Three Kingdoms Volume 15: Divide and Conquer [1 ed.] 9788998341657

Six years ago, Bei Liu was told of a plan that would allow him to one day win control of China and restore greatness to

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Three Kingdoms Volume 15: Divide and Conquer [1 ed.]

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Wei Dong Chen • Xiao Long Liang

Divide and Conquer





“...An ambitious series...useful for educators looking for ways to make Asian history and culture come alive.” – School Library Journal

“...An accessible introduction to Chinese historical fiction.” – Booklist

“...Invaluable...beautiful artwork... commendable efforts to bring the characters to life.” – Publishers Weekly

Three Kingdoms Many centuries ago, China was made up of several provinces that frequently waged war with one another for regional supremacy. In 221 BC, the Qin Dynasty succeeded in uniting the warring provinces under a single banner, but the unity was short-lived, only lasting fifteen years. After the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty was established in 206 BC, and unity was restored. The Han Dynasty would last for hundreds of years, until the PostHan Era, when the unified nation once again began to unravel. As rebellion and chaos gripped the land, three men came forward to take control of the nation: Bei Liu, Cao Cao, and Quan Sun. The three men each established separate kingdoms, Shu, Wei, and Wu, and for a century they contended for supremacy. This was known as the Age of the Three Kingdoms. Written more than six hundred years ago, Three Kingdoms is one of the oldest and most seminal works in all of Eastern literature. An epic story spanning decades and featuring hundreds of characters, it remains a definitive tale of desperate heroism, political treachery, and the bonds of brotherhood.

vol. 15

Divide and Conquer Created by


Wei Dong Chen is a highly acclaimed artist and an influential leader in the “New Chinese Cartoon” trend. He is the founder of Creator World, the largest comics studio in China. His spirited and energetic work has attracted many students to his tutelage. He has published more than 300 cartoons in several countries and gained both recognition and admirers across Asia, Europe, and the USA. Mr. Chen’s work is serialized in several publications, and he continues to explore new dimensions of the graphic medium.

Illustrated by


Xiao Long Liang is considered one of Wei Dong Chen’s greatest students. One of the most highly regarded cartoonists in China today, Xiao Long’s fantastic technique and expression of Chinese culture have won him the acclaim of cartoon lovers throughout China.

Original Story “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” by Luo, GuanZhong Editing & Designing Design Hongs, Jonathan Evans, KH Lee, YK Kim, HJ Lee, JS Kim, Lampin, Qing Shao, Xiao Nan Li, Ke Hu © Chen, Wei Dong 2014. All rights reserved. Scanning, uploading, and electronic distribution of this book is prohibited.

Wei Dong Chen and Xiao Long Liang have chosen to draw this adaptation of Three Kingdoms in a manner reminiscent of the ancient Chinese printing technique. It is our hope that the historical look of Three Kingdoms will amplify the timelessness of its themes, which are just as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago.


volume 15

BEI LIU Bei Liu has finally decided to overthrow his distant cousin, Zhang Liu, and assume control of ChengDu. In desperation, Zhang Liu asks Lu Zhang for support, and Lu Zhang sends Chao Ma to attack Bei Liu. However, after a fierce battle with Fei Zhang, Chao Ma surrenders to Bei Liu. Zhang Liu then surrenders, and Bei Liu assumes control of ChengDu, JingZhou, and YiZhou. This consolidates his control of the western third of China, and completes Liang Zhuge’s three kingdoms strategy.

CHAO MA Chao Ma once declared war on Cao Cao to avenge the deaths of his father and brothers. After Chao was defeated, Chao fled to the protection of Lu Zhang. However, Lu Zhang never trusted the fiery warrior, and soon sent him out to attack Bei Liu. Feeling no real loyalty to Lu Zhang, and still craving revenge against Cao Cao, Chao Ma joins Bei Liu’s forces.

LIANG ZHUGE Liang Zhuge is Bei Liu’s chief strategist and the mastermind behind the creation of the three kingdoms. Time and again, Liang Zhuge’s every plan and prediction has come to pass. However, even though there are only two true adversaries remaining, they are powerful leaders with clever advisors of their own. Liang Zhuge must be especially shrewd in order for Bei Liu to win the throne of China.

QUAN SUN Quan Sun is the ruler of Eastern Wu, one of the three kingdoms. Quan Sun’s rule has been marked by frustration over his inability to win back JingZhou from Bei Liu. With Bei Liu’s power growing and Cao Cao’s cruelty intensifying, Quan Sun will need to assert himself if he wants to win the throne.

SU LU Su Lu is the advisor to Quan Sun who sets out for JingZhou to persuade Yu Guan to turn over a portion of his holding to Quan Sun. The plan calls for killing Yu Guan if persuasion doesn’t work, but Yu Guan knows he is walking into a trap, and the plan fails. Su Lu’s failure marks a turning point in his tenure as Quan Sun’s senior advisor, and he begins handing the reins over to a younger generation.

MENG LU Meng Lu was formerly a low-ranking soldier serving in Quan Sun’s army. But under Quan Sun’s tutelage, Meng Lu developed a shrewd understanding of military and political tactics. His aptitude was so great that Su Lu began consulting with him on matters of the state, setting the stage for Meng Lu to become Quan Sun’s most trusted advisor.


volume 15

CAO CAO Cao Cao is the prime minister of China and the supreme ruler of Wei, one of the three kingdoms. As Bei Liu’s power increases, Cao Cao realizes he must usurp the emperor entirely to maintain control of China. However, his plan is thwarted by his own advisor, You Xun, prompting a hunt for traitors. Those he puts to death include several members of the royal court and even the empress herself. Despite his efforts in quelling dissent, there is no mistaking Cao Cao’s dwindling power, and he must search for help in order to hold off Bei Liu.

YOU XUN You Xun is the member of the royal court who confronts Cao Cao about his ambitions to supplant the emperor. The disruption he causes derails Cao Cao’s plan and infuriates the would-be emperor. In retribution, Cao Cao sends You Xun an empty box, the message being that You Xun is as good as dead. You Xun later takes his own life.

