Three Kingdoms Volume 19: After the Fall [1 ed.] 9788998341695

The rivalry among Bei Liu, Cao Cao, and Quan Sun has been the defining struggle of the era of the three kingdoms. But tw

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Three Kingdoms Volume 19: After the Fall [1 ed.]

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Wei Dong Chen • Xiao Long Liang

After the Fall





“...An ambitious series...useful for educators looking for ways to make Asian history and culture come alive.” – School Library Journal

“...An accessible introduction to Chinese historical fiction.” – Booklist

“...Invaluable...beautiful artwork... commendable efforts to bring the characters to life.” – Publishers Weekly

Three Kingdoms Many centuries ago, China was made up of several provinces that frequently waged war with one another for regional supremacy. In 221 BC, the Qin Dynasty succeeded in uniting the warring provinces under a single banner, but the unity was short-lived, only lasting fifteen years. After the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty was established in 206 BC, and unity was restored. The Han Dynasty would last for hundreds of years, until the PostHan Era, when the unified nation once again began to unravel. As rebellion and chaos gripped the land, three men came forward to take control of the nation: Bei Liu, Cao Cao, and Quan Sun. The three men each established separate kingdoms, Shu, Wei, and Wu, and for a century they contended for supremacy. This was known as the Age of the Three Kingdoms. Written more than six hundred years ago, Three Kingdoms is one of the oldest and most seminal works in all of Eastern literature. An epic story spanning decades and featuring hundreds of characters, it remains a definitive tale of desperate heroism, political treachery, and the bonds of brotherhood.

vol. 19

After the Fall Created by


Wei Dong Chen is a highly acclaimed artist and an influential leader in the “New Chinese Cartoon” trend. He is the founder of Creator World, the largest comics studio in China. His spirited and energetic work has attracted many students to his tutelage. He has published more than 300 cartoons in several countries and gained both recognition and admirers across Asia, Europe, and the USA. Mr. Chen’s work is serialized in several publications, and he continues to explore new dimensions of the graphic medium.

Illustrated by


Xiao Long Liang is considered one of Wei Dong Chen’s greatest students. One of the most highly regarded cartoonists in China today, Xiao Long’s fantastic technique and expression of Chinese culture have won him the acclaim of cartoon lovers throughout China.

Original Story “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” by Luo, GuanZhong Editing & Designing Design Hongs, Jonathan Evans, KH Lee, YK Kim, HJ Lee, JS Kim, Lampin, Qing Shao, Xiao Nan Li, Ke Hu © Chen, Wei Dong 2014. All rights reserved. Scanning, uploading, and electronic distribution of this book is prohibited.

Wei Dong Chen and Xiao Long Liang have chosen to draw this adaptation of Three Kingdoms in a manner reminiscent of the ancient Chinese printing technique. It is our hope that the historical look of Three Kingdoms will amplify the timelessness of its themes, which are just as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago.


volume 19

LIANG ZHUGE Liang Zhuge is the Prime Minister of Shu Kingdom. As chief strategist to the late Bei Liu, Liang Zhuge was responsible for the civil and military victories that established the kingdom. Now that Bei Liu is dead and his ineffectual son, Shan, sits on the throne, it falls to Liang Zhuge to make the hard choices and devise the dangerous plans that can keep Shu intact and bring Bei Liu’s dream to life.

SU MA Su Ma is an advisor in the royal court of Shu. He has spent years learning at the side of Liang Zhuge and considers himself a superior mind in military tactics. Soon his cunning will be put to the ultimate test when he is asked to defend the city of JieTing.

YUN ZHAO Yun Zhao is the last of the legendary Five Tiger Generals, whose number included Yu Guan, Fei Zhang, Zhong Huang, and Chao Ma, and whose mission was to help Bei Liu achieve his dream of restoring the Han Dynasty. Now, in his later years, Yun Zhao still fights with courage and commitment, but life is catching up with him faster than he’d like.

PI CAO Pi Cao is the King of Wei and the self­appointed emperor. The .

son of late Cao Cao, Pi Cao was named heir apparent before his father died. Now, on his own deathbed, Pi Cao must bequeath power to his brother, Rui Cao. He must also tell him the name of the one person he should never trust, and the name surprises many in the court.

RUI CAO Rui Cao becomes the ruler of Wei Kingdom following the death of his brother, Pi Cao. On his deathbed, Pi Cao warns his brother that of all the seemingly loyal people who surround him, he should be most wary of Yi Sima. Unfortunately for Rui Cao, circumstance soon requires him to go against his late brother’s counsel.

YI SIMA Shortly before Pi Cao’s death, Yi Sima is forced into semi­exile, as Pi Cao’s advisors, heeding their master’s advice, dispatch him to the distant countryside. But Yi Sima’s mind is as shrewd as Liang Zhuge’s, and he knows it won’t be long before he is called back into the thick of things.


volume 19

QUAN SUN Quan Sun is the King of Eastern Wu Kingdom. After Bei Liu’s death, Liang Zhuge brokered a peace with Eastern Wu that led to a period of relative calm. Now, with Liang Zhuge attacking the north, Quan Sun sees an opportunity to win the throne of China once and for all.

XUN LU Xun Lu is the young, but extremely gifted, chief advisor to Quan Sun. While tensions have eased, Xun Lu has been keeping a close eye on Liang Zhuge’s activities. So when Quan Sun approaches him with a plan to defeat their two rival kingdoms, Xun Lu provides welcome and wise counsel.

Chapter 1

The Northern Expeditions 227 AD

Summary Pi Cao is on his deathbed, slowly suc­

sitting on the throne, it is Liang Zhuge who

cumbing to an unknown ailment. With his

must make the difficult choices, not the

dying words, he urges his brother Rui and

ineffectual king. After consolidating Shu’s

his advisors to be wary of Yi Sima – the king

control of the central provinces, Liang

believes he will attempt to seize power

Zhuge looks to expand their campaign

when the moment arrives. Heeding Pi Cao’s

into the northern territories. Rui Cao, now

advice, the advisors remove Yi Sima from

king of Wei after Pi Cao’s death, moves to

office and expel him to the countryside.

defend against the advance, but Zhen Cao’s

Meanwhile, Liang Zhuge has been

mismanagement of the military means that

busy restoring stability to Western Shu.

the new king will have to call on a recently

Although Bei Liu’s son, Shan, is the one

exiled and untrustworthy former advisor…


XiLiang ChangShan

w llo Ye

er Riv BeiHai

JieTing Rive rW ei

XiaPi XuChang


B QiShan

ShouChun HanZhong









A Liang Zhuge consolidates the central provinces in 225 AD. B In 227 AD, Liang Zhuge orders the first expedition north, seeking to conquer parts of Wei Kingdom.

Following Bei Liu’s death, Zhen Cao led an army from Wei Kingdom to attack neighbor­ing the Shu Kingdom. However, Liang Zhuge successfully defended Shu, and Zhen Cao was forced to retreat. Afterward, Liang Zhuge sought to form an alliance with Eastern Wu.

