Stiftung, Lübeck 05273 Margarethe von Post-Stiftung, Bremen 05275 Lisa Poth-Stiftung, Hannover 05278 Alfred und Cläre Pott-Stiftung, Essen 05280 Alfred-Prahm-Stiftung, Hamburg 05281 Heinrich Elimar Precht Stiftung, Bremen 05284 Prediger-, Witwen- und Waisenkasse der Pfarrkonvente im Kirchenkreis AltHamburg, Hamburg 05285
464 Wilhelm Preuninger-Stiftung, Nagold 05292 Wiebke Preußer-Stiftung, Lunden 05297 Ρ rinzessin-W ilhe I m-Stiftung, Salem 05303 Friedrich und Lilly Pritzkow-Stiftung, Lübeck 05305 Pro Hominibus-Stiftung, Hemer 05312 Margot Probandt-Franke-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05315 Johann E. Probsfsche Stiftung, Lenggries 05316 Protestantische Hospitalstiftung Obermoschel, Obermoschel 05320 Protestantische Vazierende Meßstiftung, Sulzbach-Rosenberg 05322 Protestantische Wohltätigkeitsstrftung, Kempten 05324 Protestantische Wohftätigkertsstiftungen in Augsburg, Augsburg 05325 Mathias Pschorfsche Bavaria-Stiftung Monachia, München 05333 Graf von Pückler und Limpurg'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Gaildorf 05335 Dr. Paul Rabich-Stiftung, Düren 05347 Hans Ranner-Stiftung, Osterhofen 05362 Adalbert Raps-Stiftung, Kulmbach 0S363 Walter Rau-Wohlfahrtsstiftung, Neuss 05368 Helga Ravenstein-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05373 Gräfin Marianna von Rechberg'sche Armenstiftung, Donzdorf 05375 Rechtsfähige Stiftung für die Gefolgschaft der Maschinenfabrik Herkules Hans Thoma GmbH, Siegen 05376 Graf Recke-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 05377 Regensburger Wohltätigkeitstiftung, Regensburg 05389 Regionalstiftung der niedersächsischen Sparkassen, Hannover 05392 Regionalstiftung Jade-Wirtschaftsraum, Jever 05393 Kail Reich-Stiftung, Mellrichstadt 05400 Reichalmosen-Stiftung, Rosenheim 05401 Heidi Rothenberger Stiftung, Piding 05405 Reinau-Strftung, Kandem 05409 Eugen Reintjes-Stiftung, Hameln 05415 Karfa Reitemeter-Stiftung, Bertin 05423 Rettungsstiftung Saar, Neunkirchen 05428 Georg Rexerodt-Stiftung, Neu-Isenburg 05434 Rheinische Evangelische Arbeiterkolonie Lühlertieim, Schermbeck 05439 Werner Richard-Dr. Cart Dörken Stiftung, Herdecke 05441 Erich Richarfz-Bertrams-Stiftung, Leverkusen 05442 Bruno Richter Stiftung, Hamburg 05443 Rieckenbergstiftung, Neustadt am Rübenberge 05451 Wohlfahrtsstiftung der Firma Gebrüder Riedel GmbH & Co. KG, Schweinfurt 05452 Gerhard und Johanna Riedel-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05453 Edith und Werner Rieder-Stiftung, München 05454 Rieger'sche Stiftung Trostberg, Trostberg 05457 Richard und Christel Riese-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05465 Rinck-Stiftung von 1995, Rotenburgwümme 05466 Jakob Rinecker'sche Stiftung, Hammelburg 05470 Unterstützungsfonds der Gebrüder Röders AG, Soltau 05491 Bernhard Rösler-SWtung, Schwalmtal 05505 Elisabeth Rogge-Doeberitz-Stiftung, Berlin 05510 Rosen-Schilling'sche Aimenstiftung, Magdeburg 05523 Eduard und Clara Rosenthal Stiftung, Jena 05530 Hans Rosenthal-Stiftung schnelle Hilfe in akuter Not e.V., Berlin 05531 Käthe Rosenzweig/Muesmann-Stiftung, Ahlen 05532 Luitpold und Ludwig Rothenanger· Stiftung, Ottobrunn 05541 Arthur und Gertrud Rothermann-Stiftung, Hamburg 05545 Herbert A. Rothmayer-Stiftung, Stephanskirchen 05547 M.A. von Rothschikfsche GedächtnisStiftung, Karlsruhe 05548 Freiherrlich Wilhelm Cari von Rothschild'sche Stiftung für mildtätige Zwecke, Frankfurt am Main 05550 Bankdirektor Amandus de la RoyStiftung, Hamburg 05553 Rütgers-Stiftung, Essen 05562 Dr. Ruland'sche Stiftung, Würzburg 05566 Stiftung Huppert, Weilheim 05569 Emst und Martha Russ Stiftung, Hamburg 05571 Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirchenstiftung für Wissenschaft, Denkmalpflege und Mildtätigkeit, Bad Honnef 05575 Maria Rust-Stiftung, Essen 05576 Charlotte-Rutz-Stfftung für Diakonie, Berlin 05579 Stiftung der Eheleute Heinz und Frieda Saba, Kiel 05586
Sachtleben-Stiftung für Angestellte, Duisburg 05592 Sachtleben-Stiftung für Mitarbeiter der Sachtleben, Duisburg 05593 Sähe rasche Stiftung für Bedürftige, Kulmbach 05599 Salzburger-Anstait Gumbinnen, Bielefeld 05603 Sammelstiftung der Stadt Dresden, Dresden 05608 Sammelstiftung der Stadt Waldheim, Waldheim 05609 Sammelstiftung der Stadt Zittau, Zittau 05670 Sammelstiftung des Bezirkes Leipzig, Essen 05611 Sammelstiftung des Landkreises Bautzen, Bautzen 05612 Sammelstiftungen des Bezirkes Dresden, Dresden 056/4 Hedwig und Robert Samuel-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 05615 Sankt Annen- und Sankt BarthotomäiLehen, Bad Münder 05627 Sankt Barthdomâi-Stift in Zerbst, Ζ erbst 05635 Sankt Georg-Hospital, Delitzsch 05659 Sankt Josef-Stiftung Wipperfürth, Wipperfürth 05680 Sankt Joseph-Stift Ulistadt, Sugenheim 05686 Sankt Josephs-Stift, Cloppenburg 05688 Sankt Josephs-Stift Holte, Lähden 05699 Sankt Katharinen und Sankt Elisabeth, Aschersleben 1X695 Sankt Katharinenspitalstiftung Deggendorf, Deggendorf 05697 Sankt Mattinistift, Nottuln 057)3 Sankt Nikolaispital-Stiftung, München 05718 Sankt Nikolaus-Hospital, Kalkar 05719 Sankt Peter Gotteshaus- und LeprosenStiftung, Abensberg 05722 Sankt Petri-Stift, Höxter 05723 Sankt Pius-Stift, Cloppenburg 05725 Sankt Theresienstift, Weeze 05730 Sankt Vitus-Stift zu Visbek, Visbek 05741 Sankt Willibrordus-Spital, Emmerich 05742 Stiftung Sarfingheim, Hamburg 05744 von SchacTsche Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05760 Hermann und Elisabeth SchaedtlerStiftung, Hamburg 05762 Hannelore und Otto G. Scháfer-Kulturund Sozial-Stiftung, Schweinfurt 05764 Andreas Stephan Schäffer-Testament, Abensberg 05771 Otto F. Scharr-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05778 Waiter Scheel-Stiftung, Essen 05787 Scheres-Zieritz-Stiftung, Coburg 05600 Hildegard Scherraus-Stiftung, Berlin 05602 Friedrich Schiedel-Stiftung, München 05812 Georg Schiffer-Stiftung, Hirschau 05817 Clara Schildt-Stiftung, Cuxhaven 05822 Schinnerer'sche Stiftung, Obemzenn 05834 Stiftung der Frau Gräfin zu Schlabrendorf zu Wühltätigkeitszwecken zu Goeben, Ahrensdorf 05639 M ariel ies-Schleich e r-Stiftu ng, Aschaffenburg 05646 Dr. Rudolf Schtoeßmann-Stiftung, Stuttgart 0566/ Dr. Esther Schloßberg-Stiftung, München 05864 Kail-Schmahl-Stiftung, Mainz 05669 Max Schmeling-Stittung, Hamburg 05874 Pfarrer Peter Schmid'sche Annenstiftung, Trausnitz 05880 Hilfswerk des Fleischerhandwerks Willy Schmidt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05890 Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm und Margarete Schmidt-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 0569/ Alida Schmidt-Stiftung, Hamburg 05894 Franz Schmitt-Beihilfe-Stiftung, Würzburg 05906 Schock-Stiftung für Gemeinde-Entwicklung, Schorndorf 05931 Dr. Cart-Heinz-Schöfer-Stiftung, Oldenburg 05933 Margarethe Schönefeld-Stiftung, Hamburg 05939 Geschwisler-Schöpf-Stiftung, Dillingen an der Donau 05944 Schöps-Friedrich-Stiftung, Gütersloh 05946 Fred-Joachim Schoeps-Stiftung, Mannheim 05947 Geschwister Schöll-Stiftung, Hamburg 05951 J. Wilhelm Schreiber-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05956 Kommerzienrat Schreiber-Stiftung für die evangelische Kirche Sankt Marien zu Jeßnitz in Anhalt, Jeßnitz 05959 Schreiber'sche Stiftung in Grafenrheinfeld, Grafenrheinfeld 05960 Schröder-Stiftung, Torgau 05971 Joh. Heinrich Schröders mildtätige Stiftung, Hamburg 05972
Maria von Schrottenberg-Stiftung, Regensburg 05973 Bruno Schubert-UrrterstötzungskasseSttftung, Frankfurt am Main 05979 Sigmund Schuckert-Stiftung, Nürnberg 05960 Sofie Schuckert-Stiftung, Nürnberg 05981 Franz Schütte-Stiftung, Bremen 05989 Schützstiftung, Ansbach 05991 Schul- und Armenstiftung Ehingen, Ehingen 05992 Emst Schuften-Stiftung, Dortmund 06006 Kart Schultheis Stiftung, Konz 06007 Pfarrer Alois SchuKheis'sche Armenstiftung mit Zusatzstiftung der Schwestern Käthe und Julie Schultheis, Bischofsheim an der Rhön 06008 Otto-Friedrich Schulze-Stiftung, Lübeck 06019 J.H. Schumacher-Jubiläums-Stiftung der Hamburger Fleischerinnung, Hamburg 06021 Friedrich Wilhelm Schumacher-Stiftung, Sollngen 06023 Anna Schumann-Stiftung, Bersenbrück 06025 Dr. W. Schwabe-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 06035 Henriette Schweers-Knoop-Stiftung, Bremen 06045 Stiftung Deutsches Albert SchweitzerZentrum, Frankfurt am Main 06049 Gustav Sciplo-Stiftung, Bremen 06053 Sedlmayr'sche Unterstützungs-Stiftung für Arbeitnehmer der Firma Gabriel Sedlmayr Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu KGaA, München 06056 Erika Seeger-Stiftung, Reutlingen 06060 Fritz Seeger-Stiftung, Stutensee 0606/ Charlotte-Seibold-Stiftung der Dresdner Bank AG in Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 06066 Dr. Kurf Seifert-Stiftung, Naila 06072 Seppelersche Stiftung, Münster 06090 Stiftung Karl Seuser des Ev. Kirchenkreises Wied, Neuwied 06097 Gerd und Ulrike Seuwen Stiftung, Kempten/Allgäu 06098 Carl Seyfferfsche Pensionskasse, Naila 06101 Reinhard Sieb-Stiftung, Lüneburg 06105 Siechen- und Schwestemhausstiftung Münnerstadt, Münnerstadt 06108 Hilfsfond der Siemens-Glas AG, Wirges 06118 Hertha von Siemens-Stiftung, München 06121 Siemens Untemehmensberatung Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 06124 Eugen Siempelkamp-Stiftung, Krefeld 06126 Geheimrat J. Sigle-Salamander-Stiftung, Komwestheim 06132 Harald und Marieluise Sigwart-Stiftung, Rückersdorf 06133 Gerhard Silberkuhl-Stiftung, Mülheim 06134 Stiftung Siverdes, Münster 06144 Smidt-Stiftung zu Bremen, Bremen 06147 Christel und Hans Sommer-Stiftung, Brackenheim 06162 Ingeborg Sommer-Stiftung in Lübeck, Lübeck 06165 Sozial- und Kulturstiftung Dettighofen, Dettighofen 06174 Sozial- und Sportstiftung der Kasseler Sparkasse, Kassel 06175 Soziale Stiftung der Klempner- und Installateur-Innung, Hamburg 06176 Sozialfonds der Technischen Universität Berlin, Berlin 06/77 Sozialstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 06178 Sozialstiftung Forst, Forst 06180 Sozialstiftung Köpenick, Berlin 06181 Sozialstiftung Murr, Murr 06182 Sozialstiftung Waghäusel, Waghäusel 06183 Sozialwerk Sauerland e.V., Olsberg 06184 Spaikasse-Bauland-Stiftung, Osterburken 06186 Sparkassen-Stiftung, Eschwege 06/9/ Sparkassen-Stiftung für Soziales und Umweit, Freiberg 06195 Sparkassen-Stiftung Jugend, soziale Aufgaben und Naturschutz, Heilbronn 06197 Spaikassenstiftung Bad Langensalza, Mühlhausen 06206 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Grevenbroich im Kreis Neuss, Neuss 06212 Sparkassenstiftung für den Landkreis Kitzinger, Würzburg 06217 Sparkassenstiftung für den Landkreis Main-Spessart, Lohr am Main 06218 Sparkassenstiftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse StraubingBogen, Straubing 06225 Sparkassenstiftung Kleve, Kleve 06230 Sparkassenstiftung Landkreis Kassel Soziales und Sport, Kassel 06233 Sparkassenstiftung Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr 06235 Sparkassenstiftung Neuss, Neuss 06239
Sparkassenstiftung Schifferstadt, Schifferstadt 06242 Emst August Spee-Stiftung, Bad Endbach 06260 Spener'sche Stiftung, Berlin 06263 Spezialfonds der Behörde für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales, Hamburg 06264 Otto Luitpold Spies-Sozialstiftung, Immenstadt 06267 Geschwister Erna und Hedwig SpiesStiftung, Wissen 06268 Philomena Spieß'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Kastl 06269 Heinrich Spindelmann-Stiftung, Essen 06270 Spital-Stiftung, Tirschenreuth 06272 Spital- und Gutleuthausfonds Oberkirch, Oberkirch 06275 Spital- und Spendfonds, Überlingen 06277 Spital- und Vereinigte WohltätigkeitsStiftung, Gundelfingen an der Donau 06278 Spitalfonds Berkheim, Vogtsburg 06260 Spitalfonds der Stadt Buchen, Buchen 06281 Spitalfonds Ettenheim, Ettenheim 06262 Spitalfonds Staufen, Staufen 06288 Spitalstiftung Pattendorf, Rottenburg 06297 Sozialstiftung der Grafen von Spreti, München 06310 SRH-Holding, Heidelberg 063/5 Hans und Ilse Staab-Strftung, Bad Kreuznach 06316 Wilhelm Stabemack-Stiftung, Läuterbach 06318 Stadt-Stiftung Gütersloh, Gütersloh 06324 Stadt-Stiftung Quakenbrück - Bürger für ihre Stadt, Quakenbrück 06325 Städtische milde Stiftungen, Göttingen 06326 Sebald Städtische Wohltätigkeitsstiftung in Roth, Roth 06328 Martha und Clemens StahlschmidtStiftung, Wilnsdorf 0633/ Stahlstiftung Saarland, Völklingen 06332 Paul Stalling-Stiftung, OldenburgOldenburg 06333 Pfarrer Norbert Stang'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Ebermannstadt 06336 Dr. Alois Stankievicz-Stiftung, Celle 06339 Lorenz Steffel'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Memmingen 0635/ Stegerwald-Stiftung, Köln 06353 Rettungsdienst Stiftung Björn Steiger e.V., Winnenden 06355 Stiftung Edith Stein, Cloppenburg 06358 Steingötter-Greiff-Stiftung, Wiesloch 06367 Stephanus-Stiftung, Hannover 06377 Stiftung Mutter Maria Stieren, Gilching 06366 Stiftung 150 Jahre Verbandssparkasse Meldorf, Meldorf 06392 Stiftung 20. Juli 1944, Berlin 06393 Stiftung Abendroth-Haus, Hamburg 06395 Stiftung Allgemeine Hypothekenbank, Frankfurt am Main 06402 Stiftung Allgemeiner Almosenkasten, Frankfurt am Main 06403 Stiftung Arberterheim, Stuttgart 06438 Stiftung Aumühle, Aumühle 06447 Stiftung Bahn-Sozialwerk, Frankfurt am Main 06454 Stiftung Bergmannshilfswerk Luisenthal, Saarbrücken 06469 Stiftung BEST-Bürgerschaftliches Engagement zu sozialen Themen, München 06475 Stiftung Bördesparkasse Oschersteben, Oschersleben 06489 Stiftung Bordenau, Neustadt am Rübenberge 06491 Stiftung Bruderschaft zu Unserer Lieben Frau, Goch 06496 Stiftung Bürger für Bürger, Berlin 06501 Stiftung Bürgeihaus am Wildhof, Wattenbek 06502 Stiftung Burg Kniphausen, Wilhelmshaven 06511 Stiftung Casse der Stücke von Achten, Hamburg 065/4 Stiftung Centrale für private Fürsorge, Frankfurt am Main 065/7 Stiftung Christliches Erholungsheim Westenwald, Rehe 06522 Stiftung Das Rauhe Haus, Hamburg 06526 Stiftung der Bezirkssparkasse Diltenburg, Dillenburg 06536 Stiftung der Brüdergemeinden in Deutschland, Bergisch Glacfcach 0654/ Stiftung der Freimaurerloge zur Weltkugel, Lübeck 06553 Stiftung der Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke, München 06560 Stiftung der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Münden, Hann. Münden 06562 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse EsslingenNürtingen, Esslingen 06570
485 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Pinneberg für Umwelt, Kultur und Soziales, Pinneberg 06582 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Segeberg, Bad Segeberg 06590 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Verden, Verden 06593 Stiftung der Landesbank Rheinland-Pfalz, Essen 06597 Stiftung der Spar- und Kreditbank in der evangelischen Kirche in Bayern eG in Nürnberg, Nürnberg 06613 Stiftung der Spar- und Leihkasse der früheren Ämter Bordesholm, Kiel und Cronshagen für Kultur, Umwelt und Soziales, Bordesholm 06614 Stiftung der Sparkasse der Homburgischen Gemeinden, Wiehl 06622 Stiftung der Sparkasse Grünberg, Grünberg 06627 Stiftung der Sparkasse KierspeMeinerzhagen, Kierspe 06633 Stiftung der Sparkasse Laubach-Hungen, Laubach 06636 Stiftung der Sparkasse Menden, Menden 06644 Stiftung der Sparkasse Odenwaldkreis, Eibach 06646 Stiftung der Sparkasse Osthoistein, Eutin 06647 Stiftung der Sparkasse Rheinberg zur Förderung gemeinnütziger mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Rheinberg, Rheinberg 06649 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vogtland, Plauen 06654 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vorpommern für Wissenschaft, Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, Greifswald 06655 Stiftung der Sparkasse Wittgenstein, Bad Berleburg 06656 Stiftung der Sparkassen im Landkreis Osnabrück, Osnabrück 06656 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung gemeinnütziger, mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen 06659 Stiftung der Stadt- und Saalkreissparkasse Halle/Saale, Halle/Saale 06662 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bad Honnef zur Förderung kultureller gemeinnütziger mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef 06663 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bad Sachsa, Bad Sachsa 06664 Stiftung der Stadtspaikasse Remscheid für Jugend, Soziales und Umwelt, Remscheid 06676 Stiftung der Verbandssparkasse GochKevelaer-Weeze, Goch 06663 Stiftung der Volksbank MöckmühlNeuenstadt, Möckmühl 06687 Stiftung des deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbes, Bonn 06691 Stiftung des Deutschen Schwachstromkabel-Verbandes und der Vereinigung Deutscher StarkstromkabelFabrikanten, Köln 06692 Stiftung des Lions-Hilfswerks Günzenhausen, Günzenhausen 06700 Stiftung des Vereins Hamburgischer Staatsbeamten, Hamburg 06702 Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin, Berlin 06712 Stiftung Diakonissenhaus Bethanien, Berlin 06741 Stiftung Diakonissenhaus Friedenshort, Freudenberg 06742 Stiftung Die gute Hand, Kürten-Biesfeld 06744 Stiftung DWK Drahtwerk Köln GmbH für Betriebsangehörige, Köln 06750 Stiftung Eilbeker Gemeindehaus, Hamburg 06755 Stiftung Evangelische Fachhochschule für Soziale Aibeit, Dresden 06768 Stiftung Evangelisches Vereinshaus Westend, Frankfurt am Main 06776 Stiftung fairmâchtnis für innovation, sozialen und ökologischen Wandel, Münster 06781 Stiftung Förderung der Arbeit des Deutschen Sozialwerkes in Braunschweig,* Braunschweig 06789 Stiftung für Berliner Gemeinschaftsaufgaben, Zepernick
Stiftung für die Angestellten und Arbeiter der EMI Electrola GmbH, Köln 06624 Stiftung für die Angestellten und Arbeiter der Metallgesellschaft AG Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06825 Stiftung für die Belegschaft der GAG Köln, Köln 06826 Stiftung für die Bürger der Stadt WaJdheim, Waldheini 06827 Stiftung für (fie Gefolgschaftsmitglieder der Rima Gebrüder Rink Holzwollefabrik in Aßlar, Aßlar 06829 Stiftung für die Mitarbeiter des Werkes Köln-Mülheim der Philips Kommunikations Industrie AG, Köln 06832
Subject Index: Social work Stiftung für Geheime Testamentenarme, Kiel 06842 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umwelt, Sport und Soziales der Sparkasse Weimar, Weimar 06857 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft und Soziales der Kreissparttasse Gotha, Gotha 06659 Stiftung für Rotkreuz-Auslandhilfe, Bonn 06873 Stiftung für unser Dorf, Ruhpolding 06577 Stiftung Fundraising, Frankfurt am Main 06865 Stiftung Geißstraße 7, Stuttgart 06889 Stiftung Gemeinsam handeln, Wuppertal 06892 Stiftung Gemeinwohl der Kreissparkasse Düsseldorf, Mettmann 06894 Stiftung Gewaltfreies Leben, Königsfeld 06896 Stiftung Glaubens- und Lebenshilfe, Essen 06897 Stiftung Großherzoglicher Unterstützungsfonds Bruchsal, Bruchsal 06906 Stiftung Habetreu-Unterstützurigskasse, Hamburg 06908 Stiftung Hammer Gemeindehaus, Hamburg 069Í5 Stiftung Haus Pius XII, Berlin 06925 Stiftung Haus Seefahrt, Bremen 06926 Stiftung Heilig Kreuz, Essen 06932 Stiftung Helfen in der Havelstadt, Beriin 06936 Stiftung Helfen und Heilen, Ravensburg 06937 Stiftung Herberge zur Heimat, Rudolstadt 06940 Stiftung Hilfe am Mitmenschen, Hamburg 06947 Stiftung Hilfe für Petra und andere, Georgsmarienhütte 06950 Stiftung Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Berlin 0695? Stiftung Hilfsdienste gratia deo, Würzburg 06953 Stiftung Hilfswerk Berlin, Frankfurt am Main 06954 Stiftung Hilfswerk der Landesfachgemeinschaft Textil im Einzelhandelsverband SchleswigHolstein, Elmshorn 06955 Stiftung Hospital Sanctus Spiritus, Demmin 06963 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, Kempen 06970 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Heimburg, Heimburg 06972 Stiftung Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Lübben, Lübben 06973 Stiftung Hospitaifonds Mosbach, Mosbach 069π Stiftung Isernhagen, Isernhagen 06995 Stiftung Jugendförderung, Arbeit und Soziales der Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 07011 Stiftung Kartei der Not, Augsburg 07021 Stiftung Katholische Bildungsstätten für Sozialberufe in Bayern, München 07022 Stiftung Katholisches Gesellenhaus Vechta, Vechta 07027 Stiftung Kolpinghaus, Dinklage 07051 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Heidelberg, Heidelberg 07100 Stiftung Lebenshilfe im Kreis Viersen, Kempen 07101 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Kempten, Kempten 07102 Stiftung Lebenshilfe Ostallgäu-Kaufbeuren, Kaufbeuren 07107 Stiftung Leprosarium an der Rothach, Weiler im Allgäu 07111 Stiftung Mayday, Frankfurt am Main 07135 Stiftung Menschen gegen Minen e.V., Krefeld 07138 Stiftung Menschen in Not, BodenheWRhein 07139 Stiftung Munketoftstift, Flensburg 07146 Stiftung Ostpreußen Hilfsgemeinschaft, Kiel 07191 Stiftung radWerk, Verl 07223 Stiftung Ratzeburger Wohltäter, Ratzeburg 07225 Stiftung Samantertierberge Horburg, Horburg 07246 Stiftung Sankt Georgenhof zu Blankenburg, Blankenburg 07251 Stiftung Sankt Jacobus, Hamburg 07253 Stiftung Sankt Josefshaus, Köln 07256 Stiftung Sankt Stefansbmderschaft Zeltingen, Zeltingen 07261 Stiftung Sankt Vincenz-Haus, Köln 07263 Stiftung Seefahrtsdank, Hamburg 07266 Stiftung Sophienhaus Weimar, Weimar 07295 Stiftung Soziale Hilfe für Spitzensportler in Baden-Württemberg, Ostfildern 07297 Stiftung Sozialfonds, Fellbach 07300 Stiftung Soziatwerk Hannover-Misburg, Hannover 07302 Stiftung Sozialwerk Sack-BisloheBraunsbach, Fürth 07303 Stiftung Staatstheater, München 073/5
Stiftung Standort: hier der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Versmold 07325 Stiftung Staßfurter Waisenhaus, Staßfurt 07326 Stiftung Valepage, Delbrück 07362 Stiftung Vereinigte Testamente, Lübeck 07365 Stiftung Waldmühie, Frankfurt am Main 07384 Stiftung Weltweite Kirche Gottes in Deutschland, Bonn 0739/ Stiftung zugunsten des Roma Volkes, Lübeck 07418 Stiftung zum vormaligen Hospital Sankt Spiritus in Münden, Hann. Münden 07423 Stiftung zur Förderung von Bildung und Erholung der Arbeitnehmer der Miederindustrie, Düsseldorf 07490 Stiftung zur Förderung von Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Soziales, Sport und Kultur der Kreissparkasse Meißen, Meißen 07493 Stiftung zur Förderung von Sozialeinrichtungen in BietigheimBissingen, Bietigheim-Bissingen 07495 Stiftung zur Hilfe in Notfällen, Hannover 07499 Stiftung zur Unterstützung bedürftiger Seeleute und deren Hinterbliebenen e.V., Glücksburg 07504 Stiftung zur Unterstützung von verschuldeten Personen, München 07507 Stiftungen der Stadt Dessau, Dessau 07515 Stiftungsverwaltung Allendorf/Werra, Bad Sooden-Allendoil 07525 Unterstützungseinrichtung der Firma Andreas Stihl, Waiblingen 07527 Hanna Still-Stiftung, Recklinghausen 07530 Franz und Maria Stockbauer'sche Stiftung, Passau 07546 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Rosenheim Dr. Michael Stöcker, Rosenheim 07548 Lorenz und Therese Stöttefsche Stiftung, Augsburg 07553 Familie Stoffel-Stiftung, Straubing 07554 Cari-Arthur Strait-Stiftung, Lübeck 07563 Marianne Strauß-Stiftung, München 07569 Freiherriich Eduard und Sophie von Stromer'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung für den Bezirkslehrerverein Altdorf, Artdorf 07581 Stummhilfe der Deutschen Gerätebau GmbH, Salzkotten 07599 Stummstiftung der Bayerischen Pflugfabrik GmbH Landsberg am Lech, Landsberg am Lech 07600 Katharina Stumpf-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07601 Otto und Emma Sturm-Stiftung In Augsburg, Augsburg 07604 Tabea-Haus, Ahrensdorf 07617 Karl und Wally Tänzer-Stiftung, Hardegsen 07618 TAU-STIFTUNG Franziskanische Initiative für ein christliches Europa, Krefeld 07622 Anni Taube-Stiftung, Hamburg 07623 Taxistiftung Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main 07626 Fritz Tecklenborg-Stiftung, Schartewede 07630 Carl Tempel-Stiftung, Roklum 07633 J. Wilhelm Tenten-Stiftung, Bonn 07635 TObus-Söftung, Wuppertal 07653 Richard und Frieda Thienhaus-Stiftung, Mannheim 07661 Cari und Elisabeth TTiiesen-Strftung Bad Bemeck im Fichtelgebirge, Bad Bemeck 07664 Thonhausen'sche-Stiftung, Bocholt 07670 Stiftung Thünte, Telgte 07673 Fürstlich TTium und Taxisscher Unterstützungsfonds, Regensburg 07675 Tkteke Winkelmann Testament, Hamburg 07681 Stiftung Rudolph von der Tinnen, Münster 07691 Stiftung Adam von Trott-Imshausen, Essen 07721 Heinz Trox-Stiftung, Neukirchen-Vluyn 07722 Ulmer Bürger Stiftung, Ulm 07746 Freiherr von Ulner'sche Stiftung, Heidelberg 07747 EmH Alfons und Ulla Ungricht Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 07762 Unser-Stiftung, Freiburg 07767 Unterstützung für die früheren Betriebsangehörigen der Germania Zement- und Kaliwerke Misburg GmbH und Co., Hannover 07773 Unterstützungseinrichtung der Karosseriewerke Weinsberg GmbH, Weinsberg 07774 Unterstützungseinrichtung des TÙV Südwest, Filderstadt 07775 Unterstützungskasse der Firma Texon GmbH, Möckmühl 07776
Unterstützungskasse der Firma Westfälisches Margarinewerk Wilhelm Undemann GmbH & Co. KG, Bünde 07777 Unterstützungskasse für Betriebsangehörige der Ideal Lebensversicherung a.G., Berlin 07779 Unterstützungsstiftung der Lagerhaus Amberg GmbH, Amberg 07780 van der Upwich-Schleßsche-Stiftung, Rees 07763 Ursula-Stift, Gerstetten 07784 Agnes van Brakel-Stiftung, Viersen 07790 Van Gemmeren'sche Familienstiftung. Goch 0779/ Stiftung van Meeteren, Essen 07795 Albert Veh-Stiftung, Oberviechtach 07798 Dr. Rudotf Veh-Stiftung, Rimsting 07799 Elisabeth Veith-Stiftung, Ubstadt-Weiher 07801 Vereinigte Armen- und Kranken-Stiftung, Bayreuth 07807 Vereinigte Erlanger Wohltätigkeits-Stiftung, Erlangen 07809 Vereinigte Kirchen- und KlosteikammerStiftung, Erfurt 07813 Vereinigte Kuriändische Stiftungen, Gröbenzell 07815 Vereinigte mildtätige Stiftungen, Stuttgart 07816 Vereinigte Sammelstiftung der Stadt Burgstädt. Burgstädt 07821 Vereinigte Spital- und Leinfelder-Stiftung, Schrobenhausen 07822 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Stadt Bruchsal, Bruchsal 0783/ Vereinigte Stiftungen des Hamburger Gewerbevereins von 1Θ67, Hamburg 07835 Vereinigte Stiftungen für Wohlfahrtszwecke der Stadt Hof, Hof 07838 Vereinigte Wohlfahrtsstiftung Coburg, Coburg 07855 Vereinigte Wohlfahrtsstiftung der Landeshauptstadt München, München 07856 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeits-Stiftung. Schweinfurt 07857 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Mindelheim 07858 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Wotframs-Eschenbach 07859 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung des Marktes Oberctdoif, Oberstdorf 07860 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Hochattingen-Oettingen in Bayern, Oettingen 07861 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Neumarkt/Oberpfalz, Neumarkt/Oberpfalz 07862 Vereinigte Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen Nördlingen, Nördlingen 07863 Verhorster-Stiftung an Sankt Mauritz zu Münster, Münster 07868 Versorgungshaus und Wiesenhüttenstift, Frankfurt am Main 07870 Versorgungskasse der Deutschen Presse, Stuttgart 07871 Versorgungskasse der Genossenschaftskasse e.G. Bad Wildungen, Bad Wildungen 07872 Versorgungskasse für die Schwesternschaft des DiakonissenMutterhauses Pfeiffersche Stiftungen in Magdeburg-Cracau, Magdeburg 07873 Versorgungsstiftung der Deutschen Komponisten, Berlin 07874 Versorgungsstiftung der deutschen Textdichter, Berlin 07875 Vetter-Stiftung, Weiden 07879 Vetter-Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Speinshart 07880 Dr. Hans Vießmann-Stiftung, Hof 07887 Johann Karl und Hedwig Vietor-Stiftung, Bremen 07889 Viktoria-Luise-Stiftung, Hannover 07890 Mathilde Völker Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07902 Geschwister Völkers-Stiftung, Bad Pyrmont 07905 Volksbank Lehrte Stiftung, Lehrte 07919 Volksbank Munzel Stiftung, Barsinghausen 07920 Volksbank Paderborn Stiftung, Paderborn 07921 Volksbank-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 07922 Volksbank-Stiftung Balingen, Balingen 07923 Volksbank Tübingen-Stiftung, Tübingen 07926 Volksbank Wertheim-Stiftung, Wertheim 07927 Rolf und Hildegard Vollrath Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 07933 Rat Voß-Stiftung, Hannover 07938 Kail Vossioh-Stiftung, Essen 07940 Wächteibeim, Kirchheim unter Teck 07949 Johann Jobst Wagenereche Stiftung, Hannover 07950 Wohlfahrtsstiftung Wagner & Co. Elmshorn, Elmshorn 07952 Josef Wagner-Stiftung, Friedrichshafen 07954 Regens-Wagner-Stiftungen, Dillingen an der Donau 07960
Waldecksches Diakonissenhaus, Arolsen 07989 Ignaz Walter-Stiftung, Augsburg 08002 August Wankel-Stiftung, Fulda 08011 Peter Warschow-Sammelstiftung, Greifswaid 08018 Georg und Ruth Weber-Stiftung, Ellwangen 08023 Maria- und Reinhold Weber Stiftung, Stuttgart 08026 Wechterswinkler-Pfarreien- und Schulenstiftung, Würrburg 08029 Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, Berlin 08035 Albert, Maria und Luise Wehr-Stiftung, Kempten 08037 Stiftung Dr. med. Walter und Louise Weidemann, Lübeck 08039 Weidener Lehrer-Stiftung, Weiden 08040 Georg-Friedrich Weide rasches Legat, Jeßnitz 08041 Dr. Weidner-Goiletti-Stiftung Heidelberg, Schriesheim 08043 Weinschütz-Stiftung, Speyer 08053 Weirich-Daubenfeld-Stiftung, Thalfang 08054 Georg und Maria Weiskopf-Stiftung, München 06056 Heinrich und Mathilde Weiß-Stiftung, Mannheim 06059 Marie Weißenbom'sche Stiftung, Mühlhausen 08060 Wilhelm Weller-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 08067 Dagmar-Westberg-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08091 Westfälische Diakonenanstalt Nazareth im Verbund der von Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten Bethel, Bielefeld 08095 Westfälische Diakonissenanstalt Sarepta im Verbund der von Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten Bethel, Bielefeld 08096 WestLB-Stiftung Zukunft NRW, Düsseldorf 08100 Hans und Elfriede Westphal-Stiftung, Pattensen 08101 Ulrich Weyel-Stiftung, Gießen 08107 Präsident Achelis-Elisabeth Wiegand Stiftung, Bremen 08117 Max Michael Wieland-Stiftung, GarmischPartenkirchen 08118 Hermann Wighardt-Stiftung, Fulda 08122 Josef und Hilde Wilberz-Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 08123 Leonie-Wiid-Stiftung, Eppelheim/Heidelberg 08124 Carl Wilde-Stiftung, Sternberg 08126 Heidenheimer Kultur- und Sozialfonds Stiftung Karl-Heinz Wilhelm, Heidenheim 08129 Wilhelm-Augusta-Stift, Schleusingen 06/30 N. Wilke-Stift, Guben 08135 Horst und Greti Will Stiftung, Köln 08137 Wolfgang Willeck-Stiftung, A lar 08139 Willems'sche Armenstiftung Neumagen, Neumagen 08140 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung des Rentners Ferdinand von Willibald in München, Augsburg 08141 Stiftungen der Firma Hermann Windel GmbH für Angestellte und Arbeiter, Bielefeld 08148 WIT-Stiftung für soziale Einrichtungen, Berg 08170 Bischof-Michael-Wittmann-Stiftung, Amberg 08178 Gene ral-Wöhle r-Stiftung, Burgwedel 06/63 Dr. Woehmitz-Stiftung, Daubach 08185 Wohlfahrtsstiftung Nienburg/Saale, Nienburg/Saale 08188 Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 08189 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung der Stadt Freising, Freising 08192 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung (ehemalige Hospitalstiftung), Hollfeld 08193 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung (ehemalige Hospitalstiftung), Lichtenfels 08194 Wohttätigkeitsstiftung Neustadt an der Donau, Neustadt an der Donau 08196 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Waischenfeld Hospitalstiftung, Waischenfeld 08197 Wohttätigkeitsstiftung Wassertrüdingen, Wassertrüdingen 08198 Wohltätigkeitsstiftung Weismain (ehemalige Spitalstiftung), Weismain 08199 Grete Wolf-Stiftung, Betzdorf 08204 Wolfenbüttel-Stiftung, Wolfenbüttel 08208 Woltag-Stiftung, Braunschweig 08218 van Wouwersches Vermächtnis, Husum 08228 Wülfing-Stiftung, Remscheid 08233 Julius-Würth-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08240 Württembergische Ärtzliche Unterstützungskasse, Stuttgart 08241 Antonie-Zauner-Stiftung, München 08258 Peter Theodor Zeise-Stiftung, Hamburg 08261 Stiftung Dr. med. Georg und Elisabeth Zeller geb. Winter, Lübeck 08265 Dr. Georg und Lu Zimmermann Stiftung, Thannhausen 08289
Subject Index: Social work
Zinnendorf-Stiftung, Hamburg 0S29Í Dr. h.c. Hugo Zinsser-Strftung, Frankfurt am Main 08292 Ulrich Benedikt von Zoller'sche Schul-, Armen· und Stipendienstiftung, Memmingen 08293 Zollner'sche Leihfonds-Stiftung, Erding 08294 Erich - und-Agn es-Zü hr-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08297 Zusammengelegte Stiftungen der Stadt Leutershausen, Leutershausen 08304 Zusammengelegte Stiftungen zur Förderung der Gesellschaft freiwilliger Armenfreunde in Kiel, Kiel 08305 Zusammengelegte Stiftungen zur Förderung der Wohlfahrtspflege, Kiel 08306 Adele und August Zwarg-Stiftung, Berlin 08307
Greece The J.F. Costopoulos Foundation, Athina 08312
Hungary Hungarian Credit Bank Foundation, Budapest 08341
Ireland Askeaton Civic Trust, Askeaton 08354 Cheshire Foundation in Ireland, Dublin 08360 Cork Civic Trust, Cork 08364 Marie Curie Memorial Foundation of Ireland, Dublin 08366 European Social Fund, Dublin 08369 Ireland Funds, Dublin 08374 Irish Hospice Foundation, Dublin 08378 The Make a Wish Foundation, Lôixlip 08384 People in Need Trust, Dublin 08387 The Rescue Trust, Dublin 08389
Italy Fondazione Intemazionale Premio E. Balzan, Milano 08418 Fondazione Figli Maria Antonietta Bernardi onlus, Conegliano 08436 Fondazione Felicita ed Enrico Bignaschi e Figli, Milano 08445 Fondazione Uberto Bonino e Maria Sofia Pulejo, Messina 08451 Fondazione Anna Borietti per Invalidi e Anziani, Arosio 08454 Fondazione Carnegie per gli Atti di Eroismo, Roma 08473 Fondazione Benefica Alberto & Kathleen Casali, Trieste 08474 Fondazione Pasquale Corsicato, Napoli 08502 Fondazione ADVENTUM 2 onlus, Roma 08554 Fondazione Caritas, Aosta 08580 Fondazione Caritas Diocesana BolzanoBressanone, Bolzano 08582 Fondazione della Comunità Bergamasca onlus, Bergamo 08609 Fondazione della Comunità del Novarese onlus, Novara 08610 Fondazione della Comunità della Provincia di Mantova onlus, Mantova 08611 Fondazione della Provincia di Lecco onlus, Lecco 08612 Fondazione-Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano, Milano 08632 Fondazione Gesù Divino Samaritano, Vergherete 08634 Fondazione II Buon Samaritano, Torre a Mare 08640 Fondazione Italiana per il Volontariato, Roma 08654 Fondazione Lucianum Opere Caritative Educative, Reggio di Calabria 08666 Fondazione Opera Aiuto Fraterno, Milano 08683 Fondazione Opera Madonna del Lavoro, Bologna 08687 Fondazione Opere Sociali della Cassa di Risparmio, Monza 08688 Fondazione Provinciale della Comunità Comasca onlus, Como 08720 Fondazione Vita Vitalis, Graveilona Toce 08757 Fondo per L'Ambiente Italiano, Genova 08758 Fondazione Premio Intemazionale G. Galilei, Pisa 08765 Fondazione per le Opere di Carità Rosalia Gentile, Palermo 08769 Fondazione Modigliani, Roma 08846 Fondazione Pietro Nenni, Roma 08863 Piccolo Rifugio, San Donà di Piave 08886 Fondazione Luca Raggio, Cagliari 08897
NVO Centre, Riga 08974
Moldova The Centrum Foundation, Chisinau 08998 The Charity and Health Fund, Chisinau 08999
Fundatia Internationale de Asistenta in Situatii Exceptional pentru Tarile Membre ale Cooperarli Economice a Mani Negro, Chisinau 09015 The Journalists Social Protection Fund, Chisinau 09019 Moldovan Charity and Health Fund, Chisinau 09022 The Summit Mission Moldova Republican Humanity Fund, Vadul lui Voda 09029 Virtorul Foundation, Chisinau 09030
Netherlands Dr. Albronda-van der Nagelfonds, Amersfoort 09037 Arnaud Joannes Stichting, Dríebergen 09046 Amhemse Stichting Bijzondere Noden, Amhem 09047 Stichting Steunfonds aan Hulpbehoevenden en Noodlijdenden van Wijlen den Heer C.A. den Beer Poortugael Barendrecht en Echtgenote Vrouwe P.D. Vennaas te 's-Gravenhage, Den Haag 09057 Stichting Bekker-La Bastide Fonds, Rotterdam 09058 Mr. N. Bolkesteinfonds, Deventer 09064 Stichting Sociaal Cultureel Fonds Sjaander Broonk, Maastricht 09072 Stichting Nicolette Bruiningfonds, Utrecht 09073 Burkens-Stichting, Rijswijk 09077 M.A.O.C. Gravin van Bylandt Stichting, Den Haag 09079 Stichting Carnegie Heldenfonds, Den Haag 09082 Co-operating Dutch Foundation for Central and Eastern Europe, Hilversum 09089 Cromhoutstichting, Brummen 09092 Dienstveriening aan Pensioenfondsen Stichting, Den Haag 09097 Stichting Maria Emalia Dorrepaal, Den Haag 09100 Stichting Nalatenschap de Drevon, Den Haag 09101 Stichting Eekhoomfonds, Amsterdam 09103 Stichting Aelwijn Florisz, Rotterdam 09118 Fonds Hulpverlening aan Diakonieên en Instellingen, Driebergen 09121 Andries de la Fontaine Verwey Fonds, Espe 09127 Karel Frederik Stichting, Utrecht 09135 Stichting A. de Graaf, Amsterdam 09145 Stichting Charftatief Fonds de GresMahie, Breda 09147 HazewinkeHonds, Groningen 09153 Stichting Janssensfonds, Laren 09174 Juliana Welzijn Fonds, Bunnik 09178 Stichting Anton Jürgens Fonds 1969, Middelbeers 09179 Stichting H.S. Kammingafonds, Groningen 09181 Katholiake Nationale Stichting Mensen in Nood, 's-Hertogenbosch 09183 Kommissie Projekten in Nederiand, 'sHertogenbosch 09191 Stichting G. Kuurman Hzoon, Lochern 09195 Stichting Liduina Fonds, Den Haag 09203 Stichting de Linde, Amstelveen 09204 Nederlands Protestants Convent, Sneek 09237 Nederlandse Stichting voor Morele Herbewapening, Den Haag 09243 Stichting Ohel Chaya Lebanot, Amsterdam 09249 Stichting Pape-Fonds, Den Haag 09259 Stichting Petersfonds, Amhem 09266 Stichting de Putter, Bussum 09293 Stichting Rangel Parra, Leiden 09297 Stichting Jonkheer Rhijnvis Feith-Fonds, Groningen 09303 Stichting Beheersraad van het Dorus Rijkers-Fonds, Rotterdam 09304 De Dames Roijaards-Stichting, Woerden 09307 J.C. Ruigrokstichting, Haarlem 09313 SAD-Schorerstichting, Amsterdam 09315 Stichting MKS-Solidariteitsfonds Santos, Detft 09317 Stichting J.B. Scholtenfonds, Groningen 09323 Spoetnik Stichting, Viaardingen 09335 Stichting A.M.V.J. Gebouw Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09343 Stichting Algemeen Welzijnsfonds voor geestelijk en lichameli)k Misdeelden, Haren 09352 Stichting Amsterdamse Sinterklaas Centrale, Amsterdam 09355 Stichting Antonia Wilhelmina Fonds, Utrecht 09356 Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht, Rotterdam 09364 Stichting Burgerweeshuis Tie), Ommeren 09370 Stichting CE Fl MA, Amsterdam 09371 Stichting de Rose Jo(n)ker, Amsterdam 09382 Stichting Dialoog, Amsterdam 09384 Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, Bilthoven 09389
Stichting Fonds Hulpbetoon aan de Arbeidende Klasse in de Buurtschap Meerten, Lienden 09395 Stichting Het R.C. Maagdenhuis, Amsterdam 09420 Stichting Je Maintiendrai - Friesland, Sint Annaparochie 09432 Stichting Kerk in Nood/Oostpriestertiulp, 's-Hertogenbosch 09435 Stichting Loterijfonds Ravenstein, Ravenstein 09447 Stichting M.C.D.H. Fonds, Amsterdam 09448 Stichting Maria-Fonds, Den Haag 09450 Stichting Ministerium Medici Missionare, Zwolfe 09455 Stichting Nationaal Fonds voor Bijzonderer Noden, Loosdrecht 09463 Stichting Nederlands Fonds voor de Lokale Omroep, Nijmegen 09468 Stichting Samenwerking Sociale Fondsen, Den Haag 09493 Stichting Samenwerking voor Bijzondere Noden Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09494 Stichting SOA-Bestrijding, Utrecht 09496 Stichting Steunfonds de Drie Linden, Utrecht 09500 Stichting Steunfonds Roze Front, Enschede 09505 Stichting tegen Vrouwenhandel, Utrecht 09511 Stichting Teknophilos, Amsterdam 09512 Stichting Terra, Apeldoom 09513 Stichting VSB Fonds, Utrecht 09529 Stichting VSB Fonds Den Haag en Omstreken, Den Haag 09530 Stichting VSB Fonds SchiedamVlaardingen, Utrecht 09531 Stichting VSB Fonds Woerden en Omstreken, Utrecht 09532 Stichting Wassenaarse Hulpverening, Wassenaar 09533 Stichting Wilde Ganzen/Ikon, Hilversum 09539 Stichting Zwart Zaad, Utrecht 09544 Stichting Elisabeth Strouven, Maastricht 09546 Subsidiefonds Ptaatselijke Aktivitäten, Amsterdam 09548 Suppletiefonds van de Stichting Samenwerking Sociale Fondsen, Den Haag 09549 SWI, Den Haag 09550 Stichting Anna Catharina Thomsenfonds, Oegstgeest 09556 Thuisfront Nederlandse Priesters Frankrijk, Voorhout 09557 Stichting Fonds Jacoba van Beyeren, Oostvoome 0957/ Fundatie van den Santheuvel Sobbe Stichting, Amsterdam 09576 Stichting W.G. van der Boor's Ondersteuningsfonds, Den Haag 09577 Stichting Verenigde Stichtingen van Doorren-Blankenheijm-van Lede, Rotterdam 09587 Van Heumen-De Sitter Stichting, Tiel 09593 Geurt van Lonkhuyzen Stichting, Heteren 09595 Stichting Frans van Walsemfonds, Eindhoven 09602 Maatschappij van Welstand, Eindhoven 09604 Vereeniging tot Weldadigheid van den Allert>eiligsten Ve riosse r, Amsterdam 09609 De Vereniging Zorg en Bijstand, Den Haag 09613 Vermeuleri/Brauckman Stichting, Kampen 09615 Eduard August Otto Vervooren Stichting, Vught 09616 Stichting Völcker Fonds Zoelen, Zoelen 09618 Vromen Gravelijn Stichting, Doetinchem 09620 J.H. Wijnveldt-Stolk Stichting, Vooitiurg 09630
