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English Pages [194] Year 2012
Victory Over Cancer! Part 1 – Making the Unthinkable Possible
Victory Over Cancer!
First Edition © 2012 by Dr. Matthias Rath and Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki. ISBN 978-90-76332-76-5 Distribution: Dr. Rath Education Services B.V. Postbus 656 NL-6400 AR Heerlen Tel.: Fax:
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– Part 1 – Making the Unthinkable Possible
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Dr. Matthias Rath All rights reserved. Distributed by Dr. Rath Health Foundation, Santa Clara, CA 95050 Individual pages or small portions of this book may be used for private and non-profit educational purposes only.
Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki
Disclaimer: This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his or her health and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects resulting directly or indirectly from the information contained in this book.
Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Chapter II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Chapter III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Scientific Facts That Make this Breakthrough Irreversible “We will live to see a time when we no longer have to look over our shoulder like a criminal when we say: two and two makes four.” Bertolt Brecht, “Life of Galilee“
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Important documentation
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Introduction Only once in the history of mankind is the discovery being made that will lead to the natural control of cancer. This book documents this discovery.
Dr. Matthias Rath
Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki
A breakthrough of this nature leads the pioneering scientists on a path from the discovery of the underlying cellular mechanisms to the confirmation of new therapeutic approaches at the level of basic research and ultimately to the clinical proof in patients suffering from cancer. This book is the report of the pioneering scientists. One author, Dr. Matthias Rath, was privileged to contribute the discovery of new natural ways to control cancer. Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki coordinated the scientific proof of this medical breakthrough. ‘Victory Over Cancer’ is not an achievement that is given to us, the people, voluntarily. Mankind has to earn the right to live in a world without fear of cancer. The battle for that fundamental right to become reality is being fought once.
This time is now. Significantly, for mankind to achieve ‘Victory Over Cancer’ it was not necessary to invent new, hi-tech approaches to control this disease. The decisive breakthrough towards the effective prevention, control and ultimately the elimination of cancer is based on our new understanding of the critical role of micronutrients.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
The fact that the essential role of micronutrients in controlling cancer thus far has not been understood – let alone applied towards the control of the cancer epidemic – is no coincidence. It has been deliberately neglected and withheld in the interest of the pharmaceutical investment business. Diseases in general have been exploited by the pharmaceutical business interests as markets for their patented drugs. In cancer an additional, particularly appalling, aspect deserves consideration. The diagnosis ‘cancer’ has been kept as a ‘death verdict’ in the perception of people. That was not a coincidence. This fear of death made millions of cancer patients accept literally any procedure – as questionable as it may be – including highly toxic chemotherapy. This report will end this fallacy and, thereby, help to liberate mankind from the fateful dependency upon the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’. The victory over cancer ranks among the great advances in medicine. One hundred and fifty years ago Louis Pasteur discovered that microorganisms are the cause of infectious diseases and thereby paved the way for the control of many epidemics that had haunted mankind for millennia. It was more than a quarter century later that his theories were finally accepted. As the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer already noted: “Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognised. In the first it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident.”
As the authors of this book, our gratitude goes first and foremost to the team of researchers at our Institute – in particular to the head of our cancer research group, Dr. Waheed Roomi (second from left).
The key discoveries towards ‘Victory over Cancer‘ were made already two decades ago. Our efforts at that time to convince large pharmaceutical companies to commit to the elimination of cancer were futile. In retrospect, this was no surprise: This discovery threatened their multi-billion dollar market with chemotherapy drugs. However, we did not give up, but it took us about one decade to start our own research institute in California and to launch a comprehensive cancer research project in 1999. By the end of 2001 we had obtained the first research confirmation that key steps of the cancer disease can be controlled naturally. We decided to share this life-saving information with the world. On March 8, 2002, we announced this medical breakthrough on a full page in USA Today – the world’s largest newspaper.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
The significance of this breakthrough for human health can perhaps best be judged from the fierce reactions by the status quo. Over the past ten years the pharmaceutical lobby filed more than 100 legal attacks against this breakthrough, to no avail. The publication of this book now documents that we are right. This book will empower millions of people to take actions toward ending the devastating dependency upon the economic interests who have been putting profits over life for an entire century. This book will break mankind’s psychological dependency on the ‘investment business with the cancer epidemic’. It will inspire similar breakthroughs in the fight against other diseases and contribute to a new, independent, global health care in the interest of billions of people living today and of future generations.
Santa Clara, California, Autumn 2011 Matthias Rath and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki
Above: A copy of our announcement about the breakthrough in the natural control of cancer in USA Today, on March 8, 2002. By presenting this information directly to the public we wanted to make sure the whole world learned about it. 12
Do Stars Shine in Red?
‘Science as Art’’ is an idea by August Kowalczyk. ‘Do Stars Shine in Red’ is a microscopic picture of cervical cancer cells undergoing natural death (suicide). The picture was taken at the Dr. Rath Research Institute. Visit the entire art gallery at www.dr-rath-humanities-foundation.org/exhibition/index.html.
Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Fact #1: Cancer Is the Third Largest Cause of Death in The Industrialised World • At the beginning of the 21st Century, the cancer epidemic remains one of the largest killers on our planet. • According to the World Health Organization, 7.5 million people worldwide die each year from cancer. This number is only slightly behind the number of deaths from infectious diseases. • In the US, Canada and Europe, the numbers are even more staggering – 5.6 million people die here from cancer each year. This means that every third man and woman in the communities across North America and Europe dies from this disease.
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
The Sobering Cancer Death Statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO)
Cardiovascular Disease
Other Diseases Cancer
A. Worldwide 7.5 million people die each year from the ongoing cancer epidemic
Infections Most importantly, every number in these statistics means a human life lost.
Cardiovascular Disease
Other Diseases
B. In North America and Europe, 5.6 million people die each year from the ongoing cancer epidemic
Reference: WHO Mortality Statistics for 2008
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
The Dimension of the Cancer Epidemic At the beginning of the 21st Century, cancer remains one of the largest epidemics of mankind. It is almost impossible to demonstrate the entire magnitude of this epidemic. What we can do to visualise its dimension is to take the number of cancer patients who die each year – and compare it to the population of the world’s largest cities. Every year the cancer epidemic takes the lives of 7.5 million patients worldwide. In comparison, here are the current population numbers for some of the world’s largest metropoles: Tokyo 8.9 million, Mexico City 8.9 million, New York City 8.4 million, Lagos (Nigeria) 8 million, London 7.8 million, Lima (Peru) 7.6 million, Hong Kong 7 million, Bangkok (Thailand) 7 million, Cairo (Egypt) 6.8 million and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 6.3 million. Imagine you are living in one of these giant cities. You have to drive for hours to get from one end of the city to the other. And all those people living in every street of this city disappear each year as the result of this unconquered epidemic. Over the past half century more than 300 million people have died from cancer – this translates to the eradication of the entire population of the United States of America. Besides the unimaginable cost of human life there is a strangulating economic burden associated with this disease for every patient, community and country. The global costs for oncology drugs in 2010 alone was 56 billion US dollars. The economic impact of the cancer epidemic – excluding all medical costs – was even more staggering: With 895 billion US dollars, cancer had by far the greatest economic toll among all diseases. We will provide more details in part 2 of this book, chapter IV.
Visualising the Dimension: New York
Rio de Janeiro
USA Population above 300 million
Every year the cancer epidemic takes the lives of cancer patients in numbers corresponding to the inhabitants of some of the world’s largest cities. Over the past half century – during the age of ‘chemotherapy’ – the number of patients killed from the cancer epidemic equals the entire population of the United States of America.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Translating the Global Scope of the Cancer Epidemic to Your Home Town Number of worldwide cancer deaths each year
Compared to cities in the UK
On the previous pages we compared the scope of the global cancer epidemic to large cities. But cancer happens where you live – in every community in the country. On this page, we therefore compare the number of people dying each year from cancer globally to the population of major UK cities – possibly includ-
• Stoke-on-Trent + Wolverhampton + 29 other cities of this size
• Brighton + Hull + Plymouth + 28 other cities of this size
• Belfast + Newcastle upon Tyne + 26 other cities of this size
• Nottingham + Leicester + Sunderland + 24 other cities of this size
• Wakefield + Cardiff + Coventry + 21 other cities of this size
• Liverpool + Manchester + Bristol + 15 other cities of this size
• Bradford + Edinburgh + 14 other cities of this size
• Leeds + 9 other cities of this size
• London
2.5 M
• Birmingham + 7 other cities of this size
• Glasgow + Sheffield + 12 other cities of this size
7.5 M
Imagine how many lives can be saved if an effective cure for cancer is found!
ing your hometown. In the above graph every column totals to the approximate number of people who die each year from cancer. We created this chart not only to emphasise the dimension of this disease but – above all – to underscore the urgency to find a solution to it!
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Fact # 2: The Cancer Epidemic Is Still Expanding – Despite All Media Hype About Medical ‘Breakthroughs’ What does this mean?
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Increase in Cancer Deaths (Mortality) From 1970 to 2000 in Different Age Groups Cancer Patient Age 70 - 79
• If a disease still increases, it means that the mechanisms for its control have not yet been discovered or they are not being applied in the medical practice. • Conventional approaches like chemotherapy and radiation – that have been used on cancer patients for over half a century – have obviously failed to curb the cancer epidemic. • Thus, chemotherapy and radiation can no longer be considered a credible answer to the cancer epidemic.
Cancer Patient Age 60 - 69
• Therefore, there is an urgent need for new, effective approaches to control the cancer epidemic!
Cancer Patient Age 50 - 59
6 September, 2008
Statistics for USA; data for developed countries are comparable. Source: Journal of the American Medical Association, 2005.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Fact # 3: The Therapeutic Goal of Chemotherapy And Radiation Is to Kill Cancer Cells by Intoxicating the Entire Body
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Deadlocks of Conventional Cancer Therapies
Radiation and chemotherapy – which have been used by conventional medicine for more than half a century to fight cancer, have one common ‘therapeutic’ effect: they kill cancer cells and billions of healthy cells alike. These highly toxic procedures indiscriminately damage all cells in the body of patients and have, therefore, been compared to a ‘shotgun’ approach. To make things worse, chemotherapy affects particularly those healthy cells in our body that are multiplying rapidly, such as the white blood cells of the immune system. Thus, when the body of a cancer patient has the greatest need for effective defence, the immune cells are being systematically destroyed by highly toxic procedures. Even a lay person can understand that if medicine has to resort to ‘shotgun’ approaches, this means only one thing: the causes and pathways of the disease are not properly understood so that effective therapies could not be developed that specifically target abnormal cells, e.g., cancer cells. Any ‘shotgun’ approach to a disease reflects the desperation on the part of medicine itself. To deceive the patients and provide false hope, conventional medicine uses the terms chemo-’therapy’ and radio-’therapy’ – when actually no effective ‘therapy’ is available. The past half century of conventional cancer therapy can only be described as a failure.
Cancer Cell
Healthy Cell
Both radiation and chemotherapy kill cancer cells and – at the same time – healthy cells in the body of cancer patients.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Fact # 4: Chemotherapy Is Extremely Toxic A whole array of highly toxic chemicals are being applied to millions of cancer patients around the world with the alleged promise to cure cancer, hence the term ‘Chemo-Therapy’. Among these substances are some of the most toxic chemicals known to man. The first chemotherapy drug was directly derived from ‘mustard gas’, a chemical warfare agent used in World War I as a weapon! Derivatives of this deadly gas are still being used today in cancer patients as mechlorethamine, cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil and ifosfamide.
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
The Horrific Toxicity of Chemotherapy
Mustard gas molecule. About one third of the soldiers exposed to it in WWI died.
Besides these derivatives of mustard gas, there are several other groups of highly toxic chemicals applied to cancer patients. The common denominator of all these chemicals is that they damage the molecules of inheritance (DNA) in the cell core and interrupt other essential biological processes in every cell of the body. The toxicity of chemotherapy is also reflected in the ‘safety precautions’ for cancer patients published by the ‘American Cancer Society’. Even health professionals are being reminded about the health risks they are exposed to while handling chemotherapy drugs. These risks include damage to their DNA, birth defects, development of new cancers and organ damage. Thus, health professionals have to “wear special gloves, goggles, and gowns when preparing and giving chemotherapy” (www.cancer.org).
Health professionals handling chemotherapy must wear extremely thick gloves to protect themselves from toxic damage (left). The picture on the right shows damage caused by chemotherapy substance spilled on an unprotected hand.
These chemicals are toxic and dangerous to others even after they are excreted through the skin, urine, stool, even tears, semen and vaginal fluid. The people at particular risk include family members, caregivers and literally anyone touching a chemotherapy patient. Entire companies flourish on the sales of protective gear and waste disposal devices for the chemotherapy business.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Damaging Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Introducing the ‘Hickman’-Catheter
Most other infusion drugs are being applied to the patient via the arm veins. However, this application mode is not possible for most chemotherapy drugs because the chemicals would instantly ‘burn’ the blood vessel walls, leading to severe tissue damage and inflammation. To apply these substances to the cancer patient, nevertheless, a special infusion device has to be used, the ‘Hickman Catheter.’ This special catheter is inserted directly into the superior vena cava, one of the largest veins of the body, that is located close to the right heart atrium. Because of the large diameter of this vein (about 1 inch), the highly concentrated chemical substance does not get into direct contact with the blood vessel wall and is being diluted with the blood stream directly into the right heart ventricle. With these toxic substances circulating in the body for many hours, even days, with the destruction of cells being the desired therapeutic target of these chemicals, it is no wonder that ‘chemotherapy’ causes severe side effects in the patients, including: • Destruction of the bone marrow, the site of blood cell formation, resulting in - Impaired immune system - Increased rate of infections - Anemia - Excessive bleeding
- Vision and hearing impairment - Damage to the entire digestive system, ulcers in mouth, vomiting, diarrhea - Infertility - Weight loss, anorexia - Hair loss
• Organ damage - Heart damage, shortness of breath, edema, arrhythmia - Lung damage, breathing problems, fever - Liver damage and failure - Kidney damage and failure - Damage to brain, memory loss, decreased mental function, depression
• Triggering the growth of new cancers anywhere in the body
• Death
Hickman Catheter: Most chemotherapy drugs are so toxic that they need this special device to be delivered into the patient’s body.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Why Cancer Patients Voluntarily Subject Themselves to Such Toxic Procedures While reading the previous pages, you, our readers, may have asked yourself the question: how is it possible that anyone would voluntarily allow such toxic chemicals to be injected or infused into the body? Even more, how can it be that mankind as a whole could allow the intoxication of the human body to become the universal standard ‘therapy’ for cancer for more than half a century. The answer to this question is sobering: A patient who associates the diagnosis ‘cancer’ with the worst outcome – death – is instantly put into a psychological state of fear and despair. This, in turn, renders this patient susceptible to accept any ‘therapy’ – even if that treatment itself is potentially deadly – as long as the threat of certain death is being delayed for only a short time. What makes things worse is the fact that for many types of cancer it is already established that chemotherapy does not prolong the life of cancer patients at all. This includes prostate cancer, skin cancer (melanoma), bladder cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer and others. Patients with these types of cancer who received chemotherapy have the same limited life expectancy as those who don’t.*
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
The Psychological War With the Cancer Epidemic 1. The fear of death from cancer is a precondition for the acceptance of potentially deadly treatments like chemotherapy. 2. As long as cancer remains essentially a ‘death sentence’ the investment business with toxic chemotherapies will continue. 3. Any medical breakthrough that will turn cancer into a manageable disease will, inevitably, remove the ‘death sentence’ associated with this disease – and thereby destroy the fatal dependency of millions of patients on toxic chemotherapy. 4. Considering the fact that cancer has remained a ‘death sentence’ for more than half a century, there exists an objective and immediate need for new scientific directions that will also end the ‘psychological war’ with the cancer epidemic.
* www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15630849
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Fact # 5: Toxic Chemotherapy Drugs Boost Multi-Billion Dollar Sales of Other Drugs The toxicity of chemotherapy agents damages not only a few organs in our body, but all organs and cell systems. For most patients, every cycle of chemotherapy is associated not only with severe pain, but with a multitude of new health problems. Some of these ‘side effect diseases’ continue for their entire lives – e.g., irreversible organ damage. To cope with these side effects of chemotherapy, a series of drugs are being prescribed in order to alleviate the symptoms of these ‘side-effect diseases.’ The most frequent categories of prescription drugs applied to cancer patients during and after chemotherapy include: • Different types of antibiotics prescribed against frequent infections resulting from the damaged immune system. • Painkillers, including morphine, to alleviate the unbearable pain often associated with the chemical intoxication of the human body. • Steroids and all other inflammatory drugs to alleviate systematic inflammation of joints and other organs from toxic chemotherapy. • Antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs prescribed to help patients cope with the traumatic physical and psychological consequences of chemotherapy. Moreover, countless medical procedures are being performed on cancer patients in an attempt to repair the severe damage caused by chemotherapy drugs. Among them are transplants of bone marrow, liver, kidneys and other organs.
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
New Cancer Drug Markets for a Multitude of ‘Side Effect Diseases’
• Painkillers • Steroids/Cortisone
The Toxicity of Chemotherapy Creates the Need for Even More Drugs
• Other Anti-Inflammatory Drugs • Antibiotics • Blood Transfusions • Antidepressants • Many Other Drugs
The toxicity of chemotherapy triggers a myriad of ‘side effect diseases’ which are treated with a multitude of prescription drugs and intensive medical procedures. Right: Over the past decades, several handbooks were published for patients and nurses about managing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Fact # 6: Many Pharmaceutical Prescription Drugs Can Cause Cancer We have just learned that the toxic side effects of chemotherapy require even more prescription drugs to alleviate the so-called ‘side effect diseases’. What you should also know is that almost half of all the substances listed by the US government as ‘carcinogenic’ – i.e., cancer causing – are pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for various diseases. The reason for this is that pharmaceutical drugs are synthetic – i.e., artificial – compounds, not natural substances. Thus, the human body cannot recognise them and they cannot easily be neutralised and eliminated. Most of these drugs cause damage to the DNA of cells, thereby inducing the cancer process. The reason why most prescription drugs are not natural compounds but synthetic in nature is their patentability. The pharmaceutical business is based on profiting from the huge patent fees of newly synthesised chemical compounds. Thus, the ongoing cancer epidemic is also the result of this business principle. We will talk more about that in chapter V. The fact that many prescription drugs can cause cancer is widely known and is documented in many clinical studies and even government reports. On the facing page is a list of some of the prescription drug classes that are known to pose the highest risk for developing cancer. Other powerful carcinogenic substances include hormones such as estrogen, present in anti-contraceptive pills and prescribed to millions of menopausal women as ‘hormone replacement therapy.’
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Many Widely Used Prescription Drugs Can Cause Cancer US Government Report: A multitude of widely used prescription drugs account for more than 40% of all chemical substances that can cause cancer in humans. Different classes of prescription drugs can cause new cancers to a varying degree:
• 87% of anti-cancer drugs can cause new cancers • 50% of all antibiotics can cause cancer • 60% of drugs prescribed against depression and mental disorders are potentially carcinogenic • Almost all immunosuppressants facilitate the development of cancer • Many other drugs are listed as cancerogenic, including anti-ulcer drugs, anti-allergy drugs and others
Sources: • National Institutes of Health, 9th Report on Carcinogens, 2001 • National Institutes of Health, NIH 12th Report on Carcinogens, 2011 • US Department of Health and Human Services, 7th Annual Report on Carcinogens, 1995
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Fact # 7: The Indiscriminate Killing of Cells as Failed ‘Therapy’ for Cancer Will Be Replaced by the Modern Approach of ‘Cellular Regulation’ The 20th Century will go into history as a deadlock in the ‘war against cancer’. Despite countless media reports about alleged breakthroughs of cancer ‘cures’, the Cancer epidemic is still spreading on a global level.
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Biological Regulation Instead of Chemical and Radioactive Intoxication
Toxic Chemicals
Radioactive Agents
The prevailing therapeutic approaches to this disease by conventional medicine – chemotherapy and radiation – were based on the indiscriminate damaging and killing of billions of body cells in the hope to eliminate cancer. The statistics prove that this approach of ‘intoxication’ was a failure. For many types of cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy had no advantage at all, for other types the effects were minimal, short-term – and they were achieved at the expense of suffering and a dramatic decline in the quality of life for the patient. Thus, there exists an objective need for a completely new direction in cancer therapy. This new approach has to be based on a new understanding about the natural regulation of cancer cells. The keys to the effective control of cancer are natural therapeutics that can interfere with and regulate the malfunction of the biological software of cancer cells – without affecting healthy cells.
Natural Regulation of • Inhibition of Tumour Growth • Inhibition of Metastasis • Encapsulation of Tumour • Selective Elimination of Cancer Cells
Once that is accomplished, cancer can largely be eliminated as a cause of death and disability among humans.
Key to Victory Over Cancer: Regulation Instead of Intoxication
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
“Doctor, how long?”
At the beginning of the 21st Century, the same bizarre ritual continues in doctors’ offices and hospitals around the world: Patients are being diagnosed with ‘cancer’. Their wrenching hands express their minds that switch between helplessness and desperation. In parallel, a second ghostly ritual takes place.
The hand of a doctor pats the patient’s leg in a mixture of consolation, reassurance and offering hope. Of course, there is no basis for any of these delusive messages communicated by the doctor’s hand – cancer is still largely what it was a century ago: a death verdict. It’s time for change!
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
In the next chapters we will take you on a remarkable health journey. You will realise that the biological tools to achieve ‘Victory Over Cancer’ are available right now!
Purple Coast
‘Science as Art’ is an idea by August Kowalczyk. ‘Purple Coast’ is a microscopic picture of kidney tissue with the collagen stained pink. The picture was taken at the Dr. Rath Research Institute. Visit the entire art gallery at www.dr-rath-humanities-foundation.org/exhibition/index.html
The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Chapter Introduction by Dr. Rath The discoveries reported in the following chapter were made more than two decades ago. The facing page shows a page from my manuscript published under the title of “Plasmin-Induced Proteolysis” in early 1992. It described for the first time that the key mechanism of cancer spread, collagen-digestion, can be blocked by natural substances. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling supported the far-reaching conclusions of this publication: The implementation of these discoveries into medicine will lead to the natural control of cancer! Immediately after this publication, ‘collagen-digestion’ took a centre stage at many scientific conferences. Moreover, it triggered a race among drug companies to find synthetic blockers of this mechanism – which they could patent. Ten years later, on May 12, 2002, the San Francisco Chronicle published a report of this dramatic race with the title, ‘Misdiagnosis’. Without referring to the original work, they described the race of drug companies to find, what the newspaper called, the ‘holy grail of medicine’ – the solution to the cancer epidemic. The race failed – or so they say. It is easy for drug companies to abandon a race if, at the end of it, they would lose hundreds of billions of dollars. For decades, the cancer epidemic had been one of the pharmaceutical industry's most lucrative markets. Thus, the end of the cancer epidemic would have been a debilitating disaster. So abandoning the search for the ‘holy grail of medicine’ at that time was an easy decision for the pharmaceutical investment ‘business with disease’. But the ‘Genie’ was out of the bottle. In an effort to ‘solve’ this problem, the drug lobbyists decided to spend the next decade fighting the pioneers of this breakthrough (see also chapter IV). But their efforts were in vain. This book offers the ‘holy grail of medicine’ to all mankind.
Plasmin-Induced Proteolysis and the Role of Apoprotein(a), Lysine, and Synthetic Lysine Analogs Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, 7, 17-22
For full text, see Appendix
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
What you will learn in this chapter • Cancer is no longer a mysterious disease. Its key mechanisms of development and control can be understood by everyone, without any special medical education. • Cancer can be caused by many factors, but there is one common pathway via which all types of cancer cells spread: the digestion of connective tissue around the cancer cell. • Overcoming the confinement by the surrounding connective tissue (e.g., collagen) is a pre-condition for cancer cells to grow, metastasise and to develop into a life-threatening disease. • The mechanism by which cancer cells break this barrier is by producing uncontrolled amounts of enzymes, or biocatalysts. These small proteins function as ‘biological scissors’ paving the way for cancer cells to move through the body. • All cancer cells, irrespective of the organ where they originate, use the same collagen-digesting enzymes. • The more of these ‘biological scissors’ a cancer cell produces, the more aggressive and malignant it is, the faster it spreads and, generally, the shorter is the life expectancy of the patient.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
• Thus, cancer cells mimic and abuse natural mechanisms, already used by our body under normal conditions. But, as opposed to normal conditions, where the production of collagen-digesting enzymes is tightly controlled, cancer cells produce these biological scissors out of control and forever. • This biological deception, the mimicking of normal biological mechanisms by cancer cells, is the reason why cancer cells are easily evading the defence system of our body – and why cancer is such an aggressive disease. • Most importantly, we will learn that there are certain natural dietary molecules – micronutrients – which are able to block the biological scissor enzymes. Taken in optimum amounts these micronutrients are able to inhibit uncontrolled connective tissue digestion and the spread of cancer cells.
The information provided in this book is so basic and easy to understand that it will soon be part of biology classes in schools around the world.
• These ‘biological scissor’ enzymes are not confined to cancer cells. Already under normal (physiological) conditions cells use these enzymes to migrate through the body, including white blood cells (leucocytes), while defending our body against infections, and egg cells during the process of ovulation in the female menstrual cycle.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Let’s have a first look at a cancer cell Normally, the cells of our body are embedded in a network of collagen and other connective tissue molecules which keep them in place. For cancer cells to grow into a tumour and to spread throughout the body, they need to overcome this connective tissue confinement. In order to do so, every cancer cell produces ‘biological scissors,’ enzymes (or biocatalysts) that are able to digest the connective tissue surrounding the cancer cells.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
‘Biological Scissors’ Enzymes Are Produced By All Cancer Cells
Cancer cells do not produce these destructive enzymes just for a short period of time, but as long as they live. Since cancer cells are by their very nature immortal, a growing cancer could be described as a disease that gradually digests the body from within. The facing page shows the picture of a real cancer cell taken with an electron microscope, which magnifies this cell to 6500 times of its normal size. This type of cell is called a carcinoma cell, which means that it derives from epithelial cells, the type of cell that lines both the inner (i.e., lung, bowel) and outer (skin) surfaces of the body. Under this high magnification we can clearly identify some of the characteristic features of all cancer cells: a) The huge, unusually shaped cell core (nucleus) reflecting a high multiplication rate of the cancer cells and b) the uneven, complex cell surface structure, reflecting a high activity of secretion of substances produced by cancer cells. One of the most important molecules secreted by cancer cells in huge amounts are the collagen digesting ‘scissor’ enzymes. They are graphically added to this picture in the form of red ‘pacman’like structures.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Collagen-Digesting Enzymes Function as Biological Scissors
Plasminogen Activator (Urokinase)
Metalloproteinases (MMPs)
connective tissue digestion
Connective Tissue (Collagen) Digestion
The purpose of this biological cascade is to digest the connective tissue of our body
Biological ‘chain reaction’ for
Of course, these ‘pacman’ structures in real life are biological molecules, proteins, that have the unique ability to chop up collagen fibers and other connective tissue molecules. The above picture shows that there is not just one type of ‘pacman’, but several
of them, such as Plasminogen/Plasmin and Metalloproteinases (coloured three-dimensional structures). To enhance their destructive effect, they can activate each other in the form of a biological ‘chain reaction’.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
How Cells Move Through the Body If we want to understand how diseases spread, we must look at the way healthy cells move through the body. This is easy to explain in the case of red blood cells; they are just carried along in the blood stream. However, it is more difficult to imagine how cells from other organs can move through our body and overcome the barriers formed by the connective tissue. In order to move through the connective tissue, a cell has to be capable of temporarily dissolving the surrounding tissue – the collagen and elastic fibers – so it can make its way through. Cellular migration through dense tissue requires that these cells secrete enzymes – ‘biological scissors’ – that can dissolve the surrounding collagen. This is why these protein molecules are known as connective tissue dissolving enzymes, or in short: collagen-digesting enzymes.
Cells Move Through the Tissue and Organs of Our Body Cell nucleus initiates the production of collagen digesting enzymes
A Production of these enzymes inside the cell and secretion to the outside
Enzymes attack collagen and other connective tissue
For easy understanding, we will continue to symbolise collagendigesting enzymes as red circles or as a ‘pacman’ throughout the book. On the facing page you see the production of collagen-digesting enzymes inside a cell (picture A). These enzymes are then secreted into the environment of this cell where they ‘attack’ and digest the surrounding collagen fibers. This process allows this cell to create ‘loop holes’ within the dense network of connective tissue and pass through it (picture B). On the following pages we will provide you with some examples of how this interesting biological mechanism is being used in our body under normal (physiological) conditions.
The enzymes temporarily digest the connective tissue surrounding the cell, thereby paving the way for it to migrate through the body
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Collagen Digestion During Ovulation The process of ovulation in the female body is one of the most fascinating functions in which the body uses a collagen-dissolving mechanism. Monthly hormonal changes in the female cycle stimulate certain cell types (granulocytes) surrounding the ripening egg cell (follicle) inside the ovary.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
The Cellular Mechanism of Ovulation
Womb (Uterus)
Under hormonal influence (e.g., estrogen) these cells start producing large amounts of fluid rich in these collagen-dissolving enzymes. In the middle of the female cycle, the surrounding of the mature egg cell is so rich in collagen-dissolving enzymes that the collagen tissue of the ovarian wall loosens and forms a hole. This opening is just big enough for allowing the egg cell to move from the ovary through the small connecting channel (fallopian tube) into the womb (uterus). It is clear that this mechanism needs to be precisely timed and to be confined to this specific location. This mechanism must let only one egg per menstrual cycle pass through and start its journey to the womb. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that collagen-dissolving enzymes remain in a timely and physiological balance with the mechanism that blocks these enzymes and initiates selfhealing of the tissue.
Fallopian Tube
View inside the ovary:
View inside the wall of the ovary:
Ovulation: Mature egg passes through the ovary wall and begins its passage to the womb
Immediately after the egg cell has left the ovary, the activity of collagen-dissolving enzymes is stopped by the body’s own enzymatic blocks. This shifts the balance toward collagen-producing mechanisms, which dominate over the collagen-dissolving process. Using this mechanism the tissue of the ovary wall can quickly heal and close itself. Four weeks later, the whole process repeats. Triggered by hormones, a temporary peak in the production of collagendigesting enzymes ‘opens’ the ovary tissue for a few seconds – just enough time for the mature egg to leave the ovary and start its journey to the womb.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
A Closer Look at This Mechanism We are aware that the comprehensive health information of this book may be a challenge. However, in order to understand the origin of diseases and how we can prevent them it is absolutely necessary to learn to ‘think’ at the level of cells.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Collagen Dissolving During Ovulation
For health professionals this may be easier because they are already familiar with processes occurring at the microscopic level. For lay persons this may be more difficult.
Since we want the information of this book to reach every person on this planet we will make a particular effort to illustrate and visualise this cellular level to our readers in an easy-to-understand manner. Throughout this book we will take you on a fantastic journey through the human body.
On the facing pages we start this journey by looking at microscopic pictures of the fascinating process of ovulation.
Picture A catches the moment when the mature egg cell leaves the ovary through a small hole biologically created in the wall of this organ. The collagen digesting enzymes (red pacmen) are added to illustrate this biological process. Picture B shows an egg cell (centre) under a highly magnifying microscope. The small bumps surrounding this large cell are the cells (granulocytes) specialised in producing the large amounts of collagen digesting enzymes needed for ovulation.
Follicle Cell
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Collagen Digestion During Infections Another mechanism where collagen digestion playes a role is infection. The body’s basic protection against invaders (microbes) is secured by the white blood cells. Several subgroups of white blood cells perform specific functions in the immune system, a sort of ‘police cell’.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
How White Blood Cells Migrate Through Our Body For example: Lung Infection
Especially important are the macrophages, which can ‘eat’ and digest invaders. Immature forms of these cells, called monocytes, can reach every part of the body through the blood stream. If an infection takes place in the lungs, the body releases ‘alarm substances’ that attract monocytes to the site of infection.
White blood cells (“police cells”) leave a small lung blood vessel and move toward the area of infection with the help of collagen-digesting enzymes.