YI SIMA Yi Sima has been a longtime advisor to Cao Cao’s son Pi Cao, and has slowly emerged as an influential voice in Cao Cao’s inner circle. Soon he becomes Cao Cao’s chief military strategist, and advocates for an immediate attack on Bei Liu’s forces in Western Shu.

Chapter 1

Bei Liu Takes YiZhou 213 AD

Summary Bei Liu, having been betrayed in his hour of

determine the outcome of the battle, but

need by the governor of YiZhou, Zhang Liu,

when neither man can achieve the neces­

has launched an all-out effort to conquer

sary breakthrough, Liang Zhuge puts into

the province. Zhang Liu asks his former

motion a plan that will alienate Chao Ma

rival Lu Zhang for help against Bei Liu out

from Zhang Liu, and give Bei Liu the upper

of desperation. Lu Zhang sends Chao Ma,

hand once and for all. If Bei Liu conquers

a great soldier who recently came under

YiZhou, it will mark the completion of Liang

his protection, to help. Chao Ma and

Zhuge’s three kingdoms strategy.

Fei Zhang engage in an endless duel to



LuoYang Tong Pass


JiaMeng Pass



NanYang HanZhong XiangYang


River Huai

B ChongQing


Red Cliffs WuLing


a Lu Zhang sends Chao Ma to help Zhang Liu hold off Bei Liu. Bei Liu sends Fei Zhang to fight him.

B When Chao Ma joins forces with Bei Liu, Zhang Liu is left no choice but to surrender YiZhou province at the city of ChengDu.

Lu Zhang had sent Chao Ma to attack JiaMeng. One of Bei Liu’s generals itched to battle him. How dare you! I am Fei Zhang, and I drove back Cao Cao and 1 million soldiers at ChangBan Bridge!

What makes you think I can’t handle a min now like Chao Ma?

no one doubts your courage, Fei Zhang. But Chao Ma is almost as feared as Bu Lu once was.

To fight him, we need someone just as feared. So Yu Guan will deal with him.

Yu Guan ?!

Enough! Why do you insist on insulting me?

I could have defeated Bu Lu in the past, and I could do it today!


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These things have a much larger effect on who wins the day.

Calm down. Rarely does a single person decide the outcome of a war. Consistent leadership, responding quickly to adversity...

Hang on. Are you suggesting I am a poor leader, or unable to react quickly in a crisis?

Tell you what... if I lose, you can kill me!

Very well.

You may lead the attack, Fei Zhang.




SPLAT Just you wait, Liang You’ll be Zhuge. singing an entirely different tune when I come back with Chao Ma’s head!


What was that? You know Fei Zhang has a short temper about these things.


Three Kingdoms Volume 15

Chao Ma is younger than him. And, like it or not, a much better soldier.

Fei Zhang needs something extra, so I riled him up. Would you want to fight him when he’s mad?

You will all bow before Lu Zhang when this is over!

But first you will taste Chao Ma’s wrath!

Dai Ma

Bai yang

Aw, how adorable!

KLANG Chao Ma sends a couple of fair maidens to defend him.

Come, ladies! Let us dance the night away!


You have a smart mouth. Let’s see if it can still talk when it’s detached from your throat!


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Yan Wei







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Alone at last!

! H A Y H Don’t worry, My Lady!

I’ll let you go. But your head will stay with me!


SHWOK Oh no you don’t!

THOONK Fool! You’re trying to blind­ side me?

I make it a rule to never spare a coward’s life!


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KRONK Save it for your maker! The dead have no business making rules!






Stop right there!





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SHUMP HYAH! Easy, boy.

Are you the mutt called Chao Ma?

I am Fei Zhang. And you’re mine!


Ha! Old, fat, and stupid! Bring it on, Grandpa!



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Easy, old-timer. Don’t want you to drop dead in front of me!

You little brat! You’re dead!


Huh. Chao Ma is everything they said he was. Young and fierce. Looks imposing in that armor, too.

It’s just a shame a man like that should serve a coward like Lu Zhang. This fight won’t Unless settle one of anything. them dies, of course...

I wish we knew how to win Chao Ma’s loyalty.


Bring me another horse!

Liang Zhuge wasn’t kidding. That is the toughest little bastard I’ve faced since Bu Lu. Even his armor seemed like it wanted to hurt me.

huff, huff Fei Zhang is not to be trifled with. I can see how he drove away an army of a million men on his own.

THUD 026

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My Lord! Another horse!



That’s more like it.

What do you say, Chao Ma? Ready for your next lesson?

Bring it on, you dusty old fossil.



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Like most little boys, you have a big mouth, don’t you?



You’re looking pale, Grandpa. Would you like to take an afternoon nap?


Are you kidding? I’m just getting warmed up!




huff This is going nowhere. huff

Tell you what. Bare your neck, and I’ll kill you quick. Then you won’t have to live in disgrace.

The only disgrace would be falling to a sad old fool like you.

I’d say it’s your time to sleep in the dirt.


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UGH! 032

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WHOOSH Gah! That was a cheap shot, you brat!


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You idiot! A diamond can’t cut another diamond!

Why? Because I almost cut you down with one swing?








huff, huff



Three Kingdoms Volume 15

Let us pause for a few moments.

Hmph! I don’t care if I have to fight for a week straight! I’m going to teach that child some man ners.

Brother, let me borrow your horse.

not so fast, Fei Zhang.

Chao Ma! You know I am a man of honor, a man who keeps his word.

Let us retire for today. I swear I will not attack you while you sleep.

What should we do?

Fall back for now. Get some rest. Do it.


Three days later... Rise and shine, Chao Ma!

What’s the matter? Scared to come out?

Is this your new plan? To hide for the rest of your life?


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He still won’t come out to face you?


It’s been three days. I knew this would happen if we let him go.

My Lord!

nothing. not a peep out of him.

Commander Liang Zhuge has just arrived.

Very well. Bring him to me.


Good! You’re here.

Any brilliant ideas for dragging Chao Ma out of his fortress?

Well? Speak up! Calm down.

Very soon, Chao Ma will not be an issue for us.


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Go on. Tell them your plan.

Chao Ma is an excellent soldier, but he’s not a strong leader. He tried to fight Cao Cao on his own, but he lost everything in the battle.

All right... wait, what?