Fundaçâo Conde de Campo Bello, Vila Nova de Gaia 09707 Fundaçâo Cardeal Cerejeira, Lisboa 09708 Fundaçâo Maria do Carmo e Marido Manuel Rodrigues Pepolim, Ovar 09713 Fundaçâo Dr. Cameiro de Mesquita, Santa Marta de Penaguiào 09716 Fundaçâo Manuel Francisco Clérigo, Sao Martinho do Porto 09719 Fundaçâo Dom José da Cruz Moreira Pinto, Viseu 09725 Fundaçâo Dias de Carvalho, Porte! 09730 Fundaçâo Narciso Ferreira, Riba de Ave 09736 Fundaçâo Assistertela Médica Internacional, Lisboa 09754 Fundaçâo Casa do Soito, Nelas 09760 Fundaçâo Casa Miradouro-Promoçâo Social da Bairrada, Póvoa do Lanhoso 09761 Fundaçâo das Minas da Panasqueira, Minas da Panasqueira 09774 Fundaçâo de Estudo de Diagnóstico e Intervengo Social, Porto 09776 Fundaçâo de Solidariedade Social Lar e Centro de Dia Nobre Freire, Beja 09778 Fundaçâo Dom Manuel II, Lisboa 09781 Fundaçâo Ensino e Desenvolvimiento de Paços de Brandâo, Paços de Brandâo 09784 Fundaçâo Esquema Portuàrio Complementar de Reformas, Lisboa 09785 Fundaçâo Europeia de Solidariedade Social, Lisboa 09786 Fundaçâo Lar do Emigrante Portugués no Mundo, Santo Tirso 09793 Fundaçâo Oriente, Lisboa 09808 Fundaçâo Padre Félix, Aveiro 09811 Fundaçâo para o Desenvolvimento da Zona Histórica do Porto, Porto 09814 Fundaçâo Sal da Terra e Luz do Mundo, Aveiro 09830 Fundaçâo Joáo Gonçalves Júnior, Alcochete 09846 Fundaçâo Maria Isabel Guerra Junqueiro e Luis Pinto de Mesquita Carvalhlo, Porto 09850 Fundaçâo Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa 09851 Fundaçâo Lopes, Rio Maior 09861 Fundaçâo Herminia Ester Lopes Tassara, Lisboa 09863 Fundaçâo Matemo-lnfantil Mariana Martins, Elvas 09868 Fundaçâo Celeste e Herberto Miranda, Lisboa 09874 Fundaçâo Monjardino, Lisboa 09876 Fundaçâo Oliveira Junior, Säo Joâo da Madeira 09881 Fundaçâo Otilia Pessoa Murta Lourenço e Marido Dr. José Lourenço Junior, Lisboa 09693 Fundaçâo José Relvas, Alpiarça 09902 Fundaçâo Horácio Roque, Funchal 09913 Fundaçâo Comendador Joaquim de Sá Couto, Feira Norte 09914 Fundaçâo Dona Laura Santos de Moimenta da Serra, Gouveia 09921 Fundaçâo Sousa da Fonseca, Parede 09927 Fundaçâo Maria Ulrich, Lisboa 09932 Fundaçâo Vale Flor, Lisboa 09933 Fundaçâo Valle, Lisboa 09934
Stefan Batory Foundation, Warszawa 09656
Baikal Foundation, Bratsk 18 09952 Charities Aid Foundation, Moskva 09953 Fond P.A. Florenskogo, Moskva 09958 Fond Novoj Svjatoj Rusi, Moskva 09965 Foundation for Social Innovations, Moskva 09980 Foundation for the Survival and Development of Humanity, Moskva 09981 Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation-Novosibirsk Branch, Novosibirsk 09997 Russian Charity and Health Foundation, Moskva 09999 Russian Foundation for Social and Health Assistance, Moskva 10002
Fundacja dia Polski, Warszawa 09666
Norway Chr. Michelsens Institutt for Videnskap og Aandsfrihet, Bergen 09646
Portugal Fundaçâo Maria Manuela e Vasco de Albuquerque d'Orey, Lisboa 09676 Fundaçâo Eng. Antonio de Almeida, Porto 09679 Fundaçâo Dom Manuel de Almeida Trindade, Aveiro 09682 Fundaçâo Jorge Antones, Vizela 09689 Fundaçâo Beimiro de Azevedo, Senhora da Hora 09698 Fundaçâo José Berardo, Funchal 09699 Fundaçâo Bissaya-Barreto, Coimbra 09701 Fundaçâo Maria Augusta de Brito Subtil, Lisboa 09705 Fundaçâo Salvador Caetano, Vila Nova de Gaia 09706
Agregación de Fundaciones Benéfico Particulares de la Provincia de Avila, Avila 10021 Agregación de Fundaciones Benéfico Particulares de la Provincia de Cuenca, Cuenca 10022 Agregación de Fundaciones Zona Occidental de la Provincia de Cantabria, Santander 10023 Fundación Alba, Barcelona 10029 Fundación Alfar, Madrid 10033 Fundación Ancora, Vigo 10055 Fundación Modesto Anido, Santiago de Compostela f0057 Fundación José María Aristráin Noáin, Madrid 10068 Fundación Asepeyo, Barcelona 10081
Fundación Benéfica Assis, Barcelona 10082 Fundación Hermanos Aymar i Puig, Alella 10089 Fundación Hermanos Balaguer Gonel, Castellón de ta Plana 10095 Fundación Pías del Cardenal Belluga, Murcia 10116 Fundació Benéfico Casan ovas-Sansa Asistencial, Sort 10118 Fundació Germà Benito Menni, Sant Boi de Uobregat 10121 Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santander 10147 Fundación Manuel Calvo, Portugalete Í0f56 Fundación Cervera Alós, Madrid 10199 Fundación Chaminade, Madrid 10200 Fundación Juan Ciudad, Madrid 10208 Fundación Cocina Económica Tomás Civeira, A Coruna 10209 Fundació Institut d'Estudis H umanístics Miquel Coll i Alentom, Barcelona 10218 Fundación Marfa Corral, Barcelona 10230 Fundación Benéfica Cortés-Roig, Benidorm 10231 Fundació Monsenyor Miquel Costa, Palamós 10236 Fundación León Dehón, Madrid 10254 Fundación Lino Egido, Coscurita 10275 Fundación Eguía Careaga, Donostia-San Sebastián 10276 Fundació Els Jones, Sarriá de Ter 10283 Fundación Jaume Espona, Barcelona 10298 Fundación Esquirol, Balaguer 10299 Fundación Bennefica Fasa-Renault, Valladolkl 10311 Fundación Teresa Ferrer, Girona 10325 Fundación Juan Flexas Pujol, Barcelona 10337 Fundación Enrique Flores López, Madrid 10339 Fundació Aldees Infantils SOS, Barcelona 70359 Fundació Amies de la Gent Gran, Barcelona 10360 Fundació Anne, Barcelona 10363 Fundació Asil Villalonga, Figueres 10367 Fundació Assistencial de l'Anoia, Igualada 10368 Fundació Assistencial del Bages, Manresa 10369 Fundació Caixa de Sabadell, Sabadell 10384 Fundació Casa Asil de Sant Andreu del Palomar, Barcelona 10369 Fundació Casa-Asil Parroquial de la Inmaculada, Mollet del Vallès 10390 Fundació Casa Caritat i Pía Almoina, Villafranca del Penedés 10391 Fundació Casa de Caritat, Cervera 10392 Fundació Casa de Caritat de Vieh, Vich 10393 Fundació Casa Pairal, Vilassar de Mar 10396 Fundació Casa Pairal deis Desvalguts, Vilassar de Dalt 10397 Fundació Casal Benefic Premianenc, Premia de Mar 10400 Fundació Casal d'Assisencia Benéfica de Puig Reig, Puig Reig 10402 Fundació Collegi d'Advocats de Tortosa, Tortosa 10443 Fundació de Cultura i Promoció Social, Sant Sadumi d'Anoia 10457 Fundació de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Catalunya, Barcelona 10458 Fundació de la Petita y Mitjana Empresa de les liles Balears, Palma de Mallorca 10459 Fundació d'Infermeria Catalana, Barcelona 10471 Fundació Escó, Barcelona 10480 Fundació Foment de l'Habitatge Social, Barcelona 10498 Fundació Formació i Treball, Barcelona 10499 Fundació Hospital Asil de Granollers, Granoilers 10508 Fundació Hospital Asil de Pobres i Malalts de Torroella de Montgrí, Torroella de Montgrf 10509 Fundació Hospital de la Sant Creu, Vich 10513 Fundació Institució Benéfica Amies dels Avis, Navarcles 10520 Fundació Institució Benèfica Assistencial Manresana, Manresa 10521 Fundació L'Aliança, Barcelona 10544 Fundació l'Espiga, Vilafranca del Penedés 10545 Fundació Liar d'Avis de la Uebe a Vilafranca del Penedés, Vilafranca del Penedés 10546 Fundació Uar Sant Josep, Sant Boi de Uobregat 10547 Fundació Mercó Fontanilles de Manejament de Servéis i d'lniciatives Soctales-M.F., Barcelona 10553 Fundació Nou Carni, Sant Boi de Uobregat 10562 Fundació Patronat de Socors d'Arenys de Mar, Arenys de Mar 10570
Subject Index: Social work
487 Fundació per el Comerç de les Baleare, Palma de Mallorca f f ó f t Fundació Plat de Pobres Vergonyants de Santa Marta del Mar, Barcelona 10594 Fundació Privada Casa (fEmpara de Vilanova i La Gettrú, Vilanova i La Geltrú 10598 Fundació Pro-Deficientes Psiquics Finestrelles, Esplugues de Uobregat 10603 Fundació Pro Minusvalids Castali de Subirats, Subirats 10605 Fundació Quail Espanya, Barcelona 10612 Fundació Redos de Sant Josep i Sant Pere, Sant Pere de Ribes 10614 Fundació Refugi de Veils i Hospital de la Valí d'Aneu, Esterri d'Aneu 10615 Fundació Refugi d'Obreres, Barcelona 10616 Fundació Refugi Germanor, Comudella de Montsant 10617 Fundació Residencia Assistendo de Manresa, Manresa 10618 Fundació Residencia d'Avis Nostra Senyora de Montserrat, Olesa de Montserrat 10619 Fundació Residëncia de la Tercera Edat Sant Jaume, Cardona 10620 Fundació Sant Joaquín de Mataró, Walaró 10630 Fundació Servei d'lntegració Social i d'Ajuda a la Uar, Barcelona 10640 Fundació Servais de Cultura Popular, Barcelona 10642 Fundació Suria Initiatives i Drfució, Suria 10645 Fundació Tots Units, Castellón 10649 Fundació Verge de la Gleva, Barcelona 10662 Fundación A.N.D.E., Madrid 10665 Fundación Agregación de Fundaciones de la Provincia de Asturias, Oviedo 10678 Fundación Amigos de los Pobres, Barcelona 10693 Fundación ANESVAD, Bilbao 10702 Fundación Argentaría, Madrid 10712 Fundación Asilo Cuna de San Ramón, Ripoll 10718 Fundación Asilo de la Santísima Trinidad y Santa Petronila, Quintanar del Rey 10726 Fundación Asilo de la Santísima Virgen del Carmen, Ribadeo 10727 Fundación Asilo de la Santísima Virgen y San Celedonio, Madrid 10728 Fundación Asilo del Carmen, Porriño 10731 Fundación Asilo Espíritu Santo, Tarragona 10734 Fundación Asilo-Hospital Apóstol Santiago, Comillas 10735 Fundación Asilo Hospital San Bonifacio, Piera 10736 Fundación Asilo Hospitalillo del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Villagarcla de Arosa 10737 Fundación Asilo Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, Camón de los Condes 10738 Fundación Asilo Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Mondáriz 10739 Fundación Asilo Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Granada 10740 Fundación Asilo Paroquia de la Inmaculada, Mollet de Vallès 10741 Fundación Asilo San Alonso de Liboría, Barcelona 10743 Fundación Asilo San Andrés, Badalone 10744 Fundación Asilo San Antonio de Padua, Falset 10745 Fundación Asilo San Castor y Santa Adelaida, Val do Dubra 10746 Fundación Asilo Santa Ana, Santa Coloma de Gramanet 10750 Fundación Asilo Santísima Virgen del Carmen, Foz 10752 Fundación Asistencial de Iniciativas Sociales Retamar, Pozuelo de Alarcón 10755 Fundación Asistencial de Malta, Madrid 10756 Fundación Asistencial Papelera, Madrid 10757 Fundación Asociación de Caridad, Cangas de Morrazo 10760 Fundación Asociación de los Amigos de los Pobres, Barcelona 10762 Fundación Aspronis, Bianes 10767 Fundación Banco de los Alimentos Alicante, Alicante 10778 Fundación Banasto Cultural, Madrid 10780 Fundación Barrio Obrero de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Madrid 10783 Fundación Benéfica San Martín de Porres, Madrid 10785 Fundación Benéfico Social Obra Niño de Dios, Barcelona 10790 Fundación Buen Samaritano, Madrid 10801 Fundación Caja Alicante, Alicante 10808 Fundación Caja Caminos, Madrid 10809
Fundación Caja de Socorro para Labradores y Ganaderos, Salamanca 10815 Fundación Cáritas para la Cooperación Internacional, Madrid 10825 Fundación Casa Amparo de Barbastro, Barbastro 10826 Fundación Casa Amparo de la Inmaculada, Alagón 10827 Fundación Casa de Caridad de Vigo, Vigo 10828 Fundación Casa de la Virgen, Madrid 10832 Fundación Casa de Misericordia de Barcelona, Barcelona 10833 Fundación Casa de Misericordia de Bescarán-Valle de Valira, Bescarárivalle de Valira 10834 Fundación Casa de Misericordia de Vich, V t f i 10835 Fundación Casa de Misericordia Santa Ana, Barcelona 10836 Fundación Catalana Tutelar de Disminuidos Físicos, Barcelona 10841 Fundación Católica de Escuetas y Patronato de Obreros, Bilbao 10842 Fundación Centro de Acción Social Católica y Casa Famííía Camino Batbachano, Gijón 10850 Fundación Centro Español de Solidaridad, Madrid 10873 Fundación Centro Español de Solidaridad Principado de Asturias, Gijón 10874 Fundación Centro Solidaridad de La Rioja, Logroño 10885 Fundación Champagnat, Barcelona 10888 Fundación Ciudad de los Muchachos, Madrid 10900 Fundación Ciudad de Requena, Madrid 10901 Fundación Cocina Económica de El Ferrol, El Ferrol 10905 Fundación Cocina Económica de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela 10906 Fundación Cofradía de Clérigos de Nuestra Señora de la Piedad, La Bañeza 10908 Fundación Colegio Imperial, Madrid 10915 Fundación CREFAT - Cruz Roja Españnola, Madrid 10934 Fundación Culto y Limosna de Aracena, Aracena 10940 Fundación Cultural y Social Caja de Ahorros Municipal de San Sebastián, Donostia-San Sebastián 10969 Fundación de Estudios e Iniciativas Socio-Laborales, Valencia 10978 Fundación de los Agentes Comerciales de España, Madrid 10992 Fundación El Partal, Madrid 11026 Fundación El Vilar, Bianes 11029 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 11036 Fundación Esco, Barcelona 11051 Fundación Fondo para Atenciones Sociales, Madrid 11125 Fundación Funcasocial, Puerto de Sagunto 11134 Fundación Futuro Solidario, Madrid 11140 Fundación General Mediterránea, Madrid 11147 Fundación Hermanos Obreros de María, Granada 11160 Fundación Hispánica, Madrid 11163 Fundación Hogar de la Madre de Todos los Hombres, Madrid 11164 Fundación Hogar de Nazaret de Amposta, Amposta 11165 Fundación Hogar del Empleado, Madrid 11167 Fundación Hogar Español, Madrid 11168 Fundación Hospital de Tremp, Tremp 11221 Fundación ICSE, Barcelona 11247 Fundación IEISA, Madrid 11249 Fundación Impulso de la Obra Social de la Compañía de Jesús en Centroamérica, Madrid 11252 Fundación Iniciativa Social, Barcelona 11256 Fundación Iniciativas de Acción Social, Madrid 11258 Fundación Iniciativas Sur, Madrid 11260 Fundación Instituto de Promoción Social, Madrid 11278 Fundación Instituto para la Integración SociaJ, Zaragoza 11292 Fundación Integración Social y Desarrollo Económico, Madrid 11302 Fundación Jerónimo Infante del Real, Aracena 11315 Fundación Jesús María El Salvador, Zaragoza 11316 Fundación Laboral CAF Zaragoza, Zaragoza 11330 Fundación Laboral Canaria de Autobuses, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 11331 Fundación Laboral de la Construcción del Principado de Asturias, El CateyuRibera de Arriba 11332
Fundación Laboral de Servicios Asistenciales del I.N.I., Madrid 11333 Fundación Laboral de Transportes Urbanos de Almería, Almería 11334 Fundación Laboral de Transportes Urbanos de Valencia, Valencia 11335 Fundación Laboral del Comercio en Valladolid, Valladolid 11336 Fundación Laboral El Fénix Mutuo, Madrid 11337 Fundación Laboral ESCODE, Huefva 11338 Fundación Laboral ESDECO, A Coruna 11339 Fundación Laboral FEPESA, Madrid 11340 Fundación Laboral ORELCO, Orense 11341 Fundación Laboral San Prudencio, Vitoria 11342 Fundación Laboral Unión Eléctrica Fenosa S.A., Madrid 11344 Fundación Magdalena, Pozuelo de Alarcón 11354 Fundación Magnificat, Sevilla /J355 Fundación Mancomunada Laboral para el Bienestar Social, Madrid 11356 Fundación María Auxiliadora, Madrid 11362 Fundación Mi Casa, Zaragoza 11368 Fundación Nostra Senyora de Bnjgues, Gavá 11388 Fundación Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Huesca 11391 Fundación Nuestra Señora de los Angeles, Barcelona 11392 Fundación Nuestra Señora de los Milagros, Algeciras 11393 Fundación Nuestra Señora de Manjavacas, Mota del Cuervo 11394 Fundación Nuestra Señora de Montserrat, Madrid 11395 Fundación Nuestra Señora del Camino, Madrid 11396 Fundación Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Rincón de Soto ÍÍ398 Fundación Nuestra Señora del Reposo, Valverde del Camino 11401 Fundación Nuestro Hogar Anar, Madrid 11402 Fundación Obra Benéfico-Social de la Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad, Salamanca 11407 Fundación Obra de Jesús, Granada 11408 Fundación Obra de la Visitación de Nuestra Señora, Barcelona 11409 Fundación Obra Pía, Valencia 11410 Fundación Obra Social Comunitaria de Belfvitge, Gerona 11412 Fundación Occitano Catalana, Vila-Sacra 11416 Fundación Ocio, Familia y Naturaleza, Madrid 11417 Fundación para Atenciones Sociales, Madrid 11431 Fundación para el Desarrollo de los Recursos Humanos, Valencia 11439 Fundación para el Estudio de los Problemas Sociales, Madrid 11449 Fundación para la Defensa de la Vida, Madrid 11462 Fundación para la Integración Social, Barcelona 11471 Fundación Parroquial Les Vetes, Salt 11439 Fundación Patronato Casa de Misericordia y Hospital de San Antonio Abad, Donostia-San Sebastián 11491 Fundación Patronato de la Santa Cruz, Alicante 11494 Fundación Patronato de la Vera Cruz, Madrid 11495 Fundación Patronato de Murillo, Madrid 11496 Fundación Patronato de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, Barcelona 11497 Fundación Patronato de San Eugenio, Zaragoza 11498 Fundación Patronato de Socorros, Arenys de Mar 11499 Fundación Patronato Juan XXIII, Cerdanyola de Vallés 11501 Fundación Patronato Niño Jesús del Remedio, Madrid 11503 Fundación Patronato para el Retiro del Personal de la S.A. Seda de Barcelona, Barcelona 11504 Fundación Patronato San Félix, Cultera 11505 Fundación Patronato Santa María la Mayor, Salas de los Infantes 11506 Fundación Patronato Santillana, Madrid 11507 Fundación Patronato Social Católico de Torrero, Zaragoza 11508 Fundación Patronato Universitario, Madrid 11509 Fundación Paz y Solidaridad, Madrid 11512 Fundación Plato de Pobres Vergonzantes de San Jaime, Barcelona 11516 Fundación Pialo de Pobres Vergonzantes de San Justo y Pastor, Barcelona 11517
Fundación Plato de Pobres Vergonzantes de San Pedro de Las Puellas, Barcelona 11518 Fundación Plato de Pobres Vergonzantes de Santa María del Mar, Barcelona 11519 Fundación Prodein, Madrid 11538 Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura, Madrid 11543 Fundación Reina Sofia, Madrid 11564 Fundación Residencia Assis, Sant Quirze de Terrasa 11565 Fundación Residencia Hogar Virgen de los Milagros, Vilamartln de Valdeorras 11574 Fundación Residencia Sant Bonifaci, Piera 11577 Fundación Residencia Sant Roe, Gironella 11578 Fundación Residencia Santa Susana, Caldas de Montbuí 11579 Fundación Restaurante de Obreros de Santa Madrona, Barcelona 11580 Fundación Restaurante San Joaquin para Obreros, Mataró 11581 Fundación Rural, Cultural y Social de la Caja de Ahorros de La Rioja, Logroño 11587 Fundación San Gaspar, Madrid 11600 Fundación San Ramón, Barcelona 11609 Fundación Santa Ana y San Rafael, Madrid 11615 Fundación Sexpol para el Desarrollo del Bienestar y la Salud Sexual, Madrid 11630 Fundación Sodai Caja Alicante, Alicante 11638 Fundación Sociedad y Desarrolla, Valladolid 11641 Fundación Solidaridad Democrática, Madrid 11643 Fundación Solidaridad Humana, Madrid 11644 Fundación Stella, Madrid 11647 Fundación Teb, Barcelona 11652 Fundación Teléfono de la Esperanza, Madrid 11653 Fundación Trinijove, Barcelona 11659 Fundación Tutelar Galega Alvora, Vigo 11708 Fundación Obra Pía San Agustín por Juan García, Cercedo 11715 Fundación García Fossas, Barcelona 11719 Fundación Casa Museo Gaudi, Barcelona 11734 Fundación Germá Tomás Canet, Sant Boi de Uobregat 11738 Fundación Asilo Goicoechea e Isusi, Madrid 11743 Fundación Benéfica Luis González Herrero, Oviedo 11751 Fundación Anastasio de Gracia, Madrid 11755 Fundación Saturnino Oliver Gras, Barcelona 11757 Fundación Instituto Guttmann, Barcelona 11772 Fundación Sol Hachuel, Madrid 11773 Fundación Ibars, Marbella 11783 Fundación Hogar Madre Teresa Jomet, Huelva 11807 Fundación Kutxa, Donostia-San Sebastián 11814 Fundación Laffón, Madrid 11817 Fundación Obra Pía de Doña Manuela Lemaur, Madrid 11833 Fundación José Antonio de Lerchundi y Sirotich, Bilbao 11837 Fundación Francisco Llopis Latore, Liria 11849 Fundación Juan Uuch Caralps, Barcelona 11853 Agrupación de Fundaciones Francisco López Traña y Otros, Madrid 11862 Fundación Institución Cultural Benéfica Daniel Magrane, Tortosa 11870 Fundación Mainel, Valencia 11871 Fundación Antonio Bonny Manrique de Lara, San Juan 11874 Fundación Pilar de la Mata y Martinez, Madrid 11899 Fundación Merindades, Villarcayo 11914 Fundación Obra Pía Marquesa de Montserrat Tamarit, Tarragona 11930 Fundación Purificación Moreno Navarro, Madrid 11933 Fundación Miguel Muñoz, Madrid 11939 Fundación Arcadio Navarro Blanco, Madrid 11948 Fundació Olivé-Junyent, Barcelona 11963 Fundación Faustino Orbegozo, Bilbao 11967 Fundación Mercedes Patino y Juez Sarmiento, Madrid 11990 Fundación de los Excmos. Sres. Marqueses de Peñaflor y Cortes de Graena, Sevilla 12000 Fundación Institución Piñeiro, O Ferrol 12013 Fundación Institución Puig Porret, Vie 12032 Fundación Benéfica María Raventós Espona, Barcelona 12048 Fundación Retamar, Madrid 12058 Fundación Rich, Madrid 12062
Fundación Romanillos, Madrid 12083 Fundació President Amat Roumens, Tenassa 12092 Fundación María Francisca de Roviralta, Barcelona 12094 Fundación Alcalde Zoilo Ruiz Mateos, Rota 12098 Fundación Rumasa, Jerez de la Frontera 12099 Fundación Gregorio Sánchez Herráez, Madrid 12109 Fundación José Santa María de Hita, Madrid 12114 Fundación Patronato Esteban Santos, Salamanca 12118 Fundación Residencia Santos Tomás, Villanueva de los Infantes 12120 Fundación Emesto Seco y Bittini, Madrid 12128 Fundación Stella Solé, Barcelona 12152 Fundación Sonsoles Ballvé Lantero, Burgos 12156 Fundación Laboral Sonsoles Ballvé Lantero, Burgos 12157 Fundación Hogar Dolores Sopeña, Madrid 12158 Fundación Obra Social Cultural Sopeña, Madrid 12159 Fundación Felipe Terol, Montesa 12177 Fundación María Tintore, Barcelona 12182 Fundación Asunción Tomás Foz, Valderrobres 12186 Fundació Eulalia Torras de Bea Institut de Psiquiatría i Psicologia del Nen i de l'Adolescent, Barcelona 12190 Fundación M. Torrent Fugarolas Mataró, Arbucies 12194 Fundación Benéfica del Valle, Madrid 12225 Fundació Vallparadís, Terrassa 12228 Fundación Vega, Madrid 12235 Fundación Veniam, Alcobendas 12239 Fundación Josefa Ventura, Xátíva 12242 Fundación Vianorte, Madrid 12246 Agregación Nacional de Fundaciones para la Promoción de la Acción Social Luis Vives, Madrid 12265 Fundación Mary Ward, Madrid 12269
Sweden Right Lievlihood Awards Foundation, Stockholm 12309
Switzerland Fondation Adelphi, Genève 12330 Türkisch-islamische soziale und kulturelle Stiftung Akyazili, Niederwangen 12341 Allegra Stiftung, Basel 12348 Fondation de la Famille Lars Amundsen, Genève 12354 Charles Apothéloz-Stiftung zur Sicherung von Kulturschaffenden, Basel 12359 Fondazione Umanitaria Arcobaleno, Lugano 12362 Stiftung Ausserfeld, Herisau 12369 Avina Stiftung, Hürden 12370 Baloise-Jubiläumsstiftung, Basel 12379 Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-RhynerStiftung, Basel 12382 Stiftung Angestellten-Fürsorgestittung der Benteli Druck AG, Bern 12393 Bergsamariterstiftung für abgelegene Alpentäler der Schweiz, Bern 12396 Stiftung Bemaville, Schwarzenburg 12398 Hans Bernhard-Stiftung, 8050 12400 Arnold Billwiller-Stiftung, Sankt Gallen 12414 Evelyn Blum-Stiftung, Zürich 12424 I. Boveri-Stiftung, Baden 12434 Stiftung Dr. J.E. Brandenberger, Zug 12436 Dr. Andreas C. Brunner-Fonds, Zug 12444 Anna und Paul Bucher-GossweilerStiftung, Zürich 12446 Margarita Bucher-Stiftung, Niederweningen 12447 Stiftung Personalvorsorgestiftung der Büchler Gratino AG, Bern 12448 Carnegie-Stiftung für Lebensretter (Schweiz), Köniz 12459 Fondazione Lorenzo e Elsa CattoriStuerm, Lugano 12461 Château de Constatine, Constantine 12471 Cimbria Foundation, Zurich 12476 Darchey Noam-Stiftung, Zürich 12490 Walter und Louise M. Davidson-Stiftung, Zürich 12491 William Demant-Stiftung, Solothum 12495 Diana und Oiville Stiftung, Zug 12503 Double Incentive Projects International, Zürich 12509 Oldrich Dubina-Stiftung, Zürich 12511 Stiftung Case Henry Dunant, Riggisberg 12515 Fondation Prix Adèle Duttweiler, San Antonino 12517 Evanaid Stiftung, Chur 12551 Fondazione Erika Fissmer. Muralto 12557 Fondation Alliance Arménienne, Genève 12560 Fondation Armenia, Genève 12562
Subject Index: Social work Fondation Caisse de Secours de l'Association Suisse des Musiciens, Lausanne 12565 Fondation DSR, Morges 12582 Fondation du Musée International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, Genève 12586 Fondation Educare, Zug 12592 Fondation en Faveur ote la Société Helvétique de Bienfaisance de Paris, Peseux 12595 Fondation Entraide Fraternelle, Genève 12600 Fondation Humanisme et Développement, Genève 12605 Fondation ODEON, Genève 12635 Fondation pour Genève, Genève 12637 Fondation peur la Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, Genève 12640 Fondation pour le Koscve, Genève 12646 Fondation Pro Victimis, Genève 12661 Fondation Resurrexit, Genève 12664 Fondation Sentinelles au Secours de l'Innocence Meurtrie, Lausanne 12669 Fondation Suisse du Service Social International, Genève 12675 Fondation Terre des Hommes, Lausanne 12682 Fondazione A.L.A. per l'Aiuto Umanitario, Crocifisso 12687 Fondazione La Nostra Famiglia, Lugano 12697 Fondazione Opera Don Bosco per Paesi in Via di Sviluppo, Lugano 12699 Fondazione R.R. per l'Aiuto Umanitario, Lugano 12706 Fondazione Società Svizzera di Beneficenza in Milano, Muralto 12710 Fondazione Sogno di Vita, Tegna 12711 Fonds Cfiocosuisse, Bem 12716 Fonds de Secours de la Société Hélvétique de Bienfaisance de Paris, Peseux 12719 Fonds der Lions-Clubs des Multi-Districts 102, Giubiasco 12721 Fonds für Internationale Selbsthilfe, Santa Maria 12725 Fonds für Weiterbildungs- und soziale Zwecke, Bem 12727 Fürsorgestiftung des Schweizerischen Lithographenbundes, Bem 12748 Fürsorgestiftung für Christliche Wissenschaftler, Zürich 12749 Futura Stiftung zur Förderung der Personalfürsorge, Brugg 12753 Stiftung Hermine Garai geb. Wollner, Zünch 12756 Frau Betty und Dr. Rudolf GasserStiftung, Chur 12757 Fondation Maria Genevensis, Genève 12762 Stiftung Sigfried Giedicn, Zürich 12765 Geschwister Gondin-Stiftung, Zürich 12778 Emil und Beatrice Gürtler-Schryder von Wartensee-Stiftung, Bem 12793 Heinrich GuggenbühI-Stiftung zugunsten der Schweizer Berghilfe, Herrliberg 12794 Willy und Mimi Guggenheim-Stiftung, Dübendorf 12795 Jules und Maria Guggenheim-Stiftung, Egg 12796 Albert Häberiing-Stiftung, Basel 12800 Robert Hahnloser-Stiftung, Kriens 12804 Albrecht von Haller-Stiftung der Burgergemeinde Bem, Bem 12807 Roger Haus-Stiftung, Uster 12812 Heberlein-Stiftung für die Förderung gemeinütziger Zwecke, Wattwil 12816 Hannie Hefti-Walder-Stiftung, Walchwil 12817 Helen Heroys Literary Foundation, Genève 12822 Otto Erich Heynau-Stiftung, Oberwil 12826 Hilfsfonds des Schwelzerischen Lithographenbundes, Bem 12828 Hilfskasse des Schweizerischen Apothekervereins, Bem 12829 Hilfskasse-Stiftung des Schweizerischen Bäcker- Konditorenmeister-Verbandes, Bem 12830 Emil Huber-Stockar-Stiftung, Zürich 12849 Humanatura-Stiftung, 6242 12854 Hildegard Hutzenlaub-Stiftung, Zürich 12856 Interpreten-Hilfsfonds des Schweizerischen Verbandes des Personals öffentlicher Dienste, Zürich 12899 Stiftung Alfred Jäger für Diakonie, Sankt Gallen 12910 Jerusalem Foundation Zürich, Zürich 12919 Stiftung Jonas zur Förderung der psychosozialen Prävention und Therapie, Domach 12924 Jubiläumsstiftung der Schweizer Reisekasse, Bem 12929 Jubiläumsstiftung der Zürich Versicherungs-Gruppe, Zürich 12932 Jubiläumsstiftung Schweizerischer Bankverein 1972, Basel 12934
488 Kari Kahane Stiftung, Celerina 12942 Fondation Idryma Georges Katingo Lemos, Lausanne 12950 W. und I. Kerscher-Stiftung, Zürich 12954 Stiftung Martin Luther King-Haus, Basel 12959 T. und H. Klüber-Stiftung für Frieden und Lebenshilfe, Sachsein 12963 Werner Kobelt-Hasler Berghilfe Stiftung, Sankt Gallen 12965 Fonds de Prévoyance Lanka-Baur, Genève 12984 Wolf Lehmann-Stiftung, Zürich 12989 Stiftung Leysin der Schweizer Reisekasse, Bem 12991 Stiftung Lilienberg, Hinwil 12995 Frieda Locher-Hofmann-Stiftung, Regensdorf 12998 Fondazione Opera Umanitaria Dr. Maggi, Breganzona 13011 Stiftung Dr. Valentin Maiamoud, Chur 13015 Stiftung Mano, Zürich 13020 Mariant Stiftung, Pfäffikon 13023 Momentous-Stiftung, Zug 13055 Fondation Maiy et Philippe Mylona, Lausanne 13070 Arthur Nordmann-Stiftung, Zürich 13081 Peace and Crises Management Foundation, Zug 13106 Fondation de Bienfaisance Nicolas et Hélène Porphyrogenis, Lausanne 13120 Quellenhof-Stiftung, Winterthur 13134 RAMA Stiftung, Zürich 13137 Rich-Stiftung, Zürich 13152 Ringier-Stiftung für Nothilfe, Zürich 13154 Fondazione Fratelli Agostino ed Enrico Rocca, Lugano 13156 Rroma Foundation, Zürich 13170 RUD-EM-Stiftung, Zürich 13171 Ilse und Kurt Rüdiger-Stiftung, Zürich 13173 Gertrud Rüegg-Stiftung, Zürich 13174 Heinrich und Julie Sandmeier-StreiffStiftung, Zug 13181 Ingborg und Walter Schellenberg-Stiftung, Sankt Moritz 13194 Wohlfahrtsstiftung Frau Gisela G. Schmid sel., Zürich 13199 August Schmid-Stiftung, Zürich 13200 Stiftung Albert Schweitzer-Zentrum Gimsbach, Thun 13211 Schweizer Rettungsflugwacht, ZürichFlughafen 13215 Schweizerische Doron-Preis Stiftung, Zug 13229 Schweizerische Hospitaliter Stiftung, Baden 13237 Schweizerischer Fonds für Hilfe bei nicht versicherbaren Elementarschäden, Bem 13290 Stiftung Sozialwerke Pfarrer Emst Sieber, Urdorf 13315 Solidaritätfonds SGG, Luzem Í3320 Solidaritätsfonds des Schweizerischen Kaufmännischen Verbandes. Zürich 13321 Solidaritätsfonds Suissimage, Bem 13322 Russischer Sozialfonds von Alexander Solshenizyn, Zug 13325 Soziale Stiftung SWE, Baden 13331 Sozialfonds des Schweizerischen Technischen Verbandes, Zürich 13332 Sozialfonds des Veibandes der Schweizer Druckindustrie, Bem 13333 Sterbekasse der Schweizerischen Zahntechniker-Vereinigung, Zürich 13348 Stiftung Amt für Stiftungen und berufliche Vorsorge, Liestal 13361 Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG, Zürich 13374 Stiftung Auslandschweizerorganisation, Bem 13376 Stiftung AWB Hochdori, Hochdorf 13377 Stiftung AWB Willisau, Willisau 13378 Stiftung Begleitung in Leid und Trauer, Winterthur 13385 Stiftung Chance, Zürich 13419 Stiftung Chrischona Heime, Bettingen 13422 Stiftung Christliche Lebenshilfe, Wattenwil 13423 Stiftung Contact Bem, Bem 13426 Stiftung der Heilsarmee in der Schweiz, Bem 13431 Stiftung Die neue Zeit für gesunde Freizeitgestaltung, Thielle 13446 Stiftung ECAP, Baden 13448 Stiftung Einheit allen Lebens, Luzem 13450 Stiftung Freiwillige Fürsorge, Zug 13475 Stiftung für die Selbst- und Sozialhilfe in der Landwirtschaft, insbesondere im Berggebiet, Brugg 13511 Stiftung für Ganzheitliche Betreuung, Rüti 13529 Stiftung für Hilfeleistungen an Arbeitnehmer, Basel 13533 Stiftung für kulturelle, soziale und humanitäre Experimente, Basel 13550 Stiftung für Opfer strafbarer Handlungen, Sankt Gallen 13559
Stiftung fur Seelsorge, christliche Lebensberatung und Ausbildung, Aarau 13572 Stiftung für Soziale Integration und Prävention im Bezirk Horgen und Umgebung, Horgen 13573 Stiftung für Werterbildung und Sozialfürsorge zugunsten des Verbandes und der Mitglieder des Metzgerei perso nal-Vertun des der Schweiz, Zurich 13586 Stiftung Global Harmony, Solothum 13601 Stiftung Gott hilft, Zizers 13602 Stiftung Grünes Kreuz Schweiz, Zürich 13609 Stiftung Haus der Begegnung, Zürich 13611 Stiftung Heilsarmee, Rheineck 13616 Stiftung Hilfe für Dich, Signau 13622 Stiftung Hilfskasse der Gewerkschaft Verkauf, Handel, Transport, Lebensmittel, Zürich 13626 Stiftung Hilfskasse des CLEVS und des VKLS, Samen 13627 Stiftung Hilfskasse für schweizerische Forstingenieure und deren Familienangehörige, Ittigen 13628 Stiftung Hilfswerk der orthodoxen Christen in der Schweiz, Zürich 13629 Stiftung HIOB-Intemational, Wortlauten 13630 Stiftung Islamische Gemeinschaft Zürich, Zürich 13643 Stiftung Leben für Alle, Zürich 13682 Stiftung Menschen für Menschen, Sankt Gallen 13697 Stiftung Osteuropa-Mission, Wetzikon 13723 Stiftung Pensionskasse der technischen Verbände SIA/STV/BSA/FSAI, Bem 13727 Stiftung Pro Helvetia, Zürich 13746 Stiftung Pro offene Türen der Schweiz, Zürich 13750 Stiftung Raum für Randgruppen, Ölten 13762 Stiftung Schweizerische Patienten- und Versicherten-Organisation, Zürich 13795 Stiftung Schweizerisches Zentrum für die Erhaltung und Dokumentierung der Strohverarbeitung, Rechthalten 13814 Stiftung Solothumer Städte für humanitäre Hiife, Ölten 13818 Stiftung Sozial- und Ausbildungsfonds des Dachvertandes Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, Zürich 13822 Stiftung Sozialwerke Paz, Wetzikon 13824 Stiftung Sunnechind, Kloten 13829 Stiftung Terra Vecchia, Bem 13839 Stiftung Unterstützungskasse und Altersfürsorge der Schweizerischen Kindergärtnerinnen, Zürich 13846 Stiftung Weihnachtsaktion des Schweizerischen Beobachters, Zürich 13857 Stiftung zur Förderung der Gemeindediakonie im Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbund, Bem 13896 Stiftung zur Hilfe vor Ort, Kriens 13919 Stiftung Dr. Robert Thyll-Dürr, Zürich 13944 Hagop D. Topalian Stiftung, Zürich 13948 Uninter Stiftung, Zürich 13957 Urheber- und Verleger-Fürsorge der SUISA, Zürich 13961 Fondation Ventose, Genève 13966 Isabell und Dr. Friedrich Vogel-Stiftung, Zürich 13974 Volcafé Stiftung, Winterthur 13975 White-Light-Foundation, Bisikon 13992 White Rose Foundation, Zürich 13993 Berti Wicke-Stiftung, Zürich 13994 Wohlfahrtsstiftung für das Personal der Schweizerischen Nationalbank, Bem 14001 Wohngruppe Hochdorf, Hochdorf 14002 Emy Wymann-Stiftung, Pfaffhausen 14008
Turkey Anatolian Development Foundation, Ankara 14019 Human Resource Development Foundation, Istanbul 14022
United Kingdom 1067 Trust Fund, Bou me End 14030 770 Charitable Trust, Manchester 14036 91.4 Trust, Maghull 14037 The 999 Club Trust, London 14038 A and Ν Trust Fund, Salford 14040 A.LAC.E. Benevolent Fund, Chester 14041 The A.W. Charitable Trust, Liverpool 14042 The Abacus Trust, Swindon 14044 The Aber Village Fund, Uanfairfeckan 14053 Aberfan Baptist Memorial Fund, Swansea 14055 Aberfan Disaster Fund arid Centre, Merthyr Tydfil 14057
Aberganwed Welfare Fund, Neath 14059 Abney Park Cemetery Trust, London 14064 Adamsdown Community Trust, Cardiff 14081 The Max Adda Charitable Trust, London 14082 Madeline Adeane Trust Fund, Cambridge 14085 William Adlington Cadbury Charitable Trust, Birmingham 14087 Agnus Lodge Benevolent Fund, Folkestone 14106 The Agricola Lodge Benevolent Fund, York 14108 Ainsdale Evangelical Church Trust, Freshfield 14112 Ajex Lodge Benevolent Fund, Edgware 14115 ΑΙ-Fayed Charitable Foundation, London 14119 AkHaj M.A. Karim Trust, Bamsley 14120 Al-Madina Fund, Watford 14121 Al-Murtaza Foundation, London 14123 Abort Institution and Marlborough Street Estate Fund, London 14127 Albion Grove Trust, London 14129 Afeion Millennium Green Trust, London 14130 Alchemy Foundation, Oxted 14131 The Aldgate Lordship Foundation, London 14136 The David Aldis India Trust, Ipswich 14138 Aldworth Lodge Benevolent Fund, Sonning 14141 Alfreton Welfare Trust, Alfreton 14148 The Algernon Egerton Memorial Trust, Manchester 14149 All Saints' Centenary Appeal Fund, London 14151 The All Saints' People in Need Trust, Woodford Green 14160 All Saints Relief in Need Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 14161 All Saints with Saint Michael Parish Fund, Shrewsbury 14163 The Allachy Trust, London 14164 The Dame Allan's Development Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 14165 A.J. Allen Poor Trust, Truro 14171 The Louise Allen Trust, Abingdon 14173 Alpha Grove Community Trust, London 14179 Amala Trust, London 14188 The Amelia Methodist Trust, Barry 14191 Amen Assemblies Incorporating Caring Hearts Foundation, London 14192 Amersham and Chesham Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Amersham 14195 Amlwch Sick Poor Fund, Amlwch 14200 Ampleforth College War Memorial Trust Fund, York 14202 Ampthill and District Rotary Club Trust Fund, Bedford 14203 Ampthill District Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Flitwick 14204 Lord Ampthill Lodge Benevolent Fund, Luton 14205 The An Viet Foundation, London 14207 The Ancell Trust, Milton Keynes 14209 Anchor Lodge Benevolent Fund, Northallerton 14210 Anglesey County Council Welsh Church Fund, Caernarfon 14216 The Anglo-Thai Foundation, London 14226 Apostles Millennium Green Trust, London 14238 Aral Sea Foundation, Birmingham 14244 Arborlield and Barkham Parish Churches Trust, Wokingham 14245 A. Arenson Charitable Trust, Stanmore 14253 Aikwright Lodge Benevolent Fund, Crich 14259 The Arlington Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 14260 Armonia (United Kingdom) Trust, London 14261 The Arpana Charitable Trust (United Kingdom), Maidstone 14266 Arts Workshop Trust, Milton Keynes 14274 Arundel, Bamham and District Lions Club Trust Fund, Bognor Regis 14276 Ascot District Day Centre Trust, Sunninghill 14278 Ashampstead Recreational Trust, Reading 14280 The Ashroy Trust, London 14290 Ashton War Charity Fund, Runcorn 14293 AshviHe Muslim Welfare Trust, London 14294 Asian Charitable Trust, London 14295 The Asian Students Christian Trust, Camberiey 14287 Assistant Priest's Residence Fund, Surbiton 14305 Assisted Living Foundation, London 14306 The Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland Millennium Lifeboat Fund, London 14310
Augmentation to the Agricola Club War Memorial Fund, Ashford 14321 Aurora Lodge Benevolent Fund, Leeds 14322 Avenue Chapter Benevolent Fund, Haywards Heath 14324 The Avnoam Charitable Trust, London 14326 Avon Local Medical Committee Benevolent Fund, Bristol 14331 Aylesbury Holiday Fund, Aylesbury 14334 Aylesbury Hundreds Rotaiy Club Tiust Fund, Aylesbury 14335 Bagnali Light Oaks and Baddeley Edge Village Hall Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 14343 The Baia Mare Romania Appeal Fund, London 14346 The Peter Baker Foundation, Newbury 14355 Bakewell Carnival Trust, Bakewell 14358 Baldwin's Bridge Trust, Maidenhead 14360 Balham Recreational and Community Trust, London 14361 Paul Baiint Charitable Trust, London 14362 George Baiint Charitable Trust, London 14363 Andrew Baiint Charitable Trust, London 14364 The Frances Ball Memorial Trust, Tadley 14366 Bangla Desh Relief Fund, Bradford 14374 The Banyan Trust, Saint Albans 14378 Barclay Hall Christian Fellowship Trust, London 14384 Mrs. Baiham's Trust, Haverfordwest 14389 The Barker Trust, Hull 14394 Barking Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, London 14397 Barnes Workhouse Fund, London 14403 Bamet Community Trust, Saint Albans 14407 The Bamet Recreational Trust, Bamet 14410 The Bamfieki Trust, Benylands 14414 Bamsley Sick Poor Fund, Bamsley 14421 Bamwood House Trust, Gloucester 14423 Joseph Barrett Trust, Croydon 14426 Barrington Augmentation Fund (Newcastle Branch), Newcastle-upon-Tyne 14427 The Barrow Parish Playing Fields Foundation, Chester 14429 Katherine Barry Memorial Fund, West Drayton 14430 Basildon Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Wickford 14435 Batchwofth Trust, Reigate 14437 Battersea Courage Trust, London 14448 Battisborough Charitable Trust, Plymouth 14451 Louis Baylis Charitable Trust, Maidenhead 14454 Bea Trust Fund, Reading 14459 The Beacon Lodge Charitable Trust, London 14463 The Bea don Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 14464 The John Martin Beaty and Lily Beaty Trust, Cariisle 14467 Beaufort Hill Miners' Welfare Club Trust Fund, Ebbw Vale 14468 Beaverbrook Foundation, London 14471 Becken h am and West Wickham Lions Club Charity Trust, Bromley 14473 Beckenham Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, London 14474 Bedfont Lakes Trust Fund, Hounslow 14478 The Bedford Charity, Bedford 14479 Bedwas Colliery Sports and Welfare Fund, Resolven 14463 Beit Trust, Woking 14489 Belgrave Home of Rest Fund, Bristol 14492 Bell Farm Church Trust, West Drayton 14493 Sir Hugh and Lady Bell Memorial Fund, Middlesbrough 14496 La Belle Sauvage Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 14498 N.C. Beilefontaine Charitable Trust, Bishops Stoftford 14499 The Belted Will Lodge Benevolent Fund, Brampton 14502 Benefit Fund of the Employees of Courage Ltd., Bristol 14504 The Benevolent Fund of the Educational Institute of Craft Design and Technology, Eastbourne 14506 Benevolent Fund of the Thames Water Number 1, Reading 14507 Benevolent Funds of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, London 14508 The Benevolent LeatherseHers Company Fund, London 14509 The Berkeley Reafforestation Trust, London 14520 Berichamsted Lions Club Charity Trust Fund. Berkhamsted 1452?