In case of a lung infection, the white blood cells, arriving with the blood stream, traverse the blood vessel wall of the small lung capillaries and move into the lung tissue with the help of collagen-dissolving enzymes. To reach the site of infection in the lung, (e.g., by bacteria or viruses), the white blood cells must be able to migrate through the lung tissue. In order to do so, they use the same collagen-dissolving mechanism, loosening the dense surrounding connective tissue and moving through the tissue much like an expedition that cuts its way through the jungle with the help of machetes. Just as we have seen in ovulation, the connective tissue will close again right after the cells have passed through, using the enzymeneutralising and tissue-repairing mechanisms. This repair is assured by the optimal availability of ‘pac men’ −neutralising factors and of production of new collagen molecules.
After the white blood cells have passed through, the collagen-digestion stops and the tissue repairs itself.
White blood cells use the mechanism of collagen digestion already under normal (physiological) conditions in a controlled and precisely timed process.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Take a Microscopic View of How a White Blood Cell Migrates
b) The white blood cell leaves the blood stream and – with the help of collagendigesting enzymes – it ‘squeezes’ its way inside the blood vessel wall.
a) A white blood cell from the blood stream (white area) attaches to the cell lining (endothelial cell) of the blood vessel wall.
d) The white blood cell has started its migration through the connective tissue and is completely surrounded by it.
c) The white blood cell now has entirely left the blood stream, the blood vessel wall has closed behind it.
Copyright Dr. A. Loesch, printed with permission
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Collagen Digestion in Tissue Remodelling Another process where collagen-digesting enzymes are used under normal conditions are all forms of tissue remodelling processes. One such example is the preparation of the female breast for lactation, (i.e., breastfeeding).
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Collagen Digestion in the Breast
A. Milk Duct (Closed) in Normal Breast Tissue
At the end of pregnancy, and in preparation for breastfeeding for the newborn, hormonal signals ‘tell’ the cells of the breast to ‘switch on’ the production of collagen digesting enzymes. Just like a ‘demolition team’ in real life their job is to tear down the existing architecture of breast tissue in order to allow the reconstruction of the ‘lactating breast’ – and its adaptation for milk production. On the facing page you can see under the microscope the dramatic architectural changes the female breast tissue undergoes from normal stage to lactating phase. In picture A you can see the tissue architecture of a non-lactating breast, characterised by the dense structure of connective tissue surrounding a largely closed milk duct in the center of the picture. In sharp contrast, picture B shows the cellular (histological) structure of a lactating breast, characterised by loosened connective tissue, the presence of prominent gland cells required for the production of milk (small white circles) as well as the widely open milk duct (centre of the picture). Imagine the amount of collagen digesting enzymes required for initiating this process and the fascinating architectural blueprint to rebuild the breast tissue for each of these stages.
B. Milk Duct (Open) During Lactation
Other processes of tissue remodelling involving collagen-digestion include wound healing as well as body and organ growth.
A. Microscopic picture of a milk duct which is closed in non-lactating women. B. For lactation the breast tissue is restructured. The open milk ducts allow the flow of milk.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Unravelling the Secrets of Cancer
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Unsolved Question No. 1: Why is Cancer Such an Aggressive Disease? Despite the elucidation of some selected aspects, the fundamental nature of cancer has remained a mystery. Moreover, as long as the most basic questions in connection with cancer remain unanswered, there can be no effective cure.
Cancer Cells Abuse Natural Mechanisms of Our Body
A Health (Physiological Conditions)
This book provides answers to the most basic questions: 1. Why is cancer a particularly aggressive disease. 2. Why some organs in our body are more affected by cancer than others.
White Blood Cell (Leukocyte)
The facing page summarises the answer to the first question in graphical form. If a disease mechanism is being used already under normal, healthy conditions, the body simply has not developed any effective defences to counteract these disease mechanisms. Since white blood cells, ovary cells and many other body cells already use the mechanism of producing collagen digesting enzymes under normal (physiological) conditions (A), cancer can spread in an uncontrolled fashion and uninterfered with by the body’s defences (B). The trick is simple: Cancer cells hijack the very same mechanism that healthy cells use – but in an uncontrolled manner. For the first time, we can now explain the aggressive nature of cancer. This new understanding points at the significance of specific disease mechanisms and, thereby, will lead towards an effective, natural control of cancer.
Tightly Controlled Connective Tissue Digestion
Egg Cell (Ovary Cell)
B Disease, e.g., Cancer (Pathological Conditions)
Uncontrolled Connective Tissue Digestion
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Unsolved Question No. 2: Why are Some Forms of Cancer More Frequent Than Others?
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Cancer in Reproductive Organs Collagen Digestive Enzymes Used Under Normal Conditions
The second question that has remained unanswered by cancer researchers and specialists (oncologists) until today is ‘Why are some forms of cancer more frequent than others?’ Our research has provided the answer to this key question too. Cancer develops particularly often in organs that use collagen digestion already under normal or physiological conditions. The first group of organs affected are reproductive organs. In particular female reproductive organs undergo dramatic and repeated functional (hormonal) and structural changes during their lifetime. Earlier in this chapter we already discussed the profound changes in the female body during ovulation and lactation. In a similar way, the womb (uterus) and the cervix undergo tissue restructuring in connection with the monthly cycle and pregnancy that all require a high activity of collagen digesting enzymes. Not surprisingly, these organs are the most susceptible to connective tissue digestion going out of control – and, therefore, most prone to cancer.
Sperm Production
Sperm Fluid Production
For the very same reasons, the reproductive organs of men, the prostate and testes, are also frequent sites of cancer development. Another factor is of particular significance: Both female and male reproductive hormones are known to stimulate the production of collagen digestion enzymes in reproductive organs. Elevated levels of these hormones – either by increased production in the body or from hormonal drugs (contraception, hormone replacement) increase the risk for reproductive cancers.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Why Some Forms of Cancer Are More Frequent Than Others: Bone Cancer
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Bone Cancer in Children
Another organ that often develops cancer is our skeletal system. Noteworthy is the fact that bone cancer occurs particularly frequently in children and adolescents. This phenomenon, too, can now be explained. The bones are among those organs that undergo the most dramatic architectural changes during the growth phase from childhood to adult age. Bone growth requires a high activity of collagen digestive enzymes. The extension of bone length is not a uniform process that occurs evenly across the entire length of a bone. It is concentrated at distinct areas towards the end of a bone – near the joint. Not surprisingly, it is in this area, called the epiphysis, where most forms of primary bone cancers originate.
Area of Bone Growth (Epyphysis)
X-ray of bone cancer. Note the cancer development in the bone ‘growth area’ near the joint.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Why Some Forms of Cancer Are More Frequent Than Others: Leukemia
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Blood Cancer (Leukemia)
Earlier in this chapter we described the white blood cells' (leucocytes) unique ability to migrate through body tissue with the help of collagen digestion enzymes. Imagine if this process goes awry in some white blood cells. Then it would destroy the connective tissue without stopping. Precisely that happens in cancer of white blood cells, also known as leukemia. The innate ability of white blood cells to produce large quantities of collagen digesting enzymes render these leukocytes particularly prone to cancer. Now we also understand why leukemia is one of the most frequent forms of cancer.
Leukemia cell under a highly magnifying electron microscope. The continuous secretion of collagen-digesting enzymes is illustrated by red ‘pacmen’.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
A Closer Look at Leukemia
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Leukemia Under the Microscope
Once cancer cells produce the biological ‘scissor’ enzymes they no longer know any barriers and can invade and slowly ‘digest’ the structure of any organ of the body. This is also true for leukemia cells. One of the phenomena associated with this form of blood cancer is the fact that leukemia patients do not primarily die from an overproduction of leukocytes and from these cells clogging the blood circulation. In many cases leukemia patients die from the failure of various organs, in particular the ‘filter organs’ - the liver and spleen. Millions of white blood cells invade these organs from the blood stream. But they don’t just pass through like healthy white blood cells would do. These cancerous white blood cells produce immense amounts of collagen digesting enzymes, literally digesting these organs from within. The picture on the facing page shows a microscopic cross section through the liver of a patient with ‘lymphatic leukemia’. Each of the small purple dots in the picture is a white blood cell (in this case lymphocyte) that has invaded the liver tissue (pink areas). Considering the massive number of these purple dots and how many collagen digesting enzymes each of them produces, it is easy to imagine the amount of connective tissue destruction and organ damage done by this type of cancer. Leukemia is a good example of how the understanding of cellular mechanisms – the production of collagen digesting enzymes by white blood cells – guides us towards effective therapies.
Microscopic picture of lymphatic leukemia. Cancerous white blood cells (lymphocytes) invaded the liver. The massive amounts of collagen digesting enzymes they produce destroy the organ, eventually leading to organ failure.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Collagen Dissolving in Cancer The collagen digesting mechanism we just learned about is being abused by all forms of cancers irrespective of their origin. The illustration on the facing pages shows an example of this process: The development of liver cancer. The liver is the body’s central metabolic organ, among others, it is responsible for neutralising and removing toxins from the body. Toxins such as pesticides, preservatives as well as many synthetic pharmaceutal drugs are the most common causes of liver cancer. Liver cells that are exposed to these poisonous substances can be permanently damaged or destroyed. The most frequent form of damage leads to a permanently false ‘programming’ of the cell’s genetic material (DNA). Such a malignant alteration of the cell’s software marks the beginning of the cancer process by activating a cascade of biological steps that eventually lead to full-blown cancer. Some of these steps are essential for the growth and spread of cancer: 1. Uncontrolled cell multiplication. The software of a cancer cell is altered in such a way that it renders this cell ‘immortal’ and causes it to multiply indefinitely. 2. Mass production of collagen-dissolving enzymes. The software of a cancer cell is altered in such a way that it renders this cell ‘immortal’ and causes it to multiply indefinitely. The more collagen digesting enzymes a cancer cell produces, the more aggressive the cancer, the faster the cancer spreads through the body, and the shorter the life expectancy of the patient if the mechanism is not stopped.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
How Tumours Develop
Liver Tumour
Liver cells: • Healthy cells (brown) • Cancer cells (green)
In cancer cells, the software in the cell core is reprogrammed turning cancer cells immortal. Cancer cells continuously • multiply and • produce collagen-digesting enzymes
Here individual cancer cells from a liver tumour use collagen-digesting enzymes to break their way through the surrounding connective tissue tissue and spread.
The production of collagen-digesting enzymes is a precondition for any type of cancer to grow and spread – irrespective of the organ it originates from.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
How Cancer Cells Spread And Invade Other Organs (Metastasis) The collagen-dissolving mechanism also plays a major role when cancer cells migrate to form secondary tumour in other organs or parts of the body. This secondary tumour is called metastasis. The illustration on the facing page shows the process of a liver tumour metastasising to the lungs.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
How Cancer Cells Metastasise
Liver Tumour (Primary Tumour)
Every tumour is surrounded by a network of small blood vessels (capillaries). With the help of collagen-dissolving enzymes, individual cancer cells can ‘puncture’ the wall of these capillaries and enter the blood stream. Once inside the blood vessel, cancer cells are being swept away with the blood flow, just like red or white blood cells, and reach other organs. The lung is a particularly frequent organ for the formation of metastasis because the blood circulation in the lung branches out into billions of tiny capillaries that facilitate optimum blood oxygenation. The diameter of these lung capillaries is even smaller than a hair which allows for an easy adherence of cancer cells to the wall of these blood vessels. Since these cancer cells are still producing large amounts of collagen digesting enzymes, they now are able to leave the blood stream again and penetrate the lung tissue. There the cancer cells continue to multiply and develop into a secondary tumour, a metastasis.
Cancer cells enter the blood stream with the help of collagen-digesting enzymes
Liver Blood Vessel
Through the blood stream cancer cells can reach other organs Cancer cells leave the blood stream using collagen-digesting enzymes to form metastatic tumours (here in the lung)
Metastasis (Secondary Tumour)
The more collagen-dissolving enzymes a specific type of cancer cell can produce, the more easily it develops metastases. All types of cancer – irrespective of the organ where the primary tumour is located – use collagen-digesting enzymes to reach other organs in the body in order to metastasise.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Our Journey Through the Body Continues ... The process of metastasis is no longer a mystery. The picture on the facing page shows an actual cancer cell under a highly magnifying microscope. The body of this migrating cancer cell expands in the direction of its movement in the tissue. It can form little ‘arm’-like structures that drag the cancer cell along the surface, in this case, of a blood vessel. The collagen digesting enzymes are added to illustrate the process by which any obstruction on the path of this cancer cell is being overcome.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Our Journey Through the Body Continues ... Cancer metastasis is a unique process where the cancer cells of one organ nestle in a remote organ and begin to multiply there. This unique mechanism leads to phenomena like the one shown on the facing page: A cluster of breast cancer cells is caught inside the portal vein of the liver. Once these cells invade the liver tissue, a ‘breast tumour’ will start growing inside another organ, in this case the liver.
Microscopic picture of breast cancer cells (brown cell cluster in the centre) that have metastasised to the liver (blue areas). The cluster of breast cancer cells is shown within a liver blood vessel (portal vein).
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Now That We Understand the Key Mechanism of How All Cancer Cells Spread, We Need to Find a Way to Block This Destructive Process – Naturally!
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Lysine as a Natural Enzyme Block In previous chapters we have learned about the role of collagen digestion in facilitating the spread of diseases through the body. The uncontrolled activation of this collagen-dissolving mechanism leads to the development of aggressive diseases such as cancer.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Lysine Is the Most Effective Natural Way to Block Collagen-Dissolving Enzymes Lysine, a natural blocker of collagen-digesting enzymes, must be supplied from the diet.
Every therapeutic approach that will halt uncontrolled connective tissue digestion or even slow it down will therefore be a momentous success in the field of medicine. Because of its universal importance in fighting all types of cancer, this therapeutic goal has been designated the ‘holy grail of medicine’. Interestingly, Nature itself provides us with two large groups of molecules that can block the collagen dissolving mechanism. The first group is the body’s intrinsic enzymatic block that can stop the action of collagen-digesting enzymes in a few moments. The second group is the enzyme-blocking substances that come from our diet or as dietary supplements. The most important micronutrient is the natural amino acid L-lysine. When a sufficient amount of lysine is supplied as a dietary supplement, it can block the anchor sites by which collagen dissolving enzymes bind to connective tissue molecules. Lysine thus prevents these enzymes from uncontrollably dissolving connective tissue. The facing page illustrates that lysine can inhibit the collagen digesting enzymes, the uncontrolled degradation of collagen and, thereby, impede the spread of cancer.
Lysine occupies the ‘anchor sites’ by which the collagen-digesting enzymes would normally bind to the connective tisue molecules in order to digest them. Once lysine occupies these ‘anchor sites’, there is less binding of collagen-digesting enzymes to the collagen fibers and less tissue degradation.
The essential amino acid lysine can inhibit the uncontrolled digestion of connective tissue by cancer cells, thereby inhibiting cancer cell spread and metastasis.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
The Remarkable Value of Lysine All metabolic functions in the human body are controlled by biological language. Some twenty known amino acids compose all the proteins in our bodies. These building blocks of life function like the letters of the alphabet. Our bodies use various combinations of amino acids to create innumerable biological words (peptides) and sentences (proteins). Separate amino acids (letters) also have important individual metabolic functions, and lysine is a prime example. The cells of the body can produce most amino acids themselves. These amino acids are called ‘non-essential’. However, there are nine known amino acids that our body cannot produce, so they have to be supplied through the diet. These amino acids are called ‘essential’. Lysine plays a similarly important role within the group of essential amino acids as does vitamin C within the vitamin group. The daily requirement for lysine surpasses that of all other amino acids. Among its many functions, lysine is also the basic building block of the amino acid carnitine, which is important for energy metabolism in every cell. The fact that the human body can store a large amount of this amino acid proves its importance for our health. About 25 percent of collagen, the most abundant and important structural molecule of bones, skin, blood vessel walls, and all other organs, consists of two amino acids: lysine and proline. Thus, taking large quantities of lysine will not cause adverse effects since our body is familiar with this molecule and will simply excrete any amount not needed.
The Natural Amino Acid Lysine Nitrogen atoms
Oxygen atoms
Hydrogen atoms
1 nm = 1 Millionth of a Millimeter (10,000 times smaller than a cell)
How much lysine can our bodies handle? • A human body weighing about 155 lbs. contains about 22 lbs. of proteins. • 50% of this protein mass is present as the connective tissue proteins, collagen and elastin. • The amino acid lysine forms about 12 percent of the collagen and elastin mass, or about 1.3 lbs. • Therefore, a human body weighing 155 lbs. contains approximately 1.3 lbs. of lysine. Since our bodies are accustomed to such large amounts of lysine, taking 0.4 ounces (11.3g) of lysine daily as a dietary supplement, e.g., by cancer patients, should not be considered excessive.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
The Role of Lysine in Balancing Collagen-Digestion and Repair We have just learned that activity of the collagen digesting enzymes can be blocked in two ways: with the body’s own inhibiting molecules (enzymatic proteins) and with natural inhibitors supplied in the diet, such as lysine. The body’s internal inhibitors form the first line of defence that assures the balance between the degradation and new formation of collagen and connective tissue. In the illustration on the facing page, the enzyme ‘blockers’ produced by the body are represented by blue triangles. Lysine molecules, shown in green, have the same goal. They form the second line of defence, ready to step in when the body’s own systems are insufficient. The dietary ‘blockers’ cannot overshoot their goal, even when taken in high amounts. A second important fact shown in the facing illustration is the balance between the collagen-dissolving mechanism (red) and its blocking mechanisms (blue and green) during health and disease. For instance, when fighting infections, white blood cells migrate through the body creating a momentary imbalance in favor of collagen degradation – just long enough to allow the leucocytes to pass through towards the site of infection. Once this cell has passed, the healthy body restores the balance within moments. In cancer this balance is permanently shifted towards collagen degradation, and the internal ‘blockers’ are not sufficient to stop connective tissue destruction. In this situation, high nutritional intake of lysine and other dietary ‘blockers’ is the most effective way to restore the balance of connective tissue degradation and repair.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Sustained Imbalance of Collagen-Digesting Enzymes Triggers Disease Collagen Dissolving Enzyme
Block (produced by the body) Block from the diet (Lysine) Health: Balance or
Temporary Imbalance
Immediately Restored
Long term imbalance Prevention and Correction: Supply of high dose of lysine and other natural dietary blockers
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Vitamin C and Lysine: Key Molecules for Health The stability of our connective tissue – and therefore our body’s strength – is determined by two main factors: first, an optimum production of collagen and other connective tissue stability molecules, and second, the prevention of uncontrolled tissue degradation.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Encapsulation of Tumours by Natural Means Lysine Molecule
Vitamin C Molecule
Besides lysine, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is another essential micronutrient for our body. The role of these two micronutrients in providing connective tissue stability and, therfore, in helping to control cancer and other diseases can be summarised as follows: 1. Lysine inhibits the destruction of connective tissue by preventing enzymatic digestion of collagen molecules. At the same time this amino acid is an essential building block of collagen in the body. 2. Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen and other connective tissue molecules and is essential for their optimal structure. As we know from the sailor’s disease scurvy, deficiency of vitamin C weakens the connective tissue of our body. Vice versa, an optimal supply of vitamin C assures optimal production of collagen and elastin fibers and contributes to strong connective tissue. What makes things worse is that the human body neither produces lysine nor vitamin C, and our modern diet does not contain sufficient amounts of them. As a result, almost every person suffers from long-term insufficiency of these essential micronutrients. This knowledge now allows us to formulate effective strategies towards the control of cancer. Optimum production of connective tissue promotes the encapsulation, the biological confinement, of tumours.
Lysine blocks collagen-digesting enzymes and uncontrolled destruction of connective tissue
Vitamin C stimulates the production of new collagen molecules and strengthens connective tissue
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Healthy Collagen — Key to Disease Prevention and Control Optimal production of collagen molecules is critical for healthy connective tissue and it forms the basis for effective control of cancer and other diseases. The picture on the facing page illustrates the important steps of collagen production inside a cell and describes the essential role of certain micronutrients in this process.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Amino Acids Proline and Lysine Are Building Blocks of Collagen Vitamin C
Controls production of collagen in the nucleus
Component of collagen, often insufficiently produced in the body
Component of collagen, exclusively supplied from the diet
Optimal production and structure of collagen critically depends on three micronutrients: • Vitamin C controls collagen production at the level of the cell nucleus. In addition, newly formed collagen strands, which wind around each other like a twisted rope, need this vitamin to attain the optimum stability of collagen. Towards this end, vitamin C catalyses the formation of chemical ‘bridges’ between separate collagen fibers, which stabilise the entire structure. • Lysine is an important building block of the amino acid chain that forms the collagen protein molecule. Since our body cannot produce its own lysine, every single lysine molecule must be supplied from the diet or from dietary supplements. • Proline is an amino acid and also an important building block of collagen. In contrast to lysine, proline can be produced by our body, but only in limited amounts. If a person suffers from a chronic disease – associated with long-term enzymatic degradation of collagen – the body’s capacity to produce proline can be exhausted. This often leads to relative proline deficiency with the known consequences of tissue weakness, which, in turn, facilitates disease progression.
Collagen molecule
Vitamin C Forms OH (Hydroxyl Groups) needed for linking collagen strands stabilising collagen
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Tumour Encapsulation: The Proof Now we owe our readers a first scientific proof. We choose to document the decisive role of vitamin C for the encapsulation – the connective tissue ‘confinement’ – of tumours. It is a remarkable fact that, unlike humans, most animals can produce their own vitamin C. Even more surprising is the fact that cancers are rare in the animal world - whereas they kill every fourth man and woman. We wanted to study the intriguing question of whether it is possible that one factor alone, the presence of vitamin C in optimum amounts, can decide about the inhibition of tumour development. To answer this question we developed a mouse model that was unable to produce vitamin C in its body. By this genetic variation we mimicked exactly the ‘genetic defect’ that affects all humans today. For the subsequent experiment we divided the animals unable to produce their on vitamin C into two groups. Then the animals of both groups were challenged with skin cancer (melanoma) cells. Subsequently, we placed one group of these animals on a diet containing optimum amounts of vitamin C, while the other group received a diet deficient in this essential nutrient. The facing page shows the dramatic results documented for the first time in this experiment. The animals with dietary vitamin C deficiency developed large tumours, which were growing diffusely into the neighboring tissue (picture A). In contrast, the animals supplemented with vitamin C developed fewer and smaller tumours. Most remarkably, optimum vitamin C in the diet led to the formation of connective tissue confinement (encapsulations) of the tumours in this group (picture B). This experiment shows that the presence or absence of vitamin C is a decisive factor stimulating the body’s defence against cancer tumours.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Scientific Proof: The Natural Encapsulation of Tumours is Possible
A. Cancerous tumour developed in a mouse, unable to produce its own vitamin C and kept on a vitamin C deficient diet. Note the diffuse border of the tumour (arrow) with cancer cells easily invading the surronding tissue.
B. With vitamin C supplementation, the mice in the same experiment formed a strong barrier of connective tissue arround the tumour, confining it to its original location. It is evident from this picture that encapsulated tumours are unlikely to invade the surrounding tissue and to metastasise.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Victory Over Breast Cancer My name is Baerbel Saliger. At age 48 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, a moment that changed my life. I underwent surgery and had my left breast removed. The subsequent 14 cycles of agressive chemotherapy made my beautiful hair fall out. For my partner I was no longer the woman he had loved. When he left me for good, my last spark of hope left with him. I did not want to live any longer.
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Meet Baerbel Saliger Three months after I began to supplement my diet with micronutrients, the pain in my body subsided. I explained to my doctor that I no longer wanted to take the cortisol. She objected. Against her advice I decided to discontinue the cortisol. Four weeks later my blood tests showed good results. My doctor explained to me, that this was the result of the cortisol treatment. I smiled by myself but did not say anything. Half a year after starting to supplement my diet with micronutrients I was able to walk again - and also to laugh again. I was convinced that pretty soon I would also be able to love again. When I sent the bills for the micronutrients to my insurance company, they denied the coverage - despite the fact that they had helped me.
My 18-year-old daughter and my parents took great care of me, but also relatives and friends called me and encouraged me. One year after undergoing chemotherapy, I was diagnosed with ‘osteoporosis in the final stage’, which put me down even further. I was desperate but I did not give up.
When I look back today, the cancer diagnosis happened 12 years ago and the supplementation of my diet with micronutrients started exactly ten years ago.
I could no longer walk and my hands were merely able to turn pages, but I could at least read. The cortisol I received made my body look puffy like a bowl of rising yeast dough, and a wheelchair had to substitute for my inability to walk.
Dancing has become my favorite hobby again – and in a few months I will become a grandmother. I couldn’t be happier.
It was at this point that I received information about micronutrients in the fight against cancer. I said to myself: “It can’t get any way worse - from now on there is only one way, upwards.”
In January, my daughter gave me a big bouquet of flowers and told me how happy she is that I am alive. If I look into the mirror today, the memories of the past sometimes come back, but only for a short time. Today a happy woman is smiling at me from the mirror.
Halle, August 2011, Baerbel Saliger
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
What Did We Do to Spread This Message When you read the testimonial of Mrs. Saliger on the previous pages you may have asked yourself some of the following questions: Have such cases occurred only in other parts of the world? Why are not more cancer patients worldwide taking advantage of this knowledge? Why aren’t the media talking about it? What did you, as the pioneering researchers, do to spread this information? These questions are all legitimate. We will provide detailed answers in Part 2 of this book. Here, we would like address only some immediate aspects. Currently, we have information about several thousands of cancer patients, many of whom shared their records with us. Many of them are still alive after 10 years and longer of continuous micronutrients supplementation. Throughout this book we will share some of these reports with you. In 2001, we obtained the first confirmation about this breakthrough in the fight against cancer at our research Institute. Subsequently, we did everything to inform the world about it. One of the first steps was the publication of this medical breakthrough in the world’s largest newspaper, USA Today, on March 8, 2002 (see chapter introduction). In the following years we gave a multitude of lectures in the United States and many European countries. We went to universities with a focus on oncology and invited the medical profession there to join in an international research effort to save millions of lives. In parallel, our research Institute became a leading independent research institution in science-based natural health. We are not aware of any other research institution that has published more scientific data about the natural control of cancer and documented it online (www.drrathresearch.org).
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Increase in the Number of Annual Research Publications In the Field of ‘Vitamins and Canccer’ 5000
Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
chemotherapy’ our findings posed a fundamental threat. Not surprisingly, it was met from that side with indifference and even resistance. Over the years, however, this resistance was decisively weakened by the large amount of research data published by our institute – and by an ‘explosion’ of research studies worldwide that followed our initial public announcement in USA Today in 2002 (see graph). The next chapter will provide you with an overview of our compelling research that cracked the half-century old fortress of the pharmaceutical monopoly with chemotherapy and radiation in cancer.
Our message about the ‘Victory over Cancer’ through natural, non-patentable means was welcomed by the general public and open minded health professionals everywhere. However, for pharmaceutical-oriented medicine and for the ‘business with
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter II – The Medical Breakthrough Towards the Natural Control of Cancer
Your Personal Summary of This Chapter When writing this chapter we had important goals in mind about the changes this information would make in the understanding of cancer by our readers. On this page we give you the possibility to check the most important of these goals.
Do you know now that:
Cancer cells mimic natural mechanisms used by our body under normal conditions? This biological ‘deception’ is the reason why cancer can evade the defence system of our body? Every type of cancer cells uses aggressive enzymes that are able to destroy the surrounding connective tissue in order to spread and invade other organs? By understanding the cellular mechanisms of invasion, we can identify key mechanisms and develop specific targets for the effective and natural control of this disease?
If you think that what you just learned is important for your fellow students, take this book with you to school or college and introduce it to them and to your teachers
The amino acid lysine and vitamin C are the first two natural substances essential for stabilising the connective tissue around tumours – a key mechanism for the ultimate control of the cancer epidemic?
The Goal of This Book: Ending the Age of Fear!
Martian Storm
‘Science as Art’ is an idea by August Kowalczyk. ‘Martian Storm’ is a microscopic picture of a melanoma tumour taken at the Dr. Rath Research Institute. Visit the entire art gallery at www.dr-rath-humanities-foundation.org/exhibition/index.html.
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter Introduction by Dr. Niedzwiecki Cancer is one of the most challenging projects for a scientist – it has been marked by many decades of unfulfilled hopes and dead end ideas. However, the cancer research based on the new concept by Dr. Rath has been one of the most rewarding projects in my scientific life. Before joining Dr. Rath, I worked on unravelling many biological aspects that make our body so unique. Among them I studied how the nuclear ‘software’ of the cell is built, how cells multiply and what happens when they become old. I was fortunate to research many of these aspects in famous research institutions in the US and Canada, and cooperated with two Nobel Laureates. However, my most remarkable scientific journey began when I met Dr. Rath and we started working together more than two decades ago. It was clear to me from the beginning that he had a special way of looking at the same things everyone did, but seeing what no one could see. His ideas were challenging but at the same time simple in explaining complex processes.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
In 1999 when we started our own research Institute and Dr. Rath invited me to direct it, I asked some of my former colleagues to join us. Thanks to the first pioneers of our cancer research, Dr. Shrirang Netke and later, Dr. Waheed Roomi, we could advance research in this area very fast. Already in 2001 we knew that the direction outlined in Dr. Rath’s concept was right. Our first challenge was to identify the most effective group of natural substances in curbing the invasion of cancer cells in the body. Until today we have published more than 60 publications on this topic, participated in and given presentations at many scientific conferences in the US and other countries, written book chapters and cooperated with other scientific groups on cancer and other projects. We are proud that many students who participated in the research projects at our laboratories could see for themselves the powerful effects of micronutrients in various aspects of cancer. Many of these young people continue their studies at medical schools, including the Medical Schools of Yale and other acclaimed universities. They form a new generation of doctors who will take an unbiased look at science-based natural approaches in helping their patients. As a research team, we are propelled by great ideas and a desire to make the results of our work benefit all humanity.
Together with Dr. Rath during the ‘early days’ of our research in 1991 118
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
What You Will Learn in This Chapter In this chapter, we will share with you many more exciting facts about the breathtaking possibility to finally achieve victory over cancer. We will learn that: • Besides the mechanism of cancer cell invasion, there are other key cellular processes that determine the course of the cancer disease;
Knowledge of these facts opens the door to a world without cancer for future generations.
• In addition to vitamin C and lysine, there are certain other important micronutrients that are able to block these disease mechanisms naturally; • All these micronutrients work together in synergy, i.e., as a team, thereby mutually increasing their effectiveness in controlling cancer. Most importantly, on the following pages we will take you through the huge amount of scientific proof about the possibility to control cancer naturally.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
The Science of Cancer Made Easy This chapter is about science – the science of disease and the science of life. You may say: I am not a scientist, why bother reading this chapter and making efforts to understand its contents.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Three Steps of Scientific Confirmation
We have to tell you that this understanding by you, your family – even your children – and millions of people is a precondition for the control of cancer. This understanding of the basis for the natural control of cancer is important for every person in order to make informed decisions about their own health. This is critical not only in case you are affected by this disease – but also if you want to prevent it in the first place. Moreover, this new understanding will protect you from falling prey to the economic interests that thrive on the continuation of the cancer epidemic as a global market for their patented chemotherapy drugs. It was clear to us already two decades ago that the discovery we shared with you in the previous chapter, if confirmed, would mean victory over the cancer epidemic – and thereby a significant advance for all of mankind. On the following pages, we will now share with you a few examples of the comprehensive rigorous scientific testing conducted at our research institute over the past decade. With each of the experiments described here, you will find a reference to the original scientific publication with additional online links at the end of this chapter.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Key Mechanisms of Cancer Disease Cancer cells use various mechanisms to grow, spread and ultimately overpower the body: 1. Cancer cell invasion and metastasis. The most critical mechanism is the ability of cancer cells to digest the connective tissue surrounding them and thereby pave the way for invasive growth and metastasis to other organs. 2. Cancer cell multiplication and tumour growth. A characteristic feature of cancer cells is a change in the biological ‘software’ in the cell core (nucleus) that renders them immortal. This explains why cancer cells multiply indefinitely – thereby gradually increasing tumour size and ultimately overwhelming the body. 3. Formation of new blood vessels that feed the tumour (Angiogenesis). If the tumour surpasses a certain size, normally 1/20 of an inch, the tumour cells can no longer be nourished from within. Therefore, growing tumours induce the formation of new blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients for further growth. This formation of new blood vessels is called ‘angiogenesis’. The blocking of angiogenesis has become an important target of international anti-cancer research. 4. Inducing the natural death of cancer cells (Apoptosis). We already know cancer cells never die. The immortality of cancer cells is due to a genetic ‘switch’ in the cell core. Correcting this abnormality and reversing this ‘switch’ induces natural cell death. This is a precondition for stopping the continuous multiplication of cancer cells and ultimately leading to the shrinkage and disappearance of tumours.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Key Cellular Targets for the Effective Control of Cancer
4 3
1. Cancer cell invasion and metastasis 2. Cancer cell multiplication / tumour growth 3. Growth of new tumour blood vessels (Angiogenesis) 4. Triggering death of cancer cells (Apoptosis)
Effectively blocking even one of these mechanisms can be sufficient to control cancer.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Key Micronutrients for the Natural Control of Cancer
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrient ‘Team’ Tested in Cancer
In the previous chapter we already learned about the key role of vitamin C and lysine in blocking the spread of cancer cells. Our research over the past decade has shown that other specific micronutrients can enhance the effectiveness of these two natural compounds in controlling cancer.