Chao Ma is an unmoor­ ed ship right now. He’ll drift with the strongest wind.

Can I slap him? He’s talking in riddles again, and it’s making me mad.

And the only reason he’s still alive is because of Lu Zhang.

Ha ha! Let him finish, Fei Zhang.

You see, Fei Zhang, I’ve been undermining Lu Zhang’s trust of Chao Ma for weeks now.

Are you both insane?!

And since Lu Zhang is a paranoid man to begin with, it won’t be long before Chao Ma has nowhere to run but here.


I’ve fought him for so long that our horses nearly died, and now you want him to join us?


Don’t be so upset, Fei Zhang. I tried to stop you from fighting him, but you wouldn’t listen to me.

Hmph. Glad I could be of service.

I don’t care if he does join us. I have unfinished business with him, and I’m going to settle it.

Within days, Lu Zhang had lost all confidence in Chao Ma, leaving Chao Ma no choice but to surrender to Bei Liu. As soon as he joined, Chao Ma offered to lead an attack against Zhang Liu in ChengDu.


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Besides, you did a very important job for us. By fighting him and keeping him occupied for as long as you did, you gave Liang Zhuge the time he needed to form a plan.

Gentlemen! Tomorrow we attack ChengDu.

Once we take control of ChengDu, the pieces will fall into Soon place. we will have YiZhou, currently controlled by Wei Kingdom.

Once we’ve done that, we’ll be well on the way to restoring the Han Dynasty!


I’m not done with you.

I’m ready when you are, old timer.

My Lord!

Enemy soldiers are massing in ChengDu. They’re ready to fight.

Hey! What?


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I’ll handle this, big brother!

I’ll take care of them, My Lord!

My Lord, I will lead the attack in ChengDu.




My Lord! Yun Zhao has returned with the heads of the enemy commanders!


My Lord, I present these heads as evidence that we have completely wiped out the enemy camp.

That was fast.

Of course it was fast! Half the generals in our army could subdue an enemy faster than you could put on your own armor!

My Lord, please let me finish off the last of Zhang Liu’s forces and win ChengDu for you once and for all!

You wan na make a bet?


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I may not do it the fastest, but I will not quit until I’ve won the fortress.


Zhang Liu

CHAO MA switched sides?

Sound the surrender. It’s over.

In 213 AD, Zhang Liu surrendered ChangDu to Bei Liu. Bei Liu became the governor of YiZhou, completing Liang Zhuge’s three kingdoms strategy.


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Chao Ma



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Welcome, one and all. May I have your attention, please.

It’s been almost five decades since I first set out to restore my beloved homeland.

Thanks to your dedication and considerable skill, we are closer than ever to achieving that goal. Today, I control one third of the nation.


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We’ve achieved what was once thought impossible. But there is still more to do.

What we’ve achieved today will be the first step toward achieving total unity under the ban ner of the Han Dynasty!

And now, I would like to properly reward your efforts.

These are your new titles.

All promotions are made according to the merits.


Liang Zhuge is hereby appointed as supreme military strategist.

Yu Guan is hereby appointed general, in charge of dealing with rebellions. Fei Zhang is made general, in charge of defending against bandits.

Yun Zhao is appointed supreme general of the army.

Zhong Huang is promoted to chief strategist of the western front. Yan Wei is hereby promoted to commander of the infantry.

And Chao Ma is now general of the western forces.


Three Kingdoms Volume 15

! Damn...

Civil servants and military commanders in JingZhou, which include Gan Sun, Yong Jian, Zhu Mi, Fang Mi, Feng Liu, Ban Wu, Ping Guan, Chang Zhou, Huo Liao, Liang Ma...

...Su Ma, Wan Jiang, and Ji Yi are all hereby promoted with distinction.


In addition, all senior statesmen in YiZhou will hereby be regarded as loyal subjects of the Han Dynasty.

Xi Pang is appointed commanding general. Pa Liu will serve as his vice general.

Yan Yan is appointed chief counsel, and Zheng Fa is appointed chief administrator.

Likewise, Quan Huang is appointed vice general.

Yi Wu, Guan Fei, Yang Peng, and Ying Zhuo are hereby recruited into full-time government service.


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For the next three days, a celebration will be held in honor of civil servants, military officers, and the people!

All hail Our Lord Bei Liu! At long last, my dream is being realized...


Later, in Bei Liu’s residence. My Lord! Wake up.


I was asleep.

I drank too much last night.

Where... Where’d they go?

They all went home.


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Don’t worry. They weren’t mad. They were just as drunk as you.

Ha ha!

yawn Still dark.

What time is it now?

no. That’s all right.

It’s almost dawn. Let’s get you back to your residence so you can rest.

Let’s watch the sun rise on this kingdom.


Magnificent, isn’t it?

Yes. It is.

After 50 years, it seems too good to be true. Like a dream.

Take heart, My Lord. What you see before you is no dream.

It didn’t amount to much before you came along. Once you did, it took only 6 years to realize your three kingdoms plan.

It is the result of decades of hard work and perseverance.

That’s kind of you to say, My Lord. Still, I’m sure it could only have happened for a man as honorable as you.


Born in a time of war, I’ve wished nothing but peace for the world, even if I had to rely on the sword.

I am a man of ambition, yet I spent years wandering the land without an inch of earth to call my own.

Now I am one of the three most powerful men in the world. And my sights are set on realizing my vision!


Three Kingdoms Volume 15





Chapter 2

The Guardian of JingZhou 214 AD

Summary While Bei Liu is preoccupied in ChengDu,

Guan. The plan is to either persuade Yu

Quan Sun remarks bitterly that Eastern Wu

Guan to hand over JingZhou (based on

has made no real progress toward winning

old agreements) or kill him. Predictably, Yu

the throne in the six years since the Battle

Guan cannot be convinced to betray his

of the Red Cliffs. After some debate among

brother and surrender JingZhou, and the

his advisors, they agree that winning back

plan to attack him does not work out, as Yu

JingZhou should be a priority. Su Lu is

Guan is able to escape with relative ease.

dispatched to JingZhou to speak with Yu


XiLiang ChangShan


LuoYang XuChang


River Han







ChangBan The Great River JingZhou

LuKou DongTing Lake

KuaiJi ChaiSang



Lake PoYang


a Yu Guan accepts Su Lu’s invitation to a banquet in his honor.