Subject Index: Social work
489 Berkshire Community Trust Reading 14524 Bethany (London) Trust, London Í4532 The Bethany Trust, Sheffield 14535 Bethel Chapel Fund. Uanwrda 14538 Bexley and Skfcup Lions Club Chanty Trust Fund, Welling 14547 The Bexley Rotary Club Benevolent Trust, Longfiekj 14550 Bharuch Muslim Medical and Welfare Trust United Kingdom, Bolton 14556 The Bhutan Society Trust Fund, Guildford 14557 Biggin Hill and Westeitiam Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Westerham 14564 Biggleswade and Sandy Lions Club Welfare Fund, Shefford 14566 The Biggs-Wymondesold Trust, London 14568 Billingsgate Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chelmsford 14571 The Binh Hoa Massacre Trust Fund, London 14575 Thomas Binns Lodge Benevolent Fund, Stockton-on-Tees J4576 The Bishop of Bristol's Urban Fund, Bristol 14595 Bishop of Bristol's Wills Trust Number 1, Bristol 14596 The Bishop of Wakefield Clergy Relief in Need Fund, Castleford 14597 Bishophill Trust, York 14600 The Black Country Groundwork Trust, Tipton 14605 The Cyril Black Merton Fund, Morden 14606 Blackmill Recreation Ground Trust, Bridgend 14610 Biackwater Village Trust, Truro 14612 Bleddfa Trust, Rhayader 14616 A.B. Bioomfield Charitable Trust Number 2, London 14621 The Bloxwich Rotary Club Charitable Trust, Walsall 14622 The de Bohun Lodge Benevolent Fund, Amersham 14632 Bolton Muslim Welfare Trust, Bolton 14640 The Borough of Bettina! Green Distress Fund, London 14650 Mario Borrelli Naples Fund, Thirsk 14653 The Borremans Family Trust, Taunton 14654 The Evelyn Boscawen Trust, Truro 14655 Bosher Fund, Middlesbrough 14656 The Marjorie Bott Memorial Fund, Jordans 14657 The Boverton Trust, Southampton 14660 Bow Community Trust, London 14661 Bow Development Trust, London 14662 James U. Bower Trust, Hope Valley 14668 Bracknell Forest Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Bracknell 14669 Bradford City Mission Christian Trust, Baildon 14672 Bradford Presbyterian Church of England Trust Funds, Shipley 14674 Bradford Unitarian Church (Russell Street) Trost Funds, Birtgìey 14675 Bradgate Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Leicester 14676 John Bradshaw Gass Charitable Trust, Manchester 14678 Brampton Methodist Church Benevolent Fund, Brampton 14687 The John Brazil Trust, Amersham 14694 Brentford and Chiswk* Sick Poor Persons Fund, Isleworth 14703 The Bridge House Trust, Slough 14709 Bridge Meadow Haverfordwest Trust, Haverdfordwest 14711 The Bridgend Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust, Bridgend 14714 The David Bridger First Charitable Trust, Orpington 14717 The Brigg District Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Brigg 14719 The Brinkley Foundation, Newmarket 14721 Bristol Barnabas Trust, Bristol 14726 Bristol Brunei Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Bristol 14727 Bristol Community Church Trust, Bristol 14732 Bristol East Avon Rotary Charitable Trust Fund, Bristol 14733 Bristol Initiative Charitable Trust, Bristol 14736 The Bristol Soup Run Trust, Bristol 14740 Britain-Afghanistan Trust for Education and Development, Norwich 14744 British Cotton Growing Subscription Local Fund, Bolton 14748 The British Trust - World Council of Christian Education, Saint Afcans 14761 The Brittain Martell Trust, Northampton 14764 Brixton Advice Centre Development Trust, London 14765 The Brixton and District Sick Poor Fund, London 14766 The Broadfiek! Trust, Hereford 14767
Broadway Baptist Church (Chesham) Charities Trust, Chesham 14770 The Brogborough Village Hall Trust, Bedford 14777 Brook Church Trust, llford 14787 The Beverley Brook Masonic Benevolent Trust, Hastings 14790 Broomleigh Charitable Trust, Beckenham 14797 Lily Jane Brown Deceased Trust, Carlisle 14801 Marga retta Browne Ecclesiastical Fund, London 14807 The Buckingham and Gawcott Charitable Trust, Buckingham 14815 Buckland Old School Trust Aylesbury 14818 Bulgarian Gedeon Trust, Saint Leonardson-Sea 14625 Bulgarian Support Fund, Welwyn Garden Crty 14826 Bullere Benevolent Fund, London 14827 The Bulmershe School Amenities Fund, Reading 14828 Burdekin Trust, High Peak 14832 Burdett-Coutts Lodge Benevolent Fund, South Benfleet 14834 Burlington Danes Church of England School Charitable Trust, London 14838 The Burnett and Anderson Trnst, Southampton 14839 The Bumham Memorial Recreation Ground Trust, Bumham 14841 Bumham Rotaract Trust Fund, Slough 14842 Burelem Charitable Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 14846 The Arnold Burton Charitable Trust, Leeds 14847 Burwell and District Day Centre Trust, Cambridge 14848 Frederick Butler Clough Trust, Denbigh 14858 The Rosina Butler Memorial Fund, London 14860 The Butler Memorial Trust, York 14861 C.L.N. Trust Fund, Stilling 14869 The Cab Royal Courts of Justice Charitable Trust, London 14871 Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust, Birmingham 14672 Cadogan Lodge Benevolent Fund, Reading 14874 The Caedmon-Ceolfrid Trust, Durham 14875 Calcutta Rescue Fund, London 14880 The Caldway Charity Fund, Liverpool 14883 The Calstock Parish Trust, Calstock 14886 The Calvert Smith Trust Fund, Twickenham 1488$ Cambodia Trust, Thame 14891 Camden Greater London Health and Welfare Trust, London 14911 Camelot Foundation, London 14914 The Camelot Trust, London 14915 Mary Campbell Trust for Saint Mary's Warwick, Birmingham 14917 The Candlelight Trust, London 14927 Canning Hall Trust, Chelmsford 14930 The Canonbuiy Tower Charitable Trust, London 14935 Canvey Island Lions Club Charity Trnst Fund, Canvey Island 14937 Capa Educational and Support Trust London 14936 Cardiff Caledonian Society Trust Fund, Cardiff 14943 Cardiff City Farm Trust Cardiff 14944 Cardiff Lions Club Trust Fund, Cardiff 14949 Care and Share International Research Foundation, London 14951 Care-Link United Kingdom Trust London 14953 Carew Lodge Benevolent Fund, Torpoint 14954 Cariisie Christian Fellowship Trust, Carlisle 14960 Callisto Lions C U ) Charitable Fund, Green head 14961 Cariisie Masonic Trust, Cariisie 14962 Carter Compassionate Trust, London 14980 Castlecroft Trust, Wolverhampton 14989 Caterham and Romania Aid Trust, Caterham Í4994 The Catholic Fund for Chaplaincies in Higher Education, Sheffield 14998 The Marianne Catttey Edwards Convalescent Fund, London 15001 Lord William Cecil Memorial Fund, Exeter 15007 Cedar Trust, Loughton 15009 The Centenary Fund, Northallerton 15012 Centerprise Trust, London 15013 Ceslrefeld Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chesterfield 15021 The Cestrian Lodge Charity Fund, Chester 15022 Chaddesden Christians Trust Derby 15025 The Chairman of Cerecigion's Appeal Fund, Middiesborough 15028
Chaff ont Saint Giles Nursery First School Charitable Trust, ChaHont Saint Giles 15031 The Henry and Ada Chalker Trust, Wakefield 15033 Chalvey Millennium Green Trust, Slough 15038 The Chambers' Charitable Trust, London 15040 Chandos Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 15043 Channel View Recreation and Community Centre Trust Cardiff 15045 Chapel Trust, London 15046 The Chapter of Faith for Duty Benevolent Fund, Ickenham 15052 The Charing Cross Hospital Radiotherapy Dept Trust, London 15055 The Charitable Fund of City of Truro Round Table, Truro 15056 The Charitable Fund of Round Table No. 639, MiHord Haven 15057 The Charitable Fund of Round Table Number 26, Cardiff J505S Charities Advisory Trust, London 15060 Charters School Community Recreational Centre Trust, Sunningdale 15069 The Chelmsford Manna Trust, Chelmsford 15076 Chelsea Relief of Hardship Fund, London 15080 Chenies Parkland Trust, Rickmansworth 15081 Chenies Village Hall Fund, Rickmansworth 15082 Chesham Park College Fund, Chesham 15085 Cheshire Community Council Publications Trust, Northwich 15089 Chester Civic Trust, Chester 15094 Chester Meeting Room Trust, Chester 15100 Chesterfield and District Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Chesterfield 15103 Chesterfield General Charitable Fund, Chesterfield 15106 Chesterfield Lodge of Mark Master Masons Benevolent Fund, Chesterfield 15107 The Chesterfield Miners' Welfare Fund, Chesterfield 15108 Chesterfield Provincial Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund, Sheffield 15109 The Chesterfield-Tsumeb Trust, Chesterfield 15110 The Chichester Diocesan Fund, Hove 15115 Chichester Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Chichester 15117 Chile Relief Fund, London 15134 The Chiltem Hills Charitable Trust, Amersham 15135 Chippenham Rotary and Inner Wheel Trust, Chippenham 15141 Chiswick Pier Trust, London 15147 Christ Church Gipsy Hill Poor Relief Fund, London 15151 Christ (Free) Church Goldenhill Trust, Stoke-on-Trent 15156 Christ Life Ministries Trust, Truro 15157 Christ the King Club Benevolent Fund, Liverpool 15158 Christadelphian Advancement Trust, South Croydon 15159 Christadelphian Meal a Day Fund, Southport 15160 Christian Aid, London 15163 The Christian Centre Trust (East Cowes), East Cowes 15164 Christian Fellowship Saint James' Lockleaze Trnst, Bristol 15165 Christian Indian Relief Trust, Halifax 15167 Christian Initiative Trnst Oxford 15168 Chundikuli Trust Fund, Saint A bans 15182 Church Burgesses Trust, Sheffield 15184 Church of England Guild of Vergers (Somerset and Avon) Trust, Bristol 15187 The Church of the Holy Ghost Crowthome Trust, Finchampstead 15193 Church Trust, Tring 15195 Cippenham Shared Church Trust Slough 15204 The Circle Trust London 15205 Crty Church Leeds Trust, Leeds 15207 The City Community Church (Exeter) Charitable Trust, Exeter 15208 City Gates Church Trust Gloucester 15209 The City of Birmingham Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Solihull 15210 City of Sheffield Lions Club Trust Fund, Rotherham 15223 City of Westminster Charitable Trust London 15225 The City of Westminster Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bromley 15226 The City of York Trust York 15228 City Parochial Foundation, London 15229 The City Temple Working Funds, London 15231
The Civitas Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 15233 The Clapham Lodge Benevolent Fund, Harpenden 15234 The Clapham Relief Fund. London 15236 Clarence Road Evangelical Church Trust, East Cowes 15239 Clarendon Parte Congregational Church Trust, Leicester 15240 Julia Christina Clarke's Endowment Fund, London 15249 Julia Christina Clarice's Home Fund, London 15250 Clays Lane Community Centre Trust, London 15252 The Cleaford Christian Trust, Famham 15254 Clerkenweil Community Trust, London 15256 Clerkenweil Welfare Trust, London 15258 Cleveland Counselling Charitable Trust, Teaside 15261 Clifton Down Charitable Trust, Bristol 15264 Clore Foundation, London 15268 The Lord Clwyd Memorial Foundation, Abergele 15270 The Cobtree Charity Trust, Maidstone 15273 Cockfosters Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 15277 Coin Street Centre Trust, London 15292 The John Thomas Coles Trust, Feltham 15287 Collagen Lodge Benevolent Fund, Brentwood 15289 Joseph Collier Holiday Trust, London 15293 Collier Row Fellowship Trust, Romford 15294 Colnbrook Village Hall Trust, Slough 15300 Colne Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Burnley 15301 Colwinston Charitable Trust, London 15304 Comic Relief, London 15305 Commercial Temperance Lodge Benevolent Fund, Huntingdon 15306 Commonwealth Relations Trust, London 15313 Community Education and Training Foundation, London 15321 Community oí San Egidio United Kingdom Charitable Trust. Brockenhurst 15324 Community Recycling Opportunities Programme Charitable Trust, Milton Keynes 15325 The Company of World Traders Trust, London 15327 Concordia Foundation, London 15331 Coney Hall Trust, West Wickham 15332 The Connolly Memorial Fund, Bromley 15335 The Conway Merchant Navy Trust, Orpington 15340 The Grace Cook Trust Fund, Dunstable 15343 The Cookham Welfare Trust, Cookham Rise 15344 The J. Reginald Corah Foundation Fund, Leicester Z5357 Captain Coram Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 15360 The Com and Ashlar Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chiswick 15363 Cornerstone Ministries Tatst, Bristol 15365 Cornwall Independent Trust Fund, Holsworthy 15369 Coroner's Poor Box Fund for West Manchester, Bolton 15372 Corwen Sick Poor Fund, Corwen 15374 Cory Memorial Trust Fund, Cardiff 15375 The Cosheston Village Hall Trnst, Pembroke Dock 15376 County Palatine Lodge Benevolent Fund, Crewe 15385 The Courtenay Chapter Benevolent Fund, Ingatestone 15387 Coventry Canal Basin Trust, Coventry 15391 Cowbridge and District Lions Club Charitable Fund, Llandough 15394 The Cowbridge Masonic Lodges Charitable Trust, Cowbridge 15395 Cowes Town Waterfront Trust, Cowes Cowper Trust, Sheffield 15398 John Cranstoun Trust, London 15406 The Cress well Trust Fund, London 15410 Crich Glebe Field Trust Ltd., Matlock 15413 Crisul Trust, Crowborough 15417 Crofton Trust, Ash 15422 Croham Hurst Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ashtead 15423 Cronfa Mans Siloh, Swansea 15425 James Roger Cross Memorial Fund, Manchester 15427 The Daisy Cross (Soroptimist) Trust, Manchester 15428
The Crossway Community Church Trust, Feitham 15432 Croydon Building Preservation Trust, Caterham 15437 Croydon Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Mitcham 15439 Croydon Lodge of Emulation Jubilee Charitable Trust, Sanderstead 15440 Crug-Y-Bar Trust Fund, Uanwrda 15445 The Cudham and Biggin Hill Welfare Fund, Biggin Hill 15449 The Cutler Trust, Northwood 15460 Cutlers Company in Haliamshire Welfare Trust, Sheffield 15462 Cwm Betterment Recreation Fund, Ebbw Vale 15463 Cwm ama η Public Hall and institute Trust, Aberdare 15464 The Cwmbran Trust. Cwmbran 15466 Cwmtwrch Recreational Trust, Lower Cwm-Twrch 15471 The Daisy Trust, London 15479 Dalston Lodge Benevolent Fund, Carlisle 15461 The Dalton-Ellis Hall Centenary Fund, Manchester 15482 Dandia Charitable Trust, Oxford 15484 Danish Lutheran Church of Saint Nicolai Trust, Hull 15486 Darrington Village Field Trust, Pontelract 15491 Datchet Hall Endowment Fund, Slough 15495 Datchet Recreation Centre Charitable Trust, Datchet 15496 Daundy Trust, Ipswich 15497 Davey Relief in Sickness Fund, Lampeter 15498 W. David and Sons Ltd. Trust Fund, London 15499 The Grace Davies Fund, Caernarfon 15505 The Abraham Davis Trust, London 15514 The Charles Davis Trust, Maidenhead 15515 The Dean of Manchester Crosland Fund, Manchester 15525 Deep Trust, London 15528 Deinioleri Trust Fund, Deiniolen 15529 Denman Charitable Trust, Bristol 15540 Deoraby Chapter Rose Croix Benevolent Fund, Derby 15544 Deptford Challenge Trust, Ripley 15545 The Deptford Fund, London 15546 Deptford Into the 80's Trust, London 15548 Deptford Poor Fund, London 15549 Deptford Rotary Trust, Great Bookham f5550 Derby Christian Education Trust, Derby 15551 Derbyshire Dales Lodge Benevolent Fund, Wirksworth 15559 The Dermot de Trafford Charitable Trust, Andover 15560 Derwent Cottage Holiday Fund, Sheffield 15561 Derwent Lodge Benevolent Fund, Matlock 15563 The Margaret Desmond Charitable Trust, London 15566 Devil's Bridge Trust, Aberystwyth 15569 Devon Care Trust, Payhembury 15574 Devonport Guildhall Trust, Plymouth 15577 Diageo Foundation, London 15584 The Dickson Holiday Trust Fund, Marlow 15588 Dorothy Mary Diggle Memorial Trust, Llandudno 15590 Dinas Powis Lodge Charity Fund, Pontypridd 15595 Ditchiey Foundation, Chipping Norton 15602 Divi Seema Foundation, Oxford 15603 Divine Innocence Trust Surbiton 15604 Divine Word Prayer Ministries Trust, London 15605 Djanogly Foundation, London 15609 A.G. Doble Charitable Trust Abingdon 15610 Dockland Sailing Centre Trust, London 15612 Dodleston Village Foundation, Chester 15614 The Domestic Service Fund, London 15619 Dorchester Poverty Action Fund, Dorchester 15621 Charles Edwin Dovey Trust, Pontypool 15629 The Thomas Dowell Trust Fund, Wantage 15632 J.R. Dow"s Rothes Town Charitable Legacy Fund, Southampton 15640 Drummond Fergusson Trust, Richmond 15649 W.T.R. Duffield Trust, Norwich 15655 Dulverton Trust, London 15658 Duncombe Place Masonic Hall Charitable Trust, York 15664 Dunstable Community Church Trust, Dunstable 15668 Dunstable Welfare Trust, Dunstable 15671 Ealing Community Foundation, London 15686
Subject Index: Social work The Ealing Community Trust, Ealing 15687 Ealing Holiday Fund, London 15691 Earl's Xmas Gift Fund, Bristol 15694 East 13 Christian Trust, London 15696 East End Community Trust, London 15702 East Hill United Reformed Church Wandsworth Memorial Trust, London 15705 East llsley Trust Fund, Newbury 15706 East London Nursing Society Trust, London 15710 The East Looe Town Trust, East Looe 15711 East Sheen Chengannur Trust, Bromley 15714 Eastbury Furze Trust, Basingstoke 15716 Ebenezer Chapel Fund (Uanllyfni), Caernarfon 15721 Ebenezer Congregational Chapel Trust, Swansea 15722 Ebenezer Congregational Church Trust, Cwmbran 15723 Ebenezer Trust, Christchurch 15726 Eboracum Lodge Benevolent Fund, Yoric 15728 The Ebury Lodge Benevolent Fund, Cheshunt 15729 Ebyon Trust, Huntingdon 15730 Ecclesboume Community Trust, Belper 15731 Edgcombe Fund, London 15735 Edgware Lodge Benevolent Fund, Edgware 15737 Educational and General Charitable Trust, London 15746 The L.T. and O.R. Edwardes Hillsdown Charitable Trust, Eye 15750 The L.T. Edwardes Saint Paul's Church (Newbridge, Gwent) Gardens Trust, Eye 15751 The Effra Trust, London 15758 Egyptian Lodge Benevolent Fund, New Maiden 15759 The Etlesmere Centre Charitable Trust, Newmarket 15772 James Elliman's Trust, Slough 15773 Elmer Exhibition Fund, Milton Keynes 15777 Elmhurst Trust Fund, London 15779 Elswick Lodge Fund, Newcastle-uponTyne 15782 The Eltham Green Fellowship Trust, London 15783 Ely Cathedral Trust, Ely 15787 Ely Christian Fellowship Trust, Newmarket 15788 Emanuel School General Charitable Trust, Greenford 15791 The Emerson Bainbridge Trust, Mansfield 15794 Emerson Parte Evangelical Church Trust, Homchurch 15795 Emmanuel Church Carshatton Fund, Wirral 15797 Emmanuel Church Putney Fund, Wallasey 15798 Emmanuel Hall Trust, Milton Keynes 15799 The Emmanuel House (Reading) Trust, Reading 15800 The Enable Trust, Slough 15805 The Encouragers Trust, London 15606 The Enderby Lodge Charities Fund, Leicester 15808 St. Erkenwald Benevolent Fund, Barking 15827 Essex Islamic Trust, Romford 15829 Eton Mission Endowment Fund, Windsor 15832 The Eton Mission Trust Fund, London 15833 The Etruscan Lodge Benevolent Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 15834 Eurocare Charitable Trust, Kingston 15636 Euroclydon Trust, Loughton 15637 Evelyn 190 Community Trust, London J 5847 Evelyn Coffee Tavern Fund, Tenby 15848 The Everest Memorial Trust, Chipping Norton 15850 The Exeter and District Hospice Endowment Fund, Exeter 15656 Exeter Cathedral Old Choristers' Association Bursary, Cirencester 15860 Exeter Christian Centre Trust, Exeter 15861 Exeter Community Trust, Exeter 15862 Exminster Recreational Trust, Exeter 15871 Eyre Chapel Trust, Chesterfield 15874 Esmée Fairbaim Charitable Trust, London 15877 The Fairfax Trust, Oxford 15679 Falmouth Round Table Charitable Trust, Truro 15886 Family Tree Trust, London 15890 The Family Trust, Maidstone 15891 Famous Trust, Reading 15892 Southside Partnership Fanon Care, London 15893 The Brother John Farley Memorial Fund, Sonning 15895
Richard Farmer Will Trust, Chester 15897 The Fassnidge Memorial Trust, Slough 15901 Father Love Trust, London 15904 Henry Fawcett Fund, London 15905 The Featherstooe Lodge Benevolent Fund, Maidenhead 15909 The Felicity Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ivybridge 15913 The Fellowship Lodge Benevolent Fund, New Maiden 15914 Fellowship of the King Christian Trust, Bristol 15915 Ffaldybrennin Congregational Chapel Manse Fund, Uarybydder 15923 The Florestfach Wellare Trust, Swansea 15924 Fidelity and Goodwill Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 15928 Samuel Frank Fields Will Trust, Abingdon 15930 The figg Trust, Richmond 15931 Finsbuty Part? Community Trust, London 15938 Fire Station Fund, Hungerford 15941 The First Charitable Trust of the Royal African Society, London 15944 The Samuel Fisher Charitable Trust, London 15949 Fitzdale Trust, London f5956 The Fitzrovia Trust, London 15957 The FKzroy Lodge Trust, Orpington 15958 The Fitzroy Trust, Cambridge 15959 The Five Weirs Walk Trust, Sheffield 15962 The Father Tony Fleming Memorial Trust, Bovey Tracey 15965 Pint and District Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Wrexham 15966 Flitwick Vale Rotary Club Trust Fund, Wilstead 15970 Flood Relief Fund, Ilkeston 15971 E.B. Florence Trust, London 15973 Folly's End Fellowship Trust, Croydon 15976 The Foster Charitable Trust, Plymouth 15983 Holly Norah Foster Will Trust, Abingdon 15984 Foundation for Sustainable Development, London 15996 Foundation Housing, Leeds 15999 Fountain of Life Ministry Trust (London), London 16002 William Francis for Poor Fund of Baptist Chapel, Didcote 16008 S.E. Franklin's Charitable Trust Number 3, London 16014 Free Believer's in Christ Fellowship Trust, London 16015 Freeman Trust Fund, London 16025 Freemantie Hall Trust, Bexley 16026 Freemen's Compensation Fund, Gloucester 16027 Friends of Fitzrovia Charitable Trust, London 16044 The Friends of Malawi Association Charitable Trust, Leicester 16049 Friends of the London Oratory Trust, London 16058 The Fulham Recreational Trust, London 16068 Funds of Peregrinus Lodge, Enfield 16077 Furber Fund, Bristol 16079 Gainsborough Charitable Trust Number 1, Long Stratton 16085 Gainsborough Lions Club Trust Fund, Gainsborough 16066 Horace and Marjorie Gale Charity Trust, Bedford 16087 The Gampopa Foundation, Maidenhead 16094 The Samuel Gardner Memorial Trust, London 16099 Garforth's Trust, York 16104 Garton Services Club Fund, Wendover 16110 Gates ol Praise Ministries Trust, London 16112 Gateway Trust (Stafford), Stafford 16114 Gatsby Charitable Foundation, London 16116 Gellideg Foundation, Merthyr Tydfil 16123 The Generation Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 16127 German Christ Church London Trust Funds, London 16131 German Lutheran Church at Dalston Trust and Funds, Chelmsford 16132 J. Paul Getty Junior General Charitable Trust, London 16134 The Gibbs Memorial Fund, Chipstead 16136 Glasbury Fund, Clyro 16150 Glencore Foundation for Education and Welfare, London 16157 Globe Town Trust, London 16161 Glory of the Cross Ministry Trust, London 16162 The Gloucester Charities Trust, Gloucester 16165 J. Glyn Williams Charities Trust, Swansea 16169
The Theodore Goddard Charitable Trust, London 16170 John Goddard King's Charitable Trust for the Poor, Newbury 16171 The Noel Goddard Terry Charitable Trust, York 16173 Thomas Mathew Godolphin Osborne Fund, Lewes 16175 The Sidney Gold Community Trust Fund, Itford Î6J77 Gold Hill Church Trust, Slough 16178 The William Goldstein Lay Staff Benevolent Fund, London 16182 Goliath Lodge Benevolent Fund, Christchurch 16184 The Gladys G. Good Memorial Trust, Wedmore 16187 P.J. Gooneratne's Serendipity Trust, London 16189 The Gordon Club Trust, llford 16190 Gordon Memorial College at Khartoum Trust Fund, London 16192 Gossmore Lane Recreation Ground Trust, Marlow 16195 The A.B. Grace Trust, Preston 16198 A. and S. Graham Charitable Trust, London 16200 Great Meeting Chapel Trust Leicester 16219 Great Meeting (Endowment Fund) Charity, Leicester 16220 Great Meeting (Expendable Fund) Charity, Leicester 16221 Great Meeting (Ministerial Fund) Charity, Leicester 16222 Great Meeting (Relief in Need Fund) Charity, Leicester 16223 The Great Missenden and Prestwood Lions Club Charity, Great Missenden 16225 Great Orme Trust, Llandudno 16227 Greater Bristol Foundation, Bristol 16226 The Greater Manchester Trust for Recreation, Manchester 16232 The Henry Green Memorial Fund, Bedford 16237 The Green Park Aston Clinton Trust, Aylesbury 16238 Green Pastures Christian Trust, Stowmarket 16239 Charles Green Wrthell Fund, Plymouth 16242 Greenford Lodge Benevolent Fund, Kingston-upon-Thames 16245 The Greenhalgh Benevolent Fund for All Soul's, Manchester 16246 Greenham Common Community Trust, Newbury 16247 Greenwich Meridian Lodge Benevolent Fund Number 2, Bamehurst 16252 Greenwich Social Services Amenities Fund, London 16255 G.F. Greenwood Memorial Fund, Carshatton 16256 The Greenwood Trust, London 16258 Greenwood Trust, London 16259 The Hannah Susan Greig and Samuel Victor Greig Fund, London 16263 The Griffiths-Brownlow Fforde Foundation, Swansea 16276 The Grove Hill Evangelical Church Trust, London 16282 The Guardian Community Trust, Morden 16285 The Gurkha Welfare Trust, London 16290 Gwaelod-y-Garth Village Hall Trust, Cardiff 16296 Gwenllian Morgan Trust, London 16300 Gwent Shrievalty Police Trust, Cwmbran 16301 Gwemymynydd Village Hall Fund, Mold 16302 Hackney Community Transport Trust, London 16305 Hackney Cooperative Development Trust, London 16306 Hackney Groundwork Trust, London 16309 Haddenham Foundation, Ely 16314 Haggerston Area Trust, London 16318 Haigh and District Benefit Fund, Wigan 16320 The Hajra Sanaullah Trust, Thornton Heath 16325 Mary Agate Hall Trust Fund, Salford 16333 The Hambros Family Charitable Trust, London 1633d Eleanor Hamilton Educational Trust, London 16339 The Hamlet Centre Trust, Norwich 16340 Hammersmith and Fulham Amenity Trust, London 16344 Hampden Lodge Trust, Romford 16350 Hampstead Norreys Amenities Trust, Newbury 16354 Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust, London 16355 Hampton Aid in Sickness Fund, Hampton 16356 The Hampton House Fund, Ye)verton 16359 The Handley Village Hall Fund, Chester 16365 Hanham Hall Hospital Recreational Fund, Bristol 16367
Hanslope Village Hall Trust, Milton Keynes 16371 Hanwell Lodge Broken Column Fund, Southhall 16375 Hanworth Poors Land Trust and Coal Fund, Hanworth 16376 Hanworth Road Trust, Hampton 16377 Harlington Parish Lands Trust, Dunstable 16391 Harlington Village Hall Trust, Dunstable 16393 Harrington Lodge Benevolent Fund, Derby 16394 Harris Uoyd Trust, London 16397 Theo Harris Memorial Trust, Lamboum 16398 Harrison and Potter Trust, Leeds 16400 The Harrow Community Trust, Harrow 16405 The Harrow Hill Trust, Harrow 16406 Harrow Recreation Ground Trust, Harrow 16409 Hartham and King's Meads Commoners Trust, Bishop's Stottford 16415 Hartlepool Lions Club Charitable Trust Fund, Hartlepool 16417 The Harvesters Trust, Chortey 16422 Hasland Temperance Hall Fund, Chesterfield 16426 The Haven Trust, Gloucester 16436 The Haverfield and Brentford Towers Community Trust, Brentford 16437 Haverfordwest Round Table Charitable Trust, Haverfordwest J6439 Haverfordwest Temperance Trust, Haverfordwest 16440 Hawarden General Charitable Fund, Deeside 16445 The Hawtayne Trust, Twickenham 16453 The Hayes (Kent) Trust, Bromley 16455 The HCD Education and General Charitable Trust, London 16464 The Headley Trust, London 16467 The Healing Education Trust, Banbury 16471 The Edie Heam Charitable Trust, London 16474 Hearse House Fund, Sheffield 16475 Heartlands Community Trust, Birmingham 16476 Heavitree Brewery Charitable Trust, Exeter 16485 Hebron Congregational Chapel Trust Fund, Bullth Wells 16487 Hebron Trust, Norwich 16468 Help Romania (Carlisle) Trust, Carlisle 16499 Help the People Trust, London 16501 The Sarah Henderson Memorial Fund, London 16507 Hendon Golf Club Benevolent Fund, London 16509 The Bishop Herbert Lodge Benevolent Fund, Norwich 16514 The William Heron Welfare Trust, London 16518 The Hertford Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Ware 16521 The HetTliah Foundation, London 16522 Hessenford Village Hall Trust, Saltash 16523 The Heywood Comfort Fund and the Beitha Liley Bequest, Carmarthen 16527 Hibbert Charity Benevolent Fund, London 16526 Jean Hick Fund, Wakefield 16529 Edmund Hillary Himalayan Trust, Chelmsford 16550 Hillingdon Partnership Trust, Hillingdon 16555 Himalayan Communities Trust, Lickford 16557 The Hinckley Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Hinckley 16558 Hindu Cultural Trust, Hounslow 16559 John Hitchen Fund, Bradford 16564 The Eleanor Hoare Memorial Trust, Ascot 16567 John Hobley Charitable Trust, Leicester 16571 Hocklrffe Church Trust, Nottingham 16575 The Thomas Henry Hodge Charity Fund, Ledbury 16576 Holbom Borough Council Lodge Benevolent Fund, Godalming I65Ô0 The Holbom Law Society Charitable Trust, London 16561 Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School Foundation, York 16585 The Holiday Home Fund, London 16566 The C.B. and A.B. Holinsworth Fund of Help, Birmingham 16587 Holland Charity Fund, Holyhead 16588 Mary Hollon Annuity and Relief in Need Fund, Morpeth 16591 The Holt Town Trust Wrexham 16601 The Holy Circle Trust, Gillingham 16604 The Holy Trinity Bebington Trust, Spital 16606 The Holy Trinity Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 16608 Holy Trinity with All Saints Church House Fund, London 16610
Holyhead Opportunities Trust Ltd., Holyhead 16611 Hotyoaks Trust, Bedford 16612 The Home Furniture Service Trust, Taunton 16614 Hope Valley Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Hope Valley 16622 Hoper-Dixon Trust, London 16624 Horbury Common Lands Trust, Wakefield 16625 The Horeb Congregational Chapel Fund, Carmarthen 16627 Homchurch Hall Trust, Homchurch 16631 Homchurch Round Table Charitable Trust, Romford 16634 Homiman Trust, Croydon 16636 The Hortus Lodge Benevolent Fund, Cheam 16642 Hospice of the Good Shepherd Development Trust, Chester 16643 Houghton Regis Memorial Hall Fund, Dunstable 16650 Hounslow Lodge Benevolent Fund, Famborough 16653 House of Light Trust (Leeds), Leeds 16654 Hoveraid Trust, Gosport 16656 Foundation of Howell's School Denbigh, London 16664 Howells Trust, Haverfordwest 16665 The Hoxton Trust, London 16667 Jian Hua Foundation, Basingstoke 16668 The Hughenden Lodge Benevolent Fund, Marlow 16674 The Hull and District Lourdes Sick Pilgrims Fund, Hull 16682 Hull Church Institute Trust, Hull 16684 Hull Fishermen's Trust Fund, Hull 16686 Hull Old Grammar School (1889) Trust, Driffield 16691 The Hull Vineyard Trust, Hull 16694 Human Relief Foundation, Bradford 16698 Humanitas Lodge Benevolent Fund, Caterham 16700 Mother Humber Memorial Fund, Hull 16701 Humber Power Charitable Trust, Stallingborough 16702 Hunslet and Middleton Mineworkers Aid in Sickness Fund, Pontefract 16709 The Charles William Hunt Coal Fund, Cambridge 16710 John Joseph Hunt Coal Fund, York 16711 The T.B. Hunt or Saint Thomas and Saint Bernard Trust, Leicester 16712 Hurst Gospel Hall Trust, Reading 16717 Joseph Hutton Trust, Bradford 16721 IBC Vehicles Ltd. Employees Charity Fund, Luton 16730 Ilkeston Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Nottingham 16740 lmpstart Trust, London 16742 The Inasmuch Trust, London 16743 Inner City Renewal Trust, London 16749 The Inner Wheel Club of Abercam and Newbridge Benevolent Fund, Blackwood 16750 Inner Wheel Club of Amersham Benevolent Fund, Great Missenden 16751 Inner Wheel Club of Ampthill and District Benevolent Fund, Westoning 16752 The Inner Wheel Club of Banstead Benevolent Fund, Banstead 16753 The Inner Wheel Club of Barking Benevolent Fund, Barking 16754 Inner Wheel Club of Bingham Benevolent Fund, Nottingham 16757 Inner Wheel Club of Bingley Benevolent Fund, Bingley 16758 Inner Wheel Club of Blackburn Trust Fund, Blackburn 16759 Inner Wheel Club of Bletchley Benevolent Fund, Bletchley 16760 Inner Wheel Club of Bourne End and Cookham Benevolent Fund, Maidenhead 16761 Inner Wheel Club of Bracknell Benevolent Fund, Bracknell 16762 The Inner Wheel Club of Brecon Benevolent Fund, Brecon 16763 Inner Wheel Club of Bristol Benevolent Fund, Bristol 16764 Inner Wheel Club of Bristol Sevemside Benevolent Fund, Bristol 16765 The Inner Wheel Club of Bromley (Kent) Benevolent Fund, Keston 16766 Inner Wheel Club of Buckingham Benevolent Fund, Buckingham 16767 Inner Wheel Club of Bumham Benevolent Fund, Bumham 16768 Inner Wheel Club of Burnley Pendleside Trust Fund, Burnley 16769 Inner Wheel Club of Caversham Benevolent Fund, Reading 16770 The Inner Wheel Club of Cefn Sidan Benevolent Fund, Burry Port 16771 Inner Wheel Club of Church Stretton Benevolent Fund, Buckneil 16772 Inner Wheel Club of Clifton Benevolent Fund, Bristol 16773
Subject Index: Social work
491 The Inner Wheel Club of Croydon Benevolent Fund, Wartingham 16774 Inner Wheel Club of Denbigh Benevolent Fund, Denbigh 16775 Inner Wheel Club of Dorchester Benevolent Fund, Weymouth 16776 Inner Wheel Club of Droitwich Spa Benevolent Fund, Droitwich 16777 Inner Wheel Club of Dunstable Benevolent Fund, Dunstable 16778 The Inner Wheel Club of Ealing Benevolent Fund, Uxbridge 16779 Inner Wheel Club of East Ham Benevolent Fund, Buckhurst Hill 16780 Inner Wheel Club of Easthampstead Benevolent Fund, Wokingham 16781 The Inner Wheel Club of Enfield Benevolent Fund, Enfield 16782 Inner Wheel Club of Exeter West Benevolent Fund, Exeter 16783 Inner Wheel Club of Falmouth Benevolent Fund, Falmouth 16784 Inner Wheel Club of Feltham Benevolent Fund, East Molesey 16765 Inner Wheel Club ol Fishponds and Downend Benevolent Fund, Bristol 16786 Inner Wheel Club of Flitwk* Vale Benevolent Fund, Tingrith 16787 Inner Wheel Club of Friem Bamet and Whetstone Benevolent Fund, London 16788 Inner Wheel Club of Havering North Benevolent Fund, Hutton 16790 The Inner Wheel Club of Homchurch Benevolent Fund, Homchurch 16791 The Inner Wheel Club of Horwich Benevolent Fund, Bolton 16792 Inner Wheel Club of Hounslow Benevolent Fund, Hounslow West 16793 Inner Wheel Club of Ipswich Benevolent Fund, Ipswich 16794 Inner Wheel Club of Kibworth and Fleckney Benevolent Fund, Market Harborough 16795 The Inner Wheel Club of Kingsbury Benevolent Fund, London 16796 Inner Wheel Club of Knaresborough Benevolent Fund, Knaresborough 16797 Inner Wheel Club of Langley and Iver Benevolent Fund, Iver Heath 16798 The Inner Wheel Club of Leicester Benevolent Fund, Stoney Stanton 16799 Inner Wheel Club of Leighton Buzzard Benevolent Fund, Stoke Hammond 16600 Inner Wheel Club of Liskeard and Looe Benevolent Fund, Liskeard 16801 Inner Wheel Club of Llandeilo Benevolent Fund, Uandeilo 16802 Inner Wheel Club of Llandrindod Wells Benevolent Fund, Llandrindod Wells 16803 Inner Wheel Club of Loughborough Benevolent Fund, Quom 16604 Inner Wheel Club of Luton Benevolent Fund, Luton 16805 Inner Wheel Club of Luton Chiltem Benevolent Fund, Luton 16806 Inner Wheel Club of Maryport Benevolent Fund, Aspatria 16807 Inner Wheel Club of Morpeth Benevolent Fund. Morpeth 16808 Inner Wheel Club of Newport Pagnell Benevolent Fund, Milton Keynes 16809 Inner Wheel Club of Plymouth Benevolent Fund, Plymouth 16810 Inner Wheel Club of Pwllheli Benevolent Fund, Pwllheli 16811 Inner Wheel Club of Ripon Benevolent Fund, Ripon 16812 Inner Wheel Club of fìoborough Benevolent Fund, Plymouth 16813 Inner Wheel Club of Ryde Benevolent Fund, Cowes 16814 The Inner Wheel Club of Saint Leonards-on-Sea Community Fund, Saint Leonards-on-Sea 16815 Inner Wheel Club of Salford Benevolent Fund, Warrington 16816 Inner Wheel Club of Saltash Benevolent Fund, Saltash 16817 Inner Wheel Club of Southall Benevolent Fund, Southall 16818 Inner Wheel Club of Southampton Benevolent Fund, Fareham 16819 Inner Wheel Club of Southampton West Benevolent Fund, Southampton 16820 Inner Wheel Club of Staines Benevolent Fund, Shepperton 16821 The Inner Wheel Club of Sunbury-onThames Benevolent Fund, Ashford 16822 The Inner Wheel Club of Swansea Benevolent Fund, Swansea 16823 Inner Wheel Club of Swinton and Pendlebury Benevolent Fund, Manchester 16824 Inner Wheel Club of Taunton Vale Benevolent Fund, Taunton 16825 Inner Wheel Club of Trowbridge Benevolent Fund, Trowbridge 16826 Inner Wheel Club of Truro Benevolent Fund, Truro 16827
The Inner Wheel Club of Ven trior Benevolent Fund, Veotnor 16828 Inner Wheel Club of Wakefield Benevolent Fund, Wakefield 16829 The Inner Wheel CJub of Wanstead and Woodford Benevolent Fund, Buckhurst Hill 16830 The Inner Wheel Club of Willesden West Benevolent Fund, Northwood 16831 Inner Wheel Club of Windsor and Eton Benevolent Fund, Datchet 16832 Inner Wheel Club of Woking Benevolent Fund, Woking Í6S33 Inner Wheel Club of Wokingham Charity Trust Fund, Wokingham 16834 Inner Wheel Club of Wolverton Benevolent Fund, Milton Keynes 18835 Inner Wheel Club of Worsley Benevolent Fund, Manchester 16836 Inner Wheel Club of Wrington Vale Benevolent Fund, Axbridge 16837 Insley Charitable Trust, Southwell 16841 International Aid Trust, Preston 16851 International Lifeboat Federation, Poole 16863 International Teams (United Kingdom) Trust, Brecon 16870 Ipswich Foundation Street Charities, Ipswich 16878 Ipswich Town Trust, Ipswich 16881 Dewan IqbaJ Foundation, Prenton 16882 The Isle of Anglesey Charitable Trust, Llangefni 16889 Isle of Dogs Community Foundation, London 16890 Issachar Trust, Matlock 16904 The Ivanhoe Trust, Doncaster 16905 Iver New Village Hall Fund, Iver 16908 The Iverdean Trust, Exeter 16909 Ivy Cottage Trust, London 16910 J.N.F. Charitable Trust, Edgware 16912 George Jackson House Trust, Manchester 16915 Margaret Jackson Trust, Exeter 16918 The John Jackson Trust, York 16919 Alderman Jackson's Appeal Trust Fund, Hull 16920 The Catherine James Trust Fund, Ystrad Meurig 16928 Jammu and Kashmir Educational and Relief Trust, London J 6930 Dr. R.L.A. and M.A.H. Jayaweera Charitable Trust, London 16938 Jesmond Presbyterian Church Trust Funds, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 16951 A.M. Johns Charitable Trust, Beckenham 16967 The Johnson Foundation, Birkenhead 16969 Johnson Fund, Melbourne 16970 Rachel Johnson's Coal Fund, Chesham 16974 The Horsenden Hill Lodge Sam Jones Benevolent Fund, Chesham 16982 Catherine Jones Charitable Trust, Cardigan 16983 The W.H. Jones Charity Fund, Wolverhampton 16984 Hannah Jones for the Poor Fund of the Presbyterian Church of Wales at Ctwyd Street in Rhyl, Rhyl 16966 Catherine J. Jones Memorial Fund, Bala 16993 Jordans and District Rotary Club Charity Fund, Chalfont Saint Peter 17010 J.E. Joseph Charitable Fund, London 17013 The Jowett and Sowry Ltd. Charitable Trust Leeds 17015 Kabafita Fund, Letch worth 17023 Kairos Trust, Cambridge 17026 Kajiado District Development Trust, Tunbridge Wells 17027 Dr. M,N. Kale Memorial Trust, London 17029 Kaisi Foundation, Brentwood 17030 The Kandalaksha Relief Fund, Usk 17031 Kantha Vibhag Friendship Trust, London 17032 Kashmir Charitable Trust (United Kingdom), Huddersfield 17036 Kejriwal Foundation, London 17042 Kellingley Colliery Workmen's Charitable Trust, Knottingley 17043 The Kelway Trust Minehead 17045 Kelwa/s Educational Foundation, Minehead 17046 Kempston Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Bedford 17048 Ken fig Corporation Trust, Bridgend 17051 The Kensington Mosque Trust London 17056 Kensworth Mens Club Fund, Dunstable 17057 Kerala Christian Fellowship (United Kingdom) Charity, Guildford 17060 The Ursula Keyes Trust, Heswall 17065 Keys to the Harvest Trust, London 17066 Keysoe Village Hall Trust, Bedford 17067 The Kilgerran Town Trust, Cardigan 17072 The Kilimatinde Trust Hartlepool 17073
King George's Fund for Sailors, London 17083 Kingdom Charitable Trust, Romford 17085 Kingdom Life Trust, Middlesbrough 17087 King's Church (llford) Trust, Itford 17089 The King's Church (Kingston-uponThames) Property Trust, Kingston-uponThames 17090 The King's Church (Kingston-uponThames) Trust, Kingston-upon-Thames 17091 King's Church (West Kingsdown) Charitable Trust, Seven Oaks 17092 The King's College (Taunton) General Charitable Trust, Taunton 17093 The King's Cross Trust, London 17094 Klngsgate Workshops Trust, London 17104 Kingsley Trust, Bagshot 17105 Kingsmead Community Trust, London 17107 Kingstanding Tabernacle Trust, Birmingham 17108 Dr. C.S. Kingston Fund, Trowbridge 17111 The Kingston Rotaract Service Trust Fund, Twickenham 17114 The Kingston-upon-Thames Magistrates' Poor Box Fund, Kingston-upon-Thames 17116 The Kingswood House Community Trust, London 17118 Klnkizl Development Fund, Creditori 17119 The Royal Scottish Academy John Kinross Bequest Fund, Edinburgh 17120 Kirk Ireton Village Field Trust, Kirk Ireton 17123 The Knee Trust, Trowbridge 17129 Heinz und Anna Kroch Foundation, Manchester 17143 Kuna Yala Trust, Peterborough 17146 Kutchhi Leva Patel Society Hindu Fund, Bolton 17147 L.C.C. Workmen's Dwelling Trust, London 17150 de La Salle Memorial Fund, London 17151 Ladies Linen League Trust, Wembley 17152 Kirby Laing Foundation, London 17157 Beatrice Laing Trust, London 17160 Lakshmi-Narayana Trust, London 17162 Lambeth Caring Houses Trust, London 17163 Lambeth Inner City Trust, London 17165 Lambeth Summer Projects Trust, London 17166 Lampton Lodge Trust, Fletham 17170 Langford Welfare Trust, Biggleswade 17179 Lansdowne Evangelical Free Church Trust, London 17162 Earl of Lathom Benevolent Fund, Radlett 17189 Latymer Christian Fellowship Trust, London 17190 The Lavender Trust, Sevenoaks 17196 Leaside Carers' Trust, London 17207 Lebus Charitable Trust, Shere 17209 Leeds Castle Foundation, Maidstone 17212 The Leeds Free School and Community Trust, Leeds 17215 Leeds Tradesmen's Trust, Leeds 17224 Legge Memorial Trust, Wolverhampton 17230 Leicester Christmas Dinner Fund, Leicester 17235 The Leicester Mahajan Trust, Leicester 17240 Leicester's Bede Island Community Foundation, Leicester 17245 Leicestershire Community Projects Trust, Leicester 17247 Leighton Buzzard Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Leighton Buzzard 17252 The Leighton Buzzard Rotaract Club Trust Fund, Leighton Buzzard 17253 Leighton Buzzard Rotary Club Trust Fund, Leighton Buzzard 17254 Leighton Buzzard Round Table Club Trust Fund, Leighton Buzzard 17255 Leighton Linslade Community Trust, Leighton Buzzard 17256 Lester Tiust Fund, Weybridge 17266 Joseph Levy Charitable Foundation, London 17274 Lewes Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Lewes 17275 Lewisham General Trust Charity, Sidcup 17287 Lewisham Trust, London 17288 The Leygrove Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 17291 Libro Charitable Trust, London 17294 The Lichfield Diocesan Trust, Lichfield 17295 Life to Romania Fund, Colchester 17301 Lifespring Trust, Reading 17302 Lighthouse Family Trust, Chelmsford 17303