The new alliance would result in a peaceful stalemate that could potentially last years. While Wei and Eastern Wu took some time away from the hostilities, Liang Zhuge was busy consolidating and stabilizing Western Shu.

Three years later, Pi Cao fell suddenly ill. No one was able to diagnose the ailment, and his advisors could only sit by his side as he slowly deteriorated.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19


Well, Yi Sima…

That’s all there is to say. You…you may leave now.

Very well. Goodbye, Your Majesty.


Oh, stop crying like that. You’re 22 years old. You’re no longer a child. You must be strong.

I’m sorry. I don’t mean to upset you.

Rui Cao

Qun Chen Zhen Cao

Listen to me, all of you. I want you to look after Rui Cao. Also, there is one man you must never allow to take control of the army.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19


Your Majesty, I don’t understand.

I thought he was a trusted advisor?

He is. His knack for strategy is unmatched.

I kept him close because I needed him. But I fear him.

Yi Sima speaks softly, but he carries a sharp sword. And though he’s never acted suspect…

I believe he is biding his time until he can swing that sword and claim the world for his own.


Zhen Cao.

Believe me, he is ambitious…

Shuang Cao.

and…and danger­ ous.

But as soon as that is achieved, you must get rid of him.


You must keep a close eye on Yi Sima. You will still need him to achieve total victory.

If you don’t, he will destroy what we’ve worked for.


Do it! Promise me…

Your Majesty, we swear to you…

We swear on our no one will lives. undo what you’ve fought so hard to achieve.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19


This life… nothing lasts… no more.

I was given every chance to rule the world, but I wasn’t given enough time.

Your Majesty?

Your Majesty!

Someone find the doctor! Hurry!

Pi Cao drew his final breath in the summer of 226 AD. In accordance with the line of succession, Rui Cao inherited the throne. Zhen Cao became supreme military commander, and Yi Sima was designated a general and dispatched to LiangXi, far from the capital.


In Eastern Wu…

Your Majesty, Xun Lu is talking nonsense. Shu Kingdom considers us their sworn enemies.

Xun Lu It’s just a hunch… But I think Liang Zhuge wishes to make peace with us.

Because he’s that rare person who focuses on the future instead of revenge. he needs to be able to repel Rui Cao.

Yong Gu

Why would he make peace with us?

To do that, he needs us. It’s that simple.

And I don’t understand why we’re talking alliances. now is our chance to rule them all!

Your Majesty, the three kingdoms are still far too balanced for that.

We can not yet think about going it alone, because we still lack the strength to defeat two opponents.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Oh, please. nothing is ever that simple!

So, as has always been the case, we must move to prevent an alliance between Western Shu and Wei. If they join forces, they’ll target us.

Shu would seem the less likely of two possible allies, but Liang Zhuge is wise. If he offers an alliance, we should accept.

Hm. I agree with Xun Lu. Tell the armies to stand down for now.

If Liang Zhuge makes an offer, I see no reason for us to decline.

Shu is the key. Control them, and we control Wei.


Meanwhile, Liang Zhuge was devising a plan for military action to the north.



Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Su Ma

Su Ma! You scared me.

I’m sorry. Good to see you. Can’t you see I’m in the middle of--

Prime Minister…

You mustn’t strain yourself this way. You’ll damage your health.

Our late king left to me the job of win ning this war. How do you propose I relax?

Well…For starters, you can rely on your advisors.

They have duties to the kingdom too, you know. You don’t have to do it all yourself.


I know. But none of them owed as much to Bei Liu as I did.

We’ve recently managed to subdue nanZhong. That will negate the source of some trouble. now we must set our sights north.

The only way I can repay him is to make his son emperor.

I see.

You’re uneasy. But our forces are in better fighting shape than they have ever been.

Wei Kingdom has been drastically weakened since Pi Cao’s death. But Yi Sima defends LiangXi, near the Shu border.

I guess I don’t understand what’s bothering you so much.

He’s nothing more than a glorified suck-up. His rank was won without merit.

As long as he is there, I don’t see how we can send troops. The cost of the fight would be enormous, and we can’t put that strain on our troops.

Wait. Yi Sima?


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Since when has he become a threat to you, to us?

Take a look at this. It’s a letter Yi Sima sent to Pi Cao, updating him on the progress of a recent battle.

Huh. Look at that.

In it, he assesses our forces. Go on, read.

I had no idea Yi Sima had such a keen intellect.

I mean, his assessment of our forces. It’s spot on.


Indeed. Further, Rui Cao is afraid of Yi Sima. That’s why he had him dispatched to the border regions.

He is a formidable enemy.

So it seems.

Prime Minister, I have an idea for how to handle this situation.

Battle is a risky plan at this stage. But maybe we can widen the gulf in trust between Yi Sima and Rui Cao.

It’s like Sun Tzu teaches. Divide and conquer.





Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Your Majesty, I bring you the following news…

Your Father, the late king, ruled one-third of a nation at war with itself.

Since then, YiZhou has been under almost constant siege.


The time has come for us to put an end to this conflict, once and for all.

Our victories in the south have given us plenty of weapons and supplies.

Now, in order to achieve your father’s dream of winning the peace and restoring the Han Dynasty…

…we must advance into the northern territories. Once we’ve won, we’ll restore the ancient capital.

Then you can rule not from this endangered place, but from the true throne of China!

I demand to see the prime minister!

THMP THMP I’ve been told I won’t go into battle. Why?

Yan Wei

Commander, you are way out of line!

All I need is 5,000 troops. I’ve told you the plan. Let me act now, and we can take control of Xian!


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Stand down. This moment!

Get your hands off me, old man, or I swear I’ll remove them!

Why do you hesitate to give the order? XianYang could be as good as ours!

Well? Speak up!

Save it, Yi Yang.

Do you even know what war LOOKS like?

Commander Yan Wei...

This is your last warning.

Yi Yang

You’re a boy among men.


Yan Wei, look at me.


If you please, my lord, I believe my plan will lead us to victory.

I heard you the first time, Yan Wei. My apologies.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

What I haven’t heard is you admitting that this plan is dangerous!

You would occupy ALL of XiAn with only 5,000 men?

And you think it will be easy to approach? You don’t think any force would try to stop you before you got there?

It would take us less than ten days to get there if we go through ZiWu Valley.

I’m sure Zhen Cao knows how quickly XiAn can be reached through the valley. You think he hasn’t stationed an ambush party there?

At that rate, we would descend on XiAn with such sudden fury that they would fall in a day! If he did, we’d lose 5,000 soldiers, and you’d lose your head!

Commander, do you know why I insist that our forces only advance using the main, flat roads? Because I want people to see our discretion and choose to join our cause.

To win the war, we must also win the peace!


How popular would we be if we launched a surprise attack that would needlessly cost in nocent lives?

What do you say to that? I say it’s how you win a war! If you lose, what differ-All right, enough!

This isn’t just pride. You don’t think I can win a war.