B Yu Guan returns to JingZhou after Su Lu tries to kill him.

The Eastern Wu This is absurd!

The nation has been consolidated into three kingdoms, the smallest of which belongs to us!

It’s already been 6 years since we won the Battle of the Red Cliffs!


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So much time. So many battles. So many deaths.

And what do we have to show for it? nothing! We’re exactly where we were 6 years ago.

We won at the Red Cliffs, yet it seems like Bei Liu emerged the true victor.


Am I the only one at a loss for a plan? Does anyone here have an idea that will work?

What has become of our talent?

My Lord...

Meng Lu

This has been brought up before, but Bei Liu swore to turn over JingZhou once he won SiChuan, isn’t that right?

I’m sick and tired of being prudent! Let’s take it by force!

Our weapons have grown rusty!

육 Xun Lu

We should reengage him diplomatically, and take back the land right away.

You’re dreaming. JingZhou is a strate­ gic stronghold. Bei Liu would be insane to hand it over just because he said he would. We must be prudent--

But …


All right, stop it! We’re not going to fight among ourselves like this.

Su Lu, do you have any ideas? We need to take back JingZhou, but how?


Bei Liu swore to turn JingZhou over to us. When he failed to do so, he broke his word and sacrificed his honor. I will approach Yu Guan. Honor is everything to him. I will make him see our side of this. Either that, or I will cut off his head.



My Lord, Cao Cao would benefit from our going to war with Yu Guan.

I agree. Su Lu?

Of course, Yu Guan may not respond. If not, we send the army to get back JingZhou.


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Don’t worry about Cao Cao. He won’t move against us. If he did, he would be left vulnerable to an attack from Bei Liu’s remaining forces.

Like you said, Bei Liu was the victor at the Red Cliffs. His strength is too great for Cao Cao to defend against.

Well said.

Put the plan into motion. Send word to Yu Guan.

My Lord.

You’re in charge, Su Lu. Don’t fail me this time.


Meanwhile, in JingZhou, Yu Guan received a letter from Liang Zhuge.


What’s so fun ny, father? Is it good news?

Well, it appears that Chao Ma is our newest ally. But not long ago, he was a sworn enemy. I had been thinking of going to Western Shu to fight him.


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That’s when Commander Liang Zhuge sent this message.

Go on. Read what he had to say.

“My Lord, I suspect you wish to do battle with young Chao Ma. I must advise against this. Chao Ma’s skills are considerable, but he is nowhere near a match for you.

My Lord!

“To abandon your post for the sake of fighting him would endanger the security of JingZhou for a trivial matter. So I must ask that you chan nel your efforts into defending your city.”

Ping Guan

Truly, Liang Zhuge can read minds! Ha ha!

A letter from Su Lu.


What is it? What’s the matter?

Let’s call it a day.

Go home, all of you. Get some rest.

It’s obviously a trap. They mean to lure you there and then kill you.

Su Lu has invited me to a banquet.


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Eastern Wu must be in a very desperate situation. now even Su Lu is foolishly trying to stir up trouble.

I think it’s time we convinced them once and for all that they won’t get their hands on JingZhou.

HA HA HA! But Liang Zhuge advised you to stay here. Besides, you’d be walking into the lion’s den.

And when has a dragon ever feared going into a lion’s den? I don’t fear it any more than I would fear a mouse hole.

SZZZ 075

The Eastern Wu Ha ha!

Thank you, My Lord.

Hm... Ha! Well done.

Meng Lu, it seems you have untapped reservoirs of talent.

You have an uncanny command of military strategy. And here I thought you were too busy fighting to think about it.

It’s good to know you’re use­ ful both in the state room and on the battle­field.

Whatever I am, I owe it all to you.

All I did was read the books you advised me to read.

It is said that some soldiers are made in the classroom. And you are proof!


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It’s been years since I inherited Wu from my elder brother. And in that time I’ve done nothing...

Very well.

Yes, My Lord. He will meet Su Lu.

What news of Su Lu’s plan? Have we heard back from Yu Guan yet?

But he better not show up with an army. If he does, ning Gan will be waiting nearby with an ambush party to finish him off.

Meng Lu, I swear by all that sees the sun, I will not fail to reclaim JingZhou.


Later, Yu Guan met Su Lu. It’s strong, but not too heavy. Just the way I prefer.

gulp Mm...

Delicious. Su Lu, your liquor is just as good as I have heard. Thank you for offering.

I’d like to thank you for inviting me to this banquet.


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I’ll even send you a few barrels if you’d like. Ha!

My Lord, you and your brothers are the new rising power in China. I’d like to thank you for liking my wine.

Don’t bother. I’m going to drink it all today! Ha ha!

Remind me to invite a man with lower tolerance next time. Ha ha ha!


Speaking of JingZhou, do you remember Bei Liu’s promise? Where he swore to give up JingZhou once he won SiChuan?


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now that SiChuan is his, perhaps he would be willing to keep his promise?

I can’t say. That’s my brother’s business, not mine. My job is to protect JingZhou.


The way I see it, you and Bei Liu are sworn brothers, a bond just as strong as blood.

I doubt you are ambivalent about what he does or says.

We forged a blood bond, that is true...

But the fate of JingZhou is a matter of state business, and not worth discussing at a banquet like this.


How can you claim to be a virtuous man when you won’t even budge an inch on a matter of honor?

That’s easy for you to say. You’re in charge of this place like you won it yourself, when in fact it was Eastern Wu who bore the burdens of war.

Shut up! Yu Guan has more virtue and honor than all of you combined!

Don’t try to tell us that Eastern Wu is somehow entitled to this land!

Cang Zhou

! 082

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Shut your mouth, Cang Zhou.

These matters are well beyond your comprehension. Get out and leave this to the adults.


My Lord.



THMP I’m afraid I must be going now, too.


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Stop them! They’re getting away!





Let me go!

Yu Guan! Are you out of your mind?

Think before you act! Like it or not, you and your brother must answer for each other’s actions.

Oh? Well, too bad.

I will not discuss JingZhou with you. not here. not anywhere.