Linbury Trust, London 17307 Lincoln General Dispensary Fund, Lincoln 17310 Lincoln Quany Trust, Lincoln 17311 Linden Church Trust, Swansea 17315 Richard Linton Trust, London 17319 Lions Club Charity Trust Fund (Pwllheli and District), Pwllheli 17320 Lions Club of Bletchley Trust Fund, Newton Longville 17321 The Lions Club of Falmouth and Penryn Trust Fund, Falmouth 17322 Lions Club of Liskeard Charitable Fund, Torpoint 17323 Lions Club of Uandudno Charity Trust Fund, Colwyn Bay 17324 Lions Club of Maidenhead Charitable Trust Fund, Maidenhead 17325 Lions Club of Merton Charity Trust Fund, Wellington 17326 The Lions Club of Plymouth Charity Trust Fund, Plymouth 17327 Lions Club of Sutton Charity Trust Fund, Epsom 17328 Lions Club of Truro Charitable Tiust Fund, Truro Í7329 Lions Clubs International District 105d Charitable Trust Fund, Fleet 17330 Lions Clubs International District Charity Trust Fund, Prestbury 17331 Little Brickhill Community Centre Trust, Milton Keynes 17334 Little Flower Trust, London 17335 The Littlebeck Trust, Wakefield 77337 The Littleboy Trust, Thirsk 17338 The Alice LittJehales Memorial Fund, Bexleyheath 17339 Liverpool Round Table Charitable Trust Number 8, Liverpool 17347 The Liversage Trust, Derby 17349 Living Word Gospel Ministries (United Kingdom) Trust, Hainault 17352 Living Word Ministries (Southward) Trust, London 17353 The Llandewi Hall Trust, Swansea 17361 Llanegwad Charity Trust, Carmarthen 17367 Llanelli Chapels Trust Fund, Llanelli 17368 Llanelli Christian Fellowship Trust, Llanelli 17369 Uangoed and District Village Hall Trust, Uangoed 17375 Llangollen Samaritan Fund, Welshpool 17378 Llangynhafal Welfare Trust, Gellifor 17379 Llanllwni Parish Hall Fund, Pencader 17381 Llansawel Recreation Field and Hall Trust, Uandeilo 17385 Uantamam Parish Church Fund for Relief of Poor, Cwmbran 17386 Llantwit Major Welfare Trust, Uanwit Major 17387 Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales, London 17402 Uynfi Valley Community Centre Fund, Maesteg 17406 The Loder Family Charitable Trust, London 17412 Lodge Benevolent Fund, Exmouth 17413 Lodge of Good Report Benevolent Fund, Croydon 17415 Lodge of Harmony and Concord Benevolent Fund, Bristol 17416 Lodge of Prudence Fund of Benevolence, Wirral 17417 Lodge of Resolution Benevolent Fund, Dagenham 17418 The Lodge of Saint Andrews Benevolent Fund, Willerby 17419 The Lodge of Saint Michael Benevolent Fund, Cottingham 17420 The Lodge of the Morning Star Benevolent Fund, Wetheitiy 17421 The Lodge of Upright Intentions Benevolent Fund, Weybridge 17422 The Lodge of Virtue Charity Fund, Warrington 17423 Lofthouse Colliery Disaster Trust, Wakefield 17425 Lofthouse Colliery Disaster Trust Number 2, Wakefield 17426 London Borough of Waltham Forest Mayoral Benevolent Fund, London 17428 The London Bursary Fund, Bath 17429 London Coaching Foundation, Kingstonupon-Thames 17432 The London Educational Trust, London 17436 London-Hendon Lions Club Trust Fund, Stan mo re 17440 London Metal Exchange Benevolent Fund, London 17445 London North East Community Foundation, llford 17448 London Police Courts Poor Boxes Fund, London 17449 London Sivan Kovil Trust, London 17450 Lord Mayor's Fishing Vessels Distress Fund, Hull 17463 Lord Mayor's Poor and Distressed Fund, Plymouth 17464
The Lord's Shop Trust, Nottingham 17465 The Loughor Town Trust, Swansea 17468 The Love Temperance Trust, London 17472 Loyal Citizens Lodge Benevolent Fund, Rickmansworth 17477 Lumley Royal Arch Chapter Benevolent Fund, Skegness 17484 Luton Lions Club Trust Fund, Luton 17492 Luton Someries Rotary Charity Fund, Barton-le-Clay 17495 The Lynam Educational Fund, Oxford 17499 Lyndhurst Settlement, London 17500 Mablethorpe, Sutton and District Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Mablethorpe 17507 The Marjorie Frances McBain Trust, Southampton 17509 The Eileen McCammon Trust, Wilmslow 17511 Kenneth Mclsaac Memorial Fund, London 17518 McMillan Stadium Trust, Harlow 17525 The Gracie Madoc Jones Memorial Fund, Trawsfywydd 17528 Magdalen College Trust, Oxford 17529 Main Road Baptist Church (Romford) Trust, Romford 17534 Mallinson Park Trust, London 17543 The Malpas Institute Fund, Newport 17546 Malpas Recreation Ground Trust, Malpas 17547 The Maltese Charitable Trust, Henley-cnThames 17548 The Mangrove Trust, London J 7557 The Manmaya Trust, London 17558 The Manofbier, Lamphey and Hodgeston Sick Poor Fund, Pembroke 17564 The Mantón Charitable Tiust, Bedford 17568 The Margery Maplethorpe Trust, Hertford 17573 The Marker Charitable Trust, Exeter 17580 Market Harborough Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Kibworth Beauchamp 17581 Markham Burial Ground Trust, London 17582 Marshes Relief Foundation, Southall 17594 Marston Montgomery Inclosure Trust, Ashbourne 17595 The Martin Family Charitable Trust, Manchester 17596 May and Walter Martin Trust, London 17598 The Martin-Wheeler Trust, Winchester 17599 Thomas Martyn's Foundation, London 17601 Mary Jane (Newport) Foundation Trust, Newport 17602 Marylebone Relief (Benevolent) Fund, London 17604 The Mathewson Memorial Fund, Erith 17609 The Matliwala Family Charitable Trust, Preston 17610 Matlock Temperance Hall and Workmen's Rest Trust, Matlock 17611 Maulden Welfare Trust, Ampthill 17612 Emma Mary May Trust, Swansea 17615 Mayflower Centre Trust, Pfymouth 17618 Mayflower Trust Number 2, Plymouth 17621 Mayor of Bamet1 s Benevolent Fund, London 17622 The Mayor of Bamsley's Disaster Fund, Bamsley 17623 The Mayor of Camden's Charity Fund Trust, London 17624 Mayor of Carlisle's Local Distress Relief Fund, Carlisle 17625 The Mayor of Chester's Charity Fund, Chester 17627 The Mayor of Croydon's Charity Fund, Croydon 17628 The Mayor of Exeter's Appeal Fund, Exeter 17629 Mayor of Greenwich Flood Distress Fund, London 17630 The Mayor of Greenwich's Appeal Fund, London 17631 The Mayor of Hammersmith and Fulham's Appeal Fund, London 17632 Mayor of Harrow's Chanty Fund, Harrow J 7633 The Mayor of Hertford's Appeal Fund, Hertford 17634 Mayor of Lambeth's Welfare Fund, London 17635 Mayor of Newbury's Benevolent Fund, Newbury 17636 The Mayor of Newham's Benevolent Fund, London 17637 Mayor of Saint Marylebone's Fund for the Necessitous, London 17638 The Mayor of Southward's Common Good Trust, London 17640
Subject Index: Social work The Mayor of the Borough of Toifaen's Appeal Fund, Pontypool 17643 The Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield Appeal Fund, Enfield 17644 Mayor of the London Borough of Havering's General Fund, Romford 17645 The Mayor of Wandworth's Appeal Fund, London 17646 Mayor's Appeal Fund, Twickenham 17647 The Mayor's Benevolent Fund, Bromley 17648 Mayor's Benevolent Fund, London 17649 Mayor's Christmas Fund, Caernarfon 17650 The Mayor's Christmas Fund, London 17651 Mayor's Fund (Worcester), Worcester 17653 The Mayor's Goodwill Fund, Newport 17654 The Mea Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17657 The Memorial Band Trust Fund, Dagenham 17670 The Mental Health Foundation, London 17675 The Menturia Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bolton 17676 The Mepal Outdoor Centre Charitable Trust, Chatteris 17677 Mercers' Charitable Foundation, London 17678 Mercers' Company Charities Common Investment Fund, London 17679 Merton Evangelical Church Trust, London 17690 Metcalfe Smith Trust, Leeds 17696 The Mewar Foundation International, London 17702 Mexborough Church Fund, Mexborough 17704 Middlesbrough Teesside Lions Club Charity Trust, Middlesbrough 17714 The Middleton Fund, Maltón 17716 The Midweek in Mayfair Charitable Trust, London 17719 Miles Trust for the Putney and Roehampton Community, London 17722 Millbrook Village Hall Charitable Trust, Millbrook 17721 Millbrook Village Hall Trust, Bedford 17732 Miller Trust, London 17733 The W.J. Mills Saint Day Benevolent Fund, Truro 17735 Milner Trust Fund, York 17737 Milton Keynes and District Round Table Charitable Trust, Milton Keynes 17740 Milton Keynes Lodge Benevolent Fund, Milton Keynes 17744 Milton Keynes Parks Trust, Milton Keynes 17746 Keith and Joan Mindelsohn Charitable Trust, Birmingham 17750 Miners Institute Fund, Pontefract 17752 The Mary Minet Trust, London 17754 Minor Lodge Benevolent Fund, Stocktonon-Tees 17755 The Frank Misselbrook Foundation, Southampton 17758 Mission in Hounslow Trust, Hounslow 17759 The Missions to Seamen, London 17762 Mitcham Revival Church Trust. Mitcham 17763 The Robert Mitchell Lodge Benevolent Fund, Twickenham 17767 Mizpah Trust, Basingstoke 17770 Mizrachi Palestine Fund Charitable Trust, London 17771 Benjamin Mocatta Trust, Slough 17774 Molesey Lodge Benevolent Fund, Esher 17778 Monmouth Lions Club Trust Fund, Monmouth 17781 The Monsoon Trust, London 17784 Montagu Recreation Ground and Community Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17786 The de Montfort Charitable Trust, Leicester 17787 Montgomeryshire District Trust Fund, Llandrindod Wells 17789 The Montserrat Foundation, Welwyn 1Π90 Monument Trust, London 17791 John Moores Foundation, Liverpool 17795 Morcar Lodge Benevolent Fund, Mansfield 17798 Morland Holiday Fund, Croydon 17809 The Momington Lodge Benevolent Fund, Stanmore 17810 The Morton Trust, London 17825 Moser Benevolent Trust Fund, Bradford 17826 Motivation Charitable Trust, Bristol 17828 Mount Stuart Congregational Chapel Fund, Cardiff 17833 The Mount Zion Lodge Benevolent Fund, Stanmore 17836
492 Viscount Mountgarret Permanent Trust, Bradford 17839 Mowbray Relief Trust, Cambridge 17840 The Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre Trust, London 17855 Muswell Hill Lodge Benevolent Trust Fund, Royston 17859 Muswell Hill Village Trust, London 17860 Myers Marlow Benevolent Trust, Marlow 17662 Hariben Bachubhai Nagrecha Charitable Trust, London 17866 National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers Benevolent Fund, Hull 17875 National Council for Voluntary Organizations, London 17881 National Lottery Charities Board, London 17886 Neath Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Swansea 17896 Airey Neave Trust, London 17897 The James Nein Trust Fund, Worksop 17900 Haji Nek Alam Memorial Trust, Skipton 17901 Netherton Village Hall Trust, Wakefield 17907 New Addington Community Church Trust, New Addington 17909 New Bethel Trust, Ammanford 17911 New Fellowship Trust, Cambridge 17914 New Hope Rural Community Trust, Southampton 17920 New I ng retourne Trust, Harold Wood 17922 New Life Church Bedfordshire Trust, Dunstable 17924 New Life Group Charitable Trust, Southampton 17925 New Opportunities Fund, London 17932 The New Tredegar and District Chairmobile Fund, Elliots Town 17935 New Wine Church Greenwich Trust, London 17939 The Newark Lodge Benevolent Fund, Loughborough 17940 Newbury and District Provincial Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund, Newbury 17942 The Newbury and Thatch am Welfare Trust, Thatcham 17943 Newbuiy Round Table Trust Fund, Newbury 17944 Newdigate Trust Fund, West Hallam 17957 Newfield Charitable Trust, Coventry 17958 The Ne wham Bengali Community Trust, London 17959 Newham Community Leisure Trust, London 17961 Newport County Borough Welsh Church Fund, Cwmbran 17973 Newport Isle of Wight Round Table Charitable Trust, Shalfleet 17976 Newport (Shropshire) and District Lions Club Trust Fund, Newport 17980 Newport Wastesavers Charitable Trust, Newport 17982 Bishop Newton's Trust, Bristol 17988 Newtown Carnival Trust, Newtown 17989 The NHIC Educational Trust, London 17995 John Nike Trust, Bracknell 18003 Nind's Wandsworth Church Trust, London 18005 The Lady Noble Memorial Fund, Washington 18010 The Norfolk (le Strange) Fund, Thetford 18017 Norfolk Lodge Benevolent Fund, Great Dunmow 18018 The North and East Yorkshire Mark Benevolent Fund, York 18023 The North Brixton Trust, London 18024 The William North Coates Memorial Trust, Sleaford 18025 North Kensington Amenity Trust, London 18032 The North Kensington Canalside Trust, London 18033 The North Wales Police and Community Trust, Conwy 18047 Northallerton Temperance Hall Fund, London 18049 Northampton Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust, Northampton 18050 Northcott Devon Foundation, Exmouth 18052 The Northcott Foundation, London 18053 Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust, Belfast 18055 The Northfield Educational Trust Ltd., Watford 18058 Nonhgate Church Trust, Chester 18059 Northolt Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, NorthoH 18060 Northolt Lodge Benevolent Trust Fund, High Wycombe 18061 Northwood Lodge Benevolent Fund, Northwood 18065 Norwich Cavell Fund, Norwich 18074 The NST Development Trust, Chelmsford 18083 The Oakfield Trust, London 18092
The Oakley Coal Fund, Luton 18096 Oakwell Open Space Charitable Trust, Bamsley 18099 The Oasis Property Trust, London 18102 The Marchioness of Bute and Lady Saint David's Fund, Uantwit Major 18107 Ogmore-by-Sea Community Hall Fund, Barry 18109 Ogmore Valley Trust, Ogmore Valley 18111 Ogwr Groundwork Trust, Bridgend 18112 The Marianne Okamoto Richardson Trust, Parkgate 18113 Okeover Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ripley 18114 Old Alleynian Lodge (Dulwich College) Trust Sanderstead 18116 Old Boys Benefit Fund, Taunton 18118 The Old Boy's Lodge Benevolent Fund, Hounslow 18119 The Old Eleans Charitable Trust, Ely 18128 The Old Enfield Charitable Trust, Enfield 18130 Old Lutonians' Lodge Benevolent Fund, Dunstable 18133 The Old Oak Lodge Benevolent Fund, Datchet 18136 The Old Quarry Fund, Reading 18139 Old Royal Naval College Chapel Fund, London 18141 The Old Waconians' Educational Fund, Cheadle 18149 Old Wykehamist Rose Croix Chapter Benevolent Fund, Bristol 18152 The R ö b e l OkffiekJ Apprenticing Foundation, Chester 18153 Oloolarroi Village Trust, London 18159 Olumba Universal Charity Fund, London 18160 One Parish Link Charitable Trust, Sutton ColdfieW 18164 Operation Romania Trust, Littieharrtpton 18168 Opportunity 2000 Trust, London 18171 Opportunity International UK, Oxford 18172 The Sir Heibert Ormond Trust, London 18178 Orpington Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Bromley 18182 Orpington Village Hall Trust, Orpington 18183 Cornelius O'Sullivan Fund, Slough 18188 Oswestry Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Oswestry 18190 Our Lady of the Holy Souls Pastoral Care Trust, London 18192 The Outflows Trust, Hope Valley 18196 Overton Poor Fund, York 18203 The Owen Trust, Holyhead 18207 Oxendon Presbyterian Church Fund, London 18210 The Oxford House Development Trust, London 18214 Oxford-Khorog Trust. Oxford 18215 Thomas Padgett Trust, Bradford 18220 The Padley Lodge Benevolent Fund, Hope Valley 18221 The Page Charitable Trust, Tunbridge Wells 18223 Pahar Trust Nepal, Wargrave 18225 Panahpur Charitable Trust, Sutton 18233 Pang bou me Welfare Fund, Pangboume 18237 The James Pantyfedwen Foundation, Aberystwyth 18241 Parish of Central Exeter (Saint Kerrian) Trust, ide 18244 Pa/k Lane Charitable Trust, Manchester 18245 Eden Parsons' Trust, Liverpool 18261 D.M. Peterson Will Trust Charitable Fund, London 18266 The Pathway to Recovery Trust London 18267 The Paya Indian Trust, Famborough 18275 Peace Lodge Benevolent Fund, Middlesbrough 18278 Annie Pearson Bird Christmas Fund, Bradford 18285 Edward Peart Memorial Trust Fund, Tadworth 18286 Julius Peeters Foundation, Birttey 18293 Pembroke Castle Trust, Pembroke 18296 Pendoyian and Welsh Saint Donats Recreation Fund, North Cowbridge 18301 Penllergaer Lodge Benevolent Fund, Swansea 18305 The Penn Foundation, Twyford 18306 Pennal Old Cemetery Trust, Machynlleth 18307 The Louie Pennington Sickford Flower Girls Fund, London 18308 The Pennington Mellor Charity Trust, London 18309 Penrith Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Penrith 18311 Penryn Town Local Trust, Penryn 18312
Penuel Baptist Chapel CarmarthenTrust Funds and Property Held In Connection Therewith, Carmarthen 18315 Penybont Baptist Chapel Trust Funds Held in Connection Therewith, Uandysul 18317 Penybontfawr Trust Fund, Oswestry 18318 Per Caelum Lodge Benevolent Fund, Virginia Water 18322 Pere Foundation, Devils Bridge 18323 The Permanent Benevolent Fund of the Royal Athelstan Lodge No. 19, Newport Pagnell 18326 Sir John Perrot Trust, Haverfordwest 18328 The Perry Foundation, London 18330 Peisean Benevolent Trust Cambridge 18333 Pershore Christian Fellowship Trust, Baridngside 18334 Pershore Rotary Club Trust Fund, Tewkesbury 18335 Pescod Endowment for the Benevolent Fund of the Church, Newcastle-uponTyne 18336 The Peters-Roberts Fund, Uanrwst 18341 Pettit Charitable Trust, Rickmansworth 18343 The William Petyt Foundation, London 18345 The PFCS Trust, London 18346 The Philippine Ferry Disaster Fund, London 13347 The Penelope Phillimore Memorial Educational Trust, Bath 18348 The Glen Phillips Afro-Indian Fund, Petersfield 18350 Pilgrim Trust, London 18367 The Pinner Rotaiy Club Trust Fund, Pinner 18371 Plough Lodge Benevolent Fund, Wrtham 18380 Plumpton and Harding Fund for the Poor, Chester 18383 Plym Valley Uons Club Charity Trust Fund, Plymouth 18386 Plymouth and Exeter Methodist District Benevolent Fund, Exeter 18390 Plymouth Charity Trust, Plymouth 13394 The Plymouth College General Charitable Trust, Plymouth 13395 Ptympton Corporation Trust, Plymouth 18402 Polruan and Lanteglos Community Development Trust, Polruan 18411 Polycare Foundation, Birmingham 18413 Pontefract and District Civic Trust, Pontefract 18417 Pontypool West Centre Recreation Ground Fund, Crumlin 18420 Poor Communicants Fund, Machynlleth 18423 Poor Mans Legal Fund, London 18424 Poor Relief Fund, London 18425 Poor's Land Foundation, Reading 13426 Poplar Pentecostal Church Trust, llford 18430 Porter Foundation, Winchester 18437 Portland Street Congregational Church Trust Funds and Property held in Connection therewith, Aberystwyth 18440 Ann Powtrell Foundation, Ilkeston 18446 John Price Fund, Uanelli 18456 The Primrose Foundation, Plymouth 18460 Prince Paul Foundation for Romania, London 18461 The Prince Philip Trust Fund, Windsor 18462 Princes Risborough Rotary Club Charity Fund, Princes Risborough 18464 Princess Alice New Albany Foundation, Chislehurst 18467 The Princess Royal's Memorial Fund, Winchester 18473 The Pritt Fund for Relief of Liverpool Solidtors, Liverpool 18478 Prize Funds Administered in Connection with The Bryan Pearson Fund, Pontypool 18479 The Pro Minimis Lodge Benevolent Fund, Colchester 18481 Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons (Wiltshire) Charity Fund, Chippenham 18492 Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire Educational and Benevolent Fund, Newport 18493 Provincial Insurance Company Trust for Bolton, Bolton 18494 The Provost of Southwaik's Fund, London 18495 Prudhoe Street Mission Trust, Gateshead 18496 Public Assistance and Prize Fund, London 18498 Edward Pugh Trust, Lichfield 18500 Jane Pugh Trust London 13501 Pwllygaw Memorial Hall Fund, Port Talbot 13510 The Pyersingh Trust Fund, Harrogate 18511 A.M. Qattan Foundation, London 18514
Queen Anne's School General Charitable Trust Greenford 18519 Queen Victoria Lodge Benevolent Fund, Plymouth 18525 The Queen's Silver Jubilee Trust (Wolverhampton), Wolverhampton 18537 Queensbridge Trust, London 18538 R.K.L. Trust, Bagshot 18542 The Ragged Schools and Soup Kitchen Fund, Bristol 18546 George Rainey Fund, London 13552 Sir Walter Raleigh Chapter Benevolent Fund, London 18556 The Joseph Rank Benevolent Fund, Hull 18560 Rank Foundation, Hebden Bridge 18561 Rao Foundation, Harrow 13563 Ratdiff and Barking Monthly Meeting Trust Romford 18564 Raughtonhead Village Hall Fund, Carlisle 18567 The Raven Christian Trust, Cambridge 13569 The Ravenswood Housing Trust, London 18574 W.R. Rawlings Trust, London 18575 The Frederick Ray Trust, Bedford 185π The Rayne Foundation, London 18579 The Reading Chronicle Trust Fund, Reading 13534 Rebecca's Trust, Derby 18592 Juliette Reckitt Haven of Rest Trust, Hull 18595 The A.L. Reckitt Social Trust, Wtthemsea 13596 Frederic Isaac Reckitt Trust, Hull 18597 Recreation Room Fund, Blaenau Ffestiniog 18598 The Regent Fund, London 18616 Regent Square Presbyterian Church Trust Funds, London 18617 Charlie Reid Fund, London 18621 Rescue Organisation of Iraqi in Need Trust London 18624 Resitty Educational and Charitable Trust, London 18626 Restmor Benevolent Fund, Epsom Downs 18627 Reuters Centenary Fund, London 18629 Reuters Foundation, London 18630 The Nathaniel Reyner Trust Fund, Liverpool 18631 James Rhodes Trust, Brighouse 18634 Rhyl and District Charities Fund, London 18640 The Rhymney Trust, Rhymney 18643 Riakanau Charitable Trust, Walsall 18645 Daisie Rich Trust, Newport 18648 Richmond Park Charitable Trust, London 18655 Richmond Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Worcester Park 18656 Riley Recreation Ground Trust, Marlow 18669 Florence Riseley Memorial Fund, Enfield 18671 River Lodge Benevolent Fund, Aylesbury 18675 Rivet Group Trust, Coventry 18680 The John Roan School Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 18683 Peter Roberts Fund, Holyhead 18687 The Richard Roberts Fund, Tywyn 18688 Stephen Roberts Memorial Trust, Egham 18689 William Robson's Trust, London 18700 Rock Trust, Dolgellau 18703 The Gertrude Rogers Trust Fund, Leicester 13711 The Romanian Aid Fund, Stockport 18715 Romanian Crestin Trust, Rayleigh 18716 Romford and Gidea Park Trust, Romford 18718 The Romford Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Upminster 18721 Rooke Atlay Charitable Trust, Northallerton 18725 Ross Trust, London 18731 Rotaract Club of Bamet Trust Fund, Bamet 18733 Rotaract Club of Bitteme and Woolston Charity Trust Southampton 18734 Rotaract Club of Bracknell Charity Trust Fund, South Ascot 18735 Rotaract Club of Bracknell Three Counties Cyde Ride Trust Fund, Sandhurst 18736 Rotaract Club of Caversham (Charity) Trust Fund, Reading 18737 Rotaract Club of Hertford Trust Fund, Ware 18739 Rotaract Club of High Wycombe Trust Fund, High Wycombe 18740 Rotaract Club of Langley and Iver Trust Fund, Slough 18741 Rotaract Club of Loddon Vale Trust Fund, Reading 18742 The Rotaract Club of Luton Trust Fund, Luton 18743 Rotaract Club of Maidenhead Charitable Trust Fund, Maidenhead 18744 Rotaract Club of Newbury Trust Fund, Newbury 18745
493 The Rotaract Club of Richmond (Surrey) Trust Fund, Twickenham 18746 The Rotaract Club of Wellington Trust Fund, Wellington 18747 The Rotaract Club of Windsor and Eton Trust Fund, Slough 18748 Rotaract Club of Wokingham Charity Trust Fund, Reading 18749 Rotary Club of Abbeydale Trust Fund, Sheffield 18750 Rotary Club of Aberystwyth Charity Trust Fund, Aberystwyth 18751 Rotary Club of Acton Charitable Trust, London 18752 Rotary Club of Alperton Trust Fund, Wembley 18753 Rotary Club of Ammanford Chanty Trust Fund, Uandybie 18754 Rotary Club of Ashburton and Buckfastletgh Trust Fund, Newton Abbot 18755 Rotary Club of Aylesbury Trust Fund, Berkhamsted 18756 Rotary Club of Balham Trust Fund, Cheam 18757 Rotary Club of Bangor Charitable Trust Fund, Anglesey 18758 Rotary Club of Barking Abbey Trust Fund, Barking 18759 Rotary Club of Barking Benevolent Fund, Barking 18760 Rotaiy Club of Barkingside Trust Fund, llford 18761 Rotary Club of Battersea Trust Fund, London 18762 Rotary Club of Beckenham Trust Fund, Bromley 18763 Rotary Club of Bedford Castle Trust Fund, Bedford 18764 Rotary Club of Bedford Seventy Fifth Anniversary Trust Fund, Bedford 18765 Rotary Club of Belper Charitable Trust Fund, Belper 18766 The Rotary Club of Bottinai Green Trust Fund, London 18767 Rotary Club of Bitteme and Woolston Trust Fund, Eastleigh 18768 Rotary Club of Blackburn West Trust Fund, Clitheroe 18769 Rotary Ciub of Blackpool Palatine Trust Fund, Preston 18770 Rotary Club of Btetchtey Trust Fund, Milton Keynes 18771 The Rotary Club of Bolton Daybreak Trust Fund, Bolton 18772 Rotary Club of Bourne End and Cookham Charitable Trust, Maidenhead 18773 Rotary Club of Bracknell Trust Fund, Crowthome 18774 The Rotary Club of Bradford Blaize Trust Fund, Birkenshaw 18775 The Rotary Club of Brecon Benevolent Fund, Brecon 18776 Rotary Club of Brent Trust Fund, Northwood 18777 Rotary Club of Bridgend Trust Fund, Bridgend 18778 Rotary Club of Brierfield and Reedley Trust Fund, Nelson 18779 The Rotary Club of Bristol South Trust Fund, Bristol 18780 Rotary Club of Bristol Trust Fund, Bristol 18781 Rotary Club of Briton Ferry Trust Fund, Neath 18782 The Rotary CliA of Bromley Service Fund, Ighton 18783 Rotary Club of Buckingham Trust Fund, Buckingham 18784 Rotary Club of Builth Weds and District Trust. Builth Wells 18785 The Rotary Club of Builth Wells and District Trust Fund, Builth Wells 18786 The Rotary Club of Buhvell and Basford Trust Fund, Nottingham 18787 Rotary Club of Bumham Beeches Trust Fund, Bumham 18788 The Rotary Club of Bumham Benevolent Trust Fund, Maidenhead 18789 Rotary dub of Burnley Pendleside Trust Fund, Burnley 18790 The Rotary Club of Caernarvon Benevolent Fund, Caernarvon 18791 Rotary Club of Callington Charitable Trust, Callington 18792 The Rotary Club of Cardiff Charity Fund, Cardiff 18793 Rotary Club of Cardiff East Benevolent Fund, Cardiff 18794 Rotary Club of Carlisle South Trust Fund. Carlisle 18795 The Rotaiy Club of Carshalton Trust Fund. South Qodstone 18796 Rotary Club of Castleford Trust Fund, Leeds 18797 Rotary Club of Caversham Trust Fund, Reading 18798 Rotary Club of Cheam Charity Fund, New Maiden 18799 The Rotary Club of Chelmsford Trust Fund, Chelmsford 18800 Rotary Club of Chesham Trust Fund, Chesham 18801 Rotary Chib of Chester-le-Street Trust Fund, Chester-le-Street 18802
Subject Index: Social work Rotary Club of Chichester Priory Charitable Fund, Chichester 18803 Rotary Club of Chingford Trust Fund, London 18804 The Rotary Ckib of Chislehurst Benevolent Fund, Chislehurst 18805 Rotary Club of Chiswick and Brentford Trust Fund, Sunbury-orvThames 18806 Rotary Club of Church Wilne Trust Fund, Derby 18807 Rotaiy Club of Clapham Trust Fund, London 18808 Rotary Club of Clifton (Bristol) Charity Trust Fund, Bristol 18809 Rotary Club of Cookham Bridge Trust Fund, Bourne End 18810 Rotary Club of Coulsdon Manor Trust Fund, Old Coulsdon 18811 The Rotary Club of Crayford Trust Fund, Bexleyheath 18812 Rotary Club of Ciickhowell Trust Fund, Brecon 18813 Rotary Club of Crofton Trust Fund, Orpington 18814 Rotary Club of Croydon Benevolent Fund, Croydon 18815 Rotary Club of Croydon East Charity Fund, Croydon 18816 Rotary Club of Croydon Jubilee Trust Fund, South Croydon 18817 Rotary Club of Dagenham Trust Fund, Mayland 18818 The Rotary Club of Dorchester Charitable Trust, Dorchester 18819 Rotary Club of Dunstable Downs Trust Fund, Dunstable 18820 Rotary Club of Dunstable Trust Fund, Dunstable 18821 Rotary Club of Ealing Benevolent Trust Fund, Uxbridge 18822 Rotary Club of East Elloe Trust Fund, Spalding 18823 Rotary Club of Edgware Service Fund, Saint Albans 18824 Rotary Club of Edmonton Trust Fund, London 18825 Rotary Club of Ellham Service Fund, London 18826 Rotary Club of Elthome-Hillingdon Trust Fund, Uxbridge 18827 The Rotary Club of Ely Benevolent Fund, Ely 18828 Rotary Club of Enfield Charity Fund Trust, Enfield 18829 Rotary Club of Enfield East Trust Fund, London 18830 Rotary Club of Erdington Saint Barnabas Trust Fund, Sutton Coldfiekj 18831 Rotary Club of Erith Trust Fund, Erith 18832 Rotary Club of Falmouth Benevolent Fund, Truro 18833 Rotary Club of Finchfey Benevolent Fund, Hatfield 18834 The Rotary d u b of Fishponds and Downend Charity Fund, Bristol 18835 Rotary Club of Flint and Holywell Trust Fund, Holywell 18836 Rotary dub of Forest Hill and Sydenham Trust Fund, London 18837 Rotary Club of Friem Bamet and Whestone Trust, New Bamet 18838 Rotary Club of Fulham Benevolent Fund, London 18839 The Rotary Club of Gower and Uwchwr Trust Fund, Swansea 18840 The Rotary Club of Grantham Golden Jubilee Trust Fund, Grantham 18841 The Rotary Club of Greerrford Benevolent Fund, North Hillingdon 18842 The Rotary Club of Hackney Service Fund, Cambertey 18843 Rotary dub of Hampstead Trust Fund, London 18844 Rotary Club of Hanwell Benevolent Trust Fund, Hillingdon 18645 Rotary Oub of Harrow Charitable Fund, East Wembley 18846 Rotary dub of Hartón Trust Fund, East Boldon 18647 The Rotary Club of Haverfordwest Charitable Fund, Haverfordwest 18848 The Rotary d u b of Havering North Trust Fund, Margaretting 18849 The Rotaiy d u b of Heanor Benevolent Trust Fund, Nottingham 18850 Rotary Club of Heathrow Airport Trust Fund, Bracknell 18851 The Rotary Club of Hemsworth Trust Fund, Pontet rad 18852 The Rotary Club of Hertford Benevolent Fund, Hertford 18853 The Rotary Club of Heston Trust Fund, Hounslow 18854 Rotary Club of Hindtey Trust Fund, Wigan 18855 Rotaiy Club of Holyhead Trust Fund, Anglesey 18656 Rotary Club of Homsey Benevolent Fund, London 18857 Rotary Club of Homsey Trust Fund, London 16658 Rotary Club of Hounslow Silver Jubilee Trust, Hounslow 18859 Rotary Club of Hounslow Trust Fund, Hourtslow 18860
Rotaiy dub of Hull Trust Fund, Cottingham 18861 Rotary dub of llford Charitable Service Fund, Brentwood 18862 The Rotaiy dub of Ilkeston Trust Fund, Heanor 18863 Rotary Club of Ipswich Charity Fund, Ipswich 18864 The Rotary Club of Ironbridge Charitable Trust, Telford 18865 The Rotary Club of Islington and Highgate Benevolent Trust Fund, London 18866 The Rotary Club of Kempston Benevolent Fund, Bedford 18867 Rotary Club of Kensington Trust Fund, London 18868 The Rotary Club of Kingston-uponThames Service, Guildford 18869 The Rotary Club of Kingston-uponThames Trust Fund, Kingston-uponThames 18870 Rotary Club of Langtey and Iver Trust Fund, Datchet 18871 Rotary Club of Leeds Charitable Trust Fund, Leeds 18872 Rotary Club of Leek Trust Fund, Leek 18873 Rotary Club of Leicester Trust Fund, Maiket Harborough 18874 Rotary Club of Lewes Charitable and Benevolent Fund, Uckfield 18875 The Rotaiy Club of Leyton Charity Trust, London 18876 Rotary Club of Leytonstone Trust Fund, Loughton 18877 The Rotary Club of Lincoln Benevolent Fund, Lincoln 18878 The Rotaiy Club of Liverpool Exchange Charitable Trust Fund, Liverpool 18879 Rotaiy Club of Uantwit Major Trust Fund, Uantwit Major 18880 Rotary Club of Long Eaton Charity Trust Fund, Castle Donington 18881 Rotaiy Club of Longton Charitable Trust, Newcastle 18882 Rotary Club of Lower Whaifedale Trust Fund, Wetherby 18883 The Rotary Club of Luton ChiHem Trust Fund, Luton 18884 Rotaiy Club of Lymm Trust Fund, Lymm 18885 Rotary Club of Maidenhead Thames Trust Fund, Maidenhead 18886 Rotary Club of Maidenhead Trust Fund, Maidenhead 18887 Rotary Club of Manchester South Trust Fund, Manchester 18888 Rotary Club of Maiket Harborough Trust Fund, Market Haiborough 18889 Rotary Club of Mariow Benevolent Trust Fund, Marlow 18890 Rotary Club of Melton Mowbray Trust Fund, Meiton Mowbray 18891 The Rotary Club of Mexborough and District Trust Fund, Rothefham 18892 The Rotary Club of Mill Hill Trust, London 18893 Rotaiy Club of Mirfield Trust Fund, Mirfield 18094 Rotary Club of Nailsea Trust Fund, Bristol 18895 Rotary dub of New Maiden Trust Fund, Kingston-upon-Thames 18896 The Rotary Club of Newbury Benevolent Fund, Newbury 18897 Rotary Club of Newcastle Etruria Trust Fund, Stoke-on-Trent 18898 The Rotary dub of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Trust Fund, Rowlands Gill 18899 Rotary Club of Newport Benevolent Fund, Newport 18900 The Rotaiy Club of Newport (Isle of Wight) Trust Fund, Newport 18901 Rotary Club of Newport Pagneff Trust Fund, Newport Pagnell 18902 The Rotary dub of Normanton Charitable Trust, Wakefield 18903 The Rotary Club of Northallerton Benevolent Fund, Northallerton 18904 Rotary Club of Northwick Park Trust Fund, Harrow 18905 Rotary dub of Orpington Trust Fund, Orpington 18906 Rotary dub of Ossett Trust Fund, Ossett 18907 The Rotary dub of Pembroke Trust Fund, Pembroke 18908 Rotary Club of Penryn Trust Fund, Falmouth 18909 Rotary Club of Perranzabuloe Trust Fund, Truro 18910 The Rotaiy dub of Plymouth Trust Fund, Plymouth 18911 Rotary Club of Pontefract Trust Fund, Pontefract 18912 Rotaiy Club of Port Talbot Trust Fund, Porthcawf 18913 Rotary Club of Preston North Benevolent Fund, Preston 18914 The Rotaiy Club of Purtey Trust Fund, Puriey 18915 Rotary Club of Putney Charity Fund, London 18916 Rotary Club of Pwllheli Trust Fund, Pwllheli 18917
Rotary Club ol Rainhill Trust Fund, Saint Helens 18918 Rotaiy Club of Ramsbottom Trust Fund, Manchester J89fS The Rotary Club of Reading Abbey Trust Fund, Mortimer 18920 Rotary Club ol Reading Benevolent Fund, Reading 18921 Rotary Club of Redbridge Charitable Fund, Abridge 18922 Rotary Club of Rhondda Trust Fund, Rhondda 18923 The Rotary Club of Richmond (Surrey) Trust Fund, Twickenham 18924 Rotary Club of Romford Trust Fund, Brentwood 18925 The Rotary Club of Roundhay (Leeds) Trust Fund, Leeds 18926 Rotary Club ol Saint Asaph Trust Fund, Saint Asaph 18927 The Rotary Club of Saint Leonards-onSea Samaritan Fund, Hastings 18928 Rotary Club of Saint Marylebone Trust Fund, London 18929 Rotary Club of Saltasti Trust Fund, Saltasti 18930 Rotaiy Club of Sandown Chalet Trust Fund, Sandown 18931 Rotary Club of Sandown (I.W.) Charity Trust, Sandown 18932 Rotary Club of Sandy Charitable Trust Fund, Sandy 18933 Rotary Club of Saundersfoot Trust Fund, Saundersfoot 18934 Rotary Club of Seabum Benevolent Fund, East Boldon 18935 Rotaiy Club of Seaham Trust Fund, Peteriee 18936 The Rotary Club of Seaton Trust Fund, Colyford 18937 The Rotary Club of Sevemside-Avon Charitable Trust, Bristol 18938 Rotary Club ol Sheffield Vulcan Trust Fund, Sheffield 18939 Rotary Club of Shoreditch Trust Fund, London 18940 Rotary Club of Slough Trust Fund, Uxbridge 18942 Rotary Club of Snaresbrook Trust Fund, Brentwood 18943 Rotary Club of Southampton Magna Charitable Fund, Eastleigh 18944 Rotary Club of Southampton Trust Fund, Southampton 18945 Rotary Club of Southampton West Trust Fund, Southampton 18946 Rotary Club of Southgate Benevolent Fund, Enfield 18947 Rotary Club of Stafford Trust Fund, Stafford 18948 Rotary Club of Stamford Trust Fund, Stamford 18949 Rotary Club of Stansted Stori Valley Trust Fund, Stansted 18950 Rotary Club of Stepney Trust Fund, London 18951 Rotary Club of Stoke-on-Trent Charitable Trust, Poole 18952 The Rotary Club of Streatham Benevolent Fund, London 18953 Rotary Club of Sutton Nonsuch Trust Fund, Sutton 18954 The Rotary Club of Swansea Trust Fund, Swansea 18955 The Rotary Club of Taunton Vale Trust Fund, Taunlon 18956 The Rotary Club of Tenby Trust Fund, Tenby 18957 Rotary Club of Tettenhall Trust Fund, Wolverhampton 18958 Rotary Club of Thame Witchert Trust Fund, Aylesbury 18959 Rotaiy Club of the Weald of Kent Trust Fund, Cranbrook 18960 Rotary Club of Thomaby and Yarm Charity Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 18961 Rotaiy Club of Todmorden Trust Fund, Todmorden 18962 Rotary Club of Tooting Trust Fund, London 18963 Rotaiy Club of Trent Bridge Charitable Trust, Nottingham 18964 Rotary Club of Trowbridge Benevolent Fund, Trowbridge 18965 The Rotaiy dub of Truro Boscawen Trust Fund, Truro 18966 Rotary d u b of Twickenham Trust Fund, Richmond 18967 Rotary dub of Uxbridge Trust Fund, Uxbridge 18968 The Rotary Club of Wakefield Chantry Trust Fund, Wakefield 18969 Rotary Club of Wakefield Trust Fund, Wakefield 18970 Rotary d u b of Wellington Benevolent Trust, Carshalton 18971 The Rotary CJub of WaJton-on-Thames Trust Fund, Weybiidge 18972 The Rotary Club of Welshpool Trust Fund, Welshpool 18973 Rotary Club of West Ashfield Tiust Fund, Chesterfield 18974 The Rotaiy Club ol West Wickham Service Fund, Orpington 18975 Rotary dub of Westminster West Benevolent Fund, Harrow 18976 Rotary Club of Wimbledon Charitable Trust, London 18977
Rotary Club of Windsor and Eton Benevolent Fund, Old Windsor 18978 Rotaiy Club of Windsor Saint George Trust Fund, Windsor 18979 Rotary Club of Wisbech Trust Fund, Wisbech 18980 Rotary Club of Wokingham Trust Fund, Crowthome 18981 The Rotary Club of Wood Green Charity Trust, London 18982 The Rotary Club of Wood Green Silver Jubilee Trust, London 18983 The Rotary Club of Woolwich Trust Fund, Bexleyheath 18984 The Rotary Club of Worcester Benevolent Trust Fund, Great Witley 18985 The Rotary Club of Worcester Endowment Trust Fund, Great Witley 18986 The Rotary Club of Wrexham Charity Trust Fund, Wrexham 18987 Rotary Club of Wrington Vale Trust Fund, Winscombe 18988 Rotary Club of Yiewsley and West Drayton Benevolent Fund, Ickenham 18989 Rotary Club of York Charity Fund, York 18990 Rotary International District 1220 Charity Fund, Arnold 18993 The Annie Rothwell Charitable Trust, Bolton 18996 Roundshaw Festival Trust, Wellington 18997 Rowan Charitable Trust, Reading 18999 The Rowland-Parker Benevolent Fund, Carlisle 19004 Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York 19006 The Roy Trust, Morden 19008 The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Development Trust, London 19012 Royal Albert Edward Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bristol 19014 Royal Albeit Hall Lodge No. 2986 Benevolent Fund, Orsett 19015 Royal Alfred Benevolent Fund, Alfreton 19018 The Royal Alfred Lodge Benevolent Fund, Alfreton 19019 Royal Army Dental Corps Benevolent Fund, Aldershot 19021 The Royal Army Veterinary Corps Benevolent Fund, Famborough 19023 The Royal Artillery General Charitable Trust, London 19024 Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund, Sutton 19026 The Royal British Nurses' Settlement Fund, London 19028 The Royal Caledonian Ball Trust, Whitchurch 19030 The Royal Clarence Lodge Benevolent Fund, Brighton 19031 Royal Clarence Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bruton 19032 The Royal Colonial Institute Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chelmsford 19036 The Royal Commemoration Lodge No. 1585 Gibb Memorial Benevolent Fund, Tonbridge 19037 The Royal Connaught Lodge Benevolent Fund, Eastbourne 19039 Royal Crown Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 19043 Royal Dental Hospital Old Students and Staff Association Trust, Canteibury 19044 Royal Docks Trust (London), London 19046 The Royal Dramatic College Pension Fund, London 19048 Royal Edward Lodge Benevolent Trust Fund, Northwich 19049 The Royal Edward Lodge No. 1489 Benevolent Fund, Letchworth 19050 The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Benevolent Fund, Reading J9Ö5J The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Memorial Scholarship Fund, Arborñeld 19052 Royal Hanover Lodge Benevolent Fund, Hillingdon 19062 The Royal Hospital of Saint Bartholomew Charitable Foundation, London 19063 Royal Jubilee Lodge Benevolent Fund, Dover 19065 The Royal Kensington Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 79069 The Royal Lodge Benevolent Fund, Filey 19074 The Royal London Hospital League of Nurses Benevolent Fund, London 19075 Royal Mail Milton Keynes Benevolent Fund, Milton Keynes 19076 Royal Medical Benevolent Fund, London 19082 The Royal Merchant Navy School Foundation, Wokingham 19084 The Royal Naval Anti-Aircraft Lodge No, 3790 Fund, Epsom 19088 The Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (Auxiliary Patrol) Club Welfare Fund, London 19091
Subject Index: Social work Royal Observer Corps Benevolent Fund, London 19100 The Royal Opera House Benevolent Fund, London 19102 Royal Opera House Development Land Trust, London 19103 Royal Savoy Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 19110 The Royal Society of Saint George Charitable Trust, London 19116 The Royal Somerset Lodge No. 973 Charity Association Benevolent Fund, Frome 19117 Royal Sussex Lodge No. 53 Benevolent Fund, Bath 19119 The Royal Theatrical Fund, London 19123 Royal Union Chapter No. 382 Benevolent Fund, Twickenham 19124 Royal Victoria Hall Benevolent Fund 1956, Sunbury-on-Thames 19127 Royal Warrant Holders Association Charity Fund, London 19129 The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Benevolent Fund, Bradford-on-Avon 19133 The Lizzie Royle and Frank Royle Fund, Llanfairtalahaim 19134 The Ruabon and District Sick Poor Fund, Wrexham 19136 Rugeley Rotary Club Charitable Trust, Rugeley 19139 Ruislip Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Ruislip 19141 Ruislip Round Table Charitable Trust, Ruislip 19142 Russ Foundation United Kingdom, Stanley 19145 The Russian-European Trust, London 19150 Rutland Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ilkeston 19153 Marion Isabel Rylatt Will Trust, Sheffield 19162 S.T.A.R. Recreation and Community Centre Trust, Cardiff 19165 The Sacred Heart Church Trust, London 19166 Sadaat Welfare Foundation, Bradford 19167 The Saf Holding Trust, Swansea 19169 Karim Rida Said Foundation, London 19173 The Younus and Maryam Saigol Charitable Trust, Birmingham 19175 Saint Allege Fund, London 19182 Saint Alfege Lodge Benevolent Fund, Gravesend 19183 Saint Alkmund and Saint Werburgh Welfare Trust, Derby 19184 Saint Alkmund's Church Trust, Derby 19185 Saint Alkmund's Wardens Fund, Derby 19186 Saint Allen Parish Fund, Truro 19187 Saint Andrew Holbom City Foundation, London 19189 Saint Andrew's Centre Trust, London 19190 Saint Andrews Church Hall Trust, London 19192 The Saint Andrews Church Trust, Cambridge 19193 Saint Andrew's Lodge (Clewer) Endowment Trust, Windsor 19196 Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church of England Trust, Sutton 19198 Saint Audrey Lodge Benevolent Fund, Cambridge 19206 Saint Augustine's Community Care Trust, Twickenham 19207 The Saint Boniface Lodge Benevolent Fund, Benbridge 19214 Saint Bride Foundation, London 19215 Saint Chad's Parish Trust, Derby 19220 Saint Clare and Saint Francis Trust, Ascot 19224 The Saint Clears Town Trust, Saint Clears 19225 Saint Clement Danes Fund, Innsworth 19228 Saint Columba's Church and Congregation Trust Funds, London 19231 The Saint Denys Lodge Benevolent Fund, Leicester 19238 Saint Dogwells Parish Council Old People's Welfare Fund, Haverfordwest 19239 Saint Dominic's Priory Fund, Portsmouth 19241 The Saint Dunstan's College Benevolent Fund, London 19243 Saint Dunstan's College General Charitable Trust, London 19244 The Saint Edmund Lodge Benevolent Fund, Attleborough 19248 Saint Francis' Development Fund South Ascot, Ascot 19252 Saint George Village Hall Trust, Abergele 19258 Saint George's Hanover Square Charitable Trust, London 19261 Saint George's Institute Fund, London 19263 Saint Giles' Benefaction Fund, Matlock 19269 Saint Giles Trust, London 19272