For your information, I could win this war tomorrow. I’d order our forces to set fire to every crop in Wei...

then I would order you to kill every single person living there, starting with the women and the children. Those left would cower in fear. We’d win the war in no time.

But over time, the fear would become hate. That hate would fuel a bloody revolt. And in the end, we’d lose.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

My Lord, this has nothing to do with my plan. My plan--

Is no longer an option!

Thank you for your audience. I shall follow your orders without fail.

I... My Lord.


My Lord.

Send him in. We’re done here.

Wei Jiang?

Commander Wei Jiang has arrived.


My Lord, some news…

Wei Jiang

Your predictions were right, My Lord.

now, word has it that he has persuaded Western Qiang* to let him use their iron chariots in battle.

Zhen Cao attacked us swiftly, but he retreated with even more haste.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

*Western Qiang: An area in northwest China that belonged neither to Wei or to Shu

The soldiers of Western Qiang are experts at advanced weaponry. If Wei has access to their armed chariots, there is reason to worry.

My Lord, Qiang soldiers might know strength and weapons, but they have no mind for tactics. I’ll deal with this, and quickly.

How are you plan ning to handle this?

Ha ha ha! Of course you will!

Before you do, I might mention to you that heavy clouds have been gathering in the north for some time now, and a cold wind has been rising. Do you understand what I mean by this? I under­ stand, My Lord. Rest assured, I will not fail.


Hang on a second…

Prime Minister, this man used to be a sworn ally of Wei Kingdom. He only joined us to save his own hide!

I have been loyal to Shu since before the late king’s death!

Yet you trust him over me. May I ask why?

no, you may not, Yan Wei. Further, you may not boast about your plan or question my orders. Instead, you will do as I say and keep your mouth shut. I have something else in mind for you, which I will explain to you later today.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

There is only one thing left to say. So say it.


As you wish, My Lord.


Stubborn fool.


Yi Sima



Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Liang Zhuge is finally making a play for the throne.

SHI Sima

Zhao Sima

Word has it that Wei has taken up his challenge, and has chosen Mao XiaHou to defend the road to XiAn.

Hm. There is a tinge of blood in the air. Shu’s army is already halfway to XiAn.

You knew?



It’s his only play. Very well…


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Pack your things, both of you. Things are going to move quickly now.

Shuang Cao Father! You put Xiahou in charge of defending the road to XiAn? He doesn’t have the experience for that!


So it is wise to shelter us from the storm.

The weather outside is gorgeous, but there is a storm coming.

I don’t und--

Yes you do.

Think about it. Shu’s army is on the move.

Morale is high. Whoever is first to confront them will no doubt end up a casualty.

So let Mao Xiahou absorb the brunt of things. After that, we swoop in and save the day.

Where glory resides. On the battlefield.

Of course! I see now! Ha ha ha!


Is that why Yi Sima still has some power? Despite the late king’s wishes? Is he a form of protection?

It’s a clever plan. And simple. Ha!

Of course! Though we can’t have him too close, because the emperor is terrified of him.

But remember, most of Yi Sima’s reputation is based on rumors started by Shu Kingdom.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Right now, the emperor and his court trust me above all the other generals.

I could lose a battle and still maintain my position. Mao Xiahou has my back.

I have to say, the way you’ve arranged your pieces on the board is impressive.

You’re ten steps ahead of everyone else. And you make it look easy.



In 228 AD, Liang Zhuge won a series of victories against the forces of Wei. He wiped out TianShu and NanAn, and soon Mao Xiahou had fled, never to return. Liang Zhuge’s forces continued on toward XiAn. Rui Cao gave Zhen Cao 200,000 soldiers and ordered him to defend XiAn.


Zhen Cao’s military camp

My Lord, a message!

The forces of Qiang were successful! They drove away Shu’s army with their iron chariots, and are requesting additional forces for a pincer maneuver.

Zhen Cao Ha! Great!


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Send the forces requested. It is time to destroy Shu’s army and capture Liang Zhuge.

My Lord.

Huai Guo

A word of caution. The wind is rising and there is fre­quent thunder. The sky does not look suitable for going into battle.

What do I care about the skies? We have the heavens on our side!

We couldn’t ask for a better chance than this. And we won’t pass it up.



Look! Is that…?



Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Zun Cao, Zan Zhu! They’re up ahead! Advance forward to the enemy’s position and engage!

Where are they? I can’t see anything.



! ! ! GE

R A CH Yan Wei



Ambush! Close ranks and fall back!

Zun Cao

Hold the line! nobody panic--


SPLO CK Yan Wei! You’ll pay for his life with your own!

Zan Zhu


Three Kingdoms Volume 19



Yun Zhao

Heh. Slowing down in your old age?

not at all. In fact, let’s race to see who claims Zhen Cao’s head!


My Lord Zhen Cao! Terrible news!

Even the Qiang army was caught off-guard by the ambush. All their armored chariots and all their soldiers have been wiped out!

And commanders Zun Cao and Zan Zhu have been killed!

All of them? Gone?

! I don’t believe this. Everyone fall back!


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Following Zhen Cao’s defeat, which itself came on the heels of Mao Xiahou’s defeat, the royal court of Wei was thrown into chaos. Ultimately, Rui Cao was forced to personally lead an army to protect XiAn and asked Yi Sima to return and lead Wei’s forces into battle against the Shu armies.

Chapter 2

Su Ma’s Folly 228 AD

Summary Liang Zhuge is fully immersed in his plan

Sun has learned of Liang Zhuge’s recent

to expand Shu Kingdom into the northern

successes in the north. He discusses the

territories of Wei. Vital to this plan is the

matter with Xun Lu, who tells Quan Sun

city of JieTing, which is a strategic location

that Liang Zhuge is unlikely to defeat the

for getting information and provisions to

forces of Wei, since he is surrounded by

a large military force. For Liang Zhuge’s

incompetent people. Seeing an opportunity

northern expedition to work, JieTing must

to take advantage of a weakened Shu

be adequately defended. He entrusts Su

Kingdom, and perhaps weaken Wei

Ma, who is untested in military affairs, with

Kingdom, Quan Sun orders one of his

the defense of the city, and orders Yan Wei

governors to pretend to surrender to Wei, in

to station a force on the outskirts to provide

the hopes of drawing their forces into a two-

support if needed.

fronted battle.

Meanwhile, in Eastern Wu, Quan


XiLiang ChangShan

w llo Ye

er Riv BeiHai

JieTing Rive rW ei

A XiCheng JianGe


XuChang XuZhou

B QiShan

XiAn (ChangAn)

XinCheng XiangYang





BaiDi JiangXia

KuaiJi ChaiSang PoYang ChangSha

Liang Zhuge’s March Yi Sima’s March

A Yi Sima is reinstated as commander of Wei forces, and immediately has Da Meng executed.

B Yi Sima’s forces move against Liang Zhuge, who is holed up in XiCheng after losing JieTing.

C Quan Sun orders Bang Zhu to surrender to Wei forces, in an effort to draw them into battle.