This ‘team’ of micronutrients can be subdivided according to specific mechanisms of cancer control. For example:
Amino Acids
• Support of connective tissue production and maintaining its integrity and stability: vitamin C, lysine, proline, copper, manganese.
• L-Proline
• Inhibitors of connective tissue digestion: lysine, proline, vitamin C, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), green tea, selenium. • Inhibitors of new blood vessel formation (Angiogenesis): green tea, NAC. • Inducers of cancer cell death (Apoptosis): vitamin C, green tea, NAC, selenium, arginine, proline.
• Vitamin C
• L-Lysine • L-Arginine • N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)
Polyphenols • Green Tea Extracts (EGCG) • Quercetin*
Minerals • Selenium • Copper • Manganese
* Quercetin is proven to be an essential part of nutrient synergy. It has therefore been included in all our current experiments.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Increased Biological Effectiveness by a ‘Team Effort’ of Micronutrients (Nutrient Synergy)
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
The Principle of Synergy
Over the past decades, anti-cancer research has been conducted involving individual micronutrients (e.g., vitamin C, which was applied in high doses), in approaches referred to as so-called 'megadoses'. Our research over more than a decade has created a modern understanding about how to maximise the biological effectiveness of micronutrients.
Vitamin C
+ Polyphenols
The key principle is ‘Synergy’. This principle is so important that we have to highlight some of its characteristics: 1. Synergy is a principle of life. Many biological components work together within cells to achieve a desired biological result. 2. Synergy means that the effectiveness of this group of biological components working together is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Synergy Benefit
3. Applied to the anti-cancer properties of micronutrients, this ‘Synergy’ principle means that high amounts of an individual vitamin are less effective than the combination of moderate amounts of selected micronutrients. This principle is illustrated on the facing page and we will revisit it throughout this chapter.
Synergy is more than the sum of its individual components.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
How We Proved that Micronutrient Synergy Prevents Destruction of Connective Tissue – A Necessary Step to Halt the Spread of Cancer
Biological Scissor
Biological Scissor
Cancer Cell
Plasminogen Activator (Urokinase)
Biological Scissor
Metalloproteinases (MMPs)
Effect of micronutrients in blocking the secretion of ‘Plasminogen Activator produced by cancer cells.
Effect of micronutrients in blocking the secretion of Metalloproteinases (MMPs) produced by cancer cells.
Connective Tissue (Collagen) Digestion
For further information about this illustration, please revisit Chapter II.
We already know that the aggressiveness (malignancy) of any type of cancer depends on the amount of ‘biological scissors’ produced by this type of cancer.
We tested the effect of micronutrient synergy on the two most important types of enzymes used by cancer cells. Our goal was to prove that micronutrient synergy can inhibit both of them.
Thus, any successful approach to block cancer has to aim at inhibiting the excessive, uncontrolled production of these collagen-digesting enzymes (see Chapter II).
The first key enzyme is called ‘Urokinase Plasminogen Activator (uPA)’, the second is the group of ‘Metalloproteinases’ (MMP2 and MMP9). The following pages show the results.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Blocking the Secretion of Plasminogen Activator (Urokinase) Produced by Human Cancer Cells
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Inhibit the Secretion of ‘Biological Scissors’ by Cancer Cells
For this purpose, six test sets containing equal numbers of prostate cancer cells were used. The first set did not contain additional micronutrients and served as the control. The other five sets of cells were placed (incubated) with increasing amounts of micronutrients. The next day we measured the amounts of Urokinase collagendigesting enzymes that were secreted by each set of cells exposed to different levels of micronutrients. We found that the higher the concentration of micronutrients, the lower the production of the ‘biological scissor’ Urokinase by prostate cancer cells. In the meantime we could confirm this effect of micronutrients in many other types of human cancer.
Secretion of the ‘Biological Scissor’ Plasminogen Activator Urokinase
In this experiment, we tested whether our micronutrient team is able to inhibit the secretion of the ‘biological scissor’ enzyme Urokinase, produced by human prostate cancer cells.
Micronutrient Concentration (micrograms/mililiter)
This means that – by inhibiting the secretion of Urokinase – micronutrients are able to reduce the ability of many types of cancer cells to grow, spread and metastasise to other organs. Other scientists have confirmed these research results in the meantime. They demonstrated that cancer metastasis can be inhibited in mice lacking the enzyme urokinase, thereby underscoring the significance of this enzyme in cancer.
The higher the micronutrient concentration, the less cancer cell enzymes can digest the surrounding collagen.
Read the complete study results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/121
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Blocking the Secretion of Collagen Digesting Enzymes (MMPs) Produced by Human Cancer Cells
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Inhibit the Secretion of ‘Biological Scissors’ (MMPs) by Human Cancer Cells
As we already know, the second key group of collagen digesting enzymes produced by cancer cells is called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) – two of them, MMP-2 and MMP-9, are most critical in cancer.
For this purpose, five test sets containing equal numbers of cells were used, this time from human bladder cancer. The first set did not contain additional micronutrients and served as the control. The other four sets of cells were placed (incubated) in the presence of increasing amounts of micronutrients. On the following day, we measured the amounts of MMP-2 and MMP-9 enzymes that were secreted by each set of cells, which had been exposed to different levels of micronutrients. The results are shown on the facing page. As in the previous experiment with Urokinase, we found that micronutrients can also inhibit the secretion of MMP ‘scissor’ enzymes. It is important to note that in this case, micronutrients in moderate and higher concentrations were able to completely stop the secretion of both MMP enzymes by these cancer cells. In the meantime we could confirm this effect of micronutrients in more than 40 types of human cancer.
Amount of MMP Enzymes Secreted
We wanted to prove that the defined team of micronutrients is also able to inhibit the production and secretion of the ‘biological scissors’ MMP-2 and MMP-9 by cancer cells.
Micronutrient Concentration (micrograms/milliliter)
The higher the micronutrient concentration, the less cancer cell enzymes can destroy the surrounding collagen.
Read the complete study results online at • http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/123 • http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/124
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Testing the Ability of Micronutrients to Inhibit the Invasion of Cancer Cells
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Testing the Invasion of Cancer Cells
The next question was whether the micronutrient team would not only block these ‘scissor’ enzymes but actually prevent the cancer cells from cutting through the connective tissue to invade other organs. To study this decisive question without ambiguity, we set up a testing system that mimics the situation in the human body with respect to its components (shown on the facing page): • The test vials were filled with a liquid solution mimicking human body fluid.
• The top and bottom portion of the vial were separated by a membrane of connective tissue called Matrigel. • The top portions of the vials contained equal numbers of human cancer cells. The only difference between vial A and vial B was the presence of micronutrients, which were added only to vial B. From earlier experiments, we knew that the cancer cells are easily able to cut through the separating connective tissue membrane and can be found – and counted – on the other side of the membrane. Generally, the more aggressive the cancer type is, the more cancer cells are found on the other side of the membrane. In an extensive series of experiments, we could show that the team of micronutrients was able to block all tested types of cancer from breaking through the connective tissue.
Micronutrients prevent cancer cells from migrating through connective tissue.
The following pages will show some of these research results in more detail.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Inhibit the Invasion of Human Cancer Cells
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Inhibit the Invasion of Connective Tissue Cancer (Fibrosarcoma) A. Control
B. 10 mcg/ml
Fibrosarcoma is a frequent form of cancer of the connective tissue. This cancer develops when the software of human fibroblast cells is modified to become carcinogenic. We tested the inhibitory effect of micronutrients on the invasion of these fibrosarcoma cells in the test system described on the previous pages. The four images in the upper half of the facing page show microscopic pictures of fibrosarcoma cells (dark brown structures) that had cut through the connective tissue membrane.
C. 100 mcg/ml
D. 1000 mcg/ml
• The pictures designated B, C and D from the same test system show decreasing numbers of migrating cancer cells when exposed to increasing amounts of micronutrients. You can clearly see that at the highest concentration of micronutrients (picture D), no cancer cells were detected because they were blocked in their attempt to break through the connective tissue. The small dark spots in the pictures are not cells, but membrane background. The lower portion of the page shows the quantitative results of these experiments: The higher the columns, the greater the effect of micronutrients in inhibiting the invasion by cancer cells. At the highest concentration of micronutrients, no cancer cells could cut through the connective tissue any more (column D).
Inhibition of Cancer Invasion (%)
• Picture A, designated ‘Control’, was taken in the absence of the micronutrients. Most of fibrosarcoma cells had cut their way through the membrane. 100% Blockage of Cancer Cells Invasion
All Cells Invade
100 10 Control 1000 Micronutrient Concentrations (micrograms / mililiter)
Micronutrients are inhibitors of cancer cell invasion.
Read the complete study results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/127
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Inhibit the Invasion of Breast Cancer Cells We were particularly interested to study the effectiveness of micronutrients in controlling the most frequent forms of cancer. The most frequent form of malignancies in women is breast cancer. These cancers are categorised in two main groups. Since the invasive potential of one type of breast cancer is dependent on the hormone estrogen, these cells are categorised as ‘estrogen dependent’. The second type of breast cancer grows independently of this hormone and is called ‘estrogen independent’. We studied whether our team of micronutrients is able to halt the invasiveness of both types of human breast cancer cells. To answer this question, we used the same experimental setting as described on the previous pages. With breast cancer, we could also observe that the invasive potential of this type of cancer decreases with increasing amounts of micronutrients. At the highest concentration of micronutrients, no breast cancer cells were able to cross the connective tissue barrier anymore. The same encouraging results were obtained for both ‘estrogen dependent’ and ‘estrogen independent’ types of breast cancer, as shown in the two graphs on the facing page.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Inhibit the Invasion of Breast Cancer Cells Inhibition of Cancer Invasion (%)
Part One:
Inhibition of Cancer Invasion (%)
Victory Over Cancer
Estrogen Independent Breast Cancer 100% Blockage of Cancer Cells Invasion
Micronutrient Concentration
Estrogen Dependent Breast Cancer 100% Blockage of Cancer Cells Invasion
Micronutrient Concentration Read the complete study results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/129
The microscopic picture at the bottom of this page shows a specific type of breast cancer, called Adenocarcinoma, which derives from the glandular cells that line the milk ducts in the breast. This is one of the most frequent forms of malignancy in women.
Microscopy Picture of Human Breast Cancer (Adenocarcinoma)
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Inhibit the Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells One of the most frequent forms of cancer in men is prostate cancer. Similar to breast cancer in women, prostate cancer, too, can be hormone dependent. In this case its growth can be regulated by male hormones called androgens, which include testosterone. We studied whether our team of micronutrients is able to halt the invasiveness of both types of human prostate cancer cells. As in the previous experiments, we used the experimental design described before to answer this question. Similar to fibrosarcoma and breast cancer, we observed that the invasion of prostate cancer cells decreases with increasing amounts of micronutrients. Again, at the highest concentration of micronutrients, no prostate cancer cells were able to cross the connective tissue barrier any more. The same encouraging results were obtained for both hormone dependent and independent types of prostate cancer. The graphs on the facing page summarise these results. The microscopic picture at the bottom of this page shows an adenocarcinoma of the human prostate. We already know that this form of cancer derives from glandular cells that produce hormones.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Inhibit the Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells Inhibition of Cancer Invasion (%)
Part One:
Hormone Independent Prostate Cancer 100% Blockage of Cancer Cells Invasion
10 50 100 Micronutrient Concentrations
Hormone Dependent Prostate Cancer Inhibition of Cancer Invasion (%)
Victory Over Cancer
100% Blockage of Cancer Cells Invasion
Micronutrient Concentrations Read the complete study results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/131
This highly magnified picture is taken with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and shows the ducts of the prostate completely covered with carcinoma cells (blue/grey structures).
Microscopy Picture of a Human Prostate Cancer (Adenocarcinoma)
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Micronutrients Inhibit the Invasion of More Than 40 Human Types of Cancer When you read through the previous pages, you may have felt like we did as researchers when we conducted these experiments: Can the solution to the cancer epidemic be so simple and universal? To answer this question we studied the effectiveness of the micronutrient team on the invasion of all available human cancer types.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Blocking Cancer Invasion Naturally – Examples of Human Cancer Types Complete Block at Low Nutrient Concentration • Breast Cancer • Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Altogether, we tested the effect of micronutrient synergy on more than 40 different types of human cancer. Among the cancer cell types tested are some of the most frequent forms of cancer that affect the lives of millions of people, including cancer of the lung, colon, pancreas, brain, blood, skin, ovaries, and many others (see facing page).
Complete Block at Moderate Nutrient Concentration
While studying this large number of human cancer types we established that micronutrient synergy was able to completely block the invasiveness of all human cancer cell lines tested. The only difference was the amount of micronutrients needed to achieve this goal.
• Testicular Cancer
Some chemotherapy proponents may argue that the solution to cancer cannot be that simple. But it can – and we know why: All cancer cells use the same mechanism to invade the surrounding tissue and metastasise. Since micronutrients are capable of blocking this universal cellular mechanism, they can inhibit the invasion of any type of cancer cells irrespective of their origin. Of course, this does not mean that cancers at any stage can be halted by micronutrients. This is particularly true for patients with advanced stages of cancer, as well as in cases where the immune system – and thereby the body’s capability to fight cancer – had been destroyed by chemotherapy.
• Lung Cancer • Colon Cancer • Cervical Cancer • Skin Cancer (Melanoma) • Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma) • Blood Cancer (Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) • Pancreatic Cancer Complete Block at High Nutrient Concentration • Liver Cancer • Bladder Cancer • Kidney Cancer • Ovarian Cancer • Prostate Cancer • Brain Cancer (Glioblastoma) • Blood Cancer (Leukemia, PML)
Micronutrients are capable of inhibiting the invasiveness of all types of cancer cells we tested.
Read the complete studies results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/133
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Inhibit Cancer Metastasis in Living Organisms (I)
After careful evaluation and approval by an animal care committee, we conducted these important experiments in mice. These experiments were justified considering the fact that more than 4 million people will continue to die from cancer each year – if no cure is found. In order to spare animal life, we immediately addressed the most challenging question in cancer, which is the prevention of metastasis. After all, 9 out of 10 patients die of metastasising cancer, not of a tumour confined to one organ. We tested the ability of micronutrients to inhibit the metastasis of cancers in the following way: A group of mice was injected with an equal number of skin cancer (melanoma) cells. Thereafter, the mice were divided into three groups: a) a control group without micronutrient supplementation, b) a group receiving micronutrient supplements in the diet and c) a group receiving micronutrients directly into the blood stream (intravenously).
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Inhibit Metastasis of Melanoma Cells to the Lung Metastases in Lung (black spots)
Number of Lung Metastases
After confirming the benefits of micronutrients in blocking the invasion of cancer cells in a laboratory setting (in vitro), we wanted to establish the scientific proof also at the next level – in a living organism (in vivo).
No Micronutrients Supplementation
In Diet
Micronutrient Supplementation
Read the complete studies results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/135
Micronutrients can reduce cancer metastasis in vivo.
When the lungs were later analysed for the numbers of metastases, we found that micronutrient supplementation in the diet reduced the number of metastases in the lungs by more than 60%. In the group that had received the micronutrients directly into the blood, the results were even better: The metastases were reduced by more than 80% compared to the control group without micronutrient supplementation.
When Animal Experiments Are Justified Our position on this important topic is clear. Life in general needs to be protected and animal experiments have to be avoided whenever possible. They should be considered only in those cases when the results of these experiments directly affect human life and if there are no alternatives available. In the case of cancer, where millions of lives each year are at stake, we are convinced that the experiments documented here will help greatly reduce human suffering and death.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Inhibit Cancer Metastasis in Living Organisms (II) In the previous experiments we showed that micronutrient supplementation can prevent cancer cells – injected directly into the bloodstream – from metastasising into the lungs. This was an important step; however, it does not exactly reflect the development of the cancer disease in people. Normally, a cancer starts with a ‘primary tumour’ in one organ. From there, the cancer cells metastasise to other organs in the patient’s body. Thus, it is important to know whether micronutrients can reduce the spread of cancer from the primary organ to another organ. To establish this important fact, we injected melanoma cells directly into the spleen of mice. Then one group of animals was placed on a normal diet, without additional micronutrients (control). The other group received daily supplementation of micronutrients in their diet. Subsequently, the organs were analysed for the growth of the primary tumour in the spleen (picture A) and the presence of metastases in the liver, a primary organ of metastasis for melanoma cancer (picture B). Our findings in these studies were as equally significant as the results from the previous experiments. We established that animals which received micronutrient supplementation had significantly less growth of the primary tumour. The metastases from the primary organ (spleen) to the liver were reduced almost by half. Additional studies will establish whether increased amounts of micronutrients in the diet can further reduce or even completely block metastasis to secondary organs.
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Inhibit Cancer Metastasis from Organ to Organ
A Primary Tumour in Spleen
No added micronutrients
With added micronutrients
The tumour (black areas) has massively enlarged the entire organ.
The tumour is significantly reduced. No organ enlargement.
Metastases in the Liver
No added micronutrients
With added micronutrients
The enlarged liver contains numerous metastases (black areas).
The number of metastases in the liver is greatly reduced. No organ enlargement.
Micronutrients can reduce cancer metastasis from one organ to another. Read the complete studies results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/137
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
As the authors of this book we undertook great efforts to present this complex but life-saving medical and scientific knowledge in a way that can be understood by everyone.
We are, of course, also aware of the effort you and every new reader of this book have to undertake to work through this exciting, but new, information.
From the response of our readers we know that we accomplished that to a large degree.
Great that you made it to this point! Now it’s time for a little break.
To relax your mind for a moment, before you go on, we would like to share with you the view we enjoyed during the time of writing this book.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Micronutrients in Blocking Tumour Growth Up to now we presented the results of our research in connection with invasion and metastasis, the most important mechanisms of cancer disease.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Cancer Cells Constantly Divide to Form a Tumour Picture of multiplicating tumour cell (schematic)
In the course of our decade-long research we, of course, also wanted to know whether micronutrients are able to affect – or even block – other important mechanisms of cancer development. Thus, another important mechanism we looked at was tumour growth, i.e., the uncontrolled multiplication of cells making up a tumour. Growth of normal cells is strictly regulated. Some cells in our body grow and reproduce frequently, i.e., blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes), the cells lining our intestines and skin cells. Most cells multiply less frequently and a few cell types reproduce rarely, like bone cells or nerve cells. In contrast, cancer cells have lost the ability to regulate their own growth and they constantly multiply. Moreover, by definition, cancer cells have become immortal and never die. Both mechanisms together have deleterious consequences for the organ where cancer develops. Sooner or later the tumour is taking over major parts or the entire organ.
Dividing Bone Cancer Cell (Ewing Sarcoma) – Electron Microscopy Picture –
The microscopic picture at the bottom of the facing page shows a dividing cancer cell from an aggressive bone cancer (Ewing Sarcoma). The two cell cores (nuclei), shown here as blue structures, have already completely separated. The remaining cell bodies will follow soon.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Block Tumour Growth
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Block Tumour Growth
To test the effect of micronutrients on the multiplication of tumour cells, we set up the following experiment: We injected equal numbers of bone cancer cells (osteosarcoma) into two groups of mice. One group did not receive any dietary micronutrient supplementation after the cancer cells were applied, the other group did receive a micronutrient supplemented diet.
Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma) Growing in Mice
As documented on the facing page, the results were amazing. Picture A shows a huge tumour that had developed in an animal that did not receive micronutrient supplementation. In contrast, picture B shows a tumour from an animal receiving high amounts of micronutrients in the diet. The difference is clearly visible. These results were confirmed when the tumours were analysed under the microscope. The bottom part of the facing page shows tissue cross sections of the tumours under high magnification. The individual tumour cells in both pictures are visible. However, the picture on the left side – without micronutrient supplementation – shows many more dividing cells (brown colour) than the picture on the right side – with micronutrient supplementation.
Without Micronutrient Supplementation
With Micronutrient Supplementation
The growth of all types of human tumours investigated by us could be inhibited by micronutrients to a varying degree: Breast Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Colon Cancer Fibrosarcoma Melanoma
78% 64% 63% 59% 57%
Osteosarcoma Prostate Cancer Lung Cancer Synovial Cancer Liver Cancer
53% 47% 44% 44% 36%
Microscopy pictures of the tumours from A and B. The brown colour indicates cancer cells that are multiplying at this moment. Note the high number of cancer cell divisions in A – without dietary micronutrients.
Micronutrients are able to inhibit the multiplication of cancer cells. Read the complete studies results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/143
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Micronutrients and the Formation of New Blood Vessels in Tumours (Angiogenesis) Another key mechanism of cancer development is the formation of new blood vessels that feed the tumour. Every tumour needs a continuous supply of nutrients in order to grow and expand. Tumours as small as 1 mm (1/25th of an inch) in size cannot grow without generating new blood vessels to provide their own blood supply. To induce the formation of these new blood vessels, called angiogenesis, cancer cells produce various signal molecules that are being sent out to the nearby blood vessels in order for these vessels or capillaries to sprout. Under the effect of these signal molecules the endothelial cells, i.e., the cells that form the lining of blood vessels, separate from the ‘mother vessel’ and migrate towards the tumour. The pictures on the adjacent page illustrate this important process. On the upper picture, the new blood vessel that has formed from the original one – and is now supplying blood to the tumour – is circled. In the bottom picture a microscopic image is shown that illustrates the formation of a whole branching system of blood vessels reaching deep inside a tumour (black area). The unique form of these structures, which resemble the roots of plants, is clearly visible.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Formation of New Blood Vessels That Feed the Tumour Picture of tumour blood vessel formation (schematic)
Picture of tumour blood vessel formation under the microscope
The growth of new blood vessels through a tissue requires the restructuring of this entire area. Any restructuring in the human body, in turn, requires the breaking down of collagen and other connective tissue molecules with the help of collagen-digesting enzymes. Based on a detailed understanding of these mechanisms, we were confident that micronutrients would also be able to block angiogenesis, as another key mechanism of cancer.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Inhibit the Formation of New Blood Vessels in Tumours
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Inhibit Angiogenesis
To test the effectiveness of micronutrients in inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels during cancer growth, we used the same experimental model as described in the previous 4 pages. As mentioned before, the two groups of animals received equal numbers of bone cancer (osteosarcoma) cells. From the previous experiment we already know that animals receiving micronutrient supplementation had significantly smaller tumours. In this set of experiments we were particularly interested in whether the micronutrient supplementation would also be able to decrease the formation of new tumour blood vessels. By looking at the tumour from the outside (facing page A) the network of blood vessels can be clearly seen in the tumour formed in mice deprived of micronutrient supplementation. The microscopic pictures (to the right of the facing page) confirmed this observation. The cross-section view of the tumours of animals not receiving micronutrient supplementation show that the tumour had developed a large number of new blood vessels (red structures). In contrast, the microscopic cross-section of the tumours of animals that received high amounts of micronutrients in the diet showed little or no formation of new blood vessels. Moreover, we also determined an important reason why micronutrients had this dramatic effect: Many signal factors produced by tumour cells to stimulate blood vessel growth were significantly decreased in animals receiving a micronutrient supplemented diet. These factors include the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and others.
No Micronutrients in Diet
B With Micronutrients in Diet
Micronutrients help to decrease tumour growth also by inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels that feed tumours.
Read the complete studies results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/147
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Inhibit Angiogenesis in a Human Model
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Inhibit the Formation of Blood Vessels by Human Endothelial Cells This is a model of a small blood vessel (capillary). Its formation can be studied in a model using human cells. The dark tubes below correspond to such capillaries.
Considering the fact that the inhibition of angiogenesis is a central mechanism for controlling cancer, many drug companies are currently spending hundreds of millions of dollars to find new, synthetic inhibitors of angiogenesis which they can then patent and market as anti-cancer drugs. The global market of angiogenesis inhibitors is estimated to reach tens of billions of dollars. Considering that fact, our research results based on micronutrients – which are after all natural substances – are of utmost significance for millions of patients and for the health care systems worldwide. In light of this fact, we undertook a further step to verify the role of micronutrients in controlling this important therapeutic mechanism.
A. Control
B. 50 mcg/ml
We chose a system that would eliminate all potential variables when studying the effects of micronutrients on the formation of blood vessels. We used blood vessel lining cells (endothelial cells) derived from human umbilical cords. These cells were cultured and exposed to increasing amounts of micronutrients.
C. 500 mcg/ml
D. 1000 mcg/ml
As shown in the pictures on the facing page, the endothelial cells without micronutrients produced a dense network of capillary ‘pipes’ (Picture A) which are seen as dark lines. With increasing amounts of micronutrients, the human endothelial cells produced less of these capillary structures (B to D). At the highest micronutrient concentration (D), the formation of capillaries was completely blocked. This study is irrefutable scientific proof that micronutrients are powerful anti-angiogenic agents that can be immediately applied to help control cancer.
The pictures B to D show human blood vessel lining cells (endothelial cells) exposed to increasing amounts of micronutrients. At the highest micronutrient concentration (D) no blood vessel structures are formed.
Micronutrients can inhibit the formation of capillary blood vessel structures by human endothelial cells, a relevant mechanism for inhibiting tumour growth. Read the complete studies results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/149
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Micronutrients and the Induction of Natural Death of Cancer Cells (Apoptosis) A hallmark of every cancer is immortality, which means its ability to live forever. This malfunction of a normal cell cycle originates from an error in the software program, the DNA, in the core (nucleus) of cancer cells. To turn this ‘biological switch’ back and cause the natural death of cancer cells is a pre-condition to reverse and eliminate cancers. This mechanism that causes the natural suicide of cancer cells is called ‘apoptosis’ and is defined as the natural death of cells. It derives from the Greek word for ‘dropping off’, e.g., like falling leaves.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Natural Death of Cancer Cells Schematic picture of cancer cells that had turned mortal again and had subsequently died
As opposed to apoptosis the premature – unnatural – death of cells and living tissue is called ‘necrosis’, deriving from the Greek word ‘making dead’, i.e., killing. It is caused by injury from factors outside the cell or tissue such as highly toxic chemotherapy agents, high-energy radiation and other harmful agents. In the human body each day, between 50 and 70 billion normal cells die through apoptosis. Cancer cells are the exception.
Cancer cell committing ‘suicide’ by apoptosis (microscopic picture)
We tested whether micronutrients can induce this natural death in cancer cells and thereby reverse their immortality. We studied this process in great detail, identifying genetic and cellular mechanisms involved. The bottom of the facing page shows a cancer cell that is undergoing natural death from apoptosis. Characteristic are the rough surface (‘buds’) which contain fragments of the cell breakdown. On the following pages we show examples of our research with micronutrients inducing apoptosis in cancer.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Micronutrients Can Induce the Natural Death of Cancer Cells
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Can Induce Apoptosis of a Melanoma Cancer Cell
An important step in studying the process of apoptosis of cancer cells is to visualise the cellular steps involved for evaluation under the microscope. Towards this end, certain markers within the cell or the cell core (nucleus) were defined that allowed us to distinguish those cells undergoing apoptosis from other living cells. The facing page shows a single melanoma cancer cell undergoing apoptosis, a process that was induced by exposing these melanoma cells to micronutrients. Details of this experiment are described on the following pages. In the facing picture, the cell nucleus is outlined by a white circle. The red colour inside this circle marks the active process of core breakdown. The darker reddish spots within this red area (under magnifying glass) represent DNA and related core components packed in small, dense bundles.
Skin cancer cell (melanoma) in the process of commiting suicide (apoptosis).
Apoptosis starts with the activation of special enzymes – inside the cell – which cause gradual disintegration of all cellular components, including the nucleus.
Micronutrients can induce cellular processes that lead to the natural death of cancer cells.
At a later stage, the cell develops buds on the surface (see previous page). Finally, the cell shrinks and becomes fragmented into small units that are then disposed of by white blood cells (phagocytes), which specialise in biological ‘waste removal’.
Read the complete studies results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/153
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: The Effectiveness of Micronutrients in Inducing Apoptosis
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrients Trigger Natural Death of Human Melanoma Cells B. 500 mcg/ml
A. Control
On this page we document the results of the investigation of whether micronutrients are able to reverse already existing tumours or make them completely disappear. This is an important question in light of the fact that conventional medicine has been largely unable to accomplish this goal. Chemotherapy, by intoxicating cells, may lead to an intermediate remission of cancers, generally followed by its re-occurrence due to the fact that chemotherapy drugs not only attack cancer cells but also all healthy cells, including the cells of the immune system required to fight cancer.
C. 1000 mcg/ml
Micronutrients Induce Apoptosis in Melanoma Cells
In this series of experiments, we exposed skin cancer (melanoma) cells to increasing concentrations of micronutrients.
100% of Cells Die Naturally
Alive Cells Dying Cells (Early Apoptosis)
We evaluated the cancer cells exposed to the different concentrations of micronutrients under the microscope (upper half of the facing page) and quantified the percentages of respective cell colours (bottom half of the page). The results show that the higher the concentration of micronutrients, the more cancer cells undergo natural death. At the highest concentration (group C), all cancer cells were found in an advanced stage of apoptosis – i.e., they were dying. Thus, micronutrients are a safe way to not only halt the further development of cancer but also to reverse already existing tumours.
Percentage of Cells in Group
Dead Cells (Late Apoptosis)
As markers of these cells we used the same system described on the previous pages: green represents cells that are alive, yellow identifies cells at the stage of early apoptosis (beginning cancer cell suicide) and red means late apoptosis, when the cancer cells are essentially dead.
A. Control
B. 500
C. 1000
Micronutrient Concentrations (mcg/ml)
The higher the micronutrient concentration, the more cancer cells are committing suicide. Read the complete studies results online at www.drrathresearch.org
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Victory Over Lung Cancer
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Meet Werner Pilniok
My name is Werner Pilniok. In September 1999, during a routine x-ray exam, I was diagnosed with a rapidly growing lung tumour. According to the doctor, a pulmonologist, the size of this lung tumour was 1.5 x 1cm [0.6 x 0.4 inches]. I had to undergo a series of additional tests after which the doctors recommended surgery and the removal of the entire section of the lung where the tumour had been located.
Because I was also suffering from heart disease any operation would have been a great risk for me, so I started to look for alternatives. I read about research conducted by Dr. Rath, who was studying the role of micronutrients in fighting cancer naturally. I decided to cancel the scheduled surgery and give micronutrients a chance. From October 1999 onwards I was supplementing my diet with high amounts of micronutrients. On April 3, 2000, a control CT-Test was undertaken. The result: the tumour that had been diagnosed half a year earlier was gone – the doctor could not believe it! He told me to wait until another X-ray machine became available because he apparently thought that this X-ray machine was broken. The repeated control scan showed the same result: no more tumour. This was more than a decade ago. In 2011 I celebrated my 80th birthday in good health. Thanks to the micronutrients I take, I hope to live many more years. Werner Pilniok
A-1: September 1999, CT scan of Mr. Pilniok’s lungs show the presence of a tumour in the highlighted area. A-2: Magnification of the highlighted area of picture A-1. B: April 2000, control CT scan of Mr. Pilniok’s lungs. This picture shows the same area as in A-2. The tumour can no longer be detected.
The fact that no tumour could be detected anymore means that it had disappeared by natural means – without surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Have you realised ...
Dr. Niedzwiecki, Directing Research at Our Institute For Over a Decade
that by working through this book chapter you have entered the world of modern medicine and health? This new world of health is characterised by ‘knowledge for all’ – and by taking responsibility for your own health. Before you take on the next pages of this book, we invite you to take a glimpse at our Research Institute in California where everyone is committed to make ‘health for all’ a reality.