494 Saint Helen and Saint Giles Lodge Benevolent Fund, Rainham 19273 Saint Helen's Centenary Foundation Trust, Northwood 19274 The Saint James Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bolton 19282 Saint James School Hatcham Development Trust, London 19283 Saint James Swimming Pool Trust, Taunton 19284 Saint James the Apostle Mission Hall Fund, London 19285 Saint James Trust, Trowbridge 19286 The Saint John the Baptist Charitable Fund, Kenley 19288 The Saint John the Divine (Kennington) Pastoral Trust, Bristol 19291 Saint John's Smith Square Charitable Trust, London 19299 Saint Just in Roseland Charitable Trust, Truro 19305 Saint Lawrence Charitable Fund, Sidcup 19309 Saint Lawrences Church Chicheley Fabric Fund, Newport Pagneil J93)0 Saint Lazarus Community of East London Trust, London 19311 Saint Leonard's House (Swansea and West Wales) Trust, Swansea 19312 The Saint Lucia Benevolent Fund (United Kingdom), London 19314 Saint Luke's Church Newcastle-uponTyne Working Funds, Newcastle-uponTyne 19315 Saint Luke's Community Trust, Richmond 19317 Saint Luke's Parochial Trust, London 19319 Saint Luke's (South Kensington) Trust, Tavistock 19320 Saint Luke's Worsbrough Common Sick and Poor Fund, Bamsley 19324 Saint Mark's Institute Trust, Southampton 19328 Saint Mary Magdalene and Holy Jesus Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19340 Saint Mary's Cable Street Charitable Trust, London 19344 Saint Mary's Church Augmentation of Living Fund, Chester 19347 Saint Mary's Mission Hall Fund, London 19357 Saint Mary's Pastoral Trust, London 19359 Saint Mary's Trust, London 19363 Saint Mary's Trust, Milton Keynes 19364 Saint Matthias Trust, East Grinstead 19366 Saint Michael's Trust, London 19374 Saint Olave's Parochial Trust, Exeter 19384 Saint Ovin Lodge Benevolent Fund, Ely 19387 Saint Paneras Welfare Trust, London 19390 Saint Patrick's Foundation (Southampton), Southampton 19391 Saint Paul's Christian Workers Trust, London 19392 Saint Paul's Girls School Development Trust, London 19394 Saint Paul's Schools Foundation, London 19396 Saint Peter's Charitable Trust, London 19399 Saint Peter's Church Jubilee Trust, Maidenhead 19401 Saint Peter's Walworth Sick and Poor Fund, London 19410 Saint Saviour's Hall Fund, London 19416 Saint Scholasticas Trust, Heavitree 19417 Saint Silas (Continuing Church) Trust, Knighton 19419 Saint Thomas Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chesterfield 19427 Saint Thomas Sick and Poor Fund, Bamsley 19430 Saint Thomas the Martyr Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19431 Saint Vincent Lodge Charitable Trust, Cheltenham 19434 Saint Werburge Chapter Benevolent Fund, Deity 19435 Sakina Trust (United Kingdom), London 19439 Salem Baptist Chapel and Trust Property administered in Connection therewith, Wrexham 19440 Salem Chapel Fund, Uanwrda 19441 Salway Evangelical Church Trust, Woodford Green 19449 Louisa Sanders Trust Fund, Pembroke 19457 Saron Congregational Chapel Fund, Tywyn 19467 Saron Congregational Fund, Swansea 19468 F.H. Sasse Foundation, London 19470 The Douglas Scarff Trust, Beaconsfìeld 19480 The Scarsdale Lodge Benevolent Fund, Chesterfield 19483 Nuchem and Reisel Schlaff Memorial Fund, London 19484
The Schonfeld Square Foundation, London 19485 The Marie Schutt Trust, Cambridge 19495 The Scion Lodge Benevolent Fund, Aldeburgh 19497 Second University House Trust, Romford 19513 Secular Clergy New Common Fund, Fareham 19514 Seddon's Trust, Bolton 19515 Seer Green Church Trust, Beaconsfìeld 19517 The Selwyn Demmy Charitable Trust, Manchester 19526 Serbian Orthodox Parish of Saint Andrew Trust, Bedford 19529 Serendipity Charitable Trust, Whitstable Í953Í Servants of Christ Ministries Trust, London 19533 Shree Ananadabawa Seva Charitable Trust, North Harrow 19535 Shah Bhagwanji Kachra Foundation, Northwood 19540 Shakespeare Temperance Trust, Durham 19542 Share, Saint Albans 19546 Shaw Fund, Middlesbrough 19551 Shaw Poor Clergy Endowment Augmentation Fund, Wakefield 19555 Sheba Trust Newham, London 19557 Sheffield City Trust, Sheffield 13550 The Sheffield Partnerships Research Trust, Sheffield 19564 Sheffield Town Trust, Sheffield 19567 Shekinah Christian Fellowship (Greenwich) Trust, London 19570 Shenley Christian Fellowship Trust, Milton Keynes 19576 Shenley Leisure Centre Trust, London 195π Shenu Trust Leicester, Leicester 19578 The Shepherd Street Trust, Preston 19579 Sheridan Trust, Manchester 19581 Shersbys Fund, Bexleyheath 19584 Sheviock Memorial Hall Fund, Torpoint 19586 Shoshanas Rochel Charitable Trust, London 19594 Shottesbrooke Charitable Trust, London 19595 Shrewsbury Unitarian Church Trust Fund, Shrewsbury 19603 Sick and Needy Fund (Eastleigh), EasOeigh 19607 Sick and Needy Fund (Luton), Luton 19608 Sidcup Rotary Club Benevolent Trust, Sidcup 19609 The Siloam Congregational Chapel Fund, Uanegwad 19613 The Silver Birch Tatst, London 19614 The John Simonds Trust, BradfiekJ 19616 The Ann Sims Charity Trust Fund, London 19619 The David Thomas Sims Poor Fund, Neath 19621 The Baba Jaswant Singh Trust, Southall 19625 Sistrum Charity Foundation, London 19627 The Felix Slevin Charitable Trust, London 19638 The Slough and District Community Fund, Slough 19639 Slough Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Slough 19641 Henry Smith Charity-Kensington Estate, London 19646 John Smith Memorial Fund, Harrow 19648 Dr. R.J. Smith Trust Fund, Cardiff 19654 The Smithfield Trust, London Í9655 Sir James Smith's Foundation, Camelford 19657 Soar Baptist Chapel Fund, Uandeilo 19659 The Sobell Variety Islington Trust, London 19660 Social Advice Club Trust, Stourbridge 79661 Social Lodge Benevolent Fund, Norwich 19662 Social Workers Educational Trust, Birmingham 19663 Society of Christian Israelites (Forest Gate) Trust, Brentwood 19664 Society of Saint Francis Central Fund, London 19667 Soto Community Centre Trust, London 19669 Somali Professionals Trust, London 19674 Sonning and District Welfare Trust, Reading 19678 South Bristol Outreach Trust, Bristol 19685 The South Chiftems Lions Club Trust Fund, Reading 19666 South East London Community Foundation, London 19689 South Leeds Provincial Grand Lodge Raob Benevolent Fund, Leeds 19698
The South Park Chapel (llford) Trust and Funds, llford 19700 South Stoneham Trust, Southampton 19703 South Street United Reformed Church Ministers' Fund, Romford 19704 South Wales Area Miners' Benevolent Fund, Maesycoed Pontypridd 19705 Southampton and District Sick Poor Fund, Southampton 19710 Southampton Millennium Trust, Southampton 19714 The Southampton Mosque Trust, Southampton 19715 Southampton Provincial Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund, Southampton 19717 Southampton Solent Lions Club Trust Fund, Southampton 19719 Southcourt Baptist Church Trust, Aylesbury 19722 Southgate Christian Fellowship Trust, London 19727 Southport Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Southport 19732 Southward Sports and Adventure Trust, London 19738 Spalding Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Spalding 19745 The Speck Walker Annuity Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 19751 The Spence Fund, Middlesbrough 19752 The Spencer Lodge Benevolent Fund, Matlock 19753 Spensley Trust, Bedford 19756 Spitatfields Crypt Trust, Hatfield Heath 19758 Spitalfields Market Community Trust, London 19760 The Spoore, Merry and Rixman Foundation, Maidenhead 79756 Springboard Islington Trust, London 19m Sprowston War Memorial Trust, Norwich 19776 The Square and Compass Lodge Benevolent Fund, Wrexham 19778 SSBA Community Trust, London 19785 The Stable Trust, Wolverhampton 19786 Stafford Freemens Allotments Trust, Stafford 19787 The Francis Staley Religious Trust, Matlock 19792 Stanley Common Village Trust, Ilkeston 19796 The Stanmore Chapter Benevolent Fund, Kings Langley 19799 The Starehe Endowment Fund (United Kingdom), London 19804 H.W. Stening Trust Fund, London 19808 Sir Halley Stewart Tiust, Willingham 19816 The Stickland Trust, Woodford Green 19817 Stockton District Lions Club Charitable Trust, Middlesbrough 19820 Stockwell Park Estate Community Trust, London 19822 Stoke Goldington Social Fund, Newport Pagnell 19823 Stoke-on-Trent Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Newcastle 19825 Stoke Park Trust, Slough 19827 Stonehouse Creek Community Development Trust, Plymouth 19831 Stoneyard Lane Trust, London 19832 Stony Stratford Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Milton Keynes 19834 The Stott Charitable Trust, Hollywell 19835 The Stretham Engine Trust, Cambridge 19840 Lady Strickland Trust for Malta, Manchester 19841 A.B. Strom and R. Strom Charitable Trust, London 19845 Annie Frances Styring Memorial Foundation, Sheffield 19853 The Suffolk Group Radio Charitable Trust, Ipswich 19856 The Summers Poor Fund, Bamsley 19660 The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation, London 19662 Sunnucks' Charitable Trust, Colchester 19863 Sunrise Trust, llford 19665 Suititon Rotary Club Benevolent Fund, New Maiden 19867 Surplus Fund of the Royal Navy Club, London 19869 Surrey Docks Farm Trust, London 19871 Surtees Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19872 The Sustentation Fund, Manchester 19874 Sutton Christian Centre Trust, Cheam 19875 Swallowfield Calico Trust, Andover 19880 Swansea Lions Club Trust Fund, Swansea 19885 Tabernacle Baptist Chapel Fund, Llanerchymedd 19895 Tabernacle Christian Centre Trust London 19696 The Tabernacle Trust, London 19897
Taff Bargoed Development Trust, Treharris 19900 The Talgai Hall Trust, Bangor 19902 Tallow Chandlers Company Benevolent Fund, London 19903 The Tamil Nadu Rural Assistance Trust Fund, London 19906 Tansley Charity Trust, Coventry 19910 Tarajni Trust, Hounslow 19916 Taunton Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Taunton 19920 Taunton School General Charitable Trust, Taunton 19921 L.C. Taussig Charitable Trust, Bradford 19923 The Taverne Trust, Lincoln 19924 The Alfred Taylor Foundation, Sutton 19929 A,P. Taylor Trust, HiHingdon 19933 Taylors Trust in Connection with the Moravian Church, London 19935 Hugh Taylor's Village Pump Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19936 Ben Teate Charity Fund, Osseti 19941 Tearfund, Teddington 19942 Technical Lodge Benevolent Fund, West Ella 19943 Teddington Baptist Church Trust, Teddington 19945 Teddington Lions Club Trust Fund, Sunbury-on-Thames 19946 The Teesside Emergency Relief Fund, Stockton-on-Tees 19950 Temperance Hall Fund, Wirksworth 19960 The Temperance Hall Trust, Bolton 19961 The Templars Lodge Benevolent Fund, Basingstoke 19962 The Temple Lodge Benevolent Fund, Broxboume 19965 The Templeton Education and Charity Trust, London 19968 The Teulu James Pantyfedwen Eisteddfodau Trust, Ystrad Meurig 19974 Tewkesbury Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bromley 19976 Thames Community Foundation, Teddington 19978 Thames Spirit Charitable Trust, London 19981 Thanet Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Birchington 19983 Thanet Street Trust, London 19984 Thatcham Lodge Benevolent Fund, Thatcham 19965 Thatcham Rotary Club Trust Fund, Reading 19986 Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies, Thornton Heath 19994 The Lily Thomas Charity Fund, Swansea 19997 Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust, London 20008 Thomes Millennium Green Trust, Wakefield 20010 The John Thomhill Memorial Trust, Great Longstone 20012 Three I Charitable Trust, London 20017 The Thuriow Park Lodge Benevolent Fund, Catertiam 20020 Tidmarsh Millennium Green Trust, Reading 20025 R.P. Tindall's Charitable Trust, Salisbury 20029 Titus Ministries Worldwide Trust, Osseti 20034 The TMO Charitable Trust, London 20035 The Arthur Tomlin's Fund Aberdovey 1925, Aberdovey 20040 Tooting Recreational and Cultural Trust, Suititon 20043 Topsham Market House Trust, Exeter 20044 Torpoint and Rame Peninsula Lions Club Charity Trust, Torpoint 20049 The Tottenham and Edmonton General Dispensary Fund, London 20051 The Tower Hamlets Trust, London 20060 The Tower Hill Improvement Trust, London 20061 Tranquillus Lodge Benevolent Fund, Homchurch 20068 Transgender Education Trust, Torquay 20069 Trincomalee Lodge Benevolent Fund, Sanderstead 20084 Trinity Baptist Church Fund, Deity 20085 Trinity Centre Trust, Milton Keynes 20086 The Trinity Trust, Bristol 20090 Triodos Foundation, Bristol 20092 The Trivona Mark Lodge Benevolent Fund, Nottingham 20096 Trowbridge Town Trust, Trowbridge 20100 Trust for the Poor of Doveridge, Doveridge 20108 Trust Fund Held in Connection with Lammas Street Welsh Congregational Chapel, Carmarthen 20110 Trust of Saint Seraphim, Manchester 20112
Subject Index: Sports
495 Trust Property and Funds held in Connection with Heimon Baptist Chapel, Nantyglo 20/13 Trust Property held in Connection with Ainon Welsh Baptist Chapel, Uangwstain 20114 Trust Property held in Connection with Caersalem Baptist Chapel, Caernarfon 20115 Trust Property held in Connection with Capei Coffa Congregation Chapel, Deganwy 20116 Trust Property Held in Connection with Park Congregational Chapel Llanelli, Llanelli 20118 Trust Property Held in Connection with the Tabernacle Congregational Chapel, Uanelli 20124 Trust Property in Connection with Uanrwst War Memorial Institute, Llanwrst 20125 Trust Property in Connection with Salem Baptist Chapel, Fenyside 20127 The Jasper Tudor Lodge Benevolent Fund, Newport 20131 The Tudor Trust, London 20133 The Tulsi Trust, Glastonbury 2Û135 M.A.A. Tunkiss Trust Fund, Ely 20137 Turtle Key Arts Centre Trust, London 20145 Turton District Relief Fund, Bolton 20146 Turton Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bofton 20147 The Tuscan Lodge Benevolent Fund, Leigh-on-Sea 20151 Twenty-Ninth May 1961 Charity, London 20153 The Fiona Twogood Trust, Bishops Waltham 20156 J.J. Tyson Charitable Trust, Preston 20161 The Ukraine Christian Ministries Trust, Wantage 20162 The United Engineers Royal Arch Chapter Benevolent Furìd, Woodley 20169 The United Evangelical Project Educational Trust, Birmingham 20170 United Kingdom Foundation for the South Pacific, Dalkeith 20174 United Liverpool Trust, Liverpool 20177 United Studholme Royal Arch Chapter Benevolent Fund, London 20180 Unity Church {Islington) Trust Funds, London 20162 Unity North London Trust, London 20183 The Unknown Lady Fund, London 20190 Usman Welfare Fund, Birmingham 20202 Uxbridge and Hillingdon Lions Club Charitable Trust, Hayes 20203 Uxbridge United Welfare Trusts, Uxbridge 20204 Vale Royal Lions Club Chanty Trust Fund, Northwich 20211 Valli Charitable Trust, Leicester 20212 Van Neste Foundation, Bristol 20214 Vellore Rural Communities Trust, London 20222 The Venerable English College Trust, London 20223 The Dorothy Vernon Lodge Benevolent Fund, Bakeweil 20227 The Vicar's General Fund, London 20232 Albeit Victor Lodge Benevolent Fund, York 20234 Victoria Gospel Trust, Bath 20236 Victoria Hall Fund, Cambridge 20237 Vinesong Trust, East Grinstead 20244 Virsa Educational Trust, Dorchester 20246 The Visitors Centre Benevolent FundWmson Green, Biimingham 20247 Vulcan Lodge Benevolent Fund, Suttonin-Ashfieki 20254 The W Charitable Foundation, London 20255 Sir Wager Watson Fund, London 20259 Wakefield Groundwork Trust, Wakefield 20263 Wakefield Masonic Lodge Benevolent Fund, Wakefield 20264 Wakefield (Tower Hill Trinity Square) Trust, London 20265 The Walker Endowment Fund, Bolton 20270 The Mary Eleanor Walker Fund, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 20272 Charles Wallace Burma Trust, London 20276 Wallington and Carshalton Round Table Charitable Trust, Wellington 20279 The Wallington Parish Hall Trust, Wallington 20281 Walmsley Unitarian Chapel Trust, Bolton 20282 The Waltham Saint Lawrence Churches Trust, Waltham Samt Lawrence 20289 Walworth Garden Farm Trust, London 20293 Walwyn's Castle Relief In Sickness Fund, Broadhaven 20294 Walwyn's Castle Village Hall Fund, Haverfordwest 20295
Wandsworth Borough Council Trust Funds, London 20297 Wanstead and Woodford Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, London 20302 Wanstead and Woodford Rotary Club Trust Fund, Fyfietd 20303 The Wantage Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 20305 War Memorial Fund, Hull 20307 War Relief Fund, Corwen 20309 Wargrave Parish Trust, Wargrave 20317 The Warren Non Educational Foundation Plymstock, Plymouth 20321 Warwick Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Warwick 20324 Robert Watchom Trust, Brackenfiekl 20325 Waterfield Trust Fund, Dunstable 20329 The Waterloo Trust, London 20332 Waterside Trust, Edinburgh 20335 Ann Watson's Trust, Hull 20336 The Thomas Watts Palmer Trust, London 20340 The Wave Heritage Trust, London 2034t The Wayback Foundation, Plymouth 20344 Weavers Community Trust, London 20349 Francis Webb Trust (Bristol Savages), London 20352 Weld Chapel Trust Fund, London 20359 Wellington College Walworth Fund, London 20362 Wellington Crowthome Charitable Trust, London 20363 G.H. Wells Ickwell Village Hall Trust, Biggleswade 20368 The Welsh Broadcasting Trust, Cardiff 20370 Welstead Club and Social Work Fund, Croydon 20373 The Wembley Samaritan Fund, Wembley 20377 The Werner Charitable Trust, London 20379 The West Bromwich Rotary Club Charitable Trust, Ledbury 20385 West District Amenities Fund, Bolton 20387 West Ham Magistrates' Court Poor Fund, London 20393 West Looe Town Trust, West Looe 20398 West Silverton Village Community Foundation, Daitford 20400 Western Samoan Appeal Fund, London 20405 Westfield Trust, London 20407 Westminster Cathedral 1995 Centenary Trust, London 20412 Garfield Weston Foundation, London 20428 Wetherall's Trust, London 20430 Wharrie Cabmen's Shelter Fund, London 20433 The Wheen Charitable Trust, Beckenham 20434 The White Gates Trust, Mold 20443 The John Samuel White Trust, East Cowes 20445 Whitefield Development Trust, Hertford 20450 The Frederick Wigan Trust, Richmond 20466 Wigmore Street Trust Fund, London 20468 The Wilberforce Memorial Fund, London 20469 James Wilcock Trust, Blackburn 20470 Wilden Village Hall Trust Wilden 20472 The Wilder Memorial Charitable Trust, Pangboume 20473 William Wilding Galloway Fund, Preston 20474 W.H. Wilding Memorial Fund, Preston 20475 Willesden West Rotary Club Benevolent Fund, Eastbourne 20477 Richard Williams Improvement Fund, Tywyn 20483 Owen Williams Memorial Fund, Saint Asaph 20484 Michael Williams Trust, Bolton 20491 Wilmington Trust, Sutton-on-Hull 20499 Sir William Wilson's Apprenticing Foundation, Leicester 20506 Wimbledon Benevolent Fund, London 20509 Wimbledon Church Land Trust, London 20510 The Wimbledon Resettlement Fund, London 20515 Wimbledon Windmill Museum Trust, London 20518 Lady Frances Winchcombe's Thatcham Foundation, Curridge 20520 Winchester Cathedral Trust, Winchester 2052? Winchester Lions Club Charitable Trust, Winchester 20523 Winchester Rotary Club Trust Fund, Winchester 20525 Winchester Round Table Charitable Trust Fund, Winchester 20526 Windsor Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Windsor 20531
Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation, London 20534 A.A. Winton Charitable Trust, London 20542 The Wiiksworth and District Tnjst Fund, Wirksworth 20544 Wtrksworth Memorial Foundation, Wirksworth 20546 Wrtney Lions Club Trust Fund, North Leigh 20550 WoHson Family Charitable Trust, London 20553 Wolverhampton Rotary Club Charitable Trust, Wolverhampton 20563 Wolverhampton Unitarian Trust, Droitwich 20564 The Wolverton Trinity Lodge Benevolent Fund, Milton Keynes 20567 The Wood Green Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 20576 Wood Green Mennonite Church Trust, London 20577 The Woodford Green Lodge Benevolent Fund, Woodford Green 20586 Woodgrange Baptist Church Charitable Trust, London 20588 Edwin Woodhouse Charitable Trust, Leeds 20589 Woodley, Sandford and Charvil Charitable Trust, Reading 20592 The Christine Woodmancy (Reed) Charitable Foundation, Plymouth 20593 Shirley Woolmer Lodge Benevolent Fund, Sidcup 20601 The Woolnoth Society Charitable Trust, London 20602 Worcester Lions Club Chanty Trust Fund, Ombersley 20608 The Word of Christ Ministries Trust, London 20612 Worksop Lions Club Charitable Fund, Worksop 20615 World in Need, Oxford 20617 Worldwide Harvest Ministries Trust, Maidenhead 20626 Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust, London 20628 Worrall and Fuller Exhibition Fund, London 20629 The Worshipful Company of Plumbers Charitable and Educational Trust, Cambridge 20631 Woughton Leisure Trust Milton Keynes 20633 Woughton-on-the-Green Welfare Trust, Milton Keynes 20635 Wraysbury Village Trust, Staines 20636 The Wrest Park Lodge Benevolent Fund, Flitwick 20638 Wrestlingworth Goodwill Fund, Wrestlingworth 20639 Wrexham Lions Club Charity Trust Fund, Wrexham 20640 Wright Benevolent Fund, Bootle 20643 The William Wright Charitable Trust, York 20644 The Charles Wright Gowthorpe Clergy Augmentation Fund, Abingdon 20646 Wycombe General Trust, Fulmer 20651 Wycombe Marsh Parsonage Trust, High Wycombe 20653 Wykehamist Society Charitable Trust, Winchester 20659 The Wynnstay Lodge Benevolent Fund, Wrexham 20668 The Wythenshawe Lodge Benevolent Fund, Runcorn 20669 Yarm Recreation Ground Trust, Yarm 20674 Yattendon and Frilsham Sports and Social Trust, Yattendon 20675 The Yattendon and Frilsham War Memorial Fund, Yattendon 20676 Yephess Charitable Trust, London 20678 The York Charitable Trust, York 20685 York Common Good Trust, York 20691 York Community and Gymnastics Foundation, York 20692 Yotk Division British Medical Association Charities, York 20696 York Lodge Benevolent Fund, York 20698 York Minster Fund, Yoik 20700 Yoric Settlement Trust, York 20704 The York West Riding Charitable Society Trust Yoik 20706 The Alfred Young Trust, London 20716 The Berta and Hector Young Trust, Soton 20717 Youth and Community Help Trust, Bristol 20718 Ystalyfera Development Trust, Arranford 20724 Zambia Anglican Council Charitable Trust, Seaford 20725 The Zambia Society Trust, London 20726 Zambian Education and Poverty Relief Trust, Brereton 20727 Zichron Moshe Educational and Charitable Trust, Edgware 20730 Zimbabwe Aid Trust, Clapham 20731 Zimmermann Hobbs Charitable Trust, Uanwame 20733 Zochonis Charitable Trust, Manchester 20736
The David Zodelava Charitable Trust, London 20737 Zululand Churches Health and Welfare Association Trust, Durstey 20738 Zurich Financial Services (UKISA) Community Trust Ltd., Swindon 20739
Vatican City Caritas Intemationalis, Città di Vaticano 20740
Yugoslavia Fund for an Open Society, Beograd 20743
Sports Austria Stiftung zur Förderung des österreichischen Eishockeyjugendsportes, Wien 00166
Beigium Fondation Internationale Moka ElAbobakar, Bruxelles 00255 Stichting Vlaamse Schoolsport, Bruxelles 00535
Denmark Tuborgfondet, Kebenhavn
Estonia Betti Ah/eri Fond, Jogeva 00675 Saare Tecvisekeskuse Sihtkapital, Kuressaare 00689 Viljandi Kultuurikolledzi Arengufond, Viliandi 00695
Germany Aalener Volksbank Stiftung, Aalen 01303 Gerhard-AIber-Stiftung, Stuttgart 0/352 Rudolf Alberti-Stiftung, Göttingen 01355 Aldinger-Stiftung Wasserburg (Bodensee), Tettnang 01360 Alois Ammerschläger-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01427 AUFWIND, Augsburg 01486 Stiftung Erwin Baer, Oststeinbek 01520 Herbert Balzer-Stiftung, Erzhausen 01534 Wilhelm und Elisabeth Bartels-Stiftung, Braunschweig 01547 Basketballstiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 01558 Julius Bauser-Stiftung, Empfingen 01582 Gräflich Berghe von Trips'sche Sportstiftung zu Burg Hemmersbach, Kerpen 07653 Albert Bemer-Stiftung, Künzelsau 01666 Gerhard Boblest-Stiftung in der Rudervereinigung Hellas-Titania Berlin e.V., Berlin 01751 Julius Bötzow-Stiftung, Berlin 01786 Bonner Sportstiftung der Spaikasse, Bonn 01799 Johanna und Wilhelm Bott-Stiftung, Gaildorf 01815 Brauckmann-Wrttenberg-Sport-Stiftung, Burgwedel 01828 Dr. Bernhard Braun-Stiftung des Heimatund Verschönerungsvereins Melsungen e.V., Melsungen 01835 Bruckmann-Stiftung, München 0/856 Bürger-Stiftung der Kreisspaikasse Stade, Stade 01930 Bürgerstiftung Berlin, Berlin 0/953 Bürgerstiftung der Spaikasse Iserlohn, Iserlohn 01957 Bürgerstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Viersen, Viersen 01958 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Kassel 01963 Bürgerstiftung Hannover, Hannover 01965 Bürgerstiftung Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 01969 Bürgerstiftung Neckarwestheim, Neckarwesthelm 01971 Bürgerstiftung Wismar, Wismar 01975 Horct-Busch-Sportler-Stiftung, Bad Segeberg 02000 Darmstädter Sportstiftung, Darmstadt 02131 DörfRer-Stiftung für Jugend und Sport, Bünde 02296 Stiftung Georg Dralle, Norderstedt 02332 Dresdner Stiftung für Jugend und Sport der Städtsparkasse Dresden, Dresden 02342 Düsseldorfer Eissporthalle, Düsseldorf 02359 Erich-Dziuba-Stiftung, Mühlhausen-Ehingen 02368 EDEKA Stiftung, Hamburg 02391 Ehinger Volksbank-Stiftung, Ehingen 02402 Wemer-Ehrich-Stiftung, Nienburg 02410 Heinrich Elimar-Precht Stiftung, Bremen 02432 Albert Engbers-Stiftung, Gronau 02452
Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Coesfeld 02477 Gerhard Fieseler-Stiftung, Kassel 02634 FPZ Stiftung, Köln 02716 Frankfurter Sportstiftung, Liederbach 02728 Bürgermeister Heinrich FritzemeierStiftung, Blomberg/Lippe 02791 Gaehtje'sches Familienvermächtnis, Eckemförde 02831 Cari-Hermann Gaiser-Stiftung, Göppingen 02837 Fritz und Brigitta Gastager-Stiftung, Inzell 02849 Gelsenkirchen-Stiftung, Gelsenkirchen 02870 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Würzburg und Stadtsparkasse Ochsenfurt für den Landkreis Würzburg, Würzburg 02883 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Bad Kissingen, Bad Kissingen 02884 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse MiKenberg-Obemburg für den Landkreis Miltenberg, Obemburg 02886 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Hof, Hof 02888 GeSoBau-Stiftung, Beilin 02935 Carlo und Karin Giersch-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Sport der TH Darmstadt, Darmstadt 02951 Kurt Gluding-Stiftung, Neunkirchen 02969 Agnes Gräfe-Stiftung, Hamburg 03016 Stiftung zur Förderung des Steffi-GrafNachwuchszentrums des Sächsischen Tennis Verbandes e.V., Leipzig 03017 Herbert Grunewald-Stiftung, Leverkusen 03061 Emst Max von Grunelius-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03069 August Gudewill-Stiftung, Thedinghausen 03075 Förderstiftung der Brauerei Fritz Gutmann, Utting 03085 Gymnasial-Spielplatz-Stiftung in Detmold, Detmold 03090 Rudolf Hagemeister Tumsport Stiftung, Cottbus 03130 Andreas-Hahn-Stiftung, Vallendar 03146 HALA-Stiftung, Bremen 03156 Franz Hartnagel-Stiftung, Elnhausen 03223 Hertha und Eitel-Fritz Häver-Stiftung, Essen 03260 Heimatbuch-Stiftung Untertürkheim und Rotenberg, Stuttgart 03325 Heisterberg-Stiftung, Hannover 03343 Sepp Herberger-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03383 Himalaja-Stiftung im Deutschen Alpenverein, München 03464 Wilhelm Hirte-Stiftung, Hannover 03481 Dieter Hofmann-Stiftung, Pfungstadt 03522 Johann Humbser'sche Stiftung, Fürth 03655 Initiative und Leistung, Wiesbaden 03680 Paul Wilhelm Carl Jahn Stiftung, Hamburg 03725 Jubiläumsstiftung der Creditverein Wilhermsdorf AG, Wilhermsdorf 0377/ Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse der Stadt Straelen, Straelen 03774 Jubiläumsstiftung der Volksbank Höchst am Main, Frankfurt am Main 03786 Jugend-Stiftung der Sparkasse Ulm, Ulm 03801 Jugend- und Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Ludwigslust, Hagenow 03803 Jugend- und Kulturstiftung der Mittelbrandenburgischen Sparkasse in Potsdam, Potsdam 03804 Jugend- und Sportstiftung der Sparkasse Trier, Trier 03806 Jugendförderung der Spar- und Leihkasse zu Bredstedt, Bredstedt 03807 Jugendstiftung der Altenländer Sparkasse, Jork 03811 Jugendstiftung der Kreissparkasse Ahrweiler, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 03812 Jugendstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Emmerich 035/6 Jugendstiftung Halsbach, Halsbach 03817 Kaiser-Sigwait-Stiftung, Immenstadt 03S44 Dr. Hans Kapfinger-Stiftung, Passau 03867 Keller-Budenberg-Stiftung, Berlin 03920 Paul Kemmer-Stiftung, Bad Mergentheim 03931 Gebrüder Hubert und Josef KickartzStiftung, Krefeld 03955 Werner Klein-Stiftung, Koblenz 04019 Karl Knauer-Stiftung, Biberach 04059 Koblenzer Sportstiftung, Koblenz 04078 Paula und Jakob Korell-Stiftung, Schwaikheim 04164 A. und E. Korus-Stiftung, Wuppertal 04169 Dr. Armin und Maria Krautheim-Stiftung, Bad Grönenbacti 04200 Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und HalbachStiftung, Essen 04247
Subject Index: Sports Kultur-, Sport- und Sozialstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln ir der Stadt Burscheid, Köln 04279 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung der RaiffeisenVolksbank Bad Wörishofen-Ottobeuren, Bad Wörishofen 04283 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder für den Altkreis Fritzlar, Melsungen 04298 Kulturstrftung der Kreissparkasse Schwalm-Eder für den Altkreis Ziegenhain, Melsungen 04299 Kulturstiftung der Spatkasse Stormam, Bad Oldesloe 04312 Julius und Gertraud Kunert-Stiftung, Immenstadt 04356 Herbert Kunze Stiftung, München 04369 Kyffhäuser- und Finanzsportstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz, Trier 04385 Alois-Lauer-Stiftung, Dillingen/Saar 04424 Gebrüder Lay-Stiftung Junge Sportler, Limburg 04434 Leffers-Sportstiftung Neukölln, Bielefeld 04445 Gemeinnützige Margaretha und Emst A. Levers-Stiftung, Hamburg 04487 Alfred Lippert-Stiftung, Berlin 04527 Peter-Mählmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 04609 Günter und Wolfgang Menz-Stiftung im 1. Fußball-Club Neukölln 1Θ95 e.V., Berlin 04747 Manja und Emst Mordhorst-Stiftung für Jung und Alt, Frankfurt am Main 04848 Egon von Neindorff-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 04970 Nettetaler Sparkassenstiftung, Krefeld 04975 Hellmut Niethammer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05011 Nordwestdeutsches Trainingszentrum für Olympischen Schießsport, Worpswede 05033 Hanne Nüsslein-Stiftung, Köln 05040 Oertel-Stiftung, Eichenau 05067 Offenbacher Sport-Stiftung, Offenbach am Main 05071 Dr. Walter und Angelika Oschmann· Stiftung, Nürnberg 05102 OS PA-Stiftung, Rostock 05106 Heinrich Elimar Precht Stiftung, Bremen 05284 Eugen und Elisabeth Reintjes-Stiftung zu Emmerich, Emmerich 05416 Werner Richard-Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung, Herdecke 05441 Dr. Hermann Rover-Stiftung, Quickbom 05508 Hugo Rupf-Stiftung, Heidenheim 05567 Sammelstiftung der Stadt Waldheim, Waldheim 05609 Hans-Peter Schlatterer-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05844 Horst Sch m id I-J u ge η dsttftu ng des Seglerverbandes Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel 05885 Familie Schneider-Stiftung, Gladenbach 05923 Hermann Schridde-Stiftung, Winsen/Aller 05961 Schützenvogt-Becker-Stiftung, Goslar 05990 Schulsport-Stiftung, Biberach 06000 Karl Schultheis Stiftung, Konz 06007 Herbert Berthold Schwarz-Stiftung im Ruderclub am Wannsee, Berlin 06041 Schwenninger-Volksbank-Stiftung, VillingenSchwenningen 06051 Sozial- und Sportstiftung der Kasseler Sparkasse, Kassel 06175 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Jugend und Sport, Freiberg 06193 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Sportvereine, Essen 06196 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Speyer, Speyer 06208 Sparkassenstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Kaarst-Büttgen, Kaarst 06214 Sparkassenstiftung für den Landkreis Kitzingen, Würzburg 06217 Sparkassenstiftung für den Landkreis Main-Spessart, Lohr am Main 06218 Sparkassenstiftung für den Rhein-SiegKreis, Siegburg 06219 Sparkassenstiftung für die Grafschaft Bentheim, Nordhorn 06220 Sparkassenstiftung für Jugend, Sport und Umwelt, Brakel 06223 Sparkassenstiftung im Landkreis Tirschenreuth, Tirschenreuth 06227 Sparkassenstiftung Kleve, Kleve 06230 Sparkassenstiftung Landkreis Kassel Soziales und Sport, Kassel 06233 Sparkassenstiftung Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr 06235 Sparkassenstiftung Pöttmes, Aichach 06240 Sparkassenstiftung Schifferstadt, Schrfferstadt 06242 Sparkassenstiftung Uecker-Randow, Pasewalk 06245 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung des Jugendamateursports im Kreis Herford, Herford 06252 Dr. Kari-Heinz-Spiegel Stiftung, Essen 06265 Sport in der Schule in BadenWürttemberg, Stuttgart 06301
496 Sportförderungsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Weiden, Weiden 06302 Spoitjugendstiftung der bayerischen Sparkassen, München 06303 Sportstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 06304 Sportstiftung der Sparkasse SchleswigFlensburg, Schleswig 06305 Sportstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, Steinfurt 06306 Sportstiftung Main-Kinzig, Gelnhausen 06307 Sportstiftung Wattenscheid, Bochum 06308 Stiftung 200 Jahre Sparkasse Kiel, Kiel 06394 Stiftung Behindertensport, Duisburg 06467 Stiftung der Bezirkssparkasse Furtwangen, Furtwangen 06539 Stiftung der Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Münden, Hann. Münden 06562 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Borken zur Förderung der Jugend, Kunst und Kultur sowie für die Seniorenbetreuung, den Sport und die Umwelt, Ahaus 06568 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Euskirchen zur Förderung von Kultur und Sport im Kreis Euskirchen, Euskirchen 06571 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung des Sports im Gebiet des Erftkreises, des Rheinisch-Bergischen Kreises und des Oberbergischen Kreises, Köln 06578 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Löbau-Zittau für Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, Zittau 0659? Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Segeberg, Bad Segeberg 06590 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Verden, Verden 06593 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wiedenbrück, Rheda-Wiedenbrück 06594 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wolfratshausen, Bad Tölz 06596 Stiftung der Möllner Sparkasse, Mölln 06602 Stiftung der Norddeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale und der öffentlichen Versicherungen für Braunschweig, Braunschweig 06604 Stiftung der Raiffeisen-Volksbank Amorbach eG, Miltenberg 06606 Stiftung der Raiffeisen-Volksbank Bürgstadt eG, Mittenberg 06607 Stiftung der Raiffeisen-Volksbank Untermerzbach eG, Ebern 06608 Stiftung der Raiffeisenbank KleinwallstadtSulzbach eG, Kleinwallstadt 06609 Stiftung der Raiffeisenbank Unteres Eisavatal eG, Eschau 06610 Stiftung der Sparkasse Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Bad Neustadt an der Saale 06616 Stiftung der Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis für Kultur und Sport, Zeitz 06620 Stiftung der Sparkasse der Homburgischen Gemeinden, Wiehl 06622 Stiftung der Sparkasse Donauwörth, Donauwörth 06625 Stiftung der Sparkasse Finnentrop, Finnentrop 06626 Stiftung der Sparkasse HarburgBuxtehude, Winsen/Luhe 06630 Stiftung der Sparkasse im Landkreis Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim, Neustadt an der Aisch 06632 Stiftung der Sparkasse KierspeMeinerzhagen, Kierspe 06633 Stiftung der Sparkasse Kreis Plön zur Förderung der heimischen Kultur und Natur, der Jugendpflege und des Sports, Plön 06636 Stiftung der Sparkasse Laubach-Hungen, Laubach 06638 Stiftung der Sparkasse Lübeck für Kultur, Umwelt und Sport, Lübeck 06639 Stiftung der Sparkasse MärkischOderland, Strausberg 06640 Stiftung der Sparkasse Markgräflerland zur Förderung der Jugend, Weil am Rhein 06642 Stiftung der Sparkasse Menden, Menden 06644 Stiftung der Sparkasse Ostholstein, Eutin 06647 Stiftung der Sparkasse Soest zur Förderung von Jugend und Sport, Soest 06652 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vogtland, Plauen 06654 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vorpommern für Wissenschaft, Kultur, Sport und Gesellschaft, Greifswaid 06655 Stiftung der Sparkasse Wittgenstein. Bad Berleburg 06656 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung gemeinnütziger, mildtätiger und kirchlicher Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen 06659 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Stade, Stade 06661
Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Bad Sachsa, Bad Sachsa 06664 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Frankenthal zur Förderung der Pflege von Kunst, Kultur und Sport in der Stadt Frankenthal, Frankenthal 06671 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Uppstadt zur Förderung des Sports, Lippstadt 06674 Stiftung der Stadtsparkasse Wermelskirchen zur Förderung des Sports im Stadtgebiet Wermelskirchen, Wermelskirchen 06678 Stiftung der Volksbank Edewecht e.G., Edewecht 066S5 Stiftung der Volksbank Lüneburger Heide, Sottau 06686 Stiftung der Volksbank Neu-Isenburg, Neu-Isenburg 06688 Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin, Berlin 06712 Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe, Frankfurt am Main 06715 Stiftung Deutscher Rollstuhlsport, Meckenheim 06721 Stiftung Deutscher Volleyball, Frankfurt am Main 06722 Stiftung Deutsches Sport- und OiympiaMuseum, Köln 06737 Stiftung Deutsches Sportabzeichen im Landkreis Peine, Peine 06738 Stiftung Favoriten-Dank, Winsen (Luhe) 06785 Stiftung Fechtsport in Tauberbischofsheim, Tauberbischofsheim 06786 Stiftung für die Bürger der Stadt Waldheim, Waldheim 06827 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umwelt, Sport und Soziales der Sparkasse Weimar, Weimar 06857 Stiftung für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Umwelt und Sport der Sparkasse Erfurt, Erfurt 06656 Stiftung Isernhagen, Isernhagen 06995 Stiftung Jugend, Natur und Heimat der Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis, Künzeisau 07007 Stiftung Kieler Sporthilfe, Kiel 07029 Stiftung Kreissparkasse Borken, Ahaus 07054 Stiftung Pro Bochum, Bochum 07218 Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport, Planegg 07292 Stiftung Soziale Hilfe für Spitzensportler in Baden-Württemberg, Ostfildern 07297 Stiftung Sparkasse Büdelsdorf, Büdelsdorf 07306 Stiftung Sparkasse Eckemförde, Eckemförde 07307 Stiftung Sparkasse Kellinghusen, Kellinghusen 07308 Stiftung Sport der Sparkasse Neuss und des Kreises Neuss, Grevenbroich 07311 Stiftung Sport in Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle/Saale 07312 Stiftung Sport in Schule und Verein in Bayern, München 07313 Stiftung Sport Region Halle, Halle/Saale 07314 Stiftung Stadt Wittlich, Wittlich 07316 Stiftung Stadtsparkasse Hessisch Oldendorf, Hessisch Oldendorf 07321 Stiftung Standort: hier der Stadtsparkasse Versmold, Versmold 07325 Stiftung Thüringer Sporthilfe, Erfurt 07344 Stiftung zur Förderung begabter Jugendlicher im kulturellen und sportlichen Bereich, Überlingen 07435 Stiftung zur Förderung der Jugend Spatkasse Rastatt-Gernsbach, Rastatt 07456 Stiftung zur Förderung der Pflege von Kunst, Kultur und Sport im Donnersbergkreis, Kirchheimbolanden 07463 Stiftung zur Förderung des Münchner Sports, München 07479 Stiftung zur Förderung des Sports, Lübeck 07481 Stiftung zur Förderung von Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Soziales, Sport und Kultur der Kreissparkasse Meißen, Meißen 07493 Stiftungen der Stadt Dessau, Dessau 07515 Carl Tempel-Stiftung, Roklum 07633 Lisbeth und Hans-Georg Tinneberg Stiftung, Hamburg 07690 Trierer Sportstiftung 1984, Trier 07718 Klaus Tschira Stiftung, Heidelberg 07724 TSV-Stiftung-Spoitförderung, Schwieberdingen 07725 Vereinigte Coburger Sparkassen-Stiftung, Coburg 07808 Volksbank Höxter-Beverungen-Stiftung, Höxter 07918 Volksbank Munzel Stiftung, Barsinghausen 07920 Volksbank Paderborn Stiftung, Paderborn 07921 Volksbank-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 07922
Volksbank-Stiftung BremerhavenWesermQnde, Bremerhaven 07924 Volksbank Wertheim-Stiftung, Wertheim 07927 Volkspark Bargteheide, Bargteheide 07930 Fritz Walter-Stiftung, Kaiserslautem 08003 Weber'sche Stiftung, Schönau 08028 Eberhard Wienhott-Stiftung, Hamburg 08121 Josef und Hilde Wilberz-Stiftung, Mönchengladbach 08123 Leon le-Wikt-Stiftung, Eppelheim/Heidelberg 08124 Heiden heimer Kultur- und Sozialfonds Stiftung Karl-Heinz Wilhelm, Heidenheim 08129 Dr. Woehmitz-Stiftung, Daubach 08135 Gregor Wolf-Stiftung, Betzdorf 08205 Otto-Woffi-Stittung, Köln 08212 Jakob Wolperth-Sttftung, Weinheim 08217 Dr. Georg und Lu Zimmermann Stiftung, Thannhausen 08289
Italy Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso 08434
Monaco International Athletic Foundation, Monte Carlo 09032
Netherlands International Foundation Disabled Sailing, Bitthoven 09169 Nederiandse Draf- en Rensport Stich ting, Den Haag 09238 Schipholfonds, Luchthaven Schlphol 09321 Stìchtìng Bevordering van Volkskracht, Rotterdam 09364 Stichting Gay & Lesbian Games Amsterdam 1998, Amsterdam 09410 Stichting Militaire Sport Vereniging Fonds, Den Haag 09454 Stichting Nationaal Fonds Sport Gehandicapten, Den Haag 09462 Stichting Sportfonds Leo van der Kar, Amstelveen 09579
Portugal Furtdaçâo Beimiro de Azevedo, Sen hora da Hora 09698 Furtdaçâo da Juventude, Porto 09772 Fundaçio das Minas da Panasqueira, Minas da Panasqueira 09774 Furtdaçâo de Amizade e Solida riedade Portugal-Holanda, Almodôvar 09775 Furtdaçâo Portuguesa de Bushido, Lisboa 09824 Fundaçâo Monjardino, Lisboa 09876
Russia Fond razvitija kultury i sporta mokxteü, Moskva 09970
Spain Fundación Bing Crosby, Alcobendas 10243 Fundació Unió Esportiva Vilassar de Mar, Vilassar de Mar 10653 Fundación A.N.D.E., Madrid 10665 Fundación Actilibre, Madrid 10670 Fundación Amigos del Deporte, Madrid 10696 Fundación Barcelona Olímpica, Barcelona 10782 Fundación Caja de Ahorros de Vitoria y Alava, Vitoria 10811 Fundación Comité Olímpico Español, Madrid 10923 Fundación Cultural Estadio, Vitoria 10955 Fundación de Deportes, Valladolid 10974 Fundación de Servicio Público Tenis Onda/reta Municipal, Donostia-San Sebastián 10997 Fundación Deporte Joven, Madrid 11006 Fundación Fútbol Profesional, Madrid 11138 Fundación Municipal Deportiva, Valladolid 11377 Fundación Pública Deportiva Municipal, Oviedo 11553 Fundación Universidad de Estudios Generales, El Puig 11666 Fundación Sol Hachuel, Madrid 11773 Fundación Merindades, Villarcayo 11914 Fundación Urki, Bilbao 12213 Fundación Virey, Madrid 12262
Sweden Scandinavian Foundation of Medicine and Science in Sports, Huddinge 12310
Switzerland Fondation pour la Promotion et le Développement du Hockey sur Gazon, Lausanne 12641