My Lord! Good news!

Da Meng has sent word that he wishes to surrender to us. He says he can bring with him the Wei soldiers from ShangYong and JinCheng.

Wait, why not? What’s wrong? This is indeed good news, but let’s not get our hopes up.



Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Remember, this is the man who defected from Shu to join Wei not too long ago.

Da Meng’s offer tells me that we have the upper hand.

But his offer to bring forces will come to noth­ ing. In fact, Da Meng already has one foot in the grave.

I see what you mean. Such a thing means there’s a chance that word of his defection will get out…

now that we have the advantage, he wants to come back to us. Who would follow such a man?

Perhaps. But if Da Meng can control them… If he can keep them from talking…

It could work, right?

Precisely. A man like him does not inspire loyalty. The soldiers of Wei will look out for themselves.


What about Yi Sima?

That’s only the first worry. Don’t forget about Yi Sima.

Da Meng is no match for Yi Sima. What’s more, Yi Sima has such a shrewd mind, he might already know about Da Meng’s plan.

Huh. But if he knew…

He would still have to report it to the royal court. That could buy Da Meng some time, yes?

not really. Wei is in a state of war. A general would not have to seek the court’s consent.

Yi Sima could order Da Meng’s execution and not even report it to the King.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

What a mess.

I’m afraid Wei Jiang’s odds are correct.

Right now, I’d say that the odds of Da Meng escaping Wei with even his life are less than ten to one.

Send word.

Just the same, we can’t sit back and let him die. We must warn him, right away.

And call in the advisors. We must form a plan for dealing with Yi Sima.

He’s the last person who can stop us from realizing Bei Liu’s dream.


Later… All right. Let’s assume that Yi Sima executes Da Meng and then assumes control of all of Wei’s military forces.


His first objective will be to stop our momentum by attacking JieTing.

JieTing is small, but it is invaluable to our forces. Its location is essential to our advancement into Wei.

Because of this, we cannot afford to lose it. So who among you is prepared to step up and defend JieTing?


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

I under­ stand your hesitation. JieTing is not the easiest place to defend. And Yi Sima is a formidable opponent.

But defend it we must. Is anyone willing to answer the call?




Ahem. I will go, My Lord.

Su Ma

It would be an honor to defend JieTing.


Su Ma, you don’t have much experience in battle. What makes you think you’re ready for this?

I have served this court for years. now I take the next step.

I have studied by your side for a long time now. So I have learned from the best. There is no one besides you who can match my wits in battle.


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

If I fail, and you can’t punish me, you can behead my family. Ha!

I will give you 25,000 troops under the command of chief commander Ping Wang. Make sure the plan is implemented exactly how I described.

I admire your confidence, but this is nothing to joke about.

Yes, My Lord.

I will carry out your orders to the letter.

Good luck, Su Ma. Yan Wei!


My Lord?

What can I do for you?

And what am I supposed to do there?

Take a regiment of soldiers and patrol YangPing Pass, which is nestled behind JieTing. Twiddle my thumbs while the real fight is happening somewhere else?

If you were so eager to fight, you should have spoken up just now! As I said before, JieTing is too important to lose.

I, um… Yes. As you wish, My Lord.

Unbelievable. I used to command the Five Tiger generals. now I get grief from Yan Wei!

And YangPing Pass is the lifeline from it to HanZhong. now stop whining and go!


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

We don’t have time for this nonsense.

Later, on the outskirts of JieTing… We’re the rearguard! How did we get ambushed from the back?

Form ranks! Push them back!

They snuck up from behind us.

Where did they come from?

! ! ! H H A YA 063

My Lord, you should leave while you still can.

no, I cannot turn and run away. I must face my shame. I swore to defend JieTing, and I failed.

Su Ma


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

There is nowhere to go. I am a dead man. sob

My Lord! We’ve drawn out a fighting force led by Yan Wei. They are fleeing to LieLiuCheng.

We can catch them before they get there!

But let’s not.

We’ll occupy that fortress and capture Yan Wei in good time. For now, round up those who have surrendered. Yes. We could do that.

Shuang Cao


My Lord Yan Wei! Enemy soldiers ahead!

It’s true. The road to LieLiuCheng is filled with the enemy’s flags.

All right, listen up!


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

What is going on? Enemy soldiers are flooding out of every strategic point we have.


Forget LieLiuCheng!

We’re falling back to YangPing Pass!

We stop for nothing! MOVE!

!! ! H AH



WHAT? JieTing has been lost? How did that happen?

Tell me this isn’t true.

My Lord, Su Ma misjudged where to build the camps.

Speak up! He put them on top of the mountain.



Three Kingdoms Volume 19


I don’t believe this. The plan is for nothing now.


I must …

This is all my fault. I…


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

The northern expedition is a complete failure. Recall all soldiers to HanZhong. Right now!



Bao Zhang! Ping Guan! Find our remaining forces and escort them home.

If you cross paths with Wei soldiers, do not engage. Create a diversion and get away from them.

Yi Zhang, draw the enemy forces toward Jian Ge. And make sure the road to HanZhong is clear for our troops.


Huh. It looks like the sun is setting on the time of Liang Zhuge.

You won battles by literally mov­ ing mountains and rivers, and you killed your greatest rival, Yu Zhou, using nothing but your wits. But you didn’t see me coming.

A man meets his true equal only once in his life. What could be better than to vie with him for control of the world?


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

It’s just you and me now, Liang Zhuge. Man versus man, winner take all.

With incredible speed, Yi Sima had raised an army and marched them toward XinCheng, where Da Meng ruled. Along the way, he attacked Yan Wei’s backup force, making it easier for Shuang Cao’s forces to conquer JieTing. The attack was so sudden that Yan Wei had no idea who he was fighting.


Stay back!

I beg you! This is a mistake!

Da Meng


Zhen Cao’s military camp


I heard. And it’s exactly as the late king predicted. Yi Sima was recalled to lead the military. And right away he’s a hero for killing a would-be traitor.

It doesn’t matter! He’ll get all the credit for stabilizing our forces.


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Well, it appears Yi Sima has finally made his play.

THUD Well, let’s not flatter him too much. Yi Sima didn’t plan for that.

At this rate, he’ll be second in line to the throne in a matter of weeks!

The hell he will! I won’t allow it!

Yi Sima has a leg up right now. But we wield the real power. Besides, you forget one thing. Yi Sima is the only one who can deal with Liang Zhuge.

Gah! If Liang Zhuge were gone, we could get rid of Yi Sima.

Well, we can’t. not yet.

We need to help him defeat Liang Zhuge. Then we can deal with him.

In the meantime, we need to capture LieLiuCheng fortress right away. It will help us earn some favor back in the king’s eyes.


Shuang Cao

Where are you going, Yan Wei?

Stop now, and I’ll spare your life!

Child, you don’t get to offer that.



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My Lord Shuang Cao, are you all right?

Chasing after him like this is pointless, anyway.

Ah… My spear stopped his blow, but I feel like I broke my wrist in the process.