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He’s taken a hostage. no one is to act rashly, understood?


Ta Tap

Tap Tap 088

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Enough! Let him go.

shff shff

Da Dum 089

My Lord, get on the ship. now.

FWUP Well, Su Lu... Thank you for your hospitality.


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The send-off could use some work, though. Until next time!

So long!


Damn you, Yu Guan! This isn’t over!


My Lord?

no. It’s over.

Let’s chase him!

no! We can not be beaten so easily!

I refuse to accept such an outcome. I refuse!

Me too.

KLAnK 092

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We can go after him!

I agree. Let’s go!

We can’t afford to lose him. We may not get another chance.

You’re right. We probably won’t get another chance.

But even if we did, what are the odds that we’d win?

You mean we should do nothing because it would be hard?

I want the chance! I don’t care if it kills me!

It’s too late. Our plan has already failed.

So we’re just going to stand here helplessly and watch him sail off?



Su Lu & Yu Guan

Chapter 3

The World According to Cao Cao 214 AD

Summary Cao Cao presides over a session of the

court. Among those he accuses of treason

royal council in the capital city of XuChang.

and executes is the emperor’s own wife.

It is clear from the proceedings that Cao

Sensing conspiracy everywhere he turns,

Cao holds all the influence, and that the

Cao Cao slowly starts losing his mind.

emperor is basically powerless. One royal

counselor, You Xun, speaks out against this

find a way of reclaiming JingZhou. His chief

imbalance and embarrasses Cao Cao in

counselor, Su Lu, suggests enlisting two

front of the council. Later that night, Cao

younger counselors, Meng Lu and Xun Lu,

Cao issues You Xun a veiled threat, after

to devise strategy. Perhaps new blood can

which You Xun commits suicide. Cao Cao

finally break the stalemate.

then goes hunting for traitors in the royal

Meanwhile, Quan Sun is still trying to

Meng Lu

XuChang... Ha! Yes! I would like to thank you for your service.

Your Majesty, do you have anything to say on the matter?

And I think we should do as you plan ned.

Yes, sir!


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Emperor Xian

Sigh Hello, Your Majesty...



Um... What did you say?



I asked if you had anything to say. I guess not.

So be it.

You are all excused.

Oh, well... I agree with you. Of course.

I have something to say, if you please.

Your Majesty.

What now?

Go on. Speak.

It’s about the prime minister.

For several decades, he has made you more powerful while you preside over an age of relative peace.


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I think such an accomplishment is worthy of a higher reward. I submit that you should promote Cao Cao above the rank of prime minister!

Can Wang


That’s a stupid request!

Prime minister is the highest position of the land, short of emperor. What do you expect to be able to promote him to?

You Xun

If you promote him further, why even have an emperor?




We can discuss this at another time. That’s all for today.


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Settle down. You Xun is right. A loyal subject should know his place.

Dis­m is





You Xun, are you nuts?

Did you see his face when you said that?

Yu Cheng

I won’t apolo­ gize. The man has forgotten his purpose. I can’t just sit there in silence.

He doesn’t crave peace or security. Only more power for himself.


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You know better than that. Are you trying to get us killed?

But you also can’t rebuke him in front of so many people like that. Are you sure you’re feeling well?

I’m fine. If anything, I helped him. As prime minister, he doesn’t want to be labelled a traitor.

“Traitor”? How can you say something like that. So he’s consolidated his power. This is not unusual in an age of war!

It doesn’t matter how much power he has, or how he gets it. If he ends the war, he’s a hero.

How will he do that? By defying nature?

I’ve stood by this man for years. What we fight for hasn’t changed. What we fight against hasn’t changed.


All that’s changed is him. And not for the better.

This package arrived for you. It’s from the prime minister.


I don’t get it. It’s an empty box.

I..Is it.. Is it some kind of death threat?


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In a way. It means my life is as good as over.

Meanwhile, in Eastern Wu...

Huh. Good exit.


Well... He spoke the truth and angered Cao Cao. Then he killed himself. .

You Xun is dead? How?



Also, Cao Cao is pretending to be devastated by You Xun’s suicide.

So let’s see...

Jia Guo is dead, and now You Xun. Cao Cao is going to have to learn how to swim without any arms after this!

He lacks any kind of morals.

Indeed. He also lacks a plan. So what do you say we try to retake JingZhou now?

no, My Lord.


no matter what’s happening with Cao Cao, JingZhou is still being guarded by Yu Guan. Trying to retake it has not gotten any easier.


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Very well. Any other ideas?

Cao Cao’s grip on the central districts is weak.

He only claimed them in the first place because both you and Bei Liu were weaker at the time. That has changed.

They all now stand on equal footing, the nation divided in three ways among you. The balance of power is delicate. If it tips, we must ensure it is in our favor.

This is the final war.

It’s down to Eastern Wu, Wei, and Shu.

At stake is the future of the nation. But Meng Lu and Xun Lu, with talented men like you leading the way, I believe we will win.


Yes, I am. When the time comes, you will join forces with Cao Cao and reclaim JingZhou.

Wait. Are you saying--


This sounds familiar. But not plausible.

Just hear us out. If there were only two powers left in the nation, the balance of power would be simple to gauge and affect. Like balancing a scale. But when there are three forces, it’s harder to strike a balance, and the third element ends up deciding what tips

the scales.

We want Eastern Wu to be the third element. We want to tip the scales.

I agree. And it will work this time. You see, in the past, we allowed Bei Liu to be the third element. not anymore.


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That makes sense.

now...How do we make it a plan?

Which is to say I understand your meaning.

Simple. Send our most elite forces to the central districts. It will seem they are there to do battle with Cao Cao.

That’s a great idea. I wholly endorse this plan.

When that happens, Yu Guan will lower his guard, thinking we have shifted our focus elsewhere. That’s when we attack.

Huh. I guess I’m still of some use around here. Good to know.


Take heart, My Lord.

We will not disappoint you this time, or ever again.


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Meanwhile, Cao Cao had forced his way into the emperor’s palace.


Emperor Xian


no sign of her, My Lord.


Damn you, Cao Cao!

Tear the place apart, then.

Yes, My Lord.