Fondation SAS des Schweizerischen Akademischen Skiclubs, Zollikon 12666 Fondation Sport, Science et Santé, Pully 12672 Fonds zur Förderung des Jugendschachs in der Schweiz, Zürich 12731 Goldene Tage Sapporo 1972, Baar 12774 Haus des Sportes, Bern 12811 Jeunesse Montagnards du Monde, Brig 12920 Stiftung zur Unterstützung der Sportund Kunstausbildung Luzem Heidi Kaeslin, Luzem 12940 Heinrich und Julie Sandmeier-StreiffStiftung, Zug 13181 Schweizerische Hlmalaya-Stiftung, Ins 13236 Stiftung der 5. Europameisterschaften für Sehbehinderte 1989 in Zürich, Zürich 13428 Stiftung Die neue Zeit für gesunde Freizeitgestaltung, Thielle 13446 Stiftung Pro Sport Schweiz, Basel 13755 Stiftung Pro Tennis-Jugend, Scheuren 13756 Stiftung Schweizer Schachhilfe, Rapperswil 13785 Stiftung Schweizer Skisport, Solothum 13786 Stiftung Schweizer Sporthilfe, Bern 13787 Stiftung Schweizer Sporthilfe, Küssnacht am Rigi 13788 Stiftung Schweizer Trabrennsport des Schweizerischen Trabrenn-Verbandes, Aarau 13789 Stiftung Schweizerisches Sportgymnasium Davos, Davos Platz 13811 Stiftung Sport-, Kultur- und Tourismusförderung Gstaad-Saanenland, Gstaad 13825 Stiftung Swiss Paralympic Committee, Spiez 13832 Stiftung Swiss Tennis 2010, Bern 13833 Stiftung VITA Parcours, Zürich 13849 Stiftung zur Förderung des Pferdesportes. Basel 13907 Stiftung zur Förderung junger Skitalente, Muri 13913 Marc Surer Stiftung, Windlach 13928 Fondation Ventose, Genève 13966
United Kingdom Aberystwyth Educational Fund, Aberystwyth 14061 Aylesbury Sports Charitable Trust, Aylesbury 14336 Bailward Trust Fund, London 14350 The Ballard Trust, Plymouth 14368 Richard Baiker Sail Training Trust, Huddersfield 14393 Beacon Electrical Sports Trust for Youth, Plymouth 14462 The Peter Beckwith Harrow Trust, London 14476 Bedwas Colliery Sports and Welfare Fund, Resolven 14483 William Beedham Chess Trophy and Prize Fund, Hull 14485 The Blue Coat Foundation, Denbigh 14623 Bowen's Educational Foundation, Cardigan 14667 The British Chess Educational Trust, Bristol 14747 The British Olympic Education Trust, London 14758 The Mildred Brown Sport for the Disabled Trust, Durham 14805 Cambridge Sports Hall Trust, Cambridge 14905 Castiecroft Trust, Wolverhampton 14989 Chester Autumn Sports Committee Trust for the Aged, Chester 15092 The Chirk and District Swimming Baths Trust, Wrexham 15145 The Christchurch Church of England Educational Fund, London 15161 Crosspool and District Youth Sports Trust, Sheffield 15430 Darrington Village Field Trust, Pontefract 15491 Deva Judokwai Sports and Community Trust, Chester 15567 Dockland Sailing Centre Trust, London 15612 Dorchester Swimming Bath Fund, Dorchester 15622 Erdington Recreational Trust, Sutton Cokifield 15826 The Feamside Foundation, Reading 15907 The Finn Trust, Exeter 15936 Foundation for Sport and the Arts, Liverpool 15995 Friends of Saint Ann's School Swimming Pool Fund, Morden 16052 Daniel GaskeH and John Wray Foundation, Hoibury 16111 The Green Park Aston Clinton Trust, Aylesbury 16238 John Griffith's Educational Foundation, Newtown 16277 The Ludwig Guttmann Paraplegic Sports Foundation, Aylesbury 16295
497 Thomas Hardye Foundation, Dorchester 16382 The Haringey Sports Fund for the Disabled, Colchester 16369 The Harrovian Rifle Association Fund, Bexleyheath 16404 The Hawks Charitabis Trust, Cambridge 16452 The Highams Park Charitable Trust, London 16538 Holt Endowed School Foundation, Wrexham 16599 The Holy Circle Trust, Gingham 16604 Homerton House Community Charitable Trust, London 16617 The Indian Sports and Physical Education Foundation, London 16745 The Island Sports Trust, Dartford 16668 The Jesus College Boat Club Trust, Cambridge »6955 Daphne and Bethan Jones Memorial Fund, Penarth 16995 The Kendrick Foundation, Reading 17049 The William Kershaw Prize Fund, Oldham 17063 The KGV Water Sports Trust, London 17068 Leeds and District Football Association Benevolent Fund, Leeds 17211 Lock Lane Amateur Rugby League Club Fund, Castleford 17408 London Borough of Merton Mayor's Jubilee Trust, London 17427 London Coaching Foundation, Kingston· upon-Thames 17432 London Football Association Benevolent Fund, London 17437 The Longtown Swimming Pool Trust, Carlisle 17457 The Lysander (Leys School) Boat Club Trust Fund, Cambridge 17504 The John McBrien Memorial Fund, Holywell 17510 The Metropolitan Police Sports Fund, London 17701 Middlesbrough Tennis and Badminton Charitable Trust, Middlesbrough 17715 The Mobbs Memorial Fund Charitable Trust (1985), Wellingborough 17772 Morgan Lloyd's Educational Foundation, Uanbrynmair 17805 Mie Morris Memorial Sporting Trust Fund, Cwmbran 17819 Newham Community Leisure Trust, London 17961 Odney Pool Bathing Fund, Cookham Rise 18106 The Old Citizens Sports Trust, London 18126 The Old Rectory Riding School Trust, Milton Keynes 18140 The Old Wellingtonian Society Charitable Trust, Crowthome 18150 The On Yer Bike Trust of Kensington and Chelsea, London 18162 The Oxford and Cambridge Rowing Foundation, Henley-on-Thames 18212 Raleigh International Trust, London 18558 Redbridge Sports Centre Trust Barkingside 18603 Vernon Rees Davies Memorial Sports Trust, Swansea 18612 Rhyl Christ Church Schools Educational Foundation, Rhyl 18642 The Captain Charles Robertson O.B.E. Educational Foundation, Ystrad Mynach 18691 The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Rugby Union Trust, Portsmouth 19093 The Royal Thames Youth Sailing Trust, London 19122 Russell Foster Tyne and Wear Sports Foundation, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19147 Saint Saviour's Hall Fund, London 19416 Saint Sebastian's Playing Reld Trust, Wokingham 19418 The Shepherd Street Trust, Preston 10579 The Simpson Memorial Foundation, Manchester 19618 Slough Social Fund, Slough Î9943 The Sobell Variety Islington Trust, London 19660 The Southgate Sports and Leisure Trust, Bedford 19728 Southward Sports and Adventure Trust, London 19738 The Spoore, Merry and Rixman Foundation, Maidenhead 19766 Sport England Lottery Fund, London 19767 Sports Trust Africa, London 19768 Swansea Rugby Foundation, Swansea 19887 George Swanson and Jeannette Thomson Athletic Prize Fund, London 19868 Swimming Pool Fund, Millón Keynes 19891 The Neil Taylor Memorial Trust, Halifax 19931 Tel Hai Fund, London 19954 The Thompson Educational Trust, London 20006
Subject Index: Theatre Wadham Lodge Sports Ground Trust, London 20258 Mark Wellington Memorial Fund, Isleworth 20280 WaJtham Saint Lawrence School Playing Field Trust, Waltham Saint Lawrence 20290 Wigan Cup Fund, London 20465 Edmund Wilson Trust, York 20505 Lady Frances Winchcombe's East Shefford Foundation, Newbury 20519 Colonel Woodcock's Swimming Prizes Trust, Bristol 20584 The Chris Woodroofe Trust Fund, Brentwood 20594 Worcester Citizens' Swimming Bath Association Trust, Worcester 20607 Woughton Leisure Trust, Milton Keynes 20633 Yattendon and Frilsham Sports and Social Trust, Yattendon 20675 York Community and Gymnastics Foundation, York 20692 Ysgol-Y-Preseii Swimming Pool Fund, Boncath 20723
Statistics Italy Fondazione Vittorino Colombo, Milano 08495
Spain Fundación Colegio Libre de Eméritos, Madrid 10916 Fundación Fondo para la Investigación Económica y Social, Madrid 11126
Switzerland Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz, Zürich 13859
United Kingdom Ackwofth Surgery Trust Fund, Portefract 14068 The Brocklehurst Neurosurgical Fund, Hull 14775 Charles Brotherton Trust, Harrogate 14799 The Clarendon Wing Paediatilc Surgical Fund, Leeds 15241 Grange Road Surgery Patients' Fund, Bristol 16206 The Lasers for Life Trust, Liverpool 17188 Leeds Surgical Research Trust, Leeds 17222 The Mansion Trust (India), London 17567 Middlesbrough General Hospital Surgical Unit Trust, Middlesbrough 17712 Plastic Surgery Foundation for Wales, Uanelli 183V Plymouth Surgical Services Trust, Plymouth 18401 Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust, Northwood 18628 Dr. Schweitzer's Hospital Fund, Croydon near Royston 19496 South Staffordshire Medical Centre Charitable Trust, Bridgnorth 19701 Frank Taylor Memorial Trust for Surgical Research, London 19932 Woifson Family Charitable Trust, London 20553 York Peptic Ulcer Research Trust, York 20702 York Surgical Research Trust, Harrogate 20705
Textiles Germany
Deutsche Institute fur Textil- und Faserforschung Stuttgart, Denkendorf 02189 Bernd Freier-Stiftung, Rottendorf 02752 Maria und Otto Heynen-Stiftung, Essen 03448 Wilhelm Lorch-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04560 Heinz Friedrich Meyer-Stiftung, Lüneburg 04777
Schlafhorst-Stiftung, Essen 05841
Fondation Elise Dugniolle-Querton, Bruxelles 00252 Fondation pour la Chirurgie Cardiaque, Bruxelles 00334
Stichting Koningin Sophiafonds, Rijswijk 09439
United Kingdom Spruce Fund, Nottingham 19777 Teaching Statistics Trust, Nottingham 19940
France Fondation Transplantation Alsace, Strasbourg 01067
Germany Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation, Neu-Isenburg 02220 Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Beriin 02232 Forschungs- und Studienstiftung der Vereinigung Nordwestdeutscher Chirurgen, Hamburg 02704 Rudolf Geißendörfer-Stiftung, Essen 02665 KfH Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V., Neu Isenburg 03952 Wolfgang Müller-Osten Stiftung, Beriin 04875 Stiftung Neurochirurgische Forschung, Hannover 07172 Afcert J.B. Sturm Stiftung, VillingenSchwenningen 07603
Netherlands Norway Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hônefoss 09642
Spain Fundació Centre de Recursos per a la Industria, Premià de Mar 10426 Fundació Cultural Tèxtil El Rádium, Barcelona 10453 Fundació del Disseny Tétti» Sabadell 10464 Fundación Patronato Vidal para ta Cultura de la Juventud Obrera, PuigReig 12250
Switzerland Spinning Wheef-Stiftung, Zürich 13336 Step-Stiftung für gerechte Bedingungen in Teppich- Herstellung und Handel, Bern 13347 Stiftung Exportförderungsfonds der schweizerischen Feingewebe-Industrie, Sankt Gallen 13458
United Kingdom
Fondazione Gustavo Sanvenero-Rosselli per la Chirurgia Plastica, Milano 08923
The Don Gwiilim Charitable Trust, Leicester 16303 Weavers' Company Textile Education Fund, London 20350
Netherlands Eurotransplant International Foundation, Leiden 09110
Spain Fundación para el Desarrollo e Investigación del Trasplante Hepático, Madrid 11442 Fundación Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, Madrid 11640 International Plástic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Foundation, Madrid 11791 Fundación Maurice E. Muller-España, Barcelona 11936
Theatre Austria Emst und Rosa von DombrowskiStiftung, Graz 00035 Theodor Kömer-Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst Wien 00079
Croatia Open Society Institute-Croatia, Zagreb 00590
Internationale Stiftung für Mikrochirurgie, Erfenbach ZH 12895 Stiftung Maurice E. Müller für Fortbildung und Forschung in orthopädischer Chirurgie, Bern 1306? Stiftung Vascular International, Stans 13847 Swisstransplant, Genève 13936
Fondation Dranem, Paris 00827
Dr. Broche-Stiftung Naumburg, Naumburg 01876 Bürgerstiftung der Kreissparkasse Kothen/Anhalt, Kothen 01956 Marion Ermer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 02473 Wilhelm von Finck-Stiftung, Grasbrunn 02641 Joana Maria Gorvin-Stiftung, Berlin 02999 Max Grünebaum-Stiftung, Cottbus 03059 Adolf und Luisa Haeuser-Stiftung für Kunst und Kulturpflege, Frankfurg am Main 03122 Karl Häusler-Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 03123 O.E. Hasse-Stiftung. Berlin 03230 August Hinrichs-Stiftung, OldenburgOdenburg 03459 Ilse Holzapfel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03539 Jugend- und Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Ludwigslust, Hagenow 03803 Alfred Kerr-Stiftung, Berlin 03940 Hans Knudsen-Stiftung, Berlin 04074 Kölner Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04100 Koenig & Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung des kulturellen Lebens in Würzburg, Wiiizburg 04102 Kultur-Stiftung der Deutschen Bank, Frankfurt am Main 04280 Kultur- und Naturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Düren, Düren 04281 Kultur* und Urnweltstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04286 Kulturstiftung Abtsgmünd, Abtsgmünd 04288 Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse TeltowFläming, Luckenwalde 04300 Kutturstiftung der Sparkasse Münster, Münster 04306 Kutturstiftung der Sparkasse Steinfurt, Steinfurt 04311 Kutturstiftung der VR Leasing, Eschborn 04316 Kulturstiftung Hohenlohe, Künzelsau 04330 Kulturstiftung Meiningen, Meiningen 04335 Kulturstiftung Oberberg der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 04336 Kulturstiftung Sparkasse Moers, Moers 04344 Kutturstiftung Speyer, Speyer 04349 Kulturstiftung Stadt Buxtehude, Buxtehude 04350 Kunst- und Kultur-Stiftung der Sparkasse in Bremen, Bremen 04360 Kunststiftung der Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg, Magdeburg 04363 Günter Neumann-Strftung, Beriin 04984 Horst-Rahe-Stiftung, Rostock 05354 Johanna, Friedrich Wilhelm und Willi Ringelband-Stiftung, Bensheim 05471 Ilse und Dr. Horst Rusch-Stiftung, Hamburg 05570 Schloß Theatrum Herberge Hohenerxleben-Stiftung, Hoher» odeben 05863 Stiftung Bördesparkasse Oschersteben, Osche rsleben 06489 Stiftung der Freunde der Hamburger Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hamburg 06554 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln zur Förderung des Hänneschen-Theaters, des Kölnischen Stadtmuseums, des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums, des Römisch-Germanischen Museums, des Schnütgen-Museums und des Kölner Zoos, Köln 06577 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Torgau· Oschatz, Oschatz 06591 Stiftung der Norddeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale und der öffentlichen Versicherungen für Braunschweig, Braunschweig 06604 Stiftung der Sparkasse Vogtland, Plauen 06654 Stiftung der Stadt-Sparkasse Leichlingen zur Förderung kultureller Zwecke im Stadtgebiet Leichlingen, Leichlingen 06660 Stiftung Forum Kultur, Hannover 06794 Stiftung Pro Bochum, Bochum 07218 Stiftung Schloßtheater Neuwied, Neuwied 07277 Stiftung zur Förderung der Hamburgischen Staatsoper, Hamburg 07451 Stiftung zur Förderung des OhnsorgTheaters, Hamburg 07480 Stiftung zur Förderung des Thalia Theater Hamburg, Hamburg 07482 Volksbank Höxter-Beverungen-Stiftung, Höxter 07918 Richard Wagner-Stipendienstiftung, Bayreuth 07961 Robert Wilson Stiftung zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur und Ausbildung, Hamburg 08145
Germany BHF-Bank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01697 Braunschweig-Stiftung, Braunschweig 01638
Italy Fondazione Andrea Biondo, Palermo 08410 Fondazione AIDA, Verona 08557 Fondazione II Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera 08645 Fondazione Istituto di Alta Cultura Orestiadi, Gibellina 08650 Fondazione Teatro Nuovo per la Danza, Torino 08746 Fondazione Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria, Perugia 08747 Fondazione Orlele Sotgiu di Ghilarza, Oristano 08944
Moldova The Fund of the Stage Veterans of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau 09012
Netherlands Cameretten Stichting, Rotterdam 09080 Fonds voor de Podiumkunsten, Den Haag 09125 Maaike Helena de Gaaij Reisfonds, Amsterdam 09139 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds, Amsterdam 09276 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Amsterdam, Amsterdam 09277 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Drenthe, Assen 09278 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Fryslân, Leeuwarden 09260 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Gelderland, Amhem 09281 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Groningen, Groningen 09282 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Limburg, Maastricht 09283 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds NoordBrabant, 's-Hertogenbosch 09284 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds NoordHolland, Haarlem 09285 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Overijssel, Raalte 09286 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Rotterdam, Rotterdam 09287 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds'sGravenhage, Den Haag 09286 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Utrecht, Utrecht 09269 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Zealand, Middelburg 09290 Prins Bernhard Cultuurtonds Zuid-Holland, Den Haag 09291 Stichting Singer Memorial Foundation, Laren 09328 Stichting Theater Het Amsterdamse Bos, Amsterdam 09514 Stichting Voortgezette Studie Podiumkunsten, Den Haag 09524
Russia Theatrical Fund of the Russian Federation, Moskva 10009
Spain Fundación Premio Alvarez Quintero, Madrid 10045 Fundación Castelao, Santiago de Compostela 10179 Fundación Pública Teatro Duso Dali, Figueras 10269 Fundació Amies de l'Opera de Sabadell, Sabadell 10362 Fundació Gran Teatro del Liceu, Barcelona 10503 Fundació Teatre Uiure-Teatre Public de Barcelona, Barcelona 10648 Fundación Instituto Internacional de Teatro del Mediterréneo, Madrid 11268 Fundación para la Formación y Creación Escénica de la Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid 11468 Fundación María Rolland, Madrid 12082 Fundación Shakespeare, Valencia 12148 Fundación Troconiz-Santacoloma, Portugalete 12204
Switzerland Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung, Basel 12415 Stiftung Lis und Roman Clemens, Zürich 12477 Fondazione Scuola e Teatro Dimitri, Locamo 12505 Ostschweizer Stiftung für Musik und Theater, Sankt Gallen 13096 Stiftung der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung 1939, Rüschlikon 13435 Stiftung Luzemer Theater, Luzem 13691 Stiftung Schweizerische Theatersammlung, Bern 13798 Stiftung zur Förderung der darbietenden Künste, Zürich 13893 Friedl Wald-Stiftung, Basel 13977
United Kingdom Greece The J.F. Costopoulos Foundation, Athina 08312
Action Children's Theatre Charity Trust, London 14074 The AES Tring Park School Trust, Tring 14090
Subject Index: Theatre The Anglesey {Royal National Eisteddfod 1957) Fund, Ynys Mon 14218 Asian Education and Fine Arts Trust, Harrow 14296 Bamsley Theatre Trust (1998), Sheffield 14422 The John Barrett Charitable Trust, Chichester 14425 Battersea Community Arts Centre Trust, London 14447 Bedford Players Trust, Bedford 14482 Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre Development Trust, Birmingham 14567 Birmingham Royal Ballet Trust, Birmingham 14590 Bristol Express Theatre Trust, London 14734 The Lord Brock Memorial Trust, London 14772 Bromley Churchill Theatre Trust, Bromley 14782 Chester Gateway Theatre Trust, Chester 15096 Company of Actors Trust, Wolverhampton 15326 Covenant Players United Kingdom Trust, Rushden 15389 The Peter Coxhead Foundation, London 15399 The Criterion Theatre Trust, London 15418 Derby New Theatre Fund, Derby 15557 Enfield Arts Centre and Theatre Trust, London 15811 Finnish Institute in London Trust, London 15937 Gloucester Academy of Music and Performing Arts Trust, Gloucester 16163 The Grand Theatre Development Trust, Wolvertiampton 16205 The Guildhall School of Music and Drama Foundation, London 16288 Hackney Empire Preservation Trust, London 16308 The Havering Theatre Trust, Homchurch 16443 The Peter Henriques Memorial Fund, Manchester 16511 The Hounslow Arts Trust, Brentford 16652 Humphrey Richardson Taylor Charitable Trust, London 16706 Ipswich and Suffolk New Theatre Trust, Ipswich 16876 The Iverdean Trust, Exeter 16909 The King of Hearts Trust, Norwich 17084 Kingston Theatre Trust, Kingston-uponThames 17115 The Kochan Trust, Fakenham 17136 Leeds Theatre Trust, Leeds 17223 Liverpool Royal Court Theatre Foundation, Liverpool 17348 Sophie Lloyd's Educational Theatre Trust, Liphook 17399 Lyric Theatre Trust (Carmarthen) Ltd., Carmarthen 17503 The M.A.D.S. Theatre Trust, Thomhill 17505 The John McBrien Memorial Fund, Holywell 17510 Mackintosh Foundation, London 17519 The Manchester Camerata Trust, Stockport 17551 The Mayflower Theatre Trust, Southampton 17620 Middlesbrough Little Theatre Trust, Middlesbrough 17713 Mime and Movement Trust, London 17746 Morpeth District Arts Trust, Morpeth 17811 The Sylvia Morris Charitable Trust, Kendal 17815 The Leonard Moules Memorial Prize for Drama Trust, Woodford Green 17629 New Orange Tree Theatre Trust, Richmond 17933 Newcastle People's Theatre Arts Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17948 Newcastle Playhouse Trust, Newcastleupon-Tyne 17949 Newcastle Theatre Royal Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 17951 North London Theatre Trust, London 18037 Norwich Puppet Theatre Trust, Norwich 18078 Octagon Theatre Trust, Bolton 18104 Plymouth Drama Arts Trust, Plymouth 18397 Riding Lights Trust, York 18666 The Riverside Arts Foundation, London 18679 The Rose Theatre Trust, London 18727 The Royal Exchange Theatre Appeal Fund, Manchester 79055 Royal National Theatre Endowment Fund, London 19086 The Royal National Theatre Foundation, London 19087 The Royal Opera House Endowment Trust, London 19104 Royal Opera House Trust, London 19105 Royal Shakespeare Theatre Trust, London 19113
Saint David's Hall and New Theatre Trust, Cardiff 19235 Shambrook Amateur Theatre Trust, Bedford 19548 Sheffield Lyceum Theatre Trust, Sheffield 19563 Sheffield Theatres Trust, Sheffield 19566 Shrewsbury Theatre Trust, Shrewsbury 19602 South Hill Park Twst, Bracknell 19695 The Southampton Nuffield Theatre Trust, Southampton 19716 The Taunton Theatre Trust, Taunton 19922 Theatre Development in Havering Fund, Romford 19989 Theatre Royal Haymarket Masterclass Trust, Bournemouth Í999Í Three Spires Trust, Truro 20018 Turtle Key Arts Centre Trust, London 20145 Charles Wallace India Trust, Richmond 20277 Watermans Development Trust, Brentford 20334 The Westmount Theatre Trust, London 20427 Wickham Theatre Trust, West Wickham 20463 The Wimbledon Civic Theatre Trust, Morden 20511 Wimbledon Theatre Community Trust, London 20517 The Winchester Theatre Fund, Winchester 20527 The Windsor Theatre Fund, Windsor 20533 The World Student Drama Trust, London 20622 York Citizens' Theatre Trust, York
20688 York Festival Trust, York 20697
Therapeutics Belgium Fondation de Physiopathologie Prof. Luden Dautrebande, Huy 00242
France Fondation Lucy Lebon, Saint-Dizier 01160
Germany Astrid Badina-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 01518 Baur'sche Stiftung, Hamburg 01580 John Brinley-Strftung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanistische Psychologie e.V., Eschweiler 01873 Dr. Broermann-Stiftung, KönigsteinFalkenstein 01882 Ruth und Christian Bruhn-Stiftung, Essen 01899 Carls-Stiftung, Königstein im Taunus
02028 Clemens-August-Stiftung, Neuenkirchen/Oldenburg 02067 Paul Ehriich-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02411 German Health Foundation, München 02926 Horst Eberhard und Henny GreweStiftung, Bad Iburg 03035 Verwaltungsgesellschaft der AndreasTobias Kind-Stiftung, Bochum 03965 Sebastian Kneipp-Stiftung, Würzburg 04061 Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse München, München 04313 Hans Lungwitz-Stiftung, Buxtehude 04590 Annekatrein Mendel-Strftung, Eschborn 04739 Yehudi Menuhin Stiftung Deutschland, Düsseldorf 04746 Dr. Gerhardt Nissen-Stiftung, Würzburg 05015 Novartis-Stiftung für therapeutische Forschung in Nürnberg, Nürnberg 0503Ö Falk von Reichenbach-Stiftung, Hannover 05404 Elisabeth-von-Senden Stiftung, München
06082 Rudolf Siener Stiftung, Bad Ems 06127 Ingrid zu Solms-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06156 Stiftung für Kunst und Kunsttherapie Nürtingen, Nürtingen 06065 Stiftung zur Förderung besonderer Behandlungsmethoden am Universitätsklinikum Großhadem, München 07436
Fondazione per lo Studio, la Prevenzione e la Terapia, Torino 08706
Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hônefoss 09642
Janson Johan Helmich og Marcia Jansons Legat, Hônefoss 09642
Fonds Muziektherapie, Amstelveen 09123 Rondom Stemwe/k Stìchtìrtg, Rotterdam 09306
Fundaçâo Cidade de Lisboa, Lisboa 09765
Fundación Club de Inversores, Alicante 10903 Fundación Cultural COAM, Madrid 10949 Fundación de Estudios Municipales y Territoriales, Madrid f0960 Fundación Funduvico, Madrid 11137 Fundación para ef Desarrollo del Urbanismo y la Vivienda Cooperativa, Madrid 11441 Fundación Provigo y su Area, Vigo 11551
Spain Fundación Doctor Antonio Esteve, Barcelona 10303 Fundació Institut Terapèuta Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona 10538 Fundación Benéfica San Francisco Javier y Santa Cándida, Granada 10784 Fundación Psico-Baltet Marte Leandro, Madrid 11830
Switzerland Bircher- Benne r-Stiftu η g für ganzheitliche Gesundheit und Therapie, Zürich 12417 Eulenpark Stiftung, Binningen 12542 Fondation Sophia pour la Recherche et la Formation en Sophrologle et pour le Développement de la Prévention des Toxicomanies, Lausanne 12671 Françoise Christiane-Stiftung, Doit 12740 M.-L. von Franz-Institute for Studies in Synchronicity, Zurich 12742 International Kinesiology College Stiftung, Zürich 12886 Stiftung Jonas zur Förderung der psychosozialen Prävention und Therapie, Domach 12924 Werner Alfred Selo-Stiftung zur Therapieforschung von Kopfschmerzen und Depressionen, Cham 13309 Sophien-Stiftung, Schaffhausen 13330 Stiftung für die Strahlentherapie am PSI, Villigen 13513 Stiftung für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse, Zürich 13565 Stiftung für sozialtherapeutische Arbeit Villa Erica, Nebikon 13574 Stiftung für Suchttherapie, Zug 7356? Stiftung Hilfe zum Leben, Bern 13623 Stiftung Institut für Sozialtherapie, Niederlenz 13638 Stiftung Leben gewinnen, Schattdorf 13683 Stiftung Santa Catarina für junge Menschen, Zürich 13773 Stiftung Sonnenhalde, Münchwilen 13819 Stiftung zur Förderung des therapeutischen Reitens in der Schweiz, Zürich 13908
United Kingdom The Aft Trust, Matlock 14102 The Archway Trust, SurWon 14250 The Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Educational Trust, London 14307 Cambridge Psychotherapy Assistance Trust, Cambridge 14904 The Carthage Trust, Hereford 14981 The Charing Cross Hospital Radiotherapy Dept Trust, London »5055 The Guild of Psychotherapists Studentships Trust, Saint Albans 16287 The Roland Harris Educational Trust, Oxford 16395 Frederick Holmes Hydrotherapy Pool School Fund, Hull 16597 Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, London 17664 The Panos Computer Trust, London 18239 The Dr. P.M. Phillips Memorial Trust, Uandeilo 16352 Treetops Hospice Trust, Derby 20076 The Whitechapel Fertility Trust, London 20449
Tourism Germany Kulturbund-Stiftung Kamem Elb-HavelWinkel, Kamem 04287 Pötzschner-Stiftung, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 05253 Willy Schamow-Stiftung für Touristik, Frankfurt am Main 05777
CARI Foundation, Dublin 08356
Fondazione Regionale Cristoforo Colombo, Genova 08493 Fondazione La Città di Ieri per l'Uomo di Domani, Firenze 08660
Fondazione Bonaccorsi, Milano 08450 Fondazione ISUP, Napoli 08652 Fondazione per Adroterapia Oncologica, Novara 06690
Stichting ANWB/ZImmerman Fonds, Den Haag 09356 Stichting Nationaal Hulpfonds Wij KomerVWK-Travel, Naarden 09465
Spain Fundación Actlibre, Madrid 10670 Fundación Amigos de Madrid, Madrid 10694 Fundación Centro para el Estudios del Fenómeno Turístico, Madrid 10882 Fundación del Oja, Casalarreina 11004 Fundación Mar Océano, Madrid 11361 Fundación para la Culminación de las Obras de la Basílica de la Almudena, Madrid 11459 Fundación para la Culminación de las Obras de la Iglesia Concatedral de Santa María, Castellón 11460 Fundación Rural, Cultural y Social de ta Caja de Ahorros de La Rioja, Logroño 11587 Fundación Rutas Cidoturísticas del Románico, Pontevedra 11589 Fundación San Benito de Alcantara, Alcántara 11596 Fundación Valencia Convention Bureau, Valencia 11683 Fundación Andrés de Ribera, Jerez de la Frontera 12061 Fundación Penya Segat de Campello, Alicante 12130 Fundación Patronato Vidal para la Cultura de la Juventud Obrera, PuigReig 12250
Switzerland Jeunesse Montagnards du Monde, Brig 12920 Stiftung Gesetzlicher Garantiefonds der Schweizer Reisebranche, Zürich 13598 Stiftung Sport-, Kultur- und Tourismusförderung Gstaad-Saanenland, Gstaad 13825
United Kingdom The Robert Stephenson Trust Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19810
Town planning Belgium Brugs Fonds voor Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking, Brugge 00221 King Baudouin Foundation, Bruxelles 00442 Stichting Stad, Bruxelles 00533
Estonia Viljandi Kultuurikolledzi Arengufond, Viljandi 00695
Germany Johannes Göderitz-Stiftung, Braunschweig 02975 IKEA-Stiftung, Hofheim-Wallau 03671 Kost-Pocher'sche Stiftung, Nürnberg 04172 Kulturstiftung Dresden der Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt am Main 04322 Kulturstiftung Stadt Buxtehude, Buxtehude 04350 Johann Daniel Lawaetz-Stiftung, Hamburg 04433 Karola Plaßmann-Bahl-Stiftung, Tübingen 05244 _ Stiftung Äußere Neustadt Dresden, Dresden 06398 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommunatwissenschaften, Berlin 06547 Stiftung Wohnliche Stadt Bremen, Bremen 07412 Heinrich Tessenow-Stiftung, Hamburg 07638 Alfred Toepfer-Stiftung F.V.S., Hamburg 07699
Italy Fondazione Aldo Della Rocca, Roma 06523 Fondazione La Città di Ieri per l'Uomo di Domani, Firenze 08660 Fondazione Mario e Giorgio Lab, Genova 08800 Fondazione Giulio Marchi, Firenze 08624 Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Roma
08868 Fondazione Federico Sacco, F ossane 08914
Netherlands Archivile Stichting, Amsterdam 09045 Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting, Den Haag 09569
Switzerland Fonds d'Art Contemporain de la Ville de Genève, Genève 12717 IKEA-Stiftung (Schweiz), Nussbaumen 12860 Stiftung Grüner Bundesplatz, Zürich 13606 Stiftung Ponte Projektfonds, Zürich 13735
United Kingdom Ashden Charitable Trust, London 14283 The Bangor and District Buildings and Amenity Preservation Trust, Caernarfon 14375 Bolton and District Civic Trust, Bolton 14637 The Brampton Preservation Trust, Brampton 14688 Carlisle and District Civic Trust, Carlisle 14958 Chester Civic Trust, Chester 15094 Cowes Town Waterfront Trust, Cowes 15396 Hampton Riverside Trust, Hampton 16360 The Harrow Hill Trust, Harrow 16408 Laughame Civic Trust, Carmarthen 17194 Uandeilo Civic Trust Society, Uandeilo 17360 Llandudno Heritage Trust, Deganwy 17365 Luton Civic Trust, Luton 17489 The Mayfair Trust, London 17617 Newport Maritime Trust, Newport 17977 Ogmore Valley Community Heritage Trust, Ogmore Valley 18110 Porthcawl Civic Trust Society, Porthcawl 18438 The Railway Inn Preservation Trust, Bargoed 18550 The Regeneration Trust, London 18615 Urban Learning Foundation, London 20197 The York Millennium Bridge Trust, York 20699
Toxicology Switzerland Schweizerisches Toxikologisches InfoimationszentTum, Zürich 13300
Trade unions Belgium Stichting Europese Christelijke Mijnwerkers, Bruxelles 00517
Estonia Eesti iiguskeskus, Tartu 00677 Eesti Rahvuskultuuri Fond, Tallinn 00680
Germany Otto Brenner-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01861 Stiftung Rechtsschutzsaal, Friedrichsthal 07226
Italy Fondazione Domenico Coiasanto, Napoli 08490 Fondazione Modigliani, Roma 08846 Fondazione Culturale Vera Nocentini, Torino 08665
Russia Fond imuáóestva profsojuzov Moskvy, Moskva 09963
Spain Fundación Iniciativas Socio-Laborales Ferrer y Guardia, Valencia >033) Fundació Privada Ur de les Comisslons Obreres del Barcelonés, Barcelona 10602 Fundación 10 de Marzo, Santiago de Compostela 10664
499 Fundación Cultural Asturias, Oviedo 10945 Fundación de Estudios Municipales y Territoriales, Madrid 10980 Fundación de Investigación y Comunicación, Valladolid 10967 Fundación cfEstudis libertarie í Anarco Sindicalistes, Barcelona 11011 Fundación Instituto Pro Desarrollo de Torrent, Torrent 11295 Fundación Instituto Sindical de Estudios, Madrid 11296 Fundación Instituto Sindical para la Cooperación al Desarrollo, Madrid 11297 Fundación Nueva Epoca y Cultura, Madrid 11403 Fundación Primero de Mayo, Madrid 11527 Fundación Sindical de Estudios, Madrid 11633 Fundación Sindicalismo 2002, Madrid 11634 Fundación Sindicalismo Independiente, Madrid 11635 Fundació Cipriano García, Barcelona 11714 Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero, Madrid 11826 Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo, Madrid 11865 Fundación Juan de Mairena, Toledo 11873 Fundación Juan Muñiz Zapico, Oviedo 11937 Fundación Manu Robles Arangiz Institutos, Bilbao 12068 Fundación Institución Salvador Seguí, Madrid 12132 Fundación Luis Ulve, Santiago de Compostela 12181 Fundación Pascual Tomás, Valencia 12185
Switzerland Fonds de Solidarité pour la Libération Sociale dans le Tiers-Monde, Zürich 12720 Fürsorgestiftung des CMV/FCOM, Zürich 12747 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Metall- und Uhrenarbeitnehmer- Verbandes, Bern 13440 Stiftung für Weiterbildung und Sozialfürsorge zugunsten des Verbandes und der Mitglieder des Metzgereipersonal-Verbandes der Schweiz, Zürich 13586 Stiftung Hilfskasse der Gewerkschaft Verkauf, Handel, Transport, Lebensrnittel, Zürich 13626 Stiftung Previment SMUV, Bern 13738 Stiftung Vereinigte Unterstützungskassen des Angestelltenverbandes des Schweizer Buchhandels, Luzem 13848
United Kingdom C.T.U.C. Charitable Trust, London 14870 Trades Union Congress Educational Trust, London 20067
Traffic Germany Bay-Stiftung für Ausbildungsförderung, Waiblingen 01563 Ludwig Bólkow-Stiftung, Ottobrunn 01777 Christophorus-Stiftung, Hamburg 02053 Flößerei- und Verkehrsmuseum Gertgenbach, Gengenbach 02680 Stiftung Bruno Fuchs, Göppingen 02800 Institut für Seeverkehrswiftschaft und Logistik, Bremen 03697 Matthias-Kaufmann-Stiftung, Hessisch Lichtenau 03903 Dr. Hermann und Ellen Klaproth-Stiftung, Schriesheim 04011 Dr. Friedrich Lehner-Stiftung, Hannover 04449 Dipl.-Ing. Lindow-Stiftung, Esser 04515 Rickers-Kock-Stiftung, Berlin 05447 Dr. Joachim und Hanna Schmidt-Stiftung für Umwelt und Verkehr, Ilsede 05899 Seppeier-Stiftung für Rug- und Fahrwesen, Gütersloh 06089 Stiftung Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL), Bremen 06509 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommunalwissenschaften, Berlin 06547 Stiftung Deutsche Außenhandels- und Verkehrs-Akademie DAV, Bremen 06705 Stiftung heureka, Wennigsen 06946 Stiftung Verkehrssicherheit, Kelsterbach 07366
Subject Index: Universities Netherlands Söchting Nationaal Verkeersveilingheidsfonds, Veghel 09466
Spain Fundació RA CO de Foment i Defensa de l'Automobilista, Barcelona 10613 Fundación Ada, Madrid 10671 Fundación Centro para el Estudio del Transporte en el Mediterráneo Occidental, Barcelona 10881 Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Estudios de Transporte, Valencia 11299 Fundación Museo de Transportes y Comunicaciones de Canarias, Las Palmas 11378 Fundación Sindical de Estudios, Madrid 11633
Unemployed Belgium King Baudouin Foundation, Bruxelles 00442
Qermany Förderstiftung der Stadt Mainz, Mainz 02687 Johann Daniel Lawaetz-Stiftung, Hamburg 04433 PE-Stiftung, Sankt Georgen 05166 Preussag-Stiftung, Hannover 05294 Geschwister-Schöpf-Stiftung, Dillingen an der Donau 05944 Stiftung Berufliche Bildung, Hamburg 06471 Stiftung der Sparkasse Detmold, Detmold 06623
Fondation IRU des Transports Routiers, Genève 12616 Stiftung zur Förderung der Berufsausbildung im Strassenbau und in der Strassenverkehrstechnik, Zürich 13891 Stiftung zur Förderung des Verkehrshauses der Schweiz, Luzem 13909 VCS-Stiftung, Bern 13964
The Centrum Foundation, Chisinau 08998
United Kingdom 71000 (Duke of Gloucester) Steam Locomotive Trust, Southport 14035 The Firefly Trust, Calne 15942 Hoveraid Trust, Gosport 16656 The Knowl Hill Steam Rally Trust, Waltham Saint Lawrence 17132 Llangollen Railway Trust Ltd., Llangollen 173Ή Mlddleton Railway Trust, Leeds 17717 The NFC Foundation, Bedford 17992 The Road Science Research and Education Trust, Brighton 18682 The Robert Stephenson Trust Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne 19810
Traumatology Spain Fundación MAPFRE, Majadahonda 11357 Fundación Instituto Guttmann, Barcelona 11Ή2
Switzerland Schweizerische Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung, Bern 13227 Schweizerische Stiftung für himverletzte Menschen, Zürich 13262 Stiftung Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung in der Landwirtschaft, Schottland 13392
Fundaçâo da Juventude, Porto
Spain Fundació Acciò Solidaria contra l'Atur, Barcelona 10354 Fundació per el Comerç de les Balears, Palma de Mallorca 10586 Fundación IEISA, Madrid 11249 Fundación para la Formación y Empleo Andalucial, Sevilla 11469 Fundación Recursos para el Desarrollo de la Economía Social, Sevilla 11561 Fundación Troconiz-Santacoloma, Portugalete 12204
Switzerland Stiftung Arbeitstosenrappen, Basel 13364 Stiftung Business House, Sankt Gallen 13414
United Kingdom Chelsea Relief of Hardship Fund, London 15080 The HaverfieJd and Brentford Towers Community Trust, Brentford 16437 Hull Unemployment Trust, Hull 16693 The Newham Bengali Community Trust, London 17959 Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust, Belfast 18055 Robin Hood Gardens Education and Training Trust, London 18695 Saint Luke's Community Trust, Richmond 19317 Shipbrokers Emergency Fund, London 19590
Universities Belgium
Tropics Italy Fondazione Don Giovanni Calabria per le Malattie Tropicali, Negrar 08465
Netherlands Stichting Agromisa, Wageningen 09347 Stichting voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Tropen, Den Haag 09523
Tuberculosis Belgium Fondation Damien, Bruxelles
Germany Ruth-Pfau-Stiftung, Würzburg 05197 Rienécker-Stiftung, Coburg 05461 K.L. Weigarid'sche Stiftung, München 08045
Italy Fondazione Prof. Gaetano SaMoli, Bologna 08918
Spain Fundación Causa Pía Domenech, Santa Co loma de Gramanet 10844 Fundación Casa de Reposo Manola la Asunción, Alcoy 11878
Switzerland Fondation du Sanatorium Universitaire Suisse, Erfenbach 12590
United Kingdom
International Foundation for Road Safety in Developing Countries, Luxembourg 08992
Jane Hodge Foundation, Cardiff 16577 The Mayor of Stepney's Tuberculosis Appeal (1931) Fund, llford 17641
Fondation Industrie Université, Bruxelles 00309 Fondation pour Promouvoir la Recherche à l'Université de Liège, Liège 00349 Fondation Travail-Université, Namur 00363 Fondation Universitaire, Bruxelles 00365 Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, Arlon 00366 Fonds voor de Ontwikkeling van de Vrije Universiteiten, Leuven 00383 Fondation Hoover pour le Développement de l'U.LB., Bruxelles 00417 Hoover Stichting voor de Ontwikkeling van de Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, Leuven 00418
Croatia Open Society Institute-Croatia, Zagreb 00590
France European University Research Foundation, Paris 00843 Fondation Université de l'Europe, Paris 01069
Germany Emst Abbe-Stiftung, Jena 01306 Akademische Auslandstelle an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 01347 Allgemeiner Hannoverscher Klosterfonds, Hannover 0f377 Walter und Eva Andrejewski-Stiftung, Essen 01430 Dr. Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe-Stiftung, München 01434 Sanitätsrat Dr. med. Arthur ArnsteinStiftung, Berlin 01464 Bamberger Universitätsstiftung, Bamberg 01535 Kurt BôsdvStiftung zugunsten der Universität Augsburg, Augsburg 01780
Edmund-Bradatsch-Stiftung, Weiden 01817 Wemher von Braun-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01831 Braunschweig-Stiftung, Braunschweig 01838 Dr. Heibert Brause-Stiftung, Würzburg 01841 Bremer Landesbank Stiftung, Bremen 01853 Alois Bromkamp-Stiftung für Wissenschaftsmanagement, Essen 01883 CITIBANK Stiftung, Düsseldorf 02056 Max Cramer-Stiftung, Chemnitz 02098 DAAD-Stiftung, Bonn 02107 Daimler Chrysler-Fonds, Essen 02114 Friedrich Deckel-Gedächtnisstiftung, München 02138 Heinrich Dietz-Stiftung zur Förderung der Krebsforschung an der Universität des Saarlandes, Essen 02277 Wilhelm Doerenkamp-Stiftung, Köln 02295 Arthur und Margarethe Ebert-Stiftung, München 02381 Einhundertjahresstiftung, München 02420 Hans Freiherr von Ellrichshausen'sche Stiftung, Stuttgart 02442 Fritz und Margot Faudi-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02602 Stiftung Dr. Karl Feldbausch, Mainz 02615 Dr. Feldbausch-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 02616 Wilhelm von Finck-Stiftung, Grasbninn 02641 Förderung der University of Maryland University College Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbisch Gmünd 02693 Emst Forberg-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 02699 Friedrich-Wilhelm-Stiftung, Aachen 02779 Gastprofessur Deutsche Bundesbank, ßerfin 02851 Anna von Gierke Stiftung, Hamburg 02948 Georg und Traud Gravenhorst-Stiftung, München 03028 Joachim und Irene Hahn-Stiftung, Hannover 03144 Wilhelm Hahn und Erben-Stiftung, Bad Homburg 03147 Freiherr von Handel'sche Stiftung, München 03189 Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Bremen 03200 Hanseatische Universitätsstiftung zu Lübeck, Lübeck 03201 Hansische Universität-Stiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 03207 Otto und Edith Haupt-Stiftung, Erlangen 03244 Fritz und Margot Heim-Stiftung, Lahr 03323 Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung zur Förderung der politischen Bildung und Kultur in Deutschland und Europa e.V., Stuttgart 03443 Friedrich Hiebel-Stiftung, Filderstadt 03452 Hochschulstiftung Ehemalige Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin, Berlin 0349/ Dr. Hüther-Stiftung, Erlangen 03649 IHK-Stiftung Fachhochschule Aschaffenburg, Aschaffenburg 03670 Hans Imhoff-Stiftung, Köln 03675 Franz Islinger-StHtung, Mannheim 03715 Jubiläums-Stiftung zum 400jährigen Bestehen der Universität Würzburg, Würzburg 03765 Jubiläumsstiftung 19Θ8 Universität Köln, Köln 03769 Jubiläumsstiftung für Gastvorlesungen, Stuttgart 03788 Carl-Christian Jügel-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03794 Wilhelm Karmann-Stiftung, Osnabrück 03880 Hans Keller-Stiftung, München 03924 Paul und Ursula Klein-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04018 Kloster Bergesche Stiftung Magdeburg, Hannover 04042 Knödler-Decker-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04068 Rudolf und Erika Koch-Stiftung, Hamburg 04082 Kogge-Stiftung für veterinärmedizinische Forschung, Gießen 04127 Kossoy Hall-Stiftung, Tübingen 04171 Kramerstiftung, Leipzig 04184 Brigitte und Martin Krause-Stiftung, Essen 04196 Kreissparkassen-Stiftung für die Fachhochschule Kaiserslautem, Kaiserslautern 04210 Kreissparkassen-Stiftung für die Universität Kaiserslautem, Kaiserslautem 04211 Stiftung Alfried-Krupp-Kolleg Greifswald, Greifswald 04244 KSB-Stiftung, Frankenthal 04250 Christian Kuhlemann-Stiftung, Hannover 04271 Schenkung Lautrach, München 044312 Theodor Lessing-Stiftung, Hannover 04479