Our priority is occupying LieLiuCheng Fortress. Redirect the forces. Hurry!



Ha! I may have ceded JieTing to you, Yi Sima.



But LieLiuCheng is mine. I’d say things are back to even no--




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The banner of Yi Sima



Hello, Shuang Cao.

What took you so long?


Oh, nothing. My forces were merely busy chasing down the enemy. Must have made it easier for you to get here.


With no one in the way.

In fact, you want another chance to outdo me?

Don’t be childish, Shuang Cao.

I didn’t mean to get here before you. I was just lucky.

Pick one, huh?


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There are two people we need to take off the field, but I can’t take both myself. So you need to pick one -- Yun Zhao or Liang Zhuge.

Liang Zhuge is clever, but unfamiliar to me. Yun Zhao is a battle-tested general, despite his age. But I know I can defeat him. So I’ll go after Yun Zhao.

Liang Zhuge’s forces are stationed in ShengXu. That’s where I will head. You will lead your troops to JiGu, where Yun Zhao is stationed.

All right, have it your way. You take out the general. I’ll take care of Liang Zhuge.


Very well. Good luck, Yi Sima.





Meanwhile, in Eastern Wu…

Ha ha ha! Hit the target again!


Last chance, Xun Lu. Miss this shot, and the match is mine.

Steady …

Take your time.

TINK 082

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Oh, good match, Xun Lu. Ha ha!

Perhaps, My Lord. But you are a far superior player than I am.

next time, your luck will change. Winning streaks are hard to break.


nonsense! It’s just that you’re too busy to focus on a game like this!

Come to think of it, I only became good because I have time on my hands. Thanks to you.

I swore to handle the affairs of Eastern Wu for you. It’s my job.


That’s enough. Leave us alone.

now. Let’s talk.


Honestly, I’m not worried about his campaign.

I’ve heard about Liang Zhuge’s string of victories. now he’s heading north. Once he conquers those territories, he’ll have the upper hand, don’t you think?


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He’s earn­ ed some victories for Shu, but I expect them to come undone before long.

Look what he did to XiAn.

Why do you say that?

Yes, but he was able to defend it.

A genius! Trust me.

You’re right.

They were in such danger that Rui Cao himself had to defend the place.

That was Liang Zhuge’s last, best chance. He’s a smart man--


But he’s also the last one left in Shu. He’s running that place practically by himself.

Bei Liu’s son is so worthless they might as well leave the throne empty…

And the Five Tiger generals have been reduced to one, and his advisors are fools. So Liang Zhuge is doing the work of 100 men to try and realize Bei Liu’s dream.

He’s a genius.

That is a very shrewd way of looking at it.

Putting into practice a plan as ambitious as Bei Liu’s requires a whole kingdom working together. One man can’t pull it off.


I had never thought about it that way.

I have an idea…

So what do we do now?

In addition, he’s becoming overly cautious.

Liang Zhuge is trying to do too much. He must be exhausted. His mind won’t be as quick as usual.

He’s mulling decisions for too long. He punishes even the smallest mistake.

So Liang Zhuge cannot control Western Shu. And Rui Cao is not truly in control of Wei. I think our moment has finally come.


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And don’t forget about Yi Sima. Look at what he did to Da Meng.

Part of me feels sympathy for him.

Liang Zhuge must have marveled at how fast he pulled that off.

There have been times where I’ve felt the same way.

Yes? Here. Read.

Then they’ll aim at us.

What is this? A secret letter from one of our governors, Fang Zhu in PoYang.

In it, he reports that Xiu Cao in Wei is poised at the border to strike Eastern Wu. And if Wei defeats Liang Zhuge…

Let’s beat them to it.

I will order Fang Zhu to pretend to surrender. He will draw out Wei’s forces. Then we’ll strike.

We’ll force them into a twofronted battle. They can’t defend both at the same time.

First we’ll conquer ShouChun. From there, XuChang and LuoYang will be easy pickings!


That… That’s a brilliant plan! Fine, but do it quietly. If word gets out, the plan will fail. I will put it into motion right away, Your Majesty.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Ha! It pays to be the last man standing.


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It’s never been this simple. The world is falling into my hands!

Various Shields of Wei Soldiers

Chapter 3

Liang Zhuge vs. Yi Sima 229 AD

Summary While Shu’s army and citizens withdraw to

JieTing. Liang Zhuge determines that Su

HanZhong, Liang Zhuge leads a force of

Ma’s failure was the result of hubris, and

3,000 soldiers to XiCheng in order to secure

not incompetence. As such, military order

their military supplies and provisions. When

must be upheld, and Su Ma is put to death.

Yi Sima learns of Liang Zhuge’s location,

When Liang Zhuge returns to HanZhong, he

he swiftly orders his army to descend on

accepts responsibility for the failure of the

XiCheng. With no fighting force to defend

northern campaign and resigns as prime

XiCheng, Liang Zhuge devises a daring bluff,

minister. He focuses his energy on rebuilding

in which he all but invites Yi Sima to attack

Shu’s army, but when an old friend delivers

him. Uncertain of Liang Zhuge’s rationale, Yi

devastating news, Liang Zhuge’s plans

Sima orders his soldiers to retreat.

threaten to unravel.

Afterward, Su Ma is brought before

Liang Zhuge to answer for his role in losing

JieTing Rive rW ei




QiShan XiCheng


B HanZhong

XinCheng XiangYang BaiDi

ChengDu JingZhou

Liang Zhuge’s March

A Liang Zhuge confronts Yi Sima in XiCheng. B Liang Zhuge returns to HanZhong to deal with the fallout from the loss of JieTing.

After Su Ma lost the city of JieTing, Liang Zhuge ordered the withdrawal of all Shu forces to HanZhong. Then he put Dai Ma and Wei Jiang in charge of overseeing the evacuation of TianShui and NanAn, whose residents were also ordered back to HanZhong. Meanwhile, Liang Zhuge led 5,000 troops to XiCheng, where he personally oversaw the transport of provisions and military supplies. When Yi Sima learned of this, he immediately ordered his forces to descend on XiCheng.


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ShengXu All right, let’s pick We have up the no time pace! to lose!

The Wei army can drop in on us at any moment, so stop drag­ ging your feet!

Prime Minister, we’ve loaded the last of the provisions.

The last of the transport units are bound for HanZhong by way of YangPing Pass.


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All right, our supplies are safe. Tell all personnel to pack their things and follow us.

Prime Minis­ ter!

Prime Minister! We’ve got a problem!

Yi Sima’s army is inbound. They’ll be here in hours.


Yi Sima?

We have fewer If this is than 3,000 true, we’re in soldiers. And trouble. What do no generals we do? to lead them!

Everyone calm down. Yi Sima can be defeated, but there is no room for error.


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I have an idea…


Why can’t we mount an attack?

What do you mean?

Well… take a look.

The fortress gate is wide open. There isn’t a soldier in sight.


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They’ve got some old men sweeping the entrance, like they’re going to have guests.