Dr. Rath Research Institute
View of One of Our Laboratories
Dr. Waheed Roomi, Head of Our Cancer Research, Evaluating a Cancer Experiment
Key Researchers Discussing Scientific Projects at a Laboratory Bench
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Increased Effectiveness by a ‘Team Effort’ of Micronutrients (Nutrient Synergy)
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Micronutrient Synergy – the Basis of Modern Health Care
Some of our readers, including health professionals, may be surprised about the comprehensive benefits of micronutrients in blocking cancer and even reversing important cellular mechanisms that have gone awry.
The scientific reason behind these amazing results is straightforward: we mimicked nature! By not relying on individual micronutrients but taking advantage of the positive and mutually reinforcing interaction of individual micronutrients, we were able to unleash the full potential of Nature in activating the self-healing ability of the body. Over past decades, many researchers have looked at the possibility to control cancer with micronutrients. Unfortunately, most of them used individual vitamins and other natural compounds trying to accomplish this goal. One of the reasons for this narrow approach was the regulatory climate.
Regulatory agencies around the world were prohibiting the registration of combinations of micronutrients for preventive and therapeutic purposes. This was the result of false conclusions. The regulatory bodies were simply imposing the experiences from pharmaceutical drug interactions to biological substances. Obviously, the serious and often deadly interactions of pharmaceutical drugs are a major health concern. Not so, of course, for biological substances that work together in billions of biochemical interactions in our body every second.
At our Research Institute we have pioneered the new direction of micronutrient synergy. On the next pages we will document the superiority of micronutrient synergy compared to individual components.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Nutrient Synergy Has Advantages over Individual Micronutrients in Inhibiting the Invasive Potential of Cancer To study the advantage of a combination of micronutrients and individual natural compounds in the fight against cancer, we decided on the following set of scientific experiments:
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Advantage of Nutrient Synergy in Inhibiting the Invasive Potential of Cancer Cells (Fibrosarcoma) Inhibitory Effect of Green Tea Extract Alone and in Combination with Other Micronutrients on the Secretion of Collagen-Digesting Enzymes (MMP-9) by Human Cancer Cells
Human cancer cells from connective tissue producing cells (fibrosarcoma) were exposed to two different environments:
1. Cell culture solution supplemented with Green Tea Extracts (GTE), rich in bio-active compounds called polyphenols. This compound is represented in the adjacent graphs in green colour. 2. Cell culture solution supplemented with the same GTE solution as in 1) but – in addition – a composition of micronutrients containing certain vitamins, minerals and amino acids. For details of this composition we refer you to the pages on nutrient synergy (NS) at the beginning of this chapter. On the facing page it is represented in red colour. The results of these experiments showed that increasing amounts of green tea extract as well as the nutrient combination were able to gradually inhibit the production of collagen-digesting enzymes by cancer cells. It is noteworthy, however, that the green tea extract – when combined with other micronutrients – was much more effective in inhibiting the invasive potential of cancer cells than if used alone. These results were not limited to fibrosarcoma cells. We documented the same advantage of nutrients in human liver cancer cells, brain cancer cells (Glioblastoma) and other cancer types.
Note the Differences Between the Green and Red Columns
2 1 A. Control
B. 50
C. 100
D. 500
Micronutrient Concentrations (mcg/ml)
Tested Compositions: 1. Green Tea Extract (GTE) 2. Nutrient Synergy (NS)
2. Nutrient Synergy (NS) Composition: Amino Acids Minerals Vitamins
1. Green Tea Extract (GTE) rich in polyphenols
Green Tea Extract * for details see beginning of this chapter
A synergy of micronutrients, mimicking the situation in biological systems, is more effective in inhibiting cancer than individual components alone. Read the complete studies results online at http://www.drrathresearch.org/pub/voc/163
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Scientific Proof: Nutrient Synergy Has Advantages Over Individual Micronutrients in Inhibiting Breast Cancer Growth After we had confirmed the increased effectiveness of micronutrient synergy over individual micronutrients using cancer cells, we wanted to answer the important question of whether this finding also applies to a living system. Our assumption was that this should be the case – after all, the biochemical functions of the body are not dependent on one single micronutrient alone, but rather than on the availability and ‘orchestrated’ interaction of many micronutrients. We designed a study where we induced breast cancer in three groups of animals (in this case rats) and allowed the tumours to develop for a period of 18 weeks. With this study design, we wanted to mimic the situation in patients in whom cancer had already developed. Before receiving any micronutrient supplementation, the sizes of the tumours in the three groups were measured. The results are represented as ‘Start’ on the graph of the facing page. While Group A continued without micronutrient supplementation and served as a control, the diet of group B was supplemented with green tea extract and the diet of group C with green tea extract plus additional micronutrients (nutrient synergy, see previous page). The results of this in vivo study are shown on the facing page. Dietary supplementation was shown to dramatically reduce the size of the breast tumours. It was noteworthy, however, that animals receiving the micronutrient synergy diet had the greatest benefit: between 40 and 60 days of the study duration, the tumour growth was essentially brought to a complete standstill.
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Nutrient Synergy is More Effective Than Green Tea Alone in Inhibiting Growth of Breast Tumours Inhibitory Effect of Green Tea Extract Alone and in Combination with Other Micronutrients on the Growth of Breast Tumours in vivo 4.0
Average Size of Tumours (in cc)
Victory Over Cancer
A. Control Diet B. Green Tea Diet C. Nutrient Synergy Diet
Study Duration in Days
In living conditions too, the synergy of micronutrients is more effective in inhibiting tumour growth than individual micronutrient components alone.
Read the complete studies results online at www.drrathresearch.org
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Research You Can Trust! When you hear media reports about ‘breakthroughs’ in the fight against cancer, be careful. Pharmaceutical companies are experts in creating media hype to increase the sales of their patented drugs and boost share value of their business. Our research institute is independent from the influence of the pharmaceutical investment business and from any other private financial interests. For more than a decade now, our research has been exclusively financed by people whom we have helped with the results of our scientific research and the health knowledge we shared. Moreover, our Research Institute and the entire group of Dr. Rath companies are 100% owned by non-profit foundations. Thus, there is no profit motive involved in our presenting you with this information. The only interest we represent is your health. What a better way to earn your trust. Over the years, our Institute has become one of the world’s leading research institutions in natural health. The research results have been published in leading scientific journals and presented at international scientific conferences. All results are also presented on our Institute’s website:
www.wha-www.org/en/library/index.html w w w. d r r a t h r e s e a r c h . o r g 178
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
What is Your Summary of This Chapter When writing this chapter, we had important goals in mind about the changes this information would make in the understanding of cancer by our readers. On this page you can check whether these goals were accomplished.
Do you know now that: All types of cancer use the same mechanism to spread through the body? Micronutrients can control all key mechanisms of cancer? Micronutrients working in teams (synergy) are more effective than acting alone? Micronutrients represent an option to fight cancer effectively and safely, without side effects? Micronutrients work through regulation of cell function – as opposed to chemotherapy that works by intoxication of cells? Based on this modern understanding of cancer origin and control, this disease can become largely unknown in our generation?
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Compelling Perspectives for Global Health Care From the scientific evidence provided in this chapter there are immediate consequences for patients, health professionals and political decision makers, in fact, for every reader. With the following postulates we would like to inspire a public discussion – which is long overdue – that will lead to victory over cancer. 1. With the scientific basis for the natural control of cancer presented in this book, victory over cancer is dependent on one factor only: How fast will this information spread worldwide? 2. The implementation of the knowledge presented in this book will help to eliminate cancer as yet another disease that has been haunting mankind in epidemic proportions. 3. The economic savings from using this book as the basis for new public health strategies will save billions in health care costs and reduce the fateful dependency of patients and politicians alike from the strangulating grip of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical investment business thriving on the cancer epidemic.
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter III
Scientific Facts That Make This Breakthrough Irreversible
Do you realise ...
Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA
that by reading this book, you are obtaining information that is currently not being taught at medical schools anywhere in the world? On the facing page you see just three of the world’s leading medical institutions: Harvard Medical School, Sloan Kettering Center, and Stanford University. To this day, generations of future doctors are being trained there without the basic understanding that the aggressiveness of cancer disease derives from the abuse of natural mechanisms in the body – such as ovulation and leukocyte migration – by cancer cells.
Sloan Kettering Center, New York
Generations of future doctors at medical schools around the world don’t learn that this abuse of normal cellular mechanisms is the reason why cancer can so easily escape the body’s defences – and why cancer is such an aggressive disease. With the publication of this book, this life-saving information is made available to health professionals. More importantly, the straightforwardness of the message of this book will allow millions of people without any specific training in medicine to understand that the victory over cancer is now in their hands.
Stanford University Palo Alto
Appendix Important Documentation
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Appendix − Important Documentation
Our thanks go to our entire research team who confirmed this medical breakthrough with ingenuity and perseverance. First and foremost we owe our appreciation to Dr. Waheed Romi, the head of our cancer research department who conducted and supervised these important experiments for more than a decade. We also thank Dr. Shrirang Netke, Dr. Vadim Ivanov, Dr. Raxit Jariwalla, Nusrath Roomi and Tatiana Kalinovsky for promoting this breakthrough research.
Particular thanks go to the thousands of members of our international Health Alliance who have supported our research for more than a decade. Without you this breakthrough would not have been possible.
Our thanks go to Lisa Smith for assistance in the layout of this book as well as Cathy Flowers and John Journey for reading corrections.
We thank our families for their support and patience. We also thank Andy and Jamie Kerr for an inspirational environment when we wrote this book. Finally, our thanks go to all those who have remained an invaluable source of motivation to us through their scepticism and opposition.
We are grateful to Betsy Long, Earle Hall, Christian Kammler and Thomas Wenn, and Paul Anthony Taylor for organisational support. We also wish to express our gratitude to all members of our international legal team that has worked for more than a decade to protect this breakthrough against the legal attacks of the status quo lobby. We thank Werner Pilniok, Baerbel Saliger and all other patients who had the courage to publicly tell their life story. We pay special reference to those patients, young and old, who failed in their efforts to fight the disease and who may have had a chance had they not lost so much time in the deadlocks of conventional medicine. We are especially grateful to August Kowalczyk, Jerzy Ulatowski and other survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp. They remain a lasting inspiration to us and our work. We are united with them in the commitment: ‘Never again!’
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
The following scientific publication from 1992 laid the conceptual foundation for our research in cancer. It was written by Dr. Rath and supported by Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling. Plasmin-Induced Proteolysis and the Role of Apoprotein(a), Lysine, and Synthetic Lysine Analogs M. Rath, L. Pauling Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 1992, 7: 17-23 Summary Most human diseases, independent of their individual genetic or exogenous origin, proliferate via similar pathomechanisms. One of these universal pathways is propagated by oxygen free radicals. Here we present another universal pathomechanism: the degradation of the connective tissue by the protease plasmin. This mechanism had been described for some diseases but its universal character has still been insufficiently understood. We propose now that the proliferation of cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and also inflammatory and many other diseases depends to a varying degree on this pathomechanism. Activated macrophages, but also cancer cells, virally transformed cells, and other pathogenic cells secrete considerable amounts of plasminogen activators, which lead to an activation of plasminogen to the protease plasmin which activates procollagenase to collagenase. The resulting degradation of the extracellular matrix is a precondition for the proliferation and the clinical manifestation of any disease. Most acute and chronic diseases make use of this pathomechanism. This pathomechanism is the exacerbation of a mechanism used under physiological conditions by a variety of cellular systems of the human body. The exacerbation under pathological conditions is the result of a chronic imbalance between activators and inhibitors of this pathway. Apoprotein(a), apo(a), by virtue of its homology to plasminogen is proposed to be a competitive endogenous inhibitor of plasmin induced proteolysis and tissue degradation. The essential amino acid L-lysine functions as an exogenous inhibitor of this pathway. Therapeutic administration of L-lysine and synthetic lysine analogs, such as tranexamic acid, should lead to an effective control of plasmin- induced tissue degradation. Comprehensive clinical confirmation of this work will particularly improve the therapeutic options for advanced forms of CVD, cancer, and inflammatory and infectious diseases, including AIDS.
Appendix − Important Documentation
Introduction In recent years the international research community became fascinated by a unique protein in the human body: apoprotein(a) [apo(a)]. In the three decades since its discovery apo(a) has been primarily discussed in relation to its deleterious effects on human health, in particular on cardiovascular disease (CVD). We did not accept that apo(a) should have only disadvantageous properties. According to the laws of evolution apo(a) must have beneficial properties that by far outreach its disadvantages. Consequently, we discovered that under physiological conditions apo(a) functions as an adhesive protein, mediating organ differentiation and growth. Under pathophysiological conditions apo(a) primarily substitutes for ascorbate deficiency and increases tissue stability by compensating for impaired collagen metabolism, and by promoting tissue repair (1). Moreover, we proposed that apo(a) functions as an inhibitor of important pathomechanisms involved in the proliferation of many diseases. These pathomechanisms are favored during ascorbate deficiency. One of these universal pathomechanisms is the damaging effect of oxygen free radicals, which is attenuated by the antioxidative function of apo(a) as a proteinthiol (2). Apo(a) also led us to determine the universal importance of another pathomechanism: the enzymatic degradation of the connective tissue by the protease plasmin. We recently proposed that apo(a), by virtue of its homology to plasminogen, functions as a competitive inhibitor of plasmin- induced proteolysis (3). In this publication we describe the universal character of this mechanism and the role of apo(a) in more detail. Plasmin-induced proteolysis had been described as a pathomechanism for some diseases, e.g. cancer and certain viral diseases (4,5). In cardiovascular disease, however, this mechanism has received little, if any, attention. The insufficient understanding of the universal character of this pathomechanism is further underlined by the absence of a broad therapeutic use of L-lysine and its synthetic analogs, which are exogenous inhibitors of this pathway. The lack of this knowledge continues to have detrimental consequences for human health and it prevents millions of patients from receiving optimum treatment. It is the aim of this publication to close this gap and to provide the rationale for a broad introduction of lysine and its synthetic analogs into clinical therapy.
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Plasmin-Induced Proteolysis Under Physiological Conditions Plasmin-induced proteolysis is a physiological mechanism that occurs ubiquitously in the human body. The main cellular defense systems, monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophiles, use this mechanism for their migration through the body compartments. They secrete plasminogen activators, which then activate plasminogen to plasmin. This mechanism makes efficient use of high blood and tissue concentrations of the proenzyme, plasminogen, which represents a huge reservoir of potential proteolytic activity. The activated protease plasmin then converts procollagenases into collagenases (6), and quite possibly also activates other enzymes, leading to a local degradation of the connective tissue. This local degradation of the connective tissue paves the way for the migration of macrophages through the body. The proteolytic effect of plasmin is also involved in increasing vascular permeability (7). This effect facilitates the infiltration of monocytes and other blood cells from the circulation to the tissue sites of increased requirement. Physiological conditions in which plasmin-induced proteolysis occurs include different forms of tissue formation and reorganization such as neurogenesis, vascularization, and, quite probably, growth.
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become 'activated'. This activation reflects a particular state of alert that is characterized by an abundant release of secretory products. These products include oxygen metabolites, collagenases, elastases, and a significantly increased secretion of plasminogen activators. It is immediately obvious that this mechanism needs to be precisely controlled. Therefore macrophages also secrete inhibitory products including plasmin inhibitors and a2-macroglobulin which are able to inactivate plasmin and many other proteases. Any imbalance in this control system leads to an exacerbation of this mechanism and to continued tissue degradation. Chronic activation of macrophages and an exertion of the control mechanisms eventually lead to a sustained degradation of the connective tissue and to an accelerated proliferation of the disease. It is, therefore, not unreasonable for us to propose that plasmin-induced tissue degradation contributes, to a varying degree, to the proliferation of all diseases. This mechanism is, however, not limited to macrophages and other defense cells of the human body. In the following sections we shall discuss this pathomechanism for the most important diseases in more detail. Cancer
Of particular importance is plasmin-induced proteolysis during the remodulation of female reproductive organs. Under hormonal stimulation mammary and uterine cells secrete plasminogen activator and thereby initiate the morphologic changes of the organ during pregnancy and lactation (4). A particularly striking example for the effectiveness of this mechanism is ovulation. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle cell stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulate the secretion of plasminogen activators from granulosa cells (8). The subsequent degradation of the ovarian connective tissue is a precondition for ovulation (Figure 1a). Similarly trophoblast cells use plasmin-induced proteolysis to invade the wall of the uterus during embryo implantation in early pregnancy. In all these conditions enzyme production is transient and is precisely regulated by hormones and other control mechanisms. Plasmin-Induced Proteolysis Under Physiological Conditions Plasmin-induced tissue degradation contributes to the proliferation of most diseases. Of particular interest is the fact that similar mechanisms are induced by attacking pathogens as they are used by the defending host cells, e.g. macrophages. In many pathological conditions macrophages
Malignant transformation of many cells of the human body leads to an uncontrolled secretion of plasminogen activators. In this situation the secretion of plasminogen activators is not a temporary event, but is rather a characteristic feature of malignant cells. The magnitude of increase in plasminogen- activator production, between 10 and 100 fold, renders this enzyme unique among the biochemical changes associated with oncogenic transformation. Moreover, plasminogen-activator secretion occurs independently of the induction mechanism and can be found as the result of oncogenic viruses or chemical carcinogens. Most importantly, the amount of plasminogen activators secreted was, in general, associated with the degree of malignancy (4,5). Immunohistological studies showed that the concentration of plasminogen activators in the vicinity of a tumor is highest at the sites of its invasive growth (9). Because of the prominent role of plasmin-induced proteolysis in female reproductive organs under physiological conditions it is no surprise that the exacerbation of this mechanism is particularly frequent in malignancies of the female reproductive organs. Cancer cells of the breast, the uterus, the ovaries, and other organs continuously secrete increased amounts of plasminogen activators, destroy the surrounding extracellular
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matrix, and thereby pave the way for infiltrative growth. These mechanisms are also involved in the proliferation of prostatic cancer, one of the most frequent forms of cancer in males.
become macrophages. Their activation inside the vascular wall is enhanced by oxidatively modified lipoproteins and other challenging mechanisms (3,10). Once they are activated a similar cascade of events occurs, as in any other disease: increased secretion of plasminogen activators, activation of procollagenases by the protease plasmin, and degradation of the connective tissue in the vascular wall. Simultaneously, plasmin increases the permeability of the vascular wall, leading to a further increase in the infiltration of plasma constituents. The perpetuation of these pathomechanisms leads to the development of atherosclerotic lesions. This mechanism is particularly effective when the vascular wall is already destabilized by a deficiency in ascorbate. As described recently in detail (3), this instability is primarily unmasked at sites of altered hemodynamic conditions, such as the branching regions of the coronary arteries. It is therefore no surprise that increased amounts of plasminogen activators were detected in these branching regions of human arteries. Moreover, atherosclerotic lesions in general were found to contain significantly higher amounts of plasminogen activators than grossly normal arterial wall (11). It is a remarkable fact that these early observations have not been followed up systematically. This negligence suggests that the universal character of uncontrolled plasmin-induced proteolysis for disease proliferation has not yet been fully understood. It is the aim of this paper to close this gap.
Plasmin-induced proteolysis is also critical for the metastatic spread of cancer. As discussed above, plasmin induces increased permeability of the blood vessels and thereby facilitates the systemic dissemination of tumor cells. This pathomechanism is, of course, not limited to reproductive organs. Plasmin-induced tissue degradation has been reported for tumors of the ovaries, endometrium, cervix, breast, colon, lung, skin (melanoma, and many others (4), suggesting that most cancers make use of this mechanism for their proliferation. Infectious and inflammatory diseases. As for transformed cells in malignancies, virally transformed cells were also found to secrete plasminogen activators (4,5). These cells activate plasminogen in their vicinity, e.g., the lung tissue, and thereby facilitate the local spread of the infection. Simultaneously, plasmin increases the permeability of the local blood vessels and thereby promotes the systemic spread of the infection. It is not unreasonable for us to propose that other pathogens may also make use of this mechanism during the process of infection. Plasminogen activators play an important role during inflammation in general. Production of plasminogen activators by macrophages and granulocytes is closely correlated to different modulators of inflammation. Secretion of the enzyme is stimulated by asbestos, lymphokines, and interferon and is inhibited by antiinflammatory agents such as glucocorticoids. Plasmininduced proteolysis has been described for patients with a variety of inflammatory diseases, including chronic rheumatoid arthritis, allergic vasculitis, chronic inflamatory bowel disease, chronic sinusitis, demyelinating disease, and many others (4). Plasmin-induced tissue degradation is therefore likely to be an important pathomechanism in chronic inflammatory diseases. Cardiovascular disease. Activated macrophages play an important role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Blood monocytes enter the vascular wall, where they
Apoprotein(a) - An Inhibitor of Plasmin-Induced Proteolysis In identifying the universal importance of plasmin-induced proteolysis for most diseases we were once again guided by apo(a) and its increased demand as reflected by the elevated plasma concentrations in many pathological conditions. As discussed above, apo(a) exerts a multitude of functions under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Here we focus on the role of apo(a) as an endogenous competitive inhibitor of plasmin-induced proteolysis and tissue degradation. Apo(a) is a glycoprotein with a unique structure. It is essentially composed of a repetitive sequence of the kringle structures highly homologous to the kringle IV of the plasminogen molecule. The gene for apo(a) is located in the direct vicinity of the plasminogen gene on chromosome 6. It has been proposed that the apo(a) molecule derives from the plasminogen molecule or that the two genes share a common ancestral gene (12). As of today no explanation has been offered as to why among all five kringles of plasminogen it is almost exclusively kringle IV that was chosen by nature to compose the apo(a) molecule.We do not accept this selective advan-
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tage of kringle IV as a coincidence. We propose that at least one of the reasons for the repetition of kringle IV in apo(a) is closely related to the structure/function of kringle IV in the plasminogen molecule.
In summary, apo(a) is suggested to be an important element in the endogenous control system of plasmin-induced proteolysis. Apo(a) may back-up antiplasmin and other endogenous inhibitors of this pathway particularly during chronic activation of this mechanism. Beside endogenous inhibitors of plasmin-induced tissue degradation there are also exogenous inhibitors. The universal importance of the pathomechanism described here immediately suggests the great value of these exogenous inhibitors in the therapy of many diseases.
It is not unreasonable for us to propose that apo(a), by virtue of its multiple kringle IV structures, is a competitive inhibitor of plasmin-induced proteolysis. Apo(a) could be involved in the control of this pathway without interfering with critical functions of plasminogen mediated by other kringles of the plasminogen molecule. Consequently, the more kringle IV repeats one apo(a) molecule contains, the more effective this apo(a) isoform would be as an inhibitor. This concept could not only explain the selective advantage of kringle IV versus the other kringle structures, but it could also explain the great variation in genetically determined plasma Lp(a) concentrations, which largely reflect the inverse relation between the number of intramolecular kringle IV repeats and the synthesis rate of apo(a) molecules. Supportive evidence for a role of apo(a) in the control of plasmin- induced proteolysis is also provided by a number of observations. Apo(a) has been shown to attenuate tissue-plasminogen-activator-induced fibrinolysis and competitively interfere with plasminogen- and plasmin- induced pathways (review in 14). Moreover, immunohistological studies in various diseases showed a preferential deposition of apo(a) at the site of increased demand for a control of plasmininduced proteolysis. In several hundred vascular specimens representing various degrees of cardiovascular disease apo(a) was found primarily to be located in the subendothelium, quite possibly counteracting the increased endothelial permeability. In advanced atherosclerotic lesions apo(a) was preferentially found around the lesion core, particularly at the edges of the lesion (15), the main sites of chronic repair processes. In a comprehensive morphological study in different forms of cancer apo(a) was found to be deposited in the vicinity of the cancer process (Dr. A. Niendorf, personal communication). Both studies were conducted with the same monoclonal antibodies not cross-reacting with plasminogen. A preliminary report is also available for the deposition of apo(a) in the microvasculature of inflammatory processes (16). We predict that apo(a) will also be found to play an important role in the containment of infectious diseases, including AIDS. The role of apo(a) as a competitive inhibitor of plasmininduced proteolysis is not limited to pathological conditions. An increased demand of apo(a) was also observed during the period of uterus transformation in early pregnancy (17).
The Therapeutic Use of Lysine and Synthetic Lysine Analogs Lysine, an essential amino acid, is the most important naturally- occurring inhibitor of this pathway. As opposed to the competitive inhibition by apo(a), lysine inhibits plasmin-induced proteolysis in a direct way. Lysine attenuates an overshooting activation of plasmin, at least in part, by occupying the lysine binding sites in the plasminogen molecule. Since lysine is an essential amino acid, its availability is not regulated endogenously. Insufficient dietary lysine intake invariably leads to a deficiency of this amino acid and thereby weakens the natural defense against this pathomechanism. Moreover, chronic activation of plasminogen by cancer cells, virally transformed cells, or macrophages leads to an additional relative lysine deficiency and thereby to an acceleration of the underlying disease. The therapeutic value of lysine has been documented for a variety of diseases, including viral diseases (18), and recently in combination with ascorbate for cardiovascular disease (19). Synthetic lysine analogs such as epsilon-aminocaproic acid, paraaminomethylbenzoic acid and trans-aminocyclohexanoic acid (tranexamic acid) are potent inhibitors of plasmin-induced proteolysis. These substances, in particular tranexamic acid, have been successfully used in the treatment of a variety of pathological conditions, such as angiohematoma, colitis ulcerosa, and others. Most remarkable results were reported from the treatment of patients with late-stage cancer of the breast (20) and the ovaries (21) and also for cancer of other origins (22). We have recently suggested the therapeutic use of synthetic lysine analogs for the reduction of atherosclerotic plaques (3). On the basis of the work presented here, comprehensive clinical studies should be initiated to establish the critical role of lysine in the prevention and treatment of various diseases without delay. A daily intake of 5 grams
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of lysine and more (19,23) has been described to be without side effects. On the basis of the encouraging therapeutic results with tranexamic acid, particularly in inhibiting and reducing late-stage cancer, these substances should now be extensively tested for a broad introduction into clinical therapy, particularly for advanced forms of cancer, CVD, and AIDS. A possible explanation of why this has not happened long ago may be the argument that these substances may induce coagulative complications. They are, however, protease inhibitors and inhibit not only fibrinolysis but also coagulation (24). Moreover, tranexamic acid has been given for more than 10 years without clinical complications (25). We have proposed that the risk of any hemostatic complication will be further reduced by a combination of these compounds with ascorbate and other vitamins with anticoagulative properties (3). This medical consideration is, however, not the only factor why these compounds are not used much more frequently and why thousands of patients are still deprived of optimum therapy. There is also an economic factor. Patent protection is a guiding principle of any pharmaceutical company in developing or marketing a drug. Lysine, like many other nutrients, is not patentable and the patents for the clinically approved synthetic lysine analogs, including tranexamic acid, have expired. The negligence of these substances may be explainable from the economic point of view; from the perspective of human health there is no justification for this delay.
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Acknowledgements We thank Dr. Alexandra Niedzwiecki for helpful discussions, Rosemary Babcock for library services, Jolanta Walechiewicz for graphical assistance, Martha Best and Dorothy Munro for secretarial help.
Conclusion Here we have described plasmin-induced proteolysis as a universal pathomechanism propagating cancer, and cardiovascular, inflammatory, and many other diseases. Plasmin-induced tissue degradation under pathological conditions is an exacerbation of a physiological mechanism. Apo(a) is suggested to function as a competitive endogenous inhibitor of this pathway. On the basis of the selective advantage of apo(a) in the evolution of man it comes as no surprise that apo(a) should lead us on the way to recognize the universal importance of this pathomechanisms. Further clinical confirmation of the therapeutic value of lysine and its synthetic analogs may provide new options for an effective therapy for millions of people. We predict that the use of lysine and synthetic lysine analogs, particularly in combination with ascorbate, will lead to a breakthrough in the control of many forms of cancer and infectious diseases, including AIDS, as well as many other diseases.
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This picture shows a copy of the figures taken from the original publication in 1992.
