Without Guarantees: In Honour of Stuart Hall 1859842879, 9781859842874

Stuart Hall has been an inspirational figure for generations of academics. His early work on the media, his influential

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English Pages 433 [448] Year 2000

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Table of contents :
Identity blues / Ien Ang --
Sociology and the metaphorical tiger / Michèle Barrett --
Resisting left melancholia / Wendy Brown --
Agencies of style for a liminal subject / Judith Butler --
The state of war and the state hybridization / Néstor García Canclini --
Critical dialogues on Chincana/o cultural studies / Angie Chabram-Dernersesian --
At the end of this sentence a sail will unfurl : modernities, musics and the journey of identity / Iain Chambers --
Unfinished business? struggles over the social in social welfare / John Clarke --
Taking identity politics seriously : 'The contradictory, stony ground' / James Clifford --
Representing 'globalization' : notes on the discursive orderings of economic life / Paul du Gay --
The sugar you stir / Paul Gilroy --
Public pedagogy as cultural politics : Stuart Hall and the 'crisis' of culture / Henry A. Giroux --
History, imagination and the politics of belonging : between the death and the fear of history / Lawrence Grossberg --
When the subalterns speak, what do they say? radical cultural politics in Cardiff Docklands / Glenn Jordan and Chris Weedon --
The second modernization failed : discourse politics from 'New Korea' to 'Globalization' / Myung Koo Kang --
Stuart Hall and social policy : an encounter of stranters? / Gary Lewis --
Absolute beginnings : in search of a lost time / Rolf Lindner --
Stuart Hall : the universities and the 'Hurly Burly' / Angela McRobbie --
Travelling thoughts / Doreen Massey --
A sociography of diaspora / Kobena Mercer --
Cultural studies and common sense : unresolved questions / David Morley --
Intervening in popular culture : cultural politics and the art of translation / Sean Nixon --
Matters of selfesteem / Flemming Røgilds --
Becoming postcolonial / Bill Schwarz --
The permanence of pluralism / David Scott --
Exoticism and death as a modern taboo : gansta rap and the search for intensity / Ove Sernhede --
Against the punitive wind : Stuart Hall, the state and the lessons of the Great Moving Right Show / Joe Sim --
Thinking cultural questions in 'pure' literary terms / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak --
Studies in a post-colonial body / Gilane Tawadros --
Modernity and difference / Charles Taylor --
Reading Stuart Hall in Southern Africa / Keyan G. Tomaselli --
Blood borders : being Indian and belonging / Gail Guthrie Valaskakis --
The cultural politics of the mass-mediated emperor system in Japan / Shunya Yoshimi --
How do we look? unfixing the singular black (female) subject / Lola Young.
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Without Guarantees: In Honour of Stuart Hall
 1859842879, 9781859842874

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IN HONO∪ R OFS丁 ∪ART HALL Edited by Paul Gilroy, Lawrence Grossberg and Angela lr/cRobbie

Contributors: len Ang, Mlchdle Barrett, Wendy Brown, Judith Butler, N6stor Garcia Canclini,

Angie Chabram-Dernersesian, lain Chambers, John Clarke, James Clifford, Paul du


Paul Gilroy, Henry A. Giroux, Lawrence Grossberg, Glenn Jordan, Myung Koo Kang, Gail Lewis, Rolf Lindner, Angela McRobbie, Doreen lVassey, Kobena Mercer, David Morley,

Sean Nixon, Flemming Rogilds, Bill Schwarz, David Scott, Ove Sernhede, Joe Sim, Gayatri chakravorty Spivak, Gilane Tawadros, Charles Taylor, Keyan G. Tomaselli, Gail Guthrie Valaskakis, Chris Weedon, Shunya Yoshimi, Lola Young.