And take a look at the top of that wall.

Liang Zhuge is burning incense and playing a zither.

This can’t just be a bluff. It’s like he’s daring us to call his bluff. Right?





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Can anyone figure out what he’s doing?


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All regiments return to camp. We’re done here. You have my orders. Fall out!

Sound the retreat!

My Lord!

Wait! We’ve got Liang Zhuge trapped.

Calm down. There’s more to this than meets the eye.

He may be acting fun ny, but Liang Zhuge always gets the last laugh.

Why did you… Why are we going back?


But look around us! There’s nothing!

He’s bluffing.

Is that so? I take it, since you’re such an expert, you also know that Liang Zhuge is the most meticulous man alive, and leaves nothing to chance.

I’m sorry, My Lord. But I trust my eyes, not my gut.

He doesn’t take risks. I promise you, if we march in there, we march into the mouth of hell.

All right, then let me show you something...

Do you see the woods behind the fortress?

Look very carefully. Don’t you get the sense that there is a murderous spirit lingering in there?


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Murderous spirit…?

I mean…do YOU see something like that?

I asked you. Take your time. Look with more than just your eyes.

Um… I think I see some dark clouds in the distance…

Maybe we send in just a few men to see what he’s up to.

Did you hear me just now?

I’m sorry, My Lord, but this is hurting my eyes.

Or we could send a scout team to check things out.

This is Liang Zhuge. Whoever goes in there will not be coming out. I have no interest in wast­ ing precious resources like that.


Of course, if you insist, I’m more than happy to let you lead a few men or a scouting party. Shall I give you some men?

You seem very committed to doing something about this. I bet you’d earn a medal for the effort.

I…well, I mean…now that I look harder, I see what you’re talking about.

Definitely a murderous spirit out there. I’ll go now.

You’re right. Clearly a trap. Ha ha!

I leave this in your good hands. Attack or retreat, it’s entirely up to you.



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I’ll return to the capital and report to His Majesty on your progress.


Fall back!

All right, father, be honest with us at least. Do you think Liang Zhuge would have ambushed us?

Ha ha ha!


What I do know is that Liang Zhuge and the threat he poses is the reason I was called back. In that way, I rely on him.

How on earth would I know?

Liang Zhuge is the only person who knows what goes on inside his head. I don’t bother.

As long as he lives, my position is secure.


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never discard what is useful. Even an enemy.

Besides, by avoiding a possible ambush, I avoid the risk of losing the battle. So there’s no reason to act against my doubts.





Ha ha ha!


My body is clenched tighter than a fist… scared stiff…

Can’t… move…


now you can move! Ha ha!





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Yi Sima’s ambition got the better of him. He was so preoccupied with not losing that he wouldn’t take the slightest risk.

next time we meet, I won’t be able to resort to mind games. next time will decide the winner for good.

Move! Get in there, maggot!

FUMP Stop pushing me!

You’re lucky that’s all I do!

OOF 114

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Su Ma


WHAM My Lord. You know what must be done.

Su Ma, look at me. You know why you’re here.


I do, My Lord, and I’m prepared for this. I was arrogant, and I built our camps on top of a mountain. As a result, we lost JieTing, and had to abandon the northern campaign.

I asked you not to get carried away. More than once.

I could die seven times for what I’ve done, and it won’t make things right.

I thought my skills and my soldiers superior enough that if we held the high ground, there would be no beating us. sob

This is JieTing. notice there isn’t any rough terrain to cross.


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What in the world were you thinking?

Here. Take a look at this map with me, would you?

So it is an important connecting point from HanZhong.

If you control JieTing, then you can move a large army from HanZhong into the northern territories. If you lose JieTing, retreat is your only option.

Because it is not easy to defend, the chances of a long battle are high. So it’s important to make camp where soldiers and horses can get water.

You claim to have learned from the best, Su Ma. But you need only have read a children’s book to under­ stand this basic principle.

I could forgive you if I thought you’d lost JieTing through no fault of your own. After all, you are not a competent commander.

nonetheless, you built camps on top of a mountain, rather than near a water supply.

But it wasn’t your lack of competence that caused this. It was your surplus of hubris.

You are a sufficiently intelligent person, Su Ma. But you went to great lengths to exaggerate your talents. And there’s no excuse for that.

Well said, My Lord!

You’ve assessed this situation perfectly. now, enough with the words.

Let’s take this bastard out back and carry out the rule of military law!


Yan Wei!

Military law does not apply only to the battlefield! How dare you interrupt me with profanity in the middle of such a sad occasion!


Mark my words, you will not go unpunished for this!


Forgive me, My Lord.


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When you volunteer­ ed to lead the army, you signed a military oath.

Su Ma…

If you have any last words, now would be the time.

My Lord, I have respected you for as long as I’ve known you, and...

...I’ve hung on your every word like a child would his father. I only wanted to help.

The terms of that oath are binding, and I have no choice but to carry out those terms.

But I know that I caused nothing but harm. And if you don’t kill me, the shame will.

I wish you nothing but good fortune, My Lord. May you achieve Bei Liu’s dream.

Should I be doomed to wander the world after death, I shall at least enjoy watching you restore the Han Dynasty.

now please, let’s finish this business before I lose my nerve!

WHAM 119

Oh, dear.


My Lord?


WHAM Take him. You know what must be done.


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Yan Wei… You are hereby ordered to forfeit your salary.

And if you do something like that again, I will take more than just your money. Far more.

My Lord, I’m ashamed of my behavior.

I accept your judgment.


Meanwhile, Yun Zhao and Zhi Deng were pulling their forces out of JiGu and returning to HanZhong. When Yun Zhao set out ahead of Zhi Deng with an advance force, he ran into an unexpected obstacle.

This is your last warning!

We are withdrawing our forces to HanZhong. We don’t wish to harm anyone. There is no reason for hostility, so let us pass. Don’t make a stupid mistake and pay for it with your life.

Save it, Yun Zhao.

Shuang Cao


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There is a promotion and a handsome rewarding awaiting the man who beheads Yun Zhao!

Well? Any volunteers?

But you will be dispatched from this world headless and empty-handed. Ha ha!

If the promise of fortune is so appealing, by all means chase after me.

Huh. He’s running away.


Well? Kill him! What are you waiting for, permission? MOVE!



Come on, you maggots! Follow me!


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Shuang Cao

After withdrawing his troops to HanZhong, Liang Zhuge accepted full responsibility for the failure of his northern campaign and resigned as prime minister. But he didn’t abandon his goal of conquering the north; he allowed others to handle affairs of the state while he focused on building up the military.

Sigh This is getting ridiculous. With each passing day, Yi Sima gains greater favor with the emperor and the court.

Zhen Cao

If this keeps up, I’m going to end up serving him.

Oh, it would completely turn the tables.


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But how in the world do I defeat Liang Zhuge?

Yi Sima was unable to defeat Liang Zhuge, isn’t that right?

So defeat­ ing Liang Zhuge would restore your favor, yes?

I’m glad you asked.