How many are you willing to kill?

As judged by you.

Spare me the outrage. We’re talking about treason.



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That’s right, by me! You can’t be trusted to make the hard choices.

Instead, you usurp my rule. Why not just kill me and take the throne?

I could make them if you assisted me once in a while.

Don’t be silly, Your Majesty!

I’m here to serve. Someone has to enforce the law around here.

We found her! We found the traitor! We’re bringing her forth!




THUD This treacherous little dog was hiding in a shrub out back.


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Empress Fu

Please! Help me!

Your Majesty!

You aren’t going to let them kill me, are you?

Take her away. You know what to do with her.

Shut your mouth, traitor!

You’ve lost the right to speak!

no! Please! I beg you, spare my life!



And how do you repay me? By helping to plot my murder!

I have always treated you kindly!

I am... I am a loyal subject...Of the Han Dynasty. not you.

Talk to me, my love.


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I’m sorry, my darling. I’m not long for this world, either. We’ll be together soon.

Get her out of here. Put her to death.




Goodbye, my darling.

Hmph. I don’t know why you bother to shed tears, Your Majesty. She was plotting with her father to overthrow your rule. Why do you weep? Because she was your wife?

There are more wives out there. How about my daughter?

Go away.

You can have her.


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Good idea, Your Majesty! I’ll get right on it and plan the wedding. You just relax.


THMP You think they want to help you? Ha! All they want is your throne. You mean nothing to them.

And don’t even think about going to Bei Liu or Quan Sun for help, you little weasel. I know how your mind works.

never forget, you would have been dead long ago if it wasn’t for me.

Do I make myself clear?


Meanwhile, outside... Cao Cao, you miserable bastard!

You’ve ruined this court and this nation! You crawled out from beneath the earth and brought hell with you!

WHOMP You think-hmmph...

Put him out of his misery! Get that wretched old fool out of here.


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And one more thing! Bring me the heads of all his relatives!

Fools! All of them. They know nothing about ruling!

They don’t know the sacrifices I’ve made. Only spite.

Stupid fool! He condemned his whole family and has only himself to blame.

So many people speak while knowing nothing. I’d cut out all of their tongues if I could.

Hmph. Such ungrateful rats deserve their fate.


Don’t worry, My Lord. Like all pests, they will eventually go away or die out.

That’s just it, you idiot, pests don’t die out! They keep coming and coming and I have to deal with wave after wave of people who want to undermine me!

Don’t forget, though, that pests operate in the dark and are afraid of the light. The brighter you shine, the worse off they are.

Those who want me gone are greater in number than I can count!

It’s gone beyond that.

… It’s not just the members of the royal court who mean to do me harm. I’m being undermined at every turn.

Look at this! You know how my sons compete for my attention? now their bad blood is my problem.


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I don’t know what this is.

Often in the most absurd way possible!

It’s a letter from Xiu Yang telling me how well Zhi Cao has done on a recent civics exam.

That’s a strange reaction. I’m sure it was an honest mistake.

But he wrote the wrong name down. It was my other son who did well. So now Pi Cao hates me.

I mean, they’re brothers!

It was!

But they fight like cats and dogs, and one turns on me every other day.

My Lord, I suggest-Save it! I am sick of hearing people’s suggestions.

I’ll take care of it myself.

I need to rest. My head is splitting. I can’t think straight. I’ve been doing this kind of thing for decades now. And I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t some kind of exhausted.

Yes, My Lord. Do what you must to keep your wits.

Take care of things while I sleep. And don’t wake me unless the world is ending.


Chu Xu, I’m going to rest. You’re free to beat the snot out of anyone who tries to disturb me.


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h Sig




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F WI P 129


HM... Guh... Argh!



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Die! Die!


SHEERP I know you’re under there! Do you hear me!



Come and get me, you maggot!


Chu Xu!

huff huff huff

My Lord! What’s the matter?

Get in here! now! Chu Xu!

You moron! You let someone in! My Lord! What do you mean?

You must have fallen asleep and let in an assassin!


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no, My Lord! I guarded the entrance myself!

I even turned away General Ren Cao. Believe me, not even an ant gained entry while I’ve been on guard.


All right.


I believe you. Do me a favor. Don’t tell anyone about this.

I swear, My Lord. This will stay between the two of us. I would not betray your trust.


So tired. Maybe I was dreaming. Oh, well. I’m awake now.

How is it...

SHOONK Doesn’t matter. Let’s go.



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Chu Xu & Cao Cao

Cao Cao! You heartless butcher!

His evil knows no bounds!

In 215 AD, Cao Cao uncovered the empress’s plot to overthrow him, by asking the help of Bei Liu and Quan Sun. Upon discovery of the plot, Cao Cao ordered the execution of the empress and 200 of her friends and family members.

now he’s killing members of the royal family!

Of all the regrets I have, none angers me more than not cutting off that traitor’s head years ago!


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My Lord. You must temper that anger. If you look at it a certain way, this is good news.

Every time Cao Cao embarks on some bloody rampage, he turns a whole new section of the population against him. Those people will turn to you, will they not?

Don’t you see? Sometimes the only way to unite a country is to give the people a common enemy!

It’s not something I like seeing. But you’re right.

I must keep my focus on taking power. On ruling. Anything short of that would be like straining to swat Sigh You a gnat. know, we’re lucky.

Cao Cao’s making it easy for us.

His crimes are so great...

a thousand sulfur baths in hell wouldn’t wash them away. How can we lose?


In Quan Sun’s camp... This is not good.

Well, it’s not the first time Cao Cao’s done something like this.

It says here that Cao Cao has killed the empress and wiped out her bloodline. Su Lu, what do you make of this?

He did something very similar just a few years ago. But it seems that royal blood is no longer an issue for him when killing enemies.

Which means he could kill the emperor at any moment. It would be the last possible crime against the heavens. Why wouldn’t he do it? Of course ...


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You’re right.

He no longer cares about title or divine mandate. He sees himself as above all living beings.

You are, My Lord. And I believe you are that man.

I don’t deny that these are desperate times. And desperate times call for desperate measures.

Ha ha!

But if someone were to displace the emperor and rule in his stead, it should be a man of genuine courage and wisdom, not a scheming coward like Cao Cao. Am I right?