Dr.-Walther-Liebehenz-Stiftung, Essen 04489 Carl von Linde-Stiftung an der Technischen Universität München, Höllriegelskreuth 04510 Hans Lindner Institut, Amstorl 04512 Dr. Ing. Leonhard Lorenz-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04561 Ludo viciana-Strftu η g und Osann-BeulwitzStiftung, Gießen 04573 Karl-Lurk-Stiftung, Tübingen 04591 Herbert Lutz-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, München 04598 Lyzeumstiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 04599 Hans und Czame Marcuse-Stiftung, Hannover 04647 Johannes und Frieda Marohn-Stiftung, Erlangen 04667 Emil und Paul Müller-Gedächtnisstiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04869 Robert Müller-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04884 Maria Müller-Stiftung, Mannheim 04891 Notti η g-H auff-Stiftu ng zur Förderung der Wissenschaften und der Universität Bremen, Bremen 05027 Osswald Nussbaum-Stiftung, Tübingen 05042 Oertel-Stiftung, Eichenau 05067 Albert Osswald-Stiftung, Gießen 05107 Hans Pape-Stiftung, Essen 05140 Passauer Universitätsstiftung, Passau 05152 Pressestiftung Tagesspiegel, gemeinnützige GmbH, Berlin 05291 Pro Futura I, Koblenz 053f0 Pro Futura II, Koblenz 05311 Alwin Reemtsma-Stiftung, Bochum 05384 Regensburger Universitätsstiftung, Regensburg 05388 Dr. Reisinger-Stiftungstonds, München 05418 Emst Röchling-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 05490 Erich und Maria Russell-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05573 Karl und Marie Schack-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05756 Schröder-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05970 Senator Kurt und Inge Schuster-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06029 sgz-Bank-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 06102 Christian und Emmy Sörensen-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06152 Gisela Stadelmann-Stiftung, Dreieich 06319 Stiftung Bulgarische Hochschulförderung, Waldsolms 06507 Stiftung der Universität Hildesheim, Hildesheim 06682 Stiftung Fachhochschule Hamburg, Hamburg 06779 Stiftung Förderung von Forschung und Lehre im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerhochschulen, Mainz 06790 Stiftung Freunde der Universität Bremen und der International University Bremen, Bremen 06800 Stiftung für Deutschland-Studien am Bolonga Center, Essen 06823 Stiftung Hochschule für Gestaltung, Ulm 06958 Stiftung Internationales Kolleg an der Universität Tübingen, Tübingen 06992 Stiftung Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Eichstätt 07024 Stiftung Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg, Hannover 07041 Stiftung Umwelt und Wohnen, Konstanz 07356 Stiftung Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg 07359 Stiftung Universität und Gesellschaft, Konstanz 07360 Stiftung Weltweite Wissenschaft, Hamburg 07392 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft an der Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 07406 Stiftung Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Untemehmensführung, Vallendar 07408 Stiftung zur Förderung der 6. Fakultät der Universität Ertangen-Nümberg, Nürnberg 07437 Stiftung zur Förderung der Fachhochschule Regensburg, Regensburg 07447 Stiftung zur Förderung der Forschung und der internationalen Zusammenarbeit der Universität des Saarlandes Wissenschaftliches Kolloquienzentmm Spelzenklamm, Saarbrücken 07448 Stiftung zur Förderung der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Beziehungen der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 07453 Stiftung zur Förderung der LeopoldFranzens-Universität Innsbruck, Frankfurt am Main 07460 Stiftung zur Förderung der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg 07468 Stiftung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften an der CaroloWilhelmina, Braunschweig 07471
Subject Index: Universities Stiftung zur Förderung des Instituts für Seerecht und Seehandelsrecht der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 07476 Stiftungsfonds der Industrie- und Handelskammer Regensburg, Essen 07517 Stiftungsfonds der Universitätskörperschafl Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 07518 Dr. Stroth-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07563 Alfred Teufel-Stiftung, Na_gold 07641 Emma Thaler-Stiftung, München 07645 Max-Traeger-Stiftjng, Frankfurt am Main 07707 Tübinger Universitätsstiftung, Tübingen 07729 Dr.-Jürgen-Uldenjp-Stiftung, Lemförde 0T742 Universitätsstiftung Pro Arte, Regensburg 07765 Vereinigte Stiftung für das Institut für Angewandte Chemie, Erlangen 07824 Vereinigte Stiftung für die Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen, Erlangen 07825 Vereinigte Stiftung für Wissenschaftliche Zwecke aller Art, Erlangen 07827 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Universitätskinderklinik Heidelberg, Heidelberg 07834 Vereinigte Stiftungen für wissenschaftliche Zwecke aller Art, München 07837 Vereinigte Stipendien- und Preisstiftung, Würzburg 07841 Vereinigte Studienstiftungenveiwattung der Universität Freiburg, Freiburg Im Breisgau 07852 Vereinigung von Freunden und Förderern der Johann Wollgang GoetheUniversität Frankfurt am Main e.V., Frankfurt am Main 07865 Universrtätsstiftung Hans Vielbeith, Regensburg 07885 Dr. Alfred Vinzl-Stiftung, Erlangen 07895 Karl Völker Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07901 Emst Vogelmann-Stiftung Fachhochschule Heilbronn, Heilbronn 07912 Sofie Wallner-Stiftung, Erlangen 07999 Dr. Paul und CHI! Weill-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08048 Dr. Wilhelm Westhaus-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 08097 Daniela und Jürgen Westphal-Stiftung zur Förderung privater Universitäten, Hamburg 08102 Hennann Willkomm Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08142 Wolfgang Wiimanns-Stiftung, München 08143 Carl Zeiss-Stiftung, Stuttgart 08263 Familie Dr. Jürgen Ziegler-Stiftung, Kaiserslautem 08279
Greece Ethnikon Idiyma Erevnon, Athina
Italy Fondazione 08411 Fondazione Fondazione Fondazione Fondazione
Franco Antonicelli, Livorno Flaminia, Ravenna 03547 C.E.U.R., Bologna 08577 Hoechst, Milano 08637 Luigi Tanari, Bologna 08950
Netherlands Stichting Het Vrije Universiteitsfonds, Amsterdam 09421 Stichting Leids Universiteitsfonds, Leiden 09442 Stichting Nijmeegs Universiteitsfonds, Nijmegen 09470 Stichting Universiteitsfonds Delft, Delft 09515 Stichting Universiteitsfonds Eindhoven, Eindhoven 09516 Stichting Universiteitsfonds Twente, Enschetie 09517 Utrechts Universiteitsfonds, Utrecht 09564
Portugal Fundaçâo Bissaya-Barreto, Coimbra 09701 Fundaçâo Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa 09838 Fundaçâo Universidade Portucalense Infante Dom Henrique, Porto 09839
Romania Black Sea University Foundation, Bucu resti 09943
Spain Fundación Marqués de Aledo, Oviedo J0032 Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid 10063 Fundación Universitaria Balmes, Vich 10097 Fundación Euskoiker, Bilbao 10305 Fundació Girona: Universität i Futur, Girona 10502
Fundació Privada de Catalunya per a la Universität Ramón Uull, Barcelona 10600 Fundació Universitaria Cultura i Societat, Barcelona 10655 Fundació Universitaria Sant Pau, Barcelona 10656 Fundació Universität i Tecnologia, Barcelona 10657 Fundació Universität Internacional de la Pau, Sant Cugat del Vallès 10658 Fundació Universität Nova, Barcelona 10659 Fundación Actilibre, Madrid 10670 Fundación Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, Bilbao 10776 Fundación Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo 10793 Fundación Colaboradora de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid 10909 Fundación Cristo Redentor e Instituto Id Misioneros y Misioneras Identes, Madrid 10936 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Murcia, Murcia 11033 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona 11034 Fundación Empresa Universidad de Raspeig, Raspeig 11035 Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega, Santiago de Compostela 11037 Fundación Escuela Universitaria de Graduados Sociales de Ueida, Ueida 11074 Fundación Escuela Universitaria de Graduados Sociales de Valladolid, Valladolid 11075 Fundación General de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco 11142 Fundación General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid 11143 Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Alcalá de Henares 11144 Fundación General de la Universidad de Valencia, Valencia 11145 Fundación General de la Universidad Politécnica, Madrid 11146 Fundación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo de Estudios, Madrid 11478 Fundación Promotora de la Escuela Universitaria de Graduados Sociales, Ponferrada 11546 Fundación Universidad Caitos III, Qetafe 11665 Fundación Universidad de Estudios Generales, El Puig 11666 Fundación Universidad de Patencia, Patencia 11667 Fundación Universidad-Empresa CastillaLa Mancha, Ciudad Real 11668 Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Córdoba, Córdoba 11669 Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Granada, Granada 11670 Fundación Universidad-Empresa de León, León 11671 Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Madrid, Madrid 11672 Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Santander, Santander 11673 Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Valencia, Valencia 11674 Fundación Universidad-Empresa de Valladolid, Valladolid 11675 Fundación Universitaria Aula de Música, Bellaterra-Cerdanyola del Vallés 11676 Fundación Universitaria Catalana, Barcelona 11677 Fundación Universitaria de Las Palmas, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 11678 Fundación Universitaria de Sevilla, Sevilla 11679 Fundación Universitaria del Bagés, Manresa 11680 Fundación Universitaria San Pablo, Madrid 11682 Fundación Narcfs Montuno), Barcelona 11931 Fundación Femando Rielo, Madrid 12063 Fundación Ramón J. Sénder, Bartoastro 12136 Fundación Enrique Tierno Galván, Valencia 12180 Fundación Troconiz-Santacoloma, Portugalete 12204
Switzerland Comu-Stiftung der Gesellschaft ehemaliger Studierender der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschulen, Zürich 12480 Arnold Corti-Stamm Stiftung, Winterthur 12481 Fondazione Franklin College, So rengo 12741 Robert Gnehm-Stiftung an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule, Zürich 12m Davy- und Hedwig GoWstein-Nef Shenkar-Coilege Stiftung, Zug 12777 International Kinesiology College Stiftung, Zürich 12886
Fondation Carmine A. Romanzi pour la Coopération Universitaire en Europe, Genève 13160 Max Schmidheiny-Stiftung an der Universität Sankt Gallen, Sankt Gallen 13203 Stiftung Europainstitut der Universität Basel, Basel 13456 Stiftung Femstudien Schweiz, Brig 13463 Stiftung für Forschung und Beratung am Betriebswissenschaftlichen Institut der ETHZ, Zürich 13527 Stiftung Gästehaus der Universität Basel, Basel 13592 Stiftung Haus der Universität, Bern 13613 Stiftung Jüdische Zeitgeschichte an der ΕΤΗ Zurich zur Sicherung und Erschliessung historischer Quellen In der Schweiz, Zürich 13647 Stiftung Zentrum für Erwachsenenbildung der Universität Basel, Basel 13870
United Kingdom Cambridge Expeditions Fund, Cambridge 14897 The Cambridge Trust for Science and Technology, Cambridge 14906 Cardiff College of Food Technology and Commerce Prize, Cardiff 14946 Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Dunfermline 14971 The Chartered Institute of Bankers Education Fund, Canterbury 15067 Ealing Technical College Prize Fund, London 15693 The Bryan Elliott Memorial Students Prize Fund, Manchester 15775 The Exeter University Foundation, Exeter 15870 Foundation for Al-Quds University Medical School, London 15990 The Foundation of Saint Augustine Reading, Reading 16000 Fulhurst Community College Prize Fund, Leicester J 6069 Garfield Weston Trust for the New University of Ulster, Cole raine 16103 The Christopher Grieves Memorial Prize Fund, London 16273 Guthlaxton College Fund, Leicester 16293 Alderman Richard Hallam Trust Fund, Leicester Í6335 Hobson and Crane Exhibition Foundation, Cambridge 16572 The Hymers College Development Trust, Hull 16726 The Billy Ibberson Trust, Sheffield 16729 Claire Jervis Memorial Fund, Leeds 16935 The W.T. Jones Memorial Fund, Cardiff 16994 Leicester, Northants and Rugby Munitions Fund, Leicester 17241 Uandrillo Technical College Educational Trust, Colwyn Bay 17363 The London Trust for Trinity College Dublin, Windsor 17452 Luton Sixth Form College Trust, Luton 17494 Tony McLean Memorial Fund, Piuckley 17521 J.B. Morrei! Prize Fund, York 17813 Muslim University Education Trust, Buckhurst Hill 17856 North wood College Educational Foundation, Northwood 18064 Richard O'Sullivan Prize Fund, Birchington-on-Sea 18189 Padworth College Trust, Reading 18222 Park Lane College Trust, Leeds 18246 A.V. Payne Prize Fund, Leicester 18276 Queens Gate Trust, London 18530 John Quiller Couch's Foundation, Looe 18540 The Regent Street Polytechnic Trust, London 18618 The Robinson College Pegasus Trust, Weybridge 18697 Saint David's College Trust, Llandudno 19234 Saint George's College Development Fund, Windsor Castle 19260 The Sawston Village College Projects Fund, Cambridge 19477 John Searle Memorial Trust, London 19509 The Michael Sims Memorial Medical Fund, Marlow 19620 The Harry Skinner Memorial Fund, Leicester 19633 Rebecca Smith Charitable Trust, Worcester 19645 The Southampton University Development Trust, Southampton 19721 The Stuart Gershman Prize Fund, Liverpool 19846 Tancretfs Educational Foundation, London 19908 The Tel-Aviv University Trust, London 19953 The Triangle Bookshop Trust, London 20083
The Reverend Dr. Trippletts Foundation, London 20095 Sir Ronald Ernest Tunbridge Prize Fund, Leeds 20136 The University of Liverpool Development Trust, Liveipool 20184 University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Development Trust, Newcastle-uponTyne 20185 The University of Reading Chaplaincy Centre Trust, Reading 20186 The University of Reading Wantage Fund, London 20187 The University of Westminster Prize and Scholarship Fund, London 20188 The Captain John Vivian Nancarrow Fund, Middlesbrough 20248 The Margaret Weddell Memorial Fund, Manchester 20354 The Joy Weich Educational Charitable Trust, York 20356 Samuel Whitbread Community College Fund, Shefford 20439
Urology Germany Ilse Steigerts-Stiftung, Heiligkreuzsteinach 06372 Stiftung Urologische Forschung, Berlin 07361 Lieselotte und Dr. Karl-Otto WinklerStiftung für Arbeitsmedizin, Essen 08151
Italy Fondazione Vincenzo Pansadoro, Roma 08874
Spain Fundación de Urología del Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Getafe 10998 Fundación para la Investigación de la Urología, Madrid 11474 Fundación Puigveit, Barcelona 12036
Switzerland Stiftung C E. Alken, Bern
Netherlands Commissie Bevordering Diergeneeskundig en Vergelijkend Ziektekundlg Onderzoek, Bunnik 09090
Sweden International Foundation for Science, Stockholm 12298
Switzerland Schweizerische Stiftung zur Förderung des biologischen Landbaus, Frtck 13284 Stiftung Forschung 3R, Münsingen 13467 Stiftung Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Frick 13468 Stiftung für humanere Betäubung von Tieren, Bern 13536
United Kingdom The Phyllis Croft Foundation for Canine Epilepsy, Billerícay 15420 The Hobday Memorial Scholarship Fund, London 16570 The Houghton Trust, Newbury 16651 Human Health and Animal Experimentation Education Trust, London 16697 The Kochan Trust, Fakenham 17136 The Langford Trust for Animal Health and Welfare, Langford 17178 James McCunn Memorial Charitable Trust, Esher 17514 The Maidstone Post-Graduate Medical Centre Trust, Maidstone 17532 The Royal Veterinary College Animal Care Trust, Hatfield 19125 The Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons Charitable Educational Trust, Canterbury 19665 Vet Drug Educational Trust, Hull 20230 The Wildlife Hospital Trust, Aylesbury 20476 The Zebra Foundation for Veterinary Zoological Education, London 20729
United Kingdom
Kidney Urological Research and Education Fund, Brighton 17069
Otto Kuhn-Stiftung, Essen 04274 Andreas Lembke-Sffitung, Eutin 04461 Heinrich Pette-lnstitut für Experimentelle Virologie und Immunologie an der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 05190 Tönjes-Vagt-Stiftung, Bremen 07697
Venereology Belgium Belgische Stichting voor Dermatologie en Venerologie, Aalst 00209
Netherlands Stichting saa-bestrijding, Utrecht
Vocational education
Spain Fundación Instituto Guttmann, Barcelona 11772
Veterinary medicine Belgium World Animal Handicap Foundation, Bruxelles 00571
France Fondation Internationale pour la Zoothérapie, Hommes 00978
Germany Archiv Veterinärmedizin, Berlin 01446 Grimminger-Stiftung fur Zooriosenforschung, Stuttgart 03039 Oberregierungsrat Dr, Hermann Kôstibacher-Stipendienfonds, München 04126 Kogge-Stiftung für veterinärmedizinische Forschung, Gießen 04127 Hans und Helga Maus-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04696 H. Wilhelm Schaumann-Stiftung, Hamburg 05785 Josefine Charlotte Schiffer-Stiftung, Osnabrück 05818 Anneliese-Schröder-Preis, Berlin 05964 Stiftung Tierpark Hagenbeck, Hamburg 07346 Stiftung zur Förderung der Erforschung von Ersatz und Ergänzungsmethoden zur Einschränkung von Tierversuchen, Mainz 07444 Tierseuchenforschungsstiftung, Berlin 07685
Italy Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche, Brescia 06647 Fondazione Salute Animale, Cremona 08737
Haus Fuschl, Salzburg
Belgium Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche en Education et en Formation, Liège 00295
Estonia Leisi Valla Arengu Sihtkapital, Leisi
France Fondation Depoorter, Hazebrouck 00821 Fondation de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Coufbevoie 00899 Fondation de l'Industrie à l'Ecole des Mines de Nancy, Nancy 00905 Fondation IH 4 RA pour l'Avenir, Paris 00971 Fondation Lycée Professionnel, Paris 00992 Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises, Paris 01012 Fonds d'Assurance Formation du Travail Temporaire, Paris 01075
Germany Agrargewerbe Bildung Stiftung, Stuttgart 01339 Akademie der Arbeit in der Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 01344 Gerhard-AIber-Stiftung, Stuttgart 01352 Aral-Stiftung, Bochum 01442 C. Bach-Stiftung der Materialprüfungsanstalt der Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart 01510 Günter und Bärbel Baumann-Stiftung, Essen 0/572 Baur'sche Stiftung, Hamburg 01580 Berufsbikjungswerk Burghausen, Burghausen 01674 Berufeförderungswerk des Baugewerbes im Lande Bremen, Bremen 01675 Benifsförderungswerk des Hamburger Baugewerbes, Hamburg 01676 Berufsförderungswerk Goslar, Goslar 01677
Subject Index: Vocational education
Berufshilfe-Stiftung der IG Bauen-AgrarUfflwett, Frankfurt am Main 01678 Bildungs· und Technologiezentnjrn zu Eisenberg-Stiftung, Eisenberg 01709 Brtdungs- und Technotogiezentrum zu Thaïe und Aschersleben-Stiftung, Thaïe 01710 Heinz Α. Bockmeyer Stiftung, Bremen 01758 Benno Botza-Stiftung. Würzburg 01792 Bürgermeister Dr. h.c. Max-Brauer· Stiftung für Begabtenförderung, Hamburg 01829 Senator Ing. Albert Brickwedde-Stiftung, Osnabrück 01869 Gustav Buckel-Stiftung. Pforzheim 01920 Gustav und Hans Bütrowe-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 01983 Hennann-Claudius-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02061 Paul und Margarete Claussen-Stiftung Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Hamburg
Clemm-Moos-Hoffmann-Stiftung, Ludwigshafen 02070 Dr. Cad Clemm und Dr. Cari HaasStiftung, Mannheim 02071 Commerzbank-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main
Friedrich G. Conzen-Stiftung zur Förderung von Handelsforschung, Berufsausbildung und beispielhafter Architektur, Berlin 02091 Deutsche Seemannsschule Hamburg, Hamburg 02206 Diakonische Stiftung Bethanien (Lotzen) - Quakenbrück, Ouakenbrück 02257 Dillan-Stiftung, Berlin 02280 Stiftung Conrad Hinrich Donner-Legat, Hamburg 02313 Stiftung Georg Dralle, Norderstedt 02332 Dreyer & Hillmann-Stiftung, Wiesbaden 02348 Eberie-Butschkau-Stiftung, Bonn 02376 Wemer-Ehrich-Stiftung, Nienburg 02410 Bernhard Endres'sche Stiftung, Ansbach 02450 Entz-von-Zerssen-Stiftung, Hamburg 02463 Esche Schümann Commichau Stiftung, Hamburg 02484 Hasso und Katharina von EtzdorfStiftung, Mettmann 02491 Evangelische Diakonissenanstalt Stuttgart, Stuttgart 02515 Evangelische Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik Alten Eichen, Hamburg 02519 Evangelisches Johannesstift Berlin, Berlin 02559 Georg Eydel-Handwerkerstiftung, Würzburg 02584 Fachinstitut des Damenschneiderhandwerks, Hamburg, Hamburg 02590 FBMA-Stiftung, Würzburg 02606 Hans Fllbinger Stiftung, Leonberg 02637 Karl Fix-Stiftung, Landau in der Pfalz 02663 Michael Freiberger-Stiftung, Saarbrücken 02749 E. Frommsche Stiftung, SulzbachRosenberg 02798 Peter Fuld-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02819 Else Funke Stiftung, Altenkirchen 02820 Waiter Gastreich-Stiftung. Essen 02852 Gemeinnützige Stiftung des Handels, Dortmund 02890 Hermann Gerken Stiftung, Bremen 02923 Wüittembergische Filztuchfabrik D. Geschmay-Stiftung, Essen 02933 GEW Stiftung Köln, Köln 02941 Anna von Gierke Stiftung, Hamburg 02948 Paul und Yvonne Gillet-Stiftung, Edesheim 02955 Lucile Grahn-Stiftung, München 0302} Eduard und Christa Grathes-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03022 Stiftung Grone-Schule, Hamburg 03043 Melchior und Josefa Grosjean'sche geb. Beiertein und deren Tochter Marie Wohftàtigkeitestiftung, München 03045 Max Gwnow-Stiftung, Bertin 0307} Gerhard Günnewig-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03078 Gymnasium und Berufskolleg Brede in Brakel, Paderborn 03093 GZB-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03095 Josef-Haas-Stiftung, Falkenberg 03100 Wilhelm Haas-Stiftung, Neu-Isenburg 03101 Carl und Helene Hagemeister-Stiftung, Berlin 03129 Prof. Dr. Karl Fr. Hagenmüller-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03133 Josef-Hahn-Friseur-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03137 Eugen Hahn-Stiftung, Esslingen 03141 Gustav und Ilse Hamester-Stiftung, Hamburg 03186 Handwerkslehrlings- und Studienstrftung der Stadt Zirndorf, Zirndorf 03191 Haniel-Stiftung, Duisburg 03195
Martin Haibeck-Stiftung für Berufsausbildung, Hamburg 03210 Detlef Hegemann-Stiftung, Bremen 03283 Hans Hench senior-Stiftung für berufliche Weiterbildung in Aschaffenburg, Aschaflenburg 03360 Heinrich Herbst-Stiftung, Hamburg 03385 Franz Herriein-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03400 Johannes Heß-Stiftung, Burghausen 03418 Senator Willy Heyrath-Stiftung, Hannover 03449 Hochschulgeseftschaft forum sociale Mainz e.V., Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 03490 Höpfner-Stiftung, Köln 03504 Fürstliche Hohenloh'sche Kaiistiftung Kirchberg, Öhringen 03527 Hermann Holst Stiftung, Hamburg 03536 Hompheus-Tabemakel-Stiftung, Emmerich 03546 HypoVereinsbank-Stiftungsfonds zur Förderung bankwissenschaftlicher Nachwuchskräfte, Essen 03664 Industriepreis zur Förderung kaufmännischen Nachwuchses, Hamburg 03678 Farben Jenisch-Strftung, Frankfurt am Main 03742 W. & L. Jordan-Stiftung, Kassel 03755 Jubiläumsstiftung der Allgemeinen Rentenanstalt, Stuttgart 03770 Jubiläumsstiftung der Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 03772 Jubiláumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Emmerich 03780 Jugendheime Beiserhaus, KnüllwaldRengshausen 03809 Jakob Kaiser-Stiftung e.V., Weimar 03846 Klaus Kanter-Stiftung zur Förderung der meisterlichen Ausbildung und Qualifikation im ZahntechnikerHandwerk, Frankfurt am main 03864 Hans-Joachim Kaps Stiftung, Düsseldorf 03869 Karlsruher Sankt Josef-Stiftung, Karlsruhe 03878 Keller-Budenberg-Stiftung, Berlin 03920 Kellerftals-Sliftung zur Förderung der Aus- und Weiterbildung im Einzelhandel, Frankfurt am Main 03927 Paul L. Keischensteiner-Stiftung, Stuttgart 03941 Ketter-Stiftung Zukunft für Kinder, Hamburg 03949 Carl Kircheiss-Stiftung, Hamburg 03992 Franz und Alexandra Kirchhoff Stiftung, Stuttgart 03999 Ludwig Klee-Stiftung, Mannheim 04016 Heinrich Klemme-Stiftung, Hamburg 04029 Fritz Klett-Gedächtnisstiftung, Ostfildern 04032 Matthias Klotz-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Garmisch-Partenkirchen, GarmischPartenkirchen 04047 Rudolph und Sofie Knosp-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04072 Carl Heinrich Koch-Stiftung, Hannover 04084 Nikolaus Koch-Stiftung, Trier 04085 Heibert Kögel-Stiftung, Essen 04091 König Ludwig Ill.-Stjftung, Bad Tölz 04)05 Dr. Paul König-Stiftung zur Förderung des beruflichen Nachwuchses, Bad Neustadt 04110 Adolph Kolping-Stiftung, Kerpen 04146 Carf-und-Emma-Konz-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04157 Paula und Jakob Koreli-Stiftung, Schwaikheim 04164 Kreissparkassen-Stiftung im LanAreis Birkenfeld, Idar-Oberstein 04212 Kühne-Förderstiftung, Hamburg 04261 Fritz Landmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 04399 HermanrvLeverenz-Stiftung, Bremen 04486 Wilhelm Lorch-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04560 Prof.-Ludolphy-Stiftung, Dresden 04572 Mainzer Ausbildungsstrftung, Mainz 04623 Johann-Bernhard Mann-Stiftung, Bonn 04631 Louis Marburg'sche Famüienstfftung, Frankfurt am Main 04640 Marke (Stiftung, Stuttgart 04662 Eugen-Martin-Stütung, Freiburg im Breisgau 04673 Lothar Meier-Stiftung, Hamburg 04716 Regierungsrat Paul Meyer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04772 Horst-Minihold-Stiftung, Metten 04802 Mößmann'sche Stiftung, Augsburg 04828 Jakob Moneta-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04840 Hans Mühlenhoff-Stiftung zur Förderung leistungsfreudiger Jugend, Osnabrück 04861 Robert Müller-Stiftung, Hamburg 04887 Wilhelm Müller-Stiftung, Mannheim 04890
Klaus-Dieter Müller-Stiftung, Strande
Wilhelm Narr-Stiftung, Dettingen Kari-Nix-Stiftung, Bremen 05017 Gräflich Öttingen-Baldem'sche
Stipendienpflege, Wallerstein 05070 Offenbacher Stiftung für Berufsbildung, Offenbach am Main 05072 Emst-Pelz-Stiftung, Geretsried 05171 Willy und Monika Pitzer Stiftung, Bad Nauheim 05236 PIV-Stiftung. Bad Homburg 05239 Alfred und Cläre Pott-Stiftung, Essen 05280 Walter Preh-Stiftung, Bad Neustadt an der Saale 05287 Pro-Region-Flughafenstiftung zur Förderung der beruflichen Bildung, Frankfurt am Main 05314 Herbert Quandt-Stiftung der VARTA AG, Hannover 05343 Freiherr Ferdinand von Rast'sche Stiftung, Coburg 05355 Dr. Heinrich und Christine ñenkl-Stiftung, Marktheidenfeld 05426 Ingenieur Karl Richter-Stiftung, Kochel 05444 Hermann Riebesel-Stiftung, Hamburg 05450 Heinrich Riemerschmid-Stiftung, Niederpöcking 05460 Siegfried Roggenbuck-Stiftung, Berlin 05511 Hugo Rupf-Stiftung, Heidenheim 05567 Eheleute Carl Ruß-Stiftung, Solingen 05572 RWE Jugendstiftung zur Förderung beruflicher Qualifikation, gesellschaftlicher Integration und sozialer Einsatzbereitschaft, Essen 05581 Stiftung Private Wirtschaftsschulen Säbel, München 05587 Sankt Konradihaus Schelklingen, Schelkllngen 05599 Barbara Schadeberg-Stiftung zur Förderung evangelischer Schulen, Niestetal 05758 Friedrich-Sehl i ck-Stiftu ng, Karlsruhe 05857 Helene Schmelz-Stiftung, Hannover 05875 Gert und Barbara Schmidt-Stiftung, Hamburg 05893 Cail Schneider-Stiftung, Aalen 05920 Eberhard-Schöck-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 05932 Emst Schröder-Stiftung, Bonn 05966 Gustav und Catharina Schürfeld-Stiftung, Hamburg 05987 Franz Schütte-Stiftung, Bremen 05989 Hartmut und Lore Schuler-Stiftung, Wuppertal 05995 SES-Stiftung, Essen 06092 Wolfgang Siegel-Stiftung, Hof 06114 Siemens-Technik-Akademie, München 06123 Theodor Simoneit-Stiftung, Kahl 06141 Sonntagschule-Stiftung Coburg, Coburg 06171 Spaikassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Rhein-Hunsrück, Simmem 06213 Erwin Stein-Stiftung, Frankfurt 06359 Stephansstift, Hannover 06375 Emst Stewner-Stiftung, Nienburg 06383 Stiftung Ausbildungshilfe Ruanda, Bad Kreuznach 06448 Stiftung Begabtenförderungswerk berufliche Bildung, Bonn 06463 Stiftung Berufliche Bildung, Hamburg 06471 Stiftung Berufliche Bildung, Ludwigsburg 06472 Stiftung Berufsbildungswerk Sankt Zeno, Ebersberg 06473 Stiftung Berufsförderungswerk des Landkreises Saarlouis, Saarlouis 06474 Stiftung Biidungs-Centrum der Wirtschaft Essen, Essen 05403 Stiftung der Bauindustrie Hamburg, Hamburg 06537 Stiftung der Braunschweigischen Maschinenbauanstalt, Braunschweig 06540 Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Wiedenbrück, Rheda-Wiedenbrück 06594 Stiftung der Niedersächsischen Bauindustrie, Hannover 06603 Stiftung der Sparkasse Detmold, Detmold 06623 Stiftung der Sparkasse Donauwörth, Donauwörth 05525 Stiftung Deutsche Außenhandels· und Verkehrs-Akademie DAV, Bremen 06705 Stiftung Europaverständigung e.V., Hamburg 06755 Stiftung Europrofession, Saarbrücken 06766 Stiftung für berufliche Bildung OTATanyildtz, Berlin 06809 Stiftung für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und berufliche Qualifizierung, Bonn
Stiftung Goldener Zuckerhut, Frankfurt am Main 06900 Stiftung Grone-Schule, Hamburg 06904
Stiftung Haus der Demokratie, Berlin 06920 Stiftung Katholische Bildungsstätten für Sozialberufe in Bayern, München 07022 Stiftung Kleideiversorgung Braunschwelg, Braunschweig 07038 Stiftung Preis der Gerstetter Wirtschaft, Gerstetten 07209 Stiftung Presse-Grosso, Karlsruhe 07210 Stiftung Reformhaus Fachakademie für gesundes Leben, Oberursel 07227 Stiftung Schule für Rundfunktechnik, Nürnberg 07283 Stiftung Stadtsparkasse Hessisch Oldendorf, Hessisch Oldendorf 0732f Stiftung von Werkstatt zu Werkstatt, Bonn 07374 Stiftung Weilerbildung, Stuttgart 07359 Stiftung Zukunftswerkstatt Gladbeck, Gladbeck 07421 Stiftung zur fachlichen Ausbildung von Einwohnern und Einwohnerinnen der Stadt Essen, Essen 07434 Stiftung zur Förderung der Berufsbildung in der deutschen Seeschiffahrt, Hamburg 07441 Stiftung zur Förderung der European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel 07445 Stiftung zur Förderung und Unterstützung des Nachwuchses im Bäckerund Konditorenhandwerk, EdingenNeckarhausen 07489 Stiftung zur Förderung von Bildung und Erholung der Arbeitnehmer der Miederindustrie, Düsseldorf 07490 Stiftung zur Hilfe für Auszubildende, Hannover 07497 Stiftung zur Wirtschaftsförderung, Qualifizierung und Arbeitsbeschaffung Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Rudolstadt 07511 Stiftungsfonds IBM Deutschland, Essen 07521 Stipendienstiftung für das Berufsfach· und Fachschulwesen, Hamburg 07539 Stoltenberg-Lerche-Stiftung für berufliche Weiterbildung, Gummersbach 07557 Hermann Strenger-Stiftung, Leverkusen 07572 Studienstiftung, Coburg 07589 Claus-Jürgen Thies-Stiftung, Berlin 07663 Oscar Tiefenthal-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Hamburg 07682 Vereinigte Stiftungen der Stadt Pforzheim, Pforzheim 07833 Vereinigte Stipendienstiftung Memmingen, Memmingen 07848 Otto und Erna Voss-Stiftung, Lübeck 07939 Walcher-Stiftung, Ulm 07984 Julius von Waldthausen-Stiftung, Essen 07996 Peter Wefing Stiftung, Bremen 08034 Leonie-Wild-Stiftung, Eppelheim/Heidelberg 08124 Paul Wilken-Söftung, Hamburg 08136 Veriagshaus Wohlfarth-Stiftung für Berufsbildung, Essen 08190 Otto-Wolff-Stiftung, Köln 08212 Prof. Dr. Zerweck-Cassella-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 08277
Italy Fondazione Ing. Roberto Almagià, Roma 05404 Fondazione Amid America Latina, Sulzano 08564 Fondazione Europea per la Formazione, Torino 08628 Fondazione II Faro, Roma 08643
Netherlands SAWA, Wageningen 09319 Stichting Fûrts Universitaire Festigung Fryslan, Leeuwarden 09408 The Trust Stichting, Den Haag 09563
Portugal Fundaçâo 09701 Fundaçâo 09717 Fundaçâo Fundaçâo Fundaçâo 09781 Fundaçâo 09828 Fundaçâo Cunha, Fundaçâo 09892 Fundaçâo Lisboa
Bissaya-Barreto, Coimbra Castro Aives, Riba de Ave Casa do Soito, Netas 09750 da Juventude, Porto 09772 Dom Manuel II, Lisboa Rotária Portuguesa, Coimbra António Joaquim Gomes da Cabeceiras de Basto 09843 Femando Pessoa, Porto Amélía da Silva de Mello, 09925
Spain Fundació Centre d'Estudis Europeu per a la Formació del Traball, Barcelona 10431 Fundació Escola d'Alta Dirocciò i Administrate, Barcelona 10482 Fundació Escola de Gestiö, Gerona 10484
Fundació Escola de Puntaires, Barcelona 10485 Fundació Escola de Restaurado i Hostalatge de Barcelona, Barcelona 10486 Fundació Institut d'Estudis Financera, Barcelona 10533 Fundació Taller Escola Barceloneta, Barcelona 10646 Fundación Benéfico Docente Escuelas Profesionales Sagrada Familia, Ubeda 10786 Fundación Centro Nacional del Vidrio, La Granja 10880 Fundación Escuela de Economía, Madrid 11055 Fundación Escuela de Formación Profesional Nuestra Señora de ta Victoria de Lepanto, Villarejo de Salvanés 11056 Fundadón Escuela de la Edificación, Madrid 11057 Fundadón Escuela de la Herrería, Incio 11058 Fundación Escuela Especial de Náutica, Lekeitio 11068 Fundación Escuelas de Formación Profesional La Virlecha-San Francisco Javier, Antequera 11079 Fundación Escuelas Profesionales de Gironella, Gironella 11086 Fundación Formación y Empleo, Madrid 11129 Fundadón Formación y Tecnología, Madrid 11130 Fundadón para la Formación de Altos Profesionales, Madrid 11466 Fundación Gizabidea, Aretxabaleta 11742 Fundación Escuela Agrícola Pedro Murías de Villaframit, Ribadeo 11943
Switzerland Ausbildungszentrum des Schweizerischen Baumeisterverbandes, Sursee 12368 Bà-Ko Stiftung, Zürich 12372 BARRAGAN Stiftung, Muttenz 12383 Berufsbiidungsstiftung SVIMSA, Solothum 12404 Stiftung Cornelia Bezzola, Zurich 12405 Bildungszentrum der Schweizerischen Metall-Union, Zürich 12410 Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Changins, Nyon Í252f Fondation AIH pour l'Avenir, Zürich 12559 Fondation Bona Terra, Genève 12564 Fondation de Formation Continue pour le Cinéma et l'Audiovisuel, Lausanne 12573 Fondation Institut CFH, Lausanne 12607 Fondation ORT, Fribourg 12636 Fondation Pro Artisanat, Zürich 12657 Fonds für Landwirtschaftliches Bildungswesen des Schweizerischen Landwirtschaftlichen Vereins, Lindau 12726 Fonds für Weiterbildungs- und soziale Zwecke, Bern 12727 Stiftung Sigfried Giedion, Zürich 12765 Fondation Guillaume, Glattbrugg 12797 Interkantonale Försterschule Lyss, Lyss Í2573 International Airline Training Fund {Switzerland), Genève 12876 Jubiläumsstiftung Magazine zum Globus, Zürich 12933 Albert Lück-Stiftung, Zürich 13003 Pestalozzi-Stiftung für die Förderung der Ausbildung Jugendlicher aus schweizerischen Berggegenden, Zürich 13111 Fondation Porvenir, Fribourg 13122 International College of Hospitality Administration César Ritz, Brig-Glis 13155 Christian Roth-Stiftung für Concours du Meilleur Commis Rôtisseur, Affottem Í3Í65 Rotkreuzstiftung, Nottwil 13167 Stiftung Otto Schwaar, Suhr 13210 Schweizerische Ausbildungsstätte für Natur- und Umweltschutz, Biel 13226 Schweizerische Stiftung für Internationale Berufswettbewerbe, Volketswil 13263 Schweizerische Technische Fachschule Winterthur, Winterthur 13287 Stiftung Ausbildungs- und Verwaltungszentrum des Schweizerischen Plattenverbandes, Dagmersellen 13375 Stiftung Bildungsfonds im Schweiz. Bäcker- und Konditorengewerbe, Rothenburg 13406 Stiftung Chiropraktoren Institut, Bern 13421 Stiftung des Schweizerischen Optikeiverbandes für die Förderung der beruflichen Aus- und Weitelbildung, Ölten 13441 Stiftung des Verbandes Zahntechnischer Laboratorien der Schweiz für die Förderung der beruflichen Aus- und Weitelbildung, Biel 13443 Stiftung ECAP, Baden 13448 Stiftung Europäisches Zentrum für die Bildung im Versicherungswesen, Sankt Gallen 13455
Subject Index: Vocational education Stiftung für die berufliche Aus· und Weiterbildung, Bern 13501 Stiftung für die berufliche Aus· und Weiterbildung der Zahntechniker, Bern 13502 Stiftung für die Berufliche Weiterbildung und Schulhilfe Fopras, Basel 13503 Stiftung für die Finanzierung der Aus· und Weiterbildung in der Graphischen Industrie, Bern 13505 Stiftung für die Förderung des beruflichen Bildungswesens im Autogewerbe, Bern 13506 Stiftung für die Unterstützung der Schweizerischen Drogistenfachschule, Biel 13514 Stiftung für die Weiterbildung schweizerischer Richterinnen und Richter, Sankt Gallen 13515 Stiftung für Förderung der Ausbildung von Automobiltechnikem, Zug 13525 Stiftung für Förderung des Berufsnachwuchses im schweizerischen Autolackierergewerbe, Reiden 1352$ Stiftung für Weiterbildung und Sozialfürsorge zugunsten des Verbandes und der Mitglieder des Metzgereipersonal-Verbandes der Schweiz, Zürich 13586 Stiftung Gewerkschaftsschule Schweiz, Bern 13599 Stiftung IFWE, Bern 13634 Stiftung Nachwuchsförderungsfonds des Züricher Vereins Pro Chiropraktik Zürich, Zürich 13706 Stiftung Pro Deco, Solothum 13744 Stiftung Schulzentrum der Schweizerischen Fachkommission für Berufsbildung im Gastgewerbe, Weggis 13776 Stiftung Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzem, Luzem 13793 Stiftung Schweizerische Technische Fachschule Winterthur, Winterthur 13797 Stiftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung für die Gemeinschaftsverpflegung, Zof Ingen 13889 Stiftung zur Förderung der Berufsausbildung im Strassenbau und in der Strassenverkehrstechnik, Zürich 13891 Stiftung zur Förderung der Weiterbildung im Augenoptikerberuf, Konolfingen 13903 Stiftung zur Förderung des Ausbildungswesens im Gemüsebau, Wädenswil 13904 Stiftung zur Förderung des Bauwesens an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule, Zürich 13905 Stiftung zur Förderung und Ausbildung von Führungskräften aus Mittel- und Osteuropa, Sankt Gallen 13916 Stipendienkasse für der Schweizer Buchhandel, Muri 13924 Studienzentrum Gerzensee Stiftung der Schweizerischen Nationalbank, Gerzensee 13926 Swiss Banking School-Stiftung, Zürich 13933
Turkey Türkiye Kalkinma Vakfi, Ankara
United Kingdom Africa Enterprise Trust, Peterborough 14096 The Amref Trust Fund, London 14206 Arab-British Chamber Charitable Foundation, Much Hadham 14242 The Arkleton Trust, Chipping Norton 14257 Bailward Trust Fund, London 14350 The Edward Bamsley Educational Trust, Petersfield 14419 Bilston Training Foundation, Wolverhampton 14573 The Breedon Educational and Vocational Foundation, Reading 14700 The British Institute of Embalmers Memorial Trust, Wolverhampton 14753 The British Maintenance Educational Fund, London 14756 Buchanan Industrial School Fund, Bristol 14814 The Building Societies Institute Education Fund, Canterbury 14822 Business Education Trust, Malmesbury 14856 The Camberwell Residential Academic and Fellowship Trust, London 14890 Carmarthenshire Intermediate and Technical Education Fund, Carmarthen 14967 Centre West Training Trust, London 15018 The Certified Accountants Educational Trust, London 15020 Chartered Accountants' Permanent Education Trust, Milton Keynes 15065 Chartered Accountants' Trust for Education and Research, Milton Keynes 15066 The Clockmakers' Museum and Educational Trust, London 15267 The Cottage Charitable Trust, London 15381
Dawlish Gardens Tnjst, Exeter 15518 The Education and Training Trust of the Chartered Insurance Institute, London 15745 Eisteddfod Fund, Denbigh 15760 Electrical Contracting Industry Further Education Fund, Sidcup 15766 John Faiibaim Memorial Trust Fund, Exmouth 15878 Fast Track Trust, Bristol 15902 The Firemans World Educational Trust, Minehead 15943 The Florists Education and Training Trust, Nottingham 15974 The Gauge and Toolmaker's Educational Trust, Princes Risborough 16117 The Guild of Bricklayers Educational Trust Fund, Rye 16286 Mae Phon Karen Hill Tribes Trust, York 16549 Homsey Parochial Educational and Vocational Foundation, London 16638 Charles Howell Memorial Prize Fund, Welshpool 16662 Institute of Actuaries Memorial Education and Research Fund, London 16642 The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Educational Fund, London 16843 The Institute of Clay Technology, Education and Training Trust, Matlock 16844 Institution of Economic Development Officers Education Trust Ltd., High Wycombe 16846 The Institution of Electrical Engineers Manufacturing Education Trust, London 16847 International Business Education CoOperation, Kettering 16853 Islington Enterprise Agency Trust, London 16897 IWMA Educational Trust, Leamington Spa 16911 Kitchener Memorial School of Medicine Trust Fund, London 17125 Leia Educational Trust, London 17232 Ellis Lewis Foundation, Bangor 17278 The Lime Trust, London 17304 Lincolnshire Business Educational Trust, Lincoln 17313 Monica Lloyd Memorial Trust, Wolverhampton 17395 The Midland Food Science and Technology Educational Trust, Beesten 17718 The Monmouthshire Further Education Trust Fund, Cwmbran 17782 National Association of Master Bakers, Confectioners and Caterers' Education Fund, Ware 17877 The NFU Education Millennium Trust, London 17994 Nuffield-Russia Trust, Norwich 18085 Jack Preston Memorial Trust, High Wycombe 18454 The Rating and Valuation Association Educational Foundation, London The Reed Educational Trust Ltd., Moreton-in-Marsh 18607 Rhodes Trust Fund, London 18637 The RICS Education Trust, Conventry 18661 Roberts wood Combined and Nursery School Fund, Gerrards Cross 18693 Robin Hood Gardens Education and Training Trust, London 18695 Royal Engineers Vocational Education and Training Trust, Chatham 19054 The Royal Merchant Navy School Educational Foundation, Wokingham 19083 The Royal Merchant Navy School Foundation, Wokingham 19084 Royal Naval Commando Memorial Trust Fund, Wareham 19089 The Russian-European Trust, London 19150 The Sarawak Foundation, London 19464 The Savoy Educational Trust, London 19476 Southway Community College Memorial Trust, Plymouth 19739 Sri Lanka Estate and Plantation Workers Educational Fund, London 19782 Technical (or General) Education Trust, London 19944 Torpoint School Business and Community Education Trust, Torpoint 20050 Tower Hamlets and Canary Wharf Further Education Trust, London 20055 Weavers' Company Textile Education Fund, London 20350 The Welsh Bakers Trust Fund, Cardiff 20369 The Worshipful Company of Plumbers Charitable and Educational Trust, Cambridge 20631
War victims Belgium Fondation Auschwitz, Bruxelles 00280 Fondation Internationale de Dachau, Bruxelles 00311