Take a look over there. Father, meet Shuang Wang. The deadliest soldier I’ve ever seen.

Shuang Cao

Liang Zhuge doesn’t stand a chance against him. He’s twice the warrior Bu Lu was!


GRUH! Shuang Wang

You moron…

Well…I… Fine. Have I taught you nothing? You can’t beat Liang Zhuge with brute force.


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In Western Shu…

Thud! Heh.

This is a new one. I appear to be several moves ahead of you.

Pop— Yes, it appears you are. Of course, that could be by design. Maybe I let you get several moves ahead.

Ha. nice bluff, old friend. Wait--


What are-My stones!

Ha ha! Too late.

not again…

At first, it looks like you’ve overtaken my half of the board. But it’s just a trap.

Yun Zhao

Huh. All these years, and I still can’t detect your traps in advance. You’re too good.

What do you mean?

I realized something after our last encounter.


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I lose. For the umpteenth time.

After Bei Liu’s death, my first responsi­ bility was to stabilize the kingdom. I didn’t want to risk anything, so I acted with great caution.

You can thank Yi Sima. It’s his fault.

Then along comes Yi Sima, whose bold and risky tactics seemed to mock me.

I realized I had been too rigid in my think­ ing, and placed...

...too much emphasis on building a large fighting force with many command­ ers.

It’s like I was finally able to see what I had become: unfocused and uncertain. I couldn’t even surprise myself.

I had plenty of advisors. But I couldn’t rely on them.

Once I realized what a coward I was being, I took bold action. Hence the bluff against Yi Sima.

True, it was an enormous task. And one that cannot be achieved with caution alone.


Don’t be so hard on yourself. You took on an immense burden when Bei Liu died. You swore to finish restoring the Han Dynasty.

When Su Ma was killed, my timidity died with him.

not an easy thing to do.

I resigned my post so others can handle affairs of state.

I’m go­ ing to focus on building our military.


But this time I’m going to build it right. And we will restore the Han Dynasty!


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I was worried. For a while there, I thought you were de­ press­ed.

That’s more like it.

You are the last of the Five Tiger Commanders. As long as I have you on the battlefield, I have nothing to be depressed about.

Depressed? During your last battle, you claimed five generals’ heads, and didn’t lose a single soldier!

I’m afraid I’ve fought my final battle, old friend.

I would like you to lead our army. What do you say? I’m flattered.

The forces of Wei shudder at the mere mention of your name, you know.

But I can’t. The campaign you just mentioned will be my last.


Why? What’s wrong? Wait, where did you get those injuries?

A training session. I still do martial arts every single morning.

The other day, I was nicked by my sparring partner’s sword.

I didn’t think too much about it. But then it didn’t heal.


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And then it festered. now it’s killing me.


Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I’ll fetch the best doctor in the kingdom right now!

I already tried that.

The doctors can’t treat this wound.

That’s why I asked to see you today. I wanted to say a proper farewell.

Then I sought medical advice elsewhere. no one can figure it out.

The way I see it, I’ve spent my whole life on the field of battle, cheating death every day. I think my body just can’t take any more, and death is finally catching up to me.

Don’t say that.

There has to be something we can do for you.


My Lord, don’t be upset. I won’t live to see Bei Liu’s dream realized, but I’ve led a charmed life. I have no regrets.


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I know you’ll be fine without me. I know you’ll finish what we started.

I must be going now. Goodbye, old friend.


What am I going to do now? I don’t know if I can do this by myself.


In 228 AD, Yun Zhao, the last of the Five Tiger generals, succumbed to a mysterious illness and died. He was the only general to have never lost a battle during the era of the three kingdoms.

Yun Zhao

Chapter 4

Liang Zhuge Undeterred 229 AD

Summary While Eastern Wu is carrying out a successful

campaign against Wei on their shared

Shu forces by pretending to defend two

border, Liang Zhuge launches a third

strongholds, while actually aligning his

campaign to conquer Wei lands to the north.

forces for an attack. However, Liang Zhuge

When Shu’s third campaign threatens the

has anticipated this strategy, and defeats

Wei capital of XiAn, Rui Cao appoints Yi Sima

Wei’s forces in WuDu and YinPing. After Yi

supreme military commander of Wei. The

Sima’s forces retreat, he orders all soldiers to

two strategists then spend considerable

withdraw to inside his fortress’s walls and

time trying to anticipate what the other will

focus on defense. A stalemate ensues.


Finally, Yi Sima attempts to deceive

JieTing Rive rW ei



ChangAn WuDu QiShan YinPing JianGe


XinCheng XiangYang BaiDi

ChengDu JingZhou


A Liang Zhuge launches one more offensive against the northern territories.

While Shu and Wei Kingdoms were preoccupied with fighting each other, Eastern Wu achieved a significant victory over Wei forces in ShiTing.


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As Shu’s forces were retreating, they were taunted by Shuang Wang, a recently appointed and supposedly fearsome general of Wei forces. Yan Wei beheaded him for the slight.

Meanwhile, Liang Zhuge launched a second offensive against the northern territories, but could not break through at the Wei stronghold of ChenCang.


Shortly thereafter, Quan Sun claimed the imperial throne for himself. Around the same time, Liang Zhuge launched a third offensive against the north. Shu forces were able to conquer ChenCang. As a result, Rui Cao, fearing an imminent attack on XiAn, appointed Yi Sima supreme commander of the Wei army.


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Huai Guo! Li Sun!

My Lord?

Our units’ resources have been directed toward defense. We still haven’t heard from WuDu and YinPing, though.

Status report. now.


Take two battalions and set out to defend WuDu and YinPing. Time is short, so move!

Huai Guo

Yes, My Lord!


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Li Sun

Yi Sima had ordered He Zhang and Ling Dai to mount an attack against Shu’s invading forces. He then directed the rest of Wei’s military to fortify the defenses of the remaining areas.


In Western Shu…

The map before you reflects the current state of affairs.

As you can see, our forces have all but taken WuDu and YinPing…


…In addition to securing both ChenCang and SanGuan.

So… Who’d like to guess what’s going through Yi Sima’s mind?


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Yi Sima has already tasted victory against us once. I’d bet he goes for a head-tohead fight.

If he has any brains, he’ll avoid a headto-head battle like a virus. Look at the map! We control the strategic points!


Don’t be an idiot!

Yi Sima is a schemer, not a warrior.

That’s enough, Yan Wei.

Use your brains for once. Yi Sima is a decent commander, but you’re making him look like Sun Tzu.


Yan Wei, what’s your idea?

Well, since you asked…


From there, it’s easy to move along ZiWu Valley and head toward XiAn--

Most of our forces are concentrated in a single area. Here. In WeiShui.


FLIK Again with Xian! Would you give it up, already? Do you really think Wei is just going to surrender their capital like that? now who’s an--

All right, everyone calm down.

Don’t finish that sentence.


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not a bad idea.

Yi Sima has sealed all strategic paths into and out of XiAn. So it’s clear he sees it as vulnerable, and has already prepared for possible attacks.