Of course, I would never be so vain as to think myself worthy. But if it is the will of the gods, then I’ll do it.

Meng Lu, Xun Lu, you two are in charge of strategy. What do we do?

Well, Cao Cao has tried and failed to expand southward three times now. And now his attention seems to be fixated on Western Shu.

He’s clearly deemed Bei Liu his principal adversary, which is good for us, because it means we can strike while he’s preoccupied.


Hm. And you don’t think that doing so would be good for Bei Liu in the end?

What do you think, Xun Lu?

It’s important that we retake HeFei immediately. That’s our first step. Without it, we can’t defeat Cao Cao.

Time is of the essence. If Cao Cao takes HanZhong, we wouldn’t be able to stop him, even if he hasn’t already taken Western Shu.

Liang Zhuge will work to make it that way. He’ll even offer JingZhou if Western Shu is imperiled.

So first we cozy up to Bei Liu and Yu Guan, and get them to lower their guard. We’ll pretend to help them against Cao Cao...

And then we’ll take JingZhou while their backs are turned!


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not a bad plan. Well, Su Lu?

It is a better plan than any I can devise right now, My Lord. Let’s move on it.

HWUHK! It’s okay... I’m all right... koff

My Lord! koff


As a strategist, I have made many mistakes in the past.


I’m glad we have so many other great minds. I think you don’t even need me, My Lord.

Mind what you say, Su Lu. I’m not ready to lose you.


Chapter 4

Quan Sun at HeFei 215 AD

Summary Quan Sun’s decisive moment has arriv-

has offered to return half of JingZhou to his

ed. Cao Cao has taken over the city of

control. Instead, Quan Sun takes advantage

HanZhong, which puts Bei Liu’s strong-

of Cao Cao’s distraction to attack and claim

hold of Western Shu at risk of attack.

HeFei, one of Cao Cao’s holdings. Quan

Despite his advisors’ counsel to remain

Sun assumes HeFei will be left relatively

on the offensive, Cao Cao elects to stay

unprotected, and at first he is proven

in HanZong while his forces recuperate.

correct when his forces easily rout out

Thus, Bei Liu sends an envoy to Quan Sun

those left to defend HeFei. But when Quan

asking for reinforcements in the imminent

Sun’s forces give chase, it quickly becomes

battle against Cao Cao. Quan Sun happily

clear that a trap has been set, and Cao Cao’s

obliges, because he has no intention of

forces make a relentless push to capture or

truly helping Bei Liu, even though Bei Liu

kill Quan Sun himself.

Zhuo XiLiang ChangShan





Tong Pass XuChang





ShouChun uai River H HeFei Wu


ChengDu NanJun



a Cao Cao leads his army to occupy HanZhong. B As Cao Cao occupies HanZhong, Quan Sun attacks HeFei.

In 215 AD, Cao Cao raised an army and attacked Lu Zhang in HanZhong. Lu Zhang put De Pang in charge of the local militia and charged him with defending HanZhong, but he was beaten handily, and HanZhong was turned over to Cao Cao’s control.

When Cao Cao entered HanZhong...

As such, I expected this place to be garishly opulent.

How strange. I had heard that Lu Zhang ruled by instilling the fear of religion in people, rather than the fear of law.


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It’s just a humble little village.

Replace them with civic offices and schools. A store or two.

All right, the first order of business is to tear down all these useless temples and shrines.

Only the rule of law can do that.

These people need to learn that religion won’t feed or protect them.

now... Let’s see.

Yes, see that temple over there? Begin with that one.

Tear it down and build a wide road to serve as a trade route.

Yi Sima, you’re awfully quiet.

Why is that? Take a look around you.

Everyone else is doing their level best to impress me with their talents. Why haven’t you put forward any ideas?


My Lord, my wits are slow and I have nothing to offer.


I have a better eye for talent than that. If you were such an idiot, I would never have appointed you to my counsel in the first place.

Don’t be a fool, Yi Sima.

Be gone, Cao Cao! Leave us in peace, traitor!

I’m sorry, My Lord. I just don’t think I’ll be able to repay your faith in me with advice you wish to hear.




We don’t want you! Go away!


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Hold your ground. Don’t chase them.



Tell me what you think, regardless.

Well? Spit it out!

Yes, My Lord. But please, don’t be angry that my advice goes against the flow.

Don’t rush to change things.

My Lord, HanZhong has been a fairly tranquil place under Lu Zhang’s reign. Its citizens have a simple way of living. To upend that way of life would be to squander the goodwill of the people. Instead, we should focus our energy on taking SiChuan away from Bei Liu.


There. You see. That wasn’t so hard.

You’re suggesting I be benevolent to the people and calculating in the fight against my enemies. Such radical positions you take, Yi Sima! Ha ha ha!

But I don’t want our reach to exceed our grasp. Our ambitions are grand, but our men require rest. So we should not act rashly, we’ll look to conquer SiChuan when our forces are ready.

My Lord...

What do you say to that?

Very well.


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Meanwhile, Quan Sun was receiv­ ing an envoy from Bei Liu’s camp. Hm... Very well, then.

Tell Commander Bei Liu that I will commit troops and send them to HeFei as he has requested. You have my word.

You are most gracious, My Lord. And I must thank you for honoring this request without Bei Liu here in person.

Rest assured, there are many gifts on their way to you.


I’m flattered. But that’s not necessary.

Hmph. If you were truly acting in good faith, you’d turn over all of JingZhou, and not just half of it.

You’ve promised to turn over half of Jing­ Zhou. That’s more than enough reward for the rein­ forcements you’ve requested.

Oh, we will. But only when the time is right.

Yes...well... As Commander Bei Liu knows well, my sister has a fiery temperament. I don’t think she will be returning to him, what with the tensions that flared up when she left.

One more thing. Commander Bei Liu has asked about his wife, Lady Sun. How is your sister?


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I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do.

Yes, well, I fear the lady has taken too personally something that is really quite trivial. Honestly, I don’t know why it still weighs on her mind.

Might I pay her a visit, and deliver a personal message from Commander Bei Liu?