Germany Dr. Alfred und Alice Ammelburg· Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Oberschleißheim 01426 Anzenberger-Trendel-Stiftung, Augsburg 01439 Augsburger Kriegergedächtnissiedlung, Augsburg 01489 Bayerische Stiftung für Kriegsopfer und Behinderte, München 01592 Bayerischer Invaliden-, Witwen- und Waisenfonds, München 01596 Georg Deuringer'sche Stiftung, Kempten/Allgäu 02164 Deutsche Humanitäre Stiftung zur Förderung der humanitären Hilfe in Krisen·, Kriegs- und Katastrophengebieten, Wiesbach 02188 R m habe r-Trenctel-Stiftung, Bamberg 02647 August Gudewill-Stiftung, Thedinghausen 03075 Bürgermeister Hermann HildebrandStiftung, Bremen 03453 Kölln-Metzger-Wuppermann-Kriegstiftung, Pinneberg 04097 Kuratorium Hilfe für die Balkanländer, Bonn 04374 Kyffhäuser- und Finanzsportstiftung Rheinland-Pfalz, Trier 04385 Otto Lauterbach-Stiftung, Nürnberg 04430 Mainzer Volksspende für Kriegsbeschädigte, Mainz 04626 Ferdinand und Emma Mertfsche Veteranenstiftung, Kempten 04750 Nationalstiftung für die Hinterbliebenen der im Kriege Gefallenen, Berlin 04947 Stiftung Nobel für Kriegsverletzte Kinder Bremen, ôhningen 05020 Dr. Petzold-Stiftung, Sebnitz 05194 Rote-Kreuz-Stiftung, Essen 05540 Stiftung Braunschweigischer HeimatdankSchmalbach-Stiftung, Braunschweig 05870 Mathilde und August Sommer-Stiftung, Coburg 06163 Stiftung Invalidenhaus Berlin, Berlin 06993 Stiftung Kriegsopferdank, Lübeck 07056 Stiftung Sankt Barbara Hilfe für Minenopfer-Schutz vor Landminen, Königswinter 07248 Paul Türck-Stiftung, Coburg 07730 Vereinigte Kriegswohtfahrtsstittung der Landeshauptstadt München, München 07814 Versehrten- und Hinterbliebenen-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 07869 Veteranenheim Deutscher Soldaten Hansestadt Hamburg, Hamburg 07877
Italy Fondazione Ex-Campo Fossoli, Carpi 08629
Netherlands Stichting Fonds Hulp aan Slachtoffere, Den Haag 09394 Stichting Fondsenwerving Militaire Oorlogs· en Dienstslachtoffers en Aanverwante Doeleinden, Tilburg 09406 Stichting Japanse Ereschulden, Den Haag 09431 Stichting MGM (Medeleven Gedupeerden ten Gevolge van Misdrijven), Den Haag 09452 Vereniging Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis, Den Haag 09610
Portugal Fundaçâo Assisténcia Médica Internacional, Lisboa 09754
Spain Fundación Solidaridad Internacional, Madrid 11645
Switzerland Fondation Emergency Life Support for Eivilian War Victims, Genève 12593 Geneva Foundation to protect Health in War, Genève 12761 Woff Lehmann-Stiftung, Zurich 12989
United Kingdom Al-Muitaza Foundation, London 14123 The Bamsley and District Prisoner of War Fund, Bamsley 14415 Concern Universal, Hereford 15329 Disabled Soldiers' and Sailors' (Hackney) Foundation, New Maiden 15600 Howard War Memorial Trust Fund, London 16659 Kuwaiti Support Fund, London 17148 Maidstone Prisoners of War Fund, Maidstone 17533 The Mayors War Memorial Fund, Wolverhampton 17655 The Old Tollingtonians' War Memorial Fund, London 18147
Waste material Germany Paul Böhringer-Stiftung, Oedheim 01776 Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum Sondermüll, Rednitzhembach 02703 Propfe-Stiftung, Mannheim 05317 Stiftung Gemeinsames Rücknahmesystem Batterien, Hamburg 06893 Umweltstiftung WWF Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main 07759
Netherlands Stichting Overal, Nijmegen
Slovakia Greenway, Bratislava
Switzerland Stiftung Entsorgung Schweiz, Zürich 13453 Stiftung Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz, Zürich 13737
United Kingdom Environ Trust, Leicester
Water resources Belgium Care International, Bruxelles 00226 Fondation Eau pour le Sahel, Bruxelles 00300
Germany Donaumoosregulierungsfonds, Neuburg an der Donau 02308 Karl H. Krischer Stiftung, Heimbach 04229 Ferdinand Quirll-Stiftung, Oldenburg/Oldenburg 05345 Oswald Schulze-Stiftung, Gladbeck 06018 Stiftung der deutschen Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise zur Förderung der Kommunatwissenschaften, Berlin 06547 Stiftung Wasser für die Welt, Regensburg 07387
Netherlands SAWA, Wageningen 09319 Stichting Reinwater, Amsterdam
Spain Fundación Centro Internacional de Hidrología Subterránea, Barcelona 108π Fundación Solidaridad Internacional, Madrid Π 5 4 5
Friedrich Holst-Stiftung, Hamburg 03535 Hombergk-Schen ktengsfekj -Seipp'sche Stiftung, Marburg 03545 Leonhard Kalb'sche Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03854 Keitel-Stiftung, Hamburg 03917 Pastor Keßtefsche Stiftung zu Radisleber, Badenstedt 03945 Emst Friedrich Körbe r'sche Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 04121 Emilie Krieger-Stiftung, Potsdam 04223 Krug'sche Stiftung, Nidda 04242 Gottfried Ferdinand Lobedau-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04535 Freiherrlich von Loeffelholz-Held'sche Unterrichts- und Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Nürnberg 04538 Andreas-Emst Lohff-Stiftung, Lübeck 04551 Gottfried MenkervStiftung, Bremen 04744 Landrichter Dr. Müller-Stiftung, Darmstadt 04879 Dr. Neucks-Stiftung, Fallingbostel 04976 von Neuhaus'sches Witwenhaus mit Zustiftung (Baukasse), Oeffingen 04980 Alfred-Prahm-Stiftung, Hamburg 05281 Prediger-, Witwen- und Waisenkasse der Pfarrkonvente im Kirchenkreis AltHamburg, Hamburg 05285 Prediger-Witwen- und Waisenkasse des Pfankonvents im Kirchenkreis Cuxhaven, Cuxhaven 05286 Prinz-Georg-Stiftung, Kassel 05302 Louise Reiss-Stiftung, Kassel 05419 Rother-Strftung, Bertin 05544 Maria Rust-Stiftung, Essen 05576 Saher'sche Stiftung für Bedürftige, Kulmbach 05599 Sankt Petri-Witwenhaus, Bremen 05724 Gertrud Scheie-Stiftung, Hamburg 05794 Schirmer-Vermächtnis-Stiftung, Erlangen 05836 Stiftung der Gräfin Johanne Elisabeth von Schwarzburg vom Gleichen'schen Hause, Weimar 06042 Adalbert und Jeanette Sickinger-Stiftung, München 06104 Stiftung Afters-, Witwen- und Waisenversorgungseinrichtung beim Technischen Clberwachungsverein Hessen e.V., Eschborn 06424 Stiftung des deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbes, Bonn 06691 Stiftung Justizoffizian ten-Witwe η kasse, Berlin 07019 Stiftung Maximilianeum, München 07134 Viktoria-Stiftung, Berlin 07891 von Wackefsche Stiftung, Hoym 07946 von Wangelin'scbes Witwenstift, Aurich 08008
International Foundation for Science, Stockholm 12298
Stichting het Fonds voor Weduwen en Wezen van Kunstemaars, Amsterdam 09416 Vereeniging tot Oprichting en Instandhouding van het Protestantsch Weduwen- en Wezenfonds, Amsterdam 09608 Stichting Het Fonds Villeneuve, Woerden 09617
Fidea Foundation, Zürich 12555 Stiftung Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz, Zürich 13737
Flora, Bona und Rosa Bollag-Stiftung, Zug 12428 Stiftung Hilfskasse des CLEVS und des VKLS, Samen 13627
United Kingdom Christian Aid, London 15163 The Cusichaca Trust, Witney 15458 The Everest Memorial Trust, Chipping Norton 15850 Kajiado District Development Trust, Tunbridge Wells 17027 The Malawi Education and Water Foundation, London 17541 The Saint Clears Town Trust, Saint Clears 19225 The Water Conservation Trust, London 20326
Widows Germany Albert und Emilienstiftung, Beerfelden 01354 Amesen-Stift, Hamburg 01458 Asmussen-Woldsensches Vermächtnis für die Stadt Husum, Husum 01475 Hugo Auvera-Stiftung, Nürnberg 01501 Bayerischer Invaliden-, Witwen- und Waisenfonds, München 01596 Hauptmann Max Beckstein-Stiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 01614 Bürgerstiftung Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Ludwigshafen 01970 Eschels-Stiftung für alternde Arbeiter, Hamburg 02485 Maria Falkenberg-Weimann und Dr. Emst Heinitz-Stiftung, Berlin 02594 Frauengabe, Berlin 02742 Dr, Cari Hagens-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03134 Heinrich Heibst-Stiftung, Hamburg 03385 Hermes-Stiftung, Magdeburg 03394
United Kingdom Avenue Chapter Benevolent Fund, Haywards Heath 14324 John Baker's Trust, London 14357 Georgina Blewitt Trust, London 14620 The Archibald G. Brown 20th Anniversary Trust, London 14800 Catholic Women's League Bentinck House Trust, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 15000 Chester Diocesan Clergy Widows' Trust, Chester 15095 City of London Police Widows' and Orphans' Fund, London 15217 W. David and Sons Ltd. Trust Fund, London 15499 St. Erfcenwald Benevolent Fund, Barking 15827 Gresford Colliery Disaster Relief Fund, Chester 16269 The Hayward Surry Trust Fund, Nottingham 16460 William Jackson Trust, East Bamet Í69Í7 Junior Freemens Fund, Lincoln 17022 de La Salle Memorial Fund, London 17151 Lads of the Village Lodge Benevolent Fund, London 17154 Earl of Lathom Benevolent Fund, Radlett 17189 Miss Lawton's Charity Fund, Leicester 17200 Old Wykehamist Rose Croix Chapter Benevolent Fund, Bristol 18152 The Philippine Ferry Disaster Fund, London 18347 Queen Victoria Jubilee Widows' Fund, Trowbridge 18524
503 Sir Walter Raleigh Chapter Benevolent Fund, London 18556 W.R. Ratings Trust, London 18575 The Samuel Roberts Trust, Sheffield 18690 Rotary Club of FinchJey Benevolent Fund, Hatfield 18834 Royal Medical Benevolent Fund, London 19082 Marion Isabel Rylatt Will Trust, Sheffield 19162 Saint Giles' Benefaction Fund, Matlock 19269 The Herbert William Sollitt Memorial Trust, Lincoln 19673 Usman Welfare Fund, Birmingham 20202 The Widows and Orphans Fund, Wolverhampton 20464 Wokingham Patriotic Fund, Crowthome 20552 The Charles Wright Gowthorpe Fund, Abingdon 20647
Wine Germany Rudolf Hermanns-Stiftung, Geisenheim 03393 Historisches Museum der Pfalz, Speyer 03484 Kulturstiftung Heimat und Wein Leiwen, Leiwen 04329 Wilhelm Naulin-Stiftung, Berlin 04962
Italy Fondazione Villa Banfi, Montalcino 08420 Fondazione Giovanni Dalmasso, Torino 08515 Fondazione Giacomini-Meo, Ciliverghe 08772
Portugal Fundaçâo Abreu Calado, Avis 09672
Spain Fundado per a la Investigaci del Vi i Nutricio, Vilafranca del Penedés 10577
Switzerland Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Changins, Nyon 12521 Stiftung Biovrtfs, Samstagem 13409
Women Austria Frauenheimstiftung in Graz, Graz 00046 Frauenstiftung Steyr, Steyr 00047 Anne Goldenberg-Stiftung, Wien 00055 Herzoglich Savoyen'sches Damenstift, Wien 00132 Theresianísches Damenstift in Innsbruck, Innsbruck 00170
Belgium Fondation Internationale de la Femme Africaine pour le Développement, Bruxelles 00312
Croatia Open Society Institute-Croatia, Zagreb 00590
Denmark The Tagea Brandt Travel Foundation, Kebenhavn 00614
Germany Adeliges Damenstift Waizenbach, Niederflorstadt 01326 Katharina Astor-Stiftung, Mainz 01477 Augsburger Frauenstift 1835, Biburg 01468 Auguste-Stiftung zu Cottbus, Cottbus 01491 Vereinigte Friederike Amalie von Bandemer'sche und von CramonStiftung, Berlin 0/537 Betty-Stift, Hamburg 01688 Dotatkxestiftung des Christian Andreas von Biel vom 23.12.1795, Bad Soden am Taunus 01702 HeinridvBÖII-Stiftung, Berlin 01778 Helga Brenn-Stiftung, Kassel 01860 Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens, Bonn 01969 Deutsche Stiftung Frauen· und Geschlechterforschung, Heidelberg 02208 Diederichs'sche und Braunschweig· Hamburger-Stiftung, Braunschweig
02266 Sophie Döhner-Hube-Stiftung, Hamburg 02294 Hermann Wilhelm Eggers-Stiftung, Hamburg 02401 FrauenMediaTurm, Köln 02744
Subject Index: Youth
Franz Gensler'scher Stiftungsfonds, Hadamar 02912 Catherine Goldenstede und Anna Willers· Testament, Hamburg 02988 Stiftung Anna-Haag-Haus, Stuttgart 03097 Luisa Haeuser-Frauen-Stiftung, Frankfurg am Main 03120 Caroline Hansellmann-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03202 Haus vom Guten Hirten, Köln 03251 Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Stiftung, Stein/Mittelfranken 03442 Hilfe für Familien in Not-Stiftung des Landes Brandenburg, Potsdam 03455 Freiherrlich von Hirsch'sche Stiftung, München 03480 Ute-Hüffner-Stiftung, München 03644 Leonhard Kalb'sche Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03854 Katholische Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen in Augsburg, Augsburg 03895 Keitel-Stiftung, Hamburg 03917 Geschwister Kiefel-Stiftung Ettenheim, Pfaffenweiler 03958 Pauline Kindler-Stiftung, Konstanz 03983 Kloster Sankt Johannis, Hamburg 04043 Kölle'sche Stiftung, Tübingen 04096 Stiftung Johann Koop Testament Gotteswohnungen, Hamburg 04158 Kraichgauer Adeliges Damenstift, Ittlingen 04181 Emilie Krieger-Stiftung, Potsdam 04223 Hedwig Küch-Stiftung, Essen 04254 Barbara-Künkelin-Preis, Schorndorf 04266 von Laengenfeld-Pfalzheim'sche Aussteuer-Stiftung Burglengenfeld, Burglengenfeld 04389 Landesstiftung Hilfe für Mutter und Kind, München 04396 Stiftung Leinert-Haus, Stuttgart 04458 Augustische Familienstiftung des Fürstlichen Gesamthauses Lippe, Bückeburg 0452$ Freiherriich von Loeffelholz-Held'sche Unterrichts- und Wohftätigkeitsstiftung, Nürnberg 04538 Helma und Kurt Maecker-Stiftung, Stein 04608 materra Stiftung Frau und Gesundheit e.V., Freiburg im Breisgau 04685 Marie Moelhoff-Barclay-Stiftung, Vienenburg 04814 Molckenbuhr'sche Stiftung für alte weibliche Dienstboten, Großhansdorf 04832 Münkel'schen Stiftung für Predigertöchter, Hannover 04906 Nathanstiftung, Fürth 04945 Dr. Neucks-Stiftung, Fallingbostel 04976 Barbara und Lutz Nohse-Stiftung, Lübeck 05023 Cari Patschke-Stiftung, Hannover 05159 Dr. Petzold-Stiftung, Sebnitz 05194 Emilie Porzer'sche Stiftung, Oberschleißheim 05270 Margarethe von Post-Stiftung, Bremen 05275 Protestantische Wohltätigkertsstrftungen in Augsburg, Augsburg 05325 Elisabeth Rogge-Doeberitz-Stiftung, Berlin 05510 Schulstiftung Christian Rother, Berlin 05543 Rother-Stiftung, Berlin 05544 Freiherrlich Wilhelm Carl von RothschikTsche Stiftung für mildtätige Zwecke, Frankfurt am Main 05550 Sankt Katharinen- und Weißfrauenstift, Frankfurt am Main 05699 E. und Ch. Schlötke-Stiftung, Berlin 05862 von Sctimettow-Schwerin'sche FräuleinStiftung, Erfurt 05976 Freiherrlich von Seefried'sche Stiftung zu Butlenheim für unbemittelte Fräulein und Witwen, Buttenheim 06059 Stiftung Der Convent, Hamburg 06542 Stiftung des Saarverbandes der Evangelischen Frauenhilfe, Saarbrücken 06701 Stiftung Hiffe für Familien, Mutter und Kind, Chemnitz 06949 Stiftung Hilfen für Frauen und Familie, Schwerin 06952 Stiftung Hospital zum heiligen Geist Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main 06971 Stiftung Nothilfe für die Familie, Hilfe für schwangere Frauen in der Not Thüringen, Erfurt 07181 Stiftung zur Unterstützung von Wöchnerinnen, Essen 07508 Helga Stödter-Stiftung zur Föderung von Frauen fur Führungspositionen, Wentorf 07549 Therese von Bayern-Stiftung, München 07650 Erich von Tzeven-Testament, Hamburg 07736 Viktoria-Stiftung, Berlin 07891 Mechthild und Günter Welker-Stiftung, Vechta 08066 Dr. Wemer'sche Spitalstiftung Achotehausen, Gaukönigshofen 06065 Dr. phil. Wärter Wemick aus Danzig Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 06066 Wilhelmstift, Bad Frankenhausen 06734
Wolfenbüttel-Stiftung, Wolfenbüttel 08208 Albert Wulhase-Testament, Hamburg 08246 Zurückgegeben-Stiftung zur Förderung Jüdischer Frauen in Kunst und Wissenschaft, Berlin 08302
Italy Fondazione Adkins Chiti Donne in Musica, Fiuggi 08401 Fondazione Elvira Badaracco, Milano 08414 Fondazione Giacomini-Meo, Ciliverghe 08772
Moldova Soros Foundation-Moldova, Chisinau 09027
Netherlands Algemeen Nederiandse Vrouwenvereiniging Tesselschade Arbeid Adelt, Warmond 09038 Het Amaliafonds, Amsterdam 09040 Opleidingsfonds voor Vrouwen Mej. Henriette Beck, Warmond 09056 Stichting Blijdesteyn, Ossendrecht 09061 Stichting Mama Cash, Amsterdam 09085 FEMCONSULT, Den Haag 09112 Fonds voor Bedrijven van Vrouwen, Amsterdam 09124 Stichting Rosa Manus Fonds, Amsterdam 09208 Marsbach Fróhefiedt Stichting, Leidscheridam 09210 Stichting Neeltje Buis, Rotterdam 09245 Betsy Peik-Opleidingsfonds der Algemeen Nederiandse Vrouwenvereniging Tesselschade - Arbeid Adelt, Warmond 09263 Stichting Fonds Bestrijding Seksueel Geweld te Assen, Assen 09392 Stichting Provinciale Vrouwen Raad ZuidHolland, Delft 09485 Stichting Dr. Terburghfonds, Rumpt 09553 Stichting Fonds Doctor Catharine van Tussenbroek, Utrecht 09601 Vrouw en Muziek Stichting, Amsterdam 09622 Vrouwennetwerk Nederland Stichting, Zoetermeer 09623 Women's Health Action Foundation, Amsterdam 09634
Portugal Fundaçâo Fundaçâo Martins, Fundaçâo 09888
da Juventude, Porto 09772 Matemo-lnfantil Mariana Elvas 09868 Joäo Pereira, Ponta do Sol
Russia Foundation for Help and Assistance to Women Victims of Stalin's Repressions, Moskva 09979
Spain Fundació Pro Vida de Catalunya, Barcelona 10607 Fundación Centro de Investigación y Formación Feminista, Madrid 10866 Fundación Centro de Promoción de la Mujer de Bizkaia, Bilbao 10870 Fundación Europea Mujer y Salud, Madrid 11106 Fundación Hispánica, Madrid 11163 Fundación Mujeres, Madrid 11375 Fundación Solidaridad Internacional, Madrid 11645 Fundación Women's World Banking, Madrid 11701 Fundación Hermtda Orriols, Madrid 11775 Fundación Yanduri, Sevilla 12274 Fundación María Zayas Sotomayor, Madrid 12280
Switzerland Stiftung Amurt (Schweiz), Schwarzenbach 12355 Burckhardt-Ljger-Stiftung, Zürich 12451 Fondation Project HOPE, Longirod 12662 Fondation Sommet Mondial des Femmes, Genève 12670 GosteJi-Stiftung, Worbfaufen 12781 Dr. Ida Somazzi-Stiftung, Romanel-surMorges 13326 Stiftung Bethesda für aJleinerziehende Mütter, Basel 13399 Stiftung Frauen & Kinder Biel, Biel 13474 Stiftung für die Frau, Zürich 13507 Stiftung für Erforschung der Frauenarbeit, Zürich 13522 Stiftung für staatsbürgerliche Erziehung und Schulung, Luzem >3575 Stiftung für Stipendien an Frauen, Zürich Í3576 Stiftung Ja zum Leben, Uerikon 13645
Stiftung zur Förderung der Gemeindediakonie im Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbund, Bern 13896
United Kingdom The Anglican Group Educational Trust, London 14220 John Baker's Trust, London 14357 M.A. Baiding Memorial Fund, Arkley 14359 Bethesda Trust, Bromley 14541 Caernarvon Friendless Girls Fund, Colwyn Bay 14876 Cambridge Female Welfare Fund, Ely 14898 Catherine Cappe Memorial Trust, York 14941 Community of Saint John Baptist General Purposes Trust, Winsor 15323 The John Crabtree Trust Fund, London 15401 The Cranogwen Rescue and Preventative Fund, Caerdydd 15405 Florence Annie Crump Memorial Fund, Maidenhead 15446 Cwmdonkin House Trust, Swansea 15468 Drummond Fergusson Trust, Richmond 15649 East Islington Mothers' and Childrens' Welfare Fund, London 15707 Foundation for Women's Health, Research and Development, London 15998 Catherine Gladstone Memorial Fund, Chester 16146 Lady Hawke Trust, London 16447 Matthew Henry Trust, Thatcham 16512 The Marryat Trust, London 17588 I.M. Marsh Memorial Trust Fund, Liverpool 17589 The Maternity Alliance Educational and Research Trust, London 17605 The Menerva Educational Trust, Sheffield 17673 Milner Trust Fund, York J 7737 John Moores Foundation, Liverpool 17795 The John Morgan Penry Fund, Ammanford 17606 The New Opportunities for Women Education Trust, Braunton 17931 Newham Womens Recreational Trust, London 17965 Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust, Belfast 18055 Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust, London 18356 Lady Saint Just Fund, London 19304 Saint Olave's Trust, Exeter 19386 The Somaliland Women's Trust, Oxford 19675 South Islington Mothers' and Babies' Welfare Fund, London 19696 The Southampton Hope Trust, Southampton 19712 Southwark, Newington and Walworth Relief in Sickness Fund, London 19736 Staples Trust, London 19802 John Foster Vince Memorial Fund, Birmingham 20242 Women's Development Trust, London 20569 Women's Education Fund for Southern Africa, Formby 20570 The Women's Housing Trust, London 20571 Women's Self-Education Fund, London 20574 Woodlands Trust, Didcot 20591 The Charles Wright Gowthorpe Fund, Abingdon 20647
Wood Germany Deutsches Holzmuseum, Rietberg 02234 ProWood Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05330 Leo Schörghuber-Stiftung, München 05948
United Kingdom Ruislip Woods Trust, Northwooü 19143
Youth Austria Scheuchenstuel-Stiftung, Innsbruck 00133 Freiherr von Vichter und Wissend'sche Stiftung, Wien 00177
Beiglum Fondation Beige de la Vocation, Bruxelles 00281 King Baudouin Foundation, Bruxelles 00442
Denmark Carisbergs Mindelgat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen, Kebenhavn 00618
France Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet de la Vocation, Paris 00752 European Youth Foundation, Strasbourg 00844 Fondation de France, Paris 00884 Fondation Jeunesse Feu Vert, Paris 00984 Fondation pour l'Enfance, Paris 01037 Fondation Scouts de France, Paris 01063
Germany Aachener Stiftung fur Umwelt, Natur und Jugend, Aachen 01302 Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Mainz-Willi Abts Stiftung, Bodenheim 01313 Aug u ste-A h I bo m - Stiftu ng, Göttingen 01340 Aktive Kinderwerkstatt Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 01350 Gerhard-AIber-Stiftung, Stuttgart 01352 Johann G. Allers'sche Tagelöhnerstiftung, Dorum 01371 Allianz Kulturstiftung. Jugend und Kultur in Europa, München 01382 Geschwister Attenloh-Stiftung, Kierspe 01403 Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Berlin 01420 Amalien-Stiftung, Rheinfelden 01421 Anhaltische Diakonisser Anstalt, Dessau 01431 Aral-Stittung, Bochum 01442 Stiftung Herzog Engelbert Charles und Herzogin Mathildas von Arenberg, Meerbusch 01448 Armenkommission der ehemaligen Standesherrschaft Schaumburg, Cramberg 01455 von Amim'sche Stiftung e.V., Beriin 01460 AUFWIND, Augsburg 01486 Heinrich und Arthur Aumhammer'sche Jubiläumsstiftung in Treuchtlingen, Treuchtlingen 01497 AWO Rheinlandstiftung, Köln 01506 Manfred Bader-Stiftung, Pforzheim 01516 Astrid Badina-Stiftung, Bader-Baden 01518 Stiftung Erwin Baer, Oststeinbek 01520 Stiftung Lulu und Robert Bartholomay, Hamburg 01550 Der Beck Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 01605 Cordula Beck'sche-Stiftung, Arnstein 01613 Erwin Bensing-Stiftung, Bad SodenSalmünster 01640 Bergedorf-Bille-Stifturg zur sozialen Integration von Menschen, Hamburg 01647 Berghalde-Stiftung, Hamburg 01652 Bethe-Stiftung, Essen 01685 Betreuungswerk Post Postbank Telekom, Stuttgart 01686 Stiftung Carl Rudolf von Beulwitz, Nonnweiler 01689 Beutel-Launer-Stiftung, Reutlingen 01691 Dr. Theodor August Bieber-Stiftung, Hamburg 01700 Herbert und Ilse Biesewig-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 01707 Bischof Hermann-Stiftung, Münster 0/726 Evangelische Stiftung der BodelschwinghGemeinde, Hamburg 01762 Annemarie und Helmut Börner-Stiftung, Köln 01779 Brasilische Stiftung, München 01824 Braun-Stiftung, Mainz 01833 Dr. Bernhard Braun-Stiftung des Heimatund Verschönerungsvereins Melsungen e.V., Melsungen 01835 Alfred Britsch-Stiftung, Ittlingen 01875 Sparkassenstiftung Alex Brunnberg, Brakel 01903 Vicco von Bülow-Stiftung, Brandenburg 01925 Bürgerstiftung Berlin, Beriin 0Í953 Bürgerstiftung der Kreissparkasse Kothen/Anhalt, Kothen 01956 Bürgerstiftung der Sparkasse Iserlohn, Iserlohn 01957 Bürgerstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Viersen, Viersen 01958 Bürgerstiftung Dresden, Dresden 07959 Bürgerstiftung für den Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck, Fürstenfeldbruck 01961 Bürgerstiftung für Goslar und Umgebung, Goslar 01962 Bürgerstiftung für Stadt und Landkreis Kassel, Kassel 01963 Bürgerstiiftung Hamburg, Hamburg 01964 Bürgerstiftung Hannover, Hannover 01965 Bürgerstiftung Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg 01969 Bürgerwaisenhaus Münster, Münster 01977 Anna Büring Testament, Hamburg 01978
Subject Index: Youth Eugen-Otto und M arga rete-Butz-SÖftung, Hilden 02009 Dr. med. Franz-Rudolf Centner-Stiftung, Trier 02039 Ida und Otto Chelius-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 02043 Children's Hour, Berlin 02045 Conto-Freitag Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 02090 Manfred Crisand-Stiftung zur Förderung sozialer Aktivitäten, Mannheim 02100 CVJM Kinder- und Jugendstiftung Esslingen, Esslingen am Neckar 02104 CVJM-Westbund-Stiftung, Wuppertal 02105 Heinz Daemen-Strftung für Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung, Reichelsheim 02109 Heinrich Dammann-Stiftung, Söhlde 02122 Alex Danhuber-Stiftung, München 02125 Käthe Dannenmann-Stiftung zur Förderung der Ausbildung von sozial benachteiligten Kindern und Jugendlichen e.V., Vallendar 02127 Alfred und Barbara DemmlerWohltàtigkeitsstiftung, Kempten (Allgäu) 02151 Edmund Deswatines-Stiftung, Krefeld 02159 Deutsche Edelmetall Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 02179 Deutsche Kinder- und Jugend-Stiftung, Berlin 02190 Diakoniezentrum Laubacher Stift, Laubach 02255 Dinser-Stiftung, München 02284 Dörffler-Stiftung für Jugend und Sport, Bünde 02296 August Doemer-Stiftung, Grafschaft 02299 Stiftung Georg Dralle, Norderstedt 02332 Dresdner Stiftung für Jugend und Sport der Stadtsparkasse Dresden, Dresden 02342 Dresdner Stiftung für Soziales und Umwelt der Stadtsparkasse Dresden, Dresden 02343 DRK-Stiftung Diez und Umgebung, Diez 02352 Dürrschnabel-Stiftung, Emmendingen 02358 Senatspräsident Ecker-Stiftung, Neuwied 02387 Mimi Eckert-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02388 EDEKA Stiftung, Hamburg 02391 Ehlerding Stiftung, Hamburg 02404 Wemer-Ehrich-Stiftung, Nienburg 02410 Konsul Leonhard und Wally EhrfichStiftung, Lübeck 02412 Ehrlichsche Schul- und Armenstiftung, Dresden 02413 Elisabeth-Stiftung des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, Birkenfeld 02434 Elisabethstift, Berlin 02437 Kurt und Lilly Ernsting-Stiftung, Coesfeld 024V Erzbischöfliches Kinder- und Jugendheim Sankt Anton, Riegel 02480 Erzbischöfliches Kinder- und Jugendheim Sankt Killian, Walldürn 02481 ESO Team Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 02487 Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jjgendbegegnungsstátte Weimar, Weimar 02496 Evangelisch-Lutherische Stiftung Hünenburg, Melle 02509 Evangel isch-Lutherisches Magdalenenstift, Altenburg 02512 Evangelische Jugendhilfe FreiburgZähringen, Freiburg 02524 Evangelische Stiftung Christophenjshof, Altengesees 02537 Evangelische Stiftung Ummeln, Bielefeld 02543 Evangelisches Johannesstift Berlin, Berlin 02559 Evangelisches Kinder- und Jugendheim Overdyck, Bochum 02560 Evers-Stiftung, Horst 02580 Dr.-Fahrenschon-Strftung, Zorneding 02593 Wilhelm Feyler-Stiftung, Coburg 02628 Dr. Josef Fieger-Stiftung, Erftstadt 02633 Dr. med. Heinz Fitz-Stiftung, Essen 02662 Alfred Flakowski-Stiftung, Brandenburg 02666 Fleck-Stiftung, Pinneberg 02669 Friedrich Flick-Förderungsstiftung, Düsseldorf 02673 Förderfonds der Sparkasse QünzburgStiftung, Gûnzburg 02683 Michael Franke-Stiftung, Bonn 02722 Jürgen Frankenbach-Stiftung, Mainz 02724 Franziskus-Stiftung, Düsseldorf 02739 Eheleute Freber-Stiftung, Mainz 02745 Free the children Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 02747 Pfarrer Freimuth-Stiftung, Wörth an der Donau 02753 Walter Frey-Stiftung, Remscheid 02767
504 Heinz und Gisela Friederfchs-Stiftung, Oberursel 02773 Fried rieh-Wilhelm-Stift, Hamm 02778 Dr. Alex und Eva Friend Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02784 Edith-Fröhnert-Stiftung, Lübeck 02795 Elfriede Fromm-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02797 Stiftung Bruno Fuchs, Göppingen 02800 Für Kinder und Jugendliche unserer Stadt, München 02805 Peter Fuld-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 02819 Ulrich Gabler-Stiftung, Lübeck 02825 Gaehtje'sches Familienvermächtnis, Eckernförde 02831 Gappmayer-Stiftung, Hamburg 02844 Fritz und Brigitta Gastager-Stiftung, Inzell 02849 Waiter Gastreich-Stiftung, Essen 02852 Gemeindepflege-Stiftung zu Sankt Ulrici in Braunschweig, Braunschweig 02878 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Würzburg und Stadtsparkasse Ochsenfurt für den Landkreis Würzburg, Wüizburg 02883 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Miltenberg-Obemburg für den Landkreis Miltenberg, Obemburg 02886 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse Stolzenau, Stolzenau 02887 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der Stadt· und Kreissparkasse Hof, Hof 02888 Gemeinnützige Stiftung der TaunusSparkasse, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 02889 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Kreissparkasse Bersenbrück, Bersenbrück 02894 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Kreissparkasse Syke, Syke 02895 Gemeinnützige Stiftung Sparkasse Osnabrück, Osnabrück 02697 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt am Niederrt>ein, Moers 02901 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden 02902 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Arbeiterwohlfahrt Essen, Essen 02903 Gemeinschaftsstiftimg Arbeiterwohlfahrt Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg 02904 Gemeinschaftsstiftung Freie Scholle, Bielefeld 02907 GeSoBau-Stiftung, Berlin 02935 GEW Stiftung Köln, Köln 02941 Anna von Gierke Stiftung, Hamburg 02948 Rolf und Elsa Gladebeck-Stiftung, Bonn 02958 Glöckner-Stift, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 02967 Erich Glowatzky-Stiftung, Baden-Baden 02968 Kurt Gluding-Stiftung, Neunkirchen 02969 Eugen Goller-Stiftung, Ludwigsburg 02992 Agnes Gräfe-Stiftung, Hamburg 03016 Lydia und Ruth Grölich-Stiftung, Westerstede 03041 Großes Waisenhaus BMV, Braunschweig 03049 Gertraud und Josef Gmber-Stiftung, Rottach-Egern 03057 Hans Grünewald-Stiftung, Schwelm 03062 August Gudewill-Stiftung, Thedinghausen 03075 Stiftung der Geschwister Eva, Christiana und Eduard Gummi, Kulmbach 03083 Stiftung Dr. Georg Haar, Weimar 03098 Dr. Carola und Dr. Edmund HaffmannsStiftung, Essen 03126 HALA-Stiftung, Bremen 03156 Hamburg-Mannheimer-Stiftung Jugend und Zukunft, Hamburg 03166 Hamburger Jugenderholungsheim Puan Klent auf Sylt, Hamburg 03170 Hamelner Sparkassenstiftung, Hameln 03185 Hannchen Mehrzweck-Stiftung für homosexuelle Selbsthilfe, Berlin 03196 Emmi Hansen geb. Buhl-Stiftung, Coburg 03203 Cari-Hans Graf von Hardenberg-Stiftung, Berlin 03211 Sigrid Haitmann-Stiftung, Offenbach 03219 Rudolf Härtung-Stiftung, Salzhemmendorf 03224 Haus der Jugend, Lübeck 03248 Haus Mirjam-Stiftung, Schöllkrippen 03249 Haus vom Guten Hirten, Köln 03251 Haus zur Heiligen Hedwig, Berlin 03252 Hedwig-Stiftung, Künzelsau 03274 Heerde-Stiftung, Münster 03277 Freiherrlich Heereman von Zuydtwyck Stiftung, Munster 0 X 7 9 Maren Heidemann-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03288 Heiliggeistspitalstiftung Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg 03317 Das Heilpädagogium an der Ostsee, Eckemförde 03318 Stiftung Dr. Heines, Bremen 03334 Heisterberg-Stiftung, Hannover 03343 Emst-Jakob Henne-Stiftung, München 03367 Henstorf-Stiftung, Wedemark 03375
Johann und Maria Herr-Stiftung, Kassel 03397 Karl Hernger-Stiftung, Grevenbroich 03399 hertener Bürgerstiftung, Herten 03404 Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03406 Gebrüder- HetUage-Stiftung, Neuried 03440 Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung zur Förderung der politischen Bildung und Kultur in Deutschland und Europa e.V., Stuttgart 03443 Emst und Helene Heymann-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 03447 Richard Hirsch man Jugend-Stiftung, Benningen 03477 Wilhelm Hirte-Stiftung, Hannover 03481 Max Hochrein-Stiftung Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Speyer 03488 Wilhelm Höffner-Stiftung, Bertin 03496 Heinrich und Emma von Hoesslin'sche Stiftung in Augsburg, Augsburg 03509 Familie Hof Kinderfonds Stiftung, München 03510 Hugo Homann-Strftung, Dissen 03543 Hompheus-Tabemakel-Stiftung, Emmerich 03546 Kart-Gottileb Homschuch'sche Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, Forchheim 03562 Hospital Korbach, Korbach 03572 Hospital Sankt Wendel, Sankt Wendel 03582 Hospital zum Heiligen Geist in Schwäbisch Hall, Schwäbisch Hall 03609 Hüls AG-Stiftung, Marl 03645 Elisabeth Hülsmann-Stiftung, Hamm 03647 Dr. Gotthard und Helga HyUus-Stiftung, Bad Bellingen 03662 IKEA-Stiftung, Hofheim-Wallau 03671 Initiative und Leistung, Wiesbaden 03680 Gotho von Irmer-Stiftung, Bremen 03710 Paul Wilhelm Carl Jähn Stiftung, Hamburg 03725 Johannes-Stiftung, Chemnitz 03746 Jubiläumsstiftung der Creditverein Wilhermsdorf AG, Wilhermsdorf 0377/ Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse der Stadl Straelen, Straelen 03774 Jubiläumsstiftung der Sparkasse in Meschede/Eslohe, Meschede 03776 Jubiläumsstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Emmerich 03780 Jubiläumsstiftung der Vereinigten Sparkassen im Landkreis Weilheim in Oberbayem, Weilheim in Oberbayem 03785 Karl Jüngel-Stlftung, Leverkusen 03796 Jugend-Stiftung der Sparkasse Ulm, Ulm 03801 Jugend- und Familienstiftung des Landes Berlin, Berlin 03802 Jugend- und Kutturstifturtg der Kreissparkassa Ludwigslust, Hagenow 03803 Jugend- und Kulturstiftung der Mittelbrandenburgischen Sparkasse in Potsdam, Potsdam 03804 Jugend- und Senioren-Stiftung der Kreissparkasse Tübingen, Tübingen 03805 Jugend- und Sportstiftung der Sparkasse Trier, Trier 03806 Jugendförderung der Spar- und Leihkasse zu Bredstedt, Bredstedt 03807 Jugendförderungswerk der Sparkasse Aachen, Aachen 03808 Jugendheime Beiserhaus, KnüllwaldRengshausen 03809 Jugendhof Vechta, Vechta 03810 Jugendstiftung der Aitenländer Sparkasse, Jork 03811 Jugendstiftung der Kreissparkasse Ahrweiler, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler 03812 Jugendstiftung der Kreissparkasse Cochem-Zell, Cochem 03813 Jugendstiftung der Kreissparkasse Osterholz, Osterholz-Schermbeck 03814 Jugendstiftung der Sparkasse Kiel, Kiel 03815 Jugendstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, Emmerich 03816 Jugendstiftung Halsbach, Halsbach 03817 Jugendstiftung Oberkirch, Oberkirch 03818 Jugendwerk Aalen, Aalen 03819 JUST Jugendstiftung Sachsen, Chemnitz 03836 Dr. Hans Kapftn ger-Strftung, Passau 03867 Hans-Georg Karg-Süftung, Grabenstätt, Frankfurt am Main 03871 Karg-Stiftung München, Frankfurt am Main 03872 Katholische Walsen- und Armenkindertiausstiftung Augsburg, Augsburg 03892 Katholische Waisenhaus- und Kinderheim Sankt Klara-Stiftung in Freising, Freising 03893 Matthias-Kaufmann-Stiftung, Hessisch Lichtenau 03903
Ella Kay-Stiftung für die Förderung pädagogischer Kinder- und Jugendarbeit, Berlin 03910 Auto Keizer-Stiftung, Ahaus 03918 Keller-Budenberg-Stiftung, Berlin 03920 Paul Kemmer-Stiftung, Bad Mergentheim 03931 Kick-OberTeifsche Jugendstiftung, Lindau 03953 Geschwister Kiefel-Stiftung Ettenheim, Pfaffenweiler 03958 Kinder- und Jugendhilfestiftung Bottrop, Bottrop 03968 Kinderheim und Walsenhaus auf Sankt Mauritz, Münster 0397t Kindemothilfe-Stiftung, Duisburg 03980 Kloster Stift zum Heiligengrabe, Heiligengrabe 04045 Paul Knabe-Stiftung, Ebsdorfergrund 04057 Karl Knauer-Stiftung, Biberach 04059 Dr. Willi Knoil-Stlftung, Krumbach 04071 Rudolf Knupp-Stiftung, Bonn 04075 Ko-Bra Koblenzer Brasilien-Stiftung, Kruft 04077 Kocher-Stiftung für Naturschutz sowie Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Reutlingen 04088 Constantin Köhler1 sehe Stiftung, Schwäbisch Gmünd 04094 König Ludwig- und Königin MarieTherese-Stiftung Bamberg, Bamberg 04107 Gräflich Königsegg'sche Waisenhausstiftung, Immenstadt 04114 Koinonia-Stiftung, Brühl 04135 Adolph Kolping-Stiftung, Kerpen 04146 Konflikt-und Lebensberatung, Stuttgart 04152 Janusz-Korczak-Stiftung für soziale Jugendarbeit, Lutherstadl Wittenberg 04163 A. und E. Korus-Stiftung, Wuppertal 04169 Kraillinger Bürger- und Rotkreuz-Stiftung für Alten- und Jugendhilfe, Krailling 04182 Dr. Hans und Therese Krille-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04226 Günther-Maria-Kühn-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04259 Kultur- und Sozialstiftung der RaiffeisenVolksbank Bad Wörishofen-Ottobeuren, Bad Wâ ris holen 04283 Kulturbund-Stiftung Kamern Elb-HavelWinkel, Kamem 04287 Kulturstiftung der Spaikasse Stormam, Bad Oldesloe 04312 Kulturstiftung Stadtsparkasse Wedel, Wedel 04352 Herbert Kunze Stiftung, München 04369 Hermann Kupsch-Stiftung, Kassel 04373 Alois-Lauer-Stiftung, Dillingen/Saar 04424 Christa und Hermann Laur-Stiftung, Uhldingen-Mühlhofen 04427 Familie Uewald-Strftung, Uetze 04500 Albert Lippert-Stiftung, Heigenbrücken 04528 Kurt Loosen-Stiftung, Essen 04559 Prof.-Ludofchy-Stiftung, Dresden 04572 Luisenstift, Berlin 04587 Peter-Mählmann-Stiftung, Hamburg 04609 Mahle-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04617 Mainzer Jugend- und Waisenstiftung, Mainz 04625 Mansfeld-Löbbecke-Stiftung von 1833, Braunschwaig 04635 Maria-Stiftung, Münster 04651 Hermann und Ingrid Marlini-Stiftung, Bielefeld 04675 Martinshaus Kleintobel Evangelische Jugendhilfe, Berg 04679 Dr. med. Heinz Masuch-Stiftung, Aschau i. Chiemgau 04684 Herbert- und Emilie-Mayer-Gerock-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04701 Otto Meister-Stiftung, Öhringen 04728 Gottfried Menken-Stiftung, Bremen 04744 Marga und Kurt Möllgaard-Stiftung, Essen 04625 Eva Moldenhauer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04833 Hans Mühtenhoff-Stiftung zur Förderung leistungsfreudiger Jugend, Osnabrück 04861 Mühlschlegel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 04864 Kart und Louise Müller-Stiftung, Hannover 04888 Maria Müller-Stiftung, Mannheim 04891 Stuttgarter Wilhelm Münker-Stiftung, Detmold 04907 Dr. Herbert Münzer-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 04912 Fritz Munder-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 04920 Nestwerk-Stiftung gegen Obdachlosigkeit und Wohnungsnot, Stuttgart 04974 Nettetaler Sparkassenstiftung, Krefeld 04975 Niedersächsische Lottostiftung, Hannover 05003 Lieselotte-Nippelt-Stiftung, Leipzig 05014 Jugendstiftung Hans-Georg Noack, Eisingen ¿50 f 9 Alfred und Lore Nungesser-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05041 NWO-Sozialstiftung, Wilhelmshaven 05044
Emi und Laura Oelbermann-Stiftung, Köln 05064 Olgakrippe Stuttgart, Wolfschlugen 05082 OSPA-Stiftung, Rostock 05106 Otto-Stiftung, Dietenheim 05121 Pater-Heinrich-Stiftung, Hennef 05/54 Pauiinenpflege Stuttgart, Stuttgart 05160 Pestalozzi-Stiftung Wahlwies, Stockach 05t 79 Hildegard Petig-Stiftung, Salzgitter 05187 Eduard-Pfeiffer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 05201 Helene Pfteiderer-Stiftung, Stuttgart 052/0 Willy und Monika Pitzer Stiftung, Bad Nauheim 05236 Friedrich Plate-Stiftung zu Bamstorf, Diepholz 05245 Kathinka Platztoff-Stiftung, Hanau 05247 Possehl-Stiftung, Lübeck 05273 Alfred-Prassek-Stiftung, Weitheim 05283 Wilhelm Preuninger-Stiftung, Nagold 05292 Protestantische Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Kempten 05323 Heinz Rädecker-Stiftung, Varel 05351 Adalbert Raps-Stiftung, Kulmbach 05363 Regionalstiftung Jade-Wirtschaftsraum, Jever 05393 Paula und Walter Rickert-Stiftung, Hamburg 05446 Edith und Werner Rieder-Stiftung, München 05454 Otto Rieger-Stiftung, Aalen 05456 Rödl-Mitarbeiter-Stiftung für Kindeitiitfe, Nürnberg 05493 Luitpold und Ludwig RothenangerStiftung, Ottobrunn 0554/ Philipp E. Ruth-Stiftung, München 05577 RWE Jugendstiftung zur Förderung beruflicher Qualifikation, gesellschaftlicher Integration und sozialer Einsatzbereitschaft, Essen 05581 Sächsische Jugendstiftung, Dresden 05597 Sammelstiftung der Stadt Waldheim, Waldheim 05609 Sankt Antonius-Stiftung der Erzdiözese München und Freising, München 05630 Sankt Georgs-Stiftung, Vechta 05662 Sankt Ignatius-Stiftung Velen, Velen 05668 Sankt Josefs-Stift, Wachtendonk 05681 Sankt Josefshaus, Wettringen 05662 Sankt Josephs- und Gertrudis-Strftung, Dülmen 05690 Sankt Vìncenzstift Aulhausen (Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum) und Rettungsanstalt zum Heiligen Joseph (Jugendhilfeeinrichtung Marienhausen) in Rüdesheim am Rhein, Rüdesheim 05736 Sankt Vinzentiuspflege, Donzdoif 05739 Kail Sauerbom-Stiftung, Krefeld 05751 Schacfsche Stiftung, Tuttlingen 05761 Dr. Georg Schäfer-Jugendstiftung, Schweinfurt 05763 Marie Auguste Schenk-Stiftung, München 05797 Adolf Schieneil Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 056/4 Alois Schiffmann-Stiftung, München 05821 Hans-Peter Schiatterer-Stiftung, Freiburg im Breisgau 05844 Marielies-Schleicher-Stiftung, Aschaffenburg 05848 Schloß Ttieatrum Herberge Hohenerxieben-Stiftung, Hohenerxfeben 05863 Horst Schmidt-Jugendstiftung des Seglerverbandes Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel 05665 Gert und Barbara Schmidt-Stiftung, Hamburg 05693 Prof. Götz Schmidt Stiftung, Wettenberg Û5898 Kurt Schmitt-Stiftung, Vilshofen 05906 Paul Schneider-Stiftung, Rödental 05925 Schnitziein-Weindl-Stiftung, Vatersletten 05929 Ludwig und Irmgard Schönherr-Stiftung, München 05942 Herbert Schöll-Stiftung, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 05950 Schreiber1 sehe Stiftung in Grafenrheinfeld, Grafenrheinfeld 05960 Schröder-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main 05970 Hans-Peter Schüler Stiftung, Hamburg 05983 Franz Schulte-Hordelhoff-Stiftung Wattenscheid, Bochum 06005 Dr. Schulze-Stiftung, Meereburg 06020 Helga und Dr. Erich SchwanhäußerStiftung, Nürnberg 06038 Edmund Siemers-Stiftung, Hamburg 06/25 Harald und Marieluise Sigwart-Stiftung, Rückersdorf 06133 SK Stiftung Jugend und Wirtschaft, Köln 06145 Sonnenschein, Vechta 06170 Sozialstiftung der Kreissparkasse Köln, Köln 06178 Sozialstiftung der Sparkasse LeerWeener, Leer 06179
505 Sparkasse-Bauland-Stiftung, Osterburken 06186 Spartassen-Stiftung tur Jugend und Sport, Freiberg 06193 Sparkassen-Stiftung für Soziales und Umwelt, Freiberg 06195 Sparkassen-Stiftung Jugend, soziale Aufgaben und Naturschutz, Heilbronn 06197 Sparkassenstrftung Bad Langensalza, Mühlhausen 06205 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreis· und Stadtsparkasse Speyer, Speyer 06208 Spaikassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Bitburg-Prüm, Bitburg 06211 Sparkassenstiftung der Kreissparkasse Rhein-Hunsrück, Simmem 06213 Sparkassenstiftung der Stadtsparkasse Kaarst-Büttgen, Kaarst 06214 Sparkassenstiftung für die Stadt Würzburg, Würzburg (36221 Spaikassenstiftung für Jugend, Sport und Umwelt, Brakel 06223 Sparkassenstiftung - gemeinnützige Stiftung der Sparkasse StraubingBogen, Straubing 06225 Sparkassenstiftung Jugend hat Zukunft im Kreis Herford, Herford 06229 Sparkassenstiftung Kleve, Kleve 06230 Sparkassenstiftung Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr 06235 Sparkassenstiftung Pöttmes, Aichach 06240 Sparkassenstiftung Tauberfranken, Taube rbischofsheim 06244 Sparkassenstiftung Uecker-Randow, Pasewalk 06245 Sparkassenstiftung Zukunft Landkreis Elbe-Elster, Finsteiwalde 06248 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung der Jugend, Freudenstadt 06249 Spaikassenstiftung zur Förderung von Jugend und Umwelt, Lörrach 06253 Sparkassenstiftung zur Förderung von Kunst, Kultur, Jugend- und Altenhilfe Vreden, Vreden 06256 Ernst August Spee-Stiftung, Bad Endbach 06260 Speidel-Stiftung, Stuttgart 06262 Stadt-Stiftung Gütersloh, Gütersloh 06324 Stadt-Stiftung Quakenbrück - Bürger für ihre Stadt, Quakenbrück 06325 Josef Stanglmeier-Stiftung, Abensberg 06337 Dr. Stapfsche Kinderheim-Stiftung, Nürnberg 06341 Evangelische Stiftung Ludwig Steil-Hof, Espelkamp 06356 Käthe Stein-Stiftung, Swisttal 06362 Stephansstift, Hannover 06375 Stiftung 150 Jahre Verbandssparkasse Meldorf, Mektorf 06392 Stiftung Alten-, Behinderten· und Jugendförderung der Sparkasse Essen, Essen 06405 Stiftung Alten-, Behinderten- und Jugendförderung der Stadtsparkasse Essen, Essen 06406 Stiftung Anscharhöhe, Hamburg 06435 Stiftung Aumühle, Aumü