But you take a far too optimistic view of things.

But now you’re being too cautious.

It will be difficult to conquer XiAn, no one doubts that. But that’s war.

That’s why we must go after XiAn.

Of course, if we’d done that when I first suggested, this war would be over by now.

That may be.

What we need right now is boldness. It’s the only way to end this thing.

Perhaps you’re right.

But a lot more of us would be dead too. Including you.


That’s the thing about war. It isn’t fought on game tables.

I think his attack force is a bluff.

…hitting us on two fronts.


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As for Yi Sima…

He wants to draw us into a fight, and then attack us at WuDu and YinPing…

He means to stretch us thin, then rip us apart. Ping Guan, Bao Zhang, you know what to do.

As you wish, My Lord.

We’ll spring this trap before it’s even been set!

Bao Zhang

Ping Guan


I hope you’re right.




THUD 154

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Here we come, Yi Sima. Catch us if you can.

As Liang Zhuge had predicted, Wei Forces led by Huai Guo and Li Sun launched surprise attacks in WuDu and YinPing. The Shu army was able to repel the attacks, and the two Wei commanders were lucky to escape with their lives.

Li Sun

Huai Guo


It’s my fault, not yours. Get up.


My Lord.

My Lord. These attacks were lost before they began. Liang Zhuge knew exactly what I was doing.




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You two! Go to YongCheng

He Zhang! Ling Dai!

and Mei­ Cheng.

Fortify the defenses. But don’t take any troops with you. My Lord?

Liang Zhuge is probably in either WuDu or YinPing, Winning the peace. So his camps are bound to be undefended.

If we take away their base…

Yes, My Lord?

Take 10,000 elite troops and storm those camps.

…and scatter their forces…

FWAP 157


…then I can attack from the front.

They will be pin ned between our forces. He Zhang, attack the camp. now.

Then we combine efforts to plow them into their graves.

My Lord. A brilliant plan!


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All right, attack! no prisoners!

Whoever presents me with a general’s head will be rewarded with gold!

He Zhang



Hold up!

Ha ha! Hang on! Where are you going?

a ck! Fa ll b n ow!

They know we’re coming!


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Hello, He Zhang!

You look surprised. Don’t be. It’s easy to know what Yi Sima will do with his pawns.





We’re not playing games, Liang Zhuge.

You might not be, but your master is. Surrender, and I’ll spare your life.



I don’t care if I die today! I’m taking you with me!


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! rg e

As you wish…









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Come on, then! Let’s finish this!


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I have made light of Liang Zhuge.

no, My Lord. Just give me more men.

I won’t fail again. I will kill him this time.


That’s not true!

no. no more of this.

I can’t predict Liang Zhuge’s moves right now. So we can’t win.

If we move rashly, we’re likely to lose our entire army.


My Lord, he’s had good luck. But only the gods win every single time.

Give me 10,000 men. I swear, I’ll give you his head.

You are a brave man.

Enough, He Zhang.


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But that won’t win a war.

There are times when it’s best to seek shelter and wait for the sun to shine.

Sigh As you wish, My Lord.

Send out the order. all soldiers are to withdraw from battle.

Close the gates and reassign all troops to fortress defense.


The next day… Well? Answer me, you sniveling cowards!

Are you going to hide in there forever?



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This heat… I can’t take this heat anymore.



Stand down.

And take your armor off.


Might as well break out the wine. Only a battle of wits is being fought today.



It is common and accepted wisdom that Bei Liu would not have achieved what he did were it not for the unshakeable trust he had in Liang Zhuge. This trust was established because Liang Zhuge filled a very specific gap in Bei Liu’s abilities as a leader: Where Bei Liu was a man of passion, committed to a dream, Liang Zhuge was a man of logic and shrewdness, committed to victory. Once they had formed a partnership, Bei Liu’s fortunes in the ongoing war for the throne of China took a dramatic turn for the better. As was apparent to anyone who witnessed this startling turn of fortune, passion alone was not enough to achieve Bei Liu’s dream. But now that Bei Liu is gone, a very unexpected truth reveals itself: that as much as Bei Liu’s passionate dream depended on Liang Zhuge’s shrewd tactics, those tactics alone cannot achieve the dream unless paired with a similar passion. Only after it’s too late does Liang Zhuge realize that he needed Bei Liu as much as Bei Liu needed him.


The problems are apparent soon after Bei Liu dies. Where once he could call upon advisors and generals who shared Bei Liu’s dream, Liang Zhuge now finds himself surrounded by a new generation of men, most of whom have no memory of the Han Dynasty that Bei Liu fought so hard to restore. These men are far less likely to put a selfless cause before their own interests, particularly when they have no appreciation of the cause. This makes it very difficult for them to comprehend some of Liang Zhuge’s strategies, which have always been carried out by men for whom the goal of restoring the Han Dynasty was worth being confounded by Zhuge’s plans. Yan Wei and Su Ma are examples of this. Both men are eager to wage war on behalf of Shu Kingdom, but neither acts with the focus or clarity of purpose that Bei Liu and his brothers did. They may have sworn an oath to fight for Shu, but their greatest fidelity is to themselves. This is why Yan Wei cannot understand


Three Kingdoms Volume 19

Liang Zhuge’s hesitation to launch an attack that would cost innocent lives. This is also what seals Su Ma’s doom. Liang Zhuge’s execution order seems quite severe – he pardoned Yu Guan when he spared Cao Cao’s life – but the truth is that Liang Zhuge had no choice. When he pardoned Yu Guan, he knew that the legendary soldier would never betray Bei Liu’s cause again. There are no such assurances with Su Ma. When Yun Zhao tells Liang Zhuge of his mortal wound, the latter weeps for several reasons. For one thing, he’s losing the last connection he has to Bei Liu’s generation, the last person who can recall what it was they fought so hard to preserve. But he also weeps because he understands that once Yun Zhao is gone, he will be well and truly alone. Liang Zhuge was never vain enough to believe he could carry out Bei Liu’s dream by himself. However, once the last of the Five Tiger Generals has passed away, he realizes that he relied on others far more than most will ever know.


Vol. 01

Vol. 02

Vol. 03

Vol. 04

Vol. 05

Vol. 06

Vol. 07

Vol. 08

Vol. 09

Vol. 10

Vol. 11

Vol. 12

Vol. 13

Vol. 14

Vol. 15

Vol. 16

Vol. 17

Vol. 18

Vol. 19

Vol. 20

“...Invaluable...beautiful artwork...commendable efforts to bring the characters to life.” – Publishers Weekly

The rivalry among Bei Liu, Cao Cao, and Quan Sun has been the defining struggle of the era of the three kingdoms. But two of the men are dead, and the era of the three kingdoms is drawing to a close. Now, Liang Zhuge, who was the architect of Bei Liu’s ascent to power, must engage in almost constant battle and forge unpopular alliances if he is to preserve the legacy of his former master.

In collaboration with Tianjin Shenjie Comics, China

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