Without Guarantees


Without Guarantees In Honour of Stuart Hall

Edited by

Paul{Gilroy,Lawrence⊂ )rossberg and Angela McRlobbic


London o New York


Oh o in hdi

published by Veno 2000

the collection Verso 2000 :u」 contributions the contributorr 2000 All rights reserved

The moral rights of the authors and editors have been asserted Verso UIG 6 Meard Street, London, WIV 3HR US: 180 Varick Street, NewYork, NY 10014-4606 Verso is the imprint of New



ISBN l-85984-762-5 ISBN l-85984-287-9 (pbk)

Bridsh Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the Britigh Ubrary Library of Corgrecs Catalogingirltrbltcation Data Without guarantees: in honour of Stuart Hall ,/ edited b,y Paul Gilroy, Lawrence Grossberg, and Angela McRobbie.

p.cm ISBN l-85984-762-5

(cloth)-ISBN l-85984-287-9 (pbk.)

l. Society-Great Britain.

2. Great Britain-Race relations. 3. Great Britain-Politics and government. 4, Hdl, Stuart. I. Ha[, Stuart. II. Gilroy, Paul. IIL Grossberg, l,awrence. [V. McRobbie, Angela.

HM479.G7W572000 301′ .0941-― dc21

00-028986 Typeset h 10/12%ptrrC New Baskwine by den,Es“ x SeSptems Ltd,S涯 =on W」 P nted by Bidaes Ltd,Cuildford and Kng's Lynn

AII royalties earned on this book will be donated to the Stephen Lawrence Trust




Resisting Left Melancholia

Agencies of Sryle for a Liminal Subject

7 8

At the End of This Sentence a Sail Will Unfurl . . Modernities, Musics and theJourney of Identity Iain Chambm Unfinished Business? Struggles over the Social in Social Welfare John Cln*e


Taking Identity Politics Seriously: 'The Contradictory, Stony Ground. . .' James Clifford


6 2



The SugarYou Stir. . . Paul



Representing'Globalization': Notes on the Discursive Orderings of Economic Life Paul du Gay

3         7         3         4         3 5         6         8         9         1

Critical Dialogues on Chicana/o Cultural Studies Angic Chabram-Dmtmesian




N4stor Garcta Canclini,

8 3

The State of War and the State of Hybridization




Judith Butln

0 3



Wmdy Broum

1 2

Sociology and the Metaphorical Tiger Mi,chlle Barwtt




Identity Blues Im Ang 4 1






Public Pedagogy as Cultural Politics: Stuart Hall and the 'Crisis' of Culture Hmry A. Giroux


History, Imagination and the Politics of Belonging: Between the Death and the Fear of History Lawrmce Grossberg


When the Subalterns Speak, What Do They Cultural Politics in Cardiff Docklands GbnnJmdan and Chri.s


Say? Radical


The Second Modernization Failed: Discourse Politics from 'New Korea' to 'Globalization' Myung Koo Kang


Stuart Hall and Social Policy: An Encounter of Strangers? Gail Lewis


Absolute Beginnings: In Search of a Lost Time Ralf Lindner


Stuart Hall: The Universities and the

'Hrrly Burly'

Angela McRnbbit


Travelling Thoughts Doreen Massq


A Sociography of Diaspora Kobena Msrcer


Cultural Studies and Common Sense: Unresolved Questions Dauid Morlq


Intervening in Popular Culture: Cultural Politics and the Art of Translation Sean Nixon


Matters of Selfesteem Flzmmi.ng ROgilds


BecomingPostcolonial Bill Schwan


The Permanence of Pluralism Daaid Scott


Exoticism and Death as a Modern Taboo: Gangsta Rap and the Search for Intensity Oue Sernhedc


8 l 3

Against the Punitive Wind: Stuart Hall, the State and the Lessons of the Great Moving Right Show



Joe Sim

Thinking Cultural Questions in 'Pure' Literary Terms Gayatri Chahrauqrty

5 3 3


Wr& 8 5 3

29 Studies in a Post