I appreciate the offer, but it’s none of your business. I don’t care if you are Bei Liu’s trusted envoy, this is a matter of family business for me. And it will stay that way.

now wait--

That is all!

Tell Bei Liu this. I believe her absence pains him. But if it pains him so, he should come here and win her back himself.

Right this way, please.

Please escort the envoy to his sleeping quarters. now.


And I’d say someone’s prediction was right on the money! Western Shu is imperiled, and like clockwork Bei Liu offers half of JingZhou.


Well, I never thought I’d live to see the day. But it appears JingZhou is going to be ours again.

And since Cao Cao took over HanZhong, it’s just a matter of time until his forces are rested and replenished enough to conquer all of Western Shu.

Which is why he’s asked us to help him attack HeFei. He’s trying to distract Cao Cao from the obvious truth that he is outmatched.

Of course.

Wait a minute. Are we really going to join forces with Bei Liu against Cao Cao?


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At least, that’s how it will seem. And while Cao Cao’s busy defending HanZhong, we will take control of HeFei!

Listen up! All of you!

Muster your forces and inspect your ranks.

We march for HeFei in two days’ time. Make sure you’re ready.




A short time later, Quan Sun’s forces attacked HeFei’s supply base, Wan Cheng, which was defended by Liao Zhang.





THONK Greetings, pawns of Cao Cao. Prepare to meet death!

KLAnG 156

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THOMP Yes, keep coming! My sword does not get tired!

That’s it, step right up! The only price you pay is with your head!

Guang Zhu


And Governor Guang Zhu is dead.

My Lord! They’ve already taken WanCheng!

We’re all but defeated? Already?

Liao Zhang

Hm. So be it.

Everyone fall back! Fall back to guard HeFei!


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elsewhere on the battlefield...

Come, now, Jin Yue! Surrender, and I’ll spare your life!

KRAnG Tell you what. Bare your neck to me, and I’ll think about it. What, no deal? Oh, well.

CHARGE!!! 159

Victory is at hand! Generals Meng Lu and ning Gan have the advantage, and they are driving out Jin Yue.

My Lord!

Ah! Well done.

Almost there... At this rate, we’ll be dining in HeFei by sundown.

Something isn’t right about this. They are collapsing too quickly. I fear they are plan ning an ambush.


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My Lord.

Hm. no matter. We can not afford to lose our momentum at this point.

Onward to victory. Charge!

Jin Yue! I dare you to come back!

Commander, hold your fire.

Something’s wrong.

Look! There’s a whole other army regiment down there.

Don’t you see? Cao Cao’s men have been baiting us! They’ve set a trap!


We’re in trouble. That many soldiers will run us right over.

They waited until we were stretched thin. They know we’re weak at the rear. Oh, no. They’re targeting Quan Sun!

Back to our Lord! now!

Where are you two going? There’s no way out of this.


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There’s no escaping once you’ve fallen into the trap!

There is only the end of you! Ha ha!

Find Quan Sun! I want his head on a spike within the hour!






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The target is The Quan Sun. reward is enormous.

Keep pushing until you’ve reached the rear­ guard.

not so fast! This isn’t over yet.

Tong Ling





SLAM My Lord! You need to get out of here!



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no, don’t go that way! There’s only one way out.

But I’m afraid the bridge has collapsed.

You’re going to have to jump your horse over the gap. Get a running start, and don’t look back. Go! now!

Where are you going, Quan Sun! There is no escaping your fate!


! ling e u gr s. and g ces n x o e l ll is rry any e h to ca d by oad t to a r n o a e l w r Th on’t ten you d u ! Yo ligh head e r m u yo Let ing v o rem



There is an ancient proverb, known to many in the West but originating from China, that goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” The proverb advances the idea that when two people or entities share a common enemy, they can put aside their differences to achieve a common goal. These words are especially meaningful in the context of the story of the three kingdoms: now that Bei Liu has consolidated his power in Western Shu, he becomes one of three rulers who will vie for control of the entire nation. But as there are only three kingdoms remaining, it means one will always be squaring off against two. This is the great peril of Bei Liu’s triumph, and the inherent danger of Liang Zhuge’s plan. Once the warring factions of China are consolidated into three separate kingdoms fighting for control, whoever succeeds in winning the throne will have done so without the help of any real ally, because any potential ally is just as likely


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to become an adversary. If Cao Cao confronts Bei Liu, both men would seek to form an alliance with Quan Sun. Quan Sun would have conflicting impulses on who to ally with: he knows Cao Cao is the greatest obstacle to his winning the throne, so he’d want to help Bei Liu defeat him, yet at the same time he needs to expand his power in order to have any chance of defeating Cao Cao, and reclaiming some of the land he lost to Bei Liu would be a step in that direction, so he might want to help Cao Cao. He also has to protect against the possibility that joining any fight against either Cao Cao or Bei Liu could result in weakening his position, making it easier for the third party to take control. In an age when allegiances have reversed for far less pressing reasons, the existence of only three kingdoms seems to be inviting betrayal. So if Bei Liu wishes to make the final push for the throne of China, he must do it alone, because neither of his two opponents


wants to see him succeed. Liang Zhuge’s three kingdoms strategy was Bei Liu’s intended goal from the first time the two sat down to discuss a strategy for winning control of post-Han China. But the unspoken truth of the plan is that, while it represents Bei Liu’s best chance for fulfilling the pledge he, Yu Guan, and Fei Zhang swore decades before, it also represents the toughest and most dangerous path to power.


Three Kingdoms Volume 15

Liao Zhang

Jin Yue


From JR Comics, the creators of THREE KINGDOMS, comes MONKEY KING, an epic adaptation of The Journey to the West. This twenty-volume comic is a landmark treatment of the extraordinary Chinese legend, and sets a new standard in graphic storytelling.


Vol. 01

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Vol. 04

Vol. 05

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Vol. 07

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Vol. 15

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Vol. 20

“...Invaluable...beautiful artwork...commendable efforts to bring the characters to life.” – Publishers Weekly

Six years ago, Bei Liu was told of a plan that would allow him to one day win control of China and restore greatness to his beloved homeland. Now he is within reach of his goal, but he will discover that the closer he gets, the longer his list of adversaries, for nothing binds people together quite like a common enemy.

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