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PUBLICATIONS OF OUR WORK PROSTATE CANCER In Vivo Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline and Green Tea Extract on Human Prostate PC-3 Xenografts in Nude Mice: Evaluation of Tumor Growth and Immunohistochemistry. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. In Vivo , 2005, 19(1), 179-184. Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine and Epigallocatechin Gallate in Prostate Cancer Cell Lines PC-3, NCaP, and DU145. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology, 2004, 115:1-6
TESTICULAR CANCER Inhibitory Effects of a Nutrient Mixture on Human Testicular Cancer cell Line NT 2/DT Matrigel Invasion and MMP Activity. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2007 24(2): 183-188
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OVARIAN CANCER In vitro modulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in human cervical and ovarian cancer cell lines by cytokines, inducers and inhibitors. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath, A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports 2010; 23(3):605-614 Inhibition of MMP-2 Secretion and Invasion by Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line SKOV-3 with lysine, proline, arginine, ascorbic acid, and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2006; 32(2): 148-154
COLON CANCER In Vivo Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline and Green Tea Extract on Human Colon Cancer Cell HCT 116 Xenografts in Nude Mice: Evaluation of Tumor Growth and Immunohistochemistry. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports, 2005, 12 (3), 421-425 Synergistic Effect of Combination of Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid and Epigallocatechin Gallate on Colon Cancer Cell Line HCT 116. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, 2004, 7 (2): 40-43
BREAST CANCER In Vitro and In Vivo Antitumorigenic Activity of a Mixture of Lysine, Proline, Ascorbic Acid and Green Tea Extract on Human Breast Cancer Lines MDA MB-231 and MCF-7. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Medical Oncology 2005, 22(2) 129-38 Modulation of N-Methyl –N-Nitrosourea-Induced Mammary Tumors in SpragueDawley Rats by Combination of Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Breast Cancer Research, 2005, 7:R291-R295 A combination of green tea extract, specific nutrient mixture and quercetin: An effective intervention treatment for the regression of N-Methyl –N-Nitrosourea (MNU)-Induced mammary tumors in Wistar rats. Anup Kale, Sonia Gawande, Swati Kotwal, Shrirang Netke, M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Oncology Letters, 2010, 1:313-317
CERVICAL CANCER Suppression of Human Cervical Cancer Cell Lines Hela and oTc2 4510 MMP Expression and Matrigel Invasion by a Mixture of Lysine, Proline, Ascorbic Acid, and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M.Rath International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2006; 16:1241-1247
BONE CANCER Naturally Produced Extracellular Matrix Inhibits Growth Rate and Invasiveness of Human Osteosarcoma Cancer Cells. V. Ivanov, S. Ivanova, M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2007; 24(2): 209-217 Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline and Green Tea Extract on Human Osteosarcoma Cell Line MNNG-HOS Xenografts in Nude Mice: Evaluation of Tumor Growth and Immunohistochemistry. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2006; 23(3 ): 411-417 Antitumor Effect of Nutrient Synergy on Human Osteosarcoma Cells U2OS, MNNGHOS, and Ewing’s Sarcoma SK-ES.1. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports, 2005, 13(2), 253-257 In Vivo and In Vitro Antitumor Effect of Nutrient Synergy on Human Osteosarcoma Cell Line MNNG-HOS. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy, 2004, 12: 137-148
PANCREATIC CANCER Antitumor Effect of a Combination of Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid, and Green Tea Extract on Pancreatic Cancer Cell Line MIA PaCa-2. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath International Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 2005, 35 (2), 97-102
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In Vivo and in Vitro Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, and Green Tea Extract on Human Fibrosarcoma Cells HT-1080. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Medical Oncology 2006; 23(1): 105-112
Chemopreventive effect of a novel nutrient mixture on lung tumorigenesis induced by urethane in male A/J mice. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Tumori 2009; 95: 508-513
Synergistic Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, and Epigallocatechin Gallate on Human Fibrosarcoma Cells HT-1080. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy, 2004 12:148-157
KIDNEY AND BLADDER CANCERS Pleiotropic effects of a micronutrient mixture on critical parameters of bladder cancer. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. In Bladder Cancer: Etymology, Diagnosis and Treatments, edited by William Nilsson, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2010. Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, and Green Tea Extract on Bladder Cancer Cell Line T-24. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. International Journal of Urology 2006; 13: 415-419 Modulation of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma 786-0 MMP-2 and MMP-9 Activity by Inhibitors and Inducers in Vitro. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2006; 23(2): 245-250 Anticancer Effect of Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid and Green Tea Extract on Human Renal Adenocarcinoma Line 786-0. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Oncology Reports 2006; 16(5):943-7
SKIN CANCER Inhibition of 7, 12-Dimethylbenzathracene-Induced Skin tumors by a Nutrient Mixture. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, V. Ivanov, M. Rath, A. Niedzwiecki. Medical Oncology 2008; 25(3): 330-340 Suppression of growth and hepatic metastasis of murine B16FO melanoma cells by a novel nutrient mixture. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, M. Rath, A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports 2008; 20:809-817 In Vitro and In Vivo Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, And Green Tea Extract On Human Melanoma Cell Line A2058. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. In Vivo 2006;20(1): 25-32
Modulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 by cytokines, mitogens, and inhibitors in lung cancer and mesothelioma cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports 2009; 22: 1283-1291 Inhibition of Malignant Mesothelioma Cell Matrix Metalloproteinase Production and Invasion by a Novel Nutrient mixture. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Experimental Lung Research 2006; 32:69-79 In Vivo and in Vitro Anti-tumor Effect of a Unique Nutrient Mixture on Lung Cancer Cell Line A-549. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Experimental Lung Research 2006; 32:441-453 Inhibition of Pulmonary Metastasis of Melanoma B16FO Cells in C57BL/6 Mice by a Nutrient Mixture Consisting of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Experimental Lung Research 2006; 32(10):517-30
BLOOD CANCERS Antineoplastic effect of nutrient mixture on Raji and Jurkat T cells: the two highly aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cell lines. M.W. Roomi, BA Bhanap, N.W. Roomi, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Experimental Oncology 2009; 31(3): 149-155 Epigallocatechin -3-Gallate induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in HTLV-1 positive and negative leukemia cells. S. Harakeh, K. Abu-El-Ardat, M. Diab-Assaf, A. Niedzwiecki, M. El-Sabban, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2008; 25: 30-39 Ascorbic acid induces apoptosis in Adult T-cell Leukemia. S. Harakeh, M. DiabAssaf, J. Khalife, K. Abu-El-Ardat, E. Baydoun, A. Niedzwiecki, M. El-Sabban, M. Rath. Anticancer Research 2007; 27: 289-298 Mechanistic aspects of apoptosis induction by L-Lysine in both HTLV-1 positive and negative cell lines. S. Harakeh, M. Diab-Assaf, K. Abu-El-Ardat, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Chem. Biol. Interactions 2006; 164: 102-114 Apoptosis Induction by Epican Forte in HTLV-1 Positive and Negative Malignant TCells. S. Harakeh, M. Diab-Assaf, A. Niedzwiecki, J. Khalife, K. Abu-El-Ardat, M. Rath. Leukemia Research –2006; 30: 869-881
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Appendix − Important Documentation
Comparative effects of EGCG, green tea and a nutrient mixture on the patterns of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in cancer cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports – 2010; 24:747-757
Micronutrient synergy – a new tool in effective control of metastasis and other key mechanisms of cancer. A. Niedzwiecki, M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath. Cancer Metastasis Review 2010; 29; 529-542
Inhibition of invasion and MMPs by a nutrient mixture in human cancer cell lines: a correlation study. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Experimental Oncology- 2010; 32:243-248
Suppression of growth and hepatic metastasis of murine B16FO melanoma cells by a novel nutrient mixture. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, M. Rath, A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports 2008; 20:809-817
In vivo and in vitro effect of a nutrient mixture on human hepatocarcinoma cell line SK-Hep-1. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Experimental Oncology –2010;32:84-91
A nutrient mixture suppresses hepatic metastasis in athymic nude mice injected with murine B16FO melanoma cells. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, J.C. Monterrery, M. Rath, and A. Niedzwiecki. BioFactors 2008; 33; 85-97
Patterns of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in human cancer cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Oncology Reports – 2009; 21:1323-1333
Inhibition of Pulmonary Metastasis of Melanoma B16FO Cells in C57BL/6 Mice by a Nutrient Mixture Consisting of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Experimental Lung Research 2006; 32(10):517-30
Marked inhibition of growth and invasive parameters of head and neck squamous carcinoma FADU by a nutrient mixture. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Integrative Cancer Therapies 2009; 8(2):168-176 Inhibition of Glioma Cell Line A-172 MMP Activity and Cell Invasion in Vitro by a Nutrient Mixture. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2007; 24(2): 231-238 Inhibitory of Cell Invasion and MMP Production by a Nutrient Mixture in Malignant Liposarcoma Cell Line SW-872. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2007; 24(4):394-401 In Vitro Anticarcinogenic Effect of a Nutrient Mixture on Human Rhadomyosarcoma Cells. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology 2007; 11(B):133-144
ANGIOGENESE Distinct patterns of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 expression in normal human cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrery, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath, and A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports – 2009; 21: 821-826 Patterns of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in human cancer cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrery, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath, and A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports – 2009; 21:1323-1333 Antiangiogenic properties of a nutrient mixture in a model of hemangioma. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath, and A. Niedzwiecki. Experimental Oncology – Accepted 10/26/09
In Vivo and in Vitro Anti-tumor Effect of a Nutrient Mixture Containing Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, and Green Tea Extract on Human Synovial Sarcoma Cancer Cells. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. JAMA 2006; 9(2): 30-34
A novel nutrient mixture containing ascorbic acid, lysine, proline and green tea extract inhibits critical parameters in angiogenesis . M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath in Anti-Angiogenic. Functional and Medicinal Foods, edited by Losso JN, Shahidi F, Bagchi D, CRC Press, Taylor& Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, 2007, pages 561-580.
A Specific Combination of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline and Epigallocatechin Gallate Inhibits Proliferation and Extracellular Matrix Invasion of Various Human Cancer Cell Lines. S.P. Netke, M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Research Communications in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Emerging Drugs, 2003; Vol. II, IV37-IV50.
Inhibitory Effect of a Mixture Containing Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, and Green Tea Extract on Critical Parameters in Angiogenesis. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports 2005, 14(4), 807-815. Antiangiogenic Effects of a Nutrient Mixture on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports 2005;14(6):1399-404
Victory Over Cancer
Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Further References De Prithwish et al., Breast cancer incidence and hormone replacement therapy in Canada. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2010; 102: 1-7
Appendix − Important Documentation
Important Websites
Jemal A et al., Trends in the Leading Causes of Death in the United States, 1970-2002. JAMA 2005, 294: 1255-1259
In the course of this book you may have come across some topics on which you would like to learn more. Here is a selection of websites which we helped to create. We can assure you about the independence of their contents.
Hirsh J, An Anniversary for Cancer Chemotherapy. JAMA 2006; 296; 1518-1520.
www.drrathresearch.org Official website of our Research Institute in California
www.wha-www.org Free online health education course for everyone
www.wha-www.org/en/library/index.html Online library of natural health for health professionals and patients
www.hpcm.org (Health Professionals for Cellular Medicine) Official website of health professionals active in the field of natural health
Jemal A. et al., Global cancer statistics, CA Cancer J Clin. 2011; 61: 69-90.
Phang J.M. et al., The metabolism of proline, a stress substance, modulates carcinogenic pathways. Amino Acids, 2008; 35; 681-690 Duffy M.J., The urokinase plasminogen activator system: role in malignancy. Curr. Pharm. Des., 2004; 10; 39-49 Henriet P et al., Contact with fibrillar collagen inhibits melanoma cell proliferation by up-regulating p27 KIP1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2000; 97; 10026-10031. K. Almholt et al., Reduced metastasis of transgenic mammary cancer in urokinase deficient mice. Int. J. Cancer 2005; 113: 525-532 Ruhul Amin A.R.M. et al., Perspectives for Cancer Prevention with Natural Co pounds. J. Clin. Oncol. 2009; 27: 2712-2725 Oak Min-Ho et al., Antiangiogenic properties of natural polyphenols from red wine and green tea. J. Nutr. Biochem. 2005; 16, 1-8 Morgan G et al., The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies. Clin. Oncol. 2004; 16: 549-560.
Victory Over Cancer! Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Victory Over Cancer!
First Edition. © 2012 Dr. Matthias Rath und Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki. ISBN 978-90-76332-77-2 Distributet by: Dr. Rath Education Services B.V. Postbus 656 NL-6400 AR Heerlen Tel.: Fax:
0031-457-111 222 0031-457-111 229
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All rights reserved. Distributed by Dr. Rath Health Foundation, Santa Clara, CA 95050 Individual pages or small portions of this book may be used for private and non-profit educational purposes only.
– Part Two – Understanding History Building the Future
Any commercial use of this book or any parts of it in any manner whatsoever without written permission by the copyright holders is strictly prohibited.
Disclaimer: This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his or her health and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects resulting directly or indirectly from the information contained in this book.
Matthias Rath, M.D. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph.D. 5
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
Chapter V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 What You Can Do Now to Make Victory Over Cancer Irreversible
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Important Documents “We will live to see a time when we no longer have to look over our shoulder like a criminal when we say: two and two makes four.” Bertolt Brecht, “Life of Galilee”
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Introduction Only once in the history of mankind is the discovery being made that will lead to the natural control of cancer. This book documents this discovery.
Dr. Matthias Rath
Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki
A breakthrough of this nature leads the pioneering scientists on a path from the discovery of the underlying cellular mechanisms to the confirmation of new therapeutic approaches at the level of basic research and ultimately to the clinical proof in patients suffering from cancer. This book is the report of the pioneering scientists. One author, Dr. Matthias Rath, was privileged to contribute the discovery of new natural ways to control cancer. Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki coordinated the scientific proof of this medical breakthrough. ‘Victory Over Cancer’ is not an achievement that is given to us, the people, voluntarily. Mankind has to earn the right to live in a world without fear of cancer. The battle for that fundamental right to become reality is being fought once.
This time is now. Significantly, for mankind to achieve ‘Victory Over Cancer’ it was not necessary to invent new, hi-tech approaches to control this disease. The decisive breakthrough towards the effective preven-
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
tion, control and ultimately the elimination of cancer is based on our new understanding of the critical role of micronutrients that was unknown for decades. The fact that the essential role of micronutrients in controlling cancer thus far has not been understood – let alone applied towards the control of the cancer epidemic – is no coincidence. It has been deliberately neglected and withheld in the interest of the pharmaceutical investment business. Diseases in general have been exploited by the pharmaceutical business interests as markets for their patented drugs. In cancer an additional, particularly appalling, aspect deserves consideration. The diagnosis ‘cancer’ has been kept as a ‘death verdict’ in the perception of people. That was not a coincidence. This fear of death made millions of cancer patients accept literally any procedure – as questionable as it may be – including highly toxic chemotherapy. This report will end this fallacy and, thereby, help to liberate mankind from the fateful dependency upon the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’. The victory over cancer ranks among the great advances in medicine. One hundred and fifty years ago Louis Pasteur discovered that microorganisms are the cause of infectious diseases and thereby paved the way for the control of many epidemics that had haunted mankind for millennia. It was more than a quarter century later that his theories were finally accepted.
As the authors of this book, our gratitude goes first and foremost to the team of researchers at our Institute – in particular to the head of our cancer research group, Dr. Waheed Roomi (second from left).
As the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer already noted: “Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognised. In the first it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident.” The key discoveries towards ‘Victory over Cancer‘ were made already two decades ago. Our efforts at that time to convince large pharmaceutical companies to commit to the elimination of cancer were futile. In retrospect, this was no surprise: This discovery threatened their multi-billion dollar market with chemotherapy drugs. However, we did not give up, but it took us about one decade to start our own research institute in California and to launch a comprehensive cancer research project in 1999.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
By the end of 2001 we had obtained the first research confirmation that key steps of the cancer disease can be controlled naturally. We decided to share this life-saving information with the world. On March 8, 2002, we announced this medical breakthrough on a full page in USA Today – the world’s largest newspaper. The significance of this breakthrough for human health can perhaps best be judged from the fierce reactions by the status quo. Over the past ten years the pharmaceutical lobby filed more than 100 legal attacks against this breakthrough, to no avail. The publication of this book now documents that we are right. This book will empower millions of people to take actions toward ending the devastating dependency upon the economic interests who have been putting profits over life for an entire century. This book will break mankind’s psychological dependency on the ‘investment business with the cancer epidemic’. It will inspire similar breakthroughs in the fight against other diseases and contribute to a new, independent, global health care in the interest of billions of people living today and of future generations. Santa Clara, California, Autumn 2011 Matthias Rath and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki
A copy of our announcement about the breakthrough in the natural control of cancer in USA Today, on March 8, 2002. By presenting this information directly to the public we wanted to make sure the whole world learned about it. 12
Even Rocks Will Fall Apart Once
‘Science as Art’ is an idea by August Kowalczyk. ‘Even Rocks Will Fall Apart Once’ is a microscopic picture of a skin cancer (melanoma). The picture was taken at the Dr. Rath Research Institute. Visit the entire art gallery at www.dr-rath-humanities-foundation.org/exhibition/index.html.
Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
What You Will Learn in This Chapter In this chapter, we will share with you the answers to the important question why you may have not heard about all this before.
• In order to comprehend the unspeakable consequences of the ‘business with disease’ it is necessary to analyse the historic past of these investment interests.
You will learn about the ‘laws’ of the pharmaceutical investment ‘business with disease’.
• The chemical/pharmaceutical investment industry was behind the two world wars of the 20th Century with the purpose of expanding its global markets and control.
You will also learn that: • This book is not primarily targeting specific drugs or drug companies but the very nature of the investment ’business with disease’. • The ongoing cancer epidemic is the result of a business model that economically benefits from expanding diseases – not from delivering health. • The largest obstacle for the elimination of cancer and other common diseases and real progress in health is the investment nature of the pharmaceutical industry.
• The directors of the largest pharmaceutical company at that time, BAYER, were sentenced in the 1948 Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal for slavery, genocide and other crimes against humanity. • These investment interests are still active today, trying to expand their global markets in disregard of the health and lives of millions of people. • We, today, have to make a choice: Do we tolerate the continuation of diseases as investment markets – or do we unite to eliminate both of them.
• The genocidal dimension of the ‘business with disease’ has been a result of the people of the world not recognising its operating principles for almost a century.
Our common goal: Handing over to future generations
a world in which cancer is largely unknown!
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
The ‘Laws’ of the Pharmaceutical Industry
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The pharmaceutical industry is an investment industry driven by profits for its shareholders. Curing diseases is secondary to this objective. The marketplace of the pharmaceutical industry is the human body as long as it is sick. Expanding diseases is essential for the growth of the pharmaceutical industry. In order to expand disease markets, pharmaceutical drugs are primarily targeting symptoms – while ignoring the cellular root causes of diseases. Prevention, root cause treatment and, above all, the eradication of diseases threatens the very foundation of the pharmaceutical investment business. The eradication of diseases on one side, and the expansion of the pharmaceutical investment ‘business with disease’ on the other, are fundamentally incompatible. The enormous return on investment, i.e., the profitability of the pharmaceutical industry, is based on the royalties from patented synthetic drugs.
8 9 10
For that reason the pharmaceutical industry is conducting research and development of new drugs almost exclusively with new, synthetic – and patentable – molecules. Natural therapies, including vitamins and other micronutrients are not patentable, do not yield high profits and, therefore, are being disregarded by the pharmaceutical investment business. Science-based natural health approaches – effective but non-patentable – threaten the economic foundation of the pharmaceutical investment business with disease.
Science-based natural health approaches that can effectively prevent and eliminate the root causes of diseases on one side, and an investment industry based on the continuation and expansion of diseases on the other, are incompatible by their very nature and, therefore, cannot coexist.
Our generation today has the opportunity and responsibility to undertake the eradication of today’s most common diseases as its most urgent global goal!
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
The Huge Royalties From Patented ‘Chemo’-Cancer Drugs Drive the Investment Business With the Cancer Epidemic Patents are the key economic and legal tools of the entire pharmaceutical business model. They allow the drug companies owning these patents a monopoly on these drugs and control of global markets. Moreover, by arbitrarily defining the size of the patent royalties, the drug companies became the largest and most profitable corporations in the world. On these pages we show just one example from the tens of thousands of drug patents currently owned by pharmaceutical companies US Pat. No. 7,109,337, granted to drug maker Pfizer on September 6, 2006, for anti-cancer chemicals (www.uspto.gov). These two pages list more than one hundred chemical structures that Pfizer ‘owns’ as its property. Each chemical substance (line) may only differ by one or a few atoms from the other substances listed. As long as the chemotherapy ‘fallacy’ continues, each of these toxic drugs can translate into multi-billion dollar profits for Pfizer – and further increase already exploding health care costs. A compound selected from the group consisting of: N-Methyl-N-{3-[({methyl-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-yl]-amino})-methyl]-phenyl}-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-{4-methyl-3-[({methyl-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino- )-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-yl]-amino})-methyl]-phenyl}-methanesulfona- mide N-(5-Methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluorom- ethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide N-(3-Methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide N-(4-Methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide N-(2-Methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide 5-[4-(3-Methanesulfonyl-propylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamin- o]-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide N-(3-Methanesulfonylamino-5-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-- trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(4-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(2-methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(3-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide 5-{4-[((1S,2R)-2-Hydroxy-cyclohexylmethyl)-amino]-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrim- idin-2-ylamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one 5-[4-((1R,2S)-2-Hydroxy-indan-1-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-yl- amino]-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one 5-[4-((S)-1-Hydroxymethyl-2-phenyl-ethylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidi- n-2-ylamino]-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one N-(3-(Methanesulfonyl-methyl-amino)-5-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-y-lamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-N-methyl-me-thanesulfonamide 5-{4-[(1-Hydroxy-cyclopentylmethyl)-amino]-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-- ylamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one N-Methyl-N-(3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-(3-Fluoro-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-N-methyl-methanesulfonamide 5-{4-[2-((S)-1-Methanesulfonyl-pyrrolidin-2-yl)-ethylamino]-5-trifluorome- thyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one 5-{4-[(1-Hydroxy-cyclobutylmethyl)-amino]-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-y- lamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one 5-{4-[2-((R)-1-Methanesulfonyl-pyrrolidin-2-yl)-ethylamino]-5-trifluorome- thyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one N-(2-Fluoro-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-N-methyl-methanesulfonamide N-(4-Fluoro-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-N-methyl-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-{2,2-Dimethyl-3-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluorome- thyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-propyl}-N-methyl-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-(2,4-Difluoro-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluorom- ethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-N-methyl-methanesulfonamide 5-[4-((R)-1-Methanesulfonyl-piperidin-3-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimi- din-2-ylamino]-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one N-Methyl-N-(6-methyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide 5-[4-(1-Methanesulfonyl-piperidin-4-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-- 2-ylamino]-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one 5-{4-[Methyl-((R)-1-phenyl-ethyl)-amino]-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-yl- amino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
5-(4-Benzylamino-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino)-1,3-dihydro-indol- -2-one N-(4,6-Dimethyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trif- luoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-N-methyl-methanesul- fonamide 5-(4-tert-Butylamino-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino)-1,3-d- ihydro-indol-2-one 5-[4-((1R,5S,6S)-3-Methanesulfonyl-3-aza-bicyclo[3.1.0]hex-6-ylamino)-5-t- rifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino]-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one N-Methyl-N-{3-methyl-3-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-triflu- oromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-butyl}-methanesulfonamide N-(6-Methyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide 5-{4-[(2-Methanesulfonyl-pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-amino]-5-trifluoromethyl-pyr- imidin-2-ylamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one 2-[2-(2-Oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-4- -ylamino]-ethanesulfonic acid amide N-(3-{Methyl-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-- pyrimidin-4yl]-amino}-propyl)-methanesulfonamide N-(2-{Methyl-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-- pyrimidin-4-yl]-amino}-ethyl)-methanesulfonamide 5-[4-(2-Methanesulfonylmethyl-benzylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-2-- ylamino]-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one 2-[2-(2-Oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-4- -ylamino]-ethanesulfonic acid dimethylamide N-Methyl-N-(3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrazin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide Ethanesulfonic acid methyl-(2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-py- rimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide Ethanesulfonic acid (2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin- -4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide N-Ethyl-N-(3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl- -pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-{1,1-Dimethyl-3-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluorome- thyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-propyl}-methanesulfonamide N-(5,6-Dimethyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluorom- ethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrazin-2-yl)-N-methyl-methanesulfonami- de 5-{4-[((R)-4-Methanesulfonyl-morpholin-3-ylmethyl)-amino]-5-trifluorome- thyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one Propane-1-sulfonic acid (2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin- -4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide 5-{4-[2-((R)-4-Methanesulfonyl-morpholin-3-yl)-ethylamino]-5-trifluoromet- hyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one Ethanesulfonic acid methyl-(3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-py- rimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-amide Trifluoro-N-methyl-N-{3-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-propyl}-methanesulfonamide Cyclopropanesulfonic acid methyl-{3-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyr- imidin-4-ylamino]-propyl}-amide N-Ethyl-N-(2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl- -pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide Ethanesulfonic acid methyl-(5-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trif- luoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide Ethanesulfonic acid ethyl-(2-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyri- midin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide thanesulfonic acid ethyl-(5-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluorom- ethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide N-Ethyl-N-(5-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-triflu- oromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide Ethanesulfonic acid (5-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-- pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide Ethanesulfonic acid (3-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-- pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide Ethanesulfonic acid methyl-(3-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoro- methyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-amide 2-[2-(2-Oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-4- -ylamino]-ethanesulfonic acid methylamide Ethanesulfonic acid {3-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-- 4-ylamino]-propyl}-amide C-Methanesulfonyl-N-{3-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-triflu- oromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-propyl}-methanesulfonamide Ethanesulfonic acid {2-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrim- idin-4-ylamino]-ethyl}-amide C-Methanesulfonyl-N-{2-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-triflu- oromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-ethyl}-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(4-methyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide 5-(4-{[1-(2,2,2-Trifluoro-acetyl)-piperidin-3-ylmethyl]-amino}-5-trifluor- omethyl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino)-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one 2,2,2-Trifluoro-ethanesulfonic acid {3-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethyl-pyrimidin-- 4-ylamino]-propyl}-amide N-Methyl-N-(4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Cyclopropyl-N-(2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoro- methyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-phenyl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrazin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Cyclopropyl-N-(3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoro- methyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-methyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrazin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide 5-{4-[(2-Methanesulfonylmethyl-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-amino]-5-trifluorometh- yl-pyrimidin-2-ylamino}-1,3-dihydro-indol-2-one N-Methyl-N-(4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(3-methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(4-methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(2-methyl-5-[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-triflu- oromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(4-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(3-methyl-4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-methyl-5-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-methyl-2-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(2-methyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-methyl-4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifluoromethy- l-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-methyl-4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(2-methyl-4-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyridin-3-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrazin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(5-methyl-3-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrazin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(2-methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-5-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(3-methyl-6-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrazin-2-yl)-methanesulfonamide N-Methyl-N-(6-methyl-5-{[2-(2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-5-ylamino)-5-trifl- uoromethyl-pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-methyl}-pyrimidin-4-yl)-methanesulfonamide . . .-
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
The Economic Burden of the ‘Business With the Cancer Epidemic’ The pharmaceutical business with the cancer epidemic is one of the driving forces of the global pharmaceutical investment business, with devastating economic consequences: In summary, the pharmaceutical business model with cancer has the following elements: 1. Using ‘fear of cancer as a death verdict’. 2. Maintaining toxic chemotherapy and radiation as the basis of cancer therapy administered to millions of patients. 3. Risking the development of an epidemic of ‘side effect diseases’ in patients receiving these toxic treatments. 4. Taking economic advantage of these ‘side effect epidemics’ by offering a myriad of other drugs to alleviate symptoms caused by chemotherapy and radiation. Since many of these additional drugs can trigger new cancers and other diseases, a ‘self-perpetuating’ business model is being created. 5. Compelling cancer patients, corporations and governments worldwide to pay for this ‘self-perpetuating’ business.
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
The ‘Pharmaceutical Business With Cancer’ Global Market of Chemotherapy and Oncology Drugs Billion US$
12 x Around the Globe
6. In the long run, creating economic and political dependencies of entire nations by this strangulating ‘business with disease.’ Not surprisingly, the pharmaceutical business became the largest and most profitable investment industry on our planet. Moreover, pharmaceutical drug sales are led by the group of cancer (oncological) drugs with a staggering $56 billion in 2010 alone. Piled up in quarters, this huge amount would circle around the globe more than twelve times. The skyrocketing market of chemotherapy and related cancer drugs. In 2010, this market surpassed $56 billion US dollars. This sum would amount to a pile of quarters reaching more than twelve times around the globe.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Creating Future Cancer Markets
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
The Estrogen Drug Cancer Spiral
The drug markets for ‘side-effect diseases’ are not the only way the ‘business with cancer’ can be expanded. Another way to increase the cancer business is based on the use of drugs, which themselves can promote the development of cancers. Here we only document one example of such a ‘marketing synergy’. Estrogen drugs, for example, are being offered to millions of young women in the form of hormonal contraceptives and to mature women as ‘hormone replacement therapy’ to prevent osteoporosis and menopause-related symptoms.
Cancer Market
Estrogen Drugs
The fact that estrogen promotes the development of cancer has been known since 1941. Even the mechanism of this action has been elucidated. Among others, estrogen increases the production of collagen-digesting enzymes that facilitate growth and spread of cancer cells (see chapter II). Despite the indisputable scientific evidence linking estrogen to cancer, the pharmaceutical companies continue promoting estrogen drugs. Inevitably, they have to factor in the risk of a dramatically increased rate of cancer in women taking these drugs over an extended period of time. The long-term use of estrogen drugs increases particularly the rate of hormone dependent forms of cancer including breast cancer, uterine cancer, cervical and ovarian cancers. In short, the estrogen drug market fuels the cancer drug market. After the results of an alarming study connecting the increased rate of breast cancer in menopausal women to the intake of estrogen drugs was published in 2002*, the use of these drugs dropped sharply. Not surprisingly, in the following years the rate of breast cancer also decreased significantly.
Target Markets
Hormonal Drugs
Young Women
Mature Women
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Continously Elevated Estrogen Levels Promote Cancer
The promotion of estrogen drugs increases the risk for breast, uterine, cervical and ovarian cancers. Thus, the estrogen drug market fuels cancer drug markets.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
You may say: This is impossible! Even the greediest companies will not risk the lives of millions of people for profits ...
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
To answer this question, we will need to look at the darkest chapters of recent history ...
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Putting Profit Over Life (I)
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
Do You Know This Man?
Any business or industry dealing with the health and lives of people has to adhere to particular ethical standards. Above all, it is the trust of millions of patients and people that demands this special code. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ model is incompatible with these principles. In order to understand the unspeakable business practices feeding on the cancer epidemic, we have to go back to the origins of this industry. About 150 years ago, scientists started to elucidate the chemical nature of the elements composing our world, i.e., their atomic structure. Soon after, large companies emerged based on selling products that had been synthesised as a result of this new understanding. Moreover, the patenting of these substances gave these companies a monopoly on these artificially created substances, elevating the corporate leaders to the status of ‘new gods’, as they referred to themselves. Leading this process were three German companies: BAYER, BASF and HOECHST. Not surprisingly, these ‘modern gods’ developed the desire to conquer and own the entire world. Towards this end they ‘commissioned’ German Emperor Wilhelm II to launch World War I. After this attempt had failed, these companies formed the infamous IG Farben Cartel, called themselves the ‘Council of Gods’, and soon became the single largest financier of the Nazis' rise to power. As we all know, this attempt at world conquest also failed – at the cost of more than 60 million lives. Twenty-four directors of the IG Farben Cartel were tried in Trial VI of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal in 1947/48. Several IG Farben directors were sentenced for slavery, spoliation, torture, murder and other crimes against humanity.
Fritz Ter Meer (1884-1967) was the Director of BAYER – at that time the world’s largest pharmaceutical company – and member of the Board of Directors of the IG Farben Cartel. He was a member of the Nazi Party and an official in Hitler’s War Ministry, coordinating the production of explosives and other war supplies for the Nazi Wehrmacht almost 100% of which came from IG Farben. On July 30, 1948, Ter Meer was sentenced in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal to seven years in prison for slavery, murder and other crimes against humanity. Imagine, the director of the world’s largest pharmaceutical company – the leader of an industry claiming to be at the service of mankind – was sentenced for crimes against humanity!
More information: www.profit-over-life.org
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
Putting Profit Over Life (II)
Have You Heard About This Place?
World Wars I and II, the two military attempts at world conquest by BAYER, BASF and other German chemical/pharmaceutical companies, cost the lives of nearly 100 million people.
In the course of these two global conquest wars, entire cities and even countries were annihilated. Among all the crimes committed, one location stood out for its brutality and disrespect for human life: Auschwitz. Your history books may have told you that the concentration camp Auschwitz was an outburst of racially motivated mass murder. It was more than that. The transition from a Nazi concentration camp into an industrial-size slave labor and extermination camp was directly connected to economic interests: only 4 miles from the site of the concentration camp Auschwitz, the chemical/pharmaceutical cartel IG Farben constructed the largest industrial plant of war-time Europe. The chemicals produced there, namely artificial rubber and gasoline, were to supply the Nazi/IG Farben coalition in its conquest of Eastern Europe and Asia.
Tens of thousands of innocent Auschwitz concentration camp inmates died under horrible circumstances during their slave labour for the chemical/pharmaceutical Cartel. Some of the slave laborers of this historic ‘crime scene’ are still alive. They serve mankind as witnesses of history and guardians of memory. One of them is August Kowalczyk, Auschwitz prisoner number 6804. Until his escape from the camp, he was forced into daily slave labour at the construction site of the IG Auschwitz plant. August Kowalczyk’s contribution to this book conveys a clear message: Once before, global chemical/pharmaceutical interests have put their profits over the lives of millions. If we ignore these lessons of history, they could do it again. 32
A. With six thousand acres, the IG Auschwitz plant was the largest industrial complex in wartime Europe. It was a 100% subsidiary of the IG Farben Cartel (BAYER, BASF, etc.). B. The gate of the Auschwitz concentration camp from which tens of thousands of slave labourers were drawn for construction of the IG Auschwitz plant. C. August Kowalczyk, Auschwitz prisoner No. 6804, in front of the infamous ‘Block 10’ where medical experiments were conducted.
The directors of the world’s largest chemical/pharmaceutical company, IG Farben, were found responsible for slavery, torture and murder committed in connection with the industrialsize expansion of Auschwitz concentration camp.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
Putting Profit Over Life (III) In a similar way, our history books have been trying to tell us that the deadly medical experiments in the concentration camps were conducted by psychologically deviated SS doctors – essentially as a pastime activity of their perversion.
The BAYER-Auschwitz Connection A
Test Drug Inscription:
The records of the Nuremberg War Crime Tribunals reveal a different picture:
IG Farben Inc.
• The majority of unethical experiments conducted with concentration camp inmates were not individual ‘experiments’, but large scale experimental studies on humans. • The physicians conducting these deadly experiments were not only members of the SS, but commissioned ‘pharmaceutical drug testers’, in some cases even doctors directly employed and paid by the BAYER company. • The tested substances were not prepared by SS doctors, but were highly sophisticated chemical substances from the laboratory of the world’s largest and most advanced pharmaceutical companies at that time, BAYER and HOECHST (today part of Sanofi). • The drugs were shipped from these companies directly to the concentration camps and the results of these often deadly drug studies were reported directly back to the headquarters in Leverkusen (BAYER) and Frankfurt (HOECHST). • The drugs tested were not established medications, but newly invented and patented chemicals, hence the code names like ’Preparation Be 1034’ (see facing page). How much effort must these special interests have taken to keep these facts ‘buried’ for over half a century. All these facts are now available online at www.profit-over-life.org. Moreover, ‘witnesses of history’ are still alive today, like Jerzy Ulatowski, who had a personal encounter with Dr. Mengele as a prisoner of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
BAYER employee and SS-doctor in the KZ: Dr. Vetter
The concentration camp doctors typically wore two uniforms, black (SS) and white: Dr. Josef Mengele, a.k.a. ‘Dr. Death’
A. Records from the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal showing a newly patented BAYER drug tested in Auschwitz.
Jerzy met Mengele during his imprisonment in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
B. Doctors commissioned to test the pharmaceutical drugs on concentration camp inmates with often deadly outcomes.
Today he supports the work of the authors of this book as a ‘witness of history’.
Jerzy Ulatowski, Auschwitz Prisoner No. 192,823
The pharmaceutical companies BAYER and HOECHST (IG Farben) used thousands of concentration camp inmates as ‘human guinea pigs‘ to test their patented drugs.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
The History of Chemotherapy First Half of 20th Century
Second Half of 20th Century
Multinational Drug Companies
(German IG Farben Cartel)
Chemical warfare with mustard gas during WWI
(Controlled by Rockefeller and Rothschild Investment Groups)
Mustard gas burns
Mustard Gas
After documenting the unethical history of the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’, we also owe our readers a short overview on the history of ‘chemotherapy’ in cancer. During World War I, BAYER produced the first large scale chemical warfare agent, mustard gas. It was also called ‘LOST’ after W. Lommel and W. Steinkopf, the two scientists who developed this deadly chemical substance. On July 12, 1917 the German Army used this new weapon for the first time near the Belgium city of Ypres – with such a deadly effect that mustard gas, to this day, is also named Yperite.
Mustard Gas Derivatives Became the First and Largest Group of Chemotherapy Drugs
After WW II, tens of thousands of BAYER/IG Farben chemical substance patents came under the control of allied investment groups active in the international pharmaceutical business, namely Rockefeller (US) and Rothschild (UK/France). By replacing one sulfur (S) atom of the mustard gas molecule with a nitrogen (N) atom, the first basic structure for ‘cancer chemotherapy’ was created. A myriad of chemical modifications (R) of this ‘N-mustard’ structure – each of them protected by patents – propelled the multi-trillion dollar industry that began to thrive on the cancer epidemic.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
The Chemical/Pharmaceutical Cartel – Expanding Its Global Control
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
From Europe to the World
With so much money to be made from the business with cancer and other diseases it was no surprise that the war criminals from BAYER, BASF, HOECHST and other IG Farben companies were soon released from prison. Obviously, their ‘know how’ and their commitment to ‘profit over life’ were needed for the – now internationalised – pharmaceutical investment business to achieve global control. If we want to understand the global dimension of the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ today, we need to recognise that soon after 1945 the economic masterminds of WWII were reinstated into their previous positions: • Fritz Ter Meer, War criminal, responsible for IG Auschwitz, sentenced in Nuremberg to 7 years imprisonment was released from jail in 1951. In 1956, Ter Meer became Chairman of the BAYER company. • Carl Wurster, Supervisory board member of ‘Degesch’, the IG Farben subsidiary that was thriving under Wurster’s ‘supervision’ from delivering ‘Cyclone B’ to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. In 1952 Wurster became CEO of the BASF company. • Friedrich Jaehne, IG Farben Director, sentenced in Nuremberg as a War Criminal. In 1955, Jaehne became Chairman of the Board of the HOECHST company, today Sanofi. Thus by 1956, the BAYER, BASF and HOECHST companies were directed again by the architects of a dictatorial Nazi/IG Farben world. No surprise, therefore, that in the same year the Cartel launched a new international ‘politburo’ by forming the Brussels-based ‘EU Commission’. Its key architect was Walter Hallstein (see facing page).
Fritz Ter Meer
Carl Wurster
Friedrich Jähne
Member Nazi Party, War Criminal, becomes Chairman of BAYER in 1956.
Member Nazi government, Cyclon B ‘supervisor’, becomes CEO of BASF in 1952.
Member Nazi Party, War Criminal, becomes Chairman of HOECHST in 1955.
The Brussels EU – Politburo of the Chemical/Pharmaceutical Cartel for its 21st Century Global Conquest Walter Hallstein, a Nazi-era professor of international and corporate law was the key architect of the legal and administrative plans for Europe and the world under Nazi/IG Farben control. He was an official member of the German delegation that met in Rome in 1938 to divide Europe between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. After lying to Allied officials about his Nazi past, Hallstein was appointed to the role of architect of the ‘Brussels EU’ and Walter Hallstein became its founding president in 1957. For 10 years, with the help of an administrative body of several thousand bureaucrats, he realised the Nazi/IG Farben plan of a ‘Central Cartel Office’ – the ‘Brussels EU Commission’ – operating beyond any democratic control. One of the key targets of the ‘Brussels EU’ has been to protect the multi-billion dollar drug markets - by outlawing the competition from natural health. www.nazi-roots-of-brussels-eu.org
Today’s international chemical/pharmaceutical Cartel pursues the same global goals of economic and political control as the Nazi/IG Farben coalition – only with other means.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
The Role of Medical Schools
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
For Example: The University of Muenster
For decades after the end of World War II, the entire West German society was penetrated with figureheads dedicated to promoting the interests of the Chemical Cartel – and particularly its pharmaceutical investment ‘business with disease.’ With IG Farben stakeholders again in all key positions, the State of West Germany, founded in 1949, became the first State in modern history conceived, constructed and controlled by chemical/pharmaceutical interests. Protecting the interests of this investment industry became part of the political foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany. Medical schools and universities were also part of this strategy. Take, for example, the Medical School of the University of Muenster. A mere 8 years after 1945, Otmar von Verschuer, the mentor and collaborator of Josef Mengele, was appointed Dean of this Medical School. In 2002, half a century later, the University appointed Heribert Juergens, a pediatric oncologist and protagonist of chemotherapy, as their new Dean. In his capacity as Dean of the Medical School of Muenster University, Juergens tried to stop this breakthrough in the natural control of cancer by filing several lawsuits against it. One of these – now historic – lawsuits filed in 2003 accused us of conducting subversive activities against the State of Germany. The key argument of the Muenster University: Since the pharmaceutical investment business is vital for the German State, any attack on this business represents an attack on the State. In this context, it is noteworthy that a German Appellate Court in 2004 allowed the chemotherapy proponents at the Muenster Medical School to be described as “pharma-puppets”.
O. v. Verschuer Dean of the Muenster Medical School 1953-54
H. Juergens Dean of the Muenster Medical School 2002 - 2006
Obviously, neither Dr. Juergens nor the University of Muenster have anything to do with Nazi ideology. However, by trying to block the medical breakthrough in natural health documented in this book, they serve the same economic interests that were the economic driving force behind WW II.
The main building of the University of Muenster, Germany. Founded in 1780, this university – with a long standing tradition – may now be remembered for its futile efforts to block mankind’s ‘victory over cancer’.
Medical schools and other academic institutions are being targeted by pharmaceutical companies in order to attach credibility to their ‘business with disease’.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
In the Name of Mankind
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
The Decade-Long Battle For the Truth
The lawsuits against our medical breakthrough, brought by this University in an attempt to block the scientific advance, were not the only legal challenges we faced. Over the past decade the pharmaceutical interest groups and lobby organisations filed more than one hundred lawsuits against us. Between the years 2000 and 2005 there were some months when we had to fight ten different legal battles at the same time. This massive attack by the pharmaceutical interests against one research group and against one medical breakthrough is the best indication of the importance of our cancer research findings and of the threat these discoveries pose to the status quo. Never before has a medical advance towards the control of cancer been so heavily fought. Obviously our opponents realise that this is the decisive breakthrough towards a ‘victory over cancer’. The fact that this book is now in your hands is proof that all these legal assaults could not stop the scientific truth. Our decade-long battle for the right of mankind to rid itself from the scourge of cancer inspired many others. Over the past decade, the number of scientific publications reporting health benefits of micronutrients in fighting cancer multiplied and science publishers dedicated entire journals to this new health field. Once again philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was proven right: All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Above: A fraction of the records of the more than one hundred lawsuits brought against this breakthrough in cancer. Right: Dr. Rath leaving the Court House of Hamburg, Germany, after one of the legal battles.
Natural health approaches are now becoming mainstream. Left: 2010 Press Release from the Mayo Clinic about the benefits of Green Tea extract in leukemia patients.
No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
The facts presented in this book and other historic documents exposing the business practices and the unethical past of the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ pose a major threat to this multitrillion dollar investment industry. In particular, we exposed that this investment business was hiding facts of utmost importance, namely that: • They were the driving economic force behind World War I • They were the driving economic force behind World War II • They use the cancer epidemic as a critical tool to expand their global economic power and control. It would be naive to assume that these interest groups will let the dissemination of these facts remain unopposed. Their main strategy of counter attack is – not surprisingly – the discrediting of the ‘messengers’. On the following pages we will present just a few prominent examples of this counter strategy. We decided to address this aspect here in order to allow you to make your own judgment.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Special Interests Use Social Media The counter strategy of the status quo to block this medical breakthrough by discrediting the authors of this book and their research team is not limited to the printed media these interests control. Increasingly, they take advantage of the developing social networks on the Internet. A case in point is Wikipedia. You may have considered Wikipedia as an independent source of information on the internet and may have thought that since everyone is invited to contribute to this site it is a tool of democracy in the information age. Nothing can be further from the truth. Under the cloak of ‘democracy’, ‘free speech’ and ‘open society’, Wikipedia is being used as a vehicle to influence and control public opinion worldwide. One of the ‘founding fathers’ and a prominent financier of the Wikipedia Foundation is George Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management, LLC, one of the world’s leading investors in the oil and drug business. To conceal their interests, the Oil and Drug Cartels use individuals under their control and portray them as ‘founders’ of Wikipedia. Consequently, any information you attempt to publish on Wikipedia that threatens the interests of the oil and drug Cartel is being carefully monitored and swiftly removed by the ‘gatekeepers’ of these special interests within Wikipedia. The targeted topics of these ‘gatekeepers’ are not only science-based natural health but also the benefits of alternative energy. The Wikipedia ‘gatekeepers’ systematically discredit the value of these new independent technologies and openly defame their pioneers.
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
For Example: Wikipedia and Facebook Special Investment Interests
George Soros
D. Rockefeller
Peter Thiel
In its attempt to cement its global control, corporate special interest groups are using social media to distort any information that threatens their global markets. Peter Thiel, the controlling investor behind the ‘social’ network Facebook stands for rather ‘unsocial’ values: “I think healthcare is too important to be a public good, in a sense. So I think that it’s too important to be left to the very incompetent government programs.” Not surprisingly, he is closely associated with D. Rockefeller, the man behind the world’s leading oil and drug investment group.
We encourage you to test it for yourself! Try to write a contribution to Wikipedia about the health benefits of micronutrients, other natural health therapies or about the advantages of renewable energies, try to write about the dangers of chemotherapy for cancer patients and the pollution of our planet by the Oil Cartel. You will see: a ‘magic hand’ will instantly erase your text on Wikipedia.
You can find more information at: www.wiki-rath.org. Wikipedia is not an independent, democratic ‘encyclopedia’ – but an important media tool of the status quo to cement its continued rule behind the veil of a ‘democratic’ online tool.
More information: www.wiki-rath.org
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter IV − Why You May Not Have Heard About This Breakthrough Before
Summary of This Chapter We are aware that the information in this chapter is new to many of our readers – and rather challenging. We therefore consider it helpful to summarise the messages of this chapter that, in our opinion, are particularly important. We would like our readers to understand that: 1. The business model of the largest and most profitable industry on our planet, the pharmaceutical investment business, is profiting from the continuation and expansion of diseases. 2. The goal of this investment business is to control the world markets of chemical/pharmaceutical products – and thereby establish a global monopoly on health care. 3. Towards this goal they have established a historic track record of putting ‘profit over life’, e.g., as the economic driving forces behind World War I and World War II. 4. After the failure of their military attempts at world conquest, these interests today embark on economic and political means to pursue this goal.
“We have to understand that health will not be given to us voluntarily. We have to fight for it!” Dr. Rath
5. The ‘chemotherapy’ business with the cancer epidemic serves this global goal by creating the dependency of entire societies – both economically and psychologically. 6. You need to be particularly critical when accessing public information in the area of natural health and alternative energy, because these are the life lines of the Oil and Drug Cartels and the status quo.
Where Do the Oceanic Shoals Go?
‘Science as Art’ is an idea by August Kowalczyk. ‘Where Do the Oceanic Shoals Go?’ is a microscopic picture of gingival fibroblasts.
The picture was taken at the Dr. Rath Research Institute. Visit the entire art gallery at www.dr-rath-humanities-foundation.org/exhibition/index.html.
What You Can Do To Make the Victory Over Cancer Irreversible – And To Create A Healthier World For You And Your Children
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter V − What You Can Do To Make the Victory Over Cancer Irreversible
Imagine: A World Without Cancer This book has been written for cancer patients, health professionals, political decision makers – and for the general public. Above all, it is written for the young people of the world, who now have the historic opportunity to become the first generation who could live their lives without the fear of cancer. Whether this breathtaking perspective becomes a reality depends on one factor only: Will you stay indifferent or will you help to spread this life-saving information among your friends, colleagues and in your community. We encourage you to read this book not just once, because the information on every page is very compact. In some cases we had to condense several research experiments in one graph or summarise half a century of history on one page. We encourage you to explore the facts of this book, its analysis and its logic. Be critical and also conduct your own research about what you read here. As we discussed in the previous chapter, when browsing the internet you will come across negative information about this research, about the authors of this book, etc. When you read such information, ask yourself who wrote it and who benefits from spreading such deceptive information. The greater the economic privileges the status quo has to defend, the fiercer the attacks on those threatening its privileges. The pharmaceutical investment business has amassed a fortune of tens of trillions (!) of dollars. It is by far the largest economic power in history. So, there is no reason to be surprised at anything you read.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Business With Diseases – Or Nonprofit Health Care
Chapter V − What You Can Do To Make the Victory Over Cancer Irreversible
Our Nonprofit Organisation – A Model For Future Healh Care
For almost two decades, our research organisation has been leading the scientific transformation of medicine driven by patented synthetic and often toxic drugs towards effective, natural and safe health approaches. But we have also taken on a leadership role in the ethical transformation from the ‘Age of the investment business with disease’ towards the ‘Age of effective prevention and eradication of diseases’. This goal to facilitate an ethical transformation of medicine required us to lead by example. Cognizant of this fact, we created an international research organisation that is 100% owned by a nonprofit foundation. As illustrated on the facing page, all profits resulting from research are being reinvested to further natural health research and education. Since no money is being diverted to shareholders or for personal gain in general, our business model is propelling a spiral of continuously better health. Moreover, the definite absence of any private profit motive becomes a guiding principle for the research directions. As opposed to the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ where new drug development is determined by the highest profits, our nonprofit organisation conducts its research according to the biggest health needs of millions of people and society at large. For the status quo this ethical transformation is a particular challenge – for they are unable to follow it without betraying the investment nature of its business.
100% of Profits For More Research And Education
Better Health
Natural Health Solutions
This circle describes not just the model of how our organisation works today. It is also a model for a future health care system that is no longer controlled by special investment interests. In a desperate attempt to delay this inevitable transition of health care, the lobbyists of the status quo use some old deception tactics: Blaming us, the pioneers of progress, of profiteering from the ‘business with disease’. Exposing these obvious tactics helps the people of the world to draw their own conclusions. Just ask the question: ‘Who benefits?’.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Chapter V − What You Can Do To Make the Victory Over Cancer Irreversible
Now We All Have A Choice: Choice
Continued Health
For Patients ‘Cancer’ Diagnosis Equals Death Verdict
Cancer Becomes a Manageable Disease Like Any Other
Death Highly Toxic ‘Chemo’ Drugs Damage Patient’s Body
Patient Is Confronted With Fear of Death
Patient Succumbs to Toxic ‘Chemotherapy’ As the Only Choice
Once you, the reader, have vaccinated yourself against the predictable demagoguery of the status quo described in this book, there is no more holding back from inaugurating the New Age of Modern Health. 60
Use of Effective, Bio-Compatible Natural Health
Justified Hope Through Patient Education
Patient makes Informed Choice of Treatment
First and foremost, this New Age will be characterised by turning cancer from a ‘death verdict’ into a manageable disease. Mankind now has the opportunity to turn Fear into Hope.
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
The Goals of this Book: Demystifying Medicine And Democratising Health On a wider scope, this book is an important contribution towards the urgently needed transition of medicine: 1. The origin of cancer and many other diseases has been kept a mystery until now. The public ‘health illiteracy’ of the nature of cancer and other diseases has been a precondition for the pharmaceutical business with ineffective and dangerous drugs like chemotherapy. Through public education, this book demystifies the nature of cancer and thereby opens up the way for a universally effective biological management of this disease. Obviously, this is just a beginning and our understanding of the nature of many other diseases will follow soon. 2. Until now the delivery of patented medicines has been tightly controlled and a privilege of the prescribing medical profession. Now, many health professionals realise that – they too – have been deceived and their professional ethical principles degraded by investment interests to become a mere ‘sales force‘ for the questionable merchandise of the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’. By providing understandable health one, this book goes one step further. allowing people to take advantage of able health solutions in the form of science-based natural approaches.
care solutions for everyIt democratises health by effective, safe and affordmicronutrients and other
The demystification of today’s medicine and the democratisation of health are preconditions for a modern, prevention-orientated health care worldwide.
Chapter V − What You Can Do To Make the Victory Over Cancer Irreversible
Role of This Book
Pharmaceutical Investment ‘Business With Disease’
STOP Health Illiteracy is a Strategic Precondition for the Continuation of the Multi-billion Dollar Market With Toxic Chemotherapy Drugs
STOP Millions of People Patients and Govern Die from Prevent - ments Pay Billions able Diseases for Dangerous Drugs
STOP Feeding on Fear and Misery of Millions Economic Drainage of Entire Nations
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Liberation of Human Health
Chapter V − What You Can Do To Make the Victory Over Cancer Irreversible
Imagine ...
Mankind has celebrated many steps of progress, the development of the steam engine, electricity, telephones and recently the Internet are just some of them. But there are only two advances in the course of history that literally affect every human life today and the lives of all future generations. The first of these universal advances was the liberation of the human mind. After the invention of the printing press in 16th Century Europe, thousands of books were translated into the spoken languages and became available to millions of ordinary people. Schools sprang up in every village and universities were founded in every country. In short, 16th Century Europe became the cradle of liberation of the human mind. In the following centuries, all areas of society, science, trade, craftsmanship, art, and even political life prospered, replacing a millennium of Dark Ages under autocratic rulers with Modern Times and democracy. The second of these universal advances is the liberation of the human body and human health from centuries of illiteracy and false dependencies. This step still lies ahead of us. With the publication of this book and with its contents becoming widely known, the doors to the global liberation of human health are widely open. The goal of this global liberation is the prevention of today’s most common diseases and ultimately their eradication for all future generations, with the financial resources freed by ending the economically strangulating ‘business with diseases’. Hundreds of trillions of dollars will be freed to address the most urgent needs of mankind including hunger, unemployment and environmental challenges. This is the next great task uniting all of mankind.
16th Century: ‘Liberation of the human mind’ ended the Dark Ages and advanced mankind to Modern Times. By the light of candles in their huts, millions of peasants seized the opportunity to learn to read from printed books.
Imagine ... ... it took James Lind four decades until his discovery was accepted that citrus juice can cure scurvy – ... how many people died during these ‘years of transition’ – ... if you lived at that time, wouldn’t you have helped him? James Lind (1716 - 1794)
... it took Louis Pasteur 25 years until his discovery was accepted that microorganisms are the cause of infectious diseases – ... how many people died during these ‘years of transition’ – Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895)
... if you lived at that time, wouldn’t you have helped him?
Imagine ...
How much the liberation of human health can benefit and advance mankind today, in the 21st Century and beyond!
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Public Education as the Basis of Modern Health Care
Chapter V − What You Can Do To Make the Victory Over Cancer Irreversible
Fighting Health Illiteracy Through World Health Alphabetization
Modern health care will no longer be exclusive, delegated to just a few professional groups – it will be inclusive, integrative and participatory in nature. Not only patients, but the community as a whole – from school children to seniors – will actively participate in providing health education and basic health care in the form of lifestyle consultations and nutritional recommendations. We are confident that the contents of this book will spread quickly among the cancer patient community around the world. We also know that the attacks on this book by pharmaceutical lobbyists in medicine and media will further accelerate the dissemination of this book. But all that is not enough. We have created an opportunity for every reader who wants to actively contribute to finally achieve ‘victory over cancer’ and to change health care towards prevention and eradication of diseases. The World Health Alphabetization is an open access online health education course for everyone. You can log on to www.wha-www.org and: • Study the advances of natural health not only in the area of cancer, but also in cardiovascular diseases and other health problems; • Take a test and acquire a certificate as a ‘Community Health Educator; • With a mouse click you can recommend this free health education course to your friends, colleagues and to anyone you know.
At www.wha-www.org you can learn more about your health and get a free certificate as a ‘Community Health Educator’.
Websites you should also visit: • www.drrathresearch.org – Our Research Institute • www.dr-rath-health-foundation.org – Our Foundation • www.hpcm.org – Contact for interested health professionals • www.profit-over-life.org – History of ‘business with disease’
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
What you can do – if you are ... We have reached the end of this book. Some of our readers may put it aside and allow themselves some time to reflect on its farreaching implications. Other readers may be looking to take immediate action in order to terminate the ‘business with the cancer epidemic’ as quickly as possible. Following are some actions you can take if you are: • A cancer patient: share the information of this book, and your positive health experiences with natural therapies with other cancer patients. • A medical doctor: familiarise yourself with the rapidly growing scientific evidence of natural health approaches in cancer, introduce micronutrients in your medical practice, in particular in your care for cancer patients. • A natural health professional: join national or international professional organisations dedicated to the promotion of science-based natural health, such as Health Professionals for Cellular Medicine. • A health food store owner: recommend this book to your customers, invite health professionals from your community to give lectures in your store about the documented health benefits of natural health.
Chapter V − What You Can Do To Make the Victory Over Cancer Irreversible
Movement of Life The dimension by which the information in this book affects human lives dwarfs many other social movements and causes currently being promoted online and offline in the form of socalled social networks. Considering this dimension – and taking into account the facts outlined in the previous chapter that the status quo is hiding behind social online networks to thwart human progress – there exists an objective need for a global social movement dedicated to the goals presented in this book. These goals are self-evident: protecting our basic right to health, to life, to healthy and unmodified food and other fundamental human health rights. There is no need for us to present in detail how to defend those human rights. You are best to judge what to do in your community and your country. We, the authors of this book, support this ‘Movement of Life’. We consider our role to provide a framework and an online platform to connect the multitude of activities that will start everywhere. Precisely that is the nature of our call for a “Movement of Life” (see chapter ‘Appendix’).
• A teacher: introduce nutritional health information and education in your classes at school, college or other educational institution, organise extracurricular activities to promote preventive and nutritional health in your community. • A political decision maker: Take action now and make sure that every person in your city, district or country learns about the breakthrough in cancer and its dramatic consequences for saving lives and health care costs.
Appendix Important Documentation
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Appendix - Important Documentation
Our thanks go to our entire research team who confirmed this medical breakthrough with ingenuity and perseverance. First and foremost we owe our appreciation to Dr. Waheed Roomi, the head of our cancer research department who conducted and supervised these important experiments for more than a decade. We also thank Dr. Shrirang Netke, Dr. Vadim Ivanov, Dr. Raxit Jariwalla, Nusrath Roomi and Tatiana Kalinovsky for promoting this breakthrough research.
Particular thanks go to the thousands of members of our international Health Alliance who have supported our research for more than a decade. Without you this breakthrough would not have been possible.
Our thanks go to Lisa Smith for assistance in the layout of this book as well as Cathy Flowers and John Journey for reading corrections.
We thank our families for their support and patience. We also thank Andy and Jamie Kerr for an inspirational environment when we wrote this book. Finally, our thanks go to all those who have remained an invaluable source of motivation to us through their skepticism and opposition.
We are grateful to Betsy Long, Earle Hall, Christian Kammler and Thomas Wenn, and Paul Anthony Taylor for organisational support. We also wish to express our gratitude to all members of our international legal team that have worked for more than a decade to protect this breakthrough against the legal attacks of the status quo lobby. We thank Werner Pilniok, Baerbel Saliger and all other patients who had the courage to publicly tell their life story. We pay special reverence to those patients, young and old, who failed in their efforts to fight the disease, and who may have had a chance had they not lost so much time in the deadlocks of conventional medicine. We are especially grateful to August Kowalczyk, Jerzy Ulatowski and other survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp. They remain a lasting inspiration to us and our work. We are united with them in the commitment: ‘Never again!’
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Appendix - Important Documentation
Important Websites In the course of this book you may have come across some topics on which you would like to learn more. Here is a selection of websites which we helped to create. We can assure you about the independence of their contents: •
www.dr-rath-health-foundation.org Overview of the work of our Foundation
www.relay-of-life.org Receiving the ‘highest honour of our time’
www.profit-over-life.org History of the ‘business with disease’
www.nazi-roots-of-brussels-eu.org History of the new ‘government of Europe’
www.wiki-rath.org Exposing the undemocratic nature of an allegedly ‘democratic encyclopedia’
www.chemo-facts.com Facts about the chemotherapy business with the cancer epidemic
www.pharma-fact.org Facts about the pharmceutical investment ‘business with disease’
www.movement-of-life.org A Call for Change!
Victory Over Cancer
Part Two: Understanding History Building the Future
Appendix - Important Documentation
The most fundamental human rights are the rights to health and life. These rights are threatened by global corporate interests that consider the human body as their marketplace and source of unlimited profits. Today, at the beginning of the 21st Century, the people of the world must unite to protect inalienable human rights.
Likewise, the genetic information of all plants, and the food that has been growing in our fields and gardens for millennia belongs to all mankind. Manipulation and alteration of the genetic code of plants, with the goal of patenting them and creating global market monopolies of human nutrition, bears the danger that our food supplies are abused to benefit corporate interests. The monopolisation of our food enables corporate control over the fate of entire societies. This undermines the fundamentals of democracy and violates human rights. Access to healthy, unaltered food is a precondition for a healthy society.
THE RIGHT TO HEALTH The protection of our health is the most important human right. Over the past century, our health has come under the increasing influence of an investment industry that thrives from the continuation and expansion of diseases as markets for patented drugs. The efforts by pharmaceutical corporations to monopolise human health on a global level have become the greatest obstacle to the prevention, and ultimately the eradication, of today’s most common diseases. Any business model that is based on the deliberate expansion of diseases violates the fundamental human right to health and must be prohibited worldwide. This will pave the way for mankind to largely eliminate heart disease, cancer and many other diseases within this century.
A BREATHTAKING PERSPECTIVE As a consequence, the giant economic and human resources that will be freed following the liberation of human health can be used to fight the most burning global problems of our time, including; hunger, malnutrition, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and environmental threats.
SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT OF LIFE These basic rights will not be given voluntarily to you by the status quo. We, the people of the world, need to defend our fundamental human rights, now. This is the goal of the ‘Movement of Life’!
In a similar way, the right to the biological foundation of life is threatened by these very same corporate interests. The human genome – the blueprint of life and the biological basis of our existence – has become the target of large-scale commercial exploitation through the patenting of genes. The genetic code is the inalienable property of all mankind. All efforts to commercialise this genetic code, with the goal to rebuild, sell and manipulate the human body or parts of it for corporate gain, must be prohibited worldwide. The knowledge of our blueprint of life should be exclusively used to benefit all mankind.
To learn more about the ‘Movement of Life’ and to support this call visit our website at:
Knowledge: the way to one’s own health
The Proof
Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings Dr. Rath Health Foundation
Knowledge: the way to one’s own health
The Proof – Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings 1st edition © 2012 Dr. Matthias Rath
Distribution: Dr. Rath Education Services B.V. Postbus 656 NL-6400 AR Heerlen Tel.: Fax:
0031-457-111 222 0031-457-111 229
[email protected] [email protected] website: www.rath-eduserv.com
All rights reserved. Published by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation. Single pages of this book can be copied for private and non-commercial purposes. Any direct or indirect commercial use of this book or parts thereof in any form is strictly prohibited without written permission from the authors.
For legal reasons we are obliged to issue the following statement: This book does not aim to replace medical consultation with a doctor. In relation to health concerns the reader should consult a doctor or therapist, especially where symptoms of illness require medical diagnosis or treatment. The authors, the publisher and the publishing company cannot accept liability should side effects arise in direct or indirect consequence of the recommendations in this book.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
CONTENT 10 What is cancer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Common types of cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Foreword by Dr. Rath
Breast cancer Ovarian cancer Uterine cancer Testicular cancer Prostate cancer Leukaemia
Other types of cancer
Cancer of the appendix Colon cancer Bladder cancer Sinus cancer Thyroid cancer Kidney cancer Lung cancer Cancer of the parotid gland Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Foreword sure put on them by doctors to subject themselves at all costs to chemo- and radiotherapy, then their battles with themselves about the right course of action through to finding the courage to say “No” to systematic poisoning of their body – and finally the realisation that they had made the right choice!
Cancer is no longer a death sentence! The scientific foundations for ending the cancer epidemic have been described in detail in the book “Victory over Cancer”, which has already been translated into numerous languages.
Dr. Matthias Rath
The present book, “The Proof”, now documents accounts by patients who have put their faith in these scientifically founded natural medical approaches. Most of these patients have been living a normal life for many years now – without suffering the agonies of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other desperate measures used in orthodox cancer treatment. The reports by cancer patients which we have compiled here document better than any clinical study the historic breakthrough that we are currently witnessing in this field of medicine – the transformation that is creating a world without fear of the “cancer” diagnosis. The letters published here are representative of many hundreds of others received from cancer patients who wish to pass on to others – to you - their experiences with this disease. The patients describe their “journey”, from the terror of the first moment when they receive the cancer diagnosis, followed by pres-
Naturally this book does not hold out the promise to readers that micronutrients – or cellular nutrients as we call them – can heal all types of cancer. In particular this will not be possible if the cancer is already far advanced or if numerous cycles of chemotherapy have severely damaged or even destroyed a patient’s own immune system. I know of no other research institute in recent years that has published more scientific studies on breakthroughs in natural cancer treatment than our research institute in California. These studies have been published online and are freely available at www.cancerfree-world.org/scientific_facts/index.php . The momentum built up by the intensity of this fundamental scientific research has ensured that a large number of major clinical studies on cellular nutrients in relation to cancer are now being carried out at leading research centres and university clinics. As you read this book, over a hundred such clinical studies are underway in the USA alone. It is foreseeable that within a few years cancer will change from being a “death sentence” to a treatable – and above all avoidable – disease.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
The only interest group that still opposes the breathtaking prospect of a “world without cancer” is the pharma lobby with its billiondollar investment in the “chemo” business. We must therefore recognise that the right to live in a world free of cancer is not going to be handed to us on a plate. We are going to have to work hard to achieve it. If you wish to play a part in this great task, you will need to get all the information you can. If you do not already know it, you should read the book, “Victory over Cancer”. Part 1 of this book sets out the basic scientific information in an accessible way, and part 2 explains why you have not yet heard about this breakthrough. It is self-evident that we cannot achieve this important goal of a “world without cancer” as isolated individuals. This is why we have launched an initiative in which all who wish to achieve this goal with us can work together. You will find further information on this at the websites listed below. If you can see your way to doing this, you could found an initiative in your locality, to make your town or city a “cancer-free” zone. I invite you to join us in this common endeavour. We should do this for ourselves, our children, and for all future generations. The time to act is now! Cordially yours Dr. Matthias Rath
Important notes Some of the letters published here, from patients to Dr. Rath, were abbreviated for reasons of space. Every single letter, in the form published here, received its author’s renewed confirmation and approval in the form of a signature. Each patient also signed a declaration of agreement to publish. As the publishers of this book we guarantee the authenticity of all reports and letters reprinted here, specifically also in cases where – to protect privacy – we were asked to remove the patient’s full name. Many users of cellular nutrients also submitted their full medical records to us. We have printed copies here of some of these medical reports and x-rays in order to ensure that readers can understand this important documentation without medical knowledge. If these reports give you pause for thought, and if you think that they might help people in your family circle, or your friends and acquaintances, or also your neighbours and people in your local community or area, then do pass this documentation on. By doing so you will be helping others, and possibly even saving lives!
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
What is cancer? All cells, even healthy ones, that wish to migrate through the body, have to first dissolve the surrounding connective tissue consisting of a dense network of collagen fibres (connective tissue matrix). For this purpose cells can secrete special enzymes capable of digesting this collagen matrix. Under normal conditions, certain cells already use the same mechanism – the ovum, for instance, at ovulation, or the white blood corpuscles when ‘migrating’ to the site of an infection. When whole organs, too, are reconfiCancer cells produce unlimited gured - for example the amounts of enzymes that enable womb during pregnancy them to spread and migrate. or the female breast Further information on this can while breast-feeding – be found in the book, “Victory this occurs through conover Cancer”. trolled tissue breakdown and subsequent resynthesis. Under normal (physiological) conditions, the production and activity of these enzymes is carefully controlled so that they are only active for a short period, thus preventing continuous breakdown of collagen and permanent damage to tissue.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Unlike these normal, physiological processes, the control function is lost in the case of cancer cells. Not only do they multiply without hindrance but they also continually produce these enzymes that attack and destroy surrounding connective tissue. The degree of aggression of a malignant tumour is dependant primarily on the quantity of collagendigesting enzymes produced. All cancer cells – irrespective of their origin – produce large quantities of these enzymes, leading to destruction of surrounding connective tissue. With the aid of these “cutting tools”, the cancer cells release themselves from the tumour and migrate into other organs via the blood or lymph systems – a process known as metastasis.
Was ist Krebs?
Orthodox cancer treatment and its side effects Cancer has been treated for decades by standard methods such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The most commonly used forms of treatment – chemotherapy and radiotherapy – indiscriminately attack not only cancer cells but also healthy cells, which is why they are associated with severe side effects. The most common side effect is the growth of new cancer, since both chemo- and radiotherapy cause damage to genetic material (DNA).
Cellular nutrients can control decisive stages of cancer cell migration Cellular nutrients can help inhibit the spread of cancer cells in four major ways: 1. They can inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells. 2. They can inhibit the spread of cancer cells, a precondition of metastasis.
Two important dietary supplements are vitamin C and lysine, neither of which can be produced by the body itself. Lysine (green wedges) blocks the collagen-digesting enzymes, thus hindering decomposition. Vitamin C, by contrast, promotes the development of connective tissue. 16
3. They can inhibit the formation of tumour blood vessels by means of which the growing tumour is nourished 4. They can kill cancer cells.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Important cellular nutrients for combating cancer
Important substances and their functions:
Vitamin C is needed for forming collagen and thus for connective tissue stability. Trials at the US National Institute of Health (NIH) have shown that vitamin C at high concentrations can kill cancer cells without impairing healthy cells. Lysine and Proline are natural amino acids which primarily serve as constituents of collagen molecules and thus support tissue stability. They are also capable of at least partially inhibiting the collagen-digesting enzymes and thus counteracting the unhindered spread of cancer cells. Polyphenols are likewise capable of inhibiting the activity of collagen-digesting enzymes, and thus combat the spread of cancer cells. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a strong anti-oxidant and important for the synthesis of glutathione, another effective anti-oxidant. Arginine improves the action of the immune system and inhibits the reproduction of cancer cells. Selenium is an important component of the anti-oxidative defence system and protects cells against toxins. It can also inhibit the growth of tumour cells. Specific plant extracts have important protective functions for the human body, especially as a natural means to counteract cell mutation and cancer, due to their strong anti-oxidative properties and their ability to combat bacteria, viruses and other harmful agents.
Common types of cancer In their book, “Victory over Cancer”, Dr. Matthias Rath and Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki explain why cancer is especially common in organs in which breakdown of connective tissue already occurs under normal physiological conditions. The reproductive organs are the first such organ group, susceptible to cancer types that include breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, testicular cancer and prostate cancer.
Breast cancer Ovarian cancer Uterine cancer Cervical cancer Testicular cancer Prostate cancer
Leukaemia Below you will first find a few examples of people affected by these types of cancer, who report here on their experiences with cellular nutrients.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Breast cancer
Dear Dr. Rath I thank my lucky stars every day that I found out about Cellular Medicine. In 2002, at the age of 60, I stopped working due to heart arrhythmia and high blood pressure. These complaints arose from long periods of stress. For two long years I took pharma pills but my condition did not improve. By now my pulse rate had fallen to 35 bpm, and 49 after exertion. Then I remembered the lecture of yours I had attended years before in Hamburg, and I started to take cellular nutrients. After a week I already felt a slight improvement in the heart arrhythmia. After a month it had almost disappeared. Then I went to my GP and she found that my blood pressure and pulse rate had also improved. She was astonished and said, “This has nothing to do with the pills you’re taking.”
At this I told her about Cellular Medicine and she was pleasantly surprised. In 2008, during a routine mammogram, a small cancerous tumour was found. My family urged me to have an operation: a small piece was removed from my breast and a few lymph nodes in my armpit. Following this I was meant to take pharma pills for five years to prevent a recurrence of cancer, and also to receive precautionary radiotherapy – but I categorically refused. I am very pleased that I did so, for today I am in the best of health. No cancer ever recurred, for I kept using cellular nutrients throughout. I have absolute confidence in cellular nutrients, and my health could not be better! Warm and healthy greetings Ilse Goersch
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Breast cancer Dear Dr. Rath My name is Bozena Herzner. During an examination on 28.3.2005, a mammary carcinoma was found in my breast, and this was confirmed in mammograms and blood tests on 6.4.2005 and 12.4.2005. No metastases were found. After diagnosis I underwent breast-conserving surgery. According to my medical records, on removal the carcinoma was found to be deeply embedded within healthy tissue. I dispensed with all chemo- and radiotherapy, and also with hormone-inhibiting medicines. Directly after surgery I took cellular nutrients and am still taking them to this day.
My follow-up care chart from 2005 to 2011 shows that no subsequent deterioration occurred in my state of health. I am glad that I pursued my own path, and I’d like to encourage others to do the same! Yours sincerely Bozena Herzner
Further mammograms on 23.3.2006 and 15.11.2006 showed that no secondary carcinoma developed, nor did any relapse occur. Besides using cellular nutrients I also changed my diet. I started with food combining and I eat only organic food. I attribute my health to all these measures.
Medical reports for Mrs Herzner are documented on the following pages.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Medical report for Bozena Herzner dated 6.4.2005, confirming that she had breast cancer.
Common types of cancer
Medical report for Bozena Herzner, dated 6.4.2005 and lab report dated 20.4.2005. Diagnosis: Breast cancer.
CEA and CA are so-called “tumour markers” measured in the blood.
Assessment: Mammary screening of right side showed invasive ductal mammary carcinoma (G2, score 6).
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Medical report for Bozena Herzner, dated 15.3.2006, confirming that no breast cancer can be detected.
Assessment: Following mammary carcinoma on right side and surgery, no further indication of secondary carcinoma or relapse.
Common types of cancer
Medical report for Bozena Herzner, dated 14.11.2006, likewise confirming that no breast cancer can be detected.
No suspected malignant tumour.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Breast cancer
Common types of cancer
Medical report for Helga-Maria Leipnitz, dated 10.8.2011, confirming the absence of any breast cancer.
Dear Dr. Rath I am very pleased to write to you to report on my experiences with cellular nutrients. I heard about Cellular Medicine by chance in 2004. Since I felt very weakened by breast surgery, and chemo- and radiotherapy in 2000, as well as by a borreliosis infection in 2003, which may not have been properly treated, I saw Cellular Medicine as an opportunity to improve my health by natural means. In February 2004 I attended an information event on Cellular Medicine in Leipzig, and learned many interesting things about this approach. I was struck by the clear presentations and accessible information material, with reports from grateful patients who had regained their health, and so I immediately started taking cellular nutrients. Complemented by regular saunas, swimming, Nordic walking and fitness training, my current good state of health remains stable. Despite my 77 years I am now very happy, and pleased at the success achieved by the Health Alliance. I very much hope you will gain greater publicity, and an ultimate victory over the rigid, conventional pharmaceutical industry. I feel renewed gratitude every day that I heard about your work. Yours sincerely Helga-Maria Leipnitz
Assessment: Currently no reason to suspect malignancy.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Breast cancer Dear Dr. Rath
Dear Dr. Rath
I fell ill with breast cancer in May 2007: the tumour was already 1.8 centimetres in size. Fortunately I knew someone who had herself had breast cancer, and had found cellular nutrients to be an excellent remedy. From her I obtained information material including a DVD with your series of lectures from 2007. The understandable, logical explanations helped me decide to undergo surgery to remove the tumour and then start immediately with a course of cellular nutrient treatment.
Ten years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer that had also gone into the lymph nodes. Not for a moment did I contemplate amputation of the breast or chemotherapy.
The tumour was removed at Berlin’s Charité Hospital. Naturally I was advised to have radio- and chemotherapy. I refused both and instead turned to cellular nutrients. None of the doctors agreed with this plan, of course, but they accepted my decision.
I decided instead to take natural cellular nutrients, which I have been using successfully to this day. I also received mistletoe injections and took anti-oestrogens for three years, and homeopathic remedies. So far there has been no recurrence of cancer.
Four years later, on 31 May 2011, I went for a check-up. My doctor said that he could find ‘nothing of concern’. My good state of health, due to cellular nutrients, left me optimistic throughout that I had made the right decision. And confirmation of this by the medical examination made this day the happiest of my life.
I feel well – except for the fact that I was given a new knee in May 2011, and had to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines for five weeks. I believe that cellular nutrients helped me recover from the knee operation and get fit again quickly.
It is high time that I thanked you and your whole team, Dr. Rath, for your great endeavours and for the incalculable value of insights that have saved me much suffering and literally saved my life.
Yours sincerely Erika Raetzer
A few days after the operation I received the diagnosis that the tumour was a so-called inflammatory carcinoma – an inflammatory form of cancer with a very poor prognosis due to its metastasising mechanism. However, I kept to my decision. My gynaecologist was opposed to this.
Yours sincerely G.M.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Breast cancer My name is Bärbel Saliger. Twelve years ago, in January, I thought my life was at an end. The diagnosis of breast cancer pulled the rug out from under my feet. Heavy chemotherapy sessions made me a wheelchair invalid. Then there were financial problems as well, and I was battling alone since the husband who had sworn to love me could no longer cope with me in the low state chemotherapy left me in. With just one breast he no longer considered me a woman. I could have had breast reconstruction, but I always say: If someone loves me, they will accept me as I am. Now someone may ask: heavy chemo, wheelchair – how come she’s thriving now and looks so well? Since 2001 I have been taking cellular nutrients. After only three weeks, the pains in my legs faded. After a month I said: “Cheerio wheelchair!”
For my 60th birthday we will both open the dance. And there will be another special reason for celebration: in February my daughter gave me the gift of my first grandchild. I can only say, to anyone who is still doubtful about Dr. Rath and his team, that chemical concoctions are only good for those who make money from them. I thank you, Dr. Rath and your team. I also want to thank Werner Pilniok and his wife who encouraged me to take the right course of action at the time, and who remain my very good friends. With warmest regards, your Bärbel Saliger
In March 2002 I celebrated my birthday with my whole family. After agonising months, my father gave me his hand for the first dance. He was 83 on 30 October, and on 29 September heard that he had cancer. His doctor told him he would be having chemo or radiotherapy after surgery. My father immediately refused this, relating the bad experiences I had gone through with these forms of treatment. He had watched me suffering. He decided to take cellular nutrients, for he too had repeatedly been astonished at the way I was getting my life back after such difficult times.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Breast cancer Dear ladies and gentlemen In May 2007 I received the greatest shock of my 66 years. I had felt a lump in my breast for a while. My naturopath sent me to the gynaecologist, who in turn sent me to the hospital. All the preliminary tests, and a biopsy, showed that the lump in my right breast was a cancerous tumour, measuring around 3 centimetres – it was slow-growing and not aggressive. The subsequent breast-conserving operation with removal of the tumour and surrounding tissue went well, without complications. Before surgery, and after it too, my general state of health was very good. All tests and my bloodcount were in order. After my 8-day stay in the hospital, I was told that follow-up care would include three cycles of chemotherapy and 28 radiotherapy sessions. As soon as I knew that I had breast cancer I was absolutely clear that I would not submit to chemotherapy or radiation treatment. My decision met with fierce opposition from the doctors at the hospital. My husband was present at all consultations and supported my decision. When we asked about other forms of follow-up care, the doctors were unable to offer anything else! I was therefore discharged from hospital and was initially happy and relieved that I had got rid of the tumour. I was clear that my ‘follow-up care’ would be based on Cellular Medicine; and I have been taking cellular nutrients regularly ever since.
To sum up: All regular check-ups since then have shown positive results, with no sign of cancer. Even a major follow-up examination in the hospital in February 2011, including ultrasound and a rigorous blood test, was absolutely fine – to the doctors’ astonishment – with no pathological findings. The doctors were so surprised that they had the tests repeated twice by various different specialists in the breast cancer department. I have frequently passed onto others my experiences with Cellular Medicine. These patients too reported back to me on their outstanding success and confirmed their recovery. Since I and my family are thriving on our daily intake of cellular nutrients, and feel well, we can recommend this mode of precautionary healthcare with a very good conscience. In the hope that we will continue to maintain our good health for many years to come, I remain yours, with best regards Rita Strauch
Frau Strauch’s medical report is documented on the following page
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Medical reported for Rita Strauch, dated 30.5.2007, confirming breast cancer diagnosis.
Diagnosis: Right-side mammary carcinoma
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Frau Strauch also kindly sent her “patient information sheet” – a document that has to be signed by every patient before radiotherapy can be carried out. The side effects listed in it, including the development of further cancer (which it describes as “secondary growth” to make it seem less important), give a striking sense of the current impasse in which modern cancer treatment finds itself. (The full sheet is available).
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Breast cancer Dear Dr. Rath The continual good health I have enjoyed in recent years has led me to update an earlier letter I sent you about my experiences, and send it to you once again. I am now 64, and almost twelve years have passed since the “breast cancer” diagnosis, followed by surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy. I am still well – though that hardly does justice to it. In fact I am even better than I was nine, ten and more years ago! When I received the “breast cancer” diagnosis in 1999 I felt despair, and my consultants’ efforts to reassure me were of little help. Barely two years before this I had come through a complex gastric operation. Were things about to get even worse? Fortunately all took a turn for the better – two books by you, Dr. Rath, made it easy for me to decide to start taking cellular nutrients alongside clinical treatment. I was able to avoid all the feared side effects of chemo- and radiotherapy by using cellular nutrients. My hair didn’t fall out but actually grew thicker – a fact that astonished my hairdresser.
In a few weeks’ time it will be 2012. All medical examinations tumour marker and blood tests in November 2011 – have been very satisfactory. Little aches and pains are fully under control, and I combat them by natural methods. My husband and I have both long since recognised that there are natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs and conventional therapies. It really is high time that other people realised this, and took the opportunity to improve their lives. What I keep saying to people is this: Health isn’t the be-all and end-all, but without it all’s at an end! And precisely for this reason we are going to keep working for a new, better health system, for the Health Alliance, and above all for you Dr. Rath! Once again, Dr. Rath, we offer you our appreciation and thanks for your exemplary commitment and your battle to create a healthy world. As ever, we wish you and your research team continuing success with your socially responsible research work. Warm greetings Your Anna-Luise Korkowsky
This was in March 2000. In the years following my last chemotherapy treatment I stopped taking any pharmaceutical drugs, having decided I would rather be naturally well than pharma-sick!
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Breast cancer My name is Hannelore Wagner. On 28 June 2007, as required by my health insurer, I went for a screening test (mammogram). Around 14 days later a radiologist sent me a message asking me to contact her.
A few days later, after the second operation, I was discharged with notification that I would receive chemotherapy in the near future, and subsequently also radiotherapy. My gynaecologist explained what would happen. She said I would have to have five months of aggressive chemotherapy and then one month of radiotherapy.
At this second consultation the radiologist did an ultrasound scan and took a punch-biopsy tissue sample. She told me this would be examined by a pathologist and that I would receive the result in a few days. However, she said she already knew the lump was malignant.
However, I first wanted to try something else, since I had seen the effects of chemotherapy on my, sadly, late husband.
This diagnosis was like a blow to the head. I just kept thinking: “I have cancer.” The tears were streaming down my face as I drove home.
I had heard about cellular nutrients from my sister-in-law in 2003, and now immediately started to take them. From the first day onwards I have been feeling fine. That was four years ago, and I never regretted for a moment deciding against chemo- and radiotherapy.
The following Tuesday I knew for certain: the lump in my breast was 7 millimetres in size. My gynaecologist advised me to have surgery as soon as possible. After thinking hard about it, I applied to a gynaecological clinic in Munich and underwent surgery there on 26 September 2007.
I am proud and happy that instead I decided to take cellular nutrients, and would like to encourage everyone to do the same if they are diagnosed with cancer. Medical reports and x-rays are attached.
After a few days the doctor came to my bed and told me the pathologist had found no signs of cancer. She was unable to explain it. Once again I had to have a mammogram and magnetic resonance imaging. It turned out that the wrong lump had been removed! On the initial mammogram images there were two discernible lumps, and the malignant one was still there!
The medical report and x-rays follow below.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Medical report for Hannelore Wagner, dated 20.6.2007, confirming breast cancer.
Common types of cancer
X-ray for Hannelore Wagner, dated 28.6.2007, confirming breast cancer.
4 years later: X-ray for Hannelore Wagner, dated 24. 1. 2011, confirming that no breast cancer can be detected.
Assessment: Invasive ductal mammary carcinoma
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Breast cancer
Ovarian cancer
Dear Dr. Rath
Dear ladies and gentlemen
I am 64. In 2000 I felt a lump in my right breast, and breast cancer was subsequently diagnosed. In July 2000 the right breast was therefore removed completely, and chemotherapy began about two months later – a hellish experience, during which I felt I was wasting away.
In 2004, while searching on the internet, we became aware of Dr. Rath’s findings in relation to various cellular nutrient compounds. My mother had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2003. The specific diagnosis was: Fallopian tube cancer right side FIGO III c, ED 11/03.
Up to December 2000 I submitted to four cycles of chemotherapy and, in the following months, a total of 25 radiotherapy sessions. My immune system was radically weakened, and for a few days I could neither eat nor drink, so that by the end of February I needed to recover at a health spa. Good friends then told me about cellular nutrients, and I started carefully studying books and brochures about it. All I read struck me as incredible – that entirely natural medical help was indeed available. Since March 2001 I have been taking cellular nutrients every day. After just four weeks I found that I was recovering quickly from chemotherapy, and my immune system has stabilised, For me it was like a miracle to take something, at last, that was effective but had NO SIDE EFFECTS. It is not just that I am feeling very well, but the lab findings also give me a clean bill of health. I have conquered the cancer – and eleven years after the devastating diagnosis there are no longer any signs of it. Since I started taking cellular nutrients, I have no longer caught flu or similar illnesses either, and still feel well. What more can one ask?
After surgery at the end of 2003, my mother was to undergo chemotherapy in the context of a research study. Because of her poor health after the operation, and leg paralysis, we refused chemo treatment. In the view of the doctors, without necessary chemotherapy my mother would have no more than 18 months to live. My mother is now 82, and no further cancer was found at the sixmonthly examinations. The last examination was on 5.7.2006, and after that we dispensed with further check-ups. Today we are very pleased that we took the right decision (which was very difficult to make at the time). Nowadays our whole family takes cellular nutrients as precaution. Yours sincerely B.B.
I also changed my diet and play sport regularly. It is simply astonishing what a tough fight you have on your hands, Dr. Rath. I admire you and am very grateful. With the very best wishes and regards Your Marlies Schwietzer
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Uterine cancer Dear Dr. Rath In April 2000 I was diagnosed with uterine carcinoma, which the doctors said was aggressive. Luckily, no lymph nodes had as yet been affected. My womb and ovaries were removed. I was devastated. During this time a friend told me about Cellular Medicine. I immediately got someone to bring me cellular nutrients at the clinic, and started to take them. The doctors advised me to have several radiotherapy sessions after the operation, but I refused. I was worried that my bowel or bladder might be harmed. I went back to work just twelve days after the operation – I felt well. Subsequently, I felt increasingly that cellular nutrients did me a lot of good. I have now been taking them regularly for ten years. All medical tests are clear, and my GP and gynaecologist are very pleased. Although I am now 71, I am still very lively, youthful and energetic. I am so grateful that you are there! With many warm greetings Your Hildegard Mayer
A world without cancer is at hand! 49
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Prostate cancer Walter Büttner is a good example of someone who consistently takes responsibility for his own health. His motto is: Take destiny in your own hands instead of following blindly what others tell you; and this has stood him in good stead through the most difficult periods of his life.
Common types of cancer
Finding his own way to health Resignation and despair don’t suit him. Herr Büttner is someone who faces up to critical and difficult situations, and takes his own destiny in hand. His professional career as a pilot has reinforced his willingness to act decisively and responsibly. Still today – as “unretired pensioner” – his special qualifications as expert on electrohydraulics and aircraft are called upon in the development of ultra-modern simulation technology, both in Germany and abroad. His professional work always required a high degree of responsibility and critical judgement, and naturally this stood him in good stead in relation to his own health.
How it all began How would most of us react if a doctor, in a distanced, professional tone of voice, gave us the shocking diagnosis that we had advanced cancer? Such a statement usually triggers despair in patients, and makes them subject themelves, in blind obedience, to conventional, pharma-oriented medicine. No doubt this was what Walter Büttner’s consultant expected when he gave him this diagnosis in 2001. Walter Büttner did not conform to type, however, but replied in his usual calm manner: “So?” Visibly irritated, the doctor referred to the urgency of having surgery within the next few days. Bladder, parts of the small intestine and the prostate were affected, making it essential to remove these organs. Walter Büttner refused, despite the doctor urging this and suggesting that he would otherwise only have three months to live. Unimpressed by this threat, Walter Büttner pursued his own path, repeatedly refused surgery, and today – six years later – feels, in his own words, “healthy and fit as a fiddle”.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
“It was clear to me that the envisaged orthodox procedures – surgery and chemotherapy – were not for me. I was and still am convinced that chemotherapy using substances originally developed as poison gas and combat weapons would harm rather than help me. By lucky chance, I found out about Cellular Medicine.” In fact, this chance had a name, and was the neighbour of one of Walter Büttner’s colleagues: Horst Ramershoven, a member of the Health Alliance for many years, met Herrr Büttner shortly after his cancer diagnosis, and had a long talk with him, during which he explained the scientific foundations of Cellular Medicine. Walter Büttner was convinced by the clarity and logic of Dr. Rath’s scientific outlook: “From the outset, Cellular Medicine was a key aspect of my ‘self-therapy’. This also included intense scrutiny of myself and my circumstances at the time. Focussing on and resolving professional tensions and conflicts was likewise an important step in healing myself by my own powers.” Appeal to his fellow men Today, Walter Büttner is a happy and active person, and continues to use cellular nutrients. He is proud and happy that he found the strength to pursue his own path of treatment, and feels the importance of sharing these experiences with others, and encouraging other patients.
Common types of cancer
APPEAL BY WALTER BÜTTNER TO HIS FELLOW MEN “I would be very pleased if my own path could act as an example to others. It is so important to recognise that we are responsible for our own health, and to take this responsibility seriously. Patients should never just blindly obey – however authoritative the person commanding. Whichever course of action one ultimately decides to pursue, this will at least be the outcome of critical examination, and should also include questioning of the supposed unassailable truths of conventional medicine.
We document his appeal on the opposite page.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Dear Dr. Rath team
Dear Dr. Rath
My husband, born 1930 and I, born 1938, are well. Thanks for being there!
In March 2003, during a routine check-up, my doctor found my PSA levels were much increased. After this a biopsy was taken, and I was diagnosed with “medium-aggressive cancer”.
At the proud age of 81 and 73 we do not need any pharmaceutical drugs, thanks to cellular nutrients.
Around the same time I heard of the positive effects of cellular nutrients on cancer. My urologist recommended radiotherapy, but I decisively rejected this idea.
I had stomach cancer and was operated on in 2004. Thank goodness I did not receive any chemotherapy but “only” radiotherapy. Since then I have used cellular nutrients, quickly regaining my strength. So far I am very well, and the cancer has not returned. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006. He did not accept surgery and also refused the chemotherapy offered to him. His doctors were very annoyed.
I used cellular nutrient therapy, which brought the hoped-for outcome. To begin with I included apricot kernels in this regimen. In March 2004, I had my PSA levels measured for the last time, and they stood at 36. Since then I have had no more such tests. Over eight years have now passed since the cancer was discovered, and I have absolutely no further complaints. In the past I also used to suffer from tonsil and gum inflammations. Both these conditions have disappeared too. I don’t even get flu any more. With warm thanks to you and the research team, and many greetings Your Werner K., Münchenstein
He also recovered well thanks to vitamin therapy, and so far has had no further complaints. We, Family E. Geissler, would like to thank you, and wish the whole team, and Dr. Rath, much continuing success and the best of health. Thank you! Your family E + E Geissler
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Prostate cancer Dear Dr. Rath! At the end of 2008 I had breathing problems and anxiety attacks. The doctor diagnosed cardiac insufficiency (heart weakness) and I was given medication. This went some way to resolving the problems. I returned to work and went to the gym regularly. But during a balancing exercise I fell and broke my fourth cervical vertebra. Surgery had to be postponed due to the medication I was on. While waiting, I got a severe infection in the hospital, and the operation had to be postponed until the infection had subsided and my blood levels were OK again. Questions kept surfacing and I was very doubtful whether everything was really in order. I was working, working out, and taking my medication; and I went on holiday. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, I had terrible back pains. Still in Ticino, I went to the emergency department at Locarno Hospital, and was given painkillers, and advised to get an examination on my return home to find out the cause of the pain. At the hospital and at my GP’s surgery I was told it could be due to soft tissue rheumatism. I was again given painkillers – but they didn’t really help. Over time I found that passing water was also becoming painful. I was feeling worse and worse: continually plagued by pain and losing weight. However, I hoped that each examination I attended would bring a solution. I decided to go to my GP, who knew my whole case history. He did a blood test and then referred me to a urologist. The urologist did an ultrasound test and took blood for further tests. He found problems in the prostate area. I was also referred to Zurich University Hospital for a bone radio-imaging test.
The tests showed worrying findings: prostate carcinoma and widespread metastasis throughout the bones of the trunk. My subsequent discussion with the urologist did not come up with a satisfactory solution. However, a colleague at work told me about the possibility of natural therapy, and obtained extensive advice for me. I also received information about cellular nutrients. After long discussions with my partner, I decided to pursue the path of Cellular Medicine. Today I can truly say that I am pain-free: I no longer need painkillers and feel generally lively and well. The check-ups are no longer worrying, and I enjoy my life as a pensioner. PSA levels are measured every six months, and they have fallen from 707 to 268, and then further to 44. The last reading showed a level of 19. A bone radio-imaging test will be done again in the near future, but I am not in the least worried about it: in fact I look forward to the results. It is important to use cellular nutrients in a rigorous way. There really is a risk that one starts to be a bit lax when one feels better. It is a longterm application that should be strictly adhered to. My partner supported me in whatever way she could, particularly when it came to strict use of cellular nutrients. Regular contact and discussion with my advisor was also very helpful. I am glad that I went down this route, and therefore suffered no deleterious side effects. I would like to thank you warmly Dr. Rath for your work, and that of your team. Without your research and tireless commitment, many people might no longer be alive. With warm greetings Your Max Baur
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Prostate cancer Dear Dr. Rath In the spring of 2008, due to ongoing back and stomach complaints, I went to the hospital for a check-up. My troubles were ascribed to gall stones, and these were surgically removed. However, this brought no improvement. On the contrary, a few weeks after the gall stone operation, I found myself incapacitated and unable to walk, alongside the pain. A further examination at the hospital finally brought to light the real cause of my bad state of health. Tumours in the spine were responsible for laming me, and were diagnosed as metastases of a prostate carcinoma.
I refused the chemotherapy I was offered and instead started to take cellular nutrients. As accompaniment to this I drank various herb teas in alternation as indicated in herbalism: green tea, equisetum, rosebay willow herb and stinging nettle. I also took apricot kernels because of their B 17 content. I am now in a stable condition, almost without pain – as one can see from the attached medical report. I will leave it to others to decide what they think of the verdict by specialists three years ago that I did not have long to live. I would like to thank the whole Dr. Rath team for their wonderful work, and wish them the very best success for the future. Warm greetings Siegfried Obereigner
According to the doctor, immediate surgical intervention was needed on my spine if I was not to face a life confined to the wheelchair. After surgery and radiotherapy, I and my family were told that I must prepare myself for my imminent end, since the cancer was so advanced.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Common types of cancer
Prostate cancer Dear Dr. Rath About two-and-a-half years ago I was diagnosed with suspected prostate carcinoma. The orthodox medical treatment resulting from this diagnosis – biopsy, surgery, rehab etc. – was not something I wished to embark on. I therefore decided to use cellular nutrients, alongside another alternative therapy. At the same time I think it is important to take one’s own health in hand and to change one’s own circumstances and lifestyle accordingly.
The latest information on vitamin research in relation to cancer is compiled in these books. Information on how to order them can be found in the appendix.
All in all, this seems to have been successful so far, for I am feeling well. Yours sincerely Dr. W. M.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Basic knowledge about leukaemia
Leukaemia Dear Dr. Rath
Leukaemia is another common form of cancer.
Following blood tests in 2002 my doctor gave me the devastating diagnosis of chronic lymphatic leukaemia. To begin with I was in despair, believing this would soon prove to be my death sentence. I calmed down a little after discussion with my family and my therapist.
In chapter 2 of the book “Victory over Cancer!” an explanation is given as to why blood cancer (leukaemia) is one of the most common forms of cancer. In healthy people, white blood corpuscles move through body tissue with the aid of so-called collagen-digesting enzymes. The production of these enzymes is limited in time, and only occurs until the leucocytes have arrived at their destination, e.g. a site of infection.
Common types of cancer
Since I did not wish to undergo chemotherapy if possible, my therapist immediately advised me to take cellular nutrients, which I have been taking every day since then. I also attended a lecture by Dr. Rath at the conference centre in Zurich.
Leukaemia cells under a high-resolution electron microscope. The ongoing creation of collagen-digesting enzymes is illustrated by the red “Pac-Men” (see the book “Victory over Cancer!”).
My blood levels (leucocytes and lymphocytes) stayed quite stable; and so far – and ten years have passed now - I have had no need of chemotherapy, and am very pleased and hopeful in consequence. I am convinced that cellular nutrients have helped me in recent years and I continue to have faith in their health-promoting effect. Yours sincerely E.K.
When leucocytes become malignant, however, these tissue-dissolving enzymes continue to be incessantly produced. We can therefore now understand why leukaemia is one of the most common types of cancer.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer Every part of the body can in principle be attacked by cancer. The possible causes of cancer are very diverse and multi-faceted. Key factors, in particular, are cellular nutrient deficiencies, unhealthy diet, psychological pressures, stress, environmental pollution (radiation, car and chemical emissions, pesticides, fungicides etc.), pharmaceutical drugs and suchlike. Irrespective of the cause and originating organ of cancer, the disseminating mechanism is always the same: the production of collagen-digesting enzymes by cancer cells which thereby create their capacity to spread through the body’s tissues.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Cancer of the appendix
Other types of cancer
Medical report for H.K. dated 3.3.1999, confirming the appendix tumour.
Dear Dr. Rath I have been a faithful user of Cellular Medicine for over ten years. The reason for starting to take cellular nutrients was an appendix operation, following which I was diagnosed with carcinoma of the appendix. I turned down a further, medically recommended colon operation with subsequent chemotherapy, due to negative experiences amongst my friends. Intake of cellular nutrients led immediately to two health improvements: - My gums stopped bleeding, which they had always previously done when I brushed my teeth - I no longer got so many colds and bouts of flu during the winter months I am now almost 45, and no further cancer has occurred. The tumour marker CEA shows no pathological findings, and generally I am in very good health. My mother, M.K., started to take cellular nutrients a few months after I did. She is now 77 and fortunately very sprightly. Her high blood pressure is mostly under good control. Yours sincerely H.K.
Diagnosis: Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the appendix.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Colon cancer Dear Dr. Rath I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your research work, and briefly tell you how I am now, and how helpful cellular nutrients have been for me. In June 2009 I was diagnosed with carcinoma of the rectum. I was to undergo surgery and received chemo and radiotherapy beforehand, to make the carcinoma smaller. In the subsequent operation I was to be given an artificial anus (stoma). This would have severely impaired my quality of life, and I would probably not have been the same person I used to be. I underwent chemo- and radiotherapy (though reluctantly) but took cellular nutrients and high-dose vitamin C injections to accompany the treatment. I am convinced that the cellular nutrients a) made the chemotherapy tolerable for me and b) made a major contribution to the final outcome. In a consultation before the planned operation, the doctor told me that the tumour could no longer be detected. Nevertheless I was due to undergo colostomy surgery the next day. Since the clinical findings showed that none of the tumour could be detected apart from a small remnant, I refused the operation, and instead continued to take cellular nutrients on a daily basis.
ents helped me a great deal, and I am also endlessly grateful to you! Today, at the age of 69, I still feel very well. If there were more people like you, more people like me could probably be helped. During convalescence in a clinic I had to witness that patients are not well-fed, but given food without any real vitamin content that might help them recover. We were continually offered meat and sausage – which in my view is unacceptable. Particularly in the case of colon cancer one should avoid meat because it easily ferments in the digestive tract. I am convinced that many people would recover more quickly if they ate fresh, healthy food. My heartfelt thanks to you. I will continue to use cellular nutrients! With sunny greetings M.K.
At my daughter’s urging, after almost two years I underwent another colonoscopy, which found NOTHING at all. The doctor said that I no longer had any cancerous tissue. If I had allowed myself to be intimidated by the doctors, I would today have a hole in my stomach and a colostomy bag – quite unnecessarily so. I am a hundred percent certain that cellular nutri-
Medical reports follow on the next pages.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Medical report for M.K. dated 17.7.2009, confirming colon cancer.
Two years later the patient had a check-up which found no evidence of the tumour. We have documented these reports on the following pages. Although the patient asked us to give her initials only when publishing these facts, we have access, of course, to the full medical reports. Diagnosis: Deep-seated rectal carcinoma
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Medical report (page 1) for M.K. dated 6.7.2011, confirming that cancer is no longer present.
Other types of cancer
Medical report (page 2) for M.K., dated 6.7.2011, confirming that cancer is no longer present.
Following the check-up, which included colonoscopy and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), the medical report concludes with the following summary: “The findings give no grounds to suspect disseminated* tumour processes.” * Spreading or metastasing
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Colon cancer
Colon cancer
Dear Dr. Rath
Dear Dr. Rath
My dear wife fell ill with colon cancer over 14 years ago now. Friends of ours recommended cellular nutrients, and today we are both well.
Ten years ago I had aggressive cancer of the colon, and 35 centimetres (about 14 inches) of my intestine were removed.
I decided to take cellular nutrients too, in sympathy – and now I enjoy the same good health as my wife, and am very pleased. We take our ‘dose’ every day with meals. We also pass on our experiences with this ongoing theme of “health” in our discussion group.
At that time, unfortunately, I did not yet know anything about the potentially positive effects of cellular nutrients, and although no metastases were present, I allowed myself to be persuaded – I really have to say unfortunately - to have chemotherapy.
Of course my “statutory” health insurer refused to help with the costs of this provision. They had no wish to acknowledge that we scarcely need to call on their support any more.
I also try to buy products at the supermarket without E numbers. This is very difficult but it can be done.
After a year-and-a-half a doctor in Salzgitter told me that one might achieve a positive outcome with high-dose vitamins even without chemo. Since then I have sworn by Cellular Medicine, and I am very well indeed! My GP, who does an annual blood test on me, asked me what I was taking since my blood levels were so good – and I told him.
My cancer operation was ten years ago, and I feel very well. It would be a good thing if chemotherapy could be replaced by micronutrients. With good wishes to the team Your Rudi & Christel Kressner
And so I thank Dr. Rath and all his helpers for their research work! To the end of my life I will use natural remedies. People don’t believe that I am 70 – they think I might be about 55. I never smoked either. Usually I feel strong enough to uproot trees! Yours sincerely Your Renate Lai
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Colon cancer
Colon cancer
Dear Dr. Rath
Dear ladies and gentlemen
Cellular nutrients have saved my life.
In 1999 I fell ill with colon cancer and was operated on in August of the same year. Following subsequent check-ups in 2001 it was discovered that a metastasis had migrated to my lungs during the operation and had grown into a new tumour there. During further surgery the top left lobe of my lung was removed.
Firstly, they made my life possible again after a heart attack. The doctors were predicting that I would not live very long – but many years have passed since then. In 1991 I suffered a heart attack. In subsequent years I was given three dilatations and in 1993 even a stent. Despite a daily dose totalling ten pharmaceutical drugs, my heart attacks did not diminish. After I learned about cellular nutrients in 1994, and from then on took them instead of pharmaceutical drugs, the heart attacks grew fewer. After about half a year they stopped altogether, and my heart capacity got better and better. Secondly, after my colon cancer, a malignant tumour, cellular nutrients helped me regain my health. I received this diagnosis in 2009. The tumour was surgically removed along with 36 centimetres (about 14 inches) of intestine and a stoma inserted. At the time the doctors were unable to understand that there were no metastases. The anaesthesiologist even asked me whether I was taking cellular nutrients, since this type of cancer is usually very aggressive. Fortunately, after about a year, it was possible to reverse the stoma procedure again. For several years now I have been completely free of cancer through using cellular nutrients. I am now 78 and feel very well. I owe all this to you Dr. Rath, and I thank you most warmly for it.
After surviving the operation, a good friend suggested I find out about Cellular Medicine online. I was very interested and, after an advisory session, started to take cellular nutrients. After a couple of months I had the feeling that my general state of health had improved, and this was confirmed in subsequent check-ups. Colonoscopy and MRI scans resulted in no pathological findings. My GP also told me that my test results were on a par with those of a healthy person, and that I could be considered cured. Since then I still continue to take cellular nutrients, and feel very well. Yours sincerely B. Rohrbach
Yours sincerely Hermann Lehnert
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Colon cancer
Colon cancer
Dear Dr. Rath team
Dear Dr. Rath MD
In 2000 I received a devastating diagnosis: aggressive colon cancer. I had to undergo an operation immediately. A year later a liver metastasis was discovered, which likewise had to be operated on.
In 2002 and 2003, I had to undergo two colon cancer operations, with stoma. The last reversal of the procedure took place in August 2003.
I started searching for ways of supporting my body with natural substances.
Since then I have been taking cellular nutrients on a daily basis, and find I have no complications affecting my digestion, let alone any recurrence of the colon cancer.
In 2002 someone recommended Cellular Medicine to me, and I found it convincing. I placed my trust in cellular nutrients and am sure that they helped me to recover my health. Naturally I also changed my diet.
I attribute this fact to regular use of cellular nutrients. Yours sincerely K.-R. T.
Happily I can report that I am well. To ensure things stay like that I will carry on in the same way. At every opportunity I recommend cellular nutrients and tell people about my good state of health. I am so convinced that I now work in the Health Alliance and am glad to help others by providing education and information. Yours sincerely Lore Krenedics
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Bladder cancer Dear Dr. Rath In August of this year I will be 75. When I was about 60 (1996) my GP found blood in my urine. Subsequently a urologist did an endoscopy of my urinary tract, and diagnosed bladder carcinoma. In the following eight years I underwent eight operations to remove the tumour. Each year it grew back again with continuous regularity. Until… yes, until, due to a misdiagnosis by the urologist who had treated me so far, I changed doctors. At a check-up he had failed to notice the presence of a tumour in the bladder. After an endoscopy, the new urologist I had chosen found a tumour in the front of the bladder, and explained the misdiagnosis by the fact that until then the focus had been only on the rear bladder wall, so that the tumour was not noticed.
But now to you, Dr. Rath! Around the time of my last bladder operation an acquaintance told me of the positive effects of cellular nutrients. Since then I have been taking them regularly, and am pretty sure that they prevented a recurrence of the tumour by strengthening my immune system. For the sake of completeness I would also mention that my health lifestyle also includes other factors such as regular exercise, physical activity, healthy diet, enough fluids, and almost no alcohol. I am also a non-smoker! I would ask you to use a pseudonym when publishing this letter. Yours sincerely G.B.
At the hospital – also a new one that I chose! – I was operated on twice in five weeks, since the danger of bladder perforation meant that just one operation was not possible. Subsequently, at the recommendation of the chief urology consultant, treatment with Metamycin was started in order to prevent the tumour from growing back again. This was a kind of localised chemotherapy, since the substance was injected straight into the bladder and had to stay there for several hours. Seven years have passed since then without any detectable recurrence of the bladder tumour. My bladder was checked a total of 35 times by a urologist, using endoscopy. By nature I am rather sceptical, and my anxiety after every check-up remains, until the good results come through.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Sinus cancer
Other types of cancer
Medical report for Otto Hölzemann dated 10.12.2007, confirming sinus cancer
Dear Dr. Rath Below I will give you a short account of how I came to cellular nutrients. In 1998 I had angina. I was unable to walk even 30 metres without having to rest. My next stop was my GP. What did he prescribe? Betablockers. My professional work had brought me into contact with a professor (of medicine). We often had conversations about illness. At each conversation he told me, “Let me warn you against chemo.” This comment encouraged me to look for natural remedies on the market. By chance I obtained your address. Within the first four weeks, cellular nutrients improved my health. After three months I was problem-free. In 2007 I had to have surgery on a sinus tumour. After the operation, 30 sessions of radiotherapy were prescribed, which I refused. In the meantime I had had good experience with cellular nutrients. In addition I received vitamin C infusions from a naturopath. I am well, and the illness never returned. Yours sincerely Otto Hölzemann
Indications: Condition following nasal sinus exploration on both sides with rhinoplasty following histologically ascertained adenocarcinoma of the right nostril and nasal sinus.
Medical report follows on the following pages
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Medical report for Otto Hölzemann dated 26.4.2011, confirming that cancer is no longer present.
Findings (extract): No evidence of intracranial tumour mass. No evidence of pathologically enlarged lymph nodes. No evidence of bone changes indicative of malignancy. No evidence of tumour mass in the thoracic sections included in imaging.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Thyroid cancer
Kidney cancer
Dear Dr. Rath
Dear Dr. Rath
First of all I would like to thank you for your outstanding work and commitment!
I have been a cancer patient since 1993 (metastasing kidney carcinoma). In October 1993 my left kidney was surgically removed, and then in 2003/04, metastases in the right buttock, left thigh and both lungs. After surgery in December 2003, chemotherapy followed in January/February 2004, but this had to be stopped again after two sessions since three further operations were due.
I have been using cellular nutrients for the past eleven years with complete satisfaction. Back then I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and had to undergo two operations which filled me with anxiety and uncertainty. I was devastated. Then a friend told me about you. I followed the principles of Cellular Medicine and soon felt better. At the clinic I met a couple of women who had also been using cellular nutrients with great satisfaction. I also told the professor about this, and he said this was a good thing and I should continue. Now I felt absolutely sure. Almost eleven years have passed since then. The 10-year checkup is now behind me. My body is free of disease, and thanks to cellular medical treatment the illness never recurred. I wish you much continued success with your research, and hope that you will be able to go on helping many more like me. With warm thanks Your Antonia Pail
After this I decided to pursue biological cancer therapy based on cellular nutrients. I gathered extensive information about scientific findings relating to the use of cellular nutrients, and reports by those who had used them. I also completed the basic and further training course at the Dr. Rath Health Alliance, and took an active part in many Health Alliance events. “Biological cancer therapy” was accompanied by regular radiological tests and blood analyses. These confirmed that my health was stable, thus demonstrating how effective my chosen therapy was. At 75 I now feel in a good state. I am convinced that cellular nutrients, which I have been taking since April 2004, have had a very positive effect on my overall health. This is why I am a member of the Dr. Rath Health Alliance, and have also passed my experiences on to others, to good effect. Yours sincerely Professor Dr. Manfred Reiss
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Lymph gland cancer Dear friends I would like to tell you about my wife’s state of health: My wife, Marthe Robert (born 1929) was diagnosed with lymph gland cancer in 2002. As usual (!) chemotherapy was prescribed. However, this affected her so badly that it was stopped after six treatments (rather than eight). This led to a week in hospital with acute shingles. It seemed the doctors had no other choice than to prescribe radiotherapy. But when we heard that her whole body was to be exposed to this treatment, which would, at the same time, have led to nerve damage, we decided against it. This was also because we had started to take cellular nutrients at this time, at the recommendation of a Dr. Rath Health Alliance advisor.
Two years later she had a relapse. We found another doctor who seemingly gave “gentler” chemotherapy in his practice. This time my wife coped well with the treatment (without losing her hair). The doctor later told us that in the case of recurrence there was usually only a 25 percent chance of recovery. However, already during treatment, and also at its conclusion, the results were good. Clearly the cellular nutrients had helped bring about a cure. After five years (with annual medical check-ups) my wife was at last well again. Now seven years have passed and – by God’s help too – we are in the best of health, for which we are very grateful. Yours sincerely A. and M. Robert
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Lung cancer
Other types of cancer
Top: scan of Herr Pilniok’s lung at the time that lung cancer was diagnosed.
My name is Werner Pilniok In September 1999, during a routine xray, I was diagnosed with a fast-growing lung tumour. According to the doctor, a pneumologist, this tumour measured 1.5 x 1 centimetres (0.6 x 0.4 inches). I underwent a series of further tests, after which the doctors recommended surgical intervention and removal of the whole lung section where the tumour was situated. But since I suffered from heart disease, an operation would have been very risky for me. I therefore started to look around for alternatives. I read about the research by Dr. Rath, who was studying the role of cellular nutrients in natural treatment of cancer and other illnesses. I decided to cancel the planned operation and to give micronutrients a chance. From October 1999 on, I supplemented my diet with a large quantity of micronutrients. On 3 April 2000 I had a CT scan which showed that the tumour found six months before had disappeared! My doctors couldn’t believe it. They asked me to come back again a few days later, since clearly they thought the scanning machine must be faulty. But the new scan showed the same result – the tumour was no longer there. This was more than a decade ago. In 2011 I celebrated my 80th birthday in good health. Thanks to micronutrients I hope to live many more years still.
After 7 months
Bottom left: enlarged section of the lung scan. Bottom right: scan of the same portion of lung after seven months of taking cellular nutrients.
Werner Pilniok
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Lung cancer Dear Dr. Rath Six years ago, in May 2005, I was found to have lung cancer, and my top right lung lobe was surgically removed. Since then I have been taking cellular nutrients. My state of health is very good, and above all stable. I am not taking any additional medicines. The lung specialist whom I go to see regularly is amazed at my recovery. My wife is also taking cellular nutrients and, since she began, has no longer suffered from heartburn and stomach pain. Her digestion is in order again. My daughter also swears by cellular nutrients, which she has been taking for a year now. Her allergy is much better and she no longer gets colds although she is in daily contact with patients. In conclusion we can say that we are all in much better health. I hope that this continues. Yours sincerely Rudolf Schernhammer
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Cancer of the parotid gland Dear Dr. Rath My name is Bozana Schneeberger. I live in the Tyrol but was born in Croatia. In 2007, I was found to have severe cancer of the parotid gland. My world fell apart. I was first operated on shortly after the diagnosis, in 2007. The surgery lasted for eight hours. Afterwards the surgeon told me that the tumour was interwoven with the facial nerve, and that he was unable to help any further. The tumour was 3.6 centimetres (about 1.4 inches) in size! A week after the operation, my condition had further deteriorated. An MRI scan showed that the tumour had spread to an artery.
I am very glad to have avoided chemotherapy – which does no good since it is just big business. I would like to advise everyone not to wait until cancer strikes but to prevent it with cellular nutrients! Finally I would like to thank you Dr. Rath for giving me back my life so that I can tell my story to others. Your Bozana Schneeberger
On 12.6.2007 a friend brought me cellular nutrients and I took a triple dose every day since my only hope was that it would help me, that it must help me, as it had helped others. On 18.7.2007, shortly before my second operation, another MRI scan was taken. On the afternoon of the same day, the Professor told me that my tumour had almost completely vanished: only a small dot could now be seen. I knew this would be so, and I immediately told him about cellular nutrients, which I always had beside my bed. The doctor was from Germany and said he knew who Dr. Rath was and that I should carry on taking them. After surgery my medical report stated: ‘Tumour-free’. At the time I said that I would like to meet Dr. Rath in person. On 18.2.2008, therefore, I got into my car and drove to Holland. I just wanted to have a picture of Dr. Rath, and to promise him that I will help others and tell them what cellular nutrients did for me, and how they work in the body.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Other types of cancer
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Dear Dr. Rath In 2005 my husband received the devastating diagnosis of cancer. He was operated on, since the doctors thought he was suffering from colon cancer. However this was not the case, and it later turned out that it was very malignant non-Hodgkin lymphoma. My husband started with chemotherapy, but stopped it again after a while. At the recommendation of my brother-in-law, Gabriel Lommer, we are now taking cellular nutrients. In the meantime my husband is very well again. I myself was thankfully never seriously ill, though my husband’s cancer was a very stressful period for me. I had high cholesterol levels, but got a grip on them thanks to cellular nutrients. We feel fit and energetic and like working in our large garden. I myself am still working part-time in catering, after working in a bank for 35 years. I also often look after our three grandchildren!
The information you provide, such as Rath International and your Health letters, frequently contain valuable tips. In the meantime we have also been able to get a few friends very interested in Cellular Medicine. Our day starts with cellular nutrients, and we are pleased that we can cope so well with our active workload. Yours sincerely The Schütt family
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Other types of cancer
Medical report for Edeltraud Schwörer on 14.4.2008, showing a tumour size of 5.6 x 3.8 cm.
Dear ladies and gentlemen On 1.4.2008 I was diagnosed with a tumour in the upper abdomen measuring 5.6 x 3.8 centimetres (about 2.2 x 1.5 inches), and a second tumour of 2 centimetres (about 3/4 inch) in diameter (CT scan). After undergoing all tests I was told that this was a grade 2 non-Hodgkin lymphoma of low malignancy. I rejected the route of orthodox medicine involving surgery, chemo or radiotherapy in order to pursue my own path. I got information about cellular nutrients and started to take them at the end of July 2008. Alongside this I used homeopathic remedies and was given vitamin C infusions. I did this for a year, and continued working fulltime in absolute certainty of what I was doing. On 6.10.2008 an MRI scan showed that the lymphoma had reduced in size to 4.5 x 2.3 centimetres (1.7 x 0.9 inches), and the second tumour to a diameter of 1.6 centimetres (0.6 inch). In other words, my decision had been right. On 24.11.2010, the large tumour measured only 2.2 x 1.8 x 2.1 centimetres (3/4 x 0.7 x 3/4 inch), and the small one could no longer be detected at all. My goal is clear and I will carry on. I feel very well, and am happy that I took this route. Yours sincerely Edeltraud Schwörer
Summary of findings and assessment (excerpt): Tumour mass on the left side, at kidney hilum level, measuring 5.6 x 3.8 cm. In summary, evidence of an retroperitoneal tumour suspected of being an NPL* * Neoplasm = cancer
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Edeltraud Schwörer: At the check-up 1/2 a year later, the tumour only measured 4.5 x 2.3 cm (1.7 x 0.9 inches), and had therefore diminished considerably in size.
Other types of cancer
Edeltraud Schwörer: At the check-up three years later, the tumour had shrunk still further and now measured 2.3 x 2.1 x 1.8 cm.
Summary of findings and assessment: The para-aortal tumour mass on the left side, at the level of the kidney hilum, now measures 4.5 x 2.3 cm in the MRI scan, and is clearly regressing compared to the previous examination. The more caudally situated lymph node now measures 1.6 cm and is thus likewise regressing. Kidney cyst left, of no concern. No other detectable symptoms.
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Appendix Acknowledgements
Publication of our findings
Heartfelt thanks to all patients who had the courage to share their experiences in this book.
Our special recognition goes to all patients, young and old, who had no opportunity to fight their illness, and who might have had a chance if they had not wasted so much time in the dead-end of conventional medicine. Our thanks to Dr. Rath, Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, director of our research institute, and our whole research team, who have corroborated this medical breakthrough with creativity and persistence. Our special thanks goes to Dr. Waheed Roomi, head of our cancer research department, who has been undertaking and supervising these important experiments for over a decade. We also thank Dr. Shrirang Netke, Dr. Vadim Ivanov, Dr. Raxit Jariwalla, Nusrath Roomi and Tatiana Kalinovsky for helping this innovative research to progress and develop. A very special thanks to Manja Heidemann for her work in compiling this book, and to Renate Ottofrickenstein and Bernd-Ulrich Rüller for their assistance. We thank Jörg Wortmann for his work on the layout and Anke Wartenberg for proofreading. Special thanks to the many thousands of members of our international Health Alliance, which has been supporting our research work for over a decade. Without them this breakthrough would not have been possible. Finally we would like to thank all those whose scepticism and resistance has provided an invaluable stimulus to our own motivation. Dr. Rath Health Foundation
In Vivo Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline and Green Tea Extract on Human Prostate PC-3 Xenografts in Nude Mice: Evaluation of Tumor Growth and Immunohistochemistry. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. In Vivo , 2005, 19(1), 179-184. Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine and Epigallocatechin Gallate in Prostate Cancer Cell Lines PC-3, NCaP, and DU145. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology, 2004, 115:1-6
TESTICULAR CANCER Inhibitory Effects of a Nutrient Mixture on Human Testicular Cancer cell Line NT 2/DT Matrigel Invasion and MMP Activity. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2007 24(2): 183-188
BREAST CANCER In Vitro and In Vivo Antitumorigenic Activity of a Mixture of Lysine, Proline, Ascorbic Acid and Green Tea Extract on Human Breast Cancer Lines MDA MB-231 and MCF-7. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Medical Oncology 2005, 22(2) 129-38 Modulation of N-Methyl –N-Nitrosourea-Induced Mammary Tumors in SpragueDawley Rats by Combination of Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Breast Cancer Research, 2005, 7:R291-R295 A combination of green tea extract, specific nutrient mixture and quercetin: An effective intervention treatment for the regression of N-Methyl –N-Nitrosourea (MNU)-Induced mammary tumors in Wistar rats. Anup Kale, Sonia Gawande, Swati Kotwal, Shrirang Netke, M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Oncology Letters, 2010, 1:313-317
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Suppression of Human Cervical Cancer Cell Lines Hela and oTc2 4510 MMP Expression and Matrigel Invasion by a Mixture of Lysine, Proline, Ascorbic Acid, and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M.Rath International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2006; 16:1241-1247
Antitumor Effect of a Combination of Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid, and Green Tea Extract on Pancreatic Cancer Cell Line MIA PaCa-2. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath International Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 2005, 35 (2), 97-102
In vitro modulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in human cervical and ovarian cancer cell lines by cytokines, inducers and inhibitors. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath, A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports 2010; 23(3):605-614
In Vivo and in Vitro Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, and Green Tea Extract on Human Fibrosarcoma Cells HT-1080. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Medical Oncology 2006; 23(1): 105-112
Inhibition of MMP-2 Secretion and Invasion by Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line SKOV-3 with lysine, proline, arginine, ascorbic acid, and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2006; 32(2): 148-154
Synergistic Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, and Epigallocatechin Gallate on Human Fibrosarcoma Cells HT-1080. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy, 2004 12:148-157
COLON CANCER In Vivo Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline and Green Tea Extract on Human Colon Cancer Cell HCT 116 Xenografts in Nude Mice: Evaluation of Tumor Growth and Immunohistochemistry. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports, 2005, 12 (3), 421-425 Synergistic Effect of Combination of Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid and Epigallocatechin Gallate on Colon Cancer Cell Line HCT 116. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, 2004, 7 (2): 40-43
BONE CANCER Naturally Produced Extracellular Matrix Inhibits Growth Rate and Invasiveness of Human Osteosarcoma Cancer Cells. V. Ivanov, S. Ivanova, M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2007; 24(2): 209-217 Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline and Green Tea Extract on Human Osteosarcoma Cell Line MNNG-HOS Xenografts in Nude Mice: Evaluation of Tumor Growth and Immunohistochemistry. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2006; 23(3 ): 411-417 Antitumor Effect of Nutrient Synergy on Human Osteosarcoma Cells U2OS, MNNGHOS, and Ewing’s Sarcoma SK-ES.1. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports, 2005, 13(2), 253-257 In Vivo and In Vitro Antitumor Effect of Nutrient Synergy on Human Osteosarcoma Cell Line MNNG-HOS. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy, 2004, 12: 137-148
KIDNEY AND BLADDER CANCER Pleiotropic effects of a micronutrient mixture on critical parameters of bladder cancer. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. In Bladder Cancer: Etymology, Diagnosis and Treatments, edited by William Nilsson, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2010. Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, and Green Tea Extract on Bladder Cancer Cell Line T-24. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. International Journal of Urology 2006; 13: 415-419 Modulation of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma 786-0 MMP-2 and MMP-9 Activity by Inhibitors and Inducers in Vitro. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2006; 23(2): 245-250 Anticancer Effect of Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Ascorbic Acid and Green Tea Extract on Human Renal Adenocarcinoma Line 786-0. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Oncology Reports 2006; 16(5):943-7
SKIN CANCER Inhibition of 7, 12-Dimethylbenzathracene-Induced Skin tumors by a Nutrient Mixture. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, V. Ivanov, M. Rath, A. Niedzwiecki. Medical Oncology 2008; 25(3): 330-340 Suppression of growth and hepatic metastasis of murine B16FO melanoma cells by a novel nutrient mixture. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, M. Rath, A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports 2008; 20:809-817 In Vitro and In Vivo Antitumor Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, And Green Tea Extract On Human Melanoma Cell Line A2058. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. In Vivo 2006;20(1): 25-32
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Chemopreventive effect of a novel nutrient mixture on lung tumorigenesis induced by urethane in male A/J mice. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Tumori 2009; 95: 508-513
Comparative effects of EGCG, green tea and a nutrient mixture on the patterns of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in cancer cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports – 2010; 24:747-757
Modulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 by cytokines, mitogens, and inhibitors in lung cancer and mesothelioma cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports 2009; 22: 1283-1291
Inhibition of invasion and MMPs by a nutrient mixture in human cancer cell lines: a correlation study. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Experimental Oncology- 2010; 32:243-248
Inhibition of Malignant Mesothelioma Cell Matrix Metalloproteinase Production and Invasion by a Novel Nutrient mixture. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Experimental Lung Research 2006; 32:69-79
In vivo and in vitro effect of a nutrient mixture on human hepatocarcinoma cell line SK-Hep-1. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Experimental Oncology –2010;32:84-91
In Vivo and in Vitro Anti-tumor Effect of a Unique Nutrient Mixture on Lung Cancer Cell Line A-549. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Experimental Lung Research 2006; 32:441-453
Patterns of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in human cancer cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrey, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Oncology Reports – 2009; 21:1323-1333
Inhibition of Pulmonary Metastasis of Melanoma B16FO Cells in C57BL/6 Mice by a Nutrient Mixture Consisting of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Experimental Lung Research 2006; 32(10):517-30
Marked inhibition of growth and invasive parameters of head and neck squamous carcinoma FADU by a nutrient mixture. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Integrative Cancer Therapies 2009; 8(2):168-176
BLOOD CANCER Antineoplastic effect of nutrient mixture on Raji and Jurkat T cells: the two highly aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cell lines. M.W. Roomi, BA Bhanap, N.W. Roomi, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Experimental Oncology 2009; 31(3): 149-155 Epigallocatechin -3-Gallate induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in HTLV-1 positive and negative leukemia cells. S. Harakeh, K. Abu-El-Ardat, M. Diab-Assaf, A. Niedzwiecki, M. El-Sabban, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2008; 25: 30-39 Ascorbic acid induces apoptosis in Adult T-cell Leukemia. S. Harakeh, M. DiabAssaf, J. Khalife, K. Abu-El-Ardat, E. Baydoun, A. Niedzwiecki, M. El-Sabban, M. Rath. Anticancer Research 2007; 27: 289-298 Mechanistic aspects of apoptosis induction by L-Lysine in both HTLV-1 positive and negative cell lines. S. Harakeh, M. Diab-Assaf, K. Abu-El-Ardat, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Chem. Biol. Interactions 2006; 164: 102-114 Apoptosis Induction by Epican Forte in HTLV-1 Positive and Negative Malignant TCells. S. Harakeh, M. Diab-Assaf, A. Niedzwiecki, J. Khalife, K. Abu-El-Ardat, M. Rath. Leukemia Research –2006; 30: 869-881
Inhibition of Glioma Cell Line A-172 MMP Activity and Cell Invasion in Vitro by a Nutrient Mixture. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2007; 24(2): 231-238 Inhibitory of Cell Invasion and MMP Production by a Nutrient Mixture in Malignant Liposarcoma Cell Line SW-872. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Medical Oncology 2007; 24(4):394-401 In Vitro Anticarcinogenic Effect of a Nutrient Mixture on Human Rhadomyosarcoma Cells. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology 2007; 11(B):133-144 In Vivo and in Vitro Anti-tumor Effect of a Nutrient Mixture Containing Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, and Green Tea Extract on Human Synovial Sarcoma Cancer Cells. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki and M. Rath. JAMA 2006; 9(2): 30-34 A Specific Combination of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline and Epigallocatechin Gallate Inhibits Proliferation and Extracellular Matrix Invasion of Various Human Cancer Cell Lines. S.P. Netke, M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Research Communications in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Emerging Drugs, 2003; Vol. II, IV37-IV50.
METASTASIS Micronutrient synergy – a new tool in effective control of metastasis and other key mechanisms of cancer. A. Niedzwiecki, M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath. Cancer Metastasis Review 2010; 29; 529-542
The Proof Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Suppression of growth and hepatic metastasis of murine B16FO melanoma cells by a novel nutrient mixture. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, M. Rath, A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports 2008; 20:809-817
Further references:
A nutrient mixture suppresses hepatic metastasis in athymic nude mice injected with murine B16FO melanoma cells. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, J.C. Monterrery, M. Rath, and A. Niedzwiecki. BioFactors 2008; 33; 85-97
Jemal A. et al., Global cancer statistics, CA Cancer J Clin. 2011; 61: 69-90.
Inhibition of Pulmonary Metastasis of Melanoma B16FO Cells in C57BL/6 Mice by a Nutrient Mixture Consisting of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, and Green Tea Extract. M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Experimental Lung Research 2006; 32(10):517-30
ANGIOGENESIS Distinct patterns of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 expression in normal human cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrery, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath, and A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports – 2009; 21: 821-826 Patterns of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in human cancer cell lines. M.W. Roomi, J.C. Monterrery, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath, and A. Niedzwiecki. Oncology Reports – 2009; 21:1323-1333 Antiangiogenic properties of a nutrient mixture in a model of hemangioma. M.W. Roomi, T. Kalinovsky, M. Rath, and A. Niedzwiecki. Experimental Oncology – Accepted 10/26/09 A novel nutrient mixture containing ascorbic acid, lysine, proline and green tea extract inhibits critical parameters in angiogenesis . M.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath in Anti-Angiogenic. Functional and Medicinal Foods, edited by Losso JN, Shahidi F, Bagchi D, CRC Press, Taylor& Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, 2007, pages 561-580.
De Prithwish et al., Breast cancer incidence and hormone replacement therapy in Canada. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2010; 102: 1-7
Jemal A et al., Trends in the Leading Causes of Death in the United States, 1970-2002. JAMA 2005, 294: 1255-1259 Hirsh J, An Anniversary for Cancer Chemotherapy. JAMA 2006; 296; 1518-1520. Phang J.M. et al., The metabolism of proline, a stress substance, modulates carcinogenic pathways. Amino Acids, 2008; 35; 681-690 Duffy M.J., The urokinase plasminogen activator system: role in malignancy. Curr. Pharm. Des., 2004; 10; 39-49 Henriet P et al., Contact with fibrillar collagen inhibits melanoma cell proliferation by up-regulating p27 KIP1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2000; 97; 10026-10031. K. Almholt et al., Reduced metastasis of transgenic mammary cancer in urokinase deficient mice. Int. J. Cancer 2005; 113: 525-532 Ruhul Amin A.R.M. et al., Perspectives for Cancer Prevention with Natural Co pounds. J. Clin. Oncol. 2009; 27: 2712-2725 Oak Min-Ho et al., Antiangiogenic properties of natural polyphenols from red wine and green tea. J. Nutr. Biochem. 2005; 16, 1-8 Morgan G et al., The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies. Clin. Oncol. 2004; 16: 549-560.
Inhibitory Effect of a Mixture Containing Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, and Green Tea Extract on Critical Parameters in Angiogenesis. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports 2005, 14(4), 807-815. Antiangiogenic Effects of a Nutrient Mixture on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells. M.W. Roomi, N.W. Roomi, V. Ivanov, T. Kalinovsky, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath. Oncology Reports 2005;14(6):1399-404
Order information:
“Victory over Cancer” Part 1: Making the Unthinkable Possible Part 2: Understanding History – Building the Future Dr. Rath Education Services B.V. Postbus 656 NL-6400 AR Heerlen Tel.: 0031-457-111 222 Fax: 0031-457-111 229 Email: Website:
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Important websites During reading this book you probably met some topics that you want to know more about. Here is a collection of websites which we helped to build. We can guarantee that the contents of these sites are independant from the pharma business with disease: •
www.drrathresearch.org The official website of our research institute in California.
www.drrathresearch.org/research/publications/cancer.html Direct link to the cancer studies of our research institue.
www.wha-www.org/en/library/index.html Online library for health professionals who are engaged in natural therapies and patients.